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Full text of "Sub-alpine plants : or, Flowers of the Swiss woods and meadows"

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The  Gift  of  Beatrix  Farrand 

to  the  General  Library 
University  of  California,  Berkeley 







Uniform  in  Size  and  Price  with  this  Volume 




A  Few  Press  Opinions. 

"  The  author  combines  botanical  knowledge  with  an  intimate 
acquaintance  with  the  plants  in  situ  ;  and  this  combination  gives 
to  his  work  an  accuracy  and  precision  which  are  lacking  in  many 
previous  works  on  the  subject." — Journal  of  Botany. 

"  There  are  many  books  which  deal  with  the  Flora  of  the  Alps, 
and  Mr.  Thompson's  volume  ought  to  rank  high  among  them.  The 
author  knows  his  subject  at  first  hand." — Gardeners'  Chronicle. 

"  The  book  ought  to  be  a  great  help  to  amateur  Alpine  traveller- 
collectors,  as  it  certainly  will  be  to  gardeners  who  have  to  do  with 
Alpine  plants." — Field. 

"  The  short  introductory  chapters  on  the  nature  of  Alpine  plants, 
their  culture,  and  collection  for  the  herbarium  are  well  done." 


"  Seldom  is  a  botanical  work  more  richly  or  more  generously 
illustrated  than  this  volume." — New  York  Times. 

"Voici  un  beau  et  bon  volume  qui  comble  une  lacune  dans  la 
litterature  scientifique  anglaise." — Le  Monde  des  Plantes. 

"  C'est  done  une  bonne  ceuvre,  en  meme  temps  qu'une  belle 
ceuvre,  que  M.  Thompson  vient  de  presenter  au  public.  .  .  .  Ce 
livre  est  le  fruit  de  longes  et  consciencieuses  etudes.' 

Echo  des  Alpes. 

"  English  botanists  who  go  in  for  field  work  on  the  Alps  or  indeed 
who  are  in  any  way  interested  in  the  study  of  Alpine  flora,  will  con- 
gratulate themselves  on  Mr.  Harold  Thompson's  valuable  work." 




AND    MKADOW    MKKT.    AT    I.K    I>I.ANK 

•Ol.ll'M,   K/l'C..   \VHKRK   KORKS'I' 
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NEW  YORK  :   E.  P.  DUTTON   &  CO. 


"  MOST  welcome,  while  the  meagre  East 
Rebuffs  the  Spring,  is  thy  brave  face, 
Dear  nursling  of  the  Alps,  and  least 
Of  all  the  windflower  race. 

"  Ere  crocus-blades  defend  their  gold, 

Or  woods  are  with  thy  kinsfolk  white, 
Thou  beckonest  thy  comrades  bold, 
Snowdrop  and  Aconite. 

"  Not  Winter's  tyranny  can  blanch 

Thy  cheek,  or  bruise  thy  buds  of  silk  ; 
Hast  thou  not  heard  the  avalanche 
And  quaffed  the  glacier-milk  ? 

"  So  to  his  face  thou  dost  profess 

Thy  faith  in  Spring,  and  dost  outrun 
Thy  very  leaves  in  eagerness 
To  hail  the  insurgent  sun." 

ALFRED  HAYES  in  The  Cup  of  Quietness. 




IT  is  quite  natural  that  most  of  the  books  on  Alpine  plants 
have  dealt  chiefly  with  the  higher  zone  of  vegetation,  and 
that  consequently  the  flowers  of  the  sub-alpine  woods  and 
meadows  have  been  somewhat  neglected.  Therefore  it  is 
believed  there  is  room  for  a  book  descriptive  of  the  plants  of 
the  lower  mountains. 

In  the  first  chapter  it  is  explained  that  owing  to  overlapping, 
a  large  number  of  species  characteristic  of  the  sub-alpine 
regions  are  also  found  in  the  higher  pastures  ;  and  that  many 
others,  of  which  not  a  few  are  British  plants,  descend  to  the 
plains.  No  book  on  the  subject  would  be  at  all  representative 
if  both  series  were  not  included. 

When  not  otherwise  stated,  every  plant  described  is  believed 
to  be  perennial.  In  the  case  of  a  few  species  short  cultural 
notes  are  given  ;  while  there  is  a  general  chapter  on  the  culti- 
vation of  Alpine  plants. 

The  heights  given  in  the  text  refer  more  especially  to  the 
Swiss  Alps,  though  sometimes  I  have  given  the  approximate 
altitudinal  limits  of  certain  species  as  observed  by  myself  in 
other  mountain  ranges.  Naturally  in  Britain,  Scandinavia,  etc., 
most  of  the  Alpine  plants  common  to  those  countries  and 
Switzerland  flourish  at  much  lower  elevations. 

The  terms  "  Eastern,"  "  Central,"  and  "  Western  "  Alps  need 
some  slight  explanation.  These  divisions  are  roughly  those 
adopted  both  in  the  late  John  Ball's  classic  Alpine  Guide,  and 
in  Mr.  Coolidge's  The  Alps  in  Nature  and  History  (1908). 
Those  two  authorities  have  defined  the  WESTERN  ALPS  as 
extending  from  the  Col  de  Tenda  to  the  Simplon  Pass  in 
southern  Switzerland.  The  Col  de  Tenda  separates  the  Mari- 
time Alps  from  the  Ligurian  Mountains,  and  carries  the  high 
road  from  Nice  to  Cuneo  and  Turin.  Thus  the  Western  Alps 



are  chiefly  in  France  and  Italy,  but  they  also  comprise  that 
part  of  Switzerland  which  is  south  of  the  Rhone. 

The  CENTRAL  ALPS  include  the  greater  part  of  Switzerland, 
north  and  east  of  the  Simplon  ;  the  small  portion  of  Tyrol  west 
of  the  Reschen  Scheideck  Pass  and  the  bit  of  Alpine  Lom- 
bardy  to  the  north. 

The  EASTERN  ALPS  comprise  the  rest  of  the  Alpine  ranges 
to  the  east  of  the  Reschen  Scheideck  and  the  Stelvio  Passes. 
They  are  wholly  Austrian  and  Italian',  except  for  the  limestone 
hills  of  Bavaria  in  the  north. 

Among  the  many  books  and  pamphlets  consulted  in  the 
preparation  of  this  work  I  must  especially  mention  the  help 
derived  from  the  Flore  de  la  Suisse  by  Messrs.  Schinz  and 
Wilczek,  Mons.  Coste's  Flore  de  la  France,  and  Bentham's  Hand- 
book of  the  British  Flora,  which  has  been  especially  useful  in 
framing  synopses  of  the  characters  of  families  and  genera. 

My  best  thanks  are  due  to  my  friend  Mr.  George  Flemwell, 
the  author  of  Alpine  Flowers  and  Gardens,  etc.,  for  painting  a 
beautiful  series  of  flowers,  which  he  has  done  in  the  course  of  a 
busy  and  eventful  year,  not  undisturbed  by  illness.  These 
drawings,  though  reduced  in  size  in  the  plates,  are  remarkable 
for  their  accuracy  of  form  and  colour  and  for  their  artistic 
merit.  They  were  made  in  many  cases  from  specimens  growing 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Le  Planet,  above  Argentiere  in  Haute- 
Savoie.  The  Swiss  frontier  is  only  a  few  miles  distant. 

I  am  indebted  to  Messrs.  Methuen  and  Co.  for  permission  to 
reprint  the  charming  poem  entitled  Hepatica,  written  by  my 
friend  Mr.  Alfred  Hayes.  Finally  I  must  not  omit  to  thank 
Professor  Seward  and  Dr.  C.  E.  Moss  for  their  kindness  in  allow- 
ing me  to  freely  consult  the  Library  and  Herbarium  of  the 
Cambridge  Botany  School. 


CAMBRIDGE,  May,  1912. 





WITH  THE  FLORA  OF  BRITAIN        .  i 






SOME  ALPINE  GARDENS          .  .  ...       23 





DICOTYLEDONS          .                .  .  ...  46 

MONOCOTYLEDONS    .                 .  .  .                     .  262 

GYMNOSPERM^E         .                 .  .  ...  302 

VASCULAR  CRYPTOGAMS           .  .  ...  308 

INDEX       .                 .                .  .  .             .         .  311 



I.  Where  Forest  and  Meadow  meet  .  .     Frontispiece 


II.  Meadow  Scene  in  June  with  Dent  du  Midi          .         .         6 

III.  Thalictrum    aquilegifolium,    Rhododendron    ferrugin- 

eum,  Linum  tenuifolium         .  .  46 

IV.  Anemone   Hepatica,    Phyteuma    betonicaefolium,    P. 

spicatum,  P.  orbiculare,  Gnaphalium  sylvaticum     .       50 
V.  Anemone  Pulsatilla,  A.  sulphurea,  Linaria  alpina,  L. 
petraea,  Dianthus  superbus,  Polygala  Chamaebuxus, 
Eriophorum  vaginatum       .  .  52 

VI.  Ranunculus  aconitifolius,  Polygonum  viviparum,  P. 
Bistorta,  Parnassia  palustris,  Soldanella  alpina, 
Achillea  macrophylla,  Thesium  alpinum  .  .  64 

VII.  Viola  calcarata,  V.  biflora,  V.  montana,  V.  alpestris,  V. 

sylvatica.  .  .  .  90 

VIII.  Silene  inflata,  Dianthus  sylvestris,  D.  Carthusianorum  .       96 
IX.  Trifolium  badium,  T.  alpinum,  Orobus  luteus,  Vicia 

onobrychioides    .  .  .  120 

X.  Trollius  europaeus,  Cuscuta  Epithymum,  Vincetoxicum 
officinale,  Carex  ferruginea,  Cyclamen  europaeum, 
Jasione  montana  .  .  128 

XI.  Potentilla  argentea,  P.  aurea,  Senecio  sylvaticus,  Solid- 

ago  Virga-aurea,  Helianthemum  vulgare         .         .134 
XII.  Rosa    alpina,    R.    pomifera,    Vaccinium    Vitis-idaea, 

Arctostaphylos  Uva  ursi     .  .  .         .     138 

XIII.  Hypericum    Richeri,    H.    maculatum,    Myricaria   ger- 

manica,  Pyrola  uniflora,   P.    secunda,  Antennaria 
dioica  .  .  ...     140 

XIV.  Saxifraga   rotundifolia,    S.    stellaris,    S.    cuneifolia,    S. 

aizoides,  S.  Aizoon  .  .  .         .     144 



XV.  Genista  sagittalis,  Gypsophila  repens,  Astrantia  minor, 
A.  major,  Allium  Schcenoprasum,  Silene  rupestris, 
Hieracium  staticifolium  .  .  .  .154 

XVI.  Geum  montanum,  Potentilla  grandiflora,  Veronica  saxa- 
tilis,  V.  urticifolia,  Ononis  Natrix,  Sedum  album, 
Rumex  scutatus  .  .  160 

XVII.  Anthyllis  Vulneraria  and  var.  alpestris,  Valeriana  trip- 
teris,  Maianthemum  bifolium,  Adenostyles  albi- 
frons  .  .  .  .  162 

XVIII.  Amelanchier  vulgaris,  Alnus  viridis,  Sambucus  race- 

mosus,  Sorbus  Aria,  Vaccinium  uliginosum    .         .166 
XIX.  Crepis  aurea,  Hieracium  aurantiacum,  H.  intybaceum, 

Prenanthes  purpurea,  Senecio  Fuchsii  .         .170 

XX.  Senecio  Doronicum,  Arnica  montana,  Saponaria  ocy- 

moides,  Euphorbia  Cyparissias,  Primula  farinosa     .     174 
XXI.  Chrysanthemum   Leucanthemum,    C.   alpinum,    Cala- 

mintha  alpina,  Bellidiastrum  Michelii,  Luzula  lutea     176 
XXII.  Centaurea  montana,  C.  uniflora,  Bartsia  alpina,  Carex 

flava,  C.  leporina  .  .  180 

XXIII.  Epilobium  Fleischeri,    E.    angustifolium,    Campanula 

persicifolia,  Tofieldia  calyculata,  Luzula  nivea        .     1 90 

XXIV.  Campanula  rhomboidalis,  C.  barbata,  C.  pusilla  .         .     192 
XXV.  Gentiana  purpurea,  G.  flavida,  G.  excisa,  G.  campestris, 

Cladonia  sp.  .  .  212 

XXVI.  Gentiana  verna,  G.  asclepiadea,  G.  ciliata  .         .216 

XXVII.  Mulgedium  alpinum,  Digitalis  ambigua,  D.  lutea         .     228 
XXVIII.  Euphrasia   minima,   E.    officinalis,    E.    salisburgensis, 
Melampyrum  pratense,  M.  nemorosum,  M.  sylvati- 
cum,  Rhinanthus  sub-alpinus  .  .         .234 

XXIX.  Ajuga  pyramidalis,  Euphrasia  lutea,  Salvia  glutinosa, 

S.  pratensis         .  .  .  .         .     240 

XXX.  Geranium  sylvaticum,  Paradisia  Liliastrum,  Anthericum 

Liliago  .  .  .  256 

XXXI.  Gymnadenia   albida,  G.   odoratissima,   Orchis  morio, 

Habenaria  viridis,  Listera  cordata      .  .         .262 

XXXII.  Lilium  Martagon,  L.  croceum,  Luzula  pilosa        .         .278 

XXXIII.  Rhododendron  among  granite  boulders  and  firs  .         .     304 


A.  Br.  =  Alexander  Braun 

Adans.  =  Adanson 

A.  DC.  =  Alphonse  de  Candolle 

Ait.  =  Alton 

All.  =  Allioni 

Anders.  =  Anderson 

Anderss.  =  Andersson 

Ard.  =  Arduino 

A.  T.  or  Arv.  T.  =  Arvet-Touvet 

Asch.  =  Ascherson 

A.  et  Graeb.  =  Ascherson  et  Graeb- 


Bab.  =  Babington 
Bad.  =  Badarro 
Balb.  =  Balbis 
Bart,  or  Bartl.  =  Bartling 
Bast.  =  Bastard 
Baumg.  =  Baumgarten 
Bell.  =  Bellardi 
Benth.  =  Bentham 
Berg.  =  Bergeret 
Bernh.  =  Bernhardi 
Bert.  =  Bertolini 
Bess.  =  Besser 

Bieb.  =  Marschall  von  Bieberstein 
Bluff  et  Fing.  =  Bluff  et  Fingerhut 
Boiss.  =  Boissier 

Boiss.  et  Reut.  =  Boissier  et  Reuter 
Bor.  =  Boreau 
Briq.  =  Briquet 
Brot.  =  Brotero 
R.  Br.  =  Robert  Brown 
Burn.  =  Burnat 

Burn,  et  Grem.  =  Burnat  et  Gremli 
Cass.  =  Cassini 
Chab.  =  Chabert 
Chod.  =  Chodat 
Clairv.  =  Clairville 

Coss.  et  G.  =  Cosson  et  Germain 

Crep.  =  Crepin 

Curt.  =  Curtis 

Cuss.  =  Cusson 

DC.  =  De  Candolle  (A.  P.) 

Degl.  =  Degland 

De  Not.  =  De  Notaris 

Desf.  =  Desfontaines 

Desr.  =  Desrousseaux 

Desv.  =  Desvaux 

Dum.  =  Dumortier 

Dun.  =  Dunal 

Ehrh.  =  Ehrhart 

Endl.  =  Endlicher 

Engel.  =  Engelmann 

Fenz.  =  Fenzl 

Fisch.  =  Fischer 

Forsk.  =  Forskal 

Fouc.  =  Foucaud 

Fouc.  et  R.  =  Foucaud  et  Rouy 

Fr.  =  Fries 

Froel.  =  Froelich 

Gaertn.  =  Gaertner 

Gaud.  =  Gaudin 

Genev.  =  Genevier 

G.  G.  or  Gren.  et  Godr.  =  Grenier 

et  Godron 
Gmel.  =  Gmelin 
Godr.  =  Godron 
Good.  =  Goodenough 
Griseb.  =  Grisebach 
Guss.  =  Gussone 
Hack.  =  Hackel 
Hall.  =  Haller 
Hartm.  =  Hartmann 
Hausm.  =  Hausmann 
Heg.  =  Hegetschweiler 
Heynh.  =  Heynhold 


Hoff.  or  Hoffm.  =  Hoffmann 

Hook.  =  Hooker 

Huds.  =  Hudson 

Jacq.  =  Jacquin 

Jord.  =  Jordan 

Juss.=  Jussieu  (A.  L.  de) 

K.  =  Koch 

Kalt.  =  Kaltenbach 

Kern.  =  Kerner 

Kit.  =  Kitaibel 

K.  et  S.  =  Koch  et  Sonder 

Krock.  =  Krocker 

Kiitz.  =  Kiitzing 

L.  or  Linn.  =  Linnaeus  (Linne) 

Lach.  =  Lachenal 

Lagg.  =  bagger 

Lam.  or  Lamk.  =  Lamarck 

Lamb.  =  Lambert 

Lapeyr.  =  Lapeyrouse 

Lej.  =  Lejeune 

Less.  =  Lessing 

Leyss.  =  Leysser 

L'Herit.  =  L'Heritier 

Lightf.  =  Lightfoot 

Lindl.  =  Lindley 

Lk.  =  Link 

Loefl.  =  Loefling 

Lois,  or  Loisel.  =  Loiseleur 

M.  B.  or  M.  Bieb.  =  Marschall  von 

Merc.  =  Mercier 

C.  A.  Mey.  =  Carl  Anton  Meyer 
E.  Mey.  =  Ernst  Meyer 
Michx.  =  Michaux 
Mich.  =  Micheli 
Mill.  =  Miller 
P.  J.  M.  =  P.  J.  Miiller 
Mert.  et  K.  =  Mertens  et  Koch 
M.  et  K.  =  Mertens  et  Koch 
Murr.  ==  Murray 
Neck.  =  De  Necker 
Not.  =  Notaris  (de) 
Nym.  =  Nyman 
Panz.  =  Panzer 
Parl.  =  Parlatore 
P.  Br.  =  Patrick  Browne 
P.  B.  or  P.   Beauv.  =  Palisot   de 


Perr.  et  Song.  =  Perrier  et  Songer 

Pers.  =  Persoon 

Peterm.  =  Petermann 

Poir.  =  Poiret 

Poll.  =  Pollich 

Pourr.  =  Pourret 

R.  Br.  =  Robert  Brown 

Rchb.  or  Reichb.  =  Reichenbach 

Retz.  =  Retzius 

Reut.  =  Reuter 

Reyr.  =  Reynier 

Rich.  =  Richard 

Rottb.  =  Rottboell 

Rupp.  =  Ruppius 

R.  et  S.  =  Roemer  et  Schultes 

Salisb.  =  Salisbury 

Saut.  =  Sauter 

Schimp.  =  Schimper 

F.  Schulz.  =  Friedr.  Schultz 

Sch.  Bip.  =  Schultz  Bipontinus 

Schk.  =  Schkuhr 

Schleich.  =  Schleicher 

Schleid.  =  Schleider 

Schult.  =  Schultes 

Scop.  =  Scopoli 

Seb.     et     Maur.  =  Sebastiani     et 


Ser.  =  Seringe 
Shuttle.  =  Shuttleworth 
Sibth.  =  Sibthorp 
Sieb.  =  Sieber 
Sm.  =Smith 

Spr.  or  Spreng.  =  Sprengel 
Steph.  =  Stephani 
Stern bg.  =  Stern  berg 
Steud.  =  Steudel 
Sw.  =  Swartz 
Ten.  =  Tenore 
Thorn.  =  Thomas 
Thuill.  =  Thuiller 
Thunbg.  =  Thunberg 
Tin.  =  Tineo 
Tiss.  =  Tissiere 
Tourne.  =  Tournefort 
Trin.  =  Trinius 
Vauch.  =  Vaucher 

Vig.  =  Viguier 

Vill.  =  Villars 

Vis.  =  Visiani 

Viv.  =  Viviani 

Wahl.  or  Wahlen.  =  Wahlenberg 

Wallr.  =  Wallroth 

Weigh  =  Weigel 

Wettst.  =de  Wettstein 


.  =  Willdenow 

W.  et  K.,  W.  et  Kit.,  Waldst.  et 

Kit.  =  Waldstein  et  Kitaibel 
W.  et  N.=Weiheet  Nees 
With.  =  Withering 
Wulf.  =  Wulfen 
Zahl.  =  Zahlbruckner 


I  I          I 

345  centimetres 


i  Metre  =  3*281  English  feet 
IQ  Centimetres  =  4  inches  (almost) 
30          „  =i  foot 

2*5  cm.  =  25  mm.  =  i  inch 

100  feet  =      30 J  metres  (about) 



=   305 


J  5 

=  610 



=  9i5 



=  1220 



=  1525 



=  1830 



=  2135 



=  2440 



=  2745 



=  3048 



=  3353 



=  3658 



=  3960 



=  4265 

Mont  Blanc  is  15,782  feet  =  4810  metres 


PART    I 



IN  the  author's  Alpine  Plants  of  Europe,  which  dealt  chiefly  with 
the  plants  of  the  higher  Alpine  region,  it  was  pointed  out  that  it  is 
impossible  to  define  zones  of  altitude  at  all  rigidly,  even  in  regard 
to  a  small  country  like  Switzerland,  and  that  different  authorities 
had  not  always  adopted  the  same  standards  of  elevation  in  speaking 
of  the  vegetation  of  the 'mountains  of  Central  Europe. 

It  was  stated  that  it  was  impossible  to  give  an  exact  definition 
of  the  term  '  sub-alpine,'  but  it  could  be  taken  to  be  the  zone  from 
about  3000  feet,  where  the  vine  ceases  to  be  cultivated,  to  about 
5000  feet.  But  it  should  be  clearly  understood  that  any  such 
limitation  is  purely  arbitrary,  and  that  the  expressions  Alpine  and 
sub-alpine  are  often  used  in  a  very  general  sense.  The  vegetation 
of  one  valley  of  say  5000  feet  above  the  sea  may  be  far  more  Alpine 
in  character  than  that  of  another  of  about  the  same  height  in  a 
district  not  very  remote. 

Nor  is  it  always  possible  to  do  as  that  great  Alpinist  and  student 
of  the  Alpine  flora,  the  late  John  Ball,1  did.  He  called  the  Sub- 
Alpine  Region  the  Region  of  Coniferous  trees ;  and  the  lower 
Mountain  Region  the  Region  of  Deciduous  trees  (whose  upper 
limit  often  rises  to  5000  feet  on  the  southern  slopes).  But  beech 
forests  are  also,  in  certain  districts,  a  great  feature  of  the  sub-alpine 
zone.  The  very  fact  that  the  forest  region,  and  especially  the  pine 
forest  region,  varies  so  much  in  different  countries  of  Europe, 
and  also  in  quite  limited  districts,  prevents  such  a  basis  of  calculation 
from  being  quite  satisfactory,  though  otherwise  it  has  much  to 
commend  it. 

In  Switzerland  the  Lowland  region  comprises  the  plains  and  the 

1  "Climate  and  Vegetation  of  the  Alps,"  in  the  General  Introduction  to  the 
Alpine  Guide. 



low  hills  in  the  north  and  west.  The  flora  is  very  similar  to  that  of 
temperate  Northern  and  Western  Europe,  including  most  of  France, 
Germany,  Belgium,  and  the  British  Isles.  But  in  addition  one 
finds  in  the  Swiss  plains  and  warm  valleys  a  distinct  admixture  of 
Southern  plants  of  Mediterranean  source.  Among  them  may  be 
mentioned  Astragalus  Onobrychis,  A.  monspessulanus,  Trigonella 
monspeliaca,  and  Centaurea  crupina.  In  the  Rhone  Valley  about 
Sion,  there  is  a  remarkable  mixture  of  Southern  plants,  such  as 
Buffonia  macrosperma,  Iris  virescens,  Tulipa  australis,  and  Ephedra 
helvetica,  which  have  ascended  the  great  river  basin  from  the 
Mediterranean,  together  with  sub-alpines  which  have  descended 
the  mountain-sides. 

It  is  remarkable  how  few  species  are  purely  sub-alpine,  in  that 
they  do  not  grow  in  the  lowlands  or  in  the  Alpine  region.  The 
following  might  perhaps  be  chosen  as  typical  sub-alpines,  character- 
istic of  that  actual  zone.  Actcea  spicata,  Dentaria  digitata,  Lunaria 
rediviva,  Cytisus  alpinus,  Ononis  rotundifolia,  Saxifraga  cuneifolia, 
Sambucus  racemosa,  Prenanthes  purpurea,  Centaurea  montana, 
Veronica  urticcefolia,  Lister  a  cor  data,  Streptopus  amplexifolius,  and 
Lilium  Martagon. 

Among  the  850  species  described  in  this  volume  there  are  very 
few,  if  any,  which  do  not  grow  in  what  is  commonly  understood 
as  the  sub-alpine  region  in  Central  Europe,  if  not  in  Switzerland. 
But  there  is  so  much  overlapping  that  a  very  large  number  of  these 
are  also  found  in  the  Alpine  zone,  and  a  considerable  number  descend 
to  the  lowlands.  A  fair  proportion  of  the  Swiss  sub-alpines  are 
British  plants.  If  these  Alpine  and  lowland  plants  were  omitted 
from  a  book  descriptive  of  what  may  be  called,  with  approximate 
accuracy,  the  more  beautiful  and  interesting  flowers  of  the  Swiss 
woods  and  meadows,  it  would  be  altogether  unrepresentative  and 

Many  Alpine  plants  have  a  very  great  vertical  range  of  altitude  ; 
just  as  others  may  be  confined  to  quite  a  narrow  zone.  Among 
those  species  which  the  writer  has  noticed  growing  in  the  Alps 
through  the  greatest  vertical  range — a  range  of  at  least  7000  feet 
in  some  cases — are  the  following  :  Arabis  alpina,  Draba  aizoides, 
Cerastium  arvense,  Lotus  corniculatus  (up  to  9000  feet  several  times), 
Dry  as  octopetala,  Potentilla  Tormentilla  (this  ubiquitous  plant 
reaches  8200  feet  on  the  Col  du  Galibier),  Saxifraga  stellaris, 
S.  aizo'ides,  S.  Aizoon,  Sempervivum  arachnoideum,  Antennaria 
dioica,  Leucanthemum  vulgare,  Campanula  pusilla,  Primula  farinosa, 
P.  viscosa  Vill.,  Gentiana  verna,  G.  ciliata,  Calamintha  alpina, 
Linaria  alpina,  Thymus  Serpyllum  (up  to  9000  feet),  Daphne 
Mezereum,  Plantago  alpina,  Polygonum  viviparum,  P.  aviculare, 
Euphorbia  Cyparissias,  Triglochin  palustre  (found  at  sea -level 
in  England,  in  the  plains  of  Switzerland,  and  up  to  8250  feet 
in  Dauphiny),  Juncus  bufonius,  Scirpus  compressus,  S.  cczspitosus, 


several  species  of  Carex,  such  grasses  as  Poa  alpina,  P.  bulbosa, 
Agrostis  alba,  Phleum  alpinum,  Deschampsia  ccespitosa,  Festuca 
ovina  and  Nardus  stricta.  He  has  also  observed  the  following  ferns 
with  a  range  of  from  about  5800  to  6800  feet  in  the  Alps,  viz. : 
Cystopteris  fragilis  (up  to  8500  feet),  Dryopteris  Filix  mas,  D. 
spinulosa,  Asplenium  viride  (up  to  8800  feet),  A.  Trichomanes, 
Polypodium  vulgar e,  and  Botrychium  Lunaria  (up  to  8400  feet). 

In  comparing  the  flora  of  Switzerland  with  that  of  the  British 
Isles,  the  most  apparent  difference  is  the  absence  of  the  maritime 
element  from  that  of  the  former  country.  Even  the  Sea-thrift 
(Armeria  maritima)  which  sometimes  grows  on  hill- tops  in  England, 
Scotland,  and  Ireland,  is  absent  from  Switzerland,  and  its  place 
is  taken  by  the  larger  and  more  handsome  Armeria  alpina.  But  there 
are  one  or  two  maritime  plants,  such  as  the  Yellow  Horned  Poppy 
(Glaucium  ftavum),  which  find  a  suitable  home  on  the  sandy  shores 
of  the  Lake  of  Neuchatel. 

To  students  of  ecology,  or  plant  associations,  and  to  those 
occupied  with  the  geographical  distribution  of  plants,  the  absence  of 
certain  species  from  a  given  area  is  no  less  interesting  than  the 
presence  of  others.  Let  us  therefore  mention  a  few  types  (other 
than  maritime)  of  plants  found  in  the  British  Isles  which  do  not 
occur  at  all  in  Switzerland.  In  the  first  place  we  have  a  few  High- 
land species,  such  as  Saxifraga  nivalis  and  Primula  scotica,  which 
do  not  get  so  far  south  as  the  European  Alps.  In  Ireland  there  are 
one  or  two  North  American  plants,  such  as  Spiranthes  Romanzoffiana 
and  Sisyrinchium  augustifolium,  which  occur  nowhere  else  in 

Owing  to  the  moisture  of  our  climate  and  the  mildness  of  our 
winters,  we  have  various  Lusitanian  species,  characteristic  of 
Portugal  and  the  south-west  of  Europe,  which  extend  their  range 
much  further  north  in  these  islands,  especially  in  Cornwall,  Devon, 
Dorset,  and  the  south-west  of  Ireland,  than  they  do  elsewhere. 
Among  them  are  several  Heaths,  such  as  Erica  vagans  (it  is  found 
in  very  few  places  in  Switzerland),  Erica  ciliaris,  and  the  Conne- 
mara  Heath  (Dabeocia  cantabrica).  The  common  Bell  Heather 
(E.  cinerea)  is  not  found  at  all  in  Switzerland,  and  in  only  one 
place  in  Germany,  above  Bonn  ;  nor  is  Erica  tetralix  found  in 
Switzerland.  In  fact,  with  the  rare  exception  of  E.  vagans,  Erica 
carnea,  and  Calluna  (Ling)  are  the  only  Heaths  in  Switzerland. 

Other  western  species  found  in  England  and  Ireland,  but  not  in 
Switzerland,  are  the  little  Butterwort  (Pinguicula  lusitanica),  the 
tiny  yellow  Cicendia  filiformis,  Cotyledon  umbilicus  with  its  peltate, 
fleshy  leaves,  and  Iris  fcetidissima,  whose  capsules,  with  bright 
orange- vermilion  seeds  adorn  many  of  our  Lias  woods  in  autumn. 
We  have  also  quite  a  number  of  bog  or  aquatic  plants  which  do  not 
occur  in  Switzerland.  They  include  the  Ivy-leaved  Campanula, 
(Wahlenbergia  hederacea),  the  Bog  Pimpernel  (Anagallis  tenella), 


the  Marsh  St.  John's-wort  (Hypericum  elodes)  and  the  Bog  Myrtle 
(Myrica  gale).  The  Bog  Myrtle  is  distinctly  an  Arctic  and  Western 
European  species,  and  so  is^the  Bog  Asphodel  (Narthecium  ossi- 
fragum].  Neither  of  the  two  British  Lobelias  (L.  urens  and  L. 
Dortmanna)  is  found  in  Switzerland.  The  former  is  purely  Western 
European  in  its  distribution,  and  the  latter  is  more  northern. 

To  sum  up  the  chief  differences  between  the  Swiss  lowland 
vegetation  and  that  of  great  Britain  or  Ireland  :  in  Switzerland 
there  are  no  hills  or  commons  covered  with  Bell  Heather  and 
Erica  tetralix  ;  no  wet,  sandy  moors,  such  as  those  in  Dorset,  made 
picturesque  with  the  same  two  heaths  mingled  with  the  beautiful 
Erica  ciliaris  and  Bog  Myrtle,  the  brilliant  yellow  spikes  of  Bog 
Asphodel  turning  coral-red  in  September,  the  little  yellow  Cicendia, 
the  pale  Pinguicula  lusitanica,  and  the  curious  Hypericum  elodes. 
In  Switzerland  the  Gorse  (Ulex  europ&us)  and  the  Broom  (Saro- 
thamnus  scoparius)  are  hardly  even  seen,  the  former  being  native 
only  near  San  Bernardo  in  Tessin  ;  on  her  banks  and  hillsides  there 
are  no  Purple  Foxgloves,  but  two  less  handsome  yellow  ones ; 
and  in  her  lowland  woods  and  hedges  the  bright  blue  Scilla  bifolia 
takes  the  place  in  spring  of  our  wild  Hyacinths. 

Excluding  sub-species  and  varieties,  there  are  at  least  2540  species 
of  flowering  plants  and  ferns  in  Switzerland  ;  or  perhaps  six  hundred 
more  than  in  the  British  Isles,  notwithstanding  their  long  coast- 
line and  great  variety  of  geological  formation.  And  yet  we  have  very 
much  to  be  thankful  for — we  have  Alpine  and  Arctic  plants  in  the 
north,  on  some  of  the  highest  mountains  further  south,  and  in 
Ireland ;  we  have,  as  already  stated,  quite  a  number  of  Lusitanian 
and  Atlantic  plants  in  the  south-west  of  England  and  Ireland. 
Then  there  is  a  large  Germanic  element  chiefly  in  the  east  of  Eng- 
land ;  a  most  interesting  maritime  flora,  with  a  few  species  from 
the  Mediterranean  ;  and  many  others  which  come  under  either  the 
British,  English,  or  Scottish  type  according  to  H.  C.  Watson's 
types  of  distribution.  Indeed,  there  can  be  few  countries  in  the 
world  with  so  many  interesting  types  of  vegetation  as  the  British 
Isles.  Insular  floras  are  almost  without  exception  interesting, 
and  that  of  our  own  Islands  is  of  special  interest,  and  furnishes 
some  of  the  greatest  surprises.  One  of  the  Continental  botanists 
who  took  part  last  year  in  the  Phytogeographical  excursion  in  the 
British  Isles  wrote1:  "However  much  we  have  seen  in  different 
countries,  we  still  found  many  peculiarities  in  the  British  vegeta- 
tion which  are  not  seen  elsewhere,  and  many  features  which  are 
as  striking  and  interesting  as  any  we  have  ever  met  with." 
Unlike  most  islands,  however,  and  especially  those  of  the  Medi- 
terranean, the  British  Isles  can  boast  of  extremely  few  endemic 

The  peculiarities  of  many  high  Alpine  plants  are  not  so  noticeable 

1  The  New  Phytologist,  January,  1912,  p.  28. 


in  the  sub-alpines.  It  will  be  remembered  that  most  of  the  high 
pasture  and  rock  plants  are  of  small  stature,  often  growing  in  tufts, 
mats,  or  cushions  ;  with  small  leaves  arranged  in  flat  rosettes 
pressed  against  the  ground.  The  roots  are  often  very  long,  some- 
times penetrating  several  feet  into  the  ground  so  as  to  absorb  all  the 
moisture  and  nutriment  possible,  and  also  to  prevent  them  from 
being  blown  away  bodily  by  the  high  winds  so  frequent  in  the  Alps. 
Many  of  them  are  prevented  from  being  dried  up  through  too  rapid 
transpiration  by  developing  a  copious  covering  of  hairs  or  woolly 
tomentum,  as,  e.g.,  in  Hieracium  villosum  and  in  Edelweiss.  Most 
conspicuous  of  all  is  the  abundance  of  blossom  and  the  brilliant 
colour  of  many  of  the  Alpine  flowers,  particularly  of  the  blues, 
reds,  and  purples. 

Some  of  these  characteristics  are  less  noticeable  in  the  plants 
of  the  mountain  woods  and  meadows,  for  the  simple  reason  that 
there  is  no  great  cause  for  their  existence ;  for  the  climate  is  less 
severe  and  the  winds  less  high.  But,  though  it  is  supposed  that 
the  extreme  brilliance  of  the  light  at  high  altitudes  has  a  great 
effect  upon  the  colouring  of  the  flowers,  yet  in  that  particular, 
and  especially  in  the  abundance  of  blossom,  many  of  the  sub-alpines 
can  well  hold  their  own.  The  rapidity  with  which  they  blossom  is 
another  point  in  common.  A  large  number  of  Alpine  plants  are 
specially  constructed  with  a  view  to  flowrering  at  the  earliest 
possible  opportunity,  just  as  are  the  Arctic  species.  The  shortness 
of  the  summer  is  naturally  the  chief  reason  which  has  led  to  such 
peculiarities.  After  the  flowering  stage  is  more  or  less  over,  the 
seeds  have  to  ripen.  Time  must  then  be  allowed  for  their  dispersal 
under  suitable  conditions,  and  finally  for  their  getting  a  good  start 
before  they  are  embedded  in  the  first  snows  of  winter. 

Most  summer  visitors  to  the  Alps  have  noticed  the  snow  melting 
from  the  highest  pastures  and  exposing  a  sodden,  brown  sward. 
They  have  seen  the  Crocuses  and  Soldanellas  flowering  at  the  very 
edge  of  the  melting  snow,  and  sometimes  pushing  their  blossoms 
through  it ;  but  they  may  not  have  kept  an  eye  on  those  sodden 
patches  of  snow-freed  pasture  during  the  next  week  or  two.  Had 
they  done  so,  they  would  have  seen  a  veritable  transformation,  so 
rapidly  does  the  grass  get  green  and  bespangled  with  flowers  of 
every  shade  and  colour. 

It  is  the  same  with  the  meadows  lower  down  ;  but  to  see  this  it  is 
necessary  to  visit  Switzerland  in  May.  Towards  the  end  of  April 
the  snow  has  usually  disappeared  from  the  Alpine  meadows  ;  and, 
though  this  is  a  peculiarly  disagreeable  season,  with  very  little  green 
grass  to  be  seen,  it  is  astonishing  how  soon  the  grass  grows  and 
the  flowers  appear.  The  meadow  flowers  are,  for  the  most  part, 
distinct  from  'those  which  predominate  in  the  upper  pasturesj 
and  they  are  distinct  from  those  of  the  woods. 

The  meadows  usually  occupy  the  more  or  less  level  portion  of 


Alpine  valleys,  and  the  pine  forests  descend  on  either  side  to  meet 
them  ;  though  in  some  valleys  cliffs  and  steep  rocky  slopes  take  the 
place  of  the  forests.  The  pastures,  '  Alps/  or  Alpen,  are  above 
the  forest  zone.  In  most  communes  the  meadows  are  usually  owned 
privately,  but  the  pastures  are  held  in  common  by  the  inhabitants 
of  the  villages,  and  each  burgher  has  the  right  of  grazing  his  cows 
on  certain  alpen.  The  meadows  are  very  rich,  for  the  soil  contains 
much  humus,  or  decayed  organic  matter,  and  fertilising  deposits 
are  also  brought  down  by  the  numerous  little  rivulets  which  descend 
the  slopes,  and  by  the  central  glacier  stream  which  usually  flows 
through  the  valley.  In  addition  to  such  natural  irrigation,  the 
peasants  manure  their  land  well,  so  that  every  season  they  get  two 
crops  of  grass,  while  occasionally  late  in  autumn  men  and  women 
may  be  seen  laboriously  gathering  in  a  third  crop,  though  this  is 
usually  very  scanty.  The  cattle  are  not  often  allowed  on  the 
meadows  in  spring,  because  the  grass  is  more  valuable  when 
converted  into  hay.  They  are  sent  up  to  the  lower  pastures,  and, 
as  the  summer  advances,  are  gradually  driven  to  the  highest 
'Alps.'  If  the  higher  pastures  are  ever  mown,  it  is  as  autumn 

When  once  the  meadows  have  yielded  their  first  crop  of  hay, 
which  is  usually  at  the  end  of  June  or  the  first  week  of  July,  or  if 
by  chance  the  cattle  should  have  had  access  to  them,  their  great 
glory  has  departed.  For  though  some  plants  quickly  spring  up 
again — Geranium  sylvaticum  sometimes  flowers  within  a  week — 
their  chief  charm  has  gone.  The  second  crop  is  never  so  tall,  nor 
often  so  full  of  blossom,  and  many  of  the  plants  have  a  branched, 
stunted  appearance. 

Compared  with  an  English  meadow,  the  dense  vegetation  of 
these  Swiss  meadows  consists  not  so  much  in  true  grasses  as  in 
other  flowering  plants.  Probably  the  periodic  manuring,  and 
frequent  cutting  with  the  scythe  tend  to  promote  a  dense  growth 
of  coarser  plants  at  the  expense  of  the  finer  grasses.  Therefore 
we  find  great  masses  of  pink  Bistort  (Polygonum  Bistorta),  of 
blue  Centaurea  montana,  of  mauve  or  purple  Geranium  sylvaticum, 
and  many  other  handsome  plants.  We  also  find  a  number  of 
marsh  plants,  for  these  meadows  are  often  little  more  than  peat 
marshes,  and  probably  few  of  them  have  been  drained  with  pipes, 
such  as  is  the  custom  in  England.  Among  the  more  important 
marsh  plants  frequent  in -the  mejadows  are  :  Ranunculus  aconiti- 
folius,  the  Globe-flower  f(Trollius  europczus),  Primula  farinosa, 
certain  species  of  Pedicularis,  Orchis  maculata,  0.  latifolia, 
Gymnadenia  conopsea,  and  G.  odoratissima. 

Many  flowers  of  the  Alpine  meadows  are  ordinary  British  plants. 
In  addition  to  those  already  mentioned  and  to  the  true  grasses 
we  often  find  such  common  species  as  the  Buttercups  (Ranunculus 
acris  and  R.  bulbosus),  the  Ox-eye  Daisy  (Chrysanthemum  Leucan- 


themum),  Bladder  Campion  (Silene  inflata),  Ragged  Robin  (Lychnis 
Flos  cuculi),  and,  in  autumn,  Colchicum  autumnale. 

Among  Alpine  meadow  plants  not,  or  in  one  or  two  cases  very 
rarely,  occurring  in  British  meadows,  there  is  a  large  number  which 
especially  tend  to  give  such  a  wonderful  colouring  to  the  scene. 
The  following  are  but  a  handful :  Campanula  rhomboidalis  in  sheets 
of  azure  blue  ;  the  Rampions  (Phyteuma  orbiculare,  P.  betonicce- 
folium,  and  P.  spicatum) ;  Salvia  pratensis  in  every  shade  of  mauve 
and  purple  ;  the  goatsbeard  or  Tragopogon  ;  Yellow-rattle  (Rhinan- 
thus)  of  several  kinds  ;  various  large  Hawkweeds,  and  particularly 
the  pale  yellow  Hypochceris  uniflora  ;  Biscutella  l&vigata,  with  its 
disc-shaped  seed-vessels  ;  pink,  red,  and  yellow  species  of  Pedi- 
cularis ;  and  the  beautiful  Astrantia  major.  Among  the  most 
handsome  of  the  Monocotyledons  are  various  Orchids,  St.  Bruno's 
Lily  (Paradisia  Liliastrum),  Anthericum  Liliago,  and  the  madder- 
red  Lilium  Martagon. 

In  the  drier  portions  of  many  sub-alpine  meadows  are  found 
Cerastium  arvense,  Potentilla  aurea,  Saponaria  ocymoides,  the 
mauve  Gentiana  campestris,  the  rich  purple  Calamintha  alpina, 
and  the  magenta  Centaur ea  uni flora,  whose  plumose  involucral 
bracts  form  a  curious  feathery  ball  when  in  bud.  Gentiana  verna 
and  G.  utriculosa  sometimes  make  sheets  of  blue  in  the  damper 
parts  of  a  field,  but  the  large  Gentiana  excisa  does  not  often  grow 
in  the  meadows  proper,  but,  like  the  Anemone  sulphur  ea,  prefers 
the  lower  pastures  skirting  the  forest. 

There  is  hardly  a  meadow  without  some  huge  boulders  here  and 
there.  They  may  be  partly  screened  by  a  growth  of  the  lovely 
Rosa  alpina  ;  and  the  rocks  themselves  usually  afford  shelter  to 
patches  of  Sempervivum,  Sedum,  or  Saxifrage.  If  the  great  yellow 
Gentian  (G.  lutea)  or  Veratrum  album  with  similar  foliage  grows  in 
the  meadows,  these  bitter  or  poisonous  plants  are  always  left  by 
the  mowers,  just  as  they  are  avoided  by  the  cows  on  the  steep 
pastures  where  they  are  more  abundant  than  in  the  meadows 

It  may  seem  quite  unnecessary  to  specially  mention  any  large 
stretches  of  fine  Alpine  meadows,  for  they  are  to  be  found  almost 
everywhere  in  the  Alps.  But  in  Switzerland  it  would  be  difficult 
to  come  across  a  more  magnificent  expanse  of  meadow  land  refulgent 
with  sub-alpine  flowers  of  every  kind  and  colour  than  in  Val  Ferret, 
above  Orsieres,  in  Valais.  This  paradise  of  flowers,  backed  by 
stupendous  mountains,  is  within  easy  reach  of  Lac  Champex, 
now  one  of  the  most  popular  Alpine  resorts.  On  the  steep  descent 
from  Champex  to  Val  Ferret  can  be  found  many  species  which 
delight  in  sun-baked,  shaly  slopes,  such  as  those  which  lead  to  the 
village  of  Pras-de-Fort. 

The  Jura  mountains  are  much  more  wooded  than  the  Swiss  Alps. 
They  also  afford  very  excellent  opportunities  for  collecting  and 


studying  both  the  plants  of  the  sub-alpine  woods  and  meadows 
and  many  of  the  higher  Alpines,  which  prefer  limestone  soil.  The 
Jura  has  the  double  advantage  of  being  a  little  nearer  home  and 
less  crowded  by  visitors  than  the  Bernese  Oberland  and  the  valleys 
south  of  the  Rhone.  The  Flore  du  Jura,  by  C.  H.  Godet,  published 
in  1853,  gives  an  ample  description!  covering  870  pages,  of  all  the 
flowering  plants  and  ferns  of  this  delightful  mountain  range. 
The  sylvan  flora  of  the  calcareous  Jura  chain  is  particularly  in- 

We  have  already  observed  that  the  Alpine  forest  flora  is,  for  the 
most  part,  quite  different  from  that  of  the  meadows  or  the  pastures. 
We  have  also  noticed  that  the  Coniferous  forests  extend  upward 
to  a  height  which  varies  considerably  according  to  local  circum- 
stances. As  a  general  rule,  in  Switzerland  the  upper  limit  of  the 
forests  is  from  6000  to  7300  feet,  or  some  2000  feet  or  more  below 
the  line  of  perpetual  snow.  The  pine  forest  zone  may  be  anything 
from  1000  to  2000  feet  in  vertical  height,  and  the  lower  limit  is 
frequently  between  4000  and  5000  feet  above  the  sea.  At  that 
height  the  Beech  is  replaced  by  the  Spruce  (Picea  excelsa)  and  Larch 
(Larix  europcea).  At  a  somewhat  higher  level  the  Mountain  Pine 
(Pinus  montana]  and,  very  locally,  the  Arolla  Pine  (P.  Cembra) 
usually  take  the  place  of  the  Spruce  Fir.  But,  of  course,  the  Spruce 
and  Larch  are  often  found  growing  with  the  Beech,  Birch,  Sycamore, 
and  other  trees  in  the  mixed  woods  of  the  lower  mountain  region. 
The  Scots  Pine  (P.  sylvestris)  and  the  Silver  Fir  (Abies  pectinata] 
are  common  in  the  lowlands  and  sub-Alps,  but  are  rarely  seen 
above  5000  feet. 

The  Coniferous  forests  in  Switzerland  are  under  very  strict  regula- 
tions in  regard  to  the  felling  of  the  timber.  But  in  times  gone  by 
immense  damage  was  done  in  many  districts  by  the  wasteful  and 
indiscriminate  cutting  of  the  trees. 

Our  artist  has  painted  typical  bits  of  Coniferous  forest,  skirting 
a  flowery  meadow  at  a  height  of  some  4500  feet  in  a  granite  district 
above  Argentiere  in  Haute  Savoie.  This  is  close  to  the  Swiss  frontier 
and  at  the  eastern  end  of  the  Mont  Blanc  group.  The  great  granite 
boulders  strewn  among  the  Firs  and  Larches  afford  an  ideal  home 
for  the  Rhododendron,  and  for  such  handsome  herbaceous  plants 
as  the  great  mauve  Mulgedium  alpinum,  the  showy  Rose-bay 
Willow-herb  (Epilobium  angustifolium) ,  and  the  rather  scarce 
Umbellifer  called  Laserpitium  Panax.  The  rocks  themselves  are 
sometimes  partly  hidden  by  dense  mats  of  Saxifraga  cuneifolia, 
which  is  like  a  miniature  London  Pride  ;  but  it  sends  out  long 
runners  with  rosettes  of  leaves  at  every  few  inches.  The  leaves  are 
often  purplish  beneath. 

The  Whortleberry  and  Cowberry  (V actinium  Vitis-idcea)  form 
a  thick  undergrowth  in  many  of  these  Alpine  woods ;  and  Alnus 
viridis  is  abundant  in  the  more  open  parts,  and  forms  an  important 


feature  in  the  landscape.  Among  other  characteristic  plants  the 
following  may  be  mentioned,  viz.  :  Viola  biflora,  Saxifraga  rotundi- 
folia,  Poly  gala  chamabuxus,  Linncza  borealis,  very  local,  Adenostyles 
glabra,  A.  albifrons,  Gnaphalium  sylvaticum,  Homogyne  alpina, 
Pyrola  secunda,  P.  rotundifolia,  and  more  rarely,  P.  uniflora, 
P.  chlorantha  and  P.  minor ;  Phyteuma  spicata,  Melampyrum 
sylvaticum,  M.  pratense,  Veronica  urticcefolia  and  Maianthemum 
Convallaria.  In  the  Beech  woods,  at  a  lower  elevation,  we  find 
such  plants  as  Dentaria,  Paris,  Listera,  Cephalanthera  rubra, 
Neottia  Nidus  avis,  and  various  other  orchids,  of  which  several  are 



MANY  of  those  who  visit  the  Alps  in  late  summer  or  in  autumn 
miss  the  great  wealth  of  flowers  which  form  such  a  feature  in 
the  landscape  earlier  in  the  season.  Many  visitors  arrive  too 
late  to  see  even  the  lingering  blossoms  of  Rhododendron,  the 
Alpen  Rose  or  Rose  des  Alpes,  of  which  the  Swiss  are  so  justly  proud  ; 
while  the  small  deep  blue  Gentians  are  in  August  found  only  on  the 
higher  mountains,  and  never  in  the  splendid  luxuriance  of  June. 
Their  place  is  taken  in  autumn  by  the  pretty  Fringed  Gentian 
(G.  ciliata],  a  biennial  species  with  long  hairs  on  the  margin  of  the 
corolla-lobes — which  loves  shaly  limestone  slopes,  both  in  the 
Alps  and  foot-hills,  and  by  Gentiana  germanica  with  its  purple-red 
flowers  which  continue  in  bloom  in  the  sub-Alps  until  mid-October. 
The  handsome  ultramarine  spikes  of  the  Willow  Gentian  (Gentiana 
asclepiadea)  may  also  be  seen  adorning  mountain  thickets  and 
shady  slopes  until  the  end  of  September,  brit  the  plant  is  rare  in 
Western  Switzerland  and  the  Jura.  The  beautiful  Marsh  Gentian 
(Gentiana  Pneumonanthe) ,  which  brightens  some  of  the  damp, 
sandy  heaths  in  Dorset,  Hants,  and  Yorkshire  is  another  autumn 
flower  which  is  perhaps  as  beautiful  as  any  when  its  large  blue 
bells  streaked  with  green  open  to  the  sunlight,  and  stand  erect  some- 
times singly  on  a  stalk  and  sometimes  in  threes  and  fours  on  leafy 
stems  a  foot  or  eighteen  inches  high.  The  Marsh  Gentian  is 
more  scattered  in  Switzerland  than  in  England,  but  perhaps  less 
abundant  locally. 

In  late  summer  and  in  autumn,  long  after  the  meadows  and 
the  lower  pastures  have  been  mown  a  second  time,  and  when  the 
characteristic  forest  flora  has  also  mostly  disappeared,  the  numerous 
red  and  '  black '  berries  are  continually  attracting  the  eye  of  even 
the  most  casual  of  visitors  to  the  mountains.  Long  before  the 
end  of  such  a  hot  and  dry  season  as  that  of  1911,  when  many  plants 
were  withered  up  prematurely,  berries  and  fruits  of  various  kinds 
and  many  colours  were  particularly  noticeable,  and  often  they 
formed  the  chief  means  of  table  decoration  in  Swiss  hotels,  in 
addition  to  sounding  the  loudest  note  of  colour  in  the  woods  and 
on  the  mountain-side. 



But,  exceptional  as  was  the  weather  last  summer,  in  any  season 
towards  the  end  of  July,  when  the  crowds  are  at  their  height,  the 
Alpine  berries  begin  to  show  themselves,  and  we  realise  that '  spring/ 
even  in  the  Alpine  sense,  has  gone.  At  best  the  Alpine  summer  is 
not  a  long  one,  and  in  the  short  space  of  about  three  months  much 
has  to  be  gone  through — the  face  of  Nature  is  continually  and 
rapidly  changing,  and  many  plants  have  to  develop,  blossom,  and 
ripen  their  seeds  in  quite  a  brief  period  of  time. 

It  was  thought  that  a  short  chapter  on  some  of  the  Alpine  berries 
and  fruits  might  be  of  interest  to  some  of  the  vast  multitudes  of 
late  visitors  to  Switzerland,  who  may  be  attracted  by  the  abundance 
of  the  crop,  but  who  are  not,  perhaps,  in  every  case  familiar  with 
earlier  stages  of  the  plants  ;  or  in  other  cases  they  may  know  the 
flowering  stage  well  enough  but  fail  to  recognise  the  fruit  which 
follows  it. 

The  Bilberry  or  Whortleberry  (V actinium  Myrtilus),  which  often 
grows  finer  in  the  Alps,  and  particularly  in  the  Chamonix  valley, 
than  at  home,  was  losing  its  flavour  by  mid-September  last  year, 
when  its  leaves  were  turning  a  brilliant  crimson  so  that  mountain 
sides  seemed  ablaze  with  them.  But  wild  Raspberries  were  even 
at  that  late  date  in  the  best  of  condition  at  about  6000  feet,  and  as 
delicately  flavoured  as  any  in  gardens.  The  Wild  Strawberry  also 
lingered  on  until  plants  in  some  of  the  higher  regions  must  have 
been  embedded  in  the  first  September  snows.  That  year  in  the 
Mont  Blanc  district  the  first  cold  spell  came  about  I5th  September, 
but  by  ist  October  the  weather  was  extremely  cold  and  wet,  and 
snow  covered  the  mountains  to  within  a  thousand  feet  of  Geneva. 

But  to  return  to  the  Bilberry,  whose  fruit  begins  to  ripen  in 
sub-alpine  regions  usually  about  mid- July,  it  is  interesting  to  note 
that  not  infrequently  on  the  older  rocks  —  it  is  rarely  seen  on 
limestone — this  common  plant  ascends  to  9000  feet  in  the  Maritime 
Alps,  as,  for  example,  on  Monte  Santa  Maria,  and  it  may  sometimes 
be  found  as  high  in  Savoy  and  in  the  Southern  Swiss  Alps.  The 
Bog  Whortleberry  (V actinium  uliginosum)  ascends  even  higher  in 
Alpine  turbaries  in  Switzerland,  where  it  has  been  recorded  from 
3000  metres,  or  nearly  10,000  feet.  Its  leaves  are  bluish  green  or 
glaucous  on  the  under  side,  and  always  entire  (not  slightly  toothed), 
and  its  berries  resemble  those  of  the  Common  Bilberry,  but  are 
insipid  to  the  taste,  and  often  rather  smaller. 

The  Cowberry  (V actinium  Vitis  idcea]  is  very  beautiful  in  both 
flower  and  fruit.  It  is  a  low  shrub,  sometimes  not  six  inches  in 
height,  with  wax-like,  flesh-coloured  blossoms,  evergreen  leaves, 
often  turning  red  in  autumn,  and  brilliant  scarlet  berries  which  are 
very  attractive.  It  grows  abundantly  in  Alpine  woods  and  on 
moors  or  on  beds  of  mould  about  rocks  from  the  plains  up  to  10,000 
feet  in  Switzerland.  The  Cranberry,  of  still  the  same  genus  (V. 
oxy coccus),  grows  only  in  sphagnum  bogs,  as  in  Britain,  but  its 


delicate  drooping  crimson  flowers  on  long  slender  pedicels  are 
fugitive  and  very  difficult  to  find,  being  less  conspicuous  than  the 
well-known  yellowish  red  fruit.  We  have  not  seen  the  Cranberry 
at  a  higher  elevation  than  5000  feet,  as,  for  example,  in  the  marsh 
by  the  picturesque  Lac  Champex  in  Switzerland.  The  stems  are 
very  wiry,  and  the  leaves  quite  small,  rolled  in  at  the  margin,  glossy 
green  above  and  glaucous  beneath. 

Closely  allied  to  the  Vacciniums  are  the  Bearberries  (Arctosta- 
phylos  alpina  and  A .  Uva  ursi) ,  both  of  which  are  distinctly  Alpine 
in  character  and  habitat,  though  the  latter  species  descends  to  the 
plains  in  Switzerland.  The  Alpine  Bearberry  has  black  berries, 
which  ripen  the  second  year,  and  thin,  netted  veined  annual  leaves, 
finely  toothed  at  the  margin.  The  Red  Bearberry  (Arctostaphylos 
Uva  ursi)  has  red  berries  and  thick,  leathery,  evergreen  leaves  of  a 

flossy  green  on  the  upper  side,  with  sunken  dots  on  the  under  side, 
t  is  chiefly  found  on  limestone.  Both  species  are  found  in  Scotland, 
and  the  latter  appears  also  in  the  north  of  England  and  north-west 
Ireland.  Sometimes  great  mats  are  formed  by  these  prostrate 
shrubs.  The  flowers  resemble  those  of  the  Arbutus  more  than  those 
of  any  other  plant. 

The  Crowberry  (Empetrum  nigrum)  is  a  low,  wiry  shrub,  with 
heath-like  leaves  and  small  blue-black  fruit,  smaller  than  those  of 
the  Bilberry,  which  often  ascends  to  a  high  altitude  and  sometimes 
covers  enormous  areas  of  moorland  where  little  else  will  grow  but 
lichen.  It  grows  not  only  in  the  mountains  of  Europe,  and  in  the 
British  Isles,  but  penetrates  the  Arctic  regions  of  Iceland,  Green- 
land, Siberia  and  Labrador.  It  gives  its  name  to  the  extremely 
small  family  of  Empetracece,  which  comprises  only  four  species  in 
the  whole  world. 

Among  other  low  bushes  bearing  berries  in  the  mountains  is  the 
Stone  Bramble  (Rubus  saxatilis),  which  is  frequent  in  Scotland  and 
the  north  of  England,  as  well  as  in  some  of  the  hills  in  South  Wales 
and  the  West  of  England.  In  the  Alps  it  is  found  in  open  woods 
and  bushy  places,  and  it  is  scattered  over  the  mountain  regions  of 
Europe,  Central  Asia,  and  Siberia.  The  Stone  Bramble  is  a  very 
dwarf  and  distinct  species,  whose  rootstock  sends  out  a  few  creeping 
runners  rooting  at  the  nodes  and  ascending  stems  often  only  six 
or  eight  inches  high,  with  a  few  small  prickles,  though  sometimes 
quite  unarmed.  There  are  usually  three  pale  green  leaflets,  rather 
thin  in  texture  and  resembling  those  of  the  Dewberry  ;  and  the 
petals  are  a  dirty  white  or  greenish  colour  and  very  narrow.  The 
berries  or  drupes  are  a  rich  red,  few  in  number,  but  large  and 
tempting  to  the  eye  in  their  luscious  transparency.  However,  they 
are  disappointing  when  eaten,  for  they  are  strongly  acid  and  each 
drupe  consists  chiefly  of  a  large  pip  or  seed.  The  Cloudberry 
(Rubus  Chamcemorus),  so  well  known  in  Norway,  where  its  orange- 
red  fruit  is  stewed  and  served  at  table  under  the  name  of  Multebcer, 


does  not  appear  to  grow  in  the  Alps,  but  its  large,  solitary,  white 
blossoms,  on  stems  only  a  few  inches  high,  are  often  seen  in  turfy 
swamps  and  wet  heaths  in  Northern  Europe,  Asia,  and  America. 
This  species  of  Rubus  is  one  of  the  few  British  plants  not'found 
at  all  in  Switzerland  or  France.  The  berries  are  first  red,  and  they 
turn  yellow  on  ripening.  Of  the  ordinary  kinds  of  Blackberry,  or 
Rubus,  many  of  which  grow  in  the  Swiss  lowlands,  very  few  appear 
to  reach  the  mountain  forests.  Perhaps  Rubus  tomentosus  is  the 
most  distinct  of  any  which  flourish  in  such  places.  It  is  a  pretty 
Bramble,  and  easily  known  by  the  greyish  tomentum  or  felt  which 
covers  its  leaves  and  calyx,  and  by  its  small  yellowish  white  flowers. 
It  is  abundant  in  the  Eastern  Pyrenees,  and  extends  right  across 
Central  Europe  and  as  far  east  as  Persia.  Probably  in  that  very 
mountainous  country  it  reaches  a  higher  altitude  than  in  Europe. 

Among  Roses  there  are  several  in  addition  to  the  beautiful  Rosa 
alpina  found  in  Alpine  or  sub-alpine  regions.  The  true  Alpine  Rose, 
or  Eglantine,  whose  deep  rose  blossoms  adorn  the  open  woods 
and  broken,  rocky  pastures  up  to  nearly  8000  feet  in  June  and 
July,  usually  has  long,  narrow  hips  of  the  richest  red.  The  hips  of 
Rosa  pomifem,  which  is  widely  spread  throughout  the  Swiss  Alps, 
though  very  rare  in  the  Jura,  are  very  large  and  round  and  generally, 
though  not  always,  covered  with  bristly  glands.  In  early  autumn 
their  rich  orange  colour,  deepening  to  a  beautiful  crimson,  makes 
them  an  attractive  feature  in  the  landscape.  The  pretty  little 
Burnet  or  Scotch  Rose  (Rosa  pimpinellifolia)  is  very  rare  in  Switzer- 
land, except  on  the  borders  of  the  Jura.  Though  this  very  prickly 
little  rose  grows  close  to  the  sandy  seashore  in  parts  of  England 
and  Wales,  we  once  found  its  delicate  cream-coloured  blossoms  at 
7000  feet  in  the  south  of  Savoy.  To  find  even  a  few  plants  of  this 
Rose  on  the  stony  southern  slope  of  a  mountain  at  that  height 
intermingled  with  some  truly  Alpine  species,  was  one  of  the  sur- 
prises of  an  eventful  season  devoted  to  the  exploration  of  the 
Western  Alps  and  their  supremely  rich  flora.  The  fruit  of  the 
Burnet  Rose  is  nearly  globular,  and  blackish  red  at  maturity. 

The  poisonous  scarlet  berries  of  the  Mezereon  (Daphne  Mezereum) 
are  often  seen  hi  the  woods  of  the  plains  and  on  stony  pastures  and 
slopes  of  debris  up  to  about  7000  feet ;  but,  as  in  England,  this 
bush  is  more  often  seen  singly  or  in  pairs  than  in  groups.  The 
pink,  scented  flowers  appear  in  March,  before  the  leaves,  or  a 
month  later  in  the  higher  elevations. 

There  are  two  or  three  Alpine  species  of  Honeysuckle,  or  Lonicera, 
in  Europe  ;  the  Blue-fruited  Honeysuckle  (L.  ccerulea)  is  a  shrub 
three  to  six  feet  high  and  of  stiff  habit.  The  yellowish  white 
flowers  are  scentless  and  in  pairs,  but  their  ovaries  coalesce  into  one 
globular  and  bluish-black  berry.  It  is  spread  over  the  Coniferous 
forest  zone ;  on  moors  it  descends  lower,  and  occasionally,  as  at 
Saas  Fee,  it  ascends  the  rocky  slopes  to  a  height  of  8000  feet. 


Lonicera  alpigena  is  a  bush  of  about  three  feet  which  has  much 
larger  leaves  and  a  shining  berry  resembling  a  small,  double  cherry. 
It  frequents  woods  and  rocky  places  in  the  mountains.  The 
Black  Honeysuckle  (L.  nigrd)  is  a  sub-alpine  shrub,  a  yard  or  two  in 
height,  with  small  flowers  in  pairs,  which  develop  into  a  pair  of 
black,  rounded  berries  united  at  the  base. 

In  many  of  the  shady  ravines  and  wooded  gorges  one  sees  an 
elegant  Alpine  Elder -tree  (Sambucus  racemosa),  which  in  late 
summer  and  autumn  is  usually  heavily  laden  with  dense  clusters 
of  small  round  berries  of  a  blood-red  colour.  It  grows  well  among 
the  granite  boulders  and  tall  ferns  bordering  the  road  which  skirts 
the  Tete  Noir  and  overlooks  the  famous  Trient  Gorge  between 
Martigny  and  Argentiere.  Indeed,  most  of  the  fruit-bearing 
shrubs  and  bushes  mentioned  in  this  chapter  can  be  seen  in  a  walk 
along  that  picturesque  route.  Here  also  can  sometimes  be  found 
the  fruits  of  two  kinds  of  Polygonatum,  or  Solomon's  Seal,  as  well 
as  those  of  an  allied  plant  called  Streptopus  amplexifolius,  or  Knot- 
foot.  The  globular,  crimson  fruits  hang  on  delicate  flower-stalks 
springing  from  the  leaf-axils  and  always  bent  at  right  angles  half- 
way down,  so  that  this  curious  plant  with  very  handsome  '  berries  ' 
is  unmistakable  when  once  seen.  It  is,  however,  by  no  means 
common.  It  sometimes  grows  by  the  side  of  huge  granite  boulders, 
as  near  the  main  road  crossing  the  Col  des  Montets,  and  occasionally 
it  can  be  seen  under  the  shade  of  a  Mountain  Ash,  whose  scarlet 
berries  ripen  at  the  end  of  August  in  the  higher  regions. 

Autumn  visitors  to  the  Alps  sometimes  have  their  attention 
arrested  by  a  spiny  bush  of  stiff  habit,  with  narrow,  olive-green 
leaves  and  orange-yellow  almost  stemless  berries,  which  are  much 
more  densely  attached  in  axillary  clusters  to  the  main  axis  of  the 
shrub  than  to  its  branches.  This  is  the  Sea  Buckthorn  (Hippophcz 
rhamnoides).  In  other  countries  it  grows  on  the  sea  coast,  and  in 
England  and  the  north  of  France  it  is  planted  on  sand-hills  to  mat 
the  sand  together,  but  in  parts  of  the  Alps  it  grows  naturally  in  the 
sandy  beds  of  rivers,  both  by  glacier  streams  and  large  rivers  such 
as  the  Rhone.  At  the  foot  of  the  Col  de  Balme  we  have  often  seen 
bushes  of  it  situated  as  high  as  5500  feet.  It  is  a  somewhat  curious 
example  of  a  littoral  plant  which  ascends  to  considerable  heights  in 
the  mountains,  though  where  it  does  so  it  is  always  either  in  river 
beds  or  on  steep,  sandy  screes.  But  even  in  such  places  on  the 
mountains  it  very  probably  answers  the  same  useful  purpose  and 
prevents  the  steep  slopes  of  sand  and  debris  from  being  washed 
away  by  torrents  of  surface  water. 

Wild  Gooseberries  (Ribes  Gwssularia)  are  frequent  in  many  parts 
of  Switzerland,  particularly  by  roadsides  and  stony,  bushy  places 
in  sub-alpine  valleys.  The  berries  are  usually  small  and  yellowish 
when  ripe,  generally  glabrous  in  the  mountains,  but  often  covered 
with  stiff  glandular  hairs  in  the  lowlands. 


One  of  the  commonest  and  most  picturesque  of  the  bushes 
bearing  berries  is  the  Barberry  (Berberis  vulgaris).  It  is  a  glabrous 
shrub,  six  or  eight  feet  in  height,  with  yellow  wood  like  others  of 
its  family.  The  branches  are  armed  with  three-lobed  thorns  at  the 
base  of  the  tufts  of  leaves.  The  yellow  flowers,  in  elegant  drooping 
racemes,  appear  in  May  or  June.  The  berries  are  oblong  and  very 
acid,  green  at  first,  then  golden  and  finally  bright  red.  In  a  single 
walk  such  as  that  spoken  of  above,  from  Martigny  over  the  Col  de 
la  Forclaz  (nearly  5000  ft.)  down  the  steep  escarpment  to  Trient, 
round  the  Tete  Noir  and  down  to  Chatelard  on  the  French  frontier 
the  fruit  of  the  Barberry  can  be  seen  early  in  August  in  every  shade 
of  green,  yellow  and  red,  according  to  the  altitude.  In  the  hot 
slopes  above  Martigny  it  will  be  already  crimson,  while  nearer  the 
Forclaz  the  young  fruit  is  still  in  its  tender  green  stage.  Similar 
transformations  can,  of  course,  be  seen  in  walking  from  the  Rhone 
Valley  up  any  of  the  beautiful  valleys  to  the  south  leading  into  the 
heart  of  the  Pennine  Chain. 



THE  culture  of  Alpine  and  rock  plants  as  a  hobby  is  increasing 
by  leaps  and  bounds.  We  remarked  a  year  ago  that  nothing  was 
more  indicative  of  this  increasing  fashion  than  the  number  of  books 
issued  in  recent  years  on  the  subject,  and  the  amount  of  space 
devoted  to  it  in  horticultural  journals.  Since  then  several  more 
books  have  appeared,  including  a  practical  and  prettily  illustrated 
little  volume  on  Rock  Gardens  and  Alpine  Plants  by  Mr.  E.  H. 
Jenkins,  who  has  had  much  experience  in  the  making  of  rockeries 
and  the  management  of  Alpine  and  other  hardy  plants. 

In  Mr.  Flemwell's  last  volume,  The  Flower-fields  of  Alpine 
Switzerland,  the  latter  portion  of  that  beautifully  illustrated  work 
was  devoted  to  a  plea  for  the  formation  of  Alpine  fields  in  England, 
and  some  very  plausible  arguments  were  advanced  for  the  intro- 
duction of  Swiss  pasture  and  meadow  plants  into  grassland  as  an 
adjunct  to  our  rock-gardens.  It  was  also  proposed  to  decorate 
with  Alpine  flowers  not  only  some  of  our  parks  and  public  places, 
but  it  was  suggested  that  many  a  wayside  field,  copse,  bank  or 
railway-cutting  might  be  improved  '  by  taking  a  leaf  from  Nature's 
Alpine  book.' 

Theoretically  such  an  idea  is  excellent,  and  it  is  true  that  many 
of  the  handsome  sub-alpine  plants  of  the  Swiss  meadows  and  open 
woods  would  figure  largely  in  any  such  scheme  ;  and  that  some  of 
these  flowers  of  the  lower  mountains  have  been  neglected  by 
gardeners.  Some  horticulturists  are  ready  to  look  kindly  only  upon 
anything  that  will  grow  on  a  rock,  and  to  call  it  '  Alpine '  ;  and 
certain  small  Alpine  meadow  and  pasture  plants  frequently  planted 
on  dry  rockeries  in  England  languish  and  die  because  they  are  out 
of  their  natural  habitat. 

For  the  suggestion  that  a  small  field  or  enclosure  adjacent  to  a 
rock-garden  should  be  converted,  with  skill  and  taste,  into  an 
Alpine  pasture,  we  have  nothing  but  praise  ;  and  it  has  already 
been  successfully  done  by  several  gentlemen.  It  is  only  fitting  that 
a  large  rock-work  should,  where  practicable,  be  completed  or 
supplemented  by  an  '  Alp '  or  small  field  where  numerous  meadow 
and  woodland  plants  could  be  established  and  grown  to  advantage. 
But,  we  say — let  it  stop  there,  and  chiefly  for  this  reason.  If  many 



foreign  plants  were  introduced  into  out  fields,  copses,  and  railway- 
cuttings,  and  especially  any  Alpine  species  which  do  not  already 
grow  wild  in  England,  it  would  soon  upset  the  balance  of  distribu- 
tion of  our  native  flora,  and  the  calculations  of  future  generations 
of  students  in  geographical  botany.  It  must  not  be  forgotten  that 
the  topographical  distribution  of  the  native  plants  even  in  these 
small  islands  is  a  subject  abounding  in  interesting  points,  and  the 
fact  that  it  has  been  suggested  of  recent  years  that  some  of  the 
commonest  species  such  as  the  White  Dead-Nettie  (Lamium 
album),  hitherto  supposed  to  be  indigenous,  were  introduced  by  the 
Romans  or  more  recently,  makes  it  all  the  more  incumbent  upon  us 
not  to  '  make  confusion  worse  confounded.'  Therefore,  however 
poor  in  floral  wealth  and  colour  some  of  our  own  fields  and  meadows 
may  be  in  comparison  with  those  of  Alpine  countries,  let  us  be 
satisfied  with  our  Primroses  and  Bluebells,  our  Buttercups  and 
Daisies,and  not  sacrifice  science  to  artistic  effect,  however  tempting 
the  experiment  may  be. 

In  regard  to  the  making  of  rock-gardens,  we  do  not  propose  to 
offer  more  than  a  few  very  general  remarks,  for,  in  addition  to  the 
fact  that  there  are  practical  books  already  devoted  to  the  subject, 
this  is  emphatically  a  case  in  which  a  little  practice  is  worth  much 
theory.  Much  can  be  learnt  by  observing  Nature,  and  by  noticing 
the  way  in  which  many  plants  grow  upon  the  rocks  at  home,  and 
how  they  adapt  themselves  to  different  local  conditions.  A  single 
visit  to  the  Alps  will  teach  still  more. 

In  making  a  rockery  the  chief  thing  to  secure  is  thorough  drainage 
of  the  subsoil,  and  this  can  usually  be  obtained  by  digging  away  a 
foot  or  two  of  the  soil  before  any  rocks  are  laid,  and  placing  a  layer 
of  broken  stones,  etc.  of  various  sizes  before  the  soil  is  replaced. 
It  must  not  be  forgotten  that  in  the  Alps  the  plants  grow,  for  the 
most  part,  in  naturally  drained  places,  where  water  does  not 
stagnate.  In  the  long  Alpine  winter  they  are  kept  dry  and  at  a 
fairly  even  temperature  by  a  deep  coating  of  snow  ;  and  when 
spring  arrives,  the  melting  of  the  snow  around  the  plants  gives 
them  a  good  start,  while  as  the  growing  season  advances  the  deeply 
penetrating  roots  are  given  a  copious  supply  of  water  from  the 
ever-melting  snow  above,  which  moisture  sinks  into  the  porous 
ground  or  trickles  down  the  mountain  slopes.  Therefore,  in  our 
gardens,  the  first  thing  to  guard  against  is  excessive  moisture  in 
winter — we  can  well  imagine  the  numbers  of  '  Alpines  '  which  have 
been  killed  by  the  persistent  rains  of  the  present  winter,  1911-12. 
The  second  precaution  must  be  made  in  spring.  In  early  spring 
there  is  a  danger  of  some  of  the  more  delicate  subjects  being 
shrivelled  up  by  cold  east  winds  and  brilliant  sun,  so  that  they 
should  be  watered  carefully  and  only  when  there  is  no  sign  of  frost. 
As  early  summer  approaches  most '  Alpines  '  should  be  well  watered 
once  or  twice  a  day. 


Much  can  be  done  in  order  to  protect  some  plants  from  the 
effects  of  our  damp  and  comparatively  sunless  winter.  Sometimes 
if  a  piece  of  glass  or  slab  of  stone  be  placed  in  a  horizontal  position 
above  delicate  plants  they  will  be  protected  from  excessive  rainfall 
or  drip.  The  soil  around  the  base  of  the  stems  or  rosettes  of  leaves 
should  not  be  allowed  to  become  clogged  and  foul,  or  coated  with 
green  liverwort,  moss,  or  other  weeds.  This  can  be  easily  prevented 
by  carefully  disturbing  the  top  soil,  removing  the  moss,  etc.,  and 
top-dressing  with  grit,  sandy  loam,  bits  of  limestone,  sandstone,  or 
sometimes  a  dressing  of  leaf-mould.  This  top-dressing  is  of  the 
greatest  importance,  and  when  done  judiciously  it  cannot  fail  to  be 
of  benefit.  It  applies  even  more  to  young  plants  in  pots  or  boxes  in 
greenhouses  and  frames,  for  it  is  in  such  places  that  the  growth  of 
liverwort,  etc.,  is  often  most  rapid. 

We  have  found  the  simplest  way  to  remove  the  green  moss  or 
Marchantia  is  with  the  flat,  sharpened  end  of  a  thin  piece  of  wood, 
such  as  an  ordinary  plant  label.  By  holding  the  pot  in  one  hand, 
and  the  flat  wooden  tool  between  the  finger  and  thumb  of  the  other, 
so  that  it  does  not  deeply  penetrate  the  soil,  the  coating  of  green 
slime  or  moss  can  very  quickly  be  removed.  A  few  small  pieces  of 
grit  or  a  little  dry  sandy  loam  should  then  take  its  place. 

Another  thing  to  guard  against  is  the  '  coddling  '  of  Alpines  in 
warm  or  ill-ventilated  greenhouses.  They  cannot  have  too  much 
air,  and  most  of  them  do  far  better  in  the  open  than  under  any 
glass.  This  somewhat  artificial  method  of  cultivating  hardy  plants 
may  be  necessary  sometimes,  but  it  frequently  tends  to  produce  a 
less  robust  race,  with  many  individual  specimens  drawn  out  in 
quite  an  unnatural  manner. 

It  is  well  known  that  one  of  the  most  characteristic  features  of 
nearly  all  the  higher  Alpine  species  is  their  dwarf  habit,  with  stems 
frequently  only  a  few  inches  in  height,  often  with  a  rosette  of  leaves 
at  the  base,  and  very  long  fibrous  roots  which  sometimes  penetrate 
several  feet  into  the  soil.  By  this  means  they  are  prevented  from 
being  blown  away  by  the  furious  blasts  of  wind  so  frequent  in  high 
mountains,  and  at  the  same  time  the  long  thick  fibres  absorb 
moisture  and  nourishment  from  the  soil  through  which  they  pass. 

Most  Alpine  plants  can  be  grown  from  seed,  and  many  are  better 
obtained  from  this  source  than  from  established  plants,  because 
much  of  the  material  sent  to  England  by  collectors  arrives  with 
insufficient  root.  It  is  very  difficult  to  get  up  the  complete  fibrous 
tap  root  of  such  things  as  Anemone  alpina,  Campanula  barbata, 
Gentiana  asclepiadea,  etc.  Again,  many  plants  die  in  transit  to  a 
distant  country.  Moreover,  when  seed  is  collected,  rather  than 
roots,  there  is  less  chance  of  disfiguring  the  mountain  side.  Seed 
should  be  sown  as  soon  as  possible  after  its  collection.  In  saying 
this  we  merely  follow  Nature  ;  and  it  has  been  proved  that  many 
seeds  refuse  to  germinate  after  a  certain  limited  time. 


Although  many  Alpines  may  be  sown  in  a  suitably  prepared  bed 
in  a  sheltered  position  out  of  doors,  some  of  the  rarest  and  best 
kinds  should  be  sown  in  pots  or  boxes  in  the  following  manner. 
The  pots  should  be  well  drained  and  filled  either  with  a  mixture  of 
sifted  loam  and  sand,  or  with  sifted  sandy  heath  soil.  The  best 
preventative  against  weeds  is  either  to  bake  the  soil  or  soak  it  in 
the  prepared  pots  with  absolutely  boiling  water,  which  will  destroy 
the  seeds  and  spores  of  weeds  and  kill  all  insects  at  the  same  time. 
After  the  boiling  water  is  used  the  pots  must  be  left  for  a  day  or 
two  before  sowing  the  seed.  The  seeds  should  be  sown  on  a  firm 
level  surface  and  have  a  very  light  and  shallow  covering,  and  some 
of  the  very  small  ones  might  be  lightly  covered  only  with  triturated 
moss.  The  pots  or  boxes  should  then  be  gently  watered  with  an 
extremely  fine  rose,  placed  in  a  frame  or  cool  greenhouse,  well  shaded 
and  kept  at  a  uniform  moisture.  As  soon  as  the  seedlings  appear 
they  should  be  gradually  hardened  and  exposed  to  the  air,  but  not 
allowed  to  grow  too  lengthy,  or  nothing  can  be  done  with  them. 
It  is  astonishing  how  rapidly  some  seedlings  become  too  tall  to  be 
manageable  in  this  delicate  stage  if  proper  care  be  not  exercised. 
A  few  hours'  sun  might  draw  them  up  to  such  an  extent  that  they 
cannot  be  watered  without  being  beaten  down  like  a  field  of  mowing 
grass  is  after  a  heavy  storm,  which  would  make  the  subsequent 
operation  of  pricking  out  into  larger  pots  or  boxes  one  of  great 
difficulty.  This  pricking  out  is  a  tedious  business.  The  young 
seedlings  are  put  in  rows  an  inch  or  two  apart,  according  to  their 
size,  kept  again  at  a  fairly  uniform  moisture,  and  more  or  less 
shaded  from  the  hot  sun,  until  large  enough  to  be  planted  in  the 
open.  More  usually,  however,  they  are  planted  singly  or  a  few 
together  in  pots,  and  placed  in  a  frame  and  kept  rather  moist. 
In  the  winter  they  may  be  more  freely  exposed  to  the  air  and  kept 
dry  and  clean.  When  the  weather  permits  in  spring,  they  can  be 
transplanted  into  the  open  and  treated  like  the  old  plants.  It  is 
important  that  every  Alpine  plant  should  be  planted  firmly,  and  the 
soil  or  stones  should  be  pressed  well  round  the  plant. 

Alpine  plants  are  also  propagated  by  cuttings,  by  division  of 
the  rootstock  or  by  layers.  This  is  best  done  in  spring,  before 
growth  begins,  or  in  the  autumn  after  it  is  completed.  Most  rock, 
Alpine,  and  sub-alpine  plants  and  nearly  all  the  Saxifrages,  Semper- 
vivums,  Primulas,  and  Androsaces  can  be  easily  increased  by 

Saxifrages  are  among  the  easiest  of  all  Alpine  plants  to  grow, 
and  many  will  thrive  under  ordinary  conditions  in  an  English 
garden.  Special  care  should  be  taken  that  all,  except  a  few  water- 
loving  species,  such  as  Saxifraga  Hirculus,  S.  aizoides,  and  5. 
stellaris  should  be  in  rather  dry,  sunny  places  and  not  under  trees 
where  water  drips.  However,  such  species  as  5.  rotundifolia  and 
S.  cuneifolia  like  to  be  in  the  shade  of  trees  and  especially  among 


big  boulders.  S.  cuneifolia  is  particularly  useful  for  quickly  covering 
up  rocks  and  ugly  banks  with  its  great  tangled  mass  of  pretty 

Most  of  the  '  encrusted '  section  will  benefit  by  top-dressing  with 
gritty  loam  in  early  autumn.  Some  should  be  wedged  tightly 
between  stones  ;  and  in  dealing  with  small  kinds,  such  as  ccesia, 
diapensoides,  Burseriana,  etc.,  care  should  be  taken  that  they  do 
not  get  washed  out  of  their  place  in  winter.  The  small  rosettes  of 
encrusted  Saxifrages  may  be  transplanted  at  any  time,  and  it 
strengthens  the  flowering  shoot  if  the  offshoots  are  removed. 
They  may  be  planted  in  ordinary  pots  filled  with  sandy  loam. 
S.  longifolia  may  be  placed  between  a  couple  of  more  or  less  upright 
rocks,  so  that  water  cannot  collect  in  the  large  rosettes.  It  takes 
two  or  three  years  to  come  to  maturity,  and  after  flowering  and 
seeding  it  dies.  5.  florulenta  is  another  handsome  species  to  be 
treated  in  the  same  way,  but  it  prefers  a  vertical  position,  and 
has  a  still  greater  hatred  of  surface  moisture.  It  should,  however, 
have  plenty  of  moisture  in  the  soil. 

Grit  is  beneficial  to  most  of  the  Saxifrages  because  it  checks  the 
evaporation  of  moisture  in  summer,  and  prevents  damp  from 
stagnating  round  the  collar  of  plants  in  winter.  The  reason  why 
roots  are  often  found  in  a  network  over  the  surface  of  a  stone  is 
because  stones  in  the  soil  remain  cool  and  moist,  even  in  summer. 
It  is  therefore  well  to  mix  a  quantity  of  stone  chips  with  ordinary 
loam  when  making  a  rockery.  They  tend  to  keep  the  soil  open  and 
porous  rather  than  sodden  and  water-logged.  The  air  can  penetrate 
further,  and  frost  exercises  its  pulverising  influence  on  a  broken, 
gritty  soil  better  than  on  a  dense,  compact  one. 

Saxifrages  of  the  oppositifolia  group  die  away  in  two  or  three 
years  and  should  be  taken  up  and  pulled  to  pieces  in  fresh  soil, 
and  grit  and  leaf-mould  may  be  worked  into  the  shoots  as  a  top- 

Though  in  the  wild  state  many  Saxifrages  grow  almost  solely  on 
limestone,  and  a  few  seem  to  thrive  only  on  granitic  rocks,  it  has 
been  found  in  cultivation  that  they  are  not  so  particular,  and  the 
great  majority  will  live  in  an  ordinary  loamy  soil,  especially  if  it 
contains  a  fair  proportion  of  lime. 

In  my  former  volume  x  I  did  not  sufficiently  emphasise  the  fact 
that  in  the  Alps  themselves  certain  plants  avoid  calcareous  soil  in 
some  districts,  while  they  tolerate  it  in  others  ;  and  in  a  few  cases 
I  was  tempted  to  generalise  about  them  in  a  manner  which  further 
observations  and  reading  have  proved  unwise.  For  example, 
one  of  my  kindest  critics  points  out  that  the  common  Ling  (Calluna 
vulgaris)  is  not  strictly  speaking  a  lime  hater,  for  it  is  fairly  common 
on  the  hillsides  of  the  Dolomites,  where  it  grows  mixed  with 
Erica  carnea,  which  almost  always  affects  limestone  soils.  Then 

1  Alpine  Plants  of  Europe,  p.  5. 


again  Rhododendron  ferrugineum  does  not  invariably  grow  on  pri- 
mary rocks.  I  saw  it  last  year  on  the  limestone  in  Switzerland ; 
though  possibly  it  was  an  apparent  congener  and  growing  there 
with  the  other  species  (R.  hirsutum]  because  a  sufficient  thickness  of 
peat  separated  it  from  the  subsoil.  Mr.  Reginald  Farrer  has  also 
pointed  out  in  his  last  volume  (Among the  Hills)  that  "no  reliance 
can  be  placed  on  rigid  assignments  of  a  plant  to  one  stratum  or 
another,"  and  that  this  applies  even  to  Anemone  alpina  and 
A.  sulphur ea.  But  generally  speaking  the  chemical  and  physical 
nature  of  soil  is  a  factor  of  far  greater  importance  in  the  distribu- 
tion of  plants  in  relatively  small  areas  than  the  physical  configura- 
tion of  the  land. 

Many  of  the  Primulas,  such  as  P.  Auricula,  P.  viscosa  Vill.,  and 
P.  latifolia,  which  grow  on  rocks  in  the  Alps,  may  be  planted  in  deep 
crevices  between  rocks  ;  but  there  must  be  plenty  of  good  compost 
made  of  a  mixture  of  peat,  sand,  and  loam,  or  leaf-mould  instead  of 
the  peat.  The  roots  should  be  tightly  wedged  between  two  stones. 
Mr.  W.  A.  Clark  recommends  the  use  of  clay  instead  of  loam  to 
wedge  the  plants  in,  because  it  will  hold  moisture  longer. 

The  roots  of  Primulas  should  be  well  watered  in  spring  and  early 
summer.  Some  species  such  as  P.  glutinosa  and  P.  involucrata 
do  better  in  a  northerly  aspect,  sheltered  from  the  sun.  P.  integri- 
folia  will  cover  damp,  flat  rocks  if  the  soil  is  moist  and  yet  well 
drained.  It  wants  an  abundance  of  water  in  spring,  for  it  usually 
thrives  best  in  the  Alps  just  below  the  melting  snow.  The  tiny 
P.  minima  hates  lime,  and  likes  sandy  peat  in  a  bare,  open  spot, 
though  neither  it  nor  the  rare  P.  Allioni  should  be  allowed  to  become 
very  dry.  P.  Allioni  is  endemic  in  the  Maritime  Alps,  and  grows 
most  luxuriantly  in  limestone  grottos  or  small  caves.  Mr.  W.  A. 
Clark  suggested  the  placing  of  a  large  stone  to  hang  over  this 
Primula,  about  a  foot  above  the  plant,  sloping  in  towards  the  bank, 
so  that  rain  may  run  off  to  the  roots  in  a  sort  of  little  pit  lined  with 
clay  and  filled  with  loam  and  broken  limestone. 

To  propagate  Alpine  plants  by  cuttings,  a  method  particularly 
applicable  to  shrubs  and  certain  hard- wooded  plants,  such  as 
Helianthemum,  Cistus,  Daphne,  Rhamnus,  etc.,  half-ripe  branches 
should  be  cut  off  in  autumn  and  placed  in  a  shallow  pan  or  bed. 
The  cuttings  should  not  be  more  than  three  or  four  inches  long  ; 
the  lower  leaves  should  be  trimmed  off,  and  the  shoots  must  be  cut 
immediately  below  a  joint,  whence  the  roots  will  spring.  There 
should  be  good  drainage,  and  the  compost  of  loam  and  sharp  sand 
can  be  made  more  porous  by  adding  pieces  of  charcoal.  Each 
cutting  should  be  firmly  placed  in  little  holes  about  an  inch  and  a 
half  deep,  which  are  drilled  with  a  stick  or  ordinary  lead  pencil, 
and  a  little  silver  sand  can  be  dropped  into  each  hole.  After  the 
earth  has  been  firmly  rammed  down,  the  cuttings  may  be  placed 
in  a  cool  frame,  or  in  some  shady  place  covered  with  a  bell-glass, 


and  allowed  fresh  air  daily.  They  should  be  kept  uniformly  moist, 
but  not  too  moist.  When  the  young  shoots  have  grown  some  size 
and  become  rooted  they  should  be  gradually  accustomed  to  the 
open  air  until  ready  to  be  transplanted.  Many  of  the  Helian- 
themums,  or  Rock-roses,  can  be  grown  from  cuttings  in  a  properly 
prepared  bed  in  a  sheltered  position  in  the  open. 

Lastly,  those  Alpine  plants  which  have  runners,  such  as  Linncza 
borealis,  can  be  increased  by  merely  detaching  separate  pieces 
and  replanting  them  firmly  in  shaded  beds  or  in  pots.  Some  of  the 
dwarf  Campanulas  with  a  creeping  rootstock  can  be  similarly 
treated.  Some  hard-wooded  shrubs,  such  as  Azalea,  certain 
Daphnes,  and  Rhododendrons,  which  don't  ripen  their  seeds  in  this 
country,  and  are  difficult  to  strike  from  cuttings,  can  be  increased 
by  layering.  A  suitable  branch  near  the  ground  is  chosen,  cut 
half  through  near  a  joint,  and  then  pegged  down  firmly  and  covered 
with  a  compost  of  loam  and  sand  an  inch  or  two  deep.  If  by  the 
following  spring  roots  have  been  formed,  the  layered  portion  can 
then  be  cut  from  the  old  stock. 

The  greater  number  of  sub-alpine  plants  which  grow  in  the  woods 
and  meadows,  and  many  of  the  true  Alpines,  may,  if  desired,  be 
treated  like  ordinary  garden  plants.  Even  forty  years  ago  this  was 
realised  by  Messrs.  James  Backhouse  and  Son,  who  said  in  issuing 
their  Catalogue  for  1871  :  '  A  large  proportion  of  the  truly  Alpine 
species,  which  find  their  natural  home  in  the  crevices  of  rocks  at  a 
great  elevation,  grow  with  perfect  ease  in  an  open  border  in  ordinary 
loamy  soil.  And,  strange  to  say,  some  that  succeed  with  difficulty 
on  artificial  rockwork,  flourish  well  under  such  circumstances, 
and  thus  bring  within  the  range  of  every  garden  a  large  and  varied 
amount  of  beauty.'  Many  could  be  planted  in  turf,  and  perhaps 
some  of  the  woodland  denizens  might  be  tried  under  trees,  where 
little  else  will  grow,  provided  the  foliage  is  not  very  dense.  Some 
of  the  Orchids,  Butterworts,  Parnassia,  Primula  farinosa,  and 
many  others  frequenting  damp  places,  should  have  a  peat  or  bog 
garden  prepared  for  them  at  the  foot  of  the  rockery. 



BOTANIC  gardens  are  increasing  in  numbers  in  the  Alps,  just  as 
rock  gardens  are  becoming  more  and  more  numerous  in  the  British 
Isles.  The  most  recent  of  the  Swiss  Alpine  gardens  is  that  at 
Rigi  Scheidegg,  at  about  5400  feet,  which  was  opened  by  Professor 
Carl  Schroeter,  of  Zurich,  in  July,  1909,  and  of  which  Dr.  Bachman, 
of  the  Lucerne  Gymnasium,  is  the  Director.  The  German-Swiss 
have  taken  the  lead  from  Monsieur  H.  Correvon  and  his  Geneva 
friends  in  starting  these  interesting  and  useful  mountain  gardens. 

Monsieur  Correvon  was  the  President  of  the  Association  for  the 
Protection  of  Plants,  founded  in  Geneva  in  1883  to  struggle  against 
the  destruction  of  the  Alpine  flora  ;  but  in  1908  the  Association 
was  amalgamated  with  the  Swiss  League  for  the  Protection  of 
Natural  Beauty,  which  corresponds  in  many  respects  to  our 
Selborne  Society. 

It  is  wall-culture  that  the  Swiss  understand  perhaps  better  than 
most  people ;  and  Monsieur  Correvon,  at  Chene  Bourg,  near 
Geneva,  has  a  low  wall  which  is  a  perfect  paradise  of  interesting 
and  rare  saxatile  flowers  in  early  summer.  We  have  also  seen  the 
famous  wall  at  Valleyres,  at  the  foot  of  the  Jura,  in  Canton  Vaud, 
which  Boissier  made  in  1856,  and  where  he  cultivated  some  of  the 
best  Saxifrages  and  rock  Primulas,  including  a  very  fine  patch  of 
Saxifraga  Kotschyi  from  Asia  Minor.  They  are  still  thriving,  for 
his  son-in-law,  Monsieur  William  Barbey,  has  taken  the  same 
interest  in  the  plants,  and  does  all  he  can  to  cherish  and  extend 
the  work  started  by  his  illustrious  relative. 

The  town  of  Geneva  has  planted  many  wall-plants  on  what 
remains  of  the  old  fortifications,  and  these  are  doing  well.  Some 
of  the  mountain  railway  companies  have  also  decorated  the  walls 
bordering  their  railways  with  rock-plants,  which  tend  greatly  to 
brighten  the  scene  in  spring  and  early  summer. 

The  oldest  of  the  gardens  in  the  Swiss  Alps  is  the  LINNJEA,  on 
a  hillock  which  dominates  the  quaint  village  of  Bourg  St.  Pierre,  the 
last  village  on  the  road  to  the  great  St.  Bernard  Hospice.  It  was 
founded  in  1889,  with  Professor  Chodat  of  Geneva  as  President 

1  Some  of  these  notes  are  based  upon  articles  by  the  author  already  published 
(sometimes  anonymously)  in  the  Gardeners'  Chronicle. 



of  the  International  Committee,  and  with  Monsieur  Correvon  as 
Director.  Lord  Avebury,  the  President  of  the  Selborne  Society, 
the  late  Professor  Romanes,  Miss  Willmott>  and  other  well-known 
English  scientists  have  always  taken  a  keen  interest  in  the  garden, 
and  it  was  with  their  help  that  the  ground  was  bought  in  1888. 

The  garden  now  comprises  about  three  thousand  kinds  of  plants, 
of  which  the  majority  seem  well  established.  It  is  on  granite,  and 
over  two  hundred  of  the  granite-loving  plants  growing  naturally 
in  the  district  have  been  left  to  their  own  devices  on  the  rocky 
prominence  which  overlooks  the  picturesque  but  dirty  village  of 
St.  Pierre  at  a  height  of  about  5500  feet. 

Bourg  St.  Pierre  is  about  fifteen  miles  on  the  great  St.  Bernard 
route  from  Martigny  in  the  Rhone  Valley  to  the  beautiful  city  of 
Aosta  in  Piedmont,  a  total  distance  of  forty-five  miles.  Visitors 
to  the  famous  Hospice  (8100  ft.)  who  are  interested  in  flowers 
should  spend  an  hour  at  the  Linnaea  garden  en  route;  and  if  they 
have  the  time  they  will  do  well  to  stay  the  night  at  the  little  Hotel 
du  Combin  just  beyond  the  garden,  which  modest  hostelry  will  be 
found  clean  though  primitive.  The  village  of  St.  Pierre  contains 
relics  of  more  important  days,  like  Lanslebourg,  at  the  foot  of  the 
Mont  Cenis,  with  which  the  nistory  of  the  famous  Pass  is  bound  up. 
The  church  is  very  ancient,  and  in  the  churchyard  wall  is  a  Roman 
milestone  of  the  younger  Constantine.  As  early  as  the  ninth  century 
the  original  Hospice  was  here.  In  May,  1800,  Napoleon's  visit 
to  the  village  with  30,000  men  on  his  way  across  the  Great  St.  Ber- 
nard is  commemorated  by  the  name  of  the  older  inn,  "  Au  Dejeuner 
de  Napoleon,"  the  room  which  he  occupied  being  worthy  of  a 

The  flora  is  interesting  all  the  way  from  Martigny  to  the  top 
of  the  grand  St.  Bernard  Pass,  and  in  the  lower  part  of  Val  d'Entre- 
mont,  above  Sembrancher,  where  the  picturesque  Val  de  Bagnes 
joins  the  main  valley  on  the  east,  the  botanist  will  find  various 
plants  usually  characteristic  of  a  warmer  climate  together  with 
Alpine  species  which  have  descended  from  the  neighbouring  moun- 
tains. Thus  the  yellow  Ononis  Natrioc  and  bright  pink  0.  rotundi- 
folia,  the  very  handsome  purple  Vicia  onobrychioides  (common  in 
the  Pyrenees) ,  Caucalis  grandiflora,  the  deep  yellow  Euphrasia  lutea 
and  Campanula  bononiensis  (of  chestnut  groves  in  the  Maritime 
Alps)  may  be  found  side  by  side  with  Scutellaria  alpina,  Sempervivum 
montanum  and  S.  arachnoideum,  Poa  alpina,  Juniperus  Sabina,  etc. 
At  Sembrancher  the  celebrated  botanist,  L.  J.  Murith,1  was  born 
in  1742.  He  was  a  Canon  of  the  St.  Bernard  Hospice,  and  a  corre- 
spondent of  de  Saussure.  He  was  the  first  to  ascend  Mont  Velan, 
that  ice-clad  peak  which  forms  such  a  beautiful  object  from  the 
Jardin  de  la  Linnaea  or  from  the  lovely  Valsorey  just  beyond. 
Murith's  name  is  commemorated  in  Saxifraga  Murithiana,  a  form 

1  In  1810  Murith  published  a  Guide  du  Botanist*  qui  voyage  dans  le  Valais. 


of  5.  oppositifolia  which  grows  in  the  Western  Alps  and  Pyrenees. 
The  Botanical  Society  of  the  Valais  also  bears  his  name. 

On  entering  the  Linnaea  garden  from  the  road  on  the  north  side, 
several  shady,  winding  paths  lead  up  the  steep  hillside  which  is 
clothed  with  the  tall  mauve  spikes  of  Mulgedium  alpinum,  the  rosy 
heads  of  Adenostyles>  with  leaves  like  Coltsfoot,  the  nodding 
blossoms  of  Cortusa  Mathioli,  and  those  of  the  lemon-yellow 
Primula  Sikkimensis.  The  red-brown  Gentian  (G.  purpurea), 
and  its  speckled  yellow  relative,  G.  punctata,  grow  naturally  on 
this  slope,  and  so  do  the  handsome  purple  madder  Lilium  Martagon, 
the  steel-blue  Eryngium  alpinum  and  the  great  white  Achillea 
macrophylla  with  deeply  cut  leaves.  Then  on  the  bit  of  natural 
cliff  above  are  such  plants  as  Saxifraga  Cotyledon,  whose  great 
panicles  of  white  blossom,  eighteen  inches  in  length,  festoon  the 
black,  weather-worn  cliffs  on  the  Italian  side  of  the  Simplon,  just 
above  the  village  of  Iselle. 

Before  reaching  the  summit  of  the  garden  we  pass  rockeries  de- 
voted to  Saxifrages,  Sempervivums,  Pinks,  and  Primulas,  and  others 
which  are  devoted  to  the  plants  of  special  countries  or  mountainous 
regions.  Besides  the  European  Alps  and  the  Jura,  the  Pyrenees, 
Caucasus,  Himalaya,  Atlas,  North  America,  and  the  Arctic  regions 
are  all  represented  by  separate  rockeries.  In  the  Balkan  rockery, 
built  by  King  Ferdinand  of  Bulgaria,  is  a  fine  selection  of  Balkan 
plants  sent  by  his  Majesty  from  Sofia.  Self-sown  poppies  (P. 
nudicaule)  of  Siberia  and  other  Arctic  regions,  in  yellow,  white,  and 
orange,  give  a  blaze  of  colour  to  the  scene,  and  the  smaller,  more 
delicate  Alpine  Poppy  thrives  there  equally  well,  and  sometimes 
hybridises  with  the  other. 

On  our  first  visit  to  this  garden  at  the  end  of  June,  1908,  among 
the  Arctic  plants  noticed  were  Epilobium  latifolium  from  Labrador, 
with  blossoms  two  inches  across,  Chrysosplenium  glaciale,  from 
Lapland,  and  Polemonium  campanulatum  in  abundance.  We  saw 
the  beautiful  pink  Androsace  Chumbyi  and  Primula  Cashmeriana 
from  the  Himalaya,  and  Lindelfia  speclabilis  with  its  drooping 
flowers  in  purplish  blue. 

The  collections  of  Primula  and  Saxifraga  are  particularly  good. 
Saxifraga  cochlearis,  endemic  in  the  Ligurian  and  Maritime  Alps, 
grows  well  at  this  altitude,  notwithstanding  the  colder  climate, 
and  S.  Aizoon  rosea,  with  red  stem  and  calyx,  forms  a  striking 
variety  of  this  common  but  very  beautiful  and  variable  species. 
The  Pyrenees  are  well  represented  by  such  species  as  Saxifraga 
capilata,  S.  longifolia,  Erinus  hirsutus,  Reseda  glauca,  Geum 
pyrenaicum,  Eryngium  Bourgatii,  and  the  tiny  Dianthus  brachyan- 
thus,  only  two  inches  in  height.  Saxifraga  Camposii,  with  its  large, 
pure  white  flowers,  was  represented  from  the  Spanish  Sierras. 

Among  the  orange-red  Composites,  so  conspicuous  by  their 
brilliant  colouring,  were  Senecio  tiroliensis,  S.  aurantiacus,  and  the 


bright  red  Hieracium  aurantiacum.  These  plants  afford  good 
examples  of  the  deepening  in  colour  at  high  altitudes  of  plants  of 
two  genera,  the  species  of  which  are  almost  always  characterised 
by  yellow  flowers  in  the  plains.  Primula  is  another  genus  in  which  a 
pale  yellow  colour  predominates  in  the  lowlands,  but  which  is 
represented  chiefly  by  red  or  purple  flowers  in  the  high  mountains. 
Again,  in  the  great  Saxifrage  genus  there  are  several  in  the  high 
Alps  with  red  flowers,  such  as  5.  oppositifolia,  S.  biflora,  and  S. 
retusa,  though  we  do  not  know  a  single  red-flowered  Saxifrage 
indigenous  in  the  plains  of  Central  Europe. 

The  THOMASIA  garden  at  Pont  de  Nant  above  Bex,  in  Canton  de 
Vaud,  is  smaller  though  quite  as  beautiful,  and  it  is  one  of  those 
which  are  laid  out  on  strictly  scientific  lines.  This  garden  is  called 
Thomasia,  after  an  early  botanist  at  Bex,  who  belonged  to  a  family 
who  made  collections  of  dried  plants  and  minerals  for  sale.  Some 
of  the  Thomas  family  were  among  the  earliest  visitors  to  Zermatt 
in  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century  in  search  of  rare  plants. 
The  garden  is  on  limestone  formation,  and  is  situated  at  the  foot 
of  the  precipitous  sides  of  the  Grand  Muveran,  at  about  3800  feet 
above  the  sea.  Started  originally  by  a  society  in  Bex,  it  was  after- 
wards taken  over  by  the  Canton  de  Vaud  and  affiliated  to  the 
University  of  Lausanne,  and  it  is  under  the  management  of  Professor 

The  RAMBERTIA  is  also  a  limestone  garden.  It  is  romantically 
situated  at  the  summit  of  the  Rochers  de  Naye,  above  Montreux, 
and  is  one  of  the  very  highest  gardens  in  Europe,  being  at  an  eleva- 
tion of  6900  feet.  For  the  most  part  it  is  laid  out  on  the  southern 
face  of  a  more  or  less  precipitous  cliff,  from  which  in  fine  weather 
a  magnificent  panorama  of  mountains  can  be  enjoyed.  Here  again 
Monsieur  Correvon  has  made  the  most  of  striking  surroundings, 
and  the  result  is  an  attractive  display  of  Alpine  flowers  growing  in 
unique  circumstances,  while  everywhere  the  Iceland  Poppy  seems 
to  have  found  a  home  for  itself. 

Let  us  now  pass  to  Geneva,  the  Mecca  of  botanical  science,  and 
say  a  few  words  about  its  new  Botanic  garden,  for  of  all  the  gardens 
we  have  ever  visited  the  Geneva  Alpine  garden  is  arranged  in  the 
most  thorough  geographical  order.  Landscape  gardening,  as 
practised  in  England,  seems  hardly  to  be  understood  on  the  Conti- 
nent, especially  in  France  and  Germany ;  so  that  for  neatness 
combined  with  artistic  effect  we  have  seen  nothing  abroad  to  equal 
some  of  the  English  rock-gardens.  Too  often  the  stones  are  dumped 
down  anyhow,  as  they  still  are  in  many  suburban  gardens  in 
London  and  elsewhere.  But  at  Geneva  it  is  different ;  and  great 
skill  has  been  shown  not  only  in  the  conception  of  the  garden,  but 
in  the  arrangement  and  disposition  of  the  rocks,  and  it  is  obvious 
that  geological  knowledge  was  shown  in  the  execution  of  the  whole 
thing.  In  all  probability  the  distinguished  botanist,  Dr.  John 


Briquet,  who  acts  as  Director  of  the  Conservatoire  Botanique 
and  the  Gardens,  was  himself  largely  responsible  for  their  design. 

The  Botanical  Gardens  occupy  75,000  square  metres,  or  about 
sixteen  acres  of  land  overlooking  the  beautiful  Lake  Leman,  with 
Mt.  Blanc  fifty  miles  beyond  ;  and  they  are  separated  by  the  railway 
from  the  Ariana  Park.  They  comprise  a  systematic  garden  with  the 
plants  arranged  according  to  Engler  and  Prantl,  a  young  arboretum, 
greenhouses,  etc.,  and  the  fine  Alpine  garden  under  discussion. 
The  culminating  rocks  are  those  of  the  Swiss  Alps,  three  groups 
comprising  the  flora  of  calcareous  regions,  and  two  granite  masses 
represent  the  crystalline  rocks.  In  early  spring  large  clumps  of 
Erica  camea  give  colour  to  these  rocks.  Close  at  hand  are  several 
rockeries  for  plants  of  the  Western  Alps  (Savoy,  Dauphiny,  and 
Piedmont) ;  then  comes  one  for  those  of  the  Maritime  Alps,  and  a 
large  mass  for  the  Pyrenees,  with  various  endemic  species.  Near 
them  come  the  Spanish  Peninsula  and  the  Atlas  Mountains.  To  the 
north-east  are  the  following  groups,  viz.  the  Eastern  Alps,  Car- 
pathians and  Balkans,  the  Caucasus,  the  Orient,  the  Himalaya, 
Altai  and  Siberia,  Thibet  and  China  and  Japan.  Among  less 
important  groups  are  the  Central  Plateau  of  France,  the  Vosges, 
Cevennes,  Jura,  with  a  splendid  collection  of  its  interesting  plants, 
the  Apennines  and  Sicily,  Corsica  and  Sardinia.  Towards  the 
lower  end  are  the  isolated  masses  of  the  New  Zealand  Alps,  with 
their  shrubby  Veronicas,  etc.,  the  Andes,  and  lastly  North  America 
with  a  very  rich  collection.  From  a  grotto  in  the  highest  rocks 
of  the  Swiss  Alps  a  stream  of  water  emerges,  and  descending  in  a 
sinuous  course  across  the  Alpine  garden,  forms  a  small  lake  where 
various  aquatic  plants  are  grown. 

Probably  the  first  botanic  garden  at  Geneva  was  the  one  laid  out 
many  years  ago  on  the  natural  system  of  classification  by  Pyrame 
de  Candolle,  who  was  Professor  of  Botany  at  Montpellier  University 
in  the  south  of  France  and  Director  of  the  ancient  botanic  garden 
there.  It  was  he  who  began  the  famous  Prodromus,  which  was  con- 
tinued by  his  son  Alphonse,  the  great  authority  on  geographical 
botany,  and  finally  finished  by  his  grandson,  Monsieur  Casimir  de 
Candolle,  the  present  head  of  the  family. 

Geneva  has  given  birth  to  many  distinguished  men,  and  the 
town  and  district  have  been  the  chosen  abode  of  many  others ; 
but  her  botanists  alone  were  enough  to  make  the  place  celebrated. 
In  addition  to  the  de  Candolles,  Edmond  Boissier,  the  author 
of  the  Flora  Orientalis,  lived  and  died  in  the  vicinity  ;  and  of  the 
distinguished  living  botanists  it  would  ill  become  me  to  speak, 
except  to  say  that  they  are  carrying  on  the  work  which  has  helped 
to  make  their  beautiful  city  famous.  There  are  at  Geneva  no  less 
than  four  important  Botanical  Institutions,  including  the  private 
establishment  of  Messrs,  de  Candolle,  with  its  fine  herbarium  and 
unique  library,  and  1'Herbier  Boissier  at  Chambesy,  with  its  library 


and  unrivalled  collection  of  plants  from  the  Orient.  Then  there 
is  the  Botanical  department  of  the  University  under  the  control 
of  the  distinguished  and  energetic  rector  (Professor  Chodat), 
and  the  Conservatoire  Botanique,  opposite  the  Botanic  garden, 
which  now  contains  as  fine  and  complete  an  herbarium  of  European 
plants  as  any  to  be  seen  in  Paris,  Berlin,  Vienna,  or  London. 

In  a  word,  thanks  to  the  kindness  of  individuals  and  to  the 
public  spirit  of  the  town,  it  would  be  difficult  for  students  desirous 
of  studying  European  plants,  both  living  and  dead,  and  of  in- 
vestigating their  geographical  distribution,  to  find  a  more  suitable 
or  congenial  place  than  Geneva  in  which  to  prosecute  their  labours. 
There  is  also  at  Geneva  an  excellent  school  of  horticulture. 

Having  spoken  thus  of  Geneva,  it  is  only  natural  to  make  a  brief 
allusion  to  another  important  Swiss  centre  of  botanical  research,  viz. 
Zurich.  Indeed,  for  young  students  the  facilities  offered  there  are 
remarkable,  for  in  addition  to  the  University  and  a  small  but  useful 
botanic  garden,  under  the  able  directorship  of  Dr.  Schinz,  the 
Professor  of  Botany,  there  is  the  famous  State  Polytechnicum, 
perhaps  the  best  of  its  kind  in  Europe.  Its  botany  school  is  under 
Professor  Carl  Schroeter,  who  is  so  well  known  for  his  extensive 
work  on  the  Alpine  flora.  Alpine  vegetation  in  all  its  branches 
is  very  thoroughly  studied  at  Zurich,  and  that  place  is  the  head- 
quarters in  Switzerland  of  the  modern  science  of  Vegetable  Ecology 
or  the  study  of  Plant  Associations.  Those  who  wish  to  hear  more 
on  the  subject  should  read  the  very  useful  pamphlet  by  T.  W.  Wood- 
head,1  reprinted  from  The  Naturalist,  May  and  June,  1908. 

Travellers  in  the  Dauphiny  Mountains  will  find  a  small  but 
interesting  Alpine  garden,  containing  good  specimens  of  rare  plants, 
at  the  Col  du  Lautaret  (6800  feet)  and  adjacent  to  the  hotel.  It  is 
in  the  keeping  of  the  Faculty  of  Science  of  Grenoble  University. 
The  surrounding  scenery  is  very  grand,  and  the  district  renowned 
for  the  variety  of  its  flora.2  Acting  on  the  assumption  that 
monopolies  are,  generally  speaking,  not  good,  and  from  actual 
experience  of  both  places,  we  have  no  hesitation  in  suggesting 
that  La  Grave,  with  its  two  comfortable  hotels,  will  be  found  in 
some  respects  a  more  convenient  and  satisfactory  place  at  which 
to  make  a  stay  in  that  delightful  district. 

1  T.  W.  Woodhead,  Plant  Geography  and  Ecology  in  Switzerland. 

2  So  long  ago  as  1843,  when  J.  D.  Forbes  wrote  his  Travels  through  the  Alps, 
he  alluded  to  the  Col  du  Lautaret  and  the  neighbouring  mountains  being  "clothed 
to  a  great  height  with  pasturages  of  the  utmost  luxuriance,  filled  with  a  greater  and 
more  gorgeous  variety  of  flowers  than  I  recollect  to  have  seen  in  any  other  part  of 
the  Alps." 



SOME  hints  on  how  to  collect  plants  and  dry  and  mount  them 
for  an  herbarium  may  be  useful  to  some  readers,  particularly  as  the 
subject  is  discussed  either  very  briefly  or  not  at  all  in  most  botanical 

Plants  can  be  collected  and  preserved  in  Switzerland,  or  any 
other  extra-tropical  country,  much  in  the  same  way  as  in  the  British 
Isles.  Specimens  are  usually  put  into  a  japanned  or  painted  tin, 
commonly  called  a  vasculum  ;  while  an  ordinary  large  sponge-bag 
would  in  the  Alps  be  found  a  useful  adjunct  or  alternative,  for  it 
can  easily  be  carried  in  the  ruck-sack  when  on  mountain  expeditions, 
and  is  more  convenient  than  a  tin.  Sponge-bags  are  light  and  fairly 
waterproof,  and  for  many  small  fleshy  plants,  such  as  Saxifrages  and 
Sempervivums,  they  are  both  convenient  and  handy.  Some 
botanists,  however,  prefer  to  take  into  the  field  a  light  portfolio, 
furnished  with  leather  straps  and  sheets  of  drying-paper,  so  that 
the  plants,  and  particularly  the  more  delicate  ones,  and  those, 
like  Veronicas,  whose  blossoms  drop  easily,  can  be  put  straight 
into  paper,  and  sorted  and  rearranged  in  a  proper  press  on  returning 
to  the  house.  We  do  not,  however,  much  recommend  the  use  of 
such  a  portable  press,  especially  as  it  wastes  time  and  is  quite  useless 
in  wet  or  windy  weather. 

Many  of  the  tins  carried  by  young  botanists  are  bought  ready- 
made,  and  are  too  short.  For  ordinary  purposes  the  tin  should  be 
about  fifteen  inches  long,  seven  or  eight  inches  wide,  and  about 
two  and  a  half  or  three  inches  deep.  It  should  have  rounded  edges, 
and  the  opening,  which  is  on  the  broad  side,  should  be  large  enough 
to  admit  average  specimens  without  difficulty  or  needless  doubling. 
The  cover  to  the  opening  is  attached  by  a  couple  of  hinges,  and  it 
fastens  at  the  side  by  a  sliding  wire  bolt.  If  this  should  work  loose 
and  there  be  danger  of  the  lid  falling  open  when  carried,  the  bolt 
can  be  bent  the  least  bit  out  of  the  straight  and  it  will  then  hold 
firmly.  The  plant-tin  is  most  conveniently  carried  from  the 
shoulders  by  a  leather  strap  ;  but  sometimes  it  has  a  thick  wire 
handle  at  the  top,  which  is  convenient  on  occasion.  On  hot  days 
the  vasculum  should  be  kept  as  much  as  possible  out  of  the  sun, 
for  the  metal  gets  very  hot  if  exposed  to  brilliant  sunshine.  To 



combat  this  difficulty,  or  rather  to  prevent  its  consequences,  the 
writer  often  lays  the  first  delicate  specimens  in  a  bed  of  fresh  green 
leaves  placed  in  the  tin.  If  necessary  these  can  be  removed  as  the 
tin  gets  too  full. 

When  a  sponge-bag  is  not  carried,  it  is  often  an  advantage  to 
have  a  smaller  tin,  such  as  is  sometimes  called  a  sandwich-tin, 
which  will  go  within  the  coat-pocket.  Small  and  delicate  specimens 
can  thus  be  carried,  or  it  can  be  used  for  wet  or  dirty  roots  which 
might  damage  delicate  flowers  in  the  larger  box. 

A  perfect  specimen  should  have  root,  stem,  leaves,  flowers,  and 
fruit — both  young  and  mature  if  possible.  If,  as  is  often  the  case, 
the  fruit  cannot  be  obtained  on  the  same  plant  with  the  flowers, 
it  should  be  gathered  separately  from  another.  It  is  most  important 
to  get  the  fruit,  and  in  a  more  or  less  developed  state,  for  in  some 
families,  such  as  Crucifera,  Leguminosce,  and  Umbelliferce,  it  is 
at  times  impossible  without  it  to  determine  a  plant  correctly.  Good 
typical  specimens  should  be  selected,  not  necessarily  the  largest, 
but  the  most  perfect  and  convenient  in  size.  When  possible  a  root- 
leaf  or  two  should  be  collected  as  well  as  stem-leaves,  but,  of  course, 
in  many  small  plants  most  of  the  leaves  will  be  root-leaves. 

The  sheets  of  paper  upon  which  the  specimens  are  finally  mounted 
should  not  be  less  than  about  15  x  10  inches,  which  is  the  size  most 
cartridge  paper  cuts  into,  but  i6Jxio  is  still  better,  and  this  is 
about  the  size  adopted  in  the  Kew  Herbarium,  and  quite  large 
enough  for  ordinary  purposes,  though  exceeded  in  several  of  the 
other  great  public  herbaria. 

When  plants  are  not  more  than  about  fifteen  inches  tall  it  is 
better  to  put  them  into  the  tin  and  the  press  whole — not  cut  or 
doubled.  When,  however,  a  tall  plant  or  shrub  is  dealt  with,  a 
good  flowering  branch  should  be  cut  off  with  several  of  the  lower 
stem  leaves,  and  the  root  leaves,  if  any,  should  be  added  separately, 
so  as  to  give  the  complete  habit  as  much  as  possible. 

A  notebook  should  always  be  taken  into  the  field,  in  which  the 
names,  when  known,  of  all  the  rarer  and  more  interesting  plants 
should  be  entered,  together  with  date,  habitat,  locality,  and  any- 
thing of  special  interest  worth  recording.  These  notebooks  form 
the  basis  of  both  the  temporary  and  permanent  labels  referred  to 
later.  When  in  a  foreign  country  it  is  sometimes  desirable  for 
botanists  to  enter  the  names  of  all  the  interesting  species  they 
come  across  in  their  walks,  whether  they  keep  dry  specimens  or 
not,  for  such  notes  are  sometimes  useful  long  afterwards,  and  it  is 
astonishing  how  quickly  such  things  are  forgotten  if  not  noted  down. 

A  press  is  very  simply  made  from  two  stout  boards,  about  i6|  x 
loj  inches,  and  of  sufficient  thickness  not  to  warp.  The  boards 
are  best  clamped  together  by  cross-pieces  at  the  ends,  in  the 
manner  that  drawing-boards  are  made ;  and  they  are  either 
furnished  with  strong  leather  straps — screws  are  not  advisable — 


or  the  pressure  can  be  obtained  by  placing  glazed  bricks,  boxes  of 
pebbles,  or  heavy  iron  weights  on  top.  Such  automatic  pressure  is 
best,  for  it  adjusts  itself  to  the  diminishing  thickness  of  the  contents 
of  the  press  as  the  specimens  dry.  A  press  of  this  kind,  or  a  pair  of 
them,  can  be  taken  to  the  Continent  without  much  trouble  ;  but 
if  a  few  plants  only  are  to  be  collected,  it  would  suffice  to  take  a  couple 
of  pieces  of  thick  millboard  with  either  leather  straps  or  thinner 
straps  made  of  a  kind  of  braid,  or  of  the  cloth  that  saddlers  use, 
with  buckles  attached.  Elastic  bands  are  not  recommended,  for 
they  break  easily  and  cannot  be  adjusted  like  straps. 

To  separate  half-dried  specimens  from  fresh  ones,  and  to  keep 
the  whole  mass  fairly  level,  and  generally  to  hasten  the  process  of 
drying,  we  have  found  a  few  thin  wooden  '  ventilators  '  or  frames 
the  size  of  the  press,  made  of  cross-pieces  of  wood  half  an  inch 
wide  and  one-eighth  inch  thick,  very  useful.  Sometimes  strong 
wire  work  frames  or  lattices  can  be  bought,  which  answer  the 
same  purpose,  or  they  could  be  used  instead  of  the  wooden  boards 
to  form  an  actual  drying-press 

Common  blotting-paper  should  never  be  used  for  drying  plants 
in  ;  it  is  too  tender,  it  does  not  last,  costs  too  much,  and  the  plants 
often  stick  to  it.  Any  coarse,  stout,  and  unsized  paper  will  do,  and 
even  old  newspapers  may  be  used  as  a  last  resort.  It  is  not  necessary 
to  buy  the  specially  made  grey,  absorbent  paper,  though  as  it  lasts 
a  lifetime  it  is  not  expensive  in  the  end.  Such  drying-paper  is 
supplied  in  four  sizes  by  Messrs.  West,  Newman,  and  Co.,  of 
54,  Hatton  Garden,  London,  at  is.  id.  per  quire  or  155.  a  ream 
for  the  smallest  size,  which  measures  16x10  inches  when  folded 
Suitable  paper  cannot  always  be  bought  in  Swiss  resorts,  and  if  the 
stock  has  run  short  it  is  better  to  ask  the  stationer  for  some  of  his 
ordinary  rough  wrapping-paper.  In  Italy  and  France  the  tough, 
yellow  or  grey  paper  frequently  used  in  grocers'  shops  will  form 
quite  a  good  drying-paper. 

Before  the  specimens  are  placed  in  the  press  they  should  be 
examined,  and  any  superfluous  branches,  leaves,  or  buds  removed, 
if  a  fairly  flat  object  cannot  be  otherwise  attained.  Roots  should 
have  soil  or  sand  shaken  from  them,  and  they  should  be  washed  if 
necessary,  and  dried  in  a  duster.  The  plant  is  then  laid  out  as 
naturally  as  possible  on  a  sheet  of  drying-paper,  and  others  are 
placed  by  it  until  the  sheet  is  fairly  covered.  Several  sheets  of 
paper  should  be  placed  between  this  lot  and  the  next,  according  to 
the  nature  of  the  plants  and  the  thickness  of  the  paper  ;  but  the 
great  idea  in  pressing  plants  is  to  dry  them  quickly,  and  thus  preserve 
the  colour  as  naturally  as  possible.  The  more  paper  used  and  the 
oftener  it  is  changed  and  dried  the  better.  At  first  the  papers  should 
be  dried  every  day,  in  the  sun  or  by  the  fire  ;  afterwards  less  often. 
If  the  paper  is  hot,  all  the  better,  and  a  hot  iron  is  often  a  useful 
adjunct.  The  pressure  should  be  light  at  first,  and  increased  after 


the  first  day,  but  the  flowers  and  delicate  leaves  of  some  plants  will 
shrivel  if  the  pressure  is  not  even  and  adequate.  However,  many 
a  youthful  collector  is  apt  to  forget  that  drying  is  the  chief  thing, 
and  that  the  pressure  can  be  easily  overdone.  At  the  first  changing 
of  papers  the  specimens  can  be  rearranged  while  pliable,  and  super- 
abundant parts  removed  with  scissors.  Any  stems  with  broken 
or  ragged  ends  should  also  be  cut  clean.  When  quite  fresh  many 
specimens  do  not  so  easily  yield  to  necessary  treatment  as  now. 

Generally  it  is  better  to  leave  plants  in  the  tin,  rather  than  put 
them  in  water,  if  it  is  inconvenient  to  press  them  within  one  or  two 
days,  while  many  small  kinds  would  remain  fresh  a  week  in  the  tin 
if  in  a  cool  place,  though  both  leaves  and  flowers  might  lose  some 
colour  during  that  time.  Most  of  the  very  thick  or  fleshy  portions 
of  plants,  such  as  the  head  of  a  thistle,  the  bulb  of  a  Daffodil,  or 
the  stem  of  an  Orobanche,  should  be  cut  in  two  before  being  dried. 
In  fact,  the  whole  of  a  thick  Orobanche  or  of  a  plant  like  Campanula 
thyrsoidea  had  better  be  split  in  two  from  top  to  bottom.  Usually 
both  halves  are  worth  preserving.  Woody  stems  also  are  better 
split  in  two,  or  at  any  rate  thinned. 

In  order  to  aid  the  drying  of  any  such  thick  or  fleshy  plants  or 
portions  of  plants,  it  is  well  to  make  pads  of  cotton-wool  and  place 
them  both  above  and  below  the  specimens.  Cotton-wool  can  be 
bought  in  long  sheets  and  easily  cut  with  scissors  the  size  of  the 
drying-paper.  It  is  better  that  the  plants  should  not  touch  the 
cotton-wool  itself ;  but  useful  and  more  or  less  permanent  pads 
can  very  quickly  be  made  by  loosely  stitching  together  with  a 
needle  and  thread  a  pair  of  folded  sheets  of  drying-paper  with  the 
wool  inside. 

Many  succulent  plants  such  as  Orchids,  Lilies,  Sedums,  and 
Semper vivums  can  be  dried  with  the  help  of  these  pads,  but  it  is 
best  first  to  dip  them  in  boiling  water  up  to  the  base  of  the  flowers. 
This  kills  the  plant  at  once,  and  enables  it  to  be  dried  more  quickly, 
and  with  much  less  loss  of  colour.  Thick  Orchids  should  always  be 
killed  in  this  way,  and  their  tubers  and  stems  might  first  be  pricked 
with  the  point  of  a  knife  to  hasten  the  process  of  scalding,  for  the 
final  result,  particularly  in  regard  to  the  green  colour  of  the  leaves, 
makes  it  well  worth  the  trouble.  Dipping  in  boiling  water  is  also 
recommended  in  the  case  of  Heaths,  which  shed  their  leaves  while 
being  dried. 

With  the  help  of  the  notebook  or  diary  already  referred  to,  it 
is  well  to  write  on  a  rough,  temporary  label  the  name  of  the  plant, 
if  known,  the  place  where  it  came  from,  date,  and  approximate 
altitude.  It  is  interesting  sometimes  to  add  the  kind  of  soil  or 
geological  formation.  These  labels  should  be  placed  with  the 
specimens  they  refer  to,  and  afterwards  copied  when  the  plants  are 
mounted.  If  a  series  of  one  species  or  variety,  especially  when 
belonging  to  a  critical  genus,  be  collected,  every  example  should 


have  a  little  label  or  ticket  with  the  same  number,  while  one  label 
only  need  have  the  full  particulars. 

When  the  specimens  are  quite  dry  and  stiff  they  can  be  packed 
close  together,  with  only  a  single  sheet  of  paper  between  each  layer, 
and  this  paper  need  not  be  absorbent,  but  if  it  is  unglazed  the 
specimens  will  keep  in  position  better  when  travelling,  and  not 
slip  about  so  readily  if  the  parcel  is  not  quite  tight. 

In  hot  countries  it  is  desirable  to  poison  collections  of  dried  plants 
by  painting  them  over  with  a  solution  of  mercuric  chloride  or 
corrosive  sublimate,  to  protect  them  against  insects.  This  is  done 
at  Kew  Herbarium,  and  also  by  a  few  amateur  Botanists  in  this 
country ;  but  in  England  it  is  not  really  necessary,  if  camphor  or 
napthaline  be  freely  used,  as  is  the  case  in  the  National  Herbarium 
at  South  Kensington.  In  addition  to  spoiling  some  specimens, 
and  to  the  subsequent  peculiar  blackening  of  the  mounting  paper 
in  many  cases,  and  to  the  offensive  fumes  which  in  hot  weather 
sometimes  rise  from  specimens  treated  with  corrosive  sublimate, 
the  solution  is,  of  course,  a  most  deadly  poison,  and  must  be  handled 
with  great  care. 

The  preservative  solution  used  at  Kew  is  as  follows  : 

J  oz.  corrosive  sublimate, 

|  oz.  carbolic  acid, 

i  pint  methylated  spirit. 

It  is  better  that  the  specimens  should  be  quite  dry  before  they 
are  poisoned.  It  is  usually  done  with  a  large  camel-hair  brush, 
but  there  should  be  no  metal  mountings  about  it,  and  all  steel 
instruments  such  as  knives,  scissors,  or  forceps  must  be  kept  away 
from  the  solution  or  it  will  quickly  corrode  them.  If  the  solution 
contains  too  much  chloride  of  mercury  a  white  crystalline  deposit 
will  be  left  on  the  specimens.  But  we  say  again  emphatically 
that  in  this  country  '  the  game  is  not  worth  the  candle.'  If  further 
proof  be  needed  it  may  be  mentioned  that  the  writer  has  in  his  own 
herbarium  many  hundreds  of  perfect  specimens  collected  eighty  or 
more  years  ago  which  were  never  '  poisoned/  but  which  have 
suffered  nothing  from  the  attacks  of  insects,  and  are  to-day  as 
complete  and  in  as  good  condition  as  ever. 

It  has  been  customary  in  this  country  to  mount  dried  plants  on 
paper  by  means  of  paste,  good  gum,  or  liquid  glue.  When  fre- 
quently handled  this  may  have  its  advantages,  and  especially  if 
little  envelopes  containing  loose  portions  of  the  flower  and  fruit  are 
attached  for  careful  examination  or  dissection  ;  but  many  amateur 
botanists  attach  their  specimens  to  the  paper  with  narrow  strips 
of  gummed  paper,  so  that  they  can  be  examined  on  both  sides,  and 
altogether  removed  if  desired.  The  little  rolls  of  transparent 
adhesive  paper  sold  by  stationers  for  repairing  torn  music,  books, 
etc.,  cannot  be  improved  upon  for  this  purpose.  Another  method 


sometimes  adopted  on  the  Continent  is  to  .attach  the  thin  portions 
of  stem,  etc.,  to  the  paper  by  means  of  ordinary  pins,  of  course 
placed  horizontally.  If  gum  be  used  it  is  best  made  of  a  mixture 
of  gum  Acacia  (gum  Arabic)  and  gum  Tragacanth,  it  being  both 
clean  to  use  and  very  adhesive.  In  rare  instances  collections  of 
plants  are  not  mounted  at  all,  but  simply  left  loose  in  folded 
sheets  of  paper.  However,  they  are  better  more  or  less  mounted, 
and  the  paper  should  be  a  thick,  white  cartridge  or  some  similar 
paper,  which  will  remain  rigid  and  flat  when  one  end  is  held  in 
the  hand. 

After  the  plants  are  mounted  they  should  be  labelled.  The 
labels  should  be  about  3 J  X  2  inches  in  size,  of  rather  thin  but  good 
white  paper  so  that  they  can  easily  be  gummed  or  pasted  in  a 
corner  of  the  mount.  In  British  collections  it  is  usual  to  have  the 
name  of  the  owner  neatly  printed  at  the  head  of  the  label  after  the 
contracted  word  '  Herb.  '  (before  which  '  Ex.  '  can  be  written 
when  specimens  are  exchanged  or  given  away).  A  broad  space  is 
then  left  for  the  name  of  the  plant,  and  usually  there  are  lines  for 
the  habitat  and  locality,  and  half-lines  for  the  Vice-County,  collector's 
name,  date  and  number  in  the  last  edition  of  the  London  Catalogue 
of  British  Plants.  But  for  European  herbaria  a  simpler  label  is 
usually  adopted,  with  the  same  simple  line  border,  and  either 
with  the  heading  '  Herbarium  Europaeum,  A. B.C.—  -'  or  '  Flora 
of  Switzerland/  '  Plants  of  Norway,'  or  something  of  that  sort. 
It  saves  time  when  many  specimens  have  been  collected  by  the 
same  person  to  have  the  collector's  name,  preceded  by  '  Coll.  '  or 
'  Legit/  printed  in  small  type  at  the  base  of  the  label. 

It  should  have  been  mentioned  that  in  mounting  many  specimens 
which  do  not  fill  a  sheet,  it  is  important  not  to  place  them  always 
in  the  centre,  but  rather  at  one  side  if  narrow,  or  in  one  corner  if 
very  small.  This  will  not  only  tend  to  keep  the  bundles  of  sheets 
fairly  level,  but  allow  several  examples  of  the  same  species  from 
other  districts  or  from  other  countries  to  be  added  later.  The  label 
should,  of  course,  be  placed  near  the  plant,  and  it  is  sometimes 
well  to  rule  off  with  a  pencil  line  one  specimen  from  another  from 
a  different  district.  In  this  way  it  is  quite  easy  to  have  four  or  five 
gatherings  of  the  smaller  Alpine  plants  with  different  labels  mounted 
on  the  same  sheet.  In  starting  a  continental  collection  young 
botanists  are  tempted  to  economise  in  paper  and  space  by  mounting 
different  species  on  the  same  sheet.  This  is  greatly  to  be  dis- 
couraged, for,  apart  from  the  want  of  systematic  order,  the  space 
may  be  needed  on  future  occasions  for  plants  of  the  same  species  or 

As  previously  suggested,  it  is  an  excellent  plan  to  have  a  series 
of  very  small  envelopes,  which  can  be  home-made,  in  which  to  keep 
seeds,  fruits,  and  sometimes  individual  specimens  of  the  flowers 
or  even  some  leaves,  so  that  they  can  be  easily  examined  either 


with  an  ordinary  pocket-lens  or  under  the  microscope.  Such  en- 
velopes should  be  gummed  at  the  back  to  the  sheet  of  mounting- 
paper,  preferably  with  the  name  of  the  plant  and  its  collection 
number,  if  any.  These  field  numbers  are  quoted,  and  save  much 
trouble  and  needless  explanation  in  the  event  of  any  subsequent 
correspondence  on  the  specimens  they  refer  to.  In  collecting 
obscure  forms  and  little  known  varieties  and  all  plants  such  as 
Hawkweeds,  Willows,  Roses,  Sedges,  etc.,  in  any  quantity,  all  of 
one  gathering  should  bear  the  same  numeral.  This  is  particularly 
the  custom  with  collectors  of  sets  of  rare  plants  in  new  or  little- 
known  countries,  and  these  numbers  are  referred  to  and  quoted 
afterwards  in  books  written  on  the  flora  of  those  countries.  In 
working  at  any  special  genus  or  at  the  plants  of  one  country,  whether 
it  be  at  Petersburg,  Vienna,  London,  or  New  York,  it  is  a  great  help 
to  find  a  collector's  specimens  all  uniformly  numbered  thus. 

The  arrangement  of  the  specimens  in  genus  covers,  and  of  the 
herbarium  generally  in  a  cabinet,  must  depend  upon  the  individual 
taste  of  the  botanist  and  upon  the  size  of  his  collection.  But  except 
in  very  small  collections  when  several  genera  can  be  placed  together 
in  one  cover,  with  its  name  and  that  of  the  various  genera  neatly 
written  outside,  it  is  better  to  place  all  the  species  of  one  genus 
only  in  a  cover.  These  genus  covers  should  be  made  of  stout  brown 
paper  folded  to  a  slightly  larger  size  than  the  mounting  paper. 
The  name  of  the  genus  should  be  written  on  the  end  of  the  cover 
so  that  it  can  be  readily  found  when  packed  in  the  cabinet.  As  the 
collection  grows  it  may  be  necessary  to  have  more  than  one  cover 
for  many  of  the  larger  genera. 

Cabinets  should  be  made  of  well-seasoned  wood — what  is  called 
American  whitewood  is  a  very  good  and  inexpensive  material. 
The  usual  form  is  a  tall,  upright  cupboard,  divided  perpendicularly 
into  two  equal  parts,  and  with  two  closely  fitting  doors  opening 
in  the  middle  (two  doors  are  very  much  better  than  one).  The 
shelves  should  be  made  very  carefully  of  thin  wood  which  will  not 
warp,  and  they  should  slide  easily  in  shallow  grooves  cut  in  the 
framework  of  the  cupboard.  They  are  better  supported  in  this 
way  than  on  narrow  strips  of  wood  nailed  to  the  sides,  for  such 
strips  interfere  with  the  papers  when  the  shelves  are  very  full. 



ACHENE,  a  dry,  indehiscent  i -seeded  fruit,  such  as  the  single  '  seed ' 

of  a  Ranunculus. 
ACICULAR,  applied  to  linear  leaves  which  are  stiff  and  needle-like, 

such  as  those  of  Pine. 
ACUMINATE,  suddenly  narrowed  at  the  top  and  then  prolonged  into 

a  point. 

ACUTE,  tapering  to  a  point. 
ADHESION,  the  union  of  dissimilar  parts  of  a  flower,  such  as  the 

petals  and  sepals  ;  cf .  Cohesion. 
ADVENTITIOUS  ROOTS,  those  which  appear  as  outgrowths  from  the 

stem  or  leaves. 

ESTIVATION,  the  arrangement  of  the  petals  in  the  unexpanded  bud. 
ALTERNATE,  applied  to  leaves  which  are  not  arranged  opposite  to 

one  another  on  the  stem. 
AMPLEXICAUL,  when  a  leaf,  bract,  or  stipule  more  or  less  embraces 

the  stem. 

ANDRCECIUM,  the  male  organs  or  stamens,  considered  as  a  whole. 
ANGIOSPERM,   a  Flowering   Plant  whose  ovules  are  enclosed  in 

ovaries  ;  cf .  Gymnosperm. 
ANNUAL,  applied  to  plants  which  pass  through  their  life-history  in 

one  year  and  then  die. 

ANTHER,  the  upper  portion  of  a  stamen  containing  pollen. 
APETALOUS,  without  petals,  or  with  very  small  rudimentary  ones. 
AQUATIC,  growing  actually  in  water. 
ARILLUS,  a  fleshy  covering  of  some  seeds. 
ARISTATE,  when  the  point  of  a  leaf  is  fine  like  a  hair. 
ARTICULATE,  jointed,  applied  to  organs  which  can  be  separated 

(without  tearing)  into  several  similar  parts,  e.g.  an  articulated 

ASCENDING,  applied  to  stems  which  are  first  prostrate  and  then 

rise  more  or  less  vertically. 
ASEXUAL,  applied  to  the  reproduction  by  organs  other  than  the 

stamens  and  carpels. 

ASSOCIATION,  a  colony  or  community  of  plants  living  together. 
AWN,  a  thread-like  extension  of  a  seed  or  other  organ,  such  as  in 

Barley  or  in  Anemone  alpina. 



AXIL,  the  angle  formed,  for  example,  at  the  attachment  of  a  leaf 

to  a  stem. 

AXILLARY,  growing  in  an  axil. 
Axis,  usually  applied  to  the  stem. 

BEAK,  sometimes  applied  to  the  curved  and  pointed  extremity  of 

a  fruit ;  or  the  hooded  portion  of  a  corolla,  such  as  Pedicularis. 
BIENNIAL,  requiring  two  years  to  complete  its  life-history,  after 

which  the  plant  dies. 
BIFID,  2-cleft. 

BIPINNATE,  twice-pinnate  ;  e.g.  the  leaflets  of  Osmunda. 
BIPINNATIFID,  applied  to  pinnate  leaves  whose  segments  are  doubly 

cut  or  lobed  ;  e.g.  Matricaria. 
BRACT,  a  small  leaf  at  the  base  of  a  flower-stalk  ;  or  the  divisions 

of  an  involucre. 

BUD,  the  unopened  leaf  or  flower. 
BULB,  a  modified  stem,  usually  subterranean,  consisting  of  a  series 

of  succulent  leaves,  containing  reserve  material,  such  as  an 

BULBIL,  a  bud  which  falls  from  certain  flowers  or  leaves  and  is 

capable  of  reproducing  the  plant,  as  in  some  Alliums  and 


CESPITOSE,  tufted,  when  stems  are  very  short,  close,  and  many 

CALCICOLE,  applied  to  plants  which  thrive  best  on  calcareous,  or 

limestone,  soils. 

CALCIFUGE,  applied  to  plants  which  avoid  calcareous  soils. 
CALYX,  the  sepals  considered  as  a  whole. 
CAMPANULATE,  in  the  form  of  a  bell. 
CAPILLARY,  hair-like  ;  very  fine,  but  hollow. 

CAPITULUM  or  HEAD,  an  inflorescence  in  which  the  flowers  are  stem- 
less,  and  arranged  on  a  terminal  expansion  of  the  axis  ;   e.g. 

many  Composite. 
CAPSULE,  a  dry  seed-vessel  containing  many  seeds  and  composed 

of  two  or  more  carpels. 
CARPEL,  the  divisions  of  the  ovary  or  capsule. 
CARPOPHORE,  a  small  support  to  the  capsules  of  certain  plants, 

as  in  many  Silenes. 
CARTILAGINOUS,  of  the  consistence  and  colour  of  cartilage  ;  e.g.  the 

border  of  many  Saxifrage  leaves. 
CATKIN,  a  dense  spike  of  unisexual  apetalous  flowers,  which  are 

shed  as  a  whole.  $ 

CELLS,  the  units  of  which  plant  or  animal  tissue  is  built  up. 
CELLULAR,  composed  of  cells. 

CHLOROPHYLL,  the  green  colouring-matter  of  plants. 
CILIATED,  fringed  with  longish  hairs  or  cilia. 


CIRCINATE,  curled  up. 

CLAW,  the  narrowed  part  at  the  base  of  a  petal. 

CLEISTOGAMOUS  flowers  are  those  which  never  open  and  are  self- 
fertilised  ;  very  rare  among  Alpine  plants. 

CLUB-SHAPED,  cylindrical,  but  becoming  larger  towards  the  apex. 

COHESION,  the  union  of  similar  parts  of  a  flower  ;  cf .  Adhesion. 

CONE,  the  scaly  fruit  of  the  Conifercz  or  Pine  family. 

CONICAL,  cone-shaped. 

CONIFEROUS,  applied  to  the  Pine  and  Fir  family,  which  bear  cones. 

CONVOLUTE,  rolled  together. 

CORDATE,  heart-shaped. 

CORIACEOUS,  firm  and  tough  like  leather. 

CORM,  a  bulb-shaped,  modified  and  swollen  underground  stem,  in 
which  reserve  material  is  stored  ;  e.g.  a  Crocus  corm. 

COROLLA,  the  petals  of  a  flower  considered  as  a  whole. 

CORONA,  a  circular  rim  within  the  corolla  or  perianth,  such  as  the 
'  trumpet '  of  a  Daffodil. 

COTYLEDONS,  the  first  pair  of  seed-leaves. 

CRENATE,  applied  to  leaves  with  obtuse,  rounded  teeth,  such  as 
those  of  Violet  and  Ground  Ivy. 

CRYPTOGAMIC,  plants  reproduced  by  spores,  like  Ferns  and  Mosses, 
in  which  the  stamens  and  pistils  are  wanting. 

CUNEATE  or  CUNEIFORM,  wedge-shaped ;  i.e.  broadest  above  the 
middle  and  tapering  towards  the  base. 

CUSPIDATE,  imperceptibly  lengthened  into  a  sharp  point. 

CUTICLE,  the  outer  skin  of  an  animal  or  plant. 

CYME,  an  inflorescence  in  which  the  flowers  are  produced  in  suc- 
cessive, lateral  axes  ;  e.g.  Myosotis,  Lychnis. 

DECIDUOUS,  applied  to  plants,  and  especially  trees,  whose  leaves 

are  shed  each  autumn. 

DECURRENT,  applied  to  leaves  which  run  down  the  stem. 
DEHISCENT,  applied  to  fruits  which  open  at  one  or  more  points  to 

allow  the  seed  to  escape. 
DICHOTAMOUS,  applied  to  a  stem,  branch,  panicle,  or  cyme  which 

is  forked  again  and  again. 

DICOTYLEDON,  a  plant  having  two  seed-leaves  ;  cf.  Monocotyledon. 
DIGITATE  leaves  are  those  whose  lobes  are  disposed  like  the  fingers 

of  the  hand,  but  from  one  centre,  as  in  Lupine. 
DIOECIOUS  plants  are  those  having  stamens  and  pistils  in  separate 

flowers  on  different  plants. 

Disc,  the  central  part  of  a  capitulum  of  Composite  ;  also  the  glan- 
dular space  above  the  receptacle  of  some  flowers. 
DRUPE,  a  fleshy,  indehiscent  fruit  containing  a  stone  in  which  the 

seed  is  enclosed  ;  e.g.  a  cherry. 

EBRACTEATE,  without  bracts. 


ECOLOGY,  the  study  of  plants  in  relation  to  their  environment. 

ELLIPTICAL,  in  the  form  of  an  oval  with  both  ends  tapering  alike. 

EMARGINATE,  notched  ;  usually  applied  to  petals. 

ENDEMIC,  peculiar  to  a  district  or  country. 

ENDOSPERM,  the  store  of  food  outside  the  embryo  in  certain  seeds, 
and  absorbed  by  it  in  germination. 

ENTIRE,  applied  to  leaves  which  are  not  cut  or  toothed. 

EPICALYX,  the  outer  portion  of  a  double  calyx  ;  e.g.  in  Dry  as  and 

EPIPETALOUS,  applied  to  stamens  borne  upon  petals. 

EPIPHYTE,  a  plant  which  grows  upon  another,  but  not  as  a  parasite. 
Lichens  and  many  Orchids  are  epiphytes. 

EVERGREEN,  applied  to  plants  with  green  foliage  all  the  year,  and 
to  leaves  which  last  more  than  one  season. 

EXALBUMINOUS  seeds  have  no  endosperm,  and  the  embryo  occu- 
pies the  whole  cavity. 

EXSTIPULATE,  having  no  stipules. 

FALCATE,  sickle-shaped. 

FAMILY  =  Natural  Order;    a  group  of  genera  of  greater  or  less 


FASCICLED,  in  bundles  or  tufts. 
FILAMENT,  the  slender  stalk  of  a  stamen. 
FILIFORM,  long  and  slender  or  thread-like. 

FISTULAR,  cylindrical  and  hollow,  like  many  umbelliferous  stems. 
FLACCID,  limp  or  flabby. 
FLEXUOSE,  bent  more  or  less  in  a  zigzag. 
FOLLICLE,  a  carpel  or  seed  capsule  dehiscing  longitudinally  at  the 

inner  suture  ;   e.g.  Helleborus,  Aconitum. 
FREE,  not  united. 

FRUIT,  the  seed  or  group  of  seeds  with  its  whole  covering. 
FUSIFORM,  spindle-shaped. 

GALL,  a  growth  caused  by  an  insect  or  fungus  ;  e.g.  an  '  Oak  apple.' 

GAMOPETALOUS  flowers  have  the  petals  all  united,  as  opposed 
to  polypetalous. 

GENUS  (plural  genera),  a  group  of  species  of  greater  or  less  affinity. 

GIBBOUS,  swollen  at  the  base. 

GLABROUS,  without  hairs. 

GLAND,  an  organ  of  secretion. 

GLANDULAR  HAIRS  are  those  with  enlarged  apices  containing  a 
secretion,  as  in  Drosera  or  Arnica  montana. 

GLAUCOUS,  covered  with  a  pale  bluish  green  bloom. 

GLOBOSE,  spherical. 

GLUME,  the  bract  which  encloses  the  spikelet  in  Grasses  and  Sedges. 

GLUMELLA  or  GLUMULE,  the  bract  which  forms  the  exterior  cover- 
ing of  each  flower  of  a  spikelet  in  Grasses, 


GYMNOSPERM,  a  flowering  plant  whose  ovules  are  not  enclosed  in 
carpels.  The  Conifercz  are  the  chief  Gymnosperms. 

GYNGECIUM,  the  carpels  or  female  organs  of  a  flower  considered  as 
a  whole. 

HABIT,  the  outward  form,  shape,  or  build  of  a  plant. 

HABITAT,  the  kind  of  locality  in  which  a  plant  grows.     Not  the 

locality  itself,  which  may  be  called  a  station. 
HASTATE,  halbert-shaped. 
HERBACEOUS,  not  woody. 
HERMAPHRODITE,  or  bisexual  flowers,  have  both  stamens  and  pistils 


HISPID,  bristly,  thickly  covered  with  stiff  hairs. 
HONEY,  the  nectar  secreted  by  many  flowers  to  attract  insects. 
HUMUS,  organic  matter  in  the  soil,  more  or  less  decomposed. 
HYBRID,  a  cross  between  two  species. 
HYPOGYNOUS  flowers  have  the  calyx  and  corolla  borne  on  the 

receptacle,  and  the  ovary  is  superior. 

IMBRICATED,  overlapping  like  the  tiles  of  a  roof,  such  as  the  leaves 

of  Gentiana  imbricata. 
INDEHISCENT  fruits  are  those  which  do  not  open  to  allow  the  seed 

to  escape. 

INDIGENOUS,  native,  not  introduced. 

INFERIOR,  applied  to  the  ovaries  of  flowers  whose  calyx-tube  en- 
closes the  ovary  ;   cf.  Superior. 
INFLORESCENCE,  the  manner  in  which  flowers  are  arranged  on  the 

main  stem  or  on  lateral  branches. 
INSECTIVOROUS  plants  are  those  which  absorb  nutriment  from 

flies  and  other  insects. 
INTERNODE,  the  portion  of  a  stem  between  the  attachment  of  two 

alternate  leaves. 

INVOLUCEL,  the  involucre  of  a  partial  umbel. 
INVOLUCRE,  the  whorl  of  bracts  below  an  inflorescence  or  below 

a  single  flower. 
IRREGULAR,  unequally  divided. 

KEEL,  the  two  lower  united  petals  of  Leguminous  flowers  ;  keeled 
is  also  applied  as  an  adjective  to  certain  leaves. 

LABELLUM,  the  lower  lip  of  Orchids,  Labiates,  etc. 

L  ACINI  ATE,  when  leaf -lobes  are  narrow  and  very  irregular. 

LAMINA,  the  blade  or  broad  part  of  a  leaf. 

LANCEOLATE,  tapering  at  both  ends,  but  more  so  at  the  upper  end  ; 
a  somewhat  comprehensive  term  applied  to  leaves,  etc.,  which 
are  about  three  or  more  times  as  long  as  broad, 

JUGULATE,  strap-shaped. 


LIGULE,  a  small  membranous  bract  embracing  the  stem  of  grasses 

and  forming  part  of  the  sheath. 
LIMB,  the  broader  part  of  a  petal  or  leaf. 
LINEAR,  very  narrow  and  with  parallel  edges. 
LOBES,  the  divisions  of  a  leaf,  calyx,  or  corolla  in  a  broad  sense. 
LYRATE,  applied  to  a  pinnatifid  leaf  with  a  rounded  terminal  lobe 

and  smaller  divisions  towards  the  base,  as  in  Geum  montanum. 

MEMBRANOUS,  thin  and  transparent  like  a  membrane. 

MIDRIB,  the  principal  vein  of  a  leaf. 

MONOCOTYLEDON,   a  plant  having  only  one  seed-leaf.     Grasses, 

Sedges,   Lilies,   and  many  bulbous  and  tuberous  plants  are 

MONCECIOUS  plants  are  those  which  have  the  stamens  and  pistil  in 

separate  flowers,  but  on  the  same  plant. 
MUCRONATE,  suddenly  terminated  by  a  short  and  stiff  point  or 

needle,  called  a  mucro.    In  leaves  it  is  the  prolongation  of  the 


NATURALISED,    of   foreign   origin,    but    established   and   growing 

naturally  in  a  country. 

NECTARY,  an  organ  secreting  nectar  or  honey. 
NITROGENOUS,  containing  nitrogen. 
NODE,  the  point  of  insertion  of  a  leaf  on  a  stem. 
NUT,  a  dry  fruit  with  a  hard,  woody  shell  or  pericarp. 

OBCORDATE,  inversely  heart-shaped. 

OBOVATE,  inversely  egg-shaped. 

OBTUSE,  more  or  less  rounded  at  the  top. 

OFFSET,  the  bud  at  the  end  of  a  runner  or  stolon. 

OPPOSITE,  applied  to  leaves  which  are  in  pairs  at  the  same  level 

on  the  stem  ;  cf.  Alternate. 
ORBICULAR,  round,  spherical. 
OVARY,  a  carpel  enclosing  one  or  more  ovules. 
OVULE,  the  embryo  seed  enclosed  in  the  ovary. 

PALEACEOUS,  chaffy. 

PALE.E,  or  CHAFF,  the  inner  bracts  or  scales  in  Composite,  Grami- 
nece,  etc. 

PALMATE,  divided  like  a  hand  into  several  lobes. 

PANICLE,  a  branched  raceme. 

PAPPUS,  a  feathery  appendage  of  the  seed  of  many  Compositce. 

PARASITE,  a  plant  living  on  or  in  another  (the  host)  from  which  it 
derives  part  of  its  food ;  e.g.  Orobanche.  Semi-parasites  in- 
clude Pedicularis,  Rhinanthus,  Euphrasia,  etc. 

PATENT,  spreading  open. 

PECTINATE,  finely  divided  like  the  teeth  of  a  comb, 


PEDICEL,  the  stalk  of  a  flower  in  a  compound  inflorescence. 
PEDUNCLE,  the  stalk  of  an  inflorescence,  or  of  a  solitary  flower. 
PELTATE,  applied  to  leaves  which  are  more  or  less  round,  with  the 

stalk  in  the  middle  (Hydrocotyle). 
PERFOLIATE,  when  the  stem  passes  through  a  pair  of  leaves,  as  in 

Chlora  perfoliata. 
PERIANTH,  the  floral  envelope  replacing  the  calyx  and  corolla  in 

the  Monochlamydeae  and  Monocotyledons  ;    e.g.   the  flower 

of  a  Crocus. 

PERICARP,  the  wall  of  the  developed  ovary  as  seen  in  the  fruit. 
PERENNIAL,  lasting  more  than  two  years. 
PERSISTENT,  not  falling  off. 
PETAL,  a  unit  of  the  corolla. 
PETALOID,  in  the  colour  or  form  of  a  petal. 
PETIOLATE,  having  a  leaf-stalk. 
PETIOLE,  a  leaf-stalk. 
PHANEROGAM,  a  flowering  plant. 
PILOSE,  sparsely  covered  with  rather  long  hairs. 
PINNATE,  when  several  segments  succeed  each  other  on  each  side 

of  a  petiole,  compared  to  the  branches  of  a  feather. 
PINNATIFID,  lobed  in  a  pinnate  manner. 
PISTIL,  the  portion  of  the  flower  comprising  the  ovary,  style,  and 


PLACENTA,  the  portion  of  the  ovary  to  which  the  ovules  are  attached. 
POLLEN,  fertilising  powder  contained  in  the  anthers. 
POLLINATION,  the  act  of  dusting  the  stigma  with  pollen. 
POLLINIUM,  the  pollen-mass  of  an  Orchid. 
POLYGAMOUS,  bearing  hermaphrodite  and  unisexual  flowers  at  the 

same  time. 

POLYMORPHIC,  variable  in  shape  or  form. 

POLYPETALOUS  flowers  having  the  petals  free  from  one  another. 
PREMORSE,  bitten  off. 

PRICKLE,  a  sharply  pointed  excrescence  on  a  branch  or  leaf,  etc. 
PTERIDOPHYTES,  Fern  plants. 
PUBERULENT,  feebly  pubescent. 
PuBESCENT,pdowny,  furnished  with  fine,  soft,  short  hairs. 

RACEME,  an  inflorescence  in  which  stalked  flowers  are  borne  on  a 

central  stem,  the  lowest  flowers  opening  first. 
RACHIS,  the  stalk  of  a  compound  leaf  ;  the  primary  axis  of  certain 

kinds  of  inflorescence. 
RADICAL,  springing  from  the  root. 
RADICLE,  the  embryo  root. 

RAY  FLORETS,  the  outer  flowers  of  the  Composite  ;  cf .  Disc  Florets. 
RECEPTACLE,  the  top  portion  of  the  axis  of  a  flower  which  bears 

the  floral  envelope  and  the  male  and  female  organs  ;   also  the 

axis  bearing  the  florets  in  Composite, 


REFLEXED,  bent  back. 

REGULAR,  divided  equally. 

RENIFORM,  kidney-shaped  or  bean-shaped. 

RETICULATED,  like  a  network. 

RETUSE,  very  obtuse  or  truncate  and  slightly  indented. 

RHIZOME,  a  creeping,  prostrate  underground  stem,  bearing  erect 

or  sometimes  prostrate  shoots. 
RINGENT,  strongly  2-lipped  and  gaping. 
ROOTSTOCK,  the  rhizome  ;  or  the  crown  of  the  root. 
ROSETTE,  a  somewhat  circular  group  of  leaves  arranged  in  a  close 

and  spreading  manner,  often  flat  on  the  ground  ;  e.g.  Ramondia. 
ROSTRATE,  beaked. 
RUGOSE,  wrinkled. 
RUNCINATE,  pinnatifid,  with  the  lobes  pointing  backwards  ;    e.g. 

a  Dandelion  leaf. 
RUNNER,  a  slender,  prostrate,  and  generally  rooting  stem-branch. 

SAGITTATE,  arrow-shaped. 

SCABROUS,  rough  to  the  touch. 

SCALE,  a  thin,  disc-like  growth  on  the  exposed  surface  of  some 
leaves  and  stems. 

SCAPE,  a  naked  flower-stem  springing  direct  from  the  root  and 
bearing  a  single  flower. 

SCARIOUS,  thin  and  more  or  less  transparent  and  not  green ; 

SEED,  a  fertilised  ovule. 

SEPAL,  one  of  the  calyx-leaves. 

SERRATE,  edged  like  a  saw. 

SESSILE,  stemless. 

SETACEOUS,  like  a  bristle. 

SHRUB,  a  woody  perennial  plant  without  a  main  trunk. 

SILICULE,  a  short  seed-pod  in  Cruciferous  plants,  such  as  Draba  ; 
adj.  Siliculose. 

SILIQUA,  a  linear  seed-pod  in  Cruciferous  plants,  such  as  Wall- 
flower ;  adj .  Siliquose. 

SINUOUS  or  SINUATE,  wavy ;  when  teeth  on  the  margin  of  a  leaf 
are  broad  and  irregular. 

SPADIX,  a  fleshy  spike,  as  in  Arum  maculatum. 

SPATHE,  a  sheath-like  leaf  enveloping  a  flower,  as  in  Arum. 

SPATHULATE,  broadened  in  the  short  upper  half  and  narrowly  con- 
tracted below. 

SPECIES,  a  unit  of  a  genus  of  greater  or  less  affinity. 

SPERMATOPHYTES,  seed-plants. 

SPIKE,  a  simple  inflorescence  of  sessile  flowers  attached  to  a  simple 

SPORES,  the  powdery  grains  of  Mosses,  Ferns,  etc.,  which  corre- 
spond to  the  '  seeds  '  in  flowering  plants. 


SPUR,  a  prolonged  portion  of  a  flower,  usually  somewhat  tubular. 
STAMEN,  the  male  organ  of  a  flower  considered  as  a  whole. 
STANDARD,  the  large  upper  petal  of  a  Leguminous  flower. 
STELLATE,  star-shaped  ;  often  applied  to  certain  hairs. 
STERILE,  having  stamens,  but  no  pistils  ;  barren. 
STIGMA,  the  receptive  upper  portion  of  a  pistil,  where  the  pollen  is 

dusted.    The  adj.  stigmatic  means  sticky. 
STIPULATE,  possessing  stipules. 
STIPULES,  leaf-like  appendages,  often  in  pairs  and  winged  at  the 

junction  of  leaves  with  the  stem. 
STOLON,  a  horizontal  runner  or  stem-branch. 
STOMATA,  the  minute  pores  in  the  epidermis  of  a  leaf,  especially  on 

the  under  side  ;  sing.  STOMA. 
STRIATE,  marked  with  parallel  longitudinal  lines. 
STYLE,  the  central  portion  of  the  pistil  which  bears  the  stigma. 
SUBULATE,  awl-shaped. 
SUPERIOR,  applied  to  an  ovary  which  is  free  from  and  not  enclosed 

by  the  floral  envelope. 

TAP-ROOT,  the  main  descending  root. 

TEETH,  small  pointed  lobes  on  the  margins  of  leaves,  etc. 

TENDRIL,  a  thread-like  organ  used  for  climbing. 

TERETE,  long  and  cylindrical. 

TERNATE,  in  threes. 

TESTA,  the  outer  coat  of  seeds. 

THALAMUS,  the  receptacle. 

THALLUS,  a  vegetative  body  not  differentiated  into  stem  and  leaf. 

THORN,  a  sharply  pointed  extremity  of  a  branch  or  stalk  having  a 
woody  centre  ;  a  spine. 

THROAT,  the  upper  part  of  a  corolla-tube. 

THYRSOID,  applied  to  a  narrow,  pyramidal  panicle,  such  as  the  in- 
florescence of  Campanula  thyrsoides. 

TOMENTOSE,  covered  with  tomentum  or  dense,  white  hair. 

TOMENTUM,  a  thick  coating  of  short,  cottony  hairs,  usually  whitish 
or  grey  ;  e.g.  Edelweiss. 

TRANSPIRATION,  the  act  of  giving  off  water  from  the  leaves  of  a 
plant,  through  the  stomata. 

TRIFID,  3-cleft. 

TRUNCATE,  ending  abruptly,  as  if  cut  off  square. 

TUBER,  a  short,  thick  underground  stem  containing  food  material, 
such  as  an  Artichoke. 

TUBERCULATE,  covered  with  small  obtuse,  wart-like  excrescences. 

UMBEL,  an  inflorescence  in  which  the  flower-stalks  radiate  from  a 

common  point  and  are  nearly  of  the  same  length  ;  e.g.  Carrot. 
UNCINATE,  hooked. 
UNILATERAL,  one-sided. 


UNISEXUAL  FLOWERS  are  those  which   contain  either  male  or 

female  organs,  but  not  both. 
URCEOLATE,  pitcher-shaped,  or  urn-shaped. 

VASCULAR,  built  up  of  vessels. 
VERMICULAR  or  VERMIFORM,  worm-like. 
VERNATION,  the  state  of  leaves  in  bud. 
VERRUCOSE,  warty. 

VERSATILE  anthers  are  those  which  are  balanced  on  the  filament. 
VERTICILLATE,  whorled. 
VESICLE,  a  bladder. 
VILLOUS,  shaggy. 
Viscous,  sticky,  clammy. 

VIVIPAROUS,  applied  to  the  production  of  young  plants  (not  seeds) 
attached  to  the  parent  plant. 

WHORL,  three  or  more  leaves  or  flowers  arranged  around  the  stem 
on  the  same  level ;  e.g.  Galium,  Gentiana  lutea. 

WING,  a  prolongation  of  a  fruit  or  seed  or  of  a  stem  ;  the  side  petal 
of  a  Leguminous  flower. 

WOOLLY,  when  the  hairs  are  long  and  loose,  like  wool. 

The  best  Glossary  of  Botanic  Terms  is  that  by  Dr.  B.  Day  don 
Jackson  ;  2nd  Ed.  1905.  The  author  regrets  he  had  not  it  before 
him  when  compiling  the  above. 



HERBS  with  alternate  or  radical  leaves,  or  in  Clematis,  climbers 
with  opposite  leaves.  Leaves  often  cut  and  flowers  solitary  or  in 
terminal  racemes.  Sepals  distinct,  usually  5.  Petals  distinct, 
usually  5,  but  sometimes  deformed  or  very  minute  or  altogether 
wanting.  Stamens  numerous,  inserted  on  the  receptacle.  Carpels 
several,  distinct  or  partially  united,  each  bearing  a  distinct  style 
and  enclosing  a  single  cell  with  one  or  more  ovules  or  seeds  attached 
to  the  base  or  inner  angle  of  the  cavity.  Many  possess  acrid  or 
poisonous  properties,  and  several  are  used  in  medicine.  A  family 
widely  spread  over  the  globe,  but  especially  in  temperate  or  cool 
climates,  and  comprising  about  700  species.  In  the  tropics  almost 
entirely  confined  to  high  mountain  ranges. 


Stem  usually  climbing  and  often  woody  at  the  base.  Leaves 
opposite.  Sepals  4  or  5,  volvate  in  the  bud,  coloured  and  petal-like. 
No  real  petals.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels  numerous,  i-seeded. 
Widely  spread  over  the  globe,  and  almost  the  only  representative  of 
the  family  in  tropical  climates. 

Clematis  alpina  Mill.  (Atragene  alpina  L.). 

A  creeping  shrub.  Stem  branched,  woody,  spreading,  decumbent 
or  climbing,  swollen  at  the  joints,  scaly,  leafy,  and  provided  with 
3-branched  dry  tendrils  (the  dead  leaf -stalks  of  the  previous  year). 
Leaves  opposite,  stalked,  usually  doubly  ternate  and  slightly  hairy  ; 
segments  ovate-lanceolate,  acuminate,  unequally  serrate,  often 
lobed  or  connate  at  the  base.  Flowers  large  and  solitary,  violet,  on 
long  stalks,  axillary,  dependent.  Petals  small,  erect,  spathulate. 
Sepals  lanceolate,  erect  or  patent.  Carpels  terminating  in  a  long 
beard,  by  which  they  are  disseminated  by  the  wind. 

Stony  places  in  the  Alps,  and  in  woody  sub-alpine  districts, 
especially  on  limestone ;  often  covering  rocks  and  shrubs.  2500- 
7000  feet.  June  to  August.  Occasionally  in  shady  valleys  down 
to  2000  feet. 


;.   UN  I'M    TENUIKOL1UM. 



Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps ; 
rare  in  Switzerland  (Grisons,  Bernese  Oberland,  etc.)  ;  Tran- 
sylvania, Northern  Russia,  Lapland,  Northern  Asia,  and  North 

Clematis  Vitalba  L.    Traveller's  Joy,  Old  Man's  Beard. 

A  taller  climber  than  the  last,  its  woody  stems  being  sometimes 
as  thick  as  the  wrist  and  several  yards'injiength,  whilst  the  young 
shoots  spread  greatly  over  shrubs  and  trees,  to  which  they  cling 
by  their  twisted  petioles.  Leaves  pinnate,  usually  with  5-stalked 
segments.  Flowers  greenish  white,  in  loose  panicles  at  the  ends 
of  short  branches.  Carpels  with  long,  feathery  awns,  which  give  the 
plant  the  name  of  Old  Man's  Beard. 

Hedges,  thickets  and  open  woods,  especially  on  limestone. 
Occasionally  ascending  to  the  sub-alpine  zone  in  Switzerland. 
July  and  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  ;  France,  England, 

In  France  the  long  stems  are  used  in  basket-work,  the  leaves 
given  to  beasts  as  fodder,  and  the  young  shoots  are  occasionally 
eaten  by  the.  peasants. 


Herbs  with  a  short  perennial  rootstock  and  much-divided  leaf- 
stalks, bearing  distinct  segments  or  leaflets.  Sepals  4  or  5,  small, 
coloured  and  petal-like,  but  no  real  petals.  Stamens  numerous, 
with  long  anthers  projecting  beyond  the  calyx.  Carpels  several, 
i-seeded,  furrowed.  Flowers  sometimes  polygamous.  A  genus  of 
about  70  species  diffused  over  the  northern  hemisphere ;  variable 
and  difficult  to  characterise. 

Thalictrum  aquilegifolium  L.    (Plate  III.) 

Stem  sometimes  a  yard  high,  robust,  glabrous,  finely  furrowed. 
Leaves  roundly  triangular,  2-4  times  pinnate,  with  membranous 
stipellse  at  the  branches  of  the  leaf-stalk,  light  green  above,  bluish 
green  below ;  auricles  of  leaf-sheaths  blunt ;  leaflets  roundish, 
obovate  or  wedge-shaped,  often  oblique  or  cordate  at  the  base, 
obtuse,  crenate,  3-lobed  or  undivided.  Flowers  erect,  in  dense 
terminal  cymes.  Stamens  erect.  Carpels  3-edged,  winged,  stalked, 
pendent.  Sepals  and  stamens  in  various  shades  of  lilac,  and  some- 
times nearly  white  ;  anthers  yellowish. 

Rich  upland  meadows  of  the  lower  Alps,  descending  far  into  the 
plains,  in  meadows  or  margins  of  woods,  etc. ;  often  in  stony  places 
and  ravines  with  Rhododendron,  and  ascending  to  6000  feet. 
May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps  ; 


Black  Forest,  Vosges,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  and  almost  all  mountainous 
Europe,  including  Southern  Scandinavia  ;   Northern  Asia. 

Thalictrum  minus  L. 

A  most  variable  species ;  in  dry  limestone  soils  usually  only 
about  a  foot  high,  of  a  glaucous  colour  or  slightly  downy  ;  in  moist 
situations  it  is  larger  and  greener,  with  stems  often  3  feet  high, 
flexuous,  furrowed,  glaucous,  glabrous  or  pubescent-glandular. 
Leaves  large,  with  leaflets  glaucous  below  and  rather  large.  Flowers 
yellow,  pendent,  in  branched  leafy  panicles,  flower-stalks  slender. 
Carpels  oval,  with  longitudinal  ribs. 

Rocky  places  in  the  hills,  chestnut  groves  and  fields,  especially 
in  the  sub-alpine  district.  June  and  July.  Well  worth  cultivating 
for  its  beautiful  foliage,  resembling  robust  and  wiry  Maidenhair  fern. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Russian  Asia,  Africa,  Alaska  (British). 
Thalictrum  alpinum  L.    Alpine  Meadow-rue. 

Root  slender,  creeping.  Stem  2-4  inches  high,  almost  naked, 
simple.  Leaves  radical,  glabrous  ;  leaflets  oboval,  3-cleft,  crenate, 
greyish  green.  Flowers  in  a  simple  terminal  raceme,  greenish  yellow, 
pendent ;  flower-stalks  recurved.  The  smallest  of  the  genus. 

Moist  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  rare  ;  3300-8000  feet. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps  ;  in  Switzer- 
land only  in  Grisons  ;  Eastern  and  Central  Pyrenees,  Caucasus, 
Northern  Europe  and  Asia  (British). 

In  Norway  it  reaches  about  3400  feet. 

Thalictrum  fcetidum  L. 

Rhizome  short.  Stem  4-12  inches  high,  flexuous,  feebly  striated, 
glandular  pubescent,  and  foetid  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  as 
broad  as  long,  somewhat  triangular ;  leaflets  small,  toothed, 
usually  densely  pubescent,  rarely  glabrous  ;  foliage  like  Maidenhair 
fern  except  in  colour.  Flowers  yellow,  pendent,  in  a  much-branched 
panicle.  Carpels  rounded  at  the  base,  oval-orbicular  with  prominent 
ribs.  Another  polymorphic  species  found  in  rocky  places  among  the 
mountains  up  to  8000  feet.  June  to  August.  It  is  very  common 
about  Zinal. 

Distribution. — Alps  of  Central  Europe,  Eastern  Pyrenees,  Central 
and  Northern  Asia. 

Thalictrum  tuberosum  L. 

Roots  tuberous,  spindle-shaped.  Plant  distinguished  from  all 
other  species  of  Thalictrum  by  its  flowers  having  4  or  rarely  5 
large  yellowish  white  sepals. 

Dry,  rocky  places  up  to  4000  feet  in  the  Pyrenees,  Corbieres  and 

The  European  species  of  Thalictrum  are  easily  naturalised  in 


Britain  in  almost  any  soil,  and  readily  increased  from  seed  or  by 
division  in  early  spring.  T.  aquilegifolium  is  particularly  ornamental 
in  gardens,  and  likes  shade  and  a  light  soil. 



Rootstock  perennial.  Leaves  radical.  Involucral  bracts  com- 
pound and  often  leaf-like.  Flowers  usually  solitary.  No  petals. 
Sepals  5  or  more,  coloured  and  petal-like,  longer  than  the  stamens, 
which  are  numerous.  Carpels  numerous,  i-seeded,  often  ending 
in  a  long  feathery  awn. 

A  large  genus  of  some  85  species,  found  in  most  of  the  temperate 
regions  of  the  world,  and  chiefly  characterised  by  the  three  '  leaves  ' 
placed  in  a  whorl  from  half-way  up  the  stem  to  very  near  the  flowers, 
according  to  the  species. 

Anemone  Hepatica  L.     (Plate  IV.) 

Root  short,  fibrous.  Stem  naked,  velvety.  Leaves  leathery, 
heart-shaped  at  the  base  with  3  equal  lobes,  often  purple  below, 
persistent  and  with  long  petioles.  Flowers  blue,  rose,  or  white, 
solitary.  Involucre  of  3  oval,  entire  leaflets,  resembling  a  calyx. 
Sepals  6-9,  glabrous.  Carpels  covered  with  tomentum,  with  short, 
glabrous  beak. 

The  blue  form  is  the  commonest,  and  it  is  abundant  in  shady 
places  and  woods  among  the  hills,  especially  on  Jurassic  limestone. 
In  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  it  flourishes  from  about  2500-4500  feet. 
March  to  June,  according  to  situation. 

Distribution. — Nearly  all  Europe  ;   Siberia,  North  America. 

In  Mr.  Flemwell's  Alpine  Flowers  and  Gardens,  where  is  a  most 
delicate  picture  of  Hepatica  in  the  woods  at  Bex, in  the  Rhone  Valley, 
he  says  :  '  As  the  snow  recedes,  the  brown  bed  of  the  pine  forests 
is  decked  with  myriads  of  Hepatica ;  their  thick  clusters  of  mauve- 
blue  blossoms,  relieved  here  and  there  by  the  rarer  forms  of  white 
and  rose,  glint  gaily  among  the  sombre  tree-trunks,  creating  a 
veritable  laughing  fairyland  where,  usually,  all  is  sedate,  if  not 
actually  gloomy.'  In  gardens  it  likes  a  deep,  light  soil,  with  some 
leaf-mould,  and  should  be  disturbed  as  little  as  possible. 

Anemone  narcissiflora  L. 

Rootstock  oblique,  premorse,  with  branching  fibres.  Stem  erect, 
4-12  inches  high,  simple,  with  several  leaves  at  the  base,  villous 
like  the  leaves,  and  bearing  a  terminal  3-6  flowered  umbel.  Root- 
leaves  stalked,  palmate,  3-5  partite,  sparsely  villous  or  glabrous 
on  the  upper  side  ;  the  segments  usually  doubly  3-cleft.  Bracts 
3-4,  sessile,  smaller  and  less  divided  than  the  root-leaves  and  often 
only  2-3  cleft.  Sepals  usually  5,  glabrous  on  both  sides.  Flowers 
white,  often  tinted  with  pale  rose,  f  to  i  J  inch  in  diameter  ;  seed- 
vessel  erect.  Carpels  not  bearded,  very  shortly  beaked. 


Alpine  pastures  and  steep,  partially  wooded  banks  and  hillsides  ; 
but  nearly  always  on  calcareous  soil,  from  3000  to  6800  feet,  and 
often  covering  large  tracts.  End  of  May  to  August,  according  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps  ;  Erzgebirge, 
Vosges,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Transylvania,  Balkans,  Caucasus,  Western 
and  Central  Asia ;  Steppes  of  Russia  and  Siberia ;  North  America. 

This  beautiful  Anemone  likes  rich,  loamy  soil,  with  plenty  of 
leaf -mould  mixed  with  lime.  Care  should  be  taken  to  get  up  the 
whole  root  of  this  and  other  members  of  the  genus  if  success  is  to 
be  expected  from  collected  specimens. 

Anemone  apennina  L. 

Root  tuberous,  blackish.  Stem  6-10  inches  high,  slender, 
glabrescent.  Leaves  resembling  those  of  the  common  Wood 
Anemone  ;  bracts  of  the  involucre  petioled,  having  the  appearance 
of  leaves.  Peduncle  erect.  Flowers  pale  blue,  solitary.  Sepals 
10-15,  almost  linear.  Carpels  shortly  pubescent,  elliptic,  with 
glabrous  beak. 

Woods  and  rocky  places.    April. 

Distribution. — Southern  Europe ;  Italy,  Corsica,  Dalmatia, 
Herzegovina,  Montenegro,  Corfu.  Occasionally  it  is  found  in 
plantations  and  woods  in  England,  but  is  certainly  not  native. 

It  looks  best  in  large  clumps,  and  is  a  very  ornamental  plant 
for  open  shrubberies  and  glades,  and  for  establishing  round  the  base 
of  some  tree  which  will  allow  the  sun  to  open  its  flowers  in  spring, 
but  protect  it  from  the  fiercer  heat  of  summer.  A  top-dressing  of 
leaf-mould  and  peat  is  beneficial. 

Anemone  nemorosa  L.    Wood  Anemone. 

Rhizome  horizontal,  nearly  black,  sending  up  2  or  3  leaves 
at  the  extremity  and  a  single  flower-stalk,  either  glabrous  or  slightly 
downy.  Leafstalks  long,  with  3  ovate  or  lanceolate  leaflets, 
toothed  or  lobed.  Peduncle  3  to  8  inches  high,  with  involucral 
leaves  at  about  two- thirds  of  its  height,  smaller,  and  on  shorter 
stalks  than  the  real  leaves.  Sepals  6,  white,  often  bluish  or  pinkish 
outside,  glabrous.  Carpels  downy,  longly  pointed,  but  not  feathery. 

Woods  of  the  sub-alps  and  plains,  damp  meadows  and  broad 
hedges.  March  to  May. 

Sometimes  seen  growing  in  Switzerland  up  to  6000  feet,  as  e.g. 
on  the  Simplon  Pass,  where  in  June,  1908,  we  found  it  accompanied 
by  the  Sulphur  Anemone.  The  colour  of  the  sub-alpine  forms  is 
generally  deeper  than  that  of  the  plains. 

Distribution.  —  Nearly  all  Europe  ;  North  -  west  Asia,  North 
America.  Abundant  in  Britain. 

Anemone  ranunculoides  L. 

Rhizome  horizontal.    Stem  and  whole  plant  about  the  size  of  the 

4/7    NATURAL    SI/K 






Wood  Anemone,  which  it  much  resembles  in  habit  as  well  as  in 
habitat.  Leaves  spring  far  from  the  stem,  with  3-5  shortly  petioled 
segments  ;  leaflets  of  the  involucre  shortly  petioled  and  resembling 
true  leaves.  Flowers  bright  yellow,  usually  solitary,  but  some- 
times in  twos  or  threes.  Sepals  5-8  oval.  Carpels  pubescent, 
with  long  glabrous  beak. 

Woods  and  meadows,  and  damp,  shady  places,  and  by  streams, 
especially  on  a  limestone  soil.  March  to  May. 

Distribution. — Throughout  France,  including  the  mountains 
above  the  Riviera,  though  rare  elsewhere  in  the  South,  and  fairly 
spread  through  Europe,  though  rare  in  Switzerland  except  in  the 
Jura  ;  Western  Asia. 

Occasionally  found  in  England  and  the  south  of  Scotland,  but  is 
probably  not  indigenous.  It  is  a  useful  plant  to  naturalise  in  shrub- 
beries, but  in  this  country  it  is  rarely  seen  so  fine  as  on  the  Continent, 
as,  for  example,  in  Savoy,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Aix-les-Bains,etc. 

Anemone  sylvestris  L. 

Root  short  with  matted  fibres.  Stem  10-20.  inches  high  or  more, 
slender,  downy.  Leaves  downy,  cut  into  5  rhomboidal  segments, 
bi-trifid,  toothed  irregularly.  Leaflets  of  the  involucre  stalked, 
resembling  true  leaves  ;  peduncle  always  erect.  Flowers  white, 
large,  solitary.  Sepals  5-8,  oval,  silky  outside.  Carpels  woolly, 
numerous,  forming  a  tight  oblong  head. 

Woody  places  and  stony  hills  ;   rare.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — North  of  France,  Alsace-Lorraine,  Central  Europe, 
Southern  Sweden,  Caucasus,  Russia,  Western  Asia.  In  Switzerland 
only  in  Canton  Bale. 

A  very  ornamental  plant  for  the  borders  of  shrubberies  and 
shady  places  in  gardens  ;  and  it  looks  particularly  well  with  large 
ferns  in  a  rockery. 

Anemone  trifolia  L. 

Radical  leaves  usually  wanting  at  time  of  flowering.  Involucral 
bracts  3,  petioled,  with  simple,  broadly  lanceolate  and  regularly 
serrated  segments.  Flowers  solitary.  Sepals  usually  6,  oblong, 
glabrous  beneath,  white,  but  very  rarely  blue  (var.  ccerulescens 

Bushy  places  and  woods  up  to  about  5500  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Southern  Tyrol  to  Carinthia,  where  it  is  often 
abundant.  Woods,  pastures,  and  chestnut-groves  in  Liguria,  at 
about  2000  feet.  According  to  Moggridge  it  replaces  A.  nemorosa 
along  the  coast  from  San  Remo  to  Genoa,  while  the  Wood  Anemone 
usually  grows  higher  among  the  mountains  (Flora  of  Mentone,  etc.). 
Anemone  alpina  L. 

Rootstock  thick,  and  extending  into  a  long,  fibrous  tap-root. 
Stem  6-18  inches  high.  Root-leaves  ternate,  bipinnatifid,  with 


deeply  cut  segments.  Involucral  bracts  ternate,  shortly  stalked, 
and  resembling  the  root-leaves.  Flowers  solitary,  white,  often 
tinged  with  blue  below,  large,  but  variable  in  size,  and  blossoming 
before  the  leaves  are  fully  developed.  Sepals  usually  6.  Carpels, 
as  well  as  the  very  long  awn  or  beard,  villous.  The  heads  of  feathery 
seeds  of  this  and  A.  sulphur ea  form  conspicuous  objects  in  late 
summer.  The  seeds  are  at  first  reddish  brown,  and  arranged  spirally, 
and  they  all  turn  upwards  stiffly  ;  then  they  gradually  bend  hori- 
zontal and  downwards,  and  the  colour  becomes  a  dull  mauve. 

Pastures  and  rough  ground  on  steep  slopes  in  the  Alps  and  sub- 
Alps,  especially  on  calcareous  soil.  May  to  July,  remaining  till 
August  in  the  higher  situations. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps, 
Vosges,  Jura,  Auvergne,  Erzgebirge,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Caucasus, 
North  America. 

Anemone  sulphur  ea  L.    (Plate  V.) 

Probably  only  a  variety  of  A.  alpina,  but  usually  growing  on 
'the  older  siliceous  and  granite  rocks.  The  flowers  are  a  pale,  clear 
yellow  colour  and  often  larger  than  those  of  the  white  one. 

The  habitat  and  distribution,  except  as  to  geological  formation, 
are  fairly  similar  to  the  last.  The  seeds,  collected  in  August  usually, 
are  difficult  to  germinate,  but  sometimes  come  up  the  second  year 
when  sown  in  the  autumn  in  good,  peaty  soil,  watered  with  a  fine 
spray,  and  screened  from  the  sun  in  a  greenhouse  or  cold  frame. 

As  suggested  in  the  Gardeners'  Chronicle  in  1910,  and  in  Alpine 
Plants  of  Europe,  we  again  recommend  that  this  Anemone  be  tried 
in  flower  beds,  and  also  in  turf  and  rough  pastures  in  parks,  etc., 
for  clumps  of  these  beautiful  flowers  would  look  remarkably  well. 
But  the  plant  dislikes  lime,  and  probably  for  that  reason  it  does 
not  appear  to  be  found  in  the  Jura  mountains.  Specimens  with 
double  flowers  were  recorded  many  years  ago  from  between  Saas 
and  Monte  Moro,  having  been  found  by  the  Rev.  T.  Butler  near  the 
Mattmark  See. 

Anemone  vernalis  L. 

Stem  3-5  inches  high,  silky.  Leaves  pinnate,  shaggy ;  leaflets 
broadly  wedge-shaped,  in  2-3  pairs,  3-cleft,  the  divisions  ovate, 
entire,  or  2-3  toothed.  Involucre  of  3  sessile,  multipinnate  bracts, 
villous,  with  yellowish  red  hairs.  Flowers  large,  nearly  erect. 
Sepals  connivent,  white  within,  reddish,  and  finally  bluish  on  the 
outside,  villous,  with  yellowish  red  hairs.  Carpels  oblong,  villous, 
with  long  plumose  beak.  It  opens  its  flowers  immediately  after 
the  snow  has  melted,  but  when  fertilised  they  are  usually  closed 

Dry  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  3500-9000  feet.  April  to 
July.  Rather  local  and  preferring  siliceous  soil. 

Pl.ATK    V. 


4/7    XATUKAL    SIZE. 



Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Pyrenees, 
Riesengebirge,  Alsace-Lorraine,  North  Germany,  Carpathians, 
Scandinavia,  Siberia.  In  Norway  it  reaches  the  limit  of  eternal 

Anemone  Halleri  All. 

Stem  taller  than  the  last.  Plant  villous,  with  white,  shining 
glandular  hairs.  Leaves  pinnate,  with  segments  in  2-3  pairs, 
pinnatifid,  the  lobes  2-3  cleft ;  ultimate  segments  entire  or  3-cleft. 
Bracts  of  involucre  sessile,  linear-lanceolate,  very  hairy.  Flowers 
usually  pale  violet,  rarely  white  or  rose-coloured,  large,  erect,  solitary. 
Sepals  6,  elliptic,  silky  outside.  Carpels  with  long  plumose  beard. 

Southern  slopes  and  dry  pastures  at  about  5000  feet,  though 
occasionally  descending  lower.  It  usually  blooms  in  May  and  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern  Alps,  Switzerland  (only 
in  Valais),  Savoy,  Dauphiny,  Provence,  Italian  Alps,  Poland, 
Southern  Bohemia. 

Anemone  Pulsatilla  L.    Pasque-flower.    (Plate  V.) 

A  smaller  plant  than  the  last.     Leaves  deeply  cut  into  linear 

segments,  and  the  whole  plant  very  hairy.    Flowers  large,  solitary, 

erect  or  finally  drooping,  purple.     Carpels  with  a  long  plumose 

beard.    A  very  acrid  plant  with  medicinal  properties. 

Dry,  stony,  sunny  places,  especially  on  chalk  and  limestone. 

It  frequents  the  lower  hills  rather  than  the  mountains.    March  to 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe ;  Siberia.     In  Britain  confined 

to  a  few  chalk  hills  in  the  south  and  east  of  England.     Local  in 


Anemone  montana  Hoppe. 

Plant  6-12  inches  high,  covered  at  first  with  silky  hairs,  later 
almost  glabrous.  Leaves  with  linear  segments.  Petiole  broadened 
into  a  sheath  at  the  base.  Flowers  solitary,  dark  violet,  drooping, 
very  silky  outside  ;  bell-shaped  at  first,  star-shaped  later,  darker 
in  colour  and  smaller  than  those  of  A.  Pulsatilla.  Rarely  the 
flowers  are  blue,  rose  or  whitish. 

Sunny,  stony  places  on  the  hills  and  lower  Alps  up  to  about 
6500  feet — local.  March  and  April.  Autumn  flowering  specimens 
were  found  by  the  author  near  Sierre  in  the  Rhone  valley  in  1911. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Dauphiny,  Auvergne,  S.  Tyrol  and 

ADONIS  L.     Pheasant's  Eye. 

Characters  those  of  Ranunculus,  except  that  the  petals  have 
no  nectary,  though  often  deeply  coloured  at  the  base,  and  the 
seed  is  suspended  and  not  erect,  in  the  carpel.  Leaves  with  very 
narrow7  segments. 


A  small  genus,  chiefly  confined  to  Southern  Europe  and  Western 

Adonis  vernalis  L. 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  almost  glabrous  ;  lower  leaves  reduced 
to  scales,  the  others  herbaceous,  multifid,  with  linear  segments. 
Flowers  pale  yellow,  large,  petals  10-15,  lanceolate  or  oblong. 
Carpels  oval,  rounded,  pubescent,  with  short  recurved  beak.  Sepals 

Dry  pastures,  stony  or  wooded.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — In  several  places  in  the  Valais  ;  Cevennes,  Alsace, 
Spain,  Central  and  South-Eastern  Europe. 

Both  the  late  A.  W.  Bennett,  in  his  Flora  of  the  Alps,  and  F.  E. 
Hulme,  in  Familiar  Swiss  Flowers,  were  in  error  in  stating  that 
this  is  a  weed  in  cultivated  ground  in  Switzerland.  If  on  cultivated 
land  it  has  been  planted  for  sale  in  the  market. 

Adonis  pyrenaica  DC. 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  slightly  hairy  ;  leaves  all  herbaceous, 
the  lower  ones  large  and  longly  petioled,  3-4  pinnate  with  linear 
segments.  Flowers  bright  yellow ;  petals  10-15  oboval.  Carpels 
angular,  pubescent,  with  long,  tapering,  recurved  beak. 

Rock  and  cliffs  ;  rare,  5000  to  6500  feet  in  the  Eastern  Pyrenees. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — French  and  Spanish  Pyrenees  ;  and  in  one  or 
two  places  in  the  Maritime  Alps. 

Adonis  autumnalis  L.,  with  deep  red  petals,  often  with  a  black 
spot,  and  A.  czstivalis  L.,  with  red  and  sometimes  yellow  flowers 
and  glabrous  sepals  are  annuals  sometimes  found  among  crops 
and  in  waste  places  in  the  mountains ;  but  they  cannot  be  con- 
sidered sub-alpine.  We  have  specimens  of  A.  cestivalis  from  Mont 
Cenis,  at  about  6300  feet  above  the  sea. 

RANUNCULUS  L.    Buttercup. 

Annual  or  perennial  herbs,  sometimes  entirely  aquatic.  Leaves 
entire  or  more  or  less  divided.  Flowers  usually  yellow  or  white. 
Sepals  5,  very  rarely  3.  Petals  5  or  more,  each  with  a  thickened 
hollow  spot  at  the  base,  often  covered  by  a  minute  scale.  Stamens 
numerous.  Carpels  numerous,  without  awns,  in  a  globular  or 
oblong  head,  each  with  a  single  ovule  attached  near  its  base.  A 
large  genus,  spread  widely  over  the  temperate  regions  of  the  globe, 
and  even  found  in  the  tropics. 

Ranunculus  aconitifolius  L.    (Plate  VI.) 

Rootstock  short,  premorse,  tufted  with  thick  fibres.  Stem  erect, 
1-3  feet,  leafy,  branched  above,  3-many-flowered,  flexuous,  glabrous 
like  the  leaves  or  with  a  few  scattered  hairs.  Root-leaves  and  lower 


stem-leaves  stalked,  developing  before  the  flowers,  palmate,  3-7 
cleft ;  segments  2-3  cleft,  or  undivided,  unequally  serrate,  acute  ; 
stem-leaves  more  shortly  stalked  or  sessile,  less  divided,  less  serrate. 
Flowers  forming  a  terminal  cyme.  Petals  white,  obovate,  obtuse. 
Carpels  veined  and  furrowed,  large,  glabrous,  with  a  short  curved 
beak.  The  sepals,  which  envelop  the  buds  before  opening  (when 
they  fall)  are  a  beautiful  purplish  colour.  Very  variable,  both  in 
the  height  of  stem  and  in  the  numbers  of  leaves  and  flowers. 
The  leaves  are  thin  and  dark  green. 

The  variety  platanifolius  L.,  commoner  in  the  Eastern  Alps,  has 
a  tough,  not  zigzag  stem  and  glabrous  peduncles.  In  Norway  it  is 
found  up  to  the  birch  limit. 

Wet  meadows,  borders  of  streams,  and  shady,  stony  places,  in 
clefts  of  rocks  and  by  springs  in  the  mountains  ;  and  often  brought 
down  to  a  low  elevation  by  mountain  torrents.  June  to  August. 
2000-8000  feet. 

In  cultivation  it  does  best  in  cool,  damp,  rocky  places  under 
trees,  and  can  be  associated  with  such  vigorous  plants  as  Adeno- 
styles,  Achillea  macrophylla,  Mulgedium  alpinum,  etc. 

Distribution. —  Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps;  Carpa- 
thians ;  Sudetic  Mountains ;  Black  Forest ;  Vosges ;  Jura ; 
Cevennes  ;  Corbieres  and  Pyrenees  ;  Corsica. 

Ranunculus  crenatus  W.  et  Kit. 

Stem  erect,  3-6  inches  high,  usually  i-leaved  and  i-flowered, 
glabrous.  Leaves  roundish  cordate  or  reniform,  undivided  or 
slightly  3-cleft  near  the  apex,  crenate  ;  stem-leaves  linear.  Flower- 
stalk  furrowed.  Calyx  glabrous.  Flowers  white.  Petals  obovate, 
with  wavy  margin,  crenate.  Achenes  smooth  without  any  mem- 
branous margin,  glabrous,  globular,  drawn  out  into  a  striated 
hooked  beak.  August. 

Distribution. — Meadows  on  primitive  rocks,  3500-6800  feet,  rare ; 
Carpathians,  Styria,  and  Eastern  Alps. 

Ranunculus  alpestris  L. 

Rootstock  cylindrical,  oblique  or  vertical,  tufted,  covered  with 
thick  fibres.  Stem  erect,  2-4  inches  high,  leafless  or  1-2  leaved, 
simple,  usually  i-flowered,  glabrous  like  the  entire  plant.  Root- 
leaves  stalked,  cordate-rounded  or  reniform,  undivided  or  digitate, 
or  cleft  and  coarsely  crenate,  appearing  before  the  flowers.  Stem- 
leaves  smaller,  linear  or  wedge-shaped,  entire,  obtuse,  sessile,  the 
base  broader  and  membranous  at  the  margin,  leaves  somewhat 
rugose,  shining  on  the  upper  side.  Flowers  snow-white.  Petals 
usually  5,  obcordate,  often  3-lobed.  Achenes  smooth,  glabrous, 
with  a  long-hooked  beak. 

Locally  abundant  (especially  on  calcareous  soil)  in  pastures  and 
damp,  stony  places  on  the  Alps  from  4600-8500  feet.  June,  July. 


Below  the  famous  Joch  Pass,  leading  from  Engelberg  to  Meiringen, 
the  damp  rocks  and  stony  pastures  at  about  7000  feet  are  in  July 
purple  and  white  with  myriads  of  blossoms  of  Primula  integrifolia 
and  R.  alpestris.  But  directly  one  gets  west  of  Switzerland  this 
buttercup  becomes  rare. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  and  Central  Alps ;  rarely  in 
Savoy  and  Dauphiny  ;  Jura,  Eastern  and  Central  Pyrenees. 

R.  alpestris  can  be  planted  in  a  mixture  of  peat,  loam,  and  leaf- 
mould,  with  a  little  grit  added,  but  the  place  must  be  well  drained 
and  with  a  little  shade.  Snails  must  be  kept  off  in  the  early  spring, 
as  they  are  fond  of  eating  the  crowns  when  just  appearing. 

Ranunculus  Traunfellneri  Hoppe. 

Stem  1-3  inches  high  ;  leaves  not  shining,  where  it  differs  chiefly 
from  A.  alpestris,  which  it  resembles,  and  of  which  it  is  sometimes 
considered  a  variety.  Leaves  veined ;  root-leaves  3-partite,  reni- 
form  in  outline,  the  central  lobe  3-cleft,  the  divisions  lanceolate. 
Stem  i-flowered,  usually  with  one  leaf ;  stem-leaf  linear,  undivided. 
Flower-stalk  furrowed.  Calyx  glabrous.  Petals  obcordate  or 
3-lobed,  white. 

Dry  places  on  limestone,  at  about  5000  feet ;  rare.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps  ;  Tyrol  to  Carniola. 
Ranunculus  montanus  Willd. 

Stem  4-12  inches  high,  erect.  Root-leaves  palmate ;  divisions 
obovate,  3-cleft,  obtusely  toothed.  Lowermost  stem-leaf  5-cleft ; 
divisions  linear,  palmately  diverging ;  upper  stem-leaf  3-cleft. 
Flowers  1-3,  yellow.  Sepals  spreading,  pubescent.  Carpels 
marginate,  convex  on  both  sides  ;  beak  somewhat  curved,  very 
short.  Receptacle  bristly. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  woods  and  pastures ;  3500-8200  feet. 
Common.  June  to  August.  Very  variable,  and  with  several 
named  varieties,  of  which  R.  Villarsii  DC.  is  a  very  striking^dwarf 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  Black  Forest,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Western  Asia  and  W. 

Ranunculus  lanuginosus  L. 

A  tall  Buttercup,  the  size  of  R.  acris.  Stems  hollow  branched, 
densely  woolly.  Leaves  hairy  beneath,  lower  ones  5-partite  with 
broadly  obovate  lobes,  irregularly  toothed,  the  upper  leaves 
tripartite  with  lanceolate  lobes  ;  peduncles  not  furrowed.  Flowers 
bright  yellow.  Sepals  spreading,  hairy ;  receptacle  glabrous. 
Carpels  glabrous,  with  hooked  beak  nearly  half  the  length  of  the 

^Mountain  woods,  especially  in  the  Conifer  zone.   June  to  August. 


Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Dept.  of  the  Var,  Corsica  ;  Central 
and  Southern  Europe  from  Denmark  to  Italy,  Greece  and  the 

Ranunculus  bulbosus,  R.  acris,  and  R.  repens  are  often  found 
in  the  sub-alpine  meadows  ;  R.  acris  especially  ascending  some 
distance  into  the  mountains.  R.  auricomus  does  not  get  higher 
than  the  woods  of  the  Swiss  foot-hills. 

Ranunculus  Thora  L. 

Rootstock  with  spindle-shaped  roots  in  bundles.  Stem  4-12 
inches  high,  1-5  flowered,  simple,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant. 
Lower  stem-leaves  sessile  or  shortly  petioled,  roundly  kidney- 
shaped,  toothed  or  crenate-toothed,  the  next  leaves  with  3-5  lobes, 
and  the  others  lanceolate  entire.  Flowers  small,  yellow.  Petals  5. 
Sepals  glabrous.  Carpels  almost  globular,  with  a  short  beak. 

Steep,  stony  places  in  the  Alps,  in  the  Pine  region  and  above,  up 
to  7000  feet.  June,  July  ;  not  common. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps,  Switzerland,  Jura, 
Savoy,  and  Dauphiny  ;  Italian  Alps  and  Central  Pyrenees. 

Ranunculus  scutatus  Schott. 

This  species  closely  resembles  the  last,  of  which  it  is  considered 
a  variety  by  some  botanists.  It  is  taller  and  stouter,  with  more 
branched  stem  and  larger  flowers. 

Its  habitat  is  similar,  but  it  is  not  found  quite  so  high  in*  the 
Alps.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps  (Styria). 



Flowers  regular.  Sepals  usually  5,  large  and  yellow,  petaloid, 
no  real  petals.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels  5-10  compressed, 
each  with  several  seeds. 

A  very  small  genus,  inhabiting  the  temperate  and  cold  regions 
of  both  northern  and  southern  hemispheres. 

Caltha  palustris  L.    Marsh  Marigold. 

Stems  about  a  foot  long,  often  rooting  at  the  lower  nodes.  Leaves 
mostly  radical,  on  long  stalks,  orbicular  or  kidney-shaped  with 
cordate  base  and  crenate  margin,  very  glossy.  Flowers  large  and 
handsome,  bright  yellow. 

Marshy  places,  by  streams,  and  damp  mountain  slopes  from  the 
plains  up  to  8000  feet,  and  very  abundant  in  the  lower  Alps  from 
3000  to  5000  feet.  In  Norway  to  4300  feet,  or  above  the  birch 
limit.  March  to  July. 

Distribution, — Europe,  Temperate  Asia,  N.  America  (British). 



Perennial  herbs  with  divided  leaves  and  yellow  or  orange  flowers. 
Sepals  5  to  15,  large  and  petaloid.  Real  petals  small,  linear,  and 
flat.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels  several,  each  with  several  seeds. 

There  are  a  few  species  from  N.  Asia  and  N.  America,  besides  the 
European  species. 

Trollius  europceus  L.    Globe-flower  (Plate  X.) 

Stem  erect,  ij-2j  feet,  simple  and  i-flowered  or  branched  and 
2-3  flowered,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  palmately 
5-cleft,  lower  ones  stalked,  upper  leaves  sessile  ;  divisions  rhom- 
boidal,  3-cleft,  unequally  cut.  Sepals  yellow,  almost  closed  into 
a  ball.  Follicles  glabrous,  linear,  obliquely  wrinkled,  turning  black 
when  ripe,  seeds  black. 

Damp  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  and  mountain  declivities, 
often  in  great  masses,  sometimes  extending  to  8000  feet  in  altitude. 
In  Great  Britain  it  is  almost  confined  to  sub-alpine  districts  in  the 
north  and  west  ;  but  it  actually  descends,  or  did  fifteen  years  ago, 
the  valley  of  the  Taff  to  within  a  mile  or  two  of  the  town  of  Cardiff. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Black  Forest,  Vosges,  Jura,  Auvergne,  Cevennes  ;  Corbieres  and 
Pyrenees  ;  Europe,  especially  northern  and  central,  as  far  as  the 

It  grows  freely  in  almost  any  soil,  and  thrives  in  a  stiff  loam  with 
a  moist  subsoil.  Globe-flowers  rarely  vegetate  until  the  spring 
following  the  year  in  which  the  seeds  are  sown,  but  they  do  not 
attain  full  development  until  about  the  fourth  year. 

HELLEBORUS  L.    Hellebore. 

Perennial  herbs  with  palmately  or  pedately  divided  leaves. 
Sepals  5,  large,  often  greenish,  remaining  till  the  fruit  is  nearly  ripe. 
Real  petals  8-10,  very  small,  tubular.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels 
several,  large,  with  several  seeds. 

Helleborus  niger  L.    Christmas  Rose. 

Rootstock  thick,  oblique,  knobbed,  with  black  fibres.  Stem 
erect,  simple,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant,  3-6  inches  high,  usually 
I,  rarely  2-flowered,  leafless,  having  2  or  3  elliptical  or  ovate  bracts 
in  the  upper  part.  Leaves  radical,  large,  coriaceous,  stalked, 
pedate,  7-9  cleft ;  divisions  undivided  or  2-3  cleft,  linear-lanceolate 
or  wedge-shaped,  acute,  toothed.  Flowers  nodding,  handsome, 
2-3  inches  in  diameter,  white  or  rose-tinted,  ultimately  green.  Petals 
and  stamens  yellow.  Sepals  petaloid,  elliptical.  Follicle  (capsule) 
elongate,  obliquely  veined,  with  a  long  beak. 

The  leaves  spring  up  after  the  flowers,  but  remain  through  the 


following  winter.     The  rootstock  contains  a  narcotic  poison  of  a 
very  fatal  character.    It  is  officinal. 

Calcareous  sub-alpine  woods  and  rocky,  wooded  slopes,  as  high 
as  the  zone  of  Pinus  montanus.  January  to  April. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  only  in  Canton  Tessin.  It  is  fre- 
quent in  woods  above  Lago  Lugano  <  Carpathians  and  Central 
Europe  from  Tessin  to  Roumania. 

If  deep  cultivation  is  given  on  planting,  Helleborus  niger  seems 
indifferent  to  subsequent  treatment,  provided  it  is  not  much 
disturbed.  Lifting  and  dividing  should  be  done  in  July,  when  the 
plant  is  strongest.  Though  garden  specimens  are  often  protected 
by  a  hand  frame  before  and  during  flowering,  the  Christmas  Rose 
sometimes  suffers  when  removed  from  under  glass,  for  though  very 
hardy  the  protection  of  a  glass  tends  to  bring  on  the  young  foliage 
before  its  time. 

Helleborus  viridis  L.     Green  Hellebore. 

Plant  10-20  inches  high.  Radical  leaves  large,  on  long  stalks, 
divided  into  7-11  oblong,  acute,  toothed  segments,  3-4  inches  long, 
the  central  ones  free,  the  lateral  ones  connected  together  at  the  base. 
Flowers  2-4,  large,  drooping,  yellowish  green. 

Woods  and  hedges,  especially  on  limestone,  and  about  old 
buildings  in  the  plains  and  hills.  March,  April. 

Distribution. — Western  and  Central  Europe  (British). 
Helleborus  fcetidus  L.    Foetid  Hellebore. 

About  2  feet  high,  robust,  with  perennial  leafy  stems.  Lower 
leaves  not  all  radical,  but  forming  a  larger  and  thicker  tuft  than  in 
H.  viridis.  Segments  narrower,  less  toothed,  and  more  shining. 
Flower-stem  about  a  foot  high,  with  a  large  close  panicle  of  droop- 
ing flowers,  of  a  pale  green  tinged  with  purple. 

Common  in  stony  pastures,  chiefly  in  limestone  districts,  and 
sometimes  in  great  masses  on  mountain  slopes,  such  as  those  of  the 
Jura.  February  to  May. 

Distribution. — Western  and  Central  Europe  as  far  as  Styria. 
Spread  through  France,  but  rare  in  England. 

Helleborus  lividus  Ait.  (H.  corsicus  Willd.). 

This  handsome  species  has  prickly  leaves  divided  into  3  lanceo- 
late segments,  and  white  or  rose-coloured  flowers  with  spreading 

Distribution. — Mountain  region  of  Corsica,  Sardinia,  and  the 
Balearic  Isles.  November  to  April. 


ERANTHIS  Salisb. 

A  genus  of  only  5  species  inhabiting  the  mountains  of  Europe 
and  Asia.  Flowers  regular.  Sepals  petaloid,  deciduous.  Petals 
small,  2-lipped. 

Eranthis  hiemalis  Salisb.    Winter  Aconite. 

Yellow  petals  and  sepals.  Flowers  solitary  and  sessile  in  an  in- 
volucre of  green  '  leaves.'  Leaves  glabrous,  shining,  appearing 
after  the  flowers,  orbicular,  but  deeply  cut  into  segments.  Sepals 
petaloid,  5-8.  Follicles  5-8,  free,  divergent,  with  a  beak  half  their 

Damp,  wooded  places,  sometimes  extending  up  to  5000  feet  in 
the  Alps,  though  very  local.  February  and  March.  Frequently 
naturalised  in  shrubberies,  etc.,  in  Switzerland  and  Normandy,  and 
well  known  in  English  gardens.  Even  in  1633  Gerard  wrote,  "We 
have  great  quantities  of  it  in  our  London  gardens." 

Distribution. — Vosges,  Jura,  Alps  of  Dauphiny  and  Provence ; 
Central  Europe  as  far  as  Servia.  In  Switzerland  it  is  rare,  and  only 
naturalised  in  orchards,  vineyards,  etc. 

AQUILEGIA  L.    Columbine. 

Perennial  herbs  with  the  leaves  mostly  radical,  ternately  divided, 
with  distinct  stalked  segments  or  leaflets.  Sepals  5,  coloured. 
Petals  5,  each  prolonged  below  into  a  horn-shaped  spur.  Stamens 
numerous.  Carpels  5,  each  with  several  seeds. 

A  small  genus,  spread  over  the  temperate  regions  of  the  northern 
hemisphere,  especially  in  hilly  districts. 

Aquilegia  alpina  L.    Alpine  Columbine. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  1-3  flowered.  Leaves  doubly  ternate ; 
leaflets  deeply  incised  and  3-cleft,  crenate.  Flowers  very  large,  the 
petaloid  sepals  broadly  ovate,  deep  blue,  the  spur  of  the  nectary 
somewhat  curved.  Petals  5,  broad,  paler  blue,  rather  longer  than 
the  stamens.  Follicles  5,  densely  hairy. 

One  of  the  most  handsome  plants  of  the  Alps.  Mr.  Reginald 
Farrer  says  of  it  in  My  Rock  Garden,  page  46  :  "  The  flowers, 
dancing  high  on  airy  stems,  are  of  enormous  size,  most  exquisitely, 
daintily  balanced,  and  of  a  soft,  melting  blue  quite  impossible  to 
describe — a  colour  deep  yet  gentle,  brilliant  yet  modest,  perfectly 
clear  and  yet  not  flaunting."  The  same  writer,  in  speaking  of  the 
cultivation  of  Columbines,  tells  us  :  "  The  essential  is  to  give  them 
perfect,  quick  drainage,  and  then  a  soil  both  rich  and  light.  They 
dislike,  too,  being  battered  by  winds  and  weather  when  they  are 
coming  up.  The  best  that  we  can  do  is  to  remember  how  they 
lodge  and  dodge  behind  bushes  on  their  native  hills  when  they  can, 
and  give  them  some  such  similar  protection  in  the  garden." 


Rocky,  bushy  places  and  escarpments  in  the  Alps  ;  4500-6500 
feet.  July,  August.  Scattered  and  generally  rare. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  where  it  attains  its  eastern  limit  in 
the  Engadine  ;  Alps  of  Savoy,  Dauphiny,  and  Provence  ;  Mont 
Ventoux  and  Northern  Italy. 

Aquilegia  Einseleana  F.  Schulz  (A.  pyrenaica  Koch,  not  DC.). 

Stem  6-12  inches  high,  tender,  more  or  less  covered  with  viscid, 
glandular  hairs,  especially  above.  Leaves  glabrous,  once  or  twice 
ternate,  leaflets  obovate-spathulate,  2-3  lobed,  with  rounded  entire 
or  slightly  indented  lobes.  Flowers  about  I  inch  broad,  purple. 
Spur  of  corolla  nearly  straight  at  the  apex  or  curved,  but  not 
rolled  up.  Receptacle  rounded,  as  long  as  or  longer  than  the 

Rocky  places  in  the  lower  Alps  up  to  5000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Upper  Bavaria,  Tyrol  (Salzburg),  Carinthia,  etc. 
Aquilegia  pyrenaica  DC.,  not  Koch. 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  very  slender,  almost  naked,  with  1-3 
flowers.  Leaves  small,  2-  or  3-ternate,  with  entire  or  divided 
leaflets.  Flowers  blue,  rather  large,  but  smaller  than  those  of 
A.  alpina.  Petals  with  rounded  lip.  Spur  slender,  straight,  slightly 
longer  than  the  lip.  Follicles  rather  small  (12-15  mill.). 

Rocks  and  debris-strewn  slopes  in  the  Alpine  and  sub-alpine 
region.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — French  and  Spanish  Pyrenees. 
Aquilegia  Reuteri  Boiss. 

Stem  iJ-2  feet  high,  simple  or  slightly  branched,  often  rather 
viscid,  as  several  of  the  Aquilegias  are,  leafy,  with  1-5  flowers. 
Radical  leaves  biternate,  with  deeply  incised  lobes  ;  stem-leaves 
with  several  linear  lobes  or  entire.  Flowers  clear  blue,  in  a  narrow 
panicle,  shortly  peduncled.  Petals  with  lip  rounded  or  sub-truncate. 
Spur  curved  back  into  a  hook,  equalling  the  lip  in  length.  Stamens 
as  long  as  the  lip.  Follicles  small. 

Woods  and  rocky  places  in  the  Western  Alps.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps  only,  as  Hautes-Alpes,  Basses- 
Alpes,  Maritime  Alps,  Var,  Liguria,  and  Piedmont ;  abundant  in 
some  of  the  Ligurian  and  Maritime  Alps,  at  from  2400  to  5500  feet, 
where  it  takes  the  place  of  A.  alpina. 

Aquilegia  vulgaris  L.    Common  Columbine. 

Stem  2-3  feet  high,  pubescent,  branched  above.  Lower  leaves 
longly  petioled,  usually  biternate,  with  broad  incised  segments  ; 
upper  leaves  sessile,  with  lobes  often  entire.  Flowers  purple, 
rarely  white  or  rose,  large,  longly  peduncled. 

Woody  places  and  rough  hilly  pastures,  especially  on  lime- 
stone, from  the  plains  up  to  5000  feet.  May  to  July. 


Distribution. — Nearly    all    Europe ;    Siberia,    Himalaya.      In- 
digenous in  parts  of  the  British  Isles,  but  often  introduced. 
Aquilegia  atrata  Koch. 

This  is  probably  a  variety  of  the  Common  Columbine,  with 
violet-black  flowers  about  an  inch  in  diameter,  which  occasionally 
grows  at  about  5000  feet  in  the  Italian  Maritime  Alps  and  the 
Jura,  and  flowers  in  June  and  July.  The  stamens  are  longer  than 
in  the  common  Aquilegia. 

Hoffmann  speaks  of  its  being  "  widely,  and  in  some  places 
abundantly,  distributed  over  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps,  and  regarded 
by  many  botanists  as  an  Alpine  form  of  the  Common  Columbine  "  ; 
but  he  and  some  other  botanists  include  in  this  category  the 
ordinary  mountain  plants  with  "  purple-brown  "  flowers,  which 
are  so  common  and  so  decorative  in  many  Alpine  pastures,  as  e.g. 
those  about  Engelberg. 

The  Alpine  species  of  Aquilegia  are  rather  more  difficult  to 
cultivate  than  the  common  one,  and  they  are  best  sown  from  seed 
in  spring  obtained  direct  from  the  Alps,  pricked  out  into  pans 
or  a  cold  frame,  and  planted  in  early  autumn  in  deep,  well-drained 
loam  with  some  grit  in  it.  On  rockeries  they  do  well  in  half-shady 
but  well-drained  positions,  but  A.  alpina  likes  rather  more  sun. 

DELPHINIUM  L.    Larkspur. 

Mostly  annual  herbs  having  much  divided  leaves  with  narrow 
segments.  Sepals  5,  coloured  and  spurred.  Petals  lengthened  into 
a  spur.  Carpels  1-5  each  with  several  seeds. 

A  considerable  genus,  widely  spread  over  the  northern  hemi- 
sphere without  the  tropics. 

The  two  following  sub-alpine  species  are  perennials  and  deserve 
to  be  more  cultivated  in  gardens. 

Delphinium  fissum  Waldst.  and  Kit. 

Glabrous  or  hairy,  sometimes  a  yard  high,  robust.  Leaves 
cut  into  5-7  linear  lobes,  trifid,  incised-dentate.  Petioles  dilated 
into  a  sheath  at  the  base.  Flower-stalks  erect,  pubescent,  with 
two  linear  bracts  near  the  centre.  Flowers  bright  blue,  at  first 
often  tinged  with  green  ;  in  long  spikes.  Spur  long  and  pointed. 
Petals  bifid,  the  2  inferior  downy  at  the  base.  Follicles  3-5,  glabrous 
or  hairy.  Seeds  numerous,  with  imbricated  scales. 

Rocky  and  shrubby  places  in  the  south.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Hautes-Alpes,  Basses-Alpes,  Maritime  Alps  (at 
about  2000  feet  in  the  chestnut  zone),  Var,  Bouches-du-Rhone, 
Gard,  Southern  Europe  as  far  as  the  Caucasus  ;  Western  Asia. 

Delphinium  elatum  L.    Alpine  Larkspur. 

Stem  1-2  yards  high,  robust.  Leaves  palmately  divided  into 
5-7  divisions,  similar  to  those  of  E.  fissum,  but  the  lobes  less  linear, 


and  there  is  no  sheath  at  the  base  of  the  petiole.  Flowers  bright 
blue,  in  long  spikes.  Petals  downy. 

Very  local,  in  fresh,  stony  places  in  the  mountains  between  4800 
and  6500  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe  (not  in  the  Jura),  but  including 
Carpathians,  Silesia,  Bohemia  and  as  far  as  the  Caucasus,  Provence, 
Eastern  Pyrenees  ;  Siberia,  India. 

Delphinium  Consolida  L. 

Annual.  Almost  glabrous.  Stem  slender,  8-18  inches,  with 
spreading  branches ;  leaves  multifid,  with  linear  segments  ;  bracts 
simple  and  entire,  linear,  spike  short,  few-flowered.  Flowers  deep 
blue,  with  long  spur.  Carpels  glabrous,  solitary.  Seeds  black. 

Among  crops  on  calcareous  soil.    June  to  August. 

In  the  sub-Alps  this  beautiful  blue  weed  is  occasionally  seen 
up  to  about  4000  feet,  as  e.g.  in  a  small  arable  field  in  the  Val 
d'Anniviers  (Valais),  where  we  saw  it  again  in  1911  after  a  lapse 
of  eight  years,  and  in  cornfields  below  Lanslebourg  in  Savoy. 

Distribution. — Nearly  all  Europe ;  Western  Asia. 


Perennial  herbs  with  much-divided  leaves,  the  segments  palmate. 
Sepals  5,  coloured,  the  upper  one  helmet-shaped,  the  two  lateral 
broader  than  the  two  lower.  Petals  2-5,  concealed  within  the 
calyx.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels  3-5,  each  with  several  seeds. 

A  rather  small  genus  inhabiting  the  mountainous  parts  of  Europe, 
Asia,  and  North  America  ;  though  a  number  of  new  species  have 
recently  been  determined  from  the  Himalaya. 

Aconitum  Anthora  L. 

Rootstock  with  1-3  globular  tubers  covered  with  fibres.  Stem 
erect,  1-2  feet  high,  glabrous  below,  downy  above,  like  the  flower- 
stalks  and  calyx.  Leaves  pedately  or  palmately  5-9  cleft,  usually 
glabrous,  except  the  root-leaves  ;  divisions  palmately  multisect, 
with  narrowly  linear  segments.  Flowers  in  a  simple  or  branched 
terminal  raceme,  yellow.  Calyx  persistent  after  withering.  Hood 
hemispherical  and  helmet-shaped.  Follicle  hispid  or  ultimately 

Stony  places  and  pastures  in  the  Alps.    July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Jura,  Switzerland  (Tessin),  Eastern 
Alps,  Corbieres  and  Pyrenees  ;  Western  Asia. 

Aconitum  Lycoctonum  L. 

Stem  attaining  a  yard  in  height,  pubescent,  branched.  Leaves 
deeply  palmately  cut,  with  5-^7  broad  segments,  incised-dentate. 
Flowers  pale  yellow,  in  oval,  elongated  spikes.  Sepals  pubescent, 
soon  falling.  Hood  cylindric-conical,  much  longer  (higher)  than 


broad.    Follicles  3,  glabrous  or  glabrescent,  with  seeds  striated  on 
every  side. 

Woods,  gorges,  and  damp,  shady  places  in  the  mountains.  The 
writer  has  seen  this  as  high  as  7750  feet  in  Dauphiny.  Somewhat 
polymorphic  ;  poison.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe  ;  Western  Asia,  India,  Morocco. 

Aconitum  Napellus  L.    Monkshood. 

Tubers  1-3,  turnip-like,  covered  with  fibres.  Stem  erect,  2-5 
feet  high,  lower  part  glabrous  like  the  leaves,  upper  part  downy 
like  the  flower-stalks  and  calyx,  rarely  quite  glabrous,  leafless 
below,  densely  leafy  above.  Leaves  shiny,  palmate,  5-7  cleft. 
Segments  lozenge-shaped  in  outline,  once  or  several  times  divided 
with  linear  or  lanceolate  acute  teeth.  Flowers  dark  violet,  very 
rarely  purple,  light  blue,  or  white,  in  a  terminal,  elongated,  crowded, 
simple,  cylindrical  raceme,  rarely  branched  at  the  base  into  a  pan- 
icle. Calyx  deciduous.  Hood  obliquely  hemispherical ;  claw  of 
the  two  upper  petals  nearly  semicircular,  bent  forwards,  with  hori- 
zontal or  deflected  cap.  Spur  capitate,  somewhat  bent.  Follicles 
glabrous,  less  often  downy,  at  first  spreading,  afterwards  parallel. 

Woods  and  damp  meadows  and  pastures  in  the  Alps  and  sub- 
Alps,  especially  by  the  herdmen's  huts,  descending  streams  into 
the  plains ;  3000-8200  feet.  June  to  August.  Polymorphic, 
poisonous,  and  medicinal. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Riesengebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest ;  Erzgebirge,  locally 
in  Germany  as  for  as  Holstein  ;  France  (except  West  and  South), 
Central  Asia,  Siberia.  In  Britain  in  woods  and  by  streams  in  South 
Wales  and  the  south-west  of  England. 

Aconitum  paniculatum  L. 

Rootstock  with  tubers  like  turnips.  Stem  2-4  feet  high,  very 
leafy,  flexuous,  pubescent  at  the  top.  Leaves  not  shining,  shortly 
stalked,  more  broadly  and  coarsely  divided  than  in  the  last.  Raceme 
more  leafy,  rarely  quite  simple,  frequently  paniculate  from  the 
branching  of  the  lower  branches.  Flowers  violet,  often  paler  or 
white  or  greenish  towards  the  base,  very  rarely  quite  white  or 
blue.  Hood  handsome,  i-i  J  inches,  but  variable  in  size  and  height. 
In  the  same  inflorescence  are  often  flowers  in  which  the  two  upper 
petals  have  straight  and  curved  claws,  and  the  hood  is  erect, 
oblique  or  nearly  horizontal.  Follicles  4,  glabrous,  spreading. 

Damp  woods  and  thickets,  and  occasionally  on  more  open  moun- 
tain sides,  generally  at  about  5000  feet  altitude.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Jura  (rare),  Alps  of 
Savoy  and  Dauphiny  ;  Central  Europe  as  far  east  as  Roumania. 

4/7    NATURAL    SIZE. 







All  these  Aconitums  can  be  easily  naturalised  in  shrubberies 
or  copses,  or  in  the  bushier  and  more  shady  positions  of  large  rock- 


Flowers  nearly  regular,  small.  Leaves  chiefly  radical,  with 
distinct  segments.  Sepals  4,  small,  petal-like.  Petals  4,  small, 
clawed.  Stamens  numerous,  with  small  anthers.  Carpel  solitary, 
becoming  a  berry  when  ripe. 

A  small  genus,  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere. 

Actcea  spicata  L.    Baneberry. 

Rootstock  thick,  blackish.  Stem  1-2  feet  high,  glabrous,  with 
2  or  3  leaves  in  the  upper  part.  Leaves  large,  thin,  2-3  ternate, 
with  oval-acuminate  leaflets,  incised-dentate.  Flowers  white, 
small,  in  a  short  terminal  raceme.  Corolla  regular,  with  4  petaloid 
sepals,  easily  falling.  Petals  4,  almost  invisible.  Stigma  sessile. 
Berry  ovoid,  green,  and  finally  black  and  shining,  with  numerous 

Damp,  stony  woods  and  steep,  bushy  declivities  in  sub-alpine 
districts  up  to  5000  feet.  May  to  July.  Poisonous. 

Distribution.  —  Nearly  all  Europe  from  the  Pyrenees  to  the 
Caucasus,  and  Norway,  where  it  reaches  the  fir  limit  ;  Siberia, 
Himalaya.  In  Britain  in  the  north. 

L.     Paeony. 

Flowers  solitary,  red,  regular.  Petals  numerous,  very  large. 
Sepals  5,  green,  herbaceous.  Stamens  numerous,  inserted  on  a 
fleshy  disc.  Carpels  2-5,  large.  Leaves  large,  with  distinct  segments 
and  chiefly  radical. 

A  genus  of  very  few  species,  indigenous  in  Southern  Europe 
and  temperate  Asia. 

Pceonia  peregrina  Miller  (P.  officinalis  L.). 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  simple,  glabrous.  Leaves  2-3  ternate, 
with  rather  narrow  segments  divided  into  2-3  lobes,  hairy  under- 
neath. Petals  oboval,  rose  coloured,  very  large.  Anthers  shorter 
than  the  filaments.  Follicles  2-3,  glabrous  or  with  tomentum, 
more  or  less  divergent,  and  spreading  at  maturity. 

Limestone  woods  and  pastures  of  southern  mountains,  growing 
at  from  3250  to  4200  feet  on  the  mountains  behind  Mentone  (Mog- 
gridge),  and  up  to  6000  feet  in  the  Ligurian  Alps.  Very  local. 
May,  June. 

Distribution.  —  Provence,  Languedoc,  Roussillon  up  to  the 
Hautes-Alpes  and  1'Aveyron  ;  Southern  Europe  from  Portugal  to 
Greece.  In  Switzerland  only  in  Canton  Tessin  (Generoso,  etc.). 

This  Paeony  can  be  planted  in  good  moist  loam  at  any  time 
from  October  to  March,  and  it  requires  much  the  same  treatment 


as  most  of  the  Paeonies.     The  ground  should  be  well  trenched  and 
manured  if  grown  in  quantity. 


Shrubs  or  herbs.  Stamens  opposite  the  petals,  and  the  same 
number  as  them.  Ovary  of  I  carpel,  with  seeds  attached  to  the 
bottom  or  to  one  side  of  the  cavity.  A  small  family  spread  over 
the  temperate  regions  and  tropical  mountains  of  the  globe. 


Sepals,  petals  and  stamens  4  each  ;  flowers  in  a  very  loose  raceme. 
Epimedium  alpinum  L. 

Rootstock  rampant.  Stem  erect,  i-i J  feet.  Root-leaves  scaly ; 
stem-leaves  biternate ;  leaflets  petioled,  oval,  heart-shaped  at  the 
base,  with  aristate  teeth.  Flowers  in  a  loose  panicle,  hairy-glan- 
dular, yellow,  with  blood-red  centre. 

Groves  and  thickets.  April,  May.  Occasionally  seen  in  parts 
of  Switzerland,  but,  as  in  Britain,  sub-spontaneous  and  an  escape 
from  gardens.  Not  found  in  France. 

Distribution. — Tyrol,  Carniola,  South  and  S.E.  of  Europe. 

BERBERIS  L.     Barberry. 

Shrubs,  with  usually  prickly  leaves.  Sepals  8  or  9,  yellow, 
outer  sepals  minute.  Petals  6,  in  2  series,  with  honeyed  glands 
at  the  base.  Stamens  6.  Fruit  a  berry.  A  genus  of  numerous 
species  indigenous  chiefly  in  Asia  and  America.  Many  exotic 
species  are  cultivated  in  English  gardens  ;  some,  belonging  to  a 
section  with  pinnate  leaves,  are  occasionally  classed  as  a  genus 
called  Mahonia. 

Berberis  vulgaris  L.    Common  Barberry. 

A  glabrous  shrub  with  yellow  wood,  6  or  8  feet  in  height,  the 
branches  armed  with  3-lobed  thorns  at  the  base  of  the  tufts  of 
leaves.  Leaves  alternate  or  clustered,  obovate,  sharply  toothed. 
Flowers  yellow,  in  elegant  drooping  racemes.  Berries  small,  oblong, 
acid,  green,  and  then  yellow,  and  finally  bright  red. 

Hedges,  open  woods  and  hillsides  from  the  plains  up  to  5000 
feet,  the  colouring  of  the  berries  in^early  autumn  being  a  beautiful 
sight.  The  flowers  appear  in  May  and  June. 

Distribution. — Nearly  all  Europe,  and  extending  from  temperate 
Asia  to  the  Himalaya.  But  it  has  been  so  frequently  planted  that 
in  Europe  its  real  limits  cannot  easily  be  determined.  In  Britain 
it  is  scattered,  but  doubtfully  indigenous. 


Berberis  cetnensis  Roem.  et  Schult. 

A  smaller  shrub,  much  branched  and  usually  decumbent.  Leaves 
ovate-oblong,  stiff,  very  finely  serrated  at  the  edge.  Thorns  very 
strong,  often  longer  than  the  leaves.  Flowers  in  short  clusters. 
Berries  bluish  black  when  ripe. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Corsica,  Sardinia,  and  Sicily,  flower- 
ing in  May  and  June. 


Flowers  regular.  Stamens  numerous.  Stigma  sessile  on  the 
many-celled  ovary.  A  small  family  of  aquatic  plants,  with  large 
handsome  flowers  and  floating  leaves.  About  35  species  growing 
in  the  waters  of  almost  the  whole  globe. 

Castalia  alba  (White  Water-lily)  and  Nymphcea  lutea,  the  Yellow 
Water-lily,  are  found  in  lakes  "and  ponds  in  the  lowlands  of  Switzer- 
land, etc.,  and  Nymphaa  pumila  Hoffm.  is  much  less  common  in 
mountain  lakes  in  Switzerland,  Tyrol,  Carinthia,  and  the  Vosges. 
It  is  smaller  than  the  Common  Yellow  Water-lily,  with  much 
smaller  flowers,  unguiculate  petals,  and  oblong,  slightly  peltate 


Herbs  with  alternate  leaves  and  milky  juice.  Flowers  regular, 
usually  of  4  petals.  Sepals  usually  2.  Stamens  indefinite.  Ovules 
parietal.  A  family  represented  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps  by  very 
few  species. 

Papaver  alpinum  L.    Alpine  Poppy. 

Root  tapering,  with  prostrate,  scaly  branches  and  loosely  tufted. 
Stem  erect,  simple,  leafless,  i-flowered,  hispid,  like  the  whole  plant. 
Leaves  all  radical,  stalked,  doubly  pinnate.  Segments  linear 
lanceolate  or  wedge-shaped,  entire.  Flowers  white  with  yellow 
centre,  or  yellow  or  orange  when  on  granite  soil.  Stamens  subulate. 
Capsules  obovate,  with  stiff  adpressed  hairs. 

Principally  on  limestone,  or  on  granitic  debris  of  the  high  Alps 
(5500-9000  feet),  and  sometimes  descending  into  the  valleys  and 
beds  of  streams.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Carpathians, 
Balkans,  Apennines  ;  high  mountains  of  Europe  from  Spain  to 
Norway  ;  Northern  and  Central  Asia. 

In  Switzerland  it  is  represented  by  two  sub-species  :  P.  Burseri 
Crantz,  a  glabrous  form  found  in  the  Alps  of  Gruyere,  Chateau 
d'Oex,  etc.  ;  and  P.  Sendtneri  Kerner,  a  hairy  form  with  less  cut 
leaves,  which  also  grows  above  Chateau  d'Oex  and  on  Pilatus,  etc. 

The  Arctic  or  Iceland  Poppy  (P.  nudicaulis)  is  very  similar  to 


P.  alpinum  ;  and  P.  pyrenaicum  Willd.  is  only  a  fornvof  P.  alpinum, 
though  formerly  some  botanists  considered  it  a  distinct  species. 

Papaver  aurantiacum  Loisel.  (P.  rhceticum  Leresche). 

Flowers  yellow  or  orange.  Leaves  pinnatifid;  segments  thick, 
oval  or  broadly  lanceolate,  hairy.  Flowering  stem  very  hairy. 
Sepals  covered  with  dark  brown  hairs.  Capsule  obovate,  hispid, 
with  erect,  silky  hairs. 

Moraines  and  debris,  especially  on  limestone.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  in  the  Engadine  and  Valais,  rare  ; 
Tyrol  (Salzburg)  and  Carinthia. 

The  Alpine  and  Iceland  Poppies  are  easily  grown  from  seed, 
and  they  adapt  themselves  to  any  part  of  the  rockery  in  sandy 
loam.  The  plants  are  best  left  undisturbed. 


Ovary  ovoid,  with  a  short  style  and  slightly  dilated  stigma  of 
4-6  rays.  Capsule  opening  at  the  top  in  as  many  short  valves,  the 
placentas  inside  lining  the  cavity,  but  not  projecting  to  the  centre. 

A  small  genus  containing,  besides  the  European  species,  a  few 
from  Central  Asia  and  North- West  America. 

Meconopsis  cambrica  Vig.    Welsh  Poppy. 

Rootstock  perennial,  and  forming  large  tufts,  with  thick  tapering 
roots.  Stems  erect,  about  a  foot  high.  Leaves  on  long  stalks,  pale 
green  and  slightly  hairy,  pinnate,  the  segments  usually  distinct, 
ovate  or  lanceolate,  toothed  or  lobed.  Flowers  large,  pale  yellow, 
on  long  peduncles.  Capsules  narrow,  ovate  or  oblong,  glabrous. 

Rocky  woods  and  shady  places  in  hilly  districts.    June-August. 

Distribution. — Western  Europe  from  Spain  to  Ireland,  including 
the  Pyrenees,  Central  Plateau  of  France,  Wales,  and  Western 
England.  Probably  not  in  Switzerland. 


Leaves  much  divided.  Flowers  yellow.  Ovary  i -celled.  Capsule 
linear,  valves  thin.  Only  2  species.  They  extend  from  Europe 
to  Japan. 

Chelidonium  majus  L.     Greater  Celandine. 

Though  more  strictly  a  plant  of  the  plains,  this  well-known  herb, 
with  yellow  flowers  and  handsome  leaves  and  yellow  juice,  is  not 
infrequently  met  with  in  the  sub-alpine  region,  though  even  there 
it  is  usually  in  the  neighbourhood  of  houses  as,  e.g.  close  to  the 
villages  of  Evolene  and  Zinal  in  the  Valais.  The  recently  published 
coloured  prints  of  Chelidonium,  after  the  beautiful  work  of  Albrecht 
Diirer  400  years  ago,  show  the  accuracy  of  form  and  colour  that 
great  master  possessed. 



Flowers  irregular.  Sepals  2,  deciduous.  Petals  4,  one  or  two 
of  them  gibbous  or  spurred.  Stamens  6,  in  two  bundles  of  -3  each. 
Ovary  i -celled.  A  small  family,  chiefly  of  western  distribution. 


Flowers  usually  larger  than  in  Fumaria,  white,  yellow,  or  purple  ; 
one  petal  only  spurred.  Fruit  a  2-valved  capsule,  or  narrow  pod, 

The  species  are  spread  over  Europe,  Temperate  Asia,  and  North 
America,  and  many  are  handsome  plants. 

Corydalis  cava  Miller. 

Root  tuberous,  hollow.  Stem  8-18  inches  high,  with  I  or  2 
deeply  cut  leaves,  with  no  scale  beneath  as  in  C.  fabacea.  Flowers 
purple,  lilac,  white,  or  mottled,  with  thick  curved  spur. 

Orchards,  hedges,  and  copses,  in  colonies  in  the  plains  and  hills, 
but  local  in  Switzerland.  April,  May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  from  Portugal  to 
the  Caucasus,  and  Sweden. 

Corydalis  fabacea  Pers.  (C.  intermedia  Ehrh.). 

Tuber  solid,  bulb-shaped.  Stem  shorter  than  the  last,  with  1-2 
leaves,  having  a  scale  below.  Leaflets  less  cut  up.  Flowers  purple, 
in  a  shorter  terminal  spike,  nearly  sessile,  and  with  straight  spur. 

Woods  and  bushy  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — Ardennes,  Vosges,  Jura,  Switzerland,  Savoy, 
Dauphiny,  Corsica,  Central  Europe  from  Sweden  to  Southern 

Corydalis  solida  Swartz  (C.  bulbosa  DC.). 

Tuber  solid,  like  a  small  bulb.  Plant  about  the  height  of  the  first 
species,  with  2-4  leaves,  with  1-3  scales.  Leaves  twice  ternate,  with 
small  incised  lobes.  Flowers  purple,  on  longer  stalks,  spur  straight. 
Flowers  in  a  dense  panicle  which  gets  elongated  after  flowering. 
Peduncle  as  long  as  the  capsule. 

Hedges,  hilly  woods,  and  meadows,  very  local  in  Switzerland. 
March  to  May. 

Distribution. — Western  Switzerland,  Jura,  Vosges,  Pyrenees, 
Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Northern  and  Western  Asia.  Not 
uncommon  in  the  mountains  of  the  Var,  and  extending  almost 
throughout  France. 

Corydalis  claviculata  DC. 

This  pretty  climbing  plant,  with  very  pale  yellow  or  nearly 
white  flowers,  is  not  found  in  Switzerland,  though  in  the  Department 


of  Hautes-Alpes ;  but  it  grows  in  bushy  places  among  the  siliceous 
hills  in  the  Pyrenees  and  Western  Europe  from  Portugal  to  the 
South- West  of  Norway,  and  in  Britain. 


Herbs  or  rarely  under-shrubs  with  alternate  leaves,  and  no 
stipules.  The  flowers  in  terminal  racemes,  which  are  usually  very 
short,  but  lengthen  out  as  flowering  advances.  Sepals  4.  Petals  4, 
equal,  or  the  two  outer  larger.  Stamens  6,  of  which  two  are  generally 
shorter.  Ovary  solitary,  2-celled.  Style  single,  often  very  short, 
with  a  capitate  or  2-lobed  stigma.  Fruit  a  pod,  divided  into  2  cells 
by  a  thin  partition,  from  which  the  valves  generally  separate  at 
maturity ;  or,  in  a  few  genera,  the  pod  is  i-celled  and  indehiscent, 
or  separates  into  several  transverse  joints. 

An  extensive  family  widely  spread  over  the  globe,  but  chiefly  in 
the  northern  hemisphere.  The  characters  of  the  genera  are  chiefly 
derived  from  the  pod  and  seed  ;  therefore  to  name  a  Crucifer  it  is 
almost  necessary  to  have  the  specimen  in  fruit. 


Annuals  or  perennials,  usually  erect  and  hairy,  at  least  at  their 
base,  with  a  spreading  tuft  of  radical  leaves,  which  are  occasionally 
lobed  ;  the  stem-leaves  undivided,  sessile  or  clasping  the  stem. 
Flowers  white  or  purple.  Pods  long  and  linear,  the  stigma  nearly 
sessile,  the  valves  flat  or  slightly  convex.  Seeds  more  or  less 
flattened,  often  winged. 

A  large  genus  spread  over  the  temperate  regions  of  the  northern 

Arabis  alpina  L.     Alpine  Rock-cress. 

Stem  3-12  inches  high,  covered  like  the  leaves  with  forked  hairs. 
Leaves  coarsely  toothed,  often  with  a  wavy  margin  ;  root-leaves 
wedge-shaped ;  stem-leaves  ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate.  Petals 
white,  rather  large,  3  lines  long.  Siliquas  spreading,  flat,  about  an 
inch  long.  Seed  surrounded  by  a  narrow  membranous  rim.  Very 
polymorphic.  Leaves  thin  and  glabrescent  when  in  shady  places 
under  rocks  or  trees. 

Damp  rocky  places,  especially  on  limestone  in  the  Alps  and 
sub-Alps  up  to  10,000  feet,  and  often  descending  to  the  plains  in 
the  beds  of  streams.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Auvergne,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Riesengebirge,  Harz 
and  Westphalia,  Scandinavia  (to  above  the  birch  limit),  Siberia, 

Easily  cultivated  from  seed  in  sandy  loam,  as  indeed  many 


species  of  Arabis  are.  In  August,  1911,  the  writer  found  A.  alpina 
growing  as  high  as  10,500  feet  on  the  north  ridge  of  the  Diablons 
in  Valais. 

Arabis  arenosa  Scop. 

Biennial.  Stems  6-12  inches  high,  slender,  branched,  hairy  like 
the  whole  plant.  Root-leaves  lyrate  -  pinnatifid  ;  upper  leaves 
few,  dentate  or  entire.  Flowers  pale  pink  or  lilac  or  rarely  white. 
Sepals  gibbous.  Siliquas  spreading,  slender,  forming  a  loose, 
spreading  raceme. 

Sandy  places  among  rocks,  local.  Rare  in  Switzerland ;  got  at 
Engelberg  in  1910.  April  to  July. 

Distribution. — Northern  and  Central  Switzerland,  Central  Jura, 
Vosges,  Central  France,  Bulgaria. 

A  few  Swiss  specimens  with  pale  lilac  flowers  have  developed 
pure  white  blossoms  in  a  West  of  England  garden. 

Arabis  stricta  Huds.  (A.  scabra  All.)    Bristol  Rock-cress. 

Stem  3—10  inches,  erect,  simple,  covered  with  hispid  hairs  like 
the  leaves.  Leaves  leathery,  shining,  dark  green  and  occasionally 
purplish,  ciliated,  wavy,  with  a  few  rounded  teeth  ;  radical  leaves 
in  a  dense  rosette  ;  cauline  leaves  1-3,  sessile,  not  auricled.  Flowers 
a  dirty  white.  Sepals  as  long  as  the  pedicels.  Fruiting-spike  short, 
with  widely  erect  pedicels.  Siliqua  erect,  compressed.  Seeds 
truncate  and  slightly  winged  at  the  summit. 

Rocks,  cliffs,  and  debris  on  limestone  in  the  lower  Alps  and  plains. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — East  and  South  of  France,  Switzerland  (Common 
on  the  Saleve  near  Geneve),  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Spain.  On  carbon- 
iferous limestone  rocks  and  screes  near  Bristol  on  both  sides  of  the 

Arabis  bellidifolia  Jacq. 

A  glabrous  and  shining  plant,  or  sometimes  sparsely  covered 
with  simple  hairs.  Stem  6-20  inches  high,  erect,  simple,  leafy. 
Leaves  thick ;  the  root-leaves  oblong-spathulate,  slightly  wavy  ; 
the  stem-leaves  oval  or  oblong,  entire  or  toothed,  half-embracing 
the  stem.  Flowers  white.  Side  sepals  'swollen  at  the  base,  shorter 
than  the  pedicel.  Anthers  oblong.  Fruiting-spike  elongated,  with 
erect  pedicels.  Siliquas  long,  numerous,  erect,  much  compressed, 
seeds  broadly  winged. 

Springs  and  damp  pastures  in  the  high  mountains,  commonest 
at  about  5000-6000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Pyrenees,  Norway. 


Arabis  pumila  Wulf. 

Root  tapering,  branched,  with  several  crowns  ;  root-crowns  often 
resembling  stolons,  tufted.  Stem  erect  or  ascending,  3-5  inches 
high,  simple,  glabrous,  or  with  fine  hairs  below.  Leaves  entire  or 
slightly  toothed,  acute  or  obtuse,  with  simple  and  forked  hairs,  or 
only  ciliate  ;  root-leaves  in  a  rosette,  obovate  or  wedge-shaped, 
gradually  narrowed  below ;  stem-leaves  linear  or  lanceolate,  sessile. 
Petals  white,  obovate-lanceolate,  patent.  Seed-vessel  erect,  com- 
pressed. Seed  surrounded  by  a  membranous  ring  half  the  width 
of  the  seed. 

Rocks  and  stony  places  in  the  calcareous  Alps  up  to  8200  feet, 
often  descending  to  the  sub-alpine  region.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps,  and  Apennines. 
Arabis  perfoliata  L.  (Turritis  glabra  Lamk.). 

A  biennial,  glabrous  and  glaucous  plant  2  to  3  feet  high,  robust. 
Stem  pubescent  at  the  base.  Radical  leaves  downy,  dentate- 
sinuate,  in  a  rosette  which  soon  withers ;  stem-leaves  entire, 
glabrous,  auricled  at  the  base.  Flowers  yellowish  white.  Sepals 
equalling  the  pedicels.  Frui ting-spike  very  long,  narrow,  and 
crowded.  Siliquas  long,  compressed.  Style  very  short. 

Hedges,  woods,  and  pastures.     May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe  ;  local  in  Switzerland  and 
Britain ;  Western  Asia  as  far  as  the  Himalaya  ;  North  America. 

Arabis  Turrita  L.    Tower  Cress. 

A  tall,  stiff,  erect  biennial,  rough  and  hoary,  with  short  stellate 
or  forked  hairs.  Radical  leaves  spreading  and  stalked  ;  stem- 
leaves  oblong-lanceolate,  sessile,  and  clasping  the  stem  by  their 
rounded  auricles,  all  slightly  toothed.  Flowers  small,  dirty  yellowish 
white.  Pods  3  inches  long,  on  short  erect  pedicels,  all  curved  down- 
wards to  one  side,  in  a  long,  dense,  nodding  raceme. 

Rocks  and  stony  woods  on  limestone  mountains.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  including  the  Jura 
and  Switzerland ;  Western  Asia,  Algeria,  Australian  Alps. 

Introduced  into  Britain  on  walls  at  Oxford,  Cambridge,  etc. 

Arabis  hirsuta,  A.  muralis  Bert.,  A.  auriculata  Lamk.,  A.  saxatilis 
AIL,  and  A.  arcuata  Shuttle.,  are  also  occasionally  met  with  in  the 
sub-Alps  of  Switzerland  and  Central  Europe. 

Arabis  serpyllifolia  Vill. 

Stem  flexuose,  and,  like  the  leaves,  whitish  grey  from  branched 
hairs.  Leaves  narrowly  ovate,  entire,  or  slightly  dentate  ;  radical 
leaves  prolonged  into  a  leaf-stalk  ;  stem-leaves  sessile.  Flowers 
white.  Siliquas  on  short  stalks,  somewhat  spreading,  scarcely 
broader  than  the  stalk,  long,  flattened,  with  a  somewhat  prominent 
midrib  and  lateral  nerves,  Seed  not  winged. 


Rocks  in  the  calcareous  and  lower  Alps  up  to  6000  feet.    June 
to  July. 
Distribution. — Jura;  Central  and  Western  Alps. 


Capsule  not  more  than  3  times  as  long  as  broad,  long-stalked, 
and  usually  curved.  Flowers  small,  white  or  yellow.  Sepals  equal, 
spreading.  Leaves  pinnatifid. 

Glabrous  annuals  or  perennials,  widely  spread  over  the  whole 
area  of  the  family  (Cruciferae). 

Nasturtium  pyrenaicum  R.Br. 

Stem  6-12  inches.  Root-leaves  long-stalked,  oval,  simple,  or 
auricled  ;  lower  stem-leaves  lyrate,  the  upper  ones  deeply  pinnatifid. 
Petals  yellow,  nearly  twice  as  long  as  the  sepals.  Siliqua  one  third 
the  length  of  its  pedicel. 

Damp,  sandy  places  from  the  plains  up  to  5500  feet,  very  local. 
May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  southern  Europe,  Pyrenees,  Switzer- 
land, Vosges,  Valley  of  Elbe,  Baden,  Alsace,  widely  spread  in  France 
except  in  the  north. 


Annual  or  perennial  herbs,  usually  glabrous.  Leaves  pinnate  or, 
if  undivided,  on  long  stalks.  Flowers  white  or  pink.  Stigma 
capitate  or  small.  Pod  narrow-linear  ;  the  valves  flat,  without  any 
conspicuous  midrib. 

A  large  genus,  widely  spread  over  the  temperate  and  colder 
regions  of  both  northern  and  southern  hemispheres. 

Cardamine  trifolia  L. 

Rootstock  slender,  stoloniferous,  knotted.  Stem  slender,  naked 
or  with  one  small  leaf.  Leaves  ternate  ;  leaflets  rounded,  petioled 
almost  equal,  thick,  shining,  crenate.  Flowers  white.  Anthers 
yellow.  Fruiting-spike  short,  erect.  Plant  with  creeping  runners. 

Damp  and  shady  places  in  lower  mountains.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps,  Bavaria,  Bohemia,  Silesia  ;  Central 
Europe  from  the  Jura  to  Italy,  and  Transylvania.  Very  local  in 
Switzerland  (Chasseral,  Bex,  etc.),  and  in  France  only  known  from 
Mont  Pouillerel  in  the  Jura. 

On  rockeries  it  is  easily  grown  in  shady  places  and,  owing  to  its 
creeping  habit,  it  soon  covers  a  large  area,  and  must  be  kept  in 

Cardamine  asarifolia  L. 

A  glabrous,  bright  green  plant.  Stem  leafy,  i-ij  feet  high. 
Leaves  all  simple,  cordate-orbicular,  coarsely  dentate,  shining. 


Flowers  white,  rather  large.    Anthers  violet.    Pods  erect,  twice  as 
long  as  the  stalk. 

Damp,  stony  places  in  the  mountains,  especially  by  streams. 


Distribution. — Basses-Alpes,  and  both  French  and  Italian  Mari- 
time Alps,  Piedmont,  Tyrol,  Spain.  In  Switzerland,  near  Poschiavo. 

Easily  cultivated  in  wet,  stony  places,  but  not  often  seen  in 
gardens,  though  a  very  distinct  plant.  It  does  not  object  to  the 
shade  of  trees  or  rocks. 

Cardamine  latifolia  Vahl. 

Similar  in  habit  and  culture  to  the  last  species,  from  which  it 
differs  in  having  lyrate  leaves  with  3-7  large  leaflets  which  are 
shortly  stalked ;  the  terminal  leaflet  is  larger  and  suborbicular. 
The  flowers  are  lilac  and  the  anthers  yellow.  The  pods  are  erect, 
more  spreading,  and  on  longer  stalks  than  in  A .  asarifolia. 

Springs  and  rivulets  in  the  lower  mountains  (at  about  3500  feet 
in  the  Eastern  Pyrenees).  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Spain,  N.  Italy. 

Cardamine  pratensis  L.  (Cuckoo-flower),  C.  amara  L.  (flowers 
white,  anthers  violet),  C.  impatiens  L.,  C.  fie%uosa  With,  (with 
zigzag  stem),  are  four  British  species  spread  throughout  the  plains 
of  Switzerland,  and  often  seen  in  damp  mountainous  woods  or 
meadows  up  to  5000  feet,  both  in  the  Alps  and  Eastern  Pyrenees. 

Cardamine  bulbifera  Crantz  (Dentaria  bulbifera  L.).     Coralroot. 

Rootstock  scaly,  whitish.  Stem  weak,  1-2  feet  high,  bearing 
several  leaves,  often  with  a  small  ovoid  bulbil  at  their  axil ;  lower 
leaves  pinnate  with  5  or  7  segments,  the  upper  ones  with  fewer 
segments  or  quite  undivided  ;  all  segments  lanceolate,  entire,  or 
toothed,  iJ-2  inches  long.  Flowers  few,  rather  large,  bright  lilac, 
rarely  white.  The  pod  is  seldom  formed,  as  the  plant  is  propagated 
by  the  axillary  bulbils  falling  to  the  ground  and  growing. 

Woods  and  shady  places  in  the  plains  and  hills.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Spread  over  Continental  Europe  from  Scandinavia 
and  the  north  of  France  to  the  Caucasus.    In  England  in  some  of  the 
'  home  counties.' 
Cardamine  pentaphylla  R.  Br.  (Dentaria  digitata  Lamk.). 

This  is  a  smaller  plant  with  no  bulbils.  The  leaves  are  digitate 
and  divided  into  3-5  leaflets,  which  are  oblong-lanceolate  and 
toothed  irregularly.  Flowers  rose  or  lilac.  Siliqua  erect,  spreading. 
Rootstock  fleshy,  scaly. 

Figured  in  Curtis's  Bot.  Mag.,  tab.  2202  (1821). 

Mountain  woods.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Widely  spread  in  Switzerland,  and  in  France  from 
the  Jura  and  Vosges  to  the  Pyrenees  ;  Central  and  Southern  Europe. 


Cardamine  pinnata  R.Br.  (Dentaria  pinnata  Lamk.). 

Rootstock  scaly,  obtuse.  Stem  stout  >  I J-2  feet.  Leaves  pinnate, 
with  5-9  leaflets  which  are  opposite,  ovate-lanceolate,  and  irregu- 
larly toothed.  No  bulbils.  Flowers  large,  lilac,  rose,  or  white. 
Petals  3  times  longer  than  the  calyx.  Siliqua  and  pedicels  erect, 

Mountain  woods  in  Switzerland,  Central  and  Southern  Europe 
from  Spain  to  Styria.  Coste  says,  "  Not  in  the  west  or  north  of 
France  and  rare  in  the  south."  l  April  to  June. 

Cardamine  polyphylla  O.  E.  Schulz  (Dentaria  polyphylla  Waldst. 
and  Kit.). 

Rootstock  scaly.  Stem  with  2-4  leaves  and  7-14  flowers.  Leaves 
pinnatisect,  with  lanceolate  segments,  very  acuminate,  and  with 
sharp  teeth.  Petals  yellowish  white. 

Bushy  places  among  mountains,  rather  rare,  up  to  5000  feet. 
April  to  May. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  rarely  in  a  few  Cantons  only. 

In  Switzerland  Dentaria  digitata  is  the  commonest  of  the  four 
species  found  in  the  country.  In  Tyrol  and  the  Eastern  Alps 
several  other  species  occur  in  the  lower  mountains,  viz.  D.  cunea- 
phyllos  L.  with  yellowish  white  petals  and  ternate  leaves  in  whorls 
of  three  ;  D.  alternifolia  Hausm.  with  yellowish  white  flowers  and 
ternately-digitate  leaves,  and  D.  intermedia  Sond.  with  lilac  or 
white  flowers  and  leaves  quinately  digitate. 

The  Dentarias,  as  they  are  still  commonly  called,  are  useful 
spring  flowers  for  shrubberies  and  shady  borders.  They  do  well  in 
sand  and  peat  or  in  sandy  leaf-mould,  and  can  easily  be  increased 
from  the  small  tuber-like  roots,  or  by  planting  the  bulbils  of 
D.  bulbifera. 

MATTHIOLA  Br.    Stock. 

Annual  or  perennial  shrubby  plants  covered  with  hoary  tomen- 
tum.  Leaves  entire  or  sinuate.  Flowers  usually  purple  or  lilac, 
never  yellow,  rather  large.  Petals  spreading,  on  long  erect  claws. 
Pod  long  and  narrow.  Stigmas  sessile,  erect,  sometimes  with  a 
horizontal  horn  at  the  base  of  each. 

Mostly  sea-coast  plants  from  the  Mediterranean  and  Western 
Europe,  with  two  British  species. 

Matthiola  vallesiaca  Boiss. 

Stem  very  leafy  at  the  base,  about  a  foot  high,  though  sometimes 
higher  in  older  plants.  Leaves  linear,  obtuse,  entire,  covered 
with  glandular  and  stellate  hairs,  lengthened  at  the  base  and 
dilated  into  a  sheath.  Flowers  reddish  violet  or  mauve.  Pod 
compressed,  tomentose.  Stigma  bilobed. 

1  Found  in  1903,  by  the  writer,  in  a  wood  above  Carcanieres,  Pyr.  Or.,  at  about 
4000  feet. 


Dry,  rocky  places  in  the  sub-Alps,  very  rare.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Formerly  only  known  to  grow  in  the  Valais  on  the 
Simplon  and  near  Binn  in  the  Maurienne  and  possibly  in  Tyrol ; 
but  Prof.  Chodat  has  recorded  it  from  Susa  near  Turin  and  in  the 
Cogne  Valley.1 


Petals  purple  or  lilac.  Fruit  very  large,  flat,  oval,  or  oblong, 
lengthened  into  a  false  pedicel  above  the  real  pedicel.  Valves  with- 
out nerves.  Seeds  few. 

Only  2  species  inhabiting  Europe  and  Western  Asia. 

Lunaria  rediviva  L. 

Stem  about  3  feet  high,  erect,  branched  at  the  top,  generally, 
though  not  always,  glabrous.  Leaves  petioled  ovate-cordate,  finely 
toothed.  Flowers  violet,  veined,  sweet-scented.  Pods  oblong- 
elliptic,  pointed  at  both  ends,  drooping  finally. 

Mountain  woods  up  to  5000  feet.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe,  from  Portugal  to  Sweden  and 
Russia  ;  Siberia.  Very  local  in  Switzerland  as,  e.g.  in  woods  near 
Engelberg  and^'on  the  Saleve  near  Geneva. 

It  might  betgrown  in  shady  gardens  and  at  the  back  of  big 
rockeries  under^trees. 

The  only  other  species  is  the  well-known  '  Honesty  '  L.  biennis 
Moench.  It  grows  in  Switzerland  about  Orsieres  and  Lugano,  etc., 
but  probably  as  an  escape  from  gardens.  Native  in  S.W.  Europe. 


Erect  herbs,  more  or  less  hairy,  with  toothed  leaves  and  hand- 
some purple  flowers.  Sepals  saccate.  Pods  long  and  linear. 
Stigma  oblong,  erect,  and  shortly  divided  into  2  lobes. 

A  small  genus  confined  to  Europe  and  Northern  Asia. 

Hesperis  matronalis  L.    Dame's  Violet. 

Stems  2-3  feet  high,  slightly  branched.  Leaves  shortly  stalked  or 
tapering  at  the  base,  toothed,  ovate-lanceolate  or  lanceolate,  2-3 
inches  long,  the  upper  ones  smaller.  Flowers  large,  white  or  lilac- 
violet,  usually  fragrant  in  the  evening.  Pods  2-4  inches  long, 
almost  cylindrical,  but  contracted  between  the  seeds. 

Hedges,  woods,  thickets,  and  watersides  in  the  plains  and  lower 
mountains.  May  to  June.  Probably  naturalised  in  Switzerland  as 
in  England. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Northern  and 
Western  Asia.  Often  cultivated  in  cottage  gardens. 

1  Chodat  et  Pampanini,  "  Sur  la  distribution  des  plants  des  Alpes  Austro- 
Orientales"  in  Le  Globe  (Geneve),  1902,  p.  50. 



About  ,30  species  indigenous  to  Southern  Europe  and  America. 
(Silicule  globular,  many-seeded.) 

Vesicaria  utriculata  Lamk. 

Stem  12-18  inches  high,  rather  woody  at  the  base.  Leaves  entire, 
oblong,  glabrous  ;  lower  leaves  ciliated,  almost  spathulate.  Inflor- 
escence umbellate  at  first,  elongated  later.  Flowers  yellow,  rather 
large.  Petals  longer  than  the  calyx.  Silicules  8-12  mm.  long,  oval, 
glabrous.  Seeds  broadly  winged. 

Rocky  places  and  limestone  de*bris  in  the  sub-alpine  region  and 
lower  valleys.  Very  local  in  Switzerland. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (Lower  Rhone  Valley,  Trient  and 
Bagnes  valleys),  Savoy,  Dauphiny ;  Southern  Europe  as  far  east 
as  Greece  ;  Bithynia. 


Annuals  or  low-branching  perennials,  with  hoary  or  short 
stellate  down  and  white  or  yellow  flowers.  Filaments  of  the  stamens 
usually  winged  near  the  base,  or  thickened,  or  furnished  with  small 
teeth.  Pod  sessile  within  the  calyx,  orbicular  or  oval,  the  partition 
broad,  the  valves  convex  and  not  veined.  Seeds  1-4,  or  very 
rarely  more. 

A  large  genus  extending  over  Europe  and  Northern  Asia.  Dis- 
tinguished from  Draba  chiefly  by  the  short  few-seeded  pod,  with 
more  convex  valves. 

Alyssum  montanum  L. 

Stem  diffuse,  downy,  woody  at  the  base,  whole  plant  greyish 
green,  with  adpressed,  stellate  pubescence.  Leaves  oboval  or 
oblong-lanceolate.  Flowers  bright  yellow.  Petals  emarginate  ; 
longer  filaments  winged.  Silicule  circular,  swelling  in  the  middle, 
slightly  emarginate.  Style  equalling  the  silicule  or  shorter.  Seeds 
narrowly  winged. 

Sandy  places  and  limestone  hills,  in  sunny  places,  2000-6000  feet. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees  ;  Central  and  Southern  Europe, 
Western  Asia,  N.  Africa. 

Alyssum  alpestre  L. 

Stem  somewhat  shrubby  at  base,  diffuse,  hoary,  like  the  whole 
plant.  Raceme  simple,  corymbose.  Flowers  yellow.  Petals  entire, 
rounded.  Silicules  small,  obovate-oblong,  swelling  in  the  middle. 
Seeds  slightly  winged.  Plant  covered  with  stellate  hairs. 

Rocky  and  sandy  places  in  the  mountains,  especially  in  river  beds. 
June  to  August.  Very  variable. 

Distribution. — Savoy,   Dauphine",   Provence,   Cevennes,   Eastern 


Pyrenees  ;   Zermatt  Valley  in  Switzerland  ;   Mont  Cenis,  Southern 
Europe  ;  Western  Asia  ;  North  Africa. 

A.  serpyllifolium  Desf.  is  a  small-leaved,  pale  yellow- flowered, 
and  very  hoary  variety,  found  at  Mont  Cenis  and  in  Spain,  etc. 

Alyssum  halimifolium  L. 

Plant  shrubby,  I  foot  high,  with  twisting  branches.  Leaves 
oblong,  obtuse,  silvery.  Flowers  white,  large.  Petals  slightly 
emarginate,  oval.  Fruiting-spike  a  dense  corymb.  Silicules 
circular,  glabrous,  twice  as  long  as  the  style.  Seeds  broadly  winged. 

Limestone  rocks  in  the  low  mountains  of  the  South.    May,  June. 

Distribution.  —  Maritime  Alps  and  Department  of  the  Var ; 
Liguria,  Col  di  Tenda,  and  Piedmont.  Very  local. 

This  very  distinct  species  might  be  more  cultivated  in  warm 
places  in  limy  soil  on  the  rockery. 

All  the  rock  and  Alpine  Alyssums  are  easily  grown  in  light,  sandy, 
or  other  dry  soil.  A.  saxatile,  from  Southern  Russia,  is  the  best- 
known  species  in  gardens,  where  it  makes  great  masses  of  yellow 
colour  in  April  and  May.  None  of  the  Alyssums  can  have  too  much 
sun  in  summer,  or  too  little  damp  in  winter.  Several  are  very 
liable  to  attacks  by  slugs. 


A  genus  of  about  8  species  inhabiting  southern  Europe,  Western 
Asia,  and  N.  Africa.  Flowers  very  small,  yellow,  turning  whiter. 
Silicule  orbicular,  edged,  compressed,  i-celled,  and  i-seeded. 

Clypeola  Gaudini  Trach. 

Stem  ascending,  3-6  inches  long.  Leaves  grey,  covered  with 
stellate  hairs,  small,  sessile,  oblong  spathulate.  Flowers  very  small, 
yellow,  then  white,  in  a  long  spike.  Silicules  orbicular,  flat,  rather 
large  (4  mm.),  glabrous,  on  arched  peduncles. 

Sandy  places  and  stony  hills.    Local.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — Rhone  Valley  in  Switzerland,  Maritime  Alps, 
Southern  France,  Mediterranean  Europe,  Corsica,  Western  Asia. 


Stem   leafy.     Filaments   of  stamens   short,   furnished  with   a 
distinct  tooth.    Otherwise  like  Alyssum. 
Berteroa  incana  DC.  (Alyssum  incanum  L.,  Farsetia  incana  R.Br.). 

A  biennial  plant,  grey,  with  stellate  hairs,  1-2  feet  high.  Stem 
erect,  generally  branched  above.  Leaves  sinuate-dentate.  Fruit 
elliptic.  Petals  white,  bifid. 

Sandy  roadsides  in  hot  valleys.    June. 

Distribution. — Rare  in  Switzerland  (Geneva,  Martigny,  Merges, 
etc.),  North,  East,  and  South-East  Europe,  Western  Asia.  Natural- 
ised in  a  large  part  of  France,  and  in  England. 



Small  annuals  or  perennials,  usually  hairy  or  hoary,  with  spread- 
ing or  tufted  radical  leaves,  entire  or  toothed,  with  few  or  no  stem- 
leaves.  Flowers  white  or  yellow.  Filaments  of  the  stamens  without 
appendages.  Pod  oblong  or  elliptical,  more  or  less  flattened ;  the 
partition  broad ;  the  valves  flat  or  convex.  Seeds  several  in  each 
cell.  They  mostly  differ  from  Alyssum  in  their  longer  pod. 

A  considerable  genus,  ranging  over  the  northern  hemisphere, 
ascending  to  the  highest  elevations  and  to  high  Arctic  latitudes  ; 
and  extending  along  the  great  mountain  chain  of  America  into  the 
southern  hemisphere. 

Draba  aizoides  L. 

Stem  erect,  1-4  inches  high,  simple,  glabrous,  leafless.  Leaves 
in  a  radical  rosette,  linear  or  linear-lanceolate,  acute,  entire, 
ciliated,  with  long  stiff  .bristles,  otherwise  glabrous,  shining. 
Flowers  bright  yellow.  Petals  slightly  emarginate.  Silicule  oval, 
elliptical,  or  lanceolate,  usually  glabrous,  surmounted  by  a  long 

Limestone  rocks  and  debris,  descending  to  stony  places  in  the 
lower  mountains  and  hills.  May  to  August,  according  to  altitude. 
Few  plants  have  so  wide  a  range  of  altitude.  The  writer  has  seen  it 
at  various  heights  from  2000  feet  in  Haute-Savoie  to  about  11,000 
on  the  Diablons  in  Switzerland.  In  England  it  grows  at  sea-level 
in  Glamorgan,  where  it  was  probably  introduced. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Carpathians, 
Var,  Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Cevennes,  Jura. 

The  variety  montana  Koch,  which  is  frequent  in  the  Jura,  is 
distinguished  by  its  robust  habit  and  its  oblong  head  of  golden 
yellow  flowers,  few  in  number. 

The  variety  Hoppeana  Reichb.  (D.  Zahlbruckneri  Host.)  is  a 
small  dwarf  form  found  on  the  higher  mountains.  It  has  a  style 
much  shorter  than  the  diameter  of  the  silicule. 

Draba  nemorosa  L. 

Annual.  Stem  erect,  simple,  hairy  and  leafy  below,  glabrous  and 
naked  above.  Leaves  oval,  entire  or  toothed  ;  stem-leaves  sessile, 
close  together,  not  auricled.  Flowers  yellowish,  small.  Petals 
emarginate.  Fruiting-spike  elongated,  loose,  with  spreading 
pedicels  2  or  3  times  the  length  of  the  silicules,  which  are  oblong  and 
pubescent.  Style  almost  wanting. 

Woods  and  screes  in  the  mountains.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Savoy,  Eastern  Pyrenees,  Caucasus.  Europe  from 
Spain  to  Scandinavia  ;  Asia,  N.  America* 


Draba  muralis  L. 

Annual.  Stem  erect,  slender,  hisped  with  bifid  hairs,  leafy. 
Radical  leaves  oval,  toothed,  petioled ;  stem-leaves  distant, 
amplexicaul,  strongly  toothed.  Flowers  white,  very  small,  in  a 
loose  spike,  with  spreading  pedicels.  Silicule  elliptic. 

Walls,  rocky  and  shady  places  in  the  plains  and  hills.  April  to 
June.  Local. 

Distribution. — Rare  in  Switzerland  (Bale,  Martigny,  etc.). 
Almost  all  Europe  ;  Western  Asia,  Canada.  British. 

Draba  incana  L. 

Plant  greyish  white,  with  stellate  hairs.  Stem  erect,  very  leafy. 
Leaves  entire  or  toothed  ;  the  root-leaves  in  a  rosette,  lanceolate  ; 
stem-leaves  oval  or  lanceolate,  sessile.  Flowers  white,  in  a  long 
spike.  Silicules  linear-oblong,  on  short  pedicels,  glabrous  or 
pubescent,  arranged  densely  on  the  axis. 

Stony  places  and  mountain  pastures,  both  in  the  Alps  and  sub- 
Alps.  Local  in  Switzerland.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees  ;  Northern  and  Central  Europe  ; 
Caucasus,  Iceland.  Asia,  N.  America. 

Draba  verna  L.  (Erophila  vulgaris  DC.). 

This  little  annual  plant,  so  well  known  in  England,  and  so 
variable,  is  common  in  various  forms  and  varieties  in  Switzerland, 
and  ascends  the  Alps  of  Central  Europe  to  the  Pine-forest  zone  at 
least.  February  to  May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia,  Africa,  N.  America.     British. 

KERNERA  Medikus. 

Sepals  short,  spreading.  Flowers  small,  white.  Pods  many- 

A  very  small  genus  scarcely  distinct  from  Cochlearia. 

Kernera  saxatilis  Reichb.  (Cochlearia  saxatilis  Lam.). 

Stem  erect,  6-12  inches  high,  glabrous  like  the  leaves,  or  slightly 
hairy  in  lower  parts,  usually  branched.  Root-leaves  in  a  rosette, 
oblong,  obtuse,  entire  or  toothed,  slightly  hispid  ;  upper  leaves 
lanceolate,  obtuse.  Flowers  milk-white.  Silicules  glabrous,  oboval. 
Style  very  short.  Six  seeds  in  two  rows. 

Rocks  and  stony  places  in  the  calcareous  Alps  and  lower  Alps 
(e.g.  the  Saleve  and  Mole)  and  descending  sub-alpine  valleys. 
May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Var, 
Central  and  Southern  Europe  from  Spain  to  Greece. 


CAMELINA  Crantz. 

Flowers  small,  yellow.  Pod  obovoid,  valves  very  convex,  mid- 
rib distinct,  with  flattened  edges  forming  a  narrow  margin  round 
the  pod.  Style  slender.  Erect  annuals  with  auricled  leaves. 

A  genus  of  only  about  3  species  (Europe  and  North  Asia)  growing 
in  crops.  Bentham  said  they  may  "  possibly  be  reducible  to  one 

In  Switzerland  botanists  have  named  three  forms  :  C.  saliva 
Crantz,  which  is  subspontaneous  here  and  there,  C.  microcarpa 
Andrz.,  and  C.  Alyssum  Thellung,  which  is  usually  found  in  fields 
of  Flax. 

One  of  these  forms  we  noticed  in  1911  in  a  field  where  Flax  had 
been  previously  grown  at  4500  feet,  near  Argentiere  in  Haute- 


Annual,  or  rarely  perennial,  erect  herbs,  glabrous  or  with  spread- 
ing hairs.  Flowers  small,  yellow  or  white.  Pods  linear,  nearly 
cylindrical,  the  lateral  nerves  of  the  valves  more  or  less  distinct. 
Stigma  entire,  small  or  capitate,  closely  sessile  on  the  summit  of 
the  valves.  Seeds  in  a  single  row,  ovoid  or  oblong,  not  flattened. 

A  large  genus  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere,  but  with 
very  few  Alpine  species. 

Sisymbrium  tanacetifolium  L.  (Hugueninia  tanacetifolia  Reich.). 

Stem  2  feet  high  or  more,  erect,  branching  at  the  top,  very  leafy. 
Leaves  pinnatifid,  with  numerous  lanceolate,  incised,  dentate  lobes, 
pale  green.  Flowers  yellow,  small.  Sepals  2-3  times  shorter  than 
the  pedicel.  Fruiting-spikes  short,  in  corymbose  panicles,  with 
erect  pedicels.  Silicules  ascending,  short,  compressed.  Valves 
with  i  nerve.  Seeds  large,  oval,  brown,  finely  spotted. 

Pastures  and  stony  places  in  siliceous  mountains,  especially  in 
the  Mountain  Alder  zone.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Savoie,  Dauphine",  Provence,  Central  Pyrenees, 
Spain,  Piedmont,  as  at  Mont  Cenis.  In  Switzerland  only  in  Valais. 

A  useful  plant  for  the  shadier  parts  of  the  rock  garden  among 
big  stones ;  the  foliage  being  handsome. 

Sisymbrium  strictissimum  L. 

A  large  perennial  species,  3  feet  or  more  high,  erect,  branching, 
and  very  leafy,  pubescent.  Leaves  lanceolate,  entire,  or  toothed, 
often  glandular.  Flowers  yellow,  larger  than  in  most  species, 
fragrant.  Sepals  shorter  than  the  pedicels,  which  are  erect,  but 
spreading.  Silicules  spreading  or  curved,  long,  cylindrical,  slender. 
Valves  with  3  nerves.  Seeds  linear-oblong,  brown,  glossy,  in  one 


Hedges,  roadsides,  and  thickets  in  the  sub-alpine  region,  local. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps  of  Savoy  and  Dauphiny,  occasionally  in 
Switzerland  (Engadine,  etc.),  Central  and  Eastern  Europe. 


Erect  annuals  or  perennials,  pale  or  hoary,  with  closely  adpressed 
hairs,  rarely  quite  glabrous.  Leaves  entire  or  slightly  toothed. 
Flowers  yellow  or  rarely  white.  Pod  linear,  nearly  quadrangular 
from  the  prominent  midrib  of  the  valves.  Stigma  broadly  capitate, 
or  with  short,  spreading  lobes.  Seed  ovoid  or  oblong,  the  seed-stalk 
not  flattened. 

A  rather  numerous  genus  in  the  northern  hemisphere  ;  differing 
from  Wallflower  and  Sisymbrium  in  the  seed-pods. 

Erysimum  dubium  Thellung  (E.  ochroleucum  DC.). 

Root  thick.  Stem  angular,'  9-18  inches  high.  Leaves  linear- 
lanceolate,  entire  or  slightly  toothed.  Flowers  large,  lemon-yellow 
and  then  straw-coloured,  scented.  Sepals  dilated  at  the  base,  1-3 
times  longer  than  the  pedicel.  Pod  compressedly  4-edged.  Style 
3  times  width  of  pod.  Stigma  2-lobed. 

Rocky  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Jura  (Dole,  Reculet,  etc.,  not  otherwise  in 
Switzerland),  Mont  Ventoux,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Spanish  Penin- 
sular, Carpathians. 

Erysimum  longifolium  DC.  (E.  australe  Gay.). 

A  greyish  green  plant,  with  rootstock  sending  up  erect  branches. 
Stem  about  a  foot  high  or  higher,  erect,  angular.  Leaves  linear  or 
linear-lanceolate,  entire  or  sinuate-dentate ;  stem-leaves  numerous. 
Flowers  fairly  large,  but  smaller  than  in  the  last,  bright  yellow. 
Sepals  1-2  times  longer  than  the  pedicel.  Pods  erect,  spreading. 
Stigma  somewhat  thick,  obtuse.  Calyx  hoary,  yellowish.  Hairs 
simple,  adpressed. 

Rocky  places  in  the  mountains.    May  to  August. 

Distribution. — S.  and  S.-E.  of  France,  Alps  of  Savoy,  Southern 
and  Central  Europe. 

Erysimum  helveticum  DC. 

Sometimes  considered  a  variety  of  the  last,  with  larger  flowers 
and  longer  pods.  Stem  usually  erect,  angular.  Leaves  narrow, 
decreasing  in  width  at  each  end,  entire  or  slightly  sinuate-dentate. 
Pedicels  and  pods  spreading  erect,  the  pods  being  often  20  times  the 
length  of  the  pedicels. 

Waste  and  rocky  places  in  the  lower  mountains.    June. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (Tessin,  Grisons,  and  Valais),  Savoy. 


Erysimum  hieracifolium  L. 

A  biennial  species.  Stem  iJ-3  feet  high,  erect,  stiff,  angular, 
simple  or  branched.  Leaves  oblong-lanceolate,  entire  or  toothed, 
with  trifid  hairs.  Flowers  bright  or  pale  yellow.  Lateral  sepals 
slightly  inflated  at  the  base,  half  as  long  again  as  the  thick  pedicel. 
Petals  small,  spreading.  Fruiting-spike  dense.  Seeds  winged  at 
the  top. 

Rocky  mountainous  places  and  roadsides.    June. 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe  from  Norway  to  the  Caucasus  ; 
Western  Asia.  Common  in  the  East  of  France,  but  only  occasional 
in  Switzerland. 

E.  virgatum  Roth,  is  a  sub-species  with  linear-lanceolate  and 
usually  entire  leaves. 

In  cultivation  Erysima  do  best  in  ordinary  loam  in  sunny  places 
on  the  rockery,  and  E.  dubium  is  apt  to  die  out  on  heavy  soils. 
E.  pumilum,  a  high  Alpine  species  described  in  Alpine  Plants  of 
Europe,  is  a  dwarf  plant  which  can  be  tightly  wedged  between  two 
stones  in  a  hot,  dry  place  with  small  bits  of  limestone  scattered 
round  it. 

THLASPI  L.    Pennycress. 

Annuals  or  low  perennials.  Leaves  usually  undivided,  the  upper 
ones  clasping  the  stem.  Flowers  small,  white,  mauve,  or  rose. 
Petals  equal  or  nearly  so.  Pod  orbicular  or  obovate,  flattened 
laterally  at  right-angles  to  the  narrow  partition,  the  valves  boat- 
shaped,  their  midrib  or  keel  more  or  less  expanded  into  a  green 
wing  surrounding  the  pod.  Seeds  two  or  more  in  each  cell.  ^ 

A  small  genus  spread  over  Europe,  Northern  and  Central  A^ia, 
and  N.W.  America,  distinguished  from  Iberis  by  having  more  than 
one  seed  in  each  cell  of  the  pod,  from  all  others  by  the  winged  pod. 

Thlaspi  alpinum  Crantz. 

Root  fusiform.  Stem  simple,  loosely  caespitose,  erect  or  ascend- 
ing, 2-4  inches  high,  glabrous,  like  the  entire  plant.  Leaves  bluish 
green,  entire  or  toothed ;  root-leaves  spathulate  and  forming 
rosettes ;  stem-leaves  ovate-lanceolate  or  lanceolate,  cordate, 
amplexicaul.  Pods  obcordate-lanceolate  at  base,  narrow  at  apex, 
J  inch  broad,  narrowly  winged,  pointed  at  lower  end,  slightly 
emarginate  at  the  summit.  Style  prominent,  filiform,  1-4  seeded. 
Flowers  white.  Seeds  smooth. 

Pastures  and  stony  places  in  the  calcareous  mountains.  June, 

Distribution. — Eastern  and  Western  Alps.  In  Switzerland  near 
Zermatt  and  possibly  in  Tessin. 

Not  to  be  confused  with  T.  alpestre  L.,  which  is  very  similar  and 
grows  on  limestone  hills  in  Central  and  Western  Europe  and  in 
Northern  England  and  in  Somerset ;  nor  with  T,  montanum  L., 


which  is  found  in  similar  places  in  Central  and  Southern  Europe, 
but  not  in  Great  Britain. 

Thlaspi  alpestre  L. 

Usually  glabrous,  4-15  inches  high,  biennial  or  perennial,  forming 
a  branched  or  tufted  stock,  with  obovate-oval  or  oblong,  stalked, 
radical  leaves.  Stems  simple,  erect  or  ascending.  Stem-leaves 
narrow,  clasping  the  stem  with  small  auricles,  entire  or  toothed. 
Petals  white,  occasionally  pinkish.  Pod  oboval,  winged  at  the 
summit,  less  broad  than  in  T.  montanum  or  T.  perfoliatum,  slightly 
emarginate.  Style  prominent,  as  it  is  in  T.  montanum. 

Mountain  pastures  and  rocky  places,  especially  on  limestone  in 
the  Alps,  sub- Alps,  and  plains.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — 'Western  and  Central  Europe,  extending  north- 
ward to  Southern  Sweden.  Himalaya.  British. 

In  Switzerland,  the  Jura,  and  elsewhere  at  least  two  sub-species 
are  known,  viz.  :  T.  brachypetalum  Jordan,  whose  anthers  remain 
yellow  after  pollination,  and  T.  sylvestre  Jordan^  whose  violet 
anthers  turn  blackish  after  pollination.  T.  virens  Jordan  is  some- 
times considered  a  distinct  species.  Its  leaves  are  a  bright  green 
and  the  flowers  are  larger  than  in  alpestre.  The  style  is  also  longer 
and  more  prominent.  The  anthers  are  violet  and  then  blackish. 
It  is  usually  found  at  higher  elevations,  at  any  rate  in  Switzerland. 

Thlaspi  montanum  L. 

A  glabrous  and  glaucous  plant,  6— 10  inches  high,  with  stoloni- 
ferous  shoots  springing  from  the  rootstock.  Stem  simple.  Radical 
leaves  oblong,  petioled ;  stem-leaves  oblong,  auricled  or  heart- 
shaped,  sessile.  Flowers  rather  large,  Petals  twice  the  length  of 
sepals.  Anthers  pale  lilac.  Pods  oboval,  rounded  at  base,  with  a 
broad  shallow  notch,  and  rounded,  obtuse  wings.  Style  prominent. 
Seeds  shining,  1-2  in  each  cell. 

Hills  and  rocky  places,  especially  on  limestone.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Eastern  France,  Eastern  Pyrenees, 
Jura,  rare  in  Switzerland.  Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

Thlaspi  rotundifolium  Gaudin. 

This  beautiful  violet  or  mauve-coloured  species  (described  and 
figured  in  Alpine  Plants  of  Europe,  p.  62,  is  usually  seen  only  on 
detritus  at  high  elevations,  but  Mr.  Reginald  Malby  has  a  photo- 
graph of  it  growing  in  a  river  bed  in  Switzerland  at  the  remarkably 
low  elevation  of  about  3000  feet. 

IBERIS  L.    Candytuft. 

Glabrous  or  minutely  downy  annuals  or  branching  perennials, 
with  narrow  or  pinnatifid  leaves,  and  white  or  pink  flowers,  2 
adjoining  exterior  petals  larger  than  the  2  others.  Filaments 


without  appendages.  Pod  orbicular  or  oval,  laterally  flattened, 
notched  at  the  top,  the  valves  boat-shaped,  the  keel  or  midrib 
expanded  into  a  wing.  One  seed  only  in  each  cell. 

About  20  species  inhabiting  Southern  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  and 
Algeria,  of  which  several  are  cultivated  under  the  name  of  Candy- 
tufts, and  all  readily  known  by  the  unequal  petals. 

Iberis  sempervirens  L. 

Stem  5-10  inches,  woody  and  twisted  at  the  base,  diffuse,  trailing. 
Flowering-stems  glabrous.  Leaves  smooth,  linear,  oblong,  obtuse, 
entire,  ciliated,  numerous,  and  close  together.  Flowers  white, 
rather  large.  Sepals  whitish  at  the  borders.  Filaments  violet  at 
the  top.  Fruiting  panicle  rather  loose,  with  spreading  pedicels. 
Silicules  large,  oval,  broadly  winged,  each  lobe  pointed.  Style 
passing  beyond  the  lobes. 

Rocks  and  stony  places  in  the  mountains.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Basses- Alpes  ;  Southern 
Europe  from  Portugal  to  Greece ;  Asia  Minor. 

This  is  the  commonest  perennial  Candytuft.  Being  half-shrubby, 
dwarf,  and  evergreen  it  is  a  useful  edging  for  beds  or  shrubberies,  for 
on  any  soil  it  quickly  forms  low  masses  of  dark  green  foliage,  which 
in  April  and  May  in  England  change  into  sheets  of  white.  It  loves 
the  sun,  and  can  be  increased  by  seed  or  from  cuttings. 

Iberis  saxatilis  L. 

Stems  3-8  inches  high,  woody  and  twisted  at  the  base.  Leaves 
entire,  linear,  alternate,  rather  fleshy,  the  upper  ones  pointed  or 
mucronate,  the  lower  ones  obtuse,  glabrous  or  ciliate,  numerous, 
and  close  together.  Flowers  white,  rather  large.  Sepals  coloured 
at  the  edges.  Filaments  white.  Silicules  large,  oval  or  oboval, 
slightly  notched,  broadly  winged.  Style  short. 

Rocks  and  limestone  hills.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Jura,  very  rare  in  Switzerland,  Dauphiny, 
Provence,  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Spain,  Italy,  Taurus. 

This  species  differs  from  the  last,  which  it  closely  resembles,  in 
having  pubescent  flowering  stems,  almost  linear  leaves,  silicules 
more  openly  emarginate  and  the  two  lobes  are  rounded  at  the  top, 
and  the  style  is  shorter. 

Iberis  Candolleana  Jord. 

Biennial,  glabrous.  Stems  2-6  inches  high,  simple,  leafy  to  the 
top.  Leaves  fleshy,  not  ciliated,  entire,  the  radical  leaves  oboval, 
the  stem-leaves  spathulate,  oblong  or  linear-oblong.  Flowers 
purple-lilac,  rather  large.  Fruiting-head  in  a  tight  corymb,  with 
short,  thick  pedicels.  Silicules  large,  oval,  with  rounded  base, 
obtusely  notched,  with  short,  pointed  lobes,  and  a  style  longer  than 
the  lobes. 


Screes  and  limestone  rocks.    June  to  August.    Very  local. 
Distribution. — South-East  of  France   (Drome,   Vaucluse,  Alpes 


Sepals  erect.  Petals  equal.  Filaments  broadly  winged.  Silicules 
suborbicular,  emarginate,  compressed,  dehiscent,  with  keeled 
valves  and  broadly  winged.  Flowers  usually  pink,  veined,  small. 
Leaves  thick,  entire,  oboval  or  lanceolate.  Glabrous,  perennial 

About  40  species,  inhabiting  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia, 
and  N.  Africa,  several  of  which  are  now  cultivated  in  this  country. 
They  require  deep  soil  and  a  sunny  position. 

Mthionema  saxatile  R.Br. 

Stem  ascending,  often  curved  and  prostrate,  almost  woody  at 
the  base,  8-12  inches  high,  simple  or  branched,  glabrous  and 
glaucous  like  the  whole  plant,  very  leafy.  Leaves  leathery,  often 
of  a  violet  tinge,  shortly  petioled,  entire,  the  lower  ones  obovate, 
almost  sessile,  the  upper  lanceolate-acute.  Sepals  sessile,  with  3 
nerves.  Flowers  white,  mauve,  or  flesh-coloured.  Fruiting-spike 
elongated,  with  spreading  pedicels.  Silicules  rounded  at  the  base, 
emarginate,  with  2  many-seeded  cells.  Style  shorter  than  the  lobes. 

Rocky  places  and  debris  in  the  mountains  and  sub- Alps,  especially 
on  limestone.  April  to  June. 

Distribution.— Jura,  East  and  South  of  France,  Switzerland 
(rather  rare),  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Carpathians,  Southern 
and  Central  Europe  ;  Algeria,  Asia  Minor. 


Sepals  usually  equal.  Flowers  yellow.  Silicule  circular  and 
separating  into  2  distinct  i-seeded  valves.  Style  long.  A  genus  of 
about  5  species  only. 

Biscutella  Icevigata  L. 

Root  tapering,  branched,  tufted,  with  many  heads.  Stem  erect, 
branched,  glabrous  or  with  stiff  hairs  on  the  lower  part.  Leaves 
very  variable,  entire  or  more  or  less  dentate,  acute,  generally  hairy, 
dark  green,  shining,  the  lowest  leaves  lanceolate  and  narrowed  into  a 
foot-stalk,  the  upper  lanceolate  or  linear,  sessile,  with  rounded, 
semi  -  amplexicaul  base.  Flowers  yellow,  fragrant.  Silicules  of 
two  circular  flattened  lobes,  with  winged  membranous  border. 
Style  about  as  long  as  the  diameter  of  one  lobe. 

A  polymorphic  plant,  generally  considered  Alpine,  for  it  is  very 
frequent  in  the  Alps  up  to  8000  feet,  but  it  is  also  found  in  un- 
cultivated and  rocky  places  throughout  Central  and  Southern 
Europe  from  Belgium  to  Portugal  and  Roumania.  May  to  August. 


There  are  only  about  5  species  of  Biscutella,  all  characterised  by 
the  peculiar  circular  silicules  and  long  style,  but  we  believe  B. 
lavigata  is  the  only  perennial  example  of  the  genus ;  e.g.  B.  cichorii- 
folia  Lois,  is  a  handsome  annual  of  hispid  growth  and  wavy  leaves 
embracing  the  stem,  which  is  often  seen  in  waste  or  rocky  places 
in  the  South  of  Europe.  It  grows  in  one  or  two  places  in  Tessin 
and  the  Valais  (Capolago,  Aubonne). 


Flowers  small,  white.  Petals  equal.  Filaments  without  scales. 
Leaves  pinnatifid.  A  genus  of  only  4  species,  but  represented  in  all 
the  continents. 

Hutchinsia  alpina  R.Br.  (Nocccea  alpina  Reich.). 

Stem  simple,  ascending  or  recumbent,  leafy  at  the  base,  1-4 
inches  high,  slender,  sometimes  pubescent.  Leaves  glabrous, 
pinnate,  with  small  oval  or  oblong  lobes.  Flowers  pure  white, 
rather  large  for  the  plant.  Petals  oboval,  twice  the  length  of  the 
calyx.  Raceme  long  and  loose  when  in  fruit,  with  spreading  erect 
pedicels  equalling  the  silicules.  Silicules  elliptical,  acute  at  both 
ends.  Style  short,  with  2  seeds  in  each  cell. 

Damp,  stony,  and  often  shady  places  in  the  Alps,  up  to  10,000 
feet  and  above.  Common,  especially  on  limestone.  May  to  August. 

Sometimes  carried  long  distances  by  Alpine  torrents,  in  the 
sandy  bed  of  which  its  roots  penetrate  far. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Py- 
renees, Carpathians. 


Flowers  fugacious,  usually  large.  Sepals  and  petals  usually  5. 
Stamens  numerous.  Ovary  usually  i-celled,  with  3  parietal 
placentae.  Style  i.  Stigmas  3.  Herbs  or  shrubs,  often  fragrant 
and  resinous. 


Sepals  3-5,  the  2  outer  usually  smaller.  Petals  5,  crumpled  in 
the  bud.  Ovoles  numerous.  Style  jointed  at  the  base.  Stigma 
capitate  or  3-lobed.  Leaves  opposite. 

About  35  species,  chiefly  spread  over  Southern  and  Western 
Europe  and  N.  Africa,  with  a  few  in  America. 

Helianthemum  alpestre  Dunal. 

Shrubby,  about  6  inches  high,  woody  at  the  base.  Branches 
ascending.  Leaves  opposite,  lanceolate,  narrowed  at  the  base, 
more  or  less  hairy,  shortly  stalked,  without  stipules.  Racemes 
loose,  bracteate.  Petals  golden  yellow,  twice  as  long  as  calyx. 
Style  as  long  as.  the  ovary. 


Stony  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  especially  on  limestone, 
extending  to  8200  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Apennines,  Southern  France,  Spain,  and 

Helianthemum  canum  Baumg. 

A  rather  shrubby  prostrate  plant,  covered  with  silky  hairs, 
especially  on  the  younger  leaves,  which  are  elliptical,  sometimes 
silver-white  on  the  upper  side  and  covered  with  a  grey  felt  on  the 
under  side.  Flowers  small,  yellow.  Racemes  numerous  and  short, 
with  small  bracts  at  the  base  of  the  pedicels. 

Stony,  hilly  districts,  especially  in  the  forest  region.  May  to 

Distribution. — Central,  Western,  and  S. -Western  Europe  from 
Southern  Sweden  to  Spain.  In  Switzerland  only  on  the  Jura 
frontier  and  Valais.  On  limestone  rocks  rarely  in  N.-W.  England 
and  Ireland. 

Helianthemum  apenninum  Lam.  et  DC.  (H.  polifolium  DC.). 

A  shrubby  plant  about  6  inches  to  a  foot  high,  with  woody  base, 
and  less  straggling  habit  than  H.  vulgare.  Leaves  narrow,  rolled 
back  at  the  edges,  hoary  on  both  sides  but  especially  beneath. 
Flowers  white,  with  yellow  eye.  Capsule  large,  sub-globular, 
tomentose.  Seeds  numerous,  granular. 

Dry,  stony  limestone  hills,  local.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — South,  Western,  and  parts  of  Central  Europe, 
rare  in  Switzerland  (near  Geneva  and  Locarno,  etc.),  Algeria.  In 
England  on  Brean  Down,  Somerset,  and  near  Torquay. 

Helianthemum  vulgare  Gaertn.,  H.  Chamacistus  Miller.  Common 
Rock-rose.  (Plate  XL) 

A  low  undershrub,  with  short,  much-branched,  woody  stem, 
and  annual  flowering  branches  from  3-10  inches  long.  Leaves 
shortly  stalked,  more  or  less  oblong,  but  varying  from  ovate  -to 
lanceolate,  glabrous  or  slightly  hairy,  and  more  or  less  hoary  beneath. 
Stipules  linear-lanceolate.  Racemes  loose,  the  pedicels  deflected. 
The  3  larger  sepals  marked  with  3  prominent  ribs,  the  2  outer  very 
small.  Petals  bright  yellow,  broadly  spreading.  Very  polymorphic. 

Dry  pastures  and  fields,  from  the  plains  to  a  considerable  distance 
in  the  mountains.  Above  8500  feet  on  the  Col  de  Torrent,  Switzer- 
land, in  1911.  Very  common.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Nearly  all  Europe,  Western  Asia.  England  and 
Eastern  Scotland,  but  apparently  in  Ireland  only  as  a  casual. 

Helianthemum  grandiflorum  DC.  (H.  virescens  Gren.  and  Godr.). 

This  is  possibly  only  a  large-flowered  variety  of  the  last,  which 
assumes  so  many  forms  in  the  Alps.  Flowers  up  to  26  mm.  in 


diameter,  solitary  or  in  twos  or  threes.  Leaves  bright  green  on  both 
sides  and  generally  broader  than  those  of  H.  vulgare. 

Dry  Alpine  pastures  up  to  7400  feet.    June  to  August. 

This  large-flowered  variety  is  particularly  fine  at  Mont  Cenis,  in 
Savoy  and  the  Ligurian  Alps. 

Messrs.  Schinz  and  Keller  in  their  Flore  de  la  Suisse  give  two 
sub-species  of  H.  vulgare,  viz.  H.  barbalum  Lam.  and  H.  nummul- 
arium  Miller.  The  leaves  of  the  former  are  green  and  glabrescent, 
and  those  of  the  latter  white-tomentose  beneath. 

In  the  Ligurian  and  Maritime  Alps  there  are  two  pretty  rose- 
coloured  plants  which  Mr.  Bicknell l  describes  under  H.  vulgare : 

Var.  roseum  Burnat=£T.  roseum  Bert. 

Plant  greyish  by  reason  of  the  short  hairs  covering  the  stems, 
leaves,  and  pedicels.  Flowers  usually  pink,  rarely  crimson  or  nearly 
white.  Very  common  on  dry  banks  in  the  littoral  region. 

Var.  semiglabrum  Burnat=#.  semiglabrum  Bad.=#.  Jacquini  Ard. 

Leaves  light  green,  narrow,  and  shining,  the  upper  ones  as  well 
as  the  pedicels  glabrous,  or  nearly  so.  Flowers  pink.  Not  common 
in  the  littoral  region.  Val  Nervia,  etc.  It  is  very  common  about 
Pigna  in  the  Ligurian  Mountains. 

Various  other  species  grow  in  Spain  and  the  Mediterranean 
district,  among  the  foot-hills  and  lower  mountains,  several  of  which 
are  worth  cultivating. 

The  Rock  Roses  are  of  the  easiest  culture  in  almost  any  light, 
rather  poor  soil  fully  exposed  to  the  sun ;  and  they  strike 
readily  from  cuttings.  If  cut  back  after  flowering  they  tend  to  grow 
more  compact.  The  hybrids  are  very  numerous  and  many  of  them 
extremely  beautiful,  being  in  all  shades  of  yellow,  salmon-pink, 
rose,  and  crimson.  Few  plants  are  of  greater  value  for  the  rockery, 
for  in  addition  to  their  beauty  they  grow  very  quickly.  The 
nomenclature,  however,  of  this  genus  seems  somewhat  confused. 
The  tendency  to  hybridise  may  partly  account  for  this. 

FUMANA  Spach. 

A  genus  closely  allied  to  the  last.  The  flowers  are  usually  smaller 
and  the  habit  shrubbier.  The  sepals  are  always  5,  the  2  exterior 
being  smaller  ;  and  the  capsule  is  3-celled. 

Fumana  procumbens  Gren.  et  Godr. 

A  recumbent  small  undershrub,  3-10  inches  high,  with  woody 
base  and  branching  stems.  Leaves  linear,  sub-obtuse,  mucronate, 
green,  not  stipuled,  rough-edged.  Flowers  solitary,  yellow,  1-4  on 
the  upper  part  of  the  branches.  Pedicels  thick,  deflexed,  shorter 

J  Flora  of  Bordighiera  and  San  Remo  (1896). 


than  the  sepals.  Valves  of  the  capsules  slightly  open  at  maturity 
and  containing  12  seeds. 

Dry  screes  and  limestone  rocks.    Common.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  as  far  north  as  the 
Baltic  Isles  ;  Mediterranean  region,  Western  Asia.  In  Switzerland 
locally  in  Tessin,  Grisons,  the  Rhone  Valley,  and  other  warm  places. 
On  Monte  Torraggio  in  Liguria  we  have  seen  this  plant  at  some 
4000  feet. 


A  family  represented  in  Europe  by  a  single  genus. 


Leaves  radical  or  alternate,  stipulate.  Flowers  axillary,  solitary, 
or  in  cymes,  with  2  small  bracts.  Sepals  5,  usually  unequal,  and 
produced  at  the  base  beyond  their  insertion.  Corolla  irregular,  of 
5  spreading  petals,  the  lowest  produced  into  a  spur  at  the  base. 
Style  single,  with  a  dilated  or  thickened  or  hooked  stigma.  Capsule 
i-celled,  3-valved.  Seeds  attached  to  3  parietal  placentae. 

There  are  about  150  species  of  Viola  spread  more  or  less  through- 
out the  globe. 

Viola  pinnata  L. 

Glabrous.  Leaves  all  radical,  digitate,  multi-partite,  with  obtuse 
teeth.  Flowers  pale  violet  or  blue,  rarely  white,  fragrant.  Petals 
small.  Capsule  trigonous. 

Stony,  rocky  places  in  the  Alps  from  4500-7000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  very  local. 
Rare  in  Switzerland  and  commoner  in  Tyrol  and  Carinthia  ;  Ural 
Mountains,  Siberia. 

Viola  bifiora  L.     (Plate  VII.) 

Rootstock  cylindrical,  scaly,  fleshy,  oblique,  branched  above. 
Stem  erect  or  ascending,  limp,  glabrous  like  the  flowers  and  leaf- 
stalks. Leaves  reniform,  crenate,  obtuse,  or  shortly  acuminate, 
finely  ciliated,  otherwise  mostly  glabrous,  bright  green.  Stipules 
ovate-lanceolate,  acute,  entire.  Flowers  usually  2  in  a  leaf -axil. 
Petals  yellow,  the  odd  one  streaked  with  brown  at  the  base.  Calyx- 
teeth  acute.  Stigma  abrupt,  hollow,  somewhat  2-lobed.  Capsule 
elongated,  obtuse,  glabrous,  pendent. 

Bushy,  stony  places  and  damp  rocks,  and  in  moist  mountain 
woods  ;  4000-9000  feet,  though  rarely  above  8000  feet.  June  to 

Distribution. — Throughout  the  Alpine  Chain ;  Carpathians, 
Scandinavia,  Jura,  Corsica,  Pyrenees:  Asia,  from  the  Urals  and 
Caucasus  to  India  ;  N.  America. 

Easily  grown  in  a  deep  loam  with  plenty  of  leaf-mould,  and 

Pl.ATK    VII. 

T.  VIOLA   CALCARATA    L.       2.  V.   IM  FLORA    L. 

4/7    NATURAL    SIXK. 

3.  V.   MONTANA    L. 


VIOLACE^;  91 

thrives  in  half-shade,  especially  among  damp  boulders  and  under 
dripping  rocks  or  in  shallow  caves. 

Viola  calcarata  L.     (Plate  VII.) 

Leaves  crenate,  ovate,  the  upper  ones  lanceolate.  Stipules  entire, 
tripartite,  or  pinnatifid.  Stem  i-flowered,  erect,  3  inches  or  more 
in  height.  Flowers  at  least  an  inch  in  diameter,  usually  violet-blue, 
rarely  yellow  or  white.  Spur  as  long  as  corolla,  i.e.  at  least  f  inch, 
and  so  long  and  narrow  that  only  butterflies  with  a  sufficiently  long 
proboscis  can  penetrate  as  far  as  the  nectar  at  its  extremity.  Plant 
glabrous,  branched,  and  leafy  at  the  base,  with  creeping  runners. 

Alpine  pastures  from  5000-9000  feet,  often  so  abundant  as  to 
form  a  carpet  of  violet-blue.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura, 
Apennines,  Central  and  Southern  Europe  from  Bavaria  to  Sicily 
and  Greece. 

Viola  lutea  Hudson. 

Stem  usually  simple,  ascending,  leafy.  Leaves  crenate,  the 
lower  ones  ovate-cordate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  upper  ones  lanceolate. 
Stipules  palmate-multifid,  with  linear  or  linear-oblong  lobes.  Spur 
scarcely  longer  than  the  auricles  of  the  sepals.  Flowers  yellow, 
more  rarely  violet  or  yellow  and  violet. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  (limestone  and  schist)  up  to  7500 
feet.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps  ;  rare  in  the  Pyrenees.  British. 

Viola  valderia  All. 

Stem  6-10  inches  high,  spreading.  Leaves  small,  the  lower 
broadly  ovate,  the  upper  oblong  or  elliptic-lanceolate,  mostly  entire. 
Stipules  multifid,  with  2-7  unequal  lobes.  Flowers  rather  large, 
usually  pale  violet  but  variable.  "  The  lateral  and  lower  petals  have 
a  pencilled  purple  dash  and  beard  at  their  junction;  which  gives 
intelligence  to  the  expression  of  the  soft  lavender  flowers,  with  their 
delicate  golden  eyes"  (Reginald  Farrer  in  Gard.  Chron.,  July  23rd, 
1910).  Flowers  longly  petioled.  Sepals  lanceolate-acute.  Capsule 
oval,  pointed,  equalling  the  calyx. 

Sandy,  stony  slopes  and  screes  at  4000-5000  feet ;  rare.  April 
to  July. 

Distribution. — Peculiar  to  a  few  places  in  the  French  and  Italian 
Maritime  Alps,  and  the  mountains  of  Liguria  on  the  east  side  of  the 
Col  di  Tenda. 

Viola  cornuta  L. 

Root  fibrous.  Stem  ascending,  leafy.  Leaves  rounded,  crenate, 
ciliate  ;  upper  leaves  oval-cordate  or  truncate  at  the  base.  Stipules 
large,  obliquely  cordate,  incised-dentate,  ciliate.  Sepals  subulate. 
Spur  subulate,  larger  than  the  calyx.  Capsule  obtuse. 


Pastures  in  the  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  regions ;  local.  June  to 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Spain,  Haute  Savoie  (Grammont), 

Viola  palustris  L.    Marsh  Violet. 

The  rootstock  often  sends  out  runners,  as  in  V.  odorata.  A  small 
perfectly  glabrous  plant,  or  with  rarely  a  few  hairs  on  the  peduncles. 
Leaves  reniform  or  orbicular,  cordate  at  the  base,  very  slightly 
crenate.  Flowers  small,  pale  blue  or  bluish  lilac  with  purple  streaks, 
scentless.  Sepals  obtuse.  Spur  very  short.  Stigma  broad. 

Marshy  ground  and  bogs  in  woods  and  on  mountains,  extending 
well  above  the  sub-alpine  region.  May  to  June. 

Distribution. — All  Europe  except  the  Mediterranean  region, 
Northern  Asia,  N.  America.  British.  In  Norway  it  ascends  above 
the  birch  limit. 

Viola  mirabilis  L. 

A  tall  species,  sometimes  a  foot  in  height,  with  robust  stems 
having  a  line  of  hairs  throughout,  and  broadly  ovate  leaves,  heart- 
shaped  at  the  base.  Stipules  ovate-lanceolate,  'entire,  or  ciliated. 
Lower  leaves  longly  petioled,  the  2  upper  leaves  subsessile.  Flowers 
large,  pale  lilac.  Sepals  ovate-lanceolate.  Capsule  glabrous. 

Mountain  woods.    April  to  June. 

Distribution.  —  South  -  Eastern  France,  Cevennes,  Switzerland 
(widely  spread),  Central  and  Southern  Europe.  Occasional  in 
Norway  to  above  the  fir  limit. 

Viola  montana  L.    (Plate  VII.) 

Leaves  oblong-ovate,  heart-shaped  at  base.  Stipules  10-20  mm. 
long.  Flowers  large,  blue  to  whitish.  Petals  oblong.  Stems  erect,  few. 

Meadows,  marshes,  and  borders  of  woods  from  the  plains  to  the 
lower  Alps.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Savoy. 

Viola  alpestris  Jordan  (Plate  VII)  =Viola  tricolor  L.  sub-sp. 
alpestris  (DC.)  Wittr. 

A  large-flowered,  erect,  and  bushy  variety  of  the  common 
V.  tricolor.  Calyx  half  the  length  of  corolla.  Upper  petals  obovate, 
usually  yellow.  Spur  very  long.  "  Approaches  V.  variata  very 
closely  and  has  often  been  confused  with  it "  (Dr.  E.  Drabble). 

Meadows,  rocky  places,  etc.,  in  the  sub-alpine  region.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Savoy,  Norway.     British. 

Figures  of  V.  alpestris  Jordan  appear  in  an  article  by  Dr.  Eric 
Drabble  on  "The  British  Pansies"  in  Journal  of  Royal  Hort.  Soc.,1 
xxxv.  (1909),  Pt.  II. 

1  "The  flowers  are  yellow,  and  thus  differ  from  the  typical  form  of  V.  variata; 
but  the  latter  may  also  possess  yellow  flowers,  and  it  is  such  plants  that  have  been 
confused  with  V.  alpestris."— E.  Drabble,  loc.  cit. 


Viola  sylvatica  Fries.    Common  Wood  Violet.    (Plate  VII.) 

Leaves  ovate,  heart-shaped,  acuminate,  glabrous  or  with 
scattered  hairs.  Petals  oblong,  lilac  or  violet,  the  lower  one 
shaded  with  darker  colour.  Stigma  hairy  on  both  sides  and  slightly 
arched  beneath  the  top.  Stipules  linear-lanceolate,  fringed-ciliate. 
Capsule  glabrous. 

Woods,  thickets,  etc.,  up  to  5000  feet  in  Switzerland  and  to  6000 
feet  in  the  Eastern  Pyrenees.  April,  May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia  from  Siberia  to  Japan,  Algeria, 
Canary  Isles.  British. 


A  family  represented  in  Europe  only  by  Polygala  itself.  The  other 
genera  being  chiefly  tropical  and  differ  from  Polygala  in  the  form 
of  the  fruit,  or,  in  minor  details,  in  the  structure  of  their  flowers. 


Herbs  or  shrubs,  with  entire  leaves,  usually  alternate,  no  stipules, 
and  very  irregular  flowers  in  terminal  racemes.  Sepals  5,  of  which 
the  two  inner  are  larger,  usually  petal-like,  and  commonly  called 
wings.  Petals  3,  4,  or  5,  the  lowest  very  small  and  subulate,  and 
all  more  or  less  united  with  the  stamens.  Stamens  united  in  two 
parcels.  Style  I,  with  a  single  stigma.  Ovary  and  capsule  flat, 
2-celled,  with  a  single  pendulous  seed  in  each  cell. 

A  numerous  genus,  widely  spread  over  most  parts  of  the  globe. 
Some  of  the  showy  S.  African  species  are  often  cultivated  in  our 

Polygala  Chamcebuxus  L.  (Plate  V.) 

Stem  shrubby,  creeping,  branched ;  branches  prostrate  or 
ascending,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  narrowly  lanceo- 
late or  elliptical,  entire,  mucronate,  the  lower  ones  smaller,  obovate. 
Flowers  solitary  or  in  pairs,  terminal,  or  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves. 
Corolla  with  a  small,  4-lobed  crest,  as  long  as  or  shorter  than  the 
wing-sepals,  which  are  ovate,  oblique,  erect  or  recurved,  nerveless, 
with  branched  veins.  Wings  pale  yellow  before  fertilization,  often 
red,  brownish  or  purple  later.  Corolla  tube  deep  yellow,  but  pur- 
plish after  fertilization. 

Woods  and  rocky  or  grassy  places  in  the  mountains,  extending 
up  to  the  Alpine  region,  where  it  is  usually  dwarfer  and  more 
floriferous.  Very  common.  A  difficult  plant  to  get  up  by  the  long, 
slender  roots,  for  they  penetrate  long  distances,  and  yet  there  is 
little  of  them  to  survive  a  journey  to  this  country.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe  from  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  to 
Roumania.  Rare  in  the  Jura. 


This  evergreen  creeping  shrub  likes  a  shady  place  in  sandy  peat 
and  loam,  or  in  good  leaf  mould,  and  can  be  increased  when  well 
established  by  careful  division. 

Poly  gala  alpinum  Steudel. 

A  small  species,  2-4  inches  high,  with  branched,  recumbent  stems. 
Leaves  oboval  or  oblong,  forming  a  rosette  ;  stem-leaves  narrower 
and  much  smaller.  Flowers  pale  blue,  very  small,  in  small,  dense, 
terminal  heads.  Capsule  small,  rather  shorter,  but  broader  than  the 

Mountain  pastures  ;   local.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps,  including  Southern  Switzerland, 

Poly  gala  alpestris  Reichb. 

Stems  numerous,  woody,  filiform,  spreading,  ascending.  Lower 
leaves  short,  broadly  ovate,  often  forming  a  rosette  ;  upper  leaves 
longer,  clothing  the  lower  part  of  the  panicle.  Flowers  small,  pale 
blue.  Wings  of  calyx  ovate,  as  broad  as,  and  longer  than  the 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  especially  on  limestone.    June, 


Distribution. — Juras,  Central  and  Western  Alps,  including 

This  species  is  not  much  understood,  and  is  often  confused  with 
P.  alpina  Perr.  et  Long.  P.  alpestris  may  perhaps  be  a  form  of 
P.  amara  L.,  and  it  is  synonymous  with  P.  amarella  Crantz  var. 
alpestris  Borbas. 

For  the  rock-garden  there  are  other  more  beautiful  species  than 
the  above  which,  though  not  Alpine,  are  more  worthy  of  a  place  on 
rockeries.  P.  nicaensis  Risso,  a  Mediterranean  plant  extending 
into  the  Maritime  Alps  up  to  2000  feet,  has  handsome  purple  flowers. 
The  Common  Milkwort  P.  vulgaris  L.,  with  flowers  of  blue,  rose,  pur- 
ple, or  white,  attains  a  remarkable  size  in  the  mountains,  and  is 
well  worth  more  attention  in  our  gardens,  for  it  will  grow  anywhere 
and  is  very  pretty. 


Annual  or  perennial  herbs,  with  opposite,  entire  leaves,  and  no 
stipules,  except  in  a  few  genera  which  have  small,  scarious  stipules  ; 
the  branches  usually  knotted  at  each  pair  of  leaves.  Flowers 
frequently  in  dichotomous  cymes  or  panicles.  Sepals  4  or  5,  free 
or  united  into  a  tubular  calyx.  Petals  4  or  5,  twisted  in  the  bud, 
sometimes  minute.  Stamens  free,  inserted  under  the  ovary. 
Styles  2  to  5,  linear,  stigmatic  along  their  whole  length.  Capsule 
i-celled,  or  divided  into  cells  at  the  base  only,  opening  at  the  top 
into  twice  as  many  teeth  as  there  are  styles.  Ovules  numerous. 


A  large  family  widely  spread  over  the  globe,  and  very  numerous 
in  temperate  regions,  especially  in  the  northern  hemisphere, 
extending  into  the  Arctic  Circle  and  to  the  summits  of  the  Alps. 
The  genera  into  which  species  are  distributed  are  often  very  arti- 
ficial, depending  on  the  number  of  sepals,  petals,  stamens,  or  styles. 
As  these  numbers  are  not  strictly  constant,  even  in  different  flowers 
of  the  same  species,  care  must  be  taken  in  some  of  the  small-flowered 
Alsinece  to  count  the  parts  of  several  flowers  if  hesitation  be  felt 
as  to  the  genus  it  should  be  referred  to. 

DIANTHUS  L.     Pink. 

Stiff  perennials,  or  more  rarely  annuals,  with  narrow  leaves. 
Calyx  tubular-campanulate,  5-toothed,  with  2-6  imbricating 
scales  at  the  base.  Petals  usually  crenate,  or  jagged.  Stamens  10. 
Styles  2.  Capsule  stalked  within  the  calyx,  opening  at  the  top  in 
4  teeth  or  short  valves. 

A  large  genus,  spread  over  Europe  and  Asia,  with  a  few  in  S. 

Dianthus  prolifer  L.  (Tunica  prolifera  Scop.). 

A  stiff,  erect,  glabrous,  annual  species,  simple  or  with -a  few 
erect  branches,  6-12  inches  high.  Leaves  few,  narrow,  erect,  and 
usually  pointed.  Flowers  small,  pink,  in  compact,  oblong  terminal 
heads,  the  calyx  concealed  by  broad,  dry,  shining,  imbricated  scales, 
from  the  top  of  which  the  small,  spreading  petals  appear. 

Dry  places,  roadsides,  and  hilly  pastures,  from  the  plains  to  the 
sub-alpine  region,  as,  e.g.  in  the  Gorge  de  Trient  at  about  3500  feet. 
May  to  September. 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe;  Western  Asia,  N.  Africa. 

A  hairy,  glandular  variety,  with  longer  sheath  to  the  leaves  and 
pedicelled  calyx,  is  called  D.  velutinus  Guss. 

Dianthus  saxifragus  L.  (Tunica  saxifraga  Scop.). 

Stem  slender,  glabrous,  6-8  inches  high,  with  spreading  branches. 
Leaves  linear-acute.  Corolla  pale  rose,  veined,  small,  solitary. 
Calyx  bell-shaped.  Capsule  ovoid. 

Arid  places  from  the  plains  up  to  about  5500  feet  in  the  Alps,  as 
e.g.  near  Evolene  in  1911.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — From  the  Pyrenees  and  France  to  Eastern  Europe  ; 
Western  Asia  as  far  as  Persia.  It  has  recently  appeared  in  Pem- 
brokeshire as  an  escape  from  cultivation. 

TUNICA  is  a  small  genus,  not  always  separated  from  Dianthus, 
and  differing  from  it  in  the  calyx  being  pentagonous  and  the  corolla 
having  no  corona. 


Dianthus  superbus  L.    (Plate  V.) 

Stem  18  inches  high,  rounded,  branched  above.  Leaves  linear- 
lanceolate,  soft,  but  rough  at  edges,  the  inferior  sub-obtuse,  the 
superior  acute.  Scales  oval,  mucronate,  J  or  J  length  of  calyx- tube, 
purple-red.  Petals  large,  slit  and  fringed,  pink  or  lilac,  with  reddish 
hairs  and  green  spots  at  the  base,  rarely  white,  scented. 

Woods  and  damp  meadows  from  the  plains  up  to  6500  feet.  June 
to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe ;  Western  Asia, 

D.  speciosus  Reichb.  is  a  rare  Alpine  variety,  found  in  meadows 
in  Southern  Switzerland  and  Tyrol  from  5000-7500  feet. 

D.  superbus  does  not  live  very  long,  and  is  generally  treated  as  a 
biennial.  It  requires  deep,  peaty  soil  or  a  mixture  of  sand  and  leaf- 

Dianthus  monspessulanus  L. 

This  belongs  to  the  same  group  as  superbus,  and  may  be  treated 
in  a  similar  way,  though  it  grows  in  drier  places.  The  variety 
alpicola  Koch  (D.  alpestris  Sternb.  and  Hoppe)  has  i-flowered  stems. 
It  is  found  locally  in  meadows  in  Southern  Tyrol  and  Carinthia,  at 
from  1600-2400  metres. 

D.  monspessulanus  is  a  native  of  Southern  Europe. 

Dianthus  Carthusianorum  L.     (Plate  VIII.) 

Stem  about  a  foot  high  or  higher,  simple.  Leaves  linear-acute ; 
the  stem-leaves  with  a  long  sheath.  Flowers  a  deep  red,  sub- 
sessile,  2-8  in  a  dense  panicle,  surrounded  with  coriaceous  bracts. 
Scales  of  calyx  scarious,  the  point  reaching  the  centre  of  the 
calyx-tube.  Calyx  dark  purple.  Petals  obovate,  hairy  at  the 
throat,  toothed  ;  capsule  cylindrical. 

Arid,  stony,  and  bushy  places  in  the  Alps  and  plains,  up  to  7000 
or  8000  feet  in  the  Alps.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  but  rare  in  the 
Mediterranean  region. 

A  very  variable  plant  with  several  named  varieties,  such  as  atro- 
rubens,  vaginatus,  etc. 

Dianthus  Seguieri  Vill. 

Glabrous  ;  forming  tufts  of  leaves,  Stem  12-18  inches  high, 
branching,  angular.  Leaves  linear,  flat.  Flowers  pink,  with  a  purple 
circle  round  the  centre,  in  heads  of  2-4.  Scales  long,  striated,  with 
erect  spreading  point,  equalling  the  tube  of  the  calyx.  Calyx  rather 
long,  striated  throughout,  with  sharp  lanceolate  teeth.  Petals  hairy 
at  the  throat,  deeply  toothed.  Capsule  cylindric. 

Dry,  bushy  places  in  the  lower  mountains  and  hills ;  local. 
June  to  August. 

i.   SILEXE    IXFLATA   (\VITH     MAUVK    FORM).          2.    DIAXTHCS    SVLVKSTRIS. 


Distribution. — Western  Alps,  Eastern  Pyrenees,  Central  Europe 
and  Western  Asia.  Only  in  trans-alpine  Switzerland. 

Dianthus  furcatus  Balb. 

Glabrous.  Stem  5-9  inches  high,  angular.  Leaves  soft,  the  lower 
ones  short  and  broadly  linear,  obtuse,  with  3-5  nerves  ;  the  stem- 
leaves  longer  and  pointed.  Scales  4,  erect,  the  lower  two  herbaceous, 
oval,  the  point  reaching  half  the  length  of  the  calyx.  Calyx  rather 
short,  13-16  mm.,  narrow,  striated  throughout  its  length,  teeth 
lanceolate  acuminate.  Petals  glabrous,  entire  or  toothed.  Flowers 
pink  or  whitish,  1-3  at  the  top  of  the  stem,  longly  petioled.  Capsule 
cylindric,  extending  slightly  beyond  the  calyx. 

Rocks  and  dry  pastures  in  the  Southern  Alps ;  rare.  June  to 

Distribution. — Maritime  Alps,  Liguria,  Piedmont ;  Hautes-Alpes 
and  Basses- Alpes. 

Dianthus  sylvestris  Wulf.     (Plate  VIII.) 

Considered  by  some  a  sub-species  of  D.  Caryophyllus  L.,  which  is 
not  Alpine,  but  grows  on  rocks  and  walls  in  Southern  Europe, 
and  in  Algeria  and  Morocco.  D.  sylvestris  is  a  dwarf er  plant,  more 
tufted,  with  2  small  scales  to  the  calyx,  and  a  slight  scent.  The 
flowers  are  bright  pink  and  rather  large,  and  usually  in  panicles  of 
1-3  on  longish  peduncles.  The  leaves  are  narrow,  linear,  acute, 
pale  green  or  glaucous.  A  polymorphic  plant. 

Steep  hillsides  and  rocks  in  the  mountains,  and  sometimes  in 
open  woods  ;  common.  It  attains  7500  feet,  and  descends  to  the 
plains.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Corsica  ;  Pyrenees  ;  Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

It  should  have  an  open,  sunny  position  in  dry,  stony  loam,  or  in 
rock  crevices  with  plenty  of  soil. 

Dianthus  glaucus  Huds.  (D.  ccesius  L.).    Cheddar  Pink. 

A  very  glaucous  plant,  forming  a  short,  densely  tufted,  almost 
woody  stock.  Lower  leaves  crowded,  stiff,  narrow-linear,  but 
obtuse,  about  an  inch  long.  Flower-stems  5-10  inches  high, 
simple,  i-flowered,  or  rarely  forked,  with  a  few  pointed  leaves. 
Flowers  rather  large,  fragrant.  Calyx  thick,  with  short  teeth,  the 
4  outer  scales  broad,  shortly  pointed,  not  half-length  of  calyx. 
Petals  broad,  irregularly  crenate  or  toothed. 

Dry,  rocky  places,  especially  on  limestone,  very  local.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Alps  of  Savoy  and  Dauphine*,,  Swiss  plains, 
but  not  in  the  Alps  ;  Central  Europe.    Cheddar  Cliffs  in  England. 
It  grows  very  well  on  garden  walls. 


Dianthus  subacaulis  Vill. 

This  small  species  is  well-suited  to  the  rockery,  and  especially 
on  limestone,  like  the  Cheddar  Pink,  but  it  does  not  seem  known 
in  this  country.  The  root  is  woody,  and  it  sends  up  tufts  of  short, 
rough,  linear  leaves  ;  stem  angular,  simple,  from  2-6  inches  high. 
Flowers  rose,  rather  small,  solitary.  Scales  of  the  calyx  broad, 
short  (J  to  J  the  length  of  the  calyx),  and  with  short  point.  Calyx 
short,  striated  above,  with  ovate  teeth.  Petals  entire  or  crenate. 
Capsule  conical.  A  variable  species. 

Rocks  and  rocky  pastures,  especially  on  limestone.  May  to 

Distribution. — Alps  of  Dauphine  and  Provence,  Cevennes, 
Eastern  Pyrenees  ;  Spain.  j  g 


Calyx  short,  campanulate,  pentagonal,  without  scales  at  the  base. 
Petals  5,  gradually  narrowed  to  the  base,  without  a  corona.  Styles  2. 
Stamens  10.  Capsule  with  i  cell  and  numerous  seeds. 

About  55  species  inhabiting  Europe  and  Asia. 

Gypsophila  repens  L.    (Plate  XV.) 

Root  tapering,  branched.  Stem  3-6  inches  high,  erect  or  ascend- 
ing, simple  or  branched  above,  glabrous  like  the  leaves.  Leaves 
linear-lanceolate  or  linear,  entire,  acute,  bluish  green,  moderately 
thick.  Flowers  in  loose  paniculate  cymes.  Petals  2-3  lines  long, 
white  or  pale  rose-coloured,  more  or  less  emarginate.  Calyx  bell- 
shaped,  5-cleft ;  teeth  lanceolate,  membranous  at  the  margin, 
i-nerved,  straight,  obtuse,  with  a  short  mucro.  Capsule  sub- 
globular,  obtuse,  with  a  very  short  carpophore. 

Dry,  rocky,  and  gravelly  places  in  the  calcareous  Alps  and 
sub-Alps,1  3000-8000  feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  from  Savoy 
to  Roumania  and  the  Carpathians  ;  Central  Pyrenees,  Jura,  Poland, 

Very  easily  grown  in  dry,  sunny  places,  and  increased  by  layers, 
or  from  seed.  It  quickly  forms  mats  of  dense  foliage  and  flowering 
spikes,  and  hence  is  very  suitable  for  covering  ugly  rocks,  etc. 


Calyx  tubular,  5-toothed,  without  scales  at  the  base.  Petals  with 
a  corona.  Disc  small.  Styles  2.  Ovary  2-celled  at  the  base. 
Capsule  4-valved. 

This  genus,  artificially  distinguished  by  the  number  of  styles, 
as  Bentham  says,  comprises  several  European  and  West  Asiatic 

1  On  granite  its  place  is  taken  by  Silene  rupestris. 


Saponaria  ocymoides  L.     (Plate  XX.) 

Stem  trailing.  Plant  hairy,  glandular  at  the  top.  Leaves  broadly 
lanceolate  or  oblong,  ciliated,  with  I  nerve.  Flowers  bright  rose, 
sometimes  paler,  and  rarely  white,  shortly  petioled,  in  panicles. 
Calyx  cylindric,  hairy,  glandular,  with  15—20  nerves  and  obtuse 
teeth,  often  very  red.  Capsule  oval,  4  times  the  length  of  the 
glabrous  carpophore. 

Stony  places  and  limestone  rocks  in  full  sun.  May  to  July. 
In  the  Alps  it  extends  up  to  7800  feet,  but  it  is  by  no  means  a  purely 
Alpine  plant,  being,  e.g.  found  over  the  greater  portion  of  hilly 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  from  the  Iberian 
peninsula  to  Bavaria  and  Carinthia  ;  Corsica,  Sardinia. 

Of  very  easy  culture  in  sunny  positions  in  deep,  loamy  soil. 
Being  such  a  good  trailer  it  is  best  to  plant  it  so  that  it  will  fall  over 
or  decorate  a  rock  or  bank.  It  prefers  dry  soils,  and  is  often  killed 
in  wet  English  winters. 

Saponaria  officinalis  L.    Common  Soapwort. 

This  tall  and  rather  handsome  species,  with  large  pink  flowers,  is 
sometimes  seen  by  streams  in  the  foot-hills  of  Switzerland  and 

Saponaria  Vaccaria  L.  is  an  annual  found  in  waste  places  and  in 
crops.  In  191 1  it  was  growing  in  a  crop  of  flax  above  Argentiere,  near 
Chamonix,  at  a  height  of  4500  feet. 


Calyx  tubular  or  inflated,  with  5  teeth.  Petals  5,  with  erect  claws 
and  a  spreading  lamina,  entire  or  2-cleft.  Stamens  10.  Styles  5, 
or  very  rarely  4.  Capsule  i-celled,  or  divided  at  the  base  into  5  cells, 
and  opening  in  5  or  10  teeth  or  short  valves  at  the  top. 

About  40  species,  widely  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere 
without  the  tropics. 

Lychnis  alpina  L. 

In  Alpine  Plants  of  Europe,  p.  80,  this  plant,  now  usually  called 
Viscaria  alpina  Don,  was  erroneously  stated  to  be  unrecorded  from 
Switzerland.  As  a  matter  of  fact  it  is  occasionally  found  in  Orisons 
(Engadine,  Poschiavo,  etc.),  the  Bernese  Oberland  (Gemmi),  and 
the  Valais,  as  at  Zermatt  and  above  Zinal  (at  8500  feet  in  August, 
1911).  It  does  not  appear  to  descend  to  the  sub-alpine  region  of 
Central  Europe,  but  we  have  seen  it  in  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  in 
abundance  in  some  of  the  more  open  pine  forests  at  about  5500  feet. 
It  extends  upwards  in  that  district  to  7000  feet. 

Lychnis  viscaria  L. 

Stems  6  inches  to  a  foot  high,  glabrous,  very  viscid  in  the  upper 
part.  Leaves  long  and  narrow,  resembling  those  of  the  last  species. 


Flowers  red,  in  close,  sessile,  or  shortly  stalked,  opposite  clusters, 
forming  an  oblong  panicle  or  head.  Calyx  tubular,  with  10  veins 
and  5  short  teeth.  Petals  slightly  notched. 

Rocks  and  hilly  pastures.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe  to  Norway  ;  Siberia  ; 
Caucasus  ;  a  few  places  in  N.  Wales  and  Scotland. 

Lychnis  Flos  Jovis  Desr. 

Plant  covered  with  whitish,  silky  tomentum.  Stems  10-18  inches 
high,  erect,  simple.  Leaves  oblong-lanceolate,  acuminate,  the 
upper  ones  narrower.  Flowers  deep  pink,  crowded.  Petals  deeply 
divided.  Calyx  coriaceous,  with  10  prominent  nerves  and  broadly 
acute  teeth.  Capsule  oblong-acute,  with  five  teeth,  much  shorter 
than  the  carpophore. 

Sub-alpine  pastures  and  broken  ground.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Western  and  Southern  Alps,  Southern  Switzerland, 
Italy,  Tyrol. 

Lychnis  Coronaria  L. 

A  taller  plant,  covered  with  dense  white  silky  tomentum.  Leaves 
oblong-lanceolate,  acute.  Flower  solitary,  axillary,  and  terminal, 
large  and  handsome,  reddish  purple,  or  rarely  white,  longly  petioled 
in  a  loose,  dichotomous  spray.  Calyx  with  10  unequal  nerves  and 
linear  teeth,  much  shorter  than  the  corolla.  Petals  entire  or  slightly 
crenate.  Capsule  oblong-acute,  without  carpophore,  5-toothed. 

Wooded  hills  and  rocky,  bushy  places  in  the  plains  and  sub- Alps. 
Reaches  a  considerable  height  in  Val  Tournanche  and  the  Saas 
Valley.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Southern  Europe  from  Portugal  to  the  Caucasus  ; 
probably  only  in  Valais  in  Switzerland,  except  where  it  has  escaped 
from  gardens,  it  being  a  favourite  plant  in  cottage  gardens,  as  in 


Calyx,  corolla,  and  stamens  as  in  Lychnis.  Styles  3.  Capsules 
opening  at  the  top  in  6  teeth  or  short  valves.  A  very  large  genus,  of 
about  256  species,  widely  spread  over  Europe,  Central  and  Northern 
Asia  and  N.  America,  with  a  few  species  in  S.  Africa. 

Silene  acaulis  L. 

Usually  stemless  or  with  stems  J  to  I  inch  high. 

Root  woody,  branched,  with  many  aerial  shoots,  covered  with  the 
withered  leaves,  and  bearing  a  rosette  of  fresh  leaves  forming  dense, 
cushion-like  tufts.  Sometimes  hemispherical  masses  a  foot  across 
are  seen  covering  rocks  or  grassy  ground  in  Alpine  pastures.  Leaves 
radical,  linear,  acute  or  acuminate,  entire,  shortly  ciliated,  other- 
wise glabrous.  Flowers  dioecious  or  hermaphrodite,  solitary  at  the 
extremity  of  the  shoots.  Calyx  cylindrical,  or  bell-shaped,  with 


10  nerves  ;  teeth  ovate,  obtuse.  Petals  obovate,  lanceolate,  rose- 
coloured,  slightly  emarginate. 

Rocks  and  pastures  in  the  Alps ;  common,  5000-11,000  feet. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Pyrenees,  British  Isles,  Arctic  Europe,  Asia  and  America  ;  Iceland, 
Spitzbergen.  Rocky  Mountains  of  Canada. 

There  are  two  varieties  which  grow  in  the  Alpine  zone  only  : 

Var.  exscapa  DC.,  a  stemless,  small  form  with  lighter  pink  flowers, 
and  Var.  elongata  DC.,  a  rare  form  with  longer  stems  than  in  the 
type,  larger  flowers,  and  a  looser  habit. 

Though  a  shy  bloomer  in  this  country,  Silene  acaulis  is  a  very 
useful  rockery  plant.  It  should  have  plenty  of  sun,  and  a  poor, 
gritty  soil,  or  it  will  make  too  much  soft  green  growth,  which  gets 
cut  off  in  winter.  It  may  be  wedged  between  stones  in  crevices  of 

Silene  inflata  Smith  (S.  Cucubalus  Wibel.).  Bladder  Campion. 
(Plate  VIII.) 

Loosely  branched  at  the  base,  with  ascending  or  erect  stems  a  foot 
or  more  long,  of  a  glaucous  green,  and  usually  glabrous.  Leaves 
ovate,  oblong,  or  rarely  nearly  linear,  and  usually  pointed.  Flowers 
few,  white,  or  pinkish  in  the  mountains,  often  slightly  drooping, 
in  loose  terminal  panicles.  Calyx  becoming  at  length  globular, 
inflated,  and  much  veined.  Petals  deeply  2-cleft.  A  variable  species, 
especially  in  the  mountains,  where  it  sometimes  assumes  a  pinkish 
tinge,  as  in  the  plate. 

Fields,  waste  places,  and  Alpine  pastures  ;  very  common.  April 
to  August. 

Distribution. — All  Europe,  Western  and  Central  Asia,  Northern 
Africa,  N.  America.  British. 

In  Mr.  F.  N.  Williams'  European  Varieties  of  Silene  inflata1  he 
describes  the  var.  alpina,  Mert.  and  Koch,  and  mentions  that  it 
was  gathered  by  the  present  writer  on  the  Col  du  Galibier  in  Dau- 
phiny  at  2440  m.,  "  the  greatest  altitude  hitherto  recorded  for  the 
plant."  It  was  however,  recorded  at  3000  m.  on  the  Corner  Grat,2 
by  Heer. 

Silene  Elizabethce  Jan. 

Rootstock  densely  covered  with  leaves  ;  stem  simple,  ascending, 
3-6  inches  high,  finely  glandular,  hairy  above.  Root-leaves  lan- 
ceolate, acute,  narrowed  at  the  base  ;  stem-leaves  ovate-lanceolate. 
Flowers  1-3,  terminal,  very  large  and  handsome,  bright  pink  ; 
lamina  of  petals  obcordate,  fan-shaped,  cut  and  toothed.  Calyx 

1  In  Bulletin  de  r  Her  bier  Boissier  (1908). 

2  Professor  Lino  Vaccari,  La  Flora  Nivale  del  Monte  Rosa  (1911),  p.  14. 


Alpine  pastures  on  limestone,  4000-5000  feet ;  rare.    June,  July. 
Distribution. — South-west  Tyrol,  Val  Vestino. 
Silene  alpestris  Jacq. 

Root  tapering,  branched,  with  woody  shoots,  tufted.  Stems 
erect  or  ascending,  6-12  inches  high,  stiff,  glabrous,  or  with  scattered 
hairs,  dichotomously  branched  above,  and  viscid  at  upper  part, 
like  the  flower-stalks.  Leaves  lanceolate,  acute  or  obtuse,  thick, 
entire,  ciliated  near  the  base,  otherwise  glabrous,  connate  ;  lower 
leaves  narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk.  Flowers  in  a  terminal,  loose 
few-flowered  cyme,  white  or  pinkish.  Petals  4-5  toothed.  Corona 
acutely  toothed.  Calyx  finely  glandular,  downy,  or  rough,  erect, 
not  changed  when  fruit  is  ripe  ;  calyx  teeth  ovate,  obtuse.  Capsule 
twice  as  long  as  calyx,  i-celled,  dehiscent,  with  twice  as  many  teeth 
as  styles.  Seeds  reniform,  compressed,  surrounded  at  edge  by  a 
radiate,  4-nerved  crest  of  linear  scales. 

Abundant  in  the  calcareous  Alps  and  lower  Alps,  3000-6000  feet, 
often  descending  into  the  valleys  with  debris.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps  (Tyrol  to  Carinthia). 
Silene  Saxifraga  L. 

Root  tapering,  branched,  tufted,  with  woody  shoots.  Stem 
prostrate  or  ascending,  swollen  at  the  nodes,  4-6  inches  high,  grass- 
green  like  the  leaves,  usually  simple,  finely  downy  or  glabrous  above, 
1-2  flowered,  rarely  more.  Leaves  narrowly  linear,  acute,  entire, 
rough  at  the  edge,  sessile,  with  narrowed  connate  bases.  Calyx 
turbinate,  lo-nerved,  glabrous,  erect,  pale  green  or  brownish ; 
calyx- teeth  ovate  or  obtuse.  Flowers  white  or  pink  within,  greenish 
red  without;  Petals  2-cleft.  Corona  scale-like. 

Stony  places  and  debris  on  the  calcareous  lower  Alps  ;  local. 
Up  to  6600  feet  in  Valais. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Switzerland  to  Carinthia. 
In  cultivation  there  must  be  lime  in  the  soil,  and  it  should  have 
plenty  of  sun. 

Silene  quadrifida  L.  (Heliosperma  quadrifidum  Reichb.). 

Root  with  fusiform  branches,  and  tufts  of  procumbent,  slender, 
brittle  stems.  Stems  2-6  inches  high,  viscid  above,  glabrous,  or 
with  a  few  scattered  hairs,  dichotomously  branched  above.  Leaves 
narrowly  linear,  acute,  entire,  ciliated  at  the  base,  slightly  connate, 
the  lowermost  gradually  narrowed  into  the  leafstalk.  Flowers 
in  a  terminal,  loose,  few-flowered  cyme,  white.  Petals  4-toothed. 
Corona  sharply  dentate.  Calyx  glabrous,  erect,  teeth  ovate, 
obtuse,  unchanged  when  fruit  is  ripe.  Capsule  as  long  as  calyx. 
A  very  slender  little  plant,  growing  in  shaded,  moist  limestone 
rocks  and  cliffs  in  the  Alps,  from  3500  to  7600  feet.  June  to  August. 


Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura  (Reculet)  ;  Central  and  Western  Pyrenees.  From  Spain  to 

Silene  rupestris  L.     (Plate  XV.) 

Stems  dichotomously  branched,  ascending  or  erect,  glabrous  and 
glaucous  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  lanceolate,  narrowed  at  the 
base,  sessile  ;  upper  leaves  broader.  Flowers  milk-white  or  rose- 
coloured.  Petals  emarginate,  almost  twice  as  long  as  the  calyx. 

Rocky  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  situations,  preferring  granite  and 
siliceous  rocks  ;  its  counterpart  on  limestone  being  Gypsophila 
repens.  It  extends  up  to  9000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Spain, 
Pyrenees,  Cevennes,  Vosges,  Corsica,  Lapland,  Scandinavia,  Altai. 

Like  many  of  the  genus  it  is  easily  propagated'from  seed,  and, 
disliking  lime,  it  should  have  plenty  of  grit  or  granite  chips. 

Silene  nutans  L.    Nottingham  Catchfly. 

Stock  tufted,  with  a  rather  thick  top-root,  short,  procumbent, 
barren  shoots,  and  erect  flowering  stems,  1-2  feet  high,  more  or  less 
hoary  with  short  hairs  and  viscid  in  the  upper  part.  Lower  leaves 
oblong-obovate,  pointed,  narrowed  into  a  long  stalk  ;  stem-leaves 
few,  narrow,  and  sessile.  Flowers  nodding  in  a  loose  panicle,  3  or  5 
together  on  short  opposite  peduncles.  Calyx  tubular,  8-12  mm. 
long.  Petals  white  or  greenish  underneath,  deeply  2-cleft,  with 
long  claws,  the  style  and  stamens  projecting  beyond  the  flower. 

Hilly  or  stony  pastures,  rocky  and  waste  places  by  roadsides  ; 
very  common.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Nearly  all  Europe,  Russian  Asia  to  the  Arctic 
Circle.  British. 

It  is  a  common  plant  in  the  sub-alpine  region,  and  we  once  found 
the  var.  spathultzfolia  Burnat  as  high  as  8000  feet,  near  La  Grave 
in  Dauphiny. 

Silene  cordifolia  All. 

A  pubescent-viscous  and  leafy  species,  with  ascending  stems, 
about  10  inches  high.  Leaves  ovate-acuminate,  the  upper  ones 
larger  and  heart-shaped  at  base.  Flowers  white  or  pink,  shortly 
peduncled,  erect,  1-4  on  the  branches.  Calyx  broad,  with  10  nerves 
and  linear-lanceolate  teeth.  Petals  deeply  2-cleft,  often  reflexed. 
Capsule  oblong,  twice  as  long  as  the  glabrous  carpophore. 

Rocks  and  screes  of  the  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  region  in  the  French 
and  Italian  Maritime  Alps  ;  rare.  July,  August. 

Silene  vallesia  L. 

A  robust  but  dwarf  pubescent-glandular  species.  Stems  4-6 
inches  high,  1-3  flowered,  leafy.  Leaves  lanceolate  acute  ;  stem- 
leaves  sessile  ;  root-leaves  narrowed  into  a  petiole,  Calyx  tubular, 


glandular,  with  lanceolate  teeth.  Petals  bifid,  pinkish  white  above, 
crimson  underneath.  Capsule  pubescent  and  equalling  the  glabrous 
carpophore  in  length. 

Stony  places  on  siliceous  rocks  ;  very  local.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  only  on  some  of  the  Southern  Alps 
in  Valais,  on  the  Italian  frontier  ;  Alps  of  Savoy  and  Dauphine  (as 
at  La  Grave),  Italy,  Dalmatia,  Bosnia,  Montenegro,  etc. 

This  little  known  plant  is  worth  introducing  into  gardens  and 
may  be  treated  much  as  5.  rupestris  is. 


Small  herbs,  usually  hairy  or  downy  and  often  viscid,  branching 
at  the  base,  with  white  flowers  in  terminal  forked  cymes,  or  rarely 
solitary  ;  the  upper  bracts  often,  like  the  sepals,  scarious  at  the 
edges.  Sepals  5,  rarely  4.  Petals  5,  rarely  4,  usually  2-cleft,  some- 
times minute  or  wanting.  Stamens  10  or  occasionally  5  or  fewer. 
Styles  5,  rarely  4  or  3.  Capsule  opening  at  the  top  in  twice  as  many 
short  teeth  as  there  are  styles. 

A  rather  large  genus,  spread  over  the  globe,  but  most  numerous 
in  the  temperate  regions,  especially  of  the  northern  hemisphere. 

Cerastium  arvense  L.     Mouse-ear  Chickweed. 

Stem  perennial  and  much  branched  at  the  base,  and  frequently 
prostrate  and  creeping,  ascending  to  about  6  inches  high.  Leaves 
crowded  in  lower  parts,  narrow,  linear-lanceolate,  glabrescent. 
Flowers  large  and  white,  in  loose  cymes  on  rather  long  pedicels. 
Petals  twice  the  length  of  the  sepals,  cleft  to  the  middle.  Capsule 
oblique,  usually  longer  than  the  calyx.  A  variable  plant. 

Dry,  hilly  fields,  pastures,  and  banks,  extending  from  the  low- 
lands of  England  to  8700  feet  in  the  Alps,  and  often  mistaken  there 
for  C.  alpinum.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Russian  Asia,  N.  America,  Andes  of  S. 
America,  Morocco. 

There  are  several  Alpine  varieties,  the  commonest  of  which  is 
strictum  Haenke  (alpicolum  Fenzl.),  which  is  smaller,  very  thick-set, 
and  with  narrower  leaves  and  smaller  flowers.  We  have  gathered 
it  at  9000  feet  on  the  Aiguille  du  Gole*on  in  Dauphine  and  on  the 
Col  de  la  Leisse  in  Savoy  at  the  same  elevation. 

Cerastium  grandiflorum  W.  and  K. 

A  useful  and  well-known  rock-plant,  covered  with  greenish  grey 
tomentum.  Leaves  linear,  fleshy,  often  with  curled  hairs  at  the 
base.  Flowers  large,  handsome,  sometimes  covering  the  whole 
plant  with  white.  Teeth  of  capsule  revolute. 

Rocky  pastures  in  Upper  Styria  and  elsewhere  in  the  Eastern 
Alps  ;  rare.  July,  August. 

Grows  easily  and  freely  from  cuttings  or  by  division,  but  is 


somewhat  too  rampant  to  associate  with  the  smallest  and  choicest 

The  majority  of  the  Cerastia  are  either  lowland  plants  or  distinctly 
high  Alpine  ;  though  occasionally  in  the  sub- Alps  we  find  C. 
pumilum  and  semidecandrum  from  the  plains,  and  C.  trigynum  and 
C.  alpinum  descending  from  the  higher  mountains. 

ALSINE  Wahl. 

Petals  5,  or  rarely  4,  entire  or  slightly  notched.  Stamens  5,  8,  or 
10,  all  attached  to  the  disc.  Styles  usually  3.  Capsule  3-valved. 
Leaves  mostly  linear  or  linear-lanceolate. 

A  considerable  genus  spread  throughout  the  greater  part  of  the 
globe,  but  especially  in  temperate  regions.  Most  species  are  now 
placed  in  MINUARTIA  Leofling. 

Alsine  fasciculata  Mert.  and  Koch. 

Annual  or  biennial,  glabrous  or  downy.  Stems  2-10  inches  high, 
erect,  stiff.  Leaves  linear-awl-shaped.  Flowers  in  thick,  erect 
corymbs.  Pedicels  shorter  than  calyx.  Sepals  scarious  lanceolate- 
acuminate,  with  i  nerve.  Petals  half  length  of  sepals.  Stamens  10. 
Capsule  oblong-conical,  equalling  or  shorter  than  the  calyx.  Seeds 

Rocks  and  arid,  sandy  places  in  the  mountains  and  hills.  June 
to  August. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Alsace,  Savoy,  Dauphiny,  Cevennes, 
Pyrenees,  Southern  Switzerland.  Southern  Europe,  Morocco. 

Alsine  rostrata  Koch  (A.  mucronata  L.). 

Stems  upright  and  loosely  csespitose  in  habit.  Leaves  usually  in 
tufts,  linear,  subulate,  stiff.  Sepals  almost  entirely  scarious,  or,  in 
other  words,  white  with  2  green  stripes  on  the  back,  lanceolate- 
acuminate,  i-nerved.  Petals  almost  equalling  the  sepals.  Flowers 
small,  in  little  loose  corymbs. 

Dry,  rocky,  sunny  places  from  4000-7200  feet.    May  to  August. 

A  very  variable  plant  both  in  size  and  habit,  and  with  at  least 
two  hairy  or  glandular  named  varieties. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps,  Switzerland,  West  Tyrol,  Cevennes, 
Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Spain,  Italy,  Algeria. 

Alsine  laricifolia  Crantz. 

Stem  erect  or  ascending,  3-10  inches  high,  simple  or  branched, 
finely  downy  like  the  flower-stalks  and  calyx,  or  viscid-glandular 
above.  Leaves  linear  or  subulate,  semi-cylindrical,  rough  at  the 
margin  with  fine  notches,  otherwise  glabrous.  Flowers  large,  white, 
like  those  of  Cerastium  arvense,  in  1-3  flowered  panicles  ;  flower- 
stalks  erect,  spreading.  Petals  twice  as  long  as  calyx,  wedge-shaped 
or  obovate,  obtuse.  Calyx-teeth,  lanceolate,  obtuse,  green,  mem- 


branous  at  the  margin,  3-nerved.  Seeds  covered  with  little  dots  or 

Debris  and  rocks  of  the  granitic  Alps,  5000-7500  feet,  descend- 
ing into  the  valleys  along  the  courses  of  streams  ;  often  abundant. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 
Alsine  lini flora  Heg. 

Closely  allied  to  the  preceding  and  possibly  only  a  limestone 
form  of  it.  Rootstock  woody  as  in  laricifolia.  Sepals  with  nerves 
slightly  beyond  the  middle  (the  nerves  are  longer  in  laricifolia). 
Capsule  longer  than  the  calyx,  instead  of  equalling  it.  Flowers 
similar  to  those  of  laricifolia. 

Rocky  places  and  pastures  in  the  calcareous  mountains  up  to 
6800  feet.  July,  August. 

It  often  forms  great  masses  densely  covered  with  milk-white 
bloom.  These  two  species  should  be  more  cultivated  in  gardens, 
care  being  taken  to  give  granite  chips  in  one  case  and  limestone  in 
the  other. 

Alsine  Villarsii  Mert.  and  Koch. 

Stem  5-10  inches,  3-7  flowered,  slender.  Leaves  3-nerved,  with 
intermediate  finer  nerves,  linear,  flat.  Flowers  on  very  long 
pedicels.  Petals  long  and  narrow,  obtuse.  Sepals  lanceolate-acute, 
with  3  nerves.  Capsule  ovoid,  about  equalling  the  calyx.  Seeds 

Rocky  places  in  the  Alps,  especially  on  limestone,  up  to  6000  feet 
at  least ;  rather  rare.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps  as  far  south  as  the  Var,  Central  and 
Eastern  Alps  to  Carinthia ;  Spain,  Caucasus,  Ural  Mountains, 
Siberia.  A.  W.  Bennett  recorded  this  from  "  Southern  Switzer- 
land," and  Koch  l  gave  a  frontier  station,  actually  in  Italy.  I  am 
unaware  of  a  recent  record  for  it  in  Switzerland.  Bouvier  mentions 
the  Dent  du  Midi.2 

Alsine  verna  Bartl. 

Usually  pubescent,  glandular.  Rootstock  not  woody.  Stem 
forming  dense  tufts  from  2-6  inches  high,  slender.  Leaves  green, 
linear-subulate,  stiff ;  upper  leaves  shorter  and  broader.  Flowers 
in  loose  forked  cymes,  pedicels  usually  rather  downy.  Sepals  with 
3  prominent  nerves,  pointed.  Petals  obovate,  spreading  beyond 
the  points  of  the  sepals.  Capsule  3-valved. 

Stony  mountain  pastures  up  to  9000  feet  (Goleon  9300  feet)  ; 
common.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Europe,  Western  Asia,  N.  Africa, 
N.  America.  British. 

1  Koch,  Synopsis  Fl.  Germ,  et  Helvet.,  vol.  ii.  p.  123  (2nd  ed.  1843). 

2  E.  Bouvier,  Flore  des  Alpes  de  la  Suisse  ft  de  la  Savoie,  2nd  ed.  (1882),  p.  101, 


Alsine  stricta  Wahl.  (Arenaria  uliginosa  Schleich.). 

Perennial  tufts  like  those  of  A .  verna,  but  the  subulate  leaves  are 
rather  thicker,  somewhat  succulent,  the  stems  longer,  with  few 
distant  pairs  of  leaves,  the  pedicels  much  longer,  often  an  inch  or 
more,  and  always  glabrous,  and  the  sepals  are  broader.  Petals 
about  equalling  the  calyx.  Capsule  3-valved. 

Bogs  on  mountains  ;  rather  rare.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Jura,  not  otherwise  in  Switzerland,  Southern 
Germany,  Northern  and  Arctic  Europe  and  Asia,  Greenland.  In 
Britain  only  known  on  Widdybank  Fell  in  Teesdale.  In  Norway  it 
reaches  perpetual  snow. 


Petals  4-5.  Stamens  8-10.  Styles  usually  3.  Capsule  6-lobed. 
Seed  without  any  appendage.  Leaves  usually  roundish-ovate. 

About  as  large  a  genus  as  Alsine  and,  like  it,  spread  over  the 
greater  part  of  the  globe. 

Arenaria  grandiflora  L. 

Stem  3-6  inches  high,  ascending,  branched,  softly  hairy  above. 
Leaves  linear  subulate,  finely  acuminate,  thickened  at  the  margin, 
ciliated  with  bristles  at  the  base,  otherwise  glabrous.  Stem  1-3 
flowered.  Flowers  half  an  inch  wide,  pure  white.  Petals  twice  as 
long  as  calyx. 

Rocky  places  among  debris  of  the  calcareous  Alps  from  4000- 
5500  feet ;  local.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Moravia,  Eastern  Alps,  some  of  the  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  Saleve,  but  not  actually  in  Switzerland,  Pyrenees,  Central 
and  Southern  Europe  ;  Algeria. 

Arenaria  ciliata  L. 

Stem  prostrate,  creeping,  branches  ascending,  densely  covered 
with  small,  nearly  round  leaves,  lower  part  of  stem  covered  with 
short  hairs.  Leaves  obovate,  shortly  acuminate,  nearly  sessile, 
glabrous,  ciliated  towards  the  base.  Flowers  terminal  or  in  forks 
of  the  branches,  solitary,  or  in  a  3-partite  cyme,  often  axillary, 
flower-stalks  erect,  filiform,  with  soft  hairs  in  lower  part.  Sepals 
lanceolate,  acute,  3-nerved,  with  narrow  membranous  margin, 
glabrous,  slightly  ciliated  towards  apex.  Petals  elliptical,  longer 
than  calyx.  Capsule  nearly  globular,  longer  than  calyx,  6-lobed. 
Seeds  kidney-shaped,  finely  warty. 

Damp  stony  places  in  the  Alpine  limestone  region  up  to  9000  feet  ; 
frequent.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Afps ;  Car- 
pathians, Pyrenees.  Central  and  Northern  Europe  as  far  as 
Iceland  and  Spitzbergen.  Very  rare  in  the  British  Isles. 


Arenaria  gothica  Fries. 

Sometimes  considered  a  sub-species  of  A.  ciliata,  from  which  it 
differs  by  the  absence  of  sterile  shoots,  and  by  the  longer  stems, 
which  are  many-flowered.  Leaves  oblong-lanceolate,  ciliate  at  the 
base.  Sepals  oblong-lanceolate,  acute,  3-nerved,  the  lateral  being 
sometimes  hardly  visible. 

It  grows  by  the  Lac  de  Joux  in  Switzerland,  in  Sweden,  and  about 
Ingleborough  and  Ribbleshead  in  Yorkshire,  where  it  is  spreading 
fast.  It  flowers  in  June.  This  rare  plant  was  first  discovered  in 
England  in  1889.  Mr.  Wm.  Whit  well l  gave  a  detailed  account  in 
The  Naturalist  of  its  occurrence  in  several  places,  and  Mr.  Arthur 
Bennett  has  written  on  it  in  the  Journal  of  Botany,  November,  1892. 

Arenaria  montana  L. 

A  prostrate,  greyish  green  plant,  forming  large  masses,  with  its 
long,  barren  shoots.  Shortly  pubescent,  but  not  glandular.  Leaves 
lanceolate,  acuminate,  i-nerved.  Flowers  large,  white.  Pedicels 
2-3  times  as  long  as  calyx,  finally  recurved.  Sepals  ovate-lanceolate, 
i-nerved,  petals  oboval,  twice  the  length  of  the  sepals.  Capsule 
sub-globular  to  ovoid,  equalling  the  calyx,  with  3  bidented  valves. 

Hills,  moors,  and  woods.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Western  and  Central  France,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees. 
Spain  and  Portugal. 

This  is  a  frequent  and  most  useful  plant  for  the  rock-garden. 
Most  of  the  Sandworts  (Arenaria  and  Alsine)  will  do  in  an  ordinary 
soil,  and  several  of  them  form  useful  carpeters.  Propagation  is 
usually  by  division. 

Arenaria  purpurascens  Ram. 

This  small  species  from  the  Pyrenees  has  ovate-lanceolate  leaves, 
with  i  nerve,  and  1-4  rosy-purple  flowers  in  a  terminal  cyme. 
Flower-stalks  hairy,  sepals  glabrous,  lanceolate-acute,  3-5  nerved. 
Petals  obovate,  half  as  long  again  as  the  sepals.  Capsule  large, 
cylindrical,  opening  into  6  erect  teeth. 

Distribution. — Rocks  in  the  Alpine  region  of  the  French  and 
Spanish  Pyrenees. 

It  requires  plenty  of  sun,  but  will  grow  in  ordinary  soil  and  look 
very  attractive,  for  it  has  almost  the  habit  of  a  Saxifrage  with  star- 
shaped,  purplish  flowers.  It  is  propagated  from  seed  or  by  division. 

Arenaria  Huteri  Kerner. 

Stem  2  or  3  inches  high.  Leaves  ovate-lanceolate,  acute,  covered 
with  grey  hairs.  Flowers  large,  white.  Petals  ovate.  Sepals  4-6 
without  nerves. 

Stony  or  sandy  places  in  S.  Tyrol.    June,  July. 
'This  charming  little  plant  requires  plenty  of  sand  in  the  loam 
1  "  More  about  Arenaria  gothica"  in  The  Naturalist  >  September,  1895. 


and  a  south-west  aspect.  It  should  be  planted  in  a  level  part  of  the 
rockery,  and  a  top  dressing  of  sand  and  leaf-mould  will  help  it 


Petals  5,  rarely  4,  expanded.  Stamens  10,  rarely  8.  Capsule 
3-6  valved.  Styles  usually  3.  Leaves  nerveless,  or  1-3  nerved. 
Seed  with  a  mantle-like  appendage  at  the  base. 

A  small  genus  of  about  15  species  inhabiting  Central  and  Southern 

M&hringia  muscosa  L. 

Stem  fragile,  prostrate,  or  ascending,  branched,  glabrous  like 
whole  plant.  Leaves  narrowly  linear  or  acicular,  acute,  nerveless. 
Flowers  in  small,  white,  1-3  flowered,  or  forked,  loose  cymes  ; 
flower-stalks  elongated  after  flowering,  and  standing  out  horizontally. 
Calyx  teeth  4,  ovate-lanceolate,  acute,  i-nerved,  with  membranous 
margins.  Petals  4,  longer  than  calyx.  Stamens  8.  Styles  2. 
Capsule  4-valved.  Forming  large,  dense,  evergreen  patches  on 
damp  rocks,  banks,  and  walls  and  in  mossy,  shady  places  of  the 
mountain  region  up  to  6500  feet  at  least.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Pyrenees  ;  Jura,  Erzgebirge,  Cevennes.  Europe,  from  Spain  to 

A  useful  evergreen  plant  for  filling  up  gaps  in  moist  shady  places 
in  rock-gardens. 

Mcehringia  ciliata  (Scop.)  Dalla  Torre  (M.  polygonoides  Mert.  and 

Stem  2-6  inches  high,  very  brittle,  prostrate,  or  ascending, 
branched,  glabrous,  like  the  whole  plant,  except  for  a  few  fine  hairs 
on  the  leaves  and  flower-stalks.  Leaves  narrowly  linear,  rather  flat, 
acute,  or  obtuse,  nerveless,  grass-green,  somewhat  wrinkled,  short. 
Flowers  in  1-2  flowered  cymes  ;  flower-stalks  erect  after  flowering. 
Flowers  pale  white,  a  little  larger  than  in  muscosa.  Calyx  teeth 
5,  ovate-lanceolate,  obtuse,  1-3  nerved,  membranous  at  the  margin. 
Petals  5,  larger  than  calyx.  Stamens  10.  Styles  3.  Capsule 
6-lobed.  More  crowded  in  structure  than  the  former  species  and 
with  shorter  leaves,  but  in  cultivation  it  is  said  to  merge  into  it. 

Damp  limestone  debris  in  the  Alps.    July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Bavaria. 

Mcehringia  Ponce  Fenzl. 

Stems  elongated,  tufted,  1-2  inches  high.  Leaves  linear,  obtuse, 
shortly  mucronate,  nerveless,  fleshy,  glabrous,  sea-green,  all 
cylindrical,  or  the  upper  ones  flat  on  the  upper  side.  Flower-stalks 


terminal,  usually  2-flowered ;   flowers  white,  like  those  of  the  last 
species.     Sepals  ovate-lanceolate,  obtuse,  3-nerved. 

Steep  rocks  in  the  lower  Alps,  descending  to  the  valleys.    May. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps. 


These  curious  little  silvery  plants  are  mostly  Mediterranean,  but 
there  are  two  species  which  attain  a  considerable  height  in  the 
Pyrenees  and  the  Alps  of  Savoy,  Dauphiny,  and  Provence. 

Paronychia  polygonifolia  DC. 

Stems  spreading  from  a  woody  rootstock  and  forming  a  dense 
cushion  of  small,  opposite,  lanceolate,  glabrous  leaves,  oval- 
acuminate  stipules  and  lanceolate,  acuminate,  silvery  bracts. 
Flowers  very  small,  greenish. 

Sandy  and  rocky  places  in  siliceous  mountains  up  to  7000  feet. 
June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Western  and  Southern  Alps ;  Pyrenees,  Corsica, 
Asia  Minor. 

Paronychia  capitata  Lamk. 

A  small  plant  with  woody,  twisted  rootstock,  and  ascending 
stems,  which  are  densely  leafy,  pubescent.  Leaves  opposite,  oval  or 
lanceolate,  obtuse,  ciliate.  Stipules  lanceolate-acute,  often  longer 
than  the  leaves.  Flowers  in  dense  heads,  silvery  white,  at  the  top 
of  the  branches.  Bracts  broad,  obtuse  or  mucronate,  scarious  and 
silvery.  Sepals  equal,  linear-obtuse,  not  membranous  at  the  edges. 
Stamens  5. 

Sandy,  rocky  places  on  hills  and  mountains  ;  local.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Western  and  Southern  Alps  (not  in 
Switzerland).  Southern  Europe,  Algeria. 

Paronychia  serpyllifolia  DC. 

Sometimes  considered  a  variety  of  P.  capitata  Lamk.,  from  which 
it  differs  by  its  rounded,  obovate  leaves  and  more  prostrate  habit. 
Its  dense  heads  of  silvery  white  bracts,  which  are  large  and  broadly 
obovate,  are  very  beautiful. 

It  flowers  in  June,  and  we  have  it  from  5500  feet  on  Monte 
Toraggio  in  the  Ligurian  Alps,  on  which  mountains  it  is  not  rare. 
It  is  a  plant  to  introduce  in  hot,  sandy  places  on  the  rockery. 


Scleranthus  perennis  L.    Perennial  Knawel. 

This  much  resembles  5.  annuus  so  well  known  in  sandy  places 
in  England  and  in  Switzerland,  etc.,  but  the  root  is  larger  and  stems 
more  tufted.  The  flowering-stems  are  more  rigid,  and  the  flowers 


more  densely  collected  in  terminal  cymes  ;  and  the  calyx  is  rather 
smaller,  though  bordered  with  a  more  conspicuous  white  edging. 

Sandy  and  rocky  places  in  the  hills  and  plains,  ascending  to  at 
least  5000  feet  in  the  Alps. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central ;  Western,  and  Northern 
Asia.  Rare  in  England. 

Scleranthus  uncinatus  Schur. 

Resembles  the  last,  but  the  flowers  are  greener.  Sepals  lanceo- 
late-acute, very  narrowly  edged,  spreading  and  much  open  at 
maturity,  and  terminated  by  a  hooked  point. 

Sandy  places  in  the  mountains.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Cevennes,  Spain,  Austria,  Roumania, 
Balkan  Peninsula,  Western  Asia. 


Herbs  or  shrubs  with  opposite  or  whorled  leaves,  often  marked 
with  pellucid  dots  (glands).  Flowers  usually  in  terminal  cymes, 
regular.  Sepals  5,  rarely  4.  Petals  5,  rarely  4,  usually  twisted  in 
the  bud.  Stamens  indefinite.  Ovary  usually  3-5  celled,  with  as 
many  styles ;  placentation  axillary.  Seeds  exalbuminous. 

Hypericum  is  the  only  European  genus. 

HYPERICUM  L.    St.  John's  Wort. 

Leaves  opposite  and  entire,  and  no  stipules.  Flowers  regular, 
usually  yellow.  Sepals  5.  Petals  5,  hypogynous.  Stamens  in- 
definite, united  at  the  base  into  3  or  5  bundles.  Capsule  more  or 
less  divided  into  3  or  5  cells  by  as  many  placentae  projecting  from 
the  sides  to  the  axis,  and  usually  opening  in  3  or  5  valves. 

An  extensive  genus,  particularly  abundant  in  Southern  Europe, 
Western  Asia,  and  N.  America,  but  represented  also  in  the  tropics 
and  in  the  southern  hemisphere. 

Hypericum  Coris  L. 

Glabrous.  Stems  6-12  inches  high,  slender,  erect ;  leaves  in 
whorls  of  3  or  4,  linear,  with  edges  recurved,  spotted  with  glands. 
Flowers  yellow,  streaked  with  red,  rather  large,  in  a  short  corymb. 
Sepals  linear-oblong,  obtuse,  glandular  ciliate.  Petals  4-5  times 
longer  than  sepals.  Capsule  ovoid,  twice  as  long  as  calyx. 

Dry  hills  and  rocks,  especially  on  limestone  up  to  5000  feet ; 
local.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Maritime  Alps,  Var,  Basses-Alpes,  Italy,  Tyrol, 
very  rare  in  Switzerland  (as  near  Stans,  etc.). 

This  beautiful  dwarf  species  is  easily  cultivated  on  limestone 
rocks,  and  forms  a  showy  mass  of  gold. 


Hypericum  nummularium  L. 

Stem  ascending,  6-10  inches  high,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant. 
Leaves  roundish-cordate,  the  lower  ones  shortly  petioled,  smooth, 
pale  below.  Flowers  large,  usually  3-5  on  a  stem.  Petals  round, 
3-4  times  longer  than  calyx,  crenate,  pale  yellow.  Sepals  blunt, 
serrated,  glandular-ciliated.  Capsule  ovoid,  slightly  passing  the 
calyx,  and  with  3  prominent  styles. 

Stony,  damp  places  in  calcareous  mountains ;  rare.  June  to 

Distribution. — Alps  of  Savoy  and  Piedmont,  Northern  Spain, 
Central  and  Western  Pyrenees. 

Can  be  planted  in  a  sunny  place  on  a  bank,  with  plenty  of  sandy 
soil  for  its  rampant  roots  to  penetrate. 

Hypericum  Richeri  Vill.    (Plate  XIII.) 

Glabrous.  Stem  erect,  a  foot  high  or  more,  almost  round. 
Leaves  oval  or  oval-lanceolate,  opposite,  edged  with  black  spots, 
slightly  clasping  the  stem.  Flowers  large,  yellow,  in  a  few-flowered 
corymb.  Petals  three  times  longer  than  the  calyx,  spotted  with 
black.  Sepals  oblong-lanceolate,  acuminate,  finely  but  strongly 
toothed  at  the  edge.  Capsule  ovoid,  slightly  longer  than  the  calyx. 
A  handsome  species. 

Pastures  and  mountain  woods  up  to  6000  feet,  as  at  Lautaret, 
in  Dauphiny,  and  above  Argentiere  in  Haute  Savoie ;  very  local. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Savoy,  rare  in  Switzerland,  Pyrenees, 
Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

Hypericum  quadrangulum  L.  (H.  maculatum  Crantz).    (Plate  XIII.) 

Readily  known  by  the  4  prominent  angles  of  the  stem.  Leaves 
ovate,  about  an  inch  long,  clasping  the  stem  at  the  base,  with  many 
pellucid  nerves  and  dots,  and  a  few  black  spots  round  the  margin. 
Sepals  lanceolate,  pointed.  Petals  usually  without  any  black  dots. 

Pastures  and  waste  places  in  mountainous  regions  up  to  the 
sub-alpine  zone.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Pyrenees,  Alps, 
Western  Siberia.  British. 

In  Britain  it  grows  mostly  in  damp  meadows. 

In  the  Alps,  and  especially  in  the  granitic  Alps,  the  flowers  of  this 
species  are  sometimes  pale  yellow,  as  in  the  plate.  The  figure  was 
drawn  from  a  specimen  obtained  from  Le  Planet,  above  Argentine, 
at  the  head  of  the  Chamonix  valley,  at  about  4600  feet. 

Schinz  and  Keller  give  an  Alpine  sub-species,  eumaculatum  Schinz 
et  Thellung,  with  rounded  sepals,  and  erosum  Schinz,  with  sepals 
toothed  or  irregularly  laciniate,  but  sometimes  acute.  The  later 
sub-species  frequents  the  Swiss  plains,  and  the  mountain  region. 




Herbs  or  under-shrubs  with  entire,  alternate  leaves,  no  stipules, 
and  regular  flowers.  Sepals  5,  rarely  fewer,  distinct  or  united  at 
the  base.  Petals  4  or  5,  twisted  in  the  bud.  Stamens  usually  10, 
usually  free.  Styles  5,  rarely  fewer.  Ovary  with  as  many  cells 
as  styles.  Ovules  I  or  2  in  each  cell. 

A  small  family  widely  spread  over  the  globe. 

LINUM  L.    Flax. 

Sepals,  petals,  and  stamens  5.  Cells  of  the  capsule  5, -though 
apparently  10,  each  being  divided  into  two  by  a  nearly  complete 

A  rather  large  genus,  particularly  abundant  in  the  Mediterranean 
region  and  Western  Asia. 

Linum  alpinum  Jacq. 

Rootstock  woody.  Stem  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant,  few- 
flowered.  Leaves  linear-lanceolate.  Flowers  large ;  petals  azure 
blue,  obovate.  Sepals  ovate,  shortly  mucronate,  shorter  than  the 

Stony  places  in  calcareous  Alps.     June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  and  in  many  parts  of  hilly  France ;  Western  Asia. 

Linum  tenuifolium  L.     (Plate  III.) 

Rootstock  rather  woody.  Stem  a  foot  high,  downy  below. 
Leaves  linear,  acute,  rough  at  the  edges.  Sepals  lanceolate, 
acuminate,  subulate,  glandular-ciliate,  longer  than  the  capsule. 
Petals  lilac  or  rose,  obovate,  shortly  acuminate. 

Dry  stony  places  in  the  hills  and  sub-alps.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe ;  Western  Asia  ; 

Linum  viscosum  L. 

A  downy,  glandular  flax,  with  thick  root.  Stems  1-2  feet  high, 
erect.  Leaves  velvety,  oblong-lanceolate,  entire,  with  3-5  nerves. 
Flowers  rose  or  rose-lilac,  large  and  handsome,  in  long  corymbs, 
sub-sessile.  Sepals  oval-acuminate,  ciliate,  glandular,  3-nerved. 
Petals  3  times  longer  than  the  sepals,  veined  with  violet.  Capsule 
globular-  apicula  t  e . 

Meadows  and  pastures  in  the  hills  and  sub-Alps.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Maritime  Alps,  Liguria,  Pyrenees,  N.  Italy,  Spain, 
Portugal,  Austria,  Southern  Germany. 

Linum  salsoloides  Lamk. 

Woody  stock,  stems  about  a  foot  high,  downy  above.  Leaves 
very  close  together  below,  linear,  stiff,  i-nerved.  Flowers  rose  or 
flesh-coloured,  pedicelled.  Sepals  oval-lanceolate,  acuminate, 


ciliate,  glandular,  3-nerved.  Petals  oboval,  quite  round  at  the  top, 
veined  darker,  3-4  times  longer  than  the  sepals.  Capsule  ovoid. 

Dry  pastures  and  limestone  hills  in  the  south.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Liguria,  e.g.  on  Monte  Toraggio,  South-central 
France,  Northern  Spain. 

Linum  catharticum  L.    Cathartic  Flax. 

This  small,  but  well-known  annual,  with  small  white  flowers 
and  oblong,  opposite  leaves,  is  often  found  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  Canary  Isles. 


A  very  small  European,  North  African,  and  Central  Asiatic  family, 
with  one  Mexican  genus.  Mostly  shrubs,  with  alternate  leaves, 
and  ovules  and  seeds  inserted  on  3  distinct  placentas,  arising  from 
the  base  of  the  cavity  of  the  ovary.  Seeds  plumose. 

Myricaria  germanica  Desv.    (Plate  XIII.)    (Tamarix  germanica  L.) 

A  cypress-like  shrub,  i-ij  yard  high,  with  slender  branches  in 
bundles.  Leaves  very  small,  close  together,  in  the  form  of  needle- 
shaped  scales.  Flowers  pale  pink,  in  a  long  terminal  spike.  Sepals 
and  petals  5,  rarely  4,  free,  surrounding  the  ripe  fruit.  Stamens  10, 
welded  into  a  tube  at  the  base.  Capsule  many  seeded.  Seeds 
with  a  shortly  stalked  plume. 

River  beds  and  sandy  sides  of  torrents  ;  local.    June,  July. 

In  the  Alps  it  ascends  to  about  5000  feet,  generally  in  the  debris 
of  glacier  streams,  as  in  the  Val  Ferret  above  Pras  de  Fort,  the 
Trient  Valley  below  Trient  village,  and  the  bed  of  the  Arve  about 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Alsace,  East  and  South 
of  France,  Switzerland,  Europe,  Western  Asia. 

Very  probably  it  has  the  faculty  of  preventing  the  sand  and 
gravel  of  rivers  being  washed  away,  like  Hippophae  Rhamnoides, 
with  which  it  sometimes  grows. 


Annual  or  perennial  herbs,  or  rarely  low  shrubs,  with  opposite 
or  rarely  alternate  leaves,  usually  stipulate,  divided,  and  compound. 
Flowers  regular  in  the  chief  European  genera.  Sepals  5.  Petals 
usually  5,  twisted  in  the  bud.  Stamens  5  or  10,  often  united  at  the 
base.  Ovary  3-5  celled,  with  I  or  more  seed  in  each,  all  attached  to 
the  central  axis.  Styles  5.  About  750  species. 


Herbs  with  forked  stems,  often  swollen  at  the  nodes,  opposite, 
palmately  divided  leaves  and  purplish  or  pink  flowers,  solitary  or 


two  together,  on  axillary  peduncles.  Stamens  10,  of  which  5  are 
shorter.  Ovary  5-lobed,  terminating  in  a  short  beak,  with  5  long 
stigmas  at  the  top.  Capsule  separating  into  5  one-seeded  carpels, 
which  curl  upwards,  and  with  a  long  elastic  awn,  detached  from  the 

A  genus  of  about  150  species  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere, 
with  a  few- species  in  the  southern  (extra  tropical). 

Geranium  macrorrhizum  L. 

Rootstock  oblique  or  horizontal,  thick,  and  covered  with  the 
tufts  of  withered  leaves.  Stem  about  a  foot  high,  erect,  branching 
dichotomously.  Leaves  shiny,  palmately  7-fid,  cut  and  serrated. 
Flower-stalks  2-flowered ;  pedicels  erect  after  flowering.  Petals 
somewhat  spathulate,  bright  reddish  purple.  Stamens  curved 
downwards.  Capsule  glabrous,  wrinkled  transversely.  A  strongly 
scented  plant. 

Stony  places,  especially  in  river  beds  in  the  lower  Alps  up  to  5000 
feet ;  very  local.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps,  Maritime  Alps,  N. 
Italy,  Balkan  Provinces,  Greece. 

This  handsome  plant  should  be  cultivated  in  English  rock-gardens. 
Place  it  between  stones  in  a  sunny  aspect,  give  it  plenty  of  water 
at  first,  and  after  getting  well  established  it  must  not  be  allowed 
to  get  rampant. 

Geranium  sylvaticum  L.     (Plate  XXX.) 

Slightly  pubescent,  and  somewhat  glandular  in  the  upper  portion. 
Stem  erect,  i  to  2  feet  high,  robust.  Radical  leaves  on  long  stalks, 
palmately  and  deeply  divided  with  5  or  7  pointed  lobes,  more  or 
less  cut  and  serrated.  Stem-leaves  few,  on  much  shorter  stalks. 
Upper  part  of  stem  repeatedly  forked,  forming  a  rather  dense 
panicle  of  handsome  purplish  flowers.  Peduncles  short,  each  with 
2  flowers,  on  short  pedicels,  remaining  erect  when  the  fruit  is  ripe. 
Sepals  sharply  mucronate.  Petals  obovate,  slightly  notched,  nearly 
twice  the  length  of  the  calyx. 

Meadows  and  bushy  places  in  the  mountains  up  to  7000  feet, 
and  rarely  in  the  south  extending  to  8000  feet  (Col  du  Galibier). 
Before  the  meadows  are  mown  in  June  or  July  this  geranium  often 
covers  large  areas  and  gives  quite  a  purple  haze  to  the  landscape. 
To  a  certain  extent  it  takes  the  place  of  our  G.  pratense,  which  is 
rare  in  Switzerland. 

In  Britain  sylvaticum  is  more  confined  to  some  of  the  woods  in  the 
west  and  north,  and  is  not  often  seen  in  meadows. 

Distribution. — Throughout  Europe  and  Russian  Asia,  extending 
to  the  Arctic  regions.  In  Norway  to  above  the  birch  limit. 


Geranium  phceum  L.    Dusky  Geranium. 

Rootstock  thick,  knotted,  oblique  or  horizontal.  Stems  1-2  feet 
high,  erect,  simple  or  branched,  covered  like  the  whole  plant  with 
woolly  hairs.  Leaves  roundish  cordate  in  outline,  palmately  5-7 
lobed,  lower  leaves  stalked,  upper  sessile ;  lobes  3-cleft,  coarsely 
cut  and  serrated.  Flowers  dark  purple,  in  loose  racemose  cymes  ; 
flower-stalk  2-flowered,  pedicel  erect  or  horizontal  after  flowering. 
Petals  patent  during  flowering,  roundish  ovate,  shortly  apiculate. 
Carpels  with  3  or  4  wrinkles  in  the  upper  part ;  beak  finely  downy, 
not  glandular. 

Thickets,  ravines,  and  meadows  of  the  lower  Alps  up  to  5300  feet ; 
local.  May,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  Central  Europe ;  from  Scotland  to  Bulgaria  and  Thrace. 

In  Switzerland  rather  rare  ;  but  a  pale  violet  variety  seems 
frequent  in  several  places  at  about  5000  feet,  as  at  the  Col  de  la 
Forclaz  between  Chamonix  and  Martigny. 

Geranium  nodosum  L. 

Closely  allied  to  G.  striatum  L.,  about  i  J  feet  high,  covered  with  a 
fine  pubescence.  Stems  less  downy  and  strongly  inflated  at  the 
nodes.  Leaves  3-5  lobed,  lobes  ovate-acuminate,  serrate.  Petals 
pale  violet  or  pink,  obcordate.  Peduncles  2-flowered.  Sepals  ter- 
minating in  a  long  point,  pubescent.  Carpels  finely  downy. 

Woods  and  by  streams  in  the  mountains  ;  rare.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  rare  in  Switzerland  (Jura,  Valais),  Cevennes, 
Pyrenees,  Central  France,  Corsica,  Spain,  Italy,  Dalmatia,  Mon- 
tenegro. Occasionally  in  England,  but  probably  not  native. 


A  large  family,  widely  spread  throughout  the  globe,  but  with  very 
few  European  genera. 

RHAMNUS  L.    Buckthorn 

Shrubs  with  alternate,  entire  leaves,  and  small  green  flowers 
on  short  pedicels,  usually  clustered  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves.  Petals 
none  or  very  small.  Calyx  with  4  or  5  short  deciduous  teeth. 
Stamens  4  or  5,  alternating  with  the  teeth  of  the  calyx,  and  inserted 
on  a  disk.  Ovary  free,  3  or  4-celled.  Style  very  short.  Fruit  a 
small  berry  (or  drupe),  enclosing  3  or  4  small  nuts.  A  rather  large 
genus,  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere  of  both  Old  and  New 
World,  and  penetrating  into  the  tropics. 

Rhamnus  pumila  Turra. 

A  small  under-shrub,  with  prostrate  branches,  clinging  to  the 
rocks.  Leaves  entire,  finely  toothed,  with  4-7  somewhat  curved 
lateral  parallel  veins  on  each  side  of  the  midrib.  Flowers  in  small 


axillary  cymes,  unisexual,  greenish,  very  small.  Petals  narrow  or 
wanting.  Sepals  with  4  lanceolate  lobes. 

Calcareous  rocks  of  the  Alps  and  lower  Alps  up  to  about  7200  feet, 
and  occasionally  higher  in  Savoie.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps;  Pyrenees, 
Corbieres,  Bavaria. 

Rhamnus  alpina  L.    Alpine  Buckthorn. 

A  much  larger  (erect)  shrub,  1-3  yards  high.  Leaves  large,  oval, 
suddenly  contracted  into  a  triangular  apex,  or  sometimes  obtuse, 
lateral  veins,  8-14.  Flowers  similar.  Lobes  of  the  calyx  triangular. 

Dry,  rocky  places,  and  among  debris  up  to  5500  feet.    May,  June. 

Distribution.- — Western  Europe,  Jura,  Alps,  Cevennes,  Corbieres, 
Pyrenees,  Italy,  Switzerland,  Sardinia,  Spain  ;  Morocco,  Algeria, 
Western  Asia. 


Herbs,  shrubs,  or  trees,  with  alternate  and  generally  compound 
leaves,  usually  furnished  with  stipules.  Flowers  very  irregular, 
consisting  of  5  petals,  the  upper  one,  called  the  standard,  usually 
the  broadest,  the  two  lateral  ones  called  wings  are  between  the 
standard  and  the  two  lower  ones  which  are  inside  of  all  and  united 
more  or  less  by  their  outer  edges  into  a  single  one  called  the  keel. 
Stamens  10,  the  filaments  united  into  a  sheath  or  the  upper  one 
distinct.  Ovary  i-celled,  with  1-2  or  more  ovules  arranged  in  i  or  2 
rows  on  the  ventral  suture.  Fruit  a  legume  or  pod,  usually  opening 
in  two  valves.  Seeds  with  two  large  cotyledons. 

A  very  large  family  of  some  7000  species,  widely  spread  over  the 

f'obe.     An  enormous  number  of  species  are  found  in  Southern 


Low  branching  shrubs  or  under-shrubs,  with  usually  simple  or 
rarely  trifoliate  leaves  and  yellow  flowers.  Calyx  with  5  teeth,  the 
2  upper  much  longer.  Standard  oblong.  Keel  usually  reflexed  after 
flowering.  Stamens  all  united  in  a  sheath.  Podjlonger  than  the 

A  large  genus,  chiefly  Mediterranean  and  from  Western  Asia. 
Some  species  are  not  easily  separated  from  Cytisus  and  other  allied 

Genista  sagittalis  L.    (Plate  XV.)     (Cytisus  sagittalis  Koch.) 

A  small  green  under-shrub.  Stem  rampant,  with  ascending 
branches  which  are  herbaceous  and  have  3  leafy  wings  compressed 
at  each  node.  Leaves  few,  simple,  sessile,  lanceolate,  no  stipules. 
Flowers  numerous,  in  dense,  terminal  heads.  Calyx  hairy,  with 
unequal  lobes.  Standard  glabrous,  equalling  the  keel.  Pod  15-20 
mm.  by  5,  compressed,  pointed,  hairy,  with  3-6  seeds. 


Hillsides,  woods,  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  the  sub- Alps  ; 
common.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Continental  Europe  except  the  North. 


Herbs,  small  trees,  or  shrubs.  Leaves  usually  3-lobed,  rarely 
simple.  Upper  lip  of  calyx  truncate  or  bidentate.  Flowers  yellow. 
Other  characters  as  in  Genista. 

Many  species  inhabiting  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa. 

Cytisus  alpinus  L.    "  Alpine  Laburnum." 

A  small  glabrous  tree,  6-20  feet  high.  Leaves  trifoliate,  on  long 
stalks  ;  leaflets  large,  entire,  pointed,  shortly  stalked,  green  on  both 
sides,  glabrous  or  hairy  only  at  the  margin.  Flowers  rather  smaller 
than  in  C.  Laburnum,  in  a  large,  pendent,  downy  raceme.  Legume 
glabrous,  shining,  with  a  winged  keel  to  the  upper  suture. 

Mountain  woods  and  bushy  places  up  to  5000  feet ;  local.    June, 


Distribution. — Jura,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 
Cytisus  Laburnum  L.     Laburnum. 

A  rather  taller  tree  than  the  last.  Leaves  glaucous  below,  instead 
of  being  green  on  both  sides.  Pod  downy  and  then  nearly  glabrous 
instead  of  being  always  glabrous. 

Mountain  woods.    May,  June. 

Distribution.— Switzerland,  Eastern  France  ;  Alpes-Maritimes ; 
naturalised  elsewhere  in  France.  Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

Cytisus  radiatus  Koch. 

A  small  under-shrub  about  a  foot  high  and  much  branched. 
Branches  opposite  or  radiate,  slender,  truncate.  Leaves  shortly 
petioled,  trifoliate ;  leaflets  linear,  spreading.  Inflorescence 
terminal,  in  a  3-10  flowered  head.  Calyx  silky,  with  almost  equal 
segments.  Standard  and  keel  downy.  Pod  small,  5  mm.  by  3, 
oval,  with  curved  point. 

Dry  hills,  rocks,  pastures,  and  mountain  woods  ;    local.     June, 


Distribution. — Switzerland,  only  in  Grisons  and  Valais  (Montana), 
Hautes-Alpes  and  Basses- Alpes  in  France.  Central  and  Southern 
Europe,  as  far  east  as  Thessaly. 

Cytisus  hirsutus  L. 

A  dwarf  under-shrub,  1-2  feet  high,  and  of  stiff  habit.  Leaves 
3-lobed,  petioled,  downy  on  both  sides,  turning  black  on  being 
dried.  Leaflets  oboval.  Flowers  lateral,  in  leafy  clusters  on  the  old 
branches.  Calyx  tubular,  with  stellate  hairs. 

Hot  hills,  thickets,  and  rocky  slopes.    May  to  July. 


Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  ;  Maritime  Alps, 
Liguria,  Tessin  only  in  Switzerland.  W.  Asia. 

It  also  turns  rather  black  on  being  dried. 

Several  more  species  grow  in  the  southern  hills  and  lower 
mountains,  e.g.  C.  sessilifolius  L.  (not  Swiss),  C.  nigricans  L.,  C. 
supinus  L.,  and  C.  elongatus  Waldst.  et  Kit.  (not  Swiss). 

ONONIS  L.    Rest-harrow. 

Herbs  or  low  undershrubs,  with  pinnately  trifoliate  or  rarely 
simple  leaves ;  leaflets  generally  toothed,  stipules  leafy ;  the 
flowers  solitary  on  axillary  peduncles,  often  forming  leafy  racemes. 
Calyx  with  5  narrow  segments.  Standard  large  and  striate.  Keel 
ending  in  a  pointed  beak.  Pod  inflated,  with  few  seeds. 

A  numerous  genus  chiefly  from  the  Mediterranean  region. 

Ononis  rotundifolia  L. 

Pubescent-glandular.  Stem  about  a  foot  high,  erect  or  ascending. 
Leaves  large,  trifoliate,  petioled,  with  orbicular  or  oval  toothed 
leaflets.  Flowers  rose-coloured,  large,  2-3  on  axillary  peduncles, 
terminated  by  a  mucro.  Corolla  twice  as  long  as  the  calyx.  Pod 
25-30  mm.  by  6-7,  drooping,  glandular,  hairy,  with  5-9  seeds. 

Stony  places  in  limestone  mountains  up  to  5700  feet.  May  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  from  France 
to  Carinthia.  Pyrenees  and  Spain. 

Ononis  Natrix  L.     (Plate  XVI.) 

A  robust  very  viscous  plant,  1-2  feet  high.  Stem-leaves  trifoliate, 
petioled  ;  leaflets  oboval  or  oblong,  slightly  toothed.  Stipules  oval- 
lanceolate.  Flowers  lemon-yellow  streaked  with  red,  large,  in 
dense  leafy  heads.  Lobes  of  calyx  much  longer  than  the  tube. 
Pod  15-20  mm.  by  2-4  mm.,  broadly  linear,  hairy. 

Stony  or  sandy  places  from  the  plains  up  to  about  5000  feet  in 
the  Swiss  Alps  ;  and  sometimes,  as  in  the  Rhone  Valley,  so  plentiful 
as  to  be  mown  for  fodder. 

It  flowers  from  May  to  July,  according  to  situation. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  including  most  of 
France  (Eastern  Pyrenees  at  about  3000  feet),  Western  Asia, 
N.  Africa. 

TRIFOLIUM  L.    Clover. 

Herbs  with  stipules  adhering  to  the  leaf-stalks.  Leaves  trifoliate  ; 
leaflets  often  toothed.  Flowers  in  dense  capitate  heads.  Calyx 
5-toothed.  Petals  narrow,  usually  remaining  round  the  pod  after 
fading.  Stamens  diadelphous,  the  upper  ones  entirely  free.  Pod 
scarcely  protruding  beyond  the  calyx,  containing  from  1-4  seeds. 

A  numerous  and  widely  spread  genus,  particularly  in  the  northern 


Trifolium  alpinum  L.    (Plate  IX.)     Alpine  Clover. 

A  small,  glabrous,  stemless  plant,  the  leaves  and  flowers  being 
all  radical.  Leaflets  linear-lanceolate,  toothed,  mucronate.  Scape 
terminating  in  a  dense  head  of  stalked  and  finally  pendent  flowers, 
3—8  in  an  umbel.  Flowers  twice  as  long  as  the  glabrous  calyx, 
flesh-coloured,  rose,  or  rarely  white. 

Grassy  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  declivities,  preferring  the  siliceous 
rocks  and  sometimes  forming  a  regular  sward  ;  4000-9000  feet. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 

Trifolium  montanum  L.    Mountain  Clover. 

Stems  erect,  about  a  foot  high,  pubescent.  Leaflets  elliptic, 
mucronate,  pubescent  below,  glabrous  above,  strongly  nerved, 
finely  toothed.  Flower-heads  globular  or  oval,  peduncled  ;  flowers 
white  or  cream-coloured,  rarely  rose.  Calyx  hairy,  with  equal 

Dry  Alpine  pastures,  mountain  woods,  etc.  ;  common.  May  to 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Jura,  etc.  Most  of  Continental 
Europe ;  Western  Asia. 

Trifolium  badium  Schreb.     (Plate  IX.) 

Almost  glabrous.  Stems  erect  or  ascending,  6-12  inches  high. 
Spikes  finally  globular.  Flowers  golden  yellow  and  then  light 
brown.  Peduncles  thick,  longer  than  the  leaves.  Stipules  lanceo- 
late-acute, shorter  than  the  petiole.  Upper  leaves  opposite ; 
leaflets  sessile,  obovate,  toothed. 

Rocky  pastures  of  the  Alps,  4000-9000  feet ;  especially  on 
limestone,  but  widely  spread.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ; 
Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Apennines,  Carpathians  ;  Western  Asia. 

Trifolium  alpestre  L. 

Somewhat  resembling  the  common  T.  pratense,  but  stiffer  in 
habit.  Leaves  shortly  petioled  ;  leaflets  oblong-lanceolate,  strongly 
nerved,  finely  toothed.  Stipules  narrow,  upper  portion  linear, 
entire.  Flowers  purple-red,  in  a  globular,  terminal,  and  usually 
solitary  head,  the  heads  being  sessile  between  the  2  upper  leaves. 
Calyx  hairy,  with  20  nerves  and  ciliate  teeth,  the  inferior  tooth 
being  longer  than  the  tube. 

Woods  and  mountain  pastures.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern  France  (Maritime  Alps,  etc.),  Cevennes, 
Pyrenees,  Auvergne.  Southern  and  Central  Europe,  including 
parts  of  Switzerland  ;  Western  Asia. 

4  7    NATURAL 


i.   TK1FOUUM    HADR'.M.  2.   TRIFOLIU.M    ALP1XUM. 




Rather  dwarf  herbs,  with  pinnate  leaves  and  yellow,  red,  or 
purple  flowers,  in  crowded  heads,  with  a  deeply  divided  bract  close 
underneath.  Stipules  small  or  o.  Calyx  inflated,  with  5  small 
teeth.  Stamens  united  in  an  entire  sheath.  Pod  enclosed  in  the 

A  small  genus,  chiefly  from  the  Mediterranean  region. 

Anthyllis  montana  L. 

Stem  woody  at  the  base,  ascending,  6-12  inches  high,  tufted, 
covered  with  silky  wool  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaflets  in  8-20  pairs, 
all  the  same  size.  Bracts  shorter  than  the  head  of  flowers,  which  is 
about  i  inch  in  diameter.  Flowers  15-16  mm.  long,  rose-coloured. 
Calyx  with  plumose,  unequal  teeth,  suddenly  spreading.  Occasion- 
ally the  flowers  are  a  deep  carmine. 

Rocks  and  hot  stony  places  on  limestone  from  4500-6500  feet. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Central  and  Western  Alps,  Cevennes. 
Pyrenees,  Algeria.  Very  rare  in  Switzerland  (Saleve). 

In  cultivation  it  is  best  planted  between  blocks  of  limestone  in  a 
well-drained,  sunny  position. 

Anthyllis  Vulneraria  L.     Lady's-fmgers.     (Plate  XVII.) 

Radical  leaves  with  1-4  leaflets  ;  stem-leaves  with  4-10  small 
leaflets,  the  terminal  one  being  large.  Calyx  greatly  swollen,  with 
oblique  mouth  and  short  triangular  teeth.  Petals  golden  yellow  or, 
in  the  Alps,  nearly  white  (var.  alpestris  Heg.)  [Plate  XVII.],  or 
partly  blood-red  (var.  rubriflora  Koch  =A.  Dillenii  Schultz).  A 
polymorphic  species. 

Pastures  and  dry  hillsides,  sometimes  very  abundant  and  covering 
large  areas.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  N.  Africa.  In  Norway  it 
almost  reaches  the  birch  limit. 


Leaves  pinnately  or  palmately  4-5  fid.  Stipules  minute  or 
o.  Calyx  not  inflated,  2-lipped  or  with  5  nearly  equal  teeth. 
Flowers  usually  yellow,  in  capitate  or  umbellate,  axillary  cymes. 
Legume  septate  between  the  seeds.  About  50  species  widely 
distributed  over  the  world. 

Lotus  corniculatus  L.    Bird's-foot  Trefoil. 

A  small  glabrous  plant,  3-8  inches  high,  tufted,  but  very  variable 
in  habit.  Leaves  very  shortly  petioled.  Flowers  very  shortly 
pedicelled,  bright  yellow,  often  streaked  with  crimson  and  turning 
green  when  dry,  5-10  flowers  in  a  decumbent  umbel  or  head  about  an 


inch  across,  on  long  peduncles  ;    2  upper  calyx  teeth  triangular. 
Pods  about  an  inch  long. 

Pastures  from  the  plains  to  9000  feet  (var.  alpinus  Schl.)  in  the 
Alps.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  to  the  Arctic  regions,  N.  Africa,  N.  and  W. 
Asia,  India. 


Herbs  with  pinnate  leaves  and  flowers  in  axillary  cymes  or 
spikes,  without  leafy  bracts.  Stipules  entire  at  the  base.  Calyx 
with  5  teeth.  Petals  usually  narrow.  Keel  obtuse.  Stamens 
diadelphous.  Pod  cylindrical  or  inflated,  usually  divided  length- 
wise by  a  complete  or  partial  partition  proceeding  from  the  side  of 
the  keel. 

One  of  the  largest  genera  known  (about  900  species),  distributed 
all  over  Europe,  Central  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  America,  and  down 
the  Andes  of  S.  America.  Some  penetrate  far  into  the  Arctic. 

Astragalus  alpinus  L.  (Phaca  astragalina  DC.). 

Stem  procumbent,  then  ascending,  3-8  inches  high,  slender, 
covered  like  the  leaves  with  an  adpressed  down.  Leaves  pinnate, 
with  8-12  pairs  of  lanceolate  or  oval  leaflets.  Spike  compact,  corym- 
bose ;  flowers  shortly  stalked.  Standard  blue.  Wings  white.  Keel 
violet  at  apex,  nearly  as  long  as  standard.  Legume  pendent, 
elongated,  covered  with  rough,  black  hairs.  Fruit-stalk  longer  than 

Stony  or  grassy  places  and  pastures  in  the  Alps,  especially  on 
the  primary  formations,  5000-8200  feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Alps  and  Pyrenees.  High  mountains  of  Europe  as 
far  north  as  Lapland.  In  Norway  it  extends  above  the  birch. 
Very  rare  in  Britain. 

Astragalus  glycyphyllus  L. 

Glabrous,  bright  green  in  colour,  with  strong  zigzag  stems, 
spreading  several  feet  along  the  ground.  Stipules  free.  Leaflets 
about  a  dozen,  ovate,  i-i  J  inches  long,  on  a  common  leaf -stalk  6  or  7 
inches  long.  Flowers  dingy  yellow,  in  racemes  rather  shorter  than 
the  leaves.  Pods  erect,  curved,  glabrous,  I J  inches  long,  divided  into 
2  cells  by  a  thin  double  partition. 

Open  woods,  grassy  and  uncultivated  places.     June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central ;  Western  Asia.  British. 
A  frequent  plant  in  sub-alpine  regions  of  Switzerland. 

Astragalus  Cicer  L. 

Differs  from  the  last  in  its  more  erect  habit,  and  in  having  pale 
yellow  flowers,  narrower  oblong  leaflets,  and  a  hispid,  globular  pod, 
which  turns  black  when  ripe.  Grassy  and  bushy  places  in  the  hills  ; 
local.  June,  July. 


Distribution. — Western  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Ardennes,  Central  and 
Southern  Europe,  rare  in  Switzerland  ;  Western  Asia. 

Astragalus  hypoglottis  L. 

A  small,  hairy,  diffuse  plant.  Leaflets  oblong,  8-12  pairs. 
Flowers  violet,  erect,  10-20  in  a  dense,  sub-globular  head.  Pedun- 
cles longer  than  the  leaves.  Calyx  hairy,  tubular,  with  short,  linear 
teeth.  Standard  oval,  emarginate.  Pods  10  mm.  by  4,  erect,  oval, 
heart-shaped  at  base,  with  long,  white  hairs,  divided  longitudinally 
into  2  cells. 

Dry  Alpine  pastures.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Alps  (not  in  Switzerland), 
Northern  Europe,  and  Russian  Asia.  British. 

Likes  a  well-drained  soil,  plenty  of  lime,  and  a  sunny  aspect. 

Astragalus  purpureus  Lamk. 

Stem  spreading,  prostrate  or  ascending,  hairy  like  the  whole 
plant.  Leaflets  ovate-lanceolate,  in  10— 12  pairs.  Petals  bright 
purple.  Calyx  hairy,  tubular,  with  irregular  linear  teeth,  standard 
oblong,  emarginate.  Pods  10  or  12  mm.  by  5  mm.,  erect,  oval, 
heart-shaped  at  base,  hairy. 

Limestone  hills,  3500-6500  feet.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Southern  and  Western  Alps,  Piedmont,  Tyrol, 

Astragalus  Onobrychis  L. 

Very  similar  to  the  last,  but  with  6-12  pairs  of  leaflets,  and 
covered  with  whitish  hairs.  Calyx-teeth  lanceolate,  about  J  length 
of  the  tube.  Standard  linear-oblong,  truncate.  Pod  10  or  12  mm.  by 
5  mm.,  erect,  oval,  hairy.  A  handsome  plant,  well  worth  cultivating. 

Mountains  in  hot  districts  up  to  5000  feet.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps,  Southern  Europe  and  Western  Asia. 

Likes  sun  and  prefers  limestone,  under  which  conditions  it 
spreads  rapidly,  and  throws  up  plenty  of  long-stalked  crimson- 
purple  spikes. 

Astragalus  monspessulanus  L. 

Almost  glabrous,  green.  Stems  o,  the  flower  and  leaf -stalks 
springing  from  the  roots ;  10-20  pairs  of  elliptic  leaflets,  stipules 
linear-lanceolate.  Flowers  purple,  in  oval  heads  elongated  at 
maturity.  Peduncles  equalling  the  leaves.  Calyx  glabrescent, 
tubular,  with  teeth  about  half  length  of  tube.  Pods  very  long, 
25-35  mm.  by  3  mm.,  sub-cylindrical,  curved,  almost  glabrous. 

Limestone  hills  in  hot  places.    April  to  June. 

This  species  has  a  wide  range,  both  in  altitude  and  longitude,  and 
it  is  really  a  southern  plant,  as  its  name  implies.  We  have  seen  it 
at  Beaulieu,  on  the  Mediterranean,  at  Pigna,  in  the  Ligurian  Alps 
(1200  feet),  and  as  high  as  6300  feet  on  the  plateau  of  Mt.  Cenis. 


Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  very  local  in  Switzer- 
land, Caucasus,  Tunis,  Algeria. 

Astragalus  aristatus  L'He*rit. 

Woody  at  the  base,  and  forming  great  mats  of  spiny  shoots. 
Stem  very  short,  whitish  pubescent.  Leaves  with  6-10  pairs  of 
linear-oblong  leaflets.  Stipules  linear-acuminate.  Flowers  white 
or  washed  with  lilac,  erect,  3-8  in  short,  loose  clusters,  slightly 
peduncled.  Bracts  lanceolate.  Calyx  very  woolly  with  setaceous 
teeth  equalling  the  tube. 

This  very  marked  species  is  the  only  one  of  the  spiny  kinds  which 
can  be  considered  Alpine  or  sub-alpine.  We  have  seen  it,  near  the 
top  of  the  Col  di  Tenda,  and  on  the  Aiguille  du  Goleon  in  Dauphine, 
at  the  remarkable  height  of  8500  feet  or  2590  m.  It  prefers  lime- 
stone or  shale. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps  (not  in  Switzerland),  Pyrenees, 
Greece,  Sicily,  Italy. 

Should  be  planted  in  a  limy  soil  with  plenty  of  stones,  and  where 
it  can  have  room  to  spread  and  form  a  big  mat. 


Leaves  pinnate.  Flowers  in  axillary  racemes.  Style  subulate, 
not  bearded ;  ovules  more  than  2.  Pod  or  legume  more  or  less 
inflated  and  membranous,  i-celled. 

Phaca  alpina  Jacq. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  glabrescent.  Leaflets  in  9-12  pairs,  ovate- 
lanceolate,  stipules  linear-lanceolate.  Flower-stalks  blackish. 
Flowers  brownish  yellow.  Calyx-teeth  linear-lanceolate.  Legume 
half-ovate,  when  young  covered  with  rough  hairs,  nearly  glabrous 
when  older,  stalk  of  legume  nearly  as  long  as  calyx. 

Stony  places  and  pastures,  4000-6500  feet.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Pyrenees, 
Bavaria,  Sweden. 


Low,  tufted  perennials,  only  differing  from  Astragalus  in  the  keel, 
which  has  a  small  point  at  its  extremity,  either  erect  or  slightly 
recurved,  and  in  the  pod,  which  has  an  incomplete  longitudinal 
partition  projecting  into  the  cavity  from  the  angle  next  the  vexillum, 
not  from  the  angle  next  the  keel. 

Another  large  genus,  of  about  200  species,  but  not  so  widely 
spread  as  Astragalus,  and  chiefly  confined  to  mountain  stations 
in  Europe,  Asia,  and  N.  America. 

Oxytropis  campestris  DC. 

Stock  short  and  tufted,  covered  with  old  leaf-stalks  and  stipules. 
Plant  covered  with  scattered  hairs  or  rather  shaggy.  Leaflets 


usually  in  12  pairs,  lanceolate,  acute.  Peduncle  longer  than  the 
leaves,  and  hairy  like  the  calyx.  Spikes  capitate,  ovate.  Bracts 
nearly  or  quite  as  long  as  calyx.  Flowers  lemon-yellow,  occasionally 
with  brownish  claws  or  white,  or  blue  (var.  coerulea  Koch).  Legume 
erect,  sessile  within  the  calyx,  ovate,  acuminate,  inflated,  semi- 
bilocular,  slightly  hairy. 

Stony  places  and  pastures  in  the  Alps  up  to  9500  feet,  and 
descending  into  the  plains.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Pyrenees  ;  Scandinavia,  Britain  (very  rare).  Found  on  most  of  the 
high  mountains  of  Europe. 

Oxytropis  pilosa  DC. 

Stem  erect  or  ascending,  4-12  inches  high,  softly  woolly,  like 
the  whole  plant.  Leaves  pinnate,  with  7-13  pairs  of  lanceolate 
or  linear,  entire,  mucronate  leaflets.  Stipules  lanceolate,  sessile  at 
base  of  leaf-stalk.  Flowers  ochre-yellow,  in  dense  ovate  heads,  at 
length  elongated  spikes.  Pod  erect,  linear-lanceolate,  nearly  cylin- 
drical, woolly,  nearly  sessile  within  the  calyx. 

Sunny  hills  and  stony  pastures  in  the  Alps.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Western 
and  Central  Asia  as  far  as  China. 

Colutea  arborescens  L.    Bladder  Senna. 

A  shrub  6-8  feet  high,  not  spiny.  Leaves  pinnate,  with  7-11  oval 
leaflets,  finely  pubescent.  Flowers  yellow,  rather  large,  standard 
streaked  with  brown.  Pods  much  inflated,  5  cm.  by  2-3,  pendent, 
membranous,  veined  and  glabrous,  closed  at  the  top,  while  C. 
orientalis,  which  resembles  it,  has  pods  open  at  the  top. 

Hills  and  sunny  places  in  the  plains,  extending  in  Switzerland 
rarely  into  the  sub-alpine  zone,  as  near  Stalden,  and  in  the  Maritime 
Alps  to  2000  feet  only.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — East  and  West  of  France,  Eastern  Pyrenees, 
Switzerland,  Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia,  Algeria. 
Often  cultivated  and  frequently  sub-spontaneous. 

Hedysarum  obscurum  L. 

Stem  6-12  inches  high,  erect,  simple,  glabrous  or  with  scattered 
hairs.  Raceme  usually  long-stalked,  terminal,  with  sometimes  a 
secondary  axillary  raceme.  Leaves  pinnate ;  leaflets  ovate  or 
lanceolate,  entire,  obtuse  or  acute.  Stipules  membraneous,  opposite 
the  leaf,  2-cleft.  Calyx,  peduncle,  and  pedicels  shortly  hairy. 
Flowers  large,  bright  reddish  purple,  somewhat  crowded,  pendent. 
Legume  1-4  chambered,  finely  downy  or  glabrous,  pendent. 


Stony  pastures  and  steep  mountain  sides  and  ravines  on  limestone 
or  schist ;  often  somewhat  solitary  ;  4000-8000  feet.  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Pyrenees ;  Arctic  Europe ;  Nova  Zembla  ;  Caucasus. 


Small  shrubs  with  yellow  flowers  in  axillary  umbels.  Calyx 
shortly  campanulate.  Petals  with  long  claws.  Keel  acuminate. 
Legume  nearly  straight,  cylindrical,  or  4-angled.  Leaflets  often  with 
white  margins. 

A  small  genus  of  about  20  species,  inhabiting  Europe,  W.  Asia, 
and  N.  Africa. 

Coronilla  vaginalis  Lamk. 

A  low  shrub,  with  leaflets  in  3-7  pairs.  Flowers  small,  in  umbels 
of  4-10  on  a  peduncle  once  or  twice  the  length  of  the  leaf.  Stipules 
in  the  form  of  a  bifid  sheath.  Pods  pendant,  20-30  mm.,  straight, 
divided  horizontally  into  3-6  oval  chambers,  with  6  angles. 

Rocky  places  in  limestone  mountains,  from  the  plains  up  to  6500 
feet,  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Central  and  Southern  Europe,  ex- 
tending North  to  Bohemia  and  the  Harz  mountains. 

Coronilla  Emerus  L. 

A  shrub  1-2  yards  high.  Leaflets  oboval,  truncate,  in  2-4  pairs. 
Flowers  large,  2-4  on  a  peduncle.  Legume  long,  straight,  and 
divided  into  7-10  chambers. 

Woods  and  hills,  especially  on  limestone,  up  to  6000  feet.  April 
to  June.  On  the  Riviera  it  flowers  much  earlier. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  ;  Norway. 
Coronilla  minima  L. 

Stem  woody  and  spreading.  Leaflets  in  3-5  pairs,  oblong,  the 
lowest  pair  close  to  the  stem,  and  occupying  the  base  of  the  petiole. 
Flowers  yellow,  in  elegant  heads  of  5-8  florets.  A  small  dwarf 

Sunny  limestone  hills  and  rocky  places.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — France,  Spain,  Valais,  Italy,  N.  Africa. 
Coronilla  varia  L. 

Readily  known  by  its  pretty  pinkish  white  flowers,  or,  to  be  exact, 
the  standard  is  pink,  the  wings  white,  and  the  keel  white  with  dark 
purple  at  the  tip.  Stems  recumbent  or  ascending,  and  often  forming 
large  masses  extending  several  feet.  Leaves  with  6-n  pairs  of 
leaflets,  which  are  oblong  to  linear,  glabrous. 

Pastures,  borders  of  woods,  and  waste  places.  Common  in  many 
parts  of  Europe  and  sometimes  seen  in  the  Alps  up  to  5000  or  6000 
feet.  May  to  August. 


Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia  as 
far  as  Persia. 

In  cultivation  this  rampant,  quick  growing  plant  must  be  kept 
in  check,  or  it  will  "  swamp  "  more  delicate  things. 

ONOBRYCHIS  Miller.     Sainfoin. 

Leaves  pinnate,  with  a  terminal  leaflet,  leaflets  entire.  Stipules 
scarious.  Flowers  red,  purple  or  white  in  axillary  spikes  or  racemes. 
Calyx-lobes  subulate.  Wings  short.  Keel  obliquely  truncate. 
Pod  compressed,  not  jointed,  often  spiny,  winged,  or  crested. 

About  70  species,  inhabiting  Europe,  temperate  Asia,  and  Africa. 

Onobrychis  montana  DC. 

This  is  probably  an  Alpine  variety  of  the  Common  Sainfoin, 
0.  vicicefolia  Scop.  (0.  saliva  Lamk.),  with  beautifully  veined 
crimson  flowers,  but  the  blossoms  vary  considerably  in  colour.  The 
stems  are  sub-decumbent,  and  the  leaflets  shorter  and  broader  than 
in  the  other,  and  they  are  usually  in  5  to  7  pairs. 

Alpine  and  sub -alpine  pastures  up  to  6500  feet;  common. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  and 
most  of  mountainous  Europe. 

Onobrychis  arenaria  DC.  (0.  Gaudiniana  Jordan). 

Leaflets  oblong-elliptic,  13-20  pairs.  Stem  more  or  less  prostrate. 
Flowers  white,  streaked  with  red.  Pod  pubescent,  spiny,  keeled, 
and  strongly  veined  on  both  sides. 

Sandy  hills.    Local.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Southern  Switzerland  (Tessin,  Grisons,  Valais), 

Hippocrepis  comosa  L.    Horse-shoe  Vetch. 

Stock  with  numerous  stems  branching  at  the  base,  short  and 
tufted  or  spreading  along  the  ground.  Leaflets  9  to  15,  rarely  less, 
small,  obovate,  oblong,  and  glabrous,  the  lowest  pair  at  a  distance 
form  the  stem.  Flowers  yellow,  5-8  in  an  umbel,  like  those  of 
Lotus  corniculatus,  but  rather  smaller  and  never  tinged  with  red 
as  the  Lotus  is,  particularly  in  the  mountains.  Pod  about  an  inch 
long,  finely  pointed,  the  notches  of  the  inner  edge  broad  and  deep, 
and  giving  it  an  almost  zigzag  appearance. 

Banks,  pastures,  and  rocky  places,  especially  on  limestone, 
from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Central,  Southern,  and  Western  Europe.    British. 

VICIA  L.  Vetch. 

Mostly  annuals,  and  either  climbing  or  procumbent.  Leaves 
with  many  entire  or  emarginate  leaflets,  usually  ending  in  a  tendril. 


Stipules  half  sagittate.  Flowers  in  axillary  racemes.  Wing- petals 
adnate  to  the  keel.  Style  inflexed,  cylindrical,  or  flattened ;  ovules 
usually  many.  Legume  compressed,  two-valved. 

A  large  genus  of  about  120  species  inhabiting^the  northern 
hemisphere  and  S.  America.  The  nomenclature  of  certain  groups 
is  obscure  and  vague,  and  the  genus  should  be  monographed. 

Vicia  pyrenaica  Pourr. 

A  small  perennial  species  about  4-6  inches  high.  Stem  ascend- 
ing. Lower  leaves  have  1—2  pairs  of  obcordate  leaflets,  upper  have 
4-6  pairs  of  wedge-shaped  leaflets,  truncate.  Stipules  entire. 
Flowers  rich  violet,  large,  axillary,  solitary,  subsessile.  Calyx 
glabrescent,  with  almost  equal  teeth  shorter  than  the  tube.  Standard 
very  large.  Pod  broadly  linear,  glabrous,  blackish  when  ripe. 
Seeds  brown. 

Pastures  up  to  6500  feet.     June,  July. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Spain,  Hautes-Alpes  and  Basses- Alpes. 
Quite  suitable  for  planting  in  sunny,  open  positions  on  the  rockery. 

Vicia  sepium  L. 

Stems  1-2  feet  high.  Stipules  small  and  entire  or  larger  and 
toothed.  Leaflets  in  4-6  pairs,  ovate  or  oblong ;  leaf-stalk  often 
ending  in  a  branched  tendril.  Flowers  pale  reddish  purple,  forming 
a  sessile  cluster  or  very  short  raceme.  Pod  glabrous,  about  an  inch 

Bushy  places  and  woods,  from  the  plains  up  to  5000  feet  in 
Switzerland.  May  to  September. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia.  From  the  Mediter- 
ranean to  the  Arctic  Circle,  reaching  the  birch  limit  in  Norway. 

Vicia  dumetorum  L. 

A  tall,  climbing,  glabrous  species.  Leaflets  in  4-5  pairs,  oval- 
obtuse.  Stipules  toothed.  Flowers  purplish  and  then  dirty  yellow- 
red,  rather  small,  3-8  in  a  loose  spike,  often  longer  than  the  leaves. 
Pod  35-40  mm.  long  by  about  8  broad,  pointed,  glabrous,  fawn- 
coloured  at  maturity. 

Woods  in  the  mountains.    June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Eastern  France,  Switzerland,  Central  and 
Eastern  Europe  from  Sweden  to  Turkey. 

Vicia  pisiformis  L. 

A  large  climber  with  big  oval  leaflets  in  pairs  of  4  or  5,  and  rather 
small  greenish  yellow  flowers.  It  grows  in  limestone  woods,  but  is 
rare  in  the  Alps,  though  widely  spread  in  Central  and  Eastern 


ATt'KAI.    SI/K. 


o.    IASIOXE    MOX'I'AXA. 


Vicia  sylvatica  L.    Wood  Vetch. 

This  British  Vetch  is  occasionally  met  with  as  high  as  6500  feet 
in  Switzerland,  as,  e.g.  below  the  Triibsee,  near  Engelberg,  where 
it  assumes  a  dwarf,  tufted  habit  and  grows  with  Hedysarum  obscumm 
and  Lilium  Martagon  on  a  steep,  stony  slope.  Flowers  white, 
veined  with  blue  or  violet.  Mountain  woods  in  North,  Central  and 
Eastern  Europe. 

Vicia  onobrychioides  L.     (Plate  IX.) 

A  very  handsome  Vetch,  1^-3  feet  long,  almost  glabrous  and 
climbing.  Leaves  with  5-8  pairs  of  linear  leaflets.  Flowers  a 
beautiful  rich  violet  with  paler  keel,  large,  6-12  in  a  loose  cluster. 
Calyx-teeth  very  unequal,  the  two  upper  short  and  connivant. 
Pods  about  30  by  5  mm.,  glabrous,  fawn-coloured  at  maturity. 

Cultivated  and  waste  places  in  the  hills,  up  to  about  4000  feet 
in  Valais  and  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  (e.g.  Montlouis).  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — S.  and  S.E.  France,  Valais  (Orsieres,  etc.),  S. 
Europe,  N.  Africa.  This  is  a  plant  to  introduce  into  our  gardens. 

LATHYRUS  L.    Pea. 

Herbs  with  weak  stems,  sometimes  climbing,  and  sagittate  or 
half -sagittate  stipules.  Leaves  usually  pinnate,  with  fewer  and 
larger  leaflets  than  in  Vicia,  the  common  leaf-stalk  often  ending  in 
a  tendril.  Flowers  solitary  or  in  racemes,  on  axillary  peduncles, 
purple,  red,  white,  or  yellow.  Style,  flattened  below  the  stigma, 
quite  glabrous  on  outer  side.  Pods  cylindrical  or  flattened.  Seeds 
several,  usually  globular. 

A  large  genus  with  nearly  as  wide  a  geographical  range  as  Vicia. 

Lathyrus  luteus  Peterm.  (Orobus  luteus  L.).     (Plate  IX.) 

Stem  angular,  1-3^  feet  high,  erect,  often  branched.  Stipules 
half-sagittate  or  entire  or  feebly  toothed  at  the  base  only.  Leaves 
usually  with  4  pairs  of  leaflets,  which  are  elliptic  and  rather  acute, 
almost  glaucous  beneath.  Flowers  yellowish,  large,  afterwards 
yellow-brown.  Style  linear,  bearded  at  the  apex. 

Pastures  and  mountain  woods  up  to  6000  feet ;  local.    June,  July. 
Distribution. — Jura,    Alps,    Corbieres,    Pyrenees,    Central    and 
Southern  Europe.    Siberia. 

Lathyrus  niger  Bernh. 

A  glabrous  plant,  1-2  feet  high,  turning  black  on  being  dried. 
Stems  angular,  erect.  Leaves  with  4-6  pairs  of  oval  or  elliptic 
leaflets,  glaucous  above.  Stipules  linear.  Flowers  reddish  purple, 
then  bluish,  rather  small,  4-8  in  a  loose  cluster,  longer  than  the 
leaves.  Calyx- teeth  very  unequal.  Pods  linear,  about  ij  inches 
longer,  black  when  ripe. 

Mountain  woods,  especially  on  limestone.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Most  of  hilly  Europe,  Caucasus,  Algeria. 


Lathyrus  montanus  Bernh. 

A  glabrous  species  about  a  foot  high,  with  winged  stem  and  in- 
flated nodes  on  the  underground  stolons.  (Linnaeus  called  it 
Orobus  tuberosus.)  Stipules  more  or  less  arrow-shaped.  Leaves  with 
2-3  pairs  of  linear-lanceolate  leaflets,  glaucous  beneath.  Some- 
times the  leaflets  are  quite  linear  (var.  angustifolia}  and  occasionally 
broadly  oval.  Inflorescence  4-6  flowered,  equalling  or  longer 
than  the  leaves.  Corolla  at  first  purple-red,  afterwards  turning  a 
dull  blue. 

Woods  and  thickets  —  common  in  the  plains,  hills,  and  sub-Alps. 
April  to  June. 

Distribution.  —  Europe,  especially  Western  and  Central.     British. 

Lathyrus  vernus  Bernh. 

A  glabrous  plant  about  i-ij  feet  high.  Stem  angular.  Leaves 
with  2-4  pairs  of  oval-lanceolate  leaflets,  very  pointed,  bright 
green  and  shining.  Flowers  reddish  violet,  then  bluish,  larger 
than  the  last.  Pods  linear,  glabrous,  brown  when  ripe.  Seeds 

Mountain  woods,  especially  on  limestone.    April  to  June. 

Distribution.  —  Most  of  hilly  Europe  from  the  Pyrenees  to  the 
Caucasus,  Western  Asia. 

Lathyrus  heterophyllus  L. 

A  climbing  species  about  3  feet  long,  glabrous.  Stems  and  leaf 
petioles  broadly  winged.  Lower  leaves  with  one  pair  of  leaflets, 
upper  leaves  with  2-3  pairs  ;  leaflets  oval  or  lanceolate.  Corolla 
purple  ;  inflorescence  longer  than  the  leaves. 

Mountain  woods  and  pastures  up  to  6000  feet  ;    local.     June, 

Distribution.  —  Alps,  Jura  ;  Central  Europe  from  Portugal  to 
Sweden  and  Russia. 


Herbs,  shrubs,  or  trees,  with  mostly  alternate  leaves,  usually 
toothed  or  divided,  the  stipules  seldom  wanting  and  often  leaf- 
like.  Flowers  in  cymes,  or  solitary  at  the  end  of  the  year's  shoots, 
or  more  rarely  in  lateral  bunches.  Sepals  4  or  5,  united  at  the 
base  into  a  lobed  calyx.  Petals  4  or  5  or  rarely  none.  Stamens 
numerous,  inserted  with  the  petals  on  the  calyx  below  its  lobes. 
Ovary  of  one,  two,  or  more  carpels.  As  the  fruit  enlarges  the  carpels 
either  remain  free  or  are  combined  with  each  other  or  with  the  calyx. 
Often  only  I  or  2  seeds  in  each  carpel. 

A  numerous  family  widely  spread  over  the  globe,  but  more  in  the 
northern  hemisphere  than  in  the  tropics. 

ROSACEyE  131 


Herbs  or  shrubs  with  much  diversity  in  the  foliage.  Flowers 
usually  small  and  numerous,  in  terminal  cymes  or  panicles.  Calyx 
free,  5-lobed.  Petals  5.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels  3,  or  more 
frequently  5,  quite  free  from  the  calyx,  forming  as  many  dry 
capsules,  opening  along  the  inner  edge.  A  genus  spread  over  the 
northern  hemisphere,  but  barely  extending  to  the  tropics. 

Spircea  Aruncus  L. 

A  handsome  plant  of  about  3  feet,  with  very  feathery  white 
inflorescence.  Leaves  very  large,  often  a  foot  long,  triangular  in 
general  outline,  2-3  pinnatisect,  with  opposite  petioled  segments, 
with  doubly-toothed  margins.  No  stipules.  Flowers  white,  very 
small,  usually  dioecious,  sessile,  in  elongated  spikes  forming  a  large 
panicle.  Stamens  longer  than  the  oblong  petals.  Carpels  3  or  4, 
recurved  on  maturity. 

Mountain  woods,  gorges,  etc.,  2000  to  4000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Vosges  ;  Central  Europe, 
Northern  and  Western  Asia,  N.  America. 

Spircea  Ulmaria  L.    Meadowsweet. 

This  well-known  plant  is  often  seen  in  Switzerland  extending 
from  the  plains  to  about  5000  feet  in  some  of  the  southern  valleys. 
Its  habitat  is  more  variable  than  in  England,  for  in  that  country 
it  is  very  rarely  seen  in  the  mountains.  It  is  found  in  Europe, 
Asia  Minor  and  Northern  Asia. 

ALCHEMILLA  L.    Lady's  Mantle. 

Tufted  herbs,  annual  or  with  a  perennial  almost  woody  root- 
stock  and  annual  flowering  stems,  palmately  lobed  or  divided 
leaves,  and  small  green  flowers  in  loose  panicles  or  in  small  sessile 
heads.  Calyx  free,  double,  i.e.  of  8  divisions,  of  which  4  alternate 
ones  are  outside  and  smaller.  No  petals.  Stamens  four  or  less. 
Carpels  I  or  2,  i-seeded. 

A  small  genus,  widely  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere, 
chiefly  in  mountainous  districts. 

Alchemilla  alpina  L. 

Stem  prostrate  or  ascending,  branched,  covered  like  the  leaves 
with  adpressed  hairs.  Leaves  palmate,  5-9  partite,  dark  green  on 
the  upper  side,  silver-grey  with  shining  silky  hairs  on  under  side  ; 
segments  wedge-shaped,  obtuse,  serrated.  Greenish-yellow  flowers 
in  a  terminal,  branched,  often  racemose,  cyme. 

Pastures  and  rocky  places  in  the  siliceous  mountains  up  to 
9000  feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Europe,  Norway.    British. 

A  characteristic  plant  of  the  sub- Alps  in  granitic  districts. 


Alchemilla  vulgaris  L.     Common  Lady's  Mantle. 

Rootstock  nearly  black,  stout.  Stem  6-18  inches,  ascending. 
Root-leaves  reniform,  6-9  lobed,  serrate,  2-6  inches  across,  green 
on  both  sides  ;  stem-leaves  smaller.  Stipules  connate,  toothed. 
Flowers  very  small,  yellow-green,  rarely  perfect,  in  irregular 
racemes  or  cymes.  Pedicels  short.  A  variable  plant,  and  in  the 
mountains  usually  dwarf,  with  pubescent  or  silky  leaves  and 

Moist  pastures  in  hilly  and  sub-alpine  districts.    May,  June. 

Distribution, — Central,  Northern,  and  Arctic  Europe,  N.  and  W. 
Asia,  Kashmir,  Greenland,  Labrador. 

Alchemilla  Hoppeana  Biiser. 

Plant  4-10  inches  high,  forming  compact  tufts.  Stems  i-ij 
times  as  long  as  the  radical  leaves.  Leaves  glabrous,  dull  green 
above,  silky  and  silvery  beneath,  with  7-9  leaflets,  some  of  which 
are  free  and  others  irregularly  cut  to  the  base,  oblong-lanceolate, 
finely  serrated  at  the  top.  Flowers  in  clusters  forming  a  rather 
loose  spike. 

Limestone  slopes  and  rocky  pastures  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps. 
June,  July. 

*    Distribution.    Pyrenees,  Spain,  Italy,  French,  Swiss,  and  Tyrolese 

Various  other  species  of  this  little  understood  genus  are  found 
in  the  sub- Alps,  e.g.  Alchemilla  glaberrima,  A.  flabellata,  A.  pu- 
bescens,  A .  hybrida,  and  A .  alpestris. 


Herbs  with  perennial  tufted  stock  and  often  creeping  runners. 
Flowering  stems  usually  annual.  Leaves  of  3  or  more  digitate, 
distinct,  segments.  Peduncles  i-flowered,  solitary  or  forming  a 
dichotomous  cyme.  Calyx  free,  double,  i.e.  of  twice  as  many 
divisions  as  there  are  petals.  Petals  5,  or  rarely  4.  Stamens 
numerous.  Carpels  numerous,  small,  i-seeded,  crowded  on  a 
receptacle,  which  never  becomes  succulent. 

A  large  genus  extending  over  the  whole  of  the  northern  hemi- 
sphere without  the  tropics,  penetrating  the  arctic  regions,  and 
descending  the  Andes  to  their  extremity. 

Potentilla  caulescens  L. 

Stem  weak,  prostrate,  ascending  or  erect,  many-leaved,  cymosely 
branched  at  the  apex,  many- flowered,  covered  with  patent  hairs 
like  the  leaf-stalks.  Root-leaves  and  lower  stem-leaves  palmately 
5-partite,  the  root-leaves  shorter  than  those  of  the  stem;  upper 
stem-leaves  tripartite,  passing  into  bracts.  Segments  elongated 
or  wedge-shaped,  serrated  above  the  middle,  silky-villous  below 

ROSACE^E  133 

and  at  the  margin.    Petals  narrow,  wedge-shaped,  white.    Stamens 
and  carpels  hairy. 

Calcareous  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  rocks  up  to  8000  feet.  July, 
August.  Carpathians,  Jura,  Alps,  Pyrenees. 

Potenlilla  rupestris  L. 

Flower-stems  10-18  inches  high,  springing  from  an  almost 
woody  base.  Leaves  chiefly  radical,  pinnate,  the  common  stalk 
rather  long  ;  leaflets  5  or  7,  ovate,  toothed,  green ;  stem-leaves 
few  and  smaller,  often  with  only  three  leaflets.  Flowers  few, 
rather  large,  milk-white,  forming  a  loose  corymb. 

Rocks  and  hilly  places  in  the  sub- Alps ;  local.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Cevennes,  Auvergne,  Corsica, 
most  of  mountainous  Europe  as  far  north  as  Sweden.  Western 
Asia.  Rare  in  Britain. 

Potentilla  fruticosa  L. 

This  handsome  shrub,  with  silky,  sub-digitately  pinnate  leaves 
and  bright  yellow  flowers,  grows  in  the  Pyrenees  and  many  districts 
in  N.  and  mid-Europe,  but  not  in  Switzerland.  This  is  strange, 
for  it  is  widely  spread  elsewhere,  and  appears  in  N.  and  W.  Asia, 
Himalaya,  N.  America,  and  in  N.  England  and  Ireland. 

Potentilla  valderia  L. 

Densely  tomentose.  Crown  of  root  covered  with  silky  hairs. 
Leaflets  5-7,  obovate,  wedge-shaped,  serrated,  velvety  on  both 
sides.  Corymb  compact.  Petals  obcordate,  white,  shorter  than 
calyx.  Filaments  hairy.  Calyx-teeth  lanceolate,  acute. 

Rocky  places  and  pastures  in  the  Maritime  Alps  and  Balkan 
provinces  ;  rare.  July,  August. 

Potentilla  Clusiana  Jacq. 

Rootstock  woody,  with  thick  fibres,  many-headed.  Stem 
filiform,  ascending,  1-3  leaved,  1-5  flowered,  covered  with  patent 
hairs.  Root-leaves  palmately  5-cleft,  shortly  stalked,  shorter  than 
stem  ;  stem-leaves  3-5  cleft,  smaller,  segments  lanceolate  or  wedge- 
shaped,  entire  or  with  3-5  teeth  near  the  apex,  nearly  glabrous  on 
both  sides  or  silky  on  lower  side  and  margin.  Flowers  handsome, 
milk-white.  Petals  obovate,  longer  than  calyx-teeth.  Filaments 
glabrous.  Capsule  villous.  Stem  and  calyx  usually  tinged  with 

Clefts  of  rock  and  debris  in  the  Eastern  Alps.  Generally  on 
limestone  and  rather  rare  ;  5200-6500  feet.  July,  August. 

Potentilla  Tormentilla  Scop.     Common  Tormentil. 

Rootstock  stout,  almost  woody.  Stems  and  leaves  more  or  less 
silky.  Lower  leaves  shortly  stalked,  upper  ones  sessile,  consisting 
of  3  or  5  deeply  toothed  leaflets.  Flowers  small,  yellow,  on  long, 


slender  peduncles,  springing  from  the  forks  of  the  stem  on  the 
axils  of  the  upper  leaves.    A  variable  plant. 

Heaths,  moors,  and  pastures,  and  open  woods  in  the  plains  and 

Distribution. — Europe,  Arctic  Asia,  Azores. 
Potentilla  argentea  L.    Hoary  Cinquefoil.     (Plate  XI.) 

Stem  ascending,  branched  above,  covered  with  white  silky  hairs. 
Leaflets  usually  5,  incised,  very  white  beneath,  oboval,  wedge- 
shaped  ;  lower  leaves  stalked  ;  upper  leaves  nearly  sessile.  Flowers 
small,  yellow,  in  a  loose,  leafy  corymb  or  panicle. 

Dry  pastures  and  waste,  gravelly  places  in  the  plains  and  lower 
mountains.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Northern    and    Central    Europe,    including    the 
British  Isles.      Rarely   in  the  Mediterranean   district;    Western 
Asia,  Himalaya,  N.  America. 
Potentilla  multifida  L. 

Stem  ascending,  6-12  inches  high,  branched  above.  Leaves 
pinnate,  covered  on  under  side  with  silvery,  silky  hairs,  pinnae  few, 
deeply  pinnatifid,  lobes  linear.  Flowers  rather  small,  yellow,  2-7 
yi  a  terminal  cyme.  Petals  obovate,  wedge-shaped,  emarginate. 

Stony  places  on  the  Alps  and  lower  Alps  on  primary  rocks. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps;  rare  in  Switzerland,  Caucasus, 
Russia,  Siberia,  Lapland,  Thibet. 

Potentilla  aurea  L.     (Plate  XL) 

Rootstock  woody  and  tufted.  Stem  erect  or  ascending,  covered 
with  adpressed  hairs  like  the  whole  plant,  branched  above,  several- 
flowered.  Leaves  few,  palmately  5-partite,  or  the  upper  one  tri- 
partite ;  segments  obovate  or  wedge-shaped,  deeply  veined  above, 
grass-green  and  shining,  with  pale,  long  silky  hairs  on  the  under 
side,  and  deeply  serrated.  Flowers  large,  bright  yellow,  with  an 
orange  streak  at  the  base.  Achenes  glabrous. 

Abundant  in  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  up  to  9000  feet  (Aig. 
du  Goleon).  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps  ;  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees  ;  Norway. 

Potentilla  grandiflora  L.    (Plate  XVI.) 

All  the  leaves  trifoliate.  Stem  erect,  4-12  inches  high,  branched, 
2-5  flowered,  covered  with  long  patent  hairs.  Leaves  trifoliate  ; 
leaflets  obovate,  coarsely  serrate,  woolly  beneath.  Flowers  large, 
yellow  (considerably  larger  than  in  P.  aurea).  But  the  drawing 
is  of  the  variety  minor. 

Rocky  places  and  pasture  in  the  Alps,  5000-9000  feet ;  rather 
rare.  July,  August. 








ROSACE/E  135 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Eastern 

Potentillaverna  L.     Spring  Cinquefoil. 

Stems  short  and  tufted,  sometimes  procumbent  at  the  base. 
Lower  leaves  on  long  stalks  with  5  or  7  oblong,  toothed  leaflets; 
upper  leaves  nearly  sessile  or  shortly  stalked,  with  5  or  rarely  3 
leaflets,  covered  with  silky  hairs.  Flowers  small,  yellow,  in  irregular 
panicles  at  the  ends  of  the  short  stems.  Petals  broad,  longer  than 
the  calyx.  A  very  variable  plant,  especially  in  being  sometimes 
almost  glabrous,  and  at  other  times  densely  coated  with  silky  hairs. 

Dry  pastures  and  rocks  in  hilly  districts,  especially  on  limestone. 
April  to  July. 

Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe,  Western  Asia.    British. 

Comarum  palustre  L.  Marsh  Cinquefoil.  (Potentilla  Comarum  Nestl.) 

Rootstock  almost  woody,  thick,  decumbent.  Stem  i  to  2  feet 
high,  often  purplish.  Leaflets  usually  5,  shortly  pinnate  at  the  end 
of  the  stalk,  oblong,  toothed,  hoary  beneath,  or  softly  hairy  on  both 
sides.  Stipules  entire.  Flowers  in  a  loose,  irregular  corymb,  dingy 
purple  or  very  dark  red.  Inner  calyx-segments  broad,  outer  ones 
narrow  and  much  smaller.  Petals  shorter  than  the  calyx.  Carpels 
many,  small,  on  a  rather  enlarged  receptacle. 

Marshes,  peat  bogs,  etc.,  from  the  plains  to  5000  feet ;  not  com- 
mon in  Switzerland.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe  (Norway),  Arctic 
Asia  and  N.  America.  British. 

FRAGARIA  L.    Strawberry. 

The  habit,  foliage,  and  flowers  are  those  of  Potentilla,  but  the 
fruit  is  succulent,  formed  of  the  enlarged  receptacle,  studded  with 
numerous  i-seeded  carpels,  looking  like  seeds. 

A  small  genus,  widely  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere, 
with  one  or  two  species  in  S.  America. 

In  Switzerland,  in  addition  to  the  Oriental  Fragaria  indica,  which 
is  sub-spontaneous  in  Tessin,  there  are  3  indigenous  species  : 

Fragaria  viridis  Duchesne  (F.  collina  Ehrh.). 

Calyx  erect  in  fruit.  Often  without  stolons.  Stems  as  long  as 
the  leaves,  covered  with  spreading  hairs.  Flowers  often  greenish 
white.  Fruit  detached  with  difficulty  from  the  calyx. 

Hills  and  woods.    Common  in  sub-alpine  regions.    May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Canaries,  Siberia. 
Fragaria  vesca  L.    Common  Strawberry. 

Calyx  spreading  or  reflexed  in  fruit.  Usually  with  slender  stolons. 
Leaves  mostly  radical,  covered  with  silky  hairs  like  the  stems. 


Fruit  easily  detached  from  the  calyx.  Flowers  white,  rather  smaller 
than  the  last. 

Woods  and  clearings,  banks,  etc.,  in  the  plains  and  sub- Alps.   May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  including  British  Isles,  Asia,  N.  Africa, 
N.  and  S.  America. 

Fragaria  elatior  Ehrh,  (F.  moschata  Duchense) .  Hautboy  Strawberry. 

Stems  longer  than  the  leaves.  Flowers  quite  large.  Calyx 
spreading  horizontally.  Fruit  adhering  to  the  calyx.  A  larger  and 
more  robust  plant.  Woods  and  banks.  April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Eastern  Europe  ;  Northern  Asia, 


Herbs  with  a  short  perennial  stock  and  annual  erect  stems. 
Leaves  pinnate,  with  few  unequal  segments,  and  yellow,  red,  or 
white  flowers,  growing  singly  on  long  peduncles  at  the  ends  of  the 
stem 'or  branches.  Calyx  of  5  equal  divisions,  with  5  very  .small 
outer  ones  alternating.  Petals  5.  Stamens  numerous.  Carpels 
numerous,  i-seeded,  ending  in  a  hairy  awn,  which  is  hooked  at  the 


A  small  genus,  spread  over  the  temperate  and  colder  regions  of 
Europe,  Asia,  and  North  America,  and  descending  along  the  Andes. 

Geum  montanum  L.    (Plate  XVI.) 

Rootstock  more  or  less  horizontal,  and  with  long  fibres.  Stem 
erect,  about  6  or  8  inches  high,  villous  like  the  leaves,  i-flowered. 
Root-leaves  lyrate-pinnatifid  ;  segments  ovate  or  roundish,  obtuse, 
unequally  crenate,  the  lower  ones  much  smaller,  the  terminal  one 
very  large,  obscurely  lobed  ;  stem-leaves  small,  3-cleft,  dentate. 
Flowers  very  handsome,  golden  yellow.  Achenes  forming  a  nearly 
globular  head,  villous.  Regarded  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  Alps 
as  having  wonderful  properties  in  healing  various  diseases. 

Pastures  and  rocky  places  of  the  Alps,  from  4500-9500  feet. 
Much  commoner  than  G.  reptans,  which  is  purely  Alpine.  June>  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Balkans,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees,  Corsica. 

Geum  rivale  L.    Water  Avens. 

Stems  erect  or  ascending  about  a  foot  high.  Leaves  mostly 
radical,  with  a  large,  orbicular  terminal  segment,  coarsely  toothed 
or  lobed,  or  sometimes  divided  into  3,  and  a  few  very  small  segments 
lower  down  the  stalk.  Flowers  few,  drooping,  dull  purplish  red, 
with  a  tinge  of  orange.  Carpels  very  hairy,  in  a  globular  head. 

Damp  places  near  rivers,  etc.,  especially  in  the  mountain  districts. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  America. 

ROSACE/E  137 

Dryas  octopetala  L. 

Stem  somewhat  shrubby  and  woody,  branched,  prostrate, 
forming  flat  cushions,  extending  sometimes  a  couple  or  more  feet 
from  one  root.  Leaves  evergreen,  cordate-ovate,  crenate,  blunt, 
glabrous  and  shining  on  the  upper  surface,  white  and  hoary  beneath. 
Stipules  lanceolate-subulate,  more  or  less  hairy  like  the  leaf-stalk 
and  flower-stalk.  Calyx  and  upper  part  of  flower-stalk  with  short, 
glandular  hairs.  Flowers  solitary,  large,  white,  terminal.  Seed- 
vessel  feathery  in  fruit.  Petals  8-9.  Calyx  8-9  lobed.  • 

Rocky  places  and  high  pastures,  especially  on  limestone,  from 
4300  to  9000  feet,  and  occasionally  descending  to  the  plains  ; 
frequent.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Mountain  ranges  of  Europe  from  the  Pyrenees  to 
the  Caucasus,  Arctic  Europe,  Siberia,  N.  America ;  Scotland. 

There  are  only  2,  or  possibly  3,  species  of  this  genus  ;  the  present 
one  is  found  fossilized  in  parts  of  Europe. 


Except  for  the  Wild  Raspberry  (Rubus  idaus],  and  the  Stone 
Bramble  (R.  saxatilis)  very  few  of  this  large  genus  are  ever  seen 
in  the  sub-alpine  region  of  Switzerland. 

Rubus  saxatilis  L.    Stone  Bramble. 

Rootstock  woody  but  slender,  with  a  few  creeping  runners 
rooting  at  the  nodes,  and  erect  or  ascending  simple  stems,  5-10 
inches  high,  slender  and  either  unarmed  or  with  a  few  small  prickles. 
Stipules  lanceolate.  Leaflets  usually  3,  pale  green  and  thin  in 
texture.  Flowers  on  slender  pedicels,  2-3  in  the  axils  of  the  upper 
leaves,  forming  very  short  racemes.  Petals  very  narrow,  dirty 
white  or  greenish  yellow.  Fruit  red,  shining,  with  only  2  or  3' 
large  drupes. 

Open  woods  and  steep  mountain  sides.  Flowers  in  June ;  fruit 
in  August. 

Distribution. — Spread  over  the  mountain  regions  of  Europe, 
Central  and  Northern  Asia,  and  descending  to  lower  elevations 
in  more  northern  latitudes.  British. 


This  well-known  and  well-marked  genus  is  widely  diffused  over 
the  northern  hemisphere,  in  the  new  world  as  well  as  the  old. 

In  the  sub-alpine  region  of  Switzerland  and  the  Jura,  the  chief 
species  are  the  following  : 

R.  alpina  L.,  R.  pomifera  Herrm.  (with  very  large  fruits)  ;  R. 
spinosissima  L.  (fairly  common  in  the  Jura)  ;  R.  tomentosa  Lin., 


R.  agrestis  Savi,  R.  elliptica  Tausch,  R.  eglanteria  L.,  R.  abietina 
Gren.  and  R.  glauca  Vill. 

Rosa  alpina  L.    R.  pendulina  L.    (Plate  XII.) 

Stem  1-4  feet  high,  according  to  position.  Prickles  straight, 
horizontal  or  pointing  downwards,  crowded  on  the  barren  shoots, 
usually  wanting  on  the  flowering  stems.  Leaflets  in  3-5  pairs, 
elliptical,  serrate,  glabrous  or  hairy  beneath,  dark  green  on  upper, 
lighter  on  under  side.  Flowers  solitary,  deep  rose-red,  fragrant, 
the  size  of  an  ordinary  dog-rose.  Calyx-teeth  entire,  broader  near 
the  apex,  as  long  or  longer  than  petals.  Hip  scarlet,  elliptical,  but 
narrowed  to  a  neck  at  the  top,  or  rarely  globular,  and  sometimes 
flask-shaped,  fleshy,  drooping,  crowned  by  the  erect  calyx-teeth. 

Margins  of  woods,  stony  pastures,  and  bushy  places  from  3000  to 
8000  feet,  but  not  often  above  6000  feet.  June,  July. 

Distribution.  —  Vosges,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees. 
Alpine  chain  from  east  to  west.  Dalmatia,  Croatia,  Transylvania. 

Rosa  pomifera  Herrm.    (Plate  XII.) 

Leaflets  5-7,  lanceolate  or  elliptical,  greyish  green  beneath,  or 
sometimes  purplish,  usually  glandular-pubescent  on  both  sides. 
Sepals  glandular-ciliate,  usually  all  pinnatifid,  as  long  as  the  petals. 
Fruit  globular,  large,  often  covered  with  bristles,  but  very  variable. 
A  rather  low,  tufted  bush. 

Roadsides  and  mountain  slopes  up  to  5000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  rare  in  the 
Jura ;  Central  Europe  ;  Western  Asia. 


Sorbus  Aria  Crantz.    White  Beam-tree.     (Plate  XVIII.) 

Sometimes  a  mere  shrub,  but  growing  into  a  moderate-sized  tree. 
Leaves  ovate  or  elliptic,  green  and  glabrous  on  upper  side,  covered 
with  a  soft  white  cotton  on  the  under  side,  doubly  toothed,  or 
occasionally  slightly  lobed,  the  lobes  decreasing  towards  the  base. 
Flowers  white,  in  corymbs  at  the  ends  of  the  short  leafy  branches. 
Styles  2.  Fruit  an  orange-red  globular  berry,  with  mealy  pulp 
and  slightly  acid  taste. 

Woods  and  rocks  among  the  mountains,  extending  at  least  to 
4500  feet,  as  on  the  Col  des  Montets  and  the  Col  des  Aravis  in  Haute 
Savoie.  On  the  latter  Col  there  is  a  fine  tree  above  the  village  of 
La  Giettaz.  It  flowers  in  May,  and  the  fruit  is  ripe  in  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  extending  north- 
ward into  Scandinavia  and  the  British  Isles,  Central  Asia,  Altai 
and  Himalaya  ;  N.  Africa. 

N.B. — See  p.  261  for  the  closely  allied  S.  scandica,  etc. 

4/7    NATURAL    SIXK. 




ON  AG  RACEME  139 


Amelanchier  vulgaris  Moench.  (Aronia  rotundifolia  Pers.).  (Plate 

A  shrub  of  from  3  to  6  feet  high.  Leaves  ovate,  obtuse,  finely 
toothed,  white  tomentose  beneath,  but  finally  glabrous  and  leathery, 
blade  twice  the  length  of  the  petiole.  Flowers  white,  in  small 
corymbs.  Petals  5,  rather  long  and  narrow.  Styles  5,  united  at  the 
base.  Ovary  inferior.  Fruit  globular,  pulpy,  sweet,  as  large  as  a 
large  pea,  bluish  black  at  maturity. 

Rocks,  dry  hillsides,  and  stony  places  in  the  lower  mountains, 
especially  in  the  south.  The  bit  figured  came  from  above  Argentiere, 
in  Savoy,  at  about  4500  feet.  Flowers,  April,  May  ;  fruit,  August, 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia, 
N.  Africa.  It  seems  to  prefer  limestone  hills. 


Herbs  with  opposite  or  alternate  leaves,  and  often  showy  flowers, 
which  are  usually  regular,  4-merous  or  2-merous.  Calyx-lobes  2  or  4, 
valvate  in  bud.  Petals  2  or  4.  Stamens  2-8.  Ovary  2-6  celled, 
when  many-seeded  with  axillary  placentation. 

A  considerable  family,  ranging  over  the  whole  world,  but  in  the 
greatest  variety  in  N.  America. 

EPILOBIUM  L.    Willow-herb. 

Herbs  mostly  erect,  with  annual  flowering  stems  and  creeping 
stolons.  Flowers  axillary  or  in  terminal  spikes.  Calyx-tube  long, 
slender,  with  4-partite  limb.  Petals  4.  Stamens  8.  Ovary  4-celled. 
Stigma  4-lobed.  Seeds  tipped  with  a  tuft  of  long  hairs. 

This  genus  is  diffused  over  nearly  the  whole  world,  from  the 
extreme  Arctic  regions  to  the  tropics. 

Epilobium  alpinum  L. 

Allied  to  E.  alsinefolium,  but  much  smaller  in  its  leaves,  flowers 
and  stature.  Stem  2-6  inches  high,  erect,  or  ascending  from  a 
creeping  base,  simple,  2-sided  from  2  downy  lines  running  down  from 
the  margins  of  the  leaves,  otherwise  glabrous,  like  the  leaves. 
Leaves  obtuse,  entire,  or  with  a  few  small  teeth.  Upper  leaves 
lanceolate,  alternate.  Flowers  small,  rose-coloured  in  the  axils 
of  the  uppermost  leaves.  Stigma  club-shaped.  Capsule  glabrous, 
with  a  few  scattered  hairs. 

Damp,  sandy  places  by  springs  and  streams  in  the  Alps  and  lower 
Alps  up  to  8600  feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Europe,  including  the  Arctic  regions, 
N.  America,  Central  and  Northern  Asia.  British. 


Epilobium  angustifolium  L.    Rose-bay.    (Plate  XXIII.) 

A  handsome  plant,  2-4  feet  high,  simple  or  slightly  branched, 
glabrous  or  somewhat  hoary.  Rootstock  creeping,  and  hence  and 
also  to  the  numerous  light  seeds  carried  by  the  wind,  this  plant  is 
rapidly  increasing  in  Europe.  Leaves  lanceolate,  very  shortly 
stalked,  finely  toothed  or  entire.  Flowers  large,  purplish  rose,  or 
very  rarely  pale  pink  or  flesh-coloured,  in  long  terminal  racemes. 
Pod  1-2  inches  long,  slightly  hoary.  Stigma  deeply  4-lobed. 

Banks,  woods  and  hillsides  from  the  plains  up  to  5000  feet  in 
Switzerland.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Central  Europe  and  Asia,  and  the 
plains  of  Northern  Europe,  and  in  Norway  nearly  to  the  birch  limit ; 
Northern  Asia  and  N.  America.  British.  It  appears  frequently 
in  waste  places,  and  has  lately  established  itself  on  waste  ground  in 
central  London. 

Epilobium  Fleischeri  Hochst.     (Plate  XXIII.) 

Sometimes  considered  a  dwarf  Alpine  variety  of  E.  rosmarini- 
folium  Haenke  =E.  Dodonczi  Vill.  Stem  ascending  from  a  creeping 
and  woody  base.  Leaves  linear  or  narrowly  lanceolate,  the  same 
colour  on  both  sides,  glabrous,  not  veined.  Flowers  large  and  hand- 
some, bright  rose-purple.  Style  hairy  up  to  above  the  middle, 
half  as  long  as  stamens.  A  cymose  panicle  of  few  flowers.  Some- 
what variable.  Calyx  usually  dark  carmine. 

Moraines  and  sandy,  stony  places  by  mountain  torrents  in  the 
Alps  and  sub- Alps,  especially  on  primary  formations  and  siliceous 
rocks  ;  local,  and  not  often  seen  above  7000  feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central  and  Western  Alps  ;  rare  in  the 
Jura.  Transylvania. 

Circcea  alpina  L. 

A  small,  delicate  green  and  glabrous  plant  resembling  the  common 
Enchanter's  Night-shade,  but  smaller  in  all  its  parts.  Seldom  more 
than  6  inches  high.  Leaves  very  thin,  and  often  glossy  ;  the 
capsules  smaller,  less  hairy,  and  much  narrower  than  in  the  common 

Damp,  shady,  and  stony  places  and  mountain  woods,  up  to 
6000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Alps,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica  ; 
Europe  from  Scandinavia  to  the  Caucasus  ;  Northern  Asia,  N. 
America.  British. 


Herbs  or  shrubs  with  succulent  leaves,  mostly  alternate  ;  no 
stipules,  and  flowers  in  terminal  racemes  or  cymes.  Sepals  3  or  more, 
usually  5.  Petals  as  many,  sometimes  united  in  a  single  corolla. 

4  7    NATURAL    SIZE. 






Stamens  as  many  or  twice  as  many,  inserted  with  the  petals  at  base 
of  calyx.     Ovary  superior.     Carpels  3-5  or  more,  usually  quite 
distinct.    Ovules  numerous,  attached  to  the  ventral  suture. 
A  large  family  spread  over  the  greater  part  of  the  globe. 


Succulent  herbs,  sometimes  woody  at  the  base,  with  scattered 
leaves,  sometimes  opposite  or  whorled,  especially  at  the  base  or  on 
barren  stems.  Sepals  4-6,  usually  5.  Petals  as  many.  Stamens 
twice  as  many.  Carpels  as  many  as  the  petals,  each  with  an  entire 
or  emarginate  scale  at  the  base,  and  with  several  seeds. 

A  large  and  widely  spread  genus,  especially  in  Central  and 
Southern  Europe  and  Central  Asia. 

Sedum  album  L.    White  Stonecrop.     (Plate  XVI.) 

Stock  creeping  and  procumbent,  with  short,  barren  stems,  and 
erect,  flowering  branches,  4-6  inches  high,  glabrous.  Leaves  oblong 
or  cylindrical.  Flowers  usually  pure  white,  but  sometimes  pale 
pink,  numerous,  in  beautiful  terminal  cymes.  Sepals  short,  oval, 
obtuse.  Petals  oblong  and  obtuse. 

Rocks,  walls,  etc.,  very  common  from  the  plains  to  the  sub- 
alpine  region.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia  and  Siberia,  N.  Africa. 

Sedum  villosum  L.    Hairy  Sedum. 

An  annual,  with  erect,  simple  stems,  4  to  5  inches  high.  The 
upper  portion  of  the  plant  more  or  less  covered  with  short,  viscid 
hairs.  Leaves  alternate  or  scattered,  oblong  or  cylindrical.  Flowers 
few,  pale  rose-colour,  in  a  loose  terminal  cyme.  Sepals  green,  ovate. 
Petals  ovate,  twice  as  long  as  the  sepals. 

Marshes  and  turf  bogs,  and  by  rivulets  in  the  mountains.  Extends 
in  Switzerland  up  to  the  Alpine  region,  but  is  local.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Greenland,  Algeria. 

Sedum  atratum  L.  (S.  rubens  Wulf.). 

Stem  1-3  inches  high,  ascending  or  erect,  simple  or  branched  at 
the  base,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant,  often  dotted  or  streaked 
with  red.  Leaves  club-shaped,  fleshy,  obtuse,  somewhat  flat  on 
upper  side.  Flowers  yellowish  or  greenish  white,  in  a  terminal, 
often  unilateral,  cyme.  Calyx  reddish  brown ;  capsule  dusky 
purple,  and  the  whole  plant  reddish  when  older.  Annual  or  biennial. 

Alpine  rocks  and  dry  pastures,  4300-9000  feet,  or  higher.  July, 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Balkan  provinces. 


Sedum  annuum  L. 

Annual.  Quite  glabrous  and  very  small.  Leaves  slender,  linear 
or  sometimes  cylindrical,  green.  Flowers  in  elongated  cymes, 
yellow.  Sepals  obtuse. 

Dry,  stony  places  and  rocks  of  primary  formation  up  to  8200  feet. 
July,  August. 

Distribution. — Nearly  all  Europe,  Western  Asia,  Greenland. 
Sedum  roseum  Scop.  (Rhodiola  rosea  L.).    Rose-root. 

Robust,  6-12  inches  high.  Rootstock  tuberous  and  thick,  with 
scent  of  roses.  Buds  scaly.  Stem  simple,  erect,  very  leafy.  Leaves 
ovate-elliptical,  serrate  towards  the  apex,  densely  crowded.  Flowers 
small,  greenish  yellow  or  reddish,  unisexual  and  dioecious. 

Primary  rocks,  4000-8000  feet ;  local.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Siberia,  Himalaya, 
N.America.  British.  Canadian  Rockies,  7000  feet.  (E.Whymper.) 


Robust  fleshy  herbs,  with  perfect  flowers  in  panicled  or  corymbose 
cymes.  Petals  and  calyx-teeth  6  or  more,  the  petals  being  distinct  or 
connate.  Stamens  generally  twice  as  many  as  petals.  Carpels 
free  or  connate,  adnate  to  calyx-tube,  many-seeded. 

About  50  species,  inhabiting  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa. 

Sempervivum  tectorum  L.    House-leek. 

Rosettes  large,  and  whole  plant  robust  and  often  a  foot  or  more 
high.  Rosette  leaves  suddenly  narrowed  into  a  mucro  ;  stem-leaves 
broadly  linear,  spreading.  Petals  lanceolate  or  linear,  twice  as  long 
as  calyx-teeth,  pink. 

Rocks,  especially  limestone,  up  to  8200  feet.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  central ;  Caucasus,  Persia. 

Naturalised  in  Britain,  and  generally  in  Europe,  except  in  the 
Alps.  It  was  formerly  planted  on  roofs  and  walls  as  a  supposed  pro- 
tection against  lightning. 

Sempervivum  arachnoideum  L. 

Rosettes  with  lanceolate  or  obovate  leaves,  abruptly  acute, 
covered  with  short  glandular  hairs,  stiffly  ciliated,  bearded  at  the 
apex,  with  radiating,  spider's  web-like  hairs,  uniting  the  ends  of 
the  leaves.  Petals  narrowly  lanceolate,  acuminate,  3  times  as  long 
as  the  calyx,  rose-red,  sometimes  with  a  darker  streak.  The  stem 
and  stem-leaves  often  reddish. 

Rocks  of  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps,  4000-9500  feet ;  widely  spread 
but  local,  and  much  rarer  on  limestone  than  siliceous  rock,  e.g.  it  has 
not  been  recorded  from  the  whole  range  of  the  Jura,  where  its  place 
is  taken  on  the  Reculet,  etc.,  by  a  somewhat  similar  species,  5.  Fau- 
conneti  Reuter,  intermediate  (though  not  a  hybrid)  between  this 
and  S.  montanum. 


S.  arachnoideum  sometimes  covers  the  rocks  in  immense  masses, 
and  the  rosettes  are  often  quite  white  with  '  spiders'  webs.' 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Pyrenees,  Central  Plateau  of  France,  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Apen- 

Sempervivum  montanum  L. 

Rosettes  with  lanceolate  -  wedge  -  shaped,  shortly  acuminate 
leaves,  glandular-villous  on  both  sides,  obscurely  ciliated  with 
longish  hairs.  Stem-leaves  lanceolate,  somewhat  broader  towards 
apex.  Petals  lanceolate-subulate,  very  acute,  3  or  4  times  as  long 
as  the  calyx,  deep  lilac,  with  a  darker  streak. 

A  taller  and  more  robust  plant  than  the  last,  and  less  common, 
though  widely  spread  on  primary  rocks,  and  especially  on  the 
isolated  blocks  of  rock  called  '  Befen.'  It  reaches  9600  feet,  and 
rarely  descends  into  the  valleys. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Pyrenees,  Corsica. 

Sempervivums  are  most  attractive  plants  for  walls  and  rockeries, 
and  they  are  readily  increased  by  division  of  the  offshoots.  They 
are  all  of  very  easy  culture  in  any  light  soil  in  hot  aspects,  and  may 
be  grown  on  almost  any  kind  of  rock.  They  can  be  attached  to 
rock  by  means  of  fairly  moist  clay  and  the  plant  dibbled  in,  and 
they  will  soon  grow  and  make  a  good  clump. 


Herbs  (in  Europe)  with  alternate  or  opposite  leaves,  and  no 
stipules.  Calyx  free,  or  more  or  less  adherent  to  the  ovary,  with 
4  or  5  lobes  or  segments.  Petals  as  many,  perigynous,  or  none. 
Stamens  as  many,  or  twice  as  many,  perigynous.  Ovary  1-3  celled. 
Ovules  numerous,  on  axillary  placentae.  Fruit  a  2-4~celled  capsule. 
Seeds  usually  many. 

An  extensive  family,  ranging  over  nearly  the  whole  world. 


Herbs,  mostly  with  a  perennial  tufted  stock,  with  radical  or 
alternate  or  sometimes  opposite  leaves,  no  stipules.  Flowers 
terminal,  solitary,  or  in  cymes  or  panicles.  Calyx  free  or  partly 
adnate  to  the  ovary.  Ovary  2-lobed,  2-celled.  Styles  2.  Capsule 
2-valved,  2-beaked. 

A  large  genus  of  about  200  species  and  many  varieties,  chiefly 
mountain  or  rock  plants,  found  in  all  the  great  mountain  chains  of 
the  northern  hemisphere,  some  extending  to  the  further  Arctic 
stations,  and  thus  along  the  Andes  to  the  Antarctic  circle,  and  a  few 
descend  to  the  hot  limestone  rocks  of  the  Mediterranean  region. 


Saxifraga  *petrcea  L. 

Stem  solitary,  decumbent,  leafy,  paniculate.  Flower-stalks 
i-flowered,  with  2  bracts.  Leaves  pinnately  3-cleft,  inciso-dentate 
lower  leaves,  nearly  reniform  ;  uppermost  wedge-shaped  at  base, 
entire  or  3-cleft,  the  lobes  acuminate ;  leaf-stalk  of  lower  leaves 
elongated,  furrowed.  Petals  white,  obovate,  twice  as  long  as  calyx. 

Damp  rocky  places  on  limestone,  often  descending  to  a  low 
elevation  ;  2000-5300  feet.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps  ;   rare. 

Saxifraga  paradoxa  Sternb.  (Zahlbrucknera  paradoxa  Rchb.). 

Stem  prostrate.  Leaves  distant,  lower  ones  long-stalked,  cordate- 
reniform,  5-7  lobed,  lobes  obtuse  or  shortly  acuminate ;  upper 
leaves  3-lobed.  Flowers  solitary,  at  length  long-stalked.  Petals 
green,  shorter  than  the  sepals.  Calyx  half-inferior ;  the  small 
calyx-teeth  narrowly  lanceolate,  acute. 

Damp  rocks,  especially  overhanging  slabs  of  gneiss,  preferring 
the  darkest  corners  of  the  hollows  ;  3300-6000  ;  rare. 

Distribution. — Only  in  Western  Styria,  Carinthia,  Southern  Tyrol, 
and  on  the  border  between  Tyrol  and  Lombardy. 

Saxifraga  rotundifolia  L.  Round-leaved  Saxifrage.  (Plate  XIV.) 
Stem  erect  or  ascending,  leafy,  terminating  in  a  loose,  paniculate, 
glandular-downy  cyme.  Leaves  hairy,  cordate,  roundish  or  reni- 
form ;  root-leaves  and  lower  stem-leaves  long-stalked,  coarsely 
dentate,  uppermost  sessile,  broadly  wedge-shaped,  and  unequally 
cut.  Calyx-teeth  spreading.  Flowers  star-like,  milk-white,  spotted 
with  red  above  and  yellow  below  the  middle.  Petals  narrowly 

Damp  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  woods  and  shady  places  from 
3000-7000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Central  and  Southern  Europe, 
Corsica,  Caucasus,  Asia  Minor,  Armenia. 

Saxifraga  Hirculus  L. 

Perennial  stock  often  reduced  to  a  mere  tuft.  Leaves  alternate, 
almost  linear,  entire.  Flowering-stems  ascending  to  about  6  inches, 
leafy,  and  terminating  in  a  large,  single  yellow  flower,  with  narrow- 
obovate  or  oblong  petals.  Capsule  rather  large.  Calyx-segments 
reflexed,  not  half  the  length  of  the  petals. 

Sphagnum  bogs  and  wet  mountain  moors.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Jura,  rare  in  Switzerland,  Central,  Northern,  and 
Arctic  Europe  ;  Caucasus,  Thibet,  Himalaya ;  North  and  Arctic 
America ;  rare  in  Britain. 

Saxifraga  tridactylites  L. 

A  small  annual,  2-5  inches  high,  usually  branched  and  more  or 
less  covered  with  glandular  down.  Leaves  very  small,  entire  or 



3.   S.   CUNEIKOL1A.  4.   S.   AIZOIDES   (WITH    RKI)    VARIKTV). 

5.   S.  A I  ZOO  N. 


3-lobed.  Flowers  small,  white,  single,  on  longish  pedicels.  Calyx- 
segments  barely  half  as  long  as  the  petals. 

Rocks,  walls,  and  stony  hillsides  ;  common.  Seen  as  high  as 
7000  feet  in  Switzerland.  April  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe  from  the  Mediterranean  to  the  Arctic  Circle, 
Russian  Asia.  British. 

Saxifraga  stellaris  L.     (Plate  XIV.) 

Stem  erect,  1-4  inches  high,  leafless,  with  exception  of  the  bracts, 
bearing  a  3  or  more-flowered  cymose  corymb,  covered,  like  the 
whole  plant,  with  scattered  glandular  hairs.  Leaves  forming  a  loose 
rosette,  grass-green,  wedge-shaped  or  obovate,  coarsely  serrate  near 
the  apex.  Calyx  with  revolute  teeth.  Petals  lanceolate,  rather 
acute  and  small,  expanded  like  a  star,  white,  with  2  yellow  spots  at 
the  base  ;  anthers  vermilion-red. 

Damp  shady  rocks,  and  exposed  mountain  tops  and  Cols  near 
the  snow  ;  4000-8500  feet ;  common  on  primary  rocks.  July, 
August.  It  grows  at  the  extreme  summit  of  Ben  Nevis,  the  highest 
point  in  the  British  Isles. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Central  and  Northern  Europe  as  far 
as  the  Arctic  Circle  ;  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Siberia, 
N.  America,  British  Isles. 

S.  stellaris  var.  robusta  Engler  (S.  Engleri  Dalla  Torre)  appears 
to  be  a  strong  form  of  S.  stellaris  with  unequal  petals,  found  in 
Switzerland  and  Tyrol.  We  have  such  a  form  also  from  Norway, 
with  very  thick  and  large  leaves. 

Saxifraga  cuneifolia  L.    (Plate  XIV.) 

Stem  4  inches  to  a  foot  high,  very  brittle.  Shoots  in  a  series  of 
rosettes  one  above  the  other.  Leaves  roundish-obovate,  wedge- 
shaped  or  spathulate,  very  obtuse,  wavy-crenate,  quite  glabrous, 
with  cartilaginous  margin.  Leaf-stalk  flat,  wedge-shaped,  glabrous. 
Inflorescence  paniculate.  Calyx-teeth  recurved.  Petals  milk-white, 
with  2  coalescent  yellow  spots.  Filaments  broader  upwards. 

Damp,  shady  woods  and  rocks,  and  steep  rocky  declivities  of  the 
lower  Alps ;  3000-6500  feet ;  local ;  but  sometimes  covering 
rocks  and  banks  in  woods  with  enormous  mats.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Spain,  Apennines. 

A  very  useful  plant  for  covering  rocks  or  unsightly  banks  or  old 
walls  in  the  shadier  parts  of  the  rock-garden. 

Saxifraga  aspera  L. 

Stem  with  prostrate,  tufted  branches.  Leaves  on  fertile  stem, 
and  barren  shoots  spreading,  stem-leaves  rigid,  linear-lanceolate, 
with  stiff  cilia,  entire.  Stem  3-7  flowered,  about  6  inches  high, 
Flowers  pale  yellow.  Calyx  patent.  Anthers  yellow. 


Rather  moist,  stony  places  on  the  primary  rocks  ;  3300-8000 
feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 

Saxifraga  mutata  L. 

Stem  erect,  springing  from  a  rosette  of  large  leaves.  Stem  ends 
in  a  racemose  cyme,  covered  with  viscous  hairs,  like  the  bracts, 
flower  -  stalks,  and  calyx  ;  ultimate  branches  i-many  flowered. 
Rosette-leaves  thick,  stiff,  glabrous,  tongue-shaped,  or  obovate- 
lanceolate,  flat,  obtuse,  with  a  cartilaginous  white  margin,  densely 
fringed  below,  inconspicuously  serrate  towards  apex  or  entire,  with 
distant,  inconspicuous  dots  which  are  encrusted  with  lime  when 
young.  Stem-leaves  smaller  and  passing  into  bracts.  Petals  linear- 
lanceolate,  acute,  orange-yellow.  Sepals  oval,  obtuse,  much  broader 
than  the  petals. 

Damp,  rocky  places  and  among  debris  in  limestone  mountains, 
descending  into  the  valleys.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 
Not  found  in  the  Jura  or  high  Swiss  Alps,  but  occasionally  in  the 

Saxifraga  Aizoon  Jacq.     (Plate  XIV.) 

Root  putting  out  naked  runners  bearing  half-closed  rosettes  of 
leaves.  Stem  erect,  3-10  inches  high,  bearing  a  loose  racemose 
cyme,  glandular-hairy  like  the  bracts,  flower-stalks,  and  calyx,  or 
calyx  and  lower  part  of  stems  glabrous.  Branches  1-3  flowered. 
Rosette-leaves  thick,  stiff,  glabrous,  with  cartilaginous  teeth,  and 
depressed  dots  near  the  margin  ;  teeth  sharp,  covered  like  the  dots 
with  a  white,  at  length  deciduous,  calcareous  incrustation.  Stem- 
leaves  much  smaller  and  more  wedge-shaped,  passing  into  the 
bracts.  Petals  obovate,  obtuse,  snow-white  or  sometimes  cream- 
coloured,  and  often  dotted  with  red.  Very  variable  in  size,  colour, 
and  habit,  but  nurserymen  are  too  apt  to  give  names  to  so-called 
varieties  which  are  not  always  constant  in  their  characters. 

Common  in  rocky  places  in  calcareous  mountains  up  to  8500  feet. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Silesia,  Bohemia,  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees, 
Caucasus,  Siberia  ;  North  America. 

Saxifraga  Cotyledon  L. 

Stem  10-16  inches  high,  forming  a  many-flowered,  loose,  some- 
what pyramidal  panicle,  branched  from  the  base,  glandular-hairy  ; 
the  middle  branches  5-15  flowered.  Leaves  of  radical  rosettes 
tongue-shaped,  entire,  pointed  or  mucronate,  dotted  near  the 
serrated  margin  with  an  incrustation  of  lime,  serratures  carti- 


laginous  at  the  apex.  Stem-leaves  smaller,  passing  into  bracts. 
Petals  white,  often  spotted  with  red,  or  more  rarely  with  purple, 

Primary  rocks,  especially  granite,  from  3500-6500  feet.  July, 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  abundant  on 
Italian  side  of  Simplon  Pass  ;  Pyrenees,  Scandinavia,  Iceland. 

Saxifraga  lingulata  Bellardi. 

Stem  6-1 8  inches  long,  glabrous,  rather  slender,  and  often  droop- 
ing, branching  from  the  middle  or  sometimes  lower,  with  several 
small  linear  and  sometimes  indented  leaves.  Rosette-leaves  linear- 
oblong,  elongated,  channelled  above,  rather  pointed  at  apex,  thick, 
entire,  with  an  encrusted  indentation  at  the  curved-in  margin. 
Rosettes  somewhat  loose  and  erect.  Flowers  milk-white,  in  long  and 
rather  unilateral  panicles,  with  branches  of  2-6  flowers.  Calyx 
glabrous,  but  slightly  rugged,  with  lanceolate-obtuse  lobes.  Petals 
ovate,  wedge-shaped.  Stamens  subulate. 

Limestone  rocks  from  3000-5300  feet ;   very  local.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — French  and  Italian  Maritime  Alps  and  Ligurian 
Alps,  with  the  Col  di  Tenda  as  a  centre  ;  Hautes-Alpes,  Basses- 
Alpes,  Var,  Sardinia,  Sicily. 

It  forms  exquisite  drooping  plumes  of  blossom  on  the  rocks  about 
Tenda  in  company  with  the  rather  smaller  5.  cochlearis. 

Saxifraga  lantoscana  Boiss.  et  Reut. 

Stem  usually  shorter  than  in  S.  lingulata,  of  which  it  is  sometimes 
considered  a  variety.  Rosette-leaves  linear-spathulate,  broader 
towards  the  apex,  with  white  calcareous  patches,  obtuse  and 
shorter  than  in  lingulata  and  not  channelled.  Flowers  milk-white, 
with  fine  lines  of  red  dots.  Inflorescence  more  or  less  unilateral. 
Calyx  campanulate,  with  lanceolate-obtuse  teeth. 

Limestone  rocks  in  the  district  round  St.  Martin  Lantosque  in 
the  Maritime  Alps,  at  Mont  de  la  Chen  in  the  Var,  and  possibly  in 

The  long  discussion  upon  the  last  two  Saxifrages  alluded  to  in 
Alpine  Plants  of  Europe  was  summed  up  by  Mr.  T.  A.  Sprague, 
B.SC.,  in  a  paper  entitled  Saxifraga  lingulata  and  S.  lantoscana.* 

Saxifraga  cochlearis  Reichb. 

Stem  4-12  inches  long,  glandular  except  at  the  summit,  slender, 
reddish  brown,  branching  above  the  middle  into  a  rather  dense, 
usually  short  and  sometimes  glandular  panicle,  with  usually  3 
flowers  on  each  branch.  The  panicle  in  exceptionally  large  speci- 
mens from  Tenda,  which  the  writer  measured,  was  7  inches  in  length. 
Rosette-leaves  quite  short,  broadly  linear  at  the  base  and  suddenly 

1  Kew  Bulletin  (1911),  No.  3.  See  also  Gardener's  Chronicle,  March  i6th,  1912, 
and  December,  1874, 


dilated  into  a  sub-orbicular  limb  or  rounded,  spoon-shaped  apex, 
coriaceous  and  rugged  in  texture,  encrusted  at  the  margins  with 
lime.  Stem-leaves  narrowly  oboval,  very  small  and  slightly  glandu- 
lar. Flowers  milk-white.  Petals  obovate,  wedge-shaped.  Calyx 
glandular  with  obtuse  lobes. 

Sub-alpine  limestone  rocks  in  the  French  and  Italian  Maritime 
Alps,  particularly  about  the  Tenda  road,  and  also  abundantly  on 
some  of  the  adjoining  mountains  of  Liguria  further  east,  where  it 
descends  to  about  1300  feet  at  Buggio  in  the  Nervia  Valley,  and 
ascends  to  5500  feet.  Endemic  in  this  district,  June,  July. 

Saxifraga  crustata  Vest. 

Stem  2-4  inches  high,  erect,  racemose  above,  glandular-hairy, 
branches  naked,  few-flowered  at  the  head  of  the  stems.  Rosette- 
leaves  broadly  linear,  obtuse,  entire,  the  cartilaginous  margin 
strongly  encrusted.  Petals  white,  obtuse,  obovate  or  wedge-shaped. 

High  calcareous  Alps,  but  descending  below  the  Alpine  region 
as,  e.g.  in  the  deep  and  narrow  valley  at  Weitenstein  ;  3000-7200 
feet,  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Tyrol  to  Carinthia. 

Saxifraga  ccesia  L. 

A  small  grey  species,  a  few  inches  high,  with  cylindrical  tufts  of 
densely  imbricate  leaves.  Stem  ascending  from  a  hemispherical 
rosette  of  leaves,  and  bearing  a  1-6  flowered  corymbose  cyme. 
Stem-leaves  and  calyx  glabrous  and  glaucous,  or  with  a  few  glan- 
dular hairs.  Lower  leaves  with  recurved  margins,  hard,  thick,  linear- 
lanceolate,  nearly  triquetrous,  acute,  entire,  dotted  with  pores  at 
the  margin,  fringed  at  the  base,  when  young  encrusted.  Stem- 
leaves  smaller,  linear.  Petals  obovate,  obtuse,  white  ;  twice  as  long 
as  the  sepals. 

Limestone  rocks  and  screes  from  the  snow-line  downwards,  and 
sometimes  descending  into  valleys  with  the  d6bris  of  streams. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Pyrenees, 
Apennines.  Plentiful  near  the  top  of  the  Gemmi  Pass. 

Saxifraga  aizo'ides  L.    S.  autumnalis  L.  is  the  earlier  name,  Linnaeus 

having  given  two  names  to  the  same  plant.  (Plate  XIV.) 
Stem  erect  or  ascending,  leafy,  bearing  a  numerous-flowered, 
racemose  cyme,  but  often  only  2-3  flowered,  hairy,  especially  at  the 
summit.  The  root  sends  out  numerous  tufts  of  leafy  shoots. 
Leaves  glabrous,  grass-green,  nerveless,  entire,  linear  or  linear- 
lanceolate,  more  or  less  ciliate,  apiculate,  alternate,  crowded  at  the 
apex  of  the  shoots.  Calyx  hairy  at  base.  Petals  linear-lanceolate, 
as  broad  as  the  calyx-teeth,  yellow  or  orange,  or  indeed  any  shade 
from  pale  yellow  to  deep  orange-red.  Stamens  orange-yellow, 


Common  in  damp  places  by  streams,  etc.,  in  the  Alps  ;  3000-8000 
feet,  and  occasionally  seen  at  even  10,000  feet.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Southern  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Apennines,  Central  and  Arctic  Europe, 
Ural  Mountains,  North  America.  British.  It  is  brought  down  by 
streams  to  rocks  on  the  Ayrshire  coast. 

5.  atrorubens  Bertol.  is  merely  a  variety  with  deep  red  flowers 
and  leaves  with  stiff  cilia  at  the  margin.  It  is  recorded  from  Tyrol, 
and  we  have  seen  it  in  the  sand  of  a  mountain  torrent  near  Engelberg 
in  Switzerland  and  occasionally  in  Savoy,  as  above  Argentiere. 
Probably  it  is  by  no  means  rare. 

Saxifraga  tenella  Wulf. 

Shoots  prostrate  or  erect.  Stem  with  buds  in  the  leaf-axils, 
ascending,  glabrous,  branched.  Leaves  linear-subulate,  cuspidate 
(or  awned),  stiffly  ciliate  or  glabrous,  with  one  dot  on  upper  side  near 
the  apex.  Calyx-teeth  cuspidate.  Flowers  whitish,  small.  A 
slender,  green  plant,  4  inches  high. 

Rocky  places  from  3300-6000  feet  in  Styrian  and  Julian  Alps.  July. 


Most  of  these  are  high  Alpine  plants,  but  a  few  descend  lower. 
Saxifraga  moschata  Wulf.  (S.  varians  Sieb.). 

A  most  variable  and  perplexing  plant,  whose  synonymy  appears 
little  understood,  and  has  sometimes  been  confused  with  S.  mus- 
coides  All.  It  is  one  of  the  commonest  and  most  variable  of  high 
Alpine  Saxifrages.  A  small,  usually  hairy-glandular  species,  1-4 
inches  high,  forming  dense  and  often  large  tufts.  Stem  slender, 
with  a  few  small  leaves,  and  branched  at  the  top  into  a  loose  cyme 
with  2-6  flowers,  though  sometimes  single-flowered.  Leaves  more 
or  less  glabrous,  linear,  and  entire,  or  more  frequently  wedge- 
shaped  and  2-5  cleft,  nerves  showing  when  dry  only.  Flowers 
pale  or  bright  yellow,  or  rarely  purple-brown,  with  dull  yellow 
anthers,  star-shaped.  Petals  rounded  and  slightly  longer  than  the 

Rocks,  belts  of  turf  and  mould  and  Alpine  pastures  from  4000- 
14,000  feet.  (At  4000  feet  on  the  Saleve.)  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Southern 
Jura,  Carpathians,  Pyrenees ;  Central  and  Southern  Europe, 
Caucasus,  Altai. 

Saxifraga  exarata  Vill. 

A  very  viscid,  glandular,  caespitose  species,  and  variable  like  the 
last.  Stems  slender,  with  1-3  small  entire  or  trifid  leaves,  4-10 
flowered.  Lower  leaves  imbricate,  in  dense  tufts,  bright  green, 
viscous,  strongly  nerved,  linear-oblong  or  oblong  wedge-shaped, 


entire  or  more  frequently  2-3  fid  at  the  apex.  The  older  leaves  are 
reddish  brown.  Petals  yellowish  white,  small,  more  or  less  oboval, 
once  or  twice  as  long  as  the  sepals,  which  are  oblong-lanceolate 
and  sub-obtuse. 

Damp  rocks  and  Alpine  pastures  ;  5000-10,800  feet.  June  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 
Caucasus,  Arctic  regions. 

This  species  is  found  as  far  south  as  the  mountains  of  the  Var, 
the  highest  ridge,  called  La  Chens,  being  1713  metres.  There  also 
appear  S.  Aizoon,  S.  lingulata,  S.  hypnoides,  and  S.  cuneifolia. 

Saxifraga  obscura  G.  et  G.,  5.  nervosa  Lapeyr,  S.  iratiana  Schultz, 
S.  pentadactylis  Lapeyr.,  and  the  handsome  S.  geranioides  L.  are 
Pyrenean  species  belonging  to  this  section. 

Saxifraga  geranioides  L. 

A  hairy-glandular,  robust  plant,  6-12  inches  high.  Flowers  large, 
white,  tubular,  with  very  narrow  petals.  Sepals  lanceolate-acute. 
Rosette-leaves  on  a  winged  petiole  with  i  nerve,  sub-orbicular  in 
outline,  with  3-5  almost  oval  divisions  which  are  entire  or  toothed. 

Distribution. — Rocky  places  in  the  Pyrenees  and  Corbieres. 
Saxifraga  pedemontana  All. 

A  viscous,  glandular  plant,  about  6  inches  high,  with  3-9  large, 
white,  tubular  flowers.  Stem  branched,  and  forming  a  loose  corymb. 
Leaves  cuneate  or  fan-shaped,  3-5  cleft,  with  each  lobe  3-cleft 
again  ;  upper  leaves  simple.  Petals  3-nerved,  linear-lanceolate,  at 
least  twice  as  long  as  the  very  acute  sepals,  and  suddenly  con- 
tracted into  a  claw. 

Granitic  rocks  in  shady  and  rather  moist  places,  from  5000-7800 
feet ;  very  rare.  July. 

Distribution. — Piedmont  and  Liguria  ;  Maritime  Alps,  Transyl- 
vania, and  rarely  in  Switzerland  in  the  Binn  and  Monte  Rosa 
districts.  In  habit  and  size  of  flowers,  but  not  in  the  leaves,  this 
resembles  the  Pyrenean  S.  geranioides. 

Saxifraga  hypnoides  L. 

Leaves  of  shoots  entire  and  3-cleft,  narrow,  linear,  and  pointed, 
those  of  rosettes  3-5  cleft,  glabrous  or  more  or  less  ciliate.  Stems 
3-6  inches  long,  with  very  few  linear  leaves,  and  from  i~6  rather 
large  white  flowers.  Calyx-segments  pointed  and  not  one-third  as 
long  as  the  petals. 

Rather  moist,  rocky  places  in  the  limestone  mountains  of  Western 
Europe,  descending  sometimes  to  low,  hilly  districts.  Abundant 
in  Scotland,  Wales,  Ireland,  and  Northern  England,  but  very  local 
in  the  south,  as  e.g.  at  Cheddar  Cliffs.  May  to  July. 


Saxifraga  caspitosa  L. 

Much  stouter  than  the  last  and  covered  with  short,  glandular 
hairs,  and  never  with  the  procumbent,  barren  shoots  of  that 
species  ;  the  leaves  are  broader,  more  obtuse,  and  more  frequently 
lobed  (3-5  segments),  and  the  calyx-lobes  are  obtuse.  The  leaves 
form  very  dense  green  tufts,  closely  packed  together.  Flowering- 
stems  2-3  inches  high,  usually  covered  with  short,  glandular,  downy 
hair,  and  bearing  I  or  2  white  flowers,  or  occasionally  more,  in  a 
loose  terminal  cluster.  Flowers  smaller  than  in  hypnoides,  being 
about  twice  as  long  as  the  obtuse  sepals. 

Rocks  and  stony  mountains  in  Northern  and  Arctic  Europe,  and 
in  very  small  quantity  on  one  or  two  high  Scotch  summits.  May 
to  July. 

Saxifraga  sponhemica  Gmel. 

A  very  protean  species,  with  the  habit  and  lower  leaves  of 
S.  hypnoides,  and  like  it  in  sending  out  long  sterile  runners.  Stem- 
leaves  often  trifid ;  root-leaves  with  a  narrow  petiole,  flat,  with 
3-5  linear-lanceolate  divisions,  mucronate.  Flowers  2-9  in  a  loose 
panicle.  Sepals  lanceolate.  Petals  oboval,  with  3  greenish  veins, 
twice  as  long  as  sepals  or  longer. 

Rocky  hills  in  North- Western  and  Central  Europe,  and  possibly 
in  Britain,  as  on  Snowdon.  June  to  August. 

Parnassia  palustris  L.    Grass  of  Parnassus.     (Plate  VI.) 

Stem  6—12  inches  high  with  a  single  perfoliate  leaf  below  the 
middle,  with  a  solitary  terminal  flower.  Root-leaves  rather  long- 
stalked,  broadly  heart-shaped,  acuminate,  entire,  glabrous.  Flowers 
white,  large.  Petals  obovate,  beautifully  veined,  spreading,  twice 
the  length  of  the  sepals,  which  are  ovate  and  spreading.  Imperfect 
stamens  at  base  of  each  petal,  with  a  tuft  of  10-12  white  filaments, 
each  bearing  a  small,  yellow,  globular  gland.  Capsule  globular,  3-4 

Damp  heaths  and  bogs  and  wet  places  from  sea-level  in  England 
to  8000  feet  in  the  Alps.  But  mostly  sub-alpine.  August,  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  W.  Asia,  Thibet, 
Japan,  N.  America.  Common  in  Norway  to  above  the  birch  limit. 

This  very  beautiful  and  hardy  plant  might  be  much  more  culti- 
vated in  bogs  with  heaths,  etc.,  below  the  rockery.  It  has  dis- 
appeared from  several  places  in  the  south  of  England,  but  can 
still  be  seen  within  seven  miles  of  the  centre  of  Birmingham. 
It  is  very  common  in  Switzerland. 

One  simple  leaf,  an  emerald  heart, 

Closes  around  its  slender  stem  ; 
Not  all  the  witchery  of  art 

Could  fashion  such  a  faultless  gem.— ALFRED  HAVES. 


CHRYSOSPLENIUM  L.    Golden  Saxifrage. 

Small,  fleshy,  but  delicate  herbs,  creeping  at  the  base,  with 
golden  yellow  flowering  stems,  orbicular  leaves  and  small  yellow 
flowers  in  short,  leafy  terminal  cymes.  Petals  o.  Stamens  8-10. 
Ovary  inferior,  i-celled.  Capsule  2-lobed. 

A  small  genus  found  in  the  temperate  and  colder  regions  of  both 

Chrysosplenium  oppositifolium  L. 

In  loose,  leafy  tufts  spreading  over  a  considerable  area.  Stems 
4  or  5  inches  high,  usually  forked  at  the  top.  Leaves  all  opposite, 
slightly  crenate,  with  a  few  stiff  hairs  on  the  upper  surface.  Flowers 
small,  sessile,  in  little  compact  yellowish  green  cymes,  surrounded 
by  similar  leaves  to  the  others,  but  smaller  and  golden  yellow. 

Wet,  shady  places  in  the  sub- Alps  and  plains.    May. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe  and  Russian  Asia,  British  Isles. 
Chrysosplenium  alternifolium  L. 

A  more  slender  and  rather  taller  species  than  the  last.  Leaves 
always  alternate,  and  the  lower  ones  on  longer  stalks  and  more 
kidney-shaped.  Often  growing  with  the  other  species. 

Similar  situations  to  the  last,  but  rarer  in  Switzerland.    May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  and  Central  Asia,  N.  America, 
extending  to  the  Arctic  regions.  Britain. 

RIBES  L.     Currant. 

Sometimes  given  a  separate  family  (RIBESIACE.E).  Shrubs  with 
alternate  leaves,  no  stipules  and  small,  axillary  flowers  in  racemes 
or  rarely  solitary.  Styles  2.  Stamens,  petals,  and  sepals  4  or  5. 
Ovary  inferior,  i-celled.  Fruit  a  berry,  the  seeds  being  surrounded 
by  pulpy  juice. 

A  genus  spread  over  the  temperate  regions  of  the  northern  hemi- 
sphere, with  a  small  number  of  species  in  the  Andes. 

Ribes  Grossularia  L.     Gooseberry. 

A  small,  much  -  branched,  prickly  shrub,  2-4  feet  high,  the 
prickles  being  single  or  in  twos  and  threes.  Leaves  orbicular, 
palmately  divided  into  3  or  5  crenated  lobes.  Flowers  green, 
hanging  on  short  pedicels.  Berry  small  and  yellowish,  often 
covered  with  stiff  hairs,  but  in  the  mountains  frequently  glabrous. 

Stony,  bushy  places  and  roadsides  in  the  plains  and  sub-Alps. 
It  flowers  in  April,  and  the  fruit  ripens  about  August.  In  some 
Swiss  valleys  it  ascends  to  4500  feet,  as  for  example  in  Val 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  and  Western  Asia. 
N.  Africa.  Introduced  into  Britain. 


Ribes  rubrum  L.    Red  Currant. 

A  branching  shrub  3-5  feet  high,  without  prickles.  Leaves 
stalked,  larger  than  in  the  Gooseberry,  more  or  less  glabrous  above, 
downy  beneath.  Flowers  small,  greenish  white,  in  axillary,  pendu- 
lous racemes  at  the  base  of  the  year's  shoots.  Pedicels  short. 
Berries  red  when  ripe,  or  rarely  yellowish. 

Sub-spontaneous  in  rocky  woods  here  and  there  in  Switzerland. 
April,  May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  N.  and  W.  Asia, 
doubtfully  indigenous  in  Britain.  N.  America. 

Ribes  petrceum.    Wulfen. 

About  the  height  of  the  last  and  of  R.  alpinum.  Leaves  3-5 
lobed,  lobes  triangular,  acute,  doubly  serrated,  heart-shaped  at  the 
base,  pubescent  beneath.  Inflorescence  erect,  pendulous  after 
fertilisation.  Sepals  roundly  oboval,  reddish.  Berries  red,  globular, 

Shady,  rocky  places  in  mountain  and  sub-alpine  woods  and 
glens.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Central 
Europe,  Caucasus,  Armenia,  Siberia,  Algeria. 

Ribes  alpinum  L. 

Flowers  small,  yellowish  green,  always  dioecious  or  unisexual; 
the  males  in  little  erect  racemes  about  an  inch  long,  with  slender 
pedicels,  the  females,  on  separate  shrubs,  fewer  together,  in  short 
racemes,  often  almost  sessile.  Berries  small,  red,  tasteless. 

Rocky  mountain  woods.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Siberia. 
British.  N.  America. 

The  Black  Currant  (Ribes  nigrum  L.),  known  by  its  scent  and 
black  berries,  is  rarely  found  wild  in  Switzerland. 


Herbs  with  alternate  leaves,  often  much  cut  and  divided.  Flowers 
small,  regular,  in  terminal  or  lateral  umbels  (simple  or  compound). 
At  the  base  of  the  umbel  are  often  a  few  bracts  constituting  the 
involucre.  Calyx-lobes  5,  small  or  usually  entirely  wanting. 
Petals  5.  Stamens  5.  Ovary  2-celled,  2-seeded.  Styles  2.  Fruit 
separating  when  ripe  into  2  one-seeded,  indehiscent  carpels.  Leaf- 
stalk usually  sheathing. 

A  large  family,  more  or  less  represented  nearly  all  over  the  globe, 
particularly  numerous  in  Mediterranean  districts  and  Western 


Hacquetia  Epipactis  DC. 

Stem  simple,  leafless,  about  4  inches  high,  bearing  a  single 
simple  umbel  with  short  rays  and  a  large  involucre  3  times  the 
size  of  the  umbel.  Flowers  small,  greenish  yellow.  Calyx-limbs 
toothed.  Leaves  all  radical,  3-5  lobed,  glabrous. 

Bushy  places  up  to  5000  feet  in  the  Eastern  Alps,  from  Carinthia 
to  Carniola.  April,  May. 


Herbs  with  mostly  radical,  palmately  divided  leaves.  Umbels 
simple  or  compound  ;  involucre  large,  membranous,  and  often 
purplish  in  colour.  Flowers  polygamous.  Petals  notched,  with  a 
long  inflexed  point.  Calyx-limb  with  5  long  teeth.  Carpels  with 
5  inflated  crimped  ribs. 

A  small  genus  extending  over  Central  and  Southern  Europe  to 
Western  Asia. 

Astrantia  major  L.    (Plate  XV.) 

Stem  1-2  feet  high  or  sometimes  higher,  erect,  furrowed,  glabrous 
like  the  entire  plant,  simple  or  more  usually  divided  above  into 
2  or  3  branches.  Leaves  palmately  5-fid,  lobes  lanceolate  or 
obovate-lanceolate,  acute,  undivided  or  2-3  cleft,  unequally  doubly 
serrate ;  radical  and  lower  stem-leaves  long-stalked,  upper  ones 
mostly  sessile.  Secondary  umbels  many-rayed,  collected  into 
I,  2,  or  3  irregular  umbellate  cymes.  Bracts  of  general  involucre 
net- veined,  coloured  white  and  red  like  the  petals,  2-3  cleft  or 
toothed,  upper  ones  usually  entire  ;  bracts  of  partial  involucre 
lanceolate,  entire,  coloured,  radiating,  rather  longer  than  the 
secondary  umbel.  Mountain  pastures  and  damp,  shady,  woody 
places  in  the  Alps,  descending  to  the  plains.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Sudenic  Mountains,  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Black  Forest,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees.  Some- 
times naturalised  but  not  native  in  Britain. 

Astrantia  minor  L.    (Plate  XV.) 

Stem  6-10  inches  high,  weak.  All  the  leaves  digitate,  with  7-9 
lanceolate,  cut  and  serrated  segments.  Calyx-teeth  ovate-lanceolate, 
acuminate.  Flowers  small,  greenish  white.  Involucral  bracts  white 
with  green  apex. 

Pastures  and  damp  rocks  in  the  granitic  Alps,  4000-8000  feet. 

Distribution. — Tyrol,  Switzerland,  Western  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Spain. 

This  plant  will  probably  not  thrive  on  a  limestone  or  chalky 
soil,  for  it  is  a  great  hater  of  lime.  It  should  have  plenty  of  water 
in  summer  and  shade.  However,  it  is  a  poor  species  compared 
with  major. 

4  7    NATUKAL    SI/K. 







Eryngium  alpinum  L. 

The  Alpine  "  Sea-holly  "  or  Reine  des  Alpes.  A  thistle-like  plant, 
with  erect,  striated  stem  i-2j  feet  high,  bluish,  like  the  upper 
involucral  bracts.  Leaves  ciliate-spiny ;  root-leaves  entire, 
cordate-lanceolate,  dark  green  ;  stem-leaves  amplexicaul,  deeply 
incised,  and  the  uppermost  almost  palmate.  Involucre  blue,  multi- 
digitate,  somewhat  longer  than  the  cylindrical  umbel,  and  with  stiff, 
bristly  teeth. 

Meadows  and  pastures  in  the  limestone  Alps,  5000-6000  feet. 
July,  August.  Local. 

Distribution.  —  Switzerland,  Jura,  Western  Alps,  Carinthia, 
Carniola,  Bosnia,  Montenegro. 


Leaves  entire,  simple,  usually  glabrous.  General  and  partial 
involucres  various  ;  in  Alpine  species  the  partial  involucre  is  large. 
Flowers  small,  yellow  or  green.  Petals  hooded,  with  an  inflexed 
point.  Styles  short,  reflexed. 

Bupleurum  stellatum  L. 

Stem  erect,  simple,  with  only  one  linear-lanceolate  leaf  em- 
bracing the  stem,  or  leafless.  Root-leaves  broadly  linear,  with  one 
longitudinal  nerve,  and  reticulate  lateral  nerves.  Involucre  of  1-3 
bracts  ;  partial  involucre  of  9-10  yellow  bracts,  connate  to  their 
middle,  the  apices  only  free.  Principal  ridges  of  fruit  with  membran- 
ous wings. 

Dry,  rocky  places  in  the  Alps  5000-7500  feet.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Tyrol,  Carinthia,  Switzerland,  Western  Alps. 
Bupleurum  longifolium  L. 

Stem  erect,  simple  or  somewhat  branched  above,  round,  finely 
furrowed,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  with  longitudinal 
veins,  acute,  elliptical,  and  running  down  into  a  long  leaf-stalk, 
the  upper  leaves  lanceolate  or  ovate,  acute  sessile  with  a  cordate 
amplexicaul  base.  Umbel  5-6  branched,  general  involucre  3-5 
leaved,  partial  involucre  5-7  leaved  ;  bracts  ovate  or  elliptical, 
shortly  apiculate.  Ridges  of  the  fruit  narrow  and  furrows  small. 

Rocks  and  stony  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps  up  to  5000  feet. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Europe. 
Bupleurum  ranunculoides  L. 

An  extremely  variable  species,  subdivided  into  several  sub- 
species and  varieties  and  varying  in  height  from  2  inches  to  a  foot. 
Stem  leafy  and  more  or  less  branched.  Radical  leaves  ovate  or 
cordate  ;  other  leaves  linear  or  linear-lanceolate.  Partial  involucre 
often  twice  as  long  as  umbel,  but  very  variable. 


LONICERA   L.      Honeysuckle. 
Lonicera  alpigena  L. 

An  erect  shrub,  2-5  feet  high.  Leaves  opposite,  stalked,  elliptical 
ovate  or  lanceolate,  acuminate,  nearly  glabrous,  entire  ;  paler 
on  the  under  side.  Flower-stalk  solitary,  axillary,  glabrous,  2- 
flowered,  usually  about  an  inch  long  and  pendent.  Flowers  bright 
red,  2-lipped,  saccate  above.  Ovaries  2,  connate  nearly  to  the 
calyx-limb,  finally  coalescing  into  an  ovate-orbicular  red  double 

Calcareous  lower  Alps,  up  to  5700  feet.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Eastern,     Central,     and     Western     Alps,     Jura, 
Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees. 
Lonicera  ccerulea  L. 

A  shrub  barely  a  yard  high,  with  oval  obtuse  leaves  very  shortly 
petioled.  Flower-stalk  much  shorter  than  the  yellowish  white 
petals.  Berries  blue-black,  globular. 

Bushy  places  and  damp  Alpine  pastures  up  to  6500  feet,  especially 
on  limestone.  May,  June.  Once,  above  Saas  Fee  in  Switzerland, 
this  was  growing  as  high  as  8000  feet. 

Distribution.— Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Alps  and  Pyrenees, 
Caucasus,  Siberia,  N.  America. 

SAMBUCUS  L.    Elder. 

Trees,  shrubs,  or  tall  herbs,  with  opposite  pinnate  leaves,  and 
large  corymbs  or  cymes  of  numerous  small,  white,  or  nearly  white, 
flowers.  Calyx  with  a  border  of  5  small  teeth.  Corolla  rotate,  with 
5  spreading  divisions.  Stamens  5.  Stigmas  3,  sessile.  Berries 
small,  globular,  with  3  stones,  each  containing  one  seed.  About 
12  species  in  temperate  and  tropical  regions  of  the  globe. 
Sambucus  racemosus  L.  Alpine  Elder.  (Plate  XVIII.) 

Flowers  pale  greenish  yellow,  in  a  dense  oval  panicle.  Fruit 
scarlet  or  deep  coral  red.  A  small  tree,  8-12  feet  high.  Branches 
rather  soft,  with  yellowish  pith.  Leaf -segments  elliptic,  longly 
acuminate,  with  sharp  teeth.  Stipules  small,  green,  falling.  In- 
florescence erect.  Flowers  pedicelled.  Anthers  yellow.  A  very 
handsome  object  when  covered  with  scarlet  berries  in  autumn. 

Mountain  woods  and  shady  gorges,  to  at  least  5000  feet ;  but 
commonest  in  the  Beech  and  Fir  zones.  April,  May.  Fruiting 
from  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (common),  Europe,  especially  Central, 
Siberia,  N.  America. 

The  Common  Elder  (Sambucus  nigra)  and  the  Dwarf  Elder 
(S.  Ebulus)  are  widely  spread  in  Switzerland.  The  latter  is  found 
in  pastures  and  waste  places,  and  near  villages  in  many  Alpine 


Linncea  borealis  L. 

Root  creeping,  throwing  up  barren  shoots  and  flowering  stems 
3  or  4  inches  high,  naked,  glandular,  and  bearing  on  slender  pedicels 
2  or  rarely  3  pendent,  white,  campanulate,  sweet-scented  flowers 
with  pink  veins.  Leaves  opposite,  shortly  stalked,  ovate  orbicular, 
slightly  crenate,  evergreen,  rather  coriaceous.  Capsule  berry-like, 
glandular-hairy,  inferior. 

Creeping  in  moss  and  over  rocks  in  damp,  shady  places  in  Alpine 
woods  up  to  6600  feet ;  local.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Riesengebirge,  Harz  Mountains,  N. 
German  Plain,  Haute-Savoie,  near  the  Swiss  frontier  (rare),  Eastern 
Switzerland  (Engadine,  etc.)  and  locally,  in  the  southern  valleys  of 
Valais  from  Bagnes  to  Saas  ;  Norway,  Scotland,  Northern  Asia, 
and  N.  America. 


Slender  herbs  (in  Europe)  with  angular  stems  and  entire  leaves, 
in  whorls  of  4,  6,  or  8,  the  buds  and  branches  always  opposite. 
Flowers  small,  in  terminal  or  rarely  axillary  heads  or  panicles. 
Calyx  more  or  less  combined  with  the  ovary.  Corolla  mono- 
petalous,  with  4  or  5  spreading  lobes.  Stamens  as  many,  inserted 
in  the  tube.  Ovary  inferior.  Style  2-cleft  at  the  top,  with  a 
capitate  stigma  to  each  branch.  Fruit  of  2  i-seeded,  indehiscent 

One  of  the  largest  families,  with  perhaps  4500  species,  but 
particularly  numerous  in  the  tropics,  where  it  includes  trees  and 
shrubs  as  well  as  herbs. 

GALIUM  L.     Bedstraw. 

Herbs  with  weak,  quadrangular  stems,  sessile  leaves  in  whorls 
of  4,  6,  or  8,  and  small  white,  yellow,  or  reddish  flowers  in  axillary 
or  terminal  cymes  or  panicles.  Calyx  combined  with  the  ovary 
without  any  visible  border.  Corolla  rotate,  the  tube  scarcely  per- 
ceptible, with  4  spreading  lobes.  Fruit  small,  dry,  2-lobed. 

A  large  genus  of  about  200  species,  spread  over  the  whole  of  the 
temperate  regions,  and  especially  abundant  in  Europe  and  Northern 
Asia,  and  penetrating  into  the  tropics. 

Galium  vernum  Scop. 

A  slender,  green  species,  6-10  inches  high,  with  stoloniferous, 
creeping  branches  and  ascending  stems,  with  short  internodes. 
Leaves  in  fours,  oval-elliptic,  obtuse  or  rarely  mucronate,  with  3 
principal  nerves.  Flowers  yellow,  on  glabrous  pedicels,  disposed 
in  axillary  cymes.  Fruit  glabrous  and  shining,  becoming  blackish. 
It  somewhat  resembles  the  common  G,  Cruciata,  which  is  also  seen 


in  sub-alpine  woods  and  clearings,  but  vernum  is  smaller  and  the 
leaves  broader,  and  it  is  much  less  hairy. 

Stony,  shady  places  in  sub-alpine  woods.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Cevennes,  Alps,  Italian 
Switzerland,  and  near  Brienz,  Corsica,  Central  and  Southern  Europe, 

Galium  rotundifolium  L. 

A  slender,  branched  plant,  8-12  inches  high.  Leaves  oval,  the 
inferior  often  nearly  round,  delicate,  glabrescent,  in  whorls  of  4, 
feebly  3-nerved.  Flowers  white,  very  small,  in  a  trichotomous 
panicle,  loose  and  spreading,  few-flowered,  and  almost  naked. 
Pedicels  divaricate,  rather  long.  Corolla-lobes  oval,  sub-obtuse. 
Fruit  covered  with  hooked  hairs. 

Mountain  woods   (especially  coniferous)   and  moors.     May  to 


Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Vosges,  Jura,  Alps,  Cevennes, 
Corsica.  Europe  from  Scandinavia  to  the  Caucasus,  and  Asia  Minor. 

Galium  verum  L.    Yellow  Bedstraw. 

Rootstock  woody.  Plant  glabrous  and  smooth,  except  for  a  slight 
roughness  at  edge  of  leaves.  Stems  1-2  feet  high,  branched,  ending 
in  a  long  panicle  of  numerous  small  yellow  flowers.  [Leaves  linear, 
numerous,  in  whorls  of  6-8.  Fruit  small,  glabrous. 

Dry  hillsides  and  pastures  from  the  plains  up  to  the  lower  Alps, 
where  it  is  sometimes  very  robust.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Central  and  Russian  Asia,  except  in  the 
extreme  north.  British. 

Galium  boreale  L. 

Rootstock  creeping.  Stems  firm  and  erect,  6-18  inches  high, 
not  much  branched.  Leaves  4,  in  a  whorl,  lanceolate  or  linear- 
lanceolate,  with  3  prominent  ribs,  slightly  rough  at  the  edges. 
Flowers  numerous,  pure  white,  in  oblong  panicles.  Corolla-lobes 
with  very  short  inflected  points.  Fruit  covered  with  hooked 

Mountain  pastures,  meadows,  and  clearings  in  woods,  especially 
on  limestone  soil.  A  variable  species. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe  to  the  Arctic  regions,  Caucasus, 
Armenia,  Northern  Asia,  and  N.  America.  British. 

Galium  rubrum  L. 

Rootstock  slender,  creeping,  with  stems  about  a  foot  high, 
glabrous,  shining,  or  more  or  less  downy  below.  Leaves  linear- 
lanceolate,  acuminate,  the  lower  ones  usually  broadened  at  the 
apex,  nearly  glabrous,  ciliate  at  the  borders.  Flowers  in  a  loose 
panicle,  very  small,  red  or  pink.  Lobes  of  the  corolla  oval,  ending 
in  a  recurved  point.  Fruit  becoming  black. 

3.    VERONICA   SAX  ATI  LI  S. 
6.   SEDUM    ALIil'M. 

Pi. ATE    XVI. 

47    NATl'KAI.    SIXK. 



Dry,  stony  places  in  the  southern  hills  and  mountains.  July, 

Distribution. — Alps  of  Dauphiny,  Savoie,  and  all  Provence, 
Southern  France,  Corsica,  Sardinia,  Italy,  Tyrol,  Balearic  Isles. 

Galium  purpureum  L. 

Rootstock  almost  woody,  with  erect  stems,  8-18  inches  high, 
much  branched,  finely  pubescent,  with  short  internodes.  Leaves  in 
whorls  of  8-10,  linear,  green,  with  one  dorsal  vein,  finely  ciliate. 
Flowers  very  small,  dark,  blood-red.  Lobes  of  corolla  oval-acum- 
inate. Fruit  glabrous,  rugose,  becoming  black. 

Stony  hills  and  dry  places  in  the  southern  mountains.  June  to 

Distribution. — S.E.  France  from  the  Var  to  Basses-Alpes, 
Maritime  Alps,  Southern  Tessin  (not  elsewhere  in  Switzerland), 
Southern  Europe,  eastward  to  Turkey. 


Differs  little  from  Galium  except  in  the  shape  of  the  corolla, 
which  is  funnel-  or  bell-shaped,  with  a  long  tube,  often  several  times 
as  long  as  the  lobes. 

Asperula  odorata  L.    Woodruff. 

A  small  fragrant  plant,  6-10  inches  high,  with  creeping  rootstock. 
Leaves  6-8,  in  a  whorl,  lanceolate,  acuminate,  rough  at  the  edges, 
Flowers  small,  white,  in  a  loose  tricotomous  cyme.  Fruit  hispid, 

Woods  and  shady  places  in  the  plains  and  mountains.    May. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Siberia,  except  the  extreme  north. 

Asperula  taurina  L. 

A  rather  taller  plant,  with  erect,  simple  stem,  branched  at  the 
top.  Leaves  4,  in  a  whorl,  broadly  lanceolate,  acuminate,  3-nerved, 
with  silky  hairs.  Flowers  white,  crowded,  subtended  by  ciliate 
bracts.  Fruit  glabrous. 

Mountain  woods.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  including  Switzer- 
land, Jura,  Dauphiny,  etc.,  Western  Asia  as  far  as  Persia. 

Asperula  cynanchica  L.     Squinancy-wort. 

Barren  stems,  more  or  less  prostrate,  the  others  ascending  about 
6  inches.  Leaves  narrow-linear,  the  lower  ones  4  in  a  whorl,  the 
upper  ones  often  in  pairs.  Flowers  pinkish  white,  or  occasionally 
white,  small,  funnel-shaped.  Fruit  small,  tubercular  or  granulated. 
A  most  variable  plant,  with  several  Alpine  varieties,  one  of  which  is 


Jordani  Briq.,  with  pretty  deep  pink  flowers,  which  variety  is  found 
from  4000-7000  feet  in  Savoy,  at  Mont  Cenis,  etc. 

Dry,  hilly  places,  especially  on  limestone.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  to  the  Caucasus  and 
Armenia.  British. 

Asperula  glauca  Besser. 

Stems  1-2  feet  high,  erect.  Leaves  linear,  glaucous,  stiff,  mucro- 
nate,  8  in  a  whorl.  Flowers  white,  4-lobed,  with  limb  longer  than 
the  tube.  Fruit  glabrous  and  glossy. 

Stony  hills  ;   rare  in  Switzerland.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Southern  France,  Southern  and  Central  Europe, 
Asia  Minor,  Caucasus,  Armenia. 

Asperula  hexaphylla  All. 

A  small  tufted,  glabrous  species,  with  leaves  in  whorls  of  6, 
rather  short,  linear.  Stem  branched.  Flowers  pink,  in  dense 
terminal  heads,  with  involucre  of  small  linear  bracts  beneath ; 
the  corolla- tube  being  2-3  times  as  long  as  the  limb.  Fruit 

Sunny  rocks,  usually  limestone,  in  the  lower  mountain  region  ; 
rare.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Maritime  Alps  (e.g.  Tenda),  Northern  Italy, 
Transylvania,  Bosnia,  Moldavia. 


Herbs  with  annual  or  perennial  stock,  opposite  leaves,  and 
no  stipules.  Flowers  in  terminal  corymbs  or  panicles,  usually  small 
and  numerous.  Calyx  adherent  to  the  ovary,  sometimes  toothed, 
but  unrolling  later  into  a  feathery  pappus.  Corolla  funnel-shaped, 
usually  gibbous  or  spurred  at  the  base.  Lobes  3-5,  unequal. 
Stamens  1-5.  Ovary  3-celled,  2  of  the  cells  being  empty.  Fruit 
small,  indehiscent,  i-celled. 

A  family  widely  diffused  over  the  greater  part  of  the  globe. 


Stem-leaves  opposite  or  whorled,  entire  or  pinnatifid.  Flowers 
in  corymbose  panicled  cymes,  unisexual  or  bisexual.  Calyx-limb 
annular,  developing  a  feathery  pappus.  Corolla  usually  5-lobed, 
irregular,  usually  gibbous  at  the  base.  Stamens  3. 

A  large  genus,  with  the  geographical  range  of  the  family,  but 
most  abundant  in  mountain  regions. 

Valeriana  tripteris  L.     (Plate  XVII.) 

Rootstock  with  creeping  runners.  Stem  erect,  about  a  foot  high, 
simple,  furrowed,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant,  or  less  often  downy, 


47    NATURAL    Sl'/.E. 




with  3  or  more  pairs  of  leaves.  Leaves  of  barren  lateral  tufts  and 
lowest  stem-leaves  stalked,  undivided,  ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate, 
acute  or  obtuse,  wavy  or  irregularly  dentate,  usually  cordate  at 
the  base  ;  upper  stem-leaves  with  shorter  stalks  or  sessile,  3-partite, 
divisions  lanceolate,  acute,  irregularly  toothed,  the  central  one 
larger.  Flowers  small,  reddish,  sweet-scented,  arranged  in  a  ter- 
minal umbellate  cyme. 

Rocky  places  and  pastures  up  to  6000  feet.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica. 

Valeriana  montana  L. 

Stem  erect,  i-ij  feet  high,  glabrous  like  the  entire  plant',  less 
often  downy.  Leaves  in  3  or  more  pairs,  all  undivided,  ovate  or 
ovate-lanceolate,  acute  or  obtuse,  entire  or  unequally  toothed  ; 
those  of  the  barren  shoots  and  the  lower  stem-leaves  stalked,  often 
cordate  at  the  base ;  upper  stem-leaves  more  shortly  stalked  or 
sessile,  narrower,  the  uppermost  lanceolate.  Flowers  usually  pink, 
in  a  terminal  corymbose  cyme.  The  root  has  a  strong  odour. 
f^Rocky,  damp  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  places,  descending  to  a  low 
elevation  ;  3000-6500  feet ;  common.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees. 


Leaves  opposite  or  whorled.  Flowers  small,  collected  into  a 
capitulum  surrounded  by  an  involucre  of  bracts.  Calyx-limb  cup- 
shaped,  entire  or  lobed,  surrounded  by  an  involucel.  Corolla 
funnel-shaped,  4-5  lobed.  Stamens  4.  Ovary  i-celled,  with  I 
pendulous  ovule.  Style  filiform.  Stigma  capitate.  Fruit  in- 
dehiscent,  i-seeded. 

A  rather  small  family,  spread  over  the  '  ancient  world.' 


Capitulum  hemispherical  or  depressed,  outer  flowers  generally 
large  and  rayed.  Involucel  tubular,  4—5  lobed.  Calyx-limb  cup- 
shaped,  with  4  or  5  stiff  bristles  or  awns.  Corolla  4-5  lobed. 

Scabiosa  lucida  Vill. 

Stem  6-12  inches  high,  simple,  erect,  terminating  in  a  single  rose- 
violet  or  deep  mauve  capitulum,  with  large  ray-florets.  Lowermost 
leaves  elongated,  stalked,  crenate,  rather  shining ;  upper  ones 
pinnatifid,  with  linear-lanceolate  segments. 

Pastures  and  stony  spots  in  the  Alps  ;  4500-8000  feet.  June  to 


Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Erzgebirge,  Vosges,  Jura  ;   Pyrenees. 
A  handsome  species  and  well  worth  cultivating. 

CEPHALARIA  Schrader. 
Cephalaria  alpina  Schrad. 

A  hairy,  robust  plant,  at  least  a  yard  high,  with  an  ascending, 
angular  stem  and  pinnate  leaves,  with  from  9-15  lanceolate  leaflets, 
serrated.  Corolla  pale  yellow  in  a  dense  globular  head. 

Rocky  pastures  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps  up  to  6000  feet ;  very 
local.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Jura,  and  Western  Alps  of  Savoy, 
Dauphine,  Provence,  and  Piedmont. 

KNAUTIA  Coulter 

Differs  from  Scabiosa  in  having  the  awns  of  the  calyx  deciduous. 
Knautia  sylvatica  Duby. 

A  large,  leafy  herb,  often  3  feet  in  height,  usually  hairy,  especially 
at  the  base.  Leaves  lanceolate-elliptic  or  lanceolate,  entire  or 
toothed,  not  divided,  glabrous,  or  furnished  with  long  hairs,  but 
never  velvety,  bright  green.  Calyx  with  8  teeth.  Corolla  usually 
violet,  rarely  rose-purple,  in  hemispherical  heads.  Somewhat 

Woods  and  meadows  and  shady  places  in  the  mountains,  extend- 
ing to  the  Alpine  pastures.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe. 
Knautia  longifolia  Koch. 

Plant  i-i  J  feet  high,  glabrous  below,  with  a  usually  simple  stem. 
Leaves  dark  green,  shining,  glabrous,  narrowly  lanceolate,  acumin- 
ate, entire  or  toothed.  Flowers  rose,  in  small  hemispherical  heads. 
Involucral  bracts  oval-lanceolate,  acute,  almost  as  long  as  the 
flowers.  Calyx  with  sub-sessile  limb,  and  linear,  pointed  teeth. 

Meadows  and  damp  mountain  pastures.    June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Auvergne,  Cevennes, 
Central  and  Southern  Europe. 


Herbs  or  shrubs  with  alternate  or  opposite  leaves,  without 
stipules.  Flowers  or  florets  collected  together  into  a  head,  sur- 
rounded by  an  involucre,  the  whole  appearing  like  a  single  flower. 
The  receptacle  upon  which  the  florets  are  inserted  within  the  in- 
volucre is  either  naked  or  bears  chaffy  scales  and  hairs  between  the 
florets.  In  each  floret  the  calyx  is  combined  with  the  ovary,  either 


completely  so  or  only  to  appear  at  its  summit  as  a  short  border, 
or  more  often  as  a  pappus  (or  ring  of  feathery  hairs).  Corollas 
either  all  tubular  or  all  ligulate,  or  the  outer  ones  ligulate  (ray  florets) 
and  the  inner  ones  tubular  (disk  florets).  Stamens  5  or  rarely  4, 
inserted  in  the  tube  of  the  corolla.  Anthers  linear,  and  united  in  a 
sheath  round  the  style.  Ovary  inferior,  i-celled,  i-ovuled.  Stigmas 
2.  Fruit  a  small  dry,  seed-like  nut,  called  an  achene,  either  crowned 
by  the  pappus  or  naked. 

The  largest  family,  comprising  about  12,000  species,  and  repre- 
sented all  over  the  globe,  and  in  every  kind  of  station. 

The  family  is  frequently  subdivided  into  2  sub-families  : 



Stem  leafy.  Leaves  alternate,  stalked.  Capitula  numerous, 
forming  a  leafless  corymb.  Involucre  of  a  few  leaves,  arranged  in  a 
single  row.  Flowers  all  tubular,  red  or  white.  Seeds  nearly  terete, 

Adenostyles  albifrons  Reichb.     (Plate  XVII.) 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  erect,  striated.  Leaves  large,  stalked, 
reniform-cordate,  coarsely  and  unequally  doubly  dentate,  slightly 
tomentose  beneath.  Leaf -stalks  often  auriculate  at  the  base. 
Capitula  3-6  flowered,  collected  into  corymbose  umbels.  Flowers 

Mountain  woods  and  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  ;  3300-5500 
feet ;  common,  especially  on  limestone.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Sudetic  Mountains,  Riesengebirge,  Eastern,  Central 
and  Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest. 

Adenostyles  alpina  Bluff,  and  Fing.  (A.  glabra  Miller,  DC.) 

Stem  erect,  1-3  feet  high,  slightly  downy  above,  and  often  purple 
like  the  involucres,  ending  in  a  much-branched,  umbellate,  pani- 
culate, corymbose  inflorescence.  Leaves  nearly  round,  kidney- 
shaped,  or  roundly  triangular,  regularly  dentate,  glabrous  or  with 
scattered  hairs  above,  the  uppermost  leaves  often  lanceolate,  den- 
tate, reticulately  veined  on  under  side,  and  the  veins  thickly  coated 
with  hairs.  Capitula  2-6  flowered,  tufted.  Flowers  pink  or  flesh- 

Moist,  shady  Alpine  or  sub-alpine  places  up*to[8ooo^feet,  and  often 
descending  to  the  valleys ;  limestone  in  preference.  ?  June  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura  ; 



Stem  nearly  leafless.  Leaves  mostly  radical,  stalked,  round. 
Capitulum  usually  solitary ;  involucre  and  receptacle  as  in 
Adenostyles.  Seeds  furrowed,  nearly  cylindrical. 

Homogyne  alpina  Cass. 

Rootstock  creeping.  Stem  erect  or  ascending,  simple,  with  a 
single  capitulum,  woolly  like  the  leaf-stalks,  with  2-4  distant  scales. 
Leaves  radical,  appearing  at  same  time  as  the  flowers,  stalked, 
cordate-orbicular  or  reniform,  dentate,  glabrous  on  upper  side, 
under  side  green,  not  tomentose,  hairy  on  veins  beneath.  Flowers 
light  purple-red,  rarely  white. 

Damp,  shady  places  on  the  Alps  and  lower  Alps,  and  in  mountain 
woods  ;  extending  up  to  9000  feet.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps  ;  Jura,  Black  Forest,  Pyrenees. 

Homogyne  sylvestris  Cass. 

Scape  10-12  inches  high,  with  1-3  capitula,  downy,  leafy  below, 
scaly  above.  Root-leaves  2  inches  broad,  on  long  stalks,  cordate- 
reniform,  incised,  7-9  lobed,  outer  lobes  pointed,  inner  lobes  3- 
toothed,  with  soft  spines  ;  stem-leaves  small,  semi-amplexicaul. 
Capitula  up  to  i  inch  in  length.  Involucre  purple-red.  Branches 
of  style  warty.  Pappus  white. 

Meadows  and  pastures  up  to  5000  feet ;  local.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps  from  Carinthia  to  Carniola. 

Aster  alpinus  L. 

Stem  erect  or  ascending,  covered  with  short  hairs  like  the  leaves, 
thickened  at  the  summit,  and  bearing  a  single  capitulum.  Leaves 
wavy,  entire,  wedge-shaped  or  spathulate,  3-nerved,  obtuse  ;  upper 
leaves  linear-lanceolate,  sessile,  acute.  Ray-flowers  ligulate,  violet 
or  mauve ;  disc-flowers  yellow.  Capitulum  handsome,  I  \-2  inches 
across.  Bracts  of  involucre  lanceolate,  more  or  less  acute,  all  nearly 
uniform  in  height  and  herbaceous. 

Rocks,  stony  places,  and  pastures  in  the  Alps  and  lower  Alps  ; 
5000-9000  feet ;  more  frequent  on  limestone.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Erzgebirge,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees. 

Bellidiastrum  Michelii  Cass.     (Plate  XXI.) 

Stem  erect,  leafless,  simple,  ending  in  a  single  capitulum,  shaggy 
or  covered  with  short,  soft  hairs,  like  the  leaves.  Leaves  all  radical, 



.5.   SAMI'.UCUS    RACKMOSUS.  4.   SORBl'S    ARIA. 


4/7    XA'IL'K'AI.    S1ZK. 


lanceolate-obovate,  narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk,  coarsely  serrate, 
obtuse,  dull  green.  Capitulum  rather  large.  Resembles  a  large 
daisy,  but  distinguished  by  the  hairy  pappus.  The  figure  is  of  a 
robust  specimen. 

Damp,  shady  places,  and  clearings  of  woods  from  the  sub-alpine 
region  upwards  to  6500  feet,  especially  on  limestone.  May  to 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  Black  Forest,  Var. 


Capitula  radiate.  Disk  yellow.  Ray  violet  or  mauve.  Involucral 
bracts  in  many  rows.  Receptacle  flat,  pitted.  Ray-flowers  in 
several  rows,  ligulate.  Disk-flowers  bi-sexual.  Pappus  of  many 
rows  of  hairs,  persistent. 

Erigeron  acris  L. 

An  erect  annual  or  biennial,  6-12  inches  high,  slightly  branched, 
and  covered  with  short  hairs.  Leaves  linear  or  lanceolate,  entire, 
the  radical  ones  stalked.  Flower-heads  rather  small,  solitary  on  the 
upper  branches,  and  forming  a  loose  panicle.  Florets  numerous, 
filiform,  and  short,  the  outer  rows  pale  purple  ;  the  tubular  florets 
very  few,  pale  yellow. 

Pastures,  stony  and  waste  places  from  the  plains  to  the  lower 
mountains  ;  common.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — All  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  Siberia,  N.  America. 

Erigeron  canadensis  L. 

This  ubiquitous  annual  weed  is  frequently  seen  in  sub-alpine 
districts  and  even  on  the  lower  glacier  moraines.  A  native  of  N. 
America  it  has  now  established  itself  in  almost  all  temperate  and  hot 
countries.  It  is  usually  taller  than  the  last  and  glabrous  except  for 
a  few  spreading  hairs.  The  leaves  are  narrow,  entire,  or  slightly 
toothed.  Flower-heads  extremely  small,  whitish  green,  very 
numerous,  and  forming  a  long,  leafy  panicle.  Florets  minute,  the 
outer  ones  filiform  and  slightly  tinged  with  red. 

Erigeron  Villarsii  Bell.  (E.  atticus  Vill.). 

A  robust  Alpine  species,  10-12  inches  high,  with  erect,  branched 
stem,  glandular-pubescent  above.  Leaves  lanceolate,  entire, 
clasping  the  stem,  the  root-leaves  oblong-lanceolate,  all  hairy. 
Involucre  glandular-hispid,  the  bracts  often  reddish.  Flower- 
heads  large  and  handsome,  solitary.  Ray-florets  rose  or  bright 
purple  ;  central  florets  yellow  and  tubular. 

Moraines,  grassy  mountain  sides,  etc.  ;  local.    July  to  September. 

Distribution, — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Transylvania, 


Quite  local  in  Switzerland  and  more  frequent  in  the  French  and 
Italian  Alps. 

Erigeron  alpinus  L. 

This  is  a  smaller  plant  than  the  last  and  less  brightly  coloured. 
It  is  very  polymorphic.  Though  usually  a  very  high  Alpine, 
occasionally  it  descends  to  the  sub- Alps. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Carpathians,  Arctic  Europe, 
Siberia.  British. 


Tall  leafy  perennials,  with  numerous  small  yellow  flowers. 
Receptacle  without  scales.  Outer  florets  few,  ligulate  ;  inner  ones 
tubular.  Achenes  cylindrical,  with  a  pappus  of  many  simple  hairs. 

A  large  N.  American  genus  with  a  very  few  European  species. 

Solidago  Virga-aurea  L.     Golden-rod.     (Plate  XL) 

Stems  erect,  leafy,  6  inches  to  2  feet  high,  nearly  glabrous.  Root- 
leaves  obovate  and  stalked  ;  stem  -  leaves  lanceolate,  toothed. 
Flowers  in  a  crowded  terminal  panicle,  bright  yellow  ;  each  flower- 
head  with  a  spreading  ray  of  about  10  florets.  Alpine  forms  are 
sometimes  very  short. 

Woods  and  rocky  places,  especially  in  the  mountains.  July  to 

Distribution. — Europe,  including  British  Isles,  Central  and 
Northern  Asia  ;  N.  America  to  the  Arctic  regions. 


Buphthalmum  salicifolium  L. 

Stem  i  j-2  feet  high,  branched  at  the  top,  and  bearing  several 
large  yellow  capitula  about  2  inches  across,  with  narrow,  spreading 
ray  flowers.  Leaves  lanceolate,  undivided  ;  upper  leaves  narrowed 
at  the  apex,  acute,  denticulate.  Ray-florets  ligulate.  Receptacle 
paleaceous.  Pappus-hairs  short,  rough. 

Dry,  bushy  places  in  the  plains  and  sub-alpine  situations,  as, 
e:g.  the  banks  of  the  Lake  of  Lucerne,  but  ascending  to  about 
6000  feet.  Prefers  a  limestone  soil,  and  is  very  suitable  for  cultiva- 
tion and  for  gathering.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe.  In  France  it  extends  from  the 
Mediterranean  to  Savoy. 


Flowers  often  unisexual  and  sometimes  dioecious.  Capitula  small, 
usually  in  fascicled  corymbs  or  cymes.  Involucral  leaves  soft, 
adpressed,  as  long  as  the  flowers.  Receptacle  flat,  naked.  Ray- 
flowers  very  slender,  in  one  or  more  rows.  Disk-flowers  bisexual. 
Pappus-hairs  in  I  row,  slender. 


Gnaphalium  norvegicum  Gunner. 

Perhaps  a  sub-species  of  G.  sylvaticum  L.  Stem  simple,  erect, 
6-12  inches  high,  very  leafy.  Leaves  lanceolate,  densely  tomentose, 
especially  beneath,  3-nerved,  lengthened  into  a  petiole ;  stem- 
leaves  half  as  long  as  the  lower  leaves.  Involucral  bracts  dark 
brown.  Capitula  in  simple  compact  spikes. 

Alpine  pastures  and  woods  between  4000  and  7800  feet.  July, 

Distribution. — Alps,  Vosges,  Auvergne,  Pyrenees,  Scandinavia, 

Gnaphalium  sylvaticum  L.     (Plate  IV.) 

Stock  tufted,  with  stalked,  lanceolate  leaves.  Stems  nearly 
simple,  3-10  inches  high,  erect,  cottony,  and  leafy.  Leaves  linear, 
cottony.  Flower-heads  small,  ovoid  or  cylindrical,  in  little  clusters 
in  the  axils  of  the  leaves,  forming  a  long,  leafy  spike.  Involucres 
with  brown,  shining  bracts. 

Open  woods,  moors,  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps. 
July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  and  all  round  the 
Arctic  Circle.  British. 

ANTENNARIA  Gaertner. 
Antennaria  dioica  Gaertn.  (Gnaphalium  dioicum  L.).     (Plate  XIII.) 

Similar  to  A.  carpatica,  but  whiter,  with  creeping  stolons  and 
oboval,  spathulate  leaves  ;  the  upper  ones  only  are  lanceolate.  The 
capitula  are  white,  broad,  obtuse,  and  spreading  in  the  male,  and 
red  and  acuminate  in  the  female.  Stems  2-8  inches  high,  leafy. 

Mountain  pastures  and  rocks  in  Central,  Southern,  and  Arctic 
Europe,  descending  occasionally  to  nearly  sea-level  in  the  British 
Isles,  and  attaining  9400  feet  in  the  Alps.  Also  found  in  Russian 
Asia  and  North  America. 

A  useful  creeping  plant  for  covering  rocks  and  stones  ;  it  likes 
plenty  of  limestone. 

ARTEMISIA  L.    Wormwood. 

Capitula  small,  few-flowered  in  racemes  or  panicles.  Involucral 
bracts  in  few  rows,  margins  scarious.  Receptacle  very  narrow. 
Flowers  all  tubular,  outer  female,  inner  male  or  perfect.  No 
pappus.  Bitter  or  aromatic  herbs,  often  somewhat  shrubby. 

A  numerous  genus  extending  over  nearly  the  whole  of  the  northern 
hemisphere  from  the  Arctic  regions  to  the  borders  of  the  tropics. 
Several  are  high  Alpine  species,  and  known  collectively  as  Genippi 
in  France  and  Switzerland.  They  do  not  descend  to  the  sub-Alps, 
but  sometimes  in  that  zone  we  find  A.  vulgaris,  A.  Absinthium,  and 
A,  campestris  from  the  plains  and  also  ; 


Artemisia  incanescens  Jord. 

Plant  i-2j  feet  high,  smelling  like  terebinth,  covered  with 
white  tomentum,  especially  in  the  upper  portion,  the  stem  being 
almost  glabrous  below.  Leaves  white-felted  on  both  sides,  not 
spotted,  divisions  of  leaflets  linear.  Flowering  heads  shortly  stalked 
and  forming  a  long,  loose  panicle. 

Dry,  hot,  and  stony  places  in  the  mountains  up  to  about  5000 
feet,  as  near  La  Grave  in  Dauphine"  ;  local.  September. 

Distribution. — Departments  of  Hautes-Alpes,  Basses-Alpes,  and 
the  Var  in  France ;  Spain,  Italy. 


Leaves  alternate,  much  divided  or  rarely  simple  Flower-heads 
small,  in  a  terminal  corymb  with  white  or  pink  rays  and  a  yellow 
disk.  Involucres  ovoid  or  hemispherical,  the  bracts  imbricated, 
slightly  scarious  at  the  edges.  Receptacle  small,  not  convex. 
Achenes  without  any  pappus. 

A  considerable  European  and  West  Asiatic  genus. 

Achillea  Clavena  L. 

Stem  erect,  3-8  inches  high,  leafy,  and,  like  the  leaves,  covered 
with  a  grey  felt  of  silky  hairs,  bearing  at  the  summit  a  cluster  of 
capitula  in  a  corymbose  cyme.  Leaves  obovate-lanceolate  or  wedge- 
shaped,  simply  pinnatifid,  with  linear  teeth.  Ray-flowers  6-8,  as 
long  as  the  involucre,  or  longer.  Capitula  large ;  involucral  bracts 
with  a  black  margin  ;  ray  white  ;  disk  greenish  yellow. 

On  rocks  and  debris  of  the  calcareous  Alps  ;   5000-7000  feet. 

Common  (in  the  Eastern  Alps)  and  sometimes  descending  the 

Distribution. — Eastern  and  Central  Alps.  In  Switzerland  only 
on  Monte  Generoso. 

Achillea  Ptarmica  L.    Sneezewort. 

Stems  i—2  feet  high,  erect,  glabrous,  branched  only  at  the  top. 
Leaves  broadly  linear,  regularly  serrate.  Flower-heads  few,  in  a 
loose  terminal  corymb.  Involucres  hemispherical,  rather  cottony, 
larger  than  in  the  Milfoil.  Ray-florets  from  10-15,  short,  broad, 
white  ;  disk-florets  numerous,  interspersed  with  linear  scales. 

Damp,  hilly  pastures,  becoming  a  mountain  plant  in  Southern 
Europe,  where,  e.g.  on  the  Col  des  Montets  on  the  Franco-Swiss 
frontier  it  ascends  to  5000  feet.  August,  September. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe,  except  the  Mediterranean  region, 
Russian  Asia.  Britain. 

Achillea  Millefolium  L.    Milfoil  or  Yarrow. 

Leaves  rather  villous,  especially  on  the  back,  or  sometimes 
glabrous.  Lobes  linear-lanceolate,  Flowers  white  or  often  pink, 


4/7    NATURAL    SIZE. 





especially  in  the  mountains.  Very  variable  and  with  one  or  two 
named  varieties.  The  writer  has  seen  this  well-known  plant  above 
8000  feet  in  the  French  Alps. 

Roadsides  and  grassy  places.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia  to  the  Arctic  Circle, 
North  America.  British. 

A.  setacea  W.  et  K.  is  an  Alpine  variety  with  smaller,  dirty 
white  flowers  and  setaceous  leaf- segments.  (Dry  hills.) 

Achillea  tanacetifolia  All.     (A  stricta  Schleicher.) 

A  stout  plant  i-2j  feet  high,  with  pubescent  stems  and  leaves. 
Stem-leaves  sessile,  auricled  at  the  base,  oblong-lanceolate,  bi- 
pinnate,  with  very  numerous  segments,  which  are  linear,  mucronate. 
Capitula  glabrous  and  often  nodding.  Closely  allied  to  the  Milfoil 
and  to  A.  dentifera  DC.,  which  grows  in  the  Western  Alps  of  France 
and  Italy. 

Pastures  and  woods  in  the  mountains ;  scarce.    July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps,  Switzerland,  Italy,  Carniola. 

Achillea  macrophylla  L.     (Plate  VI.) 

Stem  2-3  feet  high,  erect,  terete,  leafy.  Leaves  pinnatifid,  large, 
deeply  and  much  divided  ;  the  lower  leaves  ovate-triangular  in 
outline,  pinnatipartite,  with  3-7  segments,  the  inferior  segments 
being  distinct,  the  upper  confluent,  sharply  toothed  ;  uppermost 
leaves  narrow,  lanceolate,  not  divided,  but  sharply  toothed. 
Corymbs  very  compound.  Flowers  white,  small. 

Woods  and  shady  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps  ;  3000-6800 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;    local. 

A  useful  subject  for  planting  in  the  shade  of  trees  at  the  back 
of  a  rockery,  for  the  foliage  is  rather  handsome. 


Capitula  solitary,  often  large.  Ray-florets  ligulate,  white  or 
yellow  ;  disk-florets  tubular,  perfect,  yellow.  Receptacle  flat  or 
convex,  naked.  Involucral  bracts  imbricate,  with  scarious  margins. 
Fruit  of  ray-flowers  ribbed  or  winged,  of  disk-flowers  compressed. 
Leaves  toothed  or  cut.  A  genus  sometimes  divided  into  several 
small  genera. 

Chrysanthemum  Leucanthemum  L.  Ox-eye  Daisy.  (Plate  XXI.) 
Stems  erect,  simple,  or  slightly  branched  above.  Root-leaves 
oboyate  and  coarsely  toothed,  on  long  stalks  ;  stem-leaves  narrow, 
sessile,  with  fewer  teeth.  Flower-heads  solitary,  very  large, 
especially  in  the  Alps,  on  long,  terminal  peduncles.  Involucral 
bracts  bordered  with  a  brown,  scaly  edge. 


Pastures,  banks,  and  mountain  slopes  from  the  plains  up  to 
7000  and  rarely  8000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Russian  Asia.    Britain. 
Chrysanthemum  alpinum  L.    (Plate  XXI.) 

The  figure  depicts  a  rather  small-flowered  specimen.  Stem 
2-6  inches  high,  with  a  single  capitulum.  Leaves  mostly  radical, 
stalked,  spathulate,  pinnatifid,  with  5-7  segments,  toothed,  the 
uppermost  linear,  entire.  Flower-heads  about  I J  inch  across,  white, 
disk  yellow. 

Pastures  and  debris  on  the  Alps,  particularly  on  siliceous  rocks. 
July,  August ;  5000-12,000  feet. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Pyrenees,  Transylvania. 

Easily  grown  in  a  well-drained,  southerly  position,  in  a  compost 
of  sand  and  loam.  It  should  be  top-dressed  each  spring. 


Root-leaves  stalked  or  o  ;  stem-leaves  amplexicaul.  Capitula 
solitary  or  in  corymbs,  rayed.  Ray-flowers  ligulate,  usually 
female ;  disk-flowers  with  free  branches  of  style ;  receptacle 
conicle.  Fruit  furrowed.  Pappus-hairs  rigid. 

The  nomenclature  of  the  Alpine  species  of  Doronicum  (or  Aroni- 
cum)  appears  much  confused. 

Doronicum  Pardalianches  L.    Leopard's-bane. 

Root-stock  often  woolly  at  the  crown.  Root-leaves  broadly 
ovate  and  deeply  cordate  at  the  base.  Stem  about  2  feet  high,  with 
few  ovate-lanceolate  leaves,  the  lower  ones  broader,  stalked 
and  embracing  the  stem  in  a  broadly  dilated  base.  Flower-heads 
2-5  on  long  peduncles  ;  handsome.  Yellow  ray-Horets  numerous 
and  narrow. 

Woods  and  mountain  pastures.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Rare  in  Switzerland.  Jura,  Vosges,  Cevennes, 
Pyrenees,  Central  and  Northern  France,  Spain,  Italy,  Central 
Europe.  British. 

Doronicum  cordifolium  Sternb.    (D.  cor  datum  Schultz.) 

Stem  ij-2j  feet  high,  erect,  more  or  less  covered  with  soft 
hairs  or  nearly  glabrous.  Stem-leaves  wavy  at  the  margins  or 
toothed,  sessile,  lanceolate,  acute,  lower  leaves  cordate-ovate, 
stalked,  sharply-toothed,  the  cymes  formed  at  the  cordate  base 
broad  and  open.  Flowers  yellow.  Capitula  handsome,  2  inches 

Mountain  woods  and  shady  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  situations  ; 
3000-6500  feet ;  local.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps  (not  in  Switzerland), 
Sudetic  Mountains, 


Doronicum  Clusii  Tausch  (Aronicum  Doronicum  Jacq.). 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  hollow,  covered  with  rough  hairs  like 
the  leaves,  simple,  leafy.  Leaves  lanceolate  ;j  root-leaves  often 
ovate,  entire,  or  coarsely  dentate,  or  with  a  wavy  margin ;  lower 
stem-leaves  stalked,  upper  ones  sessile,  with  a  narrowed  or  rarely  a 
rounded  base.  Capitulum  solitary,  large,  and  handsome,  bright 

Among  boulders  and  on  stony  pastures  and  on  debris  of  the  Alps 
(avoiding  limestone)  ;  5000-7600  feet.  July,  August. 

More  strictly  Alpine,  a  description  of  this  species  is  given  because 
it  is  often  confused  with  other  plants,  and  by  novices  even  with 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Spanish  Pyrenees.  Not  in  the  Jura. 

Arnica  montana  L.    (Plate  XX.) 

Stem  erect,  i-i J  feet  high,  glandular  villous,  bearing  1-3  capitula, 
and  i  or  2  pairs  of  small  leaves,  naked  above.  Leaves  entire,  oval- 
lanceolate  or  oblong-lanceolate,  glabrescent,  narrowed  into  a  short 
foot-stalk,  and  forming  a  rosette ;  stem-leaves  opposite,  lanceolate, 
sessile,  much  smaller.  Flowers  bright  orange-yellow.  Capitula 
2-2J  inches  in  diameter,  though  frequently  not  perfect.  A  well- 
known,  bitter,  medicinal  plant. 

Alpine  and  sub- Alpine  pastures  and  clearings  in  woods  ;  3400- 
8000  feet.  Especially  on  granitic  or  siliceous  soil,  where  it  is  some- 
times very  numerous.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Erzgebirge,  Black  Forest,  Vosges,  rare  in  the  Jura,  Cevennes, 
Pyrenees,  and  the  greater  part  of  Europe  as  far  north  as  Sweden, 
N.  Asia. 

Easily  grown  in  deep  soil — a  mixture  of  loam  and  peat  or  leaf- 
mould  is  best.  Increased  by  seed  or  by  division. 


Leaves  alternate,  toothed  or  divided,  rarely  entire.  Flower-heads 
in  terminal  corymbs.  Disk-florets  yellow,  and  tubular  ray-florets 
yellow,  blue,  purple,  or  white,  spreading.  Involucre  cylindrical 
or  nearly  hemispherical,  with  i  or  2  rows  of  linear  bracts,  often 
tipped  with  brown.  Receptacle  without  scales.  Achenes  cylin- 
drical, with  a  pappus  of  simple  hairs,  usually  soft  and  white. 

One  of  the  largest  genera,  if  not  the  largest,  in  existence,  and 
spread  over  the  whole  globe,  though  most  of  the  species  are  con- 
fined to  a  small  area  only.  Several  species  which  have  not  *  the 
small  outer  bracts  to  the  involucre  were  distinguished  by  Linnaeus 


under  the  name  of  Cineraria,  but  the  character  has  proved  so 
uncertain  that  modern  botanists  have  given  it  up. 

Senecio  sylvaticus  L.    Wood  Groundsel.     (Plate  XI.) 

An  annual,  much  resembling  the  common  Groundsel,  but  a 
taller  plant,  often  2  feet  high,  slightly  downy,  or  nearly  glabrous, 
and  not  so  viscid  nor  so  strong-smelling  as  S.  viscosus,  which  also 
grows  in  sandy  or  stony  places  in  the  Swiss  mountains.  Flower- 
heads  rather  numerous,  in  a  loose  corymb.  Involucral  bracts  12-15, 
the  outer  ones  very  small.  Outer  florets  usually  ligulate,  but 
small  and  rolled  back  as  in  the  Viscous  Senecio,  and  sometimes 
quite  absent  as  in  the  Groundsel.  Achenes  covered  with  minute, 
adpressed  hairs. 

Waste  places,  banks,  borders  of  woods,  and  in  Switzerland, 
especially  in  the  clearings  of  pine-woods.  June  to  October.  The 
plant  illustrated  came  from  Chamonix. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe  from  Scandinavia  to  the  Mediter- 
ranean. Britain.  Siberia. 

Senecio  Doronicum  L.    (Plate  XX.) 

Polymorphic.  In  high  situations  generally  covered  with  a  grey 
felt,  but  becoming  glabrescent  sometimes  in  shadier  places  in 
lower  altitudes  (see  notes  by  R,  Farrer,  W.  Irving,  and  the  author 
in  Gard.  Chron.,  1910,  p.  56). 

Leaves  thick,  often  cottony  below,  entire  or  toothed  ;  lower 
leaves  oblong,  obtuse,  prolonged  below  into  a  petiole ;  the  next 
sessile,  lanceolate,  semi-amplexicaul.  Ray-flowers  10-20,  orange- 
yellow.  Outer  involucre  with  10  or  more  bracts. 

Rocky  place  and  pastures>  especially  on  calcareous  mountains ; 
5000-8800  feet,  frequent.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Pyrenees, 
Spain,  S.  Jura,  Central  Europe,  N.W.  Balkans. 

Senecio  abrotanifolius  L. 

Stem  shrubby  at  the  base,  annual  shoots  3-12  inches  long, 
glabrous  or  slightly  downy  like  the  leaves,  corymbosely  branched 
above,  with  2  or  more  capitula,  less  often  with  a  single  capitulum. 
Lower  leaves  bi-pinnate,  stalked,  dark  green,  shining,  finely  and 
deeply  divided ;  upper  leaves  simply  pinnate,  sessile.  Teeth 
narrowly  linear,  acute.  Paleae  about  half  length  of  involucral 
bracts.  Ray-flowers  spreading.  Capitula  large,  orange-yellow. 

On  rocks,  between  stones,  and  on  debris  of  the  calcareous  Alps ; 
4000-5500  feet.  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps,  and  Switzerland, 
but  only  in  Tessin,  Grisons,  Appenzell  and  Zermatt  valley. 

Senecio  subalpinus  Koch. 

Glabrous.    Stem  1-2  feet  high,  with  large  leaves,  somewhat  woolly 

4/7    NATURAL    SIZE. 






beneath,  and  golden  yellow  flowers.  Lower  leaves  triangular, 
sagittate  or  cordate,  longer  than  broad,  coarsely  toothed,  stalked ; 
upper  leaves  lyrate-pinnatifid  or  pinnate,  auricled.  Achenes 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  and  Eastern  Alps. 

Senecio  alpinus  Scop.  (S.  cordifolius  Clairv.).     S.  cordatus  Koch. 

Stems  1-2  feet  high.  Leaves  undivided,  cordate-ovate,  serrate, 
longer  than  broad,  unequally  dentate,  lowermost  webbed ;  leaf- 
stalk auricled  at  the  base,  often  with  triangular  appendages. 
Several  medium-sized  capitula.  Flowers  yellow. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  especially  near  chalets  and 
borders  of  woods  ;  4300-6500  feet.  July,  August.  Very  local. 

Distribution. — Alps  of  Central  Europe,  Haute  Savoie,  Switzer- 
land, Italy;  Vosges. 

Senecio  Fuchsii  Gmelin.    (Plate  XIX.) 

A  tall  plant,  3-4  feet  high,  with  oblong-lanceolate,  toothed  leaves, 
attenuated  and  sometimes  sub-petioled  at  the  base,  but  never 
amplexicaul.  Stem-leaves  lanceolate-acuminate.  Numerous  capi- 
tula in  a  large,  loose  corymb.  Ligules  3-5  in  number,  yellow,  one 
being  longer  than  the  rest. 

Mountain  gorges  and  woods,  especially  in  the  sub-alpine  regions. 
July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Alps,  Switzerland,  Jura,  and 
many  districts  in  Central  Europe. 

We  have  seen  this  plant  at  elevations  of  from  6000  to  7000  feet 
above  La  Grave  in  Dauphiny,  and  on  the  Joch  and  Surenen  Passes 
in  Switzerland,  and  it  is  very  abundant  in  the  picturesque  Gorge 
of  Trient  which  skirts  the  Tete  Noir. 

Senecio  nemorensis  L.  (S.  Jacquinianus  Reichb.). 

Very  similar  to  the  last,  but  the  leaves  are  rather  broader  and  it 
flowers  earlier.  Leaves  with  short  hairs  on  the  under  side,  semi- 
amplexicaul ;  upper  and  middle  stem-leaves  suddenly  narrowed 
into  a  broadly- winged  leaf -stalk.  Involucre  campanulate-cylindrical. 
Pappus  as  long  as  the  fruit. 

Bushy  places  among  boulders  and  damp  gorges,  especially 
in  Alpine  valleys  and  in  the  Jura.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Vosges, 
Germany,  Central  Europe. 

S.  aurantiacus  DC.  (Cineraria  aurantiaca  Hoppe). 

Stem  6-1 8  inches  high.  Lower  leaves  ovate  or  lanceolate,  nearly 
glabrous,  grass-green  or  greyish,  flocculent,  most  of  them  narrowed 
into  a  short,  broad  leaf-stalk.  Capitulum  about  an  inch  in  dia- 


meter.     Flowers  orange-red  or  rarely  yellow.     Involucral  bracts 
tinged  with  purple  entirely  or  only  at  the  tip,  woolly  at  the  base. 
Alpine  and  sub -alpine  meadows  and  pastures;    local.     June, 

Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps.  In  Switzerland  on  some  of  the  southern  calcareous  Alps. 

5.  alpestris  DC.  (Cineraria  alpestris  Hoppe). 

Stem  erect,  10-18  inches  high,  umbellate  at  the  summit,  with 
3  or  more  capitula,  covered  like  the  leaves  with  long  wool  and 
short,  thickish  hairs.  Leaves  entire,  wavy  or  toothed,  ovate,  run- 
ning into  the  leaf-stalk,  obtuse  ;  upper  leaves  linear-lanceolate, 
sessile,  acute.  Peduncles  of  the  capitula  naked.  Outer  ligulate 
flowers  radiate,  yellow,  but  often  wanting.  Ovary  and  achenes 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  and  meadows  ;  frequent.    June, 


Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps. 

S.  campestris  DC.,  5.  integrifolius  Clairv.  (Cineraria  campestrisRetz). 

Stem  erect,  simple,  6  inches  to  2  feet  high.  Root-leaves  stalked, 
oblong  or  ovate ;  stem-leaves  longer  and  narrower,  all  entire  or 
slightly  crenate,  covered  with  a  loose,  cottony  wool  on  the  under 
side,  like  the  stems.  Flower-heads  few,  in  a  small  terminal  umbel, 
the  peduncles  starting  from  nearly  the  same  point.  Achenes 
downy.  Flowers  pale  yellow. 

Dry  pastures  and  meadows,  especially  on  limestone  mountains 
such  as  those  of  the  Jura  ;  very  local.  July. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Maritime  Alps,  Southern  Jura  of  Vaud 
only  in  Switzerland,  Prussia,  Central  and  Eastern  Europe ;  rare 
in  England. 

S.  spathulifolius  DC.  (Cineraria  spathulifolia  Gmel.). 

A  taller,  cottony  plant.  Stem  erect,  simple,  hollow,  more  or  less 
covered  with  cottony  wool  like  the  leaves.  Root-leaves  oval, 
almost  truncate  at  the  base,  or  sometimes  suddenly  contracted 
into  a  broad- winged  petiole;  stem-leaves  narrowed  into  a  broad 
clasping  petiole,  upper  ones  lanceolate,  sessile,  and  smaller.  Achenes 
brownish,  hispid  with  snow-white  pappus. 

This  species  closely  resembles  the  last,  but  it  grows  in  marshy 
places  and  mountain  bogs.  June. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  widely  spread  but  rather  rare, 
and  it  is  commoner  in  the  central  Jura  district.1 

1  Godet,  Flore  dujura  (1853),  p.  362. 


4  7 


=  .    lAVTLA    Ll'TKA. 



Ray-flowers,  female  or  neuter,  in  one  row.  Capitula  solitary  or 
in  corymbs.  Receptacle  flat.  Involucral  bracts  in  several  rows. 

Inula  montana,  L. 

About  a  foot  high,  and  resembling  /.  britannica,  but  with  only 
one  terminal  capitulum,  and  leaves  almost  linear,  not  amplexicaul. 
The  involucre  is  imbricate,  and  the  fruit  twice  as  large  as  in  that 
species.  Lower  leaves  oblong-lanceolate,  longly  petioled,  and 
whole  plant  covered  with  whitish  hairs.  Capitulum  large  and 
handsome.  Flowers  bright  yellow,  the  linear  ligules  being  much 
longer  than  the  involucral  bracts,  which  are  very  unequal. 

Dry,  arid  places  on  limestone  in  the  Western  Alps,  Eastern 
Pyrenees,  Spain,  and  Piedmont.  Formerly  near  Martigny,  but 
now  not  nearer  Switzerland  than  the  Aosta  Valley.  June,  July. 

CIRSIUM.     Thistle. 

Involucre  ovoid  or  globose.  Involucral  bracts  narrow,  stiff, 
acuminate  or  spiny.  Receptacle  pitted,  bristly.  Flowers  all 
tubular.  Branches  of  style  united  into  a  tube  with  a  ring  of  hairs 
at  the  base.  Pappus  feathery.  Erect  herbs  with  spiny  leaves. 

Cirsium  eriophorum  Scop. 

A  very  stout,  handsome  thistle,  3  feet  high  or  more,  with  large 
and  globular  flower-heads  in  clusters  of  2  or  3  at  the  ends  of  the 
branches.  Leaves  green  and  hairy  above,  white  and  cottony 
beneath,  deeply  pinnate,  with  narrow  lobes  ending  in  very  sharp, 
stout  prickles.  Involucres  covered  with  cottony  wool,  the  numerous 
bracts  ending  in  a  narrow  prickle.  Corolla  purple,  rarely  white. 

Waste  places  and  mountain  pastures.    June  to  August. 

It  ascends  to  about  5000  feet  in  the  Alps,  as,  for  example,  about 
the  village  of  Tour  below  the  Col  de  Balme,  where  it  is  a  handsome 
feature  in  the  landscape. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  as  far  as  the 
Caucasus.  Southern  Britain. 

Cirsium  acaule  Scop.    Dwarf  Thistle. 

Stemless,  or  with  very  short  stem  (var.  caulescens  Gremli). 

A  thick,  woody  stock  bearing  a  tuft  of  spreading,  prickly,  pin- 
natifid,  glabrous  leaves,  from  the  centre  of  which  rises  one,  rarely 
more,  flower-heads.  Involucre  ovoid,  not  cottony,  with  numerous 
lanceolate,  rather  obtuse  bracts.  Florets  purple. 

Dry  mountain  pastures,  especially  on  limestone,  and  extending 
to  a  height  of  6800  feet. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps.  Temperate 
Europe  and  Northern  Asia,  extending  to  Southern  Scandinavia. 


Cirsium  oleraceum  Scop. 

An  erect,  light  green  glabrous  thistle,  from  2  to  3  feet  high. 
-Stems  sometimes  slightly  branched,  and  leafy  at  the  top.  Leaves 
soft,  embracing  the  stem  with  rounded  lobes,  pinnatifid,  more  or 
less  lyrate,  with  large  segments  edged  with  cilia,  not  spiny  ;  the 
upper  leaves  undivided.  Involucral  leaves  linear-lanceolate, 
ending  in  a  short,  soft  spine.  Flower-heads  large,  few,  of  a  dirty 
green,  close  together  and  with  yellowish  floral  leaves  extending 
beyond  them. 

Damp  meadows  and  river-sides  from  the  plains  to  about  4000 
feet ;  common.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  extending  as  far 
north  as  Paris  and  Normandy. 

Cirsium  spinosissimum  Scop. 

This  very  spiny  species,  with  conspicuous  greenish  white  in- 
volucral  bracts,  densely  leafy  stem,  and  dull  yellow  flowers, 
sometimes  descends  to  the  sub- Alps,  but  it  more  frequently^  is 
truly  Alpine  (up  to  9000  feet  in  Dauphiny),  and  frequently  large 
areas  of  damp  mountain-sides  are  covered  with  it,  as,  e.g.  by  the 
Lognan  Inn,  above  Argentiere.  It  was  figured  and  described  in 
Alpine  Plants  of  Europe,  p.  164.  Flowers,  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura. 
Cirsium  heterophyllum  Hill. 

Not  prickly.  Stems  2—3  feet  high,  with  a  little  cottony  wool, 
and  furrowed.  Leaves  clasping  the  stem,  lanceolate,  green  and 
glabrous  above,  white  and  cottony  beneath,  edged  with  small 
bristly  teeth  ;  root-leaves  sometimes  lobed.  Flower-heads  single 
on  long,  rather  stout  peduncles.  Involucral  bracts  glabrous, 
lanceolate,  often  purplish. 

Mountain  pastures  in  the  sub- Alps.  June  to  August.  Rather 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Central  Europe  and  Asia,  and  hills 
of  Northern  Europe,  including  Britain. 

CARDUUS  L.    Thistle. 

Differs  from  Cirsium  in  the  threads  of  the  pappus  being  glabrous 
and  never  plumose  or  feathery. 

Carduus  personatus  Jacq. 

Stem  2-3  feet  high,  erect,  branched  at  the  top,  cottony,  winged 
and  spiny.  Leaves  soft,  whitish  beneath,  toothed,  with  spiny 
cilia,  lanceolate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  decurrent ;  stem-leaves 
lyrate  pinnatifid.  Flower-heads  sessile  in  a  small,  close  bunch. 
Involucre  globular,  glabrous,  the  bracts  being  pointed  and  mucro- 
nate.  Flowers  purple. 


Damp  mountain  woods  and  pastures  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps, 
and  occasionally  lower.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe,  Switzerland,  Jura,  Vosges,  Au- 
vergne,  Dauphiny,  Savoy,  Maritime  Alps. 

Carduus  defloratus  L. 

Perhaps  the  commonest  Thistle  in  Alpine  districts.  Stem  12-18 
inches  high,  pubescent  and  naked  for  a  long  distance  above,  and 
bearing  a  single  terminal  capitulum.  Leaves  glabrous,  glaucous 
below,  lanceolate-acute,  pinnatifid  and  deeply  lobed,  the  segments 
being  distant,  ciliate-spinous.  Wing  of  leaves  broad  at  base,  and 
these  suddenly  narrowed.  Involucral  bracts  ovate,  tip  of  inner- 
most bracts  thin,  not  spiny.  Fruit  3  times  as  long  as  broad. 
Capitulum  solitary  and  very  longly  peduncled.  Flowers  purple. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  and  pastures  (up  to  8700  feet 
on  the  Col  du  Galibier),  and  in  clearings  of  woods.  July  to  Sep- 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees. 

CARLINA  L.    Carline  Thistle. 

Very  prickly  and  mostly  low  herbs.  Outer  involucral  bracts  very 
prickly,  inner  ones  shining  or  coloured,  long  and  spreading  like 
the  rays  of  a  star.  Chaffy  scales  between  the  florets.  Achenes  silky, 
with  a  feathery  pappus. 

A  small  European  and  Asiatic  genus,  chiefly  distinguished  by 
the  involucral  bracts. 

Carlina  vulgaris  L. 

An  erect  biennial,  6-12  inches  high.  Leaves  toothed  or  pinnatifid, 
very  prickly  ;  the  lower  ones  narrow  and  slightly  cottony,  the 
upper  ones  broader  and  nearly  glabrous.  Flower-heads  hemispheri- 
cal, i-ij  inches  wide,  2-4  in  a  terminal  corymb.  Outer  involucral 
bracts  broadly  lanceolate,  with  small  prickly  teeth  or  lobes  ;  inner 
ones  linear,  entire,  smooth  and  shining,  with  spreading  tips. 

Dry,  hilly  pastures  and  waste  places.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia  ;   British  Isles. 
Carlina  acaulis  L. 

Biennial.  Stem  simple,  very  short  or  wanting,  or  occasionally 
6  inches  high,  in  which  case  it  is  leafy,  bearing  a  single  terminal 
head.  Root-leaves  shortly  petioled,  lanceolate,  pinnatifid,  glabrous 
and  very  spiny,  and  forming  a  large  rosette.  Capitulum  large 
and  handsome,  sometimes  3  or  4  inches  in  diameter  when  expanded. 
Inner  involucral  bracts  linear  and  of  a  beautiful  silver  white, 
brownish  at  the  base. 

Dry  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  (often  abundant),  up  to 
8200  feet.  July,  August. 


Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Pyrenees, 
Jura,  Spain,  Central  Europe  from  Alsace  to  the  Var. 

The  silvery  grey  heads  of  this  handsome  Carline  Thistle  are  very 
decorative,  and  useful  to  adorn  ladies'  hats. 


Involucral  bracts,  imbricate,  scarious,  fringed  or  spiny.  Re- 
ceptacle bristly.  Flowers  all  tubular  ;  outer  ones  usually  larger, 
neuter  ;  inner  ones  perfect.  Fruit  compressed. 

One  of  the  largest  genera,  and  especially  numerous  in  the 
Mediterranean  and  Caucasian  regions,  with  a  few  American  species. 

Centaur ea  montana  L.    (Plate  XXII.) 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  erect  or  ascending,  simple  or  slightly 
branched  above,  very  often  covered  with  cottony  webs  or  wool. 
Leaves  soft,  lanceolate,  acute  or  acuminate,  entire  ;  lower  leaves 
narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk,  slightly  webbed  ;  upper  stem-leaves 
decurrent.  Involucral  bracts  ovate  or  lanceolate,  anastomosely 
veined,  adpressed,  with  a  membranous  margin  at  the  apex,  fringed 
or  serrate.  Pappus  one-third  as  long  as  the  achene.  Ray-flowers 
bluish,  rarely  white  ;  disk-flowers  purple  or  pink. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  and  pastures,  and  margins  of 
woods,  especially  in  stony,  bushy  places  ;  common. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Vosges, 
Erzgebirge,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees. 

Centaur  ea  axillaris  Willd.  (C.  variegata  Lam.). 

Very  similar  to  the  last,  but  with  pinna tifid  lower  leaves  and 
oval  involucral  bracts,  which  have  a  brown  margin  with  cartilagi- 
nous, silver-white  teeth.  Flowers  blue,  rarely  red  or  white. 

Dry  places  and  wood  clearings  up  to  5300  feet ;  local. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  and  Western  Alps.     July,  August. 

Centaurea  uniftora  L.    (Plate  XXII.) 

Stem  8-12  inches  high,  erect,  simple,  and  always  i-headed, 
cottony.  Leaves  white-cottony  on  both  sides,  i-nerved,  oblong- 
lanceolate,  entire  or  obscurely  toothed,  the  lower  leaves  prolonged 
into  a  petiole ;  upper  leaves  sessile.  Involucre  large,  sub-globular. 
Bracts  -dark  brown,  with  the  fringed,  linear-subulate  apex  very 
long  and  completely  turned  back.  Cilia  of  bracts  long  and  plumose. 
Flowers  bright  purple.  Before  they  expand  the  involucral  bracts 
form  a  curious  feathery  ball. 

Alpine  pastures  and  meadows,  5000-8200  feet.   July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Alps  as  far  south  as  the 
Maritime  Alps.  Not  in  Switzerland. 


Pl.ATK    XXII. 





Centaurea  nervosa  Willd. 

Resembling  the  last,  but  more  robust  and  hispid,  and  of  a  grey- 
green  colour.  The  leaves  have  prominent  nerves  on  the  under  side, 
and  are  irregularly  toothed,  the  stem-leaves  being  broader  and 
truncate  or  auricled  at  the  base. 

High  pastures  up  to  7700  feet  or  2350  metres.    July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  local. 

This  occurs  in  Switzerland,  and  is  considered  by  the  modern 
Swiss  botanists  a  sub-species  of  C.  uniflora,  which  does  not  occur 
in  their  country. 

Centaurea  Scabiosa  L. 

Stems  about  2  feet  high,  much  branched  at  the  base.  Leaves 
doubly  pinnatifid  with  more  or  less  lanceolate  lobes,  often  coarsely 
toothed  or  lobed.  Flower-heads  large,  with  purple  florets,  the 
outer  ones  neuter.  Involucral  bracts  broad,  bordered  with  a  black 
adpressed  fringe.  Pappus  of  stiff  hairs  or  bristles,  nearly  as  long 
as  the  achene. 

Pastures  and  roadsides  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.  July, 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia,  but  not  in  the  extreme 
north.  British  Isles. 

Centaurea  Rhaponticum  L.  (Rhaponticum  scariosum  Lamk.). 

A  tall,  robust  and  handsome  plant,  with  erect,  simple  stem  and 
large  leaves  which  are  grey-white  cotton-felted  beneath,  entire  ; 
the  lower  ones  broadly  lanceolate,  subcordate,  petioled,  usually 
toothed  at  the  margin.  Flower-heads  large,  solitary,  terminal. 
Outer  involucral  bracts  broadly  ovate,  scarious,  laciniate  or  strongly 
ciliate  at  the  margins,  slightly*woolly.  Flowers} purple.^ Aj? very 
distinct  plant. 

Rocky  mountain-sides  from  4000-6000  feet ;  scarce.    July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  from  Carniola 
and  Tyrol  to  the  Maritime  Alps. 

In  the  Valais  this  handsome  species  can  be  seen  in  such  places  as 
near  Lac  Champex  and  Bourg  St.  Pierre. 


Aposeris  fcetida  Less. 

Stem  erect,  leafless,  glabrous  like  the  leaves,  bearing  a  single 
capitulum,  pendent  before  flowering.  Leaves  wedge-shaped  in 
outline,  forming  a  sort  of  rosette,  runcinate-pinnatind,  lateral 
segments  nearly  triangular  or  lozenge-shaped,  terminal  segment 
broad,  3-lobed.  Flowers  lemon-yellow,  twice  as  long  as  the  involu- 
cre. Fcetid,  Involucre  green,  herbaceous,  with  an  exterior  in- 


volucre  of  small  scales.     An   herbaceous   plant  not  unlike  the 
dandelion  in  some  respects. 

Moist,  shady  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  situations.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 


Capitula  on  simple  or  dichotomously-branched  leafless  scapes. 
Involucral  bracts  in  several  rows.  Flowers  yellow.  Leaves  radical. 
Fruit  striate  ;  outer  ones  with  very  short  beak  or  none  ;  inner  ones 
with  a  long  beak.  Pappus  of  one  row  of  feathery  hairs,  and  usually 
an  outer  row  of  stiff  bristles. 

Hypochczris  maculata  L.    Spotted  Cat's-ear. 

Stems  8-24  inches  high,  slightly  thickened  beneath  the  capitulum. 
Capitula  1—3  (usually  single),  golden  yellow,  fragrant.  Leaves 
usually  spotted  with  dark  brown,  forming  a  rosette,  oblong  or 
oblong-ovate,  almost  entire  or  sinuate-dentate.  Outer  bracts  of 
involucre  lanceolate,  the  inner  ones  linear-lanceolate,  edged  with 
yellow,  otherwise  blackish,  hairy. 

Sub-alpine  pastures  ;   rare  in  Switzerland.    June,  July. 

In  France,  England,  and  elsewhere  it  grows  in  the  plains. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe.    British. 
Hypocharis  uniflora  Vill. 

Stems  8-18  inches  high,  much  thickened  beneath  the  capitulum, 
which  is  large  and  solitary  and  2  inches  in  diameter.  Stems  erect, 
scape-like,  with  i  or  2  small  leaves,  hairy.  Leaves  mostly  radical, 
lanceolate,  dentate,  hispid.  Flowers  pale  or  bright  yellow.  In- 
volucral bracts  blackish,  hispid  ;  the  outer  ovate,  the  inner  lanceo- 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  and  pastures  up  to  6500  feet. 
July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Riesengebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps. 

TRAGOPOGON  L.     Goafs-beard. 

Capitula  solitary.  Involucral  bracts  in  one  row,  narrow,  usually 
longer  than  the  yellow  or  purple  flowers.  Leaves  entire,  amplexi- 
caul.  Fruit  with  a  long  beak,  Pappus-hairs  in  several  rows,  rigid, 
feathery.  Very  milky  plants.  Flowers  generally  closing  by 

Tragopogon  pratensis  L. 

Involucral  bracts  not  longer  than  the  flowers,  narrow-lanceolate. 
Stem  not  much  thickened  below  the  capitulum.  Leaves  broadened 
at  the  base,  insensibly  narrowed,  linear,  usually  erect.  Flowers 
yellow.  Achenes  long  and  striate,  the  slender  beak  as  long  as  the 
achene.  Hairs  of  pappus  long  and  feathery. 


Meadows  and  rich  pastures  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.  Often 
in  great  abundance  in  mowing  grass. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Western  Asia,  but  not  in  the  extreme 
north.  British. 

Prenanthes  purpurea  L.     (Plate  XIX.) 

A  tall  purple-flowered  woodland  plant.  Stems  much-branched, 
glabrous  like  the  whole  plant.  Capitula  small,  numerous,  few- 
flowered.  Involucral  bracts  in  one  row,  few.  Pappus-hairs  simple. 
Leaves  cordate-amplexicaul,  bluish  green  beneath. 

Mountain  woods,  especially  in  the  Conifer  zone.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 
Corsica,  Vosges,  Cevennes.  Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

The  drawing  shows  merely  one  small  branch,  the  complete  plant 
being  usually  4-5  feet  high. 

LACTUCA  L.     Lettuce. 

Flowers  yellow  or  blue.  Capitula  usually  small,  few-flowered, 
corymbose.  Involucral  bracts  in  several  rows.  Pappus  of  many 
soft  feathery  hairs.  Fruit  beaked. 

Lactuca  perennis  L. 

Capitula  large,  blue,  on  long  stalks.  Involucral  bracts  cordate. 
Stem  very  thick,  10-18  inches  high,  glabrous,  branched.  Leaves 
pinnatifid,  with  narrow  segments  ;  upper  ones  lanceolate. 

Sunny  rocks  and  hillsides  up  to  4500  feet,  especially  on  lime- 
stone ;  local.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

The  four  English  species,  with  yellow  flowers,  are  sometimes  seen 
in  the  lower  hills  of  Switzerland,  viz.  Lactuca  muralis  Fresn.,  leaves 
lyrate-pinnatifid  ;  common  in  woods  and  under  walls.  L.  virosa  L., 
leaves  bristly  beneath  ;  waste  places.  L.  Scariola  L.,  leaves  less 
prickly,  capitula  smaller ;  stony  places.  L.  saligna  L.,  leaves 
scarcely  ever  bristly,  linear,  entire,  arrow-shaped  ;  capitula  sessile, 
crowded ;  flowers  pale  yellow.  Occasional  in  Western  Switzerland. 


Capitula  corymbose.  Involucral  bracts  in  several  rows,  few. 
Flowers  blue.  Fruit  beaked,  with  a  crest  of  bristles.  Pappus-hairs 
soft,  slender,  silvery.  Tall,  robust  herbs. 

Mulgedium  alpinum  Lessing  (Sonchus  alpinus  L.).    (Plate  XXVII.) 

Stem  2-4  feet  high,  purplish,  glandular-hairy  at  the  top,  branched 

and   leafy.      Inflorescence    a    dense   corymb.      Leaves    glabrous, 

except  pi}  the  dorsal  nerve,  lyrate-pinnatifid,   the  last  segment 


broadly  triangular  and  very  large,  amplexicaul  and  acutely 
auricled.  Involucral  bracts  in  several  rows,  few.  Flowers  blue  or 
light  purplish  blue.  Fruit  beaked  with  a  crest  of  bristles.  Pappus- 
hairs  soft,  slender,  silvery. 

Damp,  shady,  bushy  or  rocky  places,  particularly  in  the  Rhodo- 
dendron and  Alder  zone,  as  shown  in  the  picture.  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Jura,  etc.  Central  and  Northern 
Europe  as  far  north  as  Scandinavia  and  the  Scotch  Highlands. 

Mulgedium  Plumieri  DC. 

Stem  2-5  feet  high,  erect,  green,  glabrous,  branched  near  the  top 
into  a  loose  umbellate  cyme.  Leaves  glabrous,  like  the  whole  plant, 
lyrate-pinnatifid,  with  very  deep  segments,  amplexicaul,  with 
broad,  rounded  auricles.  Flowers  blue,  larger  than  in  alpinum. 
Achenes  greyish,  elliptic,  compressed,  with  5  ribs  on  each  face. 
Capitula  few,  shortly  stalked. 

Similar  situations,  but  much  less  common  than  the  last. 

Distribution. — Western  Switzerland,  Vosges,  Black  Forest, 
Western  Alps  (of  Savoy  and  Dauphine),  Cevennes,  Pyrenees. 


Capitula  small,  usually  numerous,  panicled  or  corymbose,  rarely 
solitary.  Involucral  bracts  numerous,  in  several  rows,  with  a  few 
outer  scales.  Receptacle  flat,  naked.  Flowers  yellow,  orange,  or 
rarely  purplish.  Fruit  striated.  Pappus -hairs  in  many  rows, 
simple.  Branched  herbs  with  few-leaved  stems.  A  numerous  genus. 

Crepis  aurea  Cass.     (Plate  XIX.) 

Scape  4-6  inches  high,  erect,  simple,  leafless,  except  for  a  few 
leafy  bracts,  with  a  solitary  terminal  capitulum  ;  or  rarely  divided 
into  2  or  3  branches,  each  ending  in  a  capitulum  ;  pubescent  and 
even  glandular  at  the  summit,  glabrous  below.  Leaves  glabrous, 
but  towards  the  summit  covered,  like  the  involucre,  with  black, 
woolly  but  not  glandular  hairs.  Radical  leaves  in  rosettes,  up  to 
3  inches  long,  ovate-lanceolate,  deeply  dentate  or  pinnatifid,  sessile, 
with  base  narrowed  into  a  leaf-stalk,  persistent.  Stem-leaves  very 
small,  linear,  entire,  or  altogether  wanting.  Style  yellow,  black 
when  dry.  Achenes  with  20  furrows,  narrowed  into  a  beak  towards 
apex.  Pappus  pure  white.  Flowers  orange-red,  darker  on  the 
under  side. 

Abundant  in  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  up  to  9000  feet. 
July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura  ;  Apennines. 

Crepis  incarnata  Tausch. 

Scape  6-12  inches  high,  leafless,  branched  at  the  top  into  a 


corymbose  umbel.  Leaves  all  radical,  soft,  oblanceolate,  obtuse, 
dentate,  hairy.  Bracts  of  the  general  involucre  not  awned  on  either 
side.  Flowers  flesh-coloured,  pink,  or  rarely  white. 

Pastures  and  stony  places  up  to  5600  feet ;  local.     June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps  from  Tyrol  to  Carinthia. 

Crepis  paludosa  Mcench. 

Much  like  a  Hawkweed  (Hieracium)  in  habit.  Stems  erect, 
branched,  1-2  feet  high,  nearly  glabrous  like  the  leaves.  Root-leaves 
ovate,  coarsely  toothed,  with  a  few  small  lobes  along  the  stalk ; 
stem-leaves  oblong  to  lanceolate,  pointed,  toothed,  clasping  the 
stem  by  large,  pointed  auricles.  Flower-heads  rather  large,  yellow, 
8-10  in  a  corymb.  Involucres  hairy,  blackish.  Pappus  dirty  white, 
much  like  that  of  a  Hawkweed,  but  the  achenes  are  contracted  at 
the  top. 

Moist  woods  and  Alpine  meadows.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps.  Vosges, 
Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Central  and  Northern  Europe  (becoming 
a  mountain  plant  in  the  south),  Russia,  Scandinavia,  British  Isles. 

HIERACIUM  L.     Hawkweed. 

Herbs  with  perennial  rootstock,  entire  or  toothed  leaves,  and 
yellow  or  rarely  orange-red  flowers,  either  on  leafless,  radical 
peduncles,  or  in  terminal  corymbs  or  panicles  on  leafy  stems. 
Involucre  more  or  less  imbricated.  Receptacle  without  scales. 
Achenes  angular  or  striated,  not  narrowed  at  the  top  ;  with  a 
pappus  of  simple,  generally  stiff  hairs,  of  a  tawny  white  or  brownish 

A  large  European  and  north  Asiatic  genus,  with  a  few  American 
species,  nearly  allied  to  Crepis,  but  the  achenes  are  not  perceptibly 
contracted  at  the  top,  and  the  hairs  of  the  pappus  are  usually 
stiff er  and  never  so  white.  The  habit  is  also  different.  Many 
species  are  very  variable  and  difficult  to  classify. 

Sub-Genus  PILOSELLA  Fries. 
Hieracium  aurantiacum  L.     (Plate  XIX.) 

Rootstock  with  creeping  underground  stolons  and  putting  up 
barren  tufts  of  leaves  as  well  as  flower-stems.  Stem  erect,  scape- 
like,  very  rough  with  stellate  and  long  simple  hairs,  bearing  from 
1-3  leaves  on  the  lower  part,  and  terminating  in  from  2  to  many 
capitula  arranged  in  a  dense  umbel,  and  rarely  only  one  capitulum. 
Leaves  grass-green,  ovate  or  linear-lanceolate,  entire,  acute  or 
obtuse,  sessile  or  narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk,  more  or  less  rough  with 
long,  simple  but  not  stellate  hairs.  Stalk  of  capitula  and  involucres 
densely  covered  with  stellate  hairs,  black  glandular  bristles,  and 


long  black  hairs.    Flowers  a  beautiful  orange-red,  sometimes  almost 

Rough  Alpine  pastures  and  steep,  bushy  places  up  to  7200  feet. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Erzgebirge,  Black  Forest,  Vosges,  Jura.  Northern  Europe  as  far 
as  Norway.  Sometimes  naturalized  in  Britain  ;  and  frequently 
seen  in  cottage-gardens.  It  seeds  very  freely. 

Hieracium  pilosella  L.     Mouse-ear  Hawkweed. 

A  small  and  variable  species,  with  spreading  tufts  of  root-leaves 
and  creeping,  leafy,  barren  shoots.  Leaves  lanceolate,  entire, 
tapering  at  the  base,  and  often  stalked,  green  above,  hairy,  white 
beneath,  with  short  stellate  hairs.  Peduncles  radical,  with  a  single 
head  of  lemon-coloured  flowers,  sometimes  tinged  with  red  on  the 
outside.  Involucres  more  or  less  covered  with  close,  whitish  down 
and  stiff,  spreading  black  hairs.  Achenes  rather  short. 

Dry  pastures  and  banks  from  the  plains  up  to  8200  feet.  May 
to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia.  Common  in  Britain. 
Very  variable  in  Southern  Europe  and  the  Alps. 

Sub-genus  STENOTHECA  Fries 
Hieracium  staticifolium  Vill.     (Plate  XV.) 

Glaucous  and  glabrous  or  sometimes  somewhat  hairy.  Stem 
simple  or  slightly  branched,  usually  leafless,  with  a  few  bracts  at 
the  top.  Leaves  radical,  linear-lanceolate  or  linear,  entire  or 
slightly  toothed,  attenuated  into  a  foot-stalk,  glabrous  and  glaucous. 
Capitula  1-3,  but  usually  solitary,  large.  Flowers  pale  yellow, 
turning  green  on  being  dried.  Involucral  bracts'  mealy,  linear- 

Moraines  and  sandy  river  beds  and  high  stony  pastures  up  to  8000 
feet.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura, 

Sub-genus  EUHIERACIUM  Torr.  et  Gray. 
Hieracium  glaucum  All.  (H.  porrifolium  Vill.  non  L.). 

Closely  resembling  the  last,  with  which  it  has  sometimes  been 
confused.  Glabrous  and  glaucous.  Stem  erect,  10-18  inches  high, 
leafy,  loosely  paniculate.  Stalk  of  capitula  with  small  scaly  bracts 
above,  and  like  the  involucre,  nearly  glabrous  or  greyish,  with  a  fine 
mealy  down.  Involucral  bracts  obtuse,  adpressed.  Leaves  rather 
thick,  very  narrow,  bluish  green,  linear-lanceolate,  sessile,  entire  or 
slightly  toothed.  Flowers  yellow.  Capitula  usually  solitary. 


Sandy  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  valleys,  among  debris  and  boulders, 
especially  in  river  beds.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 
Hieracium  villosum  Jacq. 

Densely  villous  with  shaggy  hairs.  Stem  erect,  with  several 
leaves,  simple  or  branching  above,  each  bearing  a  large,  handsome 
capitulum,  like  the  involucre  covered  with  stellate  hairs  as  well  as 
simple,  long,  white  hairs,  usually  dark  at  the  base.  Leaves  bluish 
green,  thin,  acute  or  acuminate,  entire  or  slightly  dentate,  villous  or 
rough  on  both  sides,  or  the  lower  leaves  glabrescent.  Root  and 
lower  stem-leaves  lanceolate,  elliptical,  sessile,  or  narrowed  into  a 
foot-stalk ;  upper  stem-leaves  ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  sessile, 
with  a  rounded  or  heart-shaped  amplexicaul  base.  Limb  of  the 
ligulate  flowers  glabrous  or  slightly  hairy  or  ciliated.  Flowers 
bright  yellow.  Involucral  bracts  very  acute,  and  woolly.  A  variable 

Rocks  and  rocky  pastures  of  the  calcareous  Alps  up  to  8500  feet. 
July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 
Erzgebirge,  Jura,  Apennines. 

Hieracium  lanatum  Vill. 

Stem  erect,  about  a  foot  high,  covered  like  the  whole  plant  with 
a  dense,  short,  grey  tomentum,  branched  above,  and  bearing 
several  large  capitula.  Root -leaves  ovate,  acuminate,  entire, 
or  obscurely  sinuate,  stalked ;  stem-leaves  sessile,  lanceolate, 
acuminate,  amplexicaul.  Involucral  bracts  very  woolly,  lanceolate, 
acuminate,  about  as  long  as  the  fruit  with  the  pappus.  Flowers 

Limestone  rocks  and  cliffs ;  3000-6500  feet ;  local.  June  to 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (Valais),  Western  Alps  from  Haute- 
Savoie  to  the  Var  and  Alpes  Maritimes  ;  Piedmont,  Apennines. 

A  very  distinct  plant,  well  worth  cultivating  on  old  walls  and 
limestone  rocks  in  sunny  positions. 

Hieracium  prenanthoides  Vill. 

Stem-leaves  long  and  lanceolate,  and  clasping  the  stem  by 
rounded  auricles,  entire  or  toothed.  Stems  very  leafy,  rather  hairy, 
and  much-branched  at  the  top.  Flower-heads  or  capitula  rather 
small,  on  slender,  glandular  peduncles.  Involucres  sub-cylindrical, 
with  obtuse  bracts  glandular.  Achenes  greyish  white.  Flowers 

Meadows  and  pastures  and  stony  mountain  woods.  Often  quite 
common  in  the  sub- Alps  from  3000-5000  feet.  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Eastern,    Central,    and    Western    Alps,    Eastern 


Pyrenees,  Apennines,  Norway.    Most  of  Europe  (rare  in  Britain), 
Siberia,  Persia. 

Hieracium  intybaceum  All.  (H.  albidum  Vill.).     (Plate  XIX.) 

A  very  distinct  species,  covered  with  viscid,  glandular  hairs  and 
smelling  of  musk.  Stem  6-12  inches  high,  leafy,  usually  branched. 
Leaves  narrowly  lanceolate,  with  wavy  or  coarsely- toothed  margins, 
the  lowermost  narrowed  at  the  base  ;  upper  leaves  sessile,  or  more 
or  less  amplexicaul.  Capitula  solitary  on  each  branch.  Flowers 
pale  yellow,  soon  fading.  Achenes  sometimes  brown  and  some- 
times black. 

Stony  gullies  and  steep  shady  places  at  about  5000  feet,  chiefly 
on  granite  soil,  as  near  Le  Planet  above  Argentiere  and  higher 
towards  the  Col  de  Balme  ;  very  local.  August,  September. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  from  the 
Maritime  Alps  to  Carinthia  ;  Bavaria. 

This  is  a  suitable  Hawkweed  to  introduce  into  English  rockworks, 
and  we  believe  Messrs.  R.  Wallace  and  Co.  of  Colchester  will 
shortly  have  it  established  in  their  nurseries  from  true  seed  from 

It  is  quite  impossible  in  a  book  of  this  character  to  describe  more 
than  a  very  few  of  the  most  important  of  the  many  Hieracia  found 
in  the  lower  Alps.  Nor  can  there  be  much  advantage  in  giving  a 
bare  list  of  the  innumerable  species,  many  of  them  difficult  to 
distinguish,  which  frequent  the  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  regions.  An 
up-to-date  arrangement  of  those  found  in  Switzerland  alone  can  be 
found  in  the  Flore  de  la  Suisse,  by  Schinz  and  Keller,  while  Gremli's 
Swiss  Flora  (at  present  out  of  print  in  the  English  edition)  also  gives 
a  good  account  of  them. 


Leaves  alternate,  entire  or  toothed,  without  stipules.  Flowers 
usually  blue  or  white,  either  distinct  or  collected  into  heads  with 
a  general  involucre.  Calyx  with  a  free  border  of  5  teeth  or  lobes, 
sometimes  merely  bristles.  Corolla  regular  or  irregular,  with  5 
lobes.  Stamens  5,  inserted  at  base  of  corolla.  Anthers  distinct,  or 
rarely  cohering  in  a  ring  round  the  style.  Style  single.  Ovary  and 
capsule  inferior,  divided  into  2-5  cells. 

A  rather  large  family  spread  over  temperate  regions,  and  crossing 
the  tropics  in  mountainous  districts. 


Flowers  blue,  in  terminal,  hemispherical  heads,  surrounded  by 
an  involucre  of  several  bracts.  Calyx  reduced  to  5  very  narrow 
lobes.  Corolla  regular,  deeply  divided  into  5  narrow  segments. 
Anthers  united  at  the  base  into  a  ring  round  the  long,  club-shaped 
style.  Capsules  many-seeded. 


About  12  species  inhabiting  temperate  Europe  and  the  Medi- 
terranean region. 

Jasione  montana  L.     Sheep's-bit.     (Plate  X.) 

An  annual  or  biennial.  Stems  sometimes  short  and  decumbent, 
but  more  often  erect,  a  foot  high,  with  a  few  spreading  branches. 
Leaves  linear-lanceolate,  with  wavy  margin,  more  or  less  hairy. 
Flower-heads  variable  in  size,  on  long  terminal  peduncles.  Invo- 
lucral  bracts  broadly  ovate.  Florets  small,  rather  pale  blue,  on 
very  short  pedicels. 

Dry,  sandy,  and  heathy  places  on  siliceous  soil  in  the  plains  and 
mountains  ;  often  in  large  colonies.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Europe,  except  the  extreme  north,  and  eastward 
to  Asia  Minor  and  the  Caucasus  ;  North  Africa.  British  Isles. 

PHYTEUMA  L.     Rampion. 

Flowers  in  dense  heads  or  spikes,  surrounded  by  an  involucre  of 
bracts,  usually  blue.  Corolla  curved  in  bud,  with  5  linear  segments. 
Anthers  free  and  distinct.  Style  cleft  at  the  top  into  2  or  3  stigmas. 
Capsule  dehiscing  below  the  middle,  and  crowned  by  the  spreading 
teeth  of  the  calyx. 

A  small  genus  spread  over  Europe  and  Western  Asia,  but  chiefly 
in  mountain  districts. 

Phyteuma  comosum  L. 

Stem  about  8  inches  high,  somewhat  prostrate,  leafy.  Flowers 
on  short  stalks,  forming  a  large  terminal  umbel,  violet  and  hand- 
some, the  tip  being  darker  than  the  rest  of  the  corolla.  Root-leaves 
reniform,  bright  green,  sharply  serrated  like  the  petioled  stem- 
leaves.  Very  distinct  from  all  the  other  species. 

Clefts  of  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  rocks ;   2300-5000  ft.    May- July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Tyrol,  Carinthia,  and  Carniola. 
Phyteuma  Scheuchzeri  All. 

Stem  simple,  i-ij  feet  high,  striated.  Leaves  crenate,  serrate, 
the  lower  ones  long-stalked,  lanceolate,  acuminate,  those  of  the 
barren  shoots  cordate,  upper  stem-leaves  linear.  Heads  globular, 
many-flowered  ;  outermost  bracts  linear,  usually  longer  than  the 
capitulum.  Flowers  dark  blue. 

Stony  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  descending  to  a  low  eleva- 
tion. May  to  July.  3000-7000  feet. 

Distribution. — Eastern  and  Central  Alps,  including  Southern 
Switzerland.  Not  in  France. 

Phyteuma  betoniccefolium  Vill.     (Plate  IV.)  * 

Very  similar  to  the  last  in  habit  and  shape  of  leaves,  but  the 

1  The  pale  blue  spike  figured  is  probably  P.  spicatum. 


spikes  are  at  first  ovoid  and  then  cylindrical.  Stigmas  3.  Stamens 
glabrous.  Stem  leafy  in  lower  portion.  Flowers  dark  blue. 

Pastures  on  siliceous  soil  up  to  8000  feet.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Southern  Germany,  Southern  Austria,  Central  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees,  Spain. 

Phyteuma  spicatum  L.     (Plate  IV.) 

Stems  1-2  feet  high,  rather  stout,  usually  glabrous,  leafy  below. 
Root-leaves  longly  petioled,  ovate  heart-shaped,  crenate-dentate  ; 
upper  leaves  narrower,  sessile,  usually  entire.  Flowers  dirty 
greenish  white  or  pale  blue,  in  an  ovoid  head  which  lengthens  into 
a  spike  2  inches  or  more  in  length. 

Woods  and  meadows,  especially  in  the  sub-Alps.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  South-Central  Europe,  extending 
northwards  into  Britain  (Sussex)  and  Norway. 

Phyteuma  orbicular e  L.     Round-headed  Rampion.     (Plate  IV.) 

Stem  6-1 8  inches  high,  erect,  often  hollow.  Lower  leaves  lanceo- 
late, with  a  truncate  or  almost  cordate  base,  stalked,  crenate- 
serrate  ;  upper  stem-leaves  narrower,  sessile.  Involucral  bracts 
lanceolate,  somewhat  serrate.  Flowers  deepest  blue,  or  sometimes 
deep  blue- violet,  in  globular  heads  an  inch  in  diameter.  Stigmas  3. 
Very  variable  in  size. 

Meadows  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  about  8600  feet ;  often 
very  abundant,  especially  on  limestone  soil  from  4000-5000  feet. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  extending  to  the 
chalk  downs  of  Southern  England. 

Phyteuma  Halleri  All. 

The  tallest  and  stoutest  species.  Stem  2-3  feet  high,  thick, 
hollow,  leafy  at  the  top.  Radical  leaves  with  very  long  petioles, 
broadly  heart-shaped,  and  irregularly  or  coarsely  toothed  ;  upper 
leaves  sessile.  Flowers  dark  violet,  in  dense  oblong-cylindric  heads. 
Inferior  bracts  of  involucre  leafy,  toothed,  lanceolate,  longer  than 
the  flowers.  Stamens  woolly,  2  stigmas. 

Woods  and  pastures  ;   4300-6500  feet ;   local. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Servia,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps  ;  Pyrenees,  Spain. 


Flowers  in  panicles,  racemes,  or  spikes,  or  rarely  solitary,  and 
occasionally  in  short,  leafy  heads.  Corolla  regular,  bell-shaped, 
broadly  tubular  or  rotate,  with  5  broad  lanceolate  lobes.  Anthers 
distinct.  Stigmas  2,  3,  or  5.  Capsule  crowned  by  the  lobes  of  the 
calyx  and  dehiscing  laterally  or  at  the  top.  A  numerous  genus, 
widely  spread  over  the  globe,  chiefly  in  the  northern  hemisphere 
or  in  mountain  ranges  of  the  hotter  regions. 

i.  TO  I- 




s.    LUZULA    XIVKA. 


Campanula  barbata  L.     (Plate  XXIV.) 

Root  very  long  and  tapering.  Stem  erect,  obtusely  angled,  rough- 
haired  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  entire  or  slightly  crenate, 
wavy,  lowermost  linear-lanceolate,  narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk ; 
upper  leaves  lanceolate,  obtuse,  sessile.  Flowers  shortly  stalked, 
in  a  single  or  compound  raceme,  usually  unilateral,  large  and  hand- 
some, bell-shaped,  porcelain-blue,  occasionally  darker  or  white. 
Corolla  lobes  bearded  within  and  without.  Calyx-teeth  lanceolate, 
acute  ;  appendages  to  calyx  nearly  as  long  as  calyx-tube.  Capsule 
nodding.  Plant  10-18  inches  high. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  and  pastures  ;  3000-8500  feet ; 
widely  spread.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Germany,  Norway,  Italy. 

One  of  the  most  beautiful  of  the  common  Alpine  plants,  and  it 
should  be  more  frequently  cultivated  in  England.  It  is  more  easily 
grown  from  seed  than  by  getting  the  long  tap-roots,  and  the  only 
precaution  to  take  is  that  it  must  not  be  allowed  to  damp  off  in 
winter  by  an  excess  of  moisture. 

var.  strictopedunculata  Thomas. 

This  is  a  much-branched  variety,  with  lateral  peduncles  15  or 
20  cms.  long,  bearing  2  or  3  flowers  on  each  branch.  It  is  occasionally 
seen  in  the  Western  Alps,  as  at  Mont  Cenis,  and  in  Savoy. 

Campanula  thyrsoidea  L. 

Biennial.  Root  turnip-shaped.  Stem  erect,  6-12  inches  high, 
angular,  leafy,  very  hairy  like  the  leaves,  viscid  below,  ending  in  a 
long  dense  spike  of  pale  yellow,  rather  small  flowers.  Stem-leaves 
linear-lanceolate,  sessile ;  root-leaves  elongated,  wedge-shaped, 
and  prolonged  into  a  leaf-stalk,  finely  serrate  or  entire. 

Pastures  and  steep  mountain-sides  up  to  8000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 

Campanula  spicata  L. 

A  biennial,  2-3  feet  high,  covered  with  grey  hispid  hairs.  Stem 
erect,  thick,  leafy.  Leaves  close  together,  lanceolate,  acute,  crenate, 
sessile,  getting  shorter  towards  the  long,  spiky  inflorescence. 
Flowers  blue,  in  a  dense,  very  long  spike,  erect,  rather  small  for 
the  plant.  Lobes  lanceolate.  Calyx  hispid,  with  linear  lobes,  about 
one-third  length  of  corolla. 

Pastures  and  hot,  stony,  bushy  places  in  the  Alps  and  lower  Alps. 
July,  August,  up  to  6500  feet ;  local. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  as  far  south 
as  Liguria  (e.g.  on  Monte  Toraggio),  Sardinia. 


Campanula  glomerata  L. 

Stem  erect,  stout,  1-2  feet  high,  hairy.  Root  and  lower  leaves 
stalked ;  upper  leaves  sessile,  broadly  lanceolate,  clasping  the 
stem  by  their  cordate  base,  densely  hairy.  Flowers  sessile,  in  small 
clusters  in  the  upper  leaves,  the  top  ones  forming  a  dense,  leafy 
head.  Corolla  blue.  Capsule  short  and  broad.  Calyx  lobes 
linear-lanceolate,  acuminate.  Very  variable. 

Pastures  and  sides  of  woods  from  the  plains  up  to  5000  feet. 
In  England  it  grows  both  on  dry,  limestone  hillsides  and  on  damp 
alluvial  soil,  such  as  on  Clifton  Ings,  near  York.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Continental  Europe,  Russian  Asia  excepting  the 
extreme  north.  British  Isles. 

Campanula  pusilla  Haenke.     (Plate  XXIV.) 

Caespitose,  with  numerous  tufts  of  leaves  and  slender  flowering 
stems.  Stems  2-4  inches  high,  leafy  at  base,  bearing  a  slender 
raceme  of  1—5  flowers,  but  more  frequently  the  flowers  are  solitary. 
Leaves  of  barren  shoots  roundish,  coarsely  serrate,  slightly  cordate, 
much  shorter  than  leaf-stalk,  other  leaves  lanceolate  or  linear- 
lanceolate.  Usually  glabrous.  Corolla  pale  blue,  very  rarely  white, 
campanulate.  Calyx-teeth  linear,  not  one-third  length  of  corolla. 

Gravelly,  moist  places  and  shifting  screes  and  banks  of  slaty 
detritus,  especially  fond  of  limestone,  up  to  9000  feet,  but  descending 
beds  of  streams  to  the  plains  ;  very  common.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps,  Vosges,  Jura,  Pyrenees. 

C.  pusilla  is  a  very  useful  plant  for  the  garden,  and  is  grown  in 
borders  or  rockeries,  or  even  on  old  walls.  It  prefers  a  light, 
porous,  and  yet  finely  divided  soil. 

Campanula  rotundifolia  L.     Harebell. 

Radical  leaves  orbicular  or  heart-shaped,  but  they  mostly  die 
away  at  or  before  flowering-time  ;  stem-leaves  linear  or  narrow- 
lanceolate,  entire.  Stems  6-12  or  more  inches  high,  slender,  often 
branched,  with  a  few  elegant  drooping  blue  flowers  in  a  loose 
panicle,  or  rarely  solitary.  Corolla-lobes  broad  and  rather  short. 
Capsule  ovoid  or  globular,  pendulous.  Sepals  subulate. 

Meadows,  walls,  rocks,  and  hilly  pastures  ;  common.  June, 
July.  It  ascends  to  well  above  the  sub- Alpine  region. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Russian  Asia.  From  the  Mediterranean 
to  the  Arctic  Circle.  British  Isles. 

Campanula  linifolia  Scop,  (non  Lamk.). 

Very  similar  to  the  Harebell  and  differing  chiefly  in  its  long, 
reflexed  calyx-teeth,  and  the  stems  are  usually  i-flowered. 

Clefts  of  rock  from  5000  to  6000  feet  in  Carniola  and  Carinthia. 
June,  July. 

CAM  PAX  TLA    ISA R  DATA.         2.  C.    R  I  IO.M  HOI I  >A  1. 

4/7    NATUK'AI.    SIX] 

3.   C.   PUS  1 1. 1, A. 


Campanula  Scheuchzeri  Vill. 

Like  a  large  and  robust  harebell,  whose  cordate  root-leaves  also 
die  down  early.  Flowers  larger  and  often  a  deeper  blue,  and 
usually  solitary.  Calyx-segments  linear-lanceolate  or  sometimes 
subulate,  erect  or  spreading.  Very  variable  in  size,  pubescence, 
shape,  and  size  of  flowers.  Some  specimens  found  on  the  Col  de 
Balme  in  August,  1911,  had  flowers  ij  inches  across  and  almost 
saucer-shaped,  the  corolla-lobes  being  very  broad  and  shallow. 

Alpine  pastures  and  stony,  grassy  places  up  to  9300  feet,  and  not 
often  seen  below  about  5500  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Apennines,  Sudetic  Mountains,  Arctic  Russia. 

Campanula  persicifolia  L.     (Plate  XXIII.) 

A  glabrous  plant  2-3  feet  high,  with  erect,  wiry,  simple  stem, 
1-6  flowered.  Leaves  serrated,  upper  ones  linear ;  lower  leaves 
lanceolate,  with  long  petiole.  Flowers  blue,  rarely  white,  large, 
broadly  campanulate.  Calyx-lobes  lanceolate,  half  the  length  of 
the  corolla.  Capsule  erect. 

Mountain  woods  and  hillside  thickets.    May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe  ;   Western  and  Northern  Asia. 

Though  widely  spread,  this  species  is  not  often  found  in  large 

Campanula  pulla  L. 

Stem  erect  or  ascending,  obtusely  angled,  glabrous  or  with  a 
few  scattered  hairs  like  the  leaves,  leafy  below,  i-flowered.  Leaves 
crenate  ;  root-leaves  and  lower  stem-leaves  ovate  or  elliptical, 
shortly  stalked,  longer  than  the  leaf -stalk  ;  median  stem-leaves 
narrower,  acute,  sessile ;  uppermost  lanceolate,  small.  Corolla 
terminal,  bell-shaped,  large,  dark  violet-blue.  Calyx-teeth  linear, 
one-third  length  of  corolla. 

Pastures,  woods,  bushy  and  stony  places  in  the  calcareous  Alps  ; 
4000-6500  feet. 

Distribution.— Eastern  Alps. 

Easily  grown  in  an  open,  sunny  spot,  but  is  apt  to  die  off  in 

Campanula  excisa  Schleicher. 

Segments  of  corolla  incised  at  the  base,  and  separated  by  a 
rounded  sinus.  Calyx-teeth  reflexed.  Rootstock  slender,  rampant ; 
stem  ascending  ;  leaves  lanceolate  or  linear-lanceolate,  occasionally 
toothed  or  with  cilia.  Flowers  blue,  1-3. 

Granitic  Alps  ;  local  and  rare  ;  6500-9000  feet. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (S.  Tessin  and  Valais,  above  the 
Valley  of  Minister,  at  Berisal,  and  between  Saas  and  Binn),  Aosta 
Valley  in  Piedmont. 


Grows  rapidly  in  gritty  loam,  but  hates  lime.  Sometimes  a  little 
peat  will  improve  the  growth. 

Campanula  bononiensis  L. 

A  tall  spiky  species  with  usually  simple  stem,  which  is  very  leafy 
and  almost  tomentose.  Leaves  green,  downy  beneath ;  lower 
leaves  shortly  petioled,  cordate  ;  upper  ones  sessile  and  becoming 
narrower  and  narrower.  Flowers  small,  blue-violet,  very  shortly 
stalked,  in  clusters  at  the  junction  of  the  bracts  and  stem  and  form- 
ing a  long  spike.  Sepals  linear-lanceolate,  spreading.  Capsule 

Mountain  woods  in  the  sub- Alps  ;  very  local.  June,  July.  A 
frequent  plant  in  the  Chestnut  zone  of  the  Italian  Maritime  Alps. 

Distribution. — Southern  Switzerland  ;  Western,  Central  (?),  and 
Eastern  Alps,  Caucasus,  Siberia. 

Campanula  rhomboidalis  L.    (Plate  XXIV.) 

Stem  erect,  slender,  leafy  above,  i— ij  feet  high.  Raceme  more 
or  less  unilateral,  3-5  flowered.  Leaves  all  sessile,  ovate-lanceolate, 
dentate,  glabrous  or  slightly  hairy.  Flowers  blue,  pendent.  Calyx- 
teeth  linear  or  subulate,  two-thirds  length  of  corolla. 

Meadows,  borders  of  woods  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps  ;  abundant 
and  often  in  great  masses.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Spain. 

Campanula  rapunculoides  L. 

Erect  stems,  1-3  feet  high.  Lower  leaves  heart-shaped,  on  long 
stalks ;  upper  ones  small,  ovate-lanceolate.  Flowers  drooping, 
blue,  varying  in  size,  single  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves,  and  forming 
long,  terminal,  simple  and  more  or  less  unilateral  racemes.  Cap- 
sules nearly  globular.  Calyx-lobes  narrow-lanceolate. 

Open  woods,  borders  of  roads,  etc.,  from  the  plains  to  at  least 
5000  feet.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe,  except  the  Mediterranean  region, 
Caucasus,  Asia  Minor.  British. 

Campanula  Trachelium  L.    Nettle-leaved  Bell-flower. 

Very  variable,  sometimes  approaching  smaller  specimens  of 
C.  latifolia,  and  sometimes  with  the  upper  flowers  clustered  to 
resemble  C.  glomerata.  Lower  leaves  broadly  heart-shaped,  on 
long  stalks,  coarsely  toothed ;  upper  ones  small,  ovate-lanceolate. 
Flowers  large,  2  or  3  together  in  short,  leafy  racemes,  or  sometimes 
solitary.  Calyx-teeth  broadly  lanceolate,  hairy. 

Woods,  ravines,  and  roadsides  from  the  plains  to  the  lower  Alps. 
June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  and  right  across  Siberia, 
N.  Africa.  But  most  common  in  Western  Europe.  British. 


Campanula  latifolia  L. 

The  tallest  and  most  handsome  species,  often  in  England  3-4  feet 
high,  usually  shorter  in  Switzerland.  The  stems  are  rarely  branched, 
though  leafy.  Leaves  ovate-lanceolate,  acuminate,  narrow  at  the 
base  and  lower  ones  stalked,  pubescent,  coarsely  biserrate.  Calyx- 
teeth  lanceolate.  Flowers  large,  blue,  deeply  cleft  into  5  lanceolate, 
acute  lobes. 

Woods,  ravines,  by  streams  in  the  plains  and  sub-alpine  region  ; 
rare  in  Switzerland.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Vosges,  Jura  ;  woods  of  Northern 
Europe,  Northern  and  Central  Asia  to  the  Arctic  regions,  but  be- 
coming a  mountain  plant  in  Southern  Europe.  Occasional  in 
England  and  Scotland. 


Calyx  4-5  fid  ;  teeth  often  minute.  Corolla  regular,  4-5  cleft. 
Stamens  8— 10  ;  anthers  opening  by  terminal  pores  or  slits.  Ovary 
4-5  celled.  Fruit  a  berry.  Seeds  albuminous. 

Small  woody  shrubs,  often  with  shiny  evergreen  leaves. 

A  small  family  allied  to  Ericacea,  represented  in  northern  and 
temperate  regions,  and  in  the  mountains  of  the  tropics. 


Small  woody  shrubs,  often  with  shiny,  evergreen  leaves.  Corolla 
regular,  campanulate  or  rotate,  4-5  cleft.  Stamens  8-10.  Style 
filiform.  Calyx  4-5  fid.  Ovary  4-5  celled.  Fruit  a  berry.  Flowers 
solitary  or  in  racemes. 

A  numerous  genus  in  mountain  districts  and  heaths,  represented 
over  the  greater  part  of  the  globe. 

Vaccinium  Myrtillus  L.    Bilberry,  Whortleberry. 

A  small,  glabrous  shrub,  6— 18  inches  high,  with  many  erect  or 
spreading  green  branches.  Leaves  deciduous,  ovate,  barely  an  inch 
long,  finely  toothed  and  very  shortly  stalked.  Flowers  globular, 
greenish  white  or  pinkish.  Berry  globular,  bluish  black,  with  a 
glaucous  bloom. 

Mountain  woods,  heaths  and  stony  pastures  (avoiding  limestone) 
up  to  9000  feet  in  the  Maritime  Alps  and  perhaps  in  Switzerland. 
May  to  July.  Fruit :  August,  September. 

The  fruit  is  often  larger  than  in  England,  and  in  autumn  some- 
times mountain-sides  are  ablaze  with  the  autumnal  tints  of  this 

Distribution. — Mountain  ranges  of  Southern  Europe.  At  lower 
elevations  in  Northern  and  Central  Europe  and  Russian  Asia. 


Vaccinium  uliginosum  L.    Bog  Whortleberry.     (Plate  XVIII.) 

Differs  from  the  last  by  its  entire,  obovate,  or  oblong,  thin  leaves, 
which  are  glaucous  beneath  and  have  a  strong  network  of  veins 
above  ;  its  rather  smaller  and  more  numerous  flowers  and  berries 
are  not  pleasant  to  the  taste. 

Bogs,  Alpine  moors  and  heaths  up  to  9300  feet  in  Switzerland 
and  the  French  Alps,  not  descending  so  low  as  the  last.  May  to 
June.  Fruit :  August,  September. 

Distribution. — Northern  and  Central  Europe,  Russian  Asia,  N. 
America.  British. 

Vaccinium  Vitis-idcea  L.    Cowberry.    (Plate  XII.) 

Stems  much  branched,  procumbent  and  straggling.  Leaves 
numerous,  evergreen,  obovate  or  oblong,  coriaceous,  rolled  at  the 
margins,  entire  or  slightly  toothed  at  the  apex.  Flowers  waxy, 
flesh-coloured,  campanulate,  drooping,  with  spreading  lobes,  form- 
ing dense  terminal,  drooping  racemes.  Berries  bright  scarlet,  the 
size  of  peas  ;  they  are  eaten  by  Snow  Partridges  and  other  birds. 

Mountain  woods,  turf-moors  and  Alpine  heaths,  and  rocky 
pastures  up  to  9300  feet  in  Switzerland.  May  to  July.  Fruit : 
August,  September. 

Distribution. — Northern  and  Central  Europe,  Russian  Asia,  and 
N.  America,  becoming  a  mountain  plant  in  Central  Europe.  The 
plant  is  often  attacked  by  a  fungus  called  Exobasidium  Vaccinii. 

Vaccinium  Oxycoccus  L.    Oxycoccus  palustris  Pers.    Cranberry. 

A  small  and  very  delicate,  wiry-stemmed,  creeping  plant.  Leaves 
small,  evergreen,  ovate-lanceolate,  with  edges  rolled  back,  i-nerved, 
very  glaucous  beneath.  Flowers  drooping  and  fugitive,  on  long, 
slender  peduncles  with  a  pair  of  minute  bracts  below  the  middle. 
Corolla  rose,  deeply  divided  into  4  lobes  which  are  quite  reflexed, 
exposing  the  8  stamens.  Berries  globular,  reddish  yellow,  then 
darker.  Flowers  June,  July.  Fruit :  July  to  September. 

Only  in  sphagnum  bogs,  where  it  is  difficult  to  find,  the  flowers 
being  so  fugitive.  Up  to  5600  feet  in  Switzerland. 

Distribution. — Northern  Europe,  Asia,  and  America  as  far  as  Ice- 
land. High  mountain  ranges  of  Central  Europe,  but  apparently 
not  in  the  French  Alps  (Coste).  British. 


Herbs  or  woody  shrubs,  often  evergreen.  Flowers  regular,  cam- 
panulate, 4-5  lobed.  Calyx  4—5  fid.  Stamens  4-10.  Ovary  4-5 
celled.  Style  terminal.  Fruit  a  berry  or  capsule. 

A  family  of  over  1000  species,  spread  over  the  whole  globe,  but 
particularly  on  siliceous  soil. 



Shrubs  with  alternate  and  often  large  leaves.  Flowers  large, 
handsome,  and  usually  red,  often  irregular.  Sepals  and  corolla- 
lobes  usually  5.  Stamens  usually  10. 

About  200  species  in  Europe,  Central  Asia,  Malay,  and  North 

Rhododendron  hirsutum  L. 

An  erect,  branched  shrub.  Leaves  elliptical,  ovate  or  obovate, 
finely  crenate,  more  or  less  ciliate,  otherwise  glabrous,  evergreen, 
shining  and  bright  green  above,  dotted  on  under  side  with  scattered, 
resinous,  at  first  yellowish,  finally  rusty  brown  glands.  Flowers  in 
terminal  corymbs,  nodding  on  erect  flower-stalks.  Corolla  funnel- 
shaped,  a  beautiful  rose  colour,  rather  paler  than  in  the  next, 
dotted  on  the  outside  with  resinous  glands  like  the  flower-stalk, 
calyx,  and  ovary. 

Rocky  places  and  steep  mountain-sides  in  the  limestone  Alps 
and  sub- Alps  up  to  over  7000  feet,  and  descending  occasionally  to 
the  valleys,  as,  e.g.  St.  Margrethen  in  the  Rhine  Valley,  and  the 
banks  of  Lago  Maggiore.  Not  found  in  the  Jura.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 
But  only  on  Mont  Chauffe  in  the  French  Alps,  where  it  was  dis- 
covered in  1904.  Southern  Germany. 

Rhododendron  ferrugineum  L.    Alpen-rose.     (Plate  III.) 

A  similar-sized  shrub.  Leaves  lanceolate  to  elliptical,  entire,  or 
sometimes  finely  crenate,  glabrous,  dark  green  and  shiny  above, 
somewhat  revolute  at  the  margin,  coriaceous,  evergreen,  covered 
on  under  side  when  young  with  densely  packed  yellowish  resinous, 
finally  coalescent  glands,  turning  rusty  brown  when  older.  Flowers 
in  terminal  corymbs,  more  or  less  erect  on  longer  flower-stalks 
than  in  the  last.  Corolla  rose-coloured  (very  rarely  white),  dotted 
on  the  outside  with  resinous  glands  like  the  glabrous  flower-stalk, 
calyx  and  ovary.  Leaves  of  the  previous  year  cinnamon-brown  in 
colour.  Leaves  more  crowded  than  in  hirsutum. 

Similar  habitats,  but  usually,  though  not  always,  on  primary 
rocks.  June,  July.  It  ascends  to  8800  feet  in  Valais,  and  descends 
to  the  plain  in  Tessin,  and  is  occasionally  found  as  a  glacier  relic 
in  turbaries  in  woods  of  the  Swiss  plateau. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Apennines,  Spain,  Transylvania. 

The  white-flowered  variety  is  very  rare  ;  the  specimen  figured 
was  found  by  Mr.  Flemwell  near  the  Planet  above  Argentiere  in 

This  Rhododendron  can  be  grown  in  the  garden  in  a  mixture  of 


sand  and  peat,  from  well-established  plants,  in  a  sheltered  and 
somewhat  cool  position. 

Rhododendron  Chamcecistus  L. 

A  small,  prostrate,  under-shrub,  not  exceeding  6  inches  in  height, 
with  ascending  branches.  Leaves  very  small,  elliptic-lanceolate, 
more  or  less  serrate,  ciliated,  otherwise  glabrous,  coriaceous,  ever- 
green, grass-green  on  both  sides,  shining,  not  dotted,  cilia  often 
glandular.  Flowers  in  clusters  of  1-3,  on  long  stalks,  erect,  rotate 
or  expanding,  rose-coloured,  very  deciduous.  Calyx-teeth  lanceo- 
late, acute,  reddish  purple.  Anthers  purple-black. 

Abundant,  but  local,  in  stony  Alpine  and  sub-Alpine  places, 
on  limestone,  but  not  making  such  a  feature  in  the  landscape  of 
the  Eastern  Alps  as  the  other  species,  the  flowers  being  paler, 
and  the  leaves  appearing  only  after  the  flowers.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps  from  Tyrol  to  Carniola, 
4000-5000  feet.  A  partially  shaded  place  suits  it  best. 

To  succeed  in  the  sun  with  it,  the  plant  must  be  well  established 
before  planting  out,  or  it  must  be  shaded  from  the  sun  by  artificial 
means  ;  then  it  will  bloom  much  more  freely  than  in  a  shady  place. 

Hard  peat  and  sand  should  be  pressed  firmly  against  the  roots, 
and  it  should  be  top-dressed  twice  a  year  with  the  same  compost. 
(W.  A.  Clark.) 

Andromeda  polifolia  L.    Marsh  Andromeda. 

A  low,  branching,  wiry  shrub  6-12  inches  high,  glabrous.  Leaves 
alternate,  oblong,  lanceolate,  evergreen,  revolute  at  the  edges, 
and  very  glaucous  beneath.  Flowers  on  pedicels,  in  short  terminal 
clusters  ;  corolla  pale  pink  or  nearly  white,  waxy,  ovoid  and 
enclosing  the  10  stamens. 

Peat  bogs  of  Northern  Europe,  Asia,  and  America  to  the  Arctic 
regions,  and  in  similar  places  in  the  mountains  of  Central  Europe 
(Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees).  Rather  rare  in  Switzerland.  British,  but 
strangely  absent  from  the  Scotch  Highlands,  where  so  many  plants 
of  similar  continental  distribution  are  found.  It  flowers  in  May 
and  June.  In  1901  it  was  found  by  Mons.  Beauverd  in  the 
Tourbie"res  des  Glieres  at  1500  m.  in  the  Alps  of  Annecy,  and 
hitherto  in  only  one  other  French  Alpine  station. 

ARCTOSTAPHYLOS  Adanson.    Bearberry. 

Low,  straggling  shrubs,  with  alternate,  entire,  or  toothed  leaves, 
and  rather  small  flowers,  2  or  3  together  in  short,  terminal  racemes. 
Ovary  with  only  one  ovule  in  each  cell.  Fruit  a  berry.  The  genus 
is  represented  more  fully  in  America  than  in  Europe  or  Asia. 

Arctostaphylos  alpina  Spreng. 

A  small  under-shrub,  forming  great  masses  or  cushions  on  rocks 


and  stones.  Leaves  often  dry,  annual,  toothed,  wedge-shaped  or 
narrowly  obovate,  running  into  the  leaf-stalk,  ciliate  at  the  base, 
otherwise  glabrous,  reticulately  veined.  The  new  leaves  are  not 
developed  at  time  of  flowering.  Flowers  2-6,  arranged  in  a 
raceme  at  the  summit  of  the  branches,  small,  greenish  or  reddish 
white.  Drupe  green,  then  red,  and  finally  blue-black,  not  ripening 
till  the  second  year. 

Stony  places  on  the  calcareous  Alps  up  to  8500  feet.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Pyrenees  ;  high  mountains  of  Europe  ;  Arctic  Europe  and 
Asia  ;  Rocky  Mountains.  British. 

Arctostaphylos  Uva  ursi  L.    Red  Bearberry.    (Plate  XII.) 

A  small,  much-branched  shrub  3-6  feet  high.  Leaves  evergreen, 
glossy  above,  with  sunken  dots  (brown  glands)  beneath,  usually 
entire,  but  rarely,  as  in  the  drawing,  somewhat  toothed,  leathery, 
net-veined.  Flowers  white  or  pale  pink,  larger  than  the  last,  in 
compact,  drooping,  terminal  racemes.  Berries  globular,  bright  red, 
smooth  and  shining. 

Dry,  rocky,  or  heathy  places  in  the  plains,  sub-Alps,  and  Alps 
up  to  8000  feet ;  rarely  9000  feet.  On  heaths  in  Scotland.  April, 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Asia  and  N.  America 
to  the  Arctic  Circle. 

CALLUNA  Salisb. 
Calluna  vulgaris  Hull.    Ling,  or  Heather. 

Small,  straggling  shrubs.  Leaves  acicular,  very  small  and  short. 
Flowers  pink  or  rarely  white.  Stamens  with  anthers  dorsally  fixed. 
Calyx  coloured  like  the  corolla,  with  4  small  bracts  at  the  base. 

Heaths,  woods,  and  mountain-sides  up  to  8800  feet  in  Switzer- 
land, preferring  siliceous  rocks.  July  to  October. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe  to  the  Arctic  Circle, 
Western  Asia,  Morocco,  Azores.  N.  America.  British  Isles. 

ERICA  L.     Heath. 

About  400  species  inhabiting  Europe,  the  Mediterranean  region, 
and  S.  Africa,  but  with  only  one  truly  native  species  in  Switzerland, 
viz.  Erica  carnea  ;  for  though  E.  vagans  (the  Cornish  Heath)  grows 
in  the  Canton  de  Geneve  in  a  wood  near  Juvigny,  and  at  the  foot 
of  the  Voirons  above  Lake  Leman,  it  is  doubtfully  indigenous, 
though  it  is  native  on  French  territory  to  the  west. 

Erica  carnea  L. 

A  shrubby,  somewhat  prostrate  plant,  with  branches  3  inches 
to  I  foot  long,  erect  or  ascending,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant. 
Leaves  4  or  more  in  a  whorl,  deciduous,  acicular.  Flowers  in 


terminal,  spicate,  usually  unilateral  racemes.  Petals  tubular- 
urceolate.  Stamens  and  styles  projecting  from  the  corolla.  Calyx 
and  corolla  rose-coloured,  rarely  white,  anthers  purple-black. 

Rocks,  margins  of  woods,  and  in  the  woods  themselves,  up  to 
8500  feet,  often  covering  large  tracts  ;  local,  and  almost  always  on 
limestone.  April,  May. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that,  according  to  Keller  and  Schinz, 
no  fewer  than  9  of  the  13  Swiss  plants  belonging  to  Ericaceae  have 
been  seen  in  that  country  up  to  2400  metres  (7870  feet),  and  3 
reach  3000  m.  They  do  not  place  Pyrola  in  this  family,  as  we  have 
done  in  accordance  with  old  tradition. 


Very  beautiful  white  or  greenish  white  flowers,  in  racemes  or 
rarely  solitary,  nodding.  Corolla  globose  or  spreading,  of  5  free  or 
slightly  connate  petals.  Sepals  5.  Stamens  10.  Style  prominent. 
Ovary  5-celled.  Leaves  glabrous. 

A  small  genus  confined  to  the  northern  hemisphere  of  the  Old  and 
New  World.  . 

Pyrola  uniftora  L.  (Moneses  grandiflora  Salisb.).     (Plate  XIII.) 

Stem  2-4  inches  high,  erect,  i-flowered,  slender,  leafless  except 
at  the  base,  and  springing  from  a  single  slender  root-fibre,  which 
absorbs  water  and  nutriment  from  the  moss  and  decaying  pine- 
needles  upon  which  it  grows.  Leaves  ovate,  roundish,  suddenly 
narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk,  finely  serrate,  usually  in  loose  rosettes. 
Corolla  shallow,  white,  nodding.  Stigma  large,  5-lobed.  Anthers 

Margins  of  moist  woods  in  shady,  mossy  places,  and  frequently 
growing  in  a  bed  of  pine-needles  ;  1500-5600  feet ;  not  frequent. 

Distribution. — Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Arctic  Europe  and  Asia, 
North  America.  British. 

Mr.  Reginald  Farrer  aptly  points  out  that  this  little  gem  has 
"  only  one  feeble,  long,  white  piece  of  cotton  by  way  of  a  root," 
but  at  Lanslebourg  he  found  it  growing  in  slaty  silt  in  a  wood,  and 
producing  "  normal  masses  of  compact  roots  exactly  like  any  other 
decent  plant's."1 

Pyrola  rotundifolia  L. 

Stem  erect,  leafless  except  at  the  base,  often  reddish,  with  several 
red  scaly  bracts  near  the  summit.  Leaves  roundish  or  ovate,  entire 
or  obscurely  crenate,  dark  green,  shining,  and  leathery.  Raceme 

1  jlmong  the  Hills  (1911),  p.  21, 


loose,  many-flowered.  Calyx  and  teeth  lanceolate,  acuminate,  with 
apex  recurved,  half  as  long  as  the  shallow,  widely  open  corolla. 
Stamens  curved  upwards.  Style  bent  downwards,  with  the  apex 
ascending,  thickened  above  in  a  ring,  and  there  as  wide  as  the 
stigma,  projecting  from  the  corolla.  Flowers  white.  Anthers 
and  style  orange-red. 

Shady,  Alpine,  and  sub-alpine  woods.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Europe, 
Central  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  America.  British. 

Pyrola  media  Swartz. 

Differs  from  the  next  chiefly  in  the  style,  which  is  considerably 
longer,  and  from  the  last  in  never  being  so  curved.  The  flowers 
are  variable  in  size. 

Woods  and  moist,  shady  places  ;  not  very  common.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  ascending  the  mountains  in  the  south 
and  in  the  Caucasus  ;  Armenia,  Northern  Asia,  extreme  north  of 
N.  America.  British. 

Pyrola  minor  L.    Common  Wintergreen. 

Leaves  on  long  stalks  as  in  the  2  last,  broadly  ovate,  rather 
thick,  entire  or  slightly  crenate.  Flowers  drooping  in  a  short,  loose 
raceme.  Sepals  short  and  broad,  rather  triangular.  Petals  con- 
nivant,  ovate  or  orbicular,  quite  free,  closing  over  the  stamens, 
often  pinkish.  Style  usually  shorter  than  corolla,  nearly  straight, 
with  a  broad,  5-lobed,  spreading  stigma. 

Woods  and  shady  places.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  and  Western  Asia,  and  extreme 
north  of  N.  America.  British. 

Pyrola  chloraniha  Swartz. 

Somewhat  like  P.  rotundifolia,  but  with  the  long  style  more 
curved  and  reflexed.  Root-leaves  orbicular,  rounded  at  the  top, 
and  sometimes  almost  truncate  at  the  base,  though  variable, 
slightly  toothed,  longly  petioled.  Inflorescence  loose,  5-7  flowered. 
Flowers  greenish  white.  Sepals  ovate,  acuminate,  very  short. 

Mountain  woods  up  to  6000  feet ;   rather  rare.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Central 
and  Northern  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  N.  America. 

Pyrola  secunda  L.     (Plate  XIII.) 

Raceme  unilateral.  Style  long  and  nearly  straight.  Leaves  ovate, 
acute,  distinctly  toothed  and  prominently  veined.  Flowers  small, 
greenish  white.  Easily  distinguished  from  all  the  other  species 
by  the  leaves  and  flowers. 

Mountain  woods  of  the  sub-alpine  region  ;  common.    June,  July. 

Distribution.- — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Corbieres,  Cevennes ;  Europe, 
Western  and  Arctic  Asia,  N,  America,  British, 



Erect,  succulent  herbs  of  a  pale  brown  or  yellowish  colour, 
leafless  except  for  small  scales  the  colour  of  the  stem.  Are  like 
Broomrape,  and  parasitical  upon  the  roots  of  trees.  Allied  to 
Pyrola,  but  easily  distinguished  by  the  want  of  green  leaves. 

A  very  small  genus  inhabiting  woods  in  Europe,  Asia,  and 
America.  Sometimes  accorded  a  family  to  itself. 

Monotropa  Hypopitys  L.     Bird's-nest. 

Stem  6-9  inches  high,  with  oblong  or  ovate  scales  instead  of 
leaves.  Flowers  few,  in  a  short,  terminal  raceme.  Sepals  and  petals 
about  the  same  size,  ovate  or  oblong,  glabrous  or  slightly  downy 
inside.  The  whole  plant  of  a  pale  yellowish  brown,  turning  black 
on  drying. 

Parasitical  upon  the  roots  of  trees,  especially  Beech  and  Birch, 
and  flowering  from  June  to  August.  From  the  plains  to  5000  feet. 

Distribution. — Europe,  except  in  Arctic  regions  ;  Western  and 
Northern  Asia,  N.  America.  British. 


Leaves  undivided  except  when  under  water  (as  in  Hottonia). 
Calyx  usually  5-cleft.  Corolla  regular,  5-lobed.  Stamens  inserted 
opposite  the  centre  of  the  corolla  lobes.  Ovary  i-celled.  Style 
and  stigma  undivided.  Ovules  numerous,  with  a  free  central 
placentation.  Fruit  and  capsule  dehiscing  by  valves  or  transversely. 

A  widely  -  spread  family,  many  inhabiting  mountain  regions 
often  at  a  great  elevation.  A  few  appear  in  the  Antarctic  regions 
and  even  within  the  tropics. 


Small  Alpine  herbs,  often  with  small  rosettes  and  dense,  elongated 
tufts  of  leaves.  Flowers  white  or  pink  (yellow  in  A.  Vitaliana)  in 
small  umbels,  within  an  involucre  of  bracts,  or  solitary  in  the 
axils  of  the  leaves.  Corolla-limb  rotate,  tube  long,  suddenly 
contracted  at  the  mouth,  where  there  are  5  scales. 

High  mountain  plants,  chiefly  distributed  in  Central  Europe  and 
Central  Asia. 

Androsace  Chamcejasme  Host. 

Root  tapering,  tufted,  putting  up  shoots  ending  in  rosettes. 
Scape  2-4  inches  high.  Leaves  oblanceolate  or  elliptical,  villous 
at  the  margin,  with  long,  simple  hairs  like  the  rest  of  the  plant. 
Flowers  in  umbels  surrounded  by  an  involucre.  Involucral  bracts 
lanceolate  or  linear-lanceolate,  rather  shorter  than  or  equalling 
the  flower-stalks.  Corolla  white  or  rose-coloured  ;  throat  yellow. 


Alpine  pastures  and  stony  places  on  calcareous  and  schistose 
Alps  ;  5000-9000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Eastern  and  Central 
Alps.  Not  in  the  Western  Alps  except  very  rarely  in  Savoy. 
Arctic  Russia,  Asia,  and  North  America. 

Androsace  lactea  L. 

Scape  glabrous,  2-4  inches  high,  springing  from  a  large  rosette 
of  green  linear  or  linear-lanceolate,  acute  leaves,  which  are  glabrous 
and  only  ciliated  towards  the  apex.  Involucral  bracts  very  small, 
linear-lanceolate,  much  shorter  than  the  flower-stalks.  Flowers 
sometimes  solitary,  and  then  without  an  involucre,  white,  with  a 
golden-yellow  disc  at  the  throat ;  lobes  cordate.  Flowers  usually 
3-5  in  a  loose  umbel. 

Alpine  pastures  and  stony  places  on  limestone  ;  4800-8000  feet. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Haut- Jura ;  rare  in  Switzerland,  except  in  the  Stockhorn  Range 
and  Alps  of  Fribourg. 

Androsace  septentrionalis  L. 

An  annual  species  resembling  the  last,  but  taller  and  with  smaller 
flowers  in  a  more  numerous-flowered  umbel,  and  oblong-lanceolate, 
toothed  leaves. 

Grassy  places  and  fields  in  the  mountains  up  to  6500  feet ;  local. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Northern 
Europe,  Caucasus,  Siberia,  North  America  ;  rare  in  Switzerland, 
and  only  in  Orisons  and  Valais  (Saas  Thai,  etc.). 

Androsace  lacti flora  Pall. 

An  annual  species  not  found  in  Switzerland,  but  in  some  of  the 
French  Alps  in  the  south.  Plant  4-8  inches  high,  glabrescent. 
Leaves  in  a  radical  rosette,  oblong-lanceolate,  slightly  toothed. 
Central  flower-stem  erect,  the  side  one  spreading,  almost  glabrous. 
Flowers  on  long,  slender  pedicles,  forming  a  loose,  spreading  cluster 
or  umbel.  Corolla  white  or  pink,  small,  4-10.  Involucral  bracts 
small,  lanceolate- acute.  Lobes  of  calyx  triangular,  shorter  than  the 

Woods  and  pastures  in  the  mountains.    April  to  July. 

Distribution. — Departments  of  Isere,  Hautes-Alpes,  Basses-Alpes, 
Alpes-Mari times,  Var,  Vaucluse ;  Northern  Asia. 

Androsace  maxima  L. 

Annual  or  biennial,  2-4  inches  high.  Leaves  large,  in  a  radical 
rosette,  obovate-wedge-shaped,  toothed  at  the  top.  Scape  low, 
rather  thick,  the  central  erect,  the  others  spreading.  Pedicels 


short,  erect.  Flowers  white  or  pink,  3-8  in  a  stiff  umbel.  In- 
volucral  bracts  obovate.  Calyx  downy,  large,  twice  as  long  as  the 
corolla,  increasing  after  fertilisation  ;  lobes  of  calyx  ovate-lanceo- 

Fields  on  limestone  soil.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — Only  in  Valais  in  Switzerland  ;  Southern  and 
Central  Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  Africa. 


Leaves  radical.  Flowers  solitary  or  in  a  terminal  umbel,  on 
leafless,  radical  peduncles.  Calyx  tubular  or  campanulate,  with  5 
lobes.  Corolla  a  tube,  with  an  expanding  5-lobed  limb,  each  lobe 
usually  notched.  Capsule  opening  at  the  top  in  5  teeth.  Seeds 

A  genus  widely  spread  in  Europe  and  Central  and  Northern  Asia, 
containing  many  Alpine  species,  one  or  two  of  which  reappear  in 
Antarctic  America. 

Primula  farinosa  L.     (Plate  XX.)     Bird's-eye  Primrose. 

Stem  3-9  inches  high,  erect,  leafless,  mealy  in  the  upper  part 
like  the  flower-stalks  and  calyx.  Leaves  radical,  obovate-lanceolate, 
narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk,  dentate  or  nearly  entire,  obtuse,  gla- 
brous on  the  upper  side,  white  mealy  beneath,  rolled  up  when 
young.  Flowers  in  a  crowded  terminal  umbel.  Involucral  bracts 
linear-apiculate,  serrate  at  the  base.  Calyx-teeth  oval,  acute. 
Capsule  longer  than  calyx.  Corolla  rather  small,  darker  or  lighter 
pink,  very  rarely  white,  with  a  yellow  eye. 

Damp,  grassy  pastures  and  meadows  from  the  plains  to  the 
Alpine  region,  up  to  8200  feet,  often  in  great  abundance  on  lime- 
stone. April  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps ;  Jura,  Central  Pyrenees,  Northern  and  Central 
Europe,  Central  and  Northern  Asia.  British. 

Primula  Auricula  L. 

Leaves  all  radical,  obovate  or  lanceolate,  narrowed  towards  base, 
obtuse,  entire,  or  with  a  wavy  or  toothed  margin,  coriaceous, 
glaucous  on  upper  side,  downy  beneath  and  on  margin  with  fine 
glands,  when  young  more  or  less  mealy  and  rolled  up.  Stem  erect, 
leafless,  glabrous,  or  covered  with  a  white  powder  or  mealy  with 
fine  glands  like  the  flower-stalks  and  calyx.  Flowers  in  a  terminal, 
2-8  flowered  umbel,  stalked,  yellow,  fragrant,  mealy  towards  the 
throat,  8-10  lines  in  diameter.  Involucral  bracts  oval,  obtuse. 
Calyx  shortly  campanulate,  with  short,  oval-obtuse  teeth. 

Limestone  cliffs  and  perpendicular  rocks  up  to  7000  feet,  and  on 
rocky  pastures  at  lower  elevations  in  the  sub-alpine  district  and 
Jura.  June,  July. 


Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Black  Forest,  Servia,  Apennines. 

Primula  marginata  Curt. 

Stem  2-6  inches  high,  fleshy,  bearing  a  few-flowered  umbel  of 
rather  larger  rose-purple  flowers.  Leaves  smooth,  thick,  oval- 
elliptical,  narrowed  into  a  foot-stalk,  cartilaginous,  serrate,  the 
margin  mealy  and  white.  Involucral  bracts  short  and  oval  or 
nearly  orbicular.  Petals  obcordate.  Calyx  mealy,  with  rounded 
tube  and  short  oval  bracts.  Capsule  sub-globular.  A  somewhat 
variable  plant,  according  to  position,  etc. 

Rocky  places  (limestone)  in  the  Western  Alps  of  Dauphiny  and 
Provence,  Liguria,  and  Piedmont ;  very  local.  June,  July. 

We  have  seen  this  species  as  low  as  800  metres,  near  San  Dal- 
mazzo  di  Tenda  in  the  Maritime  Alps,  and  up  to  2745  metres,  or 
9000  feet  on  Monte  Santa  Maria  in  the  same  district,  and  at  Mont 
Cenis  at  2590  metres  or  8500  feet. 

Primula  Allionii  Lois. 

Somewhat  like  the  last  in  habit,  but  pubescent,  viscous,  and 
greyish  green  in  colour.  Plant  about  2  inches  high,  from  a  creeping 
root.  Scape  almost  wanting  or  much  shorter  than  the  leaves, 
bearing  a  solitary  bright  rose  flower.  Leaves  oboval,  lengthened 
into  a  long  foot-stalk,  entire  or  crenate,  velvety  and  very  viscous. 
Calyx  viscous,  with  oval,  obtuse  teeth.  Corolla-tube  twice  as  long 
as  calyx.  Capsule  globular,  shorter  than  calyx. 

Rocks  in  the  sub-alpine  region  of  the  French  and  Italian  Maritime 
Alps.  (Endemic.)  March  to  May. 

Primula  spectabilis  Tratt. 

Leaves  lanceolate  or  elliptic-lanceolate,  acute,  entire,  glabrous, 
with  cartilaginous  margin,  very  shortly  ciliated,  dotted  on  the 
upper  side.  Umbels  1-5  flowered.  Involucral  bracts  linear, 
equalling  the  flower-stalks.  Calyx  tubular-campanulate,  shorter 
than  the  corolla-tube. 

Stony  pastures  and  limestone  rocks  descending  to  the  lower  Alps. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps  (Southern  Tyrol  and  Carniola). 

Primula  tiroliensis  Schott. 

Leaves  on  the  lower  parts  of  the  stem  imbricate,  ending  in  a 
rosette  about  three-fourths  the  height  of  the  stem,  ovate  ;  the  upper 
ones  broader,  dentate,  covered  on  both  sides  with  glandular  hairs  ; 
uppermost  leaves  small,  scale-like.  Scape  1-2  flowered,  very 
short.  Flower-stalks  shorter  than  the  scale-like  bracts.  Lobes  of 
corolla  bifid.  Corolla  bright  rose-coloured.  Leaves  thick  and 
succulent,  with  thickened  cartilaginous  teeth  at  the  margin. 

Southern  Tyrol,  on  dolomitic  limestone  ;   rare.    June. 


Primula  viscosa  Vill.  non  All.  (P.  villosa  Jacq.,  P.  hirsuta  All.  non 


A  variable^plant,  whose  nomenclature  is  rather  involved.  Stem 
2-4  inches  high,  pubescent-glandular  and  viscid,  like  the  leaves 
and  calyx.  Leaves  roundish  obovate,  suddenly  narrowed  into  a 
broad  foot-stalk,  crenate,  dentate,  very  viscid.  Flowers  rose  or 
rose-purple,  fragrant,  in  umbels  of  3-6,  rather  large,  the  tube  being 
twice  as  long  as  the  calyx.  Pedicels  longer  than  the  oval  in- 
volucral  bracts.  Calyx-teeth  ovate,  obtuse.  Capsule  shorter  than 

Shady,  granitic  rocks,  and  more  rarely  on  limestone,  banks,  and 
roots  of  larch  trees,  etc.,  and  occasionally  on  stony  pastures,  5000- 
8500  feet ;  common ;  descending  sometimes  to  the  plains,  as,  e.g. 
at  Vernayaz  in  the  Rhone  Valley  and  above  Lake  Maggiore.  May 
to  July. 

Distribution. — Tyrol,  Switzerland  and  Western  Alps  as  far  south 
as  Provence ;  Pyrenees. 

Though  this  plant  is  generally  known  as  P.  viscosa,  under 
the  Vienna  Rules  of  Nomenclature  that  name  should  be  given  to 
the  next  species  and  this  should  be  called  P.  hirsuta  All. 

Primula  latifolia  Lapeyr.  (P.  viscosa  All.  non  Vill.,  P.  hirsuta  Vill. 
non  AIL). 

A  stout  plant,  6-8  inches  high,  on  a  long,  robust,  cylindrical  root- 
stock,  covered  with  the  scales  of  old  leaves.  Leaves  broadly  lanceo- 
late or  oboval,  narrowed  below  into  a  long  stalk,  the  whole  being 
4-6  inches  long,  toothed  or  crenate,  pubescent,  viscous.  Flowers 
a  beautiful  purple-violet,  not  red  or  pink,  fragrant,  in  umbels  of 
from  3-20,  and  with  unequal  pedicels,  longer  than  the  involucre, 
with  oval  bracts.  Calyx-teeth  oval,  glandular.  Corolla-tube  3 
times  length  of  calyx.  Capsule  longer  than  the  calyx.  Somewhat 
variable  in  size  and  in  the  shape  of  the  leaves. 

Rocks  and  cliffs  in  the  high  mountains  and  sub-Alps  up  to 
2000  metres  ;  rather  rare.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  only  in  Grisons  (Engadine  and  near 
Poschiavo),  Western  Alps  from  Savoy  to  Provence ;  Pyrenees. 

Primula  clatior  Jacq.    Oxlip. 

Somewhat  like  the  Cowslip,  but  with  primrose  or  straw-coloured 
flowers,  more  erect  than  in  the  Cowslip,  and  somewhat  larger,  and 
longer  leaves,  less  conspicuously  veined  and  a  duller  green.  Flowers 
not  scented.  Calyx-teeth  triangular,  acuminate,  one -third  the 
length  of  the  calyx-tube. 

Woods  and  pastures  from  the  plains  up  to  7000  feet  at  least ; 

It  flowers£from  March  to  May  in  the  plains,  and  continues  till 
July  in  the  higher  mountains. 


Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Western  and  Central ;  Taurus, 
Caucasus.  In  Britain  in  East  Anglia  only. 

Primula  veris  Hudson.      Cowslip. 

Leaves  oblong-spa  thulate,^  green,  to  greenish  grey  beneath. 
Flowering-stem  erect,  simple,  6-10  inches  high.  Umbel  many- 
flowered  (3-30),  yellow,  with  the  throat  spotted  with  orange.  Bracts 
subulate.  Calyx  yellowish  white,  swollen,  campanulate,  with  oval, 
sub-obtuse  lobes. 

Dry  meadows  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.  April  to 
July,  according  to  situation. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Altai,  Siberia. 

Cortusa  Matthioh  L. 

Stem  erect,  6-12  inches  high,  3-12  flowered,  [leafless,  densely 
villous  below  like  the  leaf-stalks,  covered  in  upper  part,  like  the 
flower-stalks,  with  shorter,  weaker  hairs.  Leaves  radical,  on  long 
stalks,  roundish  cordate,  n  or  12-lobed,  glabrous  above,  hairy 
below  and  on  the  margin.  Lobes  obtuse,  coarsely  toothed.  Flowers 
in  a  loose,  terminal  umbel,  nodding  on  one  side.  Corolla  rose,  be- 
coming violet,  faintly  fragrant,  with  lanceolate,  acute  lobes.  In- 
volucral  bracts  lanceolate,  entire  or  serrate,  or  deeply  toothed  at 
the  apex.  Calyx  glabrous,  small,  with  5  lanceolate,  acute  segments. 
The  foliage  of  this  plant  is  very  handsome,  and  altogether  it  forms 
a  useful  and  ornamental  subject  to  plant  in  loam  and  leaf -mould 
or  peat. 

Damp,  shady  woods,  moist  spots  on  debris,  or  in  ravines  in  the 
lower  Alps  up  to  6500  feet ;  very  local.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Alps,  Switzerland  (Grisons),  and  Western 
Alps  of  Savoy,  Hautes-Alpes  and  Piedmont ;  Arctic  Russia  and 
Northern  Asia. 


Small  Alpine  herbs,  appearing  on  the  edge  of  the  snow  and  some- 
times flowering  through  the  snow.  Flowers  solitary  or  in  few- 
flowered  umbels  on  long  stalks,  mauve  or  rarely  white.  Corolla 
campanulate,  nodding,  finely  divided  into  many  linear  segments. 
Capsule  5-valved,  each  valve  with  2  teeth. 

Only  4  species,  inhabiting  Central  Europe. 

Soldanella  «lpin*  L.    (Plate  VI.) 

Stems  erect,  3-6  inches  high,  leafless,  glabrous  or  rough,  with 
sessile  glands  or  pubescent  from  gland-hairs.  Leaves  radical,  dark 
green,  shining,  dotted  on  the  under  side  and  often  tinged  with 
purple,  stalked,  roundish  cordate  or  reniform,  coriaceous,  glabrous, 
entire,  margin  wavy  or  shallowly  crenate.  Flowers  usually  nod- 
ding or  pendent,  in  a  terminal,  1-4  flowered  umbel.  Fruiting 


flower-stalk  elongated,  rigid,  erect.  Corolla  campanulate,  funnel- 
shaped,  divided  half-way  down,  bearing  in  the  throat  5  ovate, 
membranous  scales  between  the  stamens  and  at  their  base.  Anthers 
about  twice  as  long  as  the  filaments.  Style  shorter  or  longer  than 
the  corolla  (dimorphic).  A  variable  plant. 

Moist  Alpine  pastures  ;  4000-9500  feet ;  common,  and  often  in 
great  quantities,  both  on  limestone  and  slate.  It  appears  imme- 
diately after  the  melting  of  the  snow  on  the  Alpine  pastures.  May 
to  July. 

Distribution. — Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Black  Forest,  Jura,  Auvergne,  Pyrenees. 

Soldanella  pusilla  Baumg.  rarely  if  ever  descends  to  the  sub- Alps. 
S.  minima  Hoppe.  is  also  a  more  truly  Alpine  species,  found  in  the 
Eastern  Alps  of  Tyrol,  etc.,  but  not  in  Switzerland  or  France. 


Herbaceous  plants  with  tuberous  roots.  Flowers  red,  rose,  or 
white,  often  scented,  nodding  at  the  extremity  of  naked  one- 
flowered  scapes,  which  are  coiled  spirally  after  flowering.  Corolla 
with  5  reflexed  lobes.  Stamens  5.  Capsule  with  5  reflexed  valves. 
Leaves  all  radical,  undivided. 

About  a  dozen  species  inhabiting  temperate  Europe,  Western 
Asia,  and  the  Mediterranean  district.  Much  cultivated  for  their 

Cyclamen  europceum  L.     (Plate  X.) 

Tuber  roundish,  of  varying  size.  Leaves  stalked,  orbicular- 
cordate,  sinuate-crenate,  coriaceous,  often  purplish  beneath  like 
the  stems.  Flower-stalk  or  scape  coiled  spirally  downwards  after 
flowering.  Flowers  purple-red,  rarely  white,  entire  at  the  throat, 
fragrant.  Corolla-lobes  revolute,  acute. 

Stony  and  bushy  places,  preferably  limestone,  in  sub-alpine 
districts  and  the  lower  hills.  August  to  October. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Moravia, 
Jura,  Bavaria,  Balkan  States. 

Cyclamen  neapolitanum  Ten. 

Leaves  ovate-acuminate,  deeply  heart-shaped  at  the  base, 
angular,  sinuate,  rolled  in  when  young.  Flowers  scentless,  purple- 
red,  toothed  at  the  throat,  appearing  before  the  leaves,  very  longly 

Thickets  on  limestone  hills  ;  local.    August  to  October. 

Distribution. — Very  rare  in  Switzerland  (Valais)  ;  Western  and 
Southern  France  from  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  to  Haute- Savoie, 
Corsica,  Italy.  Southern  Europe. 


Trientalis  europcea  L.     Chickweed  Wintergreen. 

Stem  erect,  simple,  3-6  inches  high,  with  a  whorl  of  5  or  6  leaves 
at  the  top,  which  are  obovate  or  lanceolate,  usually  pointed,  1-2 
inches  long,  and  with  2  or  3  small  alternate  leaves  lower  in  the  stem. 
From  the  centre  of  the  leaves  1-4  slender  pedicels  arise,  each 
terminated  by  a  single  flower,  white  or  very  pale  pink  with  a 
yellowish  ring.  Corolla  rotate.  Calyx-segments  narrow.  Stamens 
with  slender  filaments. 

Peat  bogs  and  damp  woods  ;  very  local.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — -Very  rare  in  Switzerland  (Bernina,  Poschiavo, 
Wildhaus,  Zumdorf,  etc.),  Savoie  (Albertville),  Ardennes,  Corsica, 
Southern  Tyrol,  Carniola,  Central  and  Northern  Europe ;  especially 
common  in  Norway  and  the  Scotch  Highlands  ;  Northern  Asia  and 
Arctic  America.  British. 

Samolus  Valerandi  L.     Brookweed. 

This  plant,  which  grows  almost  at  sea-level  in  England,  is  not 
infrequently  seen  in  damp  places  in  the  lower  Alps  and  Pyrenees, 
but  it  is  rare  in  Switzerland.  Leaves  obovate,  entire,  dark  green, 
glabrous  like  the  whole  plant,  usually  alternate.  Stems  6-12  inches 
high.  Flowers  small,  milk-white,  in  terminal  racemes  or  corymbs. 
Stamens  5.  Seed-vessels  a  5-valved  capsule. 

Marshes,  by  ditches,  and  in  the  mountains  on  wet  rocks,  it 
having  been  observed  on  damp  rocks  by  the  writer  in  both  Alps 
and  Pyrenees  at  a  considerable  elevation.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Pyrenees  ;  most  of  Europe, 
and  indeed  in  most  temperate  regions  of  the  world.  British. 


Flowers  regular.  Calyx  5-toothed.  Corolla  5-lobed.  Stamens 
usually  5  united  round  the  stigma  into  a  column.  Ovary  2-celled, 
the  carpels  connate  above.  Seed-vessel  of  two  follicles,  with 
numerous  seeds  clothed  with  silky  hairs.  Leaves  opposite,  entire. 

A  large  family,  chiefly  of  tropical  and  sub- tropical  trees  and 
shrubs  with  milky  juice.  There  are  very  few  European  species. 


Corolla  rotate,  5-lobed,  with  5  internal  scales.    Stigma  apiculate. 
About  80  species  in  the  tropical  or  sub-tropical  regions  of  both 
Old  and  New  World. 

Vincetoxicum  officinale  Moench.  (Cynanchum  Vincetoxicum  R.Br.). 
(Plate  X.) 

A  rather  shrubby  or  straggling  plant  from  I  to  nearly  3  feet  high, 


finely  pubescent,  with  creeping  rootstock.  Leaves  opposite,  entire, 
shortly  petioled,  the  middle  ones  cordate-ovate,  dark  green  in 
colour.  Flowers  small,  dirty  white  or  yellowish  in  axillary  clusters, 
petioled.  Follicles  glabrous,  very  large  (iJ-2  inches),  lanceolate- 
acuminate,  swollen  towards  the  base,  and  when  ripe  showing 
beautiful  silky  seeds.  Polymorphic. 

Stony,  thickety  places,  common  in  the  plains  and  lower  moun- 
tains.    June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Europe,    Caucasus,    N.    Africa.      Widely    spread 
throughout  France  and  Switzerland. 


Marsh  or  aquatic  plants  with  radical  or  floating  leaves,  or  rarely 
none,  and  irregular  flowers  on  leafless  radical  or  terminal  peduncles. 
Corolla  2-lipped,  projecting  below  into  a  spur  or  pouch.  Stamens  2. 
Ovary  and  capsule  i-celled. 

A  family  of  very  few  genera,  dispersed  over  the  greater  part  of 
the  globe. 

PINGUICULA  L.     Butterwort. 

Small  insectivorous  plants  growing  in  bogs  or  on  wet  rocks,  with 
radical,  entire  leaves,  purple  or  yellowish  flowers  on  leafless, 
radical  peduncles.  Corolla  spurred,  with  a  broad,  open  mouth. 
Capsule  opening  in  2  or  4  valves.  Dead  flies  are  frequently  seen 
on  the  leaves. 

Pinguicula  alpina  L. 

Leaves  in  radical  rosettes,  lanceolate  or  obovate,  obtuse,  entire, 
with  revolute  margins,  thick,  glabrous,  or  covered  with  viscid 
•glands.  Stem  erect,  i-flowered.  Corolla  pendent,  creamy  white 
with  yellow  spots  on  the  central  lobe  and  apex  of  the  spur,  which 
is  gibbous. 

Wet  rocks  and  damp,  stony  pastures  in  Alpine  and  sub-alpine 
regions  and  in  Switzerland,  descending  to  turf- moors  in  the  plain. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Mountain  ranges  of  Central  Europe  and  Russian 
Asia.  Arctic  Europe  and  Asia.  British. 

Pinguicula  vulgaris  L.    Common  Butterwort. 

Leaves  similar  to  the  last,  but  larger.  Spur  of  corolla  subulate, 
slender,  about  half  length  of  corolla.  Flowers  violet,  larger  than  in 
P.  alpina. 

Wet  rocks  and  damp  places,  and  especially  in  peaty  meadows 
from  the  plains  to  about  6500  feet.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  all  round  the  Arctic  Circle,  Russian 
Asia,  and  North  American.  British. 


Pinguicula  grandiflora  Lamk. 

Resembling  the  last,  but  larger  in  all  its  parts,  with  broader 
lobes  and  a  longer  spur  to  the  corolla,  and  a  more  obtuse  capsule. 
Throat  generally  white. 

Damp  meadows  and  peat  bogs  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps.  May 
to  August. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  only  in  some  of  the  Jura  frontier 
peaks  ;  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Corbi£res,  etc.  ;  Ireland. 

Pinguicula  Reuteri  Genty. 

Probably  a  sub-species  of  the  last.  Upper  lobes  of  calyx  broader, 
obtuse.  Corolla  rose  or  lilac,  with  more  or  less  violet  throat.  Spur 
very  pointed.  Transverse  section  of  the  capsule  elliptic  lozenge- 

Damp  sub-alpine  meadows  and  pastures  ;  rare.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Southern  Jura,  Haute- Savoie  (Alps  of  Annecy, 
etc.).  Maritime  Alps. 


Name  taken  from  Olea  the  Olive.  Flowers  regular,  generally 
small.  Calyx  with  4-5  divisions  or  sometimes  o.  Stamens  2. 
Leaves  simple  or  pinnate,  always  opposite.  Fruit  a  berry  or 
samara.  A  family  of  trees  and  shrubs  inhabiting  the  temperate 
and  hot  regions  of  the  two  worlds ;  but  comprising  no  Alpine  species. 

Fraxinus  excelsior  L.    Ash. 

Flowers  dioecious.  Fruit  a  broadly-winged  samara.  Leaves  with 
9-15  opposite  leaflets,  appearing  after  the  flowers. 

This  well-known  tree  is  frequently  seen  at  about  3000-3800  feet 
in  Switzerland,  but  never  in  large  quantities. 

Distribution. — Temperate  Europe,  as  far  north  as  Scandinavia, 
Western  Asia. 


Herbs  often  bitter,  usually  glabrous.  Leaves  opposite  and  entire 
without  stipules.  Flowers  in  terminal,  dichotomous  cymes  or 
panicles,  with  a  single  flower  in  each  fork,  or  solitary.  Calyx  4—8 
toothed.  Corolla  regular,  4-8  lobed.  Stamens  4-8  and  alter- 
nating with  the  corolla  lobes.  Capsule  opening  in  2  valves  with 
many  seeds. 

A  rather  large  family,  extending  nearly  all  over  the  world,  but 
chiefly  in  temperate  or  mountain  regions. 



Swertia  perennis  L. 

Glabrous.  Stem  erect,  6-12  inches  high,  4-edged,  simple  below 
and  bearing  an  elongated  raceme.  Leaves  crowded  at  base  of  stem, 
the  upper  ones  opposite,  entire,  lanceolate,  sessile ;  lower  ones 
elliptical,  running  into  the  leaf-stalk.  Angles  of  flower-stalk  nar- 
rowly winged.  Calyx-teeth  and  corolla  segments  lanceolate, 
acuminate.  Flowers  dark,  dingy  purple. 

Boggy  Alpine  meadows  and  peat  mosses  and  other  wet  places 
on  Alpine  pastures  ;  3000-6800  feet ;  very  local.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Riesengebirge  ;  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Black  Forest ;  North  German  plain, 
Erzgebirge,  Pyrenees,  Central  France,  Caucasus. 


Leaves  opposite,  entire.  Flowers  usually  blue,  but  also  purple, 
mauve,  yellow,  and  nearly  white,  solitary  or  in  terminal  cymes. 
Calyx  tubular,  often  angled,  with  5  or  rarely  4  lobes.  Corolla 
with  a  narrow  campanulate  tube  and  spreading  limb  divided  into 
5  or  rarely  4  lobes,  and  occasionally  5  additional  ones  in  the  angles. 
Style  remaining  attached  to  the  capsule  after  the  flower  fades. 
Stigmas  2.  Capsule  I -celled  and  2-valved. 

A  large  genus,  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere,  especially 
in  the  mountains,  and  in  the  higher  ranges  of  both  New  and  Old 
Worlds,  penetrating  into  the  tropics. 

Gentiana  lutea  L.    Great  Yellow  Gentian. 

Glabrous.  Stem  erect,  stout,  2-4  feet  high.  Root  cylindrical, 
thick,  ringed.  Leaves  large,  elliptical,  strongly  5-nerved,  the  lower- 
most stalked,  channelled ;  stem-leaves  cordate,  half -clasping. 
Flowers  yellow  with  brown  spots,  in  dense  clusters  or  whorls, 
corolla  5-cleft  nearly;  to  the  base,  the  divisions  being  lanceolate, 
acuminate.  Calyx  sheathing,  deeply  divided  on  one  side.  Root 
used  as  a  tonic. 

Grassy  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  descending  to  800  metres 
in  the  Jura.  Often  in  colonies.  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps,  Vosges,  Jura,  Black  Forest ; 
Central  and  Southern  Europe  ;  Asia  Minor. 

Gentiana  punctata  L.1 

Stem  about  I  foot  high,  erect,  robust.  Stem-leaves  oval  or 
lanceolate  sessile,  nerved,  the  lower  ones  stalked.  Flowers  yellowish, 
spotted  with  purple,  brown,  or  grey,  sessile  in  terminal  clusters. 
Corolla  6-cleft,  the  lobes  a  quarter  the  length  of  the  tube,  throat 
naked.  Calyx  campanulate  with  erect,  lanceolate,  unequal  teeth. 

1  In  the  Linnaean  Herbarium  (at  Burlington  House)  the  specimen  of  G.  punctata 
is  G.  pannonica  Freyn,  according  to  Prof.  Ascherson. 

4/7  NATURAL  si/i-: 


(',.    KOCH  I  ANA   (ISLUK   AND    \VHITK).  4    CLADOMA    SP. 



Grassy  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps,  especially  on  siliceous 
soil.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Silesia,  Erzgebirge,  Bavaria,  Macedonia,  Albania,  Bulgaria. 

Gentiana  pannonica  Scop. 

Stem  erect,  simple,  1-2  feet  high,  purple  above.  Lower  leaves 
elliptic,  petioled,  the  upper  ones  lanceolate,  acute,  sessile,  3-nerved. 
Calyx-lobes  reflexed,  equal.  Flowers  sessile,  usually  in  clusters  in 
the  axils  of  the  leaves.  Corolla  dull  purple,  with  pale  greenish 
yellow  base  and  streaked  with  reddish  brown,  campanulate,  5-7 
cleft,  throat  naked.  Root  very  bitter. 

Sub-alpine  pastures,  4500-6500  feet ;  chiefly  on  limestone. 
July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps,  Erzgebirge.  In 
Switzerland  only  on  the  northern  side  of  the  Curfirsten.  Bavaria, 
Bohemia,  Transylvania. 

Gentiana  purpurea  L.    (Plate  XXV.) 

Stem  erect,  1-2  feet  high,  simple.  Leaves  oval-lanceolate,  the 
lower  ones  petioled,  the  upper  sessile.  Calyx-lobes  erect,  cleft 
almost  to  the  base  on  one  side  in  the  form  of  a  spathe.  Corolla 
campanulate,  reddish  brown  or  purple  outside,  yellowish  within, 
rarely  white  or  yellow  ;  divided  one-third  of  its  length  into  oval, 
obtuse  lobes.  Flowers  sessile. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  and  rough,  broken  ground 
under  fir  trees.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Tyrol,  Styria,  Hungary,  Bavaria  (rare),  Switzer- 
land, Western  Alps,  Southern  Norway,  Kamtschatka. 

On  the  same  plate  is  also  an  illustration  of  the  yellow  variety 
flavida,  which  grows  about  le  Planet  sur  Argentiere  and  occasionally 
in  Switzerland. 

Gentiana  cruciata  L. 

Stem  erect  or  ascending,  6-18  inches  high,  simple,  very  leafy. 
Leaves  elliptic-lanceolate,  3-5  nerved ;  stem-leaves  sheathing, 
decussate  ;  upper  leaves  much  longer  than  the  flowers.  Flowers 
blue,  rather  small  for  the  size  of  the  plant,  sessile,  campanulate, 
4-cleft  (the  lobes  being  triangular,  acute)  in  a  dense  panicle  at  the 
leafy  top  of  the  stem.  Calyx  short,  with  3-4  spathulate  teeth. 

Thickets  and  grassy,  gravelly  places  on  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps, 
not  often  above  5800  feet,  and  usually  on  limestone.  Frequent  in 
the  plains.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe,  France,  Portugal,  N.  Spain, 
N.  Italy,  S.  Russia,  Greece,  Asia  Minor,  Caucasus,  Armenia, 


Gentiana  asdepiadea  L.    Willow  Gentian.     (Plate  XXVI.) 

Root  very  long  and  tapering,  sometimes  2  feet  or  more  in  length. 
Stem  erect,  simple,  1-3  feet  high,  many-flowered,  leafy  except  at 
the  base.  Stem-leaves  lanceolate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  acuminate, 
5-nerved,  sessile,  from  a  rounded  base  ;  no  root-leaves.  Flowers 
usually  in  clusters  of  2-3  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves,  forming  a 
long  terminal  leafy,  spicate  cyme.  Corolla  campanulate,  5-cleft, 
large  (iJ-2  inches  long),  dark  azure-blue  or  ultramarine,  variegated 
internally  with  white  streaks  and  dark  spots,  throat  naked.  Corolla- 
teeth  not  fringed,  lanceolate,  acuminate.  Calyx  tubular,  with  5 
very  short  linear  teeth.  Flowers  rarely  white.  (See  plate.) 

Bushy  sub-alpine  regions  and  stony  Alpine  pastures  up  to  6800 
feet,  especially  on  limestone  ;  a  very  handsome  species.  July  to 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Vosges,  Jura,  Corsica,  Dalmatia,  Bithynia,  Greece, 
Caucasus,  Asia  Minor. 

Gentiana  alpina  Vill.  Prosp.,  p.  22  (G.  acaulis  L.  part.). 

Stem  very  short.  Root-leaves  in  small  rosettes,  small,  leathery, 
i-nerved,  a  pair  of  lanceolate  stem-leaves  often  immediately  below 
the  calyx.  Calyx-lobes  lanceolate,  subacute,  divided  by  a  usually 
sharp  sinus.  Corolla  deep  blue  with  greenish  streaks,  rarely  white 
or  mauve,  i-ij  inches  long,  lobes  rather  obtuse  and  short. 

Grassy  Alpine  pastures  up  to  8500  feet,  but  not  often  seen  in 
the  sub-Alps,  and  much  less  common  than  G.  excisa. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Spain,  N.  Italy.  In  Switzer- 
land in  the  southern  ranges  only. 

On  the  type  specimen  of  G.  acaulis  in  the  Linnaean  herbarium 
Linnaeus  wrote,  "  Gentiana  caule  unifloro  flore  campanulato  caulem 
longitudine  excedente." 

Gentiana  excisa  Presl.  in  Flora,  1828,  p.  268  (G.  Kochiana  Perr.  et 

Song.,1  1853).    (Plate  XXV.) 

Larger  and  taller  than  the  last,  with  which  Linnaeus  combined 
it  and  the  next  to  form  G.  acaulis  L.  Stem  2-4  inches  high,  erect, 
with  a  pair  of  small,  lanceolate  leaves  lower  in  the  stem ;  stem 
much  elongated  on  maturity.  Leaves  larger  and  softer  than  in 
G.  alpina,  but  very  variable  in  shape  and  size.  Calyx-lobes  oval- 
lanceolate,  from  a  narrow  base,  contracted,  shorter  and  broader 
than  in  the  last  and  spreading  ;  sinus  between  calyx-lobes  truncate, 
the  membrane  connecting  the  divisions  of  the  calyx  more  developed. 
Corolla  ij-2j  inches  long,  campanulate,  deep  blue,  spotted  or 
streaked  with  green  within  and  often  of  a  duller  or  purplish  blue, 
very  rarely  white  or  violet.  Corolla-lobes  large,  toothed,  and 

1  Perrier  et  Songer,  PI.  nouv.  Savoie  (1853),  p.  53- 


Pastures  in  the  primitive  or  granitic  Alps,  less  often  on  limestone. 
Often  abundant  from  3800-8500  feet/  May  to  August,  according  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Jura, 
Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Central  Europe  ;  Carpathians. 

The  beautiful  and  very  rare  white  variety  drawn  by  Mr.  Flemwell 
was  found  by  him  near  the  Hotel  du  Planet,  above  Argentiere. 
(Plate  XXV.) 

Gentiana  Clusii  Perr.  et  Song.    Ind.  PL  nouv.  rares  et  crit.  Savoie. 

Stem  short,  often  almost  wanting.  Radical  leaves  coriaceous, 
stiff,  lanceolate  or  elliptic-lanceolate,  acute  or  acuminate.  Stem- 
leaves  much  smaller,  oval-lanceolate,  sharply  acuminate  ;  upper- 
most stem-leaves  rough  at  the  edges.  Corolla  always  peduncled 
(peduncles  much  elongated  after  maturity),  azure-blue,  not  spotted 
or  streaked  with  green.  Calyx-lobes  always  very  acute,  not  con- 
tracted at  the  base,  about  half  length  of  calyx-tube  ;  sinus  usually 

Alpine  pastures  on  limestone,  and  limestone  rocks  from  4000-8500 
feet,  lower  in  the  Jura,  and  in  Cantons  Vaud  and  Zurich.  May  to 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  N.  Spain,  Central  Italy,  Dalmatia, 
Bosnia,  Servia,  Montenegro. 

Sometimes  this  species  and  G.  Kochiana  seem  to  mutually  exclude 
the  other  in  their  respective  areas. 

Gentiana  angustifolia  Vill.    Hist.  Dauph.,  2,  p.  526. 

Stem  3-4  inches  high,  erect.  Rosette  leaves  linear-lanceolate, 
narrow,  obtuse,  or  shortly  acuminate,  3-5  times  as  long  as  broad, 
soft  and  shiny.  Calyx-lobes  spreading,  acute,  and  contracted  at 
the  base,  the  sinus  between  the  calyx-lobes  being  broad.  Corolla- 
lobes  acute.  Flowers  solitary,  very  large. 

Limestone  Alpine  pastures  ;   rare.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Alps ;  rare  in  Switzerland. 
Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees. 

Gentiana  verna  L.    Spring  Gentian.    (Plate  XXVI.) 

Stem  erect,  simple,  few-leaved,  i-flowered,  1-4  inches  high. 
Leaves  ovate,  elliptical  or  lanceolate,  acute,  the  lowest  in  rosettes, 
the  upper  I  or  2  pairs  distant.  Corolla  saucer-shaped,  5-cleft,  throat 
white.  Flowers  light  or  dark  azure-blue,  varying  considerably, 
and  occasionally  mauve  or  white.  In  Flemwell's  Flower  Fields 
of  Alpine  Switzerland  (1911)  is  a  beautiful  and  unique  picture 
showing  all  these  varieties  of  colour.1 

MeaolQws  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  at  least  10,000  feet 
1  These  colour  forms  are  also  shown  in  Plate  XXVI. 


in  the  Alps  ;  often  abundant  and  in  large  clusters  in  the  sub-alpine 
zone  and  above.    April  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps,  Erzgebirge,  Jura,  Black  Forest, 
Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Central  and  Southern  Europe, '  Western  and 
Northern  Asia ;  rare  in  British  Isles. 

Gentiana  bavarica  L.    Bavarian  Gentian. 

Stem  erect,  simple,  leafy,  2-5  inches  high,  i-flowered.  Leaves 
obovate  or  nearly  spathulate,  obtuse,  slightly  3-nerved,  crowded 
except  sometimes  the  uppermost ;  imbricate  in  the  young  shoots. 
Corolla  saucer-shaped,  5-cleft,  handsome,  deep  azure-blue,  or  very 
rarely  violet.1  Lobes  not  fringed.  Throat  naked.  Style  deeply 

Damp  pastures,  perferably  on  the  higher  calcareous  Alps  ;  local, 
but  often  in  great  masses  ;  5000-8500  feet.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Bavaria,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 

Gentiana  pyrenaica  L.     Pyrenean  Gentian. 

Stem  ascending  from  a  creeping  base,  2-4  inches  high,  densely 
leafy.  Leaves  small,  linear-lanceolate,  mucronate,  rough  at  the 
edges.  Flowers  a  rich  violet,  solitary,  shortly  peduncled.  Corolla- 
lobes  10,  unequal,  5  of  which  are  oval,  obtuse,  and  5  are  smaller 
and  toothed.  Capsule  elliptical. 

Damp  pastures  and  banks  of  rivulets  in  the  mountains  at  about 
4000  to  6000  feet,  but  extending  rarely  to  9000  feet.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern  Pyrenees,  Central  Pyrenees  (rare),  Spain, 
Ariege,  Aude  ;  Carpathians,  Armenia,  Caucasus.  Not  known  in  the 

Gentiana  nivalis  L. 

Annual.  Stem  1-6  inches  high,  erect,  leafy,  rather  fragile  ; 
usually  cymosely  branched  and  many-flowered,  less  often  simple 
and  i-flowered.  Leaves  3-5  nerved ;  root-leaves  ovate,  in  rosettes  ; 
stem-leaves  lanceolate.  Calyx  cylindrical,  with  5  prominent  angles 
and  acute  teeth.  Corolla  rotate,  with  a  cylindrical  tube,  naked 
throat  and  acuminate,  unfringed  teeth.  Flowers  small,  blue,  or 
sometimes  mauve,  very  rarely  white,  only  opening  in  sunshine. 

Alpine  meadows  and  pastures  5000-10,000  feet.  June  to  Sep- 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura, 
Pyrenees,  Carpathians,  Servia,  Bulgaria,  Montenegro,  Turkey, 
Iceland,  Scotland  (rare),  Central  and  Arctic  Europe  (Iceland), 
Asia  Minor,  North  America,  Greenland. 

1  Found  by  the  writer  with  violet  flowers  near  Bovine  (Col  de  la  Forclaz), 
June,  1908.  This  was  the  first  record. 

Pl.ATK    XXVI. 


2.  G.    VERXA   (IX    FOUR   COLOUR    FORMS).         3.  G.  CILIATA. 

4/7    NATURAL    SIZE. 



Gentiana  campestris  L.    (Plate  XXV.) 

Annual  or  biennial.  Corolla  4-lobed,  lilac,  but  frequently  darker 
violet  and  sometimes  white.  (Plate  XXV.)  Calyx-teeth  very 
unequal,  the  two  outer  lobes  three  times  as  broad  as  the  inner  ones, 
the  former  being  ovate-acuminate,  and  the  latter  lanceolate. 

Rather  dry  places  in  the  Alps,  sub-Alps,  and  hills.  It  ascends 
to  9300  feet  in  Switzerland,  as,  e.g.  on  the  Col  de  Torrent.  May  to 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  (but,  excepting  Iceland,  not 
Arctic)  Europe,  and  most  of  the  mountain  ranges  in  the  south  ; 
Spain,  Italy.  British. 

Gentiana  baltica.    Murbeck. 

This  little-understood  plant  is  probably  a  sub-species  of  the  last. 
Dr.  C.  E.  Moss  tells  me  he  considers  the  English  lowland  form  of 
"  G.  campestris,"  which  is  usually  biennial,  to  be  the  annual  G. 
baltica.  Stem  erect,  often  branched  above,  usually  still  bearing  the 
cotyledons  at  time  of  flowering  ;  they  are  broadly  lanceolate. 
Upper  leaves  sessile- acute.  Calyx-lobes  as  in  campestris.  Corolla 
4-lobed,  violet  or  white.  Capsule  sessile,  cylindric,  finally  longer 
than  the  corolla. 

In  Switzerland  it  has  been  recorded  from  Schafberg  and  near 
Samaden  in  Grisons  and  from  Villeneuve  in  Valais.     In  England 
the  true  plant  grows  in  several  places  as,  e.g.  on  the  Lancashire 
Gentiana  Amarella  L.  (G.  axillaris  Reichb.). 

An  erect,  much-branched  annual,  3-10  inches  high  ;  often  purplish 
or  livid  green  in  colour.  Leaves  ovate  or  lanceolate.  Flowers 
numerous,  usually  crowded  in  a  leafy  panicle,  pale  purplish  blue. 
Corolla-lobes  5,  ovate  or  oblong,  spreading,  with  a  fringe  of  hairs 
at  the  mouth  of  the  broad  tube.  Calyx  divided  to  the  middle  into 
5  narrow  lobes. 

Dry,  hilly  pastures  ;  becoming  a  sub-alpine  plant  in  Southern 
Europe.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central  and  Northern,  extending 
to  the  Arctic  Circle  in  both  Europe  (Iceland)  and  Asia.  Rare  in 
Switzerland  (Lower  Engadine),  Roumania.  British. 

Gentiana  germanica  Willd. 

Larger  and  stouter  than  G.  Amarella,  but  also  frequently  purplish 
in  ct>lour,  the  stems  and  leaves  being  sometimes  a  distinct  reddish 
purple.  An  annual,  about  10-18  inches  high.  Stem-leaves  ovate 
or  ovate-lanceolate.  Calyx-lobes  unequal,  shorter  than  corolla- 
tube,  usually  glabrous,  but  sometimes  finely  ciliate,  lanceolate. 
Corolla  large,  4-lobed,  deep  lilac  or  violet,  campanulate. 

Pastures,  open  woods,  etc.,  in  the  plains,  hills,  and  Alpine  valleys  ; 
preferably  on  limestone,  August  to  October. 


Distribution. — Central  Europe,  extending  to  Northern  France, 
Holland,  Belgium,  Germany,  and  Southern  England.  In  Switzer- 
land in  the  central  plateau  and  such  Alpine  localities  as  Andermatt 
and  St.  Moritz.  N.  Italy,  Servia,  Roumania,  Russia. 

A  more  Alpine  form  of  G.  germanica  is  called  G.  rhcetica  Kerner. 
The  corolla-lobes  are  never  spreading,  the  stems  are  shorter  and 
the  stem-leaves  rather  longer.  It  has  been  recorded  from  the 
Albula  in  Eastern  Switzerland.  It  apparently  prefers  siliceous 

Gentiana  ciliata  L.    Fringed  Gentian.     (Plate  XXVI.) 

Biennial  or  perennial.  Stem  3-10  inches  high,  simple  or  branched, 
leafy  to  the  top.  Leaves  erect,  lanceolate  or  linear-lanceolate, 
acute,  i-nerved.  Flowers  rather  pale  blue,  large  and  handsome, 
solitary  or  several  on  a  stem.  Corolla  divided  to  the  middle  into 
4  spreading  lobes,  which  are  toothed  and  strongly  ciliated.  Calyx 
campanulate,  with  4  lanceolate,  acuminate  segments,  much  shorter, 
than  the  long  tube.  The  blue  may  be  called  electric. 

Pastures  and  sloping  banks  in  the  Alps,  sub-Alps,  and  plains, 
especially  on  shale  or  limestone.  August  to  October.  The  writer 
has  found  it  from  8250  feet  on  the  Aiguille  de  Goleon  in  Dauphiny, 
and  from  near  Annecy  at  only  1650  feet.  It  is  distinctly  an 
autumnal  species. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  from  Belgium  to 
Bulgaria  ;  Spain,  Pyrenees,  Italy,  Alps,  S.  Russia,  Cilicia,  Armenia, 



A  small  genus  of  about  10  species,  inhabiting  Europe,  Asia,  and 

Polemonium  caruleum  L. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  erect,  furrowed,  hollow,  glabrous,  like  the 
leaves,  or  with  a  few  scattered  hairs.  Rachis  of  panicle  glandular- 
downy.  Leaves  pinnatifid,  segments  ovate-lanceolate  or  lanceolate, 
entire,  acute  or  acuminate,  often  curled,  dark  green.  Flowers  in  a 
terminal  panicle,  handsome,  bluish  or  white,  with  orange-yellow 
anthers.  « 

Margins  of  woods  and  boggy  meadows,  and  by  streams  in  sub- 
alpine  districts,  especially  on  turf.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern  and  Central  Alps,  Savoy, 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Siberia,  North  America,  Central  and 
Northern  Europe.  British. 



Twining  or  prostrate  herbs,  with  alternate  leaves,  or  leafless 
and  parasitical  (Cuscuta).  Calyx  of  4  or  5  sepals  often  very  unequal. 
Corolla  usually  campanulate,  with  4  or  5  lobes  or  nearly  entire. 
Stamens  4  or  5,  attached  near  the  base  of  the  corolla.  Partitions 
of  the  capsule  very  thin. 

The  family  is  not  represented  in  Alpine  regions  properly  so-called, 
but  in  the  lower  mountains  of  Europe  Cuscuta  or  Dodder  is  fre- 
quently seen. 

CUSCUTA  L.    Dodder. 

Cuscuta  Epithymum  Murray.    (Plate  X.)    Lesser  Dodder. 

An  annual  parasitical,  leafless  plant,  with  twining,  thread-like 
reddish  stems,  which  attach  themselves  to  Thyme,  Heath,  Gorse, 
and  other  shrubby  plants  by  means  of  minute  suckers.  The  heads 
of  flowers  are  small,  globular,  and  compact,  the  flowers  themselves 
being  very  small,  white  or  pale  pink,  and  the  calyx  still  smaller. 
Corolla-lobes  pointed,  spreading,  and  about  as  long  as  the  tube. 
Capsule  globular,  with  4  seeds  in  2  cells. 

Parasitical  upon  various  plants  in  sunny  places  in  the  plains  and 
Alps  to  at  least  6000  feet.  July  to  October. 

Distribution. — In  Europe  from  Denmark  southward,  N.  Africa, 
W.  Asia.  British. 

Dodder  was  observed  by  the  author  during  the  hot  summer  of 
1911  in  unusual  abundance  in  the  Pennine  Alps  and  upon  a  variety 
of  plants,  such  as  Euphorbia  Cyparissias,  Carduus  defloratus,  and 
Teucrium  montanum.  He  also  found  it  actually  parasitical  upon 
two  fronds  of  Polypodium  Robertianum,  which  is  perhaps  the  first 
record  of  any  kind  of  Cuscuta  upon  a  fern  ;x  though,  according  to 
Prillieux,  Rye-grass  has  been  attacked  by  C.  Epithymum.  It  is 
also  occasionally  found  on  Lotus  corniculatus,  Lavender,  and  other 
Labiates,  Hypericum  and  Achillea  millefolium.  When  Dodder  grows 
on  Clover,  or  Lucerne,  which  it  often  does  in  the  sub-Alps,  as  in 
England,  the  name  C.  Trifolii  Bab.  is  given  to  the  variety.  It  differs 
from  the  type  in  its  shorter  distant  scales.  Several  other  species  of 
Cuscuta  are  occasionally  found  in  the  lower  mountains  of  Southern 
Europe,  but  they  are  difficult  to  determine,  and  it  is  hardly  within 
the  scope  of  this  book  to  attempt  to  describe  them  here. 


Herbs  usually  rough  with  coarse  hairs.  Leaves  alternate,  simple, 
and  usually  entire.  Flowers  in  i-sided  spikes  or  racemes,  rolled 
back  when  young,  and  usually  forked.  Calyx  of  5  teeth.  Corolla 
regular,  or  slightly  irregular,  monopetalous,  with  a  5-cleft  limb. 

1  Journal  of  Botany t  December,  1911. 


Stamens  5,  inserted  on  the  corolla-tube.  Ovary  4-lobed,  with  a 
simple  style  inserted  between  the  lobes.  Fruit  of  4  i-seeded  nuts, 
like  seeds,  and  enclosed  within  the  calyx. 

A  large  family  in  the  northern  hemisphere,  with  a  few  repre- 
sentatives in  the  tropics  and  southern  hemisphere. 


Glabrous  and  glaucous  plants  with  entire,  amplexicaul  leaves 
with  more  or  less  heart-shaped  base.  Ovary  composed  of  2  carpels. 
Corolla  yellowish,  throat  naked  without  scales. 

Cerinthe  glabra  Miller  (C.  alpina  Kit.). 

A  glabrous  plant.  Stem  12-18  inches  high,  erect,  branched, 
leafy  to  the  summit.  Leaves  ovate-cordate,  embracing  the  stem. 
Flowers  yellowish  or  purplish,  rather  small,  pendent,  in  a|long 
panicle,  very  dense  at  the  top.  Sepals  lanceolate,  obtuse,  not 
ciliated  as  in  major,  nor  toothed  as  in  minor.  Corolla  about  one- 
third  longer  than  the  calyx,  with  short,  triangular,  sub-obtuse 
teeth.  Anthers  terminated  by  a  short  appendix.  Nuts  small. 

Pastures,  stony  slopes,  and  borders  of  woods  in  Alpine  and  sub- 
alpine  districts  up  to  6000  feet,  especially  on  limestone.  June  to 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Corsica,  Pyrenees,  Central  Europe. 

Cerinthe  major  L. 

About  the  same  height.  Stem  leafy,  erect.  Leaves  ciliate, 
spotted  with  white  tubercles,  obtuse.  Corolla  large,  yellow  at  the 
base,  violet  at  the  insertion  of  the  stamens,  limb  red,  but  some- 
times entirely  yellow  or  purple.  Anthers  as  long  as  the  filaments. 

Dry  hillsides  and  stony  places  ;  rare.  June  in  Switzerland  ; 
earlier  in  the  South. 

Distribution. — In  Switzerland  very  rare;  near  Sion.  Southern 
Europe,  Corsica,  N.  Africa. 

Cerinthe  minor  L. 

A  smaller  plant,  with  smaller  flowers  and  narrower  corolla-lobes 
and  sepals  edged  with  minute  teeth. 

Mountain  woods  and  pastures   (not  in  Switzerland).     May  to 


Distribution. — Savoy,  Dauphiny,  Provence  ;  W.  Central  Europe, 
W.  Asia. 


Cynoglossum  montanum  L.    Hound's-Tongue. 

Leaves  green,  with  scattered  hairs,  but  almost  glabrous  above, 
shining  ;  lower  leaves  elliptic  or  oval-elliptic  narrowed  into  a 
petiole  ;  upper  leaves  heart-shaped  at  base,  amplexicaul.  Flowers 
reddish  or  violet,  small  in  forked  cymes.  Corolla  funnel-shaped. 


Calyx  5-partite.  Nutlets  4,  with  a  thickened  border.  Not  always 
easy  to  distinguish  from  the  common  C.  officinale,  which  grows  in 
sandy,  waste  places  in  Switzerland,  as  in  England. 

Mountain  woods  ;   infrequent.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Cevennes, 
Central  Europe,  Western  Asia ;  rare  in  England. 

LAPPULA  Moench. 

Flowers  regular,  small,  blue.  Corolla  saucer-shaped,  closed  at 
the  throat  by  5  small  scales.  Nutlets  4,  trigonous,  bordered  by 
several  rows  of  barbed  bristles.  About  50  species  inhabiting 
temperate  regions  of  Old  and  New  World. 

Lappula  echinata  Gilib.  (Echinospermum  Lappula  Lehm.). 

Stem  branched  in  the  upper  part,  hispid  and  grey  like  the  whole 
plant.  Fruit-stalks  erect.  Flowers  in  small  axillary  clusters,  sky- 
blue.  Nutlets  finely  tubercled  outside,  the  side  angles  edged  with 
2  rows  of  hooked  hairs. 

Dry,  waste  places  in  the  plains  and  sub- Alps.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia, 
Japan,  N.  Africa. 

Lappula  deftexa  Garcke  (Echinospermum  deflexum  Lehm.). 

Fruit  -  stalks  reflexed.  Stem  branching  from  the  middle  or 
lower.  Leaves  lanceolate,  the  upper  ones  sessile.  Fruit  winged 
and  bordered  with  only  one  row  of  hooked  bristles.  Flowers 
small,  blue.  Scarcely  distinguishable  from  the  last  except  by  the 

Stony  places  and  shady  gorges  in  the  mountains.  June  to  August. 
Seen  by  the  author  as  high  as  about  6600  feet  in  Southern  Savoy 
(above  Lanslebourg). 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Savoy,  Dauphiny,  Central  and 
Northern  Europe  (Norway),  Altai,  Siberia. 

Asperugo  procumbens  L.    Madwort  (the  only  species). 

A  coarse,  straggling  weed ;  annual.  Stems  branched,  hispid 
like  the  leaves,  climbing  or  recumbent,  and  clinging  to  objects  by 
small  prickles  which  are  turned  downwards.  Leaves  rough,  oblong- 
elliptic.  Flowers  small,  i  or  2  together  in  the  leaf-axils.  Corolla 
violet  at  first,  then  blue,  rarely  white.  Tube  whitish*  Throat 
furnished  with  scales.  Calyx-lobes  5,  large  and  irregular,  enlarged 
after  flowering  and  concealing  the  fruit. 

Rubbish-heaps  and  waste  places  and  fields  near  dwellings ; 
changeable  and  erratic.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  including  Norway  and  the  Alps,  Pyrenees 


and  other  mountain  ranges,  but  not  everywhere  in  Switzerland  ; 
Western  Asia,  N.W.  India,  N.  Africa.  A  weed  of  cultivationjin 
parts  of  Britain. 

Lycopsis  arvensis  L.    Small  Bugloss. 

A  coarse  annual  covered  with  small,  stiff  hairs.  Stems  branched, 
i -I \  feet.  Leaves  lanceolate,  sinuate  and  often  toothed.  Flowers  in 
terminal  spikes  (usually  forked).  Corolla  pale  blue,  small,  with  the 
tube  curved  in  the  middle.  Calyx  deeply  5-cleft.  Nuts  wrinkled 
as  in  Anchusa. 

Sandy  fields  and  waste  places  from  the  plains  to  the  lower 
Swiss  Alps  (at  5000  feet  near  Zinal).  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  N.  Asia,  N.  America  and  other  parts 
of  the  world  where  introduced  by  cultivation.  British. 


Perennial  herbs  with  rather  large  blue  or  purple  flowers.  Calyx 
tubular-campanulate,  5-cleft.  Corolla  with  a  straight  tube,  without 
scales,  and  a  spreading  5-lobed  limb.  Nuts  smooth. 

A  very  small  European  genus. 

Pulmonaria  angustifolia  L.  (P.  azurea  Bess.). 

Stems  6-12  inches  high,  erect,  leafy.  Leaves  not  spotted.  Radi- 
cal leaves  lanceolate,  8-10  times  as  broad  as  long,  lengthened  into  a 
broadly- winged  leaf-stalk  ;  stem-leaves  oblong  or  oblong-lanceolate, 
sessile,  the  lower  ones  slightly  attenuated  at  the  base,  the  upper 
ones  amplexicaul.  Leaves  and  calyx  covered  with  short,  spreading 
and  glandular  hairs.  Corolla  reddish  at  first,  and  then  a  deep 
azure-blue,  flowers  in  short  racemes.  Calyx  cylindrical,  cleft  to  the 
middle,  teeth  lanceolate-acute.  Calyx  pendent  after  flowering. 
A  very  beautiful  plant. 

Bushy  Alpine  places  up  to  6500  feet ;  local. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 
Central  and  Eastern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Asia  Minor. 

Pulmonaria  officinalis  L.    Lungwort. 

Stems  6-18  inches  high,  with  alternate,  mostly  sessile  leaves. 
Root-leaves  ovate-oblong  on  long  footstalks,  coarsely  hairy  and 
often  much  spotted.  Calyx  very  hairy,  much  increasing  in  length 
after  flowering,  the  lobes  barely  reaching  the  middle.  Flowers  in  a 
terminal-forked  cyme.  Limb  of  corolla  broadly  spreading,  with 
short  lobes.  Flowers  dull  rose-coloured,  then  blue-violet,  though 
sometimes  remaining  rose  or  white. 

Hedge-banks  and  woods  in  the  plains  and  sub- Alps.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  to  the  Caucasus, 
extending  northward  to  Scandinavia ;  rare  in  Britain. 


Pulmonaria  montana  Lej.  (P.  ovalis  Bast.). 

Plant  covered  with  glandular  hairs.  Leaves  green,  not  spotted  ; 
root-leaves  broadly  elliptical-lanceolate,  acute,  petiole  broadened 
at  the  top  ;  stem-leaves  oblong-linear,  the  upper  ones  lanceolate, 
clasping  the  stem.  Corolla  violet.  Anthers  deep  violet.  Inflores- 
cence covered  with  viscid  glands. 

Woods  and  cool  places  in  the  lower  mountains  ;  local.  April, 

Distribution. — Southern  Switzerland,  and  occasionally  else- 
where, Pyrenees  and  French  mountains  generally. 


MYOSOTIS  L.    Forget-me-not. 

Flowers  regular,  small,  blue,  white  or  pink,  in  terminal  scorpioid 
cymes.  Corolla  saucer-shaped,  the  throat  closed  by  5  scales  alter- 
nating with  the  stamens.  Stamens  included  in  the  tube.  Calyx- 
tube  long.  Nuts  smooth  and  shining,  compressed  or  triangular. 

A  rather  large  genus  in  Europe  and  Northern  Asia;  scarce  in 
N.  America  and  well  represented  in  Australia. 

Myosotis  sylvatica  Lehm.    Wood  Forget-me-not. 

A  branched,  hairy  plant  with  stems  6-10  inches  high  springing 
from  a  tufted  stock.  Calyx  cleft  nearly  to  the  base,  with  narrow 
segments,  erect  when  in  fruit  and  covered  with  spreading  hairs. 
Corolla  large,  azure-blue,  with  spreading  limb.  Very  variable  in 
size  and  stature,  and  in  the  Alps  often  almost  impossible  to  dis- 
tinguish from  the  next. 

Mountain  pastures,  woods,  and  other  shady  places.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Northern  Europe  and  Asia,  becoming  a  mountain 
plant  in  the  central  ranges  from  the  Pyrenees  to  the  Caucasus  and 

Myosotis  alpestris  Schmidt.  (M.  pyrenaica  Pourret). 

A  smaller,  more  tufted  plant  with  shorter  and  denser  inflorescence. 
Calyx  almost  silvery,  with  spreading  hairs,  closed  after  flowering. 
Corolla  deep  azure-blue,  sometimes  white  and  rarely  pink,  scented. 
This  species,  if  it  be  one,  passes  into  M.  sylvatica,  every  intermediate 
form  being  found  in  the  lower  Swiss  Alps  ;  but  it  has  stiffer  hairs, 
shorter  cymes,  thicker  flower-stalks,  larger  calyx  and  more  com- 
pressed habit. 

Grassy  or  stony  pastures  of  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps,  extending  to 
10,000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Caucasus, 
Scandinavia,  Morocco,  Siberia,  N.  America,  N.  Britain. 


LITHOSPERMUM  L.    Gromwell. 

Corolla  regular,  funnel£or  salver-shaped,  throat  usually  naked, 
corolla-limb  shortly  5-lobed.  Flowers  in  leafy  cymes  or  one-sided 
spikes.  Nutlets  4,  very  hard. 

A  genus  spread  over  Europe,  especially  in  the  Mediterranean 
region,  and  Northern  Asia. 

Lithospermum  purpureo  cceruleum  L.  -  Purple  Gromwell. 

Stems  decumbent,  leafy,  1-2  feet  long  or  more,  with  shorter 
ascending  or  nearly  erect  flowering  stems,  ending  in  a^leafy,  forked 
cyme.  Leaves  lanceolate,  hairy.  Flowers  nearly  sessile,  deep  blue 
and  handsome.  Calyx-segments  narrow.  Nuts  smooth  and  shining. 
The  long,  arching,  leafy,  barren  shoots  have  the  property  of  rooting 
at  the  tips,  and  thus  the  plant  strides  over  the  ground,  not  by 
creeping  roots,  as  was  formerly  stated  in  English  manuals.1 

Thickets,  hedge-banks,  and  open  woods,  especially  on  carbonifer- 
ous limestone,  from  the  plains  to  the  hills.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  from  the  Atlantic 
to  the  Caucasus  ;  rare  in  Britain,  and  only  in  Glamorgan,  Somerset, 
and  ajfew  other  counties. 

This|plant  is  useful  for  covering  up  large  areas  in  rock-gardens 
where  little  else  will  grow,  but  it  must  be  kept  in  check. 

Lithospermum  arvense  L. 

An  erect,  generally  branched  annual  about  a  foot  high,  and 
usually  hoary  with  adpressed  hairs.  Leaves  linear-lanceolate. 
Flowers  small,  white,  or  rarely  blue  in  the  Alps,  sessile,  in  leafy 
terminal  cymes.  Calyx-segments  nearly  as  long  as  corolla.  Nuts 
hard,  conical,  and  wrinkled. 

Cultivated  and  waste  places  from  the  plains  to  about  5000  feet 
in  the  Western  Alps  and  Switzerland.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  except  the  extreme  north,  Central  Asia, 
and  introduced  as  a  cornfield  weed  in  many  parts  of  the  world. 


Coarse,  hispid  plants  with  handsome  blue  or  purple  flowers. 
Corolla  with  a  broad,  open  mouth  to  the  tube,  and  5  erect,  equal 
lobes.  Stamens  protruding  from  the  tube,  and  unequal  in  length. 
Style  2-cleft.  Nuts  wrinkled.  Calyx  deeply  cut. 

About  30  species  inhabiting  temperate  and  sub-tropical  countries 
of  the  Old  World. 

Echium  vulgare  L.    Viper's  Bugloss. 

Stem  erect,   1-2  feet  high,  covered  with  stiff,  spreading  hairs 

1  J.  W.  White,  "The  Life  History  of  Lithospermum  purpureo-cxruleum  L.," 
reprinted,  with  additions,  from  \hz  Journal  of  Botany  (1884). 


springing  from  a  tubercle.  Leaves  i-nerved,  the  root-leaves 
stalked  and  spreading  ;  the  stem-leaves  lanceolate,  sessile.  Flowers 
handsome,  at  first  reddish  purple,  afterwards  bright  blue,  rarely 
white.  Cymes  short,  disposed  in  a  long,  terminal  panicle.  It 
differs  chiefly  from  E.  italicum  (the  only  other  species  in  Switzer- 
land) by  its  simple,  and  not  branched,  inflorescence. 

Dry  meadows  and  stony  places  in  the  plains  and  Alpine  valleys. 
June  to  September.  Common,  biennial. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  except  the  far  north; 
Algeria.  British. 


Corolla  monopetalous,  usually  2-lipped  and  irregular,  with  4  or  5 
lobes.  Stamens  4  or  rarely  2,  inserted  on  the  tube  of  the  corolla. 
Ovary  2-celled.  Style  simple.  Ovules  numerous.  Fruit  a  many- 
seeded  capsule. 

A  large  family,  widely  spread  over  the  globe,  though  most 
abundant  in  the  temperate  regions. 

VERBASCUM  L.     Mullein. 

Flowers  in  simple  or  compound  spiked  racemes.  Corolla  nearly 
regular,  5-lobed,  rotate,  yellow,  sometimes  violet  at  the  throat. 
Stamens  5,  unequal,  with  bearded  filaments.  Leaves  usually 

Over  100  species  native  in  the  Old  World,  many  of  them  hybrid- 
ising, which  makes  their  determination  rather  difficult. 

Verbascum  nigrum  L.    Dark  Mullein. 

Stem  2-3  feet  high,  lightly  clothed  with  woolly  hairs,  ending  in  a 
long,  usually  simple  raceme.  Leaves  crenate,  nearly  glabrous  on 
upper  side,  slightly  woolly  beneath  ;  the  lower  ones  cordate-oblong, 
on  long  stalks  ;  the  upper  ones  nearly  sessile,  small  and  pointed. 
Flowers  numerous,  rather  small  in  comparison  with  some  of  the 
genus,  yellow,  with  bright  purple  hairs  on  the  filaments  and  purple 

Banks,  roadsides,  and  hills.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  except  the  Mediterranean  region  and 
extreme  north ;  Caucasus,  Western  Asia. 

Verbascum  Thapsus  L.    Great  Mullein. 

This  well-known  Mullein  is  the  largest  and  commonest  species, 
though  in  Switzerland,  as  elsewhere,  it  usually  occurs  singly  or  in 
twos  and  threes,  not  in  colonies.  It  is  3  or  4  feet  high,  and  the 
leaves  are  woolly  and  decurrent.  The  flowers  are  in  a  dense,  woolly 
terminal-spike  often  a  foot  long.  Biennial. 

Waste  places,  hills,  and  roadsides.    July,  August. 



Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Altai,  Himalaya,  and  naturalised 
in  America  and  Algeria. 

Verbascum  montanum  Schrad. 

Closely  resembles  V.  Thapsus,  of  which  it  is  sometimes  con- 
sidered a  variety,  but  the  flowers  are  larger,  filaments  of  all  the 
stamens  are  woolly,  and  the  leaves  not  so  strongly  decurrent. 

Hilly  woods  and  waste  places,  especially  in  Southern  Switzerland. 
June  to  August. 

Verbascum  Chaixii  Vill. 

A  perennial  species,  2-3  feet  high,  covered  with  greyish  tomentum. 
Stems  rather  slender.  Leaves  pubescent  above,  crenate  or  dentate, 
the  lower  ones  oval-oblong,  contracted  into  a  petiole  or  truncate  at 
the  base  ;  upper  leaves  almost  heart-shaped  and  sessile.  Flowers 
rather  small,  yellow,  with  violet  throat. 

Woods,  chestnut  groves,  and  hills.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Tessin  in  Switzerland,  Maritime  Alps,  Pyrenees, 
Cevennes,  Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Armenia. 


Corolla  personate,  spurred.  Stamens  4.  Stigma  notched  or 
2-lobed.  Capsule  of  2  nearly  equal  cells,  dehiscing  by  pores. 

A  numerous  genus  of  mostly  annual  plants,  especially  abundant 
in  South-western  Europe. 
Linaria  alpina  Miller.     (Plate  V.) 

Annual  or  biennial.  Root  tapering,  fibrous,  whole  plant  glabrous 
and  glaucous.  Stem  procumbent  or  ascending  at  the  apex,  simple 
or  branched,  weak,  glabrous  like  the  leaves.  Leaves  sessile,  linear 
or  linear-lanceolate,  obtuse,  glaucous,  entire,  in  whorls  of  3  or  4, 
or  the  upper  ones  alternate.  Flowers  in  short,  loose  racemes  ; 
flower-stalk  as  long  as  the  calyx.  Corolla  large,  violet,  with  orange 
throat.  Seeds  elliptical,  flat,  smooth,  surrounded  by  a  membranous 
rim.  Very  rarely  the  flowers  are  yellow. 

Debris  and  moraines  in  the  calcareous  Alps  and  sub- Alps ; 
common,  and  descending  into  the  valleys  in  the  dry  beds  of  streams. 
July  to  September. 

It  also  mounts  to  a  great  height  on  some  of  the  highest  peaks, 
and  has  been  gathered  at  3800  metres  or  12,460  feet  on  the  Grivola. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Jura,  Car- 
pathians, Transylvania,  Balkans,  Pyrenees,  Spain. 

Linaria  petrcea  Jord.     (Plate  V.) 

May  be  only  a  variety  of  the  above,  of  looser  habit,  with  blue- 
violet  flowers,  usually  without  any  orange,  and  seeds  less  broadly 

It  grows  in  similar  places,  but  is  far  from  common,  except  in  the 


Jura.  It  reaches  a  height  of  about  6600  feet  above  Lanslebourg  in 
Southern  Savoy.  It  is  not  infrequent  above  Argentine  in  Haute- 
Savoie,  whence  came  the  plant  figured,  and  above  Zinal.  It  is 
probably  biennial. 

Linaria  striata  DC. 

Stem  i-ij  feet  high,  glabrous,  very  leafy.  Lower  leaves  in 
whorls  of  3-4  ;  upper  ones  single,  linear-lanceolate,  acute.  Flowers 
pale  lilac  or  mauve  streaked  with  violet.  Palate  yellow,  in  long, 
loose,  spiked  racemes.  Spur  of  corolla  straight,  obtuse,  short. 

Waste,  stony  places  and  hillsides,  up  to  4500  feet  in  Savoy. 
June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Southern  Switzerland  (very  rare),  France  and 
Western  Europe  from  the  Pyrenees  to  Germany,  Scandinavia  and 

Linaria  minor  Desf,  L.  viscida  Moench. 

This  small  glandular-pubescent  annual  species,  with  minute  pale 
yellow  and  mauve  flowers,  is  sometimes  seen  as  a  weed  between  the 
metals  of  railways  and  other  waste  places  in  sub-alpine  France  and 
Switzerland,  just  as  it  appears  in  the  plains  of  those  countries  and 
in  England. 

SCROPHULARIA  L.      Figwort. 

Rather  tall  herbs,  with  flowers  in  panicled  cymes,  small,  greenish 
purple,  yellow  or  violet.  Corolla  2-lipped,  not  spurred.  Tube 
ventricose.  Stamens  4,  with  a  scale  representing  the  5th.  Stigma 
notched.  Capsule  ovoid,  acute. 

About  120  species  inhabiting  Europe,  temperate  Asia,  Africa, 
and  N.  America. 

Scrophularia  canina  L. 

Plant  i-2j  feet  high,  glabrous,  nearly  simple,  with  a  loose- 
branched  glandular  panicle  of  small  flowers  which  are  reddish  brown 
mixed  with  white.  Upper  lip  of  corolla  one-third  as  long  as  the 
tube.  Leaves  pinnatifid. 

Stony  places,  dry  beds  of  mountain  torrents,  and  de*bris,  here  and 
there  in  Switzerland,  commoner  in  Southern  France.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Corsica,  Asia  Minor, 
N.  Africa. 

Scrophularia  Hoppei  Koch. 

Closely  allied  to  the  last.  The  upper  lip  of  corolla  longer,  i.e.  more 
than  half  as  long  as  the  tube.  Flowers  reddish  brown,  with  white 
margin.  Anthers  bright  orange-coloured.  Leaves  pinnatifid  or 
pinnate.  Segments  inciso-dentate,  deeper  and  broader  than  in  the 


Dry,  stony  places  in  sub-alpine  valleys.  June  to  September. 
It  ascends  to  6600  feet  near  Lanslebourg  in  Southern  Savoy. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Cevennes,  Auvergne ;  Central 

Erinus  alpinus  L. 

The  only  species.  A  small  tufted,  creeping  plant.  Leaves 
spathulate,  serrate  or  crenate ;  stem-leaves  alternate,  usually 
hairy.  Flowers  in  terminal  corymbs,  rose-coloured  (very  variable). 
Corolla  saucer-shaped,  nearly  regular,  with  5  emarginate  lobes  and 
slender  tube. 

Rocky  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  dry  beds  of  streams,  rocks 
and  walls,  descending  to  the  plains  in  both  Switzerland  and  Savoy. 
May  to  October. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Cevennes, 
Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Spain,  Sardinia,  Balearic  Isles,  Algeria. 

DIGITALIS  L.    Foxglove. 

Flowers  in  long  terminal  racemes,  large,  purple  or  yellow,  rarely 
white.  Corolla  campanulate  or  ventricose,  with  bearded  throat. 
Stigma  2-lobed.  Capsule  oval-acuminate,  with  2  cells. 

About  1 8  species  inhabiting  Europe,  S.  Africa,  and  Central  and 
Western  Asia. 

Digitalis  grandiflora  All.  (D.  ambigua  L.).     (Plate  XXVII.) 
2-3    feet    high.      Leaves    oblong-lanceolate,    serrulate,    ciliate. 

Corolla    broadly   campanulate,   large,   glandular  -  pubescent,   dull 

yellow  or  yellow-ochre,  with  brown  veins  within.    Sepals  lanceolate, 


Woods  and  bushy,  rocky  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps.    June 

to  September.    Very  common  on  the  limestone  about  Engelberg. 
Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Jura,  Ardennes,  Vosges.    Europe 

from  Belgium  and  Spain  to  Russia  and  West  Siberia. 

Digitalis  lutea  L.    (Plate  XXVII.) 

1-3  feet  high,  usually  glabrous.  Leaves  lanceolate,  shining, 
glabrous  on  both  sides,  finely  serrated,  the  lower  ones  shortly 
petioled  ;  upper  leaves  sessile  and  rounded  at  the  base.  Flowers 
pale  lemon-yellow,  neither  veined  nor  spotted,  in  a  long,  compact, 
tapering,  unilateral  raceme.  Flowers  much  smaller  than  the  last. 
Calyx-lobes  linear-lanceolate.  Capsule  ovoid,  conic,  glabrescent. 

Woods  and  bushy,  stony  places  in  sub-alpine  districts  ;  common. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe,  from  Belgium  and  Spain  to 
Hungary  and  Galicia ;  Morocco. 

The  Purple  Foxglove  (D.  purpurea  L.)  does  not  grow  in  Switzer- 




47    NATURAL    SIZE. 


land  or  in  the  Jura,  though  widely  spread  through  France,  and  it 
reappears  in  Corsica  and  Sardinia. 

Tozzia  alpina  L. 

Rootstock  covered  with  succulent,  imbricate  scales,  with  thick 
fibres  among  them,  forming  an  ovoid,  compact  body.  Stem  erect  or 
ascending,  succulent,  quadrangular,  with  short  hairs  on  the  angles, 
with  opposite  branches  from  the  middle,  and  a  pair  of  leaves  at 
the  axils  of  each  pair  of  branches.  Leaves  ovate,  acute  or  obtuse, 
sessile,  glabrous,  coarsely  serrate  or  entire.  Flowers  opposite  in 
the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves,  shortly  stalked,  forming  short,  loose, 
leafy  racemes  at  the  summit  of  the  branches  ;  flower-stalk  downy, 
recurved  when  the  fruit  is  ripe.  Corolla  yellow,  with  red  spots  on 
lower  lip.  Perhaps  semi-parasitic. 

Moist,  stony,  shady  places  in  limestone  woods  and  among  debris 
in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps  ;  local.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Silesian  Mountains ;  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees. 

Bartsia  alpina  L.     (Plate  XXII.) 

Rhizome  branching,  many-stemmed.  Stem  simple,  erect,  or 
ascending,  purplish  brown,  with  glandular  hairs,  2-8  inches  high, 
quadrangular,  scaly  at  the  base.  Leaves  opposite,  ovate,  some- 
'what  amplexicaul,  bluntly  serrate,  wrinkled,  covered  with  short 
hairs  ;  upper  leaves  violet.  Flowers  solitary  in  the  axils  of  the 
upper  leaves,  shortly  stalked,  dark  violet-red,  covered  with  glan- 
dular hairs.  Anthers  bearded.  Calyx  hairy.  Becomes  black  on 

Fresh,  grassy  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps,  extending  up- 
wards to  8800  feet.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Sudetic  Mountains,  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest,  Pyrenees.  All 
mountainous  Europe,  and  as  far  as  Arctic  Russia  and  Siberia. 

VERONICA  L.     Speedwell. 

Herbs  with  opposite  stem-leaves  and  small  flowers,  blue,  white, 
or  pink,  in  spikes  or  racemes,  or  in  the  axils  of  alternate  floral- 
leaves.  Calyx  4  or  rarely  5-cleft.  Corolla  with  very  short  tube, 
and  rotate  limb,  deeply  4-cleft.  Stamens  2.  Capsule  more  or  less 
flattened  laterally,  and  opening  in  2  valves.  Seeds  few. 

A  large  genus  in  the  northern  hemisphere  ;  a  few  species  ex- 
tending into  the  tropics  and  southern  hemisphere,  and  others 
(mostly  shrubs)  are  peculiar  to  New  Zealand  and  Australia. 


Veronica  Beccabunga  L.    Brooklime. 

A  stout,  glabrous  plant  with  hollow  stems,  broad,  oval,  serrate, 
shining  leaves  and  small  bright  blue  flowers  in  axillary  panicles. 

Ditches,  damp  mountain-sides,  and  wet  places  generally  from 
the  plains  to  about  5000  feet.  May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  and  Western  Asia,  Himalaya, 
Japan,  N.  Africa. 

Veronica  montana  L. 

Foliage  very  similar  to  that  of  the  Germander  Speedwell,  but 
more  glabrous.  Stem  trailing,  rooting  at  the  nodes.  Leaves  ovate- 
cordate,  on  long  stalks.  Racemes  loose,  slender,  and  with  few 
flowers,  which  are  pale  blue  or  mauve.  Capsule  very  flat,  orbicular, 

Moist  mountain  woods.    May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Temperate  Europe,  Corsica,  Algeria.     British. 

Veronica  urticcefolia  Jacq.    (Plate  XVI.) 

Stem  erect,  roundish,  10-16  inches  high,  hairy  like  the  leaves. 
Leaves  sessile,  ovate,  acute,  from  a  cordate  base  ;  upper  ones 
acuminate,  all  sharply  serrate,  entire  at  the  base.  Racemes 
opposite,  loose.  Peduncle  shorter  than  the  leaf.  Pedicels  erect, 
usually  longer  than  the  linear-lanceolate  bracts,  patent  when  fruit 
is  ripe.  Flowers  pale  pink  or  mauve.  Capsule  erect,  compressed, 
nearly  globular,  slightly  emarginate,  twice  as  long  as  the  calyx. 

Shady  declivities  and  woods  in  the  Alps  and  lower  mountains. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps  ;  Pyrenees,  Jura  ;  Central  and  Southern  Europe  from  Spain 
to  Turkey. 

Veronica  officinalis  L. 

Stems  creeping,  much-branched,  rooting  at  the  nodes,  usually 
about  6-8  inches  high.  Leaves  obovate  or  oblong,  toothed,  and 
hairy.  Racemes  or  spikes  axillary,  hairy.  Flowers  nearly  sessile, 
rather  small,  pale  blue  or  lilac.  Capsule  obovate  or  obcordate. 

Woods  and  dry,  bushy  pastures  in  the  plains  and  lower  mountains. 
Sometimes  up  to  5000-6000  feet  in  Savoy.  June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  N.  America.     (British.) 

Veronica  Teucrium  L. 

Plant  6-12  inches  high,  covered  with  greyish  pubescence,  and 
with  an  almost  woody  rootstock.  Stems  prostrate  or  ascending. 
Leaves  sub-sessile,  oblong  or  lanceolate,  strongly  toothed.  Flowers 
blue,  large,  in  axillary  and  opposite  spikes,  numerous.  Calyx  hairy, 
with  5  very  unequal  segments.  Capsule  oboval,  hairy,  at  length 
longer  than  the  calyx.  Style  rather  longer  than  the  capsule. 


Dry  pastures,  borders  of  mountain  woods,  etc.    June,  July. 
Distribution. — Central    and   Southern    Europe,   Western    Asia; 
very  common  in  Switzerland  and  France. 

Veronica  prostrata  L. 

Allied  to  V.  Teucrium,  but  smaller,  and  with  narrow-lanceolate 
leaves,  slightly  toothed  or  entire,  and  thickly  covered  with  grey 
pubescence.  Flowers  pale  blue,  rather  small,  in  axillary  and 
opposite  spikes.  Calyx  glabrous,  very  unequally  divided.  Stems 
prostrate  and  then  ascending.  Rootstock  almost  woody. 

Dry  hills  and  grassy  places  ;  local.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe.  Rather  rare  in 
Switzerland  and  Jura,  and  commoner  in  France. 

Veronica  spicata  L. 

Stems  ascending  and  erect,  6-12  inches  high,  simple.  Leaves 
oblong  or  ovate  in  lower  part  of  stem,  downy  and  finely  crenate  or 
toothed.  Flowers  bright  blue,  rarely  pink  or  white,  small,  in  a 
dense  terminal  spike.  Lobes  of  corolla  narrower  and  less  spreading 
than  in  many  species. 

Hilly  pastures  and  dry,  grassy  places  from  the  plains  to  the 
Alpine  region.  Seen  as  high  as  8500  feet  near  Mont  Cenis  by  the 
author  ;  most  common  in  limestone  districts.  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Northern  and 
Western  Asia,  but  not  within  the  Arctic  Circle ;  rare  in  Britain. 

Veronica  fruticulosa  (L.)  Wulf. 

Stem  woody  below  and  procumbent,  rooting,  annual  shoots  6-9 
inches  high.  Leaves  opposite,  glabrous,  fleshy,  crowded  with  weak 
hairs  on  the  margin  ;  upper  leaves  lanceolate,  obtuse,  sessile, 
entire  or  crenate  ;  lower  leaves  smaller,  narrowed  into  a  short 
leaf-stalk.  Raceme  terminal,  at  length  elongated.  Flowers  pink 
or  rose,  veined  with  a  darker  tint.  Capsule  roundish  ovate,  com- 
pressed, hairy  towards  apex,  as  long  as  the  calyx.  Style  as  long  as 
the  capsule.  Distinguished  from  the  nearly  allied  V.  saxatilis  L. 
by  the  glandular  hairs,  red  flowers,  and  the  longer  leaves. 

Stony  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  places  up  to  8000  feet ;  local.  June 
to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Southern 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Sierra  Nevada ;  rare  in  Switzerland  except  on  the 
Jura  (Dole)  and  about  Engelberg,  on  limestone. 

Veronica  saxatilis  Scop.  (V.  fruticans  Jacq.).    (Plate  XVI.) 

Stem  2-6  inches  high,  ascending  from  a  woody  base.  Leaves 
oblong-lanceolate  or  oval,  obtuse,  entire  or  slightly  crenate,  thick, 
coriaceous  ;  lower  leaves  smaller.  Inflorescence  covered  with  very 
short,  curved  glandular  hairs.  Flowers  large,  handsome,  blue  with 


a  red  ring  at  the  throat.  Capsule  longer  than  the  calyx,  ovoid,  and 
slightly  conical.  Style  at  least  as  long  as  the  capsule.  A  very 
variable  species,  according  to  situation,  soil,  etc.  It  possesses  a 
strong  dye,  which  is  such  that  a  dried  specimen  in  the  herbarium 
frequently  makes  an  exact  impression  on  the  sheet  of  that  above  it. 

Stony  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps.  June  to  August  or 
September.  Prefers  granite. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Sudetic  Mountains,  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps;  Vosges,  Jura,  Auvergne,  Pyrenees,  Corsica; 
rare  in  Scotland ;  Scandinavia. 

Veronica  aphylla  L. 

Stem  naked,  1-2  inches  high.  Runners  creeping,  few-leaved, 
hairy.  Leaves  ovate  or  obovate,  crenate-serrate  or  nearly  entire, 
obtuse,  with  very  short  leaf-stalk,  crowded  almost  into  rosettes. 
Flowers  pale  blue  or  mauve,  very  fugitive,  in  a  single  axillary  or 
apparently  terminal,  long-stalked,  few-flowered,  glandular,  corym- 
bose raceme,  which  is  elongated  when  the  fruit  is  ripe.  Flower- 
stalks  erect  in  fruit,  longer  than  the  capsule.  Capsule  oval  or 
obovate,  emarginate,  longer  than  the  4-cleft  calyx. 

Rocky,  moist  places  on  the  high  Alps  up  to  9000  feet,  and  not 
descending  to  the  sub-alpine  regions.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus, 
Altai,  N.  America. 

Veronica  bellidioides  L. 

Much  like  V.  alpina,  but  larger  in  all  its  parts,  though  inter- 
mediate forms  appear  to  occur.  Stem  4-6  inches  high,  simple, 
ascending,  rough-haired  like  the  entire  plant,  glandular  above. 
Leaves  light  green,  hairy,  obovate-lanceolate,  obtuse,  entire  or 
crenate ;  the  lowermost  much  larger,  narrowed  into  a  leaf-stalk, 
and  crowded  almost  into  rosettes,  persistent ;  upper  leaves  sessile, 
distant.  Flowers  in  a  roundish,  crowded  spike,  elongated  and  looser 
when  in  fruit.  Flowers  dull  blue.  Capsule  oval  or  ovoid,  slightly 
emarginate.  Seeds  flat. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  and  stony  places.  June  to 

Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps  ;  Pyrenees ;  Moravia,  Transylvania,  N.E.  Balkans. 

EUPHRASIA  L.     Eyebright. 

Small,  erect  herbs,  partly  parasitic  on  roots.  Flowers  small,  in 
dense  leafy  spikes.  Calyx  4-toothed.  Corolla  tubular,  2-lipped ; 
upper  lip  concave.  Stamens  4.  Anthers  hairy.  Capsule  oblong. 
Leaves  opposite,  lobed  or  incised.  Many  grow  in  the  Alps  and 
sub- Alps,  and  only  a  very  brief  account  of  so  critical  a  genus  can 
be  given  here. 


Euphrasia  officinalis  L.    Common  Eyebright.    (Plate  XXVIII.) 
A  small,  branched  annual,  varying  much  in  size,  shape  of  leaves, 

size  and  colour  of  flowers,  etc.    Leaves  small,  sessile,  opposite,  ovate, 

deeply  toothed.    Flowers  in  loose,  terminal,  leafy  clusters  or  spikes. 

The  calyx  with  4- pointed  teeth.    Corolla  white  or  pinkish,  streaked 

with  purple  and  with  a  yellow  spot  in  the  throat.    Capsule  oblong. 

Sometimes  in  alpine  regions  the  plants  are  only  i  or  2  inches  high. 
Pastures  from  the  plains  to  the  high  Alps.    July  to  October. 
Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  and  Central  Asia  to  the  Arctic 

Circle.    British. 

Euphrasia  salisburgensis  Funck.     (Plate  XXVIII.) 

A  stiff,  erect  annual,  often  simple,  though  more  frequently 
branched,  with  prominent  sharp  teeth  to  the  glabrous  leaves,  the 
teeth  being  very  large  towards  the  base  of  the  leaf.  Flowers  small 
(6-8  mm.),  usually  white,  with  bluish  upper  lip  or  entirely  blue, 
mauve,  or  violet.  Leaves  often  purplish. 

Pastures  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps.    July  to  October. 

Distribution. — -Alps,  Central  and  Southern  Europe  extending  to 

Scandinavia  and  Corsica.     Ireland.     Particulars,  with  plate  and 

map,  of  its  distribution  in  Ireland  are  given  in  Mr.  Praeger's  very 

cheap  and  excellent  little  book  on  the  Flora  of  the  West  of  Ireland.1 

Euphrasia  minima  Jacq.     (Plate  XXVIII.) 

A  very  small  annual,  yellow-flowered  species,  simple  or  branched 
below.  Leaves  always  obtuse,  the  lower  ones  with  only  I  tooth 
each  side,  the  upper  with  2-4  teeth.  Bracts  oval  or  oval-oblong, 
spreading,  with  3-4  teeth  on  each  side.  Corolla  5-6  mm.  long,  very 
variable  in  colour  and  outline  ;  though  usually  yellow  it  is  some- 
times whitish  or  mauve  or  partly  yellow  and  mauve. 

Pastures  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps.    July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Auvergne,  Pyrenees,  mountains  of 
Central  Europe  and  Asia  Minor.  Two  or  three  years  ago  a  form  of 
this  plant  was  discovered  on  Exmoor,  new  to  the  British  Isles.  A 
rather  unlikely  spot  for  the  plant.  The  Exmoor  specimens  recently 
seen  by  the  author  at  the  British  Museum  are  not  very  typical  of  the 
Continental  plant,  though  they  may  be  a  form  of  it. 

Euphrasia  lutea  L.     (Plate  XXIX.) 

A  very  distinct  annual  species,  formerly  known  as  Odontites  lutea 
Reichb.  Stems  slender,  branched,  the  branches  being  opposite  and 
spreading,  finely  pubescent.  Leaves  linear  or  linear-lanceolate, 
scabrous,  scarcely  toothed,  the  upper  ones  and  bracts  entire. 
Corolla  bright  yellow,  with  ciliated  border. 

Dry,  hot  hills  in  the  sub-alpine  region.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Asia 
Minor,  Syria,  Algeria. 

1  R.  Lloyd  Praeger,  A  Tourist's  Flora  of  the  West  of  Ireland  (1909),  p.  173. 


MELAMPYRUM  L.    Cow-wheat. 

Annual  plants,  with  opposite  leaves  and  branches,  and  semi- 
parasitical.  Floral-leaves  often  developed  into  coloured  bracts. 
Flowers  yellow,  purple,  or  variegated ;  axillary  or  in  terminal  leaf- 
spikes.  Calyx  tubular  or  campanulate,  4-toothed.  Upper  lip  of 
corolla  compressed,  entire,  or  with  a  small  lobe  on  each  side  ;  lower 
lip  spreading,  with  3  short  lobes  and  a  projecting  palate  nearly 
closing  the  mouth  of  the  tube.  Capsule  ovate,  oblique. 

A  small,  distinct  genus  confined  to  Europe  and  N.  Asia. 

Melampyrum  pratense  L.    (Plate  XXVIII.) 

Stem  erect,  6-12  inches  high,  with  spreading  opposite  branches, 
glabrous.  Leaves  lanceolate,  upper  ones  usually  toothed  at  the 
base.  Flowers  usually  entirely  yellow,  rarely  with  whitish  tube, 
and  sometimes  partly  lilac,  in  distant  axillary  pairs.  Calyx-teeth 
erect,  shorter  than  the  tube,  but  very  variable.  Annual. 

Woods  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  the  lower  Alps.     June, 


Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia.     British. 

Melampyrum  sylvaticum  L.     (Plate  XXVIII.) 

Much  like  certain  forms  of  the  last,  but  usually  smaller,  with  the 
floral-leaves  entire  and  much  smaller  flowers,  of  a  deep  yellow. 
Calyx-teeth  prominent,  lanceolate,  acute.  An  annual. 

Woods  and  thickets  in  the  mountains.    July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corbieres, 
most  of  Europe,  Caucasus,  Altai,  Siberia.  N.  Britain  and  Ireland. 

Melampyrum  nemorosum  L.     (Plate  XXVIII.) 

Annual,  like  the  rest;  easily  distinguished  by  its  large  violet- 
coloured  bracts  or  floral-leaves,  yellow  flowers,  with  orange  palate 
and  rusty  red  tube. 

Borders  of  mountain  woods  and  hills.    July. 

Distribution. — Local  in  Switzerland  (banks  of  the  Veveyse  near 
Vevey),  Savoy  -(south  of  the  Saleve,  near  Argentiere,  etc.),  Alps, 
Cevennes,  Pyrenees.  Europe  and  Western  Asia. 

RHINANTHUS  L.    Yellow  Rattle. 

Annual  herbs,  parasitic  on  roots,  turning  black  when  dry. 
Flowers  yellow,  in  unilateral  spikes,  with  broad  bracts.  Calyx 
ventricose,  4-toothed,  enclosing  the  seed-capsule  like  a  bladder. 
Corolla  2-lipped.  Stamens  4.  Seeds  winged.  Leaves  opposite, 
narrow,  toothed. 

About  20  species,  difficult  to  distinguish,  inhabiting  the  northern 
hemisphere.  Several  are  abundant  in  the  lower  Alpine  meadows 
and  pastures. 


4/7    NATURAL    SIZE. 







Schinz  and  Keller  point  out  that  the  genera  Melampyrum, 
Rhinanthus,  Euphrasia,  and  certain  Gentians  present  a  seasonable 
differentiation  (un  dimorphisme  saisonnier) :  '  Une  espece  donnee 
peut  se  redoubler  par  adaptation  directe  a  la  station  en  une  race 
printaniere  ou  estivale  peu  rameuse,  fleurissant  et  fructifiant  de 
bonne  heure  et  une  race  automnale  tres  rameuse,  fleurissant  et 
fructifiant  plus  tard.'  * 

For  information  on  these  interesting  points  and  for  a  full  de- 
scriptive account  of  the  species  and  sub-species  of  this  difficult 
genus  found  in  Switzerland  the  reader  is  referred  to  the  Flore  de  la 
Suisse,  by  Schinz  and  Vilczek. 

Rhinanthus  sub-alpinus  Schinz  and  Thellung.     (Plate  XXVIII.) 
Plant   6-12   inches   high.     Stem   streaked  with   black,   almost 

glabrous.     Leaves  broadly  lanceolate,  crenate-dentate,  sub-acute. 

Bracts  triangular,  ending  in  a  short  point,  the  lower  teeth  being 

subulate,  aristate.    Upper  lip  of  corolla  with  violet  lobes,  narrowly 

conical,  sub-acute,  2  mm.  long. 
Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  in  the  Alps  and  Jura,  and  also  in 

the  plain  of  Switzerland. 

The  writer  did  not  see  the  plant  which  was  drawn  and  here 

figured,  and  cannot  be  sure  that  it  belongs  to  this  species. 

PEDICULARIS  L.    Lousewort. 

Flowers  usually  in  bracteate  spikes  or  racemes,  large  and  showy, 
red  or  yellow.  Calyx  tubular  or  campanulate,  often  inflated,  2-5 
toothed.  Corolla  2-lipped,  tube  often  dilated,  upper  lip  entire  or 
notched,  lower  lip  3-lobed.  Stamens  4.  Anthers  hairy.  Erect 
herbs  with  deeply  divided  leaves,  turning  black  when  dry,  parasitic 
upon  roots. 

There  are  about  150  species  inhabiting  the  mountainous  parts 
of  Europe,  Asia,  Africa,  and  America.  Many  are  acrid,  and 
consequently  harmful  to  the  pastures.  Nearly  all  are  Alpine  or 
sub-alpine,  and  the  great  majority  in  the  Alps  grow  from  about 
4500-6000  feet,  and  having  been  fully  treated  in  the  author's  Alpine 
Plants  of  Europe,  he  does  not  propose  to  repeat  many  of  those 
descriptions  here,  but  to  give  a  brief  summary  of  them  and  to  add 
a  few  species  which  grow  at  lower  altitudes.  This  summary  is 
based  on  that  of  the  late  A.  W.  Bennett.2 

A. — Flowers  yellow.     Upper  lip  of  corolla  drawn  out  to  a  long  narrow 

beak : 

P.  elongata  Kerner.  Stem  6-12  inches,  few-leaved,  nearly 
glabrous.  Spike  elongated.  Calyx-teeth  leaf-like,  inciso-dentate, 
bracts  glabrous,  pinnatifid.  Leaves  deeply  pinnatifid.  Segments 
inciso-serrate.  South-eastern  Tyrol  and  Venetian  Alps  ;  rare. 

1  Flore  de  la  Sutsse  (1909).     Ed.  frangaise  par  Wilczek  et  Schinz,  p.  519. 

2  7^he  Flora  of  the  Alps.     By  A.  W.  Bennett  (1897),  vol.  ii.  p.  89. 


P.  tuberosa  L.  Stem  densely  woolly,  4-10  inches.  Spike  short. 
Calyx-teeth  leaf-like,  inciso-dentate.  Upper  bracts  trifid.  Leaves 
bipinnatifid,  with  toothed  lobes  and  woolly  petiole.  Alpine 
pastures,  Alps,  Pyrenees,  etc. 

P.  Barrelieri  Reichb.  Spike  long  and  lax,  less  hairy  than  the 
last.  Calyx-teeth  entire,  lanceolate.  Western  Alps  ;  rare. 

B. — Flowers  yellow.  Upper  lip  of  corolla  not  prolonged  into  a  long 
beak : 

P.  Oederi  Vahl.  Stem  scarcely  3  inches,  leafy.  Corolla  bright 
yellow,  glabrous,  and  spotted  with  scarlet  or  dark  purple  on  the 
under  side  of  upper  lip.  Leaves  pinnatifid  with  blunt  segments, 
obscurely  serrated.  Carpathians,  Eastern  Alps,  Piedmont,  and 

P.foliosa  L.  Flowers  large-,  sulphur-yellow.  Plant  1-2  feet  high, 
leafy,  nearly  glabrous.  Spike  leafy.  Leaves  pinnatifid,  with  linear- 
lanceolate  segments  irregularly  incised.  Alps,  Jura,  Vosges, 
Pyrenees,  Apennines. 

P.  comosa  L.  Flowers  large,  citron-yellow.  Stem  1-2  feet  high, 
rough  with  woolly  hairs.  Spike  elongated,  dense.  Upper  bracts 
entire,  lanceolate.  Leaves  pectinate-pinnate,  with  narrow  incised 
segments.  S.  Tyrol,  Western  Alps,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  N.  Asia. 

c. — Flowers  red.    Corolla  beaked.    Stem-leaves  alternate  : 

P.  incarnata  L.  Stem  erect,  6-18  inches,  leafy.  Flowers  large, 
light  rose-colour  or  reddish.  Spike  long  and  lax.  Calyx-teeth 
nearly  entire,  woolly  like  the  bracts.  Leaves  pectinate-pinnatifid, 
glabrous.  Segments  inciso-dentate,  not  encrusted  at  margin.  Alps, 

P.  cenisia  Gaudin.  Stem  nearly  leafless  ;  smaller  plant  than  the 
last  and  always  woolly.  Spike  very  short.  Calyx-teeth  pinnatifid. 
Piedmont  and  Western  Alps  of  France. 

P.  asplenifolia  Floerke.  Flowers  few,  rose-red,  large.  Calyx- 
teeth  nearly  entire  or  sometimes  crenate,  with  recurved  tip.  Stem 
1-3  inches.  Leaves  small,  pinnatifid.  High  Eastern  Alps,  from 
Grisons  to  Carinthia  ;  rare. 

P.  rostrata  L.  Flowers  large,  few,  bright  rose,  with  long  darker 
beak.  Calyx-teeth  crenate,  with  recurved  leaf-like  tip.  Stem  2-4 
inches.  Leaves  pectinate-pinnate.  Highest  pastures  and  granitic 
moraines.  Carpathians,  Alps,  Pyrenees. 

P.  PortenscMagii  Sauter.  Stem  2-4  inches.  Flowers  large,  pink, 
few,  with  long  tube  and  short  beak.  Calyx-teeth  crenate,  with 
recurved  tip.  Leaves  pectinate-pinnatifid,  with  linear-lanceolate 
segments.  Jura,  Tyrol,  Carinthia,  Carpathians. 

P.  gyroflexa  Gaudin  (P.  fasciculata  Bell.).  Stem  about  8  inches 
high.  Flowers  rose-coloured,  large.  Beak  of  corolla  short,  lower 


lip  very  small.  Calyx  woolly,  with  leaf-like  segments.  Leaves 
bipinnatifid  with  inciso-serrate  segments.  Southern  Switzerland, 
Tyrol,  Western  Alps. 

D. — Flowers  red.    Corolla  not  beaked.    Stem-leaves  alternate : 

P.  sylvatica  L.  Stem  nearly  simple,  leafy,  about  6  inches  long, 
prostrate  or  spreading.  Flowers  sessile,  dark  pink  or  rarely  white, 
in  short  terminal  heads.  Calyx-lobes  unequal,  lower  ones  toothed. 
Leaves  pinnate,  with  deeply  cut  segments.  Damp  meadows  and 
pastures  in  the  plains  and  sub- Alps.  Western,  Central,  and 
Northern  Europe.  British. 

P.  palustris  L.  A  larger  and  more-branched,  glabrous  plant,  at 
least  a  foot  high.  Leaves  sometimes  opposite,  pinnate,  with  short 
ovate,  crenate  segments.  Flowers  rather  large,  purple-red,  upper 
lip  darker.  Calyx  bifid.  Damp  meadows  and  marshes.  Northern 
and  Central  Europe  to  the  Arctic  regions,  Siberia.  British. 

This  does  not  ascend  so  high  in  the  Alps  as  the  last. 

P.  rosea  Jacq.  Flowers  rose-coloured,  rather  large,  upper  lip 
darker,  in  a  terminal,  short,  crowded  spike.  Stem,  bracts,  and 
calyx  woolly.  Leaves  pectinate-pinnate,  with  linear-incised 
segments.  Eastern  and  Western  Alps,  but  not  in  Switzerland. 

P.  recutita  L.  Stem  1-2  feet,  leafy.  Flowers  dull  greenish  or 
rusty  red,  in  a  long  dense  spike.  Calyx-teeth  lanceolate,  entire. 
Leaves  pectinate-pinnatifid,  with  broad  segments.  Alps  and 

E. — Flowers  deep  pink.    Stem-leaves  in  whorls : 

P.  verticillata  L.  Stem  erect,  simple,  with  a  few  whorls  of  3—5 
narrow  pinnatifid  leaves.  Flowers  in  crowded,  terminal,  whorled 
spikes.  Calyx  inflated.  Corolla  not  beaked.  Alps,  Pyrenees, 
N.  Asia,  N.  America. 

F. — Flowers  pink,  large.    No  stem  : 

P.  acaulis  Scop.  Quite  distinct.  Flowers  pale  pink,  large,  on 
short  radical  stalks.  Leaves  in  a  radical  whorl.  Eastern  Alps. 


Leafless  brownish  root-parasites.  Rootstock  often  tuberous, 
naked  or  scaly.  Stem  stout,  solitary,  scaly,  not  often  branched. 
Flowers  in  more  or  less  dense  spikes  or  racemes.  Sepals  4  or  5. 
Corolla  2-lipped.  Stamens  4.  Ovary  i-celled.  Seeds  numerous, 
minute.  A  widely  distributed  family,  chiefly  in  Southern  Europe. 

OROBANCHE  L.     Broom-rape. 

Characters  of  the  family.  None  are  truly  Alpine,  though  several, 
and  particularly  0.  epithymum  DC.  (0.  rubra  Sm.),  are  found  in  the 
sub- Alps.  That  species  has  been  seen  by  the  author  as  high  as  6600 


feet  in  Savoy  and  in  Switzerland,  where  it  is  parasitical  upon  Thyme, 
as  in  parts  of  England.  The  following  species  of  Broom-rape,  with 
the  host-plant  upon  the  roots  of  which  they  grow,  have  been 
recorded  from  Switzerland  by  A.  W.  Bennett,  Keller  and  Schinz, 
etc.  : 

0.  minor  Smith,  on  various  plants,  very  commonly  on  Purple  Clover. 

Style  violet. 

0.  loricata  Rchb.,  on  Artemisia  campestris.    Style  yellow. 
0.  Picridis  Schultz,  on  Picris  hieracioides.    Plant  very  pale. 
0.  Scabioscz  Koch.,  on  Scabiosa  Columbaria  and  on  spp.  of  Carduus 

and  Cirsium.    Corolla  yellow  and  violet. 
0.  epithymum  DC.  (0.  rubra  Sm.,  0.  alba  Stephan),  on  Thyme. 
0.  Teucrii  Holan.,  on  Teucrium  and  Thymus.    Spike  short. 
0.  caryophyllacea  Sm.,  on  Galium.    Plant  yellow,  scented. 
0.  flava  Mart.  (0.  Frolichii  Rchb.),  on  Adenostyles,  Petasites  offic. 

albus  and  niveus,  and  Aconitum  Lycoctonum. 
0.  Hederce  Duby.,  on  Ivy.    Spike  elongated. 
0.  Salvice  Schultz,  on  Salvia  glutinosa.    Corolla  yellow. 
0.  lucorum  A.Br.,  on  Berberis  and  Rubus  ccesius.    Corolla  brownish 

0.  Laserpitii  Sileris  Reuter,  on  Laserpitium  Siler.    Stem  swollen  at 

base  into  a  large  ball.    Corolla  brownish  yellow,  streaked  with 

0.  elatior   Sutton  (0.  major  L.),  on   Centaur ea    scabiosa.      Plant 

yellow.     Corolla  reddish  brown. 
0.  Cervaria  Suard.  (0.  alsatica  Kirchl.),  on  Peucedanum  Cervaria 

and  Seseli  Libanotis.    Corolla  fawn-coloured,  tinted  with  violet. 

Sepals  distinct. 
0.  rubens  Wallr.  (0.  gracilis  Sm.),  on  Lotus,  Hippocrepis,  Genista, 

etc.    Corolla  reddish  brown.    Sepals  2-3  cleft. 
0.    Rapum  Genista  ThuilL,   on   Broom  and  other   Leguminosae. 

Tall,  coarse,  with  large  brown  flowers. 

0.  cruenta  Bert.,  on  Medicago  sativa  and  Melilotus.    Yellow. 
0.  purpurea  Jacq.   (0.  ccerulea  Vill.),  on  Yarrow.     Whole  plant 

0.  Icevis  L.  (0.  arenaria  Berk.),  on  Artemisia  campestris.     Bluish. 

Anthers  hairy  (smooth  in  purpurea). 
0.  ramosa  L.,  on  hemp  and  tobacco.    Stem  branched. 


Lathrcea  Squamaria  L.    Toothwort. 

Lathrcea  is  closely  allied  to  Orobanche,  but  the  calyx  has  4  broad, 
short  teeth.    Plant  fleshy,  yellowish  white  or  pale  purple.    Raceme 


unilateral,  drooping.  Rootstock  fleshy,  and  creeping,  covered  with 
short,  thick,  fleshy  scales.  Parasitical  upon  roots  of  Hazel,  Poplar, 
and  Alder,  and  rarely  upon  Vines  and  Apple  trees. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Central  and  Russian  Asia  except  the 
extreme  N.  British. 


A  small  family  of  about  14  species,  inhabiting  Europe  and  the 
Mediterranean  district. 


Flowers  blue,  in  globular  heads.  Cordla  tubular.  Calyx  4-cleft, 
teeth  linear.  Stamens  nearly  equal  in  length.  Stigma  simple, 

Globularia  cordifolia  L. 

Root  tapering,  branched,  putting  up  branching  prostrate,  rooting 
shoots,  which  ultimately  become  woody  and  knotty.  Stem  her- 
baceous, erect  or  ascending,  simple,  leafless  except  for  i  or  2  scales, 
glabrous  like  the  leaves.  Flowers  blue,  in  a  solitary  umbel,  flatly 
hemispherical.  Leaves  of  the  shoots  alternate,  crowded,  stalked, 
obovate-lanceolate  or  spathulate,  entire,  rounded  at  the  apex, 
emarginate  or  3-toothed. 

Gravelly,  stony,  and  dry  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  places,  often 
covering  large  tracts.  May  to  July. 

It  prefers  limestone,  and  is  found  from  the  plains  up  to  8000  feet. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Jura, 
Pyrenees,  Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

Globularia  nudicaulis  L. 

Rootstock  with  fusiform  branches,  many-headed,  but  with  no 
runners.  Stem  herbaceous,  3-6  inches  high,  naked,  or  with  a  few 
scales,  erect,  simple,  glabrous  like  the  leaves,  bearing  only  a  single 
hemispherical  capitulum  of  blue  flowers.  Radical  leaves,  stalked, 
cuneate-oblong,  entire,  rounded  at  the  apex  or  shallowly  emargi- 
nate. Scales  of  the  stem  small,  lanceolate-membranous,  not  ciliated. 
Leaves  coriaceous,  dark  green. 

Pastures  and  stony  places  on  the  calcareous  Alps  and  lower  Alps. 
June,  July.  It  does  not  reach  quite  so  high  an  altitude  as  the  last. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Pyrenees, 
Spain,  Apennines. 

Globularia  vulgaris  L. 

Rootstock  almost  woody.  Scape  erect,  4-12  inches  high,  with 
numerous,  alternate,  small,  sessile,  lanceolate-acute  leaves.  Root- 
leaves  large,  -  oboval,  entire,  sometimes  trifid  at  top,  gradually 
narrowing  into  a  long  petiole.  Flowers  blue  in  small  globular  heads. 


Variable  and  represented  in  Switzerland  by  the  sub-species  Will- 
kommii  Nyman. 

Dry  hills,  especially  limestone.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe.  Very  widely  spread 
in  France. 


Herbs,  or  rarely  shrubs,  with  square  stems  and  opposite  leaves, 
often  glandular  and  fragrant.  Flowers  solitary,  or  in  opposite, 
axillary,  crowded,  stalked,  or  sessile  cymes.  Corolla  tubular  and 
2-lipped.  Calyx  persistent,  5-cleft.  Stamens  4,  epipetalous,  rarely 
2.  Ovary  4-lobed,  with  one  ovule  in  each  lobe.  Stigma  2-fid. 
Fruit  of  four  i -seeded  nutlets. 

A  very  large  family,  spread  all  over  the  globe,  and  easily  known 
from  all  other  Monopetals,  except  the  Borage  family,  by  the  4- 
lobed  ovary  and  the  4  small  nuts  in  the  base  of  the  calyx.  The 
family,  however,  comprises  comparatively  few  Alpine  species,  and 
not  one  high  "  Alpine." 

MENTHA  L.    Mint. 

Flowers  small,  in  dense  axillary  cymes  or  leafy  spikes.  Corolla- 
tube  short,  limb  4-lobed.  Stamens  nearly  equal ;  whole  plant 
usually  strongly  scented. 

About  30  species  inhabiting  north  temperate  regions.  They 
hybridise  very  easily,  and  hence  are  rather  difficult  to  determine. 
The  Swiss  Mints  are  practically  the  same  as  the  English. 

Mentha  sylvestris  L.  (M.  longifolia  Hudson).    Horse-mint. 

Stems  2-3  feet  high,  erect,  slightly  branched,  hoary  like  the  whole 
plant  with  close  down.  Leaves  sessile,  broadly  lanceolate.  Flowers 
small  and  numerous,  in  dense  cylindrical  spikes,  forming  oblong- 
terminal  panicles. 

Wet  mountain  pastures  and  waste  places  in  the  plains,  forming 
great  colonies  in  some  sub-Alpine  districts  as,  e.g.  about  Argentiere. 

Distribution. — Temperate  and  Southern  Europe,  Russian  and 
Central  Asia.  British. 

THYMUS  L.    Thyme. 

Flowers  small,  in  axillary  cymes,  often  unisexual.  Calyx  2-lipped. 
Corolla  obscurely  2-lipped.  Stamens  4,  very  unequal.  Leaves  small, 
entire.  Stem  procumbent.  Most  species  very  fragrant. 

Thymus  Serpyllum  L.    Common  Thyme. 

Stems  slender,  prostrate,  much  branched,  hard  but  scarcely 
woody  at  the  base,  forming  low,  dense  tufts,  and  often  almost 
covered  with  purple  flowers.  Leaves  very  small,  oblong  or  ovate, 
fringed  with  a  few  long  hairs  at  the  base.  Flowers  usually  6  in  a 
whorl,  with  no  true  bracts,  in  short,  terminal,  leafy  spikes.  Calyx 

Pl.ATK    XXIX. 


4/7    NATURAL    SI/K. 




usually  hairy,  and  whole  plant  often  densely  covered  with  short, 
hoary  hairs.  Very  polymorphic,  and  in  Switzerland  several  sub- 
species and  varieties  are  known. 

Banks,  hillsides,  and  pastures  from  the  plains  to  9000  feet. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  and  Central  Asia.     British. 


Flowers  usually  in  whorls  of  6  or  more,  forming  terminal  racemes 
or  spikes.  Calyx  2-lipped,  the  upper  lip  entire  or  with  3  small  teeth, 
the  lower  one  2-cleft.  Corolla  with  upper  lip  erect,  concave  or 
arched,  the  lower  spreading,  3-lobed,  the  middle  lobe  often  notched. 
Stamens  really  2,  but  easily  mistaken  for  4,  on  account  of  the 
arrangement  of  the  anthers,  which  have  a  long,  slender  convectivum 
having  the  appearance  of  a  filament. 

A  large  genus  widely  spread  over  temperate  and  warm  regions  of 
the  globe,  being  mountain  plants  within  the  tropics. 

Salvia  pratensis  L.    Meadow  Sage.     (Plate  XXIX.) 

A  handsome  plant  1-2  feet  high  with  shortly  stalked  root-leaves, 
ovate  heart-shaped  or  oblong,  3  to  5  inches  long,  coarsely  toothed 
and  much  wrinkled  ;  stem-leaves  smaller,  mostly  sessile.  Flowers 
in  a  long,  terminal,  simple  or  branched  spike,  composed  of  whorls 
of  large  rich  blue  or  deep  mauve  flowers.  Upper  lip  of  calyx  slightly 

Dry  pastures  and  mountain-sides,  common  and  often  in  large 
colonies  in  sub-alpine  districts,  but  being  nevertheless  one  of  the 
most  beautiful  of  Alpine  flowers.  June,  July,  and  again  sometimes 
in  autumn. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  to  the  Caucasus, 
and  northwards  to  Sweden,  Northern  France,  and  Kent. 

Salvia  glutinosa  L.     (Plate  XXIX.) 

Cymes  2-3  flowered ;  flowers  dirty  yellow,  very  large,  soon  fading ; 
upper  lip  of  calyx  entire.  Leaves  cordate  hastate,  pubescent, 
longly  petioled,  large,  crenate-dentate.  Stems  2-3  feet  high,  erect, 
viscous  above.  Calyx  also  covered  with  viscid,  glandular  hairs. 

Mountain  woods  and  thickets  in  the  sub-alpine  region.  June  to 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Eastern  Pyrenees,  Corsica, 
Europe  and  Asia  from  Spain  to  the  Himalaya. 

Salvia  verticillata  L.     Whorled  Salvia. 

Flowers  small,  pale  blue  or  mauve  or  rarely  white,  shortly  pedi- 
celled,  in  dense  whorls  forming  elongated  spikes.  Calyx  violet, 
hairy,  upper  lobe  trifid.  Leaves  petioled,  broadly  ovate-cordate, 
irregularly  crenate-dentate,  soft  and  green.  Whole  plant  usually 
hairy  and  disagreeably  scented. 


Waste  places,  dry  hills,  etc.    June  to  August. 

In  August,  1911,  we  observed  several  large  clumps  of  this  plant 
on  the  embankment  of  the  new  electric  railway  just  below  Argen- 
tiere  at  the  unusual  height  of  about  4000  feet  above  the  sea. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe ;    Western  Asia. 

Calamintha  alpina  L.    Alpine  Calamint.    (Plate  XXI.) 

Stem  prostrate  or  ascending,  simple  or  branched,  downy  like 
the  calyx.  Leaves  ovate  or  elliptical,  acute,  slightly  serrate,  usually 
glabrous.  Flowers  reddish  purple  in  few-flowered  axillary  cymes. 
Calyx  open  in  fruit  with  spreading  teeth,  and  clearly  2-lipped.  Very 
rarely  the  flowers  are  pink  as  in  the  figure,  this  specimen  coming 
from  near  Le  Planet,  above  Argentiere. 

Sunny,  stony,  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  slopes,  descending  to  the 
plains  of  Switzerland.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Carpathians. 

Calamintha  nepetoides  Jord. 

Plant  about  2  feet  high,  covered  with  greyish  hairs,  and  pleasantly 
scented.  Leaves  ovate,  serrated,  petioled.  Flowers  pink,  rather 
small,  in  very  lax  panicles  or  whorls  on  branched  peduncles  longer 
than  the  leaves.  Calyx  long,  with  almost  equal  teeth,  shortly 
ciliate,  2  of  the  teeth  being  narrower  and  rather  longer  than  the 
3  others. 

Dry,  stony  places  in  the  lower  calcareous  mountains.  June  to 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Eastern  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Southern 
Europe,  Asia  Minor. 

Horminum  pyrenaicum  L. 

About  6  or  10  inches  high.  Root-leaves  stalked,  ovate-lanceolate, 
crenate,  wrinkled,  glabrous.  Flowers  violet,  usually  in  false  whorls 
(axillary  cymes)  of  6.  Calyx  2-lipped,  upper  lip  3-toothed  ;  lateral 
teeth  wedge-shaped.  Corolla  2-lipped,  upper  lip  erect,  2-cleft, 
tube  provided  with  a  ring  of  hairs.  Stamens  4,  distant,  connivent 
towards  the  apex  beneath  the  upper  lip  of  corolla.  Anthers  coherent 
in  pairs ;  anther-lobes  coalescent  at  the  apex,  dehiscing  by  a 
common  longitudinal  fissure.  It  is  the  only  species  known. 

Grassy  pastures  in  the  Alps  from  about  4000-6500  feet ;  local, 
and  absent  from  many  large  districts,  though  abundant  in  Tyrol. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  but  extremely 
rare  in  the  Western  Alps,  and  in  Western  Switzerland,  Pyrenees, 


Dracocephalum  Ruyschiana  L. 

Stem  8-12  inches,  erect,  branched,  nearly  glabrous,  very  leafy. 
Leaves  linear-lanceolate,  entire,  shining  above,  paler  beneath  and 
dotted,  margin  slightly  recurved.  Inflorescence  spicate.  Bracts 
broad,  ciliate.  Flowers  violet-blue,  handsome. 

Pastures  and  stony  places  in  the  Alps  ;  rare.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Western  Alps  ;  Central  Pyrenees  ; 
Norway  ;  parts  of  Germany  ;  Asia,  Japan. 

Dracocephalum  austriacum  L. 

Rather  taller.  Leaves  with  3-7  linear-lobes,  those  of  the  upper 
leaves  narrower,  aristate.  Flowers  large,  deep  violet,  in  a  short, 
terminal  spike. 

Rocky  places  ;   rare.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Grisons,  Valais,  Tyrol,  Dauphiny,  Pyrenees  (?), 

Micromeria  Piperella  Benth. 

Flowers  red-purple.  Corolla  with  long,  slender  tube,  2-lipped, 
lower  lip  of  3  nearly  equal  lobes.  Stamens  4.  Cymes  1-3  flowered, 
on  short 'stalks,  unilateral.  Calyx  cylindrical,  5-toothed,  not  2- 
lipped.  Leaves  small,  ovate,  sessile,  glabrous.  Stems  wiry,  4-6 
inches  high. 

Rocky  places  in  hot,  southern  mountains  (e.g.  about  Tenda)  ; 
very  rare.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — French  and  Italian  Maritime  Alps  ;   endemic. 

Melittis  Melissophyllum  L.    Balm. 

Flowers  very  large,  about  ij  inch,  pink,  or  white,  spotted  with 
purple,  solitary  or  in  pairs  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves.  Calyx  with 
rounded  lobes.  Leaves  ovate-cordate,  serrate,  hairy. 

Mountain  woods,  hedges,  and  ravines.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Dauphiny,  Savoy,  Pyrenees,  Corsica  ; 
most  of  France  ;  CentraFand  Southern  Europe ;  rare  in  England. 

LAMIUM  L.    Dead  Nettle. 

Cymes  many-flowered,  sessile.  Upper  lip  of  corolla  arched, 
lower  lip  spreading.  Stamens  4.  Anthers  hairy.  Flowers  purple, 
white,  or  yellow,  rather  large. 

About  40  species  in  Europe,  Asia,  and  N.  Africa,  several  being 
weeds  in  arable-land. 


Lamium  maculatum  L.    Spotted  Dead  Nettle. 

Flowers  large,  light  pink,  or  purple,  rarely  white.  Leaves  often 
spotted  and  blotched  with  white,  petioled  ovate-cordate,  acuminate, 
hairy,  unequally  toothed.  Very  variable  in  size  and  habit. 

Woods  and  hedge-banks  ;  common.    April  to  October. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Asia  Minor,  Persia. 

Lamium  longiflorum  Ten. 

Flowers  very  large  and  handsome  (25-30  mm.),  rose-purple, 
rarely  white,  upper  lip  bifid.  Corolla-tube  much  dilated  at  the 
throat,  at  least  twice  as  long  as  the  calyx.  Calyx-teeth  lanceolate, 
acuminate,  glabrescent.  Leaves  all  petioled,  the  upper  ones 
acuminate,  deeply  toothed.  Stems  thick,  glabrous,  and  often  plum- 

Stony  places  in  Alpine  valleys  ;  rare.    May  to  October. 

Distribution. — Maritime  Alps,  Dauphiny,  Cevennes,  Corsica, 
N.  Italy,  Bosnia,  Montenegro,  Algeria. 

Prunella  grandiflora  L. 

Stem  erect,  green,  or  reddish.  Leaves  petioled,  oblong-ovate, 
obtuse  or  sub-acute,  entire  or  with  very  small  teeth.  Corolla 
blue- violet,  handsome  (20-25  mm.),  about  twice  as  large  as  in  the 
common  Self-Heal.  Upper  lip  of  calyx  with  3  pronounced  triangu- 
lar, acute  teeth.  Flowers  in  a  short  terminal  head. 

Dry,  rocky  places  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.     June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Central  and 
Southern  Europe. 


Scutellaria  alpina  L. 

Stem  procumbent  and  ascending,  4-8  inches  high,  leafy  and 
branched.  Leaves  ovate,  crenate-serrate  ;  lower  leaves  stalked  ; 
upper  leaves  sessile,  more  or  less  hairy  like  the  flowers  and  stems. 
Flowers  in  a  rather  dense  terminal  spike  with  membranous,  im- 
bricate bracts  which  vary  in  colour  like  the  flowers  (being  not 
always  green).  Flowers  mauve  or  bluish  purple,  with  the  lower 
lip  whitish ;  sometimes  purple,  red,  or  white,  and  the  lower  lip 
tinted  accordingly.  Upper  lip  of  corolla  trifid  ;  lower  lip  un- 
divided, large.  Calyx  very  small. 

Dry,  stony  places'  in  the  Alps  and  lower  Alps,  chiefly  on  lime- 
stone ;  local.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Western  Switzerland,  Western  Alps, 
Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Siberia.  Mont  de  la  Chens  in  the  Var. 

The  colour  of  the  flowers  is  extremely  variable,  and  they  often 
vary  even  on  the  same  plant, 



Coarse,  hairy  herbs  with  flowers  often  in  whorls  of  about  6, 
forming  terminal  racemes,  spikes,  or  heads.  Calyx  5  or  lo-ribbed, 
with  5  nearly  equal  pointed  teeth.  Corolla  with  upper  lip  concave, 
entire,  and  lower  lip  longer,  spreading,  3-lobed,  Stamens  4,  in 
pairs  under  the  upper  lip.  Nuts  smooth,  rounded  at  top. 

A  large  genus,  spread  nearly  all  over  the  world,  but  in  tropical 
regions  only  in  the  mountains. 

Stachys  Alopecurus  Benth.  (Betonica  Alopecurus  L.). 

Stem  8-20  inches,  erect,  simple,  few-leaved,  rough-haired  like 
the  whole  plant.  Leaves  stalked,  ovate  or  cordate,  coarsely 
crenate  or  dentate.  Flowers  yellowish  white,  in  axillary  cymes 
forming  a  dense,  false-whorled,  capitate  spike.  Calyx  as  long  as 
corolla-tube,  with  sharp  teeth  one-third  length  of  the  tube. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Carpathians. 
Stachys  densiftora  Benth.  (Betonica  hirsuta  L.). 

Stem  6-12  inches,  erect,  leafy,  and  hairy  like  the  whole  plant. 
Leaves  cordate,  elliptical,  coarsely  crenate,  lower  ones  stalked  ; 
upper  pair  sessile  and  turned  downwards.  Flowers  purple-rose 
in  axillary  cymes,  forming  an  oval  compact  spike.  Calyx  12-15 
mm.  long,  with  lanceolate-acute  teeth  one-third  its  length. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  up  to  8200  feet  ;  local.  July, 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Spain. 
Stachys  alpina  L.     Alpine  Woundwort. 

A  tall  species  2-3  feet  high,  with  erect  and  often  branched  stem, 
hairy  and  glandular  at  the  top.  Lower  leaves  broadly  oval,  obtuse, 
cordate  at  the  base,  softly  downy  on  both  sides,  crenate-dentate 
and  petioled  ;  upper  leaves  lanceolate,  sub-sessile.  Flowers  in  a 
long,  irregular  spike.  Bracts  lanceolate,  entire,  often  reddish. 
Calyx- teeth  lanceolate  and  ending  in  a  white  mucro.  Corolla  dull 
purple.  See  plate  and  interesting  notes  by  J.  W.  White  in  his 
excellent  Flora  of  Bristol  (1912). 

Mountain  woods.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  except  the  Mediter- 
ranean region  ;  Caucasus.  In  England  on  the  Cotswold  Hills  only. 

Stachys  recta  L. 

A  much  smaller  and  more  fragile  plant  1-2  feet  high,  green,  hairy, 
and  scented,  with  almost  woody  stock  and  many  ascending  stems. 
Leaves  hairy  and  green  on  both  sides,  oblong-lanceolate,  very 
shortly  petioled.  Flowers  pale  yellow,  in  loose  whorled  spikes. 
Calyx-teeth  hairy,  triangular,  half  length  of  the  tube. 


Waste  places  and  limestone  hills,  extending  to  the  Alps.  June  to 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Asia  Minor, 

Stachys  annua  L. 

Readily  distinguished  from  the  last  by  its  deflexed  leaves, 
which  are  oblong-lanceolate  and  nearly  glabrous. 

An  annual  weed  in  cultivated  land,  often  seen  in  fields  in  the 
sub-alpine  region.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia  Minor,  Caucasus.    British. 

Galeopsis  ladanum  L. 

Is  another  annual  weed  often  seen  in  the  lower  Alps.  Leaves 
narrow,  on  short  stalks,  downy.  Stem  square,  often  much  branched. 
Leaves  narrow,  linear-lanceolate,  shortly  petioled.  Flowers  purple, 
red,  or  rarely  white,  large.  Calyx  greyish,  hairy,  with  long  but 
unequal  teeth.  Very  polymorphic. 

Cultivated  and  uncultivated  ground,  walls,  etc.  ;  common. 
July  to  October. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central  and  Southern.  British. 

AJUGA  L.    Bugle. 

Cymes  usually  many-flowered.  Calyx  5-toothed.  Corolla-tube 
usually  with  a  ring  of  hairs  within  ;  upper  lip  short,  notched  ; 
lower  lip  3-lobed.  Stamens  4,  exserted.  Anthers  divergent. 

About  30  species  inhabiting  the  Old  World  and  Australia. 

Ajuga  pyramidalis  L.    (Plate  XXIX.) 

Stem  3-12  inches  high,  densely  leafy,  erect,  simple,  woolly. 
Leaves  decreasing  in  size  upwards,  the  lowermost  very  large. 
Leaves  obovate-lanceolate  or  oblong,  obtuse,  slightly  serrate,  wavy 
or  entire,  more  or  less  pilose  like  the  bracts  ;  lower  leaves  narrowed 
into  a  leaf-stalk  ;  upper  leaves  sessile,  passing  into  ovate,  often 
obscurely  3-lobed  bracts,  even  the  uppermost  bracts  twice  as  long 
as  the  flowers.  Bracts  often  with  a  violet  tinge.  Flowers  pale 
azure-blue,  collected  into  whorls  towards  the  summit  of  crowded 

Pastures  and  Alpine  woods  up  to  7000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Black  Forest,  Vosges,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Central  and  Northern 
Europe  ;  Altai.  British. 

Ajuga  genevensis  L. 

Stem  6-18  inches  high,  erect,  simple,  very  woolly  throughout. 
Leaves  oblong,  woolly  on  both  sides,  crenate  or  dentate  ;  stem- 


leaves  scarcely  smaller  than  root-leaves.  Flowers  deep  blue, 
handsome,  rarely  pink,  in  a  long,  irregular  spike.  Bracts  crenate, 
or  trind,  often  bluish.  Calyx  woolly,  with  lanceolate  teeth,  longer 
than  the  tube. 

Dry  places,  especially  on  limestone  hills.    May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia. 

This  beautiful  plant  is  much  more  worth  cultivating  in  gardens 
and  on  rockeries  than  the  last,  which  figures  in  most  nurserymen's 
catalogues.  Bentham,  in  his  Handbook  of  the  British  Flora,  com- 
bined the  two  species  under  A.  genevensis  L.  and  the  "  Kew 
Hand-list"  fell  into  the  same  error.  The  two  plants  are  quite  dis- 
tinct, and  pyramidalis  cannot  be  considered  even  an  Alpine  variety 
of  the  other. 

Ajuga  reptans  L.    Common  Bugle. 

This  well-known  and  widely  spread  plant  is  as  frequent  in  the 
lower  Swiss  mountains  as  in  England.  The  plant  is  glabrous. 
Leaves  ovate  or  obovate,  crenate,  wrinkled  and  shining  above. 
Flowers  blue,  or  rarely  pink  or  white.  Known  by  its  long,  leafy 

Wet  meadows  and  woods.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  from  the  Mediterranean  to  Scandinavia ; 
Western  Asia,  Algeria. 

TEUCRIUM  L.    Germander. 

Herbs  or  under-shrubs,  varying  much  in  habit.  Flowers  few  in 
each  whorl.  Corolla  apparently  without  an  upper  lip,  the  2  upper 
lobes  forming  2  small  teeth,  one  on  each  side  of  the  base  of  the 
lower  lip,  which  has  thus  5  lobes.  Stamens  4,  protruding  between 
the  two  upper  teeth  of  the  corolla. 

A  large  genus  spread  all  over  the  globe. 

Teucrium  montanum  L. 

Stock  woody,  sending  out  many  procumbent  stems  and  forming 
great  mats  sometimes  a  foot  across,  densely  covered  with  small 
leaves  and  yellowish  white  flowers,  which  grow  in  terminal  heads. 
Leaves  linear-lanceolate,  entire,  white  tomentose  beneath  ;  lower 
leaves  oblong.  All  the  leaves  are  green  above  and  slightly  rolled 
in  at  the  borders. 

Rocks  and  limestone  hills ;  common,  and  extending  well  into  the 
Alpine  zone.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  ;    Asia  Minor. 
Teucrium  pyrenaicum  L. 

Almost  woody  at  the  base,  tufted,  softly  woolly.  Stem  slender, 
procumbent,  rooting  at  the  base.  Leaves  nearly  orbicular,  deeply 
crenate.  Flowers  large,  upper  lip  purple,  lower  lip  yellow,  toothed. 


Flowering  cymes  in  dense,  terminal  heads.  Calyx  hairy,  green,  with 
lanceolate,  acute  teeth,  rather  shorter  than  the  tube. 

Rocks  and  dry  hillsides  on  limestone ;  very  local.  June  to 

Distribution. — Pyrenees,  Landes,  Spain,  Isere  in  Dauphiny. 

HYSSOPUS  L.     Hyssop. 

Though  not  the  Biblical  Hyssop. 

Flowers  deep  blue  or  violet,  handsome,  in  terminal  spikes. 
Leaves  oblong  or  linear-lanceolate,  entire,  smooth,  sub-sessile,  with 
glandular  dots,  i-nerved.  Aromatic  plants  with  woody  base, 
growing  in  tufts. 

There  are  5  or  6  closely  allied  species  native  in  the  Mediterranean 
region,  Southern  Alps,  and  Western  Asia.  Often  cultivated. 

Hyssopus  officinalis  L.  Common  Hyssop. 

Stems  i-i|  feet  high.  Stock  woody,  with  erect  branches.  Leaves 
greyish  green,  linear-lanceolate,  entire,  smooth,  sessile,  with 
glandular  dots,  ciliated.  Spikes  terminal,  unilateral.  Calyx  with 
15  nerves  and  triangular  teeth,  acute.  Corolla-tube  equalling  the 
calyx.  Corolla  deep  blue,  upper  lip  erect,  spreading,  emarginate ; 
lower  lip  3-lobed.  Stamens  4.  Nutlets  trigonous,  ovoid. 

Stony  places  and  hot  rocks  in  sub-alpine  regions  ;  local.  July, 

Distribution. — Tessin  and  Valais,  Savoy,  Dauphiny,  Southern 
Europe,  Western  Asia,  Morocco. 

Hyssopus  montanus  Jord. 

Flowers  smaller,  dark  blue.  Plant  entirely  glabrous,  bright 
green.  Leaves  linear,  obtuse. 

Dry  hills  ;  rare.    August,  September. 

Distribution. — Hills  in  Hautes-Alpes,  and  mountains  of  Dauphiny, 
Southern  Russia. 

LAVANDULA  L.     Lavender. 

About  20  species  inhabiting  the  Mediterranean  region,  Western 
Asia,  and  India.  Bitter  and  aromatic  herbs,  used  medicinally,  as 
stimulants  and  as  a  perfume. 

Lavandula  spica  L.  (L.  vera  DC.). 

An  under-shrub  1-2  feet  high,  greyish  green  with  tomentum,  with 
woody  stem  rising  to  about  a  foot  above  the  ground.  Branches 
simple,  naked  for  6  or  8  inches  to  the  top,  and  bearing  a  terminal 
spike  of  bluish  flowers  in  false- whorls.  Leaves  linear  or  linear- 
oblong,  obtuse,  rolled  in  at  the  margins.  Upper  lip  of  corolla  bi- 
nd ;  lower  lip  trifid,  with  oval,  obtuse  lobes.  Stony  hillsides  and 
dry  mountains  in  the  south.  June  to  August. 


Distribution. — Sub-spontaneous  at  Neuveville  and  Vully  only  in 
Switzerland.  Native  in  the  French  Jura,  Dauphiny,  Savoy, 
Provence,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Sardinia,  Spain,  Sicily, 
Italy,  Dalmatia,  Algeria. 

In  abundance  near  the  roadside  below  Lanslebourg,  in  the 
valley  of  the  Arc,  at  about  3000  feet ;  the  road  itself  is  thickly 
strewn  with  cut  spikes  of  Lavender  in  August,  for  a  lavender-water 
factory  is  there. 

Lavandula  latifolia  Vill.  (L.  spica  L.  part). 

This  is  perhaps  only  a  variety  with  broader  leaves,  and  rather 
smaller  flowers,  which  are  pale  violet. 

Dry  hills  in  Dauphiny  and  elsewhere  in  Southern  France,  Spain, 
Balearic  Isles,  Italy,  Dalmatia,  Algeria,  and  Tunis. 


Flowers  small,  green,  in  leafless,  crowded  spikes.  Sepals  4, 
persistent.  Corolla  4-lobed.  Stamens  4,  with  large  exserted 
anthers.  Ovary  free,  2-4  celled.  Stigma  feathery. 

PL  ANT  AGO  L.     Plantain. 

Leaves  all  radical,  with  strong  parallel  ribs. 
Plantago  alpina  L. 

Root  long  and  tapering,  woody.  Scape  6-9  inches  long.  Spike 
about  i  inch  long.  Leaves  linear,  3-nerved,  turning  black  when 
dry.  Corolla-tube  hairy. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  up  to  9000  feet.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Spain,  Bavaria. 

Plantago  montana  Lam. 

Leaves  shorter  than  in  alpina,  linear-lanceolate  and  more  spread- 
ing, 3-5  nerved,  glabrous  or  slightly  hairy.  Spike  few-flowered. 
Corolla-tube  glabrous. 

Alpine  pastures  up  to  8500  feet.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps  and  Pyrenees. 
Plantago  fuscescens  Jord. 

Scape  8-10  inches  high,  covered  with  silky  hairs,  like  the  whole 
plant.  Spike  many-flowered,  with  large  oval-orbicular  bracts. 
Corolla-tube  glabrous.  Leaves  linear-lanceolate,  acute,  with 
5-7  nerves,  densely  covered  with  silky  hairs. 

Alpine  pastures  from  about  5600-7300  feet ;   very  local. 

Distribution.- — S.  Tyrol  (Mte.  Baldo)  and  Western  Alps. 

Common  in  some  of  the  Maritime  and  Ligurian  Alps.  Doubtfully 
recorded  from  two  places  in  the  Valais. 

Plantago  major  and  P.  media  are  also  common  in  the  lower  Alpine 



A  large  family  of  inconspicuous  greenish  herbs,  widely  distributed 
many  species  are  Maritime  and  none  truly  Alpine. 

CHENOPODIUM  L.    Goosefoot. 

Flowers  small,  bisexual,  without  bracts.  Stem  angular.  Seed- 
vessel  a  membranous  article,  often  enclosed  in  the  persistent  calyx. 
Weeds  either  glabrous  or  covered  with  a  mealy  dust.  Widely 
distributed  over  the  globe. 

Chenopodium  Bonus-Henricus  L.    Good  King  Henry. 

Stock  perennial,  with  thick,  fleshy  root  like  that  of  a  Dock. 
Stems  about  a  foot  high.  Leaves  like  those  of  Spinage,  broadly  tri- 
angular, stalked,  sinuate  or  with  a  few  large  teeth,  thick  and  dark 
green  ;  upper  leaves  smaller  and  nearly  sessile.  Flowers  numerous, 
in  clustered  spikes,  forming  a  terminal  panicle,  leafy  at  the  base. 

Waste  ground,  near  villages  and  mountain  chalets,  often  at 
considerable  elevations  in  the  Alps.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia  except  the  extreme 
north.  British. 

Other  species  of  Chenopodium  and  also  of  A  triplex  are  often  seen 
in  cultivated  and  waste  land  about  Alpine  villages. 


Herbs  with  simple  leaves  and  scarious,  sheathing  stipules 
(ochreae).  Flowers  usually  bisexual.  Sepals  3-6,  petaloid  or  green, 
often  in  2  rows.  Stamens  5-8.  Ovary  usually  trigonous.  Styles 
1-3.  Ovule  solitary.  Fruit  hard,  indehiscent,  enclosed  in  the 
persistent  perianth. 

A  considerable  family,  dispersed  over  the  whole  globe. 

RUMEX  L.    Dock. 

Flowers  unisexual  or  bisexual,  in  racemes  or  panicled  whorls. 

Sepals  6,  in  two  rows,  the  inner  ones  enlarged  in  fruit.    Stamens  6. 

A  rather  large  genus  spread  over  the  greater  part  of  the  world. 

Rumex  alpinus  L.     Monk's  Rhubarb. 

This  is  the  Dock  so  often  seen  in  the  neighbourhood  of  herds- 
men's huts  in  Alpine  pastures,  sometimes  up  to  nearly  8000  feet. 
The  young  stems  when  stewed  afford  a  not  unpleasant  dish,  re- 
sembling Rhubarb.  The  stems  are  1-2  feet  high,  branched,  glabrous 
like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves  undulate,  crenate,  or  entire,  the 
lower  ones  cordate-orbicular  or  cordate-ovate,  obtuse  ;  higher  ones 
ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  acute,  the  uppermost  lanceolate.  Flowers 
in  pseudo-verticillate,  leafless,  crowded  racemes.  The  3  inner  valves 


of  fruiting  perianth  cordate-ovate,  reticulately  veined,  entire  or 
serrate  ;  none  of  them  tubercled.  Petioles  long,  channelled.' 

Damp  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  generally  near  huts.  July, 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Riesengebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest,  Auvergne,  Pyrenees  ; 
Western  Asia.  Naturalised  in  N.  Britain. 

Rumex  scutatus  L.    (Plate  XVI.) 

A  glaucous  species  1-2  feet  high,  with  long  rampant  rootstock, 
and  numerous  slender  flexuous  leafy  stems.  Leaves  hastate  or 
sagittate  with  large  basal  lobes,  with  long  petioles  longer  than  the 
limb.  Flowers  bisexual,  in  few-flowered  whorls  forming  lax  spiked 
panicles.  Seed-vessel  membranous,  sub-orbicular,  entire. 

Old  walls  and  stony  places  in  the  Alps,  sub-Alps,  and  plains. 
May  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia, 
N.  Africa.  Naturalised  near  Edinburgh. 

Rumex  arifolius  All. 

Stem  1-3  feet  high,  leafy.  Leaves  thin  with  spreading  auricles, 
ovate-hastate,  entire ;  root-leaves  short  and  few ;  stem-leaves 
larger,  embracing  the  stem.  Flowers  dioecious,  in  long  panicles. 

Alpine  meadows,  pastures,  and  open  woods.    June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Central 
and  Southern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Siberia. 

Rumex  Acetosella  L.    Sheep-sorrel. 

A  slender  plant  3-10  inches  high,  acid  and  frequently  turning  red. 
Leaves  petioled  and  sagittate,  the  lobes  at  the  base  spreading  and 
sometimes  toothed ;  upper  leaves  generally  linear  and  nearly 
sessile.  Flowers  small,  red,  dioecious,  in  slender  terminal  panicles. 
Perianth  segments  small,  orbicular,  entire  and  thin,  the  inner  ones 
closing  over  the  nut. 

Dry  pastures,  walls,  and  waste  places,  from  the  plains  to  the 
High  Alps  ;  common.  May  to  September. 

Distribution. — Temperate  regions  of  the  globe,  and  penetrating  far 
into  the  Arctic  regions.  British. 


Herbs  with  alternate  leaves  and  membranous  stipules.  Flowers 
bisexual,  in  terminal  spikes  or  racemes.  Sepals  5,  usually  petaloid. 
Stamens  5-8.  Styles  2-3. 

About  200  species  distributed  throughout  the  globe. 

Polygonum  viviparum  L.     (Plate  VI.) 

Stem  4-8  inches  high,  erect,  simple,  glabrous  like  the  whole 


plant.  Leaves  entire,  with  recurved  margin  and  crenate  from  the 
thickened  transverse  veins  ;  lower  leaves  elliptical  or  lanceolate, 
contracted  into  a  wingless  leaf-stalk  ;  upper  ones  lanceolate  or 
linear-lanceolate,  acute,  sessile.  Flowers  in  a  linear-cylindrical, 
crowded,  erect  spike,  the  lower  part  of  which  is  composed  of  bulbils. 
Perianth  white  or  light  flesh-coloured. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  descending  to  the  valleys. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Carpathians,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Europe,  Asia, 
N.  America,  Arctic  regions.  British. 

Polygonum  Bistorta  L.    Bistort.    (Plate  VI.) 

Stem  1-3  feet  high.  Leaves  lanceolate-ovate  with  cordate  base 
and  winged  leaf-stalk,  upper  leaves  sessile.  Flowers  in  a  short 
terminal  spike,  pink. 

Damp  meadows  and  pastures  in  the  Alps  and  plains,  frequently 
giving  a  pinkish  tinge  to  the  colour  of  the  Alpine  meadows  before 
the  grass  is  cut,  as  so  cleverly  shown  in  some  of  Mr.  Flemwell's 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia,  N.  America,  and  Arctic  regions. 

Polygonum  alpinum  All. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  branched,  leafy.  Leaves  lanceolate,  acute, 
narrowed  into  a  short  petiole,  wavy  or  toothed.  Flowers  in  a 
paniculate  raceme,  yellowish  white  or  pink  ;  scaly  sheaths  (ochreae) 
with  rough  hairs.  Fruit  shining,  trigonous,  equalling  the  perianth. 

Damp  meadows  in  the  mountains  ;  local.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 
Central  and  Northern  Asia. 

Polygonum  aviculare  L.     Knotgrass. 

A  much  branched  and  often  prostrate,  wiry  annual,  varying 
much  in  size  and  habit  from  an  inch  high  (var.  nana  Boiss.  which 
we  have  seen  at  9000  feet)  to  a  foot  or  two  long  in  arable  ground. 
Stipules  white,  scarious,  ragged  at  the  edges.  Leaves  small, 
narrow-oblong,  but  very  variable.  Flowers  small,  reddish,  shortly 
stalked  in  clusters  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves.  Nuts  trigonous, 
minutely  granulated  or  wrinkled. 

Waste  places,  extending  nearly  all  over  the  globe  from  the  tropics 
to  the  Arctic  regions. 


Herbs  or  shrubs,  with  white,  pink,  or  green  flowers,  which  are 
usually  bisexual.  Perianth  with  4  equal  lobes,  often  petaloid  and 
fragrant.  Ovary  usually  i-celled.  Fruit  a  drupe  or  berry. 

About  400  species  inhabiting  temperate  and  hot  regions. 



Shrubs  with  pink,  white,  or  green  fragrant  flowers,  and  often 
thick  evergreen  leaves.     Perianth  tubular,  4-lobed,  petaloid. 
About  80  species  inhabiting  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa. 

Daphne  alpina  L. 

A  small  shrub.  Leaves  lanceolate  or  obovate,  spathulate, 
downy,  ultimately  glabrous,  deciduous.  Flowers  terminal,  crowded, 
sessile,  woolly,  appearing  at  same  time  as  leaves,  fragrant.  Perianth 
white,  segments  lanceolate,  acuminate,  about  one-third  shorter 
than  the  perianth-tube. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  rocks,  descending  to  the  plains  ;  local. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees  ;  mountains  of  the  Var. 

Daphne  Blagayana  Freyer. 

An  evergreen  creeping  shrub  with  coriaceous  leaves  and  very 
fragrant  yellowish  white  flowers.  Stem  ascending,  usually  simple. 
Leaves  obovate-lanceolate,  obtuse,  glabrous.  Flowers  in  terminal 
clusters.  Tube  of  perianth  slightly  hairy  on  the  outside,  longer 
than  the  oval  segments  of  the  perianth-limb. 

Bushy  places  at  about  5000  feet  ;   very  rare.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — Carinthia,  Styria,  and  Carniola. 

Daphne  Cneorum  L. 

A  small  under-shrub  6-18  inches  high,  with  spreading  reddish 
brown  branches,  downy  and  very  leafy  at  the  top.  Leaves  glabrous, 
leathery,  persistent,  small,  oblong  or  linear-spathulate,  sessile, 
i-nerved.  Flowers  rose-coloured,  very  scented,  sub-sessile,  6-12 
inches,  terminal  heads.  Perianth-lobes  oval  or  lanceolate,  tube  long. 
Berry  ovoid,  yellow-orange. 

Dry,  stony  places  from  the  plains  up  to  5000  feet.  April  to 
August.  The  rose-coloured  D.  striata  is  more  Alpine. 

Distribution. — Southern  Switzerland  (Tessin),  S.  and  S.W.  France, 
Eastern  Alps,  Central  Europe. 

Daphne  Mezereum  L.    Mezereon. 

A  stiff,  glabrous  shrub  1-3  feet  high  with  the  branches  ending 
in  a  tuft  of  lanceolate  leaves  about  2^  inches  long.  The  flowers 
appear  before  the  leaves,  and  are  light  purple  and  sweet-scented. 
Perianth- tube  slightly  hairy.  Berries  red,  as  large  as  peas. 

Mountain  woods  and  stony  pastures,  sometimes  seen  at  7000  and 
even  8000  feet  in  the  Alps.  Flowers  in  spring. 

Distribution, — Nearly  all  Europe,  to  the  Arctic  regions,    British, 


Daphne  Laureola  L.    Spurge  Laurel.  % 

A  glabrous,  erect  shrub  2-4  feet  high,  with  few  branches  and 
evergreen  oblong-lanceolate  leaves  crowded  towards  the  top. 
Flowers  rather  small,  greenish  yellow,  in  clusters  in  the  axils  of 
the  leaves.  Berries  bluish  black. 

Bushy  places  and  mountain  limestone  woods  up  to  5000  feet  ; 
local.  April,  May. 

Distribution.  —  Southern  and  Western  Europe,  Corsica,  N.  Africa. 

Shrubs  or  trees,  more  or  less  covered  with  minute,  silvery  or  brown 
scurfy  scales.  It  differs  from  the  Daphne  family  in  having  erect 
and  not  pendulous  ovules  and  seeds. 

A  small  family  of  few  genera  spread  over  the  northern  hemi- 

Hippophae  rhamnoides  L.    Sea  Buckthorn. 

The  only  species.  A  stiff  and  spiny  willow-like  shrub,  covered 
with  scaly  scurf,  silvery  on  the  under-side  of  the  leaves,  thin  or  none 
on  the  upper,  and  more  rusty  on  the  younger  shoots,  which  often 
end  in  a  stout  prickle.  Leaves  alternate,  entire,  broadly  linear. 
Male  flowers  very  small  and  in  little  clusters  like  catkins,  female 
flowers  crowded  in  the  axils.  Fruit  a  small  yellowish  or  orange- 
brown  berry  in  almost  sessile,  crowded  clusters  on  the  bare,  woody 

Sandy  and  stony  places.,  and  beds  of  rivers  and  mountain  torrents 
from  the  sea-level  to  5000  feet  in  the  Alps,  as,  e.g.  on  the  Col  de 
Balme  (French  side).  Flowers  in  spring. 

Distribution.  —  Central,  Eastern,  and  Northern  Europe  ;  Central 
and  Russian  Asia.  Local  in  Britain  and  often  planted  to  mat  the 
sand  of  sand-hills  together.  This  useful  property  can  be  seen 
naturally  in  some  of  the  river  valleys  of  Switzerland  and  in  the 
north  of  France,  as,  e.g.  between  Calais  and  Paris. 


The  family  contains  3  genera  and  only  4  species. 
Empetrum  nigrum  L.     Crowberry. 

The  only  species.  This  well-known  prostrate  shrub,  with  wiry 
branches  and  linear  leaves,  pale  red  flowers  and  black  berries,  is 
locally  common  in  the  Alps,  and  is  an  example  of  a  plant  which, 
though  usually  growing  on  the  hills,  is  sometimes  found  at  sea- 
level  in  England  (as  in  Dorset),  in  the  Arctic  regions,  and  at  over 
8000  feet  in  the  Alps  of  Europe.  May  to  July. 

Distribution,  —  Europe,  Asia,  North  America,  Arctic  regions. 



THESIUM  L.    Bastard  Toadflax. 

Flowers  minute,  hermaphrodite,  solitary  and  axillary  or  in  cymes. 
Calyx  3-5  lobed,  persistent.  Stamens  3-5,  attached  to  the  calyx. 
Ovary  i-celled.  Fruit  a  i-celled,  i-seeded  achene.  Leaves  narrow, 
entire,  without  stipules.  Slender  herbs  parasitic  on  roots,  of  which 
there  are  about  100  in  the  ancient  world  and  in  Brazil. 

Thesium  alpinum  L.    (Plate  VI.) 

Stem  prostrate,  branching  on  one  side  only,  leafy  from  the  base 
upwards.  Calyx  rolled  up  at  the  tip  after  flowering,  as  long  as  or 
longer  than  the  fruit.  Middle  bract  much  longer  than  the  two 
lateral  ones. 

Dry  pastures  and  stony  places  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps  up  to 
7500  feet. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Western 
and  Northern  Asia. 

There  are  3  or  4  more  species  of  Thesium  found  in  the  Alps,  in- 
cluding the  British  T.  humifusum  DC.  They  are  all  difficult  to 
determine,  especially  without  ripe  fruit. 


One  of  the  largest  families,  with  over  3000  species  represented  in 
nearly  every  part  of  the  world,  except  the  Arctic  regions.  But 
we  are  unaware  of  a  single  species  which  is  purely  Alpine. 

EUPHORBIA  L.    Spurge. 

Herbs,  in  European  species,  with  the  inflorescence  composed 
of  many  male  and  one  female  flower  collected  into  a  cluster,  sub- 
tended by  bracts  and  glands  which  are  often  yellow  and  crescent- 
shaped.  Ovary  3 -celled,  with  3  bifid  stigmas.  Seed-capsule 
3-lobed.  Many  have  a  milky  juice. 

About  650  species  in  the  temperate  and  hot  regions  of  both 
worlds,  especially  abundant  in  the  Mediterranean  district.  None 
are  truly  Alpine. 

Euphorbia  Cyparissias  L.     (Plate  XX.) 

Stems  8-12  inches  high,  erect,  reddish  at  the  base,  rising  from  a 
stoloniferous  root,  and  with  numerous  barren  and  flowering 
branches.  Leaves  linear,  setaceous  and  almost  imbricate,  glabrous. 
Flowers  yellow,  often  turning  red  in  autumn,  in  a  terminal  umbel, 
with  a  whorl  of  linear  leaves  at  its  base.  Bracts  broadly  ovate- 
triangular.  Capsule  3  mm.  long,  trigonous,  glabrous. 

Gravelly  and  stony  places  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps,  sometimes 
seen  as  high  as  9000  feet,  and  often  very  abundant  in  the  lower 
Alps.  May  to  September, 


Distribution. — Almost  all  Europe.    Introduced  into  Britain. 

Sometimes  Cuscuta,  or  Dodder,  is  parasitical  upon,  this  plant. 
In  the  Zinal  valley  in  the  hot  summer  of  1911  much  of  it  was  seen 
on  this  rather  unusual  "  host." 


A  family  of  over  600  species  spread  over  the  greater  part  of 
the  world,  but  chiefly  in  the  tropics. 


About  30  species  in  the  hot  and  temperate  regions  of  the  ancient 

Viscum  album  L.    Mistletoe. 

This  well-known  parasitical  plant  is  very  common  in  Switzerland, 
growing  not  only  on  Apple,  Poplar,  Oak,  etc.,  but  also  upon  Fir 
and  other  Coniferous  trees. 

It  ascends  to  at  least  4000  feet  in  some  of  the  pine  forests. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia,  N.  Africa. 


Trees  or  shrubs  with  alternate  stipulate  leaves.  Flowers  monoe- 
cious. Male  flowers  in  drooping  catkins,  sepals  4  or  less,  stamens 
2-4  ;  female  flowers  2-3,  under  each  scale  of  a  catkin  ;  perianth  o. 
Fruit  indehiscent. 

A  large  family  chiefly  found  in  the  temperate  regions. 


Stamens  2  ;   scales  of  female  catkin  thin,  deciduous,  trifid. 
Betula  nana  L.    Dwarf  Birch. 

A  small  dwarf  shrub.  Leaves  very  shortly  stalked,  nearly 
orbicular,  about  J  inch  long,  very  obtuse,  crenate  or  serrate. 
Catkins  small  and  sessile,  the  males  oblong,  the  females  very  short, 

Moors  and  bogs  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps  up  to  6500  feet.  May, 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Northern  Asia  and 
Arctic  America.  British. 

Betula  pendula  Roth.  (B.  alba  L.).    Silver  or  Common  Birch. 

A  small  tree,  40-50  or  rarely  70  feet  high,  with  white  papery  bark 
and  glabrous  ovate-acuminate,  doubly  serrate  leaves.  Fruit  broadly 

Woods,  marshes,  and  hills,  up  to  the  superior  limit  of  the  Beech. 
April,  May.  In  Scandinavia  to  the  upper  limit  of  Pines, 

4/7    NATURAL    SIZE 

(JKRAXIL'M    SYLVATICUM.  2.   PARADIS1A    1.1 1,1  A  STRUM. 



Distribution. — Europe,  temperate  and  Arctic  Asia  ;  N.  America 
(a  variety). 

Betula  pubescens  Ehrh. 

A  similar  tree  with  narrower  pointed  leaves  which  are  pubescent 
and  finally  only  downy  at  the  midrib.  Fruit  broadly  winged. 

Damp  woods,  peat-bogs  and  moors  in  the  plains,  sub-Alps  and 
Alps.  April,  May. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Jura,  Alps,  Pyrenees  ;  Central  and 
Northern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Northern  Asia,  Greenland. 

ALNUS  L.     Alder. 

Stamens  4.     Scales  of  female  catkin  persistent,  woody. 
Alnus  viridis  DC.    Green  Alder.    (Plate  XVIII.) 

A  shrub  sometimes  attaining  the  height  of  a  small  tree  in  the 
lower  mountains.  Leaves  stalked,  green,  ovate-acute,  doubly 
serrate,  glabrous.  Flowers  in  monoecious  catkins,  male  cylindrical, 
drooping ;  female  oval,  stalked,  2-5  in  erect  racemes,  not  J  inch 
long,  forming  a  woody  cone  ripening  the  second  year. 

Mountains  and  clearings  in  the  lower  Alps,  from  3000  to  6600  feet, 
especially  abundant  on  granite  and  schist. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Eastern  Europe,  Northern  Asia  and 

Alnus  incana  Medik. 

A  shrub  or  tree  with  silvery  bark  and  oval-acute  leaves  doubly 
serrate,  glabrous  above,  downy  and  grey  beneath.  Fruit  not 

Damp  woods,  borders  of  streams,  etc.,  up  to  5000  feet.  March, 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura  ;  Europe,  temperate  Asia,  N.  America. 
Alnus  glutinosa  L.  Common  Alder. 

This  well-known  tree  has  obtuse,  almost  orbicular  leaves,  which 
are  shortly  petioled  and  sticky  at  first  on  the  upper  side. 

Damp  woods,  by  water,  etc.,  up  to  4000  feet.    February  to  April. 

Distribution. — Europe,  temperate  Asia,  N.  Africa.     British. 


Fruit  a  woody,  i-seeded  nut,  enclosed  in  the  much  enlarged 
coriaceous  involucre.  Species  7. 

Corylus  Avellana  L.     Hazel. 

A  glandular,  pubescent  shrub,  rarely  a  tree  of  30  feet.  Leaves 
orbicular-cordate,  doubly  serrate  cuspidate.  Fruit  a  woody  i-seeded 
nut,  enclosed  in  the  greatly  enlarged  coriaceous  involucre.  Male 


catkins  1-2  inches,  several  in  a  raceme  ;  female  heads  sessile, 

Woods,  thickets,  hedges,  etc.,  from  the  plains  up  to  about  5000 
feet  in  Switzerland,  though  the  maximum  limit  varies  considerably. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  N.  Africa. 


Fruit  usually  in  pairs,  enclosed  in  the  hardened  or  coriaceous 
involucre.  Species  15. 

Fagus  sylvatica  L.     Beech. 

Tall  trees  with  smooth  bark.  Leaves  oblong-ovate,  acuminate, 
obscurely  toothed,  shortly  petioled,  silky  when  young.  Fruit 
usually  in  pairs,  and  enclosed  in  the  hardened  coriaceous  scaly 
involucre  (beech-mast).  Male  flowers  capitate,  pendulous  ;  female 
flowers  on  shorter  peduncles. 

Woods,  up  to  1680  m.  in  French  Switzerland,  and  1500  m.  in 
Tessin,  and  1350  m.  in  N.  Switzerland,  fide  Schinz. 

Distribution. — Temperate  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  Caucasus,  Persia, 

QUERCUS  L.     Oak. 

Fruit  an  acorn,  seated  in  a  smooth  or  spiny  cup.     About  300 
species.     Distributed  throughout  the  northern  hemisphere. 
Quercus  Cerris  L.    Turkey  Oak. 

Scales  of  cups  long,  linear-subulate,  spreading  and  twisted. 
Leaves  sinuate  or  pinnatifid,  oblong. 

Mountain  woods  in  Tessin.    April. 

Distribution. — Southern  and  Eastern  Europe,  Western  Asia. 
Quercus  pubescens  Willd.    Q.  lanuginosa  Thuill. 

A  small  tree,  the  leaves  petioled,  oboval,  sinuate  or  lobed, 
pubescent  beneath.  Twigs  pubescent. 

Dry  hills  and  woods,  extending  to  about  1450  m.  in  Switzerland, 
fide  Schinz  (Poschiavo,  Jura,  Rhone  Valley,  etc.). 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia. 

Quercus  Robur  L.    Common  Oak. 

Leaves  sinuate-lobed,  very  shortly  petioled,  glabrous  like  the 
twigs.  Acorns  on  long  peduncles. 

According  to  Keller  and  Schinz,  this  extends  to  1000  metres 
in  the  Oberland  of  St.  Gall.,  800  m.  in  Swiss  Jura,  and  1250  m.  in  the 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia  Minor,  Caucasus,  Morocco. 

Quercus  sessili flora  Salisb. 

Leaves  with  longish  petioles,  very  short  peduncles,  and  acorns 
nearly  sessile.  Leaves  pubescent  below ;  twigs  glabrous. 


Dry  hills,  especially  on  limestone,  but  less  common  in  Switzerland 
than  the  last,  except  in  Valais  and  the  Southern  Alps,  where  it 
reaches  1600  m.  (Keller  and  Schinz). 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central,  Western  Asia. 


Trees  or  shrubs  with  alternate,  stipulate  leaves.  Flowers  di- 
oecious. Perianth  o.  Male  flowers  (in  catkins)  of  2  or  more  stamens. 
Female  flowers  of  a  i-celled  ovary  with  2  styles  and  many  ovules. 
The  family  is  not  represented  in  Australia  or  Malay. 

SALIX  L.     Willow. 

Trees  or  shrubs,  with  simple,  entire,  or  serrate  leaves.  Stipules 
persistent  or  deciduous.  Stamens  2  or  more.  Catkins  usually  erect. 
Many  species  found  in  damp  and  cold  regions  of  the  globe,  with  a 
great  tendency  to  hybridise. 

Salix  retusa  L. 

A  small,  creeping  shrub  with  ascending  branches  and  5-9  flowered 
terminal  catkins.  Leaves  obovate,  running  into  a  short  leaf-stalk, 
entire  or  glandular-serrate  at  the  base,  obtuse,  sometimes  emar- 
ginate,  glabrous,  shining  above,  smooth  beneath.  Female  catkins, 
long,  few-flowered.  Scales  as  long  as  the  glabrous  ovary.  Stigmas 
2-3  cleft.  Lobes  filiform. 

Wet  Alpine  pastures  and  rocks  up  to  10,000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Pyrenees,  Jura,  Apennines,  Balkans,  Altai. 

The  variety  serpyllifolia  Scop,  has  much  smaller  leaves. 

Salix  reticulata  L. 

This  small,  creeping  shrub,  with  round,  entire,  net-veined  leaves 
does  not  often  descend  below  about  4500  feet  in  Switzerland,  and  it 
ascends  to  over  8000  feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution.  —  Carpathians,  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Arctic  Europe, 
Asia  and  America.  British.  Often  found  fossilised. 

Salix  herbacea  L. 

This  very  small,  creeping  shrub,  with  branches  only  about  2 
inches  above  the  ground,  and  small,  nearly  orbicular,  crenate- 
serrate  leaves,  does  not  descend  below  about  5000  feet  in  Switzer- 
land ;  and  it  ascends  to  at  least  11,000  feet. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Arctic  Europe,  Asia 
and  America.  British. 

Salix  arbuscula  L. 

An  erect  shrub,  2-3  feet  high,  bushy,  with  small  coriaceous 


leaves,  which  have  5-8  yellow  glandular  teeth.  Leaves  lanceolate- 
elliptical  or  obovate,  entire  or  serrate,  glabrous  or  slightly  hairy 
when  young,  dark  green  and  shining  above,  light  green  and  glaucous 
beneath.  Catkins  at  apex  of  short  leafy  shoots ;  scale  of  catkins 
2-coloured,  brown  or  blackish  at  apex.  Stamens  2.  Anthers  yellow. 
Nectary  projecting  above  the  mass  of  the  ovary.  Style  elongated. 
Stigmas  divaricate. 
Alpine  rocks  and  pastures.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Norway, 
Siberia,  Greenland.  British. 

Salix  Mysinites  L. 

A  low,  much-branched  shrub,  often  quite  procumbent  though 
not  creeping,  and  sometimes  a  foot  or  more  high.  Leaves  small, 
orbicular,  ovate  or  lanceolate,  bright  green,  with  prominent  veins, 
and  finely  toothed.  With  long  silky  hairs  when  young,  afterwards 
glabrous.  Catkins  cylindrical,  I  inch  longer  flower,  ij-2  inches 
when  in  fruit,  on  short  leafy  shoots. 

Damp  places  in  the  mountains.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Central  Pyrenees,  Norway,  Northern  and 
Arctic  Asia  and  America.  Scotland  and  Co.  Sligo. 

Salix  phylicifolia  L. 

A  shrub  with  very  variable  foliage.  Young  leaves  often  downy, 
becoming  glabrous  when  old ;  leaves  ovate-oblong  to  lanceolate, 
1-2  inches  long,  pointed,  with  rather  prominent  veins  above,  often 
toothed,'  glaucous  or  whitish  underneath.  Catkins  slender,  the 
males  nearly  sessile  with  a  few  broad  bracts  at  the  base ;  the 
females  shortly  stalked,  with  more  leafy  bracts,  1-2  inches  long 
when  in  fruit. 

Mountain  woods,  thickets,  and  near  streams.    June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Central  Pyrenees,  and  other  mountains  of 
Central  and  Southern  Europe.  Arctic  Europe  and  Asia,  N.  Britain. 

Salix  repens  L.    Creeping  Willow. 

A  low  creeping  shrub,  the  stems  rooting  at  the  base  and  ascend- 
ing to  a  foot  or  more  in  height  when  in  rich  soil.  Leaves  more  or 
less  silky  white  when  young,  oblong  or  lanceolate,  but  very  variable, 
usually  entire,  about  ij  inches  long.  Catkins  cylindrical,  about  J 
inch  long,  and  sessile  when  in  flower,  afterwards  shortly  peduncled 
and  an  inch  long. 

Moors,  heaths,  and  wet  mountain-sides.  From  sea-level  in 
England  to  the  sub-alpine  region  on  the  Continent.  April,  May. 

Distribution. — Arctic,  Northern,  and  Central  Europe,  and 
occasionally  in  the  mountains  of  Southern  Europe.  Russian  Asia. 


Salix  Lapponum  L.  (?  S.  helvetica  Vill.). 

A  low-spreading,  much-branched  shrub,  attaining  3-4  feet  in  rich 
valleys.  Leaves  oblong  or  lanceolate,  pointed,  entire,  covered  on 
both  sides  with  a  white  cottony  down,  but  when  old  nearly  glabrous 
above.  Catkins  nearly  sessile,  with  a  few  bracts  at  their  base,  about 
an  inch  long  in  flower,  with  long  silky  hairs,  lengthening  to  ij  or  2 
inches  when  in  fruit. 

Mountain  pastures  extending  to  wet,  bushy  places.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Dauphiny,  Savoy,  Switzerland,  N.  Italy,  Tyrol, 
Central  Pyrenees,  Central,  Northern,  and  Arctic  Europe.  Scotland. 

5.  Lapponum  grows  in  the  Highlands  of  Scotland,  but  perhaps  the 
plant  of  Linnaeus  is  not  actually  identical  with  S.  helvetica  of  Villari, 
though  generally  considered  so. 

Various  other  species  of  Willow  can  be  found  in  the  lower 
mountains  of  Switzerland.  Want  of  space  prevents  further  treat- 
ment of  the  genus. 


Sorbus  Mougeotii  Soyer  et  Godron  (S.  scandica  Fries.). 

The  leaves  of  the  plant  figured  (4)  on  Plate  XVIII  resemble 
those  of  this  species  in  being  deeply  lobed  towards  the  middle; 
but  the  large  berries  are  those  of  5.  Aria  in  being  sub-globular 
rather  than  oval.  The  leaves  are  not  so  white  beneath  as  in  Aria. 
Godet  says  (Flore  du'  Jura,  1853)  this  species  is  much  more  like 
S.  hybrida;  and  remarks  that  it  is  commoner  on  the  Jura  than 
Aria,  and  reaches  the  Alpine  region. 

Distribution. — Mountain  woods  in  the  Jura,  Savoy,  Aosta  Valley, 
Pyrenees,  Vosges,  Scandinavia,  Arran. 

Sorbus  Ancuparia  L.     Mountain  Ash. 

This  well-known  tree  has  pinnate  leaves  with  6-8  pairs  of  serrated 
leaflets ;  dense- flowered  compound  cymes  and  small  creamy- white 
flowers.  Berries  globose,  scarlet  with  yellow  flesh.  It  reaches 
5000  feet  in  the  Alps. 

Distribution.— Europe,  N.  and  W.  Asia,  Japan,  N.  America. 



Perennial  herbs  with  roots  often  thickened  into  tubers,  entire 
and  parallel-nerved  leaves  and  irregular  flowers,  solitary  or  in 
spikes,  racemes,  or  panicles,  each  one  in  the  axil  of  a  bract.  Peri- 
anth superior,  irregular,  with  6  petal-like  segments,  the  3  outer 
ones  nearly  alike,  the  lower  of  the  3  inner  ones  (the  lip)  usually 
larger  and  often  spurred.  Stamens  1-2.  Pollen  usually  collected 
into  a  pollinium.  Ovules  minute,  very  numerous.  Fruit  a  3-valved 

A  very  large  family  of  more  than  5000  species,  spread  all  over 
the  globe.  The  tropical  ones  are  mostly  epiphytes. 


Root  of  globose,  ovoid,  or  palmate  tubers.  Leaves  chiefly 
radical,  sheathing.  Flowers  in  spikes.  Sepals  and  petals  ascend- 
ing, connivent,  or  the  lateral  sepals  spreading.  Lip  spurred. 

About  1 20  species,  inhabiting  Europe,  temperate  Asia,  Africa, 
and  America. 

Orchis  globosa  L. 

Tubers  elliptical,  undivided.  Stem  leafy,  8-18  inches  high, 
slender.  Leaves  linear  or  linear-lanceolate,  bright  green.  Flowers 
small,  lilac  or  pink,  in  a  short  compact,  conical  or  nearly  globular 
spike.  Lip  spotted  with  purple,  3-cleft,  the  middle  lobe  rather 
larger,  obtuse,  truncate,  or  emarginate.  Spur  short,  barely  half- 
length  of  ovary.  Bracts  as  long  or  longer  than  the  ovary,  i-nerved, 
the  lower  ones  3-nerved. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  ;  4000-7800  feet ;  local.    May  to 


Distribution. — Carpathians,  Erzgebirge,  Eastern,  Central,  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Black  Forest,  Vosges,  Jura  ;  Pyrenees,  Apennines, 
Balkans,  Caucasus. 

Like  many  of  the  European  Orchids,  it  prefers  a  limestone  soil. 

Orchis  morio  L.     Green-winged  Orchis.     (Plate  XXXI.) 

Tubers  globose,  entire.  Stem  erect,  6  or  8  inches  high,  with  a  few 
narrow  lanceolate  leaves  at  the  base,  and  several  sheathing  scales 


4/7    NATURAL    SIZK. 


i.   (1Y.MNADENIA    AIJHDA.         2.  ORCHIS    MORIO  (FOUR   COLOUR    FORMS). 



higher  up.  Flowers  in  a  handsome  loose  spike  (purple,  pink,  mauve, 
or  white).  Bracts  thin,  greenish  purple,  scarcely  equalling  the 
ovary.  Sepals  purple,  arching  in  the  form  of  a  helmet.  Lip  longer 
than  the  sepals,  broadly  3-lobed,  purple,  paler  in  the  middle  and 
spotted.  Spur  obtuse,  rather  shorter  than  the  ovary. 

Meadows  and  pastures,  often  in  large  quantities.    May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  extending  north 
into  the  British  Isles  and  Scandinavia  and  Western  and  Northern 

Such  a  beautiful  series  of  colour-forms  of  this  Orchis  is  not  often 
seen,  and  still  less  often  painted.  The  author  remembers  once 
coming  upon  a  colony  of  morio  in  every  shade  from  white  to  deep 
purple  on  some  Lias  cliffs  on  the  Somerset  coast,  west  of  the  River 
Parret.  Rich  purple  is  the  usual  colour. 

Orchis  ustulata  L.     Burnt-tip  Orchis. 

About  the  same  height  as  the  last,  but  less  robust,  and  noticeable 
for  its  dense  spike  of  small  flowers,  the  colour  of  the  unopened  ones 
at  the  top  giving  it  a  burnt  appearance.  Tubers  entire.  Leaves 
few,  broadly  lanceolate.  Spike  2  inches  long,  with  small  bracts. 
Sepals  deep  purple,  arching  over  the  small  narrow  petals.  Lip  white, 
with  a  few  purple  spots,  4-lobed,  i.e.  deeply  3-lobed,  with  2  lateral 
lobes  and  the  middle  one  divided  into  2  spreading,  obtuse  lobes. 
Spur  very  short. 

Pastures  of  the  hills  and  sub- Alps,  extending  sometimes  higher. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe  as  far  east  as  the 
Caucasus  and  northwards  to  Scandinavia.  England. 

Orchis  maculata  L.     Spotted  Orchis. 

Tubers  spreading,  rather  flat,  and  divided  into  3  finger-like  lobes. 
Stem  about  a  foot  high,  or  sometimes  more.  Lower  leaves  usually 
ovate-lanceolate  ;  upper  ones  narrow  lanceolate,  smaller,  often  with 
dark  spots.  Flowers  in  a  dense  oblong  spike,  2-3  inches  long, 
usually  pale  pink,  but  varying  from  white  to  deep  rose  or  purple. 
Lowest  bracts  generally  longer  than  the  ovary.  Lip  broadly 
orbicular,  irregularly  3-lobed,  sometimes  toothed,  middle  lobe 
smaller  than  the  others,  the  lip  spotted  with  deeper  colour.  Spur 
slender,  a  little  shorter  than  the  ovary.  A  very  variable  species. 

Meadows,  pastures,  moors,  and  open  woods  from  the  plains  to 
the  lower  Alps  ;  very  common.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia.     British. 

Orchis  latifolia  L.    Marsh  Orchis. 

Usually  stouter  than  the  last,  the  stem  more  hollow,  the  leaves 
larger  and  often  not  spotted,  the  spike  longer  and  more  leafy,  the 
bracts  longer,  the  flowers  more  deeply  coloured  and  less  variegated, 


the  lip  very  obscurely  3-lobed  or  merely  toothed,  and  the  spur 

Damp  meadows,  marshes  in  the  plains  and  sub-Alps.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia.    British. 

We  have  found  hybrids  between  this  and  Gymnadenia  conopsea 
at  Mont  Cenis  and  in  the  Italian  Maritime  Alps  at  about  5000  feet. 
They  are  very  rare,  and  the  specimens  were  determined  by  Mr. 
R.  A.  Rolfe  of  Kew  as  synonymous  with  Orchi-gymnadenia  Lebrunii, 
Journ.  de  Bot.  (1892),  p.  479.  Camus —Gymnadenia  comigera  Reichb. 
fil.  Fl.  Germ.,  t.  523,  fig.  2. 

"  The  bracts  are  larger.  Spur  shorter  and  stouter  than  in  G. 
conopsea."  R.  A.  Rolfe  in  lit. 

Orchis  incarnatus  L. 

Very  near  0.  latifolia,  i-ij  feet  high.  Tubers  palmate,  with  2-4 
spreading  lobes.  Leaves  5-6,  erect,  lanceolate  or  linear-lanceolate, 
very  rarely  spotted  ;  middle  leaves  largest.  Flowers  rose,  or  flesh- 
coloured,  rarely  white,  in  a  dense  spike.  Bracts  purplish  at  the 
borders,  longer  than  the  flowers.  Lip  almost  flat,  irregularly 
toothed,  almost  entire,  rose,  streaked  with  purple. 

Damp  meadows  and  mountain  bogs.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central  and  Northern,  including 
Norway  and  England  ;  Western  Asia. 

Orchis  sambucina  L. 

Smelling  like  Elder.  Tubers  long  and  undivided,  or  shorter  and 
2-3  lobed.  Stem  leafy,  4-10  inches  high.  Leaves  not  spotted,  dark 
green,  lower  ones  wedge-shaped,  broader  towards  apex,  the  next 
lanceolate.  Spikes  long,  moderately  dense.  Flowers  pale  yellow  or 
more  rarely  purple  (var.  purpurea  Koch).  Bracts  many-nerved, 
about  as  long  as  the  perianth.  Perianth-segments  rather  obtuse, 
the  two  lateral  ones  spreading,  recurved,  the  3  upper  ones  connivent 
into  a  helmet.  Labellum  shallowly  3-lobed  or  nearly  entire,  lateral 
lobes  rounded,  middle  lobe  smaller,  obtuse  or  emarginate.  Spur 
cylindrical,  directed  downwards,  as  long  as  or  longer  than  the  ovary. 
~~High  mountain  pastures,  often  in  large  quantities.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Harz  Mountains  ;  most  of  the  mountain  ranges  of  Europe. 

Orchis  pyramidalis  L.  (Anacamptis  pyramidalis  Rich.). 

Tubers  entire.  Stem  often  more  than  a  foot  high.  Leaves 
lanceolate,  rather  narrow  and  pointed.  Spike  very  dense,  some- 
what obtusely  conical,  about  2  inches  long.  Flowers  rather  small, 
rich  rose,  with  very  slender  spur,  longer  than  the  ovary.  Sepals 
lanceolate,  spreading.  Lip  broad,  3-lobed,  the  lobes  more  or  less 


Dry  banks  and  hillsides,  preferably  limestone.    June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Not  frequent  in  Switzerland,  more  so  in  France. 
Central  and  Southern  Europe,  extending  eastward  to  the  Caucasus 
and  northward  to  Denmark  and  the  British  Isles. 


Cceloglossum  viride  Hartm.  (Habenaria  viridis  R.Br.).    Frog  Orchis. 
(Plate  XXXI.) 

Tubers  more  or  less  lobed.  Stem  3-8  inches  high,  with  a  few 
oval  or  oblong-lanceolate  leaves,  and  a  short  spike  of  yellowish 
green  flowers  (often  brownish  in  the  mountains)  with  very  short 
spur  and  long  hanging  lip,  very  shortly  lobed  at  the  tip.  Bracts 
usually  longer  than  the  ovary. 

Pastures  and  hillsides  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps  and  Jura. 

Distribution. — Europe  from  Mediterranean  to  Arctic  regions, 
Siberia.  British. 


Sepals  and  petals  spreading,  lip  usually  convex,  velvety,  not 
spurred.  Ovary  not  twisted  ;  otherwise  like  Orchis. 

Intermediate  forms  often  occur  which  are  difficult  to  place. 

Ophrys  apifera  Hudson.    Bee  Orchis. 

Sepals  usually  pink  inside.  Lip  dark  purple,  convex,  and  velvety, 
like  the  body  of  a  bumble-bee.  Lateral  perianth-segments  linear, 
obtuse.  Spike  usually  3-6  flowered,  very  handsome. 

Dry,  open,  grassy  places  in  the  hills  ;  less  common  in  Switzerland 
than  0.  arachnites,  which  grows  on  hot  hillsides.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe,  especially  Central  and  Southern  ; 
N.  Africa.  British. 

Ophrys  aranifera  Hudson.     Spider  Orchis. 

Sepals  pink  or  greenish.  Lip  usually  not  lobed,  or  slightly 
incised,  broad,  convex,  without  an  appendage.  Petals  oblong, 
almost  glabrous.  Resembling  the  last  in  habit. 

Sunny  hillsides,  not  frequent  in  Switzerland.    May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Algeria;  rare  in 

Ophrys  muscifera  Hudson.     Fly  Orchis. 

Sepals  yellowish  green.  Lip  nearly  flat,  narrow,  reddish  brown, 
with  a  blue  patch.  2  lateral  lobes  linear,  small,  middle  lobe 
deeply  bifid.  Flowers  distant. 

Grassy  hillsides,  especially  on  limestone,  ascending  to  about 
4000  feet  in  Switzerland,  as,  e.g.  at  Engelberg.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central.     British. 



Tubers  2  or  more  lobed.  Sepals  spreading.  Lip  long,  spurred, 
recurved  or  deflexed.  Anther-cells  parallel.  Pollen-glands  remote, 

Gymnadenia  albida  Rich.     (Plate  XXXI.) 

Tubers  deeply  divided  palmately.  Lobes  cylindrical  or  tapering. 
Stem  leafy,  4-10  inches  high.  Lower  leaves  obovate-lanceolate  ; 
upper  leaves  lanceolate,  often  small,  sheathing.  Spike  cylindrical, 
dense,  slender,  and  often  slightly  unilateral.  Bracts  3-nerved, 
about  as  long  as  ovary.  Perianth  very  small,  yellowish  white, 
slightly  fragrant.  Segments  obtuse,  all  5  connivent  into  an  ovate 
helmet.  Lip  3-lobed,  lobes  tongue-shaped,  acute,  the  middle  one 
broadest.  Spur  directed  upwards,  half  or  one-third  length  of  ovary. 

Meadows,  pastures,  margins  of  woods,  and  among  debris  in  the 
Alps  and  lower  Alps  from  3000-7000  feet,  both  on  limestone  and 
slate.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Black  Forest,  Vosges,  Pyrenees,  Cevennes  ;  Central  and  Northern 
Europe,  Greenland.  British. 

Gymnadenia  conopsea  L. 

Tubers  palmately  divided.  Stem  leafy,  12-18  inches  high. 
Leaves  lanceolate  or  linear-lanceolate,  upper  ones  often  very  small, 
sheathing.  Spike  cylindrical,  dense-flowered.  Bracts  3-nerved, 
about  as  long  as  ovary.  Lip  3-partite.  Lobes  nearly  alike,  obtuse, 
or  the  middle  one  acute.  Spur  filiform,  bent  downwards,  ij  to 
twice  the  length  of  ovary.  Remaining  perianth-segments  obtuse, 
the  3  upper  ones  approximate,  forming  a  helmet,  the  2  lateral 
spreading  or  reflexed.  Very  variable  both  in  colour  of  flowers  and 
size  of  the  separate  parts.  Usually  rose-coloured,  lighter  or  darker, 
or  various  shades  of  purple  or  mauve,  rarely  white,  with  slight  scent 
of  vanilla. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  often  in  great  quantities,  and 
also  in  the  plains.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe  ;  Western  and  Northern  Asia. 

Gymnadenia  odoratissima  Rich.     (Plate  XXXI.) 

Very  similar  to  certain  forms  of  the  last,  but  the  leaves  are 
narrower,  the  spike  often  more  slender,  the  lip  narrow,  and  the  spur 
straighter  and  shorter.  (The  drawing  depicts  an  unusually  long- 
spurred  form.)  The  flowers  are  strongly  scented  of  vanilla,  and 
rather  smaller  than  in  conopsea.  The  two  species  are  often  found 
together,  and  occasionally  hybridise. 

Hills,  damp  meadows,  etc.,  to  the  Alpine  region.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Alps  ;  Central  and  Northern  Europe 
as  far  as  Sweden. 



Nigritella  angustifolia  L.     Vanilla  Orchid. 

Tubers  palmately  divided.  Stem  3-8  inches  high,  leafy  below 
and  sometimes  throughout.  Leaves  linear,  channelled,  the  lower 
ones  crowded.  Spike  conical  or  ovate,  densely  flowered.  Bracts 
as  long  as  or  longer  than  the  perianth.  Flowers  small,  like  the  bracts 
dark  carmine  (N.  rubra  Richter)  or  purplerblack  (N.  nigra  Reichb.), 
with  the  odour  of  vanilla.  Lip  ovate.  Apex  acuminate,  entire,  or 
slightly  crenate.  Spur  very  short,  obovate,  much  shorter  than 
ovary  ;  remaining  perianth-segments  lanceolate,  acuminate. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures,  often  in  batches  ;  5000-8500 
feet.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Apennines,  Balkans,  Scandinavia.  Moun- 
tainous Europe.  The  red  variety  (N.  rubra  Richter)  is  found  in  the 
Orisons  and  in  the  Maritime  Alps. 

Cypripedium  Calceolus  L.     Lady's  Slipper. 

Rootstock  cylindrical,  knotty,,  horizontal,  tufted,  with  fleshy 
fibres.  Stem  downy  and  leafy,  1-2  flowered,  about  a  foot  high. 
Leaves  elliptical,  or  ovate-lanceolate,  strongly  nerved,  glabrous 
above,  downy  beneath  and  at  margin.  Bracts  similar  to  stem-leaves 
but  smaller.  Lip  yellow,  saccate,  large,  not  spurred  ;  the  other 
perianth-segments  spreading,  ij  inch  long,  purple-brown ;  the 
upper  one  broadly  lanceolate,  acuminate,  a  similar  one  (formed  of 
the  2  lateral  segments  combined  into  one)  under  the  lip  ;  the  two 
inner  lateral  ones  linear-lanceolate,  acute,  usually  twisted. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  woods,  chiefly  on  steep,"  mossy,  limestone 
slopes  under  the  Pines  or  near  rocks.  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Siberia.  In  Europe  almost  to  the  Arctic 
Circle.  British. 


Root-leaves  large,  usually  2.  Lip  entire,  ovary  twisted,  shorter 
than  the  spur.  Rostellum  short  and  broad.  Flowers  whitish, 
fragrant,  in  a  lax  spike. 

Platanthera  bifolia  Rchb.     Lesser  Butterfly  Orchid. 

Tubers  entire.  Stem  12-18  inches,  with  2  large  broadly  ovate  to 
oblong  leaves  at  the  base.  Flowers  yellowish  or  greenish  white, 
sweet-scented,  rather  large  in  a  loose  spike,  3-5  inches  long,  and 
with  lanceolate  bracts  about  length  of  ovary.  Two  lateral  sepals 
spreading.  Lip  linear,  entire,  obtuse.  Spur  slender,  filiform,  and 
curved,  twice  length  of  ovary.  Anther-cells  or  pollinia  usually 
parallel.  Also  called  Hdbenaria  bifolia  R.Br. 


Thickets  in  the  hills,  wood  clearings,  and  moist  pastures.    June. 
Distribution. — Europe,  from  the  Mediterranean  to  the  Arctic 
Circle,  Siberia,  Western  Asia.    British. 

Platanthera  chlorantha  Custer.    Butterfly  Orchid. 

Closely  resembling  the  last,  but  taller  and  larger  in  all  its  parts. 
Stems  2-2|  feet  high.  Anther-cells  or  pollinia  broadly  diverging. 
Two  very  large  leaves  at  the  base  of  the  stem.  Flowers  larger, 
greenish  white,  less  scented.  Lip  lanceolate-obtuse,  yellowish 
green.  Spur  long.  Spike  loose,  from  4-6  inches  long. 

Woods,  rarer  than  the  last,  but  widely  spread.    June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Siberia,  N.  Africa.    British. 

Herminium  Manor chis  R.Br.    Musk  Orchid. 

A  small,  slender  plant,  4-6  inches  high,  with  usually  2  oval- 
lanceolate  radical  leaves.  Tubes  nearly  globular,  the  new  one 
being  produced  at  the  end  of  one  of  the  root-fibres  proceeding 
from  the  crown.  Spike  slender,  with  many  small  yellowish  green 
flowers.  Sepals  erect  and  narrow.  '  Petals  '  narrower  and  rather 
longer.  Lip  scarcely  longer,  hollowed  into  a  sort  of  pouch  at  the 
base,  but  not  spurred,  with  3  narrow,  entire  lobes.  Plant  smelling 
of  Musk. 

Mossy  banks,  hillsides  and  mountain  pastures  up  to  at  least 
4000  feet.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Mountains  of  Southern  Europe.  Hilly  pastures  of 
Central,  Northern,  and  Arctic  Europe,  and  Russian  Asia.  England. 

Goody  era  repens  R.Br. 

Rootstock  creeping,  with  a  few  thick  fibres.  Stems  6-10  inches 
high,  with  a  few  ovate  stalked  leaves  near  the  base.  Spike  uni- 
lateral, with  small  greenish  white  flowers ;  the  lateral  sepals 
shorter  and  more  spreading  than  the  upper  sepal  and  petals. 

Shady  mountain  woods  ;    rather  rare.     July. 

Distribution. — Central,  Northern,  and  Arctic  Europe,  extending 
to  the  Caucasus  and  Altai ;  Northern  Asia  and  America  ;  Scotland. 

EPIPOGUM  S.G.  Gmel. 
Epipogum  aphyllum  Swartz. 

Rootstock  with  a  number  of  thick,  fleshy  branches,  like  those  of 
Coralroot.  Stem  6  inches  high,  pale,  with  a  few  small  sheathing 
bracts.  Flowers  3  or  4  in  a  loose  raceme,  rather  large,  pale  yellow 
with  purplish  markings,  pendulous  with  the  lip  upwards,  it  being 
large,  ovate  and  somewhat  concave. 


On  rotten  leaves  and  wood  in  shady  woods,  probably  parasitic 
upon  roots  of  Conifers  and  Beech  trees.  Scattered  but  always  rare. 

Distribution. — Scattered  over  Europe  and  Northern  Asia  ;  Alps, 
Jura,  Vosges,  Central  Pyrenees,  Caucasus.  Very  rare  in  England. 

NEOTTIA  Adanson. 
Neottia  Nidus-avis  L.    Bird's  Nest. 

Roots tock  a  dense  mass  of  thick,  succulent  fibres.  Stem 
about  a  foot  high,  pale  brown  like  the  few  loose  sheathing  scales 
which  take  the  place  of  leaves.  Spike  rather  dense,  3  or  4  inches 
long,  with  2  or  3  distant  flowers  below  it,  all  pale  brown.  Sepals 
broadly  ovate,  nearly  acute,  petals  more  obtuse,  lip  twice  as  long, 
deeply  forked  at  tip  into  2  oblong,  spreading  lobes. 

In  the  humus  of  shady  woods  up  to  at  least  4500  feet,  as  above 
Engleberg;  widely  spread.  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Western  Asia.     British. 

Limodorum  abortivum  Swartz. 

The  only  species.  Not  strictly  sub-alpine,  though  found  in 
mountain  woods  in  Switzerland  and  throughout  the  Jura.  Whole 
plant  of  a  violet  tinge,  1-2  feet  high.  Leaves  reduced  to  sheathing 
coloured  scales.  Flowers  large,  violet.  Sepals  and  petals  sub- 
campanulate.  Lip  entire,  concave,  spurred. 

Mountain  woods  and  clearings  ;  parasitical  upon  the  roots  of 
trees.  Flowering  in  May  on  the  Mediterranean  and  in  June  and 
July  in  the  Alps  and  Jura.  Often  seen  in  pine  woods  above  the 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (Grisons,  Tessin,  Bern,  rare),  Jura, 
France,  Pyrenees,  Corsica,  Styria,  Central  and  Southern  Europe  ; 
Algeria,  Asia  Minor. 


Corallorrhiza  innata  R.Br.  (C.  Neottia  Scop.).    Coralroot. 

Rootstock  a  mass  of  short,  thick,  fleshy,  obtuse,  and  nearly 
white  fibres.  A  slender  plant  6-8  inches  high,  pale  brown  or 
yellowish,  tinged  with  green  below,  with  a  few  short  sheathing 
scales  instead  of  leaves.  Flowers  small, -yellowish  green,  in  a  short, 
rather  lax  head.  Sepals  narrow-lanceolate.  Lip  oblong,  white  and 
hanging,  very  feebly  3-lobed. 

Woods,  especially  in  the  mountains,  parasitical  upon  the  roots 
of  Beech,  and  extending  to  the  sub-alpine  zone  (e.g.  Engleberg). 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Scattered  over  Central  and  Northern  Europe, 
Russian  Asia  and  N.  America.  In  Europe  extending  from  N.  Italy 
and  the  Pyrenees  to  the  Arctic  regions  ;  Scotland. 


MALAXIS  Solander. 

Flowers  small,  green  or  yellowish.  Sepals  and  petals  spreading, 
the  latter  very  small.  Lip  minute,  concave.  Pollen  masses  4.  Leaves 
very  few.  About  120  species  in  the  temperate  and  hot  regions  of 
both  worlds. 

Malaxis  paludosa  Swartz.    Bog  Orchis. 

This,  the  smallest  European  Orchid,  with  small  greenish  yellow 
flowers,  only  grows  on  the  sphagnum  of  peat  bogs,  and  is  very 
difficult  to  find.  In  Switzerland  it  is  very  rare  and  hardly  sub- 
alpine.  Central  and  Northern  Europe.  British  Isles. 

Malaxis  monophylla  Swartz. 

Tubers  green,  adjacent.  Stem  with  one  oval  leaf  only.  Plant 
greenish  yellow,  5-12  inches  high.  Flowers  minute,  greenish.  Lip 
acuminate,  entire,  turned  upwards,  concave  at  the  base.  Ovary 
club-shaped,  slightly  stalked. 

Damp,  shady,  grassy  meadows  and  other  places  in  the  Alps  and 
sub- Alps  ;  rare.  July. 

Distribution.  —  Switzerland,  Tyrol,  Scandinavia,  Finnland, 
Siberia,  N.  Am. 


Leaves  2,  opposite.  Flowers  small,  green,  in  a  slender,  spiked 
raceme.  Sepals  broader  than  the  petals.  Lip  long,  linear  and 
2-cleft.  Pollen  masses  2. 

A  small  European,  North  Asiatic,  and  N.  American  genus. 

Lister  a  ovata  R.Br.    Tway-blade. 

Rootstock  with  numerous  thickish  fibres,  creeping.  Stem  1-2 
feet  high,  with  2  or  3  sheathing  scales  at  the  base,  and  about  half-way 
up  the  stem  are  a  pair  of  broadly  ovate  green  leaves,  3-4  inches 
long,  strongly  veined.  Raceme  long  and  slender,  in  fine  specimens 
sometimes  6  or  8  inches.  Lip  twice  as  long  as  sepals  or  petals, 
ending  in  2  linear  lobes. 

Moist  pastures  and  woods  from  the  plains  to  the  lower  Alps.  June, 


Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia  ;  N.  America. 

Listen  cordata  R.Br.    (Plate  XXXI.) 

A  very  much  smaller  and  more  delicate  plant,  4-6  inches  high. 
The  pair  of  leaves  barely  an  inch  long,  broadly  ovate  and  slightly 
cordate  at  the  base.  Flowers  very  small,  in  a  short  raceme  on  a 
very  delicate  and  often  reddish  stem.  Corolla-lip  linear,  2-cleft, 
with  2  minute  teeth  at  the  base. 

Among  moss  and  pine  needles  in  mountain  woods  extending 
to  about  5000  feet ;  very  local.  May  to  July.  • 


Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Vosges,  Auvergne,  Caucasus, 
Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Siberia,  N.  America  ;  British  Isles. 


Handsome  plants  with  the  habit  and  foliage  of  Epipactis,  but 
the  flowers  are  almost  sessile,  erect,  usually  larger  and  more  beautiful, 
white  or  red  ;  the  lip  has  no  protuberances  at  the  base  of  the  upper 
portion  ;  the  column  is  longer  and  the  anther  shortly  stalked. 

A  small  European  and  North  Asiatic  genus. 

Cephalanthera  rubra  Rich.     Red  Helleborine. 

Stems  flexuose,  10-20  inches  high.  Leaves  oval  to  lanceolate, 
acute.  Spike  loose,  with  glandular  axis.  Flowers  bright  pink, 
handsome,  with  rather  narrow  white  lip.  Ovary  pubescent.  Bracts 
longer  than  the  ovary. 

Woods  and  thickets,  chiefly  on  limestone  ;  rather  scarce,  extend- 
ing to  4500  feet  at  least.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia.     Very  rare  in  England. 

Cephalanthera  longifolia  Fritsch.  (C.  rusifolia  Rich.). 

Resembling  the  last  in  habit  and  size,  but  the  flowers  are  pure 
white,  more  distant  than  in  the  next  species,  and  the  sepals  narrower 
and  more  pointed.  The  leaves  are  longer,  narrower,  and  stiffer 
than  in  either  species,  being  almost  linear-lanceolate. 

Wooded  hillsides  up  to  4500  feet  in  Switzerland.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  Asia,  N.  Africa.  Scarce  in 

Cephalanthera  latifolia  Janchen  (C.  pallens  Rich.,  C.  grandiflora 

Stem  1-2  feet  high.  Leaves  prominently  veined  ;  the  lower 
ones  broadly  ovate,  the  upper  broadly  lanceolate.  Flowers  cream- 
coloured,  in  a  loose  leafy  spike,  all  the  bracts  being  longer  than  the 
ovary,  and  the  lower  ones  quite  leaf-like  and  considerably  longer 
than  the  flowers.  Sepals  oblong  and  usually  obtuse.  Lip  small, 
in  two  distinct  parts. 

Woods  and  thickets,  scattered,  extending  to  the  sub-alpine 
zone.  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  extending  eastwards  to  the  Caucasus 
and  Asia  Minor,  and  northward  to  Denmark  and  the  British 
Isles  ;  Algeria. 

All  three  kinds  of  Cephalanthera  and  many  other  interesting 
orchids  grow  in  the  woods  or  pastures  about  Engelberg  in  central 
Switzerland,  on  the  mountain  limestone  at  a  height  of  about 
4000  feet.  A  lady  staying  there  in  June,  1909,  found  about  26 
different  Orchids  in  that  charming  locality. 


EPIPACTIS  Adanson. 

Rather  tall  plants  with  leafy  stems  and  purple,  brown/or  greenish 
white  flowers  sometimes  tinged  with  red,  in  a  loose  raceme. 
Perianth  spreading  ;  '  sepals  '  and  '  petals  '  almost  equal  in  size  ; 
the  lip  thick  and  concave  at  the  base,  the  terminal  portion  broad, 
with  2  protuberances  at  its  base. 

About  10  species  only,  native  in  Europe,  temperate  Asia,  N. 
Africa,  and  N.  America. 

Epipactis  latifolia  Swartz.    Broad-leaved  Epipactis. 

Rootstock  shortly  creeping,  with  thickish  fibres.  Stem  2  to  3 
feet  high,  leafy.  Leaves  strongly  ribbed ;  lower  ones  ovate, 
clasping  the  stem  ;  upper  ones  lanceolate  and  pointed,  passing 
into  linear  bracts,  of  which  the  lower  are  often  longer  than  the 
flowers.  Flowers  pendulous  in  a  long  unilateral  raceme,  greenish 
purple  in  England,  but  usually  yellowish  green  in  Switzerland. 
Sepals  ovate-lanceolate.  Lip  small,  the  lower  portion  quite  short. 

Shady  woods  and  mountain  thickets  up  to  5000  feet.  June  to 

Distribution. — Europe,  temperate  Asia,  Siberia,  Himalaya, 
Algeria ;  British  Isles. 

Epipactis  violacea  Durand.1 

Closely  resembles  the  last  and  differing  chiefly  in  the  whole 
plant  being  of  a  purplish  green  colour,  and  the  inflorescence  denser, 
the  flowers  being  partly  greenish  yellow  and  partly  purple.  It  is 
rarely  seen  in  the  Swiss  forests  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — Germany,  Switzerland,  France. 
Epipactis  atropurpurea  Rafin. 

Plant  1-2  feet  high,  slender,  pubescent,  more  or  less  purplish  in 
colour.  Leaves  oval  or  oboval,  somewhat  clasping.  Spike  lax, 
unilateral.  Flowers  rather  small,  dark  purple-red,  but  somewhat 
variable,  especially  in  the  Maritime  Alps,  where  we  have  seen 
specimens  with  pale  purple  flowers.  Bracts  shorter  than  the  flowers, 
or  the  lowest  equalling  them. 

Wooded  hills  in  sunny  places,  and  especially  on  limestone. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central  and  Southern  ;  Cau- 
casus, Persia. 

Epipactis  microphylla  Swartz.     Small-leaved  Epipactis. 

A  smaller  and  more  slender  plant  with  very  small  lanceolate 
leaves.  Whole  plant  often  purplish  like  the  last.  Flowers  reddish 
green,  fragrant.  Lip  glabrous  at  the  base.  Mature  ovary  pubescent. 

1  E.  violacea  Boreau  of  S.E.  England  is  quite  a  distinct  thing.  J.  W.  White  in 
Flora  of  Bristol  (1912),  p.  568. 


Dry,  stony  hills  and  mountain  thickets  ;  rare,  and  especially  rare 
in  Switzerland.  Widely  spread  in  France.  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Corsica,  Caucasus, 
Asia  Minor. 

Epipactis  palustris  Crantz.    Marsh  Epipactis. 

Plant  glabrous,  about  8-12  inches  high.  Leaves  narrow-lanceo- 
late. Bracts  shorter  than  the  flowers.  Racemes  very  loose,  few- 
flowered  and  not  unilateral.  Flowers  large  and  very  beautiful, 
white  variegated  with  green,  orange,  and  purple.  Terminal  lobe 
of  lip  blunt  and  rounded. 

Marshes  and  moist  meadows,  reaching  at  least  4000  feet  in  the 
Alps  ;  sometimes  in  large  quantities.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Europe,  especially  Central ;  Western  and  Northern 
Asia.  British. 

Orchids  are  generally  considered  difficult  to  cultivate,  and  many 
have  a  reputation  for  not  flowering  when  transplanted.  But 
if  they  are  never  moved  when  in  flower  or  making  growth,  but  in 
the  early  autumn,  they  are  much  more  likely  to  succeed.  A  moist 
loam  and  peat  suits  most,  but  others  require  lime  mixed  with  the 
loam  instead  of  peat.  All  require  a  deep  soil.  It  is  much  to  be 
hoped,  however,  that  collectors  will  leave  alone  not  only  many 
of  the  British  species,  but  all  the  rarer  ones  which  grow  in  the  Alps. 
Those  which  are  parasitic  are  particularly  difficult  to  cultivate, 
and  are  best  avoided. 


Perennial  herbs,  with  bulbous,  tuberous,  or  shortly  creeping 
rootstock,  frequently  ensiform  leaves  and  regular  flowers  with 
2  bracts.  Perianth  6-lobed.  Stamens  3.  Style  simple.  Stigmas 
often  dilated.  Fruit  a  3-celled  capsule. 

About  100  species.    Europe,  temperate  Asia,  Africa,  and  America. 

Crocus  albiflorus  Kit. 

This  includes  C.  vernus  All.,  which  some  botanists  have  con- 
sidered a  separate  species. 

Corm  covered  with  dry  membranous  scales,  scape  enveloped 
in  a  sheath.  Leaves  grass-like,  recurved  at  margin.  Stigmas 
orange,  shorter  than  the  perianth  segments.  Perianth  6-lobed. 
Flowers  opening  before  or  with  the  leaves,  immediately  the  snow 
begins  to  disappear,  white  or  violet,  the  white  form  having  a 
yellowish  tube.  » 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  up  to  7600  feet,  often  in^ great 
profusion.  April  to  June,  according  to  situation, 


Distribution.  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps,  Jura, 
Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Carpathians,  Balkans ;  often  naturalised 
in  the  plains  and  in  England. 


Seven  species  of  Iris  (virescens,  germanica,  sambucina,  squalens, 
graminea,  Pseudacorus,  and  sibirica)  may  be  found  either  native  or 
sub-spontaneous  in  Switzerland,  but  none  of  them  reach  the  sub- 
alpine  region. 


Root  bulbous  (in  all  European  genera).  Leaves  radical.  -  Perianth 
petal-like,  with  6  segments.  Stamens  6,  the  anthers  turned  inwards. 
Ovary  3-celled,  inferior  or  adherent  to  the  perianth-tube.  Fruit  a 
capsule  with  several  seeds,  and  3-valved. 

A  large  family,  widely  distributed  over  the  globe,  but  chiefly  in 
dry,  sunny  countries. 


Flowers  solitary,  or  several  together,  terminal.  Perianth  with  a 
distinct  tube  above  the  ovary,  and  6  usually  spreading  segments, 
with  a  cup-shaped  or  tubular  white  or  coloured  crown  at  their  base, 
round  the  orifice  of  the  tube. 

A  well-defined  genus  of  few  real  species,  chiefly  South  European 
or  Caucasian. 

Narcissus  Pseudo-narcissus  L.    Daffodil. 

Bulb  rather  large.  Leaves  usually  2  or  3,  about  a  foot  long 
when  fully  grown  and  J  inch  wide,  bluish  green.  Stem  rather 
taller  with  a  single,  large,  yellow  flower.  Perianth- tube  about  an 
inch  long,  wider  at  the  top,  the  segments  ovate  or  oblong,  paler 
yellow.  Crown  slightly  6-lobed  or  wavy  at  the  margin. 

Meadows,  orchards,  and  pastures,  especially  in  the  mountains 
and  sub-Alps,  and  extending  to  6000  feet,  as  at  Saas  Fee.  March  to 
June,  according  to  situation. 

Distribution. — Most  of  temperate  and  Southern  Europe. 

Narcissus  poeticus  L.     Poet's  Narcissus. 

Flowers  large,  usually  solitary,  white,  with  yellow  crown  and 
red  crenulated  border,  very  fragrant. 

Meadows  and  orchards,  often  abundant  though  local,  and  occa- 
sionally, as  at  Mt.  Cenis  and  Saas  Fee,  reaching  6000  feet.  It 
usually  flowers  in  April  and  May,  but  later  in  the  higher  altitudes. 

According  to  Keller  and  Schinz,  it  is  only  sub-spontaneous  in 
Switzerland  !  In  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  it  reaches  5000  feet. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe. 

A  beautiful  reproduction  of  a  photograph  showing  how  this 
Narcissus  grows  in  fields  at  Chateau  d'Oex  appears  in  the  Journ.  of  the 


Royal  Hort.  Soc.  (1911),  Part  i,  illustrating  a  paper  by  Monsieur 
Correvon  on  Alpine  Gardens. 

Narcissus  angustifolius  Curtis. 

This  is  perhaps  only  an  Alpine  variety  of  the  last,  with  narrower 
leaves,  and  rather  smaller  flowers  with  narrower  divisions. 

It  is  found  in  meadows  of  the  Swiss  Alps,  sub- Alps,  and  Jura, 
and  descends  to  the  plain. 

Narcissus  biflorus  Curtis. 

Flowers  usually  in  pairs,  cream-coloured,  sweet-scented.  Perianth- 
tube  slender,  about  an  inch  long,  segments  rather  shorter,  oval ; 
crown  very  short,  concave  or  broadly  cup-shaped,  slightly  crenate, 

Meadows  in  Southern  and  Western  Europe,  Italy,  Tyrol.  April, 

Introduced  into  England.  In  Switzerland  it  is  probably  native 
about  Bex,  Locarno,  Bellinzona,  and  several  places  in  Valais. 

Narcissus  incomparabilis  Miller. 

Leaves  almost  flat.  Perianth  segments  pale  yellow,  twice  as 
long  as  the  lobed  corona. 

In  Switzerland  found  only  near  Lugano  and  at  one  or  two  places 
in  Valais.  It  is  native  in  Provence,  Italy,  and  Spain. 

Galanthus  nivalis  L.    Snowdrop. 

The  snowdrop  is  found  occasionally  in  Swiss  meadows,  orchards, 
and  thickets,  and  flowers  in  February  and  March  ;  but  it  barely 
reaches  the  sub-alpine  regions. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  extending  eastward 
to  the  Caucasus  and  northward  to  Central  Germany.  In  Britain 
probably  not  indigenous. 


Like  Galanthus,  but  scape  1-6  flowered.  Petals  larger.  Leaves 
more  numerous  and  broader. 

Leucojum  vernum  L.    Spring  Snowflake. 

Stem  8-18  inches  high,  springing  from  a  rather  large  bulb  and 
bearing  a  handsome,  white,  usually  solitary  blossom,  drooping  and 
scented.  Style  broadly  club-shaped.  The  '  petals  '  usually  have  a 
greenish  yellow  spot  at  the  top,  as  do  those  of  the  Summer  Snow- 
flake.  Corolla  campanulate,  with  free  divisions. 

Damp  meadows  and  woods  in  the  mountains  and  lower  Alps. 
Widely  spread  in  Switzerland,  flowering  in  February  and  March, 
and  sold  in  the  market  at  Geneva,  etc. 

Distribution, — Central  Europe. 



Perennial  herbs  with  creeping,  bulbous  or  clustered  rootstock, 
and  either  radical  leaves  and  peduncles,  or  annual  or  biennial,  leafy 
flowering-stems.  Flowers  usually  hermaphrodite.  Perianth  usually 
6-lobed.  Stamens  6,  hypogynous,  or  attached  to  the  perianth- 
lobes.  Styles  i  or  3,  rarely  o.  Fruit  usually  a  3-celled  capsule  or 

A  large  family  of  nearly  2000  species,  widely  spread  over  many 
regions  of  the  globe. 

Streptopm  amplexifolius  DC. 

Rootstock  oblique,  knotted  with  abundant  fibres.  Stem  erect, 
simple  or  branched,  zigzag,  glabrous  like  the  whole  plant.  Leaves 
cordate-lanceolate,  entire,  acuminate,  amplexicaul,  sea-green  on 
under  side.  Flower-stalks  usually  solitary,  i-flowered,  bent  down- 
wards nearly  at  a  right  angle.  Flowers  whitish.  Berries  globular 
or  ellipsoidal,  watery,  scarlet. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  woods  up  to  6500  feet ;  local.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Jura,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corsica  ;  Central  Europe,  Asia, 
North  America. 


Convallaria  majalis  L.    Lily  of  the  valley. 

Stem  leafless  except  for  a  pair  of  large,  elliptical,  radical  leaves. 
Flowers  white,  nearly  orbicular,  in  a  unilateral  raceme,  sweet- 
scented.  Fruit  a  red  berry. 

Woods,  sometimes  in  quantities,  ascending  occasionally  to  Alpine 
thickets  at  over  5000  feet.  May,  June. 

Distribution, — Europe,  except  Mediterranean,  Western  and 
Northern  Asia.  British. 

POLYGONATUM  Toum.    Solomon's  Seal. 

Flowers  axillary  and  solitary  or  in  racemes,  pendulous,  usually 
greenish  white.  Sepals  and  petals  united  below.  Stem  leafy, 
springing  from  a  thick  rhizome.  Leaves  broad  (except  in  one  or 
two  species),  usually  alternate.  Fruit  a  berry. 

Polygonatum  multiftorum  All. 

Stem  2-3  feet  high.  Peduncles  axillary,  bearing  2-5  greenish 
white  and  rather  small  flowers.  Filaments  of  the  stamens  hairy. 
Leaves  oval  or  oblong.  Berry  blue-black. 

Woods  ;   frequent.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  except  Mediterranean,  Western  and 
Northern  Asia,  Canada,  British. 


Polygonatum  officinale  All. 

Stem  8-1 8  inches  high,  angular,  peduncles  usually  bearing  1-2 
flowers,  which  are  larger  than  the  last  and  scented.  Leaves  oval  or 
elliptic.  Filaments  glabrous.  Berry  blue-black. 

Woods  and  shady,  rocky  places,  especially  on  limestone ;  com- 
mon. April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia,  Japan. 

Polygonatum  verticillatum  All. 

Rootstock  creeping,  knotted,  horizontal.  Stem  angular,  1-3  feet 
high,  bearing  whorls  of  3-7  leaves,  which  are  lanceolate  or  linear- 
lanceolate,  acuminate,  entire,  sessile,  glabrous.  Flowers  axillary, 
pendent,  in  whorls  of  about  6,  1-3  on  each  flower-stalk,  greenish 
white,  tubular.  Berries  globular,  violet,  blue-black  later. 

Margins  of  woods,  clearings,  and  shady,  rocky  places  in  the  Alps 
and  sub- Alps  up  to  6500  feet.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ; 
Vosges,  Jura,  Ardennes,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Central  and  Northern 
Europe,  Central  and  Western  Asia.  Rare  in  Britain. 

Maianthemum  bifolium  DC.    (Plate  XVII.)    May  Lily. 

Rootstock  creeping,  slender.  Stems  6-8  inches  high,  naked 
but  for  2  alternate,  stalked,  ovate,  and  deeply  cordate,  glabrous 
leaves.  Flowers  small,  white,  in  a  terminal,  short  raceme.  Perianth 
of  4  divisions.  Stamens  4.  Ovary  2-celled.  Berries  small,  red. 

Mountain  woods,  often  abundant  in  the  lower  Alps  and  in  the 
plains.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe  ;  Russian  Asia, 
N.  America.  Very  rare  in  England  (Yorkshire). 

Paris  quadrifolia  L.    Herb-Paris. 

Stem  9-12  inches  or  more  high,  with  a  whorl  of  4  (rarely  5) 
broadly  ovate,  shortly-acuminate,  sessile  leaves.  Peduncle  rising 
about  an  inch  above  the  leaves.  Perianth  yellowish  green  ;  the 
4  outer  segments  lanceolate,  the  4  inner  ones  linear  and  rather 
yellower  ;  all  spreading  to  form  a  star-shaped  flower.  Anthers 
linear,  erect.  Berry  bluish  black,  as  large  as  a  pea. 

Woods  and  shady  thickets.    Widely  spread.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  to  the  Arctic  Circle.  Western  Asia. 


Ruscus  L. 

„  ^The  only  European  monocotyledonous  plants  which  are  shrub- 
like  and  almost  woody.  A  small  European  and  North  African  genus 
known  by  its  stiff,  shrub-like  habit  and  almost  prickly  leaves. 

Ruscus  aculeatus  L.    Butcher's  Broom. 

A  stiff,  dark  green,  much-bracted  shrub  2-4  feet  high.  Leaves 
very  numerous,  ovate,  ending  in  a  prickly  point.  Flowers  small, 
greenish  white,  apparently  sessile  in  the  middle  of  the  '  leaves  '  or 
cladodes,  which  are  really  leaf-like  branches.  Actually  the  flowers 
are  borne  on  pedicels  from  the  axil  of  the  leaf  and  closely  adnate 
to  the  surface  with  a  minute  scaly  bract  under  the  flowers.  Berry 
red,  large. 

Woods,  hedges,  and  rocky  thickets.    March  to  May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  and 
Northern  Asia,  N.  Africa.  Introduced  into  Britain. 

Erythronium  Dens-canis  L.    Dog-tooth  Violet. 

Flowers  solitary  on  a  leafless  scape,  large,  pink  spotted  with  white 
and  yellow,  the  6  acute  perianth-segments  recurved  abruptly,  the 
3  exterior  ones  furnished  at  the  base  with  a  little  tooth  on  each 
side.  Leaves  2,  opposite,  radical,  oblong,  or  elliptic,  spotted  with 
red.  Seed-vessel  a  3-celled  capsule. 

Thickets  and  wooded  hills  in  the  south.  March,  April.  In 
Switzerland  only  native  in  Tessin,  though  naturalised  near  Geneva, 

Distribution.- — Apennines,  Southern  Alps,  Cevennes  and  Central 
plateau  of  France,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees ;  Central  and  Southern 
Europe  ;  Caucasus,  Siberia,  Japan. 


Bulbs  scaly.  Stem  leafy.  Flowers  large.  Stamens  hypogynous 
or  attached  to  the  base  of  the  perianth-lobes.  Anthers  versatile. 
Fruit  a  3-celled  capsule. 

About  50  species  inhabiting  temperate  regions  of  the  northern 
hemisphere,  and  particularly  Japan. 

Lilium  Martagon  L.    Turk's-cap  Lily.    (Plate  XXXII.) 

2-3  feet  high.    Leaves  in  whorls  of  6  or  8.    Flowers  dull  pink  or 

lilac,  spotted  with  dark  purple,  pendent,  with  recurved  segments. 
Alpine  meadows  and  pastures  and  bushy  places  up  to  7300  feet, 

especially  on  limestone  ;    local,  but  sometimes  quite  numerous. 

June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Siberia, 


4/7    NATURAL    SIZE. 

i.  LILIUM    MARTAGON.         2.   LIUUM  CROCEUM.          ».  LUZULA    PILOSA. 


Lilium  Pomponium  L. 

This  brilliant  red,  handsome  Lily,  with  leaiy  stem  and  narrow 
linear  leaves,  is 'found  in  stony  places  in  the  Ligurian  Alps  as  high 
as  6000  feet,  but  is  never  abundant.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Var,  Basses-Alpes,  Alpes-Maritimes,  Piedmont. 

Lilium  croceum  Chaix.    Tiger-Lily.    (Plate  XXXII.) 

This  well-known  deep  orange  Lily  is  chiefly  a  native  of  the 
warmer  sub-alpine  districts  in  the  south,  but  in  Switzerland  it 
sometimes  reaches  5300  feet.  It  is  the  variety  of  L.  bulbiferum  L. 
without  bulbils.  Both  occur  in  Switzerland.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Switzerland,  Western  Alps,  Corsica,  Eastern 


Flowers  white,  in  a  lax  terminal  raceme,  on  a  leafless  scape, 
springing  from  a  tuberous  rootstock.  Sepals  and  petals  distinct, 
spreading.  Leaves  narrow. 

Anthericum  ramosum  L. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  ending  in  a  branched  panicle.  Peduncles 
pointed  very  near  the  base.  Flowers  distant,  pure  white,  star- 
shaped.  Leaves  linear,  channelled,  shorter  than  the  stem.  Fruit 
globular,  3-celled. 

Sunny  hills  and  sul^-alpine  slopes.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe  ;   Taurus  and  Caucasus. 

Anthericum  Liliago  L.     (Plate  XXX.) 

Stem  unusually  shorter,  not  branched.     Flowers  larger  (i  inch 
across).    Raceme  simple.     Peduncles  jointed  below  the  middle. 
Dry  hills,  mountains  and  sub- Alps  ;   local.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Asia  Minor. 

In  Switzerland  it  often  grows  with  Paradisia,  but  the  latter  is  a 
more  Alpine  plant. 

Paradisia  Liliastrum  Bertol.    St.  Bruno's  Lily.     (Plate  XXX.) 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  leafless,  simple,  3-5  flowered.  Leaves 
linear,  radical,  slightly  furrowed.  Flowers  shortly  stalked  in  a  loose 
raceme,  very  large  (2  inches),  pure  white,  and  like  those  of  a  Lily, 
but  more  delicate.  Perianth  6-lobed,  funnel-shaped. 

Pastures  of  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps  ;  scarce.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Spain  and  Portugal,  Italy. 



The  only  species  is  : 
Aphyllanthes  monspeliensis  L. 

A  remarkable  plant,  6-10  inches  high,  tufted  and  with  hard  root- 
stock  and  fibrous  roots.  Stem  naked,  slender,  rush-like.  Leaves 
reduced  to  scaly  sheaths  at  the  base  of  the  stem.  Flowers  blue, 
rarely  white,  star-shaped,  with  6  spreading  segments  united  at  the 
base  into  a  tube.  Stamens  unequal,  inserted  near  the  base  of  the 
petals,  with  glabrous  filiform  filaments.  Stigma  trifid.  Capsules 
within  a  scaly  involucre,  trigonous,  acuminate. 

Dry,  hilly  places  in  the  South,  especially  on  limestone.  April  to 

i  Distribution.— Southern  France,  Pyrenees,  Spain  and  Portugal, 
N.  Italy  ;  N.  Africa. 

Not  strictly  sub-alpine,  this  pretty  little  plant  ascends  to  about 
2000  feet  on  the  Col  di  Tenda  and  on  limestone  hills  in  the  south 
of  France.  See  note  by  the  author  in  Gard.  Chron.,  March  i6th,  1912. 

ALLIUM  L.    Onion. 

Flowers  in  rounded  umbels,  surrounded  by  a  membranous 
spathe.  Perianth-segments  distinct.  Foetid  herbs  with  radical 
leaves  and  a  usually  naked  scape. 

Allium  Victorialis  L. 

Rootstock  as  thick  as  the  finger,  sheathed,  2-3  inches  long.  Stem 
I -I  J  feet  high,  leafy  nearly  to  the  middle,  naked  and  angular  above. 
Leaves  elliptical  or  lanceolate,  narrowed  into  a  short  leaf -stalk, 
with  a  long  sheath,  persistent.  Leaves  3-8  inches  long,  1-3  inches 
broad,  grass-green.  Perianth  whitish  green,  funnel-shaped. 
Stamens  longer  than  perianth.  Umbel  globular,  fertile,  large. 

Pastures  and  rocky,  bushy  places  in  the  calcareous  Alps ;  local. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Riesengebirge  ;  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Black  Forest,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees, 
Caucasus,  Northern  Asia,  N.  America. 

Allium  Schcenoprasum  L.    Chives.     (Plate  XV.) 

About  a  foot  high.  Umbel  contracted  into  a  dense  globular  head 
of  rather  large  purple-pink  flowers.  Perianth-segments  very 
pointed.  Stamens  longer  than  the  perianth.  Spatha  of  2  or  rarely 
3  coloured  bracts,  shorter  than  the  flowers.  Leaves  very  narrow, 

Rocky  and  damp  pastures,  etc.,  in  the  sub- Alps  and  hills.  June 
to  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  America. 


An  Alpine  form  of  this  is  known  as  A.  roseum  Krock.=^4. 
sibiricum  L.  It  grows  in  Alpine  pastures  up  to  8000  feet. 

Allium  angulosum  L. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  angular  towards  the  top.  Leaves  linear, 
strongly  channelled.  Spatha  of  2-3  ovate-acute  bracts.  Umbel 
rather  flat.  Flowers  rose,  rarely  white.  Stamens  nearly  as  long  as 
the  petals.  Rootstock  horizontal,  with  several  oblong  bulbs. 

Damp  meadows  in  the  plains  and  lower  mountains.  June  to 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  France,  Central  and  Northern  Europe, 
Caucasus,  Siberia. 

Allium  fallax  Roem.  et  Schultes. 

A  very  similar  plant  with  horizontal  stock  emitting  oblong  bulbs. 
Leaves  linear,  convex,  and  obscurely  nerved,  without  being  keeled, 
shorter  than  the  stem. 

Rocks  in  the  mountains.    June  to  September. 

Distribution. — Jura,  Alps,  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees,  Central 
Europe,  Armenia. 

GAGEA  Salisbury. 

Flowers  yellow  or  greenish,  in  umbels  or  corymbs,  with  leafy 
bracts  on  a  leafless  scape  springing  from  the  bulb.  Stamens 
attached  to  the  base  of  the  perianth-segments. 

Gagea  lutea  Ker-Gawler. 

Bulbs  small.  Leaves  I  or  very  rarely  2,  broadly  linear,  pointed. 
Stem  slender  about  6  inches  high.  Flowers  3  or  4  in  a  loose,  flat, 
umbel-like  raceme,  with  leaf-like  bracts  as  long  or  longer  than  the 
pedicels.  Perianth-segments  oblong  and  spreading,  yellow,  green 

Meadows,  hedges,  and  orchards.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Ardennes,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees, 
Corsica,  Europe,  especially  Central,  Caucasus,  Siberia.  British. 

Gagea  fistulosa  Ker-Gawler  (G.  Liottardi  Schult.). 

Bulbs  i  or  2  in  each  sheath.  Leaves  1-3,  usually  2,  the  one  from 
the  larger  bulb  stouter,  glabrous,  trigonous,  slightly  furrowed, 
tubular  towards  the  apex.  Bracts  2,  large,  opposite,  bulging  in  the 
middle,  and  2  or  3  linear  bracts  in  the  branches  of  the  umbel. 
Flower-stalks  woolly.  Flowers  variable  ;  the  first  have  often  only 
4  perianth-segments  and  stamens,  the  latter  ones  only  5  segments, 
yellow  within  and  at  the  margin,  green  without. 

Rich  soil  in  high  Alpine  pastures  (often  near  chalets)  up  to  7500 
feet ;  local.  June,  July. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps. 


Gagea  minima  Ker-Gawler. 

The  smallest  species.  A  single  linear  root-leaf.  Perianth- 
segments  lanceolate-acuminate,  with  point  curved  outwards. 
Flowers  2-5  on  glabrous  pedicels.  Bract  solitary.  Bulbs  2. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  ;  rare.    June. 

Distribution. — Switzerland. 

Gagea  pratensis  Dumort.  (G.  stenopetala  Reich.). 

Bulbs  2-4,  without  a  common  sheath.  Plant  downy,  with 
glabrous  pedicels.  Stems  3-8  inches  high.  One  solitary  root-leaf, 
linear,  narrower  at  each  end.  Stem-leaves  2,  close  to  the  umbel  of 
2-5  large  flowers. 

Fields  and  pastures.    April,  May. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  including  Switzer- 


Bulbous  plants  with  radical  leaves.  Flowers  blue,  mauve,  or 
rarely  pink,  in  a  terminal  raceme.  Stamens  inserted  on  the 
perianth,  below  the  centre  of  the  segments.  Capsule  globular  or 
trigonous,  membranous. 

Scilla  bifolia  L. 

Plant  6-10  inches  high,  with  2  linear-lanceolate,  spreading  leaves. 
Stem  hollow.  Inflorescence  short,  lax,  few-flowered.  Pedicels 
erect,  the  lower  ones  several  times  as  long  as  the  azure-blue  flowers. 

Hedges,  orchards,  and  thickets.    April. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  France  (except  west  and  extreme 
south),  S.  Central  Europe,  extending  to  the  Caucasus  and  Asia 

In  Switzerland  this  takes  the  place  of  our  Bluebell  (Endymion 
nutans),  which  is  entirely  absent  from  that  country,  though  it 
appears  in  the  lower  Pyrenees. 

TULIPA  L.    Tulip. 

Flowers  large,  solitary,  on  a  leafy  scape.  Sepals  and  petals 
distinct.  Stamens  hypogynous.  Stigma  sessile,  with  spreading 
lobes.  Leaves  broad. 

Tulipa  sylvestris  L. 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  with  usually  3  linear-lanceolate-acuminate 
leaves  and  a  single  terminal  yellow  flower,  drooping  in  the  bud, 
nearly  erect  when  fully  out.  Perianth-segments  acuminate. 

Fields,  meadows,  vineyards,  etc.,  in  colonies.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  doubtfully  native 
in  Switzerland  and  still  more  so  in  England. 

LILIACE^  283 

Tulipa  australis  Link. 

Stem  about  9  inches  high,  with  2  narrow-lanceolate,  acute  leaves. 
'  Petals  '  shining  on  upper  surface,  lanceolate,  acuminate,  yellow, 
the  outer  ones  reddish  at  the  top. 

Sub-alpine  pastures  ;  local.  April,  May.  In  Southern  France, 
Italy,  Spain,  and  Portugal  it  grows  in  the  ordinary  pastures. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (rare),  Central  and  Southern  Europe, 
from  Portugal  to  Tyrol. 

The  variety  alpestris  (Jordan)  grows  at  a  height  of  6000-7000  feet 
in  Dauphiny  and  the  Maritime  Alps. 


Bulbous  herbs,  with  a  more  or  less  leafy  stem,  and  one  or  more 
rather  large  drooping  flowers  in  a  terminal  raceme.  Perianth  bell- 
shaped,  with  distinct  segments  as  in  Tulip,  but  the  3  inner  segments 
have  a  nectariferous  cavity  at  their  base.  Stamens  inserted  at  the 
base  of  the  perianth  ;  the  anthers  being  attached  a  little  above 
their  base.  Capsule  3-celled,  with  several  rather  flat  horizontal 
seeds  in  each  cell,  as  in  Tulip. 

About  50  species  inhabit  the  temperate  regions  of  the  northern 
hemisphere,  being  found  in  Europe,  Asia,  and  North  America. 
They  might  be  more  cultivated,  for  many  are  both  handsome  and 
early  flowering. 

Fritillaria  delphinensis  Gren. 

Stem  8-12  inches  high,  leafy  above,  naked  below.  Leaves  4-8, 
broadly  lanceolate,  flat,  erect,  alternate.  Flower  large,  purple, 
obscurely  spotted,  ij  inch  long.  Perianth-segments  connivant, 
concave,  the  interior  segments  being  oval-elliptic  and  rounded. 
Capsule  obovate. 

High  pastures  in  the  Alps ;  local.    May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Savoy,  Dauphiny,  Provence,  Corsica,  Northern 
Italy,  Tyrol. 

Fritillaria  Meleagris  L.    Common  Fritillary. 

Stem  about  a  foot  high,  with  3  or  4  linear,  thick,  channelled 
leaves,  and  a  single  terminal  drooping  flower  (rarely  two),  dull  red, 
spotted  with  purple  and  yellowish  white,  or  rarely  white  with 
greenish  spots. 

Damp  meadows,  but  scarcely  attaining  the  sub-alpine  region  of 
Switzerland  or  France.  April. 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe,  from  France  to  the  Caucasus  and 
northwards  to  England  and  Scandinavia. 



Rootstock  creeping.  Stems  tall,  robust,  leafy.  Leaves  oval, 
with  very  strong  nerves.  Flowers  in  branched  panicles.  Capsule 
of  3  carpels  united,  many-seeded.  Acrid  and  poisonous  herbs. 

Veratrum  album  L. 

Stem  simple,  2-3  feet  high,  erect,  robust,  leafy,  covered  below 
with  pubescent  leaf-sheaths,  thickened  to  a  bulb  at  the  base,  scaly 
or  somewhat  floccose  like  the  flower-stalks,  with  large  sessile  leaves 
regularly  creased  at  the  base,  and  bearing  a  paniculate  inflorescence. 
Leaves  entire,  creased,  veined,  sealed  on  long  sheaths,  glabrous 
above,  downy  beneath,  the  lower  ones  oval,  obtuse,  the  upper- 
most lanceolate,  acute.  Flowers  numerous,  greenish  white,  in  large 
panicles.  Perianth-segments  longer  than  the  flower-stalks. 

Abundant  in  grassy  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures.  July  to 
September  ;  up  to  8200  feet. 

Distribution. — Carpathians,  Riesengebirge  ;  Eastern,  Central, 
and  Western  Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus, 
Siberia,  Japan. 

The  leaves  resemble  those  of  Gentiana  lutea,  and  both  plants  are 
avoided  by  the  cattle  and  the  mowers. 

Veratrum  nigrum  L. 

Flowers  very  dark  red  or  purplish,  smaller  than  the  last.  Perianth- 
segments  as  long  as  the  pedicels. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  meadows  and  pastures ;  rare.  July, 

Distribution. — Tessin  (Monte  Generoso),  Eastern  Alps,  Maritime 
Alps,  Eastern  Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia. 


Flowers  usually  solitary,  springing  from  a  fleshy  corm.  Leaves 
radical,  appearing  after  the  flowers.  Flowers  with  long  tube  like 
those  of  Crocus.  Stamens  6.  Ovary  underground,  but  within  the 
lengthened  tube  of  the  perianth.  Styles  3,  very  long  and  thread- 
like. Capsule  3-valved. 

Colchicum  autumnale  L.    Autumn  Crocus. 

No  leaves  at  time  of  flowering,  but  appearing  later.  Corm  ending 
in  a  sheath  of  brown  scales  enclosing  the  base  of  the  flowers,  whose 
tube  rises  3-5  inches  above  the  ground,  with  6  oblong  segments, 
pinkish  lilac  in  colour,  rarely  white.  In  spring  the  leaves  attain 
a  length  of  8  or  10  inches,  by  an  inch  or  more  in  breadth.  The  large 
capsule  is  then  raised  above  the  ground  by  the  lengthening  of  the 
peduncle,  and  the  leaves  wither  away. 

Moist  meadows  and  pastures  in  hilly  districts.  August,  September. 


Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  rare  in  the  north, 
but  abundant  locally  in  England  and  Ireland. 

Colchicum  alpinum  Lam.  et  DC. 

Resembling  the  last,  but  smaller,  and  the  sepals  are  narrower. 
The  leaves  are  also  narrower  and  only  2  in  number  instead  of  3  or  4. 

Alpine  meadows  at  about  5000-6000  feet,  much  less  common 
than  the  last,  but  sometimes  growing  with  it.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Valais,  Tessin,  Western  Alps,  Sicily. 

In  Alpine  Plants  of  Europe  it  was  incorrectly  stated  to  grow  in 
the  Department  of  the  Var  and  in  Corsica.  In  Corsica  it  appears 
as  a  still  smaller  variety  called  C.  parvulum  Ten. 

Bulbocodium  vernum  L. 

Flowers  rose-lilac,  the  colour  of  Colchicum,  or  rarely  white, 
appearing  with  the  lanceolate-concave  root-leaves.  Perianth- 
segments  spreading,  united  at  the  throat  by  small  scales.  Stamens 
6.  i  style  trifid  at  the  top.  Bulb  ovoid,  in  a  brown  tunic.  Capsule 
oval,  acute. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  ;  rare.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Western  Alps,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus.  Very  local 
in  Switzerland  (Valais,  Mont  Vuache,  etc.). 


Small  plants  with  creeping  rootstocks.  Leaves  grass-like, 
chiefly  radical,  flattened  vertically,  and  sheathing  like  the  leaves 
of  an  Iris.  Flowers  small,  yellow,  in  terminal  spikes.  Perianth  of  6 
segments,  persistent  round  the  capsule,  which  is  small  and  3-lobed. 
Stamens  attached  to  the  perianth-segments. 

This  small  genus  is  chiefly  North  American. 

Tofieldia  palustris  Huds. 

Leaves  radical,  linear,  sword-shaped  and  stiff,  3-nerved  ;  leaf- 
stalk without  bracts  at  the  base.  Flowers  small,  yellowish,  in  a 
spike  or  raceme  at  the  end  of  the  scape. 

Moist  Alpine  meadows  and  pastures  ;   5000-9000  feet. 

Distribution. — Eastern  and  Central  Alps,  and  rarely  in  the 
Western  Alps  (Mont  Cenis  and  Monte  Viso),  Northern  Europe, 
Arctic  regions.  British. 

Tofieldia  calyculata  L.     (Plate  XXIII.) 

Leaves  longer,  many-nerved.  Leaf -stalk  hidden  by  bracts  at 
the  base.  Stems  simple,  sometimes  a  foot  high,  with  a  spike  of 
yellowish  flowers.  Commoner  than  the  last,  but  not  attaining  so 
great  an  elevation.  June  to  August. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Pyrenees,  Central  Europe. 



Usually  stiff  herbs  with  narrow,  grass-like  leaves  and  small 
herbaceous  or  dry  flowers  in  terminal  clusters.  Perianth  regular, 
dry  and  calyx-like,  of  6  segments.  Stamens  6,  or  rarely  3.  Styles 
single,  with  3  stigmas.  Capsule  I  or  3-celled,  opening  in  3  valves. 
Seed  small.  A  family  spread  over  the  whole  of  the  globe. 

JUNCUS  L.    Rush. 

Leaves  stiff  and  glabrous,  usually  cylindrical,  at  least  at  the 
tips,  or  grooved.  Flowers  usually  in  irregular  panicles,  unequally 
branched,  with  a  dry,  sheathing  bract  under  each  branch,  cluster, 
or  flower.  Capsule  3-celled.  Seeds  numerous. 

Nearly  200  species,  dispersed  over  the  greater  part  of  the  globe. 

Juncus  filiformis  L. 

Rhizome  creeping,  throwing  up  many  tufts.  Stems  6-18  inches 
long,  wiry,  filiform,  pale  green,  faintly  striate.  Cyme  few-flowered, 
crowded,  pale,  small,  halfway  up  the  stem.  Perianth-segments 
lanceolate,  exceeding  the  turbinate,  obtuse,  mucronate  capsule. 
Stamens  6. 

Wet,  stony  places,  margins  of  lakes,  etc.,  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps. 
June  to  August. 

Distribution.  —  Alps,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  most  of 
Europe  ;  Northern  Asia,  N.  America.  Rare  in  Britain. 

Juncus  bufonius  L.    Toad-rush. 

A  very  variable  and  often  quite  small  annual  Rush,  pale-coloured, 
with  many  stems,  often  in  dense  tufts  from  i-io  inches  high, 
branching  and  flowering  almost  from  the  base.  Leaves  chiefly 
radical,  slender,  and  rather  short.  Flowers  solitary  or  2  or  3  together 
with  short  leaf-like  bracts.  Perianth-segments  narrow  and  pointed, 
pale  green,  with  scarious  edges,  the  3  outer  ones  longer  than  the 
others.  Capsule  oblong,  shorter  than  the  perianth. 

Wet  places,  spread  widely  over  most  of  the  globe  from  sea-level 
to  the  sub-alpine  zone,  and  flowering  all  the  summer.  Abundant 
in  Britain. 

Juncus  compressus  Jacq. 

Stems  6-18  inches  high,  erect,  slightly  compressed  at  the  base, 
with  few  leaves  near  the  base,  and  shorter  than  the  stem,  and  i  or 
2  leaves  higher  up,  all  very  narrow  and  grooved.  Flowers  singly  or 
in  small  clusters  in  a  rather  loose  terminal  panicle,  shining  brown  in 
colour.  Perianth-segments  obtuse,  short.  Capsule  obtuse,  ovoid, 
with  a  very  short  style. 

Wet,  marshy  places,  roadsides,  etc.,  up  to  6000  feet.  June  to 

Distribution, — Europe  and  Northern  Asia.     British. 


Juncus  squarrosus  L.    Heath  Rush. 

Stem  rigid,  8-12  inches  high,  with  a  terminal  compound  panicle. 
Flowers  usually  quite  distinct.  Perianth-segments  rather  broad, 
shining  brown,  with  broad  scarious  borders.  Capsule  trigonous, 
barely  longer  than  the  perianth.  Leaves  nearly  all  radical,  numer- 
ous, usually  not  half  the  length  of  the  stem,  very  narrow,  stiff,  but 

Moors  and  damp  heaths  from  sea-level  in  England  to  the  Alpine 
region  of  Switzerland,  often  in  great  colonies.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe,  and  Northern  Asia. 
Also  as  a  mountain  plant  in  Southern  Europe.  British. 

Juncus  alpinus  Vill. 

Stems  i-ij  feet,  slender,  erect,  leafy,  jointed,  usually  cylindrical 
like  the  leaves.  Leaf-sheaths  sharply  keeled.  Cyme  with  erect 
branches.  Perianth-segments  all  about  the  same  length,  blunt, 
outer  ones  mucronate,  purplish  brown.  Capsule  glossy  black, 
obtuse,  but  mucronate,  rather  longer  than  the  perianth. 

Moist  meadows  and  marshy  Alps  and  sub- Alps  ;  4000-6500  feet ; 
and  rarely  descending  to  the  Swiss  plains.  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Corbieres,  Pyrenees, 
Central  Europe,  Western  Asia,  N.  America,  N.  Britain. 

Juncus  articulatus  L.,  /.  lamprocarpus  Ehrh.    Jointed  Rush. 

Extremely  variable  in  size  and  habit.  Stems  4-18  inches  high. 
Rhizome  short.  Leaves  sheathing  the  stem  below,  hollow  and 
cylindrical  upwards,  divided  inside  by  cross  partitions  of  pith  which 
give  a  jointed  appearance.  Flowers  in  small  clusters  of  3-10 
arranged  in  compound,  terminal  panicles.  Outer  bracts  usually 
end  in  a  short,  fine  leaf.  Perianth-segments  either  all  pointed  or 
the  inner  ones  obtuse.  Capsule  rather  pointed,  either  shorter  or 
more  usually  longer  than  the  perianth. 

Wet,  and  especially  wet  stony  places ;  abundant.  June  to 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia,  Africa,  N.  America.    British. 

Juncus  triglumis  L. 

A  small  species  3-6  inches  high.  Leaves  radical,  short,  and  grass- 
like,  sheathing  the  base  of  the  stem.  Flowers  brown,  in  a  single 
terminal  cluster  of  2  or  3  and  rarely  5.  Perianth-segments  obtuse, 
scarious  at  the  edges.  Capsule  obtuse,  longer  than  the  perianth. 

Mountain  bogs  and  wet  Alpine  pastures,  from  5000-8000  feet. 

Distribution. — -Alps,  Pyrenees,  Central  and  Northern  Europe  ; 
Northern  Asia  and  America.  Rare  in  Britain. 


LUZULA  DC.     Wood-rush. 

Perennial  herbs,  differing  from  Juncus  in  their  softer,  flatter, 
grass-like  leaves,  often  fringed  with  silky  hairs,  and  in  their  capsules 
not  divided  into  cells,  and  with  not  more  than  3  erect  and  much 
larger  seeds.  They  mostly  grow  in  drier  places  than  Rushes. 

Luzula  lutea  DC.     Yellow  Wood-rush.     (Plate  XXI.) 

Plant  2-10  inches  high.  Leaves  short,  yellowish  green,  glabrous, 
linear-lanceolate,  shortly  acuminate,  broad  for  their  length.  Cyme 
of  dense  clusters,  spreading.  Flowers  pale  yellow,  sessile.  Perianth- 
divisions  equal,  shortly  mucronate.  Capsule  oval,  acute,  shorter 
than  the  perianth. 

Common  in  damp  pastures  and  on  slopes  of  debris  ;  5000-9000 
feet.  July,  August.  Prefers  siliceous  soil. 

Distribution. — Tyrol,  Switzerland,  Western  Alps  as  far  south  as 
Provence,  Italy,  Spain,  Pyrenees. 

Luzula  flavescens  Gaud.  (L.  Luzulina  Dalla  Torre). 

Rootstoek  stoloniferous.  Leaves  with  silky  hairs.  Flowers 
yellowish,  in  ones  or  twos,  at  the  end  of  spreading  branches,  forming 
a  loose  terminal  cyme. 

Shady  fir  woods  on  limestone  ;   2500-6000  feet.    June,  July. 

Distribution. — -Alps,  Pyrenees,  Corsica. 
Luzula  Forsteri  DC. 

Rootstoek  tufted.  Stems  9-18  inches  high.  Leaves  broadly 
linear,  silky.  Outer  perianth-segments  acute  ;  inner  ones  obtuse, 
mucronate.  Capsule  broadly  ovate-conical,  about  the  length  of  the 

Woods,  from  the  plains  to  the  lower  mountains.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Western  Asia,  N. 
Africa.  British. 

Luzula  pilosa  Willd.     (Plate  XXXII.) 

Stem  slender,  rather  shorter.  Leaves  broadly  linear ;  stem- 
leaves  shorter  and  narrower.  Pedicels  reflexed  after  flowering. 
Perianth-segments  lanceolate,  acute,  shorter  than  the  obtuse, 
conical,  and  shortly  mucronate  capsule. 

Woods  ;  very  common.    April  to  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  temperate  Asia,  and  N.  America. 
Luzula  sylvatica  Gaudin. 

The  largest  species  1-3  feet  high,  with  strong,  thick  stems  and 
broadly  linear  leaves  ( J  inch  or  more  broad)  a  foot  or  more  long  and 
very  hairy  at  the  borders.  Flowers  in  small  clusters  of  2  or  3, 
in  a  large  loose  compound  panicle.  Capsule  about  the  length  of  the 


Mountain  woods,  especially  on  limestone,  up  to  5000  feet. 
May,  June. 

The  writer  recently  observed  stunted  specimens  of  this  plant  on 
the  extreme  summit  of  Carrantual,  the  highest  mountain  in 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia  Minor,  Caucasus.     British  Isles. 
Luzula  nivea  DC.     (Plate  XXIII.) 

Stems  i  £-3  feet  high,  bearing  a  beautiful  silvery  white  panicle 
of  flowers  ;  many  flowers  in  a  cluster.  Capsule  trigonous,  globular, 
shorter  than  the  perianth. 

Mountain  woods,  clearings,  and  sub-alpine  slopes  ;  common. 
June,  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Cevennes,  Central  France,  Corbieres, 

This  plant  is  well  worth  cultivating  in  gardens,  for  it  is  quite 
handsome.  The  seed  is  easily  collected  in  August. 

Luzula  campestris  DC.  and  its  var.  multi-flora,  L.  nemorosa  E. 
Meyer,  and  L.  spadicea  DC.  are  also  often  seen  in  the  lower  Alpine 
region  of  Switzerland. 


Plants  usually  growing  in  water.  Leaves  sheathing  at  the  base, 
often  floating  on  water.  Flowers  green,  bisexual  or  unisexual. 
Perianths  3-4  lobed  or  o.  Stamens  hypogynous.  Ovary  of  1-4 
carpels.  Style  I.  One  seed  in  each  carpel. 

POTAMOGETON  L.    Pond-weed. 

Leaves  floating  and  opaque  or  submerged  and  translucent, 
stipulate  or  not.  Perianth-segments  4,  small,  green.  Stamens  4. 

A  rather  large  genus  spread  almost  all  over  the  globe  ;  but  with 
only  one  or  two  representatives  in  the  high  Alps. 

Potamogeton  filiformis  Persoon. 

Stem^branching  from  the  base.  Leaves  linear-filiform,  i-nerved. 
Spikes  on  long  stalks.  Fruit  globular,  with  very  short  beak. 

Alpine  lakes,  and  rarely  lower.  It  is  abundant  at  the  shallower 
end  of  the  Lake  of  Mont  Cenis  (6300  feet)  and  in  several  Alpine 
lakes  in  Switzerland.  It  flowers  in  July  ;  rare. 

Distribution. — S.  Tyrol,  Switzerland,  Western  Alps,  Central  and 
Northern  Europe.  British. 

Potamogeton  alpinus  Balbis  (P.  rufescens  Schrad.). 

Stem  simple,  cylindrical ;  submerged  leaves  narrow-lanceolate, 
sub-obtuse,  translucent ;  floating-leaves,  when  they  exist,  coria- 
ceous, oblong-spathulate,  reddish.  Stipules  large.  Fruiting-spike 


2-4  cm.  long,  cylindrical,  compact,  on  longish  peduncles.    Carpel 
compressed,  keeled  at  the  back,  with  distinct  beak. 

Stagnant  or  slowly  running  water,  especially  in  the  mountains. 

Distribution. — Europe,  N.  and  N.W.  Asia,  N.  America.   British. 

Many  of  the  British  species  of  Potamogeton  are  found  in  Switzer- 
land, but  chiefly  in  the  plains. 


A  small  family  of  about  12  species,  inhabiting  temperate  and 
cold  regions  of  the  Old  and  New  Worlds.  The  characters  resemble 
those  of  Naiadaceae,  but  the  leaves  are  erect  and  rush-like. 


Tufted  herbs,  with  linear,  fleshy,  more  or  less  cylindrical,  radical 
leaves,  and  leafless  flower-stems,  bearing  a  slender  raceme  or  spike 
of  small  green  flowers  without. bracts.  Perianth  of  6  nearly  equal 
segments.  Fruit  of  3  or  6  i -seeded  carpels,  each  bearing  a  feathery 
stigma.  About  10  species,  chiefly  maritime,  inhabiting  temperate 

Triglochin  palustre  L. 

Leaves  semi-cylindric,  channelled,  succulent,  varying  from  3-8 
inches  long,  sheathing  at  the  base.  Flower-stems  6-12  inches  high, 
bearing  a  terminal  slender  spike  of  small  greenish  yellow  flowers, 
which  are  at  first  sessile,  but  very  shortly  pedicelled  when  mature. 
Carpels  3,  united,  but  separating  on  maturity.  Fruit  linear-fusiform. 

Marshes  and  damp  meadows  in  the  plains  and  mountains.  May 
to  September.  It  extends  upwards  to  at  least  8000  feet  in  Dauphiny 
and  Savoy  ;  though  in  England  it  often  grows  in  swamps  at  sea- 
level  with  T.  maritimum. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Central  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  America. 


Dedicated  to  Scheuchzer,  a  Swiss  botanist  of  the  eighteenth 
century.  The  genus  comprises  one  species  only.  It  differs  chiefly 
from  the  last  genus  in  the  stem  being  leafy.  Flowers  in  racemes, 
small,  green,  bracteate,  on  leafy  scapes.  Leaves  slender.  Fruit 
composed  of  3  inflated  carpels. 

Scheuchzeria  palustris  L. 

A  rush-like  plant,  8-12  inches  high.  Leaves  few,  linear,  sheathing 
at  the  base,  then  narrowed  and  almost  cylindrical ;  the  upper  ones 
passing  into  short,  sheathing  floral-bracts.  Flowers  few,  rather 
small,  shortly  pedicelled,  yellowish  green,  forming  a  short  loose, 
terminal  raceme  on  a  curved  scape.  Perianth  of  6  reflexed  segments. 


Stamens  6.  Carpels  3  (rarely  4,  5,  or  6),  divergent,  ovate,  apiculate, 

Peat-bogs  and  marshes,  especially  in  the  mountain  and  sub-alpine 
region  ;  local.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (rare),  France,  Jura,  Alps,  Central 
Pyrenees ;  Central  and  Northern  Europe ;  Russian  Asia,  N. 
America.  Very  rare  in  Britain. 


Herbs,  often  resembling  Grasses,  but  usually  stiffer,  with  solid 
stems  and  the  sheaths  of  the  leaves  closed  all  round.  Flowers  in 
little  green  or  brown  spikelets,  which  are  either  solitary  and  terminal 
or  several  in  a  compound  cluster,  spike,  or  panicle.  Each  spikelet 
is  in  the  axil  of  a  scale-like  outer  bract,  and  consists  of  several  scale- 
like  glumes,  each  containing  one  sessile  flower.  Perianth  composed 
of  bristles  or  small  scales  or  none.  Stamens  usually  3  or  sometimes 
2.  Ovary  i-celled,  the  style  being  divided  into  2  or  3  linear  stigmas. 
Fruit  a  small,  seed-like  nut,  flattened  when  the  style  is  2-cleft, 
trigonous  when  it  is  3-cleft. 

A  large  family  of  at  least  2500  species,  distributed  all  over  the 
globe,  and  especially  in  moist  places  and  near  water.  Chiefly 
represented  in  the  Alps  by  numerous  species  of  Car  ex  (Sedge). 


Rootstock  creeping.  Spikelets  solitary  and  terminal  or  in 
irregular  panicles,  heads,  or  clusters.  Glumes  imbricate.  Perianth- 
bristles  1-6  or  o,  shorter  than  the  glume.  Stamens  3.  Fruit  a 
compressed  or  trigonous  nut. 

A  large  genus,  widely  spread  over  the  globe,  many  species  grow- 
ing in  or  near  water.  Very  few  attain  any  height  in  the  mountains. 

Scirpus  alpinus  Schleich. 

Rootstock  creeping  and  stoloniferous.  Stem  5-12  inches  high, 
glabrous  like  the  whole  plant,  very  slender,  simple,  stiff,  rough  to 
the  touch,  trigonous,  furnished  with  several  sheaths  at  the  base. 
Spikelets  small,  5-6  mm.  long,  with  8-12  flowers.  Bracts  obtuse, 
yellowish  brown,  with  a  central  green  nerve.  Perianth-bristles 
white.  Fruit  compressed,  trigonous,  I  mm.  long. 

Marshes  and  borders  of  mountain  lakes,  from  the  plains  up  to  at 
least  8100  feet,  as,  e.g.  by  Lac  Savine  at  Mont  Cenis.  July,  August. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Pyrenees, 
Northern  and  Western  Asia  ;  N.  America. 

Scirpus  cczspitosus  L. 

Stem  6-12  inches  high,  round,  stiff,  densely  tufted,  and  covered 
at  the  base  with  several  imbricated  sheaths,  the  outer  ones  brown, 


the  inner  ones  green,  with  narrow  leafy  tips.  Spikelet  about  the 
size^of  that  in  the  last  species,  with  6-8  flowers.  Outer  bracts  obtuse, 
green,  as  long  as  the  spikelet.  Perianth-bristles  4-6,  longer  than  the 
fruit,  which  is  brown,  slightly  trigonous,  I  mm.  long,  mucronate. 

Turf  bogs  and  marshes  in  the  plains  and  mountains  up  to  at  least 
8100  feet,  as  by  Lac  Savine.  Often  in  large  quantity.  May  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Europe, 
except  the  Mediterranean  Coast ;  Corsica,  Algeria,  India,  N. 
America,  Arctic  Europe,  Asia,  and  America.  British. 

Scirpus  compressus  Pers.  (Blysmus  compressus  Panzer). 

Rootstock  creeping,  stoloniferous.  Stems  6-8  inches  high, 
glabrous,  round  below,  trigonous  above,  leafy.  Leaves  grass-like, 
slightly  channelled.  Spike  terminal,  brown,  about  an  inch  long, 
consisting  of  about  10  oblong  spikelets,  sessile  on  opposite  sides  of 
the  axis.  Outer  bract  broad,  brown,  glume-like,  shorter  than 
mature  spikelet.  Glumes  usually  8,  imbricated  round  the  spikelet. 
Stamens  3.  Stigmas  2.  Bristles  3-6,  twice  as  long  as  the  ovoid, 
tapering,  or  mucronate  nut. 

Marshes  and  wet,  grassy  places  from  the  plains  up  to  at  least 
8250  feet,  as  on  the  Aiguille  du  Goleon  in  Dauphiny.  June  to 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Caucasus, 
Europe,  Western  and  Russian  Asia,  Himalaya. 


Characters  and  habit  of  Scirpus,  except  that  the  bristles  finally 
protrude  far  beyond  the  glumes,  forming  white,  silky  or  cottony 
tufts,  and  hence  the  English  name  of  Cotton-grass.  The  style  is 
usually  3-cleft. 

Only  about  a  dozen  species  are  known,  restricted  to  the  temperate 
and  cold  regions  of  the  northern  hemisphere.  Several  are  frequent 
at  considerable  elevations  in  the  Alps  and  other  mountains. 

Eriophorum  alpinum  L.    Alpine  Cotton-grass. 

Rootstock  creeping,  branched,  putting  up  solitary  culms,  but  no 
tufts  of  leaves.  Stems  tufted,  6-10  inches  high,  with  imbricate 
sheaths  at  the  base  ;  the  inner  ones  with  short  leafy  tips.  Spikelets 
small,  brown,  and  terminal.  Glumes  obtuse.  After  flowering  the 
bristles  form  a  white,  silky  tuft,  nearly  an  inch  in  length.  With  the 
exception  of  these  silky  hairs  the  plant  closely  resembles  Scirpus 
ccespitosus,  the  Tufted  Scirpus. 

Turfy  Alpine,  sub-alpine,  and  Arctic  bogs,  descending  to  the 
plain  ;  local.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Sudetic  Mountains  ;  Central  and 
Western  Alps  ;  Black  Forest ;  Jura  ;  Russian  Asia,  Arctic  Europe, 


Asia,  and  America.    Extinct  in  Britain(P),  it  having  formerly  been 
found  near  Forfar. 

Eriophorum  vaginatum  L.     (Plate  V.) 

Like  E.  Scheuchzeri,  but  taller  and  with  more  numerous  leaves 
which  are  rough  at  the  edges,  while  those  of  that  species  are  soft 
and  smooth.  The  root  is  not  stoloniferous,  and  the  stems  are  in 
compact  tufts  and  furnished  with  broad  sheaths  at  the  base,  with 
only  a  very  short  blade.  Leaves  linear,  almost  subulate,  shorter 
than  the  stem.  Spikelet  solitary,  terminal,  ovoid,  of  a  deep  olive- 
green.  Silky  bristles  very  numerous,  at  length  forming  white, 
cottony  tufts  about  an  inch  in  diameter.  These  tufts  are  nearly 
globular  as  in  the  last  species. 

Turfy  bogs  and  wet  places  from  the  plains  up  to  the  high  moun- 
tains. May  to  July. 

Distribution.  —  Northern  and  Central  Europe ;  Caucasus ; 
Siberia,  North  America.  Common  in  the  British  Isles. 

Eriophorum  angustifolium  Roth.  (E.  polystachyon  L.  part.). 

Stem  1-2  feet  high.  Root  creeping,  stoloniferous.  Leaves  few, 
shorter  than  the  stem,  channelled,  and  more  or  less  triangular. 
Flowers  in  a  terminal  umbel  of  several  spikelets,  some  almost  sessile, 
others  stalked  and  drooping.  Outer  bracts  rather  leafy.  Silky 
bristles  very  numerous,  forming  oval,  cottony  tufts,  i-i|  inch  in 

Bogs  and  wet  places,  from  the  plains  up  to  the  lower  mountains. 
May  to  July. 

Distribution. — The  commonest  species  in  Europe,  Northern  Asia, 
and  North  America.  British. 


Stiff  and  rush-like  herbs.  Glumes  in  2  opposite  rows.  Spikelets 
in  compressed  terminal  bracteate  heads.  Flowers  few,  bisexual. 
Bristles  1-6.  Stamens  3. 

Schcenus  nigricans  L. 

Tufted  with  stiff,  rush -like  stems,  12-18  inches  high.  Leaves 
short,  stiff,  almost  radical,  with  dark,  glossy  brown  sheaths. 
Spikelets  dark  shining  brown  or  almost  black,  sessile,  in  compact, 
terminal  heads,  with  2  or  3  broad,  brown  bracts,  one  of  which  has  a 
stiff,  erect  needle  nearly  an  inch  long.  Glumes  pointed,  keeled,  and 
rough  at  the  border. 

Marshes,  in  a  variety  of  situations,  and  mountain  bogs.  May, 

Distribution. — Europe,  Caucasus,  Western  Asia,  N.  Africa. 


Schcenus  ferrugineus  L. 

A  smaller  plant,  6-12  inches  high,  with  fewer  and  smaller  spike- 
lets  of  a  rusty  brown  colour,  whose  bracts  are  shorter  and  barely  the 
length  of  the  whole  spike.  Leaves  much  shorter  than  the  stem, 
very  fine  and  pointed. 

Marshes  and  mountain  bogs,  usually  in  colonies.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  France,  Central  and  Northern  Europe. 


Several  spikelets  in  one  or  more  clusters,  forming  axillary  or 
terminal  heads.  Spikelets  oblong,  pointed.  Glumes  imbricated 
round  the  axis,  the  lower  and  shorter  ones  without  any  flower. 
Stamens  3  or  rarely  2.  Bristles  6  or  more,  shorter  than  the  glumes. 
Nut  globular  or  flattened,  tapering  into  a  bifid  style. 

A  large  genus  spread  over  most  of  the  globe,  but  with  few 
European  species. 

Rhynchospora  alba  Vahl. 

Stems  6-12  inches  high,  slender,  in  tufts.  Leaves  chiefly  radical, 
.short,  and  subulate.  Bracts  barely  longer  than  the  flowers.  Spike- 
lets  nearly  white,  in  a  small  terminal  cluster,  often  with  I  or  2 
smaller  clusters  on  fine  peduncles  in  the  axils  of  the  stem-leaves. 
Spikelets  with  I  or  2  flowers  and  several  empty  glumes  below. 
Bristles  about  12. 

In  colonies  in  bogs  in  the  plains  and  mountains.    July,  August. 

Distribution. — Europe,  except  Mediterranean,  Western  Asia, 
N.  America.  British. 

Rhynchospora  fusca  Aiton. 

Rootstock  elongate.  Spikelets  dark  brown.  Bristles  5  or  6, 
barbed  upwards,  twice  as  long  as  the  obovoid  fruit.  Very  like  the 
last  species  except  in  colour. 

Bogs  and  marshes  ;  rare.    May  to  October. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  France,  England,  Ireland  ;  Western, 
Central,  and  Northern  Europe.  N.E.  America. 


Monoecious,  rarely  dicecious  herbs,  with  Grass-like  leaves,  chiefly 
radical  or  on  the  lower  part  of  the  stem  ;  mostly  perennial.  Spike- 
lets  solitary  or  several  in  a  terminal  spike,  or  the  lower  ones  distant, 
or  sometimes  forming  a  short  compound  spike  or  panicle.  Glumes 
imbricate.  Male  flowers  with  3  or  rarely  2  stamens,  but  without 
perianth-bristles.  Female  flowers  enclosed  in  an  inflated  sack  or 
utricle,  contracted  at  the  top,  from  which  projects  a  style  with 
either  2  or  3  stigmas.  Fruit  a  compressed  or  trigonous  nut  enclosed 
in  the  perigynium. 

CYPERACE^i  295 

A  very  large  genus  of  about  800  species,  spread  widely  over 
Europe,  Northern  Asia,  and  North  America,  extending  into  the 
mountain  ranges  of  the  tropics,  and  reappearing  in  the  temperate 
regions  of  the  southern  hemisphere.  Many  species,  and  most  of  the 
large  ones,  grow  in  wet  places. 

In  order  to  correctly  determine  many  kinds,  it  is  necessary  to 
have  specimens  with  more  or  less  ripe  fruit. 

In  the  European  Alps  about  20  species  reach  the  upper  limit  of 
Alpine  pastures,  or  about  8000  feet ;  and  at  least  another  score  are 
found  between  5000  and  7000  feet.  At  Mont  Cenis  alone  the  author 
collected  33  species  of  Carex  from  above  6000  feet  in  July  and 
August,  1907. l  It  is  probable  that  in  the  whole  of  Switzerland  so 
large  a  number  could  not  be  found  at  that  height ;  though  Switzer- 
land yields  about  88  species  and  sub-species,  or  a  few  more  than  are 
found  in  the  British  Isles. 

In  the  present  work  it  is  only  possible  to  give  brief  descriptions  of 
some  of  the  most  characteristic  species  commonly  found  in  sub- 
alpine  regions. 

Carex  pulicaris  L.    Flea  Sedge. 

A  small  tufted  species,  4-8  inches  high,  with  narrow  leaves  shorter 
than  the  stem.  Spikelet  terminal  and  solitary,  male  in  the  upper 
half,  the  lower  flowers  being  female.  Stigmas  2.  Fruit  ovate, 
sessile  and  erect  when  young,  becoming  oblong  and  pointed  and 
horizontal  or  reflected  when  ripe  and  resembling  fleas. 

Marshes  and  wet  meadows  in  the  plains  and  sub- Alps.  May, 

Distribution. — Most  of  Europe  from  Scandinavia  to  the  Caucasus. 

Carex  microglochin  Wahl. 

A  somewhat  similar  species  in  habit  and  size.  Spikelet  10-12 
flowered.  Fruit  with  a  long,  green  bristle  at  the  base,  ovate- 
lanceolate,  5  mm.  long,  dark  brown.  Leaves  setaceous,  channelled. 

Alpine  and  sub-alpine  marshes  and  bogs  ;  rare.    June. 

Distribution. — Switzerland  (Orisons,  Valais,  etc.),  Mt.  Cenis, 
Savoy,  Central  and  Northern  Europe  and  Asia ;  Greenland. 

Carex  pauciflora  Lightfoot. 

A  small  slender  species,  with  long  creeping  runners  and  slightly 
branched  stem,  decumbent  at  the  base,  occasionally  tufted.  Leaves 
narrow,  the  upper  ones  sheathing  the  stem  to  the  middle.  Spikelet 
solitary,  pale  brown,  with  a  few  flowers,  the  male  being  uppermost. 
Stigmas  3.  Fruit  narrow  and  pointed,  spreading  or  reflexed  when 
ripe,  nearly  as  long  as  the  spikelet. 

1  H.  S.  Thompson,  Liste  des  Phantrogames  et  Crypt,  vase,  rtcueillis  au-dessus  de 
2440  metres  dans  les  districts  du  Mont-Cenis,  de  la  Savoie,  du  Dauphinl  et  des  Alpes- 
Marit.  In  Bulletin  d'Acad.  de  Geograph.  Bot.  (1908). 


Swamps  and  peat  bogs  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.    May. 
Rare  in  Switzerland  and  common  in  the  Jura. 
Distribution. — Central    and    Northern    Europe,    Northern    and 
Arctic  Asia  and  America.     British. 

Carex  dioica  L. 

A  slender  dioecious  species,  6  or  8  inches  high,  with  creeping  root- 
stock.  Leaves  very  narrow,  setaceous,  tufted  and  shorter  than  the 
stem.  Spikelets  brown,  solitary,  the  male  spikelets  being  linear 
and  the  female  shorter  and  ovoid.  Fruits  ovoid,  with  long  mucro. 
Stigma  2.  Glumes  oval,  margined. 

Peat  bogs  and  marshes  up  to  about  5500  feet.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Pyrenees,  Jura,  etc.,  Central  and  Northern 
and  Arctic  Europe ;  Northern  and  Arctic  Asia  and  America. 

Car  ex  disticha  Hudson  (C.  intermedia  Good.). 

Stems  1-3  feet,  leafy,  trigonous.  Rootstock  creeping.  Leaves 
broad,  flat.  Spikelets  in  an  elongated  head,  sub-distichous,  1-2 
inches  long,  pale  brown,  sometimes  compound  at  the  base,  the 
upper  and  lower  spikelets  usually  wholly  male.  Stigmas  2  ;  bracts 
small,  never  leafy.  Nut  ovoid,  ferruginous. 

Wet  meadows,  marshes,  and  river-sides  in  the  plains  and  sub- 
Alps.  May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  Asia,  N.  America.    British. 

Car  ex  leporina  L.  (C.  ovalis  L.).     (Plate  XXII.) 

Rootstock  short,  horizontal.  Stems  attaining  a  foot  in  height. 
Leaves  much  shorter,  about  3  mm.  broad.  Spikelets  4-6,  sessile, 
distinct,  but  very  close  together,  ovoid,  brownish  green  and  glossy, 
consisting  chiefly  of  female  flowers  with  a  few  males  at  the  base 
of  each  spikelet.  Outer  bracts  like  the  glumes.  Stigmas  2.  Fruits 
flat,  winged. 

Damp  meadows,  pastures,  and  waste  places  from  the  plains  to  the 
Alps.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Northern  Asia.     British. 

The  figure  gives  a  young,  immature  state  of  the  plant. 

Car  ex  stellulata  Good.  (C.  echinata  Murray). 

A  small,  tufted  species  6-9  inches  high,  with  leaves  rather 
shorter  than  the  stem.  Spikelets  3  or  4,  the  2  uppermost  closer 
than  the  rest,  oval-oblong  at  first,  but  on  maturity  the  long-beaked 
fruits  spread  and  give  an  almost  star-shaped  form  to  the  spikelet. 
The  male  flowers  occupy  the  lower  half  of  the  top  spikelet  and  part 
of  the  base  of  the  others.  Stigmas  2.  Fruit  oblong,  tapering 
into  a  long  beak,  not  winged. 

Marshes  and  peat  bogs  from  the  plains  to  the  Alps.    May,  June. 


Distribution. — Europe  from  Italy  and  Spain  to  the  Arctic  regions, 
Northern  Asia,  North  America.  British. 

Carex  canescens  L. 

Stems  tufted,  at  least  a  foot  high,  with  long,  narrow  leaves. 
Spikelets  4-6,  slightly  distant,  of  a  pale  green.  Male  flowers 
usually  very  few,  at  the  base  of  most  of  the  spikelets.  Stigmas  2. 
Fruits  not  longer  than  the  glumes,  rounded  at  the  top,  with  a  small 
point,  but  not  tapering  into  a  beak  like  the  last. 

Bogs  and  marshy  meadows  ;  less  frequent  in  the  Alps  than  in 
the  plains.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe  from  the  Arctic  regions  to  the  Caucasus  ; 
N.  America.  British. 

Carex  remota  L. 

A  slender,  leafy,  green  sedge  with  stems  a  foot  or  more  high 
and  very  long,  narrow  leaves.  Easily  known  by  its  small,  pale 
green  spikelets  at  considerable  distances  from  each  other,  and  the 
outer  bracts  of  3  or  4  lowest  spikelets  being  very  long  and  leaf-like. 
The  spikelets  are  mixed,  male  at  the  base,  but  the  lowest  is  almost 
entirely  female.  Fruits  tapering  to  a  point. 

Woods,  hedges,  and  shady  places  ;   common.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Central  and  Northern  Asia.    British. 

Carex  Goodenowii  Gay. 

<\.  very  variable  species.  Stems  6-18  inches  high,  rigid,  rough 
above.  Leaves  very  narrow.  Spikelets  3-5,  sub-sessile,  erect, 
close  or  rather  distant.  Inflorescence  composed  of  chiefly  female 
spikelets  below,  and  a  more  slender  male  spikelet  above.  Glumes 
imbricate,  dark,  obtuse,  with  green  midrib.  Beak  very  short. 
Terete,  smooth.  Stigmas  2.  Fruit  orbicular,  rarely  triquetrous. 

Damp  places  and  marshes  ;  common  up  to  the  Alps.    May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia.     British. 
Carex  flacca  Schreber  (C.  glauca  Scop.). 

A  very  glaucous  plant  with  creeping  rootstock.  Stems  round, 
9-18  inches  high,  varying  like  the  leaves,  according  to  the  habitat. 
Leaves  variable  in  length  but  always  glaucous,  often  as  long  as  the 
stems.  Male  spikelets  usually  2  or  3  at  the  top,  stalked ;  female 
spikelets  2  or  3,  more  compact,  broader,  on  longer  stalks  and  more 
or  less  drooping  when  mature,  and  the  sheaths  of  the  leafy  bracts 
are  very  short.  Glumes  dark  brown.  Stigmas  3.  Fruits  ovoid, 
with  3  obtuse  angles,  not  beaked. 

Pastures  (both  wet  and  dry)  and  waste  places ;  very  common 
and  extending  to  the  lower  Alps.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  extending  eastward  to  the  Caucasus 
and  northward  to  the  Arctic  regions  ;  N.  America.  British. 


Carex  claviformis  Hoppe. 

Considered  by  some  a  sub-species  of  C.  ftacca.  It  is  usually 
greener,  larger,  and  more  robust,  with  thick,  knotted  stolons. 
Female  spikelets  loose  near  the  base,  denser  and  rounder  at  the 
apex,  which  makes  them  almost  club-shaped.  Fruit  often  reddish. 

Damp  Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures  and  marshes,  rather  rare 
except  in  Switzerland.  May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Switzerland,  Savoy,  Mt.  Cenis,  and  elsewhere  in 
the  Italian  Alps,  Tyrol,  Carinthia,  Carniola. 

Carex  pallescens  L.    Pale  Sedge. 

Stems  tufted,  slender,  leafy  at  the  base,  about  a  foot  high. 
Leaves  narrow  and  pointed.  Terminal  spikelet  male ;  female 
spikelets  2  or  rarely  3,  shortly  stalked,  usually  slightly  drooping, 
oblong,  shorter  than  the  male  one  and  all  at  short  distances  below  it. 
Bracts  leafy,  with  a  short  sheathing  base.  Stigmas  3.  Fruits 
obtuse,  glabrous. 

Damp  mountain  pastures  and  woods ;  widely  spread.   May,  June. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Northern  and  Arctic  Asia,  N.  America. 

Carex  sylvatica  L.    Wood  Sedge. 

Stem  1-2  feet  high,  slender,  tufted  at  the  base.  Leaves  and 
leaf-bracts  flaccid,  the  latter  with  long  sheaths.  The  leaves  are 
broader  than  in  any  of  the  previous  species.  Terminal  spikelet 
male,  about  an  inch  long,  lower  spikelets  2-4,  usually  all  female, 
slightly  longer,  loose-flowered  on  slender  stalks  and  at  length 
more  or  less  drooping.  Glumes  very  pointed.  Stigmas  3.  Fruit 
glabrous,  with  a  long  beak. 

Woods  and  shady  ravines,  widely  spread. 

Distribution. — Europe  and  Russian  Asia,  except  extreme  North. 

Carex  strigosa  Hudson. 

Closely  resembling  C.  sylvatica,  but  the  female  spikelets  are 
longer  (at  least  2  inches  long)  and  more  slender,  and  the  peduncles 
are  much  shorter  and  almost  hidden  in  the  long  sheaths  of  the 
bracts.  Glumes  lanceolate,  green.  Fruits  tapering  to  a  point, 
but  not  in  a  long  beak  as  in  the  last  species.  Stigmas  3. 

Mountain  woods ;  scarce  but  widely  spread  ;  rare  in  Switzerland. 
May,  June. 

Distribution. — Central  and  Northern  Europe  from  France, 
Denmark  and  the  British  Isles  to  the  Caucasus. 

Carex  capillaris  L. 

A  small,  slender  plant  3-6  inches  high,  with  extremely  slender, 
rounded  stems  scarcely  longer  than  the  leaves.  Terminal  spikelet 


male,  small.  Female  spikelets  2  or  3,  lower  down,  on  long  capillary 
peduncles,  so  that  they  are  nodding,  distant,  and  lax.  Female 
spikelet  of  5-10  flowers,  but  the  spikelet  is  very  small  and  short. 
Bracts  shortly  leafy,  the  lower  bract  having  a  long  sheath.  Glumes 
scarious  at  the  margins.  Stigmas  3.  Fruit  trigonous,  not  nerved, 
tapering  into  a  short  beak.  M 

Damp  and  sandy  Alpine  pastures,  borders  of  springs  and  wet 
rocks  in  the  Alps  and  sub-Alps,  up  to  8200  feet  at  least.  July. 
Often  growing  with  other  Carices. 

Distribution. — Alps  ;  Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Arctic  Europe  and 
Asia  ;  North  America  ;  North  Britain. 

Carex  alba  Scop. 

A  slender  species  6-12  inches  high,  with  narrow  linear  leaves 
with  yellow-brown  sheaths.  Stem  erect,  rough  at  the  edge,  bearing 
1-3  female,  long-stalked  spikelets,  the  upper  one  usually  extending 
above  the  white,  male  spikelet.  Stem-leaves  are  usually  no  more 
than  long  sheaths  surrounding  the  base  of  the  flower-stalks.  Bracts 
oval,  acuminate,  whitish,  as  long  as  the  trigonous,  greenish  fruit, 
which  is  finely  nerved  and  beaked. 

Mountain  woods,  especially  in  limestone  districts,  as,  e.g.  near 
Engelberg.  May,  June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Eastern  and  Southern  France,  Cevennes, 
Corbieres  ;  Central  Europe,  N.  America. 

Carex  ferruginea  Scop.     (Plate  X.) 

Rootstock  creeping,  stoloniferous.  Stems  slender,  about  a  foot 
high,  sometimes  more.  Spikelets  dark  brown.  Lowermost  spikelets 
usually  pendent  on  longish,  delicate  stalks.  Glumes  rusty  brown. 
Fruit  elliptical,  flat  in  the  anterior  part,  glabrous,  with  a  short 
bifid  beak. 

Shady  places  in  the  Alps  from  about  4000  to  7000  feet.    June. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Jura,  Eastern  Pyrenees,  mountains  of 
Central  Europe. 

Carex  flava  L.    Yellow  Sedge.     (Plate  XXII.) 

Densely  tufted  and  leafy,  from  4-12  inches  high,  and  often 
yellowish  in  colour,  especially  the  fruiting  spikelets.  Leaves  flat. 
Terminal  spikelet  male.  Female  spikelets  1-3  sessile  or  shortly 
stalked  and  near  the  male,  and  often  there  is  one  female  spikelet 
much  lower  down  on  a  longer  stalk.  Bracts  leaf-like  and  sheathing 
at  the  base.  Stigmas  3.  Fruits  ovoid,  distinctly  nerved,  with  a 
prominent  beak. 

Damp  meadows,  peat  bogs,  etc.,  in  the  plains  and  lower  moun- 
tains. May  to  July. 

Distribution. — Europe  from  the  Mediterranean  to  the  Arctic 
regions,  Russian  Asia,  N.  America.  British. 


There  are  2  sub-species  found  in  Switzerland : 

Car  ex  aderi  Retz.,  with  shorter  stems  and  smaller  fruits  with 
short  beak  ;  and  C.  lepidocarpa  Tausch.,  with  longer  inflorescence, 
male  spikelet  with  long  stem,  female  spikelets  distant  and  fruits 
with  longer  beak. 

GRAMINE.E.    (The  Grass  family.) 

Herbs,  with  usually  hollow  stems,  except  at  the  nodes,  and 
narrow,  parallel- veined,  entire,  alternate  leaves,  sheathing  at  the 
base ;  but  the  sheaths  usually  split  open  on  the  side  opposite  the 
blade,  and  end  in  a  small  appendage  called  a  ligule.  Flowers  in 
spikelets,  arranged  in  spikes,  racemes,  or  panicles.  Each  spikelet 
generally  consists  of  3  or  more  chaff-like  scales  or  bracts  called 
glumes,  arranged  alternately,  with  their  concave  face  towards  the 
axis.  The  2  lowest  glumes  are  usually  empty,  but  the  flowering 
glumes  enclose  a  smaller  scale  called  a  palea,  which  usually  has  2 
longitudinal  veins  or  ribs.  The  flower  is  within,  the  palea  or  between 
it  and  the  flowering  glume.  The  true  flower  usually  consists  of 
2  almost  microscopical  scales  called  lodicules  and  of  3  stamens 
(rarely  6)  and  of  an  ovary  with  one  cell  and  one  ovule,  crowned 
by  two  more  or  less  feathery  styles.  However,  the  flower  is  generally 
considered  to  include  the  flowering  glume  and  the  palea.  The  fruit 
is  a  i-seeded  grain,  consisting  of  the  real  seed  and  pericarp  ;  and 
is  either  free  or  enclosed.  The  embryo  or  germ  is  small,  at  the 
base  of  a  mass  of  mealy  albumen. 

Several  other  points  will  arise  in  any  extended  and  exact  study 
of  this  large  and  somewhat  difficult  family — the  Grasses  are  dis- 
tinctly more  difficult  than  the  Sedges,  and  they  require  careful 
dissection — but  the  outline  indicated  above  is  sufficient  for  the 
purpose  of  the  average  botanical  student. 

GraminecB  is  one  of  the  largest  families,  its  representatives  being 
spread  throughout  the  globe.  At  least  4000  species  are  known  to 
Science.  Grasses  are  found  from  the  burning  plains  of  the  Equator 
towards  the  North  and  South  Pole  as  far  as  any  Flowering  plants 
have  been  seen,  and  from  the  coast  (several  actually  growing  in 
and  matting  together  the  sands  of  the  sea-shore)  to  the  snow-capped 
summits  of  some  of  the  highest  mountains.  In  temperate  regions 
they  form  the  chief  green  carpeting  of  the  soil,  while  in  tropical 
climates  some  species  of  Bamboo  attain  the  height  of  tall  trees. 
Lastly,  but  of  most  importance,  in  every  country  inhabited  by 
man  grasses  are  cultivated  as  cereals  for  food.  Switzerland  in 
bygone  ages  knew  something  of  the  value  of  these  cereals,  for 
several  varieties  of  Barley  were  found  in  Swiss  lake  dwellings  in 
deposits  of  the  Stone  Period. 

About  70  species  of  true  Grasses  are  found  in  the  High  Alps  of 
Central  Europe,  of  which  number  many  extend  above  8000  feet. 

GRAMINE^  301 

More  than  100  others  grow  in  the  lower  mountains  and  adjacent 
plains,  but  it  is  almost  impossible  to  say  what  proportion  of  the 
whole  are  to  be  found  in  the  sub- Alps,  and  the  number  of  grasses 
which  are  purely  sub-alpine  is  extremely  small. 

The  following  genera  comprise  most  of  the  high  Alpine  species 
and  some  of  the  sub-alpine,  viz.  Phleum,  Agrostis,  Deschampsia, 
Stipa,  Trisetum,  Avena,  Sesleria,  Poa,  and  Festuca. 

In  addition  there  are  many  sub-alpine  grasses  which  belong 
to  the  following  genera,  viz.  Alopecurus,  Air  a,  Anthoxanthum, 
Milium,  Sieglingia  (Triodia),  Koeleria,  Melica,  Cynosurus,  Nardus. 

In  the  whole  of  Switzerland  there  are,  on  the  authority  of  Schinz 
and  Keller,  169  species  of  Grammes  in  addition  to  a  few  sub-species.1 
In  the  British  Isles  there  are  not  more  than  about  135  species, 
excluding  all  varieties,  notwithstanding  the  very  long  coast- 
line and  great  variety  of  geological  formation. 

We  regret  that  from  want  of  space  it  is  impossible  to  give  de- 
scriptions of  the  grasses,  for  any  adequate  account  of  so  numerous 
a  family  would  make  the  volume  too  large. 

1  Flore  de  la  Sut'sse,  by  Schinz  and  Keller.  Ed.  fran9aise  par  Wilczek  et 
Schinz  (1909). 



Trees  or  shrubs  with  resinous  juice,  and  usually  rigid,  subulate 
leaves,  often  in  fascicles  and  entire  in  the  European  genera.  Flowers 
monoecious  or  dioecious.  Male  flowers  in  catkins,  of  i  or  more 
anthers,  female  flowers  solitary  or  in  cones  of  I  or  more,  sessile, 
naked,  ovules,  placed  on  a  bract  or  open  carpellary  leaf.  Fruit  a 
cone  or  berry. 

An  extensive  family  spread  over  the  whole  globe. 

PlNUS   L. 

Trees  with  linear  or  subulate,  fascicled  leaves.  Male  catkins 
in  spikes  of  many  2-celled  anthers.  Cone  ripening  the  second  year. 
Ovules  2,  inverted  and  adnate  to  the  carpellary  leaf. 

Pinus  montana  Miller. 

Leaves  narrowly  linear,  flat  or  channelled  on  the  upper  side, 
convex  below,  mucronate,  scarcely  acicular,  in  pairs  within  a  sheath, 
persistent.  Male  catkins  long,  congregated  in  whorled  spikes  at 
the  base  of  this  year's  shoots.  Female  catkins  oval  or  longer, 
solitary,  or  2-6  together,  in  the  first  year  at  the  apex  of  this  year's 
shoot,  in  the  second  year  lateral  from  the  growth  of  a  new  shoot, 
erect  during  and  after  flowering,  spreading  obliquely  or  horizontally 
when  ripe,  sessile.  Scales  nearly  as  long  as  the  carpellary  leaves 
at  the  time  of  flowering,  and  more  or  less  concealing  them.  Cones 
ovate  or  ovate-conical  before  opening.  Scales  of  cone  variously 
spathulate,  compressed,  3-sided ;  shield  within  an  irregularly 
4-cornered  or  nearly  3-cornered  beak. 

A  tree,  with  shorter  trunk  and  prostrate  or  ascending  branches 
in  the  form  known  as  P.  Mughus,  often  covering  large  tracts  in 
rocky  Alpine  slopes  ;  4400-7500  feet.  May,  June. 

The  short  form  is  more  especially  found  on  limestone  ;  the 
taller  tree  grows  in  the  Alps  and  sub- Alps,  and  in  Swiss  peat-mosses 
descends  to  2000  feet  above  sea-level. 

Distribution. — Carpathians ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western 
Alps  ;  Jura,  Vosges,  Pyrenees,  Caucasus ;  Central  and  Eastern 

Pinus  uncinata  Ramd.  is  a  variety  of  the  above  with  the  bosses 



of  the  scales  on  the  lower  side  of  the  cone  larger  than  those  which 
are  turned  towards  the  trunk,  recurved  in  the  form  of  a  hook.  It 
becomes  a  tall  tree  in  the  Valais  and  in  Vaud,  but  is  little  more 
than  a  shrub  in  the  Jura. 

Pinus  sylvestris  L.    Scots  Pine. 

Cones  very  shortly  stalked,  recurved  when  young,  symmetrical, 
conical.  Scales  rhomboid,  with  flat  boss  and  a  transverse  keel  and 
deciduous  point.  Leaves  in  pairs,  stiffly  subulate,  about  2  inches 
long,  glaucous  inside.  The  heart-wood  is  reddish.  Seeds  winged, 

This  well-known  Pine  reaches  about  7300  feet  in  the  Swiss 
(Valais)  Alps,  where  it  is  rare,  and  possibly  rather  higher  in  some 
of  the  Western  Alps  of  France  and  Italy.  May. 

Distribution. — Alps,  Vosges,  Cevennes,  Pyrenees,  Corbieres, 
Norway,  Northern  and  Central  Europe,  mountains  of  Southern 
Europe,  Caucasus,  Russian  Asia,1  Scotch  Highlands.  Usually 
planted  elsewhere. 

Pinus  Cembra  L.    Arolla  or  Siberian  Stone  Pine. 

Stem  erect.  Leaves  in  bundles  of  5,  stiff,  trigonous,  about 
2 1  inches  long.  Cones  of  this  year  erect,  in  groups  of  3  or  4  at 
end  of  branches,  stalked ;  when  ripe,  large,  sessile,  ovate,  obtuse. 
Scales  flat,  erect,  downy,  rather  spreading  at  the  apex.  Shield 
very  small,  almost  obsolete.  Seed  not  winged,  edible.  A  tree  of 
moderate  size.  Leaves  bluish  green  when  young.  Cones  solitary 
or  in  twos  or  threes,  attaining  the  size  of  the  fist,  dark  violet-brown. 
The  seeds  are  eaten  in  the  Eastern  Alps  under  the  name  of  '  Zirbel- 

Alps  from  4400-8000  feet  (extreme  limits).    May,  June.    Local. 

Distribution. — Carpathians  ;  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps, 
Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Siberia.  In  Switzerland  in  the 
Pennine  Chain  from  the  Dranse  to  the  Simplon,  the  Bernese  Ober- 
land,  and  Engadine.  It  is  often  associated  with  the  Larch.  There 
are  proofs  of  more  elevated  ancient  limits  in  many  localities. 

A  beautiful  photograph  of  "  A  typical  Alp  or  mountain  pasture, 
with  the  Stone  Pine  in  the  foreground  (6300  feet)  "  appears  in 
Dr.  Arber's  Plant  Life  in  Alpine  Switzerland,  p.  24. 

Pinus  Strobus  L.    Weymouth  Pine. 

A  tree  attaining  80  feet  in  height.  Leaves  in  bundles  of  5,  2-4 
inches  long,  slender,  trigonous,  green  and  glossy  on  one  side, 
glaucous  on  the  2  other  sides.  Cone  shortly  peduncled,  up  to  6 
inches  long,  cylindrical  and  tapering,  pendent,  chocolate-brown  in 
colour.  Scales  rather  thin,  smooth,  striated. 

1  In  Siberia  the  Scots  Pine  reaches  lat.  62^°  (Seebohm),  and  in  Norway  it  reaches 
the  North  Cape,  300  miles  within  the  Arctic  Circle. 


Completely  naturalised  and  often  cultivated  in  Switzerland  and 
France,  both  in  masses  and  singly  in  the  forests.  May.  Originally 
from  N.  America. 

Pinus  Laricio  L. 

This  southern  species  is  cultivated  in  plantations,  and  solitary 
specimens  are  occasionally  seen  in  forests,  but  it  is  not  supposed  to 
be  native  in  Switzerland.  The  leaves  are  long  and  glaucous,  the 
cones  ovoid-conical,  sub-sessile,  the  boss  of  the  scales  pale  yellow. 
Heart-wood  blackish  grey. 

ABIES  Miller.    Fir. 

Characters  the  same  as  those  of  Pinus,  but  the  leaves  are  solitary 
and  evergreen. 

Abies  alba  Miller  (A.  pectinata  DC.).    Silver  Fir. 

Leaves  pectinate,  2-5  cms.  long,  with  2  white  lines  beneath, 
disposed  all  round  the  fruiting  twigs  at  the  top.  Cone-cylindrical, 
reddish  violet  first,  then  green,  erect,  shorter  than  in  A.  excelsa 
(8-10  cms.),  with  prominent  bracts.  Scales  dentate,  shortly 
petioled,  and  falling  with  the  seeds.  Heart-wood  light  grey. 

According  to  Schinz  and  Wilczek  it  reaches  a  height  of  1800 
metres  in  Switzerland,  and  forms  great  belts  of  forest  from  about 
1000-1600  metres,  and  to  1300  metres  in  the  Jura.  According  to 
my  own  observation  in  the  Eastern  Pyrenees  this  tree  forms  (with 
P.  austriaca  and  P,  picea)  the  chief  forests,  and  in  certain  districts 
the  forest-belt  lies  between  about  5500  and  6700  feet.  May. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Vosges,  Jura, 
Pyrenees,  Corsica ;  Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Caucasus,  Asia 

PICEA  Dietrich. 

Leaves  (or  needles)  compressed,  4-angled.  Cone  pendent, 
falling  in  one  piece  (in  A  bies  the  scales  only  fall) ,  the  scales  persistent 
on  the  rachis. 

Picea  excelsa  Link  (Abies  excelsa  Poir.).    Spruce  Fir. 

Leaves  mucronate,  somewhat  4-edged,  green,  disposed  equally 
all  round  the  twigs.  Cone  cylindrical  (10-15  cms.),  pendulous, 
without  bracts.  Scales  dentate,  sessile,  and  persistent.  Heart- 
wood  brown. 

In  Switzerland  it  reaches  from  the  plains  to  the  upper  limit  of 
trees  (1650-1980  metres),  except  in  Tessin,  the  Grisons  and  the 
Valais,  where  the  Larch  and  the  Arolla  Pine  (P.  Cembra)  are  the 
highest  trees  (Schinz). 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps  ;  Jura, 
Vosges,  Central  and  Northern  Europe,  Siberia.  Very  often  planted. 


LARIX  Miller.    Larch. 

Leaves  fascicled,  deciduous.    Seeds  winged. 
Larix  euvopcea  DC.  (L.  decidua  Miller). 

A  tree  sometimes  attaining  a  height  of  160  feet.  Leaves,  or 
needles,  in  fascicles  of  20-30,  slightly  channelled,  deciduous, 
bright  green,  turning  yellow-ochre  in  autumn.  Cone  ovoid,  erect, 
reddish  purple  when  young,  grey-brown  when  mature,  3-4  cm.  long, 
with  persistent  scales. 

This  most  useful  timber  tree  reaches  2400  m.  (7870  feet)  in 
Switzerland  and  the  Western  Alps — the  extreme  limit  of  trees, 
and  is  almost  totally  absent  from  the  Jura  and  sub- Alps.  Very 
fine  specimens  can  be  seen  just  above  Saas  Fee  in  Switzerland. 

Distribution.  —  Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps.  Central 
Europe,  Siberia.  Elsewhere  planted. 

On  the  Yen-e-say  River  Henry  Seebohm  tells  us  the  Larch  and 
Birch  extend  further  than  any  other  trees,  viz.  to  lat.  69!°,  and 
the  Spruce  comes  next.1 

In  1910  a  book  on  Tree  Limits  in  the  Eastern  Alps  was  published 
by  Dr.  Richard  Marek2  in  which  a  table  was  given  which  shows 
some  of  Kerner's  results  compared  with  Marek's,  which  were 
largely  based  on  already  published  maps  and  literature.  The 
table  is  as  follows  : 

yy  f  •  .  Upper  limit  of  trees,     Limit  of  forest,     Difference 

Kerner  (metres).       Marek  (metres).      (metres). 

Central  Alps  (Ortler).  2307  . .  2192  . .  115 

(Oetzthal).  2212  . .  2087  . .  125 

„          Eastern  Tyrol,  Salzburg  1991  . .  1910  . .  81 

Northern  Tyrolese  Limestone  Alps  1904  . .  1897  . .  7 

South  Tyrolese  Alps  2086  . .  1936  ...  150 

North-Eastern  Limestone  Alps  1674  . .  1622  . .  52 

South-Eastern          ,,            ,,  1833  . .  1793  . .  40 

Average  difference  82  metres. 

TAXUS  L.     Yew. 

Trees  or  shrubs  with  short,  linear,  evergreen  leaves.  Flowers 
mostly  dioecious.  Catkin  very  small,  with  imbricated  scales  at  the 
base  ;  the  males  ending  in  a  cluster  of  stamens  ;  the  females  con- 
sisting in  a  single  erect  ovule  with  a  small  cup-shaped  disk  round  its 
base.  Fruit  a  hard  seed,  partly  embedded  in  a  pulpy,  berry-like 

A  small  genus,  extending  round  the  northern  hemisphere. 

Taxus  baccata  L.    Common  Yew. 

A  dark,  evergreen,  much-branched  tree,  with  thick  trunk  and 
hard  wood,  attaining  a  great  age.  Leaves  not  an  inch  long,  inserted 

1  Henry  Seebohm,  Siberia  in  Asia. 

2  Marek,  Waldgrenzstudien  in  den  Oesterreichischen  Alpen, 



all  round  the  branches,  but  spreading  in  one  plane  in  two  opposite 
rows,  convex  and  shining  on  the  upper  side.  Catkins  very  small, 
in  the  axils  of  the  leaves.  Fruits  small,  but  conspicuous  by  their 
bright,  pinkish  red,  juicy  cups. 

Rocks  and  limestone  cliffs  and  thickets  in  the  plains  and  moun- 
tain region.  April,  May. 

Fruit  in  August  and  September.  In  Switzerland  spread  over  all 
the  geological  subsoils  in  coniferous  and  ordinary  forests  ;  in  the 
hills  and  sub-Alps  up  to  1400  m.  (Schinz)  in  the  Jura  and  valley 
of  the  Rhone  and  in  Tessin. 

Distribution. — Central  Europe,  mountains  of  Southern  Europe, 
extending  northward  to  Scandinavia  and  eastward  to  the  Caucasus 
and  mountains  of  Central  and  Northern  Asia  ;  Algeria. 

Probably  native  in  England  on  chalk  and  limestone.  In  Kingley 
Vale,  near  Chichester,  there  is  perhaps  one  of  the  finest  examples 
in  Europe  of  a  nearly  pure  Yew- wood.1 

JUNIPERUS  L.     Juniper. 

Shrubs  with  glaucous,  subulate,  stiff  and  pointed  or  scale-like 
leaves.  Cone  berry-like,  small,  composed  of  fleshy  scales,  blue 
when  ripe  (in  the  second  year).  Ovules  i  or  2  under  each  scale, 

About  30  species  spread  over  the  northern  hemisphere. 

Juniperus  communis  L. 

A  much-branched,  evergreen  shrub,  often  procumbent,  but 
usually  ascending,  2-4  feet  high.  Leaves  in  whorls  of  3,  linear, 
acicular,  10-15  mm.  long,  ending  in  a  prickly  point,  green  above, 
glaucous  beneath.  Catkins  very  minute.  Berries  globular,  purplish 
blue,  as  large  as  Bilberries  when  ripe  (the  second  year). 

Dry  hillsides  and  mountain  slopes  up  to  the  Alpine  region. 
April,  May. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Western  and  Northern  Asia,  N.  Africa 
and  N.  America.  British. 

It  passes  insensibly  into  the  variety  montana  Aiton  (/.  nana 
Willd.),  which  is  always  procumbent,  with  shorter  imbricate  leaves 
(4-8  mm.)  and  larger  berries. 

The  variety  is  widely  spread  in  the  Alps  from  5500-8200  feet, 
and  very  occasionally  as  high  as  11,500  feet  in  Switzerland,  which 
gives  it  the  distinction  of  being  the  highest  woody  plant  in  Europe. 
Vaccari2  actually  records  it  from  3500  m.  (11,700  feet)  on  Monte 
Rosa.  It  flowers  in  June  and  July. 

Distribution. — Alps,    Carpathians,    Jura,    Auvergne,    Pyrenees, 

1  A.  G.  Tansley  in  The  New  Phytologist,  vol.  x  (1911),  p.  288. 

2  Prof.  Lino  Vaccari,  La  Flora  Nivale  del  Monte  Rosa  (1911),  p.  27. 


Corsica,  Cevennes  ;  Arctic  Europe  and  Asia,  Himalaya,  N.  America, 
Algeria,  rare  in  England.  In  Siberia  the  Juniper  reaches  lat.  69° 
(Henry  Seebohm). 

Juniperus  Sabina  L. 

Leaves  like  small  rhomboid  imbricated  scales  in  4  rows,  or 
acicular,  broadly  subulate  and  spreading.  Cone  or  '  berry '  on  a 
short  recurved  stalk,  not  so  dark  in  colour  as  the  other.  Bark 
of  the  branches  reddish  brown. 

Dry,  stony  places  up  to  8200  feet.    Flowers  in  April  and  May. 

It  is  a  characteristic  shrub  of  some  of  the  hot  Alpine  valleys 
and  Pine  forests  in  the  south  of  Switzerland. 

Distribution. — Eastern,  Central,  and  Western  Alps ;  Jura, 
Pyrenees,  Caucasus,  Siberia,  N.  America. 


Leaves  opposite,  very  small.  Flowers  unisexual,  male  flowers 
with  a  tubular  membranous  perianth,  otherwise  resembling  Conifers. 
A  very  small  family  of  chiefly  tropical  and  Mediterranean  pfflts. 

Ephedra  helvetica  C.  A.  Meyer. 

A  small  dioecious  shrub,  with  opposite  branches  and  no  leaves. 
Stem  1-2  feet  high.  Female  catkins  when  ripe  appearing  like  red 
berries,  peduncled ;  male  catkins  sessile.  The  plant  resembles 
certain  species  of  Equisetum  in  outward  appearance. 

Rocky  hillsides ;  local.  In  Switzerland  only  in  Valais  (Sion, 
Sierre,  Fully,  etc.).  April,  May. 

Distribution. — Valais,  Dauphiny,  Central  Europe. 

NOTE.— Conifers  possess  a  power  of  resistance  to  extreme  cold 
unsurpassed  by  any  form  of  vegetation  except  perhaps  the  micro- 
scopic plants  which  live  in  the  oceans  of  Arctic  regions.  The 
Siberian  settlement  of  Werchsjanst,  in  about  68°  N.  lat.,  is  perhaps 
the  coldest  inhabited  place  in  the  world.  The  maximum  winter 
temperature  is  never  less  than  76  degrees  of  frost,  and  occasionally 
there  are  100  degrees  of  frost.  Yet  this  settlement  is  surrounded 
by  coniferous  trees. 

Dr.  Borthwith x  recently  alluded  to  Kienitz's  investigations  into 
the  shapes  and  types  of  Scots  Pine,  of  which  there  are  two  distinct 
types.  The  typical  Scotch  form  is  a  strong-branched,  strong- 
crowned  tree.  The  other  is  slender  and  pyramidal,  and  occurs 
generally  in  the  Baltic  provinces. 

1  In  Address  to  Bot.  Soc.  of  Edinburgh ^  November,  1911. 


IN  Switzerland  alone  there  are  about  45  true  ferns  (excluding 
Botrychium,  Ophioglossum,  etc.),  or  just  about  the  number  to  be 
found  in  the  British  Isles. 

based  on  the  arrangement  of  Schinz  and  Keller : 


Athyrium  Filix  foemina  Roth.     (Woods  from  the  plain  to 
the  Alpine  region.) 

•  alpestre  Rylands.     (Alps,  sub- Alps,  and  Jura.) 

Cysiopteris  fragilis  Bernhardi.     (Alps  and  sub-Alps.) 

Sub-sp. regia  Bernoulli.     (Alps  and  sub- Alps.) 

montana  Desv.    (Limestone  Alps,  sub- Alps,  and  Jura.) 

Dryopteris  Phegopteris  C.  Christ ensen.     (Woods,  etc.) 

Linnaana  C.  Christen.     (Woods,  etc.) 

Robertiana  C.  Christen.     (Limestone  rocks,  etc.) 

montana  O.  Kuntze.     (Woods  and  pastures.) 

Thelypteris  A.  Gray.    (Peat  bogs.) 

Filix  Mas  Schott.    (Woods.) 

rigida  Underwood.    (Limestone  screes.) 

cristata  A.  Gray.    (Peat  bogs  ;  rare.) 

spinulosa  O.  Kuntze.    (Woods  and  bogs.) 

Sub-sp. dilatata  C.  Christen.    (Woods  and  bogs.) 

Lonchitis  O.   Kuntze.     (Rocky  slopes  in  Alps  and 

sub- Alps.) 
aculeata  O.  Kuntze.     (Mountain  woods.) 

Sub-sp. lobatUM  Schinz  et  Thellung.     (Mountain  woods.) 

Sub-sp. angulare  Schinz  et  Thellung.     (Chestnut  region.) 

Braunii  Underwood.    (Very  local.) 

Onoclea  Struthiopteris  Hoffm.     (Rare  ;   Tessin,  etc.) 
Woodsia  ilvensis  Bab.    (Rocks  in  Alps  and  sub- Alps.) 

Sub-sp. rufidula  Aschers.    (Grisons,  Tessin.) 

Sub-sp. alpina  Gray.    (Very  local.) 

Blechnum  Spicant  With.     (Pine  forests  and  pastures.) 
Phyllitis  ScolopendriuM  Newman.     (Shady  places.) 
Asplenium  Ceterach  L.    (Rocks,  walls,  etc.) 

JontanuM  Bernh.    (Sub-alpine  rocks  ;   local.) 



Asplenium  Trichomanes  L.    (Shady  rocks  and  walls.) 

viride  Hudson.     (Shady  rocks  and  walls  in  Alps  and 

sub- Alps.) 

septentrionale  Hoffm.    (Siliceous  rocks.) 

• Adiantum  nigrum  L.  } 

Sub-sp. nigrum  Heufler  V  Sub- Alps  and  lower  mountains. 

Sub-sp. Onopteris  Heufler       J 

germanicum  Weis.    (Rare.) 

—  Ruta-muraria  L.    (Rocks,  walls,  etc.) 

Pteridium  aquilinum  Kulm.    (Woods,  hedges,  moors,  etc.) 
Pteris  cretica  L.    (In  Tessin,  near  Locarno.) 
Allosorus  crispus  Bernh.     (Granite  Alps.) 
Adiantum  Capillus  Veneris  L.    (Damp  rocks  ;  rare.) 
Nothol&na  Marantcz  R.Br.    (Walls  near  Locarno  in  Tessin.) 
Gymnogramme  leptophylla  Desv.    (In  Tessin  ;   rare.) 
Polypodium  vulgare  L.    (Rocks,  walls,  on  trees,  etc.) 
Sub-sp. serratum  (Willd.    (Tessin  and  the  Rhone  Valley.) 


Osmunda  regalis  L.    (Marshes  in  trans-alpine  Switzerland.) 


Ophioglossum  vulgatum  L.    (Damp  meadows  ;  rare.) 
Botrychium  simplex  Hitchcock.    (Engelberg,  Chamonix.) 

—  Lunaria  L.     (Alpine  and  sub-alpine  pastures.) 

—  ramosum  Aschers.     (Near  Altorf,  etc.  ;   rare.) 

—  lanceolatum  Augstrom.     (In  Grisons.) 

—  virginianum  Sw.     (In  Grisons.) 

-  Matricaria  Spr.     (Val  Onsernone  ;  Chamonix.) 


Marsilia  quadrifolia  L.    (Bonfol,  Villeneuve.) 
Pilularia  globulifera  L.    (Very  rare.) 


Equisetum  sylvaticum  L.    (Woods  in  sub-Alps  and  Jura.) 
pratense  L.    (Woods  and  pastures.) 

-  maximum  Lam.     (Damp,  shady  places.) 

—  arvense  L.     (Fields,  roadsides,  etc.  ;   common.) 

—  palustre  L.    (Marshes  and  wet  places.) 

—  limosum  L.    (Lakes,  marshes,  etc.) 
hiemale  L.    (Damp  woods  and  marshes.) 

• ramosissimum  Desf .     (Sandy  and  stony  places.) 

• variegatum  Schleicher.     (Sandy  places.) 



Lycopodium  Selago  L.    (Alps,  sub-Alps,  Jura.) 

clavatum  L.    (Mountain  and  sub-alpine  woods.) 

annotinum  L.    (Mountain  forests.) 

inundatum  L.    (Peat  bogs.) 

complanatum  L.    (Forests,  heaths,  etc.) 

Sub-sp. anceps  Aschers.     (N.E.  Switzerland.) 

Sub-sp.  — —  chamcecyparissm  Doll.     (Tessin,  Orisons.) 
alpinum  L.    (Alps  and  sub-Alps.) 


Selaginella  selaginoides  Link.     (Alps  and  sub-Alps.) 

helvetica  Link.     (Alps,  sub- Alps,  and  rarely  in  the 



Isoetes  echinosporum  Durien.    (Near  Locarno,  etc.) 


(Including  all  Synonyms  mentioned  in  the  book.) 

Abies,  304 
alba,  304 

—  excelsa,  8,  304 

pectinata,  8,  304 

Achillea,  170 

Clavenae,  170 

macrophylla,  171,  PL  vi 

Millefolium,  170 

Ptarmica,  170 

stricta,  171 

tanacetifolia,  171 

Aconitum,  63 

Anthora,  63 

Lycoctonum,  63 

Napellus,  64 

paniculatum,  64 

Actasa,  65 

spicata,  65 

Adenostyles,  165 

albifrons,  165,  PI.  xvii 

alpina,  165 

—  glabra,  165 

Adiantum  Capillus  Veneris,  309 
Adonis,  53 

aestivalis,  54 

autumnalis,  54 

—  pyrenaica,  54 

—  vernalis,  54 
^Ethionema,  86 

saxatile,  86 

Agrostis,  301 
Air  a,  301 
Ajuga,  246 

—  genevensis,  246 

pyramidalis,  246,  PI.  xxix 

reptans,  247 

Alchemilla,  131 

alpestris,  132 

alpina,  131 

flabellata,  132 

glaberrima,  132 

Hoppeana,  132 

hybrida,  132 

pubescens,  132 

vulgaris,  132 

Alder,  257 

Allium,  280 

0 angulosum,  281 

fallax,  281 

roseum,  281 

Schoenoprasum,  280,  PI.  xv 

sibiricum,  281 

Victorialis,  280 

Allosorus  crispus,  309 
Alnus,  257 

glutinosa,  257 

incana,  257 

viridis,  257,  PI.  xviii 

Alopecurus,  301 
Alpen-rose,  197 
Alpine  conditions,  5,  6 

gardens,  23 

meadows,  6 

plant  characteristics,  5 

Alsine,  105 

fasciculata,  105 

laricifolia,  105 

liniflora,  106 

mucronata,  105 

rostrata,  105 

stricta,  1 06 

uliginosa,  107 

verna,  106 

Villarsii,  106 

Altitudinal  limits,  2,  3,  8,  295,  305 
Alyssum,  77 

alpestre,  77 

—  halimifolium,  78 

incanum,  78 

montanum,  77 

saxatile,  78 

serpyllifolium,  78 

Amaryllidaceae,  274 
Amelanchier  vulgaris,  139,  PI.  xviii 
Anacamptis  pyramidalis,  264 
Andromeda  polifolia,  198 
Androsace,  202 

Chamaejasme,  202 

lactea,  203 

lactiflora,  203 

maxima,  203 

septentrionalis,  203 



Anemone,  49 

alpina,  51 

apennina,  50 

Halleri,  53 

Hepatica,  49,  PI.  iv 

montana,  53 

narcissiflora,  49 

nemorosa,  50,  51 

Pulsatilla,  53,  PI.  v 

ranunculoides,  50 

sulphurea,  52,  PI.  v 

sylvestris,  51 

trifolia,  51 

vernalis,  52 

Annuals,  paucity  of,  5 
Antennaria  carpatica,  169 

dioica,  169,  PI.  xiii 

Anthericum  Liliago,  279,  PI.  xxx 

ramosum,  279 

Anthoxanthum,  301 
Anthyllis,  121 

alpestris,  121,  PI.  xvii 

Dilenii,  121 

montana,  121 

rubriflora,  121 

Vulneraria,  121,  PI.  xvii 

Aphyllanthes  monspeliensis,  280 
Aposeris  foetida,  180 
Aquilegia,  60 

alpina,  60 

atrata,  62 

Einseleana,  61 

pyrenaica  DC.,  61 

pyrenaica  Koch,  61 

Reuteri,  61 

vulgaris,  61 

Arabis,  70 

alpina,  70 

arcuata,  72 

arenosa,  71 

auriculata,  72 

bellidifolia,  50 

hirsuta,  72 

muralis,  72 

perfoliata,  72 

pumila,  72 

saxatilis,  73 

scabra,  72 

serpyllifolia,  72 

stricta,  71 

Turrita,  72 

Arctic  Plants,  4,  5,  307 
Arctostaphylos,  198 

alpina,  198 

Uva-ursi,  199,  PI.  xii 

Arenaria,  107 

ciliata,  107 

• gothica,  1 08 

Arenaria  grandiflora,  108 

Huteri,  1 08 

montana,  108 

purpurascens,  108 

Armeria  alpina,  3 

maritima,  3 

Arnica  montana,  173,  PI.  xx 
Arolla  Pine,  303 
Aronia  rotundifolia,  139,  PI.  xviii 
Aronicum  Doronicum,  173 
Artemisia,  169 

Absinthium,  169 

campestris,  169 

incanescens,  170 

vulgaris,  169 

Asclepiadaceae,  209 
Ash,  211 

Asperugo  procumbens,  221 
Asperula,  161 

cynanchica,  161 

glauca,  162 

hexaphylla,  162 

Jordani,  162 

odorata,  161 

taurina,  161 

Asplenium  Adiantum  nigrum,  309 

Ceterach,  308 

fontanum,  308 

germanicum,  309 

nigrum,  309 

Onopteris,  309 

Ruta-muraria,  309 

septentrionale,  309 

Trichomanes,  309 

viride,  309 

Aster  alpinus,  166 
Astragalus,  122 

alpinus,  122 

aristatus,  124 

Cicer,  122 

glycyphyllus,  122 

hypoglottis,   123 

monspessulanus,  123 

Onobrychis,  123 

purpureus,  123 

Astrantia,  154 

major,  154,  PI.  xv 

minor,  154,  PI.  xv 

Athamanta  cretensis,  156 
Athyrium  alpestre,  308 

Filix-fcemina,  308 

Atragene  alpina,  46 
Atriplex,  250 
Autumn  Crocus,  284 

berries  and  fruits,  1 1 

Avena,  301 

Bamboo,  300 



Baneberry,  65 

Barberry,  66,  15 

Barley,  300 

Bartsia  alpina,  229,  PI.  xxii 

Bastard  Toadflax,  255 

Bearberry,  12,  198 

Bedstraw,  159 

Beech,  i,  8,  258 

Bellidiastrum  Michelii,  166,  PI.  xxi 

Berberidacese,  66 

Berberis,  66 

aetnensis,  67 

vulgaris,  66,  15 

Berteroa  incana,  78 
Betonica  Alopecurus,  245 

hirsuta,  245 

Betula,  256 

alba,  256 

nana,  256 

pendula,  256 

pubescens,  257 

Bilberry,  n,  195 
Birch,  8,  256 
Bird's-foot  Trefoil,  121 
Bird's-nest,  202,  269 
Biscutella,  86 

cichoriifolia,  87 

Isevigata,  86 

Bistort,  6,  252 

Blechnum  Spicant,  308 

Bluebell,  282 

Blysmus  compressus,  292 

Boraginaceae,  219 

Botrychium  lanceolatum,  309 

— —  Lunaria,  309 

Matricariae,  309 

ramosum,  309 

simplex,  309 

virginianum,  309 

Bristol  Rock-cress,  71 

British  flora  compared,  3,  4,  6 

British  plants  not  found  in  Switzer- 
land, 3 

Brooklime,  230 

Brookweed,  209 

Broom-rape,  237 

Brunella,  244 

Buffonia  macrosperma,  2 

Bugle,  246 

Bulbocodum  vernum,  285 

Buphthalmum  salicifolium,  i6g 

Bupleurum,  155 

longifolium,   155 

ranunculoides,  155 

stellatum,  155 

Butcher's  Broom,  278 

Butterwort,  210 

Calamintha  alpina,  242,  PI.  xxi 
nepetoides,  242 

Calluna  vulgaris,  199 
Caltha,  57 

palustris,  57 

Camelina,  81 

Alyssum,  81 

microcarpa,  81 

sativa,  81 


Campanula,  190 

-  barbata,  191,  PI.  xxiv 

-  bononiensis,  194 

-  excisa,  193 

-  glomerata,  192 

-  latifolia,  195 

-  linifolia,  192 

-  persicifolia,  193 

-  pulla,  193 

-  pusilla,  192,  PI.  xxiv 

-  rapunculoides,  194 

-  rhomboidalis,  194.  pl 

-  rotundifolia,  192 

-  Scheuchzeri,  193 

-  spicata,  191 

-  strictopedunculata,  191 

-  thyrsoidea,  191 

-  Trachelium,  194 
Campanulaceae,  188 
Candytuft,  84 
Caprifoliaceae,  157 
Cardamine,  73 

-  amara,  75 

-  asarifolia,  73 

-  bulbifera,  74 

-  flexuosa,  74 

-  impatiens,  74 

-  latifolia,  74 

-  pentaphylla,  74. 

-  pinnata,  75 

-  polyphylla,  75 

-  pratensis,  74 

-  trifolia,  73 
Carduus,  178 

-  defloratus,  179 

-  personatus,   178 
Carex,  294 

-  alba,  299 

-  canescens,  297 

-  capillaris,  298 

-  claviformis,  298 

-  dioica,  296 

-  disticha,  296 

-  echinata,  296 

-  f  erruginea,  299,  PI.  x 

-  flacca,  297 

-  flava,  299,  PI.  xxii 

-  glauca,  297 

—  —  Goodenowii,  297 




Carex  intermedia,  296 

lepidocarpa,  300 

leporina,  296,  PI.  xxii 

microglochin,  295 

cederi,  300 

ovalis,  296,  PI.  xxii 

pauciflora,  ,295 

pulicaris,  295 

rem'ota,  297 

stellulata,  296 

strigosa,  298 

sylvatica,  298 

Carlina,  179 

acaulis,  1 79 

vulgaris,  179 

Caryophyllaceae,  94 
Castalia  alba,  67 
Centaurea,  180 

axillaris,  180 

montana,  180,  PI.  xxii 

nervosa,  180 

Rhaponticum,  181 

Scabiosa,  181 

uniflora,  180,  PI.  xxii 

Cephalanthera,  271 

grandiflora,  271 

latifolia,  271 

longifolia,  271 

pallens,  271 

rubra,  271 

ensifolia,  271 

Cephalaria  alpina,  164 
Cerastium,  104 

-alpicolum,  104 

alpinum,  105 

arvense,  104 

grandiflorum,  104 

pumilum,  105 

semidecandrum,  105 

trigynum,  105 

Cerinthe,  220 

alpina,  220 

glabra,  220 

major,  220 

minor,  220 

Characteristics  of  Alpines,  5,  6 
Cheddar  Pink,  97 
Chelidonium  majus,  68 
Chenopodiaceas,  250 
Chenopodium,  250 

Bonus  Henricus,  250 

Chestnut  (Spanish),  194 
Chives,  280 
Chrysanthemum,  171 

• alpinum,  172,  PI.  xxi 

— • —  Leucanthemum,  171,  PI.  xxi 
Christmas  Rose,  58 
Chrysosplenium,  152 

Chrysosplenium  alternifolium,  152 

oppositifolium,  152 

Cineraria  alpestris,  176 

campestris,  176 

integrifolius,  176 

spathulifolia,  176 

Circaea  alpina,  140 
Cirsium,  177 

acaule,  177 

caulescens,  177 

eriophorum,  177 

heterophyllum,  178 

oleraceum,  178 

spinosissimum,  178 

Cistaceae,  87 

Chickweed  Wintergreen,  209 

Clematis,  46 

alpina,  46 

—  Vitalba,  47 
Cloudberry,  12 
Clover,  119 
Clypeola  Gaudini,  78 
Cochlearia  saxatilis,  80 
Coeloglossum  viride,  265,  PI.  xxxi 
Colour  of  flowers,  5,  7 
Colchicum,  284 

alpinum,  285 

autumnale,  284 

Colutea  arborescens,  125 
Comparison  with  British  flora,  3,  6 
Compositae,  164 
Comarum  palustre,  135 
Coniferae,  302 
Coniferous  trees,  8,  302-7 
Convallaria  majalis,  276 
Convolvulaceae,  219 
Corallorrhiza  innata,  269 
Coronilla,  126 

Emerus,  126 

minima,  126 

vaginalis,  126 

Varia,  126 

Cortusa  Matthioli,  207 
Corydalis,  69 

bulbosa,  69 

Cava,  69 

claviculata,  69 

f abacea,  69 

intermedia,  69 

solida,  69 

Corylus  Avellana,  257 
Cotton-grass,  292 
Cowberry,  n,  196 
Cowslip,  207 
Cow- wheat,  234 
Cranberry,  196 
Crassulaceae,  140 
Crepis,  184 



Crepis  aurea,  184,  PI.  xix 

incarnata,  184 

paludosa,  185 

Crocus  albiflorus,  273 

venus,  273 

Crowberry,  12,  254 
Cuckoo-flower,  74 
Culture  of  Alpines,  16—22 
Cruciferae,  70 
Cupuliferse,  256 
Currant,  152 
Cuscuta,  219,  256 

Epithymum,  219,  PI.  x 

Trifolii,  219 

Cyclamen,  208 

europseum,  208,  PI.  x. 

neopolitanum,  208 

Cynanchum  Vincetoxicum,  209 
Cynoglossum  montanum,  220 
Cyperaceae,  291 
Cypripedium  Calceolus,  267 
Cystopteris  alpina=regia,  308 

fragilis,  308 

montana,  308 

regia,  308 

Cytisus,  118 

alpinus,  118 

elongatus,  119 

hirsutus,  118 

—  Laburnum,  118 

—  nigricans,  119 
— -radiatus,  118 

— -sagittalis,  117,  PI.  xv 

sessilifolius,  119 

supinus,  119 

Daffodil,  274 
Daphne,  253 

alpina,  253 

Blagayana,  253 

Cneorum,  253 

Laureola,  254 

Mezereum,  253 

striata,  253 

Dead  Nettle,  243 
Delphinium,  62 

Consolida,  63 

elatum,  62 

fissum,  62 

Dentaria,  74,  75 

alternifolia,  75 

bulbifera,  74 

cuneaphylla,  75 

digitata,  74 

intermedia,  75 

polyphylla,  75 

Deschampsia,  301 

Dianthus,  95 

alpestris,  96  . 

alpicola,  96 

atrorubens,  96 

— •  caesius,  97 

— •  Carthusianorum,  96,  PI.  viii 

—  Caryophyllus,  97 
— -  furcatus,  97 

—  glaucus,  97 

— -  monspessulanus,  96 
— -  prolif er,  95 
saxifragus,  95 

—  Seguiri,  96 
— -subacaulis,  98 

superbus,  96,  PI.  v 

sylvestris,  97,  PI.  viii 

Dicotyledons,  46 
Digitalis,  228 

ambigua,  228,  PI.  xxvii 

graridiflora,  228 

lutea,  228,  PI.  xxvii 

purpurea,  228 

Dipsaceae,  163 
Dock,  250 
Dodder,  219 
Dog-tooth  Violet,  278 
Doronicum,  172 

Clusii,  173 

cordatum,  172 

cordifolium,  172 

Pardalianches,  172 

Draba,  79 

aizoides,  79 

Hoppeana,  79 

incana,  80 

montana,  79 

muralis,  80 

nemorosa,  99 
verna,  80 
Zahlbruckneri,  79 

Dracocephalum  austriacum,  243 
Ruyschiana,  243 

Dry  as  octopetala,  137 
Dryopteris,  308 
Dusky  Geranium,  116 
Dwarf  Birch,  256 

Echinospermum  deflexum,  221 

Lappula,  221 

Echium,  224 

italicum,  225 

vulgare,  225 

Edelweiss,  5 
Elder,  14,  158 
Elaeagnaceae,  254 
Empetraceae,  254 
Empetrum  nigrum,  12,  254 


Endemic  plants,  4 
Ephedraceae,  307 
Ephedra  helvetica,  307 
Epilobium,  139 

alpinum,  139 

alsinefolium,  139 

angustifolium,  140,  PL  xxiii 

-Dodonsei,  140 

Fleischeri,  140,  PI.  xxiii 

Epimedium  alpinum,  66 
Epipactis,  272 

atropurpurea,  272 

latifolia,  272 

microphylla,  272 

palustris,  273 

violacea,  272 

Epipogum  aphyllum,  268 
Equisitacese,  309 
Equisetum,  309 
Eranthis,  60 

hiemalis,  60 

Erica,  199 

Carnea,  3,  199 

ciliaris,  3 

cinerea,  3 

vagans,  3,  199 

Ericaceae,  196 
Erigeron,  167 

acris,  167 

alpinus,  168 

atticus,  167 

canadensis,  167 

Villarsii,  167 

Erinus  alpinus,  228 
Eriophorum,  292 

alpinum,  292 

angustifolium,  293 

polystachyon,  293 

Scheuchzeri,  293 

vaginatum,  293,  PI.  v 

Erophila  vulgaris,  80 
Eryngium  alpinum,  155 
Erysimum,  82 

australe,  82 

dubium,  83 

helveticum,  82 

hieracifolium,  83 

longifolium,  82 

pumilum,  83 

virgatum,  83 

Erythronium  Dens-canis,  278 
Euhieracium,  186 
Euphorbia,  255 

Cyparissias,  255,  PI.  xx 

Euphorbiaceae,  255 
Euphrasia,  232 

lutea,  233,  PI.  xxix 

— —  minima,  233,  PI.  xxviii 

Euphrasia  ofncinalis,  233,  PI.  xxviii 

salisburgensis,  233,  PI.  xxviii 

Eyebright,  232 

Fagus  sylvatica,  258 

Ferns,  308 

Festuca,  301 

Fig  wort,  227 

Fir,  304 

Flax,  113 

Foetid  Hellebore,  59 

Forget-me-not,  223 

Foxglove,  228 

Fragaria,  135 

collina,  135 

elatior,  136 

indica,  135 

moschata,  136 

vesca,  135 

viridis,  135 

Fraxinus  excelsior,  211 
Fritillaria,  283 

delphinensis,  283 

Meleagris,  283 

Fritillary,  283 
Fumana,  89 

procumbens,  89 

Fumariacese,  69 

Gagea,  281 

fistulosa,  281 

Liottardi,  281 

lutea,  281 

minima,  282 

pratensis,  282 

stenopetala,  282 

Galanthus  nivalis,  275 
Galeopsis  Ladanum,  246 
Galium,  159 

boreale,  160 

purpureum,  161 

rotundifolium,  160 

rubrum,  160 

vernum,  159 

verum,  160 

Genista,  117 

sagittalis,  117,  PI.  xv 

Gentiana,  212 

acaulis,  214 

alpina,  214 

Amarella,  217 

—  angustifolia,  215 
—  asclepiadea,  214,  PI.  xxvi 

axillaris,  217 

baltica,  217 

bavarica,  216 

• -  campestris,  217,  PL  xxv 

— —  ciliata,  218,  PL  xxvi 



Gentiana,  Clusii,  215 

cruciata,  213 

excisa,  214,  PI.  xxv 

flavida,  213  ,P1.  xxv 

germanica,  217 

Kochiana,  214,  PI.  xxv 

lutea,  212 

nivalis,  216 

pannonica,  213 

Pneumonanthe,  10 

punctata,  212 

purpurea,  213,  PI.  xxv 

pyrenaica,  216 

verna,  215,  PI.  xxvi 

Gentianaceae,  211 
Gentians,  culture  of,  18 
Geraniaceae,  114 
Geranium,  114 

macrorrhizum,  115 

nodosum,  116 

phceum,  116 

pratense,  116 

striatum,  116 

sylvaticum,  115,  PI.  xxx 

Germander,  247 
Geum,  136 

montanum,  136,  PI.  xvi 

rivale,  136 

Glaucium  flavum,  3 
Globe-flower,  59 
Globularia,  239 

cordifolia,  239 

nudicaulis,  239 

vulgaris,  239 

Globulariaceae,  239 
Gnaphalium,  168 

dioicum,  169 

norvegicum,  169 

sylvaticum,  169,  PI.  iv 

Goafs-beard,  182 
Golden-rod,  168 
Goodyera  repens,  268 
Good  King  Henry,  250 
Gooseberry,  152 
Gramineae,  300 

Grass  of  Parnassus,  151,  PI.  vi 
Grasses,  300 
Greater  Celandine,  68 
Green  Alder,  257 
Green  Hellebore,  59 
Gromwell,  224 
Gymnadenia,  266 

albida,  266,  PI.  xxxi 

comigera,  264 

coronopus,  266 

odoratissima,  266,  PI.  xxxi 

Gymnogramme  leptophylla,  309 
Gymnospermae,  302 

Gypsophila,  98 

—  repens,  98,  PI.  xv 

Habenaria  viridis,  265,  PI.  xxxi 
Hacquetia  Epipactis,  154 
Harebell,  192 
Hawkweed,  185 
Hazel,  257 
Heaths,  3,  199 
Hedysarum  obscurum,  125 
Helianthemum,  87 

alpestre,  87 

apenninum,  88 

barbatum,  89 

canum,  88 

Chamaecistus,  88 

grandiflorum,  88 

Jacquini,  89 

nummularium,  89 

polifolium,  88 

roseum,  89 

semiglabrum,  89 

vulgare,  88,  PI.  xi 

—  virescens,  88 
Heliospermum  quadrifidum,  102 
Helleborus,  58 

corsicus,  59 

fcetidus,  59 

lividus,  59 

niger,  58 

Herb  Paris,  277 
Herminium  Monorchis,  268 
Hesperis,  76 

matronalis,  76 

Hieracium,  185 

albidum,  188,  PI.  xix 

aurantiacum,  185,  PI.  xix 

glaucum,  1 86 

intybaceum,  188,  PI.  xix 

lanatum,  187 

pilosella,  186 

porrifolium,  186 

prenanthoides,  187 

staticifolium,  186,  PI.  xv 

•  villosum,  187 

Hippocrepis  comosa,  126 
Hippophae  Rhamnoides,  14,  114,  254 
Homogyne,  166 

alpina,  166 

sylvestris,  166 

Honeysuckle,  13,  158 
Horminum  pyrenaicum,  242 
Hound's  Tongue,  220 
House-leek,  142 
Hugueninia  tanacetifolia,  81 
Hutchinsia,  87 

alpina,  87 

Hypericaceae,  in 


Hypericum,  in 

Coris,  in 

maculatum,  112,  PI.  xiii 

nummularium,  112 

quadrangulum,  112,  PI.  xiii 

Richeri,  112,  PI.  xiii 

Hypochaeris,  182 

maculata,  182 

uniflora,  182 

Hyssopus,  248 

montanus,  248 

officinalis,  248 

Iberis,  84 

Candolleana,  85 

saxatilis,  85 

sempervirens,  85 

Inula,  177 

montana,  177 

Iridaceae,  273 
Iris,  274 
Irish  plants,  3 
Isoetaceae,  310 
Isoetes,  310 

asione  montana,  189,  PI.  x 

uncaceae,  286 

uncaginaceae,  290 

uncus,  286 

alpinus,  287 

articulatus,  287 

bufonius,  286 

compressus,  286 

filiformis,  286 

lamprocarpus,  287 

squarrosus,  287 

triglumis,  287 

Juniper,  306 
Juniperus,  306 

communis,  306 

montana,  306 

nana,  306 

Sabina,  307 

Kernera,  76 

saxatilis,  76 

Knautia  longifolia,  164 

sylvatica,    164 

Knotfoot,  14,  276 
Koeleria,  301 

Labiatae,  240 
Laburnum,  118 
Lactuca,  183 

muralis,  183 

• perennis,  183 

-7 — saligna,  183 

Lactuca  Scariola,  183 

virosa,  183 

Lady's  mantle,  131 
Lady's  slipper,  267 
Lamium,  243 

longiflorum,  244 

maculatum,  244 

Lappula,  221 

deflexa,  221 

echinata,  221 

Larch,  305 
Larix,  305 

decidua  (europaea),  305 

Larkspur,  62 
Laserpitium,  157 

—  Panax,  157 

—  Siler,  157 
Lathraea  Squamaria,  238 
Lathyrus,  129 

angustifolia,  130 

heterophyllus,  130 

luteus,  129,  PI.  ix 

montanus,  130 

niger,  129 

vernus,  130 

Lavandula,  248 

latifolia,  249 

spica,  248 

Vera,  248 

Leguminosae,  117 
Lentibulariaceae,  210 
Leopard's-bane,  172 
Lettuce,  183 
Leucanthemum  alpinum,  171 

vulgare,  171 

Leucojum,  275 

vernum,  275 

Liguliflorae,  181 
Ligusticum  Mutellina,  156 
Liliaceae,  276 
Lilium,  278 

bulbiferum,  279 

croceum,  279,  PI.  xxxii 

Martagon,  278,  PI.  xxxii 

Pomponium,  279 

Lily  of  the  valley,  276 
Lime-loving  plants,  20 
Limodorum  abortivum,  269 
Linaceae,  113 
Linaria,  226 

alpina,  226,  PI.  v 

minor,  227 

petraea,  226,  PI.  v 

striata,  227 

viscida,  227 

Linnaea  borealis,  114 
Linum,  113 
alpinum,  113 



Linum  catharticum,  114 

salsoloides,  113 

tenuifolium,  113,  PL  iii 

Listera,  270 

cordata,  270,  PI.  xxxi 

ovata,  270 

Lithospermum,  224 

arvense,  224 

purpureo  cceruleum,  224 

Liverwort,  18 
Lonicera,  13,  158 

alpigena,  158 

coerulea,  13,  158 

—  nigra,  14 
Loranthaceae,  256 
Lotus,  121 

—  alpinus,  122 

corniculatus,  121 

Louse  wort,  235 
Lunaria,  76 

biennis,  76 

rediviva,  76 

Luzula,  288 

campestris,  289 

flavescens,  288 

Forsteri,  288 

lutea,  288,  PI.  xxi 

multiflora,  289 

nemorosa,  289 

nivea,  289,  PI.  xxiii 

pilosa,  288,  PI.  xxxii 

sylvatica,  288 

Lychnis,  99 

alpina,  99 

Coronaria,  100 

Flos-Jovis,  100 

viscaria,  99 

Lycopodiaceae,  310 
Lycopodium,  310 
Lycopsis  arvensis,  222 

Madwort,  221 

Maianthemum    bifolium,    277, 


Maize,  300 
Malaxis,  270 

monophylla,  270 

paludosa,  270 

Marsh  Marigold,  57 

Orchis,  253 

Violet,  92 

Marsilia,  309 
Marsiliaceae,  309 
Matthiola  vallesiaca,  75 
May  Lily,  277,  PI.  xvii 
Meadow  plants,  6 


Meconopsis,  68 

cambrica,  68 

Melampyrum,  234 

nemorosum,  234,  PI.  xxviii 

pra tense,  234,  PI.  xxviii 

sylvaticum,  234,  PI.  xxviii 

Melittis  Melissophyllum,  243 
Mentha,  240 

—  longifolia,  240 

—  sylvestris,  240 
Meurn,  156 

athamanticum,  156 

Mutellina,  156 

Mezereon,  253 
Micromeria  Piperella,  243 
Milkwort,  93 
Mint,  240 
Minuartia,  105 
Mistletoe,  256 
Mcehringia,  109 

ciliata,  109 

muscosa,  109 

polygonoides,  109 

—  Ponae,  109 

Mo'neses  grandiflora,  200,  PI.  xiii 
Monkshood,  64 
Monk's  Rhubarb,  250 
Monocotyledons,  262 
Monotropa  Hypopitys,  202 
Mountain  Ash,  261 
Mulgedium,  183 

—  alpinum,  183,  PI.  xxvii 

—  Plumieri,  183 
Mullein,  227 
Myosotis,  223 

alpestris,  223 

pyrenaica,  223 

—  sylvatica,  223 

Myricaria  germanica,  114,  PI.  xiii 

Naiadaceae,  288 
Narcissus,  274 

angustifolius,  275 

biflorus,  275 

—  incomparabilis,  275 

—  poeticus,  274 

Pseudo-narcissus,  274 

Nardus,  301 
Nasturtium,  73 

pyrenaicum,  73 

Neottia  Nidus  avis,  269 
Nigritella,  angustifolia,  267 
nigra,  267 

—  rubra,  267 
Nocccea  alpina,  87 
Notholaena  Marantae,  309 


Nottingham  Catchfly,  103 
Nymphaea  pumila,  67 

lutea,  67 

Nymphaeaceee,  67 

Oak,  258 
Oats,  301 
Oleaceae,  21 
Olive  trees,  21 
Onagraceae,  139 
Onobrychis,  127 

arenaria,  127 

Gaudiniana,  127 

montana,  127 

sativa,  127 

Onoclea,  308 
Ononis,  119 

Natrix,  119,  PI.  xvi 

rotundifolia,  119 

Ophioglossum  vulgatum,  309 
Ophrys,  265 

apifera,  265 

arachnites,  265 

aranifera,  265 

muscifera,  265 

Orchidaceae,  262 
Orchis,  262 

globosa,  262 

incarnata,  264 

latifolia,  263 

maculata,  263 

morio,  263,  PI.  xxxi 

purpurea,  264 

pyramidalis,  264 

sambucina,  264 

Orobus  luteus,  129,  PI.  ix 
Orobanchaceae,  237 
Orobanche,  238 
Osmunda  regalis,  309 
Oxlip,  206 

Oxycoccus  palustris,ig6 
Oxytropis,  124 

campestris,  124 

ccerulea,  125 

pilosa,  125 

Paeonia,  65 

officinalis,  65 

peregrina,  65 

Papaveraceae,  67 
Papaver  alpinum,  67 

aurantiacum,  68 

Burseri,  67 

nudicaulis,  67 

pyrenaicum,  68 

rhceticum,  68 


Papaver  Sendtneri,  67 
Paradisia  Liliastrum,  279,  PI.  xxx 
Parasitic  plants,  219,  232,  234 
Parnassia  palustris,  151,  PI.  vi 
Paris  quadrifolia,  277 
Paronychia  capitata,  no 
—  polygonifolia,  no 
-  serpyllifolia,  no 

Pedicularis,  235 

GbWCbl*U0j      -**3/ 

asplenifolia,  236 

Barrelieri,  236  , 

cenisia,  236 

comosa,  236 

elongata,  235 

fasciculata,  236 

foliosa,  236 

gyroflexa,  236 

incarnata,  236 

Oederi,  236 

palustris,  237 

Portenschlagii,  236 

recutita,  237 

rosea,  237 

rostrata,  236 

sylvatica,  237 

tuberosa,  236 

—  verticillata,  237 
Perennials  predominate,  5 
Phaca,  124 

alpina,  124 

astragalina,    122 

Pheasant's  Eye,  53 
Phleum,  301 

Phyllitis  Scolopendrium,  308 
Phyteuma,  189 

betonicsefolium,  189,  PI.  iv 

comosum,  189 

Halleri,  190 

orbiculare,  190,  PI.  iv 

Scheuchzeri,  189 

spicatum,  190,  PI.  iv 

Picea,  304 

excelsa,  304 

Pilosella,  185 
Pilularia  globulifera,  309 
Pines,  302 
Pinguicula,  210 

alpina,  210 

grandiflora,  211 

lusitanica,  3 

Reuteri,  211 

vulgaris,  210 

Pinus,  302 

Cembra,  303 

Laricio,  304 

montana,  302 

Mughus,  302 



Pinus  Strobus,  303 

sylvestris,  303 

Plantaginaceae,  249 
Plantago,  249 

alpina,  249 

fuscescens,  249 

major,  249 

media,  249 

montana,  249 

Plantain,  249 
Platanthera  bifolia,  267 

chlorantha,  268 

Poa,  301 

Polemoniaceae,  218 
Polemonium  coeruleum,  218 
Polygala,  93 

alpestris,  94 

alpinum,  94 

amara,  94 

amarella,  94 

Chamaebuxus,  93,  PI.  v 

nicaeensis,  94 

vulgaris,  94 

Polygalaceae,  93 
Polygonaceae,  250 
Polygonatum,  276 

multiflorum,  276 

officinale,  277 

verticillatum,  277 

Polygonum,  251 

alpinum,  252 

aviculare,  252 

Bistorta,  252,  PI.  vi 

viviparum,  251,  PI.  vi 

Polypodiaceae,  308 
Polypodium  serratum,  309 

—  vulgare,  309 
Pond-weed,  289 
Potamogeton,  289 

alpinus,  289 

filiformis,  289 

rufescens,  289 

Potentilla,  132 

—  argentea,  134,  PI.  xi 

—  aurea,  134,  PI.  xi 
caulescens,  152 

—  clusiana,  133 
fruticosa,  132 

grandiflora,  134,  PI.  xvi 

multifida,  133 

rupestris,  133 

Tormentilla,  133 

—  valderia,  133 

verna,  134 

Prenanthes  purpurea,  183,  PI.  xix 
Primula,  204 

Allioni,  205 

Auricula,  204 

Primula  elatior,  205 

farinosa,  204,  PI.  xx 

hirsuta  All.,  206 

hirsuta  Vill.,  206 

latifolia,  206 

marginata,  205 

spectabilis,  205 

tiroliensis,  205 

veris,  207 

viscosa  All.,  206 

viscosa  Vill.,  206 

Primulaceae,  202 
Primulas,  cultivation  of,  21 
Prunella  grandiflora,  244 
Pteridium  aquilinum,  309 
Pteris  cretica,  309 
Pulmonaria,  222 

angustifolia,  222 

azurea,  222 

montana,  223 

ofncinalis,  222 

ovalis,  223 

Pyrola,  200 

chlorantha,  201 

media,  202 

minor,  202 

rotundiflora,  201 

secunda,  202,  PI.  xiii 

uniflora,  200,  PI.  xiii 

Quercus,  258 

Cerris,  258 

lanuginosa,  258 

pubescens,  258 

Robur,  258 

sessiliflora,  258 

Rampion,  189 
Ranunculaceae,  46 
Ranunculus,  54 

aconitifolius,  54,  PI.  vi 

acris,  57 

alpestris,  55 

auricomus,  57 

bulbosus,  57 

crenatus,  55 

lanuginosus,  55 

montanus,  56 

platanifolius,  55 

repens,  57 

scutatus,  57 

Thora,  57 

Traunfellneri,  56 

ViUarsii,  56 

Raspberry,  n,  137 
Rest-harrow,  119 
Rhamnaceae,  116 



Rhamnus,  116 

alpina,  117 

pumila,  116 

Rhaponticum  scariosum,  181 
Rhinanthus,  234 

sub-alpinus,  235, "PI.  xxviii 

Rhodiola  rosea,  142 
Rhododendron,  197 

Chamaecistus,  198 

ferrugineum,  197,  PI.  iii 

hirsutum,  197 

Rhynchospora,  294 

alba,  294 

fusca,  294 

Ribes,  152 

alpinum,  153 

Grossularia,  152 

nigrum,  153 

petraeum,  153 

rubrum,  153 

Rock-roses,  88,  89 
Rosa  alpina,  138,  PI.  xii 

pendulina,  138 

pomifera,  138,  PI.  xii 

spinosissima,  137 

tomentosa,  137 

Rosaceae,  130 
Rose-bay,  140,  PI.  xxiii 
Rose-root,  142 
Rubiaceae,  159 
Rubus,  137 

Chamaemorus,  12 

idaeus,  137 

—  saxatilis,  12,  137 

Rumex,  250 

Acetosella,  251 

alpinus,  258 

arifolius,  251 

scutatus,  251,  PI.  xvi 

Ruscus  aculeatus,  278 
Rush,  286 

Saint  John's  Wort,  1 1 1 
Salicaceae,  259 
Salix,  259 
Salix  arbuscula,  259 

herbacea,  259 

helvetica,  261 

Lapponum,  261 

Mysinites,  260 

phylicifolia,  260 

repens,  260 

reticulata,  259 

retusa,  259 

serpyllifolia,  259 

Salvia,  241 

glutinosa,  241,  PI.  xxix 

Salvia  pratensis,  241,  PI.  xxix 

verticillata,  241 

Sambucus,  158 

Ebulus,  158 

racemosus,  158,  PI.  xviii 

Samolus  Valerandi,  209 
Santalaceae,  255 
Saponaria,  98 

ocymoides,  99,  PI.  xx 

officinalis,  99 

Saxifraga,  143 

—  aizoi'des,  148,  PI.  xiv 

—  Aizoon,  146,  PI.  xiv 

—  aspera,  145 

—  atrorubens,  149 
autumnalis,  148 

—  caesia,  148 
caespitosa,  151 

—  cochlearis,  147 
Cotyledon,  146 

cuneifolia,  145,  PI.  xiv 

exarata,  149 

geranioides,  150 

Hirculus,  144 

hypnoides,  150 

lantoscana,  147 

lingulata,  147 

moschata,  149 

musco'ides,  149 

mutata,  146 

paradoxa,  144 

pedemontana,  150 

petraea,  144 

robusta,  145 

—  rotundifolia,  144,  PI.  xiv 

—  sponhemica,  151 

—  stellaris,  145,  PI.  xiv 
tridactylites,  144 

Saxifragaceae,  143 
Saxifrage,  143-9 
Scabiosa,  163 

lucida,  163 

Schcenus,  293 

ferrugineus,  293 

nigricans,  293 

Scheuchzeria,  291 

palustris,  291 

Scilla  bifolia,  282 
Scirpus,  291 

alpinus,  291 

caespitosus,  291 

compressus,  292 

Scleranthus  annuus,  no 

perennis,  no 

uncinatus,  no 

Scrophularia,  227 

canina,  227 

Hoppei,  227 



Scrophulariaceae,  225 

Scutellaria  alpina,  244 

Sea  Buckthorn,  14,  254 

Seasonable  differentiation  in  plants, 

Sedum,  141 

album,  141,  PI.  xvi 

annuum,  142 

atratum,  141 

roseum,  142 

rubens,  141 

villosum,  142 

Selaginella  helvetica,  310 

selaginoides,  310 

Selaginellaceae,  310 
Sempervivum,  142 

arachnoideum,  142 

montamim,  143 

tectorum,  142 

Senecio,  173 

abrotanifolius,  174 

alpestris,  176 

alpinus,  175 

aurantiacus,  175 

campestris,  176 

cordatus,  175 

cordifolius,  175 

Doronicum,  174,  PI.  xx 

Fuchsii,  175,  PI.  xix 

Jacquinianus,  175 

nemorensis,  175 

spathulifolius,  176 

sylvaticus,  174,  PI.  xi 

viscosus,  174 

Sesleria,  301 
Sheep-sorrel,  251 
Siegllngia,  301 
Silene,  100 

acaulis,  100 

alpestris,  102 

alpina,  101 

cordifolia,  103 

Cucubalus,  101,  PI.  viii 

Elizabethae,  101 

—  elongata,  101 
—  exscapa,  101 

inflata,  101,  PL  viii 

nutans,  103 

quadrifida,  102 

rupestris,  103,  PL  xv 

Saxifraga,  102 

vallesia,  103 

Silver  Fir,  304 
Sisymbrium,  81 

strictissimum,  81 

tanacetifolium,  81 

Sneezewort,  170 
Snowdrop,  275 

Snowflake,  275 
Soldanella,  207 

alpina,  207,  PL  vi 

minima,  208 

pusilla,  208 

Solidago,  1 68 

Virga-aurea,  168,  PL  xi 

Solomon's  Seal,  277 

Sonchus  alpinus,  183 

Sorbus  Aria,  138,  261,  PL  xviii 

aucuparia,  261 

Mougeotii,  261 

scandica,  261 

Southern  plants  in  Switzerland,  2 
Speedwell,  229 
Spotted  Cat's-ear,  182 
Spiraea,  131 

Aruncus,  131 

Ulmaria,  131 

Spruce  Fir,  304 
Spurge,  254 
Squinancy-wort,  161 
Stachys,  245 

Alopecurus,  245 

alpina,  245 

annua,  246 

densiflora,  245 

recta,  245 

St.  Bruno's  Lily,  279 

Stenotheca,  186 

Stipa,  301 

St.  John's  Wort,  1 1 1 

Stone  Bramble,  12,  137 

Stonecrop,  141 

Strawberry,  135 

Streptopus  amplexifolius,  276 

Sub-alpine  region  denned,  i,  2 

plants  not  numerous,  2 

Swertia  perennis,  212 

Tamaricaceas,  114 
Tamarix  germanica,  114,  PL  xiii 
Taxus  baccata,  305 
Teucrium,  247 

montanum,  247 

pyrenaicum,  247 

Thalictrum,  47 

alpinum,  48 

aquilegifolium,  47,  Pl.'iii 

f cetidum,  48 

minus,  48 

tuberosum,  48 

Thesium,  255 

alpinum,  255,  PL  vi 

humifusum,  255 

Thlaspi,  83 
alpestre,  84 



Thlaspi  alpinum,  83 

brachypetalum,  84 

montanum,  84 

perfoliatum,  84 

rotundifolium,  84 

sylvestre,  84 

virens,  84 

Thrift,  3 
Thyme,  240 
Thymelaceae,  252 
Thymus,  240 

Serpyllum,  240 

Tofieldia,  285 

calyculata,  285,  PI.  xxiii 

palustris,  285 

Toothwort,  238 
Tormentil,  133 
Tower  Cress,  72 
Tozzia  alpina,  229 
Tragopogon  pratensis,  182 
Trien tails  europaea,  209 
Trifolium,  119 

alpestre,  120 

alpinum,  120,  PI.  ix 

badium,  120,  PI.  ix 

montanum,  120 

Triglochin,  290 

palustre,  290 

Trisetum,  301 
Triticum,  300 
Trollius,  58 

europaeus,  58,  PL  x 

Tubuliflorae,  165 
Tulipa,  282 

alpestris,  283 

australis,  283 

sylvestris,  282 

Tunica  Saxifraga,  95 

prolifer,  95 

Turk's-cap  Lily,  278 
Turritis  glabra,  72 
Tway-blade,  270 

Umbelliferae,  153 

Vacciniaceae,  195 
Vaccinium,  195 

Myrtillus,  195 

Oxycoccus,  196 

uliginosum,  196,  PL  xviii 

Vitis-idaea,  196,  PL  xii 

Valeriana,  162 

montana,  163 

tripteris,  162,  PL  xvii 

Valerianaceae,  162 
Vanilla  Orchid,  267 
Vascular  Cryptogams,  308 

Veratrum,  284 

album,  284 

nigrum,  284 

Verbascum,  225 

Chaixii,  226 

montanum,  226 

nigrum,  225 

Thapsus,  225 

Veronica,  229 

aphylla,  232 

Beccabunga,  230 

belli dioides,  232 

fruticans,  231 

fruticulosa,  231 

montana,  230 

officinalis,  230 

prostrata,  231 

saxatilis,  231,  PL  xvi 

spicata,  231 

Teucrium,  230 

urticsefolia,  230,  PL  xvi 

Vesicaria  utriculata,  77 

Vicia,  127 

dumetorum,  128 

onobrychioides,  129,  PL  ix 

pisiformis,  128 

pyrenaica,  128 

sepium,  128 

sylvatica,  129 

Vincetoxicum  officinale,  209,  PL  x 
Vine,  i 
Viola,  90 

alpestris,  92,  PL  vii 

biflora,  90,  PL  vii 

calcarata,  91,  PL  vii 

cornuta,  91 

—  lutea,  91 

mirabilis,  92 

montana,  92,  PL  vii 

palustris,  92 

pinnata,  90 

sylvatica,  93,  PL  vii 

tricolor,  92 

valderia,  91 

Violaceae,  90 
Viper's  Bugloss,  224 
Viscaria  alpina,  99 
Viscum  album,  256 

Water  Avens,  136 
Welsh  Poppy,  68 
Western  European  plants,  3 
Wheat,  300 
Whorled  Sal  via,  241 
Whortleberry,  n,  195 
Willow,  259 
Willow-herb,  139 



Winter  Aconite,  60 
Wood  Anemone,  50 
Woodruff,  161 
Wood-rush,  288 
Wood  Sedge,  298 
Wood  Violet,  93 
Woodsia  alpina,  308 
ilvensis,  308 

Woodsia  rufidula,  308 
Wormwood,  169 

Yellow  Rattle,  234 
Yew,  305 

Zahlbrucknera  paradoxa,  144 



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With  70  Coloured  Plates,  containing  Figures  of  all  the  larger 
Lepidoptera,  many  Caterpillars  and  Chrysalides,  and  the  principal 
families  of  Microlepidoptera. 

Round  the  Year  with  Nature.    By  W.  J.  CLAXTON. 

With  24  Coloured  Plates  and  many  other  Illustrations. 

Alpine  Plants  of  Europe,  with  Cultural  Hints.  By  H.  STUART 
THOMPSON,  F.L.S.  With  64  Coloured  Plates  (311  Figs.). 

Illustrated  Natural  History  of  the  World.  An  entirely  original 
work  by  ERNEST  PROTHEROE,  F.Z.S.  With  24  Coloured  Plates 
and  several  hundred  text  Illustrations  from  Photos  by  W.  S. 


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