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Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Universe, peace and prayer be upon the 
one who is sent as a mercy to the Universe, our prophet Mohammad, his kin, his 
companions and who follow their steps in the righteousness up to the Doomsday. 

The studying of the scientific movement in the Syrian lands during the 
Hejraian 16 th and 17 th centuries is a valuable part of the complete study of the 
Islamic state's study of scientific movement. These two centuries was the golden 
age of the scientific movement representing the general renaissance in all fields 
of knowledge in the Islamic countries such as the religious, linguistic, literary, 
historical, intellectual, and applied sciences. Studying Medicine and medical 
sciences in that time achieved more attention from the researchers, because of its 
importance representing the progress in Syria in that time. This time is one of 
the most progressive stages of the Islamic state in the field of medical sciences. It 
represented the intellectual and scientifically maturity of the Muslim medicine. 
The plenty of special medical schools, the methodology, and various means of the 
medicine in that land distinguished that time with its theoretical side progress. 

The study discusses the time of the crusaders upon the Syrian land began 
in (492H/ 1099D) until the conquest upon their last castle in (690 H/ 1291D). This 
study is limited in the Syrian land in the time of the crusaders according to the 
scholars' views in that time. The research's chapters discuss the following 
subjects: an introduction, a preface and five chapters. The introduction identifies 
the research time and place limits. The preface shows short notes of the medical 
life in the Syria before that time to identify the progression values in the 
Hejerian 16 th and 17 th centuries. The first chapter is about the political, 
economical, religious, and social states in that area during that time which is 
characterized by the crises and pandemics. The second chapter is about the 
places of teaching medicine such as mosques, special schools, hospitals, libraries, 
doctors' shops, and houses. The third chapter is dedicated to the medical 
teaching methodologies, ways, means, and the Syrian doctors' superiority. In 
addition, this chapter shows the used medical tools, medicines, treatments and 
preparing the medical places for treatment. The fourth chapter is about the 
relationship between the medical science in Syria and the other Islamic countries 
such as Egypt, Iraq, Hijdaz, Yemen, Morocco, and Andalusia. This chapter also 
discusses the relationship with the crusaders and the effects of that relationship 
on the Islamic medical progress. In addition, this chapter mentioned the 
importance of the medical trips around the Islamic state in that time. The fifth 
chapter discusses the medical production of the Syrian doctors on that time, 
analyzing their productions, their methods of writing, classifying their books, 
criticizing the medical studies and their importance of the famous doctors of 
their time. 

The conclusion of that study produces the most important findings of the 
study. Additionally, there is an appendix of pictures and references. 

The most important findings of the research are the rule of the sultans in 
the scientific movement of that time, and their supports to those sciences. In 
addition, the critical and experimental methods of that time, the effects of the 
medical trips and teachers in that field. At last, inn that time there were some 
famous doctors of the Islamic state referring to the advanced medical sciences of 
that time.