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In ELEVEN VOLUMES. Medium 8vo. Cloth. Prices are net. Postage extra. 













Carnegie Gold .Medallist. 

[ An Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry. By J. XKWTOX 
) Fnn-xi), D.So. (B ham), Ph.D. (VVurx) ; K. V. V. LITTLI:, B.Sc. 
< (Loud.), A.B.C.S., Chief Chemist to Thorium, Ltd. , W. E. S. 
TURNED, .D.Sc. (Lond.). The Inert Gases. By H. V. A. BRISCOE, 
D.Sc. (Loud.), A.R.C.S. 

f The Alkali Metals and their Congeners. By A. JAMIESOX WALKER, 
\ Ph.D. (Heid.), B.A. (Q.U.B.), F.I.C. Pp. i-xxvi +379. 20s. 
/PART 1. The Alkaline Earth Metals. By MAY SYBIL BURR (nee 
I LESLIE), D.Sc. (Leeds). Pp. i-xxvi + ;U6. 20s. 
\ PART II. Beryllium and its Congeners. By JOSHUA C. GREGORY, 
B.Se. (Lond.), F.I.C., and MAY SYBIL" BURR, D.Sc. (Leeds). 
V Pp. i-xxvi + 320. 18s. 

f Aluminium and its Congeners, including the Rare Earth Metals. 
j By H. F. V. LITTLTD, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.K.C.S., Chief Chemist to 
{ Thorium, Ltd. Second Edition. Pp. xxvin + 485. 18s. 
/ Carbon and its Allies. By R. M. CAVEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.I.C. 
1 Second Edition. Pp. i-xxi + 468. JSs. 

PART I. Nitrogen. By E. B. K, PRIDEAUX, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., 
and H. LAMBOURNE, M. A., M.Sc., F.I.C. Pp. i-xxviii 242 1 Ss. 
PART II. Phosphorus. By E. B. R. PRIUEAUX, M.A., D.Sc., 

F.I.C. Pp. i-xxviii+23S. 
PART III. Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum. By SYDNEY 

MAKKS, M.Sc., A.i.C. Pp. i-xxvi +222. IS*. 
PART IV. Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth. By \V. E. THORXKY- 

CROI-T, B.Sc., and B. D. SirAW, .B.Sc., Ph.D. J n Preparation. 
PART I. Oxygen. By J". XEWTON "FRIEND, D.Sc., and DOUGLAS 

F. TWJSS, D.Sc., F.I.C. Pp. i-xxvi + 370. 18s. 
PAP.T 11. Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium. By RELXJK H. 
VALLANCE, M.Sc., F.I.C., DOUGLAS F. Twis?, D.Sc., F.I.C., and 
Miss A. R. RCSSELL, B.Sc., A.I.C. Pp. i-xxviii + 420. 2f)S. 
PART 11J. Chromium and its Congeners. ByREECE H. VALLAXCK, 
M.Sc., A. I.C., and ARTHUR A. ELD RIDGE, B.Sc., F.I.C. 
Pp. i-xxvi + 380. 18s. 

The Halogens and their Allies. By GKOFFEEY MARTIX, D.Sc., 
Ph.D., and EBXICST A. DAXCASTER, B.Sc. (Lond.). Second 

PART I. Cobalt, Nickel, and the Elements of the Platinum 
Group. By J. NEWTON FRIEND, D.Sc. (B ham). Second Edition. 
Pp. i-xxvi +367. 18s. 
PART II. Iron and its Compounds. By J. XEWTOX FRIEND, 

D.Sc. Pp. ]-xxvi + 20fx 18s. 

j The Metal- Ammines, with a General Introduction to the Theory 
of Complex Inorganic Substances. By Miss M. ]\I. J. SUTHEJR- 
V LAND, D.Sc.. F.I.C. Pp. i-xxvi + 2GO. " ISs. 
Organometailic Compounds. 

PART I. Derivatives of tlie Elements of Groups I to IV. 
DOROTHY GODDATID, M.Sc Pp. i-xxviii -: 418. ^os. 
PART II. Derivatives of Arsenic. By ARCHIBALD E. COD DARD, 

M.Sc., A.I.C. Pp. i-xxviii ~- GOo. 42s. 

PART III. Derivatives oi the Elements of Groups V to VIII 
(excluding Arsenic). By ARCHIBALD E. GODDARD, 
M.Sc.. A. I.C. In Prcjxiruiit.,,!,. 


CO.. LTD., 4-2 DUURY LAXE. W. 

xt-book of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. VI., Part //.] 



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M.A., B.8c.(N.Z.), D.Sc.(Loncl), F.I.C. 

limit b ^frontispiece anD JIUistrattons. 

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42 DRURY LAXE, W.C. 2. 


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DURING the past few years the civilised world has begun to realise the 
advantages accruing to scientific research, with the result that an ever- 
increasing amount of time and thought is being devoted to various 
branches of science. 

No study has progressed more rapidly than chemistry. This 
science may be divided roughly into several branches : namely, Organic, 
Physical, Inorganic, and Analytical Chemistry. It is impossible to 
write any single text-book which shall contain within its two covers a 
thorough treatment of any one of these branches, owing to the vast 
amount of information that has been accumulated. The need is rather 
for a series of text-books dealing more or less comprehensively with 
each branch of chemistry. This has already been attempted by 
enterprising firms, so far as physical and analytical chemistry are 
concerned ; and the present series is designed to meet the needs of 
inorganic chemists. One great advantage of this procedure lies in 
the fact that our knowledge of the different sections of science does not 
progress at the same rate. Consequently, as soon as any particular 
part advances out of proportion to others, the volume dealing with 
that section may be easily revised or rewritten as occasion requires. 

Some method of classifying the elements for treatment in this way 
is clearly essential, and we have adopted the Periodic Classification 
with slight alterations, devoting a whole volume to the consideration 
of the elements in each vertical column, as will be evident from a glance 
at the scheme in the Frontispiece. 

In the first volume, in addition to a detailed account of the elements 
of Group 0, the general principles of Inorganic Chemistry are discussed. 
Particular pains have been taken in the selection of material for this 
volume, and an attempt has been made to present to the reader a 
clear account of the principles upon which our knowledge of modern 
Inorganic Chemistry is based. 

At the outset it may be well to explain that it was not intended 
to write a complete text-book of Physical Chemistry. Numerous 
excellent works have already been devoted to this subject, and a 
volume on such lines would scarcely serve as a suitable introduction 
to this scries. Whilst Physical Chemistry deals with the general 
principles applied to all branches of theoretical chemistry, our aim 
has been to emphasise their application to Inorganic Chemistry, with 
which branch of the subject this series of text-books is exclusively 
concerned. To this end practically all the illustrations to the laws 
and principles discussed in Volume I. deal with inorganic substances. _ 

Again, there are many subjects, such as the methods employed in 
the accurate determination of atomic weights, which are not generally 
vpo-flrflecl as forming; part of Phvsical Chemistry. Yet these are 


subjects of supreme importance to the student of Inorganic Chemistry 
and are accordingly included in the Introduction. 

Hydrogen and the ammonium salts are dealt with in Volume II., 
along with the elements of Group I. The position of the rare earth 
metals in the Periodic Classification has for many years been a source 
of difficulty. They have all been included in Volume IV., along with 
the elements of Group III., as this was found to be the most suitable 
place for them. 

Many alloys and compounds have an equal claim to be considered 
in two or more volumes of this series, but this would entail unnecessary 
duplication. For example, alloys of copper and tin might be dealt 
with in Volumes II. and V. respectively. Similarly, certain double 
salts such, for example, as ferrous ammonium sulphate might very 
logically be included in Volume II. under ammonium, and in Volume IX. 
under iron. As a general rule this difficulty has been overcome by 
treating complex substances, containing two or more metals or bases, 
in that volume dealing with the metal or base which belongs to the 
highest group of the Periodic Table. For example, the alloys of copper 
and tin are detailed in Volume V. along with tin, since copper occurs 
earlier, namely, in Volume II. Similarly, ferrous ammonium sulphate 
is discussed in Volume IX. under iron, and not under ammonium in 
Volume II. The ferro-cyanides are likewise dealt with in Volume IX. 

But even with this arrangement it has not always been found easy 
to adopt a perfectly logical line of treatment. For example, in the 
chromates and permanganates the chromium and manganese function 
as part of the acid radicals and are analogous to sulphur and chlorine 
in sulphates and perchlorates ; so that they should be treated in the 
volume dealing with the metal acting as base, namely, in the case 
of potassium permanganate, under potassium in Volume II. But the 
alkali permanganates possess such close analogies with one another 
that separate treatment of these salts hardly seenis desirable. They 
are therefore considered in Volume VIII. 

Numerous other little irregularities of a like nature occur, but it is 
hoped that, by means of carefully compiled indexes and frequent cross- 
referencing to the texts of the separate volumes, the student will 
experience no difficulty in finding the information he requires. 

Particular care has been taken with the sections dealing with the 
atomic weights of the elements in question. The figures given arc not 
necessarily those to be found in the original memoirs, but have been 
recalculated, except where otherwise stated, using the following 
fundamental values : 

Hydrogen = 1-00762. Oxygen = 16-000. 

Sodium = 22-996. Sulphur = 32-065. 

Potassium = 39-100. Fluorine = 19-015. 

Silver = 107-880. Chlorine = 35-457. 

Carbon = 12-003. Bromine = 79-916. 

Nitrogen = 14-008. Iodine = 126-920. 

By adopting this method it is easy to compare directly the results of 
earlier investigators with those of more recent date, and moreover it 
renders the data for the different elements strictly comparable through 
out the whole series. 

Our aim has not been to make the volumes absolutely exhaustive, 


as this would render them unnecessarily bulky and expensive ; rather 
has it been to contribute concise and suggestive accounts of the various 
topics, and to append numerous references to the leading works and 
memoirs dealing with the same. Every effort has been made to render 
these references accurate and reliable, and it is hoped that they will 
prove a useful feature of the series. The more important abbreviations, 
which are substantially the same as those adopted by the Chemical 
Society, are detailed in the subjoined lists, pp. xvii xix. 

The addition of the Table of Dates of Issue of Journals (pp. xxi-xxviii) 
will, it is hoped, enhance the value of this series. It is believed that 
the list is perfectly correct, as all the figures have been checked against 
the volumes on the shelves of the library of the Chemical Society by 
Mr. F. W. Clifford and his staff. To these gentlemen the Editor" and 
the Authors desire to express their deep indebtedness. 

In order that the scries shall attain the maximum utility, it is 
necessary to arrange for a certain amount of uniformity throughout, 
and this involves the suppression of the personality of the individual 
author to a corresponding extent for the sake of the common welfare. 
It is at once my duty and my pleasure to express my sincere appre 
ciation of the kind and ready manner in which the authors have 
accommodated themselves to this task, which, without their hearty 
co-operation, could never have been successful. Finally, I wish to 
acknowledge the unfailing courtesy of the publishers, Messrs. Charles 
Griffin Co., who have done everything in their power to render the 
work straightforward and easy. 


January 1934. 


A GENERAL survey of Group V. of the Periodic Classification has 
already been given in Part I. of this Volume, Chapter I. The position 
of phosphorus, and its importance in the progress of pure chemistry 
and technology, call, however, for a further brief introduction. 

Like nitrogen, phosphorus is a key element in agriculture, with the 
following important differences however. Nitrogen compounds are 
"wasting assets 7 which require to be vigorously supplemented by the 
application of manures which may be natural or artificial. A supply 
of phosphates in a finely divided state represents more permanent 
capital, which is not much drawn upon except by the actual require 
ments of plant life. The industry of phosphatic fertilisers is mainly 
concerned with supplying phosphates in a more soluble form and also 
in admixture with other essential materials, such as lime, potash 
and ammonia. Recognition of the importance of phosphatic manures 
dates from about the middle of the XlXth century, when they were 
applied in the form of bones, bone-dust, bone-ash, guano and super 
phosphates as a result of a sequence of operations which has developed 
into the present great phosphate industry. 

The luminosity of phosphorus, due to its smouldering combustion, 
attracted much attention on the discovery of the element towards 
the end of the XVIIth century. Although Boyle was able to describe 
some of the properties of the element and to prepare the pent oxide, 
knowledge of this active clement did not make much progress until 
about the end of the XVII It h century, when Schccle discovered a. 
more abundant source in bone-ash, and also an efficient method of 
preparation. From the beginning of the XlXth century, however, 
much research was undertaken into the numerous compounds of 
phosphorus, many of which are volatile without decomposition, and 
hence played a leading part in establishing atomic and molecular 

Phosphoric acid was the original of the three water molecule 
type"; replacement of these molecules by basic oxides in typical 
phosphates, investigated by Clark, led Graham to the theory of basicity. 
In aqueous solutions phosphoric acid has played a no less important 
part as an example of successive dissociation of hydrogen ions. The 
theory of isomorphism, enunciated by Mifcschcrlich and others, was 
founded on the phosphates and arsenates. 

An important technical development which took place from about 
the middle of the XlXth century was the manufacture of friction 
matches, which was largely due to the discovery of red phosphorus 
at this period. 

The systematic chemistry of phosphorus was known in considerable 
detail by the third quarter of last century; its thermochemistry had 
been largclv worked out bv Thomsen. Bcrthelot and Giran, while 


numerous physical constants had been obtained by Gladstone, Sir 
Edward Thorpe and others. These data, and their references, lend a 
somewhat antique air to parts of this book, but are nevertheless the 
accepted data of to-day. 

Most types of combination are shown by this most reactive element; 
the number and variety of its compounds with other non-metallic 
elements are especially noteworthy. The halide series is more complete 
than that of any other non-metal, including the congeners nitrogen 
and arsenic. In number and variety of hydrogen compounds, however, 
phosphorus is surpassed by nitrogen. Alkyl compounds are well 
developed with all three elements; there is. however, a greater variety 
of organic nitrogen compounds, while the extensive discovery of organo- 
arsenic compounds due to their importance in medicine has necessitated 
a special treatise in this Series, i.e. Volume XL, Part II. 

Phosphorus is almost exclusively tervalent in its organo-compounds 
and lower halides, etc.. and quinquevalent in the compounds PX 5 , 
phosphonium compounds and the phosphoric acids; according to 
modern theory, however, this quinquevalency is really quadricovalency. 
Compounds showing other valencies are not common, and sometimes 
are of doubtful individuality. 

In the Fifth Group the higher stage of oxidation appears to attain 
a maximum stability in the case of phosphorus, as is seen by comparing 
the pentoxide or phosphoric acids with the corresponding compounds 
of nitrogen and arsenic. Phosphoric oxide and acid are formed with 
the greatest decrease of total energy, and do not, like nitric and arsenic 
acids, behave as oxidising agents under ordinary conditions. Connected 
with this is the fact that the lower oxides ancl acids of phosphorus act 
as reducing agents in solution to a greater extent than nitrous and 
arsenious acids. 

Phosphoric acids form many auto- and hetero-complexes, in which 
respect they are similar to the acids of vanadium and its congeners, 
as well as those of silicon. Three degrees of hydration, known as ortho-, 
pyro- and met a-, are also found, with certain differences, with other 
members of Group V. 

In addition to the original memoirs in recognised scientific journals 
the writer has found it convenient to consult Mellor s Comprehensive 
Treatise and the detailed contributions by Brauner arid Schenck in the 
third part of the third volume of Abegg s Handbuch der anorganischen 
Chernie. For special sections free use has been made of S mils Theory 
of Allotropy and other monographs, the appropriate original papers, 
and the Annual Reports of the Chemical Society. The principal sources 
of technical information are: Parrish and Ogilvie s Artificial Fertilisers 
(Benn) 5 FritscLvs The Manufacture of Chemical Manures (Scott, Green 
wood and Company), the various Reports on Applied Chemistry, and 
articles in the technical journals. 

In conclusion, it is again a pleasant duty to express my thanks to 
the General Editor of this Series, Dr. J. Xewton Friend, for his unfailing 
care, and to Mr. W. E. Thorncy croft for further useful criticisms of the 

January 1934. 



THE PERIODIC TABLE (Frontispiece) . . . iv 


PREFACE . . . . . . xi 



CHAPTER I. Phosphorus, General . . . .3 

Occurrence History -Commercial Preparation of White and Red Phosphorus 
Uses Physiological Action. 

CHAPTER II. Phosphorus, The Element . . .14 

SOLID PHOSPHORUS: General Melting and Freezing of White Phosphorus 
Specific Heats Latent Heat of Fusion Density Compressibility 
Crystalline Form Refractivity Electrical Conductivity Dielectric and 
Magnetic Properties lonisation Potential Solubility. 

LIQUID PHOSPHORUS: Density and Specific Volume Vapour Pressure Latent 
Heat of Vaporisation Surface Tension. 

PHOSPHORIC VAPOUR: Density and Dissociation Refractivity Spectra of 
Phosphorus and its Compounds Absorption of Radiation Fluorescence 
Mass Spectrum. 

CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF PHOSPHORUS: General Action on Solutions of Metal 
lic Salts Red Phosphorus Scarlet Phosphorus Colloidal Phosphorus. 


CHAPTER III. Allotropic Forms of Phosphorus and Condi 
tions of Transformation . . . . .31 

RED PHOSPHORUS : Preparation Physical Properties. 

VIOLET PHOSPHORUS: History and Preparation Physical Properties. 

THEORY OF THE ALLOTROPIC FORMS: Phase Diagram "Molecular Species." 

BLACK PHOSPHORUS: General Physical Properties. 


ATOMIC WEIGHT OF PHOSPHORUS: Historical Standard Methods and Results 
General Conclusions. 

CHAPTER IV. Phosphorus in Combination . . .51 

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Atomic Volume of Element Molar Volumes of Com 
pounds Structure of Compounds Volume of Phosphorus in Liquid Com 
pounds under Conditions of Maximum Contraction Parachors of Phos 
phorus Compounds Atomic and Molar Refractions Stereochemistry 
Dipolc Moment of Phosphine Representation of Phosphorus Compounds 
by Electronic Theories of Valency. 

VOL. VI. : II. xiii b 



CHAPTER V. The Phosphides . . . . .60 

Methods of Preparation Alkali Phosphides Alkaline Earth Phosphides 
Copper. Silver and Gold Phosphides Zinc Group Phosphides Boron and 
Aluminium PhosphidesTitanium Group Phosphides Tin and Lead Phos 
phides Arsenic, Antimony and .Bismuth Phosphides Chromium, Molyb 
denum and Tungsten Phosphides Manganese Phosphides Iron, Cobalt, 
and Xickcl Phosphides Platinum Phosphides. 

CHAPTER VI. Phosphorus and Hydrogen . . .68 

PHOSPHIXE: Comparison with XH. n and PLS Historical Occurrence Pre 
parationGeneral Properties Physical Properties Liquid Phosphine 
Chemical Properties. 

PHOSPHO^IUM COMPOUNDS: Chloride Bromide Iodide. 

LIQUID HYDROGEN PHOSPHIDE: Composition, Properties and Preparation. 

SOLID HYDROGEN PHOSPHIDE: Preparation, Properties, Chemical Reactions. 

Higher Hydrogen Ph osphidcs H y droxyphosphidcs Alkylphosphines, Alkyl- 
phosphine Oxides and Sulphides. 

CHAPTER VII. Phosphorus and the Halogens . . 86 

FLUORIDES: Trirluoridc - Pentafluoride Irifiiiorodichloride Trinuorodi- 

bromide Pluophosphoric Acid. 
CHLORIDES: Bichloride Trichloride Pcntachloride Chlorobromidcs 


BROMIDES: Tribromide Pentabromide. 
IODIDES: Diiodide Tniodide. 

CHAPTER VIII. Oxy- and Thio-Halides . . . 105 

OXY-HALIDES: Oxytriftuoridc Fluo phosphoric Acids Oxy trichloride Pyro- 
phosphoryl Chloride Metaphosphoryl Chloride Phosphoryl Monochloride 
Phosphoryl Dichlorobrornide Phosphoryl CMorodi bromide Oxv- 
tribromide Metaphosphoryl Bromide Oxy iodides. 

THIO-HALIDES:- Thiotrinuoridc Thiotrichloride Thiotribromide Mixed -Thioiodides. 

CHAPTER IX. The Slow Oxidation of Phosphorus . . 116 

The Glow of Phosphorus Effect of Pressure upon Oxidation of Phosphorus 
Velocity of the Reaction Effect of Temperature Production of Oxono 
Inhibition of the Glow Nature of the Chenn hnninesccnce lonisation bv 
the Glow -The Emission Spectrum. 

CHAPTER X. The Oxides of Phosphorus . . . 125 

Suboxides Trioxidc Dioxide or Tet roxide Pentoxide. 

CHAPTER XL The Oxyacids of Phosphorus Unsaturated . K35 

Hypophosphorous Acid Phosphorous Acid Hypophosphites and Phosphites, 
Structure and Tauiomensrn Mcta- and Pyre-phosphorous Aoids--I)etec- 
tion and Estimation of Phosphites and Hypophosphites Hypophosphoric 
Acid- Detection and Estimation of Hypophosphates. 

CHAPTER XII. Phosphoric Acids .... 155 


ORTHOpiioSPiroRTC ACID : PreparationPhysical ^Properties of Solid Hydrates 
of P 2 0- Solubilities, Melting-points " and Eutectics of the System 
H-iPOj-HoO Densities of Aqueous Solutions Vapour Prossuros- Con 
ductivities of Concentrated and .Dilute Solutions Viscosities Refractive 
Index Basicity and Neutralisation of the Phosphoric Acids Constitution 



Chemical Properties Physiological Action Uses Dehydration and Pro 
duction of Pyro- and Meta-acids. 

Pyrophosphoric Aci d Pol yphosphonc Acids Metaphosphoric Acid Complex 
Metaphosphoric Acids and their Salts Properties and Reactions of Ortho-, 
Meta- and Pyro-phosphates Common and .Distinctive Reactions -Estima 
tion of the Phosphoric Acids Phosphorus in Alloys Pcrphosphoric Acids. 

CHAPTER XIII. Phosphorus and Sulphur or Selenium . 186 

PHOSPHORUS AND SULPHUR: HistoricalPhysical Mixtures The System 
Phosphorus-Sulphur and Compounds Tetraphosphorus Trisulphide Di- 
phosphorus Trisulphide Tetraphosphorus Heptasulphide Phosphorus 
Pentasulphide Uses of the Sulphides of Phosphorus Oxysulphides Thio- 
phosphites, Thiohypophosphates and Thiophosphates. 

PHOSPHORUS AND SELENIUM: Selenides Selenophosphates 

CHAPTER XIV. Phosphorus and Nitrogen . . . 197 

Amido-derivativcs of Phosphorous and Orthophosphoric Acids Amido- and 
Imido-dcrivatives of Metaphosphoric Acid Amides and Traides of Con 
densed Phosphoric Acids Xitrilophosphoric Acids Amido-, Imido- and 
Xitrilo-thiophosphoric Acids Phosphorus Halonitrides or Amidohalides 
Phosphorus Nitride. 

CHAPTER XV. Phosphatic Fertilisers .... 208 

lation by Plants Sources of Phosphates The Composition of Phosphorites 
The Distribution of Phosphatic Hocks Oceanic Deposits and Guanos 
The World s Production of Phosphate Rock. 

BASIC SLAG : Production High-grade Slag :: Open-hearth" Slag .Fertiliser 


THE SYSTEM LIME AND PHOSPHORIC ACID: Solubility of Calcium Phosphates 
Conditions of Formation of .Basic and Acid Calcium Phosphates Composi 
tion of Solutions Saturated with Calcium Hydrogen Pliosphat.cs Equilibria 
between Solid Phases and Solutions at Various Temperatures Changes 
during Neutralisation The Acid .Phosphates Manufacture of Superphos 
phate Retrogression Treatment of Special Ores Phosphoric Acid 
Commercial Preparation and Extraction from Rock The History and 
Technology of Superphosphate .Manufacture Mixed and Concentrated 
Phosphoric Fertilisers Potassium Phosphates -.Ammonium Phosphates. 

NAME INDEX . . . . . . .229 

SUBJECT INDEX ...... 236 


AJ handl. Fys. Kcm. 
Amer. Chem. J. . 
Amer. J. SCL. 
Anal. Fis. Qiiim. 
Analyst . 
Annalen . 
Ann. Chim. 
Ann. Glum. anal. 

Ann. Cfiim. Phys. 

Ann. Mines 

Ann. Pliarm. 

Ann. Phys. Chem. 

Ann. Physik 

Ann. Physik, Beibl. . 

Ann. SOL. Univ. Jassy 

Arbeiten Kaiserl. Gesiindheits- 

amte . 

Arch. exp. Pathol. Pharmak. 
Arck. Pharni. 
Arch. Sci. phys. nat. 
Atli Ace. Torino . 
Atli R. Accad. Lincei . 
B.A. Reports 


tier. A lead. Ber. . 
Ber. Deut. pharm. Gas. 
Bar. Deut. physilcal. Ges. 
Bot, Zeit. . 
Bid. Soo. Stiifite Clnj. . 
Bull. Acad. roy. Bdg. 

Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracow 

Bull, de Bdg. 

Bull. Sci. PharmacoL . 

Bull. Soc. chim. . 

Bull. Soc. /mtL$. Min. . 

Bull. Soc. min. de France 

Bull. U.S. Gcol. Swvaij 

Centr. Miti. 

Glitm. Ind. 

Chem. S~eivs 

Chem. WeMlad . 

C he-in. Zeit. 

Chem. Zentr. 

Cotript. rend. 

CrelVs Annalen . 


Afliandlingat i Fysik, Kemi och Mineralogi. 
American Chemical Journal. 
American Journal of Science. 

Anales de la Sociedad Espanola Fisica y Quimica. 
Tlie Analyst. 

Justus Lie big s Annalen der Cliemie. 
Annalcs de Cliirnie (1719-1815, and 1914+). 
Annales dc Chimie analytique appliquee a T Industrie, a 

T Agriculture, a la Pharmacie, et a la Biologic. 
Annalcs de Chimie et de Physique (Paris) (1816-1913). 
Annalcs des Mines. 
Annalen der Pharmacie (1832-1839). 
Annalen der Physik und Chernie (1819-1 899). 
Annalen der Physik (1799-1818, and 1900 + ). 
Annalen der Physik, Beiblattcs. 
Annalcs scientiiiques de 1 Universite de Jassy. 

Arbeiten aus dem Kaiscrlichcn Gcsundheitsamte. 

Archiv fur experimentellc Pathologic und Pharmakologic. 

Archiv der Pharmazie. 

Archives des Sciences physique ct naturclles, Geneve. 

Atti della Keale Accademia dolle Scienzc di Torino. 

AtLi dclla Kcale Accademia Lincei. 

British Association Kcports. 

Bcrichte der Deutschcn chcmischcn Gesellschaft. 

See Sitzuncjsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 

Berichte der Deutschen pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft. 

Berichte der Deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. 

Botanischc Zeitung. 

Bulctinul Socictatei de Stiinte din Cluj. 

Academic roy ale dc Belgique Bulletin de la Classe des 

Bulletin international de TAcademic des Sciences do 


Bulletin de la Societe clurnique Belgique. 
Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques. 
Bulletin de la Si)ciete clurnique de Franco. 
Bulletin de la Societe i raiicaise de IMineralogie. 
Bulletin dc la Societe mineraLogiquo de France. 
Bulletins of the United States Geological Survey. 
Ccntralblatt fur Mineralogie. 
Die Chemisclic Industrie. 
Chemical Xews. 
Chcmisch AVeckblad. 
Chemiker Zeitung (Cotlicn). 
Chemisches Zcntralblatt. 
Comptcs rendus hebdomadaires des Seances do 1 Academic 

des Sciences (Paris). 
Chcmische Annalen fur die Freunde der Xaturlehrc, von 

L. CreUe. 

Diiigler s porytechriischcs Journal, 


Drude s Annalen 
Electroch. Met. Ind. 
Eng. and Min. J. 
Gazzetta . 
Gehlen s Allg. J. Chem. 
Gaol. Mag. 
Gilbert s Annahn 
Giorn. di Scienze Naturali ed 
Econ. .... 
Helv. Chim. Ada 
Int. Zeitsch. Metallographie . 
Jahrb. kb. geol. Reichsansl. . 

Jalirb. Miner. 

Jahresber. .... 

J enaisclie Zeitsch. 

J. Arne.r. Chem. Soc. . 

J. Chein. Soc. 

J . Chim. phys. . 

J. Gasbeleuc/itung 

J. Geology .... 

J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 

J. lust. Metals . 

J. Miner. Soc. 

J. Pliarm. Ckir/i. 

J. Physical Chem. 

J. Physique 

J. pralct. Chem. . 

/. RIMS. Phys. Chem. Soc. 

J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 

L/aiidw. Jahrb. 

Mem. ColL Sci. Kyoto. 

Mem. Paris A cad. 

Mon. scient. 

Munch. Med. WochenscJir. . 

Nature .... 

Nnovo dm. 

Oestc.rr. ( 

Oj vers. K. Vet.- A Lad. Fork. . 

Proc. J*o>/. J rixlt, 

Proc. Jioy. J hil. Soc. Glasgow 

Proc. Roy. Soc. . 

Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. . 


Annalen der Physik (1900-1906). 
Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry. 
Engineering and Mining Journal. 
Gazzetta chimica italiana. 
Allgemeines Journal der Cheniie. 
Geological Magazine. 
Annalen der Physik (1799-1824). 

Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche. 

Helvetica China. Acta. 

Internationale Zeitschrift fur Metallographie. 

Jahrbuch der kaiseiiich-koniglichen geologischen Rcichsan- 


Jahrbuch f iir Mineralogie. 

Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. 
Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Xaturwissenschaft. 
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 
Journal of the Chemical Society. 
Journal de Chimie physique. 
Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung. 
Journal of Geology. 

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 
Journal of the Institute of Metals. 
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mincralogical 


Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. 
Journal of Physical Chemistry. 
Journal de Physique. 
Journal fur praktischc Chemie. 
Journal of the Physical and Chemical Society of Russia 


Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. 
Landwirtschai tliohe Jahrbuch or. 
Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial 

Memoirs presentes par divers savants a 1 Academic de 

Sciences de rinstitut de Prance. 
Monatshefte fur Chemie und verwaridte Thcile anderer 

MoniU ur scienlifique. 
JMiinchener Medi/inisclie Wochenschrii t. 

II nuovo CJinicnto. 
Ocstcnv.ichischo (/lu inikc r-Zciturig. 
()fvci si^t at K(mgliga Vetcnskaps-Akademiciis Fcjrluind- 

Arcliiv iur die gesammto Physiologic dcs Mcnsclion und 

der Thirn:. 

Phanna/ Post. 
IMiarnia /cutisclu: Zcnt/ralhalle. 
Phih/sopliical Maga/ino (Tlit* London, Edinburgh, and 

Philosophical Transactions of UK; Royal Society of 


Physical Pu-vic\v. 
Physikahsclut Z(-if sohrift. 
PogL fiidorirs Annalen cli-r Physik und Choniio (182-1 


.Proceedings of the Chemical Society. 
Koninklijke Akadenn e van \\ etensehappen t(^ Amsterdam 

Proceedings (English Version). 
Proceedings oi the- Uoyal Irish Academy. 
Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Soeicty of Glasgow. 
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 
Proceedings oi the Ruya.1 Society of Edinburgh. 


fee. Trav. chim. 

loy. Inst. Reports 
ichweigge-r s J. 
;d. Proc. Ron. Dubl. &oc. 
iitzunysbzr. K. A had. Wis$. 

Htzungsb&r. K. Akad. Wiss. 

Wien .... 
^echn. JaJiresber. 

Brails. Amer. Electrochem. Soc. 
"rans. C/<cm. Soc. 
"rans. Inst. Min. Eng. 
V<m et Mem. du Bureau 

intern, des Poids et lies. 
7 erh. Ges. deut. X alurforsch. 

Vied. Annahn . 

V issenschaftl. AbJiandl. pJiys.- 

tech. Reichsayisl. . 
eitsch. anal. Chem. 
eitech. annew. Chem. . 
eitsch. anorg. Chem. . 

tsch. Chem. 
eitach. Chem. Ind. Kolluide . 

Recueil des Travaux chimiqucs des Pay-Has et de la 


Reports of the Royal Institution. 
Journal i iir Chcmie and Physik. 
Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. 
Sitzungsberichtc der Koniu lich-Preussi^chcn Akadeinie de 

\\isscnsciiatten zu l^erlin. 
Sitzungsberichte der Koiiiglich-Bayerischcn Akademie 

der Wissenschaiten zu \\ ien. 
Jahresbericlit iiber die Lcistungen der Chemischen 


Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society. 
Transactions of the Chemical Society. 
Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers. 
Travaux ct Memoires du Bureau International des Poids 

et Mesures. 
Verhandlung der Gesellschaft deutscher Xaturforscher und 

A\ r iedernann"s Annalen der Physik und Cliemie (1877- 

Wisscnschaftliche Abhandlungen der physikalisch-tech- 

nischen Reichsanstalt. 
Zeitschrift fur analytischc Chemie. 
Zeitschi it t fur angewandte Chemie. 
Xcitschnft lur anorganischo Chcmie. 
Kritische Zcitscliritt fur Chcmie. 

Zeitschrift fur Chernic und Industrie des Kohoidc (con- 
tinned as Kolloid-Zeitsclnift). 
Zeitscln-ii t fur Elektrocheinie. 
Zeitschi ift fur Krystallnprraplrio und M ineralogie. 
Zeitschril t fur I ntersuchun^ der Xahrungs- und Genuss- 

Zeitschnft fur ])hysikalische Chemie., Stuchiometric und 

\Vr\vand1sclia ft <lchre. 

iloppe-Soyler s Zeitschrift lur physiolo.Lrischc Chemie. 
Zeitschrift fur v/is^cnschaftliche IMiotograpliio, Photo- 

physik, und Photnchemie. 


FOR the sake of easy reference, a list is appended of the more 
important journals in chronological order, giving the dates of issue of 
their corresponding series and volumes. In certain cases the volumes 
have appeared with considerable irregularity ; in others it has occa 
sionally happened that volumes begun in one calendar year have 
extended into the next year, even when this has not been the general 
habit of the series. To complicate matters still further, the title-pages 
in some of these latter volumes bear the later date a most illogical 
procedure. In such cases the volume number appears in the accom 
panying columns opposite both years. In a short summary of this kind 
it is impossible to give full details in each case, but the foregoing 
remarks will serve to explain several apparent anomalies. 

Year Amer - ! 5 Aim - 
J. Sci. a -g Min. 

" c J^ 

Gilbert s 

gg Mag. 


Phil. $* 

1800 ... (1)32-35 

4 6 

5 8 


1 ; ... ; 36-39 


... 8-11 

91 !.. 

2 : ... 40-43 


... 11-14 

92 . ... 

3 ; ... 44-47 

.!. I 


... ! 14-17 

93 ... 

4 i .. 48-51 


... 1 17-20 

94 1 .. 

1805 . . 52-55 : 


... ; 20-23 


6 ... 56-60 : 

2 9.. 9 4 

23- 9 6 


i 7 i ... 61-64 

9-j 27 


8 ... 65-68 


.. > 29-32 

98 .". 


69-72 ... 


(1) 1* j 33, 34 





2 35, 36 



77-80 : 


3 37, 38 



81-84 ; 


4 . 39, 40 



85-88 ... 


5 41,42 





6 43, 44 





(2) 1 ,; 45, 46 



(2) 1-3 ... j 


2 ; 47, 48 



... ; 4-6 1, 2 


3 ! 49, 50 



7-9 3 : 


4 i 51, 52 



(1)1 ; 10-12 4 


5 i 53, 54 

109 ; ... 


2 13-15 5 ... : 1-3 


6 55, 56 

110 i ... 


3 16-18 6 ... ; 4-6 67-69 

7 57, 58 

Ill ... 

! 22 

4, 5 ; 19-21 7 1, 2 7-9 70-72 

8 ! 59, 60 

, 112 ; .. 


6 22-24 8 3-6 ^ 10-12 73-75 

9 61, 62 

113 , ... 


7, 8 : 25-27 9 7-10 13-15 76 

10 j 63, 64 

114 1, 2 

: 1825 

9 28-30 , 10, 11 ; 11-14 16-18 ^ 

11 65, 66 

115 : 3-5 

i 26 

10, 11 31-33 12, 13 .15-19 19-22 3 f 

12 67, 68 

116 6-8 


12 34-36 (2)1,2 20-23 23-26 

~ $ 5 

13 (2)1. 2 

117 9-11 

: 28 ,1-^,14 37-39 3, 4 24-26 27-30 5^ 

14 3, 4 

118 12-14 

29 15, 16 40-42 5, 6 : 27-30 31-34 p rf< ^ 

15 5, 6 

119 15-17 

* First series known as Bulletin de J J har f niacie. 




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Symbol, P. Atomic number, 15. Atomic weight, 31-02 (O=16). 

Occurrence. Phosphorus does not appear to occur in the free state 
in nature. If it wore produced by the reduction of phosphatic minerals 
at high temperatures it would be liberated as vapour, which would 
condense to liquid or solid white phosphorus, and would again be 
oxidised rapidly under most conditions. Sulphur, which resembles 
phosphorus in so many respects, docs, however, occur as element in 
considerable quantities, because it is produced in many reactions 
which take place at comparatively low temperatures (such as that 
between II 2 S and S0. 2 ), and, when once produced, is far less easily 
oxidised than phosphorus. Phosphorus (0-142) is actually more 
abundant than sulphur (0-09. 3), the numbers in brackets referring to 
the percentage of the earth s 10-mile crust, with atmosphere and 
hydrosphere, 1 constituted by the element. Phosphorus is thus twelfth 
in the order of abundance, coming below chlorine but above carbon. 
In the 10-mile crust composed of the lithospherc only, phosphorus is 
present to the extent of 0-157 per cent., being now in the tenth place, 
since hydrogen and chlorine in the rocks occupy a position below 
phosphorus, although they are still above carbon. The average pro 
portion in igneous rocks is 0-13 per cent., whilst the element is also 
common in sedimentary rocks, chiefly as phosphate of lime, and to a 
less extent as phosphates of iron and alumina. These secondary 
deposits arc by far the most important sources of phosphates. They 
are derived probably from the widely but sparsely diffused ingredients 
of igneous rocks and from the well-crystallised but more stable minerals 
such as apatite (calcium lino- or chloro-phosphate), which gradual! v 
disintegrate, 2 pass into the soil, and are concentrated in plant tissues 

1 Clark and Washington, /W. Sal. Acad. Xc.i. U.U.A., J!)2, 8, 1.08. SJoo also Jlarkms, 
J. tioc., 1 ( JJ7, 39, 856; Tamrnann, Zc.-tf.pcJi,. unary. Chun., \ 9:23, 131, 9(1 

2 Linclgren, Kcon. Gcol., 1923, 18, 419; also Blackwelder, Amer. J. 8ci., 1916, [4], 
42, 285. 


and in the bones of animals, which eventually yield deposits of phosphate 
of lime. The compositions of the principal phosphatic rocks are detailed 
in Chapter XV. 

Phosphorus is present to the extent of about 0-1 per cent, in ordinary 
soils. From this source plants draw the supplies which are essential 
to their growth the phosphorus is found mainly in the seeds, and is 
more concentrated in the germ of these. It is estimated that 100 Ibs. 
of corn contain nearly J Ib. of phosphorus. Phosphorus is also present 
in the bodies of animals, and although a minor constituent of the soft 
parts, is absolutely necessary to life. It is present as soluble phosphate 
in the blood, milk and other fluids, as a constituent of organic com 
pounds in the brain, spinal cord, and other parts, and as calcium phos 
phate in the bones. The proportions vary considerably in different 
parts of the body. Ox brain has been found to contain nearly 2 per 
cent., human liver i per cent. In animal fats phosphorus occurs com 
bined in the tc lipoid " form for example, as lecithin. Bones contain 
over 40 per cent, of calcium and magnesium phosphates. The human 
skeleton, weighing about 14 Ibs., contains about 5 Ibs. of calcium 
phosphate, or 1 Ib. of phosphorus. Since the bones form about 10 per 
cent, of the total weight of the body, and the rest of the body, exclusive 
of the bones, contains of the order of 0-1 per cent, of phosphorus, it 
will be seen that there is slightly over 1 Ib., or about 500 grams, of 
this element in the body. Analysis of certain parts of the body shows 
that about 90 per cent, of the phosphorus is present in the bones, 
8 per cent, in the muscles, and a total of 2 per cent, in the brain, liver, 
lungs, and blood. 1 

While plants use phosphorus very sparingly, animals require a 
greater proportion for their metabolism. 

The continual secretion of phosphorus necessitates a constant 
supply. About 1 gram a day for the adult is required to maintain 
the body equilibrium.* An adequate supply is also one of the 
factors which control growth. The milk of the cow contains about 
0-2 per cent, of PoOg, that of the rabbit nearly ] per cent. In. other 
cases also there is a relation between the percentage of phosphorus in 
the milk and the reciprocal of the number of days required to double 
the weight at birth. 

History. As just explained, phosphorus is concentrated in plant 
and animal products. These arc not only more widely distributed than 
the rich phosphatic minerals, but they also form a more interesting and 
attractive object of experiment, and, what is perhaps more important, 
they contain their own reducing agents. It is not surprising, therefore, 
that the clement was first discovered in its organic, sources by the doctors 
and pharmacists who formed the majority of the experimentalists 
in the latro-chcnucal and succeeding periods of chemical history. 
By distillation of the residue from the evaporation of urine (which 
contains phosphates and organic matter) the alchemist Brand in 1609 
obtained a substance which glowed without any noticeable evolution 
of heat. 2 Brand s process was described by Kirchmaier in 1070 and 
discovered independently by Kunkcl in 1678, who designated the 


product " noctiluca " and " phosphorus mirabilis " respectively, by 
which names it was distinguished from Bolognese phosphorus ( lapis 
bononicnsis ") and Baldwin s phosphorus ( i: phosphorus hermeticus "), 
which are phosphorescent sulphides of the alkaline earths. 

Brand s secret was bought by Krafft, who exhibited " das kalte 
Feuer _ at various Courts, and in 1677 at that of King Charles II., 
where it was seen by Boyle, who, being informed that it was prepared 
from an animal source, worked out the method of preparation and 
described this in a sealed paper which was deposited with the Royal 
Society in 1080 and published in 1693. l The urine was evaporated 
down to a syrup, which was mixed with three times its weight of clean 
sand and distilled at the highest available temperature from a retort, 
the neck of which almost touched the surface of some water. White 
fumes given off at first were followed by a vapour which condensed and 
fell to the bottom of the water. At the beginning of the eighteenth 
century the c: noctiluca " was made and sold by Boyle s assistant 
Hanckewit/ , and consequently it became known as *" Boyle s phos 
phorus or English phosphorus." 

Phosphorus was detected also in mustard seed by Albums in 1688. 2 
The existence of large supplies in minerals had been established by 
Gahn towards the end of the eighteenth century, who also recognised 
it in bone-ash (1769) and in the mineral pyromorphite (1779). 

Phosphorus was prepared in various European countries during the 
eighteenth century, but it remained an expensive chemical curiosity until 
Gahn, about 1770, discovered in bone-ash a more suitable source of 
phosphorus, and Schcele developed a method of preparing the element 
which was described in several communications. 3 According to this 
method the acid liberated from bone-ash by means of nitric acid and 
freed from lime by precipitation with sulphuric acid, was distilled with 
charcoal, phosphorus being collected under water. This method has 
the advantage of yielding the phosphorus at a comparatively low tem 
perature 1 , but the mctaphosphoric acid liberated by the nitric acid is 
partly volatilised and so partly escapes reduction. The present method 
of preparation proceeds by the following stages : 

Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 4-3l-IoS0 4 =3CaS0 4 + 2H 3 P0 4 . . (1) 

The calcium sulphate is filtered off and the phosphoric acid concen 
trated to a syrup and strongly heated in order to convert it into 
meta phosphoric acid 

H 3 P0 4 =HP0 3 -fII 2 . . . (2) 

This acid is mixed into a paste with charcoal or ground coke and 
distilled, (inishing at a yellow heat 



Preparation of White Phosphorus. 

(a) By Reduction of Phosphoric Acid. The world s supplies 
of phosphorus were for nearly a century obtained by a method sub 
stantially identical with that of Scheele. Scheele s raw material bone- 
ash, containing as it does from 34 to nearly 40 per cent, of P 2 O 5 and 
decomposed easily by sulphuric acid, is still the best which can be used. 
Precipitated phosphate of lime obtained as a by-product in the manu 
facture of glue from bones also contains nearly 40 per cent, of P 2 0o and 
is otherwise suitable. If phosphatic minerals are used for the pre 
paration they must contain less than 10 to 12 per cent, of calcium 
carbonate, with only small quantities of the oxides of iron, aluminium, 
magnesium and the alkali metals, since these dissolve in the acid and 
reappear in the retorts with undesirable effects. The aqueous phos 
phoric acid liberated by the sulphuric acid is concentrated by 
evaporation in lead-lined wooden tanks heated by lead pipes through 
which passes superheated steam. Evaporation is continued with 
stirring until the density of the liquor is raised to 1-325 or to 1-50, 
according to the nature of the next process. After the removal of 
any gypsum, CaSO 4 .2H 2 O, or anhydrite, CaSO 4 , the concentrated 
acid is mixed with saw-dust or charcoal, the former of which is suitably 
mixed with an acid of lower density, or the latter with syrupy acid. 
The mixture is evaporated in a cast-iron pot to expel any sulphuric 
acid which may remain. The charred mass is then introduced into 
fireclay bottles, a number of which, say 24, are placed back to back 
in a galley furnace similar to that used in the distillation of ziiic by the 
Belgian process. The necks of these bottles are luted to malleable 
iron pipes, which dip beneath water in closed troughs. Gases which are 
evolved during the distillation are trapped and led away to be burnt. 
Finally the retorts are raised to a white heat. The phosphorus vapour 
is completely distilled over in about 16 hours. The liquid which 
collects under water in the sloping troughs is ladled occasionally into 
boxes made of malleable iron for transport to the refinery. Here the 
crude product, which may be buff to brick-red or nearly black, is 
agitated under water with sulphuric acid and diehromatc of potash 
or soda. The liquid is afterwards siphoned and filtered through a 
canvas bag, then being rcmelted and run into tin moulds, where it 
solidifies in the form of sticks or wedges. The yield is slightly less 
than 70 per cent., or about two-thirds of the weight of combined 
phosphorus present in the charge, the loss being due in part to the 
fact that metaphosphoric acid is volatile above a red heat, and there 
fore escapes the reduction which is symbolised by equation (3), p. 5. 
Consequently the original procedure of Scheele was modified by the 
addition of only so much sulphuric acid as would form monocaleium 
phosphate, CaIi 4 (PO 4 ) 2 , which, on ignition, yields the metaphosphatc. 
When this metaphosphate is strongly heated it loses two- thirds of its 
phosphoric anhydride, which as it is liberated is reduced by the carbon 
as follows : 

3 ) 2 = Ca 3 (P0 4 ),+2P 2 5 
2P 2 S + IOC =P 4 + 10CO 


yield in this process is diminished by the production of phosphide, 
ddition to carbide, thus 

Ca 3 (PO 4 )o + 14C = 3CaC -i- 2P + SCO 

Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 -f 8C = Ca. 3 P 2 + SCO * 

> stated that phosphorus can be made in the ordinary blast furnace 
300 C., but it rapidly oxidises to the pentoxicle, the production of 
>n of which requires about 4 tons of coke. 2 

(b) Electric Furnace Processes. The intermediate preparation 
phosphoric acid and acid phosphates can be avoided by taking 
ant age of the fact that the less volatile silica can expel the more 
itile phosphoric anhydride, which can be reduced by carbon. 3 
h temperatures are required for these reactions, and these are best 
lined by electrical heating, although gas-fired furnaces lined with 
Dorundum have also been employed. 

The more acid phosphates oi ? lime melt below 1500 C. CaO.P 2 O 5 
370 to 980 and 2CaO.P O 3 at 1230 4 while tribasic and more 
ic calcium phosphates melt above 1550 C., 3CaO.P 2 5 at 1670. 
s last compound combines with silica at about 1150 C. to form 
ipounds such as 3CaO.3SiO 2 .P 2 O 5 ( 1760 C.), which are rather 
*e easily reduced by carbon than the original phosphate, on account 
:he increase in vapour pressure of the P 2 O 5 , which also combines 
i excess of silica to form completely reducible compounds such 
SiO 2 .P 2 O 5 and SSiC^.I^Os- The whole process may be summarised 
the equation : 

2Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 +6Si0 2 -f IOC =GCaSiO 3 -!- 10CO +P 4 

The mixture of bone-ash or ground phosphate rock, sand and coal 
t or wood charcoal is introduced continuously into a furnace heated 
the electric current, passing between carbon electrodes (sec p. 8). 
\ reaction begins at about 1100 C., but a much higher temperature 
cquired to melt the charge and slag of calcium silicate which is 
\vn off continuously, while the phosphorus distils at about 1.300 C. 

> yield is said to be about 02 per cent, of the theoretical. 

The first proposals for the employment oC electrical heating in the 
duct ion. of phosphorus were made by Rcadman, Parker and Robin- 
. 5 The simultaneous production of an alkali silicate by heating 
ill phosphate, silica and carbon in a regenerative furnace was 
ented by Folie-Desjardins. 6 In the Rcadman -Parker-Robins on 
cess, as worked later, the phosphate, carbon and fluxes, previously 
ted to a high temperature, are introduced into the upper part of an 
:tric furnace made of iron lined with refractory bricks and fitted 
h. condensing pipes in its upper part. The gases pass through a 
es of copper condensers, the first of which contains hot water, the 
ers cold water (or see p. 9). It has been found advisable to replace 

Liilbert and Frank, Carman Patent (1805), 02838. 
Roys to i: and Turpentine, hid. J ^/ /g. Cham., 1982, 24, 223. 
Rcadman, J. Sue. Ind., 1800, 9, 16.3, -173; 1801, 10, 4-15. 
Dieckman and Houdremont, Zf-d.sch. anorq. Cfiein.. 1921, 120. 120. 


the electric arc originally employed by an electrically heated resister, 1 
shown in fig. 1. The current is carried by the graphite rod 11, which 
is packed into the walls of the furnace with blocks of carbon. The rod 
radiates heat on to a charge C which consists of 100 parts of calcium 
phosphate and 50 parts of sand and carbon. This charge is introduced 
through. D, is melted on the hearth, and the slag Hows away through E. 
The phosphorus vapour and the gases are drawn off through the pipe P. 
The product is said to be more free from impurities than that made 
7 the reduction of the free acid. The phosphorus vapour, in an 


n;. 1. Electric Resistance Furnace for the Manufacture of Phosphorus. 
(Kltclrir /i<-<litc!ion Cum^iny.) 

atmosphere of carbon monoxide, is condensed in a slanling tube, which 
is connected by a set of vortical tubes with another slanting tube which 
conducts the gases to a condensing tower containing flat plates wetted 
with a solution of a copper salt or other reagent which will remove the 
last suspended globules of phosphorus. The issuing gas containing 
carbon monoxide is burnt, and supplies heat for the distillation of the 
crude condensed phosphorus. The second is condensed in a 
box under water ami may be pun" lied as described later. 

An experimental study of the reaction in a graphite tube resist 


llowing conclusions. 2 The mixture was still solid at 

1500. The phosphorus volatilised ranged from CK) to 00-8 per cent. 
of thai present. Volatilisation of phosphorus from mixtures of tri- 
calcium phosphate and carbon begins at 1150 C., and under favourable 

1 Electric Reduction Co., En- jli^fi Patent (.1898), f>79(>. See 
angcw. 6V/.e ///.., 190;"), 18, 1, J2, 401; Neumann, -ibid., 190f), 18, 289. 

2 Jacob and KeynokLs, lad. Eny. Chew., 1928. 20, 1204. 

also Hempel, Zattsch. 



conditions the reaction is complete in one hour at 1325 C., or in 10 
minutes at 1500 C. Less than 0-2 per cent, of the phosphorus is con 
verted into phosphide at such temperatures. The reaction, in the 
presence of excess of carbon, is unimoleciila.r between 1250 and 1400 C. 

Fin. "2. Distillation of Pliosphorus. 

Condensation and Redixtilldtion,. The condensation of the phos 
phorus vapour, mixed as it is with dust and furnace louses, presents 
special difficulties. The sketch (fig. 2) shows, diaoTammatically only, 
how these have been overcome in the patent of Billnndot ct (lie. 1 

The phosphorus vapour, escaping from the furnace, passes up a 
vertical tube which can be cleared of obstructions from time to time by 
a movable weight. It then passes down an inclined tube 13, which 
is connected with another tube E by a set of vertical tubes T. Both 

1 German Palt,d (1929), 106408. 


the lower and the upper end of D can be closed by valves. The 
phosphorus vapour condenses in droplets at about 50 C. Its flow 
can be further regulated by the introduction of gases from a compressor 
through the holes in the vertical tubes. The semi-fluid mixture is thus 
pushed through the valve h into a mixing chamber, and then into one 
of two distillation retorts H. These are built into the wall and heated 
by carbon monoxide from the escaping gases. The distillate drops 
into a double lead-lined and water-cooled box, which is inclined at an 
angle to the horizontal and furnished with an outflow cock. This 
condenser is not shown in the elevation (fig. 2). 

The gases escape through f and a valve into one of three plate- 
condensing towers G, and through a fan A which delivers them where 
required, or through a flue F. The plate towers are supplied with a 
solution of a copper or other metallic salt, which absorbs the last traces 
of phosphorus vapour. 

Purification is effected mainly by the methods already described. 
Crude phosphorus may be melted under dilute solutions of chromic 
acid, nitric acid or chlorine. Arsenic may be removed by distilling in 
a current of steam and carbon dioxide, and condensing under water. 
Phosphorus can be granulated if desired by melting under water and 
shaking until cold. 

Preparation of Red Phosphorus. 

For many of the purposes to which phosphorus is applied the red 
form is equally suitable, and when this is the case this form is greatly 
to be preferred on account of its non-poisonous and non-inflammable 
character (see p. 28). The conditions of transformation are now 
accurately known (see Chap. III.). 

On the large scale white phosphorus is heated in an iron pot em 
bedded in a sand-bath which is contained in an external iron vessel 
with double walls, the space between which is filled with an alloy of tin 
and lead. The pot containing the phosphorus is lined with porcelain 
and is provided with a tight cover bearing a bent tube of iron or 
copper which can be closed by a tap. The end of this tube, which 
acts as a safety valve against too high a pressure, dips under water or 
mercury. The external metal pot is heated to 220-250, and not 
above 260 C., for about ten days. Transformation proceeds more 
quickly if the operation is conducted in an autoclave at higher tempera 
tures. The product, a purplish-red mass, is ground and boiled with 
caustic soda to remove any unchanged white phosphorus, then washed 
and dried at a steam heat. 

USES OF Pjro.spnoiirs. 

Pyrotechnic Uses. The quantity of phosphorus consumed in the 
match industry exceeds by far that required for all other purposes. 
The total consumption exceeds 1000 tons per annum, the greater part 
of which is worked up for matches, hundreds of millions of which are 
made per annum in factories in all parts of the world. The phosphorus 
is now applied in the red or scarlet form or as one of the sulphides (q.v.). 
The materials used in friction matches have varied greatly at different 


and were manufactured from 1812. They contained no phos 
but consisted of sticks of wood tipped with melted sulphur ai 
coated with a mixture of sugar and chlorate of potash. The 
ignited by dipping in a bottle containing asbestos moistened w: 
centrated sulphuric acid. Similar applications of phosphon 
been described. Phosphoric tapers were made of wax coatc 
phosphorus, arid were enclosed in sealed glass tubes. The* 
warmed and then opened, when the phosphorus burst into flam 

Friction matches, invented in England in 1827, were tipped 
mixture of antimony tri sulphide, potassium chlorate and gu 
ignited by rubbing on sand-paper. The recognition of the s 
properties of phosphorus as an ingredient of these miniature ex 
dates from about 1833, when wooden matches, the heads o: 
contained phosphorus, appeared simultaneously in several co 
Attempts to prepare matches from yellow phosphorus had bee 
from about 1816 by Derosne and others, but it was only later dis 
that the heads must be coated first with another combustible i 
such as sulphur to transmit the flame of the phosphorus-* 
mixture. The first matches were both explosive and dai 
Chlorate was later replaced by lead peroxide, then by red k 
manganese dioxide in 1.837. l The first safety matches, prep; 
Eottger in 1848, * were tipped with gum, sulphur and chloi 
chromates, and a similar process was patented by May in 1865. 
about 1855 great quantities of safety matches were made in ! 
These were struck by rubbing on a surface containing red pho 
worked up with gum and antimony sulphide. The red phosp 
often replaced by scarlet phosphorus 2 or the sulphide, 
gradients arc worked up with glue and powdered glass or em 
mechanically painted on the sides of the boxes. The match st 
well soaked in paraffin wax or sulphur, and the ends then di 
a warm mixture of chlorate, dichromate, red lead and ai 

Recipes for matches have been the subject of numerous 
The following is a?i example of the complexity of the mixtures : 

Potassium chlorate 450 parts, potassium dichromate IK 
glass powder 75 parts, sulphur 60 parts, iron oxide 25 parts, r( 
phonis 7- 8 parts, tragacanth 30 parts, gum arabic 110 parts. 

The heads of lueifcr matches, which will ignite on any rough 
contain phosphorus in addition to the ingredients of the heads c 
matches. Accounts of the history and manufacture of mate! 
bo obtained from the following sources : 

"An Account of the Invention of Friction Matches," John 
Stockton-on-Tces. 1009 ; "The True History of the Inventio 
Lucifer Match." John Walker, Heavisides, Stockton-on-Tees 
sec also Clayton, Chem. New, 1911, 104, 223; "The Match In 
Dixon, London. 1925 : " Guide to Bryant and May s M 
Simpkin and Marshall, London; see also Gore, Chem. News, 
10, 31, etc. 

Allied to the match industry is the use of phosphorus ah 
stitucnt of fireworks, thus : 

1 Bottler, Annaler,, 1843, 47, 337. 

2 Muir and Bell, United States Patent (1903), 724411. 


White Fire. Potassium nitrate 100 parts, amorphous phosphorus 
10 parts. 

Blue Fire, Potassium nitrate 500 parts, barium carbonate 300 
parts, aluminium powder 200 parts, amorphous phosphorus 5 pares. 

Red Fire. Strontium nitrate 500 parts, strontium carbonate 300 
parts, aluminium powder 200 parts, amorphous phosphorus 5 parts. 

Firework and match materials are all potentially explosive, and 
should be mixed with care and in small quantities only. 

Alloys. Phosphorus as a constituent of bronzes is chiefly valued 
for its deoxidising effect, which confers a great toughness on the metal. 
The principal alloys are those containing copper, tin, zinc, nickel, lead 
and antimony. The phosphorus is usually added in the form of 
phosphor-tin. Phosphor-coppers may be made by heating copper 
phosphate or copper turnings and phosphorus in crucibles at 600-800. L 2 
Phosphor-bronze may contain Cu 89, Sn 13 and ? 0-3 per ccnt. :I The 
phosphorus should not exceed 0-6 per cent. 

Miscellaneous Uses. Calcium phosphide is used in marine signal 
lights, which are so constructed that they evolve spontaneously in 
flammable phosphine when thrown into water. 

Phosphides have been used to give a conducting surface to plaster 
moulds for electroplating. The mould is dipped in a solution of 
copper sulphate, then, after drying, in a solution containing caustic 
potash and phosphorus from which phosphine is being evolved. 
Copper phosphide is precipitated on or below the surface of the plaster. 4 
In silver plating a slightly different procedure is employed. The 
plaster mould is first covered with wax. then dipped in a. solution 
of phosphorus in four times its weight of carbon disuiphidc. It is 
then exposed to the air until fuming begins, whereupon it is dipped 
in a solution of silver nitrate containing about 100 grains of silver to 
the litre. 

In the manufacture of tungsten lamps the tungstic oxide may be 
reduced by heating with yellow or red phosphorus in an atmosphere of 
hydrogen. The tungsten powder containing phosphide which results 
is suitable for drawing into the filaments. 

Physiological Action. Phosphorus in oil or emulsified in fat and 
chalk has been used in medicine, but appears to have no particular 
value. However, a preparation made by exposing finely divided iron 
to the vapours of smouldering phosphorus is useful as an application 
to wounds caused by corrosive concentrated carbolic acid. 

The small doses of phosphorus which have occasionally been pre 
scribed have the effect of thickening the spongy tissue of bone by the 
deposition of true bone. Another effect is to stimulate metabolism, 
leading to increased secretion of nitrogen as ammonium salts of lactic 
and ketonie acids, which result from the incomplete oxidation oi fats 
and glycogcn. Some of the unoxidised fat is deposited m the liver 
and muscles and leads to degeneration, of these. 

When taken internally in quantities from 1 J- grains upwards, white 
phosphorus is an acute poison, producing at first symptoms of nausea 
and pain, which subside for a while, and are then succeeded by jaundice 

1, J. Aiiic.r. Cktm. >S or., 18i)7, 19, 303. 

- Bovn and .Bauer, Ze.dxch,. anorg. Chem., 1907, 52, 129. 

3 PhiJip, JUrass World, 1010, 6, 77. 

4 Osann. J. vraU. Cham.. 1854. 66. 2X4. 


and finally coma. 1 2 This action is due to the fact that phosphorus 
prevents the complete oxidation, of giycogen and fat. In cases of 
violent internal poisoning the stomach-pump is used, followed by 
copper sulphate in amounts sufficient to cause vomiting, then oil of 
turpentine. Black coffee is also recommended, and also the application 
of mustard plasters. 

The poisonous action of the vapour of phosphorus, or that of its 
lower oxide, is probably due to attack on exposed bone, e.g. in decayed 
teeth. It produces necrosis, which spreads inwards and gives rise to 
the disease known as t: phossy jaw," which has been found among 
workers in factories where phosphorus was made or used. Apart from 
the effect on bones, the vapour does not appear to be poisonous in 
small amounts. 

Hypophosphites and phosphates, e.g. calcium hypophosphite and 
glycerophosphate, are used in considerable quantities as " patent 
medicines " and in medicine generally as accessory foods. Acid 
phosphates are used extensively in baking powders and various manu 
factured foods. The phosphorus requirements of the animal body are 
stated on p. 4, and also the supply of the element in certain vege 
table products, while the probable role of phosphates in some biological 
processes is indicated on p. 169. From their intimate connection with 
life it will be gathered that by far the most important use of phos 
phorus compounds is in the manufacture of fertilisers (see Chap. XV.). 



PHOSPHORUS exhibits allotropy, and formerly was thought to exist in 
two forms, yellow and red. In addition, several other varieties, 
scarlet, violet, metallic and black phosphorus, were discovered later, 
some of which are perhaps not to be regarded as true allotropes. 
Their properties will be considered partly in the present chapter, and 
partly in Chapter III. 

General. White or yellow phosphorus * is a colourless or pale yellow, 
translucent, lustrous solid of waxy appearance, soft at ordinary tem 
peratures and brittle when cold (e.g. at C.). It melts at about 
44 C., giving a transparent liquid which can be supercooled many 
degrees below the melting-point without solidifying. The liquid 
catches lire in the air at about 60 C. and boils at about 280 C. in an 
indifferent atmosphere, giving a vapour which contains complex 
molecules (P 4 ). On long heating at temperatures slightly below its 
boiling-point it is transformed into red phosphorus. White phos 
phorus is almost insoluble in water, but is volatile with steam, to which 
it imparts a luminosity ; this serves as a delicate test for the element. 
It is soluble in carbon disulphicle and in most organic solvents. 

It is one of the most easily oxidised of the non-metals, having a low 
ignition-point and burning in the air with great evolution of heat and the 
production of the pentoxitle and some red phosphorus. It also com 
bines vigorously with the halogens, and gives a more complete series 
of halides than any other non-metallic element. 

The Melting and Freezing of White Phosphorus. Pure white 
phosphorus when slowly heated melts very sharply at 44-0 C. Under 
these conditions it behaves as a ;: unary :: substance, i.e. one whose 
molecules are all the same, physically as well as chemically. But, in 
the account of the transformations which is given later, the theory is 
put forward that the liquid contains at least two kinds of molecules, 
which may be called Pa and Pp. There will be a definite concentration 
of each in equilibrium at any one temperature, and if the temperature 
is lowered slowly, these relative concentrations will alter down to the 
melting-point, 44-0 C., at which the solid is in equilibrium with a 
particular mixture of Pa and P/j. The solid is not necessarily in 
equilibrium at this melting-point with those proportions of P and 
P/5 which are found at a higher temperature. The expected altera 
tion in the freezing-point was realised experimentally by cooling phos- 

* Note. The terms as generally used are almost synonymous. We have preferred 
"white" in this volume, as the most carefully purified element is very pale in colour. 



phorus very rapidly from 100 C. to temperatures just below or just 
above 44-0 in a capillary tube, then inoculating with solid phosphorus. 
Temperatures were read on a resistance thermometer which had a 
negligible heat capacity and lag, and hence took up the temperature of 
its surroundings practically instantaneously. After a slight fall, the 
temperature rose to 44-1, 44-25 and even above 45-0, an extreme range 
of 1-8 being observed. The pseudo-binary character of the pure 
white form was thus revealed. 

The degree of supercooling to which liquid phosphorus can be sub 
jected without solidification also depends on its previous history. If 
the cooling be slow, pure liquid phosphorus may be kept for days at 
18 C. If the liquid be heated to 100 C. and suddenly cooled to ordinary 
temperatures it crystallises spontaneously in a few seconds without 
inoculation. lf 2> 3 

As the fusion of phosphorus is accompanied by an increase of volume 
(see p. 16), the melting-point is raised by increase of pressure. The 
experimental results are expressed by the formula 

* m = 43-93 ~ Q Q275p -0-0 6 50p 2 

in which the pressure p is expressed in kilograms per square centimetre. 4 
Specific Heats. -The mean specific heat of solid white phosphorus 
has been determined by several investigators with moderately con 
cordant results : 

Temperature Interval (C.). 

Specific Heat. 



- 78 to 

+ 10 

i -170-0 -174 

llegnault. 5 


~ r 55 


! 0-185 



+ 13 ,, 

+ 36 C 


Kopp. 6 


- 21 

+ 7 C 


Person. 7 


-188 .. 

+ 20 


Richards and 

Jackson. 8 

The atomic heats arc therefore 5-33, 5-74 and 6-26 over the three ranges 
of temperature (1), (2), (3). There is a slight deviation from Dulong 
and Petit s law 9 at the lower temperatures, in the same sense as that 
met with in the case of the elements carbon, boron and silicon. But 
although phosphorus has a relatively low atomic weight, it also has a 
low melting-point, and the atomic heat as usual assumes the normal 
value at temperatures near the melting-point. 

Latent Heat of Fusion. The, latent heat of solidification at the 
melting-point, +44-2 C., is 5-031 calorics per gram or 0-1.6 Calorics 

1 Sinks, Ze-Uvch. phyxtkal. Chtm., I OIK 76, 421. 
- Smits, ibid., lOli; 77, 367. 

;! Smits and Leemv, Proc. K. Aka<L Wf-tenM ,b. A m-xlc-rdfim, .11) J. I, 13,822. See also 
Cohen and Olic, Zc.iixch. pltijxika.L Cham , It) 10, 71, 1. 

- 1 Tammann, " I\ry*tf{l/.iMn /n. -tu/d fcchin-f-lztn," Leipzig, 1003. 

5 Regnault, Ann. Clu>,i. PJnj*., 1840, [3"j, 26, 2SG; .1853, [3], 38, 120. 

G Kopp, AntinUii XnppL, 186;"), 3, 200. 

7 Person, Ann. Chhn. Phy*., 1847, [3J, 21, 205. 

8 Richards and Jackson, Zcitxch. phy^lhil. Cham., 1010, 70, 445. 

9 See Vol. I., this Series, or Text-booh of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 1., J. Xewton Friend 


per gram-atom l a very low value, which may be compared with 
that & of sulphur, namely, 0-80 Calories per gram-atom. The latent 
heat, as usual, diminishes with fall of temperature. The following 
values were obtained on allowing the supercooled liquid to crystallise : 

27-35 : 29-73 ; 40-05 
4-744 4-744 4-070 calories per gram. 2 

The latent heat increases at the higher melting-points which are obtained 
at higher pressures ; thus at t =50-03 C. and p = 22 kg./sq. cm. I was 
4-94, while at 69-98 C. and 959 kg. it was 5-28. 3 At still higher pres 
sures the increase in I continues, as is shown by the following results, 
which refer to white phosphorus : 

p . . ! 1 2000 

t . \ 44-2 99-3 

; / . I 2-09 2-41 










Pressure and temperature are expressed in the units given above, and 
latent heats in kilogram-metres per gram. The last value refers to 
black phosphorus. 4 

If the latent heat of fusion is taken as 5-0 calories absorbed per 
gram of phosphorus at the melting-point (T ia = 317-5 C. (abs.)), the 
high value of 40-4 is obtained as the cryoscopic constant for 1 mol of 
a solute in 1000 grams of phosphorus. The experimental value obtained 
by dissolving naphthalene in phosphorus was 33-2. 5 

Density. The density of solid white phosphorus is nearly twice as 
great as that of water. The following table is compiled from the results 
of different investigators : 


18 20 40 44 ! 44 

D ; 1-8368 G 1-828 8 , 1-8232 6 : 1-8008 6 1-805 9 1-745 (liquid) 9 

; 1-82 7 : . . . . .. . . 1-748 (liquid) 8 

Hence the coefficient of expansion of solid phosphorus at ordinary 
temperatures is 0-0037 c.c. per degree Centigrade. The solid expands 

1 Person, loc. at. 

- Patterson, J.prald. Chtm., 1881, [2], 24, 120, 293. 
" Tarn m arm, " Kryst. und Schmc.lz." Leipzig, 1903. 

* jVo/e. The factor for conversion into calories is O426S. 
1 Eridgman, Phys. ./?e?;/ci/:, 1914, [2], 3, 153. 

5 Schenek and Buck, tier., 1904, 37, 915. 

G Pisati and do .Franchis, Her., 1875, 8, 70. 

7 Jolibois,, Paris, 1920. 

s Boeseken, Rec. Trav. chim., 1907, 26, 289. 

9 Hess, PhysikaL Zcitsch., 1905, 6, 1862. 


by about 3 per cent, on fusion ; the ratio of the density of the solid to 
that of the liquid at this temperature is 1-035 1 or 1-0345 2 to 1. 

Compressibility. The coefficient of compressibility is defined as 
the fractional change of volume produced by a change of pressure 
amounting to 1 mcgabar (10 6 dynes per square centimetre). The 
range of pressure investigated was 100 to 500 megabars, and the com 
pressibilities at room temperatures were 20-3 for white phosphorus 
and 9-2 for the red or violet variety. 3 Thus, as usual, a high compressi 
bility was found for an element of high atomic volume, and the more 
condensed form had the lower compressibility. 

Crystalline Form. It was shown by the earlier investigators 
that phosphorus crystallised from the liquid state in octahedra and 
dodecahedra, from carbon disulphidc in octahedra, and that, when 
prepared by sublimation, the crystals had about 200 distinct faces. 4 
Well-shaped crystals of white phosphorus may be obtained by solidi 
fication of the liquid, by slow sublimation, or by evaporation of solutions 
in organic solvents. They belong to the regular system, and have a 
columnar shape if obtained from one set of solvents, e.g. carbon disul- 
phide, benzene, alcohol, ether, petroleum, while they have shapes 
derived from the cube and dodecahedron if obtained from turpentine, 
oil of almonds, etc. 5 By slow sublimation various forms of the regular 
system are obtained which may have every possible number of faces 
(except 48) up to 200. 6 According to Briclgman 7 white phosphorus 
crystallises both in the regular and in the hexagonal system, the transi 
tion temperature being raised by increase of pressure. Thus under 
12,000 atmospheres the conversion occurs at -r64 -4 c C., under atmo 
spheric pressure at -76-9, and under the pressure of its own vapour 
at -80, which therefore appears to be the transition point between 
this j8- for in and the ordinary or a-fonn of white phosphorus. The 
/3-form, stable under high pressures, is produced with a volume con 
traction of about 2 per cent. The density is 2-090. 8 

Refract! vity. -As is to be expected from the brilliant gem-like 
appearance of the crystals and drops of liquid white phosphorus, the 
refractive index is high. At the ordinary temperature the refractive 
index for the D line (A -589-0 to 589-6 m/x) was found to be 2-144 9 
or 2-14. 10 The differences between the refractive indices of the solid 
and the liquid arc shown in the table overleaf. 

Electrical Conductivity. -Phosphorus is an electrical insulator. 
The conductivity of the solid clement was found to be of the order of 
10 -11 mhos per centimetre cube and that of the liquid 1()~ (5 mhos per 
centimetre cube. 11 Black phosphorus, which must be considered the 

1 Hess, Pkyxikal. Zfiil.sch., 190 

3 liicharcls, Zf-if^ch. EU-.ktrochc: 

4 See Dammar, " Handb-uc.h (It 

5 Rctgors, Zicitxch. a/iory. C/ir.i 
20, .1022; Christomanos, Zcit^.ch. 

6, 1862. - Leduc, CowpL rc-nd., 1891, 113, 259. 

., .1907, 13, 519; ,/. Amc.r. Chnn. ,SV;., 1915, 37, 1643. 

<iiior(;(rriixch( iL Clicniir., * vol. ii., pi. i. 

, 1894, 5, 218. See also Bokorny, Chew.. Zeit., 1896, 

lot f/., 1905, 45, 132. 

.Rctgors, loc. cit. 

7 Bridgman, J. A-mr-r. Cherti. froc., 1914, 36, 1344. 

8 Bridgman, J. Avu-r. CliMii. Soc.., 191.4, 36, 1.344; ibid., 1916, 38, 609. 






Line and 7. 

in m//. 

D Ha 

589-0-589-6. 656-3. 




25-0 2-141 

37-5 . . i 2-08873 \ 







i 2-05370 : 



most metallic form of the element, is a relatively good conductor, the 
specific resistance being slightly less than 1 ohm per centimetre cube 
but diminishing with rise of temperature. 2 

The dielectric constant of solid white phosphorus was found to 
be 4-1 at 20 C., and that of liquid phosphorus 3-85 at 45. 3 The 
electrochemical potential is said to lie between those of arsenic 
and tellurium. 4 Phosphorus is diamagnetic. 5 The magnetic sus 
ceptibility of the solid white element is about 0*9 x 10~ 6 mass units, 
that of the red variety rather less. 6 

lonisation Potential, V, v . This may be defined as the smallest 
difference of potential through which an electron must fall in an 
electric field in order that its kinetic energy, mi; 2 2, =eV\ (c is the 
electronic charge), may be sufficient to raise an atom after collision 
from state (1) with energy E 1 to another possible quantum state (2) 
with energy E z . In changing back from quantum state (2) to (1) the 
atom will emit radiation of a frequency F A given by : 

eV\ = hv (h = Planck s constant; v=wave number in waves per cm.) 
The wavelength A A of this radiation is calculated from : 

A A =c/v (c is the velocity of light) 

In the case of phosphorus, V\ -=5-80 0-1 and A v =2130 A. 7 
The ionisation potential has also been determined by the method 
of electronic collisions. Free electrons, from a heated platinum wire. 
are introduced into the vapour of an element under low pressure. By 
the application of increasing potentials increasing kinetic energies are 
imparted to the electrons. After a certain threshold value has been 
passed, the electrons strike the atoms in inelastic collisions, and mono 
chromatic radiation is emitted by the atoms. When this method was 

1 Damien, loc.cit. 

2 Briclgman, Proo. Arncr. AcacL, 1921, 56, 126; Li nek and Juii,, <ch. anorrj. Chem., 
1925, 147, 288. 

3 Schlundt, J. Physical Chew., 1904, 8, 122. 

Schenck, Ber., 1903, 36, 995. - Faraday, Phil Trans., 1846, 136, 4.1. 

6 Quincke, Wicd. Annaltn, 1885, 24, 347; P. Curie, Compt. rend., 1892. 115, 1292; 
Pascal, Ann. Chiin. Phys., 1910, [8], 19, 5; Honda, Ann. Pli.ysil, 1910, [4], 32, 1027; 
Meyer, ibid., 1900, [4], i, 664. 

7 Foote and Moliler, Phys. Review, 1920, [2], 15, ooo. 



applied to phosphorus vapour the value of the potential E was found 
to be 10-3 volts. 1 

Solubility .White phosphorus is almost insoluble in water. It 
dissolves easily in liquid ammonia, sulphur dioxide and cyanogen, also 
in such compounds as phosphorus trichloride which mix with typical 
organic solvents. It is moderately soluble in fatty oils, also in hydro 
carbons, alcohols, ethers, halogenated hydrocarbons such as chloroform 
and especially methylene iodide. One of the best solvents for phos 
phorus, as for sulphur, is carbon disulphide, which seems to dissolve 
it in all proportions at ordinary temperatures ; a solution has even 



Water. 2 

i Acetic 
Acid, 2 Paraffin. 2 
96 per cent. 

Oleic Almond 
Acid. 2 Oil. 2 

Grams Phosphorus in 100 
grains Solution 


0-105 1-45 

1-06 1-25 

Alcohol 3 
Solvent, (absolute). 

Glycorol ! 
( den sit- v i 
l-2f)6). ri ! 

Grams Phosphorus in 100 
grams Solvent . . 0-208 

0-25 ; 


10 15 , 18 20 23 

Solubility in 

grams ; 

per 100 


. 1-513 : 1-99 2-31 



Density of 

So hi- j 


. . ; . . 0-899 0-S9S5 


2-7 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-7 

0894 0-892 0-S90 8875 0-88(51 

e c. 30 

35 -10 ! 45 




65 i 70 75 



i j 

Solubilitvm grams 



per 100 grains 
Solvent ." . 4-60 

5-17 5-75 6-1L 




8-40 8-90 ; 9-40 


1 Compion and Mohler, /ig^ und Aiirw/irnyritipowtuwjcn,* uberset.zt von 
R. Suhrmann, Berlin, 1925. See also Mohler and .Foote, " lotiiwdwn and Resonance 
Potentials of some J\~ on-Metallic Elements, * Washington, 1920. 

2 Stich, Phartn,. Zeit., 1903, 48, 343; see Cficm"Zcntr., 1903, 1291. 

3 Schacht, Pharm. J., 1880, [3], n, 464. 

4 Ossendowsky, J. Pharm. Chim., 1907, [6], 26, 162. 

5 Chnslomanos, Zeitsch. anorg. Chem., 1905, 45, 136. 




1 i ! : i i j ; 
tC. \ : o : 8 10 i 15 IS i 20 i 23 25 

Grains Phosphorus 
in 100 grams 



i ; ! 

0-79 0-85 0-90 ! 1-01 ! 1-04 1-12 1-39 

Density of Solution 

0-729 : 0-723 0-719 j 0-718 : 0-722 0-728 


Grams Phosphorus in 100 , 

grams Solution . . . \ 1-60 





-10 -7-5 -5-0 -3-o -3-2 

i | ; __ ; ; 

i ! . ! 

Grams Phosphorus i , \ ; 

in 100 irrams j ; ! i : 

Solution /" . , 31-40 : 35-8^ 41-9o 00-14 i 71-7:2 7o-0 i 81-27 | 86-3 ; 89-8 

been prepared containing 20 parts of phosphorus in 1 part of carbon 
disulphide. These solutions are dangerous ; the volatile and enclo- 
thermic disulphide forms an explosive mixture with air at ordinary 
temperatures, and the finely divided phosphorus which is left on 
evaporation ignites spontaneously. This is illustrated in the well- 
known lecture experiment in which the solution is allowed to evaporate 
on filter-paper. 


Values of the densities and specific volumes up to the boiling- 
point have been determined and are as follows : - 


t C. . . i 30 

Density . . 1-7684 

Specific Volume 0-5654 

40 56-5 100 200 280 200 i 

1-74924 1-7444; 1-6949 1-0027, 1-52SG7! 1-4850; 
0-5719 0-5733 0-5899 0-6238 0-6544 0-6733, 

1 Christoraanos, Zerisch. (rnorcj. Chaw., 1005, 45, 136. 

2 Cohen a-nd Inouye, Zeitsch. physikal. Ch-em., 1910, 72, 41S: Cohen and Inonye, 
Chem. Weelcblad, 1.910, 7, 277. Of. Giran, J. Physique, 1903, [4], 2, 807. 

3 Pisati and de Fi-anchis, Bcr., 1880, 13, 2147. 


Hence the expansion of the liquid is expressed by the formula 
v t = o 50 [l + 0-0 3 5167(* - 50) + 0-0 6 370(* - 50) 2 ] 

In another investigation, on 0-7669 gram of phosphorus con 
tained in an evacuated glass dilatometer, the increase of volume 
between 50 and 235 C. was found to be expressed by : l 

v t =0-5733[1 n-0-0 3 505(/ -50) 4-0-0 6 118(* -50) 2 ] 

The agreement between the two expressions is good at the lower 
temperatures, and the differences at higher temperatures are about 
the same value as the coefficient of expansion of glass. Thus at 200 C. 
the second equation gives the specific volume as 0-6180 c.c. per gram. 
Without the correction for expansion of glass the apparent specific 
volume becomes 0-621 c.c. 

The specific volume at the boiling-point, determined by the method 
of Ramsay, 2 was 0-6744 c.c. The corresponding atomic volume 2 is 
20-90-4. This constant thus lies between 20 and 21,* with a tendency 
to diminish on keeping the phosphorus at this boiling temperature, 
owing to the formation of the denser P/5 molecules, which are shown 
by the cherry-red colour of the liquid. 

Vapour Pressures. The vapour pressures of liquid phosphorus 
are tabulated overpage in three sections, namely 

(a) Commencing below the triple point, which is practically the same 

as the melting-point, and up to about 150 C. 3> 4 

(b) From about 150 C. to nearly 360 C. Over this range three 

sets of measurements are available. 5 G> 7 

(c) From about 500 C. to the melting-point of violet phosphorus 

the pressures of the metastable or supercooled liquid are 
known, 6 and the pressure curve of liquid violet phosphorus 
has been followed up to over 600 C. 6 

These results have been expressed by various interpolation formuke. 
That originally proposed by Srnits and Bokhorst was 

logp (mm.)= - 3 98 ^ 96 ,3.59 i g T + 19-2189 

This was found to give pressures lower than those experimentally de 
termined between 44 and 150 C. by Macllae and Voorhis, who have 
altered the constants to fit this range also, as follows : 

logp (mm.)= - :L ^ r -- 1-2566 log T + 11-5694 

These formula; express the pressures of the liquid from 44 C. to 634 C. 

I Pridoaux, Trans. Chun. Xoc., .11)06, 91, 1713. 

- Ramsay and Masson, Trans. Chc/n. /S oc., 1881, 39, 50. 

* The probability of maximum positive error is low. 

3 Centnerszwer,"#e/Asc7i. phyaikal. Ckt-m., 1913, 85, 99. 

II Duncan, MacKae and van Voorhis, J. Amcr. Cht-m. $oc., 1921, 43, 547. 

5 Jolibois, rend., 1909, 149, 287; 1910, 151, 382. 

6 Preuner and Brockrnoller, Zeitscfi. physihd. Ckem., .1912-3, 81, 129. 

7 Smits and Bokliorsl, Zcitsch. physical. 6 Aev/i., 1914, 88, 608 ; 1916, 91, 249. 


(a) Liquid White Phosphorus. 

t C. . ; 20 30 , 

p (mm.) 0-025 3 0-072 4 


44-1 69-92 
0-173 2 0-823 

100-11 ! 119-85 150-0 
3-66 j s-60 1 27-20 2 

(b) Liquid White Phosphorus. 

(From about 150 to above the boiling-point (Jolibois).) 
Jolibois. 3 


t C. . 

145 173 



200 205 " 219 

235 239 244 

p (atm.) 





0-157 0-178 0-253 

0-366 0-418 


t C. . 





259 262 268 

273 275 


p (atm.) 





0-675 0-705 0-797 

0-850 0-925 


t C. 

281 283 



299 : 307 1 312 

p (atm.) 

1-034 1-071 



1-437 1-650 ; 1-817 


Preuncr and Brockmoller. 4 

rc. . 130 




165 170 180 190 


p (atm.) 0-0145 




0-0421 0-0486 0-0684 0-100 


t c C. . 





250 270 290 

p (atm.) 

0-245 0-271 



0-561 ! 0-776 i 1-030 . . 

: i i 

Smits and Bokhorst. 5 

e c. 

p (atm.) . 





; 210-0 
; 0-20 

! 229-8 
; 0-32 


* C. . 252-0 
p (atm.) . : 0-54 

261-4 265-5 
0-69 , 0-74 


! 298-6 
i 1-38 



t C. 

p (atm.) . 





i . . 




1 Centnerszwer, loc. at. * BK5S3 3 *, MacRae and van Voorhis, loc cit 

3 Jolibojs, Compt. rend., 1909, 149, 287 ; 1910, 151, 382. 

4 Preuner and -Brockmoller, Zeitsch. physilcaL Chem., 1912-3, 81, 129. 

5 Smits and Bokhorst, Zeilsch. physical. Chem., J914, 88, 608 ; 1916, 91, 249. 


(c) Liquid Violet Phosphorus^v 

l t c. 



581 589-5 





1 p (atm.) . 


1 33-0 






82-2 * 



The latent heat of vaporisation of liquid yellow phosphorus at its 
boiling-point has been given as 4 Cals. 2 or 3-89 Cals. 3 This subject is 
further developed on p. 36, under " Violet Phosphorus." 

Surface Tension. The values of the surface tension a and density 
D at two temperatures were determined with the object of calculating 
the molar surface energy o-(J//D)i, and its change with temperature. 4 

Then, by comparison with the normal temperature coefficient, the 
molar weight in the liquid state can be deduced. 5 

t C. 




A(Molar surface energy); A^. 





2-205 4 

The molar weight M used in this calculation corresponded to a molecule 
P 4 , and since the temperature coefficient calculated on this assumption 
is normal, the molar weight in the liquid state is thus found to be the 
same as in the gaseous state. The molar weight in the dissolved state 
at the boiling-point of carbon disulphide, 6 and at the freezing-point of 
benzene, also corresponds very closely to P 4 . 7 


The Densities of Phosphorus Vapour. That phosphorus, in 
common with other non-metals, forms complex molecules in the 
gaseous state was established early in the nineteenth century by deter 
minations of vapour density. At a temperature of 500 C. the relative 
density (air 1) is 4-35 ; 8 at higher temperatures it falls, being 3-632 
at 1484 C. and 3-226 at 1677 C. 9 The molecule 1\ requires a density 
of 4-294. The molecular complexity thus revealed is confirmed by the 
low value of the ratio of the specific heats, namely. 3-175 at 300 C. 10 

1 Smits and Bokhorst, Zr.ilxch. pkysikal. Chew.., 1916, 91, 248 
* Note. Critical temperature and pressure. 

2 de Forcrand, Compf. rc.nd., .190J, 132, S7S. 

3 Giran, Compt. rend., 1903, 136, 550, 677; Giran, ;: llccherckes sur h phosphcre et, les 
acides phosphonques, Paris, 1903. 

1 Aston and Ramsay, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1894, 65, 173. 

5 See "A Text-booh of Physical Chemistry" Vol. 1., J. Xewton Friend (Griffin), 1933. 

Beckmann, Ztilsch, phy&ikal. Ch&m., 1890, 5, 76. 

7 Hertz, Ztitsch. pJnjs-iM. Chem., 1890, 6, 358. 

8 Deville and Troost, rend., 1S63, 56, 891. 

y Meyer and Biltz, Her., 1889, 22, 725; see also Mensching and Meyer, Annalen, 1887, 
240, 317". 

10 de Lucchi, Nuovo dm., 1882, [3], n, 11. See also A Text-book of Physical Chemistry ," 
Vol. I., J. Xowton Friend (Griffin). 

Many determinations at the higher temperatures have been made by 
measuring the pressures of a known weight of gaseous phosphorus 
enclosed in a fixed volume. 1 The phosphorus was vaporised by means 
of an electric furnace in a completely closed vessel, the pressures being 
read on a quartz spiral manometer, which obviated the necessity of 
having any manometric fluid. From measurements of pressure, tem 
perature and volume, the apparent molecular weight, or mean relative 
weight of the kinds of molecules which are present, can be calculated by 
the usual applications of the gas laws. 1 Different amounts of phos 
phorus confined in the same volume exert different pressures, and a 
comparison of these with the relative densities indicates the effect of 
pressure upon dissociation for the particular temperature. From, about 
500 C. to 600 C. densities show the presence of P 4 molecules only. 
Between 600 C. (at which the density is 61-5 to 61-9 independently 
of the pressure) and 1200 C. dissociation takes place progressively, 
possibly in the stages 

P 4 2P 2 ^4P 

An attempt was made to calculate equilibrium constants for the separate 
dissociations, the heats of which could thus be determined : 

P 4 -> 2P -31-5 Cals. 
P 2 ->2P~-45-5 Cals. 

By means of the simpler assumption that each kind of dissociation is 
complete before the next begins, the degrees of dissociation a at each 
temperature and pressure can be calculated directly from the densities, 
as in the following table. 2 



t C. 

P (771111.). 



/ C. / > (nun.). 







1200 : 950 























: 0-01 





1300 7(50 

0-00 (calc 











0-81 ., 











The mean heat of dissociation, calculated from the variations in 
the dissociation constant between 1100 and 1200 C., is 49-2 Cals. per 
mol (P 4 ). From this the constant, K, was calculated at 1300 C., and 
the percentage dissociations at this temperature. At low pressures and 

1 Premier and Brockmoller, Zeitsch. physical. CJitm., 1912, 81, 161. 

2 Stock, Gibson and Stamm, Ber. 9 1912, 45, 3527. 


above this temperature, the dissociation into P 2 being now complete, 
it is probable that single atoms, P, will begin to appear. On the 
assumption that P 4 , P 2 and P arc all present at an early stage, it is 
calculated that at 1200 C. and low pressures there is already a con 
siderable percentage of P. 1 2 

The dissociation constants 7v 4 (P 4 ^2P 2 ) and K z (P 2 ^=2P) are 
calculated to be : 

L 4 

K 9 

. 800 


I 1200 

. ; 350 


! 2-11 

. ! 7-4 


! 3G-0 

! : 

The atomicity of phosphorus vapour under the critical conditions 
may be calculated from the van dcr Waals coefficient b, which represents 
the actual volume occupied by the molecules and is given by the 
equation 3 

Sp, 273 8X82-2 273 

The value of b for phosphorus in combination is obtained additively 
from the critical data of phosphine. For the compound b is 0-00233, 
and for three hydrogen atoms 3b is 0-001086, whence b for combined 
phosphorus (1 atom) is 0-0012 44. The ratio of this to b for the free 
element gives the atomicity, 4-33, of the latter. 

Refractivity. The refractivity at three, wavelengths was deter 
mined by means of the Jamin refractometer, a weighed quantity of 
phosphorus being gradually vaporised in an evacuated tube of fused 
silica with transparent plane parallel ends. 4 

A . 

. i 6800 A 
. 1200 

; 5S93 A 

5100 A 

The equation giving n - 1 as a function of A is 
n-1 =0-0011621 + 

From this the value of n-l at A = 5893 is about 0-0012. 

Spectra of Phosphorus and Its Compounds. When the ele 
ment or some of its compounds are introduced into a llame, or when 
hydrogen containing a little phosphorus vapour is burned, a green 
colom^is observed which has been resolved into bands in the orange, 
yellow and green. 5 The passing of an electric discharge through a tube 
containing phosphorus vapour at low pressures also showed a green 
colour which was resolved into similar bands. 6 Other observations 

1 Stock, Gibson and Stanim, tttr., 11)12, 45, 3527. 

- Prouner and Brockm oiler, Loc. cd. y Smits and Bokhorst, loc. at., p. 270. 

i Cutlibertson and Metcalfc, Proc. Hoy. Sue., 1908, 80 (A), 411. 
5 Dusart, Covvpi. rend., 1856, 43, 112(5. 

c PI ticker and Hittorf, Plul. Trans., 1865, 155, 1; Hartley, PhiL Trans., 1894, 185 (A), 


are summarised in the appropriate works of reference * and compre 
hensive papers. 2 . . 

It has now been established that the emission spectrum of the 
element lies in the ultraviolet. Prominent lines in the are and spark 
spectra are found at A = 2555-7, 2554-0, 2536-4, 2534-75 A. These are 
also seen in the spectra from the vapour in a Geissler tube, and in 
addition other lines at 2497-3 and 2484-1. 3 A photographic record of 
the condensed spark spectrum showed lines at 2555-0, 2553-3, 2535-6, 
2534 A. 4 

When phosphoric acid or its salts are introduced into a carbon arc 
they give a mixed line and band spectrum. There is a band at 3286 
to 3246 A and others are found at 2635, 2625, 2611, 2597, 2588 and 
2571 A. Sharp lines are seen at 2555-0 to 2553-37 A, which represent 
the double line of the element at 2535-74 to 2534-12 A. There are 
several faint streaks at 2477 to 2385 A. 5 The arc spectrum obtained 
by introducing phosphorus pentoxide into a copper arc contains at 
least 35 lines of wavelengths ranging from 2550 to 1672 A. Many 
of these are connected together as systems of constant frequency 
difference, and some of these series are due to doubly and trebly ionised 
phosphorus. 6 The low-voltage arc spectrum also shows lines and 
bands. 7 

The spectrum oC the electrodeless discharge shows, in the spectral 
region transmitted by fmorite (CaF 2 ), 12 lines between 1859-4 and 
1671-5 A. 7 These also depend upon the degrees of ionisation of the 
phosphorus atom. 8 

From the foregoing data it is evident that these spectra are similar 
to those which proceed from the slow combustion of phosphorus (p. 124). 

Absorption of Radiation. Neither phosphorus vapour nor the 
compounds of phosphorus with colourless elements show selective 
absorption in the visible region. The vapour shows general absorption 
in the ultraviolet from a wavelength of about 2500 A at 150 C., 2820 A 
at 190 and 2960 A at 220. Phosphine transmits rays down to about 
2230 A, and phosphorus trichloride down to about 2590 A. 9 The 
infra-red absorption by PH 3 is described under that compound. 

Fluorescence. When the vapour of phosphorus at 600 to 700 C. 
and 1 mm. pressure (therefore containing a considerable proportion of 
diatomic molecules) is confined in a sealed quartz tube and exposed to 
the spark lines 2195 and 2144 A of cadmium, 2100 and 2062 A of zinc 
or 1990 and 1935 A of aluminium, it gives a fluorescent emission con 
sisting of a resonance series in the region 3500 to 1900 A. 10 

1 Kayser, l Handbuch der Speldroscopie^ 6, 239, Leipzig, 1912; Hicks, A Treatise 
on. the Analysis of Spectra., Cambridge, 1922. 

2 de Gramont, Bull. See. chim., 1898, [3], 19, 54. 

3 Kayser, Hayjitlinie/i der Luaen-Spckfm der lemente," J. Springer, Berlin, 1926. 
1 dc Gramont, Compt. rend., 1920, 172, 1106. 

5 "Atlas Typischer Syzktren" Edcr and Valcnla, 1928, Verleger d. Akad. d. Wiss. 

b Saltmarsli, Phil May., .1924, 47, 874; Sur, Nature, 1925, 116, 542. 

7 Duliendack and Hutlistemer, Phys. Rtvt.eic, 1925, [2], 25, 110, 501. 

8 ilillikan and Bowen, Phys. iteview, 1925, [2], 25, 591, etc.: Deiardins, Compt. rend., 
1927, 185, 1453. 

9 Purvis. Proc. Camb. Phil Soc., J923, 21, 566; Dobbie and Fox, Proc. Roy. Soc., 
1920, 98 (A), 147. 

10 Jakovlev and Tcrenin, Nature, 1929, 337. See also Geuther, Ztitsch. iciss. Photocliem., 
1907, 7, 1. 


Mass Spectrum. The analysis of phosphorus by positive rays 
shows that it is a pure element, consisting of atoms which all have the 
same mass. 1 


Phosphorus unites directly with many of the more electronegative 
elements, forming oxides, halides, sulphides and selenides. The 
conditions of formation are described under the respective sections in 
this volume. The energies of combination with oxygen and the halo 
gens are great. The oxidation probably always proceeds in stages, as 
described under ct Oxides." The combustion proceeds not only in air 
and in oxygen, but also in many compounds containing oxygen, such 
as oxides of nitrogen and sulphur. Halogenation also proceeds in 
stages in those cases where both a higher and a lower halide are formed 
(see "Halides "). Phosphorus combines with nitrogen only under 
special conditions, and under the influence of the electric discharge 
nitrogen is absorbed by phosphorus. 2 A mixture of phosphorus 
vapour with nitrogen under the influence of the electric discharge, forms 
a solid nitride. 3 

Phosphorus also unites directly with many metals giving phosphides 
(see p. 60), which are described under the respective metals in the 
volumes of this Series. 

Phosphorus does not, like nitrogen, combine directly with hydrogen.* 
In this respect it resembles the succeeding members of the Group. 

Phosphorus is readily oxidised by strong oxidising agents such as 
nitric acid to phosphorous and phosphoric acids, eventually the latter. 
Hydrogen peroxide of concentration greater than 6 per cent, reacts 
violently when warmed with red phosphorus, less violently with white 
phosphorus, giving phosphine, phosphorous and phosphoric acids. 4 

The reaction of phosphorus with the alkalies is described under 
" Phosphine." It is really a case of hydrolysis. This can also be 
effected by boiling water in the presence of certain metallic salts, which 
probably act by the intermediate formation of phosphides. Super 
heated steam at 238 to 260 C. and under a pressure of 57 to 360 atmo 
spheres gives phosphine and orthophosphoric acid, thus : 5 

4P 2 -r 12H 2 O = 5PH 3 -f 3H 3 P0 4 

The simplest reaction will be represented by the equation 
2P+3H 2 O=PH 3 -rH 3 PO 3 

The phosphorous acid then decomposes, as it is known to do, giving 
more phosphine. 

The Action of Phosphorus on Solutions of Metallic Salts. 

When white phosphorus is placed in solutions of the salts of the more 
" noble " metals the metals are deposited and oxy-acids of phosphorus 
are found in the solution. The ratios of metal deposited to phosphorus 

1 Asion, " Isotopes, Churchill, 1923. 

2 Newman, Proc. Phys. Soc., 1921, 33, 73. 

3 Kohlsch utter and Frumkm, Ze-dsck. L"lektrocher/i., 1914, 20, 110. 

* Note. Under special conditions a certain degree of combination was detected (see 
p. 68). 

- 1 Weyl, Zeitsch. phys. Chem. Unterricht, 1906, 39, 1307. 
5 Ipatiell and Nikolaieff, Ber., 1926, 59, B, 595. 


oxidised arc not constant except under certain carefully regulated 
conditions. It is stated that in the case of copper sulphate the ratio 
\vas oCu : 2l 3 when only that phosphorus was included which was 
present as phosphoric acid. 1 The ratio 2Cu : P (total phosphorus) 
has also been" found when air was excluded. 2 The reaction proceeds 
in stages. 3 When the copper has been completely precipitated from 
decinormal copper sulphate about 13 per cent, is present as phosphide, 
but this phosphorus is oxidised later to oxy-acids. During the later 
part of the reaction the ratio is 2Cu : P, or 4 equivalents of copper 
are deposited to 1 atom of phosphorus oxidised. 4 The metals which 
are deposited from neutral or slightly acid solution are those which 
react with phosphine, i.e. Cu, Hg, Ag, Pel, Pt, Au ; those above copper 
in the electrochemical series are not deposited. In ammoniacal 
solution deposits are also obtained from salts of Pb, Ni, Tl, Sn, Co, 
Cd, Zn. 5 - 6 

The reaction with silver nitrate has been thoroughly investigated 
at different stages/ 1 - 6 The deposit is dark at first, of a bright crystalline 
appearance later, and finally grey and spongy. The ratio Ag : P may 
be more than 5 : 1 at the beginning and 3-6 : 1 or less at the end of the 
reaction. During the middle part the ratio is 4:1. Both the phos 
phorous and phosphoric acids were determined, and it w r as suggested 
that these were produced in equiinolecular amounts after the first 
deposition of phosphide had ceased. 

The metal may be deposited on a piece of platinum, gold or carbon 
at some distance from the stick of phosphorus with which this is in 
contact. The silver phosphide which was first produced had the 
formula Ag 3 P and phosphorous acid was formed simultaneously. The 
following equations were suggested as representing the various stages : 

2P + 3H = PII 3 + H 3 P0 3 
PH 3 -f 3AgN0 3 = Ag 3 P +3HN0 3 
Ag 3 P H- 5AgN0 3 -~ 4H 2 O = 8Ag + 5HN0 3 + H 3 PO 4 

These equations perhaps give a general representation of the reactions 
which occur between, phosphorus and solutions containing salts of the 
" noble " metals. 

Further references to the action of phosphorus on metallic salts 
are: Senderens, Compt. rend*, 1887, 104, 175; Bottger, Repert. Pharm., 
1875, 24, 725; Philipp, Ber., 1883, 16, 749; Rosenstein, J. Amer. 
Chem. Soc., 1.020, 42, 883 ; Poleck and Thunimel, Ber., 1883, 16,2442. 

Red Phosphorus. The chief chemical properties of red or 
amorphous phosphorus were determined by the discoverer and other 
early investigators. As compared with white phosphorus, both red 
and scarlet phosphorus are relatively inert, except in respect to certain 
reactions which depend largely on the extent of surface exposed to 
aqueous reagents. 

Red phosphorus does not glow in the air, but shows a faint lumin 
escence in ozone. When heated in the air or moist oxygen it does not 

1 Bird and Diggs, J. Amer. Chem. Sac., 1914, 36, 1382. 

2 Straub, Ztitsch-. Chew., 1903, 35, 4CO. 

3 Taucherfc, Zeitech. Chtm., 1913, 79, 350. 
* Walker, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1026, 128, 1370. 

5 Ktiliscli, Annalen, 1885, 231, 327. 

G Moser and Brukl, Zeitsch. anonj. Chain., 1922, 121, 73; Brukl, ibid., 1922, 125, 252. 


ignite below about 260 C., at which temperature the vapour pressure 
has become appreciable (p. 33 ). 1 2 In warm moist air it is gradually 
oxidised to phosphorous and phosphoric acids. 2 - 3 

It is even more readily oxidised by concentrated nitric acid than 
is white phosphorus, the product in both cases being a phosphoric 
acid (V/.c.). It is not affected by concentrated sulphuric acid in the 
cold, but on heating SO 2 is evolved and oxidation of the phosphorus 
takes place. It is not affected by aqueous alkalies but dissolves in 
alcoholic potash, 4 giving a deep red solution from which acids repre- 
eipitate the red element containing a suboxidc. 

It combines with halogens, although not so violently as white 
phosphorus ; with chlorine, either gaseous or in aqueous solution ; 
with bromine in the cold ; and with iodine on warming. 

Red phosphorus is less soluble than white in all solvents. In water 
and alcohol it is almost insoluble. It is somewhat soluble in ether 
and in hot acetic acid, from which it is reprecipitated by water. It is 
slightly soluble in phosphorus trichloride. These solubilities refer to 
the ordinary preparation, which, as shown on p. 82, usually contains 
residual quantities of the white form. Red phosphorus is able to 
reduce salts, especially those of the " noble : metals, in aqueous 
solution on boiling. Salts of mercury are reduced to the metal ; those 
of gold and silver give insoluble phosphides ; while ferric and stannic 
salts are reduced to ferrous and stannous respectively. 5 

Scarlet Phosphorus, sometimes called ic Schenck s phosphorus," 6 
can be prepared by boiling a 10 per cent, solution oC phosphorus in 
phosphorus tribromide. It appears to be an intermediate form 
between the white and the red. The conditions of its formation and 
its physical properties, so far as these arc known, arc more fully 
described under ci Scarlet Phosphorus," p. 42. 

The chemical properties partly resemble those of white, parti} those 
of red, phosphorus. It does not glow in the air, but docs so in ozone. 
It is rapidly attacked by alkalies, giving hypophosphite and phosphinc 
which is not spontaneously inflammable. It is coloured intensely 
black by ammonia. It dissolves in aqueous alcoholic potash giving 
red solutions from which acids precipitate a mixture of phosphorus 
and solid hydride. It dissolves in phosphorus tribromide to the extent 
of about 6-5 gram in 100 grams of the solvent at about 200 C. 
It is said to be non-poisonous ; its physiological properties probably 
resemble those of red phosphorus (r/.t?.). 

Colloidal Phosphorus. An aqueous collosol has been prepared 
by boiling commercial red phosphorus with water to which has been 
added stabilising substances such as gelatin, dextrin or sucrose, etc. 
Contrary to the usual order, the last-named substances seem to have 
the strongest effect in protecting the phosphorus against coagulation 
by salts. 7 When an alcoholic solution of white phosphorus is poured 
into water a colloidal solution is obtained. 8 A colloidal solution in 

1 I-Iittorf, Ann ilen, 1865, 126, .193; Chem. Jv>;-;.?, .18(50, 13, 133; Schrottor, J.pralt. 
Clitni., IS/53, [1], 58, .158. 

2 Baker and Dixon, Proc. Roy. $w. t 1S80, 45, 1. 

3 Personne, Compt. rend., 1857, 45, ] 13. 

4 Michaelis and Arendt, Annuk.n, ] 902. 325, 301. 5 Rosonstem, lor., cit. 
c Schenck, Bcr., 1902, 35, 351; ibid., 1903, 36, 97!), 4202. 

7 Mullcr, Bcr., 190-1, 37, \\. 

s von Weimarn, J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc., 1910, 42, 453. 


isobutyl alcohol was made by passing arcs between red phosphorus 
suspended in this medium. 1 


White phosphorus is easily detected by its well-marked property of 
glowing in the dark as well as by its peculiar smell and reducing pro 
perties (q.v. pp. 27. 28). Smaller quantities may be detected by the 
well-known Mitscherlich test. The material is boiled with water in a 
flask furnished with a long glass reflux condenser cooled by air. A 
luminous band is seen (in the dark) at the point where the steam is 
condensed. The phosphorus may be distilled with steam arid collected 
under water in small globules. The distillate will reduce ammoniacal 
silver nitrate and mercuric salts. The presence of phosphorus in the 
steam may also be demonstrated by allowing the latter to impinge 
upon a piece of paper wetted with silver nitrate, which is at once 
blackened. Other vapours and gases (such as AsII 3 ) which have the 
same effect are not likely to be produced under the conditions. Traces 
of white phosphorus in matches may be found by extraction with 
benzene. Strips of filter paper soaked in this extract, suspended in 
a glass tube and exposed to a current of air at 40-50 C. become 
luminescent if 0-01 milligram or more of phosphorus is present. 2 

Small quantities of red phosphorus are best detected after oxidation 
by the tests given under tc Phosphoric Acid," pp. 170, 180. 

Phosphorus combined in organic compounds, or as phosphide in 
metals, is also estimated after oxidation by precipitation as ammonium 
phosphomolybdate or magnesium ammonium phosphate, with the sub 
sequent treatment which is described on pp. 181-183. The methods by 
which the phosphorus is brought into solution vary with the nature 
of the material which is being analysed. Organic compounds are 
oxidised in a sealed tube with fuming nitric acid or in a flask by a 
mixture of concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. 

Alloys of copper and tin such as the phosphor bronzes are dissolved 
in nitric acid of density 1-5, and the metastannic acid, which, contains 
all the phosphoric oxide, after ignition and weighing is fused with KCN. 
The aqueous solution of the melt is freed from tin globules by filtration 
and from traces of soluble copper and tin by BUS, then containing all 
the phosphorus as potassium phosphate, which is determined as 
described below. 

Iron and steel are dissolved in ] : 1 nitric acid, the solution evapo 
rated to dryness and the residue taken up with concentrated hydro 
chloric acid until all the silica is rendered insoluble. The solution 
containing the phosphoric and hydrochloric acids is evaporated to 
dryness once more to get rid of the latter acid, and the residue then 
taken up with nitric acid and ammonium nitrate solution and pre 
cipitated with ammonium molybclate. 

Small quantities of phosphorus may be estimated quickly by the 
molybdate method, the amount of phosphomolybdate being estimated 
colorimetrically by comparison in Xesslcr glasses or test-tubes with 
a standard prepared under conditions which arc made identical as far 
as possible. An account of this estimation is oiven under ct Phosphoric 
Acid," p. 182. 

* Svedboror, Ber., 1906, 39, 17] 4. 

" Schroder, Arbaten Kaiswl. Gesundhcitsamte, 1913, 44, 1. 



General. Although the allotropic forms of phosphorus are not so 
numerous as those of sulphur, they are better defined ; the differences 
between them are more striking. Apart from plastic sulphur, which 
is really a supercooled liquid, the forms of sulphur are obviously varieties 
of the same element ; the differences are found chiefly in the crystalline 
form, the other physical properties not differing much. The contrast 
in the appearance and obvious properties of ordinary white phosphorus 
and the other varieties is so great that a casual observer would hardly 
suppose that they were the same element. If the allotropic forms of 
phosphorus are classified by means of their striking properties, then 
at least five will be recognised, namely White, Scarlet, Red, Violet 
and Black, which show great differences in other physical properties 
besides colour, and also in chemical properties. These forms will now 
be discussed from the view-points of their histories, preparation and 
physical properties, the conditions of their transformation and the 
evidence as to their molecular complexity. The chemical reactions and 
some physical properties of all the forms arc given in Chapter II. 


Preparation. -The production of this form can hardly escape 
observation, since it is present in the residue from the combustion of 
white phosphorus in the air. 

When liquid phosphorus is heated in a closed vessel or in a non- 
oxidising atmosphere, such as one of carbon dioxide, the liquid gradually 
turns red and is then converted into a red solid. The change is rapid 
at 210 C. and very rapid just below the boiling-point, 280-5 C., of the 
white form. Red phosphorus was first prepared in this way by 
Schrotter 1 in 1845, and its chief properties were then investigated. 

The red form is chiefly amorphous, and of vitreous appearance and 
fracture. On prolonged heating it gradually turns violet and exhibits 
double refraction. 2 

The transformation is greatly accelerated, and takes place at lower 
temperatures, in the presence of small quantities of iodine, 3 and also 
of selenium. In. the presence of A1C1 3 the transformation occurs in 
evacuated tubes below 100 C. 4 


When white phosphorus is treated with liquid ammonia it is con 
verted into red phosphorus with simultaneous formation of amide and 
nitride. 1 White phosphorus, when dissolved in. turpentine, phosphorus 
tribromicle and certain other solvents, is converted into red phosphorus 
by heating for several hours at 290 C. 2 Red phosphorus may be de 
posited when phosphorus vapoiir is suddenly cooled (see p. 10). and it 
was early shown that on account of its small vapour pressure this form 
might be condensed in the hotter part of a tube (at 300 C.) from 
vapour derived from white phosphorus in the cooler part of the tube. 3 
All varieties of phosphorus when strongly heated in sealed tubes may 
be converted into yellow liquids which deposit reel crystals at about 
550 C, 

A survey of the forms of phosphorus is given by Linck, Zeitsch. 
anorg. Chem.. 1908, 56, 393. 

The red phosphorus prepared by moderate heating may be ground 
up with a solution of sodium hydroxide as in the technical preparation 
(see p. 10) and may also be extracted with carbon disulphiclc until 
the extract is free from white phosphorus. The resulting preparation 
is considered to be the purest red phosphorus. 4 

Physical Properties. -Density. There is considerable variation 
in the values given by different investigators. A preparation which 
would answer most closely to the description of " pure " red phos 
phorus and prepared as described above has a density which varies 
only within the comparatively narrow limits of 2-18 and 2-23. and the 
value remains practically constant after long heating at 357 C. The 
density of ordinary red phosphorus may be taken then as 2-20 0-02. 
Cohen and Olie, 4 to whom these results are due, regard red phosphorus 
as a solid solution of the white in the violet form. On long heating at 
450 C. the density increased to a maximum, which was held to correspond 
with the maximum proportion of the violet form, at a value of about 
2-30. Heating to higher temperatures, between 500 and 600 C., so 
that the phosphorus became liquid, in some cases increased the density 
to 2-3 1, but in others the density diminished, e.g. to 2-24. The increase 
in the density on heating above 360 C. was considered by Jolibois 5 
to be due to the production of the form which he called " pyromorphic " 
phosphorus, which was stable below 450 C., but he also considered 
that red phosphorus was a distinct allotropic form, with an interval 
of stability from 450 to 6IO C C. 

Vapour Pressure. The vapour pressures of red phosphorus are 
much lower than, those of liquid phosphorus or of solid white phos 
phorus at all temperatures within the experimental range. 6 The latter 
arc therefore unstable forms, or are monotropic with respect to red 
phosphorus (and equally of course to the A r iolet form). 

Thus at 279 C. the vapour pressure of liquid phosphorus is 753 
mm., while at 289 C. that of red phosphorus is 23 mm. 5 The pres 
sures of red phosphorus are not in equilibrium, but fall slowly as the 
solid changes into the more stable " pyromorphic " (violet) form. 

1 Stock and Johannsen, Hnr., 1908, 41, 1593. 
- Colsoii, Conipi. rend., 1907, 145, 1167; ibid., 190S, 146, 71. 
3 Troost and Hantetouilic, Ann.. Ckim. /%*., 1874, [5J, 2, 145. 
1 Cohen and Obe, Zeiltcli. pliysihtl. Cheni..", 1910, 71, 1. 

5 Jolibois, Co-iti j)!,. rc.nd., 1910, 151, 383. 

6 .Hit tori , Aunctk ii, 1865, 126, 193. 



The pressure of the latter, however, appears to increase more rapidly 
with rise of temperature than that of red phosphorus, as is seen from the 
following table, on account of which 400 C. was given as the transition 
temperature 1 by Jolibois. 


Phosphorus. 1 


Phosphorus. 1 


p (mm.). 

t C. 

p (mm.). 



1 798 



20 : 

These measurements agree fairly well with those of Hittorf 2 and of 
v. Schrotter. 3 

Melting-point. According to Chapman 4 the melting-point of red 
phosphorus is 610 C. ; according to Stock and Goniolka 5 620 to 
625 C. It is not far removed from that of violet phosphorus. The 
variability in the melting-point, vapour pressure and density is ex 
plained if red phosphorus is a mixture of various forms and is not 
itself a modification of phosphorus. [A c modification " is a state of 
aggregation which can. exist in inner equilibrium, and which therefore 
is able to behave in a unary manner. ] (See p. 39.) 

The Specific Heal of red phosphorus is less than that of white 
phosphorus, being 0-1698 to 0-1705 between 15 C. and 98 C. 7 

The specific heats determined over other ranges of temperature 

t c C. . 
Specific heat 

0-51 C. 

0-134 C. 

Hardness. This is 
3-5 on Moh s scale. 

0-199 C. 
0-2 102 

greater than that of white phosphorus, being 

Vi o LF/r Pii osri i o K cs. 

History and Preparation.- The incipient crystallisation of red 
phosphorus, which has been noted already, can be carried to com 
pletion by a procedure due to Ilitfcorf, 9 who dissolved red phosphorus in 
molten lead, and oil cooling obtained yellowish-red translucent plates 
which had a density of 2-34 and belonged to the hexagonal system of 
crystals. Later investigators have obtained curved rectangular leaflets 

1 Jolibois, /or;. c,t. ~ HittorT, /or. 

n v. Sohrotter, Annftff.ii, J 8">O, 81, 270. 

1 Chapman, Tran,s. C/i.rm.. Hoc.., IS:)!), 75, 7:51. 

5 Stock and Goniolka., Uc.r., 11)09, 42, 4510. 

f> Smits, "Theory of Allotropy, translated by Thomas (Longmans, \.\} 2 2), p. 240. 

7 Renault, Ann. Ckim. Phys., 1853, [3], 38 , 129. 

8 Wigand, Ann. Physilc, J907, [4J, 22, 61. 9 Hittorf, he. clt. 


which were transparent, had a steely bine lustre and belonged to the 
inonoclimc system. The form prepared in. this manner is known as 
" Hittorfs ""or violet phosphorus, with reference to its appearance 
en masse (see below). The preparation was repeated by Stock and 
Gomolka. 1 Red phosphorus was heated with lead in a sealed tube at 
800 C. for 48 hours. After purification from lead and glass (the 
former was not completely removed, however), the phosphorus appeared 
as brown transparent plates, the density of which, corrected for the 
lead present, was 2-31 to 2-33. This form has also been crystallised 
from molten bismuth, in which, however, phosphorus is less soluble. 

The violet form can also be obtained from some preparations of red 
phosphorus by the following treatment. The finest particles are 
washed away in a stream of water until only dark steel-blue particles 
are left ; these are boiled with 30 per cent, sodium hydroxide solution, 
washed again, boiled with 5 per cent, nitric acid, washed with hot and 
cold water, then with absolute alcohol and ether, and allowed to stand 
until dry in a vacuum desiccator with concentrated sulphuric acid. 2 
The density of this preparation is about 2-2 (2-18 to 2-23). 

The preparation of violet phosphorus may conveniently be carried 
out as follows : The air is displaced, by means of carbon dioxide, from 
a hard glass tube, which is then one quarter filled with ordinary phos 
phorus, the remainder of the tube containing pieces of lead, preferably 
those which have served for a previous preparation. The carbon 
dioxide is then removed, the tube sealed on the pump, and placed inside 
an iron tube, the space between the walls being filled with magnesia. 
The whole is heated in a tube furnace for 8 to 10 hours at a moderate 
red heat. After opening., with the usual precautions, the crystalline 
phosphorus is removed from the surface and the crystals from the 
interior are collected after dissolving the lead in 1 : 1 nitric acid. 

Crystals of violet phosphorus apparently identical with Hittorf s 
phosphorus have been obtained by maintaining the element at its 
melting-point in a scaled tube after start! no- the crystallisation by a 
slight supercooling. The tube was opened under carbon disulphidc 
and the crystals separated from the white phosphorus in which they 
were embedded. They appeared as six-sided leaflets with a charac 
teristic angle of 7678 and short rounded obtuse angles at the ends, 
the normal or supplementary angle to which was 27-28. Violet 
phosphorus from molten lead yielded two kinds of crystals, one of 
which was identical with that prepared as above. Both were plcochroic, 
and were described as dark orange in a direction parallel to the long 
side and lighter in a direction at right-angles to this. Their density 
was 2-35. 3 

Violet phosphorus, when rubbed to a very fine powder, assumes a 
red colour. It still exists, however, in the most stable form, i.e. the 
violet, because it still exerts the characteristic lower vapour pressure 
of this modification (p. 35). 

Physical Properties. Density. The evidence on which this 
depends has been reviewed (p. 32). On the whole it seems improbable 
that the density is much, if at all, higher than 2-30. 

Melting-point. Tins determination has of course been carried out 


in sealed tubes. The values of different experimenters do not agree 
very well; they are : 630 C., Chapman; 1 600-610 C., Stock and 
Gomolka ; 2 597 C. (when heated slowly) Stock and Stamm. 3 Fusion 
and solidification proceed as if the phosphorus were not a pure sub 
stance, but a mixture (see p. 39). The melting-points observed 
were also triple points when, as usual, the phosphorus was sealed 
in an evacuated tube. The melting-points are lower if the tempera 
ture of the bath is raised very slowly. In a bath at constant tem 
perature the melting-point was found to be 589-5 C. by Smits and 
Bokhorst, 4 who used a graphical method (see p. 38) in interpreting 
their results. 

Vapou? Pressure. The determination of the values given below 
was beset with considerable difficulty," especially that of securing inner 
equilibrium in the solid phase. The curve lies below that of liquid 
phosphorus, which is unstable with respect to the violet (and red) 
forms up to the melting-point, 589-5, of violet phosphorus. The 
pressure at tins triple point is 43-1 atm., while that calculated from the 
thcrrnodynamical equations (v. infra) is 42*9 atm. 


f C. 







p (atm.) . 




i 0-79 




r c. 







p (atm.) . 








/, c. 

50 i 







-/; (atm.) . 







; 43-1 


It has already been shown (p. 33) that red phosphorus probably 
is not a unary substance, and that the difference between the vapour 
pressures of red and violet phosphorus below about 400 C. are probably 
due to the non-equilibrium conditions in the red form. Even in the case 
of the more uniform violet modification, however, time is required for 
the establishment of equilibria with vapour, and the values of the 
pressures even up to 500 C. are affected by an uncertainty on this 
account. Condensation of vapour proceeds in general more slowly 
than vaporisation, and especially is this the case where there is a great 
difference between the molecular complexities of the vapour and of the 

solid. . . 

II rats of Vaporisation, Sublimation and Fusions These latent 
heats have* been, obtained from the respective pressure-temperature 

1 Chap man, loc. ciL 

2 Stook and Gomolka, Inc. cit. 

Stock rmd Stamm, 7>.r., 1913, 46, 3497. 

1 Smits and Bokhorsfc, Zc.Usch. ph.yxt.kfd. Cliem., 1916, 91, 248. 

* Not a. A glass manometer of difficultly fusible glass was used. Jackson, J. Chem. 

&>c., 1911, 99, iOGG. 

5 Smits, ; Theory of Allotropy^ pp. 225 el seq. 


relations of the liquid and solid violet phosphorus (p. 38). The 
Clausius equation 

in which it is assumed that the vapour (P 4 ) obeys the gas laws, is 
integrated and thrown into the form 


If Q, the latent heat, does not vary with the temperature, a straight 
line will be obtained by plotting Tlnp against T. This is so in the case 
of liquid violet phosphorus. The graph of liquid white phosphorus is 
slightly curved, and is a prolongation of that for liquid violet phosphorus. 
The integration constant c is obtained from the equation 

_ T 

f 2 A 1 

where a is the angle between the graph and the axis of abscissa?. By 
introducing the c values into equation (1), the values of Q are obtained 

T T T 
for the mean temperatures 2 ^ I . 

For liquid violet phosphorus c = 0-6, Q = 9,900 calories (from 551 to 
591 C.), mean temp. 571 C. 

For liquid white phosphorus c = ll-l, Q -12,100 calorics (from 160 
to 360 C.), mean temp. 260 C. 

Thus the numerical value of Q diminishes by 2.200 calories between 
260 and 571 C., and the temperature coefficient a in the equation 

is found to be 


a =-7- = - v -1 

This value of a is now introduced into the integrated form of the 
Clausius equation, and another equation is obtained which includes the 
variation of Q with T and which should apply to the whole vapour- 
pressure curve of liquid phosphorus on the assumption that it is con 
tinuous. i.e. that the liquid formed at lower pressures is really the 
same as that formed at higher pressures. The equations in question 

Q is found to be 16,400 calories. 

Putting equation (4) into the form 

Tlnp -i- Z-GTlnt. = - ~i- + cT 


and plotting the left-hand side against T, a straight line should be 
obtained, and this is very nearly the ease. 

The latent heat of vaporisation of liquid phosphorus at its boiling- 
point is calculated from equation (3) and is found to be 

QLV = 12,500 calories at Ti, = 553 C. Abs. 
Hence we have 

!f= 22 - 6 

which is nearly the normal value. 

The heat of sublimation of violet phosphorus can be calculated from 
the pressure-temperature relations in a similar manner. In the first 
place, c is calculated by equation (2) (p. 36) between T x =343-5 -- 273 
and T 2 = 589*5 -273 and is found to be 18-9. Since the TlnpjT graph 
is found to be rectilinear over this range of temperature it follows that 
Qsv does not vary much, and it was possible to write the linear 

18-9T- 13,050 

If the value of QjR is taken as 13,000 calories in round numbers the 
heat of sublimation of violet phosphorus works out at 25,800 calories. 
This is an abnormally high value as can be seen by comparing the 
ratio Qsv/Ts with the normal ratio of about 30. T s is the sublimation 
temperature, i.e. that temperature at which the vapour pressure of 
the solid is equal to 1 atmosphere. In the present case T s was found 
by putting p = I in equation (1) and was 688 abs. or 415 C., the 
sublimation temperature of violet phosphorus. 

Qsv 25,800 

T s 688 


the abnormal ratio referred to above. The excess of heat required in 
this sublimation is explained as being due to the change from a poly 
merised form having a lower energy content into the simpler P 4 
molecule. This energy change has been found in a different way as 
the difference between the heats of combustion of polymerised and 
ordinary phosphorus (see p. 132), i.e. 4x4.1-00 = 17,600 calorics per 
mol P 4 . The difference 25,800-17,600-8,200 calorics is the physical 
latent heat of change of state solid > vapour. 

Finally the molar heat of fusion Q<L is obtained in the usual way 
as the difference between the latent heat of sublimation Q^v and that 
of evaporation Q_LV at the triple point, 862-5 abs. 

QriL =25,800 - 10,200 =15,600 calorics l 

Critical Constants. These have been calculated from van dcr 
\Vaals ! and other equations of state. Tims ,.^720-0 C., /;,. = 93-3 
atin. 2 or Z,. = 075 C., _p,. =80 aim. 3 Another estimate is ^. = 095 C. ; ll 
this value has been used to calculate the critical pressure by an 

1 Smits, loo. cit.., p. 33. 

2 Marckwald and Helmholtz, loc. cit. 

3 van Laar, Proc. K. A/cad. Wctcnsch. Amsterdam, 1917, [2], 20, 138. 

1 Whl HT t dflflri.v. flcn Fran.. F/r^/Y/ Kwnxt 101S 



extrapolation of the vapour-pressure curve from i=634- c C. The value 
of p c so found is 88-2 1 or 82-2 atm. 2 


The phase diagram (.fig. 3) constructed with the aid of the table on 
p. 35 and the data on pp. 22, 23 represents the closest approach to 
equilibrium conditions which has been attained. 2 Pressures at lower 
temperatures are magnified in order to show all changes on one 
diagram. Lines are lettered, as usual, with the phases which can 
coexist; W 2 = white phosphorus formed at high pressures, W, = 

-80 44-1 _ 583-5 695 J 

FJC. 3. Pressure-temperature .Diagram of .Phosphorus. 1 

ordinary white phosphorus, L= liquid phosphorus, G = vapour or 
gaseous phosphorus, V= violet phosphorus. 

Curves which refer to unstable forms are represented by dotted 
lines, as also are the transformations of the condensed forms. The 
slopes of these curves can be calculated when the specific volumes of 
the two forms arc known; thus the W^-pL line should slope slightly 
to the right, since the specific volume of liquid phosphorus is o-reater 
than that of solid white phosphorus near ~-14-l C. The melting-point 
is therefore raised by an increase of pressure. 

The solid white form really is only in a state of false equilibrium, 
being unstable with respect to the polymerised forms at all realisable 
temperatures. There are also the other forms red, scarlet and black 
phosphorus the behaviour of which under definite conditions of 
pressure and temperature cannot be stated with any certainty. 
Further, the melting-point even of the well-crystallised white phos 
phorus can be made r to vary under certain conditions (sec p. 15). 
In fact, all the condensed phases, liquid and solid, behave as mixtures 
rather than as single pure substances. 

1 Sinits, loc. clt. - Smits and Bokhorst, loc. c-i.t. 

* Note. The break at 44-1 should not appear in the V-j-G curve since this will fall 
asymptotically to zero pressure. 


The existence of two or more molecular speeies is definitely postu 
lated by Smits as follows : 1 

(1) "Every phase, and therefore also every crystalline phase, of 

an allotropic substance is a state which, in certain circum 
stances, can behave as a poly-component phase." 

(2) Ci The cause of this behaviour must be assumed to be the 

complexity, i.e. the existence of different molecular species, 
which are in inner equilibrium when the behaviour of the 
system is unary, or in other words when it behaves as a one- 
component system." 

In the case of phosphorus there are probably several " molecular 
species, " but the phenomena at temperatures which are not too high 
can be explained rationally by assuming only two Pa, which is white, 
with a low melting-point and high vapour pressure, and P8, which is 
violet, with a high melting-point and low vapour pressure, and which 
probably is highly polymerised. 

The density of the vapour is the same whether it is derived from 
white or red phosphorus, and at lower temperatures and not too low 
pressures corresponds to molecules P 4 . 

In the liquid the pseudo-components are supposed to be in a state 
of dynamic equilibrium which shifts with the temperature, but does 
not readjust itself instantaneously on sudden changes. 

The solids, at any rate the polymerised forms, are regarded as solid 
solutions of Pa and P/3 in varying proportions. Temperature-concen 
tration diagrams similar to those representing a two-component system 
have been constructed for these pseudo-components. 

When the liquid is heated to between 400 and 500 I . it is highly 
supercooled with respect to violet phosphorus, which crystallises with 
explosive violence. When, however, the vapour is cooled rapidly so 
that the liquid passes rapidly through this range down to 30 C., the 
liquid white phosphorus, which is richer in Pa, and thus approximates 
more closely to the composition of the vapour, is deposited lirst, and 
subsequently solid white phosphorus, which also resembles the liquid 
and the vapour much more closely than docs the polymerised form. 
This appearance o(: a metastablc rather than a stable form was pointed 
out long ago by Fraukcnhcim, 2 and stated formally as a generalisation, 
called by Ostwalcl 3 the Law of Successive Transformations, thus : 
" When a given chemical system is left in an unstable state it tends to 
change, not into the most stable form, but into the form the stability 
of which most nearly resembles its own, i.e. into that transient or 
permanently stable modification whose formation from the original 
state is accompanied bv the smallest loss of free energy." 

The condensation of phosphorus vapour, however, docs not neces 
sarily yield white phosphorus ; much depends upon the temperature 
to which the vapour has been heated and the rate of cooling. 

It was noted by Ilittorf d that the vapour evolved by red phosphorus 
at 41-0 C. was deposited in the yellow form. But Arctowski 5 found 
that when red phosphorus was heated in a vacuum at 100 C. it sublimed 
and condensed in the same form. This phenomenon was investigated 


in detail by Stock, Schroder and Stamm. 1 The phosphorus was in 
troduced in varying amounts into a sealed quartz tube, heated to 
various temperatures and suddenly cooled by immersion in water. 
Cooling from the temperatures stated in the first column of the following 
table gave the products described in the second column : 

Temperatures, C., from 

which. Sudden Cooling 

was efieeted. 

Appearance of Product. 

400 [ Colourless drops. 

450 ; Pale yellow drops. 

550 Distinctly yellow drops. 

600 Drops with a few purple flakes. 

700 ! Some brownish-red solid. 

000 Opaque brownish-red solid. 

1000 ! Denser and more opaque. 

1200 ! Phosphorus vapour at 5 mm. gave entirely 
! red phosphorus. 

An examination of the behaviour of red and violet phosphorus (and 
indeed all solid forms) in the light of this theory leads to the conclusion 
that they are mixtures, with the difference that while violet phosphorus 
is capable of behaving in a unary manner, red phosphorus is not. 
Violet phosphorus is a mixture, because when it is heated to 360 C. 
in a vacuum, and the vapour is thus rapidly removed, the vapour 
pressure falls. 2 The inner equilibrium has not in these circumstances 
time to adjust itself to the loss of the volatile Pa molecules, the residue 
becomes poorer in this kind and therefore has a lower vapour pressure. 
The production of red phosphorus below 400 C. may be explained 
partly by an in the proportion of Pa molecules in the solid 
solution of the pseudo-components, but principally by a delay in the 
establishment of the equilibrium, which leads to the production of 
solid solutions still richer in Pa. which are not in equilibrium but which 
constitute the ordinary red phosphorus. This therefore is not an 
allotropic modification, if such a modification is defined as a substance 
which can exist in inner equilibrium and which is able to behave in 
a unary manner. 


General. This form must not be confused with the black substance 
which appears on the outside of sticks of white phosphorus which have 
been exposed to light, and which is neither a definite form nor a pure 
substance. The preparation of a dark substance by the sudden cooling 
of phosphoiTis could not be repeated, and this result probably was also 
due to impurities. 

Black phosphorus was discovered by Bridgrnan, 3 who prepared it 
by subjecting white phosphorus at 200 C. to pressures of 12,000 to 
13,000 kilograms per square centimetre. 

1 Stock and Stcinim, lltr., 1913, 46, 3497. Sec also ibid., 1910, 43, 4510. 

2 JLcmoine, Ann. Chlm. P/i-ys., 1871, [4], 24, 129; Sinits and Bokhorst, toe. ciL, p. 288. 


Physical Properties. The density, 2-69, is much higher than 
that of violet phosphorus. The vapour pressures were found to be 
lower than those of the violet element at the same temperatures : 

Black Phosphorus, 
p (mm.). 


In spite of this relation between the vapour pressures the violet form 
could not be converted into the black at ordinary temperatures. Later 
investigations showed that the black form probably is only in a state 
of false equilibrium or suspended transformation at ordinary tempera 
tures and pressures. 1 

The black phosphorus was with difficulty freed from the kerosene, 
through which pressure had been applied, by heating in evacuated 
tubes to 550 C. The vapour pressures of the product (which might 
also of course have been altered by this treatment) were now almost, if 
not quite, equal to, and above 560 C. greater than, those of the violet 
form. The conversion of the black into the violet was effected by 
heating in the presence of about 1 per cent, of iodine at 480 C. or 
without the iodine at about 575 C. 

It has already been mentioned that black phosphorus has a greater 
electrical conductivity than other forms, and is therefore to be con 
sidered as the most t; metallic variety. 2 The conductivity, however, 
like that of graphite, increases with rise of temperature, and this form 
is therefore only pseudo-metallic. 

X-ray Data. The structure of black phosphorus has been cal 
culated from the X-ray reflection spectrum, using the powder method 
of Dcbye and Schcrrcr. It is a rhombohedral space-lattice having a 
characteristic angle of 00 47 , and a side of 5-96 A. The unit cell 
contains 8 atoms, and therefore the volume of the unit molecular 
aggregate is 3 

where 2-609 is the density, A, of black phosphorus and 1-65 x 10~ 21 is 

the mean value of the constant d \! ~- T in which d is the distance 

v M. 

between the diffracting planes. 

Black phosphorus and combined phosphorus give characteristic 
absorption spectra for X-rays, the limits of wavelength being different 
in the respective eases. Red phosphorus shows two limits, which are 
those characteristic of black and of combined phosphorus. 4 The 

1 Smits, licyor and "Bock, Proc. K. Ahid. VVct.c/i.xch. Anidtrdam, 10or>, 18, U ( J2. 

2 Brid^maiC J. Amcr. Chcm. Soc., 19M-, 36, li -i-l. 

3 Linck arid Jun.u, Zufxch. aiiory. Chf-.m., ]i)2r>, 147, 288. 


absorption coefficient for X-rays is 5-68, as compared with 569 in the 
case of lead. 1 

In its chemical properties black phosphorus is on the whole similar 
to red phosphorus. It ignites in air at about 400 C., and is insoluble 
in carbon clisulphide. 


It has already been shown that the transition through the various 
grades of red phosphorus to violet phosphorus proceeds continuously 
as higher temperatures and longer times of heating are progressively 
applied. Liquid phosphorus, when in the early stage of transforma 
tion, shows a fine scarlet colour and probably then contains the form 
known as scarlet phosphorus or Schenck s phosphorus, from its 

Preparation. Scarlet phosphorus is prepared by exposing to light 
a solution of phosphorus in carbon clisulphide or carbon tetrachloride, 
or by boiling a 10 per cent, solution of phosphorus in phosphorus tri- 
bromide. 2 In the latter case the product contains considerable quan 
tities of the solvent, in which it is slightly soluble. The solvent may, 
however, be removed by reducing the trihromide with mercury at a 
temperature over 100 C. The remaining tribroinide and also the 
mercuric bromide may then be extracted with ether. 3 The lighter 
coloured preparations are more reactive than the darker, on account 
no doubt of their finer state of division. 

It may also be rioted that liquid phosphorus prepared by melting 
in sealed tubes under high pressures may deposit scarlet crystals. 

Scarlet phosphorus has a density of 2-0, i.e. slightly less than that of 
red phosphorus. It is isotropic, and in this respect resembles red 
phosphorus which has been prepared at comparatively low tempera 
tures. Red phosphorus which has been prepared at higher tempera 
tures shows distinct evidence of crystalline structure. 

Scarlet phosphorus is thus a transitional form and can be converted 
into the red variety by heating for some time at 300 C. in an atmosphere 
of carbon dioxide. 

The chemical properties of the various Cor ins of phosphorus have 
already been described (Chap. II., pp. 2720). 


Historical. In his tables published in 1818 Berzclius 4 gave 
31-36 as the atomic weight of phosphorus. Other values obtained 
before and after this time did not agree even so well as this with the 
value accepted to-day. The reactions principally employed in this 
early period were the displacement of gold and silver from their chloride 
and sulphate respectively by elementary phosphorus. These reactions. 

1 Auren, Phil. May., 1917, [G], 33, 4-71. Further references include: Turner, Phyx. 
fitview, 1925, [2], 26, 1-13; Bosc, Ibid., 192(5, [2 i, 27, 52 J . McLennan and Clark, Pioc. Roy. 
Soc., 1922, 102, A, 405; Allison, J. Washington Acrid., 11)2(5, 16, 7. 

2 Schenck, Ber., 1902, 35, 351; ibid., 1903, 36, 979 and 4202; idem, Zdlxch. Elcklro- 
chem., 1905, n, 117. 

3 Wolf, Ber., 1915, 48, 1272. 

4 Berzclius, Schweigger s J., 1818, 23, 119; " Lehrbuch," otli ed., vol. iii., 1845, 1188. 


he assumption that one atom of phosphorus precipitates -n of an 
a of gold and 5 atoms of silver, led to the weighted mean just 
;ed. The reactions are, however, in reality rather complex (see 
S). It happened that the right condition, i.e. an excess of silver 
hate, was chcseii to give the ratio P : 5Ag. If, however, the metal 
mpletely deposited the ratio is P : 4Ag nearly. 

>chrotter 1 determined the ratio of the element to its pentoxide 
burning a weighed quantity of amorphous phosphorus in dry 
>*en and weighing the oxide. The method is fraught with many 
unities. Uncoiisumed phosphorus was carried forward, and the 
bustion had to be completed in the successive bulbs in. which the 
iuct was collect cd and weighed. It is also probable that backward 
isioii or other contact with water vapour introduced an error. The 
.mum atomic weight deduced from these experiments was 30-04, 
naximum 31-06 and the mean 31-03. But on account of the known 
mpletcness of the combustion the value 31-00 was assigned. 
?his experimental result happened to agree with that of Dumas, 2 
by means of the ratio PC1 3 to AgCl found P =3I-0 4 , a result which, 
ig the probable accuracy as 1 in 300, is not affected by recalculating 
i Dumas ratios with our fundamental atomic weights. 
)eterminations of the molecular weight of phosphme by the method 
miting densities led to atomic weights of 30-98 3 and 30-91. 4 The 
pressibility of phosphine was not known, however, with sufficient 
racy to allow a reliable calculation of the limiting density, 
n an attempt to settle the question by a comparison of all the 
methods known at the time, v. dcr Plaats 5 decomposed silver 
ite with phosphorus, burned red phosphorus to the pentoxide and 
determined the ratio of silver to its orthophosphate. The results, 
d on Ag- 107-90, are 

latio determined . P : 5Ag Ag,PO 4 : 3Ag 2P : P 2 O 5 

Atomic weight . . 30-93 30-99 30-98 

he concordance is not sufficiently good to justify a recalculation 
n r fundamental value A<>* = 107-88. 

Standard Methods and Results. 

n the more recent determinations which have led to the accepted 
c of the atomic weight the method of decomposition of the halides 
been followed with the aid of all the present knowledge as to the 
cr conditions for the conversion of halogen hydrides into silver 
les. An interesting method has also been worked out by which 
r phosphate is converted into the bromide. The results obtained 
his method, which will be described lirst, give additional weight to 
e obtained from the phosphorus halides. 

SchroUor, An;n. Clilni.. Phys., 1853, [3], 38, 13.1; idem, ./. praJcl. CJtti/t., 1851, 53, 

.Dumas, Ami. Cld ni. Pkys., 1859, [3], 55, l 2\). 
BerUielot, 13., Co-nipt, rend., 1898, 126, 141.5. 
Ter-Gazanan, </. Chim. ph-ya., J9U9, 7, 337. 
v. dor rkiats, Co-nnpl. rtnd., 1885> 100 52. 


Atomic Weight from the Ratio Silver Eromide to Silver Phosphate. 

Sliver orthophospluite, prepared by several methods, one of which 
is indicated below, was converted into silver bromide, the equations 
involved being : 

3AgXO ;5 -XnJIPO^Ag.PO, + 2XaXO 3 -f 11X0 3 . (1)* 

The silver nitrate was prepared by dissolving- preeipitated silver in 
nitric- acid, which had been twice redistilled and eondensed in a platinum 
condenser. The silver was precipitated from the commercial nitrate 
by means of ammonium formate. Alter washing, it was fused with 
suti ar charcoal, scrubbed, cleaned with ammonia and nitric acid, dis 
solved in the redistilled nitric acicl, the solution evaporated to satura 
tion, precipitated with more nitric acid, eentrifuged and the nitrate 
re-crystallised. The hydrobromic acid was prepared by passing hydrogen 
through the purest bromine (see p. 45) and then combining the mixed 
gases over heated platinised asbestos. The condensed acid was twice 
boiled with more bromine and once with bromine liberated by means 
of potassium permanganate, then distilled through a quartz condenser. 
The Xa.JIP0 4 was treated with hydrogen sulphide, boiled, filtered 
free of a green precipitate (due to iron), then reerystallised fifteen 
times. It contained about 0-Oi milligram of arsenic in 10 grams, an 
amount entirely insufficient to affect the results. By nephclometry no 
chloride or other substances were found which could be precipitated 
by silver nitrate in nitric acid solution. XaXH 4 IIPO 4 was prepared 
and purified in a similar manner. 

The solutions which were allowed to interact were about 0-03 N 
in order to avoid inclusions in the precipitates. The latter were well 
washed, and allowed to stand in water for at least 24 hours. Silver 
orthophosphate was stable in the presence of the moderate amounts of 
acid produced by some of the reactions which were tried. If silver 
nitrate is poured into excess of disodium hydrogen phosphate the 
precipitate settles rapidly, but precipitation is incomplete. If di 
sodium ammonium phosphate is poured into silver nitrate the precipi 
tate settles rapidly and the solution remains nearly neutral, according 
to the equation 

Xa 2 XH 4 P0 4 -f 3AgX0 3 = Ag 3 PO 4 + 2XaX0 3 + XH 4 XO 3 

By a combination of methods, for an account of which the original 
paper should be consulted, pure Ag 3 P0 4 was obtained and dried by 
heating in a platinum boat in a current of dry air free from carbon 
dioxide. After weighing, it was dissolved in nitric acid and the solution 
was poured into an excess of hydrobromic acid, the precautions 
usually employed in the quantitative precipitation of silver bromide. 

The ratio 3AgBr : Ag 3 P0 4 varied between 1-34558 and 1-34570 as 
extremes, the mean value being 1-34562. It was considered that the 
mean value was, if anything, slightly low owing to a possible occlusion 


of AgolIPO 4 . It was noted that the samples of silver phosphate 
prepared under more acid conditions gave a ratio of 1-34558, while 
those under less aeid conditions gave a ratio of 1-34564. If Ag is 
taken as 107-88 and the percentage of Ag in AgBr as 57-4453, the two 
mean values of the bromide-phosphate ratio give 31-043 and 31-037 
respectively as the atomic weight of phosphorus. 

In view of the fact that the methods to be described each have 
their own sources of error it seems that the phosphate results should 
be taken into account in assigning the atomic weight. 

Katios PBr 3 : SAgBr and PBr. : SAg. 

The preceding method is open to the criticism that silver ortho- 
phosphate contains only 7-4 per cent, of phosphorus. Phosphorus 
tribromide is somewhat better in this respect, containing 11-5 per cent, 
of phosphorus; but on the other hand the preparation and quantitative 
decomposition of this compound in a manner suitable for atomic weight 
determinations present great difficulties, the nature of which is apparent 
from the following narrative. 1 

Ouiline of Process. Pure dry bromine was allowed to act on pure 
dry phosphorus in a vacuum ; the PBr 3 was distilled into receivers 
which were sealed and weighed, then decomposed by breaking under 
an ammoniacal solution of hydrogen peroxide. The solution was 
acidified with nitric acid and the bromine precipitated and weighed 
as silver bromide. 

The Reagents. The water, nitric acid and ammonia were purified 
by redistillation and the usual methods, and the silver by the methods 
in common use for its preparation as a. standard element in atomic 
weight determinations. The hydrogen peroxide was a c.p. sample 
free from sulphuric and halogen acids. The nitrogen used in the 
preparation of the PBr 3 was prepared by passing air and ammonia over 
heated copper gauze (see this Vol., Part I., p. 25). The phosphorus was 
twice distilled with steam in an all-glass apparatus. The bromine was 
distilled from concentrated potassium bromide (which removes all but 
a trace of chlorine), then converted into potassium bromide by action 
on a solution of potassium oxalate. To remove iodine the solution of 
potassium bromide was boiled with some of the partly purified bromine, 
and finally with small portions of potassium permanganate. It was 
then evaporated to diyness and fused. From this iiised potassium 
bromide bromine was prepared by dissolving in water, adding sulphuric 
acid and enough potassium permanganate to liberate three-quarters 
of the halogen. This was distilled a second time from the bromide, which 
was nearly pure. The separated bromine was dried by resublimed phos 
phorus pentoxidc, from which it was distilled immediately before use. 

Preparation of Phosphorus Tribromide. An excess of bromine was 
necessary on account of the solubility of phosphorus in PBr 3 . Distilla 
tion of this from red phosphorus yields a product winch contains too 
little bromine. The phosphorus (14 grams) was freed from water bv 
pressing between hardened filter-papers and placed in a distillation 
flask containing dry nitrogen. The flask was then placed in boiling 
water and the contents subjected to a current of dry nitrogen, with 
shaking, to eliminate all steam from the liquid phosphorus. The 
1 Baxter, Moore and Eoylston, J. A-mer. Chem. SGC., 1912, 34, 259. 


ilask was then evacuated and elosed. It was cooled with ice-water, and 
the calculated amount of pure dry bromine admitted gradually from a 
tap funnel. After addition of nearly the theoretical amount of bromine 
the PBr- in the upper part of the flask was decomposed with hot water 
and more bromine admitted until the tribromide assumed a reddish 
colour due to excess of bromine, when such excess amounted to a few 
centigrams. Dry nitrogen was then admitted so as to produce a 
slight excess pressure, and the tribromide then fractionally distilled in 
a vacuum, the fractions being collected in a number of receivers placed 
in series. In this distillation a residue of a few grams was left in each 
of the first two receivers, this containing any dissolved phosphorus 
which was present. The bulk of the distillate in the third receiver now 
contained a slight excess of bromine. This was removed by bubbling 
through the warm liquid vapour derived from the second receiver. 
This process was continued for some time after the distillate became 
colourless. The residue in the third receiver, about 100 grams, was 
redistilled into several small bulbs, which were then sealed at their 
capillary junctions. The first and last samples collected showed 
equally a slight yellow tint when warm. This is probably characteristic 
of the pure tribromide. 

A bulb and contents, after weighing, was broken by shaking 
under a solution of ammoniacal hydrogen peroxide in a stout flask 
closed bv a glass stopper. The decomposition of the PBr 3 was com 
plete in 5 minutes, but the flask was allowed to stand for 24 hours 
with occasional shaking in order to effect complete absorption of the 
fumes of XH 4 Br. The cooled solution was filtered through a small 
paper, which was burned at as low a temperature as possible. All the 
broken glass was thus collected and weighed. The filtrate was acidified 
with nitric acid, introduced by a thistle funnel at the bottom of the 
solution, in order to avoid any loss of bromine set free locally and 
temporarily. The bromine, present as hydrobromic acid, was then 
determined in two ways 

(a) By finding the amount of silver which combined with it 


(b) By weighing the silver bromide precipitated. 

Both determinations were carried out with the same solution. 

(a) A quantity of silver which was equivalent to the bromine 
present within a few tenths of a milligram was dissolved in nitric 
acid with the usual precautions, the solution treated with an excess 
of nitric acid and added to the solution prepared from the PBr 3 with 
constant agitation. After standing, portions of the clear solution were 
tested in a nephelometer for excess of bromide or of silver. The 
bromide was always found to be in slight excess. The solution was 
then adjusted with X/100 AgX0 3 , shaken, allowed to stand, and the 
adjustment repeated until the amounts of silver and of bromine were 
again equivalent. After standing for a week, a nephelometer test 
showed that there was again an excess of bromide, apparently clue to 
the diffusion of occluded bromide out of the precipitate. "The de 
ficiency of silver was again made up, the final end-point being reached 
in about a fortnight. 

(/;) The precipitated AgBr was washed by decantation with water 
and collected on a Gooch-Munroe-Neubauer crucible, which was then 
heated gradually to 200 C. and kept at that temperature for 18 hours 


or more. After cooling, the bromide was weighed by substitution 
for a similar counterpoise. The precipitate was then transferred to a 
porcelain crucible and fused. The loss in weight on fusion seldom 
amounted to more than 0-001 per cent, of the weight of the precipitate. 
The clear yellow colour of the fused bromide was an additional guarantee 
of purity," since a very small percentage of impurity is sufficient to 
produce a perceptible darkening. The amounts of AgBr which were 
dissolved in the filtrate and wash water were also determined. 

The concordance of the two methods (a) and (b) could be checked 
bv means of the ratio Ag : AgBr, which as a mean of seventeen results 
was 0-574462. This is almost identical with the value 0-574453 which 
had already been considered to be the most probable. 1 Three series of 
determinations were carried out, each including five to eight separate 
experiments, and there were thirty-six in all. The means of each of 
the sets carried out according to methods (a) and (b) are given in the 
following tables. The atomic weight of phosphorus is calculated from 
these results using Ag = 107-880 and Br = 79-916. 



Method (ft). Method (6). 

Ratio P.Br 3 : 3Air. Atomic Weight. : Ratio PJ3r 3 : 3 AgBr. Atomic Weight, 

0-836660 31-031 0-480629 31-033 

0-836640 31-022 0-480628 31-032 

0-836644 31-025 : 0-480611 j 31-022 

0-836648 31-026 0-480623 31-029 

A given percentage error in the experimental work is multiplied nine 
times in the calculation of the atomic weight, i.e. an experimental 
error of 0-01 per cent, affects the calculated atomic weight of phos 
phorus by 0-027 unit. The highest individual value was 31-0 -10, the 
lowest 31-013. which corresponds almost exactly to 0-01 per cent, 
accuracy in the experimental work. Of the thirty-six results, however, 
twenty-seven fell between 31-035 and 31-021, a fluctuation only half 
as great. The variations in the mean results arc about 0-002 per cent., 
which corresponds to about 0-006 unit in the atomic weight. The 
means of the means agree to 0-003 unit. Giving a slightly greater 
weight to method (ft) the investigators deduce from these results an 
atomic weight oP 31-027. 


Ratios PC/ 3 : SJgCl and PCI, : 3Ag. 

Since- the percentage of phosphorus is considerably higher in the 
chloride, than in the bromide it was considered that the atomic weight 
niio-ht be deduced with even greater accuracy from the former com 
The methods used were similar, although not identical ; 

the most important points of difference will be noted. 

Chlorine, prepared from manganese dioxide and pure IIC1 was 
liquefied and the dry gas evolved from the liquid was admitted to the 
drv phosphorus in a vacuum. In this case phosphorus pentachloride 
was formed in considerable quantity and was removed only by several 
distillations. It could not be inferred with such confidence that the 
trichloride was free from pentachloride as that the tribromide was free 
from bromine. The trichloride was decomposed and oxidised in the 
manner already described. In the subsequent estimation of the silver 
chloride less difficulty was experienced in freeing this from occluded 
chloride, but more difficulty in determining accurately the amount of 
silver chloride remaining in solution. It was found possible, however, 
to diminish the solubility by adding an excess of silver nitrate solution 
and partly washing the precipitated, chloride with this solution. 

The silver chloride was dried at 190 C. and weighed as usual in 
series III. In series I and II the exact amount of silver nitrate re 
quired for complete reaction was found by adjustment, using the 
ncpheloineter as already described. The means of the experiments in 
each series are given in the following table : 


Method (6). 

i i 

Ratio PCi 3 : 3Ar. ! Atomic Weight. Ratio PC], : 3AgCl. j Atomic Weight. 




i ; 



The average atomic weight is given as 31-0] S. The investigators 
remark : iw If the trichloride actually contained a trace of penta 
chloride it would account for the fact that the average result of this 
research, is very slightly lower than that of the tribromide work." 

General Conclusions. The three main determinations of the 
atomic weight of phosphorus with their results are 

From - - Ag,P0 4 ; PBr 3 j 1>C1 3 

Atomic weight . . 31 -01- ; 

1 Baxter and Moore, J. Amcr. Chem. Soc., 1912, 34, 1644. 


In the fixing of standard atomic weights the results obtained from 
PBr 3 have been preferred for reasons that will be evident from the 
data already adduced. Although these results appear to be the least 
affected by systematic errors, nevertheless they involve such errors, 
and it seems hardly justifiable as yet to trust the results as far as 
units in the fifth significant figure. It may. however, be asserted with 
the greatest confidence that the atomic weight is known to be 


Thus there is no doubt that all chemical determinations concur in 
assigning to phosphorus an atomic weight slightly greater than 31-00. 
Nevertheless phosphorus, when analysed by the method of mass 
spectra, has hitherto proved to be a pure element ; no isotopes are 
present to account for the departure from the rule of whole numbers. 
There are two possible explanations 

(1) " The whole number rule is not, and never was supposed to be, 
mathematically exact, for this would imply an identical packing effect 
in the case of ail atoms, an exceedingly improbable supposition." x 

(2) It is possible that an isotope accompanying P= 31-00 in small 
amount has not yet been detected, as in the case of sulphur (S =32-06), 
the spectrograph of which shows two faint lines at 33 and 34, originally 
ascribed to hydrides, but afterwards shown to be due to isotopes of 
higher atomic weight. 2 Opinions founded on later work, however, 
have been less favourable to this hypothesis, and slight deviations from 
the whole number rule (on the oxygen scale) are now recognised in the 
case of t: pure " : elements, as appears from the quotation below. 3 

The purely chemical evidence as to the atomic weight of phosphorus 
is supplemented by that derived from mass spectra. 3 

i: Ever since the discovery of the whole number rule it lias been 
assumed that in the structure of atoms only two entities are ultimately 
concerned, the proton and the electron. If the additive law of mass 
was as true when an atomic nucleus is built of protons plus electrons 
as when a neutral atom is built of nucleus plus electrons, or a molecule 
of atoms plus atoms, the divergences from the whole number rule 
would be too small to be significant, and. since a neutral hydrogen atom 
is one proton plus one electron, the masses of ail atoms would be whole 
numbers on the scale 11 = 1. The measurements made with the first 
mass-spectrograph were sudiciently accurate to show that this was not 
true. The theoretical reason adduced for this failure of the additive 
law is that, inside the nucleus, the protons and electrons arc packed 
so closely together that their electromagnetic fields interfere and a 
certain fraction of the combined, mass is destroyed, whereas outside the 
nucleus the distances between the charges are too great for this to 
happen. The most convenient and informative expression for the 
divergences of an atom from the whole number rule is the actual 
divergence divided by its mass number. This is the mean gain or 
loss per proton when the nuclear packing is changed from that of 
oxygen to that of the atom in question. It will be called the packing 
fraction of the atom and expressed in parts per 10,000. Put in 

1 Ast.on, " Isoiopts" chap, viii., par. 9(5 fl., Arnold, 1923; Phd. Jfug., 1020, [6], 40, 
G2S; 1925., [6], 49, 1191. 

2 Aston, Sat arc,, 1920, 117, 89;>. 3 Aston, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1927, A, 115, 487. 
vnr ATI TT /. 


another way, if we suppose the whole numbers and the masses of the 
atoms to be plotted on a uniform logarithmic scale such that every 
decimetre equals a change of 1 per cent., then the packing fractions 
are the distances expressed in millimetres between the masses and the 
whole numbers. 

Phosphorus. The element was introduced m the Jtorm 01 phosphine, 

which gives the lines P, PH, PH 2 , PH 3 . If plenty of carbon monoxide 
is present its line will be practically unaffected by the presence of small 
quantities of Si 28 , inevitably present and of mass so far unknown. 
So that the series CO : P : PH 3 can be employed to give values for 
phosphorus. . . . From the known values of H, C and O and the sum 
of the two intervals the packing fraction 5 of P can be calculated. 
The mean of six consistent values corresponds to a packing fraction 
-5-6 and therefore a mass 30-9825. No mass-spectrum has given the 
slightest reason for supposing that phosphorus is complex, so that it 
seems probable that the chemical atomic weight of 31-02 is too high." 

The method of limiting densities when applied to phosphine also 
gives a lower result for the atomic weight of phosphorus. Phosphine 
was prepared from phosphonium iodide by means of potassium 
hydroxide, and was fractionated. The densities were investigated at 
pressures of 1 clown to 0-25 atmosphere. Assuming a linear relation 
between pv and pressure, (pv\l(pv)i is calculated to be 1-0091. If the 
normal litre of oxygen weighs 1-4290 gram and the coefficient of devia 
tion from Boyle s law per atmosphere is -0-00096, then PH 3 = 34-000 
and P- 30-977. x 



THE volume which is occupied by the atom of phosphorus when it is 
combined with one or two other elements to form liquid compounds 
has been deduced from the molar volumes of such compounds on the 
assumption that the other elements possess constant and characteristic 
atomic volumes in these compounds. Thus, from the molar volumes of 
PCI 3 and PBr 3 at their boiling-points Kopp l assigned to phosphorus 
the atomic volume 25-2. The exact determinations by Thorpe 2 of the 
densities and coefficients of expansion of PC1 3 . PBr 3 , POC1 3 , PSC1 3 , 
POBrCU and PClo(OC 2 H 5 ) gave values for the atomic, volume of 
phosphorus which ranged between 24-0 and 26-1, the mean being about 
25-3. The value derived from the density of liquid PH 3 (q.v.), using 
Kopp s value for hydrogen, is 29-1. These variations do not depend 
on experimental errors, nor, in the comparison of such compounds as 
PCL and PBr 3 . can they be ascribed to differences in constitution. 
It has been suggested that the differences between the molar volumes 
of the liquid compounds at their boiling-points (or other temperatures 
at which the vapour pressures are equal) and the sums of the atomic 
volumes of the liquid elements at the same vapour pressures are also 
some function of the affinities which come into play during the com 
binations. 3 The volumes measured at the respective boiling-points 
are : Cl, 22-76; Br, 26-8 ; 2 P, 20-5; therefore P- 3d =88-8 and 
P-f-3Br = 100-9. According to Thorpe also PC1 3 =03-34 2 and PBr 3 
= 108-8. 2 The combination with chlorine under conditions of equal 
vapour pressure is accompanied by an expansion of 4-5 units, and that 
with bromine by 7-9 units, in excess of the values which would obtain 
if Kopp s additive law held good. The comparison has been extended 
to the oxyhalides 2 and the pentahalides 4 with the result that the 
changes of volume on combination were found to be different in each 

In attempting to determine the structure of such compounds as 
POClo the molar volume of the compound at its boiling-point may be 
diminished by that of PC1 3 , 2 leaving 7-8, which is Kopp s value for 
oxygen linked to two elements, and leads to a formula C1 9 =P -O-C1. 
If, however, the molar volume of POCL is diminished by the atomic 
volumes of P and 3C1, the remainder, 12-2, is the atomic volume of 

1909,95,445; 1910,97,2032. 



doubly-linked oxygen, which leads to a formula^ C1 3 ^=P=O. 1 The 
present views on valency, as developed, e.g., in this Volume, Part I., 
put the whole matter in rather a different, light. 

It is improbable that phosphorus is trivalent in POC1 3 , and further, 
in such compounds it is exercising its maximum valency. Since the 
atomic volume calculated on the assumption of a double bond between 
the phosphorus and the oxygen agrees most closely with the atomic 
volume of elementary phosphorus, it is probable that in the liquid 
element as well as in POC1 3 phosphorus is exercising this maximum 
valency, which includes ci mixed bonds/ 5 thus 



See also the discussion on the structure of P 4 O 6 (p. 128). 

The Volume of Phosphorus in Liquid Compounds under 
Conditions of Maximum Contraction. The volumes which liquid 
compounds would occupy if they remained in this state at temperatures 
not far removed from the absolute zero represent the closest packing 
possible at ordinary external pressure and under the influence of the 
internal or intrinsic pressure alone of non-oriented molecules, i.e. 
those which are not arranged in a space-lattice. These volumes can be 
obtained by shorter or longer extrapolations from the actual observed 
liquid volumes. 

The formula of Cailletet and Mathias 2 gives the mean isobaric 
densities of a liquid and its saturated vapour as a rectilinear function 
of the temperature. Thus 

in which the meaning of the symbols is obvious, and Z) /2 is half the 
limiting density at the absolute zero obtained by the extrapolation. 

The specific volumes i\ } (=1//) ) are found in the case of many 
liquids to have a mean value equal to 0-20 of v ( . (the critical volume), 3 
while according to van der Waals equation 4 they should be equal to 
0-33 of iv (t\.=3/>). In cither case the volumes V Q at maximum con 
traction are corresponding volumes and should therefore be additivcly 
related to those of the constituent elements. It has been shown 5 that 
the most closely additive relations arc obtained if the limiting volumes 
are calculated by the equation 

From the differences in molar volumes ^iV (or A/7/) ) of homo 
logous series, etc.. the atomic volumes A F of each element are cal- 

1 Ramsay and Masson, Tram. Cham.. Soc., 1881, 39, 52. 

2 Cailletet and ^lathias, Compt. rend. 1886, 102, 1202; ibid., 1887, 104, 1563. 

3 Bert-helot, D., Arch. Neerlfirt.d n.w, 1900, [2], 5, 440. 

4 See this Scries, Vol. I., and ".4 Text-book of Physical Chvnistry" Vol. I., J. Xewton 
Friend (Griffin), 1932. 

5 Sugden, Trans. Chem, Soc., 1927, 1780. 



dilated in the usual way. The value assigned to phosphorus is 12-7. 
The atomic volumes are added together to give S A V > and the sums are 
compared with the molar volumes found, ^ F . 






Si ,C, 


i Phosphorus trichloride 




Thorpe. 1 





Sugden, Reed and Wilkins. 2 

,, oxy chloride 

POC1 3 



Triethyl phosphate 




,, ,, J5 

Triphenyl phosphate . 

PO(OPh) 3 


! 226-8 

5> > 1 

,, phosphinc . 

PPh 3 


| 206-8 

\ Waldeii and Swinne. 3 

Further information on the structure of phosphorus compounds is 
given by the parachor, which is a function of surface tension and 
molar volume, the molar volumes in effect being compared under 
conditions of equal surface tension. 4 For a given liquid the expression 

is independent of the temperature. 5 The molar parachor 

is found to be additivcly composed of terms due to each of the atoms 
(which may be called, the atomic parachors) plus terms due to double 
or triple linkages, and to various types of cyclic structures. The mean 
parachor of phosphorus as calculated from some binary compounds, 
such as PClo, etc., is 37-3 (36-1 to 38-9). In another system it is 40-5. 6 

PC1 3 . 


Px .... 

199-0 7 

201-1 8 

SP,v (without phosphorus) 


242-9 2 




The parachors of phosphorus and the other atoms were summed 
and compared also with the molar values of POCK, etc. (p. 54). A 
different series of atomic parachors has also been proposed. 6 

1 Thorpe, Trans. Chem. Sue., 1880, 37, 141, 386. 

2 Sugden, Reed and Wilkins, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1925, 127, 1525. 

3 Waldcn and Swinne, Zeitsck. physikal. Chem., 1912, 79, 700. 

4 Macleod, Trans. Far. Sue., 1923, 19, 38; Sugden, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1924, 125, 1177. 
3 DL = density of liquid, J)\ = isobaric density of vapour, cr= surface tension. 

6 Mumford and Phillips, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1928, 155; 1929, 2112. 

7 Morgan and Daghlien, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1913, 33, 657. 
a Ramsay and Shields, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1893, 63, 1089. 


! POC1 3 . 

PO(OC,H,) ; ,. 

I PO(OC 6 H 5 ) 3 . 


217-6 l 

i 399-1 2 

i 680-5 2 


! 403-0 

i 687-7 


i -3-9 

1 -1-2 


The differences liave the sign and magnitude which is associated with 
a * mixed " bond, and this confirms the structure assigned on p. 52. 
The ethyl ester of phenylmethylphosphinic acid had a parachor of 420-5 ; 
that calculated on the assumption of an ordinary double bond was 
442-1, while on the assumption of a "mixed" or semipolar bond it 
was 417-3. The structure was therefore given as 

(CH 3 )(C 6 H 5 )(C 2 H 5 0)=P >0 3 

The atomic refraction shows considerable variability with con 
stitutive influences, whether it is determined by Gladstone s formula 

or by Lorentz and Lorenz s formula 

An, = (^ 

(Xote. A = atomic weight, r ( -+ =refractivity according to Gladstone s 
formula, rL=refractivity according to Lorentz and Lorenz s formula.) 
The atomic refraction Ar (; of the element is 18-68 (solid), 18-89 (liquid). 4 
or 18-69 (mean of solid and liquid), 5 while the value A? L was 9-10 (mean 
of solid and liquid). 5 

The following values have been calculated from the molar refrac- 
tivities of the principal liquid (or gaseous) compounds : 6 

PH 3 (liquid). ;PH 3 (gaseous). P(C 2 H 5 ),. PC1 3 . : PC1 5 . PBr,. ! P 4 O . POOL, j 

Ar T 











Atomic refractivities of phosphorus in its compounds arc calculated 
as the difference between the molar refractivities and the sums of the 
refractivities of the other atoms. They vary according to the structure 
assigned, namely, whether oxygen is to be considered as singly- or 
doubly-linked. Molar refractivities appear to be affected by con- 

1 Ramsay and Shields, Trans. Cham. Soc., 1893, 63, 1089. 

2 Sugden, Reed and Wilkins, Trans. Cham. Soc., 1U25, 127, 1525. 

3 Gibson and Johnson, Trans. Chern. Soc., 1928, 92. 
* Gladstone, Chew. Xew*\ 1887, 55, 300. 

5 Damien, "Rich, sur le pouvoir refringent des liquides," Paris, 1881. 

6 Zecchmi, Ztitsch. physikal. Clicrn., 1893, 12, 505; Gazzetta, 1893, 23, i., 97. Sco also 
Kanonikoii, J.prakt. Chtm., 1885, [2], 31, 359; Haagen, Annaltii, 1867, 131, 117. 


stitutive influences to about the same extent as molar volumes at the 
boiling-points, TM, since the ratios of V^ to M/* L for all the compounds 
considered range between 4-77 and 5-01, mean 4-9. 1 

When the refractivities of gaseous compounds are calculated to 
standard conditions, the values of n - 1 or (n ~1)10 G are often found to 
be nearly additively composed of those of their components, that is 
(n - 1)10 6 is nearly equal to S(>ZA - 1)10 6 . The following table enables 
this comparison to be made between observed and calculated refrac- 
tivities. 2 The property is only approximately additive, the deviations 
from this relation being great in some cases. 3 4 


Refractive Index 







for Gas 

fract ivity 

Refractivities of 

Sum. i 

per cent. 
(5) and 

Gas. Liquid. 

Lorenz s 






PH 3 

1-00073G j 





PCJ 3 

1 -001 730 


599 -r (3x384) 

1751 = 


PBr 3 

! 1-6S66 



599 -f- {3 x 562-5) 







(4x599) -551 

2947 j 



: 1-5405 



(2 x599)-r(3 x!35) 

1603 1 


POC1 3 




599 -135 -(3 x3S4) 



PSC1 3 




599 -(3x384) -551 




Stereochemistry. Compounds of the type POX 3 may, as already 
pointed out, have one or other of two constitutions (see p. 52) or 
may exist in tautomeric equilibrium, but if the halogens X are replaced 
by hydrocarbon or other organic radicals R, the compound will be 
fixed in one or other of the two isomeric forms. This isomerism has 
been well established in the case of the compounds having the empirical 
formula OP(C 6 H 5 ) 3 . 5 One of these, phenoxydiphenylphosphine, is an 
oily liquid, prepared by the condensation of phenol with diphenyl- 
chlorophosphine : 

C 6 H 3 OH + (C 6 H 5 ),PC1 = (C e H 6 ) 2 P.OC 6 H s -rHCl 

The other, triphenyiphosphine oxide, is a solid melting at 153-5 C., 
and is prepared by the action of water on triphenylbromophosphine 
bromide : 

H 2 + (C,,H 5 ) s PBr a = (C 6 H S ) 3 PO + 2HBr 

1 Arbuzov and Ivanov, J. KHSS. Phys. Che//i. Soc., 1915. 47, 2015; A, 1925, ii., 165. 

2 Cuthbcrtson, C. and M., Phil. Tians., 1905, 204, A, 323. 

3 Cuthbertson and Metcalfe, Phil. Trans., 190S, 207, A, 135; Proc. Hoi/. Soc., 1908, 


That the three ordinary valencies of phosphorus in compounds of 
the type FOX, or POR 3 do not act in one plane, but are distributed 
in space symmetrically with respect to one another, was demonstrated 
bv Ca.vcnj 1 who replaced chlorine atoms in the trichloride one at a 
time but in different succession by various groups such as RXTI or 

i{0 9 forming, for example, the anilino-, jj-toluidino- and then the 

y>toluidino-anilino chloride. 

Xo signs of isomerism were detected in the mono-, di- or tri-sub- 
stitution products. It was therefore stated that ;i the centres of gravity 
of the three chlorine atoms lie at the angles of an equilateral triangle, 
and if an imaginary line is drawn through the centre of this triangle 
and at right angles to its plane, the centres of gravity both of the 
phosphorus atom and of the oxygen atom are situated on this line/ 

On account of the theories of valency alluded to before (p. 52), 2 
compounds of the types [PR 4 JX and [OPR 3 ] are of the same stereo- 
chemical type, and contain an atom of phosphorus co-ordinated to 
four atoms or groups which are symmetrically disposed in space. When 
the groups denoted by 11 are different, the resulting compounds 
PR 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 X and POR 1 R 2 R 3 should be capable of existing in optically 
active forms. 

The first preparation of the type PR 3 R 2 R 3 R 4 X could not be 
resolved, 3 nor could an aiiilmo-p-toluidinophosphoric acid l be resolved 
into optically active isomers by fractional crystallisation, with active 
bases. The first compound which was proved to contain an asym 
metric phosphorus atom was phenyl-p-tolylphosphoric acid, the 
JZ-hydrindamine of which 

/OC,H 5 
0=PA)C 7 H 7 
\XHC 9 H 9 

was found to be a mixture of two compounds having different melting- 
points. The d- and Miydrindamines when separately prepared each 
yielded on fractional crystallisation a less soluble fraction of lower 
Iccvo-rotatory power and a more soluble fraction of higher lievo-rotatory 
power, thus showing a resolution of the acid. 4 

The compound methylethylphenylphosphine oxide . 

/CII 3 

also contains an asymmetric phosphorus atom. 5 It was prepared by 
combining ethyldiphenylphosphine with methyl iodide, setting the 
base free with silver oxide and boiling with water : 

(C 6 H 3 ) 2 (C 2 H 5 )(CH 3 )POH = C 6 H 6 + (C G H 5 )(C 2 H 5 )(CH 3 )PO 

This compound, which could be distilled without decomposition, was 
combined with the calculated amount of d-broiiiocamphorsulpnomc 

1 Cavcn, Trans. Che/ti. Soc., 1902, 81, 1362. 

2 See also Tart 1. of this Volume. 

3 Michaelis, Annakn, 1901, 315, 3S. 

4 Kipping and Lurf, Trans. C hcm. >S oc., 1909, 95, 1993. 

5 Meisenhcimer and Lichtonstadt, Bcr., 1911, 44, 356. See also Eadcliffe and Brindlev, 
J. tioc. Chun. Ind., 1923, 42, 64. 


acicl and the product crystallised from ethyl acetate. The recrystal- 
lised product had a molecular rotation, M\ ly of ~3 2I 3 while that of 
bromocamphoric acid and its salts with inactive substances was -f 48. 
On passing ammonia into a solution of the camphorsulphonate in 
ben/ene, the ammonium salt was quantitatively precipitated, and the 
solution on evaporation gave colourless crystals of the niethylethyl- 
phenylphospliine oxide, which had a molecular rotation, J/p. of +39 
in water and -f57 in benzene. 

Further evidence as to structure in space is derived from an examina 
tion of the electric moments due to the dipoles of some compounds. 

The Dipole Moment of Phosphine. Molecules which are not 
polar in the sense of being strong acids, bases or salts, may yet show 
an inner polarity when investigated by certain physical methods. 
The use of the dielectric constant and the rcfractivity in calculating 
the polarisation of molecules is described in certain monographs and 
text-books, e.g. tc The Dipole Moment and Chemical Structure" Dcbye- 
Deans (Blackie), 1931 ; c; Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry" 
Glasstone (Churchill), 1931. 

The total molar polarisation, i.e. that due to 1 gramme-molecule of 
the compound, is given by the Mosotti-Clausius equation : 


+2 D ~ L " 3 3 skT 

in which 6 is the dielectric constant, J/ and D have their usual sig 
nificance, A r is the Avogadro number, and 7 is the molecular polaris- 
ability due to induced dipoles. We are not concerned at present with 
the first term on the right, which is the distortion polarisation, P\ h 
i.e. that which is due to the dipoles which are set up in molecules by 
the applied field of force. The second term is the polarisation due to 
the permanent dipoles existing in the molecules before the field is 
applied. A permanent dipole is present whenever combination with 
partial separation of electric charges has taken place in such a way that 
the centre of gravity of ail the positive charges does not correspond 
with that of the negative charges. If the distance between the charges 
e is d. then de = p, is the dipole moment of each molecule. Boltzmamrs 
constant k = RjN, in which R is the universal gas constant and N is 
the Avogadro number, i.e. the number of molecules in a gramme- 
molecule. Since all these constants have known values and the 
temperature is known, the dipole moment JJL can be calculated, and on 
certain assumptions it gives the configuration of the molecule. The 
following values have been found in the case of the hydrogen com 
pounds of this groin) : 

XH 3 . PH 3 . AsH 3 . 

1-55 0-55 0-15 

The existence of these permanent dipole moments indicates that the 
hydrogen atoms arc not in the same plane as the tervalent element, 
but that this occupies the apex of a tetrahedron, of which the three 
hydrogen atoms form the corners. The diminution of the moment with 
rise of atomic weight, is attributed to a decrease in the height of the 
tetrahedra, and also to the distortion of the octets of electrons on the 
N, P and As atoms by the positive charges on the H atoms. 


The Representation of Phosphorus Compounds by Electronic 
Theories of Valency. The compounds in which phosphorus is 
trivalcnt arc saturated in the sense that all the covalcnt bonds on the 
element are made up, with the completion of the outer octet of electrons, 
the phosphorus atom thus assuming the argon type with three com 
pleted shells of 2, 8, 8 electrons of which only the outermost are shown 
by the formulae 1 

H Cl 

H . p . H ci ; p ; ci 

If we admit the hypothesis 2 that the three quantum orbits of the 
second series may contain a maximum of 6, C instead of 4, 4 electrons, 
it follows that PC1 5 also, and other quinquevalcnt compounds, may be 
written with ordinary valencies or duplet bonds only, giving shells 
of 10 0. If, however, 8 is the maximum possible (failing the com 
pletion of 12), then PC1 5 must be constituted either as NH 4 C1. or it 
must contribute two electrons to a pair of chlorine atoms, thus de 
veloping a " mixed bond." In the first case 

r Cl ^ 

ci P . ci j . ci ; 

L Cl 

would be potentially ionisable, a property which has been to some 
extent confirmed experimentally (see p. 96 ). 3 One of the chlorines in 
PC1 4 ~ is held by a " mixed bond." In the second case 

Cl ; P ;) Q or C1 3 EEPTC1 2 


also contains a c mixed bond," uniting two chlorine atoms which are 
not connected with one another, and being united in a different manner 
from the other three should be more easily split off and replaced as a 
whole by 0, e.g. to give POC1 3 . The latter compounds, as well as 
H 3 P0 4 and all others in which phosphorus is said to be quinquevalent, 
can be represented by formulae of similar type. 4 They, as well as all 
compounds in which non-metals from Group IV onwards show valencies 
higher than the typical hydrogen valency towards other non-metals, 
must be represented as having one or more mixed bonds, and as 
being co-ordination compounds, according to one definition, of such 
compounds. 5 

The oxy-acids of phosphorus can be represented by constitutional 

1 See this Volume, "Part I., Chapter IT. 

2 Sidgwick, Trans. Ch&m. 8oc., 1923, 725. 

3 Hofroyd, /. Soc. G kem. 2nd., 1923, 42, 3-i8. 

4 Prideaux, J. Soc. Chcm. 2nd., 1923, 42, 672; Lowrv, Phil Mag., 1923, [6], 45, 

5 Prideaux, J. Soc. Chem. lad., 1925, 44, 25. 


formula in which there are 3 ordinary valencies and a " mixed 
bond (phosphoric) or 3 ordinary valencies with a tautomeric change 
to 3 ordinary valencies and a " mixed bond ; (phosphorous and 

hypophosphorous). Thus if POC1 3 is represented as C1 3 =P- Q or 

C1 3 =P >0, then phosphoric acid is represented as (HO) 3 =P >0. 

The phosphorus probably is the central atom, possessing the co 
ordination number 4, in all compounds which were considered formerly 
to contain quinquevalent phosphorus. The complete series between 
the quadrivalent hydride and oxide will appear as 

PH 4 I OPH 3 H 3 P0 2 H 3 PO 3 H 3 P0 4 

" H "- r H i r H i- r H ";= ~ o -p 

H P >H I- H P >OJ H P H- p P O 1 Ho ;O P 0| H 3 +" 

L H J L H -^ L O J L O j L O ^ 

The corresponding formulae, e.g. for the phosphite ion. as written by 
Lowry, are 

|Hv ., /6: 

The phosphites, and possibly the hypophosphites, are also capable of 
existing as tervalent forms which can be fixed as the esters, such as 
P(OEt) 3 , and according to the evidence of X-rays these forms pre 
dominate in the solid or liquid compounds, whereas in solution they 
change into the unsymmetrical tautomeric forms. The evidence is 
discussed under that section which is devoted to the acids in question. 



BINARY compounds of the metals and the less electronegative non- 
metals with phosphorus are made by methods which recall those 
employed in the preparation of nitrides. The most important of these 
methods may be classified as follows : 

(1) Direct union of the element with phosphorus under various 

conditions. The metal may be heated with red phosphorus in 
an indifferent gas, or the vapour of phosphorus may be passed 
over the heated metal. By this means phosphides of the 
alkali metals, of the alkaline earth metals, of many ferrous 
and non-ferrous base metals, as well as of the Ci noble " metals 
such as gold and platinum, may be prepared. 

(2) Reduction of phosphates with carbon at a high temperature. 

This method is chiefly applicable to the phosphates of the 
alkaline earth metals. 

(3) The action of phosphine or phosphorus in liquid ammonia upon 

a solution of an alkali metal in liquid ammonia. 

(4) The action of phosphine on aqueous solutions of metallic salts 

or passage over the dry salts. 

(5) Heating the metals in the vapour of phosphorus trifluoride or 


Although the metallic phosphides are described under the respective 
metals in the appropriate Volumes of this Series, a selection will also 
be brought under review here, since they illustrate the reactivity of 
phosphorus and of phosphine towards elements of the different groups. 

Alkali Phosphides .Soon after the discovery of the alkali metals 
the direct combinations of these with phosphorus vapour were recorded. 1 2 
The combination can also be effected under petroleum, the unchanged 
phosphorus being removed by carbon disulphiele. 3 

When alkali metals arc brought into contact with red phosphorus 
in liquid ammonia, ammonio-phosphicles such as XaP 3 .3XH 3 and 
KP 5 .3XH 3 are formed, and can be deprived of their ammonia at 
180 C., leaving the phosphides as brown solids. In liquid ammonia 
sodium and potassium are also capable of displacing one hydrogen 
from phosphine, giving crystalline monophosphides (phosphamides), 
XaPHo and KPH 2 , which decompose on heating giving eventually 
K 3 P andXaJP. 4 - 5 * 

1 Davy, Phil. Trans., 1808, 98, 333. 

2 Gay-Lussac and Thenard, llc-ch pliys. Chlm., 181], i, 208. 

3 Vigier, Bull. Soc. clam., 1861, [1], 3, 7. 

* Hugot, Compt. rend., 1895, 121, 20G; 1898, 126, 1719. 
5 Joannis, Compt. rend., 1894, 119, 557. 


Rubidium and caesium phosphides have been made by similar 
methods and by distilling phosphorus in a vacuum with the alkali 
metal. The formulic are given as Rb 2 P 5 and Os.JP 5 : K 2 P 5 is also 
known. 1 

Alkaline Earth Phosphides. An impure calcium phosphide, 
made by exposing lime at a red heat to the vapour of phosphorus, was 
used in the preparation of phosphine. 2 Calcium phosphide probably 
is also formed during the manufacture of phosphorus by the electric 
furnace method (c/.v.). It has been prepared by heating calcium 
phosphate and lam]) black in the electric are furnace, and appeared 
as a crystalline reddish-black substance. 8 Calcium phosphide 
prepared in this manner is only acted upon slowly by water at 
the ordinary temperature, but readily by aqueous solutions of strong 
acids. Concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids, and oxygen and 
chlorine, do not attack it at ordinary temperatures, but on heating 
it is oxidised, e.g. by chlorine above 100 C. and by oxygen above 
300 C. 

Strontium and barium phosphides have been prepared by similar 
methods. 4 

Magnesium phosphide was first obtained from the metal and organic 
substances containing phosphorus, 5 but is best prepared by heating 
the metal in phosphorus vapour or with red phosphorus in an atmosphere 
of hvdrogen. 6 7 

Phosphides of the alkali and alkaline earth metals are decomposed 
by water or dilute acids, giving the hydroxides or salts of the metals 
respectively, together with phosphine and other ;t hydro-phosphors." 
They are only slightly affected by oxidising agents such as con 
centrated nitric acid. They burn when heated slightly below a 
red heat in oxygen. They arc also attacked by the halogens when 

Copper, Silver and Gold Phosphides. The copper phosphides 
are crystalline compounds of metallic appearance and properties which 
are usually prepared by direct union of the elements. 8 Phosphorus 
begins to combine with copper at about -1-00 C.. and at 700 C. the 
copper was found to take up 20 per cent., 9 some of which was expelled 
at higher temperatures. Slightly above the melting-point of the 
phosphide 14- per cent, was retained, which corresponds to tri-cuprous 
phosphide, Cu 3 P. 9 The velocity of the combination increases between 
600 and 700 C. 10 At ordinary pressures 15 per cent, of phosphorus is 
the limit of the amount which will remain dissolved in the fused 
mixture, and some of this is present as red phosphorus. 11 

1 Bosstiet and Hackspili, Co nipt. rcwL, 1913, 157, 721: 1912, 154, 209. 

2 Dumas, Thcnard, loc. c//., under "Phosphine": Rose, Annalui, 1S2S, 12, ;>3. 

3 Renault, Compt. ienrL, 1.899, 128, 883; Moissan, ibid., 128, 787. 

4 Jabom, Cow pi. roid., 1899, 129, 765. 

5 Bunsen, Airnak-n, 1868, 138, 292: SJchonn, Z^.t^cJi. annl. Chew., 1S69. 8, f>3. 

6 Blunt, Trans. Chc.m. Soc., 186"), 18, 106; Parkinson, -ibid., 1867, 20, 309. 

7 Gautier, Cot/ipL rend., 1899. 128, 1107. 

s Pellet ier, Ami. Chim. Pnijs., 1789, [1], i, 93; Grander, Contribution a I ehf.dc, 
de* plioApliinc* mct iUiquex," Pans, 1898: Lupke, Zcitch. phyv. Ohem. UnfcrricJn, 1890, 3, 


Cu P is a crystalline steel-grey or silvery-white substance which is 
harder 3 than wrought iron. The melting-point is about 1018 C. and 
is" lowered by additions of copper, as that of pure copper is by small 
additions of phosphorus ; the Cu-Cu 3 P freezing-point curves meet at 
a eutcctic which corresponds to 8-2 per cent, of phosphorus with a 
freezing-point of 707 C. 1 

The toughness and resistance to corrosion ot the phosphor-bronzes 
are due to the presence of solid solutions of the phosphides in copper. 

Cu P was also prepared by the action of phosphine on ammoniacal 
cuprous oxide and on the metal at about 200 C. 2 and on cuprous 
chloride. 3 Cu 5 P 2 was made by the action of PF 3 or PC1 3 on copper 
at a red heat/ also by the action of phosphine on cupric hydroxide or 
carbonate,- and red phosphorus on cupric nitrate. 5 When heated to a 
red heat it gave Cu 3 P and Cu. Cu 3 P 2 is said to be formed by the 
action of phosphine on cupric chloride. When yellow phosphorus was 
boiled with cupric sulphate and the precipitate washed and treated 
with acid dichromate the residue had this composition. 6 The higher 
phosphides, of which CuP and CuP 2 have been reported, are powders 
of uncertain composition, easily oxidised by nitric acid or by heating 
in oxygen. 4 7)8)9 

Other phosphides which have been prepared by direct combination, 
or by reaction in solution, are Cu 5 P,, 4 CuJP, 4 Cu 3 lV 10 CuP, 4 10 -^ 12 

Silver phosphides, AgP, Ag 2 P 3 and AgP 2 , were said to be produced by 
heating the elements together, or by passing phosphorus vapour over 
heatecfsilver. 4 13) n Molten silver absorbs phosphorus freely, but rejects 
most if not nearly all on solidification. 14 15 Silver phosphides have also 
been prepared by other reactions, and it is noteworthy that the action 
of phosphine on silver nitrate gives a compound, Ag 3 P.3AgX0 3 , 1G> 17 
analogous to that which is first formed in the well-known test for 
arsine. 16 

Gold, like silver, when in the molten state dissolves phosphorus 
and rejects it on solidification. 18 A phosphide AuP has been prepared 
by passing a mixture of dry phosphine and ether vapour into an ether 
solution of gold chloride. 10 The phosphorus is only loosely combined 
and is given off when the compound is warmed. Such phosphides 

1 Heyn and Bauer, lor., cit.: Hiorns, J. Soc. Chan. 2/id.. lOU o, 25, b 22. 

2 Rubenovitch, Compt. rend., 1898, 127, 271. 

3 Kulisch, Annahn, 1S85, 231, 242. 

4 Granger, CornpL rend., 1807, 124, 896. 

3 Senderens, Compt. rend., 1887, 104, 177. 

6 Bottger, Met. 7?e?;., 1878, 2, 456. 

7 Abc-C Trans. Cliem. Soc., 1865, 18, 249. 
3 Katz, Arch. Pharm., 1904, 242, 129. 

9 Christomanos, Zeitsch. anorg. Chem.., 1904, 41, 309. 

Rose, Annalen, .1832, 24, 321. 

1 Bmmerling, Ber., 1879, 12, 152. 

- Huntingdon and Dcsch, Trans. Far. Soc., 190S, 4. 51 ; Tucker, J. Soc. CJic.rn. LuL, 
1906, 25, 622. 

3 Schrotter, Sitzu-ngsber. K. Alcad. Wiss. )r?c/?, 1849, 3, 301. 
Pplletier, Ann. Chim. Pkys., 1792, [I], 13, 109. 

5 Percy, "Silver and Gold," London, 1880, i, 137. 

6 Poleck and Thummel, Ber., 1883, 16, 243o! 

Vitali, VOrosi, 1892, 15, 397: ibid., 1893, 16, 10. 

8 Hautefeuille and Perrev, Compt. rand., 1884, 98, 1378. 

9 Cavazzi, Gazzetta, 1S84 / , 15, 40. 


behave like free phosphorus ; they burn in the air, are oxidised by 
nitric aeid, etc., and hydrolysed by water and alkalies. 

Zinc Group. Zinc phosphides have been made chiefly by reactions 
(1) and (2) (p. 60). Molten zinc unites readily with phosphorus. 1 
A compound Zn 3 P 2 was prepared by the action of phosphorus vapour 
on zinc dust : 2 the zinc oxide present was reduced and also gave 
phosphide. 3 The phosphide was a grey, well- crystallised substance 
which did not mix with molten zinc. It was sublimable in hydrogen 
over 1000 C. and when heated in the air oxidised to zinc phosphate. 4 
It was not attacked by water, but acids gave phosphine and zinc salts. 5 
The hydrophosphide. obtained by the action of phosphine on zinc 
ethide in ether cooled with ice and salt, is much less stable. It is a 
white powder which is at once decomposed by cold water giving 
phosphine and zinc hydroxide. 6 

Cadmium phosphides have been obtained by direct union, 7 as well 
as by the action of phosphine on ammoniacal cadmium sulphate. 8 

Mercury forms several phosphides, i.e. Hg 3 P ? Hg 3 P , HgJP 4 , which 
have been described as resulting from the action of phosphine in 
aqueous solution on mercurous or mercuric salts. 9 10 These products 
were easily oxidised by air. halogens and aqua rcgia. 

Boron is hardly affected by phosphorus even at high temperatures, 11 
but there are indications of a reaction when BPO 4 is heated with 
sodium. 12 A phosphoiodide BPI 2 or BPI is made by heating BI 3 
with phosphorus, or by bringing the same substances together in CS 
solution. When the phosphoiodide was heated to 500 C. in hydrogen, 
BP was left as a maroon-coloured powder, which was not affected by 
water or mineral acids up to 400 C., but was hydrolysed by boiling 
alkalies or by superheated steam, giving borates or boric acid respec 
tively and phosphine. 11 It was violently oxidised by nitric acid and 
burned in oxygen. When heated at 200 C. in a current of ammonia 
the phosphorus was displaced by nitrogen and the very stable boron 
nitride, BN, was formed. 

Aluminium Phosphide was made by a reaction between red 
phosphorus and aluminium powder. 13 14 It formed yellow crystals. 
These materials when heated in an electric furnace yielded A1 3 P and 
A1P, which were crystalline substances of a metallic appearance. 15 1G 
ALP 7 was obtained when phosphorus and aluminium were heated to 
a white heat in a current of hydrogen. 

Titanium Group. The phosphides of the elements of Group IV A 

1 Pellctier, he. cit.; Lewis, Chnn. J\>:-s 1902, 87, 211. 

2 Schrotter, Sitzitnyaber. K. A/cad. Wi*s. Wicn, 1849, 3, 301. 

3 Renault, Compt. rend., 1873, 76, 2S3. 

4 Jolibois, Compt. rend., 1908, 147, SOL 

5 Lupke, loc. cit. 

Sabatier, Corn-fit, rend., 1896, 123, 256. 

7 Emmerlina, Bc.r., 1879, 12, 152. 

s Kuhsch, Aunal&n, 1885. 231, 347; Brukl, ZtitscJi. anorg. Cham., 1922, 125, 252. 

9 Brukl, Zfi,tsch. anorg. Chun., 1922, 125. 252. 

Chnstomanos,<ch. ano/g. Chc-tn., 1905, 45, 140. 

1 Moissan, Ann. CJd/n. Plujd., 1895, [7], 6, 296; Besson, Compt. rend., 1S90, no, 


516; ibid., 1891, 113, 78. 


have in most cases been prepared, although their compositions have 
not been established with certainty. A method which seems to succeed 
in cases where others fail is the double decomposition of phosphine with 
the chlorides (YVohlcr s reaction), i.e. with those of silicon, titanium 
and zirconium. This method was not, successful, however, with 


The phosphides of titanium and zirconium to which were assigned 

the formula* TiP and %rP 2 are described as yellow or grey crystalline 
substances, which conduct electricity. They burned when heated in 
air, but were not affected by aqueous acids or aqueous oxidising agents. 
Thorium phosphide lias been made by reducing ThCl 4 with phosphorus 

Tin Phosphides. Several well-defined phosphides of tin have 
been made by the dry methods. The early work 2 was of a qualitative 
nature. Phosphides of tin may be made by heating metaphos- 
phoric acid or a phosphate and silica with carbon and tin or stannic 
oxide. 3 

When phosphorus and tin are melted together in a sealed tube, two 
liquid layers are formed, and the maximum amount of phosphorus taken 
up by the tin is 8 per cent., 4 while by heating tin and phosphorus in a 
sealed tube at 620 C. for 10 hours grey crystals were obtained which 
contained 40 per cent, of phosphorus and which after purification by 
hydrochloric acid, alkali and nitric acid had the composition SnP 3 . 5 
The density was 4-1 at C. Alloys of tin with about 13 per cent, of 
phosphorus contained Sn 4 P 3 , 5>6 which had a density of 5-18 and was 
attacked by aqueous acids. 

Commercial phosphor-tin may contain up to 10 per cent, of 
phosphorus as phosphides, the crystals of which are revealed by etch 
ing with dilute nitric acid. Phosphor-tin is much used for making 
phosphor-bronzes. 7 

The action of phosphine on tin salts also gives phosphide. 8 
Lead Phosphides. Phosphorus is only slightly soluble in molten 
lead (about, 1-5 per cent.). 9 Most of that which is dissolved is thrown 
out as violet phosphorus (q.v.) when the lead solidifies, but some 
crystals of a phosphide are also formed. 10 Precipitates are obtained 
by passing phosphine over lead acetate u or into alkaline or ammoniacal 
alcoholic lead aeetate solutions, consisting of unstable phosphides, 12 - 13 
such as Pb n P 2 , which is decomposed by acids with evolution of 

Arsenic Phosphides, brown substances of indefinite character, 
were obtained early in the nineteenth century by various methods 

1 Gewecke, Arr/taJcji, 1903, 361, 79. 

2 IVlIetier, Sohrotter, Emmerlin<r, loc. cit., and others. 

- Xatanson and Vortmann, Bull. 8oc. chn/i., 1877, 10, 1459; Mellmarm, German 
Patf.nt, 1887, 4.~)1 7. r > ; Seyboth, ibid., 1899, 106966. 

4 Vivian, J. 1>L Metal*. 1920, 23, 325. 
: Jolibois, Compt. rend., 1909, 148, 636. 
c Stead, J. ,SY;r. Chnn. Ltd., 1897, 16, 206. 
7 Xmw k y, Chnn. Z?//., 1885, 9, 641. 

* v. Grottlms, Ann. CJihn. Phy*.. 1807, [1], 64, 19. 

9 Pellet ier, loc. cit. See also llaiitefemlle and Perroy, Coinpt. raid., 1SS4, 98, 137S. 

10 Sioc k and rjt>molka, Jh.r., 1909, 42, 4-.1JO. 

11 Ivose, Annulrn, 1S32, 24, 326. 

] - J.and^rcb-, , Xcinrutjnfrs J., 1S30, 60, 184. 
13 2 : ;icmdloi, Compi. rc/id., 1874, 78, 1130. 


such as (1) by heating the elements together, 1 (2) allowing phosphorus 
to stand in solutions of arscnious acid, 2 (3) by the action of phosphine 
on arsenic halides. 3 The properties of these substances resemble in 
general those which would be possessed by mixtures they burn in air 
giving the mixed oxides, decompose on heating with vaporisation of 
phosphorus, are oxidised by nitric acid, etc. 

Antimony in the liquid state dissolves phosphorus giving a brittle 
mass of metallic appearance. A red amorphous powder has also been 
made by the action of phosphorus on antimony tribromide dissolved 
in carbon disulphide. 4 

Bismuth also gives a brittle substance when melted with phos 
phorus. When phosphine is passed into a solution of bismuth tri 
chloride or trinitrate a black powder containing phosphorus is 
precipitated. 5 

Chromium Phosphides have been prepared from the elements 
or by the action of phosphorus vapour on potassium dichromate, or 
from carbon and chromium phosphate. 6 These compounds have the 
appearance of grey powders, which are hardly attacked by dilute acids 
but are decomposed by alkalies. 

Molybdenum and Tungsten Phosphides have been prepared by 
heating the trioxides of these elements with phosphoric acid to about 
1400 C. in a carbon crucible. 7 They appeared as steel-grey crystals 
having densities of 5 to 6, far below the densities of the metals. 
Molybdenum phosphide could be oxidised by heating in the air or with 
chlorine. The tungsten compound was less reactive and could be 
burnt only in oxygen or with potassium chlorate. It was not attacked 
by acids. Wohlcr assigned the formula? MoP and W,P 2 to these 

A phosphide \VP has been prepared by heating the diphosphide with 
copper phosphide in a graphite crucible. This had a similar appearance 
to Wohlers phosphide, V\ 4 P 2 , but a density of 8-5. s It was more 
easily oxidised, being attacked by chlorine and hot nitric oxide, and 
by nitro-hydrofiuoric acid. A higher phosphide, YVP 2 , was also pre 
pared by the action of phosphine on WC1 6 at a red heat. This compound 
burned in the air, and was in most respects more reactive than WP. 8 
Nitrogen was found to displace the phosphorus at a high temperature, 
giving the very stable nitride. 

The phosphides of manganese and of the metals of the iron group 
are numerous and important. 

Manganese Phosphides. Compounds containing manganese and 
phosphorus were prepared at the end of the eighteenth and beginning 
of the nineteenth century using the methods described by Pelletier, 
Percy, Rose, Schrotter and \Vohler (loc. cit.}. The freezing-point- 
composition diagram of the two elements 9 shows a eutectic at 964 C. 
(first additions of phosphorus), a maximum freezing-point at 1390 C. 

1 Landgrebe, Schwt. ujycr s J., 1830, 60, 184. 

2 BloncTlot, Compt. revd., 1874, 78, 1130. 

3 Boston, Cotnpt. tend., 1890, no, 12150; Janowsky, cr., 1875, 8, 1636. 

4 Ramsay and Mclvor, Jhr. t 1873, 6, 1362. 

5 Cavazzi and Tivoli, Gnzzcttu, 1S!)J, 21, 306; Cavazzi, Gazzetta, 1SS4, 14, 219. 
c Rose, Granger, Ann. Chin/. Phyi.^ 1898, [7], 14. 38. 

7 \Vohler, Annnhn, 1851, 79, 244; ibid., 1859, 109, 374. 

8 Defacqz, Compt. rend., 1900, 130, 915; ibid., 1901, 132, 32. 

9 Scheiutsclrusclmy and Efrcmoii, Zdtsck. anorg. Chem., 1908, 57, 247. 


corresponding to Mi^Po, 1 another eutectic at 1095 C., and another 
maximum at 1990 C. "corresponding to MnP. 2 3 Alloys containing 
between 10 and 20 per cent, of phosphorus are magnetic. The mono- 
phosphide 3inP was a black powder which was fairly easily oxidised 
by heatinsr in the air. 3 

Iron Phosphides. Cast-iron which has been made from phos- 
phatic ores contains phosphides which seriously affect the properties 
of the metal. Various compounds rich in phosphorus have been pre 
pared by heating iron in phosphorus vapour, or iron with phosphoric 
acid, bone-ash, sand and carbon (Pclletier, Wohler, loc. cit., Berzelius ; 
also Hatchett 4 ). The freezing-point diagram of the system iron- 
phosphorus shows several maxima and minima. The melting-point of 
iron was lowered from 1510 C. to about 1400 C. by the addition of 
1-7 per cent, of phosphorus, but this was not an end-point of crystal 
lisation. 5 6 The first eutectic was found at 1003 C. with 10-2 per cent. 
of phosphorus, the solid phases being Fe and Fe 3 P. The maximum 
freezing-point corresponding to Fe 3 P was about 1100 C. 6 10 There 
was a "halt-point of crystallisation, or another eutectic, between this 
compound and Fe 2 P, which melted at 1350 C. 7 Solid solutions of 
these compounds, which may be recognised microscopically, 8 increase 
the hardness of pure iron from 3-5 to 5-0 or 5-5, but above about 
1 per cent, of phosphorus render it brittle. Other phosphides which 
have been reported are FeP, 9 Fe 3 P 4 9 and Fe 2 P 3 . 10 The lower phosphides 
FeP and Fe P retain their phosphorus up to a red heat. The former 
has also been prepared at a red heat by the action of phosphine, 
thus : 

2FeS -2PH 3 = 2FeP -h2H 2 S -rll* n - 12 
FeCl 3 -f PH 3 =FeP +3HC1 13 

Most of the phosphides are insoluble or only slowly soluble in single 
acids, but are attacked by aqua regia and chlorine. Fe 3 P dissolves in 
hydrochloric acid, thus : - 

2Fe 3 P -f 12I-IC1 -f 8H 2 = 6FeCl 2 + 2H 3 PO 4 

When iron containing phosphides is dissolved in acids one of the pro 
ducts is phosphine, which is formed in greater proportion (i.e. more of 
the phosphorus is present as phosphine) as the amount of phosphorus 
diminishes, i.e. between 0-1 and 0-03 per cent. 14 

Cobalt Phosphides. The phosphides of this metal arc produced by 

1 Week-kind and Veil, Bcr., 1907, 40, 1259; Grander, Cornpt. rend., 1907, 144, 190. 

2 Schfintschus-chny and Efrcmoif, Z Atsch. ananj. C/tcm., 1908, 57, 247. 

3 Hilpert and Dieckinann, /, ., 1911, 44, 2831; ibid.* 1914, 47, 780. 

4 JHatchctt, Phil. Trans., 1804, 94, 315. 

5 Stead, /. ,Soc. Cht-ta. Ltd., 1914, 33, 173; ibid., 1903, 22, 340. 

6 SakalaUvalla, J. Iron and Sled Institute, 1908, 77, ii, 92. 

7 Konstantinoff, J. 7?w.s.y. P hy*. Chem. Soc., 1909, 41, 1220. 

8 Arnold, J . Iron and, Si(-d Ijithtute, 1894, 45, i, 107. 

9, Zeit. Clitrn., 1808, [2], 4, 110; "Dennis and Cushman, J. Amcr. Chem. Soc., 
1894, 1 6, 477; Annalcn. 1867, 132, 225. 

u Le Cliatelier and Wologdmc, Corn-pt. rend., 1900, 149, 709. 

1 Freest*, loc.. c.i.t.: Schrottor, Sitzunf/tbcr. K. Akad. Wiss. \Vt(<ii, 1849, 3, 301. 

2 Hvoslef, Aiiiirticii, 1S5G, 100, 99. 

3 Dennis and Cushman, loc.. c,il. 

4 Stead. /. Soc. Chf-m. Ind., 1897, 16, 20G. 


similar methods. Co 2 P 1 2 has a maximum freezing-point of 1386 C., 
and the eutectic between this and the freezing-point of the pure metal 
is at 1022 C. and corresponds to 16-6 per cent, of phosphorus. 2 

The combination of phosphorus with nickel was studied by Pelletier, 
Davy and Maronneau (loc. cit.}, also by Lampadius 3 and Berthier. 4 
The methods included heating reduced nickel in the vapour of PC1 3 , 
heating copper phosphide and nickel in an electric arc furnace, the 
precipitation of a solution of the sulphate by nascent PH 3 derived 
from phosphorus and alkali. 5 The thermal diagram of the nickel-nickel 
phosphide system showed a first eutectic on the nickel side at about 
886 C. and 11 per cent, phosphorus. 6 The first compound Xi. 3 P 
freezes at about 965 C C., the second, Xi 5 P 2 , at about 1185 C. 6 The 
compound Xi 2 P crystallised from the melt in grey needles at about 
1112 C. ; it is insoluble in single acids, but is attacked by chlorine or 
fused alkali. This compound was also made by heating copper phos 
phide and nickel in an electric arc furnace 7 and by several of the 
methods mentioned above. 8 Xi 3 P 2 and XiJP 3 have also been reported. 

Some of the metals of the platinum group, including platinum 
itself, form phosphides. These alloys were investigated in a qualitative 
manner by Pelletier, 9 Granger 10 and others. The compound Pt 5 P 3 , 
formed by heating finely divided platinum with phosphorus at a white 
heat, 11 was a white substance of metallic appearance, which lost phos 
phorus when heated, giving Pt 2 P, and platinum when treated with 
aqua regia. leaving PtP. These compounds were insoluble in single 
acids and either slightly soluble or insoluble in aqua, regia. 11 The black 
precipitate produced by the action of PH 3 on PtCl 4 may be a hydro- 
phosphide Pt(H 2 P 2 ). 12 " 

1 Maronneau, Cutnpt. tnid.^ 1900, 130, 656. 

2 Schepeletf and Schemtschuselmy, J. 7? >/_<.?. Phy*. Chew. Soc., 1909, 41, 862. 

3 Lampadius, Schictigrjcfs J., 1814, 10, 114. 

4 Berthier, Ann. Chun. Phys., 1824, [2]. 25, 94. 

5 Schenck, Trans. Ch(-m. Sac., 1873, 26, 826; 1874, 27, 214. 
G Konstantinoff, Zeitsch. nnorg. Chew., 1908, 60, 410. 

7 Maronneau, Compt. rend., 1900, 130. 657. 

s Schenck, loc. cit. See also Struve, J. prakt. die.rn.., 1860, [1], 79, 321; Kulisch, 
Attncilen, 1SS5, 231, 357. 
9 Loc. cit. 

10 Loc. cit. 

11 Clarke and Joslin, Chcm. Xeics, 1SS3, 48, 2S5. 

12 Kulisch, Annahn, 1SS5, 231, 355; Cavazzi, Gazzctta, 1883, 13, 324. 




Comparison with Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphide. The 
electronegative character of an element is shown by 

(a) Electrolytic dissociation of hydrogen ion in its hydrogen 


(b) Displacement of hydrogen from hydrogen compounds by alkali 

and other metals. 

(c) Stability of hydrides towards heat. 

With respect to condition (a), phosphorus has none of the negative 
character possessed by its neighbour sulphur in the sixth group. With 
respect to (b), the phosphides and the nitrides may well be compared, 
and the modes of formation and stability of these compounds show 
that phosphorus is less electronegative than its congener nitrogen. 
With respect to (c), the dissociation of phosphinc is more rapid and 
more complete than that of ammonia. There is apparently no re 
versible equilibrium between phosphorus and hydrogen as there is 
between nitrogen and hydrogen. Both hydrogen sulphide and 
ammonia are formed to a limited extent by direct combination at 
moderate temperatures and pressures, whereas phosphinc is not formed 
in this way. | Note. The production of phosphinc has been observed 
when white phosphorus is heated in a sealed tube with hydrogen. 1 
(See also p. 27.)] 

Historical. While investigating the action of alkalies on phos 
phorus Gengembre 2 in 1783 prepared a spontaneously inflammable 
gas. This reaction was expected to produce a " " liver of phosphorus " 
or alkali polyphosphide similar to " liver of sulphur " or alkali poly- 
sulphide, which is prepared from sulphur under analogous conditions. 
Several other chemists about this time, prepared phosphine by similar 
methods, or by heating phosphorous acid. 3 The composition of the 
gas, as an analogue of ammonia, was demonstrated by Davy, 4 and the 
difference in composition between the gaseous hydride and the liquid 
hydride (q.v.) to which the spontaneous inflammability is due was 
established by Dumas. 5 It was demonstrated by Graham 6 that the 
spontaneous inflammability could be removed by means of carbon 

1 Ipaheff and Xikolaieff, J>a:. 1!>2G, 59, B, 5<)5. 

2 Gengembre, Mini. Ac/id., 178-5, 10, 051. Soo also Kirwan, Tra-ti-?., 17S6, 76, 
118; Raymond. Phil. Mag., 1800, 8, 154; Crt-ll s Annalvn, \ 783, i, 450. 

3 Pcllotier, Ann. Chn,/. Phys.. 1792, [! ], 13, 10]. 

4 Davy, Phil. Trans., 1812, 102, 405. 

5 Dumas, Ann. Chini. Phys., 1826, [2], 31, 113. 

6 Graham, Phil. Mag., 1834, [3], 5, 401; Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., 1835, 13, 88. 


dioxide, hydrogen chloride, nitric oxide, arsenious oxide, concentrated 
sulphuric, phosphoric and arsenic acids. 

Occurrence. The pale glow which hovers over marshes, and which, 
under the name of i; will o" the wisps/" ^ Jack o* lanterns/ etc., has 
been the subject of many legends, has been attributed to traces of 
phosphine with other gases produced by the decomposition of organic 
matter. This is rendered probable by the observation that phosphine 
is produced by the putrefaction of proteins. 1 

Preparation. (a) The original method is still in general use. 
The alkali employed may be hydroxide of sodium, potassium, calcium 2 
or barium. The reaction is usually represented by the equation 

4P 4- 3KOH -f :3II 2 - PH 3 - 3KH 2 PO 2 

This reaction really amounts to a hydrolysis of phosphorus, which can 
be effected also by water at high temperatures. The equations reduced 
to their simplest forms and dissected are : 


P-f3~H=PH 3 

The phosphine so obtained usually inflames spontaneously on 
coming into contact with the air : each bubble as it escapes forms a 
beautiful vortex ring of smoke. It was early shown that the spon 
taneous inflammability is due to the presence of small quantities of a 
hydride, liquid at, ordinary temperatures, 3 - 4 which has the empirical 
composition (PEL,),/ and the molecular composition P 2 H 4 . The 
phosphorus must therefore react also according to the equation 

6P -f iKOH T- 4H 2 O = 4KH 2 ?O 2 -f- P 2 H 4 

The presence of hydrogen in proportions up to 50 5 or 60 3 per cent, 
has been accounted for by the oxidation-hydrolysis of the hypo- 
phosphite : - 6 

KHJPOo ~ 211 2 = KH 2 P0 4 -r 2H 2 

Details of Preparation. A tubulated retort is filled with alkali and 
the phosphorus is added in small pieces. The tubulure is then closed 
by a delivery tube, which is connected with a Kipp s apparatus or 
other source of hydrogen (the air may also be displaced by adding a 
little ether). The neck of the retort is connected with a tube which 
dips under water. The air is displaced by hydrogen and the retort 
then gently warmed so as to melt the phosphorus and give a steady 
evolution of gas. When sufficient has been collected the residual gas 
is expelled by a current of hydrogen and the phosphorus allowed to 
solidify before the retort is opened. 

If phosphine which is not spontaneously inflammable is required, 
the gas is washed by passing it through a Woulfe bottle containing 
concentrated hydrochloric acid or alcoholic potash. 

The gas prepared in this manner contains hydrogen (up to 90 per 

1 Gauticr and Etard, CompL rend., 1832, 94, 1357. 

2 Raymond, toe. cit. 3 Dumas, loc. ciL 


cent ) but can be prepared pure by allowing water, dilute alkali or 
ume ous ether to drop on to phosphonium iodide. 1 The product may 
be mixed with carbon dioxide, dried by phosphorus pentoxide and 
condensed in liquid air. The condensate is distilled, rejecting the 
first and last fractions, the middle being pure dry phosphine. 2 

(b) Heating hypophosphorous or phosphorous acid or their salts 
(tf.r.) 3 gives phosphine : 

2H 3 P0 2 =PH 3 -fH 3 P0 4 

(c) The action of water or dilute aeids on alkali or alkaline earth 
phosphides 4 affords a method of preparation. The reactions shown 
by the following equations will be succeeded by others which produce 
hypophosphites, etc. : 

Na 3 P -f 3HoO = PHo -f SNaOH 5 
3 P 2 = - 6 

Na 3 H 3 P 2 + 3H;0 =3NaOH -f 2PH 3 

Similarly calcium phosphide is readily attacked by water or dilute 
acids giving phosphine. 3 " - 8 A fairly pure sample of the gas may be made 
from ^calcium phosphide which has been produced in the electric 
furnace. 9 The reaction is more complex than that represented by the 

Ca 3 P 2 -f 6H 2 O =3Ca(OH) 2 + 2PH 3 

Magnesium phosphide, 10 aluminium phosphide ll and phosphides of 
several* other metals also yield phosphine when treated with acids. 

(d) A pure phosphine" may be made by the action of alkalies or 
even water upon phosphonium iodide 12 or bromide. 13 Crystalline phos 
phonium iodide, prepared as described on p. 78, is mixed with broken 
glass in a flask fitted with a tap-funnel and delivery tube. A solution 
of one part of caustic potash in two parts of water is added slowly 
through the tap-funnel. The gas is not spontaneously inflammable if 
the last portions are rejected. 

PH 4 I+KOH=KI+PH 3 +H 2 

The gas should be washed with concentrated hydrochloric acid (to 
remove any P 2 H 4 ), alkali (to remove HC1 and HI), and then dried with 
phosphorus pentoxide. 

(e) Among many reactions by which phosphine can be prepared 
may be mentioned that which takes place between hydrochloric acid 
and diamidophosphorous acid, (XH 2 ) 2 .POH. 14 

1 Messinuer and Engels, Ber., 18SS, 21, 326. 

- Gazarian, J. Chim. phy.s., 1909, 7, 337; rend., 1909, 148, 1397. 

3 Dulong, Dumas, Hofmann, loc. cit.; Rose, Annalen, 1839, 46, 633. 

4 Thenard, loc. cit. 

5 Winter, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1904, 26, 1484. 
G Hugot, Compt. rend., 1898, 126, 1719. 

7 Pearson, Phil. Trans., 1792, 82, 289. 

8 Matignon, Compt. rend., 1900, 130, 1390. 

9 Moissan, Compt. rend., 1899, 128, 787. 

lu Lupke, Ztitsch. phys. Chem. Unterricht, 1890, 3, 280. 

11 Matignon, loc. cit. I Ponzes-Diacon, Compt. rend., 1900, 130, 1314. 

12 Hofmann, Ber., 1871, 4, 200. 

13 Serulks, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1831, [2], 48, 91. Sec also Mcssinger and Enscls, Ber., 

14 Thorpe and Tutton, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1891, 59, 1019. 


General Properties. Phosphine is a colourless gas which may 
he condensed at low temperatures to a colourless liquid and frozen to 
a white solid (see p. 7;3). The boiling-point of the liquid is consider 
ably below that of ammonia. The gas has a strong odour recalling 
that of decayed fish, and resembling rather the odour of the lower 
alkylamines than that of ammonia. It does not support ordinary 
combustion, and is poisonous l> 2 dilutions as large as 1 in 10,000 of 
air 3 cause death in a few hours. The effects, such as embrittling of 
the teeth and bones, are somewhat similar to those of phosphorus. 4 
The solubility in water (about 26 volumes in 100 at 17 C.) is far lower 
than that of ammonia. The gas also is only sparingly soluble in 
alcohol and ether. It is easily decomposed by heat, depositing phos 
phorus in the red form and giving 3 2 of its volume of hydrogen in 
accordance with the equation 

The molecular weight was indicated by rough determinations of the 
density by the early workers ; these results were, however, in all cases 
too low on account of admixture with hydrogen (r. supra}. 

Physical Properties. Density. The density corresponds to simple 
molecules, PH 3 , but deviations from the laws of a perfect gas are 
observed. The weight of a normal litre is 1-5*203 to 1-5295 gram, 5 a 
value which shows that under these conditions it agrees closely with 
Avogadro s theory. At pressures of 10 atmospheres or more, however, 
and at temperatures from 24-6 to 54-4 C. the compressibility is much 
greater than is allowed by Boyle s law. The following values refer 
to 24-6 C. : 6 


p (atm.) . j 1-0 

10 15 




pv . . ! 1-0 

0-97 0-98 


0-75 0-70 


Viscosity. The relative value, based on that of air (viz. 2-191 x 10~ 4 
C.G.S. units at 15 C.), was found to be 1-129 x 10- 1 at 15 C. and 
1-450 x!0~ 4 C.G.S. units at 100 C. 7 The relative collision area, 
77-r 2 x 10 15 (in which r is the radius of the molecules in cm.), calculated 
from Chapman s formula, is 0-911, while for XH 3 and AsH 3 the values 
are 0-640 and 0-985 respectively. 

Absorption in the Infra-red. The methods of determining this 
property are briefly described as follows. 8 The radiation from a 
Xernst filament was passed through a rock-salt lens, then through 
either of two similar tubes, one of which was evacuated and the other 
filled with the gas at a known pressure. A rocking arrangement 
allowed either tube to be thrown quickly into the path of the rays. 
The beam was focussed on the collimator slit of an infra-red spectro- 

1 Blyth, "Poisons. Their Effects and Detection" (Gritnn), London. 

2 Clark and Henderson, Chem. JVeu.v?, 1879, 39, 102. 

3 Jokote, Arch. Hygiene, 1904, 49, 275. 

- 1 Brenner, Zf-it. Med. St. Petersburg, 1865, 6, 4. 

5 Gazarian, J. Chim. phys., 1909, 7, 837; Compt. rend., 1909, 148, 1397. 

6 Briner, J. Chim. phya., 1906, 4, 476. 

7 Rankine and C. J. Smith, Phil. J/a</., 1921, [6], 42, 601. 

8 Robertson and Fox, Proc. Roy. Soc., 192$, A, 120, 128. 


meter furnished with a prism of rock salt, quartz or fluorite. On 
emerging from the second slit of the spectrometer the radiation was 
received by a bismuth-silver thermopile, the current from which was 
registered by a Paschen galvanometer. 

"Phosphine, arsine and stibine sliowed a number of deep bands, also 
fine structure and smaller bands. The intensity of the bands decreased 
as a rule in passing towards the visible end of the infra-red spectrum. 
Bands numbered I to VI formed a nearly harmonic sequence, in which 
the wavelengths of corresponding bands increased with increase in the 
atomic weight of the Fifth Group element. In the following table 
the wavelengths A in microns (//, = 0-001 mm.) and the wave-numbers 
(per cm.) are given for corresponding bands. The percentage absorp 
tion a refers to the gas in the tube under a pressure of one atmosphere. 
The ratios of the wave-numbers of the corresponding bands for each 
pair of gases are nearly constant. 



Wavelengths of Bands. 

i XH 3 i 0-132, 2-998, 1-967, 
I I 1-513. 1-212 

6-132 1630-8 

P!I 3 i 8-889. 4-297, 2-929, 
! 2-193, 1-783 


8-889 : 1125-0 

! so ! 

AsH 3 | 9-946, 4-713, 3-235, 

2-403. 1-951 


9-946 i 1005-4 

79 ! 

Ratio of v PH 3 /NH 3 


Mean 0-685 


Ratio of v AsHg/PHg 


Mean 0-907 \ 

Solubility. Phosphine dissolves in 5 to 10 times its volume of 
water at ordinary temperatures. The solubility, expressed as cc Bunseirs 
absorption coefficient," * is 0-26 volume at N.T.P. in 1 volume of water 
at 17 C. 1 

When the liquefied gas was brought into contact with water and 
solidified by releasing the pressure, the resulting crystalline solid was 
found to be a hydrate, perhaps PH 3 .H O. 2 

Phosphine is only slightly soluble in alcohol or ether. It is readily 
absorbed by wood charcoal, to the extent of about 500 volumes by 
1 volume of the charcoal. Coconut charcoal absorbs 69 volumes of 
the gas at C. 3 

* JYo/e. See Volume I. of this Series, and this Vol ume, Part 1., "Solubility of Xitro^en." 
Also A Text-book of Physical ChfnnttnjS Vol. I., J. Xewton Friend (Griffin), 1932." 

1 Stock, Bottgcr and Lenger, Her., 1909, 42, 2855. 

- Cailletet and Bordet, Co mpL rend., 1882, 95, 58. 
3 Hunter, Phil. May., 1865, [4], 29, 116. 



The gas may be condensed under pressure at. a temperature which 
is attainable by the use of solid carbon dioxide. 1 It can be liquefied 
at the ordinary temperature under a pressure of 30 atmospheres. 2 

The principal thermal constants are as follows : 

Boiling-point, -85 C C. ? 3 - 87-4 CV 1 
Melting-point, -132-5 C. 3 

Critical temperature, 54 C., 2 52-S c C., 5 51-3 C. 6 - 7 
Critical pressure, 70-5, 2 Gl, 5 G4--5 atm. 6 - 7 
Critical volume. 4-6 c.c. grain. 2 

Liquid Phosphine. The vapour pressures and isobaric densities 
of liquid \DL) and vapour (Dv) for liquid phosphine are as follows: 

r C. . 

. -49-4 j 


; 39-4 

i 29-4 

i 24-6 

i 18-4 : S-4 j 

2-4 2 : 

p (atm. 

} 62-4 , 


1 50-8 

! 41-3 

1 37-1 

i32-6 ,27-2 i 

23-4 2 : 


0-417 : 




! 0-545 

: 0-559i 0-595 : 

0-618 2 | 


From the first set of results the density of the liquid at its boiling-point 
is 0-744, and increases with falling temperature according to the 
equation s 

Z) T =0-744[1 -rO-OOOS(T- !( - T)] 

The vapour pressure has also been expressed by the formula 4 
log p = - S45-57/T -f 1-75 log T - 0-0 2 6193lT -f 4-61480 

The surface tension of liquid phosphine indicates a certain degree of 
association, since the coefficient of decrease of molar surface energy 
with increase of temperature is about 1-7 instead of 2-0 : 

. i -105-9 


- 97-6 

- 93-1 

. ! 22-783 



20-798 8 

. ! 287-2 




The refr activity of the liquid is 1-323 for white light at 11-0 C. and 
1-317 for the D line at 17-5" C. 9 

1 Faraday, Phil. Trans., 1S45, 135, 155. 

2 Skinner, Ptoc. Roy. Soc., 18S7, 42. 283. 

3 Olszcwsky, Mondtsh., 1880, 7, 372; Anz. Ahtd. Krah., 190S, 375, 483: Phil. Mag., 
1895, [5], 39, 188. 

1 Henninir and Stoc-k. Zeit. Phtis.. 1921. A. 226. 


The dielectric constant is 2-55 at -60 C. and 2-71 at -25 C. 1 

Chemical Properties. Decomposition. Phosphine is an unstable 
gas which can be decomposed by heat alone, and is easily oxidised by 
oxyircn and by oxidising agents such as the halogens. 

The velocity of decomposition at constant volume and at tempera 
tures between 300 and 500 C. was studied by van t Hoff arid his co- 
workers. 2 Concentrations of the undeeomposed phosphine at any time 
can be calculated from the pressure, which, of course, rises during the 
reaction. The way in which the velocity constant can be calculated 
from the pressure is as follows. 

The equation is arrived at in the following way : A fraction x of 
1 original mol of PH 3 at a pressure p is decomposed after a time t 
giving 3tf/2 mols of hydrogen and (1 +x/2) mols of the mixed gas, which 
will therefore have a pressure p = (l -f #/2)_p . 

If the equation of a unimolecular reaction is referred to the concen 
tration c of PH 3 at the beginning and c after time t, then 



Therefore K = - log 

t cl - 

Also, at the end of the reaction p 
The final form of the equation 

is equivalent to 

The reaction appears to be unimolecular in any one vessel, but the 
constant K is not the same in different vessels. Hence it was supposed 
that the decomposition took place on the walls of the vessel. The 
constant rises with rise of temperature, and above 660 C. there is no 
constant : 3 

572 i 645 ! 650 656 660 i 683 ; 
0-54 3-6 i 4-4 5-6 I 12 11 to 22 ! 

The effect of surface on the reaction has been further studied by adding 
powdered fused silica, which caused a great increase in the "velocity 

1 Palmer and Schlimdt, J. Physical Chem., 1911, 15, 381. 

2 Kooij, Zeitsch. physikal. Chttn., 1893, 12, 156. 

3 Trautz and Bhandakar, Zeitsch. anorg. Chem., 1919, 106, 95. 


of decomposition. 1 The heat of activation of the PH 3 molecules cal 
culated from the rate of increase in the velocity constant with tempera 
ture was 40,000 to 50,000 calories. 1 

The effect of the electric discharge was investigated by the early 
workers : red phosphorus is deposited 2> 3 and other hydrophosphors are 
formed. 4 5 

The effect of light has been studied, but the results are not con 
sistent. Some decomposition may take place with the production of a 
reddish deposit, and the spontaneously inflammable fraction may be 
destroyed. 6 The amounts and intensities of the short-wave radiations 
as well as other conditions were not known or controlled by the earlier 
investigators. 7 8 

Oxidation. Although pure phosphine does not itself in the ordinary 
way inflame spontaneously with air, yet it does so when the pressure 
is reduced. This observation was made almost simultaneously by 
Davy 9 and de la Billardiere. 10 In the words of Davy cc I found the 
phosphoretted hydrogen produced a flash of light when admitted into 
the best vacuum that could be made by an excellent pump of Nairn s 
construction. 57 

The oxidation under reduced pressure was found to take place at a 
fairly uniform speed at 50 C. and pressures of 760 down to about 
400 mm. 11 If mixtures of air and PH 3 were used corresponding to about 
2 volumes of PH 3 to 1 volume of oxygen, the diminution of pressure 
per hour was uniformly 0-5 to 3-0 per cent, of the initial value. There 
was in only one case a slight increase in the velocity immediately before 
explosion occurred. Moisture retarded the reaction. Moist mixtures 
of phosphine and oxygen were not explosive with air at low pressures, 
but dry mixtures of phosphine and oxygen exploded when the oxygen 
pressure was reduced to 0-1 atmosphere or any lower value. 12 13 

Slow oxidation at low pressures proceeds according to the equation 

At higher pressures both metaphosphorous and phosphorous acids are 
formed, thus : 

4PH 3 -f 50 2 = 2HPOo -f 2H 3 PO 3 -f 2H 2 13 

If the gas was very thoroughly dried, as over phosphorus pentoxide, 
soda-lime or crystallised glycerine, it took fire spontaneously in air. 
The explosion which takes place after some hours of slow oxidation of 

1 Hinshehvood and Topley, Trains. Chtm. Soc.., 1924. 125, 393. See also Dushman, 
J. Amer. Chtm. Sac., 1921, 43^, 397; Drummond, ibid., 1927, 49. 1901. 
- Dalton, Ann. Phil, 18 IS, n, 7. 

3 Hofmann, Ber., 1871, 4, 200. 

4 Graham, Phil. Mag., 1834, [3], 5, 401. 

5 Thenard, Compt. rtnd., 1873, 76, 1508. 

6 Amato, a, 1884, 14, 58. 

7 Trantz and Bhandakar, loc. at. 

8 Roy, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1926, no, A, 543. 

Davy, Phil. Trans., 1812, 102, 405: Rose, Annalen, 1839, 46, 633. 

10 de la Billardiere, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1817, [2], 6, 304. See also Dumas, Ann. Chim. 
Pin/*., 1S2G. [2], 31, 113. 

11 "Studies in Chemical Dynamics, van t Hoff-Colien, translated by Ewan (Williams 
and Norgate, 1890). 

12 van de Stadt, Zeitsch. physikal. Chem., 1893, 12, 322. 


phosphine with moist air has been attributed to the accumulation of 
hygroscopic compounds such as H 3 P0 2 and I-I 3 P0 3J which dry the 
remaining gases. 1 

The explosion of phosphine with oxygen takes place at higher 
pressures when the phosphine is in considerable excess. Thus 0-5 c.c. 
of oxygen was mixed with 0-5 and up to G-0 c.c. of phosphine and the 
expansion was determined at which the mixture would explode (at 
50 C.). A total expansion of 1 volume to 5 volumes was required for 
the first mixture, but only 6-5 to 9-6 volumes for the second. 2 

The vigorous combustion of phosphine produces orthophosphoric 
acid. A combustion with the production of 85 per cent, of this acid 
crave +311 calories 3 at constant pressure. Values calculated for 
the heat of formation of gaseous phosphine are -11-6 Cals., 4 5 -9-1 
Cals., 6 and -5-8 Cals. 7 The free energy of formation from solid 
phosphorus and hydrogen at 25 C. is -3-3 Cals. 8 

Halogens attack phosphine vigorously giving halidcs of hydrogen 
and usually of phosphorus as well. These reactions were early investi 
gated by Thomson, Balarcl and Hofmann. 9 10 II The action of sulphur 
was also investigated by Davy 12 and Dalton. 13 14> 15 

Phosphine is absorbed by acid cuprous chloride giving an addition 
product CuCl.PH 3 . 16 It precipitates phosphides from some metallic 
salts (see under c; Phosphides "). 

Phosphine reacts with the lower halicles of phosphorus giving 
halogen hydracids and free phosphorus or a compound containing 
more phosphorus. 17 - 18 19 With the higher halides it gives the lower 
halides and halogen hydracids, thus : 

3PC1 5 + PH 3 - 4PC1 3 + 3HC1 1S 

In relation to halides of boron, phosphine resembles ammonia, 
giving addition compounds of similar but not identical type such as 
2BF 3 .PH 3 and BC1 3 .PH 3 , which are, however, more easily dissociated 
than the corresponding ammines. 

Phosphonium Compounds. 

Phosphine. like ammonia, has a much lower affinity for water than 
it has for the halogen hydracids, no doubt on account of the fact that 

1 Rose, Annahn, 1832, 24, 158. 

2 van t Hoff-Colien, Studies in Chemical Dynamics" 

3 Lemoult, Compt. rend., 1909, 149, 554; ibid., .1907, 145, 374. 

4 Ogier, Co/apt, rend., 1S7S, 87, 210. 

5 Berthelot and Petit, Compt. rend., 1889, 108, 548. 

6 Forcrand, Compt. rend., 1901, 133, 513. 

7 Lemoult, Compt. rend., 1907, 145, 374. 

8 Drummond, J. Amer. Client. Soc., 1927. 49, 1901. 

9 Thomson, Ann.. Phil.. 1820, 15, 227. 

Balarcl, Ann. Chhn. Phys., 1834, [2], 57, 225. 

1 Hofmann, Annaleu, 1857, 103, 355; Ber., 1S70, 3, 060; 1871, 4, 200. 

2 Davy, Phil Trans., 1812, 102, 405; Vauquclin, Ann. Ckim. Phys., 1824, [2], 25, 401. 

3 Dalton, Phil Trans., 1818, 108, 316. 

4 Jones, Trans. Chain. &oc., 1870, 29, 641. 

5 Cavazzi, Gazztttu, 1886, 16, 169. 

G Riban, Compt. rend., 1879, 88, 581. 

7 Besson, Cornpt. rend., 1889, 109, 644; 1890, no, 516, 1258: 1890, in, 972. 

8 Mahn, Zeitsch. Chem., 1869, [2], 5, 729. 

D Gladstone, Phil. Mag., 1849, [3], 35, 345. 


water gives a very low concentration of hydrogen ion and the halogen 
hydracids in water high concentrations of hydrogen ion (Werner), the 
hydrates in both cases being less stable than the hydrohalides. The 
formation of hydroxides and hydrohalides consists partly in the addi 
tion of hydrogen ion to the anhydro-base. This process takes place 
to a much greater extent with ammonia than with phosphine. Indeed 
phosphine does not appear to form a hydroxide at all with water, but 
simply dissolves as an indifferent gas.* The case is different with the 
halogen hydracids ; these do form phosphonium salts of varying 
stability, the iodide being the most stable. 1 

Phosphonium Chloride, PH 4 C1, is formed when the component 
gases are mixed under a pressure of about 20 atmospheres. Under 
atmospheric pressures it can only exist at temperatures below about 
-25 C. 2 It can be melted under pressure at +28-5 C. 3 (Other 
determinations gave 25 C. 4 and 26 C. 5 ) 

The change of volume on melting is very great, being about 
-i-0-73 c.c. /gram at -f40 C. The critical volume is 3-5 c.c. - gram. 5 
The criticaHemperature is given as 50 to 51 C., 6 48 C., 5 48*8 to 50-1 
C., 7 49-1 C., s and the critical pressure as 80 to 90 atm., 9 96 atm., 5 
74-2 to 75-0 atm. 10 and 72-7 atm. 11 The heat of formation of 1 mol of 
gaseous PH 4 C1 is 4-16-4 Cals. : that of the solid is 4-43-4 Cals., and 
therefore the heat of sublimation is +27-0 Cals. 12 The dissociation 
pressures have also been investigated. 13 

Phosphonium Bromide, PH 4 Br, was made by Scrullas in 1831 
from the component gases by direct union. 11 Its dissociation pressure 
reaches only 1 atmosphere slightly below -f 38 C. 13 It can also be 
made by passing phosphine into the most concentrated aqueous hyciro- 
bromic acid, 15 or hydrogen bromide dissolved in phosphoryl chloride, 16 
or from phosphine and bromine. 14 It forms colourless cubic crystals 
which sublime at about -f- 30 C. 17 The heat of formation of the solid 
from the gases PII 3 and HBr is -23 Cals., while that evolved when 
the initial materials are bromine (liquid), hydrogen and phosphorus 
(solid) is -i-4-i-l Cals. 15 

Phosphonium Iodide, PH 4 L is the most stable of these com 
pounds, being formed by direct union of the gases at ordinary tempera 
tures and atmospheric pressure with the production of a, crystalline 

* 2\olc. A crystalline hydrate is said to be formed under high pressures see under 
" Solubility of Phospiime-,"* 

1 Tammann, Zeitsch. Elckfrochcm., 11*02. 8. 158. See also -Skinner, Proc. Roy. Soc., 
1SS7, 42, 283. 

2 Oder, Crttnpt. rend., 1879, 89, 705. 

3 Scheft er, Zeitsch. -physical. Chew., 1909, 71, 214. 

4 van t Hoii, lice. Trcii. chim., 1885, 4, 305. 

5 Skinner, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1SS7, 42. 283. 

G van t HofT, loc. cit., and Ber., 1885, 18, 2088. 

7 Tammann, " Krystal. u. Schmdzen" Leipzig, 1003. 

R Briner, Compt. rend., 1906, 142, 1214, 14167 

9 van t Hoit, loc. cit. 

Tammann, loc. cit. 

1 Briner, he. cit., and J. CJurn. phy.*., 1006, 4, 267, 476. 

2 Briner, Joe. cit. 

3 Johnson, J. Amcr. Cfic^n. Soc. t 1912, 34, 877. 
1 Serullas, Ann. Chun. Phys., 1831, [2j, 47, 87. 

15 Ogier, Compt. rend., 1879, 89, 705. 

16 Besson, Compt. rend., 1896, 122, 140, 1200. 

7 Bineau, Ann. Chim. PAys.,"l838, [2], 68, 430. 


compound. 1 It may also be made by a considerable number of reactions 
between phosphorus, iodine and water. These substances may be 
heated together in a retort: 

2P -f I 2 + 4H 2 O =PH 4 I +H 3 P0 4 -f-HI 2 

Or the water may be allowed to drop on to phosphorus triiodidc or on 
to a mixture of phosphorus and iodine. 3 - 4 The preparation of a small 
quantity is most conveniently effected as follows : 

10 grams of phosphorus are placed in a retort with a wide tubulure 
through which is passed a tap-funnel and a delivery tube connected 
with a source of dry carbon dioxide. An equal weight of carbon di- 
sulphide is added, and then 17 grams of iodine. The carbon disulphide 
is then distilled off in a current of carbon dioxide by placing the retort 
in a basin of warm water. The mouth of the retort is then connected 
with a wide tube which fits into the mouth of a wide-mouthed bottle, 
which is also connected with a draught exit to draw off the uncombined 
hydrogen iodide. 8-5 grams of water are then placed in the tap- 
funnel and allowed to drop slowly on to the phosphorus and iodine. 
The phosphonium iodide which sublimes into the wide tube is afterwards 
pushed into the bottle 

51 + 9P -r 16H 2 = 5PH 4 I -f- 4H 3 P0 4 

Physical Properties. The crystals appear to belong to the cubic 
system and were so described by the earlier investigators. They are 
really, however, tetragonal, 5 the ratio of the longer axis to the shorter 
axis being 1 : 0-729. 6 X-ray photographs showed that the dimensions 
of the unit cell were 6-34, 6-34, 4-62 A, 6 and that the space-lattice was 
very similar to that of the form of ammonium chloride which is stable 
at low temperatures. The density of the solid is 2-860. 5 The dissocia 
tion pressures are tabulated on p. 80 and reach one atmosphere at about 
-r62 c C. The heat of formation of the solid from gaseous 7 phosphine 
and hydrogen iodide is -f 24-17 Cals., and the heat of decomposition 
bv water giving gaseous phosphine and a solution of HI is 4-4-77 

Chemical Reactions. Phosphonium iodide is hydrolysed by water, 
and is still more rapidly decomposed by alkalies, giving phosphine and 
an iodide. The phosphine is displaced by ammonia giving ammonium 
iodide. 8 and even by ethyl alcohol giving ethyl iodide, with phosphine 
in both cases. 9 It is hardly affected by aqueous acids, except those 
which are also oxidising agents. 

As might be expected, phosphonium iodide acts as a reducing agent 
in most cases, although it is not oxidised by oxygen or air at ordinary 
temperatures. Chlorine water gives phosphorus and P 2 H, 10 and chlorine 

1 de la Billardiere, loc. tit. 

2 Serullas, loc. cd.; Rose, Pogg. Annalm, 1832, 24, 154; 1S39, 46, 636. 

3 Hofmann, Trans. Chem. Sac., 1ST], 24, 380. 

< v. Bayer, Ann ah ,1, 1870, 155, 266; Holt and Myers, Zc-itsch. anorg. Chem., 1913, 
82, 281. 

5 Wagner, Zeitsch. Krij&l. Jllin., 1911, 50, 47. 

6 Dickinson, ,7. Atner. Chcm. Soc. f 1922, 44, 1489. 

7 Ogier, Ann. Chrm. Phys., 1SSO, [5], 20, 5. 

8 Messinger and Engels, Bar., 1888, 21, 326. 

9 Serullas, loc. cit. 

10 Cain, Chcm. Xcws, 1894, 70, 80. 



Phosphor* ium Chloride. 

Solid, amorphous. 1 

, p (mm. 

- GO 

Solid, crystalline. 1 

- 45 


t 2 C. . 

p (mm.) 




Solid, crystalline. 1 

t~ C. 

p (atm.) 




| 22-6 




p (atm.) 


45 I 

49 2 


67-5 : 

Phosphonium Bromide. 

! f C. . 
I p (mm.) 

Solid. 4 


Liquid. 1 - 


*c. . 





p (mm.) 


222 i 

507 ; 

79 -t 

*C. . .1 7-6 



p (mm.) 


266-8 5 i 

602 5 

* Only a selection of the values is given. 

1 Tammann, * Kryst. u. Schintlzen," Leipzig, 1903. 

Triple point. 

i Critical temperature. 



Plwsphonium Iodide. 

Solid. 1 - 2 

f C. 

p (mm.) . 

j 15-0 I 19-2 
1 36-0 l ! 50-0 

30-0 : 50-0 
: 107-8 i 368 ]. 

62-6 ; 60-0 
7GQ-0 ; 917-5 !* 

t C. 

p (mm.) . 

! i 11-4 

1 8 2 ! 24 

i ! 
i j 

; 2-4-4 45-8 
74 i 286 

1 | 

58-4 ! 
536 2 


gas gives similar products at first, while an excess gives PC1 5 even at 
fow temperatures. 3 Chloric, bromic and icdic acids and their salts, 
silver nitrate and nitric acid oxidise it with inflammation. 4 Carbon 
disulphide at temperatures above 140 C. 5 is said to give P(CH 3 ) 3 HI. 

Liquid Hydrogen Phosphide. 

The analysis of this compound shows that it is hydrogen hemi- 
phosphide, (PH 2 )x, and the molecular weight corresponds to tetra- 
hydrogen diphosphide, P 2 H 4 . 

This liquid, which is the cause of the spontaneous inflammability 
of phosphine prepared by methods (#.), (&), (c) (pp. 69, 70), was isolated 
by passing through a freezing mixture the gas resulting from the action 
of water upon calcium phosphide. 6 7 The condensate was a mobile 
liquid having a density of about 1-01 and vaporising between 30 
and 40 C. The boiling-point at 735 mm. was found to be 57 to 58 C., 
and on careful distillation there is no residue. 8 The vapour density 
(probably of the products of decomposition) is 74-73 to 77-0 and the 
empirical formula is PH 2 ; hence, on the analogy of hydrazine the 
constitutional formula has been written as H 2 =P -P =H 2 . 

The compound is unstable and decomposes when heated ; when 
kept it changes slowly in the dark and quickly in the light into the 
gaseous and solid hydrides. Since 100 parts by weight give 38 parts 
of the solid and 62 parts of the gaseous hydride this decomposition 
may be represented by the equation 

5PH 2 =3PH 3 -fP 2 H 8 

Preparation. This is best carried out in a Woulfe bottle having 
a capacity of about 3 litres and furnished with three necks, through 
one of which hydrogen is admitted. Through another pieces of calcium 
phosphide are introduced into water, and the third is fitted with the 
exit tube which is cooled by a reflux condenser and connected, with a 
spiral tube terminating in a wash-bottle, the whole of which is immersed 
in a freezing-mixture. Uncondensed gas is ignited in a draught. The 

3 Stock, Be,r., 1920, 53, S37. -i Serullas, loc. cit. 

5 Dreclisel, J. prafd. Ckcm., 1874, [2], 10, ISO. 

6 Tlienard, CompL rend., 1844, 18, 652; 1844, 19, 313. 

7 Hofmann, -Be?-., 1874, 7, 531. 


; Gattermann and Hausknecht, Ber., 1S90, 23, 1174. See also Croullebois, CornpL 


bottle is warmed to about GO" C. in a water-bath and the calcium 
phosphide added as required. 100 grams of CaJP 2 give 3 to -i c.c. of 
liquid phosphide. 1 

Solid Hydrogen Phosphide. 

A yellow solid is farmed during the decomposition of potassium 
phosphide by water. 2 and this solid is formed in many other reactions 
which yield the other hydrides, possiblv as a secondary product re 
sulting from the decomposition of the herniphosphide by water (see 
p. 80). It is also formed by the exposure of phosphine to light, 3 and 
is one of the pro-duets of the action of chlorine upon phosphine. 

Preparation. 4 - The mixed hydrogen phosphides generated by the 
action of water on calcium phosphide, in a 3-litre flask through which is 
passed a current of carbon dioxide, are passed through a condenser to re 
move most of the water vapour and then through a series of wide glass 
tubes packed with granular calcium chloride (which must leave no residue 
when dissolved in hydrochloric acid). The tubes are protected from 
the light by rolls of paper. After the whole apparatus has been filled 
with carbon dioxide, the calcium phosphide is introduced into the flask 
in amount sufficient to give a layer about 1 cm. deep. A steady stream 
of phosphine is evolved at 60 C C., the spontaneously inflammable part 
of which is immediately decomposed by the calcium chloride with de 
position of the solid hydrogen diphosphide. The escaping gas is led 
directly into the Hue and burnt. The solid spreads through the tubes 
and appears in the final wash-bottle, which contains hydrochloric acid. 
The apparatus is then again filled with C O and the last calcium chloride 
tube detached and used as the first of the next repeat operation. The 
contents of the calcium chloride tubes are dissolved in cold dilute 
hydrochloric acid. The hydrogen phosphide, which usually floats, is 
filtered off, washed with ice-cold water, then with alcohol and with ether 
which has been redistilled over sodium. This dissolves a little of the 
compound to give a yellowish colloidal solution. The solid is filtered 
off. centrifugecl. dried for 12 hours in a vacuum desiccator over P 2 5 , 
and kept in a closed vessel of brown glass in a desiccator. 5 

Properties. The diphosphide is a yellow powder, which is taste 
less, odourless and insoluble in most solvents. It decomposes in the 
light giving phosphine, and is easily decomposed by heating in an 
atmosphere of hydrogen. It ignites in air at temperatures between 
100 and 200 C. * 

The empirical formula is (PH) >7 .. 6 The molar weight, deduced from 
the lowering of the freezing-point of white phosphorus, corresponds to 
the formula P 12 H 6 . 7 The density is 1-83 at 19 C. 4 The heat of 
formation from white phosphorus and hydrogen is given as -f 35--i 
Cals. s 

1 Gatterraann and Hausknecht, Inc. at. 

2 Rose, Annakn, 1S28, 12, o49. 

3 Levcrrier, Ann. Cltin. PJnjs., 1835, [2], 60, 174: Ibid., 1837, [2], 65, 266. 

4 Stock, Bottcher and Lender, />/.. 1009, 42, 2847. 

5 Schenck. Jkr.. liUtf, 36, 9ij<>. 4204: Stock, Bottclier and Lender, ibid., 1909, 42, 

fi Thenard, l>c. c .L. and Coin pi. .";^/., 1847. 25, S92; Schenck, tier., 1903, 36, 991, 
4204: Amat. Ann. (Jhitn. I J hu.*.. 1801. f() i. 2A. 3 .">$. 


Chemical Reactions. P 12 H 6 is dissociated when heated above 
70 C. in an indifferent gas into its elements at 175 C. in COo, 1 or 
into phosphorus and phosphine at 215 C. The ignition temperature 
in air is 120 to 150 C. 1 The only liquids which dissolve it without 
decomposition are phosphorus and P 2 H 4 . It dissolves in ammonia 
at - 40 C. with evolution of phosphine. After evaporation of the 
ammonia a black solid is left which appears to be an ammine of a 
higher hydrogen phosphide. Like the other phosphides it is easily 
oxidised by halogens, chlorates and nitric acid. 2 

The hydrogen of this phosphide appears to have a slight acidic 
character, since the phosphide dissolves in alcoholic alkalies giving 
deep red solutions which contain polyphosphides, similar to those 
which are formed by the action of alcoholic alkali on finely divided 
scarlet phosphorus. These compounds are easily hyclrolysed by 
dilution, or by the addition of acids, with the precipitation of a yellow 
or reddish mixture of solid hydrogen phosphide and scarlet phosphorus 
(which possibly contains a suboxide or P 4 H.OH 3 - 4 ). 

Higher Phosphides of Hydrogen. 

When the diphosphide is gradually heated to 175 C. in vacuo, or 
when its ammoniate is heated, a reddish powder is formed to which the 
composition P 9 H 2 has been assigned : 5 

This compound is fairly stable in dry air, but in moist air is converted 
into phosphine and phosphoric acid. It dissolves in liquid ammonia. 
A phosphide P 5 H 2 has also been reported. 6 

Some hydroxyphosphides are formed also by oxidation and hydro 
lysis of a mixture of phosphorus and phosphorus trichloride, 1 7 or by 
the hydrolysis of tetraphosphorus diiodide, P 4 I 2 , when this is boiled 
with water. 8 The solid to which the composition P 4 H.OH has been 
assigned dissolves in alcoholic potash giving hydrogen and the potassium 
salCP 4 H.OK. 

The Alkylphosphines. 

On account of the instability of the phosphines and phosphonium 
salts, the hydrogen valency of phosphorus is more clearly displayed 
in their alkyl substitution products which also, as is usual, possess a 
more pronounced basigenic character * than the hydrogen compounds 
themselves. The methods of preparation of these compounds, and 
their properties, closely resemble those of the alkylamines. 

The tertiary alkylphosphines were discovered by Thenard in 1845, 9 
and the primary and secondary by Hofmann in 1871. 10 All may be 

1 Leverrier, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1837, [2], 65, 266. 

2 Thenard., Leverrier, loc. cit. 

3 Schenck, he. cit. 

* Stock, Bcr., 1903, 36, 1120; ibid., 1908, 41, 1603. 

5 Stock, Boucher and Lender, loc. cit. 

6 Hackspill, Co nipt, rend., 1013, 156, 1466. 

7 Gautier, Ann. Ghrm. /%,*., 1S73, [5], 76., 49. 

8 Fran eke, J. prakt. Chem., 1887, [2J, 35, 341. 
* I.e. when combined with HI, CH 3 i, etc. 

9 Thenard, Berzdius Jahre-sbericht, .1845, 26 ;198 

10 Hofmann 1KT1 A ><.-; io n m-,. ic-o r- ic\i. i OTO * OAO 


prepared by general methods by the action of phosphoniuni iodide 
on alkyl iodides or on alcohols, and by the action of zinc alkyls on 
phosphorus trichloride. The primary and secondary alkylphosphines 
are obtained as crystalline double salts with zinc iodide when the alkyl 
iodides are heated to 15() c ( . with phosphonhirn iodicic in the presence 
of zinc oxide. The primary base is iirst liberated as a gas (PH 2 CH 3 ) 
or as a volatile liquid (PIIoC.\JI 5 ) on the addition of water, and is 
distilled off and condensed. The secondary bases PiC"II^). 2 H and 
P(C 2 II 5 ).>H can be set free by the addition of potassium hydroxide to 
their hydriodides. The tertiary bases are prepared (as hydriodides) 
by heating phosphonium iodide with alcohols (CH OH ? CJI 5 OII) at 150 
to 180 C C\, and also by the action of zinc alkyls on phosphorus trichloride. 
The boiling-points of alkyh)hosphines rise with increasing molecular 
weight, as is usual in homologous series : 


Boiling- Boiling- Boiling- 

point, point. point, 

Methylphosphinc Dimethvl Trimet hvi 

P(CH 3 )H 2 -14 PiCH 3 ).,K -25 P(CK 3 } 3 - 40 

Ethvl Diethy! Triethv! . 

>{C\H 5 )H 2 ~ 2o P(C,H.),H S5 I\C>K-) 3 127 

P/CgH-jHo 41 

?(C,K 9 )H 2 62 

Alkyliodides of the quaternary phosphonium bases are made by 
heating (to over 150 C.) the theoretical proportions of the alcohols 
with phosphonium iodide, thus : 

4CH.,OH -r PH 4 I = P(CH 3 ) 4 I - 4H 2 

They are well-crystallised salts, easily soluble in water, and highly 
dissociated even at dilutions of 32 litres to the mol. 1 The bases, 
liberated by the action of silver oxide on the iodides, are also highly 
dissociated, and therefore behave as strong alkalies. Thus, in the 
case of P(CH 3 ) 4 OII : 


! A 

i 16 
! 214 

! 221 | 

256 litres 

per mol 


(Breciig. 1 ) 

The mobility of the ion P(CH 3 ) 4 ~ is 42-3, that of P(C 2 H 5 ) 4 - 32-T, the 
mobility diminishing with increasing addition of - CH - to about 23 
in the case of P(C 5 H 1] _)(C G H 5 ) 3 " : (/.s-oamyitriplienylphosphonium ion). 
Alkylphosphines differ from the corresponding ammonia derivatives 


bv the great case with which they are oxidised even by atmospheric 
oxygen, "either with spontaneous inflammation, as in the case of some of 
the less alkylated members, or with the formation of phosphinc oxides, 
as in the case of trialkylphosphines. Thus oxygen at ordinary tempera 
tures combines with P"(C 2 H 5 ) 3? giving P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 O, which may bz distilled 
with steam. 

Triethylphosphine Oxide may be made in quantity by heating 1 part 
of phosphorus with 13 parts o f ethyl iodide in a sealed tube at 175- 
180 C. The product is distilled, first with ethyl alcohol to remove 
excess ethyl iodide, and then with concentrated potash, which removes 
the iodine" and oxidises the compound. Thus : 

P(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I -r KOH = P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 -f KI + C 2 H 6 1 

Triethylphosphine also combines with sulphur with evolution of 
heat to give the corresponding trietliylphosphine sulphide, P(CJ-I 5 ).,S, 
a very stable compound, which can also be made by oxidation or by 
hydrolysis, of the curious addition compound P(C2H 5 ) :1 .CS 2 , a red 
crystalline solid which is itself made by direct union of 1 3 (C 2 H 5 ), and 
CS 2 . The oxidation is effected by silver oxide, according to the 

P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 CS 2 - 2Ag 2 O = Ag 2 S + 2Ag -i- CO 2 -f P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 S 

The hydrolysis occurs at 100 C. and yields the oxide as well as the 
sulphide : 

4P(C 9 H 5 ) 8 CS 2 +2H 2 = 2P(CJI 5 )3S+P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 0-fP(C 2 H 5 ) 3 CH 3 OH 

-:-3CS 2 

The structural formulae of these compounds, whether written with 
the usual bonds or with valency electrons, are clearly quite analogous 
to those of the alkyl derivatives of ammonia (sec this Volume, Part I.). 
Thus the presence of -even one methyl group enables the phosphorus 
to accept a hydrogen ion from hydrogen iodide, giving a crystalline 
product which is not dissociated under ordinary conditions : 

H H 

H 3 c ( ; P ; +H" + r=n 3 c ( p ;) ir + r 
"H" 1i 

In the alkylphosphine oxide (and sulphide) the lone pair of electrons 
on the phosphorus atom completes the octet of the oxygen (or sulphur), 
as in the case of amine oxides : 


(C 2 H 5 ) 3 

Oxidation of the primary and secondary alkylphosphines gives alkyl 
acids, and chlorination of these with PC1 5 gives the corresponding acid 
chlorides. These substances are of importance in elucidating the 
structure of the phosphorous acids, etc. (q.v.), in one tautomeric" form 

1 Crafts and Slilva. 7 /v//?.< Clie-m Rnr. 1N7I ->A fi-?0 


of which the phosphorus is not trivalcnt. but has the same valency as 
exhibited in phosphoric acid or quaternary phosphonium bases. This 
form is iixed in the compounds obtained as follows : 

When mcthylphosphinc is passed into concentrated nitric acid it 
gives a crystalline dibasic acid Cmethylphosphinic acid), P(CH 3 )O(OH)o, 
and the action of PCI- on this yields P CEUOCIo. 1 ^ Oxidation of 
P(CH : j) 2 H witli nitric acid gives the monobasic dimethylphosphinic 
acid. Corresponding ethyl derivatives are also known. 1 

1 Hofinann, loc. cit. 



Phosphorus Trifluoride, PF 3 . Some early indications were ob 
tained that phosphorus reacted with fluorides of zinc and lead, 1 2 and 
that the fluoride resulting was a gas. 3 This gas was prepared in 1884 
by heating lead fluoride with copper phosphide in a brass tube. 4 It 
is also produced by the action of fluorides of zinc, silver or lead on 
phosphorus trichloride or tribromide. 5 One of the most convenient 
methods of preparation is by the reaction between arsenic trifhioricle, 
which is easily prepared and purified, and phosphorus trichloride, 
thus : 

The apparatus consists of a distillation flask fitted with a tap-funnel. 
The side-tube of the flask is sealed to a condensing wash-bottle, which 
can be cooled in a mixture of solid carbon dioxide and alcohol, and the 
wash-bottle is joined to a condenser which is immersed in liquid air. 
After the whole apparatus has been thoroughly dried, the arsenic 
trifluoride is allowed to drop into the trichloride. The vapours of 
these two compounds are removed in the first condenser, and the 
phosphorus trifluoride is solidified in the second. 6 

Phosphorus trilluoride can also be made by the action of lead fluoride 
on phosphorus trichloride 7 and by the decomposition of the penta- 
fluoride by means of electric sparks. 

The composition has been established by the vapour density and by 
analysis (e.g. with silicon, see p. 87). The fluoride is a colourless gas 
which does not fume in the air, and is highly poisonous. It condenses 
to a colourless liquid at - 95 C. and freezes to a white solid at - 160 C, 
The heat of formation is 106-2 to 109-7 Cals. 8 per mol, therefore much 
greater than that of the trichloride, and the tiiduoridc also proves to 
be the more stable of the two compounds. It can be decomposed by 
electric sparks with deposition of phosphorus and formation of the 
pentafluoride, thus : 

1 Davy, Phil. Trans., 1808, 98, 43. 

2 Dumas, Ann. Ck-im. Phyx. t .1826, [2], 31, 433. 
a Maclvor, Chc-.m. Xeics, IS 7,5, 32, 258. 

4 Moissan, " Le Fluor et acs Composts" Steinlicil, Pans, 1900; also Cornpt. rend, .1884, 
99, 655, 970. 

5 Moissan, Compt. rend., 1885, 100, 272, 1348; ibid., 1886, 102, 763, 1245; ibid., 
1886, 103, 1257; ibid., 1904, 138, 789. 

G Moissan, Ann. Ck-im. Pkijs., .1885, [6], 6, 433. 

7 Guntz, Compt. rend., 1886, 103, 58. 

8 Bertkelot, M., Ann. Chl-m. Phys.. 1885, 6j, 6, 388. 


5PF 3 = 3PF 5 -f-2P l 

It can be reduced by heatin with hydroen : 

and also by heating with silicon or boron : 

4PF 3 -r 3Si - 3SiF < -r -iP 

but is not reduced by heating with sulphur, phosphorus or arsenic. 
It is not affected by the metals copper, mercury, iron, cobalt and 
nickel at ordinary temperatures, but the same metals give phosphides 
at a red heat. 2 It is completely absorbed by sodium at the melting- 
point of this metal. 1 

Phosphorus trifmoride is easily oxidised. Although it does not 
burn in air it can be exploded with oxygen by electric sparks, one 
volume of the gas mixed with half a volume of oxygen giving one volume 
of phosphorus oxyfluoride : 

PF 3 -r?,0 2 =POF 3 

It combines vigorously with all the halogens giving mixed pentahalides 
(#.!-.). It is hydrolysed very slowly by eold water, rather more quickly 
by boiling water, and quickly by aqueous alkalies, giving in the last 
case alkali fluoride and phosphite. It was considered by Moissan 3 
and by Berthelot 4 that the first product of hydrolysis was a fluophos- 
phoric acid (q.t\). the potassium salt of which was fairly stable. 

Phosphorus Pentafluoride, PF 5 . This compound was discovered 
by Thorpe, who prepared it by the reaction between AsF 3 and PC1 5 : 5 

5AsF 3 -r 3PC1 5 = 3PF 5 -f 5AsCl 3 

The same method and precautions may be adopted as already described 
for the trifluoride. The first condenser is, however, kept at about 
-60 C. The pentatluoride can also be made by heating PC1 5 with 
PbF 2 , 6 or by combining PF 3 with Br and warming the product : 3 

5PF,B ri =3PF 5 +2PBr 5 

The pentabromide being a solid is easily separated, and it only re 
mains to free the gas from a small quantity of bromine by allowing 
it to stand over mercury. It can be made similarly from PF 3 C1 2 . 7 
It is produced, together with some PF 3 , by the action of fluorine upon 
phosphorus. 8 

Phosphorus pentafluoride is a heavy colourless gas with an un 
pleasant smell ; it strongly attacks the skin and respiratory tract. 
Unlike the triiluoride it fumes strongly in air and is rapidly absorbed 
by water. It neither burns nor supports combustion. It does not 
attack dry glass at room temperatures. The density is -i-o (air = l) 
according to Thorpe and Moissan, and the formula is established from 

1 Moissan, loc. cit., and * Le Fluor et ses Composes." 

- Granger, Compt. ruid., 1896, 123, 176; 1895, 120, 923. 

3 Moissan, " Lc Fluor et ses Co nipose.s.^ 

4 Berthelot, Ann. Chim. Pkys., 1885, [61, 6, 358. 

5 Thorpe, Annalcn., 1876, 182, 201; Proc. Roy. Soc., 1S77, 25, 122. 

6 Guntz, loc. cit. 

7 Poulenc, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1891, [6], 24, 5-18. s Moissan, loc. cit. 


this and the analysis. It condenses to a colourless liquid at -75 C. 
and freezes to a white solid at - 88 C. 

This compound is by far the most stable pentahalide of phosphorus. 
It is not dissociated by moderate heat or weak sparks from an induction 
coil, but on strong sparking it gives PF 3 and F 2 , the latter attacking 
the glass. The smalfextent of the dissociation is shown by the fact that 
the pentafluoride does not react with ^soarnyl alcohol at the boiling- 
point of the latter. 1 It is not attacked by oxygen, fluorine or iodine. 
With dry ammonia it forms an ammine. PF 5 .5XH 3 , 2 and with X 2 O 4 
an addition compound PF 5 .X 2 O 4 . 3 It is completely hydroiysed by 
water (or alkalies) giving phosphoric and hydrofluoric acids (or their 
salts). It is not reduced by heating with phosphorus or sulphur. 

Mixed Fluohalides. 

Phosphorus Trifluorodichloride, PF 3 C1 2 . This compound is 
best prepared by mixing equal volumes of the trill uoride and chlorine 
confined over mercury, and allowing the mixture to stand for some 
days. 4 The volume diminishes to one half, and the composition and 
molecular weight of the product are thus determined by Gay-Lussac s 
law and by the density, viz. 5-4 (air = l) : 

PF 3 +Cl 2 =PF 3 Ci 2 

It is a colourless gas with an unpleasant odour, and does not burn 
or support combustion. It condenses to a liquid at 8 C. When 
heated to over 200 C. it decomposes according to the equation 

5PF 3 C1 2 =3PF 5 + 2PC1 5 

It is much more easily reduced than the pcntailuoride. Hydrogen 
combines with the chlorine at 250 C. leaving PF 3 . Many metals, 
e.g. aluminium, magnesium, tin, lead and iron, decompose it similarly, 
forming chlorides but not decomposing the trifluoride. Sodium absorbs 
it completely. Sulphur combines with the phosphorus and the chlorine, 
giving PSF ;} and S 2 CI 2 . Hydrolysis with a limited amount of water 
splits off the chlorine lirst, thus : 

PF a Cl 2 + HoO = POF 3 + 2IIC1 

Phosphorus Trifluorodibromide, PF 3 Br 2 , was first produced 
by passing bromine into phosphorus triduoride cooled by a freezing 
mixture. It is a pale brown fuming liquid which freezes to a yellow 
solid at -20 C. and decomposes at ordinary temperatures in a similar 
manner to the dichloridc : 

On complete hvdrolvsis it oivcs H.>PO 15 IIF and HBr. r> 

1 / / o <J <1" 

The corresponding diiodide, PF 3 I 2 , is probably formed when the 
trilluoride is absorbed by iodine. It is a yellowish-red solid. 

1 Lucas and Ewing, J . Aintr. Ch(-in.. Soc., 1927, 49, 1270. 

2 Thorpe, lac. cit. 

3 Tassel, rend., 1890, no, 1264. 

1 JMoissan, c; L(< Fluor ct set Cowposts "; Poulonc, A tin. Chim. Phyx., 1891, [0], 24, 548. 
Moissan, * JLe Fluor et ses Composes."^ 


Fluopliosphoric Acid. The tendency of fluorine to replace oxygen 
in oxy-acids, which is exemplified in such compounds as hydrofTuo- 
boric acid, is shown to some extent in the acids of phosphorus. The 
existence of alkali Iluophosphates has already been alluded to (p. 87). 

Salts of lluophosphovic acid are prepared by the action of alkali 
fluorides on phosphorus pentachloride. The reaction between NH 4 F 
and PC1 5 proceeds with some violence at 80-110 C C. The "product, 
NH ;1 PF 6 , is dissolved in cold water, precipitated by nitron acetate, 
and again converted into the ammonium salt by the addition of am 
monia and extraction of the organic base with chloroform. The alkali 
fluorides, KF and NaF, gave less violent reactions and smaller yields 
of fluophosphate. These salts resemble perchlorates chemically and 
halides in crystalline form. 1 


Phosphorus Bichloride, (PCl 2 ) /t . By the action of a silent electric 
discharge upon a mixture of the gaseous trichloride and hydrogen a 
liquid was obtained which, after filtration to remove a yellow solid and 
distillation under reduced pressure, proved to have a composition 
corresponding to PC1 2 . It decomposed quickly on heating into PC1 3 
and a yellow solid, boiled with decomposition at about 180 C. and could 
be frozen to a solid which melted at -28 C. 2 

Phosphorus Trichloride, PC1 3 . The action of chlorine on phos 
phorus was investigated by Gay-Lussac and Thcnard, 3 and also by 
Davy. 4 It was shown that the phosphorus burns with a pale flame 
and that both a liquid and a solid compound are produced. The 
preparation of the pure liquid alone (namely, the trichloride) is best 
carried out in a, retort (filled with dry carbon dioxide), the bottom 
being covered by a, layer of sand. The dry and clean yellow phosphorus 
is introduced and niched in a current of dry carbon dioxide. The 
retort is kept in warm water and a current of dry chlorine is intro 
duced through the inlet tube, which should be adjustable to the dis 
tance 1 above the. phosphorus which gives a brisk but not too violent 
reaction. The distillate may be purified by redistilling with a little 
ye. I Low phosphorus.* 

Phosphorus may also be combined to form the trichloride by passing 
its vapour over mcrcurous or mercuric chloride 3 or cupric chloride, 5 
or by passing the vapour of sulphur moiiochloridc over phosphorus, 6 
or by heating red phosphorus with sulphuryl chloride. 7 It is possible 
to prepare it directly from calcium phosphate by heating this with 
silica, and charcoal and passing over it the vapour of sulphur mono- 
chloride; : 

1-SoClo + Ca(PO 3 ) 2 -2PC1 3 + CaCl 2 +3SO 2 + 5S 8 

1 Lanire and von Krue- er, Ifr.r., 1 \M 2, 65, B, 1253. 

- Wesson and Founner, Co ni.pL rc./ul., 19.10, 150, 102. 

:! Ga.y-Lns.sao and Thenard, " KccMrchw tntqucx," Paris, 1811, 2, 176. 
- 1 Davy, rinL 7W/^., J 8 1 0, 100, 231; v/^/., l811, 101, 1. 

* The/preeautions which arc required to secure absolutely pure halides of phosphorus 
arc referred to ni the seet.ion on " Atomic Weight" (pp. 45 IS). 

5 Gladstone, Phil. Mug., 1840, [3J, 35, 3-1^ 

< de Ckubry, Ann. Cfum. / %*., L8J8, [2], I, 213. 

7 Koehliri and Heumann, tier., 1883, 16, 479. 

8 Budnikoil and Shiloll, J. Sac. Chun. Ind., 1923, 42, 378T. 


Reactions of some theoretical interest which give the trichloride 
are : 

(a) Heating phosphorus in a sealed tube with HC1 : 

2P-r3HCl=PCl 3 ~PH 3 * 

(b) Reduction of the pentachloridc by hydrogen and some metals. 

(c) Reduction of the oxychloride with charcoal at a red heat : 

Physical Properties. Phosphorus trichloride is a colourless liquid 
which boils at 76 C. and freezes at about -100 C. The vapour 
density and the analysis correspond to the molecule PC1 3 . The liquid 
fumes in moist air with decomposition. It is immiscible with water, 
but is completely hydrolysed by it forming hydrochloric and phos 
phorous acids. 

Gaseous JPCZ 3 . The vapour density has been determined as 4-7464 3 
and 4-75 4 (air = l). The thermal expansion is 0-00489 from 100 to 
125 C. and 0-00417 from 125 to 180 C. 5 The specific heat is 0-1346 
to 0-1347 between 111 and 246 C. 4 The refractive index for the 
D line is given as 1-001730. 6 

Liquid PC1 3 . The density has been determined by several investi 
gators with the following results in grams per c.c. at C. : 1-6119 
(Buff), 7 1-6162 (Pierre), 8 1-61275 (Thorpe). 9 The densities can be 
calculated as the quotients of the density at C. divided by the 
relative specific volume for other temperatures, i.e. as D t = D j v t , in 
which v t9 the coefficient of expansion, is given by the equations of 
Thorpe 9 (below) or that of Pierre. 8 The mean coefficient of expansion 
between and 75 C. is 0-0013436, and the specific volumes from 
C. to the boiling-point are given by the equation 9 

v t = v (I+ 0-0011393* -rO-0 5 166S(m 2 +0-() 8 4012 3 ) 

Hence the volume at the boiling-point 75-95 C. is 1-09827 times that 
at C., and the molar volume at the boiling-point is 93-34. 

Another series of results has been continued to a lower temperature, 
so as to include the density of the solid : 10 

C C. 







+ 20 

D . 










Oppenheim, Bull. Soc, c/m/i., 1804, [2], i, 163. 
Hi ban, Bull. Soc. cliini., 1883, [2], 39, 14. 
Rognault, Co-mpl. rend., 1853, 36, 676. 
Dumas, Ann. Chim. P hys., 1859, [3], 55, 129. 
Troost and Hautofeuille, Compt. rend., 1876, 83, 333. 
Mascart, CompL. rend., 1874, 78, 801. 
Buff, Ann. SuppL, 1866, 4, 152. 
Pierre, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1847, [3], 20, 5. 
Thorpe, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1880, 37, 141, 327. 
10 Koerber, Ann. Physik, 1912, 37, 1014. 


An estimate of the limiting density at -273 C. is 2-11927, and this 
has been estimated to decrease with rise of temperature according to 
the equation l 

D t =2-11927 -0-00189994T + 0-0 6 1183T 2 

The compressibility of the liquid at 10-1 C. between 1 and 500 
atmospheres was found to be 0-0 4 72. 2 At 20 C. the relative volume 
of the liquid was reduced from 1-0234 to 0-9862 by a pressure of 
500 kilos, per sq. cm. and further to 0-7763 by 12,000 kilos. 3 

The vapour pressure measurements of Regnault 4 were expressed 
by the equation 

log p = 4-7479108 -3-1684558a0 (between -20 and +50 C.) 
in which log a = 1-9968895 ; or by 5 

log p = l-2112[5-6885 - 1000(6 + 228)" 1 ] 

The dielectric constant 6 at 22 C. is 4-7. 

The boiling-point at normal pressure has been given as 74 to 78 C. 
by different investigators. It is very close to 76 C. The carefully 
determined values of Thorpe 7 are: 75-95 C. at 760 mm. and 76-25 C. 
at 768 mm. More recent values are 75-5 C. at 763 mm. 8 and 75 C. 
at 749 mm. 9 

The latent heat of vaporisation is given as 9-0 Cals. per mol at 
C. and 6-9 to 7-1 at the boiling-point. 10 - 1] - The constant Q L v/Tb -20 
is therefore normal. 

The critical temperature has been given as 285-5 C. 12 and as 
290-5 C. 13 

The melting-point is low, from -111-5 14 to -90-0 C. 9 

The surface tension, as determined by Ramsay and Shields, 13 was 
28-71 dynes/cm, at 16-4 C., and 24-91 dynes/cm*! at 46-2 C. Molar 
surface energies corresponding to these are 562-3 and 499-8 ergs re 
spectively, the decrease in molar surface energy per degree being 2-097, 
which is about the normal value. More recent determinations over a 
larger range arc : 





+ 20-8 


75-1 9 

1 -7-11 

1-653 1-013 










The value of the paraclior has been given on p. 53. 

1 Timmerinanns, Bull. Soc. chim. JJtlg., 1923, 32, 299. 

2 Amagat, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1893, [6J, 29, 68. 

3 Bridgman, J roc. Awer. Acad., 1913, 49, 04. 

4 Rognaull, he. c-i.L, and Phil. May., 1853, [4], 5, 473. 

5 Anioine, Cornpl. rand., 1888, 107, 081, 778, 830. 
Walclen, Ze-Uxch. physical. Ckem., 1910, 70, 569. 

7 Thorpe, loc. cit. 

8 Walden, ZeM.Hck. anorg. Ckem., 1900, 25, 211. 

9 Jager, Zcttuch. anorg. Cham., 1917, 101, 172. 

10 Regnault, loc. cit. n Andrews, Phil. Mag., 1848, [3], 32, 321. 

12 Pawlcsosky, Her., 1883, 16, 2633. 

13 Kamsay and Shields, Trans. C/iem. Soc., 1893, 63, 1089. 

11 Wroblowsky and Olszewsky, Wied. Annalen, 1883, 20, 243. 


The refractive index of the liquid n has been determined at several 
wavelengths A (in microns = 10~ 3 mm.). 1 2 


i A . . 0-2C3 
\ n . . : 1-604 



: 0-589 

: 0-768 

These results may be compared with the following : 3 

A =0-486 0-589 0-759//, 

n = 1-525 1-516 1-506 

The molar depression of the freezing-point for the trichloride in 
benzene 4 is 0-636 and the molar elevation of the boiling-point in the 
same solvent is about 4-5. 

Chemical Properties. Phosphorus trichloride mixes with organic 
liquids such as benzene 4 and nitrobenzene, 5 as also with the oxy- 
chloride, and with sulphur without reaction at ordinary temperatures. 

In many respects the trichloride behaves as an unsaturated com 
pound. Although it docs not burn in the air it seems to absorb oxygen 
to some extent 6 and also ozone, giving the oxy chloride. 7 

It is oxidised by sulphur trioxide, 8 9 by concentrated sulphuric acid 
(to HP0 3 ), by SOC1 2 , 9 SeOCU 9 and KCl6 3 10 as follows : 

PCl 3 -f-S0 3 =POCl 3 + SOo 

PC1 3 -f 2I-I S0 4 = HP0 3 + H.S0 3 C1 +SOo +2HC1 
3PCU 4- SOClo =POC1 3 -rPC! 5 + PSC1 3 " 
3PC1 , -i- SSeOClo = 3POCL -f- SeCl 4 + Se Cl 9 
3PCl 3 -hKC10 3 =3POCl 3 -i-KCl 

The halogens convert it into penta-compounds. Thus fluorine gives 
PF 5 n and chlorine PC1 5 . The action of bromine varies with the con 
ditions ; substitution may occur, giving, e.g. PClJBr 3 , as well as PCl.J3r 2 
by addition. 12 13> M Iodine may form a chloroiodide. 15 Bromine and 
iodine together act vigorously according to the equation : 

PCI 3 + 5Br + I = PBr 5 + IC1 



Phosphorus trichloride is chlorinated by selenium tetrachloride : 

GPC1 3 + 7ScCl 4 = 3(PCl 5 ) 2 .SeCl 4 -f- 2Se 2 Cl 2 17 

1 Gladstone and Dale, Phll.^ Trans., 1863, 153, 317. 

- Martens, Vcrh. J)nvl.<c-h. phys. Oc^c-Ua., 1902, 4, 148. 

3 Sticfelha<icn, * JJ-itpcr*. fl-iiM. trichloride," Berlin, 1905. 

4 L lekerm-, Bf>r., 1891, 24, 1400. 

5 Kolossowsky, J. Chun, phyj., 1927, 24, 58. 

c Odlinir, i; Mfinwil of Chf"//iistry," London, 1861. 

7 Kemscn, Aw.r.r. J. Xci., 1876, [3], II, 365. 

h Annst.ronci, L roc. Roy. Sue., 1870, 18, 502. 

Miehaelis, her., 1872 , 5, 4J I ; Ari nalcn, JS72, 164, 39. 

.Dcrvin, C(>/npl. rc.mL, 1883, 97, .~>7(S. 

1 Moissan, Li-, rlnor ct xf-.s ContjidM *" ; Geuther, Atuialen, 1887, 240, 208. 

- Stern, Tutu*. C)>Cui. *S or., J88(), 49, 815. 
:{ Pnn vault, Coi/ipl. rf-nfL, 1872, 74, 86 ( J. 

1 AVichc-lhaus, 7jVr., 1868, I, 80. 

5 Moot, />Yr., 1880, 13, 2029. 

6 Gladstone. Tran^. C/tet/i. Soc., 1851, 3, 15. 


by antimony pentachloridc : 

2SbCl 5 -fPCl 3 =PCl 5 .SbCl 5 4-SbCl 3 l 
and by sulphur in : 

It chlorinates arsenic (in the presence of a. little AsCl 3 ) 3 at 200 to 300 C., 
also antimony, 3 4 phosphine 5 and arsine, 6 giving phosphorus in each 

The reaction with cold water normally gives a solution of phos 
phorous and hydrochloric acids : 

PC1 3 + SHoO = H 3 P0 3 + 3HC1 7 

Intermediate stages in the reaction have been noted, such as the 
production of phosphoryl monochloride, POC1, with small amounts 
of water. 8 The solution produced at first has stronger reducing power 
than the final solution, which was attributed to a. first production of 
P(OH) 3 with subsequent change to the tautomeric OPH(OH) 2 . 9 
In concentrated or hot solution subsequent decomposition of the 
phosphorous acid may take place with the production of phosphoric 
acid and red phosphorus, which change has been represented by the 

4H 3 P0 3 +PC1 3 = 3H 3 PO 4 + 3HC1 -i- 2P 10 

The velocity constant of the decomposition, since this takes place at 
a surface of separation of two immiscible liquids, is that of a uni- 

molccular reaction, 11 i.e. log 1 =kt xaS. in which a is the quantity 

"- a - x i 

of liquid and S is the reacting surface. 

Phosphorus trichloride is used in numerous reactions with organic 
compounds containing hydroxyl to replace this radical by chlorine ; 
by this means, for example, the chlorides of aliphatic alcohols, etc. 
may be obtained. The other product is phosphorous acid. 

Heats of hydrolysis and solution in much water are given as 
G5-1-! Cals., 12 62-3 Cals., 1 * 63-3 Cals. 11 Using these and other data the 
heat of formation of the liquid trichloride from solid phosphorus and 
gaseous chlorine is 73-3 Cals., 15 76-G Cals., 14 75-8 Cals. 10 

1 Kohler, S(tzunrj*brr. K. Akad. TFv .w. Wif.n, 1880, 13, 875. 

- Miehaeiis, Jlrr ., 1872, 5, A]}; An.nalcn, 1872, 164, 39. 

IvnifTt ami Xeuinann, 7>V ; r., 1901, 34, 5(>5. 

1 .Baudnmonl, Ann. Chim. />//.?/*., 18(54, [41 2 * ~>- 

5 Malm, ZeifNC.h. Chcm., 1S09, [2], 5, 720. 

(; Janowsky, Sitzin^/sbc.r. K. Ahid. Wis*. W-trn., 1S73, 6, 210. 

7 .Davy, Phil. Trans., 1810, 100, 231; ibid., LSI1, 101, I. 

8 Bc-sson, CompL rend., 1890, in, 972; 189G, 122, 8L4; 1897, 125, 771, 1032; 1901, 
132, 1 oof). 

;) Mitchell, Tranx. Chcm. Soc., 1925, 127, 336. 

10 Knini, J. Chcm. Roc.., 1871, 24, ii, GOO; Ann. Chim. 1 harrn., 1871, 158,332. Soo 
also Gouther, Bcr., 1872, 5, 925. 

11 Carrara and Zoppehiri. (tdzzr.ltn, 1890, 26, i, 493. 
v - Tliom.-cn, />V /\, 1S73, 6, 710; 1883, 16, 37. 

Kavn; and Sillx-rniaiin, ,/. riuirm. CJiiw.., 1S53, [3], 24, 231, 31 I, 412. 


By the action of ammonia on phosphorus trichloride in carbon 
tetrachloride ammoniates such as PC1 3 .6NH 3 and PC1 3 .8NII 3 have been 
obtained. 1 On heating, these ammines are decomposed with the 
formation of a phosphamide and ammonium chloride. 

Phosphorus trichloride reacts with liquid hydrogen, sulphide to 
produce phosphorus trisulphide at ordinary temperatures. 2 

Phosphorus Pentachloride, PC1 5 , is produced by the action of 
excess of chlorine upon the trichloride until the mass is completely 
solid, and was thus prepared by Davy. 3 Its composition was estab 
lished by Dulong s analysis, but the vapour density was found to be 
lower than the value which corresponds to simple molecules by 
Avogadro s law. The observed densities were 5-08 at 182 C. and 3-65 
over 300 C., 4 the latter density being about half the theoretical, 
namely, 7-22 (air = l). This was one of the earliest known examples 
of abnormal vapour densities, and the abnormality- was rightly attri 
buted to a partial or nearly complete dissociation of the compound 
into PC1 3 and C1 2 . This dissociation is shown by an increasingly 
greenish-yellow colour in the vapour, originally colourless. 5 In 
accordance with the law of concentration action the dissociation was 
diminished by vaporising the compound in an atmosphere of PC1 3 in 
such a way as to increase the partial pressure of this vapour. 6 The 
measured density of the PC1 5 was thus brought nearer to the normal 
value (see also p. 95). 

The pentachloride is best prepared in a stock bottle provided with 
entry and exit tubes for the chlorine and a tap-funnel for the trichloride 
and cooled externally. It is kept filled with chlorine, into which the 
trichloride is introduced, drop by drop. 

Another convenient method is passing chlorine into a solution of 
the trichloride in carbon disulphidc. The pentachloride is then 
precipitated. 7 

Physical Properties. The density of the liquid under the pressure 
of its own vapour was determined by means of a glass dilatomctcr, 
into which was melted a suitable quantity of the compound and which 
was then evacuated and scaled. The volume of the liquid was read 
at various temperatures. The weight was obtained by difference, as 
well as from the weight of silver chloride which was obtained from the 
contents after hydrolysis. 8 Another method which was found suitable 
for this hygroscopic substance employed glass floats about 5xlx] mm. 
which were heated in scaled tubes containing the liquid until they 
sank. They were calibrated by means of similar observations in a 
suitable mixture of bromoform and benzene. 9 J3y the first method 
the density of the liquid by a slight extrapolation was found to be 
1-601 at its boiling-point. The specific volumes were given by the 

1 Perperot, CompL rend., 1925, 181, 602; Jhdl /v,c. chhii., 1925, [iv], 37, 15-10. 

2 Ralston and Wilkinson, J . Amc.r. /S oc., 1028, 50, 258. 

3 Davy, Pliil. Trnn ., LSJO, 100, 23]; LSI I, 101, 1. 

r nd., 1845, 21, (>25; ibid., iStiG, 63, 14. 

(1., 18(>3, 56, 105, 322; 18(10,62, 1157, 1S07, 64, 713. 
d. t 1873, 76, GO]. 

7 Muller, ZeitMh. Chem., 1862, [1], 5, 21)5. 

8 Priclcaux, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1907, 91, 17H. 

9 Sugclen, Trans. Ch&m. /S oc., 1927, p. 1184. 



The specific volumes were 0-629 and 0-6433 and the corresponding 
densities 1-590 and 1-554 at 160 and 181 C. respectively. By the 
second method the density was given as 

D t = 1-624 - 0-002QS(/ - 150) 

From this the densities are 1-603 and 1-559 at 160 and 181 C. 

The sublimation temperature lias been estimated at 160 C.. 3 160 
to 165 C., 2 162-8 C. 3 A thermometer suspended in the vapour of 
the compound which was subliming freely and condensing on the bulb 
showed 160 C. 4 An extrapolation of the vapour pressure curve (see 
below) would give a somewhat higher temperature. 

The melting-point (166-8 C.) 3 lay only slightly above the sublima 
tion temperature. The liquid which had been formed in a closed tube 
under the pressure of its own vapour began to solidify at 162 C. 4 

The coefficient of expansion of the liquid is stated above. 

The dissociation pressure (total) at various temperatures, based on 
measurements with the isoteniscope 3 

t C. . 



110 ! 


1 30 

14-0 .150 


p (mm.) 



67 : 

117 i 


294 j 445 


D (grams per 

c.c.) . 

0-0 3 I97 

0-0 : ,332 





0-0 2 344S 

0-0 2 4913 

may be used to calculate the heat of vaporisation with dissociation 5 



. 14-2 




1 40 




Cals. per mol 

The critical temperature determined in the usual manner by obser 
vation of the disappearance of the meniscus, was Found to be 372 C. 
The ratio between the boiling-point and the critical temperature on 
the absolute scale was found to be normal. 

Dissociation. The relative density ( = l) diminishes rapidly with 
increase of temperature, as is shown by the tables above and below. 
At lower temperatures the density corresponds with single unclis.soeiatccl 
molecules PC1 5 , and at 90 C. there is even a slight degree of association. 






230 250 274 300 ; 327 330 

Rcl. Density (air-1) 



4-302 3-9!)] 3-840 3-074 \ 3-050 3-050 

Per cent, dissociation 



07-4 80-0 87-5 90-2 97-3 97-3 


1 Casselmann, Annalen., 1852, 83, 257. 

2 Xaumann, Be.r., 1809, 2, 345. 

3 Smith and CaJverl, J. Amcr. Chnn. Xoc,., 1914, 36, 1303. 

4 Prideaux, TrariH. Chew. A or;., 1907, 91, 1 7 1 ) . 

5 Smith and Lombard, J. Chc-t/i. S oc., 1915, 37, 2055. 
G Prideaux, Tranx. Faraday $00., 1910, 6, J55. 

7 Cahours, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1848, [3], 23, 329; ConipL rtnd., I860, 63, 14. 



t C. . 90 100 ; 120 140 : 160 

Gram-mols. PC1 5 : : 

per litre . 0-0 3 945 0-00159 0-004-10 0-01090 0-02308 

Pressure in mm. 18 35 117 294 070 

In this table the theoretical numbers of gram-mols. PC1 3 per litre if 
there were no association or dissociation have been calculated from the 

273 xp 

n = 

T x760 x22-3 

Total ])ressures of the gaseous products in equilibrium with PC1 5 can 
be represented from the foregoing results by the equation 

log 37= - 2 / l 22 -19-1978 log jT-i- 68-9701 

The total molar heat of vaporisation is calculated, from tin s equation as 
in the second table, p. 95. 

By a comparison of the actual with the theoretical densities the 
degrees of dissociation, x, the partial pressures, p i9 /?.>, p. l9 of PC l-, 
PC1 3 and C1 2 , respectively, and their concentrations can be: determined. 

The equilibrium constant K ,, p\jpPx is expressed a.s a function of 
temperature by means of the equation 

log A ,, = ---- --^-11 -50 

rt " 4-;>7I/ 

By applying the (lapeyron equation the heat of dissociation, Q, of 
PC1 5 was found to be 21-8 Cals. per mol.- 

The heat of formation of solid PC1 5 from its elements in their usual 
physical states is given as ;Oi-99 Cals. 3 or K):r2 Cals., 1 wliiie the heat 
of decomposition by water is 123- I- or IIS-;} Cals. :i - /1 

The liquid PCl 5 has a very low conductivity, both in the pure state r > 
and when dissolved in some solvents, e.g. in beir/cne or IH l.,, but t.h.e 
solution in nitroben/enc was found to liave a. deiinit.e low conduct ivity. (i 

Chemical Properties. ~ r ^\\c. chlorine is displaeed from phosphorus 
pentachloride by fluorine with great evolution of heat and the forma 
tion of PF 5 . 7 Hromine has no action, f)nt iodine is converted into 
IC1, which gives a,n addition compound PCi-.H l with more of the 

pcl s- 8 

On account of its ready dissociation the penta.chloride is a, most 

1 Smith arid LoJ/ibar d, ,/. A-nn-r. C/trttt. S<jr.., J!)lf), 37, I O");"). 

2 Holland, Zcllwh. / >/.7/or//r/y/., l!)!i>, 18, *2\\\-. 

a Thoniscn, " r l"hf rnn)( f>( ini^ti //," i ra.nshitcd by .Miss !>i;! !\c, [^oriif HKIDS, i l .)OS. 
4 P>erificJoL and Lupniii, ( <n njjt. rc/xl., IST^/yS, ! (>, thcl., 1S7S, 86, S.")(;. 
r> VoifrL arid Rihz, Zal.ic.ft.. <in<>r<j. Cfu-tn., \i) 2\-, 133, 211. 
K liolrovd, Trait*. Cluin. ,S or., \ ( :, 2~^ 127, IM!)! . 


powerful chlorinating agent. Examples of this action on the non- 
metals are as follows : 

Sulphur gives PSC1 3 x and also reacts according to 

Selenium is converted into the monochloride : 

Liquid hydrogen sulphide gives PSC1 3 . 4 

Arsenic is converted into the trichloride : 

6PC1 5 + 4As = 4AsCl 3 + 6PC1 3 5 

Antimony reacted in a similar manner. 3 The metals, even the noble 
metals, are converted into chlorides, but at higher temperatures 
phosphides may be formed. 

With acid anhydrides oxychlorides of the non-metal and of phos 
phorus are usually formed. Thus NO 2 gives XOC1, POC1 3 and C1 2 . 6 
Sulphur dioxide even when dry reacted when heated with PC1 5 , giving 
thionyl chloride : 

PC1 5 + S0 2 - SOC1 2 + POC1 3 7 

Sulphur trioxidc, when warmed with PC1 5 , is slowly converted into 
pyrosulphuryl chloride : 

Selenium dioxide was found to give first a mixture of selenyl and phos- 
phoryl chlorides ; the latter compound then chlorinated the selenium 
completely, the final result being the transference of the whole of the 
oxygen to the phosphorus and the chlorine to the selenium: 

ScO 2 +PC1 5 =SeOCL> +POC1 3 
3SeOCl 2 -f 2POC1 3 =P 2 O 5 + 3SeCl 4 J 

Phosj)horus ])cntoxide gives phosphoryl chloride, 10 possibly through an 
intermediate addition compound. 11 In. the ease of phosphorus trioxide 
a reducing action was evident, phosphorus trichloride being formed 
along with the oxyehloridc. 12 The reaction with arsenic trioxide and 
probably with arsenic pentoxidc was found to produce AsCL and at 
the same time phosphoryl chloride in the case of the pentoxide. 13 The 

I Gladstone and Holmes, Phil. May., 18-10, [3J, 35, 343; Trans. Chem. Soc., 1851, 
3, 5; Baudnmont, loc. cil. 

- Goldschmicll,, Chem. Zmtr., 1881, [3j, 12, 489. 

3 Baudrirnont, Ann. Ghitn. Phys., 1864, [4], 2, 5. 

1 Ralston and Wilkinson, ./. Cham, tioc., 1028, 50, 258. 

r> Baudnmont , loc. cil. , Goldschmidt, loc. cit. 

6 Midler, An.u t/en, 18(52, 122, J. 

7 Kroi-nors, Annal.wi, 1849, 70, 207; Persoz and BLoch, Gompt. rend., 1849, 28, 86, 289. 
ri Heumann and Kochlin, He.,-., 1883, 16, 479. 

> Micliaehs, Aunalen., 1872, 164, 39. 
10 Bakunin, GazzcUa, 1000, 30, [n], 340; Persoz and Bloch, loo. cit. 

II Scbiil, Annalc.H., 1857, 102, 111; ZeU-ic-h. anorg. Chem., .1804, 7, 91. 

12 Thorpe and Tutton, Proc. Roy. 8oc., J891, 59, 1019. 

13 Hurtzig and Geuther, Annalcn, 1859, in, 159; Michaclis, loc. cit. 


oxides of boron and silicon were both chlorinated to BC1 3 and SiG 4 , 
respectively, on heating with PC1 5 , preferably in sealed tubes. 1 

Metallic oxides as well as metals are usually converted into chlorides 
by the pentachloride, while metallic sulphides usually give the chlorides 
and phosphorus sulphides. 

Although PC1 5 is a saturated compound it is capable of forming 
addition compounds. Among those which have been described are : 
PCl 5 .AsCl 3 , PCl 5 .AsCl 5 , 2 PCl 5 .SbCl 5 , 3 2PCl 5 .3HgCL>, 4 PCl 5 .FeCl 3 , 
PCl 3 .CrCl 3 . 5 

Several ammoniates have been described. A white crystalline sub 
stance, PC1 5 .SXH 3 , was precipitated when ammonia, was passed into a 
solution of PC1 3 in CC1 4 . 6 

A most important class of reactions in which PC1 5 plays a part is 
its hydrolysis by water or other compound containing the hydroxyl 
group with the substitution of chlorine for hydroxyl. Complete 
hydrolysis with an excess of water gives orthophosphoric and hydro 
chloric acids : 

PCL + 4ELO = HJPO, + 5HC1 

The heat of hydrolysis is 123-4 Cals., 7 118-9 Cals. 8 Steam may produce 
in the first place phosphoryl chloride, thus : 

PC1 5 +H 2 0=POC1 3 + 2HC1 

The formation of chlorosulphonic acid, SO 2 (OH)C1, as well as of 
pyrosulphuryl chloride, S 2 O 5 C1 2 , by the action of PC1 5 on sulphuric 
acid has given important information as to the constitution of this 

Phosphorus pentachloride is one of the most powerful reagents by 
which the hydroxyl of organic compounds can be replaced by chlorine. 
Alkyl chlorides, HCl, from alcohols, and acid chlorides, 11COC1, from 
acids, arc often prepared by this method. The pentachloride is thereby 
converted first into the oxy chloride, POC1 3 , which may itself be used 
for the substitution of OH by Cl. 

The structure of PC1 5 is considered under the heading "Phosphorus 
in Combination " (Chap. I\ r .). 

The Ghlorobromides. -Phosphorus trichloride is only partially 
misciblc with bromine : two layers are formed, which, on the addition 
of iodine, combine with evolution of heat and the formation of a reddish 
solid resembling PBr 5 : 

PC1 3 -;-2H3r 2 + U 2 =PBr 5 -f- IC1 3 9 

A mixture of PCI., and Br 2 in molecular proportions when moder 
ately cooled (to 10 C. or thereabouts) deposited crystals having the 
composition PCl 3 Hr 2 . These, melted at 85 C 1 . with decomposition and 
separation, into two layers. 10 The compound resembles phosphorus 

J GusJfivson, B<f., 1870, 3, 990; \Yeber, Annalc.n, 1859, 107, :*75; ,/. pnt/cL (J/icm., 
ISoU. [Ij, 77, (if). 

2 Cronandor, far., LS7.S, 6, 1406. 

3 WubiT, lor., cd. ; .Baudrimorit, loc. cit. 5 Cronandcr, Inc. c/ L 
r - BOS.SOTI, Cowpf. re., id., 1800, in, 072; JS92, 114, J2(M. 

7 Thomson, />Vr , .1883, 16, i7. 

ri JBc i ihc lot and JjU^min, Coinpt- TC/n.d., 1S7S, 86, 8o9. 

- GLulsioiic, TraiM. Chc,m. &or,., 1831, 3, 15. 

lu \\ ichelhaus, Annale/i Supp L, 1S68, 6, 277; Stern, Tranx. Cktrii. Soc..^ 1886., 49, 

815; Mjchaohs, far., 1872, 5, 9, 412. 


pentabromide (q.v.) in appearance. When brought into contact with 
water it is said to give first HOBr, HBr and PC1 3 , also POBr 3 and 

POClg. 1 

At lower temperatures still more bromine can be combined, giving 
compounds such as PCl 2 Br 3 by displacement of chlorine and PCl 2 Br 5 . 2 

Many other addition compounds have been reported by various 
workers. By mixing bromine with phosphorus trichloride, heating on 
the water-bath and then cooling to about -5 C. brown needle-shaped 
crystals have been obtained, the analysis of which leads to the formula 
PCl 3 Br 8 . 3 By allowing this compound to stand with PC1 3 in a sealed 
tube for some days red crystals separated which had the composition 
PCl 3 Br 4 . 4 

The Chloroiodides. By allowing PC1 3 to stand with an excess of 
iodine, crystals were obtained having the composition PC1 3 I. 5 

Iodine monochloridc or trichloride was found to react with PC1 3 
giving orange-red crystals of PC1 6 I, which, by their formation, are 
probably constituted as PC1 3 .IC1 3 . The compound sublimed with 
partial decomposition and deliquesced in moist air with hydrolysis of 


the PCL. 6 

Phosphorus Tribrornide, PBr 3 , was .first prepared by Balard 7 
who added bromine drop by drop to phosphorus. The reaction is 
violent, but may be moderated by the use oC red phosphorus, by 
carrying out the reaction in. CS 2 solution, 8 and by introducing the 
bromine as vapour. 9 On account of the formation of volatile phos 
phorus compounds it is advantageous to have an excess of bromine, 
which is easily removed by distillation, any phosphorus pentabromide 
also being decomposed during this operation. 

It is generally prepared by dropping bromine from a tap-funnel on 
to red phosphorus in a, Mask. 10 The initial reaction occurs with Hashes 
of flame, and external cooling is desirable. Afterwards the bromine 
is diluted by the PBr 3 and the combination proceeds less vigorously. 
If the phosphorus is in excess a little remains dissolved in thctribromidc, 
which must be fractionally distilled, after the addition of a slight excess 
of bromine. The reaction can also be carried out in the presence of 
ben /one. 

Phosphorus tribromidc is a. colourless liquid which is often slightly 
turbid hi the cold but becomes clear on wanning. It fumes in the air 
and is hydrolysccl in a similar manner to the trichloride. 

Plujxical Properties. The density at C. is given as 2-0240, 11 
2-92.*ni 12 and 2-92:3. 13 The density at the boiling-point, 172-0 C., is 
2-!9:)4] 12 (see also pp. 51. TOO). The vapour density, 135-14 (11 = 1), 
corresponds to simple molecules PBr :J . M 

1 Wiohelhaus, lor., cd.: Geurher and iVlichadis, JUKI, J870, [ I], 6, 242. 

2 Stern, loo. cU. :} Prinvault, rf-tid., 1872, 74, SOS; .Michaelis, lw,. cit. 
4 .Prinvault, loc.. cil. 5 Moot, her., 1880, 13, 2030. 

6 Baudrimont, Ann. Cfn.m. Phy*., 1804, [4], 2, 8. 

7 Ann. Chl,n. Phyx., 1820, [21/32, 31)7; 18(54, [4], 2, r>. 

8 Kckulc, A-tni.ulc.n, IS(J4, 130, 16. 

9 .Lichen, Annalc.n., 1808, 146, 214, IVnv, Atrn. Chini. /V/ ?/.<?., 1847, [3], 20, 5. 

10 Sohcnek, Her., 1902, 35, 3r>4 ; Chnstoinanos, Zcilxch.. an onj. Ckr m., 1004, 41, 276. 

11 Pierre, Ann. Chim. Pkys., 1847, [3], 20,, 5. 

12 Thorpe, Trans. Cham. Soo., 1880, 37, 141, 327. 

13 Jager, Ztitsch. anorg. Chtm., 191.7, 101. 173. ]>l Christomanos, loc cit. 


The coefficient of expansion has been expressed by the equation 

between C. and the boiling-point. Equations of this type have 
also been obtained by Pierre. 1 Relative volumes obtained from 
Thorpe s equation are : 

t c. . . : o i 40 

i: . . I 1-000 ! 1-0348 

j 100 
| 1-0901 


i 1-171 4 

Other values for the boiling-point are 170-2 C. at 750 mm., 2 172 C. 
at 752 mm., 3 176 C to 177 C. at 772 mm. 1 The compound solidifies at 
-41-5 C., 5 -50 C., 6 and melts at - 10 C. 6 

The following table gives relations between the surface tension and 
temperature : 6 


Another series of results was determined with the object of calcu 
lating parachors 4 (sec p. 53). 


24 33 59-5 72-0 

2-883 2-S01 2-795 2-70! 

45-8 41--1 3S-1 37-1 

214-4 244-0 21-1-2 2-1-2-0 

The critical temperature is calculated to be J. i-V J C. 7 

The refractive index of the liquid for the J) line (//,,,) is l-(>!)45 a I: 
19-5 C. s 

The dielectric constant at 20 C. is 3-88. IJ 

Chemical Properties.-- The energy liberated during j he combination 
of phosphorus and bromine to form P-Br :j is manifestly less than in the 

1 Loc. at. 

2 Jiiger, loc. 

3 Waiden, Zf .itwh; <n>or<j. Chn,/., I JOO, 25, 2[\. 

4 Sugclon, lU-odand Wilkins, Tutu*, ( hem. ;S or:., iiJiM, 127, l.l^:,. 

5 Jagcr 1 , loc. c/L; Christ omanos, lor., ell. 
f) Jager, loc. c.d. 

7 Guldberg, Chrislia-uln I ed. tide/;., 188^,20; Zcilxch. pkyxihtl. ( -h.c.m., 1 SDn, 5, ;i7s. 

8 Cliristomarios, loc. cit. 

9 Schlundt, J. Physical G hc.m., 190^, 6, 157, -30,3. 


corresponding case of PC1 3 . This is confirmed by measurements of 
the heat of combination 

P (solid) + HBr 2 (Kq.)=I J Br 3 (H q .) +42-6 Cals. 1 

The superior ailinity of chlorine for phosphorus is shown by the 
fact that this halogen displaces the bromine from PBr 3 giving PC1 3 . 

An excess of bromine combines with PEr 3 giving the highly dis 
sociated PBr 5 (q.v.). 

Oxygen has no effect in the cold, but when passed into boiling 
PBr 3 a vigorous and sometimes explosive reaction may take place 
with the formation of bromine, POBr 3 and. P 2 O 5 . 2 

The hydrolysis is complete and gives phosphorous and hydrobromic 
acids. The heat of hydrolysis was found to be 64-1 Cals./ i.e. nearly 
the same as that of PC1 3 . 

Hydrogen sulphide was found to react with PBr 3 in a somewhat 
similar manner to water : 

2PBr 3 +3H 2 S =P 2 S 3 + GllBr 3 

Ammonia gave first an amminc and then an amide. 1 

Phosphorus tribromide attacks cork, rubber, wood, etc.. It also 
reacts with hydroxylated compounds such as alcohols, and even with 
ether. It mixes freely with chloroform, benzene, etc., as well as with 
AsCl 3 , SnCl 4 , etc. 

Phosphorus Peiitabromide, PBr 5 . In the presence of excess of 
bromine phosphorus can form not only the pentabromidc 5 but also, 
according to the thermal diagram, other pcrhromides. It was dis 
covered early 3 that the presence of some iodine greatly facilitates the 
combination, probably by the formation of ICi 3 , thus : 

It is also produced by the decomposition of the dibromotriduoride 
formed when triQuoridc is passed into bromine at -10 C. : 

5PF 3 Br 2 = 3PF 5 -f2PBr 5 7 

Properties. Phosphorus pcntabromidc is a yellow crystalline solid 
which melts to a red liquid with decomposition. It fumes in the air. 
A red form lias also been described, but this is probably PBr 7 . 8 

The densities and specific volumes of the liquid under the pressure 
of its own vapour were determined in a sealed evacuated glass dilato- 
inetc! 1 . 9 One set of results was as follows : 

/ C. . ! 85 100 , 130 105 

v . . ! 0-3530 0-3021 ! 0-3755 ! 0-3899 

1 Berlkelou and. JLuginm, A)ih.. Clilm. I } /it/;i., 1875, \_,~>\, 6, 307. 

2 Clu-hstomanos, loc". cd.-, Demob, JJuli. tioc. clinn., 1SSO, [-J, 34> 201. 
;i (Gladstone, loo. at. 

- 1 .Besson, Com/pi, rc/od., I89U> in, 972; 1806, 122, 81-1; J897, 124, 703. 

;i Balard, loc. cit. 

fi J3jltz and Jeep, Zeit-ich-. u.n.or<j. C/tcm.., l. { ,)"27, 162, 32. 

7 Aloissaii, c ./le Fluor et ses Co/npoxes. 


From these results and others the coefficient of expansion is calculated as 

^_ 85 =^5{H-0-0019(i-85)} 

vt-ioo =^ioox 1 + 0-0012/.}, up to 165 C, 

The vapour is formed with dissociation. The pressures of the total 
vapour formed were determined by a static method. 1 From the results 
it was calculated that the boiling- (sublimation) point was 106 C. 

The heat of formation 

P (solid) -{-2Br 2 (liq.) =PBr 5 (solid) +63-5 Cals. 2 

was found to be greater than that of PBr 3? but less than that of PC1 5 . 
The additional heat on combination with the last two atoms of bromine 
was found to be small. 

PBr 3 (liq.) -f Br 2 (liq.) =PBr 5 (solid) +20-3 Cals. 2 

The hydrolysis with excess of water produces hydrobromic and 
phosphoric acids. The heptabromicle, PBr 7 , which was prepared by 
subliming PBr 5 with Br 2 in a sealed tube at 90 C., 3 hydrolyses with 
the production of the same acids and bromine in addition. In the 
presence of a small amount of water the oxybromidc POBr 3 may be 
produced. Hydrogen sulphide by an analogous reaction gave the 
sulphobromidc : 

PBr 5 -f H 2 S - PSBr 3 + 2HBr 4 

The pcntabromidc may also be used to replace hydroxyl groups in 
organic compounds by halogen. Thus : 

PBr 5 -f- CH 3 COOH =POBr 3 -f CH 3 COBr -f HBr 

An amminc, PBr 5 .9NH 3 , was formed by passing dry ammonia into 
a solution of PBr 5 in CC1 4 . 5 


Phosphorus reacts energetically with iodine when heated in contact 
with it, or in dry organic solvents, giving orange to red crystalline 
products. Two of these, the diiodide and the triiodide, have- been pre 
pared by various reactions, and their properties well ascertained. 

Phosphorus Diiodide, P 2 I 4 , was lirst prepared by fusing the 
constituents in equivalent proportions. 6 50 grams of iodine and 
4 grams of red phosphorus arc melted in a flask and, after partial 
cooling, 2-5 grams of white phosphorus arc added in small pieces. 7 
Or, equal parts by weight of iodine and phosphorus arc dissolved in 
carbon disulphidc and the solution is cooled to C., when the coni- 

1 Pridoaux, loc. cit. 

2 Ogicr, Conifjt. rend., 1881, 92, So. 

3 Kas-lle and ."Beatty, loc. cit. 

4 Baiidrimont, Aim. Chiin. Phyn., 18G4, [4], 2, 58. 
r > "Bcsson, loc. cit. 

Gay-Lussac, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1814, [1], 91, 5; \Vurtz, ibid., 1854, [3], 42, .129; 
Compi. rend., 1854, 39, 335. 

7 Doughty, J. A-mer. Chtm. Sue., 1905, 27, 1444. 


pound crystallises. 1 It has also been prepared by the action of iodine 
on phosphorous oxide : 

5P 4 O 6 + 8I 2 - 4P 2 !i 4- OP 2 5 2 

Properties. Phosphorus diiodide forms orange-coloured crystals 
which belong to the triclinic system. 3 The analysis gave (PI 2 ) rt ,. 4 
The vapour density, determined in the presence of nitrogen at a 
pressure slightly below 100 mm. and at 265 C., was between 18-0 and 
20-2 (air 1), which corresponds to a molecule P 2 I 4 . 5 At 15 mm. and 
100 to 120 C. the compound dissociates into PI 3 and P. 6 The 
melting-point was given as about 110 C. 7 The heat of formation is 
given as 

P + Io (solid) =PI 2 - 9-88 Cals. 8 

P I 4 can be ignited in a current of oxygen and burnt to phosphoric 
oxide and iodine. The hydrolysis appears somewhat complex and 
yields P, PH 3 , HI and H 3 PO 3 . 9 The phosphine is a secondary product. 
since by gradual addition to water in the cold neither phosphine nor 
red phosphorus arc formed : - 

Pol* + 5H 2 O =4111 -f-H 3 PO 3 -rH 3 POo 10 

P 2 I 4 is soluble in CS 2 and slightly soluble in liquid H 2 S. At about 
100 C. it reacted with II 2 S giving III and a sulpnoiodide P 4 S 3 I 2 . 1:L 

Phosphorus Triiodide. When solutions of iodine and phos 
phorus in CSo, in the proportions of 81 to P, are mixed, a red colour 
appears and on cooling dark red needles separate. 12 

Other methods can be used. The action of hydrogen iodide on 
phosphorus trichloride cither alone or in CC1 4 solution, or III on POCL, 
also yields the triiodi.dc. G Or, PI 3 can be separated from the products 
formed when PC1 5 is heated with PII 4 I : 

3PC1 5 + 3PIIJ =PI 3 ~ PC1 3 + 12HC1 + 4P 1:J 

Properties. Phosphorus tri iodide forms deep red tabular crystals 
belonging to the hexagonal system, 3 which melt at 55 to 01 C. The 
formula has been established by analysis ll and by the vapour density, 
namely, 1-1-3 to 14-6 (air = l) at 250 C. and reduced pressure. The 
heat of formation is slightly greater than that of the diiodide, thus : 

P-i-UIo (solid) = PI 3 (solid) +10-5 Cals. 15 

1 Coremvmdcr, Ann. Chun,. /Y/,y/x., 1850, [3], 30, 342; AnnuU ii, 1851, 78, 70. 

2 Thorpe and Tutton, T-faiix. Chew.. *S or., I8i)l, 59, J022. 

3 Xordcrskjold, Jhhan.f/. Akwl. Forfi. Stockholm, 1S7-1, 2, 2. 
1 Cot cmvindor, /or-, cit. 

5 Troost, Compt. -nutd., 1882, 95, 21)3. 

6 13cs.son, l<jc. at. 

7 Corenwindor, loc. clL: Be.sso.ri, loc. aL; luroman, AM(:/\ ( J., 11)03, 30, 110. 

8 Older. ComvL rt-ttd.. 1881, 02, 83. 


The surface tension of the liquid is 56-5 dynes/em, at 75-3 C. 1 The 
dielectric constant is for the solid 3-66, for the liquid 4-12. 2 

Chemical Reactions. The iodine can be replaced by chlorine, using 
either the gas itself or chlorides, such as those of mercuric mercury, 
arsenic, antimony and tin. A sulphoiodide is formed when the triiodide 
is heated with the trisulphide : 

2P 2 S 3 +2PI 3 =3P 2 S 2 I 2 

and the same compound may be produced by the action of hydrogen 
sulphide on the liquid triiodide : 

2PI 3 + 2H 2 S = 4HI +P 2 S 2 I 2 3 

Hydrolysis proceeded in the usual manner giving hydrogen iodide 
and phosphorous acid, but a solid product was formed at the same time. 4 
The reaction with ethyl alcohol gave ethyl phosphorous acid as well as 
ethyl iodide : 

Like the other halides it reacted with anhydrous ammonia. If 
this was in the liquid form and below - 65 C. an amide was formed : 

15NH 3 +PI S =P(NH 2 ) 3 + 3XH 4 (NH :i ) 3 I 

1 Jaircr, Zaitsch. anorg. Chtm., 1917 101, 173. 

2 Schlundt, J. Physical Chem., 1904, 8, 122. 

3 Ouvrard, Ann. Chlm. Phy*. y 1894, [7], 2, 221. 
1 Besson, Zoc. cit.; Corcnwindcr, loc. oit. 

5 Walker and Johnson, Trans. Cham. Soc., 1905, 87, 1592. 

6 Hugot, Compt. rend., 1905, 141, 1236. 



OxYFLUOimms are the most stable of the oxyhalides, and the stability 
decreases with increasing atomic weight of the halogen. Special 
methods are used in the preparation of oxy fluorides, while the other 
oxyhalides can be prepared by general reactions, such as the partial 
hydrolysis of the pentahalides, or the oxidation of the trihalides. 
The compounds fume in the air and readily undergo further hydrolysis 
giving hydrogen halides and oxyacids of phosphorus. 

Phosphorus Oxytrifiuoride, POF 3 . The production of this com 
pound by the partial hydrolysis of PF- or PF n Cl 2 has already been 
mentioned. It may also be made by passing electric sparks through 
a mixture of PF 3 and oxygen. The first method of preparation con 
sisted in heating phosphorus pcntoxidc with a fluoride, such as cryolite. 1 
It is also produced by the action of hydrogen fluoride on phosphorus 

It is best prepared by the action of silver, zinc or lead fluoride 
on POC1 3 .- 3 The oxychloridc is allowed to drop gradually on to 
anhydrous zinc fluoride in a brass tube at 40 to 50 C. The gas passes 
out through a lead tube, then through a condenser at -20 C. to retain 
POC1 3 , through a tube of zinc chloride to absorb the last traces of 
oxychloridc, and finally is collected over mercury. 

It is colourless, with a pungent odour, and L limcs slightly in the air. 
The vapour density is 3-08 to 3-71 (air-]) and 52-0 (Ii = ] ), 4 the 
theoretical densities for POF : , being . 3 -09 and 52-0 respectively. The 
gas condenses to a colourless liquid which boils at -40 C. and freezes 
to a white solid at -(58 C. When cay it docs not attack glass in the 
cold, but docs so when heated, although not so strongly as phosphorus 
trifluoride. On the other hand, whilst the trifluoride was absorbed 
very slowly by water, the oxyfluoridc was absorbed very quickly. 
Neither gas is completely hydrolyscd, appearing to form f iuooxyacids. 

tfluophospkoric Acids. Fluorine is pre-eminent among the halogens 
in its power of replacing oxygen of oxyacids to form iluoacids, as is 
exemplified by such well-known compounds as H 2 SiF G . Examples of 
fluoacids are also found among the more strongly electronegative 
elements of Group VI B, i.e. sulphur and its congeners. 

1 Schulze, JJtilL tioc. chivt.., 1881, [2j, 35, L7, >; Tliorpo and Humbly, Trans. Chc/m. 
Soc., 188!), 55, 7f>9. 

2 ^loissan, " Lt Fluor c.i .s-e.s 1 Composes," Stoinlieil, Paris, 1900. 

3 Guntz, rend., 1886, 103, 58. 

4 Tluirnf anfl Hni-nhlv Inr.. r.i.t. 


In the case of phosphorus such compounds as P(OH) 3 OK.KF may 
perhaps be regarded as belonging to this type. 1 

It has already been noted that the hydrolysis of phosphoryl fluoride 
is not at first complete. It reaches a stage at which the addition of 
Ci nitron " (see this series, Vol. VI., Part I.) gives a salt, C 20 H 16 X 4 HP0 2 F 9 
( 230-5-232-5 3 C.), of difiuo phosphoric acid, POF 2 (OH). The 
ammonium salt of this acid has been prepared. The acid is also pro 
duced when phosphorus pentoxide is fused with ammonium fluoride, 
or when the pentoxide is dissolved in aqueous hydrofluoric acid. 2 
The last-mentioned solution, when kept at the ordinary temperature, 
undergoes hydrolysis, and with * nitron " yields the " nitron " salt 
of hexafluophosphoric acid, HPF ti , the ions of which have also been 
prepared by dissolving phosphorus pentafluoridc in cold water. The 
ions, PF 6 ~j are stable towards boiling water. Solutions of the potassium 
salt do not give precipitates with salts of the alkaline earth metals. 3 

Phosphorus Oxychloride. Phosphorus oxytrichloride or phos 
phoryl chloride, POC1 3 , was early formed during investigations into 
the action of the pentachloride on substances containing the hydroxyl 
group. 4 It was also prepared by the oxidation of the trichloride by 
air, by oxygen, and by many oxidising agents, e.g. nitrogen trioxide. 5 
It is also produced by the action of water in small proportion or acetic 
acid on PCl 3 Br 2 5 or by the action of chlorsulphonic acid on red 
phosphorus. 6 

Two convenient methods of preparation arc as follows : 

(i) A current of chlorine is passed through phosphorus trichloride 
and water is added at the same time, drop by drop. The liquid is kept 
at its boiling-point, and is distilled at the end of the operation, which is 
signalised by the appearance of the pentachloride. 7 

(ii) 500 grams of PC1 3 (free from phosphorus) are placed in a tubu 
lated retort having a capacity of 950 e.c. or more. 160 grams of 
potassium chlorate are added through the tubulure in lots of about 
4 grams. The POC1 3 is then distilled : 

3PC1 3 -f KCIO 3 = 3POC1 3 + KC1 B 

The KC10 3 should be dry and should previously be covered with some 
POC1 3 before adding to the PC1 3 . 9 Dried oxalic acid may be used as the 
oxidising agent, the weight used being half that of the PC1 3 . 10 

Phosphoryl chloride may be produced on a large scale by passing 
a mixture of chlorine and carbon monoxide over an intimate mixture 
of carbon and calcium phosphate (such as charred bone) at 330 to 
340 C, : n 

Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 H- 2CU + 2CO - Ca(P(X).> -r 2C0 -f 2CaCL, 
Ca(P0 3 ) 2 + 4CU -f- 4CO - 2POC1 3 V4CO 2 + CaCU 

1 Wemland and AH a, Zc-tlwU. un.orfj. Clic.m.., 1801), 21, 43. 

2 Lanire, tier., 1927, 60, [B], 962. 

3 Lanirc, tier., 1928, 61, [B], 799. 

4 Wurtz, Ann. Chvm. Pky.*., 1847, [;}], 20, 472. 

5 Geuther and Michael is, tier., 1871, 4, 766. 

Hcmnann and Kochlin, tier., 1882, 15, 4-1 G. 

7 Vauscheidt and Tolstapiaioff, /. JIUM. Phy*. Ckcnt. Xoc., 1920, 52, 270. 

8 Bervin, rend., 1SS3, 97, 570. 

9 Ullmann arid Fornaro, tier., 1901, 34, 2172. 

10 Gerlmrdt, Ann. Chim. P%,v., 1S53, [3J, 37, 285; 1855, [3J, 45, ]Q2. 

11 Riban, Compt. rend., 1882, 95, 1160. 


By a similar reaction ferric phosphate is decomposed by carbonyl 
chloride at 300 to 400 C. 1 

Physical Properties. Phosphoiyl chloride is a colourless fuming 
liquid which resembles the trichloride in appearance but boils at a 
higher temperature, 107 C., and can easilv be frozen to a solid which 
melts slightly above C. 

Analysis combined with determinations of vapour density led to 
the formula POC1 3 . 2 According to the results of many investigators 
the density of the liquid at ordinary temperatures is slightly below 1-7. 
The exact experiments of Thorpe and Tutton gave the following results 
for the density at C., 1-71165 to 1-71185 (1st series) and 1-71185 to 
1-71190 (2nd "series), and at the boiling-point, 107-23 C., 1-50967. 3 
The specific volumes and thermal expansions between these tempera 
tures are summarised by the formula 4 

v t = V Q (I + 0-001064309* -h 0-0 5 112666f 2 + 0-0 S 5299Z 3 ) 

The liquid boils at 107-22 to 107-33 C. at 760 mm. 4 and at 104-5 
to 105-5 C. at 783 mm. 5 It freezes at about - 10 C. and the melting- 
point of the solid was +2 C., 6 -rl-78 c C. 7 The critical temperature 
is 329 C. 8 

The surface tension, as determined by the capillary tube method, 
was given as 31-91 dynes/cm, at 18 C. and 28-37 at 46-1 C. 8 Hence 
the change of molar surface energy with the temperature is normal. 
This physical constant, together with some others, was determined in 
order to obtain the parachor [P]. The sample of POC1 3 had a boiling- 
point of 108-7 C. at 769 mm. 


t C. . 

. \ 15 











[P] . 




The dielectric constant of the oxychloridc is 13-9 at 22 C. 10 
The heat of formation is nearly twice that of the trichloride and also 
greater than that of the pentachloridc according to the equation 

P (solid) +i-Oo (o-as) +HCL, (gas) =POC1 3 (liquid) +146-0 Cals., 11 

145-9 Cals. 12 

1 du Pont de Xemours Cie, U.S. PdU-nt, 14 62732, 192.3. 

2 \Vurtz, lac., ciL; Cahours, Ann. Ghim. Phys., 1847, 20, 36!). 

3 Thorpe, Trans. Chan. Soc., 1880, 37, 141, 327; Thorpe ami Tutton, Trnn*. Chcm. 
Soc., 1890, 57, 572; 1891, 59, 1019. 

4 Thorpe, loc. cil. See also under "Surface Tension." 

5 Ullmann and .Fornaro, loc. cit. 

Besson, rend., 1896, 122, 814. 

< Oddo, Atti R. Aa-ml. Lineal, 1901, [o], 10, i, 452. 

8 J^amsay and Shields, Trans. Cht-tn. Soc., 1S93, 63, 1089. 

9 Sudden , Reed and AVilkins, Trans. C/iem. Soc., 1925, 127. . 1525. 

10 Sehlundt, ,7. Physical Chan., 1902, 5, 157, 503. 

11 Thomsen, " Therm. Unttrsuch." Leipzig, 1862. 

12 Berthclot. Ann. Chim. Pliiis., 1879, To], 16, 442; 1898, [71, m, 185. 


The heat of formation from the trichloride and oxygen is also consider 
able, thus 

PC1 3 (liquid) +-^O 2 (gas) = POC1 3 (liquid) +70-66 Cals. 1 

The heat of hydrolysis with water is 74-7 Cals. 2 If much water is 
used the products are orthophosphoric and hydrochloric acids, but 
when the compound deliquesces in moist air pyrophosphoryl and 
metaphosplioryl chlorides (q.v.) are formed as intermediate products. 3 
It is also hydrolysed by hydroxylated organic compounds and is much 
used for preparing chlorinated derivatives, e.g. C 2 H 5 C1 and CH 3 COC1 
from C 2 H 5 OH and CH 3 COONa respectively. By this means also 
alkyl chlorophosphates and alkyl phosphates can be prepared, e.g. : 

The alcohol must be added drop by drop to the phosphoryl chloride 
cooled in an ice-salt mixture. 4 Sodium ethoxide yields triethyl 
phosphate : 

3C 2 H 5 ONa -r-POClg = PO(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 + 3NaCl r > 

The oxychloride is also hydrolysed by orthophosphoric acid, which 
is dehydrated to the meta-acid. and by phosphorous acid, which is 
dehydrated and oxidised to metaphosphoric acid, thus : 

2H 3 PO 4 + POC1 3 = 3HPO 3 + 3HC1 
2H 3 P0 3 -r3POC! 3 =3HPO 3 + 2PC1 3 -r3HCl G 

When the oxychloride is treated with potassium chlorate the chlorine 
of the former is displaced by oxygen, according to the equation 

2POC1 3 -r KC1O 3 =P 2 O 5 -r 3C1 2 + KC1 7 

A similar displacement can be effected by sulphur trioxide, thus 
2POC1 3 + 6SO 3 =P 2 O 5 -f 3S 2 O 5 C1 2 8 

Hydrogen sulphide gives a phosphorous oxysulphidc, and, when the 
reaction is carried out at 100 C., an oxychlorosulphide to which the 
formula P 2 0,SC1 4 was assigned, and which could be distilled under 
reduced pressure." 

Phosphorus oxychloride chlorinates the oxides of several nou- 
metals. The chlorides produced may form addition compounds with 
excess of the oxychloride: thus SeOCU gave SeCl 4 and P 2 O 5 ; 10 TeO.> 
gave TeCl 4 .POCl 3 ; n B 2 O 3 gave 13C1 3 .POC1 3 as well as BPG. 4 . 12 Other 

1 Thomson, iuc. cit. 

~ Bcriliolot and Lu^inin, An-ii. Chini. Pti.ys., lS7o, [;") , 6, 80S. 

Be.sson, Co-nipt, rend., 1890, 122, 814; J897, 124, 151, 703, 1099; 1901, 132, looO. 

1 13ala.rcf.T, Zcitxch. anorf/. Cher/i-., 1917, 99, 187. 

5 GcutLer and ik ockhoil s, J. pmkt. Chem. 9 1873, [2], i, 101. 

Gouther, Atinakti, 186^, 123, 113. 

7 Spring, Utr., 1874, 7, 1584. 

b Michacihs, Jtn.a Ztit., 1870, [ 11, 6, 86. 


addition compounds are as follows : SbCl 5 .POCl 3 ; * TiCl 4 .2POCl 3 ; 2 
TiCl 4 .POCl 3 ; ! A1C1 3 .POC1 3 ; 3 SnCl 4 .POCl 3 . 4 

Phosphorus oxychloride is a good solvent for various acid chlorides, 
bromides and iodides such as those of arsenic and antimony, for 
VOC1 3 , S 2 C1 2 and halides of transitional elements such as FeCl 3 and 
PtCl 4 . For this reason, and on account of its relatively high freezing- 
point, POC1 3 has been much used for the determination of molecular 
weights by the cryoscopic method. 

Combination with dry ammonia in carbon tetrachloride gave a 
solid product which was said to be the hexammoniate, POC1 3 .6NH 3 , 5 
while gaseous ammonia gave a white solid from which amides and 
aminochlorides were isolated. 6 

Metals with widely different electro-affinities ranging from the 
alkalies to silver and mercury were not found to be affected much in 
the cold, but when heated they gave oxides, chlorides and phosphides 
in various cases. 

Addition compounds such as Ca0.2POCl 3 and Mg0.3POCl 3 were 
obtained by heating the constituents together. 7 

Pyrophosphoryl Chloride, Diphosphorus trioxy tetrachloride, 
P 2 3 C1 4 . This compound was first prepared by the action of N 2 O 3 
or N 2 4 on PC1 3 . 8 It is also produced as an. intermediate product in 
the hydrolysis of POC1 3 . Thus when POC1 3 is heated with a tenth 
of its weight of water in a sealed tube at 100 C. the three phosphoric 
oxy chlorides (phosphoryl, pyrophosphoryl and metaphosphoryl) are 
present and may be separated by distillation in vacuo.* Phosphorus 
pentaehloride (2 mols.) and water (3 mols.) also gave this oxychloride 
when heated to 126 C. under pressure. 10 When separated by fractional 
distillation under reduced pressure from POC1 3 , which is more volatile, 
and P0 2 C1 } which is less volatile, the pyro-compound appeared as a 
colourless fuming liquid which had a much lower freezing-point and 
a higher boiling-point than POC1 3 . At ordinary pressures it distilled 
with decomposition. The analysis agreed with the empirical formula 
given. 11 

The density is about 1-58. 12 The freezing-point is below -50 C., 
the boiling-point 210 to 215 C. 12 

The liquid distils with some decomposition, which may be expressed 
by the equation 

<3P n n /ipnn p n 

*> L oU 3 Ui 4 ^r4i UL.lo -pi 2 U 5 

The reaction must be reversible since P 2 O 3 C1 4 has been obtained by the 
interaction of the compounds on the right-hand side. 13 

1 YYeber, A tumlc.n, 1867, 132, 452. 

2 Ruff and Ipson, Bar., 1003, 36, J783. 

3 Oddo and Tcaldi, GazzMa, 1903, 33, ii, 427. 

- 1 Casselniann, J. pra./d. Chc-m., 1850, [i ], 69, 11). 
5 Perperot, Co-inpl. rttid. t 1925, 181, 662. 

(i YYurtz, CompL rc.nd., .1847, 24, 288; SchilT, J. pmld. Cham., JS57, [1], 71, 161; 
ibid., [1], 72, 331; Gladstone, Tran$. Chcm. Soc., 1851, 3, 5, 135, 353. 

7 Bassett and Taylor, Trim.*. Cham. Soc., 1911, 99, 1402. 

8 Gcuthcr and Mich a el is, Btr., 1871, 4, 766. 

9 Bcsson, 181)7, loc.. c.iL 

10 Oddo, Gazzctift,, 1890, 29, ii, 330. 

11 Gcuthcr and ^Michachs, loc. cil.; Oddo, loc. cil.; Huntly, Trans. Chtm. Soc., 181)1, 
59, 202. 

12 Geutlier and Michaebs, loc. cit. 

13 Huntly, loc. cit. 


By the action of PC1 5 the ordinary oxychloride is regenerated, thus 

p n n pn *3pnn 

234 "*"" 5 ^^ ^3 

PBr 5 reacts in a similar manner with the production of an oxychloro- 
bromide, thus 

Po0 3 Cl 4 -f PBr 5 = 2POBrCl, -r POBr 3 

J. O -i d ^ 3 

Hydrolysis leads to the same final products as are formed in the 
hydrolysis of POC1 3 . Pyrophosphoryl chloride also acts in a similar 
way with organic compounds containing the hydroxyl group giving, 
e.g., ethyl esters of phosphoric and chlorophosphoric acids. 

Addition compounds with lime, magnesia, and several other basic 
oxides were formed in organic solvents such as acetone, or ethyl acetate 
and other esters, and appeared as crystalline substances, associated 
usually with two molecules of the solvent, e.g. CaO.P 2 O 3 Cl 4 .2(CH 3 ) 2 CO. 1 

Metaphosphoryl Chloride, PO C1, was prepared by heating 
P 2 5 with POC1 3 in a sealed tube at 200 C. for 36 hours, thus 

and also by the slight hydrolysis of POC1 3 in moist air. Being the 
least volatile of the chlorides of phosphoric acid it is found in the 
residues after the others have been fractionally distilled. It has been 
made in several other ways, including the regulated action of chlorine 
gas on phosphorous oxide : 

4C1 2 +P 4 6 =2POC1 3 -2POX1 3 

It is a syrupy liquid which decomposes into PoO 5 and POC1 3 when 

Phosphoryl Monochloride, POC1, an oxy-derivative of trivalcnt 
phosphorus, is reported as having been produced by the partial 
hydrolysis of phosphorus trichloride, the excess of which was distilled 
off under reduced pressure. The residue was a waxy mass with a 
pungent odour, and dissolved in water with great energy. 4 

Phosphoryl Dichlorobromide, POCl 2 Br, was made by passing 
a mixture of IIBr and the vapour of POC1. } through a glass tube at 
400 to 500 C., 5 and also by the action of PBr 3 oirP 2 O 3 Cl 4 (q.v.). A 
good yield is obtained from the halogcnated alkyl derivatives. Phos 
phoryl ethyl dichloride when treated with bromine gives ethyl bromide 
and POCloBr. 6 Phosphoryl ethoxydichloride, which may be obtained 
from alcohol and P 2 O 3 C] 4 , is acted upon by PBr 5 according to the 

PO(OC 2 H 5 )C1 2 -f PBr 5 = POCUBr -!- POBr 3 ->- C Jl 5 Br 7 

The formula was established by analysis and by the determination 
of vapour density. 6 The density is 2-12065 at O c C". and 1-8:38-14 at the 

1 Bassctt and Taylor, loc. cit. 

2 Guritavson, Ber., 1871, 4, 853. 

3 Thorpe and Tutton, Trans. Chtni. Soc,., 1S!)0, 57, ~>72. 

4 Bcsson, Cornpt. /end., 181)7, 125, 17.1. 

5 Bcsson, CompL rend., 1896, 122, 814. 

Menschutkin, Annalen, 1866, 139, 343. 

7 Geuthcr and Michac-lis, loc. at.; Gcuther and licr^t, Jena Zc>./., 1S76, [] 3 ii 


boiling-point, 137-6 C. The coefficient of expansion is expressed by 
the equation l 

The solid melts at 11 to 13 C. 2 

The chemical properties are similar to those of POC1 3 . When 
heated the compound dissociates into POC1 3 and POBr 3 . 

Phosphoryl Ghiorodlbrornide, POClBr 9 , was prepared by the 
action of HBr on POC1 3 . It melts at about 30 C. and boils at 150 to 
160 C. The chemical properties are similar to those of POCUBr. 

Phosphoryl Tribromide, POBr 3 , is produced by reactions analo 
gous to those which are used in the preparation of phosphorus oxy- 
chloride (a) By the gradual hydrolysis of the pentabromide. 3 (b) 
By the oxidation of the tribromicle at its boiling-point with oxygen, 4 
or in the cold with oxides of nitrogen. 5 (c) By the mutual action 
between P 2 O 5 and PBr 5 according to the equation 

(d) By the oxidation of P 4 O 6 with Br 2 , thus 
P 4 6 -r 4Br 2 =2POBr 3 -fS 

Properties. Phosphoryl bromide is a solid which crystallises in 
colourless plates. The formula was established by analysis and vapour 
density. 8 The molecular weight as determined by the cryoscopic 
method is 300 in benzene. 9 The density of the solid is given as 2-822. 10 
The melting-point is given as 4-5 C., 11 50 C. 12 The boiling-point is 
193 C. (758 mm.) 13 or 108 C, (700 mm.). 7 As would be expected, the 
heat of formation from its elements is considerably less than that of 
POC1 3 , and is given by the equation 

P (solid) + -i-O 2 -r HBr 2 (gas) =POBr 3 (solid) + 120 Cals. 14 

or +120-75 Cals. 6 

P (solid) + JOo -r-HBro (liquid) = POBr 3 (solid) -f 108 Gals. 1 " 1 

or -1-109-65 Cals. 6 

The heat of oxidation of PBr 3 was found to be slightly less than 
that of PCI 3, and is given by the equation 

PI* 1-3 -r -JO 2 = POBr 3 (solid) -- (H-88 Cals. 6 
Hydrolysis follows the usual course, and the heat evolved per mol 

1 Thorpe, 1880, loc. c/t. 

2 Geuther and Miohaeh.s, loc. cit.; Bosson, /or.. C-it. 

3 Gladstones Phi. May., 1849, 18 |, 35, 345. 

! Demole, Arch. ,S r/, pky*. nat., 1880, [3], 4, 20-(. 
" Ooiithor and Miohaolis, />Yr., 1871, 4, 7(50. 
.Bc-ro-er, CoiapL rc.nd., 1DOS, 146, 400. 

7 Thorpe and Tuti.on, Inc. ctL 

8 Killer, Aniifilc.ii, 18-15, 95, 210; Gladstone, loc. c/f.; .Baudrimom.-, Conipl. rend.., 
1861, 53, 6ii7; Ann. Ch-itn. Phy*., I 8b 4, [4 |, 2, 08; "Berber, loc. cit. 

!) Oddo and Tealdi, Gazzd/a, 11)03, 33, li, 4o."). 

10 Rittor, loc. di. 

11 Hitter, toe. a!.; Thorpe and Tutton, Trans. Chc.w. Soc., 1801, 59, 1019. 

12 Bcsson, Comvt. rend., 181)0, in, 972; J>eru cr, loc. c/t. 


of POBr 3 hydrolysed was 75 Cals. 1 The action of hydrogen sulphide 
on the tribromide is described on p. 101. 

Metaphosphoryl Bromide, PQ 2 Br, was found as a less volatile 
part of the products of the action of bromine on phosphorous oxide. 2 

Oxyiodides. A crystalline substance having the formula P 3 I G 8 
was found amongst the residues from the preparation of ethyl iodide. 
It formed red crystals which melted at 140 C. and were soluble in 
water and in ether. 3 


Phosphorus Thiotrifiuoride or tliioplwsphoryl fluoride, PSF 3 , 
was first prepared by heating a mixture of phosphorus and sulphur 
with an excess of lead fluoride in a lead tube to 250 C. and leading 
over the mixture a current of dry nitrogen. The gas was purified by 
standing for about a day over dry lime. It was also prepared by heating 
arsenic trifluoride in a sealed tube with phosphorus thiotrichloride : 4 

AsF 3 +PSCl 3 =PSF 3 -f-AsCl 3 

It is a transparent and colourless gas, which has no action on glass 
at ordinary temperatures. The formula has been established by 
analysis and from the vapour density. The compound is decomposed 
by heat, giving sulphur and fluorides of phosphorus, thus : 

PSF 3 =PF 3 -f-S 
5PF 3 =3PF 5 + 2 

It burns in air with a blue or greyish-green low-temperature flame. 
The white fumes which are produced contain P 2 O 5 . The sulphur 
probably burns first, leaving PF 3 , which combines with more oxygen, 
giving PF 5 and P 2 O 5 , the whole reaction being summarised by the 

10PSF 3 + 3 5O 2 = 6PF 5 + 2P 2 O 5 ~ 10SO 2 

With moist oxygen in closed vessels the reaction may proceed ex 
plosively, but it does not proceed at all when the gas and the oxygen 
are intensively dried. The gas was slowly absorbed and hydrolysed 
by water, more rapidly by alkalies, thus : 

PSF 3 ~ 4,H.O =H S + 3IIF + H 3 PO 4 

PSF 3 -f- GNaOH =Xa 3 PS0 3 + 3NaF + 3H 2 O 

Phosphorus Thiotrichloride or thiophosphoryl chloride, PSC1 3 , has 
been prepared by many reactions : 

(a) The first method, which led to the discovery of this compound, 
was by the action of II 2 S on PC1 5 , with elimination of II Cl, thus : 

H 2 S + PC1 5 = PSC1 3 + 2IIC1 5 
The H 2 S may be supplied in the liquid form. 6 

1 Bcrger, loc. c-iL 

2 Thorpe and Tut.ton, lor., cit. 

3 Burion, Amtr. Che.rn. J., 1SSI, 3, 280. 

- 1 Thorpe and "Rodger, Trati.*. Chew. Soc., 1888, S^, 706; 1889, qq, 300. 


(b) Some sulphides of the non-metals yield their sulphur to PC1 5 in 
exchange for chlorine : 

CSo - 2PC1 5 = 2PSC1 3 -f CC1 4 i 
P 2 S 5 +3PC1 5 = 5PSC1 3 (in a sealed tube at 120) 2 

Compare also : 

Sb 2 S 3 + 3PC1 5 = 2SbCl 3 + 3PSC1 3 3 

(c) Sulphur combines directly with PC1 3 in a sealed tube at 
130 C. : 

PC1 3 +S=PSC1 3 4 

(d) Sulphur monochloride combines when heated with phosphorus, 
thus : 

2P+3S 2 Cl 2 =2PSCl 3 -r4S 5 

(e) Sulphur monochloride reacts with phosphorus trichloride in the 
presence of iodine, thus : 

3PC1 3 + S 2 C1 2 =2PSC1 3 +PC1 5 6 

(/) Thionyl chloride when heated with tetraphosphorus deca- 
sulphidc in a closed tube at 100 to 150 C. reacts according to the 

P 4 S 10 + GSOClo = 4PSC1 3 + 3SO 2 + 9S 7 

Properties. Thiophosphoryl chloride is a transparent colourless 
liquid which fumes in the air and smells of hydrogen sulphide. The 
formula has been established by analysis and vapour density deter 
mination. The density of the liquid is 1-66820 at C. and* 1-45599 
at the normal boiling-point, 125-12 C. s The coefficient of expansion 
between these temperatures is given by 8 

r- t - V Q (\ + 0-() 3 99(rm -i- 0-0 6 90302J 2 -f 0-0 8 8825J 3 ) 

The melting-point is -35 C. 9 

Thiophos]ihoryl chloride decomposes when passed through a red- 
hot tube, giving PC1 :} , S and S Clo. 10 An excess of chlorine combines 
with both the other elements, according to the equation 

2PSC1 3 -!-3CL 2 =2PC1 5 + S 2 C1 2 ll 

The com]K)und is reduced slowly by hydrogen iodide, giving PI 3 , H 2 S, 
1IC1 and sulphides of phosphorus. 12 Like other halidcs of phosphorus 
it combines with dry ammonia, giving a white solid, which may contain 
from 30 to 60 per cent, of XII 3 . This product is said to contain thio- 

1 Rathko, Zf-.itfich. Chnn., 1870, T2], 6, 57; Hofmann, Annalcn, I860, 115, 264. 

2 Thorpe, Tranx. Chaw.. Xw.. J880, 37, 327; Weber, J. prakt. Chcm., 1859, [1], 
77, 6r,. 

3 JUudrimont, Ann.. CJum. Fhys., 1864, [-1], 2, 8. 
- 1 I-Ferny, Bc.r., 1S69, 2, 638. 

5 Wohfer, Arinalc/i, 1855. 93, 274. 

6 Kohn and Ostersctzer, ZcMtich. anorcj. Chcin., 1913, 82, 240. 

7 Prinz. An.nnlt ii. 18S-J. 22?. 368. 


phosphoryl diaminochloride, P(NH 2 ) 2 C1S, or thiophosphoryl triamme, 
P(NH 2 ) 8 S. 1 

Thiophosphoryl chloride dissolves sulphur and phosphorus freely 
when hot, but only sparingly when cold. 2 Since the liquid is immiscible 
with water the hydrolysis proceeds only on the surface at first, as is 
usual with phosphorus halides. In this case the products are phos 
phoric acid, hydrogen chloride and sulphide and a little sulphur. It 
reacts with ethyl alcohol, giving ethyl chloride and ethyl thiophosphate : 

3C 2 H 5 OH + PSC1 3 = (C 2 H 5 )H 2 PSO 3 + 2C 2 H 5 C1 + HC1 3 

Thiophosphates can also be made from the thiochloride with sodium 
ethoxide and aqueous alkalies. 3 

Phosphorus Thiotribromide, PSBr 3 , has been prepared in a 
number of different ways : 

(i) By the action of phosphorus pentabromide on hydrogen sulphide, 
according to the equation 

PBr 5 +H 2 S =PSBr 3 + 2HBr 4 

(ii) By distillation of the tribromide with sulphur, 
(iii) By combination of the pentabromide with the pentasulphide : 

P 2 S 5 + 3PBr 5 - 5PSBr 3 5 

The product may be freed from pentabromide by washing with warm 
water and dried by dissolving in CS 2 and standing over CaCl 2 . 6 

(iv) By a reaction between ammonium trithiophosphatc and 
hydrogen bromide. 7 

Properties.- The compound crystallised from carbon disulphide in 
yellow octahcdra, having a density of 2-7 to 2-87 and a melting-point 
of +36-4 to -r39 c C. It gives off a pungent vapour, and distils at 
about 212 C. with some decomposition at first into PBr 3 , then PSBr 3 
follows, and finally there is a residue of sulphur and phosphorus. 8 
It is only slightly hydrolysecl by water even at 100 C., the products 
being phosphoric acid, hydrogen bromide and some sulphide, together 
with some sulphur and phosphorous acid. Alcohol vsis is said to yield 
ethyl thiophosphate, (C 2 H 5 ) 3 PSO 3 . 9 

Thiophosphoryl bromide dissolves sulphur and mixes with other 
halides such as phosphorus trichloride, also with ether, chloroform and 
carbon disulphide. 3 

Several other thiobromides of phosphorus have been prepared, 
which can be regarded as derivatives of pyrophosphoric acid. Diphos- 
phorus inonothiohexabromide, P 2 SBr 6 , is prepared by distilling PSBr 3 , 
and appears as a yellow oil which can be solidified to crystals melting 
at -5 C. The boiling-point is 205 C. When mixed with water it 
gives a crystalline hydrate melting at -}-35 C. P 2 S 3 Br 4 (di phosphorus 

1 Gladstone and Holmes, Trans. Chew. Soc., 1865, 18, 1; Chcvrier, loc. cit. 

2 Scrullas, loc. cit. 

3 Cloez, Compf.. rend., 1857, 44, 482. 

4 Gladstone, Trans. Che/m. Soc., 1851, 3, 5; Baudrimont, loc. cit. 

5 Michaelis, Annalen, 1872, 164, 39. 

G Maclvor, Chern. News, 1874, 29, 116; Michaelis, tier., 1871, 4, 777; An/nahn, 
1872, 164, 44. 

7 Stock, Bar., 1006, 39, 1975, 1998. s Maclvor, Michaelis, Baudrimont, loc. cit. 

Michaelis, loc. cit. 10 Mac-Ivor, loc. at. 


trithiotetrabromide) is prepared by the action of bromine on P 4 S 6 dis 
solved in carbon disulphidc. In appearance and properties it is very 
similar to the other thiobromides. 1 

Mixed Thiotrihalides, PSClBr and PSCUBr, have been prepared 
by passing a mixture of PSC1 3 and HBr over pumice at 400 to 500 C., 
the products being separated by fractional distillation. Amongst these 
is also the starting material PSC1 3 , which is formed in a sealed tube by 
the reaction : 

2PSQ 2 Br=PSClBr 2 + PSCl 3 2 

Thioiodides may be obtained by several methods : 

(i) By the interaction of the elements, in their correct proportions, 

in carbon disulphide. 3 

(ii) By the action of hydrogen sulphide on heated iodides of phos 

phorus, thus 

2PoI 4 +3H S=P 4 S 3 Io 

These compounds arc soluble in carbon disulphide, from which they 
may be obtained as orange or yellow crystals. They are only slightly 
soluble in other organic solvents such as benzene, chloroform, etc. 
They can be burnt in air, giving oxides of phosphorus, sulphur and 
iodine. They are decomposed by warm water or moist air, giving 
first phosphoric and hydriodic acids, then phosphoric acid and hydrogen 
sulphide. 4 

1 Michaolis, lac. cit. 

2 Bcsson, 1806, loc. cit. 

3 Ouvrard, CowpL rend., 1902, 135, 1301. 

4 See also Woltcr, Chc/m., 1907, 31, 640. 


The Glow of Phosphorus . The similarity in appearance between 
the glow observed on the surface of phosphorus when exposed to air 
and that observed in the case of substances like commercial calcium and 
barium sulphides after exposure to light is of course only superficial. 
While the name " phosphorus ?? was soon restricted to the element, 
the term " phosphorescence * in its scientific usage now refers to 
photoluminescence, while the glow observed on smouldering phos 
phorus, or fish or wood in certain stages of decay, is called " chemi- 
luminescence." The slow combustion of phosphorus is seen as a pale 
blue " cold flame " which continually spreads away from the surface 
and is associated with a peculiar smell. The volatile products are 
poisonous and consist of phosphorous oxide, and, in the presence of 
water, phosphorous acid. It was soon discovered that the presence of 
air was necessary " the fire and (lame of phosphorus have their 
pabulum out of the air " : but low air pressures, such as remained 
in the best air pump vacua of the older experimenters, were still suffi 
cient to maintain the glow, whereas the combustion of charcoal was 
completely extinguished. It follows that in the well-known lecture 
experiment the oxygen can be removed almost completely from the air 
by smouldering \vhitc phosphorus in the presence of water. The glow, 
however, is extinguished in pure oxygen at atmospheric pressure. Ozone 
is produced in the combustion and its presence may be demonstrated 
by the usual tests (see this Series, Vol. VII., Part I.). Since tins 
striking phenomenon early challenged the attention of chemists it has 
been the subject of much investigation. Many of the qualitative 
effects were early demonstrated by Boyle. 2 The increase in luminosity 
when the air is rarefied was described by van Maruni :5 and Davy. 1 
A bibliography of the older literature is given in papers by Cent 
ner s/Aver 5 and Downey. 6 

Effect of Pressure upon the Oxidation of Phosphorus. --At 
each temperature there is a certain critical pressure below which the 
glow appears. Also at each pressure (or partial pressure) of oxygen 
there is a certain critical temperature above which the glow appears. 7 

1 Slare, Phil. Trans., 1681, 14, -18, 84. 

2 Boyle, " Ac.rial Rodduca," London, I 080: ;i Ir>/ Xoctihic.ft,.," London, 1(180. 

a van Ma mm, Ann. Chi in. Ph.-?/.*., L700, [TJ, 21. fr>S; Phd. M>t</., 1800, 8, !!;>, . Ho. 
- 1 J. Davy, Edit:. Phil. J., 1820, 15, -48. " 
5 Centnersz\ver, Z<-it,*ch. phyxihtl Chf-ni., .18;>8, 26, 1. 
Downey, Trans. Gh,ern. tioc., 1924. 125, ;M7. }Sco also Schonbem, loc,. cil. p. 


Thus the pressures had to be reduced below their critical values at the 
particular temperatures, or the temperatures had to be raised to their 
critical values at the particular pressures, in order to initiate the slow 
combustion. Some values of temperature and pressure arc: 1 

t C. . 1-4 3-0 5-0 8-9 11-5 14-2 

p (mm.) . ; 355 : 387 428 519 580 650 

As already stated, in ordinary moist oxygen or air the glow begins 
at very low pressures, increases to a maximum with pressure and then 
decreases, vanishing at an oxygen pressure of 600 to 700 mm. 2 

The limits of pressure within which the glow occurs have also been 
found by means of a photoelectric counter of the Geiger-Mullcr type. 3 
A quartz tube was coated inside with a thin film of platinum which 
acted as a photoelectric emitter. Along the axis of the tube ran an 
insulated tungsten wire which was connected to the earthed positive 
terminal of a 1200-1 5 00- volt battery. The tube was filled with air at 
a pressure of 4-7 cm. mercury. The upper threshold of the radiation to 
which the counter was sensitive was at 2800 A. As is seen on p. 124 
radiations of lower wavelength are emitted by phosphorus glow. 
Under the influence of these a photoelcctron is emitted which ionises 
the air by collision, causing a drop of potential of the wire, which acts 
on the grid of an amplifying valve and is recorded as an impulse on a 
standard recorder of the telephone type. A residual effect of 1015 
impulses per minute due to cosmic ray was constantly present. This 
number was greatly increased when the wire was surrounded by oxygen 
and phosphorus vapour at glow pressures, and began to be marked 
between pressures which gave a yellow and those which gave a bluish 
glow. The lower limit was found to be 0-3 mm. of mercury and the 
upper 595 mm. when the oxygen was pure, or 400 mm. when the oxygen 
was mixed with nitrogen. It was considered that these results were 
best interpreted by the c; chain reaction " theory, as proposed by 
Semcnoftv 1 The oxide is built up by a series of stages, some of which 
result in the production of an active molecule, thus : 

O + P 4 > P 4 O , P 4 O -r Go > P 4 -j- O -i- O, P 4 O - O > P 4 O 2 , 
p o o > p o > p 

~ - 

In these expressions only some of the active products (marked ) have 
been included. Radiation is associated with the spontaneous de- 
activation of an active product according to (2) below, if it does not 
happen to activate a molecule of oxygen according to (1) : 

P 4 10 + 2 *P 4 IO + + . . . (1) 
P 4 10 ^P 4 10 + fo, ... (2) 

h and v have their usual meaning of Planck s constant and the fre 
quency of the radiation. 

1 Joubcrt, Comyl. rend., 1874, 78, J853. 

2 Mullcr, Bcr., 1870, 3, 84; Joubcrt, loc. ciL 

3 Onp-.llo.i. 7W,/.s-. Fnrn.rln.--n Rnc... 1 i)33. 20. 48fi. 



Velocity of the Reaction. Quantitative determinations of the 
velocity of oxidation have been based on the diminution in pressure 
which follows on absorption of oxygen. This became appreciable, with 
appearance of glow, at about 700 mm. oxygen pressure. 

The rate of oxidation, calculated from the rate of decrease of pres 
sure in a constant volume, at lirst increases rapidly as the pressure 
falls, reaches a maximum at about 300 mm., and then, falls slowly 
to 100 mm. Below 100 mm. the rate diminishes rapidly with further 
decrease of pressure. 1 

The velocity constant K of a unimolecular reaction, i.e. 

(p and P; arc the partial pressures of the oxygen at the beginnino- 
and after the lapse of t minutes) is given in the following table: 2 


Time in Minutes. 

Total Pressure in 
mm. of Mercury. 

Partial Pressure ~ 
of Oxygon. A 

























082 -2 




The constant /v increases on the whole with time (although somewhat 
irregularly), showing that the reaction takes place somewhat faster at 
a lower pressure than would he expected assuming that it is directly 
proportional to the partial pressure ol. the- oxygen. Since the reaction 
takes place between the phosphorus vapour and the oxygen, the 
reason 1 or the increase in the constant was sought in the increased 
rate of evaporation of the clement at the lower pressures. A correction 
was introduced for the vapour pressure p L of the phosphorus in the 
Form - - 

in which P is the total pressure. The integration of this equation 
gave the corrected constants /v t in the above table. The results given 
above refer to air or oxygen in its usual state, i.e. slightly moist, and 
apply also when the air has been partly dried, as by bubbling through 
concentrated sulphuric acid, which still leaves enough water vapour for 

1 Ewan, ZciteclL. phyxikal. C/if.itt.., 180,5, 16, 315; idem, J /ul. Mag., 1894, [5], 38, 305, 

2 Ikeda, J. Coll. tici. 1 jnp. Uuiv. Japan, 1893, 6, -43; "tituditti -in Che/nical Dy/i-anuc. 1 : ," 
vau t Hoil-Cohen, translated by Ewan, Williams & Xorgate, 1896. 


the continuance of slow oxidation. 1 If, however, the air or oxygen is 
carefully dried, the velocities at all pressures are much lower, and are 
between and 70 mm. proportional to the square roots of the oxygen 
pressures. The maximum velocity of oxidation is also attained at a 
lower pressure (about 100 mm. of oxygen) and the upper limit of chemi- 
luminescen.ce is found at lower pressures, i.e. at about 200 mm. of 
oxygen. 2 If the oxygen is quite dry, no combustion takes place, no 
glow is seen and no ozone is formed the production of ozone and 
hydrogen peroxide is due to the presence of moisture. 3 

The results in the table may be summarised in the statement that 
from low pressures up to a certain limiting pressure the velocities are 
proportional to the oxygen pressure and are also a function of the rate 
of supply of vapour from the surface of the phosphorus. In fact, if in 

the equation on p. 118, - rrr / p ~^j * s plotted against p, the graph is 

& / \ , 

rectilinear from the lowest value of oxygen pressure up to 520 mm., 
then rapidly decreases to zero at 700 mm. 

Loiv Pressures. The velocity of oxidation oC phosphorus vapour at 
low pressures has been further investigated by Scmenoff, 4 who found 
that an inert gas increases the reaction velocity and lowers the lower 
critical oxidation pressure. The subject was taken up at this point 
by Melville. 5 

According to Scmenoff 6 "if p L ^, p 0o and p x are the pressures of 
phosphorus, oxygen and inert gas respectively, then, at the lower 
explosion limit 

7J-, x n f 1 + - inconstant . . (1) 

-i J 4 J- (Jz\ ff) i , rl / v 

\ Pi i + PoJ 

provided that the explosions arc confined to a vessel of a given size. 
Now (1) indicates that the inert gas effect should be independent of 
the nature of the gas. Subsequent work 7 has shown that (1) does 

not describe the effect oC gases on the lower critical oxidation 


limit of phosphorus. From (1) it is seen that if 1/^ ., is plotted against 

1 + PXJ(PP I + PoJj a straight line is obtained. The slope A of this line is, 
however, dependent on the nature of #." 

The critical pressure or glow pressure is affected by the presence of 
inhibitors (see p. ]2T). 

The explanation why such a complicated reaction as the slow 
oxidation of phosphorus appears to be unimolecular is one which has 
often been brought forward in similar cases. The slowest part of the 
process is a diffusion, either of oxygen molecules to the reaction surface, 
or of phosphorus molecules from the surface, or of the inhibiting mole 
cules of phosphorus oxide from the surface. According to the theory 
of diffusion the rates will follow the unimolecular law. Since the 
vapour pressure of phosphorus is low at ordinary temperatures, the 

1 JRussell, Trans. Chcm. /S oc., 1903, 83, 1263. 

2 van I Ho if -Cob en, loc. cil. 

3 Baker, Pkd. Trans., 188S, 179, A, 571; Baker and Dixon, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1889, 

45, I- 

1 Semenotf, Zutech. Physik, 1927, 46, 109; Zeitvch. yhytikal Chan., 1929, 2, B, 161. 

5 Melville, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1932, 28, 308. 

6 Loc. cti. 


concentration of oxygen molecules is many times greater than that of 
phosphorus molecules, even at the lower oxygen pressures. 1 

Phosphorus vapour when apparently inactive in an atmosphere of 
oxygen may really be combining with the oxygen at isolated centres, 
but the combination does not spread, on account of the inhibitory 
effect of the enormous excess of oxygen molecules. 2 The combination 
has obvious similarities to the combustion of hydrocarbons, etc.. in air 
or oxygen, which, as is well known, is limited and finally inhibited by 
an excess either of the combustible substance or of oxygen. An excess 
of oxygen probably hinders the diffusion of phosphorus across the 
solid-gas interface on which a layer of vapour is continually being- 
formed and removed. If the rate of formation of oxide (especially in 
a dry atmosphere) exceeds that of evaporation of the phosphorus, a 
protective coating of oxide will also inhibit further action. 3 

The products of oxidation have been investigated. 4 When the 
oxidation was carried out in moist air or oxygen the partial pressures 
of which were varied between 100 and 1200 mm. the product was a 
nearly constant mixture of the tetroxide and pentoxide. The empirical 
composition PO 2v io i s nearly the same as that of the corresponding 
product derived from P 4 O 6 . It is considered that the phosphorus 
trioxide is formed as an intermediate stage which docs not accumulate 
in the system. 

Effect of Temperature. The pressures corresponding to the 
maxima of chemiluminescence diminish with fall of temperature ; at 
O c C. the maximum oxygen pressure is 320 mm., while by extrapola 
tion this pressure would become zero, and the effect vanish, at - 13-8 C. 
The pressures at which the glow first appears also decrease with fall 
and increase with rise of temperature. At 27 C. the glow appeared 
in oxygen at atmospheric pressure. 3 At higher temperatures the 
velocity, as is usual, increases greatly, until at about 60 C. (or at lower 
temperature if pressure is reduced) the combustion changes its character, 
and the phosphorus ignites. 5 

Production of Ozone. In. the first definite description of ozone 
by Schonbein in 184-0 the discoverer noted that this gas is produced by 
the slow oxidation of phosphorus G (see Cu Ozone," this Series, Vol. VII., 
Part I.). 

It was observed later that half an atom of oxygen is activated for 
every atom of phosphorus which is oxidised. 7 This may be explained 
on the supposition that the reaction takes place in stages, thus : 8 

1 Chariton and Walton, Zeittch. Phyfiik, 1926, 39, 547. 

2 Kayleigh, "Royal Institution Discourse, Xatwrc, 19:24, 114, 80; idem, Proc. Roy. 
Soc., 1922, 104, A, 322. 

3 Wciscr and Garrison, J. Physical Chun., 1921, 25, 61, 349, 473. 

4 Miller, Trans. Soc., 1929, p. 1829. 

5 Yveiser and Garrison, loc. at.; Eyclmann, Rec. Trav. cklm., 1901, 19, 401. 

G Sohonbein, /. prakt. Chem., 1868, 105, 226; 1864, 93, 25; and many references back 
to 1845; Macleod, Trans. Cham. Soc., 1880, 37, 188; Kingzett, ibid., 1880", 37, 392; Leeds, 
Chem. News, 1881, 43, 97; Chappuis, Bull. Soc. c/iim., 1881, [2], 35, 419. 

7 Ost \vald, Zeitsch. physikal. Chem., 1900, 34, 248. 

8 Downey, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1924, 125, 347. 


The amount of ozone formed is proportional to the intensity of the 
glow, and is 0-5 to 5-0 x 10~ 6 gram per c.c. of gas which passes over 
the phosphorus. The radiation from the glow has been proved capable 
of producing ozone. - 1 

The effect of ozone is to raise the upper critical explosion limit for 
phosphorus and oxygen and to lower the lower limit. 2 The effect is 
much greater than that for an ordinary neutral gas (equation, p. 119). 
The presence of 5 per cent, of ozone in phosphorus vapour and oxygen 
diminishes the lower critical pressure by about 20 per cent., whereas 
the normal effect for an inert gas at this concentration would be 1 to 
2 per cent. 3 

Inhibition of the Glow. The following substances diminish or 
destroy the glow at ordinary temperatures, or allow it to appear only 
at higher temperatures chlorine, iodine, nitrous and nitric oxides, 
hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, turpentine, alcohol, benzene, chloro 
form, aniline, ethylene, acetylene and other unsaturated hydrocarbons, 
and lead tetraethyl. 4 5i 6 The glow is not diminished by nitrogen, 
sulphur, acetic acid, hydrogen chloride or ammonia in small quantities. 
Some of the inhibitors will combine with ozone, but it has been, stated 
that their relative activity in inhibiting the glow is not the same as 
that shown in destroying ozone. 7 

The diminution in the rate of propagation of the glow was shown 
by measuring the velocity of an air current which was just sufficient 
to carry the glow to a point marked in a tube. 7 This method was also 
used in examining the effect of varying the partial pressures of oxygen 
in nitrogen. 8 In the presence of 0-16 per cent, of ethylene this velocity 
was 140 cm. per second, and when the percentage was increased to 
0-43 the velocity required fell to 1 cm. per second. The temperature 
at which the glow is first seen increases with increasing concentration 
of ethylene, etc-., and can be raised to well over 60 C., the normal 
ignition point of the phosphorus. When air containing 8 and 26 per 
cent, of ethylene was heated for long periods in contact with phos 
phorus a certain amount of non-luminous oxidation did occur. It has 
been shown further ;) that the partial pressure of the ethylene which 
will just inhibit the glow is proportional to the partial pressure of the 
phosphorus over the range 60 to 97 C. 

Phosphorus trioxidc itself inhibits the glow of phosphorus, being 
about three times as powerful in this respect as ethylene. The ratio 
of the partial pressure of trioxidc to that of ethylene which just stops 
the glow 9 is about 145. 

The inhibitory effect may also be expressed as a function of the 
" glow pressure " at which the glow can just be detected. An empirical 
equation was used by Tausz and Gorlacner 10 

1 Downey, loc. ciL; \Vcisor and Garrison, loc. cit. 

2 Kowalski, Ztilxch. pliyxih d. Ckem., 1929, 4, B, 288. 

3 Melville, loc. at. 

4 v. Vogcl, Annakfi, 1814, 48, 375; J. pra/ct. C/icm., 1840, [1], 19, 394. 

5 Dcschamps, CompL rtnd.* 186J, 52, 355. 

6 Tver, Chtm. JVcw.s, 1923, 127, 321; Chappms, loc. ciL 
1 Emoleus, Trans. Ch&nt. &oc. f 1926, p. 1336. 

8 Bloch, L. and E., Compt. rend., 1908, 147, 842. 

9 Miller, Trans. Chtm. Soc., 1929, p. 1926. 

10 Tausz and Gorlacher, Ztiisch. anorg. Chern., 1930, 190, 95. 


in which p x represents the partial pressure of oxygen at which the 
glow appears, x is the percentage by volume of the inhibitor or anti- 
catalyst and a and K are empirical constants for each substance. This 
equation holds for certain percentage admixtures in the case of each 
inhibitorthus for 0-1 to 0-9 per cent, sulphur dioxide ; for 2 to 10 
per cent, benzene ; for 0-01 to 0-1 per cent, isoprene ; for 0-0 4 6 to 
0-0 4 7 per cent, iron carbonyl. The corresponding values of the constants 
are as follows : 

Sulphur Dioxide. Benzene. Isoprene. i Iron Carbonyl. 


21 ; 





0-0 4 74 

0-0 4 93 


a 23 ; 21 , 0-025 0-0033 
K 13520 10805 20 1-7 


The maximum pressure at which the glow will persist is lowered by 
these substances, and their activity in this respect is proportional to 
IjK. It is noteworthy that lead tetraethyl (p. 121) and iron carbonyl, 
which are known as " anti-knock :; additions to petrol, are both very 
active inhibitors. 

The results of these experiments lend support to the theory that 
oxidation probably takes place only in the gaseous phase and is 
catalysed by the active oxygen produced in the reaction. 

Nature of the Chemilurninescence. Many observations lead to 
the conclusion that the glow is produced by the combination of gases 
only. The glowing zone may be removed from the surface of the 
phosphorus by a current of air, leaving a dark space in the immediate 
neighbourhood of the phosphorus. 1 

The glow is exhibited by ordinary phosphorus trioxide, 2 but is then 
really due to small quantities of dissolved phosphorus. The oxide 
when purified as described on p. 12C gave only a momentary glow at 
the commencement of the oxidation (by oxygen), which afterwards 
proceeded without emission of light. The glow of phosphorus, which 
actually is inhibited by the trioxide, is restored continuously as this is 
hydrated by small amounts of water vapour. 3 The inhibitory effect 
of I 3 4O 6 is also removed by ozone. 

lonisation by the Glow. Air which has been drawn over smoulder 
ing phosphorus is rendered electrically conducting, so that it allows 
an electroscope to discharge itself 4 whether it is positively or negatively 
charged; therefore gaseous ions of both signs are produced. These 
may be charged atoms, O r and O~, one of which may combine with 
the phosphorus and the other form ozone. 5 The conductivity is not 

1 Bloch, L. and E., rend., 190S, 147, 842. 

2 Scharff, Zcitsch. physibal. Chtni., 1908, 62, 179. 

3 Miller, Tm,,.#. Chun, tioc., 1928, p. 1817 

- 1 Matteuci, rend., 1851, 32, 145; 33, 663; Chrislomanos, Ztltscli. aticrg. 
Cht/n., 190.3, 45, 132. 

5 See also Brodic, J hil. Trans., 1850, 1862, 1863, 152, 407; Clausius, Annahu, 1858, 
103, 644; 1864, 121, 250; Schonbein, loc. clt.; v. Helmholtz and Richarz, Wied. Annaltn, 
1890, 40, 161; Elster and Gcitel, Wial. Annalen, 1890, 40, 191; Physikal. Zeitsch., 1903, 
16, 457; " The Conduction of Electricity through Gases," J. J. Thomson, Cambridge, ]903; 
Bloch, E., " Recherches sur la conductibiUtc eleclrique de Vair produite par le, pho&phore et 
sur les gaz recemment prepares, Paris, 1904; Blocii, E., Ann. Chirn. Pity*., 1905, [8J, 4, 25. 


due to the ozone itself, since after removal of this, conductivity is 
retained. 1 

The fact that below 100 mm. the rate of oxidation is proportional 
to the square root of the partial pressure of oxygen suggests that the 
active atoms of oxygen are produced before the combination. 2 The 
difficulty in this supposition is that there is no apparent source of the 
high energy of activation required, which could, however, be drawn 
from a coupled reaction such as that formulated on p. 120, or from 
the formation and decomposition of a peroxide. 3 

It has been shown by numerous investigators that the connection 
between ionisation, oxidation and chemiluminescence is a close one. 
If air or oxygen is mixed with the vapours of turpentine, etc., the 
conductivity of the mixture after passing over the phosphorus is only 
slight, corresponding to the suppression of the glow. 4 

The mobilities of the positive and negative ions were found to be 
equal at first, but the mobilities and sizes change with time. Maxima 
and minima were found at different temperatures, including a maxi 
mum mobility just below the ignition temperature, at 40 C. 5 

Moisture is favourable, perhaps even essential, to the ionisation, 
which leads to the opinion that the conducting ions may be those of 
an acid. 

The gases in flames are ionised as a rule, and it has been stated that 
the vivid combustion of phosphorus also gives rise to ionisation. 6 

One cause of the ionisation is indicated by the observation that the 
light Crom glowing phosphorus when transmitted through a window 
of lluoritc, is capable of ionising air on the other side." This proves 
that the light contains ultraviolet radiations. 8 This light also pro 
duces ozone. 9 Under otherwise similar conditions ozone is produced 
from oxygen in greater amount by light transmitted through a window 
of fluorite than by that transmitted through a window of quartz. 10 
Now it is known that quartz (2 mm. thick) is weakly transparent to 
light of wavelength lower than 200 m//, and opaque to that of wave 
length below 160 n~}jji ; while lluorite is opaque to light of wavelength 
below 125 m/ji. This, taken in conjunction with the observation u 
that light of wavelength 120 to 180 m/x, is a strong ozonising agent, while 
that of wavelength 230 to 290, especially 257, decomposes ozone, 
explains the effect mentioned above. 

The Emission Spectrum. A spcctroscopic examination of the 
light emitted by glowing phosphorus reveals a number of narrow 
bands in the ultraviolet at 

1 Schmidt, H., Phyxih.d. Zeilxch., 1013, 14, .120. 

2 Loew, Zcitisch: Chc/n., 1870, [2J, 6, 65; Fudakowsky, Bcr., 1873, 6, 108. 

3 Obtwald, loc. cit.; Bach, Com-pt. rend., 181)7, 124, 9ol. 

4 Schonck, Banthien and Mihr, Bcr., 1906,39, I. .106; Hichar/ and Schonck, Sitzunysbcr. 
K. Alad. IV Us. Bc-rUu, 11)03, p. 1102; Schcrick, tbtd., 1904, p. 37; Schonck and Brouning, 
Bcr., 1914, 47, 260 L. 

5 1-Jamcs, Physlkal. Zcit^ch., 1904, 5, 93; Busse, Ann. Physik, 1927, J4J, 82, 873; 83, SO. 
() Schmidt, G. C., Bar. Dml. $liy*iltcbl. Gts., 1906, 4, 640; Ann. Physik, 1903, [4j, 10, 


7 Downey, 1924, Loc. cit. 

8 Lcnard, Ann. Physilc, 1900, [4], i, 486; Hughes, Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc., 1910, 15, 483. 

9 .Downey, loc. cit.; Weiser and Garrison, loc. at. 

10 Downey, loc. cit. 

11 Regener, Ann. Physik, 1906, [4], 20, 1033. 


A -3270 2600 2530 2470 2390 A. 1 
A -3275 2630 2530 2475 2390 A. 2 

The same bands are shown when phosphorus burns under reduced 
pressure with a flame which lias a temperature of 125 C. 2 and in the 
glow of phosphorous oxide. 3 The broader bands which have been 
reported as present in the light from glowing phosphorus 4 haA r e been 
shown to be due to incipient combustion ; 2 they are the same as those 
shown by phosphorus burning in air enriched with oxygen at a flame 
temperature of 800 C. 2 and by phosphine burning in air at reduced 
pressure with a flame temperature of 160 to 230 C., and also in oxygen 
at atmospheric pressure. 3 The bands have, in reality, a complex 
structure. Such spectra are associated with molecular rather than 
atomic vibrations. There must therefore be some excited system 
common in all these kinds of combustion. In this connection it was 
noted by Emeleus and Purcell 5 that the band at about A =3270 had 
already been observed in the light emitted by phosphorus pentoxide 
when volatilised in an oxy hydrogen flame. 6 

1 Centnerszwer and Petnkaln, Zeitsch. physikal. Cher/i., 1912, So, 235. 

2 Emeleus and Downev, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1924, 125, 2491. 

3 Emeleus, ibid., 1925," 127, 1364. 

4 Pctrikaln, Zeitsch. Physik, 1924, 22, 119. 

5 Emeleus and Purcell, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1927, p. 788. 
f) Hartley, Phil. Trans., 1894, 185, 168. 


P ii os PIT OR us forms two well-defined oxides, namely, diphosphorus 
trioxide and diphosphorus pentoxide, having the empirical forrnuhc 
P 2 O 3 and P 2 O 5 respectively : an intermediate oxide, diphosphorus 
tctroxide, P 2 6 4 . and possibly the suboxides P 4 O and P O. are known. 

The Suboxides. A solid substance said to be tetraphosphorus 
monoxide, or phosphorus tetritoxide, P 4 O, has been prepared by 
a number of reactions, amongst which may be mentioned the slow- 
oxidation of phosphorus in ether, and the reduction of phosphorus 
pentoxide with ammonia, followed by treatment to remove other 
oxides, namely, washing and evacuation. 1 The removal of water 
from hypophosphorous acid is said also to yield this product, thus 

4H 3 P0 2 =P 4 O+0+6II 2 O 2 

Acetic anhydride in the presence of glacial acetic acid has been iiscd 
as the dehydrating agent. 3 A solution of phosphorus in 10 per cent, 
aqueous caustic soda with twice its volume of alcohol yielded on acidi 
fication a greenish-yellow solid to which the, same composition was 
assigned. 2 The substance, prepared by various methods has a red or 
orange colour and a density of about TO. It is a mixture, the com 
position of which may be inferred from the facts that it retains hydrogen 
and moisture, that it gives phosphorus and phosphorus pentoxide 
when heated in an indifferent gas, and that when distilled in chlorine 
it yields phosphorus oxychloride as well as the pentachloridc. 4 

The supposed compound P.>O 3 is also a mixture of finely divided 
phosphorus with phosphorous acid. 6 

Phosphorus Trioxide. The formation of an oxide by the slow 
combustion of phosphorus had already been noticed in the eighteenth 
century, 7 and the existence of such a compound was known to Lavoisier 
and Davy, while the conditions of formation and the composition were 
established by Dulong. 8 

The method of preparation by the slow oxidation of white phos 
phorus has already been described (Chap. IX.). When a current of 


dry air, or of oxygen, the pressure of which lies between certain limits, 
is passed over solid white phosphorus, this oxide is formed at a slow 
rate. At higher temperatures, at or above the melting-point of white 
phosphorus, the rate of formation is sufficiently great, but the product 
may contain less than 10 per cent, of phosphorous oxide, with nearly 
80 per cent, of phosphoric oxide, and variable quantities of phosphorus 
remain unburnt in the form of the white mixed with the red element. 1 
It is possible to separate the phosphorus pentoxide, as is done in. the 
standard method due to Thorpe and Tutton, 2 according to which a 
rapid stream of dry air is passed over liquid phosphorus in a hard glass 
tube, which is connected with a brass tube containing a glass wool 
filter and maintained at about 60 C. by an external current of water. 
This tube retains the phosphorus pentoxide, while the trioxide passes 
on and is condensed in a U-tube which is immersed in a freezing mixture. 
The phosphorous oxide is melted and filtered into another U-tube. 
The further purification is described below. 

Phosphorous oxide has also been prepared by the action of the 
trichloride on phosphorous acid, thus 

H 3 P0 3 ~PCl 3 =P 2 3 -r3HCl 3 

It is also produced when phosphorus trichloride is used to replace the 
hydroxyl group of anhydrous acetic acid, thus 

3CH 3 COOH 4-2PCl 3 =P 2 3 +3HC1 -f 3CHXOC1 4 

The trioxide sublimes as a mist of solid particles which arc difficult 
to condense completely. The condcnsatc forms a snow-like mass of 
minute crystals, or large feathery crystals, or a wax-like mass which is 
very fusible, deliquescent and inflammable. The vapour smells of 
garlic and is poisonous. The material contains small quantities, up to 
about 1 per cent., of phosphorus, droplets of which may appear in the 
later stages of the distillation. The complete removal is difficult, but 
the amount may be greatly reduced by the following method. 5 The 
trioxide is crystallised from dry carbon disulphidc in an atmosphere 
of carbon dioxide at -18 C. The crystals arc filtered off on a per 
forated porcelain disc, washed with petroleum ether and rccrystallised 
from carbon disulphidc. These operations are carried out in an atmo 
sphere of dry carbon dioxide. The purified oxide is analysed by 
melting under water at 40 to 50 C. It is completely absorbed, whereas 
the usual preparation, which is saturated with phosphorus at 25 C., 
shows a small residue of undissolvcd phosphorus under the same condi 
tions. The solubility of phosphorus in the purified oxide at 25 C. is 
1-7 grams in 100 grams. The solution on solidifying assumes the 
opaque waxy appearance characteristic of the ordinary preparation. 

Physical Properties. Most of the available data refer to the ordinary 

Solid Phosphorus Trioxide. The density (7/| r ) is 2-135. 6 The 

1 Cowper and Lewes, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1883, 43, 224; 1SS4, 45, 10. 

2 Tram. Chem. Soc., 1890, 57, 543; JS91, 59, 1019. 

3 Kraut, Annal&n, 1871, 158, 332; Gamier, Curnpl. rend., 1873, 76, 49, 173. 

4 Thorpe, Trans. Chem. Soc.. 18SO, 37, 186. 

5 Miller, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1928, p. 1847. 
G Thorpe and Tutton, loc. tit. 



melting-point is 22-5 C. 1 The crystalline system is monoclinic. 2 
When large crystals are examined in polarised light they may show 
pinacoid, prism and complementary pairs of pyramid faces. When the 
oxide is freed from all except traces of the dissolved phosphorus as 
just described, it appears as a transparent crystalline solid 3 and the 
physical properties are slightly modified ; in particular, the melting- 
point was 23-8 C. instead of 22-4. 

Liquid Phosphorus Trioxide.Thc density of the slightly super 
cooled liquid at 21 C. (D^) is 1-91-31 and that of the liquid at its 
boiling-point,, 173-1 C., 1-6897. The smoothed values of the specific 
volume as derived from measurements in a dilatometer from 27-10 to 
140-30 C. are as follows, and give the coefficient of expansion of the 
liquid up to its boiling-point : 



~ i 

t C. . 25 









. 1-000 


1-0228 1 


1-0695 1 

0941 1 






The vapour pressures of the liquid arc as follows: 4 


t C. 

p (mm.) . 








: 91-2 i 
297-9 : 

A straight line is obtained by plotting log p against 1 \T up to T =336, 
and if this is produced it leads to a boiling-point under normal pressure 
of T = 458 C. abs. (cf. 446 above). The corresponding graph above 
336 is also a straight line which, however, leads to a boiling-point of 
T=374. It is considered that the measurements at higher tempera 
tures are defective, probably owing to interaction of the trioxide and 
moisture, with production of phosphinc. 5 

The refractive index of the liquid has been determined for several 
of the standard wavelengths in the visible spectrum : 


1 -5403 

434-0 m/x 

These and other results arc represented by the dispersion formula l 
n = 1-5171 -817670/V 2 -31659070 7 A- 4 

1 Tliorpo and Tutton, loc. clt. 

2 Cabcll, Chem. Ntws, 18S4, 50, 209; Thorpe and Tutton, loc. clt. 

3 Miller, loc. at. 

4 Schenck, Banthien and Mihr, Ber., 1006, 39, 1506. 

5 Miller, Trans. Chem. Soc., .1.029, p. 1823. 


The dielectric constant at 22 C. is 3-2. 

Composition and Structure. The molecular weight and structure 
have heen deduced in the usual manner from physical constants. The 
vapour density, as determined by Hofmarm s method, varied between 
T-67 and 7-83 (air = l) at temperatures between 132 and 184 C., 
which corresponds to a molecular weight which is represented by the 
formula P^g. 1 This agrees with the molecular weight calculated from 
the lowering of the freezing-point of benzene. 

The molar volume at the boiling-point, 130-2, minus the atomic 
volumes of six singly-linked oxygen atoms ( ) leaves 83-4, which 
is very nearly equal to four times the atomic volume of elementary 
phosphorus at its boiling-point, i.e. 4 x20-9. It is concluded that the 
molecule P 4 in P 4 O 6 occupies the same volume as the molecule P 4 of 
the liquid element. Now the atomic volume of phosphorus in its 
trivalent combination, as in PC1 3 , etc., is certainly greater than that of 
elementary phosphorus at the same vapour pressure (see p. 51). 
Whence it follows that elementary phosphorus, as well as phosphorus 
in P 4 O G . is exerting its highest valency, i.e., according to p. 52, is ter- 
covalent with a mixed bond. The respective structural formula for 
the element and the trioxide would therefore be 


I i and O ! I 


A somewhat similar formula involving the transfer of electrons has 
been suggested by Henstock. 2 

Decomposition. Phosphorus trioxide turns yellow and then red 
on exposure to sunlight, and slightly yellow in ordinary diffused light. 
After months of exposure red phosphorus is formed. 1 The change 
may be represented by the equation 

When the oxide was heated to about 200 C. in a scaled tube it 
became turbid, then yellow and finally red. These changes proceeded 
still further at higher temperatures, and at 445 C!. the whole was 
converted into solid products according to the equation 

2P 4 O fi =3P 2 O 4 -f-2P ^ 

The, oxide is unaffected by molecular hydrogen. 

The liquid ignites in air or oxygen at about 50 C. and burns 
with a vivid flame to the pcntoxide. Like phosphorus itself phos 
phorous oxide undergoes slow combustion with the emission of a glow, 
which may be due in part to the small quantities of the element already 
mentioned. This combustion, however, differs from that of phos 
phorus in several respects. Ozone is produced only in small quantities, 
if at all, and may be due to the action of light of wavelength A = 120 
to 1.80 m/z on the oxygen. 3 Hydrogen peroxide is not produced by 

1 Thorpe and Tutton, Inc. cil. 2 Henstock, Chwn.. Xews, 1923, 127, 25 ( J. 

3 Downey, loc. cit. 

OXIDES. 129 

the oxidation of phosphorous oxide. Dry oxygen combines with the 
oxide with increasing speed from about 10 C., and over a certain range 
the speed varies as the square root of the oxygen pressure. Glowing 
oxidation in the presence of water vapour has been connected with the 
intermediate formation, of phosphine. 1 Ozonised air gives a strong 
glow, close to the surface of the oxide. 

Products of oxidation vary according to the conditions. Dry 
oxygen at ordinary temperatures, and especially under reduced pressure, 
gave phosphorus pentoxide, while moist oxidation at atmospheric 
pressure gave tetroxiclc. 2 Further experiments have shown that (a) 
the pure trioxide, (b) the ordinary trioxide (p. 126), when oxidised 
cither by air or oxygen or ozonised oxygen, gives a mixture of P O 4 
and P 2 O 5 in the constant proportions which correspond to an empirical 
formula PO 2 . 19 . The equation suggested for this oxidation is 

8P 4 6 + 40 3 + 50 2 =5P 4 8 + 3P 4 10 3 

Phosphorous oxide ignites spontaneously in chlorine, burning with 
a greenish flame and forming a clear liquid which on distillation yielded 
phosphoryl trichloride and a residue of metaphosphoryl chloride : 

P 4 6 + 4CU = 2POC1 3 -f 2PO 2 C1 2 

The oxide also inflames in bromine. Slow combination yields the 
pentabromidc and pentoxide, thus 

5P 4 O 6 + 20Br 2 ==SPBr 5 + 6P 2 O 5 

Combination, with iodine is less vigorous, but when the oxide and. 
iodine in carbon disulphidc are heated in a sealed tube, orange-red 
P 2 I 4 is deposited. 

The oxide does not mix with sulphur, but when heated together in 
an inert atmosphere to about 1(30 C. the two combine with the pro 
duction of diphosphorus dithiotrioxide, P 4 O 6 S 4 . 

The liquid oxide slightly above the melting-point does not mix 
with water, but combines with it slowly to give phosphorous acid : 

P 4 O 6 -f-6H 2 O=.-lH 3 PO3 

Hot water reacts explosively giving phosphine and red phosphorus. 

Hydrogen chloride dissolves in phosphorous oxide and reacts with 
it in a manner which is the reverse of that by which the oxide can be 
formed, this reverse equation being 

l\0 G - 6IIC1 - 2PC1.3 + 2H 3 PO :J 

Such a mixture may also give phosphoric acid and phosphorus, 
according to the equation 

4H :) PO 3 + PC1 3 - :3II 3 PO 4 -!- 2P + 3IIC1 4 

Ammonia reads violently with the oxide, reducing it to red phos 
phorus. When, however, the ammonia is passed into a solution of 
the oxide in ether, it gives a diamide of phosphorous acid, IIOP(XI1 2 ) 2 . 

1 Kinclo, Arkiv. C/IC.HI. Mm.. GtioL, I9J7, 7, Xo. 7; .Miller, Pruc. .Hoij. Xoc,. fatm., 10-26, 
46, 76, i>39. 

2 Thorpe and Tutton, loc,. at. :i Miller, 192i), loc. cit. 
- 1 Gcuther, J. praJct. Ghcm. 9 1873, [2], 8, 359. 


The oxide acts vigorously upon ethyl alcohol, and by the regulation 
of this reaction diethyl phosphite has been obtained : 

The chemical properties of the purified oxide differ in some respects 
from those of the ordinary preparation. It has a pungent acid smell 
which does not recall the smell of phosphorus. When exposed to 
light, either in an evacuated bulb or in one filled with carbon dioxide, 
it does not turn red. It does not absorb oxygen at pressures of about 
100 to 80 mm. even at 25 C. and in the presence of water vapour. 
When heated in a sealed tube containing dry oxygen at 300 mm. it 
shows no glow below 200 ., and the oxygen is only slowly absorbed at 
220 C. 

Phosphorus Dioxide, [PO 2 ] K . or Tetroxide, P 2 O 4 . The formula 
P 4 is sometimes assignee! to this oxide by analogy with X,,0 4 , but 
by analogy with the other oxides of phosphorus the formula would 
be P 4 8 . "" 

The formation of this oxide by the decomposition of P 4 O G has been 
described already (p. 129). By heating in a sealed evacuated tube 
the products of the slow combustion of phosphorus, a crystalline 
sublimate is obtained, 2 which was show]) by Thorpe and Tutton 3 to 
be a distinct new oxide, probably formed according to the expiation 

The oxide may also be formed directly by slow oxidation of phosphorus 
in oxygen at a pressure of GOO mm. and containing water vapour 
(0-1 mm.). 

It sublimes at about 180 C. in colourless crystals which arc of 
rhombic appearance. The density, D~~^ , is 2-537. rj The vapour 
density, determined at a temperature above 1 1-00 C ., corresponded to 
a molecular weight of 458-0, and therefore io the formula I ) S 1G . 5 
This oxide is stable in oxygen ut the ordinary temperature, but is 
oxidised to pcntoxide at 350 to -I-OO C . G 

As the tctroxide has been shown to have the formula, of a i; mixed 
anhydride." it should yield phosphorous and phosphoric acids on 
treatment with water. Actually, the solution, after neutralisation 
with sodium hydroxide, showed I lie reactions of phosphites and nieta- 
phosphatcs. The; hydration may therefore be represented by an 

L PO, f L lLO-.-ILPO, i I1PO., 

Phosphorus Penloxicle. Vigorous combustion of phosphorus in 
air produces a voluminous white powder which is very deliquescent 
and hisses when dropped into water, evolving much heat and <> ivm<> a 
liquid of acid reaction. These salient facts were observed bv i he carlv 
workers on phosphorus, e.g. bv Robert Hovlo in 10S1. Flic compound 
was analysed by many of the leading chemists at I he beginning of the 
nineteenth century, and the empirical formula P..O- was established. 

1 Thorpe and N ortl 

- 1 lautcfciiiIK and 

3 Lor., c/l. 

1 Miller, lac. df., Russell, Tntttx. C/K-M. ,S ur., !.!)():>, 83, l 2( C>. 

- \Vrst, Tnin* Chnn. Nor., 1<JO:>, Si. (rl:\. 

OXIDES. 131 

This oxide is formed by combustion, in a full supply of air or oxygen, 
of white phosphorus (ignition temperature about 60 C.), of phosphorous 
oxide (50 C -70 C.), of red phosphorus (about 260 C.), and of the 
phosphincs and other combustible compounds. The white powder 
prepared in the laboratory or technically by these methods is always 
impure, containing a little phosphorous oxide, metaphosphoric acid, 
etc., while a part of the phosphorus usually escapes combustion and 
remains as reel phosphorus. The preparation of a pure product re 
quires further treatment. Thus the pentoxide may be thrown into 
a red-hot porcelain basin and stirred in a current of oxygen. 1 The 
crude oxide may also be resublirned in a current of oxygen and passed 
over platinised asbestos or platinum sponge. 2 The product used by 
Baker in experiments on. intensive drying was also distilled, without 
the aid of a catalyst, in a current of oxygen at 180 to 210 C. The 
yield was about 10 per cent. A convenient apparatus for this pre 
paration was described by Finch and Peto. 3 The ordinary pentoxide 
was pushed continually through a glass tube down the vertical limb 
of a heated iron T-piece which was traversed by a current of oxygen. 
The product, which, was collected in a wide-mouthed glass bottle, was 
partly crystalline and partly amorphous. 4 

The purified oxide should be devoid of any alliaceous odour or 
odour of phosphinc, and should not reduce a boiling solution of 
mercuric chloride. When dissolved in water and the solution neutral 
ised with alkali (to methyl orange) it should give a white precipitate 
with silver nitrate which should not darken after boiling for five 

Properties. The pcntoxide exists in crystalline nnd vitreous forms, 
the transformation temperature of which has been given as 4 !0 C. 5 
Sublimation proceeds with moderate speed between 180 and 250 C. 6 
and the vapour pressure: may reach 700 nun. at 360 C\" When it is 
sublimed at :5GO C C. in a current of oxygen the oxide forms brilliant 
crystals together with some of the amorphous material which is con 
sidered to be a product of polymerisation. The crystalline form, by 
X-ray examination, is that of the rhombohcdral system with 12P 5 
in a unit cell ; the lengths of the axes arc a = 31-:r2, b -1-12 A. s 

The melting-point was found to vary between 560 and 570 C. 
according to the time of heating. 7 

The vapour density indicated a molecular weight of 336 at a red 
heat !) and ;3<)0 at 1400 C. LU At the higher temperature, therefore, the 
molecule approximates to P 4 O 1(J (J/ 281). 

The inconsistent behaviour on sublimation suggests that phosphorus 
pentoxidc, like sulphur trioxide and phosphorus itself (q.i-.) 9 contains 
at least two crystalline forms, a mctas table form with, a higher and a 
stable form with, a lower vapour pressure. These are present as a 

1 Trover*, " Kx[)Cfi.m.(:ntal S7 ndij of Ga&w, Macmillan, J901, etc. 

2 Threli aH, Phil. May., 181). .$, j vj, 35, 1; Shcnstone and Beck, Trim*. Chain-. Sac., 
1893, 63, 47;"). 

; Fmch and Polo, Trun*. C/n-m. *SV,t., 11)22, 121, 092. 

1 Sec also Finch and Frase.r, Trans. Chcm. Sue., 102(5, p. 117. 

5 Thorpe and Tutt.on, Inc. al.\ Tilden and .Bamett, Twin-*. Chr-m. Soc., 1896, 69, 154. 

t; Kcinpf, ,/. prakt. Chcm., 1908, |2j, 78, 22S. 

Hodlake and Scheii er, Lite. T r<u : . clu-m., 11)26,45, -191. 

b Saiifourchc, Hernette and Fair, Ball. Sac. c/ti/n., 1930, [4], 47, 273. 

9 Tildeii and Barnctr, lor,, r//. 

iu West. Tram. Chun. Soc., 1902, 81, 923. 



mixture below 300 C., at which temperature the vapour pressure of 
the meta stable form becomes appreciable and then increases rapidly, 
reaching- 3-5 atm. at 400 C. From this temperature upwards the 
pressure of the stable form becomes appreciable and equilibrium 
conditions are more easily obtained. 1 The more volatile form may be 
sublimed away : consequently an abrupt fall of pressure above 400 C. 
has been observed. 2 A stable vapour pressure curve has been obtained 
up to and beyond the triple point. 1 Pure dry oxygen was passed over 
English P 2 O 5 3 which was heated to 270 C C. The sublimate was 
received directly in the tensimeter, which was contained in an electric 
furnace wound with nichrome wire which gave temperatures above 
400 C., which were controlled within : ;2 C. The pressures were 
measured by a glass manometer with quartz thread indicator. 4 The 
following typical values arc taken from the tabulated results : 





t C. 

p cm. mercury 

419 522-5 557-5 
2-3 32-6 32-7 

59G-5 G13-5 ! 656 
68-7 83-9 135-6 


The triple point is found at 55-5 cm. of mercury and 580 C. 

The affinity of formation of P 2 O 5 evidently is very great, since no 
dissociation was observed at the highest temperatures mentioned 
above. When heated in the oxyhyclrogen flame the oxide gives a 
continuous spectrum. 5 In respect of this great stability l 3 oO 5 differs 
markedly from its congeners X 2 O 5 and As 2 O 5 . 

The heat of formation is also by far the highest in the Group and 
is higher than the heat of oxidation per atom of any other non-metal. 
The value per niol of solid I 3 2 O.- from solid white phosphorus and 
gaseous oxygen is given as 369-1) Cals.," 360-4 Cals. 7 As already 
mentioned (p. 37) the heats of formation from red phosphorus are 
rather lower. 

Phosphoric oxide lias also an exceptionally high affinity of hydra- 
tion, on which account it is universally used, where its chemical pro 
perties permit, as the most powerful drying agent for neutral or acid 
gases and liquids and also in desiccators. The heat of hyd ration oC 
crystalline P.,0- is given as 1-1 -0 Cals.,* i-0-8 Cals/ The amorphous 
variety when dissolved in much water evolved 33-8 Cals. and the 
vitreous variety 29-1 Cals. 10 Hence heat is evolved when the crystalline 
variety is transformed into the amorphous variety. 

1 Sjiuts, Zdtwh. phyxtlcal. Chan., 1930, 149, :337. 

2 Smith and Rutgers, 7 /v///.x. Ch(-;n. Xoc.. .1924, 125, 2f>73. 
:i liopkin ;md Williams, Alanuhictum s. 

4 Jackson, Ti <ti,.<. ,SVx:., 19J1, 99., 1000. 
" 1-1 art ley, Chan, ^c/r.^ J8(i. i, 67, 271). 

<; Thomson, " ThtrnKic.hc-tfiixchKn U nt.c-rHHc.hnwjt-.n," 1882, Leipzig. 
7 Giran, Co-nipt, rwd., 1903, 136, o.lO, G77. 
s Hautufeuillo and rorrcy, loc. ell. 

9 Giran, loc. ciL, and Ann. Chim. Phya., 1903, [7j, 30., 203. 
10 Giran, loc. cit. 

OXIDES. 133 

Structure. Many possible structures may be assigned to the mole 
cule. Whichever of these is adopted the phosphorus must be quinquc- 
valent according to the old representation, or quadrivalent with a 
semipolar bond according to the " octet " tlieorv. Thus 

O O or O O 

\ /c\ / \ ^\ / 

o=p<; >P = O o<....p< >P....>O 

\ / \o/ 

Chemical Properties.- Phosphorus pentoxidc was reduced by 
hydrogen at a red heat in the presence of nickel, 1 and by carbon at 
high temperatures, but not by silicon. 2 

The alkali and alkaline earth metals react with great energy when 
heated with the oxide, giving oxides and phosphides. 3 

When heated with haliclcs of phosphorus the two molecules give 
oxyhalides, the change being represented by the equation 4 

P 4 O 10 -f 6PC1 5 = 10POC1 3 
or P 4 O 10 -f- 6PBr 5 = 10POBr 3 

The pentoxide also gives the oxychloridc when heated with the halides 
of other non-metals, although the other non-metal docs not necessarily 
give oxyhalide also. Thus with boron trichloride 

P 2 O 5 -r 2BC1 3 = POCU.BCl, -r BPO 4 
and with carbon tctrachloridc in a sealed tube l)etwcen 200 and 300 

P 2 O 5 -r 2CC1 4 = COC1 2 -;- CO o -;- 2POC1 :J 
With an excess of P 2 O 5 

2P 2 O 5 -f3CC! 4 =:3C0 2 -!-4POCL 5 

Oxyhalides of phosphorus arc also ])roduced when the pentoxidc is 
heated with (luoridcs or chlorides of the alkali and alkaline earth 
metals : thus POF 3 is produced with calcium fluoride G and POC1 3 
with sodium chloride. 7 

When brought into contact with water under various conditions 
phosphorus pentoxide forms one or more of diiTcrcntiy hydrated acids. 
Metaphosj)horic acid (q.v.) probably is the first product. 

The pentoxidc has a powerful dehydrating effect upon oxyacids 
and is therefore used in preparing anhydrides from tlicse (see under 
cc Nitrogen Pentoxidc," this Volume, Part I.), it also removes halogen 
from halogen hydracids under some conditions, giving oxyhalides, e.g. 

1 Xeo<u and Adlucary, Zultch. unory. C/icm., 1010, 69, L>0!). 

2 KalilonboTo and Trautinann, Twit.*. A mcr. Elcc.huc lH-.nt.. >s oc., \ { .Y1\, 39, ;>77. 

3 Davy, Phil. Tmn.s., 1818, 108, 316. 

1 BoT ger, Contpt. rv,<l., 1U08, 146, 400. 

5 Gustavson, JJcr., 1871, 4, 853; 1872, 5, 30. 

Thorpe and llambly, Trans. Ckcm. Sue., J880. 55, ~r,9. 

7 Kolbc and Lautemann, An.naUn, 1860, 113, 2-10. 


POF 3 from HF. 1 Hydrogen chloride is completely absorbed by 
oxide and gives a liquid from which POC1 3 can be distilled. 2 

Phosphorus pcntoxide cannot be oxidised further by ordi 
oxidising- agents, except to compounds of the " pcracid " type. 
oxygen is displaced by metathesis as just shown, but not by a 
drons halogens, except iluorine, which at a dull red heat gives 
and POF 3 . 3 

Diy ammonia gives amido- or imido-phosphoric acids (q.v.) 9 
also salts such as diammonium amidopyrophosphate. 4 

1 Gore, Trans. CJirm. Soc., 1869, 22, 368. 

2 .Bailey and Fowler, Trdiis. Chc-m. Soc., 1888, 53, 755. 

3 Moissan, Bull. Soc. chim., 1891, [3], 5, 458. 

1 Sanfourchc, Hernctte and Fair, loc. ctt. See also SehitT, Anna! en, 1857, 103, 1 


THE numerous oxy acids of phosphorus may be regarded as derived 
from three prototypes, namely, hypophosphorous acid, H 3 PO 9 , phos 
phorous acid, H/PO n , and orthophosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , in all of 
which phosphorus probably has the co-ordination number 4 (see p. 59). 

In the hypophosphorous and phosphorous series the phosphorus 
undoubtedly is in a lower state of oxidation, and may be wholly in the 
trivalcnt state, which corresponds to a symmetrical structure of the 
molecules. ^lore probably, however, these acids consist of a mixture 
containing the more symmetrical molecules in tautomeric equilibrium 
with less symmetrical molecules which contain hydrogen directly 
united to phosphorus. In cither form the unsaturated acids and their 
salts are powerful reducing agents and are easily oxidised to the stable 
phosphate series. 

Hypophosphorous Acid. The alkali salts of this acid were dis 
covered among the products of the decomposition of phosphides by 
water. 1 A method of preparing hypophosphites by boiling milk of 
lime with phosphorus was also discovered early in the nineteenth 
century. The resulting solution of calcium hypophosphite could then 
be decomposed by oxalic acid. 2 Hypophosphite was also prepared by 
heating the phosphorus with a solution of baryta. 3 The barium salt, 
Ba(II 2 PO 2 ) 2 , is easily recrystallised, and from it the free acid may be 
prepared by double decomposition of a fifth molar solution with the 
calculated amount of 20 to 25 per cent, sulphuric acid. 4 The filtered 
solution may be evaporated first to one- tenth of its volume and then 
until the temperature rises to 105 C. It is filtered hot and then further 
evaporated to a temperature of 310 C., and this evaporation by stages 
is continued until the temperature rises to 130 or even 138 C. without 
decomposition. The liquid should then be poured into a closed flask 
and cooled to C 1 ., when it nearly all solidifies to a mass of crystals. 
Crystallisation may be induced if necessary by seeding with a crystal 
of the acid. 5 The commercial acid usually contains calcium salts. 
These may be removed by the addition of alcohol and much ether to 
the evaporated solution, when the salts arc precipitated. The alcohol 
and ether arc removed by distillation and the acid is further concen 
trated as above. 6 

1 Dulong, Plul. j;V/., 1816, 48, 271. 

2 Rose, Airualf-tt, 184;), 58, 301. 

3 Dulono-, (oc. at.- Ann. Cfdiu. riajs., 1816, [2], 2, 141. 

4 Thomson, JJtr., 1874, 7, 994; Aiinakn, 1871, 143, 354, 497. 

5 Marie, Co-mpt. rtiuL, 100-4, 138, 1216. 

6 Micliachs and von Arend, Annahn, 1901, 314, 266. 




Properties. The density of the crystallised aeid is given as 1-4625. 1 
The melting-point, 17-4 C. 2 or 26-5 C.. 3 no doubt varies with small 
variations in the proportion of water present. 

The latent heat of fusion (heat absorbed) is 2-4 Cals., the latent 
heat of solution of the crystals from -0-2 to -0-17 Gals., and of the 
fused aeid from +2-2 to +2-14 Gals, (per mol in each case). 

The heats of formation (heat evolved) from the elements 

P (solid) -fO 2 (gas) 

lo (gas) 

are -f- 137-7 Cals. (liquid acid), +140-0 Gals, (solid aeid), +139-8 Cals. 
(dissolved acid). 4 

The pure acid decomposes rapidly when heated above 130 C. and 
below 140 G. mainly according to the equation 

3H 3 PO 2 =PH 3 - 

-2H 3 P0 3 

while between. 160 and 170 C. the main decomposition (consecutive 
reaction) is symbolised as 

4H 3 PO 3 =PH 3 +3H 3 PO 4 3 

Aqueous Solutions of Hypo-phosphorous Acid. The effect of dilution 
on the molar conductivity of hypophosphorous acid shows that the 
acid is moderately strong, but however obeys the law of mass or con 
centration action suflicicntly well to give a cc constant * ? (K below) 
which, remains of the same order although it diminishes steadily with 
increasing dilution. 


ACID AT 25 C. 5 

2 4 : 8 





140 ! 172 : 207 




, 335 

. ; 0-1012 0-0876 0-0757 





. : . . . . 0-1015 








1 2048 ; 





: 368-3 





: 0-0082 




0-1028 : 

The values of a ( =^,/^c cc ) in the expression a 2 , (1 - a)f 7 = K were cal 
culated from ^=389 based on the work of Arrhcnius. 6 The ionic 

1 ]\licliaelis and von Arend, toe. cit. - Thom.sen, lac. clL 

3 Marie, Joe. al. 

Thomson, luc. cit., and Bv\, 1870, 3, ]87, 503; 1871, 4, 1^08, 586; /. prrtkl. Chcm., 
187;"), [-J, ii, J-. 

5 Oslwald, ; Lfikrbuch der Allg^m. Chcm., 1903, 2, Leipzig. 
Arrhcnius, Zeifsch. physical. Ckein., 1689, 4, 96. 



conductivity L x of H^ = 347, which gives Z, M of H 2 PO 2 ~ as 42-0, in 

agreement with the value 41-8 deduced from the sodium salt. 1 

These values have been recalculated to the newer units 2 and an 
empirical constant K (see table) lias been found which shows a better 
constancy, i.e. : 2 


K =-r VT--+ log V 
(l-a)V 35 

The constant A" has been recletermined by Kolthoff 3 as 0-01 at 
F = 1000 and 0-062 at F = 20. In another series of results the values 
of a and K were derived from A^ =392-5, which was based on the 
limiting conductivity of NaH 2 POo (at 25 C.) : 4 




205-0 i 

()-0625 5 

242-9 ! 



whence K may be calculated in the usual manner. 

The conductivity increases at first with the temperature as is usual ; 
the rate of increase then diminishes and the conductivity reaches a 
maximum at about 50 C., the exact temperature varying with the 
concentration and being 57 C. in the case of normal acid. 5 The con 
ductivity then decreases. It is supposed that the effect of the normal 
increase in ionic mobility with temperature is diminished and finally 
reversed by the opposite effect of: decreasing dissociation. Since the 
dissociation constant decreases with rise of temperature the dissociation 
into ions must take place with evolution of heat, i.e. the heat of ionisa- 
tion is positive. Therefore the neutralisation of the acid with alkali 
must result in a production of heat greater than the heat of formation. 
of water from its ions, which may be taken as 13-52 Cals. per mol. 
If the heat of dissociation is Qj Cals. per gram-ion and the undissociated 
portion of the free acid is I -a, then the total heat of neutralisation 
Q u will be given by the equation 

Q M =13-52-r(l-a)Qa Cals. 

At 21-5 C. a is 0-44-9 at a certain concentration and (l-a)Q,i has 

the value -i- 1-769 Cals. Therefore Q_ n is 15-289 Cals. by calculation, 

while the experimental value was 15-316 Cals. 6 

The transport number of the anion was found to be 41-8. 1 
Kuxicity. The results of conductivity measurements indicate that 

only one of the hydrogens is dissociable as ion, the dissociation taking 

place according to the equation 

In the process of neutralisation also only one hydrion takes part, as is 
shown by the fact that the heat evolved practically reaches a limit 

1 Bred IX, Zuteck. plyxik tL C/icm., 1894, 13, 101. 

2 Mitchell, Trans. Cka-m. >S oc., 10:20, 117, 1)57. 
;! Kolthoff, Rc.c. Trav. clu.-m.., 10:27, 46, :>n(). 

4 Ramstcdt, Mcddcl. VtL Akw.L X^d^^idut, 10.15, 3, Xo. 7. 


when one equivalent of alkali has been added to one mol of the acid. 
Thus when 2, 1 and 0-5 mols oF the acid were added to one equivalent 
of XaOH the heats observed were 15-4, 15-2 and 7-6 Cals. 1 

The monohasicity is confirmed by the formulae of all the known 

Oxidation in Solution. Hypophosphorous acid and its salts arc 
strong reducing agents and are oxidised to phosphorous acid or finally 
to phosphoric acid and their salts. The self-oxidation and -reduction 
to phosphine and phosphorous acid is described on p. 136. A similar 
reaction is brought about by hydrogen iodide : 

3H 3 PO 2 -i- HI - 2H 3 PO 3 + PH 4 I 2 

Hypophosphorous acid is also oxidised to phosphorous acid by sulphur 
dioxide with deposition of sulphur, 3 and by phosphorus trichloride 
with deposition of phosphorus, thus : 

3H 3 PO 2 +PC1 3 = 2H 3 PO 3 +2P + 3HC1 4 

It is oxidised by alkali with evolution of hydrogen :- 
XalI 2 PO 2 -f-XaOH = Xa 2 HPO 3 +H 2 5 

The velocity constant of this reaction has been measured at tempera 
tures slightly below 100 C. It is slightly greater for KOH than for 
NaOH at equivalent concentration, and increases faster than the 
concentration, of the alkali. 6 

Salts of the noble metals are reduced by hypophosphorous acid or 
hypophosphitcs, and in many cases phosphorous acid can be isolated 
among the products. The reduction of silver nitrate was noticed by 
the early workers. 7 Phosphoric acid was formed with or without the 
evolution of hydrogen, thus : 

2XaH 2 POo + 2AgXO 3 -r 4H 2 O = 2H 3 PO 4 + 2XaXO 3 + 3H 2 -1- 2Ag 
or the nascent hydrogen gave more silver : 

2TI -r 2AgX0 3 = 2HXO 3 -r 2Ag 8 

The formation of phosphorous acid is represented by the equation 
2AgXO 3 + H t ,PO 2 + H 2 = 2Ag + H 3 PO 3 + 2HXO 3 

Copper sulphate is reduced to copper with the production of an acid 
solution : 

4CuS0 4 + Ba(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + 4H 2 = 2H 3 PO 4 + 4Cu + BaSO 4 + 3H 2 S0 4 9 

It has also been stated that copper hydride is first produced, which 

1 Thomson, loc. cit. 

2 Poundorf, Jena Zeit. SuppL, 1876, [2], 3, 4f>. 

3 Poundorf, loc. cit.; Rothcr, Pharm. J., 1879, [31, 10, 280. 

4 Geuther, J. pralcl. Chzm., 1874, [2], 8, 366. 

5 Loessncr, "Utber reakL d. uider phosphor. Sdure," \\ oida i Thurm, .1911. 

Loessner, loc. cit.; Sieverts and Loessner, ZeiU-c/i. anortj. Chc/iti., 101.2, 76, 10; Majoj , 
" Zur Ktnntnis dtr phosp h. u. unterphosph. Saure," A\ eida i Thurm, 1908. 

7 Dulong, loc. cit. 

8 Sieverts, Zcitsch. anorg. Chevi., 1909, 64, 29; Sieverts and Loessner, loc. cit. 

9 Rose, Annalen, 1827, 9, 225; 1.828, II, 92; l828, 12, 77, 288; 1834, 32, 467; 1843, 
58, 301. 


decomposes with evolution of hydrogen. 1 It appears further that, 
"with excess of the hypophosphite, hydrogen also is evolved, while with 
excess of copper salt copper only is precipitated. 2 The spongy copper 
appears to act as a catalytic agent in liberating hydrogen from excess 
of hypophosphorous acid. Cuprous oxide probably is first formed, 
and the substance first precipitated from an acid solution may contain 
this with hydride and. phosphate. 3 

Mercuric chloride is reduced to mercurous chloride and mercury. 4 
In this case also phosphorous acid was produced, and by a reaction 
which was quicker than that which led to phosphoric acid, thus : 

H 3 POo -2HgCl 2 -rH 2 =H 3 PO 3 +Hg 2 Cl 2 + 2HC1 5 

Fallacious salts oxidise the acid to phosphoric acid with deposition 
of palladium. 6 

The velocities of some oxidations have been determined. Thus in 
the reaction 

H 3 PO 2 -f I 2 +H 2 O =H 3 PO 3 + 2HI 

the velocity was independent of the concentration of iodine if this was 
more than 0-00 IN, and unimolecular with respect to H 3 PO 2 . 7 The 
hypothesis has been advanced that the reducing agent is an active 
form H 5 PO 2 , which is produced with a measurable velocity (catalysed 
by hydrogen ions) when the equilibrium amount is diminished. 8 

The Hypophosphitex. Hypophosphites of most of the metals have 
been prepared by a few general reactions : 

(1) By heating aqueous solutions of the alkali or alkaline earth 

hydroxides with white phosphorus. 

(2) By the double decomposition of barium hypophosphitc with 

the sulphate of the required metal. 

(3) By dissolving the hydroxide or carbonate of the metal in hypo- 

phosphorous acid. 

The hypophosphitcs are all soluble. Those of barium and calcium, 
which arc the least soluble, dissolve in 2-5 to 3-5 and G to 7 parts of 
water respectively. Those of the alkali metals and ammonium dissolve 
also in alcohol. Solutions of hypophosphites of the alkali metals are 
fairly stable, especially in the absence of air, and the salts generally 
may be obtained in well-crystallised forms by evaporation. More 
concentrated solutions often decompose, especially if alkaline, with 
evolution of phosphinc. The dry salts are also fairly stable in the 
cold, but when heated decompose giving phosphinc and hydrogen and 
leaving the pyro- or meta-phosphate. 

The electrical conductivities of the sodium salt 9 and of the barium 
salt 10 give the mobility of the II 2 PO 2 ~ ion. 

1 Wurtz, An.,*. Cliihi. Phyx., 1844. [3], n, 2/50; 1846, [31, 16, 190. 

2 Sicvcrts, lor.. c,d.\ M.uthmann and MaAvrow, -ibid., 1896, n, 2(>8. 

3 Firth and Myers, Trail*. Chcm. Soc., 1911, 99, 1329. 
11 Rose, loc. cit. 

5 Mitchell, Trans. Chc.t,-,. Soc., 1921, 119, 1266. 
15 Sievcrts, SievcM ts and Loosener, loc. cit. 

7 SteoJe, Tm,<*. Chvn. Soc., 1007, 91, 1641. 

8 KolthotT, Pharm. Wcckblad, 1916, 53, 909; 1924, 61, 954; Mitchel 
Soc., 1920, 117, 1322. 

9 Ramstedt, Mtddd. Vet. A had. Nobdinstitut, 1915, 3, No. 7. 
10 \ValJon, ZtUsch. physihd. Chem., 18S7, i, 529. 


The formula? of some typical hypophosphites are as follows : 

LiII 2 P0 2 .H 2 O, monoclinic prisms ; XaII 2 PO 2 .II 2 O, monoclinic 
prisms : KH.,PO , hexagonal plates ; XH 4 H.>PO.->, rhombic tables ; 
Mg(lI 2 PO 2 ) 2 .()"lI 2 6, tetragonal ; Ca(lI 2 PO 2 ) 2 f monoclinic leaflets ; 
Ba(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 .H 2 (X monoelinic needles or prisms ; Cu(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 , white 
precipitate ; Pb(I-I P0 9 ) , rhombic prisms ; Fe(H PO )9.6H O, green 
octahedra; Fe(H 2 P0 2 ) 3 .^H 2 O, white precipitate ; "Co(lI 2 POo) 2 .CH 2 0, 
reel tetragonal : Xi(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 .CH 2 O, green crystals. 

The hexahydrated salts of magnesium and the iron group are said 
to be isomorphous. Further eletails about each salt are given under 
the metal in the appropriate volume of this Series. 

Ammonium and hydroxylamine hypophosphites have been prepared 
by double decomposition between the sulphates and barium hypo- 
phosphite. The ammonium salt, XH^-IJPOo, 1 was crystallised from 
water or alcohol. When heated to about 200 C. it melted and de 
composed, giving off ammonia, phosphine and hydrogen and leaving 
a mixture of pyro- and m eta-phosphoric acids. Hydroxylamine hypo- 
phosphite, XHoOH.HgPOo, has also been prepared by reaction between 
KHoPOo and "XH 2 OH.HC1, and was extracted with hot absolute 
alcohol. 2 Solutions of this salt must be evaporated in an atmosphere 
of COo, etc. in order to avoid oxidation. The crystals obtained were 
very deliquescent. They began to decompose at about 60 C., melted 
below 100 C. and exploded at a higher temperature. 3 

The detection, estimation and structure of hypophosphitcs are 
discussed under " Phosphites " (q.v.}. 

In contradistinction to phosphorus itself and the products of its 
slow oxidation, hypophosphorous acid and the hypophosphites do not 
appear to be toxic. 4 Calcium hypophosphite appears to be completely 
eliminable from the system. 5 Hypophosphites of calcium, sodium and 
iron, have been prescribed in medicine, but although in some cases they 
appear to have done good there is no conclusive evidence of the value 
of the hypophosphite radical apart from the basic radical or other 
constituent of tlie mixture. 

Phosphorous Acid, H 3 PO 3 . The production of an acid liquid by 
the slow combustion of phosphorus in the presence of water was 
observed by le Sage in 1777. G The aeid was prepared by Pelleticrby 
drawing a slow current of air over phosphorus enclosed in fine tubes 
which dipped into water. 7 The distinction between this acid and 
phosphoric acid was recognised in the early nineteenth century, as also 
was the fact that the slow combustion of phosphorus could vield a 
mixture of the two acids. 8 

The method of preparation just mentioned is not a good one. 
Phosphorous oxide dissolves only slowly in cold water and phosphoric 
acid is continuously produced from the first, while hot water gives a 

1 Dulono-, loc. cd., and Ann. Phil, 1818, n, 134; Raimnclsbercr, An.nal(>n., 18G7, 
132, 401 ; Trans. Chf-.w. Xor,., 1ST. ), 26, 1, 13; Michaolis and von Areml, loc. cit. 

2 Hoi mann and Kohlschutter, Zei-twh. u.uory. Chew., 1898, 16, 409. 

3 SabaneefT, Bcr., 1897, 30, 287; Z&dsch. anor<j. Chtm,., 1898, 17, 483; 1809, 20, 21. 

4 Paqm lm and July, Compt. rtn.d., 1878, 86, loOo; J. Phttrm. Chini., J878, [4 ], 28, 
314; Polk, Phrmn. J., 1874, [3], 5, 42.1 

5 Panzer, Zcitsck. Scthr. Genu^-m., 1902, 5, 11. 
c le Sauc, 3/fcw, Acad., 1777, p. 321. 

7 .Pclletiei , Ann. Chim. Phy*., 1.792, [1], 14, 113. 

8 Davy, Phil. Tram., 1812, 102, 405; 18.18, 108, 316; Dulono-, Ann. C him. Ph.ys., 
1816, [2], 2, 14-1; Phil. Mag., 1816, 48, 271; Sornmer, J. Soc. Cham. Lid., 1885, 4, 574. 



variety of products. A better method is that recommended by Davy, 1 
namely, by the hydrolysis of phosphorus trichloride. Some white 
phosphorus is placed in a deep cylinder -and covered with water. The 
element is melted and chlorine is passed in through a tube which dips 
well into the phosphorus. 2 Large quantities may be quickly obtained 
by this method, but the product contains phosphoric acid. Regulated 
action of PC1 3 on water may be effected by passing a current of dry 
air through the trichloride kept at 60 C. and then through two wash- 
bottles containing water. 3 The action is also much less violent if an 
acid such as concentrated aqueous hydrochloric acid is used in place 
of the water. Oxalic acid is most suitable, since it is dehydrated with 
decomposition when heated in a flask with phosphorus trichloride. 
The flask is furnished with a reflux condenser. Much of the IIC1 is 
evolved and a concentrated solution of phosphorous acid remains : 

PCI 3 + 3II 2 C 2 O 4 = H 3 PO 3 -r 3CO + SCO 2 ->- 3HC1 4 

In these preparations it is usually necessary to remove the hydro 
chloric acid which is produced ; this may be done by distilling the 
solution up to a temperature not exceeding 180 C. A syrupy liquid 
is then obtained which, after cooling, crystallises quickly, or at any rate 
within a few hours. The process may be hastened as usual by seeding. 

Physical Properties. The crystalline acid was found to melt at 
70-1 C., 5 74 C. 6 The density of the liquid supercooled at 21 C. was 
1-651. 5 The latent heat of fusion of the acid was found to be 7-07 Cals. 5 
The heat of solution of the acid per mol dissolved in 400 mols or more 
of water was +233 Cals. 5 The heat of formation of the crystallised 
acid has been given as +227-7 Cals. 5 

Aqueous Solutions. The conductivities of phosphorous acid arc 
lower than those of hypophosphorous acid at corresponding dilutions, 
showing that the former acid, is less dissociated, as appears from the 
following values : - 7 

ACID AT 25 C. 






04 128 




. 120 





202 318 





Since phosphorous acid is dibasic, the dissociation constant was 
not calculated from the conductivities, but from the hydrogen-ion 
concentrations set up during neutralisation, which may be expressed 
by a neutralisation curve. This 8 gave A 1 =0-05 and K 2 ^2- -I x 10~ 5 
or 9 K l -0-010 at c =0-001 to 7^= 0-062 at c = 0-1 and 7v 2 "=0-7 xlO" 6 . 

J Loc. oil. 

2 Droquet. /. Ckim. MM.., 182S, [I], 4, 220. 

3 Groshemtx, Bull. tior.. c/ntn., J877, i_2], 27, 43:*. 

4 Hurtzio and. Geuthor, J. prald. Ch.t-.m., ]Sf>{), [4], III, 170. 

5 Thomson, lor. cit.. 

G Hurt/iLi", " E urine, llci-trimc. znr /laJic ri ii Kt. n.iifi/ix drr titiuikti dc* I^ioxnliors uad 


As in the case of hypophosphorous acid, the molar conductivity, while 
increasing at first with temperature, reached a maximum at about 
70 C. and then diminished. 1 

The lowering of the freezing-point, - A, and the elevation of the 
boiling-point, -rAt, of water, which is made 6 -normal with respect to 
phosphorous acid, are taken as proving that polymerisation had taken 
place as well as electrolytic dissociation. 

BY H 3 P0 3 . 

c . . 

1-186 ; 




- A/. c C. 





i . . . 






BY H 3 P0 3 . 

1 c . . 0-976 < 0-488 0-244 0-122 

i +AZ, . i 0-51 I 0-28 0-1G 0-13 

I i . . i 0-960 I 1-063 1-215 1-972 

The factors or activity coefficients ? are calculated on the assump 
tion that the original molecules dissociating are the simplest / e 

ii 3 i CV 

Bax-K itij.- In the neutralisation ot the acid by NaOl! in dilute 
solution it was .found that 

11-jPO.j -f NaOII = XalloPO., + !I,,O + 1 1-8 (als. 
II, PO., -r2NaO! I -.XaoIIPO., 4-211,0-1- 2 xl 12 C als. 
II : jl ) : ,-r3NaOII=XaJIPO 3 -f 2!lol) i-XaOII -;-3 x 0(> Cals. 

whence only two of the hydrogens arc ionisable. 3 So far as the ionmihe 
of j)hosphites arc known (v. rujrfi, p. 1 t(5), tlicy coniain a. niaximimi 
of two equivalents of a combined with 1 mol of the acid. Attempts 
to prepare 1 Xa.jPO.j liavc not been successful. 1 Dibasicit.y is also con 
firmed by a study of the neutralisation curves. 

Oxidation. In Solution.- -Phosphorous acid and the phosphites arc 
not quite such strong reducing agents as hypophosphorous acid and 
the hypophosphitcs. The free acid undergoes self-oxidation and 
-reduction at a higher temperature than hypophosphorous acid 
(see p. 138). 

Atmospheric oxygen docs not oxidise the acid at ordinary fern- 


peratures, nor is such oxidation catalysed by iodine in the dark. In 
the light, however, hydrogen iodide is formed according to the equation 

H 3 PO 3 -r I + EUO = IIJP0 4 + 2HI 

O i> ^ i O 4: 

being reoxidised rapidly by oxygen, thus 

The oxidation of phosphites by iodine was found to proceed to com 
pletion in neutral solution 2 (see "Estimation," p. 149). Over a 
narrow range of concentrations the reaction was found to be uni- 
moleeular with respect to iodine and phosphorous acid. 3 It is said 
to be catalysed by hydrogen ions which are formed as the reaction 
proceeds. 4 A further study of the velocity constants showed that the 
mechanism was more complicated than had previously been supposed, 
and that the two tautomeric forms participated in different wavs. 5 
A solution of iodine in potassium iodide contains the ions I and I 3 , 
and also molecular iodine, I 2 . The latter reacts directly with the 
normal form of phosphorous acid and this reaction is repressed by 
hydrogen ions. Simultaneously, the phosphorous acid changes into 
another form with which the L, ion reacts. This second reaction is 
accelerated by hydrogen ions either directly or, more probably, because 
they accelerate the tautomeric change. 

General Reactions. Various products were obtained when phos 
phorous acid was heated with halogens in a sealed tube. Iodine gave 
phosphoric and hydriodic acids, phosphonium iodide and an iodide 
of phosphorus, whilst bromine gave phosphoric acid, phosphorus tri- 
bromidc and hydrobromic acid. 6 A dry ether solution of the acid was 
not oxidised by bromine or dry palladium black, but oxidation pro 
ceeded readily in the presence of moisture. 7 

Phosphorous acid also reduced sulphurous acid, the end products 
being sulphur and phosphoric acid, thus : 

21I 3 PO 3 + HoSCK = 2H 3 P0 4 + S -r HoO s 

Sulphuric acid, which dissolved phosphorous acid in the cold, was 
reduced to sulphur dioxide on heating. 9 

Salts of the noble metals, including copper and mercury, were found 
to oxidise phosphorous to phosphoric acid. The metal was precipitated 
from silver salts 10 and also from gold salts. 11 It is generally agreed 

1 Luther and Plotnikoff, Zeiltch. phyxikal. Chew.., 1908, 61, 513. 
- Rupp and Fmck, Bcr , 1002, 35," 3691. 

3 1/ederlm, Zc.ittidi. pky^lhiL, 1902, 41, 365. 

4 Sleeks Trans. Chun. Soc.., 1909, 95, 22<)3. 

5 Mitchell, Trim*. Claim. /w;., 1923, 123, 2241; and luc. ciL 
f> Gustav.son, J. prnkt. C/i.c.)/i., 1867, [1], 101, 123. 

7 Wieland and Windier, AtUialtn, 1923, 434, 185. 
;i Wohler, A-nnnlf>.tt," l$4l , 39, 252; Cavazzi, OazzcMa. 1SS6, 16, 169. 
;) \Vurtz, rend., 1844, 18, 702; 1845, 21, 149, 354: Adie, Trrn,*. Soc., 
1S9J, 59, 230. 

10 Sieverts, Ztilsch. a-norg. Chc--m., 1909, 64, 29; Vanino, Pkann., 1899, 49. 037. 

11 Balard, Ann. Ckrm. Pkys., 1834, [2J, 57, 225; Wurtz, toe. clt ; Sieverts, Major, 
" Zur Kennhii.s cler photpkoriyen -it ml unterplifjupftoriyeji Schirc,," Weidai Th., 190S. 


that copper is precipitated from copper sulphate, 1 while cuprous oxide 
or hydrogen may also be liberated, according to the conditions : 

3H 3 PO, + CuS0 4 -f- 3HoQ = Cu -f- 2Ho - 3H 3 PO 4 + H,S0 4 
H 3 P0 3 + CuSO 4 + HoO - Cu - H 3 PO 4 + H 2 S0 4 

The reduction of mercuric chloride gave mcrcurous chloride when 
the mercuric chloride was in excess, and mercury when the phosphorous 
acid was in excess, 2 while the total reaction can be represented by the 

2HgCl. 2 + H 3 P0 3 + H 2 - H 3 P0 4 -f 2HgCl + 2HC1 . (i ) 
or HgCl 2 +H 3 P0 3 -rH 2 0=H 3 PO 4 +Hg+2HCl . . (2) 

The mechanism has not been complete!}" elucidated and may be very 
complex. The reaction has been classified as of the third order in 
dilute solution, and as of the first order with respect to HgCl 2 . 3 But 
it has also been stated that the reaction which is chiefly responsible for 
the observed velocity is the conversion of a first or normal form of 
H 3 P0 3 into a second or active form, which then reacts according to 
equation (2) above. In the absence of extraneous chloride ions these 
arc produced by another reaction, thus- 

HgCl : + H 3 P0 3 (normal) + H 2 =H 3 PO 4 + Hg + 211" + 01" * 

Many other oxidising agents are capable of oxidising phosphorous 
acid. The reaction with potassium persulphate is very slow, but in 
the presence of hydriodic acid it is much accelerated. This is a good 
example of a coupled reaction. 5 

Phosphorous acid forms esters by direct union with several alcohols. 6 
With ethyl alcohol it gave di ethyl phosphite. 7 Ethyl derivatives of 
phosphorous and phosphoric acids have been made by the action of 
bromine on sodium diethyl phosphite in ligroin. They arc separated 
by fractional distillation. 8 

The Phosphites. Two scries of phosphites arc known, the primary 
phosphites, >II1 2 PO : >, and the secondary, MJIPO 3 , M being a univalcnt 
metal. Crystalline salts have also been prepared containing an excess 
of phosphorous acid. The phosphites of the alkali metals and ammonia 
are soluble, those of the alkaline earths sparingly soluble, while those of 
other metals are only very slightly soluble. They may be prepared by 
the usual methods :- 

(1) By neutralising phosphorous acid to the appropriate end point 

with alkali hydroxides and evaporating to crystallisation. 

(2) By neutralising a. solution of phosphorous acid, or one made 

from PCI 3 , with ammonia and adding a salt of the required 

(3) By dissolving the hydroxide of the base in phosphorous acid. 

1 J\am.mdsl)or<j;, A-intftlc.ti-, 18(17, 131, 203, 3r>i); 132, 481; tSiovcrts, loc. c.ll.\ Major, 
he. cti. 

> T> 1 . . . 1 7 ... . / . \ \ ,...-< r, ? , .,. ,, , / 

- Balard, loc. , , . 

3 Linhart, A-n cr. J. Hc.i., 1013, |4|, 35, 3r>3. 

1 Mitche]], 7V /,x. 67/r///. Xor.., ]1)1>.J, 125, 1013. 

(: Sachs and Ljviusky, J. HUM. /V/.//*. 6 Ac/y/. ,Vor., 1 ( J03, 35, 2{ 

7 Thorpe and Xorth , Trans. Chun,. /S oc., 1800, 57, 634. 

8 Arbusov, J. prakl. Cham-., 1031, [2J, 131, JU3. 


The phosphites are fairly stable in the absence of oxidising agents 
and dilute solutions may even be boiled without decomposition. More 
concentrated solutions may decompose, giving hydrogen: thus 

Xa oHPO : > - XaOH = Na 3 PO 4 + H 2 

The solid salts decompose when heated, giving phosphine or hydrogen 
or both, and leaving the ortho- or pyro-phosphate of the metal ; thus 

2Ba,I-IP0 3 .H =Ba 9 PoO, -f 2H, 

5PblIP6 3 =PboP A +Pb 3 "(P0 4 ) 2 -f PH 3 + H 2 

The formulae of typical phosphites arc as follows : 

LiII 2 P0 3 ; Li 2 HPO 3 .H 2 Q, four-sided plates; XaH 2 PO 3 .2j-H 2 O, 
monoclinic prisms : Xa 2 HPO 3 .5-5lL,O, rhombic bipyramiclal needles ; 
KH 2 P0 3 , monoclinic prisms"; K "HP0 3 : XH 4 HoPO 3 , monoclinic 
prisms; (NH ;4 ) 2 HPQ 3 .H 2 0, four-sided prisms; Ag 2 HPO 3 , white 
crystalline precipitate ; 2CaHP0 3 .2ll > O J white precipitate": Ba(ILP0 3 ) ; 
BaHPO 3 .-J-HoO 5 white crystals; Bao(HoPO 3 ) 3 .5l : I O ; Ms(H PO .,), ; 
MgIIPO 3 .6H,O ; CuHPO 3 .2HoO, blue " crystals ; ~ ZnHPO :V 2l-ILO ; 
MnIIPO 3 .H 2 6, reddish-white precipitate: >b(H 2 PO,) 2 ; PbIIPO 3 ; 
?iFeO.P 2 3 , crystalline mineral; CoIIP6 3 .2H 2 O," reel crystals, blue 
when dried ; (XI-I 4 ) 2 [Co :3 (HP0 3 ) 4 ].18H 2 O 5 and a corresponding nickel 

Ammonium phosphite in its hydratccl form, (XH 4 ) 2 IIPO ;J .H 2 O, 
or as the anhydrous salt, has been made by saturating phosphorous 
acid with ammonia, 1 or by passing ammonia over the hydrogen phos 
phite at 100 C. 2 It easily loses both water and ammonia when heated 
or kept in a. vacuum. 3 

The hydrogen phosphite XHJIJPO, is rather more stable, and has 
been prepared by the neutralisation of phosphorous acid with ammonia 
to methyl orange, followed by careful evaporation. 4 It melts at about 
120 C. and decomposes at about 140 C., giving ammonia, phosphine 
and phosphorous acid. The form and constants of the crystals have 
been described. 5 

Hydroxylaminc phosphite, (XH 2 OH) .H 3 PO 3 , was prepared by 
double decomposition of one mol of Xa.jiPO 3 with two niols of 
XH 2 Q1LHC1. The sodium chloride was crystallised out by evaporation 
in vacua, and the very soluble hydroxylaminc salt crystallised from 
alcohol. It melts easily, is inflammable and is a strong reducing agent. 
Hydrazine phosphite, XoH^H.jPO.j, has also been prepared, from barium 
phosphite and hydra /inc sulphate. 5 

Structure of the Hypophosphites and Phosphites. The mono- 
basicity of hypophosphorous acid points to the unsymmctrical formula. 
The probable existence also of a proportion in the symmetrical form 
may be indicated by the case with which the acid undergoes self-oxida 
tion and -reduction on heating, thus 

H0-P0= Ho H-P; = (OH) 2 >PH 3 -i-HO-PO = 

1 Rose, A-tnudcn, IS^T, 9, 28, :};}, lUT); Foui-croy and V aiiquclin, Jouru.. L^objl., LTD."), 
4, 055. 

2 Arnal, lac,. ct L, and "",S v//- /r.s /;//,ox/.;///./^-.v d [f* iiymjikoxphUw^ 1S1M, Pans. 

3 Wurtx, Ann.. Cfirnt. /V/,//x. ? lor. at. Aniat, Joe. < /.!. 

5 Dufct, Bull. ,S oc. mi, i. d<- France., 1801, 14, 201). 

6 SabancefT, Zcitec/i. nnora. C/icni., JS9S, 17, 488; 1899, 20, 22. 


that copper is precipitated from copper sulphate, 1 while cuprous oxide 
or hydrogen may also be liberated, according to the conditions : 

3H 3 PO 3 -^ CuSO 4 + 3HoO = Cu + 2I1 2 + 3H 3 PO 4 + H,S0 4 
H 3 P0 3 ^CuS0 4 -rHoO =Cu +H 3 P0 4 -f-H 2 S0 4 

The reduction of mercuric chloride gave mercurous chloride when 
the mercuric chloride was in excess, and mercury when the phosphorous 
acid was in excess, 2 while the total reaction can be represented by the 

2HgCl o -h H 3 PO 3 + II 2 = H 3 P0 4 + 2HgCl + 2HC1 . (1 ) 
or HgCl 2 +H 3 P0 3 +H 2 O=H 3 PO 4 +Hg+2HCl . . (2) 

The mechanism has not been completely elucidated and may be very 
complex. The reaction has been classified as of the third order in 
dilute solution, and as of the first order with respect to HgCl 2 . 3 But 
it has also been stated that the reaction which is chiefly responsible for 
the observed velocity is the conversion of a first or normal form, of 
H 3 PO 3 into a second or active form, which then reacts according to 
equation (2) above. In the absence of extraneous chloride ions these 
are produced by another reaction, thus- 

HgCl" + H 3 PO 3 (normal) + H 2 O =H 3 PO 4 -f- Hg + 2 II -f Cl" 4 

Many other oxidising agents are capable of oxidising phosphorous 
acid. The reaction with potassium persulphate is very slow, but in 
the presence of hyclriodic acid it is much accelerated. This is a good 
example of a coupled reaction. 5 

Phosphorous acid forms esters by direct union with several alcohols. 6 
With ethyl alcohol it gave diethyl phosphite. 7 Ethyl derivatives of 
phosphorous and phosphoric acids have been made by the action of 
bromine on sodium diethyl phosphite in ligroin. They arc separated 
by fractional distillation. 8 

The Phosphites. Two scries of phosphites arc known, the primary 
phosphites, MII 2 PO 3 , and the secondary, M 2 IIP0 3 , M being a univalent 
metal. Crystalline salts have also been prepared containing an excess 
of phosphorous acid. The phosphites of the alkali metals and ammonia 
arc soluble, those of the alkaline earths sparingly soluble, while those of 
other metals are only very slightly soluble. They may be prepared by 
the usual methods : 

(1) By neutralising phosphorous acid to the appropriate end point 

with alkali hydroxides and evaporating to crystallisation. 

(2) By neutralising a solution of phosphorous acid, or one made 

from PC1 3 , with ammonia and adding a salt of the required 

(3) By dissolving the hydroxide of the base in phosphorous acid. 

1 Kammclsborir, Awt ilm, J8G7, 131, 203, 3f>9, 132, 481.; ftjcvorts, loc. r?/..; Major, 
loc. til. 

- Balard, loc.; Wurt/., loc. 

3 Linharu Amr.r. J. tic-i., 11)13, [4], 35, 3f>3. 

1 Mitchell, Tran. Che.,*. ,SV,c., 102-1, 125, 1013. 

5 .Fedorlin, %i(:itt-h. ithyxikdl. Ghf-.rn., liiOi , 41, ;">70. 

Sachs and Lovitsky, -/. 7. v/,s-.s-. Phyx. Ckon. Soc,., J ( J()3, 35, i>LL 

7 Thorpe and Xorth^ Trans. Chem. /S wc., 1890, 57, 634. 

8 Arbusov, J.praM. Chun., 1031, [2j, 131, 103. 


The phosphites are fairly stable in the absence of oxidising- agents 
and dilute solutions may even be boiled without decomposition. More 
concentrated solutions may decompose, giving hydrogen; thus 

Xa 2 HP0 3 -r XaQH = Xa 3 P0 4 + H, 

The solid salts decompose when heated, giving- phosphine or hydrogen 
or both, and leaving the ortho- or pyro-phosphate of the metal ; thus 

2BaIIPOo.IIoO =Ba Po0 7 -2lI 

5Pbi-IP0 3 ^PboPA 4-Pb 3 "(P0 4 ) 2 +PH 3 +H 2 

The formulae of typical phosphites are as follows : 

LiH 2 P0 3 ; LioHP0 3 .H 2 0, four-sided plates; KaH 2 PO 3 .2pI 2 0, 

moiioclinic prisms ; Na 2 HP0 3 .5-5lI 2 O, rhombic bipyramidal needles ; 
KH 9 PO 3 , mono clinic, prisms : K 9 HP0 3 ; XIl.JloPO.^ monoclinic 
prisms : (XH 4 ) 2 HPO 3 .H 2 O, four-sided prisms ; Ag 2 HPO 3 , white 
crystalline precipitate ; 2CaHPO 3 .2H 2 O, white precipitate"; Ba(H-,P0 3 )o ; 
BaHP0 3 .i-H 9 0, white crystals ; Ba,(I-L,PO 3 ) 3 .5HoO ; Msr(H 9 POo) 9 ": 
MgHPO 3 .6HoO ; CuHP6 3 .2HoO, blue " crystals ; " ZnHPO 3 .2iHoO ; 
MnHPO 3 .H 2 6, reddish-white precipitate; Pb(H 2 PO 3 ) 2 ; PbHPO 3 ; 
nFeO.P 2 O 3 , crystalline mineral ; CoHP0 3 .2H 2 O, red crystals, blue 
when dried ; (XH 4 ) 2 [Co 3 (HPO 3 ) 4 ].18H 2 J and a corresponding nickel 

Ammonium phosphite in its hydrated form, (XH 4 ) 2 HP0 3 .H 2 0, 
or as the anhydrous salt, has been made by saturating phosphorous 
acid with ammonia, 1 or by passing ammonia over the hydrogen phos 
phite at 100 C. 2 It easily loses both water and ammonia when heated 
or kept in a vacuum. 3 

The hydrogen phosphite XH 4 II 2 PO ;? is rather more stable, and has 
been prepared by the neutralisation of phosphorous acid with ammonia 
to methyl orange, followed by careful evaporation.* It melts at about 
120 C. and decomposes at about 140 C., giving ammonia, phosphine 
and phosphorous acid. The form and constants of the crystals have 
been described. 5 

Hydroxylamine phosphite, (XH 2 OH) 2 .H 3 PO 3s was prepared by 
double decomposition of one mol of Xa 2 HP0 3 with two mols of 
XH 2 OILI-in. The sodium chloride was crystallised out by evaporation 
in vacuo, and the very soluble hydroxylaminc salt crystallised from 
alcohol. It melts easily, is inflammable and is a strong reducing agent. 
Ilydrazine phosphite, XoH^.TLjPOy, has also been prepared, from barium 
phosphite and hydrazinc sulphate. 6 

Structure of the Hypophosphites and Phosphites. The mono- 
basicity of hypophosnhorous acid points to the urisymmetrical formula. 
The probable existence also of a proportion in the symmetrical form 
may be indicated by the with which the acid undergoes sell-oxida 
tion and -reduction on heating, thus 

HO - PO = ;II 2 II -Pi = (OH), > PH 3 -i-HO -PO - (OH) 2 

1 Rose, AiriHilcn, 1827, 9, 2S, . i.S, 2.1 ~>; Fourcroy and Vauqnelin, Joi/r/t.. Poly!-., 1705, 
4, Ci");"). 

2 Arrmt, lor.. ciL, a ml ; ",S ///- lr- phovpJ,./,/.^ H If* wrophoxpliitc.s" 180], Paris. 
:! \Vurtz, Ann.. C/rint. 7 J ///y.v., !oc.. ciL 1 Amat, loc. cit. 

5 J)ufct, Hull, A or:. mitt da France, ISO I, 14, 200. 

6 SabancefT, ZciLwh. anorfj. Chem., 189S, 17, 488; J890, 20, 22. 

VOL. vr. : ii. 10 


Hypophosphorous acid easily adds on benzaldehyde, and the pro 
duct, di! oxybenzene] phosphorous acid, must have the unsymmetrical 

HO - PO - [CH(OH)C 6 H 5 ] 2 x 

Alkylphosphinic acids should also be considered as compounds in 
which the alkyl is directly attached to phosphorus, since they have 
been obtained by the oxidation of primary alkylphosphines with fuming 
nitric acid. (CH 3 ) 2 =PO -OH is hardly an acid, but rather resembles 
a higher aliphatic, alcohol in its waxy appearance and melting-point 
(76 C.). This compound sublimes without decomposition. 

Ester acids of phosphorous acid are known, such as CH 3 .PO(OH) 
( 105 C.) and C 2 H 5 .PO(OH) 2 ( 44 C.), which are capable 
of giving mono- and di- ethyl esters. 2 

The tautomerism of phosphites has been proved by the preparation 
of two tri ethyl phosphites. 3 The one, prepared by the action of phos 
phorus trichloride on sodium cthoxide, was probably the symmetrical 
ester, being formed according to the equation 

PC1 3 +3XaOC 2 H 5 =P(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 + 3NaCl 

Its density, Z) 1 ^, was 0-9605, it boiled at 156 C., was insoluble in water, 
soluble in many organic solvents, and had a molecular weight of 154 
in benzene. It reduced mercuric chloride. The other, prepared by 
the action of lead phosphite on ethyl iodide, or phosphorous oxide on 
ethyl alcohol, had a density, D^\ of 1-028, boiled at 108 C 1 .. and did not 
reduce mercuric chloride. This was probably dicthylcthyl phosphite, 
having the formula C 2 H 5 - PO = (OC 2 II 5 ) 2 . A di ethyl ester lias also been 
prepared which boils at 187-188 C. and may have either formula 

HO -P(OC 2 H 5 ) 2 or II -PO(OC 2 II 5 ) 2 

The unsaturatccl character of these trialkyl esters wa-s shown by the 
ease with which they were attacked by nitric acid, but still more clearly 
by the formation, with evolution of heat, of stable crystalline addition 
compounds when they were mixed with cuprous halides. Tims 
CuCl.P(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 was described as consisting of colourless crystals 
melting at 190 to 192 C. and soluble in organic solvents. 1 This 
property they share with phosphine, alkylphosphincs and phosphorus 
trihalides. The phosphoric, esters were quite indifferent to cuprous 
halides. Nor were such addition compounds formed cither by phos 
phorous acid itself or by the dialkyl esters, which may show that the 
latter compounds have the unsyminctrical formula. Phosphorous acid 
probably exists in both, forms, but first as P(OII). { , i.e. when produced 
from PCl 3 and II 2 O. 5 This may he transformed into the unsym 
metrical form through an addition compound I!( 1.P(()II) ;J , 1 and 
probably also exists in the form of complex molecules, such as 

1 Ville, Ann. CJrim. Phyx., 189.1, [(>], 23, 291. 

2 Thorpe and Xorth, Tran*. Chcm. >SV., 1890, 57, ;"J4f>, (>, M. Sec also Palazzo and 
Maggiacomo, Atti J{. Lincc.i, .1908, [5J, 17, i, 432. 

3 Kailton, Trans. Chziii. /S oc., 1855, 7, 21(5; Thorf)o and North, /or.; Micliaelis 
and Becker, Bar., 1.897, 30, 1003. 

4 Arbusov, /. Huns. Phyfi. Chew.. Soc., 1905, 38, 101. 
3 Mitchell, Trans. Chc.m. Sue., 1925, 127, 33(3, 


H 4 (HoP 2 O G ), the existence of which was demonstrated by the freezing- 
points of concentrated solutions. 1 

The X-ray K absorption spectra of phosphorous acid and the phos 
phites of Xa. Al, Mn, Fe". Fe ", Ca, XL and Cd were nearly the same, 
the head of the absorption band lying at A=575-l--l X-ray units. The 
band of silver diethyl phosphite was at 5760-4. The values for phos 
phorus in the elementary state and in different forms of combination 
were as follows : 

Hvpophosphites. Phosphites. Phosphates. -p T Vi 1 let _. W} ! ite 

" i r J - * J - Phosphorus. Phosphorus. 

5757-5 5754-1 5750-7 5771-5 5776-9 2 

It was stated that the wavelengths of the absorption bands of elements 
are higher than those of their compounds, and that the bands pass to 
shorter wavelengths as the valency rises, provided that the successively 
attached atoms or radicals are the same. The general results showed 
that the structural formulae of the phosphorous diesters, triphenyl- 
methylphosphorous acid and ferric monopropyl phosphite were 
(RO) 2 =PG-(H), sodium diethyl phosphite (EtO) 2 PO(Xa), silver 
diethyl phosphite (EtG) 2 P(OAg), monoacetylphosphorous acid (HO) 2 
PO(Ac). In solution, the diesters and metal esters contained a mixture 
of tautomeric forms. 3 

Meta- and Pyro -phosphorous Acids. The acids HP0 2 and 
H } P 5 may be regarded as partly dehydrated forms of orthophosphorous 
acid. In their modes of preparation and properties they recall some 
what the nicta- and pyro-phosphoric acids. 

Meta phosphorous Acid was produced during the spontaneous com 
bustion of dry phosphine in dry oxygen at a low pressure, probably 
according to the equation 

It was deposited on the walls of the vessel in feathery crystals, 4 which 
were readily hydratcd by water giving H 3 P0 3 . 

Pliroph.ospiioruus Acid has been made by treating PC1 3 with a little 
water, or by shaking the syrupy acid with a slight excess of PC1 3 and 
evaporating in a desiccator over KG II and P 2 O 5 . The crystalline acid 
was very deliquescent. 5 Secondary phosphites when heated gave pyro- 
phos plates with loss of water, thus 

2BaIIPO 3 =Ba 2 P 2 5 -i-H 2 

By the addition of the theoretical quantity of sulphuric acid the unstable 
II 4 P 2 5 was obtained. 

Sodium dihydropyrophosphitc was prepared by heating sodium 
hydrogen phosphite in a vacuum at 160 C. : 

3 =Xa 2 H 2 P 2 5 -r II 2 O 6 

1 Koscnlicii-n and Italiener, Zc.ittch. ar/org. Chf-m., 1923, 129, 106. 

2 Slcllintr, Znl^ Ji,. anon/. Ch.c.m.< 1023. 131, 48. 

3 ttiollinir, Zf.-itxch. phi/.-iilcoL Ckc.m.., It^f), 117, 194. 

4 van do Sf-.adi, ^.:fi. -plujxikaL Chvn., 18!)8, 12, 322. 

5 Auo-er, Cunipt. mid., 1U03, 136, 814. 

c Amat, "tiur Us phoK phitkx tl Us pyrophosphiies" Paris, .1801; Co-hip I. rend., 1888, 
106, 1400; 1889, 109, 1050; J8 ( JO, no, 191; 1S90, in, 676; 1891, 112, 527, 614. 


The free acid was hydratcd to phosphorous acid in solution with 

smary gave a 23 . e a c, e sat 

Xa 2 HoP 2 5 being formed by neutralisation, with evolution of 14.3 
Cals. per mol of water formed in the equation 

H 4 P 2 O 5 +2X 

Other salts of this acid have been prepared. As in the case of phos 
phorous acid the structure may be symmetrical or unsymmctrical, 

/P(OH) 2 /PO(H)(OH) 

0< or 0< 

\P(OH) 2 \PO(H)(OH) 

Detection and Estimation of Phosphites and Hypophosphites. 

Solutions of hypophosphorous and phosphorous acids, as well, as 
their salts, when evaporated to dryness and heated, give spontaneously 
inflammable pliosphine and a residue of phosphoric acid or phosphate 
respectively. The reduction of salts of copper and silver, and of 
mercuric chloride, by these acids may also be used as tests. When 
the alkali salts arc boiled with concentrated alkali hydrogen is evolved 
and a phosphate is found in solution, thus 

KHoPOo + 2KOH - K 3 PO 4 + 2lI 
K 2 HP0 3 + KOH = K 3 PO 4 + H 2 

Xascent hydrogen, from zinc and sulphuric acid, reduces both acids 
to phosphine, which may be detected by the yellow stain which it 
produces on silver nitrate : 

PH 3 + 6A 5 X0 3 =PAg 3 .3AgN0 3 -i- 31IXO 3 

This is similar to the stain given by arsine and, like AsAg 3 .3AgXO 3 , 
is hydrolysed and blackened by moisture : 

PAg 3 .3AgX0 3 -r 3H 2 = H 3 P0 3 + 3IIXO., + CAg 

Hypophosphites are all soluble in water and therefore the solutions 
give no precipitates with the ions of the alkaline earths, silver, etc. 
Silver salts, however, are rapidly reduced to metallic silver, and phos 
phoric. acid is found in the solution : 

2XaH 2 P0 2 -r2AgX0 3 -f 4-H 2 -211.^0, + 2XaXO :J + 2Ag f 3II 2 

When hypophosphitcs are heated with copper sulphate solution to 
55 C. a reddish-black precipitate of Cu 2 ll,, is produced, which de 
composes at 100 C. into hydrogen and copper. Permanganates are 
immediately reduced by The effect of other oxidising 
agents is mentioned under " Estimation." 

Phosphites may be distinguished from hypophosphites by several 
tests. The ions of barium and lead give white precipitates with solu 
tions of phosphites. Silver nitrate gives a. white precipitate in the 
cold, from which black metallic, silver is quickly deposited on 
warming : 

Xa oHPO-3 -i- 2AgXO, = Ag JIPO, + 2\aX(), 
Ag 2 HP0 3 + H 2 6 = 2 Ai -l- II 3 P0 4 


Copper sulphate is reduced to brown metallic copper with evolution of 
hydrogen, but without intermediate formation of a hydride. Per 
manganates are reduced more slowly by phosphites than by hypo- 
phosphites under similar conditions. 

Estimation. The course of the neutralisation curves of hypo- 
phosphorous and phosphorous acids can be deduced from the values 
of the dissociation constants. The curves have also been determined 
with the aid of the glass electrode. 1 The curve for hypophosphorous 
acid is that of a strong acid with only one inflection. That of phos 
phorous acid has two inflections, at ^H = 3-4 to 4-5 and at >H=8-4 
to 9-2. The first ;i end-point " can be located with dimethylamino- 
azobenzene or methyl orange, and the second with phenolphthalein or 
thymol blue. The first gives the sum of H 3 PO 2 , H 3 PO 3 and H 3 P0 4 
if present together, while the difference between the first and second 
" end-points " gives the sum of H 3 PO 3 and H 3 P0 4 . From these data 
the equivalents of H 3 PO 2 can be obtained. 

Hypophosphite and phosphite may also be determined by oxidation 
with iodine. In alkaline bicarbonate solutions phosphites are oxidised 
quickly to phosphates, while hypophosphites are hardly affected, i.e. 
they do not use any measurable amount of decinormal iodine after 
standing for two hours at ordinary temperatures. In acid solution 
hypophosphorous acid is slowly oxidised to phosphorous acid, but no 
further, according to the equation 

H 3 PO 2 -f- 1 2 -!- H 2 O = H 3 P0 3 -r 2HI 2 

On these reactions is based a method for determining the acids sepa 
rately or in the same solution. 

A phosphite solution of about JI//10 concentration is placed in a 
stoppered flask with an excess of sodium bicarbonate saturated with 
carbonic acid and an excess of! decinormal iodine solution and allowed 
to stand for about an hour. It is then acidified with acetic acid and 
the excess of iodine is back-titrated with decinormal bicarbonate- 

1 c.c. of decinormal iodine solution ~ 0-004103 gram of H 3 PO 3 

A hypo phosphite solution is acidified with dilute sulphuric acid, 
treated with a known amount, in excess, of decinormal iodine solution 
and allowed to stand for 10 hours at ordinary temperatures. A cream 
of NaIICO 3 is then added until CO 2 evolution ceases, then fifth-normal 
XaIICO 3 solution, saturated with CO 2 , whereby oxidation goes through 
the next stage, to phosphate. After addition of: acetic acid the excess 
of iodine is titrated with standard arsenite as before. 

1 c.c. decinormal iodine solution ~ 0-00165 gram of H 3 PO 2 

Phosphite, which usually is present in small amounts in hypophosphitc, 
will be included and must be titrated separately in bicarbonate solution 
as before. 3 

Acid dichromatc and alkaline permanganate may also be used as 
oxidising agents, the excess being determined iodometrically and with 
ferrous sulphate solution respectively. 

1 Morton, Quart. J. Pharm., 1930, 3, 438. 

2 Rupp and Pinck, Btr., 1902, 35, 3691; Arch. Pharm., 1902, 240, 663. 

3 \Vulf and Jung, Ztltsch. awry. Ch&m., 1931, 201, 347. 


Either of these acids may also be determined by weighing the 
mercurous chloride which is produced by reaction with mercuric 
chloride in slightly acid solution, according to the equations 

H 3 POo + 2HoO + 4HQlo - 2Hg Clo -f 4HC1 + I1,PO 4 
H 3 PO 3 -r HoO + 2HgClo = HgoCL + 2HC1 + H 3 PO 4 

The mercurous chloride is washed with water and dried at 110 C., 
or with alcohol and ether and dried at 95 C. 1 

Hypophosphoric Acid. This acid, together with phosphorous 
and phosphoric acids, was first produced by the slow oxidation of 
phosphorus in the air and in. the presence of water at a moderately 
low temperature (5 to 10 C.) ; it was isolated through the formation 
of a sparingly soluble sodium salt. 2 

It was also produced by the slow oxidation of phosphorus with 
silver nitrate in neutral or amruoniacal solution. 3 

Oxidation of yellow phosphorus by copper nitrate in the presence 
of nitric acid at about 60 C. also yielded hypophosphoric acid along 
with phosphoric acid and copper phosphide. 4 These reactions have 
been expressed by the equations 

4P ~ 5Cu(XO,) 9 + 8EUO = Cu 3 Po + 2Cu + 1()HXO 3 

4P -f 4Cu(XO 3 )~ + QlllO = Cu 3 P 2 + Cu + 8IIXO 3 + H 4 P 2G 5 

Better yields were obtained by the electrolysis of 1 to 2 per cent. 
sulphuric acid using anodes of copper or nickel phosphide. 6 

The conditions Cor obtaining a good yield by the oxidation of 
phosphorus have been worked out by a number of investigators. 7 In 
the method of Cavalier and Cornec 8 glass rods are placed parallel to 
one another in a photographic dish and sticks of phosphorus laid 
across them, each pair of sticks being separated by a. glass rod, which 
is also of course laid transversely to the supporting rods. Water is 
added until the sticks of phosphorus are half-immersed and the whole 
is covered with a glass plate resting on wa.dding at its edges. The 
air is thus filtered as it enters round the edges. A temperature of 5 
to 1.0 C. is the most favourable. Below 5 C. the oxidation is too 
slow, while above 10 C. undue quantities of meta- and ortho-phosphoric 
acids arc produced. In winter about 12 per cent, of the phosphorus 
is oxidised to hypophosphorie acid. The solution may then be treated 
with saturated sodium acetate, when the acid salt XaiIPO.j.. 3lL>O 
separates on cooling. Or the boiling solution of the acids may be 
neutralised to methyl orange with sodium carbonate and concentrated 
by evaporation, when NaIL3/O :i .. 3lL>O crystallises and ma.y be re- 
crystallised from boiling water. The sodium salt dissolved in hot 

1 Mitchell, Tran*. Cfitm.. ,W., I92-4, 125, HUM. 

2 Sal/cr, Annalcn, 1878, 194, 28: 1882, 211, 1; 1880, 232, 1 14. 

3 Sunder, Anual(:u, 1880, 232, 14. 

4 Kosenheim and L inskor, JJcr., 1910, 43, 200, ]; (.Ionic-, ,/. I hann. (, hrm., 1882, |;V, 
6, 123. 

3 Tauchert , k " U /ilt rsuc/t. uba U )i-l(-rph<ji<i)li(jr,iiiur(. , " > 11)13, Munich; idem, Zatxcji.. tuuj/ y. 
Chew., J913, 79, 35U. 

(5 .Rosenlicim and Pinsker, loc. c d. 

7 Joh , rend., 1885, 101, 1058, .1150; 1886, 102, 110, 251), 7(50, 1005; R.oseri- 
heim, Stadler and Jacobsohn, Jlcr., 1900, 39, 2838; JJausa, Zc.ttwh. tinonj. Chcm., 1894, 
6, 128. 

8 Cavalier and Cornec, lyidl. &oc. chini., 1909, [4], 5, 1058. 



water may be treated with lead acetate and the sparingly soluble 
lead hypophosphate filtered off. This is then suspended in water and 
a current of hydrogen sulphide is passed, which liberates the acid. 
The filtered solution is concentrated somewhat by heat in the open 
and finally in a vacuum over concentrated sulphuric acid. Alterna 
tively the dilute solution of the free acid may be prepared from barium 
hypophosphate and dilute sulphuric acid. 

General Properties. The evaporated solution prepared as above 
deposited crystals of the hydrate H 2 PO 3 .H 2 O which had the form of 
four-sided rectangular plates and melted at 70 C. 1 They were very 
deliquescent, but when kept over sulphuric acid effloresced giving the 
anhydrous acid, which melted at 55 C. A half- hydrate, H 2 P0 3 . JH 2 O, 
which melted at about 80 C. was also obtained by evaporation over 
sulphuric acid. 

When the anhydrous acid was kept above its melting-point it 
suddenly decomposed with considerable evolution of heat, thus 

Phosphine was evolved at about 180 C. 

The molar heat of fusion of the anhydrous acid was 3-85 Cals. 2 
The hydrate dissolved with absorption of heat. 

Aqueous Solutions of Hypofihosphoric Acid. The electrical con 
ductivity of this acid shows that its first hydrion is largelv dissociated. 

/ J G / 



at 25-0 ( . 
at 25-0 C. 






















The molar conductivities of 1I 3 P0 3 at dilutions up to, and including, 
512 were greater than those of IT PO 3 , and this difference would have 
increased if the latter conductivities had been determined at 25 C. 
The ions I.IPO 3 ~ and II 2 P0 3 ~ probably have practically the same 
mobility, so that the difference is to be attributed rather to the smaller 
second dissociation of HP0 3 ~ (into H r and PO 3 ~") as compared with 
that of 11 2 PO 3 ~ into II" and 11PO 3 ~~. A very low second constant 
would also be ascribed to H 2 P0 3 on account of the high alkalinity of 
solutions containing two equivalents of alkali, (sec " Neutralisation/ 
p. 152). 

The change in the conductivity of the salt XaIIPO 3 or Xa 2 H 2 P 2 G 
with dilution shows no effect due to dissociation of a second hydrogen 
until a dilution is reached between 256 and 512 litres, as is seen from 
the following table : 

1 Joly, loc. ciL; Koscnhcim and Pritze, Bar., 1908, 41, 2710. 

2 Joly, loc. cil. 

3 Rosenheim and Pmsker, loc. cit.\ Parravano and Maani, GazzttUi, 1907, 37, 268; 
van Xame and Hull, Amer. J. Sci., 1918, [41. 4S, 01, 103. 



16 32 






p, (25 C.) . 

78-8 : Sl-G 88-] 




111-9 x 

//, (25 C.) . 

78-8 86-1 92-2 




101-6 2 

Basicity. The heats of neutralisation indicate a dibasic acid (per 
atom of phosphorus) as will be seen from the following figures : 3 

Equivalents of NaOH per : ; ; , 

mol HoPOjj . . . , 0-5 i 1 1-5 ! 2-0 3-0 

Heat evolved, Cals. . . 7-57 , 15-05 : 21-36 i 27-11 27-65 

During the neutralisation with alkali a sharp end-point was obtained 
(to methyl orange) when one equivalent of alkali had been added, 
while pheiiolphthaleiix gradually changed between 1-5 and 2-0 equiva 
lents, showing that the second dissociation constant is lower than that 
of the majority of organic acids (see also " Electrical Conductivity/ 
p. 151). 

These facts can be explained equally well on the assumption that 
the acid is tetrabasic, with two atoms of phosphorus, i.e. II 4 P 2 (J , and 
this view is in accordance with the existence of four salts MH.jP O r 
M 2 H 2 P 2 8 , M 3 HP 2 G and M 4 P 2 O 6 . 4 ~ 

Further evidence is collected under t; Molecular Weight " (p. 153). 
The molecular weight as deduced from the (Yec/ing-poiuts of 
aqueous solutions corresponded with doubled molecules, 1I ;1 P Q ( . 3 
which arc highly dissociated, giving one hydrogen ion, 5 or to the 
acid HoPO 3 which is very slightly dissociated even in fiftieth-normal 

Ch.emicul Properties. The proof of the individuality of hypo- 
phosphoric acid rests largely upon the great differences which exist 
between it and a, mixture of phosphorous and phosphoric acids. These 
acids were formed irreversibly when hypophosphoric acid was allowed 
to stand in aqueous solution, especially when this was concentrated 
and the temperature was ^0 C. (or a.bovc). A 5 per cent, solution after 
, 3 years contained only phosphorous and phosphoric acids. These 
acids, on the other hand, showed no tendency to condense together 
when kept under ordinary conditions. The free/ing-point. curves of 
mixtures of the anhydrous acids showed no intermediate maximum 
and only one cutectic at -- KH)" ( . and .*>!) niols per cent, of I1. ; P(). { . (J 

Decomposition of hypophosphoric acid may be represented as a.n 
hydrolysis, thus 

lUW; H 2 () - - II :^ >() :j f IM Oj 

This reaction is catalysed by hydrogen ions and was found to he nni-, 
molecular in normal hydrogen-ion concentrations. The \alues of the 

jsrnhrini, Stadlrr and .Jarob.sohn, lit / , I .MMJ, 39, iis. >l). 
>M nhcim and lU iilin, 7.iit^ch. niinnj. ( him., I Jlil, 120, ](). >. 

)M-nlK-ini, Sladlrr and .Jarobsnlm, Iii()(J, /<. c/t. 


constants were 0-000186 at 25 C, and 0-00631 at 60 C. 1 The 
sodium salt, NaHP0 3 , having only a low hydrogen-ion concentration 
(ca. IxlO- 1 ), could be kept for long periods without much change, 
and alkaline solutions containing Xa 2 P0 3 , etc.. were still more stable. 

Cold solutions of the acid did not precipitate the metals from gold, 
silver or mercurous solutions. The acid was not oxidised by iodine! 
hydrogen peroxide or chromic acid in the cold, but was slowly" oxidised 
by potassium permanganate. Hot concentrated solutions were more 
easily oxidised. When the neutral salts were heated they gave phos 
phate and phosphine, or pyrophosphate, elemental phosphorus and 
phosphine. Reducing agents such as hydrogen sulphide or sulphur 
dioxide had no effect, and even nascent hydrogen, from zinc and acid, 
gave no phosphine. 

Molecular Weight. Much investigation has been carried out with a 
view to ascertaining whether the molecule should be formulated as 
H 2 P0 3 or H 4 P 2 Og. The evidence of electrical conductivity does not 
lead to a definite conclusion. Molar weights of some esters are known. 
Thus dimethyl and diethyl hypophosphates (from the silver salt and 
alkyl iodide) gave elevations of boiling-point in ethyl iodide, chloro 
form, etc., which corresponded to the formula (CH 3 ") 2 P0 3 , etc. 2 On 
the other hand molecules such as (CH 3 ) 4 P 2 6 were indicated in benzene 
solution at its freezing-point. If, as seems probable, the free acid in 
concentrated solution has the formula H 4 P 2 6 , the constitution and 
hydrolysis of this would be represented by 

(HO) 2 OP-PO(OH) 2 -fH 2 = ( 

Hypophosphoric acid was not formed by any ordinary dehydration of 
a mixture of phosphorous and phosphoric acids, neither was it produced 
by the hyclratioii of PoO 4 , which yielded only a mixture of equal mols 
of H 3 P0 3 and H 3 PO 4 . " 

Hypophosphates. The salts of the alkali, alkaline earth and some 
other metals were prepared and studied by Salzer, Rammelsberg, 
Schuh, Joly, Palm, Bausa and others. 3 The alkali salts prepared from 
excess of alkali were soluble, whilst those of the alkaline earths, silver 
and other metals were only sparingly soluble. 

The formuhc of some typical hypophosphates are as follows [solu 
bilities in grams per 100 grams of water] : 

Li 2 II 2 P 2 O 6 .2ll 2 O, crystalline, sparingly soluble; Li 4 P 2 O 6 .7H 2 O, 
solubility "()-S:3 ; " Xa 2 H 2 P 2 O G .6H.,O, monoclinic, solubility 2 : () ; 
Na 3 IIP 2 6 6 .9l-I 2 O, tabular monoclinic ; Xa 4 P 2 6 .10li 2 0, six-sided mono- 
clinic, solubility 1-5; K 3 II 5 (P 2 O 6 ) 2 .2H 2 Of rhombic, solubility 40; 
K. 2 HoP 2 O(j.2lI O, monoclinic plates : K 4 P 2 6 .8H 2 O, rhombic pyramids, 
solubility 25 : (XH 4 ).JIoPo0 6 , granular or needles, stable in air, solubility 
7-1; (XH 4 ) 4 P 2 O 6 .I-i 2 b, "prismatic, elllorescent, solubility 3-3 : Ag 4 P 2 O 6 , 
insoluble ; CaJl 2 P 2 O 6 .GH 2 O, monoclinic prisms ; Ca 2 P 2 O e .2H 2 O, 
gelatinous, insoluble ; 13alI 2 P 2 6 , monoclinic prisms ; Ba 2 P 2 O 6 . white 

1 van Xame and Unit, loc. ell. 

2 Kosenheim and Pinskcr, loc. cil.; Roscnheim and Keglin, loc. cit.; Rosenhcim, 
Stadlcr and Jacobsohn, loc. at.; Cornec, Lull. &oc. chi)/i., 1909, [4], 5, 1081. 

3 Salzer, loc. at.; Kammelsberg, /. prakl. Chcm., 1S92, [2], 45, 153; Schuh, " Btitruye 
z. Kc-unln. d. C iite.rphoH pk. &aurc," Munich, ]91l; Joly, loc. cit.; JBausa, loc. at.; Palm, 
"A T cwe Vtrbind. d. U ultrphosph. Sdtire," Elbcrfeld, 1S90; Drawe, "Hiniye, ntue Salze 
der Unlbrphoi>-phu rt>r.i Ui-L, Rostock, 1S88: ]3tr. t 1SS8, 21, 3401. 


precipitate; Mg 2 P 2 O $ .12H 2 O, gelatinous, slowly crystalline, solubility 
0-0067; Zn 2 P 2 O 6 .2H 2 O, white precipitate ; Cu 2 P 2 O 6 .6H 2 O, insoluble"; 
Pb 2 P 2 O 6 , insofuble ; Xi 2 P 2 O 6 .12H 2 O, prismatic crystals. 

A number of double hypophosphates of manganese, cobalt and nickel 
with the alkali metals have been prepared, such as K 2 XiP 2 O 6 .6H 2 O 
and 3K 2 H 2 P 2 O G .CoH 2 P 2 O 6 .15H 2 O. 

Hypophosphites of hydroxylamine resemble those of ammonia. 
Thus (XHoOlI) 2 .H 4 P 2 O 6 is a crystalline salt, very soluble in water and 
melting with decomposition. Hydrazine dihydro- and trihydro-hypo- 
phosphates, (X 2 H 5 ) 2 H 2 P 2 O 6 and (X 2 H 5 )H 3 P 2 O^, were both obtained 
in the crystalline state. The latter is isomeric with ammonium dimeta- 
phosphate, (NB^PC^),. 1 

Detection and Estimation. The distinctive tests which distinguish 
hypophosphates from phosphites have already been pointed out (p. 153). 
One of the most useful is the sparing solubility of sodium hypophosphate. 
Also, a sparingly soluble guanidine salt (1 per cent, at 28-5 C.) is pre 
cipitated when guanidine carbonate is added to a solution of the acid. 2 
The acid may be titrated with alkali and phenolphthalein ; 3 mols of 
XaOH correspond to 2 mols of H 2 PO 3 , i.e. the salt Xa 3 HP 2 O ( . is formed. 3 
The acid may be estimated in the presence of phosphoric and phos 
phorous acids by precipitation of the silver salt at pH = 1 to 2. 4 

1899, 20, 22. 

oseneni an mser, oc. e. 
3 Pinskor, l Z/ur anaL Bcshwm. 
Berlin, 1909. 

erlin, 1909. 
- 1 Wolf and Jung, Ztitsch. anorg. Chtm., 1931, 201, 


Historical and General. The production of an acid solution by 
dissolving in water the products of the combustion of phosphorus was 
demonstrated by Boyle. 3 - and the acid was prepared in a similar manner 
by Marggraf, who described its properties. 2 It was extracted from the 
calcium phosphate of bones by Scheele. 3 Lavoisier 4 obtained it from 
phosphorus and nitric acid. Three forms differing in their properties 
and in their mode of preparation were recognised early in the nineteenth 

The usual form, as prepared by Boyle and others, when partly 
neutralised by soda gave a yellow precipitate with a solution of silver 
nitrate. When a solution of this ordinary acid was heated in a gold 
crucible until water ceased to be evolved, a thick pasty mass was left 5 
which gave a white silver salt and coagulated albumin. When ordinary 
sodium phosphate, Xa 2 IIPO 4 , was heated to 240 C. it was converted 
into a salt which gave a white precipitate with silver nitrate. 6 It was 
also shown by Graham 5 that phosphoric acid could be obtained as a 
vitreous mass by long heating at 215 C., and that this; when dissolved 
in. water, did not coagulate albumin or give a precipitate with barium 
chloride in acid solution. When the acid was still more strongly heated 
it gave a tough vitreous mass, a solution of which coagulated albumin 
and gave a precipitate with barium chloride. 7 Salts of the same acid 
were obtained by heating sodium bipliosphatc, namely, XaII 2 PO 4 . A 
vitreous mass was left which was known as " Graham s salt," and is 
now known as mctaphosphate, XaPO 3 (#..), in a polymerised condition. 
The acid itself was prepared by decomposing the lead salt with BUS, 
and also by heating the ortho- or pyro-acid to over 300 C., s and later 
by several other methods (q.v.).- ] 

Graham proved that the three acids, ortho-, H 3 PO 4 , pyro-, H 4 P 2 O 7 , 
and mcta-, HPCX, differed by the quantity of combined water. This 
water determined the basicity of the acid. The hydrogen could be 
replaced in stages by a metal, and e.g. in the case of orthophosphoric 

1 Boyle, Phil. 7 V ,;.*., 1680, 13, 196. 

2 Ahir^gL-af, ^Ckftni.^. .h.f-.h tich-nfU-.,).," .176:2, I, Berlin. 

3 Sjclieele, " Chc/n. Abhandi. v. dc.r Luj l u. Feuer," Upsala, 1777. 
1 Lavoisier, " Opuscules physique..* tt chyr/uques," Paris, 1774. 
5 Graham, Phil. Trans., 1833, 123, 253. 
(; Clark, Edin. J. Science, 1827, 7, 208. 

7 Berzelius, Gil fort s Annahn, 1816, 53, 303; 1816, 54, 31; Ann. Chim. Phys., 1816, 
[2], 2, 1.31, 217, 320. 

H Gregory, Annaleti., .1845, 54, 94; Maddrell, Phil. Mag., 1847, [3], 30, 322. 

9 See Graham, .Researches on the Arsenates, Phosphates and Modifications of 

Phrxsnlinvir Ap.irl " PI; I T-r/ms 1 A AZ T^o ->r>3. 


acid different salts, the primary, secondary and tertiary phosphates, 
could be produced (see also " Basicity." p. 163). 


The acid which is produced linally by the oxidation of phosphorus 
in the presence of sufficient water and after heating has probably the 
constitutional formula OP(OH) 3 (see p. 59). The term :t ortho," 
in accordance with Graham s description, was applied to " ordinary " 
phosphoric acid. Later, on the hypothesis of the quinquevalent nature 
of phosphorus, it was considered that the hypothetical acid P(OH) 5 
would, strictly speaking, be the " ortho :? acid. However, the present 
theories of valency do not indicate the possible existence of such an 
acid, but rather that OP(OH) 3 should be the most highly hydroxylated 

Preparation. The acid may be made by means of a great variety 
of reactions, some of which are referred to under the Ci Oxides," 
i; Halides " and t; Phosphoric Acid (p. 224)." Only a few methods, 
of technical or historical importance, will be described here. 

(1) The decomposition of naturally occurring phosphates. From 
this source the original supplies both of technical and refined phosphoric 
acid are derived. The decomposition is effected by sulphuric acid, 
supplied in the quantities required by the equation 

Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 +3H 2 SO 4 =3CaSO. 4 -!-2lI 3 PO 4 

The decomposition may he carried out in a large vat of pitch pine 
saturated with tar oil, and provided with a vertical wooden shaft 
bearing arms or paddles and rotating on a pivot which is protected 
with cast-iron. In the vat are placed weak liquors from a previous 
decomposition and steam is blown in through a. leaden pipe. Stirring 
is then commenced, and a charge of 6 cwt. of finely-ground high-grade 
phosphate (at least 70 per cent. ( a ; >(P0 4 ).>) is added alternately with 
5 carboys of " chamber acid " of density 1-5 to 1-G (free from arsenic). 
After the reaction is completed the whole charge is run on to slightly 
inclined (ilter-beds made of ashes supported on clinkers and contained 
in rectangular wooden tanks. The phosphoric acid which runs off 
first has a density of 1-150. The deposited gypsum is kept covered 
with water supplied as a spray until the density of the diluent falls to 
1-010. The gypsum sludge, containing sma.ll amounts of free phos 
phoric acid and phosphate of lime, is dried by waste heat and used for 
mixing with superphosphate and for other purposes. The solution 
of phosphoric acid is concentrated by evaporation in lead-lined wooden 
tanks which are heated by lead pipes carrying superheated steam, 
concentration being continued up to a density of ! -.TJ5 to !;">(). Cal 
cium sulphate deposited in this part of the process is removed and 

(2) The preparation of the acid by I he combustion of phosphorus 
and solution of the wi (lowers of phosphorus " in water has an historical 
interest only. It is obviously too expensive for large-scale work, nor 
does it yield a pure product. 

(3) Oxidation of red phosphorus by nitric acid was used before; the 
end of the eighteenth century.- 1 An excess of nitric acid of density 

1 Lavoisier, Mdf/t. Acud., 1780, , jJ.*>; .Marlivs, Ann. C/n/n. 1 hy.i., ISlO, i 1J, 73, 1)8. 


1-20 to 1-25, namely, about 16 parts, is added to 1 part of phosphorus 
in a flask carrying a reflux condenser which is fitted in by a ground- 
glass joint. The phosphoric acid may be concentrated in a platinum 
or gold dish and is then free from most of the impurities mentioned 
later, with the possible exception of arsenic derived from the red phos 
phorus. [In process (I) arsenic, if present, is generally introduced 
with the sulphuric acid.] In both cases it will be converted into 
arsenic or arsenious acid. It may be removed by saturation with 
sulphur dioxide, which reduces arsenic to arsenious acid, followed by 
boiling to remove the excess of SO 2 , precipitation of the arsenic as 
sulphide by hydrogen sulphide, filtration and removal of the excess of 
H S by means of a current of air. 

Concentrated phosphoric acid may be further purified by crystal 
lisation (see p. 158). 

(4) Furnace Methods. Phosphoric acid can be prepared from the 
pentoxide, which is sublimed at high temperatures from a mixture of 
calcium phosphate, sand and coke. Phosphorus is first produced and 
then burns to the pentoxide. Reduction proceeds according to the 

Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 -3Si0 2 - 5C =3CaSiO 3 -2P -f- 5CO 

An electrically-heated furnace (p. 8) or an oil-fired furnace built of 
carborundum bricks and kept at a temperature of 3500 to 1700 C. is 
suitable. A regenerative system of heating is used. The mixture of 
carbon, sand and phosphate is introduced at the top of a slanting 
flue and meets the ascending heated gases in its descent to the hearth, 
where it melts and reacts according to the equation given above. The 
escaping gases are taken round and burnt in a set of channels which 
surround the furnace. 1 

If phosphorus is burnt in air to the pentoxide. the absorption, of 
this in water is rather difficult. Oxidation by steam according to the 

2P-r5lI 2 O=P 2 O 5 +5lI 2 

gives hydrogen as a by-product which may be converted into ammonia 
and combined with the phosphoric oxide (Liljenroth process). 2 

Impurities. The acid prepared by commercial methods contains 
numerous impurities, some of which are difficult to remove. They 
include bases such as Xa, K, Ca, Al, Fe, Mn totalling 0-5 to 3-0 per 
cent., Pb up to 34 parts per million, Ag from 1 to 2-5 parts per million, 
HoS0 4 from 0-1 to 1-0 per cent., IIF in about the same amount, and 
HC1 from 0-01 to 0-0-1- per cent. 3 

Preparation of tlic Cri/stallinc Acid. Two compounds have been 
crystallised .from concentrated solutions of phosphoric acid the 

1 Thomas, />V///.s-A^ 24 14, 21<)(i (1S7!)); Albert., German. Pufcnl, 12r>OL (1880); 
.Rose, Gc.r,ii.f.ui I utcx.t, 12372 (1880); Thomas and IVymann, British. Pntcnl, 438 (1883); 
Adair and Thorn Imson, Brih*h l>(tl<nt, 747 (ISS3); Lornax, Hrilitk Patent, !)fill. (1900); 
.Fan-weather, JJrif/.^/i Pattnl, 191030 (11)22). Kendall, Booue and Andrews, ,/. Amtr. 
(hc:tn. ,S oc., 1917, 39, 2303; Carpenter, Chan. A jf, 11)22, 6, <S30; YVaiii;amnn and Tui loy, 


s acid, H 3 P0 4 , and the hemi-hydrate 2H3PO4.HOO. 1 Accord- 
ly 1 a solution having the composition H 3 PO 4 + 0-3H 2 O, when 
i with a crystal of H 3 PO 4 , deposits the hemi-hydrate. The 
quor then has the composition 2l-I 3 PO 4 .H 2 O and solidifies to 
crystals when inoculated with this hydrate. Another method 
ing the crystalline acid has been described in the following 
1 Crystals "of anhydrous phosphoric acid were prepared by 
ng the ordinary C.P.* acid in an open vessel at a temperature 
95 C. until it reached a specific gravity of approximately 
The solution was then cooled below 40 C., inoculated with 
of orthophosphoric acid, allowed to stand until cry stall! sa- 
complete and the mother liquor then separated from the 
iy centrifuging in a porcelain-lined centrifuge. The crystals 
"in this way were then melted at a temperature of about 50, 
water was added to bring to a specific gravity of D 2 { 1-85, the 
noculated as before and the process repeated thrice. The 
ere finally dried by allowing them to stand for several months 
sphorus pentoxide. Crystals of the semi-hydrate were pre- 
adding the proper amount of water to a weighed portion of 
ivdrous phosphoric acid, cooling below 29 and inoculating 
-stal of the hydrate." 2 

cal Properties of the Solid Hydrates of P 2 O 5 . The 
Dints, as registered by different investigators, are in fair 
:, thus : 

38 -G 3 41-75 

.1-2-35 C. 2 

I-LO . 27-0 6 29-0 7 , 20-35 5 , 2D-32" C. 2 

lermal diagram of H 3 P0 4 and I1 2 () is shown in fig. .{,- on 

TC are two melting-points, m, that of H.jPO,, and m,, tliat 

4 .H 2 0, and two eutcctics, c, that of II^PO., a.nd 2!! ;i P()~.lI 2 O 

i at of 2l-I 3 PO 4 .II 2 and ice. The solubilities according to 

:1 Meir/ics are marked in the table opposite by an asterisk. 

estimators reported also a distinct solubility curve eorre- 

to a hydrate lOlJUPC^.HoO, \vhich started from the euteetic 

led with a transition point at 25-85 C. 

loric acid crystallises in four- or six-sided prisms belonging I 

mbic system. 6 | 

^termination of the molecular weight by (!ej)rcssion of the j 

Dint indicates some electrolytic dissociation." A value of 

:cn found for the molecular weight. 1 The acid 

o uipt. rend., ]88.">, 100, 441; ISSfi, 102, , >I(i. 
Joniinercial pure. 

id Jones, /. A-tn.f.r. Chan. Xoc., 11)2"), 47, "2 !()"). 

m, Jler., 1874, 7, 097. | 

ot, Ann. Chim. Phy*., I87S, [">], 14, -HI. ! 

tnd Menzies, J. Ar/ier. C/icni. >SV;r., !!)()!), 31, 1 ls;j. | 

ympL rend., foe. at. 

"Jompf. re////., 1908, 146, 1270; idem, Ann. ( hint. / ////*., 1<M)S, |,S], 14, f>(>r>. 

I, Boogc and Andrews, loc. at.; Jones, [\. C " II inlrnlrs in Solution" 

.1907. ! 

d Myers, Trans. Ch^n. Xuc., 1911, 99, ;>S4 ; /W., 191:5, 103, ~tt 2. 







PER CENT. H 3 P0 4 
Fro. 4. Hydrates of Phosphoric Acid. 




r .. Grams 

t ure, 

! I .. P() , per t< i- i j>i 
, f i f Solid Phase. 
1 00 Grams 

Tempera- ,., J)() ^ 

ture, !/ ;!/-. : . Solid L hase. 
x, JOO Grams 



- 85 

625 Iee-2H,PO,H,0 

28-28 92-72 | 2H.,P0. 1 .IU) 



27-3(> 93-33 ,, 

- 57 

67-5 2H 3 PO 1 .H,0 

26-08 93-21- i 


70-0 i ,, 

e j5 23-50 ; 94-75 2fl.,PO,.H,() 

- 29-0 

7 2 .5 , , 



75-0 ,, 

25-^lP- 94-1 2H,P() ] .I-I. ) 

- 16-3* 


25-88 ; 95-22 ll,PO. " 



26-23 :f: 95-90 

-i- 0-5- : 


27-30 !)5-56 



28-38 95-86 


85 93 

29-90 96-18 



31-96 96-80 



34-06 97-40 


88-5 J 

36-15 98-00 



40-02 : 99-27 

. 29-32 


m 1? 42-30 i:: 100-0 

, 29-35* 


m lt 42-35 100-0 


forms double molecules in glacial acetic acid which dissociate in process 
of time. 1 

The molar heat of fusion of H 3 P0 4 is 2-52 Cals., 2 that of 2H 3 P0 4 .H 2 O 
7-28 Cals. 3 The heat of solution was found to be positive, 4 2-69 Cals. 
per mol of the crystalline acid dissolved 2 and 5-21 Cals. per mol of 
the liquid acid. 

The heat of dilution was found to be 5 

Mols water per mol II 3 PO 4 ! 11-19 13-88 : 19-88 j 29-99 

Heat of dilution. Cals. . 33-13 19-93 , 12-2G 8-23 

The heat of formation from the elements includes that of water, 
and was found to be 2 


II 8 P0 4 HsPO, i 1I 3 P0 4 

fused, dissolved. 

302-56 Cals. 300-04 Cals. ! 305-29 Cals. 

The following tables summarise the principal determinations of 
the densities at certain definite temperatures. If the percentages of 
II 3 PO 4 are divided by 1-38 the quotient gives percentages of P 2 O 5 . 



At 15 C. 

Per cent. II 3 PO 4 .! 5 ; 10 : 20 30 ! 40 50 , 00 

Density . . J1-027C l -0567 : M 190 1 -1 SSI) ! 1 -2051 1 -3-l,SG I -.1395 

At ir-r> r c. 7 

Per cent. 1\() 5 5 1 ( > i - ; * - l() -"50 00 ; OS 

Density . " . 1 -037 ! 1 -079 , 1 -1 09 ] -271 1 -3S3 I -52 1 1-077 I -SOD 


1 Gira.ii, Ann. Ch nn. /V///.s-., 1008. [H], 14, f)(J;l. 

2 "".riioniscn, " Thcri ti.< )C h("tnixch< ( lilcrtuchicmjcti S* t ransl. Traiilx*, Si ut t.-jai I , !!)()(). 

3 -foly, lor,, cit. 

4 (Jiran, Ca-tn-pl. Trad., H)()l ) , 135, DO]; l!)0;j, 136, f>r>L>. 
c j-xiimclin, Zcitxc.h. pJii/*i/cfiL (>h< t., 11)07, 58, -Mio. 

SchiiT, Antiulcn, lS(i( ), 113, IS. i, 102. 

" " 

j-xiimclin, Zcitxc.h. pJii/*i/cfiL (>h< t., 11)07, 58, -M 

SchiiT, Antiulcn, lS(i( ), 113, IS. i, 102. 

ila.Li er, " Koinniciitni r.ur rh.dnn. </c>//i.," I>cilin 

At 25 C. 1 

Per cent. 

H 3 P0 4 . 





25 j 





; 1-027 




1-149 |1 




Per cent. 

II 3 P0 4 . 

! 45 













1-477 1 




Per cent. 

H 3 P0 4 

i 85 


i 91 





The vapour pressures of solutions at C. are 2 


Grams H 3 PO 4 in 

100 grams H 2 O 1 






; 390-2 


2 o | 







i 0-636 


Vapour pressures of water at 100 C. were lowered in a high ratio by 
phosphoric acid, as appears from the following data : 3 

Grams H 3 PO 4 in 100 grams ILO . 20-75 
Lowering of vapour pressure . 30-1 


149-16 ; 330-52 
290-9 ! 507-3 mm. 

The crystalline acid has an appreciable specific conductivity oC 
about 1 x 10~ 4 reciprocal ohms (mhos), while the fused acid at the 
same temperature has a conductivity of 1 x 10~ 2 mhos. 4 Specific 
conductivities of the more concentrated solutions show a maximum 
at about 43 per cent., as appears from the following data : 5 


H 3 PO 4 , per cent. 
Specific conductivity. K 







!I 3 PO 4 , per cent. 
Specific conductivity, K 







The molar conductivity (=lOOO/c/c) thus varies from 97-50 in the 
1-4 per cent, solution to 20-28 in the 43-26 per cent, solution and 1-31 

1 Knowlton and Mounce, -/- Jnd. Eng. Ckcm., 1921, 13, 11-18. 

2 Dietcrici, W ted. AnnaUn, .181)1, 42., 513; 181)3, 50, 47; 1897, 62, 616. 

3 Tammann, Mtm. Acad. Si Petersburg, 1888, [7], 35, 9. 

4 Rabinovitch, Zeitsch. anorg. Chem., 1923, 129, 60. 

5 Phillips, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1909, 95, 59. 

VOL. vi. : ii. 11 



in the 92-07 per cent, solution. Degrees of ionisatioii are low in the 
concentrated acids. 

The conductivities of the more dilute solutions up to 0-1 molar 
have been determined to 156 C. 


HoPO,, mols I 

per litre . ! 0-0002 ! 0-002 0-010 j 0-0125 0-050 j 0-080 ; 0-100 

A at 18 C . 338 330-8 ; 283-1 203 ! 191-2 122-7: 104 96-5 

Aat 4 >5 c C 378 l 367-2 ! 311-9 ! 222 208-1 132-6 ; 112- ! 104-0 

The temperature coefficient was positive as usual at ordinary tem 
peratures and reached a maximum at temperatures which varied with 
the ion concentration. Thus, in the case of the 0-0002 molar solutions, 
the maximum had not been reached at 156 C. (A -804-7), while in 
the 0-1 molar solution it occurred at about 75 C. Other results were 
expressed by the formula 2 

A^/V^ " 0822 ^ 1 -f- 0-014550 

It is clear that the degree of dissociation is less at the higher tem 
peratures ; thus for a 0-1 molar solution it is estimated as 38-5 per 
cent, at 18 ( . and 11-5 per cent, at 150 C. J ^ 

The viscosities of concentrated solutions of phosphoric acid arc high ; 
those of moderately concentrated solutions arc given below : 


j Il-.PO.,, niols per litre . . 0-25 : 0-50 

1 ,y relative at. IS C. (water 1 ) 1-0(51 ; l-l-ltf 

: H-.POj, equivalents per lit. re . 0-125 0-25 

7; relative at 25 ( .(water j) ! 1-(K>12 j 1 -005(5 

The refractive index of a solution of the acid of density 1-180 was 
at 7-5 C. 

Spcet nil line 


H >!nhnnx," Wa.sJiin.Lrt on, 11)07; 
(*h t in., HMO, 70, :>:*;">. Sec. also 


The molar refraction was 23-6. 1 The equivalent refracting power of 
the HJPO 4 ~ ion has been calculated as 21 -6. 2 Refractivities may con 
veniently be used in determining the concentration of aqueous solutions 
and also in testing for freedom from the meta- and pyro-acids. 3 

Basicity and Neutralisation of the Phosphoric Acids. The 
crystalline forms and other properties of the different phosphates of 
sodium were described by Graham. 4 The ordinary phosphate of soda 
" is a highly alkaline salt, although generally viewed as neutral in 
composition. Mitscherlich found that a solution of this salt required 
the addition of half as much acid as it already possesses to deprive it 
of an alkaline reaction." 4 By heating, the salt was found to contain 
25-2 molecules of water to 1 molecule of phosphoric oxide. One of 
these molecules was retained to a higher temperature than the others. 
" The phosphate of soda contains 3 atoms base ; namely. 2 atoms soda 
and 1 atom water. When this last atom was lost the sodium salt 
changed into that of a different acid, namely, a pyrophosphate." 5 In 
modern symbols 

Na HP0 4 .1.2HoO > Xa 2 HPO 4 ~ 12H,O 

2Xa 2 HP0 4 >Xa 4 P 2 7 ~K 2 O " 

Sodium biphosphatc was known as a dimorphous salt ct . . . of 
the 4 atoms of water which the crystals contain, they lose, I find, 
2 atoms at the temperature of 212 (F.), and not a particle more till 
heated up to about 375." After heating to 212 t: it contains 3 atoms 
base, namely, one atom soda and 2 atoms water united to a double 
atom of phosphoric acid. The salt cannot sustain the loss of any 
portion of this water without assuming a new train of properties." 
Several other forms were obtained by heating to higher temperatures, 
and at a low red heat a glass was obtained which was deliquescent, 
not crystallise blc from solution, and which gave the reactions of Ci phos 
phoric acid ignited per ,SY.V In modern symbols- 

2XaHoPO 4 .2HoO >2XaIIoPO 4 -r2rL,O at 212 F. 

^Xali.PO.!- >XaoIIoP.,6 7 -rHob at 100 F. 
2XaIloPOj~--->2XaP6 3 V2H 2 O~n.t dull red heat 

When at least half as much alkali as it already contained was 
added to ordinary phosphate of soda and the solution was concentrated, 
tufts of slender prismatic needles appeared. This salt was highly 
alkaline in reaction. :: It is a fact of extraordinary interest that the 
acid of this sub-phosphate is not convertible into pyrophosphorie acid 
by the action of heat on the salt/ In modern terms Xa 3 PO 4 is un 
changed on ignition. 

The heat of neutralisation, Q 1!? of phosphoric, acid (1 mol) with 
XaOIi (n mols) in. dilute solution has been determined with the 
following results :- 













Thus heat was evolved in a uniform manner as the alkali increased 
from to 0-5 and 0-5 to 1-0 in the neutralisation of the first hydrogen. 
It was also evolved in a uniform manner but at a lower rate between 
1-0 and 2-0 alkali, showing that the affinity of dissociation of the 
second hydrogen is lower than that of the first, and at a lower rate 
still during the neutralisation of the third hydrogen, showing that 
this has an even lower dissociation affinity (see Constants," p. 165). 1 
Heats corresponding to the neutralisation of the first, second and 
third hydrogens were 14-8, 12-3 and 6-9 Cals. Heats of neutralisation 
by the "alkaline earths in very dilute solution were in the same order, 
e.g. for JCa(OH) 2 , etc., 14-8, 9-7 and 5-3 Cals. respectively. 2 

The heat of dissociation, fti, probably is positive, since dissociation 
diminished with rise of temperature. This agrees with the fact that 
the heat of neutralisation, Q n , of the first hydrogen ion, viz. 14-8 Cals., 
is somewhat greater than that of a completely dissociated strong mono 
basic acid, viz. 13-5 Cals. The following calculation also shows a 
quantitative agreement : 3 

in which x is the electrical conductivity and Q d =1-530 Cals. at 21-5 C. 
Therefore (1 -a)fti = 1-242, in which the value of the amount of 
undissociated phosphoric acid, (1-a), has been introduced. Now 
Q n = 13-520 + (1 - a) Q (l - Therefore Q n - ] 4-76 Cals. calculated. 

The heat of dissociation of the first hydrogen as calculated from the 
change of the constant with temperature was found to be 2-00 Cals. at 
25 to 37-5 C., 4 which, when combined with the preceding value of 
a, gives Q = 15-14 Cals. 

The molar refractivities (hiring neutralisation, .U(/x - 1 )//J, when 
plotted against the percentage of alkali added gave curves which 
showed discontinuities at the points corresponding to primary and 
secondary salt. 

Most important confirmation of the discontinuities tit these points 
was obtained by plotting the static acidities (II" 1 ) expressed as their 
negative logs (pll.) against the alkali added. The discontinuities in 
these graphs were clearly marked. Parts of these neutralisation 
curves were obtained lirst by the physiological chemists on account of 
the use of phosphates as mixtures of regulated acidity ( t: buffers ") for 
comparison with the acidities and alkalinitics of physiological thuds. 5 

Thomson, " Xhwrnockkniixtry, " translated by Burke 1 , (Longmans, MIUS); FUATO and 



urhenius, Mcdd. (jr. Vat. A!:ad. Xobdinxt., J01J, [27], 8; ZriMi. pkyxikal. Ch<-m., 
\, 96; 1892, 9, 339. 

owet.t and ALilleU, ,/. Amw. Chun-, tioc., 1929, 51, 1004. 

linger, Vertag. Phystol. Lab. te Utrecht, 1909, 10, J09; Sorensen, Hiuchcm. Zcitxch., 
21, 131; 1909, 22, 352; Salni, Zeitsch. ykysikal. Ghem., 1906, 57, 471; J rideaux, 
Chem. Soc., 1911, 99, 1224. 


Other series of results within the range which is suitable for " buffer " 
mixtures have been determined. 1 The points of inflection were also 
determined by the conductivity method. 2 

The neutralisation curves have been expressed by three constants 
corresponding to the first, second and third dissociations, viz. : 

= [H-][H 2 P0 4 - 4 _ 

- - 3 ~ 

[H 3 POJ - [H 2 P0 4 -] 3 ~ [HP0 4 =] 

The value of the first constant was determined as 1-1 x 10~ 2 by measure 
ments of the conductivity of the free acid. 3 The second constant was 
determined as 1-95 x 10~ 7 by conductivity measurements in solutions 
of XaH 2 PO 4 . 3 This value was confirmed by calculations from the 
neutralisation curve as determined by means of the hydrogen electrode. 4 
The value of the third constant, viz. 3-6 x 10~ 13 , was first determined 
by measurements of the conductivity of ammonium phosphates and also 
by the distribution of the ammonia between water and chloroform. 3 
It was shown that this result was incompatible with the observed values 
of hydrion concentration during the later stages of neutralisation by a 
strong alkali. A calculation based on these values gave K% =3-0 x 10~ 12 
in decimolar solutions. 4 

A review of all the data revealed a slight drift in the constants of 
this acid (as of others) with changes in concentration, etc. The con 
stants were corrected for alterations in the " activities " of the HP0 4 = 
and other ions in the more dilute solutions for which ionic strengths 
could be calculated. These corrections, applied to the results of 
Michaelis and Garmendia, 5 and to new results, gave constants w r hich 
were hardly affected by changes in concentration, 6 namely K 2 =5-9 x 10~ 8 , 
7v 3 =lxlO~~ 12 . The value of Jv 1; corrected for ionic strength, was 
0-9 x 10~ 2 at c = 0-l and OSxlO~ 2 at limiting (low) concentration. 7 
A redetcrmination, 8 with the aid of the quinhydrone electrode, in 
solutions of c = 0-06 down to c= 0-005 molar gave /i x = 0-8 x 1()~ 2 , 
K 2 = T-4 x 10- 8 , K 3 = 0-8 x 10- 12 . 

Other values of (uncorrccted) constants obtained in moderately 
dilute solutions are : K l -0-94 x 10~ 2 , K 2 = 1-4 x 1<)- 7 , K 3 -2-7 x 10~ 12 ;" 9 
A" 2 = 8xlO- 7 , #3=2-3 xlO- 12 ; 10 K z =5-0 x 10" 13 . 11 

It is suggested that the following rounded constants will represent 
|jII values in phosphate solutions of concentrations from 0-1 molar 
downwards with sufficient accuracy for many purposes : 

K = l-5 x 10~ 7 ; K = 2-Q x 10~ 12 

1 Clark and Lubs, J. BaclwioL, 1917, [2], I, 109, 191; Clark, The Dtttruination 
of Uydroytii Ions, 1 Baltimore, 1920, and later edition, .1928 ; Michaelis and Kruger, 
Biochem. Zcitsdi., 1921, 119, 307. 

2 JK.usi.or, G niters and Gcibel, Ztiisch,. coi-org. Cher/i., 1904-, 42, 225. 
: < Abbott and .Bray, ,/. A-tntr. Chun,. &oc., 1909, 31, 729, 1J9.1. 

4 J J rideaux, ioc. cit. 

5 JMicluiclis and Garmendia, Biochtm. Zeitech., 1914, 67, 431. 

Pridcaux and A. J. Ward, Traus. Ckem. Soc., 1924, 125, 423. 

7 Sherrill and Hughes, J. Chtin. Soc., 1926, 48, 1801. 

8 Jowett and Millett, J. Armr. Cham. Soc., 1929, 51, 1004. 

9 Eritton, Trans. Chew. Soc., 1927, p. 614. 

10 Blanc, J. Chirti. pliys., 1920, 18, 28. 

11 Kolthoff, Eec. Trav. chim., 1927, 46, 350. 



The complete titration tabulated was obtained by means of the 
hydrogen electrode in a 0-01277 molar solution of phosphoric acid to 
which was added 0-0919 normal sodium hydroxide at 20 C., the 
titration to XaH 2 PO 4 requiring 13-9 c.c. of the alkali. 1 


10 13-9 20 27830 4CT41-7 50 

C.c. OF 0-0919 N NaOH TO 100 c .c. OF 0-01277 M ;-! 3 P0 4 AT 20C. 

FIG. />.- Neutralisation. Curve of Orthophosphono Acid. 


c.r.. XaOil ; 15-0 1(5-0 : 17-5 20-0 
p\\ ; f>-S(> I (Ml! (> !) (>-71 

-(>(> | 27 i>7-r) 
7 07 : sol s-;ji) 

1 1-^(5 1 1-40 | I Mi) ; 11 ,">7 1 1 ( .(I 1 1-72 1 1-S1 

The two point. s of indection on the neutralisation curve have lont 
been recoo-nisecl by Llie effects upon indicators, which can be used for 
titru.tino- the acid in two stages. The first, a.t XalLPO,, yjll - 1--5, 
corresponds sufficiently well to the chani> - c-j)(>int, of methyl orange 
(alkaline) or methyl red, while the second, at. XaJlPOj and ^11^9, 
corresponds to tliat of |)hcnol})ht]ialcin. 2 


The basicity of the acid has also been determined by conductivity 
titrations. 1 

Thc constitution of phosphoric acid is deduced from the basicity, 
which shows three hydroxyl groups, and thus a saturated character, 
with no hydrogen directly attached to phosphorus ; this explains the 
lack of oxidising properties, which indicates the absence of O O 
chains, and the direct formation of the acid from POC1 3 . The acid 
chloride and the resulting acid probably have the same structure, 
which is represented under the older theories as containing quinque- 
valent phosphorus, O=P=C1 3 , or on the newer as being tercovalent 
with a ^ mixed bond," O< .......... P = (OH) 3 or OP^P 

Phosphoric acid is a co-ordinated compound with the co-ordination 
number 4, and may accordingly be written H 3 IPO 4 ] (see section on 
" Phosphorus in Combination "). Although the trivalent ion seldom is 
actually present, except perhaps in solid Na 3 P0 4 , etc., it is written 

\ " / 
according to Lowry as _ \p/ _ Such a compound as Xa 2 HP0 4 is 

O/ ^O 

of course equally a co-ordination compound and may be written as 


4 2Xa" on this scheme. 

_ )Hi 

Mono-, di- and tri-esters are known, e.g. ethyl phosphates, which 
have not been prepared in tautomeric forms. The trimcthyl and 
triethyl phosphates have vapour densities corresponding to simple 
molecules OP(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 , etc. 3 

Chemical Properties. The chemical reactions of phosphoric acid 
can be classified mainly under salt and ester formation, hydration, 
dehydration (see p. 170) and complex formation. Towards reducing 
and oxidising agents the aqueous solution is comparatively inert. 

It has already been shown that even the first dissociation of phos 
phoric acid is much lower than the dissociation of the halogen acids 
and sulphuric acid. Consequently its catalytic action (due mainly to 
hydrion concentration) on various chemical reactions is much slighter; 
e.g. the relative strength of phosphoric acid in the inversion of cane 
sugar was 6-21 when that of HC1 was 100. 4 It is largely expelled from 
its salts by the stronger mineral acids in ordinary aqueous solution, 
although in the presence of only small quantities of water, or at higher 
temperatures, these conditions are reversed owing to (a) the great 
affinity for water, (/>) the low volatility, of phosphoric acid. Thus 
while on the one hand phosphoric acid is produced as described on 
p. 156 by the interaction of dilute sulphuric acid with calcium phos 
phate at temperatures below the boiling-point, on the other hand 
sulphuric acid is completely expelled by evaporation at 150 to 200 C. 
with concentrated phosphoric acid. 

The direct action of phosphoric acid on ethyl alcohol at about 200 C. 
is one of dehydration, and the acid is therefore conveniently used in 

1 BeriliL lot, I)., Ann. Ckr,. ./%*., 1891, [6], 23, 5; 1803, [6], 28, 5. 

2 Prideaux, -/. Soc. Ind., ]923, 42, (572 (Chcni. and hid.). 

3 Vogclis, Annaltii, 1849, 69, 190; Carre, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1905, [7], 5, 3-45; Arbusov, 
Her., 1905, 38, 1171; Young, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1909, 81, B, 528. 

4 Ostwald, Zeitsch. pkysikal. Chem. t 1888, 2, 127. 


the preparation of ethylene, as it is not, like sulphuric acid, reduced 
under these conditions. Glycerophosphoric acid, which probably is 
mainly monoglycerylphosphoric acid, is made by heating glycerol with 
concentrated phosphoric acid at 100 C., neutralising with baryta and 
decomposing the barium salt with sulphuric acid. 1 Similar condensa 
tions have been reported with sugars, e.g. mannitol, etc. 

Phosphoric acid is not affected by the ordinary reducing agents in 
solution, including nascent hydrogen (cp. phosphorous acid, p. 148). 
The reduction of phosphorus pentoxide and phosphates by carbon at 
high temperatures has been discussed on p. 157. 

Ordinary oxidising agents have no effect, but with the meta- or pyro- 
acid hydrogen peroxide gave perphosphoric acid (q.v. p. 184). 

The formation of complexes with other acids is extremely character 
istic of phosphoric acid and its anhydride. The phosphotungstates 
and phosphomolybdates are well-crystallised compounds which are 
used in analytical chemistry (see " Estimation," pp. 181-183). The 
yellow precipitate (NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 .12]\IoO 3 is the ammonium salt of a phos- 
phomolybdic acid, H 3 PO 4 .12MoO 3 , which is prepared by adding aqua 
rcgia in small quantities to the ammonium salt. Phosphotungstic acid, 
n 3 PO 4 .12WO 3 . ( ?:ILO, may be prepared as greenish crystals by evapora 
tion of the mixed acids in the correct proportions and extraction with 
other. 2 These acids, witli the borotungstic, silicotungstic acids, etc., 
are usually formulated as co-ordination compounds. The phosphorus 
is represented as the central atom with a co-ordination number of G, 
thus : 3 

II 7 [P(W 2 7 U H 7 [P(Mo 2 7 ) 6 ] 

Phosphoiodic acids, such as P 2 O 5 .m 2 O 5 .III 2 O, and their salts, 4 
phosphotclluric acids and their salts, e.g. (NlI 4 ) 2 P 2 TeO 10 , have also 
been prepared. 

A complex acid is probably present when silica dissolves in phos 
phoric acid, as it docs to the extent of about 5 per cent, at 2GO C. 
C oiicoiil rat cd phosphoric acid at 100 to 200 C. etches the surface of 
olass, and it has been found to attack quart/ at 300 C. 7 Phos 
phoric acid at high temperatures also destroys the gla /e on porcelain. 
Platinum is not affected unless a. reducing agent is present, which may 
give phosphorus and a phosphide. 

31 is no doubt on account of this formation of complexes that con 
cent rated phosphoric acid is capable of dissolving such inert metals 
as hm<>sfen and /.irconinm, as well as silicon and carborundum. 8 The 
less noble metals are attacked by phosphoric acid, but iron tends to 
become passive. 1J The basic oxides, ferric oxide 1 and alumina arc 
dissohrd bv the concentrated acid. 6 

1 i MV.-i .!,!<! Tulin, / /v;//.s-. Clitnt. Xnc., 1 ( . )().">, 87, 1>19. 

\\ u, ,/ I ;,<>! < /," n, , I <:!<>, 43, I si). 

:1 !;, rMiirnis .n,l I m-.UiT, /M/.sr//. <nti</. Chan., 1 1) 1 1 , 70, 715. 

1 ri.i ti.-iu .!// < /,,, f/ti/,.., isus, j7], 15, ;i ( .)l. 

[ i. i! ; ,- ( "/ , /;, / /iifitnt/i! tttf. d> i 7 f /////. ^(inrc nut luiltitm, I /ioxjj/iufc//, -nnd Arxnifitc/i, 
I, {.. i , !! i)i 

iJ.mJ- i -Mili-- .;n.l M;iriM)f!rt, < <>,,i[>t. n ml., ISSJ, ISSO, 1SS7; 1SSS, 106, l. Jo. 

II. i.i u , /. / ; . C/t<f/<., I .H)i\ 15, !)I7. 
1 \\ in ; .l i an*! .f.tnin-rct , Cuin^t. //W., 11)11,152, 1770. 
i ];, Vrr . ;t ,,,i I>.UTIH. ./. Ain-r. ( /u m. Mac., HUO, 32, 7f>O; ( Ihirkson and HciJicnngion, 

f h, l,i. ,!/ . /. /.;/., I . -S, 32, Sll. 


Physiological Action. The principal uses of combined phos 
phorus have already been dealt with (see p. 13). The ions of phos 
phoric acid, together with those of carbonic acid, play an important 
part as regulators of acidity, or natural "buffer" mixtures (see p. 164), 
in physiological fluids, especially in the blood. Salts which take part in 
this regulation are XaH 2 PO 4 "arid Xa 2 HPO 4 , NaHCO, and Na 2 CO 3 . 
The pH value of blood is 7-3 to 7-4 at blood temperature (37 to 
38 C.) and about 7-5 at 18 C. : the ratio of monohydrogen phosphate, 
i.e. Na 2 HPO 4 , to dihydrogen phosphate, i.e. XaH 2 PO 4 , at this point 
is about 4 : 1 (see table of Neutralisation, p. 166"). Even the small 
amount of phosphate present in the blood and cell protoplasm has a 
considerable effect in regulating the pH to its " resting :: value 
slightly on the alkaline side of neutrality. Any steady increase in 
the content of acid is countered by the formation of more XaH 2 PO 4 , 
which, being more readily diffusible than Xa 2 HPO 4 , passes into the 
kidneys. Acidity of the urine is thereby increased and the cell proto 
plasm or blood loses some of its alkali reserve. The necessity of con 
stant small amounts of phosphate for the body metabolism is evident. 1 

Phosphoric acid is poisonous only at a high concentration, when it 
shows the usual corrosive effects of acids. 2 The salts, and even the 
acid in low concentration, favour the growth of moulds and fungi, 
provided that the hydrogen-ion concentration also is favourable. 

Phosphoric esters are also present in the blood, and their hydrolysis 
by means of an enzyme, phosphatase, which has been found in the 
bones, is probably one step in the process of ossification. The pro 
perties of these esters have been largely determined by Robison and his 
collaborators. 3 

Uses.- Many pharmaceutical preparations contain phosphoric acid 
or phosphates, or glycerophosphoric acid, which, as already stated, is 
made by heating glycerine with the ortho- or meta-acid. Lecithin is 
an ester of glycerophosphoric acid which contains choline, (CH 3 ) 3 = 
X(OII)-CIIo-CI-IoblI, and two molecules of a fatty acid radical 
(stearyl or oleyl). 

Acid phosphates arc used in baking powders, " self-raising " flours 
and for ct improving " flours. The acid is also an ingredient of some 
non-alcoholic beverages. 

Sugar phosphates, mainly the hexosc mono- and di-phosphates, play 
an important part in alcoholic fermentation. The calcium salts of these 
esters have been prepared. 

The acid, or calcium superphosphate, is used ia the sugar-refining 
industry as a defecator to coagulate gums and other organic impurities 
and cause them to form a scum. 4 

It has been employed instead of sulphuric acid in the hydrolysis 
of cellulose to give sugars. As a dehydrating agent in organic prepara 
tions, such as that of ethylcne from ethyl alcohol, it is sometimes 
preferred to sulphuric acid. 

1 .Henderson, Ann. J. Phyxtul., 100(5, 15, 257; .1008, 21, 427; J. Biol. Chun., 1900, 
7, 20; .Henderson, Bock, Field and .Stoddard, J. Jj*,ol. Chun., 1024, 59, ,370; ^Lecture;* 
0)i Certain A*p(-ct.K of .tiiochunixtry, Dale, Drummond, Henderson and tlill, London, 1!)2G. 

2 ro-r^iale, J. Pharm. Chi-ni., 18f>0, [3!, 36, 241. 

3 Full references to this work may be obtained from the Annual Reports of the, Chemical 
Society, especially vol. xxvi, 235, 1020; also "The Sirj ti.ifica/icc of Phosphoric Esters in 
Metabolism^ R. Robison, Oxford Univ. Press, 103.3. 

4 Meekstroth, Chun. Met. E,KJ., 1022, 26, 223. 


Other miscellaneous uses are : In dental cements and filling pastes, 
with kaolin, other silicates, chalk and magnesia. Solutions containing 
the acid and ferrous phosphate will give a protective coating to iron and 
steel. * Carbon is activated by being dipped in a solution of metallic 
salts and phosphoric acid and then igniting. Solutions containing 
ammonium phosphate with the sulphate and a soluble zinc salt may 
be used for iireproofing materials. Phosphates are sometimes included 
in photographic toning and fixing baths. 

Dehydration of Orthophosphoric Acid and Production of the 
Pyro- and Meta-acids. When heated in open vessels of gold or 
platinum the acid loses water, being converted successively, and to 
some extent concurrently, into the pyro- and mcta-acids, thus : 

2H 3 P0 4 >H 4 P 7 +H 9 

nH 3 P0 4 > (HP0 3 ) n 4-?iH 2 O 

Salts of these acids are prepared by heating the orthophosphates 
(see p. 155). 

According to Graham 1 the pyro-acid was formed largely even at 
100 C., while Watson found that conversion w r as complete between 
255 and 260 C. 2 Exposure to a current of moist air raised the tem 
perature of dehydration, while dry air lowered it. 3 Thus air saturated 
with water vapour at 68 C. will leave 0-2 per cent, of water in the 
ortho-acid kept at 181 C., and will dehydrate it and produce 0-02 per 
cent, of H 4 PoO 7 at 191 C. When air which has been dried by passing 
through 96 per cent, sulphuric acid at 12 C, is drawn through phos 
phoric acid at 186 C. this acid is dehydrated to 80-8 per cent, of 
H 4 P 2 O 7 . Other dehydrating agents have a similar effect. Phosphorus 
oxy chloride reacts in the following manner : 

5H 3 P0 4 +POC1 3 =3II 4 P 2 7 

A mixture of the ortho- and meta-acids may be condensed together 
to form the pvro-acid by heating on the water- bath, thus : 

H 3 P0 4 -rIIPO 3 =H 4 P 2 O 7 5 

Metaphosphoric acid is the final product obtained when phosphoric 
acid is heated in the air and was produced in this way by Her/clius. 6 
The minimum temperature required for dehydration is about that of 
molten lead, 327 C. The mcta-acid begins to be formed at about 
300 C. and dehydration can be completed at 316 C. 7 or by heating 
until fumes are continuously evolved. 

Aqueous vapour pressures in equilibrium with the mcta-acid are 
much lower than those over the pyro-acid. The pressure over the 
pyro-acid became appreciable at ]()() C. and readied 100 mm. some 
what above 100 C,, while that over the mcta-acid became appreciable 
at 190 C. and reached 100 mm. a little over 210 C. 3 

Known as i- Pa rke rising " or "~ Cuslet Usinu." 

Loc. cti.j p. J5f). 

Watson, Chuti. AVu;*, 18<K>, 68, I!)!). 

BalarcH , Zcitech. anonj. Chon., 11)10, 67, 2. M ; 68, 20<>; 69, LMf>. 

Geuther, J.prakt. Chu/i., 187;$, [2j, 8, ;$">!). 

Gouther, loc. at.; Joly, Coi/ipt. rend., J886, 102, 7(30. 

Berzelius, Ann. Chim. Pkys., 1819, [2], 10, 278. 

firpu-nrv Jnr ri t -n IM^- \I -.1 / M rr,l I //,/ /. , / ^ irr 


Other methods of preparing pyro- and meta-phosphoric acids are 
given later in this chapter. 

Pyrophosphoric Acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 . The history and chief modes of 
preparation of this aeid have already been given (p. 170). A purer 
product was made by the double decomposition of a soluble lead salt 
with sodium pyrophosphate, Na 4 P 2 O 7 , whereby lead pyrophosphate, 
Pb 2 P 2 O 7 , was precipitated ; this was then decomposed by BUS. 1 The 
silver salt, Ag 4 P 2 O 7 , yielded anhydrous H 4 P 2 O 7 when warmed in a 
current of drv hvdroo-en chloride. 2 

/ ^ o 

Physical Properties. The concentrated aeid, prepared by dehydra 
tion of orthophosphoric acid, is a highly viscous liquid and probably is 
polymerised. By the depression of the freezing-point the molecules 
in aqueous solution showed a complexity corresponding to (H 4 P 2 7 ) 4 
and (H 4 P 2 O 7 ) 5 . 3 The molecular weight in glacial acetic acid corre 
sponded to (H 4 P 2 O 7 ) 3 , but diminished with time. 2 The acid prepared 
as above from Pb 2 P 2 O 7 appeared to dissolve in water as simple mole 
cules. 3 The freezing-point curve of H 4 P 2 O 7 showed two eutectics one 
at 23 C. with a solution containing H 4 P O 7 + 1-25EUO and the other at 

-75 C. with IT 4 P 2 O 7 -f-6-87H 2 O. The maximum freezing-points are 
(1) +61 C. or higher, the melting-point of the anhydrous acid; (2) 

-f-26 C., the melting-point of the crystalline hydrate H 4 P 2 O 7 -i- - 2 -H 2 O. 2 
The acid which crystallised from concentrated solution was, however, 
found to contain anhydrous H 3 PO 4 . 3 

The molar heat of fusion of the solid acid was about 2-3 Cals., there 
fore very similar to that of H 3 PO 4 . The heat of solution of H 4 P O 7 
(solid) was about 7-85 Cals., that of H 4 P 2 O 7 .I-5lI 2 O (solid) i-5 Cals. 
The heats of transformation by means of liquid water were : 

II^PoCL (solid) -i-HoO =2H 3 PO 4 (solid) ---6-97 Cals. 
H 4 P 6 7 (liquid) -fBUO =2H,,PO< (liquid) -r 9-09 Cals. 
H 4 P 2 O 7 aq. - 2H 3 PO 4 aq. - r 4-25 Cals. 

From these other thermal equations can be derived in the usual manner. 
The heats of formation from the elements were close to those of 
2II. 3 P0 1 -IL0. 

2P-r3-JO 2 +2H 2 =H 4 P 2 O 7 + Q 

H 4 P,,O 7 solid 
Q (Cals.) = 5:32-23, 535-69 

H,P 2 7 liquid 
529-94, 533-40 

II 4 PoO 7 

540 : 16 : 

The electrical conductivities of aqueous solutions of pyrophos- 
})horic acid are as follows : 4 

: c, mols/litrc . . 0-00125 0-0025 0-005 0-0125 0-025 0-05 

jit, molar conductivity . 602-0 . 556-7 503-3 438-6 ; 384-9 353-8 

1 Braun, Z(-it*ck. anal. Chtin., 18(35, 3, 4(58. 

2 Giran, Compi. rend., 1902, 134, 1499; 135, 961, 1333; 1903, 136, 550; 1908, 146, 
1270, 1394. 

3 Holt and Myers, Trans. Chem. Sac., 1911, 99, 394. 
-1 Abbott and Bray, loc. at. 



The degree of primary ionisation calculated from these values is high, 
being 96 per cent, at the lowest concentration. For dissociation 
constants, etc., see below. 

All the evidence shows that pyrophosphoric acid is tetrabasic and 
that each hydrogen is that of a stronger acid, i.e. more dissociated at 
the same dilution, than orthophosphoric acid. 

With regard to heats of neutralisation, 1 mol of the acid, to which 
n equivalents of strong alkali were added, gave the following successive 
amounts of heat, the sum of which is the total heat of neutralisation at 
each step : 

n . 

Q (Gals.) 

. i 1 
If 14-4 
{ 15-3 




3rd and 4 

4 ; 

th=24-l ! 

7-8* ; 


i-s 1 ; 

The constants of the successive dissociations were deduced from 
the conductivities of the salts : 3 

NaH 3 P 2 O 7 

Xa 2 H 2 P 2 O 7 

Xa 3 HP 2 O 7 

Na 4 P 2 7 



0-0 29 

0-0 8 36 

or Jf 3 =7-6 xlO~ 7 , 7v 4 = 4xlO- 9 , 4 or # 4 =4-9 xl()~ 9 . 5 

These constants determine the titration exponents pH and the best 
indicators for the successive hydrions. The aeid can be titrated as 
dibasic, using methyl yellow, methyl orange or brornophenol blue, and 
as tetrabasic using phenol phthalein, thymolphthalein or thymol blue 
in the presence of a moderate excess of soluble barium salt. The 
values of p\\ in the partly neutralised acid were corrected for the salt 
error, and the constants /v 3 and 7Q which prevail in solutions of low 
concentration were thus deduced : G 

The true constant 7v 4 found by introducing the correction for ionic 
strength was 0-45 x 10~~ 10 at a concentration of 0-02 inol/ litre, and 
increased with decreasing concentration to !<(> x 10 10 at c =0-00128. 
The unconnected constant decreased from 4-Oxl()~ J at c=0-02 to 
1-5 x 10- at c =0-001 25. 5 

Hydration to Orthopliosplioric Acid.-- r T\\^ process of depolymerisa- 
tion of concentrated solutions of pyrophosphoric acid which has already 
been noted very likely consists in the hydration of the molecules of 
condensed or poly-acid. The further hydration, with formation of 
orthophosphoric acid, proceeds only slowly at low temperatures and in 
dilute solutions. A dilute aqueous solution was kept for six months 
without chano-c. 7 The velocity of the reaction lias been followed bv 

Thomson, loc. cit. 
Abbott and Bray, loc. cit. 

Morton, Trans. Okcni. Soc., 1928, p. MOL 
Kolr.hoif. AW Traw. rMtn.. 192K. A*I. fi 2fi. 

2 Giran, loc.. cit. 

Kolthofl , ltc.G. Trav. ckim., 1927, 46, 350. 


taking the difference in the relative titres to methyl orange and phenol- 

H 4 P 2 O 7 +H 2 0=2H 3 PO 4 

A solution containing 15-6 grams of P 2 O 5 per litre was about half- 
transformed in 121 days (H 4 P 2 O 7 /H 3 PO 4 initially =87/4; finally 
43- 1/47-9 J. 1 The reaction was greatly accelerated by hydrogen ions, 
which in practice are usually supplied by nitric acid (see ct Analysis, 53 
p. 181). It was found to be unimolecular. 2 

Constitution.- The formulae must, on account of the properties of 
pyrophosphoric acid and its relation to orthophosphoric acid, show the 
phosphorus atoms as saturated. This can be done either by the elec 
tronic formulae or by those containing quinquevalent phosphorus, 
since as already shown the two kinds of formulae are interchangeable. 
The molecule may be (1) symmetrical or (2) unsymmetrical : 

HO\ /0\ /OH HCk /0\ ,0 

\p/ o Np T-TO NP/ \p^ 
/ \~ ~7 \ / \ / \ 

HO/ \O/ \OH HO/ X 0/ \OH 

(1) (2) 

The corresponding acid chloride is pyrophosphoryl chloride (q.v.). 
When this is treated with water it gives orthophosphoric acid, but 
when water vapour acts on a solution of the chloride in carbon disulphide 
some pyrophosphoric acid is produced. 

Pyrophosphatcs may split up in an unsymmetrical manner. Thus 
by heating with PC1 5 in a sealed tube : 

Xa 4 P 2 O 7 -i- 3PC1 5 - XaP0 3 -r 4POC1 3 + 3XaCl 

and bv fusion : 

XaA g3 P 2 7 = Ag 3 P0 4 -!- XaP0 3 

The ethyl and methyl esters have been prepared by the usual 
methods. Thus (C Z I1 5 )P Z O 7 by the action of C 2 II 5 I on Ag 4 P 2 O 7 at 
100 C. The product was a liquid soluble both in water and in alcohol. 3 
The elevation of the boiling-point of ben/ene by this ester corresponded 
to simple molecules. 4 The decomposition of the ester on heating 
supports the asymmetrical constitution : 

(CoH 5 0). } = P =Oo =PO(OC II 5 ) > (C 2 H 5 O) 3 PO +O P(OC 2 H 5 ) 
O 2 P(OC 2 II 5 ) >OoPOH^C 2 H 4 

the products being tiicthyl phosphate, mctaphosphoric acid and 
ethyl en c. 

In most reactions pyrophosphoric acid is transformed into ortho- 
phosphoric acid. It was dehydrated by PC1 5 , thus 

H 4 P 2 7 -r PC1 3 - 2HP0 3 -r POC1 3 -i- 2HC1 5 
Thionyl chloride, SOC1 2 , and phosphorus trichloride also gave IIP() 3 . 

1 Bcrthclot and Andre, re.n.d., 1896, 123, 776. 

2 Monlcmartim and Egidi, GazzeUa, 1902, 32, 381; l!J03, 33, 52; Pessel, Monatsli., 
1923, 43, 601. 

3 de Clermont, Cornel, rend., 1854, 39, 338. 

4 Cavalier, Cornet, rend., 1906, 142, 885; Rosenheim and Pritzc, Bar., 19U8, 41, 2708. 

5 Ccuthcr, J. pra/d. Chew., 1873, [2], 8, 359. 


The acid gave compounds with albumin which, unlike those of 
HPO 3 . were soluble. 1 

The pyrophosphates are more stable than the free acid and show 
some reactions which are described on p. 180. Among these may be 
mentioned the white precipitate of Ag 2 H 2 P 2 O 7 which is insoluble in 
acetic acid (see "History"). 2 

Polyphosphoric Acids. The complex metaphosphates, (MPCK) r ,, 
probably contain a complex anion. The di-, tri-, etc. phosphoric acids 
however (pyrophosphoric acid and its series) are not polymers but 
condensation products, belonging to the series wH,PO 4 - (m - 1)H 2 0. 
and give tetra-, penta- and hexa-valent ions from H 4 P 2 O 7 . II 5 P 3 6 10 
and H,.P 4 O 13 . 3 The salts were made by melting together (X^aP0 3 ), 
and Xa 4 P 2 O 7 in various proportions. They were transformed into 
orthophosphates in warm water. 4 

Metaphosphoric Acid. The production of this lowest hydrate 
of phosphoric anhydride by heating phosphoric acid (p. 170), or the 
production of metaphosphates by heating di hydrogen phosphates 
(p. 163), has already been outlined. In those methods of preparation, 
XII 1 mav take the place of II ; thus JTP0 3 has been prepared by 
heating "(NH 4 )JIPO 4 5 and NaPO 3 by heating Xa(XH 4 ) 2 PQ 4 or 
inicrocosmic salt, XaXH 4 HPO 4 . 6 The free acid can also be produced 
by the combined oxidation and dehydration of II 3 PO. 3 , as for example 
bv bromine, thus 

2II 3 P0 3 + 2Br 2 = 4lIBr -f 2HPO 3 7 

The acid appears as a transparent, vitreous, tough mass, which 
usually is deliquescent and dissolves in water with much heat. At a 
red heat it volatilises without decomposition 8 giving a vapour with a 
density corresponding to a molecular weight of 70-8 to 78-2, the 
theoretical value for ( IIPO :J ) 2 being SO. 9 

The properties of the vitreous acid varied considerably according 
to the mode of preparation. The degree of hydra.tion never corre 
sponded exactly to IiPO : ,, which requires 88-7 per cent, of P 2 0-, but 
reached a constant value at about 78 per cent., and the acid then 
volatilised unchanged. After a short heating the acid contained 
S. 3-tSi) per cent, of HPO-, and "!(>! $ per cent, of water, and was readily 
soluble in water. After he?! ting at. duli redness for "periods of several 
hours the acid dissolved at first readily and then with diii icnity and 
with a characteristic crackling sound. This sound was due to the 
splitting of small particles with a glassv iraeture. 
not yet pure IIS O.j, but contained water in the 
. <S{)-2ii/H)-71 and 8<H)/ICH. After heating for 21- hours at a dull red 
heat the acid dissolved very slowly (several days) without crackling. 10 

io! moll, il>i l , 1|}(M), 32, lM!). 
StatiLic, /,< -tt*< h. nnoitj. C/icnt., 
an- ninl ihtir >SV//.:r," 1 I>cilin, 


The lowering of the freezing-point of aqueous solutions shows that 
metaphosphoric acid is polymerised. 1 In a fresh solution containing 
initially 0-852 mol of HPO 3 the molecular weight lay between (HPO 3 ) 2 
and (HP0 3 ) 3 . 2 Pure metaphosphoric acid is best prepared from 
Pb(PO 3 ) 2 (from Pb(XO 3 ) 2 and NaP0 3 aq.). The precipitate is sus 
pended in water and decomposed by a current of H 2 S. The. lowering 
of the freezing-point of the acid freshly prepared in this manner 
indicated a molecular weight of 102, which, as the acid was ionised, 
indicated the presence of some complex molecules. Evaporation of 
this solution gave one in which the acid had a molar weight of 
172. 2 

The heat of formation of the solid acid from its elements is given as 
224-0 to 226-6 Cals., and that of the acid in solution as 236-4 Cals. 3 
On adding the heat of formation of I mol of water the sum of the 
heats (for H 2 O and HPO 3 ) is found to be almost the same as that 
evolved in the formation of orthophosphoric acid. 

Esters of metaphosphoric acid arc known. Ethyl nictaphosphate, 
C 2 H 5 PO 3 , was prepared by heating dry ethyl acetate with phosphoric 
oxide and extracting the product with ether and warm alcohol, from 
which the ester was precipitated by ether. 4 

Aqueous Solutions of Metaphosphoric Acid. The physical properties 
of the solutions are not well defined, as the acid is in process of de- 
polymerisation and hydration (see below). The refractive index was 
investigated by Gladstone. 5 Heats of neutralisation were those of a 
monobasic acid ; when one equivalent of alkali was added the heat 
evolved was 14-4 Cals.. 6 14-84 Cals. 7 The electrical conductivity of 
the simple acid HPO 3 . calculated from that of the changing acid which 
contained both (1IPO 3 ),, and H 3 PO ; i, was round to be of the same 
order as that of a strong monobasic acid (e.g. I!IO tJ ). s 

The Hydration of :\Ie.taph.oxp]i.oric Acid.- The change of metaphos 
phoric into orthophosphoric acid was observed by Graham. 9 In 
solutions of ordinary metaphosphoric acid two changes are proceeding, 
the depolymerisation of (IIPO 3 ),, and hydralion with formation of 
IT 3 PO 4 . The change of osmotic pressure on standing was shown by 
the freezing-point method. The lowering in a normal solution of the 
acid changed from 0-697 to 1-152 in 12 days, that in a double-normal 
solution from 1-425 to . M5() in the same time. 2 The conductivity at 
18 C. did not alter much for the first 20 hours ; it then fell steadily. 
The first period lasted longer at 18 C. than at 25 (!., and presumably 
at lower temperatures would be greatly extended. During this period 
depolymerisation may be the main reaction. The subsequent decrease 
in conductivity is due to the conversion of the highly dissociated 
HP0 3 into the less dissociated ir 3 PO 4 . s The velocity of the change 

1 Kaoult, Compt. i f-.nd., 188-1, 98, f>()9, J047; .188-1, 99., 91-i; Curnec, Ami. Cknir 
Phyx., JiU.V[8|, 29, 490; [SJ, 30, 6:>. 

2 Molt and Myers, loc.-. c/.l. 

3 Giran, loc. at. 

Lanohohl, Bcr., 1010, 43, 18f>7; ibid., 1911, 44, 2070. 

3 Gladstone, ,/. Chan. oc., 1870, 23, 101. 

r> Thomson, "TlH-nnochc.HtixcJu ( ntrwirhii./11/n.ii," Stuttgart, I90(>. 

7 Giran, loc.. n/., and /iiV. Ac/rA?-.s *v/ Ic plto^.-pliurt tt l< .x acidt ^ pftoxphonquct,"* Paris, 

8 Prideaux, Trans. Faraday Xor., U)09, 5, 37. 
9 Graham, loc. at. 


was such that a half-normal solution kept at C. was completely 
converted in 150 days, at 31 C. in 5 days and at 95 C. in less than 
an hour. 1 The change was accelerated by strong mineral acids. 

There is general agreement that during the change the titre to 
methyl orange remains constant. This will be the case whether pyro 
phosphoric acid is formed as an intermediate product or not (see 
p. 181). The titre to phenolphthalein increases, and this also agrees 
equally well with both suppositions. The velocity constant was found 
to correspond to a unimolecular reaction. 1 The change, however, con 
sists of at least two, if not three parts, and several observers have 
found that there is no simple constant thus, the velocity did not 
agree with either a unimolecular or a bimolccular reaction ; 2 the 
constant increased with time; 3 the velocity was not proportional at 
each moment to the amount of unchanged substance. 4 

It cannot be assumed that, because pyrophosphoric acid is produced 
as an intermediate product in the dehydration of H 3 PO 4 that it will 
also be produced during the hydration of HPO 3 . The amounts 
observed may be present in the original HPO 3 or be produced by the 
heat developed when this is placed in water. The pyro-acid has been 
detected in the last fractional precipitates of silver phosphates, etc. 
(see "Estimation"). 2 Since there is some evidence that metaphos- 
phoric acid is hyd rated more rapidly than pyrophosphoric acid 5 the 
latter may accumulate up to a certain maximum concentration. 

The foregoing results have been elucidated by the observation that 
hydration of the simple molecules HP0 3 leads to a preponderance of 
orthophosphoric acid, while hydration of the hexapolymcr, (HPO 3 ) 6 , 
leads to a considerable proportion of each acid, ortho- and pyro- (see 
p. 177). 

Metaphosphates become hydrated in neutral and alkaline as well 
as in acid solution, according to the equations 

NaPO 3 +H Q =NaII PO 4 
XaPQ 3 + XaOH =-- XaJIPO 4 

At a temperature of 73 C. the velocity constant whether referred to a 
unimolecular or a bimolccular reaction diminished with time ; after 
an hour rather less than three-quarters of the original metaphosphate 
remains. 6 The product is mainly orthophosphatc, as was proved by 
titration with methyl orange and phenolphthalem, although small 
quantities of pyrophosphate were formed by a side reaction. The 
pyro-acid was determined by titration to bromophcnol blue in the 
presence of zinc sulphate, which leads to a, complete precipitation of 
pyrophosphate, the ortho-acid being unaffected, thus 

XaJIJPA + 2ZnSO. 4 = Zn 2 P 2 O 7 -;- Xa 2 SO 4 + H 2 S0 4 

The hydration of hexametaphosphate, (XaPO 3 ) 6 , also proceeded 
as a unimolecular reaction. In neutral or alkaline solution ortho- 

1 Sabatior, CumpL rend., 1888, 106, 63; 1881), 108, 738, 80-1. 

2 Trlolt and Mvers, loc. cit. 

3 Pessel, Monatsh., 1923, 43, 601. 

1 Blake, Arner. Che-m. /., ]902, 27, 08; Giran, CompL rcvd., J908, 146, 1393. 

5 Vogel, Neues Jahrb. Pharm., 1857, 8, 94. 

6 Dragunov and Rossnovskaya, Zeitsch. aiiorg. G/icm., 1931, 200, 321. 


phosphate is formed ; in acid solution ortho and pyro-acids in about 
equal amounts. 

The chemical properties of metaphosphoric acid, apart from those 
which are due to the fact that dehydration has proceeded to a maximum, 
do not differ essentially from those of the other hydrates of phosphorus 
pentoxide. The acid dissolves freely in certain oxygenated organic 
compounds aldehydes, kctones and anhydrides, e.g. benzaldehyde, 
benzophenone and acetic anhydride. 1 It was chlorinated but not 
dehydrated by phosphorus pent a chloride : 

HP0 3 + 2PC1 5 - 3POC1 3 + IIC1 2 

Complex Metaphosphoric Acids and their Salts. The poly 
mers of met a phosphates are considerably more stable than those of 
the acid itself and consequently a great variety of these salts has been 
reported, having the general formula (MP0 3 ), ? , in which n varies from 
1 to 6 or possibly up to 10. The heating of Xa 2 H 2 P 2 O 7 yielded a 
soluble salt, cc Graham s salt," 3 and an insoluble salt, " Maddrell s 
salt." 4 A sodium salt having the formula Xa 3 P r> Q 9 .6lI 2 Q may be 
crystallised from the melt obtained by fusing Xa 2 IIPO 4 .12lI 2 O either 
alone or with ammonium nitrate. 5 From the sodium salt there may 
be prepared by double decomposition salts of many of the heavy 
metals, e.g. Pb 3 P 3 O 9 .3H 2 O. These may be decomposed by H 2 S, etc. 
giving the free acids, which slowly decompose, yielding the ortho-acid. 
One structure which lias been assigned to the. complex acid 1I 3 P 3 O 9 is 


\PO-O X 

0< >PO OH 



Trimctaphosphatcs arc often moderately soluble, e.g. Ag ; >(PO 3 ) 3 .Ii 2 O 
and J*a ;i (PO.j) 6 .GlloO. They often crystallise with molecules "of 
water, e .g. Zn 3 (PO,j G .9lI 2 O, and also up to 15, e.g. Mg 3 (PO,) 6 .!5l-I 2 O. 
The electrical conductivities of their solutions agree well with those 
wliich should be shown by the salts of a. tri basic acid. 6 

Monometaph.ospliates.- The insoluble salt obtained by heating 
mieroeosmic salt, XaXH 4 lIPO 4 , was apparently polymerised meta- 
phosphate, 7 while soluble salts obtained by neutralising mctaphosphoric 
acid with sodium carbonate belonged to two series and quickly changed 
into orthophosplmte when moist. 8 

A salt which proved to have the simple molecular weight by the 
free/ing-point method was prepared by the action of ethyl hexameta- 
phosphate dissolved in alcohol on sodium cthoxide : 

(CJ-i 5 PO,,) B -i-GCoII 5 OXa =6(C H 5 )oXaP0 4 

> (C 2 II 5 ) 2 XaP0 4 = XaPO 3 + (CJl^Q 

1 Heimann, ^ l> z. Kc.nnhiixdf-.r O/ihn- -n-nd Mtfnphoxphorxaure, * JToicU lbcrLj;, 1902. 

- CiHither, J. -pral L Chf-m., 1871), [2|, 8, 3-19: Jk-imann, he. at. 

- Graham, Phil. T-Kin*., 1833, 123, 2,13. l Maddrcll, Phil. Md*!., 1847, [3], 30., 322. 
5 Fk itmann and Hennoborii, A /male//, KS-J-8, 65, 304; v. Knorro, Zcit*ch.. (i/iorg. 

Chun.., 1900, 24, 30!). 

v. Knorrc, loc. ciL: \\ arscliauc:r, " BcMruyc. zur Ke.mtlnis der MelfipJio^pJuilc., Leipzig, 
1903. Sec also Wiesler, * titdratjr,, cic..^ Berlin, 1.901; Mullor, Jlcitrayc, etc., Berlin, 
1900; Tarnniann, Zc.dwh. j>ky*ibtf . Ch.c in., 1890, 6, 122; Lindboom, Bc.r ., 1875, 8, 122. 


The sodium salt was crystallised as a granular substance. It precipi 
tated salts of barium, silver and lead (see " Trimetaphosphates "). 1 

Dimetaphosphates of copper, manganese, cobalt and zinc are said 
to be formed when an oxide or nitrate of these metals is heated with 
an excess of phosphoric acid between 316 and 400 C. 2 The zinc salt 
had the formula ZnP 2 O 6 .4H 2 O, and when treated with alkali sulphides 
gave the alkali salts K 2 P 2 O 6 .2H 2 O, etc. 3 Other authorities, however, 
have adduced reason for supposing that these salts are tri- or tetra- 
metaphosphates. 4 

Tetrametaphosphates. These salts are said to be formed when 
orthophosphates of metals of high atomic weight silver, barium, 
lead are heated with an excess of phosphoric acid at about 300 C. 5 
The free acid, H 4 P 4 12 , prepared by decomposing the silver salt with 
H 2 S, was rapidly hydrated to H 4 P 2 6 7 . 6 

Pentametaphosphates. Alkali and ammonium salts of H 5 P 5 15 
have been prepared the latter by heating (NH 4 ) 2 P 2 O 6 to 200 or 
250 C. The melt was dissolved in water and the salt precipitated by 
alcohol as an amorphous white mass. 7 K 4 NH 4 P 5 O 15 .6H 2 O was obtained 
in the crystalline state. Calcium, strontium and barium salts, when 
added to solutions of pentametaphosphates, gave gummy or flocculent 

Hexametaphospliates were made by heating to a red heat XalI 2 P0 4 
or NaNII 4 HP0 4 , i.e. in a platinum crucible at about 700 C., with rapid 
cooling. 8 When the solution from this melt was added to silver nitrate, 
one of the products was a crystalline salt, probably Ag fi P G O ]8 . 9 

The conductivities of these salts and of the pentametaphosphates 
showed that only some of the kations were dissociated, and that there 
were probably complex anions, e.g. Na 4 [Na 2 (PO :} ) ]. 7 Complex fcrro- 
and ferri-mctaphosphates arc also known, >f 4 [Fe(PO 3 ) (5 ], M 3 fFc(PO.j) ( .]. 

The ethyl ester has been prepared by boiling ethyl alcohol with 
P 2 5 for some hours. A viscous liquid insoluble in ether but soluble in 
chloroform was obtained, the molar weight of which in naphthalene 
corresponded to (CJI 5 ) ( .P (; O ia . 10 

The polymetaphosphates arc distinguished by giving gelatinous 
precipitates with salts of most metals, and by decolorising red solutions 
containing Fe(CNS) :J . 9 

Still more complex nietaphosphates have been reported as resulting 
from the fusio?i of salts of bivalent metals with Na,NlI. 1 IIP() 4 . 11 

Sodium (".ctraphosphatc, Nu (i P 4 O 13 , arid deca.phosphate, Xa. r >P 1() 31 , 
were also said to be a mono- the. products obtained by fusing complex 
metaphosphntes with pyrophosphates. 12 The acid JI (; P 4 O 13 was crystal. 

1 Pascal, (-onipt. rend., 11)23, 177, 1298; 192-1, 178, 211; 192-1, 179, 9G(i; 1924, 
180, <)()!. 

2 Fleit rnann and Heimcboru;, lor. r/L; Maddro.ll, lor. cit.; v. Knorrr, lor. cit. 

3 Glal.zcl, l t>b(-r liitnctaphosphorxdnrc -U/HJ f r< i l)<t-nict<iphoxph() ix(un c >SV//r:r," \Vurz- 
burg, 1880. 

4 Pn.scal, lor. n t.; Tamina.nn, lor. n t. 

: I^lcit ma.nn, A titialcn, IS-19, 72, 228. So^ also (llai/.c^l, v. Knorrc, Fainnianii, War- 


Used from a syrupy liquid obtained by adding more phosphorus pent- 
oxide to a solution obtained by adding the pcntoxide to water (q.v., 
p. 133).i 

The complex basic phosphates such as 5CaO.3P 2 O 5 , which was made 
by passing the vapour of phosphorus pentoxide over anhydrous calcium 
oxide, are supposed to be derived from more hydrated condensed acids 
such as H JO P 6 Oo . 2 

Properties and Reactions of Ortho-, Meta- and Pyro-phosphates. 

Orthophosphates. Solubility. The tribasic phosphates of the 
alkali metals and ammonia are soluble, while those of the alkaline 
earth metals and the common metals are insoluble. They arc usually 
prepared by double decomposition between disodium hydrogen phos 
phate and a salt of the required metal, thus 

+2CH 3 COoH 

Na 2 HPO 4 4-~3AgX3 = Ag 3 P0 4 -f 2XaXO 3 + HXO 3 


Formation of the yellow precipitate of Ag 3 PO 4 is a common test for 
orthophosphates. On account of the acid which is liberated precipita 
tion is not complete (see p. 181). Acid phosphates of the alkaline 
earth metals, e.g. CaHPO 4 . are precipitated from solutions which are 
nearly neutral. Moiioammonium phosphates, MXH 4 PO 4 , which are 
so much used in quantitative analysis, are precipitated from neutral or 
slightly acid solution then made ammoniacal (MgXH 4 PO 4 ), 3 or neutral 
or slightly acid solution (ZnXl-^PO^ in presence of sodium acetate and 
acetic acid, pH -=6-1 -6-0). 4 

The effect of igniting orthophosphates is stated on p. 174. The 
nature of the original salts may be deduced from the nature of the 
residue. CaIIP0 4 may be distinguished from Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 by washing 
with ammonia ; in the former case the washings will contain soluble 
phosphate. Mg :J (PO 4 ) 2 uiay be detected in ignited Mg 2 P 2 O 7 by wetting 
with AgXO-5 solution, which, if the former is present, imparts a yellow 
colour due to Ag 3 PO 4 . 

Precipitated phosphates of the zinc group and of the alkaline earth 
metals and magnesium dissolve in acetic acid, whereas those of iron, 
aluminium and chromium remain undissolved, a fact which is much 
used in qualitative analysis. The hydrion concentrations, expressed 
as pll, at which the various precipitates appear have been determined. 5 
All phosphates dissolve in excess of dilute strong acids, in many cases 
only that amount of acid being required which will convert the pre 
cipitate into a primary or dihydrogen phosphate (cf. CaII 4 (P0 4 ) 2 , p. 222). 

The precipitates obtained with magnesia mixture (magnesium 
chloride in ammoniacal solution), or ferric chloride in an acid solution 
to which sodium acetate has been added, arc often used as tests for 
phosphate (sec p. 180), and in the latter case the phosphate is removed 
from solution as ferric phosphate. Another common test is the formation 
oC yellow ammonium phosphomolybdatc when a nitric acid solution of 
ammonium molybdatc is added to phosphate solution (see pp. 180. 181). 

1 Rakusin and Arseneefu Ctn-.m. Ze.if., 1923, 47, H)."). 

2 Kroll, Zfiitwk. anorrj. C/iem., 1012, 76, 387; 77, 1; 78, 5. 

3 Epperson, J. Amcr. Chern. Soc., 1028, 50, 321. 

4 Ball and Agruss, ,L Amer. Cham. Soc., 1930, 52, 120. 

5 Briuon, Trans. Chwn. Soc., 1927, p. G14. 



It is also possible to eliminate phosphate as insoluble phosphomcta- 
stannlc acid by adding tin to a nitric acid solution of phosphoric acid. 
Pyro- and M eta -phosphates. The behaviour of the pyro- and 
meta-phosphates towards the foregoing reagents and others which may 
be used in distinguishing these salts are tabulated below: 





Silver nitrate, neu 
tral or slightly 
alkaline solution. 

Yellow precipitate, White crystalline White gelatinous 

dissolving in acetic precipitate, not precipitate, not 

acid. dissolving in acetic dissolving in acetic 

acid. acid. 

Barium chloride, 
neutral or alkaline. 
Do. acid. 

White precipitate. White precipitate. White precipitate. 
Xo precipitate. Xo precipitate. White precipitate. 

Albumin, acid solu 

Xo reaction. 

Xo reaction. 


Ammonium molyb- 
date with nitric 

Yellow crystalline Xo precipitate in Xo precipitate in 
precipitate on cold or on gentle cold or on eentle 
warming. warming. warming. 

Zinc acetate to acid 

Xo precipitate. 

White precipitate, Xo precipitate, 
soluble in excess of 

Salts of chromium. 

Precipitate, soluble Precipitate, insolu- Precipitate, insohi- 
in cold acetic acid. blc in acetic acid. ble in acetic acid. 

Special tests. 

.Lead acetate gives Magnesium chloride i Magnesium salts 
white Pb^PO.J,, gives white pre- ! give no precipitate, 
almost insoluble cipitate, soluble in 
in acetic acid. excess of MgCL or \ 

pyrophosphatc. | 

Lutco cobaltic chlor- i .Bismuth salts in 
idc, Co(XH 3 ) (5 Cl 3 , alkaline solution 
gives a reddish- give a white pre- 
yellow crystalline cipitate. 

( o(XJI 3 ) ( .XaR,O 7 . 
1 I. 1 , H,,(). 

Estimation of the Phosphoric Acids. 

The titrations are based upon the degrees of dissociation o(! the 
first, second, etc. hydrogen ion. The dissociation constants and 
appropriate indicators arc; mentioned on pp. 10.5. 172, 170. 

Orthophosphoric Acid may be titrated with sodium or potassium 
hydroxide Free from carbonate. The equivalent point indicating 
NaII 2 P0 4 occurs at ?;!!--= CY/. 4-2, which is within the transition range 
of methyl yellow, methyl orange and bromophcnol blue. The end- 
point tint should be matched against that of a comparison solution 
containing about the same concentration of XaII P() 4 . 

The acid may also be titrated as dibasic, using phenolphthalcin, 
* Note. The results depend somewhat un the complexity of the metaphosphatcs (see 
pp. 177 d acq.). 


thymolphthalein or thymol blue, the end-point tint being matched 
against a solution of Xa 2 HPO 4 . 

The results are closer to the theoretical if the solutions are saturated 
with sodium chloride. See also ic Neutralisation Curve," p. 166. 

Pyrophosphoric Acid (p. 171) may be titrated as a dibasic acid to 
pll = 4-0 using methyl yellow, etc. as before: also as a tetrabasic acid 
using phenolphthalein, thymolphthalein or thymol blue in the presence 
of barium salt. Electrometric titrations have also been performed. 1 

Metaphosphoric Acid may be titrated with methyl orange, etc. 
irrespective of its progressive hydration (p. 175). The phenolphthalein 
titre, however, varies with time (see p. 176). 

Special methods of analysing the pyro- and meta-acicls have been 
indicated on pp. 172. 176. 180. These acids may easily be converted into 
the ortlio- form by boiling alone or in the presence of some nitric acid, 
and then determined by one of the methods described in the following. 

Determination of Orthophosphates. (1) With Silver Nitrate. 
This depends upon the precipitation of silver orthophosphate in solu 
tions of low and controlled acidity. In the assay of commercial 85 per 
cent, phosphoric acid of density 1-710 the syrup is diluted to a con 
venient volume and an aliquot part is taken which contains about 
0-1 gram of H 3 P0 4 . It is neutralised to phenolphthalein with approxi 
mately dcci normal alkali (free from chloride). 50 c.c. of decinormal 
silver nitrate are then added while the solution is kept neutral to litmus 
by stirring in /inc. oxide or a suspension of the hydroxide. The whole 
or a measured part of the filtered solution is acidified with nitric acid 
and, after the addition of feme alum, the unused silver nitrate is 
titrated with standard decinornuil ammonium thiocyanate in the usual 
manner. Alkali phosphates may also be determined in this way. 

Silver phosphate is also quantitatively precipitated in the presence 
of sodium acetate and acetic acid, the phosphoric acid then being 
titrated as a tri basic acid according to the equation 

H 3 P0 4 -f 3AgXO 3 + :3CH 3 COONa = Ag 3 PO 4 + 3XaX0 3 -r 3CH 3 COOH 

Tliis reaction is also used in the method of llolleman 2 as modified by 
VVilkic. 3 A phosphate solution containing phcnolphthalein is reddened 
by the addition of alkali, then just decolorised with nitric acid. An 
excess of standard silver nitrate is then added and decinormal sodium 
acetate and alkali to slight pink colour, followed by 2 c.c. of decinormal 
II 2 S0 4 . The solution is diluted and filtered and the excess of silver 
determined by titration with decinormal ammonium thiocyanate. 

(2) With "Molt/bdatc. Precipitation of phosphate in nitric acid 
solution by means of ammonium molybdatc serves not only as a quali 
tative test, but also For the quantitative separation of phosphate in a 
preliminary or even final manner. Insoluble phosphates are previously 
dissolved in nitric acid, while the phosphoric acids arc nearly neutralised 
with ammonia and then acidified with nitric acid. The nitric acid 
solution of ammonium molybdatc (3 per cent.) is added hot, the mixture 
boiled and the precipitate collected on a filter. The precipitate may 
now be treated in various ways : 

(a) The precipitate is rcdissolved in ammonia, reprecipitated with 

1 Morton, Quart. J. Phann., 1930, 3, 438. 

2 llolleman, J. Xoc. Chew.. In.d., 1894, 13, 763, 843. 

3 AVilkie J. Soc. Chtm. Ind. t 1910, 29, 794, Kosm, J. Amcr. Che,n. Sac., 1911, 33, 1099. 


nitric acid and ammonium molybdate. washed with a solution of 
ammonium nitrate and nitric acid, and dried for a long time at 160 to 
180 C. preferably in a current of air. The precipitate is then 
(NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 .12MoO 3 containing theoretically 3-782 per cent. P 2 0- and 
1-65 per cent, phosphorus. Under the conditions given the practical 
factor for conversion to per cent. P 2 O 5 is 3-753. * If the precipitate is 
greenish it should be heated again with a small crystal of NH NO 3 
and a little ammonium carbonate which gives the correct yellow. 

(b) On gentle ignition the precipitate is converted into a blue- 
black substance 24MoO 3 .P 2 O 5 which contains 3-947 per cent. P 2 CL. 

(c) The precipitate is dissolved in 2-5 per cent, ammonia, thesolu- 
tion nearly neutralised with hydrochloric acid and precipitated with a 
solution of magnesium salts (see p. 183). 

(d) The well- washed precipitate is dissolved in a known quantity 
in excess of standard alkali, the excess alkali being titrated with 
standard nitric acid using phenolphthalein : 

2[(NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 + 12MoO 3 ] + IGXaOH -f- H 2 O =2(NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 

+ (NH 4 ) 2 Mo0 4 -r23Na 2 Mo0 4 +23H 2 

1 c.c. decinormal NaOH corresponds to 0-000309 gram P 2 5 . 

(tf) The molybdate method has been adapted to the determination 
of small quantities of phosphorus colorimetrically. The solution in 
nitric acid is evaporated to clryncss to render the silica insoluble, and 
the residue taken up with nitric acid. After the addition of an excess 
of ammonium molybdate the colour is matched against a standard of 
nearly the same concentration in phosphate. The maximum colour is 
developed after a few minutes, while that in the presence of silicic acid 
requires some hours. Darker solutions precipitate in time while lighter 
ones fade." 

A eolorimetrio method has also been devised which is not inter 
fered with by silicic-, acid. Iron, however, should be removed by means 
of eupferron. The solution should contain 0-002 to 0-025 milligram of 
P./) r> and 2 c.c. of nitric acid (density 1-12). To this is added 2 c.c. of 
a quinine solution made by dissolving 1 gram of the sulphate in a slight 
excess of nitric , acid and adding enough baryta to precipitate all the 
sulphate. The colour developed after the addition of the molybdate is 
compared with that of a standard/ 5 

A nephclometrie method using a strychnine molybdate reagent has 
also been devised. 4 

A similar method is used for the determination of inorganic phos 
phates in urine. r> 1 to 5 e.e. of the urine, containing about 0-5 milli 
gram of phosphorus, are diluted and treated with a solution of 
molybdnte in 15 per cent, sulphuric acid (5 e.e.), 1 c.c. of 1 per cent. 
hydroquinone solution and 1 c.c. of 20 per cent, sodium sulphite 
solution. The bluet colour is compared in Xcsslcr glasses with that 
developed by the same solutions when mixed with a standard phos 
phate solution of which :"> c.c. contain 0-5 milligram of phosphorus. 

1 TivjKhvclI-Mall, ^Analytical (J/tcMixtry, Vol. JJ, Qua /Uitahve," Chapman and Hall, 

i <>;$<). 

- Srhn-mcr, ./. At/icr. dhoti. /SVx;., .1903, 25, 1056; Schreiner and Brown, ibid., 1904, 
26, i)7f>. 

a (Jrrgoiro, Hull. Nor:, chini. Jlcly., 1920, 29, 253. 
l .Julhisbcruor, liiwhc-ni. Zcitttch., 1926, 177, 140. 


The standard phosphate is made by dissolving 4-38.8 grams of KH 2 PO 4 
in 1 litre and diluting this stock 10 times before use. 

(/) The amount of molybdenum in the precipitate may also be 
determined by several methods. A quick volumetric method consists 
in reduction to molybdenum sesquioxide and titration with perman 
ganate. The precipitate, after washing with acid ammonium sulphate 
solution, is dissolved in 10 per cent, ammonia, then treated with an 
excess of dilute sulphuric acid and filtered through zinc. The reduced 
solution and its washings are run directly into 50 c.c. of 20 per cent, 
ferric alum. The MoO :} is reduced by the zinc to Mo 2 O 3 (or Mo 24 O 37 ) 
and this is again oxidised by the ferric sulphate, giving its equivalent 
of ferrous sulphate, which is titrated with IOInO 4 . Since the pre 
cipitate contains IP to 12MoO 3 and 3 atoms of oxygen oxidise Mo O 3 , 
it follows that 36FeslP. Therefore the iron value of the KMnO 4 
multiplied by P/36Fe (i.e. 0-01540) gives the value of the KMnO 4 in 
terms of phosphorus. The factor is 0-0158 if the reduction product 
is Mo M 37 . 

(3) Volumetrically , by Uranyl Solutions. Phosphates which are 
soluble in water or acetic acid may be determined quickly with a 
solution of uranyl acetate or nitrate which has been standardised 
against pure sodium or potassium phosphate. The uranium solution 
is run into that of the phosphate, containing ammonium acetate and 
acetic acid. A greenish-yellow precipitate of uranyl ammonium 
phosphate is deposited. The excess of uranium which appears at the 
end-point is recognised by spotting on a white tile and mixing with 
drops of a solution of potassium The uranyl salt gives 
a dark brown colour of uranyl ferrocyanidc. 

KH 2 PO 4 -r UOo(CH 3 C0 ) 2 -r CH 3 COoXH 4 =UOoXH 4 P0 4 

-!- CH 3 COoK + 2CH 3 C0 2 H 

It is possible also to use cochineal as an inside indicator, the end-point 
being shown by a change of colour from pink to green. 

(4) Magnesium Phosphate Method. This is the most important and 
most accurate final method for the determination, of phosphorus in all 
its compounds. If the phosphate is present as a salt soluble in water 
the solution is slightly acidified and magnesia mixture (containing 
magnesium chloride and ammonium chloride) is added. The solution 
is heated to boiling and a hot 2-5 per cent, solution of ammonia is added 
drop by drop until phcnolphthalein is reddened and a crystalline pre 
cipitate obtained, which is ready Cor filtration after standing about 
10 minutes. The precipitate is washed with 2-5 per cent, ammonia, 
filtered off on a Gooch crucible or on paper and ignited wet or dry to 
MgoP 2 O 7 , which contains 27-86 per cent, of phosphorus, 63-79 per cent, 
of P 2 6 5 and 85-342 per cent, of PO 4 . 

An ammonium phosphomolybdatc precipitate is treated as de 
scribed under (2c) (p. 182) for conversion into MgXH 4 PO 4 . The 
washed precipitate of MgNH 4 P0 4 may be determined volumetrically 
by solution in a known quantity in excess of standard hydrochloric 
acid and back-titration with decinormal alkali using methyl orange, thus 

MgXH 4 P0 4 + 2IIC1 = NH 4 H 2 P0 4 -r MgCl 2 

The most important materials or products in which it is necessary 
to determine phosphorus are phosphatic rocks of all sorts, soils, 


fertilisers (including basic slag), iron, steel and non-ferrous phosphor 
alloys. The former classes are dealt with in the appropriate sections 
of this Volume, so that it remains only to mention some special methods 
which are used in the case of phosphorus alloys. 

Phosphorus in Alloys. Many commercial varieties of iron con 
tain phosphorus, probably in the form of a phosphide (q.v., p. 06), 
The metal is dissolved in HXO 3 (1:1), the solution evaporated to 
drvness, the residue taken up with hydrochloric acid and evaporated 
again until the silica has all been rendered insoluble. The residue is 
then taken up in hydrochloric acid, evaporated to drvness again, taken 
up in nitric acid and treated with ammonium nitrate and ammonium 
molybdate reagent. The precipitate is washed with dilute nitric acid 
until free from iron salts, then with water if it is to be weighed as 
under (2a) (p. 181) or with a solution of potassium nitrate if it is to 
be titrated as under (2d) (p. 182). This method also applies to other 
metals which contain phosphides. If tin is present, as in the phosphor 
bronzes, all the phosphoric oxide is found with the insoluble mcta- 
stannic acid after solution of the alloy in nitric acid. This precipitate, 
after washing, drying and weighing, may be fused with three times its 
weight of potassium cyanide. The residue is extracted with water, 
the metallic tin filtered off, and the excess of cyanide destroyed with 
HC1, any copper and tin remaining in solution being precipitated with 
H 2 S. In the filtrate, after boiling, the phosphate is determined by 
any of the methods already described. 

Perphosphoric Acids. The methods which have been used 
successfully in the preparation of pcrsulphuric acids and 
have also been applied toperphosphoric acid and the perphosphatcs, i.e. 

(a) The addition of II 2 Oo at low temperatures. 

(/;) Anodic oxidation. 

(a) Hydrogen peroxide docs not combine with orthophosphonc 
acid. .But when .metaphosphoric acid or phosphorus pentoxidc were 
treated with 30 per cent, hydrogen peroxide at C., solutions were 
obtained which had oxidising properties and which by analysis proved 
to contain pm.o-nop}).oxph-oric. acid, II.jPO-. With pyrophosphoric acid 
in excess, per(l-ij)Jw}>ph.oric acid, H d P 2 () 8 , was obtained. 1 

Slightly acid or alkaline phosphate solutions of the alkali metals, 
cU 1 .. combine with varying- proportions of n().> H1 < l loose manner. 
Such solutions give the reactions of lloOo." 

(/;) Electrolytic oxidation. The perphosphates of the alkali metals 
a.nd of ammonium have been prepared in this way. As in the electro 
lytic, production of persulphales 3 low temperatures are advantageous 
and the presence of iluoridcs and increases the yield, 
probably by maintaining a high anodic over-voltage. A low anodic 
current -density (e.g. about 0-015 amp. /em. 2 ) is favourable. The 
electrolyte may consist of a. solution of KI! 2 ! > () 4 with (luoridc and 
chroma te. On evaporation at 100 (\ after the electrolysis potassium 
perphosphatc, K 4 P 2 () 8 , can be crystallised. 1 

J Sehniidlm and Massini, />/-., J!)10, 43, 1 H>:>; d Ans and .Friedrich, Her., 19JO, 
43, I8SO; d Ans, Zfil.^c/i.. Klt ktrucki .ni.., I1H1, 17, 8,10. 

2 Uusain and^ton, Trtutfi. Faraday tioc., 19:28, 24, 23o. 

;i Tliis Series, Volume VII, Tart JL. 

4 Fichlcr and MulJer, Utlv. Chim. Ada, 1918, i, 297; Miro, ibid., 1919, 2, 3. 


Perphosphates of ammonium may be prepared in good yields by 
electrolysis, but auto-oxidation and -reduction may occur with the 
production of ammonium phosphate and ammonium nitrate. 1 

Perphosphates of rubidium and caesium are more easily prepared, 
even in the absence of fluorides or chromates. The permonophosphates 
of these metals however require in their preparation rather higher 
current-densities. 2 

If the perphosphoric acids are regarded as derivatives of hydrogen 
peroxide their constitution with quinquevalent phosphorus will be 

O O 

y(OH) 2 : |; 

O =P< (H0)o =P O P - (OH) 2 

V) OH 

Pennon ophosphoric Acid. Perdiphosphoric Acid. 

Reactions and Z)efe6*^0n.- Permoiiophosphoric acid is a strong 
oxidising agent. It liberates iodine at once from acidified potassium 
iodide (cf. Caro s acid) and oxidises manganous salts in the cold to 
permanganates. Hydrolysis in dilute solutions is represented by the 

H 3 PO 5 -r H 2 O - II 3 P0 4 + H 2 O 2 

Perdi phosphoric acid liberates iodine only slowly from acidified 
potassium iodide, and can be kept for- long periods in dilute solution. 

Oxidation of manganous salts in acid solution to red manganic salts 
is characteristic of true pcrphosphatcs. They should not give the 
characteristic tests of hydrogen peroxide with chromic acid or titanic 
acid. They oxidise acid aniline solutions to nitrosobenzenc and 
gradually to nitrobenzene. 

Potassium pcrphosphatc gives with silver nitrate a dark precipitate 
which changes to white Ag 3 PO 5 , then to yellow Ag 3 PO 4 with evolution 
of ozone and oxygen. 

1 Gut/.wjJlur, lid*. Chim. AcMi, 1928, n, 32,3; Husairi and Partington, loc. cit. See 
also Fiehtcr, J. Soc. Ckc.m. Jnd., 1029, 48, 347T. 
- Ilusaiii and Partmgtcm, loc. cit. 


PHOSPHORUS combines directly with sulphur in various proportions 
to give sulphides, the formulae of some of which resemble those of the 
oxides. It also gives oxysulphides, thiophosphites, thiophosphates 
and the corresponding acids. The latter salts may be made by the 
action of alkalies or alkali sulphides on phosphorus sulphides. 

Historical. It was recognised early that phosphorus combines 
violently with sulphur when the two are heated together to a sufficiently 
high temperature (see p. 187 J, 1 and various products were examined, 
sonic of which afterwards proved to be compounds and others mixtures. 2 
Among the earliest products to be prepared and analysed were P 4 S 3 
and P 4 S ;{ . 4 The: substance P 4 S was shown later to be merely a solid 
solution of the two elements, while the latter, P 4 S 3 , is one of the best- 
known compounds and is prepared in large quantities for use in the 
nuil cli industry (q.v. and sec p. 10). 

Physical Mixtures. -When sulphur and phosphorus are melted 
together at. temperatures below 1.00 C. each lowers the melting-point 
of the other but. there is no sign of combination. The eutectie mixture 
solidified at. ( !)-8" (!. and contained 22-8 per cent, of sulphur. 5 The 
mixed crystals deposited on the sulphur side of the eutectic were iso- 
morphous with the octahedral form of sulphur up to a maximum of 
about, 20 per cent, of phosphorus, while the crystals on the phosphorus 
side \\ere isoinorphous with phosphorus up to a maximum of about 
f> per cent, of sulphur. On distillation at low temperatures (under 
reduced pressures) the products behaved as mixtures; all the phos 
phorus distilled away and the sulphur was left. 6 

The System Phosphorus -Sulphur and Compounds. -The two 
elements mixed in various proportions were fused in scaled tubes at 
about 2OO ( . The solids so formed were heated and the temperatures 
determined at which complete liquefaction took place. These tem 
peratures are the initial freey.iiig-points of liquid at that temperature 
in equilibrium with the solid phases. 

i>\ this method points on the temperature-composition curves were 

1 M..P---I.II, Mt^tlfnn. rn>hn., 17KI, 6, f>4. 

i .rryriiu; , Annul n, 1813, 47, 1 1?9, LMf); Furada.y, Quart. J. /Sr,/., 1818, 4, 361; 
iVll.tirr. Ann. i / ////*., 1 7<M>, [ I ], 4, 1. 

: L.-mniiK , C<,/Hi t. nml., lS(il, 58, 890; 188 1 , 93, 485); 1883,96,1630; 1884,98,45. 

- Doult.uch, (\ni*l. nml., 1902, 135, 1 6f> ; 1904, 138, 364; 1900, 142, 1045. 

I>ninlKTt, (\impt. raid., 1883, 96, 1-199, 16^8, 1771; 1885, 100, 3fx~>; 1886, 102, 



obtained corresponding to the compounds P 4 S 3 , P S.>, PoS 5 and perhaps 
pc p e pc i 

* 3^6? 1 4^7? - 1 6- 


| The melting-points of compounds and eutectics are printed in heavy 
type, the corresponding compositions of the liquid phases in italics. 
Solid phases of uncertain composition are enclosed in brackets.] 

Per cent. 

Solid Phase. 


Per cent. 

Solid Phase. 

. Freezing- 



+ 44 


P 4 S 3 



; 5 



5 5 





60 -0 

P 4 S 3 +P 2 S 3 






P 2 S 3 



. ? 

+ 3 

60 -8 

P 2 S 3 



P+(P 2 S) 

- 7 


P,S 3 +P,S 3 

^ o Z o 



(P 2 S) 

+ o 


1 J 2 S 5 



. , 



P 2 S 5 +(PS ) 











(PS 8 ) 



(P 2 S)+P 4 S 3 






P 4 S 3 












Other compounds not included in this set of experiments have 
been described, e.g. P. 4 S 7 (nvpt. 303 C.), P 3 S (j ( 298 C,), 3 and 
P 4 S 8 ( 311 C.). 

A metas table scries between phosphorus and P 4 S 3 has also been 
reported, with a eutcctic at -40 C. and 33-5 per cent, sulphur, but the 
latter point may be due to supercooling. 4 

Tetraphosphorus Trisulphide or Phosphorus Tetritatrivulphide, 
P 4 S 3 , may be })rc|)ared by heating- together the theoretical propor 
tions of red phosphorus and sulphur in a sealed tube or in an atmo 
sphere of carbon dioxide." It is recommended G to use an excess of red 
phosphorus, mix intimately with powdered sulphur and heat to 100 
C. in. a wide tube in a current of carbon dioxide. The reaction is 

1 Giran, Conrpt. rrnrf., 1 !)((), 142, , }98; Boulouch, loc. <;//.; lIollY, Ztitxch. physlkal. 
Cheni., JSJKJ, 12, 10(5: Mai and Sclietler, Her., 1003, 36, 780; Stock and Hofniann, ibid., 

1003, 36, 31-~); l-iudolpli, ~ Zuf dar Phosphor snlfidc, inxbexuiidwi Tetra- 
<pko*pliortriiiljul<,,^ BorJin, 1010; Schonck and Schuril, tier., ]OOG, 39, i5i>2; ^Lock 
and. {Rudolph, -ibid., 1000, 42, 2002; J010, 43, loO: Stock and Hci^covici, ibid., 19JO, 
43, 415, 1223; Jlcr.scovici, ^ Zur KwnUns dtr Pkoxpliorjiilfuh,* 13erlm, 1010; JSlock and 
v. J3cxold, Btr., 19()8, 41, (J57. 

2 Giran, Loc. cit. 3 Stock and v. J3czold, loc. ell. 

4 Boulouch, loc. cit. 

5 Lomoinc, Loc. ciL; Isarnbcrt, loc. cit.; Rammo, Ber., 1879, 12, 94-1; Helil , loc. at.; 
Mai and Schcfl er, loc. cit.; Stock and v. Bczold, loc. cit.; Rudolph, loc. cit.; Stock and 
Rudolph, loc. at. 

Stock and Rudolph, loc. cit. 


started by stronger heating in one spot. After the reaction has ceased, 
the contents of the tube are heated until distillation begins, in order 
to dissociate the higher sulphides of phosphorus. The product, after 
cooling in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, may be extracted with 
carbon disulphicle, which dissolves the !\S 3 , or distilled, when P 4 S 3 
passes over. 

Details of the preparation according to Stock 1 are as follows : The 
sulphur, phosphorus, carbon disulphide and benzene should be both 
pure and dry. The red phosphorus (155 grams) is mixed with the 
sulphur (95 grams). This mixture, in portions of 40 to 50 grams is 
carefully warmed to 100 C. in a beaker standing 011 a sand-bath, 
while a current of C0 2 is passed on to the surface. The part of the 
beaker which is on a level with the upper edge of the mixture is then 
heated with a small flame until the reaction starts and spreads rapidly 
through the mass. The melted substance is then heated to the point 
of distillation in a current of CO 2 , which is maintained until the product 
is cold. It is then crushed and extracted with about twice its weight 
of warm CS 2 . On evaporation of this, the sulphide, having a melting- 
point of 130 to 150 C., remains. It is powdered, boiled with water 
and steamed. The powder is again extracted with CS 2 , which is shaken 
with P*O 5 , filtered and evaporated until crystals form. These are 
dried over P<>0 5 in a water-pump vacuum. The product now melts at 
160 to 171 C. but still contains CS 2 , which may be removed by extrac 
tion in a Soxhlet apparatus with benzene. As this proceeds, fine 
crystals are deposited from the benzene. These are sucked dry on a 
filter and finally freed from solvent in a current of dry hydrogen. 
Another crop of crystals may be obtained by evaporation of the mother- 
liquors. The yellowish needles, of melting-point about 173 C., are 
soluble in benzene and carbon disulphicle. Solutions are turbid on 
exposure to air, but remain unaltered in an atmosphere of hydrogen. 
They can be heated to 700 C, without alteration in the absence of 
oxygen and moisture. 

In the commercial process phosphorus and sulphur are heated 
together in a current of carbon dioxide to 330 or 340 C., and the 
compound sublimed. The commercial product may contain 83 to 98 
per cent, of P 4 S 3 with free sulphur, water, volatile matter, phosphoric 
acid and other impurities. 2 If it is to be used in the match industry 
it should not contain free phosphorus. 

The purified compound is a yellow crystalline substance which 
has a constant composition and which does not alter on fractional 
distillation or crystallisation. 3 The vapour density was found to agree 
with the formula P 4 S 3 . 4 It has been confirmed that the molecular 
weight of the vapour agrees with the theoretical (220) at about 700 C., 
but above this temperature dissociation takes place, a molecular weight 
of 179 being found at 1000 C. 5 Molecular weights slightly above the 
theoretical (228 to 264) were found for this compound when dissolved 
in benzene at its boiling-point. 6 

The density of the solid was 2-0. 7 The melting-point was found to 

1 Stock, loc. cit. - Clayton, Proc. C/tem. Soc., 1902, 18, 129; 1903, 19, 231. 

JLemoine, loc. cit. 

4 Lemoinc, loc. cit.; Ramine, loc. cit.; Helfl, loc. cit. 

5 Stock and v. Bezold, loc. cit. 

6 Stock and Kudolph, Stock and v. Bezold, Helft , loc. cit. 

1 Lemoine, loc. cit.; Isambert, loc. cit.; Stock and v. Bezold, loc. cit. 


be 165 to 167 C. by Isambert, Helff, Mai and Scheffer, 1 also by Rebs 
and Giran, 2 but Stock and his collaborators give 171 to 172-5 C. 
The boiling-point is above 400 C. ; it is given as 410 to 420 C., 3 
408 to 418 , 4 407 to 408. 5 In a water-pump vacuum the sulphide 
may be distilled at about 230 C. 

The heat of formation was low, namely, 16-4 Cals. per mo I P 4 S 3 
and of the same order as the heat of transformation of yellow into red 
phosphorus. As already mentioned, the vapour is dissociated at higher 
temperatures, and in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide this dissociation 
appears to begin at about 380 C. 

The compound ignites in air at about 100 C. 3 and shows a greenish 
glow of slow combustion at about 80 C. 6 The conditions of this glow 
resemble, but are not identical with, those required in the cases of 
white phosphorus and phosphorous oxide. 4 It did not appear in pure 
oxygen until, at 65 C., the pressure was reduced below 300 mm., and 
was steady at 242 mm. in dry and 250-3 mm. in moist oxygen. At 
higher temperatures the glow appeared and disappeared at higher 
pressures. Inflammation occurred between 80 and 90 C. 6 The 
products of combustion are phosphoric oxide and sulphur dioxide. 
Chlorine converts the sulphide into phosphoric and sulphuric acids, 
while aqua regia also dissolves it. 7 

Cold water has no effect, but boiling water slowly decomposes the 
sulphide into phosphoric acid and hydrogen sulphide. 3 With potassium 
hydroxide solution the sulphide behaves like a mixture of sulphur and 
phosphorus, giving phosphine, hydrogen, etc., and potassium sulphide. 8 

Like its constituent elements, this sulphide of phosphorus dissolves 
very freely in CS 2 (solubility 60 to 100 at ordinary temperatures). It 
is also moderately soluble in solvents such as benzene and toluene. 

Diphosphorus Trisulphide or Phosphorus Tctr it ahexa sulphide, 
P 2 S 3 or P 4 S 6 . The preparation of a compound of this composition by 
heating the constituent elements in the correct proportions was reported 
by the earlier workers. 7 It was described as a yellowish-white sub 
stance which could be obtained as a sublimate 9 and purified by sub 
limation. 10 It gave a vapour the density of which corresponded to 
P 4 S G . li When hydrogen sulphide is caused to react with phosphorus 
trihalides the solid remaining has the composition P 2 S 3 . 12 

The substance melted at 290 C., 3 296 C. 13 It" sublimed between 
490 and 550 C. It did not fume or glow in the air, but in other 
respects its chemical properties resembled those of P 4 S 3 . 

Tetraphosphorus Heptasulpliide or Phosphorus Tctriiahepta- 
sulphide, P 4 S 7 . This compound was first obtained during the distilla 
tion of P 4 S 6 in a vacuum, 14 and was separated by heating under pressure 

L Loc. cit. 2 Rcbs, Annalcv, 1883, 246, 365; Giran, Inc. cif. 

3 Lemoine, Joe. dl, 1 Mai and Scheffer, loc. cit. 3 Stock and Rudolph, loc. at. 

f> SeharfT, ^ Caber das Leucliten dc-s Phosphors -und eivigcr seiner Vvrbrndunycn" Mar 
burg, 1007. 

7 Lcmoine, Isambert, loc. cit. 

s Lcmoine. Joe. c./L; Stock and Rudolph, loc. cit. 
9 Ber/A-lius, Annah-n, 1843, 47, 120, 255. 
10 Krafil, and Xcumann, Bf-.r., 1901, 34, 567. 1] Isambert, loc. cit. 

12 Serullas, Ann. Chitn. Phy*., 1820, [2], 42, 33; Gladstone, Phil. Mag., 18-19, [3], 
35, 345; Ouvrard, Ann. Chim. P hys., KS94, [7], 2, 221. For other methods, see also 
Sprinirer, PJmrm. Zt.itu/tg, 1900, 43, 164; Besson, rend., 1896, 122, 467; 1896, 
123, 884; 1807, 124, 151. 

13 Giran. loc. cit., D. 187. 1; -Mai, loc. cit. 


with carbon disulphide in which, as distinguished from P 4 S ? , it was 
only sparingly soluble. In the methods of preparation which have 
been described l the phosphorus should be in slight excess over that 
required for P 4 S 7 . The ingredients may be heated together in. a sealed 
tube and the product recrystallised from carbon disulphide in pale 
yellow crystals. 

The melting-point was 310 C. and the boiling-point 523 C. 2 A 
maximum melting-point corresponding to P 4 S 7 was found on the 
thermal diagram of P 4 S 6 and P 4 S 10 . 3 The solubility in carbon di 
sulphide was 0-0286 gram per 100 grams solvent at 17 C. 

A compound having the empirical formula PS 2 was said to be 
formed by heating together the elements in the proportions theoreti 
cally required, 4 or by distillation 5 or heating with carbon disulphide 
in a sealed tube at 210 C. 6 Other methods include the exposure to 
sunlight of P 4 S 3 (1 part) with sulphur (2 parts) dissolved in carbon 
disulphide, 7 or a solution of phosphorus and sulphur with a little iodine 
in carbon disulphide. 8 Pale yellow transparent needles of the compound 
are deposited. 

The molecular weight deduced from the vapour density was P 4 S 8 5 
or P 3 S 6 . The melting-point was 248 to 249 C. 10 or 290"to 298 C. 11 
The boiling-point is given as 516 to 519 C. 12 

The chemical properties are similar to those of the other sulphides 
of phosphorus, but the compound is less stable, and easily decomposes, 
giving P 4 S 3 with separation of sulphur. 

Phosphorus Pentasulphide or Diphosphorus Pentasulphide or 
Phosphorus Tetritadecasulphide, P 2 S 5 or P 4 S 10 . The methods which 
have been already described in connection with the other sulphides 
have been successfully used in the preparation of this compound from 
the theoretical proportions of the elements : 

(a) By fusion. This method is used in the preparation of the com 
mercial product, which is not pure. 13 A slight excess of sulphur should 
be used and the heating should take place in an atmosphere of C0 2 . 
The compound may be purified by heating in a vacuous scaled tube 
for several hours at 700 C., and then by crystallisation from carbon 
disulphide. 14 

(b) By heating phosphorus (20 grams) and sulphur (GO grams) in a 
sealed tube with iodine (0-5 grain) and carbon disulphide (150 c.c.) at 
211 C., followed by recrystallisation. 15 

(c) By the action of H 2 S on POC1 3 . 16 

(d) By passing the vapour of PSC1 3 through a red-hot tube. 17 
Details of the preparation have been given by Stock. 18 Pure, dry, 

1 Stock and v. Bczold, loc. cit.; Stock and Hcrscovici, loc. cit. 

2 Stock and Hcrscovici, loc. cit. 

3 Stock, B(-.r., 1906, 39, 1967; 1909, 42, 2002. 

4 Ramme, loc. cit.; llelil, loc. cit. 5 Mai, Antutlc.n., 1891, 265, 192. 

6 Scidel, " Uc.b(,r Schwcfelphosphorverbi.ndu /igeji, etc.," Gottingen, 1875. 

7 Dervin, Co",n>pt. rend., 1904, 138, 366. 

8 Bonlouch, loc. cit. 9 Ramme, TIelff, loc. cit. ll) Scidel, loc. cit. 

1 Ramme, HeliT, Dervin, loc. cit. 

2 Reckhnghausen, Bar., 1893, 26, 1517. 

ckulu,*" Annaleu, 1854, 90, 399; Goldschmidt, Bc.r., 1882, 15, 303; V. and C. 
Mever, tier., 1879, 12, 609; Eclli , loc. cit.; Robs, loc. cit. 

Ramme, loc. cit. 15 Ramme, loc. cit.; Stock and Thiel, Bar., 1905, 38, 2720. 

Besson, loc. cit. 

Baudrimont, Ann. Ctu-ni. Phys., 1864, [4], 2, 5. is Stock, Ber., 1910, 43, 1223. 


red phosphorus (100 grams) is intimately mixed with sulphur (260 
grams). Portions of 30 to -10 grams are heated until they combine, in 
the manner described under P 4 S 3 . The product is ground up and heated 
in an evacuated and sealed glass tube to about 700 C. The contents 
are powdered and extracted with CS 2 . They are recrystallised twice 
from the same solvent and dried at 100 C. in a current of hydrogen. 
The yield should be about 60 per cent, of the theoretical. 

Properties. The compound has been prepared in two forms : 

(a) Pale yellow crystals obtained by repeated recrystallisation from 
carbon disulphide, in which they are only sparingly soluble (1 in 1.95). 
Density 2-03. 

(b) A nearly white substance obtained by rapid condensation of the 
vapour, followed by extraction with carbon disulphide. This form 
was more soluble in this solvent (1 in 30), had a higher density (2-08) 
and a lower indefinite melting-point (247 to 276 C.). 1 

The melting-point of the commercial sulphide was 255 C. 2 and that 
of the recrystallised product 275 to 276 C. 3 The melting-point was 
raised to 284 to 291 C. by repeated recrystallisation from carbon 
disulphide. 4 Boiling occurs with partial decomposition a.t 513 to 
515 C. 4 Other values which have been found are 520 C., 5 523-6 C. 6 
The sulphide distils in a water-pump vacuum at 332 to 340 C.. 
probably with considerable dissociation (sec Ci Vapour Density * ). 7 

The vapour density at temperatures slightly above the boiling- 
point corresponded to simple molecules P 2 S 5 . 8 Later investigators, 
however, found that it was slightly below the theoretical, being 208 at 
300 C., and decreased at higher temperatures, down to 133 at 1.000 C. 9 
The molecular weight in boiling carbon disulphide was [82 to 401, cor 
responding approximately to double molecules (P 4 S 10 requires 444 ). 10 

The compound does not glow in air, but is highly inflammable, 
giving a mixture of the oxides. It was attacked only slowly by cold 
water, but rapidly by hot water, giving phosphoric acid and hydrogen 
sulphide. 11 It did not form addition compounds with bromine or 
iodine. 12 It was converted into PSC1 3 by phosphorus pentachloricle 
and by several other acid chlorides : 13 

PoS 5 +3PCl 5 =5PSCl 3 
PoS 5 -f 5POC1 3 = 5PSC1 3 + PoO 5 
2PoS 5 -r 6SOCU = 4PSC1 3 + 3SO o ~ OS 
P S 3 + SbCU = PSC1 3 - SbPS 4 

d o -Jfc 

Ammonia, in the gaseous or liquid form, was readily absorbed by 
the pcntasulphidc giving a phosphorus hexammonio-penta sulphide, 

1 Stock and Thicl, loc. cit.; Thicl, Zur Kcnntnis dr.s PlioKpliorpmtnsuIfi<lt,% Berlin, 

2 Stock and Scharfenbeni, Her., 1908, 41, 558. 

3 Stock, Joe. oil.; V. and C. Meyer, loc. cit.; HclJT, loc. ciL 

4 Stock and Hcrscovici, loc. cit,. 5 Isnmbert, loc. cit. 
fi Rccklinghausen, loc. cit. Sec also Goldschmidt, J3cr., J8S2, 15, 303. 

7 Mai, Loc. cit. 

8 Isambert, loc. cit.; Meyer, loc. cit.; Helff, loc. cit. 

9 Stock and v. Bezold, loc. cit. 

10 Stock and Thicl, loc. cit. 

11 Fvckule, loc. cit.; Stock and Hcrxcovici, loc. cit. 
:2 Hunter, Chtm. News, 1925, 131, 38, 174. 

13 Carius, Annalen, 1S58, 106, 331; 1S59, 112, 80; Weber, J. praU. Chcm., 1859, 
[1], 77, 65; Glatzol, Zeitsch. anorg. Chvn., 1893, 4, 186; 1905, 44, 65. 


P 2 S 5 .6NH 3 , as well as lower ammoniates. This compound may be 
ammonium diimidopentathiopyrophosphate, S{P(SNH 4 ) 2 (NH)} 2 . 1 

The pentasulphide dissolved slowly in cold alkalies, quickly in hot, 
and gave salts of thiophosphoric acid. 2 Sodium sulphide also gave a 
thiophosphate. 3 

Uses of the Sulphides of Phosphorus. The pentasulphide of 
phosphorus is used to replace the oxygen of organic compounds by 
sulphur : thus ethyl alcohol gives ethyl mcrcaptan, and acetic acid 
thioacetic acid. 4 The reactions, however, are somewhat complex ; 
thus with ethyl alcohol the first product has been shown to be clicthyl- 
dithiophosphate, SP(SH)(OEt) 9 , the mercaptan being produced by a 
secondary reaction. 5 Phosphorus pentasulphide, boiling under atmo 
spheric or other definite pressure, has been, recommended for use in 
constant temperature baths in place of sulphur. The compound P 4 S 3 , 
which is one of the most stable sulphides in dry air, but resembles 
phosphorus in some respects, is used as a substitute for this element in 
the manufacture of matches. 6 

Phosphorus Oxy sulphides. The compound P 4 O 6 S 4 was prepared 
by heating together P 4 O 6 and sulphur in an atmosphere of nitrogen 
or carbon dioxide : 

P 4 6 +4S=P 4 6 S 4 

It appears as colourless rectangular prisms which melt at about 102 C. 
and boil at 295 C. The vapour density is 11-8 to 12-5 (air =1), which 
corresponds to the formula given. It is very easily soluble in CS 2 . 
In moist air it decomposes as follows :- 

P 4 O 8 S 4 + CH 2 O = -il-IPOg + 4H 2 S 7 

Another oxysulphide, also a derivative of P 2 5 , was produced when 
II 2 S dissolved in POC1 3 containing carbon disulphide was allowed to 
react for some weeks at C. Small needle-shaped crystals having the 
composition P 2 O 2 S 3 then separated. They incited at about 300 C ,. and 
sublimed in a vacuum with decomposition. The compound was de 
composed by moist air with production of H 2 S. 

2POC1 3 -f 3II 2 S =P 2 2 S 3 -r GHCl 8 

Thiophosphites, Thiohypophosphates and Thiophosphates. 

Since the sulpliidcs, oxysulphidcs and halosulphidcs of ])hos])horus 
are completely hydrolyscd by water with evolution of IL>S, it is evident 
that the thioxyaeids of phosphorus are unstable. Various salts of 
these acids may however be prepared by using alkalies or ammonia 
instead of water and by other reactions, of which a general outline only 
is given, here. 

Thiophosphites. These salts may be regarded as derived from 
mono-, HoPSOo, di-, II 3 PS 2 O, and tri-thiophosphorous acids, TI 3 PS 3 . 
They were prepared, with other products, by heating metals with a 
mixture of sulphur and phosphorus, e.g. Ag 3 PS 3 , or metallic sulphides 

1 Stock, loc. cit. 2 Bcrzdiu.s, loc. clt.; Stock and Jierscovici, Joe. at. 

3 Glutzel, lac. clt. - 1 Kekule, he,, at. 

5 .Pischtschiminko, J. Russ. Phys. Chtm. 8oe.., 1925, 57, Jl. 

6 Scvene and Cohen, British Patent, 16314, 1898. 

7 Tlior-Qc and Tutton, Trans. Chcm. Soc.. 1891. ^o. 1010. 


with phosphorus sulphides, e.g. Cu 3 PS 3 from Cu 2 S and PoSg. 1 When. 
P 4 S 3 was dissolved in alkalies phosphiiie, hydrogen and phosphorus 
were produced. By evaporation in vacuo crystals of Na 2 H(PSO 2 ).2H 2 O 
were obtained. "With an excess of sodium hydroxide, after long 
standing, the normal salt Na 3 PSO 2 was deposited. When the alkali 
was replaced by Na 2 S the evaporation in vacuo gave Xa 2 Ii(PS 2 O).2 2 -H 2 0. 2 
An ammonium salt, (XH 4 ) 2 II(PSO 2 ).IL->O, has been prepared similarly 
from P 4 S 3 and solution of ammonia after long standing at C. 
Solutions of these salts gave a characteristic yellow to red precipitate 
when mixed with a solution of lead acetate. When the salts were 
heated or their solutions were boiled, H S was evolved and phosphites 

Thiohypophosphates, for example those of copper, silver and 
nickel, Cu 2 P 2 S 6 , Ag d P S G , and Xi PoS G , respectively, have been prepared 
by heating the metals with phosphorus and sulphur. The ease with 
which they are decomposed by water depends on the eleetroailimty 
of the metal. Thus the zinc salt is decomposed by boiling water, while 
the nickel salt, which forms grey hexagonal crystals, is scarcely ai i ected 
by water. 3 

Thiophosphates. The general methods of preparation recall 
those used in the preparation of phosphates, sulphides being used in 
place of oxides, with protection of the product from oxidation or 
hydrolysis : 

(a) The heating of metallic sulphides with phosphorus penta- 
sulphide gives the most highly thionised thiophosphates. The poly- 
sulphides which arc formed at the same time may be removed by 
alcohol. From the solutions dithiophosphates may be isolated. 

3M 2 S-rP 2 S 5 =2M 3 PS 4 

(b) The heating of metallic chlorides with phosphorus pcnta- 
sulphides gives thiophosphates together with PSC1 3 . 

(c) By the action of alkalies on thiohalides. PSC1 3 is the chloride 
of monothiophosphoric acid, and with alkalies it gives monothio- 

By fusing crystalline sodium sulphide with phosphorus penta- 
sulphidc and dissolving the product in a little water, crystals of tri- 
s odium tetrathio-orlhophosphate were obtained. 

3(Xa 2 S.OH 2 O)+P 2 S 5 =2(Xa 3 PS 4 .8lI 2 O)-f llHoO 1 

The crystals were needle-shaped or tabular, in the monoclinic system. 
The corresponding potassium salt, K 3 PS 4 , was obtained as a yellow 
crystalline mass by fusing KC1 with P 2 S 5 . 

These thiophosphates arc hydrolysed in dilute solution with evolu 
tion of IloS. They can be dissolved unchanged in alkalies. With 
salts of the heavy metals they give precipitates which are decomposed 
on warmino 1 , o-ivino- II S. TJicv arc casilv oxidised bv nitric acid, 

& to t> ~ ./ _ ./ ^ 7 

potassium dichromatc, etc. with deposition of sul])lmr. When treated 

1 Fornmcl, Ann. Ch ,-,n. /Vry.v., 181)0, [7J, 17, 088. 

2 Lotnoinc, Co-nipt, rr./i.d., 1881, 93, 48!). 

:5 Fcrraiul, loc. c. iL, and CompL wad., 18!)G, 122, C> 2\.; Priodcl, ibid., 1894, 119, 260. 
4 Glatzel, Zafsch. anory. Chun,., 1893, 4, 180; 190"), 44, 05. 


with solutions of sulphides, e.g. BaS, the trithiophosphates were pro 
duced, as represented by the equation 

2Xa 3 PS 4 +3BaS+2lI 2 O=Ba 3 (PS 3 O) 2 +3Xa 2 S+2H 2 S 

Dithiophosphates, M 3 (PS 2 O 2 ), were also produced by this reaction. 1 

Other tetrathiophosphates which have been prepared by the foregoing 
methods are Cu 3 PS 4 (CuCl and P 2 S 5 ), 2 Ag 3 PS 4 (AgCl and P 2 S 5 ), 2 
Hg 8 (PS 4 ) 2 (HgS and P 2 S 5 ), Pb 3 (PS 4 ) 2 (PbCl 2 and P 2 S 5 ), Fe 3 (PS 4 ) 2 
(FeS and P 2 S 5 ), Ni 3 (PS 4 ) 2 (XiCl 2 and P 2 S 5 ). (For thiophosphates of 
As, Sb, Bi see this Volume, Part IV. 3 ) 

The preparation of barium trithiophosphate has been described above. 
The magnesium salt, Mg 3 (PS 3 O) 2 .20H 2 O, was prepared by the action 
of the tetrathiosodium salt on magnesium hydrosulphide. 1 The 
ammonium salt, (XH 4 ) 3 (PS 3 O).H 2 0, was prepared by the action of 
water on ammonium imidothiophosphate (see "Ammomates of P 2 S 5 "). 
From a solution of this compound by interaction with salts of various 
metals, e.g. CuSO 4 , their trithiophosphates have been prepared. 4 

Trisodium ditiiiophosphate, Xa 3 (PS 2 O 2 ).llH 2 O, has been prepared 
from P 2 S 5 and a rather concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide. 
The solution was heated to 50 to 55 C. until the trithio-salt was 
decomposed. The salt was precipitated by alcohol, and when re- 
crystallised from water appeared as colourless six-sided prisms. 5 The 
ammonium, salt, (NH 4 ) 3 (PS 2 O 2 ).2H 2 0, was prepared similarly from 
aqueous ammonia and P 2 S 5 . From these soluble thiophosphates those 
of the heavy metals may be obtained by double decomposition. 5 

Trisodium. monothiophosphate was obtained from the solution of 
mixed thiophosphates by heating to 90 C. in order to decompose 
dithiophosphate. On cooling, the crystalline salt Xa 3 (PSO 3 ).12H 2 
separated in six-sided tables, melting at 60 C. 5 This salt was also 
prepared from PSC1 3 as follows : 

PSC1 3 + 6XaOH - Xa 3 (PS0 3 ) + 3XaCl + 3lI 2 O 6 

Ammonium dihydromonothiophosphate was prepared by the hydrolysis 
of imidotrithiophosphoric acid, thus 

H S [P(XH)S 3 ] +8H 2 = (NH 4 )H 2 (PS0 3 ) +2H 2 S * 

The salt was repeatedly precipitated by alcohol and dissolved in water. 
A similar or identical salt having the constitution SP(OH) 2 (OXH 4 ) 
was prepared by the action of phosphorus pentasulphide on acetoxime 
in carbon disulphide solution. The part insoluble in CS 2 was extracted 
with alcohol, boiled and crystallised from cold water in monoclinic 

From the alkali monothiophosphates those of other bases have 
been obtained by precipitation. 

A scries of pyrothiophosphatcs, M 2 P 2 S 7 (in which M is a divalent 
metal), has been prepared by the methods already described. 8 The 
free acids decompose immediately on liberation, but a mixture of them 

1 Ephraim and Majler, Bar., 1910, 43, 285. 2 Glatzel, loc. cit. 

3 Sec also \Yallsoni, Chem. News, 1928, 136, 113. 

4 Stock, tier., 1906, 39, 1967. 

5 Kubierschky, J. prakt. Chcm., 1885, [2], 31, 93. 

6 Wurtz, Conipt. rend., 1847, 24, 288. 

7 Dodge, Annultn, 1891, 264, 185. s Fcrrand, Joe. cit. 


has been prepared as a yellow oil having the composition H 4 P 2 2 So 
by the action, of liquid hydrogen chloride on ammonium trithio- 
phosphate at low temperatures. 1 

Esters of the thiophosphoric acids have been prepared, e.g. ethyl 
tetrathiophosphate, (CoHg)^^ 2 

The compounds containing nitrogen as well as sulphur are described 
in Chapter XIV., pp. 202-204. 

Thio phosphates. Detection. Many of the reactions already de 
scribed, such as the production of H 2 S and phosphoric acid when these 
salts are treated with acids, will serve to detect the thiophosphates. 
The alkali and ammonium salts are soluble, the others mostly insoluble. 
Calcium, barium and strontium monothiophosphates, barium and 
strontium dithiophosphates and barium trithiophosphate arc insoluble, 
the other alkaline earth salts soluble. Thiophosphate solutions mixed 
with alkali sulphides give a green colour with ferric chloride. Mono 
thiophosphates give a blue precipitate with cobalt sulphate soluble in 
excess of the cobalt salt, dithiophosphates a green precipitate soluble 
in excess of dithiophosphate, and trithiophosphates a brown solution. 
Several other tests have been described. 3 


When red phosphorus is melted with selenium in a current of 
carbon dioxide a, reaction is said to occur without notable loss of 
weight. The products are sensitive to moist air, phosphine and 
selcniuretted hydrogen being evolved. The action of concentrated 
alkalies or alkali selcnicles gives sclcnophospha/tes (q.v.).* 

The solution of selenium in yellow phosphorus is also extremely 
sensitive to moisture, and quantities of phosphine and hydrogen 
selcnide arc evolved during the preparation, unless the selenium is 
dried at a temperature which is high enough to convert the red partly 
into the black modification. The melting-point of the phosphorus is 
greatly lowered ; the solution containing phosphorus 4-4 parts and 
selenium 3-0 parts melts at -7 C. On distillation of such solutions, 
approximating to P 4 Sc and P 2 Se, phosphorus passes over with only 
traces of selenium. The residue, or other mixtures containing more 
selenium, when distilled in a current of carbon dioxide at a higher 
temperature gave a. distillate of oily drops which solidified to a red 
mass which had a composition closely approximating to P 4 Se 3 . The 
second residue, a black vitreous mass, distilled at a red heat and had 
approximately the composition P 2 Sc 5 . ;j 

A compound P 4 Se ;J lias also been prepared by wanning 5-6 grams of 
powdered selenium with 2-8 grams of yellow phosphorus in 30 c.c. of 
tctralin (tctrnhydronaphthalciic). After the reaction has begun the 
mixture is boiled for a long time in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. 
The liquid is decanted and immediately deposits an orange substance, 
sometimes in crystalline form (needles). Further quantities extracted 
with boilino- tctralin and washed with alcohol increase the yield to 

- Michaelis, Annalw, 1872, 164, 39. 

, 1S6-1, [1], 93, -130; Muthmann 


3-5 grams. The substance may be purified by extraction with a 1 : 1 
mixture of carbon disulphide and petroleum ether. A crystalline 
deposit forms in the extraction flask. The substance melts at 242 C. 
to a dark red liquid with the formation of a slight sublimate. It is 
inflammable, and slightly decomposed by boiling water with evolution 
of the hydrides of selenium and phosphorus. It is oxidised powerfully 
by cold nitric acid. The resulting solution was used for analysis, which 
gave results agreeing fairly well with the formula P 4 Se 3 and also with 
the analysis of Meyer, 1 being about 1 per cent, high in -phosphorus and 
1 per cent, low in selenium. 2 

Selenophosphates. By treating melts of the composition P 2 Sc 5 
and P 2 Se 3 with concentrated KOH greenish to colourless crystals of 
an octahedral habit are obtained having a composition correspond 
ing to K 2 HPSe 3 O -r 2-J-H 2 O. When a solution of K 2 S is substituted 
for KOH a thioselenophosphitc is crystallised, 2.K 2 S.P 2 Se 3 +oH 2 0. 
When XaOH is used instead of KOH long greenish prisms of NayPSe^O 
+ 10H 2 are obtained. 

Sulphoselenides. When the selenides of phosphorus are melted 
Avith sulphur, products are obtained which have the composition 
P 4 SSe 2 ( 225 to 230 C.) and P 4 S 2 Se ( 190 to 200 C.). 3 * 

i Loc. oit. 2 Mai, Bcr., 1926, 59, [B], 1888. .Meyer, Inc. cit. 

* Note. Compounds of phosphorus and tellurium are described in this Series, 
Vol. VII., Part II. 



A-MiDo-pnospiroKors and -phosphoric acids are prepared by the action 
of dry ammonia on the anhydrous oxides or oxylialides such as phos- The imido-derivatives, in which =NII replaces =O, 
can often be obtained from the a mi do-derivatives by heating. Other 
methods are the hydrolysis of amido-esters and of phosphorus chloro- 
nitrides (q.i:.). 

Ami do- derivatives of PJiosphorous and Ortho-phosphoric Acids. 

Diamidophosphorous Acid, (XH 2 ) 2 POII, was made, together with 
diammonium phosphite, by the action of ammonia on phosphorous 
oxide dissolved in ether or benzene : 

P 4 6 - 8XH, = 3(NH 2 ) 2 POH -f- (XH.O^POH * 

It is a white solid, which can be melted and sublimed with sonic decom 
position, and combines with water, evolving much heat. It was 
hydrolysed by hydrochloric acid giving phosphorous acid, which was 
decomposed into phosphine and phosphoric, acid. 

Phosphorus Triamide, P(XH 2 ) :J , is said to be formed by the 
action of dry ammonia, on phosphorus tribromide at -70 C. It was 
a yellow solid which decomposed at C. giving a brown substance, 
diphosphorus triinude. P.->(Xri) :5 , and was further decomposed on 
further heating into phosphorus, nitrogen and ammonia. 2 

Monamidophosphoric Acid, XII 2 PO(OH) 2 , has been obtained 
by several reactions, among which are the hydrolysis of cliphenyl 
amidopliosphate by means of alkali, thus 

and the action of nitrous acid on diamidophosphorie acid. The sodium 
salt (which results in the former method) may be converted into the 
lead salt, which may then be decomposed by hydrogen sulphide at 
C. The acid is precipitated from the filtrate by alcohol in the form 
of tabular or cubic crystals. It is very soluble in water, has a sweetish 
taste, and is hydrolysed after long standing at room temperature or 
rapidly in hot solution, into ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, thus 

XII 2 PO(OIi). 2 -rlloO =XH 4 OPO(OH) 2 3 

1 Thorpo and Tut.ttm, 7V ,,,.,. (;/>cm. ,W., ISO I, 59, 1027. 

2 .HuLiol, Co////;/, rend., 100"), 141, l-o-". 

3 Sf-nW,; A !(> ft I, (,;> J \MM T !!)X: I!)4. ifi. 12S. 140: 1898.20.740. 


Ammonium and hydroxylamine salts of this acid furnish interesting 
examples of isomerism. Thus, ammonium hydrogen amiclophosphate, 
XH 2 PO(OH)OXH 4 (prepared by double decomposition between the 
silver salt and ammonium sulphide, with subsequent precipitation 
with alcohol as needle-shaped crystals), is isomeric with hydrazine 
phosphite, X 2 H 4 .H 3 PO 3 , while hydroxylamine amiclophosphate, 
XH,I 3 0(OH)(OXH 3 OH) 9 is isomeric with hydrazine phosphate, 
XJI^HoPO^ 1 

The mono- and di-sodium salts and the corresponding potassium 
salts have also been prepared. The salt XH 2 PO(OH)(OK) was ob 
tained by hydrolysing chphenylamidophosphate with a boiling solution 
of KOH, acidifying the cold solution with acetic acid and washing the 
precipitate with alcohol. It forms rhombohedral crystals which are 
very soluble in water. The solution is neutral and is gradually hydro- 
Ivsed on standing. Lithium, silver and lead amidophosphates were 
precipitated by adding salts of these metals to alkali amidophosphates. 

Diamidophosphoric Acid, (XH 2 ) 2 PO(OIT), is capable of giving 
salts of a tribasic acid, such as (XH 2 ) 2 P(OK) 2 (OAg). Silver salts have 
been prepared in which hydrogen of the amido-group is replaced by silver, 
yielding ultimately the dark brown explosive (X"HAg) 2 P(OAg) 3 . 2 

The free acid was prepared by hydrolysing the compound 
(XH 9 )oPO(OC G H 5 ) obtained from C1 2 PO(OC G H 5 ) and aqueous ammonia, 

C1 2 PO(OC C H 5 ) 7 (XH,),PO(OC 6 H 5 ) -> (XH 2 ) 2 PO(OH) -HC 6 H 3 OII 

^-N 1 I 3 1J f,U 

Triamidophosphoric Acid or Phosphoryl Triamide, PO(XH 2 ) 3 , 
was prepared by passing dry ammonia into dry phosphoryl chloride. 
After washing out the ammonium chloride, an insoluble white powder 
was left, which was scarcely affected by dilute acids or alkalies, but 
Avas decomposed by fusion with potash. 3 

The preparation of this compound has not been confirmed by other 
investigators. 1 

The products of further heating of the amides are described 
on p. 202. 

Amido- and Iniido- derivatives of Metaphosphoric Acid. 
In metaphosphoric acid, O(PO)OH, or its polymers such as dimcta- 

phosphoric acid, HO(POK >(PO)OII, the hydvoxyl may be replaced 


by XII 2 , and the = O by =XII, giving amidomctaphosphorie acids 
and imido metaphosphoric or metaphosphiniic acids. 

The action of ammonia on phosphorus pcntoxide at low tempera 
tures yielded, a substance, or mixture, which was easily soluble in water 
and in alcohol. 

The composition of the product corresponded to the formula 
XH(PO)OII, which may be regarded as derived from (XII 2 )a ) O(OII ) 
by loss of ammonia. It may also be represented as phosphoryl 


hydroxylamine, (PO)XHOH. 1 The soluble salts gave precipitates with 
salts of the heavy metals. 2 

When the products of the action of ammonia on phosphorus penta- 
chloride (q.v.) were well washed, the residue was found to have the 
empirical composition of a phosphor} ! imidoamide, XH(PO)NH 2 , of 
which it is probably a polymer. 3 On heating this compound, or other 
amides of phosphoric acid, ammonia is lost and phosphonitril, PNO, 
is left, thus 

XH(PO)XH 2 =PNO +NH 3 4 

This is a white powder which fuses at a red heat giving a black glass. 
It is not affected by aqueous acids and alkalies, nor even by hot nitric 
acid, but may be hydrolysed by fusion with caustic alkalies. On 
account of these properties it is represented as a polymer (PXO). n of 
high molecular weight and probably cyclic structure (see below). 5 


Dimetaphosphimic Acid, [HO(XH) = P = O] 2 or HX< XH, 


was considered to be identical with the diamide of pyrophosphoric 
acid, O = |"(PO)OH.XH 2 ] 2 , and both formulas have been assigned to the 
product of the action of ammonium carbamate on POC1 3 . G 

Trimetaphosphimic Acid, [XIT(POOH)| 3 , was obtained by the 
action of water on a sodium acetate ethereal solution of P 3 X 3 C1 6 (q.v., 
p. 205). The acid was soluble in water, and was obtained as a colloidal 
substance on evaporation. It gave a series of salts. The trisodium 
salt, Xa 3 PI 3 P 3 X 3 O 6 .4lI 2 0, crystallised in rhombic prisms below 80 C., 
whilst above 80 C. a monohydrate was formed. The trisilver salt 
was precipitated in plates when silver nitrate was added to a nitric 
acid solution of the sodium salt. A hexasilver salt, Ag, ; P 3 N ; >0 G , was 
thrown down as a white precipitate when an excess of ammoniacal 
silver nitrate was added to a solution of the trisodium trimctaphos- 
phimate. On heating or long standing in solution, especially in the 
presence of strong acids, the metaphosphirnates arc hydrolysed into 
ammonium salts and phosphoric acid. Several cyclic structures are 
possible for the acids ; the rnctaphosphimic ring contains the 
radicals Nil PO(OII) , the nitrilophosphoric ring the radicals 
X = P (OH)o- . On the former hypothesis, di- and tri-meta- 
phosphimic acids arc : 


0(OH) H / \ n 

J>XH and ! , respectively. 

b(OH) ( H0) \ 


1 Gladstone and Holmes, Trans. Cham. Soc., 1SC4, 17, 225; 1SGO, 19, 1; 1SG8, 21, 
64; Mente, A ttnalf-n, 1888, 248, 232. 
~ SchilT, loc. 

3 Gcrh;irdt, A;ni. Oh.-un. /^//,v., 1846, ["^1, 18, 188, 204; .1847, [3], 20, 25f>. 
1 Gcrliardt, loc. clt.\ Gladstone, Trans. C htin. Soc., "I8-")0, 3, 121; SchilT, loc. cit. 
5 Gladstone. Tran.x. Chc-tu. Soc.. 1850. ^?. 121: 186!), 22, 15; Gladstone and Holmes. 


Tetrametaphosphirnic Acid, which was prepared by the hydro 
lysis of P 4 X 4 C1 S , may be regarded as constituted in a similar manner, 
forming an eight-membered ring. It crystallised in needles containing 
two molecules of water. P 4 X 4 H 8 8 .2H 2 O, and was only slightly soluble 
in water, still less so in acids. The solubility in 10 per cent, acetic acid 
was about 0-5 gram in 100 grams solvent. 

This acid is more stable towards hydrolysing agents than the other 
metaphosphimic acids, and even resists the action of hot nitric acid 
and aqua regia. There are two series of salts derived from a di- and a 
tetra-basic acid respectively. Thus the dipotassium salt, K 2 H B P 4 X 4 8 , 
which forms prismatic crystals, on treatment with excess of potassium 
hydroxide gives the tetrapotassium salt, K 4 H 4 P 4 X 4 O 8? which forms 
sparingly soluble tabular crystals. Ammonium and sodium salts have 
also been prepared. The tetra-argentic salt, Ag 4 H 4 P 4 X 4 O 8 , was formed 
as a white precipitate on mixing silver nitrate with the acid, and the 
octo-salt, Ag 8 P 4 X 4 O 8 , as a yellow precipitate from ammoniacal silver 
nitrate and ammonium tctraphosphimatc. 

Pentametaphosphimic Acid and Hexametaphosphimic Acid 
were similarly obtained by hydrolysis in ethereal solution of the corre 
sponding nitrilo-chlorides. Like the lower polymers they gave crystal 
line sodium salts containing water of crystallisation, and anhydrous 
penta- and hexa-siiver salts by the use of ammoniacal silver nitrate. 
The free acids can be regenerated by the action of H 2 S on the silver 
salts. The acids are more stable towards hydrolysing agents than is 
trimetaphosphirnic acid. 

These acids may be regarded as the lactams of amidopolyimido- 
phosphoric acids, and the first stage in the hydrolysis probably consists 
in the formation of these open-chain acids, thus 

[HX(PO)OH] n -rlloO =II 2 X{IIX(PO)OIIj n ,(PO)(OTI) 2 

The hydrolysis of hcptaphosphorus ehloronitride appears to yield at 
once the hvclratcd open-chain compound of the type shown on the 
right-hand side of the above equation, in which -n is 7. Ileptasodmm 
and heptasilvcr salts of this acid have been prepared. 1 

A.-ttiidc8 and hiiidcs of Condensed Plioxplioric. Ac/ids, 

These may be regarded as derivatives of di phosphoric, acid (pyro- 

/ PO(OII) 2 

phosphoric), Lri- and tetra-phosphoric acids, etc., i.e. ()<^ , 

MK)(OII) 2 

etc., by the substitution of = XI1 for ---() or of -XH 2 for hydroxyl 
in tlicse open-chain compounds. The possibilities of isomerism arc 
evidently very numerous, since cither the amido- or the imido- replace 
ment gives [he same empirical formula.. The general method of pre 
paration consists (a) in the hydrolysis of the melaphosphimie acids 
already described, or (h) in heating, or fractional! v precipitating with 
alcohol, the products of the reactions between FOCI., and XII. } . 

Monamidodiphosphoric Acid, (XlIo)P.>().,(()!I) ;] , was made by 
several reactions, amon.<_>\st which were the hydrolysis of a, solution of 
diamidoui phosphoric acid (^/.z .), or as barium salt by saturating a 

] Stokes, A-mcr. Clitm. ,/., 3SH:>, 15, IDS; 1S!U, 16, J^. J, 1-10; 180"), 17, 27">; ]89fj, 
18, 021); 180S, 20, 74:0; idem, Zcit*c/i. a/to/y, Chun., 1800, 19, 4^. 


solution of pyrophosphoric acid with ammonia and adding Ba(OH) 2 . 
The trisilver sale was obtained as a white precipitate. 

Diamidodipliosphoric Acid was prepared by the action, of 
phosphoryl chloride at low temperatures on ammonia in the presence 
of some water, thus 

2XH 3 + 2POC1 3 +3H 2 O =6HC1 - (XH 2 ) 2 P 2 O 3 (OH) 2 

It may also be obtained by several other reactions. The diammonium 
salt has been prepared in the crystalline state and various other salts 
as precipitates. 1 

Triamidodiphosphoric Acid, (NH 2 ) 3 P 2 O 3 (OH) 5 was prepared 
by similar reactions. It formed a scries of salts in which it was mono 
basic. !3ut in addition to the white monosilver salt, (NH 2 ) ;J P 2 O 3 (OAg), 
an orange-coloured trisilver salt was prepared from ammoniacal silver 
nitrate, to which the constitution NH 2 (NHAg) 2 P 2 O ; >(QAg) was 
assigned. 1 

Amiclo- and imido- derivatives of condensed phosphoric acid of still 
higher molecular weight have bccu prepared in great variety by 
Gladstone, and by Stokes. For example, monoimidotetraiiiido- 
tetraphosphoric acid, XH=P 4 O 7 (XH 2 ) 4 , has been obtained by 
heating the product of general reaction (b) (p. 200) to about 200 C.. 2 
while tetramidotetraphosphoric acid, (HO) 2 P 4 O 7 (XH 2 ) 4 , was ob 
tained by hydrolysing ammonium diamidotctraphosphatc either with 
acids or with alkalies, thus 

(XH 2 ) 2 P 4 7 (OJI)(OXH 4 ) 3 + HC1 = (XH 2 ) 4 P 4 O 7 (OH) 2 -r NH 4 C1 + 2H 2 O 2 

The structures assigned were 

/PO(XII )o /PO(NIIo)o 

o< ~ ~ o( 

>P(\ >PO(OII) 

0< >NII and 0< 

>P(K >PO(OH) 

\ \ 

\PO(XII 2 ) 2 NPO(X1I 2 ) ? 

Many other derivatives have been obtained. 3 Their general properties 
have already been indicated. 

The imidodiphosphoric acids arc isomcric with aimdodiphosphoric 
acids. Monimidodiphosphoric acid, 



was prepared by heating trimctaphosphimic acid, 3 dissolving in aqueous 
ammonia, and adding a salt of magnesium, which precipitated mag 
nesium ortho- and pym-phosphates, leaving a soluble magnesium salt 
which on treatment with ammoniacal silver nitrate a crystal 
line precipitate of XII - P 2 O 2 (OAg) ;i OII. This, when treated with 
sodium chloride, gave a soluble non-crystallisablc trisodium salt. 
A tetrasilver salt has also been prepared in two modifications as a 

1 Gladstone and Holmes, luc. oil. 2 Gladstone, loc. cit. 3 Stokes, loc. cit. 


voluminous white precipitate which on boiling passes into a yellow 
form. These may have the imido and the amido-structures (see 
p. 200) respectively. 1 

A dibasic imidodiphosphoric acid, which can be regarded as 
derived from the last-mentioned compound by the loss of the elements 
of water, was prepared by warming to about 50 C. a solution of 
4 grams ammonium carbamatc in 10 grains of phosphoryl chloride. 2 

3NHoCOOXH 4 + 4POC1 3 =2XH(POC1 ) 9 +3C0 2 +4XH 4 C1 

NII(POC1 2 ) 2 + 3H 2 O = NH(POOH) 2 ~ 4HC1 

The barium or ferric salt may be precipitated, and from the former the 
free acid may be regenerated. Other derivatives were prepared by 
similar reactions. 2 

Nitrilophosphoric Acids. 

These compounds, in which trivalent nitrogen bridges phosphoryl 
radicals, are obtained by heating amido-compounds, with loss of 
ammonia. The polymerised [XPO] W , phosphonitril, has been referred 
to already (p. 199). 

The potassium salt of nitrilodiphosphoric acid, 


// \ 



was obtained by heating potassium triamidodiphosphate, the ammonium 
salt by heating triamidodi phosphoric acid, and the silver salt by inter 
action between silver nitrate and a suspension of the sparingly soluble 
potassium salt in water. 3 

Nitrilotrimetaphosphoric acid is said to be formed by heating 
crude imidodiphosphoric acid to 290- 300 C., washing "out am 
monium chloride, dissolving the residue in ammonia, acidifying and 
filtering off the white precipitate. The solution contained this acid, 




which yielded a crystalline sodium salt. 2 

Aviido-, Imido- and Nitrilo-thiopliospliorw Acids. 

These compounds are made by the application of a few general 
methods : 

(1) By the action of ammonia on thiophosphoryl halidcs. 

(2) By the action of ammonia on sulphides of phosphorus. 

(3) By heating ammonium chloride with sulphides of phosphorus. 

Monothioamidophosphoric Acids. These are derivatives of 
SP(OH).j in which the hvdroxvl groups arc successively replaced by 
-NH 2 . " ~ 

1 Stokes, loc. cit. 2 Mentc, loc. cit. * Gladstone and Holmes, loc. cit. 


The monamide, SP(XH 2 )(OH) 2 , was prepared from aqueous 
ammonia and PSC1 3 . The solution, which contained XH 4 C1, gave 
precipitates with salts of cadmium and lead. The salts of the alkaline 
earth metals were soluble. 1 

The diamide, SP(XH 2 ) 2 OH, was obtained by the action of gaseous 
ammonia on PSC^. 1 It was also prepared by the action of ammonia 
on PSF 3 . 2 In both cases the product was digested with water. 
Hydrolysis proceeded according to the equation 

SP(XH 2 ) 2 F-rH 2 O=SP(NH 2 ) 2 OH+HF 

The solution contained a new acid radical, which gave precipitates with 
salts of mercury, copper, silver and lead. The product derived from 
PSCly, but not that derived from PSF 3 , gave precipitates also with salts 
of zinc and cadmium. Xo precipitates were obtained with salts of 
barium and calcium. 

The triamide, SP(XI-I 2 ) 3 , was prepared by saturating PSC1 3 with 
ammonia. It was a white solid of density 1-7. When heated it 
dissociated into ammonium sulphide and sulphur, leaving phosphorus 
in the residue, probably as " phospham," and was decomposed by warm 
water giving H 2 S and ammonium thiophosphate. 3 It was only slightly 
soluble in alcohol or carbon disulphide. 

Thiophosphoryl Nitride or Nitrilomonothiophosphoric Acid, 
SPX, was obtained by gradually heating together, from 180 to 328 C., 
P 2 S 5 and XH 4 C1 in. the quantities required by the equation 

P 2 S 5 -r 2XH 4 C1 - 2SPX + 2HC1 -f 3H 2 S 

It resulted also on. heating amido- and imido-thiophosphates in a 
vacuum. It was a white powder, fairly stable to aqueous reagents, 
but hydrolysed by water at 140 C., thus 

SPX -;- 4II 2 = H 3 P0 4 -:-H 2 S ~ XH 3 

On strong heating it gave P 3 X 5 (q.v.). 4 " 

Di- and Tri-iniido- and -amido -thiophosphates. A great 
variety of these compounds, chiefly in the form of their ammonium 
salts, was obtained by the action of ammonia, usually in the liquid 
form, on phosphorus pcntasulphicle. 5 Some of the ammonia could be 
driven off by heating under reduced pressure, leaving the acid salts. 

Gaseous ammonia at ordinary temperatures reacted with phos 
phorus pcntasulphide giving a hexammoniatc, P S 5 .CXH 3 , and perhaps a 
heptammoniate, P 2 S 5 .7XH 3 . The former may rearrange itself so as to 
give tctrammonium diimidopentathiodiphosphate : 


! ii 

(XH 4 S) 2 =P S P = (SNH 4 ) 2 

The addition of another molecule of ammonia, either by means of 
liquid ammonia or by saturating with the gas, yields a substance having 

1 Gladstone and Holmes, loc. at. 

- Thorpe and Rodger, Trans. Cho/,,i. >S oc., 1889, 55, 320. 

3 Schiil, A-ttnalcn, 1857, 101, 303; Chevricr, Co-mpL rend., 1868, 66, 74.8. 

4 Stock and Hoi mann, .Ber., 11)03, 36, 314, 898; Stock, Hofmann, ]\Iullor, v. Sckonthan 
and Kuchlcr, Jlcr., 1906, 39, 1967. Sec also GlatzeJ, Luc. cit. 

5 Stock and co-workers, loc. cit. 


the empirical composition of the heptammoniate, which, however, may 
consist of equal mols of (a) diammonium nitrilodithiophosphate, 
N = P(SNPI, 1 )o, and (b) triammoniuni iinidotrithiophosphate, 

HX = P(SNH 4 ). V On treatment with liquid ammonia the nitrilo- 
compound dissolved and could be obtained by evaporating the solvent, 
while the imido-compound, being sparingly soluble, crystallised. The 
nitrilo-compoimd lost one or more molecules of ammonia when heated 
in a vacuum. When treated with KOII or NaOH it gave hydrated 
dipotassium or disodium compounds as oils, the latter of which could 
be made to crystallise. Characteristic insoluble salts were those of 
lead (yellow) and of barium (white). The imido - compound, 
HX P(SXII 4 ) 3 , was a white crystalline substance which deliquesced 
in moist air and gradually lost ammonia. It was insoluble in all 
ordinary solvents. It was hyclrolyscd slowly by water and smelt of 
H 2 S. It lost one molecule of XH : > when warmed to 50 ( . in a vacuum. 
By heating at gradually increasing temperatures from 00 to 180 C. 
n an atmosphere of II S it was transformed into the free acid. 

Imidotrithiophosphoric Acid, IIX =P(S1I) 3 . prepared as above, 
was a yellow liquid having a density of 1-78, and like its ammonium 
salt, was insoluble in all the solvents which were tried. It was dis 
sociated only at a high temperature, but was partly hydrolyscd by 
water, thus 

HN = P(SH) 3 -i-;il-I 2 O=O3 J (OII) 2 (SXII 4 )-h k ->II 2 S 

With liquid hydrogen chloride this acid formed the addition product 
HN=P(SII) 3 .i-ICl/ 

Plioxpfiorus Halonilridex or A 

The action of ammonia on phosphorus haiides gives cither ammoniates 
or, by elimination of all hydrogen as ammonium chloride, halonitrides. 
The amides, which should be formed as intermediate products, seem 
to be difficult to isolate from the true 1 haiides, tilt bough the oxyhalides 
(p. 109) and thiohalides (p. VI tf) readily yield such compounds. 
Exceptionally, phosphorus diamidotiifluoride, PF ; ,(XH .,)>,, was 
prepared as a white mass by the following re-action : 

Chloronitrides.- --It was sliown by Lie-big in is:$2 that when PC1 5 
was treated with dry ammonia and ihe product h.ealcd, a, while stable 
sublimate was obtained. The empirical formula. FXl h, was assigned 
to this substance by Laurent, while Gladstone and Holmes on account 
of its high vapour density represented ii as ( PXC1 .,),. - 

Preparation. Equal mols of P(1 5 and XH^C l may be heated to 
150 C. in a. scaled tube which is opened occasionally to permit the 
?scape of hydrogen chloride formed according to the equation 

Hie product was extracted with petroleum el her and the insoluble 
>art distilled up to nearly a red heat. The distillates after washing 

1 Poulenc, Cuitipt. rcfi.d., J^sMl, 113, 7"). 

2 Licbiir, A-/}iirilf-ii, ls:?4, II, I .Si); Laurcni, ( (itiipL rend., ISfiO, 31, , $,")(}; (Jhul.^Loue 



with hot water, was redistilled under reduced pressure, and yielded 
the fractions described below. 1 Alternatively, 120 to 130 grams of 
ammonium chloride may be added to 400 grams of phosphorus penta- 
chloridc dissolved in a litre of ,9?/m-tetrachlorocthane, and the mixture 
boiled under a reflux condenser guarded by a calcium chloride drying 
tube until hydrogen chloride is no longer evolved. This requires about 
20 hours. The ammonium chloride is filtered off and the solvent dis 
tilled away in a water-pump vacuum. The residue, about 220 grams 
of a pasty material, is freed from oil by suction and by washing 
with benzene at C. This leaves about 100 grams of a crystalline 
powder which is rccrystallised from benzene and fractionated at a low 
pressure. The fractions may be recrystalliscd from benzene. 

When the powder is heated above 255 C. it changes to a colourless 
transparent solid, while at 350 C. there is produced a colourless elastic 
mass which resembles rubber in appearance and in its property of 
swelling when placed in benzene. 2 



(PNC1 2 ) 3 


(PXC1 2 ) 5 (PXC1 2 ) 6 i 

belting-point, c C. 



41 ! 91 1 

Boiling-point (13 mm.), C. . 



224 202 ; 

Boiling-point (760 mm.), G C. . 



Polymerises Polymerises ; 

Triphosphonitrilic Chloride, P 3 X 3 C1 6 , forms large rhombic 
crystals of density 1-98. Its properties arc typical of those found in 
the scries. It is easily soluble in the usual organic solvents, also in 
glacial ace-tic acid and sulphuric acid, undergoing reaction with the latter. 
It also reacts with many organic compounds containing hydroxyl 
groups alcohols, phenols, etc. Aniline when added to the benzene 
solution gave a dianilidc, X P(XII.C, ; LI 5 ) 2 . Ammonia when passed 
into a. solution of P :J X.jC l in carbon tetrachloridc gave needles of a 
chloroamicle, possibly P 3 X T .jCl 4 (NH 2 ) 2 , which was insoluble in organic 
solvents. Liquid ammonia gave a white solid hexamide, P 3 X 3 (XHo) 6 . 3 
Hydrolysis proceeds when an ether solution is shaken with water, 
with production first of P,X 3 CI 4 (OIl)o, then of trinictaphosphimic 
acid, |XH(POOI!)J : > and 1IC1, and finally ammonium phosphate. 

Tetraphosphonitrilic Chloride, P 4 X 4 C1 S , forms colourless prisms, 
density 2-18. The molar weight was determined by vapour density 
and depression of the freezing-point of benzene. Solubility relations 
are similar to those of the tripolymer. An ocloanilldc., {XP(XHC (5 II 5 ) 2 J- 4 , 
has been prepared. 4 Like the trinitrilic chloride it was scarcely 
affected by water alone, but an ether solution gave first an hydroxy- 
chloridc and then tctrametaphosphimic acid, [Xil(POOII)J. 1 .2lI 2 O. 

1 Slokcs, Amcr. Ckf-.rn. J., 1895, 17, 275; 1897, 19, 782. 
- SJchenek and Corner, Btr., 1924, 57, B, 1343. 
3 Bcsson and Ilossct, Co nipt, rcvd., 1900, 143, 37. 



Pentaphcsphonitrilic Chloride, P 5 X 5 C1 10 , was also crystalline. 
The formula was established by analysis, and by molar weight in 
boiling benzene. The chloride was hydrolysed in ether solution giving 
pentametaphosphimic acid. 

Hexaphosphonitrilic Chloride, P 6 X 6 C1 12 , forms long prismatic 
crystals. The formula was established by the methods used in the 
case of P 5 N 5 C1 10 . Hydrolysis takes place rather more readily, since 
hydrochloric acid is evolved when the chloride is kept in moist air. 
Hydrolysis in ether solution gave hexametaphosphimic acid. 

" Heptaphosphonitrilic Chloride, P 7 X 7 C1 14 , was a liquid which, 
after solidifying, melted at-18 c C. ; otherwise its properties were 
similar to those of the other chloronitrides. 

When strongly heated these compounds leave an inert residue of 
XPO (q.v., p. 199). 

Bromonitrides or Nitrilic Bromides. These compounds have 
formulae similar to those of the chloronitrides, i.e. (PNBr 2 ) riJ and were 
prepared by analogous reactions, i.e. by the action of ammonia on 
phosphorus pentabromide. 

Triphosphonitrilic Bromide, (PXBr 2 ) 3 , formed rhombohcdral 
crystals which melted at 188 to 190 C., were insoluble in water but 
soluble in organic solvents. 1 

Structure of Halonitrides. On account of their stability towards 
heat and hydrolysing agents, as well as the requirements of valency, 
cyclic formulae have been assigned to the halon it rides in which the 
rings are composed either of >X PC1 2 or of >X and >PC1 2 alternately. 2 
Thus the tri-compounds may be represented by 

(a) CUP X X POL (b) PCI 2 


or X X 

PC1 2 C1 P PClo 

~ \/ 

It has been supposed that the angle of least strain of the rings or 
polyhedra is 135, which is most closely realised in the t.etra-eompound, 
which is also the most stable of the series. The structure assigned 
will determine that of the corresponding nietaphosphimic acid which 
is produced by hydrolysis. Dhnetaphosphhnic acid, if its existence is 
admitted, could not be cyclic according- to formula (a). Formula (b) 
is adopted in describing these compounds. 

Phosphorus Nitride or Triphosphorus Pentanitride, P ; ,X 5 . 

A compound which appears to have this composition has been obtained 
by several methods : 

(a) By passing the vapour of phosphorus penta chloride in a current 
of nitrogen over heated magnesium nitride. 3 

1 Bcsson, G (J7npl. re.n.d., 181)2, 114, 1204, 1-180. 

2 Wichelhaus, tier., 1870, 3, 103; Stokes, /or,, n t. 


(b) The black substance produced by the reaction, between liquid 

ammonia and phosphorus in a sealed tube gave an analysis 
which agreed fairly well with the foregoing composition. l 

(c) By saturating the pentasulphidc, P 2 S 5 , with pure dry ammonia 

at ordinary temperatures, and heating the product in a current 

of ammonia at 850 C. 2 

The product is described as a powder, white to dark reel in colour 
according to the time of heating at 250 C. The density was 2-5. 
The nitride was tasteless, odourless, and chemically inactive at ordinary 
temperatures. The heat of formation (from white phosphorus) is 
given as -81-5 Cals. per mol. 3 The molar heat of combustion was 
474-7 Cals. (at constant pressure). The nitride dissociated into its 
elements in a vacuum at about 760 C. 4 It was reduced to phosphorus 
and ammonia by hydrogen at a red heat, and burned when heated in 
oxygen or chlorine. It was hydrolysed by boiling water, thus 

P 3 X 5 -f 1 2H 2 = 3H 3 P0 4 -f 5XH 3 

It acted as a reducing agent on metallic oxides and was decomposed 
by many metals from 80 C. upwards, giving phosphides of the metals. 

1 Stock and Johansen, Bar., 1908, 41, 1593. 

2 Stock and Hofmann, Bcr., 1903, 36, 314; Stock and Griinebcrg, ibid., 1907, 40, 2573. 

3 Stock and Wrede, Ber., J907, 40, 2925. 

4 Stock and Gruneberg, loc. cit. 



Mineral Phosphates. Practically all the phosphorus in the ten- 
mile crust of the earth is present in the lithosphcre, of which it forms 
0-157 per cent., 1 and is combined as phosphates of many bases. Com 
pared with other acidic and basic oxides phosphoric anhydride is 
eleventh in order of abundance, falling immediately below titania 
(1-050 per cent.) and above carbonic anhydride ((HOI per cent.). 
On (.he average igneous rocks contain 0-299 per cent, of phosphoric 
n rili yd ride, which is greater than the percentage in sedimentary rocks 
generally, and about three times the proportion found in average 
limestones. The mineral apatite, which is widely diffused in the deep- 
seated igneous rocks, is only slowly attacked by atmospheric weathering, 
but in the course of ages it and other phosphatic igneous rocks gradually 
dissolve as phosphates of calcium, iron and aluminium, 2 3 and become 
changed into the carbonated or hyclrated secondary phosphate rocks. 

Phospha.fes occur in rocks of all the geological epochs. Apatite is 
associated with granites a.nd gneisses. 

Pala-o/.oic phosphorites (eoprolites) have been found in England 
and (Jcrmany. In the Mcscr/oie epoch phosphorites occur in the 
Triassir, .Jurassic and (Yefa.ceous formations. The 1 tertiary phosphate 
deposits in the United Slates of America and X. Africa, are the most 
o\ie!isi\e and valuable in the world. Quaternary deposits include 
fossil bones, I he guanos and phosphogiuvnos. The high-grade second 
ary deposits which arc used as sources of fertilisers and of phosphorus 
ocncrallv have no doubt been segregated by processes in which animal 
life luis played a large part. Thus the skeletons of marine animals 
and organisms collecting on the floor ol the ocean arc dissolved in areas 
conianuno- a high concentration of carbon dioxide; their component 
phosphates are ivprecipif at ed on shells, or by ammonia, derived from 
(lie deeav of nitrogenous matter, and form concretions of tribasic 
calcium pho.sphat e. K :>> (i The small quantities of phosphates which are 
\\idelv present in limestones 7 and dolomites may under certain condi 
tions "be concentrated by the leaching out of the calcium carbonate 

( larl.r and U M.-.hiii . ion, / /<" . \<il. ArtifL ,SV/., I .X.A., \ l .) 2 2, 8, H)S. sjoc also Clarko, 
"/){(( "I fit "< In int- *tnj, " V\ :i>hiriLii<Mi, 1 JL O. 
:- Limi-n-n, />"// <!<l , !!):_:>, 1 8, 1 I!). 

, . 1 nn r. -I. Xf/., I ( .H(i, [ 11, 42, ^S.~>. 

I^-nanl, " I ><-r /,-*< rt Dcpoxit.*" (London, |S!)J), p. . W7. 
/. Kmj. l!h<-ii). y l!)l?i, 40, ;>!) r r. 
ntnx. Antcr. //<*/. Miti. Kn<j., KSiKJ, 21, l. Ji). 


in the form of bicarbonate. All sedimentary deposits which consist 
of the remains of animals or plants must contain phosphate. The 
breaking down of these deposits disseminates the phosphatic material 
in the soil. These deposits are largely derived also from the gradual 
solution and subsequent deposition of widely diffused particles of 
apatite which are a constant constituent of igneous rocks. Granite 
contains 0-6 per cent., basalt 1 per cent, and gneiss 0-25 per cent, of 
phosphoric oxide on the average. Fertile soils contain 0-2 to 0-5 per 
cent, of phosphoric oxide, poor soils about 0-1 per cent. Some phos 
phate must be present in a soil which supports any flora. The plants 
use these supplies mainly in their seeds, which are eaten by animals, 
and the phosphorus subsequently segregated mainly in the nerves, 
brain and bone. It is then partly returned to the soil as animal remains. 
Phosphorus is not of course lost in the same way as combined nitrogen, 
by decomposition, since phosphorus compounds which are likely to be 
formed in nature are non-volatile. But considerable quantities of 
dissolved phosphates find their way to the sea, and this occurs especially 
under a system of water-borne sewage. The loss thus incurred is an 
additional argument in favour of the treatment of sewage with recovery 
of all fertiliser values. 

Ordinary sea- water may contain from 0-06 to 0-07 milligram of 
P 2 O 5 per litre, 1 the amount varying with the season. This supply is 
drawn upon by diatoms and algrc, and returned when they decay. The 
supply is also continually supplemented from rivers, etc. 2 - 3 The algae 
are devoured by molluscs and crustaceans, which in their turn supply 
food to animals higher in the scale, 4 until finally, as the bodies of fishes, 
the phosphorus is assimilated by sea-birds, who return some of it to 
the land in their excrement. This ultimately becomes guano, and the 
phosphate may then be converted into phosphatie limestone. The 
remainder of the phosphate from these and other sources accumulates 
on the bottom of the sea as a mud which contains 3Ca, 3 (P0 4 ) 2 .CaF 2 , as 
well as Ca 4 P 2 O 9 .4l.I 2 and Ca :J P 2 O 8 .H 2 O, derived from minerals and 
animal remains. 5 

Assimilation by Plants. It is probable that plants obtain all 
their phosphorus from phosphates. Organic compounds containing 
phosphorus, like the phosphoprotcins, are rapidly decomposed by soil 
bacteria, and the phosphoric acid combines with the bases in the soil. 
The assimilation of ph.osph.orus from phosphates which arc insoluble in 
water is probably aided by acid secretions from the root-hairs, and also 
perhaps by the carbon dioxide exhaled during the respiratory process. 
Soluble phosphates are quickly assimilated. The absorption of H 2 P0 4 ~" 
ion by a growing plant may be demonstrated by a fall of acidity. If 
the plant absorbs the base as well (i.e. lime), the acidity or hydrogen- 
ion concentration of the soil is maintained, and phosphate thus remains 
in solution. This is, of course, only one of the numerous reactions by 
which, the acidity is regulated. A difference in the lime requirements 
may thus account for the difference in the availability of phosphatic 
fertilisers for different plants. This theory will also account for the 
greater availability of insoluble basic phosphates when applied to 

1 Matthews, /. Marine, ttiol. A^oc., 1917, n, 122, 2oL 

2 Gill, ibid., 1927, 14, ]0~>7. :! Atkins, ibid., 1920, 14, 447. ; Limlgren, /oc. at. 
5 .Basset, Zcitsch. anorg. Chnri., 1908, 59, 51. 

r> Annual Reports of the Chemical Kocitty, 192G, 23, 217, and 1927, 24, 237. 
VOL. vr. : ii. 14 


soils which lack lime, and thus confer on the phosphate a potential 
acidity which is due to the demands of vegetation for this base. The 
demands are greatest in the case of legnminosse (beans, etc.), brassiere 
(cabbages, etc.) and roots, and especially potatoes and beetroot. 

The" general effect of phosphates is to favour the formation and 
ripening of seeds, and in this respect it acts in the opposite direction to 
combined nitrogen, which favours the growth of stalks or straw at the 
expense of seed or fruit. 

The concentration of phosphorus in vegetable matter is not high, 
being rather less than 0-1 per cent, in dry fodder, but much higher 
about I- per cent. in grains. The phosphates assimilated by plants 
supply the loss of phosphorus eliminated in animal metabolism, and 
which, in the case of human adults, amounts to 3 or 4 grams of phos 
phoric anhydride a day. The reserve of calcium phosphate present in 
the bones weighs about 2 kilograms. 1 

From the earliest ages the natural circulation of phosphorus has 
been altered and controlled by farmers. The systematic return of all 
kinds of excreta to the soil is still the basis of the intensive cultivation 
practised in densely populated areas of India and China, where the soil 
bacteria arc so active at the favourable temperature prevailing that 
the nitrogen and phosphorus become available almost at once for 
another crop. The return of bones to the soil is a less ohvious form of 
economy, partly because when in the massive form these disintegrate 
very slowly. 

After the demonstration of the chemical basis of agriculture by 
Liebig in 1 8 !(), and others, bones were recognised as essential on 
account of their high phosphorus content. Great quantities of bones 
were imported into Kngla.nd for this purpose in the first quarter of the 
nineteenth century. Later, they were largely superseded by the 
highly concentrated Peruvian guano or by superphosphate, which arc 
more readily available to the plants. Bones, however, when finely 
ground, and after the extraction of fat and of gelatin by steaming, still 
retain their place as a. slow fertiliser in schemes of manuring. A typical 
analysis of raw bones shows 

Moisture . . . . . .12 percent. 

Organic matter . . . . .28 ,, 

Fat 10 

Calcium and magnesium phosphates . . 4-1- ,, 

Calcium carbonate, sand, etc. . . 5 ,. 

if a good deal of the organic protein (ossein) has been left in the bone, 
as is the case when the fat. has been extracted by solvents, and not by 
steaming, the resulting bone-meal quickly decomposes in the soil, the 
phosphoric acid being made partly soluble by the decomposition pro- 
duets of the proteins. Such a. bone-meal will contain (approximately) 
If) per cent, of calcium phosphate, 1-5 per cent, of magnesium phos 
phate and o\ er ;5() per cent, of organic matter. 

The question of availability is largely one of solubility. It was 
surest cd by Licbi" 1 that bone-dust should be rendered soluble 1 by 
treatment witb sulphuric acid. Hut the action of the acid on the 
protein matter makes t be product viscous and difficult to dry. Hone 
superphosphate is more easily made from a de^-elat inised bone-dust 

1 Si-e further, p. 4. 



or from bone-ash. This latter product was formerly imported in. large 
quantities from South America, and contained from 65 to over 80 per 
cent, of calcium phosphate. The ash may be completely dissolved in 
an excess of hydrochloric acid, and the calcium monohydrogen phos 
phate then precipitated by careful addition of lime. This process is 
also used to recover phosphate of lime from the acid liquid which is 
obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of glue from bones. The 
phosphate of lime so prepared is fairly free from impurities, and may 
of course be made soluble again by the addition of more acid : 

Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 + 4HCl=CaH 4 (P0 4 )o+2CaCU 
CaH 4 (PO 4 ) 2 + Ca(OH) 2 =2CalIP0 4 +2H 2 

The chemical exploitation of bones thus led by a gradual transition to 
the artificial fertiliser or mineral phosphate industry which will now 
be described. 

Sources of Phosphates. The most available and most exploited 
sources of phosphorus and its compounds at the present day are the 
phosphatic rocks, or phosphorites, which consist of tribasie calcium 
phosphate associated with calcium carbonate, alumina, magnesia, etc. 1 
Phosphates of alumina are also useful. The production of these 
secondary rocks from the older rocks has already been mentioned 
(p. 208). Although the apatites themselves, as pure minerals, contain a 
high proportion of phosphoric anhydride, they are difficult to decompose, 
and are admixed with other minerals of a still more refractory nature. 

There arc many other possible sources of phosphates in which the 
acid is combined with the common bases. Thus there are nearly loO 
minerals which contain 1 per cent, or more of phosphoric oxide. 2 In 
the following table is given a small selection of those which are of 
special interest : 



Xarnc, Occurrence, etc. Chemical Composition. Crystal System. Density. 

Apatite. . . . 3Ca 3 (L ) O d ) 2 .Ca(Cl or F) 2 Hexagonal 3-16-3-23 

Igneous rocks and mcta- 
morphLc limestones. 

Pyromorphitc . . ; 3Pb 3 (I > 0. 1 ) 2 .PbCl 2 Hexagonal 6-5-7-1 

Upper levels of lead m i ncs. 


Fissures in slate. 

Vivian itc . . . 

Some iron (copper and , 
tin) ores and as earthy -. 

2Al. i (OH) a (P0. 1 ) 2 .9.H 2 Rhombic 

Fe 3 (PO,) 2 .8H,,0 Monoclmic 





Turquoise . . . Alo(OH) v PO,.HoO or i Amorphous with , 2-72 
Trachyte or breccia. 2Af(OH) 3 .4AlP0. 1 " .9H 2 . crystal granules I 

1 See analyses, p. 213. 2 Phillips, Trans. Amer. Inst. Mm. Eng., 1893, 21, 188. 



The next table illustrates the great variation of basicity and 
hydration shown by phosphoric acid in nature, and also of the bases 
with which it may combine. Minor constituents are omitted for the 
sake of brevity. When the crystalline system is not stated the 
mineral is amorphous or massive. 



XaXII 4 HP0 4 .4H 2 



M<r 3 (P0 4 )o.3HoO 


Mg 3 (NH 4 ) 2 H 4 (P0 4 ) 4 .8ir 2 


Monet it e 




CaHPO 4 .2H,0 



Ca,(P0 4 ) .IIoO 


Ca 2 (6lI)P0 4 .2H O 



Cu(CuOH) 4 (P0 4 ) 



CuPO 4 (CuOII) " 


Tag elite 

CuP0 4 (CuOii).ir o 


II ope it e 

Zn 3 (PO 4 )o.4lI 2 O 



AlPO 4 .2HoO 



A1P0 4 .:3II 2 


A1P0 4 .2JI1 


Alo(OI-I) 3 P6 4 .()II 2 O 



A1 2 (OIT) 3 PO 4 



Al 5 (On) 9 (P0 4 ) 2 .12lU) 

Evan site 






Fc 7 (OH)o(P0 4 ) 4 .Sir o O 



CeP0 4 



YP0 4 


A ut unite 

(UOo)oCa(PO 1 ) .8lL>O 



CaFc^OIiyPO^.^llX) ! 


Ca 3 Alo(OH),(Pb 4 )," 


(Mn,Li,Fc)PO 4 



Al(Li)PO 4 (F,OII) i 



(Al, Fe)o(FeO) 4 .Cii(PO 1 ). 1 .SlL ) () : 

Iron ores often contain phosphates which arc reduced during t.lui 
smelting process, the ])hos])horus passing into the iron as phosphide 
and being again eliminated as basic, calcium phosphate in basic sla<>- 
(q.v., p. 216). 1 

The phosphates of lime are the most valuable naiural fertilisers 
and raw material of the fertiliser and phosphorus industry, which 
uses also to a less extent phosphates of aluminium and the "apatites. 
Over 80 per cent, of the easily decomposiblc mined arc 
used in the preparation of superphosphate or other fertilisers (H):$0). 

The Composition of Phosphorites. Phosphoric anhydride, 
in the form of tribasie calcium phosphate, forms about 65 to Vl) per 

1 See also this Scries, Volume IX., Part, 1.1. 



cent, of a rock suitable for use in the fertiliser industry. There is 
present, in addition, an excess of calcium carbonate, also ferric oxide 
and alumina, silica (2 to 8 per cent,), organic matter and moisture 
(2 to 3 per cent.). The following analyses furnish a comparison 
between the principal constituents of the raw materials. Complete 
analyses are given in three typical cases of the most important classes. 


! Bone-ash . . ! 39-55 ; 52-46 . . . . j . . : . . \ . . 

j Precipitated ! : : 

: phosphate . 39-45 44-88 : . . . . . . : . . 

i Canadian Ptock. 33-51; 46-14; .. ..>..!.. 

, Spanish Hock . ; 33-38 i 47-16 .. ..!.... 

; Flondan Rock . 33-61 48-08 5-54 1-20 1-38 229 7-15 

, Algerian Rock . ! 30-38 49-53; 1-01 0-32 0-47 
; Xauru Roek . 39-34 48- i3 .. .. ; .. 


0-75 volatile on 

2 01 SO,. 


P.,0-. i CaO. MuO. AUV Fc,0 3 . ^ OS3 . 011 

" " - " - j : - j Ignition. 

SiO,. Other Constituents. 

Anaconda Manul . : 

44-2 0-47 

1 20 0-53 

7-20 5-()0 Xa.,0, 0-42; K.>0, 
; : 14; S, 0-71; Cr, 

005; V, 0-09; P, 
1-10 ; H.,0, 1-0. 

The Distribution of Phosphatic Rocks. Great Britain. The 
deposits arc of historic interest only, in view of the abundant high- 
grade rock which is imported. The nodular deposits of the Eastern 
counties, known as coprolitcs, contain the remains of the teeth and 
bones of fish and reptiles. The richer beds contain a satisfactory 
percentage of phosphate, as is evident from the following analysis : 

JLvine lie ins. Cambridge. 

Calcium phosphate, per cent. 
Calcium carbonate, per cent. 



The fossil bone bed at Sutton (SulTolk) once contained 50 to 60 per 
cent, of calcium phosphate, but the remaining deposits are of much 
poorer quality. 

The working of the English beds has long been discontinued, except 

1 Laribun, hid. Eny. Chem., 1929, 21, 1172. 


that during the Great War some thousands of tons of coprolites were 
mined at Trumpington, Cambridge, and in Suffolk. 

Europe. Useful deposits are found in France, Germany, Czecho 
slovakia. Poland, Belgium and Spain, the deposits of Estrcmadura in 
the last-named country being inspected by Dr Daubeny as early as 


France. Phosphatic limestones are found in the Pas de Calais, 
Meuse and Somme regions, and the last-named deposits were among 
the earliest to be worked. Specimens have been found which contain 
up to 78 per cent, of calcium phosphate. Those from the Meuse and 
the Ardennes contain about 40 per cent. A limestone with less than 
30 per cent, of calcium phosphate is hardly considered worth using for 
the manufacture of superphosphate. France also controls the output 
of North Africa. 

North Africa. The deposits of Algiers were discovered in 1873 and 
were fully reported upon in 1886. They are of Eocene age and contain 
58 to 68^ per cent, of calcium phosphate in a soft rock, together with 
marl, considerable amounts of silica, calcium fluoride and chloride, 
nodules of gypsum and almost pure limestone. The beds usually are 
several feet thick and run continuously from Morocco to Egypt at a 
distance of over 100 miles from the sea. Those at Constantino (Algiers) 
are 120 miles from the port of Bona, and those at Gafsa (Tunis) 150 
miles from the port of Sfax. 

The potential resources in this region have not yet been fully 
explored but are probably the greatest which have been discovered 
up to the present. It has been estimated that there are 1000 million 
tons available in Morocco. 1 This estimate has recently been increased 
to 3000 million metric tons. 2 

United States. The principal deposits are in South Carolina, 
Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Utah and Wyoming. The South 
Carolina deposits are of Miocene age and occur both as " land " and 
" river " rock. They contain 25 to 28 per cent, of phosphoric oxide 
and 35 to 42 per cent, of lime. They were the earliest to be exploited, 
namely, from 1868 onwards, and in 1803 they furnished about one-fifth 
of the world s supply. Since this date the production has declined, 
while that of Florida has great!} increased. In 1913 Florida and 
Tennessee together produced some 90 per cent, of the total output from 
the United States of America. The hard-rock deposits of Florida are 
of Tertiary age. and they run parallel to the coast for 141 miles. 
After concentration by mechanical means they contain usually from 
77 to 79 per cent, of calcium phosphate (more rarely up to 82 per cent.) 
with 3 per cent, of oxides of iron and alumina, some calcium Jiuoride 
and other constituents, and 3 per cent, of moisture. The best grades 
of Tennessee rock were guaranteed to contain 72 per cent, of calcium 
phosphate, and 65 per cent, is common. The soft rock is a phosphatic 
clay. The river pebbles are dark grey to black and arc very cheaply 
obtained by dredging. 

Deposits are found also in. Canada, the Wext Indies , Mexico and 
South America. 

Oceanic Deposits and Guanos. Guano. This valuable natural 
manure is produced from the excrement of sea-birds, and occa 
sionally of other animals, which has been chemically altered by ex- 
1 Pietvkowsky, Naturwiss., 1922, 10, 350. 2 Chemical Aye, 1931, p. 281. 


posure. Peruvian guano has been mined for many centuries. That from 
the Chincha Islands was used by the ancient Peruvians according to 
von Humboldt, 1804. 

Guano contains from 11 to 17 per cent, of phosphoric oxide, 11 to 
19 per cent, of lime, up to 1 per cent, of magnesia, 3 to 35 per cent. 
of nitrogen, about 2-5 per cent, of potash and 13 to 30 per cent, of 
water. Hence it is almost a complete plant food. 

Phospho- guanos. These deposits occur chiefly in oceanic islands, 
situated in tropical latitudes, and have probably the same origin as 
guano, but the changes have been more far-reaching, so that their 
composition is transitional between the guanos and the phosphatic 
rocks. By intense bacterial action the nitrogenous compounds have 
been converted quickly into ammonia and nitric acid, and the soluble 
nitrates and ammonium salts have been washed out by heavy rain, 
or the breaking of high seas over low- lying atolls. The resulting 
deposit contains usually less than 1 per cent, of nitrogen. The phos 
phate of lime ranges from 60 to 77 per cent. When it is 50 per cent, 
or less the deficit is usually composed of organic matter (loss on ignition) 
or calcium carbonate, or both. 

The Pacific Island deposits belong to this class and are found 
chiefly on those islands which lie between Australia and Japan. The 
Barker Island deposit, now exhausted, contained about 78 per cent, 
of calcium phosphate and 6 per cent, of magnesium phosphate. Rich 
deposits were also found on the Fanning Island and Makatea Islands in 
the Paurnotu Group, Angaur Island in the Pclcw Group, etc. 

The Australasian Dominions, Australia and Xew Zealand, largely 
obtain their supplies from Nauru and Ocean Islands, the produce of 
which was, after 1920, divided in definite ratios between the United 
Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Nauru is a coral island over 
200 feet high and covering an area of about 5,000 acres, a considerable 
part of which consists of a deep deposit containing 80 to 87 (usually 
86 to 87) per cent, of calcium phosphate, which probably has been 
formed by the leaching of guano deposits into the coral limestone. 
The phosphate is quarried out, leaving pinnacles of the harder limestone. 
The reserves on the island are estimated at 80 to 100 million tons. 
From 1013 onwards the island has yielded nearly 100,000 tons per 
annum. The Ocean Island deposits arc of about the same quality, 
and about 50 feet thick on the central table-land. The reserves are 
estimated at 50 million tons, and the output for several years was 
between 100,000 and 200,000 tons per annum. 

Other well-known deposits are those of Christmas Island, also 
llcdonda and Sombrero (West Indies). 

The phosphates of the British Empire are described in an official 
pamphlet. 1 Analyses of all the different types of phosphate minerals 
have been collected by Fritsch. 2 

The World s Production of Phosphate Rock. The amounts 
of phosphate rock mined annually increased only slowly from the 
beginnings of the industry in 1847 to 250,000 tons in 1869, then to 
about one million tons in" 1887 and about seven million tons in 1913. 

1 :; Phosphates, 1913-1919" Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau, H.A1. Stationery 
Office, 1921. 

2 JFntsch, "The Manufacture of Chemical Manures," Scott, Greenwood, 1920. 



After the great fluctuations during the Great War and post- War years, 
the production had again reached four million tons in 1919 and seven 
million tons in 1920, made up as follows (round numbers) : 

United States of America .... 3,000,000 

North Africa 3,000,000 

Oceanic Islands 500,000 

Other Countries 500,000 


7,000,000 ] 

The amounts, in round numbers, for the succeeding years (millions 
of tons ) are : 

Less than 8 

1925, 1926 
Average 9 


1927, 1928 
Average 10 ! 

1929, 1930 
Average 11 

The greater part of the increase is due to the North African deposits. 2 
The yearly production, from these sources is now greater than that 
which is obtained from the North. American deposits. 

It has been estimated that the available phosphate deposits would 
last for a century, 3 but this estimate docs not fully take into account 
the North African deposits (p. 214) or the proportion which will be 
conserved and returned to the soil by future generations. The present 
annual requirements of a great agricultural country like France or 
Germany appear to be of the order of a million tons. 4 


This is a by-product produced in the manufacture of steel from 
pig iron which contains phosphorus (phosphide) (sec p. GO). 5 The 
possibility of removing the phosphide dissolved in pig iron by carrying 
out oxidation in a Bessemer converter lined with a basic instead of a 
siliceous material was demonstrated by Snelus in 1872, by Thomas and 
Gilchrist at Elacnavon in 1878 and at the Eston works in 3870. The 

utilitv of the slag as a fertiliser was tested in the South and North of 

England from 1881 by Wrightson, Somervillc, Middleton and GilehrisL 

The converters, and afterwards the open hearths, in or on which 
the pig iron containing phosphide * was oxidised, arc lined with lime 
or magnesia. The ferrous phosphate produced by oxidation, instead 
of being immediately reduced again by the excess of iron, is decomposed 
by the lime according to the equation 

Fc 3 (P0 4 ) 2 -r 4CaO = Cu 4 P.A, + ;3Fc 

and the phosphate combines further with any calcium silicate or fluoride 
which is present. The hard sJag is crushed, separated from inclusions 
of iron, and then ground in a ball mill. 


In the open-hearth process the slag may be removed by ladling or 
tilting, when the phosphorus content of the iron has been reduced from 
1 per cent, or over to about 0-2 per cent. This furnishes a high- 
grade slag. A " new " slag by means of which the phosphorus content 
is reduced to about 0-02 per cent, is of much poorer quality (see Table I.). 



Silica. ! Lime. Iron. 

High-grade . 18-80 , 37-30 ; 7-80 18-54 ! 14-33 ; 77-39 

New . . . I 9-40 : 51-30 14-00 ! 7-40 j 11-10 , 14-90 j 

___ i i i I 

In the ordinary process the slag is allowed to (low off continuously. 
It then shows a diminution in phosphoric and silicic anhydrides and an 
increase in lime and total iron as the carbon and phosphorus in the 
metal diminish say from 1-77 and 1-30 per cent, respectively to 0-09 
and 0-023 per cent, (sec Table II.). 


Silica. : Lime. Iron. 

Total Soluble : V , i 
P ]> () * boluble 

- 5 * -" P..O-.* i 

At first . . 20-30 33-20 8-00 ! 17-08 15-30 


After (U hours . 10-20 -1-7-80 14-70 10-85 1-GG 15-30 , 

The solubility of basic slag has been found to increase with increasing 
calcium silicate. Some of the constituents other than phosphate have 
value on certain soils which happen to be deficient in. these constituents. 

Basic slag is a slow fertiliser ; the phosphate is not immediately 
available as is that of calcium superphosphate. It is particularly 
valuable for fruit trees, and for heavy grass-land, on which it develops 
the growth of white clover and hence increases the amount of combined 
nitrogen. It neutralises acid soils, and its beneficial effects extend 

over manv years. 

* iVote. Percentage of the total PO.-. 

1 " c Jiiisic Slags: their Production and Utilisation in Agriculture," Trans. Faraday Sue., 
1921, 1 6 (ii), 2G3. 



The chief varieties of naturally occurring or manufactured phos- 
phatic fertilisers may be classified briefly as i ollows :- 

(1) Natural nitrogenous phosphates such as guano, bone-dust. 

(2) Finely ground phosphatic rock. 

(3) Superphosphate of various grades with 16 to 20 per cent. 

total phosphoric acid or with 8 to 10 per cent, of water-soluble 
phosphoric acid. 

(4) Double superphosphate with about 40 per cent, of soluble 

phosphoric acid. 

(5) Precipitated dicalcium phosphate. 

(6) Basic slag or " Thomas phosphate." 

(7) " Wolter phosphate," obtained by decomposing phosphate rocks 

with calcium carbonate, sand, carbon and sodium sulphate in 
a furnace. " Rhenania phosphate," obtained by decomposing 
the rock with leucite or phenolite, potash or soda. 

(8) Ammonium phosphates and superphosphates, which may con 

tain also ammonium sulphates. 

A scientific study of the various systems should determine the best 
conditions for the various reactions between salts and acids. The 
phosphates of calcium are the most important. 


Since the phosphorus compounds which arc used in the arts, as 
well as phosphatic fertilisers, are derived from the decomposition of 
phosphates of lime, and the interactions of these are also of importance 
in biochemistry, a short account of the best investigated of these 
compounds will be given here.* 

The phosphates of lime which occur in nature or arc produced 
during the course of manufacture of phosphorus compounds arc salts 
of orthophosphoric acid. The hydrogen is replaced by calcium in 
stages giving successively mono-, di- arid tri-caleium phosphate. Of 
these the mono-calcium salt alone is freely soluble. The solids 
deposited on evaporation, or obtained by double decomposition, arc 
generally mixtures of the di-, tri- or more basic compounds, but pure 
crystalline forms have been prepared, especially of the more acid 
phosphates. The more basic phosphates are very sparingly soluble, 
and the solubilities arc not definite. The solids arc not in equilibrium 
with solutions of their own composition, but arc in process of trans 
formation which is so slow that equilibrium is not attained in most 

Tribasic calcium phosphate, Ca 3 P 2 O 8 , may be made by washing 
precipitated calcium phosphate with ammonia, which dissolves any 
excess of phosphoric acid above that required to form this compound. 
It is a white earthy powder which retains water tenaciously, and also 
adsorbs halides, bicarbonatcs and hydroxides. 1 It has also been 
prepared from CaII 4 (PO 4 ) 2 by dissolving this in a large excess of water 

* Note. In accordance with the general plan of this Series, full accounts of the 
various phosphates will be found under the heading of the metal in the appropriate 
Volume of this Series. 

1 Bassett, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1917, in, 620. 


and adding ammonia free from carbonate with constant stirring and 
at such a rate that the solution is only faintly alkaline until the end of 
the operation. The amorphous gelatinous precipitate is washed with 
water by deeantation until the dissolved phosphate is reduced to a 
minimum. Analysis of a dried sample gave a ratio P O 5 /CaO =0-835, 
the theoretical ratio being 0-845. 1 Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 contains 54-2 per cent, 
of CaO and 45-8 per cent, of P 2 O 5 . According to the analyses given 
on p. 213, phosphate rock evidently is more basic than this, and often 
contains much carbonate. It is considered probable that these rocks con 
tain oxy-apatite, Ca0.3Ca 3 P 2 O 8 , hydroxy-apatite, Ca(OH) 2 .3Ca 3 P 2 O 8 , 
or carbonate-apatite, CaC0 3 .3Ca 3 P 2 8 , with usually a further excess of 
lime or calcium carbonate. The composition of the solid phases formed 
by long shaking of CaHPO 4 with Ca(OH) 2 passes the point correspond 
ing to Ca 3 P O 8 , and becomes fixed only at a ratio which corresponds 
nearly to Ca"(OH) 2 .Ca 3 P 2 Og. 2 

Repeated extraction of Ca 3 P 2 O 8 with boiling water yields finally 
Ca(OH) 2 .Ca 3 P 2 O 8 . 3 The preparation is more certain in the presence 
of alkali. 1 The tribasic phosphate is suspended in a large excess of 
water contained in a pyrex flask and boiled for long periods with alkali 
free from carbonate, removing the supernatant liquid each day. 
After several weeks the precipitate reaches a constant composition 
which undergoes no further change, the ratio of P 2 5 /CaO (in grams) 
being then 0-76. The hydrolysis is expressed by the equation 

10Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + GH 2 O-3[3Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 .Ca(OH) 2 ]-r2H 3 P0 4 

Both the basic phosphate and Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 adsorb definite quantities of 
Ca(OH) 2 . These quantities when plotted as functions of the concen 
trations of Ca(OII) 2 have the usual form of adsorption isotherms and 
therefore give no evidence of the formation of definite compounds, 
1 gram of the basic calcium phosphate when in equilibrium with a 
solution containing 1-099 grams of Ca(OH) 2 per litre adsorbs 0-0201 
gram of the hydroxide. After 6 months of contact this amount is 
increased to 0-0243 gram. 1 

A hydrate Ca 3 P 2 O s .iI 2 O has been described as a hygroscopic 
powder, but this also is not in equilibrium with a definite solution 
but gives solutions containing greater proportions of phosphoric acid 
and dissolves with hydrolysis, depositing lime. 4 

Dicaicium phosphate, Ca 2 II 2 P 2 O 8 or CaHPO 4 , is the first substance 
to be precipitated when calcium hydroxide is added to phosphoric acid. 
It is formed by the interaction of mono- and tri-calcium phosphates, 
and is then called " reverted phosphate." Thus 

Ca 3 P 2 O 3 -r CaII 4 P 2 8 =2Ca 2 H 2 P 2 8 

It is also deposited when any aqueous solution of calcium phosphate 
is evaporated to dryness with hydrochloric acid. It occurs as an 
anhydrous more soluble form and as a hydratcd less soluble crystalline 
form (monoclinic needles). The solubility product [Ca^~][HPO 4 = ] is 

Lorali, Tartar and Wood, J. Aitier. Chun. Xoc., 1929, 51, 1097. 

2 J3a*sutt, Trim*. Cktut. Hoc., 1917, in, 620. 

3 Wanngton, Trails. C/te-m. tioc., 1873, 26, 983. 


variously given 1 2 as 4 x 10~ 7 or 3-5 to 12 x 10~ G . This compound, like 
the tribasic and indeed all the phosphates of lime, decomposes in con 
tact with water giving a more acid solution and a more basic solid. 
The original solid compound is in. equilibrium only with a solution 
containing a higher ratio OL PO 4 /CaO. This is clearly shown in the 
accompanying table. 


25 C. 

40 C. 

Solid Phases. 

Concentration Grams per 100 Grams 
Saturated Solution. 

! CaO PA 
. i 3-09 to 36-1 to 

Ca.JI.PC3, . 

! 0-83 2-39 

CaHPO t -rCaHPO t .2.H.,0 . i 0-105 ! 0-417 . 

. : 0-070 to \ 0-166 to 
0-040; U-093 

CaO ; iU)- 
1-77 to 42-4 to 

CaO ! P,0. 

0-636 to 58-08 to 

36-8? 4-88; 33-2i 

27-25 5-72- > 29-61 i 

0-059,; i 0-153 

Three quintuple points in this system have been determined by 
Bassett 4 as follows : 5 


Solid phases as spt-ciiicd; solutions in .square brackets. 

21 CaliPOj. 2 !!.,()-; (H 38Cat; ,(!*() ,),.( 1,() ^^ 1-07 !7Cai i i O, 

; " " ; -j2-374!i,() : lOOOTP-.O., -i 0-0627CaOj 

Changes during Neutralisation. - In tlic neutralisation of phos 
phoric acid with lime there is only a. gradual increase 1 in the pll value 
until more than one equivalent of iiine has been added ; that is until 


some 33 per cent, of the acid has been neutralised, corresponding to 
the formation of CaH 4 P 2 O 8 . The pH value then begins to increase 
more rapidly with further addition of lime and a precipitation of di- 
calcium phosphate, Ca. 2 H 2 P 2 O 8 , may occur if suflicient time is allowed. 1 
When 39 to -15 per cent, of the acid has been neutralised there is a sharp 
drop in the ptl value, winch is due probably to the precipitation of 
clicalcium phosphate from supersaturated solution. This not only 
leaves the solution relatively poorer in hyclroxyl ions through the 
removal of HPO 4 % since by hydrolysis 

1IP(V ~- 1I-- -f OH" > H 2 PO 4 - ~ Oil- 
but also diminishes the ratio CaO/P 2 O 5 in the solution, since a solid 
corresponding to 67 per cent, neutralisation is being removed from a 
liquid corresponding to 45 per cent. The precipitation may be delayed 
tmtil about li equivalents of lime have been added and the pll value 
has become 6-7. 2 Further addition of lime then produces a gradual 
increase in alkalinity, absolute neutrality (j/H 7) being reached 
after the addition of about 2 equivalents, i.e. at 67 per cent, neutralisa 
tion. A slight further addition of lime then produces a sharp drop in 
the alkalinity, which is not observed however when the .neutralisation 
is carried out in the presence of dissolved sucrose. 2 This " kink " in 
the curve is probably due to supcrsaturation. The process of deposition 
with increase of acidity in the presence of precipitated solids would 
probably continue much further if suflicient time were allowed, since 
it has been calculated from the results of Jiassctt that the solution in 
equilibrium with dicalcium phosphate or even with tricalcium phosphate 
has a much greater acidity (])li approximately 5-5) than the solutions 
in which these precipitates arc lirst produced. A continuation of the 
titration with lime up to 3 equivalents (TOO per cent, neutralisation) 
gives only a slight increase in alkalinity, which becomes somewhat 
greater after the addition of 3 equivalents. In contradistinction then 
to the alkalies and even baryta, and strontia, calcium hydroxide appar 
ently does not give high alkalinitics when in the presence of precipitated 
calcium phosphate. This is due not only to the sparing solubility 
of Ca(OH) 2 , but also to its combination with Ca ;5 P 2 O s to give hydroxy- 
apatite, 3Ca 3 P 2 O 8 .Ca(OII) 2 . 

The practical significance of these observations is that phosphates 
can only remain freely soluble in soils with a relatively high acidity 
(pll less than 5-5) ; the solid present in contact with such solutions 
is either Ca!I 4 P 2 () fi .II 2 O or CaoIIol o^a ni il finely divided and anhydrous 
state. Neutral or even, faintly acid solutions (pll 5-5 to 7-0) will 
contain but little dissolved phosphate, being in equilibrium with 
CaHP0 4 .2lIoO, Ca,(PO 4 ) 2 or Ca(Ori) 2 .^a,P,O 8 , or a mixture of 
these solids. The solubility of these solids is however sullicient for 
the requirements of plants, since it is found that the amount of phos 
phorus in the extract even of a rich soil is only of the order of 1 milli 
gram per litre, while soils of average I ertilitv mav contain onlv 0-1 

te> I " f" 1 / *j . 

to 0-2 milligram per litre. The fact that this very low concentration 
appears to be suflicient for the growth of plants makes it probable 
that these are able to use insoluble phosphate, 3 as has also been pointed 

1 Farnel!, J. ,SV;e. Chc.m. Ind., WiNi, 45, JUST. 

2 Bntton, Trans. Chc /n. Soc., 11)27, p. 614. 

3 Tidmorc, /. Amir. Soc. Ayron.., 1030, 22, 481. 


out by N. M. Comber and others. It is important that there should 
be a sufficient reserve of phosphate in the soil which may gradually 
become available. The removal of phosphoric acid by plants increases 
the amount of basic phosphate and should be compensated by the 
addition of an acid-producing fertiliser such as ammonium sulphate. 
The value of phosphates in a really soluble form has long been 

The Acid Phosphates. On account of the relatively higher 
degree of dissociation of sulphuric acid it is capable of liberating 
phosphoric acid from phosphates, and the reaction is favoured by the 
low solubility of calcium sulphate. 

Ca 3 P 2 O 8 +3H 2 SO 4 =3CaSO 4 + 2H 3 PO 4 

This probably is the first stage of the reaction by which superphosphates 
are produced. It is succeeded by 

Ca 3 P 2 8 -f 4H 3 PO 4 =3CaH 4 P 2 O 8 

When two mols of sulphuric acid are added to one of the tribasic 
phosphate more than 96 per cent, of the phosphate is rendered freely 
soluble in water, superphosphate being formed as follows : 

Ca :3 P 2 8 -f- 2H 2 S0 4 = 2CaS0 4 ~ CaII 4 P 2 8 

In practice it is arranged that a little of the tribasic phosphate is left 
undecomposcd, and this then reacts according to the equation 

Ca 3 P 2 O s -r CaH 4 P 2 O 8 =4CaHPO 4 

The amount of freely soluble phosphate is thus reduced. When the 
superphosphate is brought into contact with water the insoluble part 
is increased by the production of a solution containing from 12 to 
5-J- times as much phosphoric acid as lime (see p. 220), or about 4 times 
as much when CaHP0 4 is present as a solid. The presence of CaS0 4 
in commercial phosphate does not much alter these ratios, as is shown 
by the following solubilities : : 

Solid Phases. I*2^f,> grams/litre. CaO grams/litre. 

CaSO 4 .2HoO, CaHPO 4 .2lIoO, 317 77 

CaII 4 P 2 8 

CaSO 4 .2lIoO," C aS0 4 . , 545 38 

CaII 4 P" 2 8 .H 2 O ! 

The ratio P 2 O 5 /CaO is 4-1 in the solutions which arc in contact with 
solid "reverted" phosphate and sulphate of lime, and 14 in the 
solutions which arc in contact with solid superphosphate and sulphate 
of lime. 

The Manufacture of Superphosphate. 

The Finely ground rock is mixed with sulphuric acid in the pro 
portions required by the equations 

CaCO, + IIoS0 4 -i- I-LO = CaS0 4 .2H.,0 + CO 

1 Cameron and Boll, J. Airier. Chc.m. Soc., 190(5, 28, 1220. 


The evolution of carbon dioxide plays an important part in keeping the 
mass porous ; if a sufficient proportion of carbonate is not present in 
the rock it may be supplied by blending. The heat evolved by the 
reaction is used to evaporate the surplus water. This heat depends 
on the composition of the rocks those which contain much carbonate 
evolve more heat and may be treated with cold acid, while those which 
contain little may require hot acid. Chamber acid of density 1-53 
to 1-61 is used ; this is also the chief source of the water required. 
The hydrates retain their water when dried at 300 C., or even to a 
great extent up to 150 C.* If artificial drying is used the temperature 
should not rise over 150 C. or else an undue proportion becomes 
insoluble. The loss in weight is 10 to 124 per cent. The product 
hardens on cooling and is cut out and powdered by a mechanical 
disintegrator (see p. 226). It contains, when freshly made, 30 to 
45 per cent, of phosphate (calculated as Ca 3 P 2 O 8 ) soluble in water, 
according to the composition of the rock used. A more concentrated 
form (" double superphosphate ") is made by adding sulphuric acid 
sufficient in amount to set free all the phosphoric acid, which, after 
filtration, is concentrated to a syrup and used to decompose more 
phosphate according to the equation 

Ca 3 P 2 8 +-1H 3 P0 4 +3H 2 =3(CaH 4 P 2 8 -f-HoO) 

The manufacture has been of great value as an outlet for surplus 
sulphuric acid, of which 11 cwt. (69 per cent, acid) is required for 
every ton of (ordinary) superphosphate. 

"Retrogression. Superphosphate may require to be stored for 
several months, and during this time insoluble CaHPO 4 is formed 
according to the equation on p. 222 from the small amount of un- 
deeomposed Ca ;i P 2 O 8 . Even a week after manufacture the soluble 
phosphate may have diminished by about 2 to 4 per cent. This 
1-6 retrogression " is particularly marked when the phosphatic material 
contains more than 2 per cent, of iron plus alumina. The excess of 
these bases reacts with the CaII 4 P 2 O 8 to give insoluble phosphates of 
iron and aluminium according to the equation 

CaH 4 P 2 O 8 .IIoO +Fc (S0 4 ) 3 -i 5II 

= 2[FePO 4 .2H 2 0] + CaS0 4 .2H 2 O + 2H 2 SO d 

The phosphates of iron and a hi minium form gelatinous precipitates 
which arc insoluble in weak acids, or in hydrolysed acid phosphates 
or sulphates. Ferric phosphate may he decomposed, using up more 
sulphuric acid, as in the equation 

3FcPO. l -f:3lI 1 ,SO. l ^^FcP0 4 .2H 3 P0 4 -f-Fc 2 (S0 4 ) 3 

or it may easily lose its water, becoming insoluble, thus : 
FcPO,.2H 2 -i- CaSO 4 = CaS0 4 .2H 2 +FeP0 4 

If the original rock contains up to 2 per cent, of iron oxide the resulting 
phosphate of iron is soluble, but with more than 4 per cent, of iron 
oxide the phosphate is insoluble hence such a rock is considered 
unsuitable for the. manufacture of superphosphate. The "regression" 


of the phosphate by the iron salt just described may be avoided if the 
rock is dissolved in ammonium sulphate solution and then treated with 
sulphur.dioxidc ; the iron, is then converted into (XH 4 ) 2 SO 4 .FeSO 4 .()H 2 O. 

The Treatment of Special Ores. Alumina does not appear to induce 
" retrogression." It may be removed by caustic alkalies or hot 
alkali carbonate solutions. Redonda phosphate (A1PO 4 ) may be made 
soluble by fusion with ammonium bisulphate, giving a dry powder 
which is a mixture of ammonium alum, ammonium bisulphate and 

Hocks which contain calcium chloride or fluoride (apatites) are 
decomposed according to the equations 

CaCl 2 + HoS0 4 = 2HC1 -f CaSO 4 
CaF 2 + H 2 SO 4 = 2HF + CaSO 4 

The corrosive, gases which are liberated are absorbed in towers con 
taining water and furnish solutions of hydrochloric or hydroduosilicic 
acicl by reaction with the silica of the phosphate rock. Thus 

4 + 2HF=H 2 SiF 6 

By addition of common salt silicofluoride may be precipitated and the 
filtrate may be worked up for hydrochloric acid. Thus 

H 2 SiF 6 + 2XaCl = Xa 2 SiF 6 + 2HCI 

Apatite may be treated by the following process (Palmer) : l 
Perchloric, or chloric acid made by electrolysis of the sodium salts is 
mixed with the coarsely ground rock. The. liquid, containing H :) PO 4 , 
is precipitated by the alkaline kathode liquors so as to give a slightly 
acid precipitate of the composition CaTIPO 4 .2iI 2 O, which is soluble 
to the extent of 95 per cent, in ammonium citrate see Phosphate 
Analysis (p. 22.5). 2 

Phosphoric Acid. By using three mols of sulphuric acid instead 
of two, the whole of the lime is converted into sulphate and the whole 
of the phosphoric, acid set free according to the equation 

Ca 3 P 2 O s + 3H 2 S0 4 = 2H 3 P0 4 + 3CaSO 4 

The raw material should contain at least 50 per cent, of Ca. l ] > 2 O 8 and 
be as free as possible from sesquioxides. It may be ignited if high in 
organic matter, reduced to a, fine powder, and fed continuously into 
tanks lined with wood or hard lead alloy, where it meets on the counter 
current principle hot sulphuric acid of about 5 per cent, concentration. 
The reaction is quickly completed and the precipitated calcium sulphate 
is allowed to settle and filtered off continuously through filter presses. 
This sulphate is " phospliatic gypsum " and contains :3 to 4 per cent. 
of phosphoric acid of which 1 per cent, is soluble in water. The 
solution is evaporated in Drought-iron pans up to a concentration of 
50 per cent, phosphoric acid, which may be further refined for use in 
pharmaceutical products or foods. 


The crude phosphoric acid is also used in the manufacture of " high 
analysis " or " triple superphosphate." The solution containing about 
45 per cent, of H 3 PO 4 is mixed with more of the ground rock and 
evaporated. The product, distinguished from ordinary superphosphate 
by freedom from gypsum, sets to a tough mass. It is broken up while 
comparatively fresh and dried at about 200 C. It contains CaH 4 P 2 O s 
mixed with sandy crystals, is non-hygroscopic and may have the 
following composition : 

Total ? 2 O 5 . . . ! 48-0-49-0 

Water-soluble PoO* . . I 41-0-42-0 


Citrate-soluble P O 5 . j 4-0- 5-0 
Citrate-insoluble PoO* . i 2-0- 3-0 

CaO 20-80 

Fe.Oo-rAloOo 2-25 

7 3 

Xa 2 O+K 2 O 2-0 
SiOp " 1-4 

together with fluoride, sulphate, other bases (Cu, etc.) and about 2 per 
cent, of water. 1 

Electrolytic Methods. If apatite or other phosphatic material is 
placed round the anode in a solution of sodium chloride which is being 
electrolysed, a citrate-soluble calcium phosphate is precipitated. Or 
perchloric acid may be made separately in the anode compartment and 
mixed with the alkali produced at the kathode, giving a precipitate of 
Ca 2 H 2 P 2 O 8 . 2 

Alkali Treatment. Phosphate rock may also be made soluble by 
heating the powdered material with soda ash, carbon and silica, thus : 

Ca. 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + 3SiO 2 + 3Xa 2 CO 3 = 3CaSiO 3 4- 2Na 3 P0 4 + 3C0 2 

The History and Technology of Superphosphate Manufacture. 
Allusion has already been made to the suggestion of Liebig that 
bones could be made more available for agriculture by line grinding 
and treatment with acid. This treatment of bones and other phos- 
phoritic materials was patented by J. B. Lawes in 1842, but the claim 
was modified later to cover only minerals such as apatite, phosphorite, 
etc. A paper published by the Ilev. Hcnslow called attention to the 
use of crag coprolites from Suffolk, which with guano and bones were 
used by Lawes in his factory at Deptford. From 1842 to 1854 the 
manufacture was essentially a British industry and in the early period, 
until about 1870, the plant was of the simplest description. The right 
quantity of acid, determined by trial and error, was run on to a heap of 
ground phosphatic material in a "den" made of tarred pitch pine or 
tarred bricks secured by cast-iron plates, arid mixed by means of rakes 
and shovels. The mass soon set and dried itself by the heat of the 
reaction, and after storing for a month or so was broken up, screened and 
bagged. The only machinery used consisted of stone mills for grinding 
the rock. Rotary stirrers operated by hand were sometimes installed and 
were in service into the twentieth century. The production of 1 ton of 
superphosphate requires about 11 cwt. of chamber acid, 69 per cent. 
H 2 SO 4 , and the weight of superphosphate from a good grade of rock, 

1 Larison, 2nd. Emj., 1929, 21, 1172. 

2 Palmaer, United States Patent, 748523 (1903); Wiborgh and Palmaer, ibid., 707886 


containing about 32 per cent. P 2 O 5 , is rather less than twice the weight 
of the rock. This industry helped to absorb some of the large excess 
of sulphuric acid which became available after the decline of the 
Leblanc process. 

The necessity of mixing in a closed room by external power became 
urgent with the introduction of rocks which evolved hydrochloric or 
hydrofluoric acid when treated with sulphuric acid. Machinery suited 
to these operations has now been devised. 1 The stone grinders were 
replaced by ball mills and later by rotary crushers and roll-jaw crushers 
which will reduce 90 per cent, of the material to a fine powder which 
will pass through a sieve having 10,000 meshes to a square inch. Hand 
labour was employed at first for the mixing. Charges of sulphuric acid 
and phosphates were weighed into a closed ;t den :5 and, after the 
reaction was completed, were dug out with the aid of gravity. These 
reaction chambers were replaced by mechanically operated "dens," 
some of which could be rotated. Various types of mechanical exca 
vators are used. In one the block of superphosphate is forced by a 
ram against tearing and cutting wheels, and the broken material after 
falling through a grid is elevated to the storage rooms. Or the fixed 
chambers, each holding 150 to 200 tons, are emptied by grab-buckets 
which are let down into the mass. The reaction in modern plant, 
aided by fineness of grinding and good mixing, is complete in a few 

Mixed and Concentrated Phosphoric Fertilisers. 

The manufacture of fertilisers containing potassium or ammonium 
or both in addition to phosphoric acid has called for an accurate know 
ledge of the interaction of the salts concerned and also for the greatest 
refinements of chemical engineering in order to produce a material of 
uniform, dry and yet not dusty character. 

Potassium Phosphates. Basic or neutral phosphates (Rhenania 
phosphates) may be made directly from rock phosphate by mixing it 
with potassium chloride, some form of carbon and soda, and heating 
to over 1000 C. in an electric furnace. 2 One of these products lias the 
composition Ca 2 KNaP 2 O s , with some silica. Such products may 
contain 23 to 31 per cent, of soluble phosphoric acid. Potassium 
superphosphate has been made by mixing potassium sulphate and 
calcium carbonate with concentrated phosphoric, acid in a lead-lined 
vessel. 3 The CaSO 4 .2H 2 O is separated and the iilter-pressed solution 
is evaporated to dryness by steam heat. The residue may be treated 
with more phosphoric acid and again, evaporated. The reaction is 
expressed by the equation 

K 2 SO 4 + 2H 3 P0 4 + CaCO, = 2KH 2 PO 4 + CaSO 4 + CO 2 + 1I 2 O 

Ammonium Phosphates, Ordinary superphosphate may be 
treated with aqueous ammonia up to 3 per cent, without any marked 
increase in the citrate-insoluble proportion. 4 The calcium salt is present 

1 Parrisk and Ogilvie, L * Artificial Fertilisers,* vol. i., Benn, 1927. 

2 Wedge, United States Patent, 1624195 (1027). 

3 "Annual Reports of Applied Chemistry," 1922, p. 434. 


as CalI 4 P 2 8 and CaHP0 4 up to 2 per cent, of ammonia, but is wholly 
converted into Ca 3 P 2 O 8 at 6 per cent, ammonia. 1 

The ground rock may be treated directly with 2 mols of sulphuric 
acid and 1 mol of ammonium sulphate, which react according to the 

Ca 3 P 2 O 8 + (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 4- L>H 2 SO 4 =3CaS0 4 -f 2(NH 4 )H 2 PO 4 

The solution is filtered from calcium sulphate and more ammonia is 
added until the phosphates of aluminium and iron settle. On concen 
trating the filtrate phosphates and sulphates of ammonia may be 
crystallised. 2 

In another process crude calcium acid phosphate is mixed with 
ammonium sulphate solution below 80 C., and the mixture concen 
trated and filtered, when (XH 4 )H 2 PO 4 crystallises. (XH 4 ) 2 HP0 4 is made 
from ammonia, fumes of phosphoric acid and water. 3 Or calcium phos 
phate is just dissolved in sulphuric acid, the calcium sulphate filtered 
oil and the acid solution treated with ammonia and carbon dioxide. 
The ammonium sulphate and phosphate form a good mixed fertiliser. 4 

Very soluble fertilisers are prepared by reactions between phosphoric 
acid and ammonia or its salts. Thus, if ammoniacal gas liquor is mixed 
with crude phosphoric acid, diammomum phosphate, (XH 4 ) HP0 4 , 
may be crystallised in the anhydrous state. 5 The composition of 
such products may range from 45 per cent. P 2 O 5 and 14 per cent, 
nitrogen to 18 per cent. 1 3 2 5 and 18 per cent, nitrogen. By varying 
the proportions, inonoammoniuni phosphate, (XH 4 )H 2 PO 4 , may be 
obtained as a white granular solid, which is non-hygroscopic and stable 
under ordinary conditions. The product prepared by evaporation 
down to 2-3 per cent, of water and grinding contains about 53 per 
cent. P 2 O 5 (of which 48 per cent, is soluble in water), with 13-3 per 
cent, of ammonia and up to 3 or 4 per cent, of a mixture of iron and 
aluminium, magnesium and the alkali metals. 

Various t4 sulphophosphates " arc made by mixing ammonium (also 
alkali) sulphate solution with 55 per cent. H 3 PO 4 at 80 C., thus : 

(XlI 4 )oS0 1 -r H,P() 4 = (NH 4 )HS0 4 -;- (NH 4 )HJP0 4 
koSO! -i- H,P0 4 - K11S0 4 -r KH 2 P0 4 

The products may be obtained in a dry form and are easily soluble in 
water. On account of their high proportion of free acid they may 
be mixed with basic slag or phosphatic chalk and still retain a large 
proportion of soluble phosphate. 

.By stiirting with a purer phosphoric acid, ammonium salts may be 
obtained in a purer state. 11 ammonia gas is passed into 75 per cent, 
phosphoric, acid a, reaction takes place with great heat evolution, and 
on cooling acid ammonium phosphate, (XH 4 )iI 2 P0 4 , crystallises in the 
anhydrous state. Further saturation with ammonia yields a mixture 
of the mono- and di-ammonium salts, and on further addition of con 
centrated ammonia solution, or by carrying out the whole reaction in 

1 .Moss, Jnd. Eng. 67/ev/v., 1931, 23, Xo. 1, 19. 

2 Gordon, tiutjhsh Patent, 310-128 (1928). 

:i J eacock, United States, 995S9S (1911). 

1 Liljemmli, English Patent, 2758-13 (1926); see also English Patent, 252953 (1925). 

5 Chemical Age, 1929, 21, 002. 

JLarison, loc. ci,L 


more dilute solution, the salt (XH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 may be obtained as white 
non-hygroscopic crystals containing 53-8 per cent. P 2 O 5 and 25-8 
per cent. NH 3 . 

By suitable combinations of the methods just described, mixtures 
of potassium and ammonium phosphates may be prepared. The 
preparation of very concentrated fertilisers containing potassium and 
ammonium phosphates has been described by Ross and Merz, 191 6, 1 
Ross, Jones and Mehring, 1926. 2 

Mixed fertilisers containing ammonium phosphate with other salts 
have been made in the form of cylindrical granules like smokeless 
powder. 3 The slower operations of solution, neutralisation, evapora 
tion and crystallisation are avoided, the bases, acids and neutral com 
ponents being combined, ground, mixed and kneaded in one operation. 
Salts of potassium or other base are passed through valve-locked 
mains into a mixing pan which contains scrapers and muller mechan 
isms enclosed in a gas-tight hood. Liquid phosphoric acid and gaseous 
ammonia are admitted simultaneously with the salts and combine 
under pressure in about ten minutes to form diammonium hydrogen 
phosphate. The sticky mass is removed by means of a vertical screw 
and passes into an extruding machine which had to be designed specially 
deal with non-plastic masses. The extruded sections are dried, 
^ with cold air. then at a temperature below 70 C. They are then 
: into pieces about Ij diameters or 1/8 inch long, screened and 
polished. The product is uniform, non-hygroscopic and is easily 
drilled into the land. 

1 United Stales Patent, 1 191615 (1910). 

2 United States Patent, 1598259 (1926). 

3 Klugh; reported in Chemical Age, 1932, 26, 274. 


ABBOTT, 165, 171, 172. 

Abel, 62. 

Ad air, 157. 

Adie, 143. 

Adlucary, 133. 


Albert, 157. 

Albirms, 5. 

Allison, 42. 

Amagat, 91. 

Amat, 142, 145, 147. 

Amato, 75. 

Andre, 173. 

Andrews, 157, 158. 

d Ans, 184. 

Antoine, 91. 

Arbuzov, 55, 144, 140, 167. 

Archibald, 73. 

Arctowski, 30. 

von Arcnd, 29, 125, 135, 130, 140. 

Armstrong, 02. 

Arnold, GO. 

Arrhenins, 130, 1.62, 1(54. 

Arsonecff, 170. 

Aston, 23, 40. 

Atkins, 200. 

Auger, 147. 

A wen, 42. 

BAILEY, 134. 

Bakei-, 110. 
Baknmn, 07. 

Balard, 7(5, 101, 103, 1-13, 144. 
Balaroli , 170, 174. 
Ball, 170. 

Banthien, 123, 127. 
Barnett. 131, 174. 
BassetU 20:), 210, 220. 
Baudmmmt, 02, 03, 00-08, 100. 
Bauer, 12, 01, 02. 
Bausa, 150, 153. 
Baxter, 44, -15, 47, 48. 
Beatty, 10J, 102. 
Bcck,"41, 131. 
Becker, 140. 
Beekmann, 23. 
Bell, 11, 210, 222. 
Beriiegren, 41. 
Berber, 133. 
BerLhelot, 1)., 43, 52. 

Berlbelot, M., 70, 86, 87, 03, 06, 98, 101, 
158, 164, 107, 173. 

Berzelius, 42, 155, 170, 186, 189, 192. 
Besson, 63, 64. 76, 77, 89, 93, 98, 101, 12 

174, 189, 190, 192, 205, 206. 
Beyers, 168. 

v. Bezold, 187, 190, 191. 
Bhandakar, 74. 
Billandot, 9. 
de la Billardiere, 75, 78. 
Blitz, 23, 96, 101. 
Bineau, 77. 
Bird, 28. 

Blackwekler, 3, 208. 
Blake, 176. 
Blanc, 141, 165. 
Bleckrode, 73. 

Bloch, L. and E., 97, 121, 122. 
Blondlot, 64, 65. 
Blunt, 61. 
Blyth, 71. 
Bock, 169. 
Boeseken, 16, 31. 
Bokhorst, 21-23, 25, 35, 38, 40. 
Booii c, 157, 158. 
IBordel, 72. 
Bose, 42. 
Bossuet, 61. 
Bottger, 11, 02, 72, 81. 
Boulouch, ISO, 187, 190. 
t iowen, 26. 
Boyle, 5, 116, 155. 
Boylston, 45. 
Braun, 1.71. 
Bray, 165. 171, 172. 


renne? 1 , 71. 

reunin.u:, 123. 

ndirman, 1(5-18, 40, 41, 01. 

riedieb, 206. 

i-i.u^s, 1.82. 

1 , 73, 77. 

165, 166, 170, 220, 221. 
rodie, 31. 

e Broglie, 41 . 
owii, 182. 
uhl, 63. 
Brukl, 28. 
Bryant. I !. 
Buck, SI. 
Badriikorl, 89. 
Bull, 90. 
Bun sen, 61. 
Burgess, 125. 
Burke, 03, 96. 


CABELL, 127. 

Cahoiirs, 94, 95. 

CailJetet, 72. 

Cain, 78. 

Calvcrt, 80. 95. 

Cameron, 219, 222. 

Carins, 191. 

Carpenter, 157. 

Carrara, 93. 

Carre, 167. 

Casselmann, 95. 

Cavalier, 150, 173. 

Cavazzi, 62, 65, 67, 76, 143. 

Caven, 56. 

Centnerszwer, 21, 116, 124. 

Chalk, 125. 

Chancel, 10. 

Chanton, 120. 

Chapman, 33, 125. 

Chappuis, 120. 

le Chatelier, 66. 

Chevrier, 113, 114, 203. 

Chretien, 168. 

Christomanos, 19, 20, 62, 63, 99-101, 122. 

Clark, 3, 34, 42, 71, 155, 163, 165. 

Clarke, 67, 208. 

Clarkson, 168. 

de Claubry, 89. 

Clausius, 122. 

Clayton, 188. 

clc Clevmont, 173. 

Clever, 195. 

Cloez, 114. 

Cohen, 15, 20, 32, 75, 119, 192. 

Colson, 32. 

Compton, 19. 

Cooper, 162. 

Co i i en winder, 103. 

Corno, 150. 

Corncc, 150, 153, 163, 175. 

Cowper, L26. 

Crafts, 84. 

Cronander, 98. 

Cronllebois, 80. 

Curie, J8. 

(Jushman, 60. 

Out hbertson, 25, 55. 


Da.le, 17, 92, 1(50. 

Dal ton, 75, 76. 

Da.mien, 17, 18, 51 . 

Darrin, I OS. 

Dai i vi I Her, 41 . 

Davidson, 208. 

Davy, I!., 60, 68, 75, 7(5, 86, 89, 5)3, <M, 

"133, MO. 
Davy, ,]., IK). 
Defaeqz, 65. 
Dejardins, 2(>. 
Demole, 101. 
Dennis, 66. 
Dei-Yin, 92, 190. 
"Desch, 61. 
-Deschamps, 12! . 
Dcvillc, 23, 94. 

Dickinson, 78. 

Dieckmann, 7, 66. 

Dieterici, 161. 

Dixon, 11, 29, 119. 

Dobbie, 26. 

Dodge, 194. 

DouShty, 102. 

Downey, 116, 120, 121, 123, 124, 128. 

Dragunov, 176. 

Drawe, 153. 

Drechsel, 80. 

Druminond, 76, 169. 

Dufet, 145. 

DutTendaek, 26. 

Dulong, 70, 125, 135, 138, 140. 

Dumas, 43, 61, 68-70, 75, 86, 1X>. 

Duncan, 2.1 . 

Dusart, 25. 

Dushman, 75. 

EASTMAX, 162. 
Eder, 26. 
Edwards, 61. 
Efremort, 65, 66. 
Ecidi, 173. 
Elster, 122. 
Emeleus, 121. 
Emmerling, 62-64. 
Engels, 78. 
Ephraim, 194. 
Epperson, 1 79. 
fitard, 69. 
Ewan, 118. 
Ewing, 88. 
Eydmann, 120. 

Fair, 131, 134. 
Fairweather, 157. 
Faraday, 17, 18, 186. 
Farncll^ 220, 221. 
Favre, 93, 164. 
Federlin, 143, 144. 
Ferrand, 193, 194. 
Fichter, 184, 185. 
Field, 169. 
Fineh, 131. 
Finek, 143, UO. 
Fireman, 103. 
Firth, 139. 

Fleitniann, 174, 177, 178. 
Folio Uesjardins, 7. 
Fonzes-J)iacoii, ()3. 
Foote, 18, 19. 
de Forerand, 23, 76, Hi*. 
Fourcroy, 133, 145. 
Fourmer, 81). 
Foussereau, 17. 
Fo\vler, 134. 
Fox, 26, 71. 
de Fra.nchis, 20. 
Franek, ()3. 
Francke, 82. 
Frank, 7. 
Fnmkenhemi, 39. 
Fraser, 131. 


Freesc, 66. 
Friedel, 193. 
Fricdrich, 104. 
Frumkin, 21. 


Garrison, 120, 123. 

Gattermann, SO, 81. 

Gautier, 61, 69, 82, 103. 

Gay-Lussac, 60, 89, 102. 

Gazarian, 70, 71. 

Geibcl, 165. 

Geitel, 122. 

Gengernbre, 6S. 

Gerliardt, 199. 

Germann, 103. 

Geuther, 26, 93, 97, 99, 129, 138, 141, 170, 

173, 177, 206. 
Gewecke, 64. 
Gibson, 24, 54. 
Gill, 209. 
Giran, 20, 23, 132, 158, 160, 171, 172, 175, 

176, 187, 189. 
Gladstone, 17, 54, 76, 89, 92, 97, 98, 101, 

114, 163, .175, 189, 198, 199, 201-204. 
Glatzel, 178, 191-194, 203. 
Gluhmann, .174. 
Goldschmidt, 97, 190. 
Gomolka, 33, 34, 64. 
Gordon, 227. 
Gore, 134. 
Gorlacher, 121. 
Graham, 68, 75, 125, 155, 163, 170, 172, 


de Gramom, 20. 
Granger, 61. 62, 65, 66, 87. 
Gregoire, 182. 
Gregory, 155, 170. 
Groshemtz, 41, 14 L. 
v. Grot-Urns, (54. 
Griincbercr, 207. 
Guldbcrg/ 100. 
Guntz, 86, 87. 

Gustavson, 98, 133, 143, 1.74. 
Gutzwjller, 185. 
Guye, 73. 

HAAGEN, 5-1. 

Hackspill, 61, 82. 

Hager, 160. 

Halm, 166, 11)5. 

Hambly, 133. 

Mar kins, 3. 

Harries, 126. 

Hartley, 25, 124, 1.32. 

Hat c hot l,, 66. 

Hausknechf, 80, 81. 

Hautefeuille, 32, 62, 90, 130, 132, 168. 

Heimann, 177. 

1-lelrr, 187, 188, 190, 191. 

v. Heltnholtz, 34, 37, 122. 

Hcmpel, 8. 

Henderson, 109. 

Hermeberg, 1.74, 177. 

Hennin, 73. 

Henry, 113. 

Henstock, 128. 

Heraeus, 168. 

Hernctte, 131. 134. 

Herscovici, 187, 190-192. 

Hertz, 23. 

Hess, 16, 17. 

Hctherington, 168. 

Heumann, 89, 97. 

Heyn, 12, 61, 62. 

Hicks, 26. 

Hill, 169. 

Hilperfc, 66. 

Hinshelwood, 75. 

Hiorns, 62. 

Hittorf, 25, 29, 31-33, 39. 

Hoeflake, 131. 

van t Ho ft , 76, 77. 

Hofmann, 69, 70, 75-78, 80, 82, 85, 11 

140, 187, 203, 207. 
Holborn. 162. 
Holland, 96. 
Holl eman, 181. 

Holmes, 97, 114, 199, 201-204. 
Holroyd, 58. 96. 
Holt, 78, 158, 171, 174. 
Honda, 18. 
Hopkin, 132. 
Houdremont, 7. 
Huff, 151, 153. 
Hughes, 165. 
Hugot, 60, 70, 104, 197. 
Hunter, 72, 191. 
Huntingdon. 61, 62. 
Hurtzig, 97/141. 
Husain, 184, 185. 
Huthstcmor, 26. 
Hvoslcf, 66. 

IKED A, 118. 
Inouye, 20. 
IpatiefT, 27, 68. 
rsarnberi, 79, 186-189. 
[tahener, 142. 
Ivanov, 55. 

JABOIX, 61. 

Jackson, 15, 35, .132. 

Jacob, 8, 157, 226. 

Jacobsohn, 150, 152. 

Jagcr, 91., 99, 100, 104. 

Jakovlev, 26. 

Janneret, 168. 

Janoxvsky, 65, 93. 

Jeep, 101. 

Joannis, 60. 

Johansen, 32, 207. 

Johnson, 54, 77, 79, 80, 104. 

Jokote, 71. 

Johbois, 16, 21, 22, 32, 33, 63, 64. 

.)oly, 150, 151, 158, 160. 

Jones, 44, 76, 157, 158. 

Jones, H. C., 158. 

Joslin, 67. 

Joubcrt, 117. 


Jowett, 164, 165. 
Juliusberger, 182. 
lung, 18, 41, 149, 154. 

KanonikofT, 54. 
Kastle, 101, 102. 
"Catz, 62. 

\ 224. 

, 26. 

, 99, 190-192 

, 131. 

1, 157, 158. 



>^odowskv, 92. 

>Ithoff, 137, 139, 141, 165 172 

nstantinoff, 66, 67. 

Oij, 74, 75. 

PP, 15, 51. 

walski, 121. 

a-fft, 5, 93, 189 

nit, 93. 

^mers, 97. 

>H, ]?4, 179. 

iger, 165. 

tierschky, 194, 195 

;hler, 203. 

isch, 28, 62, 63, 67 

ikel, 4. 

ter, 165. 

LAAR, 37. 

padius, 67. 

Igrebc, C4, 65. 

re, 89. 

ft eld, 175. 

;on, 213, 225. 

ent, 204. 

emann, 133. 

isier, 155, 156. 

c, 17, 73. 

* , 15. 

me, 40, 185, ISO, 189 193 

ult, 76. 

d, 123. 

T, 72, 81, 82. 

rier, 81, 82, 125. 

sky, 344. 

, 126. 

>nstadt, 56. 

ry, 125. 

i, 99. 


Liebig, 204. 
Liljenroth, 227. 
Linck, 18, 41. 
Lindboom, 177. 
Lindgren, 3, 208, 209. 
Linhart, 144. 
Loessner, 138, 139. 
Loew, 123. 
Lomax, 157. 
, Lombard, 95, 96. 
| Lorah, 219. 
i Lubs, 165. 
de Lucchi, 23. 
Ludert, 178. 
Ludlam, 119 
Luff, 56. 

Luginin, 93, 96, 98, 101, 103 164 
Lupke, 63, 70. 
Luther, 142. 

MclKTOSH, 73. 

Maclvor, 65, 86, 114. 

McLennan, 42. 

Macleod, 53, 120. 

MacRae, 21. 

Maddrell, 177, 178. 

Maggiacomo, 146. 

Malm, 76, 93. 

Mai, 187, 189 , 190, 196. 

Major, 143, 144, 194. 

Marckwald, 34, 37. 

Marggraf, 155, 186. 

Margottet, 168. 
Marie, 135, 136. 
Marmi, 151. 
Maronneau, 67. 
Martens, 92. 
Martres, 156. 

an Marum, 116. 

lascart, 90. 

lassini, 184. 

lasson, 21, 52. 

lathias, o2. 

fatignon, 63, 70. 

-attcuci, 122. 

atthows, 209. 

"attliiessen, 17. 

awrow, 139 

ay, 11. 

cekstroth, 169. 

ehring, 157. 
-eiftsenheimcr, 56. 

elcher, 162. 
Mellman, 64. 
Melville, 119, 121. 
Mensching, 23. 
Mente, 198, 199, 202. 
Menzies, 158. 
Messinger, 70, 78. 
Metcalfe, 25, 55. 

Meyer, 18, 23, 41, 190, 191 ]<n H<> 
Michaelis, 29, 92, 93, 97, 98 114 HO 

135, 136, 140, 146, 165 ]<),> " 
Mihr, 125, 127, 129. 
Miller, 120, 130. 
Millett, 164, 165. 


Millikan, 26. 

Miro, 184. 

Mitchell, 93, 137, 139, 143, 144, 150. 

Mohler, 19. 

Moissan, 63, 70, 86, 134, 

Montemartini, 173. 

Moore, 45, 48, 162. 

Moot, 92. 

Morgan. 53. 

Morton, 149, 172, 181. 

Moser, 29. 

Mounce, 161. 

Muir, 11. 

Muller, 29, 94, 97, 117, 177, 184, 203. 

Mum ford, 53. 

Murphy, 61. 

Murray, 208. 

Muthmann, 139, 195. 

Myers, 78, 139, 158, 174, 176. 

VA:N~ XAME, 153, 157. 
Xeogi, 133. 

Neumann, S3, 93, 95, 189. 
Newman, 27. 
Xikolaiefi, 27, 68. 
Xorderskjold, 103. 
North, 130, 144, 146. 
Xoyes, 1G2. 
Nursey, 64. 

OULINO, 02. 

Oder, 76-78, 81, 93, 102, 103. 

Ocilne, 226. 

Olic, .1.5, 32. 

Olszcwsky, 73, 91. 

Oppcnhcim, 90. 

Osann, 12. 

Ossendowsky, 19. 


Oslwald, 39, 120, 123, 136, 137, J41, 142, 


Oudlet, 1J7. 
Ouvrard, 103, 104, 115, 189. 


Palm, 153. 

Palmaer, 225. 

Palmer, 74. 

PanormoiT, 174. 

Paquelin, 140. 

Parkinson, (5.1. . 

Par, 151. 

Parrish, 226. 

Partinnton, 125, 184, 185. 

Pascal, IS, 178. 

Pauxcr, KK). 

Pawlesosky, 91. 

Peacock, 227. 

Pearson, 70. 

Pelletier, 6J, 68, 140, 186. 

Percy, 62. 

Perperot, 94. 

P^yr-cnr A-> 1 Q/l 

Pessel, 176. 

Peters, 4. 

Petit, 76. 

Peto, 131. 

Petrikaln, 124. 

Petterson, 16. 

Philip, 12. 

Phillips, 53, 161, 211. 

Pickcrine, 92. 

Pierre, 90, 99. 

Pietvkowsky, 214. 

F^insker, 150, 151-154, 168. 

Pisati, 16, 20. 

Pischtsehiininko, 192. 

Pitsch, 125. 

v. der Plaats, 43. 

Plotnikoff, 143. 

Plucker, 25. 

Posgialc, 169. 

Poleck, 62. 

Polk, 140. 

Pope, 163. 

Poulenc, 87, 204. 

Poundorf, 138. 

Power, 168. 

Prause, 168. 

Preuner, 21, 22, 24, 25. 

Prideaux, 21, 5.1, 58, 94, 95, 101. 102, 

165, 167, 175. 
Prm vault, 92, 99. 
Prinz, 113. 
Priize, .151, 173. 
Purcell, 124. 

QrmjKi;, 18. 


Railton, 146. 

Rakusin, 179. 

Ralston, 94, 97. 

Rarnmc, 187, 188, 190. 

Kammelsberg, 140, 144, 153. 

Ramsay, 21, 23, 52-54, 91. 

Kamstcd, 137, 139. 

Rankine, 71. 

Raoult, 175. 

Ratclirre, 56. 

Rathke, 113. 

Raylcigh, 120. 

Raymond, 68. 

Readman, 7. 

Rcbs, 188, 190. 

Rccklinahausen, 190. 

Peed, 53, 100. 

Rcaencr, 123. 

.Rcglm, 152, 153. 

Rcgnault, 15, 33, 90, 91. 

Remsen, 92. 

Renard, 208. 

Renault, 61, 63. 

Reisers, 17. 

Reylier, 162. 

Rinde, 129. 

Ringer, 164. 

Ritchie, 50. 

Robinson, 7. 

Robison, J69. 
Rodger, 203. 
Rdmer, 205. 
Rosanovskaya 176 



Rosin, 181. 

Ross, 157, 158, 227 

Rossel, 63. 

Rosset, 205. 

Ry, 75. 

Rudolph, 125, 187-189 
Rupp, 143, 149. 
Russell, 119, 130. 
Rutgers, 132. 

SABANEEFF, 140, 145, 154 198 

Sabatier, 63, 176. 

Sacerdote, 73. 

Sachs, 144. 

le Sage, 125. 

Sakalatwalla, 66. 

Salm, 164. 

Saltmarsh, 26. 

Salzer, 150, 152, 153. 

oaizmann, 199. 
Sanfourche, 131, 134 
Sanger, 150. 
Schacht, 19. 
Scharfenberg, 191 
Scharff, 116, 122, 187 189 
Scheele, 5, 155. 

Scheffer, 77, 79, 131. 
Schcmtschuschny, 65-67 

Schepeleff, 67 


Schmidlin, 184. 

Schmidt, G. C., 123. 

Schmidt, K., 123." 

Schonbcin, l l6, 120 122 
Schdnn, 61. 

Schonthan, 203. 
Schreinor, 182. " 
Schroder, 30. 

Schrottcr, 29, 31,33,62-64 
Schuh, 153. 

Schwarz, 174. 

Seidell, 190, 219, 220 

Semenoff, 117 ? 113" 

Senderens, 62. 

Julias, 70, 77, 78, 80, 114, 189 

Sevene, 192. 

Seyboth, 64. 

Shenstono, 131. 

Sherrill, 165. 

Shields, 91. 

f, 89. 

Sidgwick, 58. 

Sieverts, 138, 139, 143 144 

Silbermann Q3 i (\A 

o . 7 -lAJ-i, <^o, IDi. 

Silva, 84. 

Skinner, 73, 77 

Slare, 116. 

Smith, 71, 81, 95, 96, 132 158 

Sommer, 140. 

S0rensen, 164. 
Springer, 189. 
van de Stadt, 75 147 
Stamm, 24, 25, 35, 40 
otange, 174. 
Stead, 64, 66 
Steel, 208. 

Stern, 92, 98, 99. 
Stiefelhagen 92 

Stoddard, 169. 
Stokes, 197-202 995 
Straub, 28. 

Sugden, 52-54, 94, 100. 
oveclberg, 30. 

Tartar, 219. 
Tassel, 88. 
Tauchert, 28, 150. 
Tausz, 121. 
Terenin, 26. 
Ter-Gazarian, 43 

. 177, 17 

Thomas, 157. 
Thomlinson, 157 

, . 
Thomson, J. J. 122 

, . 

Thummel, 62. 
Tidmore, ^21 
Tilden, 174. 
Timmermann 91 
Tivoli, 65. 
Topley, 75. 
Trautmann, 133 
Trautz, 74, 75. 
Travers, 131. 
Traxler, 103. 
Treadwell, 182 
Troost, 23, 32, 90, 103. 
Tucker, 61. 
Turley, 157. 
Turner, 42. 
Tutm, 168. 

Tutton, 70, 97, 103, 126-129, 131 
Twymann, 157 

Tver, 121. 

VAXIXO, 143. 
Vauquelin, 145. 
Veit, 66. 
Vigier, 60. 
Ville, 146. 
Vitali, 62. 
Vogcl, 63, 176. 
v. Vo<rcl, 12 J . 
Vogelfs, 167. 
Voigt, 96. 


Wagner, 78. 

Wahl, 37. 

Waiden, 53, 91, 100, J39 

Walker, 11, 28, 104. 

Walls om, 194. 

Walton, 120. 

Ward, 165. 

Warington, 219. 
Warschauer, 177, 178. 
Washington, 3, 208. 
Weber, 4, 98, 113, 1*91. 
Wedekind, 66. 
Wedge, 226. 
Weekhorst, 12. 


: V-. Weimarn, 29. 
1 Weiser, 120, 123. 
West, 130, 131 
Weyl, 27. 
I Wiborgh, 225. 
: Wichelhaus, 92, 98, 99 
; Wieland, 143. 
I Wiesler, 177. 
I Wigand, 33. 

Wilkie, 181. 
1 Wllkins, 53, 100. 
! Wilkinson, 94, 97. 

Williams, 132. 

Wingler, 143. 

Winter, 70. 

Wohler, 65, 113 143 

Wolf, 42. 

Wologdine, 66. 

Wolter, 115. 
: Wood, 219. 
1 Worms, 174. 


Wroblewskv, 91 

Wu, 168. " 

Wulf, 149, 154. 

Wunder, 168. 

Wurtz, 94, 102, 139, 143-145, 194. 

YOUNG, 167. 



ABSORPTION of radiation by gaseous and 
combined phosphorus, 26. 

Acids, Phosphorous, Phosphoric, etc., see, 
under "Phosphorous, etc. 

Alkali phosphides, 60. 

Alkaline earth phosphides, 61. 

Alky! hypophosphites, 146. 

phosphates, 167. 

phosphites, 146. 

Allotropic forms of phosphorus, 31 et seq. 
Allotropy, Theory of, 38, 39. 
Aluminium phosphides, 63. 
Amiclodiphosphoric acids, 200, 201. 
Amidometaphosphoric acids, 198 et seq. 
Amidophosphoric acids, 197, 198. 
Animal body, Proportion of phosphorus, 


Antimony phosphides, 60. 
Arsenic phosphides, 64, 65. 
Atomic weight of phosphorus, 43-50. 
Atomicity of gaseous phosphorus, 24, 25. 

BARIUM phosphide. 61. 

Basic slag, 216, 217. 

Black phosphorus, Crystalline structure, 4. 

, Preparation and properties, 40, 41. 

Bone-ash, 5, 211, 213. 
Bones, 4, 210. 
Boron phosphide, 63. 

CADMIUM phosphides, 63. 
Caesium phosphides, 61. 
Calcium phosphates. System lime-phos 
phoric acid, 2.18. 

phosphide, 61. 

Chemical combinations of phosphorus, 27. 
Chlorides of phosphorus, see "Phosphorus 


Chromium phosphides, 65. 
Cobalt phosphides, 66. 
Combined phosphorus, Physical properties, 

5.1 c.t xeq. 

Condensation of phosphorus vapour, 40. 
Copper phosphides, 61, 62. 

salts. Reactions with phosphorus, 28. 
Critical constants of phosphorus, 37. 
Crystalline forms of phosphorus, 17. 

DENSITIES of solid, liquid, and caseous 
phosphorus, 16, 20, 24, 32, 33, 41, 


Detection of hypophosphites, etc., see 
Hypophosphites/ etc. 

phosphorus, 30. 

Dipole moment of phosphine, 57. 

ELECTRIC furnace method for the prepara 
tion of phosphorus, 8. 
Estimation of hypophosphites, 148 et *eq. 

phosphates, 180. 

phosphites, 148 et seq. 

phosphorus, 30. 

FERTILISERS, Phosphatic, ^Manufacture of, 

225, 226. 

, , Mixed, 227, 228. 
Fireworks containing phosphorus, ]2. 
Huophosphoric acid, 89, 106. 
Fluorescence of phosphorus vapour, 2<j. 
Fhiorobromide, Fluorochloride, etc., .see 

"Phosphorus liuorobromicle," etc. 

GLOW of phosphorus, 1 1.6 ct *eq. 
Gold phosphides, 61, 62. 
Guanos, 215. 

HEAT of dissociation ol ^aseous phosphorus, 

fusion, Latent, of violet phosphorus, 


, , of white phosphorus, 15, 16. 

sublimation, Latent, of phosphorus, 

36, 37. 

vaporisation, Latent, of liquid phos 
phorus, 23. 

, Latent, of hypophosphorous, phos 
phorous and phosphoric acids, .136, 
141, 160, 171. 

, Specific, of white phosphorus, 15. 

History of phosphorus, 2, 3. 

compounds, xcc, under respective 


Hydrogen phosphides, 68 c.t My.; $ce also 
under " : Phosphine/ etc. 

Hydroxyphosphines, 82. 

Hypophosphates, 153, 15-4. 

Hypophosphites, 139, 140. 

, Structure of, 145-147. 

Hypophosphoric acid, 150-153. 

Hypophosphorous acid, 135 et &eg. 

, Detection, 148-150. 

, Estimation, 148-150. 

LULDO-DERIVATIVES of diphosphoric acid, 
201, 202. 



lonisation of air bv elowim y phosphorus, 
122, 123. 

potential of phosphorus, IS. 
Iron phosphides, (56. 

LATENT heats, see under ; " Heats/ 

Lead phosphides, 64. 

Lime, Phosphates of, see under ;; Calcium/ 

MAXGAXESE phosphides, 65. 
Mass spectrum of phosphorus, 49, 50. 
Matches, Composition of, 11. 
Melting-point of phosphorus compounds, 

see under respective compounds. 

red phosphorus, 33. 

violet phosphorus, 35. 

white phosphorus, 14, 15. 

Mercury phosphides, 63. 

Metallic salts, Reactions v. ith phosnliorus, 

27, 28. 
Metaphosphoric acid. see "Phosphoric 

acid, Meta-/" 

Metaphosphorous acid, 147. 
Metaphosphoryl bromide, 112. 

chloride, 1H). 

Mineral phosphates, 1, 211-2.10. 

Molar weights in liquid phosphorus, 16. 

of gaseous phosphorus, 24. 

of phosphorus compounds, we under 

respective compounds. 
Molybdenum phosphides, 65. 

NICKEL phosphides, G7. 
Xitrilodiphosphorie acids, 202. 
Nitnlotrimetaphosphoric acid, 202. 

OOEAXEC deposits, 208, 201). 

Organic compounds of phosphorus, 06. 

Oxidation of phosphorus, 27, 116-124, 126, 

Oxyu on, Rate of absorption by phosphorus, 

118, 119. 
Oxyhalides of phosphorus, 105-112; see 

also ;- Phosphorus oxyfluoride," etc. 
0/one, Production of, by oxidation of 

phosphorus, 120. 

PACKING effect for phosphorus atom, 40. 
Parachors of phosphorus compounds, 53. 
Pcrphosphoric acids, 184, 185. 
Phosphate minerals, 208, 211-2J5. 
Phosphates, Assimilation by plants, 209. 
, Circulation of, 200-210." 
, Distribution of, 214, 215. 
, Met a, 176-17!). 

of lime, 218-222. 

, Ortho-, meta- and pyro-, 155. 

. World s production, 215, 216. 

Phosphatic fertilisers, 209-218, 225-223. 

Phosphide, Hydrogen, Liquid, 80. 

, , Solid, 81, 82. 

Phosphides, Metallic, set under respective 


Phosphinc, 68-76. 
Phosphincs, Alkyl, 82-85. 
Phosphites, Detection, 148-150. 

Phosphites, Primary and secondary 144 


Phosphonium halides, 76-80. 
Phosphoric acid, Meta-. 174, 17.1. 
, Ortho-, Chemical properties, 166- 


- , Crystalline, 158. 
, History, 155. 

, Physical properties, 158-166. 

, Preparation, 156-157. 

, Physiological action, J69. 

, Pyro-, 171-174. 

, Uses, 169. 

Phosphoric acids, Complex hetero-, 168. 

, Dehydration, 170. 

, Detection, 179-180. 

, Estimation, 1SO-184. 

, Poly-, 174. 

Phosphorous acid, Chemical properties 

, Preparation and physical properties 

140, 141. 

Phosphorus, Alloys, 12. 
, Assimilation by plants, 209. 
, Atomic weight, 42-50. 
-, Black, 40-42. 

bromides, 99-102. 

bromomtrides, 206. 

, Chemical reactions, 27-30. 

chlorides, 77 el $f-q.: see also "Phos 

phorus trichloride, " etc. 

chloronitrides, 204-206. 
, Colloidal, 29. 

compounds, Use in medicine, 13. 
, Critical constants, 37. 

, Detection, 30. 

dichloride, 81). 
, Discovery, 5. 
, .Estimation, 30. 

fluorides, 86 el seq. 

fluoroaminomate, 88. 

fiuorobromide, 88, 81). 

nuorochloride, 88. 

halides, 45, 48, 86 cl scq. 

in animal body, 4. 
bones, 4, 210. 

iodides, 102-104. 

nitride, 206. 

oxides, 125-134. 

oxy bromides, 111. 

oxychlorides, 106-109. 

oxyiluonde, 105, 106. 

oxvhalides, 105-112: see also under 

""Meta-," "Pyro-."", 112., 192. 

pentabuornide, 101, 102. 

pentachloridc, 96-98. 

pentafluoride, 87, 88. 

pent oxide, 131-134. 

, Physiological action, 12, 13. 
, Red, Preparation, 10, 31. 
, , General properties, 28, 29. 
, , Physical properties, 32, 33. 
, Reducing action on metallic salts, 27, 



Phosphorus, Reduction to, by carbon, 5, 6. 
, Scarlet, 29. 

selenicle, 195, 196. 

sulphides, 186-192. 

sulphoselenides, 196. 

tetritadecasiilphide, 190-192. 

tetritaheptasulphide, 189, 190. 

tctritahexasulphide, 189. 

tetritatrisulphide, 1ST, 188. 

tetroxidc, 130. 

thioamides, 203, 204. 

thioamido-acids, 192, 193. 

thioiodides, ] 15. 

thiotriamide, 203. 

thiotribromide, 114. 

thiotrichloridc, 112, 113. 
- thiotrifluoride, 112. 

triamide, 197. 

tribromide, 99-101. 

trichloride, 89-93. 

trifiuoride, 86, 87. 

triiodide, 103. 

trioxide, 125-130. 
- vapour, 23-27. 
, Violet, 33-40. 
Phosphoryl chlorodibromide, 111. 
dichlorobromide, 110. 

monochloride, 110. 

tribromide, etc., see "Phosphorus oxy- 

brornide," etc. 

See also under "Metaphosphoryl," 

Plants, Phosphorus as constituent in, 4. 

Platinum phosphides, 67. 

Potassium phosphides, 60. 

Pressure, Effect on melting-point of phos 
phorus, 38. 

, Effect on oxidation of phosphine, 74, 

, phosphorus, 123. 

Pyrophosphoric acid, see Phosphoric 
acid, Pyro-." 

Pyrophosphorous acid, 147, 148. 

Pyrophosphoryl chloride, 109, 110. 

RED phosphorus, 28, 32; see also "Phos 
phorus, Keel." 

Refractivity, Atomic, of combined phos 
phorus, 55. 

of gaseous phosphorus, 25. 

of liquid phosphorus, 17. 

of solid phosphorus, 17. 
Rubidium phosphide, 61. 

SCARLET phosphorus, 42; sec also "Phos 
phorus, Scarlet. 
Selenidcs of phosphorus, 10f>. 

Selenophosphates, 196. 

Signal lights, 12. 

Silver phosphides, 61, 62. 

salts, Reactions with phosphorus, 28. 
Sodium phosphides, 60. 

Soils, Content of phosphorus, 4, 209. 
Solubilities of phosphorus compounds, see 
under respective compounds. 

of white phosphorus, 19, 20. 

Spectra of phosphorus and its compounds, 


_____ glow, 123, 124. 
Stereochemistry of phosphorus compounds, 

55, 56. 

Strontium phosphides, 61. 
Structure of phosphorus compounds, 52; 

see also under the respective acids, 


Superphosphates, 222 et scq. 
Surface tension of liquid phosphorus, 23. 

phosphorus compounds, see under 

respective compounds. 

TETRAPHOSPHORCsheptasulphide, 189, 190. 

trisulphides, 187 et seq. 
Thioamidophosphoric acids, 202, 203. 
Thiohahdes of phosphorus, 112-115; see 

also "Phosphorus thiofluoride," etc. 
Thiohypophosphates, 193. 
Thiophosphates, 193-195. 
Thorium phosphide, 64. 
Tin phosphides, 64. 
Titanium phosphides, 63, 64. 
Tungsten phosphides, 65. 

USES of phosphorus, 4-13. 

VALENCY of phosphorus, 58, 59. 
Vapour density of phosphorus, 23, 24. 

pressures of liquid phosphorus, 22. 

red phosphorus, 32, 33. 

violet phosphorus, 35. 

Violet phosphorus, 33-35. 

Volumes, Molar, of combined phosphorus, 

, Specific, of liquid phosphorus, 21. 

WATER, Action on phosphorus, 27. 
White phosphorus, see under " Phos 
phor us. ;: 

X-RAY absorption by phosphites, 1-47. 

diffraction by black phosphorus, 41. 

ZINC phosphides, 63. 
Zirconium phosphides, 64.