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MACMILLAN  AND  CO.,   Limitkd 










CHARLES   R.   EASTMAN,  A.M.,   Ph.D. 






B.  S.  BASSLER,  W.  T.  CALMAN,  A.  H.  CLARK,  H.  L.  CLARK,  J.  M.    CLARKE, 



VOL.  I. 




'There  is  nothing  good  in  this  world  but  that  which  is  true." — Diderot. 

First  Edition,  1900 
Second  Edition,  1913 


A  NEW  English  edition  of  von  Zittel's  Text-hook  of  Fakontology  having  been 
called  for,  advantage  was  taken  of  the  opportunity  to  prepare  a  thorough- 
going revision  of  the  first  volume,  in  order  that  an  adequate  account  might 
be  incorporated  of  the  new  knowledge  that  has  been  gained  during  recent 

Towards  this  end,  a  number  of  specialists  were  invited  to  collaborate  Avith 
the  Editor  in  preparing  a  fresh  treatment  of  the  leading  groups  of  Inverte- 
brates, and  the  jDresent  work  bears  witness  to  the  generous  response  that  was 
made  to  this  invitation.  Many  parts  of  the  work  have  been  entirely  re- 
written, others  have  been  emended,  rearranged  and  enlarged,  and  the 
classification  in  various  places  has  been  very  considerably  altered.  The  new 
work,  therefore,  cannot  Avith  either  justice  or  propriety  be  called  von 
Zittel's  Text-book,  being  in  eifect  a  composite  production ;  and  3'^et  in  scope 
and  style  it  is  modelled  after  the  well-known  G  erman  original. 

The  names  of  the  difterent  collaborators  appear  on  the  title-page,  and  the 
sections  that  have  been  revised  or  rewritten  are  credited  in  the  body  of  the 
work  to  the  specialists  responsible  for  them.  To  all  of  his  collaborators 
the  Editor  desires  to  otter  grateful  acknowledgments,  and  to  express  the 
sense  of  his  own  personal  indebtedness  to  them  for  the  large  service  they  have 
rendered,  and  for  many  individual  courtesies. 

To  his  friend  and  former  associate  at  Harvard,  Doctor  Robert  Tracy 
Jackson,  the  Editor  is  under  an  obligation  greater  than  can  be  adequately 
acknowledged  ;  for  besides  having  contributed  practically  a  fresh  account  of 
the  Echini,  Dr.  Jackson  has  carefully  read  the  proofs  of  the  entire  work,  and 
has  offered  in  many  places  most  valuable  suggestions  and  emendations.  Like 
several  of  the  other  collaborators,  also,  he  has  fui'nished  the  originals  for  a 
number  of  new  figures.  The  total  number  of  fresh  illustrations  has  thus  been 
sensibly  increased.  It  is  hoped  that  the  large  amount  of  painstaking  work 
which  has  been  bestowed  upon  the  present  treatise  will  be  found  to  yield 
returns  in  increased  value  and  usefulness  among  students  of  Paleontology 


Carnegie  Museum,  Pittsburgh, 
Pennsylvania,  June  5,  1913. 



Dr.  Joseph  Augustus  Cushman,  Foraminifera. 

Dr.  T.  Wayland  Yaughan,  Adino::oa. 

Dr.  Rudolf  Ruedemaxn,  GraptolUoidea.' 

Mr.  Frank  Springer,  Cystoidea,  Blastoidea,  Crinoidea. 

Dr.  Arthur  Hobart  Clark,  Post-Paleozoic  Crinoidea. 

Dr.  Hubert  Lyman  Clark,  Asteroidea,  Holothuroidea . 

Dr.  Robert  Tracy  Jackson,  EcJiinoidea. 

Dr.  Ray  S.  Bassler,  Brijozoa. 

Prof.  Charles  Schuchert,  Brachiopoda. 

Dr.  William  Healy  Dall,  Pelecypoda,  Gastropoda  (pars). 

Prof.  JAiiES  Perrin  Smith,  Ammonoidea. 

Dr.  Percy  E.  Raymond,  TriloUta. 

Dr.  Charles  D.  AValcott,  TriloUta  (jMrs),  Arachnida  (pars). 

Dr.  liAY  S.  Bassler,  Branchiopoda,  Ostracoda. 

Dr.  William  T.  Calman,  Girripedia,  Malacostracu. 

Dr.  John  M.  Clarke,  Phyllocarida,  Arachnida. 

Dr.  Alexander  Petrunkevitch,  Evnholohranchiata,  Myriapoda. 

Dr.  Anton  Handlirsch,  Tnsecta. 



Die  englische  Ausgabe  meiner  Gruiidziige  der  Palaeontologie  hat  ein  vom 
deutschen  Original  in  verschiedener  Hinsicht  abweichende  Gestalt  erhalten. 
Dei"  Herausgeber,  meiu  Freund  imd  ehemaliger  Schiiler  Dr.  Eastman,  suchte 
mit  meiner  Zustimmung  eine  Anzahl  der  hervorragendsten  Specialisteu  fiir 
die  Bearbeitune;  einzelner  Thierclassen  zu  gewinnen.  Dadurch  erfuhr  das 
Werk  eine  griindliche  und  sachkundige  Ueberarbeitung,  welche  sich  namentlich 
im  Detail  vortheilhaft  geltend  macht  und  mancherlei  Irrthiimer  der  deutschen 
Ausgabe  beseitigte.'  Fiir  diese  miihevolle  und  aufopfernde  Arbeit  bin  ich  den 
Mitarbeitern  des  Text-Book  zu  grossem  Dank  verpflichtet. 

Allerdings  wurde  durch  die  Betheiligung  einer  grosseren  Anzahl  von 
Autoren,  deren  Anschauungen  in  systematischen  Fragen  nicht  immer  unter 
einander  und  mit  denen  des  Autors  der  deutschen  Ausgabe  in  Einklang  standen, 
die  Einheitlichkeit  des  AVerkes  nicht  unerheblich  gestort  und  auch  der  urspriing- 
liche  Umfano-  verschiedener  Abschnitte  bedeutend  iiberschritten  :  allein  diese 
Nachtheile  diirften  durch  die  sorgfiiltigere  Durcharbeitung  des  eigentlichen 
Stotfes  reichlich  ausgeglichen  sein. 

Die  Revision  der  Crinoideen  hatte  der  verstorbene  Herr  Charles  Wachsrmith, 
jene  der  Asteroideen  tukI  Echinoideen  Herr  IF.  Percy  Sladen  iibernommen. 
Abgesehen  von  einigen  Abiinderungen,  welche  mehr  terminologische  als 
sachliche  Fragen  betreflen,  wurde  in  diesen  Abtheilungen  eine  weit  voll- 
standigere  Aufziihlung  und  Charakterisierung  der  fossilen  Gattungen  durch- 
gefiihrt,  als  in  der  deutschen  Ausgabe.  AVeitergehende  Umgestaltung  erfuhr 
die  Classe  der  Bryozoen  durch  Herrn  E.  0.  JJlrich.  Die  paliiozoischen  Formen 
sind  von  diesem  ausgezeichneten  Kenner  mit  einer  Ausfiihrlichkeit  behandelt, 
welche  nicht  ganz  mit  der  Darstellung  anderer  Abtheilungen  in  Einklang 
steht.  Auch  die  Transferierung  der  bereits  bei  den  Korallen  abgehandelten 
Chaetetiden  und  Fistuliporiden  zu  den  Bryozoen  und  die  dadurch  veranlasste 
doppelte  Darstellung  derselben  ist  eine  Incongruenz,  welche  sich  nur  durch  die 
Meinungsverschiedenheit  iiber  die  zoologische  Stellung  dieser  ausgestorbenen 
Organismen  entschuldigen  liisst. 

Eine  durchgreifende  Umarbeitung  haben  die  Brachiopodeu  durch  Herrn 
Charles  Schuchert  erfahren.      Wiihrend  sich  die  deutsche  Ausgabe  mehr  auf  die 



AVerke  unci  Anschauungen  von  Thomas  Davidson  stiitzt,  folgt  die  englische 
Uebersetzung  sowohl  in  der  Auftassung  der  Gattungen  und  Familien,  als  auch 
in  den  systematischen  Principien  den  neusten  Arbeiten  von  James  Hall,  J.  M. 
Clarice,  und  C.  E.  Beecher.  Die  systematischen  Hauptgruppen  sollen  liier 
zugleich  entwicklungsgeschichtlichen  Phasen  entsprechen  und  das  ganze 
System  den  Anforderungen  des  biogenetischen  Grundgesetzes  geniigen.  Von 
jihnlichen  Gesichtspunkten  wurden  auch  Professor  Beecher  bei  der  Bearbeitung 
der  Trilobiten  i;nd  Professor  Hyatt  bei  jener  der  Cephalopoden  geleitet.  Es 
ist  mir  zweifelhaft,  ob  die  Zeit  zu  einer  durchgreifenden  Reform  der  bio- 
logischen  Systematik,  bei  welcher  weniger  morphologische  und  vergleichend- 
anatomische  Merkmale,  als  embryologische  und  phylogenetische  Gesichtspunkte 
im  Vordergrund  stehen,  jetzt  schon  gekommen  ist ;  allein  jedenfalls  sucht  die 
in  Nord  Amerika  gegenwartig  herrschende  Stromung  auf  einem  neuen  AVeg 
zur  AVahrheit  zu  gelangen  und  eine  die  genealogischen  Beziehungen  deutlicher 
Avieclerspiegelnde  Systematik  zu  erzielen. 

Bei  den  Pelecyi^oden  hat  Herr  Dr.  JF.  H.  Ball  die  durch  Neumayr  eingef iihrten 
und  in  den  Grundziigen  mit  einigen  Modificationen  angenommenen  Gruppen 
durch  seine  eigene,  auf  hingjiihrige  Spezialuntersuchungen  basirte  Eintheilung 
ersetzt.  Die  Scaphopoden,  Amphineuren,  Gastropoden  und  Pteropoden 
wurden  von  Herrn  Professor  H.  A.  Pilsbry,  die  Crustaceen  mit  Ausnahme  der 
Trilobiten  und  einiger  anderer  Gruppen  von  Professor  /.  ^S'.  Kingsley,  und  die 
iibrigen  Arthropoden  von  meinem  langjahrigen  Mitarbeiter  und  Freund 
Professor  S.  H.  Scudder  in  sachkundigster  AA^eise  durchgesehen. 

Fiir  den  wichtigen  Abschnitt  der  Cephalopoden  tragt  Herr  Professor 
Alpheus  Hyatt  die  Verantwortlichkeit.  Hier  treten  die  Differenzen  mit  der 
deutschen  Ausgabe  am  auffallendsten  zu  Tage,  vertritt  doch  dieser  Autor  am 
entschiedensten  die  moderne  Richtung  in  Amerika.  Obwohl  meine  An- 
schauungen iiber  verschiedene  Grundprinzipien  der  S^^stematik,  namentlich 
liber  Abgrenzung  von  Familien,  Gattungen  und  Arten  von  denen  meines 
amerikanischen  Collegen  abweichen,  so  glaubte  ich  doch  einem  so  hervorra- 
genden  Kenner  der  fossilen  Cephalopoden  bei  der  Bearbeitung  des  von  ihm 
iibernommen  Abschnittes  vollig  freie  Hand  lassen  zu  miissen.  Das  Text- 
BoOK  ist  dadurch  um  eine  werthvolle  Originalarbeit  bereichert  worden,  welche 
viele  bis  jetzt  noch  nicht  verofFentlichte  Thatsachen  enthiilt. 

Zu  ganz  besonderem  Dank  bin  ich  dem  Herausgeber  der  englischen 
Ausgabe  Herrn  Dr.  C.  E.  Eastman  verpflichtet.  Er  hat  keine  Miihe  gescheut, 
das  AYerk  mit  den  neusten  Ergebnissen  der  palaontologischen  Forschung  in 
Einklang  zu  bringen  vuid  den  Fortgang  derselben  zu  fordern. 

Dr.  KARL  A.  von  ZITTEL. 

MuxcHEN,  im  Septciabcr  1899. 


The  Grundziige  cler  Palaeontologie,  which  forms  the  basis  of  the  present  work, 
was  published  in  the  spring  of  1895,  only  a  short  time  after  the  completion 
of  the  fifth  and  last  volume  of  Professor  von  Zittel's  celebrated  Handhuch  der 
Palaeontologie.  Of  the  latter,  an  excellent  translation  exists  in  French  by 
Barrois  ;  but  English-speaking  students  are  Avithout  either  an  independent 
treatise  on  Paleontology  or  translation  from  any  foreign  work,  which  is 
comparable  in  scop6  and  character  to  the  writings  of  von  Zittel. 

With  the  hope  of  supplying  this  deficiency  the  Editor  undertook  the  task 
of  rendering  the  GrundzUge  into  English.  It  was  at  first  intended  to  bring 
out  a  strictly  literal  translation,  but  with  the  Author's  consent  this  plan  was 
modified  in  important  respects  which  should  be  clearly  understood  by  all. 
The  chapters  on  Protozoa  and  Coelenterata  stand  here  essentially  as  in  the 
original,  but  nearly  all  the  remaining  chapters  have  been  remodelled,  enlarged, 
and  brought  as  nearly  as  possible  up  to  date  by  a  selected  body  of  experts. 

The  greater  part  of  the  work  is  therefore  a  composite  production,  and 
from  the  nature  of  the  case  some  incongruities  in  style  and  treatment  are  to 
be  expected.  For  all  the  collaborators  to  have  adhered  to  uniform  limits  of 
altei'ation  and  expansion  would  have  been  impossible.  It  will  be  found, 
therefore,  that  some  portions  of  the  revised  text  are  not  sensibly  different 
from  the  original  while  others  are  changed  very  radically,  and  a  few  chapters, 
notably  the  Molluscoidea,  Mollusca,  and  Trilobites,  are  entirely  rewritten.  An 
effort  has  been  made  throughout  to  adapt  the  text  more  especially  to  the 
needs  of  Anglo-American  students,  and  the  bibliographies  have  l)een  enlarged 
with  similar  intent. 

For  all  changes  in  the  classification  over  the  original  the  revisers  of  the 
different  sections  are  responsible  ;  but  although  radical  departures  have  been 
made  with  the  Author's  sanction,  one  must  by  no  means  presume  he  is  thereby 
committed  to  all  the  innovations  which  are  set  forth.  How  far  and  Avhether 
in  all  cases  the  system  has  been  improved  must  be  left  for  experience  to 
detei'mine.  The  Author's  graciousness,  however,  in  yielding  his  own  prefer- 
ences on  systematic  points  will  be  apparent  on  reading  his  annexed  preface. 

Due    acknowledgments    are  rendered   the    collaborators   in   the   Author's 



pi'eface,  and  also  in  footnotes  at  the  end  of  the  several  chapters.  Their 
names  are  enumerated  below  in  the  order  of  their  respective  sections,  and  the 
Editor  begs  to  express  at  this  time  a  sense  of  his  profound  appreciation  of  the 
services  that  have  been  so  generously  rendered.  For  the  many  personal 
courtesies  extended,  he  would  return  to  each  of  them  his  sincere  and  hearty 


^Ii'.  Charles  "Wachsjiuth,  Crinoidea,  Blastoidea. 

Mr.  W.  Percy  Slauen,  Asterozoa,  Echinozoa. 

Dr.  George  Jennings  Hinde,  Vermes. 

Mv.  Edward  O.  Ulrich,  Bryozoa,  Ostracoda. 

Mr.  Charles  Schuchert,  Brachiofoda. 

Dr.  William  H.  Dall,  Pelecijpoda. 

Prof.  Henry  A.  Pilsbry,  Gastropoda. 

Prof.  Alpheus  Hyatt,  Cephalopoda. 

Prof.  Charles  E.  Beecher,  TrUohita. 

Prof.  John  M.  Clarke,  Eucrustacea  (pars),  Acerafa  (jxirs). 

Prof.  John  S.  Kingsley,  Eucrustacea  {pars),  Accrata  (pars). 

Prof.  Samuel  H.  Scudder,  Insecta. 

The  Editor  is  also  greatly  indebted  to  his  friend  Dr.  John  C.  Merriam, 
who  undertook  the  translation  of  the  entire  chapter  on  Mollusca,  a  very 
laborious  work.  Dr.  Merriam's  assistance  has  been  further  enlisted  in  the 
translation  of  the  second  volume,  which  will  be  devoted  exclusively  to  the 
Vertebrates.  Dr.  August  F.  Foerste  was  kind  enough  to  furnish  a  transla- 
tion of  the  chapter  on  Insects,  and  various  friends  have  assisted  in  correcting 
proofs.  For  the  compilation  of  the  index  the  Editor  is  indebted  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  B.  Bryant,  a  former  student  of  his  at  Eadcliffe  College,  and  to 
his  brother,  Mr.  David  P.  Eastman. 


Harvard  University, 
Scptemher  15,  1899. 



Definition  and  Scope  of  Paleontology 






COELENTERATA    (Zoopliytes)      . 


PHYLUM    m. 

Vermes  (Worms) 







.      314 


Mollusc  A 



Arthropod  A  (Articulates) 








Paleontology  (Aoyos  twv  TraAatwi'  m'TOH')  is  the  science  which  treats  of 
the  life  which  has  existed  on  the  globe  during  former  geological  periods.  It 
deals  with  all  questions  concerning  the  structure,  classification,  relationships, 
descent,  conditions  of  existence,  and  distribution  in  time  and  space  of  the 
ancient  inhabitants  of  the  earth,  as  well  as  with  those  theories  of  organic  and 
cosmogonic  evolution  which  result  from  such  inquiries. 

Under  the  term  of  fossils  are  understood  all  remains  or  traces  of  plants 
and  animals  which  have  lived  before  the  beginning  of  the  present  geological 
period,  and  have  become  preserved  in  the  rocks.  The  criterion  which 
determines  the  fossil  character  of  organic  remains  is  the  geological  age  of  the 
formation  in  which  they  occur,  whereas  their  mode  and  state  of  preservation, 
or  the  fact  of  their  belonging  to  extinct  or  to  still  living  species,  are  merely 
incidental  considerations.  Although  fossils  have,  as  a  rule,  undergone  more 
or  less  radical  changes  during  the  process  of  fossilisation,  and  are  usually 
transformed  into  mineral  substances,  nevertheless,  under  exceptionally 
favourable  conditions  (as  in  frozen  ground,  amber,  resin,  peat,  etc.),  plants 
and  animals  may  be  preserved  through  geological  periods  in  a  practically 
unaltered  state.  Carcasses  of  mammoths  and  rhinoceroses  entombed  in  the 
frozen  mud-cliffs  of  Siberia,  and  inclusions  of  insects,  spiders  and  plants  in 
amber  are  none  the  less  genuine  fossils,  in  spite  of  their  having  sustained  no 
trace  whatever  of  mineral  infiltration. 

A  considerable  number  of  plants  and  animals  occurring  as  fossils  in  Tertiary 
and  Pleistocene  formations  belong  to  still  living  species;  while,  on  the  other 
hand,  the  remains  of  forms  which  have  become  extinct  during  historical  times 
(Rhytina,  Alca,  Didus,  Pezophaps,  etc.)  can  no  more  be  classed  as  fossils  in  the 
true  sense  of  the  word  than  all  such  recent  organisms  as  may  chance  to 
become  buried  in  deposits  now  forming  under  the  present  prevailing  orographic 
and  climatal  conditions. 

The  changes  which  organic  bodies  undergo  during  the  process  of  fossilisa- 
tion are  partly  chemical  and  partly  mechanical  in  their  nature.^  According 
as  certain  portions  of  the  original  substance  are  removed,  or  are  replaced  atom 

'    Wlbitc,  Charles  A.,  Couditious  of  preservation  of  invertebrate  fossils.     Bull.  U.S.   Geo),   and 
Geog.  Survey  Territ.,  1880,  vol.  v.,  p.  133.      Trabucco,  G.,  La  Petrificazione.      Pavia,  1887. 
VOX.    I.  B 


for  atom  by  foreign  matter,  the  result  may  be  either  carbonisation,  decom- 
position, total  dissipation,  or  petrifaction. 

Carbonisation  is  a  deoxidising  process  taking  place  under  water  or  with 
limited  access  of  air,  and  especially  common  among  i^lants.  Fossil  wood  and 
other  vegetable  matter  abound  in  peat,  lignite  and  bituminous  coal,  the 
leaves  being  transformed  into  a  thin  flake  of  carbon,  on  Avhich  often  the  finest 
venation  is  still  discernible.  In  some  cases  chitinous  animal  structures  also 
become  carbonised,  as  in  insects,  crustaceans  and  graptolites. 

Decomposition  as  a  rule  effectually  destroys  all  organic  carbon  and  nitrogen 
compounds.  AYith  few  exceptions,  therefore,  animals  without  hard  parts, 
such  as  worms,  infusorians,  naked  mollusca,  most  hydrozoa,  many  anthozoa, 
and  the  embryos  of  vertebrates,  leave  no  traces  behind  in  the  rocks.  Horn, 
hair,  chitin  and  similar  structures  are  likewise  totally  destroyed  during  the 
fossilisation  process,  while  only  under  especially  favourable  conditions,  as 
in  ice  or  in  frozen  soil,  muscular  and  epidermal  tissues  remain  unchanged ; 
or  else,  through  the  taking  up  of  lime  phosphate  in  argillaceous  and  calcareous 
deposits,  undergo  a  sort  of  petrifaction,  in  which  the  finer  structure  is  but 
little  altered.^  Even  the  conservable  hard  parts  of  animal  bodies  are  deprived 
of  their  organic  compounds ;  bones  give  tip  their  fats  and  oils,  and  the  shells 
of  mollusks,  echinoderms  and  crustaceans  lose  their  pigments  and  soft  sub- 
stratum. The  hard  portions,  which  first  become  more  or  less  porous  through 
loss  of  their  organic  constituents,  next  suffer  the  gradual  disintegration  of 
their  inorganic  compounds,  and  finally  undergo  dissolution,  reabsorption, 
or  petrifaction. 

Petrifaction. — In  this  process  foreign  substances  soluble  in  water  (chiefly 
calcium  carbonate  and  silica,  more  rarely  pyrites,  iron  oxyhydrate  and  other 
salts)  impregnate  and  completely  fill  all  original  cavities  as  well  as  those 
formed  subsequently  by  decay.  Chemical  metamorphism  takes  place 
occasionally,  when,  owing  to  the  decomposition  of  certain  inorganic  con- 
stituents, the  original  molecules  become  replaced  by  those  of  other  substances. 
For  instance,  we  find  quartz  pseudomorphs  after  calcareous  tests  and  skeletal 
parts,  and  conversely,  calcite  pseudomorphs  after  silica,  as  in  certain  sponges. 

Wherever  the  space  originally  occupied  by  soft  parts,  as,  for  example,  the 
interior  of  a  shell  or  other  hollow  body,  becomes  filled  up  with  infiltrating 
ooze,  while  the  shell  itself  or  the  enclosing  wall  decays,  there  is  produced  a 
cast  of  the  interior,  which  in  most  cases  (especially  where  the  shell  is  thin,  as  in 
ammonites,  brachiopods,  certain  mollusks  and  crustaceans)  preserves  an  exact 
copy  of  the  original  form,  and  is  susceptible  of  as  accurate  determination  as 
the  real  object.  Not  infrequently  fossil  organisms  leave  molds  or  imprints  of 
their  shells  or  skeletons — very  rarely  of  their  whole  bodies — in  the  rocks. 
Sometimes,  indeed,  their  presence  is  indicated  merely  by  tracks  or  footprints. 

Fossils  are  often  distorted  by  mechanical  agencies,  such  as  faulting,  folding, 
crushing,  and  other  deformations  of  the  country  rock.  Such  cases  require 
especial  attention,  and  due  caution  must  be  observed  in  their  determination. 

Paleontology  and  Biology. — Although  the  fossil  remains  of  ancient 
life-forms  yield  but  a  fragmentary  record  of  themselves,  are  almost  never 
perfectly  preserved,  and  are  usually  more  or  less  altered  in  appearance,  yet 
on  the  whole,  they  readily  fit  into  place  in  the  great  framework  of  zoological 

^   Reis,  Olio,  Cber  ]>etrilicirte   Muskulatur.      Arch.   Miki'os.   Anat.,  vols.  xli.  xliv.  Hi., — ])ccm, 
B.,  Preservation  of  nuiscle-fibres  in  sharks.     Amer.  Geol.,  1902,  vol.  xxx. 


and  botanical  classifications.  Notwithstanding  all  their  differences,  their 
general  structure  is  similar  to  that  of  recent  organisms,  and  their  identification 
requires  the  most  careful  comparison  with  nearly  related  plants  and  animals. 
The  methods  of  paleontological  research  do  not  differ  from  those  employed 
by  the  zoologist  and  botanist,  excepting,  of  course,  that  the  paleontologist  is 
restricted  to  those  parts  which  are  alone  capable  of  preservation,  and  must 
reconstruct  the  missing  soft  parts  ideally  from  analogy  with  recent  forms.  It 
is,  nevertheless,  incumbent  on  the  paleontologist  to  obtain  all  possible  informa- 
tion from  the  material  such  as  it  is,  aided  by  every  means  he  can  devise ;  and 
hence  his  investigations  do  not  cease  with  an  examination  of  the  external, 
macroscopic  characters,  but  must  be  extended  to  the  finer  microscopic  and 
histological  as  well.  In  numerous  instances  paleontology  has  anticipated 
zoology  and  botany  by  important  histological  discoveries ;  in  the  branch  of 
vertebrate  comparative  anatomy,  for  example,  through  the  exhaustive  study 
of  conservable  hard  parts,  such  as  the  teeth,  skeleton,  dermal  covering,  etc., 
this  science  has  been  elevated  to  its  present  high  standard  chiefly  by  paleon- 
tologists (Cuvier,  Owen,  Huxley,  H.  von  Meyer,  Riitimeyer,  Marsh,  Cope, 
Osborn  and  others).  The  principle  of  correlation  of  parts,  first  applied  with 
such  eminent  success  by  Cuvier,  according  to  which  all  parts  of  an  organism 
stand  in  certain  fixed  relationships  to  one  another,  so  that  one  organ  cannot 
vary  without  a  corresponding  variation  taking  place  in  the  others,  is  now 
worked  out  not  only  for  the  whole  group  of  vertebrates,  but  for  invertebrates 
as  well ;  and  its  elaboration  is  such  that  frequently  a  single  bone,  tooth, 
plate,  carapace,  shell -fragment  and  the  like,  is  sufficient  for  us  to  form  a 
tolerably  accurate  concept  of  the  entire  creature.  It  is  therefore  clear  that 
in  so  far  as  paleontology  has  to  deal  with  the  study  and  classification  of  fossil 
organisms,  it  is  no  other  than  a  part  of  zoology,  comparative  anatomy  and 
botany,  and  hence  may  be  very  properly  divided  into  Paleozoology  and  Faleo- 
hotany.  Paleontology  has  vastly  increased  the  subject  -  matter  of  the  two 
biological  sciences,  has  filled  up  innumerable  gaps  in  the  system,  and  has 
infinitely  enriched  our  knowledge  of  the  variety  and  complexity  of  plant  and 
animal  organisation.  In  almost  every  class  of  both  kingdoms  where  preserva- 
tion is  possible,  the  number  of  fossil  forms  considerably  exceeds  the  recent. 
A  natural  classification  of  the  Foraminifera,  sponges,  corals,  echinoderms, 
mollusks,  vertebrates,  and  of  the  vascular  cryptogams,  cycads  and  conifers, 
would  be  utterly  inconceivable  without  taking  paleontological  evidence  into 
account,  since  in  certain  classes  (brachiopods,  cephalopods,  reptiles,  mammals) 
the  number  of  extinct  fossil  forms  may  be  ten,  a  hundred,  or  even  a  thousand- 
fold greater  than  the  living,  and  this  proportion  is  steadily  increasing  in 
favour  of  paleontology,  as  fresh  discoveries  are  made  in  various  parts  of  the 

Paleontology  and.  Geology. — Although  as  a  biological  science  paleon- 
tology does  not  differ  essentially  from  botany  and  zoology,  yet  its  connection 
with  geology  is  none  the  less  intimate,  and  consequently  it  has  been  cultivated 
quite  as  assiduously  by  geologists  as  by  biologists.  The  material  is  brought 
to  light  almost  wholly  by  geologists  or  by  geological  collectors,  who  obtain  it 
from  the  stratified  rocks  of  the  earth's  crust — that  is  to  say,  rocks  which  have 
been  formed  by  the  subaqueous  deposition  of  sediment,  or  have  been  built  up 
from  detritus  on  dry  land  by  aerial  agency.  The  distribution  of  fossils 
throughout  stratified  rocks  is  by   no  means  promiscuous,  neither  do  all  rocks 


contain  the  same  species  ;  but  on  the  contrary,  each  separate  stratigraphical- 
complex,  and  frequently  even  single  beds  and  layers,  are  characterised  by 
certain  particular  assemblages  of  fossils.  The  older  the  rock,  the-more  strikingly 
different  from  recent  organisms  are  its  fossil  remains  ;  the  younger  the  forma- 
tion, the  greater  is  their  resemblance.  Now,  since  experience  shows  that 
contemporaneous  deposits  which  have  been  laid  down  under  similar  conditions 
(as,  for  example,  in  salt  or  in  fresh  water)  contain  identical  or  at  least  very 
similar  fossils,  the  latter  furnish  us  with  an  infallible  guide,  taken  together 
with  the  local  stratigraphic  succession,  for  determining  the  relative  age  of  a 
givea  formation.  Furthermore,  a  knowledge  of  the  fossils  occurring  in  homo- 
taxial  deposits  enables  us  to  reconstruct  the  various  paleofaunas  and  paleo- 
flloras  which  have  existed  on  our  planet  at  different  periods  in  its  history. 
Having  determined  the  chronological  succession  of  the  clastic  rocks  by  means 
of  their  superimposition  and  their  characteristic  or  index-fossils,  the}^  may  be 
divided  up  into  still  smaller  series,  each  one  of  which  is  characterised  by  a 
particular  assemblage  of  organic  remains.  In  the  main,  then,  paleontology  is 
the  ultimate  foundation  of  historical  geology. 

Excluding  the  oldest  metamorphic  rocks  (gneiss,  mica  schists,  phyllites, 
etc.)  which  are  destitute  of  fossils,  and  concerning  whose  origin  there  is  still 
great  difference  of  opinion,  the  total  thickness  of  the  sedimentary  rocks 
amounts  to  20,000 — 30,000  metres.  The  building  up  of  this  prodigious 
pile  of  rock  must  have  extended  over  an  inconceivably  long  time,  whose  dura- 
tion cannot  even  approximately  be  estimated,  since  we  are  without  data  as 
to  the  rate  of  deposition  in  former  periods,  and  since  the  beginning,  culmina- 
tion and  end  of  geological  epochs  cannot  be  correlated  Avith  astronomical 

Since,  however,  the  earth  has  been  inhabited  in  former  times  by  very 
different  creatures  from  those  now  living ;  since  successive  paleofaunas  and 
paleofloras  follow  one  another  everywhere  in  the  same  order ;  and  since, 
furthermore,  in  certain  formations  the  greater  part  or  even  the  total  number 
of  species  appear  and  disappear  in  a  body,  so  that  one  fauna  or  flora  is 
replaced  almost  in  its  entirety  by  the  next  following ;  it  is  obvious  that  the 
sedimentary  rocks  may  be  subdivided  into  a  number  of  longer  and  shorter 
time  measures,  which  may  be  designated  by  particular  names.  The  beginning 
and  end  of  such  periods  (group,  system  or  formation,  series  or  section,  stage, 
zone  or  bed)  is  usuall}'^  indicated  by  local  interruptions  in  the  deposition, 
occasioned  by  variations  in  sea-level,  volcanic  eruptions,  or  by  other  causes  ; 
and  such  disturbances  are  usually  accompanied  by  changes  in  the  flora  and 
fauna.  The  now  generally  accepted  subdivision  of  the  secondary  rocks  is 
represented  in  the  table  on  page  5,  in  which  it  should  be  noted  that  only  the 
first  three  columns  are  of  universal  significance,  while  the  last  two  apply  only 
to  European  countries. 

The  rocks  of  the  Archaean  Group  amount  to  40,000 — 60,000  metres  in 
thickness.  They  belong  to  the  oldest  and  longest  period  in  the  history  of 
our  planet,  and  are  remarkable  for  their  schistose  and  crystalline  structure,  as 
well  as  for  the  total  absence  of  fossils.  In  order  of  stratigraphy,  gneiss  com- 
prises for  the  most  part  the  oldest ;  mica,  chlorite,  and  talc-schists  the  middle  ; 
and  phyllites  (primitive  schists)  the  youngest  division  of  this  group.  The 
so-called  fossil  organism,  Eozoon,  occurring  in  gneiss,  has  been  proved  to  be  of 
inorganic  nature. 



Clyi   5  4^CA^^vi 



Epochs              (Etages) 

renous                 j> 

Cenozoic  Group 



Recent  Deposits 


Postjjlacial  Series 
Glacial             ,, 
Preglacial        ,, 

Tertiary  System 

-     1 





Upper  or  Sicilian                           (Sicilien) 
Middle  or  Astian                            (Astien) 
Lower  or  Plaisancian                   (Messinien) 

Pontian  Series                                (Pontien) 
Sarinatian  ,,                                    (Sarniatieu) 
Tortonian   ,,                                    (Tortonien) 
Helvetian  ,,                                    (Helvetien) 
Bunligalian  Series                         (Burdigalien) 
Aquitanian       ,,                              (Aquitanien) 


Upper  or  Rupelian                        (Stanipien) 
Lower  or  Lattortian                      (Tongrien) 


Bartonian  Series                            (Bartonien) 
Parisian         ,,                                 (Lutetien) 
Ypresian        ,,                                 (Ypresien) 
Landenian     ,,                                 (Landenien) 

!      Cretaceous 

Upper  Cretaceous 

Danian  Series                                (Danien) 
Senonian   ,,                                     (Senonien) 
Turonian   ,,                                     (Turonien) 
Ceuomanian  Series                        (Cenoraanien) 

z  Group 


Lower  Cretaceous 

Gault  Series                                    (Albien) 
Aptian  and  Urgonian  Series         (Aptien,  Urgonien) 
Barremian  Series                            (Barremien) 
Neocomian  and  Wealden  Series  (Neocomieu) 


Upper  Jurassic 

Tithoiiian  and  Portland  Series    (Portlandien) 
Kininieridgian                        ,,         (Kinimeridgieii) 
Coralliau                        .       ,,         (Sequanien) 
Oxfordian                              ,,         (Oxfordien) 
Kellaway                             „        (Callovien) 

•g          Jurassic  System  i 

Middle  Jurassic 

Bath  or  Great  Oolite  Series         (Bathonien) 
Bajeux  or  Inferior  Oolite  Series  (Bajocien) 



Lower  Jurassic 

Toarcian  Series                               (Toarcien) 
Charniouthian  Series                     (Charmouthien) 
Sinemnrian           ,,                         (Sineniurien) 
Hettangian           ,,                         (Hettangien) 

Upper  Triassic 

Rliaetic  Stage                                 (Rhaetien) 
Noric            ,,                                   (Norien) 
Carinthian  ,,                                  (Carnien) 

Triassic  System 

Middle  Triassic 

Ladinian  Series                              (Ladinien) 
Virglorian     ,,                                  (Virglorien) 

Lower  Triassic 
(Bunter  Sandstein) 

WerfPiiian  Series                              (Wertenien,  or 
Weitenian  Series                              Scythien) 

Paleozoic  Group 

Permian  System 





Thuringian  Series                         (Thnringien) 
Saxonian  or  Penjabian                  (Saxonien) 
Artinsk  or  Antunian                     (Autunien) 

Coal  Measures 

Urahan  or  Stepnanian                    (Ouralien) 
Muscovian  or  Westplialian            (Moscovien) 

Lower  Carboniferous 

Dinantian  Series  or  Culm            (Dinantien) 

Upper  Devonian 

Painennian  Series                           (Famennien) 
Frasniaii          ,,                               (Frasnien) 

Middle  Devonian 

Givetian         ,,                              (Givetien) 
Eifelian  Series                              (Eifelien) 

Lower  Devonian 

Coblenzian  Series                           (Cbblentzien) 
Gedinnian      ,,                                (Gedinnieu) 

Silurian  System 


Ludlow  Series                            "4 

Wen  lock    ,,                                 HGothlandien) 

Llandovery  Series                       J 

(Lower  Silurian) 

Bala  or  Caradoc  Series               ^ 

Llandeilo                 ,,                  V  (Ordovicien) 

Arenig                     ,,                  ) 


Upper  Cambrian 

S^og'T"                           (Potsdamien) 

Middle  Cambrian 

Menevian  Series                             (Acadien) 

Lower  Cambrian 

Harlech  Series                                (Georgien) 


Primitive  Scliist 

Gneiss  System 

'    Phyllite  (Primitive  Schists, 
Mica  and  Chlorite  Schists, 

Precambrian  Series                      (Algonkien) 


The  Paleozoic  or  Friinary  Group  comprises  the  Cambrian,  Ordovician, 
Sihirian,  Devonian,  Carboniferous  and  Permian  systems,  each  of  which  is 
made  up  of  a  great  number  of  series,  stages  and  zones.  In  the  Cambrian 
crustaceans,  trilobites,  brachiopods  and  worms  predominate,  associated  with  a 
few  echinoderms,  coelenterates,  sponges  and  poorly  preserved  algae.  In  the 
Silurian  system  most  classes  of  the  animal  kingdom  are  represented  with  the 
exception  of  amphibians,  reptiles,  birds  and  mammals,  while  the  flora  still 
consists  of  algae.  Marine  invertebrates  are  very  abundant,  especially  crus- 
taceans, mollusks,  echinoderms  and  coelenterates,  while  only  a  few  frag- 
mentary fish-remains  indicate  the  presence  of  vertebrates.  All  the  species 
and  nearly  all  the  genera  have  since  become  extinct,  and  belong  for  the  most 
part  to  extinct  families  and  orders.  During  the  Devonian,  Carboniferous  and 
Permian  systems,  the  same  classes  of  animals  continue  as  a  body,  but  are 
represented  by  frequently  difterent  families  and  genera.  Fishes  develop  a  great 
variety  of  forms  in  the  Devonian,  amphibians  (Stegocephalia)  make  their 
appearance  in  the  Carboniferous,  and  reptiles  in  the  Permian.  The  flora 
consists  chiefly  of  vascular  cryptogams,  together  with  a  few  conifers  and 

The  Mesozoic  Group  comprises  three  systems — the  Triassic,  Jurassic  and 
Cretaceous.  Many  of  the  widely  distributed  Paleozoic  types  (Tetracoralla, 
graptolites,  crinoids,  cystids,  blastoids,  brachiopods,  trilobites)  have  either  wholly 
or  in  greater  part  disappeared,  while  others  (cephalopods,  lamellibranchs,  sea- 
urchins)  are  replaced  by  very  different  genera  and  families.  Vertebrates  are 
remarkable  for  the  gigantic  size  attained  by  amphibians  (Labyrinthodonta)  and 
many  reptiles,  as  well  as  for  the  wonderful  variety  of  the  latter.  Birds  appear 
for  the  first  time  in  the  Upper  Jurassic  (Arckaeojyteri/x),  and  mammals 
towards  the  close  of  the  Triassic,  being  represented  by  diminutive,  probably 
marsupial  types.  During  the  Triassic  and  Jurassic  periods,  vascular  crypto- 
gams, conifers  and  cycads  remain  the  dominant  plant-forms,  dicotyledons  not 
occurring  until  the  middle  Cretaceous. 

The  Cenozoic  Group  comprises  the  Tertiary  and  post-Tertiary  or  Quaternary 
systems.  Among  the  invertebrates,  ammonites,  belemnites,  Rudistae  and 
most  of  the  Crinoidea  have  now  passed  away.  Amphibians  and  reptiles  have 
greatly  declined,  and,  like  the  invertebrates,  are  represented  by  still  living 
orders.  On  the  other  hand,  birds,  and  particularly  mammals,  attain  a 
wide  distribution ;  the  latter  class  branches  out  in  such  manifold  variety,  and 
experiences  such  rapid  development  during  Cenozoic  time,  that  it  alone 
furnishes  us  with  the  principal  index-fossils  of  this  era.  From  now  on  the 
flora  consists  chiefly  of  dicotjdedonous  plants. 

Paleontology  and  Physical  Geography.  —  Not  only  do  fossils  con- 
stitute the  very  foundation  of  historical  geology,  but  they  furnish  us  in 
addition  with  valuable  information  respecting  the  origin  of  the  rocks  in 
which  they  occur,  the  former  distribution  of  land  and  water,  climatal 
conditions,  and  the  facts  of  geographical  distribution  in  former  periods.  By 
means  of  analogy  with  recent  species  we  are  able  in  most  cases  readily  to 
determine  whether  fossil  forms  pertain  to  land,  fresh,  brackish  or  salt  water 
species,  whence  it  is  apparent  under  what  conditions  the  strata  were  deposited. 
The  distribution  of  marine  and  fresh-water  formations  helps  us  to  certain 
conclusions  respecting  the  extent  of  former  seas  and  land  areas.  Deep-sea, 
shallow  water,  and  littoral  deposits  are  readily  distinguishable  by  means  of 


their  fossil  organisms.  By  fossils,  also,  even  the  climatal  conditions  of 
former  periods  are  indicated  with  great  fidelity.  The  luxurious  and  uniform 
development  of  cryptogams  over  the  face  of  the  globe  during  Carboniferous 
time  presupposes  a  warm,  moist  climate,  little  varying  with  latitude ;  tropical 
dicotyledons  occurring  in  the  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  deposits  of  Greenland,  or 
coral-reefs  extending  into  high  latitudes  during  the  Paleozoic  era,  prove  Avith 
equal  certainty  the  prevalence  of  amilder  climate  and  higheroceanic  temperature 
in  earlier  times  ;  while  again,  the  remains  of  reindeer,  the  lemming,  musk-ox, 
polar  fox,  and  other  arctic  animals  in  the  diluvium  of  Central  Europe  testify 
to  a  period  of  glaciation  with  reduced  mean  annual  temperature. 

The  geographical  distribution  of  fossil  organisms  proves  that  the  regions 
and  provinces  occupied  by  recent  plants  and  animals  are  to  a  certain  extent 
identical  with  those  existing  in  the  Tertiary,  and  that  life  has  been  subject  to 
the  same  distributional  laws  in  the  past  as  in  the  present.  Nearly  all  recent 
forms  are  the  obvious  descendants  of  extinct  creatures  which  formerly 
occupied  the  same  region.  For  example,  the  fossil  mammals,  birds  and 
reptiles  of  Diluvial  time  in  Europe,  Asia,  Australia,  North  and  South  America, 
are  scarcely  distinguishable  from  forms  now  inhabiting  the  same  continents. 
The  ancestral  homes  of  marsupials  and  edentates  were  perpetuated  in 
Australia  and  South  America  until  as  recently  as  the  Diluvial  epoch,  and 
during  the  later  Tertiary,  Europe,  Asia  and  America  formed  but  a  single 
zoological  province;  inhabited  by  the  ancestors  of  forms  now  living  in  the 
northern  hemisphere.  An  understanding  of  the  physical  conditions  which 
have  governed  the  perpetuation  of  recent  plants  and  animals  in  their  respective 
provinces  {succession  of  similar  types)  would  be  utterly  impossible  without  a 
knowledge  of  their  distribution  in  former  times.  In  like  manner,  our  know- 
ledge of  the  distribution  of  land  and  water,  of  prevailing  climatal  conditions, 
oceanic  currents,  etc.,  of  earlier  periods  depends  chiefly  upon  evidence  derived 
from  fossils. 

Paleontology  and  Embryology. — To  trace  the  development  of  living 
plants  and  animals  through  all  stages  from  the  one-celled  egg  onward  to 
final  dissolution,  is  the  task  of  Embryology  and  Ontogeny.  At  the  present 
moment,  botanists  and  zoologists  are  devoting  their  most  scrutinising  attention 
to  embryological  investigations,  which  latter  accordingly  exert  a  powerful 
influence  on  the  progress  of  biology,  and  particularly  on  the  classification. 
The  fact  that  every  individual,  species  and  genus  of  a  whole  group  of  plants 
and  animals  passes  through  nearly  the  same  course  of  development,  at  least 
in  the  primary  stages,  and  that  all  embryos  belonging  to  a  given  order  or 
class  resemble  one  another  so  closely,  up  to  a  certain  stage,  that  they  cannot 
be  told  apart,  has  revealed  unexpected  affinities  among  forms  diftering  very 
considerably  in  the  adult  stage.  Cirripedes,  for  example,  which  were  formerly 
mistaken  for  shell-bearing  mollusks,  develop  from  the  same  Nauplius-larvae 
as  the  Copepoda,  Branchiopoda  and  Osti'acoda,  although  the  mature  individuals 
belonging  to  these  orders  of  crustaceans  possess  but  little  common  resemblance. 
Likewise,  the  whole  group  of  vertebrate  embryos  can  hardly  be  distinguished 
from  one  another  in  the  earliest  stages,  and  only  very  gradually  assume  the 
characteristic  features  pertaining  to  class  and  order. 

The  results  of  embryological  inquiry  have  a  most  important  bearing  on 
paleontology.  Numerous  fossil  forms  are  known,  which,  in  comparison  with 
recent  related  organisms,  exhibit  embryonic,  or  at  least  larval  or  adolescent 


characteristics.  Examples  of  such  primitive  or  embryonic  types  are  especi- 
ally common  in  vertebrates,  for  the  reason  that  here  the  skeleton  becomes 
ossified  very  early  in  life,  and  hence  the  immature  stages  of  the  recent  can  be 
directly  compared  with  adult  fossil  forms.  Now,  observation  has  shown  that 
in  most  of  the  older  fossil  fishes  and  reptiles,  the  vertebral  column  never 
passed  beyond  an  embryonic  stage,  but  remained  in  a  cartilaginous  or 
incompletely  ossified  condition  through  life.  The  Paleozoic  amphibians 
(Stegocephalia)  probably  breathed  by  means  of  both  gills  and  lungs  through- 
out life,  whereas  most  recent  amphibians  lose  their  gills  comparatively  early 
(Caducibranchia),  and  breathe  wholly  by  lungs.  Many  fossil  reptiles  and 
mammals  retain  certain  skeletal  peculiarities  permanently,  while  allied  recent 
forms  exhibit  them  only  in  embryonic  stages.  The  skull  in  most  of  the  older 
fossil  reptiles  and  mammals  closely  corresponds  in  form  and  structui^e  with 
that  in  embryos  of  recent  related  types.  In  the  oldest  fossil  artiodactyls 
the  palm-bones  are  all  completely  separated,  while  in  recent  ruminants  this 
division  continues  only  during  the  embryonic  stage,  being  followed  by  a 
fusion  of  the  two  median  metapodals,  together  with  a  reduction  of  the  laterals. 
Among  invertebrates,  also,  fossil  embryonic  types  are  by  no  means  uncommon. 
The  Paleozoic  Beliimridae  find  their  counterpart  in  the  larvae  of  the  common 
Limulus ;  many  fossil  sea-urchins  are  characterised  by  linear  ambulacra,  while 
recent  related  forms,  although  developing  petaloid  radii  in  the  adult  stage, 
pass  through  the  linear  phase  during  adolescence.  Many  fossil  crinoids  re- 
semble the  young  of  the  living  genus  Antedon  ;  and,  according  to  Jackson, 
recent  echinoids,  oysters  and  pectens  exhibit  in  their  nepionic  stages  certain 
characters  peculiar  to  the  adults  of  Paleozoic  genera. 

The  so-called  fossil  generalised  or  comprehensive  types,  which  unite  in  one  and 
the  same  form  characters  which,  in  geologically  later,  or  recent  descendants, 
have  become  distributed  among  different  genera  and  families,  are  in  reality 
merely  primitive  or  immature  types  which  have  stopped  short  of  the  higher 
differentiation  attained  by  their  descendants.  Generalised  types  always 
precede  more  highly  specialised  ;  and  properties  that  were  originally  distri- 
butive among  older  forms  are  never  reunited  in  geologically  younger  species 
or  genera.  Trilobites,  amphibians  and  reptiles  of  the  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic 
eras,  and  early  Tertiary  mammals  belong  almost  exclusively  to  the  category 
of  generalised  types. 

In  certain  groups  of  vertebrates,  and  especially  of  mammals  (Ungulata, 
Carnivora),  the  chronological  succession  of  genera  is  so  closely  paralleled  by 
the  successive  stages  of  development  in  the  life-history  of  their  descendants, 
that  to  a  certain  extent  the  ontogeny  of  the  individual  is  a  representment  of 
a  long  chronological  series  of  fossil  forms.  This  truth  furnishes  a  strong 
foundation  for  the  biogenetic  law,  enunciated  in  various  terms  by  Geoffroy  St. 
Hilaire,  Serres,  Meckel,  Fritz  Miiller  and  others,  and  recently  more  precisely 
formulated  by  Haeckel,  as  follows  :  The  developmental  history  or  ontogeny 
of  an  individual  is  merely  a  short  and  simplified  repetition  or  recapitulation  of 
the  slow  (perhaps  extending  over  thousands  of  years)  process  of  evolution  of 
the  species  and  of  the  whole  branch. 

The  biogenetic  law  has  since  been  found  to  hold  true  not  only  for  verte- 
brates, but  also  for  invertebrates,  including  even  wholly  extinct  types.  In 
ammonites,  for  instance,  the  primary  or  innermost  whorls  always  differ  from 
the  outer  in  their  greater  simplicity  of  suture,  and  in  their  lesser  ornamenta- 


tioii.  Very  often  a  coiT6S})ondence  is  observable  with  geologically  older  forms  ; 
and  it  is  a  well-known  fact  that  all  ammonites  pass  through  early  stages  which 
resemble,  at  least  so  far  as  chambering  of  the  shell  is  concerned,  Paleozoic 
goniatites.  A  comparison  of  the  inner  whorls  of  an  ammonite  with  its  corre- 
sponding goniatitic  form,  or  with  older  ammonites,  seldom  fails  to  reveal 
ties  of  kinship  not  otherwise  discernible.  Beecher  has  shown  that  nearly 
every  stage  in  the  development  of  arm-supports  in  recent  brachiopods  corre- 
sponds to  conditions  of  the  adult  in  some  fossil  genus ;  and  further,  that  the 
chronological  succession  of  the  latter  is  to  a  certain  degree  identical  with  the 
successive  ontogenetic  stages  of  recent  foi-ms. 

The  relation  of  rudimentary  or  degradational  organs  occurring  in  recent  forms 
to  those  of  the  fossil  ancestors  of  the  latter  is  of  extreme  significance.  By 
rudimentary  organs  are  meant  certain  structures  (as,  for  example,  limbs, 
parts  of  limbs,  organs  of  sense,  respiration,  digestion,  reproduction,  etc.), 
which  are  still  indicated  by  atrophied  remains,  but  whose  physiological 
functions,  and  hence  their  utility  to  the  organism,  have  wholly  disappeared. 
Rudimentary  organs  are,  as  a  rule,  either  normally  developed  in  an  embryonic 
stage,  or  at  least  more  strongly  than  in  the  adult  individual,  owing  to  a 
process  of  degeneration,  or  retrogressive  development.  The  fossil  progenitors 
of  forms  possessing  vestigial  structures  are  almost  always  characterised  by 
a  full  development,  of  the  respective  parts.  The  lateral  metacarpals  and 
metatarsals  in  the  horse  and  most  ruminants,  for  example,  are  indicated  only 
by  rudimentary  side-splints  ;  but  in  an  embryonic  stage  they  are  much  more 
strongly  developed,  and  in  related  fossil  forms  they  occur  as  normal  bones, 
carrying  toes  like  the  other  metapodals,  and  serving  for  locomotion  and 
support.  The  wrist  and  metacarpal  bones  in  birds  have  also  suffered  degenera- 
tion, as  is  evident  from  a  comparison  with  embryos  and  with  older  forms 
(Archaeopteryx),  which  exhibit  a  much  higher  development.  In  like  manner, 
the  teeth  of  birds  have  also  become  degenerated.  In  only  a  few  forms 
(parrots,  ostriches)  are  faint  dental  ridges  discernible  during  embryonic  stages  ; 
but  in  all  known  Mesozoic  birds  the  teeth  are  well  developed  and  remain 
functional  throughout  life.  Similarly,  teeth  are  developed  duriug  embryonic 
stages  in  the  baleen  whale,  but  subsequently  become  atrophied  ;  while  in  the 
older  fossil  Cetacea  teeth  are  always  present.  Other  instances  of  this 
nature  are  to  be  met  with  in  great  profusion,  both  among  vertebrates  and 

The  biogenetic  law  is,  however,  not  infrequently  obscured,  for  the  reason 
that  two  closely  related  forms  may  not  develop  in  exactly  the  same  manner  ; 
embryos  of  the  one  type  may  be  affected  by  peculiar  accelerating  impulses 
which  are  not  shared  by  those  of  the  other,  and  in  consequence  the  first  may 
pass  through  certain  stages  very  rapidly,  or  may  even  omit  them  altogether. 
In  this  way  the  historical  or  palingenetic  record  contained  in  the  development 
of  every  individual  may  be  to  a  large  extent  veiled,  suppressed  or  rendei-ed 
unintelligible ;  and  this  phenomenon  of  inexact  parallelism  {coenogene&is)  is 
especially  common  in  highly  differentiated  types,  where  the  embryo  passes 
through  a  multitude  of  phases. 

Paleontology  and  Phylogeny. — While  conceding  that  by  means  of 
embryological  investigations  zoologists  and  botanists  are  able  to  trace  the 
gradual  development  and  differentiation  of  an  organism  through  all  its  various 
stages,  and  thereupon  to  construct  a  tree  of  descent  (phylogeny)  founded  upon 


the  successive  phases  of  growth,  nevertheless  such  hypothetical  genealogies 
can  only  be  relied  upon  as  truthful  when  they  are  substantiated  by  paleonto- 
logical  facts.  And  only  in  cases  where  the  different  ontogenetic  stages  are 
I'epresented  by  corresponding  fossil  primitive  or  generalised  types,  which 
appear  in  the  same  chronological  order,  and  clothe  the  supposititious  ancestral 
tree  with  real  forms,  can  the  truthfulness  of  the  latter  be  said  to  have  been 
established.  This  requirement  paleontology  is  from  the  nature  of  things 
unable  to  satisfy  except  .in  a  few  instances  ;  but  a  multitude  of  other  facts 
testifies  to  the  blood-kinship  between  morphologically  similar  fossil  and  recent 
organisms,  and  points  to  the  direct  descent  of  the  younger  from  the  older 

Geology  proves  conclusively  that  of  the  numerous  floras  and  faunas  which 
lie  buried  in  the  rocks,  those  which  are  most  nearly  of  the  same  geological 
age  bear  the  greatest  resemblance  to  each  other.  It  often  happens  that  species 
and  genera  occurring  in  a  given  formation  reappear  in  the  next  following  with 
scarcely  any  perceptible  changes,  so  that  the  doctrine  of  the  gradual  trans- 
formation and  transmutation  of  older  forms  is  irresistibly  forced  upon  one, 
while  the  faunas  and  floras  of  later  periods  assert  themselves  as  the  obvious 
descendants  of  the  more  ancient.  Other  weighty  evidence  for  the  progressive 
evolution  of  organisms  is  afforded  by  fossil  transitional  series,  of  which  a 
considerable  number  are  known,  notwithstanding  the  imperfection  of  the 
paleontological  record.  By  transitional  series  are  meant  a  greater  or  less 
number  of  similar  forms  occurring  through  several  successive  horizons,  and 
constituting  a  practically  unbroken  morphic  chain.  Often  the  dift'erences 
between  individuals  belonging  to  different  periods  are  so  slight  that  we  can 
hardly  assign  to  them  the  value  of  a  variety.  But  let  a  number  of  such 
mutations  occur  in  succession,  the  end-members  of  the  series  become  finally 
so  divergent  as  to  constitute  distinct  species  and  genera.  The  most  striking 
and  most  numerous  examples  of  transitional  series  naturally  occur  in  types 
peculiarly  well  fitted  for  preservation,  such  as  mollusks,  brachiopods,  sea- 
urchins,  corals  and  vertebrates.  Particularly  remarkable  among  mollusks 
are  the  closely  linked  transitional  series  in  ammonites.  Among  vertebrates 
transmutation  proceeded  far  more  rapidly  than  among  invertebrates,  and 
accordingly,  the  successive  members  of  a  series  are  usually  so  divergent  as  to 
require  their  assignment  to  separate  genera. 

With  increasing  abundance  of  paleontological  material,  the  more  numerous 
and  more  complete  are  the  series  of  intermediate  forms  which  are  brought  to 
light.  But  the  more  extended  our  knowledge  of  transitional  series  the  greater 
is  the  difficulty  we  encounter  in  defining  our  conception  of  species.  "While  the 
older  disciples  of  the  Linnean  and  Cuvierian  schools  contended  that  each 
separate  species  was  created  with  a  certain  definite  sum  of  fixed  characters, 
and  remained  incapable  of  any  extensive  modifications  ;  on  the  other  hand, 
those  holding  to  the  Darwinian  theory  of  evolution  look  upon  varieties, 
species,  subgenera,  genera,  families,  orders,  classes  and  phyla  merely  as 
arbitrary  yet  useful  and  convenient  distinctions,  corresponding  to  the  state  of 
our  information  at  the  present  time ;  it  being  assumed  that  by  means  of 
gradual  transmutation  during  the  course  of  ages  all  organisms  have  become 
evolved  from  a  single  primitive  cell,  or  from  a  few  primitive  types. 

According  to  the  Linne-Cuvier  doctrine,  a  species  is  composed  of  individuals 
which  are  directly  descended  from  one  another,  or  from  common  ancestors, 


and  which  resemble  their  progenitors  as  much  as  they  resemble  each  other. 
Members  of  one  and  the  same  species  interbreed,  b\it  individuals  belonging 
to  diiferent  species  do  not  cross,  or  when  they  do,  produce  infertile  or 
imperfectly  fertile  offspring. 

According  to  the  theory  of  descent  no  sharp  specific  distinctions  can  be 
drawn,  but  all  individuals  are  assigned  to  the  same  species  which  share  a 
number  of  essential  features  in  common,  and  which  are  not  connected  with 
neighbouring  groups  by  means  of  intermediate  types.  It  is  plain  that  this 
definition  is  open  to  considerable  laxity  of  interpretation,  and  inasmuch  as 
the  direct  descent  of  individuals  belonging  to  a  given  species  cannot  always  (in 
paleontology  never)  be  determined  on  experimental  grounds,  systematists 
are  rarely  agreed  in  regard  to  the  precise  limitations  of  species,  genera  and 

The  doctrine  of  the  invariability  of  species  received  powerful  support  from 
the  cataclysmic  theory  of  Cuvier,  which  maintained  that  each  period  in  the 
earth's  history  is  marked  by  distinctively  characteristic  faunas  and  floras  ;  that 
no  species  is  common  to  two  successive  periods  ;  that  tremendous  convulsions 
of  nature  (cataclysms)  occurred  at  the  close  of  each  cycle,  and  annihilated  the 
whole  organic  world  ;  and  that  by  means  of  special  creative  acts,  the  renovated 
earth  became  time  and  again  populated  with  new  animals  and  plants  which  bore 
absolutely  no  connection  with  either  previous  or  subsequently  introduced  types. 

Cuvier's  cataclysmic  theory  may  be  regarded  at  the  present  day  as  com- 
pletely ovei'thrown,  inasmuch  as  the  modern  school  of  geology,  following  the 
leadership  of  Sir  Charles  Lyell,  has  demonstrated  conclusively  that  the  earth 
has  proceeded  from  one  stage  to  another  during  the  course  of  its  development 
only  with  the  utmost  slowness  ;  that  the  same  forces  and  laws  which  regulate 
the  world  of  to-day  have  operated  likewise  in  primeval  times  ;  and  that 
geological  periods  are  by  no  means  abruptly  set  off  from  one  another,  but  are 
linked  together  by  innumerable  transitional  stages. 

The  theory  of  the  descendant  origin  of  organic  forms,  Avhich  was  advanced 
as  early  as  1802  by  J.  B.  Lamarck  and  Geoftroy  St.  Hilaire,  and  was  supported 
by  Goethe,  Oken  and  Meckel  in  Germany,  kept  winning  continually  more 
adherents,  yet  it  was  not  until  the  latter  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  that 
its  universal  significance  was  insisted  on  by  Charles  Darwin  and  his  school. 

Paleontology,  as  already  remarked,  contributes  a  great  deal  of  extremely 
weighty  evidence  in  favour  of  the  theory  of  descent ;  the  series  of  intermediate 
forms,  often  traceable  through  several  successive  formations ;  the  presence  of 
primitive  and  generalised  types  ;  the  parallelism  between  ontogeny  and  the 
chronological  succession  of  related  fossil  forms  ;  the  similarity  between  floras 
and  faunas  of  approximately  the  same  age ;  the  correspondence  in  the 
geographical  distribution  of  recent  organisms  with  that  of  their  progenitors  ; 
and  a  host  of  other  facts  are  explicable  only  by  means  of  the  theory  of  descent. 

The  causes  of  variation  and  transformation  were  attributed  by  Lamarck 
chiefly  to  the  use  and  disuse  of  organs ;  secondly,  to  the  effect  of  changes  in 
external  conditions  ;  and  lastly,  to  a  supposed  inherent  tendency  toward 
valuation  and  perfection  existing  in  each  individual.  According  to  Lamarck, 
new  characters  brought  about  by  these  influences  are  transmitted  to  descend- 
ants through  inheritance,  and  become  permanently  established  in  the  I'ace. 
Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire  maintained  the  same  principles  on  the  whole,  but  ascribed 
the  chief  causes  of  variation  of  species  to  the  influence  of  environment. 


The  Darwinian  theory  of  natural  selection  is  based  upon  the  property 
common  to  all  organisms  of  acquiring  ancestral  characteristics  through  heredity, 
and  of  transmitting  them  in  turn  to  their  progeny  ;  and  also  on  the  adapta- 
bility of  organisms  to  particular  external  conditions,  by  means  of  which 
variations  are  brought  about.  Since  in  the  struggle  for  existence  only  those 
individuals  which  are  the  best  adapted — that  is  to  say,  those  possessing  the 
most  advantageous  modifications — survive,  nature  is  continually  exercising, 
according  to  Darwin,  a  most  rigorous  selection  which  operates  toward  the 
increase  and  perfection  of  useful  variations.  Through  the  constant  accumula- 
tion of  originally  slight  yet  serviceable  modifications,  and  through  the  perpetual 
transmission  of  the  same  from  one  generation  to  another,  there  are  produced 
first  of  all  new  varieties,  then  species,  and  eventually  genera,  families  and  orders. 
The  zoological  and  botanical  classifications  are,  according  to  Darwin,  merely  an 
expression  of  genealogical  facts,  exhibiting  the  remoter  and  closer  ties  of 
consanguinity  which  exist  among  different  organic  forms. 

Darwin's  explanation  of  the  origin  of  species  by  the  addition  of  the 
agency  of  natural  selection  to  the  Lamarckian  factors  of  variation  and 
inheritance  found  in  Wallace,  Huxley,  Haeckel  and  others,  zealous  and 
ingenious  supporters,  although  on  other  sides  it  encountered  vehement 
opposition.  Moritz  Wagner  regarded  free  intercrossing  as  an  insurmountable 
obstacle  to  the  establishment  of  new  modifications,  and  contended  that  the 
isolation  of  a  few  individuals,  a  condition  which  would  occur  most  frequently 
during  migrations,  was  a  necessary  postulate  in  accounting  for  the  origin  of 
each  new  variety  or  species.  As  will  be  stated  presently,  the  principle  of 
isolation,  slightly  modified,  has  been  applied  by  other  writers.  Bronn,  Niigeli 
and  A.  Braun  raised  the  objection  to  Darwin's  theory  of  natural  selection 
that  many  organs  are  entirely  useless  to  the  individual,  and  therefore  natural 
selection,  which  depends  upon  the  principle  of  utility,  could  neither  have 
produced  such  organs  nor  could  have  modified  them  in  any  way.  Niigeli 
assumed  that,  in  addition  to  natural  selection,  a  certain  resident  tendency 
toward  perfection,  inherent  in  every  individual,  takes  part  in  conditioning 
the  growth  of  morphological  characters.  Every  variation  brought  about 
by  external  or  internal  agencies  is  at  once  in  the  nature  of  a  differentiation, 
a  step  forward  in  the  division  of  labour,  and  consequently  an  advancement. 

Weismann  endeavoured  in  a  similar  manner  to  supplement  Darwin's  theory 
of  selection  by  his  hypothesis  of  the  continuity  of  germ-plasm.  According  to 
Weismann,  germ-matter  is  of  itself  capable  of  producing  all  variations  that 
are  useful  to  an  organism.  Only  that  which  exists  in  the  original  plasm  or  in 
the  sexual  elements  as  embryonic  rudiments  can  be  transmitted  to  offspring 
and  become  further  acted  upon  and  developed  by  natural  selection,  according 
to  Weismann's  theory.  The  continuity,  that  is  to  say,  the  perpetual  trans- 
mission of  a  portion  of  the  germ-plasm  from  parent  to  offspring,  forms  a 
necessary  postulate  to  the  theory  of  descent. 

AVeismann  originally  attributed  only  a  subordinate  influence  to  the 
action  of  physical  environment  as  a  cause  of  variations,  and  particularly 
denied  the  inheritance  of  acquired  characters.  But  in  his  later  writings, 
he  is  inclined  to  admit  that  somatic  variations  due  to  environmental  influences 
may  be  transmitted  to  the  offspring,  and  endeavours  to  explain  this  with  the 
help  of  his  germ-plasm  hypothesis.  Thus  he  approaches  in  a  way  the  opinion 
of  his  opponents,  the  so-called  Neo-Lamarckian  school  (represented  by  Herbert 


Spencer,  Cope,  Hyatt,  Osborn,  Semper,  Claus,  Roux  and  others),  which  ranges 
itself  more  and  more  on  the  side  of  Lamarckian  ideas,  and  ascribes  to  the  use 
and  disuse  of  organs,  and  to  external  conditions,  a  very  considerable  influence 
in  effecting  the  transformation  of  organic  forms.  AVhile,  on  the  one  hand. 
Semper,  Locard  and  Clessin  undertake  to  prove  the  direct  action  of  environ- 
ment on  mollusks  in  a  number  of  instances ;  on  the  other  hand.  Cope,  Osborn, 
Roux  and  others,  emphasise  the  effect  of  use  and  disuse,  and  abundance  or 
scantiness  of  food-supply.  Adequate  nourishment  and  exercise  increase  the 
development  of  a  given  organ,  while  physical  conditions  determine  its  form. 
Since  like  causes  produce  like  effects  in  the  animate  as  well  as  in  the  inanimate 
world,  it  is  obvious  that  similar  organs  must  be  developed  in  a  variety  of  plant 
and  animal  forms  wherever  they  are  subjected  to  similar  external  conditions, 
and  especially  to  the  same  physical  agencies.  A  convenient  explanation  is 
thus  found  for  the  phenomena  of  parallelism,  or  "  convergence,"  which  are 
in  nowise  related  to  one  another  by  inheritance.  The  analogous  swimming- 
organs  of  fishes,  ichthyosaurians  and  whales,  or  the  analogoiis  limb-structure 
in  long-legged  ruminants,  the  horse,  elephant  and  carnivora,  are  due  to 
adaptation  to  external  conditions  and  to  use ;  the  same  explanation  also 
accounts  for  the  like  form  of  sternum  in  bats,  birds  and  Pferosauria,  or  for  the 
spindle-shaped  body  characteristic  of  most  rapid-swimming  fishes,  reptiles  and 
aquatic  mammals,  oi;  for  the  similar  form  of  jaw  possessed  by  marsupials  and 
various  orders  of  Placentalia.  These  are  all  instances  of  [)arallelism,  in  which 
it  often  happens  that  two  fundamentally  different  forms  acquire  the  same 
outward  shape,  or  become  provided  with  similar  or  analogous  organs.  Kineto- 
genesis,  or  the  process  of  a  gradual  transformation  of  parts,  especially  parts 
belonging  to  the  internal  skeleton,  skull  and  limbs,  is  very  ingeniously 
interpreted  by  Cope  as  having  been  accomplished  in  mammals  through  the 
agency  of  mechanical  conditions,  use  and  food.  The  same  author  has  also 
traced  the  line  of  progressive  modification  in  fossil  genera  as  exemplified  by 
numerous  series  of  intermediate  forms. 

In  sharp  contrast  to  all  these  opinions  is  the  "  mutation  theory  "  of  de 
Vries.  The  latter  attempts  to  show  that  new  species  of  plants  are  formed 
by  what  he  calls  mutations.  It  should  be  noted  that  this  term  is  used  in  a 
different  sense  from  the  same  word  as  mentioned  on  p.  10,  being  equivalent  to 
saltatioii,  used  previously  for  the  same  thing.  Mutations,  in  de  Vries's  sense, 
are  more  or  less  strongly  marked  deviations  from  the  normal  type,  appearing 
rather  suddenly  ;  and  de  Vries  claims  that  only  these  are  capable  of  being 
bred  true  by  pedigree-culture,  and  that  they  alone  lead  to  the  origin  of  new 
species.  What  he  actually  did  was  to  demonstrate  that  it  is  possible,  by 
pedigree-culture,  to  produce  true  breeding  forms  (species)  out  of  mutations, 
but  he  failed  to  see  that  the  essential  factor  in  this  process  is  not  the  quality 
of  the  material  he  worked  with  (i.e.  the  mutations),  but  that  it  is  the  pedigree- 
culture,  and  that  this  corresponds  to  the  well-known  factors  of  selection  and 

The  latter  principle,  originally  introduced,  as  has  already  been  stated,  by 
Moritz  Wagner,  has  recently  been  put  forward  by  other  writers  (Baur, 
Ortmann,  Gulick,  etc.)  as  a  factor  which  causes  the  differentiation  of  one 
species  into  several  co-existing  species  ("  process  of  speciation,"  0.  F.  Cook). 
While  it  is  admitted  that  the  Lamarckian  factors  of  variation  and  inheritance 
and   the   Darwinian    factor    of    natural  selection,  are  real   and  actual,   it  is 


evident  that  these  are  not  sufficient  for  the  understanding  of  the  whole  of  the 
evolutionary  process.  They  are  capable  of  explaining  the  transformation  of 
one  existing  form  into  one  other  form,  but  fail  to  account  for  the  fact  that 
often  two  or  more  different  forms  have  originated  from  a  single  ancestral  type. 
Isolation,  biological  or  ecological  separation,  or  habitudinal  segregation,  are 
synonymous  terms  applied  to  a  fourth  factor,  which  is  important  for  render- 
ing the  process  of  speciation  more  intelligible.  These  terms  signify  that 
the  descendants  of  one  ancestral  form  living  amid  a  definite  set  of  ecological 
(or  environmental)  conditions,  begin  to  adapt  themselves  to  different  sets  of 
conditions,  as  a  result  of  which  they  become  ecologically  separated  or  segregated. 
Each  group  of  descendants  consequently  becomes  subject  to  different  influences 
of  environment,  and  in  responding  to  such  develops  along  different  lines,  the 
divergence  becoming  finally  so  great  as  to  be  of  specific  value. 

According  to  the  view  that  has  just  been  stated,  it  is  necessary  to 
recognise  that  the  whole  process  of  evolution  is  a  very  complex  one ;  that  it 
is  the  ultimate  outcome  of  a  number  of  factors,  each  of  which  has  its  owii 
special  efficacy,  and  may  be  sometimes  antagonistic  to  the  others ;  and  that  of 
the  various  factors  engaged  the  following  four  are  the  most  potent  and  most 
essential :  variation,  inheritance,  natural  selection  and  separation.  This  view  is 
perhaps  to  be  regarded  as  the  most  satisfactory  explanation  of  the  organic 
world  and  its  upbuilding  that  has  yet  been  2:)ut  forward.  Nevertheless,  though 
it  cannot  be  gainsaid  that  the  four  operative  principles  just  mentioned  are 
actively  at  work,  it  is  difficult  sometimes  to  trace  their  causes.  This  is 
particularly  true  of  those  factors  known  as  variation  and  inheritance.  As  to 
the  former  of  these  factors,  the  rival  hypotheses  of  the  Lamarck-Darwinian 
and  of  the  Weismannian  school  are  contradictory  with  reference  to  the  cause 
of  inheritable  variation.  With  regard  to  the  cause  of  inheritance,  important 
discoveries,  such  as  the  Mendelian  law,  have  been  made,  but  these  are  too  far- 
reaching  to  permit  of  a  satisfactory  account  in  limited  space. 

Life-Period  and  Extinction  of  Species. — Observation  shows  that 
different  organisms  are  by  no  means  equally  susceptible  to  impulses  received 
from  the  outer  world.  Many  fossil  genera  remain  almost  wholly  unchanged 
throughout  a  number  of  formations  (Foraminifera,  Cidaris,  Nautilus,  Lingula, 
Terebratula,  Insectivora),and  hence  may  be  designated  as  j^ersisfent  or  conservative 
types,  in  contradistinction  to  variable  types.  The  latter  pass  through  rapid  changes 
at  the  beginning  of  their  career,  develop  a  great  variety  of  forms,  and  send  out 
branches  and  off-shoots  in  all  directions  up  to  a  certain  point ;  they  may  then  die 
out  after  a  comparatively  short  period  of  ascendency  (Nummulites,  Graptolites, 
Cystids,  Blastoids,  Tetracoralla,  Perischoechinoida,  Trilobitae,  Eudistae,  Ichthy  o- 
sauria,  Pterosauria,  Dinosauria,  Amblypoda,  Toxodontia,  etc.),  or  in  some  cases 
may  even  continue  on  to  the  present  day  with  undiminished  vitality  (Spatangidae, 
Clypeastridae,  many  land  and  fresh-water  mollusks,  crabs,  lizards,  snakes, 
ruminants,  apes).  Not  infrequently  types  that  were  originally  variable  pass 
over  gradually  into  persistent ;  their  power  of  adaptation  dwindles,  they  grow 
less  plastic,  become  incapable  of  sending  off  new  varieties,  species  or  genera, 
and  as  the  less  vigorous  of  their  numl)er  become  worsted  one  after  another,  they 
finally  stand  out  as  isolated  relics  of  antiquity  (Isocrinus,  Hatteria,  Tapirns, 
Equus,  etc.)  in  the  midst  of  rehabilitated  surroundings.  A  one-sided  develop- 
ment in  a  certain  direction,  excessive  size,  abnormal  (hypertrophic)  jDeculiarities, 
or  too  high  specialisation  of  organs,  is  as  a  rule  injurious  to  the  form  and 


leads  usually  to  its  extermination.  Many  groups  remarkable  for  their 
extreme  diflerentiation  (Dinosauria,  Pterosauria,  Amblypoda,  Toxodontia, 
etc.)  have  become  extinct  probably  for  this  reason,  since,  having  advanced  so 
far  in  a  single  limited  direction,  adaptation  in  other  directions  was  no  longer 

Persistent  types  seldom  produce  a  large  number  of  species  during  a  single 
geological  period ;  types  that  start  up  suddenly  and  proceed  to  vary  rapidly 
as  a  rule  soon  die  out ;  while  groups  that  develop  slowly  and  steadily  usually 
contain  in  their  growth  the  promise  of  great  longevity. 

Some  very  ancient  types  have  persisted  to  the  present  day  in  highly 
saline  lakes,  or  in  salt  pans,  in  acid,  alkaline,  very  cold  or  otherwise  unnatural 
situations.  These  represent  dominant  types  of  past  ages  which,  vigorous  and 
adaptable,  when  forced  by  internal  specific  pressure  due  to  the  enormous 
increase  in  the  numbers  of  individuals  were  able  to  invade  and  adapt  them- 
selves to  physically  and  chemically  unfavourable  localities.  The  subsequent 
development  of  other  types,  younger  and  more  vigorous,  has  extirpated  them 
from  all  the  more  desirable  situations,  though  these  types  have  not  proved 
sufficiently  adaptable  or  vigorous  entirely  to  exterminate  them. 

The  fauna  of  the  ocean  deeps  and  of  biologicall}^  unfavourable  situations 
generally  is,  therefore,  a  curious  composite  of  the  more  vigorous  and  adapt- 
able types  of  animal  life  from  the  Cambrian  to  the  present  day,  including 
forms  which  were  dominant  in  all  earlier  epochs,  as  well  as  forms  derived  directly 
from  recent  ancestors. 

For  the  extinction  of  many  plants  (Sigillaria,  Lepidodendron,  Cordaites)  and 
animals  (Blastoids,  Tetracoralla,  Trilobites,  Ammonites,  Rudistae,  Ichthyosaurs, 
etc.)  of  former  periods  no  adequate  explanation  has  as  yet  been  found.  Changes 
in  external  conditions,  especially  such  as  regards  the  distribution  of  land  and 
water,  climatal  conditions,  saltness  of  the  water,  volcanic  eruptions,  paucity  of 
food-supply,  the  encroachments  of  natural  enemies,  and  diseases,  may  have 
led  to  the  extinction  of  certain  forms,  but  such  conjectures  signally  fail  to 
account  for  the  disappearance  of  an  entire  species  or  particular  groups  of 
organisms.  Oftentimes  extinction  seems  to  have  been  caused  merely  by 
superannuation.  Long-lived  forms  belong  for  the  most  part  to  persistent 
types  whose  range  of  species  is  limited.  Their  reproductive  functions  have 
declined,  and  like  an  individual  in  its  senescence,  they  evince  the  symptoms  of 
decrepitude  and  old  age.  Darwin  attributes  the  extinction  of  less  well-adapted 
organisms  to  the  struggle  for  existence  ;  but  since,  according  to  the  theory  of 
natural  selection,  new  species  arise  only  with  extreme  slowness  by  means  of 
the  gradual  accumulation  of  useful  variations,  and  since  in  like  manner  their 
less  successful  competitors  are  only  very  gradually  crowded  out,  we  should 
expect  to  find  in  the  rocks,  siipposing  that  the  paleontological  record  were  in 
any  degree  perfect,  all  manner  of  extinct  intermediate  forms,  and  we  should  be 
able,  at  least  for  those  groups  especially  liable  to  conservation,  to  build  up 
complete  ancestral  trees.  But  as  observation  shows,  not  only  do  most  plants 
and  animals  now  living  in  a  wild  state  adhere  to  their  peculiar  characteristics 
with  great  tenacity,  exhibiting  barely  appreciable  changes  even  in  the  course 
of  himdreds  or  thousands  of  years,  but,  furthermore,  fossil  species  remain 
within  the  limits  of  a  single  geological  period  fairly  constant.  With  the 
beginning  of  a  new  epoch  or  period,  however,  which  is  usually  indicated 
in  the  section  by  lithologic  changes,  a  greater  or  less  number  of  species  either 


entirely  disappears,  or  is  replaced  by  closely  related,  but  at  the  same  time 
more  or  less  different  forms.  Obviously,  therefore,  there  have  been  periods 
when  the  process  of  transformation  and  the  vi^eeding  out  of  organisms  were 
greatly  accelerated,  and  following  upon  these  reconstructive  periods  long 
intervals  of  repose  have  ensued,  during  which  intervals  species  have  retained 
their  characteristic  forms  with  but  little  variation.  The  fact  that  evolution 
has  advanced  by  occasional  bounds  or  leaps  stands,  however,  in  nowise  contra- 
dictory to  the  theory  of  descent. 

T^e  whole  animate  community  at  any  point  on  the  earth's  surface  rests 
normally  in  a  state  of  equilibrium,  the  balance  being  maintained  by  the  com- 
bined activity  of  all  ranks  and  members  of  society.  For  the  preservation  of 
this  balance  nature  practises  a  most  rigid  domestic  economy.  Every  plant 
depends  upon  particular  conditions  of  soil,  food,  temperature,  moisture  and 
other  requisites  for  its  support ;  and  these  conditions  govern  its  distribution 
and  increase  in  the  last  degree.  Every  plant  controls  the  destiny  of  all 
animals  subsisting  upon  it ;  their  numbers  multiply  with  its  increase,  and 
wane  with  its  decrease.  The  fate  of  these  creatures  determines  that  of  their 
natural  enemies,  who  stand  in  similar  relationships  to  still  remoter  circles  ; 
and  hence  no  form  can  overstride  the  bounds  set  for  it  by  the  general  balance 
without  disturbing  the  whole  general  system  of  economy.  Let  the  flora  or  fauna 
of  a  given  region  become  altered  by  the  extinction  of  a  number  of  species,  or 
by  the  introduction  of  new  and  more  powerful  competitors,  the  balance  is 
immediately  upset.  In  the  first  instance  vacant  places  must  be  filled  up,  and 
in  the  second,  room  must  be  made  for  the  newcomers  at  the  expense  of  the 
settled  community.  Thus,  wherever  climatal,  orographic,  or  other  changes 
are  instrumental  in  bringing  about  the  extermination  of  large  numbers  of 
plants  and  animals  during  the  lapse  of  a  geological  period,  a  state  of  inequi- 
librium  must  necessarily  result.  But  thereupon  the  struggle  for  existence 
is  waged  with  unwonted  severity  among  the  survivors,  until  finally  a 
readjustment  is  established,  and  a  pause  in  the  formation  of  new  species  ensues. 

The  whole  course  of  evolution  in  the  organic  world  during  past  geological 
periods  indicates  not  only  definite  progression  in  all  branches  of  the  animal 
and  vegetable  kingdoms  up  to  their  present  state,  but  also  a  more  perfected 
specialisation.  Granting  that  the  theory  of  descent  is  true,  and  that  all 
organisms  have  developed  from  a  single  primitive  cell,  or  from  a  few  primitive 
ground-types,  then  every  new  growth  and  differentiation  must  stand  for  im- 
provement and  progress,  leading  gradually  to  the  development  of  more  or  less 
highly  specialised  organs,  and  to  a  division  of  labour  in  their  physiological 
functions ;  the  higher  the  degree  in  which  this  is  manifested,  and  the  more 
conformably  to  apparent  purpose  and  utility  that  each  organ  fulfils  its 
functions,  the  more  perfect  is  the  organism,  as  we  conventionally  term  it. 

Evolution  in  the  organic  world  has  not  advanced  in  a  simple,  straightforward 
direction,  but  its  course  has  been  exceedingly  complicated  and  circuitous. 
The  biological  systems,  accordingly,  do  not  suggest  to  us  the  similitude  of  a 
ladder  with  its  numerous  rounds,  hwt  rather  that  of  an  enormously  ramifying 
tree,  whose  topmost  twigs  represent  the  youngest,  and,  on  the  whole,  the 
most  perfect  forms  of  every  branch.  The  root,  trunk,  and  a  goodly  portion 
of  the  upper  limbs  lie  buried  in  the  earth  ;  and  only  the  ultimate  green 
shoots,  the  last  and  most  highly  differentiated  members  of  long  ancestral 
lines,  blossom  forth  in  the  world  of  to-day. 

Phylum  I.    PROTOZOA. 

Protozoa  are  unicellular  organisms  with  bodies  consisting  of  sarcode  (proto- 
}Dlasm),  usually  very  minute,  frequently  microscopic  in  size,  and  without 
differentiated  tissues  or  organs.  They  are  water-inhabitants,  take  in  nourish- 
ing matter  either  at  any  point  on  the  periphery  of  the  body  whatsoever,  or 
through  a  so-called  mouth  (ci/fosiome),  and  reject  the  undigested  portions  either 
from  any  part  of  the  body  whatsoever,  or  from  a  definite  point  called  the  anal 
aperture  {cijtopyge).  The  contractile  sarcode  almost  invariably  contains  one 
or  more  nuclei,  and  exhibits  considerable  diversity  of  structure  and  differentia- 
tion. Locomotion  is  Accomplished  by  means  of  vibratile' cilia,  flagella,  pseudo- 
podia  or  irregular  processes  of  the  periphery.  Reproduction  takes  place  by 
means  of  budding  or  self-division,  which  latter  process  is  often  preceded  by  a 
temporary  conjugation  of  two  individuals.  Protozoa  are  divided  into  four 
classes,  only  the  first-named  of  which  is  known  to  occur  in  the  fossil  state  : 
Sarcodina,  Flagellata,  Infusoria  and  Gregarina. 

Class  1.    SARCODINA. 

Frotozoa  with  or  without  a  test,  liaving  in  fully  developed  individuals  tvell 
characterised  pseudopodia,  either  digitate,  reticulate  or  radiate,  with  or  without  axial 

Subclass  1.     RHIZOPODA. 

Sarcodina  either  naked  or  ivith  a  definite  test,  the  pseudopodia  either  lohose  or 
reticulate  ;  the  adult  form  is  amoeboid. 

Order  1.     AMOEBIDA. 

The  animals  constituting  this  order  do  not  occur  as  fossils.  There  are 
found,  however,  in  chalk  and  many  marine  limestones  minute  calcareous 
bodies  resembling  coccoliths,  such  as  are  present  in  vast  quantities  in  deep-sea 
ooze  of  existing  oceans.^ 

^  To  the  Amoebida  were  formerly  assigned  bj'  Huxley  and  Haeckel  the  so-called  Bathyhius,  a 
reticulated  colloidal  substance  composed  of  anastomosing  strands,  occurring  at  great  depths  in  the 
Atlantic  Ocean.  Sir  Wyville  Thomson  and  Moebius  regarded  it  as  a  precipitate  of  calcium  sulphate, 
intermingled  with  decomposed  organic  matter.  In  deep-sea  ooze,  which  consists  chiefly  of  lime 
carbonate,  as  well  as  in  Bathyhiiis,  great  quantities  of  minute  calcareous  Ijodies  of  various  shapes 
are  found,  such  as  also  occur  as  an  essential  constituent  of  chalk,  marls  and  most  marine  lime- 
stones belonging  to  older  geological  periods  (cf.  C.  W.  G'ainhel,  Neues  Jahrbuch  fiir  Mineralogie, 
1870,  p.    753).     Ehrenberg  termed  these  bodies  morpholites,  and  regarded  tlieni  as  inorganic  in 

VOL.  I  17  C 

18  PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA  phvlu.m  i 

Order  2.      FORAMINIFERA  dOrbigny. 

Rhizopoda  usually  with  a  test  ivhich  is  typically  calcareous  hut  may  he  siliceous 
or  agglutinated ;  consisting  of  one  or  more  chamhers  ;  pseudopodia  reticulate. 

The  Foraminifera  are  for  the  most  part  minute  animals  varying  in  size 
from  a  fraction  of  a  millimetre  to  several  millimetres  in  length,  but  may 
develop  a  test  several  inches  across ;  these,  however,  are  rare  exceptions.  A 
few  species  occur  in  fresh  or  brackish  water,  but  the  great  majority  live  in 
the  ocean.  They  are  found  at  all  depths,  but  are  most  frequent  at  moderate 
depths  in  the  ocean  basins,  where  they  form  characteristic  deposits — the 
so-called  "globigerina  ooze."  In  the  vicinity  of  tropical  coral  islands  many 
species  occur  in  great  abundance. 

The  animal  itself  is  a  single-celled  form  with  one  or  many  nuclei,  as  will 
be  later  explained.  The  test,  in  many  cases  at  least,  is  really  an  internal 
structure,  as  the  thin  film  of  protoplasm  which  covers  it  in  the  perforate 
forms,  and  probably  in  others,  is  capable  of  secreting  the  material  of  the  test 
to  repair  fractures  and  the  like. 

nature.  Huxley  (Journal  Microscop.  Science,  1868,  YIII.  No.  6)  and  Haeckel  (Jeuaische  Zeit- 
scbrift,  1870,  V.  3,  p.  IS)  regarde<l  them  at  first  as  portions  of  Bathi/bius,  and  designated 
them  coccoliths  (Fig.  1).  The  simple,  disklike  varieties,  convex  on  the  upper  side  and  concave  on 
the  lower,  were  termed  discoliths  (Fig.  1,  c)  ;  while  those  composed  of  two  closely  applied  disks 
of  different  sizes,  resembling  cuff-buttons  in  profile,  were  referred  to  as  cyatholiths  (Fig.  1,  a,  b). 
Coccoliths  are  only  visible  umler  powers  of  800  to  1000  diameters,  and  exhibit,  as  a  rule,  a  number 
of  zones  differing  in  their  retractive  indices,  which  are  disposed  about  a  single,  double  or  star- 
.  ,  ,  ,,  g  shaped  central  granule.      Fre- 

^.JL-^^  quently  large  numbers  of  cocco- 

yr,,^^-^^v.  %p  Wihs    become    aggregated    to- 

W  H^^^^^  \  gether   in    the   form    of   freely 

suspended   spherules   or  cocco- 

a     i    -Will     Ml  l|U|'  ^'' 

i  #«vil     m  ll\  ^K/§g?^.'S'J.^2^  x^/^       spheres  {Fig.  2).    Besides  cocco- 

i-.iisy      vv  vj  ASS-^ri?^  ^  liths,  other  minute,  rod-shaped, 

'.  5  m©//i    mil  fill  \^^, 

calcareous  bodies  are  sometimes 

Fro.  l,rt,  ;;.—Coecoi(7/is  (6V-t//(o/(7/(x)  from  the  Atlantic  Ocean  ;  upper  sur-     met   with,    which    are    charac- 

face  and  in  prottle  (after  Haeckel)  .  ^  .  ..     ,-  terised  by  a  discoidal  or  cruci- 

Fio.  1,  c.—Cocxoliths  (Disrohths)  from  the  Adriatic  bea  ;  upper  surface     <•„„,„   „„i„„„„„  „   *.     4.  i 

and  in  protile  (after  O.  ScliniKlt).  form  enlargement  at   one  end. 

Fio.  2.— Cocco-fji/icces  fiom  the  Atlantic  Ocean  (after  Haeckel).  inese    are    called     rhabdoliths 

Fio.  3.— iJ/i«Mn/it/is  from  the  Adriatic  Sea  (after  O.  Schmidt).    All  figures      (Fig.    3),    and    their    nodular 

iiias^nilied  70(1  diameters.  aggregations        r/uthdospheres. 

Wyville  Thomson,  Carter  and 
Murray  would  identify  coccospheres  as  unicellular  algae,  or  as  sporangia  of  algae,  while  Haeckel 
creates  for  them  a  special  group,  ''  Calcocytae"  and  assigns  them  provisionally  to  the  Protophytes. 
According  to  Harting,  however,  the  action  of  ammonia  generated  by  the  decomposition  of  albumin- 
ous matter  held  in  solution  in  lime  sulphate  or  lime  chloride,  causes  the  separation  out  of  minute 
calcareous  disks  which  bear  a  striking  resemblance  to  coccoliths.  Hence  it  would  appear  that 
the  formation  of  excessively  fine  divided  particles  of  lime  in  the  sea  should  take  place  wherever 
there  are  decomposing  albuminous  or  nitrogenous  substances  present,  and  the  calcium  sulphate 
held  in  solution  in  the  water  becomes  precipitated  as  calcium  carbonate. 

^  Literature:  d'Orbigny,  A.,  Foraminiferes  fossiles  du  bassin  tertiare  de  Yienne.  Paris,  1846. 
— Ehrenherg,  O.  O.,  Mikrogeologie,  1854,  and  Abhaiidlungen  der  Akad.,  1839. — 
Schidtze,  Max,  Ueber  den  Orgauismus  der  Polythalaiiiien.  Leipzig,  li^A.-^Cuipenter,  W.  B., 
Introduction  to  the  Study  of  the  Foraminifera.  Ray  Society,  \^Q2.—Reuss,  E.  A.,  Numerous 
Reports  in  Sitzungsberichte  der  Wiener  Akademie,  from  1860  onwards. — Schwager,  Conrad, 
Saggio  di  una  classificazione  dei  Foraminiferi.  Boljet.  Coniitato  Geol.,  1876. — Brady,  W.  B., 
Monograph  of  Carboniferous  and  Permian  Foraminifera.  Palaeontograph.  Soc,  1876. — Brady, 
IF.  />'?,  Report  on  the  Foraminifera,  Scieut.  Results  Challenger  Exped. ,  Zoology,  XL,  1884. — 
Sherborn,  V.  />. ,  Index  to  the  Genera  and  Species  of  the  Foraminifera.  Smith.  Misc.  Coll., 
1895,  vol.  xxxvii. — Egger,  J.  G.,  Foraminiferen  der  Seewener  Kreideschichten.  Sitzber.  Bayer. 
Akad.,  1909,  No!  11. — Schelhoien,  E.,  Monographic  der  Fusulinen.  Palaeontogr.  1908-1912, 
vols.  Iv.,  lix. 


Comparatively  little  is  known  concerning  the  animal  of  the  Foraminifera 
except  in  certain  littoral  species.  As  single-celled  animals  the  Foraminifera 
are  especially  interesting,  and  their  structures  do  not  need  explanation  on  the 
basis  of  organs  or  tissues.  There  is  much  beauty  in  the  curves  of  the  test 
and  in  its  ornamentation,  the  patterns  of  the  latter  being  often  very  inti'icate. 

Throughout  the  group  of  Foraminifera  there  is  a  nearly  complete  series, 
from  a  simple  gelatinous  covering  of  the  cell  in  some  of  the  fresh-water  forms 
to  the  complex  calcareous  test  of  the  higher  groups.  The  fresh-water  forms, 
while  not  considered  in  the  systematic  part  of  this  treatise,  are  nevertheless  of 
especial  interest  on  account  of  their  primitive  characters.  In  Myxotheca  the 
simplest  sort  of  covering  is  found,  a  gelatinous  test  which  is  flexible,  so  that 
it  takes  the  shape  of  the  changing  form  of  the  cell.  There  is  here  also  no 
definite  aperture,  the  pseudopodia  being  pushed  through  at  any  point.  In 
others  of  the  fresh-water  forms  the  test  may  be  of  flexible  chitinous  material, 
but  has  a  definite  shape  when  the  animal  is  at  rest  and  usually  one  or  more 
definite  and  permanent  orifices. 

In  the  marine  species,  which  form  the  basis  of  the  present  work,  there  is 
usually  a  definite,  specific  form  to  the  test,  and  the  aperture  is  permanent. 
The  materials  used  in  making  the  test  may  be  grouped  in  two  classes:  (1) 
those  derived  from  foreign  sources,  and  (2)  those  secreted  by  the  animal  itself. 
The  foreign  materials  are  derived  from  the  bottom  on  which  the  animal  lives, 
and  therefore  even  in  the  same  species  found  under  diff'erent  conditions  there 
is  some  variation  in  the  character  of  the  materials  used.  In  general,  however, 
there  seems  to  be  a  certain  amount  of  selective  power  on  the  part  of  certain 
forms,  and  such  characters  have  been  used  as  of  generic  rank  in  systematic 
work.  The  foreign  material  most  frequently  used  is  the  mud  or  sand  of  the 
ocean  bottom,  but  certain  forms  use  sponge  spicules,  either  making  them  into 
a  soft  felted  mass  (Pilulina)  or  arranging  them  in  a  definite  manner  and  firmly 
cemented  {Technitella).  Other  foraminiferal  tests  may  be  used,  as  may  various 
small  bodies  which  come  within  the  range  of  the  animals.  The  cement  in  the 
agglutinated  tests  may  be  chitinous,  of  iron  oxide,  or  calcareous. 

Of  these  calcareous  tests  two  sorts  have  been  recognised,  one  with  a  definite 
aperture  or  series  of  apertures  and  with  minute  pores  (the  perforate  group), 
the  other  with  a  definite  aperture  or  series  of  apertures  but  without  minute 
pores  (the  porcellanous  group).  By  many  writers  the  latter  group,  represented 
by  the  Miliolidae,  has  been  held  to  be  primitive  and  a  group  which  had  not 
developed  perforations..  On  the  other  hand,  certain  evidence,  such  as  the 
perforate  condition  of  the  early  chamber  of  Peneroplis  and  other  genera,  would 
indicate  that  they  are  derived  from  the  perforate  group,  and  that  the  lack  of 
pores  instead  of  being  a  primitive  condition  may  in  reality  be  a  specialised 
one  derived  from  a  condition  in  which  pores  were  developed  throughout  the 
life  of  the  individual. 

In  general  the  test  of  the  Foraminifera  may  be  single-chambered  or  many- 
chambered.  Contrary  to  the  impression  given  by  certain  works  on  the  group, 
the  process  of  adding  chambers  in  the  Foraminifera,  while  superficially  like 
budding  or  gemmation,  is  not  necessarily  or  usually  accompanied  by  nuclear 
divisions.  That  is,  instead  of  the  new  chambers  being  potential  individuals 
they  are  simply  integral  parts  of  one  cell,  and  in  the  uninucleate  form  the 
single  nucleus  is  found  in  about  numerically  the  middle  chamber.  In  the 
process  of  adding  a  new  chamber  a  portion  of  the  protoplasm  is  protruded 

20  PEOTOZOA— EHIZOPODA  phylum  i 

from  the  aperture  and  a  new  chamber  wall  then  formed  about  it.  In  some 
cases  a  complete  wall  is  formed  with  each  newly  added  chamber,  but  in  others 
the  adjacent  parts  of  previous  chambers  form  the  inner  walls  of  the  new 
chamber,  and  new  walls  are  formed  only  on  the  free  ])arts  of  the  protoplasmic 
mass.  In  the  open  tubular  test,  such  as  Astrorhim  or  Hyperammina,  increase 
in  the  protoplasmic  body  is  accompanied  by  addition  of  material  at  the  open 
end  of  the  tube  and  an  increase  in  size  results.  In  single-chambered  types, 
such  as  Lagena,  the  manner  of  increase  in  size  is  problematical,  if  there  be  any 
at  all.  In  such  forms  the  entire  test  may  be  made  in  its  completed  form  at 
once  after  division,  as  is  the  case  in  certain  of  the  fresh-water  Rhizopods. 

In  the  tests  having  more  than  a  single  chamber  the  apertures  of  the  first- 
formed  chambers  become  internal  as  a  rule,  and  a  complexity  of  relations  to 
the  outside  medium  is  thus  brought  about.  One  of  the  simplest  arrangements 
of  the  chambers  is  a  linear  series.  Such  an  arrangement  is  seen  in  lieophax 
and  Hormosina.  Another  very  common  plan  of  arrangement  is  a  planospiral, 
as  in  Ammodiscus.  This  may  be  varied  by  having  the  revolving  line  in  a  spire 
and  then  the  whole  test  becomes  trochoid,  as  in  Trochammina.  Another 
common  arrangement  is  a  biserial  one,  the  chambers  being  on  opposite  sides 
of  the  axis,  as  in  Teztularia.  These  four  plans  or  some  modification  of  them 
are  the  characteristic  arrangements  for  the  chambers  in  most  of  the  secreted 
tests.  Oftentimes  more  than  one  plan  of  arrangement  enters  into  the  forma- 
tion of  the  test.  Dimorphism  was  used  for  this,  but  that  term  has  been  used 
elsewhere  with  a  very  difi'erent  meaning.  As  here  viewed,  this  life-history 
with  several  distinct  methods  of  growth  has  a  deeper  significance  than  has 
usually  been  attached  to  it.  It  seems  to  have  a  definite  phylogenetic  bearing 
in  each  particular  group.  The  term  "  dimorphism  "  would  hardly  cover  the 
case  iu  some  genera,  where  eight  or  more  distinct  stages  may  be  made  out, 
each  with  its  characteristic  form  of  chamber,  yet  all  appearing  successively  in 
a  single  test. 

The  number  of  chambers  in  the  complex  tests  varies  from  a  few  to  a  great 
many.  Where  the  size  of  the  test  becomes  considerable  and  the  chambers 
correspondingly  large,  the  chamber  is  often  divided  up  in  various  ways  into 
chamberlets,  as  in  Orhitolites.  In  such  cases  the  adjoining  chamberlets  are 
usually  in  free  communication  with  one  another.  The  walls  of  the  chamber- 
lets  give  additional  strength  in  many  forms  in  which  they  are  developed. 
Another  characteristic  modification  in  some  genera  is  the  development  of 
labyrinthic  structures  in  the  interior  of  the  chambers.  Such  structures  are 
seen  in  Cydammina,  Haplostiche,  Fahnlaria,  etc.  In  general,  it  seems  to  be  a 
mark  of  the  culmination  of  certain  lines  in  development,  and  many  of  the 
genera  which  developed  such  labyrinthic  structures  are  now  extinct.  From 
the  appearance  of  a  series  of  such  tests  of  one  species  at  diti'erent  stages  in 
development,  it  would  seem  as  though  this  labyrinthic  condition  was  developed 
as  a  secondary  growth  in  the  chamber.  One  of  its  uses  may  be  to  give  added 
strength  to  the  test,  but  this  does  not  always  seem  to  be  the  case,  for  it  may 
occur  in  tests  which  are  characterised  by  thick  walls. 

The  aperture  in  a  given  species  seems  to  be  rather  constant  when  the 
development  is  understood.  Much  has  been  written  upon  this  subject ; 
apertural  characters  have  been  i;sed  by  some  authors  as  a  basis  for  systematic 
work,  and  discarded  by  others  as  very  variable.  In  a  few  specimens  it  may 
seem  at  first  sight  as  though  the  apertural  characters  were  very  variable,  but 


with  a  large  series  showing  difterent  stages  in  development  another  phase  of 
the  matter  is  presented.  In  certain  cases  there  is  a  very  decided  change 
in  the  condition  of  the  aperture,  but  these  changes  appear  at  different  stages 
in  the  life-history,  and  all  may  be  seen  by  cutting  back  a  single  full-grown 
individual.  In  general,  it  has  seemed  from  recent  studies  that  apertural 
characters,  when  studied  in  large  series,  are  a  rather  dependable  set  for 
systematic  work,  and  this  is  true  in  the  Miliolidae  and  Lagenidae  especially. 

In  many  species  teeth  of  various  sorts  are  developed  in  the  aperture,  and 
these  teeth  are  subject  to  various  modifications.  It  can  be  demonstrated 
that  these  modifications  occur  in  a  definite  sequence,  and  that  this  sequence  is 
important  from  a  phylogenetic  point  of  view. 

In  a  considerable  number  of  genera  a  definite  tubular  neck  is  developed, 
with  the  aperture  at  its  end.  This  neck  is  seen  in  many  genera  in  a  great 
many  modifications,  and  in  Lagena  the  tube  may  be  inverted  and  be  directed 
into  the  chamber  of  the  test. 

It  is  obvious  that  a  very  long  slit-like  aperture  may  be  a  source  of  weak- 
ness to  the  test,  especially  when  it  is  at  the  edge  of  a  thin  chamber.  Usually 
in  such  cases,  as  in  Orhitolites,  the  animal  changes  its  aperture  from  a  single 
one  in  each  chamber  to  a  considerable  number.  This  is  often  coincident  with 
the  development  of  chamberlets,  but  not  invariably  so,  for  multiple  apertures 
occur  in  Peneroplis  where  there  are  no  chamberlets. 

Many  of  the  tests  of  the  Foraminifera  are  beautifull}''  ornamented.  Eaised 
costae,  striations,  knobs,  spines  and  punctate  areas  form  the  main  types  of  orna- 
mentation. Several  of  these  or  combinations  of  them  may  occur  in  a  single 
sjjecies,  the  form  of  the  ornamentation  often  changing  as  the  chambers  of  the 
test  are  developed.  Certain  of  the  simpler  forms  of  ornamentation  may  occur 
as  parallelisms  in  widely  separated  groups.  As  a  rule,  the  proloculum  and 
early  chambers  are  smooth  and  unornamented,  but  there  are  certain  exceptions, 
as  in  Nodosaria,  for  example,  where  in  some  species  ornamentation  may  occur 
on  the  first  chamber.  In  specialised  genera  it  is  not  uncommon  to  find  certain 
of  the  species  with  the  early  portion  of  the  test  ornamented,  but  the  last- 
formed  chambers  with  a  loss  of  ornamentation  and  a  consequent  development 
of  smooth  chambers.  On  the  other  hand,  there  may  be  a  thickening  of  the 
test  from  without  and  the  covering  of  the  chambers  already  formed  with  a 
secondary  growth,  often  spinose.  Such  a  condition  is  seen  in  some  species  of 

Ordinarily  the  diff'erent  parts  of  the  test  are  connected  with  one  another 
by  the  previous  apertures,  but  in  some  cases,  notably  in  Polystomella,  there  is 
a  secondary  canal  system  which  is  very  complex  and  runs  to  all  the  parts. 
This  has  been  worked  out  by  Carpenter  and  others  in  detail. 

For  many  of  the  Foraminifera  two  distinct  phases  have  been  discovered. 
One  of  these,  the  microspheric  form,  has  a  proloculum  or  first  chamber  of 
much  smaller  size  than  the  other — the  megalospheric  form.  These  two  forms 
are  to  be  looked  for  in  all  species. 

The  microspheric  form  (Fig.  4,  B)  has  a  number  of  nuclei,  often  a  larger 
number  than  there  are  chambers,  scattered  irregularly  through  the  protoplasm 
of  the  body.  There  seems  to  be  a  rather  definite  relation  between  the  size  of 
the  nuclei  and  the  size  of  the  chamber  in  which  they  occur,  the  larger  nuclei 
being  in  the  larger  chambers  and  the  reverse.  Apparently  these  nuclei  simply 
divide  in  their  i-eproduction  during  the  growth  of  the  test. 




Fig.  4. 

BiluculinahraO  n'l  Schlumb.  Recent ;  Bay  of  Biscay. 
A,  Small  form  with  megasphere.  B,  Large  form  with 
microsphere.     15/^  (after  Schlumberger). 

in  having  a  single  nucleus 

When  the  animal  attains  its  adult  stage  there  is  a  great  increase  in  the 
number  of  pseudopodia,  and  the  entire  protoplasm  either  leaves  the  test  and 

accumulates  about  the  exterior  or  is 
drawn  into  the  outer  chambers. 
Finally,  each  nucleus  gathers  a  mass 
of  protoplasm  about  itself  and  secretes 
the  proloculum  of  a  new  test.  This 
newly  formed  proloculum  is  of  the 
larger  type  and  is  the  first  chamber 
of  the  megalospheric  form,  instead  of 
being  of  the  same  size  as  that  of  the 
microspheric  parent  from  which  it  was 
derived.  The  megalospheric  form  (Fig. 
4,  A)  differs  from  the  microspheric  form 
This  does  not  divide,  but  moves  along  as  new 
chambers  are  added, 
keeping  in  about  the 
middle  chamber  nu- 
merically. Nucleoli 
appear  in  increasing 
numbers  as  the  growth 
continues,  and  finally 
the  whole  nucleus 
breaks  down  and  a  great 
number  of  minute  nuclei 
appear.  These  draw 
about  themselves  por- 
tions of  the  protoplas- 
mic mass  and  then  di- 
vide by  mitotic  division. 
Finall}^,  the  mass  leaves 
the  test  in  the  form  of 
zoospores.  These  are 
then  supposed  to  con- 
jugate and  to  give  rise 
to  the  small  proloculum 
of  the  microspheric 
form,  thus  completing 
the  life  cycle,  although 
the  actual  process  of 
conjugation  has  not  de- 
finitely been  observed  in 
this  group.  The  empty 
tests  left  behind  must 
form  a  large  propor- 
tion of  the  dredged 
Foraminifera.  The 
two  forms  may  be  dis- 
tinguished by  the  size 
of  the  proloculum  and,  when  sufficiently  known,  by  other  characters  as  well. 

Pig.  5. 

Deep-sea  ooze  iiiagiiilied  700  diameters,  u,  Bnthyhiiis  witli  Coccolith.s  ; 
h,  Individual  Discoliths  and  Cyatholiths  ;  c,  Coccos])heres  ;  d,  Olohkierina  ; 
(',  Ghthiiiertnn  witli  luirsted  test;  /,  Textnlnr'ui;  ij,  (/,  Radiolariu  ;  li,  i, 
Diatoms;  1:,  1,  Sponge  spicules  ;  in,  Mineral  fragment. 




The  microsiaheric  form  is  thus  the  result  of  a  conjugation  or  sexual  process, 
while  the  megalospheric  form  is  the  result  of  simple  division  or  an  asexual 
process.  As  a  rule  the  megalospheric  form  is  by  far  the  most  common,  and 
in  many  species  the  microspheric  form  is  very  rare,  or  even  as  yet  unknown. 
The  microspheric  form,  while  it  starts  as  a  smaller  individual,  in  most  cases 
attains  a  much  larger  size  than  the  megalospheric,  as  might  be  suspected  from 
the  nature  of  the  reproductive  processes  by  which  it  is  formed.  In  species 
where  there  are  definite  stages  in  development  it  is  usually  the  microspheric 
form  which  repeats  these  most  fully,  these  stages  being  reduced  or  entirely 
skipped  in  the  megalospheric  form  of  the  species. 

In  some  cases  the  megalospheric  form  may  give  rise  to  a  group  of  megalo- 
spheric young  instead  of  to  zoospores.  On  the  whole,  the  life  cycle  agrees  well 
with  the  alternation  of  generations  as  seen  in  certain  other  groups  of  animals. 

of  preparec 
light  under 
laria,  (:!iibigcriiui.  and  7. 


P'lo.  6. 

1  White  Chalk  from  Meudon,  as  seen  in 
power  of  300  diameters,  showing   Tcxtn- 

Thin  slice  of  Pliinerkalk  from  Bolieniia, 
viewed  in  transmitted  light  under  power  of 
50  diameters,  showing  sections  of  Nodosarin, 
RMaUa,  Frondiciihirin,  and  numerous  iso- 
lated GUibigerind  chambers. 

The  vast  majority  of  Foraminifera  are  marine  in  habit.  They  occur  in 
shallow  water  bordering  the  coasts,  sometimes  attached  to  algae,  sometimes 
creeping  on  the  bottom.  A  few  genera  are  extraordinarily  abundant  in  the 
open  sea,  being  found  at  different  depths  as  free-swimming  forms,  and  also  on 
the  floor  of  the  ocean.  Enormous  quantities  of  their  remains  are  spread  over 
vast  tracts  of  the  sea-bottom,  and  down  to  a  depth  of  2300  fathoms  they 
remain  an  essential  constituent  of  the  deep-sea  ooze.  This  is  a  finely  divided 
agglomeration  of  decomposed  calcareous  substances,  such  as  the  shells  of 
mollusks,  corals,  bryozoans,  coccoliths,  radiolarians,  diatoms,  sponges  and 
Foraminifera.  Of  the  latter,  certain  genera  are  remarkable  for  their  extra- 
ordinary abundance  (Globirjerina,  Orbulina,  Pulvinulina,  Biloculina)  (Fig.  5). 

In  the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  Oceans  Globigerina  ooze  is  the  prevailing  deep- 
sea  deposit ;  in  the  North  Sea,  along  the  coast  of  Norway,  Biloculina  ooze. 
Numerous    limestones   and  marls   of    older   geological   periods   exhibit   great 

24  PROTOZOA— RH I ZOPODA  phylum  i 

similarity  in  structure  and  chemical  composition  to  the  now  forming  deep-sea 
oozes.  White  Chalk  (Fig.  6)  is  clearly  a  variety  of  abyssal  ooze,  from  which 
siliceous  constituents  have  become  segregated  out,  and  in  which  Textnlaria 
predominate  instead  of  Globigerina.  Certain  of  the  Eocene  limestones  of  the 
Paris  basin  are  composed  almost  exclusively  of  the  tests  of  Miliolidac,  while 
others  are  made  up  of  Alveolinae  and  Nimimulifes.  During  the  Carboniferous 
period  the  chief  role  as  rock-building  organisms  was  played  by  Fusnlina. 
Many  dense,  apparently  homogeneous,  or  even  semi-crystalline  limestones  of 
various  ages,  when  examined  microscopically  in  thin  sections,  are  seen  to  be 
composed  in  large  part  of  Foraminifera  and  other  organic  bodies  (Fig.  7). 

Fossil  Foraminifera  are  best  preserved,  being  usually  detachable  from  the 
matrix,  and  at  the  same  time  occur  most  abundantly,  in  unconsolidated  marls 
and  clays  which  are  interbedded  with  calcareous  strata,  or  in  limestones  of  a 
chalky  or  earthy  character. 

The  tests  of  Foraminifera  were  first  discovered  by  Janus  Plancus,  in  1730, 
on  the  beach  of  Rimini,  and  in  the  following  year  they  were  found  by  Beccari 
in  the  Pliocene  of  Bologna.  They  were  long  considered  to  be  shells  of 
mollusks,  and  were  described  by  Breyn,  Soldani,  Fichtel,  d'Orbigny  and 
others  as  Cephalopoda  foraminifera,  in  distinction  from  Cephalopoda  siphonifera. 
Dujardin,  in  1835,  was  the  first  to  recognise  their  true  character  as  belonging 
to  the  Rhizopoda. 

Family  1.     Gromidae. 

Test  chitinous  with  an  aperture  at  one  or  both  ends  for  the  pseicdopodia. 

The  animals  belonging  to  this  family  are  mostly  fresh-water  species  and 
their  occurrence  as  fossils  is  unknown. 

Family  2.     Astrorhizidae  Brady. 

Test  composed  of  agglutinated  material  for  the  most  part,  occasionally  with  a 
chitinous  inner  layer,  consisting  of  a  chamber  with  several  openings  or  a  tubular 
test  open  at  both  ends ;  or  in  certain  forms  of  a  closed  chamber  with  a  single 
aperture.     Throughout  the  family  the  test  is  not  divided  into  a  series  of  chambers. 

Recent  and  veiy  abundant  at  depth.  Fossil  in  Paleozoic  and  later 

Subfamily  A.     Astrorhizinae  Brady. 

Test  consisting  usually  of  a  tube  open  at  both  ends  or  ivith  several  tubes  entering 
a  central  chamber  ;  in  some  species  with  the  tube  branching. 

The  genera  Astrorhiza,  lihabdatamina,  Marsipella,  Jiathysiphon  and 
Bhizammina  make  up  this  subfamily.  Apparently  fossil  since  the  Upper 
Jurassic  and  common  in  Recent. 

Subfamily  B.      Saccammininae  Brady. 

Test  consisting  of  a  single  chamber,  or  group  of  superficially  attached  chambers. 
The  walls  made  up  for  the  most  part  of  ((gglufinatrd  material ;  apertures  sometimes 
numerous  but  usually  single  ;  tests  free  or  attached. 


Saccammina  Sars.  (Fig.  8).  Shell  thick,  with  labyriiithiform  interior ; 
spherical,  pear-shaped  or  fusiform,  with  tubular  prolongations  at  one  or  both 
ends ;  sometimes  united  together  in  chains.  Ordovician  (Ayrshire),  Devonian 
(Canada),  Carboniferous  and  Recent.  Entire  strata  of  Carboniferous  rock 
near  Elfhills,  Northumberland,  are  built  up  by  S.  carteri  Brady. 

Large-sized  species  of  Astrorhiza,  Psammosphaera,  Saccammina,  Hyperammina, 
and  Pihahclammina  are  described  by  Hausler  from  the  Upper  Jurassic  (Trans- 
versarius  beds)  of  Switzerland. 

Thurammina  Brady.  Test  free,  monothalamous,  irregularly  spheroidal, 
usually  with  excrescences  or  sjiiny  processes.     Upper  Jui'assic  and  Recent. 

Subfamily  C.     Hyperammininae. 

Test  consisting  of  a  globular  proloculum-  and  a  more  or  less  elongated,  some- 
times branching  portion,  but  not  divided  into  chambers;  free  or  attached  wall 
of  various  agglutinated  materials. 

The  genera  Hyperammina,  Saccorhiza,  Tolypammina,  Ammolagena,  Jaculella 
and  Sagenina  make  up  this  subfamily.     Some  of  these  occur  as  fossils. 

Subfamily  D.     Ammodiscinae  Cuslimaii. 

Test  composed  of  a  globular  proloculum  and  long  undivided  tube,  closely  coiled, 
either  planospirally  or  in  changing  planes  or  to  form  a  spiral  test  ;  wall  of  fine 
sand  with  much  cement. 

Ammodiscus  Reuss.  Test  free,  composed  of  a  proloculum  and  long 
coiled  tubular  chamber.      Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Family  3.      Lituolidae  Brady. 

Test  composed  of  a.gghdinated  material  for  the  most  part  ;  consisting  of  two  or 
more  chambers ;  arranged  in  a  linear,  coiled  or  irregular  series  ;  apertures  usually 
one  to  each  chamber,  but  sometimes  more. 

The  tests  included  in.  this  family  all  have  the  wall  composed  of  ag- 
glutinated material  with  a  varying  amount  of  cement  in  the  different  genera. 
Throughout  the  family  as  here  used  the  tests  are  composed  of  two  or  more 
chambers  and  a  definite  proloculum  is  apparent.  Usually  the  tests  are 
composed  of  a  series  of  chambers. 

Subfamily  A.     Aschemonellinae  Ciishman. 

Test  composed  of  agglutinated  material,  divided  irregularly  into  chambers  toifhout 
a  definite  plan  of  arrangement. 

Subfamily  B.     Reophacinae  Cushman. 

Test  of  agglutinated  material,  sand  grains,  sponge  spicules,  etc.,  with  a  varying 
amount  of  cement,  chambers  in  a  linear  series,  aperture  single  at  the  distal  end  of 
the  last -formed  chamber. 

lleophax  Montfort.     Test  free,  composed   of  a  lineal  series  of  chambers, 




joined  end  to  end  in  nearly  a  straight  line,  curved  but  not  coiled,  wall 
coarsely  arenaceous,  chambers  undivided,  aperture  simple  and  terminal. 
Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Haplostiche  Reuss  (Fig.  9).  Test  similar  to  Beophax  but  the  chaAibers 
divided  into  labyrinthic  cavities,  aperture  in  adult  made  up  of  several  pores 
or  dendritic.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  C      Trochamjiininae  Brady. 

Test  composed  of  several  chamhers,  either  in  a  planospiral  coil,  trochoid  or  other- 
wise arranged ;  trail  composed  of  sand  grains  of  varying  degrees  of  coarseness 
cemented  with  a  ccdcareons  or  ferruginous  cement ;  free  or  attached. 

Trochamminoidcs  Cushm.  (Trochammina  Reuss,  pars)  (Fig.  10).  Test  free, 
composed  of  several  coils,  each  constricted  into  a  number  of  chamber  -  like 
portions  with  large  openings  between  ;  wall  of  fine  sand  and  yellowish-brown 


A,  SiMvainiiiiiin  cmirri 
Brady.  Carboniferous  Lime- 
stone ;  Elfhills,  Northum- 
berlaiul.    i/j.    B,  Fractured 

Fig.  9. 


/((I/  /((itt  Schwa- 

g  e  V.      U  p  p  e  r 

Jurassic     (Im- 

iressa     clay) ; 

Fi(i.  10. 

Fig.  11. 
Lititohi       (Ihijilo- 

FlG.  M 

jilimuinium)  i rreiju- 

/■(istnitu  Quenst. 
sp.  Upper ,)  ur- 
assic  (luipressa 

Triichuiiiininn    pro- 

ti'u.i  Karrer.     Vienna 

sandstone(Senouian);  laris  Roeiuer.  Sea-  clay) ;  Reiehen- 
test,  filled  with  interior  cal-  Gruibingen,  Hiittel  dorf,  near  phiten  -  Pliiner  ;  bach,  Wurtteni- 
cite.     "Vj  (after  Brady).  Wiirtteinbers.       Vienna.  Knindorf,  Bohemia.      berg. 

cement,  aperture  simple  at  the  end  of  the  last-formed  chamber.  Lias  to 

Ammohaculites  Cushm.  {Haplophragmium  Reuss,  pars)  (Fig.  11).  Test  free, 
chambered,  early  portion  close-coiled  in  one  plane,  later  portion  uncoiled  and 
made  up  of  a  more  or  less  linear  series  of  chambers  ;  wall  coarsely  arenaceous, 
fairly  thick  ;  aperture  single,  at  the  centre  of  the  terminal  face  of  the  uncoiled 
portion,  but  in  the  coiled  portion  at  the  base  of  the  apertural  face.  Carboni- 
ferous to  Recent,  particularly  abundant  in  the  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Flacopsilina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  12).  Test  rugose,  arenaceous,  attached,  and 
divided  into  pyriform  or  spherical  chambers,  Avhich  are  joined  in  chains  or  are 
irregularly  united.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Sublainily  D.      Neusininae   Cusluu; 


Test  arenaceous  with  some  chitin,  broad  and  fiaftened,  of  many  rliamhers,  early 
portion  coiled,  later  chambers  broad  and  spreading  ;  sides  with  elongated  chitinous 

Here  is  placed  the  single  recent  genus  Neusina  Goes. 

Fig.  13. 
Orbitolina  eoncava  Lam. 


Subfamily  E.     Orbitolininae. 

Test  siliceous,  imperforate,  crateriform  and  composed  of  concentric  annuli  which 
are  partitioned  off  into  numerous  chambers. 

Orbitolina  Lam.  (Fig.  13).  Test  composed  of  agglu- 
tinated sandy  particles ;  bowl  -  shaped  to  depressed 
conical ;  upper  surface  convex,  lower  slightly  concave  ; 
externally  smooth  or  with  concentric  bands.  Test 
composed  of  multilocular  rings,  the  chambers  com- 
municating with  one  another  on  all  sides  by  pores. 
The  outer  portion  of  each  chamber  is  subdivided  by 
two    secondary    partitions    disposed   at  right  angles   to    cenomanian ;    Urscheiau, 

,  ,  -^-^     '-  ,  -jiT  1     TT  Bavarian  Alps,    a,  Inferior 

each  other.      Very  abundant  in   the   Lower   and    Upper    surface;  6,  Superior  sur- 
Cretaceous.     0.  lenticularis  and  0.  eoncava  Lam.  fenLVgedT"'''''''  '''^'°° 

Family  4.     Textulariidae  Schiiltze. 

Test  either  arenaceous  or  calcareous,  perforate,  the  chambers  usually  numerous, 
essentially  biserial  or  triserial,  or  in  some  genera  spirally  arranged. 

The  family  Textulariidae  is  apparently  the  most  primitive,  after  the 
Lituolidae.  A  number  of  the  genera  are  wholly  or  in  part  composed  of 
species  with  arenaceous  tests,  which  is  in  itself  a  primitive  character  in  the 
group.  In  many  species  both  the  microspheric  and  megalospheric  forms 
are  known.  In  the  microspheric  form,  which  repeats  most  completely  the 
phylogenetic  characters,  a  coiled  early  development  succeeding  the  proloculum 
is  commonly  found.  This  stage  may  be  compared  to  the  entire  development 
of  such  a  genus  as  Haplophragmoides  in  the  Lituolidae. 

Subfamily  A.      SriROPLECTiNAE  Cuslnnaii. 

Test  either  coarsely  arenaceous  or  ralcareous,  or  even  hyaline,  the  early  chambers 
following  the  proloculum  closely  coiled,  the  later  chambers  biserial,  occasionally  tending 
to  become  uniserial  in  the  last  developed  chambers. 

This  subfamily  includes  the  single  genus  Spiroplecta  Ehrb.,  which  in  its 
developmental  stages  connects  the  Textulariidae  with  the  Lituolidae.  Its  de- 
velopment is  primitive  in  that  the  stages  are  seen  in  both  the  microspheric 
and  megalospheric  forms  of  the  species,  and  are  of  comparatively  long  duration. 
Cretaceous  and  post-Tertiary. 

Subfamily  B.      Textularinae   Brady. 

Test  typically  biserial,  early  portion  in  microspheric  form  often  with  a  few  coiled 
chambers,  followed  by  biserial  ones,  later  chambers  varioicsly  modified  in  different 
genera,  uniserial,  broadly  extended,  etc.  JFall  either  arenaceous  or  calcareous  and 
hyaline,  perforate ;  aperture  single,  or  in  a  few  cases,  many  present  in  a  single 

Textularia  Defr.  (Fig.  14,  A).  Test  usually  elongated,  straight,  tapering, 
or  turbinated.      Chambers  biserial,  alternating  and  communicating  with  each 




other  by  means  of  slit-like  apertures.     Carboniferous  to  Recent.     Extremely- 
abundant  in  the  AVhite  Chalk.  • 

Fig.  14. 

A,  Textularla  glohifnu  Reuss.  Upper  Cretaceous  (Senoniau) ;  Pattena\ier  Stollen,  ne;a-  Traunstein,  Bavaria. 
L',  BoIU-ina  iricrassata  Reuss.  Upper  Cretaceous;  Gdtzreuther  Graben,  near  Siegsdorf,  Bavaria,  r,  J'lecunium 
<lihl,osum  d'Orb.  Plioceue  ;  Sienna,  Italy.  D,  Grammostomum  (l-idt:uliiin)  (immen  d'Orb.  Recent;  Cuba.  E, 
'Oaudryhm  rugom  d'Orb.  Upper  Cretaceous.  Gotzreuther  Graben,  near  Siegsdorf.  F,  Clavullna  communis 
d'Orb.    Miocene  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna. 

Bolivina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  14,  B).     Test  biserial  throughout,  aperture  elongate, 

Ffo.  15. 

A,  BuUmlmi  buchlana  d'Orb.      Miocene  (Leitliakalk) 
Same  locality.     C,  Climaram;m,ina  texttilarijbrmis  Miiller. 

Xussdorf,  near  Vienna.    B,  BiiUmina  piipoides  d'Ovb. 

Carboniferous  Limestone;  IJugno,  Russia.  Longi- 
tudinal section,  ^"/i  (after  Moller).  D,  Vlimiwammina  pyrifonnh  (Miiller).  Carboniferous  Limestone  ;  Sloboda, 
Rus.sia.  20/j  (after  Moller).  E,  yali'iilina  .'•2^.  Eocene  (Calcaire  Grossier)  ;  Grignon,  near  Paris.  F,  retnilajis 
conica  Ehrbg.  Carboniferous  Limestone;  Bachtin,  Russia,  ao/j  (after  Moller).  G,  Ehrenbergina  serrata 
Reuss.     Miocene  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna. 

usually  wider  at  one  end,  hyaline  in  young,  thickened  -with  age. 
to  Recent. 



Clwiacammina  Brady  (Crihrostomum  Moller),  (Fig.  15,  C,  D).  Test 
arenaceous  with  calcareous  basis.  Chambers  biserial,  rectilinear.  Oral  aper- 
ture jiorous.      Abundant  in  Carboniferous  Limestone  (cf.  Bigenerina  d'Orb.). 

Subfamily  C.     Verneuilininae  Cushman. 
Test  at  first  triserial,  later  biserial  or  even  uniserial  in  some  genera. 

Gaudryina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  14,  E).  Test  free,  early  portion  triserial,  later 
chambers  arranged  biserially,  wall  usually  arenaceous. 

Clavulina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  14,  F).  Test  at  first  triserial,  latest  developed 
portion  uniserial.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Valvulina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  15,  U).  Test  arenaceous  with  calcareous  basis. 
Chambers  in  triple  series  arranged  in  screw-like  spiral.  Carboniferous  to 

Tetrataxis  Ehrbg.  (Fig.  15,  F).  Test  calcareous,  conical.  Alternating 
chambers  arranged  in  a  turbinate  spire.      Carboniferous  Limestone. 

Subfamily  D.      Bdlimininae  Brady. 

Test  composed  of  chambers  in  an  elongate  spiral,  aperture  elongate,  loop-shaped, 
usucdli/  oblique,  test  calcareotis,  hyaline  in  young. 

Bulimina  d'Orb.  >  (Fig.  15,  A,  B).  Test  calcareous,  the  alternating 
chambers  arranged  in  an  elongated  spire.     Triassic  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  E.      Cassidulininae   Brady. 

Test  with  the  chambers  biserial  but  combined  with  a  spiral  or  volute  arrangement 
making  a  complex  test. 

Ehrenbergina  Henss  (Fig.  15,  G).     Test  calcareous,  the  alternating  biserial 
segments  either  completely  or  only  partially  coiled.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Oassidulina  d'Orb.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  5.     Chilostomellidae. 

Test  calcareous,  finely  perforate,  composed  of  numerous  chambers,  following  each 
other  from  the  same  end  of  the  long  axis,  or  alternately  from  the  two  ends,  or 
in  cycles  of  three. 

The  genera  Ellipsoidina  Seg.,  Chilostomella  and  Allomorphina  Reuss  compose 
this  family.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  6.     Lagenidae  Carpenter. 

Test  calcareous,  vitreous,  finely  perforated,  one  or  more  chambers  placed  in  a 
straigld  line,  coiled  or  variously  arranged. 

Subfamily  A.      Lageninae  Brady. 

Test  monothalamous,  flash-like. 

Lagena  Walker  (Fig.  16,  A).  Test  single-chambered,  spherical,  ovate  or 
flask-shaped,  with  terminal  oral  aperture.      Silurian  to  Recent. 




Subfamily  B.     Nodosarinae  Brady. 

Test  either  coiled  or  uniserial,  or  a  modification  of  one  or  the  other. 

Nodosaria  Lam.  (Fig.  1 6,  B).  Test  rod-shaped  ;  chambers  arranged  in 
a  linear  series  and  set  off  from  one  another  by  constrictions ;  oral  aperture 
round,  terminal.     Abundant  and  widely  distributed  from  Silurian  to  Recent. 

Fig.  16. 

A,  Lagena  semhtrlata  Williamson.  Antwerp  Crag  (Pliocene);  Antwerj).  B,  Nodosaria  npinicusfa  d'Orb. 
Tegel  (Miocene);  Baden,  Vienna,  i \  Brntalina  rieguiis d'Orh.  Same  locality.  D,  CristellariarotulataLia.m. 
Scapliiten-PUiner  (Tnronian) ;  Bohemia.  E,  i'ayinulina  recta  Beuss.  Neocondan  ;  Salzgitter,  Hanover.  F, 
LiwjuVuM  coitata  d'Orb.     Tegel  (Miocene)  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna. 

Dentalina   d'Orb,    (Fig.    16,    C).      Like   the   preceding,    but   test   slightly 
arcuate.     Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Lingulina  d'Orb.   (Fig.    16,  F).      Test   rectilinear,    compressed;   segments 
regularly  attached ;  aperture  terminal,  slit-like.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Glandulina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  17,  A).  Test  abbreviate,  ovate;  segments  united 
in  rectilinear  series,  half  embracing  one  another.  General  aperture  round, 
terminal,  tubiform.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Vaginulina  d'Orb.   (Fig.    16,  E).      Test  rectilinear,  laterally   compressed; 
segments  flattened,  with  obliquely  directed  septa.     Trias  to  Recent. 

M  ar  g  i  n  u  I  i  n  a 
d'Orb.  Early  portion 
arched  or  helicoid, 
later  segments  recti- 
linear. Terminal 
aperture  slit  -  like. 
Trias  to  Recent. 

Cristellaria    Lam. 
(Fig.    16,  B).      Test 
regularly  planospiral, 
with        convolutions 
completely     envelop- 
ing one  another.   Ter- 
minal aperture  round. 
Trias  to  Recent. 
Frondirularia  Defr.  (Fig.  1 7,  D).     Test  extremely  compressed  and  foliately 
expanded  in  a  single  plane ;  chambers  reflexed  and  laterally  embracing  one 
another.     Terminal  aperture  round.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Fio.  IT.  • 

A,  (llandidiiia  inflata  Bornem.  Septarienthon  (Oligocene) ;  Hermsdorf. 
]1,  Polymorjjliina  hijial<i  Williamson.  Recent ;  German  Ocean.  C,  Ditnorpliina 
sp.  Pliocene;  Sienna,  Italy.  D,  Frundicniaria  iiohlfitsui,  Renss.  Scaphiten- 
Pliincr  ;  Diihnen,  Westphalia.  E,  Uvinerlna  prjgmara  d'Orb.  Tegel  (Miocene) ; 
Baden,  near  Vienna. 




Subfamily  (!.      Polymorphininae  Brady. 

Test  composed  of  chambers  arranged  spirally  or  irregidarly  about  the  long  axis ; 
aperture  usually  radiate. 

Polymorphina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  17,  B).  Segments  irregularly  helicoid,  or 
arranged  biserially,  more  or  less  enveloping  one  another  and  variable  in  shape. 
Terminal  aperture  round.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Dimnrphina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  17,  C).  Early  chambers  irregularly  or  triserially 
arranged,  later  ones  following  in  rectilinear  fashion.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  D.      Uvigerininae  Cushmaii. 

I'est  composed  of  chambers  arranged  triserially  about  the  long  axis ;  aperture 
usually  simple,  with  a  definite  neck  and  a  phialine  lip. 

Uvigerina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  17,  E).  Segments  dissimilar,  disposed  in  triple 
series,  and  spirally  wound  like  a  gastropod  shell.      Eocene  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  E.      Eamulininae  Brady. 

Test  composed  of  chambers  with  long  tubulariform  tubes. 

Bamulina  Rupert  Jones.  Test  branching,  consisting  of  rounded  chambers 
joined  by  stolon-like'  tubes.  Recent,  and  possibly  also  represented  in  the 

Family  7.     Globigerinidae  Carpenter. 

Test  free,  calcareous,  perforated    by   coarse   tubules ;    monothalamous    or  poly- 
thalamous  ;  chambers  globular,  either  irregularly  disposed  or  imperfectly  spiral. 

Of  the  two  principal  genera  belonging  to  this  family,  Orbulina  d'Orb.  (Fig. 
18,  A)  is  unilocular,  and  Globigerina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  18,  6')  is  multilocular.  The 
individual  chambers 
usually  open  into  a 
common  central 
canal.  In  both 
genera  the  test  is 
often  covered  with 
extremely  delicate 
calcareous  spines, 
which,  however,  are 
very  easily  broken 
off,  and  are  never 
preserved  intact  in 
the  fossil  state. 
Both    these    genera 

are  excessively  abundant  in  existing  oceans  (Globigerina  doze) ;  they  occur 
sparingly  in  the  Trias  and  throughout  the  Mesozoic,  first  becoming  important 
during  the  late  Tertiary. 

Sphaeroidina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  18,  B).     Characters  few,  so  coiled  as  to  form  a 
nearly  globular  test ;  aperture  with  a  valvular  lip.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Fig.  is. 

A,  OrhuUna  universa  Lam.  Pliocene  ;  Sienna,  Italy.  B,  Sphaeroidina 
ausfriaca  d'Orb.  Miocene  Tegel  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna.  C,  Glohlijerina  con- 
glomerata  Schwager.  Pliocene ;  Kar  Nikobar  Island,  a,  Inferior  surface ; 
'/,  Superior  surface  ;  c,  Portion  of  periphery  ;  il,  Transverse  section  enlarged. 




Family  8.     Rotalidae  Carpenter. 
Test  calcareous,  perforate,  free  or  adherent,  ti/pically  spiral  at  least  in  the  young. 

Subfamily  A.     Spirillinixae  Braclj^ 

Test  a  fat  spiral,  without  divisions,  free  or  attached. 

Spirillina  Ehrenberg.  Test  a  planospiral  undivided  tube,  free  or  attached. 
Miocene  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  B.     Rotalinae  Carpenter. 

Test  calcareous,  rarely  arenaceous  or  siliceous,  finely  or  coarsely  perforated, 
frequently  with  intermediate  skeleton,  free  or  adherent,  turbinate  or  discoidal  in 
contour.  Segments  usually  arranged  in  an  elongated  spire,  although  in  some  forms 
irregularly  disposed. 

Discorbina  Parker  and  Jones  (Fig.  19,  A,  B).     Test  coarsely  perforated, 

Fio.  111. 

A,  Discorbina  (Asterigerina)  planorbis  d'Orb.  Miocene  (Leithakalk)  ;  Nussdorf,  near  Vieuna.  B,  Discorbina 
sp.  Recent,  a,  Under  side  ;  b,  Upper  side  ;  c,  Lateral  view  ;  d.  Median  section.  '/,  VlanorJmlina  mediter- 
ranensis  d'Orb.     Recent ;  Mediterranean,     a,  Inferior  surface  ;  b,  Superior  surface ;  c,  Transvei'.se  section. 

turbinoid  ;  lower  surface  broad  and  Hat ;  umbilicus  often  filled  with  deposit 
of  intermediate  skeleton.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

(■  D 

Fig.  2t). 

A,  Rotalia  beccari  Lin.  Pliocene:  Sienna,  Italy.  B,  ridvlnuUna  jiartschi  d'Orb.  Miocene  (Tegel) ;  Baden, 
near  Vienna.  C,  Kiidolhurn  ilnnderi  Miiller.  Carboniferous  Limestone;  Russia.  '-O/i.  D,  Endvthyra  piirm 
Moller.     Lower  Carboniferous ;  Russia.     Longitudinal  section,     lof/j. 

PlanorbuUna  Parker  and  Jones  (Fig.  19  C).     Test  coarsely  perforated,  com- 
planate,  usually  attached,  upper  and  lower  surfaces  dissimilar  :  early  segments 


arranged  in  a  depressed  spire,  subsequently  becoming  cyclical.  Lias  to 
Recent.  Various  subgenera,  named  by  d'Orbigny  Tnmcatulina,  Anomalina, 
Planulina,  etc.,  are  based  upon  slight  modifications  in  form. 

Rotalia  Lam.  (Fig.  20  A).  Test  finely  perforated,  with  segments  in  turbinoid 
spire.  Septa  composed  of  two  slightly  separated  lamellae,  with  anastomosing 
canals  occupying  the  intermediate  space.  Base  often  thickened  by  supplemental 
skeleton.     (?)  Silurian.     Upper  Jura  to  Eecent. 

Pulvimdina  Parker  and  Jones  (Fig.  20  B). 
Rotaliform,  but  septa  simple  without  being  per- 
forated by  a  canal  system.    Lower  Lias  to  Recent. 

Endothjra  Phill.  (Fig.  20  C,  D).  Test  cal- 
careous, composed  of  an  external  coarsely  per- 
forated and  an  internal  compact  layer,  the  latter 
finely  granular ;  segments  numerous,  coiled  in 
an  irregular  spiral,  terminal  chamber  opening  by  yig.  -n. 

several  apertures.  Abundant  in  Lower  Carbon-  caicarina  mhntmpoides  Lam.  upper 
iferous,  and  existing  at  the  present  day,  ac-  S'^tianT"  (^""'^'"'^^'^^^  =  Macstricht, 
cording  to  Brady. 

Caicarina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  21).  Test  discoidal,  with  dissimilar  upper  and  lower 
surfaces ;  chambers  spirally  coiled.  Exterior  encrusted  with  a  supplemental 
skeleton  which  fills  up  all  depressions  and  forms  spinous  or  spur-like  processes 
traversed  by  coarse  .canals.  Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent  ■  very  abundant  in 
Maestricht  Chalk. 

Sulifjuuily  C.      TiNOPORlNAE  Brady. 

Test  of  irregularly  massed  chambers,  the  early  ones  more  or  less  distinctly  spiral 
in  their  arrangement,  nsxially  loithout  a  general  aperture. 

Tinoporus  Montf.      Patellina  Williamson. 

The  Recent  genera  Carpenteria  Gray,  Eupertia  Jones,  etc.,  are  distinguished 
by  their  extremely  irregular,  coarsely  perforated  and  usually  adherent  tests, 
which  sometimes  attain  considerable  size  and  often  contain  agglutinated, 
sandy  or  various  other  foreign  particles.  Thalamopora  Roemer,  occurring  in 
the  Cretaceous,  probably  also  belongs  to  this  subfamily. 

Family  9.     Nummulitidae. 

Test  calcareous,  finely  tubulated,  polythalamous,  free,  spiral,  usually  bilaterally 

Subfamily  A.     Fusulininae  Brady. 

Test  fusiform  or  subglobular  chambers  extending  from  pole  to  pole,  each  convolu- 
tion completely  covering  the  preceding  whorls. 

Schwagerina  Moller.  Test  spherical,  finely  perforated.  Primary  and 
secondary  septa  simple,  thin,  straight ;  secondary  chamberlets  communicating 
with  the  next  following  principal  chamber  by  means  of  a  basal  aperture. 
Abundant  in  Lower  Carboniferous  rocks  of  Japan,  China,  Sumatra,  North 
America  and  Russia. 

VOL.  I  D 




Fusulina    Fischer    (Fig.    22).       Test    fusiform,    laterally    elongated    like 
Alveolina,  coarsely  perforated.     Septa  of  principal  chambers  undulating,  and 



Fig.  22. 

A,  Fusulmn  ciilindrica  Fisch.  Carboniferous  Limestone  :,  Russia.  Natural  size.  B,  C,  Same 
species  showing  various  cross-sections  enlarged.  D,  Enlarged  section  showing  chambers  communicating  by 
means  of  foramina  (n,  b). 

united    so    as    to    form    secondary    chamberlets.       Excessively    abundant    in 
the  Lower  Carboniferous  of  Europe  (Russia),  Asia  and  North  America. 

Fig.  23. 

Polydomdla  crispa  Lam. 
Pliocene  ;  Sienna,  Italy. 
(Highly  magnified.) 

Subfamily  B.     Polystomellinae  Brady. 

Test  Ulaterally  symmetrical,  nautiloid,  the  more  complex 
specimens  with  a  well-developed  secondary  canal  system. 

Polystomella  Lamarck  (Fig.  23).  Test  regular,  equi- 
lateral, nautiloid,  final  whorl  alone  visible  from  the 
exterior.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  C.      Nummulitinae  Brady. 

Test  lens-shaped  or  flattened,  higher  forms  with  complex  secondary  caned  system. 

Archaediscus  Brady.  Test  lenticular,  unsymmetrical,  spirally  coiled.  The 
segments  irregularly  constricted  and  expanded  so  as  to  form  chambers.  Septa 
and  canal-system  wanting.     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Fig.  24. 

A mphistcgiiia  hauerl  d'( )rb. 
Miocene (Leithakalk);  Nuss- 
dorf,  near  Vienna,  a,  Exterior 
views,  enlarged  ;  /),  Natural 
size ;  c,  Median  section, 
greatly  enlarged  ;  d,  Trans- 
verse section,  greatly  en- 

Fig.  25. 

Opereuliiia compluntda  (Bast.).  Miocene;  Bor- 
deaux, a,  Natural  size  ;  b,  c,  Median  and  longi- 
tudinal sections,  greatly  enlarged. 

Pig.  20. 

Heterosti'dina  costata 
Miocene  (Leithakalk) : 
dorf,  near  Vienna. 



Amphistegina  d'Orb.    (Fig.    24).      Test    lenticular,    slightly   inequilateral, 
spirally  rolled.     Whorls  divided  into  chambers  by  numerous  single  septa  in 


which   canals  ai'e  not  present;  solid  wedge-shaped   deposit  of   intermediate 

<'&«^,  „\^ 

Fig.  27. 

a     d 

Nummulifes  luaisanus  Dfr.  Eocene ;  Kressenberj^,  Upper  Bavaria.  Several  times  enlarged. 
a,  Mari;inal  cord  with  canal-system ;  h,  Septal  plane  with  interseptal  canal-system ;  c,  Interior  of  chamber  ; 
(I,  Finely  perforate  periphery  ;  e,  Small  pillars  of  intermediate  skeleton. 

skeleton  near  the  umbilicus.  On  one  side  the  volutions  completely  enclose 
one  another  as  far  as  the  centre,  on  the  other  they  overlap 
only  partially  by  means  of  alar  prolongations  extending  in- 
wards. Chambers  communicate  with  each  other  by  means 
of  a  slit  along  the  basis.  Miocene  to  Recent.  Particularly 
abundant  in  Miocene. 

Operculina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  25).  Test  discoidal,  complanate, 
composed  of  three  to  six  rapidly  expanding  spiral  whorls, 
which  are  polythalamous  and  non-involute.  Septa  and 
marginal  cord  traversed  by  a  direct  canal-system,  which  gives 
off  numerous  branches.  Cretaceous  to  Recent.  Particularly 
abundant  in  Eocene. 

Heterostegina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  26).     Like  Operculina,  but  with  chambers  sub 
divided  by  secondary  septa  into  chamberlets.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig;  28; 

Nummulites  (Assi- 
Una)  exjmnens  Sow. 
Eocene  ;  Pyrenees. 

C  3  c  1 2  Fig.  29. 

A '^~,  Nummulites  (jizchcnslsEhThg.  Eocene;  Libyan  Desert.  Natural  size.  .4  =*,  Specimen  with  eroded  peri- 
pheral portion,  showing  arrangement  of  septa.  i}i2,  Nummulites  laevigatus  Lam.  Calcaire  Grossier  ;  Paris. 
Natural  size.  B3,  Portion  of  same  enlarged.  6'i2j  Nummulites  ramondl  Defr.  Eocene  (Nummulitic  lime- 
stone) ;  Pyrenees.     Natural  size.     C'3,  Enlarged  section. 

Nummulites  Lam.  (Phacites  Blumenb. ;  Lenticulites  Lam.)  (Figs.  27-29).    Test 




symmetrically  lenticular  or  discoidal,  composed  of  numerous  spirally  arranged 
polythalamous  volutions,  and  usually  with  columnar  intermediate  skeleton, 
which  forms  small  excrescences  on  the  periphery.  The  septa  and  marginal 
cord  contain  a  coarse,  anastomosing  canal-system,  as  in  Operculina.  Primordial 
chamber  spherical,  sometimes  large,  sometimes  exceedingly  minute  in  size. 
The  whorls  either  merely  embrace  one  another  {Assilina)  (Fig.  28),  or  they 
completely   envelop  one   another    by   means  of   alar  prolongations  reaching 

inwards  to  the  centre  (Nwrnnulina). 
The  septa  are  pierced  in  the  median 
plane  by  an  oblique  slit-like  aper- 
ture, and  also  extend  into  the  saddle- 
shaped  alar  prolongations  of  the 
chambers.  They  are  directed  in 
the  groups  Eadiatae  and  Stria  fae  in 
straight  or  slightly  curved  lines 
(Figs.  27  and  29,  C) ;  in  the 
Simiafae  they  follow  meandering 
courses  (Fig.  29,  A)  ;  and  in  the 
Eeticulatae  (Fig.  29,  B)  they  form 
Pjq  3q  an    interlacing    network   by  means 

A,  Nummnlitic  limestone  with  horizontal  sections  of  oi  Connecting  prOCeSSCS.  The  rami- 
N  cUstans  Fusch  Peyrehorade,  in  the  Pyrenees.  B,  fications  of  these  lateral  prOCeSSCS 
Nummnlitic  limestone  showing  sections  of  N.  lucasanus  _  -i 

Defr.   zakophane  in  the  Carpathians.  ( Jilet    cloisomiaire)  may   be    readily 

seen  on  fracturing  a  portion  of  the 
test,  and  are  a  valuable  aid  in  the  determination  of  species.  The  oldest 
Nummulites  {N.  pristinus  Brady)  occur  very  sparsely  in  the  Carboniferous 
limestone  and  Upper  Jurassic,  but  are  distinguished  from  the  typical  later 
forms  by  the  absence  of  an  interior  canal-system  in  the  marginal  cord.  The 
typical  Nummulites  which  are  so  characteristic  of  the  Eocene  (Nummnlitic 
limestone)  in  Europe,  North  Africa,  Asia  and  Central  America,  often  build  up 
massive  formations.  The  largest  species  (iV.  gizehensis  Ehrbg.,  N'.  orhiculatus 
Schafh.)  attain  a  diameter  of  60  mm. ;  the  smallest  species  does  not  exceed 
2  mm.  ;  recent  representatives  comparatively  scarce. 

Subfamily  D.     Cycloclypeinae  Brady. 

I'est  flat  with  a  thickened  centre,  or  lens-shaped,  consisting  of  a  disc  of  chambers 
arranged  in  concentric  annuli  with  peripheral  thickenings,  septa  double  with  inter- 
septal  canals. 

OrUtoides  d'Orb.  (Hymenocyclus  Bronn  ;  Lycophrys  Monti.)  (Fig.  31).  Test 
discoidal,  with  circular  or  stellate  contour,  often  bent,  exterior  smooth  or  with 
radial  striae,  and  composed  of  numerous  concentric  annuli  disposed  about  a 
primordial  spiral  of  three  to  five  whorls.  The  rings  are  divided  by  transverse 
partitions  into  small  rectangular  chambers,  and  the  septa  and  marginal  cord 
are  traversed  by  canals.  Superimposed  over  the  median  series  of  principal 
chambers  on  both  sides  are  several  layers  of  flattened  secondary  chamberlets, 
which  are  likewise  disposed  in  concentric  rings.  Very  abundant  in  the  Eocene, 
associated  with  Nummulites ;  rare  in  Upper  Cretaceous  and  Miocene. 

Cycloclypeus  Carp.     Miocene  and  Recent. 




Dawson,  Carpenter  and  various  other  authors  have  referred  the  so-called 
Eosoon  occurring  in  crystalline  limestone  of  the  Archaean  (Laurentian)  period 
to  the  Foraminifera  ;  but  the  elaborate  investigations  of  Mobius  have  shown 

"'''•«  in,  Ita  n.  del. 

Fic.  31. 

A,  Orh'tto'uhs  papyraeta  Boubee.  Eocene  (Perniginous  sandstone) ;  Kressenberg,  Upper  Bavaria,  (Greatly 
enlarged),  i  Median  chambers  ;  ~  Lateral  chambers  ;  ■i  Compacc  pillars  of  intermediate  skeleton.  B.  Portion  of 
median  transverse  section,  liighly  magnified;  -Lateral  chambers  with  perforate  walls;  "i  Canal  -  system  of 
cyclical  marginal  cord  ;  s  Tubules  connecting  adjacent  chambers.  C,  Periphery  and  profile  of  same,  natural 
size.  D,  OrhitoUles  tencUa  Giimbel.  Eocene  ;  Kressenberg,  (Natural  size).  E,  OrhUoides  variecostata  Giinibel. 
Eocene ;  San  Martino,  near  Verona.  (Natural  size.)  F,  OrhUoides  eiihippium  Sow,  Eocene ;  Kressenberg, 
(Natural  size.) 

that  neither  Eozoon  nor  Archaeosphaerina  can  be  regarded  as  organic  structures, 
being  merely  mineral  segregations. 

Family  10.     Miliolidae  Carpenter. 

Test  of  one  or  more  chamhers,  calcareous  and  porcellanons,  sometimes  covered  with 
sand,  usnally  imperforate,  hut  in  some  forms  with  the  early  chambers  distinctly 

Subfamily  A.     Cornuspirinae  Cushman. 

Test  planospiral,  usually  of  a  prolocidum  and  long  coiled 
single  chamber. 

Cornuspira  Schultze  (Fig.  32).  Test  composed  of  numer- 
ous piano-spiral  convolutions  ;  oi'al  aperture  simple,  terminal; 
monothalamous.     Lias  to  Kecent. 

Pi(i.  32. 

Cornuspinx  polygyra 
Reuss.  Oligocene ; 


Subfamily  B.     Nubeculariinae  Brady. 

Test  irregular  and  asymmetrical,  the  apertures  variously  placed. 

Nubecidaria    Defrance.       Test  at  first  coiled,  later   tubular  or   irregular ; 
attached.     Liassic  to  Recent. 




Subfamily  C.      Hauerininae  Brady. 

First-formed  part  of  test  Cornuspira-like,  later  chambers  spiral  or  otherwise 
arranged,  apertures  single. 

Ophthalmidium,  Kiibler.  Early  chambers  like  Cornuspira,  later  ones  two 
or  more  to  a  convolution.     Liassic  to  Recent. 

Hauerina  d'Orbigny.  Early  chambers  Milioline,  later  ones  planospiral  with 
two  or  more  chambers  to  a  convolution.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  D.     Miliolinae  Brady. 

Test  at  first  spiral,  then  each  whorl  divided  typically  into  two  chambers,  later 
chambers  more  numerous  in  the  whorl  or  uniserial. 

Miliola  Lam.  (Figs.  33,  34).  Chambers  disposed  in  coil -shaped  loops 
about    a  few    spirally  wound    primordial  chambers.     Each    chamber   in   the 

A  Jl 

Fig.  33. 

A,  Bilondina  inornnta  d'Orb.  From  tlie  Miocene  Tegel ;  Baden,  near  Vienna.  B,  Trilnculina  gUilm  d'Orb. 
Oligocene  sand  from  Astrupp.  C,  Spirnloculinn  hadetisii  d'Orb.  Miocene  Tegel ;  Baden,  near  Vienna.  D,  Quin- 
queloruUna  auxoruw  d'Orb.     Eocene  (Calcaire  Grossier) ;  Grignon,  near  Paris. 

adult  forms  a  half  coil.  Terminal  pseudopodial  aperture  either  curving 
in  the  form  of  a  crescent  about  a  tooth-like  projection,  or  branching  den- 
dritically  (Lacazina).  Forms  having  all  the  segments  disposed  in  a  single 
plane,  and  all  externally  visible,  are  grouped  together  in  the  genus  Spirolocu- 
lina  d'Orbigny  ;  with  all  the  segments  completely  enveloping  one  another, 
Biloculina   d'Orb.  ;    segments    disposed   in   three   or   in   five   diiTerent  planes, 

Miliolina    Will.    ( =  Trilocu- 

•=       =^       Una      and      Quinqueloculina 

d'Orb.).     The  great  variety 

and     profusion     of     these 

genera    combine    to 

them    some    of    the 

important     of     the 

building   Foraminifera. 

Massive    beds    of    Eocene 

limestone       (Paris      basin, 

Pyrenees)  are  made   up  of 

Miliola    remains ;     at    the 

present       day      calcareous 

deposits   are  being  formed 

by  Biloculina  in  the  North  Sea  west  of  the  coast   of  Norway.     Miliola  first 

makes  its   appearance   in  the  Trias,  and  attains  its  maximum  development 

in  the  Tertiary  and  Recent  periods. 

Fio.  34. 

A,  Longitudinal  section  of 
Biloculina  inornata  d'Orb. 
(enlarged).  B,  Transverse 
section  of  Quinqueloculina 
saxorum  d'Orb.  (enlarged). 


FiG.  3S. 

Fabularia  dis- 
colithcs  Defr. 
Eocene  (Calcairo 
Grossier);  Paris. 

Fio.  36. 

Vertehralina  wm- 
cnmata  d'Orb. 
Recent ;  Mi'di- 




Fabularia  Defr.  (Fig.  35).  Like  BUoculina,  but  relatively  larger.  General 
aperture  cribriform ;  chambers  not  an  empty  cavity,  but  filled  with  porcell- 
anous  or  calcareous  matter,  and  perforated  by  numerous  anastomosing  canals 
which  are  directed  parallel  with  the  axis  of  convolution.  Abundant  in  the 
Eocene  of  the  Paris  basin. 

Vertebralina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  36).  First-formed  portion  of  test  consisting  of 
coil-shaped  loops,  the  segments  afterwards  becoming  joined  in  rectilinear 
series.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Idalina  Schlumb.  Last -formed  chamber  completely  enveloping  all  pre- 
ceding ones.     Cretaceous. 

Subfamily  E.     Peneroplinae  Brady. 

Test  planospiral  or  cyclical,  and  bilaterally  symmetrical ;  apertures  many. 

Peneroplis  Montf.  (Fig.  37).  Test  discoidal,  complanate,  polythalamous ; 
direction  of  growth  primarily  spiral,  gradually  becoming  rectilinear,  while 
rapidly  increasing  in  width.  Septa  perforated  by  numerous  pores.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 




Fid.  37. 

PeiicroplU  plawitus 
Montfort.  Rpccnt  ; 

Fig.  38. 

Orhicul ina  nummi.f- 
malis d'Orhigny.  Plio- 
cene ;  Sienna,  Italy. 

Fir..  39. 

A,  OrhitoUfcs  complanafa  Lam.  Eocene  (Cal- 
caire  Grossier) ;  Paris.  B,  Portion  of  same  en- 

Orbiculina  Lam.  (Fig.  38).  Test  discoidal,  first -formed  portion  spiral, 
afterwards  becoming  annular  ;  polythalamous ;  septation  regular,  chambers 
subdivided ;  septa  and  walls  of  segments  perforate.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Orbitolifes  Lam.  (Fig.  39).  Test  discoidal,  circular  in  outline,  both  surfaces 
slightly  concave  in  the  middle,  attaining  comparatively  lai'ge  size,  and  com- 
posed of  segments  which  are  arranged  concentrically  about  a  few  spirally 
coiled  primordial  chambers.  Septa  radially  disposed,  and  perforated  by 
symmetrically  placed  pores.  In  the  more  complicated  forms  the  principal 
segments  are  invested  with  a  superficial  multilocular  layer,  the  chambers  of 
which  are  also  arranged  in  concentric  rings  and  communicate  with  the 
principal  segments  by  means  of  pores.  An  important  rock-building  genus, 
ranging  from  the  Lias  onward.  0.  praecursor  and  0.  circumvulva  Giimbel  are 
Jurassic,  0.  macropora  d'Orb.  Cretaceous,  and  0.  complanata  Lam.  Tertiary 

Subfamily  F.     Alveolininae  Brady. 

Test  spiral,  elongated  in  the  direction  of  the  axis  of  coiling ;  chambers  divided 
into  secondary  chamberlets. 

Alveolina  d'Orb.  (Borelis  Montf.)  (Fig.  40).  Test  fusiform,  elliptical  or 
spherical,  usually   elongated   in   the   axis   of    convolution,  and   composed   of 

40  PROTOZOA— EHIZOPODA  phylum  i 

spirally  wound  segments  which  completely  envelop  one  another.  Each  seg- 
ment is  partitioned  off  into  long,  narrow  chambers  by  septa  arranged  at  right 
angles  to  the  axis,  and  these  are  subdivided  into  chamberlets  by  a  second 
set  of  septa  running  transversely  to  the  first  set.  Each  of  the  secondary 
chamberlets  communicates  with  the  adjacent  primary  chamber  by  means  of  a 

single  round  aperture.  In 
certain  Recent  species  the 
secondary  chamberlets  are 
also      subdivided.  The 

genus  begins  in  the  Ceno- 
manian,    continues    in    ex- 
^^'■-  ^'^-  traordinary  profusion,  and 

^it>eoHwr/|o.srfa'Orb.     Eocene  (Calcaire  Grossior) ;  Paris.    -^.Frontal     becOmes   a    mOSt  important 
aspect.     B,  Test  laid  open  so  as  to  sliow  contormation  of  mteruir  ;  .  .  i 

considera»)iy  enlarged.  rock-builder  in  the  Eoceue. 

It  is  especially  abundant 
in  the  Calcaire  Grossier  of  the  Paris  basin,  the  Alveolina  limestone  of  Istria, 
Dalmatia,  Greece  and  the  Libyan  Desert. 

Subfamily  G.     Keramosphaerinae  Brady. 

Test  spherical,  chamhers  arranged  in  concentric  layers. 

Keramosphaera  Brady.  Test  spherical,  chambers  more  or  less  irregular, 
in  concentric  layers.      Recent. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  Fossil  Foraminifera. 

More  than  2000  species  of  Foraminifera  have  been  described,  of  which 
number  about  two-thii'ds  are  known  in  a  fossil  state.  The  longevity  of 
certain  genera  and  species  is  remarkable,  many  of  them  persisting,  according 
to  Parker,  Jones,  Brady  and  others,  throughout  a  number  of  formations  of 
various  ages. 

The  earliest  forms  occur  very  sparingly  in  the  Silurian  of  St.  Petersburg, 
Siberia  and  Scotland.  They  are  for  the  most  part  poorly  preserved,  those 
from  Petersburg  being  recognisable  only  as  glauconitic  casts,  belonging  in 
part  to  siliceous  shell-bearing  genera  (Placopsilina,  Saccamina),  and  in  part  to 
vitreo-perforate  genera  (Nodosaria,  Lagena,  Glohigerina,  Botalia).  The  Devonian 
is  also  very  poor  in  Foraminifera  remains  ;  but,  on  the  other  hand,  the  Carboni- 
ferous yields  an  abundant  and  considerably  varied  fauna ;  in  fact,  certain 
genera  (Fusulina,  Schwagerina,  Saccamina,  Endothijra)  build  up  limestone  de- 
posits occasionally  of  great  thickness.  Numerous  representatives  of  the 
Lagenidae  {Nodosaria,  Dentalina,  etc.),  Textalariidae,  Eotalidae,  and  even  the 
Nummiditidae  accompany  the  rock-building  forms,  and  continue  for  the  most 
part  throughout  the  Permian.  Except  in  the  Alps,  the  Triassic  is  almost 
destitute  of  Foraminifera,  and  even  the  pure  limestones  and  dolomites  of  the 
Alpine  Trias  have  usually  become  so  altered  by  metamorphism  as  to  render 
the  recognition  of  tests  wellnigh  impossible.  Notwithstanding,  Globigerina 
limestone  has  been  discovered  in  the  Upper  Triassic  of  the  Northern  Alps, 
and  tests  of  Crisfellaria,  Margimdina,  Glohigerina,  Tcxtularia,  Biloculina,  etc.,  are 
found  in  the  St.  Cassian  beds. 

Certain  argillaceous  and  calcareous  strata  of  the  Lias  and  Jura  contain 
vast  quantities  of  minute,  vitreo-perforate  or  siliceous  Foraminifera.     In  the 




Cretaceous,  Textularia,  Botalia,  Cristellaria,  Glohigerina,  Miliola  and  coccoliths  are 
essential  constituents  of  the  White  Chalk.  Individual  beds  of  the  Maestricht 
Chalk  consist  almost  entirely  of  Calcarina  remains ;  in  the  Urgo-Aptian  Orhi- 
tolina  is  the  chief  rock-builder ;  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  Alveolina. 

The  maximum  development  of  the  Foraminifera  occurs  in  the  Tertiary 
period.  Massive  beds  of  the  Eocene  Calcaire  Grossier  of  the  Paris  basin  and 
in  the  Pyrenees  are  composed  of  Miliolidae  remains  ;  other  Eocene  limestones 
consist  of  Alveolina,  Operculina,  Orhitolites  and  OrUtoides  aggregations.  But  of 
far  greater  geological  importance  are  the  NummuUtes,  which  occur  in  incredible 
abundance  in  the  Eocene  and  Oligocene  Nummulites-formations  of  the  Medi- 
terranean district,  Asia  Minor  and  Eastern  Asia. 

During  the  late  Tertiaiy  the  NummuUtes  almost  entirely  disappear ;  only 
Amphistegina  continues  as  an  occasional  rock-builder,  and  from  the  middle 
and  later  Tertiary  on,  the  Foraminifera  fauna  remains  very  nearly  the  same 
as  now. 

Table  showing  Geological  Eange  of  the  Foraminifera 

































[Tlie  foregoing  chapter  on  Foraminifera  has  been  revised  for  the  present  work  by  Dr. 
Joseph  A.  Ciishiiian  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History,  Boston,  Mass. — Editor.] 

Order  3.     RADIOL  ARIA   Muller.^ 

{Fohjcystina  Ehrenberg. ) 

Marine  Bhizopoda   emitting  fine,  filiform,   radially  directed  pseudopodia,  tvith 
central  capsule  and  extra- cap sidum,  and  usually  with  delicate  siliceous  skeleton. 

The  sarcode  body  of  the  Radiolarians  is  differentiated  into  (1)  an  inner 
central  sphere  or  capsule  of  tough  gelatinous-like  protoplasm  containing  one  or 

^  Literature  :  Ehrenberg,  O.,  Mikrogeologie,  1854  ;  also  memoirs  on  Radiolaria  from  Barbados, 
in  Abhandl.  Akad.  Wiss.  Berlin,  1872,  1875.— HaecM,  E.,  Die  Radiolarien,  1862.— /c^ewt,  Report 
on  tile  Radiolaria,  in  Scient.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  Zool.,  vol.  xviii.,  1887.^ — Hertwig,  R.,  Der 




more  nuclei,  vacuoles,  alveoles,  granules,  oil -globules  and  sometimes  crystals 
and  surrounded  by  a  capsule-membrane  perforated  by  pores  or  pylae ;  and 
(2)  an  outer  jelly-like  extra-capsulum,  the  sarcode  of  which  emits  pseudopodia. 
The  individuals  lead  usually  an  isolated  existence,  and  are  only  rarely  united 
in  colonies. 

Most  Eadiolarians  secrete  skeletons  composed  of  either  bars  or  spicules  of 
acanthine  (an  organic  substance  allied  to  horn  or  chitin)  or  silica,  or  they  build 
an  exceedingly  delicate  lattice-work  composed  of  transparent  amorphous  silica. 
Only  the  latter  forms  are  known  in  a  fossil  state,  and  owing  to  their  minute 
size,  are  commonly  indiscernible  except  with  the  aid  of  the  microscope. 

Haeckel  divides  the  Radiolaria  into  four  suborders,  as  follows  : — 

A.  Acantharia. — Capsule-membrane  uniformly  perforated  ;  skeleton  com- 
posed of  acanthinic  spicules.      Unknown  in  fossil  state. 

B,  Spumellaria. — Capsule-membrane  single,  pores  distributed  all  over; 
skeleton  siliceous,  spherical  or  discoidal,  sometimes  wanting  (Fig.  43). 

Fio.  41. 
Silurian  and  Devonian  Radiolarians :  A,  Cenospliaera  macro'pora  Rlist.    Ordovician ;  Cabrieres,  Langiiedoc. 
B,  Stiiuriilonche  micTopora,  Rlist.     Ordovician  ;  Cabrieres.     C,  Caryosphaera  groddecld  Riist.     Upper  l)e\'onian  ; 
Schiibenholz,   near  Elbingerode,    Harz   Mountains.     D,  Lithocampe  tschernytschewii   Riist.     Devonian ;  Ural. 
Magnified  100  to  120  diameters  (after  Riist). 

C.  Nasselaria. — Capsule-membrane  single,  perforated  only  about  the  oral 
pole  ;  skeleton  siliceous,  helmet-  or  cap-shaped,  conformation  of  poles  dissimilar 
(Figs.  44,  45). 

D.  Fhaeodaria. — Capsule-membrane  double,  perforated  by  one  main  opening 
prolonged  into  a  tubulus,  and  by  a  few  smaller  accessory  openings.  A  dark 
pigment  body  (phaeodiuni)  constantly  present  in  extra-capsular  sarcode.  Skeleton 
commonly  consisting  of  hollow  siliceous  spicules  disposed  in  flask-shaped  or 
variously  shaped  frameworks.      Unknown  in  fossil  state. 

Radiolarians  are  exclusively  marine  organisms,  and  are  found  at  all  bathy- 
metric  zones.  They  occur  in  vast  numbers,  especially  in  tropical  seas, 
swimming  on  the  surface,  as  well  as  at  medium  and  even  abysmal  depths. 
Particularly  between  2000  and  4000  fathoms  in  depth,  extensive  deposits  of 
"  Radiolarian  mud  "  have  been  found,  the  composition  of  which  is  largely  silica 
with  a  small  percentage  of  carbonate  of  lime. 

Organismus  der  Radiolarien.  Jenaische  Denkschr.,  1879,  vol.  ii. — Stohr,  E.,  Die  Radiolarieii- Fauna 
von  Grotte  in  Sicilieu.  Palaeoiitogr.,  1880,  vol.  xxvi. — Rust,  D.,  Radiolarien  aus  Gesteinen  des 
Jura.  Palaeoutogr.,  1885,  vol.  xxxi. — Idem,  op.  cit.,  vols,  xxxiv.  xxxviii.  and  Iv. — Dreycr,  F.,  Die 
Tripoli  von  Caltanisetta.  Jenaiselie  Zeitsclir.  f.  Naturvv.,  1890,  vol.  xxiv. — Cayeux,  L.,  Les  Preuves  de 
I'existence  d'organismes  dans  le  Precambrien.  Bull.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  1894,  vol.  xxii.  —  Vinussa 
de  Regny,  P.  E.,  Radiolarie  delle  flaniti  titoniane  di  Carpena  (Spezia).  Palaeont.  Italica,  1899,  vol. 
iv. — Hinde,  G.  J.,  Radiolaria  in  Devonian  Rocks  of  New  South  Wales.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc., 
London,  1899,  vol.  Iv. — Idem,  Radiolaria  from  the  Triassie  of  the  Dutch  East  India  Archipelago. 
Jaarl).  Mijnwezen  Nederl.  Ooost  India,  1908,  vol.  xxxvii. — Squinahol,  S.,  Radiolarie  eretacce  degli 
Euganee.  Padova,  1904. — Princqd,  P.,  C'ontributo  alio  studio  dei  radiolari  niiocenioi  italiani. 
Boll.  Soc.  Geol.  Ital.,  1910.  vol.  xxviii. 



The  diversity  of  form  exhibited  by  Eadiolarians  is  very  remarkable,  and 

.1  /;  c  D 

Fro.  42. 
Carboniferous,  Jurassic,  and  Cretaceous  Radiolarians  :  A,  Stauracontium  inaequah  RUst.    Carboniferous ; 
Sicily.     B,    Troehodiscus  nicholsovi  Riist.     Carboniferous ;   Harz.     C,  Xiphmlictya  acuUi  Riist.     In  coprolite 
from  Lias  ;  Ilsede,  Hanover.    D,  Hyinenvutrum  rotiindum  Rust.     In  coprolite  from  Cretaceous  ;  Zilli,  Saxony. 

the  identification  of  their  microscopic  siliceous  skeletons  is  impossible  without 
the  aid  of  special  literature.  Contrary  to  formerly  current  ideas,  the  geological 
antiquity  of  the 
Radiolarians  is  very 
great ;  and  they  also 
play    an    important 

part  m 

the  com- 
of  many 
and     cal- 

rocks  (quartzites, 
hornstone,  jasper, 
phyllites,  Aptychen- 
schiefer,  etc.).  Ac- 
cording to  Barrois 
they  are  the  oldest 
known  animal  or- 
ganisms, since  the 
Spumellaria  (Mono- 
sphaeroidae)  occur 
plentifully  in  the 
bituminous  quartz- 
ites of  Brittany, 
interbedded  with 
pre  -  Cambrian 

Although  the 
group  is  still  very 
imperfectly  known, 
yet,  according  to 
Riist,  fossil  Badio- 
laria  are  by  no 
means  less  abundant  and 

Recent  and  Tertiary  Spumellarians :  A,  Actinomma  (isteracanthium  Haeck. 
Recent;  Messina.  B,  Stylodictyaimdti.^pina  "Hueck.  Recent ;  Messina.  C,  Helio- 
disaus  humboldti  Elirbg.  Barbados  eartli  (Miocene) ;  Barbados.  D,  Haliomma 
dixiphos  Elirbj^.  Miocene  marl ;  Caltanisetta,  Sicily.  E,  Astroinvin  aristutelis 
Ehrbs.     Miocene ;  Barbados. 

less  diversified  than  the  Becent.     Only  in  exceptional 




instances  (Miocene  of  Barbados,  Oran,  Sicily)  have 
unaltered,  and  still  consist  of  amori^hous  silica.  I 
has  usually  become  dissipated  in  the  matrix,  being 
iron,  or  some  colouring  agent ;  in  other  cases  the 

Pio.  44. 

Recent  and  Tertiary  Nasselarians  :  A,  Podocyrtis  schomburgki  Ehrbg. 
Tertiary  marl;  Barbados.  B,  Cyrtocalpis  amphora  Haeclv.  Recent; 
Messina.  C,  ISothnjocainpe  liexathahvniia  Haeck.  Recent;  Mediterranean. 
D,  Pdalospyris  fuveolata  Mhrhg.     Tertiary  marl ;  Barbados. 

the  skeletons  been  preserved 
n  the  older  rocks  the  silica 
replaced  by  lime  carbonate, 
quartz  has  become  crypto- 
crystalline,  or  replaced  by 
a  calcite  pseudomorph. 

The  Cambrian  GrifFel- 
schiefer  of  Sonneberg  in 
Thuringia  contain  poorly 
■  preserved  Sphaeroidea  ;  the 
usually  dark,  though  some- 
times red  or  light-coloured 
Ordovician  strata  of  Lan- 
genstriegis  in  Saxony,  and 
of  Rehau  and  Steben  in 
Franconia,  the  red  jasper 
of  Abington,  Scotland, 
and  the  Ordovician  sili- 
ceous rocks  of  Cabrieres 
in  Languedoc,  are  more  or 

less  rich  in  Radiolarian 
remains  belonging  exclusively  to  the  Spumellaria  (Fig.  H,  A,  B). 

From  the  Devonian  jasper  of  Siberia,  the  siliceous  schists  of  Hesse  and 
Nassau,  and  the  manganiferous  quartzite  of  Elbingerode  in  the  Harz,  and 
other  places,  Riist  has  described  forty-six  Spumellarian  species  and  seventeen 
Nasselarian  (Cyrtoidea).  The  Lower  Carboniferous  quartzites,  phyllites, 
adinole  and  jaspers  from  the  Harz  (Culm  formation),  Ural  district  and  Sicily 
have  yielded  155  species,  of  which  thirty-six  belong  to  the  Nasselaria.  In 
general  the  Paleozoic  Kadiolarians  are  remarkable  for  their  relatively  large 
size  and  excellent  preservation. 

The  Triassic  appears  to  be  destitute  of  Radiolarians  except  in  the  Alps, 
where  they  are  abun- 

^  AT* 



dant  in  the  hornstone 
and  siliceous  lime- 
stone of  the  Buchen- 
stein  beds  of  Hungary, 
and  occur  less  fre- 
quently in  the  Rei- 
fling  limestones,  in 
the  Wengen  beds  of 
Storzic  in  Carniola, 
in  the  marls  of  St. 
Cassian,  and  in  the 
siliceous  limestone  of 
the  Rothelstein,  near  Aussee,  etc.  They  are  usually  associated  here  with 
the  remains  of  Sponges  and  Foraminifera.  In  the  silicified  coprolites  of 
the  Lias,  found  at  Ilsede,  Hanover,  Radiolarians  are  very  common;  they 
are  somewhat  less  frequent  in  the  limestones  of  the  Lower  Lias  on  the 
Schafberg  in  Upper  Austria.  Certain  hornstone  beds  of  Middle  Jurassic 
age,    found    at    Piszke,    Hungary,    the    Upper    Jurassic    pudding-stones     of 

Fifi.  45. 

Tertiary  Nasselarians  from  Barbados  :  .-I,  Antlwcyrtis  mespilus  Elirbg.  B, 
Lychnocaniu7)i  hiceriia  Ehrbg.  C,  Diclyomitramovfgdljieri  Elirbg.  D,  Eucyr- 
tidium  degans  Ehrbg.     E,  Ptcrocodon  campana  Ehrbg. 


Cittiglio,  near  Laveno  on  Lago  Maggiore,  and  numerous  Tithonian  jaspars,  as 
well  as  the  Alpine  Aptyclius  beds,  are  charged  with  Radiolarians  ;  here  the 
Nasselaria  are  nearly  as  plentiful  as  the  Sjnimellaria.  The  Lower  Cretaceous 
(Neocomian)  of  Gardenazza  has  yielded  but  few  forms.  On  the  other  hand, 
coprolites  from  the  Gault,  found  near  Zilli  in  Saxony,  and  Lower  Cretaceous 
clay  marls  in  Manitoba,  Canada,  as  well  as  from  Upper  Cretaceous  marls  of 
Haldem  in  Westphalia,  and  Vordorf  in  Brunswick,  contain  excellently  preserved 
skeletons  in  greater  or  less  abundance.  Even  the  flinty  concretions  of  the 
Upper  Chalk  sometimes  contain  them,  although  in  a  poor  state  of  preservation. 
Certain  Eocene  hornstones  in  Italy,  according  to  Pantanelli,  are  filled  with 
Radiolarian  remains,  while  in  the  Flysch  they  are  also  very  profuse  in  some 
localities,  although  usually  poorly  preserved. 

By  far  the  most  noted  occurrence  of  fossil  Radiolarians  is  in  the  siliceous 
"  Barbados  earth,"  of  Miocene  age,  in  which  Foraminifera  are  also  very  con- 
spicuous ;  while  the  "  tripoli "  of  Grotte,  Caltanisetta  and  Girgenti  in  Sicily, 
of  Oran,  Aegina,  Zante,  the  Nikobar  Islands  and  other  localities  (Miocene  and 
Pliocene),  is  scarcely  less  noteworthy.  Ehrenberg  has  described  278  species 
from  Barbados  alone,  and  from  Sicily  Stohr  has  described  118  species,  most  of 
which  belong  to  still  extant  Spumellarian,  Nasselarian  and  Phaeodarian  genera. 

Phylum  II.     COELENTERATA. 

CoELENTERATES  01"  Zoophytes  are  free-swimming  or  attached  aquatic  animals 
of  very  variable  form  and  size.  They  diflfer  from  the  Protozoa  in  having 
multicellular  bodies  with  distinct  organs  ;  and  from  all  higher  classes  in  the 
absence  of  a  definite  body-cavity.  In  the  subphylum  Porifera  there  is  a 
simple  or  usually  complex  system  of  digestive  sacs,  with  inhalent  pores  in  the 
body  wall  and  one  or  many  exhalent  pores  or  oscula,  and  no  stinging  cells  or 
tentacles.  The  two  other  subphyla,  Cnidaria  and  Ctenophora,  exhibit  a  more 
or  less  pronounced  radial  symmetry,  have  no  inhalent  pores  and  no  special 
exhalent  opening  in  the  body  wall,  but  a  large  mouth  opening  conducts  into  a 
gastrovascular  cavity.  Food  is  taken  in  and  the  excreta  and  sexual  elements 
are  voided  through  the  mouth  opening.  Stinging. cells  and  usually  tentacles 
are  present  in  the  two  last-named  divisions. 

The  body  consists  of  two  layers  of  cells — an  ectoderm  and  entoderm — 
and  usually  also  a  third  layer,  the  mesoderm.  The  ectoderm  in  the  Cnidaria 
often  secretes  a  calcareous  or  horny  skeleton,  but  in  the  Porifera  the  horny, 
siliceous  or  calcareous  skeletal  elements  are  the  product  of  the  mesoderm. 

Reproduction  is  either  sexual  or  asexual,  or,  in  the  Hydrozoa,  an  alterna- 
tion of  generations  may  occur.  The  process  of  budding  or  self-division  gives 
rise  to  polyzooid  colonies,  in  which  the  zooids  subsist  in  intimate  relationships 
with  one  another,  and  sometimes  institute  a  physiological  division  of  labour. 

R.  Leuckart  was  the  first  to  recognise  the  Coelenterates  as  constituting  a 
distinct  structural  type  of  animals  and  separated  them  from  the  Echinoderms, 
with  which  the  older  systematists  had  associated  them  under  the  general  term 
of  Radiates  or  Actinozoa.  The  Coelenterates  are  divided  into  three  principal 
groups  or  subphyla  :  Porifera,  Cnidaria  and  Ctenophora.  Of  these  only  the  first 
two  have  skeletons  and  have  left  traces  in  the  rocks. 

Subphylum  I.     Porifera  Hogg. 

The  Porifera  or  Sponges  are  sessile,  aquatic  animals  of  extremely  variable 
form.  The  body  consists  of  a  single  layer  of  pavement-cells  forming  the 
ectoderm,  a  single  layer  of  collared  epithelial  cells  constituting  the  entoderm, 
and  usually  a  strongly  developed  mesoderm,  which  latter  comprises  the  bulk  of 
the  soft  parts  (including  all  the  organs,  muscles,  sexual  elements  and  nerves), 
and  almost  invariably  secretes  a  hard  skeleton.  The  latter  may  consist  of 
horny  sponge-fibres,  or  of  regularly  disposed  siliceous  or  calcareous  skeletal 
elements.  The  whole  body  is  ramified  by  a  canal-system,  and  the  outer 
epithelial  layer  is  perforated  by  countless  minute,  dermal  pores  for  the  entrance 
of  water  ladeu  with  food-particles.     The  pores  communicate  by  means  of  fine 



iiicurrent  canals  with  subdermal  ciliated  chambers,  from  which  larger  excurrent 
canals  conduct  the  water  and  food  or  excreta  through  the  body,  and  generally 
open  into  a  wide,  exhalent  opening  called  the  cloaca  or  paragaster.  Stinging 
cells,  tentacles  and  radial  mesenteries  are  absent.  The  Porifera  comprise  but 
one  class,  the  Sponges. 

Class   1.      SPONGIAE.     Sponges.^ 

Sponges  are  remarkable  for  their  extreme  variability  in  external  form 
and  size ;  they  lead  either  an  isolated  existence,  or  are  united  in  colonies  of 
cylindrical,  tubulate,  pyriform,  fungus-like,  bulbous,  spherical,  compressed, 
foliate,  umbel-,  bowl-  or  beaker-shaped,  or  of  botryoidal  form.  They  are  long- 
or  short-stemmed,  or  a  peduncle  may.  be  absent ;  sometimes  the  stock  is 
branching,  and  the  arms  may  be  either  separate  or  interlaced  so  as  to  form 
networks.  Nothing  is  less  stable  than  the  outer  conformation,  which  varies 
excessively  according  to  the  situation  and  other  physical  conditions,  and 
whose  systematic  importance,  accordingly,  is  very  slight.  The  size  is  also 
extremely  variable,  ranging  from  that  of  a  pin-head  to  1|  metres  in  diameter. 

Sponges  are  invariably  sessile  in  habit,  being  attached  either  by  means  of 
a  stem  or  a  bundle  of  anchoring  spicules,  or  they  may  be  simply  encrusting 
at  the  base. 

s-  '■  The  canal-system  by  which  the  whole  body  is  traversed,  is  extremely  com- 
plicated in  thick-walled,  but  simple  in  thin-walled  sponges.  A  distinction  is 
recognised  between  incurrent  or  inhalent,  and  excurrent  or  exhalent  canals. 
In  the  terminology  proposed  by  Rauff,  inhalent  canals  are  designated  as 
epirrhysa,  and  exhalent  canals  as  aporrhysa  ;  the  former  terminate  on  the 
periphery  in  ostia  (not  to  be  confounded  with  the  finer  dermal  pores),  while 
the  latter  terminate  on  the  cloacal  surface  in  postica  (again  not  to  be  con- 
founded with  gastral  pores).  Postica  are  usually  larger  than  ostia,  and 
differ  from  them  in  form  and  arrangement. 

1  Literature  :  ^.  Ou  recent  Sponges  : — 

Schmidt  0.,Die  Spougien  des  Adriatischen  Meeres.  Leipzic,  1864-66. — Idem,  Die  Spongien  der 
Kiiste  von  Algier.  Leipzic,  1868. — Idem,  Die  Spougien  des  Meerbu&ens  von  Mexico.  Jena,  1879-80. 
— Haeckel,  E.,  Die  Kalkschwiimme,  1872. — Schulze,  Fr.  E.,  Untersuchungeu  liber  den  Bau 
und  die  Entvvicklung  der  Spongien.  Zeitschr.  f.  wiss.  ZooL,  1876-80,  vols,  xxvii.  -  xxx. — 
Report  on  the  Hexactiuellida.  Scieut.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  Zool.,  vol.  xxi.,  1887. — 
Vosmaer,  G.  G.  J.,  Spongien  {Porifera),  in  Bronn's  Classen  und  Ordnungen  des  Tierreichs, 
2nd  ed.,  1882-87,  vol.  iii. — Lendeiifeld,  R.,  A  Monograph  of  the  Horny  Sponges.     London,  1889. 

B.  On  fossil  Sponges  : — 

Gold/uss,  A.,  Petrefacta  Germaniae,  vol.  i.,  1826-33. — Michelin,  H.,  Iconographie  zoophyto- 
logique,  1840-47. — -Fromentel,  E.  de,  Introduction  a  I'etude  des  t'ponges  fossiles.  Mem.  Soc.  Linn. 
Normandie,  1859,  vol.  xi. — Roemer,  F.  A.,  Die  Spongitarien  des  norddeutschen  Kreidegebirges. 
Palaeontographica,  1864,  vol.  xiii. — Zittel,  K.  A.,  Ueber  Coeloptychium.  Abhandl.  k.  bayer. 
Akad.,  1876,  vol.  xiii. — Studien  iiber  fossilen  Spongien,  i.,  ii.,  iii.,  ibid.,  1877,  vol.  xiii.  (translated 
by  Dallas  in  Annals  and  Mag.  of  Nat.  Hist,  for  1877,  1878,  1879). — Beitriige  zur  Systematik  der 
fossilen  Spongien,  i.,  ii.,  iii.,  Neues  Jahrb.  fvir  Mineral.  1877,  1878,  1879. — Quenstedt  F.  A., 
Petrefacteukunde  Deutschlands,  1877,  vol.  v.—Sollas,  W.  J.,  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc.  1877-80, 
vols,  xxxiii.  -  xxxvi. — Rinde,  G.  J.,  Catalogue  of  fossil  Sponges  of  British  Museum,  London, 
1883. — Monograph  of  British  fossil  sponges  ;  Palaeontographical  Society,  1887,  1888,  1893. — 
Rauff,  H.,  Palaeospongiologie  ;  Palaeontographica,  1893  -  94,  vols,  xl.,  xli.  (contains  full 
bibliography). — Schrammen,  A.,  Beitrag  zur  Kenntniss  der  obersenonen  Tetractinelliden.  Mittheil. 
Roemer.  Museum  Hildesheim,  1899-1903,  Nos.  10,  14,  15,  19.— Hall,  J.  and  Clarke,  J.  M., 
A  Memoir  on  the  Palaeozoic  reticulate  Sponges  constituting  tl^e  family  Dictyospongidae.  N.  Y. 
State  Mus.  Mem.  ii.,  1898.  Earlier  contributions  by  same  authors  in  15th  and  16th  Reports  N.  Y. 
State  Geologist,  1895-96. — Schrammen,  A.,  Kieselspongien  der  oberen  Kreide  von  Nordwestdeutsch- 
land.  Palaeontogr.  1910,  Supplem.  vol.  v. — Kolb,  R.,  Kieselspongien  des  schwabischen  weissen 
Jura.     Oj).  cit.,  1911,  vol.  Ivii. 


The  water  enters  through  the  dermal  pores,  and  passes  through  the 
incurrent  canals  into  ciliated  chambers,  which  are  lined  with  epithelial  cells. 
From  these  it  is  conveyed  through  all  parts  of  the  body  by  means  of  the 
frequently  branching  excurrent  canals,  which  open  into  a  sac-like,  tube-like 
or  funnel-shaped  cloaca.  The  exhalent  opening  of  the  latter  is  termed  the 
osculum.  Extremely  thin-walled  sponges  have  no  cloaca,  osculum  or  branch- 
ing canal-system,  but  the  excurrent  canals  terminate  directly  in  small  openings 
situated  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  body.  The  cloaca  when  present  is  often 
of  considerable  depth,  although  sometimes  shalloAV,  or  reduced  to  a  mere  sac-like 
prolongation  of  the  osculum.  Forms  with  a  large  and  deep  cloaca  are  regarded 
as  single  individuals,  those  with  numerous  cloacae  and  oscula  as  colonies.  But 
since  all  the  cloacae  of  a  colony  communicate  by  means  of  canals,  while  the 
oscula  are  never  surrounded  by  a  crown  of  tentacles,  it  is  often  difficult  to 
distinguish  between  large  excurrent  canals  and  true  cloaca,  and  hence  also 
between  individuals  and  colonies, 

Eeproduction  is  either  sexual  or  asexual.  In  the  first  process  the  fertilised 
ova  complete  a  tolerably  regular  segmentation,  develop  into  a  gastrula,  pass 
out  through  the  osculum,  and  attach  themselves  to  some  foreign  object. 
Asexual  reproduction  takes  place  by  budding,  the  young  buds  remaining 
attached  to  the  parent  individual,  and  thus  giving  rise  to  colonies.  Re- 
production by  means  of  fission  forming  new  colonies  is  of  rare  occurrence. 

The  great  majority  of  sponges  secrete  a  skeleton  composed  either  of  horny 
fibres  or  of  siliceous  or  calcareous  spicules,  or  they  incorporate  foreign  bodies 
into  their  framework.  Only  a  few  Recent  forms  {Myxospongiae)  are  without 
a  skeleton.  In  the  horny  sponges  (Ceratospongiae)  the  skeleton  consists  of 
anastomosing  and  reticulated  fibres  of  spongin,  an  organic  nitrogen  compound 
resembling  silk.  The  fibres  are  either  solid,  or  they  contain  an  axial  canal, 
which  is  sometimes  cored  with  foreign  bodies,  such  as  sand-grains,  fragments 
of  sponge-spicules,  foraminifers,  radiolarians,  etc. 

Siliceous  spicules  are  sometimes  encased  in  horny  fibres,  sometimes  occur 
detached  in  the  cellular  tissues,  or  are  interlaced  and  consolidated  with  one 
another  in  various  ways  to  form  a  supporting  framework.  In  each  genus  the 
skeleton  is  composed  of  but  a  single  type,  or  at  the  most  of  but  a  few  regularly 
repeated  varieties  of  siliceous  bodies,  which  are  called  the  skeletal  elements.  In 
addition  to  these  there  occur  more  or  less  abundantly,  especially  on  the  outer 
surface  and  in  the  cloacal  and  canal  walls,  extremely  delicate  flesh-spicules, 
usually  of  small  size  and  of  great  diversity  of  form.  The  flesh-spicules  are  as 
a  rule  destroyed  during  fossilisation.  All  the  siliceous  skeletal  elements  are 
secreted  by  nucleated  cells,  and  are  composed  of  concentric  layers  of  colloidal 
silica,  deposited  usually  about  a  slender  axial  canal.  In  some  spicules,  notably 
those  having  spherical  or  stellate  contours,  the  axial  canal  is  wanting.  It  is 
very  delicate  in  fresh  spicules,  but  becomes  enlarged  by  maceration,  and  in 
fossil  specimens  it  is  often  coarsely  calibrated. 

The  multitudinous  varieties  of  siliceous  skeletal  elements  (Fig.  46)  may 
be  grouped  into  a  few  fundamental  types,  as  follows  : — 

(a)  Uniaxial  spicules  or  monaxons  (Fig.  46  ^"^")  and  (^^~^^).  Straight  or 
bent,  smooth,  prickly  or  knotty,  bevelled,  sharpened  or  truncated  needles, 
rods,  hooks,  clasps,  pins  and  anchors  (ampJddiscs).  They  invariably  contain 
an  axial  canal,  which  may  be  either  entirely  sealed  up,  or  open  at  one  or  at 
both  ends. 




(b)  Tetraxial  spicules  or  tetraxons  (Fig.  46  ^'').  The  normal  form  is 
characterised  by  four  equal  rays  intersecting  like  the  bisectrices  of  the  plane 
angles  of  a  regular  tetrahedron.  Triaxial  forms  result  from  the  occasional 
abortion  of  one  of  the  rays.  One  of  the  rays  may  become  elongated  or  other- 
wise modified  so  as  to  form  anchors  (triaens)  with  three  simple  or  furcate  hooks 
(Fig.  46  i8-23^_  Three  of  the  rays  may  be  numerously  divided  or  foliately 
expanded  so  as  to  produce  forms  resemlDling  thumb-tacks  {frichotriaens,  phyllo- 
triaens) ;  atrophy  of  the  fourth  ray  in  the  last-named  form  reduces  the  spicule 
to  a  delicate  siliceous  disk  (Fig.  46  ^^).  A  peculiar  forking  of  the  shaft  gives 
rise  to  candelabras  or  ampJdtriaens,  while  other  modifications  may  produce 
umbellate  spicules  (Fig.  46  -^),  etc. 

Certain  skeletal  elements  of  the  Lithistids  (Figs.  48-63)  may  be  regarded 
as  irregular  tetraxons  (desmoms),  in  which  the  extremities  of  the  four  rays  are 

Fl<i.  46. 
Various  forms  of  Sponge  spicules  from  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Haldem,  Westphalia  ;  iiiagnifieil  25  diameters. 
1-6,  Uniaxial  rods  and  needles.  7-9,  Uniaxial  siliceous  elements  with  coarse  axial  canals.  10-13,  Uniaxial 
cylinders  and  spheres.  14,  Microspined  sjjicule.  15,  Clasp-hook  flesh-spicule.  16,  Bispatulate  liesh-spicule. 
17,  Regular  four-rayed  spicule  (chevaux  de  frise).  lS-21,  Trifid  anchor-shaped  spicules.  i;'2-23,  Anchors  with 
furcate  head-rays.  24-2.5,  Irregular  four-rayed  skeletal  elements.  20,  Umbel-shaped  spicule.  27,  Six-rayed 
spicule.    28,  Polyaxial  siliceous  disk. 

prolonged  in  knotty,  root-like  excrescences,  or  in  which,  owing  to  the  un- 
symmetrical  growth,  branching  or  atrophy  of  one  or  more  of  the  arms, 
extremely  irregular  forms  are  produced  ;  for  these  a  special  terminology  has 
been  devised  by  Rauff. 

(c)  Hexactinellid  spicules  (hexadins  or  triaxons)  (Figs.  65-70).  The 
ground-form  is  an  axial  cross  with  six  equal  arms  intersecting  at  right  angles 
like  the  axes  of  a  regular  octahedron.  Atrophy  of  one  or  more  of  the  rays 
may  result  in  pentaxial,  tetraxial,  triaxial,  or  even  clavate  forms,  without  their 
real  character  becoming  entirely  obliterated.  Bifurcation  or  other  modifica- 
tions of  a  number  or  of  all  the  rays  produce  beautifully  formed  siliceous 
structures  highly  characteristic  of  the  group  Hexadinellida,  which  resemble 
candelabras,  double-headed  anchors,  fir-trees,  pitch-forks,  rosettes,  etc.  The 
fusion  of  juxtaposed  hexactins  produces  more  or  less  symmetrical  latticeworks 
with  cubical  interstices. 

VOL.  I  E 


(d)  Anaxial  or  polyaxial  bodies  of  spherical,  cylindrical,  stellate  or 
discoidal  shape,  which  are  not  derivable  from  either  of  the  three  ground-forms, 
occur  in  only  a  few  varieties  of  recent  and  fossil  siliceous  sponges. 

Calcareous  skeletal  elements  are  much  less  complicated,  and  are  genei'ally 
smaller  and  more  perishable  than  the  siliceous.  Their  form  is  either  triaxial 
(triods),  tetraxial  (tetraxons\  or  nail -shaped  (inonaxons).  The  triaxial  and 
tetraxial  spicules  are  very  rarely  forked  or  otherwise  modified.  Each  skeletal 
element  behaves  optically  like  a  single  calcite  crystal ;  axial  canals  are  absent. 

The  skeletal  elements  in  sponges  are  arranged  chiefly  with  reference  to  the 
circulation  of  water  through  the  canal-systems.  In  thin- walled  forms  they  are 
more  or  less  closely  crowded  together,  and  are  often  regularly  oriented  in  the 
soft  parts  ;  in  other  forms  they  are  encased  in  horny  fibres,  or  are  packed  in 
between  the  canals  ;  in  still  others  they  are  united  to  form  an  irregular  frame- 
work, or  may  be  welded  together  in  a  regularly  reticulated  scaffolding. 

The  horny  fibres  are  totally  destroyed  during  fossilisation ;  calcareous 
spicules  are  often  wholly  or  partially  dissolved,  or  are  replaced  by  infiltrating 
lime  carbonate,  and  assume  a  dense  fibrous  appearance  (Pharetrones).  Like- 
wise in  siliceous  sponges  the  skeletal  elements  are  rarely  preserved  unaltered  ; 
as  a  rule  the  originally  colloidal  silica  becomes  crystalline,  or  is  dissolved  and 
removed.  The  cavities  thus  formed  may  subsequently  become  filled  with 
infiltrating  quartz,  limonite  or  most  commonly  with  lime  carbonate.  In 
this  manner  the  skeletons  of  fossil  siliceous  sponges  are  converted  into  calcite, 
and,  contrariwise,  spicules  that  were  originally  calcareous  may  become  silicified. 
Hence  the  distinction  between  siliceous  and  calcareous  sponges  in  the  fossil 
state  depends  entirely  upon  morphological  characters,  and  not  at  all  upon  the 
chemical  composition  of  the  preserved  parts. 

Sponges  are  divided  into  four  subclasses  :  Myxospongiae,  Ceratospoiigiae, 
Silicisponcjiae  and  Calcispongiae.  The  latter  'group  stands  in  sharp  contrast  to 
the  other  three,  which  are  connected  by  intermediate  forms,  and  constitute 
together  a  'group  of  equal  value  with  the  calcareous  sponges.  Skeletal 
elements  are  absent  in  the  Myxospongiae,  whose  bodies  are  composed  entirely 
of  soft  cellular  tissues.  The  Cerafospongiae  also  lack  imperishable  hard  parts, 
the  spongin  fibres  being  entirely  destroyed  during  fossilisation.  The  reputed 
horny  sponges  from  the  Trias  (BhizocoraUum),  Jura  and  Cretaceous  (Spongites, 
Saxonicus,  Paramudra,  etc.)  are  either  of  inorganic  nature  or  are  zoologically 
indeterminate.  All  fossil  sponges,  therefore,  belong  either  to  the  Silicispongiae 
or  the  Calcispongiae.  The  oldest  forms  are  found  in  the  Cambrian  ;  in  the 
Trias,  Jura  and  Cretaceous  they  are  very  abundant. 

Subclass  3.     SILICISPONGIAE.     Siliceous  sponges. 

Skeleton  composed  either  exclusively  of  siliceous  elements,  or  of  horny  fihres  enclos- 
ing siliceous  spicules. 

Order  1.     MONACTINELLIDA    Zittel. 
(Monaxonia  F.  E.  Schulze.) 

All  skeletal  elements  uniaxial. 

The  Monacfiiu'llida  include  the  majority  of  existing  marine  sponges,  most 
of  which  occur  at  moderate  depths ;    and    also    the    few    fresh-water    forms 




(Spongilla)  that  are  known.  The  skeleton,  as  a  rule,  is  composed  like  that 
of  the  horny  sponges,  of  anastomosing  spongin  fibres,  which  either  encase 
rod-like  spicules,  or  contain  quantities  of  uniaxial  siliceous  elements  ;  some- 
times the  latter  are  also  present  in  the  soft  parts.  In  each  genus  there  are 
usually  either  one  or  but  few  varieties  of  siliceous  elements  present,  which  are  uni- 
formly distributed  throughout  the  body.  Needles,  hooks,  crotchets,  cylinders, 
spindles,  amphidiscs  and  the  like  occur  in  great  diversity.  Owing  to  the 
decomposition  of  the  horny  fibres  during  fossilisation,  and  the  fact  that  the 
skeletal  elements  are  never  fused  together,  the  latter  become  detached  and 
scattered  in  all  directions.  While  Monactinellid  spicules  are  very  common 
in  certain  formations,  they  are  rarely  united  in  the  form  of  coherent 
skeletons,  and  are  only  capable  of  generic  determination  when  their  form  is 
sufficiently  characteristic,  as  in  Benieria,  Esperia,  etc.  The  basal  beds  of  the 
Alpine  Lias  often  contain  considerable  hornstone,  which  is  sometimes  com- 
pletely filled  with  rod-shaped  spicules.  In  various  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary 
horizons  Monactinellid  spicules  are  also  enormously  abundant.  Hinde  has 
described  a  Climacosjwngia  from  the  Silurian  of  Tennessee,  in  which  the 
skeleton  consists  of  spicules  arranged  in  longitudinal  rows,  and  connected  by 
transversely  disposed  elements.  The  spicules  were  probably  originally 
enclosed  in  horny  fibres.  The  Clionidae  secrete  pin-shaped  siliceous  elements 
which  are  also  encased  in  horny  fibres,  and  Eecent  sponges  of  this  family 
bore  labyrinthic  passages  in  the  shells  of  mollusks.  Fossil  sponge-borings  are 
also  common.  Detached  spicules  of  Benieria,  Axinella  and  HajMstion  have 
been  described  by  Hinde  from  the  English  Carboniferous  Limestone. 

Order  2.     TETRACTINELLIDA    Marshall. 

{Tetraxonia  F.  E.  Schulze.) 

Skeleton  composed  of  regidar  fetraxons  which  are  generally  combined  loith  uni- 
axial, polyaxial  or  heteraxial  siliceous  bodies.       The 
skeletal  elements  occur  detached  throughout  the  soft 
parts,  and  are  never  united  to  form  a  connected  frame- 

The  most  common  forms  of  skeletal  elements 
are  normal  tetraxons,  anchors  with  simple  or 
furcate  prongs,  spheres  and  stellate  bodies.  In 
certain  genera  (Geodia)  the  large  anchors  and 
cylinders  are  disposed  in  radiately  arranged  fasci- 
cles, and  are  surrounded  by  a  thick  layer  of 
anaxial  spheres. 

Detached  Tetractinellid  spicules  associated 
with  Monactinellids  occur  more  or  less  abundantly 
in  the  Carboniferous  Limestone,  the  Alpine  Infra- 
Lias,  the  English  Neocomain,  the  Deister  Sand- 
stone (Hils),  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Haldem 
and  Coesfeld  in  Westphalia,  and  in  the  Tertiary 
and  Pleistocene  formations.  The  skeletal  elements  are  preserved  in  their 
natural  position  in  the  genera  Ophiraphidifes  Carter  ;  Tethyopsis  Zittel  (Fig.  47), 
Pachastrella  Schmidt,  Stolleya  and  Cephaloraphidites  Schrammen. 

Fig.  47. 

Tethyopsis  steinmanni   Zittel.       Upper- 
Cretaceous  ;  Ahlten,  Hanover,    i^/i. 




Order  3.     LITHISTIDA    Schmidt. 

Massive,  thick-walled,  siliceous  sponges,  usually  with  complicated  canal-system. 
Skeleton  composed  of  irregular  tetraxons  or  monaxons  (desmoms)  which  develop 
nodose  or  root-like  branches  either  at  the  extremities  or  all  along  the  shaft,  and  are 
firmly  united  hy  zygosis.  Symmetrical,  tetraxial,  uniaxial  or  polyaxial  dermal  and 
flesh-spicules  also  present. 

The  Lithistids  are  closely  related  to  the  Tetractinellids,  and  in  the 
opinion  of  many  zoologists,  should  be  embraced  in  the  same  order  with  them. 

The  Lithistids  are  peculiarly  well  adapted  for  preservation,  owing  to  the 
massive  stony  character  of  their  skeletons ;  and  their  remains  occasionally 
form  thick  deposits,  especially  in  the  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous.  Their  outer 
configuration  is  extremely  variable ;  most  commonly  it  is  crateriform, 
cup-shaped,  pyriform,  globular,  bulbous  or  plate-like ;  while  the  body  is 
attached  either  by  the  base  or  by  means  of  a  peduncle.  The  canal-system 
varies  greatly  in  difterent  genera,  but  is  usually  well  developed  and  more  or 
less  complicated.  The  four-rayed  skeletal  elements  are  interlocked  by  means 
of  the  root-like  branching  ends  of  the  rays,  and  the  points  of  intersection 
(nodes)  with  the  ends  of  adjacent  uniaxial  spicules  are  thickened  into  balls. 
The  usually  irregular  uniaxial  skeletal  elements  are  interlaced  on  all  sides  by 
means  of  root-like  processes.  Dermal  and  flesh-spicules  are  preserved  only 
under  exceptionally  favourable  conditions,  but  are  invariably  present  in 
recent  genera,  and  furnish  valuable  differential  characters.  The  classification 
of  fossil  Lithistids  is  based  wholly  upon  the  skeletal  elements  and  canal- 
systems.  Five  principal  groups  are  recognised,  whose  subdivision  into 
families  need  not  concern  us  at  present : — Tetracladina,  Eutaxicladina,  Anomo- 
cladina,  Megamorina,  and  Rhizomorina.  Existing  Lithistids  occur  most  abun- 
dantly at  depths  ranging  between  100  and  400  metres,  but  are  occasionally 
found  as  deep  as  1800  metres. 

Suborder  1.     TETRACLADINA   Zittel. 

Skeletal  elements  composed  of  four  usually  equal  rays,  each  of  which  encloses  an 
axial  canal,  and  has  extremities  terminating  in  root-like  strands  or  processes ;  the 

spicules  are  intertwined 
to  form  an  open  mesh- 
work.  Dermal  spicules 
either  grapnel-like  te- 
traxons, frequently  with 
furcate  prongs,  or  dis- 
coidal  with  entire  or 
lohate  margin ;  or  they 
are  nail  -  shaped  or 
cylindrical  monaxons. 

The  skeletal  ele- 
ments  of    the   Tetra- 
cladina   are    usually 
symmetrical     tetrax- 
ons, whose  four  smooth,  more  rarely  tuberculate  or  knotty  rays  intersect  ap- 
proximately at  an  angle  of  109i".     They  occur  in  the  Cambrian  and  Silurian, 

Fio.  48. 

Aulocopixim  aii,ranU)nn  OsviaXA.     Diluvium;  Sadovvitz,  Silesia,     a,  Example 
in  1/2  natural  size  ;  //,  Skeleton  magnitled  00  diameters. 




are  very    scarce    in    the  Upper  Jurassic  (Protetraclis),   but   abundant  in   the 
Cretaceous,  Tertiary  and  Recent  periods. 

A'ulocopium  Oswald  (Fig.   48).     Hemispherical  or  bowl-shaped  with  short 
peduncle ;    inferior   surface  covered  with   a  dense,   wrinkled,   siliceous    skin. 

Fig.  49. 

Callopegma  acaule  Zitt.    Senonian  ;  Ahlten,  Hanover ;  a,  Specimen  in  •*/4  natural  size  ;  h,  Skeleton  magnified 
^o/i ;  c,  Portion  of  periphery,  ^/j  ;  d,  Same  magnified  40/i,  and  showing  anchors  with  furcate  head-rays. 

Cloaca  central ;  sponge  body  with  numerous  arched  canals  parallel  to  contour 
of  periphery,  and  with  finer  radial  canals  leading  from  exterior  to  cloaca. 
Skeleton  composed  of  irregular  smooth-rayed  tetraclons  with  root-like  branch- 
ing extremities,  disposed  in  rows  parallel  to  the  radial  canals.  Occurs  (usually 
replaced  by  calcite)  in  the  Ordovician  of  the  Russian  Baltic  Sea  Provinces, 


Fig.  60. 

Phymatella  tuherosa  (Queiistedt).  Quadratenlvreide, 
('Upper  Senonian) ;  Linden,  near  Hanover,  a,  Sponge, 
1/2  natural  size  ;  b,  Outer  surface,  i/i !  ''i  Slceletal  element, 
sw/i ;  d,  Spicules  from  stalk  portion,  50/i. 

Fig.  51. 

Siphonia  tulipa  Zitt.  Greensand  ;  Blackdown. 
A,  Longitudinal  section,  natural  size.  JS,  Sponge 
with  jieduncle  and  root,  1/2  natural,  size  (after 

Ordovician  of  Illinois,  and  Silurian  of  Gotland.  Also  in  erratic  blocks  on  the 
plains  of  Northern  Germany,  usually  chalcedonised. 

Archaeoscyphia  Hinde.      Cambrian. 

Callopegma  Zittel  (Fig.  49).  Bowl-  or  funnel-shaped,  short-stemmed,  thick- 
walled.   External  surface  perforated  by  smaller,  internal  by  larger  canal-openings 




(ostia  and  postica).  Skeleton  composed  of  smooth-rayed  tetraclons,  the  digitate 
extremities  of  which  are  inflated  into  balls.  Dermal  spicules  in  the  form  of 
anchors  and  rods.     Upper  Cretaceous. 

Phymatdla  Zittel  (Fig.  50).     Upper  Cretaceous. 

Polymaraphinina,  Sollasella,  Pseudoplocoscyphia  and  Craterella  Schramm  en. 
Upper  Cretaceous. 

Fig.  53. 

Skeletal  element  of  Jerea 
qvensteiUi,  Zittel,  showing 
brandling  extremities  of 
rays.  Qnadratenkreide;  Lin- 
den, near  Hanover.    ■''Vi. 

Fig.  54. 


Plintlwsella     squamosa 
Skeleton  mai;nified  80  diameters. 
Senonian ;  Ahlten,  Hanover. 

Fig.  [>2. 

Jerea  pyriformis  Lamx. 
Greensand ;  Kelheim,  Ba- 
varia,    i/o  natural  size. 

Siphonia  Park. 
(Fig.  51).  Fig-,  pear- 
or  apple-shaped,  with 
a  long  or  short  ped- 
uncle. Body  with 
deep  cloaca,  into 
which  arched  canals 
running  parallel  with 
the  periphery,  to- 
gether with  numerous 
fine  radial  canals,  con- 
duct. Skeleton  com- 
posed of  smooth-rayed,  branching  dichotriders.  Dermal  spicules  in  the  form 
of  monaxons  and  grapnels.     Abundant  in  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous. 

Hallirhoa  Lamx.  Like  the  preceding,  but  invariably  short -stemmed. 
Body  pyriform  and  lobate,  owing  to  a  number  of  deep  constrictions. 

Jerea  Lamx.  (Figs.  52,  53).  Body  pyriform,  flask-shaped  or  cylindrical, 
with  truncate  or  depressed  summit,  in  which  a  number  of  tube-like  canals, 
vertical  in  the  central  portion  but  arched  in  the  peripheral,  terminate.  Cross- 
ing the  latter  are  finer  radial  canals.  Skeleton  composed  of  tetraclons  and 
dichotriders.     Common  in  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous. 

Bhaijadinia  rimo.'^a  Roemer. 
natural  size  ;  h,  Skeleton,  40/j 
Spicule  of  dermal  layer,  -I'V]- 

Pio.  55. 

Senonian  ;  Alilten,  Hanover,    a,  Sponge, 
c,  Lobate  disk  from  dennal  layer,  -lO/i ; 




Polyjerea  From. ;  Astrodadia,  Thecosiphonia,  Colymmatina  Zitt. ;  Twronia  Mich.  • 
Plinthosella  Zitt.  (Fig.  54).  Cretaceous.  Discodermia  Boc. ;  Bhacodiscula  Zitt., 
etc.     Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Ehagadinia  Zittel  (Fig.  55).  Auricular,  plate-  or  bowl- shaped,  short- 
stemmed.  Both  surfaces  traversed  by  irregular  branching  furrows,  in  which 
the  canalicular  ostia  are  situated.  Skeletal  elements  four-rayed,  sometimes 
uniformly  or  only  distally  covered  with  tuberculous  knobs,  and  with  digitate 
extremities.  Dermal  spicules  in  the  form  of  six-lobed  disks,  provided  with  a 
short  shaft,  and  minute,  multifid  tetraclons.      Upper  Cretaceous. 

Suborder  2.     EUTAXICLADINA    EauflF. 

Skeleton  composed  of  four-rayed  spicules  with  three  equoMy  developed  simple  or 
bifurcate  rays  which  terminate  distally  in  root-like  fibres  ;  and  one  abbreviate,  inflated 
fourth  ray  {ennomoclon).  Axial  canals  probably  in  all  of  the  rays.  Skeletal  elements 
invariably  arranged  in  either  parallel  or  alternating  roivs,  and  united  by  zygosis  into 
a  network  with  triangular  or  irregular  meshes  ;  spicular  nodes  greatly  inflated. 

Nearly  all  the  genera  are  Silurian ;  a  few  [Mastosia,  Lecanella)  occur  in  the 
Upper  Jurassic. 

Fic.  56. 

Astylospongia  praemorsa  (Goldf.).     In  erratic  block  from  Mecklenburg,    a,  Sponge,  partially  cut  into,  natural 
size;  6,  Skeleton,  1-/1 ;  c,  Portion  of  same  highly  magnified. 

Astylospongia  Eoem.  (Figs.  56,  57a).  Spherical,  with  shallow  depression  on 
the  summit ;  base  evenly  rounded,  unattached  ;  probably  fastened  by  means 
of  anchoring  fibres.  Large-sized  canals  directed  parallel  to  perii:)hery  in  the 
outer  portion  of  the  body,  vertical  in  central 
portions  ;  besides  these  there  are  numerous  fine 
radial  canals  which  terminate  in  pores  all 
over  the  periphery.  Skeletal  elements  with 
four  smooth  elongated  rays,  one  or  all  of 
which  branch  dichotomously  just  above  the 
junction  with  the  shorter  arm.  Spicular 
nodes  thickened  into  large  knots.     Ordovician 

of    the    Eussian    Baltic     Sea    Provinces,    and    ment  of  i/i/irfj«,  so/^  (after  Rauff). 
Silurian   of  Sweden   and   North  America  (not- 
ably in  Tennessee),  usually  chalcedonised.     Also  in  erratics  in  the  Diluvium 
of  Northern  Germany. 


Fio.  57. 

Detached  skeletal  element  of  Astylo- 
spongia, 120/1 ;   &>  Detached  skeletal  ele- 




Caryosjmigia,  Caiyospongia  RaufF.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Europe. 

Palaeomanon  Roem.  {AsUjlomanon  EaufF).  Like  Astylospongia,  but  bowl- 
shaped,  with  shallower  and  wider  cloacal  depression.  Entire  surface  covered 
with  pores.     Silurian  ;  North  America.     P.  cmtera  Roem. 

Caryomanon,  Caiyomanon  Rauff.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Hindia  Duncan  (Fig.  blh).  Body  spherical,  with  perforate  periphery, 
traces  of  attachment  wanting.  All  canals  radiate  from  the  centre  outAvard. 
Skeletal  elements  composed  of  three  simple  rays  beset  with  prickly  tubercles, 
and  a  reduced  button-like  fourth  arm.  All  spicules  regularly  disposed  in  rows 
parallel  with  the  radial  canals.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Neohindia  Schrammen.      Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Germany. 

Suborder  3.     ANOMOCLADINA    Zittel. 

(Didymmorina  RaufF. ) 

Skeletal  elements  composed  of  short,  smooth  rays  with  spheriailly  inflated  ends 
which  give  off  three,  four  or  more  simple  or  digitate  branches  ;  the  latter  are  united 
by  zygosis  with  processes  of  adjacent  rays  ;  axial  canals  simple.  Dermal  spicules 
rod-shaped  monaxons.     Upper  Silurian  to  Recent. 

Anomoclonella,  Pycnopegma  RaufF.      Silurian  ;  North  America. 
Cylindrophyma  Zittel  (Fig.  58).      Body  cylindrical,  thick- walled,  attached  ; 
cloaca  wide  and  tube-like,   receiving  numerous  radial  canals,  and  extending 

FlQ.  58. 

Cylindrophyma  milleporata  (Goldfuss).    Upper  White  Jura  ;  Hoclistriiss.    A,  Two  s])ocinieii.s,  1/2  natural  size. 
J},  Skeleton  magnified  30  diameters.     C,  Detached  skeletal  element  of  Cylindrophyma,  B^/j  (after  Raufl'). 

down  as  far  as  the  base.    External  surface  perforated  by  fine  ostia.     Common 
in  Upper  Jurassic. 

Melonella  Zittel.  Skeleton  apple-shaped  or  hemispherical,  with  broad  base, 
or  provided  with  very  short  i)eduncle  ;  base  covered  with  wrinkled  siliceous 
skin.  Cloaca  deep,  funnel-shaped.  Coarser  canals  arched,  parallel  with  peri- 
phery ;  finer  incurrent  canals  radially  directed.  Upper  Jurassic.  M.  radiata 




Rauff.       Silurian.       Megalithista    Zittel.       Upper    Jurassic 

Spoiige-body  cylindrical,  simple  or  branching, 
a  number  of    larger    canals  running  parallel 


Suborder  4.     MEGAMORINA    Zittel. 

{Rhabdomorina  Rauff. ) 

Usually  large-sized,  elongated,  smooth,  bent,  loosely  interlocking,  irregularly 
branching,  or  only  terminally  forked  skeletal  elements  with  simple  axial  canals  ; 
interspersed  among  tvhich  small,  radiciform,  numerously  branching  elements 
{rhizomorins)  are  occasionally  jiresent.  Dermal  spicules  uniaxial  or  grapnel-shaped. 
Ordovician,  Silurian,  Carboniferous,  Jurassic,  Cretaceous  and  Recent. 


Doryderma  Zittel  (Fig.  59). 
pyriform  or  compressed,  with 
with  the  body 
axis,  and  numer- 
ous smaller  radial 
canals.  Skeletal 
elements  large, 
bent  and  divided 
into  two  or  more 
simple  branches. 
Dermal  spicules 
in  the  form  of 
three  -  fluked  an- 
chors.  Upper 
Cretaceous ;  Nor- 
thern Germany, 
England  and 
France.  Accord- 
ing to  Hinde,  also 

Carterella  Zittel;  Asteroderma  Schrammen.     Cretaceous. 

Isorhaphinia  Zittel.  Sub  -  cylindrical,  pedunculate,  with  wide  cloaca 
reaching  nearly  to  the  base.  Skeletal  elements  large,  slightly  bent,  rod- 
shaped,  inflated  at  the  ends,  rarely  dichotomously  branching.  They  are 
associated  in  bundles,  and  so  interlocked  at  their  extremities  as  to  form 
an  open  meshwork.      Cretaceous.      /.  texta  (Roemer). 

Fig.  59. 

Doryderma  dlchotoma  (Roemer).  Upper  Cretaceous,  a,  Sponge,  natural  size  ;  6, 
Dermal  layer,  2/^ ;  c.  Bundle  of  skeletal  elements,  lo/j  ;  rf,  Skeletal  element  and 
several  dermal  spicules  with  furcate,  anchor-shaped  head-rays,  ■^o/i. 

Suborder  5.     RHIZOMORINA   Zittel. 

Skeletal  elements  small,  composed  of  four  or  of  three  principal  rays,  or  simple  and 
irregular,  with  numerous  pjrojecting  spines  or  tubercles  ;  axial  canal  simple  or  branching. 
Dermal  spicules  monaxons,  tetraxons  or  similar  'to  those  of  the  skeleton.  Chiefly 
Jurassic,  Cretaceous  and  Recent. 

Nipterella  Hinde.     Cambrian. 

Cnemidiastrum  Zittel  {Cnemidium,  p.  p.  Goldf.)  (Fig.  60).  Turbinate  or 
bowl-shaped,  with  deep  cloaca.  Walls  thick,  perforated  by  numerous  radial 
canals  disposed  in  tiers  one  over  another,  thus  forming  vertical  fissures  which 
often  divide  toward  the  exterior.  Skeletal  elements  irregularly  branching, 
entirely  beset  with  blunt  spiny  processes.     Abundant  in  the  Upper  Jurassic 




Spongitenkalk  of  South  Germany,  the  skeletons  being  almost  invariably 
replaced  by  calcite.  C.  rinmlosum  Goldf.  According  to  Hinde  also  present 
in  the  Carboniferous  Limestone  of  Ireland. 

Fig.  60. 

Cnemidiastrum,  stellatum  (Goldfiiss).  Upper  Jurassic  Spongiten- 
kalk ;  Hossingen,  Wiirttemberg.  a,  Sponge,  V2  natural  size  ;  b, 
Vertical  tangential  section,  showing  radial  canals  In  vertical  clefts  ; 
c,  Skeletal  elements,  6"/^. 

Fig.  61. 

Skeleton  of  Jercica  polystovia 
(Roem.).  Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Alilten, 
Hanover.     BO/j, 

Hyalotragos  Zittel.  Bowl-,  plate-  or  funnel-shaped,  with  short  peduncle. 
Depression  in  summit  perforated  by  the  ostia  of  numerous  short  canals.  ■  Ex- 
ternal surface  finely  perforate,  or  covered  by  a  smooth  or  wrinkled  dermal 
layer.  Skeletal  elements  irregular,  Avith  numerous  branches  beset  with  points, 
but  with  few  spines.  Very  abundant  in  Upper  Jurassic  Spongitenkalk.  H. 
patella  (Goldfuss). 

Fig.  02. 

Cheiic)idoponifungiformisLa,mx.   Senonian  ; 
Chatellerault,  Touraine.    ^/j  natural  size. 

Fig.  63. 

Verruculina  auriformis  (Roemer).  Quadratenkreiiie; 
Linden,  near  Hanover.    2/3  natural  size. 

Flatychonia  Zittel.  Leaf-  or  ear-shaped,  irregularly  undulating,  covered  on 
both  surfaces  with  fine  pores.  Skeletal  elements  resembling  those  of  Hyalo- 
tragos.    Upper  Jurassic.     P.  vagans  (Quenstedt). 

Jereica  Zittel  (Fig.  61).     Sponge  cylindrical,  turbinate,"pyriform  or  club- 


shaped,  with  short  peduncle.  Summit  truncated  or  with  shallow  depression, 
perforated  by  the  postica  of  vertical  excurrent  canals.  Exterior  perforated  by 
ostia  of  the  finer  radial  incurrent  canals.  Skeletal  elements  root-like,  bent, 
irregularly  branching,  with  numerous  short  lateral  processes.  Upper 
Cretaceous.     /.  polysloma  (Roemer) ;  /.  punctata  (Goldfuss). 

Chenendopora  Lamx.  (Fig.  62).  Goblet-,  funnel-  or  bowl-shaped,  with 
peduncle.  Cloaca  deep,  perforated  by  postica  of  fine  canals.  Skeletal 
elements  numerously  branched  and  containing  branching  axial  canal.  Upper 

Verrucidina  Zitt.  (Fig.  63).  Foliate-,  funnel-,  ear-  or  bowl-shaped,  short- 
stemmed  or  sessile.  Ostia  on  the  upper  surface  surrounded  by  slight,  collar- 
like elevations.     Middle  (Gault)  and  Upper  Cretaceous. 

Amphithelion  Zitt.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  both  ostia  and  postica 
terminating  in  bosses.      Cretaceous. 

Other  genera :  Scytalia,  Coelocorypha,  Stachyspongia,  Fachinion,  Seliscothon 
Zittel ;  Megarliiza  and  Leiochonia  Schrammen,  etc.,  in  the  Middle  and  Upper 

Order  4.     HEXACTINELLIDA    O.  Schmidt. 

(Triaxonia  F.  E.  Schulze.) 

Siliceous  sponges  with  six-rayed  skeletal  elements,  the  rays  being  normally  disposed 
in  three  axes  intersecting  at  right  angles,  and  containing  axial  canals  ;  elements  either 
detached  or  fused  together  so  as  to  form  a  lattice-like  mesh.  Dermal  and  flesh  spicules 
exceedingly  variable  in  form,  but  invariably  six-rayed. 

Next  to  the  Lithistida,  the  HexactinelUda  are  the  most  abundant  of  the  fossil 
siliceous  sponges.  They  are  extraordinarily  variable  in  form,  and  are  often 
anchored  by  a  tuft  or  "  rope  "  of  long,  slender,  vitreous  fibres,  or  are  attached 
directly  by  the  base.  The  walls  are  thin  as  a  rule,  and  enclose  usually  a  wide 
cloaca ;  the  canal-system  is  consequently  much  simpler  than  in  the  Lithistida., 
being  made  up  merely  of  short  tubes  which  penetrate  the  walls  more  or  less 
deeply  on  both  sides,  and  generally  end  blindly.  Sometimes  the  sponge  is 
entirely  composed  of  thin-walled  tubes  which  twine  about  one  another  irregu- 
larly and  produce  a  system  of  lacunar  interstices  (intercanals)  of  greater  or 
less  size. 

The  skeletal  elements  proper  are  distinguished  by  their  considerably  larger 
size  and  simple  form  from  the  usually  minute,  astonishingly  variable  and 
delicate  flesh-spicules ;  the  latter,  unfortunately,  are  seldom  preserved  in  the 
fossil  state.  The  skeletal  elements  occur  detached  in  the  soft  parts  in  the 
Lyssacina  group,  or  are  partially  or  irregularly  cemented  together ;  in  the 
Dictyonina  group,  on  the  other  hand,  they  are  regularly  united  in  such  manner 
that  the  rays  of  proximate  elements  are  all  closely  applied  against  one  another, 
and  are  surrounded  by  a  continuous  siliceous  envelope.  In  this  way  a  more 
or  less  symmetrical  lattice-work  with  cubical  meshes  is  produced,  in  which, 
however,  the  fusion  of  juxtaposed  elements  is  indicated  in  that  each  ray  con- 
tains two  distinct  axial  canals.  The  junction  of  the  rays  at  the  central  node 
of  each  element  is  usually  inflated,  but  is  sometimes  sculptured  in  such  manner 
as  to  enclose  a  hollow  octahedron  (lantern  nodes,  lychnisks).  The  exterior  of 
the  skeleton  is  often  covered  by  a  dermal  layer  composed  of  irregular  hexactins. 


in  which  the  externally  directed  ray  has  become  atrophied  ;  or  a  dense  siliceous 
envelope  is  secreted,  in  which  stellate  hexactins  with  reduced  outwardly 
and  inwardly  directed  rays  (stauractins)  are  embedded  in  greater  or  lesser 

The  Hexadinellida  of  the  present  day  are  distributed  chiefly  over  the  greater 
depths  of  the  ocean  beyond  the  hundred-fathom  line  (200  to  3000  fathoms). 
They  occur  fossil  principally  in  deep-sea  deposits,  and  make  their  first  appear- 
ance in  the  Cambrian ;  their  period  of  greatest  development  coincides  with 
Jurassic  and  Cretaceous  time. 

Suhorder  1.     LYSSACINA    Zittel. 

Skeletal  elements  either  entirely  detached,  or  only  partially  and  in  an  irregidar 
fashion  cemented  together.     Root-iv^t  often  present. 

The  Lyssacina  are  poorly  adapted  for  preservation  in  the  fossil  state,  since 
the  skeletal  elements  are  but  rarely  cemented  together  to  form  a  connected 
framework,  and  the  flesh-spicules  are  invariably  destroyed.  Notwithstanding, 
complete  sponges  composed  of  large-sized  detached  hexactins  have  been  found 
in  Paleozoic  formations,  and  also  in  the  Upper  Jurassic  of  Streitberg;  and, 
indeed,  the  oldest  sponges  that  can  be  determined  with  certainty  all  belong  to 
the  Lyssacina. 

Family  1.     Protospongidae    Hinde. 

Thin-walled,  sack-,  tube-like  or  spherical  sponges,  with  walls  composed  of  a  single 
layer  of  crnciform  tetraxial  spicules  (stauractins),  arranged  so  as  to  form  quadrate 
and  suhquadrate  meshes.  Elements  non-fasciculate.  The  reticulation  formed  by  the 
larger  elements  is  divided  into  secondary  squares  by  smaller  spicides,  so  that  the  m.esh- 
work  is  constituted  of  several  series  of  squares.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

To  this  family  belong  the  genera  Protospongia  Salter,  and  Phormosella  Hinde. 

Family  2.     Dictyospongidae    Hall. 

Usually  large,  funnel-shaped,  cylindrical  or  prismatic  sponges,  whose  thin  tvalls 
are  frequently  diversified  by  ridges  and  prominences.  Skeletal  framework  very  regular, 
and  composed  of  larger  and  smaller  quadrate  meshes  situated  one  within  the  other. 
Framework  formed  by  bundles  of  slender  spicules.  Chiefly  in  Devonian  (Chemung) 
and  Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokuk)  of  North  America,  and  Devonian  of  Europe. 

Subfamily  1.     Dictyospongiinae    Hall  and  Clarke. 

Dictyospongia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Smooth,  obconical  or  subcylindrical 
sponges  devoid  of  nodes,  ridges  or  other  ornamentation ;  base  furnished  with 
a  tuft  of  long,  straight,  anchoring  spicules.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Hydnoceras  Conrad  (Fig.  64).  Obconical  more  or  less  rapidly  expanding 
sponges  with  eight  prism-faces  and  nodes  in  horizontal  and  vertical  rows.  Base 
with  short  tuft  of  anchoring  spicules.     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Lysactinella  Girty  ;  Hydriodictya,  Prismodictya,  Gongylospongia,  -Botryodictya, 
Helicodictya,  Bhabdosispongia,  Ceratodictya,  Clathrospongia,  Lebedictya  Hall  and 
Clarke.     Chemung  Group  ;  New  York. 


Subfamily  2.      Thtsanodictyinae    Hall  and  Clarke. 

Thysanodidya  Hall  and  Clarke.  Subcylindrical  or  tapering  Dictyosponges 
with  prominent  projecting,  rectangularly  reticulating  spicular  bands  or  lamellae 
forming  series  of  fenestrated  quadrules  upon  the  surface.  Base  with  basal 
disk  or  broad  obcone.     Devonian. 

Phragmodidya  Hall ;  Arystidida,  Adoeodidya,  Griphodidya  Hall  and  Clarke. 
Upper  Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Subfamily  3.     Calathospongiinae    Hall  and  Clarke. 

Calathospongia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Stout  subcylindrical  cups  with  truncated 
bases,  probably  attached  by  the  basal  margins ;  contracted  mesially  and  more 
or  less  expanded  at  the  aperture.  Surface  without 
nodes.      Carboniferous. 

Clepsydrospongia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Thamnodidya, 
Cleodidya  Hall. 

Subfamily  4.   Physospongiinae    Hall  and  Clarke. 

Physospongia  Hall.'  Keokuk  group.  Roemeri- 
spongia  Hall  and  Clarke.     Eifel  Devonian.  ('  ,,'- 

Subfamily  5.      Hyphantaeniinae    Hall  and  Clarke. 

Hyphantaenia  (Uphantaenia)  Vanuxem.  Large, 
circular  and  shallow  saucer-shaped  cups,  composed 
of  two  series  of  intersecting  spicular  straps,  one 
radiating,  the  other  concentric.  Chemung  Group ; 
New  York. 

Fio.  04. 

Subfamily  6.       HalLODICTYINAE  Hall  and  Clarke.  Hydiwceras    hathensis  Hail    and 

•'  ClarkR.     Cliemung  Group' ;    Bath, 

Hallodidya  Hall  and  Clarke.     Adinodidya,  Crypto-    of  .stronj;-  iwdes  and  iHieiy  reticu- 
didya  Hall.     Chemung  Group ;  New  York.  ciadcer"''"''  '''  ^"''"'  """^  ""^ 

Subfamily  7.     Aglithodictyinae    Hall  and  Clarke. 
Aglithodidya  Hall  and  Clarke.     Chemung  Group ;  New  York. 

Family  3.     Plectospongidae    Eauff. 

Thin-ioalled  tubes  with  skeleton  composed  of  a  regular  framework  made  up  of  an 
ascending  and  approximately  ring-like  series  of  spicules  ;  the  latter  form  rectangular 
to  quadrate,  hut  not  very  symmetrical  meshes.  Spicular  rays^  fasciculate.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Cyathophycus  Walcott ;  PalaeosaccMS,  Acanthodidya  Hinde.  Ordovician. 
Pledoderma  Hinde.      Silurian. 




Genera  incertae  sedis. 

Pattersonia  Miller  {Strohilospongia  Beecher).  In  form  of  large  botryoidal 
clumps.  Brachiospongia  Marsh.  Vase-like  sponges  Avith  broad  inferior  margin 
prolonged  into  a  number  of  hollow  arms.  Ordovician  of  North  America. 
These,  together  with  Amphispongia  Salter,  and  Astroconia  Sollas,  from  the 
Silurian  of  England,  represent  extinct  families  of  the  Lyssacina. 

Fyriionema  M'Coy  (Acestra  Eoem.)  Fascicles  of  long,  stout  spicules, 
supposed  to  be  root-tufts.     Silurian, 

Hyalostelia  Zitt.  (Acanthospongia  Young).  Skeletal  elements  relatively  large, 
in  the  form  of  regular  hexactins  and  stellate  bodies  with  reduced  vertical  ray, 
and  with  inflated  nodes. 
Root-tuft  composed  of  elon- 
gated, slightly  bent  fibres, 
sometimes  terminating  in 
four  recurved  rays.  Cam- 
brian to  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous ;  Great  Britain. 

Holasterella  Carter; 
Spiradinella  (Fig.  65),  and 
Acanthactinella  Hinde,  are 
allied  genera  occurring  in 
the  Lower  Carboniferous 
of  Great  Britain. 

ThoUasterella  Hinde  (Fig. 

Fio.  66. 

Thnliastcrella  gracilis 
Hinde.  Carboniferous 
Limestone  ;  Dairy,  Ayr- 
shire. Dermal  layer  with 
fused  stellate  spicules, 
5/i  (after  Hinde). 

■  S^^SB^^^^ 

Fig.  65 

Spiractinella  wriciMil  (Carter). 
Carboniferous  Limestone ;  Sligo, 
Ireland.  A,  Normal  hexactin.  B, 
Hexactin  with  forked  rays,  5/j 
(after  Hinde). 

Fig.  67. 

AsteractineUa  expansa  Hinde. 
Carboniferous  Limestone  ; 
Dairy,  Ayrshire.  Skeletal 
element,  5/j  (after  Hinde). 

Fig.  68. 

Astraeospongia  meniscus  Roemer. 
Silurian  ;  Tennessee.  A,  Sponge,  in 
profile,  2/3  natural  size.  B,  IJpper 
surface  of  same. 

66),  from  the  Carboniferous,  has  thin  walls  composed  of  a  layer  of  robust, 
irregularly  amalgamated  hexactins.  As  a  rule,  two  of  the  rays  lying  in  the 
same  plane  divide  dichotomously  from  the  nodes  outward,  so  as  to  produce 
a  six-armed  instead  of  a  four-armed  cross.  In  AsteractineUa  Hinde  (Fig.  67), 
all  of  the  rays  lying  in  the  same  plane  divide  in  two  or  more  branches,  thus 
giving  rise  to  many-rayed,  extremely  diverse,  stellate  and  corolla-like  bodies. 
Carboniferous  ;  Ayrshire. 

Astraeospongia  Roem.  (Fig.  68).  Thick-walled,  depressed,  bowl-shaped, 
upper  surface  concave,  lower  convex,  without  traces  of  attachment.  Skeleton 
composed  of  relatively'  large,  homogeneous,  uncemented  cruciform  spicules ; 
six  of  the  rays  are  disposed  in  the  same  plane,  while  the  two  rays  projected 
at  right  angles  to  these  are  reduced  to  short,  button-like  prominences.  Common 
in  Silurian  of  Tennessee  and  Devonian  of  the  Eifel. 




According  to  Hinde,  Tholiasterella  and  Asteradinella  constitute  a  distinct 
order  (Heteradinellidae),  and  Astraeospongia  is  made  the  type  of  the  order 
OctadinelUdae.  These  two  groups  may  perhaps  best  be  regarded  as  aberrant 
Hexactinellids,  in  which  sui:)ernumerary  rays  are  produced  by  branching. 

Suborder  2.     DICTYONINA   Zittel. 

Skeletal  spicules  cemented  to  form  a  continuous  framework  in  sncli  a  way  that 
every  arm  of  a 
hexactin  is  applied 
to  the  corresponding 
arm  of  an  adjacent 
spicule,  and  both 
rays  become  en- 
veloped in  a  common 
siliceous  covering. 
Boot-tuft  absent. 

The  Dictyonina 
are  probably  de- 
scendants of  the 
Lyssacina  (possi- 
bly from  Proto- 
spongia-  and  Dictyo- 
phyton-Wke  forms). 
They  appear  first 
in  the  Trias,  and 
play  a  prominent 

role  as  rock-builders  in  the  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous.     Their  lattice-like  skeletons 
are  frequently  replaced  by  calcite,  or  are  dissolved  away  and  merely  indicated 

by  cavities.  The  more  important  fossil 
forms  are  divided  into  the  following 

Family  1.    Craticularidae  Rauff.    (Eure- 
tidae  p.  p.,  Zittel  non  Schulze.) 

Cup-shaped,  cylindrical,  branching  or 
flattened  sponges.  Spicular  nodes  solid. 
External  surface  without  distinct  dermal 
layer,  but  protected  by  a  thickening  of  the 
outer  skeletal  layer,  and  occasionally  covered 
with  a  delicate  tveb  of  cemented  spicules. 
Canals  simple,  blindly  terminating  in  the 
skeleton.     Jurassic. 

Fig.  69. 

Tremadictyon  retimdatum  (Goldf.).  Upper  Jurassic ;  Streitberg,  Pranconia.  a, 
Sponge,  "-^/g  natural  size  ;  h,  Enlarged  portion  of  outer  surface  witliout  dermal  layer  ; 
c,  Portion  with  well-preserved  dermal  layer,  3/j  ;  d,  Skeleton,  12/^. 

Fio.  70. 

Craiicidaria  -paradoxa  (Miinster).  Upper  Jurassic  ; 
Muggeudorf,  Franconia.  a,  Sponge,  1/3  natural  size  ; 
6,  Latticed  skeleton,  12/1 ;   c,  Tliickened  dermal  layer. 

Tremadictyon  Zitt.  (Fig.  69).  Cup-, 
plate-shaped  or  cylindrical,  with  wide 
cloaca.  Canal-openings  on  both  sides  in  alternating  rows.  Base  nodular ; 
exterior  veiled  over  with  delicate  net-work  of  amalgamated  hexactins,  extend- 
ing even  across  canal  pores.  Skeletal  framework  with  more  or  less  irregular 
cubical  meshes.     Very  common  in  Upper  Jurassic. 

Craticularia    Zitt.    (Fig.    70).     Funnel-shaped,    cylindrical    or    flattened; 




simple  or  branching.  Canal  -  openings  on  both  surfaces  either  round  or 
elliptical,  and  regularly  distributed  in  vertical  and  horizontal  rows.  Canals 
short,  ending  blindly.     Jurassic,  Cretaceous  and  Miocene. 

Sporadopyle  Zitt.  Cup-  to  funnel-shaped  or  conical,  occasionally  branching. 
Canal -openings  on  the  outer  surface  irregularly  distributed,  or  arranged  in 
quincunx  ;  on  the  cloacal  surface  in  vertical  rows.  Upper  Jurassic.  S.  ohliqua 

Sphenaulax  Zittel,  Ferrucocoelia  Etallon.  Jurassic.  Polyosepia  Schrammen. 
Upper  Cretaceous. 

Family  2.     Ooscinoporidae    Zittel. 

Cahjcoid,  heaker-like,  lohafe,  branching  or  stellately  convoluted  sponges,  ivifh  thin 
toalls  perforated  on  both  sides  by  numerous  canal-openings  arranged  in  alternating 

rows;  canals  short,  ending 
blindly.  Framework  com- 
pact, with  fine  meshes; 
dermal  layer  replaced  by 
thickening  of  the  outermost 
skeletal  layer.  Spicular 
nodes  solid,  more  rarely 
p>erforate.     Cretaceous. 

Leptophragma  Zitt. 
Beaker  -  shaped,  with 
root  -  like  attachment. 
AValls  thin,  covered  on 
both  sides  with  small 
canal-openings  arranged 
in  alternating  rows. 
Mesh-work  very  closely 
woven,  spicular  nodes 
solid.  Middle  and 
Upper  Cretaceous. 

Pleurostoma  Eoem. ;  Guettardia  Mich. ;  Balantionella  Schrammen.    Cretaceous. 

Coscinopora  Goldf.  (Fig.   71).     Beaker-like,  Avith   branching  roots.      Ostia 

small,    round    and    in  alternating    rows.       Skeletal    elements    in    part   with 

perforated  intersection  nodes".     Root  consisting  of  long  siliceous  fibres.     Dermal 

layer  formed  by  the  thickening  and  fusion  of  outermost  hexactins.     Cretaceous. 

Coscinopora  infiindiMMformis  Golclf.  Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Coesfekl,  West- 
phalia, a,  Complete  specimen,  i/o  natural  size  ;  h,  Outer  surface,  natural 
size  ;  c,  Same,  3/j ;  d,  Skeleton  of  cup,  12/1 ;  e.  Skeleton  of  root,  I'-^/j. 

Family  3.     Staurodermidae    Zittel. 

Turbinate,  funnel-shaped  or  cylindrical,  more  rarely  branching  or  in  clumps. 
Ostia  and  postica  irregularly  distributed,  or  in  alternating  rotvs.  Skeletal  frametvork 
more  or  less  regular;  intersection  nodes  thick  or  octahedrally  excavated.  The 
outer  or  both  surfaces  of  the  wall  provided  with  large,  stellate  spicules  (stauractins), 
tohich  differ  from  those  of  the  rest  of  the  skeleton,  and  are  either  but  loosely  cemented 
together  or  are  embedded  in  a  continuous  siliceous  skin.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Cypellia  Zitt.  (Fig.  72).  Top-shaped,  bow-shaped  or  branching,  without 
root.  Canals  irregularly  distributed,  crooked,  and  branched.  Lattice 
skeleton  with  irregular  meshes,  intersection  nodes  perforated.     Dermal  layer 




composed  of  large,  foui"-rayed  stauractins  embedded  in  a  thin,  continuous  or 
perforated  skin.     Very  common  in  Upper  Jurassic  Spongitenkalk. 

Stauroderma  Zitt.  Funnel-shaped  or  plate-like,  with  broad  and  shallow 
cloaca,  into  which  the  large,  round  postica  of  short  canals  open.  Inner  and 
outer  surfaces  provided  with  dermal  layer,  in  which  stellate  spicules  are 
embedded  with  reduced  externally  and  internally  directed  rays.  Upper 

Casearia  Quenst.  Cylindrical,  with  numerous  annular  constrictions. 
Cloaca  deep,  tubiform;  dermal  layer  relatively  thick,  and  made  up  of 
cemented  stellate  spicules.     Upper  Jurassic.     C.  articulafa  (Goldfuss). 

Porospongia  d'Orb.  (Fig.  73).  Compressed  and  expanded,  more  rai-ely 
bulbous  or  cylindrical.  Superior  surface  pitted  with  large  exhalent  apertures 
of  short,  blindly  terminating  cloacae,  and  covered  over  with  a  dense  or  finely 
perforate  siliceous  skin,  in  which  cruciform  spicules  and  regular  hexactins  are 

k  -^^^ 

k'  ^^te^^ss  -  jSi^2liiSi> 

Flfi.  72. 

Cypellia  rufiosa  (Goldfuss).  Upper  Jurassic  ;  Streit- 
berg,  Franconia.  a,  Sponge,  1/2  natural  size  ;  b,  c, 
Dermal  layer,  i-/x. 

Fig.  73.  « 

Porospongia  i»y)?'cssa  (Goldfuss).  Upper  Jurassic ; 
Muggenrtorf,  Franconia.  a,  Fragment  in  natural  size  ; 
6,  Dermal  layer,  "/i ;  c.  Skeleton,  12/j. 

embedded.     Lattice  skeleton  with  cubical  meshes ;  intersection  nodes  imper- 
forate.     Upper  Jurassic. 

Family  4.     Ventriculitidae    Toulmin  Smith. 

IFall  intricately  convoluted  ;  folds  radially  disposed,  generally  vertical  in  direc- 
tion. Radial  canals  ending  hlindhj.  Longitudinal  furrows  developed  along  folds  of 
the  wall,  and  either  open,  or  partially  covered  over  with  a  dermal  layer,  which  is  usnally 
formed  by  thickening  of  the  outer  skeletal  layer.  Skeletal  frametvork  with  octahedrally 
perforated  nodes.  Roots  consisting  of  elongated  siliceous  fibres  united  by  transverse 
bridges  and  without  axial  canals.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Pachyteichisma  Zittel  (Fig.  74).  Turbinate  or  bowl-shaped,  with  very  thick, 
convoluted  wall.  Folds  separated  on  outer  surface  by  deeply  incised  furrows, 
on  inner  surface  by  shallow  furrows.  Framework  extremely  regular.  Eoot 
and  dermal  layer  absent.     Upper  Jurassic. 

Ventriculites  Mantell  (Fig.  75).  Bowl-,  plate-,  beaker-,  funnel-shaped,  or 
cylindrical,  with  wide  cloaca.  Wall  thin,  convoluted  ;  folds  separated  on  both 
sides  by  closely  crowded  longitudinal  furrows.  Lattice-work  of  skeleton  more 
VOL.  I  F 




or  less  regular ;  outer  layer  thickened ;  roots  present.     Common  in  Middle 
and  Upper  Cretaceous. 

Fio.  74. 

Pachyicich-isma  carteri  Zittel.  Upper 
Jurassic ;  Hohenpolz,  Frauconia.  a, 
Sponge,  1/2  natural  size ;  b,  Skeleton,  12/j. 

Fig.  75. 

Ventriculites  striatus  Smith.  Quadra tenkreide  ;  Linden, 
near  Hanover,  a,  Sponge,  i/.j  natural  size  ;  b,  Transverse 
section,  i/x  ;  c.  Skeleton,  12/1. 

Fig.  76. 

Coeloptycldum  agan-oirhs  Goldf.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Vordorf,  near  Brunswick.    A,  Top  view.     /;,  Profilo. 
C,  Under  surface,  2/3  natural  size.    D,  Skeleton,  co/j. 

Schizorhahdus,   EJdzopoterion,   PolyUastidmm  Zittel ;    Sporadoscinia   Pomel ; 




Lepidospongia  Roemer ;  Leiostracosia,  Pledodermafium,  Microhlastidium  Schram- 
men,  etc.     Cretaceous. 

Family  5.     Ooeloptychidae    Zittel. 

Umbel-  or  mushroom-shaped,  with  stalk.  Wall  thin,  deeply  folded.  Convolutions 
radially  arranged,  becoming  furcate  toward  periphery  of  umbel,  and  exposed  on  lower 
surface.  Marginal  and 
upper  surface  enveloped 
with  porous  dermal  layer 
entirely  covering  the  folds. 
Ostia  only-  on  under  side 
of  umbel,  situated  on 
backs  of  the  folds.  Frame- 
work very  regidar ;  inter- 
section nodes  octahedral, 
perforated  ;  rays  of  hex- 
actins     provided     with 

slender,  thorny  processes.  PlocoscvphiapertusaGem.\  GreensancUCenomanian);  Bauowitz,  Kunsary. 

^  '  ,         1    ■  rt,lFragment  in  natural  size  Wh,  Dermal  layer,  five  times  enlarged  ;  c,  Skeleton 

LoetoptyC  Ilium      of  interior,  i^/ii;  d,  Outward  portion  of  skeleton,  la/j. 

Goldf.    (Fig.    76),    oc- 
curring in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Northern  Germany,  England,  and  Southern 
Russia,  is  the  solitary  genus. 

Family  6.     Maeandrospongidae    Zittel. 

Sponge  body  consisting  of  thin-walled,  intricately  labyrinthine,  and  partially 
amalgamated  tubes  or  foliae,  which  form  tuberous,  pyriform,  beaker-shaped,  or  bush- 
like branching  stocks. 
Between  the  tubes  are 
cavities  and  interstices 
of  considerable  size, 
which  constitute  the  so- 
called  inter  canalicular 
system.  Four  canals 
faintly  developed.  Der- 
mal layer  absent,  or  re- 
presented by  a  continuous 
silicious  superficial  skin. 
Abundant  in  the  Cre- 
taceous, and  also  re- 
presented by  numerous 
recent  genera. 

Plocoscyphia  Reuss 

Becksla  sokdandi   Schliit.     Quadratenkreide ;  Coesfeld,   Westphalia.     A,    CPiq    77)        CluniD-like 
Sponge  body,  1/2  natural  size  ;  0,  Ostia  of  radial  canals  ;  /,  Hollow,  root-like  ,  *  , 

processes  of  wall.    B,  Skeleton,  50/j.  Or  bulboUS  StOcks  con- 

sisting of  labyrinthic, 
anastomosing  tubes  or  foliae.  Walls  of  tubes  thin,  perforated  by  numerous 
small  ostia.  Latticed  skeleton,  intersection  nodes  solid  or  perforate.  Cre- 

Fig.  78. 

Becksia  Schliiter   (Fig.    78). 

The  thin  walls  of  the  shallow,   beaker-like 




sponge  are  composed  of  vertical  tubes  having  a  radial  disposition  and  fused 
with  one  another  along  the  sides.  Between  the  tubes  are  large  interstices ; 
near  the  base  the  tubes  develop  hollow,  spinous  processes.  Lattice  skeleton  very 
regular,  exactly  similar  to  Coeloptijchmm.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Westphalia. 

Tremabolites  Zitt. ;  Etheridgia  Tate ;  Zittelispongia  SinzofF,  etc.  Upper 

Camerospongia    d'Orb.    (Fig.    79).     Globular,    sub-globulai-,    or    pyriform. 

Fig.  79. 

Camerospongia  fiingiformis 
(Goldfuss).  Planerkalk ;  Oppeln, 
Silesia.    Is'atural  size. 

Fig.  so. 

Cystispongia  lursa  Quenst.  Cuvieri-Planer  (Turonian) ;  Salz- 
gitter,  Hanover,  o,  Sponge,  natural  size  ;  b,  Dermal  layer  with 
underlying  skeletal  framework  ;  c,  Skeleton,  i2/j. 

Upper  half  of  the  body  enveloped  by  smooth  siliceous  skin,  and  with  large 
circular  depression  on  the  summit ;  lower  half  marked  by  undulating  ridges 
and  furrows,  and  passing  gradually  into  a  stem.  Interior  of  sponge  body 
consists  of  thin-walled,  labyrinthous  tubes.     Upper  Cretaceous. 

Cystispongia  Roem.  (Fig.  80).  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  dense  siliceous 
skin  punctured  by  large,  irregularly  shaped  apertures,  uniformly  enveloping 
the  whole  sponge  body.  Body  composed  entirely  of  tubes.  Cretaceous  and 
still  living. 

Subclass  4.      CALCISPONGIAE.      Calcareous  Sponges. 
Skeleton  composed  of  calcareous  spicules  of  three-rayed,  four-rayed,  or  uniaxial  types. 

The  external  form  of  the  Calcisponges  is  quite  as  variable  as  that  of  the 
siliceous  sponges,  and  reminds  one  particularly  of  the  Lithistida.  Like  the 
Lithistids,  too,  the  thick-walled  Leucones  and  Pharetrones  have  a  canal-system 
consisting  of  a  central  cavity  into  which  radial  excurrent  canals  conduct ; 
while  the  numerous  tributaries  of  the  latter  end  in  ciliated  chambers  which 
are  fed  by  fine  incurrent  canals.  In  the  Sycones  the  wall  is  perforated  by 
simple  radial  tubes,  but  in  the  thin-walled  Ascones  it  is  pierced  by  mere  holes. 

The  calcareous  skeletal  elements  lie  free  in  the  soft  parts,  sometimes 
forming  but  a  single  layer  disposed  in  the  same  plane  {Ascones) ;  sometimes 
their  disposition  is  more  or  less  distinctly  radial,  following  the  canal  courses 
(Sycones) ;  sometimes  they  are  irregularly  crowded  together  (Leucones) ;  and 






sometimes  they  are  closely  opposed  in  the  form  of  solid  anastomosing  fibres 
(Pharetrones).  Regular  triaxial  spicules  are  of  the  most  common  occurrence, 
next  monaxial  spicules,  sharpened  on  both  sides,  and 
more  rarely  four-rayed  spicules. 

Owing  to  the  ready  solubility  of  the  skeletal  elements 
in  calcareous  sponges,  they  are  usually  but  poorly  pre- 
served in  the  fossil  state,  and  are  ill-adapted  for  micro- 
scopical investigation.  The  three -rayed  and  rod-shaped 
spicules  which  are  united  in  fibres  are  seldom  distinctly 
recognisable  as  such,  since,  as  a  rule,  they  are  either 
wholly  or  partially  dissolved,  and  are  converted  into 
homogeneous  or  crystalline  fibres  of  calcite  (Fig.  84) ;  in 
these  minute  threads  of  calcite  may  be  seen  radiating 
in  all  directions  from  numerous  centres  of  crystallisation.  Sometimes  such 
calcareous  skeletons  afterwards  become  silicified.  It  is  clear,  therefore,  that 
the  present  chemical  composition  of  a  fossil  sponge  furnishes  us  no  clue  in 
regard   to  its  original  chai-acter,  since  during  the  process   of  fossilisation   a 

Fig.  81. 

Triaxial  skeletal  elements 
of  a  Recent  Ascon,  50/j. 

Fio.  82. 
Fibres  of  a  Pharetrone,  composed  of  three- 

FiG.  S3. 

Fic;.  84. 
Fibres  of  fossil  calcareous 

Solid  fibres  of  fossil  calcar- 
rayed  spicules.    Peronidella  cylindrica  (Gold-    eous    sponge    with    partially    sponge  altered  by  crystallisa 
fuss).    Upper  Jurassic,  *o/i.  preserved  spicules,  ''o/j.  tion,  -JO/i 

siliceous  skeleton  may  become  converted  into  a  calcareous,  and  a  calcareous 
into  a  siliceous. 

Of  the  four  orders  of  calcareous  sponges — PharetroneS,  Sycones,  Ascones,  and 
Leucones — only  the  first  two  are  of  practical  importance  to  the  paleontologist, 
traces  of  the  others  being  either  wanting  or  extremely  fragmentary. 

Order  1.     PHARETRONES    Zittel. 

JFall  thick  ;  canal  system  like  that  of  the  Lithistida,  though  sometimes  indistinct 
and  apparently  absent.  Spicules  arranged  in  solid  anastomosing  fibres  ;  a  smooth  or 
corrugated  dermal  layer  frequently  present.  Devonian  to  Cretaceous  ;  unknown  in 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Eudea  Lamx.  Cylindrical  or  club-shaped,  usually  simple,  rarely  branching. 
Cloaca  narrow,  tubiform,  extending  to  the  base,  and  terminating  above  in  a 
round  osculum.  Dermal  layer  smooth,  perforated  by  ostia  of  short  canals. 
Triassic  and  Jurassic.     E.  clavafa  Lamx. 

Peronidella  Zitt,  (Peronella  Zitt.  non  Gray  ;  Siphonocoelia,  Polycoelia  From.), 
(Figs.  85,  86).  Thick  -  walled,  cylindrical,  simple  or  branching.  Cloaca 
tubiform,  extending  to  the  base ;  base  sometimes  covered  by  a  dense  dermal 
layer.     The  rest  of  the  exterior  finely  perforate.       A  distinct  canal-system 




absent.  The  coarse,  anastomosing  skeletal  fibres  composed  of  closely  packed 
three-rayed  and  one-rayed  spicules.  Sparse  in  Devonian  (P.  constrida  Sandb.)  ; 
common  in  Trias,  Jurassic,  and  Cretaceous. 

Fig.  85. 

Peronidella  cylin- 
drica  (Miinst.). 
Upper  Jura. ;  Miig- 
gendorf.     x  i/o. 

Fig.  86. 

Peronidella  dvmosa  (From.). 
Hils  ;  Berklingeii,  Bruns- 
wick.    Natural  .size. 

Fig.  87. 

Corynella  quensiedti  Zitt.  Coral  -  Rag  ;  Natt- 
heiin.  o,  Sponge,  natural  size ;  h,  Skeletal 
fibres,  4/i. 

EusiphoneUa  Zitt.  (Fig.  88).     Similar  to  preceding,  but  thin-walled,  with 

broad  cloaca  extending  to 
the  base,  into  which  con- 
duct radial  canals  ar- 
ranged in  vei'tical  rows. 
External  surface  per- 
forate.    Upper  Jurassic. 

Corynella  Zitt,  (Fig, 
87),  Knob-like,  cylindri- 
cal, or  top-shaped,  thick- 
walled,  simple,  or  com- 
posite. Cloaca  funnel  - 
shaped,  shallow,  terminat- 
ing below  (in  a  series   of 

vertical  branching  tubes  ;  exhalent  aperture  often  surrounded  with  radially 

diverging  furrows.     Ostia 

EusiphoneUa  hronni 
(Miinst.).  Coral-Rag ; 
Natthelm.  Natural 

Oculospongia  tu- 
hulifem  (Goldf.). 
Kreidetuff ;  Mae- 
stricht.  Natural 

Fig.  90. 

Stellisponyia  glomerata 
(Quenst.).  Coral  -  Rag  ; 
Nattheim.    Natural  size. 



ously branching  radial 
canals,  which  unite  again 
in  larger  excurrent  canals, 
and  open  into  the  cloaca. 
Common  in  Trias,  Jur- 
assic, and  Cretaceous. 

Stellispongia  d'Orb, 
(Fig,  90).  Usually  com- 
j)osite  stocks  made  up  of 
hemispherical,     or     short 

pear-shaped  persons,   with    Upper  surface,  natural  size 

base   enveloped    by   com- 
pact dermal  layer.     Summit  dome-shaped,  with  shallow  cloaca  surrounded  by 
radial  furrows ;  radial  and  vertical  canals  terminating  along  sides  and  basis  of 

Fig.  01. 

Elasmostoma   acatirnaiyo  Roem. 
Hils  ;      Berkliugeu,     Brunswick. 

Fig.  92, 

Ehaphido  neina         farringdonense 
(Sliarpe).  Lower         Cretaceous 

(Aptian) ;      Farringdon,    Berkshire. 
2/3  natural  size. 




cloaca.      Skeleton  constituted  of  short,  blunt,  and  bent  uniaxial,  and  also  of 
three-  and  four-rayed  spicules.     Triassic  and  Jurassic. 

Holcospongia  Hinde.  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous.  Sestromodella  Zittel.  Trias 
to  Cretaceous.  Sympella  Zittel.  Cretaceous.  Oculospongia  (Fig.  89)  and 
Diplostoma  From.     Cretaceous. 

Elasmostoma  From.  (Fig.  91).  Foliate-,  ear-,  or  funnel-shaped.  Upper  {i.e. 
inner)  surface  covered  with  smooth  dermal  layer,  in  which  large  shallow  oscula 
are  situated  ;  under  surface  cribriform.      Cretaceous. 

Bhaphidonema  Hinde  (Fig.  92).  Beaker-,  funnel-,  or  twisted  leaf-shaped. 
Inner  or  upper  surface  smooth,  with  very  small  oscula  or  pores.  Outer  surface 
rough,  cribriform.      Canal-system  indistinct.     Trias,  Jurassic,  Cretaceous. 

Pachytylodia  Zitt.  Funnel-shaped,  thick-walled ;  base  with  smooth  dermal 
layer;  oscula  present  here,  but  absent  on  other  parts  of  the  exterior.  Skeleton 
composed  of  very  coarse,  anastomosing  fibres.  Cretaceous.  P.  iiifundibuliformis 

Order  2.     SYCONES    Haeckel. 

JFalls  traversed  by  simple  canals  disposed  radially  with  reference  to  the  cloaca 
arid  opening  into  it.     Skeletal  elements  very  regularly  arranged. 

Mostly  small  delicate  forms  inhabiting  shallow  water. 

Frotosycon  Zitt.,  from  the  Upper  Jurassic  of  Streitberg,  is  a  small,  cylin- 
drical, or  conical  form  agreeing  with  living  Sycons  in  the  arrangement  of  its 
radial  canals. 

To  the  Sycons,  RaufF  assigns  also  the  calcareous  sponge  Sphinctozoa  described 
by  Steinmann  (Jahrb.  f.  Mine-  a 

ralog.  1882,  II.  p.  139),  which  is 
distinguished     from    all    other 

Calcisponges  by  having  a  most 
remarkable  segmentation,  such 
as  occurs  in  the  Lithistid  genus 

The     oldest     Sycons 
Sollasia,     Amblysiphonella 
Sehargasia    Steinm.,    from 
Carboniferous     Limestone 
Asturias.       In  the    Triassic  of 
St.    Cassian    and    Seelandalp, 
near    Schluderbach    in    Tyrol, 
are    found    Colospongia   Laube, 
Thaumastocoelia  and  Cryptocoelia  Steinmann.      Thalamopora  Roemer  and  Barroisia 
Steinm.,  occur  in  the  Lower  and  Middle  Cretaceous. 

Barroisia  {Ventriculites  Zitt.  non  Defr.  ;  Sphaerocoelia  Steinm.)  (Fig.  93). 
Occurs  sometimes  as  simple,  cylindrical,  or  clavate  individuals,  and  again  in 
the  form  of  bushy  stocks.  Outer  surface  frequently  constricted,  summit 
arched,  with  osculum  in  the  centre,  cloaca  tubiform.  The  cylindrical  indi- 
viduals are  composed  of  thin-walled,  hemispherical,  or  compressed  segments, 
which  are  so  arranged  that  the  roof  of  one  segment  serves  also  as  the  floor  of 
the  next  following.    The  wall  is  everywhere  perforated  by  simple  radial  canals, 





Fig.  93. 

Barroisia  anastomans  (Mantell).  Aptian  ;  Parringdon,  Berk- 
shire. A,  Bush -like  colony,  one  branch  sliced  open  ;  natural 
size.  B,  Individual  cut  through  obliquely,  5/2  ;  «,  Junction  of 
two  segments  ;  B,  Cloaca  ;  0,  Osculum  ;  d,  Radial  canals.  C,  D, 
Three-rayed  skeletal  spicules,  36/j  and  '-/i  (after  Steinmann). 


and  is  made  up  of  fibres  composed  of  three-rayed  spicules,     B.  helvetica  (Lor.). 
Aptian  ;  La  Presta,  Switzerland. 

Appendix  to  Sponges. 

Incertae  sedis. 
Family.     Receptaculitidae    Roemer.i 

This  singular  group  which  ranges  throughout  the  Ordovician,  Silurian, 
and  Devonian  systems,  consists  of  globular,  cup-,  or  platter  -  shaped  bodies 
containing  a  central  cavity,  and  whose  wall  is  composed  of  elements  arranged 
in  quincunxial  order.  The  substance  of  the  wall  is  thought  by  Hinde  to  have 
been  siliceous  ;  calcareous  according  to  Rauff ;  aragonite  according  to  Giimbel ; 
calcite  or  chitinous  according  to  Billings,  either  aragonite  or  chitinous  in  the 
opinion  of  Girty.  The  elements  lying  on  the  outer  or  under  side  of  the  wall 
have  been  usually  described  as  consisting  of  small  rhomboidal  plates  having 
four  transverse  rays  disposed  crosswise,  and  one  inwardly  directed  ray  ;  but 
Girty  has  found  evidence  that  the  spicular  summit  plates  are  infiltrations  of 
the  rhombic  pits  of  the  outer  surface,  and  the  radial  pillars  or  spicules  are 
infiltrations  filling  radial  tubes. 

The  systematic  position  of  these  problematic  fossils  is  wholly  conjectural. 
Giimbel  assigns  them  to  the  calcareous  algae  (Dactijloporidae),  and  others  to 
the  Foraminifera  and  Sponges.  Hinde  has  referred  them  to  the  Hexadinellida, 
but  the  observations  of  Rauff  and  Girty  as  to  the  original  calcareous  and 
chitinous  composition  of  the  wall  disprove  this  inference. 

Eeceptaculites  Defrance.  Spherical  or  pyriform  bodies,  with  a  central  closed 
cavity.     Ordovician  to  Carboniferous.     Europe,  America  and  Australia. 

Ischadites  Murchison  {Didyocrinites  Conrad  ;  Dkfi/ocrimis  Hall).  Conical  or 
ovate  bodies,  inclosing  a  central  cavity,  with  a  small  summit  aperture  and 
lacking  an  inner  layer.     Ordovician  to  Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Here  are  also  referred  Cijdocrinus  Eichwald ;  Pasceolus  Billings ;  Pohjgono- 
sphaerifes  Roemer;  Cermiites  Meek  and  Worthen;  Lepidolites  a,nd  Anomalospongia 
(Anomaloides)  Ulrich. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  Fossil  Sponges. 

The  phylogeny  of  the  Myxosfongiae,  Ceratospongiae  and  a  part  of  the  Silici- 
spongiae,  owing  to  their'  perishable  organisation,  remains  involved  in  doubt. 

1  Salter,  J.  ir.,  Canadian  Orgauic  Remains,  Dec.  1,  1859.— ^a?Z,  /.,  Pal.  N.  Y.,  vol.  i.,  1847  ; 
Geological  Report  of  Wisconsin,  1862  ;  Sixteentli  Rept.  N.  Y.  State  Cabinet  Nat.  Hist.,  1863  ; 
Twelfth  Rept.  State  Geologist  of  Indiana,  1883  ;  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  vol.  iii.,  1859  ; 
Eleventh  Rept.  State  Geologist  of  Indiana,  1882  ;  Second  Ann.  Rep.  N.  Y.  State  Geologist,  1883  ; 
Palaeontology  of  New  York,  vol.  vL,  1887. —  Ulrich,  E.  O.,  Jour.  Cincinnati  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  vol.  i., 
1871;  vol.  ii.,  1879. — Owen,  J).  J).,  Geol.  Report  Iowa,  Wisconsin  and  Illinois,  1844;  Geol. 
Survey  of  Wisconsin,  Iowa  and  Minnesota,  1852.— Billinffs,  E.,  Palaeozoic  Fossils,  vol.  i.,  1865  ; 
Canadian  Naturalist  and  Geologist,  second  ser.,  vol.  ii.,  1865 — Meek  and  Worthen,  Geol.  Survey  of 
Illinois,  vol.  iii.,  1868. — Gilmhel,  C.  IT.,  Abhaudl.  der  k.  bayr.  Akad.  Wisseusch.,  vol.  xii.,  1875. — 
R.oemer,  F.,  Lethaea  Palaeozoica,  1880.— Hinde,  G.  J.,  Quart.  Jour.  Geol.  Soc.  London,  vol.  xl., 
1884. — James,  J.  F.,  Jour.  Cincinuati  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  vol.  viii.,  1885  ;  vol.  xiv.,  1891. —  Walcott,C.  D., 
Mon.  U.  S.  Geol.  Surv.,  vol.  viii.,  188^.— Whitfidd,  R.  P.,  Geology  of  Wisconsin,  vol.  iv.,  1884.— 
Rauff,  II.,  Zeit.schr.  deut.sch.  geol.  Gesellsch.,  vol.  .\i.,  1888. — Nicholson  and  L>/dekker,  Manual  of 

Palaeontology,  vol.   ii.,    1889 Wiuchell  and  Srlnteliert,   Geol.   of  Minnesota,    vol.  iii.,  pt.  1,  Pal. 

18^5— Ulrich,   E.  ().,  ibid.,  ]\  68.— Girl i/,  G.  I/.,  Fourteenth   Ann.  Rept.  N.  Y.  State  Geologist 
for  1894,  1895.  — Welli^r,  S.,  Geol.  Survey'of  New  Jersey,  Rept.  on  Pal.,  vol.  iii.,  1903. 


Nevertheless,  isolated  spicules  prove  the  existence  of  Monactinellids  and 
Tetractinellids  in  Paleozoic  seas ;  while  in  the  Trias,  Jura  and  Cretaceous 
these  forms  become  important  rock-builders,  and  play  an  active  part  in  the 
formation  of  hornstone,  chalcedony  and  flint.  In  the  Tertiary,  spicules  refer- 
able to  existing  genera  are  common. 

The  former  distribution  of  the  three  best  preserved  sponge  groups — the 
Lithistids,  Hexactinellids,  and  Calcisponges — is  noteworthy.  The  living  repre- 
sentatives of  the  first  two  orders  inhabit  deep  or  moderately  deep  water,  while 
the  calcareous  sponges  predominate  in  shallow  waters  bordering  the  coast. 
And  hence,  since  fossil  Calcisponges  likewise  occur  almost  entirely  in  marly, 
clayey,  or  sandy  strata  of  undoubted  littoral  origin,  and  are  absent  in  lime- 
stones where  Lithistids  and  Hexactinellids  predominate,  it  is  plain  that  the 
distribution  of  both  fossil  and  Eecent  sponges  has  been  occasioned  by  like 
physical  conditions. 

In  the  Cambrian  occur  the  Lithistid  genera  Archaeoscyphia  and  Nipferella, 
and  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian  of  Europe  and  North  America  are  found 
a  number  of  Tetradadina  (Aulocopium)  and  Eutaxicladina  forms  (Astylospongia, 
Palaeomanon,  Hindia),  together  with  a  few  Rhizomorina.  In  the  Carboniferous 
Rliizomorina  and  Megamorina  are  sparsely  represented ;  but  in  the  Upper 
Jurassic,  and  especially  in  the  Spongitenkalk  of  Franconia,  Swabia,  Switzer- 
land, and  the  Krakau  district,  the  Lithistids  exhibit  an  astonishing  develop- 
ment, and  occasionally"  form  thick  beds.  They  occur  only  sparingly  in  the 
Lower  Cretaceous,  but  are  abundant  in  the  Planer,  Greensand  and  Upper 
Cretaceous  of  Northern  Germany,  Bohemia,  Poland,  Galicia,  Southern  Russia, 
England  and  France.  The  Tertiary  being  nearly  everywhere  made  up  of 
shallow-water  formations,  the  absence  of  Lithistids  and  Hexactinellids  is  not 
surprising.  They  persist  locally,  however,  as  in  the  Upper  Miocene  of  Bologna 
and  in  the  Province  of  Oran  in  Northern  Africa. 

The  range  of  the  HexadinelUda  is  in  every  respect  similar  to  that  of  the 
Lithistida.  Beginning  in  the  Upper  Cambrian,  they  are  represented  in  the 
Ordovician  and  Silurian  by  peculiarly  modified  Lyssacina  forms  (^Protospongia, 
Phormosella,  Cyathophycus,  Palaeosaccus,  Pledoderma,  Pattersonia,  Bradiiospongia, 
Didyophytoii,  Astraeospongia).  The  same  group  continues  also  through  the 
Devonian,  where  Dictyophyton  and  its  associates  are  conspicuous  for  their  wide- 
spread distribution  in  North  America.  A  few  aberrant  Lyssacina,  which  Hinde 
designates  as  Heteradinellidae,  are  found  in  the  Carboniferous.  During  the 
Mesozoic  and  Cenozoic  eras  the  distribution  of  the  HexadinelUda  is  nearly 
identical  with  that  of  the  Lithistida ;  although  here  and  there  beds  occur 
which  are  charged  principally  with  Hexactinellids,  and  others  chiefly  with 

Very  diff'erent  conditions  are  presented  by  the  Calcisponges,  among  which 
only  the  Pharetrones  and  Sycons  are  of  geological  importance.  The  oldest 
calcareous  sponges  occur  very  sparsely  indeed  in  the  Middle  Devonian  and 
Carboniferous  Limestone.  They  appear  in  considerable  diversity  in  the  Alpine 
Trias  (St.  Cassian  and  Seelandalp),  but  outside  the  Alps  are  almost  wholly 
absent.  In  the  Jurassic  they  occur  in  marly  beds  of  the  Dogger  (Ranville, 
Swabia),  and  also  in  certain  facies  of  the  Malm  (Terrain  a  Chailles,  Coral-Rag 
of  Nattheim,  Sontheim,  etc.)  in  Southern  Germany  and  Switzerland. 

The  Lower  Cretaceous,  particularly  the  Neocomian  of  Brunswick,  the 
Swiss  Jura,  and  the  Paris  Basin,  as  well  as  the  Aptian  of  La  Presta,  near 


Neuchatel,  and  Farringdon,  Berkshire ;  and  also  the  Middle  Cretaceous  (Ceno- 
manian)  of  Essen,  Le  Mans,  and  Havre,  are  characterised  by  an  abundance  of 
well-preserved  Pharetrones,  and  a  lesser  number  of  Sphinctozooid  Sycons.  In 
the  Tertiary,  however,  both  groups  are  wanting,  although  the  existence  of 
calcareous  sponges  is  still  indicated  by  occasional  detached  triactins.  The 
Pharetrones  apparently  become  extinct  at  the  close  of  the  Cretaceous. 

SuBPHYLUM  II.    Cnidaria. 

The  Cnidaria  or  Nematophora  have  a  radially  symmetrical  body,  and  a 
terminal  mouth -opening  suiTOunded  by  fleshy  tentacles.  In  the  ectoderm 
(sometimes  also  in  the  entoderm)  cnidoblasts  are  common,  from  the  contents 
of  which  thread-cells  (nematoci/sts)  filled  with  an  urticating  fluid  and  containing 
a  hollow,  spirally  coiled  thread,  are  developed.  Each  cnidoblast  possesses  a 
fine  superficial  process  (cnidocil),  which  is  very  sensitive  to  mechanical  stimuli. 
The  polyp  wall  typically  consists  of  three  layers :  an  outer  ectoderm,  an  inner 
endoderm,  and  a  middle  mesogloea.  The  mesogloea  is  sometimes  entirely 
absent,  but  the  ectoderm  and  entoderm  are  strongly  developed.  The  ectoderm 
frequently  secretes  a  calcareous  or  horny  skeleton,  and  both  ectoderm  and 
entoderm  are  concerned  in  the  production  of  muscles  and  nerves.  The  sexual 
organs  are  the  product  of  the  entoderm. 

The  Cnidaria  are  divided  into  two  classes  :  Anthozoa  and  Hydrozoa.  The 
latter  are  undoubtedly  the  more  primitive  group,  but  it  will  be  convenient  to 
treat  of  the  Anthozoa  first  in  the  present  work. 

Class   1.     ANTHOZOA  =  ACTINOZO A.     Coral  Polyps.^ 

Usually  sessile,  cylindrical  polyps,  possessing  a  mouth  surrounded  hy  tentacles, 
oesophagus,  and  gastrovascular  cavity.  The  latter  is  divided  by  numerous  vertical 
partitions  (mesenteric  folds)  into  a  system  of  radially  disposed  pouches.  A  calcareous 
or  horny  skeleton  is  freqitently  developed.     Simple  or  forming  colonies. 

The  simple  polyp  zooids  have  the  form  of  a  cylindrical  or  conical  tube 
at  the  distal  end  of  which  is  situated  a  muscular  disk  perforated  centrally  by 

^  Literature  :  Milne  Edioards,  H.,  et  Ilaime,  J.,  Histoire  naturelle  des  coralliaires,  3  vols,  and 
atlas.  Paris,  1857-60. — Idem,  Monograplue  des  polypiers  fossiles  des  terrains  paleozoiques.  Arch,  du 
Museum,  Paris,  vol.  v.,  1851. — Idem,  Monograph  of  the  British  Fossil  Corals.  Palaeontogr.  Soc, 
1849-64. — Fromentel,  E.  de.  Introduction  a  I'^tude  des  polypiers  fossiles.  Paris,  1858-61. — Idem, 
Paleoutologie  frangaise  ;  1861  and  later. —  Reuss,  A.  E.,  Articles  in  Sitzber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1859, 
1864, 1865,  1870  ;  also  Denkschr.  vols,  vii.,  xxiii.,  xxviii.,  xxix.,  xxxi.,  xxxiii. — Duncan,  P.  M.,  British 
Fossil  Corals,  2d  ser.  Palaeontogr.  Soc.  1865-69,  and  1872. — Idem,  Revision  of  the  Families  and 
Genera  of  the  Sclerodermic  Zoantharia  or  Madreporaria.  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.  Zoology,  1885,  vol. 
xviii. — Kohy,  F.,  Monographic  des  polypiers  jurassiques  de  la  Suisse.  Abhandl.  Schweiz.  Pal.  Ges., 
1880-94,  vols.  vii. -xxii. — Pratz,  E.,  Ueber  Septalstructur.  Palaeontogr.  1882,  vol.  xxix. — Koch, 
G.  von.  Die  ungeschlechtliche  Verniehrung  der  palaozoischen  Korallen. — Ibid.,  1883,  vol.  xxix. — 
Quenstedi,  F.  A.,  Petrefactenkunde  Deutsclilauds,  1889,  vol.  vii. — Koby,  F.,  Monographic  des  poly- 
piers cretaces  de  la  Suisse.  Alihandl.  Schweiz.  Pal.  Ges.  1896-98,  vols,  xxii.-xxiv. — Ogiivie- Gordon, 
Maria  M.,  Korallen  der  Stramberger  Schichten.  Palaeoutographica,  Supp.  II.,  1897. — Idem, 
Systematic  Study  of  Madreporarian  Types  of  Corals.  Phil.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  London,  1897,  ser. 
B,  vol.  clxxxvii. — Gregory,  J.  W.,  1'he  Corals,  Jurassic  Fauna  of  Cutch.  Palaeontol.  Indica,  1900, 
ser.  2,  vol.  ix.,  pt.  2.  —  Vaughan,  T.  Wayland,  Eocene  and  Lower  Oligoceue  Coral  J^'aunas  of  the 
United  States.  Mon.  xxxix,  U.S.  Geol.  Survey,  1900. — Idem,  Critical  Review  of  the  Literature  on 
•the  simple  Genera  of  the  Madreporaria  Fuiigi<la.  Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1905,  vol.  xxviii. — 
Duerden,  J.  E.,  West  Indian  Madreporai'ian  polyi^s.     Mem.   Nat.  Acad.,  1902,  vol.  \\\\.—Idem, 




the  slit-like  or  oval  fissure  of  the  mouth.  The  oral  disk  is  fiu-nished  with  a  ring 
of  tentacles  round  its  margin,  and  opens  into  a  membranous  oesophageal  tube 
conducting  into  the  gastric  cavity.  The  outer  covering  of  the  body,  the  parts 
of  which  are  designated  as  wall,  oral  disk,  and  pedal  disk,  are  constituted  of 
ectoderm  and  entoderm,  between  which  is  a  thin  layer  of  mesoderm  (mesogloea). 
Six,  eight,  or  more  radially  disposed  vertical  partitions  {mesenteries),  (Figs.  94, 
95),  projecting  inwardly  from  the  body-wall,  divide  the  gastric  cavity  into  a 
series  of  radiating  compartments  {mesenteric  pouches).  The  mesenteries  are 
continuous  upwardly  with  the  hollow,  muscular  tentacles  ;  while  the  generative 
organs  are  attached  to  their  faces  near  the  lower  end  of  the  body.  The 
mesenteries  are  covered  on  both  sides  with  muscular  tissues,  and  bear  mesen- 
teric filaments  on  their  curled  inner  edges.  On  one  side  of  the  mesenteries 
the  muscle  fibres  are  transversely  directed,  on  the  other  longitudinally.  The 
longitudinal  system  is  usually  considerably  folded  and  thickened  ;  and  the 
disposition  of  these 
muscular  portions  is  of 
great  importance  from  a 
systematic  standpoint, 
since  it  reveals  the 
bilateral  symmetry  of 
many  Anthozoans,  and 
enables  one  readily  to 
identify  the  antimeres. 
If  a  polyp  individual  be 
cut  in  two  by  a  plane 
passing      through     the  Pi^.  94, 

longer        axis        of        the         Diagrammatic   section    of 

month  nnpnina    thpn     in     *''^*'  ^°*^  P^'"'^'*  °*    ^"   '^'^*°' 
mOUtn-Openmg,    tnen,   in     coraUa(Alcyonimn).   sc.Oeso- 

the        OctOCOralla       (Fig       phagus ;   1    2    3    4    Mesen- 
.  ^      '^.     tenes  of  the  left  side  (alter 

94),  the  mesenteries  01    r.  Hertwig). 
the  right  half  will  have 

all  the  muscular  thickenings  disposed  on  the  right-hand  side,  and  those  of  the 
left  on  the  left-hand  side.  In  the  Hexacoralla  (Fig.  95)  the  mesenteries  are 
grouped  in  pairs,  with  the  muscular  thickenings  of  any  pair  facing  each  other. 
Two  pairs,  however  (those  corresponding  with  the  opposite  extremities  of  the 
longitudinal  mouth),  form  often  an  exception  to  this  rule,  since  these  have  the 
muscular  thickenings  placed  on  opposite  sides.  These  are  called  the  directive 
mesenteries,  and  serve  to  indicate  the  longitudinal  axis  of  the  body. 

Only  a  few  Anthozoa  have  permanently  soft  bodies  ;  the  majority  secreting 
calcareous,  horny,  or  partly  horny  and  partly  calcareous  structures,  termed  the 
skeleton  or  corallum.  The  simplest  form  of  corallum  is  that  composed  of 
microscopic,  round,  cylindrical,  acerate,  or  tuberculated  spicules  of  carbonate 

Diagrammatic  section  of  the  soft  parts  of 
a  HexacomUa.  In  the  upper  half  (above  the 
line  a — 6)  the  section  passes  through  oeso- 
phagus s ;  in  the  lower  half,  beneath  the 
same.  Corallum  indicated  by  heavy  lines, 
r,  directive  mesenteries. 

Morphology  of  tlie  Madreporaria.  A  series  of  papers  in  Ann.  and  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  ser.  7,  vols,  ix., 
X.,  xi.,  xvii.,xviii.  (1902-1906),  and  Biol.  Bull.,vols.  vii.  and  ix.  (1904-1905).— /rfem,  Recent  Eesults  on 
the  Morphology  and  Development  of  Coral  Polyps.  Smithsonian  Miscellaneons  Collections,  Quart.  Iss., 
1904,  vol.  xlvii. — Felix,  J.,  Die  Anthozoen  der  Gosan  Schichten  in  den  Ostalpen.  Palaeontographica, 
1903,  vol.  xlix.  Numerons  other  papers,  especially  in  Zeitsch.  deutsch.  geol.  Gesellsch. — Carruthers, 
R.  a.,  The  primary  Septal  Plan  of  the  Rugosa.  Ann.  and  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.  1906,  ser.  7,  vol.  xviii.— 
Gordon,  G.  E.,  Studies  on  early  Stages  in  Paleozoic  corals.  Am.  Jour.  Sci.,  1906,  vol.  xxi. — Broimi, 
T.  C,  Studies  on  the  Morphology  and  Development  of  certain  Rugose  Corals.  Ann.  N.Y.  Acad.  Sci., 
1909,  vol.  xix. 




of  lime,  which  are  developed  in  great  quantities  and  remain  detached  in  the 
soft  parts  (many  Alcyonaria).  In  a  number  of  forms  {Corallium,  Mopsea, 
Tubipora)  the  spicules  are  firmly  cemented  together  by  means  of  a  calcareous 
or  horny  connective  substance,  in  such  a  manner  as  to  form  tubes  (Tubipora), 
or,  when  the  secretion  takes  place  chiefly  at  the  base,  a  sclerobase,  or  axis. 
Surrounding  the  axis  is  the  soft  coenosarc  in  which  the  polyps  of  the  colony 
are  embedded  (Fig.  96).  In  some  cases  the  sclerobase  is  composed  entirely  of 
horny  matter  without  admixture  of  calcareous  secretions.  In  the  so-called 
"stone  corals"  (Fig.  97)  a  consistent  calcareous  skeleton  is  formed  by  the 
outer  surface  of  the  ectoderm.  At  the  base  of  the  polyp  between  each  pair 
of  mesenteries,  the  infolded  ectoderm  secretes  small,  round,  oval  or  irregular 
calcareous  bodies  (sderites) ;  these  are  opposed  against  one  another  in  radial 
directions,  and  as  others  are  successively  laid  down  on  top  of  them,  upright 

Fk:.  96. 

Corallium,  rubrum  Lam.  (after  Lacaze-Dutliiers). 
Branch  of  red  coral  of  commerce  laid  open  along  the  axis, 
and  showing  three  polyps  in  section  embedded  in  lleshy 

Fig.  97. 

Astroides  calycularis  (Lamx.).  Mediterranean 
(alter  Lacaze  -  Duthiers).  Enlarged  longitudinal 
.section  of  polyp  with  calcareous  skeleton.  te, 
Tentacles  ;  oc,  Oesojjhagus  ;  me,  Mesentery ;  loc, 
Mesenteric  pouches  ;  cue,  Coenosarc  ;  spt,  Septum  ; 
col.  Columella. 

partitions  or  septa  are  built  up.  Early  in  development  also,  after  fixation  of 
the  larva,  the  basal  plate  becomes  calcified,  owing  to  the  secretion  by  the  outer 
surface  of  the  ectoderm  of  numerous  minute  calcareous  granules  [calicoblasts). 
The  septa,  however,  grow  considerably  above  the  base,  and  become  lodged  in 
the  vertical  interspaces  between  the  mesenteries.  In  the  same  manner,  within 
the  soft  body-wall,  a  calcareous  secretion  may  take  place,  binding  the  outer 
borders  of  the  septa  together,  and  known  as  the  wall  or  theca.  Both  septa  and 
theca  are  composed  of  minute,  densely  crowded  calcareous  bodies,  in  which 
delicate  calcareous  fibres  may  be  seen  radiating  in  all  directions  from  a  central 
dark  space.  And  since  all  the  calcareous  bodies  forming  the  sejDta  have  a 
radial  disposition,  the  calcification-centres  as  seen  in  transverse  sections  form 
.a  dark,  mostly  interrupted  and  occasionally  jagged  median  line,  from  which 
bundles  of  minute  fibres  radiate  outward  in  all  directions.  Similar  calcification- 
centres  may  also  be  found  in  the  theca.  Sometimes  the  median  dark  line  is 
uiiinterrnpted  and  divides  the  septum  into  two  separate  lamellae. 




The  interstices  between  the  sclerites  forming  the  septa  are  either  com- 
pletely filled  with  carbonate  of  lime  (Aporosa),  or  there  remain  larger  or 
smaller  porous  spaces  (Perforata) ;  in  many  cases,  in  fact,  the  septa  are 
represented  by  a  loose  network  of  sclerites  piled  up  vertically,  or  merely  by 
vertically  directed  spines. 

The  number  of  septa  and  of  tentacles  is  either  equal  to  the  number  of 
pairs  of  mesenteries  (when  only  entocoelic  septa  are  present),  or  double  that 
of  the  pairs  of  mesenteries  (when  both  exocoelic  and  entocoelic  septa  and 
tentacles  are  present),  and  is  somewhat  uniform  throughout  species,  genera 
and  higher  groups.  The  number,  Avidth  and  mode  of  formation  of  the 
septa  furnish  important  systematic  characters.  As  the  locus  of  the  origin  of 
the  septa  succeeding  the  primaries  may  conform  to  one  of  several  plans,  this 
character  is  used  in  determining  the  major  groups.  The  upper  edges  of  the 
septa  are  sometimes  smooth,  sometimes 
serrated  or  granulated ;  and  they  extend 
from  the  central  depression  to  or  through 
the  walls  of  the  theca,  either  obliquely  or 
in  a  curved  line.  This  open,  central  depres- 
sion, formed  by  the  superior  edges  of  the 
septa,  is  known  as  the  calice  or  calyx. 

The  sides  of  the  septa  are  rarely  smooth, 
but  are  commonly  granulated  or  furnished 
with  rows  of  small  prominences  ;  occasion- 
ally they  are  provided  with  well-marked 
vertical  cross-bars  (carinae).  When  the 
projections  on  the  sides  of  the  septa  are 
in  the  form  of  conical  or  cylindrical  trans- 
verse bars,  they  are  termed  sijnapticulae. 
Frequently  the  synapticulae  of  two  adjacent 
septa  become  joined  together;  sometimes 
whole  rows  of  them  are  fused  together 
to  form  perpendicular  bars,  thus  greatly 
strengthening  the  septal  framework.  In 
some  corals  (athecalia)  the  development  of  tabulae 
synapticulae  is  such  as  to  render  an  outer 

wall  superfluous.  With  the  upward  growth  of  the  polyp,  the  theca  gradually 
becomes  elevated,  and  its  lower  portions,  as  their  occupation  by  the  soft  parts 
ceases,  may  be  partitioned  off  by  numerous  horizontal  or  oblique  calcareous 
plates  which  bridge  over  the  interseptal  spaces.  These  structures  are  known  as 
dissepiments  and  tabulae.  The  tabulae  are  often  nothing  but  highly  developed 
dissepiments,  being  distinguished  from  the  latter  merely  by  the  fact  that  they 
extend  across  between  the  septa  at  the  same  level ;  sometimes  they  are 
perfectly  horizontal,  sometimes  they  are  arched  or  funnel-shaped  (Fig.  98), 
and  sometimes  incomplete.  Dissepiments  and  tabulae  are  most  strongly 
developed  in  cylindrical  forms,  and  frequently  fill  the  included  space  within 
the  theca  with  a  vesicular  or  cellular  tissue. 

When  a  number  or  when  all  of  the  septa  are  produced  as  far  as  the  centre 
of  the  calice,  their  inner  edges  may  become  twisted  so  as  to  form  an  axial 
structure,  known  as  a  pseudocolumella.  Sometimes,  however,  a  true  columella 
is  present ;  this  may  be  either  a  compact,  styliform  or  foliaceous  structure,  or 

Fig.  98. 

wnrtini  B.  and  H. 
Longitudinal  sec- 
tion    showing 

Fio.  99. 

CixryophylUa  cijathns  Sol. 
Corallum  split  open  longi- 
tudinally ;  true  columella 
in  the  centre,  surrounded 
by  a  cycle  of  pali. 


may  be  composed  of  a  bundle  of  styliform  or  twisted  rods  (Fig.  99),  or  of  thin 
lamellae.  It  extends  from  the  floor  of  the  visceral  chamber  to  the  bottom  of 
the  calice,  into  which  it  projects  for  a  greater  or  less  distance.  The  structures 
known  as  pali  are  narrow  vertical  plates  which  are  inserted  between  the  colu- 
mella and  the  inner  ends  of  the  septa  in  one  or  more  cycles  (Fig.  99). 

The  outer  wall  or  theca  is  often  formed  by  the  secretion  of  a  particular 
ring-like  fold  of  the  ectoderm,  and  is  constituted  of  distinct  sclerites,  having 
separate  calcification-centres,  and  connecting  the  outer  borders  of  the  septa 
(euthecalia).  In  many  cases  the  peripheral  edges  of  the  septa  become  thickened 
and  laterally  fused  to  form  a  spurious  theca  (pseudothecalia) ;  and  occasionally 
the  dissepiments  lying  in  a  certain  zone  become  united  so  as  to  form  an  inner 
wall  within  the  true  theca.  The  epitheca  is  a  usually  smooth,  sometimes  corru- 
gated, superficial  calcareous  investment,  which,  according  to  Koch,  is  merely  a 
prolongation  of  the  basal  plate,  and  is  secreted  by  the  outer  surface  of  the 
ectoderm,  which  is  reflected  over  the  top  of  the  corallum.  The  epitheca  is 
deposited  either  directly  upon  the  septa,  or  upon  the  theca,  or,  when  the  septa 
are  produced  outwards  so  as  to  form  exothecal  lamellae  or  ribs  (cosfae),  the 
theca  and  epitheca  are  separated.  Exothecal  lamellae,  not  corresponding  in 
position  to  the  septa,  are  called  pseudocostae  or  rugae. 

New  individuals  or  colonies  commonly  originate  by  sexual  reproduction. 
Following  fertilisation  and  segmentation  of  the  ova,  ciliated  larvae  are  born, 
which  swim  about  for  a  time,  become  fixed,  and  develop  into  simple  polyp 
individuals.  Vegetative  or  asexual  increase  by  two  sharply  defined  processes, 
namely,  budding  (or  gemmation)  and  fission,  assumes  a  great  importance  among 
Anthozoans,  resulting  in  the  production  of  colonies  or  stocks,  often  of  large 
size  and  exceeding  complexity  of  form. 

New  corallites  are  produced  either  within  or  without  the  calice  of  the 
parent  polyp.  In  extra-calicinal  gemmation  the  buds  are  thrown  out  either 
from  the  sides  of  the  polyp  (lateral  gemmation),  or  are  formed  in  the  common 
calcareous  matrix  which  unites  the  various  corallites  of  a  colony  (coenemhymal 
and  costal  gemmation).  In  both  cases  the  new  corallites  may  diverge  from  one 
another,  being  attached  to  the  parent  corallum  only  at  the  base,  or  they  may 
grow  up  closely  opposed  to  the  latter  and  to  one  another,  so  that  the  thecae 
are  in  contact  on  all  sides.  In  this  way  branched,  dendroid  or  massive  and 
knob-like  ("astraeiform")  compound  coralla  are  formed.  A  less  common 
mode  of  increase  is  by  hasal  or  sfolonal  gemmation.  In  this  process  the  wall  of 
the  original  polyp  sends  out  creeping  prolongations  (stolons)  or  basal  expansions, 
from  which  new  corallites  arise.  In  calicinal  gemmation  buds  are  produced 
within  the  calice  of  the  parent  corallite,  according  to  one  or  the  other  of  the 
following  methods  :  either  certain  particular  septa  become  enlarged  and  pro- 
duced so  as  finally  to  enclose  a  new  calicinal  disk  (septal  gemmation) ;  or  tabulae 
are  produced  upwards  in  the  form  of  pockets,  from  which  new  corallites  are 
developed  {tabular  gemmation).  In  both  septal  and  tabular  gemmation,  a  portion 
of  the  parent  corallite  including  a  part  of  the  original  wall  is  concerned  in  the 
formation  of  buds  ;  while  the  septa  or  modified  tabulae  are  converted  into 
portions  of  the  new  thecae,  from  which  new  septa  then  begin  to  grow  inwards 
towards  the  centre. 

A  peculiar  kind  of  calicinal  gemmation  is  that  known  as  rejuvenescence.  In 
this  method  only  one  bud  is  formed  within  the  parent  calice,  but  it  enlarges 
until  it  completely  fills  the  latter.    By  the  indefinite  repetition  of  this  process,  a 


corallum  is  formed,  consisting  of  a  succession  of  cups  placed  one  within  the  other, 
of  which  only  the  youngest  and  uppermost  is  occupied  by  the  living  animal. 

The  beginning  of  reproduction  by  fission  is  marked  by  an  elongation  or 
distortion  of  the  parent  calice,  accompanied  by  the  contraction  of  the  Avail  at 
opposite  points  along  the  margin.  The  constriction  may  proceed  until  it 
divides  the  oral  disk  into  two  halves ;  or  two  opposite  septa  may  unite  to  form 
a  new  theca.  By  this  method  branching,  massive  or  "  astraeiform  "  colonies 
are  produced,  which  do  not  differ  essentially  from  those  formed  by  budding. 
Frequently,  however,  individuals  formed  by  fission  become  only  imperfectly 
separated,  remaining  proximally  more  or  less  closely  confluent.  In  such  cases 
the  calices  form  continuous,  straight,  curved  or  labyrinthic  furrows,  with  more 
or  less  clearly  distinguishable  centres. 

The  compound  corallum  of  a  polyp  stock  I'emains  practically  the  same  as  in 
solitary  individuals,  excepting  that  the  conditions  are  more  complicated  when 
the  separation  of  the  zooids  is  incomplete.  Dendroid  and  massive  colonies 
frequently  develop  a  common  connective  matrix  or  tissue  (coenenchyma)  which 
unites  the  various  corallites  into  a  whole ;  it  is  secreted  by  the  common 
colonial  flesh,  called  coenosarc,  which  extends  as  a  carpet  between  the  polyps, 
The  coenenchyma  is  sometimes  dense  in  structure  (Oculinidae),  or  it  may  consist 
of  a  vesicular  or  tubular  tissue.  The  separate  corallites  are  often  also  united 
by  means  of  the  septa,  which  are  produced  over  and  beyond  the  thecae,  and 
fused  with  those  of  neighbouring  individuals.  In  such  cases  the  interseptal 
loculi  are  almost  always  filled  with  strongly  developed  dissepiments.  All 
structures  developed  in  the  included  space  within  the  theca,  with  the  exception 
of  the  septa  and  columella,  are  designated  collectively  as  endotheca  ;  those  lying 
without  the  theca  as  exotheca. 

The  Anthozoa  are  exclusively  marine  forms,  and  predominate  in  shallow 
water.  Many  of  the  Adiniaria,  Antipatharia  and  Madreporaria  occur  also  at 
greater  depths,  ranging  from  50  to  300  and  sometimes  to  over  3000  fathoms. 
The  so-called  reef-corals  inhabit  depths  usually  not  exceeding  45  metres,  and 
require  a  temperature  of  the  water  of  20°  C,  or  higher.  Hence,  existing 
coral-reefs  are  restricted  to  a  zone  extending  about  30°  on  either  side  of  the 
equator ;  they  are  distinguished  according  to  form  as  fringing  reefs,  barrier 
reefs  and  atolls.  While  the  stony  corals  (Porites,  Acrop)ora,  Tnrhinaria, 
Pocillopora,  numerous  "  Astraeidae"  and  Fungidae)  and  the  .Alcyonarians 
(Heliopora)  are  the  most  important,  they  are  not  the  only  agents  concerned  in 
the  formation  of  reefs,  as  an  active  part  is  also  played  by  the  Hydromedusae 
(Milleporidae),  calcareous  algae  (Lithothamnium,  Melohesia),  mollusks,  echino- 
derms,  bryozoans  and  worms.  Of  the  ancient  coral-reefs  which  have  been 
formed  in  nearly  all  of  the  great  geological  periods,  those  of  the  Cenozoic  and 
Mesozoic  periods  are  composed  in  part  of  genera  similar  to  those  now  living ; 
while  those  of  the  Paleozoic  represent  genera  and  families  that  are  now 
principally  extinct,  and  whose  relation  to  living  forms  is  often  quite  uncertain. 

The  Anthozoa  are  divided  by  Haeckel  into  three  subclasses  :  Tetracoralla, 
Hexacoralla  and  Alcyonaria  or  Odocoralla.  Of  these  the  two  first-named  groups 
are  by  some  authors  collectively  termed  Zoantharia. 


Subclass  1.     TETRACORALLA    Haeckel/ 

(Zoantharia  Bugosa  Milne  Edwards  ;  PterocoralUa  Freeh.) 

Extinct,  Paleozoic,  simple  or  composite  scleroderm,ic  corals,  with  septa  arranged 
according  to  a  tetrameral  system,  and  either  hilaterally  or  radially  symmetrical  ; 
without  coenenchyma,  hut  with  usually  strongly  developed  endothecal  tissue  in  the  form 
of  tabulae  or  dissepiments,  and  with  well-marked,  frequently  wrinkled  epithecal  wall. 

The  Tetracoralla  are  especially  characterised  by  having  the  septa,  subse- 
quent to  the  formation  of  the  primaries,  introduced  along  four  lines  rising 
from  the  apex  of  the  base  of  the  corallum.  The  earlier  stages  of  the  Tetra- 
coralla have  recently  been  reinvestigated  by  Duerden,  Carruthers  and  others. 
Duerden  concluded  that  the  observations  of  Ludwig  and  Pourtales  on  the 
primary  hexamerism  of  these  corals  were  correct.  According  to  Carruthers, 
in  the  developing  young  Tetracoralla  the  first  stage  of  septal  formation  is  for 
a  single  septum  to  stretch  entirely  across  the  calice  from  wall  to  Avail.  This 
septum,  which  is  called  the  axial  septum,  later  breaks  up  to  form  the  main 
(cardinal)  and  the  counter  septum  of  the  mature  coral.  In  the  next  stage  a 
small  septum  appears  on  each  side  of  the  main  septal  end  of  the  axial  septum. 
These  two  septa  form  the  alar  septa  of  the  mature  corallum.  In  the  third 
stage  two  other  septa  appear,  one  on  each  side  of  the  counter  septal  end  of  the 
axial  system.  After  the  formation  of  these  six  ^epta  there  is  a  distinct  pause 
in  the  formation  of  new  septa  and  any  irregularity  in  the  dispos'ition  of  the 
septa  is  corrected.  Four  of  the  six  septa  are  called  principal,  and  are  con- 
spicuous in  the  later  septal  arrangement ;  these  four  are  the  main,  counter, 
and  alar  septa.  Two  of  the  first  six  septa,  one  on  each  side  of  the  end  of  the 
counter  septum,  are  not  so  prominent  in  subsequent  development. 

There  is  a  controversy  as  to  whether  the  primary  septa  of  the  Tetracoralla 
are  four  or  six  in  number  :  Duerden  and  Carruthers  holding  the  number  to  be 
six,  while  Brown  and  Gordon  contend  that  it  is  four.  The  four  principal  septa 
are  sometimes  of  equal  proportions,  when  they  may  be  either  stouter  and 
longer  than  the  others  (Stauria),  or  thinner  and  shorter  (Omphyma) ;  or  they 
may  be  of  unequal  proportions.  Of  the  two  principal  septa  which  lie  in  the 
longitudinal  axis  of  the  corallum,  one  (called  the  main  or  cardinal  septum)  is 
frequently  situated  in  a  depression  or  furrow  known  as  t\iQ  fossula  (Fig.  100) ; 
while  the  other  or  counter  septum  is  either  normally  developed,  or  is  more  or 
less  reduced.  Occasionally  the  counter  septum  is  placed  in  a  fossula,  while 
the  cardinal  septum  is  normally  developed  ;  but  the  two  laterally  disposed  or 
alar  septa  are  always  equal  in  size.  The  remaining  septa  not  infrequently 
exhibit  a  well-marked  radial  arrangement,  in  which  the  longer  and  more 
strongly  developed  usually  alternate  with  the  shorter  and  less  strongly 
developed.  New  septa,  according  to  Kunth  and  Dybowski,  are  inserted  in 
the  following  order.     First,  a  new  septum  is  given  off  on  either  side  of  the 

1  Tjiterature  :  Kunth,  A.,  Beitriige  zur  Kenntniss  fossiler  Koralleii.  Zeitschr.  deutscli.  geol. 
Ges.,  1869-70,  vols,  xxi.,  xxii. — Dyhowski,  W.  N.,  Monograpliie  tier  Zoantharia  Rugosa,  etc.  Archiv 
fiir  Naturkunde  Liv-,  Est-,  imd  Kurlands,  1874,  vol.  v. — Roemer,  F.,  Lethaea  Palaeozoica,  1883, 
pp.  324-416. — &chliHcr,  Clem.,  Antliozoeu  des  rlieinischen  Mittel-Devons.  Aljluuidl.  preuss.  geol. 
Landes-Aiistalt,  1889,  vol.  viii. — Brown,  T.,  Studies  ou  the  Morphology  and  Development  of  certain 
Rugose  Corals.  Ann.  N.Y.  Acad.  Sci.,  1909,  vol.  xix. — Faurot,  L.,  Affinites  des  Tetracoralliaires 
et  des  Hexacoralliaires.     Annales  de  Palcont.,  1909,  vol.  iv. 




cardinal  septum  (Fig.  100,  h),  and  takes  up  a  position  parallel  with  the  alar 
septum.  This  leaves  an  intermediate  space  between  the  cardinal  and  the 
newly  formed  septa,  which  becomes  filled,  however,  by  the  repeated  insertion 
of  new  septa  one  above  the  other  in  the  same  manner  as  the  first ;  and  hence 
they  diverge  from  the  cardinal  septum,  as  they  grow  upward,  in  a  pinnate 
fashion.  Likewise  the  two  counter  quadrants  lying  between  the  alar  and 
counter  septa  become  occupied  by  lamellae  which  are  given  off  from  the  alar 
septa,  and  gradually  arrange  themselves  parallel  with  the  counter  septum. 
The  mode  of  growth  in  the  Tctracoralla  will  be  readily  understood  on  inspect- 
ing the  surface  of  those  specimens,  the  septa  of  which  are  visible  on  the 
exterior,  or  where  the  wall  is  readily  removed  by  corrosion  or  polishing.  One 
may  then  note  three  distinct  lines  extending  from  the  calicinal  margin  to  the 
base ;  these  mark  the  cardinal  and  the  two  alar  septa,  from  which  the  other 
pinnately  branching  septa  are  directed  obliquely  upward  (Fig.  101).  The 
order  in  which  the  septa  are  given 
off  in  the  four  quadrants,  according 
to  Kunth,  is  indicated  by  the 
numerals  in  Fig.  100. 

Many  of  the  Tetracoralla  multiply 
only  by  sexual  reproduction,  and  occur 
only  as  single  individuals ;  asexual 
reproduction  takes  place  usually  by 
calicinal,  more  rarely  by  lateral  gem- 
mation, and  results  in  dendroid  or 
massive  colonies. 

Dissepiments  are  generally  abund- 
antly developed  between  the  septa, 
which  latter  are  compact,  and  the 
upper  edges  of  which  are  either 
smooth  or  serrated.  Sometimes  the 
dissepiments  fill  the  whole  interior 
with  a  vesicular  tissue,  and  the 
central  visceral  cavity  is  frequently 
entirely  partitioned  off  by  horizontal, 

inclined  or  funnel-shaped  tabulae.  The  Wall  is  usually  composed  of  the 
thickened  and  fused  septal  edges ;  sometimes  it  is  invested  with  epitheca 
and  furnished  with  vertical  rugae  or  root-like  processes.  A  true  coenenchyma 
is  absent.  In  a  few  genera  the  calice  is  provided  with  a  lid  or  operculum, 
which  may  be  composed  of  one  (Calceola)  or  of  several  plates  (Goniophyllum). 

With  the  exception  of  a  few  genera  the  systematic  position  of  which  is 
uncertain,  all  the  typical  Tetracoralla  are  confined  to  the  Paleozoic  rocks. 

Fig.  100. 

Menopli  yll  am  tenuimnr- 
ginatinn  B.  and  H.  Car- 
boniferous Limestone  ; 
Tournay,  Belgium.  2/j. 
h,  Cardinal  septum ;  g, 
Counter  septum  ;  s,  Alar 

Fig.  101. 

Streptelasma  profundum 
(Owen).  Ordovician ;  Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio.  Natural 

Family  1.     Oyathaxonidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Turbinate  or  horn-shaped  simple  coralla.  Septa  with  regular  radial  arrange- 
ment.    Tabulae  and  dissepiments  absent.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Cyathaxonia  M-ich.  (Fig.  102).  Acutely  pointed,  conical.  Cardinal  septum 
in  fossula.  Septa  numerous,  extending  inward  as  far  as  the  strongly  developed 
styliform  and  considerably  elevated  columella.  Carboniferous  limestone ; 
Belgium  and  England. 

VOL.  I 





Duncanella  Nich.  Corallum  top-shaped.  Septa  nearly  all  of  uniform 
length  and  size,  forming  a  spurious  columella  in  centre  of  the  deep  calice, 
exsert  at  the  base.     Silurian ;  North  America.     D.  horealis  Nich, 

Petraia  Miinst.  (Fig.  103).  Turbinate  or  conical.  Septa  short,  reaching 
to  the  centre  only  at  the  base  of  the  very  deep  calice.  Columella  absent. 
Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

Folycoelia  King  (Fig.  104).  Horn-shaped.  Calice  very  deep ;  four  prin- 
cipal septa  reach  nearly  to  its  centre,  between  which  in  each  quadrant  are 
five  shorter  septa.     Zechstein. 

Kanophyllmn  Dyb.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Fio.  102. 

cornu  Mich.  Car- 
boniferous Lime- 
stone ;  Tournay, 
Belgium.  Cor- 
allum with 
fractured  theca, 
showing  open  in- 
ter.septal  loculi. 

FiQ.  103. 

Petraia  radiata 
Miinster.  Devonian ; 
Enkeberg,  near 
Brilon.  i/j.  o,  Cor- 
allum viewed  from 
the  apex ;  b,  Trans- 
verse section  below 
the  middle. 

Fig.  104. 

Folycoelia  •pro- 
funda (Germ.). 
Gera.  i/i  (after 

Fig.  105. 

Palaeocyclns  por^nta 
(Linn.).  Silurian ; 
Gotland.  a,  Top 
view    of   calice ;    i!;, 

Fig.  106. 

Microcyclus  dis- 
cus Meek  and 
Worth.  Hamil- 
ton (Devonian)  ; 
North  America, 
i/j.  a,  Corallum 
from  below  ; 
h,  from  above 
(after  Nicholson). 

Family  2.     Palaeocyclidae   Dybowski. 

Coralla  simple,  discoidal  or  bowl-shaped.  Septa  mimerous,  stout,  approaching 
radial  symmetry  in  disposition.     Tabulae  and  dissepiments  wanting. 

Palaeocyclus  E.  and  H.  (Fig,  105).  Discoidal  to  depressed  top-shaped, 
Avith  epitheca.  Septa  numerous,  radially  disposed,  the  larger  ones  reaching 
to  the  centre.     Silurian.     Type,  P.  porpifa  (Linn.). 

Combophyllum,  Baryphyllum  E.  and  H.     Devonian, 

Hadrophyllum  E,  and  H.  Cushion-shaped,  with  epitheca.  Calice  with 
three  septal  fossula,  that  of  the  cardinal  septum  being  the  largest.  Devonian; 
Eifel  and  North  America, 

Microcyclus  Meek  and  Worth.  (Fig.  106).  Like  the  preceding,  but  with 
only  one  septal  fossula,     Devonian  ;  North  America, 

Family  3.     Zaphrentidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Coralla  simple,  turbinate,  conical  or  cylindrical;  septa  numerous,  exhibiting 
distinct  bilateral  symmetry  in  arrangement.  Theca  generally  formed  by  fusion  of 
septal  ends.  Tabulae  completely  developed  ;  dissepiments  not  very  abundant  in  inter- 
septal  locrdi. 

Streptelasma  Hall  (Fig.  107).     Turbinate,  often  curved.     Septa  numerous 




(80-130),  alternately  long  and  short;  the  free  edges  of  the  longer  septa  are 

twisted  together  in  the  centre  to  form  a  pseudo-columella.     Tabulae  few  or 

absent.     Position  of  the  cardinal  septum  is  recognisable  on  the  exterior  by  the 

system  of   pinnately  diverging   costal   ridges.      Common    in   Ordovician  and 

Silurian.     S.   pro- 

fundum      (Owen), 

the   type    species, 

has     often     been 

confused   with    *S'. 

corniculum    and 

various  species  of 


Zaphrenfis  Raf . 
(Caninia  Mich. 
pars)  (Figs.  108- 
10).  Simple,  tur- 
binate or  sub- 
cylindrical,  fre- 
quently elongated. 
Calice  deep,  with 

circular  margin.  Septa  numerous,  reaching  to  the  centre  ;  cardinal  septum  in  a 
deep  fossula.  Tabulae  numerous;  somewhat  irregular,  and  passing  from  side  to 
side  of  the  visceral  chamber ;  dissepiments  sparingly  developed  in  outer  zone 
of  corallum.  50  to  60  species  known,  ranging  from  Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 
Maximum  development  in  Carboniferous. 

Amplexus  Sow.     Simple,   sub-cylindrical  or   elongated  turbinate.     Calice 

Fig.  107. 

Streptdasma  profuiulwm  (Owen).  Cincinnatian  Group 
(Ordovician);  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Vi-  ^,  Side  view. 
/;,  Transverse  section.  C,  Longitudinal  section,  (h. 
Cardinal  septum  ;  g,  counter  septum  ;  s,  alar  septum.) 

Fig.  109. 

"'■  Zaphrentis     cornucopiae 

Zaphrentis       cornicula  Mich.       Calice    enlarged. 

Lesueur.    Devonian  lime-  Carboniferous  Limestone ; 

stone  ;  Ohio.  Tournay,  Belgium. 

Fig.  110. 

Zaphrentis  ennislcilleni  Nich.  Carboniferous  Lime- 
stone ;  A,  B,  Transverse  sections  through  respectively- 
upper  and  lower  portions  of  calice.  C,  A  long  and  two 
short  septa  united  at  the  ends  to  form  the  wall.  D, 
Longitudinal  section  showing  tabulae  (after  Nicholson). 

shallow,  usually  with  septal  fossulae.  Septa  moderately  numerous,  short, 
never  produced  to  centre.  Tabulae  highly  developed,  horizontal.  Ordovician 
to  Lower  Carboniferous.     Type,  A.  coralloides  Sow. 

Aulacophijllum    E.    and    H.     Turbinate.     Septa   numerous,    extending   to 




centre.  Cardinal  septum  in  deep  fossnla  ;  adjacent  septa  pinnately  developed. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Menophyllum  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  100).  Turbinate.  Cardinal  septum  in 
largest  of  three  fossulae.     Lower  Carboniferous  limestone. 

Lophophyllum  E.  and  H.  Carboniferous  limestone.  Anisophylliim  E.  and 
H.  Ordovician  to  Devonian.  Pycnopliyllum  Lindstr.  Ordovician  and  Silurian. 
Apasmophylluni  Roem.  Metriophyllum  E.  and  H.  Thamnophyllmn  Penecke. 
Devonian.     Penfaphyllum  de  Koninck.     Carboniferous. 

Family  4.     Cyathophyllidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Simple  or  composite  coralla.  Septa  numerous,  radially  arranged;  the  four 
principal  septa  rarely  distinguished  by  greater  or  smaller  size.  Tabulae  and 
vesicular  tissue  (dissepiments)  abundant. 

Cyathophyllum  Goldf.  (Figs.  111-13).  Extremely  variable  in  form, 
sometimes  simple,  turbinate  or  sub-cylindrical ;  sometimes  giving  rise  to 
bushy,  fasciculate  or  astraeiform  colonies,  where  reproduction  takes  place  by 

Fig.  111. 

Cyathophyllum  caespitosum  .Goldf. 
Devonian  ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel.  Natural 

Fig.  112. 

Cyathophyllum  hexagonum,    Goldf.     Devonian ;    Gerol- 
.stein,  Eifel.     Natural  size. 

calicinal  or  lateral  gemmation.  Septa  very  numerous,  strictly  radial  in 
arrangement,  and  often  alternately  long  and  short ;  the  longer  septa  extend- 
ing to  the  centre.  Visceral  chamber  filled  with  numerous  imperfectly 
developed  tabulae ;  vesicular  dissepiments  highly  developed  in  peripheral 
portion.  Nearly  100  species  known,  ranging  from  Ordovician  to  the  Lower 
Carboniferous.     Maximum  development  in  Devonian. 

Campophyllum  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  114).  Like  the  preceding,  but  septa  not 
extending  to  the  centre.     Devonian  and  Carboniferous  Limestone. 

Heliophyllum  Hall.  Usually  simple  and  turbinate,  more  rarely  forming 
dendroid  colonies.  Septa  numerous,  extending  to  the  centre,  and  thickened 
on  their  sides  by  conspicuous  vertical  ridges  ("carinae").     Devonian. 

Diphy2)hyllum  Lonsd.  (Fig.  115).  Ordovician  to  Carboniferous.  Pholido- 
phyllum  Lindstr.    Ordovician  and  Silurian;     Eridophyllum  E.  and  H.     Silurian 





and  Devonian.  Grepidophyllwm  Nich.  Craspedophyllum  Dybowski.  Devonian. 
Koninckophyllum  Nich.  Chonaxis  E.  and  H.  Carboniferous.  ClisiophyUum 
Dana.     Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

'  OmphymaUai.  (Fig.  116).     Corallum  simple,  conical  or  turbinate;  theca 

Fig.  113. 

(Jyathcq^hyllum  heteropliyllmn  B.  and  H.  Middle  De- 
vonian ;  Gerolstein,  Bifel.  A,y  Transverse ;  i>',  Longi- 
tudinal section  (after  Nicholson). 

Fig.  114. 

CmniwphyUum,  com- 
pressum  Ludw.  Car- 
boniferous Limestone  ; 
Hausdorf,  Silesia.  a, 
Longitudinal ;  h,  Trans- 
verse section. 

Fig.  115. 

Dipliyphyllum  con- 
dniiiim  Lonsd.  Car- 
boniferous Lime- 
stone ;  Kamensk, 

with  root-like  processes.  Septa  numerous  ;  the  four  principal  septa  in  shallow 
fossulae.  Surface  marked  with  pinnately  branching  striae.  Tabulae  numerous. 

Chomphylhim  E.  and  H.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 


Fig.  110. 

OmpUyma   suhturhinata   B.    and    H.      Silurian    limestone ; 
Gotland,  Sweden,     a,  Side  view  ;  h,  Calice  from  above. 

Fig.  117. 

martini  E.  and  H. 
Lower  Carbonifer- 
ous ;  Hausdorf, 
Silesia.  Sections 
of  individual 
eorallite  (after 

PtychophyUum  E.  and  H.  Simple  and  turbinate,  or  composite.  Each 
stock  is  composed  of  funnel-shaped,  invaginated  layers,  representing  calicinal 
buds,  the  marginal  lips  of  which  are  more  or  less  reflected  outwards.  Septa 
numerous  and  strongly  twisted  in  the  centre  to  form  a  pseudo-columella  ;  their 




peripheral  edges  are  thickened  and  are  fused  with  one  another  so  as  to  form  a 
wall.     Silurian  (P.  jnitellatum  Schlot.  sp.)  and  Devonian. 

Cydophylhim  Duncan  and  Thorn.      Simple,  cylindro-conical.     Septa  numer- 
ous, the  longer  ones  forming  a  thick  pseudo-columella  with  enclosed  spongy 
_  tissue. 

Aalophyllwn  E.  and  H.  ;  Aspidophyllum,  Eho- 
dophyllum  iSTich.  and  Thorns.,  etc.  Carboniferous, 
LitJiostrotion  Llwyd  (Stylaxis  M'Coy  ;  Petalaxis 
E.  and  H.)  (Fig.  117).  Fasciculate  or  astraei- 
form  stocks  composed  of  prismatic  or  cylindrical 
corallites.  Septa  numerous,  alternately  long 
and  short.  Styliform  columella  in  the  centre. 
Abundant  in  Carboniferous  limestone. 

Fig.  118. 

Lonsdaleia  floriformis  Lonsd.  Car- 
boniferons  Limestone ;  Kildare,  Ire- 
land, i/j.  a,  Two  cylindrical  corallites, 
partially  split  open  ;  h,  Two  hexagonal 
calices,  seen  from  aljove. 

Fig.  119. 

PMlKpsastrea  hennahi  (Lonsdale).    Devonian  limestone  ;  Ebersdorf, 
Silesia,    a,  Upper  surface  ;  1j,  Transverse  section.    Natural  size. 

Lonsdaleia  M'Coy  (Fig.  118).  Fasciculate  or  astraeiform,  composite 
coralla.  Septa  well  developed  ;  columella  large,  composed  of  vertically  rolled 
lamellae.  Central  tabulate  area  bounded  by  an  interior  disscpimental  wall, 
between  which  and  the  theca  vesicular  endotheca  is  abundantly  developed. 
Common  in  Carboniferous  rocks. 

Strombodes  Schweigg.  Astraeiform  stocks  composed  of  small  prismatic 
corallites.     Septa  extremely  numerous,  very  slender,  extending  to  the  centre. 

Fio.  120. 

Stauria  astraelformis  E.  and  H.  Silurian  ;  Gotlaml,  Sweden.  A,  Transverse  section  parallel  to  upper 
surface.  B,  Enlarged  transverse  section  of  individual  corallite.  C,  Several  calices  from  above.  Natural  size 
(after  Nicholson). 

Theca  imperfectly  developed.     Visceral  chamber  filled  with  infundibuliform 
tabulae  and  vesicular  tissue.     Silurian  (S.  typus  M'Coy  sp.)  and  Devonian. 

Pachyphyllum,  Spongophyllum  E.  and  H.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Acervularia  Schweigg.      Astraeiform  or  bushy  colonies.       Septa  stout  and 




numerous.  An  interior  wall  is  present ;  tabulae  are  developed  in  the  central 
area,  while  the  peripheral  zone  is  filled  with  vesicular  tissue.  Silurian  {A. 
ananas  Linn,  sp.)  and  Devonian, 

Phillipsastrea  d'Orbigny  (Fig.  119).  Astraeiform  colonies,  with  indi- 
vidual corallites  united  by  confluent  septa,  Avhich  are  produced  beyond  the 
theca,  and  obscure  the  same.  Interseptal  loculi  filled  with  vesicular  endotheca. 
Devonian  and  Carboniferous.     Type,  P.  hennahi  (Lonsd.). 

Stauria  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  120).  Astraeiform  or  bushy  composite  coralla. 
Septa  well  developed;  the  four  principal  septa  characterised  by  larger  size,  and 
forming  a  complete  cross  in  the  centre  of  each  corallite.     Silurian  (Wenlock). 

Colunmaria  Goldf.  (FavisteUa  Hall).  Astraeiform  stocks,  composed  of 
long,  polygonal,  thick-walled  corallites.  Septa  radially  arranged  in  two  cycles, 
alternately  long  and  short,  barely  reaching  the  centre.  Tabulae  horizontal, 
disposed  at  regular  intervals  apart,  and  stretching  across  the  entire  visceral 
chamber.  Dissepiments  imperfectly  developed  or  absent.  Ordovician  to 

Hetcrophyllia  M'Coy.     Carboniferous,     Batiershyia  E.  and  H.     Devonian. 

Family  5.     Cystiphyllidae    IMilne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Usually  simple  coralla.  Septa  very  thin  ;  interseptal  loculi  filled  with  vesicular 
endotheca  or  compact  st  ere  oplasma.  2'abidae  absent;  central  area  of  visceral  chamber 
either  completely  filled  with  vesi-  a 

cidar  tissue  or  stereopl'asma,  or 
containing  the  same  only  in  the 
lower  portions  of  chamber.  Cal- 
careous operculum  sometimes 

Gysttphyllum,  Lonsd.  (Figs. 
121,  122).  Simj)le,  very  rarely 
forming  bushy  colonies.  Calice 
deep;  the  entire  visceral  cham- 
ber filled  with  vesicular  tissue, 
which,  as  a  rule,  wholly 
obliterates  the  numerous  radi- 
ally directed  sejjta.  Silurian 
and  Devonian. 

Strephodes  M'Coy  (Fig. 
123).  Usually  simple  coralla. 
Septa  well  developed,  alter- 
nately long  and  short,  some- 
times forming  a  pseud  o- 
columella.  Silurian  to  Carbo- 

Goniophyll'um  E.  and  H. 
(Fig.  124).  Corallum  simple,  in  the  form  of  a  four-sided  pyramid,  and 
covered  with  thick  epithecal  tissue.  Calice  deep ;  septa  numerous,  thick 
and  very  short.  Entire  visceral  chamber  filled  with  vesicular  and  stereo- 
plasmic  endotheca.  Operculum  composed  of  four  plates  symmetrically 
paired.     Silurian. 

Fig.  121. 

Fio.  122. 

Cystii)hyUiim  cyKndricum 

Lonsd.     Silurian  ;  Iron  Bridge, 

CystiphyUuni        vesicidosnm,     Ensland.        A,    B,    Transverse 

Goldf.        Devonian ;      Eifel.     and  longitudinal  sections  (after 

Natural  size.  Nicholson). 




Rhizo'phyllum  Lindst.  Corallum  simple,  pyramidal  or  hemispherical, 
flattened  on  one  side  ;  external  surface  corrugated,  and  sending  off"  hollow, 
root -like  epithecal  processes.  Calice  marked  with  septal  striae  ;  internal 
structure  consisting  of  vesicular  tissue  and  stereoplasma.  Operculum  in  form 
of  semicircular  plate  ;  inner  surface  traversed  by  median  ridge  and  fainter, 
granulated,  parallel  elevations.     Silurian. 

Calceola  Lam.  (Fig.  125).    Corallum  simple,  semi-turbinate,  or  slipper-shaped, 

Fig.  123. 

Strephodes  mnrclusoni  Lonsd. 
Showing  strongly  developed 
dissepiments  and  tabulae. 

Pig.  124. 

Goniophyllum     pyramidale 
(His.).       Silurian  ;    Gotland. 

A,  Specimen  with  operculum. 

B,  Calice  seen  from  above. 
Natural  size  (after  Lind- 

Fin.  125. 

Calceola      sa.ndalina      Lam. 
Eifel.        Natural 

Devonian ; 


with  one  side  flat  and  triangular.  Calice  very  deep,  extending  nearly  to  apex, 
and  marked  internally  with  fine  septal  striae.  Cardinal  septum  placed  in  the 
centre  of  the  vaulted  side,  counter  septum  in  middle  of  flattened  side,  and  alar 
septa  at  the  angles.  Internal  structure  composed  of  fine  vesicular  tissue  and 
stereoplasma.  Operculum  semicircular,  very  thick,  under  surface  marked  with 
prominent  median  and  fainter  lateral  septal  ridges.  C.  sandalina  Lam.  Very 
common  in  Middle  Devonian  of  Europe,  rare  in  Carboniferous  Limestone  of 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Tetracoralla. 

The  typical  Tetracoralla  are  confined  to  the  Paleozoic  rocks.  They  are 
unknown  in  the  Cambrian,  and  make  their  first  appearance  in  the  Ordovician, 
where  they  are  sparsely  represented  in  North  America  and  in  Europe.  Here 
the  most  abundant  genus  is  Streptelasma,  and  next  in  order  of  importance  are 
Cyathophyllwn,  Ptychophylhmi  and  Columnaria.  The  maximum  development 
falls  in  the  Silurian,  which  contains  the  largest  number  of  genera  and  species. 
There  are  limestones  found  on  the  islands  of  Gotland  and  Dago  (Esthonia),  as 
well  as  at  Dudley,  Shropshire,  at  Lockport,  New  York  and  other  places  in 
North  America,  which  are  made  up  of  ancient  coral-reefs.  The  principal  agents 
concerned  in  the  formation  of  these  reefs  were  Cyathophyllnm,  Heliopliyllum, 
Omphyma,  Ptychophyllnm,  Stromhodes,  Acenndaria,  Stauria,  Aulacophyllum,  Cysti- 
phyllum,   etc.,   of  the   Tetracoralla,   besides  numerous  Tabulata,   Octocoralla, 


Bryozoa,  and  Echinoderms.  The  Tetracoralla  are  not  less  conspicuons  in  the 
Devonian,  especially  in  the  Middle  and  Upper  Devonian  of  the  Eifel  district, 
Westphalia,  Nassau,  Harz,  Boulogne,  England,  and  North  America.  Particu- 
larly abundant  here  are  the  genera  CyatJiophyllum,  Campophylhtm,  Zaphrentis, 
Cystiphyllu7n,  Phillipsasfrea,  Calceola,  etc.  Zaphrentis,  Amplexus,  Lithostrotion, 
Lonsdaleia,  CydophyUum,  etc.,  predominate  in  the  Carboniferous  Limestone  of 
Belgium,  England,  Ireland,  and  North  America ;  while  in  the  Zechstein  the 
solitary  genus  known  is  Polycoelia.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Permo-Carboni- 
ferous  rocks  of  the  Salt  Range  in  India  and  of  the  island  of  Timor  contain  the 
genera  Zaphrentis,  AmplexAis,  Clisiophyllum,  and  Lonsdaleia.  According  to  Freeh, 
the  genera  Gigantostylis,  Pinacophyllum,  and  Coccophyllum,  occurring  in  the  Alpine 
Trias,  belong  to  the  Tetracoralla ;  and  to  this  group  also  have  been  assigned 
Holocystis  E.  and  H.,  from  the  Cretaceous,  and  the  recent  genera  Haplophyllum 
Pourtales,  and  Guynia  Duncan.  A  number  of  Paleozoic  Tetracoralla,  such  as 
Batter sbyia,  Heterophyllia,  and  Stauria,  are  referred  by  Duncan  and  Nicholson  to 
the  Hexacoralla  {"  Astraeidae"). 

Subclass  2.    HEXACORALLA    Haeckel. 

(Zoantharia  Blainville ;  Hexadinia  and  Folyadinia  Ehrenberg.) 

Simple  or  composite  polyps,  with  radial  mesenteries  arising  in  cycles  of  six,  twelve, 
or  midtiples  of  six  (more  rarely  pentameral,  septameral  or  odameral) ;  frequently  with 
calcareous  corallum,  but  sometimes  fleshy  or  with  horny  axis. 

To  the  Hexacoralla  belong  the  calcareous  reef-building  and  deep-sea  corals 
[Madreporaria)  of  the  present  day,  the  fleshy  sea-anemones  (Adiniaria),  and 
those  forms  characterised  by  the  secretion  of  a  horny  axis  (Antipatharia).  Of 
these  three  orders,  only  the  Madreporaria  are  known  in  a  fossil  state.  These 
forms  are  distinguished  from  the  Tetracoralla  by  the  hexameral  system  and 
radial  arrangement  of  mesenteries  and  septa ;  and  from  the  Octocoralla,  in 
addition  to  the  above-named  characters,  by  their  simple  tentacles. 

According  to  Duerden,  either  before  or  shortly  after  extrusion  of  the 
larva,  the  six  primary  pairs  of  mesenteries  (protocnemes),  constituting  the  first 
cycle,  make  their  appearance.  The  organs  arise  in  bilateral  pairs,  in  a 
regular  and  well-defined  order,  Avhich  is  uniform  for  all  the  species  yet 
studied.  The  first  two  or  three  pairs  arise  around  the  oral  extremity  of  the 
larva,  while  the  others  first  appear  at  varying  distances  down  the  wall.  The 
protocnemic  sequence  is  represented  by  the  Roman  numerals  in  Fig.  126,  and 
agrees  with  that  established  for  the  greater  number  of  actinians.  The  first 
four  pairs  very  early  unite  with  the  stomodaeum,  but  the  fifth  and  sixth 
pairs  remain  free  or  incomplete  for  a  lengthened  period,  suggesting  a  diff"erent 
phylogenetic  significance  from  the  others. 

The  six  pairs  of  second  cycle  mesenteries  (metacnemes)  arise  after  fixation, 
but  in  a  manner  altogether  diff'erent  from  that  followed  by  the  first  cycle. 
They  appear  on  the  polypal  wall  in  unilateral  pairs  or  couples  within  the 
six  primary  exocoeles,  and  in  a  succession  which  is  from  the  dorsal  to  the 
ventral  side  of  the  polyp,  not  the  whole  cycle  at  a  time.  For  a  long  time, 
as  shown  in  Fig.  127,  the  six  pairs  present  a  difference  in  size,  corresponding 
with  their  dorso-ventral  or  antero-posterior  order  of  appearance. 





The  twelve  pairs  of  third  cycle  mesenteries  are  found  to  develop  in  a 
'which  is  altogether  unexpected.  They  follow  the  same  dorso- 
ventral  order  as  the  second  cycle  pairs,  but  in  two  series.  A  primary  series 
of  six  pairs — one  pair  within  each  sextant — appears  within  the  exocoele  on 
the  dorsal  aspect  of  each  of  the  second  cycle  mesenteries,  one  pair  following 
upon  another,  and  then  another  series  of  six  pairs  arises  on  the  ventral 
aspect  of  the  second  cycle  mesenteries  in  the  same  order  (Fig.  128).  In  the 
later  stages  of  development  the  regularity  of  the  mesenterial  succession  is  not 

3E  Ts: 

re        E 



Fio.  126. 

GrowUi  stages  of  coral  polyp  in  Mnrandni  {"  Manicina")  areolata.  Diagrammatic  figures  showing  orfler  of 
appearance  of  the  six  primary  pairs  of  mesenteries.  In  n  only  two  i)airs  of  mesenteries  are  present,  of  which  one 
pair  (i)  is  united  with  the  stomodaeum,  while  the  other  (ii)  is  free  ;  in  /)  the  second  pair  of  mesenteries  has  become 
complete,  and  a  third  pair(!ii)  has  appeared  on  the  ventral  border  ;  in  c  another  pair(iv)  is  found  within  the  dorsal 
chamber  ;  in  </  the  first  four  pairs  of  mesenteries  to  arise  have  all  become  complete,  and  the  fifth  and  sixth 
pairs  (v,  vi)  have  appeared,  but  remain  incomplete  for  a  long  period,  the  secondary  mesenteries  ap]jearing  in 
the  meantime  (cf.  Fig.  127).  The  actual  stages  given  are  taken  from  Maeandra  areolata,  but  a  like  sequence  is 
presented  by  other  species  whose  development  has  been  followed  (after  Duerden). 

always  maintained  ;■  one  region  may  be  somewhat  in  advance  of,  or  may  lag 
behind  its  normal  development. 

The  sequence  thus  outlined  in  the  briefest  manner  is  sufficient  to  show 
that  the  develoi^ment  of  the  mesenteries  in  coral  polyps  is  bilateral,  and 
takes  place  in  stages  from  one  extremity  to  the  other.  The  radial  symmetry, 
characteristic  of  the  adult  polyp,  is  thus  derived  from  primitively  bilateral 
organs,  which  appear  in  an  antero-posterior  succession.  Moreover,  each  cycle 
represents  a  separate  period  of  development,  as  compared  Avith  the  successive 
growth  in  one  direction  of  ordinary  segmented  animals. 

The  first  two  cycles  of  tentacles  (prototentacles)  generally  arise  a  cycle  at 
a  time,  either  simultaneously  or  one  following  the  other.     The  later  tentacles 




are  developed  in  an  order  in  correlation  with  that  of  the  mesenteries,  some- 
times entocoelic  and  exocoelic  members  appearing  together.  In  the  process 
of  growth  the  exocoelic  members  are  always  relegated  to  the  outermost 
cycles,  in  a  manner  first  established  by  Lacaze-Duthiers  for  actinians ;  only 
the  entocoelic  tentacles  are  of  any  ordinary  value.  Siderastrea  radians  (Pallas) 
is  exceptional  in  that  the  exocoelic  tentacles  appear  in  advance  of  the 


Fig.  127. 

Growth  stages  of  larval  polyps  in  Siderastrea  radians.  Three  rlia,L,Taiiiiiiatir  figures  illustrating  the  manner 
of  appearance  of  the  six  mesenteries  (A-C)  constituting  the  second  cycle.  The  mesenteries  arise  in  unilateral 
pairs  within  corresponding  exocoelie  chambers  on  each  side  of  the  polyp.  At  tirst  («)  a  i)air  api)ears  within  the 
dorso-lateral  exocoele  on  each  side  ;  shortly  after  (h)  a  sinular  pair  arises  within  each  middle  exocoele  ;  then  (c) 
a  pair  within  each  ventro-lateral  exocoele.  For  a  long  time  the  pairs  retain  a  difference  in  size,  corresponding 
with  their  order  of  appearance  (after  Duerden). 

The  skeleton  never  appears  until  after  fixation  of  the  larva.  It  makes  its 
first  appearance  in  the  form  of  minute  plates  or  granules,  as  an  ectoplastic  pro- 
duct of  the  ectodermal  cells  (calicoblasts)  of  the  base.  A  flat,  circular,  basal 
plate  is  formed  by  the  union  of  these,  and  may  later  become  i:)roduced  upward 
at  the  edge  as  the  epitheca,  while  from  its  inner  or  polypal  surface  the  septa 
begin  to  appear  as  vertical  upgrowths  formed  within  invaginations  of  the 
basal  disk  of  the  polyp.  The  skeletal  cup  first  formed  is  known  as  the 




Like  the  tentacles,  the  first  two  cycles  of  septa  (protosepta)  may  appear 
simultaneously,  or  the  cycle  of  six  entosepta  may  arise  in  advance  of  the 
cycle  of  six  exosepta.  The  order  of  appearance  of  the  later  cycles  is  not  yet 
thoroughly  understood,  the  relative  sizes  in  the  mature  corallum  by  no  means 
indicating  the  actual  order  of  development.  As  in  the  case  of  the  mesenteries, 
the  radial  plan  of  the  mature  septa  is  derived  from  structures  which  appear 
bilaterally,    in   a    more    or    less    definite   dorso  -  ventral    or    antero  -  posterior 



Fig.  12S. 

Tliree  stages  in  the  development  of  tlie  twelve  pairs  of  third-cycle  mesenteries.  All  the  six  pairs  of  primary 
mesenteries  are  now  complete,  and  the  second-cycle  pairs  are  all  equal,  but  free  from  the  stomodaeum.  In  a  a, 
pair  of  third-cycle  mesenteries  (in)  has  appeared  on  each  side,  within  the  exocoele  next  the  doi\sal  directives  ;  in 
h  a  corresponding  pair  occurs  within  tlie  dorsal  of  the  two  exocoeles  of  all  the  six  systems,  the  order  being  from 
the  dorsal  to  the  ventral  aspect ;  in  c  another  series  of  six  pairs  is  beginning,  situated  within  the  ventral  of  the 
two  exocoeles  in  each  system.    Growth  in  tlie  dorsal  region  is  in  advance  of  that  in  the  ventral  (after  Duerden). 

succession.  Furthermore,  as  in  the  case  of  the  tentacles,  the  exosepta  remain 
exosepta  throughout  the  course  of  their  development,  always  constituting  the 
outermost  cycle.  The  entosepta  beyond  the  primary  six  follow  the  same 
succession  of  growth  as  the  mesenteries,  so  that  the  t)rder  assigned  the 
secondary  and  tertiary  mesenteries  in  Fig.  129  will  also  hold  for  the  septa. 
Reproduction  takes  place  either  sexually,  when  separate  individuals  are  pro- 
duced ;  or  asexually,  by  means  of  lateral  or  basal  gemmation ;  or  by  fission. 
In   composite   coralla,   the  individual   corallites  are   sometimes  united   by   a 


common  coenenchyma.     Endothecal  structures  are  frequently  present  in  tlie 
form  of  synapticulae,  dissepiments,  and  tabulae. 

The  order  of  stone  corals  or  Madreporaria  {Zoantharia  sderodermata)  was 
divided  by  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime  into  five  suborders  :  Eugosa,  Tabulata, 
Tuh'ulosa,  Perforata,  and  Aporosa.  Of  these,  the  Rugosa  have  been  elevated  by 
Haeckel  into  a  separate  subclass  under  the  name  of  Tetracoralla.  The  groups 
Aporosa  and    Perforata    are    called   Hexacoralla ;    while   the   affinities   of    the 

Fig.  129. 

Diagram  showing  the  order  of  appearance  of  all  the  mesenteries  in  a  polyp  having  three  cycles.  The  Roman 
numerals  represent  the  cycles  to  which  the  mesenteries  belong,  and  the  smaller  Arabic  numerals  indicate  the 
order  in  which  the  mesentery  appeared  within  its  cycle.  The  regularity  here  indicated  is  constant  for  the 
primary  and  secondary  cycles,  but  departure  may  be  encountered  in  the  third  cycle  (after  Duerden). 

Tabulata  (with  which  the  Tuhulosa  are  now  generally  included)  are  still 
unsatisfactorily  determined.  The  group  is  certainly  composed  of  a  varied 
assemblage  of  forms,  some  of  which  have  been  assigned  to  the  Hexacoralla, 
some  to  the  Odocoralla,  and  some  to  the  Hydrozoa  and  Bryozoa. 

Order  1.     MADREPORARIA    Milne  Edwards.  ^ 

(Zoantharia  sderodermata  E.  and  H.) 

Radially   symmetrical   sclerodermous   corals  with   typically    hexameral    (rarely 
pentameral,  heptameral,  or  odameral)  arrangement  of  septa. 

1  Literature  :  Pratz,  E. ,  Ueber  die  verwandtschaftliche  Beziehungen  einiger  Korallengattimgen, 
etc.  Palaeoutogr.  1882,  vol.  xxix.  — Freeh,  F. ,  Die  Korallenfauna  derNordalpinen Trias.  Palaeontogr. 
1890,  vol.  xxxvii. — British  Museum  Cat.  of  Madreporarian  Corals,  vol.  i.  by  George  Brook,  1893, 
vols,  ii.-vi.  by  H.  M.  Bernard,  1896-1906. —  Volz,  W.,  Die  Koralleu  der  Schichten  von  St. 
Cassiau  in  Siid-Tirol.  Palaeontogr.  1896,  vol.  xliii.  Felix,  J.,  Antliozoen  der  Gosauschichten 
in  den  Ostalpen.  Palaeontogr.  1903,  vol.  xlix. — Duerden,  J.  E.,  The  Coral  Siderastrea,  etc. 
Carnegie  lust.  Wash.,  1903,  Pub.  No.  20.— Lang,  W.  D.,  Growth-Stages  in  the  Coral  Genus  Para- 
sniilia.  Proc.  Zool.  Soc.  London,  1909,  pt.  ii. — Parana,  C.  F.,  La  Fauna  coralligena  del  Cretaceo 
dei  Monti  d'  Ocre  nell'  Abruzzo.      Mem.  Com.   Geol.  Ital.,  1909,  vol.  v.      (See  also  ante,  p.  74). 




Suborder  1.     APOROSA  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Septa  and  theca  compact;  inter  septal  loculi  umally  partitioned  off  hy  dissepi- 
ments or  synapticulae,  more  rarely  hy  tahulae,  seldom  empty  throughout.  Theca 
either  independently  secreted,  or  formed  by  fusion  of  the  septal  edges,  or  absent. 

Family  1.     Turbinolidae  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Corallum  simple,  very  seldom  composite  ;  septa  numerous,  long,  and  with  entire 
margins.  Interseptal  locidi  empty  throughout.  Columella  usually,  pali  often  present. 
Theca  complete. 

The  Turbinolidae  begin  in  the  Jurassic,  and  are  especially  abundant  in  the 
Tertiary  and  at  the  present  day.  Sexual  reproduction  prevails, 
although  a  few  forms  multiply  by  gemmation  ;  the  buds,  how- 
ever, become  separated  from  the  parent  animal  at  an  early 

Turbinolia  Lam.  (Fig.   130).     Coi-allum  free,   conical,   with 
circular  calice.      Septa  produced  beyond  the  theca.     Styliform 

Fig.  130. 

Turbinolia  bower- 
hanki  E.  and  H. 
Eocene  ;  Highgate, 
England.     6/j. 

Fif!.  131. 

CeratotrocJius  dnodecimocostatus  (Goldf.).     Miocene  ; 
Baden,  near  Vienna.     Natural  size. 

Fill.  132. 

Flabellnm  roissyannm  B. 
and  H.  Miocene ;  Baden, 
near  Vienna.     Natural  size. 

columella  present.  Tertiary  and  Eecent ;  common  in  Calcaire  Grossier  of 
the  Paris  Basin,  and  Eocene  of  England  and  southern  United  States. 

Sphenotrochus  E.  and  H.  Free,  cuneiform  with  elongated  calice ;  colum- 
ella lamellar.  Cretaceous  to  Eecent.  Type,  S.  crispus  (Lam.).  Eocene  to 
Recent.  Common  in  Calcaire  Grossier  of  the  Paris  Basin,  and  in  the  Eocene 
of  the  Gulf  States. 

Smilotrochus  E.  and  H.;  Stylotrochus  From.;  Onchotrochus  Duncan.  Cre- 
taceous.    Discotrochus  E.  and  H.  etc.     Tertiary. 

Ceratotrochus  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  131).  Horn-shaped  ;  young  forms  attached 
at  the  apex.  Septa  very  numerous,  produced  above  the  theca ;  columella 
fasciculate.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Flabellum  Lesson  (Fig.  132).  Corallum  wedge-shaped,  compressed,  free, 
or  attached.  Septa  numerous.  Wall  covered  with  epitheca,  and  sometimes 
furnished  with  spinous  processes.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Trochocyathus  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  133).  Horn-shaped,  with  circular  calice. 
Septa  stout ;  columella  papillous  and  trabecular,  and  surrounded  by  several 
cycles  of  pali.     Numerous  species  from  Lias  to  Recent. 




Thecocyathus  E.  and  H.  Depressed,  conical,  or  discoidal,  attached  early  in 
life,  later  becoming  free.  Wall  with  thick  epithecal  investment.  Calice 
circular,  septa  numerous ;  columella  fasciculate,  and  sur- 
rounded by  several  cycles  of  pali.  Lias,  Jurassic,  Cre- 
taceous, and  Recent. 

Faracyathus,  Deltocyathus  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  134). 
Tertiary  and  Recent.  Discocyathus  E.  and  H.  Jurassic. 
CoenocyatJms,  Acanthocyathus,  Bathycyathus  E.  and  H.,  etc. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Caryophyllia  Lam.  (Fig.  135).     Turbinate,  with  broad 

Fig.  133. 

Trochocyathus  conulus  From.  ^  Aptian  ; 
Haute  Marne.  a,  Profile,  natural  size  ;  li, 
Calice  enlarged. 

Fig.  13-i. 
Deltocyathus  italicus  B.  and  H.  Miocene ; 

Fig.  135. 

Caryophyllia     cyathus 
Sol.  Recent.  Longitudi 

Porzteicli,    Moravia,     a,  Profile,  natural     nal  section,  natural  size 

size  ;  h,  Calice  enlarged. 

(after  Milne  Edwards). 

base,  attached.     Calice,    circular ;    columella   papillous,   trabecular,   and   sur- 
rounded by  a  single  cycle  of  pali.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  2.     Oculinidae   Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Invariably  composite  corolla,  increasing  by  lateral  gemmation.  Walls  ofcorallites 
thickened  by  a  compact  coenenchyma.  Lower  portion  of  visceral  chamber  narrowed  or 
filled  up  by  deposition  of  stereoplasma.  Septa  moderately  numerous  ;  hderseptal  loculi 
usually  open  to  the  base.     Lias  to  Recent ;  fossil  forms  not  particularly  numerous. 

Oculina  Lam.  Corallites  irregularly  or  spirally  distributed  over  the  smooth 
surface  of  coenenchyma.  Septa  slightly  projecting ;  columella  papillous, 
surrounded  by  cycle  of  pali.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Agathelia  Reuss.  Like  the  preceding,  but  form- 
ing tuberous  or  lobate  colonies.  Cretaceous  and 

Synhelia  E.  and  H.  Cretaceous.  Astrohelia  E. 
and  H.  Tertiary.  Psammohelia,  Euhelia  E.  and  H., 
etc.     Jurassic. 

Haplohelia  Reuss.  Small,  arborescent,  with 
corallites  all  disposed  on  one  side  of  the  branches. 
Coenenchyma  striated  or  granulated.  Septa  in 
three  cycles  ;  columella  and  pali  present.    Oligocene. 

Enallhelia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  136).  Stock  branch- 
ing ;  corallites  disposed  usually  in  alternating 
sequence  in  two  rows  along  the  sides  of  branches. 

Coenenchyma    highly    developed,    striated,    or    granulated ;    columella    rudi 
mentary.     Jurassic.     Tyj^e,  E,  Compressa  (d'Orb.). 

Fig.  136. 

Enallhelia  striata  Quenst.  Coral- 
Rag  ;  Nattheim.  a,  Natural  size ; 
6,  Calice  enlarged. 


Family  3.     Pocilloporidae   Verrill. 

Composite,  branching,  lohate,  or  massive  colonies,  with  small  cylindrical  corallites, 
united  by  compact  coenenchyma.  Septa  few  {Q-24:),  sometimes  rudimentary.  Visceral 
chamber  partitioned  off  by  horizontal  tabulae. 

Of  the  two  Recent  genera  belonging  to  this  family,  Pocillopora  and  Seriato- 
pora  Lam.,  the  former  occurs  also  in  the  Miocene  of  the  West  Indies. 

Family  4.     Stylophoridae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Composite  coralla,  ivith  corallites  united  by  vesicular  or  compact  coenenchyma. 

Septa  well  developed  ;  a  prominent,  styli- 
form  central  columella;  inier septal  loculi 
empty  throughout.  Jurassic  to  Recent. 
Stylophora  Schweigg.  (Fig.  137). 
Stock  branching,  or  depressed, 
massive  and  tuberous.  Calices 
small,  embedded  in  abundant, 
spinous,  coenenchyma.     Septa   well 

Styloplwra  suhretlculata  Reuss.    Miocene  ;  Grund,  near      developed,      moderately      numerOUS  ; 
Vienna     a,  Corallura,  naturalsize;  b,  surface   greatly      columella  stvliform.  JuraSsic, 

enlarged.  .  -^  ' 

Tertiary,  and  Recent. 
Araeacis  E.  and  H.     Eocene.     Stylohelia  From.     Jurassic  ;  Europe. 

Family   5.     Astraeidae  i    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Corallum  composite,  or  more  rarely  simple.  Theca  formed  by  fusion  of  septal 
edges.  Septa  numerous,  usually  well  developed,  upper  edges  toothed,  serrated,  or 
lobular;  visceral  chamber  partitioned  off  by  more  or  less  abundantly  developed 
dissepiments,  more  rarely  by  tabulae.  Multip>lication  by  budding  or  fission.  Corallites 
of  massive  colonies  visually  reaching  considerable  altitude,  and  united  loith  one  another 
either  directly  by  the  walls  or  by  means  of  septa,  exothecally  jyroduced  (costal  septa). 

Very  abundant  from  the  Trias  onwards,  and  by  far  the  most  protean  family 
of  all  the  Hexacoralla.  According  to  the  serrated  or  entire  character  of  the 
free  septal  edges,  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime  divided  their  Astraeidae  into  two 
subfamilies — the  Astraeinae  and  the  Eusmiliinae,  the  latter  of  which  has  been 
elevated  by  Verrill  to  family  rank. 

a.  Simple  coralla. 

Montlivaltia  Lamx.  (Fig.  138).  Cylindrical,  conical,  turbinate,  or  dis- 
coidal,  and  either  acutely  pointed,  or  broadly  expanded  at  the  base.  Septa 
numerous,  upper  edges  serrated.     Columella  absent ;  epitheca  thick,  corrugated, 

^  The  family  waxae' Astraeidae  is  not  available  for  use  among  corals,  as  the  generic  name  Astraea 
was  applied  by  Bolten  in  1798  to  mollusks  now  referred  to  Turbo  and  Xeno2)hora,  three  years 
previous  to  its  application,  in  1801,  by  Lamarck  to  corals.  It  is  known  that  the  Astraeidae  of 
Milne  Edwards  and  Haime  does  not  represent  a  natural  association  of  corals,  and,  therefore,  must 
be  dismembered  and  divided  into  a  number  of  families.  Several  subdivisions  have  already  been 
proposed,  but  the  detailed  investigation  of  all  the  constituent  genera  has  not  progressed  far  enough 
to  determine  their  natural  affinities  in  all  cases.  In  view  of  this  condition  it  seems  better  to 
continue  temporarily  the  use  of  the  term  Astraeidae  until  all  the  corals  included  under  it  have  been 
thoroughly  studied  and  their  systematic  affinities  ascertained  than  to  propose  a  substitute  name 
for  one  known  to  be  invalid. 




Firi.  138. 

Monti! vaUia  riiryuiihyllata  (Lanix.)- 
Caen,  Calvados.     Natural  size. 

Great  Oolite  ; 

readily  becoming  detached.  Common  in  Triassic  and  Jurassic  ;  somewhat  rare 
in  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary.  The  genus  should  probably  be  made  to  include 
various  species  which  have  been  referred  to  Epismilia  From.,  and  the  so-called 
OpjJdismilia  Duncan. 

/3.  Simple  corolla  or  composite  colonies 
multiplying  Inj  calicinal  or  marginal  gem- 

Stylopliyllum  Keuss.  Corallum  simple, 
either  with  or  without  calicinal  or 
marginal  gemmation,  or  forming  massive 
colonies.  vSepta  stout,  but  only  in- 
feriorly  complete,  terminating  above  in 

strong  vertical  spines.  Dissepiments  vesicular  ;  wall  covered  with  epitheca. 
Alpine  Trias. 

Stylophyllopsis  Freeh.     Simple  or  imperfectly  branching.     Septa  terminating 
near  the  centre  in  detached  vertical  spines.     Alpine  Trias. 

y.  Bushy  colonies  multiplying  by  lateral  gemmation. 

Cladocora    Ehrbg.       Corallum    composed    of    long 
'  cylindrical  branches,  free  on  all  sides.     Calice  circular  ; 
septa   well  developed ;    columella  papillous  ;  cycle  of 
pali  present.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Sfylocora  Reuss  (Fig.  139).     Branches  cylindrical; 

septa   stout,   those   of   the   first  cycle   with    columnar 

PiQ  i39_  thickenings     or    inner    edges  ;     columella     styliform. 

styhcom  e.ri.iis  Reuss.    Mio-    Cretaceous  and  Mioceue. 

c::;L^^fn!i^'S^.  t:  Plenrocora   E.    and   H.     Cretaceous.     Goniocora  E. 

Calice  enlarged  (after  Reuss).       and  H.       TriaSsic  and  JuraSsic. 

8.   Composite  coraUifes  multiplying  by  basal  gemmation  ;  buds  arising  from  stolons 

or  basal  expansions. 

Bhizangia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  140).     Corallites  united  by  short,  sub-cylindrical 

Rhisantjiamichelini  Reuss.  Middle 
Cretaceous  ;  Gosau  Valley,  Austria. 
Natural  size  (after  Reuss). 

Fio.  141. 

Claikmgia  conferta  Reuss.  Miocene  ;  Bischofs- 
wart,  Moravia,  a,  Corallum,  natural  size ;  b, 
Calice  enlarged  (after  Reuss). 

stolons.    Calices  shallow,  circular;  columella  papillous.  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 
Latusastrea  d'Orbigny.     Corallites  arising  from  common  basal  expansion, 
short  and  strongly  inclined  to  one  side,  so  that  the  calices  acquire  a  semi- 
VOL.  I  H 




circular    contour    and    assume    the    form    of    protruded    lips.      Jurassic    and 

Astrangia,  Cryptangia,  Phyllangia,  Gladangia  (Fig.  141),  Ulangia  E.  and  H., 
etc.     Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

e.  Massive  coralla  multiplying  by  lateral  gemmation. 

Orbicella  Dana  (Fig.  142).  Cylindrical  corallites  united  by  exothecally 
produced,  confluent,  costal  septa.  Columella  spongy  ;  dissepiments  numerous 
between  the  septa  both  within  and  exterior  to  the  theca.     Jurassic  to  Eecent. 

Plesiastraea  From.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  several  pali  in  front  of 
all  the  cycles  excepting  the  last.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig.  143. 

Inastrea  lielianthoides  (Goldf.). 
Coral-Rag ;  Nattheim,  Swabia. 
Natural  size. 

Fig.  145. 

Favin  caryophylloides 
From.  Cnrai- Rag;  Natt- 
heim.    Natural  size. 

Fig.  142. 

OrhieeUa  conoicka  (RenaH.).  Mio- 
cene ;  Bnzesfeld,  near  Vienna,  a, 
Corallum,  natural  size ;  //,  Calices 



Fig.  144. 

Latomeandra  ^eriata 
Beck.  Coral-Rag ;  Natt- 
lieiin.  Natural  size  (after 

Fig.  146. 

CalainophylUa  siokesi  E.  and  H. 
Coral-Rag  ;  Steeple  Ashton,  England. 
Natural  size. 

Isastrea  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  143).  Corallites  prismatic,  closely  crowded,  and 
with  fused  walls.  Calices  polygonal ;  columella  imperfect  or  absent.  Trias 
to  Cretaceous. 

Latomeandra  d'Orb.  (Fig.  144).  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  the  calices 
situated  in  short  furrows.     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

Stylastraea  From.  Lias  ;  Europe.  Amphiastraea  From.  Upper  Jurassic  ; 
Europe.  Leptastrea,  Solenastrea,  Prionastrea,  E.  and  H.  etc.  Tertiary  and 

(.   Massive  coralla  vudtiplying  by  fission. 

Favia  Oken  (Fig.  145).  Corallum  massive;  calices  oval  or  distorted,  and 
united  by  confluent  costal  septa  ;  columella  spongy.     Jurassic  to  Eecent. 




Fig.  147. 

Thecosmilia  trichotnmri 

Goniasfrea  E.  and  H.      Corallites  prismatic,  calices  polygonal.     Septa  well 
developed  ;  columella  spongy  ;  pali  in  front  of  all  cycles 

excepting  the  last.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

ij.  Branching  coralla  mnltiplying  by  fission. 

Calamophi/llia  Blainv.  (jRJiahdophyllia  E.  and  H.; 
Lithodendron  p.  p.  Mich.)  (Fig.  146).  Colony  fasciculate 
or  bushy ;  corallites  very  long,  cylindrical.  Wall 
costate,  without  epitheca ;  columella  absent.  Trias, 
Jurassic  and  Tertiary.  Especially  common  in  Alpine 
Trias.      C.  dathrata  (Emmrich). 

Thecosmilia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  147).  Colony  bushy, 
calices  dividing  by .  fission,  and  more  or  less  free. 
Epitheca  corrugated,  readily  wearing  away  ;  columella 
absent  or  rudimentary.  Trias  to  Tertiary.  Accord- 
ing   to    Freeh    identical     with     Calamophi/llia.       Very    (GoTd7.)7 "X^rai-iiag T Na'tt 

°  .      rn    .         .  ,    -r  .  heiiii.     Natural  size. 

common  m  iriassic  and  Jurassic. 

Baryphyllia  From.     Hymenophyllia  E.  and  H.,  etc.     Cretaceous. 

0.  Coralla  with  confluent  calices  increasing  by  fission. 

Leptoria  E.  and  H.'(Fig.  148).  Corallum  massive,  composed  of  labyrinthic 
rows  of  confluent  corallites  with  fused  walls.  Septa  closely  crowded, 
approaching  parallelism  ;  columella  lamellar.     Jurassic  to  Tertiary. 

Diploria  E.  and  H.     Like   the  preceding,    but  with  corallites   united  by 

produced  costal  septa  instead 
of  directly  by  their  walls. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

AspidisciisYJdn\g(F\g.  149). 
Corallum  discoidal,  circular  or 
elliptical,  covered  on  lower  side 
with  wrinkled  epitheca.  Cali- 
cinal  furrows  radiating  from  the 
centre  outwards,  and  separated 
from  one  another  by  sharply 
crested  ridges.  In  the  centri- 
fugally  disposed  corallites  the 
outermost  septa  are  thickened, 
and  form  by  their  union  a  banded  margin.     Cretaceous. 

Stiboria  Etall.  Jurassic.  Stelloria  d'Orb.  Cretaceous.  Symphyllia  E.  and 
H.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fifi.  148. 

Leptoria  kotiiiicld  Reuss.  Upper 
Cretaceous ;  Gosau  Valley.  Natural 

Fio.  149. 

Aspidisms  cristatiis 
Kiiuig.  Middle  Cre- 
taceous ;  Batna,  Al- 
geria.    Natural  size. 

Family  6.     Eusmiliidae    Verrill. 

Like  the  Astraeidae,  except  that  upper  septal  edges  are  entire,  not  serrated. 

a.  Simple  coralla. 

Trochosmilia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  150).  Turbinate,  base  acutely  pointed  or 
Septa  numerous,  extending  to  the  centre.  Without  epitheca, 
costae  granulated.  Columella  absent,  dissepiments  'Numerous.  Cretaceous 
and  Tertiary. 





Coelosmilia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  151).  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  dissepi- 
ments sparsely  developed.     Cretaceous  and  Recent. 

Placosmilia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  152).  Cuneiform,  base  acutely  pointed  or 
slightly  pedunculate.    Calice  laterally  compressed,  elongated.    Septa  numerous  ; 

Fk;.  1.30. 

Trochosmilia  fiiyuiifera  Haime.  Turonian  ;  Bains-de- 
Rennes,  France,  a,  Profile  ;  b,  Calice  slightly  enlarged 
(after  Fronientel). 

Fir'    1  ^1^ 
Coelosmilia  hixii  E.  ''    '  "' 

and      H.       White  PlacosmUia  ciineiformh  E. 

Chalk  ;     Liineburg,  and  H.     Upper  Cretaceous  ; 

Hanover.      Natural  St.   Gilgen  on  Wolfgangsee, 

size.  Austria.     Natural  size. 

dissepiments  abundant ;  columella  foliaceous.  Epitheca  absent ;  costae  granu- 
lated.    Cretaceous. 

Diplodenium  Goldf.  Calice  laterally  compressed,  greatly  elongated  in 
transverse  direction,  and  bent  downwards  at  the  ends  so  as  to  become  crescent- 
shaped.  Columella  and  epitheca  absent.  Costae  dichotomously  or  tricho- 
tomously  furcate.      U])per  Cretaceous. 

Axosmilia  E.  and  H.  Jurassic.  Fhyllosmilia  From.  Cretaceous.  Lopho- 
smilia  E.  and  H.     Cretaceous  and  Recent. 

/3.   Coralla  multiplying  by  lateral  gemmation. 

Placophyllia  d'Orb.   (Fig.  153).     Buds  originating  on  calicinal  margin  or 
sides,  and  giving   rise   to   bushy  or  massive   colonies.     Columella   styliform 

Fi(!.  153. 

Placophnllki  diaiitlnts  (Ooldf.).  Coral- 
Rag  ;  Naittheim.  a,  Corallum,  natural 
size  ;  b,  Calice  enlarged. 

Stjilinadelnbt'clici  E.  and  H.  Coral-Rag  ;  Steeple 
Ashton,  England,  n,  Natural  size  ;  b,  Calices  en- 

Galaxea  Oken.  Bushy  colonies  with  cylindrical  corallites  united  by  layers 
of  finely  vesicular  coenenchyma.     Recent. 

Stylina  Lam.  (Fig.  154).  Massive  colonies,  with  corallites  united  by 
coalescent  costae.  Septa  well  developed,  disposed  in  six,  eight,  or  ten  cycles. 
Dissepiments  numerous  ;  columella  styliform.  Multiplication  by  costal  gemma- 
tion.     Profuse  in  Trias,  Jurassic,  and  Cretaceous. 




Fig.  155. 

Astrocoenia  decaphylln  E.  aiul  H.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Gosau 
Valley,  Austria,     a,  Corallum,  natural  size  ;  6,  Calices  enlarged. 

Flacocoenia  d'Orb.  ;  Crijptocoenia  E.  and  H.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Cyathophora  Mich.  Massive  colonies,  with  corallites  united  by  costae. 
Septa  short,  not  reaching  the  centre ;  columella  absent.  Visceral  chamber 
partitioned  otf  by  horizontal 
tabulae.  Jurassic  and  Cre- 

Coccophyllum  Eeuss.  Massive 
colonies,  with  corallites  united 
directly  by  their  walls.  Calices 
polygonal,  septa  numerous.  Col- 
umella absent ;  visceral  cham- 
ber tabulated.     Alpine  Trias. 

Pinacophyllum  Freeh.  Tri- 

Holocystis  Lonsd.  Massive  colonies,  with  corallites  united  by  costae.  Four 
of  the  septa  larger  or  stouter  than  the  rest.  Tabulae  in  visceral  chamber. 

Astrocoenia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  155).  Massive  colonies.  Corallites  polygonal, 
united  by  their  walls ;  septa  numerous,  long.  Columella  styliform ;  only 
dissepiments  present  in  visceral  chamber.     Trias  to  Tertiaiy. 

Stephanocoenia  E.  and  H.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  columella 
surrounded  by  cycle  of  pali.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Fhyllocoenia  E.  and  H.  {Confusastrea  d'Orb.  ;  Adelastrea  Reuss).  Massive 
colonies.  Corallites  round  or  oval,  imperfectly  united  by  costae.  Septa 
strongly  developed,  thickened  in  the  middle  between  theca  and  the  centre. 
Columella  rudimentary.     Trias  to  Tertiary. 

Convexasfrea  d'Orb.     Trias  to  Cre- 
taceous.      Columnastrea,    Stylocoenia   E. 

Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

and  H.,  etc. 


Corolla  multiplying  by  fission. 

Fig.  156. 

Plomphyllia  calycidata  Eeuss.    Oligocene ;    Monte 
Carlotta,  near  Vicenza.    Natural  size. 

Haplosmilia  d'Orb.  Bushy  colonies. 
Corallites  usually  with  dichotomously 
dividing  crests.  Calices  circular  or 
elongated  ;  columella  styliform  ;  theca 
with  ridge-like  costae.     Jurassic. 

Plocophyllia      Reuss      (Fig.      156). 

Branching,      foliaceous,      or      massive 

colonies.     Corallites    either    becoming 

free    or  grouped   into   detached  rows. 

Columella  absent.     Tertiary. 

Barysmilia  E.  and  H.     Corallum  massive,  forming  a  thick  stem,  the  apex 

of  which  is   covered  with   short   buds.      Calices   oval,    sometimes  disposed   in 

series  ;  columella  rudimentary.      Cretaceous. 

Stenosmilia  From.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  lamellar  columella. 

Fachygyra  E.  and  H.  Corallites  arranged  in  winding  rows,  and  united  by 
a  broad  mass  of  costal  coenenchyma.  Columella  lamellar.  Jurassic  and 




Phjfogyra  d'Orb.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Ehipidogyra  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  157).  Corallum  fan-shaped,  often  corrugated, 
and  with  but  a  single  calicular  furrow.  Columella  himellar.  Jurassic  and 

Fig.  157. 
Rhipidogyra  crussa  From.   Coral-Rag ;  Gray,  Haute-Saone.    1/2  natural  size. 

Suborder  2.     FUNGIDA   Duncan. 

Solitary  or  colonial  corals.  Syna'pticulae  in  the  interseptal  and  intercostal  loculi. 
Dissepiments  present  or  absent.  Septa  lamellate  and  solid  or  slightly  perforate,  or 
composed  of  a  trahecular  lattice-work  with  numerous  perforations.  Basal  structures 
perforate  or  imperforate. 

Family  1.     Fungiidae    Dana. 

Embryo  after  becoming  attached  forms  a  trophozooid,  which  gives  rise  to  buds 
(anthoblasts) ;  these  become  detached,  forming  free  individuals  (anthocyathi).  Adult 
corallum,  simple  or  colonial,  depressed  or  mitroid  in  form.  Septa  of  higher  cycles 
perforate,  those  of  the  lower  perforate  or  solid.  Synapticula,  but  no  dissepiments 
present.  Wall  usually  perforate  in  young,  free  individuals,  subsequently  more  or  less 
compact.     No  epitheca. 

Fungia  Lamarck ;     Halomitra    Dana ;    Polyphyllia    Quoy    and    Gaimard ; 
Zoopilus    Dana ;     Cryptabacia    E.    and    H. ;    Lithactinia    Lesson ;    Herpetolitha 
Escholtz.    Recent.  Fungia  oc- 
curs also  in  the  post-Pliocene. 


Family  2.  Agariciidae  Verrill. 

Simple  or  colonial  Fungids 
with  lamellar,  usually  imper- 
forate, septa.  Wall  solid  in 
simple  genera,  basal  wall  solid 
in  colonies,  walls  between  coral- 
lites  solid  when  developed.  Dis- 
sepiments present  or  absent. 

Microseris  From.  (Fig. 
158).  Corallum  simple,  dis- 
coidal,  circular ;  upper  side 
vaulted,  lower  flat  and  granu- 
lated.    Cretaceous. 

Trochoseris'E.  and  H.    Simple  species,  trochoid  and  fixed.    Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Cyathoseris  Y..  and  H.     (Fig.  159).     Corallum  turbinate,  attached.     Young 

Fig.  158. 

Microseris  liemisphaerica  From.  Greensand  (Cenomanian) ;  Le 
Mans,  Prance,  a  and  6,  Upper  and  lower  surfaces,  enlarged  ;  c, 
Profile,  natural  size. 




corallites  arising  fro'm  periphery  by  costal  gemmation.     Common  outer  wall 
naked,  striated.      Cretaceous  and  Tertiary.  » 

Leptophyllia  Reuss  (Fig.  160).      Corallum  simple,  conical  or  cylindro-conical, 
with  suj)erficial  calice.     Septa  numerous,  thin,  regularly-toothed  ;  solid  or  only 

¥ic..  159. 

Cyathoseris  siibretjidans  Reuss.    Oligocene  ;  Monte  Carlotta,  near  Vicenza,  Italy. 
a.  Top  view  ;  Ji,  Side  view,  natural  size. 

I^eptophyllla  sinuoxa 
From.  Neoconiian;  St. 
Dizier,  Haute  -  Maine. 
Natural  size. 

partially  perforate.     Thin  dissepiments  present.      Thin  epitheca  present. 

Thamnasteria  Lesauv.  (Thamnastraea  auct.,  of  which  T.  lamourouxi  is  the 
type.)  Jura.  Lophoseris  E.  and  H. ;  Agaricia  Lam. ;  Siderastrea  Blv.,  etc. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  3.     Anabaciidae    Diuuan. 

(Pseudoastraeinae  and  Pse'udoagaricinae  Pratz ;  Microsolenidae  Gregory.) 

Simple  coralla,  or  composite,  basally  expanded  or  massive  colonies.  Septa 
numerous,  perforate,  and  composed  of  calcareous  bodies  (trabeculae)  arranged  in 
vertical  or  fan-shaped  rows  (traheculate).  Theca  beticeen  individual  corallites  absent, 
but  may  be  present  on  under  side  of  corallites  or  on  lower  side  of  the  common 
stock.  Interseptal  loculi  with  synapticula  and  dissepiments.  Abundant  from  Trias 
to  Cretaceous  ;  i^arer  in  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Anabacia  d'Orb.  Simple,  free,  discoidal,  or  lenticular  coralla,  with  flat 
base.  Upper  side  vaulted,  calice  slit-like.  Septa  very  numerous,  thin,  and 
united  by  synapticulae.     Theca  absent.     Jurassic  ;  Europe. 

Genabacia  E.  and  H.  Like  the  preceding  but  composite,  the  central  calice 
being  surrounded  by  a  row  of  smaller  calices.     Jurassic  ;  Europe. 

Micrabacia  E.  and  H.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Omphalophyllia  Laube.  Simple,  turbinate  or  sub-cylindrical,  attached, 
and  covered  with  epitheca.  Septa  very  numerous,  upper  edges  granulated. 
Calice  shallow,  columella  styliform.     Alpine  Trias. 

Cyclolites  Lam.  (Fig.  161).  Simple,  free,  discoidal,  upper  side  vaulted, 
lower  flat  and  covered  with  corrugated  ejDitheca.  Septa  very  thin,  extending 
to  the  centre,  extremely  numerous,  composed  of  vertical  rows  of  trabeculae, 
and  united  by  synapticulae  and  dissepiments.  Very  abundant  in  Cretaceous, 
rare  in  Jurassic  and  Eocene. 

Dimorpharaea  From.  (Fig.  162,  A,  B).  Composite,  laterally  expanded  and 
pedunculate,  or  mushroom-shaped  coralla.     Common  wall  restricted  to  lower 




side  of  corallum  ;  individual  corallites  without  proper  walls,  but  united  by- 
costal  septa.  Columella  styliform  or  rudimentary.  Septa  well  developed, 
composed  of  fan-shaped  rows  of  cylindrical  trabeculae,  and  united  by  synapti- 
culae  and  dissepiments.     Very  abundant  from  Trias  to  Oligocene. 

Cyclolites  undidata  Lam. 

Fk;.  ir.i. 

Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Gosan  Valley,  Salzkammergnt.     n,  Side  view  ;  h,  Lower 
surface  ;  r,  Lateral  aspect  of  septum,  natural  size. 

Dimorphastrea  d'Orb.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  calices  concentrically 
arranged  about  a  central  individual.     Trias  to  Tertiary. 

Comoseris  d'Orb.  (Fig.  163).  Like  Dimorpharaeo,  but  with  calices  separated 
into  groups  by  ascending  flexuous  ridges.     Jurassic  and  Tertiary. 

Astraeomorpha  Reuss.  Coralla  composite,  tuberous,  basally  expanded,  or 
branching,  and  covered  with  corrugated  epitheca.  Corallites  small,  united  by 
short  and  stout  costal  septa ;  columella  styliform.      Trias  to  Oligocene. 

Fi(i.  102. 

A,  Dimorjiharam,  Lateral  surface  of  costal  septum,  enlarged 
(8/1),  showing  trabecular  constitution  ;  in.,  Line  of  junction  of 
two  septa  belonging  to  diHercnt  corallites ;  t,  Trabeculae  ; 
]i,  Trabecular  lacunae  (after  Pratz).  />',  I)imurjili<iraca  ai/ari- 
cites  (Goldluss).  Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Gosau,  Salzkanimergut. 
Portion  of  upper  surface  of  corallum,  natural  size. 

Fk;.  163. 

Comoseris  conferia  Reuss.     Oligocene  ;  Monte 
Carlotta,  near  Vicenza.    Twice  enlarged. 

Microsolena  Lamx.  Colony  massive,  polymorphous,  mammiliform,  conical, 
with  a  broad  base,  nearly  spherical,  turbinate  and  pedunculate.  Trias  and 
J  urassic. 

Suborder  3.     PERFOEATA   Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Skeleton  built  up  of  small  calcareous  bodies  (sclerites),  between  which  are  empty 
Interstices  of  greater  or  lesser  size.  Theca  formed  by  fusion  of  outer  septal  edges  or 
absent.  Interseptal  Icculi  empty  throughout  or  traversed  by  synaptiada  or 




Family  1.     Archaeocyathidae  Walcott.^ 

Simple,  turbinate,  or  sub-cylindrical  coralla.  Septa  and  theca  porous;  inner 
septal  edges  united  by  perforated  interior  wall,  which  encloses  a  holloio  central  space. 
Synapticula  present  in  interseptal  loculi. 

All  but  one  of  the  genera  described  up  to  the  present  time  (Archaeocyathus 
Bill.,  Ethmophylhmi  Meek,  Spirocyathus  Hinde,  Protopharetra  Bornem.,  etc.) 
occur  in  the  Cambrian  rocks  of  North  America,  Spain,  Sardinia  and  Aus- 
tralia. Atikokania  Walcott  is  known  from  the  Lower  Huronian  of  Ontario. 
They  represent  possibly  a  distinct  order  of  the  Madreporaria. 

Family  2.     Eupsammidae  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Corallum  simple  or  becoming  composite  by  lateral  gemmation.  Septa  very 
numerous,  sometimes  united  by  synapticula,  and  frequently  with  their  inner  edges 
fused  together.  Theca  naked  or  covered  with  epitheca,  and  formed  by  thickening  of 
the  septal  edges.     Silurian  to  Recent. 

Calostylis   Linds.       Corallum    simple,    sub-cylindrical,    or    composite    and 
multiplying   by  lateral  gemmation.      Septa  very   numerous,   of   spongy  con- 
sistency, and  either   fused  together  or   united   by  synapticulae. 
'"^       Columella  thick,  spongy  ;  wall  covered  with  epitheca.      Silurian; 
Gotland.  '  This  genus  probably  belongs  to  the  Tetracoralla. 

Haplaraea  Milasch.     Simple,  cylindrical  coralla,   with  broad 

Fir..  1(34. 

t  r  0  ch  ifo  nil  is 
(Pallas).  Cal- 
caire  Gmssier ; 
Chaussy,  near 
Paris.  Natural 

Fi<!.  105. 
BalanophijUla    siniiata    Reuss. 
Oligocene  ,  Waldbockelheiiii, 

Prussia,      a,    Natural    size  ; 
b,  Number  of  septa  enlarged. 

Fig.  166. 

StepTianophyUUi  eleiians  (Bronn).  Pliocene ; 
Stazzano,  near  Modena,  Italy,  a  and  h,  Upper 
and  lower  surfaces,  enlarged  ;  r-,  Profile,  natural 

encrusting  base.  Septa  numerous,  extending  to  the  centre,  perforated 
by  large  apertures,  and  sometimes  fused  together  or  united  by  synapticulae. 
Dissepiments  also  present,  but  no  columella.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Eupsammia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  164).  Conical  or  turbinate,  acutely  pointed, 
free.  Septa  very  numerous,  arranged  in  five  cycles,  those  of  the  last  cycle 
stouter  than  the  rest.     Columella  present  or  absent.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

-  Balanophyllia  Wood  (Fig.  165).  Simple,  sub-cylindrical,  attached  by 
the  base.  Columella  spongy  ;  septa  closely  crowded,  partly  fused  together. 
Eocene  to  Recent. 

Stephanophyllia  Mich.  (Fig.  166).     Simple,  discoidal;  base  horizontal,  calice 

1  Billings  E.,  Palaeozoic  Fossils  of  Canada,  i.,  1861-65.— TFa/co«,  C.  D.,  Bull.  U.S.  Geol. 
Survey,  No.  30,  1886. —  Borneviann,  J.  G.,  Versteiiierungen  des  Canibrischeu  Systems  voii  Sardinien. 
1886. — Hinde,  G.  J.,  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1889,  vol.  xlv. — Lamhe,  L.  M.,  Revision  of  the 
Genera  and  Sjiecies  of  Canadian  Palaeozoic  Corals.  Geol.  Surv.  Canada,  Contrib.  to  Canad.  Palaeont., 
1899,  vol.  \\.— Taylor,   W.  T.  G.,  The  Archaeocyathinae.      Mem.  R.  Soc.  S.  Aust.,  1910,  vol.  ii. 




circular.     Septa  numerous  ;  the  six  principal  septa  extending  to  the  centre, 
the  remainder  with  fused  inner  edges.      Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Bendrophi/Uia  Blv.  (Fig.  167).  Corallum 
branching,  increasing  by  lateral  gemmation. 
Calices  oval ;  septa  numerous  and  slender,  those 
of  the  last  cycle  extending  to  the  spongy 
columella,  and  fused  with  the  converging  ends 
of  shorter  septa  of  preceding 
cycle.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Lohopsammia,  Stereopsammia 
Edw.  and  H.  Eocene.  Astroides 
E.  and  H.  (Fig.  97).     Recent. 

Family  3.      Poritidae    Dana. 

Composite  coralla  composed  of 
porous    sderenchyma.       Corallites 
small ;  septa  as  a  rule  only  moder- 
Fi<:.  167.  ately    numerous,    sometimes  repre- 

Dendrophyllla  elegant  Duncan.      Oligocene ;   Brockenhurst,     seilted     hy     TOWS     of    tfabeculae     Or 

caliieTeniai^^?'""''"''  ""'"''"^ '''' ' ''  ^'''"''■'''' '''''°"  °'   lajueUae.     Tluca  absent. 

Subfamily  A.     Spongiomorphinae   Freeh. 

Corallum  composed  of  thick  trabeculae  and  strengthened  by  horizontal  synapticulae. 
Calices  very  imperfectly  differentiated  from  coenenchyma,  and  loithout  distinct  septa. 
Dissepiments  usually  sparsely  developed. 

Of  the  genera  belonging  to  this  subfamily,  Spongiomorpha,  Heptasfylis  and 
Stromal omorj)ha  Freeh,  are  found  in  the  Alpine  Trias  (Rhaetic  and  Zlambach 
beds).  These  are  all  tuberous,  composite  coralla  of  extremely  irregular  form. 
In  Spongiomorpha  and  Heptastylis,  six  septa  are  indicated  by  somewhat  regularly 
disposed  columns  of  trabeculae ;  and  in  the  latter  form  these  are  bound 
together  by  synapticulae  which  are  projected  at  equal  altitudes,  and  form 
perforated  horizontal  storeys.  In 
Stromatomorpha  no  radial  arrange- 
ment of  the  trabecular  septa  exists. 

Falaeacis  E.  and  H.  (SpJienopo- 
terium  Meek  and  AVorth.),  occurring 
in  the  Lower  Carboniferous  limestone 
of  North  America  and  Scotland,  per- 
haps also  belongs  here. 


Subfamily  B.      Poritinae  Milne  Ed- 
wards and  Haime. 

Sep)ta  not  very  numerous,  well  developed. 
Corallites  united  by  their  porous  walls. 


Fig.  16S. 

Adinacis   de'jans  Reuss. 
Valley,  Salzkammergut.     a 
h,  Transverse  section,  enlarged  ; 
enlarged  (after  Eeuss). 

Upper  Cretaceous  ;    Gosan 

Upper  surface,  natural  size  ; 

Longitudinal  section, 

Litharaea  E.  and  H.  (Fi 

Massive  coralla.     Calices  sub-polygonal, 
septa  generally  in  three  cycles  ;  columella  spongy.     Eocene  and  Miocene. 

Rhodaraea  E.  and  H.     Massive  coralla.     Spurious  walls  of  corallites  thick  ; 
pali  prominent.      Miocene  and  Recent. 




Porites  Link  (Fig.  170).     Massive  or  branching  coralla.      Calices  shallo-w, 
polygonal ;  septa  irregularly  reticulated,  usuall}^  twelve  in  number  ;  columella 

Fic.  160. 

Litharaea  websteri  (Bowerb. ).     Eocene 
Bay,  England,    a,  Coralluni,  natural  size  ; 

h,  Four  calices 

Fig.  170. 

Pontes  incrustans  Reuss.  Jliocene  ;  Mo- 
ravia, a,  Tranverse  section  ;  b,  Longi- 
tudinal section.  Both  figures  highly  magni- 

papillous,  surrounded  by  a  single  cycle  of  pali,  the  latter  five  or  six  in 
number,  and  not  very  distinct  from  the  septal  ends.  Endotheca  exists 
sparingly,  and  may  be  dissepimental  or  tabulate,  or  may  be  mere  stereoplasm. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent.    The  genus  6  c 

Porites  is   one    of    the   most  im- 
portant of  existing  reef-builders. 

Subfamily  C. 
Alveoporinae    Verrill. 

Septa  composed  of  detached 
trabeciilae,  spines,  or  reticulated 
lamellae:  Theca  perforate.  Vis- 
ceral chamber  with  perforate  tabulae. 




a,  Al  veoponi  spongiO!!a  Vansi.  Recent;  Fiji  Islands.  Longi- 
tudinal section  of  corallite  showing  perforate  walls  and  tabulae; 
h,  Alveopora  rudis  Reuss.  Nunimulitic  limestone  ;  Oberburg, 
Styria,  i/i ;  c,  Calices,  greatly  enlarged.  (Fig.  a,  after  Dana; 
li,  after  Ileuss.) 

Alveopora    Quoy    and    Gaim. 
(Fig.     171).        Massive     coralla. 
Calices    small,   polygonal.    Septa 
represented    by    detached    spinous   processes.      Tabulae   sparsely   developed, 
remotely  situated.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Koninckia  E.  and  H.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Family  4.     Acroporidae    Verrill. 

Composite,  branching,  lobate,  foliaceous,  or  massive  coralla  with  corallites  embedded 
in  a  canaliculated  arul  reticulated  coenenchyma.  Septa  (6-24)  compact,  somethnes 
imperfectly  developed.  Two  long  septa  often  projected  from  opposite  sides  and  meeting 
in  the  centre. 

The  genus  Acropora  Oken  {Madrepora  auct.,  non  Madrepora  Linn.,  1758) 
(Fig.  172),  is  an  important  agent  in  the  construction  of  existing  coral  reefs, 
and  builds  Colonies  sometimes  of  considerable  size.  It  occurs  sparsely  in  the 
fossil  state  in  Tertiary  strata  of  various  regions. 

Actinacis  d'Orb.  (Fig.  168).  Massive  or  branching  coralla.  Coenenchyma 
abundant,  gx'anulated  ;  septa  stout,  of  nearly  uniform  proportions,  columella 
papillous ;  pali  in  front  of  all  the  septa.     Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

108  COELENTERATA— ANTHOZOA  phylum  ii 

Astreojwra  Blv.  Massive  coralla.  Coenenchyma  porous  and  on  upper 
surface  echinulate.  Septa  of  dissimilar  proportions;  columella  and  pali 
absent.     Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

Dendracis  E.  and  H.  ;  CryjMxis  Reuss.     Tertiary. 

Turbinaria  Oken  (Gemmipora  Blv.).  Corallum  foliaceous.  Coenenchyma 
tolerably  compact  and  finely  echinulate.  Septa  of  similar  proportions: 
columella  spongy.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Hexacoralla. 

The  group  Aporosa  of  the  Hexacoralla  begins  as  the  Tetracoralla  disappear, 
and  develop  a  great  variety  of  forms  in  the  Trias,  from  the  Mesozoic  onward 
to  the  present  day  they  have  continued  to  play  a  leading  part  in  the  con- 
struction of  coral-reefs.  Of  the  families  constituting  the  Aporosa,  the 
"  Astraeidae "  is  by  all  odds  the  most  important  and  most  protean,  in  com- 
parison to  which  the  Fungida,  Stylo- 
^  plioridae,  Pocilloporidae,  Oculinidae  and 
¥*|"^'s^'(f//'A-j  Turbtnolidae  fall  into  greatly  subordinate 
&''^l%Tff^t(  ^'^^^^-  The  other  families  are  all  younger 
,  ^^,f^^  ;|/*'^  than  the  "  Astraeidae,"  not  beginning  until 
firw  the  Jurassic,  the  Pocilloporidae,  indeed,  not 
-V  until  the  Tertiary. 
Fio.  i7'j.  The    Enpsammidae    and    Poritidae    of 

Acroporaawiiuu(v>unca,n).  oiigocene;  Brocken-   the   Perforata  occur  Sporadically   in   the 

hurst,  England,     a,  Calices  enlarged:   b,  Longi-     „.,       .  t  r^      ^         -i  i,  M      ,•*.   ,%  ,,^4- 

tudinai  section,  greatly  enlarged.  Silurian  and  Carboniterous,  While  It  IS  not 

until  the  Trias  that  the  Anabraciidae  and 
Poritidae  develop  a  large  variety  of  forms  ;  from  the  Trias  to  the  Tertiary, 
however,  these  genera  continue  to  be  important  reef-builders.  The  Enpsam- 
midae attain  their  greatest  development  in  the  Tertiary  and  Recent,  while  the 
Acroporidae  belong  almost  exclusively  to  the  present  period. 

Occasional  isolated  deep-sea  forms  are  met  with  in  most  of  the  several 
geological  periods,  but  the  usual  mode  of  occurrence  of  the  Hexacoralla  is 
associated  in  masses  in  coral  limestones ;  the  limestones  may  be  of  very  vari- 
able thicknesses,  but  as  a  rule  are  interstratified  between  deposits  of  distinctly 
littoral  character.  Ancient  coral-reefs  most  nearly  resemble  modern  fringing 
or  barrier  reefs,  but  not  atolls,  the  origin  of  which  is  clearly  dependent  upon 
peculiar  conditions. 

The  St.  Cassian,  Zlambach  and  Rhaetic  beds  of  the  Alpine  Trias  contain 
large  numbei's  of  reef-building  Hexacoralla ;  but  the  pure  limestones  and 
dolomites  of  the  Alps,  as  well  as  the  Trias  outside  the  Alpine  region,  are 
frequently  either  almost  or  entirely  destitute  of  coral  remains. 

In  the  Lias,  coral-reefs  have  been  found  in  England,  Luxemburg  and 
Lorraine.  Certain  beds  of  the  Dogger,  usually  of  but  meagre  thickness,  are 
occasionally  charged  with  corals,  as  in  Swabia,  the  Rhine  valley  in  Baden,  the 
Swiss  Jura,  Normandy  and  England.  Coral  limestones  are  abundantly 
developed  in  the  Upper  Jurassic  of  the  Jura  Mountains  in  France  and  Switzer- 
land, in  Lorraine,  Southern  Baden,  Swabia  (Nattheim,  Blaubeuern),  Bavaria 
(Kelheim),  many  places  in  France  and  England,  as  well  as  in  the  whole  province 
of    the   Alps,    Carpathians,    Cevennes   and   Apennines ;    here   the   uppermost 



horizon  (Tithonian)  is  especially  characterised  by  their  development.  Reef 
corals  are  also  greatly  developed  in  the  Cutch  (Jurassic)  series  of  India. 

In  the  Lower  Cretaceous  (Neocomian)  coral-reefs  are  found  in  France 
(Haute -Marne  and  Yonne),  Crimea  and  Mexico;  while  the  Urgonian  of 
Switzerland  and  the  Bavarian  Alps  is  occasionally  charged  Avith  corals.  In  the 
Turonian  and  Senonian  of  the  Alps  (Gosau  Beds),  Pyrenees  and  the  Provence, 
numerous  coral-reefs  occur,  usually  accompanied  by  Ihidistae  ;  elsewhere,  how- 
ever, except  in  Holland  (Maestricht)  and  Denmark  (Faxoe),  the  Upper 
Cretaceous  contains  but  a  limited  number  of  reef-building  Hexacoralla. 

In  the  older  Tertiary  (Eocene  and  Oligocene)  occurrences  of  coral-reefs  are 
known  on  the  northern  and  southern  flanks  of  the  Alps  and  Pyrenees,  in  Arabia, 
India,  the  West  Indies,  and  in  Georgia,  Florida,  Alabama,  Mexico  and  Central 
America ;  outside  these  areas  their  distribution  is  mostly  sporadic.  In  the 
Miocene  and  Pliocene  the  true  coral-reefs  retreat  more  and  more  towards  the 
equator  (Red  Sea,  -Java,  Japan,  Gulf  of  Mexico),  while  the  Hexacoralla  which 
persist  in  geologic  formations  within  the  temperate  zone  (Vienna  Basin,  Italy, 
Touraine)  constitute  .but  an  insignificant  feature  of  the  general  fauna. 

[The  foret^oing  sections  on  the  Tetracoralla  and  HexacoraHa  have  been  revised  by  Dr.  T. 
Wayland  Vaughan,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  at  Washington.  It  should  be 
observed  that,  in  the  present  unsatisfactory  state  of  our  knowledge  of  these  organisms,  the 
classification  adopted  in  this  work,  although  perhaps  as  good  as  any  available,  is  tentative  in 
character. — Editor.] 

Subclass  3.     ALCYONARIA    Milne  Edwards. 

(Octadinia  Ehrenberg  ;  Odocoralla  Haeckel). 

Composite  colonies,  rarely  simple  polyps,  the  individuals  provided  with  eight 
mesenterial  folds  and  eight  broad,  pinnately  fringed,  or  plumose  tentades,  which  form 
a  single  cycle  about  the  mouth. 

Hard  skeletal  elements  are  very  generally  developed  in  the  Alcyonaria,  being 
absent  in  comparatively  few  forms,  and  are  remarkable  for  their  manifold 
variety  ;  they  occur  either  detached  in  the  ectoderm  and  mesoderm,  or  ai-e 
closely  packed  together  at  the  base  to  form  a  horny  or  calcareous  axis  (sdero- 
basis),  about  which  the  polyps  are  distributed.  Sometimes  the  calcareous 
bodies  {sderodermites)  form  compact  tubes  which  are  periodically  partitioned 
off'  into  storeys  with  the  upward  growth  of  the  animal.  Reproduction  is 
accomplished  either  sexually,  or  asexually  by  basal  or  lateral  gemmation, 
rarely  by  fission. 

Only  the  calcareous  parts  are  known  in  the  fossil  state,  such  as  the  solid 
axes,  detached  skeletal  elements,  tubes  and  composite  coralla ;  the  horny 
structures  are  totally  destroyed  during  fossilisation.  The  Alcyonaria  make 
their  appearance  in  the  Ordovician,  but  rarely  occur  in  great  abundance. 

Family  1.   Alcyonidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Fixed,  fleshy,  lobate,  or  ramose  polyp  stocks  {very  rarely  simple  individuals),  with 
echinulate  or  spicular  calcareous  bodies  (sclerodermites)  occurring  detached  in  the 
soft  parts. 

Isolated  sclerodermites  readily  escape  observation,  owing  to  their  minute 




size  and  fragile  constitution.     They  have  been  detected  as  yet  only  by  Pocta  ^ 
in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  strata  near  Laun,  Bohemia. 

n  Family  2.      Pennatulidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Hainie. 

Fohjji  stocks  until  base  embedded  in  sand  or  mud,  and  icith  horny 
or  calcareous  sclerobase  ;  2^ohjps  dimorphic. 

Slender,  round  or  quadrate  calcareous  axes  referable  to  the 
Pennatulidae  have  been  detected  with  certainty  only  in  the 
Trias  [Prographidaria  Freeh.),  Cretaceous  (Pavonaria  Cuv. ; 
Pennatulites  and  Palaeosceptron  Cocchi ;  Glyptosceptron  Bohm), 
and  Tertiary  (Graphularia  E.  and  H.)  (Fig.  173). 

Fig.  17B. 

Graphularia  de- 
sertorvm  Zitt. 
Numraulitic  lime- 
stone (Eocene)  ; 
Farafreh,  Libyan 
Desert,  Africa,  a, 
Axis,  natural  size  ; 

b,  Section  of  same  ; 

c,  Sti'iatod  .surface, 

Family  3.     Gorgonidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Fixed,  branching  or  fan- shaped  colonies,  with  horny  or  calcareous 
solid  sclerobase,  or  tvith  jointed  axis  composed  of  alternating  horny 
and  calcareous  segments. 

All  the  genera  possessing  horny,  flexible  axes  (Gorgonia, 
Ehipidogorgia,  etc.)  are  perishable.  Detached  remains  referable 
to  Primnoa,  Gorgonclla  and  Virgularia,  the  axes  of  which  are 
composed  of  both  horny  and  calcareous  layers,  have  been 
described  from  the  Tertiary.  In  the  genus  Isis  the  axis  con- 
sists of  cylindrical  calcareous  segments  alternating  with  horny 
connecting  joints.  It  is  found  fossil  in  the  Tertiary,  and  has 
been  reported  also  from  the  Cretaceous.  The  genus  Moltkia, 
occurring  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous,  has  cylindrical  joints  which 
are  pitted  with  slight  depressions  indicating  the  position  of 
branches.  In  the  red  or  gem  coral  (Corallium  Linn.)  the  axis 
is  built  up  of  spiniform  sclerites,  which  are  united  by  a  fibro- 
crystalline  calcareous  matrix  impregnated  with  organic  matter. 
It  occurs  only  rarely  in  the  fossil  state,  but  is  known  from 
the  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Family  4.     Tubiporidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Cor  alia  composed  of  red-coloured  parallel  calcareous  tubes  connected 
by  horizontal  plates. 

The  cylindrical  tubes  of  the  recent  Organ-pipe  Coral  (Tubi- 
fora)  are  composed  of  spiniform  sclerites,  which  are  united  with  one 
another  directly  in  such  manner  as  to  enclose  small  hollow  spaces  appearing 
superficially  as  pores.  The  connecting  horizontal  plates  or  floors  are  tra- 
versed by  canals  which  communicate  with  the  visceral  chambers  of  the 
tubes  by  means  of  numerous  round  openings.  New  corallites  are  budded 
from  their  upper  surfaces.      Unknown  in  fossil  state. 

^  I'oita,  Philipp,  Sitzuiigsljer.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1885,  vol.  .xcii. 




Family  5.       Helioporidae    Moseley.^ 

Calcareous  corolla,  composed  of  two  series  of  tuUform  corallites  ;  the  larger  tubes 
{antopores)  are  embedded  in  a  strongly  developed  coenenclujma  made  up  of  smaller 
tubes  {siphonopores).  Both  autopores  and  siphonopores  are  closely  tabulate;  the 
autopores  are  provided  with  ridge-like  pseudosepta,  which,  however,  do  not  correspond 
numerically  with  the  tentacles. 

The  affinities  of  the  Helioporidae  with  the  Alcyonaria  were  first  pointed  out 
by  Moseley.  The  larger  polyps  inhabit  the  autopores,  and  are  furnished  with 
eight  mesenterial  folds  and  a  crown  of  eight  tentacles ;  while  the  smaller 
polyps,  which  are  without  either  tentacles  or  sexual  organs,  are  lodged  in  the 
siphonopores.  The  skeleton  is  composed  of  calcareous  trabeculae,  the  same  as 
in  the  Hexacoralla,  from  whose  centres  of  calcification  radial  fibres  extend 
outwards  in  caespitose  fashion.  The  siphonopores  multiply  by  intermural 
gemmation,  while  the  autopores 
are  formed  by  the  coalescence 
and  fusion  of  a  number  of  the 
siphonopores.  JS^'o:^;^^^^ 

Heliopora  Blainv.  {Fig.  174,   fe^-^^V 

Corallum  massive  or 
ramose;  autopores  with  12-25 
slightly  developed  pseudosepta, 
and    embedded    in     a    coenen- 

chyma    made     up    of    smaller  f,o.  174. 

the    latter    are 
tabulate     than 

Heliopora iMTtsi-hl  (Renss).     Upper  Cretaceous;  St.  Gilgen  on 
Wolfgangsee,  Salzkammergut.    ,4,  Corallum,  natural  size.    i>,  Por- 
tion of  surface,  enlarged.     <',  Poh/tremacis  blainvUleana   Reus.s. 
Cretaceous    to    upper  Cretaceous ;    Gosau,   Salzkammergut.     Vertical  section, 

siphonopores  : 
more  closely 
the  autopores. 

Polytremacis  d'Orb.  (Fig.  174,  C).     Like  Heliopora,  but  pseudosepta  much 
more  strongly  developed,  sometimes  reaching  nearly  to  the  centre.    Cretaceous. 

Octotremacis  Gregory  (Polysoleiiia  Eeuss  non  Ehrenb.).     Miocene;  Java. 

Family  6.     Heliolitidae    Lindstrom.- 

Corallum.  massive,  more  rarely  ramose,  varying  from  spheroidal  to  Jiahellate, 
composed  of  tubular  or  vesicular  coenenchyma  enclosing  corallites  in  the  form  of  large 
cylindrical  and  numeroiis  smaller  angular  cells  ;  both  the  macro-  and  microcorallites 
with  tabulae.  Usually  tivelve  septa  present  in  the  large  cylindrical  cells,  but  these 
are  often  r%idimentary.  No  mural  pores;  basal  epitheca  present.  Silurian  and 

The  genera  assigned  to  this  family  exhibit  in  their  general  appearance, 
finer  structure  and  manner  of  multiplication,  considerable  resemblance  to 
Heliopora,  with  which  they  were  associated  by  Moseley,  Nicholson,  Bourne, 

^  Moseley,  II.  N.,  The  Structure  and  Relations  of  Heliopora  eaerulea.     Philos.  Traus.  Roj^al 
Society,  1877,  vol.  clxvi. — Bourne,  G.  C,  On  the  Structure  and  Affinities  of  Heliopra  caernlea. 
Ibid.,  1895,  vol.  clxxxvi.  pt.  1. 

'^  Lindstrbm,  G.,  Remarks  on  the  Heliolitidae.  K.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl. ,  1899, 
vol.  xxxii. — Kiar,  J.,  Die  Koralleufauna  der  Etage  5  des  norwegischen  Sihirsystems.  Palaeontogr. 
1899,  vol.  xlvi. — Idem,  Revision  der  mittelsilurischen  Heliolitiden,  etc.  Videnskabs-Selskabets 
Skrift.  I.  Classe,  No.  10,  1903. 




Gregory  and  others.  Here,  as  in  HeUopora,  the  autopores  are  formed  by 
coalescence  of  numerous  siphonopores  in  the  coenenchyma.  On  the  other  hand 
the  corallites  in  the  Heliolitidae  have  well-developed  walls  of  compact  homo- 
geneous matter,  and  as  a  rule  also  twelve  strong  septa  are  present,  sometimes 
reaching  nearly  to  the  centre  of  the  cylindrical  chambers.  On  account  of 
these  differences  the  family  has  been  separated  from  HeUopora,  and  some 
authors  have  proposed  to  associate  them  with  certain  Hexacoralla,  or  with 
the  problematical  Tabulata. 

Heliolites  Dana  {SfeUiporellaWenzel;  Nicholsonia  Kiar)  (Fig.  175).  Corallum 
massive,  nodnlar  or  ramose.  Autopores  with  twelve  more  or  less  strongly 
developed  pseudosepta,  though  occasionally  represented  by  rows  of  spinules, 
and  frequently  with  central  columella.  Siphonopores  without  septa,  and 
multiplying  by  fission  or  intermural  gemmation.  Abundant  from  Ordovician 
to  Devonian. 

Plasmopora  E.  and  H.  (Diploepora  Quenst.).  Like  Heliolites,  but  having 
walls  of  the  siphonopores  incomplete,  and  tabulae  of  contiguous  tubes  fused 
together  so  as  to  form  a  vesicular  tissue.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Fill.  175. 

Heliolites  }iorosa  GoWfnss.     Devonian;  Eifel.     .4,  Corallum,  natural  size.     7j,  Portion  of  outer  sir.  face, 

enlarged.     C,  Longitudinal  section,  enlarged. 

Protaraea  E.  and  H.  (Stylaraea  E.  and  H.,  nan  Seebach).  Low  incrusting 
corallites,  with  relatively  little  coenenchyma.  Tabulae  present  in  the  autopores. 
According  to  Kiar,  this  form  and  Cocr.oseris  Eichwald  are  closely  related,  and 
perhaps  identical.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Scandinavia  and  North  America. 

Cosmiolithes  Lindstr.  Corallites  thin,  lamelliform.  Coenenchymal  pores 
thick-walled,  not  all  of  the  same  size,  with  concave  or  obliquely  directed 
tabulae.  Autopores  with  well  -  developed  septa.  Silurian ;  C.  ornatus 

Plasmoporella,  Palaeoporites  and  TrorMscolifhus  Kiiir.  Silurian  ;  Scandinavia. 
Acantholithus,  Pycnolithus  Lindstr.  Related  genera  having  the  same  distri- 

Appendix  to  the  Anthozoa. 

Suborder.     TABULATA   Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. ' 

Invariably  composite  coralla  composed  of  tuhiform  or  prismatic  corallites.  JFalls 
thick,  independently  calcified,  compact  or  perforated  by  connecting  mural  pores.     Sep)ta 

^  Literature:  Lindstrom,  G.,  Affinities  of  the  Antliozoii  Tabulata.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1876, 
ser.  4,  vol.  xviii. — Xicholxoii,  H.  A.,  On  the  Structure  anil  Affinities  of  the  Tabulate  Corals  of  the 
Palaeozoic  Period.      London,  1879. — ■Roeincr,  F.,  Lethaea   Palaeozoica,  i.,  1883,  p.  416. —  WuMgen, 


hat  slightly  developed  {usually  six  or  twelve),  sometimes  represented  merely  by  vertical 
ridges  or  rows  of  spines,  and  sometimes  entirely  absent.  Visceral  chamber  partitioned 
off'  into  successive  storys  by  tabulae.     Synapticxdae  and  dissepiments  warding. 

To  the  Tabulata  were  originally  assigned  by  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime 
all  corals  having  numerous  tabulae  and  I'udimentary  septa.  Later  researches 
have  shown,  however,  that  some  of  these  forms  (Focilloporidae)  belong  to  the 
Aporosa,  others  (Helioporidae)  to  the  Alcyonaria,  and  still  others  (Millepora)  to 
the  Hydrozoa.  The  majority  of  the  typical  Tabulata  (Favositidae,  Syringoporidae, 
Halysitidae)  exhibit  close  relationships  to  the  Hexacoralla  ;  but  since  they  are 
for  the  most  part  now  extinct  and  are  largely  confined  to  the  Paleozoic  rocks, 
the  determination  of  their  systematic  position  is  a  matter  of  much  difficulty. 
The  ontogeny  of  the  corallites  in  the  Tabulata  shows  that  the  development  of 
mural  pores  is  homologous  with  the  process  of  gemmation.  Keproduction 
sometimes  takes  place  by  fission,  but  generally  by  means  of  buds  from  the 
edges  of  the  calices  at  various  stages  during  the  growth  of  the  parent  corallites. 
Buds  ai-e  given  off  early  in  Aulopora,  producing  basal  corallites  only ; 
periodically  in  Romingeria,  producing  verticils  of  corallites  ;  periodically  and 
on  one  side  in  Halysites,  producing  linear  series  of  adjacent  corallites  ;  and 
very  frequently  in  Favosifes,  etc.,  producing  compact  coralla  with  numerous 
mural  pores  representing  aborted  buds. 

Family  1.     Favositidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Massive  or  branching  corcdla.  Corallites  uniformly  prismatic,  tall  and  united  by 
their  walls,  ivhich  are  perforated  by  large-sized  pores.  Septa  very  short,  usually 
represented  by  but  faintly  projecting  ridges  or  rows  of  spines,  but  seldom  completely 
absent.  Tabulae  numerous,  situated  at  regular  intervals,  complete  and  horizontal, 
more  rarely  oblique  or  irregularly  vesicular  (" cystoid"). 

The  Favositidae  are  distinguished  from  the  Poritidae,  with  which  Verrill 
associates  them,  by  their  thick  solid  walls,  which  are  perforated  by  round, 
sometimes  tubiform  mural  pores.  The  corallites  are  usually  polygonal  in 
contour,  and  their  walls  exhibit  in  transverse  sections  a  dark,  or  sometimes 
light-coloured  median  line,  with  thickenings  of  stereoplasma  on  either  side 
(Fig.  176,  6').  The  family  is  exclusively  Paleozoic,  and  plays  an  important 
part  in  the  formation  of  Silurian,  Devonian  and  Carboniferous  coralline 

Favosites  Lam.  (Calamopora  Goldf.)  (Fig.  176).  Corallum  massive,  more 
rarely  branching.  Corallites  prismatic,  polygonal,  generally  hexagonal. 
Mural  pores  distributed  at  considerable  intervals.  Septa  very  faintly 
developed,  represented  by  longitudinal  ridges  or  rows  of  spines,  or  occasion- 
ally obsolete.  Tabulae  numerous.  Ordovician  to  Carboniferous ;  very 
abundant  in  Silurian  and  Devonian. 

ir.,  and  We7itzet,  J.,  The  Salt  Range  Fossils.  Palaeontol.  Indica,  1887.— Beecher,  C.  E. ,  The 
Development  of  a  Palaeozoic  Poriferous  Coral.— Symmetrical  Cell  Development  in  the  Favositidae. 
Trans.  Conn.  Acad.,  1891,  vol.  viii.- — Wentzel,  J.,  Ziir  Keuntuiss  der  Zoantliaria  tabulata. 
Denkschr.  Akad.  Wien,  1895,  vol.  \\\\.-~Sardeson,  F.  W.,  tjber  die  Beziehungen  der  fossilen 
Tahulaten  zu  den  Alcyonarieu.  Neues  Jahrb.  Mineral.,  1896,  Supplem.  vol.  x. —  Weissennel,  W., 
Siud  die  Tabulaten  Vorliiufer  der  Alcyonarien  ?  Zeitsehr.  deutsch.  geol.  Ges.,  1898,  vol.  1. — 
Vinassa  de  Regny,  P.  E.,  Trias-Tabulaten,  etc.  Res.  d.  wissensch.  Erforsch.  des  Balaton-Sees, 
vol.  i.  pt.  1.     Budapesth,  1901. 

VOL.  I  I 




Columnopora  Nich.  (Calapoecia  Billings).  Like  the  preceding,  but  with 
numerous,  short,  well-marked  septa.  Mural  pores  large,  disposed  in  vertical 
rows  between  the  septa.     Ordovician. 



t*.  —  .fp- A 




1 — ^8ll^==^ 





Fig.  17tl. 

Favosites  polymorpha  (Goldf.).  Devonian;  Eifel.  A,  Corallum,  natural  size.  B,  Corallites  enlarged,  two 
of  them  broken  open  and  showing  tabulae.  C  and  D,  Transverse  and  longitudinal  sections  showing  spinitbrni 
septa  and  mural  pores  0*).     (C  and  D  after  Nicholson.) 

Emmonsia  E.  and  H.  Ordovician  to  Carboniferous.  Nydopora  Nich. 
Ordovician  (Trenton).     SyriiigoUtes  Hinde.     Silurian  (Niagara). 

^  2j  Pachypora  Lind.   (Fig.  177).       Corallum  branch- 

ing, composed  of  prismatic,  polygonal  corallites, 
the  walls  of  which  are  so  thickened  towards  their 
mouths  by  layers  of  stereoplasma  that  the  calices 
appear  to  have  circular  contours.  Septa  very 
minute  ;  mural  pores  scanty,  but  often  of  large  size. 
Abundant  in  Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Trachypora  E.  and  H.     Dendroid  with  cylindrical 

stems.     Corallites  polygonal ;  walls  so  thickened  by 

layers  of  stereoplasma  that  the  calices  become  round 

„ ll.^  f ''^'^'h   find  greatly  contracted,  and  appear  to  be  superficially 

Middle      Devonian;      Eifel.      A,         .,    ,  nx         i  r  ^    ■  ^      i 

Transverse  section.    B,  Longi-  Widely  Separated.     Mural  pores  few  and  irregularly 
Mura\''pot^e?(X^- N^d^^^^^^       '''   distributed.     Septa  represented   by  rows  of   spines. 

Tabulae  at  remote  intervals.     Common  in  Devonian. 

Striatopora  Hall  (Fig.  178).  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  tubes  con- 
tracted by  stereoplasma  at  a  greater  depth,  so  as  to  give  the  calices  a 
funnel-shaped  appearance.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Alveolites  Lam.  (Fig.  179).  Corallum  massive  or 
branching,  composed  of  small,  contiguous,  compressed, 
thin-walled  corallites,  with  obliquely  opening  triangular 
or  semilunar  calices.  Septa  very  faint,  represented 
merely  by  ridges  or  rows  of  spinules,  sometimes  but 
a  single  row  present.  Mural  pores  of  large  size,  ir- 
regularly distributed.  Very  common  in  Silurian  and 

Cladopora  Hall ;  Coenites  Eichw.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Fleurodidyum  Goldf.  (Fig.  180).       Corallum  depressed,  discoidal,  circular 

Fi(i.  177. 

Pachypnra     nirliolsoni 

Fig.  178. 

Striatopora  flejiiosa  Hall. 
Silurian  (Niagara) ;  New 




or  elliptical  in  contour,  lower  surface  covered  with  concentrically  striated 
epitheca,  and  frequently  a  foreign  vermiform  body  occupying  the  centre  of  the 
base.  Corallites  small,  j^olygonal,  contracted  inferiorly  so  as  to  become 
funnel-shaped.     Septa    I'epresented    by    faint    marginal    ridges,   or    obsolete. 

Fig.  IT'.i. 

A,  Alreolites  auborhicvlaris  Lam.  Middle  Devonian  ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel. 
Natural  size,  /.'and  (\  Alveolites  lahecliei  B.  and  H.  Silurian  (Weiilock) ; 
Ironbridge,  England.  Tangential  and  vertical  sections,  lo/j  (after  Nicholson). 

Pig.  180. 

rieuroilictyuin  prohlematicmn 
Goldf.  Lower  Devonian  ;  Co- 
blenz.  Natural  size.  Vermiform 
foreign  body  in  the  centre. 

Walls  pierced  by  irregularly  distributed  mural  pores ;  tabulae  sparse. 
Devonian.  P.  probleniaticum  Goldfuss,  is  rather  abundant  in  the  Lower 
Devonian  "  Spirifera  sandstone  "  of  the  Eifel,  but  is  known  only  in  the  form 
of  casts.  In  these  the  walls  of  the  corallites  are  represented  by  narrow 
fissures  which  are  bridged  across  by  transverse  rods,  while  the  visceral  chamber 
is  filled  up  with  sandstone.  F.  sfylopora  Eaton,  from  the  Hamilton  Group  of 
North  America,  is  a  closely  related  species  and  also  possesses  the  vermiform 

Fig.  181. 

Mifhelinia  favnxn  de   Kon.     Carboniferous  Limestone  ;   Tournay,  Belgium.     A,  Corallum  from  above. 
Lower  surface  with  radiciform  epithecal  processes.     (.',  Vertical  section  (after  Gaudry). 


Michelinia  de  Kon.  (Fig.  181).  Discoidal  or  hemispherical  coralla,  often 
of  considerable  size,  and  covered  on  the  under  surface  with  concentrically 
striated  ej^itheca,  which  frequently  develops  hollow  radiciform  processes. 
Corallites  polygonal,   rather   large.     Septa  represented   by  numerous  longi- 




tudiual  striae  or  ridges  ;  mural  pores  irregularly  distributed ;  tabulae  very 
uumerous,  oblique  or  curved,  incompletely  developed,  and  usually  filling 
the  visceral  chamber  with  loose  vesicular  tissue.  Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 
M.  favosa  de  Kon.,  extraordinarily  profuse  in  the  Lower  Carboniferous  Lime- 

stone of  Belgium. 

Family  2.      Auloporidae    Nicholson  (Tuhulosa  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime). 

Creeping,  branching  or  reticulated  tuhula-r  coralla,  composed  of  cylindrical,  leaker 
or  trumpet-shaped  corallites,  with  thick,  imperforate,  wrinkled  walls.     Septa  repre- 
sented by  faint  marginal  striae  ;  tabulae  moderately  numerous 
or    wanting.      Reproduction    by    basal    or    lateral    gemmation. 
Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

Aulopora  Goldf.  (Fig.  182).  All  the  corallites  of  the 
prostrate  corallum  are  attached  by  the  whole  of  the  lower 
surface  to  some  foreign  object  {Alveolites,  other  corals,  or 
mollusks).  Tabulae  more  or  less  curved  ;  reproduction  by 
basal  gemmation.      Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

Cladochonus  M'Coy  {Pyrgia  E.  and  H.).  Corallum 
branching,  attached  only  at  isolated  points,  and  composed 
of  funnel-shaped  corallites  without  tabulae  and  septa. 
Reproduction  by  lateral  gemmation.     Carboniferous. 

B.omingeria    Nich.       {Quenstedtia    Rom.).       Spreading, 
semi-erect,  bushy  coralla,  only  basally  attached,  and  with 
,  ,    ,     .    cylindrical    corallites    increasing    by    lateral    gemmation. 
Goldf.  Devonian ;  Geroi-   Tabulae  moderately  numerous,   horizontal.     fSilurian   and 

stein,  Eifel.    Natural  size     -px 

(after  Goldfuss).  JJeVOniaU. 

Fig.  182. 

Family  3.     Syringoporidae  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime, 


Fasciculate  coralla  composed  of  cylindrical  corallites,  united  at  intervals  along  the 
sides  by  hollow  connecting  processes  or  by  horizontal  expansions.  Walls  thick, 
wrinkled;  septa  faintly  developed,  represented  by  delicate 
ridges  or  longitudinal  rows  of  spinules  ;  tabulae  numerously 
developed,  usually  irregularly  funnel-shaped.  Reproduction 
by  basal  gemmation  or  by  buds  arising  from  the  connecting 
processes  and  horizontal  expansions.  Ordovician  to  Car- 
boniferous ;  maximum  in  Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Syringopora  Goldf.  (Fig.  183).  Fasciculate  coralla, 
often  attaining  considerable  size,  and  composed  of 
cylindrical,  thin-walled,  somewhat  flexuose  corallites ; 
the  latter  communicate  by  means  of  hollow,  cylindrical, 
connecting  processes.  Septa  rudimentary ;  tabulae 
funnel-shaped.  Corallum  commencing  with  prostrate  c^tnSfs^lJ^s^onfi 
basal  zooids  similar   to  Aulopora.      Numerous   species    Regnitzicsaii,  Fichteigebnge. 

P  d-i       •         J       i^      1         •(•  Natural  size. 

ranging  from  Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Chonostegites  E.  and  H.  Corallum  massive  ;  cylindrical  corallites  connected 
by  horizontal,  hollow,  laminar  expansions  into  which  the  endothecal  tissues  are 
directly  continued  ;  tabulae  oblique,  cystoid.     Devonian. 

Fig.  184. 
H(d  USUI'S         ratenularia 


Thecostegites  E.  and  H.  Corallum  encrusting  ;  corallites  short,  cylindrical, 
and  connected  by  thick  horizontal  plates.  Tabulae  approximately  horizontal ; 
septa  twelve  in  number,  represented  by  marginal  ridges.      Devonian. 

Family  4.     Halysitidae  Milne  Edwards  and  Hainie. 

Chain  corals. 

Corallum  composed  of  long,  cylindrical,  laterally  compressed 
corallites,  which  are  joined  to  one  another  only  along  the  more 
restricted  edges,  and  form  free,  vertical,  intersecting  and  anas- 
tomosing laminae.  Wall  thick,  covered  on  free  sides  by  wrinkled 
epitheca  ;  tabulae  numerous,  horizontal  or  concave  ;  septa  repre- 
sented by  vertical  ridges  or  rows  of  spines,  in  cycles  of  twelve, 
sometimes  entirely  absent.     Increase  by  stolonal  gemmation. 

The  unique  genus  Holy  sites  Fischer  (Catenipora  Lam.) 
(Fig.  184),  comprises  two  groups  of  species;  those  in 
Avhich  the  corallum  is  composed  throughout  of  coral- 
lites of  equal  size  (H.  escharoides  Lam.  sp.),  and  others  in 
which  any  two  of  the  larger  coi-allites  are  separated  by 
the  intervention  of  a  sjngle  smaller,  closely  tabulate  tube 
(H.  catenularia  Linn,  sp.)     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  maxi-    (T.kui.).     sihman  ;  Got 

.       ,1       ri'i       •  laiul.    Natural  size. 

mum  in  the  Snunan. 

Family  5.     Chaetetidae    Milne  Edwards  and  Haime. 

Massive  corolla,  composed  of  fine,  subequal,  tubiform  corallites,  contiguous  on  all 
sides.  Calices  rather  irregular  in  shape,  one  diameter  slightly  greater  than  the  other. 
Walls  thoroughly  amalgamated,  common  to  adjacent  corallites,  imperforate,  apparently 
composed  of  closely  arranged,  ankylosed  vertical  columns,  which  terminate  at  the 
surface  in  hollow  prominences.  Septa  absent,  but  one  or  two  tooth-like  projections 
often  observable  in  sections.     Tabulae  horizontal,  remote  or  abundant. 

The  forms  belonging  to  this  family  are  extinct,  and  occur  chiefly  in  the 
Ordovician,  Silurian,  Devonian  and  Carboniferous  systems ;  but  a  few  are 
also  found  sporadically  in  the  Trias,  Jura  and  Cretaceous.  They  are  largely 
concerned  in  the  formation  of  Paleozoic  coral  reefs,  especially  during  the 
Carboniferous.  Milne  Edwards  and  Haime  regarded  them  as  Anthozoans, 
Eominger  and  Lindstrom  as  Bryozoans,  while  Dybowski  emphasised  their 
affinities  with  the  Favositidae.  By  Nicholson  they  were  assigned  to  the  Octo- 
coralla,  for  the  reason  that  the  corallites  frequently  exhibit  a  dimorphous 
character  the  same  as  in  Heliolites  and  Heliopora,  besides  agreeing  in  their 
microscopic  structure  with  Heliolites ;  while  in  addition  they  possess  well- 
developed  tabulae  and  imperforate  walls.  Many  genera  and  species  formerly 
included  under  this  family  are  now  assigned  to  the  Bryozoa. 

Chaetctes  Fischer  (Figs.  184rt,  1845).  Corallites  long,  thin-walled,  prismatic, 
polygonal,  all  of  one  kind,  and  multiplying  by  fission.  Uncompleted  fission 
of  the  tubes  often  indicated  in  section  by  tooth-like  projection  extending 
into  the  visceral  chamber.  Walls  structureless,  without  dark  median  line  ; 
tabulae  complete,  remote.      Very  abundant  in  Lower  Carboniferous ;  found 




also  in  Lias  and  Upper  Jurassic.      C.  radians  Fisch.,   is  an  important  rock- 
builder    in    the    Russian    Lower    Car- 
boniferous,  especially  near  Moscow. 

Dahlia  E.  and  H.  Silurian.  Tetra- 
dium  Dana.  Ordovician  and  early  Sil- 
urian. Pseudochaetetes  Haug.  Upper 
Jurassic;  Europe.   P.  polijjyor us  (Qnenst.). 

Fu:.  184ti. 

Chaetetes  septosus  Fleni.  Lower  Car- 
boniferous ;  England.  A,  Transverse 
section  parallel  to  upper  surface.  B, 
Vertical  section  both  enlarged  ;  ji,  Pro- 
jecting spines  representing  uncompleted 
fission  (after  Nicliolson). 

Fig.  1846. 

Chaetetes  radians  Fischer.  Lower  Carbon- 
iferous ;  Moscow,  Russia.  Portion  of  longi- 
tudinally fractured  corallum,  natural  size. 

Geological  Range  of  the  Tabulata. 

With  but  few  exceptions  the  Tabulata  are  restricted  to  Paleozoic  for- 
mations, and  from  the  Ordovician  to  the  Carboniferous  systems  inclusive 
occur  in  considerable  profusion,  being  associated  with  the  Tetracoralla  and 
certain  Hydrozoa  (Stromatoporoids)  in  the  building  of  large  coral  reefs.  Of 
the  various  families  constituting  this  group,  the  systematic  position  of  which  is 
uncertain,  the  Halysitidae  are  limited  to  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  and  the 
remainder,  including  the  genus  Chaetetes  Fischer,  are  represented  continuously 
from  the  Ordovician  to  the  Carboniferous.  In  the  Middle  Cambrian  shales 
of  British  Columbia,  Walcott  has  recently  discovered  a  remarkably  well- 
preserved  actinian,  named  Mackenzia,  which  appears  to  belong  to  the  family 
Edwardsiidae,  and  to  be  closely  related  to  the  genus  Edwardsia. 

Class  2.     HYDROZOA    Huxley.     Hydroids  and  Medusae.^ 

Sessile  or  free-swimming  polyps  or  polyp  stocks,  without  oesophageal  tube,  and  with 
simple  gastrovascular  cavity  not  divided  into  radial  pouches. 

The  Hydrozoans  are  organisms  which  rarely  secrete  hard  parts,  and  hence 
are  ill-adapted  for  preservation  in  the  fossil  state.  The  ramifying  polyp  stocks 
are  usually  inferior  in  size  to  those  of  the  Anthozoa,  and  possess  always  a 
simpler  structure  ;  dimorphism  or  polymorphism  is,  however,  exhibited  by  the 
different  individuals,  some  of  which  perform  solely  vegetative,  and  others  only 
reproductive  or  protective  functions.  Of  great  interest  is  the  prevailing  alterna- 
tion of  generations,  in  which  process  fixed  polyp  stocks  give  rise  to  a  generation 
of  free-swimming  Medusae,  the  eggs  of  which  develop  in  turn  into  polyps. 

'  Huxley,  T.  If.,  Tlic  Oceanic  Hydrozoa.  London,  l^^^.  —  Agassiz,  A.,  North  American  Aca- 
lephae.  111.  Cat.  Miiscuni  Conip.  Zool.  Cambridge  ii.,  1865. — Hincks,  T.,  Natural  Historj'  of  the 
British  Hydroid  Zoophytes.  London,  1868. — Clans,  C.,,  Uutcrsuchungen  iiber  die  Organisation,  etc., 
der  Medusen.     Leijizic,  1883. 




The  Hyrlrozoa  are  all  aquatic,  and  with  few  exceptions  are  inhabitants  of 
the  sea.  They  are  commonly  divided  into  the  two  following  sub-classes  : — 
Hydromedusae  and  Acalephae. 

Subclass  1.     HYDROMEDUSAE    Vogt. 

Sessile  or  free-swimming,  usually  branching  colonies,  with  dimorphic,  nutritive  and 
reproductive  polyps  ;  the  latter  frequently  become  liberated  in  the  form  of  small,  free- 
sivimming  Medusae,  with  non-lobate  umbrellas  composed  of  a  hyaline,  gelatinous 

Six  orders  of  Hydromedusae  are  recognised :  Hydrariae,  HydrocoralJinae, 
Tubulariae,  Campanulariae,  Trachymedusae  and  Siphonopihorae.  Of  these  only 
the  Hydrocorallinae,  Tuhulariae  and  Campanulariae  secrete  calcareous  or 
chitinous  structures  capable  of  preservation  in  the  fossil  state. 



Order  2.     HYDROCORALLINAE   Moseley.i 

Naked  polyps  secreting  at  the  base  a  dense  calcareous  skeleton,  traversed  at  intervals 
by  two  series  of  vertical  tubes,  info  which  the  dimorphic  zooids  can  be  retracted. 

The  Hydrocorallinae  comprise  the  two  Recent  groups  Milleporidae  and  Stylas- 
teridae,  which  were  universally  regarded  as  true  corals  until  Louis  Agassiz  and 
Moseley  proved  their  relation- 
ship to  the  Hydrozoa. 

Millepora  Linn.  (Fig.  185). 
Massive,  foliately  expanded, 
encrusting  or  branching  pol}-- 
paria  (coenosteum),  often  attain- 
ing considerable  size.  Upper 
surface  punctured  by  round 
openings  of  the  larger  tubes 
(gasfrop>ores),  between  which 
are  the  mouths  of  numerous 
smaller  tubes  (dacfylopores). 
The    skeleton   is  composed  of        „.„  ,      ,.       t.      .     ,   „  ,.       . 

-.J.  .  Millepora  vodosa  Bsp.     Recent.    A,  Upper  surtaee  of  coeno- 

a      network      OI      anastomosing  stpum,    showing    gastropores,   A",   and   dactylopores   c,   40/j.      b, 

1       -orvi       fil-ir-oo    +vairovoorl    Ktt-  Vertical    section,    k,   gastropores  with   tabulae,  <  ;   c,  Vermiform 

CalCaieOUS  nores,   iraverseci    Oy  canals  communicating  with  dactylopores,  so/j  (after  Stelnmann). 

a  system  of   tortuous   canals. 

The  gastropores  lodge  the  larger,  nutritive  polyps,  and  the  dactylopores  the 
smaller,  food-procuring  zooids  ;  the  latter  have  no  mouths,  but  are  provided 
with  short,  clavate  tentacles  on  their  sides,  and  their  tubes  communicate  with 
the  vermiform  canals.  Zooidal  tubes  tabulate,  but  nonseptate.  The  genus 
is  an  important  reef-builder  of  the  present  day,  but  occurs  only  sparsely  in 
the  fossil  state.     Earliest  known  forms  appear  in  the  Eocene. 

1  Literature  :  Alhnan,  J.  G,,  Monograph  of  the  Gyninoblastic  or  Tuhuhiriau  Hydroids.  Ray 
Society,  187l-72._ — Moseley,  H.  N.,  Philosophical  Transactions  Royal  Society,  vol.  167,  1878. — 
Steininaiin,  (?.,  Uber  fossile  Hydrozoeu  aus  der  Familie  der  Coryniden.  Palaeontographica,  vol. 
XXV.,  1877.^ — Idem,  Uber  triasische  Hydrozoen  vom  ostlichen  Balkan.  Sitzber.  Akad.  Wiss. 
Wien,  math.  -phys.  Classe,  vol.  cii.,  1893. — Canavari,  M.,  Idrozoi  Titoniani  appartenanti  alia  Famiglia 
delle  Ellipsactinidi.  Mem.  Comitato  Geol.  vol.  iv.,  1893. —  Vinassa  de  Regny,  0.  E.,  Studii  sulle 
Idractinie  fossili.      Mem,  Accad.  dei  Lincei,  1899,  ser.  6,  vol.  iii. 

Fig.  185. 




Sfi/Iaster  Gray.  Branching  polyparia  composed  of  a  netAvork  of  fibrons, 
rose-coloured  coenenchyma,  in  which  are  situated  calicular  depressions  that  are 
provided  with  pseudosepta  and  columellae,  and  communicate  with  the  zooid 
tubes  and  vermiform  canals.     Eecent,  and  occurring  sparsely  in  the  Tertiary. 


O  y .      , 

^    V  0 W.-^ J_^5Jw  Qjiuiyr/q 

Order  3.     TUBULARIAE  Allman. 

Foli/p  stocks  which  are  either  naked  or  covered  with  chitinous  outer  layer  {jieriderm). 
Both  the  polypoid  nutritive  zooids,  and  also  the  medusoid  reproductive  animals  are 
without  cwp-shaped  hydrothecae  surrounding  the  polyp  head.  A  chitinous  or  calcareous 
skeleton  (hydrophyton)  is  frequently  secreted  at  the  base. 

Hydractinia  v.  Bened.  (Fig.  186).  Hydrophyton  in  the  form  of  encrusting, 
chitinous,  rarely  calcareous  expansion,  frequently  investing  gastropod  shells. 
The  crust  consists  of  successive,  slightly  separated,  horizontal  laminae,  which 

are  supported  by  num- 
erous vertical  rods  or 
columns  {radial pillars). 
The  surface  is  covered 
with  projecting  hollow 
spines  and  tubercles, 
and  is  also  traversed 
by  shallow,  branching 
grooves  (astrorhizae). 
Interlaminar  spaces 
communicating  with 
the  surface  by  means 
of  rounded  tubes. 
Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

Ellipsactinia  Steinm. 
Hydi'ophyton  irregu- 
larly ellipsoidal,  com- 
posed of  thick,  con- 
centric, slightly  separ- 
ated, calcareous  lam- 
ellae, which  are  united 
by  sparsely  distributed 
vertical  columns. 
Lamellae  are  formed  by  the  anastomosis  of  exceedingly  delicate  calcareous 
fibres,  punctured  by  numerous  fine  radial  tubes,  and  furnished  on  both  sides 
with  pits,  tubercles  and  branching  furrows.  Upper  Jurassic  (Tithonian)  ; 
Alps,  Carpathians  and  Apennines. 

Sphaeractinia  Steinm.  Like  the  preceding,  but  composed  of  thin,  widely 
separated  lamellae,  which,  are  supported  by  numerous  radial  pillars.  Centre 
frequently  occupied  by  a  foreign  body.     Upper  Jurassic  (Tithonian). 

Loftusia  Brady  (Fig.  187).  Ellipsoidal  or  fusiform  bodies,  composed  of 
thin,  concentric  or  s})i rally  rolled  calcareous  lamellae.  Literlaminar  spaces 
wide,  intersected  by  numerous  radial  pillars,  and  often  secondarily  filled  with 
calcareous  mud.     Eocene  ;  Persia. 

Farkeria  Carp.     Globular   or   walnut- shaped   organisms    with    nodulated 

Flo.  186. 

A,  HydrnctiniaechinataF]em.  Recent;  North  Sea.  Portion  of  commensal 
colony.'greatly  enlarged  ;  hy,  Polyps  (liydranths) ;  !/o,  Generative  buds  (gono- 
phores)  ;  liph,  Hydrophyton  adherent  to  shell  of  Buccinium  unihitum,  and 
showing  reticulated  structure  in  vertical  section.  7>,  Ihidractlnia  caJcarea 
Cart.  Vertical  section  of  liyiirophyton,  greatly  enlarged  (after  Carter);  a. 
Primary  basal  lamella  ;  '),  InterUiniinar  space  ;  c,  Second  lamella  ;  d.  Radial 
pillars  between  the  lamellae  ;  c,  /,  Tubercles  and  spines  projecting  on  upper 
surface.  C,  Hydractinia  plioraciKi  AUm.  Pliocene ;  Asti,  Italy.  Hydro- 
phyton encrusting  on  Nasm  shell  (natural  size).  D,  Portion  of  magnified 
surface  of  the  latter,  showing  branching  grooves  and  wart-like  tubercles. 




exterior,  and  composed  of  rather  thick,  concentric,  calcareous  lamellae.  Inter- 
laminar  spaces  divided  into  chamberlets  by  stout  radial  pillars,  which  usually 
extend  continuously  through  a  number  of  lamellae.  Both  lamellae  and  pillars 
consist  of  minutely  tabulated  tissue,  the  tubules  of  which  are  radial  in  arrange- 
ment. Centre  frequently  occupied  by  a  foreign  body.  Cambridge  Greensand 

The  genera  ParJceria  and  Loftusia  were  originally  described  as  agglutinated 
Foraminifera  ;  they  are,  however,  manifestly  very  closely  allied  to  Ellvpsactinia 
and  Sphaer actinia. 

Porosphaera  Steinm.  (Fig.  188).  Globular  masses  of  the  size  of  peas  or 
hazel-nuts  frequently  growing  around  some  foreign  body,  and  composed  of 
anastomosing  calcareous  fibres  which  are  penetrated  by 
numerous  radial  tubules  ;  the  latter  open  on  the  surface 
in  the  form  of  large  pores,  around  which  radial  or  stel- 
late furrows  (astrorhizae)  are  sometimes  grouped.  Upper 

A  B 


Fig.  188. 

Poros2}haera  (jlohidaris 
(Pliill.).  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Rligeu.  .-1,  Skeleton, 
natural  size ;  /,  Cavity 
originally  occupied  by 
foreign  body.  B,  Trans- 
verse    section      showing 

Loftusia  j^erKiiu  Brady.  Eocene  ;  Persia.  A,  Specimen  cut  open  to  show  general  radial  tubes  of  gastro- 
structure,  natural  size  (after  Brady).  B,  Section  showingitwo  lamellae  and  inter-  pores,  "/i  (after  Stein- 
laminar  tilling,  greatly  enlarged.  niann). 

Sfolicz'karia  Duncan.     Trias  ;  Karakoram  and  Balkan  Mountains. 

Cycloporidium,  EJiizoporidium  Parona.  Ci-etaceous.  Foradinia  and  Cydac- 
tinia  (Kerunia  Mayer-Eymar)  Vinassa.     Tertiary. 

Heterastridium  Reuss  (Syringosphaeria  Duncan).  Includes  spheroidal,  nodular 
bodies  of  considerable  size,  composed  of  slender,  anastomosing,  and  more  or 
less  distinctly  radial  calcareous  fibres.  Skeleton  comparatively  dense,  but 
perforated  by  two  series  of  zooidal  tubes  appearing  superficially  as  pores.  The 
apertures  of  the  larger  tubes  are  round,  those  of  the  smaller  stellate,  and  are 
surrounded  by  radial  furrows.     Alpine  Trias. 

Appendix  to  the  Hydrocorallinae  and  Tubulariae. 

Stromatoporoidea  Nicholson  and  Murie.' 

Closely  allied  to  the  Hydrocorallinae  and  Hydractinia  are  the  extinct  Stromaio- 
poroidea,  which  combine  in  many  respects  the  characters  pertaining  to  both  of 

1  Bargatzki,  A.,  Die  Stromatoporen  des  rlieinischen  Devons.  Bonn,  1881. — Nicholson,  H.  A., 
Monograph  of  the  British  Stromatoporoids.  Palaeont.  Soc.  1886-92.— 6?i:r<2/,  G.  11.,  Revision  of 
the  Sponges  and- Coelenterates  of  the  Lower  Helderberg  Group  of  New  York.  14th  Ann.  Rept.  N.Y. 
State  GeoL,  1894.  —  Toniquist,  A.,  Uber  mesozoisclie  Stromatoporiden.  Sitzber.  preuss.  Akad. 
Wiss.,  1901,  vol.  xlvii.  —  Yabe,  11. ,  On  a  Mesozoic  Stromatopora.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc.  Tokj'O,  1903, 
vol.  X. — Deningev,  K.,  Einige  neue  Tabulaten  nnd  Hydrozoen  aus  niesozoischen  Ablagerungen. 
Neues  Jahrb.    f.    Mineral,   i.,    1906.— Bofhpletz,   A.,   Uber  Algen   nnd   Hydrozoen   im   Silur  von 




the  above-named  groixps,  but  whose  exact  position  in  the  zoological  system 
remains  as  yet  uncertain.  During  the  Paleozoic  era,  to  which  they  are  con- 
fined, the  Stromatoporoids  were  important  geological  agents,  whole  beds  of 
limestone  being  often  essentially  constituted  of  their  remains.  In  the  Mesozoic 
era  they  are  replaced  by  very  closely  allied  forms  of  Hydmctinia,  which  in  all 
probability  represent  their  immediate  descendants. 

The  Stromatoporoids  secrete  hemispherical,  globular,  nodular  or  hori- 
zontally expanded  skeletons,  which  are  sometimes  encrusting,  sometimes 
attached  by  a  short  basal  peduncle,  and  are  covered  on  the  under  side  with 
concentrically  wrinkled  epitheca,  while  the  apertures  for  the  emission  of  the 
polyps  are  situated  on  the  upper  surface.  The  general  tissue  of  the  coenosteum 
is  composed  of  numerous,  concentric,  undulating,  calcareous  layers  or  laminae, 
which  are  separated  by  narrower  or  wider  interlaminar  spaces,  but  are  at  the 
same  time  connected  by  numerous  vertical  rods  {radial  pillars).  The  pillars 
as  well  as  the  laminae  are  traversed,  as  a  rule,  by  minute,  irregularly  directed 

^  canaliculi.        In    some 

genera  the  coenosteum 
is  provided  with  verti- 
cal tabulate  tubes, 
which  most  probably 
served  for  the  recep- 
tion of  the  polyps,  as 
in  the  genus  Millepora ; 
but  in  many  instances 
they  are  wanting.  The 
surfaces  of  the  laminae 
typically  exhibit  pores 
and  small  tubercles, 
and  frequently  also 
shallow  stellate  furrows 
(astrorhizae),  which  radiate  outwards  from  numerous  centres.  Sometimes  the 
laminae  consist  merely  of  a  loose  network  of  horizontal  calcareous  fibres. 

Groldfuss  at  first  held  the  Stromatoporoids  occurring  so  profusely  in  the 
Eifel  for  corals  (Blillepora),  and  subsequently  for  sponge-like  zoophytes  ;  while 
von  Rosen  considered  them  as  horny  sponges  that  had  become  secondarily 
calcified.  Sandberger  and  F.  Roemer  assigned  them  to  the  Bryozoans ; 
Dawson  to  the  Foraminifera  ;  Sollas  to  the  siliceous  sponges  (Hexadinellida)  ; 
and  Salter  to  the  calcareous  sponges,  whose  example  Nicholson  also  followed. 
Lindstrom,  Carter  and  Steinmann  subsequently  pointed  out  their  relations 
to  Hijdracfinia  and  Millepora ;  and  Nicholson  and  Murie  came  finally  to 
regard  them  as  a  group  of  extinct  Hydrozoans  allied  to  Hydradinia  on  the 
one  hand  (Actinostromidae),  and  Millepora  on  the  other  (Stromatoporidae 
and  Idiosti'omidae). 

Adinostroma  Nich.  (Fig.  189).  Skeleton  having  vertical  or  radial  pillars 
disposed  at  tolerably  regular  intervals,  and  extending  continuously  through  all 

Gotland  uiid  Osel.  K.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Handl.,  1908,  vol.  x\ui. ^Giirich,  (?.,  Les  Spongio- 
stromides  du  Vise  daiisle  Province  de  Namur.  Mem.  Miis.  Ro}'.  d'Hist.  Nat.  Belg. ,  1906,  vol.  iii. 
— Idem,  Neues  Jahrb.  f.  Mineral.,  1907,  i. — Parana,  C.  F.,  La  Fauna  coralligena  del  Cretaceo  del 
Monti  d'  Ocre  nell'  Abruzzo  Aquilano.  Mem.  Comni.  Geol.  Ital.,  1909,  vol.  v. —Parks,  W.iA.,  The 
Stromatoporoids  of  the  Gnel])h  Formation  in  Ontario  ;  the  Niagara  ;  tlie  Silurian  of  America  ;  the 
Ordovitian.      Univ.  of  Toronto  Studies,  Nos.  4-7,  1907-1910. 

Fig.  1S9. 

Actinostrnma  interfextum  Nich.  Silurian  (Wenlock)  ;  Shropshire.  A, 
Tangential  section  showing  radial  pillars  and  reticulated  structure  of  con- 
centric laminae.  7i,  Vertical  section,  showing  formation  of  laminae  from 
processes  given  off  horizontally  hy  radial  pillars,  I2yj  (after  Nicholson). 




or  at  leas't  a  considerable  number  of  laminae  ;  in  vertical  sections,  accordingly, 
exhibiting  a  quadrate  meshwork.  The  laminae  consist  of  an  anastomosing 
network  of  calcareous  fibres,  generally  having  a  porous  structure;  their  surfaces 
are  covered  with  projecting  granules  or  tubercles,  which  represent  the  free 
upper  ends  of  the  vertical  pillars.     Kare  in  the  Silurian,  but  very  abundant 

,  ■  ■ ~~^^r^f^y^~^p^ 

Fig.  190. 

Strom(ttopora  tubercvlata  Nich.  Devonian 
(Corniferons  limestone)  ;  Jarvis,  Ontario, 
Natural  .size  (after  NicholsonV 

Fio.  101. 

Oniniopora  %ilacenta  Phill.  Devonian;  Torquay, 
Devonshire.  .4,  Tangential  .section,  natural  size. 
K,  The  same,  highly  ma^'uified  ;  n,  Vertical  "  Cauno- 
pora  tube  "  ;  h,  Canal  partially  cut  into ;  c,  Calcare- 
ous fibres  traversed  by  delicate  ramifying  canaliculi. 
C,  Vortical  section,  highly  magnified. 

in  Devonian  of  the  Eifel,  England  and  North  America.       A.  clathratum  Nich, 
(^  =  Stromafopora  concentrica  p.  p.,  Goldf.). 

Clathrodidijon  Nich.  Like  the  preceding,  but  wnth  radial  pillars  extending 
only  between  the  upper  and  lower  surfaces  of  successive  laminae.  Character- 
istic of  Silurian  ;  rare  in  Devonian. 

Stromatopora  G;o\Ai.  emend.  Nich.  (Pa%s^?-o??ifl  Nich.  and  Murie)  (Fig.  190). 
Radial  pillars  uniting  with  the  thick  concentric  strata  or  latilaminae  to  form  a 
finely  reticulated  tissue,  in  Avhich  tabulate  zooidal 
tubes  are  sparsely  distributed.  Plentiful  in  Devon- 
ian ;  less  common  in  Silurian. 

Caunopora  Lonsdale  (Fig.  191),  and  Diapora 
Bargat.,  are  Stromatoporoids  which  are  indis- 
tinguishable from  other  genera  except  by  the 
presence  of  numerous  definitely  walled  tubes  pene- 
trating the  coenosteum  at  closer  or  remoter  in- 
tervals. The  tubes  are  often  thick-walled,  are 
furnished  with  horizontal  or  funnel-shaped  tabulae,      Hcr?)!n!>)stro7Hosp.ind. Devonian; 

1  •  n  •,!  L    ^  •  •  „       Torquay,     Devonshire,      a,    Hori- 

and  occasionally  with  septal  spines;  in  many  cases  zontai  "lamina  composed  of  two 
they  evidently  represent  the  corallites  of  Anlopora  f-terillin'I'XmL^fet-'rRLiiai 
and   Si/ringopora   colonies,   which   have    become   en-  piiiar  traversed  by  axiai  canai. 
veloped,  but   have   continued    to   live  coramensally 

within  the  tissues  of  the  Stromatoporoid.      In  other  cases,  however,  the  tubes 
appear  to  have  been  formed  by  true  Stromatoporoid  polyps.     Devonian. 

Hermato stroma  Nich.  (Fig.  192).  Massive  or  foliaceous  skeletons,  composed 
of  thick  parallel  latilaminae,  connected  by  vertical  pillars  ;  pillars  often  running 
continuously  through  several  concentric  laminae.  Both  pillars  and  laminae 
exhibit  a  dark  median  line  Avhen  view^ed  in  cross-section,  indicating  either  the 
presence  of  axial  canals  or  composition  out  of  two  lamellae.     Devonian. 

Fio.  192. 

124  COELENTERATA— HYDROZOA  phylum  ii 

Idiostroma  Winch.  Coenosteum  cylindrical  or  fasciculate,  traversed  by 
axial,  tabulate  zooidal  tubes,  which  give  off  secondary  lateral  tubes.  General 
tissue  reticulated,  similar  to  Stromatopora.     Devonian. 

Labechia  E.  and  H.    Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Stylodidyon,  Sfromafoporella  and  Syringostroma  Nich.  ;  Amphipora  Schulze  ; 
Stachyodes  Bargat.     Devonian  of  Europe  and  North  America. 

A  number  of  genera  are  described  by  Waagen  and  Wentzel  from  the 
Permo-Carboniferous  rocks  of  Farther  India,  such  as  Carterina,  Disjectopora, 
Circopora,  etc.  Probably  in  the  same  neighbourhood  should  be  placed  several 
peculiar  encrusting  marine  forms  from  the  Carboniferous  of  Belgium,  described 
by  Glirich  under  the  names  of  Aphrostroma,  Spongiostroma,  Chondrostroma, 
Malacostroma,  etc.  The  first-named  of  these  occurs  also  in  the  Silurian  of 
Gotland,  and  was  associated  by  Giirich  with  the  Foraminifera. 

Order  4.     CAMPANULARIAE  Allman. 

(Leptomedusae,  Calypioblastea  Allman  ;  Thecaphora  Hincks). 

Delicate,  branching,  plant-like,  sessile  colonies,  with  chitinous  periderm,  enveloping 
the  base,  pieduncle,  and  also  the  cup -like  receptacles  {Jiydrothecae)  which  enclose  the 
individual  polyps.  The  proliferous  zooids  are  developed  within  urn-shaped  capsules 
(gonothecae)  of  comparaiively  large  size,  and  sometimes  become  separated  off  as  free- 
swimming  velate  Medusae. 

Recent  Campanularians,  such  as  are  comprised  by  the  families  Sertularidae, 
Plumularidae  and  Campanularidae  possess  durable  hard  parts,  but  nevertheless 
their  remains  have  not  as  yet  been  found  in  the  fossil  state,  with  the  exception 
of  a  few  forms  from  Pleistocene  deposits. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Hydromedusae. 

Of  those  members  of  this  group  in  which  the  preservation  of  structural 
parts  is  at  all  possible,  the  Hydrocorallinae  have  been  recognised  with 
certainty  as  early  as  the  Upper  Cretaceous.  During  the  Tertiary  they 
became  more  widely  distributed,  and  at  the  present  day  are  important  reef- 

During  the  Upper  Jura,  and  notably  in  Tithonian  beds  of  the  Mediter- 
ranean region,  certain  genera  of  the  Hydractinidae  {Ellipsactinia,  Sphaeractinia) 
are  abundantly  represented.  Contrariwise,  other  Tubularians,  such  as  the 
Triassic  Ileterastridium,  and  Farkeria  and  Porosphaera  from  the  Cretaceous  of 
central  I^urope,  occur  only  sparsely. 

The  extinct  organisms  known  as  Stromatoporoids  were  extremely 
important  rock-builders  during  the  Paleozoic,  much  of  the  limestone  of  the 
Silurian  and  Devonian  systems  resulting  from  the  destruction  of  the  reefs 
built  by  these  fossils.  Their  massive  stocks  sometimes  attain  gigantic  size. 
Stromatoporoid  remains  are  profusely  distributed  in  Ordovician  and  Silurian 
rocks  of  North  America,  England  and  Russia,  also  in  the  Middle  Devonian  of 
the  Eifel  and  Ardennes,  and  in  equivalent  strata  of  Nassau,  Devonshire,  the 
Urals,  Spain,  etc.  Except  for  a  few  rare  survivors,  the  group  does  not 
continue  beyond  the  Paleozoic  era. 



Appendix  to   the  Hydromedusae. 

Class  or  Subclass.      GRAPTOLITOIDEA  Lapworth.^ 

(Ehabdophom  Allman . ) 

Under  the  term  of  Graptolitoidea  are  included  organisms  which  have  been 
considered  by  various  authors  as  plant  remains,  horny  sponges,  Pennatulidae, 
Cephalopods  and  Bryozoans.  Portlock,  in  1843,  first  pointed  out  their 
analogy  with  the  Sertularians  and  Plumularians  ;  and  his  inferences  as  to 
their  genetic  relationship  were  afterwards  confirmed  by  the  painstaking 
researches  of  Allman,  Hall,  Hopkinson,  Lapworth,  Nicholson,  and  others. 
More  recently,  however,  their  kinship  has  been  denied  by  Neumayr  and 
Wiman,  who,  on  account  of  the  bilateral  symmetry  of  the  sicula  and  thecae, 
claim  that  Graptolites  cannot  be  included  within  any  of  the  now  existing 
classes  of  organisms. 

Graptolites  are  generally  found  in  an  imperfect  state  of  preservation,  lying 
flattened  in  the  same  plane  upon  the  slaty  laminae  in  which  they  are  embedded, 
and  associated  in  large  numbers.  More  rarely  they  occur  in  limestone,  when 
the  interna]  cavities  are  filled  with  calcareous  matter,  and  the  original  form 
accurately  preserved.  Such  specimens  have  been  successfully  etched  out  and 
investigated  under  the  microscope  by  Holm  and  Wiman. 

The  general  skeletal  tissue  (periderm)  was  obviously  flexible,  and  composed  of 

1  Literature  :  Hall,  J.,  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  vols,  i.,  iii.,  1847,  1859. — Graptolites  of 
the  Quebec  Group.  Canad.  Organic  Remains,  dec.  ii.  Geol.  Surv.  Canad. ,  1865.— Introduction  to 
the  study  of  Graptolites.  20th  Ann.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Cab.  Nat.  Hist.,  1868.— Barrcmde,  J.,  Grapto- 
lites de  Boheme.  Prague,  1850. — Sitess  E.,  Uber  bohniische  Graptolitheu.  Haidiuger's  Naturw. 
Abhandl. ,  1851,  vol.  iv. — Scharenberg,  W.,  Ueber  Graptolitheu.  Breslau,  1851. — Geinitz,  H.  £., 
Die  Versteinerungen  der  Grauwackenforinatiou  in  Sachsen.  Leipzic,  1852. — Die  Graptolitheu  des 
mineral.  Museums  in  Dresden,  1890. — lilchter,  B.,  Tliiiringische  Graptolitheu.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch. 
Geol.  Ges.,  vols,  v.,  xviii.,  xxiii.,  1853,  '66,  71. — Nicholson,  II.  A.,  Monograph  of  the  British 
Graptolitidae,  1872. — Lcqjworth,  C,  Notes  on  the  British  Graptolites.  Geol.  Mag.,  vols,  x.,  xiii., 
1873,  '76.  Also  various  articles  in  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1875,  '78,  '81,  and  Ann.  Mag.  Nat. 
Hist.,  1879,  '80.— On  the  Graptolites  of  County  Down.  Ann.  Rep.  Belfast  Nat.  Field  Club,  1877, 
vol.  i.,  pt.  iv.  —  Tnllberg,  S.  A.,  On  Species  of  Didymograptus.  Geol.  For.  Stockholm  Forh.,  1880, 
vol.  v. — Spencer,  J.  IF.,  Graptolites  of  the  Upper  Silurian  System.  Bull.  Mus.  Univ.  Missouri,  1884. 
— Tornqiiist,  S.  L.,  Observations  on  Graptolites.  Acta  Univ.  Lund,  1890-92,  vols,  xxvii.-xxix.— 
Holm,  G.,  Skandinaviens  Graptoliter.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Forh.,  1881,  vol.  xxxviii. — Gotland's 
Graptoliter.  Bihang  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl.  1890,  vol.  xvi. — Barrois,  C,  Memoire  sur  la 
distriliution  des  gi-aptolites  en  France.  Aunales  Soc.  Geol.  Nord,  1892,  vol.  xx. —  Wiman,  C,  tjber 
Monograptus  und  Diplograptidae.  Bull.  Geol.  Inst.  Upsala,  1893,  vol.  i.  (English  translation  in 
Journ.  Geol.,  1893,  vol.  ii.). — Tornquist,  S.  L.,  Observations  on  the  Structure  of  some  Dipriouidae. 
Fisiogr.  SiiUsk.  Handl.,  1893,  '97,  vols,  iv.,  viii. — Researches  into  the  Graptolites  of  the  Scanian  and 
Vestrogothian  Phyllo-Tetragraptus  Beds.  Lunds  Univ.  Arsskrift,  1901,  vol.  xxvii. — Perner,  J., 
Etudes  sur  les  graptolites  de  Boheme.  Prague,  1894-99. — Holm,  G.,  Om  Didymograptus,  Tetra- 
graptus  och  Phyllograptus.  Geol.  For.  Forh.,  1895,  vol.  xvii.  No.  164. — Ruedemann,  R.,  Synopsis  of 
tlie  Mode  of  Growth  and  Development  of  the  Genus  Diplograptus.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.  (3),  1895,  vol. 
xlix.  ;  Also  in  Ann.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Geol.  1894,  and  Amer.  Nat.,  1897,  vol.  xxxii. — Graptolites  of 
New  York,  N.Y.  State  Museum.  Memoirs  vii.  1904,  and  xi.,  IQOS.—Gurlei/,  R.  R.,  North  American 
Graptolites.  Journ.  Geol.,  1896,  vol.  iv. —  Wiman,  C,  tJber  die  Graptolithen,  Bull.  Geol.  Inst. 
Upsala,  1895,  vol.  ii.  ;  also  Nat.  Sci.,  1896,  vol.  ix.,  and  Bull.  Geol.  Inst.  Upsala,  1897,  No.  6. 1900, 
No.  lO.—Elles,  G.  L.,  and  Wood,  E.  M.  R.,  Monograph  of  British  Graptolites,  ed.  by  C. 
Lapworth.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1901  to  date. — IlaU,T.  S.,  Note  on  the  Distribution  of  the  Graptolithidae 
in  the  Rocks  of  Castlemaine.  Rept.  Austral.  Assn.  Adv.  Sci.,  1894  ;  also  Proc.  Roy.  Soc.  Victoria 
1892,  '97,  '98,  '99  ;  Geol.  Mag.,  1899,  vol.  vi.—Roemer,  F.,  and  Freeh,  F.,  Lethaea  Palaeozoica,  1897, 
vol.  i. — Bassler,  R.  S.,  Dendroid  Graptolites  of  the  Niagarau  Dolomites  at  Hamilton,  Ontario. 
Bull.  Smithson.  Inst.,  No.  65,  1909. —  Westergard,  A.  H.,  Studier  ofver  Dictyograptusskittern.  Med. 
fr.  Lunds  Geol.  Fait  Klub.  Ser.  B,  No.  4,  1909. 

126  COELENTERATA— HYDEOZOA  phylum  ii 

smooth  or  finely  striated  chitine  ;  usually  it  has  the  form  of  a  dense  continuous 
membrane,  but  in  the  lietiolitidae  it  is  attenuated  and  supported  by  a  latticed 
network  of  chitinous  threads.  It  is  usually  preserved  as  a  thin  bitumino- 
carbonaceous  film,  which,  however,  is  often  infiltrated  with  pyrites,  and  is  not 
infrequently  replaced  by  a  glistening  greenish-white  silicate  (Giimbelite). 

The  compound  organism  or  rhabdosome  {'^ polvpari/  ")  of  the  Graptolites  is 
usually  linear,  more  rarely  petaloid  in  form,  undivided  or  branching,  and  is 
either  straight,  bent,  or  in  exceptional  instances  spirally  enrolled.  These 
rhabdosomes,  each  of  which  originates  from  a  sicula  (see  below)  may  again  be 
united  into  colonies  of  a  higher  order  (synrhabdosome).  Cup-shaped  rhabdo- 
thecae,  which  are  usually  obliquely  set  and  more  or  less  overlapping,  are  borne 
on  one  or  on  both  sides  of  the  polypary,  and  are  united  by  a  common 
coenosarcal  canal  enclosed  in  the  periderm.  The  polypary  is  in  later  forms 
strengthened  by  a  peculiar  chitinous  axis  (virgula,  solid  axis),  which  in  the 
Monograptidae  runs  in  a  groove  lying  outside  the  coenosark  on  the  dorsal  side 
of  the  organism  {i.e.  on  the  side  opposite  to  the  theciferous  margin).  But  in 
the  biserial  Graptolites  the  virgula  is  either  enclosed  between  the  laminae  of 
a  central  or  sub-central  septum,  which  is  formed  by  the  coalescence  of  the 
flattened  dorsal  walls  {Diprionidae)  ;  or  it  is  double  and  the  two  virgula  (see 
text  Fig.  209)  are  placed  on  opposite  sides  of  the  coenosark,  and  are  united  with 
the  peridermal  network  (Retiolitidae). 

Springing  from  the  common  canal,  is  a  series  of  tlucae  (cellules,  denticles),  Avhich 
are  disposed  in  longitudinal  rows  along  either  one  (Fig.  193),  two  (Fig.  194) 
or  four  sides  of  the  polypary.  They  usually  have  the  form  of  elongated, 
cylindrical,  rectangular  or  conical  sacs;  their  walls  are  in  most  cases  applied 
to  those  of  their  neighbours  above  and  below,  although  occasionally  they 
spring  out  quite  isolated  from  one  another.  Each  theca  opens  directly  into 
the  common  canal,  and  is  furnished  distally  with  an  external  aperture,  the 
form  and  size  of  which  vary  extremely  in  different  species.  In  some  forms  it 
is  circular  or  quadrate  or  introverted  or  introtorted  ;  in  others  it  is  contracted. 
Not  infrequently  the  outer  lip  is  ornamented  with  one  or  two  slender  spines, 
which  often  subdivide  and  inosculate  with  one  another.  The  form  of  the 
thecae  and  apertures  has  been  employed  by  Lapworth  to  define  families  and 

The  polypary  in  most  Graptolites  is  furnished  at  its  proximal  end  with  a 
minute,  triangular  or  dagger-shaped,  originally  conical,  body  called  the  sicula 
(Fig.  195),  which  represents  the  original  embryonic  skeleton  and  is  suspended 
from  an  originally  tubular  filament,  the  7iema  ov  neiaacaulus  (Fig.  196).  In  the 
wall  of  the  sicula  is  formed,  in  the  later  Graptolites,  an  axis  or  rod,  the 
virgula,  which  extends  through  the  rhabdosome.  Ehabdothecae  are  then 
budded  either  uuiserially  along  one  side,  or  in  alternate  sequence  along  both  of 
the  lateral  margins  of  the  sicula,  originating  from  one  theca  near  the  major  end 
of  the  sicula.  They  grow  either  laterally  away  from  the  sicula  (Axonolipa)  or 
along  the  nemacaulus  (Axonophora).  The  sicula  itself  ceases  to  grow,  as  a 
rule,  after  the  first  thecae  are  budded,  and  sometimes  it  becomes  obsolete  or 
absorbed.  Sometimes  the  rhabdosome  remains  undivided,  sometimes  it  forms 
branches,  which  may  diverge  at  various  angles  ;  in  other  cases  two  or  four 
uniserial  polyparies  may  be  placed  back  to  back  with  their  dorsal  walls 
coalescing,  thus  giving  rise  to  di-  or  tetra-serial  colonies.  In  the  latter  types 
the  coenosarc  is  commonly  divided  by  one  or  two  median  septa. 




Graptolites  commonly  occur  in  argillaceous  schists,  more  rarely  in  limestone 
formations,  of  the  Upper  Cambrian,  Ordovician  and  Silurian  systems.  They 
seem  to  have  swarmed  in  the  muddier  portions  of  the  sea,  and  floated  either 
attached  to  sea-weeds,  etc.,  or  as  free-swimming  colonies  ;  or,  in  rarer  instances, 
remained  stationary  with  the  sicula  or  a  root  embedded  in  the  mud,  or  attached 
to  foreign  bodies.  They  are  divided  into  two  orders  :  Dendroidea  Nicholson 
{CladoplLora  Hopkinson),  and  Graptoloidea  Lapworth,  or  Graptolites  proper.     The 


^A      C 



/  / 







Fig.  193. 

A,  C,  Monograptus  priodon 
(Broun).  Silurian  (Etage  E) ; 
Prague.  A,  Khabdosoma, 
natmal  size.  B,  Longitudinal 
section,  enlarged.  (',  Dorsal 
aspect,  enlarged.  D,  Mono- 
graptus bohem  icna  Barr.  Same 
locality,  a,  Virguki  ;  c,  Com- 
mon canal ;  th,  Thecae  ;  x, 
External  aperture  (after 

Fig.  194. 

n,  c,  Climacograptus  typicalis 
Hall.  Ordovician  (Trenton 
limestone)  ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 
a.  Vertical  section,  enlarged, 
showing  central  virgula ;  b, 
Individual  of  the  natural  size  ; 
c,  Cross-section,  enlarged  ;  il,  e, 
Diplograptus  palmeut:  Barr. 
Silurian  ;  Prague.  Khabdo- 
soma of  the  natural  size  and 
several  times  enlarged  (after 
Barrande)  ;  /,  Dijilograptni- 
/oUmvui!  Murch.  Ordovician 
(Llandeilo  Group) ;  Scotland, 
natural  size  (after  Lapworth). 


Fig.  195. 

a,  Munograpttns  gregarias  Lapw.  Sil- 
urian ;  Dobbs,  Linn,  Scotland.  Proxiiual 
end  showing  sicula,  enlarged  ;  /;,  Dhit/- 
inogmjitus  punnatulug  Hall.  Ordovician 
(Quebec  Group) ;  Point  Levis,  Canada. 
Pro.vimal  cud  showing  sicula,  enlarged 
(after  Lapworth). 

Fig.  196. 

Dictyonema  cavernosum  Wiman.  Or- 
dovician ;  Gotland.  Proximal  end  of 
rhabdosome  with  adhesion  disk  (,r),  large 
nourishing  individual  {z),  and  small 
budding  individual  or  gonangium  (z{). 
3/j  (after  Wiman). 

latter  are  again  divided  into  two  suborders  :  AxonoUpa  Freeh,  redefined  by 
Ruedemann,  without  axis  or  virgula;  and  Axonophora  Freeh,  limited  by 
Ruedemann,  with  an  axis. 

Order  1.      DENDROIDEA   Nicholson. 

Family.     Dendrograptidae    Eoemer. 

This  family,  which  includes  all  dendroid  forms,  is  represented  during  the 
older  Paleozoic  by  the  genera  Dendrocjmpius,   Dictyonema,  Desmograpius,   Callo- 




graptus  and  Ptilograptns.  Their  polyparies  are  finely  branching  and  plant-like 
in  appearance,  sometimes  furnished  with  a  strong  foot-stalk,  in  other  cases 
terminating  acutely  at  the  base.  The  original  substance  was  undoubtedly 
chitinous.  In  well-preserved  specimens  are  seen  on  one  or  occasionally  on 
both  sides  of  the  branchlets  numerous  small  cellules  or  thecae,  in  which 
evidently  the  zooids  were  seated.  These  thecae  have  been  shown  by  Wiman 
to  be  of  threefold  character,  some  of  them  having  lodged  nourishing,  others 
budding  and  others  sexual  individuals  or  goiiangia.  Very  often  the  branches 
of  the  dendroid  rhabdosome  are  united  by  numerous  delicate  processes  or 

Dendrograptus  Hall.      Rhabdosome  consisting  of  a  strong  main  stem  and  a 
broad,    spreading,    shrublike,    variously  ramifying  frond.     Thecae  commonly 


Fio.  197. 

Dldyonemii  fldheUi forme  (Eichw.).     Upper  Cambrian;  Rensselaer  County,  N.Y. 
neina,  x  -Vi-     i',  Mature  rhabdosome  with  adhesion  stem,  x  i/i  (after  Ruedeniann). 

A,  Sicula  with  very  long 

obscure,  but  sometimes  distinct  and  angular,  or  they  may  occur  as  round  or 
elliptic  pits  or  pustules.     Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Ftilograptus  Hall.  Rhabdosome  with  branches  giving  off"  branchlets 
alternately  on  opposite  sides,  the  general  habit  being  suggestive  of  Recent 
hydrozoans.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  eastern  North  America. 

Dirfyonona  Hall  {Didyograptus  Hopkinson)  (Figs.  196,  197).  Rhabdosomes 
forming  funnel  or  fan-shaped  fronds,  composed  of  numerous  bifurcating 
branches  arising  from  an  acute  base,  and  united  at  intervals  by  fine  dissepi- 
ments. Thecae  with  complicated  appendages,  their  branches  supporting  three 
kinds  of  individuals,  nourishing,  budding  and  sexual.  Cambrian  to  Car- 
boniferous ;  especially  abundant  in  Ordovician  of  Norway,  but  usually  com- 
pressed into  a  basket-like  network. 

Desmograptus  Hopkin.  Dift'ers  from  the  preceding  in  the  flexuous  char- 
acter of  the  branches,  which  coalesce  at  intervals ;  dissepiments  chiefly  in 
lower  part  of  the  frond.  Ordovician  to  Devonian ;  Europe  and  North 




Order  2.      GRAPTOLOIDEA    Lapworth. 

Suborder  A.     AXONOLIPA    Freeh  (emend.   Eueclemann). 

Family   1.     Dichograptidae    Lapworth. 

Uniserial  Graptolitoidea  tvith  bilateral  rhabdosome  ;  branches  dichotorhous  ;  thecae 
simple,  sub-cylindrical. 

Dicliograptus  Salter  (Fig.    198).     Ehabdosome  consisting  of  eight  simple 

Via.  mo. 

Tetragraptus  hryonoides  Hall. 
Ordovician ;  Point  Levi.s,  Canada 
(after  Hall). 

Pig.  200 

Didymograptus  pennatulus  Hall. 
Ordovician ;  Point  Levis,  Canada 
(after  Hall). 

fi  m 

Fig.  19S. 

Dichograptus  octohrachiatus  Hall.     Ordovician  (Quebec 
Group)  ;  Point  Levis,  Canada  (after  Hall). 

Fig.  201. 

tus murchisoni 
(Beck).  Middle 
(L  1  a  n  d  e  i  1  o 
Group) ;  Wales. 

Fig.  202. 

Phyllograptus  fypus  Hall. 
Ordovician  (Quebec  Group) ; 
Point  Levi.s,  Canada,  a,  Several 
polyparies  of  the  natural  size  ; 
h,  Ideal  cross-section,  enlarged 
(after  Hall). 

uniserial  branches  which  are  produced  by  rejDeated  dichotomy,  and  their  bases 
often  enveloped  in  a  central  corneous  disk.      Ordovician. 

Tetragraptus  Salter  (Fig.  199).  Rhabdosome  consisting  of  four  uniserial 
branches  which  are  produced  by  twice  repeated  dichotomous  division. 

Didymograptus  M'Coy  (Figs.  195,  b;  200;  201).  Rhabdosome  consisting  of 
two  symmetrical  branches  diverging  from  a  small  jDrimary  cell  (sicula)  at 
various  angles.  Thecae  obliquely  directed,  having  the  form  of  flattened 
rectangular  prisms,  and  in  contact  with  one  another  throughout.      Ordovician. 

Phyllograptus    Hall    (Fig.  202).       Rhabdosome  leaf-like,  composed  of  four 

VOL.  I  K 




uiiiserial  rows  of  prismatic  thecae  coalescing  along  the  whole  length  of  their 
dorsal  margins  ;  the  entire  structure  resembling  Tetragrcqitus  with  the  four 
branches  grown  together,  each  two  back  to  back  and  forming  a  cross  in 
transverse  section.      Ordovician. 

Family  2.      Leptograptidae    Lapworth. 

Uniserial,  Jlexuous,   bilateral  rhabdosomes,    with   simple   or   compound   lateral 

branches;    thecae  with  a  slightly  sigmoid  curvature, 
apertures  inclined,  somewhat  introverted. 

Leptograptus  Lapworth.  Rhabdosome  consist- 
ing of  two  long,  filiform,  bilaterally  symmetrical 
branches.     Ordovician. 

Nemagraptus  Emmons  (Coenograptus  Hall)  (Fig. 
203).    Two  primary  branches  originating  from  the 
Fif;  2(13.  centre  of  a  triangular  sicula,  more  or  less  flexed, 

Cocnmjraptus  nrnriUs  Hall.   Ordo-    and  giving  off  simple  branches  from  the  convex 
vician;  Point  Levis,  Canada  (after    gide  at  approximately  regular  intervals.  Ordovician. 

Family  3.     Dicellograptidae    Lapworth. 

Uniserial  or  uni-biserial  Graptoloidea.  Thecae  tubxdar,  with  conspicuous 
sigmoid  ventral  curvature.  Apertures  situated  in  excavations  and  frequently  intro- 
verted a,nd  introtorted. 


Dicellograptus  Hopk.     Rhabdosome  bilaterally  symmetrical,   consistin 
two  uniserial  branches  diverging  from  the  sicula  at  angles  ex- 
ceeding 180  degrees.      Ordovician. 

Dicranograptus  Hall  (Fig.  204).     Rhabdosome  Y-shaped,  com-      ^         || 
posed    of     two    symmetrically    developed    bi'anches   which    are 
coalescent  in    the    proximal    and   free   in   the  distal  portion  of 


their  length. 


Fig.  204. 

ramn.sns  Hall. 
(Hud.son  River); 
New  York  (after 

Suborder  B.      AXONOPHOEA    Freeh  (emend.  Ruedemann). 
Family  1.     Diplograptidae    Lapworth. 
Biserial  Graptolitoidea  with  rectilinear  rhabdosomes. 

Climacograptus  Hall  (Fig.  205,  a,  c).  Rhabdosome  bilaterally 
symmetrical.  Thecae  tubular,  ventral  walls  sigmoidally  curved, 
apertural  margin  horizontal,  situated  within  a  well-defined  ex- 
cavation.    Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Diplograplus  M'Coy  (Figs.  205,  d-f ;  206).  Rhabdosome  bilaterally  sym- 
metrical, rectangular,  concavo-convex  or  tabular  in  section.  Thecae  mostly 
sub-prismatic,  ventral  walls  inclined  and  straight.  Subgenera  :  Orthograptus 
and  Glyptograptus  Lapworth ;  Mesograptus  Elles  and  Wood ;  Petalograptus 
Suess  ;  Cephalograpt'us  Hopkinson.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Family  2.     Glossograptidae    Lapworth. 

Biserial  Graptoloidea  with  straight  rhabdosomes,  test  attenuated,  with  framework 
of  strengthening  fibres.  Thecae  of  Diplograptid  type,  provided  ivith  spurs  and  other 
processes  which  often  form  an  external  lacework. 

Glossograptus  Emmons   (Figs.    207,    208).     Rhabdosome   having   Ungulate 


outline  and  rounded  extremities,  ornamented  with  two  rows  of  isolated  spurs  ; 

Pig.  205. 
o,  c,  Climacograptustypicalin  Hall.  Orfloviciaii  (Tieii 
ton  limestone) ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio  ;  a,  Vertical  section 
sliowinj;  common  axis  In  the  centre,  enlarged  ;  h,  I'oly 
pary  of  the  natural  size  ;  c.  Cross-section,  enlarged 
(I,  e,  IHjiIoijraptus  palmeus  Barr.  Silm-ian  ;  Prague  ;  d. 
Folypary  of  the  natural  size;  e,  Polypary  enlarged 
/,  DiiihxjraptHS  foliacens  Murch.  Silurian  (LlaiKleilo 
Group) ;  Scotland.     Natural  size. 

Fifi.  20i;. 

DiplograplusfoHaceiis  Hall.'Utica  shale  (Ordovician); 
Dolgeville,  New  York.  Synrlial)dosonie  showing 
central  organs  and  primary  disk  (hi)  with  funicidus 
(/),  to  which  the  rhabdosomes  (c)  are  attached  by  a 
slender  nemacaulus  («).  Gonangia  (;/)  with  young 
siculae  (s)  are  also  present,     x  %  (after  Ruedemann). 

Glossographhs  quadrimucronatus  Hall  var.  approxinatus 
Rued.  Utica  shale  (Ordovician);  Dolgeville,  New  York. 
Syurliabdosome.     x  i/i  (after  Ruedemann). 

Fio.  :iOS. 

Glossograptus  qnadnmucronatus  (Hall) 
var.  approximates  Rued.  Utica  shale 
(Ordovician)  ;  Dolgeville,  New  York. 
Young  .synrhabdosome  showing  central 
disk  and  siculae.    xS/i  (after  Ruedemann). 

each  theca  with  two  long  spines.     Ordovician.     Eetiographts  Hall ;  Lasiograptus 
Lapworth.     Ordovician. 




Family  3.     Retiolitidae    Lapworth. 

Biserial  Graptolitoidea  with  straight  rhahdosomes,  the  latter  characterised  hy  a 
network  of  delicate  chitinous  tracery  (reticula)  which  forms  the  outward  covering  of 
the  walls  of  the  thecae. 

Retiolites  Barr.   (Fig.   209).     Ehabdosome  with  periderm  attenuated   and 

supported  on  a  meshwork  of  fibres.    Thecae  arranged  biserially,  their  apertures 

A  B  opening    outward.       Two    virgulae    attached    to 

opposite  sides,  in  the  median  plane.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian.  Subgenera :  Gladiograptus  Hop- 
kinson  and  Lapworth  ;  Gothograptus  Freeh. 

Family  4.     Dimorphograptidae  Lapworth. 

Uni-biserial  Graptolitoidea,  in  which  the  proximal 
portion  is  uniserial,  bearing  thecae  of  the  general 
Monograptus  type ;  the  distal  portion  is  biserial  ivith 
thecae  of  the  Diplograptid  type. 

Dimorphograptiis  Lapworth.     Silurian. 

Family  5.     Monograptidae    Lapworth. 

Uniserial  Graptolitoidea,  with  simple  or  compound, 
straight  or  convex  rhabdosome  and  thecae  of  varied 

Monograptus    Geinitz     [Monoprion    Barrande ; 
Pomatograptus    and    Pristiograptus   Jaekel)    (Figs. 
193,    210).     Rhabdosomes    with    only    a    single 
row    of    thecae,   which    are    in    contact,    usually 
overlapping,  their  apertures  entire  or  contracted, 
often   directed   downward.      Form   of    the  rhab- 
dosome   may  be    straight,   curved   or   sometimes 
spirally  coiled.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 
1).     Rhabdosome  simple,  spirally  coiled  ;  common 
parts   of   thecae  more  or  less  linear  and  widely 
Silurian.     The  zonal  distribution  of  species  in 
been  worked  out  in  detail  by  Eisel. 

Variously  branching  Monograptidae.     Silurian. 

Fio.  209. 

Betiolites  geinitzianus  Barr.  Silurian. 

A,  Specimen  from  siliceous  schists  of 
Feaguerolles,  Calvados  ;  natural  size. 

B,  C,  Polyparies  from  Motala,  Sweden. 
75,  Cross-section.  C,  Lower  end,  en- 
larged ;  calcareous  matter  dissolved 
out  by  acid,  v,  Zigzag-shaped  virgula  ; 
v',  Uod-lil<e  virgula ;  th,  Conjoined 
walls  of  hydrothecae ;  s',  Crossbars 
connecting  the  virgulae  ;  o.  Apertures 
(after  Holm). 

Bastrites  Barr.  (Fig.   21 
canal  very  narrow ;  distal 
se})arated  from  one  another 
Thuringia  and  Saxony  has 

Cyrtograptxis  Carruthers 

Range  and.  Distribution  of  Graptolites. 

Graptolites  are  excellent  index  fossils  of  the  older  Paleozoic  rocks,  owing 
to  their  limited  vertical  range,  and  wide  geographical  distribution.  The 
simpler  forms,  such  as  are  derived  by  a  succession  of  budding  from  a  primary 
sicula  (Axonolipa),  are  especially  characteristic  of  the  uppermost  Cambrian 
and  lower  half  of  the  Ordovician  rocks.  The  group  as  a  whole  becomes  extinct 
at  the  close  of  the  Silurian,  except  for  a  few  stragglers  in  the  Devonian  and 
Carboniferous.  The  occurrence  of  these  organisms  in  rocks  of  the  same  age 
in  all  parts  of  the  world  is  explained  by  the  fact  that  while  some  forms  were 




probably  attached  to  seaweeds,  as  often  in  modern  hydroids,  others  were  free- 
floating  or  planktonic  creatures. 

Remains  of  Graptolites  are  profusely  distributed  in  the  siliceous  schists 
and  alum  slates  of  the  Fichtelgebirge,  Thuringia,  Saxony  and  Bohemia. 
They  are  plentiful  also  in  the  Harz,  in  Poland,  Silesia,  the  Baltic  Provinces 
and  the  Ural  district ;  and  again  in  Scandinavia,  Cumberland,  Wales,  the 
north  of  England,  Scotland  and  Ireland,  as  well  as  in  Normandy,  Brittany, 
Spain,   Portugal,   Sardinia  and  Carinthia.       In  America  they  are  found  ex- 

a  h  r  quisitely      preserved      in      Newfoundland, 

Canada,  New  York,  Virginia,  Alabama, 
Ohio,  Wisconsin,  Iowa  and  Arkansas.    They 

Fig.  210. 

rt,  Monograptus  nilsxoni  Ban\  Silurian  (Alum 
Schists) ;  Gnifenwertli,  nearSchleitz,  Germany; 
'(,  Monograptiis  colonus  Barr.  Silurian;  Kliots- 
tield,  Scotland,  showing  sicula  (after  Lap- 
worth);  c,  Monoiji'aplns  turricnlatns  Barr.  Sil- 
urian ;  Prague  (after  Barrande).  All  figures 
natural  size. 

Pig.  211. 

Eastritcs  linnaei  Barr.    Silurian  ;  Zekko- 
witz,  near  Prague  (after  Barrande). 

are  known  also  in  South  America  (Bolivia),  and  Australia,  and  are  not  un- 
common in  the  drift  which  covers  the  plains  of  Northern  Germany. 

According  to  Lapworth,  Graptolites  are  distributed  vertically  throughout 
six  different  horizons  ;  the  first  of  these  coincides  with  the  Upper  Cambrian, 
the  three  following  with  the  Ordovician,  and  the  two  uppermost  with  the 
Silurian.  The  Monoprionidae  are  especially  characteristic  of  the  two  Silurian 

[The  discussion  of  the  group  GraptoUtoidea  in  the  present  work  has  been  revised  by  Dr. 
Rudolf  Ruedeniann,  of  tl'ie  New  York  State  Geological  Survey,  at  AUiany,  New  York.— 

Subclass  2.     ACALEPHAE    Cuvier.     Scyphomedusae.^ 

(Discophora  Huxley). 

Free-swimming,  discoidal  or  bell-shaped  Medusae,  with  downwardly  directed  mouth, 
with  g astro-vascular  pouches  and  numerous  radial  canals,  and  having,  as  a  ride,  the 
margin  of  the  umbrella  lobed.     Cambrian  to  Recent. 

The  Acalephs  or  Lobed  Jelly-fishes,  though  frequently  of  considerable 
size,  are  entirely  without  hard  parts,  and  therefore  are  unfitted  for  preservation 

1  Literature  :  Huxley,  T.,  Memoir  on  the  Anatomy  and  Affinities  of  the  Medusae.  Phil.  Trans., 
1849. — Kner,  R.,  Ueber  eine  Meduse  in  Feuerstein.  Sitzungsber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1865,  vol.  lii. — 
Haeckel,  E.,  Ueber  fossile  Medusen.  Zeitschr.  fiir  wissenschaft.  Zool.,  1865  and  1870,  vols,  xv.,  xvii. 
Neues  Jahrb.  fiir  Mineral.,  1866.  Jenaische  Zeitschr.,  1874,  vol.  viii.  System  der  Medusen,  i.  and 
ii.,  Jena,  1880-81.— A'a^/tors^,  A.  G.,  Om   Aftryek  af  Medusor,  etc.      K.  Svenska  Vetensk.  Akad. 




in  the  fossil  state.  Nevertheless,  under  exceptionally  favourable  conditions, 
as,  for  instance,  in  the  Upper  Jurassic  Lithographic  Stone  of  Bavaria,  and  in 
the  Middle  Cambrian  shales  of  British  Columbia,  impressions  of  these  delicate 
organisms  are  sometimes  preserved,  which  admit  of  precise  determination. 

The  best  preserved  and  at  the  same  time  the  most  abundant  species  is 
Pihizostomites  admirandus  Haeckel,  belonging  to  the  Acraspedote  family  of 
Rhizostomidae  (Fig.  212).  Impressions  also  occur  in  flinty  concretions  of  the 
Upper  Cretaceous,  which  are  most  nearly  referable  to  the  Medusae.  Of  a 
more  questionable  nature  are  the  organisms  occurring  in  the  Cambrian 
sandstone  of    Lugnaes,  Sweden,  described    by  Thorrell  under   the  name   of 

Fio.  212. 

Rhizo/ttomites  admirandus  Ilaeck.     Lithographic  stone  ;  Eichstiidt,  Bavaria.      1/7  natural  .size. 

(Missing  parts  restored  in  outline.) 

Spatangopsis,  but  assigned  by  Nathorst  to  the  Acalephs.  In  the  same  strata 
also  are  found  those  peculiar  fucoidal  structures  known  as  Eophyton,  which  are 
commonly  supposed  to  be  of  vegetable  origin.  Nathorst  has  brought  forward 
evidence,  however,  to  show  that  these  may  really  have  been  produced  by  the 
trails  of  Jelly-fishes,  Here  also  should  be  noticed  the  forms  described  by 
Nathorst  as  Iledusifes,  from  the  Lower  Cambrian  of  Sweden,  and  regarded  by 
this  author  as  casts  of  the  gastric  cavity  of  Jelly-fishes. 

In  1898  a  valuable  monograph  on  fossil  Medusae  was  contributed  by 
Walcott,  and  in  1911  our  knowledge  of  these  organisms  was  increased  in 
important  respects  by  the  same  author,  as  a  result  of  his  studies  of  remarkably 
well-preserved  specimens  from  the  Cambrian  of  British  Columbia. 

Han (11.,  1881,  vol.  xix. — Ammon,  L.  v.,  Ueber  jurassische  Medusen.  Abhandl.  Bay.  Akad.  1883, 
vol.  xvii. — Brandt,  A.,  Ueber  Ibssile  Meduseu.  Mom.  Acad.  Imp.  St-Petersb.,  1871,  7th  ser., 
vol.  xvi. — Po/difj,  II.,  Altperniisclie  Medusen.  Festschrift  zum  70teii  Geburtstage  R.  Leuekarts, 
l9,92.--]Valrott,  a  />.,  Fossil  Medusae.  U.  S.  Geol.  Surv.  Monogr.,  xxx.,  1898.— /(?c?»,  Middle 
Cambrian  ilolotlnirians  and  Medusae.  Smitbsou.  Misc.  Coll.,  1911,  vol.  lix.  No.  3. — Mayer, 
A.  O.,  Tlie  Medusae  of  the  World,  i.-iii.      Carnegie  lust.  Wash.,  Pub.  No.  119,  1911. 

Phylum  III.    VERMES.    Worms.^ 

Bilaterally  symmetrical  animals  with  unsegmented  or  uniformly  segmented,  and 
usually  elongated  bodies  having  a  distinct  body  cavity.     Segmented  lateral  appendages 
wanting.      A    dermal    muscular    system    and   paired    excretory 
canals  (water-vascidar  system)  present. 

Of  all  the  larger  divisions  of  the  animal  kingdom,  none 
is  so  poorly  adapted  for  preservation  in  the  fossil  state  as 
the  Worms,  whose  bodies  are  as  a  rule  entirely  destitute 
of  hard  parts. 

All  Worms  are  bilaterally  symmetrical,  and  dorsal  and 
ventral  surfaces  are  cle&vly  difterentiated.  The  unsegmented 
Worms  (Vermes  proper)  have  either  flat  or  cylindrical  bodies, 
and  are  accordingly  distinguished  as  Platyhelminthes  or 
Flat  Worms,  and  Nemathelminthes  or  Round  Worms.  But 
with  the  exception  of  the  Cambrian  genus  Amiskwia  (Fig. 
213),  supposed  to  be  allied  to  the  Recent  Sagltta,  and  a  few 
rare  parasitic  forms  discovered  in  Carboniferous  insects,  or 
in  Tertiary  insects  enclosed  in  amber,  neither  of  these  classes 
is  represented  in  the  fossil  state. 

The  segmented  Worms,  or  Annelida,  are  characterised 
by  a  division  of  the  body  into  metameres,  which,  although 
primitively  alike,  do  not  always  remain  homonomous. 
They  have  a  brain,  a  circumoesophageal  ring,  a  ventral  chain 
of  ganglia,  and  a  vascular  system.     The  body  is  more  or  less  elongated,  and 

^  Literature  :  Pander,  C.  H.,  Monographle  der  fo.ssileu  Fisclie  des  silurisehen  Systems  des 
russisch-baltischen  Gouvernemeuts,  1851. — Elders,  K,  Die  Borsteiivviirmer  (Annelida  Chaetopoda). 
Leipzic,  1864-68. — -Idem,  Uber  tbssile  Wiirmer  aus  dem  lithographischen  Scliiefer  in  Bayern. 
Palaeontogr. ,  1868,  vol.  xvii. — Qlaparede,,  7^'. ,  Recherches  siir  la  structure  des  Annelidas  sedentaires, 
1873. — Newberry,  J.  S.,  Palaeontology  of  Ohio,  vol.  ii.  part  2,  1875. — Hinde,  G.  J.,  On  Couodonts 
from  the  Chazy  and  Cincinnati  Groups  ;  and  on  Annelid  Jaws  from  the  Cambro-Silurian,  Silurian, 
and  Devonian  Formations  in  Canada,  and  from  the  Lower  Carboniferous  in  Scotland.  Quar.  Journ. 
Geol.  See,  1879,  vol.  x.xxv.  —  Ulrich,  E.  0.,  Journ.  Cincinnati  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1879,  vol.  i. — 
Hinde,  G.  J.,  On  Annelid  Jaws  from  the  Wenlock  and  Ludlow  Formations  of  the  West  of 
England.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1880,  vol.  xxxvi. — Ethcridge,  R.,jun.,  British  Carboniferous 
Tubicolar  Annelida.  Geol.  Mag.,  1880,  vol.  vii. — Nathorst,  A.  G.,  On  the  Tracks  of  some 
Invertebrate  Animals  and  their  Palaeontological  Significance.  K.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl., 
1881-86,  vols,  xviii.,  xxi. — Hinde,  G.  J.,  On  Annelid  Remains  from  the  Silurian  Strata  of  the  Isle  of 
Gotland.  Bihang  till  K.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl.,  1882,  vol.  \ii.—ZMel,  K.  A.,  and 
Rohon,  J.  v.,  Ueber  Conodonten.  Sitzber.  Bay.  Akad.  Wiss.,  1886,  vol.  xvi. — Clarke,  J.  M., 
Annelid  Teeth  from  the  Lower  Portion  of  the  Hamilton  Group,  New  York.  Sixth  Annual  Report, 
N.Y.  State  Geologist,  1886. — Rorereto,  G.,  Studi  monografici  sugli  Annelidi  fossili.  Palaeont.  Ital., 
1904,  vol.  x.~Walcott,  C.  £»., Middle  Cambrian  Annelids.   Smithson.  Misc. Coll.,  1911,  vol.  Ivii.No.  5. 


Pig.  213. 

Amiskwia  saijitti- 
forniis  Walcott.  Mid- 
dle Cambrian;  British 
Columbia.  Flattened 
specimen,  x  -/i  (after 




sometimes  flattened,  sometimes  cyliiulrical.  According  as  the  internal 
segments  correspond  exactly  with  the  external,  or  as  each  internal  segment 
corresponds  to  a  definite  number  (3,  4  or  5)  of  the  external  rings,  two 
classes,  Chaetopoda  and  Hirudinea,  are  distinguished.  A  further  difl^'erence  is 
to  be  noticed  in  the  locomotive  organs,  the  Chaetopoda  having  bristle-bearing, 
unjointed  appendages  {parapodia)  on  each  ring  of  the  body  ;  and  the  Hirudinea 
having  a  terminal  sucker.  The  latter  group  includes  only  the  Leeches,  which 
are  not  known  with  certainty  in  the  fossil  state.  Fossil  representatives  of  the 
third  class,  the  Gephyrea,  Annelids  with  the  body  devoid  of  any  appearance 
of  segmentation  in  the  adult  condition,  are  known  ;  but  of  the  fourth  and  last 
class  Archiannelida,  the  most  primitive  of  all  living  Annelids,  no  fossil  remains 
have  been  found. 

Class  1.  CHAETOPODA.    (Earthworms,  Annelids,  etc.) 

It  is  only  with  the  subclass  of  marine  worms  (Polychaeta)  that  the 
paleontologist  is  concerned  since  the  earthworms  and  their  allies  (Oligochaeta) 
are  wholly  unknown  as  fossils.  The  marine  Chaetopoda  are  divisible  into 
three  orders,  the  Miskoa,  the  Tubicola  or  Sedentary  Worms,  and  the  Nereid 
or  Errant  Annelids. 

Order  1.     MISKOA   Walcott. 

Polychaeta  with  similar  segments  and  parapodia  throughout  the  length  of  the  body  ; 
retractile  proboscis ;  straight  enteric  canal.  Body  not  distinctly  specialised  into 

This  order  is  founded  upon  a  remarkable  series  of  Annelids  discovered  by 

Fid.  '214. 

Wiivaxia  corrngatn  Wiilcott.  Middle 
Cainbriaii ;  British  (Joliiinbia.  Crushed 
specimen  sho\viii<^  disiilacea  s]>iiu's  and 
scales,  X  l/i  (after  Walcott). 

Figs.  215  and  21G. 

Cambrian  Polychaeta  from  British  Columbia  (after 
Walcott).  Canadiu  spinosa  and  A  ii^hcaia pcdunculata 
Walcott,  both  x  -Vi- 

Walcott  in  the  Middle  Cambrian  of  British  Columbia  and  described  by  him  in 
1911.  The  order  is  represented  by  four  families,  namely  Miskoidae  and 
Aysheaidae,  with  the  genera  iMiskoia  and  Aysheaia  respectively  ;  Canadidae 
including  Canadia  and  SelkirJcia ;  and  the  Wiwaxidae  with  the  three  genera 


TFiwaxia,  Pollingeria  and  JForthenella.     Typical  examples  of  these  Annelids  are 
shown  in  Figs.   214-16.      Protoscolex  and  EotropJionia  Ulrich,   from  the  Eden 

••   '    ■.:"">it:.^;-<-'V;'^ 

It      ■     < '        r'^Z 








Fig.  217. 
Gephyrean  Annelid,  Pikrda  gmcUcni'  Walcott.     Middle  Cambrian  ;  British  Columbia,  x  2/j  (from  Walcott). 

shale  of  the  Ohio   Valley,  are  probably  Ordovician   representatives  of   this 

Order  2.     TUBICOLA.     (Sedentaria.) 

Poh/chaetous  Annelids  ivith  indistinctly  separated  head,  and  short,  usually  non- 
protrusihle  proboscis,  without  jaws.  Parapodia  short,  and  never  used  for  swimming. 
Inhabiting  more  or  less  firm  tubes,  which  they  construct,  and  subsisting  ypo7i  vegetable 

The  Tubicolous  Annelids  invest  themselves  with  a  protective  tube  of  more 
or  less  irregular  form,  to  which  they  are  not  organically  attached,  and  within 
which  they  can  move  freely.  Sometimes  the  tubes  are  free^  but  more  com- 
monly they  are  attached  to  foreign  objects,  either  by  the  apex  or  by  one  side, 
and  may  occur  either  singly  or  in  clusters.  The  tubes  frequently  consist  of 
concentric  layers  of  lime -carbonate,  with  vesicular  cavities  between  the 
lamellae,  or  the  latter  may  be  traversed  by  fine  tubuli.  In  other  cases  the 
tubes  are  composed  of  agglutinated  grains  of  sand  and  other  foreign  particles ; 
or  they  may  be  membranaceous  or  leathery.  The  materials  for  constructing 
the  tubes  are  procured  by  the  tentacles  or  branchial  filaments  of  the  head, 
and  arc  cemented  together  by  a  glutinous  secretion  from  large  glands.  Fossil 
worm-tubes  are  by  no  means  of  infrequent  occurrence,  and  are  known  from 
the  Ordovician  onwards.  Only  a  few  of  the  more  common  examples  can  be 
mentioned  here. 

Serpula  Linn.  (Fig.  218).  Under  this  head  are  included  the  majority  of 
fossil  Tubicolous  Annelids.  They  build  firm,  irregularly  contorted,  sometimes 
spirally  enrolled,  free  or  adherent  calcareous  tubes,  which  are  frequently 
clustered  together  in  large  numbers.  Beginning  in  the  Silurian,  they  are 
sparsely  represented  in  the  Paleozoic  era  ;  but  from  the  Jura  onward,  numer- 
ous forms  occur,  the  usual  condition  being  attached  upon  other  fossils. 
Notably  in  the  Lower  Cretaceous  their  gregarious  masses  form  beds  of  con- 
siderable thickness  (Serpulitenkalk  of  Brunswick,  and  Serpulitensand  of 
Bannewitz,  near  Dresden).  S.  spirulaea  Lam.  (Fig.  218,  H)  is  an  abundant 
and  characteristic  Eocene  species.  Eecent  Serpulas  have  a  world  -  wide 

138  VERMES  phylum  hi 

Terehella   Cuv.    (Fig.    218,    /).      Cylindrical,    elongate,    more  or'  less  bent 

Firi.  218. 

A,  Scrpula  Hmo,r  Goldf.  Middle  Jnia;  Franconia.  /.',  C,  S.  ijimlialU  Scliloth.  Upper  Cretaceous:  Baiiiie- 
witz,  near  Dresden.  D,  t'!.  roiivohUa,  Qo\dt  Middle  Jura  ;  Stuilen,  WurteniberK.  E,  S.  socialis  Goldf.  Middle 
Jura  ;  Lahr,  Baden.  F,  Same,  enlarged.  G,  S.  septemsulcata  Eeich.  Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Bannewitz.  //,  S. 
(lt<ittilnriaT)efr.)sjiirularaha,m.  Eocene;  Monte  Berici,  near  Vicenza.  /,  Te rrhrUa.  lapUloides  Mimster.  Upper 
Jura ;  Streitberg,  Franconia. 

tubes,  composed  of  cemented  grains  of  sand,  fish-debris,  or  other  adventitious 

particles.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Spirorhis  Daudin  (3Iicroconchus  Murch.) 
(Fig.  219).  Minute,  snail-like  or  spirally 
enrolled  calcareous  tubes,  cemented  by  the 
flattened  under  side.  The  spiral  may  be 
either  dextral  or  sinistral,  and  is  usually 
ornamented  externally  Avith  concentric  striae 
or  annulatious,  sometimes  with  tubercles  or 
spines.  Abundant  in  the  Paleozoic  forma- 
tions from  the  Ordovician  onward,  and  also 
at  the  present  day  ;  somewhat  less  common 
in  the  Mesozoic  and  Cenozoic  eras.  Recent 
species  usually  adherent  on  seaweeds. 

Fin.  21'.». 
Spirorhis    mnphalodef:   (Goldfuss).      Tubes 
seated  U|)()n  a  BrachioiJod  shell  (Schnchcrti'.lla 
niiihrncnlniii).     Devonian  ;  (iernlstcin,  Eifel. 

The    following    genera     are     commonly 
regarded  as  Annelids,  but  their  systematic  position  is  doubtful  : 




Serpulites  Murch.  Very  long,  smooth,  compressed,  and  somewhat  bent 
calcareous  tubes,  the  layers  admixed  with  organic  substance.  Ordovician  and 

Cormdites  Schloth.  Thick-walled,  trumpet-shaped  tubes,  Serpula-like  at  the 
lower  end,  and  sometimes  attaining  a  length  of  three  or  four  inches.  Exterior 
annulated,  and  covered  with  very  fine  longitudinal  striae.  Some  authors 
regard  the  tubes  as  Pteropod  shells.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Ortonia   Nich.     Small,   conical,   slightly   flexuous,    thick-walled   calcareous 
tubes,  cemented  by  the  whole  of  one  surface  to  some  foreign  body.     Sides  of 
the  tube  ringed  with  imbricating  annulations,  the  free  ujDper  surface  apparently 
cellular  in  structure.      Ordovician  to  Carboni- 

Conchicolites  Nich.  Conical,  slightly  bent, 
thin-walled  tubes,  growing  together  in  clusters, 
and  attached  by  the  small  lower  ends  to 
orthoceratite  or  Brachiopod  shells.  Tubes 
made  up  of  numerous  short  rings,  each  of 
which  partially  overlaps  the  subjacent  one. 

The  peculiar  group  Myzostomidae,  which 
are  external  parasites  on  Recent  Crinoids,  are 
thought  to  be  related  to  the  Chaetopoda. 
Graft'  has  shown  that  they  also  infested  the 
column  segments  of  Jurassic  Crinoids. 

Order  3.      ERRANTIA.      (Nereidae). 

Free- swimming,  predaceoiis  Polycliaeta,  with 
well-marked  head.  Proboscis  capable  of  protrusion, 
and  armed  with  papillae  or  poiverfid  jaws.  Para- 
podia  rmich  more  developed  than  in  the  Tubicola, 
beset  with  setae,  and  serving  for  locomotion. 

Undoubted  remains  of  Errant  Worms  have 
long  been  known  from  the  Lithographic  Stone 
(Upper  Jura)  of  Bavaria,  and  include  the 
trails,  calcified  jaws  and  excrements  of  num- 
erous species.  The  principal  genus  from  this 
horizon  is  Eunicites  Ehlers  (Geophilus  Germar) 
(Fig.  220),  perfect  impressions  of  which  are 
also  found  in  the  Upper  Eocene  limestone  of 
Monte  Bolca,  Italy.  Archarenicola  Horwood 
is  known  from  the  English  Rhaetic. 

Under  the  designation  of  Lumbricaria 
Mlinster   [Lumbricites  Schlotheim)  (Fig.    221) 

are  included  a  variety  of  obscure  remains  from  the  Lithographic  Stone, 
which  may  be  best  regarded  as  the  excrements  of  Annelids.  They  occur 
as  irregularly  contorted  bands  or  stinngs,  sometimes  in  the  form  of  very 
long  labyrinthic  coils. 

Of  peculiar  interest  are  the  minute  detached  jaws  and  denticulated  plates 

Pig.  220. 

Eunicites  avitus  Ehlers. 
Stone ;  Eichstadt,  Bavaria 

Natural  size. 




described  by  Hinde  in  the  Ordovician,  Silurian,  Devonian  and  Carboniferous 
rocks  of  the  United  States,  Canada,  Great  Britain  and  Sweden  (Island  of  Got- 
land).    These  are  very  small,  black,  highly  lustrous  bodies,  extremely  variable 

in  form  (Fig.  222),  and  mainly 
composed  of  chitinous  material 
which  is  unaffected  by  acid.  They 
exhibit  a  striking  resemblance  to 
the  jaws  of  recent  Annelids,  and 
probably  represent  a  large  number 
of  genera. 

Of  less  certain  derivation  are 
the  microscopic  teeth  first  described 
by  Pander  under  the  name  of 
"  Conodonts "  (Fig.  223),  which 
occur  detached  in  the  Cambrian 
(Blue  Clay  underlying  the  Ungulite 
Grit)  of  St.  Petersburg,  and  are 
also  very  abundant  in  beds  of 
Ordovician,  Silurian  and  Car- 
boniferous age  in  Russia,  Great 
Britain,  the  United  States  and 
Canada.     They  are  usually  translucent,  lustrous  or  corneous,  and  are  composed 

Fig.  221. 

Lumhricaria  colon  Miinst.     Lithograi)hic  Stone 
hofen,  Bavaria.     Natural  size. 




Fk;.  222. 

Paleozoic  Annelid-jaws.  A,  Lnmhriconereiteshasalis  Hinde.  Silurian  ;  Dundas,  Ontario,  lo/j.  B,  Oenonitcf: 
rostrahis  Hinde.  Toronto,  i^/j.  (',  Etinicites  varimis  Grinnell.  Toronto.  B/j.  X),  Araheliltes  scutellutus 
Hinde.    Ordovician ;  Toronto.    I'Vi- 

of  carbonate  and  phosphate  of  lime.     They  exhibit  verj^  great  variety  in  form. 
By  Pander  and  others  these  fossils  have  been  regarded  as  fish-teeth.     Zittel 

Fio.  223. 

Conodonts,  greatly  enlarged.     A,  B,  J'altudus  truncatiis  Pander  (after  Pander).    C,  Prioniodus  elcgans  Pander. 
Cambrian  ;  St.  Peter.sburg.     D,  Polygnathus  duhiua  Hinde.     Devonian  ;  North  Evans,  New  York.     20/j. 

and   Rohon,    however,   consider  that  they  are   Annelid  jaws,   but  their  tiue 
position  cannot  yet  be  said  to  have  been  positively  determined. 




Class  2.    GEPHYREA. 

Marine   Annelida   tvitlwut  parapodia  and   typically   devoid  of  any  trace  of 
segmentation  in  the  adult  condition. 

The  Cambrian  genera  referred  to  this  class  by  Walcott  differ  in  certain 
respects  from  the  Recent  members,  but  with  our  available  information  the 
position  here  assigned  them 
seems  most  advisable.  Two 
families,  (1)  Ottoidae,  with  the 
genera  Ottoia  and  Banffia,  and 
(2)  Pikaidae,  including  Pikaia 
(Fig.  217)  and  Oesia,  all  from 
the  Middle  Cambrian  of  British 
Columbia,  are  recognised. 

A  quantity  of  supposed 
worm-borings,  trails,  impres- 
sions and  other  obscure  remains 
have  been  described  from  the 
older  Paleozoic  formations. 
The  burrows  have  the  form 
of  straight  or  tortuous  tunnels, 
and  are  sometimes  hollow, 
but  more  commonly  have  been 

filled  up  by  solid  matrix.  Various  names  have  been  applied  to  them, 
such  as  ScolifJms,  Arenicola,  Histioderma,  Planolites,  Diplocraterion,  Spirocolex, 
Scolecoderma  etc.,  but  they  are  obviously  incapable  of  precise  determination. 
Arthrophycus  Hall,  originally  described  as  a  plant,  Daedalus  (including  Vexillum 

Roualt)    and    Taonurus    Fisher- 

Fio.  224. 

Nereltes  ccmbrensis  M'Leay.     Cambrian  ;  Llampeter,  Wales. 
Natural  size. 

Ooster  {Spifophjton  Hall),  have 

in  recent  years  been  interpreted 

as  worm  burrows. 

Similarly,  the  serpentine  or 

vermiform  impressions  known  as 
--a  Nereites,  consisting  usually  of  a 
'  '      number  of  windings,  and  often  of 

profuse  occurrence  in  various 
Paleozoic  formations,  were  until 
(|uite  recently  regarded  as  worm- 
trails,  or  markings  made  by 
Fucoids.  These  also  have  re- 
ceived numerous  appellations, 
such  as  Nereites  (Fig.  224),  Ne- 
mertites,  Myrianites,  Nemapodia, 
Crossopodia  (Fig.  225),  Phyllodo- 
Ordovician ;  citss,  Naites,  etc.  Nathorst,  how- 
ever, has  brought  forward  ex- 
perimental evidence  to  prove  that  the  majority  of  these  markings  have  been 
produced  by  the  movements  of  Crustaceans,  Annelids  and  Gastropods.  A  like 
origin  may  reasonably  be  ascribed  to  the  extraordinarily  abundant  and  variable 

Fic.  225. 

Crossopodm  {Crossochorda)  scotica  M'Coy. 
Bagnoles,  Norniandy. 

142  VEEMES  phylum  hi 

vermiform  structures  known  as  "  Hieroglyphics,"  which  occur  in  the  Flysch, 
Carpathian  Sandstone,  and  in  the  marine  facies  of  the  Cretaceous  and  Jurassic 
formations.  The  trails  known  as  Climactichnites  Logan,^  from  the  Potsdam 
sandstone  (Cambrian)  of  New  York  and  Wisconsin,  are  of  uncertain  origin, 
but  may  be  those  of  some  large  crustacean.  Other  peculiar  markings  have 
been  interpreted  by  B.  B.  Woodward  {Proc.  Malacol.  Soc,  London,  1906,  vol, 
vii.)  as  the  feeding-tracks  of  Gastropods. 

^  These  tracks,  known  as  Olimactichnites,  were  first  described  by  Logan  {Oan.  Nat.  and  Geol., 
1860,  vol.  V.)  and  later  recorded  by  Hall  (N.Y.  State  Miis.  42nd  Report,  1889)  from  Port  Henry. 
Essex  connty,  N.Y.,  and  by  Woodworth  (N.Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.  69,  1903)  from  the  town  of 
Mooers,  Clinton  county,  N.Y.  In  the  latter  locality  they  assume  gigantic  proportions,  being  6  inches 
wide  and  15  or  more  feet  long,  terminating  in  an  oval  impression  16  inches  long. 

Various  explanations  have  been  suggested  for  these  tracks.  Besides  having  been  referred  to 
trilobites,  burrowing  crustaceans,  plants,  gastropods  and  annelids,  they  have  been  compared  with 
those  of  the  horseshoe  crab,  first  by  Dawson  and  recently  again  by  Hitchcock  and  Patten.  Sir 
William  Dawson  {Can.  Nat.  and  Cfeol.,  1862,  vol.  vii.),  who  studied  Limulus  on  the  seashore, 
pointed  out  that  when  the  animal  creeps  on  quicksand,  or  on  sand  just  covered  with  water,  it  uses 
its  ordinary  wallcing  legs  and  produces  a  track  strikiugly  like  that  described  as  Protichnites  from 
tile  Potsdam  saiidstone  ;  but  in  shallow  water  just  covering  the  body,  it  uses  its  abdominal  gill-plates 
and  produces  a  ladder-like  track  the  exact  counterpart  of  Climactichnites  except  that  in  the  track  of 
Livmlus  the  lateral  and  median  lines  are  furrows  instead  of  ridges.  Patten  {Science,  1908,  vol.  viii. 
p.  382)  "  described  the  inovements  of  a  modern  Limulus  in  advancing  uj)  a  sandy  beach  with  the  tide, 
and  the  action  of  the  abdominal  gill-plates  making  rhythmic  ridges  in  the  sand.  He  compared 
these  with  the  tracks  of  Climactichnites,  which  he  ascril)ed  to  forms  related  to  the  eurypterids  rather 
than  the  trilobites.  Tlie  tracks  showed  a  beginning  in  a  hollow  in  the  sand  and  where  continued 
on  the  specimen  to  the  further  end  there  became  fainter,  as  if  the  animal  rose  fi'om  the  bottom. 
This  would  correspond  with  the  habit  of  the  Limulus,  which  remains  buried  on  recession  of  the  tide 
and  upon  its  first  return  crawls  and  then  swims  away.  Beside  one  track  were  seen  two  symmetric- 
ally placed  impressions  attributed  to  the  longer  arms  of  a  Eurypteroid  form." 

In  favour  of  this  view  is  the  fact  that  Struhops  is  a  Cambrian  Eurypterid  that  would  appear 
competent  to  produce  such  tracks  ;  contrariwise,  however,  Woodworth  has  suggested  that  the  trail 
was  made  by  a  mollusk,  and  that  the  sedentary  impression  is  the  end  of  the  trail  instead  of  its 
beginning.  Tlie  direction  of  the  obliquely  transverse  marks  of  Climactichnites  is  always  toward 
the  oval  impressions,  and  comparison  with  those  of  the  Limulus  tracks  (Dawson,  figs.  1-3,  and  also 
fig.  157  in  Cambridge  Nat.  Hist.  vol.  iv.)  would  indicate  that  the  animal,  if  an  Eurypterid,  moved 
toward  the  sedentary  impression  and  not  away  from  it.  The  most  recent  discussion  of  the  nature 
of  these  and  other  j)roblematical  markings  is  to  be  found  in  a  paper  by  Walcott  (Smithson.  Alisc. 
Coll.,  1912,  vol.  Ivii.,  no.  9),  where  it  is  suggested  that  the  Climactichnites  trails  may  have  been 
formed  liy  a  large  segmented  Annelid  like  Pollingcria.  Sjiecimens  of  the  latter  are  known  from 
the  Cambrian  which  have  a  length  of  13  cm.  and  width  of  7  cm. 


The  Echinoderms  are  animals  with  primarily  a  radial  (usually  pentamerous) 
and  secondarily  more  or  less  bilateral  symmetry,  which  were  formerly  included 
with  the  Coelenterates  under  the  general  category  of  Radiata ;  but  were 
recognised  by  Leuckart  as  the  representatives  of  a  distinct  animal  type. 
Recently  it  has  been  suggested  by  two  authors,  working  independently,  one 
from  a  study  of  comparative  embryology  (Patten),  and  the  other  from 
evidence  furnished  by  the  adult  anatomy  (A.  H.  Clark),  that  the  Echinoderms 
are  derived  from  acraniate  crustacean  ancestors,  through  the  Cirripedia. 

Echinoderms  possess  a  well -developed,  usually  pentamerous  dermal 
skeleton,  which  is  composed  of  calcareous  plates,  or  of  minute,  isolated, 
calcareous  bodies  embedded  in  the  integument,  and  sometimes  also  in  the 
walls  of  many  of  the  internal  organs.  The  exoskeleton  may  be  immovable, 
or  more  or  less  movable,  but  is  very  frequently  provided  with  movable 
appendages  (spines,  pedicellariae,  etc.).  The  arrangement  of  both  the 
skeletal  parts  and  the  principal  organs  is  so  generally  pentamerous,  that 
five  may  be  regarded  as  the  fundamental  numeral  pervading  the  phylum  of 

Apart  from  this  constitutional  difference,  Echinoderms  are  distinguished 
from  Coelenterates  by  the  presence  of  a  true  digestive  canal,  a  distinct 
body-cavity,  a  vascular  system,  and  a  water-vascular  apparatus ;  by  a  more 
perfectly  developed  nervous  system ;  and,  except  in  certain  Starfishes,  by  an 
exclusively  sexual  mode  of  reproduction. 

The  skeleton  of  Echinoderms  is  primarily  composed  of  a  series  of  plates 
which  are  situated  in  the  integument,  and  are  covered  with  living  dermal 
tissue  during  life  of  the  individual.  Although  lying  near  the  surface,  the 
plates  are  strictly  internal  in  position,  and  are  capable  of  growth  or  resorption 
throughout  life.  Besides  skeletal  plates,  other  hard  parts  may  occur,  such  as 
spines,  pedicellariae,  the  jaws  or  so-called  "  Aristotle's  lantern  "  of  Echini,  and 
spicules  of  the  kind  found  in  the  tube-feet  and  some  of  the  internal  organs. 
Certain  Crinoids  also  show  a  series  of  calcified  convolutions  supporting  the 
digestive  tube.  The  calcification  of  the  internal  organs  is  sometimes  sufficient 
to  form  solid  skeletal  parts.  The  plates  and  other  skeletal  parts  of  Echino- 
derms are  composed  of  open  cribriform  tissue  (Figs.  226,  227),  which  in  the 
cleaned  test  of  Recent  specimens  is  highly  porous.  During  fossilisation  the 
interstices  are  commonly  infiltrated  with  lime  carbonate,  so  that  the  whole 
structure  is  transformed  into  calcite,  exhibiting  unmistakable  rhombohedral 
cleavage.      Each  plate,   joint  and  spine  of  a  sea-urchin,  star-fish   or  crinoid 





behaves  miiieralogically  and  optically  like  a  single  calcite  crystal.  The  plates 
forming  the  main  skeleton  of  an  Echinoderm  may  be  few  or  numerous,  and 
may  be  polygonal  with  vertical  sides  forming  a  solid  skeleton,  or  they  may 
be  rounded,  scale-like  or  imbricating,  forming  a  more  or  less  flexible  test ;  or 
again  they  may  be  reduced  to  minute,  dissociated  bodies  embedded  in  the 
integument  and  forming  a  partial  dermal  skeleton,  as  in  certain  Holothurians. 
All  the  Echinoderms  are  marine,  and  only  a  very  few  of  them  occur  in 
even  very   slightly  freshened   water.     In    the  system  proposed  by   Haeckel 

Fig.  226. 

(i,  Magnified  cross-section  of  an 
Echinoid  spine  ;  Fiji  Islands.  /),  Mag- 
nified section  of  coronal  plate  of  a 
Recent  Sea  -  urchin  {Sphaercchinus) ; 
plane  of  section  jjarallel  to  surface. 

Fif!.  227. 

Pentitcrinus  suhtcres  Goldf.  Upper  Jura ;  Keichen- 
bach,  Wurtemberg.  a,  Vertical  section  of  stem-joint  in 
plane  indicated  in  c,  IS/j.  b,  Transverse  section  of 
same,  IS/j.  c,  Joint-face,  d,  Series  of  columnals 
(natural  size). 

seven  classes  are  recognised,  of  which  the  first  three,  namely,  Cystidians, 
Blastoids  and  Crinoids,  are  grouped  together  as  a  distinct  subphylum  called 
Felmatozoa.  Corresponding  to  this  are  two  other  subphyla,  Astero::oa  and 
Echinozoa,  the  former  including  the  classes  of  Asteroids  and  Ophiuroids, 
and  the  latter  comprising  the  classes  of  Echinoids  and  Holothurians, 

Subphylum  A.     Pelmatozoa   Leuckart. 

The  Pelmatozoa  are  Echinoderms,  nearly  all  of  which,  during  the  whole  or 
at  least  the  early  portion  of  their  existence,  are  fixed  by  a  jointed,  flexible 
stalk,  or  are  attached  by  the  dorsal  or  aboral  surface  of  the  body.  The  prin- 
cipal viscera  are  enclosed  in  a  bursiform,  cup-shaped  or  spherical  test  (calyx), 
which  is  composed  of  a  system  of  calcareous  plates.  On  the  upper  surface  of 
the  test  are  placed  both  the  mouth  and  anus,  as  well  as  the  ambulacral  or 
food  grooves  conducting  to  the  mouth.  In  some  forms,  however,  the  calyx  is 
so  reduced  as  to  form  merely  a  small  horizontal  platform  upon  which  rest  the 
viscera,  usually  protected  by  a  covering  of  secondary  dermal  ^^lates.     As  a 


rule,  jointed  flexible  arms  spring  from  the  distal  ends  of  the  ambulacral 
grooves  around  the  margin  of  the  calyx ;  but  sometimes,  as  in  Blastoids,  arms 
are  wanting,  the  ambulacral  areas  being  extended  down  the  sides  of  the  calyx, 
and  beset  on  both  sides  with  pinnules.  The  inferior  (dorsal,  aboi-al)  portion 
of  the  calyx  is  composed  of  a  single  or  double  series  of  basal  plates,  which 
rest  either  directly  upon  the  stalk,  or  upon  a  centrodorsal  representing  a 
single  greatly  enlarged  columnal,  or  they  may  be  grouped  about  a  central 
apical  plate  or  centrale.  Sometimes  these  plates  are  so  small  as  to  be  invisible 
externally,  so  that  the  calyx  appears  to  be  composed  of  radials  only. 

The  Pelmatozoa  comprise  three  classes  :  Cystoidea,  Blastoidea  and  Crinoidea. 
Of  these,  the  first  two  are  wholly  extinct,  being  confined  to  the  Paleozoic 
rocks ;  all  three  are  found  well  developed  in  the  Ordovician,  and  doubtless 
originated  in  pre-Cambrian  time  from  unknown  ancestral  forms.  The  Cystids 
are  the  oldest,  substantially  ending  with  the  Silurian,  though  feebly  repre- 
sented in  the  Devonian  and  Carboniferous.  The  Blastoids  culminated  in  the 
Lower  Carboniferous  and  ended  in  the  Permian.  The  Crinoids  also  cul- 
minated in  the  Carboniferous,  but  continued  to  survive,  nevertheless,  and  are 
represented  in  existing  seas  by  numerous  genera  and  species,  the  dominant 
type  being  the  unstalked  forms,  or  Comatulids. 

Class  1.    CYSTOIDEA  Leopold  von  Buch.i 

Extinct,  pedunculate,  or  more  rarely  siemless  Pelmatozoa,  with  calyx  composed 
of  more  or  less  irregularly  arranged  plates.  Food  brought  to  the  mouth  by  a  system 
of  ciliated  grooves,  either  between  the  calyx  plates,  over  them,  or  along  jnvrcsses  from 
the  calyx  {arms,  brachioles,  etc.),  or  subtegminal.  Anus  usually  on  the  oral  half  of 
the  calyx.  Calyx  plates  often  perforate.  Brachial  processes  usually  imperfectly 
developed,  sometimes  absent. 

The  calyx  is  globose,  bursiform,  ovate  or  ellipsoidal  in  form,  more  rarely 
cylindrical  or  discoidal,  and  is  composed  of  quadrangular,  pentagonal,  hexa- 
gonal or  polygonal  plates,  which  are  united  by  close  suture.  The  plates 
vary  in  number  from  thirteen  to  several   hundreds,  and   only   exceptionally 

1  Literature:  Volhoiih,  A.  von,  Ueber  die  Ecliinoeucriueti.  Bull.  Acad.  Imp.  Sci.  St-Pt'tersb., 
1842,  vol.  X.  —  Volborth,  A.  von,  Ueber  die  russischen  Sphaeroniten.  Verhandl.  Mineral.  Gesell. 
St.  Petersb.,  1845-46. — Buck,  L.  von,  Ueber  Cystideen.  Abhandl.  Akad.  Wiss.  Berlin,  1844 
(1845).  Translated  in  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc.  London,  1845,  vol.  ii. — Forbes,  E.,  On  the 
Cystidea  of  the  Silurian  Rocks  of  the  British  Islands.  Mem.  Geol.  Survey  Great  Brit.,  1848, 
vol.  ii.  part '2. — Midler,  /.,' Ueber  den  Bau  der  Echinodermen.  Abhandl.  Akad.  Wiss.  Berlin, 
1853.— ^aZZ,  /.,  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  vol.  ii.,  1852,  and  vol.  iii.,  1859.— Billings,  E.,  On 
the  Cystidea  of  the  Lower  Silurian  Rocks  of  Canada  (Figures  and  Descriptions  of  Canadian  Organic 
Remains,  Decade  III.),  1858. — Hall,  J.,  Descriptions  of  some  new  Fossils  from  the  Niagara  Group. 
20th  Ann.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Cabinet  of  Nat.  Hist.,  1867. — Billings,  E.,  Notes  on  the  Structure  of 
Crinoidea,  Cystidea,  and  Blastoidea.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.  (2nd  ser.),  1869,  vol.  xlviii.,  and  1870, 
vol.  xlix.  —  Volborth,  A.  von,  Ueber  Achradocystites  und  Cystoblastus.  Mem.  Acad.  Imp.  Sci.  St- 
Petersb.,  1870,  vol.  xvi. — Schmidt,  F.,  Ueber  Baltisch-Silurische  Petrefacten.  Mem.  Acad.  Imp. 
Sci.  St-Petersb.,  1874,  vol.  xxi. — Barrande,  ./.,  Systeme  Silurieu  du  Centre  de  la  Boheme,  vol.  vii. 
Cystidees,  li^T .—Carpenter,  P.  H.,  On  the  Morphology  of  the  Cystidea.  Journ.  Linn.  Soc,  1891, 
vol.  xxiv.  —  [lae.ckel,  E.,  Die  Amphorideen  und  Cystoideen,  etc.  Festschr.  fiir  Gegenbaur,  No.  1, 
1896. — Jacket,  0.,  Stammesgeschichte  der  Pelmatozoen,  Thecoidea  und  Cystoidea,  1899. — Jaekel, 
0.,  tjber  Carpoideen.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Gesell.,  1900,  vol.  Hi. — Bather,  F.  A.,  Treatise 
on  Zoology  (Lankester),  part  3,  Echinoderma,  1900. — Schuchert,  C,  Siluric  and  Devonic  Cystidea. 
Smithson.  Misc.  Coll.,  1904,  vol.  xlvii.  part  2.— Bather,  F.  A.,  Ordovician  Cystidea  from  Burma. 
Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  India,  1906,  n.  s.  vol.  ii. — Kirk,  E.,  Structure  and  relationships  of  certain 
Eleutherozoic  Pelmatozoa.     Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1911,  vol.  xli.  No.  1846. 

VOL.  I  L 


exhibit  a  regular  an-angement.  Sharp  demarcations  between  the  actinal  and 
abactinal  systems  of  plates,  and  between  radial  and  interradial  areas,  rarely 
exist ;  the  plates  of  the  sides  of  the  calyx  pass  insensibly  intp  those  of  the 
ventral  surface,  and  are  disposed  in  regular  cycles  only  in  a  few  instances. 
The  base,  however,  is  composed  of  a  distinct  ring  of  plates,  and  is  usually 
recognisable  by  the  presence  of  an  articular  surface  for  the  attachment  of  a 
stem,  or  by  being  directly  adherent  to  some  foreign  object. 

The  mouth  is  indicated  by  a  central  or  subcentral  aperture  on  the  upper 
surface,  or  at  the  end  opposite  to  that  which  is  attached  to  the  column  or 
stem.  It  is  sometimes  covered  by  five  small  plates  corresponding  to  the 
orals  of  Crinoids,  and  from  it  radiate  from  two  to  five  simple  or  branching 
ambulacral  grooves.  The  second  opening  on  the  ventral  surface  is  situated 
eccentrically,  and  is  frequently  closed  by  a  valvular  pyramid,  consisting  usually 
of  five  or  more  triangular  plates  ;  or  the  covering  may  consist  of  a  variable 
number  of  smaller  pieces.  This  aperture,  which  was  regarded  by  L.  von 
Buch,  Volborth,  Forbes  and  Hall  as  a  genital  opening,  is  now  generally  con- 
ceded to  represent  the  anus.  A  third  smaller  opening,  situated  between  the 
mouth  and  the  anus,  is  present  in  a  few  forms  only.  The  functions  of  this 
latter  orifice  are  not  well  understood,  but  it  is  commonly  regarded  as  the 
ovarian  aperture,  or  genital  pore  (Fig.  228).  Yet  another  small,  slit-like  opening, 
situated  in  the  vicinity  of  the  mouth,  was  detected  by  Barrande  in  the  genus 
Aristocystites ;  but  its  functions  are  altogether  unknown. 

The  ambulacral  grooves,  or  food-grooves,  which  are  present  in  most 
Cystideans,  are  usually  simple,  although  sometimes  distally  branching,  and 
are  frequently  roofed  over  by  alternately  arranged  covering  pieces.  In  a  few 
forms  (Caryocrinus,  Cryptocrinus,  etc.)  the  grooves  are  wholly  absent.  The 
genera  Aristocystites,  Pyrocystites  and  Calix  are  without  exposed  ambulacral 
grooves  ;  but  they  have  instead,  as  Barrande  discovered,  a  peculiar  system  of 
five  or  six  covered  passages  on  the  inner  surface  of  the  calyx  plates,  which 
converge  towards  the  mouth,  and  are  distally  more  or  less  branching  (Fig. 
229).  These  structures,  the  so-called  " hydropho7-es  palmces,"  were  homologised 
by  Barrande  with  the  hydrospires  of  Blastoids ;  but  as  Neumayr  has  pointed 
out,  they  are  probably  the  equivalent  of  subtegminal  food-grooves  in  Crinoids. 

The  calyx  or  thecal  plates  exhibit  most  remarkable  structural  peculiarities. 
As  a  rule  they  are  more  or  less  extensively  perforated  by  pores  or  fissures  ; 
although  in  some  forms  (Cryptocrinus,  Malocystites,  Ateleocystites,  etc.)  they 
appear  to  be  imperforate,  and  are  composed  of  a  homogeneous  calcareous 
layer  of  greater  or  less  thickness,  the  same  as  in  Cricoids.  But  in  Aristo- 
cystites, Calix,  Proteocystites,  Glyptosphaerites,  Echinosphaerites,  etc.,  the  plates 
are  uniformly  covered  both  externally  and  internally  with  a  very  thin, 
generally  smooth,  calcareous  membrane,  which  may  be  perforate  or  imperforate. 
The  central  layer  is  of  variable  thickness,  and  is  traversed  by  numerous 
canals  (Figs.  229,  230)  which  extend  from  the  inner  to  the  outer  surface, 
sometimes  rectiliuearly  {Aristocystites,  Calix,  etc.) ;  sometimes  in  slightly 
sinuous  lines  ;  and  in  rare  instances  they  divide  dichotomously.  The  canals 
terminate  on  either  surface  in  small  round  apertures  or  pores,  which  are 
arranged  either  singly  or  in  pairs,  and  may  or  may  not  penetrate  the  outer 
calcareous  membrane.  The  pores  are  commonly  situated  either  on  a  tubercular 
elevation,  or  in  a  slight  superficial  depression. 

But  still  more  frequent  than  the  canals  are  the  so-called  ptore-rliomhs  (Fig. 




231)  which  occur  indifterently  in  types  possessing  numerous  or  but  few 
calycine  plates.  The  pores  are  arranged  so  as  to  form  lozenge-shaped  or 
rhombic  figures,  in  such  manner  that  one  half  of  each  rhomb  belongs  to  one 
plate,  and  the  other  half  to  its  contiguous  neighbour  ;  while  the  line  of  suture 
between  the  plates  forms  either  the  longer  or  the  shorter  diagonal  of  the 
rhomb.  The  pores  of  opposite  sides  of  the  rhomb  are  united  by  perfectly  closed, 
straight  ducts,  which  pass  horizontally  through  the  middle  layer  and  across 
the  line  of  suture  between  the  two  plates,  thus  producing  a  transversely 
striated  appearance.  Occasionally  the  connecting  tubes  appear  on  the  outer 
surface  as  elevated  striate  rhombs ;  but  as  a  rule  they  are  concealed  by  the 
above-mentioned  covering  layer,  and  are  only  visible  in  weathered  or  abraded 
speeimens.     The  pores  of  the   rhombs  also  communicate  with   short  canals 

Fio.  229. 

Aristocystites.  Canals 
perforating  the  median 
layer  of  plate. 

Fig.  230. 

a,  Aristocystites.  Inner  surfaoeof  two 

calyx  plates  showing  simple  pores ; 

b,  Ghjptosphaerites.     Outer  surface  of 

calyx  plate  showing  double  pores. 

Fig.  228. 

Glyptos2^haerites  leuchtenhergi  Volborth. 
Calyx  showing  ambulacral  grooves,  plated 
month-opening,  large  laterally  situated  anus, 
and  small  ovarian  aperture  between  mouth 
and  anus. 

Fig.  2.S1. 
Pore-rhombs  of  (a)  Echinospluierites,  and  (h)  Caryocrinus, 
enlarged.     The  left  half  of  Fig.   a  is  abraded,   so  that  the 
connecting-tubes  appear  as  open  grooves. 

passing  vertically  through  the  plates,  the  ends  of  which  are  either  covered 
over  by  the  outer  calcareous  layer,  or  appear  on  both  surfaces  as  fine  indepen- 
dent pores.  A  pair  of  oppositely  situated  pores  of  the  latter  description 
may  sometimes  receive  as  many  as  two  or  three  fine  canals,  while  in  other 
genera  they  are  entirely  wanting. 

The  pore-rhombs  are  sometimes  present  upon  nearly  all  plates  of  the  calyx, 
but  in  other  cases  they  are  only  developed  on  a  certain  number  or  on  all  of 
the  plates  forming  the  side-walls  of  the  calyx,  being  absent  from  its  upper 
surface.  In  still  other  instances  (Pleurocystites,  Callocystites,  Fig.  232),  the 
pore-rhombs  are  greatly  reduced  in  number,  and  occur  in  the  form  known  as 
pectinated  rhombs  or  pedino-rhomhs.  The  component  halves  of  the  latter 
stand  on  contiguous  plates  the  same  as  the  ordinary  pore-rhombs,  but  are 
always  separated  externally  by  an  interval  ;  frequently  the  two  parts  are  of 
different  form  or  size,  and  sometimes  one  of  them  may  become  obsolescent. 

As  regards  the  functions  of  these  canals  and  pores  (the  "  hydrospires  "  of 




Pig.  232. 

CaHor!jHitef!Jew''tti  Hall.  Silurian  (Niagara  Group);  Lockport,  New- 
York.  A,  Caly-^c  from  cme  .side  (natural  .size).  B,  Ambulacral  grooves 
and  three  pectinated  rhombs  (/■/(),  enlarged  ;  o,  Mouth  ;  (t?i,  Anus  ;  g, 
Genital  pore  (after  Hall). 

Billings),  the  anatomy  of  existing  Crinoids  furnishes  us  with  no  positive  con- 
clusions. They  have  been  compared  with  the  pores  which  are  present  in  the 
tegmen  of  the  latter,  and  the  rather  plausible  suggestion  has  been  offered  that 
they  served  to  admit  water  into  the  body-cavity,  and  thus  performed 
respiratory  functions.  At  all  events,  they  could  not  have  served  for  the  pro- 
trusion of  tube-feet,  since 
they  are  frequently  covered 
over  by  an  outer  calcareous 
membrane,  which  effectu- 
ally shuts  off  communica- 
tion with  the  exterior. 

The  arms  or  brachioles 
in  the  Cystideans  are  as 
a  I'ule  feebly  developed, 
and  are  sometimes  either 
entirely  wanting,  or  re- 
duced in  number  (2,  3,  6, 
9-13).  The  pentamerous 
symmetry,  so  generally 
characteristic  of  Echino- 
derms,  pervades  neither  the  arrangement  of  the  calyx  plates  nor  the  number 
and  disposition  of  the  arms.  The  latter  are  invariably  simple,  are  either 
uniserial  or  biserial,  and  exhibit  a  ventral  groove  protected  by  covering  plates. 
In  some  genera  the  arms  attain  considerable  thickness,  but  in  others  they 
are  very  diminutive,  and  seem  to  have  closer  affinities  with  pinnules  than 
with  the  arms  of  Crinoids.  In  the  Callocystidae  and  Agelacrinidae,  as  well  as  in 
the  Canadian  genera,  Amygdalocijstites  and  Malocystites,  the  arms  are  either 
recumbent  with  their  dorsal  side  facing  the  calyx,  or  they  are  prostrate  and 
incorporated  into  the  calyx.  The  ventral  side,  in  these  cases,  is  directed  out- 
wardly, and  the  ambulacral  furrow  is  bordered  on  either  side  by  a  row  of 
alternating,  jointed  pinnules,  which  are 
attached  by  small  articular  facets  running 
parallel  with  the  groove. 

The  stem,  as  a  rule,  is  greatly  abbrevi- 
ated, and  is  frequently  obsolete.  Some- 
times the  calyx  is  attached  by  the  entire 
lower  surface  (Agelacrimis) ;  or  in  other 
cases  by  means  of  a  tubular  process 
(Echinosphaerites).  Only  in  rare  instances 
does  the  stem  appear  to  have  served  for 
attachment,  since  it  generally  tapers  dis- 
tally  to  a  point,  and  is  invariably  destitute 

of  cirri.  The  stem  sometimes  resembles  that  of  the  Crinoids,  in  being  composed 
of  a  number  of  short,  prismatic  or  cylindrical  joints  ;  these  are  pierced  by  a 
wide  canal,  and  are  either  united  by  horizontal,  striated,  articular  surfaces,  or 
they  overstride  one  another  like  the  draw-tubes  of  a  spy-glass.  In  other  cases 
the  up})er  part,  and  occasionally,  indeed,  the  entire  stem,  is  composed  of  vertical 
rows  of  alternating  plates.  These  plates,  as  a  rule  (Dendroq/stites),  enclose 
a  large  central  s})ace,  which  may  be  regarded  as  a  prolongation  of  the  Itody- 

a,    Aristorysfites.       Suhtegminal    ambulacral 
grooves  ;  b,  Same  of  Pyrovi/stitet:.    Enlarged  (after 



The  Cystideans  constitute  the  oldest  and  least  specialised  group  of  the 
Pelmatozoa.  Appearing  first  in  the  Cambrian,  they  develop  a  great  variety  of 
forms  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  but  become  extinct  before  the  close  of 
the  Carboniferous.  While  their  own  ancestry  is  obscure,  it  is  highly  probable 
that  from  them  have  descended  both  the  Crinoids  and  Blastoids.  If,  on  the 
one  hand,  the  families  of  Aristocystidae,  Sphaeronitidae  and  Echinosphaeritidae 
differ  radically  from  Crinoids  in  respect  to  their  numeroiisly  and  irregularly 
plated  calyx,  or  as  regards  the  feeble  development  or  even  total  absence  of 
their  arms  ;  nevertheless,  the  Cryptocrinidae  and  the  imperfectly  preserved 
Cambrian  genus.  Lichenoides,  evince  a  striking  similarity,  especially  as  concerns 
the  more  or  less  regular  arrangement  of  the  calyx  plates,  and  a  certain 
approach  to  radiation.  On  the  other  hand,  forms  like  Porocrinus  and  Cleiocrinus, 
along  with  strong  pentamerous  symmetry  and  regular  arrangement  of  plates 
which  seem  to  ally  them  with  the  Crinoids,  have  also,  in  the  presence  of 
pectino-rhombs  and  calycine  pores,  characters  by  which  they  might  with  equal 
propriety  be  assigned  to  the  Cystids. 

If  we  can  explain  the  derivation  of  Crinoids  from  Cystideans  on  the 
supposition  that  the  calyx  plates  of  the  latter  gradually  took  on  a  more 
definite  arrangement,  while  the  loss  of  pores  and  pore-rhombs  was  counter- 
balanced by  a  stronger  development  of  the  arms  and  the  stem  ;  so,  too,  it  is 
possible  to  derive  Blastoids  from  the  same  source.  Although  hydrospires 
are  clearly  wanting  in  "the  Cystids,  nevertheless,  other  characters,  such  as  the 
recumbent  attitude  of  the  arms  upon  the  sides  of  the  calyx,  or  their  insertion 
in  grooves  on  the  ventral  surface,  predicate  an  intimate  relationship  with 
the  Blastoids.  Probably  the  most  notable  similarities  are  presented  by  the 
peculiarly  modified  families,  Callocystidae  and  Agelacrinidae.  Various  attempts 
have  been  made  to  affirm  a  connection  between  Agelacrinus  and  the  Asteroidea, 
and  between  Alesites  and  certain  of  the  Silurian  Echinoidea  (Echinocystites) ; 
but  such  hypotheses  are  scarcely  warranted,  since  they  proceed  from  an  over- 
valuation of  purely  external  resemblances,  which  in  nowise  prove  genetic 

The  Cystids  were  first  recognised  as  a  distinct  division  of  Echinoderms  by 
Leopold  von  Buch  in  1844,  but  their  more  detailed  classification  long  remained 
in  an  unsatisfactory  condition,  and  is  still  involved  in  considerable  difficulty. 
This  is  largely  owing  to  the  comparative  scarcity  of  material  and  its 
frequently  imperfect  preservation,  affording  insufficient  knowledge  of  the 
exact  structure  in  many  forms.  The  classification  of  Johannes  Miiller  was 
based  primarily  upon  the  structure  of  the  calyx  plates,  according  to  which 
two  main  groups  were  recognised,  EhomUfera  and  Diploporita.  To  these 
Roemer  afterwards  added  a  third,  Aporita,  and  other  divisions  were  made  by 
Barrande,  Neumayr  and  Steinmann.  In  later  years  the  Cystids  have  been 
treated  extensively  by  Haeckel,  Bather,  and  Jaekel,  who  have  proposed 
classifications  based  upon  phylogenetic  principles.  While  in  some  general 
features  these  are  in  substantial  agreement  they  differ  considerably  in 
details.  The  arrangement  adopted  by  Bather,  with  some  of  the  modifica- 
tions introduced  in  the  later  editions  of  Zittel's  Grundzilge,  is  in  the  main 
here  followed. 




Fig.  234. 

Aristocystites    boheinicut;]  Barr.      Ordovician   (,Dd-i) ;    Zahorzan, 
Bohemia,     a,  Side  view  ;  h,  Sumniit  aspect  (after  Banande).  ^^ 

Order  1.     AMPHORIDEA    Haeckel  (pars). 
No  radial  symmetry  in  food  grooves  or  calyx  plates.  . 

Family   1.     Aristocystidae    Neiimayr. 

Calyx  composed  of  mmierous  plates  without  regular  arrangement.     No  extension 

of  food-grooves  or  brachial  processes.     Stein  undeveloped, 
or  very  short.     Cambi'ian  to  Silurian. 

Pilocystites,   Lapillocystites  and  Acanthocystites  Bar- 
rande.   Cambrian ;  Bohemia,  These  are  obscure  genera. 
Aristocystites  Barr.   (Fig.   234).     Calyx  bursiform 
or  ovate ;  ventral  surface  with  four  apertures ;  stem- 
less.     Ordovician  ;  Bohemia. 
&  Deutocystites    Barr.       Ven- 

tral surface  with  three  aper- 
tures. Calix  Rouault  {Cra- 
terina  Barr.).  Conical,  trun- 
cate. Baculocystites  Barr. 
Ordovician  ;  Bohemia. 

Megacystifes  Hall  (Holocystis 
S.  A.  killer).  Elongate, 
cylindrical  or  sub-cylindrical ; 
short  -  stemmed  or  stemless, 
with  subcentral  mouth.  Silur- 
ian ;  North  America,  Gotland. 
?  Lodanella  Kayser.     Devonian  ;  Germany.     Said  to  be  a  sponge. 

Family  2.     Anomalocystidae  Meek. 

Calyx  oval,  more  or  less  compressed,  with  dissimilarly  plated  broad  sides 
either  imperforate  or  loith  simple  pores  ;  pore-rhombs  absent. 
Food-grooves  extended  in  one  or  more  processes.     Stem  short, 
tapering,  of  polymeric  columnals.     Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Trochocystites  Barr.  (Trigonocystis  Haeckel).  Calyx 
strongly  compressed.  Plates  of  the  right  and  left  sides 
large,  those  of  both  the  anterior  and  posterior  small, 
polygonal.  All  plates  perforate,  but  without  pore- 
rhombs.  Ventral  surface  with  three  apertures.  Stem 
composed  of  several  vertical  rows  of  plates.  Cambrian  ; 
Bohemia,  Spain,  Northern  France. 

Mitrocystites  Barr  (Fig.  235).  Like  the  preceding, 
except  that  one  side  of  the  calyx  is  composed  of  toler- 
ably large,  and  the  other  of  small  plates.  Ordovician  ; 

Mitrocystella,  Bhipidocystis  Jaekel.  Ordovician ; 

Anomalocystites  Hall  (Atdeocystites  Bill. ;    Platycystis 
S.  A.  Miller  ;  Enopleura  Weth.).     Calyx  plates  smaller  and  more  numerous 
on  the  convex  side  than  on  the  concave.     Anus  situated  very  low  down  on 


Fig.  235. 

Mitrocystites  mitra  Barr. 
Ordovician  ;  Wosek,  Bohemia. 
Supposed  right  side  (after 




the  convex  side.  Arms  feeble,  filiform.  Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  North 
America,  England,  Bohemia. 

Balanocystites  Barr.     Ordovician  ;  Bohemia. 

Belemnocystis  Miller  and  Gurley.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Flacocysfites  de  Koninck  (Fig.  236).     Silurian;  England. 

Dendrocystites  Barrande.  Ordovician  ;  Bohemia.  Cigara  Barrande.  Cam- 
brian ;  Bohemia.     Syringocrinus  Billings.     Trenton  Group ;  Canada. 

Eocystites  Billings.     Cambrian  ;  Canada. 

Protocystis  Hicks.     Cambrian  ;  England. 

Ceratocystis  Jaekel.      Cambrian  ;  Bohemia. 

Pig.  23(5. 

Placocystites  forhesianus  de  Kon.  Silurian ;  Dudley, 
England.  A,  Concave  aspect,  showing  brachioles  (hr) 
and  proximal  stem  joints.  B,  Convex  aspect,  h,  basals  ; 
■HI,  marginals  ;  v,  ventrals  (after  Jaekel). 

Fia.  237. 

Amygdcdocystites  florealis  Bill.  Tren- 
ton Group;  Canada.  1,  from  side;  2, 
single  plate  enlarged ;  3,  portion  of 
food  -  groove  enlarged.  Br,  dotted 
outline  of  some  brachioles  ;  Br',  facet 
for  attachment  of  same  (after  Bather). 

Family  3.     Malocystidae  Bather. 

Calyx  plates  numerous  and  indefinitely  arranged.  Radial  folds  of  stereom 
strongly  marked,  but  no  definite  pore-rhombs  or  pectinated  rhombs.  Brachioles  borne 
on  processes  either  free  or  recumbent  on  the  calyx.     Stem  uniserial. 

Malocystis  Billings.  Calyx  globular.  Ordovician ;  Canada.  Canadocystis 
Jaekel.     Same  horizon. 

Sigmacystis  Hudson.     Ambulacra  8-shaped.     Ordovician  ;  Canada. 

Amygdalocystiies  Billings  (Fig.  237).  Calyx  flattened  and  elongate.  Two 
unbranched  ambulacra,  fringed  with  brachioles,  pass  from  a  subcentral  mouth 
over  the  calyx.     Ordovician  ;  Canada. 

Comarocystites  Billings.  Ordovician ;  Canada.  Achradocystites  Volborth. 
Ordovician ;  Eussia. 

Order  2.     RHOMBIFERA  Zittel  (emend.  Bather). 

Radial  symmetry  affects  food-grooves,  and  sometimes  calyx  plates.  Food-grooves 
borne  on  jointed  processes  (brachioles).  Calyx  plates  more  or  less  folded,  and  provided 
with  rhombs. 




Family  1.      Echinosphaeritidae  Neumayr. 

Calyx  globular  or  hursiform,  adherent  or  with  short  stem,  and  composed  of 
numerous,  irregularly  arranged  plates,  all  of  which  are  furnished  with  pore-rhombs. 
Amhdacral  grooves  short,  unbranched;  arms  two  to  five,  free,  hiserial,  rarely  preserved. 
Stem,  when  present,  composed  of  several  vertical  series  of  alternately  arranged  plates. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Fig.  l'38. 

Echinosphaerites  aurantium  (Hising).  Ordovician  (Vaginatenlolk)  ;  Pulkowa,  Russia,  a,  Summit  view  of 
calyx;  ft,  Calyx  seen  from  the  anal  side;  <■,  Month,  arms,  and  covered  anibulacral  gi-ooves  ;  d,  Calyx  plates 
enlarged,  showing  pore-rhombs  (cf.  Fig.  231). 

Echinosphaerites  Wahlenb.  (Crystallocystis,  Citrocystis,  Trinemacystis  Haeckel) 

(Fig.    238).     Globose,   non-pedunculate.     Mouth  central,  ambulacral  grooves 

short.     Anal    opening    protected   by  a   valvular    pyramid ;    arms    unknown. 

Very  abundant  in  the  Ordovician  of  Russia  and  Scandinavia. 

E.  aurantium  (Hising). 

Arachnocystites  Neumayi-.  Like  the  preceding,  except 
that  it  has  strong  arms,  usually  three  in  number,  which 
sometimes  attain  a  length  of  10  cm.  Stem  tapering  dis- 
tally  to  a  point.  Ordovician  ;  Bohemia.  A.  infaustus 

Caryocystites  v.  Buch  (Amorphocystis  Jaekel)  (Fig.  239). 
Calyx  plates  relatively  large.  Pore-rhombs  on  external 
surface  elevated,  prominent.  •  Stem  wanting.  Ordovician  ; 
Russia,  Scandinavia,  England.     C.  granatum  Wahlenb. 

Palaeocystites  Billings.     Calyx  ovate  or  pyriform  ;  plates 
numerous,  and  poriferous  at  the  margins.   Ordovician;  Canada. 
Orocystites   Barr.      Ordovician ;    Bohemia.      Heliocrinus    Eichwald.      Ordo- 
Stichocystis  Jaekel.     Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Fig.  ■23d. 

Caryocvstiteti  grana- 
/um (Wahlb.)  Ordovi- 
cian ;  Oelan<i.  Plates 
of  the  natural  size 
showing  elevated 

vician  ;  Russia. 

Family  2.     Caryocrinidae  Bernard. 

Calyx  composed  of  a  moderate  number  of  plates  exhibiting  a  more  or  less  definite 
arrangement  in  cycles.  Certain  or  all  of  the  side  plates  with  pore-rhombs  ;  those  of 
the  ventral  surface  imperforate.  Food-grooves  primitively  three,  branching,  and 
leading  to  free  arms  in  varying  number.  Stem  constantly  present,  occasionally  long. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Hemicosmites  v.  Buch  (Hexalacystis  Haeckel),  Calyx  composed  of  four 
basal  plates,  two  zones  containing  six  and  nine  lateral  plates  respectively,  and 
a  circlet  of  six  plates  forming  the  ventral  surface.     The  latter  carries  three 

of  which   are  situated   small  articular 

short  ambulacral  grooves,  at  the  ends 




facets  for  the  attachment  of  arms.     Pore-rhombs  present  on  all  of  the  side 
plates.     Ordovician  ;  Russia.     H.  pyriformis  v.  Buch. 

Caryocrinus  Say  {Stribalocystis  S.  A.  Miller ;  Enneacystis  Haeckel)  (Fig. 
240).  Calyx  hexamerous,  with  dicyclic  base.  Infrabasals  four,  unequal; 
followed  by  a  second  row  (basals) 
of  six  jDlates,  alternating  with  the 
plates  of  the  first  and  third  cycles. 
The  latter  ring  consists  of  eight 
plates,  six  of  which,  according  to 
Carpenter,  represent  the  radial s, 
and  two  (the  interscapulars  of 
Hall)  the  interradials.  Ventral 
surface  formed  of  six  or  more 
small  pieces.  All  plates  of  the 
cup  furnished  with  pore-rhombs  ; 
the  summit  plates  imperforate. 
Mouth  and  ambulacral  groove 
subtegminal.  Anus  protected 
by  valvular  pyramid,  and  situated 
on  the  outer  margin  of  the  ventral 
surface.  Here  also  ai'e  placed 
the  arms,  which  are  six  to  thirteen 

in    number,    and    relatively   feeble.       Stem    long,    composed    of    cylindrical 
segments.     Ordovician  ;  Scandinavia.     Silurian  ;  New  York  and  Tennessee. 

Heterocystites   Hall.     Silurian ;    New    York.      Corylocrinus,    Juglandbcrinus 
von  Koenen.     Upper  Ordovician  ;  France. 

Fig.  240. 

C'aryocrinus  ornatus  Say.  Silurian  ;  Lockport,  New  York. 
II,  Calyx  from  one  side,  with  two  arms  attaclied  ;  ft,  Summit, 
natural  size  ;  c,  Inner  and  outer  surfaces  of  calyx  plate  of  the 
second  circlet,  with  pore-rhombs. 

Family  3.     Oallocystidae  Bernard. 

Calyx  composed  of  large  plates  arranged  in  three  to  five  cycles,  and  exhibiting 
three  to  fim  pectinated  rhombs,  the  component  halves  of  which  stand  on  contiguous  plates, 
and  are  separated  by  an  interval.  Mouth  forming  the  centre  of  radi- 
ation for  two  to  five  brachioliferous  food-grooves  which  are  protected 
by  covering  pieces,  and  either  rejwse  upon  the  calyx,  or  are  sunk  below 
the  surface  in  grooves.  Stem  well  developed,  tapering  distally  to  a 
point.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Subfamily  A.     Callocystinae  Jaekel. 

Pseudocrinites  Pearce  (Fig.  241).  Calyx  ovate, 
two-  to  four-sided,  and  composed  of  four  cycles 
of  polygonal  plates.  Anus  closed  by  valvular 
pyramid,  and  occupying  a  lateral  position.  Pore- 
rhombs  three  in  number;  one  placed  above  the 
base,  the  remaining  two  to  the  right  and  left  of 
the  anus.  Arms  two  to  four,  recumbent  upon  the 
calyx,  extending  to  the  base,  and  beset  with  biserial 
jointed  pinules.     Stem  robust.     Silurian  ;  England. 

Callocystites  Hall  {Anthocystis  Haeckel)  (Fig.  242). 
Calyx  olive-shaped,  the  oral  end  being  more  attenuated  and  obtusely  pointed, 

Fig.  241. 

Pseiodocrinites  quadnfaseiatus 
Pearce.  Silurian ;  Tividale,  Eng- 
land. A,  Calyx  from  one  side. 
B,  Summit,  sliowing  mouth  (»i), 
anus  (o),  and  tliree  "of  the  arms. 
The  fourth  arm  (.);),  broken  away, 
exposing  flattened  surl'ace  of  calyx. 




the  base  flat  or  truncated  ;  plates  twenty-five  iii  number.     Arms  sometimes 
bifurcating.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Apiocystites  Forbes.  Calyx  regularly  oval,  elongate  or  slightly  compressed, 
and  composed  of  nineteen  plates.  Silurian ;  England,  Sweden  and  North 

HaUicystis  Jaekel.  Like  the  preceding,  except  in  having  five  deltoid 
plates  instead  of  one.     Silurian. 

Lepocrinites  Conrad  (Lepocrinus  or  Lepadocrimis  Hall ;  Staurocystis  Haeckel). 
Silurian  ;  New  York  and  Tennessee. 

Lepadocystis  Carp.  {Meekocystis  Jaekel).     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Sphaerocystites  Hall ;  Coelocystis,  Jaekelocystis,  Tetracystis  and  Trimerocystis 
Schuchert.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Strobilocystiies  White.  Devonian  ;  North  America.  Hyhocystiies  Wetherby 
Silurian ;  North  America. 

A  B 

Fig.  242. 

Callocystites  jeiiHti  Hall.  Sil- 
urian (Niagara  Grouj)) ;  Lock- 
port,  New  York.  Calyx  seen 
from  one  side  (natural  size),  a, 
anus ;  hr,  braclnoles,  p,  pectino- 
rhombs.     x  J  (after  Jaekel). 

Pig.  243. 

I'leurocystUesJUitextiis  Billings.  Ordovician  ;  OttaAva, 
Canada.  A,  Calyx  from  the  anterior  side.  /!,  Same 
from  the  anal  side  ;  A,  anal  area  ;  a,  anus  ;  h,  basals  ; 
br,  braclnoles  ;  g,  genital  aperture  ;  I  ^-'^,  laterals ;  m, 
madrei)orite.     x  J  (after  Jaekel). 

Subfamily  B.     Glyptocystinae  Jaekel. 

Pleurocystites  Billings  (Fig.  243),  Convex  side  with  large  plates  arranged 
in  cycles ;  flattened  side  covered  with  very  minute  plates.  Three  isolated 
pore-rhombs  borne  on  the  convex  side.  Arms  two  in  number,  robust.  Stem 
round,  tapering  distally  to  a  point.     Ordovician ;  Canada. 

Glyptocystites  Billings.     Ordovician  ;  Canada  and  Russia. 

Cheirocrmus  Eichwald  ;  Cystohlastus  Volborth.      Ordovician  ;  Russia. 

Homocysiites  Barrande.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Bohemia. 

Subfamily  G.     Echinoencrininae  Jaekel. 

Echinoencrinus  v.  Meyer  (Sycocysfites  v.  Buch  and  Gonocrinites  Eichw.)  (Fig. 
244,  A).  Calyx  composed  of  four  basal  plates,  and  three  cycles  containing  five 
plates  each.      All  calycine  plates  ornamented  with   costae   or  ridges  radiating 





outward  from  the  centre.     Ventral  surface  with  short  ambulacral  grooves,  and 

articular  facets  for  the  attachment  of  three  small  arms.     Anus  removed  to  a 

lateral   position    between    the    first    and 

second    circlet    of    side    plates.      Three 

pore-rhombs  present ;  of  these,  two  are 

situated  above  the    base    on    the    side 

opposite  the  anus,  and  the  third  above 

and   slightly  to  the   right  of   the   anus. 

Stem    round,    short,     tapering    distally 

to  a    point,    and    composed    of    hollow 

segments  inserted  one  within  the  other 

like    the    draw  -  tubes    of    a    spy-glass. 

Ordovician ;  Kussia. 

Scoliocystis,  Erinocystis  (Fig.  244,  B) 
and  Glaphyrocystis  Jaekel.  Ordovician  ; 

Prunocystis  Forbes. 

Schizocystis  Jaekel.     Silurian  ;  England. 

Pig.  244. 

A,  Echinoencrinus  senckenhergi  v.  Meyer.  B, 
Erinocystis  volhorthi  Jaekel.  a,  anus  ;  '),  basals  ;  I, 
laterals  ;  p,  pectino-rlionibs.     x  |  (after  Jaekel). 

Order  3.     DIPLOPORITA  Zittel  (emend.  Bather). 

Radial  symmetry  affects  food-grooves,  and  to  some  extent  the  calyx  plates  connected 
thereivith.  Food-grooves  extended  over  the  calyx  plates  themselves,  and  prolonged  to 
hrachioles  which  line  the  calyx  grooves.  Pectinated  rhombs  and  pore-rhombs  not 
developed ;  but  calyx  plates  may  be  folded,  and  diplopores  always  present. 


Family  1.     Sphaeronitidae  Neumayr. 

Calyx   globular   or   cylindrical,    short-stemmed    or   stemless,    and   composed   of 
numerous   irregularly   arranged  plates   with  pores   united  in  pairs.     Ambulacral 

grooves  either  open  or  protected  by 
covering  plates,  and  either  short  and 
simple,  or  elongated  and  branching, 
not  extending  from  the  mouth  beyond 
the  adoral  circlet  of  plates.  Arms 
as  a  rule  exceedingly  small  and 
primitive.  Ordovician  and  Sil- 

Sphaeronites  Rising.  (Pomo- 
cystis  Haeckel)  (Fig.  245),  Glo- 
bose, stemless.  Five  short  ambu- 
lacral grooves  radiating  from  the 
mouth  towards  the  arm  bases. 
Ordovician  (Vaginatenkalk) ; 
Russia,  Sweden  and  England. 
>S'.  pomum  Gyll. 

Eucystis  Angelin.      Ordovician  ;  Sweden. 

Trematocystis,  Palmocystis,  Archegocystis  and  Codiacystis  Jaekel.  Ordovician  ; 

Allocystites  S.  A.  Miller.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Pig.  245. 

Sphaeronites  globulus  Angelin.  Ordovician,  Sweden.  A, 
Tlieca,  lateral  aspect.  B,  Oral  aspect,  enlarged,  an,  anus  ; 
hr,  facets  for  attachment  of  brachioles  ;  g,  genital  aperture  ; 
0,  mouth  ;  x,  base  for  fixation. 




ProteoGijstites  Barrande.  Lower  Devonian  ;  Bohemia.  Carpocydis  CEhlert. 
Lower  Devonian  ;  France. 

Family  2.     Glyptosphaeridae  Bather. 

Food-grooves  extend  over  the  calyx  loell  beyond  the  adoral  circlet,  and  irregularly 
transgress  the  sutures  between  the  plates.     Diplopores  diffuse. 

Glyptosphaerites  Miill.  (Fig.  228).  Differs  from  Sphaeronites  in  having 
long,  branching,  ambnlacral  grooves,  and  a  short,  well-developed  stem.  Arms 
recumbent  and  grooves  beset  with  small  plates.  Ordovician ;  Russia  and 

Fungocystiies  Barrande.     Clavate.     Ordovician ;  Bohemia. 

Family  3.     Protocrinidae  Bather. 

Food-grooves  extend  over  the  calyx  almost  to  the  adoral  pole,  and  are  regularly 
bordered  by  alternating  plates  on  which  are  the  brachiole-facets.  Diplopores  diffuse, 
or  conff,ned  to  the  adambulacrals. 

Protocrinites  Eichw.   (Fig.   246).     Nearly   hemispherical,   non-pedunculate. 
Ambulacral   grooves    long  and   branching ;    arms   un- 
known.    Ordovician  ;  Russia  and  Bohemia. 

Proteroblastus    Jaekel     {Dactylocystis)     (Fig.     247). 
Ordovician  ;  Russia. 

Fui.  24t). 

Fig.  247. 

Proteroblastus    schmidti    Jaekel. 

Ordovician  ;  Estlionia  ;  amh,  food- 

]'rotoi:rinites  ovifonnis  Ei('hwald.     Ordovician;   Pulkowa,  Russia.        grooves;    hr,     brachioles ;     lamh, 

a,  Calyx  viewed  from  abo\e, ;    b,  Same  from   below  showing  basal        inter-anibulacrals  ;  o,  mouth  (after 

l)late  in  the  centre  (after  Volbortli).  Jaekel). 

Mesocystis  Bather  (3Iesites  Hoffmann  ;   Agelacrinus  Schmidt).     Ordovician  ; 

Family  4.     Gomphocystidae  Bather. 

Ambuloxra  in  five  main  grooves  curving  around  the  calyx,  and  not  prolonged  to 
the  brachioles. 

Goniphocystites  Hall.  Calyx  flattened  above,  greatly  elongate  below,  com- 
posed of  many  irregular  plates,  pierced  by  diplopores.  Covering  plates  often 
developed,  and  grooves  sunk  below  the  thecal  surface.  Silurian ;  North 
America  and  Clotland. 

Pyrocystites  Barrande.     Ordovician  ;  Bohemia. 




Order  4.     APORITA   Zittel  (emend.). 

Radial  symmetry  affects  food-grooves  and  calyx  plates.  Food-grooves  home  on 
processes  around  the  oral  centre.     No  folds,  rhombs  or  diplopores. 

This  division  is  admittedly  artificial  and  ill-defined,  being  chiefly  a 
receptacle  for  genera  whose  relations  are  imperfectly  understood,  or  whose 
systematic  position  is  doubtful. 

Family  1.     Cryptocrinidae  Zittel. 

Calyx  composed  of  three  rings  of  very  finely  perforate  or  imperforate,  someivhat 
regularly  arranged  plates.  Mouth  central,  snrroimded  by  articidar  facets  for  the 
attachment  of  small  arms.  Anus  eccentric;  stem  round  and 
slender.     Ordovician  to  (?)  Permian. 

Cryptocrinus  v.  Buch  (Fig.  248).  Base  composed  of 
three  plates,  and  surmounted  by  two  zones,  each  con- 
taining five  plates  of  unequal  sizes.  Mouth  and  anus 
enclosed  within  a  ring  of  smaller  pieces.  Ordovician  ; 
St.  Petersburg.     C.  cerasus  v.  Buch. 

Lysocystites  Miller  {Echinocystites  Hall  non  Wyv. 
Thomson,  Scolocystis  Gregory).  Silurian  (Niagara 
Group) ;  North  America. 

Hypocrinus  Beyrich.  This 
genus,  described  as  a  Cystid, 
from  the  Permian  in  the  island 
of  Timor,  and  Coenocystis  Girty, 
from  the  same  formation  in 
western  America,  are  probably 

Fig.  249. 

Macrocystella  marlae  Call. 
A,  from  side  X 1/1 .  B-D,  por- 
tion of  a  brachiole,  XiS/1, 
from  side,  dorsal  and  ven- 
tral surfaces.  B,  single  plate 
enlarged  (after  Bather). 

Fig.  248. 

Family  2.     Macrocystellidae 

Calyx  consisting  of  three  or  four 

circlets    of    plates,    displaying    more  Cryptocrinus  cemsnsv  Buch. 

■'     -^  .'  -^      "^      "^  Ordovician ;  Pulkowa,  Russia. 

or  less  pentamerism.        JSO  pores    or  a,  l,  c,  Calyx  from  one  side, 

,7  ry        \     •  from  abo\'e,  and  from   below 

rhombs.       Oam brian.  („at.  size);  m,  Mouth ;  «,  Anus. 

Macrocystella  Calloway. 
(Mimocystites  Barr.)  (Fig.  249).  Three  ranges  of  five  plates  each,  followed 
by  a  fourth  of  the  same  number  bearing  bifurcating  brachioles.  Radiating 
folds  strongly  marked,  dividing  surface  into  triangles.  No  rhomb  structure 
visible.  Stem  rapidly  tapering.  Pentamerous  symmetry  is  well  marked, 
and  the  form  might  be  characterised  as  a  tri-cyclic  Crinoid.  Cambrian  ; 

Lichenoides    Barr.     (Lichenocystis    Haeckel).       Cambrian ;     Bohemia    and 
Bavaria.     Aethocystis  S.  A.  Miller.     Silurian  ;  Indiana. 

Family  3.     Tiaracrinidae  Bather  (emend.). 

Calyx  composed  of  not  more  than  two  circlets  of  plates :  three  (basals)  in  the  first, 
and  four  (radials)  in  the  second  ;  followed  by  a  range  of  short  plates  resembling 


brachials  surrounding  the  periphery  of  the  tegmeii,  either  in  an  almost  conti7iuous 
ring,  or  in  groups  where  the  interoral  sutures  meet  the  radials.  Whether  there  are 
further  brachials  in  succession  is  unknown.  Stem  with  a  small  axial  canal. 
Silurian  and  Devonian.     Kelations  doubtful,  may  be  monocyclic  Crinoids. 

Zophocrinus  S.  A.  Miller,  has  arm  plates  in  clusters  of  about  three.  Surface 
smooth.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Tiaracrinus  Schviltze  {Staurosoma  Barrande).  Arm  plates  eight  or  ten  to 
each  radius,  forming  a  rather  continuous  ring.  Surface  strongly  marked  with 
folds  crossing  the  sutures,  which  seem  to  be  accompanied  by  pores.  Devonian  ; 
Eifel,  France,  Bohemia. 

Order  5.     EDRIOASTEROIDEA   Billings. 

(Syn.  :  I7iymc?ea  Chapman,  1860  ;  Agelacrinoidea^.  K.M.\\\q\\  1877-1883; 
Cystasteroidea  ^iQmvadiMn,  1888;  Bernard,  1893;  Thecoidea  J aekel,  1895). 

The  eminent  Canadian  paleontologist,  E.  Billings,  as  early  as  1854,  called 
attention  to  the  great  difference  between  the  forms  now  grouped  under  this 
name  and  the  typical  Cystideans,  and  in  1858  suggested  that  they  should  be 
arranged  as  a  suborder  to  be  called  Edrioasteridae.  Subsequent  authors  have 
generally  agreed  to  this  in  principle,  but  not  as  to  the  relative  rank  which  the 
group  should  have.  Bather,  regarding  it  as  a  class,  assigns  it  equal  rank  with 
the  Cystids,  Crinoids  and  Blastoids.  Jaekel  recognises  it  as  one  of  three 
orders  into  which  he  divides  the  Cystidea  (sensu  L.  von  Buch),  and  this  pro- 
cedure is  in  principle  here  adopted,  without,  however,  denying  that  it  may  be 
entitled  to  the  higher  rank.  Bather's  definition  and  general  characterization 
of  the  group  is  substantially  as  follows  : 

Pelmatozoa  in  which  the  theca  is  composed  of  an  indefinite  number  of  irregular 
plates,  some  of  which  are  variously  differentiated  in  different  genera  ;  with  no  subvective 
skeletal  appendages,  but  with  central  mouth,  from  which  there  radiate  through  the  theca 
five  unbranched  ambulacra,  composed  of  a  double  series  of  alternating  plates  (covering- 
plates),  sometimes  supported  by  an  outer  series  of  larger  alternating  plates  {side-plates 
or  flooring -plates).  Fores  between  [not  through)  the  ambulacral  elements,  or  between 
them  and  the  thecal  plates,  permitted  the  passage  of  extensions  from  the  perradial 
water-vessels.  Anus  in  posterior  interradius  on  oral  surface,  closed  by  valvular 
pyramid.     Hydropore  {usually,  if  not  always,  present)  between  mouth  and  anus. 

This  would  represent  primitively,  as  Bather  explains,  a  form  with  flexible 
sack-like  calyx,  composed  of  numerous  irregular,  polygonal  plates  deposited 
in  the  integument ;  having  a  mouth  in  the  centre  of  the  upper  surface,  and 
being  attached  by  some  indefinite  portion  of  the  lower  surface.  The  struc- 
ture of  the  ambulacra  would  remove  it  far  from  the  earlier  Amphoridea, 
among  Cystids,  from  which  group  it  may  have  been  derived. 

Upon  this  primitive  ancestral  form  the  following  characters  were,  to  a 
greater  or  less  degree,  impressed  :  a  sessile  habit ;  the  consequent  assumption 
of  a  circular,  flattened  form ;  the  differentiation  of  the  upper  and  under 
surfaces  ;  the  development  of  marginals  or  concentric  frame-plates  ;  and  the 
tendency  to  increase  the  food-gathering  surface  by  spiral  coiling  of  the  ambu- 
lacra. According  to  the  varying  extent  of  these  modifications,  the  order  is 
divisible  into  three  families  :  Agelacrinidae,  Cyathocystidae,  Edrioasteridae. 

The  Edrioasteroidea  have  a  somewhat  greater  geological  range  than  the 




majority  of  Cystids,  extending  from  the  Cambrian  to  the  Lower  Carboniferous. 
Two  genera,  Agelacrimis  and  Edrioaster,  are  fairly  abundant  in  certain  localities 
of  North  America,  but  the  others  are  rare. 

Family  1.     Agelacrinidae  Hall. 

Calyx  composed  mostly  of  thin  plates,  flexible,  attached  temporarily  or  per- 
manently by  the  greater  part  of  the  aboral  surface  ;  ambidacra  confined  to  the  oral 
surface.     Cambrian  to  Carboniferous. 

Agelacrinus  Vanuxem  (Fig.  250).  Calyx  in  the  form  of  a  depressed  or 
convex  disk,  stemless,  and  attached  by  the  entire  under  surface ;  composed  of 
numerous,  small,  polygonal,  usually  imbricating 
plates,  which  are  perforated  by  fine,  usually 
conjugate  pores.  Mouth  surrounded  by  four 
oral  plates  ;  radiating  from  this  are  five  small, 
more  or  less  curved  food-grooves,  which  are 
embedded  in  the  disk,  and  are  protected  by  a 
double  row  of  covering  plates.  Ordovician ; 
North  America,  Rhineland  and  Bohemia.  Rare 
in  Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Stromatocystis  Pompeckj.   Cambrian;  Bohemia. 

Cystaster  Hall  [Thecocystis  Jaekel).     Streptaster 
Hall.      Ordovician ;  Ohio. 

Hemicystites  Hall.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ; 
North  America  and  Bohemia. 

Haplocystis  Roemer.      Devonian  ;  Rhineland. 

Lepidodiscus  Meek  and  "Worthen.  Devonian  to  Carboniferous ;  North 
America.     Discocystis  Gregory,     Carboniferous ;  North  America. 

Pig.  200. 

Agelacrinus  cincinnatiensis  Roemer. 
Ordovician ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Indi- 
vidual of  the  natural  size  adherent  to 
test  oi  Baflnesquina  alteniata  (Conrad). 

Family  2.     Oyathocystidae  Bather. 

Calyx  composed  on  the  oral  surface  of  five  deltoids  surrounded  by  marginals,  but 
beloiv  of  a  fused  solid  mass  of  stereom,  with  irregular  longitudinal  sutures ;  ambu- 
lacra confined  to  oral  surface  ;  permanently  attached  by  the  aboral  surface,  as  by  an 
encrusting  roof.     Ordovician. 

Cyathocystis  Schmidt.     Ordovician  ;  Esthonia. 

Family  3.     Edrioasteridae  Bather. 

Calyx  flexible,  composed  of  thin  plates;  attached,  if  at  all,  by  a  small  central 
portion  of  the  aboral  surface  ;  ambulacra  pass  on  to  the  aboral  surface.  Ordovician 
to  Devonian. 

Edrioaster  Billings  (Aesiocystis  Miller  and  Gurley)  (Fig.  251).  Ordovician  ; 
Canada  and  Kentucky. 

Dinocystis  Bather.     Devonian  ;  Belgium. 

1  Cyclocystoides  Billings  and  Salter.  Ordovician  ;  North  America  and  Great 
Britain.  Probably  a  Cystid,  but  not  sufficiently  known  to  be  assigned  to  any 
particular  family. 




Family  4.     Steganoblastidae  Bather. 

Calyx  rigid,  composed  of  plates  relatively  larger  and  thicker  than  in  other 
families  of  this  group,  including  elements  comparable  to  the  radials  and  basals  of 
Blastoidea.     Ambulacra  descend  into  the  radials.     A  short  stem  present.     Ordovician. 

Sfeganoblastus  Whiteaves  {originally  desci'ibed  as  Astrocystites,  name  pre- 
occupied). In  all  the  prominent  external  characters  resembling  a  Blastoid, 
but  careful  study  of  the  type  specimens  by  Bather  has  shown  the  ambulacra 
to  have  essentially  the  same  structure  as  ,in  Edrioaster,  and  that  brachioles  are 
absent.     Ordovician  ;  Canada. 


P     arpt    vg     Q^ 

Fifi.  251. 

Edrioaster  higshyi  Bill.  Ordovician  ;  Ottawa,  Canada.  1,  Oral  surface  with  covering  plates  (auih)  on  two 
of  the  grooves,  and  side-  or  floonng-i)lates  (ad)  on  the  others,  x  1/1.  2,  Vertical  section  of  same,  1/1.  3,  Sec- 
tion across  an  ambulacrum,  enlarged.  Ad,  flooring-plates;  (i-mi'i,  covering-plates ;  an,  anus;  i.a,  interanibu- 
lacrals  ;  M,  madreporite  ;  m,  membrane  with  imbricating  plates,  thrown  into  live  lobes  (?) ;  /,  frame  of  stouter 
plates  ;  'ps,  subtegminal  peristome  ;  j/,  pores  ;  v(j,  ventral  groove  (after  Bather). 

The  following  generic  names  have  been  incorrectly  applied  to  Cystids  : 

Probably  a  Camerate  Crinoid. 
{Loholithus  BaiT.).       Inflated   or   bullions   root  of   the    Caiiiei 

Ascocystites  Barrande 
Caiimrocrinus  Hall. 
Crinoid,  Scyphocrinus. 

Cardiocystis  Barraude.     Indeterminable. 

Qrinocystis  Hall.     Probably  a  Camerate  Crinoid. 

Oyclocrinus  Eiehwald  {Pasceolus  Billings).     Not  an  Echinoderin. 

Dictyocrinas  Conrad.     A  Receptaculite. 

Hyponomc  Loven.     The  ejected  disk  of  a  Coniatulid. 

Lichenocrimis  Hall.     The  terminal  stem-plate  or  root  of  some  Pelmatozoan 

Neocystites  Barrande.     Probably  the  root  of  a  Pelmatozoan. 

Porocrinus  Billings.     An  Inadunate  Crinoid. 


Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Cystoidea. 

The  Cystideans,  a  wholly  extinct  class,  are  the  oldest  known  members  of 
the  Pelmatozoa.  They  are  represented  in  the  Cambrian  by  a  number  of  poorly 
preserved  foi'ms,  whose  affinities  are  in  many  cases  doubtful  {Protocystites, 
Macrocystella,  Eocystites,  Lichenoides,  Trodiocystites).  They  attain  their  maximum 
development  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  whereupon  they  suddenly  diminish 
in  numbers,  and  probably  disappear  in  the  early  Carboniferous.  Of  the  250 
species  that  have  been  described,  scarcely  a  dozen  are  found  in  strata  above 
the  Silurian. 


Although  a  few  forms  {Echinosphaerifes,  Aristocystites,  Caryocystites)  appear 
in  considerable  abundance  in  certain  formations,  and  are  locally  profuse  in 
some  beds,  the  majority  are  of  comparatively  rare  occurrence.  The  brachioles 
are  only  exceptionally  preserved,  owing  to  their  fragile  constitution,  and  the 
stem  is  also  usually  lost. 

Cystideans  are  found  most  plentifully  in  the  Ordovician  rocks  of  St. 
Petersburg,  Russia,  and  in  the  Silurian  localities  of  Oeland,  Gotland,  Sweden, 
Wales  and  Bohemia  (Etage  D).  The  Bohemian  specimens  are  usually  pre- 
served in  the  form  of  casts  and  moulds,  and  are  contained  in  siliceous  or 
argillaceous  slates.  The  Chazy  and  Trenton  limestones  of  Canada,  New  York, 
Ohio  and  Indiana  also  yield  a  large  variety  of  forms. 

Excellently  preserved  specimens  of  Pseudocrinites,  Apiocystifes,  Echinoen- 
crinus  and  Anovialocystites  are  obtained  from  the  Silurian  limestones  of  Dudley 
and  Tividale,  England ;  and  similar  forms  (Lepadocrinus,  Callocystites,  Caryo- 
crinus)  are  found  in  the  Silurian  (Niagara  Group)  of  North  America.  Only 
scanty  remains  are  known  from  the  Devonian,  and  from  the  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous but  a  single  genus,  Lejndodiscus. 

Two  genera  have  been  described  from  the  Permian,  Hypocrinus  Beyrich, 
and  Ooenocystis  Girty ;  but  their  systematic  position  is  doubtful,  and  until  more 
is  known  of  their  structure  they  may  be  left  out  of  consideration. 

Class  2.    BLASTOIDEA  Say.i 

Extinct,  short-stemmed,  or  stemless  Pelmatozoa  with  a  rigid  calyx  resembling  a 
floioer-hud  in  shape,  with  pentamerous  symmetry  predominant  {occasionally  modified 
by  atrophy),  usually  composed  of  thirteen  principal  plates.  Food-grooves  lying  in 
lanceolate  or  linear  areas  {ambidacra  or  pseudamlndacra)  which  radiate  from  a 
central  peristome  between  fire  interradiol  deltoid  plates  and  are  not  crossed  by  sutures 
between  calyx  plates ;  they  bear  at  their  lateral  margins  pinnule-like  appendages,  and 
from  their  inner  floor  hang  lamellar  tubes  known  as  hydrospires.  Grooves  and  peri- 
stome protected  by  small,  movable  covering  plates. 

The  ccdyx  is  clavate,  pyriform,  ovate  or  globose,  frequently  pentangular 
at  its  upper  face,  and  composed  of  plates  which  are  firmly  united  among 
themselves.  The  plates  of  the  abactinal  system  are  arranged  in  three  suc- 
cessive cycles,  represented  by  the  basals,  radials  and  interradials  or  deltoids. 
The  plates  of  the  actinal  system  comprise  the  summit  plates  and  the  ambulacra. 

The  basals  consist  of  two  plates  of  equal  size,  and  a  third  smaller  one, 
which  is  directed  invariably  toward  the  right  anterior  interradius.  Eesting 
upon  the  basals  are  five  V-shaped,  usually  equal  radials  (commonly  known 

1  Literature:  ,Srt?/,  T'.,  Observations  on  some  Species  of  Zooiiliytes,  etc.  Anier.  Joiirii.  Sci. ,  1820, 
vol.  ii. — Say,  T.,  On  two  Genera  and  several  Species  of  Crinoids.  Journ.  Acail.  Nat.  Sci.  Pliilad., 
1825,  vol.  iv.  (Also  in  Zool.  Journ.,  1825,  vol.  ii.) — Roemer,  F.,  Monographic  der  fossilen 
Crinoidenfamilie  der  Blastoideen.  Troschel's  Archiv  fiir  Naturgescli. ,  1851,  Jahrg.  xvii.,  vol.  i. — 
Rofe,  J.,  Notes  on  Ecliinodermata.  Geo!.  Mag.,  Dec.  1,  1865,  vol.  ii.— Billings,  E.,  Notes  on  the 
Structure  of  Crinoidea,  Cystoidea,  and  Blastoidea.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.  2nd  ser.,  1869-70,  vols, 
xlviii.-l. — Etheridge,  R.,  and  Carpenter,  P.  II.,  Catalogue  of  the  Blastoidea  in  the  Geological 
Department  of  the  British  Museum,  1886.  [Complete  bihliogi-aphy,  pp.  303-310.] — Bather,  F.  A., 
Genera  and  Species  of  Blastoidea,  with  a  list  of  specimens  in  the  British  Museum,  1899.  [Complete 
index  of  names  with  references  to  literature.] — Batlier,  F.  A.,  Treatise  on  Zoology  (Lankester). 
Part  III.,  Echinoderma,  1900. — Hambach,  G.,  Revision  of  the  Blastoidea.  Trans.  Acad.  Sci. 
St.  Louis,  1903,  vol.  xiii. — Hudson,  G.  H.,  Pelmatozoa  from  Chazy  Limestone.  New  York  State 
Museum  Bull.  No.  107,  1907. 

VOL.  I  M 




as  "forked  plates"),  whose  superior  margins  are  more  or  less  deeply  incised  by 
the  radial  si7iuses.     The  term  sinus  is  applied  to  the  open  space  between  the 

two  prongs  or  limbs  of  the  plate  (Fig.  252). 

Succeeding  and  alternating  with  the  radials, 
and  resting  upon  their  limbs,  are  five  interradial 
or  deltoid  plates,  which  vary  excessively  in  size  ; 
they  are  considered  to  be  homologous  with  the 
oral  plates  of  the  Crinoids.  In  some  species  they 
occupy  a  large  part  of  the  sides  of  the  calyx,  and 
in  others  they  are  confined  to  the  upper  face. 
In  Nihcleocrinus  and  certain  species  of  Orhitremites, 
the  deltoids  extend  down  so  far  into  the  calyx  as 
to  constitute  more  than  half,  or  nearly  the  whole 
of  its  sides,  while  the  radials  are  so  short  as  to 
Fig.  252.  l^e  almost  invisible  in  a  side  view.     Only  a  part 

Pmtremites  godoni  (DQh\).   Analysis   of   the  deltoids  is  exposecl  to  view,  their  sides 

of  calyx,     h,  Basals ;    r,  Radials;    ir,     ,      .  •  i     i         -ii      n  i  •    i  i 

interradiais  or  deltoids.  being   provided  With  Hanges  which  are  covered 

by  the  outer  ends  of  the  ambulacra.  The  name 
dejtoid  has  reference  to  the  exposed  part  of  the  plates,  which  in  most  forms 
is  triangular  or  rhomboidal  in  outline. 

The  radial  sinuses  between  the  limbs  of  the  radials  and  the  superjacent 
deltoids  are  filled  by  the  ambnlacral  fields  or  amlmlacra  {" pseudambulacra"  of 
Eoemer),  The  ambulacra  vary  in  form  from  petaloid  to  narrow  lanceolate  or 
linear,  and  extend  from  the  summit  of  the  calyx  to  the  distal  ends  or  lips  of 
the  radial  sinuses.  The  open  space  in  which  the  ambulacra  meet,  the  so-called 
"  summit- ojJening  "  or  peristome,  is  pentangular,  and  central  in  position.  Ordin- 
arily this  space  is  open,  but  in  well-preserved  specimens  it  is  covered 
by  a  greater  or  less  number  of  minute  calcareous  pieces  (Fig.  253);  these 

a  D 

Fio.  253. 

A,  OrhUremites  iKirwoodi  (O.  and  S.).  Upper  face  of  perfect  specimen,  with  month  and  anus  (a)  closed  by 
plates.  Spiracles  {sp)  separate.  B,  (h-dithocrinua  stellljhrmis  (O.  and  S.).  Upper  face  with  closed  peristome  and 
exposed  anus.  Spiracles  slit-like.  (',  rcnttvniitett  siih-ntus  Koem.  Central  niouth-oiieninj;  surrounded  by  live 
spiracles,  the  ]:)ostorior  one  confluent  with  the  anus.  /),  Cryftnhldntiis-  mclo  (().  and  S.).  Upper  face  with 
central  mouth-openini;,  larj^e  anus,  and  eiL?ht  spiracles  (after  Carpenter).  All  specimens  from  Burlington 
Group ;  Iowa. 

may  be  either  regularly  or  irregularly  arranged,  but  leave  at  each  angle  of 
the  summit-opening  a  small  passage-way,  by  means  of  which  the  ambulacra 
communicate  with  the  peristome.     The  mouth  is  invariably  subtegminal. 

The  summit  structure  is  rarely  observed.  The  small  plates  which  cover 
the  peristome  are  merely  extensions  of  the  ambnlacral  covering  plates  variously 
modified  in  shape.  In  Nucleocrinus,  Orophocrinus  and  Schizohlasf us  sayi,  the 
central  space  is  occupied  by  five  asymmetrical  plates,  formerly  called  orals, 
surrounded  by  smaller  ones  toward  the  grooves.     In  Orhitremites  norwoodi  and 




Cri/ptohlastus  melo  the  plates  are  all  small  and  irregularly  arranged.  In  the 
genus  Fentremifes  the  covering  plates  are  modified  in  a  singularly  different 
way  :  toward  the  centre  they  become  increasingly  elongate  and  spine-like, 
surrounding  not  only  the  central  opening,  but  also  the  spiracles  and  anal 
aperture,  with  a  fringe  of  tapering  spines,  which  meet  over  the  summit  in  a 
tuft-like  stellate  pyramid,  with  salient  angles  interradial. 

The  summit  in  most  Blastoids  is  surrounded  by  a  cycle  of  five  pairs  of 
openings ;  and  between  the  two  posterior  ones  there  is  usually  interposed 
a  single  additional  aperture.  The  former  were  regarded  by  Roemer  as  con- 
nected with  the  genital  system,  and  were  called  by  him  '^ovarian  apertnres" ; 
but  they  are  now  known  as  the  spiracles.  The  other  opening  which  pierces 
the  upper  end  of  the  posterior  deltoid  is  the  anus. 

The  form  and  arrangement  of  the  spiracles  is  extremely  variable ;  they 
-may  be  round  or  slit-like ;  they  may  consist  of  ten  separate  openings,  or  those 
of  the  same  pair  may  be  con- 
fluent with  one  another.  The 
members  of  the  posterior  pair 
may  be  fused  Avith  each  other 
and  with  the  anus,  in  which 
case  the  fifth  or  posterior 
spiracle  is  considerably  larger 
than  the  others.  Orhitremites, 
Penfreniites,  Pentremitidea,  etc. 
(Fig.  254,  A),  are  examples  of 
the  latter  case ;  Orhitremites 
having  five  circular  orifices 
with  tube  -  like  projections, 
while  in  Pentremites  and  Pent- 
remitidea  the  four  smaller 
spiracles  are  divided  into  two 


Fig.  204. 
A,  Pentremites  (loclnnl  (Defr.).  Lower  Carboniferou.s  ;  Alabama. 
Upper  face  with  ambulacral  fields  in  various  states  of  iHeservatioii. 
a,  Ambulacrum  after  the  removal  of  lancet-  and  side-plates  ;  hydro- 
spires  exposed ;  h,  Lancet-plate  with  upper  surface  denuded  by 
weathering ;  c,  Perfectly  preserved  lancet-plate  bordered  by  side- 
1.     1       ii-     i.  -1     plates  ;  '/.,  The  same,  but  with  transverse  markings  of  lancet-plate 

compartments  by  tne  terminal    obliterated  ;  e,  Ambulacrum  covered  with  pinnules  (after  Roemer). 

B,  Phacnoschisnia  acutiini  (Svvby.)  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Lancashire. 
Upper  face,  enlarged  ;  a,  Ambulacrum  after  removal  of  the  lancet- 
and  side-plates  ;  hydrospire  slits  {hi/)  cutting  through  radials  and 
deltoids  ;  h,  c,  Ambulacra  in  which  lancet-plates  (?)  only  are  pre- 
served :  d,  e,  Ambulacra  intact ;  lancet-plate  concealed  by  side-plates 
(after  Etheridge  and  Carpenter). 

median  ridge  of  the  deltoids. 
The  posterior  spiracle  in  the 
two  latter  genera  is  divided 
by  a  duplicate  ridge  into  three 
compartments ;  of  these  the  middle  one  enters  the  inner  cavity,  and  the  two 
outer  ones  communicate  with  the  hydrospires  by  means  of  the  hydrospire 
canal.  In  Troostocrinus,  SchizoUastus  and  Cnjptohlastus  (Fig.  253,  D)  the 
posterior  spiracles  are  confluent  with  the  anus,  while  those  of  the  four  regular 
sides  are  separated.  Nudeocrinus,  Mesohlastiis  and  Acentrotremites  have  ten 
separate  spiracles,  and  a  large,  distinct  anal  aperture.  The  typical  Codasteridae 
(Codasfer  and  Phaenoschisma),  in  which  the  hydrospires  are  exposed  externally, 
have  no  spiracles  and  no  hydrospire  canal.  OropJiocrinus  (Fig.  253,  B)  has 
ten  elongate  clefts  extending  along  the  sides  of  the  ambulacra ;  but  these  are 
in  reality  the  unclosed  portions  of  the  radial  sinuses,  and  correspond  to  the 
open  hydrospire  canals  of  Pentremites,  which  are  apparent  upon  the  removal  of 
the  side-plates. 

The  ambulacra  are  usually  depressed  below  the  general  level  of  the  calyx, 
but  are  sometimes  raised  above  it,  or  they  may  be  placed  in  the  same  plane 
with  it.     They  vary  in  form  from  narrow  linear  to  broad  petaloid,  and  are 





,Plc..  255. 

A,  Pentremites  iiyriformis  Ba,y.   Portion 
of  an  ambulacrum,  exhibiting  the  lancet- 

considerably  complicated  in  structure  (Fig.  255).  The  centre  of  each  ambu- 
lacrum is  occupied  by  the  lancet-plate,  a  long,  narrow  piece,  pointed  at  both 
ends,  which  extends  to  the  full  length  of  the  fields.  Its  proximal  end  is 
inserted  between  the  deltoids,  and  takes  part  in  the  lip  around  the  summit- 
The  upper  surface  of  the  plate  is  excavated  along  the  median  line, 

and  forms  an  open,  well-defined  groove,  which 
conducts  to  the  mouth,  and  in  all  probability 
represents  the  food-groove.  The  interior  of  the 
plate  is  traversed  by  an  axial  canal,  which  com- 
municates by  means  of  the  ambulacral  opening 
with  an  oral  ring  belonging  to  the  water-vascular 
system.  In  a  number  of  forms  (Pentremites, 
Orophocrinus)  there  is  to  be  seen  a  second, 
smaller,  and  extremely  thin  plate  underlying, 
the  median  portion  of  the  first ;  this  is  called 
the  under  lancet-plate. 

The   lancet-plate   rarely   occupies    the    full 

width  of  the  ambulacral  field,  and  the  spaces 

between  its  lateral  edges  and  the  sides  of  the 

radial    sinus    are    either    wholly    or    partially 

i)iate  (I) ;  median  food-groove  of  the  same   covcred  bv  a  row  of  Small,  horizontally  elongated 

(rt) ;  side-plates  (s) ;  outer  side-plates  («) ;  i    ,        /a  7    j      »      j;    -r>  \         t        D      ^ 

and  marginal  pores  (p),  5/1,  (after  E.  and   sule-plates  {"  pore-puites     ot  Koemer).     in  rent- 

0.    B,    Ambulacrum     of    Nucleocrinus.  -i         rt        i         ■  i      ii  u; 

Lettering  as  in  ^  (after  Roemer).  remites,  Oropkocnnus,  and  Other  genera,  an  addi- 

tional series  of  still  smaller  pieces,  called  the 
outer  side-plates  ("supplementary  pore-plaies"  of  Koemer),  are  placed  between 
the  side-plates  and  the  walls  of  the  radial  sinus.  Pentremites  and  Cryptoschisma 
have  the  entire  upper  surface  of  the  lancet-plate  exposed  to  view,  and  the 
side-plates  are  situated  alongside  of  it  in  the 
same  plane.  But  in  other  forms  the  lancet-plate 
is  wholly,  or  to  a  very  large  extent,  concealed  by 
the  side-plates  (Fig.  255,  B),  so  that  as  a  rule 
only  a  small  space  along  the  food-groove  is  visible. 
The  sutures  between  the  side-plates  are  indicated 
by  shallow,  horizontal  furrows,  which  are  con- 
tinued as  superficial  grooves  over  both  halves  of 
the  lancet-plate  as  far  as  the  median  ambulacral 
groove.  These  crenulations,  it  should  be  noted, 
are  frequently  efi"aced  in  weathered  specimens 
(Fig.  255,  A  and  B).  Small,  pit-like  depressions, 
or  small  tubercles,  which  are  observable  on  the 
side-plates,  indicate  the  places  where  the  append-  m;;^-^;""^  °LSrS''and"S^t.; 
ages  or  pinnules  were  formerly  attached.  These  are  perfectly  preserved  pinnules  (after  Meek 

o  J  .  and  Wortlien). 

only  exceptionally  found  intact,  but  when  pre- 
served they  completely  conceal  the  ambulacral  fields,  and  extend  upward  above 
the  summit  of  the  calyx  (Fig.  256).  They  differ  considerably  in  length,  even 
among  species  belonging  to  the  same  genus.  They  are  jointed  structures  like 
miniature  arms,  uniserial  as  far  as  observed,  but  with  ossicles  sometimes 
wedge-shaped  and  interlocking  to  some  extent  from  opposite  sides,  thus 
simulating  a  biserial  arrangement.  Whether  they  performed  the  function  of 
discharging  the  ova,  like  the  pinnules  of  Crinoids,  can  only  be  conjectured. 




The  crenulations,  or  file-like  markings  across  the  ambulacra  in  Pentremites 
above  noted,  are  not  mere  surface  ornamentation ;  but  the  ridges  constitute 
the  sides,  and  the  depressions  the  floor,  of  a  series  of  small  ducts  leading  from 
the  pinnules,  and  forming  lateral  branches  of  the  main  ambulacral  groove 
into  which  they  discharge.  These  lateral  ducts,  as  well  as  the  main  median 
groove  of  the  ambulacrum,  are,  in  well-preserved  specimens,  roofed  over 
throughout  the  entire  field  by  very  minute  alternating  covering  plates  extend- 
ing all  the  way  to  the  pinnules,  and  probably  continuing  along  their  ventral 
side.  In  this  respect  the  structure  of  th^  ambulacral  area  has  not  been 
generally  understood,  and  not  heretofore  correctly  described.  The  arrange- 
ment of  the  side  ducts,  their  discharge  by  a  distinct  curvature  into  the  main 
groove,  and  their  connection  with  the  pinnules,  leave  no  doubt  that  they 
were  the  closed  food-grooves  serving  to  conduct  nutriment  from  the  pinnules 
on  toward  the  mouth. 

In  most  Blastoids  the  side-plates,  or  the  outer  side-plates  when  such  are 
present,  are  pierced  by  marginal  pores  (or  hydrospire  pores),  which  communicate 
with  the  hydrospires.  The  pores  are  situated  at  the  extreme  outer  margins 
of  the  plates,  at  the  end  of  the  lateral  ridges,  and 
alternate  in  position  with  the  sockets  of  the  pinnules. 
They  are  present  in  all  forms  having  the  hydrospires 
concealed  within  the  calyx ;  but  are  absent  in  the 
Codasteridae,  in  which  the  hydrospires  are  wholly  or 
in  part  exposed  on  the  outer  surface. 

The  hydrospires  (Figs.  257,  258)  are  bundles  of 
flattened,  lamellar  tubes,  extending  underneath  the 
lancet-  and  side-plates,  in  a  direction  parallel  with 
the  boundaries  of  the  ambulacral  fields.  They  begin 
at  the  lower  end  of  the  ambulacra,  and  terminate  in 
the  hydrospire  canals,  of  which  the  spiracles  form  the 
adoral  apertures.  When  the  spiracles  are  confluent,  PentremitcssuieatusSay.  Lower 
the  canals  of  adjacent  groups  of  hydrospires  enter  the  ^e"^°Sr  Lf 'clS\t ''.bout 
same  opening.     The  hydrospires  are  suspended  in  the   Vs  pe  height  of  the  ambulacral 

.      -^        j.%  1  ,1  n        j-.ii      1  -^        fields,     xli/2-    /iy,  Hydrospires; 

majority  oi  lorms  along  the  walls  oi  the  body-cavity   i,  Lancet-piate ;  p,  Pore-piates; 
(Pentremites,  Fig.  257),  being  attached  either  to  the   '"- ^•■^^iais. 
outer  margins  of  the  under  lancet-plate  or  to  a  separate  piece  known  as  the 
hydrospire  plate  (Orhitreniites,  Mesohlastvs  and   Cryptoblastus).      Pentremites  has 

Fig.  257. 



Fig.  25S. 

Transverse  sections  through  the  ambulacral  fields,  showing  various  forms  of  hydrospires.  A,  Orbitremites 
derhi/ennif:.  B,  Orbit remites  nonuoodi.  C,  Metablastus  lineatus.  DjOrophocrlnus  verus.  All  sections  enlarged 
(after  Etheridge  and  Carpenter). 

from  four  to  nine  hydrospires  in  each  group  ;  Orbitremites  two,  or  exceptionally 
one ;  Troostocrimis  and  Mesohlastiis  generally  three,  and  Orophocrinus  from  five 
to  seven  (Fig.  258,  A-D).     In  PhaenoscUsma  and  Codaster  (Fig.  260)  the  tubes 


open  externally  by  slits  piercing  the  radials  and  deltoids  and  running  parallel 
with  the  ambulacra. 

The  functions  of  the  hydrospires  can  only  be  surmised,  but  they  are  sup- 
posed to  have  served  for  respiration  :  they  correspond  doubtless  to  the  pec- 
tinated rhombs  and  calycine  pores  of  the  Cystideans  and  to  the  respiratory 
pores  of  some  Crinoids.  It  is  probable  that  water  was  admitted  to  the 
hydrospire  sacs  through  the  marginal  pores,  and  was  discharged  through  the 
spiracles.  Koemer  and  Forbes  have  suggested  that  the  hydrospires  may 
also  have  performed  reproductive  functions.  Ludwig  has  called  attention  to 
the  resemblance  between  the  genital  bursae  of  Ophiuroids  and  the  slit-like 
spiracles  in  Orophocrinus ;  his  theory  is  that  the  hydrospires  served  both  for 
purposes  of  respiration  and  for  the  discharge  of  genital  products,  a  view 
which  was  also  shared  by  Carpenter. 

The  stem  in  Blastoids  is  preserved  only  in  exceedingly  rare  instances.  It 
is  round,  provided  with  a  small  axial  canal,  and  composed  of  short  joints, 
which  apparently  multiplied  in  a  similar  manner  to  that  in  the  Crinoids.  In 
Orophocrinus  and  Pentremites  it  has  been  traced  for  a  length  of  15  cm.  without 
reaching  the  end;  and  in  the  latter.form  it  has  occasionally  been  found  with  a 
few,  comparatively  heavy  cirri.    A  few  genera,  like  Eleutherocrinus,  are  stemless. 

It  has  frequently  been  claimed,  owing  to  the  superficial  resemblance  of 
their  ambulacral  areas,  that  the  Blastoids  and  Echinoids  are  mutually  related  ; 
but  such  presumptions  are  founded  upon  a  total  misconception  of  the  value 
of  external  characters.  The  construction  of  the  calyx,  the  presence  of  pin- 
nules, and  the  stemmed  condition,  are  features  which  identify  them  unmis- 
takably as  Pelmatozoa ;  and  their  nearest  relatives  under  this  group  are  the 
Cystideans.  The  j^arallelism  between  the  ambulacral  fields  of  the  one  class 
and  the  recumbent  arms,  apparently  soldered  on  to  the  calyx  of  the  other,  is 
self-evident.  The  hydrospires  of  Blastoids  correspond  to  the  pore-rhombs  of 
Cystideans,  as  has  already  been  remarked  ;  and  the  position  of  the  mouth  and 
anus  is  the  same  in  both  types.  The  Blastoids  constitute  a  peculiar,  but,  on 
the  whole,  a  very  well-defined  group,  which  is  now  regarded  as  of  equal  rank 
with  the  Crinoids  and  Cystids. 

The  earlier  forms  occurring  in  the  Ordovician  are  primitive,  representing 
transitions  from  ancestors  of  Cystid  type,  and  having  the  characters  of  the 
two  groups  intermingled  in  varying  degrees.  In  one  genus,  Asterohlastus,  the 
presence  of  diplopores  and  lack  of  hydrospires  are  correlated  with  the  presence 
of  the  Blastoid  ambulacrum  together  with  its  bordering  pinnules,  and  more 
strongly  developed  basals  and  radials.  In  another.  Blast oidocrinus,  the  diplo- 
pores are  replaced  by  hydrospires,  thus  further  strengthening  a  line  of 
development  which  becomes  thoroughly  established  in  the  Silurian  with  the 
genus  Troostocrinus. 

Several  genera  are  represented  in  the  Devonian,  both  of  Europe  and 
America.  But  the  climacteric  of  Blastoid  development  takes  place  in  the 
Lower  Carboniferous  of  North  America ;  some  of  the  beds  of  the  Kaskaskia 
Group  are  densely  charged  with  their  remains,  which,  as  a  rule,  are  excellently 
preserved.  They  occur  sparsely  in  the  Upper  Carboniferous  and  Permian  of 
western  America  and  the  island  of  Timor,  but  above  this  horizon  no  traces  of 
Blastoids  have  as  yet  been  discovered.  Nineteen  genei-a,  comprising  upward 
of  120  species  were  recognised  by  Etheridge  and  Carpenter  in  their  mono- 
graph of  188G,  and  a  few  have  been  added  since. 




'  The  last-named  authors  subdivided  the  Blastoids  into  Begulares  and 
Irregulares,  an  arrangement  representing  incidental  variation  rather  than  any- 
broad  morphological  differentiation.  That  presented  by  Bather  in  Part  III. 
of  Lankester's  Zoology,  1899,  appears  to  be  more  logical,  and  is  followed  in 
principle  here.  By  separating  the  typical  Blastoids,  in  which  the  character- 
istic calyx  plates  have  become  fixed  at  a  small  and  definite  number,  from  the 
earlier  forms  which  have  not  attained  that  structure,  two  main  divisions  may 
be  recognised,  viz. :  Protohlastoidea  and  EuUastoidea.  Hudson,  whose  admirable 
studies  upon  Blastoidocrinus  have  thoroughly  elucidated  that  hitherto  obscure 
type,  has  suggested  a  third,  ParaUastoidea,  to  express  the  differences  shown  by 
his  researches  between  it. and  the  other  Ordovician  forms.  As  the  general 
division  is  a  somewhat  arbitrary  one  at  best,  it  is  thought  that  these  differences 
are  sufficiently  emphasised  by  the  family  diagnosis. 

Order  1.     PROTOBLASTOIDBA    Bather  (emend.) 

Calyx  plates  numerous,  not  limited  to  a  definite  number. 

Family  1.     Asteroblastidae. 

Blastoidea  with  calyx  plates  indefinitely  arranged  above  basals  and  radials,  and 
having,  along  with  pentamerous  ambulacra 
and    marginal    brachiole^s,    diplopores    and 
pore-plate,  but  no  hydrospires.     Ordovician. 

JsteroblastusEichw.  (Fig.  259).  Calyx 
gemmiform,  pentagonal,  pedunculate,  and 
composed  of  numerous  rigidly  united 
plates  which  are  perforated  by  conjugate 
pores.  Upper  surface  marked  by  five 
large  petaloid  or  stellate  areas  which 
are  occupied  by  alternating  plates,  and 
bordered  by  sockets  for  the  attachment  of  brachioles.     Ordovician ;  Russia. 

Fig.  250. 

Asterohlastus  stellatus  Eichwald.     Ordovician  ; 
Pulkowa,  Russia.     Natural  size  (after  Schmidt). 

Family  2.     Blastoidocrinidae  Bather  (emend.). 

Calyx  plates  more  definitely  arranged  in  four  circlets,  without  diplopores  or  pore- 
plate,  but  with  hydrospires  present.     Ordovician. 

Blastoidocrinus  Billings  (emend.  Hudson).  Calyx  pentagonal,  composed  of 
four  circlets  of  principal  plates,  viz.  :  (1)  basals  (number  unknown);  (2) 
radials  with  angular  distal  face,  followed  by  (3)  two  large  plates  called  bi- 
brachials,  with  numerous  interbrachials  in  each  interradius ;  and  (4)  very 
large  triangular  deltoids,  with  hydrospire-slits  at  their  lower  margins 
Adambulacrals,  heavy  covering  plates,  and  some  additional  plates  in  the  oral 
portion.  Ambulacra  large,  bordered  with  numerous  brachioles  or  pinnides. 
Base  invaginate,  with  strong  column  occupying  the  concavity.  Ordovician 
(Chazy  Group) ;  Canada  and  New  York. 

Order  2.     EUBLASTOIDEA    Bather. 

Calyx  plates  limited  to  a  definite  number  of  about  thirteen.      Hydrospires  always 




Family  1.     Oodasteridae  Etheridge  and  Carpenter. 

Base  usually  well  developed,  and  sometimes  very  long.  Amhulaera  without 
marginal  pores.  Hydrospire -folds  coming  to  the  surface  of  the  radial  sinus. 
Hydrospire-slits  either  wholly  exposed,  piercing  the  calyx  plates  along  the  sides  of 
the  radial  sinuses,  or  restricted  j^ortions  of  them  remain  open  as  spiracles,  while 
the  remaining  parts  are  concealed  by  the  amhulaera.  Devonian  and  Lower 

Codaster  M'Coy  (Codonaster  Eoemer ;  Heteroschisma  Wachsm.)  (Fig.  260). 
Calyx  inverted,  conical  or  pyramidal.  Upper  face  broad,  truncate  or  gently 
convex ;  section,  as  a  rule,  distinctly  pentagonal.  Basals  forming  a  conical  or 
triangular  cup,  usually  deep.  Eadials  large,  their  limbs  bent  inward  horizon- 
tally, to  assist  in  forming  the  truncated  upper  face  of  the  calyx,  and  never 
deeply  excavated  by  the  sinuses.  Deltoids  wholly  confined  to  the  upper  face, 
as  are  also  the  ambulacra.  The  latter  are  petaloid,  or  narrow  and  linear  ; 
lancet-plate,  as  a  rule,  deeply  excavated  for  the  side-plates.     Spiracles  absent, 

Fi(i.  200. 

Codaster  aeutus  M'Coy.  Lower  Carbonifer- 
ous ;  Derbyshire.  A,  Side-view  of  calyx.  B, 
Base.  (',  Venlral  aspect,  enlarged  (after 

Fig.  261. 

Oroplwcrimis  steUiformis  (O.  and  S.).  Lower 
Carboniferous  ;  Burlington,  Iowa.  A,  Calyx  and 
base  of  the  natural  size.  1!,  Ventral  surface  en- 
larged (after  Meek  and  Worthen). 

hydrospires  pendent,  arranged  in  eight  groups,  two  in  each  of  the  four 
regular  interrays,  but  wanting  in  the  anal  one.  The  tubes  open  externally 
by  a  variable  number  of  elongated  slits,  which  are  sei:)arated  by  intervening 
ridges  ;  one  or  more  of  them  may  be  partially  concealed  by  the  overlapping 
side-plates.  Anus  large,  ovate  or  rhombic,  and  piercing  the  posterior  deltoid. 
Ornament  consisting  of  fine  lines  arranged  parallel  to  the  margins  of  the 
plates.     Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Fhaenoschisma  E.  and  C.  (Fig.  254,  11).  Calyx  resembling  that  of  Codaster 
in  general  form,  but  with  ten  groups  of  hydrospires  instead  of  eight.  Radials 
bear  each  three  more  or  less  distinct  folds  diverging  from  the  lip ;  sinuses 
wide  and  deep,  generally  with  stee})  sides.  Deltoids  small,  confined  to  the 
truncated  upper  face  of  the  calyx.  Lancet-plates  in  all  but  one  species 
(P.  caryophyllatum)  concealed  by  the  side-plates ;  outer  side-plates  very  small. 
Spiracles  rarely  present.  Hydrospires  pendent,  and  opening  externally  by  a 
series  of  elongate  slits  with  intervening  ridges,  distributed  in  sub-parallel 
order  on  the  sloping  sides  of  all  the  radial  sinuses.  The  slits  are  only 
partially  covered  by  the  ambulacral  plates,  and  are  sometimes  visible  for  their 
entire  length.  Lower  Devonian  ;  Spain.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and 
North  America. 




Onjptoschisvia  E.  and  C.  Calyx  elongated,  with  a  broad,  .flat,  truncated 
upper  face.  Radial  sinuses  wide  and  open,  their  sloping  sides  pierced  by 
hydrospire  slits,  which  are  completely  concealed  by  broad,  petaloid  ambulacra. 
Spiracles  small,  single  or  more  rarely  double  ;  in  the  latter  case  the  posterior 
pair  are  confluent  with  the  anus.  Rej^resented  by  the  solitary  species  C. 
schuUzi  d'Archiac  and  de  Vern.     Lower  Devonian  ;  Spain. 

Ofopliocrinus  v.  Seebach  (Dimorphocrinus  d'Orb. ;  Codonitcs  M.  and  W.), 
(Figs.  258  D,  261).  Calyx  balloon-shaped  to  truncate  ob-pyramidal,  with 
more  or  less  concave  upper  face.  Section  distinctly  pentagonal  or  stellate. 
Ambulacra  narrow,  linear  to  sub-petaloid.  Deltoids  generally  visible  in  side- 
view,  the  posterior  one  wider  than  the  others.  Spiracles  ten,  varying  from 
wide  clefts  along  the  sides  of  the  ambulacra  to  narrow  slits  at  their  upper 
ends  ;  the  posterior  pair  separate  from  the  anus.  Hydrospire-slits  almost 
completely  concealed,  being  concentrated  at  the  bottom  of  the  radial  sinuses. 
Stem  round,  composed  of  short,  nearly  equal  joints.  Pinnules  extending  to 
nearly  twice  the  height  of  the  calyx,  of  uniform  thickness  throughout,  and 
composed  of  sharply  cuneate  pieces  interlocking  from  opposite  sides ;  ventral 
furrow  wide,  and  covered  by  small  pieces.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Britain, 
Belgium  and  North  America  (Kinderhook  and  Burlington  Groups). 

Family  2.     Pentremitidae    d'Orbigny. 

Base  usually  convex',  and  often  much  elongated.    Spiracles  five,  but  sometimes  more 
or  less  completely  divided  by  a  median  septum,  and  bounded  proximally  by  the  upper- 
most side-plates.     Lancet-plate  either  entirely  visible  or  partially  covered  by  side-plates 
which   extend  to  the  margins  of  the  ambulacra. 
Hydrospires  concentrated  at  the  lowest  part  of  the 
radial  sinus.      Devonian  and  Lower  Carbon- 

Fentremites  Say  (Figs.  254-7,  262-3). 
Calyx  usually  ovate  or  pyriform,  with  elon- 
gate, sub-truncate  base.  Ambulacra  broad, 
sub-petaloid.  Lancet-plate  wholly  exposed, 
and  resting  below  on  an  under  lancet-plate. 
Side-plates  and  outer  side-plates  numerous, 
the  former  abutting  against  the  edges  of  the 
lancet-plates.  Hydrospires  three  to  nine ; 
spiracles  single,  or  occasionally  double  ;  the 
two  of  the  posterior  side  confluent  with  the 
anus,  and  forming  with  it  a  single  large 
orifice.  Oral  centre  surmounted  by  numerous 
spines,  placed  closely  against  one  another  so 
as  to  form  a  pyramid,  which  comjoletely  covers 

the    summit    and    the    greater    portion    of    the     Lower  carbon-        Roemer.     Lower  Carbon- 
1  Ti  .       ,     '',  1       ,    •       ,1       T  iferotis  ;       111.        iferous ;  111.;  A,  Summit 

spiracles,    liixcessively  aoundant  in  the  Lower  (Nat.  size).  aspect,    b,  base. 

Carboniferous  of  North  America  (Burlington 

to  St.  Louis  and  Kaskaskia  Groups),  but  not  identified  in  Europe.     P.  godoni 
Defrance,  and  P.  pyriformis  Say,  are  the  most  familiar  species. 

Pentremitidea  d'Orb.       Calyx    clavate-pyramidal,   with    elongate,    usually 
conical  base,  and  truncate  or  convex  ujjper  face.     Ambulacra  narrow,  short ; 

Fig.  202. 

qodoni       Defr. 

Fio.  263. 
Fentremites        siilratus 




lancet-plate  more  or  less  completely  concealed  by  side-plates.  Deltoids  very 
small,  generally  confined  to  the  upper  face  of  the  calyx,  and  seldom  visible  in 
a  side-view.  Spiracles  and  hydrospires  as  in  the  preceding.  Lower  and 
Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel,  Ardennes,  Spain,  Great  Britain  and  North  America 
(Hamilton  Group  of  Indiana,  Michigan,  Canada).  P.  pailletti  de  Vern.;  P. 
eifelianuS  Roemer  ;  /-'.  davatus  Schultze. 

Family  3.     Troostoblastidae    Etheridge  and  Carpenter. 

Calyx  elongate.     Ambulacra  narrow,  linear,  deeply  impressed,  descending  out- 
ward from  the  summit.'    Deltoids  confined  to   the  narrow  upper  end,  rarely  visible 
A  externally,  except  the  posterior  one  in  Troostocrinus.     Lancet- 

plate  entirely  concealed  by  side-plates.  Spiracles  distinct,  repre- 
sented by  lineal  slits  at  the  sides  of  the  deltoid  ridge,  and 
bounded  by  deltoids  and  lancet-plates,  but  not  by  side-plates. 
Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Troostocrinus  Shum.  {Clavaeblastus  Hambach)  (Fig. 
264).  Calyx  narrow,  elongate,  somewhat  fusiform,  with 
contracted,  subtruncate,  or  slightly  convex  upper  face. 
Ambulacra  short.  The  four  anterior  deltoids  overlapped 
by  the  radial  limbs ;  the  posterior  one  much  larger  than 
the  rest,  and  appearing  externally.  Posterior  spiracles 
confluent  with  the  anus.  Silurian  (Niagara  Group) ; 
North  America. 

Metaldastus  E.  and  C.  (Fig.  258,  C).  Like  the  preced- 
ing, but  all  the  deltoids  equal,  and  the  two  posterior 
spiracles  not  confluent  with  the  anus.  Spiracle  slits  ten 
in  number ;  hydrospires  four  to  each  side  of  an  am- 
bulacrum. Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokuk 
Group) ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Tricoelocrinus  M.  and  W.  (Saccoblastus  Hambach).  Calyx 
(TrooS'''t"^^^^^^^^  pyramidal,  broadest  below  and  narrowing  upwards  ;  when 

nessee.^,caiyx  from  anal    geen  from  abovc  Or  below  strougly  pentagonal  in  outline, 

side.     B,  Summit  aspect.  .  ii 

<?,  Deltoid ;  ir,  Deltoid  of    owmg  to  the  projecting  and  carinated   character  of   the 

anal  side  (after  E.  and  C).  j-    i  -rv    i^    •  i  n  i      i 

radiais.  Deltoids  small  ;  ambulacra 
long,  and  extremely  narrow.  Spiracles  ten,  distinct ;  anus 
large.  Hydrospires  small,  enclosed  within  the  substance  of 
the  forked  plates.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Warsaw  Group) ; 
North  America. 

Family  4.     Eleutherocrinidae    Bather. 
Elongate,  stemless,  asymmetrical,  with  four  narrow  ambulacra  ;       ,    ,^""'-  "!''''• 

J..,,  7     7  7,7  7-7  7  TT"     7  •  J  J'Jeutlierocmins  msse- 

Jijth  ambulacrum  shortened  and  widened.     Hydrospires  not  con-  dayi{Shnm.o.m\\' 

J      1    1        T\  •  Lower  Devonian ;    Ky. 

centrated.     Devonian.  ventrai    surface,    -J/, 

Eleutherocrinus     Shumard     and     Yandell     (Fig.      265).    ' 
Devonian  (Hamilton  Group) ;  Indiana,  Kentucky,  New  York  and  Canada. 

Family  5.     Nucleocrinidae    Bather. 

Calyx  usually   globular  or  ovoidal,  with  flattened  or  concave  base,  and  linear 
ambulacra  extending  the  whole  length  of  the  calyx.     Spiracles  distinctly  double,  and 


Pig.  264. 
Troostocrinus  reinivardti 




chiefly  formed  by  the  apposition  of  notches  in  the  lancet-plate  and  deltoids. 
and  Carboniferous. 


Nucleocrinus  Conrad  {Elaeacrinus  Eoeiuer  ;  Olivanites  Troost)  (Fig.  266) 
Basals  small,  inconspicuous,  sometimes  hidden  within  the  columnar  cavity 
Eadials  small,  with  very  short  limbs.  Deltoids 
greatly  enlarged  and  elongated,  forming  over 
two-thirds  of  the  entire  calyx ;  the  posterior  one 
wider  than  the  others,  and  divided  by  a  large 
anal-plate.  Lancet-plate  exceedingly  long  and 
narrow,  partly  exposed.  Side-plates  numerous  ; 
hydrospires  two  on  each  side  of  the  ambulacra. 
Summit  covered  by  comparatively  large  orals, 
asymmetrically  arranged  and  forming  a  flattened 
disk  which  completely  closes  the  peristome. 
Devonian  (Onondaga  and  Hamilton  Groups) ; 
Indiana,  Michigan,  New  York. 

Schizohlastus  E.  and  C.  {Crihroblastus  Ham- 
bach).  Calyx  resembling  that  of  Orbitremites  in 
form.  Basals  almost  always  confined  to  the 
lower  face  of    the  calyx ;    deltoids    of    variable 

size,   but  always  visible    in    a    side-view.        Hydro-     Devonian  ;Coiunibus,  ex  (after  Roemer). 
.      f  1  ,      ,  c^     .        ,         A,  Side-view  of    calyx.      />,   Base.     C, 

spires  one  to  tour  to  each  a,mbulacrum.      Spiracles    Ventral  surface,     i),  same  enlarged. 

small,  slit-like,  placed  between  the  lancet-plates 

and  deltoid  ridges  ;  the  posterior  pair  sometimes  confluent  with  the  anus. 
Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Ireland  and  North  America  (Kinderhook  to  Keokuk 
Groups) ;  Permian,  Timor. 

Fio.  266. 
Nucleocrinus  rerneu  Hi  {Troost).  Lower 

Family  6.     Orbitremitidae    Bather. 

Calyx  globidar  or  ovoidal,  with  flattened  or  concave  base,  and  long  linear 
ambulacra.  Spiracles  five,  piercing  the  deltoids,  or  ten,  grooving  their  lateral  edges. 
Lower  Carboniferous. 

Orbitremites  Austin  (Granatocrinus  Hall  ex  Troost  MS. ;  Cidaroblastus  and 
Globoblastus  Hambach)  (Figs.  253  A,  258  A).  Calyx  ovate  to  globose.  Lower 
face  from  slightly  concave  to  deeply  funnel-shaped  ;  interradial  areas  more  or 
less  depressed.  Basals  small,  generally  concealed  in  the  central  columnar 
cavity.  Radials  very  variable  in  size,  often  long,  and  invariably  turned  in 
below  to  assist  in  forming  the  base.  Deltoids  also  variable  ;  usually  unequally 
rhombic,  but  sometimes  triangular ;  the  anal  deltoid  frequently  differing  from 
the  others.  Ambulacra  nearly  parallel-sided,  always  impressed  within  the 
sinuses  at  their  proximal  ends.  Lancet-plates  narrow,  not  filling  the  sinuses, 
and  more  or  less  exposed  throughout  two-thirds  of  the  ambulacra.  Side-plates 
transversely  elongated ;  outer  side-plates  generally  well  developed.  Hydro- 
spires  pendent,  usually  but  two  or  three  folds  on  each  side  of  an  ambulacrum ; 
the  inner  one  forming  a  well-defined  hydrospire-plate.  Spiracles  five,  piercing 
the  apices  of  the  deltoids.  Posterior  spiracle  larger,  including  the  anus. 
Summit  closed  by  minute  pieces  which  rarely  exhibit  any  definite  arrange- 
ment. Lower  Carboniferous ;  England  and  North  America  (Burlington 
Group),  (?)  Australia. 


Cryptoblastus  E.  and  C.  Calyx  sub-globose,  with  a  flattened  or  slightly 
hollowed  base.  Basals  and  deltoids  small.  Lancet-plate  separated  from  the 
radials  by  a  hydrospire-plate,  which  does  not  extend  above  the  radio-deltoid 
suture  ;  but  above  this  line  the  lancet-plate  meets  the  deltoids  without  leaving 
any  hydrospire-pores.  Spiracles  round,  distinctly  double  at  four  of  the  sides, 
but  those  of  the  posterior  side  confluent  with  each  other  and  with  the  anus. 
Summit  covered  by  numerous,  irregularly  arranged  small  pieces.  Lower 
Carboniferous  (Burlington  Group) ;  North  America. 

HeteroUasfus  E.  and  C.  Resembling  the  preceding  in  form  and  proportion 
of  its  component  parts.  The  proximal  ends  of  the  deltoids  produced  in  short 
spine-like  processes,  at  the  base  of  which  minute  lateral  openings,  one  to  each 
deltoid,  are  visible.  These  openings  lead  into  gutter-like  channels  excavated 
in  the  substance  of  the  plates  for  the  reception  of  the  proximal  ends  of  the 
two  hydrospire- canals.  Radial  sinuses  wide,  their  edges  sloping  gently 
downwards  to  the  slightly  petaloid  ambulacra.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
England  and  (?)  North  America. 

Mesoblastus  E.  and  C.  Calyx  ovoid  to  globose,  with  concave  to  protuberant 
base.  Radials  long,  deltoids  small,  short,  unequally  rhombic.  Ambulacra 
very  narrow,  extending  to  the  base.  Spiracles,  as  a  rule,  distinctly  double, 
but  sometimes  incompletely  divided.  Lancet-plate  entirely,  or  for  the  most 
part,  concealed  by  side-plates.  Lower  Carboniferous ;  Belgium,  England, 
(?)  North  America  and  Australia. 

Acentrotremites  E.  and  C.  Calyx  elliptical,  with  broad  pentagonal  lower 
face.  Radials  large,  taking  up  three-fourths  of  the  height  of  the  calyx. 
Deltoids  unequally  rhombic,  each  notched  by  two  spiracles  at  the  ends  of  the 
radio-deltoid  suture.  Anal  opening  situated  close  to  the  summit  in  the 
posterior  deltoid.  Ambulacral  edges  of  the  deltoids  without  hydrospire-pores. 
Lower  Carboniferous ;  England. 

Carpenteroblastus  and  Lophohlastus  Rowley.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Kinder- 
hook  and  Burlington  Groups) ;  North  America. 

(?)  Ny7iiphaeoblastus  von  Peetz.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Russia. 

Family  7.     Pentephyllidae    Bather. 

Calyx  stemless  and  suh-pentagonal ;  radials,  asymmetrical.  Ambulacra  linear, 
extending  down  to  the  base  ;  one  shorter  than  the  rest.     Carboniferous. 

Pentephyllum  Haughton.     Carboniferous ;  Ireland. 

Family  8.     Zygocrinidae   Bather. 

Stemless.  Calyx  depressed,  asymmetrical,  quadrilobate.  Four  ambulacra 
between  the  lobes,  accompanied  by  a  single  hydrospire  on  either  side  ;  fifth  ambulacrum 
shortened  and  widened. 

Zygocrinus  Bronn  {Astrocrinus  Austin,  non  Conrad  nee  Miinster).  Lower 
Carboniferous  •  Great  Britain. 

[The  text  lor  tlie  group  Blastoidea  in  the  present  work  has  been  revised  by  Mr.  Frank 
Sjjringer,  of  Las  Vegas,  New  Mexico,  and  Washington,  D.C. — Editor.] 


Class  3.    CRINOIDEA  Miller.    Sea-lilies. ' 
(Brachiata  Bronn  ;  Adinoidea  F.  Roemer.) 

Usually  long-stalked,  more  rarely  non-pedunculate  and  sessile,  frequently  free- 
swimming  Pclmatozoa,  with  calyx  composed  of  regularly  arranged  plates,  and  provided 
with  iveU-developed  movable  arms. 

The  Crinoid  organism,  consists  of  three  principal  elements — calyx,  arms 
and  stalk.  The  calyx  and  arms  together  are  sometimes  spoken  of  as  the 
crown,  as  contrasted  with  the  column  (also  called  stem  or  stalk). 

1.  The  Cahjx. — The  calyx  has  usually  the  form  of  a  cup-shaped,  bowl- 
shaped,  or  globular  capsule,  within  which  the  more  important  organs  are 
enclosed.  Its  lower  (dorsal  or  abactinal)  surface  commonly  I'ests  upon  a 
column  (Fig.  267);  but  in  some  forms  it  is  attached  directly  by  the  base, 
and  in  rare  instances  it  is  free.  The  superior  (ventral  or  actinal)  surface  is 
either  membranous  or  plated  ;  it  carries  the  mouth  and  ambulacral  grooves, 
and  hence  is  homologous  with  the  under  side  of  a  star-fish  or  sea-urchin.  As 
a  rule,  only  the  inferior  and  lateral  portions  {dorsal  cup)  of  the  calyx  are 
visible,  owing  to  the  concealment  of  the  summit  by  the  arms.  The  cup 
is  constituted  of  two  or  more  circlets  of  plates,  which  are  uniformly  oriented 
with  reference  to  the  ambulacral  organs. 

a.  By  the  base  is  understood  the  one  or  two  circlets  of  plates  intervening 
between  the  topmost  joint  of  the  column  and  the  first  cycle  of  radially  situated 

1  Literature  :  Miller,  J.  S.,  A  Natural  History  of  the  Crinoidea  or  lily-shaped  Animals,  1821. — 
Mailer,  J.,  Ueber  den  Ban  des  Pentacrinus  caput-viedusae.     Abhandl.  Akad.  Wiss.  Berlin,  1841. 
— de  Koninck,  L.  Q.,  et  le  Hon.  H.,  Recherches  siir  les  crinoides  du  terrain  carbonifcre  de  la  Bel- 
gique.     Brussels,  1854.    (Very  extensive  bibliography.)— iJcyric/!-,  E.,  Die  Criuoideen  des  Muschel- 
kalks.      Abhandl.   Akad.  Wiss.   Berlin,    1857. — Schultze,  L.,   Monographie  der  Echinodermen  des 
Eifler  Kalks.     Denkschrift  Akad.  Wiss.,  1867,  vol.  xx\i.—Shumarcl,  B.  F.,  Catalogue  of  Palaeozoic 
Echinodermata  of  North  America.       Trans.  St.  Louis  Acad.  Sci.,   1868,  vol.  ii.       (Very  complete 
bibliography.) — Carpenter,    W.  B.,  On  the  Structure,   Physiology,   and  Development  of  Antedon 
rosaceus.    Philos.  Trans.,  1876,  vol.  clvi. —  Wachsmuth,  C,  and  Springer,  F.,  Revision  of  the  Palaeo- 
crinoidea.    l.-lll.  Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Philad.,  1879-86. — Idem,  Discovery  of  the  Ventral  Struc- 
ture of  Taxocrinus  and  Haplocrinus,  ibid.,  188S.— Idem,  The  Perisomic  Plates  of  Crinoids,  ibid.,  1890. 
■ — Idem,  The  Crinoidea Camerata  of  North  America.     Mem.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.,1897,  vols,  xx.,  xxi. 
— Loriol,  P.  de,  Paleontologie  Fran9aise.     Crinoides  Jurassiques,  I. -II.,  1882-89. — JS'eiimayr,  M., 
Die  Stiimme  des  Tierreichs,  1889. — Agassiz,A.,  Calamocrinus  Diomedae.      Memoirs  Museum  Comp. 
Zool.  1892,  vol.  xvii. — Bather,  F.  A.,  British  Fossil  Crinoids.    Ann.  and  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1890-92, 
ser.  6,  vols,   v.-ix. — Ide7)i,   The  Crinoidea  of  Gotland.     K.    Svenska  Vetensk.  Akad.    Handlingar, 
1893,   vol.  XXV. — Idem,  A  Treatise  ou  Zoology  (Lankester)  pt.  iii.,  Echinoderma,  1900. — Jacket, 
0.,  Criuoiden  Deutschlands.     Pal.  Abhandl.  Jena,  neue  Folge,  1895,  vol.  iii. — Springer,  F.,  Uiuta- 
crinus,  its  structure  and  relations.     Mem.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.,  1901,  vol.  xxv..  No.  1. — Idem,  Cleio- 
crinus.       Mem.    Mus.    Comp.    Zool.,   1905,    vol.  xxv.,    No.   2. — Idem,    Discovery  of   the    disk  of 
Ouychocrinns.     Journ.  Geol.,  1906,  vol.  xiv. — Idem,  A  Trenton  Echinoderm  Fauna.     Geol.  Surv. 
Canada,  1911,  Memoir  No.  15,  P. — Idem,  New  American  Fossil  Crinoids.     Mem.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool., 
1911,  vol.   XXV.,   No.   3. — Idem,,   The  Crinoidea  Flexibilia.     (Mouogiaph  in  preparation.) — Cliad- 
ivick,  H.  €.,  Antedon.    Liverpool  Marine  Biol.  Coram.,  1907,  Mem.  15.- — Clark,  A.  II.,  Variou.«  im- 
portant papers  on  recent  and  fossil  Crinoids  in  Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,    1908-11,  vols,  .xxxiv. -xl. — 
Idem,  On  a  collection  of  Crinoids  from  the  Zoological  Museum  of  Copenhagen.      Vidensk,  Medd. 
fra  den   Naturhist.   Forening  i.  K0benhavn,  1909. — The  probable  origin  of  the  Crinoidal  nervous 
system.     Amer.    Nat.    1910,   vol.   xliv. — Remarks  on  the  nervous  system  and    symmetry  of   the 
Crinoids.      Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.,  1911,  vol.  i. — The  Recent  Crinoids  of  Australia.     Memoir  4, 
Australian  Museum,  Sydney,  N.S.W.,  1911.— The  Crinoids  of  tlie  Indian  Ocean.      Memoir  of  the 
Indian  Museum,  Calcutta.      (In  press.) — The  Existing  Crinoids.     Special  Bulletin,  U.S.  National 
Museum.     (In  press.) — Wood,  E.,  A  critical  summary  of  Troost's  unpublished  manuscript  on  the 
Crinoids  of  Tennessee.     Bull.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1909,  No.  64. — Kirk,  E.,  Structure  and  relationships 
of  certain  Eleutherozoic  Pelmatozoa.     Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1911,  vol.  xli. 




plates  at  the  base  of  the  ambulacra  or  arms.      When  the  base  is  monocyclic 
(Fig.  268)  the  position  of  the  proximal  ring  of  plates  is  interradial ;  but  when 

Fig.  267. 

Eusinroorinus  spir- 
alis Aug.  Stalked 
Crinoid  with  dioyclic 
base  and  anal  inter- 
radius,  a,  Anals  ;  b, 
Basals;  ib,  Infrabasals; 
?■,  Radials.  (Right  and 
left  sides  reversed, 
after  Angelin.) 

Fio.  268. 

Cactocriniis  jwoboscidialis  (Hall).  Projec- 
tion of  calyx  showing  the  three  basals  (b), 
5x3  simple  radials  (r),  four  paired  interrays 
(ir),  and  a  fifth  unpaired  anal  interray  (a). 

Fio.  269. 

Parliylocrinus  mnltiplcx 
(Traut).  Calyx  with  dioy- 
clic base,  radials,  costals, 
and  distichals. 

dicyclic  it  is  radial,  and  the  upper  ring  corresponds  with  the  basals  of  mono- 
cyclic forms  (Fig.  269). 

In  the  nomenclature  of  P.  Herbert  Carpenter,  the  upper  series  of  plates  in 
the  dicyclic  base  are  properly  termed  basals,  and  the  lower  series  infrabasals 
(^iinderbasals).      The  basals  as  thus  defined  are  equivalent  to  the  "  parabasals  " 

in  the  older  nomenclature  of  Johannes  Midler, 
and  to  the  "  subradials "  of  de  Koninck  and 
other  authors. 

Both  basals  and  infrabasals  are  primarily  five 
in  number ;  but  owing  to  the  supposed  morpho- 
logical (rarely  if  ever  actual  physical)  fusion  of 
two  or  more  of  the  plates,  the  number  of  basals 
in  the  monocyclic  forms  may  be  reduced  to  four, 
three,  two,  or  even  to  a  single  undivided  plate ; 
and  that  of  infrabasals  in  the  dicyclic  to  three. 
During  the  ontogenetic  development  of  the  Recent 
Antedon,  a  more  or  less  complete  resorption  of  the 
basals  has  been  observed,  which  ultimately  results 
in  their  passage  from  the  dorsal  to  the  ventral 
side  of  the  so-called  chambered  organ,  where  they 
are  again  rebuilt,  becoming  a  curious  plate-like  structure  known  as  the 
rosette ;  and  the  same  probably  also  was  true  for  certain  Mesozoic  genera 
(Eugeniacrimis,  Phyllocrinus).  In  many  of  the  non-pedunculate  Crinoids 
{Uintacrinus,  Marsupites,  Fig.  270)  an  additional  plate  known  as  the  centrale 
rests  against  the  infrabasals,  and  probably  represents  an  undeveloped  stalk. 
The  basals  are  united  with  one  another  and  with  the  overlying  radials  by 

Fir,.  270. 

Mitrsupites  testiulinaris  (Schloth.). 
Diagi'ani  of  calyx,  cd,  Centrale ;  tj, 
Infrabasals  ;  /),  Basals  ;  r,  Radials. 



very  numerous  short  fibres  of  connective  tissue,  which  may  become  more  or 
less  calcified ;  this  forms  an  immovable  union  of  the  type  known  as  a  close 
suture,  in  which  the  plates  are  immovably  held  together  by  fibrous  con- 
nective tissue.  Though  usually  smooth,  the  joint  faces  are  sometimes 
striated,  which  striations  are  visible  externally  as  incised  lines. 

b.  Succeeding  the  base  is  a  cycle  of  five  (rarely  four,  six,  or  ten)  plates, 
which,  on  account  of  their  position  with  reference  to  the  rays,  are  called 
radials.  The  radials  form  the  sides  (more  rarely  the  floor)  of  the  calyx 
in  nearly  all  Mesozoic  and  Recent  Crinoids,  and  give  origin  directly  to 
the  arms,  which  may  become  free  immediately  above  the  radials,  or  may  be 
incorporated  for  some  distance  in  the  calyx,  either  by  means  of  supplementary 
plates,  or  by  lateral  union  among  themselves. 

The  upper  boundary  of  the  calyx  is  diff"erently  demarcated  by  diff'erent 
authors.  Many  assign  all  the  plates  above  the  first  cycle  of  plates  in  each 
ray  to  the  arms,  even  when  they  are  immovably  united  with  one  another  at 
the  sides ;  while,  according  to  Schultze  and  others,  the  arms  begin  invariably 
at  the  point  where  they  first  became  movable,  i.e.  above  the  first  articular 
facet.  The  latter  course  is  open  to  serious  objections,  inasmuch  as  strictly 
homologous  parts  receive  different  appellations  in  different  groups. 

Carpenter,  Wachsmuth  and  Springer,  and  Bather  restrict  the  term  "  radial  " 
to  the  lowermost  circlet  of  radially  situated  plates,  and  consider  the  succeed- 
ing cycles  as  far  as  and  including  the  first  axiliary  plate  as  brachials  (dis- 
tinguished as  first,  second,  and  third  costals,  distichals,  and  palmars  ;  or  as 
first,  second  and  third  primibrachs  (IBr),  secundibrachs  (IIBr),  and  terti- 
brachs  (IIIBr)  respectively),  in  all  cases,  whether  the  plates  are  free  or 

In  most  Paleozoic  Crinoids  one  or  more  interradial  ylafes  are  intercalated 
between  two  of  the  rays,  and  in  line  with  the  anal  aperture;  these  are  called 
the  anal  plates  or  anals.  If  a  plane  be  passed  thfough  the  latter  and  through 
the  radial  situated  directly  opposite,  the  calyx  will  be  divided  into  two 
symmetrical  halves  :  the  parts  lying  to  the  right  or  left  when  viewed  from  the 
posterior  or  anal  side  are  so  designated ;  while  the  anterior  side  is  that  oppo- 
site the  anal  interray.  Interradial  plates,  however,  are  not  confined  to  the 
anal  interray,  but  are  frequently  developed  also  between  the  other  rays,  when 
the  calyx  is  correspondingly  expanded.  If  several  cycles  of  radials  and 
brachials  are  present,  an  equal  number  of  interradials  may  be  developed,  and 
are  distinguished  in  like  manner  as  interradials  and  distichal  interradials  of 
various  orders.  The  anal  interray  is  frequently  characterised  by  the  peculiar 
number,  size  and  position  of  the  anal  plates. 

c.  The  superior  side  of  the  calyx  is  known  as  the  tegmen  cal/jcis.  The 
covering  may  be  in  the  form  of  a  coriaceous  skin,  in  which  large  numbers  of 
thin  calcareous  ossicles  are  embedded  (Figs.  271,  272),  or  of  a  plated  disk 
rising  from  the  base  of  the  arms.  It  fi^equently  exhibits  a  more  or  less 
central,  externally  visible  mouth-opening,  and  a  usually  eccentric  interradial 
anal  aperture.  The  mouth  opens  into  an  oesophagus  and  thence  into  the  ex- 
panded visceral  mass,  which  fills  the  greater  portion  of  the  inner  cavity.  The 
intestinal  canal  is  directed  downwards  at  first,  and  after  making  usually  one 
complete  circle,  more  rarely  after  numerous  windings,  discharges  into  the 
anal  opening.  In  certain  fossil  Crinoids  (Actinocrinidae)  the  digestive  appara- 
tus is  represented  by  an  extremely  thin-walled,  finely  perforated,  convoluted 




calcified  body,  which  occupied  the  vertical  axis  of  the  body  cavity,  and  was 
contracted  into  a  narrow  tube  toward  the  base  (Fig.  280). 

In  all  of  the  Recent  Crinoids  (excepting  in  certain  species  belonging  to  the 
family  Coraasteridae  where  they  may  be  quite  absent  from  the  arms  arising  from 
one,  two,  or  even  three  of  the  posterior  rays)  each  arm,  and  each  pinnule 
which  it  bears,  carries  on  its  ventral  surface  an  open  ambulacral  fui'row  lined 
with  ciliated  epithelium.  At  the  base  of  the  arms  these  ambulacral  furrows 
unite  and  form  five  large  furrows,  which,  traversing  the  tegmen,  converge  at 
the  central  mouth,  or,  as  in  the  Comasteridae,  lead  to  a  horse-shoe  shaped 
furrow  just  within  the  border  of  the  tegmen  in  the  centre  of  which  is  the 
mouth.  Just  below  the  floor  of  these  furrows  runs  a  nerve  band  (absent  from 
ungrooved  arms),  and  under  this  the  genital  rachis  (especially  developed  in 
ungrooved  arras),  and  the  canals  of  the  water  and  blood  vascular  systems  ; 
below  these,  deeply  buried  within  the  substance  of  the  calcareous  plates,  lies 
the  large  nerve  cord  of  the  dorsal  nervous  system.  All  but  the  last  of  these, 
which  leads  to  a  central  nervous  mass  in  the  dorsal  apex  of  the  calyx,  run  to 

a  in 

Fig.  271. 


Isocrimia  asteriu  (Linn.).  Ventral 
disk,  protected  by  very  thin  peri- 
somic  ])lates,  witli  central  nioutli  (»), 
exposed  ambulacra,  and  eccentric 
anus  {A). 


Fig.  272. 

Hyocrinus  hethelianuf:  (Wyv.  Tliom.).  Re- 
cent. Ventral  disk,  enlarged,  o.  Orals  ;  p, 
Mouth  (iieristome) ;  s,  Covering  plates ;  c, 
Dorsal  canals  of  the  anus  ;  am,  Ambulacra! 
furrows  of  the  arms  ;  an,  Anus  (after  Wy  ville 

ring-like  structures  surrounding  the  oesophagus.  The  circumoesophageal  ring 
canal  of  the  water  vascular  system  is  in  communication  with  the  body  cavity, 
which  in  turn  communicates  with  the  exterior  by  means  of  very  numerous 
(five  only  in  Rhizocrinus)  interradial  perforations.  The  margins  of  the 
ambulacral  grooves  are  bordered  with  a  series  of  small  lajipets,  and  at  the 
base  of  each  of  these  is  a  group  of  three  tentacles  ;  these  tentacles,  which  are 
absent  from  ungrooved  arms,  are  connected  with  the  canal  of  the  water 
vascular  system  ;  they  also  secrete  a  more  or  less  poisonous  fluid  which  serves 
to  paralyze  the  small  organisms  which  serve  as  food. 

In  all  Recent  Crinoids  five  (occasionally  four)  open  ambulacral  furrows 
lined  with  epithelium  conduct  from  the  mouth  to  the  tips  of  the  arms, 
remaining  either  simple  or  subdividing  as  often  as  there  are  arms.  Under- 
neath the  floor  of  the  grooves  runs  an  ambulacral  vessel  filled  with  water  ; 
and  accompanying  this  are  the  blood  and  vascular  canals  and  a  nervous  cord. 
Distensible  tentacles  pass  out  from  alternate  sides  of  the  ambulacra,  and  the 
latter  unite  to  form  a  circumoral  ring  canal.  From  the  ring  canal  five  short 
open  tubes  {stone  or  water  canals)  extend  downwards  into  the  body  cavity  and 
supply  the  ambulacral  system  with  water. 

CLASS  in 



In  certain  of  the  Recent  stalked  genera,  as  in  Hyocrinus  (Fig.  272),  in 
the  young  of  all  the  Recent  species,  and  in  a  large  number  of  fossil  Crinoids, 
a  triangular  oral  plate  is  situated  at  each  of  the  five  angles  of  the  mouth-open- 
ing. The  apices  of  the  orals  are  directed  towards  one  another,  and  between 
them  run  the  ambulacra.  Oral  plates  are  extremely  variable  in  size ;  and 
although  well-developed  in  the  larvae  of  the  Comatulids  and  in  the  young  of 
many  of  the  stalked  species,  they  become  wholly  resorbed  before  maturity. 
In  a  number  of  Paleozoic  Crinoids  (Fig.  275)  the  summit  is  entirely  or  in 
large  part  composed  of  five  oral  plates  which  may  be  either  laterally  in 
contact  or  separated  by  furrows.  More  frequently,  however,  the  orals  occupy 
only  the  angles  of  the  mouth-opening,  the  remaining  area  between  the 
ambulacral  furrows  being  covered  with  more  or  less  regularly  arranged 
infer amhulacral  plates  (Fig.  272).  In  most  of  the  Paleozoic  Camerata,  and  in  all 
the  Recent  species,  the  anus  is  placed  at  the  upper  end  of  a  tube  known  as  the 

Fig.  273. 

Lecythoerinus  eifelianus 
Mtiller.  Crinoid  with  elon- 
gated anal  tube  (after 

Fig.  274. 

Dorycrlniis  quinquelobus  (Hall). 
Specimen  showing  plates  of  tlie  teg- 
men  and  eccentric  anus. 

C'occocrinus  rosaceus 
Roem.  Devonian  ; 
Eifel.  Calyx  with  ven- 
tral pavement,  x  -/i 
(after  Schultze). 

anal  tuhe  or  proboscis.  In  the  Fistulata,  however,  the  anal  opening  is  situated 
along  the  anterior  side  of  the  ventral  sac,  or  between  the  sac  and  the  mouth. 

Of  the  interambulacral  plates  a  greater  or  smaller  number  (in  Calamocrinus 
all  in  the  vicinity  of  the  mouth)  are  perforated  by  pores  for  the  admission 
of  water  into  the  body  .cavity.  Pores  evidently  performing  a  respiratory 
function  occur  in  some  of  the  Fistulata  ;  but  these,  instead  of  piercing  the 
body  of  the  plates,  enter  only  their  outer  angles.  Other  Fistulata  have  a 

The  ambulacra  are  frequently  lined  along  their  sides  by  more  or  less 
rounded  covering  plates  which  are  capable  of  being  folded  down  over  them 
so  as  to  serve  as  a  protection  ;  these  covering  plates  are,  at  least  in  the 
Recent  forms,  perisomic  plates  developed  in  the  marginal  ambulacral  lappets  ; 
they  may  occur  alone,  as  in  the  genera  Bhizocrimis,  Nemaster,  etc.,  but  they  are 
usually  separated  from  the  pinnulars  or  brachials  by  a  second  series  of  squarish 
or  oblong  plates  known  as  the  side  plates.  Both  series  of  plates  occur  every- 
where along  the  ambulacral  grooves,  but  they  become  irregular  and  ill-defined 
on  the  disk.      In  the  Paleozoic  Taxocrinus  (Fig.  276),  the  covering  pieces  are 

VOL.  I  N 




arranged  in  alternate  rows,  with  side-j^ieces  adjoining  them.  The  latter  plates 
occur  also  in  most  of  the  Inadunata  and  Flexibilia,  but  are  rarely  represented 
in  the  Camerata.  The  mouth  may  be  exposed  or  closed ;  either  being 
surrounded  by  five  oral  plates  (I'axocrinus,  Fig.  276),  or  the  posterior  oral  may 
be  pushed  in  between  the  four  others,  so  as  to  conceal  the  mouth  ;  the  latter 
is  then  said  to  be  subtegminal  (Fig.  277). 

A  very  remarkable  modification  of  the  ventral  disk  occurs  in  the  Paleozoic 
Camerata.  Here  the  usually  very  numerous  plates  attain  considerable  thickness, 
and  fit  into  one  another  like  the  stones  of  an  arch  to  form  an  extremely  rigid, 
more  or  less  convex  vault,  which  is  sometimes  surmounted  by  an  equally  rigid 
plated  proboscis.  At  the  apex  of  the  dome  five  large-sized  plates  are  often 
distinguishable,  of  which  that  lying  in  the  anal  interradius  commonly  differs 
from  the  rest  in  form  and  size,  and  ajopears  to  be  wedged  in  amongst  the  others. 
These  five  plates  are  identified  by  Wachsmuth  and  Springer  as  orals.  The 
remainder  of  the  tegminal  plates  are  distinguished  according  to  their  position  as 
ambulacrals  and  interambulacrals  ;  in  most  of  the  Batocrinidae  the  ambulacrals 

Pig.  276. 

Taxocrinus  intenned- 
ius  W.  and  Sp.  Ventral 
disk  (after  Wachsmutli 
and  Springer). 

Platycrinus  ItalU  Slium.  Projection 
of  ventral  disk.  «,  Ambulacrals ;  ia,  In- 
terambulacral  areas  ;  ia',  Anal  inter- 
radius ;  e,  Covering  pieces  of  the  ambu- 
lacrals :  i,  Interradials  ;  p,  Interior 
and  lateral  orals  ;  o,  Posterior  (anally 
situated)  oral ;  x,  Plates  of  the  anal 
interambulaeral  area  (after  W.  and  Sp.). 

Fig.  278. 

Hexacrinus  elongatus  Goldf. 
with  tegmen.  a,  Profile  ;  /), 
from  above. 


are  not  arranged  in  alternate  rows  (Fig.  279),  but  frequently  consist  of 
large  single  plates  of  one  or  more  orders,  which  are  separated  from  one 
another  by  the  continuous  interposition  of  supplementary  pieces.  In  other 
groups,  notably  the  Platycrinidae,  the  ambulacrals  are  generally  arranged  in 
two  rows  of  rather  large  plates,  which,  however,  lose  their  original  character 
to  some  extent.  The  interambulacrals  usually  meet  with  the  interbrachials. 
The  tegmen  of  the  Camerata,  as  a  rule,  is  composed  of  large  convex  or  nodose 
plates,  for  the  identification  of  which  considerable  experience  is  required. 

Most  of  the  Paleozoic  Crinoids  have  but  a  single  opening  in  the  tegmen, 
which  is  interradial  in  jiosition,  or  sometimes  central,  and  represents  the  anus. 
With  the  exception  of  the  Flexibilia  the  mouth  is  subtegminal,  and  the  food 
grooves  are  rigidly  closed.  In  many  cases  the  covering  pieces  are  pushed 
inward,  and  the  ambulacra  follow  the  inner  floor  of  the  tegmen,  forming  a 
skeleton  of  ramifying  tubes ;  these  are  conducted  along  open  galleries  from 
the  mouth  to  the  arm-openings  (Fig.  280,  A). 

2.  The  Arms  (Brachia). — The  arms  of  the  Crinoid  body  form  the  immediate 
prolongation  of  the  radials.     The  plates  of  the  arms  are  termed  hrachials,  and 




are  arranged  either  in  single  or  double  alternating  rows  ;  and  hence  are  spoken 
of  as  uniserial  (Fig.  281,  A),  or  as  biserial  (Fig.  281, J5).  The  plates  of  the 
uniserial  arms  may  be  either  rectangular  or  cuneiform,  the  major  ends  being 
directed  alternately  to  the  right  and  left.  In  biserial  arms  the  smaller  ends 
of  the  plates  meet  midway,  so  as  to  form  a  zigzag  suture.     The  arms  invariably 


Fig.  279. 

AgaricQcrinus  americaitus 
Roeni.  Ventral  disk,  r,  Uni- 
serial ambulacrals ;  i,  Inter- 
ambulacrals  ;  o,  Anally  sitn- 
ated  oral ;  -p,  Anterior  and 
lateral  orals  ;  x,  Posterior  in- 
terambulacrals  (after  Wacli- 
sniuth  and  Springer). 


Fio.  280. 

CactocrUius  jrrohoscidialis  (Hall).  A,  Plates  of  tegmen  partially 
removed  in  order  to  show  the  covered  ambulacral  passages  (o) 
leading  from  the  arms  to  the  moutli.  /;,  Plated  npper  surface 
of  ambulacral  galleries.  C,  Natural  cast  of  ventral  disk  with 
impressions  of  calyx  ambulacra  («)  leading  to  tlu;  mouth  (u) ; 
an.  Anus. 

begin  uniserially,  the  biserial  structure  being  gradually  introduced  in  an  upward 
direction.  They  either  remain  simple,  or  branch  in  various  ways  ;  the  plates 
upon  which  a  bifurcation  takes  place  are  called  axUlaries. 

In  the  Camerata,  the  more  highly  organised  Inadunata,  and  in  all  Recent 

Pig.  281. 

A,  Carpocrinus  comtus  Aug.,  showing  uni- 
serial arms.  B,  Callicrhius  costatvs  Hising., 
with  biserial  arms  (after  Angelin). 

Fig.  282. 

Plated  ambulacral  furrows  of  the 
arras,  a,  h,  Cyathocrinus  ramosus 
Ang.,  showing  covering  pieces ; 
c,  Gissocriims  arthriticus  Hising., 
with  covering  pieces.  All  figures 

Crinoids,  the  arms  are  furnished  with  pinnules,  which  are  given  off  alternately 
from  opposite  sides,  usually  one  to  each  arm-plate,  more  rarely  on  alternate, 
or  on  every  third  arm-plate  ;  sometimes  they  are  partially  or  entirely  absent 
from  the  lower  portion  of  the  arms.  The  pinnules  are  jointed  a^jpendages, 
which  at  least  basally  repeat  the  general  structure  of  the  arms,  and  in  living 


Crinoids  lodge  the  functional  portion  of  the  genital  organs.  When  two  or 
more  arm-joints,  meet  transversely  by  a  rigid  suture,  and  only  the  upper  one  is 
pinnule-bearing,  those  joints  form  a  syzrjgy,  whether  their  apposed  faces  are 
striated,  dotted  or  smooth.  The  lower  joint  bearing  no  pinnule  is  called  the 
hypozygal  joint,  the  upper  one  the  episygal ;  and  the  two  together  constitute 
physiologically  but  a  single  segment,  as  is  shown  by  the  unaltered  alterna- 
tion of  the  pinnules. 

The  ciliated  ambulacral  furrows  of  the  arms  enter  by  the  arm-openings 
into  the  tegmen,  and  all  converge  to  the  mouth.  Food-particles,  consisting 
chiefly  of  diatoms,  infusorians  and  microscopic  crustaceans,  are  propelled  along 
the  furrows  and  into  the  body  by  the  action  of  the  cilia. 

In  all  Recent  and  in  numerous  fossil  Crinoids  the  brachials  and  pinnulars 
are  perforated  by  a  single,  or  in  some  cases  by  a  duplicate,  canal  (central  canal) 
containing  the  dorsal  nerve  cords,  which  give  off  four  delicate  branches 
within  each  segment.  The  dorsal  canal  extends  also  into  the  radials  and 
basals,  perforating  the  plates  when  they  are  thick,  and  running  in  a  shallow 
groove  on  the  inside  when  thin.  So  far  as  has  been  observed,  the  axial 
canals  begin  uniformly  in  the  basals,  where  they  divide  dichotomously  ;  but 
in  the  radials  the  branches  generally  reunite  to  form  the  so-called  ring  canal 
(Fig.  329). 

3.  The  Column. — The  stem  or  column  attains  in  some  forms  (Pentacrinus)  a 
length  of  a  number  of  metres ;  but  in  others  it  is  much  abbreviated,  or 
even  atrophied,  so  that  the  calyx  is  either  directly  adherent  by  the  base 
(Cyathidium,  Holopus),  or  is  destitirte  of  all  means  of  attachment  (Agassizocrinns, 
Uintacrinus,  Marsupites,  the  Comatulids).  The  stem  is  composed  of  usually 
short  segments,  having  either  circular,  elliptical  or  angular  (especially  penta- 
gonal) cross-sections,  and  being  sometimes  of  uniform  and  sometimes  of  variable 
proportions.  Lateral  appendages,  called  cirri,  are  present  in  numerous  forms, 
being  given  oft'  either  singly  or  in  whorls  at  regular  intervals  along  the 
periphery.  The  larger  and  all  cirrus-bearing  segments  are  called  nodals,  and 
those  interposed  between  them  the  internodals.  The  distal  end  of  the  stalk 
may  taper  gradually  to  an  apex,  in  which  vicinity  fine  radicular  cirri  are 
commonly  developed,  or  it  may  be  thickened  at  the  extremity  so  as  to  form  a 
bulbous  or  branching  root,  or  a  heavy,  solid,  terminal  stem  plate,  or  dorso- 
central.  Growth  is  accomplished  by  the  insertion  of  new  joints  at  the 
proximal  end  of  the  stem,  either  just  beneath  the  calyx,  or  both  here  and 
between  the  earlier  formed  joints,  the  earlier  segments  becoming  at  the  same 
time  gradually  enlarged.  The  last-formed  joints  are  commonly  of  smaller 
size  than  those  situated  more  remotely  from  the  calyx. 

Like  the  brachials  and  pinnulars,  all  the  joints  of  the  stem  and  cirri  are 
pierced  by  a  (usually  central)  longitudinal  canal  which  is  circular,  oval  or 
pentagonal  in  cross  -  section,  and  communicates  with  the  peculiar  dorsal 
chambered  organ  which  in  the  Comatulids  is  situated  within  the  centrodorsal, 
and  in  the  stalked  forms  within  the  calyx  just  above  the  summit  of  the 
stem.  The  outer  walls  of  the  chambered  organ  are  composed  of  nervous 
tissue,  and  form  the  central  organ  of  the  dorsal  nervous  system  which 
innervates  all  the  dorsal  structures  ;  within  the  chambered  organ  is  divided 
by  partitions  into  five  sections,  and  is  continued  ventrally  as  a  thick  tube 
of  uncertain  function,  known  as  the  central  plexus,  to  near  the  inner  surface 
of  the  disk,  where  it  ends  blindly. 


All  of  the  calcareous  elements  of  which  the  dorsal  skeletal  system  is  com- 
posed are  developed  within  a  uniform  organic  base  ;  with  the  growth  of  the 
plates  this  within  them  becomes  a  diffuse  network,  and  between  them  forms 
a  mass  of  strong  connecting  fibrils  which  bind  the  plates  together. 

In  the  so-called  sutures  between  the  calyx  plates,  in  the  intercolumnar 
articulations  in  many  of  the  older  types  (Encriiius,  etc.),  in  the  syzygies  between 
the  brachials  in  many  forms,  and  just  below  the  cirrus-bearing  joints  in  the 
stems  of  the  Pentacrinites,  these  fibrils  are  all  of  uniform  length  and  uniformly 
disti'ibuted  over  the  joint  face ;  but  usually  there  is  a  differentiation  of  the 
fibrils  by  which  they  become  more  or  less  segregated  into  radial  groups,  as  in 
the  stems  of  Pentacrinites  ;  or  they  become  elongated  and  differentiated  into  two 
comparatively  dense  masses  separated  by  a  strong  fulcral  ridge,  and  assume  a 
more  or  less  contractile  function  as  in  the  stems  of  such  genera  as  Bhizocrinus 
and  Platycriniis,  in  the  cirri  of  the  Pentacrinites  and  Comatulids,  and  in  the 
pinnules  beyond  the  second  joint  in  many  forms.  Between  the  brachials  they 
are  usually  differentiated  into  two  distinct  types,  one  of  which,  occupying  the 
entire  dorsal  half  of  the  joint  face  (the  dorsal  ligament)  is  comparable  to  one 
of  the  two  masses  in  the  type  just  described ;  while  the  other,  occupying  two 
more  or  less  triangular  areas,  one  on  either  side  of  the  central  canal  and  just 
ventral  to  the  transverse  ridge  by  which  they  are  separated  from  the  preced- 
ing (the  interarticular  ligaments),  is  much  more  dense,  and  serves  to  bind  the 
brachials  tightly  together. 

In  addition  to  these  ligamentous  connections  there  are,  between  the 
brachials,  two  muscular  bundles  situated  on  the  ventral  border  of  the  joint 
face,  distal  (ventral)  to  the  interarticular  ligament  masses.  Whereas  the 
ligament  bundles  are  developed  directly  from  the  original  uniform  body 
investment  in  which  the  calcareous  elements  are  formed,  the  muscular  bundles 
have  an  entirely  separate  origin. 

In  certain  of  the  older  forms  the  proximal  segments  of  the  column 
occasionally  exhibit  simple  vertical  clefts,  which  indicate  an  original  quin- 
quipartite  composition.  These  divisions  always  occur  alternately  with  those 
of  the  basals  in  monocyclic,  and  with  those  of  the  infrabasals  in  dicyclic 
forms.  The  entire  crinoid  stem  is  probably  the  homologue  of  a  single  apical 
calyx  plate,  which  has  been  reduplicated  by  a  curious  process  of  serial  repeti- 
tion common  among  the  Echinoderms. 

Ontogeny. — Although  we  are  as  yet  acquainted  with  the  life-history  of  but 
thi'ee  species,  all  belonging  to  the  genus  Antedon,  and  although  the  life- 
history  of  but  two  of  these  {A.  mediterranea  and  A.  adriatica)  is  well  under- 
stood, the  phenomena  of  their  development  are  of  such  significance  as 
to  shed  most  valuable  light  upon  many  conditions  observed  in  fossil 

The  eggs,  extruded  from  the  ovaries  and  hanging  in  little  groups  from  the 
genital  pinnules,  are  fertilized  externally,  and  the  early  metamorphosis  of  the 
larva  takes  place  within  the  egg  membrane.  At  the  time  of  the  rupture  of 
the  egg  membrane  and  its  consequent  escape  the  embryo  (a  gastrula)  is  elongate- 
oval  in  form,  bilaterally  symmetrical,  bearing  an  anterior  tuft  of  cilia  and 
encircled  by  five  ciliated  bands,  resembling  somewhat  the  larvae  of  certain 
annelids.  Internally  there  are  to  be  seen  the  rudiments  of  five  oral  plates, 
five  basals,  three  (A.  mediterranea)  or  five  {A.  adriatica)  infrabasals,  and  about 
eleven  columnars  ;  the  orals,  basals,  and  infrabasals  are  arranged  in  horseshoe- 




shaped  bands,  and  the  columnars  are  also  horseshoe-shaped,  not  having  as  yet 
formed  complete  rings. 

After  a  free-swimming  existence  of  a  few  hours  the  embryo  attaches  itself 
by  means  of  the  so-called  adhesive  pit,  a  slight  depression  on  the  antero- ventral 
face,  the  cilia  disappear,  and  profound  changes  take  place  which  result  in  a 
rearrangement  of  the  internal  organs. 

The  five  orals  now  form  a  pyramid  over  the  superior  (ventral)  portion  of 
the  animal,  while  the  five  basals  form  a  similar,  but  inverted,  pyramid,  in  the 
wall  of  the  proximal  (dorsal)  portion  of  the  calyx  ;  between  the  apex  of  the 
latter  and  the  top  of  the  column  are  the  three  or  five  infrabasals.  The  column 
consists  of  about  eleven  cylindrical  joints,  each  composed  of  the  original  central 
annulus  from  which  numerous  longitudinal  parallel  calcareous  rods  are 
developed,  and  is  terminated  distally,  and  attached,  by  a  lobate  terminal  stem 
plate.     The  larva  is  now  said  to  have  reached  the  "  Cystid  stage." 

In  the  five  diamond-shaped  spaces  which  occur  between  the  divisions  of 
the  orals  and  basals  the  radials  appear,  and,  increasing  rapidly  in  size,  intrude 
upon  the  orals  ;  at  the  same  time  a  sixth  plate  (the  anal) 
makes  its  appearance  in  the  zone  of  the  radials,  but  it  gradu- 
ally moves  upward  with  the  orals  into  the  ventral  disk.  A 
row  of  elongate  cylindrical  segments,  bifurcating  on  the 
second,  is  given  off  from  each  radial,  and  grows  very  rapidly 
by  the  addition  of  new  plates  at  its  distal  end.  The  column 
ceases  adding  new  segments,  and  the  last  one  to  be  formed, 
just  beneath  the  calyx,  increases  in  size  and  fuses  with  the 
infrabasals  to  form  the  rudiment  of  the  centrodorsal.  The 
larva  is  now  said  to  have  reached  the  "  Pentacrinoid  stage." 
Simultaneously  with  the  development  of  the  arms  and 
column  a  resorption  of  the  orals  and  the  anal  sets  in,  while 
the  basals  begin  to  undergo  a  curious  metamorphosis  by 
which  they  are  transformed  into  a  lobate  ten-rayed  plate 
which  is  wholly  internal,  lying  just  above  the  chambered 
organ.  Finally  the  button-shaped  centrodorsal,  which  is  now 
beset  with  numerous  cirri,  detaches  itself  from  the  remainder 
of  the  stalk,  and  the  animal  becomes  free. 

The  ontogeny  of  the  Antedon  (Fig.  283)  reveals  the  fact 
that  the  infrabasals,  basals,  orals  and  stem  represent  the 
most  primitive  skeletal  structures  while  the  radials  and 
brachials  are  formed  at  a  subsequent  period.  Similar 
evidence  is  afii'orded  by  numerous  fossil  Crinoids,  in  which 
the  basals  and  column  are  very  strongly  developed,  while 
dorsal  (alter  Wyviiie   the  radials  are  mostly  of  inferior  size,  and  the  arms  either 

Thomson).  "^  ^ 

rudimentary  or  absent.^ 
Habitat. — The  existing  Crinoids  inhabit  depths  ranging  from  between  tide 
marks  to  2900  fathoms,   both  extremes  being  occupied  by  unstalked  forms 

^  [Some  of  the  Paleozoic  Flexibilica  are  almost  identical,  iu  fact,  with  the  pedunculate  stages  of 
Antedon.  Wachsmuth  and  Springer,  from  their  observations  on  the  orientation  of  the  stem  and  its 
canal  in  fossil  monocyclic  and  dicyclic  Crinoids,  were  led  to  infer  the  presence  of  infrabasals  in  the 
nepioiiic  (or  larval)  stages  of  many  forms  previously  supposed  to  be  without  them.  This  predic- 
tion was  abundantly  confirmed  by  Mr.  Bury 's  discovery  of  nuuute  infrabasals  in  the  larva  of  A  ntedon. 
See  especially  II.  Bury,  Early  Stages  in  the  Development  of  Antedon  rosaceus.  Philos.  Trans., 
1889,  vol.  clxxix.] 

Fig.  283. 

Larva  of  Antedon 
rosaceus  Linck.  h,  Ba- 
sals ;  r,  Radials ; 
o,    Orals :    cd,   CentrO' 



(Coraatulids),  the  range  foi^  the  stalked  species  being  from  5  to  2325 
fathoms.  The  great  majority  of  the  existing  types  are  littoral  and  sublittoral, 
only  a  few  descending  into  the  abysses.  A  very  large  number  of  species, 
many  genera,  and  several  families  are  confined  to  the  East  Indian  region,  while 
all  the  species  and  genera  occurring  outside  of  that  region  have  close  relatives 
within  it.  Most  forms  are  highly  gregarious,  occurring  in  great  numbers 
together,  these  masses  being  often  composed,  in  the  East  Indies,  of  twenty  or 
more  different  species,  but  a  few  appear  to  be  more  solitary  in  habit.  As  a 
rule  the  Recent  forms  are  very  local,  and,  though  they  may  be  found  in  certain 
very  restricted  areas  in  large  numbers,  and  may  have  a  very  wide  geographical 
range,  it  is  comparatively  seldom  that  one  meets  with  them. 

Fossil  Crinoids  also  appear  to  have  been  gregarious  in  habit,  and  their 
remains  are  frequently  found  commingled  with  those  of  reef-building  corals 
in  Paleozoic  strata.  Owing  to  the  extremely  delicate  constitution  of  many  of 
the  skeletal  parts,  and  the  looseness  with  which  the  plates  and  segments  are 
united,  the  Crinoid  organism  is  by  no  means  favourably  adapted  for  preserva- 
tion in  the  fossil  state.  Perfect  crowns  are  of  comparatively  rare  occurrence, 
calices  more  frequent ;  but,  on  the  other  hand,  detached  joints  of  the  stem 
and  arms  are  often  very  abundant,  and  form  beds  of  considerable  thickness. 
Crinoidal  limestones  of  greater  or  lesser  extent  are  met  with  in  numerous 
formations  from  the  Ordovician  to  the  Jura ;  those  of  the  Carboniferous  and 
Muschelkalk  (Trochiteiikalk)  being  especially  characteristic. 

Classification. — The  first  attempt  to  construct  a  classification  of  the 
Crinoids  was  that  of  J.  S.  Miller  in  1821.  Four  groups  differing  in  the  form 
and  mode  of  vmion  of  the  calyx  plates  were  distinguished  by  Miller  as 
follows  :  C.  articulata,  semiarfiadata,  inarticulafa  and  coadunata.  The  classi- 
fication of  Johannes  Miiller,  in  1841,  was  based  iipon  a  number  of  differential 
characters,  such  as  the  articular  or  close  suture  of  the  radials,  the  thick- 
ness of  the  calyx  plates,  the  mobility  of  the  arms,  and  the  plated  or 
coriaceovis  character  of  the  ventral  disk.  Two  principal  groups  were 
recognised  :  Articulata  and  Tesselata ;  while  a  third  (Costata)  was  constructed 
for  the  reception  of  the  unique  genus  Saccocoma.  T.  and  T.  Austin  and 
F.  Roemer  adopted  the  untenable  divisions  of  Stalked  and  Unstalked 

The  importance  of  Wachsmuth  and  Springer's  investigations  on  the 
structure  of  the  calyx,  especially  of  the  tegmen,  and  on  the  orientation  of 
the  stem  and  its  canals  in  monocyclic  and  dicyclic  forms,  cannot  be  over- 
estimated. Two  groups  were  proposed  in  their  classification  of  1879  : 
Palaeocrinoidea  and  Stomatocrinoiclea  (  =  Neocrinoidea,  Carpenter) ;  groups  which 
correspond  in  the  main  with  the  Tesselata  and  Articulata  of  Johannes  Miiller. 
This  classification  was  subsequently  abandoned,  and  a  new  one  suggested  for 
it  in  1888,  afterwards  more  fully  defined  in  their  monograph  on  the  North 
American  Crinoidea  Camerata  in  1897,  in  which  three  principal  grand 
divisions,  or  orders,  were  recognised,  which  were  believed  to  include  sub- 
stantially all  Crinoids,  fossil  and  recent,  viz.:  Camerata,  Inadunata  and 

Jaekel  in  1894  proposed  two  orders,  Cladocrinoidea  and  Pentacrinoidea, 
the  former  containing  only  the  Camerata  (W.  and  Sp.),  and  the  latter  all  the 
rest.  Bather  in  1898  divided  the  Crinoids  according  to  the  composition  of 
the  base  into  two  subclasses,  Monocyclica  and  DicijcUca,  recognising  for  the 


most  part,  as  subordinate  to  them,  the  orders  proposed  by  Wachsmuth  and 
Springer.  The  divisions  established  by  Wachsmnth  and  Springer  have  been 
adopted  as  the  basis  of  the  following  systematic  arrangement,  substituting, 
however,  for  their  Articulata  the  preferable  name  Flexibilia,  proposed  by  von 
Zittel  in  1895,  and  now  adopted  by  Springer  in  his  forthcoming  monograph 
of  that  group ;  also  retaining  the  name  Articulata  in  the  sense  of  Miller  and 
Miiller  for  a  fourth  division,  including  the  Eecent  and  most  of  the  Mesozoic 

Within  the  last  few  years,  also,  the  terminology  has  been  amended  in 
several  important  resj^ects ;  and  conformably  to  the  usage  of  the  leading 
English  and  American  authorities,  certain  of  these  changes  have  been  adopted 
in  the  present  edition.  An  explanatory  note  on  the  use  of  terms  is  therefore 
given  at  this  place,  in  order  to  facilitate  reference,  and  to  exhibit  the  corre- 
spondence between  the  older  terminology  and  the  new. 

The  only  abbreviations  employed  in  the  text  are  the  following  : — 

IB  =  Infrabasal.  Br  =  Brachial. 

i?=  Basal.  /i?r=  Primibracli  or  costal. 

i2^=Radianal.  //5r  =  Secuiidibracli  or  disticlial. 
a;  =  First  or  special  anal.  •ii?r=Iuterbracliial. 

^  =  Radial.  .4m&  =  Ainbulacrals. 

In  addition  to  these  the  following  are  used  in  the  figures,  but  are  printed 
in  small  letters  : — 

^=  Calyx.  0  =  Orals. 

A  =  Arras.  IH  =  Interradials. 

St  =  Stcm.  Z)isi  =:Disticlials. 

Explanation  of  Terms. 

Crow7i  =  Criuoid  minus  the  stem. 

Oahjx  =  Crinoid  skeleton  minus  the  stem  and  free  arms. 

Dorsal  ctq)  =  AW  parts  of  the  calyx  below  the  origin  of  the  free  arms. 

Tegme7i  =  Th.a,t  part  of  the  calyx  lying  above  the  origin  of  the  free  arms,  and  embracing 
the  disk  ambulacra,  the  mouth,  and  the  aniis.  Includes  the  terms  ventral  disk,  vault, 
dome,  swmmit,  etc. 

^«se  =  That  part  of  the  dorsal  cup  lying  next  to  the  column.  It  may  be  composed  of  one 
ring  of  plates  (monocyclic),  or  of  two  rings  (dicyclic),  which  are  distinguished  as  basals  and 
infrahasals.  The  basals  adjoin  the  radials  and  alternate  with  them,  being  interradial  in 
position.     The  infrahasals,  when  ju'esent,  form  the  proximal  ring,  and  are  radially  disposed. 

Radials  =  T\ie  circlet  formed  by  the  first  plate  in  each  of  the  rays;  or,  the  radially 
situated  circlet  of  plates  above  the  basals,  and  this  ring  only.  In  some  of  the  earlier  Crinoids 
one  or  more  of  the  radials  appear  as  if  transversely  bisected,  due  to  the  presence  of  a 
radiaiial  or  inferradials. 

Brachials  =  AW  plates  beyond  the  radials  in  radial  succession.  They  are  called  fixed 
brachials  so  far  as  tliey  take  part  in  the  calyx  ;  /ree  brachials  or  nrm-platfs  when  they  do 
not.  The  brachials  forming  the  first  circlet  above  the  radials,  whether  free  or  fixed,  are 
called  primihrachs  or  costals  ;  those  of  the  second  order  secundihrachs  or  distichals  ;  those  of 
the  third  order  tertihrachs  or  palmars;  and  so  on  for  succeeding  orders  of  brachials,  to  which 
formerly  the  name  post-palmars  was  applied. 

Interradials  =  AW  plates  occupying  the  spaces  between  the  rays  proper,  whether  they 
belong  to  the  dorsal  cup  or  the  ventral  disk.  Those  of  the  dorsal  cup,  which  are  inter- 
posed between  the  brachials,  are  distinguisluid  as  intcrhrachials,  and  those  of  the  tegmen, 
which  lie  between  the  ambulacra,  as  interamlulacrals. 

Eadianal  =  A  plate  disturbing  the  bilateral  symmetry  of  the  cup,  located  primitively 
directly  below  the  right  posterior  radial,  and  in  later  genera  obliquely  to  the. left  of  it. 

yi7trtZs  =  Interradials  of  the  posterior  side,  forming  the  base  of  the  anal  structures.  The 
special  or  first  anal  plate  (now  usually  designated  x),  when  present,  invariably  rests  upon 
the  truncated  upper  face  of  the  posterior  basal  and  between  the  radials.     Higher  anal  plates 



may  be  present,  even  when  the  special  anal  is  wanting  ;  they  arc  interposed  between  the 
interbrachials,  following  the  median  line  of  the  posterior  area. 

Orals  =  T\ie  five  large  interradial  plates  which  surround  the  mouth  or  cover  it.  They  are 
said  to  be  symmctriccd  when  of  nearly  the  same  size  and  form  ;  asymmetrical  when  the 
posterior  plate  is  pushed  in  between,  or  is  larger  than,  the  other  four. 

Ambi(,lac7-als  =  The  rows  of  small  plates  in  the  tegmen  which  are  radially  situated.  They 
consist  of  adamhulacrals  or  side-pieces,  and  the  covering -iilates  (Sauvipldttehen).  The  former, 
when  present,  constitute  the  outer,  the  latter  the  inner  rows  of  plates.  The  covering  i)lates 
form  a  roof  over  the  food-grooves  ;  they  are  generally  represented  by  two  alternating  rows 
of  small  plates,  more  or  less  regular  in  their  arrangement,  which  are  movable  upon  the  arms 
and  jnnnules,  but  upon  the  disk  only  in  those  Crinoids  in  which  the  mouth  is  exposed. 

The  orientation  is  based  upon  the  natural  position  of  the  Crinoid,  with  the  arms  upper- 
most, and  viewing  the  specimen  from  the  anal  side.  The  anal  interradius  will  then  be 
posterior,  the  radius  opposite  to  it  anterior,  while  the  right  and  left  sides  of  it  correspond 
with  right  and  left  of  the  observer. 

Primary  Divisions  of  the  Crinoidea. 

Crinoids  in  which  the  lower  brachials  take  part  more  or  less  in  the  dorsal  cup. 
All  plates  of  the  calyx  united  by  close  suture.  Mouth  and  food-grooves  closed. — 
Order  1.     Came  rata. 


Crinoids  in  which  the  lower  luachials  are  incorporated  into  the  calyx  either  by 
lateral  union  with  each  other,  or  by  means  of  a  skin  studded  with  calcareous  particles. 
All  plates  from  the  radials  up  movable.  Mouth  aird  food-grooves  exposed.  Arms 
non-pinnulate.  The  top  stem  joint  often  fused  with  the  infraljasals,  and  not  always 
the  youngest  joint  of  the  stem. — Order  2.  Flexibilia  of  Zittel  {  =  Articulata  of  W. 
and  Sp.  non  Miller  and  Miiller). 


Crinoids  in  wliich  the  brachials  are  free  above  the  radials.  Plates  of  calyx  united 
by  close  suture.      Mouth  sub-tegminal. — Order  3.      Inadunata. 


Crinoids  in  which  the  mode  of  union  of  radials  with  the  plates  they  liear  is  by 
complete  muscular  articulation,  and  in  which  are  combined  the  following  additional 
characters  :  open  mouth  and  food  grooves  ;  dorsal  canals  perforating  radial  and  arm 
plates ;  uniserial  arms  only  ;  pinnules  ;  the  general  presence  of  a  modified  columnal, 
or  proximale  ;  the  general  absence  of  bilateral,  and  presence  of  pentamerous  symmetry, 
modified  only  by  loss  or  addition  of  rays  and  not  by  anal  structures.  Brachials  either 
free,  or  more  or  less  incorporated. — Order  4.     Articulata. 

The  first  three  of  these  divisions  are  represented  in  the  Ordovician.  The  Camerata 
were  the  most  specialised,  and  the  first  to  disappear,  being  confined  to  the  Paleozoic, 
and  becoming  extinct  in  the  Lower  Coal  Measures.  The  Flexibilia  were  similarly 
limited.  The  Artic^data  range  from  the  Mesozoic  to  the  present  time.  The  Inadunate 
type,  representing  the  most  generalised  structure  of  the  Crinoids,  is  in  its  most 
essential  feature,  though  variously  modified,  carried  forward  with  the  Articulata,  and 
thus  has  an  unbroken  range  from  the  earliest  Ordovician  to  the  present. 

Order  1.     CAMERATA  Wachsmuth  and  Springer. 

{Sphaeroiclocrinacea  Neumay r. ) 

Crinoidea  in  which  the  lower  brachials  take  part  in  the  dorsal  cup.  All  plates  of 
the  calyx  united  by  close  sutures,  and  immovable.     Mouth  and  food-grooves  completely 


covered  ;  the  covering  pieces  of  the  latter  frequently  incorporated  in  the  tegmen.  Anal 
opening  eccentric  or  subcentral,  frequently  situated  at  the  end  of  a  proboscis-like  anal 
tube.     Arms  uniserial  or  biserial,  and  jnnnulate.     Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

In  some  of  the  earlier  (Ordovician)  forms,  as  in  the  Reteocrinidae  and 
Batocrinidae,  there  is  considerable  flexibility  in  the  tegmen,  which  is  com- 
posed of  innumerable  small  plates ;  but  the  mouth  and  food  grooves  in  all 
these  are  perfectly  subtegminal,  thus  distinguishing  them  from  the  Flexibilia, 
some  of  which,  in  respect  to  flexibility  of  the  tegmen,  they  superficially 

Family  1.     Cleiocrinidae. 

Dicyclic.  Brachials  to  height  of  several  orders  incorporated  in  calyx  by  lateral 
union,  those  of  different  rays  in  contact  except  at  the  anal  side.  Calyx  plates  furnished 
with  pore-rhombs  crossing  the  sutures  as  in  some  Cystoidea.  Arms  jnnnulate.  Tegmen 
of  small  undifferentiated  plates.     Mouth  subtegminal.     Ordovician. 

C/eiocrwrns  Billings  (emend.).  Calyx  large,  pliant;  plates  joined  by  loose 
sutures,  crossed  by  pore-rhombs.  IBB  five,  invisible  exteriorly.  Basals  and 
radials  not  in  typical  succession,  but  alternating  with  each  other  in  a 
horizontal  ring  of  ten  plates  surrounding  the  IBB  and  projecting  downward 
over  the  column  like  a  collar.  No  iBr  except  at  the  anal  side ;  anals  in 
vertical  series,  resting  on  the  truncate  posterior  basal,  and  extending  high  up 
between  the  rays,  Rays  and  their  divisions  up  to  the  free  arms  contiguous 
and  interlocking  ;  brachials  bifurcating  several  times  in  the  calyx,  giving  off ' 
fixed  pinnules,  which  are  incorporated  by  lateral  imion  with  adjacent  brachials 
and  become  free  between  the  arm  bases.  Arms  small,  uniserial  and 
unbranched.  Column  obtusely  pentagonal,  or  nearly  round.  Lowest 
Ordovician  (Chazy  and  Trenton) ;  Canada  and  the  United  States. 

Tills  genus  has  the  flexible  calyx  and  loose  sutures  of  the  Flexibilia,  but  its  pinnulate 
arms  and  subtegminal  mouth  place  it  in  closer  relation  with  early  Camerata,  such  as 
Eeteocrinus.  Its  calycine  pore-rhombs  proclaim  its  not  distant  derivation  from  the  Cystitis. 
In  the  remarkable  disposition  of  the  basal  and  radial  plates,  in  horizontal  alternation  instead 
of  vertical  succession,  touching  the  infrabasals  by  their  exterior  surface  instead  of  the  distal 
edge,  this  form  differs  from  all  known  Pelmatozoa.  These  intermediate  and  peculiar 
features  accord  with  its  very  early  age. 

Family  2.      Reteocrinidae.      Waclismutli  and  Springer  (emend.). 

Dicyclic.  The  lower  plates  of  the  rays  more  or  less  coiapletely  separated  from 
those  of  other  rays,  and  from  the  primary  interradials,  by  irregular  supplementary 
pieces,  without  definite  arrangement.  Anal  interradius  divided  by  a  vertical  row 
of  cons])icuous  plates.     Ordovician. 

Beteocrinus  Billings  (em.  W.  and  Sp.).  Dicyclic.  IBB  five,  variable.  EB 
and  fixed  brachials  folded  into  a  strong  median  ridge,  which  follows  the 
bifurcations  and  passes  insensibly  into  the  arms.  A  similar  ridge  of  anal 
plates  divides  the  posterior  interradius,  extending  to  the  anal  opening. 
Radials  separated  all  around.  Arms  usually  branching;  uniserial,  or  with 
interlocking  cuneate  ossicles.  Interbrachial  areas  filled  with  innumerable 
minute  pieces  forming  an  apparently  pliant  integument  continuous  with  the 
tegmen.  Column  round  or  pentagonal.  Ordovician  (Trenton  to  Cincinnatian) ; 
North  America. 





Family  3.     Dimerocrinidae  Batlier.     {Glyptocrinidae  Zittel  jpars  ;  Glyptasteridae 

Angeliu  ;   Thysanocrinidae  W.  and  Sp.) 

Dkydic.  Lower  brachials  and  interbraehials  forming  an  important  paii  of  the 
dorsal  cup  ;  interbraehials  well  defined.  Eadials  in  contact  except  at  the  posterior 
side,  where  they  are  separated  by  an  anal  plate.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Ptychocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  IBB  five.  Arms  uniserial,  simple,  or  branching 
once.  Radial  and  brachial  plates  marked  by  well-defined  median  ridge. 
First  anal  plate  usually  succeeded  by  three  plates  in  second  range ;  iBr  few. 
Anus  without  a  tube.     Ordovician;  America. 

Orthocrinus  Jaekel.     Arms  stout  and  uniserial.     Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Dimerocrinus  Phillips.  (Thysanocrinus  and  Glyptaster  Hall ;  Eucrinus  Ang.) 
(Fig.  284).  IBB  five.  Arms  biserial,  simple  or  branching.  First  anal  plate 
followed  by  three  in  second 
range ;  iBr  in  several  ranges. 
Anus  without  a  tube.  Silurian 
to  Devonian  ;  North  America, 
England,  Gotland. 

Cyphocrinus  S.  A.  Miller 
(Hyptiocrinus  W.  and  Sp.).  Calyx 
constructed  as  in  Dimerocrinus, 
but  low  and  wide,  with  arms 
pendent  and  tegmen  plates  spini- 
ferous.    Silurian;  North  America. 

Gazacrinus  S.  A.  Miller  (Idio- 
crinus  W.  and  Sp.).  iBr  limited 
to  a  single  large  plate  in  each 
interradius,  that  of  posterior  side 
following  an  anal.  Silurian ; 
North  America. 

Lampterocrinus  Eoemer.  Calyx 
like  that  of  Dimerocrinus,  but 
asymmetrical  from  bulging  at 
anal  side,  and  with  anus  at  end  of  a  tube.  Anal  plate  followed  by  three 
IBB,  large.  Rays  produced  into  five  tubular  extensions,  bearing  biserial, 
pinnuliferous  arms  on  each  side.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Siphonocrinus  S.  A.  Miller.  Similar  to  preceding,  but  IBB  small,  calyx 
larger  and  more  asymmetric,  from  subtegminal  recurving  of  the  rectum. 
Silurian  :  North  America. 






Fig.  284. 
Analysis  of  calyx  (after  W.  and  Sp.). 

Family  4.     Rhodocrinidae  Eoemer. 

Dicyclic.  Lower  brachials  and  interbraehials  forming  an  important  part  of  the 
dorsal  cup.  Badials  separated  all  around  by  an  interradial  plate  folloived  by  well- 
defined,  definitely  arranged  interbraehials.  Infrabasals  five.  Anal  area  slightly, 
and  often  not  at  all,  different  from  those  of  other  interrays.  Ordovician  to  Lower 

Bhaphanocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  {Coelocrinus  Salter).     Calyx  obovate.     Arms 





Fiii.  2«S. 
Analysis  of  calyx  (after  W. 
aud  Sp.)- 

uiiiserial ;  from  ten  to  twenty,  and  branching  further.     Otherwise  simihir  to 
Archaeocrinus.     Ordovician  ;  North  America  and  England. 

Archaeocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  obovate  to  hemispherical ;  base  usually 
concave  or  invaginate.  IBB  small.  Brachials  to  at  least  second  order  in- 
corporated  in   the   calyx.     Arms    biserial,   usually   ten   at   their   origin   and 

branching  beyond.  Anal  interradius 
slightly  distinguished  by  an  additional 
plate  in  second  range  ;  iBr  numerous. 
Anus  without  a  tube.  Ordovician ;  Canada 
and  Kentucky. 

Diabolocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  de- 
pressed globose.  Anus  at  end  of  a  tube. 
First  regular  interbrachial  frequently 
surrounded  by  supplementary  plates. 
Ordovician ;  Tennessee. 

Deocrinus  and  Hercocrinus  Hudson. 
Ordovician ;  Canada. 

Bhodocrimis  J.  S.  Miller  (Acanthocrinus 
Roemer)  (Fig.  285).  Calyx  globose, 
usually  small  and  delicate,  with  concave 
base,  and  constricted  at  the  tegmen. 
Arms  becoming  free  at  the  distichals,  and 
branching ;  biserial,  either  directly  from 
the  calyx  up,  or  only  from  the  last  bi- 
furcation. Anal  side  frequently,  but  not  always,  distinct  from  the  regular 
interbrachial  areas,  by  interposition  of  an  extra  plate  in  the  second  range. 
Devonian  to  Lower  Carbon- 
iferous (Keokuk  Gr.);  North 
America,  England,  Belgium, 

Gilbertsocrimis  Phillips 
(Goniasteroidocrinus  Lyon  and 
Cass.;  Ollacrinus  Cumberland 
nomen  nudum).  Calyx  below 
the  arm-regions  like  that  of 
Bhodocrinus,  but  usually 
larger,  expanding  at  the 
tegmen  instead  of  constrict- 
ing, and  distinguished  especi- 
ally by  large  tubular  ap- 
pendages extending  outward 
and  downward  from  the 
margin  of  the  tegmen,  and 
overhanging  the  arm  bases. 
These  appendages  are  formed 
of  rows  of  cylindrical  plates, 
pierced  to  their  full  length 
by  a  central  canal ;  they  are 
primarily  ten  in  number,  in  some  species  free,  and  in  some  fused  by  their 
outer  margins  to  those  of  adjacent  rays.     Arms  small,  delicate,  biserial,  given 

Fin.  286. 
Uhipldocrinus  crenatua  (Goklf.).  Uevouian ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel. 
A,  Perfect  crown,  of  the  natural  size  (after  Schnltze).  7i,  Tegmen, 
with  eccentric  anus.  C,  Interior  view  of  the  base,  showing  the  five 
ll'Ji,  two  of  Uie  basals  and  one  radial.  /),  Column.  A',  Face  of  stem- 


off  in  clusters  beneath  the  appendages.  Anus  subcentral,  directly  through 
the  tegmen.  Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokuk  Gr.) ;  North 
America,  Great  Britain  and  Belgium. 

Lyriocrinus  Hall  {Marsupiocrinus  Hall,  non  Blv.  nee  Phill.).  Calyx  depressed 
hemispherical,  with  base  rather  truncate  ;  tegmen  almost  flat,  composed  of 
numerous  small,  irregular  plates.  Plates  of  dorsal  cup  usually  smooth  or 
granular.  Arms  ten,  strong,  unbranched,  biserial.  Interbrachials  few,  incor- 
porating brachials  to  only  part  of  the  second  order.  Anal  side  usually  not 
distinct ;  anus  eccentric,  at  the  end  of  a  small  tube.  Fii'st  interradials  some- 
times touch  basals.     Silurian  ;  North  America  and  England. 

Thylacocrinus  Q^^hlert.  Eesembling  Lyriocrinus,  but  calyx  more  elongate, 
and  iBr  profusely  developed  ;  anal  side  slightly  distinct.  Arms  twenty  or 
more,  biserial,  and  not  branching  in  the  free  state.  Devonian ;  France, 
Germany  and  North  America. 

Anthemocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Has  one  costal  and  few  iBr.  Arms  biserial, 
branching.     Silurian ;  Gotland. 

Bhipidocrinus  Zittel  {ex  Beyrich  MS.)  (Fig.  286).  Calyx  similar  to  that  of 
Lyriocrinus.  Plates  highly  ornamented.  Rays  produced  into  two  long,  heavy, 
uniserial  trunks,  giving  off  biserial,  pinnuliferous  ramules  alternately  on  either 
side.     Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel,  Germany. 

Diamenocrinus  Qi^hlert.  Arms  uniserial,  repeatedly  branching.  Devonian  ; 
France  and  Germany. ' 

Lahuseniocrinus  Tschern. ;    Conclylocrinus  Eichw.     Devonian  ;  Ural. 

Ophiocrinus  Salter  (non  Charlesworth,  nee  Semper  nee  Angelin).  Devonian  ; 
South  Africa. 

Family  5.     Melocrinidae  Zittel  (emend.  W.  and  Sp.). 

Monoeticlic.  Lower  brachials,  with  well-defined  interbrachials  between  them, 
forming  part  of  dorsal  cup.  Badials  in  contact  all  around.  Ordovician  to 

Glyptocrinus  Hall  (Canistrocrinus  W.  and  Sp.,  Pyenocrinus  S.  A.  Miller). 
(Fig.  287.)  Basals  five.  Dorsal  cup  obconical  to  subglobose,  ornamented 
with  radiating  sti'iae  passing  from  plate  to  plate  •  the  eleva- 
tions following  the  rays  pronounced,  and  forming  well-defined 
rounded  ridges,  which  meet  imperceptibly  with  the  free  arm- 
plates.  Interbrachials  very  numerous,  and  enclosing  supple- 
mentary anals  on  the  posterior  side,  which  sometimes  form  a 
continuous  series.  There  are  also  numerous  interdistichals, 
and  frequently  interpalmars,  which  form  conspicuous  depres- 
sions between  the  arm -plates.  Tegmen  low,  composed  of 
minute  irregular  pieces ;  anus  eccentric.  Arms  uniserial,  ten 
to  twenty,  branching  in  the  free  state,  long  and  slender. 
Column   round,  or   exceptionally   pentangular.      Ordovician ;  ^^^  .,g^ 

rsorth  America.  Glyptocrinus  deca- 

Schizocrinus    Hall.       Ordovician   (Trenton   Group)  :    New  dactyius  uaiLVwer 

^  r/  -J  Ordovician     (Ciiicin- 

York.  natian) ;    Cincinnati, 

Stelidiocrinus    Ang.    (Harmoerinus   Aug.).       Basals    four.   *^"°' 
Form  of  dorsal   cup  as  in   Glyptocrinus,  but  interbrachials  fewer  and   much 
larger,  and  plates  generally  without  ornamentation.     Plates  of  the  tegmen 




also  comparatively  large.     Arms  uniserial,  sometimes  interlocking.     Silurian  ; 
Europe  and  North  America. 

PeriglyptocrimLS  W. .  and  Sp.  Basals  five.  Arms  biserial,  dichotomous. 
Ordovician  (Trenton  Gr.) ;  Canada  and  Kentucky. 

Scyphocrinus  Zenker.  Basals  four.  Arms  uniserial,  dichotomising  fre- 
quently. Calyx  very  large  and  elongate.  Symmetry  of  dorsal  cup  slightly 
disturbed  by  anals  which  are  interposed  between  the  interbrachials.  Brachials 
to  lower  part  of  the  third  order  incorporated  in  the  calyx,  the  upper  ones  free. 
Interbrachials  very  numerous.  Stem  attached  to  a  large,  hollow  spheroid, 
strengthened  by  internal  septa,  regarded  as  a  float  by  Hall  (  =  Camarocrinus), 
as  a  Cystid  by  Barrande  (  =  Lobolithus).  Silurian  and  Devonian ;  Europe  and 
North  America. 

Mariacrinus  Hall  (ZenJcericrinus  Waag.  and  Jahn).  Basals  four.  Arms 
uniserial,  branching  once  or  twice.  In  general  aspect,  construction  of  calyx, 
and  surface  ornament,  resembling  Glyptocrinus.     Silurian ;  America,  Europe. 

Melocrimis  Goldf.  (Ctenocrimis  Bronn,  Astrocrinus  Conrad,  Turbinocrinus 
Troost,  Casfanocriims  Roemer,  Clonocrinus  ([Ehlert,  Promeloerinus  Jaekel). 
(Figs.  288,  289).     Basals  four;  interbrachials  numerous;  those  of  the  posterior 

interray  enclosing  one  or  more 
supplementary  anals.  Anal  aper- 
ture eccentric,  rarely  extended  in 
a  small  tube.  Rays  produced  into 
two  main  uniserial  rami,  giving  off 
biserial,  pinnule-bearing  arms  at 
short  intervals   to  the  outside  of 

Fig.  2S8. 

Melocrinn.i  typns  (Bronn).  Devonian  (Spiriferen-Sandstein) ; 
Daun,  Eifel.  B,  Basals.  C,  Mould  of  stem-joints  (the  so- 
called  "  Schraubensteine  "). 

Pig.  289. 

Mclocrinus.     Analysis  of  calyx  (after  W. 
and  til).). 

the  bifurcation  ;  the  rami  may  be  separate  (Silurian  species),  or  more  or 
less  fused  by  their  inner  margins  (Devonian  species).  Column  round.  Silurian 
and  Devonian  ;  Gotland,  England,  Germany  and  North  America. 

Cytocrinus  Roemer.  Like  Melocrimis,  but  with  arms  borne  on  a  single  main 
radial  trunk  from  each  ray.     Silurian  ;  America. 

Clonocrinus  Qucnstedt.  (nov.  (Ehlert ;  Corymhocrinus  Aug. ;  Polypeltes  Aug.). 
Basals  four,  hidden  by  column.     Arms  dichotomous,  biserial  both  above  and 




below  the  bifurcations.  Base  concave,  forming  an  inverted  cup.  Dorsal  cup 
strictly  pentamerous ;  no  anal  plate.  Interbrachials  large,  not  enclosing  any 
anal  plates.     Silurian  ;  England,  Gotland  and  North  America. 

Tribliocrinus  Geinitz  {Spyridiocriniis  G^hlert).  Lower  Devonian ;  Germany 
and  France. 

Technocrinus  Hall.  Like  Melocrimis,  but  having  ten  strong,  simple,  biserial 
arms,  which  do  not  bifurcate  in  the  free  state.  Interbrachials  not  enclosing 
supplementary  anals.     Devonian  (Oriskany) ;  Maryland. 

Macrostylocrimis  Hall.  Basals  three,  unequal.  Anal  interradius  much 
wider  than  the  others ;  its  first  row  consisting  usually  of  three  plates,  while 
that  in  the  four  other  interrays  consists  of  a  single  inter- 
brachial.  Arms  ten,  simple  and  biserial.  Silurian ;  North 

Patelliocrinus  Ang.  (Fig.  290).  Basals  three,  unequal. 
Arms  biserial  or  of  cuneate  uniserial  brachials.  No  anal 
plates.  Dorsal  cup  elongate.  Silurian ;  Gotland,  North 

AUocrimis  W.  and  Sp.  Basals  three,  unequal.  Arms 
uniserial.  No  anal  plates.  Dorsal  cup  depressed.  Inter- 
brachials few.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Briarocrinus  Angelin.     Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

Centriocrinus  Bather  (pro  Cenirocrimis  W.  and  Sp.,  non 
Austin,  tiec  Worthen).  Basals  fused.  Dorsal  cup  depressed. 
No  anals.     Arms  unknown.     Devonian  ;  North  America.  p„.  290. 

Dolatocrinus  Lyon  (Cacabocrinus  Hall).  Dorsal  cup  per-  pateiuocrinus  upto- 
fectly  pentamerous,  cup -shaped  or  saucer-shaped.  Base  urfan  •  ^^G^otianll." 
usually  concave.  Basals  primitively  three,  but  completely  ^'^'''^J?J.  '''^''  ^^^^""^ 
anchylosed  in  the  adult.  Costals  two  ;  iBr  few,  the  first 
ones  extremely  large.  Tegmen  comparatively  flat,  and  composed  of  rather 
large  plates,  of  which  the  orals  form  the  summit.  Eespiratory  pores  be- 
tween arm  bases  frequently  present.  Anns  at  the  end  of  a  short  tube. 
Arms  little  known,  sometimes  branching  and  biserial.  Column  with 
numerous  projecting  rings  and  buttresses.     Devonian ;  North  America. 

Stereocrinus  Barris.  Like  the  preceding,  but  the  anchylosis  of  the  BB 
incomplete,  and  with  only  one  costal.  Devonian  (Hamilton  Group) ;  North 

Hadrocrinus  Lyon  (Coroiiocrinus  Hall  ex  Troost).  Dorsal  cuj)  extremely 
large,  with  concave  base ;  basals  closely  anchylosed.  Brachials  to  the  fourth 
or  fifth  order  incorporated  in  the  cup.  Interbrachials  numerous  and  large ; 
no  distinct  anal  plate  in  lower  ranges.  Tegmen  composed  of  innumerable 
small  plates.  Devonian  (Onondaga) ;  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  near  Louisville, 

The  type  described  under  this  genus  lias  not  hitherto  been  well  understood.  It  falls  into 
two  subdivisions,  dittering  more  strongly  than  ,Stercocri7ius  and  Dolatocrinus  ;  one  (R.  discus) 
having  few  very  heavy  arms,  and  one  costal ;  the  other  {H.  2}ienissi')iius)  witli  numerous  very 
slender  arms,  and  two  costals. 



Family  6. 

Monocyclic.     Lower  brachials  and  interbrachials  forming  an  important  part  of 
the  dorsal  cup,  which  above  the  base,  is  perfectly  pentamerous.     Plates  of  the  calyx 




usually  limited  to  a  definite  number.     Eadiah  in  contact  all  around.     Arms  resting 
in   compartments  formed    by  partitions    attached  to    the   tegmen.      Silurian    and 


Emalyptocrinus  Goldf.  {Hypanthocrinus  Phill.)  (Figs. 
291,  292).  Calyx  with  a  deep  concavity  at  the  lower  end, 
the  B  forming  the  bottom,  and  the  B  the  sides  of  an 
inverted  cup.  Supplementary  pieces  of  the  calyx  con- 
sisting of  1  X  2  interbrachials,  and  one  iuterdistichal ;  the 
latter  of  the  same  form  as  the  interbrachials,  and  nearly 
as  large  as  the  two  upper  ones  combined.  Tegmen 
elongate,  its  upper  part  extended  to  form  a  tube.  It  is 
composed  of  five  ranges  of  plates,  of  which  the  two 
middle  ones  are  the  least  regular  in  their  arrangement, 
and  the  upper  one  closes  the  centre.  Attached  to  the 
outer  walls  of  the  tegmen,  and  extending  to  its  top,  are 
ten  partitions  supported  by  the  interbrachials  and  inter- 
distichals,  which  form  deep,  vertical  compartments  for 
the  reception  of  two  arms  each.  Arms  twenty,  biserial  ; 
composed  of  very  narrow  pieces.  Column  round.  Sil- 
urian ;     Gotland,     England     (Wenlock    Limestone),    and 

Fig.  291. 
Eucalyptocrinus     regu- 
/ftW.9  (Hising.).     Silurian;    ,^       ,,      .  •         /^r-  n  \  a       •       i 

Gotland.      Crown    with   JNorth  America  (JNiagara  Group).     A  single  species  occurs 

arms    removed    from   one     •      i.-i       t^  •  j;   ,  i       ttit    i 

ray  in  order  to  show  the   m  the  Devouiau  ot  the  Eifel. 

re^'ose    "'    ''''"'"^'    ^'"^  CalUcrirMS    Ang.    (Fig.    293).       Calyx    flask  -  shaped ; 

concavity    at    the    base   deeper   and  wider    than    in    the 
preceding,    sometimes    involving    not    only    the    radials,    but    parts    of    the 

ui   :     ri  i2   :  iri 
dist.         (list. 

Pig.  292. 

Eucalyptocrinus  rosaceus  (fidldt).  Devonian;  Gerolstein,  Eifel.  ^/Perfect  crown.  B,  Diai^ranimatic  longi- 
tudinal section  of  the  calyx  (h,  Basals  ;  ri,  Radials  ;  r'-,  First  costals  ;  y,  Lower,  and  S,  npper  piece  of  the  wini;- 
like  processes),  f',  Tegmen.  /),  Dorsal  cup  (/■',  Radials  ;  r-,  First  costals  ;  (/■,  Inlerradials  ;  (((st.,  Distichals  ; 
int.  (liKt.,  Interbrachials;  7-,  Palmars)  (after  L.  Schultz(^). 

costals  as  well.     Partitions  for  the  rece])tion  of  the  arms  much  shorter,  ex- 
tondinc;   to   less   than    half    the  heiiiht  of   the  arras.      Otherwise  similar  to 




Encahjpfocrinns,  and  sharing  the  same  distribution  in  the  Silurian  ;  not  known 
in  the  Devonian. 

- 1  B  C 

Fk;.  293. 

CcMici-inus  coslatus  (Hising.).  Siluiian  ;  Gotluiul.  A,  Crown.  B,  Calyx  showing  the  construction  of  the 
tegrnen.  C,  Inner  or  ventral  aspect  of  the  base.  £»,  Outer  or  dorsal  aspect  of  the  .same.  Natural  size  (after 

Chicagocrinws  Weller.  Like  CalUcrinus,  but  the  primibrachs  (costals) 
reduced  to  a  single  diminutive  plate  in  each  ray.  Silurian  ;  North  America 
(Chicago  area). 

Family  7.     Batocrinidae  Wachsmiith  and  Si^ringer. 

Monocyclic.     The  lower  brachials  forming  an  important  jiart  of  the  dorsal  cup. 
Radials  in  contact  except  at  the  posterior  side,  where  they  are  separated  by  a  hepta- 
gonal  anal  plate,  followed  by  three  plates  in 
the   second   range.     Base   hexagonal.     Rays  ry 

usually  branching  by  equal  bifurcations.  c'ycy 

Tegmen  composed  of  numerous  small,  un-     Ol^^'^  ^^ 
differentiated  plates.     Ordovician  to  Lower 

Subfamily  A.     Periechocrininae. 




Tanaocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Interbrachials     OvV'rs^    A>\  v^/  ^^l}/7n 

lerous,    indefinitely    arranged    in    de-       cTyo     r^       '^   V^  y       0  Or^ 
;sed  areas  passing  gradually  into  the  cT^       ^    cC^^      0^     Q^ 


pressed  areas  passing  gradually  into  the 
tegmen,  leaving  brachials  in  ridges  con 
tinning  to  the  free  arms  ;  posterior  area 
divided  by  median  ridge  of  anal  plates 
resembling  brachials.  Arms  uniserial 
with  ossicles  more  or  less  cuneate,  tend- 
ing to  interlock  distally  ;  branching  be- 
yond the  calyx.  Calyx  elongate.  Basals 
five.     Column  round,  or  sub-pentagonal. 

Fig.  294. 

Batocrinus  sp.  Lower  Carboniferous.  Analysis 
of  calyx ;  b,  Basals ;  E,  Radials ;  ihr,  Interbr.achials ; 
SX,  supplementary  anal ;  X,  Special  anal  plate 
(after  W.  and  Sp.). 

Ordovician  (Cincinnatian) ;  Ohio. 

Xenocrinus^  S.  A.  Miller.      Basals  four. 

Arms  not  branching. 


^  Better  specimeus  obtained  since  the  preijaration  of  Wachsmuth  and  Springer's  Monograph 
show  clearly  not  only  that  the  interbrachials  in  this  genus  are  definite  plates  with  close  sutures,  but 
VOL.  I  O 




quadrangular.      Structure    otherwise    substantially    as    in     the    preceding. 
Ordovician  (Cincinnatian) ;  Ohio. 

Compsocrinus  S.  A.  Miller.  Basals  four.  Arms  simple  or  branching. 
Basals  and  radials  more  evenly  rounded  and  less  excavate  laterally,  but  other- 
wise differing  little  from  Xenocriims.     Ordovician  (Cincinnatian) ;  Ohio. 

Acacocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Interbrachials  few,  definitely  arranged,  not  in 
strongly  depressed  areas,  and  brachials  and  anals  not  in  prominent  ridges. 
First  primibrach  (costal)  quadrangular.  Arms  uniserial,  slender,  unbranched, 
with  cuneate  ossicles  tending  to  interlock  at  the  tips.  Calyx  rather  low  and 
rotund.     Basals  three.     Silurian  ;  Indiana  and  Kentucky. 

Carpocri7ius  Miiller  (PJwenicocrinus  Austin ;  Ahracrimis  d'Orb. ;  Habro- 
crinus,  Pionocrimis,  Lepiocrinus  Ang.)  (Fig.  295).       Calyx  as  in  the  preceding. 

Arms  simple,  heavy, 
usually  not  exceeding 
ten,  with  very  short, 
wide  ossicles,  slightly 
cuneiform,  the  longer 
face  bearing  two  pin- 
nules, the  shorter  but 
one.  Silurian;  Gotland, 

(Fig.  296).  Like  the 
preceding  but  with  arms 
fifteen  to  twenty,  ossi- 
cles longer  and  quad- 
rangular, bearing  one 
pinnule  to  each  side. 
Silurian  ;    Gotland  and 


Flo.  296. 

Pio.  295. 

a,  CarpocrinU'S  comtits  (Aug.).  Siluinan  ;  (!ot- 
land.  Crown  viewed  from  the  anal  side,  natural 
size.  6, //.  or»a<!ts  (Aug.).  Tegnien  showing  cover- 
ing pieces  of  the  ambulacra  (after  Angelin). 

heterodactyhis  (Ang.). 
Silnrian  ;  Gotland. 
Natural  size  (after 


Abacocrinus        Ang. 

(Carolicrinus  Waag.  and  Jahn).  Basals  four.  Calyx  rotund.  Interbrachials 
rather  numerous,  definitely  arranged,  not  in  depressed  areas  ;  brachials  and 
anals  not  in  prominent  ridges.  First  primibrach  hexagonal.  Arms  branch- 
ing, biserial  from  the  calyx  up.     Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

Macarocr'mns  Jaekel.      Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Periechocrinus  Austin  {Geocrinus  d'Orb.;  Pyxidocrinus  Miiller;  Trochocriuus 
Portlock  ;  Pradocrinus  de  Verneuil).  Basals  three.  Calyx  elongate,  expanding 
to  arm  bases ;  plates  thin  and  long,  usually  with  narrow  median  ridges  along 
the  brachial  series,  which  bifurcate  two  or  three  times  within  the  calyx,  lead- 
ing to  twenty-five  or  thirty  arms,  which  are  biserial  beyond  the  calyx  and  do 
not  branch  after  becoming  free.  First  primibrach  (costal)  hexagonal.  Inter- 
brachials numerous,  definitely  arranged.     Silurian  ;  England  and  Gotland. 

Saccocrinus  Hall.  Like  the  preceding,  but  the  arms  branch  from  about 
twenty  openings  after  becoming  free,  and  are  biserial  both  below  and  above  the 
bifurcations.  Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  (Upper  Burlington) ;  North 
America  and  (?)  Gotland. 

that  they  do  not  down  to  the  basals  in  either  species.  This  leaves  no  character  to  separate  it 
from  the  Batocriuirlae,  and  the  present  reviser  agrees  with  Batlier  in  placing  it  with  Tanaocrinus 
and  Gompsocrittns  as  the  primitive  forms  of  that  family. 


(?)  Bei/rirJiocrinus  Waag.  and  Jahii.      Silurian  ;  Bohemia. 

Gennaeacrinns  W.  and  Sp.  Basals  three.  Calyx  low  and  broad,  strongly 
lobed  at  the  arm  bases  ;  plates  thin  and  highly  ornamented.  First  primibrach 
hexagonal ;  iBr  rather  numerous.  Arm  openings  twenty-five  or  more ;  arms 
unknown.     Devonian  ;  Indiana  and  New  York. 

Megistocrinus  Owen  and  Shum.  {Tylocrinus  Wood).  Basals  three.  Calyx 
usually  large,  hemispheric,  with  greatest  height  below  the  arm  bases  ;  usually 
but  little  lobed ;  plates  heavy,  smooth  or  ornamented.  Interbrachials 
numerous  ;  first  primibrach  hexagonal.  Arms  sixteen  to  twenty,  branching 
in  the  free  state,  biserial  above  and  below  the  bifurcations.  Devonian  to 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Upper  Burlington) ;  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Barrandeocrininae. 

Tegmen  narrow  and  rigid.     Arms  permanently  directed  downward  enclosing  the 


A  highly  specialised  type,  represented  by  a  single  genus,  which,  though  having  a  similar 
calyx,  differs  so  strongly  in  habitus  from  those  of  the  next  section  that  it  is  better  kept 

Barrandeocrinus  Angelin  (Cylicocrinus  S.  A.  Miller).  Basals  three.  Calyx 
rather  elongate,  with  tegmen  nearly  flat.  Interbrachials  few,  definitely 
arranged.  Arms  ten,  heavy,  biserial,  directed  downward  over  the  calyx,  with 
pinnules  opening  outward.      Silurian  ;  Gotland  and  North  America. 

Subfamily  C.      Batocrininae. 

Tegmen  broad,  toell  differentiated  ;  plates  large  and  heavy,  forming  a  rigid  roof. 
Arms  not  branching  beyond  the  calyx  ;  biserial.  Respiratory  pores  frequently  present. 
First  primibrach  (costal)  usually  quadrangular.  Basals  three  in  all  known  genera. 
Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

This  section  flourishes  amid  a  remarkable  local  development  of  Crinoid  life  especially 
characteristic  of  the  Mississippian  area  of  the  United  States.  The  founa  is  enormously  prolific 
in  numbers  and  variety  in  the  Burlington  and  Keokuk  limestones  of  the  Mississippi  Valley,  but 
almost  entirely  wanting  in  the  Lower  Carboniferous  of  Great  Britain  and  Belgium,  and  of 
other  parts  of  the  United  States.     Only  a  few  straggling  species  come  from  the  Devonian. 

§  1.  Anus  at  the  end  of  a  tube. 

a.  Interbrachials  few,  separated  from  tegmen  by  arch  of  brachials. 

Batocrimis  Casseday.  Calyx  biturbinate.  Arms  short,  equidistant.  Anal 
tube  very  long,  central,  extending  beyond  arms.  Kinderhook  to  St.  Louis 
Group  ;  North  America. 

Eretmocrinus  Lyon  and  Cass.  Like  Batocrimis,  but  arms  paddle-shaped, 
and  anal  tube  short,  eccentric,  tending  to  curve.  Devonian  to  Keokuk 
Group  ;  North  America. 

Alloprosallocrinus  Lyon  and  Cass.  Calyx  conical ;  dorsal  cup  almost  flat, 
greatest  height  above  the  arm  bases.  First  primibrach  usually  wanting. 
Approaching  Agaricocrinus  in  shape.  Anal  tube  sub-central ;  arms  unknown. 
Keokuk  limestone  ;  North  America. 

p.  Interbrachials  few,  usually  separated  from  the  tegmen  except  at  anal  side. 

Macrocrinus  W.  and  Sp.       Calyx  elongate,  biturbinate  to  subovoid.     Anal 




tube  rather  lai'ge,  extending  beyond  arms.  Arms  twelve  to  sixteen.  Upper 
Burlington  and  Keokuk  Gr. ;  America. 

Dizygocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  rotundate.  Anal  tube  rather  small, 
usually  not  extending  beyond  the  arms.  Arms  single  or  double,  from  twelve 
to  twenty  openings.      Upper  Burlington  to  St.  Louis  Group ;  America. 

Eutrochocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  wheel-shaped.  Anal  tube  long.  Arms 
short,  either  single  or  double  from  twenty  openings.  Upper  Burlington  and 
Keokuk  Group ;  America, 

y.  Interlrachials  few,  sometimes  connected  with  tegmen  all  around. 

Uperocrijiii'S  Meek  and  Worthen  (Lobocrinus  W.  and  Sp.,  Hyperocrimis 
Bather)  (Fig.  297).  Calyx  pyriform.  Anal  tube  large 
and  often  spiniferous.  Arms  short,  single,  often  arranged 
in  groups,  openings  directed  upward.  Upper  Burlington 
and  Keokuk ;  America. 

§  2.  Anus  ivithout  a  tube,  directly  through  tegmen. 
Interbrachials  few,  usually  not  connecting  with  tegmen  except 
at  anal  side. 

Aorocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  small,  elongate  to  ro- 
tund or  biturbinate.  Arms 
rather  strong,  onefrom  each 
opening,  cylindrical.  Teg- 
men plates  not  spiniferous. 
Devonian  to  Burlington ; 
Europe  and  America. 

Coelocrinus  M.  land  W. 
{Sphaerocrinus  M.  and  W. 
non  Roemer).  Similar  to 
preceding  genus,  but  with 
concave  base.  Burlington 
Group ;  America. 

Dorycrinus  Roemer  (Fig. 

var.  im<ermerfiM.s(M.  and  W.).    Lower     Ayb).    OalyX  Small  tO  hxrge; 
Carboniferous  ;    Burlington,     Iowa.     „„„<.„,„•  i      ^  -.i 

Calyx  viewed    from  the  anal   side.     pOSteriOr  Oral  aloue,  Or  With 

Natural  size  (after  Meek  and  Wor-  primary    radial    plates    of 

tegmen,  spiniferous.  Arms 
rather  small,  usually  two  from  each  opening.  Devonian  to  Keokuk  ;  America. 
Agaricocrinus  Hall  (ex  Troost).  Calyx  small  to  large,  hemispherical,  with 
dorsal  side  usually  flat  or  concave,  and  greatest  height  above  the  arm  bases. 
First  primibrach  sometimes  hexagonal.  Arms  ten  to  sixteen,  very  heavy, 
directed  outwards.     Burlington  to  Keokuk  ;  America. 

Fig.  297. 

Pig.  2'.)S. 
Dorycrinus    quiwiuelohus     (Hall) 

Uperonrinus  'pyrlforinis 
(Shumard).  Lower  Carbon- 
iferous ;  Burlington,  Iowa. 
Nat.  size  (after  Meek  and 

Family  8.     Actinocrinidae. 

Monocyclic.  Loiver  brachials,  with  well-defined  interbrachials  between  them, 
forming  an  important  part  of  the  dorsal  cup.  Radials  in  contact  except  at  the  anal 
side,  where  they  are  separated  by  a  hexagonal  anal  plate,  followed  by  two  plates  in  the 
second  range.  Basals  three,  forming  a  hexagon.  Arms  biserial  in  all  known  genera. 
Rays  usually  branching  by  alternate  bifurcations.  Lower  Carboniferous.  Kinder- 
hook  to  Keokuk. 


This  feniily  represents  another  line  of  profuse  crinoidal  development  characteristic  of  the 
Mississippian  area  in  the  United  States,  parallel  to  that  of  the  later  Batocrinidae.  It  may  be 
considered  as  a  direct  branch  from  that  family,  but  sharply  and  consistently  distinguished 
from  it  by  the  fact  that  the  anal  plate  is  followed  by  two  plates  instead  of  three.  It  was 
short  lived,  being  restricted  to  the  lower  part  of  the  Lower  Carboniferous,  where  it  culminated 
in  large  and  striking  forms,  not  found  outside  of  the  Mississippi  Valley.  Only  two  of  its  genera 
are  certainly  known  to  occur  in  the  approximately  equivalent  formation  of  Europe. 

§   1 .   Tegmen  composed  of  well  differentiated  plates,  with  anus  at  the  end  of  a  tube, 
a.  Interbrachials  connecting  with  the  tegmen. 

Amphoracrinus  Austin.  Calyx  lobed,  the  largest  part  above  the  arm  zone  ; 
rays  widely  separated.  Interbrachials  few.  First  primibrachs  usually  quad- 
rangular, sometimes  hexagonal.  Arms  stout,  either  simple  or  branching, 
biserial  below  and  above  the  bifurcations.  Anal  tube  short,  eccentric.  Oral 
plates  often  strongly  spiniferous.  Anal  plate  exceptionally  followed  by  three 
plates  in  the  second  range.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  AYaverly  to  Lower  Bur- 
lington Group  in  the  United  States,  and  lower  part  of  the  Mountain  Lime- 
stone in  Britain. 

This  genus  is  a  transition  form  from  the  Batocrinidae,  in  which  the  Actinocrinoid  structure 
of  the  anal  side  has  not  become  constant.  In  some  species  the  middle  plate  of  the  second  row 
has  not  been  entirely  eliminated,  but  occasionally  appears  in  diminished  size,  and  scarcely 
touching  the  anal  plate.  This  is  consistent  with  its  geological  position  as  one  of  the  earliest 
of  its  family,  and  one  of  the  first  to  disappear. 

Actinocrinus  Miller  {Amphora  Cumb. ;  Phillipsocrimis  M'Coy;  Blairocrinus 
S.  A.  Miller)  (Fig.  299,  D).  Calyx  lobed,  rays  widely  separated  ;  largest  part 
below  arm  zone.  Interbrachials  numerous.  First  primibrachs  usually 
hexagonal.  Rays  within  the  calyx  bifurcating  alternately  from  every  second 
or  third  plate  above  the  first.  Arms  either  simple  from  the  calyx,  or 
branching,  and  biserial  below  as  well  as  above  the  bifurcations.  Anal  tube 
long,  central.  Lower  Carboniferous;  Lower  Burlington  to  Keokuk,  in  the 
United  States,  and  Mountain  Limestone  of  Britain  and  Belgium. 

Stegamcrinus  M.  and  W.  {Samp)so)iocriiius  M.  and  G.).  Calyx  similar  to  that 
of  Actinocrinus,  but  relatively  lower,  and  having  the  rays  produced  into  one 
(♦S*.  sculptus)  or  two  (S.  pentagonus)  tubular  extensions  giving  off  pinnulate  arms 
alternately  at  the  sides.  Anal  tube  small.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Lower  and 
Upper  Burlington) ;  North  America. 

p.  Interhrachials  not  connecting  with  tegmen. 

Cactocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  (Fig.  299,  A,  B).  Calyx  not  lobed.  Arms  usually 
strong,  twenty  to  forty,  unbranched,  about  equidistant,  given  off  in  a  more  or 
less  continuous  ring,  and  directed  upward  ;  bifurcations  beyond  the  costals 
from  every  successive  brachial.  Anal  tube  long,  central.  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous (Kinderhook  to  Lower  Burlington) ;  North  America,  (? )  Belgium. 

Teliocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Similar  to  the  last,  but  arms  more  slender  and 
numerous,  usually  sixty  or  more,  their  lower  portions  directed  outward,  and 
forming  a  broad  continuous  rim.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Upper  Burlington) ; 
North  America. 

§  2.  Tegmen  of  undifferentiated  plates.  Anus  directly  through  the  tegmen,  without 
a  tube. 

Physetocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  (Fig.  299,  C).  Interbrachials  connecting  with 
tegmen.     Calyx  rotund,  lobed,  with  arms  in  groups,  stout ;  tegmen  rounded 




and  elevated  ;  anus  eccentric.  All  bifurcations  beyond  costals  given  oft'  from 
every  alternate  brachial.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Lower  and  Upper  Burlington) ; 
North  America. 

Strotocrirms    M.    and    W.       Interbrachials    not    connecting    with    tegmen. 










Fro.  290. 

A,  Ccictocrinus  proboscidiali''  (Hall).  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Burlington,  Iowa.  Calyx  with  fractureil 
tegmen,  showing  the  subtegniinal  ambulacral  skeleton,  and  the  convoluted  digestive  organ.  B,  Enlarged 
portion  of  the  anibulacral  skeleton.  C,  Natural  cast  of  tegmen  of  Phy.ictocrinii.-<,  with  impressions  of  food- 
grooves  (rt),  conducting  fi'om  the  arms  to  the  mouth  (o) ;  an,  Anus.  D,  Diagram  of  Actmorriuus  (after  W. 
and  Sp.). 

Calyx  not  lobed  ;  rays  bifurcating  on  alternate  brachials  from  distichals  up, 
and  extended  into  a  broad,  flanging  rim,  as  in  Teliocrimis,  but  more 
pronounced.  Arms  very  numerous  and  slender.  Tegmen  low,  sometimes  flat 
or  concave,  composed  of  innumerable  small  pieces  ;  anus  eccentric.  Lower 
Carboniferous  (Upper  Burlington) ;  North  America. 

Family  9.     Platycrinidae   Roemer. 

Monocyclic.  Brachials  and  interbrachials  usually  hd  slightly  represented  in  the 
dorsal  cup  :  the  lower  brachials  taking  more  or  less  the  form  of  arm  plates,  but  being 
strongly  connected,  either  tvith  the  solid  tegmen  by  modified  covering  plates  and  strong 
interambidacrals,  or  with  the  cup  hy  large  interbrachials  which  are  usually  more  or 
less  interambulacral  in  position,  lladials  in  contact  all  around,  there  being  no 
special  anal  plate.  Basals  forming  a  pentagon ;  three,  unequal,  and  frequently 
anchylosed.     Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 




§  1.   Rays  with  ttoo  or  more  primibrachs  (cosfals). 

Coccocrinus  Joh.  Miiller.  The  simplest  form  of  the  Camerata,  the  calyx 
consisting  only  of  three  basals,  five  radials,  2x5  costals,  five  interbrachials  and 
five  orals.  Calyx  small,  rotund  ;  basals  and  radials  forming  almost  the  entire 
dorsal  cup.  Tegmen  almost  completely  occupied  by  five  large,  triangular, 
symmetrical  orals,  forming  a  pyramid.  Anal  opening  in  the  interradio- 
oral  suture.  Arms  delicate,  branching  once,  uniserial  with  cuneate  joints. 
Column  round.     Silurian  ;  North  America.     Devonian  ;  Eifel. 

Oulicocrinus  Joh.  Miiller.  Transitional  between  Coccocrinus  and  Platycrinus ; 
generally  similar  to  the  former.  Orals  asymmetrical.  Arms  heavy,  biserial. 
Column  round.     Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel. 

Hapalocrinus  Jaekel  em.  Bather  {Jgriocrimis,  Thallocrinus  and  Clematocrinus 
Jaekel).  Orals  small ;  interambulacra  visible.  Arms  uniserial,  Avith  cuneate 
joints  ;  branching  once  or  twice.  Column  round,  with  strong  cirri.  Silurian  ; 
England,  Australia,  North  America.     Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Corclijlocrinus  Angelin.  Tegmen  composed  of  numerous  plates.  Arms 
uniserial,  or  slightly  interlocking.  Column  round,  with  long  cirri.  Silurian  ; 
Gotland.     Devonian  ;  North  America. 

§  2.  Bays  with  only  one  primibrach  (costal).  Orals  occupying  but  a  small  part  of 
the  tegmen,  asymmetrical ;  ambulacral  plates  well  defined. 

Marsipocrinus  Bather  (pro  Marsupiocrinus  Phill.,  non  Blv.').  (Syn.  Cypellocrinus 
vel  Cupellaecrimis  Shumard,  ex  Troost,  non  Steininger.)  Brachials  to  axillary 
distichal  usually  incorporated  in  cup.  Arms  biserial,  ten  or  twenty.  Column 
round.     Axial  canal  large.     Silurian  ;  England,  Gotland,  North  America. 


Fig.  300. 

Platycrinus  subsjnnosus  (Hall), 
ous ;    Burlington    Group,   Iowa, 
cup,  omitting   anal   inturray.     h, 
I,    Costals ;     ir,    Interbrachials 
and  Springer). 

Lower  Carbonifer- 

Analysis  of  dorsal 

Basals  ;    R,  radials  ; 

(after    Wachsmuth 

Fig.  301. 

Platycrinus  tnijintidactylus 
(Austin).  Lower  Carbonifer- 
ous ;  Tournay.  Belgium  (re- 
stored, after  de  Koninck). 

Platycrinus  Miller  (Centrocrinus,  Pleurocrinus  Austin;  Edwardsocrinns  d'Orb.) 
(Figs.  300,  301).  Calyx  rotund.  Eadials  large  with  crescent-shaped  facets. 
First  interbrachials  at  the  level  of  the  arm  bases ;  consisting  of  three  plates 
horizontally  arranged,  usually  partly  interambulacral,  but  sometimes  succeeded 
by  one  or  more  ranges  incorporating  the  distichals  ;  plates  of  anal  interradius 
usually  more  numerous  than  those  of  the  other  sides.  Orals  usually  large, 
asymmetrical,  occupying  but  a  small  part  of  the  tegmen.      Ambulacra  rigid, 




and  incorporated  into  the  tegmeri.  Anus  either  eccentric,  or  at  the  end  of  a 
thick,  usually  short  tube.  Arms  branching  once  to  three  times,  uniserial  in 
the  lower  parts,  but  becoming  biserial  distally.  Column  elliptical  and  twisted  ; 
the  axes  of  the  uj^per  and  lower  surfaces  of  the  individual  segments  being  at 
a  slight  angle  with  one  another;  central  canal  very  minute;  strong  cirri 
toward  distal  end.  Eare  in  Devonian  ;  abundant  in  Lower  Carboniferous  of 
England,  Belgium  and  North  America  (Hamilton  to  St.  Louis  Groups). 

Brahmacrinus  Sollas.  Like  Platycriims,  but  radials  relatively  smaller,  and 
lower  brachials  larger,  and  incorporated  in  dorsal  cup  to  the  height  of  the 
second  distichals.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  England. 

Eudadocrinus  M,  and  W.  Calyx  like  Flatycrimis,  but  with  rays  produced 
into  one  or  two  main  rami,  roofed  with  rigid  covering  plates,  forming  tubular 
extensions  of  the  calyx,  giving  off  at  alternate  sides  biserial,  pinnuliferous 
arms.  An  extreme  development  of  the  family  type,  but  not  the  latest  in 
time.     Lower  Carboniferous  (Kinderhook  to  Keokuk) ;  North  America. 

Family  10.     Hexacrinidae   Waclismuth  and  Springer. 

Monocyclic.  Eadials  in  contact  excejyt  at  the  posterior  side,  where  they  are 
separated  by  an  anal  plate.  Basals  three,  or  two,  forming  a  hexagon.  Structure 
otherwise  as  in  the  Platycrinidae.     Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

§  L  Basals  three. 

Hexacrinus  Austin  (Fig.  302).  Costals  two,  united  by  syzygy,  or  one. 
Rays  usually  in  two  main  trunks,  bearing  iiniserial  pinnulate  arms  on  one  or 

Fig.  302. 

Hexacrinus  elongatus  (Goldf.).     DRVouian  ;  Pelm,  Eifel.     a,  Calyx  seen  from  one  side  ;  h,  Aspect  of  summit ; 
c,  Analysis  of  calyx  and  arms  ;    d,  e,  Column  of  //.  sxtinosus  (Miill.)  (after  L.  Schultze). 

both  sides  at  intervals.  Tegmen  as  in  Plafycrimis.  Column  round,  with  small 
axial  opening.  Devonian.  Represented  by  numerous  species  in  England, 
Belgium,  and  the  Eifel,  but  by  only  a  few  in  North  America. 

Arthracantha  Williams  (Histricrinus  Hinde).  Calyx  as  in  Hexacrinus,  but 
the  plates  covered  with  movable  spines  borne  on  tubercles.  Arms  dichotomous, 
biserial.      Stem  circular.      Devonian  ;  New  York  and  Canada. 




§  2.  Basals  two. 

Dlchocrimis  Miinster  (Cotyledonocrinus  Lyon  and  Cass.).  Costals  two, 
usually  united  by  syzygy,  as  are  also  the  first  two  brachials  of  each  order, 
giving  the  appearance  of  a  single  plate.  Arms  biserial,  branching  once  to 
three  times  ;  occasionally  pendent.  Stem  round.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
Belgium,  Great  Britain,  North  America  (Kinderhook  to  Kaskaskia). 

Campfocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Like  Dkhocrimis  except  in  the  stem,  which  is 
concavo-convex  in  section,  as  in  Herpetocrinus,  tending  to  coil  around  the  crown. 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Burlington  to  St.  Louis) ;  North  America. 

Talarocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Costal  one,  small,  trigonal,  sometimes  hidden 
by  the  distichals.  Calyx  plates  massive ;  anal  resembling  anterior  radial  in 
form  and  size.  Column  round.  Lower  Carboniferous  (St.  Louis  to  Kaskaskia) ; 
North  America. 

Fterotocrinus  Lyon  and  Cass.  (Asterocrinus  Lyon  non  Miinster).  A  re- 
markable modification  of  Talarocriims.  Brachials  up  to  third  order  incorporated 
into  dorsal  cup.  Anal  plate  much  smaller  than  the  radials.  The  axillary 
first  ambidacral  produced  into  large  wing-like  processes,  stretched  out  from 
the  tegmen.  Lower  Car- 
boniferous (Kaskaskia)  ; 
North  America. 

Family  11.     Acrocrinidae 
WaclisniLith  and  Springer. 

Monocyclic.  Basals  separ- 
ated from  radials  hy  a  large 
belt  of  accessory  pieces.  Badials 
in  contact  except  at  the  posterior 
side,  where  they  are  separated 
hy  an  anal  plate.  Structure 
otherwise  as  in  the  Hexa- 
crinidae.  Lower  Carboni- 



o  o^^o  o 



'^  g8'o<&  ^ 

Acrocrinus  Yandell 
303).  Basals  two, 
a  hexagon.  Calyx  as  \n 
Dichocrimis  with  intercala- 
tion of  several  circlets  (up 
to  twenty)  of  supplementary 
plates,  those  immediately 
above  the  basals  being  the 
smallest  and  latest  formed. 

Costals  small,  trigonal.  Arms  two  to  four  to  the  ray,  biserial,  either  erect 
or  pendent.  Column  round.  Lower  Carboniferous.  The  last  survivor  of 
the  Camerata  (Burlington  to  Coal  Measures),  and  known  chiefly  in  North 
America  but  reported  recently  from  England. 

Fio.  303. 

Acrocrinus  sp.  Lower  CaibonifurouS.  Ij,  Basals;  E,  Radials ; 
I,  Costals  ;  x,  Special  anal  plate.  All  the  others  are  supplement- 
ary plates  (after  W.  and  Sp.). 


Order  2.     FLEXIBILIA    Zittel. 

(  =  Articulata  W.  and  Sp.  non  Miiller). 

Crinoidea  in  which  the  lower  brachials  are  incorporated  in  the  dorsal  cup,  either 
by  lateral  union,  by  interbrachials,  or  by  a  finely  plated  shin,  but  never  rigidly. 
Tegmen  flexible,  with  ambulacra  well  defined,  roofed  with  movable  covering  plates  ; 
mouth  supra-tegminal  and  open.  Arms  non-pinnulate,  with  a  wide  and  shallow 
ventral  groove.  Base  dicyclic ;  infrabasals  three,  unequal,  rarely  undivided,  some- 
times greatly  reduced  or  atrophied ;  often  fused  ivith  top  columnal.  liadials  and 
brachials  united  by  modified  muscular  articulation,  usually  without  transverse  ridge, 
accompanied  by  loose  suture  between  other  plates,  producing  a  flexible  calyx  admitting 
motion  between  apposed  faces  of  the  plates.  Orals  small,  posterior  one  much  the 
largest,  with  the  food  grooves  passing  between  them  to  the  mouth  ;  they  are  more  or 
less  surrounded  by  perisome,  which  often  passes  down  between  the  rays.  Stem  round  ; 
proximal  columnals  usually  very  short,  frequently  wider  than  the  others  and  forming  a 
conical  expansion  next  to  the  calyx.     Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

The  calyx  and  arm  plates  in  this  group  are  usually  thick  and  relatively  short, 
with  a  muscular  or  loose  ligamentous  articulation,  which  admits  of  much  mobility 
upon  one  another.  The  combination  of  massiveness  with  flexibility  is  a  strong 
distinctive  character.  The  union  between  brachials  is  frequently  marked  exteriorly 
by  arcuate  sutures,  produced  by  a  downward  projection  of  the  outer  proximal  edge  of 
the  plates  into  a  corresponding  depression  on  the  distal  edge  of  those  preceding ;  this 
extends  but  little  below  the  surface,  the  sutures  beneath  being  perfectly  straight.  By 
contraction  in  fossilising  the  projecting  processes  are  frequently  fractured,  giving  rise 
to  an  erroneous  appearance  of  "patelloid  plates." 

Owing  to  the  fact  that  in  most  of  the  genera  the  rays  are  more  or  less  continuous 
from  the  radials  up,  with  no  well-defined  zone  of  demarcation  between  calyx  and 
arms,  there  is  a  general  similarity  of  type  \\'hich  renders  the  subdivisions  less  apparent 
than  in  the  Camerata.  The  most  prominent  modification  of  the  general  type  relates 
to  the  structure  of  the  posterior  interradius,  upon  Avhich  two  well-defined  divisions 
may  be  recognised  :  (1)  the  strong  anal  side,  in  which  the  anal  plates,  when  present, 
are  partly  or  wholly  incorporated  in  the  calyx  wall ;  (2)  the  weak  anal  side,  in  which 
the  anal  plates  are  sejiarated  from  adjacent  brachials  at  one  or  both  sides  by  a  pliant 
integument,  and  tend  to  form  a  flexible  series  supporting  the  anal  tube,  which  is 
a  mere  extrusion  of  the  pliant  perisome  of  the  tegmen.  The  second  of  these 
structures  is  analogous  to  that  in  the  larval  stage  of  the  living  Crinoids,  is  the  most 
generalised,  and  was  the  most  persistent — appearing  in  the  Ordovician,  and  ending 
with  the  culmination  of  this  group  in  the  Kaskaskia,  or  possibly  Coal  Measures.  The 
first  is  more  specialised,  and  ranges  from  the  Silurian  to  the  Warsaw.  Within  it  modifi- 
cations in  the  size  and  position  of  the  infrabasals,  and  in  the  general  habitus,  aft'ord 
ground  for  family  divisions,  which  shade  into  one  another  to  some  extent. 

Among  the  genera  of  each  family  there  may  be  observed  a  migration  of  the 
radianal,  from  a  primitive  position  directly  underneath  the  right  posterior  radial  (as 
if  the  radial  were  transversely  bisected)  in  the  older  formations  (Ordovician  and  some 
Silurian),  to  an  oblique  position  to  the  lower  left  of  the  radial  (some  Silurian  and 
Devonian),  and  then  to  complete  elimination  in  the  Carboniferous.  Modifications  m 
the  numljer  of  primibrachs,  by  increase  from  two  to  three  or  more,  were  also  to  some 
extent  coincident  with  these  changes.  The  structure  of  the  base  remains  remarkably 
constant,  the  proximal  circlet  consisting  of  three  unequal  infrabasals,  which  are 
exceptionally  fused  to  an  undivided  disk,  and  in  certain  genera  tend  to  disajjpear  by 


A.  Anal  plates,  when  iwesent,  partly  or  wholly  incorporated  in  the 

Suborder  1.    SAGENOCRINOIDEA. 

Family  1.     Lecanocrinidae   Springer. 

Infrabasals  ahutting  on  dorsal  side  of  basals,  more  or  less  erect,  and  taking 
part  in  the  calyx  wall.  Crown  usually  small,  short,  rotund,  with  arms  ahutting, 
frequently  interloching,  and  closely  infolding  at  the  distal  ends.  Silurian  to  Lower 

a.   Rays  in  contact  except  at  the  posterior  side,  where  anal  x  separates  radials,  touching 
posterior  basal.     No  iBr  in  other  areas. 

Lecanocrinus  Hall  {Cyrtidocrinus  Ang.)  (Fig.  304).  Arms  dichotomons, 
flat,  interlocking.  BA  rhombic,  obliquely  below  Anal  x  alone. 
IBr  two  (exceptionally  one).  Silurian  to  Devon- 
ian; North  America,  Gotland,  England. 

Mespilocrinus  Koninck  and  Lehon.  No  BA. 
Anal  X  alone,  or  followed  by  a  triangular  plate. 
Arms  dichotomous,  usually  rounded,  with  dex- 
trose twist.  IBr  two.  Lower  Carboniferous 
(Kinderhook  to  Upper  Burlington)  ;  Belgium, 
England  and  Mississippian  area.  North  America. 

h.   Rays  above  radials  partly  or  wholly  separated  all  Fjq   3Q4 

around,  by  iB7'  or  perisome.     Anal  x  usually  between  pos-        ^    ,        .       ,  .„.      .  ,         r.-i     ■     . 

',;',.         '  .        ,         ,   ,  ,.  ,,^  ,  .        \  Lecanocnmis  htlliHfjsi  2\.ng.    Silurian; 

tenor  radials,  touching  basal  (exception,  Nipterocrmus).        Gotland.    Crown,  seen  from  the  anal 

side,  figme  re\'ersed  (after  Angelin). 

Homalocrinus  Ang.  Lifrabasals  very  large, 
enveloping  basals,  and  sometimes  radials.  Arms  heterotomous,  with  ten 
main  trunks,  bearing  ramules.  Rays  abutting  above  interbrachials,  peri- 
some not  exposed  interradially.  Anal  x,  and  large  iBr  in  other  areas, 
followed  by  others.  BA  under  between  BB.  IBr  two.  Silurian ; 
Gotland,  England. 

Calpiocrinus  Ang.  Like  the  preceding,  but  the  rays  have  twenty  main 
trunks  bearing  ramules,  and  there  is  no  BA.     Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

These  two  genera  are  remarkably  specialised  in  the  enormous  overgrowth 
of  the  infrabasals,  which  envelop,  and  sometimes  entirely  conceal,  both  basals 
and  radials,  a  fact  which  has  made  them  heretofore  generally  misunderstood. 

Cholocrinus  Springer.  IBB  not  enveloping  BB.  Arms  heterotomous, 
with  ten  main  trunks  bearing  irregularly  branching  ramules.  Rays  not 
abutting,  divergent,  not  closely  infolding;  no  regular  iBr,  areas  filled  with 
perisome.  Anal  x  followed  by  perisome.  BA  rhombic,  obliquely  below  IBr  two.  Rays  unequally  developed,  the  two  antero-lateral  ones 
being  dwarfed.     Type,  Forhesiocrinus  ohesus  Ang.      Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

Anisocrinus  Ang.  Arms  dichotomous.  Rays  abutting  above  iBr,  perisome 
not  exposed.  Anal  x  alone,  or  with  others  following ;  iBr  few,  one  large, 
alone,  or  followed  by  others.  BA  more  or  less  under,  above  line 
of  BB.     IBr  two.     Silurian  ;  Gotland,  and  North  America  (Western  Niagara). 

Fycnosaccus  Ang.  (Oncocrinus  Bather).  Arms  dichotomous.  Rays  not 
abutting ;  no  regular  iBr,  areas  wide,  filled  with  perisome.  Radial  facets 
much  less  than  the  width  of  B.      Anal  x  alone,  followed  by  perisome.     BA 


rhombic,   obliquely  below      IBr  one  to  four.      Silurian ;   Gotland, 
Enghuid,  and  North  America  (Niagara  of  Avestern  area  and  of  New  York). 

Niptevocrinns  Wachsmuth,  in  Meek  and  AVorthen.  Similar  to  Fycnosaccns, 
but  without  RA  or  anal  x,  and  with  infrabasals  fused  to  one.  The  last 
survivor  of  this  family.  Lower  Burlington  to  Keokuk  ;  Mississippian  area, 
North  America. 

Family  2.     Sagenocrinidae  Springer. 

Infrabasals  abutting  on  dorsal  side  of  basals,  low  and  flat,  taking  little  part  in 
calyx  wall.  Croivn  usually  large,  elongate,  expanding  above  the  radials.  Hays 
above  radials  partly  or  wholly  separated  all  aroicnd.  Silurian  to  Lower 

Temnocrinus  Springer.  Arms  dichotomous.  Anals  and  iBr  only  in  lower 
part  of  interradial  areas ;  anals  more  than  one  abreast.  BA  in  form  of  B 
under  '  Anal  x  separating  BR  and  touching  post.B.  IBr  two. 
Type,  Taxocrinus  tuberculatus  Miller.     Silurian  ;  England,  (?)  North  America. 

Meristocrinus  Springer.  Similar  to  Temnocrinus,  but  with  anal  x  followed 
by  other  plates  in  series,  and  IBr  three.  Type,  Taxocrinus  loveni  Angelin. 
Silurian ;  Gotland. 

Sagenocrinus  Austin.  Arms  dichotomous.  Anal  and  iBr  areas  filled  with 
solid  plates.  RA  obliquely  below,  usually  between  BB,  and  not 
touching  r.ant.R.  IBr  two.  Silurian ;  England,  Gotland,  and  North 
America  (Western  Niagara). 

Lithocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  (Forbesiocrinus  Aug.  non  Kon.).  No  RA.  Arms 
heterotomous,  with  ten  main  trunks  bearing  branching  ramules.  iBr  well 
developed  in  lower  part  of  areas.  IBr  two.  Type,  Forbesiocrinus  divaricafus 
Ang.     Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

Forbesiocrinus  Koninck  and  Lehon.  No  RA.  Arms  dichotomous.  iBr 
usually  numerous,  filling  the  areas  with  solid  plates.  IBr  three,  except  in 
F.  agassizi,  which  has  two.  The  culmination  of  this  family.  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous (Lower  Burlington  to  Warsaw) ;  Belgium.  Also  Mississippian  area, 
North  America. 

Family  3.     Ichthyocrinidae  Waclismutli  and  Springer  (restr.), 

Infrabasals  wholly  within  the  ring  of  basals,  concealed  by  the  column, 
sometimes  disappearing  by  resorption.  Crown  usually  elongate, 
expanding  above  radials,  but  often  infolding  distnlly.  Arms 
usually  closely  abutting  or  interlocking.  Silurian  to  Lower 

a.   Rays  in  contact  except  between  posterior  radials  when  separated 
by  anal  a-. 

Ichthyocrinns    Conrad    (Fig.    305).       Arms    dichotomous, 
closely  interlocking,  and  infolding.     RA  in  form  of  /.'  under 
icUhywrinn^  inens     No  anal,  posterior  basal  not  differentiated.     IBr 
crown? 'siiuria'".KNia    two.     Silurian;  Gotland,  England  and  North  America  (New 

Irani    (Jroiiii);    Luck-     \t      ^  i   -itt      i  ■\t  „    \ 

port,  New  York  (after  York  and  Western  Niag;i,ra  area). 

"=!")■  Clidochirus    Ang.       Similar    to    Ichthyocrinus,    but    with 

posterior  basal  difi"erentiated,  supporting  anal  x  alone,  or  followed  by  others. 


Silurian  ;  Gotland.     Silurian  to  Devonian  (Niagara,  Manlius,  Helderbergian) ; 
North  America. 

Metichthyocrimis  Springer.  No  BA.  No  anal ;  posterior  basal  not  differ- 
entiated. Crown  rotund.  Arms  dichotomous,  interlocking  and  infolding. 
IBr  two.  Type,  Iclithyocr.  tiaracformis  Hall  ex  Troost  MS.  Lower  Carbon- 
iferous (Kinderhook  to  Lower  Burlington) ;  Mississippian  area ;  North 

b.     Rays  above  radials  partly  or  wholly  separated  all  around  ;  posterior  radials  separated 
by  anal  x  wlien  present. 

Euryocrinus  Phillips.  No  BA.  Arms  dichotomous.  Anal  x  followed  by 
others  in  a  single  series.  iBr  few,  usually  in  single  series.  IBr  three.  Lower 
Carboniferous ;  England.     Devonian  to  Lower  Burlington  ;  North  America. 

Amphicrinus  Springer.  Similar  to  Euryocrinus,  but  with  iBr  numerous,  in 
more  than  one  series,  and  primibrachs  two.     Lower  Carboniferous ;  Scotland. 

Dadylocrinus  Quenst.  (Dimerocrinus  Pacht  non  Phillips).  No  BA.  Crown 
elongate,  expanding  from  BB  up.  Arms  heterotomous,  with  twenty  main 
trunks  bearing  ramules.  iBr  few  or  absent.  Anal  x  followed  by  others  in 
more  than  one  series,  suturally  connected  at  the  sides.  IBr  two.  Devonian^ 
Russia,  Belgium. 

Synerocrinus  Jaekel  (Forhesiocrinus  Trautschold  non  de  Kon.).  Similar  to 
Dadylocrinus,  but  with  anal  x  followed  by  others  in  series  tending  to  form  a 
tube  (transition  toward  Taxocrinidae).  Crown  more  rotund  in  young 
individuals.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Bergkalk  near  Moscow,  Russia. 

Wachsmuthicrinus  Springer.  Similar  to  Dactylocrinus,  but  with  no  anal 
plate,  posterior  basal  not  differentiated.  The  last  survivor  of  this  family  in 
America.  Type,  Forhesiocrinus  thiemei  Hall.  Lower  Carboniferous,  Kinder- 
hook  to  Upper  Burlington  ;  Mississippian  area  ;  North  America. 

B.  All  anal  plates  separated  by  perisome  from  adjacent  brachials  at  one  or  both 
sides,  tending  to  form  a  tubular  series,  from  posterior  basal  up. 

Suborder  2.    TAXOCRINOIDEA. 

Family  4.     Taxocrinidae   Bather  emend.  Springer. 

Infrabasals  usually  abutting  on  dorsal  side  of  basals,  but  low,  talcing  little  part 
in  the  calyx  wall.  Croton  usiially  elongate,  with  arms  divergent,  and  not  abutting 
above  interbrachial  areas.  Interbrachials present  all  around,  Ordovician  to  Lower 

Protaxocrinus  Springer  {Taxocrinus  Ang.  pars  ;  Lecanocrinus  Billings).  Arms 
dichotomous.  BA  in  form  of  B,  below  iBr  few.  IBr  two.  Type, 
Taxocrinus  ovalis  Ang.  Ordovician  to  Silurian ;  Gotland,  Canada  and  the 
United  States.     The  geologically  earliest  known  genus  of  the  Flexibilia. 

Gnorimocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  (Taxocrinus  Ang.  pars).  BA  rhombic,  obliquely 
below  iBr  few.  IBr  two  (or  three).  Type,  Taxocrinus  expansus 
Ang.  Silurian ;  Gotland  and  North  America,  western  Niagara,  area.  (?) 
Devonian  ;  Belgium. 

Eutaxocrinus  Springer.  No  BA.  iBr  variable.  IBr  two.  Type,  Taxo- 
crinus affinis  Miiller.  Silurian  and  Devonian  to  basal  part  of  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous (Kinderhook) ;  Gotland,  Germany,  North  America. 






W.  and  Sp.,  showing 
tegnien,  with  ambulacra, 
iirais  and  ojhmi  moutli  be- 
tween them  (after  Wachs- 
muth  and  Springer). 

Taxocrmus  Phillips  (Isocriims  Phill.,  «o?i  von  Meyer;  Cladocrinus  Austin  non 
Ang. ;  Euryalecrimis  Austin).     (Figs.  306,  307.)     Like  Eutaxocrimi^  but  with 

primibrachs  three.      De- 
vonian   to    summit    of 

Lower      Carboniferous ; 

England,    Belgium    and 

North  America. 

P  a  r  ichthy  0  crinii  s 

Springer.     No  RA.    iBr 

few.     IBr  three.     Rays 

closely   abutting    above 

iBr;    arms  interlocking 

and    infolding    distally. 

Has      the     habitus     of 

Ichihyocrimis,  but  with 
the  tube-like  anal  series  of  the  Taxocrinidae 
well  developed.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
Upper  Burlington  and  Keokuk  ;  (?)  Coal 
Measures  ;  Mississippian  area,  North  Amer- 
ica. Type,  Ichthyocrinus  noUlis  (W.  and  Sp.). 
Onychocrinus  Lyon  and  Cass.  (Oligocrinus 
Springer).  Arms  heterotomous.  Rays 
widely  divergent,  produced  into  ten  large, 
rounded  main  trunks,  bearing  ramules.  No 
Bj4.  iBr  few  or  numerous.  IBr  three  to 
six,  or  more.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Lower 
Burlington  to  Kaskaskia)  ;  Mississippian 
area.  North  America. 

This  is  the  culmination  and  most  ex- 
travagant development  of  the  Taxocrinoid 
type.  AYith  the  exception  of  an  imperfectly  known  species,  probably  of 
this  family,  from  the  Lower  Coal  Measures,  this  and  a  depauperate  species 
of  Taxocrinus  are  the  last  survivors  of  the  Flexihilia. 

Fig.  307. 

Taxocr hills  aAhtti  White  Perfect  crown. 
Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Crawfordsville,  Ind. 
Usually  known  in  collections  as  T.  meclci,  or 
T.  inultibrachiatus  (F.  Springer,  original). 

Incertae  sedis. 

Edriocrinus  Hall.  Superficially  resembles  Holopus,  and  its  position  is 
doubtful.  Has  bi'oad  branching  arms,  with  shallow  ventral  groove,  short 
bi'achials,  and  no  pinnules.  No  stem  ;  basals  fused  into  a  rounded  conical 
mass,  attached  by  a  flattened  surface  when  young,  free  in  the  adult.  Radials 
five,  with  anal  plate  in  same  range.  Lower  Devonian  (Heldei'bergian, 
Oriskany) ;  New  York,  Maryland,  Tennessee. 

Caleidocrinus  Waagen  and  Jahn.  Probably  an  Inadunate  Crinoid,  with 
anal  side  not  differentiated  in  dorsal  cup.      Silurian  ;  Bohemia. 

Bhopalocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Founded  on  a  unique  specimen  described  as 
Taxocrinus  gracilis  Schultze,  but  does  not  belong  to  this  group.  It  has  a 
strongly  plated  anal  tube  reaching  to  height  of  the  arms,  and  might  be 
described  as  a  dicyclic  Synbathocrinoid,  with  some  interbrachial  plates. 
Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel. 




Order  3.     INADUNATA   Wachsmuth  and  Springer. 

Orinoidea  in  which  the  arms  are  free  above  the  radials  ;  dorsal  cnp  liinited  to 
radials,  basals,  infrahasals  when  present,  and  anal  plates;  no  interradials  or  inter- 
hrachials  except  at  the  posterior  {anal)  side,  and  brachials  never  normally  incorporated 
in  the  cnp.     All  plates  of  the  cnp  united  by  close  suture.     Mouth  snb-tegminal. 

Suborder  1.     LARVIFORMIA  Wachsmuth  and  Springer. 

{Haplocrinacea  Neumayr  ;  Larvata  Jaekel  pars). 

Monocyclic  (except  Cupressocrinus).  Calyx  consisting  only  of  basals  {tvith  or 
tvithoid  infrabasals),  radials,  and  orals,  without  anal  plates,  and  usually  without 
visible  ambulacra.  All  plates  immovably  united  by  close  suture.  Arms  non- 
pinnulate,  simple  and  uniserial  (exception,  the  doubtful  Stephanocrinus).  Silurian 
to  Carboniferous. 

The  simplest  form  of  the  Crinoidea  ;  containing  only  plates  found  in  the  larval  or  very 
young  stage  of  existing  types,  without  any  supplementary  plates  whatever  except  sucli  as 
may  belong  to  an  arm-like  anal  tube.  They  are  usually  small,  one  genus,  AUagccrinus, 
almost  microscopic.  Similar  minute  forms  may  yet  be  found  in  the  pre-Silurian  formations, 
from  which  their  absence  thus  far  has  been  urged  as  an  objection  to  the  validity  of  the  group, 
considered  as  a  phylogenetic  representative  of  the  larval  stage.  It  must  be  admitted  that  its 
limits  are  not  very  well  defined,  but  the  typical  form  is  Haplocrinus. 

Family  1,     Stephanocrinidae  Wachsmuth  and  Springer. 

Monocyclic.  Calyx  cup-shaped,  composed  of  three  elongate  basals,  five  radials, 
and  five  orals,  with  ambulacra.  Radials  deeply  forked  ;  the  prongs  formed  by  the 
margins  of  two  contiguous  radials  extending  upward  between  the  arms,  in  spinelike 
processes.  First  costals  semilunate  and  resting  within  a  horseshoe -like  concavity  near 
the  outer  end  of  radial  incisions.  Tegmen  consisting  of  the  orals,  surrounding  a 
central  space,  which  is  roofed  over  by  five  greatly  modified  ambidacrals  in  form  of 
a  flattened  pyramid  of  triangrdar  plates ;  with  anchylosed  covering  plates  extending 
outward  to  the  arm  bases.  Anal  aperture  between  posterior  oral  and  interradial 
process.  Arms  with  one  short  hiserial  trunk  to 
the  ray,  giving  off  slender  biserial,  non-pinnidate 
side  arms  from  the  outer  shoidder  of  each  brachial. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Stephanocrinus  Conrad  (Bhombifera  Barr.) 
(Fig.  308).  This  unique  genus  is  an  inter- 
mediate form,  variously  considered  by  different 
authors  as  a  Blastoid,  a  Cystid,  or  a  Crinoid. 
The  presence  of  branching  biserial  arms,  as 
pointed    out    by    Wachsmuth    and    Springer, 

■■•,  .  ■',.  .,,  n    •       -J        li.i,T_     urian ;  Lockport,  New  York,     o,  Side  view 

makes    it    unquestionably    a    UrinOld,    altnOUgn     of  calyx,  natural  size ;   b,  summit  aspect, 

not  normal  for  the  present  group,  in  which  it  ^SbrUrawaylaft^erHa?^  °'  "" 
is  placed  on  account  of  its  simple  and  primitive 

type  of  calyx.  The  forked  radials,  resemblance  of  the  orals  to  the  deltoids, 
and  the  orientation  of  the  small  basal  in  the  right  anterior  position  instead 
of  the  left  anterior  as  in  other  Crinoids  with  three  basals,  are  all  characters 
which  indicate  a  close  relationship  to  the  Blastoids.  Ordovician  ;  Bohemia. 
Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Fig.  soy. 
litKjilianocrinns  angidatns  Conrad.     Sil- 




Family  2.     Pisocrinidae 


Monocyclic.  Basals  three  to  Jive  ;  radials  five,  very  unequal,  the  right  posterior 
and  right  anterior  compound,  left  posterior  and  anterior  usually 
muck  the  largest.  Arms  simple,  uniserial  and  composed  of  long, 
cylindrical  joints.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

risorrimis  de  Kon.  {Fig.  309,  A).  Calyx  small,  globose. 
B  five,  unequal,  forming  a  triangle.  Only  the  large  an- 
terior, and  the  left  posterior  radial  resting  upon  the 
basals  ;  one  large  plate,  the  radianal,  serves  as  inferradial 
for  both  right  posterior  and  right  anterior  radials,  and 
also  meets  the  basals.  Anal  or  first  tube-plate  above  line 
of  radials,  followed  by  a  tube.  Articular  facets  of  the 
radials  impressed  between  vertical  partitions  formed  by 
the  lateral  margins  of  the  plates.  Tegmen  I'arely  pre- 
served, but  as  observed  by  Wachsmuth  and  Springer  in 
P.  pilula,  consisting  of  five  large  symmetrical  orals,  above 
which  rises  a  narrow  anal  tube.  Arms  long,  and  com- 
posed of  extremely  elongate,  cylindrical  ossicles.  Silurian ; 
Gotland,  Dudley,  England  and  North  America  (Niagara 

Triacrinus  Miinst.  (Fig.  309,  B).     Dift'ers  from  the  pre- 
ceding in  having  but  three  B.     Wachsmuth  and  Springer 
have  shown,  however,  that  some  of   the   Eifel   specimens 
occasionally  have  five  B,  thus  leading  to  the  inference  that 
Fig.  309.  the  two  fomis  are  identical.     Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel. 

Calycanthocrinus  Follmann.  B  three.  Additional  small 
arm-bearing  plates  introduced  between  the  radials.  Lower 
Devonian  ;  Germany. 

and   Slocum.       Calyx    elongate, 
shallow,  concave,  filling  a  greater 

A ,  Pisocrinus  flcujeJlifer 
Ang.  Silurian ;  Gotland. 
a,  Perfect  specimen,  r. 
posterior  view  ;  li,  Calyx 
seen  from  r.  ant.  side ;  c, 
From  below,  i/i  (after 
Angelin).  B,  Triacrinus 
alius  Mtill.  Devonian  ; 
Gerolstein,  Eifel.  a, 
Calyx  seen  from  r.  post, 
side        ~ 

Hypsocrinus    Springer 

B  five.     Arm  facets  wide 

part  of  radial  margin. 

R.  ant.  radial  has  in- 
ferradial distinct  from  radianal.  Middle 
Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Family  3.     Haplocrinidae  Roemer. 

Monocyclic.  Calyx  small,  pyriform  to 
globose.  Basals  five.  Three  of  the  radials 
compound,  the  others,  left  posterior  and  an- 
terior, simple,  and  much  the  largest.  Orals 
large,  triangular  to  pentagonal,  laterally  in 
contact.     Arms  five.     Devonian. 

Haplocrinus     Steining.     (Fig.     310). 
Arm  facets  narrow,  indented  upon  distal 
face    of    radials.      Arms   small,   simple, 
uniserial,  resting  within  deep  grooves  formed  along  the  sides  of  the  orals 
Orals  large,  pentagonal,  and   laterally  in   contact;    the  posterior  one  inter 

Fig.  310. 

Haplorrinns  mespilifonnis  Goldf.  Devonian ; 
Gerolstein,  Eifel.  c,  Calyx  seen  from  one  side: 
/),  Seen  from  aliove  ;  c,  Seen  from  below  ;  il,  Analysis 
of  calyx  ;  b,  Basals  ;  x,  the  three  nnsynimetrical 
plates  situated  between  basals  and  radials ;  r, 
Iladials  ;  hr,  First  arm-ossicle  ;  o.  Orals  (antmior 
side  to  the  right). 


locking  with  the  others,  and  pierced  by  a  small  anal  opening.  Mouth 
subtegminal ;  column  composed  of  thin  joints.  Not  uncommon  in  the 
Middle  Devonian  of  the  Eifel  and  Nassau ;  sparse  in  the  Upper  Devonian  of 
North  America. 

Family  4.     Allagecrinidae  Etlieridge  and  Carpenter. 

Monocyclic.  Calyx  very  small,  sometimes  almost  microscopic.  Basalsfive,  radials 
five,  of  irregular  form  and  size.  Some  of  the  radials  axillary  and  supporting  two 
arms ;  others  truncate  and  supporting  hut  one  arm ;  their  articular  facets  provided 
with  transverse  ridges  and  large  muscle  plates.     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Allagecrinus  E.  and  C.  B  completely  anchylosed  in  the  adult,  and  the 
suture  lines  between  the  orals  also  disappearing  with  age.  Stem  largest  next 
to  the  calyx,  rapidly  tapering  downward.  Carboniferous  (Kinderhook  to 
Coal  Measures) ;  Great  Britain  and  North  America. 

Family  5.     Synbathocrinidae  Waclismuth  and  Springer. 

Monocyclic.  Calyx  small,  howl-shaped,  composed  of  three  unequal  or  of  five  equal 
hasals,  and  five  nearly  equal  radials.  Tegmen  formed  hy  five  small,  astjmmetrical 
orals ;  hetween  these  and  the  posterior  radials  arises  a  long  anal  tube,  follotuing  an 
anal,  or  first  tube-plate',  resting  on  the  shoulders  of  the  posterior  radials.  Entire 
upper  edges  of  the  radials  bevelled  off  so  as  to  form  straight  articular  facets,  which 
are  furnished  with  well-developed  transverse  ridges.  Arms  five,  simple ;  column 
round.     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Phimocrinus  Schultze.  The  most  primitive  form  of  the  family,  having  five 
basals,  and  traces  of  transverse  bisection  of  three  radials  as  in  Heterocrinus. 
Devonian  ;  Europe. 

Synhathocrinus  Phill.  {Lageniocrinus  de  Koninck).  B  three,  unequal ;  B  five, 
quadrangular  or  pentagonal.  Anal  tube  long,  slender,  resting  partly  upon 
the  shoulder  of  the  right  posterior  radial ;  it  is  composed  of  a  longitudinal 
series  of  strong  plates  with  a  crescentic  section  on  the  dorsal  side,  and  small 
plates  resembling  perisome  on  the  opposite  side.  Arms  long,  uniserial,  and 
composed  of  comparatively  thick  ossicles  with  sharp  angular  edges.  Devonian 
and  Carboniferous ;  Great  Britain  and  North  America. 

Stylocrinus  Sandb.  Distinguished  from  Synhathocrinus  mainly  by  the 
character  of  the  radial  facets,  which  are  directed  obliquely  downward  and 
inward,  instead  of  upward  and  outward.     Devonian  ;  Europe. 

Storting ocrinus  Schultze.     Devonian. 

Family  6.     Cupressocrinidae  d'Ovbigny. 

Dicyclic.  Calyx  large,  basin-shaped,  composed  of  five  equal  hasals  and  five  equal 
radials  ;  the  basals  enclosing  a  central  pentagonal  plate,  which  represents  five  anchylosed 
infrabasals.  Upper  faces  of  radials  broad,  truncate,  and  forming  an  even  horizontal 
line.  Costals  compressed,  flange-shaped.  A  peculiar  annular  structure,  the  so-called 
"  consolidaMng  apparatus  "  situated  on  the  upper  interior  margin  of  the  calyx  between 
the  arm-bases.  Arms  five,  simple,  uniserial  and  closely  folded  ;  they  are  composed  of 
broad,  thick  plates,  united  hy  close  sutures,  and  are   traversed  hy  a  well-developed 

VOL.  I  P 




dorsal  canal.     Column  pierced  hy  a  large  axial  and  three,  four  or  five  peripheral 
canals.     Devonian.     Represented  by  a  single  genus,  which  probably  does  not 

belong  to  this  suborder,  but 
whose  systematic  affinities  have 
not  been  satisfactorily  deter- 

Cupressocrimis  Goldf.  (Fig. 
311).  Tegmen  flat ;  the  greater 
part  of  it  occupied  by  the  so- 
called  consolidating  apparatus. 
This  is  composed  of  five 
petaloid,  horizontally  trun- 
cated interradial  pieces,  which 
are  laterally  in  contact,  and 
enclose  a  large,  central  open 
space ;  these  are  probably 
modified  orals,  and  served  in 
part  for  the  attachment  of 
muscles.  Five  round  aper- 
tures, through  which  the 
ambulacra  entered  the  calyx, 
perforate  the  divisions  between 
the  consolidating  plates  ;  one 

showing  plated  poveiiiig  of  ambiilafial  furrows,  and  doisal  canals  of    the   latter  is  pierCCd  by   the 
perforating  the  ossicles ;  f,  Interior  of  calyx  from  above,  showinfc  -i  •  /j-\-  qt'i         \ 

the  five  consolidating  plates,  the  lowermost  containing  the  anal  anal      Opening      (^r  Ig.     oil,    C). 

opening  ;/,  Radial  pierced  by  ambulaeral  opening,  but  with  wall  A«Tna     nrnvirlprl     witVi     a     wirlp 

covering  the  same  partly  broken  away  ;./,  Side-view  of  radial  in  -^imt.     piUVlUtiU     Wltu     d.     Wiue 

which  the  ring-like  covering  of  the  ambulaeral  opening  is  pre-  aii(|  cleCD  Ventral  furrOW,  lined 
served  intact.  '-  ,   .        .    .  , 

on  both  Sides  with  jointed, 
closely  abutting  appendages  ;  of  these  there  are  several  to  each  arm-plate, 
thus  showing  that  they  are  different  from  true  pinnules.  Middle  Devonian  ; 
Eifel,  Harz,  Nassau  and  Westphalia. 

Fig.  311. 

Cu'pressocrlnus  o-asxjt.s  Goldf.  Devonian  ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel. 
a,  Perfect  specimen,  natural  size  ;  b,  Cross-section  of  column  ; 
c,   Fused  infrabasals  ;    d,  Section   through   the   folded-up  arms. 

Suborder  2.     FISTULATA  Wachsmuth  and  Springer. 

Tegmen  composed  of  nmnerous  plates,  consisting  cither  of  orals  with  supra-fegminal 
ambulacra  passing  over  their  edges,  and  interamlmlacra,  or  of  more  or  less  undiffer- 
entiated plates  without  identifiable  orals  or  ambulacrals.  Posterior  inter amhidacrum 
usually  more  or  less  extended  into  a  strongly  plated  anal  tube  or  ventral  sac.  Arms 
pinnulate  or  non-pimiulafe,  usually  uniserial,  but  biserial  in  some  later  genera.  Base 
monocyclic  or  dicyclic.     Ordovician  to  Trias. 

The  Fistulata  are  characterised,  in  their  typical  genera,  by  a  great  development  of  the 
jiosterior  interradins,  which  is  extended  upward  in  the  form  of  an  anal  tube  or  a  ventral  sac.  In 
the  former  case  the  anus  is  at  the  distal  end  ;  orals  are  moie  or  less  represented  in  the  tegmen, 
the  posterior  one  being  often  i)erforated  {'nuidrejiorite).  In  the  latter  the  extension  involves 
almost  the  entire  tegmen  ;  the  plates  of  the  sac  are  often  perforated  by  small,  round  or  slit- 
like pores  (respiratory  pores) ;  all  traces  of  orals  are  lost ;  and  a  curious  reversal  takes  place 
in  the  jiositiou  of  the  anal  oi)ening,  which,  instead  of  being  at  the  distal  end,  or  posterior,  is 
on  the  anterior  side  of  the  sac,  either  at  the  base,  or  part  way  up,  sometimes  through  a 
lateral  spout. 

In  some  of  the  early  fimilies  the  radials  are  transversely  bisected  in  one,  two,  or  three 
rays,  producing  comiiound  radials,  as  in  some  Larviformia.  When  three  radials  are  thus 
compound  they  are  usually  in  the  right  posterior,  and  right  and  left  anterior  rays  ;  but  when 
there  is  only  one,  it  is  constantly  that  to  the  right  of  the  anal  area,  the  right  posterior.     The 


latter  condition  is  the  longest  lived,  persisting  to  late  in  the  Carboniferous,  while  the  former 
did  not  survive  the  Devonian,  and  was  chiefly  confined  among  the  Fistulata  to  Ordovician  forms. 
The  superradial,  or  arm -bearing  portion  of  the  plate,  is  in  some  earlier  forms  much  the 
smallest  part,  resting  on  the  right  shoulder  of  the  inferradial,  or  lower  portion  ;  in  others  it 
is  nearer  equal  to,  and  directly  in  line  with  the  inferradial ;  in  later  forms  it  is  pushed  to  the 
right  by  the  gradual  increase  in  width  of  the  posterior  iuterradius  or  ventral  sac. 

The  inferradial,  because  of  its  supporting  the  sac,  as  is  usually  the  case  among  the  later 
forms,  has  received  the  name  of  radianal.  Primitively,  however,  as  was  shown  first  by 
Wachsmuth  and  Springer,  and  subsequently  by  Carpenter  and  Bather,  the  radianal  represents 
the  lower  portion  of  the  right  posterior  radial ;  and  it  has,  therefore,  nothing  in  common 
with  the  anal  plate,  which  is  a  specialised  inferradial.  The  phases  exhibited  by  the  radianal 
in  its  progressive  structural  development  furnish  excellent  diti'erential  characters.  From  its 
jirimitive  radial  position  directly  under  the  right  posterior  ray,  it  shifts  upward  to  a  left 
oblique  position,  and  is  then  eliminated  in  the  later  Carboniferous,  substantially  parallel  to  its 
course  in  the  Flexibilia. 

Under  the  Fistulata  are  included  the  following  families  ;  Hyhocrinidae,  Heterocrinidae, 
Anomalocrinidae,  Calceocrinidae,  Catillocrinidae,  Belemnocrinidae,  comprising  the  monocyclic 
forms  ;  and  Dendrocrinidae,  Crotalocrlnidae,  Cyathocrinidae,  with  subfamilies  Carahocrininae, 
Gasterocominae  and  Cyathocrininae  ;  Botryocrinidae ;  Poteriocrinidae,  with  subfamilies 
Potcriocrininac,  Graphiocrininae  and  Encrininae,  comprising  the  dicyclic  forms. 

Family  1.     Hybocrinidae  Zittel. 

Monocyclic  ;  basals  five.  Badials  large  ;  the  right  posterior  radial  compound  ; 
the  inferradial  almost  as  large  as  the  other  radials,  supporting  on  its  right  shoidder 
the  suj)erradial,  and  on  its  left  the  first  plate  of  the  tube,  or  anal  plate,  which  does  not 
enter  the  dorsal  cup.  Ventral  tube  or  sac  in  its  most  primitive  form,  extending  but 
little  above  the  rest  of  t)ie  legmen;  superradial  very  smcdl,  sometimes  'undeveloped. 
Arm  facet  small,  round,  less  than  width  of  radial;  arms  simple,  uniserial,  non- 
pinnulate.  Orals  large,  with  ambulacra  resting  on  their  adjacent  edges ;  posterior 
one  pierced  by  hydropore.     Lower  Ordovician. 

Hybocystis  Wetherby.  Three  of  the  rays  bearing  primitive  arms  composed 
of  but  few  joints,  with  ambulacral  furrows  passing  from  the  ventral  to  the  dorsal 
side  of  the  arms,  and  continued  upon  the  surface  of  the  R.  The  two  other 
rays  are  without  arms,  and  the  ambulacra  follow  the  surface  of  the  calyx,  and 
may  pass  down  so  far  as  to  enter  the  basals.  Anus  through  a 
valvular  pyramid  surrounded  by  integument  of  small  plates 
between  posterior  oral  and  distal  edge  of  the  anal  plate.  Stem 
round.     Ordovician  (Trenton) ;  Kentucky  and  Canada. 

Hyhocrinus  Billings.  Similar  to  Hybocystis,  but  with  five 
regular  arms,  and  no  recurrent  ambulacra.  Anus  either 
through  a  valvular  pyramid  or  simple  opening.  Ordovician 
(Trenton) ;  Canada  and  Kentucky.  ^^^-  ^^2- 

Hoplocrinus    Grewingk    (Fig.  312).      Like   the   preceding,       Hopiocrinus_  au 

f  .  ®         ^     .®  '  .  ■'■  °       pentus      Gi'ewingk. 

but  with  the  inferradial  sloping  only  to  the  right,  and  sup-  Ordovician  ;  st. 
porting  a  small,  trigonal  superradial.  On  the  left  it  supports  seeirfrom^the  aiKd 
small  plates  of  the  ventral  sac,  without  the  intervention  of  a  wln^rkv'''^^'''^  *^^'^ 
larger  plate.     Ordovician  ;  St.  Petersburg. 

Baerocrinus  Volborth.  Like  Hoplocrinus,  but  the  right  posterior  and  the 
anterior  ray  without  arms ;  apparently  inferradials  only  are  developed. 
Ordovician  ;  St.  Petersburg. 

Family  2.     Heterocrinidae  Zittel. 

Monocyclic ;  basals  five.  Calyx  usually  elongate  conical.  One  or  more  of  the 
radials  compound.      The  superradial  of  the  right  posterior  ray  supporting  to  the 


right  the  primary  brachials,  and  to  the  left  an  anal  tube  or  sac  ;  the  first  plate  of 
this,  corresponding  to  the  anal  x,  may  be  entirely  above  the  level  of  the  radials,  or,  as 
usually,  may  slightly  indent  their  ujiper  corners  at  the  posterior  interradial  suture  ; 
hut  never  fully  enters  the  dorsal  cup.  Arms  non-pinmdate,  uniserial,  dichotomous  or 
heterotomous.  Badial  facets  usually  wide  and  straight.  Tegmen  not  well  known. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Heterocrinus  Hall  (Stenocrinus  W.  and  Sp.).  Crown  subcylindrical,  calyx 
small.  Three  radials  transversely,  more  or  less  equally  bisected,  or  com- 
pound ;  these  being,  in  addition  to  the  right  posterior,  the  right  and  left 
anterior,  or  sometimes  the  anterior  in  place  of  the  latter.  Anal  tube  delicate 
and  straight ;  first  tube-plate  resting  on  the  shoulders  of  both  posterior 
radials,  but  not  farther  entering  the  cup.  Arms  irregularly  dichotomous, 
somewhat  divergent.  Stem  pentagonal,  quinquepartite,  with  interradial 
sutures.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Ohiocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  and  stem  as  in  Heterocrinus.  Arms  hetero- 
tomous, having  ten  main  branches  not  in  close  contact,  and  somewhat  sinuous, 
with  ramules  which  usually  branch  again.  Ventral  sac  large,  and  usually 
convoluted.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Ectenocrinus  S.  A.  Miller  {Heterocrinus  W.  and  Sp.,  non  Hall).  Calyx  about 
as  in  the  preceding.  Arms  heterotomous,  with  ten  main  branches,  straight, 
rather  closely  abutting,  composed  of  a  continuous  series  of  syzygies  of  two 
plates  each,  the  epizygals  giving  off  ramules.  Stem  round,  tripartite. 
Ordovician;  North  America. 

locrinus  Hall.  Only  one  radial  compound,  the  right  posterior,  the  lower 
part  of  which  is  of  about  the  same  size  as  the  other  radials,  which  are  all  large. 
The  superradial  is  short,  resembling  an  axillary  brachial,  supporting  on  its 
right  shoulder  an  arm  and  on  the  left  a  series  of  plates  forming  the  arm-like 
dorsal  ridge  of  a  strong  anal  tube  or  sac,  of  complicated  structure  ;  first  tube 
plate  entirely  above  the  level  of  radials,  and  not  entering  the  dorsal  cup  at  all. 
Arms  dichotomous,  branching  frequently.  Stem  pentagonal,  quinquepartite, 
with  interradial  sutures,  the  pentameres  radially  disposed.  Ordovician ; 
North  America. 

Herpetocrinus  Salter  {Ophiocrinus  Charlesw. ;  Myelodactylus  and  (?)  Brachio- 
crinus  Hall).  A  specialised  form  with  crown  of  the  locrinoid  type,  habitually 
enclosed  by  the  coiled  stem,  whose  structure  is  modified  accordingly.  The 
crown  is  rarely  seen,  being  bent  backward,  and  usually  closely  enveloped  by 
the  stem,  which  is  then  coiled  arovmd  it  in  the  opposite  direction.  One  ray  is 
dwarfed,  either  not  branching  or  entirely  aborted.  The  right  posterior  radial 
alone  is  compound,  the  superradial  supporting  the  series  of  tube-plates  entirely 
above  the  level  of  the  radials,  as  in  locrinus.  Anal  tube  long  and  narrow, 
composed  of  a  series  of  heavy  plates  resembling  brachials  dorsally,  with 
perisome  on  the  other  side.  Arms  more  or  less  irregularly  dichotomous.  The 
stem  could  be  tightly  coiled,  or  uncoiled  exposing  the  crown  ;  but  the  lattei- 
condition  is  rarely  found  in  the  fossils.  Eesulting  from  this  the  stem  has  lost 
its  cylindrical  form,  being  more  or  less  concave  at  one  side,  with  its  columnals 
crescentric  in  section,  and  bearing  on  the  horns  of  the  crescents  two  longitudinal 
rows  of  strong  cirri.  The  remarkable  resemblance  of  the  coiled  cirriferous 
stem  to  a  pinnulate  arm  has  misled  many  students,  for  the  crown  is  usually 
concealed.     Silurian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 


,    Family  3.     Anomalocrinidae  Wachsmiith  and  Springer. 

Monocijdic  ;  basalsfive.  Calyx  broadly  rotund  in  form.  Tegmen  strong,  composed 
chiefly  of  large  modified  amhvlacrals  and  interamhilacrals,  extending  posteriorly  into 
a  large  expanding  anal  tube  or  sac.  Eadials  very  large,  two  of  them — the  right 
posterior  and  left  antero-lateral — compound,  all  of  them  laterally  in  contact ;  inferradial 
rarely  larger  than  the  superradial ;  the  lower  tube-plate,  or  anal  x,  resting  in  the 
angle  formed  by  the  superradial  to  the  right,  and  the  upper  end  of  the  simple  radial 
to  the  left,  but  not  entering  the  cup.  Radial  facets  circular  and  very  small.  Arms 
relatively  slender,  uniserial,  ami  bifurcating  several  times  at  somewhat  irregular 
intervals.  Small  armlets  given  off  from  each  arm-joint  on  one  side  only,  alternately 
in  the  successive  dichotoms.  Column  strong,  round,  attached  by  an  encrusting  root. 

Anomalocrinus  M.  and  W.  {Ataxocrinus  Lyon).  The  only  genus  of  the 
family.  The  statements  heretofore  current  that  one  radial  is  often  longi- 
tudinally bisected,  and  that  there  is  a  small  supplementary  piece  within 
the  basal  ring,  are  based  on  abnormal  specimens  only,  Ordovician  ;  North 

Family  4.     Oremacrinidae  Ulricli  (Galceocrinidae  M.  and  W.). 

Monocyclic  Inadunata,  in  which  a  bilateral  symmetry  along  the  left  anterior 
radius  and  right  posterior  interradius  has  been  superinduced  in  conjunction  with 
bending  of  the  crown  on  the  stem  in  such  a  way  that  the  right  posterior  interray  lies 
along  the  stem  ;  with  the  left  anterior,  right  posterior  and  right  anterior  radials  com- 
pound ;  with  anal  x  (IRA)  shifted  over  the  right  posterior  radius,  usually  into  the 
right  posterior  interradius,  and  supporting  a  massive  tube ;  with  three,  rarely  four, 
arms,  of  which  two  are  as  a  rule  peculiarly  modified  and  bear  armlets  or  pinnules. 
(From  Bather,  "  The  Crinoidea  of  Gotland.")  Ordovician  to  Lower  Carbon- 

Cremacrinus  Ulr.  (Castocrinus  Ringueb.).  B  distinct,  all  entering  into  the 
articular  surface  of  the  stem.  The  right  posterior,  and  right  anterior  super- 
radials  joined  by  ill-defined  close  suture,  each  abutting  with  one  side  on  the 
adjacent  large  simple  R.  The  lower  plate  of  the  tube  supported  by  the 
right  posterior  superradial  only,  while  the  right  anterior  superradial  supports 
the  first  brachial  of  the  right  anterior  arm.  The  right  posterior  and  right 
anterior  superradials  separated  from  one  another,  and  also  from  the  ventral 
tube,  by  the  right  posterior  and  right  anterior  R.  Arms  four.  Ordovician  ; 
North  America.     Type,  C.  punctatus  Ulr. 

Euchirocrinus  Meek  and  Worthen  (Cheirocrinus  Hall,  non  Eichwald ;  Pro- 
clivocrinus  Ringueb.).  B  unfused,  or  perhaps  sometimes  the  left  posterior  fused 
with  the  left  anterior  one.  The  right  posterior  and  right  anterior  super- 
radials fused  in  a  T-shaped  piece,  which  abuts  with  either  wing  on  the 
corners  of  the  large  simple  R.  The  right  posterior  and  right  anterior 
inferradials  separated  from  one  another  and  from  the  tube  by  the  T-piece  ; 
tube  supported  by  the  whole  upper  margin  of  the  latter.  Arms  three. 
Silurian  ;  North  America.     Type,  E.  chrysalis  (Hall). 

Deltacrinus  Ulrich  (Cheirocrinus  Salter,  nom.  nudum ;  Calceocrinus  Hall  em. 
Ringueberg).      Left  posterior  basal  fused  with  the  left  anterior   one ;    the 


fused  plates  very  rarely  entering  the  stem  articulation.  The  posterior  and 
right  anterior  basals  bounded  for  some  distance  by  the  large  B.  T-plate 
separated  from  the  large  simple  R  by  the  right  posterior  and  right  anterior 
radials  ;  it  is  low,  wide,  and  occasionally  very  small.  Tv^be  supported  by 
the  T-piece  and  the  two  inferradials  to  the  right,  but  not  touching  the  two 
large  simple  radials.  Arms  three.  Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  Europe  and 
America.     Type,  D.  clarus  (Hall). 

Halysiocrinus  Ulrich  em.  Bather.  B  as  in  the  preceding,  but  the  fused 
posterior  and  right  anterior  ones  never  entering  into  the  stem  articulation. 
T-piece  either  obsolete  or  concealed  between  the  right  posterior  and  right 
anterior  inferradials,  and  the  two  large  radials  in  the  stem  articulation. 
Tube  supported  by  the  inferradials  to  the  right,  which  are  in  contact,  and 
abutting  by  its  lower  corners  on  the  two  large  simple  B.  Arms  three.  Bur- 
lington and  Keokuk  Groups ;  Mississippi  Valley.     Type,  H.  dadylus  (Hall). 

Family  5.      Catillocrinidae  Wachsmuth  and  Springer. 

Base  monocyclic;  dorsal  cup  low  and  broad ;  general  symmetry  of  the  calyx 
greatly  disturbed.  Basals  more  or  less  fused,  their  number  douUftd  ;  radials  still 
more  irregular  both  in  form  and  in  size.  Most  of  the  arms  given  off  from  two  of 
the  radials,  which  are  sometimes  five  or  six  times  larger  than  the  other  three  ;  they 
are  simple,  quadrangular,  non-pinnulate,  and  rest  within  small  sockets  directly  upon 
the  radials.  Anal  plates  wanting.  Anal  tube  heavy,  composed  of  very  long, 
longitudinally  arranged  crescent-shaped  pieces,  and  supported  directly  by  the  radials  ; 
it  exhibits  a  wide  open  groove  along  the  anterior  side,  which  probably  was  covered  by 
small  delicate  plates.     Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Mycocrinus  Schultze.  Dorsal  cup  mushroom -shaped.  Plates  massive, 
irregular,  and  without  ornamentation.  B  two  (according  to  Schultze),  one  of 
them  twice  as  large  as  the  other,  and  the  two  forming  a  knob-like  body.  B 
five,  their  inner  edges  resting  upon  the  angular  margin  of  the  basal  disk ;  they 
spread  broadly  outward  from  the  B,  extending  far  beyond  them.  The  two 
larger  R  separated  at  the  posterior  side  by  two  equal  smaller  plates ;  and  at 
the  anterior  side  by  a  single  plate  having  a  quite  narrow  upper  face.  M. 
boletus  Schultze  has  apparently  fifteen  arms,  their  structure  unknown.  Middle 
Devonian  ;  Eifel. 

CatUlocrinus  Shumard  ex  Troost  (Nematocrinus  M.  and  W.).  Crown,  when 
the  arms  are  closed,  elongate,  cylindrical.  Dorsal  cup  basin-shaped,  concave  at 
the  base,  truncate  at  its  upper  margin.  Basal  disk  small.  B  five ;  those 
of  the  two  antero-lateral  rays  fully  six  times  as  wide  as  the  others,  and 
expanding  upwards,  so  as  to  encroach  upon  the  smaller  ones.  The  larger  B 
support  each  twelve  to  sixteen  arms ;  the  smaller  ones  rarely  more  than  one 
each.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Family  6.     Belemnocrinidae  Wachsmuth  and  Sjjringer. 

Base  monocyclic ;  cylindrical  to  ovoid.  B  is  composed  of  five  large,  elongate, 
irregular  pieces,  and  is  pierced  by  a  small  canal  which  widens  slightly  at  the  upper 
end.  Badials  five,  quadrangular,  and  separated  posteriorly  by  a  narrow  anal. 
Ventral  sac  large,  composed  of  hexagonal  plates,  the  angles  of  which  are  perforated. 


Arms  long,  giving  off  armlets  alternately  at  intervals.  Column  round  or  pentagonal  ; 
in  the  latter  case  having  its  angles  radially  directed,  and  cirri  which  are  interradial. 
Lower  Carboniferous. 

Belemnocrinus  White  (Missouricrinus  S.  A.  Miller).  The  only  genus,  very 
rare.     Burlington   Group  ;  Mississippian  area,  North  America. 

Family  7.     Dendrocrinidae  Bather. 

Dicyclic.  Structure  of  legmen  not  well  known,  probably  composed  chiefly  of 
undifferentiated  plates,  more  or  less  extended  into  a  tube  or  sac,  sometimes  resembling 
an  arm  proximally,  and  usually  with  anal  opening  at  the  distal  end.  Arms  uniserial, 
either  dichotomous  and  strictly  non-pinnulate,  or  heterolomous  with  main  rami  bearing 
lateral  ramules  tending  to  incipient  pinnulation.  Loose,  irregidar  interbrachials 
occasionally  present  in  lower  part  of  interradius  in  some  genera.  Radianal  in 
primitive  position  in  form  of  radial  under  the  right  posterior  ray.  Badial  facets 
wide  or  narrow;  mode  of  union  with  proximal  brachials  not  well  known,  but 
probably  by  modified  or  imperfect  muscular  articulation.  Infrabasals  five.  Stem 
■usually  round,  sometimes  pentagonal  and  quinquepartite.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

This  assemblage  of  early  genera  may  be  considered  as  a  sort  of  composite  family,  in  which 
are  embraced  a  number  of  characters  which  later  became  fixed  as  valid  family  criteria.  They 
are  all  primitive  in  the  position  of  the  radianal,  and  therein  differ  from  all  later  Fistulata. 
The  presence  of  interbracJiials  irregularly  in  some  genera,  e.g.  Gupulocrinus  and  Otfawacrinus, 
which  are  foreign  to  the  Inadunata,  indicates  a  close  relation  to  the  Flexibilia  ;  and  as 
Springer  has  shown,  there  are  good  reasons  for  considering  the  first  of  these  genera  as  very 
close  to  the  ancestral  type  of  the  two  orders. 

Merocrinus  Walcott.  Arms  dichotomous,  branching.  Eadial  facets  wide, 
shallow,  nearly  straight.  No  anal  plate  in  line  with  radials.  Anal  tube  at 
the  base  resembling  an  arm  branching  from  the  left  side  of  the  axillary  right 
posterior  superradial.  The  genus  might  be  considered  as  a  dicyclic  locrinus. 
Ordovician  ;  North  America  and  England. 

Cupulocrinus  d'Orb.  (Scyphocrinus  Hall,  now  Zenker).  Arms  and  radial 
facets  about  as  in  the  preceding.  Large  anal  x  in  line  with  radials,  truncate 
above,  supporting  a  large  tapering  anal  tube,  with  a  median  row  of  large 
plates  dorsally,  bordered  by  perisome,  rising  only  about  half  the  height  of 
the  arms.  Small  irregular  interbrachials  often  present  in  primary  axils. 
Ordovician  ;  Canada  and  Kentucky. 

Thenarocrinus  Bather.  Dorsal  cup  similar  to  the  preceding,  but  radianal 
slightly  to  left  and  touching  infrabasals.  Anal  tube  large  and  long,  composed 
of  transversely  folded  plates,  without  median  ridge  or  perisome.  Silurian  ; 

Dendrocrinus  Hall.  Radial  facets  narrow  and  semicircular.  Arms  dicho- 
tomous, branching  many  times,  and  very  slender.  Anal  x  in  line  with  radials, 
angular  above.  Anal  tube  wide,  long,  composed  of  hexagonal  plates  in 
vertical  parallel  columns.      Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Oftaivacrinus  W.  R.  Billings.  Arms  heterotomous,  with  ten  main  branches, 
bearing  lateral  ramules,  which  may  subdivide,  or  may  approach  the  pinnulate 
stage.  Anal  x  in  line  with  radials  ;  tube  wide,  rising  the  full  height  of  the 
arms.     Radial  facets  wide  and. nearly  straight.     Ordovician  ;  Canada. 

Gothocrinus  Bather.  Similar  to  preceding,  but  with  radial  facets  narrow 
and  curved,  and  shorter  ramules.      Silurian  ;  Gotland. 




Family  8,     Crotaloci-inidae  Angelin  (emend.  Wachsm.  and  Springer). 

Dicyclk.  Infrabasals  five.  Calyx  resembling  that  of  Cyathocriiius,  but  with 
lower  brachials  more  or  less  rigidly  incorporated  into  dorsal  cup  by  lateral  contact 
among  themselves,  with  the  radials,  and  ^vith  tegmen  plates.  Tegmen  composed  of 
numerous  rigid  plates,  chiefly  modified  ambulacrals  and  interambulacrals,  with  orals 
more  or  less  exposed,  ami  alternating  covering  plates  often  very  definitely  arranged. 
No  interradials  except  at  anal  side.  No  radianal ;  anal  x  in  line  with  radials  ; 
anus  directly  through  the  tegmen  or  at  the  end  of  a  short  protuberance.  Arms  non- 
pinnulate,  uniserial.     Axial  canal  in  arms  distinct.     Stem  large,  round.     Silurian. 

The  systematic  position  of  this  family  is  uncertain.  The  usual  rigid  incorporation  of  the 
lower  brachials  in  the  dorsal  cup  by  inclusion  within  the  radial  facet,  and  by  connection 
with  solid  tegmen,  analogous  to  what  is  seen  in  camerate  genera  like  Marsipocrinus  and 
Pterotocrinus,  points  to  a  connection  with  the  Camerata,  as  claimed  by  Wachsmuth  and 
Springer.  This  feature  is  subject  to  considerable  variation,  being  usually  not  so  pronounced 
in  young  specimens,  in  which  the  brachials  are  more  nearly  isolated.  On  the  other  hand  the 
resemblance  in  habitus  of  calyx  to  the  Inadunata,  as  Bather  has  suggested,  is  equally 
striking  ;  while  the  absence  of  pinnules  in  the  arms  seems  to  this  reviser  a  strong  reason 
in  favour  of  Inadunate  affinities.  The  structure  of  the  tegmen  would  place  it  close  to  the 

Enallocrinus  d'Orb.  Infrabasals  five.  Anal  plate  one,  not  always 
truncating    the    posterior    basal.      Eadial   facets   wide    and   shallow,    bearing 

Fig.  313. 
A,  Crotalocrinufi  imlcker  Hising.  (Anthocrinus  loveni  Miiller).  Silurian  ;  Gotland.  Crown  witli  folded  arms. 
/;,  Portion  of  stem.  C,  Cross-section  of  four  contiguous  arm-ossicles  of  the  network.  D,  Dorsal  aspect  of 
arm-plates,  showing  their  intimate  union  ;  those  above  the  two  rows  figured  have  been  broken  away  so  as  to 
expose  the  side-pieces  and  covering  plates  of  the  ambidacral  furrows.  A',  Tegmen  of  G.  rugosufi  Miller  (after 

directly  on  their  distal  edge  a  triangular  primibrach  and  one  to  three  further 
orders  of  brachials  at  each  side.  Arms  long,  frequently  dichotomising,  and 
becoming  free  above  the  first  few  brachials.     Silurian  ;  Gotland,  England. 

Crotalocrinus  Austin  (Anthocrinus  Mii,ller)  (Fig.  313).     Similar  to  Enallo- 
crinus,   but    arm-branches    united    by   lateral   processes   from   each   brachial, 




forming  a  flexible  network,  which  may  be  continuous  all  around  the  crown 
or  be  divided  into  five  broad,  reticulate,  fan-like  fronds.  In  the  calyx  of 
some  young  specimens  the  radial  facet  is  narrow,  semicircular,  evidently 
bearing  the  brachials  in  the  usual  succession.  Axial  canal  distinct  in  arms 
but  not  perforating  radials,  which  are  thin.  Stem  terminating  in  a  thick, 
branching  root.     Silurian  ;  Gotland,  England  and  North  America. 

Pefalocritius  Weller,  from  the  Silurian  of  North  America  and  Gotland, 
with  its  arms  united  by  lateral  fusion  into  five  ponderous  fans,  has  some 
resemblance  to  Crotalocrinus,  but  seems  to  have  no-  anal  plate.  It  may  be 
nearer  to  the  Gasterocrinidae. 

Family  9.     Cyathocrinidae   Roeiiier  (emend.  Wachsin.  and  Springer).' 

DicycUc.  Tegmen  strong,  composed  of  rather  large  orals  more  or  less  exposed, 
surrounding  but  not  covering  the  peristome ;  rigid  amlndacrals  supported  on  their 
adjacent  edges,  meeting  above  the  oral  centre  and  often  greatly  modified  ;  and  inter- 
amhulacrals,  which  often  encroach  upon  and  obscure  the  other  plates.  Posterior  oral 
frequently  a  madreporite.  Amis  located  either  in  the  posterior  interambulacrum 
directly  through  the  tegmen,  or  at  the  distal  end  of  a  plated  anal  tube,  or  dor  sally 
through  the  side  of  the  cup.  Arms  non-pinnulate.  Badial  facets  usually  semi- 
circular, less  than  the  width  of  the  radial.  Union  of  radials  tvith  proximal  brachials 
usually  by  incomplete  articulation  upon  undifferentiated  joint  faces,  with  concavo- 
convex  surfaces,  without  true  transverse  ridge,  though  with  occasional  traces  of  it. 
Infrabasals  usually  five.     Stem  usually  round. 

Subfamily  A.     Carabocrininae. 

Arms  usually  dichotomous  ;  heterotomous  in  some  of  the  later  genera.     Radianal 

obliquely  to  left  of  right  posterior  radial.     Anal  x  present.  Posterior  oral  usually 

a  madreporite.     Infrabasals  five.      Stem  usually  round.  Ordovician   to  Lower 


Carabocrlnus   Billings.       PiA    completely    separating    BB,    and    having    a 
supplemental  plate  intercalated  below  it,   touching  IBB.     Anal  x  large, 
line  with   radials.     Anus  directly  through  the  teg- 
men.     Arms  branching.     Posterior  oral  pierced  by 
hydropore.        Ordovician     (Trenton)  ;    Canada    and 

Strophocrinus  Sardeson.     Ordovician  ;  Minnesota. 

Porocrinus  Billings  (Fig.  314),  BA  smaller,  rhom- 
boidal,  not  separating  BB.  Arms  ten,  unbranched. 
Calyx  plates  deeply  folded  at  the  angles,  but  folds 
do  not  cross  the  sutures  or  form  true  pore-rhombs. 
Anus  in  a  slight  protuberance.  Eeferred  by  some 
authors  to  the  Cystids.  Ordovician  ;  Canada,  Ken- 
tucky and  Eussia. 

Palaeocrinus  Billings.  BA  as  in  preceding  genus. 
Arms  branching  several  times  ;  slender,  rising  from 
a  small  curved  facet.     Anal  tube  small.     Ordovician ;  Canada  and  Kentucky. 

Homocrinus  Hall.     RA  as  in  preceding.      Arms  branching,  strong  ;  radial 
facets  wider  than  usual   in   the   family,  nearly  straight.       Anal  tube  large, 

Fig.  314. 

a,  Porocrinus  conicus  Billings. 
Ordovician  ;  Ottawa,  Canada. 
Nat.  size  (after  Billings) ;  b,  P. 
radiafus  Beyr.  Ordovician  ;  St. 
Petersburg.  Calyx  plates  show- 
ing folds  at  angles.  Considerably 
enlarged  (after  Beyricli). 




Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  North  America 

Similar    to    Homocrinus,    but    with 

composed  of  numerous  small  plates 
and  Europe. 

Badrocrinus   Schnur,  in    Steininger. 
narrower  facets.     Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Etispirocrimis  Angelin  (Fig.  267).  Dorsal  cup  conical.  EA  small,  pent- 
agonal. Anal  X  rising  above  level  of  ER,  with  a  plate  of  the  anal  tube 
partly  in  the  cup  beside  it.  Anus  at  the  end  of  a  strong  tube.  Arms 
dichotomous,  branching.     Ordovician  ;  Canada.     Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

Closferocrinus  and  Ampheristocrinus  Hall.  Imperfectly  known.  Silurian  ; 
North  America. 

Sphaeroci'inus  Eoemer.  Dorsal  cup  globose.  BA  larger ;  x  not  rising 
above  BB.     Anus  directly  through  the  tegmen.     Axial  canal  separate  from 

ventral    groove    in    radials    and    brachials.     Arms 
unknown.     Devonian  ;  Germany  and  England. 

Parisocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  (Fig.  315,  which  is 
reversed).  Dorsal  cup  elongate.  BA  large  ;  x  not 
rising  above  level  of  BB.  Anal  tube  very  broad 
and  long,  rising  to  height  of  the  arms,  composed 
of  hexagonal  plates  and  profusely  perforated  with 
pores  at  the  sides  of  the  plates  ;  anus  at  the  distal 
end,  surrounded  by  a  circlet  of  strong  plates. 
Arms  dichotomous,  branching  frequently.  Devon- 
ian to  Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokuk) ;  Germany, 
England  and  North  America. 

Vasocrinus  Lyon.  Calyx  broad,  hemispherical. 
Arms  heterotomous,  with  ten  main  rami  bearing 
strong  ramules  which  may  branch  again  ;  the  rami 
divergent,  and  not  in  contact  above  the  axillary 
Anal  tube  broad  below,  rather  short  and  tapering, 
not    divided,    and    with    very    small    axial    canal. 

Pig.  315. 

Parisoorimis  curtus  Mull.  Devon- 
ian ;  Schonecken,  Bifel.  a,  Calyx 
from  tlie  anal  side,  showing  ventral 
sac  and  one  arm  which  is  recuper- 
ated and  abnormally  small  (right 
and  left  sides  reversed) ;  h,  Stem  ; 
c,  Face  of  stem-joint  (after  Schultze). 

primibrach.     BA  small. 

Stem    of    moderate    size, 

Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokuk) ;  North  America. 

Barycrinus  Wachsmuth.  Calyx  and  arms  as  in  Vasocriims,  but  rami  and 
ramules  usually  heavier.  Eami  in  contact  by  one  or  two  brachials  above  the 
axillary.  BA  small,  quadrangular,  frequently  entirely  wanting,  in  which 
case  a  small  specimen  cannot  certainly  be  distinguished  from  Cyathocrinus  by 
the  calyx  alone,  although  in  general  the  arm  facets  are  larger,  and  directed 
upward  more  than  in  that  genus.  Anal  tube  broad  and  short.  Stem  un- 
usually large,  quinquepartite,  with  a  very  wide  axial  canal.  Specimens 
attaining  a  large  size.  Lower  Carboniferous  (Lower  Burlington  to  Warsaw) ; 
Mississippian  area.  North  America. 

Goniacriims  Miller  and  Gurley.  Calyx  small,  elongate.  Arms  hetero- 
tomous, with  small  ramules  borne  on  ten  main  branches ;  facets  directed 
upward.  BA  small.  Anal  x  in  line  with  radials,  followed  by  others  in  a 
prominent  series  between  the  posterior  rays,  passing  into  a  tube.  Lower 
Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Atelestocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  elongate.  Arms  heterotomous,  with 
delicate  ramules.  BA  of  good  size.  Anterior  ray  is  not  arm-bearing. 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Burlington) ;  Mississippian  area.  North  America. 




Fig.  316. 

Gasterocoma  antiqna  Goldf.  Devonian  ;  Priini, 
Eifel.  a,  Calyx  seen  from  one  side  ;  h,  Anal  aspect ; 
c,  Tegraen.    ^/i  (after  L.  Scluiltze). 

Subfamily  B.     Gasterocominae. 

Ci/athocrinidae  with  no  radianal.  Anus  through  the  dorsal  cup,  below  level  of 
arm  bases.  Arms  strong,  round;  facet  horse-shoe  shaped,  directed  outward,  and 
pierced  by  a  distinct  axial  canal.  Infrabasals  usually  undivided,  exceptionally  three 
or  five.  Orals  largely  covered  by  modified  ambidacrals  ;  posterior  one  a  madreporite. 
Stem  round,  with  central  axial  caned  surrounded  by  three  or  more  peripheral  canals. 

A  strongly  specialised  subfamily  of  short  life,  being  limited,  except  for 
Hypocrinus,  to  the  Middle  Devonian. 

Gasterocoma  Goldfuss  {Epactocrinus  and  Ceramocrimis  Joh.  Midler)  (Fig. 
316).  Infrabasal  disk  small,  undivided.  Anal  opening  lateral  through  the 
dorsal  cup,  just  above  the  posterior 
basal,  at  the  angle  formed  by  that 
plate  and  the  two  posterior  radials, 
usually  fringed  with  a  ring  of  small 
plates ;  one  or  more  plates  may  lie 
above  it,  connecting  with  the  tegmen, 
or  these  may  be  absent,  leaving  the 
radials  closely  abutting.  Axial  open- 
ing in  infrabasal  disk  complex,  consist- 
ing of  a  central  and  three,  four  or  five 
peripheral  canals,  continued  down  into 
the  column.  Stem  round,  with  strongly  alternating  joints,  the  thin  proximal 
columnal  more  or  less  quadrangular.  Arms  not  certainly  known,  but 
divergent,  directed  outward,  probably  round  and  simple,  with  short  brachials. 
Middle  Devonian ;  Eifel:  The  remaining  genera  mostly  agree  with  this  in 
the  essential  structures  of  the  calyx. 

Schultzicrinus  Springer.  Arms  directed  upward,  simple,  broad,  abutting, 
with  long  brachials  following  one  very  short  primibrach.  Devonian 
(Onondaga) ;  New  York. 

Arachnocrinus  Meek  and  Worthen.  Arms  branching  more  than  once. 
Devonian  (Onondaga) ;  New  York  and  Kentucky. 

Nanocrinus  Joh.  Miiller.  Only  four  arm-bearing  radials.  Arms  unknown. 
Scoliocrinus  Jaekel.     Three  arm-bearing  radials.     Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel. 

Achradocrinus  Schultze.  Infrabasals  five,  not  fused.  Axial  canal  simple, 
without  peripherals.     Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel. 

Hypocrinus  Beyrich  may  belong  here.  Resembling  Achradocrinus,  but 
with  three  infrabasals.     Classed  by  authors  as  a  Cystid.     Permian  ;  Timor. 

Myrtillocrinus  Sandb.  Has  the  general  facies  of  this  family  ;  undivided 
infrabasal  disk,  a  central  axial  with  three  or  four  peripheral  canals  ;  round, 
simple  arms.  But  there  are  five  large  symmetrical  orals  in  a  pyramid  con- 
stituting almost  the  entire  tegmen,  leaving  only  small  interoral  grooves  for 
the  ambulacra, — not  preserved  in  any  specimens.  Anal  opening  not  known, 
probably  minute,  and  obliterated  by  infiltration  of  calcareous  matter  in 
fossilising.     Middle  Devonian  ;  Eifel  and  New  York. 

Subfamily  C.     Cyathocrininae. 

Cyathocrinidae  ivith  no  radianal.  Anus  at  the  ventral  side,  usually  at  the  end 
of  a  strong  tube.      Anal  x,  when  present,  in  line  with  radials.      Arms  usually 




dicJiotomo'US,  and  freely  branching.  Posterior  oral  usually  a  madreporite  :  other 
orals  often  largely  hidden  by  encroaching  tegmenal  plates.  Infrabascds  five,  excep- 
tionally three.     Stem  usually  round.     Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Gissocrinus  Ang.  (Fig.  317).  IB  three.  Anal  tube  compressed,  its  plates 
sliort,  wide  and  folded.  Distal  margin  of  brachials  usually  project.  Silurian  ; 
Gotland,  England  and  North  America. 

Cyathocrinus  Miller  (Figs.  318,  319).     Infrabasals  five.     Anal  tube  short 

Fio.  317. 

a,  Gisf-ocrinits  arthriticns  Phill.  Silurian  ;  Got- 
land. Crown  of  the  uatnral  size  (after  Angelin) ; 
h,  G.  imnctuosus  Ang.  Tegmen  ;  c,  Ventral  and 
lateral  aspect  of  the  arms  (enlarged). 

r  ft« 


Fic.  318. 

C'yatliurrinn.s.     Analysis  of  dorsal 
cup  (after  Bather). 

Fig.  319. 

a,  Cyathocrinus  longimanus  Ang.  Silnrian  ; 
Gotland,  Crown  of  the  natural  size  (after 
Angelin);  h,  C.  ramosus  Ang.  Portion  of  an 
arm  viewed  from  the  side  ;  c,  Ventral  aspect  of 
same  (enlarged);  d,  C.  malvaceiis  Hall.  Lower 
Carboniferous  ;  Burlington,  Iowa.  Tegnien 
perfectly  preserved  :  e,  The  same  after  removal 
of  the  covering  pieces  and  orals  (after  Meek 
and  Worthen). 

and  rounded,  or  long  with  a  valvular  pyramid  at  distal  end ;  its  plates  more 
or  less  hexagonal,  not  transversely  elongate,  nor  much  folded.  Arms  branch- 
ing as  many  as  five  to  seven  times.  Radial  facets  horse-shoe  shaped,  directed 
outward,  with  occasional  incipient  transverse  ridge.  Ambulacral  covering 
plates  well  developed,  regularly  alternating,  or  modified  so  as  to  resemble 
budding  pinnules.  Stem  round,  strong,  short,  apparently  without  cirri.  A 
well-known  and  widely  distributed  genus,  occurring  from  the  Silurian  to 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Warsaw) ;  Europe  and  America. 

Mastigocrinus    Bather.     Like  Cyathocrinus  in   the  structure  of   the  calyx, 



but  with  longer  arms  and  anal  tube,  which  is  more  like  that  of  the  Poterio- 
crinidae,  probably  with  lateral  opening.  Stem  quinquepartite.  Silurian  ; 

Strepfocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  {Ophiocrinus  Ang.  non  Salter).  Calyx  like  that  of 
Cyathocrinus.  Anal  tube  coiled,  opening  probably  at  the  side.  Arms  branching, 
coiled  inward,  with  peculiar  processes  called  "  false  pinnules."  Not  well 
understood.     Silurian ;  Gotland. 

Leajthocrinus  Joh.  Midler  {Taxocrimis  hriareus  Schultze)  {Fig.  320).  Arms 
branching  repeatedly.  Anal  tube  long,  with  strong 
plates  in  longitudinal  columns.  Stem  subquadrangular, 
with  central  and  four  peripheral  canals.  Infrabasals 
small,  unknown,  may  be  undivided.  Middle  Devonian  ; 

Lophocrimis  Meyer  {Carduocrinus  Koenen).  Only 
one  arm  to  the  ray,  with  small  ramuli  alternating  from 
every  second  brachial.  Anal  tube  of  delicate  plates. 
Upper  Carboniferous  ;  Germany. 

Codiacrinus  Schultze.  No  anal  plate  in  dorsal  cup. 
Infrabasals  three.  Eadial  facets  directed  obliquely 
outward,  and  with  a  separate  dorsal  canal.  Arms 
dichotomous,  short  and  slightly  developed.  Calyx 
obconical,  expanding  ,upward.     Middle  Devonian ;  Eifel.  ^^^,  ^^^ 

Lecythiocrinus  White.      Known  only  from  the  dorsal     i,,y,hncrivuseiMutnu.Mm. 
CUD,  which   has  the  same   elements   as  the  preceding.   Pfy'iiian ;  Eifei.     Restored 

1'  i-i  11  1      (after  hclmltze). 

Arm    facets    directed    upward,    Avithout   dorsal    canal. 

Calyx  bursiform,  contracting  at  the  arm  bases.     Upper  Carboniferous  ;  North 


Family  10.     Botryocrinidae  Bather. 

Dicydic.  Tegmen  composed  of  irregular  plates  without  definite  orals  or  amhula- 
crals,  extended  posteriorly  into  a  ventral  sac.  Badianal  oblique,  not  touching  h'asals, 
variable  in  size.  Anal  x  in  line  with  radials.  Arms  usually  heterotomous,  hut 
varying  from  ramuUferous  to  complete  pinnulation.  Articulation  of  first  brae] da  I  on 
radial  imperfect,  facets  usually  shallow,  curved,  not  as  wide  as  the  radial.  Silurian 
and  Devonian. 

Botryocrinus  Angelin  (Sicyocrinus  Aug.).  BA  small,  quadrangular.  Ventral 
sac  large,  sometimes  coiled,  with  anus  below  the  coil.  Arms  heterotomous, 
with  two  main  rami  bearing  ramules  which  in  some  species  reach  the  state  of 
pinnulation.     Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  Gotland,  England  and  North  America. 

Bhadinocrinus  Jaekel.  Calyx  small,  with  very  long  ventral  sac.  Arms 
relatively  long  and  heavy,  with  ten  main  rami,  bearing  very  small,  branching 
ramules  at  long  intervals.     Lower  Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Gastrocrinus  Jaekel.  Similar  small  calyx,  with  shorter  sac,  having  longi- 
tudinal columns  of  projecting  plates.  Arms  long,  with  irregular  dichotomy. 
Stem  with  whorls  of  cirri.     Lower  Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Cosmocrinus  Jaekel  (Cyathocrinus  ornatissimus  Hall).  BA  large.  Ventral 
sac  very  large,  reaching  as  high  as  the  arms.  Arms  heterotomous,  with  ten 
main  trunks  having  several  branches  nearly  as  large,  toward  the  inside  of  the 
dichotom,  which  in  turn  bear  regular  pinnules.  Radial  facets  rather  wide. 
Devonian  (Portage) ;  New  York. 




Maragnicrinus  Whijtfield.  From  the  same  locality  and  horizon  as  the 
last;  differing  from  it  in  having  narrower  arm  facets,  the  arms  regularly 
dichotomous,  branching  once,  and  the  rami  bearing  pinnules  directly. 

Family  11.      Poteriocrinidae  Eoeiuer  (emend.  Waclism.  and  Springer). 

Dicydic.  Tegmen  composed  of  undifferentiated  ■plates,  without  identifiable  orals 
or  amhulacrals ;  more  or  less  extended  into  a  ventral  sac,  with  amis  heloiv  the  distal 
end  on  the  anterior  side.  Union  of  radials  with  first  brachials  usually  by  complete 
muscular  articulation,  upon  straight  facets  as  loide  as  the  radial,  with  fossae,  paired 
muscles  and  ligaments,  and  transverse  ridge  {exception  in  Poteriocrinus,  a  transition 

form).  Arms  pinnulate,  mostly  dichotomous.  Infra- 
basals  five,  exceptionally  three,  or  coalesced  into  one. 
Stem  usually  with  cirri.     Devonian  to  Permian. 

Subfamily  A.      Poteriocrininae. 

Radianal  in  oblique  position.  Anal  x  usually  in 
line  with  radials.  Arins  iisually  uniserial,  tending  to 
biserial  in  later  genera  ;  dichotomous  or  heterotomous. 
Infrabasals  usually  five.  Crown  usually  elongate, 
expanding  upward.     Stem  usually  round,  occasionally 

pentagonal.  Devonian  to 
Upper  Carboniferous. 

Poteriocrinus  Miller. 
Radial  facet  usually 
curved,  less  than  width 
of  B,  with  imperfect  or 
no  transverse  ridge. 
Arms  dichotomous, 
branching  frequently. 
Ventral  sac  large  and 
long,  usually  rising  be- 
yond the  arras.  Stem 
usually  round,  without 
cirri,  at  least  in  upper 
part.  (?)  Devonian  and 
Lower  Carboniferous 
(Keokuk) ;  Euroi:)e  and 
North  America. 

The  Devonian  species 
referred  to  this  genus  are 
probably  Farisocrinus  ; 
without    the    arms    being 

Fig.  321. 

Paohyl  OCT  inns  unicus  Hall.  Lower 
Carboniferous  (Keokuk  Group)  ;  Craw- 
fonlsvillr,  Indiana.     Natural  size. 

Fio.  322. 

Pachylocrinus  sp.  Analysis  of  dorsal 
cup.  a,  Anal  x;  a',  Right  tube-i)late  ; 
/(,  liasals  ;  (7>,  Infrabasals  ;  -/•,  Right  and 
left  jjosterior  radials  ;  ra,  Radianal. 

Pig.  323. 
Pachylocrimia  acqualis  Hall. 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokuk 
Group) ;  Crawfordsville,  Ind. 
Complete  crown  from  posterior 
side,  showing  base  of  ventral  sac 
and  mode  of  arm-branching. 

preserved    tliis    cannot   be 
certainly  determined.    The 
genus   lacks   the  complete 
muscular  articulation  characteristic  of  the  family,  but  is  otherwise  typical. 

Pachylocrinus  Wachsmuth  and  Springer  (Scaphiocrinus  auctt.,  non  Hall  = 
Graphiocrinus  ;  Ilydriocrinus  Trautschold  ;  Abrotocrinus  M.  and  G.)  (Figs.  269, 
321-3).    Radial  facets  of  this  and  all  succeeding  genera  normal  for  the  family. 




Calyx  obconic  to  low  cup-shaped.  Arms  branching  two  to  four  times,  usually 
more  or  less  dichotomous,  but  in  some  species  the  inner  arms  of  the  dichotom 
branch  less  frequently  than  the  others,  or  remain  simple,  tending  to  the  stage 
of  heterotomy  seen  in  genera  like  Zeacrinus.  Brachials  cuneiform.  Ventral 
sac  strong,  usually  enlarging  distally.  Stem 
round  or  pentagonal,  with  cirri  moderately  devel- 
oped. Carboniferous  (Kinderhook  to  Upper  Car- 
boniferous) ;  North  America,  Europe. 

This  is  a  widely  distributed  form  known  in  collections 
genei'ally  as  Scapkiocrinus,  a  name  which  lapses  because 
the  type  species  belongs  to  the  previously  established 
Grcqyhiocrinus.  It  is  one  of  the  longest  lived  Paleozoic 
genera,  represented  by  a  large  number  of  species,  and  is 
highly  typical  for  this  family. 

Woodocrinus  Koninck  (?  Philocrinus  Koninck) 
(Fig.  324).  Similar  to  preceding,  but  brachials 
short,  quadrangular,  arms  usually  heavier  and 
branching  two  to  four  times.  Ventral  sac  stout 
and  apparently  short.  Stem  short,  tapering 
distally,  with  scattered  cirri.  Lower  Carbonifer- 
ous; England. 

Zeacrinus  Hall.  Crown  more  or  less  ovoid, 
often  short,  rounded'  above  and  below.  Arms 
heterotomous,  usually  closely  abutting  and  infold- 
ing ;  the  two  outer  branches  of  each  ray  the 
stoutest,  giving  off  at  intervals  successive  pin- 
nulate  arms  of  nearly  equal  size  and  reaching  to 
the  same  height,  always  to  the  inside  of  the 
dichotom,  usually  unbranched,  but  they  may 
divide.  Brachials  short,  quadrangular.  Ventral 
sac  short,  usually  diminishing  upward.  Stem 
round,  bearing  long  cirri  distally.  Carboniferous 
(Kinderhook)  to  Coal  Measures ;  Mississippian 
area,  North  America. 

Coeliocrinus  "White.  Crown  elongate,  expand- 
ing upward,  with  conical  base.  Arms  as  in 
Zeacrinus,  but  not  so  closely  abutting,  and  with 
brachials  cuneiform  to  interlocking.  Ventral  sac 
inflated,  balloon-shaped.  Lower  Carboniferous 
(Burlington) ;  Mississippian  area.  North  America; 
also  Russia. 

Hydreionocrinus  Koninck.  Crown  short,  flat 
above,  with  concave  base.  Arms  branching  some- 
what as  in  Zeacrinus,  but  very  short,  not  rising 
above  the  expanded  rim  of  the  sac ;  brachials 
interlocking  to  fully  biserial.  Ventral  sac  mushroom-shaped.  Upper  part  of 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Kaskaskia)  to  Coal  Measures ;  Belgium,  Britain  and 
North  America. 

Decadocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Calyx  depressed  and  base  flat  or  concave.  Arms 
strictly  isotomous,  branching  but  once,  giving  two  strong,  pinnulate  rami  to 
the  ray,  more  or  less  angular  or  zig-zag.     Brachials  wedge-shaped,  the  longer 

Fio.  324. 

Woodocrin  lis  macrodac- 
tylus  (de  Koninck).  Per- 
fect specimen  from  the 
Lower  Carboniferons  of 
Yorkshire  (after  de  Kon- 




alternating  sides  bearing  stont  pinnules  which  are  well  separated,  resembling 
ramules.  Ventral  sac  large,  often  almost  as  long  as  the  arms.  Stem  rela- 
tively small,  sub-pentagonal,  with  rather  plentiful  cirri.  Devonian  and 
Lower  Carboniferous  (Keokulv) ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Aulocrimis  W.  and  Sp.  Like  the  preceding,  but  ventral  sac  forked,  with 
anal  opening  from  a  lateral  spout.  Stem  sharply  pentagonal,  with  cirri. 
Keokuk  Limestone ;  Indiana. 

Scytalocrinus  W.  and  Sp.  Similar  to  Decadocrinus,  but  with  calyx  usually 
elongate,  more  or  less  conical  base,  arms  cylindrical,  and  pinnules  closely 
packed.  Stem  large,  round,  with  cirri  sparse  and  mostly  distal.  Devonian 
and  Carboniferous  (Coal  Measures)  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Agassizocrinus  Shumard  ex  Troost  MS.  {Astylocrinus  Roemer)  (Fig.  325). 
Calyx  elongate,  ovoid  to  pyriform.  Arms  ten,  with  pinnules  closely  packed, 
as  in  Scytalocrinus ;  bi'achials  quadrangular,  becoming 
cuneiform  distally.  Ventral  sac  unknown.  Lifrabasals 
five,  in  mature  specimens  fusing  to  a  rounded  undivided 
base.  Stem  entirely  wanting,  but  probably  present  in 
early  stages.     Carboniferous  (Kaskaskia  to  Coal  Measures) 

Mississippian  area  ;  North  America. 

Cromyocrinus  Trautsch.  (Figs.  326, 
327).  Calyx  rounded  below,  but  not 
concave.  IB  large,  visible  exteriorly. 
Arms  five,  or  ten,  stout,  not  branching 
beyond  the  first  axillary.  Brachials 
quadrangular  to  cuneiform,  tending  to 
become  biserial.  Ventral  sac  incon- 
spicuous. Stem  round.  Lower  Car- 
boniferous ;  Russia  and  Mississippi 
Valley  area. 

Ulocrinus  Miller  and  Gurley.  Similar 
to  Cromyocrinus,  but  with  anal  x  entirely 
above  the  radials  ;  that  is, 
with  radianal  but  no  anal 
in  the  dorsal  cup.  Arms 
unknown.  Upper  Carbon- 
iferous ;  North  America. 

Eupachycrinus  Meek 
and  Worthen.  Similar  to 
Cromyocrinus,  but  calyx 
low,  rounded,  with  concave 
base ;  infrabasals  at  bot- 
tom of  a  funnel.  Arms  ten  to  twenty.  Brachials  quadrangular  to  biserial. 
Stem  round,  with  cirri.  Kaskaskia  to  Upper  Carboniferous  ;  North  America 
and  Europe. 

Tribrachiocrinus  M'Coy  (Pentadia  Dana).  Calyx  globose.  Infrabasals  three, 
large.  Radials  irregular  in  size  and  form,  apparently  only  three  arm-beaiing. 
Arms  unknown.     Permo-Carboniferous  ;  Australia. 

Fio.  32(5. 

Cromyocrinus  glohulux 
M.  and  W.  Lower  Car- 
boniferous ;  Chester,  111. 
Natural  size  (after  Meek 
and  Worthen). 

Fio.  325. 

Agassizocrinus     laevis 
(Roemer).  Kaskaskia 

Group  ;  Illinois,  a,  Com- 
plete crown,  after  Roe- 
mer in  Bronn,  somewhat 
restored  ;  b,  Ventral  as- 
pect of  the  coalesced 
infrabasal  disk  ;  c,  Side- 
view  of  same,  nat.  size 
(after  M.  and  W.) 


Fig.  327 

Analysis  of  plates  in  the  dorsal  cuji  of 
Cromyocrinus.  i,b,  Infrabasals  ;  b,  Basals  ; 
7",  Radials  ;  ra,  Radianal  ;  a,  a',  a",  Anal 
and  lower  tnlie  plates  (after  Bather). 


Subfamily  B.     Graphiocrininae  Bather. 

No  radianal.  Anal  x  more  or  less  between  radials.  Arms  dichotomous,  uniserial 
to  biserial.  Infrabasals  usually  Jive,  frequently  minute,  hidden  by  the  column.  Stem 
usually  round,  cirriferous.     Lower  Carboniferous  to  Upper  Carboniferous. 

Graphiocrinus  K.on.  (Scaphiocrinus  I{a\l ;  Phialocrinus  TrsLutschold ;  Aesiocrinus 
Miller  and  Gurley)  (Fig.  328).  Calyx  low,  turbinate  or  obconic  to  bowl- 
shaped.  Infrabasals  minute  to  fair  size.  Arms 
uniserial,  usually  long,  slender,  branching  once, 
sometimes  unbranched  in  one  or  more  rays,  making 
the  number  variable  from  five  to  ten.  Brachials 
quadrangular.  Ventral  sac  very  large  and  con- 
spicuous. Stem  round,  with  long  cirri  throughout. 
A  genus   of     great    stratigraphic    range    and    wide      .    ,    .    ,^'",.'  . 

o  o  °      -*■  ,         °  __  ^  Analysis  01  Graphiocrinuf:.  %h,In- 

distribution.     Lower  (Kinderhook)   to    Upper  Car-   frabasais;6,  Basais ;  r,  Radiais ; 
boniferous  ;  North  America,  Belgium  and  Russia.        Bather).  '       '      '^^'^"^''  '^^ 

Bursacrinus  Meek  and  Worthen.      Calyx  obconic. 
Arms  rather  broad,  closely  abutting,  branching  twice  or  more,  to  some  extent 
as  in  Zeacrinus ;  uniserial,  with  quadrangular  brachials.     Ventral  sac  incon- 
spicuous.   Very  rare.    Lower  Carboniferous  (Burlington) ;  Mississippian  area, 
North  America. 

Delocrinus  Miller  and  Gurley  (Cerioerinu.s  White,  non  Koenig).  Similar  to 
Gra'phiocrinus,  but  with  concave  base,  ventral  sac  inconspicuous,  and  heavy 
biserial  arms.  Axillary  primibrach  frequently  protuberant  or  spiniferous. 
Lafrabasals  at  bottom  of  a  deep  funnel,  hidden  by  column.  Stem  rather  small, 
round,  cirriferous.     Upper  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Cibolocrinus  Weller.  Dorsal  cup  low,  bowl-shaped.  Lifrabasals  three. 
Other  parts  unknown.     Permian  ;  Western  Texas. 

Subfamily  C.     Encrininae  Austin  (emend). 

Dorsal  cup  ivith  perfect  pentamerous  symmetry,  having  no  radianal  or  anal 
plate.  Arms  dichotomous,  biserial ;  usually  heavy,  and  two  to  the  ray.  Ventral 
sac  inconspicuous  or  wanting.  Lifrabasals  Jive,  coalesced  into  one,  or  atrophied. 
Calyx  usually  low,  bowl-shaped,  with  rounded  or  more  or  less  concave  base.  Stem 
usually  round.     Lower  Carboniferous  to  Trias. 

Stemmatocrinus  Trautschold.  Base  broadly  rounded.  Infrabasals  coalesced 
into  a  large  flat  pentagon.  No  anal  x  nor  tube-plate  visible  in  cup.  Arms 
ten,  thick,  closely  abutting,  and  strongly  resembling  those  of  Encrinus 
liliiformis.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Russia  and  North  America. 

Erisocrinus  White.  Base  rounded,  with  but  little  concavity.  Infrabasals 
five,  fairly  large,  not  in  a  funnel,  usually  visible  outside  of  the  stem.  Anal 
a;  or  a  tube-plate  rests  on  the  upper  surface  of  posterior  radials.  A  close 
derivative  from  Delocrinus,  which  it  resembles  in  the  arms  and  general  form, 
differing  in  the  base  and  absence  of  anal  plate  in  the  cup.  Upper  Carbonifer- 
ous ;  North  America. 

Encrinus  C.  F.  Schulze  (Chelocrinus,  Calathocrinus  v.  Meyer ;  Flabellocrinus 
Klipstein  ;  (?)  Cassianocrinus  Laube  ;  (?)  Traumatocrinus  Wohrmann  ;  Porocrinus 

VOL.  I  Q 




Dittmar  iion  Billings)  (Figs.  329-331).  No  anal  x  noi^  tube-plate  visible 
Calyx  low,  with  base  more  or  less  concave. 
Infrabasals  five,  minute,  concealed  in  the  basal 
concavity,  sometimes  reduced  to  three,  or  atro- 
phied. Arms  usually  ten,  exceptionally  twenty; 
uniserial  at  their  lower  ends,  but  soon  becoming 
biserial ;  separate  axial  canal  in  radials,  extend- 
ing into  the  arms.  Tegmen  not  definitely 
known.  Stem  round,  apparently  without  cirri. 
Abundant  in  the  Trias,  especially  in  the 
Muschelkalk  of  Germany.  The  stem  fragments 
of  E.  liliiformis  frequently  form  beds  of  marine 
limestone  (Trochitenkalk).  p^^  g^r, 

„,  .                             „           1                •  J-    1   1      ii             •     -4-  DiaL'iam  showing  course  of  axial  canals 

This  genus  was  formerly  associated  by  the  majority  in  the  calyx  and  arms  of  7?»cr wins.  Canals 

of  European  authors  with  the  Recent  Crinoids  under  the  represented  by  dotted  lines  when  pene- 

Articulata.      It  was  shown  by  Wachsmuth  and  Sijringer  tratinj;  the  interior  of  the  plates,  and  by 

that  its  rehxtions  are   clearly  with   the   later   Paleozoic  ':::^l^X^^t,^m^''  '""" 
Inadunata,   and   its    position   as   such   is   recognised  by 

most  recent  writers.     The  type  species,  E.  liliiformis,  by  reason  of  its  striking  appearance 

///•  1  2 


Fig.  330. 

Encrinus  Uliiformin 
Miller.  Mnschelkalk ; 

Portions  of  the  calyx  and  arms  of  Encrinus.  a,  Interior 
of  calyx ;  a',  Exterior  of  same  ;  b,  Basal,  upper  surface ; 
r,  Radial,  inner  surface  ;  j3.  One  of  the  uniserial,  and  (3*,  bi- 
serial arm-i^lates  ;  both  of  them  traversed  by  duiilicate 
dorsal  canals ;  p,  Pinnule  ossicle  (enlarged) ;  hi;  First 
brachial,  under  surface  ;  ftfi  2^  First  and  second  brachials 
joined  together ;  inside,  seen  from  below  ;  hr^,  First  brachial, 
upper  surface,  showing  line  of  syzygial  suture  ;  hr'^,  Second 
brachial  (axillary),  showing  articular  facets. 

and  beautiful  preservation,  early  attracted  the  attention  of  observers.     The  generic  name 
was  first  applied  in  1760  ;  and  the  form  is  the  best  known  of  all  fossil  Crinoids. 

Order  4.     ARTICULATA.     J.  S.  Miller  (emend.  J.  Miiller). 

Tegmen  coriaceous,  studded  with  minute  calcareous  particles,  which  may  he  quite 
invisible  externally,  or  may  he  enlarged  into  well-defined  plates  that  rarely  form  a 
complete  investment.  Mouth  and  food  grooves  exposed,  hut  often  bordered  with  one 
or  two  rows  of  side  and  covering  plates  capable  of  being  closed  down  over  them. 
Orals  present  in  the  young,  often  also  in  the  adult.     Plates  of  the  dorsal  cup,  except 


in  pelagic  forms,  massive,  and,  except  in  the  pelagic  forms,  much  reduced  in  size. 
Badials  and  arm-plates  perforated  hy  separate  dorsal  canal.  Base  in  most  cases 
actually  or  potentially  dicyclic ;  the  infrahasals,  and  sometimes  also  the  hasals, 
being  often  atrophied,  radically  altered  by  resorption  and  subsequent  rebuilding,  or 
absent  altogether. 

Proximal  columnal  always  modified,  usually  enlarged,  attached  to  the 
calyx  by  close  suture,  to  the  columnal  below  it  also  by  close  suture  (the 
so-called  stem-syzygy) ;  but  this  pair  of  columnals  in  some  forms,  instead 
of  maintaining  the  original  connection  with  the  calyx,  is  separated  from  it 
by  varying  intervals  in  the  stem,  or  at  least  in  its  proximal  portion.  Union 
between  the  plates  of  the  dorsal  cup  is  by  close  suture,  between  the  radials 
and  the  primibrachs  by  muscular  articulation,  and  between  the  elements  of 
the  primibrach  series  by  non-muscular  articulation.  Eadials  always  in  lateral 
contact.  Eadianal  and  anal  plates  may  be  represented  as  such  in  the  larval 
stages,  but  never  in  the  adult ;  and  the  anal  occasionally  develops  into  a  sup- 
plementary radial,  bearing  a  typical  post-radial  series  indistinguishable  from 
those  on  the  other  radials.  Arms  uniserial  and  pinnulate,  though  the  basal 
pinnulation  is  often  defective.  No  concavity  in  the  apex  of  the  dorsal  cup 
for  the  reception  of  the  stem.  Stem  reduced  to  a  single  columnal  in  the 
Comatulid  division  of  this  order.     Lias  to  Recent. 

In  tlie  earlier  German  and  English  editions  of  this  work,  following  the  example 
of  previous  European  authors  generally,  the  Mesozoic  and  Recent  Crinoids  (excepting 
Marswpites,  Uintacrinus,  and  perhaps  Encrinus)  were  treated  as  a  distinct  group  from 
the  Paleozoic  under  the  name  Articulata,  proposed  by  J.  S.  Miller  for  the  Apiocrinidae, 
Encrinidae  and  Penfacrinidae,  and  extended  by  Johannes  Miiller  to  include  the 
Comatulids.  The  chief  characters  relied  upon  to  distinguish  the  order,  viz.  (1)  an 
open  mouth  and  food  grooves,  (2)  a  separate  axial  or  dorsal  canal  perforating  the 
arms,  were  admittedly  indecisive,  considering  that  the  first  belongs  ec^ually  to  the 
entire  Paleozoic  group  Flexibilia,  and  the  second  is  shared  by  a  Devonian  family  and 
several  genera  of  the  Inadunata. 

This  evident  inadequacy  of  the  definition  has  led  to  various  proposed  substitutes 
for  the  plan,  such  as  placing  the  Pentacrinidae  under  the  Fistulate  Inadunata,  and 
the  Comatulids  together  with  the  Apiocrinidae,  etc.,  as  a  subdivision  ("  Pinnata ") 
under  the  Flexibilia.  None  of  these  has  proved  satisfactory  ;  least  of  all  the  last, 
for  the  lack  of  any  sirfRciently  definable  connection  between  the  so-called  Pinnata  and 
the  Paleozoic  Flexibilia.  The  very  j)liant  calyx  of  the  latter  recurs  in  the  pelagic 
Comatulids,  Marsupites  and  Uintacrinus,  and  the  close  lateral  union  or  partial 
incorporation  of  lower  brachials  is  found  to  some  extent  among  the  Apiocrinidae, 
Pentacrinidae,  and  some  Comatulids.  But  it  has  become  increasingly  evident  that 
the  Flexibilia  were  a  specialised  group,  derived  from  the  Inadunata,  and  ending  like 
the  Camerata  with  the  Paleozoic. 

The  only  one  of  the  primary  divisions  of  the  Crinoids  that  seems  to  have  survived 
is  the  Inadunata,  the  most  generalised  type,  from  whij^i  all  the  post-Paleozoic  forms 
are  evidently  descended.  While,  therefore,  there  is  no  valid  ground  for  any  such 
divisions  as  Paleocrinoidea  and  Neocrinoidea,  as  j>roposed  by  Wachsmuth  and  Spiinger 
and  by  Carjjenter,  but  afterward  abandoned,  yet  it  cannot  be  denied  that,  with  the 
sole  exception  of  the  Triassic  Encrinus,  the  known  Crinoids  of  Mesozoic  to  Recent 
times  have  an  assemblage  of  features  by  which  they  are  In'oadly  distinguished  from 
their  Paleozoic  ancestors.  And  it  is  believed  that  this  may  be  expressed  under  the 
group  Articulata  as  enlarged  Ijy  Johannes  Miiller,  distinguished  not  by  any  single 
character  peculiar  to  itself,  but  by  the  fact  that  a  large  number  of  charactei's  belonging 


to  different  groups  of  Paleozoic  Crinoids,  and  by  which  they  were  differentiated,  have 
become  fixed  and  generally  constant  in  this.  It  is  by  the  combination  of  a  number 
of  well-marked  characters,  therefore,  that  the  definition  of  this  group,  as  herein  given, 
becomes  logically  effective. 

The  results  obtained  during  recent  years  from  the  study  of  the  Crinoids  collected 
by  a  large  number  of  deep-sea  expeditions,  have  thrown  an  entirely  new  light  upon 
the  relative  importance  of  the  Recent  and  fossil  forms,  and  have  shown  that  there  exists 
to-day  a  wealth  of  generic  and  specific  types  hitherto  quite  unexpected.  In  order  to 
call  attention  to  the  relative  importance  of  the  fossil  and  recent  types,  and  to  bring  to 
the  notice  of  paleontologists  the  work  which  has  been  accomplished  on  the  latter,  it 
has  seemed  advisable  to  include  mention  herein  of  a  considerable  number  of  Recent 
genera.  As  the  paleontologist  is  most  directly  concerned  with  the  stalked  genera 
among  living  forms,  short  definitions  of  these  are  given ;  the  unstalked  living  genera, 
which  are  much  more  numerous,  are  mentioned  by  name  only. 

The  Pentacrinids  and  the  Comatulids  form  two  groups  which  are  in  every  way 
strictly  parallel,  and  are  of  substantially  the  same  phylogenetic  value,  though  depart- 
ing in  exactly  opposite  directions  from  the  parent  stock.  The  Pentacrinids  are 
characterised  by  excessive  stem  growth ;  the  larval  stem  is  lost  at  a  very  early  age, 
but  new  columnals  are  continuously  formed,  with  great  rapidity,  so  that  a  stem  of 
enormous  length  results.  The  distal  portion  of  this  stem  is  continually  dying  away, 
so  that  the  actual  length  of  the  stem  in  any  individual  is  but  a  fraction  of  the  entire 
length  which  has  been  formed  during  growth.  In  living  Comatulids  the  larval  stem  is 
similarly  lost ;  but  after  this  takes  place  no  additional  columnals  are  formed ;  stem 
growth  continues  within  the  single  columnal  which  remains  attached  to  the  calyx ; 
this  becomes  greatly  enlarged,  and  puts  forth  numerous  cirri.  Comatulids  may 
therefore  be  described  as  Pentacrinids  in  which  the  entire  stem  is  reduced  or  limited  to 
the  compass  of  a  single  columnal,  and  in  which  the  cirri  (when  present),  unable  to 
arrange  themselves  in  whorls  on  regularly  spaced  nodals,  are  closely  packed  together 
on  a  single  nodal. 

The  genus  Thiolliericrinus  is  exactly  intermediate  between  the  Pentacrinids  and 
the  Comatulids  ;  the  stem  is  developed  just  to  the  point  at  which  the  two  groups 
diverge,  at  that  point  ceasing  further  .growth,  as  in  the  Comatulids,  but  being  retained 
as  in  the  Pentacrinids.  The  structure  of  the  stem  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  larval 
stem  of  the  Pentacrinids  and  of  the  Comatulids. 

The  Pentacrinids  and  Comatulids  are  the  dominant  Crinoid  forms  in  the  modern 
fauna.  The  latter  especially  are  extremely  numerous,  and  exist  in  a  vast  array  of 
diverse  types,  none  of  which,  however,  depart  in  any  great  degree  from  the  general 
structure  of  the  grouji ;  so  that  their  classification  necessitates  the  creation  of  numerous 
subfamilies,  families  and  higher  groups  which  are  not  systematically  comparable  to 
similar  groups  in  the  stalked  forms.. 

In  order  that  the  treatment  herein  adopted  may  be  more  easily  understood,  the 
following  comparative  table  is  given,  which  shows  in  heavy-faced  type  the  names 
employed  by  P.  H.  Carjoenter  in  the  Challenger  reports  and  largely  used  by  paleon- 
tologists, together  with  their  modern  equivalents. 

1.  Pentacrinus  :  Isocrinus,  Ce§ocrinus,  Endoxocrinus,  Hypalocrinus,  Carpenterocrinus. 

2.  Extracrinus  :  Pentacrinus. 

3.  Antedon :  All  the  genera  wliich  were  known  to  Carpenter  now  included  in  the  families 
Zygonictridae  (excepting  Eudiocrinus),  Himerometridae,  Stephanometridae,  Pontiometridae, 
Mariainetridae,  Colobemetridae,  Tropiometridae,  Calometridae,  Thalassometridae,  Charito- 
metridae  and  Antedonidae  (excepting  Promacliocrinus). 

4.  Actinometra  :  All  genera  included  in  the  Comasteridae. 

5.  Eudiocrinus  :  The  genus  Eudiocriniis  of  the  Zygometridae,  together  with  Pentametro- 
criniis  of  the  rentanietrocriaidae. 

6.  Promachocrinus :  The  genus  Promachocrinus  of  the  Antedonidae,  together  with 
Decametrocrinus  of  the  Pentametrocrinidae. 




Family  1.     Bourgueticrinidae  cle  Loriol. 

Column  without  terminal  stem  plate,  but  the  distal  portion  of  the  stem  hears  very 
numerous  radicular  cirri.  It  is  slender,  composed  of  joints  which  may  be  greatly 
elongated  with  strongly  concave  sides,  or  about  as  long  as  broad  with  strongly  convex 
sides,  or  of  any  intermediate  form ;  but  the  articulating  surfaces  ahoays  consist  of  a 
strong  fulcral  ridge  (which  may  be  interrupted  in  the  centre  by  the  central  canal) 
separating  two  large  ligamental  fossae ;  one  or  more  of  the  columnals  immediately 
under  the  calyx  may  be  discoidcd,  with  plane  surfaces.  Dorsal  cup  small,  hut  very 
variable  in  size  and  in  the  relative  proportions  of  its  component  plates  ;  composed  of  five 
basals  (lohich  may  he  solidly  welded  into  a  single  plate),  and  (usually)  five  radials. 
Infrabasals  unknown,  probably  absent  in  the  adidt.  Arms  slender,  five  or  ten ;  if 
the  latter,  two  primibrachs  are  present.  If  there  are  four,  six,  or  more  radials,  one 
undivided  arm  follows  each  radial.     Cretaceous  to  Recent, 

Bourgueticrinus  d'Orb.  (Fig.  332).  Basals  not  fiised.  Eadials  five ;  lower 
brachials  laterally  connected.     Proximal  columnal  round,  as  wide  as  the  calyx 

Fig.  332. 

Bourgueticrinus  elUpti- 
cus  Mill.  White  Chalk  ; 
Wiltshire,  a,  Calyx  with 
stem-joints,  i/i ;  6,  Ventral 
aspect,  enlarged  ;  c,  Stem- 
joints  ;  d,  Articular  sur- 
face of  stem  -joint ;  e. 


h     'M 

Fig.  333. 

Khizocrinus  pyriformis  (Goldf.).      Eocene  ;   Verona. 
a,  h,  Calyx  from  one  side  (nat.   size  and  enlarged) ; 

c,  Same  from_ above,  with   three  of  the  Br  in  place; 

d,  Median  longitudinal  section  of  calyx,  i/i ;  e,  Calyx 
with  slightly  abraded  outer  surface,  showing  suture 
lines  between  B  and  R  ;  /,  Calyx  with  five  rays,  seen 
from  above  (enlarged) ;  g-k,  Stem-joints,  i/i. 

at  its  greatest  breadth,  those  below  it  diminishing  for  one  or  two  joints  and 
becoming  compressed,  with  elliptical  joint  faces,  each  columnal  twisted  so  that 
one  end  stands  at  an  angle  to  the  other.  Cirri  present  distally,  or  perhaps  in 
middle  of  the  stem.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe  and  Alabama. 

Mesocriniis  P.  H.  Carpenter.  Proximale  small  and  circular  ;  otherwise  like 
Bourgueticrinus.     Cretaceous  ;  Sweden  and  Germany. 

(?)  Dolichocrinus  de  Loriol.  Eadials  form  an  elongate  tube.  Upper  Jur- 
assic ;  Europe. 

Bhizocrinus  Sars  (Conocrinus  d'Orbigny,  non  Troost)  (Fig.  333).  Basals  com- 
pletely fused,  forming  a  very  large  and  elongate  base  ;  radials  very  small,  four 
to  seven  (usually  five  or  six)  ;  arms  undivided ;  column  slender,  composed  of 
greatly  elongated  segments  of  which  the  distal  bear  radicular  cirri.  Cretaceous  ; 
N"ew  Jersey.     Eocene  ;  Europe.     Recent ;  north  Atlantic. 

Bythocrinus  Doderlein.  Similar  to  Bhizocrinus,  but  with  the  basals  separated 
by  distinct  sutures  ;  radials  (and  arms)  invariably  five.  Recent ;  in  tropical 
Atlantic,  and  western  Indian  Oceans. 

Democrinus  Perrier.     Similar  to  Bhizocrinus,  but  with  the  base  subcylindrical, 




the  basals  being  separated  by  distinct  sutures ;  columnals  very  short,  but 
little  longer  than  broad,  more  or  less  barrel  or  bead  shaped  ;  radials  (and 
arms)  invariably  five.     Eecent ;  trojjical  Atlantic  and  East  Indies. 

Bathycrinus  Wyv.  Thomson  [Illycrinus  Danielssen  and  Koren  ;  Pterocrmus 
Wyv.  Thomson).  Essentially  similar  to  Rhizocrinus,  but  with  ten  arms,  each 
post-radial  series  dividing  on  the  second  ossicle ;  basals  usually  much  reduced, 
forming  a  narrow  ring  beneath  the  much  larger  radials.  Eecent,  chiefly  occur- 
ring at  great  depths,  cosmopolitan. 

Monachocrinus  A.  H.  Clark.  Similar  to  the  preceding,  but  with  the  basals 
separated  by  distinct  sutures,  and  usually  nearly  or  quite  as  large  as  the 
radials,  sometimes  larger.  Lower  Muschelkalk ;  near  Rovegliana.  Eecent ; 
East  Indies,  Bay  of  Bengal,  east  Atlantic. 

Family  2.     Phrynocrinidae  A.  H.  Clark. 

Similar  in  general  to  the  Bourgueticrinidae,  but  with  the  stem  attached  to  a  heavy 
terminal  stem-plate  (dorsocentral)  as  in  the  Apiocrinidae.     Eecent. 

Here  are  placed  the  two  genera  Naumachocrinus  and  Phrynocrinus  Clark, 
occurring  at  depths  of  from  500  to  650  fathoms  in  the  Pacific  Ocean.  The 
former  of  these  has  a  calyx  superficially  resembling  that  of  Bemocrinus,  but 
composed  of  very  small  basals  and  much  elongated  radials. 

Family  3.     Apiocrinidae  d'Orbigny. 

Column  without  cirri ;  enlarged  distally  and  attached  to  a  heavy  terminal  plate, 
or  fixed  root ;  composed  of  short,  discoidal  columnals  having  their  articular  faces 
marked  with  radiating  striae  without  fulcral  ridge ;  those  next  below  the  calyx  often 
increasing  greatly  in  width,  forming  a  proximcd  enlargement  continuous  with  the  sides 

of  the  calyx.  In  the  more  highly 
specialised  types  the  proximal  colum- 
nals may  become  pentagonal  or 
stellate,  and  may  bear  rudimentary 
cirri.  Calyx  variable,  composed  of 
heavy  plates.  Infr aba  sals  greatly 
reduced,  modified  or  fused  with  the 
proximal  cokimnal ;  visible  rarely 
tvitliin  the  basal  ring  (crypfodicyclic). 
Lower  brachials  more  or  less  incor- 
porated in  the  calyx  by  lateral  union, 
or  by  a  few  interbrachial  plates. 
Primibrachs  two ;  arms  branching 
regularly,  usually  more  than  once. 
Jura,  Cretaceous  and  Eecent. 

Apiocrinus  Miller  (Figs.  334- 
336).  Plates  of  calyx  greatly 
thickened,  especially  at  the  distal 
border  of  the  radials,  where  the  typical  muscular  articulation  is  modified 
by  an  enormous  enlargement  of  the  dorsal  ligamental  fossa,  consequent  upon 
such  thickening ;  this  expansion  aff'ects  in  addition  to  the  calyx,  a  series  of 
the  upper  columnals,   and   of   the  lower   brachials.     Calyx  in  typical  foi-ms 


Firi.  334. 

Apincnmift  'jiarkivftnni  Sehlothcim.      Great  Oolite 
ville,  Calvados.     <(,  Calyx  and  upper  sttiiii-joiuts,  viewed  J'rorn 
the  side  ;  '-,  Ventral  aspect ;  c,  Articular  surface  of  one  of  the 
stem-joints  (natural  size). 




pyriform,  attaining  a  large  size,  with  proximal  columnals  flush  with  the 
curvature  of  its  sides  ;  in  some  others  globose,  with  little  enlargement  of 
the  column.  Upper  face  of  the  proximale  marked  by  angular  ridges  corre- 
sponding to  the  interbasal  suture  lines.  Radial  facets  wide,  curved, 
occupying  entire  distal  face  of  plate.  Primibrachs  two,  united  by  incom- 
plete sj^'zygy,  closely  joined  laterally  by  suture,  or  occasionally  connected 
by  small  interbrachiaJs  ;  axillary  and  succeeding  brachials  united  by  muscular 

Fig.  335. 

Fio.  330. 

Fig.  335. 
Apiocrinus parhinsoni  Schloth.  Great  Oolite;  Ranville,  Calvados.  A,  Analysis  of  calyx,  showing  eomse 
of  canals.  These  are  represented  by  dotted  lines  when  concealed  within  the  plates,  and  by  heavy  lines  where 
visible  on  the  inner  surface  of  the  basals.  B,  Median  longitudinal  section  through  the  uppermost  stem-joints, 
.showing  empty  space  included  between  them  ;  h,  Basal,  seen  from  above  ami  from  the  inside  ;  &*,  Lower  surface 
of  same  ;  r',  Radial,  seen  from  without;  ri*.  Inner  aspect  of  same  ;  r^,  and  ?•-*,  Corresponding  views  of  first 
brachial ;  br,  Arm-plates.  (Canals  are  invisible  in  plates  above  the  basals,  except  where  they  have  become 
exposed  by  weathering  or  abrasion.) 

Fig.  336. 

Apiocrinus  roissyanus  d'Ovh.     Upper  Jura  (Coral-Rag) ;  Tonnerre,  Yonne.     Restoration  (after  d'Orbigny). 

articulation,  and  all  perforated  by  an  axial  canal.  Arms  dichotomous, 
branching  two  or  three  times,  pinnules  strong.  The  column  has  a  large  open 
space  in  the  expanded  portion  next  to  the  calyx,  the  columnals  sloping  to  a 
thin  edge  toward  the  centre.     Jurassic ;  England,  France  and  Switzerland. 

Millericrinus  d'Orb.  (Ceriocrinus  and  Pomatocrinus  Desor,  ex  Koenig).  Closely 
allied  to  Apiocrinus,  but  the  swelling  of  calyx  plates  affects  only  one  or  two 
columnals,  and  not  any  brachials,  nor  the  distal  border  of  the  radials,  which 
remains  narrow,  so  that  the  muscular  articulation  is  of  the  usual  type. 
Calyx  usually  more  or  less  globose  or  campanulate.      Base  occasionally  with 

232     ■  ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA  phylum  iv 

five  minute  iiifrabasals  coalesced  with  the  top  stem-joint,  which  is  frequently 
widened  and  those  below  it  not  usually  so.  Column  more  or  less  pentagonal, 
with  the  angles  directed  interradially.     Lias  to  Lower  Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Guettardicrinus  d'Orb.  Differs  from  Apiocrinus  only  in  having  strong 
interbrachial  plates  between  the  lower  brachials,  and  the  consequent  incor- 
poration in  the  cup  of  a  greater  number  of  secundibrachs.  Upper  Jurassic ; 
Europe.  This  and  the  two  preceding  genera  shade  into  one  another  Avithout 
any  sharp  differentiation. 

Dadocrinus  Meyer.  Calyx  conical,  of  small  size.  Column  sharply 
pentagonal  proximally,  becoming  round  below,  without  cirri ;  proximal 
columnal  much  smaller  than  the  calyx.  Primibrachs  sometimes  more  or  less 
connected  by  small  interbrachials.     Arms  branching  once.     Trias ;  Europe. 

Holocrinus  Jaekel.     Trias  ;  Germany. 

Jchrochordocrinus  Trautschold  (Cyclocrinus  d'Ovh.,  no7i  Eichw.;  Mespilocrinus 
Quenst.,  non  Koninck).  Jura  and  Lower  Cretaceous  ;  Europe.  Columnals 
only  are  known. 

Proisocrimos  A.  H.  Clark.  Rudimentary  cirri  on  proximal  portion  of  the 
column ;  proximal  columnals  with  crenulate  edges ;  division  series  very 
broad,  in  lateral  contact.     Eecent ;  Philippines,  940  fathoms. 

Carpeiiterocrmus  A.  H.  Clark.  No  trace  of  cirri ;  proximal  columnals  with 
smooth  edges ;  division  series  narrow,  exposing  large  perisomic  areas. 
Recent ;  southern  Japan,  565  fathoms. 

Family  4.     Pentacrinidae  Gray  (emend.). 

Column  either  very  long,  pentagovcd  or  sidipent agonal,  without  any  terminal  plate, 
and  cirriferous;  or  represented  by  a  single  plate,  also  usually  cirriferoiis ;  in  very 
young  stages  similar  to  the  stem  of  Bhizocrinus,  but  later  discarded;  the  portion 
retained  in  the  adult  of  sessile  forms  is  composed  of  columnals  which  have  the  upper 
and  lower  faces  ornamented  with  a  more  or  less  complex  quinquelobate  figure.  Calyx 
small,  howl-  or  plinth-shaped,  with  a  dicyclic  base,  at  least  in  the  young,  but  the 
infrahasals  either  rudimentary  or  completely  resorbed  in  the  adult  state;  and  the 
basals  may  be  also  resorbed  and  metamorphosed  into  a  curious  rosette-shaped  plate 
lying  entirely  within  the  calyx.  Infrahasals  {where  observed)  three  or  five ;  basals 
five;  radials  five  (one,  the  left  posterior,  sometimes  much  smaller  than  the  others). 
Primibrachs,  or  costals,  one  to  eight  (usually  tivo).  Tegmen  flexible,  studded  with 
small  irregular  calcareous  particles  or  delicate  plates  which  may  be  quite  invisible  to 
the  naked  eye,  or  may  form  a  solid  covering.  Arms  pinnulate ;  strong,  from  five 
simple,  to  two  hundred  and  fifty  or  more  ultimate  branches.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Section  A.     Pentacrinids  Gray  (emend.). 
Column  persistent  throughout  life. 

Pentacrimis  Blumenb.  (Extracrinus  Austin  ;  Polycerus  Fischer  pars ;  ?  Chlado- 
crinus  Agassiz)  (Fig.  337).  IBB  well  developed.  BB  usually  prolonged 
over  the  proximal  columnals.  There  are  rarely  more  than  two  IBr,  not  bearing 
pinnules.  Arms  heterotomous,  with  two  to  four  rami,  branching  only  toward 
the  inside  of  the  dichotom,  into  large  subordinate  pinnulate  ramules  which 
rise  to  the  height  of  the  main  rami,  until  the  final  divisions  are  all  about  the 
same  size ;  these  divisions  are  very  numerous,  in  mature  specimens  as  many 
as  forty  oi-  fifty  to  the  ray.     Column  more  or  less  pentangular  ;  the  angles 




of  the  axial  canal,  contrary  to  the  general  rule  in  dicyclic  forms,  directed 
radially,  corresponding  with  the  outer  angles  of  the  stem.  Stem  of  great 
but  unknown  maximum  length,  having  been  traced  for  twenty  feet  without 
reaching  the  end  ;  cirri  very  numerous,  compressed  or  elliptical  in  section. 
Lias  and  later  Jura  ;  Europe. 

The  Crinoids  of  this  genus  were 
very  gregarious,  and  flourished  in 
immense  colonies.  Exquisitely  pre- 
sci'ved  specimens  are  found  in  the 
Lower  Lias  of  Lyme  Regis,  Eng- 
land, and  in  the  vicinity  of  Boll 
and  Metzingen,  Wiirteraberg,  which 
have  served  as  types  of  illustra- 
tions in  numerous  works  on  Paleon- 
tology. A  slab  containing  no  less 
than  twenty-seven  perfect  crowns 
intertwined  with  stems  and  cirri, 
may  be  seen  in  the  U.S.  National 
Museum  at  Washington. 

Isocrinus  Meyer  (/sz's  Linn. 
pars;  Encrinus  Lamarck  ^ars; 
Cainocrimis  Forbes ;  Pideto- 
crinus  de  Loriol ;  Neocrinus 
Wy  V.  Thomson  ;  Fentacrinus 
sensu  P.  H.  Carpenter).  IBB 
so  far  as  known,  present  in 
the  adult,  but  visible  only 
when  stem  is  removed.  BB 
forming  a  complete  circlet, 
or  ^minute  and  separated  by 
lower  angles  of  BE.  Eadials 
not  projecting  downward  over 
proximal  columnals.  Arms 
about  regularly  dichotomous. 
Columnals  of  circular,  penta- 
gonal or  stellate  section  ; 
sectors  of  joint-face  distinctly 
petaloid,  with  coarsely  crenu- 
late  edges.  Trias  and  Juras- 
sic ;  Europe  and  North 
America.  Recent  ;  West 
Lidies  (5-531  fathoms). 

Balanocriims    Agassiz     in 
Desor.    Columnals  of  circular 
or  hexagonal  section,  with   crenellae  around  the  edge  only,   not   along   the 
sides  of  the  sector.     Trias  to  Eocene ;  Europe.     Known  from  fragments  only. 

Austinocrinus  de  Loriol.  Columnals  have  a  joint  surface  as  in  Isocrinus, 
but  with  finer  striae  radiating  from  the  petals.     Cretaceous ;  Europe. 

Cenocrinus  Wyv.  Thomson.     Recent;  West  Indies  (5-531  fathoms). 

Endoxocrimis  A.  H.  Clark  (Diplocrinus  Doderlein).  Infrabasals  resorbed 
in  the  adult.  Arms  heterotomous,  in  two  main  rami  with  branches  to  the 
inside  of  the  dichotom ;  the  divisions  are  at  the  outer  side  of  the  rays  only, 
and  consist  each  of  two  joints,  united  by  syzygy.      Recent ;  West  Indies. 

Fia.  337. 
Fentacrinus  {Extracrinus)  fosslUs  Blum.   Lower  Lias ;  Lyme  Regis, 
England  (after  Goldfuss).    a,  Stem-joints  of  P.  subangularis  Mill. 
Upper  Lias  ;  b,  Colnmn  of  P.  hasaltiformis  Mill.    Middle  Lias. 


Metacrimis  P.  H.  Carpenter.  Arms  dichotomous,  multibrachiate ;  IBr 
four  to  eight  in  number.  The  distal  portion  of  the  arms  bears  only 
rudimentary  pinnules.     Recent ;  Pacific  Ocean. 

Hypalocrinus  A.  H.  Clark.  Ten  arms  only,  unbranched  ;  IBr  two.  The 
distal  portion  of  the  arms  bears  only  rudimentary  pinnules.  Recent;  East 

Comastrocrinus  A.  H.  Clark.  Resembles  the  preceding,  but  with  more 
than  ten  arms,  and  with  the  distal  edges  of  the  brachials  strongly  produced. 
Recent ;  Indian  Ocean. 

Section  B.     Thiolliericrinids  A.  H.  Clark. 

Column  persistent  throughout  life;  but  columnar  development  ceases  after  the 
formation  of  the  first  nodal. 

Thiolliericrinus  Etallon.  Column  resembling  that  of  the  pentacrinoid 
larvae  of  the  Comatulids,  but  greatly  enlarged  and  thickened ;  calyx  as  in  the 
adult  Comatulid.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous ;  Switzerland,  France,  Portugal. 

The  genus  Thiolliericmms  has  been  considered  both  as  representing  a  primitive  Comatulid, 
and  a  transitional  stage  between  the  Apiocrinidae  and  the  Pentacrinidae  ;  but  neither  view 
is  correct.  The  column  of  Thiolliericrinus  is  comparable  to  that  of  a  Comatulid  or  of  a 
Pentacrinid  at  the  time  of  the  formation  of  the  centrodorsal  or  of  the  first  cirriferous  nodal  ; 
stem  development  has  here  abruptly  ceased,  so  that  the  column  has  retained  its  primitive 
Bourgueticrinoid  character,  modified  only  by  an  increase  in  size  ;  but  the  calyx  has  continued 
to  develop  so  as  to  be  comparable  to  the  calyx  of  the  Comatulids,  or  to  the  calyx  of  the 
more  advanced  among  the  Pentacrinids.  Thus  Thiolliericrinus  possesses  the  calyx  structure 
of  the  adult  Pentacrinid  or  Comatulid,  combined  with  the  column  structure  of  the  larvae  of 
the  same  types.     It  therefore  falls  naturally  between  them. 

Section  C.     Comatulids  Fleming  (emeiid.).i 

Column  either  wanting  entirely,  or  discarded  after  the  formation  of  the  first 
nodal,  which  remains  permanently  attached  to  the  calyx. 

While  the  Comatulids,  as  already  explained,  forin  a  group  strictly  comparable  in 
pliylogenetic  value  with  the  Pentacrinids  and  Thiolliericrinids,  this  grouj)  is 
wholly  disproportionate  to  those  in  complexity  and  extent.  Owing  to  their  enormous 
and  cosmopolitan  development  in  Recent  seas,  the  Comatulids  require  for  their 
classification  further  subdivision  in  a  way  not  applicable  to  any  of  the  fossil  families. 
The  group  nuist  therefore  be  taken  as  a  new  unit,  divisible  into  subgroups  which  are 
comjiarable  in  rank  only  inter  se,  and  not  with  subdivisions  of  similar  giade  or 
terminology  among  the  other  Crinoids. 

Tribe  1.     Innatantes  A.  H.  Clark. 

Pelagic  Comatulids  in  which  the  hasals  are  not  metamorphosed  hut  form  an 
integral  part  of  the  body  wall ;  the  infrabasals  are  not  united  with  the  central  plate, 
hut  frequently,  through  individiml  variation,  they  are  absent.  There  is  no  evidence  of 
attachment  in  any  known  material,  so  that  their  central  apical  plate  probably  repre- 

^  Literature  :  MilUer,  J.,  Ueber  die  Gattung  Comatnla,  etc.  Abhandl.  Berlin.  Akad.  18  17. — 
Liuhvig,  II.,  Beitriige  zur  Anatoniie  der  Criiioidea.  Zeitsclu-.  wiss.  Zool.  vol.  xxviii.  1877. — 
Carpenter,  P.  II.  Report  on  the  Crinoidea.  Sci.  Results  Chall.  Kxped.,  xi.  and  xxvi. ,  1884-88. — 
Jaekel,  0.,  Entwurf  einer  Morpliogenie  und  Phylogenie  der  Criuoideen.  Sitzber.  iiatnrf.  Ges.,  1894. 
— Clark,  A.  II.,  See  titles  cited  under  general  discussion. 




sents  the  single  columnal  of  Comatulids  and  the  entire  stem  of  the  Pentacrinids. 
The  calyx  is  very  large,  and  its  plates,  which  are  very  thin,  are  strongly  curved  out- 
wardly.    Cretaceous. 

Subtrilje  A.     Marsupitids  d'Orbiguy. 

Column  wanting,  probably  represented  by  a  large  pentagonal  plate  called  the 
centrale,^  within  the  infrabasal  circlet.  Calyx  large,  p)("ifectly  p)entameroiis,  composed 
of  large  thin  plates,  without  interradials  or  anals  ;  greatest  bulk  belovj  radials.  Base 
dicyclic  plus  the  centrale,  one  of  the  largest  plates  in  the  calyx.  Infrahasals  five, 
very  large.  Eadial  facets  narrow,  crescentic,  with  a  perforated  transverse  ridge. 
Lower  brachials  much  less  than  the  width  of  ^ 

the  radials,  connected  for  a  short  distance 
by  interbrachials,  but  not  strictly  incorpor- 
ated in  the  dorsal  cup.  Primibrachs  two, 
narrow.  Arms  small,  apparently  short, 
with  slender  pinnules  ;  bifurcation  on  the 
second  primibrach,  further  branching  un- 
known.    Tegmen  unknown. 

The  only  known  genus  is  Mar- 
supites  Miller  {ex  Mantell  MS.),  occur- 
ring in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  (White 
Chalk)  of  England,  France  and  Northern 
Germany,  and  in  the  Tombigbee  Sand- 
stone of  Northern  Mississippi.  Its 
general  structure  is  on  the  Inadunate 
plan,  with  remarkable  development  of 
the  basal  portion,  the  infrabasals  and 
centrale  constituting  about  half  of  the  entire  calyx  (Fig.  338) 

Fig.  338. 

Marsujntes  testudinarius  (Schlotli).  Upper  Cre- 
taceous ;  Ijiineburg,  Prussia,  a,  Calyx,  natural  size  ; 
h,  Raciial,  and  a  few  of  the  arm-plates  ;  '•,  Tips  of  arms. 

Subtribe  B.     Uintacrinids  Zittel. 

Column  wanting.  Calyx  large,  perfectly  pentamerous,  greatest  bulk  above  line 
of  radials,  plates  thin;  interbrachial  system  greatly  developed.  Base  dicyclic  or 
monocyclic;  infrabasals  present  or  absent  in  both  young  and  adult  of  the  same 
species  ;  when  present,  five  (but  sometimes  by  resorption  reduced  irregidarly  to  three, 
two,  or  one),  very  small,  enclosing  a  small  centrale,  probably  representing  the  stem  ; 
when  absent,  the  centrale  remains  of  about  the  same  size,  surrounded  by  the  basals. 
Interbrachials  numerous,  from  the  radials  up,  and  often  also  in  the  second  axil. 
Primibrachs  two,  as  large  as  the  radials  ;  the  secoml  one  axillary,  followed  by  secundi- 
brachs  almost  as  large,  passing  gradually  into  free  arms.  Arms  ten,  unbranched, 
very  long  and  strong  ;  composed  of  very  short,  almost  circular  brachials,  with  frequent 
syzygies,  joint  faces  provided  with  transverse  ridge,  and  pierced  by  an  axial  canal. 
Pinnules  stout  and  tapering,  the  lower  ones  incorporated  into  the  calyx  by  lateral 
union.  Tegmen  composed  of  a  carbonaceous  skin  becoming  black  in  the  fossil  state, 
traversed  by  uncalcified  ambulacra ;  mouth  margined  ;  anus  subcentrcd,  through  a 
strong,  tufted  tube. 

^  This  plate  is  supposed  by  Carpenter  to  represent  the  distal  plate  of  the  stem,  ami  not  the 
proximal.  A.  H.  Clark  believes  it,  and  the  similarly  situated  plate  in  Uiniacrinus,  to  be  the 
homologues  of  the  distal  stem-plate,  plus  all  the  columnals  of  young  Recent  Comatulids. 




Fig.  339. 

Uiiitaerinus  westplialiciis  (Schliit.).  Upper  Cretaceous ;  Reck- 
lingshausen,  Westphalia,  a,  Calyx  viewed  from  the  side ;  h, 
Inferior  aspect.     Natural  size  (after  Schliiter). 

Represented  by  a  single  genus,  Uintacrinus  Grinnell  (Fig.  339),  occurring 
in   the  Upper   Cretaceous  of  Western  America  (especially  Kansas),  England 

and  Westphalia.  In  the  latter 
areas  it  is  widely  distributed, 
accompanied  by  Marsupites 
and  B our gueticr inns.  In  the 
Kansas  region  it  is  found  ex- 
clusively in  colonies  which 
had  been  herding  together  in 
\/  deep  water.  The  genus  in  its 
calyx  structure  is  a  survival 
of  the  Flexibilia  plan  ;  it  is 
strongly  in  contrast  with 
Marsupites  in  this,  and  in  the 
length  of  the  arms,  which  in 
mature  specimens  attained  a 
length  of  four  feet,  giving 
when  outstretched  a  spread  of  upwards  of  eight  feet,  the  largest  known 

Tribe  2.      Oligophreata  A.  H.  Clark. 

Bottom-inhabiting  Comaiulids,  stalked  when  young;  basals  metamorphosed  into 
a  rosette  ;  infrabasals  unknown ;  cavity  in  the  centrodorsal  containing  the  chambered 
organ,  and  overlying  structures  very  small,  these  being  pushed  up  more  or  less  within 
the  radial  circlet ;  disk  more  or  less  studded,  or  even  completely  covered,  with  large 
calcareous  concretions  or  plates:  pinnules,  at  least  the  lower,  wholly  or  in  part 
prismatic,  and  composed  of  short  segments  ;  usually  more  than  ten  in  number. 

Generic  names  have  been  applied  to  fossil  Comatulids  belonging  to  this 
division,  but  the  specimens  upon  which  they  are  based  are  rarely  well  enough 
preserved  to  admit  of  correlation  with  generic  names  based  upon  Recent  types. 
The  latter  include  a  surprisingly  large  number  of  living  genera,  which  are 
grouped  by  A.  H.  Clark  in  nearly  a  dozen  different  families.  Among  these 
may  be  mentioned  the  Comasteridae,  Zygometridae,  Thalassometridae  and 
Charitometridae  as  examples. 

Tribe  3.      Macrophreata  A.  H.  Clark. 

Bottom-inhabiting  Comatulids,  stalked  lohen  young  ;  basals  usually  metamorphosed 
into  a  rosette  ;  infrabasals,  three,  or  more  usually  five,  in  number,  have  been  detected 
in  the  young  of  several  species,  where  they  fuse  with  the  centrodorsal ;  cavity  in  the 
centrodorsal  containing  the  chambered  organ  and  associated  structures  large  ;  tegmen 
naked,  or  studded  with  minute  plates  which  may  become  grouped  in  the  interradial 
angles,  particularly  between  the  IBr ;  pinnules  all  cylindrical  or  more  or  less 
flattened,  slender,  with  very  long  joints  ;  arms  five  or  ten  in  number,  except  in  the 
genera  in  which  there  are  ten  radials,  in  which  they  may  he  twenty. 

Within  this  category  are  embraced  three  divisions — Atelecrinidae  (Bather), 
Pentametracrinidae  (Clark)  and  Antedonidae  (Norman) — the  last-named  of 
which  is  again  divided  into  a  number  of  groups  having  the  rank  of  sub- 
families.    One  of  them,  Antedoninae,  includes  the   Recent   genera   Antedon 




Freminville    {GanymedAi    Gray ;    Hihernula   Fleming ;    Phytoorinus    Bio.)   (Fig. 
283) ;  Compsometra,  Toxometra  and  Iridometra  A.  H.  Clark,  etc. 

Fossil  Comatulid  Genera. 

The  following  genera  are  based  wholly  or  in  part  upon  fossil  Comatulids  : 
AUionia  Michelotti ;  Asteriatites  Schlotheim ;  Astrocoma  Blainville ;  Comatu- 
lina  d'Orbigny  ;  Comatulithes 
von  Schlotheim;  Comaturella 
Miinster;  Decacnemos'Evonn; 
Decameros  d'Orbigny,  Geo- 
coma  0.  Fraas;  Glenotremites 
Goldfuss;  Hertha  Hsigenow, 
Microcrinus  Emmons ;  Ophi- 
urites  von  Schlotheim;  Ptero- 
coma  L.  Agassiz ;  Solanocrinus 
Goldfuss  (Fig.  340). 

The  specimens  upon 
which  the  type  species  of 
these  genera  are  founded  are 
rarely  well  enough  pre- 
served to  admit  of  reference 
to  any  one  of  the  Eecent 
genera,  or  even  families,  and 
in  some  cases  it  is  doubtful 
whether  they  are  Coma- 
tulids at  all.  P.  H.  Car- 
penter attempted  to  differ- 
entiate the  fossil  types  into 
Antedons  and  Adinometras  ; 
but  recent  discoveries  have 
shown  that  the  endocyclic 
and  exocyclic  forms  are 
by  no  means  easy  to  dis- 
tinguish, even  with  perfect 
specimens,    and   with    even 

the  best  Dreserved  fossils  J"''^;  Streltberg,  Franconia;  b,  Ventral;  c,  dorsal ;  and  d,  lateral 
Liic     uc         jj  ^         aspect  of  calyx ;  e,  Arm-plate. 

the  separation  of  the  species 

on  this  basis  is  very  unsatisfactory.  A  common  method  of  procedure  in 
dealing  with  fossil  Comatulids  has  been  to  refer  them  all  (except  those  with 
five  arms,  all  of  which  belong  to  the  genus  Eudiocrinus  of  the  Zygometridae) 
to  a  single  genus,  for  which  the  name  Solanocrinus  is  used. 


Fig.  340. 

a,  Siilanocrimis  cnstatiis  Goldf.  Upper  Jura  ( ;  Kel- 
heiiii,  Bavaria.  Dorsal  aspect  of  crown  ;  centrodorsal  and  xiinuules 
not  preserved  (slightly  reduced) ;  h-d,  S.  scrohiculatus  Goldf.    Upper 

Family  5.     Plicatocrinidae  Zittel. 

Basal  circlet  funnel-shaped,  quadrangular,  pentagonal  or  hexagonal,  composed  of 
three  (usually),  or  five  bascds  which  may  be  solidly  anchylosed.  Badials  four,  five, 
six  or  eight  (rarely  seven),  long  and  thin,  bearing  the  post-radial  series  of  brachials 
on  a  narrow  facet,  which  occupies  only  a  small  portion  of  their  distal  edge.  Arms 
long,  undivided  or  branching  one  or  more  times  ;  the  first  branching  iisualhj  on  the 




first  brachial,  never  on  the  second.  If  the  arms  are  undivided  the  pinnules  are 
usually  excessively  long  and  reach  to  the  arm  tips ;  hut  the  length  of  the  pinnules 
decreases  in  proportion  to  the  number  of  arm  divisions  ;  pinnulars  sometimes  tending 
to  fuse  into  a  solid  piece.  Column  as  in  the  Apiocrinidae,  but  never  with  a  proximal 

Plicatocrinus  von  Miinster  (Fig.  341).  Radials  comparatively  thin,  their 
articular  facets  crescent-shaped ;  the  outer  faces  longitudinally  folded  into 
a  median  ridge.  Arms  ten,  dividing  on  the  first  brachial ;  composed  of 
wedge-shaped  ossicles  united  by  perforate  muscular  articulation.  Pinnules 
composed  of  a  single  piece,  except  the  proximal  ones,  which  consist  of  three 
pieces  ;  they  are  angular  or  keel-shaped  along  the  dorsal  side,  and  deeply 
A  _         .   o    _        :i>  furrowed  on  the  ventral.     Teg- 

men  unknown.  Upper  Jura;  a 
rare  form,  found  in  the  Fran- 
conian  and  Swabian  Alb. 

Hyocrinus  Wyv.  Thomson 
(Fig.  342).  Three  basals  ;  five 
arms,  bearing  extremely  long 
pinnules  which  reach  to  the 
arm  tips ;  brachials  united  in 
syzygial  groups  of  three.  Teg- 
men  composed  of  five  large 
orals,  surrounded  by  heavily 
plated  perisome.  Recent ; 
Antarctic  Seas. 

Gephyrocrimis  Koehler  and 
Bather.  Similar  to  Hyocrinus, 
but  brachials  united  in  syzy- 
gial groups  of  two ;  proximal 
portion  of  column  pentagonal. 
Recent ;  Canaries  and  Madeira. 
Thcdassocrinus  A.  H.  Clark. 
Similar  to  Gephyrocrinus,  but 
proximal  portion  of  column 
hexagonal.  Recent ;  Philip- 

Ptilocrinus  A.  H.  Clark. 
Five  arms,  unbranched ;  each  brachial,  except  the  most  proximal,  bears  a 
pinnule ;  syzygies  very  infrequent ;  pinnules  not  especially  long.  Recent ; 
Antarctic  Seas  and  west  coast  of  America  to  British  Columbia. 

Calamocrinus  A.   Ag.     Five    brachials ;   the    arms    branch    several    times. 
Recent ;  Galapagos  Islands  and  Central  America. 

Pig.  341. 

Plicatocrinus  hexagonus  Miinst.  Upper 
Jura  ;  Streitberg,  Franconia.  a,  Calyx  with 
radials  and  undivided  base  ;  &,  c,  Dorsal  and 
lateral  aspects  of  same  (slightly  enlarged) ; 
d-f.  First  brachial,  seen  from  the  inside,  out- 
side, and  from  below  respectively. 



Fig.  342. 

Hyocrinus  hethelUanus  Wyv.  Thomson.  Recent;  Atlantic 
Ocean.  A,  Individual  twice  the  natural  size.  B,  Tegmen  several 
times  enlarged  ;  am,  Ambulacral  furrows  of  the  arms  ;  c,  Dorsal 
canals  ;  an,  Anus  ;  m.  Mouth  ;  o,  Orals  (after  Wyville  Thomson) ; 
*',  Covering  plates  of  ambulacral  grooves. 

Family  6.     Saccocomidae  d'Orbigny. 

Calyx  small,  hemispherical,  non-pedunculate,  composed  almost  exclusively  of 
five  radials,  which  are  very  thin,  elevated  into  prominent  ridges  along  the  median 
line,  and  enclose  an  extremely  small  hasal  plate.  Arms  5x2,  slender,  widely 
separated,  and  giving  off  alternately  toivards  the  extremities  simple  incurving 
branches.     Arm-plates  cylindrical;  each  side  of  the  ambulacral  furrow  lined  with 




wing-like   or    spiniform  projections.     The  entire    skeleton   exhibiting   a    reticulated 
structure  with  coarse  meshes.     Upper  Jura. 

The  only  known  genus,  Saccocoma  Ag.   (Fig.    343),  occurs   profusely   in 
the    Lithographic    Stone    of    Eichstiidt    and    Solenhofen,    Bavaria.     It    is    a 

Scwrocomu  pecllnata  Go]d(.  Upper  Jura  (Kiinnieridgian) ;  Ek-hstadt,  Bavaria,  a,  Individual,  natural  size; 
h,  Side  view  of  calyx ;  c,  Calyx  seen  from  below,  -/j  ;  </,  Two  of  the  lower  arm-plates  ;  e,  Two  arm-plates  of  a 
higher  order  with  one  of  the  branches  ;  /,  The  upper  part  of  one  of  the  arms  straightened  out ;  g.  Lower 
brachials  of  S.  tenella  Goldf.    (Figs,  d  and  f/  greatly,  the  others  slightly  enlarged.) 

free-swimming  form,  whose  affinities  with  the  monocyclic  Plicatocrinidae  were 
first  clearly  demonstrated  by  Jaekel  in  1892. 

Family  7.     Eugeniacrinidae  Zittel. 

(Coadunata  Miller;  Holopocrinidae  p.p.  Jaekel.) 

Calyx  composed  of  five  {rarely  three,  or  four)  thick,  rigidly  united  radials,  resting 
upon  a  proximate  composed  of  fused  hasals  and  top  stem-joint ;  basals  invisible, 
tegmen  unknown.  Costals  compressed,  flange-like;  united  by  syzygial  sutures,  or 
fused  with  one  another.  Arms  robust,  and  incurving,  usually  branching  on  the 
second  brachial.  Stem  short,  destitute  of  cirri,  and  composed  of  but  a  few  long 
cylindrical  joints  with  granulated  or  striated  articular  faces  ;  terminating  in  a  more 
or  less  lobed,  encrusting  root.     Lias  to  Lower  Cretaceous ;  Europe. 

Eugeniacrinus  Miller  (Symphytocrinus  Konig ;  Caryophyllites  of  pre-Linnaean 




authors)  (Figs.  344,  345).  Dorsal  cup  small,  saucer  -  shaped,  and  with 
shallow  body-cavity.  Proximale  covered  with  five  radiating  ridges.  B 
invisible  when  the  proximale  is  attached,  but  from  the  course  of  the  axial 
canals  (Fig.  344)  it  is  apparent  that  they  are  pushed  upward  so  as  to  be 
completely  enveloped  by  the  B.  The  latter  are  very  heavy,  closely  united, 
and  sometimes  completely  anchylosed.  The  lateral  margins  of  their  upper 
faces  are  extended  upwards  so  as  to  form  conspicuous  projections ;  the  inter- 
mediate spaces  are  occupied  by  transverse  ridges  and  deep  fossae.  Costals 
two,  the  upper  one  axillary.  Structure  of  arms 
unknown.  Abundant  in  the  Ui^per  Jura,  notably 
in  the  Spongitenkalk  of  Southern  Germany, 
Switzerland,  France  and  the  Carpathians.  Less 
common  in  the  Dogger  and  Lower  Cretaceous  of 
the  Alps. 

Tetracrinus  Miinst.  B  typically  four,  rarely 
three  or  five ;  apparently  reposing  directly  upon 
the  column,  as  no  B  or  IB  are  visible.  Upper 
face  of  the  proximale  marked  by  four  (sometimes 
three  or  five)  prominent  ridges  which  are  radially 

Fig.  344. 

Euiieniacriiius  airyophyllat'us  Miller.  Upper  Jura  ; 
Streitberg,  Franconia.  a,  Calyx  with  eentrodorsal, 
seen  from  one  side  (nat.  size) ;  h,  c,  Ventral  and  dorsal 
aspects,  3/2 ;  d,  d*,  First  brachial,  inner  and  upper 
surface  ;  e,  Second  brachial,  seen  from  the  inside  (nat. 
size),  f-h,  E.  nutans  Goldf.  ■  Same  locality ;  /, /*,  First 
and  second  Br  fused  together,  seen  from  the  outside 
and  inside,  respectively  ;  g,  Arm-plate,  figured  in  four 
positions  ;  /(,  Dorsal  and  lateral  aspects  of  an  inrolled 

Fig.  345. 

Eugeniacrinus  caryophyllatus 
Miller.  Upper  Jura,  a.  Restora- 
tion, without  the  arms  (after 
Fraas) ;  b,  Calyx  broken  open  to 
show  the  silicifled  axial  canals 
(after  Jaekel). 

disposed ;  lower  face  bearing  radiating  peripheral  striae,  which  are  not  con- 
tinued over  the  median  portion  of  the  plate.  B  with  transverse  ridges  and 
large  muscular  fossae.     Stem-joints  barrel-shaped.     Upper  Jura ;  Europe. 

Gammarocrinus  Quenst.  {Sderocrinus  Jaekel).  Dorsal  cup  massive,  concave 
below.     Upper  Jurassic  ;  Europe. 

Gymnocrinus  Loriol.  First  axillary  remarkably  developed.  Upper  Jura  ; 

Phyllocrinus  d'Orb.  Dorsal  cup  globose ;  B  with  narrow  articular  facets, 
at  either  side  of  which  are  long,  upright  projections.  Upper  Jura  and  Lower 
Cretaceous,  notably  in  the  Mediterranean  district. 

Torynocrinus  Seeley  (Cyrtocrinus  Jaekel ;   (?)  Hemicrinus  d'Orb.).     Dorsal 


cup  and  proximale  fused ;  ventral  surface  bent  to  one  side.  Upper  Jura  and 
Lower  Cretaceous ;  Europe. 

Trigonocrinus  Bather.  Oxfordian ;  Europe.  Tormocrinus  Jaekel.  Small 
radial  facets,  rounded  interradial  spines,  and  deep  cup  cavity  ;  the  former  has 
less  than  five  rays.     Eocene ;  Europe. 

Eudesicrinus  Loriol.  Stem  reduced  to  two  short,  thick  segments  which  bear 
the  five  R  directly.    Arms  stout,  branching  on  the  first  brachial.    Lias  ;  Europe. 


Family  8.     Holopidae  Zittel. 

Base  monocyclic  ;  stemless.  Dorsal  cup  heaker-shaped,  and  formed  of  five  fused 
radials,  hy  which  the  body  was  either  directly  attached,  or  more  frequently  it  was 
supported  hy  a  solid  mass  representing  fused,  ^  ^ 

overgrown  or  absorbed  basals.  Tegmen  com- 
posed of  five  large  triangtdar  orals  sur- 
rounded by  a  narrow  band  of  perisome. 
Arms  five  x  two,  unhranched,  p)innulate, 
strongly  incurving,  and  composed  of  large 
thick  plates.  Pio.  34(5. 

Of  the  forms  belonging  to  this  family  a,  b,  CotyUdenna  docens  Oeslongch.    upper  Lias  ; 

Cotylederma    Quenst.    (Cotylecrinus    Des-  ^'^^^■,:\^Ti^^''q:^"^^8\ 

long.)  (Fig.  346)  is  found  in  the  Lias:  Asselllngen;  Baden  'c,  Ceutrodorsal  ;y,  circlet  of 
ri        !•  1-  n  /TXT  fused  basals.     (All  tigures  of  the  natuial  size). 

tyathidium     Steenstrup     [Micropocnnus 

Michelin),  in  the  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary ;  and  Holopus  d'Orb.  occurs  both  in 
the  Tertiary  of  Italy,  and  Kecent  in  the  Caribbean  Sea,  where  it  inhabits 
shallow  water. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Crinoidea. 

The  discoveries  of  recent  years  have  brought  to  light  an  unexpected 
profusion  of  crinoidal  life  in  the  present  seas,  showing  that  instead  of  being 
a  decadent  and  expiring  race,  as  hitherto  supposed,  the  Crinoids  still  con- 
stitute a  vigoroiis  stock  of  cosmopolitan  distribution.  They  are  represented 
by  about  650  species,  falling  into  100  genera,  which  are  distributed  among 
twenty  families  and  nine  additional  subfamilies  ;  about  580  of  these  species, 
included  in  eighty-five  genera  and  in  fourteen  families  and  nine  subfamilies, 
are  unstalked  forms  or  Comatulids,  the  dominant  type  of  the  present  fauna, 
while  about  seventy  species,  included  in  fifteen  genera  and  six  families,  are 
stalked  forms. 

The  stalked  Crinoids  attained  their  maximum  development  during  the 
Paleozoic  era.  Three  of  the  principal  orders — the  Camerata,  Flexibilia  and 
Inadunata — are,  with  the  exception  of  the  genus  Encrinus,  wholly  confined  to 
the  Paleozoic  rocks,  although  the  characteristics  of  the  two  last-named  orders 
have  continued  in  more  or  less  modified  forms.  The  Articulata,  on  the  other 
hand,  appear  first  in  the  Trias,  and  are  represented  continuously  to  the 
present  time. 

Crinoids,  as  a  rule,  have  but  a  very  local  distribution,  but  occasional 
species  are  common  to  two  continents  ;  in  certain  formations  detached  stem- 
joints  and  calyx  plates  occur  so  profusely  as  to  become  of  considerable  rock- 
building  importance,  and  strata  aggregating  many  feet  in  thickness  are  fre- 
quently met  with  which  are  almost  wholly  constituted  of  Crinoid  remains. 
VOL.  I  R 


While  the  great  majority  of  Eecent  stalked  forms  are  deep-sea  inhabitants, 
the  Paleozoic,  on  the  contrary,  often  characterise  shallow  water  deposits,  and 
are  especially  numerous  in  the  vicinity  of  fossil  coral  reefs.  Of  the  Mesozoic 
Crinoids,  the  Eugeniacrinidae  and  Plicatocrinidae,  whose  remains  are  commonly 
associated  with  those  of  Hexactinellid  and  Lithistid  Sponges,  probably  lived 
at  considerable  depths ;  while,  on  the  other  hand,  the  Encrininae,  Apiocri- 
nidae,  Saccocomidae  and  Holopidae,  were  undoubtedly  shallow  water  forms. 

Crinoidal  fragments  have  been  detected  in  the  Cambrian,  but  consist  of 
stem-joints  only.  The  Ordovician  of  England  also  yields  a  variety  of  stem- 
joints,  and  well-preserved  calices  of  Hyhocrinus  and  Baerocrinus  occur  in  rocks 
of  the  same  age  in  the  vicinity  of  St.  Petersburg.  In  North  America,  the 
Trenton  and  Hudson  River  limestones  are  locally  very  rich  in  Crinoid 
remains.  The  Silurian  localities  of  Dudley,  England,  and  especially  the 
island  of  Gotland,  Sweden,  are  famous  for  the  surprising  abundance  and 
exquisite  state  of  preservation  of  their  fossil  Crinoids.  The  Swedish 
forms  alone  comprise  forty-three  genera  and  176  species.  The  Silurian 
of  North  America,  notably  the  Niagara  Group,  likewise  contains  a  large 
variety  of  forms,  many  genera  being  identical  with  those  of  England  and 

The  best -known  Devonian  localities  are  the  Eifel,  Ehineland  ;  Nassau, 
Westphalia  ;  the  Ardennes  and  Department  of  Mayenne,  France  ;  the  Asturias, 
Spain ;  and  New  York,  Michigan,  and  the  region  about  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio  River,  in  North  America.  The  Lower  Carboniferous  Limestone  of  Tournay 
and  Vise,  Belgium,  and  that  of  England,  Ireland,  and  the  vicinity  of  Moscow, 
Russia,  are  occasionally  charged  with  exceptionally  well-preserved  crinoidal 
remains.  But  the  most  famous  of  all  horizons  is  the  Lower  Carboniferous 
Limestone  of  North  America,  where  in  particular  the  localities  of  Burlington, 
Iowa,  and  Crawfordsville,  Indiana,  have  acquired  a  world-wide  celebrity. 

The  Upper  Carboniferous  contains  large  areas  of  crinoidal  limestone,  but 
well-preserved  specimens  occur  rarely,  the  most  notable  being  at  Kansas  City, 
Missouri ;  some  interesting  forms  from  that  horizon  are  found  in  Australia. 
The  Permian  has  yielded  but  a  few  genera,  and  those,  so  far  as  yet  known, 
belong  to  the  Inadunata.  A  remarkable  Crinoid  fauna  of  this  age  has  also 
been  discovered  in  the  Island  of  Timor. 

^'-From  the  Trias  only  the  Encrininae  and  a  few  species  of  Pentacrinus  are 
as  yet  known.  The  remaining  members  of  the  Articulata  make  their  appear- 
ance in  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  and  with  the  exception  of  the  Eugenia- 
crinidae and  the  Saccocomidae,  the  families  are  still  represented  in  the  existing 

[The  text  for  the  entire  subphylum  Pelmatozoa  has  been  revised  by  Mr.  Frank  Springer 
of  East  Las  Vegas,  New  Mexico,  and  Washington,  D.C.  The  treatment  of  the  classes  Cystoidea 
and  Blastoidea  is  substantially  the  same  as  in  the  former  edition  of  this  work,  but  tliat  of  the 
Crinoidea  reflects  the  great  progress  in  onr  knowledge  of  this  group  that  has  been  made 
during  the  past  decade.  In  that  part  of  the  revision  which  deals  with  post- Paleozoic  Crinoids 
Mr.  Springer  and  Mr.  Austin  Hobart  Clark,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  at 
Washington,  have  co-operated  with  a  view  toward  making  the  new  knowledge  of  later  and 
Recent  Crinoids  more  generally  available  for  paleontologists.  Lack  of  space  alone  prevented 
a  more  detailed  discussion  of  Recent  Comatulids,  such  as  had  been  actually  jjrepared 
for  the  present  work  by  Mr.  Clark.  The  student  is  therefore  referred  to  the  independent 
publications  of  these  two  well-known  echinodermologists. — Editoh.] 


Table  showing  the  Vertical  Range  of  the  Crinoidea. 























I.  Cameeata 

1.  Cleiocrinidae 

2.  Reteocrinidae 

3.  Dimerocrinidae 

4.  Rliodocrinidae 

5.  Melocrinidae 

6.  Calyptocrinidae 

7.  Batocrinidae 

8.  Actinocrinidae 

9.  Platycrinidae 

10.  Hexacrinidae 

11.  Acrocrinidae 

II.  Flexibilia 

1.  Lecanocrinidae 

2.  Sagenoci'inidae 

3.  Ichthyocrinidae 

4.  Taxocrinidae 

III.  Inadunata 
1.  Larviformia 

1.  Stephanocrinidae 

2.  Pisocrinidae 

3.  Haplocrinidae 

4.  Allagecrinidae 

5.  Synbathocrinidae 

6.  Cupressocrinidae 
2.  Fistulata 

1.  Hybocrinidae 

2.  Heterocrinidae 

3.  Anomalocrinidae 

4.  Cremacrinidae 

5.  Catillocrinidae 

6.  Belemnocrinidae 

7.  Dendrocrinidae 

8.  Crotalocrinidae 

9.  Cyathocrinidae 

10.  Botryocrinidae 

11.  Poteriocrinidae 

IV.  Articulata 

1.  Bourgueticrinidae 

2.  Phrynocrinidae 

3.  Apiocrinidae 

4.  Pentacrinidae 
(a)  Pentacrinids 

(&)  Thiolliericrinids 
(c)  Comatulids  ^ 

5.  Plicatocrinidae 

6.  Saccocomidae 

7.  Eugeniacrinidae 

8.  Holopidae 


j * 




— - 









1                             1 

^  Including  Marsupites  and  Uintacrimis. 


SuBPHYLUM  B.     Aster ozoa  Leuckart.' 

Stemless  Echinoderms  loith  depressed,  pentagonal  or  star-shaped  body,  consisting 
of  a  central  disk  and  five  or  more  rays  (or  "arms").  Mouth  inferior  and  central  in 
position.  Amhulacral  tuhefeet  restricted  to  the  nnder  surface  of  the  rays.  Internal 
skeletal  pieces  of  the  ambulacra  articulated  together  like  vertebrae,  or  apposed  like  the 
rafters  of  a  pent-house.  Integument  coriaceous,  strengthened  by  small,  irregular, 
loosely  or  firmly  united  calcareous  plates,  some  of  which  bear  spines,  protuberances  or 
papillae,  the  whole  constituting  a  covering  showing  the  greatest  diversity  in  details. 

The  Asterozoa  comprise  the  two  classes  of  Asteroidea  (Starfish) ;  and 
Ophiuroidea  (Brittle  Stars  and  Basket-fish).  In  both  types  the  body  consists 
of  a  central  disk  containing  the  principal  viscera,  and  giving  oflf  five  or  more 
radiating  processes  or  arms.  The  radiating  ambulacral  vessels  are  protected 
by  an  internal  skeleton  consisting  of  a  double  row  of  calcareous  bodies  {ambul- 
acral ossicles),  the  components  of  each  pair  being  separated  and  movable  to  a 
slight  extent  in  the  Asteroidea,  but  being  welded  together  so  as  to  form  a 
series  of  disks  in  the  Ophiuroidea.  The  ambulacral  grooves  are  open  in  the 
Asteroidea ;  but  in  the  Ophiuroidea  they  are  covered  by  dermal  plates,  and 
the  tube-feet  project  at  the  sides  of  the  arms.  The  integumentary  skeleton 
sometimes  appears  leathery  on  the  dorsal  surface,  but  is  generally  strengthened 
by  calcareous  plates  or  ossicles  some  of  which  usually  bear  spines  or  tubercles. 

Asterozoans  are  known  as  early  as  the  Cambrian  era,  and  have  a  continuous 
history  onward  to  the  present  time.  They  are  of  rather  rare  occurrence  as  fossils, 
and  are  found  chiefly  in  slaty,  calcareous,  or  arenaceous  strata  which  have  been 
deposited  in  shallow  water.  The  Asterozoans  are  the  most  homogeneous  and 
most  persistent  type  of  all  the  Echinodermata.  Both  the  Asteroidea  and 
Ophiuroidea  are  represented  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian  by  well-differentiated 
forms  which  do  not  differ  materially  from  those  now  living.  The  only  notice- 
able difference  is  that  many  of  the  Paleozoic  Asterozoans  exhibit  an  alternate 
arrangement  of  the  ambulacral  ossicles,  Avhile  in  all  Recent  species  these  are  in 
a  double  row,  with  the  ends  directly  apposed. 

Whether  this  more  or  less  disjunct  and  alternating  condition  of  the 
vertebi'al  ossicles  in  Paleozoic  Asterozoa  is  really  a  primitive  feature  of 
fundamental  importance  must  still  be  considered  an  open  question.  It  is 
quite  possible  that  the  apparent  alternation  in  Paleozoic  starfishes  is  due 
to  conditions  of  preservation,   or  if  not,   is   an  inconstant  and   insignificant 

^  Literature:  Mullcr,  J.,  and  TroscheJ,  F.  H.,  System  der  Asteriden.  Brunswick,  1842. — 
Forbes,  E.,  Monograph  of  the  Echinodermata  of  the  British  Tertiaries.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1852. — 
Billings,  E.,  Figures  and  Descriptions  of  Canadian  Organic  Remains.  Geol.  Survey  Canada,  Decade 
iii.,  1858. —  Wright,^!.,  Monograph  on  the  British  Fossil  Echinodermata  of  the  Oolitic  Formations, 
vol.  ii.,  Asteroidea  and  Ophiuroidea.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1863-80. — Hall,  J.,  Twentieth  Report  on  the 
New  York  State  Cabinet,  1868. — Quenstedt,  F.  A.,  Petrefactenkunde  Deutschlands,  vol.  iv.,  1874- 
1876. — Liulwig,  H.,  Morphologische  Studien  an  Echinodermeu.  Leipzrc,  1877-79. — Newnimjr,  31., 
Morphologische  Studien  iiher  fossile  Echinodermen.  Sitzungsber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  vol.  Ixxxiv. 
1881. — Carpenter,  P.  //.,  Minute  Anatomy  of  the  Brachiate  Echinodermata.  Quart.  Journ.  Micro- 
scop.  Sci.,  1881. — Sturtz,  B.,  Beitriige  zur  Kenntniss  paliiozoischer  Seesterne.  Palaeontographica, 
vols,  xxxii.  and  xxxvi.,  1886,  1890. — Idem,  Uber  versteinerte  und  lebende  Seesterne.  Verhandl. 
(1.  naturhist.  Vereins  Rheinlande,  Westpiialen,  etc.,  5th  ser.  vol.  x.,  1892. — Sladen,  W.  P.,  and 
Spencer,  W.  K.,  Monograph  on  British  Fossil  Echinodermata  from  the  Cretaceous  Formations,  vol.  ii. 
Asteroidea  and  Ophiuroidea.  Palaeoutogr.  Soc,  1891-1908. — Oregory,  J.  IF.,  The  Stelleroidea,  in 
Lankester's  Treatise  on  Zoology,  Part  iii.,  1900. — .Taekel,  0.,  Asteriden  und  Ophiuriden  aus  dem 
Silur  Bohmens.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1903,  vol.  \y. ^Bather,  F.  A.,  Guide  to  Fossil  In- 
vertebrates, etc.  British  Mus.  Publ. ,  1907. — Schondorf,  F.,  tjber  einige  Oi)hiurideu  und  Asteriden 
des  englischen  Silur,  etc.     Jahrb.  Nassauischen  Ver.  Naturk.,  Jlirg.  63,  1910. 


character,  as  Gregory  has  claimed.  In  Ophiurans,  however,  it  is  almost 
certain  that  alternation  is  a  primitive  and  very  important  character.  The 
ventral  position  of  the  madreporite  in  Paleozoic  Starfishes  and  the  absence  of 
mouth  shields  in  Paleozoic  Ophiuroids  point  to  an  intimate  relationship 
between  the  two  groups  ;  and  this  inference  is  still  further  confirmed  by  our 
knowledge  of  several  recent  and  fossil  intermediate  forms  (Astrophiura,  Pro- 
taster,  Ophiamhix,  etc.). 

If  one  places  a  Starfish  or  Brittle  Star  with  the  mouth  uppermost,  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  actinal  side  corresponds  with  the  tegmen,  and  the  central 
disk  with  the  base  of  a  Pelmatozoan.  When  oriented  in  this  manner,  the 
position  of  the  principal  organs  (ambulacral,  circulatory  and  nervous  systems)  is 
the  same  in  both  groups.  The  homology  between  the  arms  of  an  Asterozoan 
and  those  of  a  Crinoid  or  Cystid,  or  the  ambulacral  fields  of  a  Blastoid,  can 
also  hardly  be  doubted.  But  efforts  to  interpret  a  homology  between  plates 
of  the  dermal  skeleton  as  developed  in  either  group  have  been  only  partially 
successful ;  the  reason  being  that  these  structures  became  variously  modified 
and  specialised  throughout  the  different  classes  at  an  extremely  early  period. 

A  comparison  of  the  ontogenetic  stages  passed  through  by  the  Pelmatozoa 
and  Asterozoa,  so  far  as  at  present  known,  reveals  nothing  definite  in  regard 
to  their  close  relationship.  The  Asterozoans  are  most  nearly  comparable 
with  certain  of  the  Cystideans  (Agelacrinus  and  the  Callocystidae).  But  that 
they  are  the  direct  descendants  of  the  Cystoidea  appears  very  improbable,  for 
both  geological  and  morphological  reasons.  The  fact  is,  that  both  types 
appear  simultaneously  and  in  a  high  state  of  development,  each  being  quite 
distinct  from  the  other,  as  far  back  as  the  Cambrian. 

While  it  is  clear  that  a  well-marked  separation  exists  between  the  two 
classes  of  Asteroidea  and  Ophiuroidea,  there  is  very  unsatisfactory  evidence 
in  support  of  a  third  group  of  equal  rank,  such  as  Ophiocistia  Sollas  or  Aulu- 
roidea  Schondorf.  The  genera  composing  the  former  may  better  be  retained 
among  the  Ophiurans,  while  as  for  the  latter,  it  is  difficult  to  believe  that 
the  characters  assigned  to  it  are  real.  More  likely  these  supposed  characters 
rest  upon  a  misinterpretation  of  the  material.  Fossil  Asterozoans  seem  to 
have  been  preserved  in  many  cases  only  after  the  decay  or  removal  of  much 
or  all  of  the  non-calcareous  parts.  Sometimes  apparently  the  entire  abactinal 
side  has  been  destroyed.  In  other  cases  only  impressions  remain,  chiefly 
of  the  harder  parts,  and  the  actual  structure  cannot  be  ascertained.  It 
is  not  surprising,  therefore,  that  our  knowledge  of  the  Paleozoic  forms 
is  still  incomplete,  and  that  erroneous  interpretations  should  have  been  placed 
upon  some  of  their  structural  characters. 

Class  1.    ASTEROIDEA  Burmeister.    Starfislies.i 

Asterozoans  whose  simple  and  more  or  less  flattened  arms  are  prolongations  of 
the  central  disk,  and  contain  the  hepatic  appendages  of  the  alimentary  canal,  as  ivell 

1  Literature:  Forhes,  E.,  British  Fossil  Asteriadae.  Mem.  Geol.  Survey,  vol.  ii.,  Part  ii.,  and 
Decade  iii.,  1848  and  \SbO.— Salter,  J.  IF.,  New  Palaeozoic  Star-Fishes.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1857, 
vol.  XX. — Gray,  J.  E.,  Synopsis  of  the  Species  of  Star-Fish  in  the  British  Museum,  1866. — Simono- 
luitsch,  S.,  Ueber  einige  Asteroiden  der  rheinischen  Grauwacke.  Sitzungsber.  Wieu.  Akad.,  ^^871, 
vol.  Ixin.Sars,  G.  0.,  Researches  on  the  Structure,  etc.,  of  the  genus  Brisinga.  Christiana,  1875. — 
Perrier,  E.,  Revision  de  la  collection  des  Stellerides  du  Museum  d'Hist.  Nat.  de  Paris.  Arch,  de 
zool.  experim.,  iv.,  v.,  1875-76.— Agassiz,  A.    North  American  Star-Fishes.     Memoirs  Museum 


as  the  generative  organs.     Ambulacral  feet  disposed  in  rows  along  deep  open  grooves 
on  the  under  or  adinal  surface  of  the  arms. 

Starfishes  have  typically  five  arras  (but  in  some  cases  as  many, as  eight, 
ten,  twenty,  forty,  or  more),  which  are  pi'olongations  of  the  central  disk, 
usually  not  sharply  marked  oif  from  the  same.  The  integumentary  skeleton 
consists  of  plates  which  are  either  contiguous  with  one  another  along  their 
edges,  overlapping  or  united  in  a  reticulate  fashion,  and  covered  with  a  leathery 
skin.  The  calcareous  plates  often  bear  movable  spines,  or  they  may  be 
tuberculated  or  granulated.  Modified  spines  with  a  special  function  and 
called  pedicellariae  are  found  in  most  Asteroidea  and  are  often  conspicuous. 
They  never  occur  in  Ophiurans  or  Holothurians,  and  are  not  known  among 
Pelmatozoa,  but  what  appear  to  be  homologous  organs  occur  in  nearly 
all  Echini.  The  abactinal  surface  usually  exhibits  a  central  or  sub- 
central  anus,  and  also  a  madreporite,  which  is  situated  in  one  (rarely  two 
or  more)  of  the  interradii.  The  madreporite  is  covered  with  labyrinthic 
furrows,  and  is  perforated  for  the  admission  of  water  into  the  so-called  stone 
canal,  whence  it  is  conveyed  into  the  water-vascular  ring  surrounding  the 
mouth.  The  protrusive  caecal  processes  (papulae),  which  in  the  more 
primitive  forms  are  restricted  to  the  dorsal  surface,  but  in  the  more  specialised 
are  distributed  over  the  whole  body,  serve  as  respiratory  organs,  the  body 
fluids  being  brought  into  close  contact  with  the  oxygenated  water. 

The  mouth  occupies  the  centre  of  the  ventral  surface,  and  is  pentagonal  in 
contour,  owing  to  the  projection  of  five  pairs  of  interradially  disposed  oral 

plates.  Each  of  the  arms  is  traversed  on 
the  under  or  oral  side  by  a  broad  and  deep 
furrow,  which  tapers  gradually  in  passing 
from  the  mouth  to  the  tip  of  the  arm,  where 
Fig.  348.  it  is  terminated  by  a  simple  grooved  plate 

„        ■     ■       ,     ,  Detached    ambu-  (Fig.  347)  Called  the  ocular  plate.     The  roof 

Ocular    plates     ot        lacral  ossicle  of  Pen-        pii,  ,p  .» 

Pcjitaf/owisier  (?)  from  tagovasfer  (?)  from  01  each  ambulacral  furrow  IS  formed  by  two 
st?eitbOTg!  ^k-''  ''^  streitteigy  v"!'"'  °^  I'ows  of  rafter -like,  rather  elongate,  ambu- 
lacral ossicles,  the  inner  ends  of  which  are 
held  together  by  muscles  (Figs.  348-350).  Running  along  the  centre  of  the 
groove  on  its  ventral  side  are  placed  in  succession  the  radial  water -tube, 
blood-vessel  and  nerve  cord.  These  are  all  homologous  with  the  like-named 
organs  of  Ophiuroids. 

The  form  of  the  ambulacral  ossicles  differs  in  different  genera.  In  all 
Recent  forms  the  ends  are  directly  apposed  against  one  another  in  the  median 
line  of  the  ambulacral  grooves  ;  but  in  Paleozoic  forms  they  were  apparently 
arranged  in  alternate  rows,  and  inclined  towards  one  another  at  a  very  small 
angle.     Each  pair  of  ambulacral  plates  is  excavated  at  the  sides,  so  as  to  give 

Comp.  Zoology,  Cambridge,  v.,  1877.  —  Viguier,  0.,  Anatomie  comparee  du  squelettedes  Stellerides. 
Arch,  de  zool.  experim.,  vii.,  1878. — Sladen,  W.  P.,  Report  on  the  Asteroidea.  Seient.  Results, 
Challenger  Expedition,  1889,  vol.  xxx. — Fraas,  E.,  Die  Asterien  des  weissen  Jura.  Palaeonto- 
graphica,  1886,  vol.  xxxii. — Gregory,  J.  W.,  On  Lindstroemaster  and  the  classification  of  the 
Palaeasterids.  Geol.  Mag.,  1899,  dec.  4,  vol.  vi. — Lhistow,  0.  v.,  Zwei  Asteroiden  aus  mar- 
kischem  Septarienton,  etc.  Jahrb.  k.  Preuss.  Landesanst.,  1909,  vol.  xxx.  pt.  2.—Schondorf,  F., 
Die  Organisation  uiid  systematische  Stelhing  der  Sphaeriten.  Arch.  f.  Biontologie,  1906,  vol.  i. 
— Idem,  Paliiozoische  Seesterne  Deutschlands.  Palaeontogr.  1909-10,  vols.  Ivi.,  Ivii. — Idem,  Die 
fossilen  Seesterne  Nassaus.  Jahrb.  Nassauischen  Ver.  Naturk.,  Jahrg.  62,  1909. — Hudson  G.  H., 
A  fossil  Starfish  with  ambulacral  covering  plates.     Ottawa  Nat.,  1912,  vol.  xxvi. 





rise  by  their  apposition  to  a,    series  of  small  apertures,   through  which  the 
distensible  tube  feet  or  pedicels  are  emitted.     The  latter  are  the  downward 




ad     mir. 

Fio.  349. 

Astropecten  aurantiacus  (Linn.).  Recent; 
Mediterranean.  Enlarged  vertical  section  of 
one  of  the  arms,  am,  Ambulacral  ossicles  ; 
fid,  Adambulacral  plate  ;  inv,  Infero-marginal 
plate ;  md,  Supero-marginal  plate ;  (',  Super- 
ambulacral  plate. 

Fig.  350. 

Astcrias  rubens  Linnaeus.  Recent ; 
German  Ocean.  Enlarged  vertical 
section  of  one  of  the  arms,  am,  Am- 
bulacral ossicles  ;  ad,  Adambulacral 
plates;  mv,  Infero-marginal  plates; 
a,  Radiating  water-tube  ;  b.  Ampullae  ; 
p,  Tube-feet. 

prolongations  of  lateral  branches  given  off  by  the  radial  ambulacral  vessel ; 
the  upward  prolongations  of  the  same  form  small  sacs  called  ampullae,  by 
means  of  which  water  is  forced  into  the  tube  feet. 

The  lower  ends  of  the  ambulacral  ossicles  rest  against  a  series  of 
adambulacral  plates,  and  in  many  forms  these  are  bounded  in  turn  by  large 
marginal  plates  (Fig.  349).  Intermediate  plates  are  those  which  are  inserted 
between  the  infero-marginal  plates  and  the  adambulacral  plates.  By  the 
term  dorsal  plates  are  understood  all  calcareous  bodies  occurring  on  the  dorsal 
side  of  the  body. 

Perfectly  preserved  Starfishes  are  known  only  from  a  few  localities,  such  as 
Bundenbach  in  Rhenish  Prussia,  the  usual  mode  of  occurrence  being  in  the  form 
of  moulds,  or  detached  plates.    The  earliest  forms  are  found  in  Cambrian  rocks. 

There  is  no  generally  accepted  classification  of  the  Starfishes.  Not  only 
do  specialists  disagree  as  to  the  orders  and  families,  but  there  is  the  widest 
divergence  of  opinion  as  to  the  principles  upon  which  the  classification  should 
be  based.  Unfortunately  none  of  the  zoologists  who  have  in  recent  years 
attempted  to  formulate  a  classification  for  the  group,  except  Sladen,_has  taken 
fossils  into  account,  and  even  Sladen  was  inclined  arbitrarily  to  separate 
Paleozoic  and  Recent  forms.  The  latest  authority,  Fisher,  accepts  three 
orders  but  does  not  consider  their  limits  as  satisfactorily  determined.  The 
study  of  Recent  forms  has  shown  that  the  characters  of  the  tube-feet, 
reproductive  organs  and  other  soft  parts  are  of  real  importance  in  determin- 
ing family  limits,  and  that  the  pedicellariae  are  possibly  of  even  ordinal 
importance,  hence  it  is  exceedingly  difficult  to  intercalate  fossil  Starfishes  in  a 
classification  of  the  living  forms.  As  has  been  suggested  above,  Gregory  is 
very  possibly  correct  in  his  view  that  the  alternation  of  the  ambulaci'al 
ossicles  cannot  be  considered  of  fundamental  importance,  but  may  often  be 
only  a  result  of  pressure  during  fossilisation.  It  certainly  ought  not  to  be 
used  to  isolate  all  Paleozoic  forms,  or  most  of  them,  in  a  class  by  themselves. 
One  character  upon  Avhich  stress  was  first  laid  by  Sladen  has  come  to  be 
generally  regarded  as  of  fundamental  importance,  i.e.  the  size  and  appearance 
of  the  marginal  plates.  The  genera  in  which  these  plates  are  large  and 
conspicuous  have  the  papulae  confined  to  the  space  bounded  by  the  upper 
series  or  supero-marginals ;  and  this  group,  called  Phanerozonia  by  •  Sladen,  is 
now  quite  generally  accepted  although  its  exact  limits,  at  least  among  living 




Starfishes,  are  still  uncertain.  All  other  Starfishes  may  be  grouped,  as  was 
done  by  Sladen,  in  a  contrasting  order,  Cryptozonia ;  but  this  is  probably  not 
a  natural  group,  and  Fisher  distinguishes  two  divisions.  These,  however,  are 
separated  by  characters  not  ascertainable  in  Paleozoic  remains,  and  for  practical 
purposes,  the  paleontologist  may  well  accept  the  Cryptozonia. 

Order  1.     PHANBROZONIA. 

Asteroidea  in  which  the  marginal  ])lates  are  large  and  conspicuous ;  papulae 
nearly  always  confined  to  the  dorsal  surface;  ambulacral  ossicles  not  crowded,  and 
tube  feet  in  two  rows  in  each  ambulacral  groove. 

This  order  includes  a  large  proportion  of  the  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic 
Starfishes,  besides  numerous  Kecent  genera.  Fisher  groups  the  Eecent  forms 
in  no  less  than  a  dozen  families,  and  Gregory  gives  four  others  for  Paleozoic 
species  alone.  Many  of  the  Recent  families  are  not  known  as  fossils,  and 
others  may  have  one  or  a  few  extinct  representatives.  The  most  important 
families  and  genera  from  a  paleontological  point  of  view  are  the  following. 

Family  1.     Palaeasteridae. 

The  typical  members  of  this  family  have  the  ambulacral  ossicles  more  or 
less  completely  alternating.     The  adanibulacral  plates  are  most  conspicuous 

in  the  mouth  parts.  The 
marginal  plates  and  many 
of  the  abactinal  plates  are 

The  exact  limits  of  this 
family  are  hard  to  determine, 
as  the  known  forms  are  all 
from  the  lower  Paleozoic. 
The  typical  genus  Falaeaster 
Hall  (Fig.  351)  is  known 
from  both  Europe  and 
America.  Hudson  has  re- 
cently proposed  a  new  order 
and  family  for  an  interesting 
Starfish  (Protopalaeaster) 
from  the  Ordovician  rocks  of 
Canada.  It  is,  however, 
probably  allied  to  Palaeaster. 
The  i^lates  which  Hudson 
calls  epineurals  are  probably 
the  amhulacrals  seen  from  within,  the  dorsal  side  of  the  animal  being  lost. 

Several  genera  allied  to  Palaeaster  have  been  described  (Petraster  Billings ; 
Archasterias  Midler ;  Argaster  Hall ;  Ataxaster  Jaekel,  etc.),  while  other  less 
typical  forms  (Xenaster  Simonowitsch ;  Tetraster  Eth.  and  Nich.)  have  been  the 
subject  of  debate  as  to  their  true  position.  Whether  Lindsfroemaster  Gregory 
is  properly  referable  to  this  family  is  not  certain  ;  it  bears  considerable  super- 
ficial resemblance  to  the  Goniasteridae. 


bhi.  351. 

Palaeaster  enckarls  Hall.  Devonian;  Hamilton,  New  York.  A, 
Ventral  aspect,  natural  size.  B,  Dorsal  surface  of  one  of  the  arms. 
(•',  Diagrannnatic  view  of  ventral  surface  of  the  arms  (after  Hall"). 




Family  2.     Astropectinidae. 

This  is  one  of  the  largest  families  of  Recent  and  Mesozoic  Phanerozonia, 
about  twenty  Eecent  genera  being  known.  The  ambulacral  ossicles  are 
opposite  but  that  seems  to  be  the  only  difference  from  the  Palaeasteridae. 
The  type-genus,  Astropecten  Gray  (Fig.  349),  occurs  in  the  Lias  and  later 
Mesozoic,  and  is  still  a  large  and  widespread  genus.  It  is  quite  possible  that 
some  Paleozoic  forms  are  nearly  related,  if  not  actually  congeneric,  as  for 
example,  Astropecten  schlilteri  Stiirtz,  from  the  Devonian.  The  lower  Silurian 
Siluraster  Jaekel  is  also  very  probably  one  of  this  family. 

Family  3.     Aspidosomatidae. 

This  family  is  characterised  by  alternate  ambulacral  ossicles  and  large 
interradial  areas.  The  rays  are  more  or  less  petaloid  or  tapering,  and  the 
disk  is  large.  All  of  the  known 
forms  are  from  the  Paleozoic  and 
their  structure  is  not  only  incom- 
pletely known,  but  there  is  the 
widest  difference  of  opinion  in  inter- 
preting such  characters  as  are  dis- 
tinguishable. The  ,  type -genus 
Aspidosoma  (Fig.  352)  has  been 
very  carefully  studied  by  Schon- 
dorf.  As  a  result  of  these  studies, 
he  proposed  a  new  class  called 
Auluroidea.  The  structure  of 
Aspidosoma  shows,  however,  that 
it  is  probably  a  phanerozonate  Star- 
fish. Allied  genera  are  Falaeonedria 

and   lalaeOStella    Stiirtz,   and   Tncha-   lahnstein,  Nassau.    ^,  Ventral aspect,  natural  size,    i;,  Arm 
,    _         .     -pi   1  '  viewed   from  the   dorsal  side.      C,  Ventral  aspect  of  arm, 

SteVOpSlS  IliCK,  enlarged  (after  Simonowitsch). 


Fid.  352. 
Aspidosoma  pctalokles  Simon.     Lower  Devonian  ;  Nieder- 

Family  4.     Taeniasteridae. 

In  this  family,  which  is  also  confined  to  the  Paleozoic, 
the  disk  is  very  small  and  the  rays  are  long  and  tapering. 
The  adambulacral  plates  are  lai^ge  and  marginal  in  position. 
The  marginal  plates  bear  spines  on  their  free  ends.  The 
principal  genera  are  Taeniaster  and  Stenaster  Billings,  from 
the  Lower  Silurian  of  Canada,  and  Salteraster  Stiirtz,  from 
the  Silurian  of  England.  Perhaps  Prof  aster  acanthioii  Stiirtz, 
PentagonasterCi)  from  the  Devonian  of  Germany,  also  belongs  here. 

ipre^siis    (Quenst.).  ''  ° 


Upper  Jura ;  Reiehen- 
bacli  im  Tliale.  A, 
Supero  -  marginal 
plate.  B,  Infero- 
marginal  plate.  C, 
Plate  with  supposed 

Family  5.     Goniasteridae  (  =  Pentagonasteridae). 

These  Starfishes  are  generally  recognisable  by  their  flattened 
(after  form,  short  rays,  very  large  disk,  and  very  conspicuous 
marginal  plates.  The  family  is  a  large  one,  with  more  than 
forty  Recent  genera,  and  its  limits  are  ill  defined.  It  first  appears  in  the 
Jurassic,  and  it  is  well  represented  in  Cretaceous  strata.    The  genus  Pentagonaster 




Gray,  was  monotypic  when  described,  and  as  now  limited  probably  contains 
no  fossil  forms  ;  but  a  considerable  number  of  species  and  fragments  (Figs. 
347,  348,  353)  from  the  Mesozoic  have  been  referred  to  it.     An  allied  genus, 

Mctopaster  parkinsoni  (Forbes), 
(after  Forbes). 

Fig.  354. 

Lower  Chalk  ;    Sussex. 

A,  Ventral  aspect.  '  B,  Viewed  from  one  side 

Mefopaster  Sladen  (Fig.  354),  is  represented  by  numerous  species  in  the 
Cretaceous  rocks  of  England.  Other  Cretaceous  genera  are  Pycinaster  Spencer, 
and  Mitraster  Sladen,  while  Leptaster  de  Loriol  is  found  in  Jurassic  strata. 

Fig.  366. 

SpTiaerites  scutatus  Goldf. 
Upper  Jura;  Sontheim, 

Fi(i.  35' 

A,  Sphaerites  tahulatus 
Goldf.  B,  Sphaer.  imnctahis 
Goldf.  Upper  Jura;  Streit- 
berg,  Franconia. 

Fig.  355. 

A,  Oreasterjurassicus (Zitt).  Upper  Jura  ;  Bemfeld,  near  Ingolstadt, 
Bavaria.  V-  B,  0.  thorarifer  (Gein.).  Planer ;  Plauen,  Saxony. 
Marginal  plate.     C,  0.  primaevus  (Zitt.).     Upper  Jura  ;  Streitberg. 

Several  Recent  genera,  such  as  Calliderma  Gray ;  Nymphaster  Sladen ; 
Compfonia  Gray,  have  been  thought  to  have  Cretaceous  representatives,  and 
there  is  little  reason  to  doubt  that  many  Cretaceous  Starfishes  of  this  family 
were  congeneric,  at  least  in  a  broad  sense,  with  those  of  to-day. 


I'amily  6.     Oreasteridae  (wrongly  Pentacerotidae). 

This  family  includes  some  of  the  largest  Recent  Starfishes,  characterised  by 
a  massive  skeleton,  with  large,  though  sometimes  concealed,  marginal  plates. 
Conspicuous  spines  or  tubercles  are  commonly  found  on  the  abactinal  plates. 
The  type  genus  Oreaster  M.  and  T.  (wrongly  Pentaceros)  (Fig.  355),  is  wide- 
spread in  shallow  water  in  the  tropics,  while  geologically  it  is  known  at  least 
as  early  as  the  Upper  Jura.  Numerous  species  of  this  genus  occur  in  the 
Cretaceous.  Arthraster  Forbes,  and  Staiiranderaster  Spencer,  from  the  British 
Cretaceous  probably  belong  to  this  family. 

Family  7.     Sphaerasteridae. 

Isolated  plates,  to  which  Quenstedt  gave  the  name  Sphaerites,  from  the 
Jurassic  rocks  of  Germany,  France  and  Switzerland,  have  long  puzzled 
paleontologists,  but  Schondorf  has  recently  shown  that  they  belong  to  certain 
remarkable  Starfishes,  which  he  calls  Sphaeraster,  allied  to  the  Oreasteridae. 
In  some  cases  (Fig.  356)  the  plates  bear  large  spines,  but  in  others  they  are 
simply  punctate  (Fig.  357),  or  quite  smooth.  The  animal  was  high  hemi- 
spherical in  form,  and  the  large  ones  were  25  cm.  in  diameter.  They  seem  to 
have  been  confined  to  Jurassic  seas. 

Order  2.     CRYPTOZONIA. 

Asteroidea  in  which  the  marginal  plates  are  small  and  inconspicuous ;  papulae 
distributed  on  the  m'ol  surface ;  ambulacral  ossicles  are  often  crowded  and  tube-feet 
may  be  in  four  rows  in  each  groove. 

Between  fifteen  and  twenty  families  of  cryptozonate  Starfishes  are  now 
recognised,  but  the  great  bulk  of  these  are  Recent  forms.  The  order  is  rare  in 
the  Paleozoic,  and  the  structure  of  those  forms  which  are  referred  to  it  is  im- 
perfectly known.  Accordingly,  their  systematic  position  is  doubtful.  The 
genus  Falasterina  M'Coy  (Cambrian  to  Devonian ;  Europe  and  North  America) 
is  regarded  by  some  writers  as  cryptozonate  and  by  others  as  phanerozonate. 
It  is  probably  related  to  Asterina  Nardo,  a  widespread  Recent  genus,  which 
Sladen  considered  phanerozonate,  other  writers  to  the  contrary  notwith- 
standing. The  genera  Palaeocoma,  Bdellacoma  and  Bhopalocoma  Salter  are 
probably  Ciyptozonia  but  their  family  position  is  very  doubtful. 

Lepidaster  Forbes,  of  uncertain  affinities,  is  an  interesting  Silurian  genus 
with  large  disk  and  thirteen  rays.  Etlieridgaster  Gregory,  from  the  Carboni- 
ferous of  New  South  Wales,  is  considered  by  its  describer  as  a  related  genus, 
although  it  has  only  five  rays  and  was  originally  regarded  as  a  Palaeaster. 
Med'usaster  Stiirtz  is  notable  for  having  fourteen  rays,  and  Helianthaster  Roemer 
is  another  remarkable  form  with  sixteen  rays.  The  latter  has  been  regarded 
by  some  as  a  Starfish  and  by  others  as  an  Ophiuran  ;  it  is  probable  that  it 
belongs  in  the  Cryptozonia,  but  most  unlikely  that  it  is  related  to  the  Recent 
South  American  Heliasfer. 

It  is  possible  that  the  Recent  family  Linckiidae  is  represented  in  the  Devonian 
by  Pioemeraster  Stiirtz,  but  the  relationship  is  very  dubious.  The  genera 
Palasteriscus  and  Echinasterella  of  Stiirtz  from  the  Devonian  are  said  to  have  the 
madrepoi-ite  on  the  oral  side,  which  would  alone  render  them  worthy  of  note. 
Loriolaster  and  Cheiropteraster  Stiirtz,  also  from  the  wonderful  Bundenbach 
slates,  are  possibly  allied  to  the  Recent  Pterasteridae.     Mesozoic  and  Tertiary 




Cryptozonate  Asteroids  are  very  rare.  The  Kecent  genus  Solaster  Forbes  is 
represented  by  a  species  with  numerous  arms  in  the  Great  Oolite  of  England. 
Two  important  families  of  Recent  Cryptozonia  are  the  Echinasteridae  and 
the  Asteriidae.  A  species  of  Echinaster  M.  and  T.  has  been  described  from 
the  Neocomian,  and  Forbes  thought  he  found  in  the  Red  Crag  of  England 
remains  of  the  now  common  Asterias  rubens  Linn.  It  is  strange  that  no  good 
evidence  has  been  found  of  the  occurrence  of  Asterias  in  Tertiary  strata. 

Class  2.     OPHIUROIDEA  Gray.    Brittle  Stars.i 

Asterozoans  having  a  more  or  less  sharply  defined  central  disk  containing  a  simple 
digestive  cavity  which  does  not  radiate  into  the  slender  rounded  arms,  and  has  no  anal 
opening.  Reproductive  organs  confined  to  the  disk.  Arms  with  an  axis  composed  of 
calcareous  joints,  the  elements  of  which  are  usually  fused  to  forin  "vertebral  ossicles," 
encased  with  plates  or  covered  with  a  leathery  skin,  and  very  rarely  ivith  open 
ambidacral  grooves.     Madreporite  constantly  on  the  actinal  (oral)  side  of  the  disk. 

y  Fir;.  358. 

A,  Vortical  section  of  an  Opliiuran  ami.  w,  Vertebral  ossicle  ;  «,  Anibulacral  vessel,  with  side-branches  lead- 
ing into  the  tube-feet ;  h.  Blood-vessel ;  ii,  Nerve-cord  ;  v,  Ventral  or  lower  arm-plate;  I,  Side-plates  ;  d,  Dorsal 
plate.  B,  Vertebral  ossicle,  seen  from  the  inward  side,  with  surrounding  arm-plates.  C,  Row  of  vertebral 
ossicles  viewed  from  the  side,  and  slightly  enlarged  ;  x,  Apertures  where  the  branches  of  the  ambulacral  vessel 
enter  and  emerge  from  the  arm-bones  ;  y,  Depressions  for  the  insertion  of  intravertebral  muscles.  D,  Mouth- 
frame  of  an  Ophiuran,  with  the  proximal  vertebral  ossicles.  The  heavy  lines  bordering  the  arms  represent  the 
genital  slits  ;  the  dark  pentagon  in  the  centre  marks  the  course  of  the  nerve-ring. 

Ophiuroids  are  distinguished  from  the  typical  Starfishes  by  their  cylin- 
drical flexible  arms,  which  are  sharply  separated  from  the  central  disk,  and 

^  Literature  :  Liltken,  C.  F.,  Additamenta  ad  liistoriam  Ophiuridarum.  Kougl.  dan.  Vidensk. 
Selskabs  Skrifter,  v.  and  viii.,  1858-69. — Lyman,  T.,  Opbinridae  and  Astrophytidae.  Illustr.  Cat. 
Mus.  Comp.  Zool.  Cambridge,  Nos.  i.-iii.,  1865.  —  Ludwig,  II.,  Beitriige  zur  Anatoniie  der 
Ophiuren.  Zeitschr.  fiir  wissenscli.  Zool.,  vols.  x.xxi.,  xxxiv.,  1878-80. — Ludwig,  H.,  Morphologische 
Studien  an  Echinodermen.  Leipzic,  1877-79.— Lymcpi,  T.,  Report  on  the  Ophiuroidea.  Challenger 
Expedition,  Zoology,  vol.  v.,  1882. — Picard,  K.,  tjber  Ophiuren  aus  dem  oberen  Muschelkalk. 
Zeitschr.  deutsch.  geol.  Gesellsch.,  vol.  xxxviii.,  1886. — Boehm,  G.,  Beitrag  zur  Kenntniss  fossiler 
Ophiuren.  Berichte  naturf.  Gesellsch.,  Freiburg,  v.,  1889. — Gregory,  J.  W.,  On  the  classification 
of  the  Palaeozoic  Ecliinodernis  of  the  group  Ophiuroidea.  Proc.  Zool.  Soc,  London,  1896. — SoUas, 
W.  J.,  On  Silurian  Echinoidea  and  Ophiuroidea.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc. ,  1899,  vol.  Iv. — Ilainann, 
0.,  Die  Schlaugensterne.  Buch  iii.,  Abt.  3,  Bd.  2,  of  Bronn's  Klassen  und  Ordnuugen  des  Tier- 
reich.s,  1901. — Strassen,  0.  zur,  Zur  Morphologie  des  Mundskelettes  der  Ophiurideu.  Zool.  Anz., 
1901,  vol.  xxiv. — Jnekd,  0.,  Asteriden  und  Ophiurideu  aus  deni  Silur  Bohmens.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch. 
Geol.  Ges.,  1903,  vol.  Iv. — Parks,  W.  A.,  Notes  on  the  Ophiuran  genus  Protaster.  Trans.  Canad.,    1909,   vol.    vhi.—SoUas,  I.  B.J.  and    W.  J.,   Lapworthura  :  A  typical  Brittle-star  of  the 

Silurian  Age. 

Phil.  Trans.,  1912,  vol.  ccii. 




do  not  contain  diverticula  of  the  alimentary  canal  nor  of  the  sexual  organs. 
The  arms  serve  as  locomotive  organs,  and  are  either  elegantly  plated 
or  protected  by  a  coriaceous  skin,  in  which  minute  granules  and  scales  are 
embedded.  When  plated,  the  covering  consists  typically  of  four  rows  of 
calcareous  plates,  known  as  the  upper,  lower  and  side  arm-plates  (Fig.  358,  A). 
The  lateral  or  adamhulacral  plates  usually  carry  rows  of  mobile  spines. 

The  greater  part  of  the  interior  of  the  arms  is  occupied  by  a  linear  series  of 
jointed,  vertebra-like  sections  called  the  vertebral  ossicles  or  arm  bones,  each  of 
which  is  made  up  of  two,  or  possibly  of  four,  ambulacral  pieces  soldered  side 
by  side  (Fig.  358,  B,  C).  The  halves  of  the  first  two  vertebral  disks  ai"e  swung 
laterally  into  the  interbrachial  space,  being  fused  together  to  form  the  mouth 
angle.  The  remainder  of  the  arm-bones  are  movably  articulated  with  one 
another  by  means  of  bosses  Avhich  project  from  the  centres  of  both  surfaces, 
the  interspaces  being  filled  with  muscles.  The  entire  series  is  incised  inferiorly 
along  the  median  line  for  the  reception  of  the  radial  water-tube,  beneath 
which  runs  the  radial  blood-vessel  and  nerve  cord,  the  whole  being  closed  in  by 
the  integument.  The  radial  ambulacral  vessel  (water-tube)  gives  off"  a  pair  of 
lateral  branches  in  each  arm  ossicle  which  pierce  the  bone  itself,  and  supply 


Fig.  359. 

Portion  of  central  disk  of  Ophiura  viewed 
from  the  dorsal  side,  a,  Radial  shields ; 
h,  Upper  arm-plates  ;  c,  Side  arm-plates. 

Fig.  360. 

Portion  of  central  disk  of  Ophiura 
viewed  from  the  ventral  side,  a,  Mouth 
shield ;  h,  Side  mouth  shield  ;  c,  Jaws 
bearing  papillae  ;  g,  Genital  slits  ;  h,  Side 
arm-plates ;  (',  Pores  for  the  emission  of 
the  tube -feet,  surrounded  with  tentacle 
scales  ;  fc,  Spines. 

the  tentacle-like  tube-feet  with  water.  The  tube-feet  are  without  either 
ampullae  or  terminal  suckers,  and  the  orifice  of  the  plates  through  which  they 
protrude  is  often  protected  by  one  or  more  minute  tentacle  scales  {papillae 
ambulacrales),  which  serve  to  cover  the  tentacles  when  they  are  drawn  in. 

On  the  under  side  of  the  disk  is  seen  the  central,  star-shaped  aperture  of 
the  mouth  (Fig.  363),  which  leads  into  a  large  sac-like  stomach.  The  latter 
terminates  blindly,  there  being  no  intestine.  The  body  cavity  also  contains 
the  ambulacral,  blood  and  nerve  rings,  as  well  as  the  generative  glands,  whose 
ducts  open  into  folded  pouches  or  bursae.  The  bursae  are  arranged  in  five 
pairs,  one  to  each  interbrachial  area,  and  communicate  with  the  exterior  by 
means  of  slit-like  fissures  (genital  slits),  which  skirt  the  arm  bases  inferiorly, 
and  are  bounded  by  genital  or  bursal  scales.  Sometimes  the  fissures  are 
discontinuous  (Ophioderma),  appearing  as  two  slits,  one  behind  the  other  ;  and  in 
some  fossil  forms  they  are  represented  by  rows  of  pores. 

The  integument  covering   the  entire  upper  surface  of  the  disk  and  the 

'interbrachial   area  on  the  ventral  side  is   frequently   beset  with    calcareous 

plates ;  but  this  scale  coat  may  be  covered  in  turn  with  a  thick  skin,  or  bear 

spines  or  granules.      A  large  central  plate  is  sometimes  recognisable  on  the 

dorsal  aspect  of  the  disk,  together  with  five  pairs  of  plates,  which,  from  their 


position  at  the  points  of  origin  of  the  arms,  are  called  radial  shields 
(Fig.  359).  On  the  ventral  surface  of  the  disk,  the  inner  angle  of  each 
interbrachial  space  is  occupied  by  a  single  large  plate  termed  the  mouth 
shield  (scutum  buccale)  (Fig.  360),  one  of  which  serves  as  the  madreporic  body. 
But  in  the  Cladophiuroida  the  mouth  shields  are  often  feebly  developed,  or  may 
be  wanting  altogether ;  and  in  place  of  them  a  madreporite  is  found  in  one  or 
all  of  the  interrays.  The  mouth  shields  are  bounded  proximally  by  a  pair  of 
somewhat  smaller  plates  called  the  side  mouth  shields.  Finally,  within  the 
side  mouth  shields,  and  usually  pressing  against  them,  are  the  jatos  which  are 
sometimes  covered  by  the  skin  or  by  granulations  (Fig.  360).  Teeth  are 
constantly  present,  being  attached  to  the  jaw-plates  by  small  muscles,  and 
other  tooth-like  processes  (tootli-])apillae  and  oral-papillae^  are  generally  present 
at  the  inner  angle  or  along  the  sides  of  the  jaws. 

A  natural  classification  of  the  Ophiuroidea  remains  to  be  established. 
Those  who  have  worked  principally  on  Eecent  forms  have  not,  as  a  rule, 
proposed  any  completed  system ;  and  so  while  our  knowledge  of  the  number 
and  variety  of  Recent  species  has  increased  enormously,  no  progress  has  been 
made  toward  a  rational  arrangement  of  the  class.  On  the  other  hand,  some 
valuable  work  by  paleontologists  has  been  vitiated  by  ignorance  of  the  Recent 
forms,  while  the  difficulties  of  the  material  with  which  such  work  must  be 
done  has  led  to  radical  differences  of  interpretation  and  opinion. 

The  proposed  groups  Protophiuroidea  and  Euophiuroidea  may  be  natural 
divisions,  but  as  the  character  upon  which  the  class  is  differentiated  is  the  struc- 
ture of  the  arm  and  the  development  of  "  vertebral  ossicles,"  the  classification 
proposed  by  Bell  and  elaborated  by  Gregory  may  better  be  adopted  as  a 
basis  for  further  study.  Under  this  system  four  orders  may  be  recognised, 
but  family  limits  are  uncertain  and  unsatisfactory.  The  termination  of 
Gregory's  ordinal  names  is  altered  to  end  in  -oida. 

Order  1.     LYSOPHIUROIDA. 

Ophiuroidea  in  which  the  vertebral  ossicles  are  incomplete,  the  two  halves  not 
being  united,  but  separate  and  alternate.  There  are  no  ventral  arm-plates  and  thus 
a  more  or  less  distinct  ambulacral  furrow  is  present. 

This  order  includes  a  group  of  Paleozoic  Asterozoans,  intermediate 
between  Ophiurans  and  Starfishes.  They  differ  from  the  latter  only  in  the 
general  form,  the  arms  being  sharply  set  off  from  the  disk,  but  probably  the 
alimentary  canal  and  reproductive  organs  were  confined  to  the  disk.  The 
characters  of  the  ambulacral  plates  are  often  uncertain,  but  they  may  be 
either  subquadrate  or  "boot-shaped."  The  character  of  the  mouth-parts  in 
this  order  and  the  next  has  been  well  worked  out  by  the  Sollases,  and  their 
primitive  character  clearly  shown.  The  principal  genera  are  Protaster  Forbes 
from  the  Silurian,  and  Bundenbachia  and  Palaeophiura  Stiirtz,  from  the  Devonian 
of  Europe.  The  Ophiurans  from  the  Lower  Silurian  strata  of  Bohemia, 
whose  structure  is  discussed  by  Jaekel,  are  undoubtedly  members  of  this 
order.     The  most  important  genus  is  Bohemura. 


Ophiuroidea  in  which  the  vertebral  ossicles  are  more  or  less  complete,  and  in 
any  case,  the  ttvo  halves  are  opposite.     The  ossicles  articulate  with  each  other  by  ball- 




and-socket  joints.  The  arm-plates  are  move  or  less  completely  developed  and  the  side 
arm-plates  may  carry  spines.  Arms  may  be  very  short  with  relatively  enormous 
tuhe-feet,  as  is  apparently  the  case  in  Eucladia. 

This  order  includes  a  number  of  Paleozoic  forms  and  not  a  few  Eecent 
species.  Important  genera  are  Ophiurina  Stiirtz,  Devonian,  with  separate  am- 
bulacral  ossicles  and  no  ventral  arm- 
plates  ;  Lapworthura  Gregory,  Silurian, 
with  barely  fused  ambulacral  ossicles, 
and  no  ventral  arm-plates  ;  Sympterura 
Bather,  Devonian,  similar  to  Lap- 
ivorthura,  but  with  narrower  rays  and 
spinulose  disk ;  and  Eoluidia  Stiirtz, 
Devonian,  with  fused  ossicles,  and  with 
ventral  arm -plates.  The  genus  Ony- 
chaster  Meek  and  Worthen  (Fig.  361), 
Lower  Carboniferous,  has  usually  been 
regarded     as     representative     of     the 

■1  Tji  Tj       -u    i  it,        1,  i„      „£       Omieliaster flexilis  M.  and  W.    Liower  (Jarbonit'erous : 

modern    Euryallds,   but  the   character  of  (after  Meek  and  Worthe,.).  .4,In- 

the    ambulacral    ossicles    necessitates    its    dividual  of  the  natural  size  with   roUed   up  arms; 

the  dorsal  covering  of  the  central  disk  is  removed, 
inclusion  in  this  order.  The  remarkable  exposing;  the  mouth  frame.  £,  Mouth  frame  enlarged, 
o  •  1       •  n      7     7  •    ^TT       111    viewed  from  above :  C,  Vertebral  ossicle,  enlarged. 

Silurian  genera  Lucla\iia  Woodward,  and 

Euthemon  Sollas,  are  exceedingly  diflficult  to  place,  and  their  relation  to  other 

Ophiurans  is  problematical. 

Fig.  361. 
Onyehaster  flexilis  M.  and  W.    Lower  Carboniferous ; 

Order  3.     CLADOPHIUROIDA. 

Ophiuroidea  in  lohich  the  vertebral  ossicles  are  complete  and  articulate  with  each 
other  by  means  of  hourglass- shaped  surfaces.  The  arms  are  often  dichotomously 
branched  and  lack  regular  series  of  arm-plates. 

This  order  includes  a  large  number  of  Recent  forms,  those  with  branched 

Fig.  362. 

Aspidura  loricata  (Goldfuss).     Muschelkalk  ;  Waschbach,  Wiirtemberg.     A,  group  of  individuals  of  the 

natural  size  (after  Quenstedt).    B,  Ventral  aspect,  enlarged  (after  Pohlig). 

arms  {Astrophyton,  Gorgonocephalus,  Euryale)  being  known  as  "  Basket-fish  "  or 
"  Sea-spiders."  Fossil  forms  are  rare,  but  certain  Mesozoic  remains  of  doubt- 
ful position  have  been  referred  to  the  Recent  genera  Astrocnida  and  Euryale. 
Onyehaster,  the  Streptophiuran  referred  to  above,  has  peculiarities  that  suggest 




this  order,  but  the  form  of  the  ossicles  certainly  seems  to  exclude  it. 
Moreover,  Eudadia,  so  far  as  its  structure  is  known,  is  capable  of  very  diverse 
interpretations,  and  the  possibility  that  it  is  a  Starfish  rather  than  an 
Ophiuran,  must  not  be  wholly  ignored. 

Order  4.     ZYGOPHIUROIDA. 

Ophiuroidea  with  simple  anns,  perfecMy  regular  series  of  arm-p>lcites  and  vertebral 
ossicles  fully  developed.  The  movement  of  the  ossicles  on  each  other  is  greatly  limited 
by  the  development  of  lateral  processes  and  pits  on  their  articulating  surfaces. 

This  order  includes  the  great  bulk  of  the  Recent  Ophiurans  as  well  as 

those  of  the  Mesozoic  and  Tertiary. 
Indeed  some  of  the  Recent  genera  seem 
to  have  been  differentiated  as  far  back 
as  the  Jurassic,  and  Ophioderma  appar- 
ently occurs  in  the  Triassic.  No 
Paleozoic  forms  can  certainly  be  re- 
ferred to  this  group. 

The  genera  Aspidura  (Fig.  362) 
and  Acrura  Agassiz  are  occasionally 
abundant  in  the  German  Muschelkalk, 
and  certain  Liassic  Ophiui'ans  were 
also,  like  many  Recent  species,  notably 
gregarious.  In  the  Lower,  Middle 
and  Upper  Jura  are  found  Brittle  Stars 
closely  allied  to  the  Recent  Ophiolepis 


Pig.  363. 

Opliiocten  kelheimense  BiJhm.  Lithographic  Stone  ; 
Kelheim,  Bavaria.  A,  Ventral  aspect  of  dislj.  B, 
Dorsal  surface  of  one  of  the  arms.  (Both  figures  en- 
larged ;  original  in  Munich  Museum.) 

Fig.  3ti4. 

Geocowi  carinnta  Goldf.  Lithographic  Stone  ;  Zandt,  near  Solenhofcn,  Bavaria.  A,  Individual  of  the 
natural  size.  B,  Dorsal  aspect  of  disk,  showing  granulations  and  central  depression.  C,  Ventral  surface  of  one 
of  the  arms.     (Figs.  B  and  C  enlarged.) 

M.  and  T. ;  Ophiocten  Ltk.  (Fig.  363);  Ophiura  Lamk.  (Figs.  359,  360);  and 
Ophiomusium  Lyman.  It  is  possible  that  some  of  these  are  really  congeneric 
with  Recent  species.  The  Mesozoic  genus  Geocoma  d'Orb.  (Fig.  364)  is  related 
to  the  Recent  Amphiura  Forbes,  but  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  some  of 
the  species  referred  to  it  are  based  on  material  which  cannot  be  determined 
so  precisely.  Liitken  considers  Ophiurella  elegaiis  Ag.,  from  the  Lithographic 
Stone  of  Solcnhofen,  to  be  a  member  of  the  Recent  genus  Ophiocoma  Ag.,  but 


it  is  doubtful  whether  it  may  not  be  quite  as  properly  assigned  to  one  of 
several  other  genera.  Other  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous  forms  have  been 
assigned  by  Liitken  to  Ophmra  Lamk.  (Ophioglypha  Lym.),  and  there  is  good 
reason  to  believe  that  the  genus,  in  a  broad  sense,  is  one  of  the  oldest  now 
living.  Fossil  Ophiurans,  whose  disk-covering  or  mouth  parts  cannot  be 
determined,  ought  not  to  be  assigned  to  Recent  genera,  but  all  such  and  all 
others  which  cannot  be  accurately  characterised  may  well  be  designated  by 
the  broad  term  Ophiurites. 

[The  text  for  the  foi-egoing  section  on  Asterozoa  has  been  revised  for  the  present  work 
by  Dr.  Hubert  Lyman  Clark,  of  the  Harvard  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  at  Cambridge, 
Massachusetts.  — Edito  ii.  ] 

SuBPHYLUM  C.     Echinozoa  Leuckart. 

Armless  and  non-pedunculate  Echinodermata,  with  glohdar,  cordiform,  discoidal 
or  worm-like  bodies,  which  are  either  encased  in  a  plated  test  or  are  invested  with  a 
leathery  integument,  embedded  within  which  are  small-sized  detached  calcareous  bodies. 

Class  1.    ECHINOIDEA  Bronn.    Sea-Urchins.i 

Animals  possessing  a  wide  range  of  structure,  but  hating  alimentary,  reproductive, 
nerve  and  water  vascular  systems  within  an  enclosing  superficial  pentamerous  plated 
skeleton,  which  bears  movable  spines.  There  are  from  two  to  twenty  columns  of  plates 
in  each  of  the  five  ambulacral  areas,  and  from  one  to  fourteen  columns  of  plates  in 

1  Literature  :  Agassiz,  L.,  and  JJesor,  £.,  Description  des  echinides  fossiles  de  la  Stiisse,  1839- 
1840. — Catalogue  raisonne  des  families,  genres,  et  des  especes  de  la  classe  des  echinides.  Ann.  des 
Sci.  Nat.,  1846-47. — d'Orbign//,  A.,  Paleontologie  fran^aise.  Terrains  cretaces  1853-55,  vol.  vi. — 
Cotteau,  G.  II.,  and  Triger,  Echinides  du  departement  de  la  Sarthe,  1857. — Desor,  E.,  Synopsis 
des  echinides  fossiles.  Paris,  1858.  —  Wright,  T.,  Monograph  on  the  British  fossil  Echinodermata 
of  the  Oolitic  Formations.  Palaeontograph.  Soc,  1857-78. — Idem,  Cretaceous  Formations.  Palaeont. 
Soc,  1864-82. — Cotteau,  G.,  Paleontologie  fran9aise,  vols.  vii. ,  ix.  andx.,  1862-79.— Lmibe,  G.  C, 
Echiuodermen  des  viceutischen  Tertiiirgebietes.  Deukschr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  vol.  xxix.,  1868. 
— Loriol,  P.  de,  and  Desor,  E.,  Echinologie  helvetique,  vols,  i.-iii.  Geneva,  1868-85. — Quenstedt, 
F.  A.,  Petrefractenkunde  Deutschlands  (vol.  iii.,  Echiniden),  1872-75. — Agassiz,  A.,  Revision  of 
the  Echini.  111.  Cat.  Museum  Comp.  Zool.  Cambridge,  No.  7,  1872-74. — Reports  on  the  Echini 
of  the  Hassler  (1874),  Challenger  (1881)  and  Blake  (1883)  ExiJeditions.  — Zow'm,  S.,  Etudes  sur  les 
echinoidees.  Sveusk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Haudl.,  vol.  xi.,  1874. — Cotteau,  Peron,  and  Gauthier, 
Echinides  fossiles  de  I'Algerie.  Paris,  1876-91. — Loriol,  P.  de,  Monographic  paleontologique,  etc. 
Abhandl.  Schweiz.  Pal.  Gesellsch.,  1876-81,  vols,  iii.,  viii. — Dames,  W.,  Die  Echiniden  der 
viceutischen  vmd  verouischen  Tertiar-Ablagerungen.  Palaeontographica,  1877,  vol.  xxv. — Agassiz, 
A.,  Palaeontological  and  Embryological  Development.  Proc.  Amer.  Assoc.  Adv.  Sci.,  1880. 
— Duncan,  P.  M.,  and  Sladen,  W.  P.,  Monograph  of  the  fossil  Echinoidea  of  Western  Sind. 
Palaeont.  Indica,  Ser.  xiv.,  1882-84.- — Scklilter,  C,  Die  reguliiren  Echiniden  der  norddeutschen 
Kreide.  Abhandl.  zur  geolog.  Special-Karte  von  Preussen,  vol.  iv.,  1883. — Idem,  Neue  Folge, 
Heft  5,  1892. — Loriol,  P.  de,  Descrij^tiou  des  echinides.  Commission  des  travaux  gcol.  du  Portugal, 
1887-88,  vol.  ii. — Loven,  S.,  On  Pourtalesia.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Haudl.,  1884,  voL  xix. — 
Pomel,  N.  A.,  Classification  methodique  et  genera  des  echinides  vivantes  et  fossiles,  1883. — Duncan, 
P.  M.,  Revision  of  the  Genera  and  Great  Groups  of  the  Echuioidea.  Journ.  Linn.  Soc,  1889, 
vol.  xxiii. — Loven,  S.,  Echiuologica.  Bihaug  till  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Haudl.,  1892,  vol. 
xviii. — Clark,  W.  B.,  Mesozoic  Echinodermata  of  the  United  States.  Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Survey, 
No.  97,  1893. — Tornquist,  A.,  Das  fossilfiihrende  Untercarbon  am  ostlichen  Rossbergmassiv 
iu  den  Siidvogesen,  iii.,  Beschreibung  der  Echiniden-Fauna.  Abhandl.  Geol.  Special-Karte  Elsass- 
Lothringen,  1897,  vol.  v.  —  Morteusen,  T.,  Siam  Echinoidea.  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrift., 
1904,  vol.  i. — Bather,  F.  A.,  Triassic  Echinoderms  of  Bakony.  Resultate  der  wiss.  Erforsch.  Bala- 
tousees,  1909,  vol.  i. — Lambert,  J.  and  Thiery,  P.,  Essai  de  nomenclature  raisonne  des  echinides. 
Chaumont,  1909-12. — Jackson,  R.  T.,  Phylogeny  of  the  Echini.  Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist., 
1912,  vol.  vii. — Hawkins,  II.  L.,  Classification  of  the  Holectypoida,  etc.  Proc.  Zool.  Soc. 
London,  1912. 

VOL.  I  S 




each  interamhulacral  area.  N'ew  coronal  plates  are  formed  at  the  ventral  harder  of 
the  five  ocular  plates,  amhulacral  pores  pass  through  amhulacral  plates,  rarely 
(Clypieastroids)  in  part  between  plates. 

The  peristome  is  on  the  under  or  actinal  surface,  and  in  all  but  the 
Exocycloida  bears  from  one  to  many  rows  of  ambulacral  plates  with  or  with- 
out non-ambulacral  plates.  There  are  five  oculars  (apparently  in  part  or 
wholly  wanting  in  some  of  the  Pourtalesiidae),  and  five  genitals  or  fewer,  the 
whole  being  fused  into  a  mass  in  certain  types  of  Exocycloida.  The  genitals 
typically  have  each  one  or  more  pores  as  exits  of  the  interradially  situated 
reproductive  glands.  In  addition,  typically,  madreporic  poi'es  exist  in  genital 
2,  but  are  not  recognizable  in  most  Paleozoic  forms.  The  periproct  is  more 
or  less  plated,  situated  within  the  oculogenital  ring,  or  in  irregular  types  out- 
side of  that  area  in  the  posterior  interambulacrum ;  the  anus  is  in  the  peri- 
proct. The  masticatory  lantern  is  composed  of  forty  pieces  (or  Clypeastroids 
thirty  pieces) ;  it  is  wanting  in  adult  Spatangoids.  Respiratory  organs  consist 
of  Stewart's  organs,  peristomal,  or  ambulacral  gills.  Locomotion  is  effected 
by  ambulacral  feet,  or  by  spines,  or  both. 

The  Test. — The  test  or  main  skeleton  of  the  Echini  is  composed  of  numerous 
calcareous  plates,  firmly  united  by  their  edges  so  as  to  form  a  more  or  less 

rigid  case  or  box  and  disposed  in  certain 
regions  or  systems.  In  some  genera, 
however,  the  plates  overlap  one  another 
in  an  imbricating  manner  so  as  to  im- 
part a  certain  degree  of  flexibility  to 
the  test.  When  coronal  plates  are 
imbricate,  the  ambulacral  plates  overlap 
adorally  and  the  interamhulacral  over- 
lap aborally  and  from  the  centre  out- 
ward and  over  the  ambulacrals  on  the 
adradial  suture  (Fig.  365).  When  peri- 
Leindedhe.'i  ooUetti  White.   Synthetic  figure  show-   stomal  plates  are  imbncate,  all  Overlap 

ing  method  of  iiubrication  of  coronal  plates  (after    adorallv   (Fiff     371     I^) 
Jackson).  mi  •  i    ' 

ine  mam  element  of  the  test  is 
termed  the  corona,  which  is  composed  of  five  ambulacral  and  five  interam- 
hulacral areas.  At  the  summit  is  situated  the  apical  disc,  or  oculogenital 
plates,  which  in  regular  Echini  surrounds  the  periproct  and  anal  opening. 
The  periproct  is  usually  plated,  always  carries  the  anal  opening,  and  in 
irregular  Echini  lies  outside  of  the  apical  disk  in  the  posterior  interam- 
bulacrum. Ventrally  is  situated  the  pei'istome,  a  membrane  which  is  usually 
more  or  less  completely  plated,  or  may  be  naked,  and  extends  from  the 
mouth  opening  to  the  base  of  the  corona.  The  peristome  is  either  central  in 
position  or  anterior  to  the  centre  in  some  of  the  Exocycloida. 

Echini  are  oriented  by  an  antero-posterior  axis  drawn  through  an  ambul- 
acrum and  opposite  interambulacrum  in  such  a  plane  that  the  madreporite  lies 
in  the  right  anterior  interambulacrum.  This  is  the  axis  on  which  bilatcrality 
is  attained  in  the  Exocycloida,  and  the  same  axis  is  indicated  in  regular  Echini 
by  the  order  in  which  ocular  plates  reach  the  periproct  when  such  occurs. 
With  known  axes  Loven  devised  a  nomenclature  of  areas  which  is  of  very 
great  value  in  brevity  and  clearness  of  expression.     He  numbered  the  ambul- 

Fio.  365. 



acral  areas  from  I  to  V,  Roman,  and  the  interambulacra  from  1  to  5,  Arabic. 
The  enumeration  passes  from  left  to  right,  revolving  like  the  hands  of  a 
watch,  the  specimen  being  viewed  from  below  and  the  odd  anterior  ambulacrum 
being  III  (Fig.  370).  When  viewed  from  above,  the  order  of  enumeration  is 
necessarily  reversed  (Fig.  434).  Lov6n  showed  that  the  size  and  character  of 
the  primordial  ambulacral  plates  give  data  by  which  a  sea-urchin  can  be 
oriented  in  young  regular  Echini,  and  usually  in  adult  Exocycloida.  He 
showed  that  of  these  ten  plates,  the  la,  lla,  Jllb,  lYa,  Yb  are  larger ;  on  the 
contrary  the  lb,  lib,  Ilia,  lYb,  Ya  are  smaller  (Figs.  370;  377,  A). 

The  mouth  opens  into  an  oesophagus  which  conducts  into  a  capacious 
stomach,  and  thence  into  a  convoluted  intestine.  The  digestive  tract  winds 
around  the  interior  of  the  test,  being  attached  to  the  inner  surface  of  the 
latter  by  muscles,  and  terminates  in  the  anus.  Surrounding  the  oesophagus 
is  a  circular  vessel  filled  with  water,  which  is  admitted  by  the  so-called  stone- 
canal,  opening  externally  in  a  madreporife.  This  is  a  porous  or  sieve-like 
structure,  consisting  of  a  variable  number  of  canals,  and  though  commonly 
restricted  to  genital  2,  madreporic  pores  as  a  variation  may  extend  to  additional 
genitals  or  to  ocular  plates. 

The  circular  vessel  gives  off  five  branches,  known  as  the  radiating  canals, 
which  pass  along  the  ambulacral  areas  on  the  interior  of  the  test,  and  con- 
nected with  it  in  the  interambulacral  areas  are  five  distensible  membraneous 
reservoirs,  termed  tho  Polian  vesicles.  The  radiating  canals  give  off  numerous 
lateral  branches  or  tube -feet  {tentacles)  which  are  extended  through  the 
pores  of  the  ambulacral  plates.  Dilation  is  effected  by  means  of  secondary 
vesicles  or  ampullae  which  by  contraction  force  their  contained  fluid  into  the 
tube-feet  and  distend  them.  The  ampullae,  as  a  rule,  communicate  with  the 
tube-feet  by  two  canals  perforating  the  plates  separately,  a  single  tentacle 
being  placed  over  a  pair  of  ambulacral  pores.  The  tube-feet  serve  usually 
as  locomotive  organs,  when  they  are  prehensile  and  end  in  a  suctorial  disk ; 
but  in  many  forms,  especially  those  having  petaloid  ambulacra,  they  are 
modified  so  as  to  be  partly  branchial  in  function.  Sometimes  the  tentacles  of 
the  same  ambulacrum  differ  in  shape,  structure  and  function,  as  in  Arbacia. 

Respiration  is  apparently  effected  by  Stewart's  organs  in  certain  Echini. 
These  organs  are  internal,  five  in  number,  and  situated  radially,  they  are 
given  off' from  the  periphery  of  the  lantern  membrane  and  beneath  the  com- 
passes. In  the  Cidaroida,  Stewart's  organs  are  frondescent ;  in  the  Echino- 
thuriidae,  vermiform  or  sausage-shaped.  External  branchiae  or  gills  exist  in 
the  Centrechinoida  as  outward  extensions  of  the  oral  integument.  They  exist 
as  ten  small  or  larger  branched  fleshy  organs  interradially  situated.  Their 
presence  is  marked  by  indenting  cuts  in  the  basicoronal  plates  so  that  their 
presence  is  recognizable  in  fossils  where  they  exist  (Centrechinoida).  In 
Clypeastroids  and  Spatangoids,  as  well  as  partially  in  some  of  the  Centre- 
chinoida {Arbacia),  the  function  of  respiration  is  maintained  by  modified 
dorsal  ambulacral  tentacles  which  have  lost  their  function  as  locomotive 
organs.     For  distinction  these  are  called  ambulacral  gills. 

The  vascular  system  consists  of  a  ring-like  vascular  plexus  surrounding  the 
oesophagus,  and  immediately  underlying  the  cii'cular  ambulacral  vessel.  This 
ring  gives  off  five  radial  vessels,  and  also  two  others  which  send  off  branches 
to  the  stomach  and  generative  organs.  The  central  nerve  ring,  with  its  five 
principal  nerves  running  down  the  rays,  is  external  to  the  two  other  systems. 


The  generative  organs  are  superficially  alike  in  both  sexes,  and  are  in  the  form 
of  glands  (usually  five,  sometimes  four,  three,  or  even  two),  situated  dorsally 
and  interradially  on  the  inner  surface  of  the  test.  The  genital  ducts  terminate 
in  pores  in  the  so-called  genital  plates,  to  be  described  presently. 

Coronal  Plates. — The  plates  of  the  corona  are  arranged  in  ten  meridional 
areas.  Five  of  these,  the  ambulacral  areas,  are  composed  of  perforated  plates, 
and  correspond  in  position  to  the  radiating  ambulacral  vessels  ;  the  remaining 
five,  the  interambulacral  or  interradial  areas,  alternate  with  the  first,  and  are 

In  all  Recent  and  in  the  majority  of  fossil  Echini  the  ambulacral  areas  are 
each  composed  of  two  columns  of  alternately  arranged  plates,  the  inner 
edges  of  which  meet  in  a  zigzag  median  suture,  and  the  actinal  and  abactinal 
edges  in  horizontal  sutures.  In  some  Paleozoic  genera  there  are  more  than 
two  columns  in  an  ambulacral  area,  and  there  may  be  as  many  as  sixteen,  or 
even  twenty,  at  the  mid-zone  (Fig.  367,  o).  The  interambulacral  areas  are 
each  composed  of  from  one  to  fourteen  columns  of  plates,  but  nearly  all 
post-Paleozoic  and  all  Recent  types  have  two  columns.  Interambulacral  plates 
are  usually  larger  than  ambulacrals  and  meet  the  latter  in  vertical  adradial 
sutures.  There  are  therefore  from  fifteen  vertical  columns  of  coronal  plates, 
Bothriocidaroida  (Fig.  377,  A),  to  twenty  columns  Cidaroida,  Centrechinoida, 
Exocycloida,  or  more  than  twenty,  as  in  the  Paleozoic  Echinocystoida  and 
Perischoechinoida  (Figs.  429,  432),  and  the  Triassic  Plesiocidaroida.  One 
additional  case  of  more  than  twenty  columns  is  known  in  the  peculiar 
Cretaceous  Tetracidaris.  The  number  of  columns  of  plates  is  the  same  for  an 
individual  in  each  of  the  ambulacral  areas,  and  usually  for  each  of  the 
interambulacral  areas  as  well,  but  the  two  systems  are  entirely  independent 
of  one  another  as  respects  the  size  and  number  of  plates  in  a  vertical  column, 
also,  especially  in  the  Paleozoic,  as  regards  the  number  of  columns  in  an  area. 
In  the  Cidaridae,  for  example,  the  ambulacra  are  very  narrow  and  are 
composed  of  numerous,  thirty  to  sixty  low  plates  in  a  column ;  the  inter- 
ambulacra  are  broad  with  few,  five  or  six  to  fifteen  high  plates  in  a  column. 
On  the  other  hand,  in  the  Paleozoic  Lepidesthes  colletti,  the  ambulacra  are 
broad,  with  sixteen  columns  of  plates  in  each  area,  and  the  interambulacra 
are  narrow  with  four  columns  in  each  area  (Fig.  434).  In  the  regular  or 
endocyclk  Echini,  all  of  the  ambulacra  and  all  of  the  interambulacra  are 
essentially  similar  in  the  individual ;'  but  in  irregular  or  exocyclic  Echini,  the 
anterior  ambulacrum  and  the  posterior  interambulacrum  often  differ  consider- 
ably from  the  corresponding  areas. 

Interambulacral  (interradial)  plates  are  always  simple ;  ambulacral  plates 
may  be  either  simple  or  compound.  In  the  latter  case,  they  are  formed  of 
two  or  of  several  component  elements,  all  of  which  are  joined  by  sutures  and 
form  a  more  or  less  geometrical  plate.  Most  simple  plates,  and  some  of  the 
components  of  compound  plates  are  primaries — that  is,  they  extend  from  the 
outer  edge  of  an  ambulacrum  to  the  median  suture  of  the  ai^ea.  Demi-plates 
is  a  name  applied  to  those  component  elements  which  reach  the  inter- 
ambulacrum but  do  not  extend  'to  the  median  suture  (Fig.  39G).  Isolated 
plates  are  component  elements  which  do  not  reach  either  to  the  interam- 
bulacral or  median  suture.  Occluded  plates  are  component  elements  which 
reach  the  median  suture,  but  do  not  reach  the  interambulacrum.  These 
terms,   based    on    compound    jilate    elements,    can    be    also    applied   to    the 




characters  seen  in  Paleozoic  types  which  have  many  columns  of  simple  plates 
(Fig.  367,  l-o). 

The  growth  of  the  corona  of  all  Echini  is  effected  by  new  plates  being 
successively  added  at  the  dorsal  termination  of  the  ambulacra  and  inter- 
ambulacra,  and  by  their  increasing  in  size.  In  the  young,  and  in  adults 
where  the  ventral  border  of  the  corona  has  not  been  resorbed  in  the  advance 
of  the  peristome,  there  is  a  single  plate,  which  is  the  primordial  interambulacral, 
in  the  basicoronal  row  bordering  the  j)eristome  in  each  area  (Clypeastroids, 
Spatangoids,  many  Paleozoic  genera)  (Fig.  366,  a,  h,  f-h,  etc.).  Excepting 
the  Bothriocidaroida,  we  find  passing  dorsally  from  the  primordial  inter- 
ambulacral plate  that  new  columns  are  progressively  added  until  the  full 
number  characteristic  of  the  order,  genus  or  species  is  attained.  The  new 
columns  come  in  in  a  perfectly  definite  order  and  system,  although,  where  a 
large  number  of  columns  is  attained,  there  is  some  local  variation  as  regards 
the  point  of  introduction  and  also  the  number  of  columns.  As  progressive 
development  is  marked  by  the  addition  of  columns,  senescent  or  regressive 
development  is  marked  dorsally  in  some  types  by  the  dropping  out  of  columns 
(Figs.  429,  B  ;  432).    The  primordial  interambulacral  plate  ventrally  represents 

Fio.  366. 

Characters  of  the  base  of  tlie  interambiilacium  in  representative  Echini :  a,  Bothriocidaris  archtika  Jackson . 
Ordovician.  b,  Goniocidaris  canaliculata  A.  Aiia.iis\z.  Young,  c,  Eucidaris  tribuloides  (Lsimarc^).  Bahamas. 
d,  Melonechinus  multiporus  (Norwood  and  Owen).  Lower  Carboniferous.  «,  Archaeocidaris  wortheni  Hall. 
Lower  Carboniferous.  /,  Echinocyavms  pitsillus  (Mtiller).  Recent,  g,  Rotula  dentata  (Lamarck).  Recent. 
h,  Perisclwdomus  hiserwUs  M'Coy.  Lower  Carboniferous.  In  figures  a,  b,  f-h,  the  primordial  interambulacral 
plate  is  in  the  basicoronal  row  ;  in  c-e,  it,  with  or  without  additional  plates,  has  been  resorbed  (after  Jackson). 

a  single  column,  and  may  be  compared  with  the  adult  of  the  Ordovician 
Bothriocidaris  which  retains  a  single  column  in  each  area  throughout  life. 
The  ventral  boi'der  may  in  the  adult  be  retained  intact,  or  it  may  have  been 
more  or  less  extensively  resorbed  in  the  advance  of  the  peristome.  When 
this  occurs,  the  primordial  interambulacral,  with  or  without  additional  rows 
of  plates,  are  cut  away.  Such  occurs  in  the  Cidaroida,  most  of  the  Centre- 
chinoida,  and  a  number  of  Paleozoic  genera  (Fig.  366,  c-e). 

Ambulacra. — Each  ambulacrum  has  two  columns  of  simple  or  compound 
plates,  or  in  some  Paleozoic  genera,  more  than  two  columns  of  simple  plates. 
The  ambulacrum  is  always  composed  of  two  halves  which  are  equal  on  either 
side  of  the  median  suture.  Ambulacral  pores  are  typically  in  pairs,  rarely 
(some  Spatangoids)  unpaired.  Pore-pairs  usually  lie  nearer  to  the  inter- 
ambulacral suture  than  to  the  middle  of  the  plate  in  which  they  occur, 
therefore  as  a  result,  where  there  are  two  columns  of  ambulacral  plates, 
there  is  a  median  interporiferous  area  between  two  marginal  poriferous  areas. 
The  pores  of  a  pair  may  be  vertically  superposed,  or  usually  the  upper  pore 
of  a  pair  revolves  outward,  through  an  angle  of  90  '  or  less,  and  toward  the 
interambulacrum,  so  that  the  axis  of  the  pair  is  inclined  or  horizontal,  the 
inner  pore  being  the  lower  of  the  two.  A  pore-pair  is  typically  surrounded 
by  an  elevated  rim  or  peripodium,  and  the  pores  of  a  pair  may  be  united  by 
transverse  furrows,  when  they  are  said  to  be  conjugate. 




The  arrangement  of  pore-pairs  is  uniserial  when  one  pair  is  placed  over 
the  other  in  a  continuous  line  from  the  peristome  to  the  apex  ;  hiserial  when 
so  placed  that  there  are  two  vertical  rows  of  pore-pairs  in  each  half-area, 
and  poll/serial  when  there  are  three  to  many  vertical  rows  of  j^ore-pairs  in  a 
half-area.  When  ambulacral  plates  are  compound,  the  pore-pairs  of  each 
component  element  may  be  arranged  in  an  arc,  when  there  results  a  biserial 
or  polyserial  arrangement.  In  Paleozoic  genera,  where  the  structure  of  the 
ambulacrum  is  complex  with  many  columns  of  plates  (Melonechinus),  the 
ventral  portion  is  simpler,  presenting  stages  of  development  through  which 
the  animal  has  passed.  In  the  same  types  the  dorsal  area  of  young  last 
added  plates  also  shows  simplicity  as  a  localised  stage  in  development.  In 
those  types  that  have  compound  ambulacral  plates,  the  young  plates  dorsally 
are  simple  for  a  short  distance,  as  seen  well  in  Centrechinus. 

Fig.  367. 

Character  of  the  aralmlacrum  in  representative  Echini ;  left  half  represented.  The  horizontal  dotted  line  is 
on  the  plane  of  tlie  mid-zone  (after  Jackson),  ft,  Bothrwcidarh  urchaku  Jackson.  Ordovician.  /*,  Gnnincidaris 
omaVicAilata  A.  Ag.  Young,  c,  Eucidaris  tnhuloides  (Lamarck).  Bahamas.  d,Strongylocentrotns  drohachiensis 
(O.  F.  Miiller).  Young,  e,  The  same  ;  Adult.  York  Harbor,  Maine.  /,  Micraster  cor-anfjuineiim  (Lamarck). 
Cretaceous,  England,  g,  KchinaracJmiiis  2Xirina  (huTnarck).  Eastport,  Maine,  h,  Metalia  pectoralls  (hanitiTck). 
Bahamas  ;  showing  plates  of  two  areas,  i,  Palaeechinus  deijans  M'Coy.  Lower  Carboniferous,  fc,  Maccoya 
hurlinntonensis  (Meek  and  Worthen).  Lower  Carboniferous.  I,  Lovetierhinus  missouriennh  (Jackson).  Lower 
Carboniferous,  m,  (lligojiorus  danae  (Meek  and  Worthen).  Lower  Carboniferous,  n,  Mdonechinus  muUiporus 
(Norwood  and  Owen).     Lower  Carboniferous,     o,  Lepidcsthes  colletti  White.     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Ambulacra  are  usually  band-shaped  and  continuous  from  the  peristome 
to  the  apical  disc.  Petaloid  ambulacra  are  those  which  enlarge  between 
the  apex  and  the  circumference  (ambitus),  and  contract  again  more  or 
less  perfectly  before  reaching  that  region.  Subpefaloid  ambulacra  are  more 
elongated  than  the  petaloid,  and  the  series  of  pairs  of  pores  do  not  tend  to 
close  distally.  The  pores  do  not  cease  altogether  at  the  end  of  the  petaloid 
parts,  but  remain  traceable  for  some  distance  beyond,  often  as  far  as  the 
peristome.  In  such  cases,  however,  the  pores  are  greatly  reduced  in  size,  or 
present  other  marked  differences  from  those  of  the  petaloid  parts.  The 
poriferous  areas  are  said  to  be  discontinuous,  or  interrupted,  when 'the  pairs  of 
pores  cease  at  the  ends  of  the  petals,  and  reappear  in  the  vicinity  of  the 

Oculor/enital  or  Apical  System. — This  is  abactinal  or  dorsal,  and  is  ordinarily 
composed  of  ten  plates,  five  oculars  and  five  genitals,  forming  ixsually  (ex- 
cepting some  Echinothuriidae,  always  in  regular  Echini)  a  continuous  ring. 
The  genitals  are  typically  large  angular  plates  interradially  situated  and 
perforated  hy  one  or  more  pores  communicating  with  the  genital  glands.  One 
of   the  genitals,   the   right  anterior,   is  also  perforated  by  madrejDoric  pores 




which  serve  in  orienting  a  specimen.  These  madreporic  pores  are  rarely 
recognizable  in  Paleozoic  Echini,  and  may  have  been  wanting  in  some  genera. 
In  the  Exocycloida  the  posterior  genital  is  usually  imperforate  or  wanting, 
and  two  or  more  to  all  genitals  may  be  fused  in  a  mass.  Genital  plates 
may  be  in  contact  dorsally,  forming  a  closed  ring,  or  may  be  in  part  or  wholly 
separated  by  the  oculars. 

Ocular  plates  dorsally  cover  the  ambulacra  and  laterally  the  inter- 
ambulacra  in  part  on  either  side.  Each  ocular  has  a  single  pore.  In 
Paleozoic  forms,  oculars  are  apparently  imperforate  or  rarely  with  two  pores. 
The  pores  are  related  to  a  primitive  large  tentacle  and  not  to  an  ocular  organ. 
Ocular  plates  may  all  separate  the  genitals,  reaching  the  periproct,  when  they 
are  described  as  insert,  the  usual  Paleozoic  character  (Fig.  433,  B) ;  or  they 
may  be  all  excluded  from  the  periproct  by  the  contact  of  the  genitals,  when 



Fio.  368. 

Typical  ocular  plate  arraiigeiuent  in  regular  Bcliini  (after  Jackson).  A,  Cklaris  eoronata  Goldfuss.  Upper 
Jura;  Sontheim.  All  oculars  exsert;  plates  sliaded.  B,  SaUnocidaris  profundi  (Duncan).  Recent;  Tristan 
da  Cunha.  (Jcular  I  insert ;  plates  shaded.  C,  Acrosaleniaspinosa  A^^vissvi.  Cornbrash  ;  Chippenham,  England. 
Oculars  I,  V,  insert.    D,  Centrechimis  setosus  (Leske).     Recent ;  Bermuda.    Oculars  I,  V,  IV,  insert. 

they  are  described  as  exsert,  the  usual  Mesozoic  character  (Fig.  368,  A). 
Oculars  are  all  exsert  in  the  young  of  probably  all  Recent  and  Mesozoic 
regular  Echini.  In  adults  the  same  character  may  obtain,  or  one  or  more  to 
all  oculars  may  travel  in  with  development,  separating  the  genitals  so  as  to 
be  insert.  As  shown  by  Jackson,  when  oculars  become  insert,  they  do  so  in  a 
definite  sequence  in  relation  to  the  antero-posterior  axis.  The  first  ocular  to 
become  insert  is  either  I,  or  V.  If  ocular  I  comes  in  first,  then  V  follows,  or 
the  converse,  thus  marking  the  posterior  pair  or  the  bivium  ;  next  ocular  IV 
becomes  insert,  then  II,  thus  marking  the  posterior  pair  of  the  anterior 
trivium ;  lastly,  if  at  all,  ocular  III  becomes  insert  (shown  in  part  in  Fig.  368, 

The  apical  disk  is  relatively  large  in  very  young  Echini  and  in  primitive 
types  {Bofhriocidaris,  Cidaroida).  It  decreases  rapidly  proportionately  in  size 
with  growth,  and  is  relatively  small  in  specialised  regular  Echini  [Echinometra, 
Melonechinus,  Lepidesthes,  Fig.  434). 

In  the  Exocycloida  the  genital  plates  may  be  in  contact  at  their  sides, 
forming  a  compact  system  (Fig.  369,  D) ;  or  they  may  be  separated  by  some  of 
the  ocular  plates  which  meet  along  the  median  line  and  separate  the  posterior 
genitals,  forming  an  elongate  system  (Fig.  369,  C).  When  the  two  posterior 
ambulacra  (bivium)  do  not  terminate  at  the  summit  in  line  with  the  other  three 








(frivmm),  and  are  surmounted  by  oculars  placed  far  posteriorly,  the  system  is 
said  to  be  disjunct  or  disconnected.     The  posterior  oculars  are  then  separated 

from  the  postero- 
lateral genitals  by 
a  number  of  inter- 
ambulacral  plates 
""  intercalated  along 
the  dorsum^  (Fig. 
369,  A). 

In  the  Clypea- 
strina  and  many 
of  the  Cassidulidae, 
the  apical  system 
consists  of  five 
minute  ocular 
plates,  and  one 
large,  pentagonal, 
central  plate,  which . 
probably  represents 
the  fused  genitals 
and  is  usually 
pierced  in  four  or 
in  all  of  its  inter- 
radial  angles  by 
genital  pores  (Fig. 
369,  ^,  F). 

Periproct. — This  structure  which  bears  the  anus  is  within  the  apical  disk 
in  all  regular  Echini,  when  the  test  is  termed  endocyclic  ;  and  at  a  variable 
distance  beyond  it  in  the  median  line  of  the  posterior  interambulacrum  in 
irregular  Echini,  when  the  test  is  termed  exocyclic.  Periproctal  plates  are 
rarely  preserved  in  fossil  Echini.  They  are  numerous,  angular,  thick,  and 
fill  the  area  in  Paleozoic  genera  and  the  Cidaroida ;  they  are  numerous,  or 
few  and  dissociated,  often  reduced  to  granules  in  other  Echini ;  or  the 
periproct  may  be  largely  leathery  (Cent r echinus).  In  the  Saleniidae  there  is  a 
large  suranal  (Fig.  368,  £},  with  additional  large  plates  (some  Acrosalenias)  or 
with  small  plates  only.  A  suranal  occurs  in  the  young  of  some  types  as  the 
Echinidae  and  Strongylocentrotidae.  The  periproct  is  usually  Icircular,  but  may 
be  angular,  or  in  the  Exocycloida  varies  from  circular  to  elliptical  or  pyriform. 
The  position  of  the  periproct  in  the  test  is  of  great  systematic  importance. 

Peristome. — This  is  actinal  and  central  in  regular  Echini,  and  is  circular, 
decagonal  or  pentagonal  in  outline.  Along  its  margin  in  the  basicoronal 
interambulacral  plates  of  the  corona  there  are  ten  incisions  for  the  extension 
of  the  peristomal  gills  which  exist  in  certain  Echini,  the  Centrechinoida  and 
Holectypina.  In  the  Exocycloida  the  peristome  is  variable  in  shape  and 
position,  but  it  is  actinal  and  is  centi-al  or  more  or  less  anterior  from  the 
centre.  The  oral  membrane  of  the  peristome  is  attached  to  the  lantern  when 
present,  otherwise  the  inner  edge  is  free. 

The  peristome  may  be  more  or  less  extensively  plated  or  may  be  naked, 
and  the  character  of  the  plates  is  of  systematic  importance.  In  the  young  of 
probably  all  regular  Echini  there  is  one  row  of  primordial  ambulacral  plates 

Fii..  309. 

Apical  systems  of  irregular  Sea-urchins.     A,  CollijrUcs.     li,  Hohctypus. 
C,  Hyboclypeus.     D,  Micraster.     E,  Conoclypeus.     F,  Clypeaster. 




which  are  found  in  phice  and  fill  the  area  (Fig.  370).  From  this  primitive 
condition  various  departures  exist.  The  area  may  be  filled  with  two  or  many 
rows  of  ambulaci'al  plates  only  (Bothrioci- 
daris,  Fig.  377,  A  ;  Hyattechinus,  Fig.  i29,  A  ; 
Fhormosoma,  Fig.  371,  A).  These  plates 
after  the  first  row  have  doubtless  been  de- 
rived by  migrating  down  from  the  coi'ona 
as  shown  by  Loven.  There  may  be  many 
rows  of  ambulacral  with  interradial  non- 
ambulacral  plates  (Cidaroida,  Fig.  371,  B ; 
Archaeocidaris,  Fig.  371,  C;  Melonechinus, 
Fig.  371,  D).  There  may  be  one  row  of 
ten  primordial  ambulacral  plates  with  more 
or  less  solid,  scaly,  or  isolated  non-ambu- 
lacral  plates,  or  rarely  no  non- ambulacral 
plates  (most  Centrechinoida).  Theu'e  may  be 
scaly  non -ambulacral  plates  only  (Spatan- 
goids),  or  the  peristome  may  be  quite  naked 
of  plates  (Clypeastroids). 

Aristotle's  Lantern. — All  Echini  with  the 
exception  of  Spatangoids  (and  possibly  some 
Holectypoids)  are  provided  with  a  powerful 
masticatory  apparatus  known  as  the  Aristotle's  lantern,  which,  with  the  muscles 
and  their  points  of  insertion  in  the  test  are  of  high  systematic  value.  The 
lantern  is  composed  of  forty  pieces  in  all  Echini  except  Clypeastroids.     There 

Fig.  370. 

Goniocidaris  canaliculata  A.  Agassiz.  Re- 
cent;  Falkland  Islands.  Young,  1.45  nim.  in 
diameter.  Primordial  ambulacral  plates  till 
the  peristome,  primordial  interambulaoral 
plates  in  the  basicoroual  row  succeeded  by 
two  plates  in  the  second  row  in  each  inter- 
radial area  (after  Jackson). 

Fig.  371. 
Characters  of  peristome  and  base  of  the  corona  in  representatix'e  Echini.  A,  Phurmosona  pkwenta 
Wyville  Thomson.  Recent ;  off  Cape  May  to  Cape  Sable.  On  the  peristome  many  rows  of  ambulacral  plates. 
B,  EiicidarU  tribuloides  (Lamarck).  Bahamas.  On  the  peristome  many  rows  of  ambulacral  and  iu  addition 
interradial  non-ambulacral  plates.  C,  Archaeocidaris  irortkeni  Hall.  Lower  Carboniferous.  Partially  restoi'ed. 
On  the  peristome  many  rows  of  ambulacral  and  in  addition  interradial  non-ambulacral  plates.  B,  Melonechinus 
muUipnrus  (Norwood  and  Owen).  Lower  Carboniferous.  Restored.  On  the  peristome  many  rows  of  ambulacral 
and  in  addition  two  rows  of  interradial  non-ambulacral  plates  ;  ambulacrals  pass  from  two  plates  orally  to 
many  on  the  periphery  of  peristome  in  each  area.  E,  Stro-ngylocentrotus  drdhachiensis  (O.  P.  MUUer).  York 
Harbor,  Maine.  On  the  peristome  one  row  of  ambulacral  and  scattered,  small,  non-ambulacral  plates.  F, 
Echinocard i am  flavescens  {MiWler).  Recent.  On  the  peristome  many  non-ambulacral  plates  only.  In  figures 
.1  and  F  the  primordial  interambulacral  plates  are  in  place  in  the  basicoronal  row  ;  in  the  other  figures  they  have 
been  resorbed,  with  or  without  additional  plates  (after  Jackson). 

are  five  teeth ;  five  pyramids,  each  composed  of  two  halves,  joined  by  suture ; 
ten  epiphyses  ;  five  braces ;  and  five  compasses,  each  comjDosed  of  two  j^arts, 
joined  by  suture.  The  lantern  is  inclined,  subtending  an  angle  of  about 
90°,  in  the  young  of  modern  and  adult  of  Paleozoic  Echini ;  erect  with  sides 
approaching  the  vertical  in  most  Recent  regular  Echini ;  or  procumbent  in 
most  Clypeastroids.  Teeth  are  grooved  (Paleozoic  genera,  Cidaroida  and 
Aulodonta) ;    or   have  a   keel   on   the  inner  face  (Stirodonta,   Camarodonta, 




Holectypina,  Clypeastrina).     Pyramids,   each   composed  of    two  halves,    are 
roughly  triangular  in   section,  present  a   median   suture,   above   which  is   a 

shallow  or  a  deep 

open     space,     the 



On  the  inner  face 
the  pyramid  sup- 
n  ports  and  embraces 
^  the  tooth,  and 
laterally  in  regular 
Echini  has  ridges 
for  the  attachment 
of  interpyramidal 
muscles.         The 

Dental  apparatus  of  the  Recent  Strongyloeenlrotus  drobMhknsis  (O.  F.  Miiller).  upper    faCC    of    the 
.1,  Lantern  showing  teeth,  pyramids,  interpyraniidal  muscles,  styloid  processes  of      ■'•  ^         .  , 

dental  slides,  epiphyses,  crests  and  compasses.     B,  Pyramid  showing  ou  one  side  pyramid,     aS     seen 

protractor  and   retractor   muscles,    epiphysis  removed   on   left  side.     C,   top  of  ,„],p,,     i-V,p    pninhv- 

lantern,  at  areas  2,  3  a  whole  tooth  in  place  ;  at  1  puljiy  i)art  of  tooth  removed  ;  at  wnen     LllL    epipiiy- 

4  tooth  removed.     At  area  III  compass,  brace  and  epiphyses  in  place  ;  at  V  com-  gjg    jg    remOVCd      is 
pass  removed  ;  at  IV  brace  also  removed  ;  at  I  the  epiphysis  of  one  side  is  removed  ' 

to  sliow  pits  in  top  of  pyramid.     2/j  (after  Jackson).  a        smOOth        IlOOr 


Pig.  373. 

(Paleozoic  genera, 
Cidaroida) ;  or  is  pitted  (Centi'echinoida).  An  epiphysis  caps  each  half- 
pyramid,  to  which  it  is  joined  by  close  suture,  it  presents  a  glenoid 
cavity  and  tubercles  for  interlocking  with  the 
brace.  The  epiphyses  are  narrow  in  all  Echini 
except  the  Camarodonta  in  which  they  are  wide 
and  meet  in  suture  over  the  foramen  magnum  ; 
here  also  they  bear  crests  which  support  the  teeth 
dorsally.  The  brace  is  a  block-shaped  plate  which 
rests  on  and  interlocks  with  the  epiphyses.  The 
compass  rests  on  the  brace  and  consists  of  an  inner 
and  an  outer  part,  joined  by  suture ;  the  outer 
part  is  usually  bifid  but  may  be  rounded.  The 
angle  of  inclination  of  the  lantern,  the  teeth 
grooved  or  keeled,  the  depth  of  the  foramen  mag- 
num, absence  or  presence  of  pits  in  the  top  of  the 
pyramids,  and  narrow  or  wide  epiphyses  and  their 
meeting  in  suture  are  important  features  in  classi- 

The  jaws  of  the  Holectypoids  are  similar  to 
those  just  described,  but  in  the  Clypeastroids  they  are  low,  often  asym- 
metrical, and  the  teeth  are  aslant  or  even  nearly  horizontal  (Fig.  374). 
Compasses  are  absent,  and  the  bi^aces  are  rudimentary.  The  pyramids  are 
solid  almost  to  their  upper  part,  more  or  less  concave,  or  re-entering  on  the 
outer  side,  and  are  not  always  of  the  same  size  in  each  area.  Jaws  of 
Echini  are  rarely  preserved  in  the  fossil  state. 

The  muscles  of  the  lantern  are  numerous  and  complex,  and  their  insertion 
in  the  test  is  of  systematic  importance.  There  are  sixty  lantern  muscles  in 
regular  Echini  which  in  brief  are,  ten  protractors  inserted  on  the  outer  face 
of  the  pyramids  and  base  of  the  test ;  they  extend  the  lantern  ;  ten  retractors 
similarly  situated  which  open  the  jaws  (Fig.  372,   B) ;    five   interpyramidal 

In  side  view 

Pyramid  of  Recent 
ti\it.ns  drdbachiensis.  A, 
showing  corrugations  for  attachment 
of  interpyramidal  muscle,  epiphysis 
with  crest,  glenoid  cavity,  external 
and  internal  tubercles.  B,  Pyramid 
from  centre  showing  dental  slide  and 
other  parts  as  in  A  (after  Jackson). 




Fio.  374. 

.4,  Clypeaster  retkulatus  Loven. 

Recent.  The  dental  system  entire,  seen  from 
above.  The  braces  are  placed  upon  the  sutures  of  adjoining  pyramids,  with  an 
epiphysis  on  either  side.  Teeth  in  line  with  the  mesial  sutures  of  half-pyramids, 
an<l  within  the  ring  formed  by  the  supra-alveolar  crests  (after  Loven).  B,  a,  Front 
view  of  a  single  pyramid  ;  6,  side  view  of  one  of  the  half-pyramids. 

muscles  (Fig.  372,  A)  which  contract  the  jaws;  ten  internal  and  ten  external 
brace  muscles,  which  are  tiny  and  extend  from  the  brace  to  the  epiphyses  ; 
five  circular  compass  muscles  which  dorsally  connect  the  compasses  ;  ten  radial 
compass  muscles 
which  extend 
from  the  com- 
pass to  the  base 
of  the  test. 
These  last  are 
wanting  in  Cly- 
peastroids  as  in 
that  group  com- 
passes are  ab- 

Girdle.  —  Cer- 
tain muscles  of 

the  lantern,  namely,  the  retractor,  protractor  and  radial  compass,  pass  to  and 
are  inserted  on  the  base  of  the  test,  and  certain  important  processes,  the 
perignathic  girdle,  may  be  built  for  insertion  of  these  muscles.  Loven  showed 
that  in  young  Goniocidaris  the  lantern  muscles  are  all  attached  directly  on  the 
base  of  the  interam^^ulacra,  and  the  same  method  probably  existed  in  the 
Perischoechinoida,  as  in  that  order  no  perignathic  processes  have  been  seen. 
In  adult  Cidaroida  elevated  processes,  the  apophyses  exist  as  strong  internal 
upgrowths  of  the  ventral  border  of  the  basicoronal  interambulacral  plates ;  to 
these  apophyses  in  this  order  alone  are  attached  the  retractor,  protractor  and 
radial  compass  muscles.  In  the  order  Centrechinoida  the  apophyses  or  up- 
growths of  the  interambulacral  plates  may  be  feebly  or  strongly  developed,  and 
to  them  are  attached  the  protractor  and  radial  compass  muscles.  In  this  order 
a  new  structure  appears  consisting  of  two  separate  calcareous  plates,  the 
auricles,  which  are  united  by  close  suture  to  the  basicoronal  ambulacral  plates. 
The  auricles  exist  as  separate  styles  or  in  some  genera  in  development  may 
grow  into  large  plates  which  arch  and  join  in  suture  over  the  ambulacral  area. 
Auricles  give  insertion  to  the  retractor  muscles,  which  combination  of 
apophyses  and  auricles  is  known  in  this  order  only.  In  the  Holectypoids 
low  apophyses  and  auricles,  or  auricles  alone  may  exist ;  as  this  groui? 
occurs  fossil  only,  the  muscles  can  only  be  inferred.  In  Clypeastroids 
apophyses  are  wanting,  but  low  or  high  aui'icles  exist  on  the  ambulacral 
plates,  or  even  may  be  transferred  to  the  basicoronal  interambulacral  plates 
as  seen  in  Echinarachnius.  In  Clypeastroids  retractor  and  protractor  muscles 
are  both  inserted  on  the  auricles,  a  condition  peculiar  to  the  group. 

Tubercles  and  Spines. — The  plates  of  Echini  bear  more  or  less  numerous 
tubercles  and  granules  of  various  sizes  which  bear  larger  or  smaller  spines. 
The  larger  and  completely  developed  tubercles  are  called  primaries ;  those 
of  a  smaller  size  are  secondaries;  and  very  small  tubercles,  sometimes 
incomplete  in  their  development,  are  miliaries.  Grannies  are  irregular  or 
nodular  projections  of  the  test ;  they  may  be  large  and  widely  separated, 
or  very  numerous  and  of  various  sizes.  The  base  of  a  tubercle  is  termed 
the  boss,  and  its  upper  part  may  be  either  plain  or  crenulated.  The  boss 
supports  a  rounded  mamelon,  which  is  said  to  be  perforated  when  pierced  by  a 






Fig.  375. 

Cidarid  Sijines.     A,  B,  Cidaris.     D,  Acrocidaris. 
E,  Forocidaris  (natural  size). 

central  foramen  for  a  slight  distance,  or  imperforate  when  it  is  not,      A  plain 

or  sunken  space  surrounding  the  base  of  the  tubercle  is  called  the  scrobicule, 

or  areola ;  its  outer  limit,  the  scrohicular  circle,  is  generally  marked  by  a  ring 

^  D  £       ^^   granules,    but    in    many  cases   the 

T  scrobicules  of  the  same  meridian   are 

continuous.     Secondary  tubercles  may 
or  may  not  be  scrobiculate. 

All  the  tubercles  of  Echini  bear 
movable  spines,  which  differ  greatly  in 
dimensions,  and  in  the  shape  and' 
nature  of  their  cross-sections.  They 
are  usually  cylindrical,  acicular,  clavate 
or  spatulate  in  form,  and  consist  of 
the  following  parts  :  A  more  or  less 
elongate  distal  portion  or  shaft ;  a  base, 
to  which  ligaments  are  attached  for 
keeping  the  spine  in  place ;  and  an 
articulating  joint  or  conchjle  {acetabulum), 
forming  a  ball-and-socket  joint  with 
the  tubercle  proper.  When  the  base 
of  the  mamelon  is  crenulated,  the  base 
of  the  spine  is  incised  in  the  same 
manner,  and  above  the  latter  is  usually  a  milled  ring  or  collar,  the  indenta- 
tions of  which  are  continuous  with  the  striae  of  the  shaft.  The  function  of 
spines  is  to  support  the  test,  to  aid  in  locomotion,  and  for  defence.  In  rare 
cases  some  of  the  spines  are  fixed,  and  arise  directly  from  the  test  (Recent 

Fascioles  are  narrow  bands  of  close  granular  ornamentation  which 
support  rudimentary  spinules  and  pedicellariae.  They  occur  only  in  the 
Spatangoids,  and  are  restricted  to  certain  parts  of  the  test.  The  peripetalons 
fasciole  follows  the  margin  of  the  petaloid  parts  of  the  ambulacra.  The 
anal  fasciole  surrounds  the  anus,  and  the  suhanal  fasciole  encloses  a  space  or 
plastron  beneath  the  anus,  but  may  send  anal  branches  upward.  The  internal 
fasciole  crosses  the  ambulacra  at  a  variable  distance  from  the  apical  system, 
and  the  marginal  fasciole  encircles  the  test  above  the  ambitus.  For  those 
Spatangoids  with  subanal  fascioles,  Lov6n  has  proposed  the  name  Prymno- 
desmia ;  genera  without  them,  and  with  other  fascioles,  are  Pnjmnadetes,  and 
those  without  any  fascioles  are  Adctes. 

Pedicellariae  are  small  specialised  organs  articulated  upon  granules  and 
scattered  between  the  spines  over  the  whole  test.  At  the  end  of  the  stem 
is  a  head  consisting  of  two  or  more  pincer-like  valves  which  function  as 
grasping  and  cleansing  organs.  Pedicellariae  are  very  rarely  preserved  in 
the  fossil  state. 

Sphaeridia  are  opalescent  spheroidal  bodies  which  may  be  partially  or 
entirely  covered  by  the  test.  They  exist  singly  near  the  ventral  border  of 
the  ambulacra,  or  if  moi:e  than  one,  the  series  extends  dorsally,  even  to  the 
ocular  plate.  Morphologically,  sphaeridia  may  be  considered  as  modified 
spines  having  sensory  functions.  They  are  known  only  in  the  Centrechinoida 
and  Exocycloida. 

Ontogeny. — The  early  larval  stages  of  Echini  are  similar  in  many  respects 



to  those  of  Ophiurans  and  Starfishes,   but  have  little  in  common  with  the 
larvae  of  Crinoids.     The  later  stages  in  development  are  of  great  morpho- 
logical and  phylogenetic  interest.     Stages  in  development  can,  of  course,  be 
best  obtained   by  studying   young   individuals,   but,   as   shown   by   Jackson, 
they  can  also  in  a  measure  be  obtained  from  a  study  of  adults.     The  plates 
at  the  ventral  portion  of  the  test  are  the  oldest  and  first  formed,  excepting 
as  some  may  have  been  resorbed  in  the  advance  of  the  peristome.     Ventrally, 
therefore,  stages  in  development  are  often  observable  in  both  the  ambulacra 
and  interambulacra,  this  condition  being  especially  marked  in  the  Perischo- 
echinoida.     Dorsally  are  found  the  youngest  plates  of  the  test,  and  it  is  here 
that  we  observe  localised  stages  in  development.     For,  as  we  pass  ventrally 
to  the  progressively  older  plates,  it  is  found  that  characters  are  taken  on 
in  regular  sequence  which  present  stages  directly  comparable  to  those  seen 
in  the  youthful  development  of  the  individual.     Dorsal  localised  stages  are 
especially  marked  in  the  ambulacra  of  those  types  where  a  complex  structure 
is  attained,  as  in  the  Palaeechinidae  and  the  Centrechinoida.     The  apical  disk, 
periproct,    peristome,    lantern    and    perignathic    girdle    all    show    stages    in 
development   with   suitable  material,   which  stages   are   directly   comparable 
to  adult  conditions  of  simpler  members  of  the  group,  and  therefore  are  of 
great  phylogenetic  significance. 

Among  Echinoids,  as  elsewhere  in  invertebrate  groups,  evidence  is  accumu- 
lating that  evolutionary  variation  is  not  radial  in  all  directions,  but  rather  is 
in  definite  directions,  or  orthogenetic.  It  would  appear  that  the  majority  of 
variations  are  either  arrested,  in  which  cases  the  variant  retains  characters 
displayed  in  its  own  youthful  stages  and  typical  of  the  adults  of  more  primi- 
tive allies ;  or  progressive,  when  the  variant  has  characters  not  typical  of  the 
species,  but  which  are  further  evolved  in  the  direct  line  of  differential  develop- 
ment. These  latter  are  seen  typically  in  more  highly  evolved  closely  related 
species  or  genera.  In  order  to  study  variation  intelligently  it  is  of  prime 
importance  to  be  familiar  not  only  with  the  characters  of  the  associated 
species  and  genera  when  considering  any  given  case,  but  also  with  the  develop- 
mental characters  of  the  same.  Variation  needs  to  be  especially  considered  in 
undertaking  phylogenetic  studies. 

Homologies. — The  Echinoidea  differ  radically  from  the  Pelmatozoa  and 
Asterozoa  in  that  arms  are  completely  wanting.  They  differ  from  Crinoids  in 
that  reproductive  glands  are  within  the  test  and  interradial,  that  ambulacral 
and  interambulacral  plates  originate  on  the  ventral  border  of  a  fixed  plate,  the 
ocular,  and  in  the  possession  of  a  lantern.  Echinoids  differ  from  Starfishes 
essentially  in  that  radial  water,  nerve  and  blood  canals  are  on  the  proximal  not 
distal  side  of  the  ambulacral  plates  ;  that  ambulacral  pores  pass  through,  not 
between  the  plates  ;  and  in  the  possession  of  a  lantern. 

Habits. — Echini  are  exclusively  marine,  and  are  more  or  less  gregarious. 
Many  species  occur  in  littoral  zones,  and  from  that  region  various  species  and 
genera  extend  to  continental  and  abyssal  depths.  Echini  commonly  live  on 
the  surface  of  the  sea  flooi-,  or  cling  to  rocks.  Some  Echini  burrow  in  sand, 
others  {Strong ijlocentrot us,  Echinometra)  along  the  coast  occur  in  cavities  which 
they  bore  in  solid  rocks.  The  same  species  does  not  excavate  in  sheltered 

About  500  recent  species  are  known,  as  compared  with  fully  2500  fossil. 
The  earliest  types  appear  in  Ordovician  rocks  (Bothriocidaris),  and  continue  to 




be  represented  sparsely  throughout  the  Paleozoic  era.  They  multiply  enor- 
mously in  the  Mesozoic,  and  certain  families  reach  their  climacteric  in  that 
period  ;  other  families  attain  their  maximum  in  the  Recent.  As  a  rule,  the 
species  have  a  very  limited  vertical  range,  and  hence  serve  admirably  as  index 
fossils.  The  test  is  often  perfectly  preserved,  but  even  small  fragments  are 
capable  of  accurate  determination,  owing  to  the  regular  radial  repetition 
of  parts. 

The  classification  here  followed  is  based  on  that  given  in  Jackson's 
Phylogemj  of  the  Echini ;  no  subclasses  are  recognised,  but  the  group  is 
divided  into  seven  orders.  The  generic  descriptions  of  the  Cidaroida  and 
Centrechinoida  and  the  generic  and  family  descriptions  of  the  Exocycloida  are 
essentially  those  as  given  in  the  earlier  edition  of  this  work,  or  in  Duncan's 
Revision  of  the  Genera  and  Great  Groups  of  the  Echinoidea. 

Order  1.     BOTHRIOCIDAROIDA  Duncan. 

Test  regular,  more  or  less  spherical.  Interamhulacra  with  one,  and  ambulacra 
with  two  vertical  columns  of  plates,  which  do  not  imbricate.  Feriproct  within  the 
apical  system. 

Family   1.     Bothriocidaridae  Klera. 

IFith  characters  of  the  order. 

The  solitary  known  genus  is  Bothriocidaris  Eichwald  (Figs.  366,  a  ;  367, 
a;  376;  377),  from  the  Ordovician  of  Esthonia.     The  test  is  small,  and  the 

Fig.  37C. 

Bothriocidaris pahleni  Schmidt.     Ordovician  ;  Nomniis,  Esthonia.    A,  Test  of  the  natural  size, 
system,  enlarged.     C,  Peristome,  enlarged  (after  P.  Schmidt). 

B,  Apical 

apical   system  consists   of   five   large   ocular  and  five  small  genital   plates ; 
periproct  plated,  peristome  with  ambulacral  plates  only. 

Of  this  important  genus,  tlie  oldest  of  known  Echini,  there  are  tlirce  sjiecies,  B.  archaica, 
pahleni  and  globulus.  The  ambulacra  have  two  columns  of  high  hexagonal  plates  in  each 
area  with  pore- pairs  superposed  in  a  central  peripodium.  Interambulacra  with  one  column 
of  [)lates  only  in  each  area.  Ocular  plates  relatively  large  and  meeting  in  a  continuous  ring 
{B.  archaica),  or  partially  or  wholly  separated  by  the  small  genitals.  Genitals  in  B.  archaica 
dorsal  to  the  oculars  (Fig.  377,  B)  or  in  other  species  partially  or  wholly  separating  them  and 
reaching  the  interambulacra.  Bothriocidaris  is  structurally  imj)ortant  because  in  its  high 
ambulacral  plates,  with  pores  superposed,  its  single  column  of  interambulacral  plates,  its 
simjile  peristome  and  its  large  oculars,  it  presents  features  like  the  young  of  later  Echini.  All 
other  Echini  start  with  a  single  interambulacral  plate  ventrally,  representing  a  single  column, 
and  later  add  one  or  more  columns.  Those  types  with  only  two  colunuisof  plates  in  an  inter- 
ambulacral area  show  no  evidence  of  being  derived  from  types  with  many  colunnis,  and  are 
therefore  considered  as  next  related  to  the  Bothriocidaroida. 




Order  2     CIDAROIDA  Duncan. 

Test  regular,  endocydic,  two  columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral  area,  amhiila- 
cral  plates  loio,  simple;  two   (in  one  genus,  Tetracidaris,  partly  four)  columns  of 

A,  Botliriocidaris  archaka  Jackson.  Ordovician  ;  Island  of  Dago,  Russia.  Height,  12  mm.  Two  rows  of 
peristomal  plates.  Two  eohmins  of  hexagonal  plates  in  each  ambulacrum.  One  column  of  plates  in  each  inter- 
ambulacrum.  x3/i.  B,  the  same,  apical  disk,  oculars  meeting  in  a  ring,  genitals  small,  d(jrsal  to  the  oculars,  peri- 
proctal  plates,     x  Vi  (after  Jackson). 

plates  in  each  interamhulacral  area.  Coronal  plates  rarely  imbricate  [Miocidaris). 
Primordial  inferamhidacral  ptlates  resorhed.  Peristome  with  many  rows  of  ambulacral 
and  interradial  non-ambidacral  plates,  or  rarely  ambulacral  plates  only.  Lantern 
erect,  teeth  grooved,  foramen  magnum  very  shallow ;  epiphyses  narrow.  No  pits  in 
the  top  of  pyramids.  Perignathic  girdle  consisting  of  apophyses  only.  Stewart's 
organs  jyresenf,  but  no  peristomal  gills.  Primary  spines  with  a  cortical  layer. 
Primary  tubercles  perforate.     Sphaeridia  absent. 




Family  1.     Cidaridae  Gray. 

JFith  characters  of  the  order. 

The  apical  disk  is  rare  in  fossil  Cidarids  (Fig.  368,  A);  when  preserved,  the 
ocular  plates  are  typically  all  exsert.  The  same  condition  exists  in  the  young 
of  Recent  species  and  often  in  adults.  When  oculars  reach  the  periproct, 
they  do  so  in  the  sequence  Y,  I,  IV,  II,  III,  or  V,  I,  IV,  III,  II.  Young 
Cidarids  approach  Bothriocidaris  closely  in  many  structural  details.  De- 
vonian (?),  Lower  Carboniferous  to  Recent ;  maximum  in  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Section  A.     Ambidacral  pore-pairs  uniserial. 

Miocidaris  Doderlein.     Ambulacral  and  interambulacral  plates  imbricating. 
Two  Paleozoic  species,  M.  keyserlingi  (Geinitz),  from  the  Permian  of  Europe, 

Fig.  378. 

Cidarls  coronata  Qoldt.  Upper  Jura  (-y)  ;  Hossingen,  Wurtemberg.  A,  Dorsal  aspect  of  test  with  perfectly 
preserved  apical  system.  B,  Profile.  '',  Portion  of  Amh,  magnified.  D,  Partially  restored  view  with  spines 

and  M.  cannoni  Jackson,  from  the  Lower  Carboniferous  of  America,  are  the 
only  certain  Paleozoic  representatives  of  the  order.  Several  species  in  the 
Trias  and  Jura  of  Europe. 

Cidaris  Leske,  ex  Klein  (Figs.  368,  ^  ;  378-380).  Amb  undulating  or  nearly 
straight,  the  pores  variable  in  their  distance,  and  united  by  a  groove  or  not. 
lArnh  coronal  plates  five  to  fifteen  in  each  column.  Apical  system  large. 
Primary  spines  very  variable,  even  in  the  same  species.  Trias  to  Recent ; 
chiefly  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Of  this  genus  more  than  200  species  have  been  described.  These  are  grouped  into  seven 
or  eight  artificial  divisions,  which  are  regarded  by  some  as  of  sub-generic,  or  even  generic 
importance.     Some  of  the  groups  may  be  briefly  noticed  as  follows  : — 




(a)  Rhahdocidaris  Desor  (Figs.  381,  382).  Test  large  and  swollen.  Poriferous  areas  wider 
than  in  Oidaris,  the  two  pores  of  a  pair  being  distant  and  conjugated.  A7nb  in  general 
straight.  Tubercles  large,  strongly  crenulated,  and  more  numerous  than  in  Cidaris.  Spines 
very  stout,  some  cylindrical  or  prismatic,  often  spiniferous.  Chiefly  Jura  and  Cretaceous  ; 
less  common  in  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Pi(i.  379. 

Eucidaris  tribulo'ides  (Lam.).     Repent.     Enlarged  view  of  base  of  the 
test  and  peristome,  showing  plated  covering  of  the  latter. 

Cidarid  spines.  A, 
C.  alnta  Ag.  B,  C. 
dorsnta  Braun.  Trias ; 
St.  Cassian,  Tyrol. 
C,  (-'.  fioriiicmiiiii  Phill. 

Fifi.  381. 

RhididocUJarh  nrhignyaiia  Desor.  Upper 
Jura;  Kelheim-Winzer,  Bavaria.  ^,  Fiag- 
ment  of  test,  Vi.     L',  Amb  plates  enlarged. 

Fi(!.  382. 

Rhahdocidaris  horridn 
Merian.  Middle  Jura. 
Spine,  i/i- 

(b)  Lciocidaris  Desor.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  uncrenulated  tubercles.  Spines 
large,  smooth,  cylindrical.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

(c)  Stephanocidaris  A.  Ag.  Test  thin  ;  ajiical  system  larger  than  the  peristome,  the 
plates  feebly  united.     Recent. 

(d)  Phyllacanthus  Brandt.  Test  large,  swollen,  and  with  eight  to  eleven  lAmh  plates 
in  a  column.     Amh  broad,  pores  conjugated.     Primary  tubercles  large,  smooth.     Recent. 

(e)  Porocidaris  Desor  (Fig.  383).  Arab  broad  and  straight ;  pores  wide  ajiart,  conjugated. 
Primary  tubercles  perforate  and  crenulate.  Scrobicules  transversely  oval,  with  shallow 
grooves  radiating  from  the  periphery  toward  the  centre,  with  or  without  pores  at  the  outer 
extremity  of  the  grooves.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

(/)  Goniocidaris  Desor.  Test  high,  with  numerous  coronal  plates,  and  narrow  Amb. 
The  median  sutural  regions  of  both  areas  are  sunken,  forming  with  the  horizontal  sutures 
a  zigzag,  with  pit-like  depressions  at  the  angles.     Recent. 

VOL.   I  T 




Orthocidaris    Cotteau.     Apical    system    small,    pentagonal.     Amb   narrow, 
straight ;    pore-pairs    in    simple    straight    series,    the    pores   separated    by    a 
granule.     lAmb  very  broad,   numerously   plated.     Primary, 
tubercles  small,  plain,  perforate  and  distant.     Lower  Creta- 
ceous ;  Europe. 

Temnocidaris  Cotteau.  Upper  Cretaceous.  Polycidaris 
Quenst.     Upper  Jura. 

Section  B.  Amhulmral  Pore-pairs  Biserial. 

Diplocidaris  Desor.  Test  large,  spheroidal.  A^nb  narrow, 
straight.  Pore-pairs  very  numerous,  close,  alternating  more 
or  less.  lAmh  broad,  with  seven  to  eight  plates  in  each 
column.  Primaiy  tubercles  large,  perforate,  scrobiculate. 
Upper  Jura ;  Europe. 

Tetracidaris  Cotteau  (Fig.  384).  Remarkable  in  having 
four  columns  of  plates  in  each  lAmh  at  the  ambitus,  but 
diminishing  to  two  at  the  apex.  Ar)ib  straight,  moderately 
broad.  Poriferous  areas  depressed,  pairs  incompletely 
biserial ;  interporiferous  areas  narrow,  granular,  with  a  row 
of  plain  small  tubercles,  placed  near  the  borders  of  the 
poriferous    zone.       lAmh     primary    tubercles    very    large, 

crenulate  and  perforate.      Spines  narrow,  elongate.     Lower  Cretaceous  (Bar- 

remien);  Europe. 

Fig.  383. 

I'orocidans  schmiedeli 
Goldf.  Nnmmulitic 
Limestone;  Mokkatain, 
near  Cairo.  /.4m;)  plate 
and  sjiine. 

Fni.  384. 

TetiucUlarin  reynesl  Cotteau.     Neocomian  ;  Vergans,  near  Castellane,  AliJSS.     A.  Test  reduced 
one-half.     /?,  Portion  of  Jm/j,  enlarged  (after  Cotteau). 

Xenocidaris  Schultze.      Founded  upon  clavate,  fusiform   spines   from   the 
Devonian  of  the  Eifel.      Licompletely  known,  possibly  belongs  in  this  family. 

Orders.     CENTRBCHINOIDA ^  Jackson. 

Test    regular,    endocyclic,     two    columns    of   plates    in   each    amhulacral    area, 
amhulacral  plates  compound,  rarely  simple;  two  columns  of  plates  in  each  inter- 

^  This  name  is  based   on    Oentrechinus,  a  new   name  for  Diadema  which  was  preoccupied  for  a 




amhulacral  area.  Primordial  ambulacral  plates  around  the  mouth  in  the  peristome. 
Primordial  inter  amhulacral  plates  in  the  basi-coronal  row,  or  usually  resorbed. 
Peristome  ivith  ten  primordial  amhulacral,  also  non-ambulacral  plates,  or  in  one 
family  many  rows  of  ambulacral  plates  only.  Lantern  erect  or  rarely  inclined; 
teeth  grooved,  m-  keeled :  foramen  magnum  deep.  Pits  in  the  top  of  pyramids. 
Perignathic  girdle  consisting  of  low  or  high  apophyses,  and  auricles.  Peristomal  gills, 
rarely  with  Stewart's  organs  in  addition.  Primary  spines  without  a  cortical  layer. 
Sphaeridia  present. 

Compound  ambulacral  plates  are  the  most  striking  feature  of  this  order ; 
such  plates  are  composed  of  from  two  to  ten  elements,  each  of  which  has 
a  pore-pair.  The  young  of  the  Centrechinoida  present  stages  in  development 
which  closely  resemble  the  Cidaroida  and  also  Bothriocidaris.  The  Centre- 
chinoida are  divisible  into  three  suborders  on  the  basis  of  the  structure  of  the 
lantern,  which  is  in  brief,  teeth  grooved,  epiphyses  narrow,  Julodonfa  ;  teeth 
keeled,  epiphyses  narrow,  Stirodonta ;  teeth  keeled,  epiphyses  wide,  meeting  in 
suture  over  the  foramen  magnum,  Camarodonta.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Suborder  A.     AULODONTA  Jackson. 

Teeth  grooved.  Epiphyses  narrow,  not  meeting  in  suture  over  the  foramen 
magnum.  Ambulacral  plates  simple  or  compound.  Ocidars  all  exsert,  or  becoming 
insert  in  the  sequence  I,  V,  IV,  II,  III.  Periproct  with  many  plates  or  granules, 
or  largely  leathery.  Lantern  erect  or  inclined.  Primary  tubercles  usually  perforate. 
Trias  to  Recent. 

Family  1. 

Hemicidaridae  Wright. 

Ambulacral  plates  compound  ventrally,  simple  above  the  mid-zone,  or  in  some 
genera   compound    throughoid.     Coronal  plates    thick,    not    imbricating.     Base  of 
corona  resorbed.     Ocidars  all  exsert,   or   one,    or   two  may    he  insert.     Periproct 
unknown.     Peristome  unknown.     Lantern  erect.     Trias 
to  Tertiary. 

Hemicidaris  Agassiz  (Fig.  385).  Amb  narrow  ; 
plates  near  the  apical  system  very  numerous,  small, 
low  primaries,  succeeded  by  plates  formed  of  from 
two  to  four  components,  together  with  additional 
primary  or  demi-plates.  Tubercles  in  two  vertical 
rows,  perforate  and  crenulate.  lAmh  broad,  with 
two  vertical  rows  of  tubercles  similar  to  those  of 
the  Amb,  but  much  larger.  Oculars  all  exsert  or 
I,  or  I,  V  insert.  Peristome  large,  with  well- 
developed  branchial  incisions.     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

The  following  subgenera  are  recognised  : — 

(a)  Hemidiadema  Ag.  Amb  tubercles  large,  and  few  in  number  below  the  ambitus, 
alternating  distinctly.     Jura  and  Cretaceous.     H.  stramonium  Ag. 

(6)  Hypodiadema  Desor.  Amh  narrow,  straight  ;  their  tubercles  of  nearly  the  same  size 
throughout.     Peristome  and  branchial  incisioiis  small.     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

(c)  Psetidocidaris  Etall.  Amb  very  undulating  abactinally,  with  primary  tubercles  near 
the  peristome,  granules  elsewhere.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Acrocidaris  Ag.  (Fig.  386).     Test  large,  spheroidal  dorsally,  fiat  actinally. 

FiCf.  385. 

Hemicidaris  crenularis  (Lam. ). 
Coral  Rag;  Chatel  Ceiisoire,  Yonne. 




Amb  straight,  broad  at  the  ambitus ;  pore-pairs  uniserial  and  in  simple  series 
near  the  apex,  in  arcs  of  from  four  to  seven  pairs  near  the  larger  tubercles, 
crowded  and  polyserial  actinally.     lAmb  with  two  vertical  rows  of  primary 

Acroddaris  nobilis  As. 

Fic.  386. 

Upper  Jura ;  St.  Sulpice,  near  Loole,  Neuchatel.     ^1,  Dorsal  view,  B,  Ventral  view. 
C,  Spine,  Vi-     D,  Three  compound  Amb  plates,  enlarged. 

tubercles  ;    only  the  largest  are  perforate  and  crenulate.     Spines  cyclindrical, 

often  tricarinate.      Upper  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Goniopygus  Agassiz.  Apical  disk  large,  plates  more  'or  less  ornamented  ; 
oculars  insert,  genital  plates  punctured  on  adoral  margin. 
Peristome  very  large,  with  small  branchial  incisions. 
Cretaceous  and  Eocene. 

Glijpticus  Ag.  (Fig.  387).  Amb  straight,  and  narrow 
except  at  the  peristome,  where  the  poriferous  areas  are 
expanded  ;  with  two  vertical  rows  of  small,  smooth,  primary 
tubercles.  lAmh  tubercles  replaced  abactinally  by  warty 
or  irregular  elongate  elevations.  Epistroma  much  developed. 
Abundant  in  Upper  Jura. 

Pig.  387 

Family  2.     Aspidodiadematidae  Duncan. 

<'»!ivfi'''us   Merogiigih-  Amhulcicral  plafes  simple.      Coronal  plates  thin,  not  imbri- 

icns  Goldf.     Coral   Ras  ■  r,  r 

(Giyptician) ;  Fringeii,  eating.  Bttsc  of  cowna  resovbed.  Oculars  all  exsert,  or  all  may 
1-  j^    insert.      Peristome    with    ten    large  primordial    ambulacral 

plates.     Lantern  erect.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Orthopsis  Cotteau.  Amb  much  narrower  than  the  I  Amb,  straight,  and  with 
numerous  pairs  of  pores  in  straight  series.  Amb  with  two,  lAmb  with  several 
vertical  rows  of  small,  plain,  perforate  tubercles.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Eodiadema  Dnncan.  Lias;  England.  Echinopsis  Ag.  Eocene;  Europe  and 
Egypt.     Aspidodiadema  A.  Ag.     Apical  disk  very  large,  oculars  insert.    Recent. 

Family  3.     Centrechinidae  Jackson  (Diadematidae  Peters). 

Ambulacral  plates,  compound.  Coronal  plates  not  imbricate  {Mesozoic),  or  more 
or  less  imbricate  (Becent).  Base  of  corona  resorbed.  Oculars  exsert,  or  one  to  all 
insert.      Feriproct  more  or  less  plated,  to  nearly  leathery.      Peristome  with  ten 




The  Amh  are 

primordial  amhulacral,  also  non-amhulacral  plates.     Lantern  erect,  or  (Astropyga) 
inclined.     Stewart's  organs  slight,  or  absent.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Centrechimis  Jackson  (Diadema  Schynvoet)  (Fig.  368,  D). 
narrow,  often  projecting;  two  vertical  ^ 

rows  of  small,  primary,  crenulate  and 
perforate  tubercles  extending  from 
peristome  to  apex.  lAml  with  two 
or  more  vertical  rows  of  primary 
tubercles  resembling  those  of  the 
Amh,  but  larger.  Secondary  tubercles 
and  granules  surrounding  the  scrobi- 
cules.  Spines  long,  hollow,  longitu- 
dinally striated.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Hemipedina  AVright.  Jura,  Creta- 
ceous and  Recent.  Differs  from  Centre- 
chimis in  having  simple  AmJi  plates 
near  the  apex,  and  perforate,  but 
not  crenulate  tubercles. 

Pseiidodiadema  Desor  (Fig.  388). 
Includes  small  species  having  wide 
Amh,  tubercles  of  uijiform  size  in 
Amh  and  lAmb  areas,  and  oculars 
typically  all  exsert.  Jura  to  Ter- 

Heterodiadema  Cotteau.  Like 
Centrechinus,    but    Avith    the    apical 

system  greatly  extended  into  the    depressed  posterior    lAmh 
H.  lilnjcmn  Cotteau. 

Codiopsis  Ag.  (Fig.  389).     Primary  tubercles  of  both  areas  small,  smooth. 

Fii5.  38S. 

Pseudodiadema  neglectum  Thunii.  From  the  Bernese 
Jura.  -I,  B,  Profile  and  ventral  aspect  of  test,  l/i. 
C,  Ambulacrum,  enlarged. '  D,  Spine,  Vi- 


Fic.  3811.  ■ 

Codiopsis  doma  (Desm.).     Cenomanian  (Tourtia) ;  Tournay,  Belgium.     ^,  Side-view  of  test,  i/i-     5,  Ventral 

aspect  of  same.     C,  Apical  system,  enlarged. 

nearly  equal  in  size,  and  only  occurring  actinally  and  for  a  short  distance 
toward  the  ambitus.     Pore-pairs  uniserial.     Cretaceous. 

Cottaldia  Desor.  Cretaceous  and  (?)  Recent.  Pleurodiadema  de  Loriol. 
Jura.     Magnosia  Michelin.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Diplopodia  M'Coy.  Amh  narrow,  with  two  vertical  rows  of  perforate  and 
crenulate  primary  tubercles.  Pore-pairs  in  double  vertical  series  near  the 
poles,  uniserial  at  the  ambitus.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Pedinopsis  Cotteau.     Cretaceous.     Phymechinus  Desor.     Jura. 




Pedina  Ag.  Atnb  narrow,  poriferous  areas  wide.  Both  areas  with  two 
vertical  rows  of  small,  perforate,  primary  tubercles.     Upper  Jura. 

Pseudopedina  Cotteau.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  larger  primary 
tubercles,  which  are  present  in  the  Amb  near  the  ambitus  only.     Upper  Jura. 

Micropedina  Cotteau.  Amb  with  several,  and  I  Amb  with  numerous  vertical 
rows  of  very  small  primary  tubercles.     Cretaceous. 

Leiopedina  Cotteau  {Chrysomelon  Laube).  Test  large,  melon-shaped.  Amh 
long,  straight,  very  broad.  Poriferous  areas  broad,  pore-pairs  triserial,  and 
almost  horizontal.  Plates  very  numerous,  low,  broad,  compound.  Tubercles 
small,  plain,  finely  perforate,  in  two  distant  vertical  rows.     lAmh  broad,  with 


Fit!.  300. 

Stomedhinus  lineatus  {QiO\d.U).     Coral  Rag;  Sontlieim,  Wiirtemberg.    ^4,  Side- view  of  test,  i/i.    £,  Portion 

of  actinal  surface. 

two  rows  of  tubercles  similar  to  the  ambulacral,  and  with  intermediate 
granules.     Eocene. 

Stomecliinus  Desor  (Fig.  390).  Distinguished  from  Pedina  by  its  wider 
Amb,  and  imperforate,  non  -  crenulate  primary  tubercles.  Secondary 
tubercles  and  granules  often  present.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Codechinus  Desor.  Tubercles  very  small,  plain,  irregularly  distributed. 

Polycyphus  Agassiz.     Jura,     Astropyga  Gray.     Recent. 

:   Family  4.     Echinothuriidae  Wyville  Thomson. 

Ambidacral  plates  compound.  Coronal  plates  very  thin,  imbricate.  Primordial 
interambulacral  plates  in  basicoronal  row.  Base  of  corona  not  resorbed.  Ocidars 
insert,  often  separated  from  the  genitals  by  interspaces.  Genitals  more  or  less  split 
by  secondary  sutures.  Periproct  leathery  but  partially  plated.  Peristome  with  many 
rows  of  ambulacral  plates  only.  Lantern  inclined.  Radial  peristomal  and  somatic 
muscles.     Stewart's  organs  present.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

This  family  is  represented  by  several  living  and  two  extinct  genera,  the 
latter  being  known  only  by  fragmentary  specimens.  Pelanechinus  Keeping 
is  found  in  the  Upper  Jura,  and  Echinothuria  Woodward  in  the  Upper 
Cretaceous  of  England.  Phormosoma  Wyv.  Thomson  (Fig.  371,  A)  and 
Asthenosoma  Grube.     Recent,  occurring  chiefly  in  depths  below  100  fathoms. 




Suborder  B.     STIRODONTA  Jackson. 

Teeth  keeled.  Epiphyses  narroiv,  not  meeting  in  suture  over  the  foramen 
magnum.  Amhulacral  plates  compound  or  largely  simple.  Coronal  plates  not 
imbricate.  Primordial  interamlndacral  plates  resorhed  or  retained  in  the  hasicoronal 
roiv.  Base  of  corona  resorhed  or  not.  Oculars  all  exsert  or  becoming  insert  in  the 
sequence  I,  V,  or  V,  /,  IV,  II,  III.  Periproct  with  prominent  suranal,  or  with 
many  small  plates,  or  four,  or  five  large  plates  only.  Peristome  ivith  ten  primordial 
ambidacral,  also  non-ambulacral  plates.  Lantern  erect.  Primary  tubercles 
imperforate,  or  exceptionally  perforate.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Saleniidae    Desor. 

Ambidacral  plates  compound,  or  largely  simple.  Primordial  interambulacral 
plates  resorbed.  Base  of  corona  resorbed.  Oculars  exsert  or  becoming  insert  in  the 
sequence  I,  V,  IV,  II,  III.  Periproct  with  a  permanent  large  suranal,  or  more 
large  plates,  with  small  anal  plates.  Primary  tubercles  imperforate,  or  perforate. 
No  spurs  from  pyramids  supporting  teeth  dorsally.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Peltastes  Ag,  (Fig.  391).      Amb  straight  or  slightly  flexuous,  with  simple 


Fig.  391. 
Pdtastes,  apical  system  ; 

m,  madreporite.  ''^g^^^^  Fto   qq.^ 

Salcnia  scut'ujara  Gray.  Wliite  Clialk ;  Charente 
(after  Cotteau).  .4,  Lateral  and  dorsal  aspects  of 
tests,  ^l\.     B,  Apical  system,  enlarged. 

plates  abactinally  and  with  small  primary  tubercles  near  the  poriferous 
areas.  lAmb  broad,  with  large,  imperforate  primary  tubercles,  diminishing 
in  size  toward  the  poles.  The  suranal  plate  is  small,  in  contact  with  the 
lateral  genitals,  but  not  touching  the  posterior  one.  Upper  Jura  and 

Salenia  Gray  (Fig.  392).  Test  small,  globose,  or  depressed.  Amb  plates 
compound  or  largely  simple.  The  suranal  plate  is  in  contact  with  all  the 
genitals ;  oculars  all  exsert  or  ocular  I  reaching  the  periproct,  perforated  at 
the  adoral  edge.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Goniophorus  Agassiz.  Upper  Greensand ;  Europe.  Heterosalenia 
Cotteau.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Acrosalenia  Ag.  (Fig^s.  3Q8,  C ;  393).  Test  depressed.  ^7?i5  plates  simple 
primaries  near  the  apical  system,  compound  near  the  ambitus  and  actinally. 
I  Amb  tubercles  large,  perforate,  and  crenulate  ;  those  of  the  Amb  much  smaller, 
and  in  two  vertical  rows.  Periproct  large,  bounded  anteriorly  by  the  suranal 
plate,  which   is   in   contact   with   the   four   large   anterior  genitals,   or   more 


than    one   large   periiDroctal   plate.     Oculars   all    exsert  or  one  to  all   insert, 

Fig.  393. 

Acrosalenia  hemicidaroides  yfright.    Middle  Jura;  Stanton,  Wiltshire.     Dorsal,  lateral  and  ventral  aspects 

of  test,  i/i  (after  Wright). 

commonly  I,  V  insert.      Spines  cylindrical,  striated   or  plain.       Represented 
by  numerous  species  from  the  Lias  to  the  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Family  2.     Phymosomatidae  Meissner. 

Ambulacral  plates  compound.  rrimordial  interambulacral  plates  resorted. 
Oculars  becoming  insert  in  the  sequence  I,  F,  IF,  II,  III.  Periproct  with 
numerous  small  plates  onli/.  Primarij  tubercles  imperforate.  Spurs  from  pyramids 
support  the  teeth  dorsalli/.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Cyphosoma  Agassiz  (Fig.  394). 

Fio.  394. 

Cyphosoma  kueni III  Mantell.     White  Chalk 
Sussex.     Ventral  aspect,  '/i- 

Test  depressed,  with  few  coronal  plates. 
Amb  with  well-developed  poriferous  areas 
undulating.  Pore -pairs  biserial  at  the 
apex,  crowded  at  the  peristome.  I  Amb 
broader  than  the  Amb,  wnth  two  or  more 
vertical  rows  of  primary  tubercles,  which 
are  imperforate  and  crenulate,  like  those 
of  the  Amb.  Apical  system  encroaching 
upon  the  posterior  lAmb.  Jura  to  Ter- 

Glyptocidaris  A.  Agassiz.  Recent.  This 
genus  shows  the  character  of  pyramidal 
spurs  given  as  a  family  character. 

Micropsis  Cotteau.  Amb  with  three  to 
five  elements  to  a  compound  plate,  and 
two  or  more  vertical  rows  of  small  primary 
tubercles,  wdiich  are  perforate  and  crenu- 
late.     Cretaceous  and  Eocene. 

Family  3.     Stomopneustidae   Morteiisen. 

Ambulacral  plates  compound,  composed  of  three  elements  each,  at  the  mid-zone 
every  four  or  five  ambulacral  plates  are  bound  together  and  grown  over  by  one 
primary  tubercle.  Primordial  interambulacral  plates  and  base  of  corona  resorbed. 
Oculars  becoming  insert  in  the  sequence  I,  V,  IV.  Periproct  loith  many  small  plates 
only.  Primary  tubercles  imperforate.  Spurs  from  pyramids  support  the  teeth 




Stomopneustes  Ag.  Amb  straight,  with  pores  in  arcs  of  three  pairs  dorsally 
crowded  and  triserial  below  the  ambitus.  Both  areas  with  two  vertical  rows 
of  plain  tubercles.  Formerly  classed  with  the  Echinometridae,  from  which  it 
ditfers  radically,  especially  in  structure  of  the  lantern.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  4.     Arbaciidae  Gray. 

Amhulacral  plates  compound.  Primordial  interamhulacral  plates  in  the  hasi- 
coronal  row.  Base  of  corona  not  resorhed.  Oculars  all  exsert  or  becoming  insert 
in  the  sequence  F,  I,  IF.  Periproct  with  four  or  Jive  large  plates  only.  Primary 
tubercles  imperforate.  No  spurs  from  pyramids  supporting  teeth  dorsally.  Tertiary 
to  Recent. 

Arbacia  Gray.  With  three  elements  in  an  ambulacral  plate.  Tertiarj' 
and  Recent. 

TetrapygiLS  Agassiz.      With  five  elements  in  an  ambulacral  plate.     Recent. 

Coelopleurws  Ag.  (Fig.  395).  Amb  with  two  vertical 
rows  of  plain,  primary  tubercles  placed  on  flat  scrobi- 
cules,  diminishing  in  size  toward  the  apex,  and  some- 
times replaced  there  by  granules.  lAmb  with  a  large 
bare  median  area  abactinally  ;  the  tubercles  largest  at 
the  ambitus,  sometimes  disappearing  toward  the  apical 
system.     Tertiary  anfl  Recent. 

Podocidaris  A.  Agassiz.  Recent ;  Caribbean  Sea  and 

Fid.  395. 

Coelufilenrus  oquis  Ag. 
Eocene :  Biarritz,  France. 

Suborder  C.     CAMARODONTA  Jackson. 

Teeth  keeled.  Epiphyses  wide,  meeting  in  suture  over 
the  foramen  magnum.  Ambulacral  plates  compound.  Coronal 
plates  not  imbricate.  The  ambitus  is  circular,  or  elliptical 
through  a  sidewise  axis.  Primordial  interambulacral  plates 
resorbed.  Base  of  corona  resorbed.  Oculars  all  exsert  or 
becoming  insert  in  the  sequence  F,  I  or  I,  F,  IF,  II,  III.  Periproct  usually  plated 
with  many  small  plates  (in  one  genus,  Parasalenia,  wifJi  four  large  plates). 
Peristome  tvith  ten  (in  one  species  five)  primordial  ambulacral  plates  and  more  or 
fewer  non-ambulacral  plates  ;  rarely  the  latter  are  absent.  Lantern  erect.  Primary 
tubercles  imperforate.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Echinidae  Agassiz. 

Ambitus  circular.  No  pits  or  sculpturing  in  the  coronal  plates  dorsally. 
Ambulacral  plates  at  mid-zone  composed  of  three  elements  each,  rarely  dorsally  of 
two  elements.  Oculars  all  exsert,  or  becoming  insert  in  the  sequence  I,  F,  IF,  II, 
III.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Echinus  Linn.  Amb  straight,  with  narrow  poriferous  zones  ;  pore-pairs  in 
more  or  less  vertical  arcs  of  triplets.  Interporiferous  areas  with  two  vertical 
rows  of  small,  plain,  primary  tubercles  with  or  without  irregularly  placed 
secondary  tubercles  and  primaries.  I  Amb  with  two  vertical  rows  of  primaries, 
and  few  or  numerous  rows  of  secondary  tubercles  and  miliaries.  Peristome 
small,  circular.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 


Stirechinus  Desor.  Both  areas  with  two  rows  of  large,  plain,  primary 
tubercles  situated  on  raised  keel-like  projections.     Pliocene ;  Europe. 

Glyptechimis  de  Loriol.  Cretaceous.  Tripneustes  Agassiz.  •  Miocene  and 

Hypeclunus  Desor.  Tertiary.  Tozopneustes  Agassiz.  Recent.  Boletia 
Desor.     Recent. 

Family  2.     Temnopleuridae  Desor. 

Ambitus  circular.  Pits,  or  sculpturing  in  coronal  plates  dorsalhj.  Amhulacral 
plates  at  the  mid-zone  composed  of  three  elements  each.  Oculars  usually  all  exsert. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Glyphocyphus  Haime.  Test  small,  depressed  spheroidal.  Amh  narrow, 
straight,  with  two  vertical  rows  of  small,  perforate,  crenulate,  primary 
tubercles,  and  numerous  miliaries.  I  Amh  broad,  with  two  rows  of  primaries 
somewhat  larger  than  those  of  the  Amh.  Transverse  and  median  sutures 
grooved.     Oculars  all  insert.     Cretaceous  and  Eocene. 

Dictyopleurus  Duncan  and  Sladen.  Eocene ;  Asia,  Europe  and  Egypt. 
Paradoxechinus  Laube.  Miocene  ;  Australia.  Echinocyphus  Cotteau,  and  Zeuglo- 
pleurus  Gregory.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Temnopleurus  Ag.  Transverse  sutures  of  all  plates  grooved  and  pitted. 
Apical  system  small,  compact,  slightly  projecting.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Temnechinus  Forbes.  Test  small,  subglobose,  depressed  abactinally. 
Both  areas  with  two  vertical  rows  of  plain  primaries.  Apical  system 
prominent,  compact,  the  sutures  between  the  plates  more  or  less  grooved. 
Late  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Salmacis  Ag.  Eocene,  Pliocene  and  Recent.  Alicrocyphus,  Amhlyjmeustes, 
and  Holopneusfes  Agassiz.      Recent. 

Family  3.     Strongylocentrotidae  Gregory. 

Amhitus  circular.  No  pits  or  sculpturing  in  the  coronal  plates.  Amhulacral 
plates  at  the  mid-zone  composed  of  from  four  to  ten  elements  each,  rarely  (some 
Echinostrephus)  of  three  elements  each.  Ocidars  all  exsert  or  hecoming  insert  in  the 
sequence  I,  V,  IV,  II.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

^-=_,,_^___ r— ,  Strongylocentrotus    Brandt    (Figs.    371,    E  ;     372-3, 

'^T^s^^j^)  ^ — -\  ^v,       396).  Test  symmetrical  and  polyporous.   ^-^//ift  straight, 

broad  at  the  ambitus  and  peristome,  and  with  broad 

poriferous  areas.      Pore-pairs  in  oblique  arcs  or  almost 

transverse  series  of  from  four  to  ten  pairs,  and  crowded 

actinally.      Interporiferous    areas    Avith     two    vertical 

Fiu.  396.  rows  of  plain  imperforate  primary  tubercles;  secondaries 

strongylocentrotus     drobach-   and  miliaries  also  present.     lAmb  with  two  rows  of 

Jound  Sm?)  piate""*''^^'    ^°'"'   Primary,  and    four    or    more  of    secondary  tubercles. 

Late  Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Sphaerechinus  Desoi\  Amh  straight,  wide.  Pore-pairs  in  arcs  or  oblique 
lines  of  four  to  eight  pairs,  polyserial  actinally.  Interporiferous  areas  with 
two  to  six  vertical  rows  of  plain,  imperforate  primaries,  and  horizontal  rows 
of  secondary  tubercles  and  miliaries.  lAmh  with  two  to  twelve  vertical  rows 
of  primaries.     Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Eurypueustes  and  Aeolopneustes  Duncan  and  Sladen.     Eocene ;  Asia. 




Family  4.      Echinometridae    Gray. 

Ambitus  eUiptkal  in  a  sicleivise  axis.  No  pits  or  sculpturing  in  coronal  plates 
dorsally.  Amhulacral  plates  at  mid-zone  composed  of  four  or  more  elements  each, 
rarely  (Parasalenia)  of  three  elements  each.  Oculars  all  exsert,  or  becoming  insert 
in  the  sequence  V,  I,  IV.     Recent. 

Echinometra  Gray  ;  Heterocentrotus  and  Colobocentrotus  Brandt ;  with  highly 
specialised  spines.     Eecent. 

Order  4.     EXOCYCLOIDA   Jackson. 

Test  irregidar,  exocyclic,  periproct  outside  of  oculogenital  ring  in  interambulacrum 
■>.  Two  columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral  area  and  two  columns  of  ptlates  in 
each  interambulacral  area.  Begular  in  form,  or  more  frequently  more  or  less 
markedly  bilaterally  symmetrical  through  the  axis  III,  5.  Slight  or  no  resorption 
of  base  of  corona  by  the  advance  of  the  peristome.  Lantern  present  or  absent. 
Peristomal  gills,  or  ambulacral  gills  only.     Sphaeridia  present.     Jura  to  Recent. 

This  order  includes  all  exocyclic  Echini  excepting  the  Paleozoic 
Echinocystoida.  The  order  shows  structural  characters  associating  it  with 
the  Arbaciidae. 

Suborder  A.     HOLECTYPINA   Gregory. 

Ambulacral  plates  compound,  or  largely  simple,  areas  not  petaloid  dorsally. 
Primordial  ambulacral  plates  unknown.  Primordial  inter ambiolacral  plates  in  basi- 
coronal  row,  or  in  part  resorbed.  Base  of  corona  slightly  resorbed.  Oculars  and 
genitals  all  present  and  distinct,  or  fused,  or  genital  5  absent ;  when  present  it  is 
imperforate.  Periproct  unknown.  Peristome  central,  structure  unknown.  Lantern 
inclined  so  far  as  known.  Teeth  keeled,  epiphyses  narrow.  Foramen  magnum 
moderately  deep.  Pyramids  ivith  ridges  on  lateral  wings.  Perignathic  girdle  con- 
sisting of  apophyses  and  auricles,  or  auricles  only.  Peristomal  gills  present.  Jura 
to  Tertiary. 

Family  1.     Discoidiidae  Gregory. 
Perignathic  girdle  consisting  of  apophyses  and  auricles. 
Discoidea  Gray  (Fig.    397).     Test   hemispherical   above   the   margin,   flat 

Fig.  397. 

Discoidea  cylindrica  Agassiz.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Liineburg.    A,  Side-view.     B,  Test  broken  open  to  sliow 

the  inner  partitions,  l/j. 

actinally.     Amb  narrow,   with  some  compound  plates  near  the  ambitus  and 
aK;tiiially ;    pore-pairs   very   numerous,    small.      lAmb    with    distinct    median 




sutures,  and  small,  perforate  and  crenulate  tubei'cles.  Plates  within  the 
actinal  surface  with  radiating  ribs,  ten  in  all,  extending  as  far  as  the  peri- 
stome ;  appearing  on  casts  as  deep  depressions.  Periproct  small,  infra- 
marginal.     Cretaceous. 

Conulus  Leske  (Galerites  Lam.).     Amh  flush  or  slightly  raised,  apetalous, 
straight ;  some  of  the  plates  compound.      Peristome  sunken,  slightly  decagonal, 

Fig.  398, 
Conoclypeus  conoidcus  (Goldf.).     Eocene  ;  Kressenberg,  Bavaria  (2/3  natural  size). 

symmetrical.  Perignathic  girdle  indicated  by  a  thickening  of  the  lAmh  as  a 
low  false  ridge.     Abundant  in  the  Lower  and  Middle  Cretaceous. 

Lanieria  Duncan.     Cretaceous  or  Eocene  ;  Cuba. 

Conodypeus  Ag.  (Figs.  369,  E ;  398).  Test  large,  thick  ;  conical  or  vaulted 
dorsally,  flat  actinally.  Amb  long,  open,  with  broad  poriferous  areas  nearly  to 
ambitus,  narrowing  thence  to  peristome.  Pores  wide  apart  and  in  pairs  where 
the  areas  are  broad  ;  the  pairs  separated  by  costae.  Pores  continued  in  single 
series  over  the  ambitus  as  far  as  the  central,  pentagonal  peristome.  Periproct 
infra-marginal,  oval  (?).     Cretaceous  and  Eocene  ;  Europe. 

J\aiiiily  2.     Pygasteridae  Gregory. 
Perignathic  girdle  <ipparentlij  consisting  of  auricles  only. 
Holecfypus  Desor  (Figs.  369,  B ;  399).      Amh  narrow,  straight,   widest  at 

I'lc.  399. 

A.H,  IIolectypnsoryir.alngSc]\\oth.     Upper .lura;  Streitlx^rs,  I'Yancoiiia.     '',  />,  7/.  '^cyiros!;.'-' (TiPske).     Middle 
Jura  ;  France.     Apical  system  and  ventral  surface  (after  Cotteau). 




ambitus  ;  some  of  the  plates  compound.  lAmh  with  rather  large  plates,  and 
many  rows  of  tubercles.  Peristome  large,  decagonal,  with  well-marked  branchial 
incisions,  jaws,  and  feeble  perignathic  girdle. 
Periproct  large,  pyriform,  situated  between  the 
peristome  and  posterior  edge  of  the  test.  Apical 
system  small,  central.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Pileus  Desor.  Test  large,  sub-hemispherical 
dorsally,  flat  actinally.  Tubercles  small,  ir- 
regularly arranged.  Periproct  supra-marginal, 
small,  broadly  ovoid.      Upper  Jura. 

Pygaster  Ag.  (Fig.  400).  Test  large,  de- 
pressed dorsally,  concave  actinally.  Amb  straight, 
similar,  flush  or  slightly  raised,  widest  at  the 
ambitus.  Poriferous  areas  straight,  simple, 
narrow ;  tubercles  of  interporiferous  areas  in 
two  or  four  vertical  rows  ;  those  of  the  lAmh  in 
horizontal  rows.  Peristome  large,  decagonal, 
with  jaws  and  feeble  perignathic  girdle.  Peri- 
proct immediately  beyond  the  apical  system. 
Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Galeroptjgiis  Cotteau ;  Pachydypeus  Desor. 
Upper  Jura ;  Europe. 

Pig.  400. 

Pyiiu-^ter  umbclla  Agassiz.  Dxtbrdian  ; 
Chatillon-sur-Seine.  Young  indiviiUial, 
Vi  (after  Cotteau). 

Suhorder  B.     CLYPEASTRINA  Gregory. 

Ambulacral  plates  simple,  areas  petaloid  dorsally.  Ventrally  amlndacral  pores 
are  minute  and  specialised.  Primordial  ambulacral  plates  in  basicoroual  row. 
Primordial  interamhulacral  plates  in  basicoronal  row,  or  exceptionally  (Arachnoides) 
pushed  dorsally  and  wi  part  resorhed  by  intracoronal  resorption.  Base  of  corona  not 
resorbed.  Ocular  and  genital  plates  fused  in  a  mass,  usually  no  genital  pore  in  area 
5.  Genital  pores  within  the  fused  m,ass  or  outside  in  interambulacra  1,  '2,  3,  4,. 
Periproct  plated.  Peristome  central,  leathery.  Lantern  procumbent,  highly  modified, 
teeth  keeled,  foramen  magnum  very  shallow,  small  epiphyses  and  braces,  but  no  com- 
passes. Pyramids  usually  without  ridges  on  lateral  wings.  Perignathic  girdle  con- 
sisting of  auricles  only,  on  ambulacral,  or  on  interambulacral  plates.  No  peristomal, 
but  ambulacral  gills  only.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Clypeastridae  Agassiz. 

Test  small  to  very  large,  depressed,  flat  or  high.  Petaloid  parts  of  the  ambulacra 
highlif  developed,  usually  uneqiud ;  the  actinal  furrotvs  straight.  Interambulacra 
actinally  discontinuous ;  one  peristomal  plate  in  each  area.  Perignathic  processes 
tall,  narrow,  two  on  each  ambulacrum,  fitting  in  below  the  large  jaws.  Peristome 
central,  pentagonal ;  periproct  small,  marginal  or  infra-marginal.  Internal  structure 
with  needles,  pillars,  and  other  processes  extending  from  floor  to  roof,  especially  near 
the  edge  of  the  test ;  sometimes  these  are  fused  to  form  concentric  partitions,  and  the 
ambulacra  may  also  be  protected  by  an  inner  wall.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Clypeaster  Lam.  (Figs.  369,  i^ ;  374,  401,  402).  Actinal  surface  flat,  with  the 
peristome  deeply  sunken  ;  edge  thin,  undulating  in  contour,  with  or  without 




re-entering  angles.     Petals  long,  broad,   tumid  ;   pores  wide   apart,   unequal, 
conjugated.     Periproct  near  or  at  the  edge.     Internal  structure  not  forming 

a  double  wall  covering  the 
Amh.  This  genus  includes 
some  of  the  largest  known 
Echinoids.  Eecent  species 
are  littoral,  or  shallow- 
water  inhabitants.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 

Anomalantlms  Bell.  Ee- 
cent. Lagannm  Gray.  Be- 
longs propei'ly  to  a  separate 
family  or  subfamily.  Ter- 
tiary and  Eecent. 

Family  2.     Fibulariidae 

Test  small,  with  nidi- 
menlary,  widely  open,  few- 
pored  petals.  Interamhvlacra 
small,  with  a  single  apical  and  a  single  peristomal  plate.  Ambulacra  limited 
actinally  on  the  interior  of  the  test  by  low  vertical  partitions  at  their  sides,  radiating 

Clypeaster  aegyptlcus  Mich.     Pliocene  ;  Gizeli,  near  Cairo.     Fragment, 
showing  internal  calcareous  deposits,    au,  Auricles. 

Clypeaster  grandiflorus  Bronn. 

Fill.  402. 
Miocene  ;  Boutonnet,  near  Montpellier.     i/o  natural  size  (after  Desor). 

toward   the  peristome.     Perignathic  p>'>'ocesses   broad,   low,   situated  on  each  inter- 
ambulacrum.     Periproct  usually  actinal.     Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Echinocyamus  Leske  (Fig.  403).     Test  thick,  depressed,  pyriform  or  sub- 
circular  in  outline,   concave   actinally.      Amb  broader  than  the  lAmb,   short 




where  slightly  petaloid,  widely  open  distally  :  pore-pairs  few  and  increasingly 

far  apart.      Peristome   central,  pentagonal,  with  small 

jaws.      Periproct  between  the  peristome  and  posterior 

edse  of  the  test.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subgenus  ScuteUina  Ag.     Periproct  small,   marginal  or  more 
or  less  supra-  or  infra-marginal.     Tertiary.  Pn,_  403. 

Sismondia   Desor.      Test   sub -pentagonal    or    ovoid,     Echinocyamus  piacentus 

1      ■     r,  1  1  •  Ti    J     1     -J  1.  £    (Goldf.)    (  =  E.     siculus    Ag.). 

depressed,  niflated  at  the   margni.      retaloid   parts   01   piiocene;  Siciiy.    i/j. 
the  Jinh  usually  long,  more  or  less  open  ;  pore-pairs 
not  continued    actinally.     Tubercles    minute.     Eocene 
and  Miocene. 

Fihularia  Lam.  (Fig.  404).  Test  thin,  ovoid,  tumid 
dorsally  and  at  the  side.  Jmh  short ;  pore-pairs  very 
few,  continued  wide  apart  to  the  margin,  non-con- 
jugated. Peristome  and  periproct  small,  sunken,  close 
together.     Upper  Ci'etaceous  and  Recent. 

Euna  Ag.     Tei'tiary  ;  Europe. 

Family  3.      Scuteliidae  Agassiz. 

Test  very  flat,  with  entire  or  incised  margin ;    lunules  or  slits  in  the  areas  or 
not.     Jmhulacral  furrows  bifurcating  and  branching.     Peristome  flush  ;    jaws  flat. 

Fig.  404. 

Upper  Cretaceous ;  Maast- 
richt, Belgium.    1/1. 

Fio.  405. 
Scutella  suhrotwiidata  Lam.     jVIioceiie  ;  Bordeaux.     .1,  B,  Ventral  and  doi'sal  aspects  ;  C,  Section,  i/i- 

teeth  superior.     Badiating  partitions  between  the  floors  internally.       Tertiary  and 

Scutella  Lam.  (Fig.  405).      Test  circular  or  sub-circular  in  outline,   some- 
times undulating  or  notched,   broadest  behind.      Petaloid  parts  of  the  Amb 


unequal,  well-developed,  nearly  closed.  Peristome  small,  central,  sub-circular. 
Periproct  very  small,  infra-marginal.  Apical  system  central,  more  or  less 
pentagonal.     Tertiary. 

Subgenus  Echinarachnius  Leske  {Dcndraster  Ag.).     Apical  system  eccentric  in  front  or 
beliiud.     Periproct  actinal  or  marginal.     Recent. 

Echinodiscus  Leske.  Like  Scutella,  but  truncated  posteriorly,  and  with  two 
round  or  elongate  lunules  or  slits,  one  in  each  of  the  median  lines  of  the 
postero-lateral  Amb.     Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

Encope  Ag.  Test  with  a  broad  notch  or  a  lunule  in  the  median  line  of 
each  Amb,  and  a  lunule  in  the  posterior  lAriih.     Miocene  and  Recent. 

Mellita  Agassiz.  Test  very  Hat,  with  five  or  six  usuall}'^  closed  lunules, 
more  rarely  cuts ;  one  in  the  median  line  of  the  posterior  lAmb,  the  others 
in  the  Amb.  Amb  petaloid  dorsally,  the  posterior  pair  the  longest.  Pliocene 
and  Recent. 

Lenifa  Desor.  Eocene.  Botula  Ag.  (Fig.  366,  g).  Recent.  Arachnoides 
Leske.    Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Suborder  C.     SPATANGINA  Jackson. 

AmJndacral  plates  simple,  areas  commonly  petaloid  dorsally  ;  in  some  types  piores 
are  absent  in  part  of  the  plates.  Ambulacrum  III  often,  differs  markedly  in  character 
from  other  areas.  Ambiilacral  plates  often  highly  specialised  in  form  and  size. 
Primordial  ambulacrcd  plates  in  the  basicoronal  row,  or  (Fourtalesia)  in  part  pushed 
dorsally.  The  basicoronal  plates  la,  I  la,  I  I  lb,  IVa,  Vb,  are  larger  and  with  two 
pairs  of  pores  or  two  separate  single  pores,  whereas  the  lb,  lib.  Ilia,  IVb,  Va  are 
smaller  with  one  pore-pair  or  one  single  pore.  Primordial  interambulacral  plates  in 
the  basicoronal  row  or  {Lovenia,  Pourtalesia)  pushed  dorsally.  Base  of  corona  not 
resorbed.  Oculars  and  genitals  separate,  or  genitcds  partially  fused.  Ocxdars- 
apparently  absent  in  some  Pourtalesias.  Genital  5  absent,  and  some  additional 
genitals  rarely  absent.  Periproct  plated.  Peristome  eccentric,  plated  with  non- 
ambulacral  plates  only.  Lantern  and  perignathic  girdle  absent  (present  in  the  young 
of  Echinoneus,  A.  Agassiz,  1909).     No  peristomal,  but  ambulacral  gills  only. 

Tribe  A.     CASSIDULOIDEA   Duncan. 

Ambulacra  abactinally  petaloid  or  sub-petaloid,  usually  similar.  Some  or  all 
of  the  inter  ami mlacra  with  a  single  peristomal  plate ;  the  postero-lateral  areas 
symmetrical  actinally,  xvithout  any  fusion  of  plates;  no  plastrons.  Peristome 
variously  shaped,  with  or  without  floscelles. 

Family  1.      Echinoneidae    Wright. 

Test  tall,  or  low  and  tumid  dorsally;  tumid  and  rarely  flat  actinally.  Apical 
system  central,  compact,  with  four  perforated  genitals.  Ambulacra  similar,  dorsally 
apetalous  or  sub-petaloid.  Pores  in  simple  pairs  or  in  oblique  triplets  actinally  ;  no 
floscelle.  Peristome  oblique  or  transversely  elliptical,  rarely  symmetrical.  Periproct 
actinal,  marginal  or  supra-marginal.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subfamily  A.      Echinoneinae    Desor. 

I'est  low,  tumid,  and  more  or  less  pulvinate  actinally  ;  pieristome  central  or  sub- 
central  and  oblique. 




Echinoneus  Leske.     Amb  narrow,  actinally  unequally  broad,  owing  to  the 
obliquity  of  the  large,  triangular  peristome.     Miocene  to  Recent. 
Caratonms  Ag.     Cretaceous.     Amhlypygus  Ag.     Tertiary. 
Fygaidus    Ag.    (Fig.    406).       Test    small,   thick  ;    apical   system    slightly 

Fi(i.  -106. 

ryiinnliis  desmoulinsi  Aj;'.     Urj;'onian 
(Schiattenkalk) ;  Siiiitis,  Switzerland,     i/j. 

Fi(!.  40r. 

Pyrina  iiiscia  (Ag.).     Ni'oeoiuian  (Hils)  ;  Bwklingen, 

Brunswick.     Vj. 

eccentric  in  front.  Anhh  narrow,  widest  at  the  ambitus  ;  pore-pairs  in  simple 
series,  conjugated  ;  the  pores  of  a  pair  sometimes  differently  shaped.  Cre- 

Pyrina  Desm.  (Fig.  407).'  Like  the  preceding,  but  pores  non-conjugated, 
and  tlie  pairs  separated  by  costae.     Cretaceous  and  Eocene. 

Subfamily  B.      Eghinobeissinae    Duncan. 

Test  depressed,  elongate,  tumid.  Ambulacra  suh-petaloid.  Apical  system  and 
peristome  eccentric ;  jloscelle  absent  or  rudimentary.  Interambulacra  entering  the 
peristomal  margin  with  a  single  plate.     Periproct  supra-marginal. 

Nmleolites  Lam.  {Echinohrissus  Breyn.)  (Fig.  408).  Test  ovate,  rounded  in 
front,  broadest  and  more  or  less  truncated  behind ;    or  rectangular,  with  the 

Fig.  40a' 

A,  B,  Niiclcolitus  rluiui-idKri.s  (Ijlhwyd).  Cornbrash  ;  Egg,  Aargau.  Vi-  ''.  D,  N.  smtatas  (Lani.).  Upper 
Oxfordiau ;  Trouville,  Calvados.  C,  Ventral  aspect  of  large  individual.  D,  Apical  system,  enlarged  (after 

angles  rounded  ;  or  sub-circular ;  concave  actinally.  Amb  unequal,  open  at 
the  end  of  the  sub-petaloid  parts  ;  pore-pairs  in  simple  series,  more  or  less 
unequal  in  shape  and  size,  the  outer  ones  elongate  ;  below  the  sub-petaloid 
parts  the  pores  are  in  small  oblique  pairs,  conjugate  or  not.  Periproct  at 
upper  end  of  a  groove  situated  on  the  abactinal  area  of  the  test.  Abundant 
in  Upper  Jura  and  Cretaceous  ;  present  also  in  Eocene  and  late  Tertiary. 
VOL.  I  U 




Subgenus  Docfiviostoma  Duncan  {Trematopygus  d'Orb.).     Like  the  preceding,  but  with 
oblique  peristome.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Botriopygus  d'Orb.     Cretaceous.     Ilariona  Dames.     Eocene. 

Family  2. 

Oassidulidae  Agassiz. 

Test  variable  in  shape.  Ambulacra  petaloid,  sub-petaloid  or  apetalous  dorsally, 
and  with  crowded  doubling  of  the  pairs  of  pores  close  to  the  peristomal  margin, 
forming  with  the  single,  swollen  and  ornamented  interambulacrcd  peristomal  plates  a 
floscelle.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Cassidulus    Lam.    (Fig.    409).       Test    small,    oblong,    depressed,    convex 

dorsally,  flat  actinall3^  Amb  narrow, 
sub-petaloid,  not  closing  ;  pores  con- 
tinued from  the  middle  part  to  the 
well-developed  floscelle.  Peristome 
eccentric  in  front ;  periproct  supra- 
marginal,  longitudinally  elongated. 
Cretaceous  and  Eocene. 

Subgenus  Rhynco2nj(]iis  d'Orb.  Periproct 
transversely  elongate,  with  overhanging 
rostrum.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subgenus  Fygorhynchus  Ag.  Test  con- 
cave actinally,  with  long  petals.  Peris- 
tome and  periproct  longest  transversely. 
Cretaceous  to  Miocene. 

Stigmatopygus  d'Orb.  Cretaceous.  Eurhodia'd' Arch,  and  Haime.  Eocene. 
Paralampas  and  Neocatopygns  Duncan  and  Sladen.  Eocene.  Catopygus  Ag. 
Cretaceous.  Studeria  Duncan.  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Phyllobrissus  Cotteau. 
Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Clypeus  Agassiz.  Test  large,  low,  nearly  flat  actinally.  Ainb  wide, 
petaloid,  not  closing   dorsally,  narrow  at  the  ambitus  and  actinally.     Pore- 

Fifi.  409. 

Cassidulus  lapis-cancri  Lam.    A,  Test  in  three  positions. 
B,  Floscelle,  enlarged. 

I'l/gurus  roi/cria/m.s  Colteau.     Kiiumcrid^'ian ;  Tiinnjesberg,  iii.'ai  llanuvor.     -J,  B,  Dursal  aiid  ventral  views 
of  test,  '^U  natural  size.     L',  Apical  system,  enlarged.     D,  Ambulacral  plates,  magnified. 

pairs  in  the  petaloid  parts  with   the  inner  pore  small  and  circular,  the  outer 




transversely  elongate,  and  in  a  long  groove.     Periproct  high  up,  usually  in  a 
groove  along  the  median  line  of  the  posterior  lAmh.     Upper  Jura. 

P'ljgurus  Ag.   (Fig.   410).       Test  large,  angular,  rounded  or  cordiform  in 
marginal  contour ;    depressed  or  rather  tall   and  sub-conical  dorsally.      Amh 

V  .-->..■  S-.'.'° 



\\-^'^^'^ -^^M.^?:^  *^..i,i-:^ ■'*/->  "^ 


■.-■^.-^  ■'■i'. 


;.';  -  ~  ''//  '^      /<'>'/»•./•   <-  '.'    '•.   »a  .     I    .^ 

Fio.  411. 
Echinolampas  Ideini  Go\di.     Oligocene  ;  Doberg,  near  BUnde.     i/i. 

flush  dorsally,  unequal,  wide  ;  the  petaloid  parts  contracting  but  not  closing 
marginally,  and  expanding  again  actinally,  where  the  Amh  are  grooved.  Peri- 
proct infra-marginal,  pyriform  or  ovoid,  in  a  special  area,  or  rostrum,  close  to 
the  posterior  edge  of  the  test.     Upper  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Echinolam'pas  Gray  (Fig.   411).      Test  variable  in  size   and   shape,  more 
or  less  ovoid  or  circular  at  the  tumid  ^  c 

marginal  outline ;  tall  and  conical  or 
depressed  dorsally.  Amh  petaloid  for 
a  variable  distance;  pores  of  the  petals 
differing  in  shape,  conjugated  and  con- 
tinued beyond  in  simple  series.  Peri- 
stome slightly  in  front,  or  sometimes 
central.  Periproct  transversely  ellip- 
tical, infra-marginal.  Widespread  in 
Tertiary  and  Kecent. 

Conolampas  and  N'eolampas  A.  Ag. 
Recent.  Plesiolamixis  Duncan  and 
Sladen.  Eocene.  Palaeolampas  Bell. 
Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  3.     Collyritidae  d'Orbigny 
(^Dysasterinae  Gray). 

Apical  system  disconnected,  either 
elongate  or  suh- compact.  Ambulacra 
similar ;  hivium  widely  separated  from  Pi,;.  412, 

the     trivium  ;    floSCelle    absent.       Jura     to        CullyriteselUptka'DeHm.    Callovian ;  Mamers,  Sarthe. 
p,  ^    ,  .1,   B,  Test  in  profile  and  from  above,  i/i-     t',  Apical 

UretaceOUS.  system,  enlarged. 




CoUyrites  Desm.  (Fig.  412).  Test  ovoid,  tumid,  more  or  less  truncated 
posteriorly.  Amh  disjunct,  the  anterior  one  sometimes  in  a  slight  groove. 
Width  of  the  Amb  increasing  towards  the  ambitus ;  pore-pairs  in  low  primary 
plates.  Periproct  posterior,  supra-marginal,  placed  in  a  groove.  Apical 
system  elongate,  separated  by  numerous  small  plates  belonging  to  the 
postero-lateral  lAmh.  Very  abundant  in  the  Middle  and  Upper  Jura  and 

Dysaster  Ag.  Difl^ers  from  CoUyrites  in  details  of  the  aj)ical  system,  the 
genitals  not  being  separated  by  the  antero-lateral  ocular  plates.  Upper  Jura 
and  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Hyhodypeus  Agassiz  (Fig.  413).  Jura.  Tnfradypeus  Gauthier.  Upper 
Cretaceous.     Grasia  Mich,     Jura. 

Hyioclyijeus  gibberulus  Ag 

Fk;.  41 

Middle  Jura  ;  Soleure,  Switzerland.    A,  B,  Dorsal  and  ventral  views. 
C,  Profile.     D,  Apical  system,  enlarged. 

Metaporhinus  Mich.  Test  very  tall,  slightly  longer  than  broad,  sub-cordi- 
form,  projecting  upwards  anteriorly,  grooved  and  oblique  behind.  Anterior 
Amh  in  a  groove,  with  small,  simple,  distant  pairs  of  pores  ;  the  other  Amh 
flexuous,  with  comma-shaped  pores  placed  obliquely  to  one  another.  Periproct 
supra-marginal.     Upper  Jura  and  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Tribe  B.     SPATANGOIDEA   Duncan. 

Peristome  eccentric  in  front,  rarely  i^entagonal  in  the  adult,  usiially  with  a 
posterior  lahrum,  behind  which  is  a  long  plastron  bounded  laterally  hy  the  posterior 
ambulacra.  Ambulacra  dissimilar.  Inferamhidacra  with  a  single  plate  at  the 
peristomal  margin;  the  postero-lateral  areas  usually  unsymmetrical  actinally. 
Fascioles  piresent  or  absent. 

.    Family  4.     Ananchytidae  Desor. 

Test  ovoid  or  suh-cordiform  in  marginal  outline,  tall  or  depressed,  and  with  large 
plates.  Ambulacra  in  a  bivium  and  trivium,  nearly  similar,  flush,  apetalous  ;  pore- 
pairs  largest  near  the  apex  and  at  the  peristome,  may  be  uniporous.  Periproct 
variable  in  position.     Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Ananchytes  Lam.  {Echinocorys  Breyn.)  (Fig.  414).  Test  large,  oval  in  marginal 
outline ;  high,  rounded  or  keeled  apically,  flat  actinally.  Amb  biporous,  the 
pore-pairs    well    developed    abactinally,    but    becoming    smaller,    closer    and 




oblique  toward  the  ambitus,  where  they  are  more  distant.  Posterior  Amb 
actinally  long  and  broad,  the  pairs  small,  and  pores  oblique.  Peristome  oval, 
broader  than  long.  Periproct 
infra -marginal,  posterior,  oval. 
Apical  system  elongate.  Very 
abundant  in  the  Upper  Cretac- 
eous. A.  ovata  (Leske)  often 
attains  a  very  large  size. 

Holaster  Ag.  (Fig.  415).  Test 
ovoid  in  marginal  outline,  flat 
actinally,  tumid  and  high  abac- 
tinally.  Anterior  Amb  in  a  shal- 
low groove.  Peristome  elliptical, 
broadest  transversely.  Periproct 
supra-marginal,  and  oval.  Apical 
system  elongate.  Cretaceous 
and  Miocene. 

Offaster  Desor.  Test  small, 
tumid.  Anterior  Amb  sometimes 
in  a  shallow  groove.  Peristome 
oval,  broadest  transversely.  Peri- 
proct supra-marginalj  circular  or 
ovoid.  Apical  system  elongate. 
Cretaceous.     0.  pilula  (Ag.). 

Hemipneustes  Ag.    Test  large, 

ovoid    in    marginal    outline,    high         Ananchytes  ovata  (Leske).     White  chalk;  Haldeni,    West- 
1  .         •■!    1  n       a    *.     „*.,-„„li„     phalia.    ^,  B,  Profile  and  ventral  view.   Vs-    C,  Apical  system, 

and  tumid  dorsally,  flat  actinally.    Enlarged.    i>,  Portion  oiAmb  and  lAmb  areas,    i/i- 

Anterior  Amb  in  a  deep,  narrow 

groove  extending  to  the  elongate  apical  system,  its  pairs  of  pores  numerous 



•'■    'i  ■'  \\-  C--  '■■-0"."-\_ 



Fio.  414. 

Fig.  415. 
A,  B,  Holaster  suhglohosus  Ag.   Cenomanian  ;  Rouen,    i/j.    C,  H.  siiborbieulnrisBefT.     Apical  system,  enlarged. 

and  small,  the  vertical  rows  wide  apart.      Paired  Amb  more  or  less  cvirved, 
open    distally,    with    dissimilar    pores.      Peristome    much    sunken,    crescent- 




shaped,  broad.      Periproct  supramarginal.      Upper  Cretaceous.     H.  radiatus 

Cardiaster  Forbes.  Similar  to  Holasfer,  but  anterior  groove  deeper  and 
with  angular  margin.  Periproct  oval,  placed  in  a  depression  in  the  truncated 
posterior  face.  A  more  or  less  complete  marginal  fasciole  passing  below  the 
periproct.     Cretaceous. 

Subgenus  Infulasfer  Hagw.  Test  higli  in  front,  narrow  ;  anterior  groove  deep  and  with 
strong  lateral  keels.     Fasciole  absent.     Upper  Cretaceous. 

Urechinus  and  Cystechinus  A.  Agassiz.  Late  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Calymne 
Wyv.  Thomson.  Eecent.  Enichaster  de  Loriol.  Oligocene.  All  with  uni- 
porous  Ami). 

Stenonia  Desor.  Like  Ananchytes,  except  that  the  apical  system  is  com- 
pact, and  the  Amb  equal.  The  solitary  species,  'S.  ttihercidcda  (Defr.),  is 
abundant  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  (Scaglia)  of  the  Southern  Alps  and  the 

Family  5.     Spatangidae  Wright. 

Test  ovoid  or  cordiform,  longer  than  broad,  with  numerous  plates,  and  usually 
with  an  anterior  groove.  Ambulacra  in  a  biviiim  and  trivium,  the  anterior  differing 
from  the  others  in  shape  and  construction.  Pore-pairs  of  the  petaloid  parts  differing 
from  the  others.     Fascioles  present  or  absent.     Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Section  A.     Adetes.     All  fascioles  absent. 

Isaster  Desor.      Petals   not  closed.      Peristome    large,    with   a  posterior 

labrum.     Cretaceous, 

Eptiaster  d'Orb.   {Macraster  Roemer).     Anterior  Amb  in  a  groove ;  paired 

Amb  petaloid  dorsally,  with 
elongate,  unequal  pores.  lAmb 
tumid  dorsally.  Peristome  trans- 
verse, tumid  in  front,  and  usu- 
ally with  a  projecting  labrum. 
Periproct  longitudinal,  supra- 
marginal.      Cretaceous. 

Toxaster  Ag.  (EchinosjMtagus 
Breyn.)  (Fig.  416).  Anterior 
Amb  in  a  broad  shallow  groove, 
with  unequal  pore-pairs.  Paired 
Amb  sub-petaloid,  flexuous,  with 
unequal    poriferous    areas    and 

unequal    pore  -  pairs.       Peristome    transverse,    sub  -  circular    or    pentagonal. 

Tubercles  small,  perforate  and  crenulate.     Abundant  in  Lower  and  Middle 


Ennalaster  d'Orb.  (Heteraster  d'Orb.).     Petaloid  parts  of  antero-lateral  Amb 

divei'gent,  flexuous,  tending  to  close,  and  with  very  unequal  poriferous  areas, 

of  which  the  posterior  are   the   largest ;   pore-pairs  oblique.     Postero-lateral 

Amb  short,  divergent.     Peristome  labiate,  wide,  arched  in  front.     Periproct 

in  posterior  truncation.     Cretaceous. 

Hemipatagus   Desor   (Fig.   417).     Test    small,    cordiform.      Anterior  Amb 

Toxaster  complanatus  Ag. 

Fl(i.  416. 
Neocomian : 

Auxerre,  Yonne.     i/j 


with   small   pores   in   a  shallow  furrow.     Paired  Amh  long,  petaloid,  nearly 

&  ©Q* 

Ilemipiitagus  hofmaiini  Gold f.  Oligocene ; 
Doberg,  near  Biinde.  A,  Dorsal  view. 
B,  Profile.  C,  V'entral  a.speet.  i/i  (after 

flush.      The  lateral  lAmh  with  a  few  large  perforate  and  crenulate  tubercles 
in  deep  scrobicules.     Periproct  supra-marginal.      Tertiary. 

Flatybrissus  Grube.     Eecent.     Falaeopneustes  A.  Ag.     Recent,  and  perhaps 

Section  B.     Prymnadetes.     Suhanal  fasciole  absent,  other  fascioles  present. 
Hemiaster  Desor  (Fig.  418).     Anterior  Amh  in  a  shallow  groove,  the  pores 




Fi<i.  418. 

Hemiaster  orhignyanus  Desor.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Martigues,  Proveuee  (after  d'Orbigny).    A-C,  Ventral,  dorsal 
and  side  views  of  test,  Vi-    D,  Pores  of  the  anterior  Amh.    E,  Pores  of  the  paired  Ami,  enlarged. 

Pig.  419. 

Linthia  hehcrti  Cotteau.     Eocene  ;  Lonigo,  near  Vicenza.     Sj^  natural  size  (after  Dames). 

oblique,  and  in  pairs  on  either  side.      Antero-lateral  Amh  petaloid  dorsally, 
sunken,  diverging,  and  much  longer  than   the  postero-lateral.     Pores  of  the 




petaloitl  parts  conjugated,  the  outer  ones  usually  the  largest.     Peripetalous 
fasciole  present. 

Subgenus  Triiiylus  Fhill.  {Jbatus  Tvuachel).     Recent.' 

Faorina  Gray.  Eecent.  Fericosmus  Ag.  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 
Linthia  Merian  (Desoria  Gray)  (Fig.  419).  Anterior  Amb  in  a  deep 
groove,  the  pores  round  and  small,  in  pairs  on  either  side.  Antero-lateral 
Amb  longer  and  more  divergent  than  the  others,  with  petals  sunk  in  grooves. 
Pores  conjugated.  A  peripetalous  and  lateral  fasciole  present.  Cretaceous 
to  Recent. 

Schisaster  Ag.  (Figs.  420,  421).  Resembling  Linthia,  but  the  apical  system 
is  posteriorly  eccentric,  and  the  Amb  very  diverse. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Prenaster  Desor;   Oniithaster  and  Corasfer  Cotteau. 

Agassizia  Val. ;  Moira  A.  Ag.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Moiropsis  A.  Ag.     Recent. 

Fig.  420. 

Scliizasler  archiaci  Cott. 
Eoceue ;  San  Giovanni  Ila- 
rione,  near  Vioenza. 

Fig.  421. 

Schizaster  fragilis  Ag.    Apical  sys- 
tem, greatly  enlarged  (after  Loven). 

J  Fig.  1 422. 

Micraster  coranganius 
(Lam.).     Apical  system. 

Section  C.     Prymnodesmia.     Subanal  fasciole  present. 

Micrasfer  Ag.  (Figs.  422,  423).  Test  cordiform,  tumid,  rather  depressed. 
Anterior  Amb  apetaloid,  in  a  shallow  depression ;  antero-lateral  Amb  sub- 
petaloid   dorsally,   diverging ;    postero-lateral   shorter   than  the  others,   Avith 

Fig.  42.3. 
Micraster  eortestuMiiarius  Goldf.     WUiti-  Clialk  ;  Minidon,  near  Paris.     Natural  size. 

Fio.  424. 


elongate,  conjugated  pores.  Periproct  supra-marginal;  apical  system  eccentric 
in  front.  Broad  subanal  fascicle.  Abundant  in  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous  ; 
less  common  in  Eocene  and  Miocene. 

Brissus  Gray  (Brissomorpha  Laube) ;  Meoma  and  Metalia  Gray.  Tertiary 
and  Eecent.     Bhinobrissus  A.  As.     Eecent. 

Brissopsis  Ag.  {Deakia  Pavay)  (Fig.  424).     Amb  unequal,  bare  and  large 

near  the  peristome.     Anterior  Amb  slightly  sunken,  with 

small    pairs    of    close    pores.     Paired    Amb    sunken,   the 

antero-lateral  pair  sub-petaloid,   equal  to  or  larger  than 

the   postero-lateral,  straight   or  curved.     A  subanal   and  ^i^j^^^;^§^>>^^^<^|\ij^ 

peripetalous  fasciole.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Subgenus    Cyclaster  Cotteau.      Antero  -  lateral    Amh    divergent. 

Brissopatagus  Cotteau.     Allied  to  Brissopsis.     Eocene. 

Spatangus  Lam.    Anterior  Amb  in  a  broad,  deep  groove, 
with  distant  pairs  of  small  pores.     Paired  Amb  petaloid,      Brissop',sis   lyH/era 
with    broad,    sunken    poriferous    areas.      Periproct   large,   fX^^'^ed  (!rfte\^Lov6n)^'"' 
supra-marginal,    transverse.      lAmb   with   large    crenulate 
and  perforate  primary  tubercles,  and  fine  granulation.     Subanal  fasciole  only. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Maretia  Gray.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Eupatagus  Ag.  Anterior  Amb  in  a  shallow,  abactinal  depression,  narrow, 
and  with  small,  distant  pore-pairs.  The  paired  Amh  petaloid  dorsally,  long, 
wide,  closed  ;  poriferous  areas  broad,  more  or  less  sunken ;  pores  dissimilar. 
Peripetalous  and  subanal  fasciole.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Subgenus  Macropneustes  Ag.  (Peripneustes  Cott. )  (Fig.  425).  Test  large,  thick,  cordiform. 
Petals  elongate  or  broad,  grooved  or  semi-flush,  open  or  im]ierfectly  closed.  Poriferous  areas 
of  equal  width  with  the  interporiferous.     Eocene  and  Recent. 

GuaUieria  Desor ;  Eocene.  Echinocardium  Gray  (Eig.  371,  F) ;  Breynia 
DesOr ;  Lovenia  Ag.  and  Desor.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Section  D.     Apetala. 

Ambulacra  flush,  apetalous,  generally  uniporoiis,  and  either  similar  or  diverse  ; 
plates  high,  few,  often  hexagonal.     Fascioles  usually  present. 

Under  this  head  are  included  the  following  Recent  genera,  all  but  the  first 
two  of  which  have  fascioles  :  Genicopatagus  and  Palaeobrissus  A.  Ag. ;  Aceste 
Wyv.  Thomson ;  Aeropsis  Mortensen ;  Palaeotropus  Loven ;  Homolampas, 
Argopatagus  A.  Ag. ;  and  Cleistechinus  de  Loriol.     Miocene. 

Family  6.     Palaeostomatidae  Mortensen. 

Test  thin,  ovoid.  Apical  system  with  three  genital  plates  fused  into  one. 
Peristome  eccentric  in  front,  pentagonal,  with  five  angular  plates. 

Palaeostoma  Lov6n  (Leskia  Gray).     Recent ;  China,  East  Indian  Islands. 

Family  7.     Pourtalesiidae  Loven. 

Test  very  elongate,  sub-cylindrical  or  obconical,  truncated  anteriorly,  flat  actinally. 
Peristome  in  a  deep  anterior  recess  ;  periproct  actinal,  or  above  the  projecting  posterior 




rostrum  token  such  is  present.     Ambulacra  flush. 

apetalous,  sometimes  discontinuous  ; 
pores  single  or  slit-like. 

Pourtalesia,  Spatagocystis 
and  Echinocrepis  A.  Agassi z. 

Order  5.     PLESIOCIDA- 
ROIDA    Duncan. 

Test  regular,  endocyclic. 
Genitals  largely  covering  the 
dorsal  surface.  Two  columns  of 
loiv  simple  plates  in  each  avi- 
hulacral  area  and  three  columns 
of  plates  in  each  interambulacral 
area.  Plates  not  imbricate. 
Primordial  interambulacral 
plates  in  hasicoronal  row.  Base 
of  corona  not  resorbed.  Oculars 
small,  strongly  exsert  by  the  con- 
tact of  large  genitals.  Peri- 
proct  central,  structure  unknown. 
Peristome  central,  structure  un- 
known. Lantern  and  perigna- 
thic  girdle  unknown. 

Family  1.     Tiarechinidae 


The  single  primordial  plate 
of  the  interamhulacra  followed 
hy  three  elongated  plates  only, 
one  on  either  side  of  a  narrow 
median  plate.     Trias. 

Tiarechinus  Neumayr  (Fig.  426).  The  test  of  this  unique  genus  is  very 
small,  flat  actinally,  and  sub-hemispherical  dorsally.  Below  the  ambitus  and 
actinally  the  ornament  consists  of  a  plain 
primary  tubercle  to  each  plate  ;  elsewhere  the 
test  is  coarsely  granular,  including  the  very 
large  apical  system.  The  solitary  species, 
T.  princeps  (Laube),  occurs  in  the  Trias  of  St. 
Cassian,  Tyrol. 

Our  knowledge  of  this  genus  and  family  is 
based  largely  on  Lov6n's  study  of  a  single 
minute  specimen.  As  it  has  three  columns 
of  plates  in  an  interambulacral  area,  it  is 
considered  a  further  remove  from  the  primi- 
tive than  those  types  with  two  columns.  Three  plates,  representing  three 
columns,  immediately  succeeding  the  primordial  interambulacral  plate,  is  a 
unique  character  in  Echini. 

Fig.  4-Jo. 

Macropneustes  inencghinii  Desor.    Eocene  ;  Monte  Spiado,  near 

Fig.  426. 

Tiarechinus  p-?r!cc/)>-  (Laube).  Upper  Trias ; 
St.  Cassian,  Tyrol.  Venti-al  and  lateral 
aspects,  much  enlarged  (after  Loven). 


Order  6.      ECHINOCYSTOIDA    Jackson. 

Test  irregular,  periprod  apparently  in  an  inter  ambulacrum.  Two  to  four 
columns  of  plates  in  an  ambulacral  area,  and  eight  to  nine  columns  of  plates  in  an 
interamlmlacral  area.  Plates  thin,  imbricating.  Oculars  and  genitals  doubtfxd. 

Members  of  this  order  have  been  considered  primitive,  but  structural 
evidence  is  opposed  to  this  view.  This  order  includes  the  only  exocyclic 
Echini  excepting  that  of  the  Exocycloida.  The  species  are  incompletely 

Family  1.     Palaeodiscidae    Gregory. 

Two  columns  of  plates  in  an  ambulacral  area  and  eight  to  nine  columns  of  plates 
in  an  interambulacral  area.  Primordial  interamlmlacral  plates  in  basicoronal  row. 
Base  of  corona  not  resorbed.  Peristome  with  ambulacral  plates  only.  Lantern 
inclined,  typically  echinoid.     Numerous  fine  spines. 

Palaeodiscus  Salter.  With  characters  of  the  family.  The  only  genus 
known,  many  rows  of  ambulacral  plates  on  the  peristome.  Silurian ; 

Family  2.     Echinocystidae    Gregory. 

Four  columns  of  plates  in  an  ambulacral  area,  and  eight  columns  of  plates  in  an 
interambulacral  area.     Small  primary  spines  and  tubercles.     Jaws. 

Echinocystites  Wyv.  Thomson  (Cystocidaris  Zittel).  With  characters  of  the 
family.     The  only  genus  known.     Silurian  ;  England. 


Test  regidar,  periproct  within  the  oculogenital  ring.  Two  to  twenty  columns  of 
simple  plates  in  each  ambulacrcd  area,  and  three  to  fourteen  columns  of  plates  in  each 
interambulacral  area.  Plates  imbricate  or  not.  Primordial  ambulacral  plates  on 
peristome.  Primordial  interambulacral  plates  in  basicoronal  row,  or  resorbed.  Base 
of  corona  not  resorbed  or  resorbed.  Oculars  usually  all  insert.  Genitals  small, 
typically  with  more  than  one  piore  each ;  rarely  {Lepidechinus)  with  one  pore  each. 
Madreporite  usually  not  recognisable.  Periproct  covered  with  many  thick  plates. 
Peristome  with  many  rows  of  ambulacral  plates  only,  or  in  addition  with  interradial 
non-ambidacral  plates.  Lantern  inclined,  composed  of  forty  pieces,  teeth  grooved, 
foramen  magnum  moderately  deep,  epiphyses  narrow,  no  pits  in  top  of  pyramids. 
Spines  primary  and  secondary,  or  the  latter  only.  Primary  tubercles  perforate, 
secondary  tubercles  imperforate.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

This  order  includes  the  majority  of  Paleozoic  Echini.  All  are  specialised 
in  having  multiple  columns  of  interambulacral  plates,  and  in  many  genera 
multiple  columns  of  simple  ambulacral  plates  as  well ;  the  order  is  therefore 
considered  a  further  remove  from  the  primitive  than  are  those  orders 
with  two  columns  of  both  interambulacral  and  ambulacral  plates. 




Family  1.     Archaeocidaridae    M'Coy. 

Two  columns  of  plates  in  an  amhulacral  area.  Four  to  eight  columns  of  plates 
in  an  interambulacral  area,  imbricating.  Primordial  and  additional  interambulacral 
plates  are  resorhed  in  the  advance  of  peristome.  Oculars,  genitals  and  periproct 
imperfectly  known.  Peristome  with  many  rows  of  amhulacral  and  interradial  non- 
ambidacral  plates.  Spines  large  primaries  with  perforate  tubercles  in  the  centre  of 
each  interambulacral  plate,  also  secondary  spines  and  imperforate  tubercles.  Devonian 
to  Permian. 

Eocidaris  Desor.  Known  from  fragmentary  interambulacral  plates  and 
spines,  primary  tubercles  of  plates  without  a  basal  terrace.  Only  one  species 
is  recognised,  E.  laevispina  (Sandb.).     Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Archaeocidaris  M'Coy.  Ambulacral  plates  all  alike,  of  equal  height.  Four 
columns  of  plates  in  an  interambulacral  area.  Primary  spines  large,  tapering 
or  inflated,  smooth  or  with  lateral  spinules.  Primary  tubercles  with  basal 
terrace  and  scrobicular  ring.  Many  species  fragmentarily  known.  The  most 
completely  known  are  A.  wortheni  Hall  (Figs.  366,  e ;  371,  C ;  427,  A-C), 
A.  rossica  (Buch),  A.  urii  (Flem.).  Lower  Carboniferous  and  Carboniferous; 
Europe  and  North  America.     Permian  ;  North  America  and  India. 

Pig.  427. 

Arrhaeociilaris  irortheni  Hall;  Lower  Carboniferous;  Burlington,  Iowa.  A,  Portion  of  ventral  region, 
showing  jaws,  i/i-  1j,  An  lAmb  plate  viewed  from  above  and  from  the  side.  C,  Portion  of  Amb,  enlarged. 
D,  Spine  of  A.ikeokuk  Hall.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Warsaw,  Illinois  (after  Hall). 

Lepidocidaris  Meek  and  Worthen.  Ambulacral  plates  low,  Avith  also  higher, 
wider  and  wedge-shaped  plates.  Six  to  eight  columns  of  plates  in  an  inter- 
ambulacral area.  Primary  spines  cylindrical.  Primary  tul^ercles  with  no 
basal  terrace,  but  with  a  scrobicular  ring.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North 

Family  2.     Lepidocentridae   Loven. 

Two  columns  of  plates  in  each  amlmlacral  area.  Five  to  fourteen  columns  of 
plates  in  an  interambulacral  area.  Primordial  interambulacral  plates  in  basicoronal 
roio.  Base  of  corona  not  resorhed.  Oculars  insert.  Genitals  loith  many  pores  each. 
Peristome  with  many  rows  of  andmlacral  plates  only.     Spines  small  eccentrically 



Silurian     to    Lower 

placed    primaries   with    secondaries,    or   the    latter   only. 

Koninckocidaris   Dollo    and    Buisseret.     Test    high,  probably   spheroidal ; 
ambulacral  plates  high,  two  or  three  equalling  the  height  of  an  adambulacral 

Fig.  42S, 

A,  LeiMoccntnif  rhenanus  (Beyr.)-  Devonian  ;  Wippert'iirth,  Eifel.  Cast  of  the  interior  of  test  sliowing 
jaws,  i/i  (after  J.  Miiller).  B-D,  Lepiilocentrus  mUlleri  Schultze.  Devonian ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel.  Ji,  Tortion  of 
Amb,  enlarged.     C,  Several  lAinb  plates,  i/j     D,  Two  detached  lAmb  plates,  showing  oblique  edges,  Vi- 

plate,  pore-pairs  uniserial.  Seven  to  eight  columns  of  nearly  rhombic  plates 
in  an  interambulacral  area.  K.  silurica  Jackson.  Silurian ;  North  America. 
K.  cotteaui  Dollo  and  Buiss.      Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Belgium. 

Lepidocentrus  Miiller  (Fig.  428).     Test  high,  spheroidal,  ambulacral  areas 
narrow  throughout;  ambulacral  plates  low,  about  eight  equalling  the  height 

QOtT^       E 

Fig.  429. 

A,  Hyattechinus  pentagorms  Jackson.  External  sandstone  moulds.  Lower  Carboniferous;  Meadville, 
Pennsylvania.  Ventral  view  showing  introduction  of  columns  and  accelerated  development  of  interambulacra. 
B,  The  same,  dorsal  view,  showing  fourteen  cohimns  in  each  interambulacral  area  and  the  dropping  out 
of  some  coluiims  dorsally.     Both  figures  s/io  natural  size  (after  Jackson). 

of  an  adambulacral  plate,  pore-pairs  uniserial.  Five  to  eleven  columns  of 
plates  in  an  interambulacral  area.  Small  primary  spines  and  tubercles  with 
secondaries  on  interambulacral  plates.  Devonian ;  Germany  and  North 
America.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Hyattechinus  Jackson  (Fig.   429).     Test  depressed  to  flattened;  through 
the  ambitus  circular,  pentagonal  or  clypeastriform.     Ambulacral  areas  broad. 




petaloid  ventrally,  narrow  dorsally,  pore-pairs  uniserial.  Eleven  to  fourteen 
columns  of  plates  in  an  interambulacral  area.  Small  primary  and  secondary 
tubercles  on  interambulacral  plates.  This  genus  is  highly  specialised, 
particularly  as  regards  the  interambulacra  which  attain  the  greatest  number 
of  columns  of  plates  and  the  most  accelerated  development  of  the  same  known 

A,  Palaeechinus  qiiacMserialis  Wright.  Lower  Carboniferous ;  Rathkeale,  County  Limerick,  Ireland,  i/j. 
B,  Apical  disk  of  same,  2/j.  Restorations  indicated  by  dotted  lines.  C,  Same  species,  Middleton,  County 
Cork,  Ireland.     Ambulacral  detail,  enlarged  (after  Jackson). 

in  Echini.  H.  rarispinus  (Hall)  is  a  greatly  flattened  species,  H.  pentagonus 
Jackson  is  pentagonal  in  outline,  and  H.  beecheri  Jackson  is  ventrally 
flattened  and  bilaterally  symmetrical.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 
Pholidechinus  Jackson.  Test  high,  spheroidal,  ambulacral  areas  narrow 
throughout,  pore-pairs  moderately  biserial.  Nine  to  ten  columns  of  plates  in 
an  interambulacral  area.  Secondary  spines  and  tubercles  only.  Lower 
Carboniferous ;  North  America. 


Family  3.     Palaeechinidae  M'Coy. 

Test  elliptical,  obovate,  sjyherical  or  subspheroidal.  Two  to  twelve  columns  of 
plates  in  each  ambulacral  area,  three  to  eleven  columns  of  plates  in  each  inter- 
.ambulacral  area.  Plates  not  imbricate,  but  ambulacral  plates  bevel  over  the 
interambulacral  on  adradial  sutures.  Primordial  interambulacral  plates  resorbed. 
One  row  only  of  interambulacral  plates  resorbed  in  advance  of  the  peristome.  Oculars 
usually  all  insert,  genitals  usually  with  three  to  five  pores  each.  Peristome  with 
many  rows  of  ambidacrcd  and  some  interradial  non-ambulacral  plates  (Fig.  371,  D). 
Secondary  spines  and  imperforate  tubercles  only.    Silurian  (?),  Lower  Carboniferous. 

This  family  includes  more  species  than  any  other  in  the  Paleozoic.  It 
contains  genera  with  complex  ambulacra  composed  of  more  than  two  columns 
of  simple  plates  in  an  area,  and  the  species  in  development  pass  through 
stages  like  those  of  adults  in  all  lower  species  or  genera  in  the  family.  The 
interambulacral  plates  are  very  definite  in  form,  and  the  incoming  of  columns 
indicate  stages  in  development. 

Palaeechinus  M'Coy  (Figs.  367,  i;  430;  431).     Two  columns  of  plates  in 


Fig.  431. 

Palaeechinus  elegans  M'Coy.     Lower  Carboniferous  Limestone  ;  Ireland.     A,  Test,  i/i  (after  M'Coy). 
B,  Apical  system,  more  than  twice  enlarged  (after  Jackson). 

each  ambulacral  area,  consisting  of  plates  which  are  all  primaries ;  pore-pairs 
uniserial.  Four  to  six  columns  of  plates  in  each  interambulacral  area.  In 
this  lowest  genus  the  ambulacral  detail  is  like  that  seen  as  a  developing  stage 
in  the  higher  genera  of  the  family.  The  test  is  elliptical,  P.  quadriserialis, 
or  nearly  spherical,  P.  elegans.  Lower  Carboniferous ;  Europe  and  North 

Maccoya  Pomel  (Fig.  367,  k).  Two  columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral 
area,  consisting  of  plates  which  are  alternately  primaries  and  partially  or 
completely  occluded ;  pore-pairs  biserial.  Four  to  eight  or  nine  columns  of 
plates  in  each  interambulacral  area.  In  this  genus,  ventrally  and  dorsally, 
ambulacral  plates  as  stages  in  development  are  all  primaries  as  in  Palaeechinus. 
M.  phillipsiae  Forbes  is  attributed  to  the  Silurian  (?)  of  England,  other  species 
Lower  Carboniferous ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Lovenechinus  Jackson  (Figs.  367,  I;  432).  Four  columns  of  plates  in  each 
ambulacral  area,  consisting  of  demi-  and  occluded  plates ;  pore-pairs  biserial. 
Four  to  seven  columns  of  plates  in  each  interambulacral  area.  While  in  this 
genus  there  are  four  columns  of  ambulacral  plates  at  the  mid-zone,  primary 
plates  as  a  stage  occur  ventrally  and  dorsally,  L.  septies.  In  L.  missiouriensis 
(Jackson)  primary  with  occluded  plates  exist  both  ventrally  and  dorsally  as  a 




second    developmental    stage.       Lower    Carboniferous  ;    Europe    and    North 

Oligoporiis  Meek  and  Worthen  (Fig.  367,  m).  Four  columns  of  plates  in 
each  ambulacral  area,  consisting  of  demi-,  occluded,  and  in  addition  scattered 
isolated  plates  ;  pore-pairs  multiserial.     Four  to  nine  columns  of  plates  in  each' 


Fig.  432. 

Loticiiechinus  scpties  Jackson.  Lower  Carlioniferous  ;  Boouvillf,  Missouri.  .1,  In  llie  centre,  spread  out  to 
show  structure  and  development,  dotted  lines  indicate  restorations.  IS,  Lower  lel't-liand  tigurc,  developing 
ambulacrum  ventrally.  C,  Lower  right-hand  tlgure,  anibnlacrum  near  mid-zone.  I),  Upper  right,  developing 
ambulacrum  dorsally.  E,  Upper  left,  apical  disk  witli  coronal  contact.  A,  Natural  size  ;  other  figures  tliree 
times  enlarged  (after  Jackson). 

interambulacral  area.  This  genus  differs  from  Lovenechinus  in  that  it  has 
isolated  plates  in  addition  to  the  four  columns  of  ambulacral  plates.  Lower 
Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Melonechinus  Meek  and  Worthen  {Melonites  Norwood  and   Owen).     (Fi 
^.  d:  367.  n:  371.  D -,  433).     Six   to  twelve   columns  of  plates  in  ei 


366,  il;  367,  n;  371,  D ;  433).     Six   to  twelve   columns  of  plates  in  each 
ambulacral    area,   consisting   of    demi-,    occluded    and   one   to   four    irregular 




columns  of  isolated  plates  in  each  half-area  at  the  mid-zone ;  pore-pairs 
multiserial.  Three  to  eleven  columns  of  plates  in  each  interambulacral  area. 
This  genus  has  fourteen  species  with  a  wide  range  of  characters.  The  lowest 
species,  M.  dispar  (Fischer  von  Waldheim)  has  six  columns  of  ambulacra! 
plates,  and  is  thus  only  one  remove  from  Oligoponis.  The  highest  species, 
31.  giganteus  (Jackson)  has  twelve  columns  of  ambulacral  plates.  At  the 
ventral  border  of  the  ambulacra  there  are  typically  four  columns  of  plates 
like  the  adult  of  Lovenechinus.  From  this  stage  passing  dorsally  isolated 
plates  first  appear  like  Oligoporus,  then  additional  columns,  until  the  number 

Fio.  433. 

Melonechinus  inultlponix  (Norwood  and  Owen).     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  St.  Louis,  Missouri, 
i/o  natural  size.    B,  Apical  system,  slightly  enlarged  (after  Meek  and  Woithen). 

A,  Test, 

characteristic  of  the  species  is  attained.  Dorsally  some  primary  plates  occur 
next  the  oculars.  Each  species  of  Melonechinus  presents  developmental  stages 
in  the  ambulacrum  like  the  adults  of  all  lower  genera,  and  lower  species  in 
the  family.  The  interambulacrum  may  have  as  few  as  three  columns  of 
plates,  as  in  M.  obovahis  Jack.,  which  is  the  least  known  in  the  family,  though 
this  species  has  ten  columns  of  ambulacral  plates ;  or  there  may  be  eleven 
columns  of  plates  as  in  the  extreme  form,  M.  giganteus  (Jackson).  Between 
the  extremes  every  step  is  represented  in  the  genus  by  developmental  or 
adult  characters,  or  both.  Plates  of  the  test  are  often  very  thick,  and  usually 
more  or  less  strongly  elevated  melon-like  ribs  occur  in  both  ambulacra  and 
iiiterambulacra,  though  these  may  be  obsolescent  or  wanting,  M.  etheridgii 
(Keeping).  The  peristome  is  known  only  in  this  genus  for  the  family 
(Fig.  371,  D).      Lower  Carboniferous;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Lepidesthidae  Jackson. 

Test  elliptical,  obovate,  spherical  or  suhspheroidal.  Two  to  twenty  columns  of 
plates  in  each  ambulacral  area.  Three  to  thirteen  columns  of  plates  in  each  inter- 
ambulacral area.  Plates  imbricate.  Primordial  interambidacral  plates  in  basicoronal 
row.  Base  of  corona  not  resorbed.  Oculars  usually  all  insert,  genitals  with  one  to 
many  pores  each.  Periproct  j)lated  with  many  thick  plates.  Peristome  ivith  many 
rows  of  ambiUacral  plates  only.     Primary  spines  with  perforate  tubercles,  usually 

VOL.  I  X 


eccentric  and  irregularly  distributed  on  interamhulacral  plates,  with  secondary  spines 
and  tubercles,  or  the  latter  only.     Devonian  to  Permian. 

This  family  presents  a  wide  range  of  characters,  and  includes  species  with 
very  specialised  features,  particularly  as  regards  an  extreme  development  of 
ambulacral  areas. 

Lepidechinus  Hall  (Ehoechimis  Keeping).  Two  columns  of  plates  in  each 
ambulacral  area.  Four  to  eight  columns  of  plates  in  each  interamhulacral 
area.  Plates  quite  thick,  imbricating  moderately.  Secondary  tubercles  only. 
Genital  plates  as  far  as  known  with  only  one  pore  each,  the  only  instance 
known  in  the  Paleozoic.  This  genus,  the  lowest  of  the  family,  differs  from 
Palaeechimis  which  it  approaches,  principally  in  the  fact  that  the  plates  are 
imbricate.  The  genus  has  been  misunderstood  because  Hall  referred  to 
it  the  species  rarispinus,  which  is  now  referred  to  Hyattechinus.  Lower 
Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Perischodomus  M'Coy  (Fig.  366,  h).  Two  columns  of  plates  in  each  am- 
bulacral area.  Five  columns  of  plates  in  each  interamhulacral  area.  Plates 
imbricating  strongly.  Eccentric  perforate  primary  with  secondary  tubercles 
on  interamhulacral  plates.  Genital  plates  with  many  pores.  The  most 
completely  known  species  is  P.  biserialis  M'Coy,  Lower  Carboniferous  of  Great 
Britain ;  a  second  imperfectly  known  is  F.  illinoiseiisis  Worthen  and  Miller, 
Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Perischocidaris  Neumayr.  Six  columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral  area. 
Five  columns  of  plates  in  each  interamhulacral  area.  Plates  apparently 
imbricating  moderately.  Eccentric  primary  tubercles  on  certain  adradial 
plates,  with  secondary  tubercles  on  the  same  and  usually  alone  on  other 
interambulaci'al  plates.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Ireland. 

Proterocidaris  Koninck.  Four  columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral  area. 
Twelve  to  thirteen  columns  of  plates  in  each  interamhulacral  area.  Plates 
strongly  imbricating.  Small  primary  with  secondary  spines  and  tubercles  on 
interamhulacral  plates.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Belgium. 

Lepidesthes  Meek  and  Worthen  {Hybocchimis  Worthen  and  Miller)  (Figs. 
365,  367,  0 ;  434).  Eight  to  sixteen  columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral 
area.  Three  to  seven  columns  of  plates  in  each  interamhulacral  area.  Plates 
are  strongly  imbricating  and  are  all  of  uniform  size.  Secondary  spines  and 
tubercles  only.  Test  elliptical,  obovate  or  spherical.  This  genus  has  more 
species  and  a  wider  geological  range  than  any  other  of  the  family.  Ambulacral 
plates  are  very  regular  in  form,  either  rhombic  or  hexagonal.  There  may  be 
as  many  as  sixteen  columns  of  ambulacral  plates  in  an  area,  e.g.  L.  colletti 
White,  in  which  species  with  an  extreme  ambulacral  development  there  are 
only  four  columns  of  interamhulacral  plates  (Fig.  434).  In  one  species, 
L.  wortheni  Jackson,  there  are  eight  columns  of  ambulacral  plates  with  only 
three  columns  of  interamhulacral  at  the  mid-zone,  but  there  are  four  columns 
ventrally  as  a  youthful  stage.  Devonian ;  Great  Britain.  Lower  Car- 
boniferous ;  Russia,  Great  Britain,  North  America.  Carboniferous ;  North 

Pholidocidaris  Meek  and  Worthen  (Protocidaris  Whidborne).  Four  to  six 
columns  of  plates  in  each  ambulacral  area.  Five  to  six  columns  of  plates  in 
each  interamhulacral  area.  Plates  strongly  imbricating.  Ambulacral  plates 
large  ventrally,  small  dorsally ;  interamhulacral  plates  dorsally  very  large  in 




adambiilacral  columns,  smaller  within.  Eccentric  primary  spines  and  tubercles 
with  secondaries  on  dorsal  adambulacral  plates,  and  secondaries  only  on 
interambulacral  plates  of  dorsal  median  columns.  This  peculiar  and  specialised 
genus  is  known  best  from  the  type  species  P.  irregularis  (Meek  and  Worthen). 
Devonian  ;  Great  Britain.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Europe,  North  America. 



Lepidestlies  colletti  White.    Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Montgomery  County,  Indiana,     x  21/2- 
Madreporite  and  periproctal  plates  distinct  (after  Jackson). 

MeekecJiinus  Jackson  (Fig.  435).  Twenty  columns  of  plates  in  each 
ambulacra!  area.  Three  columns  of  plates  in  each  interambulacral  area. 
Plates  of  uniform  size,  imbricating  strongly.  Small  central  primary  spines 
and  tubercles  with  secondary  spines  and  tubercles  on  ambulacral  and  inter- 
ambulacral plates.  Teeth  distally  serrate,  a  unique  character.  This  genus 
with  a  single  species  is  one  of  the  most  specialised  of  known  Echini,  also  it 
is  the  geologically  latest  representative  of  its  family.  The  twenty  columns 
of  ambulacral  plates  occur  only  near  the  mid-zone,  as  further  dorsally  less 
columns  exist.  This  is  the  only  Echinoid  from  the  Paleozoic  in  which 
pedicellariae  have  yet  been  found.     Permian  ;  North  America. 




Geological  Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Echinoidea. 

Fossil  Echini  make  their  first  appearance  in  the  Ordovician,  but  are  then 
represented  .by  but  a  single  genus,  Bothriocidaris,  which  on  structural  grounds 
is  a  highly  primitive  type.  In  the  Silurian  of  Great  Britain  occurs 
the  order  Echinocystoida,  and  in  the  American  Silurian,  Koninckocidaris,  first 
of  the  Lepidocentridae.  In  the  Devonian  one  possible  Cidarid  occurs  in 
Europe  and  a  number  of  genera  of  the  Perischoechinoida  in  Europe  and  North 

Fig.  435. 

Mcckechinus  elcfians  Jackson.  Permian  ;  Grand  Summit,  Kansas.  Dorsal  \-iew  of  test  with  a  distinct 
madrt'porite  and  oilier  apical  ])lates,  enlarged,  2/j.  Lower  left-hand  figure,  ambulacral  plates  with  spines  more 
enlarged.  Lower  right-hand  ligure  segment  of  interambulacrum  with  spines  .still  more  enlarged.  Upper  left- 
hand  figure,  jiedicellaria  much  enlarged,  *-'/i  (after  Jackson). 

America.  In  the  Lower  Carboniferous  the  Cidarids  are  represented  by  one 
species  of  Miocidaris ;  otherwise  the  whole  Echinoid  fauna  is  composed  of  the 
Perischoechinoida,  which  order  finds  here  its  greatest  development  in  genera 
and  species. 


In  the  Carboniferous  very  few  Echini  are  known,  and  these  belong  to  the 
Perischoechinoida.  The  same  order  is  repi'esented  by  a  few  types  in  the 
Permian  which,  with  a  single  species  of  Miocidaris  representing  the  Cidaroida, 
are  the  only  Echini  known. 

In  the  Trias,  Cidarids  occur  and  also  the  earliest  representatives  of  the 
Centrechinoida.  In  the  same  horizon  also  occurs  Tiarechinus,  representing 
the  peculiar  order  Plesiocidaroida. 

Especially  rich  in  regular  Sea-urchins,  as  well  as  in  members  of  the 
Echinoneidae,  Cassidulidae  and  Collyritidae  are  the  Middle  and  Upper  Jura 
of  England,  France,  Germany,  Switzerland,  the  Alps  and  Northern  Africa. 
The  Lower  Cretaceous  of  the  same  region  exhibits  no  essential  change  in 
the  Echinoid  fauna  ;  but  the  advent  of  large  numbers  of  the  Ananchytidae 
and  Spatangidae  in  the  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Europe,  Noi'thern 
Africa,  Asia  and  North  America  imparts  to  these  horizons  a  characteristic 

During  the  Tertiary  the  Cidaridae  notably  decline,  the  Echinoconinae 
l)ecome  entirely  extinct,  and  the  Clypeastroids  and  Spatangoids  advance  con- 
spicuously into  the  foreground,  taking  on  more  and  more  the  semblance  of 
Recent  species.  Tertiary  Echinoids  are  of  world-wide  distribvition  and  are 
particularly  plentiful  in  the  Nummulitic  Limestone  of  Europe,  Northern 
Africa,  Asia  Minor  and  India. 

As  to  phylogenetic'  relationships,  it  is  believed  that  structure  and  develop- 
ment should  be  the  basis  for  such  studies.  While  it  is  earnestly  desired  that 
we  should  find  fossils  in  the  proper  geological  horizons  representing  every 
step  in  a  genealogical  sequence,  it  must  be  remembered  that  in  the  older 
Paleozoic  formations  (Silurian  and  Devonian)  Echini  are  extremely  rare. 
Recent  studies  have  yielded  many  new  Paleozoic  forms  and  have  considerably 
extended  the  geological  range  of  genera,  families  and  orders,  so  that  it  is  not 
too  much  to  expect  that  future  discoveries  will  yield  material  of  first 
importance  to  a  knowledge  of  the  group.  Echini  are  an  essentially  circum- 
scril)ed  group  and  no  known  type  presents  a  close  approach  to  any  other  class 
of  Echinoderms.  Though  the  ancestor  of  the  class  is  unknown,  it  seems  that 
it  might  fairly  be  sought  among  the  Cystids. 

The  most  primitive  known  Echinoid  structurally  is  the  Ordovician 
Bothriocidaris,  sole  representative  of  its  order,  which  in  the  adult  has 
characters  that  appear  as  stages  in  development  in  all  other  orders  of  Echini. 
Bothriocidaris,  with  ten  columns  of  ambulacral  and  five  columns  of  inter- 
ambulacral  plates,  in  these  characters  represents  the  simplest  known  type. 

The  next  step  structurally  is  ten  columns  of  ambulacral  and  ten  of  inter- 
ambulacral  plates.  This  structure  is  the  character  of  the  Cidaroida, 
Centrechinoida  and  Exocycloida.  Of  these  orders  the  Cidaroida  with  simple 
ambulacral  plates  is  certainly  the  most  primitive  as  well  as  geologically  the 
oldest.  The  Centrechinoida  typically  have  compound  plates  formed  by  the 
coalescence  of  simple  plates.  Of  this  order  the  Aulodonta  are  the  most 
primitive  group,  make  the  nearest  approach  to  the  Cidaroida  structurally,  and 
also  geologically  are  the  oldest  of  the  order.  The  Stirodonta  as  regards  the 
structure  of  the  lantern  (keeled  teeth)  are  further  removed  from  the  primitive 
than  the  Aulodonta.  The  Camarodonta  are  the  last  expression  of  differentia- 
tion of  the  Centrechinoida  in  regard  to  the  structure  of  the  lantern  (keeled 
teeth  with  wide  epiphyses  joining  in  suture  over  the  foramen)  and  also  in 


ambulacral  differentiation.  This  group  appears  last  geologically  and  has  its 
fullest  expression  at  the  present  time.  The  Exocycloida  with  an  eccentric 
periproct  is  a  homogeneous  group.  The  structure  of  the  lantern  (keeled 
teeth)  with  other  characters  affiliate  the  basal  members  with  the  Stirodonta. 
Of  this  order  the  Holectypina  on  the  basis  of  the  lantern  structure,  perignathic 
girdle  and  ambulacral  detail,  make  the  nearest  approach  to  the  Stirodonta. 
The  Clypeastrina,  by  the  characters  of  the  lantern,  perignathic  girdle  and 
petaloid  ambulacra  composed  of  simple  plates,  are  further  removed  from  the 
primitive  than  the  Holectypina.  The  Spatangina,  which  have  lost  the  lantern 
in  adults  and  have  attained  an  extreme  of  differentiation  in  ambulacral 
structure,  bilaterality  and  an  eccentric  peristome,  may  well  be  considered  the 
most  specialised  group  of  the  Exocycloida,  and  therefore  the  furthest  removed 
from  the  primitive. 

Up  to  this  point  each  order  is  characterised  by  having  two  columns  of 
ambulacral  plates,  and  either  one  or  two  columns  of  plates  in  each  inter- 
ambulacral  area.  The  next  step  in  structural  differentiation  is  two  columns 
of  ambulacral  and  three  columns  of  interambulacral  plates.  This  is  the 
character  of  the  Plesiocidaroida  which  is  further  marked  by  an  exce2:)tionally 
large  apical  disc  which  is  a  primitive  feature. 

The  next  step  structurally  is  types  wath  two  or  more  columns  of  simple 
ambulacral  plates  and  three  or  more  columns  of  interambulacral  plates,  with 
a  small  apical  disk  which  is  a  progressive  character.  The  Echinocystoida 
with  eight  or  more  columns  of  interambulacral  plates  fall  in  this  group. 
This  order  is  incompletely  known,  especially  as  regards  the  apical  disk  and 
the  periproct,  which  last  appears  to  be  eccentric  in  an  interambulacrum, 
separating  it  radically  from  all  of  the  Perischoechiuoida.  The  Palaeodiscidae 
is  the  more  primitive  family,  with  two  columns  of  ambulacral  plates  ;  the 
Echinocystidae  is  the  more  specialised  family  with  four  columns  of  ambulacral 

The  Perischoechiuoida  include  all  remaining  Echini ;  primitive  as  regards 
the  lantern,  they  are  specialised  in  the  interambufacrum,  frequently  in  the 
ambulacrum,  and  also  in  having  a  small  apical  disk.  The  Archaeocidaridae 
have  two  columns  of  ambulacral  plates  and  in  so  far  are  primitive,  but  they 
have  from  four  to  eight  columns  of  interambulacral  plates ;  very  large  spines 
(for  the  Paleozoic)  ;  ambulacral  and  non-ambulacral  plates  on  the  peristome 
and  much  resorption  of  the  base  of  the  corona,  specialised.  The  Lepido- 
centridae  have  also  two  columns  of  ambulacral  plates.  The  family  attains 
many  (5  to  14)  columns  of  interambulacral  plates,  progressive;  ambulacral 
plates  only  on  the  peristome  and  no  resorption  of  the  base  of  the  corona, 
primitive.  The  Palaeechinidae  may  have  two  columns  of  ambulacral  plates 
only,  but  typically  more  (up  to  twelve)  with  three  to  eleven  columns  of 
interambulacral  plates ;  plates  not  imbricate,  secondary  sjiines  only,  ambu- 
lacral with  non-ambulacral  plates  on  the  peristome,  slight  resorption  of  the 
base  of  the  corona.  The  Lepidesthidae  may  have  two  columns  of  ambulacral 
plates  only,  but  typically  more  (up  to  sixteen  or  twenty)  with  three  to 
thirteen  columns  of  interambulacral  plates,  plates  imbricate,  primary  and 
secondary  spines,  or  the  latter  only,  ambiilacral  plates  alone  on  the  peristome, 
no  resorption  of  the  base  of  the  corona  as  far  as  known. 

In  almost  all  of  the  above  orders  and  families  by  the  study  of  stages  in 
development,  characters  have  been  found  in  which  the  individual  repeats  the 




characters  seen  in  the  adults  of  the  preceding  series,  or  lower  members  of  its 
own  series. 

Geological  Range  of  the  Echini 

Orders  and  Families  of  Ecliini. 
























Order  2.  Cidaroida 
Order  3.  Centrechinoida 
Suborder  A.  Aulodonta 

1.  Hemicidaridae 

2.  Aspidodiadematidae 

3.  Centrechinidae 

4.  Echinothuriidae 
Suborder  B.  Stirodonta 

1.  Saleniidae                     i 

2.  Phyniosomatidae 

3.  Stomopneustidae 

4.  Arbaciidae    ' 
Suborder  C.  Camarodonta 

1.  Echinidae 

2.  Tenmopleuridae 

3.  Strongylocentrotidae 

4.  Echinometridae 
Order  4.  Exocycloida 

Suborder  A.  Holectypina 
Suborder  B.  Clypeastrina 

1.  Clypeastridae 

2.  Fibulariidae 

3.  Scutellidae 
Suborder  C.   Spatangina 

1.  Echinoneidae 

2.  Cassidulidae 

3.  Collyritidae 

4.  Ananchytidae 

5.  Spatangidae 

6.  Palaeostomatidae 

7.  Ponrtalesiidae 




Order  5.  Plesiocidaroida 

Order  6    Echinocvstoida 

Order  7.  Perischoechinoida     1  





[To  Dr.  Robert  Tracy  Jackson,  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History,  acknowledgments 
are  due  for  having  revised  the  preceding  chapter  on  Echinoidea.  A  number  of  new  illustra- 
tions have  been  reproduced  from  this  author's  recently  published  monograph  on  the  Phylogeny 
of  the  Echini. — Editok.] 




Class  2.    HOLOTHURIOIDEA  von  Siebold.^ 

The  Holothurians,  or  Sea-cucumbers,  differ  markedly  from  all  other 
Echinoderms  in  their  elongated  bodies  with  little  or  no  skeleton.  The  mouth 
and  anus  are  with  rare  exceptions  more  or  less  nearly  terminal  at  opposite 
poles,  and  the  former  is  always  surrounded  by  a  circle  of  tentacles,  8-30  in 
number.  The  skeleton  is  represented  by  calcareous  particles  in  the  body 
wall,  which  are  commonly  microscopic  and  dissociated,  but  are  sometimes 
several  millimetres  across,  and  in  rare  cases  may  even  be  closely  united  with 
each  other  to  form  a  rigid  body  wall.  In  some  species  skeletal  particles  are 
nearly  or  quite  wanting. 

The  paleontological  evidence  bearing  on  the  history  of  Holothurians  is 
very  slight.     Fossils  occur  in  two  forms,  either  as  impressions  or  casts  of  the 

Eldonia  ludwigi  Waleott.  Middle  Cambrian  (Burgess  shale  formation) ;  British  Columbia.  Specimen 
flattened  in  the  shale  and  showing  traces  of  internal  organs,  cr  and  re,  Central  ring  and  radial  canals  of 
vascular  system  ;  i,  Intestine  ;  o,  Oral  aperture  ;  oc,  Oral  chamber ;  oe,  Oesopliagus ;  s,  Stomach  ;  t, 
Tentacles  ;  id,  Umbrella  lobes,  crushed  and  macerated  ;  x-x,  Junction  -  point  of'  stomach  and  intestine ; 
a.  Position  of  anus.     Natural  size  (after  Waleott). 

whole    animal,    or    as   dissociated    skeletal    particles   preserved   in   very   fine 
limestones  or  shales.       Of    impressions   or   casts,   the  earliest  described   are 

^  Literature  :  Giehel,  C,  Zur  Fau 
rienreste.     Zeits.  f.  gesammt.  Naturw 
fossiles  (lu  Calcaire  Grossier.     Bull, 
sur  les  Holotliuridees  fossiles.     Bull 
Seewalzen.     Bronii's  Klassen  unci  Or 
£.,  Die  Echiiioilermeu  des  deutschen 
fossile  Holotluuie.     Oj).  clt.,   1900, 
and  Medusae.     Smiths.  Misc.   Coll., 
Science,  1912,  n.s.  vol.  xxxv. — Clark, 

na  des  litliographi.sclien  Schiefers  von  Solenhofen.     Holothu- 

,,  1857,  vol.  ix. — Schlumherger,  C,  Note  sur  les  Holothuridees 

Soc.  Geol.  France  (3),  1888,  vol.  xvi. — Idem,  Second  Note 

See.   Geol.    France  (3),  1890,  vol.  xviii. — Ludwig,  H.,  Die 

■dnuugeu  des  Thierreichs,  vol.  ii.,  part  3,  1889-92. — Spmidel, 
Zechsteins.  Abh.  Ges.  Niirnberg,  1898,  vol.  xi. — Jdem,  Eine 
vol.  xiii. —  JFalcott,   C.    D.,  Middle   Candjrian   Holothurians 

1911,  vol.  Ivii.,  no.  3. — Clark,  H.  L.,  Fossil  Holothurians. 
A.  H.,  Restoration  of  Eldonia.     Zool.  Anz.,  1912,  vol.  xxxix. 


those  made  known  by  Giebel  from  the  Lithographic  limestone  of  Solenhofen. 
These  he  called  Protholoturia,  and  though  the  material  does  not  permit  of  exact 
generic  determination,  it  bears  a  resemblance  to  certain  Eecent  species  of 
Holothuria  and  Pseudostichopus.  The  impression  formed  by  the  general  appear- 
ance of  these  specimens  that  they  really  represent  Holothurians  is  confirmed 
by  the  presence  of  characteristic  calcareous  particles  on  their  surface. 

Recently,  in  the  remarkably  well-preserved  fauna  from  the  Middle 
Cambrian  shales  of  British  Columbia,  Walcott  has  discovered  some  complete 
specimens  of  typical  Holothurians,  preserving  many  details  of  the  original 
animals.  Most  of  these  species  are  i-eferred  by  A.  H.  Clark  to  the  family  Elpi- 
diidae  (a  group  of  very  remarkable  Holothurians  at  the  present  time  confined  to 
the  deep  sea),  but  one  of  them,  Eldonia  (Fig.  435  his),  representing  the  new  family 
Eldoniidae,  was  free-swimming  like  the  Eecent  PeJagothnria,  though  structurally 
entirely  different  from  that  type,  being  most  nearly  related  to  the  Elpidiidae. 

Dissociated  calcareous  particles  referred  to  Holothurians  have  been 
described  by  a  number  of  writers  from  the  British  Carboniferous  rocks,  the 
Zechstein  of  Germany,  the  Lias  and  Dogger  of  Lorraine,  the  Upper  Jura  of 
Franconia,  the  Cretaceous  of  Bohemia,  the  Eocene  of  Paris,  the  Oligocene  of 
Oftenbach,  the  Pliocene  of  Italy  and  the  post-Tertiary  of  Scotland.  A  very 
large  majority  of  these  cannot  be  assigned  to  any  particular  genus  or  even 
family  of  Holothurians,  and  it  is  probable  that  many  if  not  most  are  of  other 
than  Holothurian  origin.  There  can  be  no  question,  however,  that  a  part 
of  this  material  is  of  real  paleontological  value.  In  particular  the  forms 
described  by  Schlumberger  and  by  Spandel  are  worthy  of  attention. 

Spandel's  discovery  of  what  seem  to  be  unquestionable  Holothurian 
spicules,  like  those  characteristic  of  the  genus  Chiridofa,  in  the  Zechstein  of 
Germany,  is  noteworthy.  These  spicules  are  distinctly  wheel-shaped,  but 
ditFer  noticeably  from  those  of  Recent  Chiridota  in  having  10-14  spokes  instead 
of  six.  They  thus  show  a  certain  resemblance  to  the  wheels  of  Trochoderma 
and  the  first  formed  calcareous  deposits  of  the  larvae  of  Chiridota  rotifera  and 
certain  Auricularias.  Spandel's  later  discovery  of  an  Oligocene  Spiapta,  and 
Schlumbevger's  studies  on  the  Eocene  Holothurian  spicules  of  the  Calcaire 
Grossier,  show  that  during  the  Tertiary  period  the  Synaptidae  were  already 
diff'erentiated  into  the  three  Recent  subfamilies,  Synaptinae,  Chiridotinae  and 
Myriotrochinae.     Beyond  this  grouping  we  cannot  speak  with  any  certainty. 

Our  actual  knowledge  of  fossil  Holothurians  may  be  summed  up  as  follows  : 

1.  Holothurians  allied  to  living  membei's  of  the  class  existed  in  the  Jurassic 
seas  of  Europe,  and,  according  to  Walcott's  interpretation,  there  is  evidence 
that  the  typical  expression  of  the  group  was  already  differentiated  as  early 
as  the  Cambrian. 

2.  Holothurians  of  the  family  Synaptidae,  allied  to  Chiridota  or  Trochoderma 
occurred  in  the  Permian  seas  of  Europe ;  and  at  least  as  early  as  the  Eocene, 
all  three  of  the  Recent  subfamilies  of  Synaptidae  were  differentiated. 

3.  The  Permian  Holothurian  spicules  are  wheel-shaped  but  have  numerous 
spokes  as  in  Trochoderma,  and  resemble  those  of  the  larval  Chiridota,  not  those 
of  the  adult. 

[The  account  here  given  of  Holothurians,  with  the  exception  of  the  paragraph  in  regard 
to  Cambrian  representatives  of  the  class,  has  been  contributed  by  Dr.  H.  L.  Clark  of  the 
Harvard  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology. — Editor.] 

Phylum  V.    MOLLUSCOIDEA. 

Under  the  term  Molluscoidea,  Milne  Edwards  included  the  Bryozoa  and 
Tunicata,  of  which  the  first  had  been  previously  regarded  as  Zoophytes,  and 
the  second  as  Molluscs.  Huxley  afterwards  assigned  the  Brachiopoda  to  the 
same  phylum.  The  Tunicata  have  more  recently  been  regarded  as  an  in- 
dependent animal  type,  and  as  possible  progenitors  of  the  Vertebrate  phylum. 
Their  remains,  however,  are  unknown  in  the  fossil  state.  Bryozoans,  also 
called  Polyzoa,  are  by  some  authors  regarded  as  constituting  a  distinct  phylum 
of  invertebrates,  but  are  here  retained  in  association  with  Brachiopods. 

The  typical  Molluscoidea  either  secrete  a  calcareous  shell,  or  are  invested 
with  a  membranaceous  or  corneous  covering.  The  respiratory  organs  lie 
anterior  to  the  mouth,  and  are  in  the  form  of  tentacles  or  fleshy  spiral 
ai^pendages.  The  mouth  conducts  into  a  closed  alimentary  canal.  The 
nervous  system  is  highly  organised,  and  proceeds  from  a  central  ganglion, 
situated  in  most  cases  between  the  mouth  and  the  anus.  Reproduction  is 
either  sexual  or,  in  Bryozoa,  also  takes  place  by  budding.  The  ontogeny  of 
the  Molluscoidea  is  most  nearly  comparable  with  that  of  the  Annelids. 

All  of  the  Molluscoidea  are  water  inhabitants ;  the  Bryozoans  are  largely, 
and  the  Brachiopods  exclusively,  marine  forms. 

Class  1.    BRYOZOA  Ehrenberg.i 

Small,  almost  always  composite  animals  forming  by  gemmation  variously  shaped 
colonies,  each  zooid  of  tvhich  is  enclosed  in  a  membranaceous  or  calcareous  doiible- 

^  Literature:  d' Orhigny,  A., 'PsX^outologie.  francaise;  Terrain  cn'tace, vol.  v.,  1850-51. — Hagenoio, 
F.,  Die  Bryozoen  der  Maestriclier  Kreidebildung.  Cassel,  1851. — Haime,  J.,  Description  des 
bryozoaires  fossiles  de  la  formation  jurassique.  Mi'in.  Soe.  Geol.  de  France,  2nd  ser.  vol.  v.,  1854. 
—Busk,  O.,  Catalogue  of  Marine  Polyzoa  in  the  Collection  of  the  British  Museum  (Parts  i.  and  ii., 
Cheilostomata),  1852-54.  (Part  iii.,  Cyclostomata),  1875. — Busk,  G.,  Monograph  of  the  fossil 
Polyzoa  of  the  Crag.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1859. — Oabb,  W.  M.,  and  Horn,  G.  H.,  Monograph  of  the 
fossil  Polyzoa  of  the  Secondary  and  Tertiary  Formations  of  North  America.  Journ.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci. 
Philad.,  2nd  ser.,  vol.  v.,  1862. — Beissel,  I.,  Ueber  die  Bryozoen  der  Aachener  Kreidebildung. 
Haarlem,  1865. — Reuss,  A.  E.,  Several  important  papers  in  Denkschr.  Akad.  Wis.s.  Wien,  vols, 
xxiii.,  xxxiv. ,  1863-74  ;  and  Palaeontographica,  vol.  xx.,  1872-74. — Manzoni,  A.,  Several  im- 
portant contributions  on  Tertiary  Bryozoans  in  Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1869-78,  vols, 
xxix.-xxxviii. —  Waters,  W.  A.,  Numerous  papers  on  Tertiary  and  Recent  Bryozoa  in  Ann.  and 
Mag.  Nat.  Hist,  and  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1879-92. — Iflncks,  T.,  History  of  the  British  Marine 
Polyzoa,  2  vols.,  1880. — -Vine,  G.  R.,  Reports  on  fossil  Polyzoa.  British  Assoc.  Reports,  1881-85. 
—  (jlrich,  E.  0.,  American  Palaeozoic  Bryozoa.  Journ.  Cincinnati  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  v.-vii.,  1882-84. 
— Busk,  G.,  Report  on  Polyzoa.  Scient.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  Zoology,  vols.  x.  and  xvii., 
1884-86. — Hall,  J.,  Lower  Helderberg,  Corniferous,  and  Hamilton  Bryozoa  (Palaeont.  N.Y.,  vol. 
vi.),  1886.  —  Ulrich,  E.  0.,  Palaeozoic  Bryozoa.  Geol.  Survey  Illinois,  vol.  viii.,  1890.  —  Ulrich, 
E.  0.,  Lower  Silurian  Bryozoa.     Geol.  Survey  Minnesota,  Final  Report,  vol.  iii.,  1892. — Canu,  F., 



walled  sac  (soo&cium),  and  possesses  typically  a  freely  suspended  alimentary  canal 
with  mouth  and  anus.  Mouth  surrounded  by  a  crown  of  hollow,  slender,  ciliated 
tentacles  o^rranged  in  the  form  of  a  circle  or  crescent.      Usually  hermaphroditic. 

The  Biyozoa  resemble  certain  Corals  (Tabulata)  and  Hydrozoans  in  tlieir 
external  configuration,  but  differ  from  them  radically  in  the  possession  of  a  distinct 
body  cavity,  a  closed  alimentary  canal,  a  highly  developed  nervous  system,  and 
delicate  resj)iratory  tentacles  surrounding  the  mouth.  With  the  exception  of  the 
solitary  genus  Loxosoma,  all  Bryozoans  live  associated  in  colonies  or  zoaria,  of  greater,  or 
less  extent,  and  of  either  calcareous,  corneous  or  membranaceous  composition.  These 
colonies,  which  are  formed  by  frequently  repeated  gemmation,  present  a  multitudinous 
variety  of  form,  habit  and  structure.  Sometimes  they  grow  into  plant-like  tufts, 
composed  of  a  series  of  cells  variously  linked  together ;  very  commonly  they  spread 
over  shells  and  other  foreign  bodies,  forming  delicate  interwoven  threads,  crusts  of 
exquisite  pattern,  or  hemispherical,  globular  or  nodular  masses  of  considerable  size ; 
often  they  rise  into  branching  stems,  and  fronds  of  varying  width  ;  and  at  other  times 
the  cell-jjearing  branches  form  most  regular  and  beautiful  open-meshed  lace-work. 

Each  zooid  or  polypide  is  enclosed  in  a  separate  chamber  (zooxium)  of  either 
utricular  or  more  or  less  tubular  form.  Occasionally  the  zooscia  are  quite  distinct 
from  their  neighbours ;  more  commonly,  however,  intercommimication  is  effected, 
either  by  means  of  minute  "  connecting  foramina "  jjiercing  the  chamber  walls,  or 
by  a  common  canal  to  which  all  the  zooids  are  attached.  A  true  coenenchyma, 
such  as  is  found  among  the  Coelenterates,  never  occurs,  and  coenenchymal  gemmation 
is  accordingly  unknown  ;  but  a  somewhat  similar  "  vesicular  tissue  "  not  infrequently 
occuj)ies  the  interzocccial  spaces  which  have  resulted  from  the  erection  of  the  zooecial 

Such  vesicular  tissue  occurs  constantly  in  the  Fistuliporidae  and  Cystodictyonidae,  and  in 
the  latter  the  primary,  or  even  the  prostrate  cells,  are  not  entirely  contiguous.  The  upper 
walls  of  the  vesicles,  at  least,  are  abundantly  perforated  ;  and  when  with  increasing  age  the 
vesicles  become  tilled  with  a  secondary  deposit,  these  pores  are  not  obliterated,  but, continue  to 
pass  through  such  deposits  in  the  form  of  minute  vertical  tubes.  Precisely  the  same  kind  of 
tissue  occurs  in  other  Bryozoans,  notably  among  adult  colonies  of  certain  Fenestellidae,  in 
which  the  expanded  base  of  the  colony  is  largely  vesicular,  and  the  fenestrules  and  spaces 
between  tlie  carinae  of  the  branches  are  filled  witli  vesicles  for  some  distance  up.  The  real 
purpose  of  this  tissue  is  to  support  the  zocecia  and  to  strengthen  the  zoarium. 

However  diverse  the  external  aspect  of  the  composite  structure,  the  small  animals 
themselves  conform  to  a  simple  and  quite  definite  type.  Briefly,  the  soft  parts  consist 
of  an  alimentary  canal,  in  which  three  distinct  regions,  an  oesophagus,  stomach  and 
intestine,  are  recognisable.  This  is  enclosed  in  a  sac,  and  so  bent  upon  itself  that  its 
two  extremities,  or  openings,  approximate  ;  one  of  them,  the  oral,  being  either  entirely 
or  jiartially  surrounded  by  a  row  of  slender,  hollow  and  ciliated  tentacles,  which  serve 
for  respiration  and  for  sweeping  food  toward  the  mouth.  In  most  cases  the  anal 
opening  is  situated  without  the  ring  of  tentacles  (Ectoprocta),  rarely  within  the  same 
(Entoprocta).     Heart  and  vascidar  system  are  wanting,  but  a  nervous  ganglion,  sending 

Numerous  papers  on  Mesozoic  and  Cenozoic  Bryozoa  in  the  Bull.  Soc.  Geol.,  France,  1897-1910. — 
Ulrkh,  E.  0.,  Eocene  Bryozoa.  Eocene  volume,  Md.  Geol.  Surv.,  1901.  —  Ulrich,  E.  0.  aud  Sassier, 
R.  S.,  Miocene  Bryozoa.  Miocene  volume,  Md.  Geol.  Surv.,  1904.  —  Ulrich,  E.  0.  and  Bassler,  R.  S., 
Revision  of  the  Paleozoic  Bryozoa.  Smith.  Misc.  Coll.,  vols,  xlv.-xlvii.,  1904. — Nickles,  J.  M.  and 
Bassler,  R.  S.,  Synopsis  of  American  fossil  Bryozoa.  Bull.  173,  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  1901.  (Contains 
a  list  of  all  bryozoan  literature  and  a  bibliography  of  fossil  forms.) — Bassler,  R.  S.,  Bryozoan  Fauna 
of  the  Rochester  Shale.  Bull.  292,  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  1906.— Gregori/,  J.  W.,  Cat.  Cretaceous 
Bryozoa  in  British  Museum,  2  vols.,  1899  aud  1909. — Levinsen,  G.  M.  R.,  Cheilostomatous 
Bryozoa  (Recent).  Copenhagen,  1909. — Bassler,  R.  S.,  Early  Paleozoic  Bryozoa  of  the  Baltic 
Provinces.  Bull.  77,  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1911. — Hennig,  A.,  Gotlands  Silurische  Bryozoen.  Arkiv 
Zool.,  1908,  vol.  iv. — Canu,  F.,  Iconograjihie  des  bryozoaires  fossiles  de  I'Argeutine.  Anal.  Mus. 
Nac.  Buenos  Ayres,  1909-11,  ser.  3,  vol.  x. — Lee,  G.  W.,  British  Carboniferous  Trepostomata. 
London,  1912. 

316  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

out  delicate  nerve  filaments  to  the  tentacles  and  oesophagus,  lies  between  the  mouth 
and  anus.  The  upper  or  anterior  part  of  the  sac  is  generally  flexible  and  admits  of 
being  invaginated  by  the  action  of  numerous,  longitudinal  and  transverse  muscles, 
which  traverse  the  fluid-filled  visceral  cavity. 

Eej)roductive  organs  are  developed  in  various  parts  of  the  cavity,  the  spermatozoa 
usually  in  the  lower,  the  ova  in  the  upper  portion.  The  ova  may  be  developed  in  a 
special  receptacle  {marsiqnum)  attached  to  the  zocecium,  or  in  an  inflation  of  the 
surface  of  the  zoarium  (gonocyst) ;  in  other  cases,  a  modified  zocecium  {gonoecium)  is  set 
apart  for  reproductive  functions.  The  general  term  ocecium  or  ovicell  is  applicable  to 
all  of  these  structures. 

Many  Bryozoans  are  provided  with  ajipendiciilar  organs  known  as  avicularia  and 
vibracula  (Fig.  436).  Their  functions  are  somewhat  doubtful,  some  authors  regarding 
them  as  food-procuring  agents,  and  others  as  organs  of  defence. 
The  avicularia  may  be  immovably  attached  to  the  zocecium  ; 
1jut,  as  a  rule,  especially  among  Recent  forms,  they  are  peduncu- 
late, and  capable  of  considerable  swaying  motion.  Often,  as  in 
Bugula  and  Bicellaria,  they  resemble  the  head  of  a  bird,  con- 
sisting of  a  helmet-shaped  upper  piece,  with  a  formidable  hooked 
beak,  and  a  mandible  worked  by  powerful  muscles.  The  jaws 
open  and  close  wdth  a  perpetual  snapping  motion,  and  small 
organisms  or  other  foreign  particles  happening  in  their  way  are 
seized  and  held  with  a  tenacious  grasp.  The  vibracula  are 
flexible,  bristle-like  appendages,  generally  set  in  the  excavated 
summit  of  a  knob-like  elevation,  or  on  a  blunt  spine. 

The  avicularia   and  vibracula   are   themselves   incapable  of 

Fig.  430.  preservation,  but  their  former  presence  on  fossil  specimens  may 

Selenaria  maculata   be  generally  determined  by  the  slight  pore-like  excavations  in 

porMon^oTu°ppef  slfrlce   which  they  were  lodged.      The  tubular  spines,  or  acanthopores, 

showing    a    vibracuium   which  are  of  sucli  common  occurrence  in  Paleozoic  Bryozoans, 

were,  in  part  at  least,  probably  the  supports  of  similar  structures. 

The  term  lunarium  is  applied  to  a  more  or  less  thickened  portion  of  the  posterior 

wall  in  many  Paleozoic  Bryozoans,  which  is  curved  to  a  shorter  radius  and  iL?ually 

projects  above  the  plane  of  the  zooecial  aperture.     Mesopores  are  angular  or  irregular 

cells  occupying  interzooecial  spaces  in  certain  Paleozoic  genera. 

Most  Bryozoans  are  attached,  either  by  the  greater  part  of  their  surface,  or  only 
basally,  to  extraneous  objects  ;  or  they  are  moored  to  the  bottom  by  root-like  appen- 
dages. In  many  forms  the  zoarium  is  regularly  jointed.  The  majority  of  genera 
inhabit  the  sea,  and  occur  in  all  zones  and  at  all  depths ;  only  a  few  genera  live  in 
fresh  water.     The  animals  subsist  chiefly  on  Diatoms,  Infusorians  and  larvae. 

Classification. — The  classification  of  the  Bryozoans  remains  as  yet  in  an  unsatis- 
factory condition.  D'OrViigny's  comprehensive  system  is  largely  artificial,  and 
although  numerous  modifications  and  improvements  have  been  suggested  by  later 
authors,  further  revision  has  still  to  l)e  undertaken. 

Lankester  divides  the  class  into  two  very  unequal  subclasses  as  follows  :  (1) 
Holobranchia,  in  which  the  lophophore  or  row  of  tentacles  is  unbroken,  and  either 
circular  or  horse-shoe  shaped  ;  and  (2)  Pterobranchia,  containing  the  single  genus 
EJtabdopleui-a,  which  has  the  lophophore  produced  on  either  side  into  a  plume-like 
process,  so  that  the  tentacles  form  a  discontinuous  series. 

A  more  modern  system  is  to  regard  Bryozoans  as  a  primary  group  or  phylum, 
which  is  divided  into  two  unequal  classes,  named  l)y  Nitsche,  Ectoprorfa  and  Ento- 
procta,  according  as  the  lopho])hore  surrounds  the  mouth  only,  or  encloses  both  the 
oral  and  anal  orifices.  The  first  of  these  classes  contains  the  bulk  of  the  known 
Bryozoa.  Furthermore,  the  marine  forms,  and  practically  all  genera  capable  of  pre- 
servation in  the   fossil  state,  are   included   in   the   subclass  Gymnolaemata  Allman. 




This  is  distinguished  from  the  remaining  subclass,  Phyladolaemata  AHman  (which 
includes  the  freshwater  forms),  by  the  complete  abortion  of  the  foot,  and  by  the 
circular  arrangement  of  the  tentacles. 

The  Mesozoic  and  Recent  marine  Gymnolaeniata  are  almost  universally  divided 
into  the  three  orders  proposed  by  Busk  :  the  Cydastomata,  Cheilostomata  and  Cteno- 
stomata.  To  these  Vine  has  added  a  fourth,  the  Gryptostomata,  and  Ulrich  a  fifth, 
the  Trepostomata  ;  both  of  which  serve  mainly  for  the  reception  of  Paleozoic  forms. 

The  detailed  classification  of  the  Mesozoic  and  Cenozoic  Bryozoa,  especially  of  the 
Cheilostomata,  is  less  settled  than  that  of  the  ancient  types.  This  nonconformity  is 
due  in  part  to  the  widely  different  views  prevailing  among  authors  as  to  the  relative 
value  of  the  various  characters  upon  which  the  groups  arc  founded  ;  and  partly 
because  the  mode  of  growth  and  zoarial  characters  in  general  are  much  less  constant, 
and,  therefore,  less  reliable  than  is  the  case  among  Paleozoic  representatives  of  the 

Subclass  1.     GYMNOLAEMATA   AUman. 

Order  1.     CTENOSTOMATA    Busk. 

Zocecia  usiudly  isolated  and  developed  by  budding  from  the  internodes  of  a  distinct 
tubular  stolon  or  stem.  Orifice  terminal,  with  an  operculum  of  setce.  Zoarium  horny  or 
membranaceous.     Marsupia  wanting. 

All  of  the  known  Paleozoic  Gtcnostomata  have  been  described  by  Ulrich  and  Bassler  in  their 
Revision  of  the  Paleozoic  Bryozoa,  to  which  the  student  is  referred  for  a  discussion  of  these 
peculiar  fossils.  Mesozoic  and  Cenozoic  Ctenostomatous  Bryozoa  are  apparently  rare  and  little 
study  has  been  put  upon  them.  In  the  Recent  seas,  the  order  Ctenostomata  is  s]>ecifically  the 
least  represented  group  of  Bryozoa,  although  some  of  the  species  are  quite  abundant  and 


Family  1.   Rhopalonariidae 

Nickles  and  Bassler. 

Fusiform  segments  arranged 
in  a  more  or  less  pinnate 
manner,  impressed  or  almost 
embedded  in  the  host. 

Rhopalonaria  Ulr.  (Fig. 
437,  &').  Ordovician  to  Lower 

?  Terebripora  d'Orb.  Ter- 
tiary and  Recent. 

Family  2.     Vinellidae 
Ulrich  and  Bassler. 

Creeping  base  of  zoarium 
of  simple  or  locally  jointed, 
delicate,    tubular    threads    ar- 


Fio.  437. 

--"-—> A,  Allonemafusiforme  (N.  and  E.t,  6/1.     B,  C,  Vinella  repens  Ulr.,  2/.j 

ranned  either  imthout  order  or   and  is/j.   d,  AscodictyonsteUaUm(-s.?,nA-E.^,vii,    e,  A.p^^^^^^ 

,Kvivj^K<j  and  B.,  6/1.     F, /MeroHema  «?j)i7toce  U.  and  B.,  6/1.     G,  Bhopulonana 

proceeding    from    more    or     less    te,m("s  U.  and  B.,  e/i  (after  ulrich  and  Bassler). 

definitely  marked  centres.     In- 
ternodes ivith  a  single  roio  of  pores  or,  in  one  genus,  closely  punctate ;  zocecia  unknown. 

Vinella  Ulrich  (Fig.  437,  B,  G).     Zoarium  of  very  slender  parasitic  tubular  threads 

318  MOLLUSCOIDEA— BRYOZOA  phylum  v 

or  stolons  arranged  radially  ;  surface  with  a  single  row  of  pores.  Ordovician  to 
Lower  Carboniferous. 

Heteronema  Ulr.  and  B.  (Fig.  437,  F).  '  Zoaria  as  in  Vinella  but  threads  are  with- 
out radial  arrangement.     Ordovician  to  Upjier  Carboniferous. 

Allonema  Ulr.  and  B.  (Fig.  437,  A).  Zoaria  composed  of  distinct,  minutely 
punctate  vesicles  or  connected  internodes.      Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

?  Ptychocladia  Ulr.  and  B.     Upper  Carboniferous. 

Family  3.     Ascodictyonidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  parasitic,  of  pyriform  porous  vesicles  arranged  in  radial  clusters,  or  isolated 
and  connected  by  delicate  hollow  threads. 

Ascodictyon  Nich.  and  Etli.  (Fig.  437,  D,  E).      Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Order  2.     CYCLOSTOMATA   Busk. 

(Bryozoaires  centrifugines  d'Orbigny  p.p.) 

Zocecia  very  simple,  cylindrical,  calcareous,  tubular,  usually  without  transverse  parti- 
tions ;  the  orifices  plain,  inoperculate,  not  contracted,  occasionally  expanded  ;  walls  thin, 
minutely  porous ;  apertural  portion  of  zooscial  tubes  more  or  less  raised,  bent  outwards, 
free  or  in  bundles ;  the  interspaces  with  or  without  solid  or  tubular  strengthening  deposits. 
Marsupia  and  appendicular  organs  wanting.  Ocecium  a  large  cell  set  apart  for  repro- 
ductive functions,  or  a  mere  inflation  of  the  zoarial  surface. 

Tlie  families  and  genera  of  this  order  are  founded  almost  entirely  upon  tlie  form  of  the 
zoarium,  and  the  arrangement  of  the  zocecia.  The  presence  or  absence  of  interstitial  or 
accessory  cells  and  vesicular  tissue  (all  strengthening  deposits)  is  also  an  important  cliaracter. 

For  many  years  it  was  customary  to  regard  all  Paleozoic  Bryozoans  as  Cyclostomata,  but 
the  labours  of  Ulrich  and  Vine  have  clearly  demonstrated  the  fallacy  of  such  an  assumption. 
The  families  Ceramoporidae  and  Fistuliporidae,  often  regarded  as  Trepostomata  or  "  AlonticuU- 
j3oro?c?s,"  are  referred  to  the  Cyclostomata  because  they  agree  with  its  most  typical  members  in 
having  amalgamated  and  minutely  porous  walls.  In  1890  Ulrich  discovered  ovicells  in  certain 
genera  of  the  Fistuliporidae,  while  more  recently  Bassler  has  shown  the  occurrence  of  the 
same  structures  in  the  more  primitive  Ceramoporidae. 

Suborder  A.     TUBULIPORINA  Hagenow.     {Tubulata  Gregory). 

Zocecia  monomorphic,  of  elongated,  cylindrical  tubes  grouped  into  bundles,  sheets  or 
linear  series.  The  Tubuliporina  comprise  the  typical  Cyclostomata  and  in  all  probability 
give  rise  to  the  other  suborders. 

Family   1.     Crisiidae  Busk. 

Zoaria  dendroid,  attached  by  radical  tubes  and  composed  of  segments  united  by  corneous 
joints.     Zowcia  tuhilar,  disposed  in  single  or  double  series. 

Grisia  Lamx.  {Crisidia  Johnst. ;  Filicrisia  d'Orb.).       Zoaria  more  or  less  distinctly 
articulated,  the  zooecia  in  a  single  or  in  two  alternating  series.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 
?  Unicrisia  d'Orb.     Cretaceous. 

Family  2.     Diastoporidae  Busk  (emend.). 

Zoaria  adnate,  adhering  by  the  entire  base  or  only  at  the  centre,  at  other  times  rising 
into  bifoliate  leaves  or  hollow  stems.  Zocecia  tubular,  the  aperture  salient,  rounded,  never 
clustered.  Interstitial  cells  wanting.  Ovicells  mei'c  irregular  inflations  of  the  surface  of 
the  zoarium,  with  one  or  more  openings.     OrdoAdcian  to  Recent. 




Stomatopora  Bronn  {Alecto  Lamx.  non  Leach)  (Fig.  438).      Zoaria  delicate,  adnate, 
dicliotomously  brandling.     ZocEcia  sub-tubular  or  elongate-ovate,  arranged  in  a  single 

Fio.  43S. 

Stomatopora  diclwtoma  (Lamx.). 
GreatOolite;  Ranville,  Calvados. 
A,  Zoariuiu,  Vl-  }J,  same,  en- 

A,  Corynotrypa  Mkatula  (James).  Utica  Group  ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 
Zooecia,  iB/i.  B,  C.  injlata  (Hall).  Lorraine  Group  ;  Cincinnati,  6/1. 
C,  Probosciwi  f random  Nich.  Lorraine  Group  ;  Cincinnati,  Oliio.  Portion 
of  a  large  zoarium,  12/j  (after  Ulrich). 

series ;  apertures  sub-terminal,  usually  smaller  tban  the  width  of  the  cell.  Ordovician, 
Jura,  Cretaceous,  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Corynotrypa  Bassler  {Stomatopora  in  part,  auct.)  (Fig.  439,  A,  B).  Zoarium 
unilinear,  adnate,  with  short  to  elongate,  clavate  zoa3cia.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Prohoscvna  Audouin  (Fig.  439,  G).  Like  Stomatopora  but  zoa'cia  arranged  in  two 
or  more  series.     Ordovician,  Mesozoic  to  Recent. 

Berenicca  Lamx.  {Diastopora  Busk,  non  Lamx.)  (Fig.  440).  Zoaria  forming  thin, 
discoid,  flabellate  or  irregular  crusts  upon  foreign  bodies.  Zocecia  arranged  in 
irregularly  alternating  lines.  Rare  in  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  very  abundant  in 
Jura  and  Cretaceous,  less  frequent  in  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig.  440. 

Bemiicea  dlluviana  Lamx.  Great  Oolite  ; 
Ranville,  Calvados.  A,  Young  expansion, 
1/1.    B,  same,  enlarged  (after  Haime). 

Fig.  441. 

Diastopora  foUacca  (Lamx.).  Great  Oolite ; 
Ranville,  Calvados.  A,  Fragment  of  zoarium, 
1/1.    B,  Enlarged  portion  of  same. 

Discosparsa  d'Orb.  Differs  from  Berenicea  in  having  obconical  or  cup-shaped 
zoaria,  attached  by  centre  of  the  base  only.     Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Filispar sa  d'Oih.  Zoarium  ramose,  branches  compressed  dorso-frontally;  apertures 
irregularly  disposed.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Diastopora  Lamx.  {Mesenteripora  Blv.)  (Fig.  441).  Like  Berenicea,  except  that 
the  zoarium  rises  into  broad,  simple  or  convoluted  leaves,  composed  of  two  layers  of 




zoojcia  grown  back  to  back.  Very  abundant  in  the  Jura,  less  common  in  Cretaceous 
and  Tertiary. 

Bidiastopora  d'Orb.  Like  Diastopora,  but  the  zoaria  forming  only  narrow,  parallel- 
edged  branches.     Cretaceoiis. 

Reptomultisparsa,  Cellulipora  and  Filicrisina  d'Orb.     Cretaceous. 

Diastoporina  Ulricli.  Ordovician.  Hederella  and  Hernodia  Hall ;  and  Beptaria 
Rolle.     Devonian. 

Family  3.     Idmoneidae  Busk. 

Zoaria  forming  free  or  adnate,  variously  compressed  branches.  Zocecial  apertures 
rounded,  more  or  less  elevated,  usually  arranged  in  transverse  roios  on  two  faces  of  the 
branches ;  sometimes  the  two  faces  are  confluent.  Dorsal  surface  of  the  branches  without 
zooecia,  but  often  occupied  by  numerous  small  tubular  pores,  ivhich  may  also  occur  near 
the  apertures.     Sac-like  ovicells  with  but  a  single  opening.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Idmonea  Lamx.  Zoarium  adnate  with  apertures  opening  in  transverse  series. 
Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Grisina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  442).  Zoarium  erect,  simple  or  branching.  Branches 
usiially  triangular,  two  of  the  faces  carrying  the  zocecial  ajjertures,  which  are  generally 
arranged  in  alternating  transverse  series.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Bisidmonea  d'Orb.  Quadrate, 
simple  or  branching  stems,  bear- 
ing zocecial  apertures  on  all  faces. 

Betecava  d'Orb.  Zoaria  reti- 
culated ;  branches  greatly  com- 
pressed laterally ;  reverse  side 
occupied  by  an  axial  rod.  Cre- 

Bicrisina,  Bitubigera,  Bepto- 
fascigera,    Semiclausa,    Sulcocava 

(Laterocava)  d'Orb.  :  and  Perqen- 
Protocrisina  exigiia        ,,     ^  ^, 

uirich.    Trenton    sella  Oregory.      Cretaceous. 

N.Y."'Branche"'o7a  Phalangella     Gray.       Creta- 

large  expansion,  i^/i.    ceoUS  to  Recent. 

Protocrisina  Ulr.  (Fig.  443). 
Narrow,  bifurcating  branches,  celluliferous  on  one  side  only.  Zooecia  sub -tubular, 
with  prominent  circular  apertures  arranged  in  intersecting  diagonal  series.  Small 
pores,  apparently  communicating  with  interior  of  the  zooecia,  irregularly  distributed 
over  both  faces  of  the  branches.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Family  4.     Entalophoridae    Reuss. 

Zoaria  ramose ;  branches  free,  sub-cylindrical,  with 
rounded  and  more  or  less  prrominently  exserted  zocecial 
apertures  opening  on  all  sides.  (?)  Without  accessory  or 
interstitial  pores  of  any  kind.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Entalophora  Lamx.  {Glavisparsa  d'Orb. ;  Pergensia 
Walford)  (Fig.  444).  Zocecial  tubes  disposed  about  an 
imaginary  axis,  and  with  rounded,  more  or  less  prom- 
inent apertures.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Fig.  442. 

Cnslna  dorsata  Hagenow.  Uppermost 
Cretaceous  ;  Maestricht.  A,  Branch,  nat. 
size.  B,  Upper,  and  C,  Lower  side,  highly 

Pig.  443. 

Fig.  444. 
Entalophora  vi'r- 

Spiropora  Lamx.  {PustuloiJora  and  Cricopora  Blain-    ^l^-^--     ^.^,?''' 


Fio.  445. 

Spiropora  vcr- 
ticilkita  Goldf. 
Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Maestriclit 

e)    {big.    445).        Like    the    preceding,    but   apertures    Plauen,  Saxony.         (after  Hagenow). 




aimnged  in  regular,  spiral  or  transverse  linear  series,  and  closely  situated.  ,  ZocEcial 
tubes  disposed  aljout  a  definite  central  axis  or  axial  tube.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Diploclema  Ulr.  Similar  to  Entalophora,  but  Avith  branches  spreading  in  the 
same  i)lane,  slightly  compressed,  and  divided  into  two  equal  parts  by  a  wavj'  mesial 
lamina.      Silurian. 

Haplocecia  Gregory.  Like  Spiropora,  but  distal  ends  of  zocccia  are  angular. 
Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Mitoclema  Ulrich.  Ordovician.  Clonopora  Hall.  Devonian.  Peripora  d'Orb. 

Rhipidojjora  and  Glinopora  Marsson;  Siphoniutyphlus  Lonsdale;  Clypeina  Michelin; 
Umbrellina  Roemer.     Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Family  5.     Fasciporidae    d'Orl)igny  (emend.). 

Zoojcia  tubular,  opening  in  clusters  at  the 
(jrowing  extremities,  and  in  linear  or  quincuncial 
series  on  the  sides  of  the  lamelliform,  or  obconical 
zoaria.     Accessory  pores  wanting.     Cretaceous. 

Fascipora  d'Orb.  (Fasciporina  d'Orlx).  Zoaria 
compressed,  sub-ramose  to  lamelliform.  Aper- 
tui'cs  arranged  quincuncially  or  somewhat  ir- 
regularly on  both  sides,  and  on  the  more  or  less 
expanded  growing  extremities  of  the  branches 
and  lamellae.  The  lamelliform  species  resemble 
Diastopora,  but  are  without  a  mesial  lamina. 

Semifascipora  d'Orb.  (Fig.  446).  Zoaria  cup 
or  funnel-shaped,  with  only  the  outer  surface 
poriferous,  the  inner  covered  by  an  epitheca. 
Poriferous  face  thrown  into  vertical  ridges 
bearing  the  salient  tubular  mouths  of  one  or 
more  rows  of  zocecia.     At  the  upper  edge  the  ridges  pass  into  large  clusters  of  apertures. 

Gonotuhigera  and  Serietuhigera  d'Orb.     Closely  related  to  the  preceding. 

Fio.  446. 

Semifascipora  variabilis  d'Orb.     Cretaceous  ; 
France.     Side  view  of  zoarium,  lo/j. 

Fig.  447. 

Fasciculipora    incrassata    d'Orb.      Upper 
Cretaceous  ;  Meudon,  near  Paris.    Terminal 
fragment,    nat.    size    and    enlarged    (after    tiarv 
d'Orbigny).  •'' 

Family  6.     Fascig-eridae  d'Oibigny. 

Zoarium  composed  of  bundles  of  long,  parallel 
zooccia  free  for  most  of  their  length,  with  the  aper- 
tures in  groups  at  the  ends  of  the  bundles. 

Fasciculipora  d'Orb.  (Fig.  447).       Zoarium  of 
long,    simple    or    divided    branches. 

Gorymbopora     Michelin.       Like 
but  sides  of  branches  marked  by  numerous  jiores. 

Apsendesia  Lamx.  Zooccial  bundles  arise  from 
a  small  cup-shaped  disk.     Jurassic  and  Cretaceous. 

Discofascigera    d'Orb.       Cretaceous    and    Ter- 

Jurassic    to 


Family  7.     Theonoidae    Busk. 

Zoarium  adnate  or  erect ;  zooecia  simple,  short,  open  tubes  with  apertures  confined  to 
crowded  bands  along  raised  ridges  or  on  the  edge  of  the  fronds. 

VOL.  I  Y 

322  MOLLUSCOIDEA— BRYOZOA  phylum  v 

Acti%iopora    d'Oib.    (Pavotubigera,    etc.,   d'Orb.)  (Figs.    448,    449).       Zoariuiii  an 

Pig.  44S. 

Actinopora  liiadema  ( 
etaceous  ;  Mi 
Profile  of  same. 



C,  Upper  surface,  enlarged. 

FiQ.  449. 

Actinopora  disticha  (Hag.). 
Upper  Cretaceous ;  Prance. 
Upper  surface,  ^li. 

Theonoa,   Lamx.  {Tilesia   Lamx. 

aclnate  disk  witli  apertures  opening  on  ridges  radiating  from  a  central   depression. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Multitubigera  d'Orb.      Zoariuni  compound,  the  elements  structurally  resembling 
confluent  Actinoporae.     Cretaceous. 

Phyllofrancia  Marsson)  (Fig.  450).  Zoarium 
massive  or  frondose  ;  surface 
crossed  by  broad  ridges  bear- 
ing the  apertures.  Jurassic 
to  Tertiary. 

Patenaria,  Locularia 
Hamm ;  Betenoa  Gregory. 

Family  8.     Osculiporidae 

Fio.  450. 
M.    Edw.     Crag ; 

Theonoa    {?)(>  aiirantlmn 
broken   open   in  a  vertical  plane,  Vi- 

Sussex.      .4,    Zoariuni 
li,  Enlarged   portion   of  ujiper 

Zoarium  ramose,  cylindri- 
cal or  adnate  ;  zomcia  simple, 
long,  in  bundles  with  the 
apertures  opening  in  clusters 
on  the  surface  or  sides  of  the 

Filifascigera  d'Orlj.  (Fig. 
451).  Zoarium  of  simple  or 
Ijranched,  creeping  stolons. 
Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Lopholepis  Hagw.  Zoar- 
ium a  broad  incrusting 
sheet.      Cretaceous. 

Cyrtopora  Hagw.  Semi- 
cylindrical  stems  with  pro- 
minent clusters  of  four  or 
more  zofficial  apertures  open- 
ins  on  all  sides.  Cretaceous 
to  Recent. 

Osculipora  d'Orb.  (Fig. 
452).  Ramose,  with  clusters 
of  zocecia  opening  alternately  on  the  sides  of  the  obverse  face  of  the  branches. 

Fig.  451. 

Filifasciijera  mcgaera 
Lonsd.  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Vincentown,  N.J. 
Specimen  seen  from  above 

and    from    the    side 
(after  Ulrich). 


Fig.  452. 

OsciiUpura  tnin- 
rata  Hagw.  Up- 
per Cretaceous  ; 
Maestricht,  Hol- 
land. Fragment 
Vi,  and  enlarged 
(after  Ulrich). 

Fig.  4oa. 

Trxincat  ala  re  pens 
Hagw.  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Maestricht.  Lower 
and  upper  sides  of  zoa- 
rium, enlarged  (after 




Trancatula    Hagw.    (Fig.  453).       Like    Osculipora,   l)ut    convex  sides  exliiljitiiig 
luniierous  pores  longitudinally  arranged.      Cretaceous. 

Homoeosolen  Lonsdale  {Supercytis,  Unicytis  d'Orb.).     Cretaceous. 

Discocytis  d'Orb.    (Pelagia  Mich.,  non  Lam.)  (Fig.  454).       Zoariuni    cnpuliform  ; 

tf' ' '  VAyy*Mi'^i,i  ■"■■■  ■"'^ 

Pig,  454. 

Discocytis euiiesii  d'Oii).     Upper  Cretaceous';   France.     Zo.iiium,  3/^,  and  three  views  of 
same  enlarj^ed  (after  d'Oibigny). 

u|i])er  surface  concave  with  radiating  ridges  having  apertures  at  their  outer  ends  ; 
under  surfixce  poriferous.     Cretaceous. 

Gytis,  Badiofascigera,  Bicavea  d'Orb.     Cretaceous. 

Family  9.     Oeidae   d'Orbigny 

Zoaria  ramose,  bifoliate  or  uni-lamellate.  Zocecia  tubular,  sub-equal,  their  ivalls 
thin  at  first,  but  thickening  gradually  toward  the  periphery,  cohere  the  cavity  suddenly 
dilates  in  such  manner  that  the  rounded  or  ellipticg,l  aperture  lies  at  the  bottom  of  an 
hexagonal  depression.     Interstitial  cells  wanting.     Cretaceous. 

The  systematic  position  of  this  family  is  highly  problematical.  It  appears  to  have  certain 
affinities  with  the  Trepostomata,  but  its  removal  to  that  vicinity  is  hardly  feasible  until  a 
thorough  comparison  of  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic  Bryozoans  shall  have  been  made. 

Semicea  d'Orb.  {Reftocea  d'Orb.  p.p.) ;  Discocea  Pergens. 


Fig.  455. 

Filicea  velata  (Hagw.).     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Maestricht,  Holland.      ^4,  Branch,  i/i-     jB,  Surface 
of  same  enlarged.     C,  Vertical  section  (after  d'Orbigny). 

Cea  d'Orb.  Zoaria  forming  flattened  l)ranclies  or  broad  lamellae,  celluliferous  on 
both  sides. 

Filicea  d'Orb.  {Laterocea  d'Orb.)  (Fig.  455).  Zoaria  erect,  with  sub-cylindrical 
branches  bearing  apertures  on  all  sides. 

324  MOLLUSCOIDEA— BRYOZOA  phylum  v 

Family  10.     Eleidae    d'Oibigny. 

Zoaria  ramose,  bifoliate  or  imi-lamellate.  Zooecial  tubes  dilating  outivardly,  with 
j^erf orated  walls.  Apertures  lateral  and,  sub-terminal,  many  of  them  dosed  by  thin 
calcareous  films.  Vicarious  avicxdaria  and  spines  scattered  among  the  zoacia  in  some  of 
the  genera.     Cretaceous. 

The  members  of  this  family  differ  widely  from  the  true  Cyclostomata,  and  the  presence  of 
avicularia  indicates  strong  affinities  with  the  Chilostomata.  The  Eleidae  undoubtedly 
represent  connecting  links  between  the  Cyclostomata  and  Chilostomata.  The  simplest  type 
of  Eleid  structure  is  found  in  the  Jurassic  genus  Ilaploaxia  Gregory,  now  placed  in  the 
Entalophoridae,  in  wlucli  the  aperture  is  subterminal,  instead  of  terminal,  and  is  constricted 

Reftelea  d'Orl).     Zoariuni  adnate,  no  avicularia. 
Elea  d'Orb.     Zoarium  erect,  bifoliate  ;  no  avicularia. 

Meliceritites  Roemer  (Inversaria  Hagenow ;  Escharites  Roemer).  Cylindrical 
brandling  steins  ;  avicularia  present. 

Foricula  d'Orlj.     Like  Meliceritites  but  Las  walls  pierced  by  pores. 
Semielea,  Nodelea  d'Orb. ;  Reftoceritites  Gregory. 

Suborder  B.     CANCELLATA   Gregory. 

Zooecia  monomorphic  with  \oalls  perforated  by  cancelli,  that  is,  by  rounded  or  elongate 
pore-like  cavities  different  from  the  usual  interspaces  or  mesopores. 

This  suborder  which  is  more  convenient  than  natural,  developed  in  early  Cretaceous 
times  from  certain  specialised  species  of  the  Idmoneidae. 

Family  11.     Horneridae    Hincks. 

Zoarium  erect  and  branched ;  zooecial  apertures  only  on  the  obverse  side  and  irregular 
or  arranged  in  simple  lines.  Walls  of  zoarium  traversed  by  fine  canals  luhich  appear 
at  the  surface  as  minute  pores.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Hornera  Lamx. ;  Siphodictyum  Lonsdale;  Hemicellaria  d'Orb.;  Phormopora  Marsson. 

Family  12.      Petaloporidae    Gregory. 

Ramose  Cyclostomata  with  zooscia  opening  on  all  sides  of  the  branches  and  walls 
perforated  by  numerous  mural  pore  structures,  somewhat  resembling  mesopores. 

Petalopora  Lonsdale  {Cavea  d'Orb.) ;  Sparsicavea  d'Orb.  ;  Gavaria  Hagenow ; 
Reptocavea  d'Orb.      Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Suborder  C.     DACTYLETHRATA   Gregory. 

Cyclostomata  with  long  cylindrical  zocecia  separated  by  dactylethra,  that  is,  by  short 
aborted  zooecia  closed  externally.     No  cancelli,  mesopores  or  avicularia. 

Family  1  3.     Clausidae    d'Orbigny. 

Zoarium  adnate  or  erect  with  the  zocecia  distributed  uniformly  and  separated  by 
circles  of  shallow  interstitial  cells  (dactylefhrae)  closed  at  the  surface. 

Clausa  d'Orb.  {Claviclausa  d'Orb.).  Zoarium  erect  and  dendroid.  Cretaceous  and 




Cryptoglena  Marsson.     Zoariuni  adnate,  tliick  and  unilaminar.      Cretaceous. 

Ditaxia  Hagw.  {Polytaxia  Haiuin).  Zoarium  erect,  lamellar  and  frondose. 
Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Reticulipora  d'Orb.  (Retelea  d'Orb.).  Zoarium  reticulated  ;  branches  greatly- 
compressed  laterally.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Eeptomulticlausa,  Multidausa  d'Orl).      Cretaceous. 

Terebellaria  Lanix.     Jurassic.     Zonopora  d'Orb.  {Spiroclausa  d'Orb.).     Cretaceous, 

Suborder  D.     CERIOPORINA   Hagenow  (emend.). 

Von  Hagenow  in  1851  maintained  the  Cerioporina  for  Ceriopora  and  allied  genera  but 
included  a  few  other  Cyclostoniata.  Hannn  in  1881  recognised  the  same  name,  limiting  the 
group,  however,  to  the  families  Cerioporidae  and  Radioporidae. 
The  name  is  thus  available  for  the  post-Paleozoic  Bryozoa 
agreeing  with  the  Trepostomata  in  having  well  -  developed 
immature  and  mature  regions  but  differing  in  the  amalgamated, 
minutely  porous  structure  of  their  walls. 

Family  14.     Radioporidae    Gregory. 

Zoccria  simple  or  composite,  discoid  or  massive,  adhering 
by  more  or  less  of  the  under  surface.  Zooecial  apertures  on 
the  upper  surface,  arranged  in  radial  series  separated  hy 
mesopores.  , 

Discocavea  d'Orb.  (Fig.  456).  Zoarium  of  simple 
discoid  groups,  with  apertures  in  radial  uniserial  lines. 
Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Lichenopora  Defrance  (Figs.  457,  458)  {Tecticavea  and 
Rculiocavea  d'Orb.).  Like  Discocavea  but  apertures  ar- 
ranged in  elliptical  groups.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Fio.  456. 

Discocavea  pocillum  d'Orb.    Cre- 
taceous ;  France  (after  d'Orbigny). 

Fin.  457. 

Oligocene ;  Astrupp,  Westphalia. 
.4,  Zoarium,  i/l-  -B,  Cluster  of 
zo(ecial  apertures,  enlarged. 

Lidtcnopora  stellata  (Goldf.).  Planer;  Plauen,  Saxony.  A, 
Zoarium,  i/j.  B,  Same,  enlai'ged.  C,  Vertical  section  of  specimen 
from  Greeusand  of  Essen. 

Stellocavea    d'Orb.       {Garinifer    Hamm).      Zoaria    discoidal,    the    upper    surface 
exhibiting   the   salient   edges   of   numerous   radially   arranged    plates,   few   of   them 




reaching  the  centre.  Zooecial  tubes  opening  on  the  two  opposite  sides  of  plates. 
DejDressecl  interspaces  occupied  by  interstitial  cells.     Cretaceous. 

Radiopora  d'Orb.  Zoarium  massive  with  zooecia  arranged  in  radial  series  separated 
by  wide  areas  of  mesopores.      Cretaceous. 

Actinotaxia  Hamni ;  Trocliiliopora,  Tholopora  Gregory ;  SemimuUicavea,  Multi- 
cavea,  Pyricavea  d'Orb.     Cretaceous. 

Family  15.     Cerioporidae    Busk. 

Zoaria  multiform,  encrusting,  lamellar,  bulbous,  lobate,  digitate  or  ramose,  compiosed 
of  closely  arranged  thin-ivalled  tubes.  The  latter  sometimes  completely  separated  by 
angular  interstitial  cells.  IValls  of  neighbouring  tubes  thoroughly  amalgamated  and 
pierced  by  numerous  pores.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Under  this  family  are  grouped  tlie  genera  referred  by  Gregory  to  the  Cerioporidae  in 
which  mesopores  are  absent,  the  Heteroporidae  with  numerous  mesopores,  and  the  Zonatulidae 
with  mesopores  grouped  in  spiral  bands  or  rings.  The  internal  and  otlier  features  of  tliese 
three  families  are  identical,  and  it  is  believed  that  the  distribution  of  the  mesopores  is  in 
this  case  not  of  family  importance.  Gregory  assigns  these  three  families,  as  well  as  the 
Radioporidae,  to  the  Trepostomata,  but,  although  it  is  true  that  they  resemble  the  earlier 
order  in  some  features,  the  complete  amalgamation  and  porous  nature  of  their  walls  is 
exactly  the  same  as  in  typical  Cyclostomata. 

Reptomulticava  d'Orb.     (Semicava  d'Orb.;  Reptocea  Keeping)  (Fig.  459).     Zoarium 

massive  or  branched,  multi- 
lamellar ;  zoQJcia  short,  meso- 
pores absent.      Cretaceous. 

Defranciopora  Hamm. 
Zoarium  of  suj^erjjosed,  discoid 
colonies ;  mesopores  wanting. 

Geriopora  Goldfuss  (Gerio- 
cava  d'Orb.).  Zoarium  massive 
or  branched,  with  long  zooecia 
and  no  mesopores.  Trias  to 

Heteropora  Blainville  (Fig. 

460).     {Polytrema,    Grescis, 

Like   Geriopora    but  with    numeroiis    mesopores.      Jurassic    to 

Fio.  459. 

Reptomulticava  spongites  Goldf.     Greensand  ;  Essen.     A,  Zoarium,  V] 
B,  C,  Upjier  and  lower  aides,  enlarged. 

Nodicrescis   d'Orb.). 

Biflabellaria  Pergens.  Like  Hetero- 
pora but  zoarium  bifoliate.     Cretaceous. 

Zonatula  Hamm.  Zoarium  dendroid 
with  spiral  or  annular  constrictions 
composed  of  mesopores.      Cretaceous. 

Plethopora  Hagw.  Like  Zonatula  but 
zooecia  open  in  knob -like  elevations. 

Ghilopora  Haime.  Jurassic.  Multi- 
aonopora  d'Orb.  ;  Bivestis  Hamm  ;  Spar- 
sicytis  Filliozat.     Cretaceous. 

Suborder  E. 

nom.  nov. 


Fio.  400. 

This  new  suborder  is  proposed  for  the 
Paleozoic  Bryozoans  included  in  the  two 

Hctrroporn  pustulosa  Miclu  (heat  Oolite ;  Ranville, 
Calvados  (after  Hainio).  A,  I!,  'Aoarmm,  '/i-  <^,  Vertical 
section.     D,  lljiper  surface,  enlarged. 




families  Ceramopoiidae  and  Fistuliporidae,  wliicli  were  formerly  assigned  to  the 
Trepostomata  and  latterly  to  the  Cyclostoniata.  They  agree  with  the  Trepostomata 
in  having  well-defined  immature  and  mature  zones  but  their  minutely  porous  walls 
of  irregiilarly  laminated  tissue,  large  mural  communication  pores  and  finally,  ooecia 
tyi^ical  of  the  Cyclostoniata  seem  to  ally  them  more  closely  with  the  latter  order. 
This  suborder  is  possibly  the  Paleozoic  representative  of  the  Cerioporina. 

Family  16.     Ceramoporidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  variable;  maculae  or  clusters  of  mesopores  and  of  zooecia,  larger  than  the 
average,  occnr  at  regular  intervals.  Zocecial  apertures  usually  oblique,  of  sub-triangular, 
ovate  or  polygonal  form;  lunarium  present,  appearing  at  the  surface  as  a  prominent 
overarching  hood,  or  as  a  slightly  elevated  portion  of  the  margin,  of  crescentic  form 
ivith  the  ends  projecting  more  or  less  into  the  aperture.     Mesopores  or  interstitial  cells 

Via.  461. 

a,  Ceramopora  spongiosa  Bass.  Tangential  section,  20/j.  b,  c,  AnoloticMa  rhmnUca  Bass.  Vertical  sections 
showing  mural  pores,  20/i.  d,  Crepipora  incraaxata  Bass.  Vertical  section  with  ovicell-like  structures,  lO/i 
(after  Bassler). 

generally  present,  always  irregular,  and  usually  without  diaphragms.  A  few  horizontal 
diaphragms  often  present  in  the  zocecial  tubes.  Walls  minutely  porous,  composed  of 
intimately  connected  and  irregularly  laminated  tissue.  Large  mural  commAinication 
pores  sometimes  present.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

This  is  one  of  the  largest  and  most  important  of  the  families  of  Paleozoic  Bryozoans,  and 
is  especially  common  iu  the  Middle  and  Upper  Ordovician.  The 
earliest  forms  resemble  Bercnicca  and  Apsendesia  ;  while  Ceramo- 
porella,  Chiloporella,  and  especially  FavositcUa,  may  be  regarded 
with  reasonable  confidence  as  tbe  progenitors  of  the  Fistuliporidae. 
At  any  rate  the  connection  between  the  two  families  is  so  intimate 
as  to  forbid  any  wide  separation. 

Ceramopora  Hall  (Fig.  461,  «;.  Discoidal,  free,  lamellate, 
massive  or  parasitic.  When  free,  under  surface  with  one  or 
more  layers  of  small  irregular  cells.  Zooecia  opening  on  the 
upper  surface,  large,  irregular,  oblique,  imbricating,  and  radially 
arranged  about  the  dep)ressed  centre.  Mesopores  irregular,  short, 
numerous.  Large  communication  pores  in  walls  of  both  zocecia 
and  mesopores.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Geramoporella  Ulr.  (Fig.  462).     Zoaria  encrusting, 
tubes  short,  walls  thin,  apertures  more  or  less  oblique,  hooded, 
commonly  of  oval  shape.      Mesopores  abundant,  often  completely  isolating  the  zooecia, 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Fio.  462. 

Ceramoporella       distiiicta 

Ulrich.       Lower    Trenton, 

Minne.sota.  Surface  of  para- 

Zocecial    fl^ic   expansion,   I'^/j   (after 





Goeloclema  Ulr.  (Fig.  463).  Hollow  branches,  lined  internally  with  a  striated 
epitheca.  Zocecia  as  in  Ceramoporella,  Ijut  with  thicker  walls.  Ordovician  and 

Crejnpora  Ulr.  (Figs.  461,  d ;  464).     Mesopores  almost  entirely  restricted  to  the 

Fid.  403. 

Coeloclema  tren- 
tonensis  U 1  r. 
Trenton  ;  Minne- 
sota. Two  frag- 
ments, 2/3,  and 
one  6/1. 


Fig.  464.  ■ 

Crepipora  2^era'>npla  Ulricli.  Lower  Trenton ;  Minnesota.  A,  Vertical 
section.  B,  Transverse  section,  7/j.  c,  Same,  i4/j,  showing  lunaria.  D,  Sur- 
face of  C.  simulans  Ulrich,  S/j  (after  Ulrich). 

maculae,  which  are  distributed  over  the  surface  as  minutely  porous  elevations  or 
depressions.  Apertures  very  slightly  oblique,  angular  or  sub-pyriform.  Lunarium 
well-defined  in  perfect  specimens,  best  shown  in  tangential  sections.  Ovicell-like 
bodies  known  in  one  species.     Ordovician  and  Silmian. 

Anolotichia  Ulr.  (Figs.  461,  6,  c ;  465).     Zoaria  large,  ramose  or  digitate.    Lunarium 

Fi(i.  460. 

Anoloticliia  impnlita  Ulr.  Black  River  Shales  ;  Minnesota.  A,  Surface, 
•i/j.  B,  Vertical  section,  6/1.  t',  Tangential  section,  12/j,  showing  tubes 
of  lunarium.  /*,  Tangential  section  of  A.  ponderosa  Ulr.,  from  the 
Richmond  formation  at  Wilmington,  111.,  showing  numerous  lunarial 
tubes  (after  Ulrich). 

slightly  elevated  at  the  surface,  traversed  internally  l)y 
two  to  six  minute,  vertical,  closely  tabulated  tubes. 
Mural  communication  pores  present.  Ordovician  and 

Ceramoplbijlla  Ulr.  (Fig.  '466), 

FKi.  466. 
Cemmophylla  frondosa  Ulr 

.   Black 
.4,  Zoa- 

Kiver  Shales ;  Minnesota. 

rium,  2/.j. 

(',  Two  zoojcia  of  a  tangential  sec- 
j  ■■,       ri  11        tion,  12/].     i),  Right  half  of  a  verti- 

Lilke    Ueramoporella     g^i  section,  12/1  (after  Ulrich). 

but  zoarium  is  bifoliate.      Ordovician. 

Favositella  Ether,  and  Foord  {Bythotryfci  Ulr.)  (Fig.  467).  Mesopores  numerous, 
open  at  the  surface,  forming  interiorly  a  very  loose  vesicular  tissue.  Walls  j)ierced 
by  communication  pores.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Ghiloporella  Vh:     Ordovician. 

Scenello'pora  Ulr.  Zoaria  simple,  pedunculate  ;  under  surface  with  an  eiiitheca, 
the  uj)per  slightly  concave  and  celluliferous.  Zocecia  with  slightly  oblique,  sub- 
circular  apertures,  radially  arranged  on  the  summits  of  low  I'idges.     Ordovician. 




Spatiopora  Ulr.  (Fig.  468) 
Apertui'es  irregular ; 
Imiariuni  scarcely  per- 
cej^tible.  Mesopores, 
when  present,  chiefly 
in  maculae.  Inter- 
spaces often  with  large 
blunt  S2)ines  (?  acan- 
thopores).  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Family  17.     Fistuli- 
poridae  Ulrich. 

Zoaria  massive, 
laminar  or  ramose,  the 

Zoaria  forming  thin  crusts,  especially  ou  Orthoceras. 


Favositella  laxaia  (Ulr.). 
B,  Vertical  section,  ^/j. 

Flo.  467. 

Lower  Trenton  ;  Minnesota.    .1,  Surface,  J-*/i. 
'_',  Transverse  section,  n/i  (after  Ulrich). 


surface  exhibiting  at  regular  intervals 
"  maculae  "  or  "  monticules  "  comjwsed 
of  clusters  of  vesicles  and  of  zooecia 
slightly  larger  than  the  average.  Luna- 
rium  more  or  less  developed.  Zooecial 
tubes  never  angular,  thin-walled,  and 
with  horizontal  diaphragms ;  apertures 
closed  by  perforated  0])erc;ulum.  Inter- 
spaces occupied  by  vesicular  tissue.    Cell 

walls  minutely  porous.     Ordovician  to      „     .  ,^,         ''  .  "  ^.  „  ,,     .,^ 

„         .  1  •  •      T-.  ■  Spatiopora  aspera  Ulr.    Cincinnati  Group ;  Hamilton,  O. 

i'ermian  ;    climax  m  Devonian.  a,  Surface.    B,  Vertical  section.    C,  Tangential  section  ;  all 

w  i^r      ^     1         1      .1,         X.  »/i  (after  Ulrich). 

VVaagen,  vVentzel  and  others  have 

referred  certain  members  of  this  family  to  the  Corals,  but  the  reasons  for  doing  so  rest 
obviously  upon  insuthcient  observation.  Not  only  are  the  members  of  this  family 
derived  from  the  Ceramoporidae,  as  noted  above,  which  are  undoubted  Bryozoans, 
but  some  of  them  possess  ovicells,  thus  abundantly  proving  their  Bryozoan  nature. 

Fistulipora  M'Coy  {Didymopora  Ulr.  ;  Bybowskiella  Waag.  and  W.)  (Fig.  469). 
Zoaria  massive,  lamellate,  more 
rarely  ramose,  parasitic  or  free ; 
under  surface  with  wrinkled  epi- 
theca.  Zooecia  sub-radially  arranged 
about  the  surface  maculae ;  aper- 
tures ovoid,  sub-triangular  or 
pyriforni,  according  to  the  degree 
in  which  the  lunarium  is  developed  ; 
interiorly   with  thin  walls,   and   a 

small  number  of  complete  horizontal 

T      1  -t    ,  ^ ,  Fistulipora     astrica     Ulrich. 

diapliragms.      interspaces  smooth  or    Devonian    (Hamilton    Group) ; 

granular,     occupied     internally    by   ;^^'t''io^"f4,'°'  ^°''''^-  tangential 

one  or  more  series  of  vesicles.    Bare 

in  the  Ordovician.      Common  from  Silurian  to  Lower  Car- 

Iwniferous  less  frequent  in  Coal  Measures  and  Permian. 

Gyclotrypa    Ulr.    (Fig.    470).      Like   Fistulipora,  but   the 

lunarium   obsolete,  and  zooecial  tubes  circular  in  transverse 

, .  -p.  .     '  Pig.  470. 

section.     JJevonian . 

7-1    -7  TT1       /T-.-7     .  TT  nv        r,        .         ,  Cyclot ry pu    comwunis   Ul- 

Uridopwra  Ulr.  {Ftleotrypa  Hall).  Zoaria  thin,  imrasitic.  rich.  Hamilton;  New Buf- 
Zocecia  with  oblique,'  sub  -  triangular  or  ovoid  apertures.  '^^,^-  ^^^  % 
Lunarium  very  prominent.       Siluiian  to  Coal  Measures,  (after  Uhieh). 

Pio.  469. 




Ghilotrypa  Ulr.      Zoaria  small,  ramose,  witli  a  narrow,  irregularly  contracting  and 
expanding  axial  tube.      Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Meekopora    Ulr.    (Fig.    471).      Zoaria    bifoliate.       Oblique    apertures   all   directed 



j»  *  ^  «■ 




Pio.  471. 

A  M 

Meekopora  cximUi  Ulr.  Chester  Group;  Monroe  Co.,  111.  A,  Specimen 
from  the  side  and  edge,  -Vj-  />',  Surface  of  same,  "iji.  (',  Port-ion  showing 
ovicell,  w/j  (after  Ulrich). 

IP  *  • 



Fi(i.  472. 

Strtitopora  fofcolatu  Ulr. 
Keokuk  Group  ;  Bentons- 
port,  Iowa.  Part  of  ex- 
pansion, 3/^,  and  surface  of 
same,  "i/i,  showing  zofHcial 
apertures  and  broken  ovi- 
cells  (after  Ulrich). 

toward  the  distal  margin  of  the  zoarium  or  branch.  Lunarium  moderate  or  obsolete  ; 
diaphragms   numerous   and    often   recurved.      Ovicell  rather   large,   showing  at   the 

surface  as  a  convex  space  with  a  small  apical  opening. 
Silurian  to  Coal  Measures. 

Strotopora  Ulr.  (Fig.  472).  Zoaria  ramose.  Large,  abruptly 
spreading  cells  (regarded  as  broken  ovicells),  distributed 
among  the  zocecia  on  ordinary  specimens;  when  perfectly  pre- 
served they  appear  as  strongly  convex  elevations  with  a  small 
opening  on  one  side.      Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Lichenotrypa  Ulr.  First  stages  like  Fisttdipora,  after 
which  large  spines  and  irregulaj'  thin  walls  are  thrown  up 
alwut  the  apertures.      Devonian. 

Buskopora  Ulr.  {Odontotrypa,  Glossotrypa  Hall)  (Fig. 
473).  Like  Fistulipora,  but  lunarium  remarkably  de- 
veloped, projecting  as  a  strong,  l)identiculate  process  nearly 
half  across  the  ajjerture.      Devonian. 

Pinacotrypa  Ulr.  ;  (?)  Botryllopora  Nich.  ;  Selenopora 
Devonian  ;    Hexagonella  W.  and   W. 

Fig.  473. 

Buskopora  dentata  Ulr. 
Devonian    (Onondaga    Group) ; 

Falls  of    the    Ohio.      Portions    and    Favicella  Hall 
of   .surface,   7/    and  ^Vl   (after    -p,  .  i   /-.     ,        -p 

Ulrich).  Devonian  and  Carbonnerous. 

Order  3.     TREPOSTOMATA  Ulrich. ^ 

Zocecia  directly  superimposed  ^ipon  one  another  so  as  to  form  long  tubes  intersected 
by  straight  or  curved  partitions  {diaphragms  and  cystiphragms)  representing  the  covers 

^  Two  regions  of  the  zooecial  tubes  are  (li.stiuguishaljle,  an  axial  or  "  immature "  region,  in 
which  the  diaphi-agms  are  remote,  the  walls  thin,  and  the  tubes  prismatic  through  contact  ;  and  a 
peripheral  or  "mature"  region,  in  which  the  tubes  bend  outward,  the  walls  ai-e  thickened  and 
otherwise  modified,  the  transverse  partitions  more  abundant,  and  interzooecial  elements  (acanthopores, 
mesopores,  or  mere  strengthening  tissue)  are  developed. 

Waagen  and  Wentzel  and  others  erroneously  assert  that  the  mesopores  and  acanthopores, 
occurring  so  commonly  in  the  Trepostomata,  are  young  zooecia  or  "corallites."  With  very  few 
exceptions,  these  really  very  different  elements  are  not  developed  until  the  zoarium  has  reached  the 
mature  stage,  in  which  new  zooecia  cease  to  be  given  off.  Tlie  origin  of  mesopores  {i.e.  all  cells 
occupying  interzooecial  spaces,  whether  invested  with  separate  walls  or  not)  is  due  to  the  .same 
necessity  wliich  leads  to  the  distal  thickening  of  tlie  zorecial  tubes,  namely,  that  of  filling  up  space 
occasioned  by  the  growtli  of  tubes  at  the  jjeriphery,  and  by  the  change  in  the  direction  of  the  tubes. 

Some  of  the  tubes  provisionally  included  under  the  term  mesopores,  like  some  of  tlie  acantho- 




and  floors  of  successive  layers.  Zocecial  covers  loith  a  small,  usually  sub-central  orifice. 
Monticules  or  maculae  (containing  cells  differing  from  the  average  in  size,  or  in  having 
their  apertures  elevaAed)  regularly  distributed  over  the  surface. 

The  Treijostomata  include  the  greater  portion  of  the  "  Monticuliporoids  "  which 
by  some  writers,  particularly  ]\Iilne  Edwards  and  Haime,  were  regarded  as  Anthozoans. 
Nicholson  assigned  them  to  the  Octocoralla  because  the  corallites  apparently  agreed 
with  Heliolites  in  their  microscopic  structure,  and  in  addition  were  supposed  to  have 
imperforate  walls  and  to  increase  by  intermural  gemmation  or  by  fission.  Ulrich 
has  insisted  upon  the  bryozoan  nature  of  these  organisms,  and  has  published  many 
facts  militating  against  Nicholson's  views.  Bassler  has  added  a  number  of  points 
confirmatory  of  their  bryozoan  affinities,  and  recently  Cumings  has  worked  out  the 
primitive  budding  stages  of  at  least  six  characteristic  genera.  He  finds  that  the 
budding  2Jlan  of  Prasopora  and  allied  genera  is  jJi'ecisely  the  same  as  in  typical  recent 
Bryozoa,  namely  that  it  consists  of  (1)  a  inotiecium,  or  minute  circular  disk  ;  (2)  the 
ancestrula,  a  tubular  zocecium  of  the  type  seen  in  the  Cyclostomata ;  and  (3)  several 
primary  buds  arising  from  and  adjacent  to  the  ancestrula.  These  primitive  structiires 
are  separated  from  the  rest  of  the  colony  by  a  considerable  thickening  of  their 
posterior  walls.  In  the  Corals,  development  from  the  planula  is  direct,  the  moment 
it  becomes  sedentary  and  therefore  the  presence  of  the  protoecium  alone  is  practically 
conclusive  as  to  the  systematic  position  of  the  Trejiostomata  A\ith  the  Bryozoa. 

Suborder  A.     AMALGAMATA   Ulrich  and  Bassler. 

Trepostomata  in  which  the  boundaries  of  adjacent  zocecia  are  obscured  by  the  more  or 
less  complete  amalgamation  of  their  walls. 

Family  1.     Monticuliporidae    Nicholson  (emend.  Ulrich). 

Zoaria  multiform.  ZoKcial  apertures  polygonal,  rounded  or  irregularly  petaloid. 
Mesopores  occasionally  wanting,  in  other  cases  numerous,  angula,r  and  crossed  by 
crowded    diaphragms.       Acanthopores  a  /; 

abundant,  iisually  small.  Gystiphragms 
always  present  in  the  mature  region. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

The  incomplete,  curved,  transverse 
partitions,  termed  cystiphragms  by 
Uh'ich,  are  the  principal  peculiarity  of 
this  I'amily.  It  is  possible  that  they 
represent  ovicells,  but  their  significance 
can  only  be  conjectured. 

Monticulipora   d'Orb.  (Fig.   474). 
Zoaria  incrusting  to  massiA^e.     Zocecia 

Monticulipora  arborea  Ulr.     Trenton  ;  Minnesota.     Vertical 
(A)  and  tangential  (75)  sections,  i-i/i  (after  Ulrich). 

polygonal,   with   minutely  granulose 

walls.       Cystiphragms    lining    both 

mature  and  immature  regions.      Mesopores  very  few  or  absent. 

granulose,  more  or  less  numerous.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Orbignyella  U.  and  B.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Atactoporella  Ulr.   (Fig.   475).     Zoaria  generally  encrusting, 

Acanthopores  small, 

Zocecia  with  very 

pores,  were  doubtless  occupied  by  specially  modified  polypides,  which  probably  find  their 
homologues  in  the  aviciilaria  and  vibracula  of  recent  Chilostomata.  But  many  of  the  mesopores 
which  are  not  invested  by  separate  walls  are  to  be  regarded  as  mere  interspaces  between  the 
zooecial  tubes,  and  the  purpose  of  their  transverse  partitions  is  to  support  the  walls  of  the  latter,  as 
well  as  to  assist  intercommunication  by  means  of  the  zoarial  parcnehynial  cord. 




tliin  inflected  walls,  tlie  apertures  irregularly  jietaloid.  Mesopores  numerous,  frequently 
isolating  the  zocecia,  largely  filled  by  a  secondary  deposit.  Acantliopores  small  and 
very  numerous.     Ordovician  and  Silurian, 

Fic.  475. 

Atactaporella  typicalis  Ulr.     Black  River  Group  ;  Minnesota.     Surface  (A),  tangential  (7;),, 
and  vertical  (' ")  sections,  i-»/i  (after  Ulrieli). 

Peronopora  Nich.     Similar  to  the  preceding  but  zoaria  bifoliate,  and  zooecial  walls 

thicker,  not  inflected  by  the  acan- 
tliopores, and  more  ring -like  in 
transverse  section.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Homotrypa  Ulr.  (Figs.  476, 
477).  Generally  ramose,  some- 
times frondescent.  Zooecial  tubes 
with  very  thin  and  finely  crenu- 
lated  walls,  and  remote  diaphragms 
in  the  axial  region.  Cystiphragms, 
isolated  or  in  series,  developed  in 
peripheral  region  only.    Apertures 

structure  of  walls  and  parenchymal  cord  in  (A),  Homotrypa 
callosa  Ulr.,  35/j ;  (£),  ^tkioporella  fro7iilifem  Ulr.,  as/j';  and  (C), 
Retepora  columni/era  Busk.     Recent,  60/i. 



polygonal  or  sub  -  circular.  Mesopores 
usually  few  and  restricted  to  the  maculae. 
Acantliopores  generally  present.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Homotrypella  Ulr.  Like  Homotrypa  but 
mesopores  numerous  and  cystiphragms 
usually  confined  to  the  early  part  of  the 
mature  region.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Prasopora  Nich.  and  Eth.  (Fig.  478). 
Zoarium  massive,  free.  Zoojcial  tubes 
prismatic  or  cylindrical,  thin  -  walled, 
A  B 

Fio.  477. 

Homotrypa  subramo.m  Ulr.  Black  River  ;  Minnesota. 
A,  Surface.  B,  Tangential  section.  i\  Vertical  sec- 
tion, iJ/i.  D,  H.  xp.jKU-ata  Ulr.  Tangential  section, 
X  17. 

Fin.  478. 

I'rasopora  simulatrix  Ulr.  Trenton  ;  Ken- 
tucky. .1,  Transverse,  and  B,  Vertical  section, 
i-i/i  (after  Ulricli). 




sej)fii'<ited  from  one  anotlier  by  smaller  angular  mesopores,  and  containing  cystiphgrams. 
Acantliojiores  visually  pre- 
sent.      Ordovician      and 

Mesotrypa  Ulr.  (Fig. 
479).  Asindofora  Ulrich. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Family  2.     Heterotry- 
pidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  frondescerd, 
ramose,  massive  or  i^ara- 
sitic.  Zocecia  polygonal, 
v'ith  moderately  thin  icalls. 
Acantlioporesf  resent, some- 
times of  large  size.  Diaphragms  numerous,  horizontal.  Cystiphragms  tcanting.  Ordo- 
vician to  Devonian. 

Dekayella  Ulr.   (Fig.   480).      Zoarium   always   frondescent,   mesopores  numerous, 

>   ''  /  '■'    A'^'-* 

Fig.  479. 

Mesotrypa  infida  Ulr.    Black  River  Group  ;  Minnesota.     A,  Transverse 
section.     B,  C,  Vertical  sections,  n/i  (after  Ulricli). 

Fk;.  480. 

Dekayella  dbscura  (Ulr.).     Ordovician ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 
Tangential  and  vertical  sections,  n/i  (after  Ulrich). 

Fi<;.  481. 

Di'Xayia  aspera  Edw. 
and  H.  Ordovician ;  Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio.  Tangential 
section,  i4/j. 

and  acantliopores  of  two  sizes,  the  smaller  ones  the  more  abundant,  and  present 
only  in  the  peripheral  region.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Heterotrypa  Nich.  Zoarium  frondescent,  and  acanthopores  all  of  uniform  size. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Dekayia  E.  and  H.  (Fig.  481).  Distinguished  from  Heterotrypa  by  the  absence  of 
A  B 

Fig.  48-2. 

Stigmatella  foordi  (Nich.).  Ordovician  ;  Es- 
thonia.  A,  Tangential  section,  w/i.  B,  Vertical 
section,  22/j  (after  Bassler). 

Fig.  483. 

Atactoponi  maculata  Uli.  Ordovician;  Cincinnati, 
Ohio.  Transverse  and  vertical  sections,  i-i/i,  showing 
greater  part  of  a  solid  macula  (after  Ulrich). 

the  smaller  set   of  acanthopores,  and    lesser  number  of  mesopores  and  diaphragms. 

Petigopora  Ulrich.     Stigmatella  Ulr.  and   B.  (Fig.   482,  A,  B).     Ordovician  and 




Atadopora  Ulr.  (Fig.  483).  Zoaria  thin,  growing  on  Ortlwceras.  Zocecial  apertures 
indented  or  floriform,  according  to  jjosition  of  the  very  numerous  acanthopores.  Eather 
large,  solid  elevations,  composed  of  abortive  cells,  and  completely  filled  by  calcareous 
deposit,  stud  the  surface  at  regular  intervals.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Leptotrypa  Ulr.      Ordovician.      Gyphotrypa  U.  and  B.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Family  3.     Oonstellariidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  ramose,  frondescent,  laminar  or  encrusting.  Zooscial  tubes  thin-walled  and 
prismatic  in  the  axial  region,  thicker  and  sub-cylindrical  in  the  peripheral;  apertures 
rounded,  the  peristomes  slightly  elevated.  Mesopores  angular,  abundant,  generally 
isolating  the  zooecia,  at  intervals  gathered  into  usually  stellate  clusters;  closed  at  the 
surface,  the  closure  tvith  numerous  perforations.  True  acanthopores  loanting,  but  small 
hollow  spines  or  granules  often  very  abundant.  Diaphragms  straight  and  complete  in 
both  sets  of  tubes.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Constellaria    Dana    (Fig.    484).     Zoaria     growing    erect     from 

attached    basal 



Pifi.  4S4. 

Constellaria  florida  \Jlr.     Cincinnati,  Ohio.     J,  Vertical  section.     i>',  Tangential,  sliowing  aged  condition. 
C,  Average  tangential  section,  all  i4/j.    D,  Branch  of  the  natural  size  (after  Ulrich). 

expansion.  Surface  with  depressed  stellate  maculae,  the  spaces  between  the  rays 
elevated  and  occuijied  by  two  or  three  short  rows  or  clusters  of  closely  approximated 
zocecial  apertures.  Mesopores  aggregated  in  the  maculae,  internally  with  gradually 
crowding  diaphragms.      Ordovician. 

Stellipora  Hall  {non  Hagw.  nee  Haime).  Differs  from  the  above  in  its  encrusting 
or  lamellate  habit,  and  in  having  only  mesopores  in  intersjiaces  between  the  raised 
zocecial  clusters.     Ordovician. 

Nicholsonella  Ulr.  (Fig.  485,  A-G).      Laminar  expansions,  sometimes  giving   off' 


Flc.  485. 

NieJiolsoiieUii  pnlchra  Ulr.  Stones  River;  Tennessee.  A,  fSiirface,  7/j.  £,  Vertical  section,  w/v  C,  Tan- 
gential sections  at  diflerent  levels,  K/j  (after  Ulrich)-  1^,  JJianulites  fastigiatus  Bichw.  Silurian ;  Baltic 
Provinces.    Tangential  section,  I'l/j  (after  Bassler). 

flattened,   intertwining   branches   or   fronds.       Interzooecial  spaces    wide,  and   with 
numerous  mesopores,  whicli  have  thicker  and  more  numerous  diaphragms  than 




zooecial  tuljcs  ;  tlie  spaces  become  filled  up  with  age  by  a  calcareous  deposit,  rendering 
walls  of  inesopores  unrecognisable.     Ordovician. 

Dianulites  Eichwald  (Fig.  485,  D).  Zoaria  massive  ;  zocccia  and  mesopores  pris- 
matic, ttin  walled  ;  walls  and  spines  with  minute  granulose  structures  as  in 
Nicholsonella.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Tdiotrypa  Ulr.      Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Family  4.     Batostomellidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  usually  ramose,  occasionally  sub-lobate,  massive,  laminar  or  parasitic,  often 
consisting  of  superimposed  layers.  Zocccia  with  thick  walls  in  the  mature  region,  usually 
appearing  here  as  fused.  Diaphragms  horizontal,  those  in  peripheral  region  tvith  central 
perforation.  Acanthopores  and  mesopores  usually  present;  the  latter  small,  often 
intermittent.     Ordovician  to  Permian. 

The  amalgamate  nature  of  the  zooecial  walls  is  most  marked  in  this  family. 

Bythopora  Miller  and  Dyer.  Small  branching  stems.  Apertures  oblique, 
attenuate  above.  Interspaces  canaliculate,  with  an  occasional  mesopore  or  none. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Gallotrypa  Hall.     Silurian  and    Devonian 

Batostomella  Ulr.  (Geinitzella  W.  and  W.  ;   Trematella  Hall)  (Fig.  486), 

1  l/fft 

Ordovician    to 


Fl(i.  486. 

Batostomella  splnidosa  Ulr.  Chester  Group ;  Kentucky.  A,  B,  Vertical  sections,  one  with  and  the  other 
without  diaphragms,  n/i-  C,  Tangential  section,  i^i-  D,  Surface,  I'l/j.  On  either  side  of  (.'  are  branches  of  the 
natural  size  (after  Ulrich). 

branches,  without  monticules.  Apertures  small,  circular  or  oval.  Interspaces 
rounded  or  canaliculatej  spinulose,  the  acanthojDores  small  and  usually  very  numerous. 
Mesopores  small,  sub-circular.     Diaphragms  few.      Silurian  to  Permian. 

Stenopora  Lonsd.  (Fig.  487).  Zoaria  ramose,  sub-lobate,  massive,  laminar  or 
parasitic.  Zooecial  walls  periodically  thickened  in  the  mature  region 
acanthopores  at  many  of  the 
angles  between  the  zooecia. 
Mesopores  never  very  numerous, 
irregularly  distributed.  Dia- 
phragms sometimes  very  scarce, 
but  m  most  American  species 
abundant  in  the  peripheral 
region,  and  with  a  large  central 
perforation.  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous to  Permian. 

Anisotrypa  Ulr.     Divisional 
line    between    adjoining    tubes  Fn;.  487. 

iiir.TP  cliarnW  rlpfinprl  mid  Stenopora  americana  Vlv.  Keokuk  Group ;  Illinois.  Vertical  (.4) 
moie       sudipiy       uemieu,       ciiiu    ^nd  tangential  (Z;)  sections  showing  roonilifonu  waUs  and  perforated 

periodic   swellings   of    the    walls    diaphragms,  w/j  (after  Ulrich), 




iiiucli  less  distinct  than  in  }itcno]3ora.    Acautliopores  and  mesopores  absent ;  perforated 
diaphragms  numerous.     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Liodema  Ulr.  (Fig.  488).       Ordovician  to  Coal    Measures.       Lioclemella  Foerste. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian.      Orhifora  Eichwald  (Fig.  489,  a,  h).     Ordovician. 

Fl(i.  488. 

Liodema  foliata 'U\t.     Keokuk  Group;  Illinois.      ^-1,  Vertical  section,  21 /j.     /;,  Tangential  section,  '-^l^. 
C,  Portion  of  wall  and  acanthopore,  38/^.     D^  Interstitial  cell,i-'Vi  (after  Ulricli). 

Fig.  489. 

a,  Orbipora  distineta  Eichw.     Section,  i4/j.     h^  0.  acanlhoponi  Bass,  i-i/i.     c,  d,  Esthoniopora  communis  Bass. 

Ordovician  ;  Baltic  Provinces,    s/j  (aftei-  Bassler). 

Esthonioimra    Bassler    (Fig.    489,  c,  d).       Zoarium  massive ;    zocccia  with    semi- 
diaphragms  ;  no  mesopores  or  acantliopores.      Ordovician  ;  Esthonia. 

Suborder  B.     INTEaHATA   Ulricli  and  Bassler. 

Trepostomata  in  which  the  boundaries  of  adjoining  zooecia  are  sharply  defined  by  a 
ivell-marked,  dark-coloured  divisional  line. 

Family  5.     Amplexoporidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  ramose,  discoidal,  massive  or  bifoliate.  Zooicial  tubes  comparatively  simple, 
prismatic,  with  a  well-marked  divisional  line  between  adjoining  tubes.  Mesopores 
practicidly  absent,  but  small  abortive  cells  sometimes  found  among  the  large  zooxia 
forming  the  inonticules.  Acanthoiwres  generally  abundant,  sometimes  quanting.  Ordovician 
to  Devonian. 

Amplexopora  Ulr.  Zoaria  ramose.  Acanthopores  always  present,  varying  m  size 
and  number.      Diaphragms  complete,  horizontal.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Monotrypclla  Ulr.  Like  the  above,  but  without  acanthopores.  Ordovician  to 




Rhombotrypa  U.  and  B.      Silurian.      Petalotrypa  and  Jlixmfrjijm  Ulr.      Ordovician 
to  Devonian. 

Family  6.      Halloporidae    Basnler  {Galloporidae  Ulricli). 

Zoaria  ramose,  sub-frondescent,  massive  or  discoidal.  Zocecial  apertihres  generally 
sub-circular  and  separated  more  or  less  completely  by  angular  mesopores ;  at  other  times 
polygonal,  ivlien  the  mesopores  are  few  or  wanting.  Zoacial  tubes  thin-ivalled,  attaining 
tlu'ir  fall  size  slowly.      Aranthopores  wanting.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

In  this  lainily  the  proximal  ends  of  the  tubes  arising  in  the  axial  or  "immature"  region 
have  the  character  of  mesopores.     The  diaphragms  are  rather  closely  arranged  in  the  tapering 



•a,^  o 

Fic.  49U. 

Hallopora  ramosa  (E.  and  H.).  Ordovician  (Cincinnati  Group);  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  .1,  Zoarium,  natural 
size.  B,  Surface  slightly  magnified.  (',  Tangential  section,  parallel  to  external  surface,  ""/j.  D,  \'ertical 
section,  20/j.    (c'and  D  after  Nicholson.) 

proximal  end,  then  few  or  wanting  for  a  considerable  distance,  and  finally  become  crowded  in 
the  peripheral  or  mature  region. 

Hallopora  Bassler  {CaUopora  Hall  preoccupied)  (Figs.  490,  491).  Zoaria  usually 
ramose  and  liusliy,  the  brandies  often  anastomosing.  Ai^ertui'es  closed  in  tlie  perfect 
state  by  perforated,  often  ornamented,  covers,  wliicli  are  left  behind,  as  growth  proceeds, 

Fic.  491. 

A,  B,  Hallopora  eU(jantula(Ji.&\\).  Niagara;  Indiana.  Vertical  and  tangential  sections,  w/j.  C,  D,  H.multi- 
tabuluta  Ulr.  Lower  Trenton  ;  Minnesota.  C,  Vertical  section,  "/i.  D,  Surface  having  zocecia  open  (7/j),  and 
preserving  zocecial  covers  (i*/i). 

to  form  floors  (diaphragms)  of  succeeding  layers.  Zooecial  tubes  of  two  sizes  in  the  axial 
region,  the  larger  ones  with  six  to  eight  sides,  the  smaller  set  four-  or  five-sided. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Halloporina,  nom.  nov.  (proposed  for  Calloporina  Ulrich  and  Bassler,  preoccupied 
by  Neviani  in  1895).  Like  Hallopora  but  diaphragms  wanting  and  walls  strongly 
crenulated.     Ordovician. 

Calloporella  Ulr.      Silurian  ;  North  America. 
VOL.  I  Z 




Family  7.     Trematoporidae   Uliicli. 

Zoaria  ramose  or  encrusting.     Zooecial  tuhes  irregular  in   the  axial  region,   their 
proximal  ends  with  diaphragms,  and  usually  constricted  ivhere  the  latter  occiir ;  walls 

A  B 

Fig.  492. 

Tangential  sections  ot  BatoKtovm  from  the  Black  River  Group  of  Minnesota.    A,  B.  fertile  Ulr.,  '>'i/j. 
B,  Same,  var.   circulare,  l-*/j.     C,  B.  tinnchelli  var.  spinulosam  Ulr.,  38/j  (after  Ulricli). 

thickened  in  the  mature  region,  lines  of  contact  distinct.     Mesopores  generally  abundant, 
usually  of  large  size,  their  apertures  closed.      Acanthopores  more  or  less  abundant. 

This  family  is  principally  distinguished  from  the  Halloporidae  by  the  presence  of  acantho- 
pores and  closed  mesopores.  The  Trematoporidae,  moreover,  have  a  general  looseness  and 
obscurity  of  structure  quite  unlike  that  of  any  other  Trepostomata. 

Batostoma   Ulr.   (Fig. 



Hemiphragma  irrasum  Ulr.    Lower  Trenton ;  Minnesota, 
A,  Vertical  section,  T/j.    B,  Tangential,  "/i  (after  Ulricli). 

Branches  irregular,  springiirg  from  a  large  basal 
expansion.  Zooecial  walls  of  varying 
thickness,  in  contact  only  at  limited 
IJoints,  and  of  two  sizes  in  the  axial 
region.  Diaphragms  strong,  horizon- 
tal, complete.  Species  numerous  and 
mostly  very  abundant.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Hemiphragma  Ulr.  (Fig.  493). 
Like  Batostoma,  but  diaj^hragms  in 
peripheral  part  of  tubes  incomijlete. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Diplotrypa  Nich.,  emend.  Ulr. 
(Fig.  494).  Zoaria  massive,  generally 
free.      Zooecial    tubes    comparatively 


Diplotrypa  westoni  Ulr.     Richmond  Group  ;  Manitoba.  and  vertical  sections,  i-^/j  (after  Ulricli). 

Fi(i.  495. 

Mnnritryprt  wagiia  Ulr.     Lower  Trenton  ;  Illinois. 
Transverse  and  vertical  sections,  l/i  (after  Ulricli). 


large,  prismatic,  witli  horizontal  diaphragms.  Mesopores  few  to  numerous,  varying 
in  size.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Monotrypa  Nich.  (Ptychonema  Hall)  (Fig.  495).  Distin- 
guished from  the  preceding  by  the  absence  of  mesopores  and 
fewer  diaphragms.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Anaphragvia  U.  and  B.  Ordovician  and  Silurian.  Ditto- 
fora  Dybowski  (Fig.  496).      Ordovician. 

Trematopora  Hall  (emend.  Ulr.) ;  Stromatotrypa  Ulr.  Or- 
dovician and  Silurian.  Fig.  496. 

Dittopora    colliculata 

Eieliw.       Ordovician  ;     Es- 

Order  4.        CRYPTOSTOMATA     Vine.  thonia.    Tangential  .sections 

with   two   sets  of  acantlio- 

Primitive    zocecium   short,  pyriform   to  ohlong,  quadrate  or  P°"^'''     'i  ^■^ 
hexagonal,   sometimes    tubular,    the    aperture    anterior.     In   the 

mature  colony  the  aperture  is  concealed,  occurring  at  the  bottom  of  a  tubular  shaft 
{^^ vestibule"),  which  may  be  intersected  by  straight  diaphragms  or  hemisepta,  owing 
to  the  direct  super-imposition  of  layers  of  polypides.  Vestibular  shaft  surrounded  by 
vesicular  tissue,  or  by  a  solid  calcareous  deposit;  the  external  orifice  rounded.  Mar- 
supia  and  avicularia  wanting. 

The  Cryptostomata  differ  from  the  Trej)ostomata  chiefly  in  that  the  "  immature  " 
region  (primitive  cell)  is  usually  much  shorter  and  the  passage  to  the  mature  region 
more  abrupt. 

Some  of  the  Cryptostomata  are  ramose,  and  have  long,  thin-walled  prismatic 
tubes  in  the  axial  region,  with  or  without  diaphragms,  precisely  as  in  tlie  ramose 
TrejDostomata  and  Cyclostomata  ;  but  they  are  distinguished  from  the  latter  by  the 
presence  of  hemisepta,  similar  to  those  occurring  in  the  vestibule  of  Escharopora  and 
Phaenopora,  two  of  the  most  tyjiical  genera  of  the  Cryptostomata.  That  these  axial 
tubes  are  not  of  primary  importance  is  shown  by  individuals  of  such  genera  as 
Ooeloconus,  Rhombopora,  etc.,  in  which  a  second  layer  of  zooecia  has  grown  over  the 
first.  This  is  a  rare  condition,  and  is  probably  to  be  attributed  to  an  accidental 
interruption  of  growth.  But,  where  observable,  it  is  to  be  noticed  that  the  inner 
extremities  of  the  zooecia  of  the  second  layer  are  not  drawn  out  into  tubes  like 
those  of  the  primary  set,  but  are  short,  and  in  all  essential  respects  like  those  of 

The  Cryptostomata  are  probably  nothing  more  than  Paleozoic  Cheilostomata, 
differing,  however,  from  the  typical  members  of  the  latter,  (1)  in  having  neither 
marsupia  nor  avicularia  ;  (2)  in  the  mv;ch  greater  deposit  of  calcareous  matter  upon 
the  front  of  the  zooecia,  thus  producing  the  vestibule ;  (3)  in  that  successive  layers  of 
l^olypides  are  often  developed,  one  directly  over  the  other,  in  a  continuous  tube ;  and 
(4)  in  that  whenever  a  zoarium  attains  an  uninterrupted  width  of  more  than  8  mm., 
it  exhibits  clusters  of  cells  differing  more  or  less,  either  in  size  or  elevation,  from  the 
average  zooecia.  The  last  two  distinctions  are  suggestive  of  the  Trepostomata  ;  and 
the  presence  of  a  vestibule  reminds  us  of  certain  Mesozoic  and  Recent  Cheilostomata, 
which  have  the  same  tubular  prolongation  of  the  aperture.  Thus,  the  Recent 
Adeonella  atlantica  Busk,  has  not  only  a  vestibule,  but  hemisepta  as  well.  Hemisepta 
are  never  found  in  the  Cyclostomata  and  Trepostomata,  bitt  are  a  very  common 
feature  of  the  Cryptostomata.  They  occur  at  the  bottom  of  the  vestibule,  and  doubt- 
less served  as  supports  for  the  movable  operculum, 

^  The  almost  universal  practice  has  beeu  to  accept  the  presence  of  tubular  zooecia  as  fully 
demonstrating  the  Cyclostomatous  affinities  of  the  species  producing  them.  Investigations,  how- 
ever, show  that  the  mere  form  of  the  zocecium  cannot  be  relied  upon  as  a  subordinal  character  any 
more  than  is  the  presence  of  tabulae  in  a  tubular  organism  a  certain  indication  of  an  Anthozoan. 




Family  1.     Phylloporinidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  branching,  cellulijerous  on  one  side  only,  the  other  side  striated ;  branches 
free  or  anastomosing.  Zooscia  more  or  less  tubular,  often  with  diaphragms.  Hemisepta 
wanting.     Ordovician  to  Coal  Measures. 

a,  h,  Chasmatopora  sublaxa  (Ulr.).     i'/l- 

Fk;.  497. 
d,  Transverse  and  longitudinal  sections,  if"/j  (after  Ulvich). 

Chasmatopora  Eicliwald  {Phylloporina  Ulr.)  (Fig.  497).  Branches  inegnlarly 
anastomosing,  with  two  to  eight  ranges  of  zocecia  on  the  celluliferous  side.  Taljulated 
interstitial  spaces  generally  present,  closed  at  the  surface.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Pseudohornera  Roemer  (Drymotrypa  Ulr.).  Ordovician  to  Devonian.  Chaino- 
dictyon  Foerste.     Coal  Measures. 

Family  2. 

Fenestellidae    Kiug. 

Zoaria  forming  reticulate  expansions,  celluliferous  on  one  side  only.  TJiey  are  com- 
posed of  rigid  branches  united  by  regular  non-poriferous  bars  {dissepiments);  or  may  be 
sinuous  and  anastomose  at  regular  intervals ;  or  may  remain  free.  Zocecia  enclosed  in 
a  calcareous  crust,  which  is  minutely  porous,  especially  on  the  non-cell uliferotts  side. 
Primitive  portions  of  zooncia  oblong,  quadrate  or  hexagonal  in  outline.  Superior  hemi- 
septum  usually  present,  the  inferior  one  less  frequently.  Primary  orifice  anterior,  semi- 
elliptical,  trimcated  behind.  External  apertures  rounded,  with  peristome,  and  covered, 
when  perfect,  by  centrally  perforated  closures.      Silurian  to  Permian. 

The  zoarial  cliaracters  of  the  Fenestellidae  are  extremely  constant,  and  are  of  tlie  greatest 
systematic  importance.  The  zocecial  cavity  in  this  family  is  very  similar  to  that  of  the 
Ptilodictyonidae  and  Rhinidictyonidae  ;  and  the  same  is  also  true  of  both  tlie  primary  and 
external  orifices. 

Fic.  4i)8. 

Fencstellti  retifarmisHi-hUAh.     Permian  Doloniitir  ;  Piissneck,  Tlniiin-ia.     .1,  Fra,L;nu-nL  cil' /oariuni,  natural  si'/e. 
B,  Portion  of  external  surface,  slightly  enlarged.     C,  Magnilied  jxirtion  of  interior  celluliferous  surface. 




Fenedella  Lonsd.  (Fenestrella  d'OrJj.  ;  Actinostoina  Young)  (Fig.  498).  Zoaria 
Habellate  or  funnel-shaped,  poriferous  on  the  inner  side.  Branches  connected  at 
regular  intervals  by  dissepiments.  Zooccia  in  two  rows,  separated  by  a  plain  or 
tuberciilose  median  keel.      Silurian  to  Permian. 

Semicoscinium  Front  {Carino23ora  Nich. ;  C'ry2:)topora  "Sich.;  Cycloporina  Simpson). 
(Fig.  499,  e).  Zoaria  funnel-shaped,  poriferous  on  the  outer  side.  Dissepiments 
wide,  very  short,  the  branches  appearing  to  anastomose  on  the  non -poriferous  face, 
where  the  fenestrules  are  sub-rhomboiilal  or  rounded.  Zooecia  in  two  ranges,  median 
keel  very  liigh  and  expanded  at  the  summit.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Fenestrapora  Hall.  Like  the  preceding,  except  that  the  reverse  of  the  zoarium 
and  the  expanded  summits  of  the  carinae  bear  large,  scattered  pores,  or  pits. 



»  W   f*"**  imm   «.«•    ^ 

Pio.  499. 

(I,  Archimedes  distansVh-.  l/i.  h,  Polypora  simnlatrix  Vlr.  i/i  and  S/i-  c,  Hi'.mitrypa  prontana  Vh:  i>/i. 
d,  Unitrypa  acaiiUs  Hall.  ti/i.  e,  Semicosctnium  interruptum  H.  and  S.  "/i.  /,  Fenestralia  compacta  Ulr.  "/] 
(after  Ulricli,  Hall,  and  Simpson). 

Helicopora  Claypole  ;  Isotrypa,  Loculipora,  Unitrypa  Hall  (Fig.  499,  d).  Silurian 
and  Devonian. 

Hemitrypa  Phill.  (Fig.  499,  c).  Differs  from  Fenestella  in  having  a  reticulated 
superstructure,  whose  meshes  correspond  in  position  and  number  with  the  zooecial 
apertures  in  the  branches  beneath.     Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous'. 

Archimedes  Lesueur  (Fig.  499,  «.).  Distinguished  from  Helicopora  liy  its  solid 
central  axis.  As  a  rule,  the  fenestrated  expansion  is  broken  away,  leaving  only  the 
screw-like  axis.     Lower' Carboniferous. 

Lyropora  Hall.  Zoaria  flabellate,  the  fenestrated  portion  spread  between  the 
arms  of  a  non-celluliferous  U-  or  V-shaped  support ;  free  or  pedunculate  at  the  base. 
ZocEcia  in  from  two  to  five  rows.      Lower  Carboniferous. 

Fenestralia  (Prout  Fig.  499,  /).  Having  a  median  keel  as  in  Fenestella^  but  with 
four  ranges  of  zooecia  instead  of  two.      Lower  Carboniferous  (St.  Louis  Group). 

Polypora  M'Coy  {Protoretepora  Koninck)  (Fig.  499,  b).  Differs  from  Fenestella 
in  having  two  to  eight  rows  of  cells  on  a  branch,  and  in  wanting  a  median  keel. 
The  latter  is  sometimes  represented  by  a  row  of  strong  tubercles.  Silurian  to 

Tlucm.niscns  King.  Like  Pohjptora,  Ijut  branches  Infurcating  more  freely,  and  with 
only  a  few  disse^jiments  or  none.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Phyllopora  King.      Zoaria  funnel-shaped,  celluliferous  on  the  outer  side,  and  con- 





of   anastomosing    brandies,    which   form   a   regular,   round -meshed   network. 
Zocccia  in  two  or  more  rows.     Devonian  to  Permian. 

Ptiloporella,    PHloporina    Hall.       Silurian    and     Devonian.      Reteporina    d'Orb. 
Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous.      Anastoviopora  Simpson.     Devonian. 

Family  3.     Acanthocladiidae    Zittel. 

Zoaria  poriferous  on  one  side  only,  pinnate  or  formimj  fenestrated  expansions ;  con- 
sisting of  strong,  central  stems  ivhich  give  off  numerous,  smaller,  lateral  branches  from 
their  opposite  margins.  The  lateral  branches  are  free  or  unite  with  those  of  the  next 
stem.  Non-poriferotis  dissepiments  absent.  Zocecial  characters  mosthj  as  in  the  Fene- 
stellidae.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Pinnatopora  "Vine. 



{Glauconome  auct.,  non  Goldfuss)  (Fig.  500,  b,  c).  Zoaria 
small,  delicate,  with  short,  free,  lateral 
branches  given  off  frequently  at  regular 
intervals.  Cells  in  two  rows,  one  on 
each  side  of  a  moderate  median  keel. 
Silurian  to  Permian. 

Septopora  Prout.     Zoaria  fenestrated, 

flabellate  or  leaf-like.    Primary  branches 

numerous,  increasing  by  bifurcation  or 

interpolation ;      the      lateral     branches 

\      '^^ff  ^Bd!^*'^^         ^    %/^      uniting  with  those  of   adjacent    stems. 

V  "^Ir    y^        ^^^^  l.m-i^       Reverse    iisually   with    fine    striae    and 

scattered  dimorphic  pores.  Celluliferous 
side  with  two  rows  of  zooecia  arranged 
as  in  Pinnatopora.  Chester  Group  and 
Coal  Measures. 

Acanthocladia  King  (Fig.  500,  a). 
Like  Pinnatopora,  liut  larger,  stronger,  and  with  three  or  more  ranges  of  cells.  Coal 
Measures  and  Permian. 

Synocladia  King.  Differs  from  Septopora  in  the  same  manner  as  the  preceding 
differs  from  Pinnatopora.     Permian. 

Ptilopora  M'Coy  {Dendricopora  Koninck).  Zoaria  pinnate,  the  central  branch 
much  stronger  than  the  oblique  lateral  branches,  which  are  united  hj  dissepiments. 
ZocEcia  in  two  ranges.     Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Diploporaria  N.  and  B.  {Diplopora  Young).  Essentially  a  Pinnatopora  without 
lateral  branchlets.     Carboniferous. 

Fig.  500. 

a,  Acanthocladia  fruticosa  Ulr.  i/j. 
tenuiramosa  Ulr.  '/i.  c,  P.  vinei  Ulr. 

\b,  Pinnatopora 
i/i  and  9/i  (after 

Family  4.     Arthrostylidae    Ulrich. 

Zoaria  articukUed,  co7isisting  of  numerous  sub-cylindrical  segments  united  into  small 
pinnate  or  bushy  colonies,  or  of  continuous,  dichotomonsly  divided  branches.  Zoo-cia  sub- 
tubular,  more  or  less  oblique,  radially  arranged  about  a  central  axis,  and  opening  on  all 
sides  of  the  segments ;  or  one  side  may  be  non-celluliferous  and  longitudinally  striated. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Arthrostylus  Ulr.  (Fig.  501,  d,  e).  Zooecia  bushy,  dighotomously  branching,  the 
whole  consisting  of  numerous  exceedingly  slender,  equal,  subquadrate  segments, 
united  by  terminal  articulation.  Zooecia  usually  arranged  in  three  rows  between 
longitudinal  ridges  ;  the  fourth  face  with  longitudinal  striae  only.      Ordovician. 

^Helopora  Hall  (Figs.   501,/;  502).      Like  the  preceding,  but  the  segments  are 
larger,  and  have  zooccial  apertures  on  all  sides.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 




Sce'ptro'pora  Ulr.     Segments  short,  greatly  exi^anded  above,  celluliferous  all  around. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 




Fi(i.  5(11. 

a,  Arthrodema  hlUimjsi  Ulr.     %.     6,  --1.  nrmatum  Ulr.     Sef;ment,  i2/j.     e,  Nematopora  muferln.  Ulr. 
d,  e,  Arthrostijhis  conjunctus  Ulr.     i2/i.    /,  Hchporu  harrisi  Ulr.     l^/j  (after  Ulricli). 


Arthrodema  Bill.  (Fig.  501,  a,  b).      Segments  sub-cylindrical,  cellidiferous  on  all 
sides,  arranged  pinnately.     Articulation  both  terminal  and  lateral.     Ordovician. 

Nematopora  Ulr.  (Fig.  501,  c).  Zoaria  very  slender, 
ramose,  continuous  above  the  pointed  basal  extremity.  Zooecia 
sub-tubular,  arranged  radially  about  one  or  two  minute  axial 
tubes.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Glauconome  Goldf.  {Penniretepora  d'Orb.).  Zoarium  branch- 
ing continuously  ;  reverse  side  non-celluliferous  ;  zooecia  as  in 
Nematopora.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Family  5.     Rhabdomesontidae  Vine. 

Pig.  502. 

Zoaria  ramose  or  simple,  not  articulated,  sometimes  tvith  a 
large  or  small  axial  titbe,  and   generally  solid.     In  the  latter 

case  the  axial  region  is  occupied  by  thin-walled  primitive  tubes,  Helopom  spini/ormis  uir. 
vjith  or  loithout  diaphragms.  Hemisepta  usually  present,  but  ^i°"verticai'^^section°*'*'i'-vt.' 
never  conspicuotis.  External  zocccial  apertures  oval  or  circular,  b,  Segment,  Vi  and  i-t/i 
regularly  arranged,  and  usualhj  at  the  bottom  of  a  rhombic  or 

hexagonal  sloping  area,  or  between  longitudinal  ridges.  Mesopores  absent.  Ordovician 
to  Permian. 

Bhomhopora  Meek  (Fig.  503,  b).  Zoaria  slender,  ramose,  solid.  Zooecial  tul)es 
with  the  outer  or  vestibular  region  thick-walled,  apertures  arranged  in  diagonal 
or  longitudinal  lines.  Strong  acanthopores  and  smaller  spines  generally  present. 
Ordovician  to  Permian. 

Bactropora  Hall.  Zoaria  simple  or  only  slightly  branched,  the  lower  extremity 
pointed.     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Rhabdomeson  Young.  Differs  from  Rhombopora  only  in  having  a  slender  axial' 
tube,  to  which  the  proximal  ends  of  the  zooecia  are  attached.  Coal  Measures  and 

Goeloconus  Ulr.  (Fig.  503,  a).  Zoaria  simple,  hollow,  expanding  gradually  from 
the  striated  base;  substance  thin.  Primitive  portion  of  zooecia  short,  with  well- 
developed  hemisepta.     Lower  Carboniferous. 




Neviat axis  HsiW.     Devonian.     Nemafotry2M  ^a^Bulev.     Ordovician.     Orthojyora  }ia.]]. 

Fig.  503 

a,  (.'iielocnnuf:  rhomhtciiji  Ulr.  Vi  and  surface  i-/].     h,  Rh(wibripora  inonissatii  Ulr.  i/j  anil  "^/j.     c,  Strehlotrypa 
major  Ulr.  i/i  and  is/j.     d,  Amnthodema  conjiue.ns  Ulr.  i/i  and  --i/i  (after  Uliicli). 

Silurian   and   Devonian.     Hyphasmopora  Etlieridge.      Carbonifei-ous.      Acanthoclema 
Hall  (Fig.  503,  d).     Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Trofidopora  Hall.     Devonian.     Strehlotrypa  Ulrich  (Fig.  503,  c).     Devonian  and 
Lower  Carboniferous. 

Family  6.      Ptilodictyonidae  Ulricli. 

Zoaria  bifoliate,  composed  of  two  layers  of  zooxia  groivn  together  back  to  hack,  usually 
joined  at  least  at  the  base,  and  forming  leaf-like  expansions,  or  comjjressed,  branching 
or  inosculating  stems.  Mesial  plates  without  median  tihbuli ;  hemisepta  usually  present. 
Inner  orifice  generally  semi-elliptical,  the  outer  more  rounded,  usually  ovate,  and 
surrounded,  by  either  a  slopiing  area  or  ct  ring-like  peristome.  Vestibules  separated  by 
thick  walls.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Ptilodictya  Lonsd.  (Heterodictya  Nicli.).  Zoaria  lanceolate  or  falciform,  with  a 
small  basal  eximnsion.  In  the  young  condition  the  zoariuni  consists  of  longitudinally 
arranged,  narrow,  olilong-quadrate  zorecia,  new  zooccia,  of  different  width  and  arrange- 




"*^»^^e  ^ 

Fn:.  504. 

a,  Esi-liaropovd  anguluris  IJlr.  l/i  and  surface  i'/i-     '',  E.  suhrerta  Ulr.  "/j.     (■,  </,  Stictojiorella  criljmm  Ulr.  l/j 
and  surface  i8/j.     Black  River  of  Minnesota  (after  Ulrich). 

nient,  being  added  subsequently  on  each  side.  In  the  vestibulai'  or  outer  region  the 
walls  are  more  or  less  thickened,  solid,  and  with  a  double  row  of  exceedingly  minute 
dots.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 




Escharopora  Hall  (NicJiolsonia  Waag.  and  Wentz)  (Fig.  504,  «,  h).  Like  Ptilodictya 
but  apertures  are  in  diagonally  intersecting  series.      Ordovician. 

Phaeiwpora  Hall.  Zoaria  as  in  Ptilodictya,  except  that  there  are  two  mesopores  in 
each  interspace  between  the  ends  of  the  zocecial  apertures.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Arfhro'pora  Ulr.  Zoaria  Ijushy,  spreading  in  a  plane,  composed  of  numerous 
equal  segments.  Zocecial  apertures  elliptical,  surrounded  Ijy  a  delicate  jieristome. 
Interspaces  with  one  or  more  threadlike  ridges,  variously  disposed,  and  with  a  row  of 
minute  papillae.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Graptodictya  Ulr.  Ordovician.  Glathroporu  Hall.  Silurian.  Stictoporina  Hall. 

Family  7.     Stictoporellidae  Nickles  and  Bassler. 

This  family  differs  from  the  Ptilodictyonidae  mainly  in  that  the  zoarium  is  not 
articulated,  but  grows  upward  from,  and  is  continuous  with,  a  spreading  base. 

Stictoporella  Ulr.  (Fig.  504,  c,  d).  Zoaria  variously  formed,  with  elliptical 
apertures  placed  at  the  bottom  of  a  sloping  area.  Thick- walled  intabulated  mesojiores 
occur  between  the  zocecial  a])ertures  and  line  the  zoarial  margins.  Ordovician  and 

Stictopora  Hall.  Ordovician.  Ptilotrypa  Ulrich.  Silurian.  Intraponi  Hall. 
Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous.  Coscinella  Hall.  Devonian.  Taeniodictya  Ulrich. 
Devonian  and  Lower  Carbonifei'ous.     Heliotrypa  LTlrich.     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Family  8.     Rhinidictyonidae  L^lrich. 

Zoaria  bifoliate,  continuous  or  jointed,  forming  compressed,  branches  or  leaf-like 
expansions;  occasionally  trifoliate.  Primitive  cells  sub-quadrate,  arranged  longitudinally. 
Both  primitive  and  superficial  apertures  elliptical  or  snb-circnlar,  sometimes  a  little 
truncated  piosteriorly.  Inferior  hemiseptum  and  lunarium  wanting.  Median  tubuli 
present  between  the  median  laminae,  and  between  the  longitudinal  rows  of  zocecial  tubes. 
Mesopores  absent,  but  vesicular  tissue  often  present.     Chiefly  Ordovician. 

Rhinidictija  Ulr.  {Stictopora  Ulr.,  non  Hall)  (Fig.  505,  a,  c).     Zoaria  composed  of 

Fu:.  505. 

a-c,  Rhinidictya  mutabiUs  Ulr.  i/j  and  surface  9/j.     c,  Several  zocecia  »5/].     d,  c,  Cystodictya  gilbcrti  Meek. 
Surface  i8/i  and  tangential  section  i8/j  (after  Ulrich). 

narrow,  compressed,  dichotomously  dividing,  straight-edged  branches,  attached  to 
foreign  Ijodies  by  a  continuous  exjianded  base.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Eurydictya,  Bicranopora,  Goniotrypa  Ulr.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Euspilopora  Ulr.  Small,  irregularly  divided  branches,  with  serrated  or  wavy 
edges.     Devonian. 




Phyllodictya    Ulr.       ZocEcial    tubes    long,    with    complete    cliaphragm.s,    Imt    no 
lieniisepta.      Ordovician. 

Pachydictya  (Fig.  506),  Trigonodictya  Ulr.  Ordovician  and 

Family  9.     Oystodictyonidae  Ulricli. 

Zoaria  consisting  of  two  or  three  layers  of  cells  grown  together 
hack  to  bach,  forming  branching,  perforated  or  entire  leaf -like  ex- 
pansions, or  triangular  branches.  Primitive  cells  semi-cordate  or 
obovate-acuminate  in  outline,  arranged  longitudinally.  Primitive 
afcrture  sub-circular,  but  becoming  drawn  out  into  a,  tubular 
vestibule  as  groivth  proceeds.  Superficial  aperture  with  peristome, 
and  more  or  less  well  -  developed  hinaritim.  Interzooscial  spaces 
occupied,  by  vesicular  tissue,  often  filled,  with  a  calcareous  deposit 
near  the  surface.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Fig.  506. 

Pachydictya  foliata 
Ulr.  Black  River;  Min- 
nesota. Tangential  sec- 
tion, 14/j  (after  Ulrich). 

Gystodictya  Ulr.  (Arcanopora  Vine ;  Stictocella  Simpson)  (Fig.  505,  (7,  e).  Zoaria 
ramose,  brandies  sharply  elliptical,  with  sub-parallel,  non-poriferous  margins.  Intei'- 
apertural  space  finely  striated,  granulose  or  smooth  ;  pits  and  cells  showing  (uily  in 
a  worn  condition.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Coscinium  Keyserling  {Goscinotrypa  Hall) ;   Dichotrypa  Ulr.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Taeniopora  Nich.  {Pteropora  Hall ;  Btictoporidra  Simpson).  Distinguished  from 
Gystodictya  by  having  a  longitudinal  ridge  or  keel,  which  divides  each  face  into  two 
equal  parts.     Devonian. 

Thamnotrypa,  Semiopora,  Acrogenia,  Geramella,  Phractopora,  Prismopora,  Scalaripora 
Hall ;  Goniocladia  Etheridge  ;  Ptilocella  Simpson.    Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous. 

Evactinopora  Meek  and  Worth.  (Fig.  507,  b,  c).  Zoaria  free,  consisting  of  four  or 
more  vertical  leaves  arranged  in  a  stellate  or  cruciform  fashion.     Lower  CarboniferoiLS. 

Fic.  507. 

a,  Glyptopora  sagenella-lata  Ulr.  l/j.     6,  Evactinopora  quinque  radiafa  Ulr.  Vi- 

Meek  and  Wortlien  i/j  (after  Ulrich). 

c,  d,  E.  radiata 

Glyptopora  Ulr.  (Fig.  507,  a).  Zoaria  consisting  of  thin  expansions  traversed  on 
both  surfaces  by  salient  ridges,  or  of  uni-laminate  bases  on  which  the  coalescing  ridges 
of  the  upper  surface  are  greatly  developed  and  fornx  large  leaves.     These  lidges  or 


leaves  are  comjjosed  of  two  layers  of  cells  growing  in  opposite  directions  from  a  mesial 
lamina.      Upper  surface  with  solid  maculae  or  "dimples."     Lower  Carboniferous. 

Family  10.     Rhinoporidae  Ulrich. 

Zooscia  simple,  ohlong  or  rhomhoidal,  j}rone  along  the  haml  membrane;  vestibules 
direct,  hemisepta  iDanting ;  front  of  zooecia  beloiv  vestibule  usually  strengthened  with  solid 
or  vesicular  tissue.     Silurian. 

Rhinopora  Hall.  Zoarium  of  undulating,  bifoliate  expansions  ;  surface  smooth 
and  traversed  by  slender  bifurcating  ridges.      Silurian. 

Lichenalia  Hall.     Like  Rhinopora  but  unilaminar.      Silurian. 
Diamesopora  Hall ;  Stictotrypa  Ulrich.     Silurian. 

Family  11.     Cycloporidae  (provisional). 

The  following  genera,  all  from  the  Lower  Carboniferous,  and  of  doubtful  affinities, 
are  placed  in  this  family  :  Cyclopora  Prout ;  Gycloporella  Ulr.  ;  Proutella  Ulr.  ; 
Worthenopora  Ulr. 

Order  5.     CHEILOSTOMATA    Busk. 

(Bryozoaires  cellulines,  d'Orlngny). 

Zooecia  oval,  turbinate,  urceolate,  qtiadrate  or  hexagonal,  arranged  usually  side  by 
side.  Orifice  more  or  less  anterior,  of  smaller  diameter  than  the  zocecium,  closed  by  a 
movable  cover.  Ova  commonly  matured  in  external  marsupia.  Appendicular  organs 
frequently  present. 

The  earliest  Cheilostomata  appear  sparsely  in  the  Jura  of  Normandy,  but  their 
progenitors  are  undoubtedly  to  be  looked  for  in  the  Paleozoic  Cryptostomata.  They 
attain  an  astonishing  development  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous,  and  in  the  Tertiaries  and 
existing  seas  they  greatly  surpass  the  Cyclostomata  in  number  and  variety  of  species. 

Not  all  of  the  Cheilostomata  have  a  completely  calcified  zoarium,  some  being 
corneous  and  flexible  (Flustridae),  and  others  having  the  front  wall  of  the  zoa3cia 
more  or  less  memliraneous  and  the  rest  calcareous  (Memliraniporidae).  Consequently, 
in  fossil  examples  of  the  latter,  the  zooecia  are  entirely  open  on  the  upper  or  front 
side  (Fig.  477).  Avicularia  and  vibracula  are  very  commonly  present,  and  are 
indicated  in  fossils  by  the  "  special  pores "  in  which  they  were  lodged.  External 
ovicells  are  more  commonly  developed  than  in  the  Cyclostomata,  and  usually  occur  as 
rounded,  blister-like  cavities  in  front  of  the  zocecial  apertures.  Eeproduction  by 
gemmation  takes  place  at  the  growing  edge  of  the  colony,  the  young  cells  arising 
from  the  anterior  end  or  from  either  side  of  the  parent  cell ;  and  repeated  gemmation 
almost  always  results  in  a  more  or  less  regular  arrangement  in  series.  Direct 
commvmication  between  adjoining  zooecia  is  effected  by  means  of  small  perforated 
plates  {communication  plates,  Rosettenplatten),  set  in  corresponding  positions  in  the 
side  walls  of  each  zocecium. 

In  the  classification  of  the  Cheilostomata,  the  presence  or  absence  of  the  compensa- 
tion sac  is  of  great  importance.  This  is  a  thin- walled  sac  opening  outward  through 
a  pore,  the  ascopore,  and  provided  with  muscles  whose  contraction  distends  the  sac 
with  the  result  that  the  polypide  is  extended. 

Although  much  work  has  been  done  in  recent  years  upon  the  morphological  and 
systematic  study  of  the  Cheilostomata,  their  classification,  particularly  the  genera  of 
the  fossil  forms,  is  still  in  an  unsettled  condition.  The  older  systems  of  d'Orbigny 
and  Busk  were  highly  artificial,  undue  prominence  having  been  given  to  zoarial 
modifications ;   but   through    the  labours  of  Smitt,  Hincks   and   Waters,  who  have 




deiuoiistiated  tlic  luucli  greater  importance  of  zooocial  characters,  a  decided  advance 
was  made.  Levinsen's  studies  upon  the  recent  Cheilostoniata  have  resulted  in  a 
splendid,  detailed  classification  which  unfortunately  depends  upon  characters  making 
it  difficult  of  application  to  the  fossil  forms.  Only  l)rief  descrijitions  of  the  more 
imp(jrtant  genera,  or  those  having  numerous  fossil  representatives,  can  be  introduced 

Suborder  A.     ANASCA   Levinsen. 

Gompcnsation  sac  wanting;  frontal  ivall  membraneous  or  calcareous,  defressed  and 
surrounded  by  raised  margins;  ofercukor  and  subo'percular  areas  not  sefarated  by  a 
calcareous  bar. 

Family  1.      Aeteidae    Hincks. 

Zoarium  unilinear,  adnate ;  zocrcia  partially  erect,  ivith  membraneous  apertures. 
Aetea  Lam.      Tertiary  and  Recent ;  Euroi^e. 

Family  2.      Eucrateidae    Hincks. 

Zoaria    branching,    erect   and  free,    or    recumbent.       Zooecia    uniserial    or  biserial, 
■pyriform,    vnth    a    sub-terminal    and     usually    oblique    aperture.       Avicularian    and 

vibracular  appendages  wanting.  Cre- 
taceous to  Recent. 

Eucratea  Lamx.  (Fig.  508). 
Zoaria  entirely  decumbent,  or  com- 
posed of  a  creeping  adherent  base 
and  erect  branching  shoots.  Zooecia 
calcareous  or  sub-calcareous,  rising 
one  from  another  so  as  to  form 
single  series.  Branches  springing 
from  the  front  of  a  zocecium  below 
Fio.  508.  the  aperture.    Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Kucratea  lahiaUi  (Novak).      Cenonianian  ;    Velim.    Boliemia.  Gemellaria    Savigny  ;     Notamia 

A,   Zoariiiiii,   l/j.     B    Zooecia,    tliree  of  them   with   IVactured    -r<i        •  mi-  i   -n  j. 

walls,  higiiiy  magnified  (after  Novak).  Fleming.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  3.     Scrupocellariidae    Busk. 

Zoarium  erect,  'usually  jointed,  dichotomously  branching,  phytoid,.  Zooxia  in  two 
or  more  series,  closely  united  and  arranged  in  the  same  plane.  Sessile  avicularia  and 
vibracula  generally  present.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Menipea,  Caberea  Lamx.  ;  Hcrupocellaria  Van  Bened.      Eocene  and  Recent. 

Family  4.      Cellulariidae    Levinsen.     {tialicornariadac    Busk). 

Zoarium  erect,  sub-cylindrical,  dichotomously  branching,  usually  jointed.  Zoaxia 
rhomboidal  or  hexagonal,  each  corresponding  to  an  area,  and,  disposed  in  series  about  an 
imaginary  axis.  Front  depressed,  usually  concave.  Orifice  crescentic  or  semicircular, 
situated  slightly  above  the  centre  of  the  cell.  Ooscia  inconspicuous,  opening  at  or  near 
the  summit  of  the  area  above  the  orifice.  Avicularia  iisually  j)resent.  Cretaceous  to 

Cellularia  Paihis  {Cellaria  Lam.;  Salicornuria  Cuv.)  (Fig.  509).      Zoarium  jointed. 






sub-cylindrical    and    connected    by    flexible,    horny    tuljes.       Zooecia 
immersed,  snrronnded  l)y  a  raised  V)order,  disposed  in  quincunx. 

Fio.  50!  I. 

'  'dhdii  rid  rlmmhifciu 
(Goldfnss).  Oligoceiie ; 
Kaufungen,  near  Cassel. 
Enlarged  (after  Reuss). 

Avicularia  irregu- 
larly distributed, 
situated  above  a  cell. 

or      occupying 
place  of  one. 


Fio.  510. 

Encrusting  zoarium  of  Membniniponi,  witli 
non-calcified  /.(xecial  walls.     Magnified. 

Family  5.     Membraniporidae    Busk. 

Fig.  511. 

Mem  hm  n  vponi  plcheia 
(G.  and  H.).  Cretaceous; 
N.  J.  Several  cells  highly 
magnified  (after  Gabb  and 

Zoarium  calcareous  or  memhrano-calcareous,  encrasfing  or  erect,  in  the  latter  case 
bifoliate,  or  sub-cylindrical.  Zooecia  placed  side  by  side,  and  forming  an  irregular 
continuous  expaiision,  or  in  linear  series.  Margins  raised,  the  depressed  front  more  or 
less  membranous. 

Membranipora  Blainv.  (?  Marginaria  Eoenier ;  (?)  Dermatopora  Hagw.)  (Figs. 
510-511).  Zoaria  encrusting,  calcareous  or  sub-calcareous.  Zooecia  arranged 
irregularly  or  in  rows,  without  a  calcareous  lamina  on  the  front,  or  only  partially 
covered  by  one,  leaving  a  variously  shaped  apertuie.     Jurassic  to  Eecent. 

Tremopora  Ortmann.  Like  Membranipora,  but  has  a  large  avicularium  and 
bifurcated  spine  on  the  border.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Hagenowinella  Canu.      Cretaceous. 

Family  6.     Selenariidae    Busk. 

Zoaria  circular  or  irregular  in  outline,  the  celluliferous  side  convex,  the  lower  concave 
or  Jlat,  irrobably  free   in    the  mature  condition.      Upper   surface   areolated,    the   zooicia 

Pig.  512. 

LunuUtcx  ijohlfusii  Hagw.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Luneburg.     a-c,  Zoarium  of  the  natural  size. 
d,  Upper  surface,  enlarged,    c,  Lower  surface,  enlarged. 




immersed,  their  borders  elevated.  Orifice  rounded  or  semi-elliftical,  situated  more  or  less 
in  advance  of  the  depressed  front.  Small  vibracidar  cells  usually  p-esent.  Cretaceous 
to  Recent. 

Lunulites  Lamx.  (Fig.  512).  Zooecia  arranged  in  series  radiating  from  the 
centre  and  bifurcating  as  they  advance  toward  the  border.  Vibracular  cells  usually 
elongate,  lying  in  linear  series  between  the  rows  of  zooecia.  Very  abundant  in  the 
Upper  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  ;  also  Recent. 

Stichopora    Hagw.    emend.    Busk.       Vibracular    cells    wanting.       Zooecia    equal, 

hexagonal,  not  arranged  in  radiating  series. 

Selenaria  Busk.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 



Pig.  513. 

ahhotU  (G.  and  H.). 
Cretaceous ;  N.J. 
Zocecia  highly  mag- 
nified (after  Gabb 
and  Horn). 

PlQ.  514. 

Cribrilina  liecrmanni 
(G.  and  H.).  Post-Plio- 
cene ;  Santa  Barbara 
Co.,  Cal.  Zooecia  highly 
magnified  (after  Gabb 
and  Horn). 

Family  7.     Oribrilinidae    Hincks. 

Zoaria  encrusting  or  erect.  Zooecia  having 
the  front  wall  more  or  less  fissured,  or  traversed 
by  radiating  furrows.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Membraniporella  Smitt  (Fig.  5 1 3).  Zoaria 
encrusting  or  rising  into  free  foliaceous  ex- 
pansions, sometimes  consisting  of  superim- 
posed layers.  Zocecia  closed  in  front  by  a 
number  of  flattened  calcareous  ribs  more  or  less  consolidated  centrally.  Cretaceous 
to  Recent. 

Cribrilina  Gray  (Fig.  514).  Zoaria  usually  encrusting.  Zooecia  having  the 
front  more  or  less  occupied  by  radiating  or  transverse  rows  of  punctures,  each  row  in 
a  furrow  ;  orifice  semicircular  or  sub-orbicular.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  8.     Onychocellidae    Jullien  (emend.). 

Zoaria  encrusting  or  erect,  ramose,  continuous,  the  branches  more  or  less  compressed 
and  bilaminar ;  surface  areolated.  Zoxcia  usually  hexagonal,  their  margins  raised, 
the  front  not  entirely  calci- 
fied. Opesial  aperture  of 
moderate  size,  generally  semi- 
elliptical,  sometimes  spread- 
ing below,  in  other  cases  sub- 
circular.  Oral  opening 
small,  usually  crescentic  or 
semicircular.  Ocecia  in- 
conspicuous ;  intercalated 
vicarious  avicularia  gener- 
ally present ;  special  pores 
'Wanting.  Jurassic  to  Re- 
cent ;  chiefly  Cretaceous. 

Pig.  515. 

Onychocella  angii- 
?osa  (Reuss).   Upper 
Eocene  ;    Nortliern 
,^  Italy.    Surface,  20/j 

Mem-    (after  Waters). 

Pig.  516. 

Vincidaria  virgo  Hagw.  Upper  Cretaceous ; 
Riigen.  a,  Portion  of  zoarium,  i/j.  h.  Cross- 
section,   c,  Vertical  section,  enlarged. 

Onychocella  Jullien  (^s- 
chara,  Flustrellaria,  p.p. 
d'Orb. ;  Cellepora, 
branipora,  Vincularia,  etc 
auct.)  (Figs.  515,  516).  Zoaria  encrusting  or  erect.  Oral  opening  semicircular  or 
crescentic."  Avicularian  openings  simple,  oval ;  the  area  in  wliich  they  are  situated 
drawn  out  above.     Jura  of  Normandy,  and  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 




Vibracclla  Waters  {Flustrellaria,  p.p.,  d'Orb.).  Differs  from  Onychocella  in  having 
a  larger  aperture,  wliich  is  often  somewhat  expanded  below,  and  having  vibracular 
cells  instead  of  avicularia.      Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

(?)  Gumulifora  Miinst.  (Fig.   517).      Zoaria  irregularly  massive.     Zooecia  partly 

M  i    li 


vfxrX  :  Mii't^' 




Fig.  517. 

Cwmulipora  angulata '^lixn^i.     Oligocene  ;  Dobevg,  near  Biinde.    ^-1,  Zoarium,  natural  size.    B,  Upper 
surface,  enlarged.     (',  Vertical  section,  enlarged  (after  Reus.s). 

recumbent,  partly  erect,  and  jjlaced  one  above  the  other,  so  tliat  they  appear  to  form 
tabulated  tubes.      Tertiary. 

Floridina  Jullien.  Like  Onychocella  liut  opesium  trifoliate.  Cretaceous  to 

Smittipora  Jullien  ; '  Euritina  Canu.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 



Family  9.     Microporidae    Smitt. 

Zooecia  having  the  front  wall    entirely  calcareous ;    usually   with  sharply  elevated 
margins,  fissures  or  perforations.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 


Micropora  Gray  (Fig.  518).  Zoaria  encrusting.  Zooecia  with 
prominent  raised  margins;  the  front  depressed,  with  a  perforation 
at  each  upper  angle  below  the  semicircular  or  rounded  orifice. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent'. 

Steganoporella  Smitt ;  Setosella  Hincks ;  Rhagasostoma  Kos- 
chinski ;  Cupularia  Lam. ;   Gargantua  Jullien.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Suborder  B.     ASCOPHORA     Levinsen.  p^g- ^is- 

Micropora  disparilis 

Compensation  sac  present,  opening  most  often  on  the  proximal  side   ^jg^g^g  -^'anta^ar- 

of   the  operculum,  more  rarely  further   bara  Co.,  Cai.  Zooecia 

7      7     ,7  7  7.  /  s     highly    magnified 

back  through  ct,  median  pore  {ascopore).   (after      Gabb     and 
A    calcified  transverse  bar    between   the   Horn). 
opercular  and  sub-opercular  areas. 

Family  10.     Microporellidae  Hincks. 

Zoaria  encrusting  or  erect,  foliated  or  dendroid. 
Zoa'cial  orifice  more  or  less  semicircidar,  with  the  loioer 
margin  entire ;  a  crescentic  or  circular  pore  on  the  front 
wall  usually  just  beneath  the  orifice.    Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Fio.  519.  Microporella  Hincks  (Fig.  5 1 9).     Zoarium  encrusting 

Micropordia  rudis  (Reuss).    Oli-    or    erect,    bilamiuar.      Margin    of   zocccia    not    elevated. 

ocene  ;  &'■"■' ^^ ' — 


gocene  ;  Siillingen.    Upper  surface,     .,^    -r.  .,i  ,       •    i  ,  j_-         i  in         e  ,j-i 

"  ■  °  ^*  '    Orifice  with   a  straight,   entire  lower  border,  frequently 




with    oral    spines.      Usually   one   senii-lunate   or    circular    pore    lieneatli   the    orifice, 
occasionally  two  or  three.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  11.      Porinidae    d'Orbigny. 

Zoaria  encrusting,  or  erect  and  ramified.  Zooecia  with  a  raised  tubular  or  sub-tubular 
orifice,  and  frequently  with  a  special  pore  on  the  front  wall.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Poriiia  d'Orl).  Zoaria  consisting  of  flattened  or  sub-cylindrical  branches,  celluli- 
ferous  on  both  sides,  or  encrusting.  With  age  the  spaces  between  the  raised  apertures 
become  filled  with  a  porous  calcareous  dej^osit.     Avicularia  and  ooecia  occasionally 


Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  12.     Smittinidae    Levinseu. 

For  this  and  the  next  following  family  only  provisional  diagnoses  can  be  given  at 
the  present  time,  and  for  that  reason  none  is  attempted  here. 

Smittina  Norman  (Smittia  Hincks).  Zoaria  encrusting,  or  erect  and  foliaceous. 
Primary  orifice  of  zooecia  sub-orbicular,  the  lower  margin  with  an  internal  median 
denticle.  Secondary  orifice  canaliculate  below  ;  generally  a  small  avicularium  either 
within  or  just  Ijeneath  the  sinus.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Mucronella  Hincks  (Fig.  520).  Similar  to  Smittina,  but  with  simpler  orifice, 
and  the  low-er  jiart  of  the  peristome  elevated  into  a  more  or 
less  prominent  mucro.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Porella  Gray.     Zoaria  encrusting  or  erect.     Zooecia  with  a 

Fig.  520. 

Mucronella  coccinm 
Abildg.  Miocene ;  Eisen- 
.stadt,  Haiij;ury.  Anuiii- 
ber  of  zoojcia  enlarged 
(after  Reuss).  The  aper- 
tures are  denticulated, 
and  each  zoiecium  has  a 
pair  of  avicularia.  o, 

Fio.  521. 

Lepralia  pallusiana  Moll. 
Recent ;  England.  Zowcia 
highly  inagnitied  (after 

ScMzo  porella  corituta 
(G.  and  H.). 
I'liocene ;  Santa  Bar- 
bara Co. ,  Cal.  Zooecia 
highly  magnified 

(after      Gabb       and 

semicircular  pi'iinary  orifice;    tlie  secondaiy  (adult)   orifice   elongate,   inversely  sub- 
triangular,   or   liorseshoe-shaped,  and  enclosing   an   aviculaiium    witli    a    rounded   or 

Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

sub-triangular  mandible 

Family  13.     Lepraliidae    Smitt. 

This  family,  like  the  preceding  one,  can  be  only  provisionally  defined  at  present. 

Lepralia,  Johnson  (Fig.  521).  Zoaria  encrusting  or  rising  into  simj)le  or  branching 
expansions,  composed  of  one  or  two  layers  of  cells.  Zooecia  usually  ovate,  the  orifice 
with  a  thin  peristome  and  entire  lower  margin.  Rare  in  Cretaceous,  more  abundant 
in  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Hipipoporina  Neviaui.  Like  Lepralia  luit  aperture  constricted  l)y  two  lateral 
teeth.      Tertiary. 

Hchizoporella  Hincks  (Fig.   522).      Zoaiia   variable  ;   /.ucjocial  oi'ifice  varying  from 




semicircular  to  sub-orbiculai',  the  lower  margin  with  a  distinct  sinus.     Cretaceous  to 

Family  14.      Meniscoporidae    Cann. 

This  family  is  characterised  by  the  occurrence  of  three  kinds  of  zocecia :  (1) 
typical  zocecia,  (2)  genesies  or  zooecia  bearing  internal  ooecia,  and  (3)  avicularia. 
Alumdant  in  Tertiary. 

Meniscopora  Gregory.     Aperture  constricted  as  in  Hippo forina. 

Schizostoma  Canu.      Like  Schizoporella  but  with  genesies. 

Poristoma,  Poricella,  Smittistoma  and  Galvetina  Canu  ;  Lobopora  Levinsen. 

Family  15.     Reteporidae    Smitt. 

Eefepora  Imperato  {Phidolophora  Gabb  and  Horn)  (Fig.  523).  Zoaria  consisting 
usually  of  inosculating  branches  which  spring  from  an  encrusting  base.  Zocecia 
disposed  on  one  face  of  the  branches  only,  in  most  cases  immersed.      Primary  orifice 



Fig.  524. 

Fig.  523. 

Retepora  cellulosa  Linn.     Crag  ; 
Suffolk,  England. 

Myriozoum  pwndatuiii  (Phill.).  Miocene  ;  Ortenburg,  Bavaria.  A, 
Zoarium,  i/i-  B,  Upper  surface,  enlarged.  In  the  forward  portion  the 
apertures  are  open  ;  in  the  rear,  covered  over  by  a  calcareous  deposit. 
C,  Cross  section  of  a  branch. 

rounded  or  semi-elliptical  with  entire  border.  Afterwards  the  peristome  becomes 
much  raised  and  multiform ;  usually  there  is  a  fissure  below,  or  there  may  be  a 
prominent  rostrum  bearing  an  avicularium.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  16.     Myriozoidae    Smitt. 

Myriozoum  DoTiB.ii  (Myriopora  Blainv.  ;  Vaginopora  Reuss)  (Fig.  524).  Zoaria 
consisting  of  thick,  dichotomously  dividing  branches,  obtuse  at  their  growing  ex- 
tremities, and  rising  from  an  attached  basal  expansion.  Zooecia  disposed  about  an 
imaginary  axis,  even  at  the  surface,  their  boundaries  scarcely  distinguishable.  Entire 
surface  and  also  the  inner  walls  minutely  porous.  Orifice  above  the  centre  of  the 
zooecium,  sub-orbicular,  notched  or  canaliculate  below.  As  a  rule,  the  openings  are 
closed  on  the  lower  j^arts  of  the  branches  by  a  calcareous  pellicle.  Tertiary  and 
Recent  ;  perhaps  also  Cretaceous. 

Family  17.     Celleporidae    Busk. 

Zocecia  urceolcote,  more  or  less  erect,  and  irregularly  crowded  together  ;  often  forming 
several  or  many  superimposed  layers. 

Cellepora    Fabricius,    emend.   Busk   (Spongites    Oken ;    Celleporaria    Lamx.)  (Fig. 
525).     Zoarium  multiform,  encrusting,  or  erect  and  ramose.     Zocecia  in   the  older 
VOL.  I  2  A 




portions  nioie  or  less  erect  and  very  irregularly  disposed.      Orifice  terminal,  entire 
or  sinuated,  with  or  without  internal  denticles ;  in  connection  with  it  are  usually  one 

or  more  rostra  Ijearing  avicularia.  Inter- 
calated avicularia  generally  present  also.  The 
surface  of  weathered  specimens  dotted  by 
the  unequal  apertures  of  vesicle -like  cells. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Subclass  2.     PHYLACTOLAEMATA 

The  Bryozoa  referred  to  this  subclass 
are  soft  -  bodied,  and  therefore  cannot  be 
expected  to  be  found  fossil  except  under 
unusual  conditions  of  preservation.  The 
fresh -water  Cenomanian  beds  of  Bohemia 
have  yielded  an  organism  in  crusting  a  TJnio, 
resembling  the  Recent  genus  Plmnatella. 
Although  the  structure  is  too  imperfectly  preserved  for  certain  identification,  this 
specimen  (Plumatellites  proMferus  Fric)  may  Avell  be  a  fossil  rejjresentative  of  the 
Ph  y  lactolaei  uata. 

Fig.  525. 

Cellepora  conglomerata  Goldfuss.  Oligocene  ; 
Astrupp,  near  Osnabriick.  A,  Zoarium,  i/j. 
B,  Upper  surface,  enlarged. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Bryozoa. 

The  class  Bryozoa  begins  in  the  earliest  Ordovician,  and  is  represented  con- 
tinuously up  to  the  present  time.  The  older  Paleozoic  forms  belong  chiefly  to  two 
oixlers — the  Cyclostomata  and  Trej)ostomata. 

A  considerable  number  of  Cyclostomatous  genera  are  present  in  the  Ordovician, 
most  of  them  being  closely  related  with  Mesozoic  and  Recent  types  ;  but  throughout 
the  remainder  of  the  Paleozoic,  and  in  the  Trias  also,  the  order  is  very  sparingly 
represented  (except  for  the  Ceramoporidae  and  Fistulij5oridae),  and  in  some  parts  quite 
absent.  In  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  however,  a  remarkable  increase  took  place, 
hundreds  of  species  being  known  from  these  formations.  During  the  Tertiary  their 
strength  was  again  materially  reduced,  and  the  living  Cyclostomata  barely  exceed 
100  species  in  number. 

The  Trepostomata  appear  suddenly  and  in  great  variety  in  the  Ordovician,  from 
which  over  400  species  are  known,  but  entered  almost  immediately  upon  a  period  of 
decline.  From  the  Trenton  and  Cincinnati  groups  alone  more  species  have  been 
described  than  from  all  of  the  later  Paleozoic  formations  put  together.  There  is  at 
present  no  evidence  to  show  that  the  group  siirvived  later  than  the  Paleozoic  era,  but 
it  is  not  unlikely  that  their  descendants  may  be  found  among  certain  Mesozoic 
families,  such  as  the  Ceidae,  which  are  jirovisionally  assigned  to  the  Cyclostomata. 

The  Cryptostomata  are  likewise  confined  to  rocks  of  Paleozoic  age,  but,  as  has 
been  remarked  above,  may  be  very  confidently  regarded  as  the  forerunners  of  the 
Cheilostomata.  True  members  of  the  latter  group  are  first  met  with  in  the  Jura,  but 
they  develop  rai)idly,  and  from  the  Cretaceous  onward  remain  the  dominant  type. 

The  Triassic  and  Liassic  liryozoans  belong  chiefly  to  the  Cerioporidae.  This 
family,  together  with  the  Diastoporidae,  Fascigeridae,  and  other  members  of  the 
Cyclostomata,  is  abundantly  rei:)resented  in  tlie  Middle  Jura  of  Lorraine,  Southern 
Germany,  England  and  Normandy.  Tlie  Upper  Jura,  on  the  contrary,  yields  com- 
I^aratively  few  Bryozoan  fossils. 

The  Cyclostomata  still  predominate  in   the  NeocoAiian  and   Gault,  but  in  the 


Cenomanian  a  number  of  Clieilostomatoiis  genera  make  their  appearance.  The  fauna 
is  especially  well  developed  in  the  vicinity  of  Le  Mans,  Havre  and  Essen,  and  in 
Saxony,  Northern  Germany  and  Bohemia. 

Bryozoans  are  surprisingly  abundant  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous,  particularly  in  the 
Upper  Planer  of  Northern  Germany,  Saxony  and  Bohemia,  in  the  AVhite  Chalk,  and 
tlie  facies  of  Aix-la-Chapelle  and  Maestricht.  D'Orbigny  alone  has  described  not  less 
than  547  species  of  Upper  Cretaceous  Cyclostomata,  and  about  300  Cheilostomata  ; 
many  of  these,  however,  are  synonyms  or  unrecognisable. 

The  Cheilostomata  retain  their  supremacy  throughout  the  Tertiary  period.  The 
Eocene  and  Oligocene  deposits  of  the  northern  and  southern  slopes  of  the  Alps  are 
remarkable  for  the  abundance  of  their  Bryozoan  remains ;  some  of  the  most  noted 
Eocene  localities  being  Kressenberg,  Hammer  and  Neubeuern  in  Upper  Bavaria  ; 
Mossano,  Crosara  and  Priabona,  near  Vicenza ;  and  Oberburg  in  Styria.  The 
Oligocene  of  Northern  Germany,  and  the  Miocene  of  Touraine,  the  Rhone  Valley, 
Upper  Swabia,  and  the  Vienna  Basin,  are  also  remarkably  rich  in  Bryozoan  remains. 
The  Pliocene  fauna  of  Italy,  Rhodes,  Cyprus  and  England  (notably  the  Coralline 
Crag)  is  made  up  almost  entirely  of  existing  genera,  and  in  many  cases  of  existing 

[The  revision  of  the  preceding  chaptel-  on  Bryozoa  has  been  prepared  for  the  present 
edition  by  Dr.  R.  S.  Bassler,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  at  Washington,  D.C. — 

Class  2.    BRACHIOPODA  Dumeril.^ 

(Revised  by  Charles  Schuchert.) 

Bivalved  MoUuscoidea  ivith  inequivalved,  equilateral  shells  attached  to  extraneous 
objects  by  a  posterior  prolongation  of  the  body,  or  pedicle,  throughout  life  or  during 

1  Literature:  A.  Anatomy  and  Embryology. — Hancock,  A.,  On  the  Organisation  of  Brachio- 
poda.  Pliil.  Trans.,  1858,  vol.  cxlviii. —  Morse,  K  S.,  On  the  Early  Stages  of  Terebratulina 
septentrionalis.  Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1873,  vol.  ii. — On  the  Systematic  Position  of  the 
Brachiopoda.  Proc.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1873,  vol.  xw.—Kovalevski,  A.  0.,  Observation  on  the 
Development  of  Brachiopoda.  Proc.  Imp.  Soc.  Amateur  Nat.  Moscow,  1874,  vol.  xiv. — Brooks, 
W.  K.,  The  Development  of  Lingula  and  the  Systematic  Position  of  the  Brachiopoda.  Sci.  Results 
Chesapeake  Zool.  Lab.  1878. — Shipley,  A.  E.,  On  the  Structure  and  Development  of  Argiope. 
Mittheil.  Zool.  Station  Neapel,  1883,  vol.  iv. — Oehlert  in  Fischer  s  Manuel  de  Conchyliologie. 
Paris,  1887. — Beecher,  C.  E.,  and  Clarke,  J.  M.,  The  Development  of  some  Silui-ian  Brachiopoda. 
Mem.  New  York  State  Museum,  1889,  vol.  i. — Beecher,  C.  E.,  Development  of  the  Brachiopoda. 
Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1891-9*2,  vols,  xli.,  xliv. — Revision  of  the  Families  of  Loop-bearing  Brachiopoda. 
Trans.  Conn.  Acad.,  1893,  vol.  ix. — Beecher,  C.  E.,  and  Schuchert,  C,  Development  of  the  Shell 
and  the  Brachial  Supports  in  Dielasma  and  Zygospira.  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Washington,  1893, 
vol.  viii. — Buckman,  S.  S.,  Homoeomorphy  among  Jurassic  Brachiopoda.  Proc.  Cotteswold  Nat. 
Field  Club,  1901,  vol.  xiii. — Brachiopod  Homoeomorphy  :  Pygope,  Antinomia,  Pygites.  Quart.  Journ. 
Geol.  Soc.  London,  1906,  vol.  Ixii. — Brachiopod  Homoeomorphy  :  "  Spirifer  glaber."  Ibid.,  1908, 
vol.  Ixiv. — Blochmann,  F.,  Untersuchungen  iiber  den  Bau  der  Brachiopoden.     Jena,  1892,  1900. 

B.  Distribution  of  Recent  Forms. — Schuchert,  C,  Paleogeographic  and  Geologic  Significance  of 
Recent  Brachiopoda.      Bull.  Geol.  Soc,  America,  1911,  vol.  xxii. 

C.  Bibliography. — Ball,  W.  H.,  Index  to  the  Names  which  have  been  applied  to  the  Sub- 
divisions of  the  Class  Brachiopoda.  Bull.  U.S.  Nat.  Museum,  No.  8,  1877.— Baviclso7i,  T.,  and 
Bcdton,  W.  H.,  Bibliography  of  the  Brachiopoda.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1886. — Schuchert,  C,  Synopsis 
of  American  Fossil  Brachiopoda.      Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  1896,  No.  87. 

D.  Systematic  Wovka.  —  Walcott,  0.  D.,  Cambrian  Brachiopoda.  Mon.  51,  U.S.  Geol.  Surv., 
1912. — Davidson,  T.,  Monograph  of  British  Fossil  Brachiopoda.  Palaeontographical  Society, 
1851-86,  vols.  i.-v. — Idem,  A  Monograph  of  Recent  Brachiopoda.  Trans.  Linn.  Soc,  1886-88, 
vol.  iv.  —  Waccgen,  W.,  Salt  Range  Fossils.  Palaeont.  Indica,  ser.  13,  1882-85,  vol.  \.—Bittner,  A., 
Brachiopoda  der  Alpinen  Tiias.  Abhandl.  k.k.  geol.  Reichs-Anst.,  Wien,  1891-92,  vols,  xvi.,  xvii. — 
Hall,  J.,  and  Clarke,  J.  M.,  Introduction  to  the  Study  of  Palaeozoic  Brachiopoda.  Palaeont.  New 
York,  1892-95,  vol.  viii.,  parts  1,  2. — An  Introduction  to  the  Study  of  the  Brachiopoda.  Rept. 
New   York   State  Geologist,   1892-93,  parts  1,   2.— Schuchert,   C,   Synopsis,    etc.,   see  above.— 



only  a  portion  of  their  existence,  or  cemented  ventrally.  Valves  ventral  and  dorsal. 
In  composition,  phosphatic  or  calcareous  or  both.  Animal  enveloped  by  two  pallial 
membranes  intimately  related  to  the  shell.  JFithin  the  mantle  cavity  at  the  sides  of  the 
mouth  are  inserted  the  two,  more  or  less  long,  oral,  usually  spirally  enrolled,  cirrated 
brachia,  which  are  variously  modified,  and  are  supported  in  the  Terebratulacea  and 
Spiriferacea  by  an  internal  calcareous  skeleton,  or  brachidium.,  attached  to  the  dorsal 
valve.  Anus  present  or  absent.  Central  nervous  system  consisting  of  an  oesophageal 
ring  with  weakly  developed  brain  and  infra-oesophageal  ganglionic  swellings.  Blood- 
vascular  system  probably  present  with  the  sinuses  developed  into  vascular  dilatations 
at  the  back  of  the  stomach  and  elsewhere.     Sexes  separate.     Exclusively  marine. 

The  class  begins  well  represented  in  the  Lower  Cambi'ian,  attains  its 
maximum  development  in  the  Silurian  and  Devonian,  and  is  represented  by 
about  158  living  species.  Probably  upwards  of  7000  fossil  and  recent  species 
have  been  described  ;  these  are  distributed  in  450  genera,  grouped  in  42 
families,  14  superfamilies,  and  4  orders. 

Cuvier  (1792  and  1802)  was  the  first  to  distinguish  the  Brachiopods  from 
the  Acephala,  and  created  for  them  a  fourth  family  in  his  class  of  Molluscs. 
To  Dum6ril  (1806)  we  owe  the  now  generally  accepted  class  name  Brachio- 
poda,  or  arm-footed  animals.  Since  the  arms,  or  brachia,  are  not  homologous 
with  the  foot  of  Molluscs,  Gray  (1821)  changed  the  name  to  Spirobranchiopoda  ; 
Blainville  (1824)  to  Pa/to5rowc/wate  ;  Risso  (1826)  to  Branchiopoda ;  Broderip 
(1839)  to  Brachiopodidae ;  Agassiz  (1847)  to  Branchionopoda ;  Bronn  (1862)  to 
Brachionocephala ;  Paetel  (1875)  to  Branchionobranchia ;  and  Haeckel  to  Spiro- 
branchia.  None  of  these  has  displaced  Dum^ril's  term,  though  the  latter  is 
founded  on  a  false  physiological  interpretation  of  the  brachia. 

External  Characters  :  Form. — The  shells  of  Brachioj^ods  are  very 
variable  in  form.  Usually  both  valves  are  convex,  but  they  may  be  nearly 
flat,  with  the  interior  cavity  extremely  shallow,  or  the  dorsal  valve  may  be 
concave  and  follow  closely  the  curvature  of  the  convex  ventral  valve.  The 
ventral  valve  may  be  cone-shaped,  with  the  dorsal  operculiform,  or  the 
former  may  be  so  modified  by  cementation  as  to  assume  the  apj:)earance  of  a 
Cyathophylloid  coral.  The  shell  is  commonly  rostrate,  with  the  ventral  beak, 
or  apex,  more  or  less  incurved  over  that  of  the  dorsal  valve,  or  the  valves 
may  be  very  greatly  extended  transversely.  In  fact,  the  form  of  the  shell  of 
Brachiopods  is  so  variable  that,  as  a  rule,  no  greater  value  than  specific  can 
be  attached  to  this  feature. 

Fixation. — The  animal  is  generally  attached  to  extraneous  objects  by  a 
muscular  pedicle  which  projects  either  from  between  the  contracted  posterior 
margin  of  the  two  valves  (Fig.  536,  A),  through  an  opening  in  or  under  the 
beak  (Fig.  535,  B),  or  through  the  ventral  valve  (Fig.  556,  A).  With 
increasing  age,  however,  the  pedicle  opening  frequently  becomes  closed,  and 
the  pedicle  itself  atrophied.     The  animal  may  then  be  anchored  by  spines 

Schellwien,  E.,  Die  Fauna  der  Trogkofelschicliteu.  Abliandl.  d.  k.k.  geol.  Reichs-Aiist.,  1900, 
vol.  xvi.,  pt.  1. — Skupin,  II.,  Die  Spiriferen  Deutsclilands.  Geol. -pal.  Abliandl.,  1901,  vol.  viii. — 
Tschernyschew,  T. ,  Die  obercarbouischen  Bracluopoden  d.  Ural  iind  d.  Timan.  Mem.  Comite  Geol. , 
1902,  vol.  xvi.,  No.  2. — Girty,  G.  H.,  The  Guadalupiau  Fauna.  Profess.  Paper  58,  U.S.  Geol.  Surv., 
1908. — Buckman,  S.  S.,  Brachiopod  Nomenclature.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.  (7),  1906,  vol.  xviii. 
— The  Genotype  of  Terebratula.  Ibid.,  1907,  vol.  xix. — Brachiopod  Morphology  :  Cincta,  Eudesia, 
and  the  Development  of  Ribs.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc.  London,  1907,  vol.  Ixiii. —  We.ller,  S., 
Internal  Characters  of  some  Mississippian  Rhynchouelliform  Shells.  Bull.  Geol.  Soc.  America, 
1910,  vol.  xxi. — Genera  of  Mississippian  Loop-Bearing  Brachiopoda.     Journ.  (Jeol.,  1911,  vol.  xix. 




(Chonetes,  Produdus)  or  be  cemented  by  the  whole  or  a  part  of  the  surface  of 
the  ventral  valve  {Crania,  Davidsonia,  Thecidea,  Streptorhynclms).  In  some  cases 
(Glottidia  and  Lingula)  Brachiopods  live  throughout  life  partially  buried  in  the 
sand  or  mud  of  the  sea-bottom. 

Ornamentation. — The  external  form  and  ornamentation  of  the  shell  afford 
important  characters  for  determining  the  species.  The  anterior  margin  of 
one  valve  is  frequently  indented  by  a  median  sinus,  and  the  other  usually 
exhibits  a  corresponding /oZ(/,  or  elevation. 

In  the  earliest  shell  growth  stages  Brachiopod  shells  are  invariably  smooth, 
and  may  remain  so  throughout  life,  but  the  greater  number  develop  radial 
striae,  ribs  or  undulations,  and  these  are  usually  crossed  by  concentric  growth 
lines,  or  lamellae,  which  are  sometimes  of  great  width,  or  may  be  extended  into 
spines.  There  may  be  more  or  less  long  tubular  spines  scattered  over  one  or 
both  valves,  or  sometimes  restricted  to  a  single  row  along  the  cardinal  line. 
Under  the  term  Loricatae,  Leopold  von  Buch  included  all  Brachiopods  in  which 
the  radial  folds,  or  costae,  are  arranged  in  regular  succession  in  such  manner 
that  elevated  ridges  at  the  anterior  margin  of  one  valve  coincide  with  the 
indentations  of  the  other.  In  the  Biplicatae,  a  median  fold  or  sinus  is 
bordered  on  either  side  by  a  broad  fold.  In  the  Cinctae,  the  plications  of  the 
two  valves  meet  at  the  anterior  margin  in  such  manner  as  to  form  a  straight 
instead  of  a  crenulated  line,  as  in  the  Biplicatae.  In  young  specimens  the 
ribs  and  folds  are  less  prominent  and  numerous  than  at  maturity.  In  very  old 
or  senile  individuals  the  shell  is  usually  thickened  and  obese,  and  the  growth 
lines  are  much  crowded  anteriorly.  At  this  stage  inherited  specific  characters 
are  seen  to  disappear,  and  at  the  same  time  new  ones  may  be  introduced. 

Shell  Structure. — The  test  of  Brachiopods  is  composed  of  laminae  of  various 
structure  and  composition,  but  differs  considerably  from  that  of  Molluscs. 
The  shell  may  be  wholly  calcareous  or  alternately  calcareous  and  corneous. 
When  entirely  calcareous  the  laminae  are  never  more 
than  three  in  number :  an  inner  thick  prismatic  layer, 
an  intermediate  laminar  layer,  and  an  outer  epidermal 
film.  The  inner  layer  is  made  up  of  flattened  prisms  of 
calcite  arranged  parallel  to  one  another  with  great  regu- 
larity, and  forming  an  acute  angle  with  the  surface  of  the 
shell  (Fig.  526).  In  the  Thecidiidae  these  fibrous  prisms 
are  so  intimately  united  with  one  another  that  the  shell 
substance  appears  almost  homogeneous.  Very  often  the 
fibrous  layer  is  perforated  by  a  series  of  minute  canals 
which  pass  from  one  surface  of  the  valve  to  the  other 
in  a  more  or  less  vertical  direction,  and  are  somewhat 
dilated  externally.  These  canals  contain  tubuli,  or  certain 
prolongations  derived  from  the  mantle,  but  never  com- 
municate with  the  exterior,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the 
laminar  layer  of  the  shell  is  always  covered  with  a 
chitinous  epidermis  (periostracum).  With  the  aid  of  a  magnifier  the  openings 
of  these  canals  are  visible  in  fossil  forms,  and  they  may  be  also  seen  in  recent 
specimens  after  the  epidermis  has  been  removed  by  an  application  of  caustic 
potash  (Fig.  527).  According  to  the  presence  or  absence  of  tubuli,  Brachiopods 
are  distinguished  as  punctate  or  impunctate. 

The  Craniidae  have  thick  shells  composed  of  concentric  layers  of  carbonate 

Fio.  526. 

Prismatic  fibrous  struc- 
ture of  shell  ofR/)2/ncfto;te??« 
(Hemithyris)  psittacea,  lOOy'j 
(after  Carpenter). 




of  lime.     In   Crania  the  shell  substance  is  homogeneous,  and  punctured  by 
distally  branching  canals.     In  the  Lingulidae  and  Obolidae  the  shell  consists 

of  alternating  layers  of  phosphate  of 
lime,   admixed   with   lime   carbonate, 
and  a  lustrous  horny  substance  known 
as  ceratin.     The  calcareous  layers  are 
prismatic,  and  are  traversed  by  fine 
tubuli  (Fig.  528).     It 
is    believed    that    the 
function  of  the  punc- 
tae  is  for  respiration, 
but  the  fact  that  these 
extensions    of    the 
mantle    are    not    ex- 
posed   to    the    water 
sLrvint'liteS  may  not  accord  with 
corneous    (a)    and   this  explanation 

calcareous  (h)  layers.  J- 

Fi(i.  527. 

A,  Punctate  exterior  of  a  Terebratuloid  shell, 
slightly  enlarged.  B,  Vertical  section  of  shell  of 
Magellania  fla  uescens,  showing  distally  enlarged  tubules, 
JOO/j.  c.  Inner  surface  of  Magellania  shell,  showing 
ends  of  tubules  and  oblique  calcareous  prisms,  loo/j 
(after  Carpenter). 

Fig.  528. 
Vertical       section 

Strongly    magnified 
(after  Gratiolet). 

Valves.  —  Brachio- 
pods     are     delicately 

constituted  animals,  covered  by  two  very  vascular  mantle  lobes  which  secrete 
the  calcareous  or  corneo- calcareous  valves,  of  which  one  is  dorsal  and  the 
other  ventral  in  position.  The  valves  are  often  thin  and  of  unequal  size,  but 
the  inequality  is  rarely  of  such  a  nature  as  to  disturb  the  bilateral  symmetry 
of  the  shell. 

During  life  the  ventral  valve,  which  is  commonly  the  larger  of  the  two,  occu- 
pies typically  a  superior  position,  and  the  dorsal  is  down.  But  in  describing 
the  shell,  it  is  always  so  oriented  that  the  posterior  margin,  or  hinge-line,  is 
placed  above,  and  the  anterior  one  below.  A  line  drawn  from  the  beak  to  the 
anterior  margin  describes  the  length ;  and  one  at  right  angles  to  the  same,  in 
the  direction  of  right  and  left,  the  width ;  a  third  line  drawn  perpendicularly 
to  the  other  two,  and  passing  through  the  centres  of  the  valves,  measures  the 
thickness.  In  the  Protremata  and  Telotremata  the  ventral  valve  is  convex,  and 
curved  in  such  manner  at  the  posterior  margin  as  to  form  a  heak.  The  beak 
may  be  pointed,  or  it  may  be  perforated  by  a  round  opening,  or  foramen,  for 
the  protrusion  of  the  pedicle.  In  many  cases,  however,  the  pedicle  opening 
lies  underneath  the  apex  of  the  beak,  and  sometimes  encroaches  upon  a 
portion  of  the  dorsal  valve.  In  the  Atremata  the  pedicle  emerges  from 
between  the  two  valves ;  in  the  Neotremata  the  posterior  margin  of  the 
ventral  valve  is  notched,  or  there  may  be  a  small,  circular,  eccentric  per- 
foration, or  a  more  or  less  long,  narrow  slit.  In  the  Telotremata  the  pedicle 
opening,  or  delthyrium,  which  is  originally  triangular  in  form,  becomes  either 
wholly  or  partially  closed  by  the  growth  of  deltidial  plates.  In  the  Protremata 
the  delthyrium  is  closed  by  a  true  deltidium.,  while  in  the  Neotremata  and 
Atremata  a  similar  looking  plate  may  be  present,  but  as  it  is  of  a  different 
origin,  being  secreted  by  the  mantle,  it  is  called  the  homceodeltidium. 

The  cardinal  area  is  a  term  ai32:)lied  to  the  flattened  or  curved  triangular  area 
which  is  frequently  observable  Ijetween  the  liinge-line  and  the  Leak  (Fig.  529).  It 
is  more  highly  developed  in  the  ventral  than  in  the  dorsal  valve,  and  is  bisected 
medially  liy  the  triangular  delthyrium.  A  true  cardinal  area  is  absent  in  the 
Atremata  and  Neotremata  ;  but  when  a  small  area  is  present  in  these  orders,  it  is 




Fi(i.  529. 

Cyrtina  hHeroclyta 
(Defr.).  High  car- 
dinal area  of  ventral 
valve  showing  del- 

called  a  false  cardinal  area  (Fig.  546,  B,  G).  A  split  tubular  structure,  or  syrinx, 
which  partially  encloses  the  pedicle,  is  developed  in  the  delthyrium  of  some  spire- 
bearing  forms. 

The  deltidium  has  its  origin  in  the  Cephalula  stage  of  Protremata  {Thecidea 
mediterranea)  contemporaneously  with  the  rudiments  of  the  dorsal 
and  ventral  valves,  while  the  embryo  is  still  in  the  free  swimming 
condition.  The  dorsal  valve  and  incipient  deltidium  appear  first, 
being  secreted  by  the  rudimentary  dorsal  mantle  and  the  dorsal  sur- 
face of  the  body,  the  latter  subsequently  becoming  the  pedicle.  The 
ventral  valve  is  formed  last,  but  is  widely  separated  from  the  dorsal. 
Between  the  two  valves  is  placed  the  short  and  thick,  but  as  yet 
unattached  pedicle,  on  the  dorsal  surface  of  which  the  third  plate, 
known  as  the  prodeltidium,  still  remains.  Shortly  before  the  animal 
becomes  fixed  by  the  pedicle,  the  jDrodeltidium  fuses  with  the  posterior 
margin  of  the  ventral  valve.  The  pedicle  is  at  this  stage  entirely 
surrounded  by  shell,  being  enclosed  on  one  side  by  the  ventral  valve,  fl^iseci™  deTudia^ 
and  on  the  other  by  the  deltidium.      The  latter  plate  then  continues    plates,  or  pseudo- 

,  ■  j_       T        r  ii  ■  J.      •        -I-        I.-  deltidium. 

to  grow  as  one  piece,  extending  irom  tlie  apex  in  an  anterior  direction, 
and  is  secreted  entirely  by  the  pedicle  (Fig.  541).  The  deltidium  is  never  punctate 
in  structure,  Imt  it  may  bear  spines  (Aulosteges),  and  sometimes  exhibits  a  round  or 
pedicle  perforation  {Clitambonites).  Tlie  deltidium  is  characteristic  of  the  Protremata, 
while  a  similar  plate,  the  hornccodfdtidium,  is  developed  in  some  of  the  Neotremata 
and  Atremata.  This  covering  of  the  delthyrium  is  always  present  in  the  young  of  the 
Protremata,  but  is  absent  in  the  Telotremata.  In  many  of  the  Protremata  (Orthidae, 
etc.)  the  deltidium  is  only  present  in  nepionic  stages  of  the  individual,  being 
resorbed  at  maturity ;  but  in  the  great  majority  of  these  forms  it  remains  persistent 
throughout  life. 

Deltidial  plates  occur  only  in  the  order  Telotremata,  and  consist  of  two  pieces 
which  begin  as  narrow,  linear,  calcareous  plates,  growing  medially  from  the  walls  of 
the  delthyrium.  They  gradually  increase  in  size,  and  usually  come  in  contact 
medially  with  one  another,  either  below  or  above  the  pedicle  foramen,  and  are 
secreted  by  an  extension  of  the  ventral  mantle  lobe.  Thus  in  respect  to  their  origin 
they  differ  from  the  deltidium  of  the  Protremata,  which  is  secreted  by  the  jiedicle, 
and  not  by  the  mantle.  The  deltidial  plates  are  never  present  in  the  earliest  growth 
stages  of  the  shell,  the  delthyrium  being  then  an  open  triangular  fissure  through 
which  the  pedicle  is  protruded.  In  the  adult  stage  the  deltidial  plates  may  remain 
as  narrow,  linear  discrete  plates  (Fig.  530,  i?) ;  may  meet  beneath  the  pedicle  foramen 

Fig.  530. 

A,  Vyclothyris  ves2oertilio  (Brocchi),  with  united  deltidial  plates.  B,  Terebratella  doraata  (Lam.),  with 
discrete  deltidial  plates.  C,  Young  specimen  oi  Stringocephalus  burtoni  (Defr.),  with  the  deltidial  plates  united 
above  the  foramen. 

(Fig.  535,  B)  ;  or  they  may  wholly  enclose  the  pedicle  (Fig.  530,  A).  The  deltidial 
plates  frequently  unite  by  fusion,  when  they  closely  resemble  a  true  deltidium,  and 
are  known  as  a  fseudodeltidium  {Cyrtia,  Cyrtina,  Fig.  529). 

The  chilidium  is  a  convex  plate  which  often  covers  the  cardinal  process  of  the 




dorsal  valve  in  the  Protremata.  It  is  particularly  well  developed  in  the  families 
Clitambonitidae  and  Strojjhomenidae  (Fig.  585,  B).  The  chilidinm  is  not  to  be  homo- 
logised  with  the  deltidium,  since  it  never  appears  earlier  than  the  adolescent  stage, 
and  is  aj)parently  a  secretion  of  the  dorsal  mantle  lol^e.  Both  its  origin  and  phyletic 
significance  are  therefore  very  different  from  those  of  the  deltidium. 

The  listrium  is  a  plate  closing  the  progressive  track  of  the  pedicle  opening  or 
pedicle  cleft,  in  some  Neotremata,  posterior  to  the  apex  of  the  ventral  valve. 

Internal  Characters  of  the  Shell :  Articulation. — The  two  valves  are 
held  in  apposition  either  by  muscles  only  (Atremata  and  Neotremata),  or  they 
are  united  by  articulation  (Protremata  and  Telotremata).  In  the  latter  case 
there  are  to  be  seen  in  the  ventral  valve  a  pair  of  cuneate  or  tooth-shaped 
projections,  one  on  either  side  of  the  delthyrium,  called  the  hinge-teeth  (Fig. 
535,  B),  which  fit  into  the  so-called  dental  sockets  of  the  dorsal  valve.  Articu- 
lation is  also  aided  by  the  cardinal  jyrocess,  which  is  a  more  or  less  well- 
developed  apophysis  of  the  dorsal  valve,  and  is  received  between  the  teeth  of 
the  ventral  valve.  By  the  contraction  of  the  muscles  attached  to  the 
cardinal  process,  the  valves  are  opened  along  the  anterior  and  lateral 
margins ;  but  when  shut,  the  test  entirely  encloses  the  soft  parts  of  the 

The  dental  sockets  are  bounded  on  the  inside  by  hinge-plates  (Fig.  535,  A), 
which  are  often  supported  by  vertical  or  inclined  septal  plates  extending  to 

Fi(i.  531. 
Different  forais  of  brauhidia.     A,  Hcmithiiriti ;  flesliy  arms  supported  by  two  simply  curved  crura.    B,  Theco- 
spira-  inwardly  coiled  double  spires,  or  spiralia.     C,  Nucleospira ;  and  D,  Cyrtina;  outwardly  coiled  spiralia. 
h-H,  J^oops  ot  Brachiopods.    E,  Centronella ;  F,  Dielasma ;  G,  TerebraUlla  ;  H,  Megatltyris. 

the  bottom  of  the  shell.  The  teeth  of  the  ventral  valve  are  sometimes 
supported  by  lamellae  known  as  the  dental  plates.  In  addition  to  the  dental 
plates,  which  frequently  attain  considerable  size,  there  may  be  a  median 
septum  of  variable  proportions.  This  may  begin  beneath  the  beak  of  the 
valve,  and  may  sometimes  extend  as  far  as  the  anterior  margin  (Fig.  535,  A). 
Some  forms  are  also  provided  with  lateral  septa  (Thecidiidae). 


Brachial  supports. — Of  special  systematic  importance  are  the  braMdia,  or 
intermil  skeleton  of  the  fleshy  arms  (Fig.  531),  which  occur  in  the  Spiriferacea 
and  Terebratulacea.  The  brachidia  are,  as  a  rule,  prolonged  basally  from  the 
crura,  and  are  extremely  variable  in  form.  They  usually  pass  through  a 
more  or  less  complex  series  of  metamorphoses  during  the  growth  of  the 
individual,  and  do  not  attain  their  complete  development  until  the  animal  has 
reached  maturity. 

The  simplest  form  of  brachial  supports  is  found  in  the  Rhynchonellacea  and 
Pentameracea,  whei-e  it  consists  of  two  short,  or  only  moderately  long,  curved 
processes  called  the  crura  when  discrete,  and  cruralium  when  the  plates  are 
united.  The  crura  are  attached  to  the  hinge-plates.  The  cruralium  is 
formed  by  the  union  'of  the  crural  plates  in  the  Pentameracea.  It  serves 
for  the  attachment  of  muscles,  and  may  either  rest  upon  the  bottom  of  the 
valve,  or  may  be  supported  by  a  median  septum.  When  the  crura  remain 
sepai'ate,  and  are  therefore  not  for  muscular  insertion,  they  are  homologous 
with  and  the  equivalent  of  the  crura  in  the  Ehynchonellidae. 

In  the  Spiriferacea,  two  thin,  spirally  coiled  ribbons,  or  spiralia,  are 
given  off  from  the  crura ;  the  coils  exhibiting  great  diversity  in  form,  in  the 
number  of  volutions,  and  in  the  direction  of  the  hollow  cones  (Fig.  531, 
B,  C,  D).  The  spiralia  are  usually  joined  by  a  transverse  band  or  jiigum 
(Fig.  531,  D).  When  the  latter  is  discontinuous,  the  parts  are  called  the 
jugal  p)i'ocesses.  The  bifurcations  of  the  jugum  may  enter  between  the  con- 
volutions of  the  spiralia,  and  may  be  continuous  with  them  to  their  outer 
ends,  forming  what  is  termed  a  double  spiral  or  diplospire  (Fig.  531,  B).  In 
the  Terebratulidae,  the  brachia  are  also  extensions  of  the  crura,  and  form  free, 
shorter,  or  longer  loops,  which  depend  toward  the  anterior  margin  (Fig.  531, 
E,  F).  The  two  descending  branches  may  either  unite  directly  or  may  be 
joined  by  a  transverse  band ;  or  the  descending  branches  may  recurve,  continue 
upward  as  ascending  branches,  and  be  connected  posteriorly  by  a  transverse 
band.  In  the  Terebratellidae,  during  all  or  some  portion  of  the  animal's 
existence,  the  loops  are  attached  to  a  median  septum  by  outgrowths  from  the 
descending  lamellae  (Fig.  531,  G).  In  the  Stringocephalidae  and  Mega  thy  rinae 
(Fig.  531,  j&)  the  descending  branches  are  parallel  to  the  lateral  margins  of 
the  shell,  and  unite  along  the  median  line ;  but  in  some  degenerate  species 
a  remnant  of  the  loop  is  represented  by  a  transverse  band  situated  centrally 
on  the  median  septum.  The  entire  form  of  the  brachidia  is  manifestly 
dependent  upon  the  character  of  the  convolutions  of  the  fleshy  arms.  In 
recent  Hemithyris  (Fig.  531,  A)  the  brachia  form  hollow  spiral  cones,  and  if 
we  imagine  these  as  supported  by  a  calcareous  framework,  the  result  will  be 
a  form  of  support  like  that  seen  in  the  Atrypidae.  The  fleshy  arms  of  the 
Terebratellidae  are  continuous  with,  and  have  at  first  the  form  of  the  loop, 
but  later  develop  a  coiled  median  arm.  Here  the  loops  only  have  calcareous 
supports  ;  but  in  the  Spiriferacea  the  entire  brachia  are  provided  with  an 
internal  calcareous  skeleton. 

The  changes  in  the  form  of  the  brachidia  in  the  Telotremata  during  the 
ontogenetic  stages  of  the  individual  furnish  very  important  data  in  regard 
to  the  relationships  existing  between  the  different  groups.  In  the  Spiri- 
feracea, not  only  does  the  number  of  convolutions  of  the  spirals  increase  with 
age,  but  the  brachidia  begin  with  Centronella-  and  Dielasma-MVe.  loops,  from 
the  outer  ends  of  which  the  spires  are  developed.     Still  more  striking  are 

362  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

the  metamorphoses  which  the  loops  of  the  Terebratulacea  undergo.  According 
to  (Ehlert  and  Beecher,  the  loop  of  the  living  austral  genus  Magellania  passes 
through  stages  which  correspond  successively  to  those  of  Gwynia,  Argyrotheca, 
Bonchardia,  Magas,  Magasella,  Terehrafella  and  Magellania;  and  Friele  has 
shown  that  the  metamorphoses  of  the  loop  in  the  boreal  form  Macandrema 
cranium  correspond  in  succession  to  the  genera  Platidia,  Ismenia,  Muehlfeldtia, 
Terebratalia  and  Macandrevia. 

A  knowledge  of  the  character  of  the  brachidia  in  the  Spiriferacea  and 
Terebratulacea  is  almost  always  requisite  for  critical  generic  determinations. 
But  an  examination  of  the  interior  of  the  shell  in  fossil  Brachiopods  often 
involves  great  difficulties,  owing  to  the  infiltration  of  calcite,  or  the  filling  up 
of  the  shell  cavity  with  sediment.  Not  infrequently  the  shell  and  the 
brachidia  are  secondarily  replaced  by  silica ;  and  if  the  interior  filling  matter 
be  dissolved  away  by  dilute  hydrochloric  acid,  exquisite  preparations  may  be 
obtained,  often  revealing  the  minutest  details.  Sometimes  hollow  shells  are 
found,  in  which  the  brachidia  are  well  preserved,  but  these  structures 
generally  are  more  or  less  encrusted.  It  is  often  necessary  to  remove  the 
ventral  valve,  when  the  infiltrated  material  can  be  cut  away  by  the  use  of 
proper  tools.  Success  in  manipulations  of  this  kind  requires  not  only  con- 
siderable dexterity,  but  the  conditions  of  preservation  must  have  been  very 
favourable.  The  brachidia  must  be  perfectly  preserved,  and  the  surround- 
ing matrix  must  admit  of  being  removed  without  injury  to  the  specimen. 
When  other  expedients  fail,  recourse  can  still  be  had  to  polishing,  the  shell 
being  gradually  ground  down  by  abrasion  with  emery  powder  on  a  glass 
plate.  The  beaks  are  first  ground  away,  until  the  first  traces  of  the  crura 
appear;  the  surface  is  then  cleaned  and  kept  moistened  while  a  careful 
drawing  is  made.  Grinding  is  resumed  for  a  short  interval,  when  the 
surface  is  again  cleansed  and  drawn.  This  process  is  repeated  until  the 
sections  include  the  entire  brachial  support.  From  the  series  of  transverse 
sections  thus  obtained,  the  brachidium  can  be  ideally  reconstructed. 

The  spondylium  is  an  internal  ventral  plate  traversing  the  posterior 
portion  of  the  valve  (Fig.  585,  C).  On  the  superior  surface  of  the  plate  are 
inserted  the  adductors,  diductors  and  the  ventral  pedicle  muscles.  Beneath 
the  spondylium,  which  may  be  supported  by  a  median  septum,  are  situated 
the  reproductive  organs.  The  plate  is  homologous  with  the  solid  or  excavated 
platform  of  the  Atremata  (Trimerellidae  and  Lingulasmatidae). 

Soft  Parts  :  Mantle. — Lining  the  entire  inner  surface  of  the  shell  is  a 
thin,  transparent  membrane,  which  appears  in  the  embryonic  condition  as 
two  distinct  lobes  of  the  thoracic  segment  in  the  Cephalula  stage.  This  is 
the  mantle  or  pallium,  which  is  primarily  concerned  in  the  secretion  of  the 
shell.  In  Crania  it  consists  of  three  layers  :  a  middle  cartilaginous,  an  inner 
ciliated  one,  and  an  outer  layer  of  cells.  The  layer  lying  against  the  surface 
of  the  shell  is  often  studded  with  minute  caeca  or  blind  tubes,  which  enter 
the  perforations  of  the  test.  The  mantle  (or  certain  of  its  layers)  is  folded 
upon  itself  at  various  points,  enclosing  cavities  or  pallial  sinuses,  which  contain 
the  circulating  fluids,  and  frequently  portions  of  the  genital  organs.  Distinct 
impressions  of  these  sinuses  are  often  observable  in  the  valves  of  both  recent 
and  fossil  specimens  (Fig.  532).  In  all  the  greater  sinuses  of  the  mantle,  in 
the  perivisceral  cavity,  and  in  the  cavernous  brachia  and  cirri,  occur  calcareous 
spicules  of  various  shapes.     These  are  especially  abundant  in  the  Thecidiidae, 




In  inarticulate  £^^^^4 

Fia.  532. 

Camiiroplwria,       hvmhlctnnetisis 
Howse.      Permian ;    Humbleton, 
Bngland.  Internal  mould  showing 
pallial    sinuses 

and  form  an  irregular  mass  or  network.  They  appear  to  be  absent  in 
Magellania,  Terebratella  and  Lingula.  The  outer  margins  of  the  mantle  are 
thickened  and  set  with  numerous  chitinous,  simple 
or  barbed  setae,  sometimes  of  great  length. 

The  shell  cavity  is  divided  by  a  vertical  mem- 
branous wall,  which  is  an  extension  of  the  mantle, 
into  two  regions  :  a  posterior,  or  visceral  cavity,  and 
an  anterior,  or  brachial  cavity.  The  posterior  cavity 
contains  the  principal  viscera,  the  alimentary,  cir- 
culatory, nervous  and  muscular  systems.  The  an- 
terior chamber  is  occupied  by  the  arms. 

Organs  of  the  Visceral  Cavity. — The  membranous 
partition  is  pierced  centrally  by  the  oval  or  slit-like 
mouth,  from  which  the  digestive  tube  extends  back- 
wards as  a  simple  or  bent  canal, 
species,  the  alimentary  canal  is  very  long,  makes 
several  convolutions,  and  terminates  in  a  well-defined  anus,  situated  on  one 
side  of  the  animal.  In  the  Protremata  and  Telotremata  the  digestive  tube 
is  shorter  and  much  simpler  than  in  the  Atremata  and  Neotremata,  The 
intestine  makes  a  single  convolution  and  terminates  blindly  in  the  living 
representatives  of  these  orders,  being  surrounded  by  large  hepatic  lobes. 
In  many  Paleozoic  species  it  probably  did  not  terminate  blindly,  since  the 
intestine  passed  through  the  hinge-plate  by  a  central  foramen.  There  is  no 
heart,  circulation  being  apparently  maintained  by  the  cilia  lining  the  vas- 
cular sinuses.  These  sinuses  pass  into  the  perivisceral  chambers,  and  are 
developed  into  vascular  dilations  at  the  back  of  the  stomach  and  elsewhere. 
These  bodies  are  not  contractile,  and  their  function  is  unknown.  Two 
numerously  branched  vascular  trunks  diverge  from  the  anterior  portion  of 
the  perivisceral  chambers,  traversing  the  mantle  in  either  valve  to  its 
margins,  and  several  others  pass  over  the  fleshy  brachia  for  their  entire 
length.  The  nervous  system  consists  of  a  circum- oesophageal  ring  on  which 
two  supra-oesophageal  ganglia  are  inserted.  From  the  swellings  of  the 
oesophageal  ring  (notably  from  that  on  the  lower  side),  nerve  fibres  are 
given  off  to  the  bi'achia,  muscles,  pedicle  and  the  two  lobes  of  the  mantle. 
In  adult  Brachiopods  sense  organs  are  not  known  with  certainty ;  but  in 
the  embryos  such  are  believed  to  be  present.  So  far  as  is  known  the 
sexes  are  always  separate.  The  sexual  organs  in  both  male  and  female 
are  located  essentially  alike,  and  have  a  paired  arrangement.  Generally 
they  occupy  the  main  trunks  of  the  vascular  sinuses,  but  may  extend  into 
the  visceral  chamber,  or,  in  some  of  the  inarticulate  forms,  may  be  restricted 
to  the  latter. 

The  Brachial  Cavity. — The  greater  part  of  the  anterior  or  brachial  cavity 
is  occupied  by  the  spirally  enrolled  labial  appendages,  the  so-called  arms,  or 
brachia.  These  are  two  in  number,  one  at  each  side  of  the  mouth,  and  are 
of  extremely  delicate  constitution  (Figs.  533,  534,  and  531,  A).  The  tissue 
of  which  they  are  composed  is  essentially  cartilaginous,  and  is  traversed  by 
several  circulatory  canals  as  well  as  by  a  groove.  The'  outer  edges  of  the 
brachia  are  fringed  with  long  and  movable  cirri  or  tentacles,  by  means  of  which 
currents  are  set  up  that  conduct  small  food  particles  to  the  mouth.  The 
arms   are   frequently    supported   by   a   slender    calcareous   framework   called 




the  brachial  supports,  or   brachidia,  described  above.     There  are  no  special 
respiratory  organs,  the  blood  being  oxygenated  in  the  inner  surface  of  the 

I,  a  mantle  and  in  the  spiral 

Fig.  533. 

Liothyrina  vitrea 
(Linnaeus).  Recent. 
Fleshy  brachia  simply 

:  Fig.  534.1, 
Magellania  flavescens  (Val.).  Median  vertical 
section,  slightly  enlarged,  d,  Spiral  brachia  ;  h, 
Fringed  brachial  margin  ;  pr,  Cardinal  process  ; 
-,  Alimentary  canal ;  v,  Mouth  ;  ,f.s,  Septum  ;  o, 
Adductors  ;  c,  c',  Diductors  (after  Davidson). 

arms,  where  it  is 
brought  into  close  os- 
motic relation  with  the 

Muscular  system. — 
By  means  of  muscles 
Brachiopods  are  en- 
abled to  open  and  close 
their  valves,  and  to  a 
limited  extent  can  pro- 
trude and  retract  the 
pedicle.  In  the  articu- 
late forms  (Protremata 
and  Telotremata)  there  are  three  sets  of  muscles — namely,  the  diductors, 
which  by  contraction  open  the  valves ;  the  adductors,  which  by  contraction 
close  the  valves  ;  and  the  pedicle  muscles,  or  adjustors,  which  also  by  contrac- 
tion withdraw  the  pedicle.  The  points  of  attachment  of  these  muscles  leave 
more  or  less  distinct  impressions  in  the  valves  of  both  recent  and  fossil 
Brachiopoda,  and  the  subject  is  therefore  worthy  of  careful  examination. 

The  adductors,  or  closing  muscles,  are  attached  on  either  side  of  the  median  line 
in  the  dorsal  valve,  and  leave  two  elongate  scars  lying  immediately  to  the  right  and 
left  of  the  median  line,  enclosed  between  the  diductors  (Fig.  535,  L',  ft).  These 
muscles  e.xtend  almost 
directly  from  one  vah'^e 
to  the  other,  and  as  each 
muscular  band  is  once 
divided,  their  insertions 
on  the  dorsal  valve  are 
quadruple.  Their  im- 
pressions on  this  valve  are 
known  as  the  anterior  and 
posterior  adductors  (Fig. 
535,  A,  B,  a,  a'). 

The  principal  diduc- 
tors, or  opening  muscles, 
originate  on  the  ventral 
valve  at  the  anterior  edge 
of  the  visceral  area,  and 
on     either     side     of     the 

lnAr^i^n  linp  •  tlip  ^r-iTs;  of  ^^ooP-  P'''  Cardinal  process ;  x,  Hinge-plate;  z,  Hinge-teeth ;  a,  «',  Ini- 
meaicUi  niic  ,    Lue   ^uub   ui    pr^,ssions  of  adductors  ;  d,  rf',  Diductors  ;  p,  p',  Pedicle  muscles. 

these  muscles  being  usually 

the  largest  and  deepest  of  any  in  the  animal.  They  taper  rapidly  in  crossing  the 
interior  cavity,  and  their  small  extremities  are  attached  to  the  anterior  portion  of 
the  cardinal  process  of  the  dorsal  valve.  There  are  also  inserted  on  the  cardinal 
process,  behind  the  principal  diductors,  two  much  smaller  muscular  bands,  which 
are  called  tlu;  accessory  diductors.  Their  attachment  on  the  ventral  valve  is  repre- 
sented by  two  feelile  scars  in  the  posterior  part  of  the  muscular  region,  but  these  are 
rarely  observable  in  fossil  specimens  (Fig.  535,  A,  B,  d). 

Fig.  635. 

MaiieUania  flaresrcns  (\'al.).     Recent ;  Australia  (after   Davidson). 
Dorsal  valve.     B,  Ventral  valve.     D,  Deltidial  plates.     F,  Foramen. 





Wlien  a  functional  pedicle  is  present,  there  are  found,  in  addition  to  the  valvular 
muscles,  two  pairs  (one  to  eacli  valve),  and  a  single  unpaired  muscle ;  these  are 
attached  to  the  pedicle,  and  are  called  the  pedicle  muscles  (Fig.  535,  B,p,p').  The  pair 
in  the  ventral  valve  originates  immediately  outside  of  and  posterior  to  the  adductors 
and  diductors  ;  the  pair  in  the  dorsal  valve  is  attached  behind  the  posterior  adductors  ; 
and  the  unpaired  muscle  lies  at  the  base  of  the  pedicle  in  the  ventral  valve.  Only 
the  latter  unpaired  band,  as  a  rule,  leaves  a  perceptible  scar  in  fossil  specimens. 

The  entire  muscular  system  in  the  Protremata  and  Telotremata  works  with  the 
utmost  precision.  The  cardinal  process  is  received 
between  the  teeth  of  the  ventral  valve  in  such  a 
manner  as  to  allow  the  dorsal  valve  to  swing  freely 
in  the  median  vertical  plane  as  on  hinges,  and  at 
the  same  time  prevents  motion  in  a  lateral  direc- 
tion. The  diductors,  being  attached  to  the  cardinal 
process,  act  upon  a  lever  arm  when  they  contract, 
thus  opening  the  valves,  ^hile  the  contraction  of 
the  adductors  serves  to  close  them  (Fig.  534). 

In  the  Atremata  and  Neotremata  the  miiscles 
are  arranged  differently,  and  are  often  more  compli- 
cated and  numerous,  as  articulation  is  almost  never 
j)resent  in  these  orders.  The  gieatest  comj^lexity  is 
attained  in  Lingula  (Fig.  536),  because  these  animals, 
in  addition  to  the  absence  of  articulation,  slide  their 
valves  laterally.  ' 

Ontogeny. — The  development  of  Brachio- 
pods  from  the  egg  to  maturity  may  be  divided 
into  two  periods :  (a)  stages  of  development  from 
the  egg  to  that  condition  in  which  the  animal  is   ^"t^r'^Z.!'^nr^'^:   il 

recognisable  as   possessing    some    distinctive  class     interior  of  ventral  vaUe  showing  mus- 

»  1     /7\     P  ,1         r.      .       1     11     1  ''^'''"''    mipressions ;    n,    Adductors;    c, 

characters;     and    (6)    from    the    nrst   shelled    con-    Protractors;  j),  Retractors;  o,  Pedicle 

dition,  or  protegulum,  to  maturity  and  old  age. 

Fig.  536. 


Our  knowledge  of  the  earliest  embryonic  conditions  is  restricted  to  Terebratulina, 
Liothyrina,  Argyrotheca  and  Thecidea.  After  fertilisfition  the  larvae  may  remain 
attached,  and  j^ass  their  early  stages  within  the  parent ;  or  they  may  develop  cilia 
before  segmentation,  and  be  set  free  in  the  pallial  chamber  or  in  the  sea-water.  The 
free  larvae  swim  by  the  aid  of  cilia  with  a  twirling  motion.  There  are  five  well- 
marked  stages  of  develojiment  before  the 
larvae  can  be  definitely  recognised  as 
Brachiojjods.  These  are :  (1)  The  prot- 
evibryo,  which  includes  the  ovum  and  its 
segmented  stages  preceding  the  formation 
of  a  blastula,  or  primary  internal  cavity 



Fi<}.  537. 

Argyrotheca  neapoliiana  (Schacchi).  Recent. 
A,  Protembryo ;  unsegmented  ovum.  B,  Prot- 
embryo ;  ovum  composed  of  two  spheres.  (.-', 
llesembryo;  blastosphere.  D,  MetemVjryo  ;  gast- 
rula  (after  Sliipley,  from  Beecher). 

Fig.  538. 

Argyrotheca  neapoliiana  (Schacchi).  A,  Neo- 
embryo;  embryo  of  two  segments.  i>,  Neoembryo  ; 
cephalula,  ventral  side,  showing  cephalic,  thoracic 
and  caudal  segments,  eye-spots,  and  bundles  of 
setae.  C,  Neoembryo ;  lateral  view  of  completed 
cephalula  stage,  showing  extent  of  dorsal  (d)  and 
ventral  (v)  mantle  lobes,  and  umbrella  -  like 
cephalic  segment.  (A  and  B  after  Kovalevski,  C 
after  Shipley ;  all  reproduced  from  drawings  by 




(Fig.  537,  A,  B) ;  (2)  tlie  mesemhryo,  or  blastospliere,  a  multi-segmented  larva  with  an 
internal  cavity  (Fig.  537,  C);  (3)  the  metcmhryo,  or  gastrula  stage  (Fig.  537,  D);  (4) 
the  neoembryo,  or  the  ciliated  Cephalula  stage,  which  consists  atj first  of  a  cephalic  lobe, 
bearing  eyes  in  Argyrotheca,  and  a  caudal  lobe,  to  which  is  added  later  a  thoracic 
segment  carrying  four  bundles  of  setae,  while  at  the  same  time  the  dorsal  and  ventral 
sides  of  the  latter  segment  become  extended  over  the  caudal  lobe,  and  are  progres- 
sively defined  as  two  lohes  (Fig.  538) ;  (5)  the  typemhryo,  or  larval  stage,  in  which 
the  dorsal  and  ventral  thoracic  lobes,  or  mantle,  fold  over  and  enclose  the  cephalic 
lobe  (Fig.  539,  B).  Upon  the  mantle  lobes,  either 
before  or  after  turning,  there  is  a  corneous  integument 
which  develops  into  the  protegulum  before  the  for- 
mation of  the  true  shell.  The  caudal  segment  be- 
comes the  pedicle,  and  may  in  this  stage  serve  to 
attach    the  larvae   to   foreign  objects,    or  the  pedicle 

Fig.  539. 

Arfiyrotheca  neapolUana  (Scbacchi).  A,  Neoembryo ;  completed 
cejihalula  stage.  B,  Typembryo ;  transformed  larva  resulting  from 
folding  upwards  of  mantle  lobes  over  cephalic  segment ;  ad,  Muscles 
from  bundles  of  setae  to  sides  of  body  cavity  ;  di,  Muscles  from  dorsal 
to  ventral  sides  of  body  ;  rp.  Muscles  from  ventral  side  of  body  to 
caudal  segment  or  pedicle  (after  Kovalevski,  from  Beecher). 

Fig.  540. 

A,  Phylembryo  ;  Brachiopod  show- 
ing shell  (protegulum),  beginning  of 
tentacles  of  lophophore  (1),  obsoles- 
cence of  eye -spots,  and  formation 
of  oesophagus  ;  t,  Hinge-teeth  ;  vp, 
Ventral  pedicle  muscles.  B,  Nepio- 
nic  Brachiopod,  showing  distinct 
tentacles  of  lophojjhore,  mouth  and 
stomach,  and  transformation  of 
muscles  from  typembryo  ;  ad,  Ad- 
ductors ;  di,  Dlvarleators ;  vp, 
Ventral  pedicle  muscles  (after 
Ko\alevski,  from  Beecher). 

may  remain  undeveloped  for  a  time.  A  rudimentary  digestive  tract  is  present,  and 
also  four  pairs  of  muscles,  which  later  become  the  adductor,  diductor  and  ventral 
pedicle  muscles. 

In  the  phylembryo,  or  sixth  stage  of  development,  the  embryonic  shell,  ov  protegulum, 

is  completed ;  the  tentacular  lobes  of 
the  lophophore,  or  brachia,  api^ear ;  the 
four  bundles  of  setae  are  dehisced ;  ob- 
solescence of  the  eyes  occurs,  as  well  as  the 
agreement  of  the  muscular  system  with 
that  in  adult  forms  (Fig.  540). 

The  protegulum  has  been  observed  by 
Beecher    in    many  genera,    representing 

Fio.  541. 
Thecidea  (iMcazella)  mcditerranea  (Risso). 

Recent.  .     ^ 

A,  Dorso-ventral    longitudinal    section   of  cephalula;  nom.iir     nil     +!-.«    l^n,lT„„    e       ■^■''          c    i.^y 

7i,   Head;  d,   Dorsal    mantle  lobe;   ,-,   Ventral   mantl^  ""^^^^^    ^^^    ^^^    leading    families     of    the 

lobe ;  rfs,  Beginning  of  dorsal  vahe ;  del,  Shell  plate  class,   and  therefore   it   may  be  inferred 

forming  on  dorsal  side  of  body ;  p,  Pedicle.     B,  Dorso-  fi     i.    ii               j.        i            •                                     ti 
ventral  longitudinal  section  of  typembryo ;  vs,  Ventral  ^^^''^^     ''"^    protegUlUlll    IS    Common    tO    all 
valve;  /iZ,  Hinge-line  of  dor.sal  valve.     C,  Adult  speci-  Brachiopods.       It   is  Semicircular  or  semi- 
men  seen  from  the  dorsal  side,  showing  ventral  area  and  ,,.      .      1    . 
deltidium.    (.4  and  « after  Kovalevski;  C  after  Beecher.)  eliiptical   in    outlmo,   with   a   straight    or 

arcuate  hinge-line,  and  no  cardinal  area. 

The   prototype   preserving   throughout    its  development   the    main   features    of  the 


protegulum,  and  showing  no  sej^arate  or  distinct  stages  of  growth,  is  represented  Ijy 
the  genus  Paterina  (Fig.  543). 

So  far  as  observed,  the  protegnluni,  or  Paterina  stage,  in  tlie  Atreniala  and 
Telotremata  is  followed  by  the  Obolella  stage  of  nearly  circular  outline.  After  this 
stage,  specific  characters  appear,  and  in  the  open  delthyrium  of  the  Telotremata  there 
are  usually  developed  the  first  rudiments  of  the  deltidial  plates.  In  the  Protremata, 
the  Paterina  stage  is  not  followed  by  the  Obolella  stage,  but  the  wide  delthyrium  of  the 
protegulum  is  at  once  aftected  and  modified,  and  develops  into  the  deltidium.  In  the 
Acrotretacea,  belonging  to  the  Neotremata,  there  is  often  developed  a  homccodeltidium, 
resulting  from  secretion  by  the  mantle,  and  therefore  of  difl^'erent  origin  from  the  triie 
deltidium  occurring  in  the  Protremata,  which  is  deposited  by  the  pedicle.  In  the 
Discinacea,  belonging  to  the  Neotremata,  the  pedicle  opening  is  an  open  notch  in  the 
posterior  margin  of  the  ventral  valve.  In  derived  forms  this  is  progressively  closed 
posteriorly  ;  geologically  in  the  phylum,  and  ontogenetically  in  the  latest  derived 
genera  and  species. 

Habitat  and.  Distribution.  —  Brachiopods  are  usually  gregarious  in 
habit,  often  growing  in  clusters  attached  to  one  another.  This  is  not  only 
true  of  Recent  species,  but  of  Paleozoic  forms  as  well.  Brachiopods  are 
found  in  all  latitudes  and  at  all  depths,  but  are  largely  shallow-water  animals, 
for  of  the  living  species  71  per  cent  occur  between  the  strand-line  and  100 
fathoms.  Liothyrina  wyvillii  was  dredged  from  the  enormous  depth  of  2945 
fathoms.  Terebratulina  caput-serpentis  ranges  from  a  few  fathoms  to  a  depth 
of  1170  fathoms. 

Brachiopods  are  most  abundant  in  warmer  seas,  the  Japanese  province  having 
twenty-nine  species.  As  a  rule,  those  occurring  in  cold  waters  are  not  found 
in  warm  waters.  Lingulids  and  Discinids  are  almost  restricted  to  the  strand- 
lines  in  warmer  waters  less  than  60  feet  deep.  Of  the  thirty-three  living 
genera,  at  least  60  per  cent  have  fossil  representatives.  Lingula  and  Crania 
have  lived  since  the  Ordovician  ;  since  the  Jurassic,  six  genera  have  continued, 
since  the  Miocene  one,  since  the  Pliocene  seven,  and  since  the  Pleistocene  three. 
Of  the  158  living  species  only  16  per  cent  occur  fossil,  and  but  five  are  as  old 
as  the  Eocene  and  Miocene.  Three  genera  are  confined  to  the  deep  sea,  and 
all  of  the  abyssal  forms  are  usually  thin-shelled,  brittle  and  translucent. 

Migration  of  Brachiopods  is  possible  only  during  the  early  larval  stages, 
and  then  to  a  very  limited  extent  among  the  articulate  forms.  Morse  observed 
that  Terebratulina  became  attached  in  a  few  days,  but  Midler  kept  Discinisca 
in  confinement  nearly  a  month  before  any  became  sessile. 

Colour. — The  shells  of  most  living  species  are  of  light  or  neutral  tints, 
white  or  horn-colour.  A  deep  orange-red  in  radiating  bands  or  in  solid  tints 
colours  some  species  {Terebratulina,  Kraussina,  etc.) ;  light  yellows,  deep  and 
light  shades  of  green  {Lingula),  black  in  bands  (Crania),  or  masses  (Iihynchonella) 
embellish  these  shells.  Even  among  the  fossil  species  traces  of  faded  colour- 
marks  are  occasionally  observed ;  Deslongchamps  has  described  them  among 
Jurassic  species,  Davidson  among  the  "Carboniferous,  and  Kayser  has  found  a 
colour-marked  PJiynchonella  in  the  Devonian.  The  large  highly  ornamented 
species  of  Paleozoic  times,  with  their  external  sculpture  heightened  by  a 
brilliant  colouring,  must  have  been  objects  of  exquisite  beauty  (Hall  and 

Classification. — The  Brachiopoda,  since  1858,  have  been  divided  by 
nearly  all  systematists  into  two  orders,  based  on  the  presence  or  absence  of 

368  MOLLUSCOIDEA  ■  phylum  v 

articulating  processes.  These  divisions,  "  Articules  and  Libres,"  were  recog- 
nised by  Deshayes  as  early  as  1835,  l)ut  not  until  twenty-three  years  later 
were  the  names  Lyopomata  and  Arthropomaia  given  them  by  Owen.  These 
terms  have  been  generally  adopted  by  writers,  though  some  prefer  Inarticulata 
and  Articalafa  Huxley,  or  Bronn's  Ecardines  and  Testicardines.  Bronn  (1862) 
and  King  (1873),  while  retaining  these  divisions,  considered  the  presence  or 
absence  of  an  anal  opening  more  important  than  articulating  processes,  and 
accordingly  proposed  the  terms  Pleuropygia  and  Apygia,  and  Tretenterata  and 
Clistenterata  respectively.  In  many  Paleozoic  rostrate  genera  of  Clistenterata, 
it  has  been  shown  that  an  anal  opening  was  also  present,  and  therefore  the 
absence  or  presence  of  this  organ  is  not  of  ordinal  value. 

The  first  attempt  to  construct  a  classification  of  the  Brachiopods  was  that 
of  Leopold  von  Buch,  who  took  for  his  principal  differential  characters  the 
conformation  of  the  umbonal  region,  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  pedicle,  the 
nature  of  the  deltidium,  and  the  external  form  and  ornamentation  of  the  shell. 
While  his  classification  does  not  reflect  a  perfect  understanding  of  the  features 
in  question,  it  is  remai'kable  that  von  Buch,  nearly  eighty  years  ago,  and 
Deslongchamps,  twenty-eight  years  later,  recognised  some  of  the  principles 
upon  which  the  classification  of  the  Brachiopoda  is  now  established,  as,  for 
example,  the  nature  of  the  pedicle  opening. 

Up  to  1846  the  general  external  characters  of  the  Brachiopods  served 
the  majority  of  authors  as  the  essential  basis  for  generic  differentiation.  In 
that  year,  however.  King  pointed  out  that  more  fundamental  and  constant 
characters  exist  in  the  interior  of  the  shell,  a  fact  which  soon  came  to  be 
generally  recognised,  mainly  through  the  voluminous  and  admirable  contribu- 
tions of  Thomas  Davidson. 

AVaagen  in  1883  found  it  "absolutely  necessary"  to  divide  Owen's  two 
orders  into  seven  suborders.  The  basis  for  these  suborders  rests  on  no 
underlying  principle  of  general  application,  and  yet  five  of  these  divisions  are 
of  permanent  value,  for  each  contains  an  assemblage  of  characters  not  common 
to  the  others. 

No  classification  can  be  natural  and  permanent  unless  based  on  the  history 
of  the  class  (chrono genesis)  and  the  ontogeny  of  the  individual.  However,  as 
long  as  the  structure  of  the  early  Paleozoic  genera  remained  practically  un- 
known, and  the  ontogeny  wholly  uurevealed,  nothing  of  a  permanent  nature 
could  be  attempted.  In  the  excellent  volume  by  Hall  and  Clarke  (Palaeontology 
of  New  York,  vol.  viii.,  1892-95),  the  great  majority  of  the  Paleozoic  genera 
are  clearly  defined.  The  ontogenetic  study  of  the  Paleozoic  species  was 
initiated  in  1891  by  Beecher  and  Clarke,  followed  by  Beecher,  and  more 
recently  by  Schuchert ;  and  their  results  combined  with  those  derived  from 
the  study  of  the  development  of  some  living  species,  such  as  have  been 
published  by  Kovalevski,  Morse,  Shipley,  Brooks,  OEhlert,  Beecher  and 
others,  confirm  the  conclusion  reached  through  chronogenesis.  Moreover,  the 
application  by  Beecher  of  the  law  of  morphogenesis,  as  defined  by  Hyatt, 
and  the  recognition  and  establishment  of  certain  primary  characters  have 
resulted  in  the  discovery  of  a  fundamental  structure  of  general  application  for 
the  classification  of  these  organisms.  It  has  for  its  foundation  the  nature  of 
the  pedicle  opening  and  the  stages  of  shell  development.  On  this  basis 
Beecher  (1891)  has  divided  the  class  into  four  orders:  the  Atremata,  Neo- 
tremata,  Protremata  and  2'elotremata. 


The  nature  of  the  pedicle  opening  being  employed  for  oi'dinal  divisions, 
persistent  internal  characters  of  the  shell  are,  as  a  rule,  used  for  superfamily 
purposes.  Such  are  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  spondylium,  brachial  supports, 
etc.  Family  divisions  are  based  upon  a  combination  of  external  and  internal 
generic  characters,  such  as  the  outer  form,  nature  and  position  of  muscles, 
internal  plates,  etc. 

No  division,  however,  has  any  value  unless  the  group  contains  forms  of 
but  one  phylum,  since  a  phylum  or  line  of  descent  cannot  originate  twice. 
However,  it  happens  that  the  same  or  nearly  the  same  combination  of  mature 
characters  is  developed  along  different  lines  (homoeomorphy) ;  and  when  this 
occurs  the  ontogeny  will  show  it.  It  is  therefore  not  correct  to  group  different 
stocks  under  one  and  the  same  genus.  For  instance,  the  family  Terebratellidae 
probably  divided  during  early  Mesozoic  times,  one  stock  drifting  into  boreal 
and  another  into  austral  regions.  These  two  stocks  agree  structurally  in  the 
earliest  shelled  condition  and  also  at  maturity ;  but  between  these  two  stages 
of  development,  the  austral  group  (Magellaniinae)  passes  through  a  different 
series  of  loop  metamorphoses  from  the  boreal  one  (Dallininae).. 

It  was  by  the  application  of  the  above-mentioned  principles  that  Schuchert, 
in  1893,  arranged  all  the  genera  of  Brachiopoda  under  the  four  orders 
instituted  by  Beecher.  Further  attention  has  since  been  given  to  this  subject 
by  the  same  writer,  and  the  arrangement  now  oftered  combines  the  brilliant 
results  obtained  by  Charles  D.  Walcott  in  his  studies  of  the  Cambrian  forms 
of  all  lands,  and  the  important  work  of  S.  S.  Buckman,  relating  to  the 
Brachiopods  of  Great  Britain. 

Order  1.     ATREMATA  Beecher. 

This  order  includes  primitive  inarticulate,  corneous  or  calcareophosphatic 
Brachiopoda,  with  the  pedicle  usually  emerging  freely  between  the  two  valves. 
Growth  takes  place  mainly  around  the  anterior  and  lateral  margins. 
Delthyrium  or  pedicle  aperture  originally  unmodified,  in  later  genera  modified 
by  homoeodeltidia  and  pseudochilidia,  or  by  thickened,  striated  and  more  or 
less  furrowed  or  even  cleft  vertical  cardinal  margins,  the  ventral  cleft  in  most 
specialised  forms  tending  to  enclose  the  pedicle  and  finally  to  restrict  it  to 
the  ventral  valve ;  when  completely  restricted  the  genera  are  referred  to  the 
order  Neotremata.  Specialised  forms  tend  to  develop  rudimentary  articula- 
tion or  muscle  platforms.  The  three  other  orders  of  Brachiopods  have 
arisen  from  the  Atremata. 

Superfamily  1.     RUSTELLACEA  Walcott. 

Primitive,  thich-shelled,  corneous  or  calcareo-phosphatic  Atremata,  developing  more 
or  less  of  homoeodeltidia  and  pseudochilidia.  Muscle  scars  and  vascular  sinuses  as  a 
rule  not  well  defined  in  the  shell.  Out  of  this  stock  arose  the  Obolacea  and  Kutor- 
ginacea.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

Family  1.     Rustellidae  Walcott. 

Primitive  Eustellacea  with  the  pedicle  aperture  of  both  valves  small,  more  or  less 
open,  and  not  much  modified  hy  homoeodeltidia  or  pseudochilidia.  Muscle  scars  and 
vascular' sinuses  not  well  defined  in  the  shell.     Lower  Cambrian. 

VOL.  I  2  B 




Bustella    Walcott    (Fig.    542).     The   most    primitive   known   Brachiopod. 
Lower  Cambrian  ;  Vermont, 

Family  2.     Paterinidae  Schucliert. 

Progressive    Eustellacea    with    the  j^edide    aperture   more   or    less    closed    hy 
homoeodeltidia  and  ■pseiidochilidia.     Cambrian. 

Paterina    Beecher     (Fig.     543).       Surface     concentrically      ornamented. 

Pig.  542. 

Rudella  edsuni  Walcott.  Lower  Cam- 
brian ;  Vermont.  A,  Ventral  valve  show- 
ing pedicle  furrow  (/))•  ^>  Cardinal 
view  showing  the  open  and  immodified 
pedicle  opening,     l/j  (after  Walcott). 

Fig.  543. 

PaterUm  superha  Walcott.  Middle  Cambrian  ;  Vermont. 
A-C,  Views  of  the  ventral  valve  showing  the  large  convex 
homoeodeltidinm.  D,  Exterior  of  dorsal  valve.  2/3  (after 

Subgenera  :  Micromitra  Meek;  and  Iphidella  Walcott  (Iphidea  Billings  1872,  non 
Baly  1865).  Shell  in  the  former  more  or  less  ornamented  by  crenulated 
concentric  lines,  while  the  latter  has  diagonally  intersecting  rows  of  pits. 
Lower  and  Middle  Cambrian ;  North  America. 

Volhorthia  von  Moller.  A  globose  form  of  Paterina,  with  well-developed 
pseudodeltidia.     Ordovician ;  Esthonia. 

Mickwitzia  Schmidt.  Very  large  round  forms  with  more  or  less  ornate 
exteriors.  Lower  Cambrian ;  Esthonia,  Sweden,  America.  Causea  Wiman 
is  regarded  by  Walcott  as  probably  identical  with  Mickwitzia.  Lower 
Cambrian ;  Sweden. 

Superfamily  2.     KUTORGINACEA  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Progressive,  thick-shelled,  almost  calcareous  atrematous-like  shells,  tending  to  he 
transverse  and  developing  rudimentary  articulaiion,  more  or  less  rudimentary  cardinal 
areas,  homoeodeltidia  and  muscle  scars  prophetic  of  the  Protremata.  Derived  out  of 
Eustellacea.     Cambrian, 

F'amily  1.     Schuchertinidae  Walcott. 

Primitive  round  Kuforginacea  with  small  cardinal  areas.  Externally  like  Obolus, 
with  an  open  subtriangular  delthyrium  which  apparently  is  without  a  homoeodeltidinm. 
Muscle  scars  and  vascular  markings  prophetic  of  the  Billing sellidae  of  the  Protremata. 

Schuchertina  Walcott  (Fig.  544).     Middle  Cambrian  ;  Montana. 

Family  2.     Kutorginidae    Schuchert. 
Progressive   transverse   Kutorginacea   with   rudimentary   cardinal   areas,    great 




delf hi/rial  opening,  rudimenfari/  articulation  and  immature  homoeodeUidia.     Muscle 
scars  prophetic  of  the  Strophomenacea  of  the  Protremata.     Cambrian. 

A  ,  B 


Fig. '544. 

Schiichertina  cuiuhria  Walcott.  Middle  Cambrian  ; 
near  Neihart,  Montana.  A,  Interior  of  ventral  valve. 
B,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve  (after  Walcott). 


Fig.  r,i^,. 

KxUorgina  r.intjiilata  Bill.  Lower  Cambrian  ;  Vermont. 
.!,  Interior  of  ventral  valve.  /.',  Side  view  of  conjoined 
valves.  C,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve ;  h,  Central  scars  ; 
j,  Anterior  lateral  scar  ;  s,  Median  septum  (after  Walcott). 

Kutorgina  Billings  (Fig.  545).  Lower  Cambrian ;  North  America  and 

Superfamily  3.     OBOLACEA  Schuchert. 

Derived  in  Busfellacea.  Progressive,  thick-shelled,  calcareo-jjhosphatic  or  corneous 
Atremata  'without  homoeodeUidia  or  pseudochilidia.  Bounded  or  linguloid  in  outline, 
more  or  less  lens-shaped,  and  fixed  by  a  short  pedicle  throughout  life  to  extraneous 
objects.     Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Family  1.     Ourticiidae  Walcott  and  Scliucliert, 

Primitive  Obolacea  with  well-defined  pedicle  aperture  common  to  both  valves. 
Interior  characters  much  as  in  Obolidae.     Middle  Cambrian. 

Curticia  Walcott.     Middle  Cambrian  ;  Wisconsin  and  Minnesota. 

Obolidae  King. 

Family  2. 

Derived,  progressive  Obolacea  with  thickened,  striated,  verticcd  cardinal  areas 
traversed  by  pedicle  grooves.  Muscles  and  vascular  trunks  strongly  impressed  in  the 
valves.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

Subfamily  A.     Obolinab  Dall. 

Primitive  Obolidae  with  the  pedicle  grooves  more  or  less  shallow  or  deeply  rounded, 
but  never  tending  to  form  a  sheath  or  to  restrict  the  pedicle  opening  entirely  to  the 
ventral  valve.  The  most  abundant  Brachiopods  of  the  Cambrian,  vanishing 
with  the  Ordovician. 

Obolus  Eichwald  ( Ungula  Pander  ;  Ungulites  Bronn  ;  Embolus  Mickwitz) 
(Fig.  546).  More  or  less  rounded  Obolids.  Widely  distributed  in  Europe 
and  America.  The  following  subgenera  are  recognised  by  Walcott :  Broeggeria 
Walcott,  Upper  Cambrian,  England;  Mickwitzella  Walcott  (Thysanofus  Mickwitz, 
non  Alt.  1860),  Ordovician,  Esthonia ;  Acritis  Volborth  {Aidonotreta  Kutorga 
1848,  errore  1847),  Ordovician,  Esthonisi ;  Schmidtia  Volborth,  Ordovician, 
Esthonia  ;  Palaeobolus  Matthew,  Cambrian,  eastern  Canada  ;  Fordinia  Walcott, 
Middle  Cambrian,  Utah ;  Lingulobolus  Matthew  {Sphaerobolus  Matthew), 
Upper  Cambrian,  eastern  Canada ;  Westonia  Walcott  (has  transverse  parallel 
ornamentation).  Middle  Cambrian,  Wyoming,  Utah  and  Idaho. 




Helmersenia    Pander.      Very  small    Obolids    with   a    pustulose    or    spiny- 
surface.     Lower  Ordovician ;  Esthonia. 

Lingulella  Salter  {Eooholus  Matthew)  (Fig.  547).  More  or  less  elongate 
Obolids.  Widely  distributed  throughout  the  world.  The  following  are 
subgenera:  Leptemholoii  Mickwitz,  and  Lingulepis 
Hall  (decidedly  elongate  Obolids).  ""^^^    P 

pS  fr-  - 

Fici.  547. 

Lingulella  acutangulus  (Roemer). 
Upper  Cambrian  ;  Texas.  A,  Interior  of 
ventral  valve.  B,  Interior  of  dorsal 
valve  ;  ;/,  Umbonal  scar  ;  /(,  Central  scar; 
!,  Transniedian  lateral  scar  ;  j,  Anterior 
lateral  scars  ;  /,  Outside  lateral  scars  ;  p, 
Pedicle  furrow  ;  ps,  Parietal  band  ;  pvs, 
Vascular  branches  ;  s,  Median  septum  ; 
X,  Cordiform  cavity ;  z,  Vascular 
branches  (after  Walcott). 

Fig.  546. 

Obolus  matinalis  HelU.  Middle  Cambrian  ;  Minnesota.  .4,  Ex- 
terior of  ventral  valve.  B,  Interior  of  same.  (',  Interior  of 
dorsal  valve ;  a,  Filling  of  pedicle  furrow ;  r,  Area  of  outside  lateral 
scai-s  ;  h,  Central  scars  ;  i,  Transmedian  lateral  scars  ;  j,  Anterior 
lateral  scars  ;  ps,  Parietal  band ;  v,  Area  of  visceral  ca\'1ty  ;  vs, 
Vascular  sinus  with  outside  and  inside  vascular  branches  (after 

Delgadella  Walcott.  Has  thickened  internal  margins.  Lower  Cambrian 
of  Portugal. 

Leptobolus  Hall.  Very  small  Lingulellids  of  the  Ordovician  of  North 
America,  in  which  the  interiors  are  marked  by  two  or  three  diverging, 
slightly  elevated  septa,  which  occasionally  are  somewhat  bifurcated  terminally. 

Paterula  Barrande  (C?/cZ»s  Barrande,  non  de  Koninck  1841).  Closely  related 
to  Leptobolus,  but  the  inner  margins  of  the  valves  are  thickened.  Ordovician  ; 
Bohemia  and  North  America. 

(?)  Spondyloholus  M'Coy.  Generic  characters  not  well  known.  Ordovician  ; 

Subfamily  B.     Neobolinae  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Progressive  Oholidae  with  posterior  platforms,  to  which  were  probably  attached  the 
central,  outside  and  middle  lateral  muscles.  Seems  to  have  arisen  in  thick-shelled 
Middle  Cambrian  Oboliis,  and  is  transitional  to  the  platform-bearing  Trimerellids. 
Middle  Cambrian. 

Neobolus  Waagen  (Lakhmina  OEhlert,  and  Davidsonella  Waagen,  non  Mun.- 
Chalmas  1880).     Middle  Cambrian  of  India. 

^i   B 



Elkania  destdemta  (Bill.).  Upper 
Cambrian;  Quebec.  /(,  Interior  of  ven- 
tral valve,  j:,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve ; 
h,  Central  scars  ;  i,  Transmedian  lateral 
scars ;  i,  Anterior  lateral  scars  ;  v,  Pos- 
terior lateral  scars  ;  p,  Platform  with 
muscle  scars ;  x,  Vascular  areas  in  front 
of  platform  (after  Walcott). 

Subfamily  C.     Elkaniinae  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Divergent  Obolidae  with  posterior  or  marginal 
platforms,  to  which  were  attached  the  central,  outside 
and  middle  lateral  muscles.  Not  in  line  of  develop- 
ment to  Trimerellids.     Cambrian. 

Elkania  Ford  (Billingsia  Ford  1886,  non  de 
Koninck  1876)  (Fig.  548).  Cambrian;  North 




Siilafamily  D.      Biciinae  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Progressive  OhoUdae  with  the  pedicle  restricted  to  the  ventral  valve  and  more  or 
less  enclosed  by  a  pedicle  tube.  Articulation  rudimentary.  Out  of  this  stock  have 
arisen  the  Obolellidae  of  the  Neotremata.     Cambrian. 

Bicia  Walcott.     Lower  Cambrian  of  Quebec  and  New  York. 
Hall.     Middle  Cambrian  of  North  America. 


Family  3.     Trimerellidae  Davidson  and  King. 

Large,  thick- shelled,  inequivalved  Obolacea,  with  the  ventral  cardinal  area  usually 
very  prominent,  triangular  and  transversely  striated.  Adjustor  and  anterior  adductor 
muscles  elevated  upon  solid  or  excavated  platforms.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Dinobolus  Hall  {Conradia  Hall ;  Obolellina  Billings).  Cardinal  area  not  so 
prominent  as  in  the  other  genera  of  this  family.  Platform  small,  with  abruptly- 
conical  vaults.  Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  North  America,  Great  Britain, 
Bohemia,  Gotland  and  Esthonia. 

Monomerella  Billings.  Similar  to  Trimerella,  with  well-developed  platforms 
in  both  valves ;  that  of  the  dorsal  valve,  however,  but  slightly  excavated. 
Silurian ;  North  America,  Gotland  and  Livonia. 

Trimerella  Billings  '{Gotlandia  Dall)  (Fig.  549).     Platforms  long,  narrow, 

Fig.  549. 

Trimerella  llndstroemi  (Dall).  Silurian  ;  Gotland,  1/2.  A,  Shell  seen  from  the  dorsal  side.  B,  C,  Interior 
of  dorsal  and  ventral  valves  respectively.  D,  Internal  mould.  (A  and  B  after  Davidson ;  C  and  D  after 

well  developed  and   doubly   vaulted.     Dorsal  beak   often   thickened  into  a 
prominent  apophysis  extending  against  the  cardinal  slope  of  the  ventral  valve. 
Silurian ;  North  America,  Gotland  and  Faroe. 
Ehinobolus  Hall.     Silurian ;  North  America. 

Superfamily  4.     LINGULACEA  Waagen. 

Elongate,  thin-shelled,  corneous,  burrowing  Atremata,  derived  out  of  Obolinae, 
with  a  more  or  less  long,  worm-like,  tubular,  flexible  pedicle.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Lingulidae  Gray. 

Attenuate,  sub-quadrate  or  spatulate,  almost  equivalved  Lingulacea,  with  a  more 
or  less  long,  tubular,  flexible  pedicle.     Muscles  highly  differentiated  and  consisting  of 




six  pairs,  two   of   adductors,   and  four   of  sliders   or  adjustors.     Ordovician    to 
Recent.     Maximum  development  in  Ordovician,  declining  after  Devonian  time. 




Pseudolingula   Mickwitz.     Has   a   ventral    pedicle   groove   and 
umbonal  muscles.     Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  Europe  and  America. 

Lingula  Bruguiere  (P/iare^ra  Bolton ;  Lingularius  Dumeril);  {snhgen.  Glossina 

Phill.)  (Figs.  550,  551).  Shell  thin,  usually 
compressed,  glistening,  generally  smooth,  or 
with  fine,  concentric,  more  rarely  with  both 
concentric  and  radial  striae ;  broad  over  the 
pallial  region,  tapering  more  or  less  toward  the 
beaks.  Ordovician  to  Recent.  Maximum 
development  in  Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Glottidia  Dall.  Like  the  preceding,  but 
interior  of  ventral  valve  with  two  septal  ridges 
diverging  from  the  beaks.  Dorsal  valve  with 
a  single  median  ridge.  Recent;  American  seas. 
Dignomia  Hall.  Both  valves  with  median 
seplal  ridges ;  that  of  the 
\'\  dorsal  valve  stronger,  and 
flanked  by  two  submarginal 
diverging  ridges,  which  cor- 
respond in  position  to  grooves 
in  the  ventral  valve.  Middle 
Devonian  ;  North  America. 
BarroiseUa  Hall  and  Clarke. 
Lingulids  with  rudimentary  articulation.  Silurian  and  Devonian ;  North 
America ;  (?)  Bohemia. 

Thomasina  Hall  and  Clarke.  Lingulids  with  the  posterior  margin  of  the 
ventral  valve  notched,  and  with  two  conspicuous  articulating  processes. 
Silurian ;  France. 

Lingulipora    Girty. 

Linijula  anatina  Brug.    Recent.    A,  Shell 
with  pedicle.    B,  Interior  of  ventral  valve. 

Fi(i.  5.Jl. 

Lingula  lewisii  Sow. 
Silurian  ;  Gotland. 

Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Lingulids    with    a    punctate    shell.      Devonian   and 

Family  2.     Lingulasmatidae  Wincliell  and  Scliuchert. 

Platform-hearing  Lingulacea  derived  through  Lingulidae.  Ordovician  and 

Lingtilops  Hall.  Small  Lingulids  with  narrow,  depressed,  not  excavated 
platforms.      Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  North  and  South  America. 

Lingulasma  Ulrich  (Lingidelasma  Miller).  Large  thick-shelled  Lingulids 
with  very  prominent,  slightly  excavated  platforms.  Ordovician  ;  North 
America ;  (1)  England. 

Order  2.     NEOTREMATA  Beecher. 

Derived  and  specialised  inarticulate  Brachiopoda,  probably  developed 
through  Biciinae  of  the  Atremata.  Shells  as  a  rule  more  corneous  than 
calcareous,  more  or  less  cone-shaped,  with  the  pedicle  emerging  through  a 
perforation  or  sheath  in  the  ventral  valve,  or  through  a  triangular  more  or 




less  open  cleft  during  life,  or  only  so  in  the  youngest  shelled  stages,  after 
which  the  ventral  valve  may  become  cemented  to  foreign  objects.  Pedicle  in 
geologically  younger  forms  often  modified  by  a  listrium.  Homoeodeltidia  and 
pseudochilidia  as  a  rule  not  well  developed. 

Superfamily  1.     SIPHONOTRETACEA  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Primitive,  fldck-shelled,  calcareous  or  corneous,  obolid-like  Neotremata,  with  the 
jyedicle  passing  through  a  ventral  sheath,  the  aperture  of  which  may  remain  apical 
and  circular  in  outline  and  posterior  to  the  protegulum,  or  may  become  elongate 
through  resorption  by  passing  anteriorly  through  the  'protegulum  and  umbo  of  the 
shell.  A  listrium  is  not  developed.  Dorsal  protegulum  margined.  Cambrian  to 

Family  1.      Obolellidae  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Primitive  Siphonotretacea  with  the  pedicle  emerging  through  a  small  circidar 
perforation  in  the  apex  of  the  ventral  valve  posterior  to  the  protegulum.  Derived  out 
of  atrematous  Biciinae.     Cambrian. 

Obolella  Billings  (Fig.  552).  Small,  oval  or  round,  thick  shells  resembling 
Obolids  but  with  a  pedicle  tube  instead  of  an  open  furrow.  Lower  Cambrian 
of  North  America  and  Sweden.  The  subgenus  Glyptias  Walcott,  has  trans- 
verse parallel  surface  sculpturing.     Lower  Cambrian  ;  Sweden. 

Pig.  502. 

Obolella  atlanilca  Walcott.  Lower 
Cambrian;  Canada.  ,1,  Ventral  valve 
showing  vascular  sinuses  and  filling  of 
pedicle  foramen  (p).  B,  Side  view  of 
same.  C,  Dorsal  interior  showing  the 
striated  cardinal  area  (k)  and  moulds  of 
the  lateral  scars  ((')  (after  Walcott). 

Fio.  553. 

A-C,  Siphonotreta  verruoom  Vern.  Middle  Ordovician ; 
Bsthonia.  D,  S.  unguindata  Bichw.,  showing  the  internal 
opening  of  the  pedicle  aperture  (after  Walcott). 

Botsfordia  Matthew  (Mobergia  Redlich).  Like  Obolella  but  with  a  highly 
ornate  papillose  surface.     Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Schizopholis  Waagen.  Middle  Cambrian  of  India.  (?)  Quebecia  Walcott. 
Lower  Cambrian  of  eastern  Canada. 

Family  2.     Siphonotretidae  Kutorga. 

Progressive  Siphonotretacea  with  the  circular  or  elongate  pedicle  opening  at  the 
apex  or  passing  by  resorption  anteriorly  through  the  protegulum  and  umbo  of  the 
shell.     Cambrian. 

Siphonotreta  de  Verneuil  (Fig.  553).  Large  and  elongate  forms  in  which 
the  pedicle  sheath  is  long  and  well  developed,  external  aperture  small  and 
circular.  External  surface  with  hollow  spines,  though  rarely  preserved ; 
shell  substance  punctured  by  radiating  and  branching  tubules.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian  ;  Europe  and  (?)  North  America. 

376  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

ScMzamhon  Walcott  (Schizambonia  (Ehlert).  Small  spiniferous  Siphono- 
tretids  with  much  of  the  pedicle  sheath  open  as  a  cleft  on  the  outside. 
Upper  Cambrian  and  Ordovician ;  America  and  Russia. 

Trematoholus  Matthew  {ProtosijjJwn  Matthew).  With  rudimentar}'-  articu- 
lation and  lamellose  exterior.  Lower  and  Middle  Cambrian  ;  California  and 
New  Brunswick. 

Yorkia  Walcott.  The  oldest  form  of  the  family.  Concentrically  striated 
exterior.  Lower  Cambrian  of  eastern  North  America.  Dearhornia  Walcott. 
Middle  Cambrian  ;  Montana. 

KeyserUngia  Pander.  Thick-shelled  form  with  decided  muscular  impres- 
sions and  median  septa  in  both  valves.     Lower  Ordovician  ;  Esthonia. 

Superfamily  2.     ACROTRETACEA   Schuchert. 

Progressive  Neotremata  with  corneous  or  calcareo-corneous  shells  that  are  more  or 
less  circular  in  outline  and  from  highly  conical  to  depressed  in  form.  The  pedicle 
opening  is  a  simple,  circular,  more  or  less  consjncuous  perforation  through  the  apex 
of  the  ventral  valve,  and  is  situated  posterior  to  the  protegulum.  A  listrium  is  not 
developed.  A  false  cardinal  area  is  often  present.  Dorsal  protegulum  marginal, 
Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Family  1.     Acrotretidae    Scliiichert. 

Same  characters  as  superfamily.  The  large  and  depressed  forms  are  of  the 
sid)family  Acrotheliiiae,  tuhile  the  small  forms  tuith  more  or  less  high  ventral  valves 
are  of  the  Acrotretinae.     Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Subfamily  A.     Acrothelinae  Walcott  and  Sclincliert. 

Acrothele  Linnarsson  (Fig.  554).     Cambrian ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Subgenus  :  liedlichella  Walcott. 

"^V    '^--Jvs    B 

S^       gl 

Middle  Cambrian ;  Sweden. 
/('  -I'll  IHscinolepis  Waagen.  Middle 

Cambrian  :  India. 


'"■  ^^'*'  Subfamily  B.     Acrotretinae 

Acrothele  (RedlicheUa)  grannhita  (Linnarsson).     Middle  Cam-  -.j-   .  .-i 

brian;  Sweden.    .1,  Ventral  valve  witli  its  minute  pedicle  foramen.  IViatuiew. 

B,  Dorsal  exterior.     (.',  Acivthele  imUtlwivl  (Hartt),  showing  vas- 

wiicott)""''  ^''^'   ^''^'"''  ^^'"'''■'''" '   ^^""^  Brunswick  (after  J  false   Cardinal  area  often 


A  B  C  D  jL  E  Acrotreta  Kutorga  (Linnars- 

fTl  vs    ^^^       ''f%s     ^     ?«ni     s^'^^'^  C.  D.  Walcott)  (Fig.  555). 

'   ^         N^       ^     W  ^        \   \    '    ^     Widely  distributed  throughout 

Fig.  555.  "~^  the    Cambrian    and    rarely    in 

A-C,    Acrotreta     schnudcn.sii     Walcott.       Middle     Cambrian ;  the   OrdoviciaU    of    Europe    and 

Sweden.     A,  Three  views  of  the  ventral  exterior.     li,    Ventral  at      ^-V,     A  " 

interior  with  vascular  sinus  (rs).      C,  Dorsal   interior.      D,  E,  JN  Ortu  America. 
Acrotreta  mhronica  V.\\Un-'^a..     Ordovician;   Esthonia.     Cardinal  /I pvnihin-n     TV/To ffl-iot.r         \T^-^ 

view  and  dorsal  valve  (after  Walcott).  ^  troiliyi  a    IViattne W.         V  eU- 

tral    valve     often     excessively 
high  and  oblique  or  elongate  in  outline.     Middle  Cambrian  ;  New  Brunswick. 
Conotreta  Walcott.     Highly  conical  shells  with  the  ventral  interior  marked 
by  a  number  of  radiating  ridges.      Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  North  America. 


Linnarssonella  Walcott.     Middle  Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Discinopsis  Matthew.  Has  marked  ventral  vascular  sinuses.  Middle 
Cambrian  ;  New  Brunswick. 

(1)  Mesotrefa  Kutorga.  Ventral  valve  spinose.  Basal  Ordovician ; 

Superfamily  3.     DISCINACEA   Waagen. 

Sjiecialised  Neotremata  with  phosphatic  shells,  a  Ustrium  modifying  the  pedicle 
slit,  and  witltout  piseiidodeltidia  and  false  cardinal  areas.  Dorsal  protegulum 
usually  subcentral.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Trematidae    Scliuchert. 

Primitive  Discinacea,  in  which  the  posterior  margin  of  the  ventral  valve  has  a 
triangular  pedicle  notch  throughout  life.  A  Ustrium  is  usually  present.  Ordovician 
to  Coal  Measures. 

Trematis  Sharpe  (Orhicella  d'Orb.  1847,  non  Dana  1846).  Ventral  valve 
unevenly  convex,  more  or  less  depressed  over  the  posterior  region.  Pedicle 
fissure  large,  extending  from  the  apex  to  the  posterior  margin.  Dorsal  valve 
evenly  convex,  and  sometimes  with  incurved  beak  ;  posterior  margin  much 
thickened,  and  broadly  grooved  for  the  passage  of  the  pedicle.  Surface  of 
both  valves  covered  with  punctures  or  small  pittings  arranged  either  in 
quincunx  or  in  radiating  rows.  Ordovician  and  (?)  Silurian  ;  North  America 
and  (?)  Europe. 

Eunoa  Clarke.  Very  large,  depressed,  thin  shells,  with  fine  concentric 
lines.     Pedicle  notch  very  large.     Ordovician  ;  New  York. 

Schizocrania  Hall  and  Whitfield.  Ventral  valve  flat  or  concave,  smaller 
than  the  dorsal,  and  bearing  a  deep  and  very  broad  triangular  pedicle  notch, 
which  extends  from  just  behind  the  beak  to  the  posterior  margin.  Apex  of 
notch  occupied  by  a  triangular  plate  or  listrium.  Surface  marked  by 
concentric  growth  lines ;  no  muscular  impressions  visible  on  the  interior. 
Dorsal  valve  more  or  less  convex,  with  beak  marginal.  External  surface 
radially  striated.  On  the  interior,  a  low  median  ridge  extends  from  the  apex 
to  beyond  the  centre  of  the  valve ;  posterior  adductor  muscles  strong ;  the 
anterior  ones  faint.      Ordovician  to  Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Lingulodiscina  Whitfield  {Oehlertella  Hall  and  Clarke).  Much  like  Schizo- 
crania, but  the  ventral  valve  has  concentric  growth  lines,  and  no  radiating 
striae.  Ventral  pedicle  area  greatly  elevated  and  transected  by  a  narrow 
open  fissure.     Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Schizoholus  Ulrich.  Devonian ;  North  America.  (?)  Monobolina  Salter. 
May  be  an  Obolid. 

Family  2.     Discinidae  Gray. 

Derived  Discinacea  with  an  open  pedicle  notch,  in  early  life,  in  the  posterior 
margin  of  the  ventral  valve,  which  is  closed  posteriorly  during  neanic  growth,  leaving 
a  more  or  less  long,  narrotv  slit,  partially  closed  by  the  listrium.  Ordovician  to 

Orbiculoidea  d'Orbigny  (Fig.  556).  Shells  inequivalved,  sub-circular  or 
sub-elliptical  in  outline.     Apices  eccentric.      Ventral  valve  deperssed,  convex 




Fig.  556. 

A,  Orhiculoifka  eircc  Bill.  Ordovician;  Belle- 
\'ille,  Canada.  Ventral  valve,  i/i  (after  Billings). 
B,  0.  nitida  Pliill.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Mis- 
souri.    X,  Dorsal;  y,  Ventral  valve,  Vi- 

or  flattened.      Dorsal  valve  larger,  usually  depressed  conical.     Pedicle  furrow 

E  originating    behind    the    apex,    extending 

over  a  greater  or  lesser  portion  of  the 
radius  of  the  valve,  and  produced  at  the 
distal  end  into  a  short  tubular  sipho,  emerg- 
ing on  the  interior  surface  near  the  posterior 
margin.  Surface  with  fine,  crowded  or  dis- 
tant, rarely  lamellose,  concentric  lines, 
occasionally  crossed  by  radiating  lines. 
Ordovician  to  Cretaceous;  North  and  South 
America,  Europe,  and  probably  elsewhere. 

Discina  Lamarck.  Very  much  like 
OrUculoidea,  but  the  pedicle  emerges  through 
the  ventral  valve  antero- posteriorly,  im- 
mediately beneath  the  beak,  instead  of  through  a  sipho  postero-anteriorly  as 
in  that  genus.     Recent. 

Until  recently  Discina  embraced  all  fossil  Discinoid  shells,  but  at  present 
this  genus  seems  to  be  restricted  to  a  single  species, 
D.  striata,  living  off  Cape  Palmas,  West  Africa. 

Discinisca  Dall  (Fig.  557).  Like  Orhiculoidea, 
but  with  a  small  septum,  as  in  Discina,  behind 
which  is  an  impressed  area,  externally  concave  and 
internally  elevated.  This  is  perforated  by  a  longi- 
tudinal fissure,  extending  from  a  short  distance 
behind  the  septum  nearly  to  the  posterior  margin. 
Tertiary  to  Recent ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Pelagodiscus  Dall.     Like   Discinisca,   but   the  brachia  are  without  spirals. 
Recent ;  deep  oceans. 

ScJiizotreta  Kutorga.      Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Russia  and  North  America. 
Lindstroemella  and  Roemerella  Hall  and  Clarke,  are  genera  related  to  Orhi- 
culoidea.    Devonian ;  North  America. 

Fig.  557. 

Discinisca  lamellosa  (Brod.).  Recent ; 
Peru.  A,  Side-view.  B,  Interior  of 
ventral  valve.     C,  Exterior  of  same. 

Superfamily  4.     CRANIACEA  Waagen. 

Specialised,  cemented  calcareous  Neotremata  without  pedicle  or  anal  openings  at 
maturity.  Pedicle  functional  prohcddy  only  during  nepionic  growth.  Ordovician 
to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Craniidae  King. 

Crania  Retzius.  Shell  inequivalve,  sub-circular  in  outline.  The  interior 
of  both  valves  shows  two  pairs  of  large  adductor  scars,  the  posterior 
of  which  are  widely  separated  and  often  strongly  elevated  on  a  central 
callosity.  Impressions  of  the  pallial  genital  canals  coarsely  digitate.  Ordo- 
vician to  Recent ;  maximum  development  in  Ordovician  and  Cretaceous. 

Pseudometoptoma  von  Huene.  Very  large  thick-shelled  forms  with  high 
dorsal  valves.     Ordovician  ;  Esthonia. 

Philhedra  Koken.     Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Petrocrania  Raymond  {Craniella  (Ehlert  1888,  non  Schmidt  1870).  Large 
Craniids  with  S-shaped  vascular  impressions.  (?)  Ordovician  and  Devonian  ; 
North  America  and  Europe. 


Eleiitherocrania   von    Huene 
Ordovician ;  Esthonia. 


Biconvex  Craniids    related    to   Petrocrania. 

Cranismis  reUifns  (Quenst.). 
Upper  Jura ;  Oerlinger 
Thai,  Wurtemberg.  Interior 
of  ventral  valve,  i/i  (after 

Fig.  559. 

Ancistritcrania  parhiensis  (Defr.).  Upper  Cretaceon.s ;  France. 
A,  Prolile  of  dor.sal  valve.  B,  Interior  of  same.  ( ',  Interior  of  ven- 
tral valve,  i/j. 

Craniscus  Dall  (Fig.  558).     Ventral  interior  divided  by  septa  into  three 
cavities.     Jurassic ;  Europe. 

Ancistrocrania  Dall  (Fig.   559).     Dorsal  valve  with  two  muscular  fulcra. 

Fig.  560. 

Isocrania  ignabergt'iisis  (Retzius).    Uppermost  Cretaceous  ;  Ignaberga,  Scania,    yl,  Profile  and  dorsal  aspect 
of  shell,  i/i-    B,  C,  Interior  of  ventral  valve.     D,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve,  enlarged. 

Cretaceous ;  Europe.  Isocrania  Jaekel  (Fig.  560).  Exterior  plicate. 
Cretaceous ;  Europe. 

Pholidops  Hall  {Craniops  Hall).  Biconvex  and  but  slightly  attached 
Craniids.      Ordovician  to  Carboniferous  ;  North  America,  England,  Gotland. 

Pseudocrania  M'Coy  (Palaeocrania  Quenstedt).  Eadially  striated  shells 
much  like  Pholidops.     Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Cardinocrania  Waagen.     Permian  of  India. 

Order  3.     PROTREMATA    Beecher. 

Specialised  (through  atrematous  Kutorginacea),  articulate,  calcareous 
Brachiopoda,  with  well-developed  cardinal  areas.  Exterior  surface  nearly 
always  either  plicate,  striate  or  spinous,  and  but  rarely  smooth.  Pedicle 
aperture  restricted  to  the  ventral  valve  throughout  life  and  more  or  less 
closed  by  a  deltidium  ;  in  some  forms  the  pedicle  is  functional  only  in  early 
life  and  later  the  animals  cement  the  ventral  valve  to  foreign  bodies.  Chilidium, 
spondylium  and  cruralium  often  present.  Brachia  unsupported  by  a  calcai'eous 
skeleton  other  than  short  crura. 

Superfamily  1.     ORTHACEA  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Progressive  Profremata.  The  older  genera  have  immature  spondylia  that  are 
rarely  freely  suspended  but  are  commonly  cemented  directly  to  the  valves  (  =  pseudo- 
spondyUa).     In  the  great  majority  of  the  later  genera  all  traces  of  spondylia  are  lost. 

380  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

In  early  forms  the  pedicle  aperture  is  usually  covered  by  deltidia  and  chilidia,  but  in  most 
later  forms  these  plates  are  lost.  Pedicle  always  functional  and  in  the  great  majority 
of  forms  emerges  freely  out  of  the  delthyrium.  Cardinal  process  more  or  less  well 
developed  except  in  the  most  primitive  genera.  A  prolific  stock  of  Brachiopods. 
Throughout  Paleozoic. 


Family  1.     Billingsellidae  Schuchert. 

Primitive  Orthacea  with  a  more  or  less  closed,  or  an  open  delthyrium.  A 
cardinal  process  arises  in  this  family  and  is  therefore  either  absent,  rudimentary  or 
well  developed.  A  spondylium  is  usxially  developed  ami  to  its  uj)per  surface  are 
attached  the  muscles  of  the  ventral  valve.  Cruralia  rudimentary.  Shell  structure 
dense,  gramdar,  lamellar,  rarely  fibrous,  apparently  irregularly  punctate  in  some 
forms.     Cambrian. 

Subfamily  A.     Nisusiinae  Walcott  and  Scliucliert. 

Primitive  Billing  sellidae  with  more  or  less  well -developed  deltidia  and  with  or 
without  rudimentary  chilidia.  Spondylia  and  cruralia  rudimentary  or  small,  not 
supported  by  septa.     Cardinal  process  generally  absent,  but  rudimentary  ivhen  present. 

Nisusia  Walcott,  and  subgenus  Jamesella  Walcott.  Distinctly  jilicate 
Billingsellidae  without  cardinal  process.  Deltidium  well  developed  with  an 
apical  pedicle  foramen.  The  genus  has  a  spiniferous  exterior  while  the  sub- 
genus is  devoid  of  spines.  Lower  and  Middle  Cambrian  of  America  and 

Protorthis  Hall  and  Clarke.  Has  a  spondylium,  but  the  deltidium  is  widely 
open  for  the  protrusion  of  the  pedicle.  Shell  substance  apparently  punctate. 
Middle  and  Upper  Cambrian  of  America  and  Sweden.  The  subgenus  Loperia 
Walcott,  differs  in  having  the  ventral  umbo  high  and  convex  while  the  rest 
of  the  shell  is  concave.     Middle  Cambrian  ;  Cape  Breton,  Nova  Scotia. 

Subfamily  B.     Billingsellinae  Walcott  and  Schuchert. 

Primitive  Billingsellidae  very  much  like  the  Nisusiinae,  but  without  true  spondylia 
(i.e.  pseudospondylia  are  often  present)  and  cruralia.  There  is  a  more  or  less  tvell- 
developed  simple  cardinal  process  except  in  Lower  Cambrian  forms. 

Billingsella  Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.  561).     Shells  essentially  orthoid,  plicate, 

biconvex  or  planoconvex,  and  prob- 
ably punctate.  Deltidia  well  de- 
veloped, but  chilidia  only  partially 
so;  the  pedicle  may  emerge  be- 
tween these  plates  or  pass  apically 
through  the  deltidium.  Common 
and  widely  distributed  throughout 
the  Cambrian  of  America,  Europe 

BUlingsdhi  coloradoeiuls  (Sh\\xn9.vA).     Middle  Cambrian  ;  -i  pii  •  .i  j-  ,     ■ 

Texas.    A,  Ventral  exterior.    B,  Ventral  interior.    C,  Dorsal  ^^'^  Unilia  ;  tnc    genUS    QICS    OUt    111 

interior.     cCnual  bases;  f^  Deltidium;  j^  Carclinal  pro-  ^he  LoWCr  Ordoviciau.        The    Sub- 

cess  ;  t,  Teeth  ;  ■i'.«,  Vascular  sinuses  (after  Walcott). 

genus  Otusia  Walcott,  has  small 
eared  forms  without  deltidia  and  with  a  well-developed  cardinal  process. 
Upjier  Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Fiii.  561. 




JFimanella  Walcott.  Like  Billingsella  but  more  primitive  in  that  the 
exterior  is  smooth.  Lower  Cambrian ;  North  America.  IVynnia  Walcott. 
Middle  Cambrian  ;  India. 

Subfamily  C.     Eoorthinae  Walcott. 

Derived  Billing sellidae  in  which  the  ddthyria  are  nearly  always  loidely  open  as 
in  Orthids ;  deltidia  and  chilidia  sometimes  retained  throughout  life,  but  more  often 
only  in  the  younger  growth  stages.  Spondylia  absent.  Cardinal  process  well 
developed.  Differ  from  the  Orthidae  mainly  in  that  the  shell  structure  is  dense, 
granidar,  and  with  irregularly  punctate  lamellae. 

Eoorthis  Walcott.  Very  much  like  Plectorthis,  but  the  shell  is  thinner 
and  its  structure  not  fibrous.  Middle  Cambrian  and  LoAver  Ordovician,  but 
essentially  of  Upper  Cambrian  time ;  North  America,  China,  Argentina  and 
north  Europe.  Subgenus  Orusia  Walcott,  typified  by  Orthis  lenticularis 
Wahlenberg.  Upper  Cambrian  of  north-western  Europe  and  New  Brunswick. 
Subgenus  Finkelnburgia  Walcott,  has  thick  shells  with  strongly -marked  ventral 
vascular  trunks.     Upper  Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Family  2.     Orthidae  Woodward. 

Progressive,  divergent  and  terminal  Orthacea,  derived  out  of  the  Eoorthinae, 
nearly  always  with  large  open  delthyria.  Cardinal  process  well  developed.  Shell 
structure  fibrous,  impunctate  or  punctate.  Ventral  muscle  area  small,  obovate  or 
obcordate  ;  adductors  extending  to  anterior  margin  of  area.    Ordovician  to  Permian. 

Subfamily  A.     Orthinae  Waagen  (emend.). 
Orthidae  with  the  shell  impunctate. 

Orthis  Dalman  (s.  str.)  (Orthambonites  Pander).  Typified  by  0.  callactis 
Dalman,  or  0.  tricenaria  Conrad.  Shells  plano-convex ;  costae  strong,  few, 
generally  sharp  and  but  rarely  bifurcating.  Cardinal  process  a  thin  vertical 
plate.  There  may  be  a  flat  apical  deltidium.  Plications  often  with  large 
oblique  tubules  penetrating  the  external  layers.  Ordovician  and  Silurian ; 
Europe,  North  America,  etc. 

Plectorthis  Hall  and  Clarke.  Valves  subequally  convex.  Ventral  cardinal 
area  low.  Plications  strong,  simple  or  duplicate.  Ordovician  and  Silurian ; 
North  America  and  Europe. 
The  following  are  Ordo- 
vician subgenera  :  A'ustin- 
ella,  Eridorthis,  and  Encu- 
clodema  Foerste  (Cyclocoelia 
Foerste,  no7i  Duj.). 

Platystrophia  King  (Fig. 
562).  Contour  spiriferoid ; 
hinge-line  long  with  dorsal 
and  ventral  cardinal  areas 

Platystrophia  lynx  (Eichw.). 

Fig.  562. 
Ordovician ; 

Cinciunati,  Ohio. 

equally  developed.     Strong,  sharp  plications  with  the  exterior  surface  finely 
granulose.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Hebertella  Hall  and   Clarke.     Shells  with   convexity  of   valves   reversed. 




Exterior  finely  plicate,  crossed  by  lamellose  growth  lines.  Ventral  muscular 
area  short,  obcordate.  Cardinal  process  well  developed,  often  crenulate. 
Ordovician  ;  America  and  Europe. 

Orthostrophia  Hall.  Exterior  like  Hehertella.  Muscular  area  of  both 
valves  short,  deeply  excavate,  with  the  vascular  and  ovarian  markings 
conspicuous.      Silurian   and    Lower    Devonian ;  North   America.      Subgenus  : 

Schizoramma  Foerste  (Schizonema  Foerste,  noii  Agardh.). 

Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Dalmanellinae,  novum. 
Orthidae  with  the  shell  oMmdantly  punctate. 

Dalmanella  Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.   563).     Widely 
distributed  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  but  persist- 
ing to  the  end  of  the  Devonian. 
Thiemella  Williams.     Upper  Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Fifi.  563. 

DuhiMnella  elegantula  (Dalin.). 
Silurian  ;  Gotland,    i/i- 

Family  3.     Rhipidoraellidae,  novum. 

Progressive,  divergent  and  terminal  Orthacea  with  the  external  characters  of  the 
Orthidae.  Shell  structure  fibrous,  impunctate  or  punctate.  Ventral  muscular  area 
large,  bilobed  or  elliptical;  adductors  relatively  small,  and  more  or  less  comptletely 
enclosed  anteriorly  by  the  fl,abellate  diductors.    Ordovician  to  Upper  Carboniferous. 

Subfamily  A.     Plaesiomiinae,  novum. 
Ilhipidomellidae  with  the  shell  impunctate. 

Plaesiomys  Hall  and  Clarke.  Relative  convexity  of  valves  reversed. 
Surface  finely  plicate  and  sometimes  tubulose.  Cardinal  process  thickened 
and  crenulate.  Ventral  muscular  scars  large  and  often  bilobed.  Ordovician  ; 
America  and  Europe.  Subgenus  :  Dvnorthis  Hall  and  Clarke.  Surface  strongly 
plicate ;  there  may  be  a  small  deltidium.  Ordovician ;  North  America. 
Subgenus :  Valcourea  Raymond.  Near  Plaesiomys  but  strophomenoid  in  external 
expression.     Lower  Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Pionodema  Foerste  (Bathycoelia  Foerste,  non  Am.  Serv.).  Biconvex  Orthids, 
finely  striate,  some  of  them  tubulose.  Resemble  small  Schizophoria  but  are 
impunctate.     Lower  Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.      Rhipidomellinae,  novum. 

Pihipidomellidae  with  the  shell  abundantly  punctate  and  finely  striate. 

Heterorthis  Hall   and  Clarke.       Contour  strophomenoid  with  the 
diductor  scars  very  large.     Ordovician  ;  North  America         -^ 
and  Europe. 

Ehipidomella  ffihlert  {PMpidomys  tEhlert,  non 
Wagner).  Biconvex,  sub -circular  shells  with  short 
hinge-lines.  Striae  generally  hollow  and  open  on  the 
surface  into  (?)  short  tubular  spines.      Late  Ordovician  pj,.  ^g^ 

into  Pennsvlvanian  ;  widely  distributed  throughout  the     y./M^ite /,;?,.//».«  (l 

world.  A',  Interior  of  dorsal 


inn.).  Silu- 
Sliell,  i/i- 
\-alve,  -/j. 




Bilohites  Linn.  (Dicoelosia  King)  (Fig.  564).  Silurian  and  Lower  Devonian  ; 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Schizophoria  King  (Fig.  565).  Relative  convexity  of  valves  reversed. 
Large,   very  finely  striate,   with   the   striae    hollow   and   spinose.       Cardinal 

Frc.  5»j5. 
A-C,  Schizophoria  strkUida  (Schloth.).      Devonian  ;   Gerolstein,  Eifel.     A,  Dorsal  aspect.     B,  Interior  of 
dorsal  valve.      C,  Interior  of  ventral  valve.      D,  S.  rnlviirin  (Schloth.).      Spiriferensand.stein   (Late   Lower 
Devonian);    Xiederlahnstein,  Nassau.     Internal  mould.     (All  tigures  of  the  natural  size.) 

process  in  mature  shells  with  accessory  ridges  making  it  multilobate.  Dorsal 
interior  marked  by  4  to  6  deep  pallial  sinuses.  Silurian  to  Coal  Measures ; 
widely  distributed  throughout  the  world.  Subgenus  :  Orthotkhia  Hall  and 
Clarke.  Like  Schizophoria  externally,  but  in  the  ventral  valve  the  dental 
lamellae  and  a  median  septum  are  highly  developed.  Coal  Measures ;  Brazil 
and  India. 

Subfamily  C. 

Enteletinae  Waageii. 

Rhipidomellidae  with  decidedly  convex  valves  and  a  few  broad  plications  super- 
added to  the  very  fine  radial  striae.     Developed  out  of  Orthotichia. 

Enteletes  Fischer  (Syntrielasma  Meek  and  Worthen).  Dorsal  valve  more 
convex  than  ventral.  Hinge-line  short  with  a  high  ventral  cardinal  area.  In 
the  ventral  valve  the  dental  lamellae  are  high  and  convergent,  and  between 
them  is  a  marked  median  septum  ;  the  crural  septa  of  the  dorsal  valve  are 
also  well  developed.  Coal  Measures  and  Permian  ;  North  and  South  America, 
Europe  and  Asia. 

Enteletoides  Stuckenberg.     Upper  Carboniferous  ;  Russia. 

Superfamily    2.    STROPHOMENACEA   Schuchert. 

Progressive,  terminal  Protremata,  derived  out  of  Orthacea  (Billing sellidae),  with- 
out spondylia  and  cruralia.  Deltidia  and  chilidia  nearly  always  present  throughout 
life  ;  cardinal  process  always  tvell  developed.  Pedicle  nearly  always  small,  emerging 
through  the  apex  of  the  valve,  or  lost  when  the  shells  cement  to  foreign  objects  or  anchor 
by  means  of  ventral  spines.    A  prolific  stock  of  Brachiopods.    Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Family  1.     Strophoraenidae  King. 

Primitive  Strophomenacea  with  well -developed  deltidia  and  chilidia.  Shells 
usually  flat  or  concavo-convex  and  hut  rarely  biconvex.  Pedicle  usually  functional 
but  tending  to  be  thin  and  weak,  and  often  lost  when  the  shells  cement  to  foreign 
objects  or  are  otherwise  held  to  the  substratum  {tisually  by  spines).  Ordovician  to 





Subfamily  A.     Eafinesquininae  Scliucliert. 

Strophomenids  that  as  a  rule  throughout  life  have  the  ventral  valve  convex  and 
the  dorsal  concave.  The  relative  form  of  the  valves  is  the  reverse  of  that  in  the 

Eostrophomena  Walcott.  Primitive,  small  forms  with  the  cardinal  process 
filling  most  of  the  dorsal  delthyrium.  Teeth  inconspicuous,  with  the  muscular 
scars  almost  absent.  Surface  finely  striate  with  alternating  bundles  of  fine 
lines  between  single  coarser  ones.  Basal  Ordovician  ;  Sweden  and  North 

Leptella  Hall  and  Clarke.      Primitive   Plectamhonites.      Upper  Cambrian 

and  Lower  Ordovician ;  North  America 
and  England. 

Plectella  Lamansky. 
between  Leptella  and 
Ordovician ;  Esthonia. 

(?)  LamansJcija  Moberg  and  Seger- 
berg.     Ordovician ;  Sweden. 

Plectamhonites  Pander  {Leptaena 
Davidson  and  auct.)  (Fig.  566).  Ordo- 
vician   and    Silurian ;    North    America 

PlecUxmhonites    transversalis    (Dalm.).      Silurian ;  ■,    -p, 

Gotland.    .4,  Dorsal  aspect,  Vl-    i?,  Interior  of  dorsal    aUCi  liiUrOpe. 

Divadcators':''  ^^""^'^^  ™^"''  '^'*   ^^'  ^'^'^""'"''^  =  ^''  Leptacua  Dalman  {Leptagonia  M'Coy) 

(Fig.  567).  Shells  having  the  characters 
of  Rafinesquina,  but  the  flatter  portions  of  the  valves  with  corrugations  and 
wrinkles.    Where  these  cease,  ^  ^  n  ' 

the  shells  are  more  or  less 
abruptly  and  often  rect- 
angularly deflected.  Ordovi- 
cian to  Lower  Carboniferous, 
Bafinesquina  Hall  and 
Clarke  (Fig.  568).  Shells 
normally  concavo  -  convex 
dorso-ventrally.  Striae  al- 
ternating in  size,  and  crossed 
by    finer    concentric    growth 


Fig.  566. 

Fig.  567. 

Ltptaena  rlwmhoidalif  (yfa\i\enh.).     Silurian;  Gotland.     J,  B, 
Dorsal  aspect  and  prolile.    C,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve. 

Fig.    568. 

i,  Ilafiiiesqulnaalteni(tta{Com-aa).     Ordovician;  Cincinnati,  Ohio.     Vi-    11,  E.  exjiansa  (Sov/eTby). 

Interior  of  ventral  valve,  showing  muscular  and  vascular  Impressions. 


lines.  Muscular  area  of  ventral  valve  consisting  of  two  broad  flabellate 
diductor  scars  enclosing  an  elongate  adductor.  In  the  dorsal  valve,  the 
bilobed  cardinal  process  is  low  ;  the  posterior  arboi-escent  adductor  scars  well 
defined.  Vascular  and  ovarian  markings  often  well  indicated.  Ordovician 
and  basal  Silurian ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Stropheodonta  Hall.  Shells  very  much  like  Eafinesquina,  but  with  the 
cardinal  margins  finely  denticulate  and  the  deltidium  fiat  or  not  discernible. 
Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Leptostrophia  Hall  and  Clarke  ;  Douvillina  Qilhlert ;  and  Brachyprion  Shaler 
are  subgenera  of  Stropheodonta.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Pholidostrophia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Smooth  or  squamose,  nacreous  small 
Stropheodontas.     Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Strophonella  Hall  (Amphistrophia  Hall  and  Clarke).  Resupinate  Stropheo- 
dontas.     Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Gaspesia  Clarke.  Aberrant  Strophomenid  recalling  coarsely  plicate  Orthids. 
May,  however,  be  a  Pelecypod.     Lower  Devonian ;  Gaspe,  Canada. 

Subfamily  B.     Tropidoleptinae  Schuchert. 

Aberrant  Strophomenidae  with  two  very  long  slender  crura  that  unite  vnth  a  high 
vertical  dorsal  septum.  The  family  is  sometimes  regarded  as  better  placed  among  the 
Terebratellids  of  the  Terebratulacea. 

Tropidoleptus  Hall.  Plano-convex,  plicated  shells  with  a  long,  straight  and 
narrow  cardinal  area.  Teeth  and  dental  sockets  corrugated  on  their  outer 
surfaces.     Devonian  ;  America,  Europe  and  South  Africa. 

Subfamily  C.     Davidsoniinae  King. 

Small  specialised  Strophomenids,  derived  out  of  Bafinesquininae  and  devoid  of  a 
pedicle,  being  cemented  by  the  ventral  valve  to  foreign  objects. 

Christiania  Hall  and  Clarke.  Differs  from  Leptaenisca  in  having  prominent 
longitudinal  ridges  instead  of  spiral  markings  on  the  dorsal  interior.  Ordo- 
vician ;  North  America,  England  and  Russia. 

Leptaenisca  Beecher.  Ventrally  cemented  shells  having 
some  of  the  characters  of  Plectambonites.  Markings  of 
the  fleshy  arms  are  retained  on  the  dorsal  shell.  Silurian 
and  Lower  Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Davidsonia  Bouchard  (Fig.  569).     Thick  Leptaenisca-\ike  ^^ 

shells,  with  spiral  markings  of  the  fleshy  arms  strongly        ^    .'.    \     ,     , 
impressed  on  both  valves.     Devonian  ;  England,  Belgium   iana  cie  Kon.   Devonian ; 

^   -p         .  '  o  o  gj^gj_    Ventral  valve  with 

and  JXUSSia.  spiral  markings,  2/j. 

Subfamily  D.     Orthotetinab  Waagen. 

Strophomenids  with  the  ventral  valve  convex  during  early  growth,  becoming  sub- 
sequently concave,  or  the  reverse  of  the  order  in  the  Rafinesquininae.  In  the  later 
forms  both  valves  tend  to  be  convex. 

(f)  Orthidium  Hall  and  Clarke.     Basal  Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

VOL.  I  2  C 




Strophomena  Blainville.     Shells  like  Eafinesquina,  but  with  the  relative  con- 
vexity of  valves  reversed,  and  the  ventral  muscular  area  sharply  limited  by 

an   elevated   margin.     Ordovician  ;  America 
and  Europe. 

Schuchertella  Girty  (Fig.  570).  Much  like 
Strophomena.  Shell  plano-convex,  concavo- 
convex  or  biconvex.  Surface  covered  with 
radiating  striae,  which  are  convoluted  by 
sharp  concentric  lines.  Cardinal  area  of 
ventral  valve  prominently  developed  and  not 
attached  by  cementation  ;  dorsal  area  narrow. 
Dental  plates  rudimentary.  Cardinal  process 
united  to  crural  plates,  the  whole  forming 
a  vertical  subcrescentic  process.  Muscular 
impressions  flabelliform.  Silurian  to  Upper 
Carboniferous  ;  North  and  .  South  America, 
Europe  and  India. 

Hipparionyx  Vanuxem..     Like  Schuchertella,  but  with   the   muscular  areas 
much  larger  and  no  dorsal  cardinal  area.     Lower  Devonian ;  North  America. 
Schelhoienella  Thomas  (Orthothetes  Waagen,  non  Orthotefes  Fischer)  (Fig.  571). 

Fig.  570. 

SchuchertelJa  umbracuJum  (Schloth.). 
Devonian  ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel.     Natnral  size. 

Fig.  571. 

SchellwieneUa  crenif:tria  (Pliill.).  Lower  Carboniferous;  Wexford.  A,  Muscular  portion  of  vential  valve. 
B,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve.  A,  A',  Adductors  ;  K,  Diductors  ;  j,  Cardinal  process  ;  d,  Dental  sockets  (after 

Near  Schuchertella,  but  with  short  diverging  dental  plates  and  the  cardinal  area 
either  rudimentary  or  absent.     Lower  Carboniferous ;  Europe. 

Kayserella  Hall  and  Clarke.  Small  Schuchertella-like  shells,  with  a  very 
high  dorsal  median  septum.     Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Orthotefes  Fischer.  Like  Schuchertella,  but  in  the  ventral  valve  there  is  a 
small  triangular  umbonal  chamber  formed  by  the  uniting  of  the  dental  plates, 
in  front  of  which  is  a  well-developed  median  septum.  Ventral  cardinal  area 
usually  attached  by  cementation.  Upper  Carboniferous  and  Permian ;  North 
and  South  America,  Europe,  India  and  Russia. 

Derbya  Waagen.  Like  Orthotefes,  but  without  the  umbonal  chamber. 
Lower  and  Upper  Carboniferous ;  North  and  South  America,  Europe  and 

Omhonia  Caneva.  Related  to  Orthotefes  as  Geyerella  is  to  MeeJcella.  Permian  ; 


ScaccJiinella  Gemmellaro.  Near  to  Derhya,  but  with  excessively  high 
ventral  cardinal  areas.  Ventral  beak  cemented  ?  Shells  resemble  EicMlio- 
fenia,  but  have  originated  in  some  Orthotetinae  and  not  in  the  Productinae, 
Permian  ;  Sicily  and  Austria. 

Arctitreta  Whitfield.  Imperfectly  known,  but  seemingly  a  member  of  the 
Orthotetinae.     Upper  Carboniferous  ;  Arctic  America. 

Streptorhynchus  King.  Very  much  like  Schuchertella,  Ventral  area  high, 
short,  twisted  and  probably  cemented.  Carboniferous  and  Permian  ;  America, 
Europe  and  India. 

Meekella  White  and  St.  John.  Very  biconvex  shells,  with  the  teeth  of  the 
ventral  valve  supported  by  very  long  dental  plates  which  are  nearly  parallel 
and  reach  to  the  bottom  of  the  umbonal  cavity  ;  no  median  sej^tum.  Surface 
of  valves  with  coarse  costae  and  fine,  radiating,  often  plumose  striae.  Upper 
Carboniferous  ;  North  America,  Eussia,  India  and  China.  Subgenus  :  Ortlio- 
thetina  Schellwien.  Like  Meekella,  but  without  costae.  Late  Upper  Carboni- 
ferous and  Permian ;  Europe. 

Geyerella  Schellwien.  Near  to  Meekella,  but  with  very  high  ventral  areas ; 
very  long  dental  septa  converging  and  uniting  in  a  median  septum.  Ventral 
beak  cemented.     Upper  Carboniferous  and  Permian  ;  Europe. 

S^ibfamily  E.     Tripleciinae,  novum. 
Biconvex  Strophomenids  with  marked  fold  and  sinus. 

Triplecia  Hall  (Dicraniscus  Hall).  Trilobate,  unequally  biconvex,  short- 
hinged  shells.  Cardinal  process  long,  erect  and  bifurcate.  Surface  smooth. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  North  America,  England  and  Bohemia. 

Cliftonia  Foerste.  Striated  Triplecia.  Ordovician  and  Silurian  of  America 
and  Europe. 

Mimidus  Barrande.  Like  Triplecia,  but  with  the  median  fold  on  the 
ventral  valve.  No  external  evidence  of  a  deltidium.  Silurian  ;  Bohemia  and 
North  America. 

Streptis  Davidson.  Like  Triplecia,  but  biconvex  and  bilaterally  unsym- 
metrical.  Exterior  with  lamellar  concentric  shell  expansions,  Silurian ; 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Family  2.     Thecidiidae  Gray. 

Cemented  Strophomenacea,  in  which  the  interior  of  the  shell  is  impressed  with 
variously  indented  brachial  furrows.     Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

This  family  was  formerly  associated  with  the  Terebratulidae.  Beeclier  has  shown, 
however,  that  brachial  supports  are  wanting,  and  that  a  true  deltidium  is  present. 

Subfamily  A.     Leptodinae,  novum. 
Thecidiidae  with  the  brachial  markings  common  to  both  valves. 

Keyserlingina  Tscherny.  An  early  form  of  Leptodus,  with  few  brachial 
ridges.     Upper  Carboniferous  ;  European  Eussia  and  Austria. 

Leptodus  Kayser  (Lyttonia  Waagen ;  JFaagenopora  Noetling).  Very  large, 
highly  inequivalved,  irregular  shells,  frequently  with  broad  lateral  expansions. 




Numerous,  laterally  directed,  brachial  ridges  in  the  ventral  valve,  with  corre- 
sponding divergent  grooves  in 
the  median  region  of  the  dorsal 
valve.  Permian ;  China  and  India. 
Oldhamia  Waagen  (Fig.  572). 
Differs  from  Leptodiis  in  that  the 
ventral  valve  is  sub-hemispherical 

i'^S^^Sm^^^:^    with  the  incurved  apex  covered 
^^^f^^^^n    by  a  callosity,  as  in  BelleropJion. 

Fio.  572. 

Permian  ;  India  and  China. 

Loczyella  Freeh.  Said  to  be 
like  Leptodiis,  but  without  the 
brachial   ridges.     May  not  be   a 

Oldhamia  deoipiens  Waagen.    Productus  Limestone ;  Salt    -r,        t  •  i   *"*       tt  n      t        • 

Range,   East  India.      A,  B,    Interior  of  ventral  and   dorsal     brachiopod.  Upper        UarbOni 

valves,  respectively  (after  Waagen).  j ^^^^^  .    banking,   China. 

Subfamily  B.     Thecidiinae  Dall. 
Thecidiidae  with  the  brachial  markings  restricted  to  the  dorsal  valves. 

Thecidea  Defrance  (Thecidium  Sowerby)  (Fig.  573).  Dorsal  brachial  im- 
pressions with  three  pairs  of  symmetrical  lobes,  radially  directed.      Cretaceous. 

Thecidea  and  the  following  genera  of  the  subfamily  Thecidiinae  comprise  for  the 
most  part  small,  sometimes  extremely  minute  forms,  represented  from  the  Trias  to 
the  present  day  ;  the  climax  of  diversity  occurred  in  the  Cretaceous. 

Lacazella  Munier-Chalmas  (Figs,  574,  575).     Dorsal  brachial  impressions 

Fig.  573. 

Thecidea  papiUata  Scliloth.  Upper 
Cretaceous;  Ciply,  Belgium.  J,  £,  In- 
terior of  ventral  and  dorsal  valves,  re- 
spectively, 2/j  (after  Woodward). 

Fir,.  574. 

Lacazella  vermiciilaris 
(Schloth.).  Upper  Cretaceous ; 
Maestriclit.  Dorsal  valve,  2/j 
(after  Suess). 

Fig.  575. 

Lacazella  inediter- 
■ranca  (Risso).  Re- 
cent. Interior  of 
dorsal  valve  showing 
braehia,  %  (after 

with   two   or   three  unequal  pairs  of  lobes,   medially   directed.     Jurassic  to 
Recent ;  Europe. 

Thecidiopsis  Munier-Chalmas  (Fig.  576).     The  two  large,  dorsal,  brachial 
impressions  each  have  four  pairs  of  lobes 
laterally   and  medially  directed.     Creta- 
ceous ;  Europe. 

Thecidella  Munier-Chalmas.  Dorsal 
brachial  impressions  simple,  anteriorly 
directed.     Jurassic;  Europe.  ,„..,„,„^„ ^ ,. 

F.'}idp<iplhi       MnniPT-    Chalmas  Trans-    on  tiie  Rlihie.    yi',  borsaf  aspect.    7j,  C,  Interior 

£juaeseua      lVlUniei-l.^naimab.  J-I^'/^      of  ventral  and  dorsal  valves,  respectively,  Vi- 

verse  shells  in  which  the  dorsal  brachial 

impressions  have  three  pairs  of  simple  lobes  antero-laterally  directed.   Jurassic; 


Fig.  576. 
Thecidiopsis  digltata{Go\AL).  Greensand  ;  Essen 




Pterophloios  Giimbel  (Badrynium  Emmrich)   (Fig.   577).     Dorsal  brachial 
impressions  with  about  ten  laterally  directed  lobations.     Alpine  Khaetic. 

Davidsonella  Munier-Chalmas.  Elongate  shells  with 
the  long,  narrow,  dorsal,  brachial  impressions  simple 
and  antero-laterally  directed.     Jurassic  ;  Europe. 

(?)  Cadomella  Munier-Chalmas.     Lias  ;  Europe. 

Family  3.      Productidae  Gray. 

Strophomejiacea   with   holloio   anchoring   spines. 
Ordovician  to  Permian, 

Fig.  577. 

-P  Pterophloios  emmriohi  Gum- 

Late    bel.   Rhaetic;  Kossen,  Tyrol. 
Interior  of  dorsal  valve,  i/i. 

Subfamily  A.     Chonetinae  Waagen. 

Produdids  with  the  few  anchoring  spines  restricted  to  the  ventral  cardinal  margin. 

Chonetes  Fischer  (Fig.  578).  Shell  transversely  elongate,  semicircular  in 
outline,  typically  concavo-convex,  sometimes  plano-convex.  Upper  margin  of 
cardinal  area  in  ventral  valve  bearing  a  single  row  of  hollow  spines  ;  these  are 
prolongations  of  tubes  which  penetrate  obliquely  the  substance  of  the  shell 
along  the  hinge-line.  Teeth  strong.  Cardinal  process  of  dorsal  valve  divided 
by  a  narrow  median  and  two  broader  lateral  grooves.  Brachial  impressions 
more  or  less  distinct.  External  surface  usually  covered  with  radiating  striae, 
rarely  smooth  or  concentrically  rugose.  Late  Ordovician  to  Permian.  Sub- 
genus :  Eodevonaria  Breger.  Chonetids  with  denticulate  hinge-lines.  Lower 
Devonian  ;  America  and  Europe. 

Anoplia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Smooth  or  squamose  shells  like  Chonetes,  sup- 
posed to  be  without  cardinal  spines.     Lower  Devonian ;  North  America. 

Chonostrophia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Chonetes,  but  with  the  shell  reversed 
or  concavo-convex.     Lower  and  Middle  Devonian  ;  North  and  South  America. 

Chonetella  Waagen.  Upper 
Carboniferous  ;  Lidia.  Chonetina 
Krotow.     Permian ;  Russia. 

(?)  DaviesieUa  "Waagen.  Shell 
productoid,  but  without  spines 
and  well-developed  cardinal  area 
and  teeth.  Upper  Carboniferous  : 

(?)  Aulacorhynchus  Dittmar  {Iso- 
gramma  Meek  and  Worthen).  Very 
large,  transverse,  thin  shells  with  a 
ventral  platform.  Exterior  surface 
with  numerous,  regular,  continuous, 
concentric  ridges.  Upper  Car- 
boniferous ;  Europe  and  North 

Pio.  578. 

A,  Chonetes  striatellus  (Dalm.).  Silurian  ;  Gotland,  i/j. 
B,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve  (after  Davidson).  C,  C.  sar- 
cmulatus  de  Kon.     Devonian  ;  Coblenz.    i/x. 

Subfamily  B.      Productinae  Waagen. 

Productids  with  the  anchoring  spines  more  or  less  abundant  over  the  entire  ventral 
and  sometimes  also  over  the  dorsal  valve. 

Produdella  Hall.     Shells  small,  productoid,  with  narrow  cardinal  areas  in 




both  valves.     Ventral  valve  with  small  teeth  ;  dorsal  valve  with  sockets  and 

crural  plates.     Brachial  impressions  distinct.     Devonian  ;  America  and  Europe. 

Produdus  Sowerby  (Pyxis  Chemnitz ;  Arlmsculites  Murray  ;  Protonia  Linck  ; 

Produda  Sow.)  (Figs.  579,  580).     Shell  without  functional  pedicle,  anchored 

-?t£a  "V 

Fu;.  579. 


.,  Productus  semiretiuulatus  (^Martm).     Lower  Carboniferous ;  Vise,  Belgium,     i/,.     B,  P. 'j/igranieiw (Martin). 

e  horizon;  England.    Interior  of  dorsal  valve  (after  Woodward).    C,  D,  P.  horridus  Sow.    Permian;  Prus.sia 

England,    i/j.    C,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve.    Z),  Internal  mould  of  ventral  valve.   ^1,  Adductors  ;  7.',  Diduetors  ; 

pr,  Cardinal  process;  h,  Hinge-line  ;  i^  Brachial  impressions. 

by  the  ventral  spines  ;  concavo-convex,  valves  usually  produced  anteriorly  ; 
outlines    semicircular,    sometimes    transversely    elongate.      External    surface 

spinose,  usually  with  more  or  less  prominent  radiating 
ribs,  which  are  crossed  by  concentric  lines  or  wrinkles  ; 
rarely  smooth  or  finely  striated.  Cardinal  areas,  teeth, 
sockets  and  crural  plates  absent  or  rudimentary. 
Ventral  valve  convex,  sometimes  geniculated ;  often 
Fio.  580.  with  median  sinus.     Muscular  impressions  consisting  of 

Produrtmhorridus Sowerby.  two  deudritic  adductors  and  a  pair  of  broadly  flabel- 

Permian  ;  Gera,  Germany.  Va-    i  .  ,.,  r^       t       ^  i 

late,  striate  diductors.  Cardinal  process  strong,  curved 
or  erect,  extending  far  above  the  hinge-line.  Brachial  ridges  well  defined  ; 
traces  of  spiral  or  brachial  cavities  occasionally  present  in  the  pallial  region. 
Extraordinarily  abundant  in  Carboniferous  and  Permian.  Distribution 

P.  (jiganteus  is  the  largest  Brachiopod  known,  sometimes  attaining  a  width  of  nearly 
one  foot. 

Subgenera :  Diajjhragmus  Girty.  Produdus  with  an  internal  plate  in  dorsal  valve. 
Upper  Carboniferous  ;  North  America.  ATarginifcra  Waagen.  Has  thickened  internal 
subniargiual  ridges.     Upper  Carboniferous  ;  Nortli  America,  India. 

Tschernyschewia  Stoyanow.     Typified  by  Produdus  humholdti  d'Orb.     Upper 
Carboniferous ;  India,  Russia. 




Froboscidella  CEhlert.  Valves  very  unequal ;  dorsal  valve  small,  concave, 
operculiform ;  ventral  valve  larger,  convex,  furnished  with  two  lateral  expan- 
sions which  bend  downward  to  meet  the  margins  of  the  dorsal  valve,  and  an 
anterior  expansion,  which  is  produced  forward  into  one,  or  occasionally  two, 
long  cylindrical  tubes.     Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Pig.  581. 

Sfrophalosia  goldfussi  (Miinst.).  Permian  ;  Gera,  Germany.  A, 
Dorsal  aspect.  P>,  Profile.  C,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve  with  brachial 
impressions.     Natural  size. 

Subfamily  C.     Strophalosiinae,  novum. 
Prodxbdids  anchored  to  foreign  objects  by  the  spines  or  by  most  of  the  ventral  shell. 

Chonopectxis  Hall  and  Clarke.  Chonetes-\\\iQ  shells,  but  cemented  ventrally 
to  extraneous  objects.  External  surface  reticulated  by  a  double,  oblique 
series  of  concentric  lines  and  fine  radiating  striae.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
North  America. 

Sfrophalosia  King  (Orthothrix  Geinitz ;  Leptaenalosia  King)  (Fig.  581). 
Shell  productoid  in  general  4  b  c 

form,  cemented  by  the  ven-  ,^4^^^  ('~"v 

tral     umbo.       Both    valves      .v<^&J"'~iz-a..  I      \ 

with  well-defined  area,  del- 
tidium  and  chilidium.  Ven- 
tral valve  with  two  pro- 
minent teeth  unsupported 
by  dental  plates.  Miiscular 
impressions  small ;  brachial 
ridges  distinct.  Surface  of 
ventral  valve  covered  with 
spines ;    that   of    the   dorsal 

valve  either  spinous,   lamellose  or   smooth.     Middle  Devonian  to  Permian ; 
Europe,  India,  North  and  South  America. 

Aulosteges  Helmersen.  Much  like  Sfrophalosia,  but  not  cemented  by  the 
ventral  umbo ;  deltidium  covered  with  small  spinules  and  the  surface  of  both 
valves  thickly  set  with  spines.     Permian  ;  Russia  and  India. 

Etheridgina   CEhlert.      Shell  very   small,   nearly   as    broad    as    long,   and 
attached  to  foreign  bodies,  notably  crinoid  stems,  by  the  spines  of  the  ventral 
valve.    Dorsal  valve  with  a  small  beak  ;  surface  ornamented 
by  concentric  fiexuous  plications  bearing  a  few  scattered 
spines.     Carboniferous;  Scotland. 

Family  4      Richthofeniidae  Waagen. 

Strophomenacea  developed  out  of  the  Froductidae,  and 
remarkably  modified  by  ventral  cementation.  The  form  is  that 
of  cyathophylloid  corals  with  an  operculiform  dorsal  valve. 
Shell  strihcture  cysfose.     Upper  Carboniferous  and  Permian. 

Tegnlifera  Schellwien.  A  youthful  expression  of  the 
highly  modified  Eichthofenia,  in  which  the  productoid 
characters  are  still  recognisable.  Upper  Carboniferous ; 

Fiichthofenia  Kayser  (Fig.  582).    These  most  remarkably 

Pig.  582. 

Richthofenia  lawrenci- 
ana  Waagen.  Permo-Car- 
boniferoiis ;  Salt  Range. 
Vertical  section  of  ven- 
tral valve  (after  Waagen). 




modified  Brachiopods  are  found  in  the  Permian  of  China,  India,  Sicily  and 

Gemmellaroia  Cossman  (Megarhynchus  Gem.,  non  Lap.).     Permian  ;  Sicily. 

Superfamily  3.     PENTAMERACEA  Schuchert. 

Specialised  Protremata  developed  out  of  Nisusiinae  among  the  Orthacea,  with  well- 
developed,  supported  or  free  spondylia,  and,  as  a  ride,  cruralia.  Deltidia  and  chilidia 
present  in  the  more  primitive  forms  and  generally  absent  in  the  last  developed  families. 
The  least  prolific  stock  of  the  Protremata.     Cambrian  to  Permian. 

Family  1.     Syntrophiidae  Schucliei-t. 

Primitive  transverse  Pentamerids,  derived  out  of  Nisusiinae,  having  as  a  rule  long, 
straight  cardinal  areas  that  usually  are  devoid  of  deltidia  and  chilidia.  Spondylia 
and  cruralia  free  or  supported  by  septa.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

(?)  Swantonia  Walcott  (Fig.  583).     Kostrate,  plicate,  small  and  rare  shells, 

with  a  free  but  small  spondylium.     Lower  Cam- 
brian ;  North  America. 

/'        ' 

'a  B 

Fig.  .583. 

Swimtonia  anthjuaUt  (Bill.). 
Lower  Cambrian  ;  Vermont.  A, 
Ventral  exterior.  D,  Side  view 
of  same  showiDi;  .spondylium 
(after  Walcott). 

Fig.  584. 

Si/iitropliia  laUiaUs  (Whitfield).  Ordovician  ;  Fort  Cassin, 
Vermont.  A,.(',  D,  E,  View.s  of  ventral  valve  showing  cardinal 
area  and  siiondylinm.  ]!,  Dorsal  valve.  F,  Cardinal  view  of 
both  valves  ground  away  to  show  section  of  spondylium  and 
cruralium  (after  Hall  and  Clarke). 

Syntrophia  Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.  584).  Transverse,  straight-hinged, 
primitive  Pentamerids  with  open  delthyria  in  both  valves.  Spondylia  well 
developed  and  supported  by  an  incipient  septum  ;  cruralia  small  and  supported 
by  a  septum.  Middle  Cambrian  to  Lower  Ordovician ;  North  America. 
Subgenus :  Huenella  Walcott.  Has  a  plicate  surface.  Middle  and  Upper 
Cambrian  ;  North  America,  China  and  Australia. 

Clarkella  Walcott.  Like  Syntrophia,  but  the  spond3dium  is  supported  by 
three  septa.     Lower  Ordovician  ;  Montana. 

Family  2.      Clitambonitidae  Winchell  and  Schuchert. 

Divergent  transverse  Pentamerids,  derived  oid  of  Syntrophiidae,  with  well-developed 
cardinal  areas,  deltidia,  chilidia  and  spondylia.  Cruralia  not  developed.  Essenti- 
ajly  Ordovician  but  range  sparingly  into  Devonian. 

Clitambonites  Pander  (Orthisina  d'Orb.  ;  Pronites  and  Gonambonites  Pander) 
(Fig.  585).     Valves  convex  or  sub-pyramidal.     Hinge-line  straight,  forming 




Fir;.  585. 

A,  Clitanibonites  adscendens  (Pand.).  Ordovician  ;  Pawlowsk,  near  St.  Peters- 
burg, i/i.  B,  C,  C.  Kquamafus  (Pahlen).  Ordovician ;  Kuckers,  Esthonia.  B, 
Interior  of  dorsal  valve,  showing  edge  of  the  chiiidinm.  C,  Interior  of  ventral 
valve,  showing  spondylium,  septum  and  deltidinm  (after  Pahlen). 

the  greatest  diameter  of  the  shell.  Cardinal  area  of  the  ventral  valve  high  ; 
delthyrium  broad,  and  covered  by  a  perforate  deltidium ;  that  of  the  dorsal 
valve  covered  by  a 
chiiidinm.  Dental 
lamellae  of  ventral 
valve  very  strongly 
developed,  nniting 
to  form  a  concave 
spatulate  plate  or 
spondylium.  This 
plate  serves  for  the 
attachment  of 
muscles,  and  is  sup- 
ported by  a  median 
septum  extending 
for  about  one-half  the  length  of  the  valve.  External  surface  radially  striated 
and  often  lamellose.  Shell  substance  impunctate.  Ordovician  ;  North  Europe 
and  North  America. 

Subgenus :   Remipronites  Pander.     Biconvex  Orthid-like  forms  with  fine  non-lamellose 
striae.     Ordovician  ;  Esthonia. 

Pohjtoechia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Clitambonites  but  with  the  spondylia 
supported  by  three  septa,  thus  dividing  the  umbonal  cavity  of  the  ventral 
valve  into  five  chambers.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Scenidium  Hall  {Mystrophora  Kayser).  Small  orthisinoid  shells  with  the 
delthyrium  partially  closed  by  a  concave  imperforate  deltidium.  Cardinal 
process  extending  as  a  median  septum  throughout  the  length  of  the  shell. 
The  septum  is  sometimes  greatly  elevated  anteriorly  in  Devonian  species. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian  ;  North  America,  Europe  and  the  Urals. 

Family  3.     Porambonitidae    Davidson. 

Derived  {out  of  Syntrophiidae),  progressive,  semi-rostrate  Pentamerids,  with  the 
deltidia  and  chilidia  vanishing  more  and  more  in  time.  Spondylia  and  cruralia 
present,  but  the  former  tends  to  thicken  and  unite  with  the  ventral  valve.  Ordovician 
to  Lower  Devonian. 

Subfamily  A.      Porambonitinae    Gill. 
Non-plicated  Porambonitidae,  with  the  shells  externally  pitted.     Ordovician. 
Porambonites   Pander    {Isorhynchus  King)    (Fig.   586).     Shells    similar 


Fig.  58t;. 

PmcMnbonites  aequirostris  {%<i'i\\ot\i.).  Ordovician  (Vaginatenkalk) ;  St.  Petersburg.  A-C,  Anterior,  lateral 
and  posterior  aspects  of  shell,  Vi-  -D.  Punctate  surface,  magnified.  E,  F,  Interior  of  ventral  and  dorsal  valves, 

Parastrophia  in  form,   but  without  plications,   and  with   obtusely  triangular 




areas  in  both  valves.     Shells  thick,  variously  pitted  externally.     Ordovician  ; 

Noeilingia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Exterior  like  Porambonites,  but  with  long, 
straight  hinge-line,  prominent  cardinal  areas,  and  perforate  beaks.  Ordovician; 

Subfamily  B.     Parastrophiinae,  novum. 
Plicated  Porambonitidae.     Ordovician  to  Lower  Devonian. 

Camarella  Billings.  Small,  smooth  shells  with  a  few  low  plications  and 
without  cardinal  areas.  Dorsal  valve  at  maturity  most  convex.  Spondylium 
well  defined.  Cruralium  very  small,  supported  by  a  long  septum.  Ordovician  ; 
North  America  and  (?)  England. 

Parastrophia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Much  like  Camarella,  but  with  a  moderately 
long,  straight  cardinal  line,  and  no  cardinal  area.  Dorsal  umbo  conspicuous, 
projecting  beyond  that  of  the  ventral  valve.  Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  North 
America  and  England. 

Anastrophia  Hall  (Brachymerus  Shaler,  noii  Dej.).  Much  like  Parastrophia, 
but  with  the  dorsal  umbo  more  prominent  and  the  valves  with  numerous 
sharp  plications  extending  to  the  beaks.  Silurian  and  Lower  Devonian; 
North  America,  England  and  Gotland. 

(?)  Lycophoria  Lahusen.     Russia  and  Scandinavia. 

Family  4.     Pentameridae    M'Coy. 

Terminal,  usually  rostrate  Pentamerids,  developed  out  of  Porambonitidae. 
Spondylia  and  cruralia  well  developed.  Sometimes  there  is  a  concave  plate  in  the 
ventral  delthyrium  that  is  interpreted  as  the  'deltidium  ;  if  so,  it  is  a  special  develop- 
ment due  to  the  highly  incurved  beaks  of  both  valves  in  the  decidedly  convex  species. 
Silurian  to  Permian. 

Conchidium  Linn.  (Gypidia  Dalman ;  Antirhynchonella  Quenstedt ;  Zdimir 
Barrande)  (Figs.  587  ;  588,  D).     Shell  strongly  inequivalve,  biconvex,  with 

Fig.  587. 

Conchidium  hiloculare,  Linn.  Silurian  ;  Gotland.  A,  Shell  of  the  natural  size.  B,  Beak  showing  concave 
deltidium.  (',  D,  Interior  of  dorsal  and  ventral  valves,  respectively,  x,  Spondylium  ;  .S,  Median  septum  of 
ventral  valve,  Fig.  7)  ;  h,  Dental  lamellae  ;  c,  Crura  ;  ,S',  Septum-like  supports,  Fig.  C. 

highly  arched  ventral  valve.  Surface  numerously  plicated.  Spondylium  narrow 
and  deep,  and  supported  by  a  high  vertical  septum  of  variable  length.  A 
small  cardinal  process  present.     Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  distribution  general. 




StricMandinia  Billings.  Similar  to  Conchidiuni,  but  with  a  straight  hinge- 
line  and  no  prominent  arched  ventral  beak.  Spondylium  small  and  short, 
supported  by  a  short  median  septum.  Silurian ;  North  America,  England 
and  Gotland. 

Pentamerus  Sowerby  (Pentastke  Blainville).  Like  Conchidium,  but  with 
smooth  shells,  or  sometimes  with  a  few  broad  and  obscure  radiating  undula- 
tions.    Silurian  ;  distribution  probably  general. 

Orthotropia  Hall  and  Clarke.     Similar   to   small  Pentamerus,  but  with  a 
short  hinge-line.     Differs  also  internally.     Silurian  ;  Wisconsin. 

Holorhynchus  Kiar.  Transverse  Pentamerus,  with  incipient  plications. 
Spondylium  not  supported  by  septum.     Silurian ;  Norway. 

Cajjellinia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Pentamerus,  but  with  the  relative  con- 
vexity of  the  valves  reversed.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Clorinda  Barrande  (Barrandella  Hall  and  Clarke).  Small  Gypidula-like 
Pentamerids  usually  with  smooth  shells,  rarely  plicate.  Spondylium  with- 
out a  supporting  septum.      Silurian ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Pentamerella  Hall.  Much  like  Clorinda,  but  with  strong  plications  and  a 
narrow  cardinal  area.     Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Sieberella  CEhlert ;  and  Gypidula  Hall.      (Fig.  588.)     Galeatiform  Penta- 


.   -'  Fig.  5SS. 

A-C,  Gypidula  galmta  (Dalm.).  Devonian  ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel.  A,  Dorsal  aspect,  Vj.  B,  Anterior  aspect. 
C,  Transverse  section  below  the  hinge-line.  (Lettering  the  same  as  in  Fig.  587,  f,  D.)  D,  Conchidium  Jcniglitii 
(Sow.).     Silurian ;  England,    i/.i. 

mei'ids,with  the  median  sinus  on  the  dorsal,  and  the  fold  on  the  ventral  valve. 
In  Sieberella  there  is  no  cardinal  area,  but  in  typical  Gypidula  there  is  a  well- 
defined,  cross -striated,  cardinal  area. 
Surface  smooth  or  plicate.  Silurian  and 
Devonian;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Branconia  Gagel.  Like  Gypidida, 
but  with  sharp  and  few  plications,  as 
in  Pugnax  of  the  Rhynchonellids.  Sil- 
urian ;  Glacial  drift  of  Germany. 

Semimda  M'Coy  {non  auct.).  Ac- 
cording to  Buckman  the  genotype  is 
Terebratula  penfaedra  Phillips.  Shells 
rhynchonelliform  with  the  surface 
more  or  less  strongly  plicated.     Spon- 

FiG.  589. 

Camarophoria schlotheimi (v.  Buch.).    Permian  ;  Gera, 
ermany.   .4,  Shell,  Vi-   £,  Internal  mould,    f.  Interior 

dvlium     supported    by    a    long    median    of  shell,  enlarged,      pr,  Cardinal  process  ;   c,  Crura  ; 
•'    .  -p.^^       .        ,    V)  ■  T?    „^^^     X,   Spondylium;   g,   Dental   plates   of  dorsal  valve; 

septum.  Devonian  to  Permian ;  Europe,  ,;  ^.^  'kedian  septa. 

India  and  North  America.     Subgenus 

Camarophoria  King  (Fig.  589)  may,  according  to  Buckman,  be  used  for  the 

more  transverse,  fully  plicate  shells. 

396  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

Camarophorella  Hall  and  Clarke.  Biconvex,  sub-circular  CamaropJioriae, 
but  without  sinus,  fold  and  plications.     Lower  Carboniferous ;  North  America. 

Strophomenacea  of  unknown  relationships. 

Family  1.     Eichwaldiidae    Schuchert. 

Primitive  or  aberrant,  rostrate  Strophomenacea,  with  narrow  lateral  grooves  and 
ridges  for  articulation.  Delthyrium  closed  hy  a  concave  plate  {?  deltidiiim).  Pedicle 
emerging  through  the  ventral  umbone  and  moving  with  grotvth  anteriorly  hy  resorption 
through  the  shell,  as  in  Siphonotretidae.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Eichwaldia  Billings.  The  single  species  of  this  genus  has  a  smooth 
exterior.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Dictyonella  Hall  {Eichwaldia  auct.).  Exterior  surface  of  valves  pitted  in 
quincunx,  resembling  Trematis.  Silurian ;  North  America,  England,  Bohemia 
and  Gotland. 

Order  4.     TELOTREMATA  Beecher. 

Specialised  (through  Atremata,  1  Obolacea),  articulate,  calcareous  Brachio- 
poda,  with  the  pedicle  opening  shared  by  both  valves  in  earliest  shelled 
stages,  usually  confined  to  one  valve  in  later  stages,  and  becoming  more  or  less 
modified  by  deltidial  plates  in  advanced  growth  stages.  Brachia  supported  by 
calcareous  crura,  loops  or  spiralia. 

Superfamily  1.     RHYNCHONELLACEA   Schuchert. 

Rostrate,  primitive  Telotremata,  with  or  without  crura  for  the  support  of  the 
hrachidia.  Pedicle  foramen  nearly  always  beneath  the  leak  and  but  rarely  through 
a  truncate  ventral  apex.     Shells  almost  always  impunctate.     Ordovician  to  Eecent. 

Family  1.     Protorhynchidae    Scluieheit. 

Primitive  Ilhynchonellacea  without  deltidial  plates  or  crura.     Ordovician. 

Protorhyncha  Hall  and  Clarke.  Biconvex  Phynchonellac  with  the  fold 
and  sinus  ill-defined.  No  cardinal  process  or  dorsal  median  septum.  Surface 
with  low  radial  j)lications.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Family  2.     Rhynchonellidae    Gray. 

Bhynchonellacea  with  crura  of  greater  or  lesser  length.  Shells  usually  plicate, 
rarely  smooth  or  spinose.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Sul)family  A.     Rhynchotreminae,  novum. 

RhynchoneUids  with  a  cardinal  process.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Orthorhynchula  Hall  and  Clarke.  Ehynchonellae  with  short,  straight  hinge- 
line  and  cardinal  areas  in  both  valves,  bisected  mesially  by  open  delthyria. 
Teeth  unsupported  by  dental  lamellae.  A  linear  cardinal  process  present. 
Ordovician ;  North  America. 

Rhynchotrema  Hall  (Stenochisma  Comad,  1839;  and  Hall,  1867)  (Fig.  590). 




Thick-shelled,   often    gibbous    Rhijnchonellae    with   prominent,  thick,   concave 
deltidial  plates.      Dorsal  valve  with  a'thick  median  septum,  upon  which  rests 


Fio.  500. 

Rhynclwtrctna  capax  (Conrad).  Ordovician ;  Wisconsin.  A,  Interioi'  of  ventral  \'alve  sliowing  concave 
deltidial  plates  {(!p)  and  teeth  (0.  B,  Dorsal  view.  C,  Dorsal  interior  showing  cardinal  process  (j),  crural 
processes  (c)  and  dorsal  sockets  (Ji).    (After  Hall  and  Clarke.) 

a  linear  cardinal  process.  Crural  plates  very  broad  and  stout.  Ordovician ; 
North  America. 

StegerhyncJms  Foerste,  Exterior  as  in  Camarotoechia,  but  with  a  thin 
vertical  cardinal  process  as  in  Rhynchotrema.  Silurian ;  North  America  and 

Ehynchotreta  Hall.  Trihedral  Bhynchonellae  with  the  ventral  beak  acu- 
minate, produced  and  truncate.  Pedicle  foramen  apical,  the  delthyrium 
being  completely  closed  by  the  deltidial  plates.  Dental  lamellae  and  car- 
dinal process  present.  The  prominent  dorsal  median  septum  separates 
posteriorly,  each  branch  supporting  one  process  of  the  divided  hinge-plate. 
Silurian ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Eatonia  Hall.  Bhynchonellae  with  large,  flabellate,  deeply  excavated 
muscular  scars  in  the  ventral  valve.  No  dental  lamellae.  Cardinal  process 
large,  resting  upon  a  short  median  septum,  and  bifurcate  at  its  summit. 
Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Uncinulus  Bayle.  Like  JFilsonia,  but  with  the  hinge-plate  undivided,  and 
with  a  well-developed  cardinal  process.  Devonian ;  North  America  and 

(?)  Cydorhina  Hall  and  Clarke.  May  be  of  the  Athyridae  rather  than  of 
the  Rhynchonellidae.     Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.      Rhynchonellinae    Gill. 

Rhynchonellids  without  a  cardinal  process.     Silurian  to  Recent. 
Camarotoechia  Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.  591).     Sharply  plicate  Bhynchonellae 


with  the   dorsal   median 
septum       bearing      pos 

a    short    crural 

Cardinal  process 

dental  lamellae 

Silurian      to 

Carboniferous ; 

America       and 



absent ; 





Plethorhyncha       Hall 
and  Clarke.     Large,  ponderous  Bhynchonellae,  with  almost  no  dental  lamellae 
and  no  crural  cavity.     Lower  Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Pio.  591. 

Camarotoechia  congregata  (Conrad).  Devonian;  New  York.  A,  Dorsal 
aspect.  B,  C,  Dorsal  interiors  showing  hinge-plate  (hp),  rostral  chamber 
(d),  crural  processes  and  dental  sockets  (h).    (After  Hall  and  Clarke.) 

398  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

Rhynchotetra  Weller,  Elongate,  coarsely  plicate  shells  nearest  to 
Camarotoechia.  Dental  lamellae  uniting  into  a  spondylium,  which  is  supported 
by  a  median  septum.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Tetracamera  Weller.  Like  Camarotoechia,  but  with  rostral  dorsal  cavity 
divided  into  four  chambers  by  the  crural  plates  and  a  median  septum.  A 
spondylium  present,  but  practically  without  septal  support.  Lower 
Carboniferous ;  North  America. 

Paraphorhynchus  Weller,  Coarsely  plicate  Ehynchonellae  with  fine 
additional  striae.  Interior  much  as  in  Camarotoechia.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
North  America. 

Leiorhynchus  Hall.  Internally  like  Camarotoechia,  but  with  the  plications 
on  the  lateral  slopes  usually  faint  or  obsolete.  Devonian  to  Carboniferous. 
Subgenus  :  Moorefieldella  Girty.  Differs  in  having  a  finely  plicate  surface. 
Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Wilsonia  Kayser  (Uncinulina  Bayle).  Sub-cuboidal  or  sub-pentahedral 
Bhynchonellae  with  the  low  plications  marked  anteriorly  by  fine  median  lines. 
Internally  as  in  Camarotoechia.  Silurian  to  Lower  Carboniferous.  North 
America  and  Europe. 

Hemiplethorhynchus  von  Peetz.  Very  similar  to  Camarotoechia.  Crural 
cavity  with  a  posterior  triangular  opening.  Upper  Carboniferous ;  Altai, 

Hypothyridina  Buckman  (Hypothyr^  King,  non  Hubner  1822).  Sub- 
cuboidal  Bhynchonellae  with  a  very  rudimentary  dorsal  median  septum. 
Plications  as  in  Wilsonia.  Vascular  sinus  frequently  strongly  impressed  in 
the  ventral  valve.     Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Pugnax  Hall  and  Clarke.  Bhynchonellae  with  a  deep  dorsal  and  shallow 
ventral  valve,  and  very  prominent  fold  and  sinus.  Dental  lamellae  short ; 
no  median  septa.  Devonian  to  Carboniferous ;  North  America  and  Europe. 
Subgenus :  Allorhynchus  Weller.  Has  decided  angular  plications  as  in 
Camarotoechia.     Lower  Carboniferous ;  North  America. 

Pugnoides  Weller.  Exterior  like  Pugnax,  with  the  internal  characters  of 
Camarotoechia.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Shumardella  Weller.  Much  like  Pugnax,  but  with  a  short  dorsal  median 
septum  that  is  not  connected  with  the  hinge-plate.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
North  America. 

Bhynchopora  King  (Bhynchoporina  QEhlert).  Plicate  Bhynchonellae  with 
the  shell  substance  punctate.  A  crural  cavity  as  in  Camarotoechia,  but  roofed 
over  by  the  hinge- plate.  Dental  lamellae  well  developed.  Range  from 
Lower  Carboniferous  to  Permian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

(?)  Torynifer  Hall  and  Clarke.  May  be  Bhynchonellae  with  the  crural  plates 
united  into  a  hinge-plate.  Genus  not  yet  defined.  Lower  Carboniferous ; 
North  America. 

Terebratuloidea  Waagen.  Bhynchonellae  with  very  large  apical  truncate 
foramen,  but  without  dental  plates  or  median  septa.  Carboniferous  to 
Permian ;  India. 

Bhynchonella  Fischer  (as  restricted  by  Hall  and  Clarke)  (Fig.  592,  A). 
Sub-pyramidal  pauciplicate  shells  with  the  pedicle  opening  as  in  Cyclothijris. 
Dental  lamellae  and  a  dorsal  median  septum  present.  Jurassic  and 

Cyclothyris  M'Coy   (as    redefined  by  Buckman    in    1906)    (Figs.    592,  B, 


and  593).     Multiplicate  Bhynchonellae  with  the    pedicle    opening  below  the 

Fi(!.  592. 

A,  Rhynrhonella  loxia  Fiscli.  Upper  Jura  ;  Moscow.  «,  /),  Profile 
and  dorsal  view,  Vi  '>  o>  Internal  mould ;  d,  Anterior  view.  B, 
Cyclothyris  quadriplicata  (Quenst.).  .Middle  Jura;  Boptingen,  Wiir- 

Fig.  593. 

A,  Cyclothyris  vespertilio 
(Brocchi).  Upper  Cretaceous ; 
Villedieu,  Touraine.  Vl-  B,  C. 
lacunosa  (Schloth.).  Upper  Jura  ; 
Engelhardsberg,  Franconia.  In- 
terior of  dorsal  valve. 

venti-al  beak.     Embraces  the  bulk  of   Mesozoic  Rhynchonellids.     Genotype 
Terebratula  latissima  Sdwerby.     Distribution  general  in  Mesozoic  time. 

Upwards  of  700  species  of  Brachiopods  have  been  described  under  the  name  of 
Rhynchonella,  most  of  which  are  found  in  Mesozoic  strata  and  are  now  to  be  referred  to  the 
genus  Cyclothyris.  But  few  Rhynchonellids  agree  with  the  genotype,  which  is  RhyndioncUa 
loxia  Fischer  (Fig.  592)  from  tlie  U]>per  Jura  of  Russia.  It  is  probable  that  there  are  no 
Rhynchonellas  in  the  Paleozoic.  Hall  and  Clarke  and  Weller  have  shown  that  most  of  the 
American  Paleozoic  species  belong  to  other  genera.  Bittner  has  also  removed  from 
Rhynchonella  many  Triassic  species. 

Halorella  Bittner.  Sharply  plicated  Bhynchonellae  with  a  median  sinus 
on  both  valves.     Alpine  Trias. 

Austriella  Bittner.  Small  triangular,  usually  smooth-shelled  Ehi/nchonellae 
without  prominent  fold  and  sinus.     Alpine  Trias. 

Novella  Bittner.  Like  Austriella,  but  with  prominent  anterior  fold  and 
sinus.     Alpine  Trias. 

Ehynchonellina  Gemmellaro.  Transverse  Bhynchonellae  with  fine  radial 
striae.  Cardinal  margin  nearly  straight,  with  a  low  concave  ventral  area. 
Crura  very  long,  ventrally  curved.  Median  septum  of  dorsal  valve  faint. 
Jura  ;  Sicily  and  the  Alps. 

Dimerella  Zittel.  Small  plicate  shells  with  a  high  umbo  and  a  straight 
hinge-line.  Delthyrium  large,  with  linear  deltidial  plates.  Dorsal  valve  with 
a  high  median  septum  extending  to  the  ventral 
valve.     Alpine  Trias. 

Peregrinella  CEhlert.  Large,  strongly  plicate 
Bhynchonellae  without  fold  or  sinus.  Cardinal 
area  well  developed.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Hemiihyris  d'Orb.  (Fig.  594).  Smooth  or 
faintly  plicate  Bhynchonellae  with  a  high  ventral 
beak  and  open  delthyrium.     No  dental  plates.  F'«-  ^^'^■ 

-P,  IlemUhyris  psittacea  (Chem.).    Recent: 

Kecent.  Mediterranean.     Vi- 




Basiliola    Dall.       Deep-sea    forms    resembling    Ilemithyris,    but    with    the 
deltidial  plates  united  into  a  spondylium-like  plate.     Recent. 

Frieleia  Dall.     Resembling  Heinithyris,  but  with  a  small  dorsal  spondylium. 
Recent ;  American  Pacific. 

Atrefia  Jeffreys  (Cri/ptopora  Jeffreys  1869,  non  Cryptoporus  Motoch  1858; 
Ncatretia  QChlert).  Small,  smooth  shells  with  an  acute  and 
prominent  open  venti"al  beak.  Dental  plates  and  a  high, 
mesially  situated,  dorsal  septum  present.     Recent. 

Subfamily  C.     Acanthothyrinae,  novum. 

Bhynchonellids  with  a  spinose  surface. 

Acanthothyris  d'Orb.  (Fig.  595).     In  general  like  Hemi- 

Pm.  595. 

Amnthothyris  spinosa     ,7.,  .,  ■,■,    ^         ^  11,11, 

(Sciiioth.).        Middle   t/iyns,  but  With  well-developed  dental  plates 
pS.tate!'''"''^^'^"    Recent ;  Europe  and  Japanese  sea. 

Jurassic   to 

Superfamily  2.     TEREBRATULACEA  Waagen. 

Specialised  Telotremata  with  the  brachia  supported  by  calcareous,  primitive  or 
metamorphosed  loops.     Shell  structure  always  punctate.     Devonian  to  Recent. 

Division  A.     Terebratuloids. 

Terehratulacea  with  the  loops  unsupported  by  a  median  dorsal  septum  at  any  stage 
of  growth.     Brachial  cirri  directed  outwards  in  larval  stages. 

Family  1.     Centronellidae  Hall  and  Clarke. 

Primitive  Terebratuloids  with  short  loops  developing  direct  and  composed  of  two 
descending  lamellae,  uniting  in  the  mediayi  line  and  forming  a  broad  arched  plate. 
Shells  smooth,  faintly  striate  or  rarely  plicate.     Devonian  to  Triassic. 

This  family  comprises  the  simplest  of  all  Terebratuloids,  and  from  it  are  probably 
descended  the  other  loop-bearing  families. 

Centronella   Billings    (Fig.  596).     Commonly  small,   smooth,  plano-convex 

or  concavo-convex  shells,  with  the  descend- 
ing branches  of  the  loop  broadening 
rapidly  anteriorly,  and  uniting  in  a  tri- 
angular, mesially  ridged  plate.  Hinge- 
plate  perforate.  Devonian ;  North  America. 
Amphigenia  Hall  (Enantimphen  Whid- 
borne).  Elongate-ovate,  high -shouldered 
shells  without  median  fold  or  sinus. 
Surface  with  concentric  growth  varices 
and  faint  radial  striae.  Dorsal  valve  with 
a  large  sub-quadrate  hinge-plate  perforated 
by  the  visceral  foramen  and  without  a 
North    and    South    America,    France    and 

Fig.  596. 

Cent  ronelki  glansfagea  (RM).  Devonian;  Erie 
County,  N.Y.  .1,  B,  Profile  ;md  dorsal  aspect,  Vi- 
C,  Loop,  enlarged. 



Middle    Devonian ; 

Hall.     Ovate  or   elongate-ovate  striate  Terebratuloids.     The 

descending  branches  of  the  loop  diverging  for  a  short  distance,  thence  acutely 


beat,  converging,  and  uniting  in  an  elongate  triangular  plate,  which  on  the 
posterior  margin  gives  off  a  small,  posteriorly  directed,  rod-like  process. 
Hinge-plate  large  and  often  much  thickened.  Thick  dental  plates  present. 
Lower  Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Germany. 

Lissopleiira  Whitfield.  Strongly  plicate  Bensselaeriae,  with  the  dental 
plates  uniting  to  form  a  short  rostral  cavity.  Lower  Devonian  ;  North 

Beachia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Lentiform,  finely  striated  Bensselaeriae  with  the 
lateral  margins  of  the  valves  inflected,  the  anterior  plate  of  the  brachidium 
broader,  and  the  rod-like  process  longer.     Lower  Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Newherria  Hall  (Bensselandia  Hall).  Resembling  Bensselaeria  externally, 
but  without  the  stxdate  surface.  Interior  strongly  marked  by  muscular  scars 
and  vascular  sinuses.      Devonian  ;  North  America  and  Europe, 

Chascothyris  and  Denkmannia  Holzapfel.      Devonian  ;  Germany. 

OrisJcania  Hall  and  Clarke.  Large  Centronellae  with  a  continuous  hinge- 
plate  bearing  a  thin  vertical  spur  or  cardinal  process.  Lower  Devonian ; 
North  America. 

Selenella  Hall  and  Clarke.  Comprises  biconvex  terebratuliform  shells 
with  a  CentroneUa-like  loop,  but  the  triangular  j^late  not  mesially  thickened. 
Devonian ;  North  America. 

Bomingerina  Hall  and  Clarke.  Small  biconvex  Centronellae  with  the 
median  ridge  on  the  f^nterior  plate  of  the  loop  elevated  into  a  high  vertical 
lamella  almost  touching  the  ventral  valve  and  extended  both  anteriorly 
and  posteriorly.     Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Trigeria  (Bayle)  Hall  and  Clarke.  Plicated,  plano-convex  Centronellae. 
Devonian  ;  France,  Brazil  and  North  America. 

(?)  Scaphiocoelia  Whitfield.  Very  large,  plicate,  piano-  or  concavo-convex, 
Centronella-\ike  shells  exteriorly.  Loop  unknown.  Shell  substance  fibrous, 
impunctate.     (?)  Devonian  ;  South  America. 

Juvavella  Bittner.  Small,  smooth,  biconvex  shells,  with  a  very  short 
Centronella-\ike  loop.     Alpine  Trias. 

Juvavellina  and  Dinarella  Bittner.  Alpine  Trias.  Aspidothyris  Diener. 
Trias  of  India. 

Nudeatula  Bittner.  Like  Juvavella,  but  having  a  longer  loop  with  a  well- 
developed  and  fimbriated  vertical  median  plate.     Alpine  Trias. 

Family  2.     Stringocephalidae  King. 

Specialised  Devonian  Terebratuloids  with  a  long  loop,  following  the  margin  of  the 
dorsal  valve,  and  not  recurved  in  front.  Development  direct.  Probably  no  median 
coiled  arm.     Shells  smooth.     Devonian. 

Stringocephalus  Defr.  (Fig.  597).  This,  the  solitary  genus  of  the  family,  is 
limited  to  the  Devonian  of  Europe  and  North  America. 

Family  3.     Terebratulidae  Gray. 

Terebratuloids  developing  originally  a  Centronella-like  loop,  and  thence  by  a  short 
series  of  metamorphoses  resulting  at  maturity  in  a  free  loop  of  varying  form 
Devonian  to  Recent. 

VOL.  I  2  D 




Subfamily  A.     Megalanterinae  Waagen. 

Paleozoic  Terehratulidae  with  a  long  loop  giving  off  ascending  branches.     Shell 
smooth.     Devonian  to  Carboniferous. 

Fig.  .097. 

Stringocephalus  hurtlni  Defr.  Devonian  ;  Patfratli,  near  Cologne.  A,  Side-view,  "/g  natural  size.  B,  Greatly 
reduced  diagram  showing  brachidium  and  median  septa.  ' ',  Young  specimen  with  large  delthyriuni  and  deltidial 
plates.  I),  Interior  of  dorsal  vah'e,  natural  size,  partly  restored,  a,  Adductors  ;  c,  Crura  ;  (',  Dental  sockets  ; 
I,  Loop  ;  pr,  Cardinal  process  ;  x,  Median  septum. 

Megalanteris  (Ehlert  {Meganteris  Suess).  Large,  smooth,  equally  biconvex, 
sub-oval  shells,  with  the  long  convergent  jugal  processes  of  the  loop  extending 
beyond  the  connecting  band  of  the  ascending  branches.  Devonian  ;  Europe 
and  North  America. 

Cryptonella  Hall.  Elongate  oval  shells  with  short  jugal  processes. 
Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous ;  North  America,  England  and  Bohemia. 

Harttina  Hall  and  Clarke.  Centronella-\\ke  shells  with  a  high  dorsal 
median  septum  and  the  descending  branches  of  the  loop  laterally  fringed  with 
irregularly  set  spinules.     Carboniferous  ;  North  America  and  Brazil. 

(?)  CrijptacantUa  White  and  St.  John. 
Upper  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Dielasmatinae,  novum. 

Derived  Paleozoic  Terehratulidae  with 
short  loops.  Often  there  are  cruralia  present. 
Shells  smooth  or  coarsely  plicate.  Devonian 
to  Permian. 

Eunella  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Dielasma 
but  without  a  cruralium.  Devonian ;  North 

Dielasma  King  (Ejnthyris  King,  non 
Phillips)  (Fig.  598).  Dental  lamellae 
strong.  To  the  divergent  crural  plates  is  attached  a  shalloAV,  often  quite  long, 
free  or  sessile  cruralium.     Devonian  to  Permian  ;  Europe,  India  and  America. 

Fig.  598. 
Dielasma elongatnm(Bch\oth.).  Permian;  Hum- 
bleton,  England.     .1,  Dorsal  and  anterior  views, 
i/i-     B,  Interior  of  conjoined  valves,  greatly  en- 
larged (after  Davidson). 




Girtyella  Weller.  Like  Dielasma,  but  the  cruralium  is  supported  by  a 
septum.      Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Bielasmoides  Weller.  Like  Girtyella,  but  with  septal  plates  instead  of 
crural  lamellae.     Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Cranaena  Hall  and  Clarke.  Dental  lamellae  strong.  Socket  plates 
uniting  into  a  hinge -plate  which  is  posteriorly  perforate ;  no  cruralium. 
Devonian  and  Lower  Carboniferous.  Subgenera  :  Hamburgia  and  Bielasmella 
Weller.     Lower  Carboniferous,  North  America. 

Dielasmina  Waagen.     Plicated  Dielasmids,      Carboniferous ;  India. 

Beecheria  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Dielasma,  but  without  dental  lamellae ; 
cruralium  completely  sessile.      Carboniferous  ;  North  America  and  India. 

Bowleyella  AVeller.  Both  valves  with  median  septa.  Lower  Carboniferous  ; 
North  America. 

Heterelasma  Girty.  Smooth  Dielasmids  with  a  ventral  fold  and  a  dorsal 
sinus.  Median  septa  in  both  valves.  Hinge-plate  rudimentary.  Permian  ; 

Hemiptychina  Waagen.  Plicated  Dielasmids  without  dental  plates.  Carboni- 
ferous to  Permian  ;  India. 

Notothyris  Waagen  (Bostranteris  Gemmellaro).  Coarsely  plicate  biconvex 
shells  with  a  perforate  hinge-plate  as  in  Centronella.     Permian ;  India. 

Subfamily  C.     Terebratdlinae  Dall. 

Post-Paleozoic  Terehratulidae  tvith  a  short  loop.     A  median  unpaired  coiled  arm 
exists  in  Eecent  genera.     Triassic  to  Recent. 

Terebratula   Miiller    1^76    (as    redefined   by  Buckman    1907)   (Fig.   599). 
Genotype    Anomia    terehra- 
tida  Linn.    Pliocene.    Large 
biplicate  shells  of  the  Ter- 
tiary of  Europe. 

Musculus  Quenstedt. 
Buckman  states  that  this 
term  will  be  useful  for  the 
Cretaceous  biplicate  species. 
Genotype  Terebratula  acuta 
Quenst.     Europe. 

Epithyris    Phillips,   non  ^'\^^^^  ^^^^^^^^Sd^ 

King.      Buckman  uses  this 

Pig.  599. 

Fig.  6UU. 

Pygope  diph y a  (Colonna,).  Titlionian  ; 
Trent,  Tyrol.     Vi- 

genus    for   a    small    group 

of  Jurassic  biplicate  forms.   m^IZ' Mi^l^  j^IrafS 

Genotype  Terebratula  maxil-    "ear  Aarau,  Switzerland,  i/i- 

lata  Sowerby.     Europe. 

Ehaetina  and  Ziigmeyeria  Waagen.  These  genera  comprise  biplicate 
forms,     Trias ;  Europe. 

Pygope  Link  {Diphyites  Schroter)  (Fig.  600) ;  Antinomia  Catullo ;  and 
Pygites  de  Haan  (as  redefined  by  Buckman  1906).  Three  independent  genera, 
according  to  Buckman,  with  the  shells  originally  bilobed,  the  two  lobes  often 
uniting  anteriorly  in  adult  specimens,  but  leaving  posteriorly  a  median 
hollow  space  passing  through  both  valves.  Developed  out  of  a  Glossothyrid- 
like  form.     Jurassic  ;  Europe. 




Propygope  Bittner.     Triassic ;  Europe. 

Didyothyris  Douvill^  (Fig.  601);  Glossothyris  Boxw'iWq  (Fig.  602);  Pseuclo- 
r/lossothyris  Buckman  ;  (1)  Disculina  Deslong.     All  from  the  European  Jura. 
Liothyrina  CEhlert  (LiotJujris  Douville)  (Fig.  603).     Tertiary  to  Kecent. 
Terebratulina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  604).     Jurassic  to  Recent ;  distribution  general. 
Chlidonophora  Dall.     Deep-sea  Terebratulinae.     Recent. 

Subfamily  D.      Dyscoliinae  Beecber. 

Post-Paleozoic  Terebratulidae  with  the  loop  short  and  no  coiled  median  arm. 
(?)  Cretaceous,  Recent. 

Glossothyris  nttcleata  (Schloth.). 
Upper  Jura ;  Bngelhardsberg, 
Franconia.     i/j. 

Fic.  601. 

Diclyolhyi-U  coarctatu,  (Park.).     Great  Oolite  ;  Bath,  England.    A-C,  Three 
views  of  the  natural  size.    D,  Portion  of  outer  surface,  enlarged. 

Fi(i.  603. 
Liothyrina  vitrea  (liinn.).     Recent ;  Mediterranean,    i/i- 

Fig.  604. 

Tereb-ratulina  suh- 
ftfriata  (Schloth.). 
Ujiper  Jura  ;  Nat- 
theim,  Wurtem- 
berg.    Viv 

Dyscolia  and  Eucalathis  Fischer  and  CEhlert.     Recent. 

(?)  A(julhasia  King.  Small  Terebratulina-\ike  shells  with  the  ventral  beak 
greatly  elevated  and  a  triangular  false  cardinal  area.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Division  B.     Terebratelloids. 

Terebratulacea  with  the  loop  supported  by  a  median  dorsal  septum  throughout 
life,  or  only  in  the  younger  stages.  Brachial  cirri  directed  inwards  during  larval 
stages.  This  section  has  two  phyla  having  a  common  origin,  now  geographically 
separated  in  two  provinces,  one  austral,  the  other  boreal. 

Family  1.     Terebratellidae  King  (emend.  Beecher). 

Terebratelloids  with  the  loop  in  the  higher  genera  composed  of  two  jmmary  and 
two  secondary  lamellae,  passing  through  a  series  of  distinct  metamorphoses  while 
attached  to  a  dorsal  septum.     Devonian  to  Recent. 




Subfamily  A.     Megathyrinae  Dall  (emend.  Beecher). 

Terehratellidae  in  tvhich  the  loop  is  composed  of  descending  branches  only,  passing 
in  the  highest  genus  through  stages  correlative  with  Gwijnia,  Argyrotheca  and 
Megathyris.  The  lower  genera  do  not  complete  the  series.  The  original  stock  for  the 
two  following  subfamilies.     Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Gwynia  King.     Minute,  elongate-oval,  smooth  shells  with  a  short,  nearly 
straight    hinge-line.       Neither    septa 
nor  loop.     Brachia  primitive,  consist- 
ing of  a  circlet  of  cirri.     Recent. 

Zellania  Moore.  Minute  shells 
without  a  loop,  but  with  a  median 
septum  in  each  valve.    Lias  ;  Europe. 

Argyrotheca  Dall  (Cistella  Gray) 
(Fig.  605).  Externally  like  3Iega- 
thyris,  but  without  lateral  septa. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent ;  Europe. 

Megathyris    d'Orb.    (Argiope    Des- 
long.)    (Fig.    606).      Transversely    elongate,    plicate    shells    with 
straight   hinge -line.     Dorsal    valve  with    three    or    five   septa,    causing 
brachidium  to  have  four  lobes.     Jura  to  Recent ;  Europe. 

Fio.  605. 

Argyrotheca  hilo- 
cularls  (Desl.). 
Cenomanian  ;    La 

Fi(i.  1506. 

Megathyris  decollata  (Chem.).  Re- 
cent; Medicerranean.  Interior  of 
dorsal  valve,    ■i/i  (after  Bavidson). 



Subfamily  B.     Dallininae  Beecher. 

Terebratellidae  with  the  loop  composed  of  descending  and  ascending  lamellae, 
passing  in  the  highest  genera  through  metamorphoses  comparable  to  the  adult  structure 
of  Platidia,  Ismenia,  Muehlfeldtia,  Terebratalia,  and  Dcdlina.  The  lower  genera, 
therefore,  do  not  progress  to  the  final  stages.  Jura  to  Recent.  Recent  genera 
restricted  to  boreal  seas. 

Platidia  Costa  (Morrisia  Davidson).  Small,  smooth,  biconvex  shells  with 
a  large  pedicle  opening  common  to  both  valves.     In  the  dorsal  valve  there 

is  a  high  vertical 
plate  to  which  are 
attached  the  de- 
scending branches; 
ascending  branches 
not  represented. 

Ismenia  King. 
Coarsely  plicate 
shells  with  the  loop 
consisting    of    fim- 

FiG.  60S. 

Fig.  607. 

TrlgoneUlna  pectuncula  (Scliloth.).  Upper 
Jura ;  Engelhardsberg,  Frauconla.  A-C, 
Shell  of  the  natural  size.  D,  E,  Two  .views 
of  loop,  enlarged. 

Mnehlfpldtlxi  truncata  (Gemm.).  .  ,  , . 

Recent ;   Mediterranean.     Interior  briate       descending 

of  dorsal  valve,   c,  Crura ;  (7,  Dental  i  \i  aa  a  -n  c\ 

sockets  ;  «,  Jugum  ;  /,  ?,  Ascending  Draucnes  anu 

and  descendiiig  branches  of  loop  ;  simple         aSCeudiug 
p.  Process  attached  to  median  sep-  ^  <-' 

turn ;    pr,    Cardinal     process  ;    S,  branches.       Jura. 
Median  septum. 

Trigonellina  Buckman  (Fig.  607).     Jurassic  ;  Europe. 
Muehlfeldtia  Bayle  {Megerlea  King)  (Fig.  608).     Jura  to  Recent. 




Fremdina  Dall.     Subgenus  of  Muehlfeldtia.     Recent. 

Terehratalia  Beecher.  Shell  when  adult  like  Terehratella,  but  passing 
through  a  quite  different  series  of  metamorphoses.     Recent. 

Dallina  Beecher.  Elongate  Terehrataliae  with  a  small  cardinal  process  and 
a  ventral  median  sinus.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Macandrevia  King.  Elongate  Terehrataliae  with  dental  plates  and  no 
cardinal  process.     Recent.     A  subgenus  of  Eudesia,  according  to  Dall. 

Laqueus  Dall  (Fremda  Dall).  Like  Terehratalia,  but  the  loop  has  two 
lateral  processes  connecting  the  ascending  and  descending  bi'anches.     Recent. 

Fig.  609. 

A,  B,  Kingena  lima  (Defr.).  Cretaceous  ;  England.  Lateral  and  frontal  aspect  of  loop,  enlarged  (after 
Davidson).  C,  Specimen  from  the  Galeritenplriner  of  Salzgitter,  i/,.  D,  External  surface,  enlarged.  E,  F, 
Kingena  friesensis  (Schriifer).  Upper  Jura  ;  Gruibingen,  Wiirtemberg.  Vi-  ^'>  Crura  ;  d,  Dental  sockets  ; 
e,  Jugum  ;  /,  I,  Ascending  and  descending  branches  of  loop  ;  j.  Cardinal  process  ;  r,  Point  of  recurvature  of 
loop  ;  S,  Median  septum. 

Kingena  Davidson  (Kingia  Schloenbach)  (Fig.  609).     Cretaceous ;  Europe 
and  North  America. 

Pseudokingena  Bose  and  Schlosser.     Cretaceous  ;  Europe. 

Lyra  Cumberland  (Terehrirostra  d'Orb.)  (Fig.  610).     Cretaceous;  Europe. 

Fto.  tilO. 

Lyra  7ieocoiniensis  (d'Orb.). 
Lower  Cretaceous ;  Morteau, 
Doubs.     Natural  size. 

A,  Trigonogemus  elegans  Koenig.  White  Chalk  ; 
England.-  Interior  of  dorsal  valve,  enlarged  (aftei- 
Davidson).  B,  T.  palissiiiWoodw.  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Ciply,  Belgium,    i/j. 



Trigonosemus   Koenig   (Fissitrirostra,   Fissirostra   d'Orb. 
(Fig.  611).     Cretaceous,-  Europe. 

ilficro</i?yns  Deslongchamps  (Fig.  612);  Ornithella  Deslongchamps, ;  Zeilleria 
Bayle.     Jurassic  genera  ;  Europe. 

Aidacoihyris'DonVxWii  (¥ig.  613).     Trias  to  Cretaceous  ;  Europe.     Eudesia 
King ;  Orthotoma  and  Trigonella  Quenst.  ;  Flahellothyris  Deslong.     Jura  ;  Europe. 





iotliyris  and  Epkyrta  Deslong.     Jura.     Camerothyris  Bittner.      Trias. 

Cincta  Quenstedt.  Jura.  Antiptychina 
Zittel.  Jura.  Plesiothyris  Douvill6.  Jura. 
These  are  all  European  genera. 

1  Hynniphoria  Suess;  ?  Crurahda  Bittner; 
?  Orthoidea  Friren. 

Microtlu/ris  lagenalh  (Sohlotli.)-     Conibrasli ; 
Rushden,  England,     i/j  (after  Davidson). 

Fifi.  613. 

Aitlacothyris  resupinafa  (Sow.).     Middle  Lias  ;  Ilminster, 
England  (after  Deslongchamps). 

Subfamily  C.     Magellaniinae  Beecher. 

Terebratellidae  ivith  the  loop  composed  of  descending  and  ascending  branches, 
passing  in  the  higher  genera  through  metamorphoses  comparable  to  the  adult  structure 


Fig.  614. 

Magaf:  pinailus  Sow.  White 
Chalk;  Meudon,  near  Paris.  A,B, 
Shell,  i/i-  '-',  Vertical  section.  D, 
Interior  of  dorsal  valve. 

Fio.  615. 

Coenothyris  fultiaris  (Schloth.).  Muschelkalk ;  Wlirzburg.  ^4, 
Dorsal  and  anterior  views,  i/j.  B,  Loop  enlarged  and  restored 
from  sections  treated  with  aci<l  (partly  after  Koschinsky). 

of  Bouchardia,  Magas,  Magasella,  Terehratella  and  Magellania.  The  lower  genera 
become  adidt  before  reaching  the  terminal  stages.  Jura  to  Recent.  Recent  genera 
restricted  to  austral  seas. 

Bouchardia  Davidson  (Fachyrhynchus  King).     Recent ;  South  Atlantic. 

Magas  Sowerby  (Fig.  614).  Cretaceous;  Europe.  Pachymagas  von 
Ihering.  Tertiary ;  Patagonia.  Magasella  Dall.  Recent.  Coenothyris 
Douville  (Fig.  615).     Trias;  Europe. 




Terebratella  d'Orb.   (Delthyris  Menke ;   Ismenia  King ;   Waltonia  Davidson) 
(Fig.  616).     Jura  to  Recent. 

Magellania  Bayle  {IFaldheimia  King;  Neothjris  Douville)  (Figs.  534,  535, 

pr  617).     Jura  to  Recent. 

Ehynchorina  Q^hlert.  Cre- 
taceous. Megerlina  Deslong- 
champs.  Recent.  Kraussina 
Davidson  (Kraussia  Davidson, 
non  Dana  1852).  Recent. 
Mannia  Dewalque.  Miocene. 
(?)  Bhynchora  Dalman.    Cretace- 


Fig.  616. 

Fio.  617 

Superfamily  3. 

Telotremata    with    the    adult 
„        ,  ,,    „    .    .  .,. ,  X     „     brachia    supported    by   calcareous 

TerehrateUa       aorf^afa  Maqellania    flaveacens   (val.).      Re-  ■      7    7  77  ■7-  /-\ 

(Lam.).     Recent ;  Cliili.        cent ;   Australia.     Interior  of  dorsal    Spiral    lamellae    Or    Spiralia.       (jV- 
i/i.  valve,  somewhat  enlareetl.  j       •    •         j.      t 

'^  '  "  dovician  to  Jurassic. 

Tlie  Spiriferacea  are  ahimdaiitly  represented  from  the  Silurian  to  the  Carl^oni- 
ferous,  during  whicli  time  the  jugum  undergoes  many  and  often  rapid  changes.  The 
brachidia  in  Zygospira  are  knowai  to  begin  with  a  Centronella-like  loop,  as  in  the 
primitive  Terebratulacea. 

Family  1.     Atrypidae  Gill. 

Divergent  Spiriferacea  with  the  crura  directly  continuous  with  the  primary 
lamellae,  which  diverge  widely  and  have  the  spiral  cones  between  them.  Jugum 
simple,  complete,  or  incomplete.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Subfamily  A. 

Zygospirinae  Waagen. 

Primitive  Atrypidae  with  a  simple  jugum,  either  posteriorly  or  anteriorly 
directed.  Spiralia  with  apices  directed  toward  the  median  dorsal  region.  Ordovician 
to  Devonian, 

Zygospira  Hall  (Anazyga  Davidson  ;  Orthonomaca  Hall ;  Hallina  Winchell 
and  Schuchert ;  Protozyga  Hall  and  Clarke)  (Fig. 
618).  Like  Atrypa,  but  small,  and  the  spirals 
composed  of  fewer  coils.  Jugum  a  simple  con- 
necting band,  situated  rather  anteriorly.  Sur- 
face sharply  plicate,  never  lamellose.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Catazyga  Hall  and  Clarke.  More  rotund  and 
finely  striated  than  Zygospira,  with  the  complete 
jugum  decidedly  posterior  in  position.  Ordo- 
vician and  Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Atrypina  Hall  and  Clarke.  Primitive  Atrypae 
with  few  plications,  and  but  three  or  four 
volutions  in  each  spiral.     Jugum  as  in  Atrypa, 

Fic.  618. 

Zyifosplra  wodcMa  Hall.     Orilovician  ; 
Cincinnati,  Ohio,     ^/i  (after  Hall). 


Late    Ordovician    to    Devonian ; 


North    America    and 

but    continuous. 

Glassia  Davidson  (Fig.  G19).     Small,  smooth  shells,  with  the  apices  of  the 
laterally  compressed   spirals  situated   at   the  centre   of 
the  brachial  cavity.     Jugum  similar  to  that  of  Atrypina. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Subfamily  B. 

Atrypinae  Waagen. 

Terminal  Atrypidae  with  the  jugum  situated  extremely 
posteriorly,  complete  in  young  stages,  hat  at  maturity  dis- 
continuous. Spiralia  dorso-medially  directed.  Late  Ordo- 
vician to  Devonian. 

Atrypa  Dalman  (Spirigerina  d'Orb.)  (Fig.  620). 
Shell  radially  plicated,  usually  with  lamellar  expansions 
or  hollow  spines.  Spirals  introverted,  dorso-medially 
directed.      Jugum   extremely  posterior   in   position,   and  complete  in    young 

Pic.  619. 

Glassia  obuvata  (Sowerby). 
Silurian  ;  Wenlock,  England. 
Interior  of  dorsal  valve.  '^/^ 
(after  Davidson). 

Fio.  620. 

Atry2^a  reticularis  (Liim.).  Middle  Devonian;  Gerolstein.  Eifel.  ^1,  Umlional  aspect  of  adult  specimen.  B, 
Ventral  aspect  and  profile  of  youny  shell.  C,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve,  showing  spiralia,  crura,  and  jugum. 
D,  Ventral  valve,  showing  muscular  and  vascular  impressions,  a,  Adductors  ;  c,  Diductors  ;  (/,  Deltidial  plates  ; 
o,  Ovaries  ;  p,  Pedicle  muscle. 

stages ;  but  mesially  absorbed  at  maturity.  Widely  distributed  in  the  late 
Ordovician,  Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Grueneivaldtia  Tschernyschew.  Atrypa-like  shells,  but  with  the  relative 
convexity  of  the  valves  reversed.     Devonian  ;  Russia. 

(?)  Karpinshya  Tschernyschew.  Elongate,  Atryjpa-\\\iQ  shells,  with  a  median 
dorsal  septum.      Devonian  ;  Russia. 

(1)  Clintonella  Hall  and  Clarke.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Subfamily  C. 

Dayiinae  Waagen. 

Fir;.  621. 

Dayia  iiarirula(iiov/.).    Silurian;  Lud- 
low, Shropshire,     s/o  (after  Davidson). 

Derived  Atrypidae  with  the  jugum  drawn  out 
posteriorly  into  a  simple  short  process.  Spiralia 
laterally  directed. 

Dayia  Davidson  (Fig.  621).  Small  smooth 
shells,  with  the  jugum  situated  anteriorly,  and 
drawn  out  posteriorly  into  a  simple  short  process. 
Spiralia  laterally  directed.      Silurian  ;  Europe. 

410  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

Family  2.      Oyclospiridae,  novum. 

Primitive  Spiriferacea  with  the  crura  directly  continuous  with  the  bases  of  the 
primary  lamellae,  which  are  closely  set  and  nearly  parallel.  Spiralia  very  slightly 
introverted  and  of  but  three  or  less  volutions ;  no  jugum  present.     Middle  Ordovician. 

Cyclospira  Hall  and  Clarke.  Small,  smooth,  rostrate  shells,  with  a  deep 
ventral  and  a  shallow  dorsal  valve.  Dorsal  hinge-plate  supported  by  a  median 
septum.     Middle  Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Family  3.     Spiriferidae  King. 

Derived  Spiriferacea  with  the  crura  directUj  continuous  with  the  bases  of  the 
primary  lamellae,  which  are  situcded  between  the  laterally  directed  spiralia.  Jugum 
simple,  complete,  or  incomplete.     Silurian  to  Jurassic. 

Subfamily  A.      Spiriferinae,  novum. 

Sjjiriferidae  with  the  jugum  discontinuous  at  maturity,  represented  by  two  short 
jugal  pjrocesses,  one  attached  to  each  primary  lamella.  Shell  structure  with  scattering 
perforations,  but  never  regularly  punctate.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Spirifer  Sowerby.  This  name  has  been  made  to  cover  a  vast  number  of 
Paleozoic  Brachiopods  having  a  more  or  less  alate  form,  a  multiplicate  surface, 
and  terminally  directed  spiralia.  Various  attempts  have  been  made  to  group 
the  species  into  phyletic  series,  but  as  there  is  present  more  or  less  of  homoeo- 
morphic  development  a  completely  satisfactory  arrangement  is  not  yet  at 
hand.     The  following  scheme  is  of  tentative  character. 

Spirifer  Sowerby  sensn  sfricto  {Fusella  M'Coy)  (Fig.  622,  A).  Transverse, 
usually  alate  Spirifers  with  the  entire  shells  more  or  less  closely  plicate ; 
plications  simple  or  dichotomous.  Short  dental  plates  developed,  but  no  high 
median  septa  in  either  valve.  Genot3'-pe  Anomites  striatus  Martin.  Section 
Aperturati  Hall  and  Clarke.     Devonian  to  Permian ;  distribution  general. 

Section  Spiriferella  Tschernyschew.  A  group  of  subquadrate  Spirifers 
suggesting  S.  cameratus,  but  with  the  surface  finely  papillose.  Ventral  shells 
very  thick,  with  strong  dental  plates.  Upper  Carboniferous ;  Urals,  Alaska 
and  North  America. 

Section  Trigonotreta  Koenig.  Early,  coarsely  plicate  Spirifers  in  which 
the  plications  are  simple  and  not  dichotomous.  Genotype  S.  aperturatus 
Schlotheim.     Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Section  Choristites  Fischer  (Fig.  622,  D).  Quadrate  Spirifers  that  are 
decidedly  multiplicate  and  have  long  dental  plates.  Genotype  S.  mosquensis 
Vern.     Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Section  Dzieduszychia  Siemiradz.  Large  short-hinged  Spirifers  with  a 
plicate  sinus  in  either  valve.  Genotype  Terebr.  kielcensis  Roemer.  Middle 
Devonian ;  Europe. 

Section  Brachyfhyris  M'Coy.  Rounded,  tumid,  short-hinged  Spirifers,  with 
broad  and  depressed  plications  tending  to  be  absent  on  fold  and  sinus. 
Genotype  *S^.  ovcdis  Phillips.     Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Subgenus  Adoljia  Giirich  (Fig.  622,  ^,  C).  Quadrate  to  alate,  multiplicate 
but  not  dichotomously  plicate  Spirifers,  that  have  no  plications  on  fold  or 
sinus  (rarely,  the  fold  is  bilobed  and  then  there  may  be  a  plication  in  the 
sinus).  Surface  pustulose  or  finely  pustulo-striate.  Dental  plates  short ;  no 
ventral    median    septum.      Genotype    S.    deflexus    Roemer.      Section    Ostiolati 




Hall  and  Clarke.     Essentially  Devonian  but  persisting  into  Carboniferous  ; 
distribution  general. 

Subgenus  Syringothyris  Winchell  {Syringopleura  Schuchert).  Like  Adolfia, 
but  usually  with  large  and  erect  ventral  cardinal  areas,  and  always  with  an 
internal  tube  or  syrinx,  situated  in  the  delthyriura.  Upper  Devonian  and 
Lower  Carboniferous  ;  widely  distributed. 

A  D 

Fio.  622. 

A,  Spirifer  striatus  (Martin).  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Ireland.  Portion  of  dorsal  valve  removed,  showing 
spiralia,  •V4  (aifter  Davidson).  B,  S.  (Adolfia?)  speciosus  (Scliloth.).  Devonian;  Eifel.  i/j.  C,  S.  (Adolfia?) 
macropterus  (Goldf.).  Devonian  ;  Coblenz.  Mould,  i/j.  D,  S.  (Choristites)  mosquensis  Vern.  Middle  Carboni- 
ferous ;  Moscow.     E,  Same,  interior  of  ventral  valve,  i/j.    p,  Pseudodeltidium  ;  x,  Dental  plates. 

Subgenus  Syringospira  Kindle.  Like  Syringothyris,  but  with  a  striate  fold 
and  sinus.     Upper  Devonian  ;  New  Mexico. 

Subgenus  Delthyris  Dalman.  Small  early  Spirifers  that  are  coarsely  plicate 
except  on  the  fold  and  sinus.  Surface  lamellose ;  the  imbricating  lamellae 
marked  with  very  fine  radiating  striae  which  do  not  terminate  in  spines. 
Short  dental  lamellae  present  along  with  a  more  or  less  high  ventral  median 
septum.  Resemble  Spiriferhia,  but  the  shell  structure  is  not  finely  and 
regularly  punctate.  Genotype  D.  elevata  Dalman.  Section  Lamellosi-Septati 
Hall  and  Clarke.     Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  distribution  general. 

Subgenus  Eospirifer,  novum.  Quadrate  or  alate  early  Spirifers  that  are 
either  smooth,  radially  undulate,  or  plicate,  but  without  plications  on  fold  and 
sinus.  Surface  with  additional  fine,  filiform,  radiating  striae  which  may  be 
minutely  crenulate  or  granulose.  Dental  lamellae  present.  Genotype  Spirifer 
radiatus  Sowerby.  Section  Eadiati  Hall  and  Clarke.  Essentially  Silurian 
but  persisting  into  Lower  Devonian  ;  distribution  general. 

412  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

Cyrtia  Dalman  (Fig.    623).      Distinguished    from   Spirifer   by   having  an 
unusually  high  ventral  area,  with  its  narrow  delthyrium  closed  by  a  perforated 

pseudodeltidium,  resulting  from  fused  deltidial  plates. 
Silurian  to  Devonian ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Reticdlariinae  Waagen. 

Pio.  623. 

Spiriferidae  with  a  spinose  surface.     Spiralia   prohahly 
as  in  Triqonotretinae.     Late  Silurian  to  Permian. 

Cyrtia   exporrecta  (Walil- 

Naturai  size.       '  '  Reticularia  M'Coy.      Spirifers  without  alations,  and 

generally  without  radial  undulations.  Surface  with 
imbricating  lamellae  that  terminate  in  spines.  Dental  plates  present. 
Genotype  R.  reticulata  M'Coy.  Section  Fimhriati  {pars)  Hall  and  Clarke. 
Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous ;  widely  distributed. 

Subgenus  Prosserella  Grabau.  Small  early  Eeticulariae  with  well-developed 
parallel  and  closely  set  dental  lamellae.     Late  Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Subgenus  Squamularia  Gemmellaro.  Like  Eeticularia,  but  without  dental 
or  septal  plates.     Carboniferous  and  Permian  ;  widely  distributed. 

Subfamily  C.     Martiniixae  Waagen. 

Spiriferidae  with  a  smooth  surface.  Spiralia  prohahly  as  in  the  Trigonotretinae. 
Devonian  to  Permian. 

Amhocoelia  Hall.  Small,  concave,  or  plano-convex,  usually  smooth  Spirifer- 
like  shells.  Four  well-defined  adductor  scars  near  the  anterior  margin  in  the 
dorsal  shell.     Devonian  to  Carboniferous  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 

Martinia  M'Coy.  Short-hinged  Spirifers  that  in  general  have  smooth  or 
concentrically  marked  exteriors,  and  rarely  may  be  somewhat  radially  un- 
dulate. No  dental  plates  or  median  septa;  Genotype  Anomites  glaber  Martin. 
Section  Glabrati-Aseptati  Hall  and  Clarke.  Lower  Carboniferous  to  Permian  ; 
distribution  general. 

Subgenus  Martiniopsis  Waagen.  Like  Martinia,  but  with  well-developed 
diverging  dental  and  septal  plates.     Permian  ;  India. 

Subgenus  Mentzelia  Quenstedt.  Like  Martinia,  but  with  a  prominent 
ventral  median  septum.     Triassic  ;  Europe. 

Metaplasia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Smooth  Spirifer-Yike.  shells,  with  a  median 
fold  on  the  ventral  valve  and  a  sinus  on  the  dorsal  valve.  Lower  Devonian  ; 
North  America. 

Verneuilia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Small,  smooth  Spirifers,  with  a  deep  median 
sinus  and  two  pronounced  angular  divergent  ridges  on  each  valve.  Devonian 
to  Carboniferous  ;  Europe. 

Family  4.     Suessiidae  Waagen. 

Spiriferacea  with  the  crura  directly  continuous  with  the  bases  of  the  primary 
lamellae.  Spiralia  laterally  directed.  Jugum  continuous  and  more  or  less  V-shaped. 
Shell  structure  highly  punctate.     Silurian  to  Jurassic. 

Cyrtina  Davidson  (Fig.  624).      Cyrtia-like  shells,  with  the  dental  lamellae 




converging  and  united  with  the  median  seiDtum.  Silurian  to  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous.    Distribution  general. 

(?)  Cyrtinopsis  Scupin.  Like  Ci/rtina,  but  shell  structure  is  not  punctate. 
Devonian ;  Germany. 

Thecocyrtella  Bittner.  Very  small,  ventrally  cemented,  smooth-shelled 
Cyrtinae.     Alpine  Trias.     Cyrtotheca  Bittner.     Alpine  Trias. 

Bittnerula  Hall  and  Clarke.     Like  Thecocyrtella,  but  with  the  abbreviated 

Fk;.  625. 

Spiel ferina  rostrata  (Sowerby). 
Middle  Lias ;  Ilminster.  i/i  (after 

Fig.  624. 

.  A,Cyrtinahcteroclyta(DeiT.).  Devonian  ;  Eifel.  Vi-  B,  Shell  witli 
dorsal  valve  mostly  removed,  showing  spiralia,  %  (after  Davidson). 
C,  Cyrtina  carhonaria  M'Coy.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Kendal,  Ireland, 
i/i.  Interior  of  ventral  valve.  The  pseudodeltidium  is  removed  to 
show  the  dental  plates  and  median  ^ptum. 

dental  plates  uniting  with  the  very  high  median  septum,  forming  a  transverse 
platform  beneath  the  united  deltidial  plates.     Alpine  Trias. 

Spiriferina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  625).  Like  Spirifer,  but  with  the  shell  substance 
punctate,  and  a  prominent  ventral  median  septum.  Loop  simple,  complete. 
Carboniferous  to  Jura. 

Suessia  Deslongchamps.  Similar  to  Spiriferina,  but  the  dental  plates  not 
extending  to  the  bottom  of  the  valve.  Jugum  with  a  median  process.  Jura ; 

Family  5. 

Uncitidae  Waagen. 

Deltidial  plates 

Spiriferacea  with  the  crura  directly  continuous  with  the  bases  of  the  primary 
lamellae.     Spiralia  laterally  directed.     Jugum  as  in  Suessiidae.     Just  within  the 
posterior  margin  of  the  dorsal  valve  are  concave  pouch-lihe  plates, 
united    and    deeply   concave.      Shell    structure   impunctate. 
Family  anomalous.     Devonian  and  Permian. 

Uncites  Def ranee  (Fig.  626).  Shells  rostrate,  striate, 
with  the  ventral  beak  long,  frequently  distorted  and 
arched.  No  cardinal  area.  Deltidial  plates  united, 
forming  a  concave  plate.  Pouch-like  plates  just  within 
the  margins  of  the  dorsal  valve.     Devonian ;  Germany. 

Uncinella  Waagen.     Permian  ;  India. 

Family  6.     Rhynchospiridae  Hall  and  Clarke. 

Derived  Spiriferacea  with  the  bases  of  the  primary 
lamellae  situated  betiveen  the  spiralia  and  sharply  recurved 
dorsally  at  their  junction  with  the  crura.  Spiralia  laterally 
directed.      Jugum    usually   with   a   single  process   that   is  Cologne.'^ 'vi 

Fig.  620. 

Uncites  gryphus  (Schloth.). 
Devonian ;    Benzberg,    neajc 




commonly  recurved,  hut  is  sometimes  bifurcated.     Shells  plicate  and  their  structure 
abundantly  punctate.     Silurian  to  Permian. 

Rhynchospira  Hall  (Fig.   627,  C,  D).     Eostrate,  radially  plicate  shells  with 
a   short   curved   hinge-line ;    apex   truncated  by  a  circular   pedicle  opening. 

Dorsal  hinge-plate  like 
that  of  Trematospira. 
Spirals  with  from  six 
to  nine  volutions. 
Jugum  V-shaped,  ex- 
panding apically  and 
terminating  pos- 
teriorly in  an  oblique 
edge.  Shell  structure 
punctate.  Devonian 
and  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous; North  Amei'ica 
and  Europe. 

Homoeospira     Hall 
a  linear   cardinal  process 

Pig.  027. 

.-1,  B,  Pti/chospira  ferita  (von  Buch).  Devonian  ;  Gerolstein,  Eifel.  i/j. 
C,  D,  Rhynckospira  salteri  (David.).  Silurian  ;  Wenlock,  Shropshire.  C,  In- 
terior of  dorsal  valve.  D,  Median  vertical  section  through  both  valves,  3/j 
(after  Davidson). 

and  Clarke.     Like  the  last, 
separating  the  crural  plates, 
in  an  acute  stem.     Silurian  ; 


but  differs  in 

Jugum  not  apically  expanded,  but  terminating 
North  America. 

Ptychospira  Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.  627,  ^,  B).  Like  Rhynchospira,  but  with 
a  few  angular  plications.  The  jugum  has  a  long,  simple  process  passing 
outward  between  the  coils  to  near  the  inner  surface  of  the  ventral  valve. 
Devonian  to  Lower  Carboniferous ;  North  America  and  Germany. 

Retzia  King  {Trigeria  Bayle).  Resembling  Rhynchospira  externally.  The 
ventral  umbonal  cavity  has  a  split  tube.  The  single  process  of  the  jugum 
terminally  forked.  This  genus  formerly  contained  all  shells  having  a  retzioid 
exterior.  At  present,  however,  but  a  single  species  is  admitted.  Devonian  ; 

Hustedia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Externally  like  Eumetria, 
but  with  coarse  plications,  and  internally  with  a  split 
tube,  as  in  Retzia.  Spirals  and  jugum  similar  to  those 
of  Eumetria,  but  with  fimbria  and  spinules  respectively. 
Upper  Carboniferous  and  Permian ;  America,  Europe, 
India  and  China. 

Trematospira  Hall.  Transverse  Rhynchospirae.  Silu- 
rian and  Devonian ;  North  America. 

Para2;?/5ra Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.  628).  Like  Trematospira, 
but  with  the  fine,  simple  ribs  covered  with  very  delicate, 
short,  hair-like  spines.     Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Eumetria  Hall.  Elongate  terebratuliform  shells  with 
numerous  fine  radiating  striae.  Hinge  -  line  short. 
Dorsal  hinge-plate  very  complicated.  Jugum  similar 
to  that  of  Retzia,  but  the  terminally  bifurcated  process 
is  extended  backward  at  an  abrupt  angle,  and  termi- 
nates just  in  front  of  the  apices  of  the  primary  lamellae. 
Shell  structure  punctate.  Lower  Carboniferous  ;  North 
America  and  Europe. 

Acambona  White.     Carboniferous  ;  North  America. 

Fig.  628. 

Parazyija  hirsvta  (Hall). 
Devonian  ;  Louisville,  Ken- 
tucky. ^,  Shell  of  the  natural 
size.  B,  Same  with  dorsal 
valve  partly  broken  open, 
showing  spiralia.  (.',  hinge- 
line  of  ventral  valve,  enlarged 
after  Hall). 




Family  7.     Meristellidae  Hall  and  Clarke. 

Derived  Spiriferacea,  with  the  bases  of  the  primary  lamellae  situated  between  the 
spiralia  and  sharply  recurved  dorsally  at  their  junction  with  the  crura.  Spiralia 
laterally  directed.  The  jugum  has  a  single  process  that  may  remain  simple  or  may 
bifurcate ;  the  bifurcations,  however,  do  not  enter  bettveen  the  lamellae  of  the  sjnralia, 
but  recurve  and  join  the  jugal  process  near  their  origin.  Shell  usually  smooth,  but 
sometimes  finely  hirsute,  and  the  structure  impunctate.  Late  Ordovician  to 

Sulifamily  A.     Hindellinae  Schuchert. 

Primitive  Meristellidae  in  which  the  jugum  has  a  single  process  that  is  'usually 
simple  and  rarely  is  sharply  recurved  terminally. 

Hindella  Davidson.  Ovate  or  elongate,  sub-equally  convex,  smooth, 
meristelloid  shells.  The  V-shaped  jugum  has  a  short,  acute  process.  A 
dorsal  median  septum  present.  Late  Ordovician ;  North  America.  Sub- 
genus Greenfieldia  Grabau.  Has  no  median  dorsal  septum.  Late  Silurian ; 
North  America. 

JFhitJieldia  Hall  and  Clarke.  Externally  sometimes  like  Hindella,  but 
usually  the  shells  have  a  fold  and  sinus, 
the  spirals  have  more  volutions,  and  the 
jugal  process  is  longer  and  curved. 
Genotype  JF.  nitida  H.,and  C.  Silurian 
and  Lower  Devonian ;  North  America 
and  Europe. 

Hyattidina,  nom.  nov.  {Hyattella  Hall 
and  Clarke,  non  F6r.  1821).  Similar 
to  Hindella,  but  compactly  sub-penta- 
hedral, and  without  the  dorsal  median 
septum.  Late  Ordovician  and  early 
Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Nucleospira  Hall  (Fig,  629).     Sub-circular,  biconvex  shells  with  numerous 

Fig.  029. 

Nucleospira  pisum  (Sow.).  Silurian  ;  Wenlock, 
England.  A,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve.  B,  Vertical 
section  through  both  calves,  -^/^  (after  Davidson). 

fine,  short  spinules.     Jugum  with  a  long,  straight,  simple  process, 
to  Lower  Carboniferous ;  North  America  and  Europe. 


Subfamily  B.     Meristellinae  Waagen. 

Specialised  Meristellidae,  in  which  the  jugal  process  bifurcates  and  may  remain 
so  or  may  continue  to  grow,  forming  two  loops  as  in  the  handles  of  scissors. 

Meristina  Hall  (IVhitfieldia  Davidson)  (Fig.  630).  Biconvex,  smooth- 
shelled.  Jugal  stem  with  a  short  bifurcation.  Silurian ;  North  America 
and  Europe. 

Glassina  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Meristina,  but  with  the  bifurcations  of 
the  jugum  originating  directly  from  its  apex.     Silurian ;  England. 

Meristella  Hall.  Externally  like  Merista,  but  without  spondylia.  Apex 
of  jugum  with  two  annular  processes.  Devonian ;  North  and  South  America 
and  Europe. 

Meristospira  Grabau.  Like  Meristella,  but  with  strong  dental  lamellae. 
Hinge-plate  perforated  by  a  visceral  foramen  and  the  dorsal  septum  not  united 
with  the  hinge-plate.     Late  Silutian  ;  North  America. 




CharioneUa  Billings.       Similar  to  the  last,  but  with  a   greatly  modified 
hinge-plate.      Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Pentagonia  Cozzens  {Goniocoelia  Hall).     Meristellids  with  a  broad,  angular, 

Fig.  eSO. 

Meristina  tumida  (Dalm.).     Silurian  ;  Gotland.    A,  Shell  of  the  natural  size.    B,  Interior  of  ventral  valve. 

C,  Hinge-line  and  median  septum  of  dorsal  valve. 

sharply  limited,  ventral  sinus  and  abrupt  lateral  slopes.  Dorsal  valve  with 
a  wide,  rounded  fold,  divided  by  a  narrow  sinus  and  umbo-laterally  with  two 
short  flanges.     Devonian ;  North  America. 

Merista  Suess  (Camarium  Hall)  (Fig.   631).     Like  Meristella,  but  with  a 
spondylium.      Silurian  (?)  and  Devonian  ;  Europe  and  North  Amei'ica. 


Fin.  631. 

Merista  harculea  (Barrande).  Devonian  (P"-) ;  Konieprus,  Bohemia.  A,  External  aspect  of  ventral  valve, 
broken  away  near  the  apex  so  as  to  show  the  "  shoe-lifter  process,"  i/j.  i>,  Fractured  shell  showing  median 
septum ;  spiralia  destroyed  (after  Barrande).  C,  D,  Frontal  and  lateral  views  of  spiralia,  slightly  enlarged 
(after  Davidson). 

Dicaniara  Hall  and  Clarke.  Meristellids  with  a  spondylium  ("  shoe-lifter 
process  ")  and  brachidium.     Devonian  ;  Europe. 

Dioristella  Bittner.     Similar  to  Meristella.     Alpine  Trias. 

Camarospira  Hall  and  Clarke.  Like  Meristella,  but  with  a  small  spon- 
dylium supported  by  a  median  septum,  to  which  is  attached  only  the  pedicle 
muscle.     Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Family  8.     Ooelospiridae  Hall  and  Clarke. 

Specialised  Spiriferacea,  with  the  primary  lamellae  as  in  the  Meristellidae ;  the 
jiigum  has  a  single  process  which  may  remain  simple  and  free,  or  articulate  in  a 
ventral  septal  socket.  Shells  plicate,  often  lainellose,  and  the  strncttire  impunctate. 
Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Anoplotheca  Sandb.  (Bifida  Davidson).     Concavo-convex  small  shells  with 




few  plications,  crossed  by  fine,  often  imbricating  growth  lines.  Jugum 
originating  near  the  mid-length  of  the  primary  lamellae,  uniting  and  forming 
a  simple  upright  stem  articulating  in  a  cavity  in  the  ventral  valve.  Dorsal 
valve  with  a  high  median  septum.     Devonian ;  Germany  and  France. 

Coelospira  Hall.  Shells  externally  much  like  Atrypina,  but  with  laterally 
directed  spirals.  Jugum  similar  to  that  of  Anoplotheca.  Silurian  and 
Devonian  ;  America  and  Europe.  Subgenus  :  Leptocoelia  Hall.  Larger  shells 
with  coarser  plications.     Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  widely  distributed. 

Anabaia  Clarke.  Similar  to  Coelospira,  but  with  a  highly  convex  dorsal 
valve.     Silurian  ;  Brazil  and  North  America. 

Vitulina  Hall.  Like  Coelospira,  bv;t  with  few  plications  and  a  long 
hinge-line.  Plications  covered  with  fine  radiating  lines  or  rows  of  pustules. 
Devonian  ;  America  and  South  Africa. 

Family  9.     Athyridae  Phillips. 

Specialised  Spiriferacea,  with  the  bases  of  the  primary  lamellae  situated  between 
the  spiralia  and  sharply  recurved  dorsally  at  their  junction  with  the  crura.  Spiralia 
laterally  directed.  Jugum  complete,  V-shaped,  with  the  apex  drawn  out  into  a  simple 
process  which  bifurcates  ;  this  elongates  and  enters  more  or  less  extensively  between  the 
lamellae  of  the  spiralia.  Shells  smooth,  lamellose,  or  spinose  ;  structure  impunctate. 
Devonian  to  Triassic. 

Subfamily  A.     Athyrinae  Waagen. 

Primitive  Athyridae,  in  which  the  single  process  of  the  jugum  bifurcates.  The 
branches  usually  terminate  between  the  first  and  second  volutions  of  the  spiralia. 
Shells  lamellose  or  spinose. 

Fio.  632. 

Athyris  concentrica  (von  Bnch).     A,  Shell  with  dorsal  valve  partly  removed.     B,  Interior  of  dorsal  valve, 
i/i-     C,  D,  Frontal  and  lateral  aspect  of  spiralia  (after  Davidson). 

Athyris  M'Coy  {Cleiothyris  Phillips,  non  King ;  Spirigera  d'Orb. ;  Euihyris 
Quenstedt)  (Fig.  632). 

Sub-equally  biconvex  shells  with  concentric  growth  lines  extended  into 
lamellae.  Ventral  umbo  not  prominent,  incurved,  usually  concealing  the 
pedicle  opening  and  deltidial  plates.  Teeth  supi:)orted  by  dental  lamellae. 
Hinge-plate  of  the  dorsal  valve  perforated  by  a  "visceral  foramen."  The 
peculiar  jugum  of  this  genus  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  632,  C,  D.  Devonian  and 
Carboniferous  ;  distribution  general. 

Anathyris  von  Peetz.  Athyrids  with  straight  hinge-lines  and  a  hidden 
ventral  area.      Devonian  ;  Europe. 

VOL.  I  2  E 

418  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

Adinoconchus  M'Coy.  Athyrids  with  very  wide,  radially  striate,  concentric 
lamellae.     Carboniferous ;  Europe. 

Cleiofhyridina  Buckman  (Cleiothyris  King,  non  Phillips).  Athyrids  with  con- 
centric rows  of  flat  spinules.  Carboniferous  and  Permian ;  distribution 

Composita  Bronn  {Seminula  Hall  and  Clarke,  non  M'Coy).  Genotype  Spirifer 
amhiguus  Sowerby.  Smooth-shelled  Athyrids.  Dorsal  hinge-plate  very  pro- 
minent.    Carboniferous  ;  distribution  general. 

Comelicania  Freeh.  Large,  decidedly  alate  Athyrids  with  angulated  sinuses 
in  both  valves.     Alpine  Upper  Permian. 

Janiceps  Freeh.  Small,  sharply  triangular  Athyrids  with  angulated  sinuses 
in  both  valves.     Alpine  Upper  Permian. 

Spirigerella  AVaagen.     Permian  ;  South  America  and  India. 

Amphitomella  Bittner.  Smooth  -  shelled 
Athyrids  with  a  double  cardinal  process  and 
median  septa  in  each  valve.     Alpine  Trias. 

Tetraetinella     Bittner     (Plicigera     Bittner) 
(Fig.  633).       Athyrids  with  four  correspond- 
ing ribs  on  each  valve.     Alpine  Trias.     Sub- 
genus :  Stolzenhurgiella  Bittner.     Alpine  Trias. 
Pentadinella  Bittner.     Athyrids  with  five 

TdmHlnella  trigondln  (8c]^\ott\eim).  ,.  .,  ,  ,  ^-^ 

Muscheikaik ;  Recoaro,  Italy.   Vi-         corrcsponduig  nos  On  each  valve.      Occurs  in 

the  Alpine  Trias. 
Anomadindla  Bittner.     Athyrids  with  a  number  of  angular  alternating 
ribs  towards  the  anterior  margins.     Alpine  Trias. 

PomatospireUa  Bittner.  Small  smooth  shells  having  the  contour  of  Dayia 
or  Cydospira.     Alpine  Trias. 

Subfamily  B.     Diplospireltjnae  Schucliert. 

Specialised  Athyridae  (out  of  the  Athyrinae),  with  the  jugal  bifurcations  very 
long,  lying  between  the  volutions  of  the  spiralia,  and  continuing  toith  these  to  their 
outer  ends.  Sometimes  there  is  an  additional  jugal  process  which  articulates  with  the 
ventral  valve,  or  recurves  and  joins  the  jugum.     Devonian  to  Triassic. 

Kayseria  Davidson.  Lenticular,  plicated  shells  with  a  median  plicated 
sinus  on  both  valves.  Jugum  with  a  ventral  articulating  process  and  the 
bifurcations  continued  between  the  spiral  ribbons  to  their  outer  ends. 
Devonian  ;  Germany. 

Diplospirella  Bittner.  Athyrids  with  the  jugal  processes  coextensive 
with  the  principal  spiral  coils.     Alpine  Trias. 

Pexidella  Bittner.  Athyrids  difiering  from  Diplospirella  in  that  the 
jugum  is  much  reduced  and  situated^ in  the  umbonal  region.  Valves  much 
thickened  in  the  apical  region.     Alpine  Trias. 

Euradinella  Bittner.  Diplospirellids  with  short  corresponding  ribs. 
Alj)ine  Trias.     Didymospira.     Salomon.     Alpine  Trias. 

AnisadineUa  Bittner.  Diplospirellids  with  alternating  ribs.  The 
secondary  spiral  coils  give  oft'  a  process  which  returns  and  joins  the  jugum. 
Alpine  Trias. 




Subfamily  C.     Koninckininae  Waageii. 

Highly  specialised  Athyridae  with  jugmn  and  spiralia  essentially  as  in  Diplo- 
spirellinae.  The  spiralia,  however,  are  not  laterally  directed  as  in  the  former  group, 
but  point  ventrally,  this  being  due  to  the  concave  form  of  the  dorsal  valve.  Triassic 
and  Jurassic. 

Koninchina  Suess  (Fig.  634).  Shell  sub-orbicular,  concavo-convex,  smooth, 
with  a  straight  hinge-line,  or  strophomenoid  in  external  appearance.  Car- 
dinal  area   obsolete   at   maturity.     The   accessory   spirals   take   their   origin 

Fio.  634. 

Konincldna  leonhardi  (  Upper 
Trias  ;  St.  Cassian,  Tyrol.  A,  Shell  show- 
ing spiralia,  enlarged.  B,  Ventral  and 
dorsal  aspects,  i/j.  , 

Fig.  635. 

Amphicliwi,  with  re- 
stored brachidia  (after 

Fic.  636. 

Thecospira  haidingeri  (Suess). 
Rhaetic  ;  Starhemberg,  Austria. 
A,  Ventral  valve,  i/i.  B,  C, 
Brachidia,  enlarged  (after  Zug- 

from  the  upper  surface  of  the  jugum,  and  are  coextensive  with  the  primary 
spirals.     Trias ;  Europe. 

Amphiclina  Laube  (Fig.  635).  Like  Koninckina,  but  sub-trigonal  in  out- 
line, and  with  well-developed  cardinal  area  and  deltidial  plates.  Trias  and 
Jura  ;  Europe. 

Koninckella  Munier-Chalmas.  Similar  to  Amphiclina,  but  with  well- 
developed  cardinal  process.     Trias  and  Jura  ;  Europe. 

Amphiclinodonta  Bittner.  Like  Amphiclina,  but  with  interlocking  denti- 
culate ridges  and  tubercles  within  the  margins  of  the  valves.      Alpine  Trias. 

Koninckodonta  Bittner.  Like  Koninckina,  but  with  prominent  cardinal 
areas  and  a  row  of  sub-marginal  thickened  tubercles  on  the  interior  of  the 
ventral  valve,  which  interlock  with  similar  callosities  on  the  dorsal  valve. 
Alpine  Trias. 

Thecospira  Zugmeyer  (Fig.  636).  Ventrally  cemented  Koninckininae  with 
well-developed  cardinal  area  and  cardinal  process.      Alpine  Trias. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the  Brachiopoda. 

Owing  to  their  great  abundance,  world-wide  distribution  and  remote 
antiquity,  as  well  as  their  excellent  state  of  preservation,  Brachiopods  occupy 
a  very  conspicuous  rank  among  extinct  Invertebrates,  and  furnish  us  besides 
with  a  large  number  of  important  stratigraphic  index  fossils.  The  composi- 
tion of  their  shells,  usually  of  calcite,  enables  them  to  resist  the  destructive 
action  of  the  fossilisation  process  more  successfully  than  the  shells  of  Mollusks, 
many  of  which  are  composed  wholly  or  in  part  of  aragonite.  Their  value 
as  index  fossils,  however,  is  somewhat  lessened  owing  to  the  difficulty  of 
identifying  numerous  genera,  without  a  knowledge  of  their  internal  structure, 
and  this  is  often  difficult  to  ascertain. 

420  MOLLUSCOIDEA  phylum  v 

Three  of  the  four  orders  into  which  the  class  is  divided  are  represented  in 
the  lowest  Cambrian,  or  Olenellus  zone,  indicating  that  Brachiopods  had  their 
origin  in  pre-Cambrian  times.  In  the  Lower  and  Middle  Cambrian,  the 
Atremata  and  Neotremata  predominate  ;  and  although  the  Protremata  are  known 
in  the  Lower  Cambrian  by  very  typical  species,  it  is  not  until  the  Upjjer 
Cambrian  that  the  order  becomes  conspicuous.  They  are  particularly  char- 
acteristic of  the  Paleozoic.  The  Telotremata  do  not  appear  until  the  Middle 
Ordovician  and  since  Silurian  times  have  always  been  prolific,  but  are 
especially  characteristic  since  early  Mesozoic  times. 

In  the  Lower  Cambrian  (Olenellus  beds),  22  genera  of  Brachiopods  are 
represented,  occui'ring  both  in  North  America  and  in  Europe.  A  marked 
increase  is  apparent  in  the  Middle  Cambrian,  for  here  Walcott  records  37 
genera,  and  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  where  the  climax  of  their  diversity 
is  reached,  upwards  of  3000  species  are  known.  These  are  distributed  chiefly 
in  North  America  and  in  Europe  (Great  Britain,  Scandinavia,  Bohemia, 
Russia  and  Portugal) ;  but  numerous  forms  are  also  found  in  South  America, 
Australia,  China  and  eastern  Siberia. 

In  the  Devonian,  Brachiopods  are  scarcely  less  plentiful  than  in  the  Silurian, 
although  a  considerable  number  of  genera,  especially  those  belonging  to  the 
Atremata  and  Neotremata,  have  now  disappeared.  The  most  noted  European 
localities  where  Brachiopods  abound  are  the  Eifel,  Ehineland,  Westphalia,  the 
Hartz,  Belgium,  Devonshire,  Boulogne -sur-Mer,  Cabrieres  in  the  Cevennes, 
the  Asturias  and  the  Urals.  North  America  also  yields  great  quantities  of 
Devonian  Brachiopods. 

The  Carboniferous  of  North  America  and  its  equivalent  horizons  in  Europe 
and  Eastern  Asia,  together  with  the  Permian  of  the  Mediterranean  countries, 
India  and  Armenia,  are  very  rich  in  Brachiopod  remains,  especially  those 
belonging  to  the  Prodaciidae,  Sirophomenidae,  Spiriferidae  and  Rhj nchonellidae. 

In  the  North  European  Permian,  the  number  of  species  of  Brachiopods  is 
reduced  to  about  30,  but  in  the  Salt  Range  of  India  far  greater  numbers 
occur.  In  the  Alpine  Trias,  the  Terebratididae,  BhynchoneUidae  and  Koninck- 
ininae  attain  a  great  development. 

The  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous  Brachiopods  belong  almost  exclusively  to 
the  Terebratididae,  BhynchoneUidae  and  Thecidiidae ;  the  first  two  families  in 
particular  being  represented  by  an  astonishing  number  of  species.  The 
Spiriferacea  become  extinct  in  the  Lias. 

With  the  beginning  of  the  Cenozoic  era,  Brachiopods  are  no  longer  a  con- 
spicuous group  of  fossils.  The  species  occurring  in  the  Tertiary  are  almost 
without  exception  generically  identical  with  those  now  living,  and  scarcely 
exceed  them  in  number.  On  this  account  they  are  devoid  of  practical  interest 
or  importance  to  the  geologist. 

Phylum  VI.    MOLLUSC  A.' 

(Malacozoa  Blainville  ;  Saccata  Hyatt.) 

The  Mollusca  form  a  well -characterised,  and,  on  the  whole,  remarkably 
homogeneous  group  of  Invertebrates,  which  have  existed  since  the  earliest 
recognised  advent  of  life  upon  the  globe.  Their  progressive  modifications 
afford  us  a  most  important  guide  to  the  successive  stages  of  the  evolution  of 
organic  life  as  preserved  in  the  various  geological  horizons. 

The  Mollusca  are  characterised  as  a  group  by  passing  through  a  Trocho- 

1  Literature  :  Adams,  H.  and  A.,  The  Genera  of  Recent  Mollusca,  2  vols.  London,  1853-58. — 
PhiUppi,  R.  A.,  Handbuch' der  Conchyliologie.  Halle,  l^^Z.—Keferstein,  W.,  Die  Malacozoa. 
Bronn's  Classen  und  Ordnungen  des  Tluerreichs,  vol.  iii.,  1862-66.— Tryow,  G.  IF.,  ahA  Pilsbry, 
H.  A.,  Manual  of  Conchology,  16  vols.  Philadelphia,  1879-96.— T^isc/ter,  P.,  Manuel  de  Con- 
chyliologie et  de  Paleoutologie  conchyliologique,  1880-87. —  Woodward,  S.  P.,  Manual  of  the 
Mollusca.  4th  Edition,  with'  Appendix  by  R.  Tate,  mO.—Tnjon,  G.  W.,  Structural  and  Syste- 
matic Conchology,  3  vols.  Philadelphia,  1882-84.— //^ermp-,  H.  von,  Le  Systeme  naturel  des 
Mollusques.  Bull.  Sci.  France,  1891,  vol.  xxiii.  —  PeZseneer,  P.,  Introduction  a  Tetude  des 
Mollusques.      Brussels,  1894. 

Sovxrby,  J.,  Mineral  Conchology  of  Great  Britain,  7  vols.  London,  1812-30.— ^rocc/w,  G.  B., 
Conchiologia  fossils  subappenina,  2  vols.  Milan,  ISU.—Deshayes,  G.  P.,  Coquilles  fossiles  des 
environs  de  Paris,  3  vols.,  1824-37. — Goldfuss,  A.,  Petrefacta  Germaniae,  1826-40.— CowrarZ,  T.  A., 
Fossil  Shells  of  the  Tertiary  Formations  "of  North  America  (1832-33)  ;  and  Fossils  of  the  Medial 
Tertiary  of  the  United  States  (1838-61).  Reprints  by  G.  D.  Harris,  l^°iZ.^ Morton,  S.  G.,  Synopsis 
of  the  Organic  Remains  of  the  Cretaceous  Group  of  the  United  States,  ISBi.—Philipjn,  E.  A., 
Enumeratio  Molluscorum  Siciliae,  2  vols.,  l83Q-U.—Grateloup,  J.  P.  S.,  Catalogue  zoologique  du 
Bassin  de  Gironde.  Bordeaux,  lSSS-40.— Hall,  J.,  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  vols,  i.-viii. 
Albany,  1847-95.  — IFoof^,  S.,  Monograph  of  the  Crag  Mollusca.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1848-56,  vols,  i., 
ii. — Sandberger,  G.  and  F.,  Die  Versteinerungen  des  rheinischen  Schichtensystems  in  Nassau, 
1850-56. — Af orris  and  Lycett,  Monograph  of  the  Mollusca  of  the  Great  Oolite.  Palaeont.  Soc, 
1850-63.— il/'Coy,  F.,  British  Palaeozoic  Fossils.  London,  1851-55.— Picfei,  F.  J.,  and  Campiche, 
G.,  Description  des  fossiles  du  terrain  cretace  de  Sainte-Croix.  Paleont.  Suisse,  ser.  5,  vols,  i.-iv., 
1858-72.— Quenstedt,  F.  A.,  Der  Jura.  Tiibingen,  \8h8.— Sandberger,  F.,  Die  Conchylien  des 
Mainzer  Beckens.  Wiesbaden,  1860-63.— Des/;ayes,  G.  P.,  Description  des  animau.\  sans  vertebres 
decouverts  dans  le  Bassin  de  Paris,  5  vols.  Paris,  1860-66.— ZoHo/,  P.  de.  Monographs  of  the 
.  Fauna  of  the  Upper  Jura  of  Switzerland,  Haute-Marne,  Yonne,  Boulogne-sur-Mer,  Valtin,  Tonnerre  ; 
of  the  Neocomian  of  Mt.  Saleve  ;  the  Urgonian  of  Landeron  ;  the  Gault  of  Cosne,  etc.,  1861-75. — 
Cossmann,  M.,  Essais  de  paleoconchologie  comparce.  Paris,  18^5.— Gabb,  W.  M.,  Palaeontology  of 
California,  vols.  i.  and  ii.,  1864,  1869. — Idem,  Topography  and  Geology  of  Santo  Domingo.  Trans. 
Am.  Phil.  Soc,  1873,  vol.  xv.— Geuiiiz,  H.  B.,  Die  Dyas.  Leipzic,  1864. — Koninck,  L.  G.  de, 
Faune  du  calcaire  carbonifere  de  la  Belgique.  Ann.  Mus.  d'Hist.  Nat.  Belg.,  1886,  vol.  vi. — M'Coy, 
F.,  Synopsis  of  the  Characters  of  the  Carboniferous  Limestone  Fossils  of  Ireland,  1862. — Meek, 
F.  B.,  Report  on  the  Invertebrate  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  Fossils  of  the  Upper  Missouri  Country. 
U.S.  Geol.  Surv.  Terr.,  1876,  vol.  ix.  —  Waagen,  W.,  Salt  Range  Fossils.  Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  India. 
Palaeont.  Indica,  ser.  13,  \88Q-87 .  —  White,  C.  A.,  Non-marine  fossil  Mollusca  of  North  America. 
3rd  Ann.  Rept.  U.S.  Geol.  Survey,  1883.— TFa^co^,  C.  I).,  Fauna  of  the  Lower  Cambrian  or 
Olenellus  Zone.  10th  Ann.  Rept.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  \8'^<^.  —  Whidborne,  G.  F,  Monograph  of  the 
Devonian  Fauna  of  the  South  of  England.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1889-1907.— il/ec^-,  /''•  B.,  and 
WortJien,  A.  H.,  Palaeontology  of  Illinois,  1866-75,  vols,  i.-vi. 


422  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

sphere  and  a  Veliger  larval  stage ;  by  possessing  bilaterally  symmetrical, 
unsegmented  bodies  ;  a  larval  shell  gland,  from  which  a  harder  exoskeleton 
or  shell  is  secreted,  though  not  always  permanently  retained ;  a  mouth, 
intestinal  canal  and  anus  ;  a  closed,  but  partly  lacunary  circulation,  assisted 
by  a  heart  with  one  or  more  auricles,  and  containing  a  usually  colourless 
body  fluid  or  haemolymph ;  a  nervous  system  with  at  least  three  pairs  of 
ganglia  connected  by  commissures ;  sexual  reproduction  by  ova  and  sper- 
matozoa ;  audition  and  equilibration  provided  for  by  otocysts ;  respiration 
by  ctenidial  or  secondary  gills,  or  by  the  tegumentary  surface,  which  may  be 
invaginated  to  form  a  pulmonary  sac ;  locomotion  by  a  muscular  organ  called 
the  foot,  or  by  special  parapodial  structures,  or  by  swimming ;  the  organs 
typically  paired,  and  protected  by  a  sac-like  integument  called  the  mantle ; 
and  the  visceral  sac  having  a  tendency  toward  torsion,  so  as  to  become  usually 
asymmetrical.  Sexually  Mollusks  are  usually  dioecious ;  or,  if  monoecious, 
are  incapable  of  self-fertilisation. 

Owing  to  the  homogeneity  of  the  group,  its  division  into  classes  has  been 
attended  with  some  differences  of  opinion,  depending  upon  the  point  of  view, 
the  anatomist  laying  more  stress  upon  certain  groups  of  characters,  and  the 
morphologist  upon  others.  From  a  general  standpoint,  the  Mollusca  are 
readily  divisible  into  five  classes,  as  follows :  Pelecypods,  Scaphopods, 
Amphineura,  Gastropods  and  Cephalopods.  The  first  of  these  is  well  marked 
off  from  the  rest  by  the  presence  of  a  bivalved  shell  and  the  absence  of  a 
distinct  head  and  of  a  radula,  and  the  two  groups  have  been  contrasted  as 
Aglossa  (or  Lipocephala)  and  Glossophora  (or  Cephalophora). 

Class  1.    PELECYPODA  Goldfuss.^ 

(LamelUbranchiata  Blainville  ;  Conchifera  Lamarck  ;  Bivalvia  (Bonanni)  Linn6  ; 

Lipocephala  Lankester.) 

Aquatic,   Ulaterally  symmetrical,  acephalous  Mollusks,  protected  by  a  pair  of 
shelly  valves,  which  are  secreted  by  the  lateral  portions  of  the  mardle,  connected  by  an 

1  Literature  :  Neumayr,  M.,  Zur  Morphologie  des  Bivalveusclilosses.  Sitzungsber.  Akad. 
Wiss.  Wieii,  1883,  vol.  Ixxxiii.,  and  Deukschr.  1891,  vol.  Iviii. — Ueber  die  Herkuiift  der  Unioiiideii. 
Sitzungsber.  Akad.  Wiss.  1889,  vol.  xcviii. — Beitrage  zu  einer  morphologischeu  Eintlieilung  der 
Bivalven  ;  init  Vorwort  von  E.  Suess.  Denksehr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1891,  vol.  Iviii.  — JTAiYf, 
C.  A.,  Review  of  the  fossil  Ostreidae  of  North  America,  4th  Ann.  Re]iort  U.S.  Geol.  Survey 
(1883),  1884. — Jackson,  R.  T.,  Phylogeny  of  the  Pelecypoda.  The  Avieulidae  and  their  Allies. 
Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1890,  vol.  iv.  no.  8. — Men&gaux,  A.,  Recherches  sur  la  circulation 
des  Lamellibranches  marines,  1890.  —  Hyatt,  A.,  Remarks  on  the  Pinuidae,  Proc.  Boston  Soc. 
Nat.  Hist.,  1892,  vol.  xxv. — -Moynier  de  Villepoix,  R.,  Recherches  sur  la  formation  et  I'accroisse- 
ment  de  la  coquille  des  mollnsques,  1893. — Bernard,  F.,  Serie  de  notes  sur  le  developpement  et  la 
morphologie  de  la  coquille  chez  les  Lamellibranches.  Bull.  Soc.  Gt-ol.  France  [3],  1895-97,  vols. 
xxiii.-xxv. — Dull,  W.  H.,  Anew  Classification  of  the  Pelecypoda.  Trans.  Wagner  Inst.  Sci.  Phila- 
delphia, 1895,  vol.  iii.  pt.  3.  Also  Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1895,  vol.  xvii.  no.  1032.— Hyatt,  A. 
Terminology  proposed  for  the  Description  of  the  Shell  in  Pelecypoda.  Proc.  Am.  Assoc.  Adv. 
Sci.,  1895,  vol.  xliv. — Fischer,  //.,  Resume  des  travaux  de  M.  F.  Bernard  sur  le  developpement 
de  la  coquille  des  Pelecypodes.  Journ.  de  Conch.,  1897,  vol.  xlv.,  no.  4. — March,  M.  C,  (General 
Classification  of  the  Pelecypoda.      Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  [8]  1912,  vol.  x. 

A.  On  Paleozoic  Forms  :  Barrandc,  ./.,  Systeme  Silurien  du  centre  de  la  Boheme.  Acephales, 
i.-iv.,  1882.  —  Becde,  J.  W.,  Carlioniferous  Invertebrates.  Kansas  Univ.  Geol.  Surv. ,  1900,  vol.  vi. 
—Clarke  J.  M.,  Naples  Fauna  in  western  New  York.  Mem.  N.Y.  State  Mus.,  vi.,  1900.— Hcdl,  J., 
Geol.  Surv.  New  York.  Palaeont.,  vol.  v.,  188i~85.— Idem,  Whitjield,  R.  P.,  Meek,  F.  B.,  and 
Vlrich,  E.  0.,  Description  of  Palaeozoic  Fossils.  Palaeont.  Ohio,  1873-75,  vols,  i.,  ii. ,  and  Geol. 
Ohio,    1893,    vol.  vii. — Hind,    IF.,    Monograph   of  the   British   Carboniferous    LamelUbranchiata. 



elastic  ligament,  and  closed  by  the  contraction  of  muscles  attached  to  the  inner  faces  of 
the  valves  ;  feeding  hj  ciliary  action  and  destitute  of  a  radida  or  jaw  ;  breathing  by 
lateral  gills  ;  imperfectly  sensible  to  light  and  rarely  provided  with  peripheral  visual 
organs ;  possessing  olfactory  organs  (osphradia),  auditory  and  equilibrating  organs 
(otocysts),  tactile  papillae,  and  a  nervous  system  composed  of  ganglia  united  by  nerves, 
but  without  a  pedovisceral  commissure;  provided  with  an  extensile,  tactile  or  loco- 
motor organ  (foot) ;  a  circulatory  system  containing  haemolympth,  and  operated  by  a 
single  or  faired  cardial  ventricle  and  two  auricles  ;  a  more  or  less  convoluted  intestinal 
canal,  ivith  its  oral  and  anal  extremities  at  opposite  ends  of  the  body  ;  a  stomach  ; 
paired  nephridia,  connected  with  the  pericardium,  and  discharging  independently  of 
the  rectum ;  reproducing  without  copulation,  by  ova  and  spermatozoa ;  monoecious  or 
dioecious ;  development  external  to  the  ovary ;  the  post-larval  stage  protected  by  a 
prodissoconch,  and  sometimes  exhibiting  specicd  nepionic  stages. 

External  Characters.      The  Shell. — The  embryonic  Pelecypod  is  provided 

Palaeont.  Soc,  1896-1905. — Ulrich,  E.  0.,  Lower  Silurian  Lauiellibraiicliiata  of  Minnesota.     Rept. 
Geo!.  Surv.  Minn.,  1897,  vol.  iii. 

B.  On  Mesozoic  Forms  :  Benccke,  E.  W.,  Die  Versteineruugen  der  Eisenerzformation  von 
Deutsch  -  Lotliringen  unci  Luxemburg.  Abh.  GeoL  Spezialkarte  Elsass  -  Lotliring.,  1905,  n.s., 
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Wieu,  1895,  vol.  xviii. — Bulim,  U.,  Die  Bivalven  der  Stramberger  Schichten.  Palaont.  Mittlieil. 
Mus.  Bayer.  Staates,  1883,  vol.  u.—Borrissyak,  A.,  Die  Pelecypoden  der  Jura-Alilageruugen  im 
europaisclien  Russland.  Mem.  du  cours  geol.,  nouv.  ser.,  1904-9. — Broili,  F.,  Die  Fauna  der 
Pacbycardientuffe  der  Seiser  Alp.  Palaeontogr.,  1903-7,  vols.  1.,  liv. — Coquand,  W.,  Monographie 
du  genre  Ostrea  des  terraips  cretaces,  1869. — Healcy,  M.,  The  Fauna  of  the  Napening  beds 
(Rhaetic)  of  Upper  Burma.  Palaeont.  Indica,  1908,  n.s.,  vol.  ii.,  no.  4. — Ilolzapfel,  E.,  Die 
Molhisken  der  Aachener  Kreide.  Palaeontogr.,  1887,  vol.  xxxiv. — Kitchin,  F.  L.,  The  Jurassic 
Fauna  of  Cutch.  Laniellibranchiata.  Palaeont.  Indica,  1903,  ser.  ix.,  vol.  iii.,  pt.  2. — Lcmbe,  G., 
Die  Fauna  von  St.  Cassian.  Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1866,  vol.  xxv.—Pavlow,  A.,  Enchaine- 
ments  des  Aucelles  et  Aucellines  du  Cretace  Russe.  Nouv.  Mem.  Soc.  Impi'r.  Nat.  Moscou,  1009, 
vol.  xvii. — Pompeckj,  J.  F.,  Uber  Aucellen  und  Aucellen-ahnliche  Formen.  Neues  Jahrb.  f. 
Min.,  1901,  Supi^lem.  vol.  xiv. — Quaas,  A.,  Beitrag  zur  Kenntniss  der  Fauna  der  obersten 
Kreidebilduug  in  der  Lybischen  Wtiste.  Palaeontogr.,  1902,  vol.  xxx.  pt.  2 — StoUczka,  F., 
Cretaceous  Fauna  of  Southern  India.  The  Pelecypoda.  Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  East  India,  1871,  vol. 
iii.  —  Waagen,  L.,  Die  Lamellibrancliiaten  der  Pachycardientuffe  der  Seiser  Alp.  Abh.  Geol. 
Reichsanst.  Wien,  1907,  vol.  xviii.  pt.  2.  —  Wood,  H.,  Monograph  of  the  Cretaceous  Lanielli- 
branchiata of  England.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1899,  vol.  \m.  —  Zittcl,  K.  A,  von.  Die  Bivalven  der 
Gosaugebilde.      Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1865-66,  vol.  xxv. 

C.  On  Tertiary  Forms  :  Androussov,  N.,  Fossile  und  lebende  Dreissensidae  Eurasiens.  Trav. 
Soc.  Imp.  Sci.  Nat.  St-Petersb.,  sect,  geol.,  1897,  1903,  vols,  xx.,  xx\x.— Arnold,  R.,  The 
Tertiary  and  Quaternary  Pectens  of  California.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.  Profess.  Papers,  no.  47,  1906. — 
BeUardi,  L.,  and  Sacco,  F.,  I  Molluschi  terziari  del  Piemoute  e  della  Liguria.  Torino,  1872-1901. — 
Chssnumn,  M. ,  Catalogue  illustre  des  coquilles  fossiles  de  I'Eocene  des  environs  de  Paris.  Fasc. 
Ann.  Soc.  Malacol.  de  Belgique,  1888-89,  vols,  xxiii.,  xxiv.—Idem,  and  Fissaro,  G.,  Iconographie 
complete  des  coquilles  fossiles  de  I'^^ocene  des  environs  de  Paris.  Fasc.  1,  Pelecypodes,  1904. — 
DaU,  W.  H.,  Contributions  to  the  Tertiary  Fauna  of  Florida,  i.-vi.  Trans.  Wagner  Inst.  Sci., 
1890-1903,  vol.  ni.—Deperet,  C,  and  Roman,  F.,  Monographie  des  Pectinides  neogenes  de  I'Europe 
et  des  regions  voisiues.  Mem.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  1902,  vol.  x.—Fontaniies,  F.,  Les  Molhisques 
pliocenes  de  la  Vallee  de  Rhone  et  du  Roussillon.  Lyons,  1879-83. — Gregorio,  A.,  Monographie 
de  la  faune  eocenique  de  I'Alabama.  Palermo,  1890. —^«m5,  G.  D.,  Bull.  Amer.  Palaeont., 
1895-97,  vols,  i.-iv. — Hoernes,  M.,  Die  fossilen  MoUusken  des  Tertiiirbeckens  von  Wien.  Abhandl. 
Geol.  Reichsanst.  Wien,  1870,  vol.  iv. — Koencn,  A.  von,  Das  norddeutsche  Unter-Oligocan  und 
seine  Mollusken-Fauna.  Abhandl.  Geol.  Spezialkarte  Preussen,  1889-93,  vol.  x. — 02)penheim, 
P.,  Zur  Kenntnis  alttertiiirer  Fauuen  in  Agyjiten.  Palaeontogr.,  1903-6,  vol.  xxx.  pt.  3. — 
Ortmann,  A.  E.,  Families  and  Genera  of  the  Najades.  Ann.  Carnegie  Mus.,  1912,  vol.  viii.  no. 
x.  —  Sandberger,  F.,  Die  Conchylien  des  Mainzer  Beckens,  1860-63. — Idem,  Die  Land-  und 
Siisswasser  -  Conchylien  der  Vorwelt.  Wiesbaden,  1875. — Schafer,  F.  X.,  Die  Bivalven  der 
Miocanbildungen  von  Eggenburg.  Abh.  Geol.  Reichsanst.  Wien,  i910,  vol.  xxii. — Simpson,  0.  J., 
Synopsis  of  the  Naiades  or  Pearly  Fresh-water  Mussels.  Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1900,  vol.  xxii.,  no. 
1205.  — Ugolini,  R.,  Monografia  dei  Pettinidi  neogenici  della  Sardegna.  Palaeont.  Ital.  1906-7, 
vols,  xii.,  xiii. —  Wood,  S.,  Monograph  of  the  Eocene  Bivalves  of  England.  Palaeontogr.  Soc, 




with  a  saddle-shaped,  single  shell  gland,  which  secretes  a  pellicle  of  the  same 
form,  upon  which,  at  two  points  corresponding  to  the  valves,  calcification  sets 

in  independently.  These  rudiments  remain  con- 
nected across  the  dorsum  for  a  time,  by  the  uncal- 
cified  portion  of  the  original  pellicle,  which  develops 
into  the  ligament  of  the  adult.  The  paired  em- 
bryonic shell,  corresponding  to  the  protoconch  of 
Cephalopods,  has  been  named  by  Jackson  the  fro- 
dissoconch  (Figs.  637,  638).  In  general  these  valves 
are  very  uniform  in  character,  as  seen  on  the  tips 
Completed  of  the  uucroded  valves  in  the  adult.  They  are 
usually  rounded  or  slightly  pointed  at  the  umbonal 
end,  and  have  in  their  earliest  stages  a  straight, 
rather  long  hinge  line.  In  Solemya  the  prodissoconch 
is  elongate,  rounded  at  the  ends,  with  the  ventral  and  dorsal  margins  nearly 
parallel,  much  as  in  the  adult  shell.  In  Pinna  the  prodissoconch  is  globular, 
as  in  most  bivalves.     In    Unio,  Avodon  and  Philohnja,  a  second  or  nepionic 

Fig.  637. 

Ostrea  virginiana. 
prodissoconcii  stage,  vie\ved  from 
the  anterior  end  (.1),  and  from 
the  right  upper  side  (B).  s7/j 
(after  Jacl^son). 

Fig.  G38. 

A,  Avicula  sterna.  Young  specimen,  viewed  from  the  left  («)  and  right  (b)  sides,  the  latter  sliowiiig  byssal 
sinus,  li'/i-  B,  Area  pexata.  Very  young,  showing  prodissoconch  (p),  succeeded  by  early  dissoconch  growth. 
^^/i  (after  Jackson). 

stage  is  traceable,  owing  to  a  semi-parasitic  habit  of  the  young,  which  leave 
the  mother  and  become  encysted  on  the  fins  or  gills  of  fishes  ;  during  this 
period  the  shell  remains  stationary,  though  some  development  of  the  contained 
soft  parts  is  in  progress. 

The  bivalve  shell  reduced  to  its  lowest  terms  comprises  two  convex  pieces 
(the  valves),  attached  to  one  another  dorsally  (1)  by  an  elastic  ligament  usually 
external  to  the  cavity  of  the  two  valves ;  and  (2)  by  muscles  and  connective 
tissues  which  pass  from  the  inner  surface  of  one  valve  to  the  inner  surface  of 
the  opposite  valve.  The  contraction  of  the  muscles  brings  the  margins  of  the 
valves  into  close  contact,  thereby  forming  a  hollow  receptacle  in  which  the 
soft  parts  of  the  animal  are  enclosed,  and  from  which  all  obnoxious  foreign 
matters  may  be  excluded.  The  elasticity  of  the  ligament,  acting  on  the 
principle  of  the  C-spring,  tends  to  separate  the  valves  when  the  tension  of 
the  internal  adductor  muscles  is  relaxed.  The  extension  of  the  substance 
of  the  valve  is  secreted  by  marginal  glands  around  the  edge  of  the  investing 
tissue  or  mantle,  and  is  subsequently  reinforced  by  material  supplied  by 
secretion  from  the  general  surface  of  the  mantle.  As  the  animal  grows  and 
the  original  prodissoconch  becomes  too  small  to  cover  the  soft  parts,  the  valves 
are  enlarged  around  the  margins,  so  that  each  of  them  represents,  fundament- 
ally, a  hollow  cone.  Since  growth  progresses  more  rapidly  along  some 
portions  of  the  mantle  than  at  others,  the  cones  necessarily  become  oblique. 



arched  or  cycloidally  curved.  The  apex  of  the  cone  is  formed  by  the  beak 
or  umbo  of  the  valve,  the  base  is  the  entire  margin  of  the  valve. 

The  shell  of  most  Pelecypods  is  composed  of  several  layers  of  distinct 
structure.  The  external  layer  is  usually  thin,  flexible  and  dark-coloured, 
chiefly  composed  of  a  horny  substance  termed  conchiolin.  This  layer  is 
known  as  the  epidermis,  or  more  properly  the  periostracum ;  it  is  not  easily 
corroded,  and  hence  serves  as  a  protection  to  the  underlying  calcareous 
layers.  The  outer  calcareous  layer  is  composed  of  prisms  of  calcite  arranged 
more  or  less  perpendicular  to  the  external  surface ;  the  inner  layer  is  made 
up  of  thin,  more  or  less  parallel  lamellae  of  porcellanous  or  pearly  texture, 
disposed  at  right  angles  to  the  general  direction  of  the  prismatic  layer, 
and  exhibiting  the  mineralogical  characters  of  aragonite  (Fig.  639).  Besides 
the  lamellar  or  prismatic 
structure,  many  forms  show 
under  the  microscope 
minute,  sometimes  branched 

The  variations  in  shell 
substance  are  somewhat 
characteristic  of  diff"erent 
groups.     The  prisms  diff'er  p^^^  g39_ 

greatly    in    size,    the    Ifirger  Veitical  section  of  the  shell  of  Unio.     e,  b,  a,  a',  the  outer  pris- 

nr>f>ni'vit.rr  in    Tnnpm-nmiKi  Qnrl     matic  layer,  showing  successive  increments  of  shell  growth;   c,  c', 
ULUUlllug  ill  lliUU.iailtWb  anu    the  inner  lamellar  strata.     Highly  magnitied  (after  Carpenter). 

Pinna,   the  smaller  in   the 

Anatinidae  and  Myacidae.  The  prismatic  layer  is  wholly  absent  in  the 
Chamidae  and  many  other  Teleodesmacea  ;  in  the  Pectinidae  and  Limidae 
the  prismatic  layer  is  feebly  developed  and  often  recognisable  only  in  young 
shells.  In  the  Rudistae  the  prisms  run  nearly  parallel  with  the  outer  surface. 
As  aragonite  is  more  soluble  than  calcite,  it  frequently  happens  in  fossil 
shells  that  the  layers  composed  of  the  former  minei'al  have  entirely  dis- 
appeared, leaving  only  the  calcitic  layers.  Pearls  are  merely  loose  portions 
of  the  inner  layer  secreted  by  the  mantle  surface,  usually  around  foreign 
bodies  which  have  reached  the  interior  of  the  shell  and  set  up  irritation  there. 

In  the  majority  of  Pelecypods  the  valves  form  a  nearly  complete  defence ; 
in  borers,  burrowers  and  a  few  degenerate  types,  the  valves  cover  less  and 
less  surface  in  proportion  to  that  which  is  bare ;  in  a  few  the  mantle  is  re- 
flected so  as  to  envelop  more  or  less  of  the  outer  surface  of  the  valves ;  and 
finally,  in  Chlamydoconcha,  the  valves  are  permanently  internal,  separately 
encysted,  with  the  ligament  isolated  and  encysted  between  them.  No 
example  is  known  of  a  Pelecypod  absolutely  destitute  of  valves  in  the  adult 

The  valves  of  the  shell  are  in  general  substantially  equal ;  but  sometimes 
they  are  unequal,  especially  in  sessile  or  sedentary  forms  ;  and  rarely  they 
are  spirally  twisted,  as  in  Stavelia  and  Spirodomns.  The  hinge  or  articulus 
comprises  the  whole  articulating  apparatus — hinge  plate,  teeth,  ligament,  etc.  : 
the  primitive  hinge,  which  is  coextensive  with  the  ligament,  is  distinguished 
by  Hyatt  as  the  cardo.  The  cardinal  axis,  or  right  line  forming  the  axis  of 
revolution  of  the  hinge,  is  parallel  with  the  antero-posterior  axis  of  the 
animal  (as  determined  by  a  line  drawn  through  the  mouth  and  posterior 
adductor)  in  the  ordinary  Teleodesmacea ;  but  in  the  winged  Prionodesmacea, 

426  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

such  as  Ostrea,  Pedalion,  etc.,  the  two  axes  are  at  a  considerable  angle  with  each 

The  dental  armature  is  usually  situated  on  the  dorsal  margin,  which  for 
this  reason  is  called  the  cardinal  margin.  It  comprises  the  teeth,  or  project- 
ing processes  and  sockets,  usually  alternating  in  the  single  valve,  and  opposite 
with  respect  to  both  valves.  In  the  more  modern  and  perfected  types,  the 
cardinal  margin  is  reinforced  by  a  vertical  deposit  of  shell  in  the  form  of  a 
lamina  called  the  hinge  plate,  upon  which  the  teeth  are  set.  Above  the  hinge 
plate  in  each  valve  rise  the  beaks  or  umbones,  which  are  usually  curved 
toward  the  antei'ior  end  of  the  shell  (prosogyrate),  but  are  sometimes  directed 
backward  (opisthogyrate)  or  outward  (spirogyrate). 

According  to  the  ordinary  terminology,  the  height  of  a  Pelecypod  is 
measured  on  a  vertical  line  from  the  beaks  to  the  ventral  margin ;  the  length 
corresponds  to  the  greatest  distance  between  the  margins  parallel  with  the 
antero-posterior  axis  above  defined  ;  and  the  thickness,  or  diameter,  is  measured 
by  a  line  at  right  angles  to  the  vertical  plane  descending  from  the  cardinal 
axis  (Fig.  641).  AVhen  the  shell  is  placed  with  the  oral  end  anterior,  the 
valves  are  termed  right  and  left  respectively,  as  viewed  from  above  the 
articulus.  The  portion  of  the  shell  anterior  to  the  beaks  is  usually  shorter 
than  that  behind  them,  except  in  such  forms  as  Donax  or  Niicula. 

Viewed  laterally,  most  Pelecypod  valves  may  be  divided  into  regions, 
corresponding  in  the  main  to  the  disposition  of  the  internal  organs.  The  oral 
area  extends  from  the  anterior  end  of  the  cardinal  line  to  the  anterior  side  of 
the  pedal  area.  The  latter  is  often  marked  by  a  swelling  of  the  valves,  and 
sometimes  by  a  sinus  (Pholas) ;  it  extends  backward  to  a  point  where  the 
branchial  crest,  radiating  from  the  beaks,  forms  the  anterior  boundary  of  the 
si-phonal  area.  The  dorsal  or  posterior  limit  of  the  siphonal  area  is  marked  by 
an  angle  in  the  incremental  lines ;  and  above  this,  extending  to  the  posterior 
end  of  the  cardinal  line,  is  the  intestinal  area.  In  the  alate  forms,  like  Pteria, 
the  wings  usually  called  anterior  and  posterior  are  really,  with  reference  to 
the  antero-posterior  axis  of  the  animal,  dorsal  and  ventral. 

In  certain  borers,  the  siphons  are  greatly  produced  beyond  the  valves,  and 
a  calcareous  tube  is  secreted,  lining  the  burrow  ;  the  valves,  situated  at  the 
anterior  end  of  the  boring,  either  lie  free,  or  are  partially  or  wholly  fused 
with  the  tube.  In  the  Pholadidae  the  naked  portions  of  the  animal  between 
the  edges  of  the  valves  are  often  protected  by  additional  shelly  pieces,  which 
are  organically  separate  from  the  valves  ;  and  some  burrowers  have  the  free 
ends  of  the  siphons  protected  by  leathery  or  calcareous  shields.  In  the 
Teredinidae  these  shields  are  specially  modified  to  protect  the  entrance  of  the 
burrow,  and  are  called  "  pallets." 

Ornamentation. — The  external  ornamentation  of  the  valves  is  always  a 
conspicuous  character.  It  comprises  (beside  the  concentric  or  .incremental 
lines  which  indicate  the  successive  additions  to  the  shell  margin,  and  are 
believed  to  coincide  with  resting  stages  during  the  process  of  growth)  radial 
or  concentric  striae,  ridges,  ribs,  folds,  nodes,  spines  or  foliaceous  processes. 
These  are  supposed  to  arise  from  temporary  or  permanent  modifications  of 
the  mantle  margins,  such  as  papillae,  minute  tentacular  or  proliferate 

Above  the  hinge  line,  in  archaic  types,  is  an  area  often  set  off"  by  an 
impressed  line  and  called  the  cardinal  area.     In  the  more  perfected  modern 


forms  this  area  is  commonly  divided ;  a  heart-shaped  space  in  front  of  the 
beaks,  and  bounded  by  a  ridge  or  groove,  being  known  as  the  lunule ;  and  a 
more  elongated  space  extending  backward  from  the  beaks  being  designated  the 
escutcheon.  Both  areas  often  have  a  special  sculpture,  differing  from  that  of 
the  remainder  of  the  shell. 

Another  form  of  ornamentation  is  sometimes  found  on  the  opposed  inner 
margins  of  the  valves,  away  from  the  hinge  line,  as  in  Digitaria  (Fig.  756), 
or  Transennella ;  it  probably  aids  in  preventing  a  lateral  displacement  of  the 
valves.  In  general,  all  ornamentation  may  be  confidently  ascribed  to  a 
dynamic  origin. 

Internal  Characters.  Soft  Parts. — The  Pelecypod  body  is  enclosed 
within  two  thin,  partly  fleshy  mantle  lobes,  which  are  united  or  continuous 
below  the  cardinal  margin,  and  open  or  partially  united  at  other  points  on 
their  periphery.  Within  the  mantle  lobes  are  the  visceral  mass  including 
the  internal  organs,  the  gills  or  ctenidia,  the  foot  and  the  palpi.  When  the 
mantle  edges  are  united  so  as  to  form  tubes  for  the  entrance  and  discharge  of 
Avater,  such  tubes  are  called  siphons.  These  organs,  all  of  which  have  been 
utilised  in  classification,  will  be  considered  separately. 

The  mantle  is  closely  applied  to  the  surface  of  the  valves,  and  is  usually 
attached  to  them  along  a  line  near  its  periphery.  This  line  is  indicated  by  a 
continuous  scar  or  impression  upon  the  inner  surface  of  the  valves,  termed 
the  pallial  line.  Outside  the  pallial  line  a  portion  of  the  margin  is  free  and 
usually  thickened.  In  it  are  contained  the  glands  which  secrete  the  shell, 
and  also  pigment  glands ;  it  is  ornamented  by  papillae,  tentacular  processes, 
etc.,  and  is  sometimes  furnished  with  visual  organs  of  a  primitive  sort. 
Certain  archaic  forms  had  no  distinct  pallial  line,  the  mantle  being  organi- 
cally attached  over  a  more  or  less  irregular  area.  The  ends  of  the  pallial 
line  are  commonly  continuous  with  the  scars  of  the  adductor  muscles. 

The  majority  of  Pelecypods  have  two  adductor  muscles,  and  are  distinguished 
accordingly  as  Dimyarian,  or  Homomyarian  ;  in  some  the  anterior  muscle  is 
absent  or  degenerate  {Monomyaria) ;  and  in.  others  an  intermediate  condition 
obtains  (Ileteromyaria  or  Anisomyaria).  The  number  and  position  of  the 
adductors  was  formerly  accepted  as  a  fundamental  feature  in  classification, 
although  many  difficulties  were  presented  by  exceptional  cases.  Recent 
researches  have  shown  that  an  absolute  foundation  for  classification  cannot 
be  afforded  by  the  number  of  adductors ;  but  still,  if  allowance  be  made  for 
degeneration  caused  by  inequilaterality,  torsion  and  other  causes,  the  general 
myarian  types  harmonise  fairly  well  with  the  larger  divisions  based  on  the 
totality  of  characters. 

The  visceral  mass,  as  a  rule,  occupies  the  upper  portion  of  the  shell, 
and  contains  the  heart,  intestinal  canal,  generative  organs,  renal  and  other 
glands.  The  rectum  usually  lies  above  the  posterior  adductor,  and  dis- 
charges into  the  anal  siphon,  when  present.  The  mouth  is  placed  at  the 
forward  end  of  the  visceral  mass  below  the  anterior  adductor,  and  is  commonly 
furnished  on  each  side  with  a  pair  of  leaf-like  expansions  of  the  integument 
called  palpi,  which  are  ciliate  internally,  and  serve  to  conduct  alimentary 
matter  from  the  gills  to  the  mouth.  Palpi  are  seldom  wanting,  and  their 
form  and  character  remains  fairly  constant  throughout  a  number  of  groups. 
The  mouth  itself  is  unarmed,  and  the  alimentary  canal  is  more  or  less  bent, 
usually  exhibiting  a  dilation  which  is  regarded  as  the  stomach. 

428  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

The  Foot. — From  the  ventral  surface  of  the  visceral  mass  projects  an 
extensile  muscular  organ,  known  as  the  foot,  which  is  capable  of  being  pro- 
truded beyond  the  margins  of  the  valves,  or  entirely  retracted  within  the 
mantle  lobes.  The  muscles  serving  to  move  this  organ  are  inserted  upon  the 
shell  near  the  adductor  scars,  leaving  small  accessory  impressions.  In  a 
large  majority  of  bivalves,  the  foot  has  the  familiar  hatchet-shape  from  which 
the  class  name  is  derived,  but  as  an  organ  of  locomotion,  tactile  use,  and 
possibly  prehension,  it  is  modified  for  special  uses  in  many  forms.  A  few 
Pelecypods,  such  as  Ostrea,  have  the  foot  altogether  aborted,  though  remnants  of 
its  retractor  muscles  exist  and  are  attached  to  the  valves ;  and  in  some  cases 
{Pholadomya,  Halicardia)  an  accessory  foot- like  organ,  or  "  opisthopodium," 
is  developed  at  the  posterior  end  of  the  visceral  mass. 

In  many  Pelecypods  the  foot  is  provided  with  a  gland  secreting  horny 
matter  which  solidifies  in  threads  after  extrusion,  forming  a  fixative  tuft  or 
cable  called  the  hijssus,  by  which  the  animal  adheres  to  extraneous  objects. 
Some  sessile  genera  have  the  byssus  more  or  less  calcified,  when  it  forms  a 
shelly  phig  closing  a  sinus  or  foramen  in  one  of  the  valves  through  which  it 
passes.  Many  of  the  Pectinidae  have  a  comb-like  series  of  denticles  (denoliutn) 
on  the  edge  of  the  byssal  sinus,  in  which  the  byssal  threads  rest.  In  perma- 
nently sessile  forms,  the  byssus  is  usually  absent. 

Gills. — On  either  side  of  the  visceral  mass  above  the  foot  and  usually 
extending  from  the  palpi  to  the  posterior  adductors  are  the  gills  or  denidia. 
In  a  general  way  the  ctenidium  is  composed  of  a  stem  carrying  a  nerve  and 
blood-vessel,  from  which  on  each  side  leaflets  or  slender  filaments  are  given 
out  laterally.  In  the  more  archaic  types  (Nucula,  Yoldia,  Solemya)  these  gills 
are  plate-like,  not  organically  united  except  by  the  stem,  though  in  some 
cases  attaining  a  solidarity  as  a  mass,  by  the  interlocking  of  very  large  cilia, 
distributed  in  bands  or  patches  on  the  opposed  surfaces  of  individual  plates. 

These  plate  -  like  gills  are  termed  foliobranchiate  or  protobranchiate. 
According  to  their  structure,  other  types  of  gills  are  intermediate  between 
these  and  the  so-called  "  filibranchiate,"  in  which  the  plates  are  elongated  and 
strap-like,  and  the  "  reticulate,"  in  which  the  filaments  are  united  by  cross 
conduits  in  a  net-like  manner.  Attempts  have  been  made  to  employ  the 
various  types  of  gills  as  fundamental  characters  in  classification,  but  experience 
has  shown  that  they  cannot  be  depended  upon  as  the  exclusive  basis  of  any 
systematic  arrangement. 

Siphons. — When  the  mantle  lobes  are  united,  two  posterior  openings,  more 

or  less  tubular,  are  always  present 
(Fig.  640).  The  dorsal  tube,  called 
the  dorsal  or  anal  siphon,  serves  for 
the  discharge  of  water  which  has 
been  inhaled  through  the  ventral 
pjf.  p,4o  ^     or  branchial  siphon,  carried  to  the 

Saxicava    arcfica    Lam.     Animal    with    closed    mantle    giUs,    deprived     of     its    OXygen    and 
edges,  shnwins  foot  (p),  protrudiii,;,'  from  the  pedal  open-    p^KUlp    mrtiVlpc!     and    ihpn   pynpllpd 
InK,  and  anal  (,v)  and  Inanchial  (.s')  siphons.     Natural  size.       eCUDie    partlCieb,   anu   tlieu  expeiieu. 

The  anal  siphon  also  carries  eff"ete 
matters  from  the  rectum,  and  sometimes  ova  are  discharged  in  the  same 
way.  The  tubes  are  sometimes  adherent  or  enclosed  in  the  same  envelope, 
and  sometimes  separate  to  their  base ;  in  general,  however,  a  septum  or 
partition  exists  between  the  two  passages,  thus  avoiding  the  mixture  of  the 




two  currents.  The  siphonal  septum  is  frequently  carried  forward  internally, 
or  supplemented  by  a  junction  of  the  gills  in  such  manner  as  to  form  a 
practically  continuous  partition  between  the  anal  and  branchial  regions 
within  the  mantle.  The  siphons  are  always  contractile,  and,  except  in 
sedentary  burrowers,  usually  retractile  wathin  the  shell. 

The  siphons,  being  a  local  modification  of  the  mantle  margin,  receive  their 
musculation  from  the  same  source.  In  general,  the  muscles  have  spread 
inward,  fari  passu  with  the  increase  in  length  of  the  organ  to  be  retracted, 
and  their  insertion  on  the  valve  leaves  an  angular  scar  called  the  pallial  sinus, 
which  is  an  important  aid  in  classification  of  the  minor  groups.  It  has  some- 
times been  assumed  that  the  absence  of  this  sinus  was  evidence  of  the 
asiphonate  character  of  the  species,  but  the  example  of  Lucina,  Cuspidaria, 
and  several  other  siphonate  forms  which  have  no  pallial  sinus  show  that  this 
is  not  necessarily  true.     Formerly,  when  the  character  of  the  pallial  line  was 

Ftg.  641. 

Fig.  642. 

Lutraria  elUptica  Roissy.    Interior  of  left  valve  show-  C'rassatellitesplumheus{Chem.).  Interior  of  left 

ing  pallial  line  (p) ;  pallial  sinus  (s)  ;  anterior  (a)  and  pos-  valve  showing  entire  pallial  line  (m) ;  anterior  (a) 

terior  (»')  adductor  scars;  and  resiliifer  (/).     hv,  Length;  and  posterior  (a)  adductor  scars;  and  resiliifer 

lit,  Height  of  the  sliell.     -/-^  natural  size.  (I).     2/^  natural  size. 

regarded  as  of  prime  importance,  the  Pelecypods  with  a  sinus  were  called 
Sinupalliafa  (Fig.  641),  and  those  without,  TntegripaUiafa  (Fig.  642). 

The  Hinge. — The  origin  both  of  the  hinge  structure  and  the  ornamentation 
of  the  shell  can  be  perhaps  best  understood  by  a  consideration  of  what  is 
known  regarding  the  archetype  of  the  class,  and  by  noticing  the  changes  that 
have  since  been  introduced.  The  original  protopelecypod  was  small,  thin, 
symmetrical,  sub-circular  or  oval,  with  a  short  external  ligament  equally  dis- 
posed on  each  side  of  the  beak  along  the  hinge  line.  The  mantle  was  not 
uniformly  attached  to  the  shell  along  a  pallial  line,  as  in  modern  Pelecypods, 
but  adhered  more  or  less  irregularly  and  was  not  provided  with  extrusile 
siphonal  tubes.  The  adductor  muscles  were  sub-equal,  symmetrical,  and 
situated  high  up  in  the  valves.  The  surface  of  the  valves  was  smooth,  or 
(probably  in  connection  with  the  development  of  tactile  papillae  on  the  mantle 
edge)  radiately  ribbed.  These  conclusions  are  justified  not  only  by  inference 
and  by  recent  investigations  on  the  morphology  of  the  prodissoconch,  but  by 
the  characters  of  the  most  archaic  Pelecypods,  summarised  by  Neumayr  under 
the  name  of  Palaeoconcha. 

Since  the  general  form  of  the  Pelecypod  depends  upon  its  principal 
anatomical  characters  (the  size,  number  and  position  of  the  muscles,  the 
presence,  size  and  character  of  siphons,  byssus,  etc.),  then,  to  a  certain 
limited  extent,  especially  in  the  modification  of  the  primitive  simple  Palaeo- 

430  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

conchs,  it  is  plain  that  the  differences  of  form  would  march  with  the  respective 
anatomical  differences.  For  example,  those  forms  which  retained  the  simple 
open  mantle  and  sub-equal  adductors  would  continue  to  be  of  a  rounded  and 
symmetrical  shape ;  while  those  which  tended  to  produce  elongate  siphons,  or 
in  which  marked  inequality  of  the  adductors  was  developed,  would  probably 
present  more  elongate  or  triangular  outlines.  The  differences  of  form  would 
necessarily  react  upon  the  developing  hinge,  from  the  inevitable  operation  of 
physical  laws,  and  thus  tend  to  produce  in  connection  with  particular  lines  of 
evolution  of  form,  particular  types  of  hinge. 

The  recent  researches  of  Bernard  and  Simroth  have  developed  the  fact 
that  in  some  Pelecypoda  the  ctenidium  originates  as  a  lateral  plate,  which 
becomes  transversely  folded,  and  in  which  the  reticulate  form  results  from 
subsequent  perforations  between  the  folds,  and  not  from  the  concrescence  of 
originally  separate  filaments,  as  has  been  hitherto  supposed  to  be  the  invari- 
able mode. 

Neumayr  has  shown  that,  among  the  Palaeoconcha,  ribbing  existed  in 
various  species  along  the  dorsal  as  well  as  the  other  margin,  and  that  it  pro- 
duced denticulations  there  ;  and  that  when  these  denticulations  had  become 
a  fixed  specific  character,  the  ribbing  disappeared  from  the  area  above  the 
hinge  margin. 

In  this  way  (as  analogically  in  the  Recent  Crenella,  etc.)  the  initiation  of 
the  processes  called  hinge  teeth  began.  Such  projections,  interlocking  at  a 
time  when  the  serrations  of  the  other  margin  of  the  open  valves  could  be  of 
little  assistance  in  securing  rigidity,  offered  a  means  of  defence  of  the  greatest 
importance  when  fully  developed  by  natural  selection,  one  which  would  be 
useful  at  every  stage  of  development,  but  would  increase  in  usefulness  with 
increase  in  size.  In  fact,  this  was  just  such  a  feature  as  would  lend  itself  to 
the  fullest  operation  of  natural  selection.  Once  well  initiated,  its  progress 
was  inevitable,  and  its  variety  and  complexity  only  a  question  of  time. 

From  recent  studies  by  Bernard  of  the  development  of  hinge  teeth  in 
nepionic  Pelecypods  of  many  groups,  it  appears  that  in  most  if  not  all  Priono- 
desmacea  and  some  Teleodesmacea  there  is  first  developed  on  each  side  of  the 
ligament  (or  behind  it  in  Ostrea)  a  series  of  transverse  denticulations  or 
minute  taxodont  teeth,  forming  what  has  been  called  a  provinculimi  or  primi- 
tive hinge,  independent  (so  far  as  yet  observed)  of  the  permanent  dentition. 
The  latter  begins  subsequently  by  the  development  of  distinct  laminae  on 
the  hinge  plate.  In  the  Teleodesmacea,  toward  the  ends  of  the  hinge  plate 
the  primitive  lamellae  originate  below  the  provinculum  or  in  its  absence,  and 
grow  proximally.  The  inner  ends  of  the  anterior  lamellae  become  hooked, 
and  these  hooks  separate  from  the  distal  portions  which  remain  to  form  the 
anterior  laterals,  while  the  hooks  develop  into  the  cardinals,  and  the  posterior 
lamellae  into  the  posterior  lateral  teeth.  The  facts  point,  of  course,  to  the 
provinculuni  as  representative  of  the  primitive  hinge  as  observed  in  many 
Palaeoconchs ;  but  the  gap  between  the  provinculum  and  the  beginnings  of 
the  permanent  dentition,  indicates  a  suppression  of  certain  developmental 
stages  which  only  further  researches  can  supply. 

The  dynamical  origin  of  the  shelly  processes  of  the  hinge,  which  we  call 
teeth,  has  only  recently  attracted  attention.  In  this  work  Neumayr  led  the 
way,  and  his  contributions  have  been  most  valuable  ;  yet,  as  often  happens 
with  pioneer  work,  he  failed  to  grasp  fully  all  the  details  of  the  subject,  and 




the  nomenclature  he  proposed  has  required  revision.  Several  groups  or 
kinds  of  teeth  can  easily  be  distinguished.  These  are  not  necessarily  funda- 
mental, since  the  teeth,  being  largely  moulded  by  the  dynamics  of  their 
situation,  change  with  the  influences- to  which  their  form  is  due,  and  in  course 
of  time  may  become  obsolete  from  disuse  {Anodon),  or  modified  so  as  to 
simulate  the  teeth  of  groups  with  widely  different  pedigree  (Nucula,  Mutela, 
Plicatula,  Trigonia).  In  general,  however,  at  any  given  time,  the  types  of 
teeth  are  good  evidence  of  the  relationship  of  forms  to  which  they  are 
common,  especially  if  the  development  from  the  younger  stages  of  the  species 
under  comparison  proceeds  along  similar  lines. 

The  modifications  of  the  hinge  now  generally  recognised  are  as  follows  : — 

In  the  Taxodonta  the  hinge  is  composed  of  alternating  teeth  and  sockets, 

mostly  similar,  and  frequently  forming  a  long  series,  as  in  Area  (Fig.  643,  A) 


Fig.  643. 

Taxodont  hinges.     A,  Area,  with  external  ligament.     B,  Leda, 
with  internal  resilium. 

Fir;.  044. 

Schizodont      liinge. 
Trigonia  pectinata 

Lam.      Recent ;    Aus- 

or  Leda  (Fig.  643,  B).  The  Schizodonta  have  heavy,  amorphous,  variable 
teeth,  often  obscurely  divided  into  sub-umbonal  (pseudocardinal)  and  lateral 
(posterior)  elements,  as  in  Trigonia  (Fig.  644),  Unio  (Fig.  645),  and  Schizodus. 

In  the  Isodonta  the  original  taxodont 
provinculum  is  often  replaced  in  the  adult 
by  a  hinge  structure  derived  from  two 
ridges  (the  "auricular  crura")  originally 
diverging  below  the  beaks.  This  becomes, 
in  the  most  specialised  forms,  an  elaborate 
interlocking  arrangement  of  two  concentric  ^' 
pairs  of  teeth  and  sockets,  which  cannot 
be  separated  without  fracture,  as  in  Spon- 
dylus  (Fig.  718).  In  less  sj^ecialised  forms, 
such  as  Pccten,  the  provinculum  becomes 
obsolete,  and  the  crura  only  partially  de-  fS^^^^ 

The  Dysodonta  of  Neumayr  was  originally  a  heterogeneous  group,  and  the 
term  is  now  restricted  to  that  division  having  a  feeble  hinge  structure,  whose 
origin  is  more  or  less  palpably  derived  from  external  sculpture  impinging 
upon  the  hinge  line,  as  in  Myoconcha  (Fig.  646),  Pachymytilus  (Fig.  647),  and 

The  preceding  groups,  together  with  the  edentulous  Solemyacea,  constitute 
the  order  Prionodesmacea,  which  is  knit  together  by  community  of  descent 
still  traceable  in  their  anatomy. 

Fig.  G45. 

Schizodont  hinge  of  Unio  stnchei  NenmajT, 
showing    pseudocardinal    and     lateral     teeth. 




nor  the  latter 
one    gi'oup. 

Dysoflont  hinge  of 
Mi/ocoiich(.i  striiUula 
Goldf.  LowerOolite; 
Bayeux,     Calvados. 


d'Orb.     Coral   Rag;    Coulange - sur ■ 

France.     '■^/■. 


The  Pantodonta  are  a  small  group  of  Paleozoic  forms  whose  dentition 
partakes  of  the  synthetic  character  of  the  more  archaic  forms,  while  fore- 
shadowing the  future  teleo- 
dont  types.  In  this  group 
the  laterals  may  exceed  a 
pair  in  a  single  group,  which 
is  never  the  case  in  the 
modern  types.  Orthodontiscus 
and  Allodesma  are  examples. 
The  Diogenodonta  are  the 
modern  and  perfected  forms 
in  which  there  are  differen- 
tiated lateral  and  true  car- 
dinal teeth  upon  a  hinge 
plate,  the  former  never  ex- 
ceeding two, 
three    in    any 

Fir:.   646,  

pjj.  g^^  Astarte  (Fig.   754),  Crassatel- 

Bysodont  hipge  of  Paehymytilu!<  petaM.s    UteS  (Fig.    642)   and    Corbicula 

i-Yonne,   (Fig.  76 1 )  are  examples. 

The  Cydodonta  exhibit 
extreme  torsion  in  their  dentition,  which  curves  out  from  under  the  beaks 
and  is  not  set  upon  a  flat  hinge  plate.  Isocardia  (Fig.  806),  Tridacna  and 
Cardium  (Fig.  801)  are  examples. 

In  the  Teleodonta  are  found  the  most  highly  perfected  types  of  hinge. 
The  characters  of  the  less  specialised  forms  hardly  differ  from  those  of  the 
Diogenodonta,  but  they  are  placed  here  on  account  of  their  obvious  affinities 
as  shown  by  other  characters.  The  most  sjjecialised  forms  add  to  the  ordinary 
cardinal  series  of  the  Teleodesmacea  (10101  )  either  a  roughened  area,  as  in 
Venus ;  a  series  of  extra  cardinals,  as  in  Tivela ;  or  accessory  lamellae,  as  in 
Macfra,  making  the  hinge  more  complicated  or  efficient.  Cytherea  (Fig.  809), 
Madra  (Fig.  824),  Venus  mercenaria  and  Tivela  are  examples. 

Several  of  these  forms  were  included  by  Neumayr  in  a  group  called  Des- 
modonfa,  which  he  founded  on  such  types  as  Madra  under  a  misapprehension 
as  to  the  character  of  the  hinge  ;  almost  all  of  the  others  were  included  in 
his  Heterodonta,  which,  construed  strictly,  would  take  in  all  dentiferous 
Pelecypods,  since  the  alternation  forming  its  essential  character  is  inseparable 
from  the  possession  of  functional  teeth. 

The  Astlienodonta  comprise  borers  and  burrowers  in  which  the  teeth  have 
become  obsolete  from  disuse.  Corhula  (Fig.  828),  Mya  (Fig.  827)  and  Pholas 
(Fig.  833)  are  illustrative  types.  In  the  last-named  a  remarkable  develop- 
ment of  the  sub-umbonal  attachment  of  the  mantle  has  produced  a  myophore 
which  is  sometimes  wrongly  interpreted  as  a  tooth.  The  exceptional  develop- 
ment of  this  featvu'e  is  explained  by  the  dynamics  of  Pholad  existence. 

The  above  groups  form  the  orderTeleodesmacea,  and  dentally  are  intimately 
related.     Recent  studies  by  Bernard  ^  as  to  the  genesis  of  individual  teeth 

^  Bernard,  F.,  Sur  le  developpement  et  la  morphologie  de  la  coqiiille  chez  les  lamellibrancbes. 
Bull.   Soc.    Geol,    France  [3],  1895-97,  vols,    xxiii.,   xxiv.  —  Vest,    W.   von,  tlber  die  Bilduiis  uiid 

Entwicklnng  des 
Dull,  W.  11.,  On  t 
xxxviii. — Rcis,  O. 

Bivalveiisclilo.sses.       Verh.    Sieheiib.  Vereins   Naturw.,    1895-96,    vol.    xlviii.- — 

he  hinge  of  tlie  Pelecypods  and  its  development.     Ainer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1S89  [?>],  vol. 

Das  Ligament  der  Bivalven.   Jahresh.  Ver.  Vaterl.  Naturk.  Wiirtt.,  1902,  vol.  Iviii. 


among  members  of  this  order  show  great  uniformity  in  the  early  stages. 
But  inasmuch  as  these  observations  are  dependent  upon  the  mode  of  growth 
in  highly  specialised  Pelecypods,  in  which  the  development  of  teeth  is  largely 
secondary,  care  must  be  taken  not  to  confound  these  processes  with  those  by 
which  hinge  teeth  were  originally  initiated  in  edentulous  Protopelecypods. 

Finally,  in  the  Anomalodesmacea  we  have  a  tribe  of  burrowers  which  have 
preserved  to  the  present  day  some  of  the  features  which  characterised  the 
edentulous  Protopelecypods  of  ancient  geological  time.  The  small  teeth  of 
the  nearly  edentulous  hinge  may  sometimes  be  associated  with  the  submersion 
of  the  resilium  and  the  development  of  a  chondrophore,  but  in  other  cases 
they  may  be  the  remnants  of  hinge  teeth  acquired  in  the  ordinary  way  early 
in  the  geological  history  of  the  group. 

Dental  Formulae. — For  the  purpose  of  recording  compactly  the  number 
and  character  of  the  teeth  in  adult  Pelecypods,  a  formula  has  been  suggested 
by  Steinmann,  which,  somewhat  amplified,  is  as  follows  : — 

Let  L  represent  the  left  and  R  the  right  valve,  and  the  teeth  be  repre- 
sented by  units  ;  the  sockets  into  which  teeth  of  the  opposite  valve  fit  by 
zeros  ;  the  resilium  or  chondrophore  by  C ;  the  laterals  by  1 ;  the  clasping 
laminae  which  receive  the  laterals  by  m,  if  single  ;  if  double,  by  m2.  Where 
two  taxodont  rows  meet  on  one  hinge  margin  and  are  not  separated  by  a 
resilium,  as  in  Glycimeris,  let  their  junction  be  marked  by  a  period.  Obsolete 
or  feeble  teeth  may  be  represented  by  the  italicised  symbol  for  normal  teeth. 
For  amorphous,  interlocking  masses,  which  cannot  be  classified  as  teeth,  and 
are  of  varied  origin,  the  symbol  x  is  adopted.  The  enumeration  begins  at  the 
posterior  end,  and  the  right-hand  end  of  the  formula  is  always  anterior. 

Thus,  types    of    teleodont  dentition  may  be   represented   as   follows : — 

Astarte  horealis,  -rrrTii-n^r-  ;  Crassatellites  antillarum,  v, .  „,„  ;  Venus  mercenaria, 
L -01010  R^iOlOZ??!^  '  K/cOlOm'  ' 

R"  ioToT  (^^^  ^^^^  ^^^®  ^  represents  the  rough  area  below  the  ligament). 

In  investigating  the  genesis  of  the  individual  hinge  teeth  in  various 
genera  of  the  Teleodesmacea,  Munier-Chalmas  and  Bernard  have  adopted  the 
following  formula,  which  expresses  at  once  the  origin  and  position  on  the 
hinge  of  the  several  teeth.  In  the  majority  of  cases  the  teeth  appear  to  be 
derived  from  two  primitive  pairs  of  lamellae  in  each  valve,  one  pair  anterior 
and  one  posterior.  Each  adult  tooth  is  designated  by  an  Arabic  numeral 
corresponding  to  the  primitive  lamella  from  which  it  is  derived,  with  a  for 
the  anterior  and  h  for  the  posterior  tooth  Avhen  a  single  primitive  lamella 
gives  rise  to  two  teeth.  The  laterals  are  counted  from  below  upward  in 
Roman  numerals,  the  odd  numbers  belonging  in  every  case  to  the  right,  and 
the  even  numbers  to  the  left  valve.  If  it  is  necessary  to  name  a  socket  it 
receives  the  designation  of  the  tooth  which  occupies  it,  supplemented  by  an 
accent  (').  A  and  P  stand  for  anterior  and  posterior,  L  for  lateral,  and  CA 
for  cardinal  teeth.  Finally,  if  a  tooth  disappears,  its  place  is  indicated  by 
a  zero  with  an  index  showing  which  particular  tooth  it  was.  The  numeration 
of  the  cardinals  always  begins  with  the  right  median  cardinal  tooth.  Thus, 
CAl  =  median  cardinal  of  the  right  valve,  CA25  =  left  median  cardinal  derived 
from  the  posterior  part  of  primitive  lamella  number  two ;  LA  I  =  ventral 
anterior  lateral,  LP  III  =  dorsal  posterior  lateral,  etc. 

Ligament. — The  ligament  wh-ich  unites  the  two  valves,  as  stated  above,  is 
primitively  continuous  with  them  as  the  uncalcified  part  of  the  primitive 
VOL.  I  2  F 

434  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

pellicle  secreted  by  the  original  shell  gland  ;  it  is  therefore  neither  external 
nor  internal.  With  its  subsequent  dift'erentiation,  and  the  thickening  of  the 
valves  by  calcification  deposited  about  it,  it  occupies  a  depression  in  the 
cardinal  margin  which  Bernard  has  regarded  as  internal.  In  a  sense  it  is 
internal,  but  its  position  at  this  stage  is  not  significant,  and  there  is  no 
fundamental  difference  between  the  cases.  The  differentiation  in  function 
and  structure  which  we  find  in  the  adult  between  the  ligament,  properly 
so-called,  and  the  "  internal  ligament "  or  resilium,  is  a  later  development. 

The  ligament  may  be  regarded  as  a 'fundamental  character  of  Pelecypods, 
and  is  universally  present,  though  in  some  cases  as  a  mere  degraded  rudiment 
(Pholadacea) ;  it  may  be  separated  from  the  valves  and  functionless  (Chlamydo- 
concha),  or  present  only  in  the  young  stages  and  lost  through  specialisation 
due  to  the  sessile  habit  (Rudistids). 

As  the  most  important  factor  in  the  mechanism  of  the  valves,  the  liga- 
ment has  undoubtedly  developed  with  the  evolution  of  the  class,  and  its 
chief  modifications  date  from  the  earliest  period  in  the  life-history  of  the 
group.  The  function  of  the  original  ligament  was  that  of  an  external  link 
between  the  valves  having  the  essential  nature  of  a  C-spring.  That  is,  the 
insertion  of  the  ligament  edges  on  the  cardinal  margins,  or,  at  a  later  period, 
on  thickened  ridges  or  nymphae  by  which  these  margins  are  reinforced  to  bear 
strains,  resulted  in  the  following  conditions  : — The  valves  being  held  together 
and,  in  closing,  approximated  by  the  contraction  of  the  adductor  muscles,  the 
preservation  of  their  precise  apposition,  marginally,  is  due  to  a  rotary  motion, 
exerted  along  the  axis  of  the  ligament,  which  pulls  the  attached  edges  of  the 
ligament  nearer  to  each  other  and  exerts  a  strain  on  its  cylindrical  exterior. 
This  operation,  with  a  thin  ligament,  involves  a  tensile  strain  on  the  Avhole 
cylinder ;  with  a  thick  ligament  the  external  layers  are  strained  and  the 
internal  layers  compressed,  so  that  to  the  tensile  elasticity  of  the  external 
layers  is  added  the  compressional  elasticity  of  the  internal  portion.  The 
result  of  the  differing  strains  to  which  the  several  layers  of  the  ligament  are 
subjected  brings  about  a  difference  of  structure,  and,  whenever  the  ligament 
becomes  deep-seated,  there  is  a  tendency  for  the  respective  parts  to  separate 
along  the  line  where  the  two  sets  of  strains  approximate.  We  then  have  two 
elastic  bodies,  operating  reciprocally  in  opposite  directions,  the  outer  or  liga- 
ment proper  tending  to  pull  the  valves  open  to  a  certain  distance  correspond- 
ing to  its  range  of  tensional  elasticity  ;  and  the  other  or  resilium  (for  which 
the  objectionable  terms  "cartilage"  and  "internal  ligament"  have  been  used) 
tending  to  push  them  open  to  an  extent  corresponding  to  its  range  of  expansion. 

The  ligament  proper  is  of  a  more  or  less  corneous  nature,  tough  and  semi- 
translucent  beneath  its  external  surface.  When  dry  it  has  a  vitreous  fracture, 
and  often  shows  hardly  any  fibrous  texture. 

The  resilium  is  distinctly  lamellar  or  composed  of  horny  fibres,  which  are 
apt  to  give  a  pearly  sheen  to  its  broken  surface.  There  is  often  a  more  or 
less  extensive  intermixture  of  lime  in  its  substance,  which  may  be  diffused,  or 
may  be  especially  concentrated  along  the  median  plane.  As  may  be  seen  by 
examining  the  unbroken  resilium  (as  in  Madra),  this  organ  in  such  cases  has 
something  of  an  hour-glass  shape ;  the  ends  which  fit  into  the  "  cartilage  pits  " 
or  resiliifers  being  more  expanded  than  the  centre  between  them.  The  deposit 
of  lime  in  the  form  of  an  accessory  shelly  piece,  usually  termed  the  ossiculum 
or  lithodesma,  serves  for  the  reinforcement  of  the  resilium. 

cr^Ass  I 




Fig.  648. 

Hmnoraya'calciformis  Ag.     Lower  Oolite  ;  near  Bayeux. 
With  well-preserved  external,  opisthodetic  ligament.    2/3. 

For  the  type  of  ligament  which  extends  on  both  sides  of  the  beaks, 
Neumayr  adopts  the  designation  amiihidetic ;  and  for  the  more  perfected  type 
which  has  been  withdrawn  wholly  behind  the  beaks,  he  employs  the  term 
opisthodetic  (Fig.  648).  Glycimeris  offers  a  conspicuous  type  of  the  amphidetic 
ligament :  Tellina  and  Venus  ex- 
emplify  the  opisthodetic  arrange- 
ment. In  many  bivalves  a 
lozenge-shaped  cardinal  area  ex- 
tends amphidetically  between  the 
beaks,  while  the  ligament  is  wholly 
posterior,  being  visible  as  an 
oblique  triangular  space,  with  its 
apex  at  the  umbonal  point  and 
its  base  at  the  hinge  line,  as  in 
Fteria.  Nearly  every  stage  in 
the  recession  of  the  ligament  can 
be  observed,  from  truly  central  to 
posterior,  in  Lima  and  its  allies. 

The  most  perfected  type  of  ligament  is  that  which  may  be  compared  to  a 
cylinder  split  on  one  side,  and  attached  by  the  severed  edges,  one  edge  to 
each  valve.  This  type  is  known  as  parivincMlar  (Tellina,  Cardium) ;  its  long 
axis  corresponds  with  the  axis  of  motion  or  vertical  plane  between  the  valves, 
and  in  position  it  is  iisually  opisthodetic.  Another  form  is  like  a  more  or 
less  flattened  cord  extending  from  one  umbo  to  the  other  (Spondi/lus,  Lima), 
with  its  long  axis  transverse  to  the  plane  of  the  valve  margins  and  the  axis 
of  motion.  This  is  called  alivincular ;  it  may  be  central  or  posterior  to  the 
beaks,  but,  unless  veiy  short,  is  usually  associated  with  an  amphidetic  area. 
Lastly,  a  third  form  must  be  noted  which  consists  of  a  reduplication  of  the 
alivincular  type  at  intervals  upon  the  area  (Perna,  Area,  Fossula),  either 
amphidetically  or  upon  the  posterior  limb  of  the  cardinal  margin.  This  is 
designated  as  multivincular,  and  is  developed  out  of  the  alivincular  type. 

In  some  forms  with  a  rigid  hinge  and  internal  resilium,  the  ligament  may 
degenerate  into  its  archaic  epidermic  character,  as  in  some  species  of  Spondylus. 
It  is  impossible  to  draw  a  sharp  line  between  these  and  similar  forms  in  which 
the  ligament  is  not  quite  reduced  to  the  state  of  epidermis,  as  in  some  species 
of  Ostrea.  The  cardinal  area  above  referred  to  is  in  part  the  morphological 
equivalent  of  the  lunule  of  teleodont  Pelecypods.  In  general,  when  the 
ligament  has  become  opisthodetic,  the  remnant  of  the  area  in  front  of  the 
beaks  forms  the  lunule  and  may  be  called  prosodetic.  The  amphidetic  area 
is  an  archaic  feature  which  has  been  lost  by  the  more  specialised  types  of 
modern  bivalves,  and  its  gradual  disappearance  may  be  traced  in  various 
Prionodont  genera. 

The  separation  of  the  ligament  and  resilium  has  been  described  as  due  to 
mechanical  causes.  In  those  cases  where  the  resilium  becomes  submerged 
between  the  valves,  the  area  of  attachment  of  its  ends  in  thin-shelled  forms  is 
more  or  less  thickened  and  assumes  a  spoon-like  form  projecting  from  the 
hinge-plate,  termed  the  cJiondrophore  or  resiliifer ;  this  is  often  reinforced  by  a 
special  prop  or  buttress  called  the  clavicle.  It  has  been  suggested  by  Neumayr 
that  part  of  the  armature  of  the  hinge,  in  the  shape  of  teeth,  is  due  to  deposits 
made  parallel  to  or  induced  by  the  presence  of  the  chondrophore  and  resilium. 

436  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

There  is  some  reason  to  think  that  the  presence  of  the  resilium  in  Peden 
and  Sjpondylus  may  be  connected  with  those  changes  of  the  anricular  crura 
which  lead  to  the  assumption  of  dental  functions  by  the  latter.  But  it  is  well 
known  that  submergence  of  the  resilium  occurs  independently  in  many  unre- 
lated groups  of  bivalves ;  and  it  is  probable  most  of  them  were  previously 
dentiferous  and  still  retain  their  teeth,  although  more  or  less  modified  or 
displaced,  while  the  edentulous  genera  seldom  show  any  teeth  which  appear 
to  owe  their  existence  solely  to  the  presence  of  a  chondrophore.  The  nearest 
approach  to  a  hinge  composed  of  dental  laminae  of  such  an  origin  is  found  in 
Placuna,  Placenta  and  Placunanomia,  together  with  the  Spondylidae  already 

Classification. — The  class  Pelecypoda,  which  comprises  about  5000  recent 
and  twice  as  many  fossil  species,  appears  to  be  divisible  into  three  ordinal 
groups :  Prionoclesmacea,  Anomalodesmacea  and  Teleodesmacea ;  of  which  the 
third  represents  the  most  perfected  and  developed  (though  not  always  the 
most  specialised)  modern  type  of  bivalve.  There  seems  little  reason  to  doubt 
that  all  these  orders  are  descended  from  a  Prionodesmatic  radical  or  prototype, 
and  that  for  various  reasons  the  first  and  second  retain  more  evident  traces  of 
this  origin  than  the  third. 

For  convenience  of  comparison,  the  characteristics  of  these  orders  will  be 
stated  here. 

Prionodesmacea. — Pelecypods  having  the  lobes  of  the  mantle  generally  separated,  or, 
when  caught  together,  with  imperfectly  developed  siphons ;  the  soft  parts  in  general 
diversely  specialised  for  particular  environments  ;  the  shell  structure  nacreous  and  prismatic, 
rarely  porcellanous  ;  the  dorsal  area  amphidetic  or  obscure,  rarely  divided  into  lunule  and 
escutcheon,  and  wlien  so  divided,  having  an  amphidetic  ligament ;  ligament  variable,  rarely 
opisthodetic  ;  nepionic  stage  usually  with  a  taxodont  provinculura  ;  permanent  armature  of 
the  hinge  characterised  by  a  repetition  of  similar  teeth  upon  the  hinge  line,  or  by  amorphous 
schizodont  dentition ;  habits  active,  sessile  or  nestling,  not  burrowing  ;  monoecious  or 

This  group,  originating  with  the  earliest  forms,  has  retained  many  arcliaic 
features  through  immense  periods  of  geological  time,  although  occasionally  developing 
remarkable  and  persistent  specialisations.  Notwithstanding  most  of  its  subdivisions 
have  arrived  at  a  notable  degree  of  distinctiveness,  intermediate  forms  of  ancient  date 
connect  them  all,  more  or  less  effectively,  with  the  parent  stem. 

Anomalodesmacea. — Pelecypods  having  the  mantle  lobes  more  or  less  completelj'  united, 
leaving  two  siphonal,  a  pedal,  and  sometimes  a  fourth  opening  between  them  ;  siphons  well 
developed,  always  at  the  posterior  end  of  the  body  ;  two  subequal  adductor  muscles  ;  the 
shell  structure  nacreous  and  cellulo- crystalline,  rarely  with  a  prismatic  layer;  the  area 
amphidetic  or  obscure,  rarely  distinctly  divided  ;  the  ligament  usually  opisthodetic,  generally 
associated  with  a  separate  resilium,  chondrophores  and  lithodesma  ;  valves  generally  un- 
equal, the  dorsal  margin  without  a  distinct  hinge  plate,  armature  of  the  hinge  feeble,  often 
obsolete  or  absent  ;  rarely  with  lateral  laminae  or  well-developed  dental  processes  ;  usually 
burrowing,  hermaphrodite,  and  marine. 

This  group  is  intimately  related  to  many  of  the  Palaeoconcha,  except  as  regards 
the  presence  of  a  pallial  sinus.  •  It  retains  many  archaic  features,  and  includes  several 
of  the  most  specialised  modern  forms.  Through  the  Anatinacea  it  aj^proxiuiates  the 
Myacean  Teleodesmacea.  It  is  peculiar  in  the  possession  of  a  litliodesma,  and  in  the 
structure  of  its  gills  and  hinge.  The  forms  with  a  reticulate  gill  have  it  of  a  different 
type  from  the  reticulate  gills  of  the  other  orders ;  those  which  retain  a  modified 
foliobraiu'h  gill  have  it  diffei'cnt  from  the  fbliobrancli  gill  of  Prion odesmacean  groups. 
There  ai'e  no  forms  with  a  filibranchiate  gill,  or  with  a  typically  fully  develoj^ed 
reticulate  gill. 


Teleodesmacea. — Pelecypods  with  reticulate  gills,  the  ventricle  of  the  heart  embracing 
the  r^'ctiun  ;  having  the  mantle  lobes  more  or  less  connected  and  usually  possessing  developed 
siphons  ;  the  adductors  practically  ecjual  ;  the  shell  structure  cellulo-crystalline(porce]lanous) 
or  obscurely  prismatic,  never  nacreous  ;  the  dorsal  area,  when  present,  always  prosodetic  or 
divided  into  lunule  and  escutcheon ;  ligament  opisthodetic,  with  or  without  separate 
resilium  ;  without  a  lithodesma,  rarely  with  external  accessory  shelly  pieces  ;  nepionic  stage 
usually  without  a  taxodont  provinculum  ;  pei'manent  armatm-e  of  the  hinge  characterised  by 
the  separation  of  the  hinge  teeth  into  distinct  cardinals  and  laterals  ;  the  posterior  laterals, 
when  present,  placed  behind  the  ligament  ;  the  animals  active  or  nestling,  sometimes  sessile, 
but  rarely  sedentary  burrowers,  rarely  inequivalve,  usually  possessing  a  hinge  plate  and  a 
pallial  sinus  ;  sexes  usually  separate. 

It  is  doubtful  if  this  group  is  represented  in  the  Paleozoic  rocks,  especially  below 
the  Carboniferous,  though  genera  belonging  to  it  are  foreshadowed  by  some  of  the 
Palaeoconclis.  Although  most  of  the  Teleodonts  live  embedded  in  the  surface  of  the 
sea-bottom,  they  retain  their  ability  to  migrate,  and  only  a  few  extremely  specialised 
forms  inhabit  permanent  burrows  of  their  ow^n  construction.  They  are  sometimes 
commensal  in  the  burrows  of  other  animals.  Similarly,  few  of  them  fix  themselves 
Ijermanently  by  a  byssus,  although  often  byssifei'ous,  especially  when  young.  With 
the  exception  of  a  few  specialised  forms  they  possess  a  pair  of  direct  and  reflected 
branchial  laminae  on  each  side  of  the  body,  frequently  united  behind  the  foot,  forming 
an  anal  chamber  ;  the  two  sets  on  one  side  usually  of  unequal  size,  and  of  the  reticulate 
tyj^e.  None  are  known  with  typically  foliobranch  or  filibrancli  gills,  although  some 
abyssal  forms  have  archaic  sub-foliobranchiate  ctenidia. 

There  remains  a  small  group  of  fossils,  difficult  to  refer  to  a  place  in  the  system, 
yet  characterised  by  several  features  in  common  ;  these  have  been  named  by  Neumayr 
Palaeoconcha,  and  are  defined  by  him  as  follows  :— 

Palaeoconcha. — Prototypic  Pelecypods,  Mith  thin  shells,  a  simple  or  obscure  pallial  line, 
sub-equal  adductor  scars  placed  high  in  the  valves  ;  dorsal  area  absent  or  amphidetic  ;  liga- 
ment externa],  vaiiable  ;  hinge  margin  edentulous  or  with  polymorphous  teeth  formed  by 
modifications  of  the  margin  and  not  set  upon  a  hinge  plate. 

While  the  forms  included  here  are  not  always  actually  tlie  most  ancient,  yet  in 
their  modifications  they  indicate  clearly  the  origin  of  many  subsequently  developed 
structures  found  in  Pelecyj)ods  of  a  more  modern  type  ;  and  owing  to  their  undifferen- 
tiated polymorphic  character  are  difficult  to  assign  a  place  in  any  classification  based 
on  more  highly  developed  forms.  There  is  little  doubt  that  some  of  these  show  taxo- 
dont affinities,  and  others  recall  Pholadomya  ;  but  the  final  discussion  of  these  puzzling 
forms  awaits  greater  knowledge  of  them  and  other  early  bivalves.  It  is  to  be  under- 
stood that  the  places  assigned  them  in  the  present  systematic  arrangement  must  be 
more  or  less  provisional.      Neumayr  included  in  this  group  the  following  families  ; — 

Vlastidae.  Fraeeardiidae,  Solenopsidae. 

Gardiolidac.  Silurinidae.  Grammysiidac. 

AntipleiD-'idae.  Protomyidac  (including  possibly  Posidonoviyidae. 

Lunulicardiidac.  the  Recent  Solemya).  Daoncllidae. 

The  pelagic  Planktomya  henseni,  recently  described  by  Simroth,  presents  many  of 
the  characteristics  of  the  Palaeoconchs.  The  posterior  cardinal  margin  is  denticulate, 
the  ligament  internal,  and  the  gills  are  rejjresented  by  a  single  lateral  plate  parallel 
with  the  longer  axis  of  the  shell  on  each  side  ;  a  type  elsewhere  only  knowar  in  con- 
nection with  the  younger  stages  of  Scioheretia. 




Order  1.     PRIONODESMACEA  Ball. 

Section  A.     Palaeoconcha  p.p.  Neumayr.^ 
Family  1.     Solemyacidae. 

Shell  soleniform,  equivalve,  low-beaked,  edentulous,  gaping,  with  the  anterior  end 
longer  and  the  epidermis  conspicuous,  exceeding  the  valves ;  area  obscure  or  none ;  ligament 
amphidetic,  parivincular,  usually  internal  posteriorly ;  mantle  lobes  united  ventrally, 
attached  in  front  to  the  periostracum  and  valves  by  a  broad  surface,  leaving  no  distinct 
pallial  line ;  a  single  posterior  siphonal  and  anterior  pedal  foramen  in  the  mantle ; 
adductors  s^ib-equal,  with  a  thickened  ray  in  front  of  the  posterior  sear ;  animojl  dioecious, 
marine,  burrowing.     Devonian  to  Kecent. 

Solemya  Lam.  Carboniferous  to  Eecent,  rare  in  all  horizons.  Janeia  King, 
shorter  and  less  inequi valve,  may  include  most  of  the  Paleozoic  species  hitherto 
referred  to  Solemya.  Glinopistha  Meek  and  Worthen,  from  the  Carboniferous,  is  also' 
allied,  and  Dystactella  Hall,  is  united  with  it  by  Zittel.  Phthonia  Hall,  from  the 
Devonian,  is  placed  here  by  Ulrich.  Acharax  Dall,  Mesozoic  to  Recent,  has  a  purely 
external  ligament  and  no  clavicle. 

Family  2.     Solenopsidae  Neumayr, 

Shell  thin,  elongate,  equivalve,  with  very  anterior  beaks  ;  the  hinge  edentulous,  ligamient 
parivincular,  external ;  pallial  line  not  sinuated ;  a  ridge  or  groove  radiating  from  the 
beak  to  the  lower  posterior  angle  of  the  valves.     Marine.     Devonian  to  Trias. 

Sanguinolites  M'Coy.       Elongate,  obliquely  truncate  behind  ;    beaks  low,  sculp- 
ture of  concentric  or  broken  lines,  an- 
terior  adductor    scar    buttressed    by    a 
Promacrus     and     Prothyris     Meek. 

Arcomyopsis  Sandb.  Somewhat 
curved,  with  prominent  beaks;  obliquely 
truncate  behind;  posterior  area  radially,  the  rest  of  the  surface  concentrically 
sculjitured.     Devonian. 

Solenopsis  M'Coy  (Fig.  649).  Very  long,  scabbard-shaped,  smooth  ;  anteriorly 
short  and  rounded,  gaping  behind.      Devonian  to  Trias. 

'  ridge. 

Fig.  649. 
Solenopsis  pelagica  Goldf.     Devonian  ;  Eifel  District. 

Family  3.     Vlastidae  Neumayr. 

Shell  thin,  very  inequivalve,  beaks  elevated,  hinge  line  edentulous,  arched,  meeting  at  an 
obtuse  angle  beneath  the  beaks,  leaving  a  dorsal  opening ;  surface  smooth  or  concentrically 

The  two  genera  Vlasta  and  Dux  (Vevoda)  Barrande,  from  the  Silurian  of  Bohemia 
(Etage  E  2),  constitute  this  family. 

Family  4.     Grammysiidae  Fischer. 

Shell  thin,  equivalve,  oval  or  elongate,  with  the  beaks  sub-central  to  anterior ;  hinge 
edentulous,  sometimes  thickened.  Ligament  parivincular,  external ;  'pallial  line  not 
simiate ;  surface  smooth  or  concentrically  sculptured.     Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

'  [The  terms  Palaeoconcha,  Taxodonta,  Schizodonta,  etc.,  preceded  liy  Roiiiau  numerals,  are 
retained  here  merely  as  convenient  descriptive  ajipellations,  and  are  in  nowise  to  be  regarded  as 
possessing  systematic  values.] 




Grammysia  Vern.  (Sphenomya  Hall)  (Fig.  650).  Shell  elongate-ovate,  concen- 
trically sculptured,  with  a  deei^  lunule  ;  cardinal  margin  thickened,  edentulous ; 
surface  with  several  radial 
grooves.  Silurian  and  De- 
vonian. Protomya  Hall  is 
similar      but     without      the    AmXil/i£K^i\\\lll]\      Xfl/I'i'J' '■ 

Leptodormis  M'Coy,  Sil- 
urian ;  Elymella,  Glossites, 
Euthydesma,  Paleanafina 

and  (?)  Tellinopsis  Hall  ; 

Gardiomorpha      Koninck, 

Fig.  650. 

n,^Ql     i,^flof,irI      K^oVc    oi„.^c<-    Grammysia  hamiltcnensis  Vern.     Spirifer  Sandstone  (Lower  Devonian)  ; 
uvai,    mnaiea,    oeakS    almost  Lahnstein,  Nassau  (after  Santlberger). 

anterior,      consj^icuous,      ad- 
jacent, jjrosogyrous  ;  hinge  line  thin,  arched.     Silurian  and  Carboniferous. 

Isoculia  M'Coy.  Like  the  preceding,  but  with  coarse  concentric  sculpture. 

Other  Carboniferous  genera  are  Broeckia  Koninck  ;  Ghaenomya  Meek  ;  Sedgwickia 
M'Coy ;  and  Edmondia  Koninck.  The  last  is  like  Gardiomorpha  but  gapes  in  front, 
with  a  narrow  ridge  below  the  beaks. 

The  Cambrian  Fordilla  Barrande,  earliest  of  bivalves  if  a  Mollusc,  very  likely  belongs 
to  the  bivalved  Crustaceans  near  Estheria.  It  is  minute,  oval,  somewhat  arcuate,  and  con- 
centrically striated.     Lo^Ver  Cambrian  ;  New  York  and  Massachusetts. 

Another  bivalved  shell,  regarded  by  some  authors  as  a  Pelecypod,  Modioloides  priscus 
Walcott,  from  the  Lower  Cambrian  of  eastern  New  York,  is  probably  also  of  Crustacean 
affinities.  Pizzaroa,  Timaria  and  Bistramia  Hoek,  from' the  Silurian  of  Bolivia,  are  probably 
byssal  bivalves. 

Family  5.     Cardiolidae  Neumayr. 

Shell  equivalve,  inflated,  obliquely  ovate,  with  prominent  beaks,  and  edentulous  hinge ; 
sculpture  often  radial,  or  sometimes  of  concentric  ridges  which  may  be  confined  to  the 
beaks.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Gardiola  Bred.  (Fig.  651);  Gloria  Barrande;  Eopteria 
(?  Euchasma)  Billings  ;  from  the  Ordovician,  may  also  belong  here. 

Family  6.     Antipleuridae  Neumayr. 

Shell  very  inequivalve  without  gape  below  the  beaks;  hinge 
obscurely  taxodont,  with  an  amphidetic  area  and  predominantly 
radial  sculpture.     Silurian. 

Antipleura,  Dualina  and  Dalila  of  Barrande. 

Family  7.     Praecardiidae  Neumayr. 

Shell  equivalve  with  taxodont  dentition  and  usually  strong 
radial  sculpture.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

This  family  contains  the  following  genera  of  Barrande  from  the  Silurian  of 
Bohemia  :  Praecardium,  Paracardium,  Puella,  Pentata,  Buchiola  {Glyptocardia  Hall), 
Praelucina,  Regina,  Praelima  ;  to  which  Neumayr  adds  Pleurodonta  Conrath,  and 
Pararca  Hall.  It  is  possiljle  that  Silurina  Barrande,  regarded  by  Neumayr  as  the 
type  of  a  distinct  family,  may  also  be  included.  It  is  distinguished  by  its  feelder 
structure  and  a  dorsal  radial  groove  near  the  cardinal  border. 

Fio.  651. 

Canliola  mrnucopiac 
Goldf.  Devonian ;  Ebers- 
reuth,  Piclitelgebirge.  ^/j. 




Pig.  652. 

Section  B.     Taxodonta  Neumayr  (emend.). 

Superfamily  1.     NUCULACEA. 

Shell  of  variable  form,  closed  ventrally,  equivalve,  loith  a  smooth  epidermis  ;  nacreous 
or  porcellanous  iviih  tubuliferous  external  prismatic  layer ;  area  obscure,  or  none,  when 
present  divided  into  lunule  and  escutcheon ;  ligament  variable,  amphidetic ;  gills  folio- 
branchiate ;  both  adductors  present  and  sub- equal ;  foot  grooved  and  reptary,  not 
byssiferous ;  marine. 

Family  8.     Ctenodontidae  Dall. 

Shell  nuculiform,  with  the  teeth  in  a  continuous  arched  series ;  no  area ;  ligament 
external,  alivincular,  icithout  an  external  resilimn ;  pallial  line  simple.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Ctenodonta  Salter  (Tellinomya  Hall  p.p.)  (Fig.  652).  Oval,  smootli  or  con- 
centrically striate,  iii^  the  later  horizons  sometimes  with  Leda-like 
ornamentation.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Gucullella  (M'Coy)  Fischer.     Ovate,  thin-shelled,  with  a  straighter 
hinge  Hue  and  a  radial  buttress  to  the  anterior  adductor.     Silurian. 

Family  9.     Nuculidae  Adams.^ 
ctenodonta pectim-  Shell  compact,  closed,  with  the  teeth  in  two  series  meeting  below  the 

culoidcs  HaXl.  Ordo-  ,  ,77777  .71,  j, 

vician;  Cincinnati,    umbones,  separated  by  a  chondrophore ;  area  represented  by  an  obscure 
H^m      ^'^    ^^^^^^   lunule  and  escutcheon ;  no  ligament,  but  a  wholly  internal,  amphidetic, 
alivincular  resilium ;    internal  layer  of  shell  nacreous;  mantle   lobes 
free,  without  siphons ;  pallial  line  simple.     Silurian  to  Eecent. 

Nucula  Lam.  {Nuculana  Link)  (Fig.  653).  Oval  or  triangular,  concentrically  or 
reticulately  sculptured.      Silurian  to  Eecent.      Re-  a 

presented  by  over  200  fossil  and  half  as  many  Recent       ,  r!^^Z"~^.  c 


Acila  Adams.    With  divaricate  sculpture.    Lower 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  10.     Ledidae  Adauis.i 

Shell  as  in  the  Nuculidae,  but  clungated  icith  the  /^"".,V  ^  ,,.     7, 

...  ,.  .  7  A,    Nucula    stngilata    Goldf.      Upper 

ligament  variable,  the  resihum  sometimes  external  or  Trias ;    St.   Cassian,   Tyrol.    Vi-   f-,  n. 

absent,  the  internal  shell  layer  sub-nacreous  or  por-   ^J^^^^l  Linn.  Mioceno;  Gru.ssbaeh,  near 

cellanous,  the  ends  of    the  shell  iiartly  gaping;    the 

mantle  lobes  more  or  less  united ;  with  complete,  sometimes 
elongate  siphons ;  pallial  line  usually  satiated.  Ordovician 
to  Recent. 

Gleidophorus     Hall     (Adranaria    Muu. -Chalm.)    (Fig. 

654).      Shell  rostrate,   the  anterior  side  shorter,   with   an 

internal  radial  buttress.      Ordovician  and  Devonian. 

^"■-  654.  Gytherodon  Hall.     Silurian  and  Devonian.     (?)  Bedonia 

Ckidirplwrus  ruUrat^  s,u„ll>.    Rouault ;   Cadomia  Tromelin;  Palaeoneilo  Hall;  Anuscula 
Internal  iiKinkl  iroHi  Lower  Devon-  .  ' 

ian  ;  Nieiieriahnstoin,  Nassau.  V,.    Barr. ;  and  AlyojAusia  Neiimayr.      Sihuiau. 

^  Vemll,  A.  E.,  and  BksIi,  K.  ,/.,  Revision  of  the  genera  of  Ledidae  and  Ninulidae.  Anier. 
Jouni.  Sci.  [4],  1897,  vol.  iii. 




Leda  Sclium.  (Figs.  655,   656).      Shell  rostrate,  elongate,  often  keeled,  concentri- 
cally striate  ;  hinge  as  in  Nucula  ;  pallial  sinus  small.     Silurian  to  Recent. 


.Fin.  (555. 

Lrda  rostral  a 
(Lam.).  MiiWle  Jura; 
Milhaud,    Aveyron. 


Fig.  fibii. 

Leda  deshayesiana  Ducli. 
Oligocene ;  Rupelmonde, 
Belgium.     '^|■^. 

Fig.  657. 

Yoldia  arctica  Gray. 
Pleistocene ;  Bohus- 
lan,  Sweden.    Vi- 

Fl(i.  6.58. 

Nucnllna  oinlis 
(Wood).  Miocene; 
Forchtenau,  near 

Yoldia  Moller  (Fig.  657).  Shell  thin,  wide,  and  more  or  less  gaping  behind, 
hinge  as  in  Nucula.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Nuculina  d'Orl).  (Fig.  658).  Nuculiform,  hinge  teeth  few  and  discrepant;  with 
large  lateral  tooth  and  external  ligament.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Malletia  Desm.  and  Tindaria  Bell.  Yoldiform  and  nuculiform  respectively,  but 
without  internal  chondrophore.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Superfamily  2.     ARC  ACE  A  Deshayes. 

Shell  of  varied  fornij  usually  'with  a  pilose  epidermis,  porccllanous,  with  tubuliferous 
non-prismatic  external  layer ;  area  typically  comphidetic,  ligament  external,  ali-  or 
multivincular ;  gills  filihranchiate,  with  the  filaments  ustially  reflected ;  mantle  lobes 
free,  without  siphons,  the  pallial  line  simple ;  foot  variable,  deeply  grooved,  byssogenous  ; 
marine  or  fluviatile. 

Family  11.     Parallelodontidae  DalL 

Shell  arciform.,  ivith  the  posterior  hinge  teeth  elongated,  tending  to  he  parallel  to  the 
hinge  mtirgin ;  ligament  m,ultivincular.     Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

The  ancient  forms  of  this  group  appear  to  connect 
with  tlie  Pteriacea  through  Ptcrinea,  and  with  Area 
through  CucuUaea.  The  Recent  forms,  which  from 
their  shell  characters  have  been  referred  to  Macrodon, 
are  all  small  and  probably  .sliould  be  referred  to  the 
Arcidae.  The  relationship  of  this  family  to  the 
Arcidae  is  very  intimate  but  not  exclusive. 

Parallelodon  Meek  (Macrodon  Lycett)  (Fig. 
659).  Shell  elongate,  sul)- quadrate,  with  am- 
phidetic  area,  and 
j)rominent,  rather 
anterior  beaks. 
Anterior  teeth 
transverse  or  flex- 
uous,  posterior  long 
and  parallel  to  the 
hinge  line.  Devon- 
ian to  Tertiary  ; 
maximum   in  Coal  Fig.  659. 

Measures.  Parallelodon  hirsonensis  Morri.s  and  ■^'"'  ^^^' 

n^rint^r^^ntr^^^,,-,     ^^^^   C^reat  Oolite ;  Minclilnlianipton,        CmulUuaTierMlia  iVOrh.     Oxfonlian  ;  Vieil 
IrrammatOdon    England.     Vi-  St.  Remy,  Ardennes.    Vi- 

442  MOLLUSC  A  phylum  vi 

Meek  and  Wortlien,  and  Nemodon  Conrad,  are  allied.  Carbonarca  Meek  and  Wortlien. 
Beaks  inflated,  curved,  angular  behind ;  hinge  margin  curved,  with  two  oblique 
teeth.      Carboniferous. 

Cucullaea  Lam.  (Fig.  660).  Shell  inflated,  trapezoidal ;  hinge  teeth  in  the  centre 
of  the  hinge  short,  transverse  or  oblique,  the  terminal  teeth  on  each  side  longer,  sub- 
parallel  to  the  hinge  line ;  posterior  adductor  usually  supported  by  a  radial  elevated 
lamina  or  buttress.     Jura  to  Recent  ;  maximum  in  Mesozoic. 

GucuUaria  Desh.,  of  the  Eocene,  and  Idonearca  Conrad,  are  closely  allied. 

Family  12.     Cyrtodontidae  Ulrich. 

Shell  equivalve,  short,  usually  heavy,  convex  and  earthy,  loithout  persistent  epidermis, 
area  small,  ligament  parivincular  (?) ;  hinge  teeth  transitional  between  the  Parallelodon 
and  Dysodont  type;  adductor  scars  sihb-equal,  the  posterior  larger  but  less  impressed. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

These  forms  are  evidently  intermediate  in  character.  They  recall  Liinopsis  among  later 
types,  are  nearly  related  to  the  Parallelodontidae,  but  have  not  the  multivincular  ligament  ; 
the  hinge  has  Dysodont  elements,  but  the  difference  of  texture  and  epidermis  stand  in  the 
way  of  assimilating  them  with  Mytilacea. 

Cyrtodonta  Bill.  (Cypricardites  p.p.  Conrad ;  Palearca  Hall).  Shell  rounded, 
moderately  ventricose,  with  rather  tumid,  incurved,  anterior  beaks  ;  area  narrow  and 
obscure  ;  cardinal  teeth  two  to  four,  obliquely  curved  or  horizontal ;  lateral  teeth  near 
the  posterior  end  of  the  hinge  elongate,  strong,  curved  or  oblique  ;  pallial  line  simple. 
Anterior  adductor  set  on  the  wall  of  the  valve.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Vanuxemia  Bill.  Beaks  more  nearly  terminal,  anterior  adductor  scar  excavated 
out  of  the  liinge  plate.      Ordovician. 

TVIiitella  and  Tschyrodonta  Ulrich  ;  Matheria  Billings.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Family  13.     Limopsidae  Dall. 

Shell  pectunculoid,  equivalve  or  nearly  so ;  the  ligament  alivincular,  partly 
immersed,  its  socket  approaching  a  chondrophore ;  area  small ;  foot  long,  narrow,  grooved, 
byssiferous ;  otherwise  as  in  Arcidae.     Trias  to  Recent. 

These  forms  precede  the  typical  Area  and  have  a  special  facies  of  their  own.  The  two 
dental  series  of  the  hinge  are  often  discrepant  in  character  or  direction,  recalling  the 

Limopsis  Sasso  (Fig.  661).     Small,  rounded  or  oval,   recalling  Glycimeris,  except 
for  the  alivincular  ligament.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Trinacria  Mayer  {Trigonocoelia  Nyst).  Like  Limopsis,  but  tri- 
angular, with  the  posterior  slope  keeled.  Eocene.  Gnisma  Mayer, 
from  the  Eocene,  appears  to  be  related. 

Family  14.      Arcidae  Dall. 

Shell' trapezoidal  or  rounded,  with  the  posterior  side  longer;   ligament 

usually  multivincular ;  hinge  typicodly  taxodont,  with  the  teeth  in  two 

Limopsis  aurita   similar  series,  meeting  below  the   beaks,  and   approximately  vertical  to 

Brocchi.  Pliocene;  the  margin  of  the  valve ;  foot  stout,  short,  deeply  grooved.  Jura  to 
Piacenza.    i/..  -r,  ^ 


Most  of  the  Paleozoic  ^rc«dike  forms  are  probably  Parallelodontidae,  and  the  typical 
Areas  are  preceded  by  Pectunculoid  forms.  The  convergence  of  the  types  of  Arcacea  as  we 
recede  in  geological  time  is  very  marked,  and  their  relations  to  the  Nuculacea  are  evident  in 
spite  of  the  later  developed  differences. 

Fig.  661. 




Area  Lain,  (type  A.  noae  Linn.).  Shell  trapezoid,  equivalve,  with  a  wide  amphi- 
detic  area,  distant  conspicuous  beaks,  and  radial  sculptiu'e  ;  a  wide  byssal  gape  ;  a 
long,  straight,  transversely  dentate  hinge  line,  with  many  small  similar  teeth. 
Tertiary  and  Recent.  Used  in  the  wider  sense  to  include  all  the  groups  of  Arcidae, 
there  are  some  200  living  and  300  to  400  fossil  species. 

Subgenera :    Barbatia   Gray  (Fig.    662)  ;    Scapharca,   Noetia,    Anadara   (Fig.    663)  and 
Argina  Gray  ;  Scaphula  Benson  (fresh-water),  etc. 

Isoarca  Mlinst.  (Fig.  664).  Shell  smooth,  inflated  ;  beaks  full,  incurved  ;  hinge 
line  with  rather  amorphous  dentition.      Upper  Jura  and  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Fig.  662. 

Area  {Larhatia)  harbata  Linn.    Miocene  ; 
Gruiid,  near  Vienna,     i/i- 

Fifi.  603. 

Area  (Anadara)  diluvii  Lain. 
Pliocene  ;  Siena. 

Fig.  664. 

Area  (Isoarca)  cordi- 
fonnis  Ziet.  Upper  Jura  ; 
Nattheim,  WUrtemberg. 

Glycimeris  Da  Costa  (Pectunculus  Lam. ;  Axinea  Poli)  (Fig.  665).     Rounded  and 
almost  symmetrical.     Basal  margin  dentate ;  area  as  in  Area,  liut  shorter  ;  ligament 

Fio.  665. 
Glycimeris  dbovatus  (Lam.).    Oligocene  ;  Weinheim,  near  Alzey,  Hesse,    i/i. 

multivincular ;  teeth  ol)lique,  in  an  arched  series,  interrupted  during  growth  by  the 
subsidence  of  the  areal  margin.      Cretaceous  to  Recent ;  maximum  in  Miocene. 

Section  C.     Schizodonta  Steinmann  (emend.). 

Superfamily  3.     PTERIACEA  DalL 

Shells  of  varied  form,  frequently  alate,  with  a  nacreous  or  sub-nacreous  inner  and 
prismatic  on.ter  layer ;  the  epidermis  seldom  conspicuous ;  area  amphidetic ;  ligament 
variable,  usually  not  parivincular ;  gills  filibranchiate  or  reticulate,  usually  reflected; 
mantle  lobes  free,  without  siphons ;  pallial  line  simple ;  the  anterior  addtictor  smaller. 




or  frequently  obsolete  in  the  adult,  though  j^rescnt  in  the  young;  generally  Ossiferous ; 
hinge  schizodont  or  edentulous.  The  young  sometimes  showing  a  distinct  neinonic  stage. 

Family  15.     Pterineidae  Dall. 

Shell  fteriiform,  bialate,  dimijarian,  the  anterior  adductor  smaller ;  inequivalve,  very 
inequilateral;  dentition  obscure;  ligament  amfliidetic,  external,  multivincular  (?) ;  the 
hyssus  passing  through  a  notch  in  the  smaller  valve.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

In  Plerinea  and  its  allies  Ave  have  the  first  indications  of  divergence  of  what  ultimately 
became  taxodont  and  schizodont  dentition.  •  From  this  assemblage,  as  indicated  by  Jackson, 
a  large  ijrojjortion  of  the  Prionodesmacea  have  diverged  in  various  directions.  It  is  probable 
that  from  tliis  source  the  filibranchiate  Taxodonts  have  sprung,  rather  than  directly  from  the 

Rhombopteria  Jackson  (Fig.  666).      Posterior  wing  sej)arated  from  the  body  of  the 

A  B 

Fifi.  666. 

Rliomliopteria  mira 
(BaiT.).  Silurian  (B); 
Prague,  Bohemia  (after 

Fig.  667. 

A,  Pterinca  laci'is  Goldf.     Devonian  ;  Niederlahnstein,  Nassau.     Interior  of  left 
valve,  i/i-    B,  P-  lineata  Goldf.     Same  locality  ;  external  view. 

valve  by  a  shallow  sinus  ;  anterior  wing  short ;  teeth  obscure,  the  posterior  elongated. 

Pterinea  Goldf.  (Fig.  667).  Left  valve  convex,  right  valve  flat ;  hinge  plate  long, 
broad,  auriculate  before  and  behind ;  area  amphidetic,  grooved  ;  ligament  j)arivin- 
cular  (?) ;  anterior  teeth  obscure,  transverse  ;  the  posterior  elongate,  nearly  parallel  to 
the  cardinal  margin,  depressed  behind.  Posterior  adductor  scar  large,  the  anterior 
small  but  strong,  inserted  below  the  anterior  wing.  Ordovician  to  (carboniferous  ; 
particularly  abundant  in  the  Devonian  of  Europe  and  America. 

Actinodesma  Saitdb.  (Glyptoclesma,  Ectenodesma  Hall ;  Dolichoptcron  Maurer). 
Like  Pterinea,  Ijut  with  tlie  wings  elongated  and  pointed.     Devonian. 

Leptodesma,  Hall ;   Kochia  Freeh  (Onychia,  Sandb.;  Loxopiteria  Fi'ecli).    Devonian. 

Family  16.     Lunulicardiidae  Fischer. 

Usually  equivalve,  triangular  shells  %oith  terminal  beetles,  from  which  a  sharp  ridge 
runs  toward  the  lower  margin,  bounding  a,  flattened  area.  Hinge  margin  straight,  long. 
Internal  characters  unhioivn.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Lunulicardium  Miinst.  Anterior  side  with  a  byssal  sinus.  Silurian  and 
Devonian.      L.  semistriatum  Miinst. 

Patrocardium  Fischer  (Hemicardium  Barr.,  non  Cuvier).  Without  byssal  sinus. 

Additional  genei-a  :  Amita  (Spanila,  Tetinhi),  Mila,  TenJca,  Babinlca  (Matercula) 
Barrande.      Silurian. 




Fjuuily  17.     Ambonychiidae  Milkr. 

Shell  mytiliform,  with  no  anterior  wing,  the  anterior  addAictor  obsolete ;  equivalve, 
very  inequilateral;  dentition  obsolete  or  schizo- 
dont ;  ligament  external,,  multivincular  (?) ; 
byssus  passing  through  a  narroiv  gape  between 
the  valves  which  are  otherwise  closed.  Ordo- 
vician  to  Devonian. 

The  typical  Ambonychia,  according  to  Uliich, 

is  edentulous  ;  the  forms  ordinarily  passing  under  , 

that  name  being  now  rel'erred  to  Bijssonychia.     In  / 

this  group  the  byssus  does  not  pass  tlirough  a  {i 

group  the  byss 
notch  in  one  of  the  valves 

The  Ambonychiidae  include  the  typical  mem- 
bers of  Ambonychia,  Byssoptcria  and  Amphicoelia 
Hall  ;  Ojristhoptcra  {Mcgaptcra)  Meek  ;  Anomalo- 
donta  Miller  ;  Byssonychia  and  AUonychia  Ulrich, 
and  their  allies. 

Pig.  60S. 

A,  Byssonychia  sp.  Cincinnati  Group;  Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio.  Interior  of  right  valve.  Vj  (after 
Miller).    B,  B.  radiata  (Hall).     Same  locality. 

Byssonychia  Ulrich  (Fig.  668).  Hinge 
with  several  small  cardinal  and  two  or  three  slender  lateral  teeth  ;  area  striated  ; 
byssal  opening  present  in  the  upper  half  of  the  anterior  face ;  otherwise  as  in 

Paleocardia  Hall.      Silurian.      Mytilarca  and  Plethomytilus  Hall.      Devonian. 

Gosseletia,    Barrois    {Gyrtodontopsis    Freeh.).      Thicker    shelled,  with   heavier  and 
more  numerous  teeth.    ,  Devonian. 

Glionychia  Ulrich.      Edentulous,  concentrically  sculptured,      Ordovician. 

Fig.  G69. 

Pinna  pyramidalis  Miinst. 
Quader  Sandstein ;  Schan- 
dau,  near  Dresden.    1/3. 

Fig.  670. 

Pinnigena  sechaclil  Bohm.     Upper  Jura  ;  Kelheim,  Bavaria. 
External  and  internal  views,  1/3  natural  size. 




Family  18.     Pinnidae  Meek. 

Shell  mytiliform,  not  alate,  dimyarian,  the  anterior  adductor  smaller ;  equivalve, 
truncate  and  wholly  open  behind;  edentulotis ;  area  linear;  ligament  imrivincular, 
internal ;  shell  structure  coarsely  frismatic,  with  a  thin,  partial,  nacreous  lining ; 
byssiferous.      Devonian  to  Recent. 

Palaeopinna  Hall.     Devonian  ;  North  America. 

Aviculopinna  Meek.  A  very  small  wing  in  front  of  the  beaks.  Carboniferoiis 
and  Permian. 

Pinna  Linn.  (Fig.  669).  Shell  thin,  with  a  long  hinge  line  and  emarginate 
nacreous  layer ;  valves  carinate,  the  carina  sulcate,  section  triangular.  Jura  to 

Pinnigena  Sauss.  {Trichites  Plott)  (Fig.  670).  Muscular  impression  very  large; 
prismatic  layer  extremely  thick  ;  sculpture  divaricate.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Atrina  Gray.  Shell  with  broad  adductor  scars ;  short  hinge  line,  no  sulcus  or 
carina,  the  nacreous  layer  entire.     Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Cyrtopinna  Morch.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Family  19.     Conocardiidae  Neumayr. 

Shell  sub-trigonal,  anteriorly  truncate  and  gaping,  the  margins  of  the  gape  frequently 

produced  into  a  tube-like  rostrum  and  sharply  serrate  below,  the  posterior  end  usually 

alate,  the  wing  divided  internally  by  a  longitudinal  ridge; 

dimyarian,  the  anterior  adductor  scars  smaller ;  equivalve 

more  or   less   gaping   behind ;    schizodont,    with    a    single 

anterior    lateral,    and    an    obscure    or    obsolete    cardinal 

tubercle ;  area  ill-defined,  amphidetic ;  ligament  external, 

parivincular ;  shell   structure   cancellate,   or  btdlt  up   of 

holloio  prisms  resembling  those  of  Pinna,  but  not  solid ; 

valves  thick,  internally  marginate ;  byssifeous  (?)  ;  marine. 

Conocardium  alaeforme  Sowerby.    Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 
Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Tournay,  Bel- 
gium,   i/i.  This  group  includes  Conocardium  Bronn  [Pleurorhynchiis 

Phill.)  (Fig.  671),  and  lihipidocanlium  Fischer.  It  is  ex- 
tremely isolated,  and  comprises  some  fifty  species.  These  remarkable  shells  have  been 
referred  by  most  paleontologists  to  tlie  Cardiacea,  with  wliich  they  have  no  connection  what- 
ever except  analogy  of  form  with  a  few  aberrant  Cardiidae. 

Fl(i.  071. 

Family  20.     Pernidae  Zittel. 
Shell  sub-mytiliform,  with  a  broad  posterior  wing ;  monomyarian,  the  anterior  adductor 

Fir..  672. 
A,  Gervillia  aviculoiden  Sow.     Oxfordian  ;  Dives,  Calvados.     li,  G.  /mea/i.s- Bouvijjiiier. 


absent  in  the  adult ;  inequivalve,  teeth  irregular  or  absent,  with  a  serial  muUivincular 
ligament ;  byssiferous,  with  a  moderate  gape,  or  none.     Permian  to  Recent. 




Tliis  family  diflers  from  the  Pteriidae  cliiefly  by  its  multivincular  ligament  in  the  adult 
state.     It  linds  its  maximum  development  in  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Bakewellia  King.      Small,  obliquely  elongated,  alate  behind,  three  to  four  den- 
ticulations  under  the  beaks.      Permian. 

Gervillia   Defr.    (Fig.    672).      Posterior   wing    obscure,   hinge    plate    thick,   beaks 
terminal,  pointed,  with  obscure  dental  ridges  sub-jiarallel 
to  the  long  axis  of  the  valve.     Trias  to  Eocene. 

Subgenus  Roernesia  Laube  (Fig.  673).  With  a  strong  tooth 
under  the  beak  and  subtaxodont  denticulations  on  the  pos- 
terior cardinal  liorder.     Trias. 

Odontoperna  Freeh.  Quadrate  with  two  to  three 
oblique  dental  folds  below  the  beaks.     Trias. 

Pedal-ion  Solander  (Jsognoinon  Klein  ;  Perna  Brug.  ; 
MuUetia    Fisch.)    (Fig.    674).      Equivalve,    subquadrate,  .       .  ,.  ,^  ,,,  „  ^ 

.      ,  .       ,        °  .      .        ,1  ,1        J       .    1  Hoernesia  sociahs  (Schlotli.). 

With  terminal  beaks,  an  anterior  byssal  notch,  edentulous    Muscheikalk  ;  wtirzburg,  Bavaria, 
hinge,  and  numerous  ligamentary  grooves.   Trias  to  Recent. 

Edentula  Waag.     Alpine  Trias.      Pernostrea  Munier-Chalmas.      Jura. 

Inoceramus  Sowerby  {Catillus 
Brong.  ;  Haploscapha  Conr.  ;  Neo- 
catillus  Fisch.)  (Fig.  675).    Rounded 

Pig.  673. 

Fig.  674 

Pedalion  soldanii  (Desh.).     Oligocene  ;  Waldbockellieim, 
near  Krenznach,  Prussia,     i/.i. 

Inoceramus  cripsi  Mant.  Upper  Cretaceous 
Gosau,  Austria.     1/2  natural  size. 

with  concentric  sculpture  ;  prominent,  rather  anterior  beaks, 
and  edentulous  hinge  bearing  numerous  small  ligamentary  pits. 
Jura,  and  especially  the  upper  and  middle  Cretaceous. 

Subgenera  :    Adinoccramus  Meek  (Fig.   676),  with  radial  sculp- 
ture ;   Volviceramus  Stol.  ;  Anoimea  Eichw.  ;  Haenleinia  Biihm. 

Grenatula  Lam.     Thin-shelled,  elongate,  smooth.     Jura  (?), 

Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Family  21.     Pteriidae  Meek. 

Shell  avicnloid,  bialate,  monomyarian,  mequivalve,  with  an 
alivincular  ligament ;  the  byssus  issuing  by  a  notch  in  the  smaller 
valve ;  the  young  dimyarian,  the  anterior  adductor  disappearing 
with  age.     Silurian  to  Recent. 

Pteria  Scopoli  {Avicula  Brug.)  (Fig.  677).  Cardinal 
border  in  the  young  with  pseudocardinal  and  lateral  teeth,  becoming  more  or  less 
obscure  with  growth  ;  shell  thin,  oblique.     Devonian  to  Recent. 

Fig.  676. 

Actinoceraimis  sulcatus 
Park.  Gault ;  Perte  dii 
Rhone,  Ain.     l/j. 




Subf'enera:  AcHnopteria,  Lciopteria,  Vertumnia  Hall.  Devonian.  Ptcrondes  M'Coy. 
Devonian  and  Carboniferous.  ?  rMtotia  de  Kon.  Carboniferous.  Oxytoma  Meek  (Fig.  678). 
Trias  to  Cretaceous.     Mclcagrina  Lam.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Lmwptera  Hall  {Monopteria   Meek  ;    Myalinodonta,  Paropsis   (Elilert).     Anterior 
wing  reduced,  posterior  large.     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Fio.  677. 
Pleria  contort  a 
(Portl.)-      Rliae- 
t  i  c  ;    K  (i  s  s  e  n, 

Fig.  G7S. 

Fleria  {Oxytoma)  costata  Sow.    Great  Oolite  ; 
Luc,  Calvados. 

Fig.  079. 

I'seudomonotis  ecliinata  Sow.     Corn  brash 
(Oolite) ;  Sutton,  England. 

Pteroperna  Morris  and  Lycett.     Middle  Jura. 

Pseudomonotis  Beyr.  {Eumicrotis  Meek)  (Fig.  679).      Left  valve  flat,  anterior  wing 
not  developed  or  minute.     Devonian  to  Cretaceous. 

Gassianella  Beyr.  (Fig.  680).      Left  valve  inflated  with  prominent  incurved  beak  ; 

Fi(i.  680. 

Cassianella  gryphacata  (Munst.).     Upper  Trias  ; 
St.  Cassian,  Tyrol. 

Fig.  681. 

Monotis  salinaria  (Schloth.).  Red 
Alpenkalk  (Norian) ;  Berchtesgaden, 
Bavaria.     2/3. 

tlie  liglit  flat  or  concave,  without  byssal  sinus ;  teeth  small  as  in  Pteria,  but  more 
numerous  ;  area  amphidetic,  wide.     Trias. 

Monotis  Bronn  (Fig.  681).  Equivalve,  compressed,  radially  striate,  with  low,  sub- 
central  beaks ;  anterior  wing  indistinct,  rounded  ;  posterior  wing  short,  truncate  or 
oblique.     Trias. 

HaloUa    Bronn   (Daonella    Mojs.)  (Fig.   682).    'Equivalve  like  Monotis,  but  the 

Fig.  082. 

Fig.  083. 

Hdluhia  (^Daunella)  lommrll  Wissm.      Lower  Keuper  (Norian) ;        Posidonomya  hecheri  Bronn.    Culm  Measures; 
Wengen,  South  Tyrol.  Herborn,  Nassau,    i/i- 

anterior  wing  only  represented  by  a  smooth  non-projecting  area  (Halobia),  or  both 
wings  absent  {Daonella).     Abundairt  in  the  Trias. 




Fosidonomya  Bronn  {Ahlacomya  Steiiim.)  (Fig.  683).  Eqiiivalve,  tliin,  compressed, 
concentrically  waved  ;  hinge  margin  straight,  edentulous  ;  valves  not  auriculate  ;  beaks 
sub-central,  not  conspicuous.  Silurian  to  Jurassic.  Over  fifty  species  are  known  ; 
very  profuse  in  the  Jura-Trias,  sometimes  forming  massive  beds. 

Malleus  Lam.  ;  (?)  Philobrya  Carpenter  ;  (?)  Hochstetteria  Velain.     Recent. 

Family  22.     Myalinidae    Freeh. 

Shell  obliquely  ovate,  widened  behind,  sometimes  with  a  small  anterior  ear ;  bealcs 
anterior   or   terminal ;    hinge   edentulous,  straight ;    area 
amfhidctic,    longitudinally    grooved;     ligament    parivin-        ^^fi^^^^'^TJ^ 
cular  (?)     Adductor  scars  sub-eqiud ;  byssal  notch  distinct. 
Silurian  to  Jura. 

Fig.  684. 

Aucella  mosrjuensis  Keys.     Upper 
■Jura;  Moscow,  Russia. 

;  anterior  auricle    distinct, 
Trias  of  Asia  Minor. 

Aucelkt    Keys, 
waved,    sometimes 

Myalina  de  Kon.  Shell  thick,  oljlique,  with  deep 
adductor  scars  anteriorly  under  the  terminal  beaks. 
Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Hoplomytilus  Sandb.;  Myalinoptera  Freeh ;  Ptycho- 
desma,  Mytilops  and  Modiella  Hall.  Devonian.  Leio- 
myalina  Freeh  ;  Aplianaia,  Posidoniella  de  Kon.  ;  Liebea 
Waagen  ;  Atomodesma  Beyr.     Carboniferous. 

Pergamidea    Bitt.       Thick-shelled,  equivalve,  inflated 
sharply  truncated  ;  hinge  margin  notched  below  the  beak. 
Mysidia  Bitt.     Anterior  ear  reduced.      Trias. 

(Fig.    684).      Thin,     inequivalve,    inflated,    small,    concentrically 

with    radial  striae.      Left  valve  larger,  arcuate,  with  very  small 

anterior    ear ;    right   valve   flatter    and   smaller.     Area    short, 

striated,  with  a  ligamental  sulcus  below  the  beak.     Upper  Jura 

and  Cretaceous  ;  distribution  world  wide. 

Family  23.     Vulsellidae    Adams.^ 

Shell  Ostreiform,  not  alate,  monomyarian,  edentulous,  inequi- 
valve, tvith  an  alivincular  ligament ;  byssus  wanting ;  otherwise 
as  in  the  Pteriidae.  Tertiary  to  Recent,  A  degraded  type 
which  has  become  specialised  through  commensalism  with 

Vulsella  Lam.  (Fig.  685).  Shell  vertically  produced, 
irregular,  edentulous,  with  a  triangular  chondrophore  for  the 
ligament.      Eocene  to  Recent. 

Vulsellina  de  Rainc.  Eocene.  (?)  Ghalmasia  Stol.  Creta- 
ceous.     (?  sxhb  Ostreidae.) 

Superfamily   4.     OSTRACEA   Goldfuss. 

Shell    degenerate,    sessile,    inequivalve,    generally    edentulous, 
Pjp^  ggg  loings  obsolete ;   tvith  a  sub-nacreous  or  porcellanous  inner  and 

Vulsella   caillaudi    zitt    prismatic  outer  layer ;  epidermis  inconspicuous  ;  area  amphidetic, 
Lower    Eocene ;     Miiiich,    ligament  alivinculav ;  foot  and    byssus   absent ;    valves  usually 

close-fitting ;  mantle  lobes  free,  without  siphons. 

'  Family  24.     Ostreidae    Lamarck. 
Shell   distorted    by    ea,rly  adherence    to    other  objects ;    monomyarian,    the    anterior 
^   Douvllle,  II..,  Etudes  sur  les  Vulsellidt'S.      Ann.  Pak'out.,  1907,  vol.  ii. 

VOL.   I 

2  G 




adductor  ahsent ;  edentulous,    or   with  obscure  schizodont    dentition;    dimyarian   when 
young ;  the  foot  obsolete  or  absent  in  the  adult.     Carboniferous  to  Eeceiit. 

Ostrea  Linn.  (Fig.   686).     Shell  irregular,  inequivalve,  and  witli  terminal  beaks, 

Fiii.  CSO. 
Ostrea  digitalina  Dubois.     Miocene  ;  Vienna  Bnsin. 

Fig.  687. 

Alectryonia  grrgaria 
(Sow.).  Oxfordian  ; 
Dives,  Calvados. 

with  radial  or  foliaceous  sculpture,  usually  disci-epant  on  tlie  two  valves.  Some  species 
(0.  virfiinica,  titan,  giyantea,  etc.)  attain  a  very  large  size.     Carboniferous  to  Kecent. 

Alectryonia  Fischer  {Dendrostrea  Swains  ;  Actinostreon  Bayle)  (Fig.  687).  Left 
valve  attached  to  roots  or  branches  by  clasping  shelly  processes  ;  both  valves  with 
strong,  often  divaricate  folds  and  undulate  margins.  Trias  to  Recent  ;  maximum  in 
Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Gryfhaea  Lam.  {Pycnodonta  Fisch. ;  Gryphaeostrea  Conr.)  (Figs.  688,  689).     Left 

Pio.  GSS. 

Gryphaea  areuata  Lam. 
Lower  Lias ;  Pfoliren,  near 
Donaueseliinfren,  Baden. 

Pio.  089. 

Grypluwa  ivsicvlarls  Lam.     White  ClialU  ; 
Isle  of  Rugen. 

valve  strongly  arched,  ^\■ith  incurved  l)calv,  sessile  wlien  young,  later  free  ;  right  valve 
fiat  and  opercular.      Lias  to  Tertiary  ;  cliiefly  Mesozoic. 

Exogyra  Say  [Am^thidonta  Fischer  ;  Geratostreon,  Aetostrem,  Bhynchostreon  Bayle) 
(Figs.  690,  691).  Eesembliug  Gry^ihaea,  Ijut  the  valves  more  equal,  hinge  Avith  an 
obscure  tooth,  beaks  of  both  valves  more  or  less  spiral,  the  pit  for  the  ligament  uarrow. 
Upper  Juj'a  and  Cretaceous. 




Terquemia  Tate  {Garpenteria  Desl.).     Shell  with  a  marginal  ridge,  sessile  by  the 

right  valve 

left  valve  flatter,  free.     Trias  and  Lias. 

Fig.  690. 

Exogyra  columha  Lam.     Greensand  (Ceno- 
manian) ;  Regensbnrg,  Bavaria. 

Pio.  691. 

Exngym  fiahcUatoi  (Goldfuss).     Cenonianian 
Saint  Pan!  Cloister,  Egypt. 

Family  25.     Eligmidae    Gill. 

Shell  thick,  suh-equivalve,  free  when  adult,  resembling   Chalnuma  in  form,,  anteriorly 
with  an  irregular  pedal  gape ;  edentulous,  monomyarian,  ivith  the  adductor  seated  on  the 
free  extremity  of   a  myophore  projecting  from  the    umbonal  cavity,   otherwise   like   the 
Ostreidae.     Upper  Jura. 

Eligmus  Desl.      If  the  characters  of  this  genus  have  been  correctly  interpreted,  it 
can  hardly  be  retained  in   the    Ostreidae 

Further   investigation  of   the    genus    is 

Superfamily  5.     NAIADACEA   Menke. 

Shell  of  varied  form,  normally  equivalve  and  dimyarian ;  rarely  alate ;  shell 
substance  nacreous  and  prismatic,  with  a  conspicuous  epidermis;  area  obscure  or 
amphidetic ;  ligament  parivincular,  usually  opisthodetic  and  external ;  pallial  lobes 
usually  free,  except  for  an  anal  siphon,  the  pallial  line  simple;  foot  normally  long, 
compressed,  keeled ;  byssus  obsolete ;  young  usually  with  a  distinct  nepionic  stage  ;  station 
usually  fiuviatile  or  lacustrine. 

Family  26.     Oardiniidae    Zittel. 

Shell  equivalve,  closed,  with  feeble  concentric  sculpture  or  smooth  ;  dentition  schizodont 
or  obscure ;  ligament  opisthodetic,  external ;  dimyarian,  adductor  scars  sub-equal,  pedal 
scar  feeble  or  invisible  ;  station  marine  or  brackish  water.     Devonian  to  Trias. 

Amnigenia  Hall.     Devonian  (Catskill)  of  North  America,  and  Khenish  Prussia. 

Garbonicola  M'Coy  {Anthracosia  King)  (Fig.  692).  Shell  thin,  oblong  ;  hinge 
with  a  blunt  elongated  cardinal,  and  a  feeble  posterior  lateral  tooth  upon  a  thickened 
hinge  plate.  Common  in  the  Coar  Measures  and  estuarine  Permian  of  Russia,  also 
America  and  Africa. 

Naiadites  Dawson  {Anthracoftera  Salter).  Shell  modioliform,  obliquely  triangular, 
with  almost  terminal  beaks,  straight  hinge-line,  striated  hinge-plate,  and  superficially 
marked  with  flat  concentric  lamellae.     Coal  Measures  ;  North  America  and  Europe. 




Anthracomya  Salter ;  Asthenodonta  Wliiteaves.  Coal  Measures.  Palaeomutela 
(Obligodon)  and  Palaeanodonta  Anializky.     Brackisli  Permian  marls  of  Eurojie. 

Anoplophora  Sandb.,  emend,  von  Koenen  (JJniona  Pohlig)  (Fig.  693).  Eiglit  valve 
witli  a  blunt  thick  cardinal  tootli  fitting  into  a  socket  in  the  opposite  valve.  Left 
valve  beside  the  socket  has  a  long  posterior  lateral  tooth.  Trias  (Lettenkohle).  A. 
donacina  Schloth. ;  A.  leltica  (Quenst.). 

1  -»>-sCT*'^    r™  -'  '  -""•' 

Fio.  693. 

Anoplo'phora  lettica  (Quenstedt). 

Trias ;     Friedrichshall    (after    Al- 



Fio.  692. 

A,  Carhonicola  carhonaria  (Goldfuss). 
Permian  ;  Niederstaiifenbach,  near  Kusel, 
Rhenish  Bavaria.  B,  C.  Vittncrl  (Ludw.). 
Coal  Measures  ;  Ilannibalzeche,  near 
Bochum,  Westphalia  (after  Ludwig). 

Fi<;.  Gy-t. 

Trigonodus  sandbergeri  Albert! . 
Trias  (Lettenkohle) ;  Zinimern, 
Wiirtemberg.  ^4,  Hinge,  from  a 
gutta-percha  cast  taken  from  a 
natural  mould.  B,  Natural  mould. 

■Trigonodus  Sandb.  (Fig.  694).  Cardinal  tooth  strong,  triangular,  .sometimes 
divided,  short,  oblique,  anterior ;  two  elongate  laterals  in  the  left  valve,  and  one 
lateral  in  the  right  valve.  Trias  ;  especially  common  in  the  Lettenkohle  dolomite 
and  the  Eaibl  beds. 

Heminajas  Neumayr.     Trias.     H.  {Myo])horia)  fissidentata  Wohrmann. 

Pachycardia  Haner.  Oblong  or  trigonal,  concentrically  striate  or  smooth  ;  beaks 
nearly  terminal,  curved,  adjacent,  with  a  lumule ;  anterior  end  inflated,  blunt  ; 
posterior  compressed  ;  two  strong  divergent  cardinal  teeth  in  each  valve,  the  anterior 
on  the  right  being  weaker  and  nearly  marginal ;  each  valve  has  also  a  long  posterior 
lateral  tooth.     Alpine  Trias. 

Gardinia  Agassiz  {TJialassites  Quenst.)  (Fig.  695).     01>long,  thick,  short  anteriorly, 

Fig.  695. 
Cardinia  hybrida  Sow.     Lower  Lias  ;  Ohrsleben,  near  Halberstadt,  Saxony. 

rounded.     Cardinal  teeth  weak  or  obsolete,  posterior  lateral  strong.     Lower  Lias,  and 
reported  also  from  the  Dogger. 

(?)  Nyassa  Hall.     Devonian.     (?)  Guerangeria  (Davousti)  ffihlert.     Lower  Devonian. 




Family  27.     Megalodontidae  Zittcl.^ 

Shells  equivalve,  sub-mytiliform,  closed,  with  feeble  concentric  sculpture  or  none ;  di- 
myarian,  loith  amphidetic  area,  and  external  opisthodetic  ligament,  frequently  supported 
by  nympha^e ;  cardinal  teeth  strong,  usually  tivo  or  three,  with  a  posterior  lateral,  all 

Pio.  696. 
Megalodon  (Ewinegalodon)  cncullatus  Goldf. 
near  Cologne,    i/j. 

Devonian  ;  Paft'rath, 

Pig.  69T. 
triqurU'r  (Wulfeii).   Internal 
mould.       Trias     dolomite ; 
Bleiberg,  Carinthia. 

Fk.;.  G9S. 
Megalodon  (Neomegalodon)  griimfteHiStoppani.'^Rhaetic    Blbigenalp,  Tyrol  (after  Giimbel). 

heavy  and  amorphous ;  anterior  adductor  scars  distinct,  loith  a  well-marhed  myophoric 
ridge  and  pedal  scar,  the  posterior  adductor  scars  frequently  bordered  by  an  elevated 
crest.     Marine.     Silurian  to  Upper  Jura. 

These  shells,  which  are  often  very  ponderous,  sometimes  bear  a  remarkable  resemblance 
to  some  Recent  American  Uniones.  The  myophoric  ridge  is  common  to  very  distinct  bivalves 
of  many  unrelated  groups.  The  true  position  of  these  forms  cannot  be  regarded  as  positively 
fixed  as  yet.  Pachyrisma  is  thought  by  Bohm  to  be  genetically  related  to  Cardium,  and  the 
genus  Megalodon  may  have  been  ancestral  to  primitive  Chamacea. 

Megalodon  Sow.  (TcMiroceras  and  Lycodes  Schafli.  ;  Conchodon  Stopp.)  (Figs.  696-698). 

1  Gllmbel,  C.  W.,  Die  Daehstelnbivalveu.  Sitzungsber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1862,  vol.  xlv. — 
Hoernes,  ii.,  Materialen  zu  einer  Monographic  der  Gattung  Megalodns.  Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss. 
Wien,  1880,  vol.  xl.  —  Buhm,  O.  Megalodon,  Pachyrisma  und  Diceras.  Ber.  Natiirforsch. 
Gesellsch.  Freiburg,  1891,  vol.  vi. 




Beaks  prosogyrous  ;  hinge  plate  very  broad  and  massive,  without  laterals ;  the  two 
cardinal  teeth  separated  by  a  deep  socket ;  anterior  adductor  scar  small,  semilunar, 
in  front  of  the  anterior  cardinal ;  posterior  scar  longer,  less  distinct,  situated  on  an 
elevated  or  thickened  radial  ridge.  The  oldest  Devonian  species  {M.  cucuUatus  Goldf.) 
has  amorphous  cardinals  and  a  smooth  rounded  shell  (Euviegalodon).  The  Triassic 
species  sometimes  attain  a  large  size,  have  a  radial  posterior  ridge,  smooth  teeth,  and 
divided  right  posterior  cardinal  teeth  {Neomegalodon  Gilmb.).  They  are  extraordinarily 
aljundant  in  the  Dachstein  limestone  and  Hauptdolomite  of  the  Northern  Alps,  and 
are  also  plentiful  in  the  Raibl  and  Rhaetic  beds  of  the  Southern  Alps.^ 

Pachyrisma  Morr.  and  Lye.  {Pachyme.galodon  Giimb.).  Like  Megalodon,  but  with 
a  larger  anterior  adductor  scar,  a  rounded  anterior  tooth  before  the  cardinals,  and  a 
strong  posterior  lateral.      Trias  to  Upper  Jura. 

Durga  Bohm.  Like  Pachyrisma,  but  without  an  elevated  area  at  the  posterior 
adductor.     Lias. 

Protodiceras  Bohm.     Lias.     Dicerocardium  Stoppani.      Rhaetic. 

Megalomus  Hall.     Silurian  ;  North  America. 

Family  28.     Unionidae  Fleming. 

Shell  equivalve,  dimyarian,  typically  schizodont,  ivith  pseudocardinals  and  laterals 
if  dentiferous  ;  consjncuously  nacreous  ;  beaks  usually  sculptured  ;  ligament  opisthodetic, 
external;  lobes  of  the  mantle  generally  united  to  form  an  anal  sipjhon,  but  the  functional 
branchial  siphon  ahoays  incomplete  below;  foot  compressed,  keeled,  large,  rarely  with  a 
feeble  byssus ;  usually  dioecious;  the  young  having  a  specialised  prodissoconch 
(glochidium)  and  a  distinct  nepionic  stage.     Fluviatile.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Typical  Uniones  make  their  appearance  in  the  Trias  of  Texas,  but  are  not  abundant  until 
the  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary.  The  origin  of  the  family  has  been  sought  in  the  Trigoniidae,^ 
which  have  a  very  similar  ontogeny  as  a  group  ;  in  Trir/onodus  ^  and  related  forms  ;  and  by 
Pohlig  in  the  Triassic  Uniona.  An  older  view  recognises  the  Carboniferous  Anthracosia  and 
other  Cardiniidae  as  probable  ancestors.  The  weiglit  of  evidence  is  in  favour  of  the  latter, 
though  there  is  mucli  probability  that  each  of  tliese  groups  bears  a  certain  amount  of  relation- 
ship to  the  present  family,  Avhich  will  be  better  realised  when  more  evidence  is  obtainable. 

Recent  studies  by  Simpson  and  Ortmann  of  the  anatomy  of  living  genera  of  Unionidae 
have  shown  that  considerable  differences  exist  as  regards  the  soft  parts,  more  especially  the 

Fio.  699. 
Unio  stachei  Neumayr.     Pliocene  (Congerian  stage)  ;  Sibinj,  Slavonia.    ;;>,  Adductor  ;  x.  Pedal  scar. 

marsupial  apparatus  (that  part  of  the  gills  which  contains  the  glochidia)  and  the  shape  of 
the  glochidia.  These  differences  permit  of  an  improved  system  of  classification  for  the 
modern  forms,  but  as  the  shape  of  the  shell  is  not  at  all  correlated  with  the  natural  divisions 
indicated  by  the  structure  of  the  soft  parts,  it  is  impossible  to  apply  this  system  with 
certainty  to  fossil  Unionidae. 

Unio  Retzius  (Fig.  699).     This,  the  typical  genus,  originally  included  also  the  pearl 

1  Tausch,  L.  vq)i,_  tJber  Coiiohodus,  etc.     Abhandl.  geol.  Reichsanstalt,  1892,  vol.  xvi. 

2  Neumayr,  M.,  Uber  die  Herkunft  der  Unioniden.     Sitzber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1889,  xcviii. 

3  Wiihrmann,  S.  von,  Uber  die  systematische  Stclluiig  der  Trigoniden  uud  die  Abstamniung 
der  Nayadeu.     Jahrb.  geol.  Reichsanst.,  1893,  vol.  xliii. 


mussel  {Mya  margaritifem  Linn.),  iu  which  the  iDosterior  laminae  of  the  hinge  are 
obsolete.  It  shows  in  the  majority  of  species  amor^^hous,  heavy,  radial,  pseudocardinal 
and  lateral  teeth  on  the  hinge  ;  the  shell  is  variable  in  form  and  ornamentation,  some 
species  having  strongly  marked  sexual  differences  in  the  shell.  Most  of  the  species 
are  pearly,  with  a  conspicuous  Ijrown  or  greenish  periostracum  ;  the  anterior  adductor 
scars  are  high,  and  the  j^edal  scars  conspicuous. 

Anodonta  Cuv.  Valves  thin,  and  armature  of  the  hinge  obsolete  ;  lives  in  still, 
muddy  water.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Margaritana  Schum.  The  pearl  mussel,  formerly  associated  with  Mya  and  Unio,  is 
anatomically  intermediate  between  the  Unionidae  and  Mutelidae.    Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  29.     Mutelidae  Gray. 

Shell  resemhling  that  of  the  Unionidae,  itrithout  pseudocardinals  and  laterals ; 
having,  tohen  dentiferous,  an  irregularly  taxodont  hinge  armature ;  beaks  unsculptured  ; 
mantle  lobes  generally  partly  closed ;  siphons  more  complete.  Nepionic  stage  {knoivn 
only  in  a  fev)  South  American  forms)  said  to  be  represented  by  a  Lasidium.  Cretaceous 
to  Recent. 

Spatha  Lea.  Elongated,  inequilateral,  with  a  short  edentulous  hinge.  Living  in 
Africa,  and  doulitfully  j^resent  also  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Provence. 

Anodontites  Bruguiere  {Glabaris  Gray) ;  Leila  Gray  ;  Monocondylaea  and  Mycetopoda 
d'Orb.;  Mutela  Scopoli  (Tridina  Lam.);  and  Pleiodon  Conrad.  Recent.  Two 
subfamilies,'  Mutelinae  and  Hyriinae,  are  recognised  by  Ortmann  on  the  basis  of 
structural  differences  in  the  soft  parts. 

Family  30.     Etheriidae  Lamarck. 

Shell  sessile,  irregularly  modified  by  adherence  to  other  bodies,  nacreous,  ivith  a 
tendency  to  cellularity  of  structure;  edentulous;  ligament  amphidetic,  parivincular, 
deeply  sunken,  with  a  large  internal  resilium,  modified  by  the  distortion  of  the  valves  ; 
young  regular,  equivalve,  dimyarian ;  the  adult  irregular,  inequivalve,  and  either  (1) 
monomyarian,  or  (2)  with  a  very  degenerate  anterior  adductor,  or  (3)  with  sub-equal 
adductors.  Mantle  lobes  united  only  for  the  anal  siphon ;  foot  degenerate  or  absent  in 
the  adult ;  young  byssiferous  ;  station  fluviatile.      Pleistocene  and  Recent. 

The  young  shell  of  Bartlctlia  has  well-marked  nympliae  and  internal  resilium.  The 
relationship  of  the  Naiadacea  to  Ptcria  renders  the  remarkable  resemblance  of  the  adult 
Muellcria  to  Ostrea  less  surprising,  since  Ostrca  is  now  known  also  to  be  derived  from  the 

Etheria  Lam.  Ostreiform,  attached  to  rocks  in  African  rivers.  Also  Pleistocene 
of  West  Africa. 

Muelleria  Ferussac  ;  Bartlettia  Adams.     Recent ;  South  American  rivers. 

Superfamily    6.     TRIGONIACEA    Bronn. 

Shell  equivalve,  inequilateral,  closed,  dimyarian,  not  alate ;  shell  substance  nacreous 
and  prismaAic ;  hinge  teeth  few,  sub-umbonal,  typically  schizodont ;  area  obscure  or  none  ; 
ligament  parivincular,  opisthodetic,  external ;  gills  filibranchiate ;  mantle  lobes  usually 
free,  but  modified  on  the  posterior  edges  to  form  functional  siphons  without  conjunctive 
partitions ;  pallial  line  usually  simple ;  non-byssiferous,  though  possessing  an  obsolete 
byssal  apparatus ;  young  without  a  distinct  nepionic  stage ;  dioecious;  marine. 

Family  31.     Lyrodesmidae  Ulrich. 

Shell  with  the  hinge  armature  radiating  fan-like  from  below  the  umbones ;  teeth  five 
to  nine;  pallial  line  feebly  sinuate  or  simple.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Lyrodesma  Conr.  (?  Actinodonta  Phil).  Shell  oval,  cardinal  border  narrow,  with- 
out ligamentary  area.      Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  America  and  Europe. 




Family  32.     Trigoniidae  Lamarck. 

Shell  with  few  hinge  teeth  (5),  the  mantle  lubes  wholly  free,  but  so  applied  to  each 
other  in  life  as  to  form  functional  siphons ;  pallial  line  simple.     Devonian  to  Eecent. 

Schizodus  King  (Fig.  700).  Ovate  or  quadrate,  sniootli ;  lateral  teetli  not  fluted  ; 
anterior  adductor  scar  witli  a  small  radial  buttress.     Abundant  m  the  Permian. 

Myojjhoria  Bvonn  {Neoschizodus  .  Gieb.)    (Figs.    701,    702), 

Smootb    or    radially    sculptured,  ^^^J^  ^J         usually     witli     a     strong 

radial   ridge   extending   from    the 
downward    to    the  basal   margin ; 

uml)ones     backward    and 
the  sculpture  on  the  areas 

Schizodus  ohscuriis  Sow.  Zechstein;  Nieder- 
rodeDbach,  near  Hanau.  .4.  Internal  mould, 
i/i-     TJ,  Hinge,  Vl  (=ifter  King). 

Fig.  701. 

Myophirria  laevigata 
(All)erti).  Schaumkalk ; 
Riidersdorf,  near  Ber- 
lin. ■  i/i. 

Ftci.  702. 

Myoplioria  dccussnta 
Upper  Trias  ;  St.  Ca.ssian,  Tyrol. 
A,  Exterior  of  right  valve,  Vi- 
li,  Enlarged  view  of  liinge. 

Fig.  703. 

Trigonia  navis  Lam.     Lower  Brown  Jura  ;' 
Gunder.sliofen,  Alsace.    i/i.| 

Fig.  704. 

Trigonia  daudala  Park.     Middle  Cretaceous 
(Hervien);  Meule  de  Bracquegnies,  Belgium.  Vi- 

Fig.  705.   . 

Trigonia     costata     Sow. 
Middle  Jura  ;  Wiirtembeig. 

Fig.  706. 

.Trigonia  cf.  aliformis  Park.     Senoiiian  ; 
Vaels,  near  Aix-Ia-Chapelle.     i/i. 

Trigonia  jicctinata 
Lamarck.  Becent;  Au.s- 
tralia.     Hinge,  i/i. 




thus  sejiarated  usually  discrepant.  Beaks  mesogyrate,  lateral  te(jtli  fluted,  muscular 
scars  buttressed  by  feel>le  ridges.     Abundant  in  the  Trias. 

Subgenus  :  Myo'plwriofsis  Wiihrm.  {Astartopsis  Wohr.).      Trias. 

Tric/onia  Brug.  (Figs.  703-707).  Surface  sculptured  with  nodulose  riljs  or  rows  of 
l)ustules,  the  posterior  dorsal  area  usually  discrepant  with  the  rest.  Beaks  opistho- 
gyrous,  nearly  terminal  ;  teeth  striated  ;  adductor  scars  strong,  with  buttressing  ridges. 
Lias  to  Recent ;  abundant  in  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  very  sparse  in  later  horizons. 

Section  D.     Isodonta  Fischer. 

Superfamily  7.     PECTINACEA  Reeve. 

Shell  usually  inequivalve,  flabelKform,  more  or  less  auriculate,  and  monomyarian ; 
shell  structure  sub-nacreous,  corrugated,  and  rarely  prismatic,  occasionally  tabular ;  area, 
lohen  present,  amphidetic  ;  ligament  amphidetic,  alivincular ;  gills  filibranchiate,  free,  the 
filaments  with  or  without  a  reflected  limb ;  mantle  lobes  free,  loithout  siphons,  usually  with 
■  ocelli,  papillae,  or  other  tactile  prominences  along  the  margin,  and  with  an  inner  pro- 
jecting lamina  {curtain)  near  the  margin,  at  right  angles  to  the  plane  of  the  valves ;  pallial 
line  simple ;  foot  small,  usually  sub-cylindrical,  grooved,  and  byssiferous ;   usually  mon- 

FlG.  708. 

Avieulopecten  "papyxaceus  Sow. 
Coal  Measure.s ;  Werden,  West- 

Family  33.      Pectinidae  Lamarck. 

Shell  inequivalve,   inequilateral,  auriculate,  usually   closed,  monomyarian,   usually 
free;  area  amphidetic  or  obscure;   ligament  obsolete  extern- 
ally, the  immersed  portion  forming  an  internal   resilium, 
provinculum  taxodont  in  the  very  yo^tng,  obsolete  later,  the 
crural  teeth  feeble  or  not  developed.     Silurian  to  Recent. 

Aviculopecten  M'Coy  (Fig.  708).  Shell  pectiniform, 
radially  sculptured.  Hinge  margin  long,  feeljly  auriculate; 
ligament  in  numerous  shallow  grooves  radiating  to  the 
amphidetic  margin  of  the  area.    Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Subgenera :  Pterineopecte^i  Hall  ;  Orhipecten  Freeh  {Lyrio- 
2)ccten  Hall).     Devonian. 

Grenipecten  Hall  (Pernopecten  Winch.).  Like  Aviculo- 
pecten, but  with  a  taxodont  hinge.      Carboniferous. 

The  preceding  genera  lead  up -to  the  prototypes  of  Pteriidae 
as  a  radical  for  the  present  family. 

Pecten  Miiller  (Vola  Morch  ;  Janira  Schum. ;  Neithea 
Drouet)  (Fig.  709).  Shell  nearly  equilateral,  very  inequi- 
valve, sub -symmetrical,  with  well -developed,  sub -equal 
ears ;  one  valve  (usually  the  right)  more  convex  than  the 
other ;  interior  of  the  valves  not  lirate ;  hinge  with  a 
strong  medial  internal  resilium,  on  each  side  of  which 
interlocking  crural  ridges  and  grooves  radiate  in  the 
adult ;  byssal  notch  inconspicuous.      Cretaceous  to  Recent, 

The  above  diagnosis  is  of  the  subgenus  Pecten  s.  s.  In  a 
wide  sense  all  the  species  of  Pecten  are  free  and  auriculate,  and 
without  internal  lirae.  They  have  been  divided  into  an  ex- 
cessive number  of  sections  according  to  the  superficial  shell  characters,  but  these  rarely 
march  with  anatomical  differences,  and  cannot  properly  be  regarded  as  of  generic  value.  The 
most  familiar  of  the  groups  thus  named  are  as  follows  : — ■ 

Ciilamys  Bolten  {Pallium  Schum.;  Decadopecten  Riipp.)  (Figs.  710,  711).     Shell  radially 

.     Fro.  709. 

Pecten  quinquecodata  Sow.    Ceuo- 
manian ;  Rouen,     i/l- 




sculptured,   nearly  equi valve,  with  small,   unequal  ears,  and  deep  byssal  notch  with  well- 
developed  ctenolium.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Camptoncctcs  Ag.    (Fig.    712).      Shell  small,   thin,    nearly  smooth,    with   fine  divergent 
striation  radiating  from  a  median  line.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Fio.  710. 

Pecten  (Chlamys)  suhtcxtorius 
Goldf.  Coral-Rag;  Nattheim. 

Fig.  ril. 

Pcctcn  {Chlamys)  varius  Linn. 
Pliocene ;  Rhodes. 

Fk;.  71-2. 

Pecten  (Ento- 

lium)  cornutus 

Pecten  (Cam2)tonectes)  lens    Qneniit.  Upper 

Sow.     Middle  Jura ;  Balin,    Jura  ;    Hohen- 

near  Cracow,    i/^.  zoUeiu.    i/i. 

IhitoUum  Meek  (Fig.  713).  Smooth,  thin,  witli  sub-equal  ears  diverging  at  a  sharp  angle 
above  the  beaks  ;  byssal  notch  obsolete.     Carboniferous  to  Cretaceous. 

Pseudaiimsium  Adams.  Shell  small,  thin,  glassy  ;  the  posterior  ear  obsolete,  byssal  notch 
distinct.     Cretaceous  to  Recent.     Syncydonema  Meek  is  scarcely  different. 

Amusium   Bolten  (Fig.    714).      Shell  with  raised  radial   riblets  internally;    ex- 


Fii;.  714. 
ii„  u,  „i,taUis  (Broun).     Miocene  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna.     !/!• 

Fig.  715. 

Hlnnitcs  ahjectuK  (Pliill.). 
Middle  Jura ;  Balin,  near 
Cracow,     i/i. 

ternally  smootli  or  delicately  sculptured  ;  valves  large,  flattisli,  with  sulj-e(pal  ears  ; 
byssal  notch  inconspicuous  or  absent.      Lias  to  Eecent. 

Subgenus  :  Propcamusiuvi  Greg.  Small,  thin,  abyssal ;  often  with  relatively  conspicuous 
sculpture,  usually  discrepant  on  the  valves.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Hinnites  Defr.  (Fig.  715).  Shell  free  and  Pectinifurni  wlien  young,  later  adherent 
to  other  objects  and  more  or  less  distorted.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Pedum  Brug.  Shell  w^itli  an  alivincular  ligament  in  an  open  groove  and  area  like 
that  of  Spondylus  in  the  adult ;  the  young  like  Chlaviys.      Eecent ;  sessile  on  corals. 

Family  34.     Spondylidae  Fleming. 

Shell  inequivalve,  nearly  equilateral,  closed,  pecfiniform,  obscurely  auriculate,  mono- 
myarian;  sessile;  area  am.i)liidetic,inucli  larger  on  the  attached  valve;  ligament  alivincular, 
resiliuvi  more  or  less  submerged ;  byssus  obsolete ;  hinge  tvith  a  taxodont  provinculum, 




becoming  obsolete  in  the  adult  and  replaced  by  the  typically  isodont  development  of  the 

crura ;  otherivise  as  in  the  Pectinidae.  Trias  to  Recent. 

Plicatula  Lain.  {Harpax  Park.)  (Fig.  716).  Shell 
compressed,  with  coarse  radial,  often  divaricate 
ribbing,  a  small  area,  and  long  shallow  crenulate 
crural  teeth,  diverging  at  a  sharp  angle.  Trias  to 
Recent ;  maximum  in  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Spondylus  Linn.  (Figs.  717,  718).  Shell  inflated, 
with    radial,    often    spiny  or    foliaceous  sculiature ; 

Fig.  716. 

Plicatula  pcctlnoldes  Lam.     Middle  Lias  ; 
Nancy,  France. 


Fig.  717. 

Sjmndylus  sjrinosus  (Sow.).     Planerkalk  ; 
Strehlen,  near  Dresden.    2/3. 

Fig.  718. 

Spondylus  tenuispina  Sandb.    Oligoceno  ;  Waldbiickellieim,  near 
Kreuznach,  Prussia.     Vi- 

attached   valve  with  a  consjiicuous  area  ;  crural   teetli  heavy,  short,  smooth.     Jura, 
to  Recent  ;  maximum  from  the  Tertiary  onward. 

(?)  Pachypteria  de  Koninck.     Carboniferous.     P.  nobilissiina  (<Ie  Koninck).      Pro- 
spondylus  Zimmerm.     Permian  and  Trias.     Philippiella  Waagen.     Alpine  Trias. 

Family  35.     Dimyidae  Dall. 

Shell  inequivalve,  irregular,  closed,  auricles  not  differentiated,  Ostreiform,  dimyarian, 
sessile ;  shell  substance  sub-nacreous  and 
fibrous ;  area  amphidetic,  obscure ;  liga- 
ment obsolete,  resilium  alivincular,  in- 
ternal; hinge  armature  taxodont,  obsolete; 
crural  development  feeble ;  gills  fili- 
branchiate,  the  direct  filaments  not 
reflected ;  foot  and  byssus  absent ;  an- 
terior adductor  distinct,  small ;  posterior 
duplex,  larger.  Trias  to  Recent. 
-  Dimya  Rouault  {Dimyodon  Mun.- 
Chalm.)  (Fig.  719).      The  Recent  forms  inhabit  deep  water 

Fig.  719. 

Dimya  deshayesiana  Rouault.    Eocene  ;  Pyrenees.    Inner 
and  outer  views  of  riglit  valve,  ^2  (after  Rouault). 

Family  36.     Limidae    d'Orliigny. 

Shell  equivalve,  a^mculate,  gaping,  Pectiniform,  monomyarian ;  shell  substance 
fibrous,  ivith  minute  tubules,  not  nacreous  or  prismatic ;  hinge  edentulous,  or  vjith  traces 
of  taxodont  armature;   area  amphidetic,  equal  in  both  valves;    ligament  alivincular, 




resilium  sub-internal ;  gills  Jilibranchiate  with  direct  and  reflected  limbs ;  foot  small 
digifiform,  usually  byssiferous,  the  byssiis  i^assing  through  the  gape  of  the  valves. 
Carboniferous  to  Eecent. 

Lima  Brug.     Shell  inflated,  witli  radial  sculpture ;  beaks  pointed,  and  separated 
by    a    lozenge  -  shaped    area  ;    edentulous. 
Carboniferous    to    Recent  ;    maximum    in 
Mesozoic  (over  300  species). 

Subgenera  :  Lima  s.  s.  {Radida 
auct.,  non  Gray)  (Fig.  720).  Shell  with 
strong  radial  ribs. 

Fig.  722. 

Lima  (Limatula) 
II  Ibhosa  So  w. 
Lower  Oolite ; 
Bayeux,  Calvados. 

Fk:.  720. 

Lima  pectinoidcs  Sow. 
Lower  Lias ;  Balingen, 
Wurteinberg.     i/i. 

Fio.  721. 

Lima  (Flagiostoma)  gigantea  Sow.     Lower  Lias  ; 
Goppingen,  Wurtemberg.    2/.,. 

Fio.  723. 

Limaca  dnpli- 
cata  Goldf.  Great 
Oolite ;  Langrune, 

Fig.  724. 
Ctenostreon  prohoscidea  Sow.     Oxfoidiaii ;  Dives,  Calvados. 

Plagiostoma  Sow.  (Fig.  721).     Smooth  or  finely  striated. 

Limatula  Wood  (Fig.  722).     Medially  ribbed,  laterally  smooth,  valves  not  gaping. 

Limaea  Bronn  (Fig.  723).  Small,  with  taxodont  armature  at  the  angles  of  the 
hinge.     Lias  and  Recent. 

Ctenostreon  Eichw.  (Fig.  724).  Compressed,  irregular,  thick-shelled,  with  coarse 
radial  ribs.     Upper  Jura.      Badiotella  Bittner.     Alpine  Trias. 


Siiperfamily  8.     ANOMIACEA   Herrmannsen. 

SJiell  monomy avian,  not  alate ;  edentulous  or  isodont,  usually  sessile;  shell  substance 
nacreous,  tuhuUferous,  with  traces  of  a  prismatic  layer;  area  obscure,  usually  small, 
amphidetic  ;  ligament  obscure,  with  an  alivincular  internal  rcsilium;  (jills  filihranchiate, 
mantle  lobes  free ;  foot  small,  grooved,  digitiform  ;  dioecious;  marine. 

Family  37.     Anomiidae  Gray. 

^liell  variable,  irregular  and  inequivalve  lohen  sessile,  byssiferous  lohen  young ;  in 
most  genera  the  byssus  becomes  modified  to  a  calcified  or  horny  plug  passing  through 
a  foramen  in  the  right  valve,  and  fastened  to  other  objects,  a  condition  which  may  be 
permanent  or  transient-;  area  small,  amphidetic;  ligament  amphidetic,  more  or  less 
internal,  supplemented  by  an  internal  resilium,  for  which  the  crura  serve  as  chondrophores, 
ali-  or  multivincular ;  hinge  usually  edentulous,  rarely  rugose,  with  amorphous  inter- 
locking rugosities  ;  posterior  adductor  small,  sub-central,  in  the  sessile  forms  reinforced  by 
the  pedo-byssal  muscles,  which  are  modified  for  service  as  addtictors.  (?)  Devonian.  Jura 
to  Recent. 

Anomia  Miill.      Shell  thin,  sessile  by  the  calcified  byssus 
or  perforation  in  the  right  valve,  conforming  to  the  subjacent 
more  convex,  with  four  muscular  scars  on 
a    central    area ;    a   chondroishore   in    the 
lower  valve.     Jm-a  to  Recent. 

(?)  Limanomia  Boych.  Devonian. 
Hypotrema  d'Orb.  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 
Placunanomia  Brod.     Miocene  to  Recent. 

Garolia  Cantraine.  (Fig.  725).  Shell 
orbicular,  compressed,  radially  striated ; 
right  valve  with  a  byssal  foramen  nearly 
closed  in  the  adult ;  resilium  much  as  in 
Anomia  ;  adductor  scar  single.  Eocene  ; 


throiigh  a  sinus 
;  the  left  valve 

Subgenus  :  JVakuUina  Dall.  Smooth  ; 
byssal  foramen  obsolete  ;  the  resilium  received 
on  diverging  crura  on  the  upper  valve.  Oligo- 
cene  ;  Florida. 

Brug. : 

Fig.  725. 

CaroUa  placunoides  Caiitr.     Eocene  ;  Wadi  el  Till,  near 
Cairo,  Egypt.     Interior  of  both  valves,  2/3. 

Placenta     Retzius     [Placuna 
Placunema   Stol. ;    Pseudoplacuna   Mayer) 
Shell  free,  orbicular,  thin,  very  compressed ; 
the    resilium    with    long,    unequal    crura. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Ephippium    Bolten.       Like     Placenta, 
but  the  shell  radially  waved ;  yoiuig  with  a  small  byssal  perforation,  which  becomes 
closed  and  obsolete  in  the  adult.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Placunopsis  Morr.  and  Lye.      Shell  rounded,  imperfoi-ate,  free,  or  sessile.     Jura. 

Hemiplicatala  Desh.   {Semiplicatula  Fisch.) ;  Saintia  Rainc.     Eocene.     Paranomia 
Conrad.      Ripley  Group.     Monia  Gray.     Miocene  to  Recent ;  California. 

Section  E.     Dysodonta  Neumayr  (emend.). 

Superfamily  9.     MYTILACEA   Fdrussac. 

Shell  anisomyarian,  usually  equivalve,  not  alate  or  notched  for  a  byssus,  edentulous  or 
dysodont ;  shell  substance  sub-nacreous,  rarely  more  or  less  prismatic,  with  a  conspicuous 




epidermis;  area  amphidetic  or  obscure;  ligament  iHirivincular,  usually  opisthodetic  and 
external;  gills  usually  filihranchiate ;  mantle  lobes  without  ocelli,  more  or  less  free, 
generally  with  the  anal  siphon  complete  and  the  branchial  incomplete ;  foot  small,  digiti- 
form.,  grooved,  byssiferous ;  monoecious ;  mostly  marine. 

Family  38.     Modiolopsidae    Fischer  (emend.). 

Shell  modioliform,  usually  equivalve,  free,  thin,  with  sub-equal  adductor  scars; 
ligament  deep-seated ;  hinge  edentulous  or  dysodont  ;  sometimes  byssiferous.  Ordovician 
to  Cretaceous. 

The  heavier  forms  show  an  obtuse  ridge  or  two  extending  from  the  beaks  toward  tlie  basal 
margin.     The  pedal  scars  are  separate  from  and  behind  the  anterior  adductors.     The  forms 

included  here  appear  to  be 
the  prototypes  of  the  Myti- 
lidae,  from  which  they  differ 
chiefly  in  those  characters 
that  are  common  to  most  of 
the  ancient  types,  such  as  the 
sub-equality  of  the  adductor 
scars  and  their  more  dorsal 
situation.  The  recent  Idas  is 
very  similar. 

Modiolopsis  Hall  (Fig. 
726).  Valves  elongate- 
oval,  closed,  '  with  nearly 
terminal  beaks,  narrow 
hinge  plate,  and  edentulous 
hinge.  Ordovician  and 

Modiomorpha  Hall. 

Similar,  but  with  a  wider 
hinge  j^late,  and  single, 
oblique,  elongate,  posterior 
ridge  -  like  tooth.  De- 

Myoconcha  Sow.  (Fig. 
727).  Hinge  usually  with  an  elongate  cardinal,  and  a  long,  Aveak,  lateral  tooth  in 
the  right  valve  ;  otherwise  resembling  Modiolopsis.  Carboni- 
ferous to  Cretaceous. 

(?)  Hippopodium  Sow.  Thick,  inflated  ovate,  concentric- 
ally waved.  Hinge  with  a  long,  blunt,  oblique,  cardinal 
tooth,  or  edentulous  ;  adductor  scars  strong.     Jura. 

Modiolodon,  JVJiiteavesia,  Eurymya,  Aristerella,  and  Prolo- 
bella  Ulrich  ;  Ordovician ;  North  America.  Goniophora 
Phillips.  Silurian  and  Devonian.  Orthonota  Conrad.  De- 
vonian. Orthodesma  Hall  and  AVhitf.  Ordovician  ;  North 

Family  39.     Mytilidae    Fleming. 

Shell  equivalve,  very  ineriuilateral,  heteromyarian,  slightly 
gaping,  typically  dysodont  ;  area  amp)hidetic  or  none  ;  ligament 
usually    external,    deep-seated ;    rarely    with    an    alivincular  ^^^^  -og 

internal  resilium ;  pallial  line  simple;  mantle  lobes  united  MytHusstMacvhSow.  Great 
below  the  anal  siphon,  otherwise  free;  generally  byssiferous.  Oolite;  Minchiiihampton,Eiig- 
Devoiiian  to  Recent.  '     '      '' 

Modiolopsis        inoilwlnris  "  '"'' 

(Conrad).    Ordovician  ;  Cin-        Myoconclm  striatula  Goldf.     Lower  Oolite 
cinnati,  Ohio.     Vl-  Bayeux,  Calvados,     l/l- 




Mytilus  Linn.  (Fig.  728).  Shell  elongated,  tliin,  with  terminal  pointed  beaks  ; 
valves  wider  and  rounded  behind,  gaping  a  little  for  the  byssus,  smooth  or  radially 
sculptured,  with  smooth  margins,  conspicuous  epidermis,  and  a  thin  nacreous  layer  ;' 
hinge  with  a  few  small  teeth  under  the  beaks,  or  edentulous.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Pachymytilus  Zitt.  (Fig.  729).      Shell  thick,  trigonal;   the    front  margin  deeply 

imj^ressed.      Upj)er  Jura. 

Modiolus  Lam.  (Figs.  730,  731).    Like  Mytilus,  ■ 

Pachymytilus  petasus  d'Orb.    Coral-Rag  ; 
Coulange-sur-Yonne.    8/3. 

Modiolus  as- 
Ijerus  Sow. 
Great  OolitR ; 
Langrune,  Cal- 
vados.    1/1. 

Modiolns  imbrl- 
cntus  Sow.  Middle 
Jura ;  Balin,  near 
Cracow,  Austria.i/i. 

Lithopliagus  inclusus (Phill. ). 
Great  Oolite  ;  Miiichinhamp- 
ton,  England.  A,  D,  Shell, 
l/l-     t',  Mould  of  the  buiTOw. 

but  the  beaks  not  terminal,  edentate,  anteriorly  rounded  and  wider.  Devonian  to  Eecent. 

Subgenera  :  Modiolaria  Loven.  Small,  radially  sculptured  toward  the  ends,  usually 
smooth  toward  the  middle,  modioliform.  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Crcnella  Brown.  Small, 
rounded,  radially  sculptured  all  over.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Stavelia  Gray.      Recent.     Valves  spirally  twisted. 

Litlioplmgus  Meg.  {Lithodomus  Cuv.)  (Fig.  732).  Sul) -cylindrical,  with  rounded 
ends  ;  perforating  coral,  limestone  and  other  substances,  in  which  the  animal  forms 
flask-shaped  excavations ;  moulds  of  the  latter  are  often  found  in  the  fossil  state. 
Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Family  40.     Dreissensiidae    Gray. 

Shell  mytiliform,  equivalve,  of  prevailingly  jJrismatic  substance  ;  area  linear,  amrphi- 
detic ;  ligament  suh-infernal ;  anterior  adductor  and  pedal  protractors  inserted  on  a 
myophoric  septum ;  mantle  lobes  united  to  form  anal  and  branchial  sijjhons,  and  also 
ventrally  ivith  a  pedal  opening ;  pallial  line  usually  simple;  gills  reticulate ;  otherwise 
as  in  Mytilus.     Tertiary  to  Recent.      The  relations  of  this  family  are  in  question. 

Dreissensia  Van  Ben.  (Tichogonia  Rossm.)  (Fig.  733).     Smooth,  without  a  pearly 
layer,  w^ith  a  single  apical  septum  ;  fluviatile  and  estuarine.     Eocene 
to  Recent ;  Europe. 

Mytilopsis  Conr.  Mytiliform,  small,  thin ;  myophore  for  the 
pedal  protractor  distinct  from  that  which  supports  the  anterior 
adductor.       Tertiary  and  Recent ;  America. 

Gongeria  Partsch  (Fig.  734).  Sub-quadrate,  heavy,  large  ; 
myophores  as  in  Mrjtilopsis.  Very  profuse  in  the  Neocene  of  Eastern 
Europe  (Gongeria  lieds). 

Dreissensiomya  Fuchs.     Notable  for  being  the  only  example  of  the   Mayeiice'"'  Vi 
Mytilacea  with  a  distinct  pallial  sinus.     Miocene  ;  Eastern  Europe. 

Septifer  Recluz.  Valves  -with  strong  radial  or  divaricate  sculpture.  Marine 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Pig.  733. 

Drcisseiisia  brardi 
Faujas.  Miocene ; 
Weissenau,         near 

464  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

The  Eecent  .families,  Jiiliidae  and  Modiolarcidae,  if  their  validity  be  confirmed, 

Fio.  734. 
Congeria  siibglohusa  (Partsch).     Upper  Miocene  ;  Inzersdorf,  near  Vienna. 

may  find  a  place  in  this  vicinity.     Julia  Gould  (Prclsina  Desh.),  and  Berthelinia  are 
reported  from  the  Tertiary,  the  former  in  the  Oligocene  of  Florida. 

Order  2.     ANOMALODESMACEA    Dall. 

Superfamily  1.     ANATINACEA   Dall. 

Anomalodesmacea  with  \/ -shaped  reticulate  gills  not  secretimj  a  calcareous  tube  exterior 
to  the  shell. 

This  group  is  divisible  into  sections  as  follows  : — (a)  Eusiphonia,  with  long  siphons,  and 
the  lithodesma,  when  present,  at  the  anterior  end  of  the  internal  resilium,  and  external  to 
the  mass  of  the  resilium  ;  and  {h)  Adelosiploonia,  with  sliort  siphons,  the  lithodesma  dividing 
the  mass  of  the  resilium  niesially. 

Section  A.     Eusiphonia. 
Family  1.      Pleuromyacidae    Zittel. 

Shell  slightly  inequivalve,  hinge  ivith  an  obscure  projection  or  edentulous,  the  cardinal 
border  of  one  valve  covering  that  of  the  other  valve,  which  is  swpplcmented  by  a  sort  of 
A  laminar  nympih,  the   ligament  sub-internal   between 

them ;  area  inconstant  or  obscure ;  pallial  sinus 
present ;  valves  closed  or  slightly  gaping.  Trias  to 
Lower  Cretaceous. 

Pleuromya  Ag.  {Myacites  auct.)  (Figs.  735,  736). 
Posterior  side  longer,  somewhat  gaj^ing,  hinge 
margin  with  a  thin  horizontal  lamina  in  each 
valve,  the  left  inferior,  the  margin  with  a  feeble 
notch  behind  the  lamina ;  ligament  parivincular. 
Trias  to  Lower  Cretaceous ;  abundant,  but  seldom 
well  preserved. 

Gresslya  Ag.  (Fig.  737).  Like  Pleuromya,  but 
the  right  hinge  margin  projecting  over  the  left, 
anterior  side  sliort,  wide ;  ligament  parivincular, 
almost  internal,  attached   to    an   internal  nymjih- 

like   callosity  in   the  right -valve,  which  appears  as  a  groove  on   internal  moulds. 

Abundant  in  thci  Jura,  especially  in  the  Lias. 

Flii.  735. 

Pleuromya  peregrina  d'Orh.  Upper  .hira  ; 
ChorostUi'iw,  near  Moscow.  A,  Internal 
mould,  i/i-     i'l  Hinge. 




Ceromya    Ag.   (Fig.    738).      Curdate,    inflated,    with    ratliui'   auteiidr,    prosogyrous 

beaks  ;  hinge  margin  of  the  right  valve 
superior,    edentulous,    hut   with    a    blunt 

Flc.  730. 

Fleuromya  tenuistriata 
Ag.  Middle  Jura,  Za- 
jaczki,  Poland,     i/j. 

Fu:.  737. 

Gresslya  latiroxtris 
Ag.  Lower  Oolite ; 
Tannie,  Sartlie.     '/l- 

Fio.  73S. 

Ceromyacf.  adhnsls  Queiist.     IMiddlt;  .Jura  ; 
Kiieuttingeri,  Lorraine.     Hinge,  i/.j. 

elongated  process  in  front  of  an  internal  callosity.    Chiefly  occurring  as  moulds.    Jura. 

Family  2.     Pholadellidae    Miller  (eiuL-nd.). 

Shells  obovate,  usually  attenuated  behind  and  slightly  gajnng^  hinge  margin  thin, 
edentulous,  ligament  parivincular,  external ;  posterior  adductor  scar  large.     Paleozoic. 

Allorisma  King.  Elongate,  arcuate,  the  jjallial  line  sinuated,  anterior  side 
shorter,  sometimes  with  a  lunule  ;  sculpture  strongest  mesially.  Carljoniferous  and 

Rhytimya     Uhich.     Elongate,    sub-quadrate,    concentrically    waved,    the    waves 

stronger  anteriorly  ;  sculj)tured  on  the  posterior  half  with 
radiating  series  of  granules  ;  lunule  very  narrow.     Silurian. 
Pholadella    and    Gimitaria    Hall.      Devonian ;     North 

Family  3.      Pholadomyacidae  Gray. 
Shell   substance    nacreous   and   cellulo  -  crystalline ;    gills 

Plioladomya    murchitioni    Sow. 
Middle  Jura ;  Piezclinow,  Poland. 

I'lioladomya  deUoidcu  Ag. 
Middle  Jura  ;  England,     l/o. 

Pig.  741. 

Plioladomya  pusch i  Goldf.    Oligocene  ; 
Tolz,  Bavaria.     2/3. 

completely  united,  behind,  forming  a  septum  belotv  the  anal  chamber ;  foot  small,  with  an 

o'pisthop odium ;  siphons  long,  united  to  their  tips,  not  ivholly  retractile,  naked;  ventral 

commissure  of  the  m.antle  ivith  a  pedal  and  an  opisthopodial  foramen.     Shell  thin,  equi- 

VOL.  I  2  H 




valve,  (japing,  edentulous,  or  with  an  obscure  subumhonal  tubercle;  ligament,  and 
resilium  external,  opisthodetic,  seated  on  nymphae ;  area  obsolete  or  obscure,  not  amphi- 
detic ;  beaks  entire ;  pallial  sinus  loell  viarked ;  marine.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Pholadomya  Sow.  (Figs.  739-741).  Sliell  thin,  sub-ovate,  with  radial  and  con- 
centric sculpture,  inflated,  and  with  rather  prominent  beaks  ;  hinge  edentulous,  or 
with   an   ol)scure   thickening ;  scars   feeble,  pallial   sinus   moderately   deep.      In   the 

Gonimnya  duboisi  Ag.  Inferior  Oolite ;  Bayeux, 
Calvados.  A,  Shell,  l/j.  B,  Surface  showing  puncta- 
tions,  magnified. 

Fig.  743. 

Ilinnomyd  (Arcomya)  calreifortiii.i  Ag.     Inferior  Oolite  ; 
Les  Moutieux,  near  Bayeux,  Calvados,    -/s. 

posterior  dorsal  region  the  radial  sculptui'e  is  usually  feeble  or  absent.  Lower  Lias  to 
Recent ;  formerly  very  abundant,  but  now  represented  by  a  single  species  from  the 
Antilles,  P.  Candida  Ag.,  and  another  from  Japan. 

Procardia  Meek.      Includes  those  forms  with  an  escutcheon.     Jura. 

Goniomya  Ag.  (Fig.  742).  With  V-shaped  sculpture.  Lias  to  Cretaceous ;  very 
plentiful  in  Middle  and  UiJper  Jura. 

Homomya  Ag.  {Arcomya,  Myopsis  Ag.  p.p.)  (Fig.  743).  Distinguished  from  the 
typical  Pholadomyas  by  its  smooth  or  very  finely  sculptured  shell,  without  rilts. 
Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

(?)  Machomya,  Plectomya  Loriol ;  Mactromya  Ag.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Family  4.     Anatinidae  Dall. 

Soft  pchHs  like  Pholadomya,  the  foot  small  and  grooved,  ventral  foramina  small,  and 
the  siphons  with  a  horny  integument,  not  entirely  retractile.     Shell  sub-equivalve,  truncate, 

or  gaping  behind,  edentulous,  the  resilium  internal  between 
two  spoon-like  chondrophores  vertically  directed  and  often 
supported  by  buttresses  ;  ligament  obsolete  or  absent  ;  area 
obsolete;  beaks  transversely  fissured;  pallial  sinus  well 
marked  ;  monoecious ;  marine.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Anatina  Lam.  (Plafymya,  Ccrcomya  Ag.;  Plicomya 
Stol.)  (Fig.   744).     Shell  thin,  nearly  equivalve,  con- 
centrically but  feebly  sculptured,  posterior  side  shorter 
than  the  anterior.     Jura  to  Recent.     Laternula  Bolten,  is  a  prior  name. 
Periplomya  and  Anatimya  Conrad  ;  Rhynchomya  Agassiz.      Cretaceous. 

Fig.  744. 

Anatina  prmhicta  Zittel.     Upper 
Cretaceous  ;  Gosau  Valley,  Austria. 

Family  5.     Periplomatida,e  Dall. 

Shell  sub-nacreous,  conspicuously  inequivalve,  nearly  closed,  edentulous;  the  resilium 
internal,  between  two  anteriorly  or  vertically  directed  chondrophores,  often  buttressed,  the 
lithodesma  rarely  wanting ;  ligament  and  area,  absent ;  beaks  fissured ;  pallial  sinus 
broad  and  shallow;  siphons  separated  to  their  bases,  naked  and  ivholly  retractile;  mono- 
ecious; marine.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 




Periploma  Scliuin.  Shell  oval  oi'  rounded,  smootli  or  with  i'aint  concentric  striae  ; 
lithodesma  present.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Gochlodesma  Couth.  Buttress  of  the  chondrophore  posteriorly  directed  ;  no  litho- 
desnia.      Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Bontaea  Leach  {Ligula  p.jj.  Mont.) ;    Tyleria  Adams.      Recent. 

Family  6.     Thraciidae  Dall. 

Shell  earthy  and  cellulo-crystalline,  not  nacreous ;  ineqioivalve,  thin,  edentidous,  often 
with  a  granular  sihrface ;  ligament  and  resilium  ^PM 

chiefly  external,  opisthodetic,  parivincular,  seated 
on   posteriorly    directed    nymphae ;     area    absent, 

beaks  usiudly   entire ;    valves  nearly  closed,   with        .^^!ft^\IJi0?!MK^S:  // 

pallial  sinus ;    mantle   openings    small ;    siphons 

long,  sepjarated  to  their  tips,  naked ;  monoecious  :    HfHiMPX "  ^^^SS^^r^-  /// 

marine.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Thracia  Leach  {Gorimya  Ag.)  (Fig.  745). 
Shell  smooth  or  concentrically  striated,  with 
granular  surface,  usually  more  or  less  rostrate. 
Trias  to  Recent. 

Gyathodonta  Conr.  Shell  witli  oblique  or 
angular  waves  of  sculjiture,  otherwise  like  the 

preceding.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fid.  745. 

Thracia  liuxrta  Ag.     Upptu-  Jura  ;  Pruntiut, 
SwitzerUuicl.    i/j. 

B'ushia  Dall ;  Asthenothaerus  Carpenter.      Recent. 

Family  7.     Myochamidae  Dall. 

Shell  very  inequivalve,  free  or  sessile,  solid,  sub-nacreous,  edentulous,  the  dorsal 
margins  of  one  valve  overlapfing  those  of  the  other,  which  fit  into  corresponding  dc])res- 
sions  in  the  shell  loall ;  ligament  amphidetic,  external  or  absent ;  resilium  internal, 
alivincular ;  area  amphidetic  or  obsolete,  a  false  area  formed  on  each  side  of  the  beaks  by 
the  flattened  cardinal  margin  of  the  valves ;  shell  closed  ;  pallial  sinus  small.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 

The  gills  and  siphons  of  Myochama  Stutchbury,  which  lives  sessile  on  shells,  are 
more  like  those  of  Thracia  than  of  the  Pandoridae,  with  which  it  has  usually  been 
associated.  The  anatomy  of  Myodora  is  unknown.  Its  minute  area  curiously  recalls 
that  of  Spondylus,  and  it  is  free. 

Section  B.     Adelosiphonia. 
Family  8.     Pandoridae  Gray. 

Shell  compressed,  inequivalve,  free,  solid,  with  nacreous  and  prismatic  layers ;  the 
dorsal  edges  of  the  valves  overlapping,  but  not  socketed,  ivith  dentiform  crural  ridges  on 
either  side  of  the  resilium,  but  no  true  teeth;  ligament  amphidetic,  external,  obsolete; 
resilium  internal,  opisthodetic,  usually  reinforced  on  its  anterior  surface  by  a  mesial 
elongate  lithodesma ;  area  none;  valves  closed,  beaks  entire,  pallial  line  simple;  marine. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Pandora  Brug.  Diverging  crura  without  connecting  lamellae ;  buttress  and 
lithodesma  absent.     The  subgenus  Kennerleya  has  a  lithodesma.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Goelodon  Carp.  Crura  of  the  left  valve  united  by  a  transverse  lamella.  Glidio- 
phora  Carp,  has  the  hinge  plate  buttressed  and  a  lithodesma.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 




Family  9.      Lyonsiidae  Dall. 

Shell  inequivalve,  thin,  suh-nacreous,  edentulous;  ligament  obsolete,  the  resilium 
internal,  uniting  the  edges  of  a  long,  mesial  lithodesma  to  a  narroiv  chondrophoric  sub- 
marginal  ridge  on  each  valve;  beaks  entire,  valves  nearly  closed,  pallial  sinus  distinct; 
marine.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Lyonsia  Tiirton.  Small,  thin,  posteriorly  elongate  with  delicate  radiating  sculp- 
ture.    Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Entodesma  Philippi.      Recent.     Actinomya  Mayer.     Eocene  ;  North  America. 

Family  10.     Lyonsiellidae    Dall. 

SIbell  nearly  cquivalve,  sub-nacreous,  with  a  more  or  less  distinct  tubercle  in  front  of 
the  resilium  on  the  dorsal  margin ;  ligament  obsolete,  cartilage  internal  with  a,  large 
lithodesma ;  area,  obscure  or  absent ;  beaks  entire ;  valves  almost  closed ;  fallial  sinus 
obsolete.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Halicardia  Dall  ;  Lyonsiella  Sars.      Chiefly  Recent. 

Superfamily  2.     ENSIPHONACEA  Dall. 

Dijf'ering  from  Anatinacea  by  the  formation  of  a  calcareous  tube,  which  may  include 
one  or  both  of  the  valves,  and  is  usually  furnished  with  a  perforated  anterior 
disk  surrounded  by  a  more  or  less  complete  fringe  of  small  calcareous  tubules. 

Family  11.     Olavagellidae  d'Orbigny  (emend.). 

Shell  degenerate,  extremely  specialised  for  a  burrowing  life;  valves 
nacreous,  free  when  young  ;  ivhen  adult,  one  or  both  merged  in  a  calcareous 
tube  anteriorly  discoid  and  fringed,  ivith  a  narrow  pedal  foramen  in  the 
middle  of  the  disk  ;  free  valves  edentulous,  the  ligament  external,  opisthodetic, 
sup'ported  by  nymphs ;  pallial  line  sinuate ;  tube  frequently  encrusted  with 
extraneous  material ;  marine.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Clavagella  Lam.  {Bryopa  Gray ;  Stirpulina  Hoi.)  (Fig.  746).  One 
of  the  valves  not  attached  to  the  tube  and  adductor  muscles  persistent. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Brechites  Guett.  {Aspergillum  Lam.).  Both  valves  merged  in  the 
tube,  anterior  adductor  reduced,  and  the  posterior  obsolete.  Pliocene 
and  Recent. 

Superfamily  3.     POROMYACEA  Dall. 

Fio.  746. 

caillati  Uesh. 
Eocene ;  Grig- 
non.  i/o  (after 

Anomalodesmacea  having  modified  foliobranch  or  lamellar  gills,  slightly 
or  not  at  all  reticulated,  and  frequently  degenerate  or  even  absent;  valves 
free,  witliout  a  calcareous  tube  external  to  them ;  mantle  lobes  united,  until  siphons  and 
a  pedal,  but  no  opisthopodial  foramen ;  the  cartilage  reinforced  beloio  by  a  lithodesma. 

Family  12.     Euciroidae  Dall. 

Shell  sub-equivalve,  nacreous  and  cellulo-crystalline,  externally  granulose ;  hinge 
with  a  strong  tubercle  in  the  right  valve  before  the  resilium,  and  the  dorsal  margins 
modified  to  overlie  and  underlie  each  other;  ligament  obsolete;  resilitim  opisthodetic, 
internal,  ivith  a  strong  lithodesma  ventrally ;  area  obscure  or  absent ;  a  depressed  false 




lunule  before  the  beaks ;    valves   closed,  pallial  sinus   shallow,  obscure ;    sii^hons   short, 
separate  ;  marine.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Pecchiolia  Meuegli.     Shell  heavy ;   beaks  spirogyrate,  distant  ;   sculpture  radial. 
Eocene  ;  Alabama.      Miocene  ;  Europe. 
Euciroa  Dall.      Recent,  abyssal. 

The  genera  Verticordia  Wood  ;  Tri(jonulvna  d'Orl).  ;  Haliris  Uall ;  and  (?)  Allo- 
pagus  Stol.  {Hippagus  Desh.,  non  Lea)  are  included  under  the  family  Verticordiidae. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Equivalve,  oval,  thin,  in- 

Family  13.     Poromyacidae  Dall. 

Shell  rounded,  nacreous  and  cellulo -crystalline,  granular  or  smooth  externally ;  hinge 
with  obscure  tubercles  in  front  of  the  resilimn  ;  ligament  external,  opistliodetic  ;  resilium 
sub-internal  beloiv  the  ligament,  with  a  small  lithodesma ;  area  obscure  or  absent ;  a 
depressed  false  lunule  in  front  of  the  beaks;  valves  nearly  or  entirely  closed;  pallial 
sinus  small  or  obsolete;  marine.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Liopistha  Meek  {Oymella,  Psilomya  Meek)  (Fig.  747). 
flated,  concentrically  or 
radially  striated,  gaping 
and  compressed  behind  ; 
beaks  prominent,  in- 
curved ;  hinge  with  a 
nymph  and  projecting 
process  on  each  side ; 
ligament  sunken,  partly 
external.      Cretaceous. 

(?)  Basterotia    Mayer 
{Eucharis      Recluz,     non 

Peron).     Valves  sub-equal,  closed,  with  a  strong  tooth  in  the  right  and  two  in  the 
left ;  surface  granular  ;  form  trapezoid.      Miocene  and  Recent. 

Poromya  Forbes  {Embla  Loven).  Ovate,  plump,  surface  granular  ;  pallial  line 
irregularly  widened,  not  sinuate.     Eocene  and  Recent. 

Dermatomya  Dall.  Surface  smooth,  with  a  conspicuous  periostracum  ;  pallial 
line  sinuate.     Recent,  abyssal. 

Cetomya,  Getoconcha  Dall  {Silenia  Smith).      Recent,  aby.ssal. 

Fit..  747. 
Lio^nstha  freqiiens  Zitt.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Gosau,  Austria.     Vi- 

Family  14.     Ouspidariidae  Dall. 

Shell  sub-equivalve,  rostrate,  earthy  or  cellulo-crystalline,  rarely  with  surface  granula- 
tions; hinge  edentulous  or  'with  sub-umbonal  tubercula- 
tion,  sometimes  bicttressed  ;  ligament  sub-internal,  anterior 
to  the  beaks  or  obsolete;  resilium  internal,  with  a  mesial 
or  ventral  lithodesma ;  area  amphidetic  or  obscure ;  valves 
closed  except  at  the  tip  of  the  rostrum ;  pallial  line  simple  ; 
siphons  united ;  marine.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Guspidaria  Nardo  (Neaera  Gray  ;  Ryderia  Wilton) 
(Fig.  748).  Shell  concentrically  sculptured ;  hinge 
with  a  small  posteriorly  inclined  chondrophore  in  each 

valve,  and  an  elongated  ridge   behind   it ;    ligament   always  anterior  to  the   beaks 

when  present.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Subgenera  :   Cardiomya  Adams  ;  with  radial  sculpture  and  a  posterior  lateral  tooth  in 
the  right  valve.     Leiomyn  Adams  ;    smooth,  with  an  anterior  cardinal  in  each  valve,  and 

Fir;.  748. 

Cuspulnria  cuspidata  Olivi 
Miocene  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna. 


470  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

anterior  and  posterior  Laterals  in  the  right  valve  only.  Plcctodon  Carp.  ;  surface  granulated. 
Rhinoclama  1).  and  S. ;  like  Plcctodon,  but  without  cardinal  teeth.  I'rojndomya  D.  and 
S.  ;  hinge  with  a  buttress,  one  anterior  cardinal,  but  no  lateral  in  either  valve.  Halonympha 
D.  and  S.  ;  right  valve  with  a  single  cardinal,  no  other  teeth  in  either  valve,  a  conspicuous 
posterior  laminar  buttress  in  each  valve.     Luzonia  Dall.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Myonera  Dall  and  Smith.      Shell  thin  with  concentric  waves  and  sparse  radial 
ribs  ;  hinge  edentulous  ;  rostrum  short,  rounded.     Kecent,  abyssal. 

(?)  Corburella  Lycett.     Middle  Jura.     Siihenio-psis  Sandl^erger.      Tertiary. 

Order  3.     TELEODESMACEA  Dall. 

A.  Pantodonta. 
Laterals  exceeding  two  in  any  one  group. 

Family  1.     Allodesnaidae  Dall  (CtjcloconcJiidae  Ulrich). 

Shell  rounded;  valves  equal,  free,  closed,  with  feeble  concentric  sculpture;  area 
linear,  am^^hidetic ;  ligament  sub-external,  2>arivincular,  opisthodetic ;  adductor  scours 
sub-equal,  pedal  scars  above  and  distinct  from  the  adductors ;  pallial  line  entire ;  hinge 
ivith  one  or  two  lateral  laminae  on  each  side  of  the  beak,  the  posterior  below  the  ligament, 
received  into  corresponding  grooves  on  the  right  valve;  cardinal  teeth  radially  grooved; 
one  or  two  in  each  valve,  those  in  the  right  valve  stronger.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

This  family,  as  suggested  by  Neumayr,  probably  exemplifies  the  first  step  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  Teleodesmacean  hinge.  But  it  must  be  admitted  that  its  amphidetic  though 
linear  area,  the  occasional  multiplicatiou  to  three  of  the  lateral  laminae,  and  the  sub-ligament- 
ary  location  of  the  hinder  laminae,  are  very  reminiscent  of  the  prevalent  Silurian  Schizodont 
type,  and  the  family  can  be  admitted  to  the  Teleodesmacea  only  as  a  probable  ancestor,  ratiier 
than  a  perfectly  developed  type  of  the  modern  assemblage. 

Orthodontiscus  Meek  {Gycloconcha  Miller ;  (?)  Anodontopsis  M'Coy).  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Allodesma  Ulrich.  Like  Orthodontiscus,  but  more  elongate,  the  beaks  more 
anterior,  the  anterior  adductor  scar  l)uttressed  by  a  radial  ridge,  and  the  anterior 
lateral  teeth  short  or  absent.     Ordovician 


Laterals  normally  one  or  two,  and  cardinals  three  or  less,  in  any  one  group. 

Superfamily  1.     CYPRICARDIACEA  Dall. 

Lobes  of  the  mantle  partly  closed  ventrally ;  anterior  lateral  laminae  absent,  or 
grouped  with  the  cardinal  teeth,  short  and  obscure. 

Family  2.     Pleurophoridae  Dall.^ 

Shell  substance  cellulo-crystalline  ;  valves  equal,  free,  closed  ;  adductor  scars  sub-equal, 
free  from  the  pedal  scars;  imllial  line  entire,  or  feebly  sinuated ;  area  obscure;  liga- 
ment external  or  seated  in  a  groove,  parivincular ;  margins  of  the  valves  usually  plain ; 
hinge  with  one  left  and  two  right  posterior  laminae,  the  anterior  laminae  absent  or  con- 
fused with  the  cardinals ;  two  or  three  cardinal  teeth  in  each  valve,  of  which  the  posterior 
in  both  valves  is  sub-parallel  to  the  dorsal  shell  margin,  and  in  the  right  valve  is  usually 
bifid.  Mantle  with  a  moderate  pedal  and  two  siphonal  openings,  the  latter  usually  not 
produced  into  tubes,     l^evonian  to  Recent. 

•'   Cyprinidae  p.p.  of  authors,  but  this  name  cannot  be  used. 




This  family,  so  well  known  under  the  i)reoccupied  name  Cyprinidae,  probably  shared  the 
same  origin  as  the  Astartidae,  and  tlie  two  do  not  definitely  separate  until  the  Jura.  The 
position  of  the  Paleozoic  ancestors  is  necessarily  doubtful,  and  they  are  placed  ditferently 
by   different   authors.     The    group   is   divided   into    two    subfamilies,    Plcurophorinae   and 


PleuropJiorus  King  (Fig.  749).  Elongated,  sul)-rectangnlar  ;  beaks  sub-terminal  ; 
surface  smooth  or  with  radial  sculjiture ;  hinge  with  two  cardinal  teeth  in  each  valve  ; 

Fui.  749. 

Pleiirophonis  eostatus  King.  Per- 
mian ;  layers  Quarry,  England.  A, 
Shell,  Vi  (iifter  King).  B,  Internal 
monld  Ironi  Gera,  Thnringia  (after 

Fiii.  750. 

Anisoc/irdia  elegans  Mun.-Chalm.     Kimmeridgian  ; 
Cap  de  la  Heve,  near  Havre,     i/i- 

anterior  adductor   scars    deep,  with    a  buttress-like  ridge  liehind   it.      Devonian    to 
Trias  ;  esiiecially  abundt'int  in  the  Permian. 

Gypricardella    Hall   [Microdon    Hall);    Mecynodon   Keferst. ;    Gypricardinia   Hall. 
Devonian.     Astartella  Hall.      Carboniferous. 

Anisocardia  Mun.-Chalm.  (Fig.   750). 

Rounded  or  trapezoid,  plump,  smooth  or 
radially  striate  ;  posterior  slope  some- 
times keeled  ;  hinge  with  a  strong 
sometimes  bifid  right  cardinal  behind, 
and  an  anteriorly  directed  front  cardinal; 

Arctlca  islandicit  (Linn).     Pleis- 
tocene ;  Boliusliin,  Sweden. 

Venilicardia  cordiformts,  d'Orb. 
Gault ;  Seignelay,  Yonne. 

Fic.  753. 
Veniella  tumida  Nyst.    Crag ;  Antwerp. 

left  valve  with  a  forwardly  directed  anterior  and  a  posterior  cardinal  tooth.     Jura  to 

Roudairia  Munier-Chalm.  Like  Trapeeium,  but  with  a  sharp  keel  and  smooth 
area  behind,  anteriorly  with  concentric  ridges  ;  right  posterior  cardinal  bifid.  Upper 

472  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Trajpezimn  Huinpli.  emend.  Megeiie  {Lihitina  Scliiiiu  .  ;  Cypricardia  Lam.).  Shell 
elongate,  trai)ezoidal,  concentrically,  or  more  rarely  radially  sculptured,  often  with  a 
posterior  keel ;  three  cardinal  teeth  in  each  valve,  the  posterior  in  the  right  valve 
often  bifid.      Jura  to  Recent. 

Plesiocyprina  Munier-Chalm.  Jura.  Cicatrea  Stol.  Cretaceous.  Goralliofhaga 
Blainv.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Arctica  Schum.  {Cyclas  Brug.  ;  Cyprina  Lam.)  (Fig.  751).  Oval  or  rounded,  in- 
flated, concentrically  striated  ;  beaks  prominent,  curved,  cardinals  three  in  each  valve, 
the  left  posterior  often  Infid,  the  middle  left  cardinal  largest,  and  the  posterior  ridge-like. 
Abundant  in  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  and  represented  by  one  or  two  living  species. 

Venilicardia  Stol.  (Fig.  752).     Cretaceous.      Pygocardia  Mun.-Chalm.     Tertiary. 

Veniclla  Stol.  {Venilia  Morton;  (?)  Goniosoma  Conr.)  (Fig.  753).  Left  valve  with 
the  anterior  cardinal  strong,  sub-triangular.      Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Superfamily  2.     ASTARTACEA  Dall. 

Lohes  of  the  mantle  free  ventrally ;  lateral  laminae  obscure,  when  present  distant 
from  the  cardinals. 

Family  3.     Curtonotidae  Dall. 

Bhell  short  and  heavy,  ivith  sub-terminal  beaks ;  valves  free,  equal,  closed ;  area 
obscure;  ligament  as  in  the  Astartidae ;  adductor  scars,  especially  the  anterior,  deep; 
pallial  line  simple ;    hinge  plate  broad,  without  lateral   laminae ;    the  formula  of  the 

cardinals  ^-.-z-^.,-:,  or  ^ftttt^.     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 
KlOlO         KlUl 

This  group  is  inserted  conformably  with  the  opinion  of  Neumayr,  who  regards  it  as  the 
radical  of  the  Astartidae. 

Curtonotus  Salter.  Oval,  cardinal  border  thick,  with  one  very  strong  tooth  in  the 
left,  and  a  strong  anterior  and  thin  posterior  tooth  in  the  right  valve.  Scars  of  the 
adductors  strong,  especially  the  anterior.      Devonian  ;  England. 

Prosocoelus  Keferst.     Devonian.     Protoschizod us  de  Kon.     Carboniferous. 

Family  4.     Astartidae  d'Orbigny  (emend.). 

I>]idl  substance  cellulo-crystalline,  with  a  pronounced  epidermis;  shell  rounded  or 

sub-triangular,  usually  with  concentric  or  not  radial  sculpture ;  valves  equal  or  sub-equal, 

free,  closed;  area  distinct;   ligament  and  resilium  external,  parivincular,  opistkodet'ic; 

beaks  prosocoelous ;  adductor  scars  sub-equal,  loith  a  distinct  anterior  pedal  scar ;  pallial 

line  simple;    hinge  plate   distinct,    hinge   with  anterior   and  posterior 

lateral  teeth  and  their  respective  sockets,  usually  more  or  less  obsolete ; 

cardinal    teeth  not  bifid  at  the  summit,  the  terminal   teeth  frequently 

obsolete.     Lobes  of  the  mantle  free  ventrally,  not  produced  into  siphons. 

Pig.  754.  Trias  to  Recent. 

mM\llmt-f\nt  Astarte  SfAv.  (Crassina  Lam.)  (Fig.  754).     Roundly  triangular  or 

('icrslioion,  "aIsiicc.    oval,  rather  compressed,  thick  ;  smooth   or  concentrically  sculptured  ; 
'•■  lunule  impressed  ;  right  anterioi'  cardinal  strong. 

A  nmnher  of  genera  have  been  associated  with  Astarte  which  prolialily  belong  elsewhere. 
The  following  subgenera,  however,  are  wortliy  of  reeogiiilioii  ;  Coehistarle  Bohin,  Prcconia 
Stol.  ;  Crass iii.rlhCv>-i.j\e,  nnn  Guppy  (Fig.  755);  Promh-ia  Bi)liiii.  Jura.  Erlphyla  Gabb. 
Cretaceous.  Grotriania  Speyer  ;  GoodaUia  Turtou  (Fig.  757)  ;  Rhcdocyma  Dall  ;  Digitaria 
Wood  (Fig.  75G).     Tertiary  and  Recent. 


Opis  Dcfr.  (Fig.  758).      Ti-igoiial,  cordate,  sinootli  or  concentrically  striate  ;  Ijeaks 

Fio.  757. 

Astartc  (GoodalUa) 
miliaris  Defr.  Eocene  ; 
Grignon,  •  near  Paris 
(after  Desliayes). 

Fig.  755. 

Astartc  obliqua  Desh.     Interior 
Oolite ;  Bayeux,  Calvados. 

Fig.  750. 

Digitari  profunda 
(as  Woodia).  Eocene ;  Aizy, 
near  Laon.  A,  Hinge,  en- 
larged.    75,  Shell. 

prominent,  prosocoelous ,;  lunnle  very  deep,  bordered  by  a  keel; 
cardinal  teeth  long,  narrow  (2  :  1).     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

Opisoma  Stol.     Jura.      Seebachia  Neuniayr.      Cretaceous. 

Fig.  758. 

Opis  goldfuasiana 
d'Orb.  Upper  Jura ;  Nat- 
theim.     Wiirtemberg. 


Family  5.     Crassatellitidae  Dall. 

Shell  as  in  the  Astartidae,   hut  the  valves  always  somewhat  unequal,  and  usually 
ore  or  less  rostrate,   the  beaks  compressed,  erect  or  opisthocoelous ;   Ivjament  infernal, 

Fig.  75P. 
Crassatellites  i^lumhca  (Chem.).    Eocene  (Calcaire  Grossier) ;  Damery,  near  Bpernay.    2/^. 

more  or  less  obsolete,  resilium  large,  wholly  internal,  attached  at  each  end  to  a  chondro- 
phoric  pit  in  the  hinge  plate  behind  the  cardinal  teeth  ;  lateral  teeth  and  sockets  usually 
alternated  in  the  valves,  the  hinge  plate  heavy,  flat ;  the  posterior  cardinal  in  the  right 
valve  very  small  or  obsolete,  ivith  no  distinct  socket  in  the  opposite  valve  ;  f^dl  cardinal 
,  ,     L  1010 

Lower  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Tlie  earlier  forms  of  this  family  have  a  small  resilium  close  to  the  nearly  marginal  liga- 
ment. With  time,  later  ones  show  a  gradual  descent  of  tliese  organs,  until  in  some  of  tlie 
more  specialised  modern  representatives  there  is  no  ajtpreciable  ligament  remaining,  and  the 




resilium  has  become  large  and  deeply  immersed.  The  parallelism  between  this  group  and 
the  Mactridae,  in  the  gradual  immersion  of  the  ligament,  could  hardly  be 
more  com})lete. 

Crassatellites  Kruger  {Crassatella  Lam.  1819,  non  Lam.  1799) 
(Figs.  759,  760).  Cretaceous  to  Eeceiit ;  represented  by  about  seventy 
fossil  and  forty  living  species. 

Trioclonta  Koenen.  Oligocene.  Scavibula  Conrad ;  Remondia 
Gabb  {Stearnsia  White)  ;  Antlwnyia  Gabli ;  Grassatellina  ISIeek. 

(?)  Ptychomya  Ag.     Like  Crassatellites,  but  with  radial  sculpture 
""  ''^^'  and  three  cardinals  in  each  valve.     Cretaceous. 

hronni  '    Merlm  Grassinella     Guppy,    non    Bayle    {Gouldia    auct.,    non    Adams ; 

Oligocene;    Wein-   Pseiideripliyla  Fisch.).     Small,  sub-triangular,  very  compressed,  con- 

nfjiiiij   iiGtir  Aiz(*y.  *      ti         •tit        m       •  i    t\ 

i/j.  centrically  ribl:)ed.      Tertiary  and  Kecent. 

Superfamily  3.     CYRENACEA  Tryon. 

Cyjiricardians  which  have  become  specialised^  for  fresh  or  brackish  water  conditions, 
and,  as  usual  in  such  cases,  have  developed  great  variability  of  character ;  tisually  vivi- 

Family  6.     Oyrenidae  Gray. 

Shell  iiorcellanous,  with  a  conspicuous  epidermis,  usually  with  concentric  sculpture; 
valves  equal,  free,  closed,  usxially  with  plain  margins;  area  obscure  or  none;  ligament 
and  resilium  external,  parivincular,  opisthodetic ;  adductor  scars  sub-egual,  separate 
from  the  pedal ;  pallial  line  simple  or  ivith  a  small  simis ;  hinge  with  anterior  and 
posterior  laterals  usually  double  in  the  right,  single  in  the  left  valve,  distinctly  separated 
from  the  cardinals;  cardinal  teeth  bifid,  at  the  summit,  three  in  each  valve  when  none 
are  obsolete.  Mantle  open  ventrally,  the  siphons  distinctly  developed,  short,  more  or  less 
united.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Many  of  these  forms  merge  with  one  another  as  we  recede  in  time.  The  Recent  American 
forms  and  many  fossils  show  a  pallial  sinus  ;  oriental  s}>ecies  are  generally  without  it.  In 
some  fossils  the  laterals  of  the  right  valve  are  not  double. 

Cyrena  Lam.     Rounded,  sub-equilateral,  plump,  concentrically  sculptured,  with 
smooth  margins  ;  cardinals  three,  the  laterals  smootli.      Lias  to  Eecent  (300  species) ; 
maximum     in    the    Cre- 
taceous and  onwards. 

Subgenera :  Corbieula 
Megerle  (Figs.  761,  762). 
Smaller  than  Cyrena,  and 
the  laterals  sharply  cross- 
striated.  Ecjcta  Adams. 
Compressed,  elongated, 

thin  ;        almost       rostrate. 
Recent ;  marine. 


Fic.  761. 


Corhicula  fluminalis 
(MiilL).  Pleistocene ; 
Teutschentlial,  near 
Halle,  Saxony. 

Corhicula  semistriata  Desh.     Oligocene 
(Cyrena  marls) ;  Flonheini,  near  Alzey.     Vi- 

Batissa    Gray. 
Cyrena,    but     the 

anterior  and  left  posterior  cardinals  feelile  or  obsolete  ;  anterior  laterals  very  short, 
posterior  ones  elongated.  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Oregon,  and  living  in  Indo-Pacilic 

Veloritina,  Leptesthes  Meek.  Laramie  Group.  Villorita  Gray  {Velorifa  Gray,  1 847). 
Oligotiene  to  Recent.  The  relations  of  the  Recent  Egeria  Roissy,  and  Proflscheria  Dall 
{Galatea  Lmg.,  non  Fabr.  ;   Fischeria  Bernai'di,  non  Desv.)  are  not  positively  fixed. 




Family  7.     Sphaeriidae  Dall. 

Shell  as  in  the  Gyrenidae,  but  small,  with  a  feeble,  short  ligament,  a  simple  fallial 
line,  and  no  hinge  plate ;  cardinal  teeth  usually  two  i^i  each  valve,  variable,  very  thin, 
often  nearly  parallel  to  the  hinge  margin  or  defective  in  part  of  the  series ;  laterals  as  in 
the  Gyrenidae,  distinct.     Upper  Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Sphaerium  Scop.  {Gyclas  Lam.,  non  Brug.).  Branchial  siphon  complete  ;  shell 
equilateral,  inflated,  rounded.     Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subgenus  EujJera  Bgt.    Shell  compressed,  trapezoid.    Tertiary  and  Recent ;  sub-tro])ical. 

Gorncocyclas  Ferussac  {Pisiditim  Pfeilf.).  i Shell  inequilateral ;  branchial  siphon 
merged  with  the  pedal  opening.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Superfamily  4.     CAEDITACEA  Menke. 

This  group  appears  to  have  branched  off  from  the  Astartoid  radical  in  the  early 
Mesozoic,  forming  in  one  sense  a  sort  of  parallel  series  loitli  the  Astartidae,  with  tvhich  it 
is  contrasted  most  obviously  by  its  prevailing  radial  sculpture  and  prolonged  posterior 
cardinal  tooth. 

Family  8.     Oarditidae  Gill. 

Shell  as  in  the  Astartidae,  but  usually  with  radial  scihlpture,  the  pedal  adjacent  to 
the  anterior  adductor  scar ;  ligament  external,  parivincular ;  resilium  usually  included 
in  the  ligament,  rarely ,  internal ;  hinge  fidly  developed,  with  the  Icominae  as  in  the 
Astartidae,  and  usually  obsolete ;  the  anterior  cardinal  often  obsolete,  the  posterior  pro- 
longed parallel  with  the  dorsal  margin  even  beloiv  the  ligament.     Full  cardinal  formula 

p  •     M&rine ;  dioecious,  frequently  viviparous.     Trias  to  Recent. 

The  earlier  forms  approach  the  Astartidae  and  Pleurophoridae  so  closely  that  they  can 
hardly  be  discriminated. 

Gardita  Brug.      Elongate,  quadrate,  with  prominent,  very  anterior  beaks  ;  sculji- 

Pio.  763. 

Palaeocardita  cre.nnta 
(Munst.).  Upper 
Trias  ;  St.  Cassian, 

Fic.  704. 
Venericardia  imhricata  Lam.     Eocene  ;  Grignon,  near  Paris. 

ture  radial  and  usually  imbricated,  commonly  with  a  lunule  ;  inner  margins  dentate  ; 
cardinals  long  and  oblique.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Palaeocardita  Conr.  (Fig.  763).  Like  Carditct,  but  with  a  posterior  lateial 
tooth.     Trias  and  Cretaceous. 

Venericardia  Lam.  (Fig.  764).  Rounded  or  cordate ;  lateral  teeth  al)sent  or 
obsolete.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 




Garditamera  Conr.  Elongated,  siili-mytilifonn.  Pleuromeris  Conrad.  Small, 
equilateral,  trigonal.  Galyptogena  Dall.  Ovoid,  smooth  externally.  Garditella 
Smith.  Small,  with  internal  ligament.  All  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Tlicadia  Adams  ; 
Milneria  Dall.     Females  with  a  shelly  marsupium.     Recent. 

Superfamily  5.     CHAMACEA  Geinitz. 

Garditian  forms  specialised  for  a  sessile  habit,  usually  with  exceptionally  spiral 
groivth,  and  very  unequal  valves.     Marine. 

Family  9.     Diceratidae  Dall.^ 

Resembling  Ghama,  but  with  the  adductors  usually  borne  on  myophoric  laminae,  or 
projections  which  a^re  prolonged  into  the  umbonal  cavity  below  the  hinge  plate ;  valves 
grotesquely  distorted,  sub-equal,  with  p)i'olongcd  and  tim'stcd  umhones,  or  the  free  valve  is 
reduced  to  an  opercular  form,  spira.l,  and  even  concave;  the  teeth  often  reversed  relatively 
to  their  situation  in  Ghama.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

This  family  has  possibly  been  derived  from  the  Megalodontidae  of  the  Paleozoic  and  early 
Mesozoic,  and  in  .turn  has  given  rise  to  a  branch   that  has  survived  to  the  present  day 

Dlccras  arictinwni  Lam.     Coral-Raa; ; 
St.  Mihiel,     s/.,. 

A,  Diceras  arietinum  hum.  Coral-Rag;  St.  Mihiel,  Meuse. 
Fixed  left  valve,  2/3.  B,  D.  zittcli.,  Mun.  -  Chalm.  Tithonian  ; 
Stramberg.  Right  valve,  2/3.  a,  a',  Anterior  and  posterior 
adductor  .sear.s  ;  c,  Ma.ior  cardinal ;  d,  Socket  for  left  anterior 
cardinal ;  I,  Ligamentary  groove ;  s,  Buttres.s  ridge  before 
po.sterior  adductor  scar. 

(Chamidae),  as  Avell  as  to  others  that  became  extinct  at  the  close  of  the  Mesozoic.  _  In  all  cases 
the  forms  in  which  the  umbo  of  the  free  valve  is  coiled  have  preceded  more  specialised  forms 

1  For  the  Chamacea  and  Rudistae,  NeumajT  proposed  the  term  Pachydonta.  For  special  litera- 
ture see :  Zittel,  K.  A.  von.  Die  Bivalven  der  GosaugebiMe.  Deukschr.  Akad.  Wis.s.  Wien, 
1864,  voh  xxiv.—Oemmellaro,  G.  G.,  Caprinellidi  della  Ciaca  dei  dintorni  di  Palermo,  1865.— 
Munier-Ghalmas,  E. ,  Prodrome  d'une  classification  des  Paidistes.  Journ.  deConchyl.,  1873,  vol.  xxi. 
—  White,  a.  A.,  Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  No.  4,  1884  ;  No.  22,  X'i^b.—DouvilU,  H.,  Several  papers  in 
Bull.  Soc.  Geol.  France  [3],  xiv.  p.  389  ;  xv.  p.  756  ;  xvi.  p.  699  ;  xvii.  p.  627  ;  xviii.  p.  324  ; 
1886-90.— (Zi  Stefano,  G.,  Studii  stratigrafici  e  paleontologici  sul  systema  cretaceo  di  Sicilia. 
I.  Gli  Strati  con  Caprotina.  Palermo,  1888.  II.  Calcari  con  Polyconites  di  Termini-Imerese. 
Palaeout.  Ital.,  1898,  vol.  \v.  —  Fuiterer,  K.,  Die  Obereu  Kreidebildungen  der  Umgebung  des  Lago 
di  Santa  Croce.  Palaeont.  Abh.,  1892,  n.s.  vol.  M.—Bohm,  G.,  Beitriige  zur  Kenntnis  der  Kreide  in 
den  Siidalpen.  Palaeontogr.,  1894,  vol.  xU.—Douville,  JT.,  Eltudes  sur  les  Eudistes.  Mem.  Soc. 
Geol.  France.  Palrontologie,  i.  iii.,  1890-96.— Paro/(a,  0.  F.,  Sopra  alcune  Rudiste  Senonianc 
dell'  Appeniuo  ineridiouale."  Mem.  Accad.  Torino,  1900,  ser.  2,  vol.  l.—Paqider,  V.,  Les  Rudistcs 
urgoniens.  Mem.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  Paleont.,  1903,  vol.  xi.—Toucas,  B.,  Etudes  sur  la  classifica- 
tion et  revolution  des  Hippuiites.      torn,  cii.,  1903,  and  vol.  xxi.  p.  506,  1891. 




with  an  operculiform  free  valve.     The  highly  modified  Hippuritidae  evidently  indicate  the 
last  stage  of  the  evolutionary  series. 

Diceras  Lam.  (Heterodiceras,  Plesiodiceras  Mun.-Chalia. ;  Pseudodiceras  Gemiu.) 
(Figs.  765,  766).  Shell  smooth,  inequivalve,  with  Ijotli  valves  convex,  the  attached 
valve  larger,  dentition  normal  or  inverse  ;  beaks  prominent,  j)rosocoelous ;  ligament  as 
in  Chama,  supported  on  nympliae ;  right  valve  with  a  small  anterior  and  large 
elongated  curved  posterior  tooth  almost  parallel  with  the  hinge  margin  ;  left  valve 

Fk;.  767. 

A,  liequienia  atiimomaifioldt'.).     Urgouiaii  ;  Orgon,  Boiu;heH-du-Rliiine.     i/s-     /'',  f.  Small  individual  of 
11.  (ToHCJxaia)  lonxihde!  (Sow.),  fioin  same  locality.     B,  Left ;  <',  Kiglit  valve,  i/j. 

with  a  single,  large,  ear-shajjed  tooth  in  front  of  the  elongated  socket  for  the  principal 
tooth  of  the  right  valve  ;  posterior  addnctor  scar  on  a  projecting  Inittress.     Upper  Jura. 

Apricardia  Gueranger.      Cenomanian  and  Turonian.     A.  carinata  Guer. 

Requienia  Matheron  (Fig.  767,  A).  Smooth,  very  inequivalve,  attached  by  the 
spirally  twisted  beak  of  the  left  valve  ;  right  valve  opercular,  spiral,  flat ;  teeth 
feeble  ;  posterior  adductor  scar  buttressed.  Lower  Cretaceous,  especially  the  Urgonian 
of  southern  Europe,  the  Alps  and  Texas. 

Subgenus  Toucasia  Mun.-Chalm.  (Fig.  767,  B,  C).  Ditfers  from  Requienia  in  having 
both  valves  keeled.     Urgonian  and  Cenomanian. 

Matheronia  Mun.-Chalm.     Urgonian  and  Cenomanian,     M.  virginae  (Gras.). 

Family   10.      Chamidae  Lamarck. 

Shell  substance  threefold,  the  inner  layers  imrcellanous  and  tubnlar,  the  middle 
obscurely  prismatic,  the  external  cell lolo -crystalline  ivith  reticulated  tubules  and  an  incon- 
spicuous epidermis;  valves  unequal,  irregular,  one  of  them  sessile;  closed,  usually 
rounded  in  form  with  conspicuous  sculpture,  often  differing  in  the  opposite  voJves ; 
adductor  scars  sub-eqiial,  elongate,  pedal  scars  minute,  distant;  ligament  and  resilium 
external  in  a  deep  groove,  parivincular,  opisthodetic ;  area  distinct,  prosodetic ;  beaks 
more  or  less  spiral,  prosogyrous ;  pallial  line  simple ;  hinge  plate  heavy,  arcuate  ;  hinge 
frequently  ivith  a  minute  or  obsolete  posterior  lamina,  chiefly  in  the  fixed  valve; 
cardinals  one  or  two  in  the  free  valve,  tioo  loith  an  intennediate  socket  in  the  fixed  valve  ; 
the  anterior  cardinal  broad,  usually  deeply  grooved  or  multifid,  the  posterior  simple,  long 
and  curved  parallel  ivith  the  dorsal  border ;  siphoned  orifices  not  produced  into  tubes; 
adductors  each  composed  of  txoo  elements.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Either  of  the  valves  of  Chama  may  be  the  attached  one,  but  the  teeth  in  the  fixed  valve, 
whether  right  or  left,  are  always  the  same,  and  similarly  with  the  free  valve.  The  fixation 
is  generally  by  the  left  valve. 

Chama  Linn.  (Fig.  768).  Nepionic  shell  roimded.  Ligament  sometimes  continiied 
to  the  point  of  the  beaks,  as  in  other  bivalves  with  gyrate  umbones  ;  form  rounded. 




attached  valve  deeper  and  larger,  the  free  valve  flatter  ;  margins  usually  cross-striated, 
surface  lamellar  or  spinose  ;  adductor  scars  large,  not  elevated.  Cretaceous  to  Recent; 
maximum  in  Eocene. 

Fifi.  768. 
Cliwma  squamosa  Lam.     Eocene  ;  Hamp-sliire.     i/i. 

Echtnochama  Fiscli.  Nepionic  shell  elongated,  liaving  the  form,  hinge  and  other 
characters  of  Cardita  ;  attached  when  adolescent,  free  in  the  young  and  adult  stages. 
Valves  sub-equal  and  similar;  surface  vermiculate,  sj)inose,  with  radial  ribs.  Oligocene 
and  Recent. 

Family   11.     Monopleuridae  Fischer. 

Shell  substance  ivithout  canals;  shell  sessile,  closed,  very  inequivalve ;  free  valve  with 
the  cardinal  formula  101,  opcrculiform  or  slightly  spiral;  fixed  valve  with  the  formula 
010,  conical,  unrolled  or  spiral;  area  loanting ;  ligament  external,  parivincular, 
opisthodctic.      Cretaceous. 

Monopleura  Math.  (?  Dipilidia  Math.)  (Figs.  769,  770).  Very  inequivalve,  smooth 
or  ribbed  ;  dentition  always  inverse  ;  attached  by  the  right  valve,  which  may  be  either 

Fio.  769. 

Fig.  770. 

Monopleura    trilohita    d'Orb.      Neocomian    (Schiiittenkalk) ;    Orson,  Monopleura    varians    Matli.     Ur- 

Bouches-du-Rhone.    l/j.    A,  B,  Anterior  and  posterior  views.    C,  Interior       gonian  ;    Orgon,   Bouclies-du-Uli6ne. 
attached  valve.  Interior  of  both  valves,    i/j. 

twisted  or  coniform ;    left  valve  conical  or  flat ;    ligament  as   in   Chama ;    posterior 
adductor  scar  buttressed.      Lower  Cretaceous  ;  Southern  Europe  and  Texas. 

Valletia    Mun.-Clialm.       Neocomian.       Gyropdeihra    Douvilk'.       Cenomanian    to 
Senonian.     Baylcia  Mun.-Chalm.     Turonian.     B.  pouechi  Mun.-Chalm, 

Family   12.     Oaprinidae  d'Orbigny. 

Shell  substance  internally  furnished  ivith  large  parallel  canals,   th.e  external  layer 
prismatic ;  valves  heavy,  irregular,  unequal,  closed  ;  free  valve  spiral,  cardinal  formula 




101,  ^vith  a  posterior  myophoric  crest  for  the  adihictor ;  fixed  valve  conical  or  spiral, 
cardinal  formula  010;  ligament  in  a  deep  groove,  almost  internal,  parivincular, 
opisthodetic.     Cretaceous. 

G aprina  ^'Orh.  {Gemmellaria  Muii.-Clialm. ;   Cornucaprina  Futt.)  (Figs.  771,  772). 

Fig.  771. 

Loiif^dtudinal  seetion  of 
the  fixed  valve  of  ('aprina 
advcnu,  showing  cavitie.s  in 
tlie  inner  .shell  layer. 

Fig.  772. 

of  the  free  valve 
of  Caprina  cam- 
munis  Qemmeh, 
.showing  parallel 
canals  in  the 
middle  layer. 

Fig.  773. 

riwjidjityclius  aiiuiUoni  d'Orb.     Upper  Cretaceous  ; 
Gosau,  Austria.    2/^. 

Very  inequivalve,  attached  by  the  apex  of  the  coniform  right  valve.  Left  valve  large, 
s]3irally  twisted  ;  inner  layer  of  lower  valve  made  up  of  concentric  lamellae  between 
which  cavities  are  sometimes  left.  The  middle  layer  of  the  free  valve  traversed  by 
numerous  simple,  wide,  parallel  canals,  extending  from  the  margin  to  the  apex;  tooth 
of  the  attached  valve  Well  developed,  a  series  of  depressions  between  the  posterior 
adductor  scar  and  the  margin.  Cenomanian.  The  typical  species,  G.  adversa  d'Orb., 
is  of  large  size. 

Schiosia  Buhm.  Like  Gaprina,  but  the  fixed  valve  somewhat  gyrate  and  the 
canal  system  present  in  both  valves.      Cenomanian  ;  Upper  Italy. 

Plagioptychus    Math.    (Sphaerocaprina    Gemm. ;    Orthoptychus    Futt.)    (Figs.    773, 

Fig.  774. 

Flaijioptychus  ofjuiUoni  (d'Orb.)  (P.  paradoxus  Math.).  Upper  Cretaceous  (Hippurites  Limestone);  Le 
Beausset,  Var,  France.  A,  Right.  B,  Left  valve  of  the  same  individual,  seen  from  within,  2/3.  a,  Anterior; 
a'  Posterior  adductor  scar ;  I,  Ligamentary  groove  ;  c,  Anterior  tooth  ;  c'.  Posterior  tooth  of  left  valve ; 
f?,' Socket;  »,  Buttress.  C,  Section  of  the  small  valve  near  the  margin,  showing  canals  (y)  of  tlie  middle  layer. 

774).     Right  valve  conical  or  twisted,   attached  ;  left  valve  convex,  with  incurved 




l)eak  ;  ligament  as  in  Ghama.  Shell  structni-o  like  Caprina,  but  the  free  valve  with 
canals  in  the  middle  layer  ;  the  walls  of  tlie  canals  bifurcate  ontward,  forming  in 
section  a  fringe  of  peripheral  minor  channels  (Fig.  774,  G).  Cenomanian  and  Tiironian  ; 

Cajjrinula  d'Orb.  (Chaperia  Mun.-Chalm.)  (Figs.  775,  776).     Right  valve  elongated, 

A  attached,  conical  or  incurved  ; 

left  smaller,  gyrate  ;  both  with 
canal   system,    the    periplieral 
III  i?P~7H/  Fc  'W^-x        calials    smaller  ;    hinge    as   in 

gal,  Sicily  and  Texas. 

marest      {Gaprinclla      d'Orl).) 

Caprmula  haylei  Gemm. 
Upper  Cretaceous ;  Ad- 
dauran,  near  Palermo,  i/., 
(after  Gemmellaro). 

Cenomanian      and 
especially  in  Portu- 

Pio.  770. 

Caprlmda  boissyi  d'Orb.  Cross- 
section  of  the  lower  (.4) and  upper 
(_C)  valves,     c,  Teeth  ;  s,  Septum  ;  . 
u,  Body  ca\'ity ;  x,  Sockets.    2/3 
(after  Woodward). 

Vir..  777. 

Mass  consisting  of  Caprotina 
semiMriatd  and  C.  stiiata 
d'Orb.,  and  a  smooth  Sphaeru- 
lites.  Greensand ;  Le  Mans, 
Sarthe  (after  d'Orbigny). 

Cretaceous.      Gaiirotina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  777).      Canals  obsolete,  replaced  in  some  species 
by  cavities.     Neocomian  to  Turonian. 

Goralliochama  White.  Right  valve  conical,  elongated,  attached  ;  left  smaller,  with 
incurved  beak  ;  anterior  cardinal  tooth  buttressed,  strong  ;  posterior  cardinal  weak  ; 
canals  as  in  Plagiop)tychus,  bounded  within  by  a  coarsely  cellular  layer  ;  lower  valve 
with  a  prismatic  outer  and  laminar  inner  layer,  separated  by  an  intermediate  cellular 
stratum.     Cretaceous ;  Califoinia. 

Superfamily  6.     RUDISTACAE   (Rudistae,  Lamarck). 

Ghamacea  in  which  the  spirality  of  the  valves  has  been  lost,  the  area  and  ligament 
vertically  submerged,  and  the  dorsal  margins  recurved  over  them  so  as  to  bring  the  ligament 
into  a  sub-central  position  above  the  teeth  but  far  below  the  dorsal  margin,  where  it  finally 
becomes  obsolete.  The  teeth,  no  longer  forming  a  hinge  but  rather  a  clithrum,  specially 
modified  for  the  vertical  motion  of  the  operculiform.  left  valve,  in  which  rotation  is  prevented 
by  the  projection  of  the  modified  teeth  into  deep  sockets  in  the  fixed  valve ;  the  latter  conical, 
thick ;  pallial  line  simple,  enclosing  the  whole  cavity ;  shell  structure  specialised  in  tioo 
very  different  layers;  sessile,  marine. 

The  prisms  of  tlie  outer  shell  layer  are  parallel  to  the  long  axis  of  the  valve,  and  are  cut 
at  right  angles  by  numerous  tabulae,  which,  together  with  the  upper  margin,  often  bear 
impressions  of  radial  vessels.  The  laminae  of  which  the  inner  layer  is  composed  are  often 
separated  by  cavities  which  recall  the  septa  of  Cyathopliylloid  Corals,  or  those  cavities  found 
in  some  oyster  shells.  In  Ilippurites  the  outer  layer  is  traversed  by  a  complex  of  canals. 
The  Rudistacae  are  the  most  peculiarly  modified  of  all  Pelecypods.  Their  relationship  to 
the  Chamidae  through  Monopleura  and  Ca'protina  was  first  recognised  by  Quenstedt,  and 
afterwards  confirmed  by  Woodward,   Bayle,   Zittel,  Munier-Chalmas,  Douville  and  others. 




Formerly  the  group  was  referred  to  the  most  diverse  connections,  such  as  Brachiopods,  Corals, 
Cirripedes,  etc.,  or  placed  in  a  special  class  by  itself. 

Tlie  majority  of  Rudislids  occur  gregariously  in  large  numbers,  sometimes  filling  entire 
beds  ;  they  are  often  found  in  their  natural  position,  standing  vertically  on  the  apex  of  the 
attached  valve.  Notwithstanding  their  abundance,  it  is  extremely  difficult  aud  often  impos- 
sible to  separate  the  two  valves  and  expose  the  interior,  hence  the  hinge  of  many  species  is 
still  only  imj^erfectly  knoAvn. 

Family  13.      Radiolitidae  Gray  (emend.). 

Shell  sabstance  with  the  exteriud  layer  thick,  prismatic;  the  internal  thin,  cellulo- 
crystalline  {frequently  destroyed  in  fossilisation) ;  valves  very  unequal,  the  ligamentary 
subsidence  usually  marked ;  free  valves  with  tivo  projections  and  two  somewhat  irreyular 
myophores ;  fixed  valve  with  one  myopihore  and  two  sockets ;  summit  of  the  valves  sub- 
maryinal  in  the  young,  subcentral  in  the  adult.      Cretaceous. 

a,  i,  Radiolites  (BiradioUtes)  cornu-pastoris  d'Orb.  Middle  Cre- 
taceous (Garentoniaii) ;  Pyles,  near  Perigeux.  a,  Shell  with  closed 
\-alves.  B,  C,  The  two  more  finely  ribbed  vertical  band.s.  b,  Interior 
of  larger  valve,  viewed  from  above,  a,  a',  Adductor  .scars  ;  m,  Pallial 
line  ;  u,  Space  occupied  by  soft  jiarts  ;  x,  Empty  space  between  the 
sockets.  1/2  (after  Bayle).  c,  Opercular  valve  of  iJ.  hournoni  (Desm.). 
Upper  Cretaceous  (Dordonian) ;  St.  Mametz,  Dordogne.  a,  Anterior  ; 
a',  Posterior  myophore  ;  c,  c',  Anterior  and  posterior  processes  of 
clithrum.     1/3  (after  Bayle). 

Spliaendites  angeiodes  Lam.  Ujiper 
Cretaceous  ;  Gosau,  Austria,  a,  Shell 
with  closed  valves,  1/1.  h,  Opercular 
valve,  Vi-  -*!)  Sinus  of  hinge;  a,  a', 
Jlyophores  ;  c,  c',  Processes  of  clithrum. 

Radiolites  (Lam.)  Bayle  [BiradioUtes  d'Orb.)  (Fig.  778).  Lower  valve  conical, 
erect,  elongated,  vertically  ribbed,  or  made  up  of  successive  layers  ;  usually  with  two 
somewhat  smooth  bands  extending  from  the  apex  to  the  upper  margin,  which  are 
supposed  by  Douville  to  indicate  the  position  of  siphonal  orifices ;  outer  layer  very 
thick,  composed  of  large  polygonal  cells  or  hollow  prisms  (Fig.  780).  Upper  valve 
operculate,  flat  or  conical,  with,  central  or  eccentric  umbo.  The  clithrum  is  formed  by 
two  vertically  projecting  striated  processes  (Fig.  778,  c,  c)  fitting  into  sockets  near 
the  outer  wall  of  the  fixed  valve  ;  next  to  and  outside  of  tlie  sockets  are  two  large, 
VOL.  I  2  I 




unequal,  slightly  excavated  adductor  scars,  correspouding  to  two  broad  niyophores  in 
the  upper  valve.     Middle  and  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Europe  and  Texas. 

Subgenera :  LcqKirousia  Bayle.  The  smooth 
bands  correspond  internally  to  two  prominent 
tubercles.  Synodontitcs  Pirona.  Has  the  two 
teeth  of  the  upper  valve  fused. 

Sphaerulites  Delam.  {RacUolites,  Birostrites 
Lam. ;  Jodamia  Defr. ;  Bipilidia.  1  Agria 
Math.)   (Figs.   779- 

781).  Externally 
like  Radiolites,  but 
without  the  two 
bands;  valves  with 
a  re-entrant  sinus 
between  the  teeth, 
which  fit  into  sepa- 
rate pits  {d,  d'), 
usually  joined  by  a 
y^ith      the 

Fic.  780. 

Pifi.  781. 

Sphaemlites  foliaeeiis  Lam.     Carentonian  ;  lie 
d'Aix,  Charente.     ^-1,  Sinus  of  the  liin^e.     a,  a'. 


Portion  of  the  outer  shell  layer  Anterior  and  posterior  adductor  scans  ;  (/,  d', 
of  the  lower  valve  of  a  Sjihacru-  Anterior  and  posterior  grooved  sockets  for  the 
lites  or  Iladiolites    showing  the    processes  of  the  upper  valve  ;  ;c,  x',  Empty  spaces 

of  the  ligament  pits  ;  y,  Cavity  at  the  inner  end 
of  the  sinus.    2/3  (after  Goldfuss). 

innor      imro-hi       of    '^'S®    hollow   prisms.      Cretace- 
mnei      margin      01    ^^^^ .  ^^^^^  Oargano,  Italy,    i/j. 

the  sinus  ;  the  two 

dej)ressions  (Fig.  781,  x,  x)  next  the  sinus  were  shown  by  Petho  to  have  been  the 

seat  of  a  ligamentary  connection  lietween  the  valves  ;  the  adductor  scars  («,  a)  resemble 

those  of  Radiolites.     Widely  distributed  in  the  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous. 

The  supposed  genera   Dipilidia,  Birostrites  and  Jodamia  are  based  on  internal 

moulds  of  Radiolites.     The  visible  submersion  of  the  ligament  in   some   Radiolites 

enables  us  to  understand  how  the  stages  shown  by  Hifinmtes  have  arisen. 

Family  14.      Hippuritidae   Gray. 

Shell  substance  of  two  layers,  the  external  j^orous,  grooved  and  punctate;  the  inner 
lacunary  and  ■prismatic ;  exterior  with  sutures  corresponding  to  an  "  anal "  and 
''  branchial "  inflection,  and  sometimes  with  a,  ligamentary  suture ;  clithrum  formed  of 
tiw  processes  in  the  free  valve,  the  adductors  attached  to  myophores  ;  fixed  valve  with  one 
thin  laminar  process ;  the  adductor  scars  excavated,  the  anterior  adductor  duplex,  forming 
distinct  scars.     Cretaceous. 

Hippxhrites  Lam.  (Figs.  782-786).  Lower  valve  cylindro-conic,  sometimes  a  metre 
in  length,  attached  by  the  apex,  smooth  or  longitudinally  ribbed,  with  three  furrows 
bounding  two  "  columns,"  or  columnar  areas,  extending  from  the  ajjex  to  the  upper 
margin  {A,  B,  G).  Upper  valve  depressed,  conic,  with  sub-central  umbo,  usually  with 
two  round  or  oval  foramina  ;  outer  surface  showing  pores,  the  apertures  of  short  canals 
which  join  larger  canals  radiating  from  the  beak.  The  thick  outer  layer  of  the  lower 
valve  is  usually  brown -coloured  and  made  up  of  thin  horizontal  strata,  which  are  in 
turn  composed  of  small  vertical  prisms.  The  white  inner  layer  is  porcellanous,  and 
sometimes  contains  vacant  spaces  in  the  lower  part  of  the  shell.  Three  prominent 
folds  are  present,  on  the  inner  side  of  the  shell,  formed  l;)y  the  inbending  of  both 
layers  of  shell,  and  corresponding  to  the  external  grooves  {A,  B,  (J).  Of  these  the 
anterior  {A)  i§  longer  and  thinner  than  the  others,  which  are  thickened  at  the  internal 
end  and  carry  a  small  tubercle  above.  In  the  two  subgenera,  Orbignyia  Woodward 
{H.  biloculus  Lam.),  and  Batolites  Montibrt  {H.  organisans  Lap.),  the  anterior  sinus 
disappears  entirely.  In  Pironaea  Menegh.,  a  number  of  accessory  folds  apj^ear  behind 
the  two  columns.      According  to  Douville,  the  two  posterior  columns  are  homologous 




with    tlie    smooth   Ijaiuls    of   Badiolites,   and   indicate   the  position   of  the   siphons. 
Woodward  supposes  that  the  pit  (;/;)  contained   the  internal  ligament  ;    but  so  far, 

Hipiiwrites  dosavknsis 
Douv.  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Gosaii  Valley, 
Austria,     i/o. 

HippurUes  opiidl  Douville.  Nefgraben,  near  Russ- 
bacii,  Salzburg.  A,  B,  C,  Impressed  lines  bounding 
convex  vertical  areas  (columns)  corresponding  to  the 
region  of  the  hinge.     1/2. 

HippurUes  orf/anisans 
Montf.  Vertical  section 
of  a  valve  below  tlie 
living  chamber,  show- 
ing the  septa  and  inter- 
septal  cavities  of  the 
middle  layer,     i/j. 

remains  of  the  ligament  have  only  been  found  in  the  l)ottom  of  the  outer  anterior 
sulcus,  where  it  seemed  to  form  a  vertical  band.  The  second  adductor  scar  is  small, 
and  located  between  the  sulcus  and  the  anterior  column  {B).     The  clithrum  of  the 

Fin.  785. 

Hiiiinirites  radiosus  T>e&m.  Upper  Cretaceous  (Dordonian) ;  Royan,  Charente.  a,  Upper  valve  (.1,  Sinus  of 
the  hinge  ;  B,  .C,  Grooves  corresponding  to  anterior  and  posterior  columns  of  the  lower  valve  ;  c,  Anterior,  and 
c',  c",  Posterior  processes  of  the  clithrum).  b,  Interior  of  lower  valve  seen  from  above  (A,  Sinus  ;  B,  C,  Posi- 
tion of  anterior  and  posterior  columns  ;  a,  a',  Adductor  scars ;  d,  Socket  of  anterior,  and  d',  d",  of  posterior 
processes  of  clithriuu  ;  u.  Body  chamber  of  shell ;  x,  Vacant  cavity  near  the  sinus).     2/^  (after  liayle). 

upper  valve  is  extremely  difficult  to  prepare,  and  is  known  in  only  a  few  species. 
The  anterior  process  shows  near  its  base  two  tubercles  {a,   a'),  which  correspond  to 




tlie  divided  adductor  scar  of  the  lower  valve.      Behind   the  anterior  there  are  two 

supplemental  processes,  which  are  received  into  the 
sockets  d'  and  d"  of  the  lower  valve.  The  species  are 
aliundant  in  the  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous,  and  occur 
chiefly  in  littoral  sliallow  water  deposits.  The  most 
noted  localities  are  the  Alps  and  Pyrenees,  Provence, 
Charente,    Istria,    Dalmatia,   Greece,    Sicily,   Asia   Minor, 

Persia  and  Algiers. 


Woodward.        Cretaceous  ;     Jamaica     and 

Superfamily  7.     LUCINACEA  Anton  (emend.). 

Fir    YSti 

^  ,,^  Shell    v-ith.   the   anterior    adductor  scar  narrower,  'pro- 

Hippuntes  cornu-vaccinumGolai.  ,  ,    ,  77  •    7 

Ui)perCretaceous;G()san, Austria,    duced   ventrally ;    imsterior   scar  sliorter,  rounded;    imuiab 

Srsho:'inru.e"int?;;ocS    U^^^  si^nple;   M  ehngcUe,  sub-dacate ;   hincje  feehle,   teeth 
ciithruiu  and  rt-iation  of  tho  slieii-   radial,  often  obsolete. 
layers.     1/2 

Fio.  7S8. 

Tancredia  {I'alaco- 
mya)  coraUina   Zitt. 
Ta?icr('f?i(is«'Kri/o/-7HJs  (Danker),    Lower  Lias  ;      and     Goub.      Coral- 
Hettingen,  Lorraine.     1/1  (after  Terqneni).  Rag  ;  Glos,  Calvados. 


Family  15.      Tancrediidae  Fischer. 

Shell  donaciform,  equivalve,  with  an  external  lirjament ;  the  margin  of  the  valves 
entire;  hinge  with  posterior 
and  anterior  laterals,  the  latter 
inconstant ;  cardinals  one  in 
the  left  and  two  in  the  right 
valve,  or  two  in  each  valve. 
Trias  to  Cretaceous,  (?)  Eecent. 

Tancredia  Lycett  (Het- 
tangia  Terq.;  Palaeomya  Zitt. 
and  Gouh.)  (Figs.  787,  788). 
Shell  sub -arcuate,  attenuated 
before  the  beaks,  wider  and 
shorter  behind  them  ;  obli- 
quely truncate  and  somewhat 

o-aping  posteriorly  ;  a  cardinal  tooth   on  eacli  side,  and   also  an   elongated   posterior 
lateral.     Trias  to  Cretaceous  ;  maximum  in  Lias. 

(?)  Meekia  Gablj.     Cretaceous  ;  California.     (?)  Hemidonax  Mcirch  {Donacicardium 
Vest).     Recent. 

Family  16.     Unicardiidae  Fischer. 

Shell  cord.iforni,  equivalve,  closed,  concentrically  striated;  adductor  scars  cUi'ptical, 

the  anterior  longer ;  fallial  line  simple ;  margin  of  the 
valve  smooth ;  ligament  external,  parivincular,  seated  in  a 
groove ;  with  a  grooved  hinge-plate  bearing  a  single  obsolete 
cardinal  in  each  valve,  or  none.  Carboniferous  to  Cre- 

Unicardium  d'Orl).  (Fig.  789).  Rounded,  inflated, 
with  incurved  l)eaks ;  hinge  margin  thin,  with  a  weak 
cardinal  tooth  ;  ligament  deep  seated.     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

Scaldia  Ryckholt.     Carboniferous. 

Pscudedmondia  Fischer.     Ligament  completely  external. 

Fio.  -8i". 
Unicardium  cxceiitricum  d'Orb. 

Kiranieridgian  ;  Cap  de  la  Heve,     (  ^,.l,miifeTous 
near  Havre.     Vi-  UailJOniieiOUS. 




Family  17.     Lucinidae  Fleming. 

Shell   substance  porcellanous    or    chalky,   usually  ivitli  inconspicuous    or    dehiscent 
epidermis,  rounded,  variably  sculptured  ;  valves  equal,  free,  closed,  with  low,  prosocoelous 

Fig.  790. 
Luuina  ( Milthd)  gigantea  Desli.     Eocene  (Calcaire  Grossier) ;  Grigiion,  near  Paris.    2/3. 

beaks ;  adductor  and  pedal  scars  adjacent  or  distinct,  the  latter  small ;  anterior  adductor 
elongated,  largely  within  the  pallial  line,  which  is  not  sinuate ;  area  tvithin  the  pallial 
line  often  granular  or  iiimctate ;  cardinal  area  small,  often  deeply  impressed;  ligament 
and  resilium  sub-internal,  set  in  a  deep  groove,  but  usually  more  or  less  visible  externally ; 
hinge-plate  distinct ;  lateral  laminae  distant  from  the  cardinals,  anterior  and  posterior 
in  the  right,  vnth  corresponding  sockets  in  the  left  valve ;  cardinal  teeth  radial,  formula 

=^^ — ,  the  posterior  tooth  larger  and  often  bifid,  but  any  or  all  of  the  teeth  may  be  obsolete 

or  absent.     Silurian  to  Eeceut. 

Paracyclas  Hall.    Rounded,  tliin-slielled,  concentrically  striated  ;  no  lunule  ;  hinge 
unlvno^\^l.      Devonian. 

Lucina   Brug.    (Figs.   790-793).     Rounded,  convex   or  lenticular,  usually  with  a 

Fio.  791. 

Liwina  {My rim)  columbclla  Lam.    Miocene  ; 
Steinabrunn,  near  Vienna. 

Fig.  792. 

Lucina  {Prolucina)  prisca  His.     Silurian  ;  Gotland. 
Internal  mould  (after  Roemer). 

lunule  ;  with  delicate,  concentric,  or  more  rarely  radial  sculpture ;  dentition  usually 
normal,  the  laterals  developed.  Represented  Ijy  upwards  of  300  fossil  and  100  recent 
species.      (?)  Silurian,  Trias  to  Recent. 




Subgenera  :  Lucina  s.s.  Lam.  1799  {Loripes  aiict. )•     Shell  smooth.     Adult  wjth  the  teeth 

and  posterior  radial  plication  of  the  valves  obsolete. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Prolucina  Dall  (Fig.  792).  Compressed,  yrcnate, 
almost  rostrate  ;  the  anterior  side  larger.     Silurian. 

Mijrtca  Turton  (Fig.  791).  Rounded,  sub-equi- 
lateral ;  teeth  and  posterior  fold  present.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 

Codakia  Scopoli.  Compressed,  reticulately  sculj)- 
tured.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Miltha  Adams  (Fig.  790).  Compressed,  nearly 
smooth  ;  laterals  absent,  cardinals  long,  feeble  (3  :  2). 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Divaricella  Martens.      Rounded,   inflated,    valves 
ornamented  with  angular  divergent  grooving.     Ter- 
tiary and  Recent. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fio.  7f)3. 

Phacoidcs  imlchra  (Zitt.  and  Goub.). 
Coral-Rag  ;  Glos,  Calvados.     2/^. 

Phacoidcs  Blainville  (Fig.  793). 

Family  18.     Oorbidae  Dall. 

'  Shell  differing  from  the  Lucinidae  in  being  transversely  oval,  thick,  with  a  heavy 
hinge  plate,  and  tisually  well-developed  laterals;   two  or  three  strong  cardinals  in  each 

Fic.  794. 
Gonodiin  wfUingi  Hauer.     Upper  Trias  ;  Sarize  am  Predil,  near  Raibl,  Tyrol,     i/j. 

valve ;  the  margin  of  the  valves  denticulate,  and  the  exterior  strongly  sculptured  ;  ligament 
external,  the  adductor  scctrs  oval,  and  not  projecting  into  the  pallial  area.  Trias  to 

This  family  is  an  off"shoot  of  the  Lucinidae,  with  which  it  is  commonly  united. 

>       Oonodon  Scliafli.  {Gorhis  p.  p.  auct.)  (Fig.   794).      Rounded,  plump,  concentrically 


striated.      Cardinals 

sometimes    a    weak 

ROlO  ' 
posterior  lateral  present.     Trias  and  Jura. 

Gorhis  Cuv.  {Fimbria  Megerle,  nan  Boh.)  (Fig. 
795).  Tliick-shelled,  oval,  inflated,  reticulately 
sculptured  ;  each  valve  with  two  short  cardinals, 
and  anterior  and  posterior  laterals  ;  adductor  scars 
similai',  sub-equal.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Fic.  T!)5. 

('oW)j.s  ImnoUmttt  Ijam.     Eocene  (Calcaire 
Grossier) ;  Griynon,  near  Paris,     i/i- 

Fic.  700. 
MjiticUn  coarclata  Zitt.     Tiironian  :  Oosaii,  Austria,     i/i- 




Sphaera  Sow.  {Palacocorhis  Cour.).      Lower  Cretaceous.     Sphaeriola  Stol.     Trias 

to  Cretaceous.     Finibriella  Stol.  Chalk  of  Britain.      Corbicella  Mor.  and  Lye.     Jura. 

Mutiella    Stol.    (Fig.    796).  Anterior    cardinal    Ijorder    corrugated,    upturned  ; 

posterior  rectilinear,  horizontal,  with  a  feeble  lateral  tooth.      Upper  Cretaceous. 

Family  19.      Diplodontidae  Dall. 

Shell  suh-circular  in  outline,  rarely  nestling  and  irregular  ;  hinge  with  the  laterals 
obscure  or  absent,  and  the  valve  margins  plain ;  the  adductor  scars  continuous  peripher- 
ally with  the  pallial  line  ;  soft  parts  like  the  Lucinidae,  but  with  the  external  limb  of  the 
gills  developed,  and,  the  anal  foramen  not  tubular.       (?)  Jura,  Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Diplodonta  Bronn  (Fig.  797).  Thin-shelled,  orbicular,  convex,  concentrically 
striate  or  pustulose  ;  cardinals  2  :  2,  the  left  anterior  and  right  posterior  Infid  ; 
laterals  obscure  or  absent.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Ungulina  Daudin.  Nestling  and  often  ir- 
regular. Felania  Recluz.  Shell  compressed  ; 
feeble  laterals  present.  Axinopsis  Sars  ;  Sphae- 
rella  and  Tenea  Conrad.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  20.     Cyrenellidae  Fischer. 

Fio.  797. 

Dlplodo7ita  dilatata  Pliill.     Pliocene  ; 
Rhodes.    Vi- 

Shell    as     in    Diplodonta,    but    with    a    con- 
spicuous epidermis ;  ijallial  area  smooth ;  pallial 
line   not   sinuate ;    hing'e  without   lateral  laminae ;    the   cardinals   like  Diplodonta,   or 
with  two  cardinals  in  each  valve  soldered  to  each   other    dorsally ;    cardinal  formula 

RTivimn'  ^^^'^  anterior  left  cardinal  usually  obsolete.      Pliocene  to  Recent,  in  fresh  and 

brackish  water. 

Cyrenoida  Joannis  {Gyrenella  Desli.).      Pliocene  of  Florida,  Recent  in  the  Antilles 
and  West  Africa. 

Joannisiella  Dall.     Hinge  as  in  Diplodonta,  resilixtm  immersed,  the  larger  cardinal 

bifid,  the  teeth  not  soldered  above.       Cardinal  formula  ^^^^-^^  ■     Recent ;  Philippines. 



Family  21.     Thyasiridae  Dall. 

substance  earthy,  with  inconspicuous  epidermis  and  prosocoelous  beaks ;  valves 
n  equal,  free,  closed,  ivith  plain  margins,  smooth,  or  with  feeble 

concentric  striae,  and  usually  with  a  radial  posterior  flexure ; 
adductors  Lttcinoid,  pallial  area  often  punctate ;  ligament  and 
resilium  parivincular,  opisthodetic,  sub  -  external,  seated  in  a 
groove ;  area  impressed ;  hinge  feeble  vnthout  lateral  laminae, 
edentulous,  or  with  an  obsolete  cctrdinal  tooth  in  the  right  valve. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Fic.  70S. 

A,  Thj/asira  Hnuosa  (Don.). 
Miocene;  Grand,  near  Vienna, 
i/x.  B,  T.  unicarlnata  Nyst. 
Oligocene  (Septaria  -  clay) ; 
Preienwalde,  near  Berlin. 

Thyasira  Leach  (Gryptodon  Turton  ;  Axinus  Sow.;  Gon- 
chocele  Gabb)  (Fig.  798).  Smooth,  thin-shelled,  living  in 
deep  water.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Philis  Fisch.  Lunule  deeply  indented,  projecting  spoon- 
like into  the  cavity  of  the  valves.     Recent. 

Superfamily  8.     LEPTONACEA  Dall. 

Tlie  inc7irrent  and  excurrent  openings  between  the  mantle  lobes  at  opposite  ends  of  the 
body,  the  former  a.nterior. 




This  gi-oup  contains  a  great  many  commensal,  nestling  or  parasitic  forms  ;  if  indepen- 
dent usually  very  active,  crawling  like  Gastropods  on  a  sub-rejitary  foot,  and  with  the  mantle 

edges  more  or  less  reflected  over  the  valves. 


Family  22.      Leptonidae  Gray. 

Shell  celhdo-crystalline  with  a  'periostramm ;  vcdves  equal,  free,  smooth-edged,  often 
gaping,  variably  sculptured  ;  adductor  scars  pieripheral,  sub-equal ;  pallial  line  simjde  ; 

area  obscure  or  none ;  ligament  parivincular,  opisthodetic,  exter- 
nal, often  obsolete;  resilium  visually  internal,  sub-ximhonal  or 
oblique  ;  hinge-plate  narroto,  channelled  to  receive  the  resilium  ; 
hinge  variable,  typically  consisting  of  one  or  two  radiating 
cardinals  and  a  pair  of  lateral  laminae  in  each  valve,  the 
anterior  laminae  often  absent,  and  the  posterior  frequently 
closely  adjacent  to  the  resilium,  simulating  cardinals.  One 
Cretaceous,  and  a  number  of  Tertiary  and  Recent  species. 

Erycina  (Lam.)  Fisclier  (Fig.  799)  ;  Kellia  Turtou  ; 
Pythina  Hinds ;  Lasaea  Leach  ;  Lepton  Turton  ;  Erycinella, 
Conrad;  Spaniodon  Reuss;  Fabella  Conrad,  etc.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 

Pin.  709. 

A,  Erycinn  pelluclda  Lam. 
Calcaire  Grossier  ;  Parnes.  B, 
Hinge  of  E.  foucanli  Desli. 
Lower  Eocene ;  Herouval. 
Greatly  enlarged  (after  De- 

Family  23.     Galeommatidae  Gray. 

Shell  %dtliout  a  perceptible  epidermis ;  valves  equal,  free,  widely  gaping  ventrally, 
smooth  or  variably  sculptured ;  adductor  scars  distant,  oval,  reduced ;  pallial  line 
simple ;  ligament  usually  obsolete,  resilium  internal,  sub-umbonal  or  oblique,  attached 
to  an  excavated  chondrophore  in  each  valve;  hinge -p)late  hardly 
developed ;  laterals  obscure  or  absent ;  one  or  two  cardinal  teeth  in 
each  valve  or  none.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Scintilla  Desli.  (Fig.  800)  ;  Galeomma  Turton  ;  Passyia  and 
Sportella  Desh. ;  Hindsiella  Stol. ;  Ephip>podonta  Tate  ;  Solecardia 
Conrad,  etc.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  24.     Ohlamydoconchidae  Dall. 

Fig.  SOO. 

ScintiUa     parisiensis 
Desh.    Upper  Eocene ; 

Shell   cellulo- crystalline  without   an    epidermis,    comprising   the   (^"te^peshayes)!""^" 
prodissoconch   with   narrow,   long,   laminar  accretions,    very   small ; 
valves  ivholly  internal,  not  connected,  contained  in  latcrodorsal  separate  capsules,  without 
hinge  or  hinge-plate,  not  attached  to  muscles  or  ligament ;    ligament  absent,  resilium 
separately  encapsuled  between  the  obsolete  valves,  functionless.     Recent ;  California. 

The  genus  Ghlamydoconcha  Dall  is  evidently  the  last  term  in  a  series  beginning 
with  forms  like  Lepton,  and  continued  liy  Galeomma  and  Efhippodonta,  but  the 
specialisation  has  been  carried  so  fer  that  it  may  well  be  regarded  as  the  type  of 
a  distinct  family. 

Family  25.     Kelliellidae  Fischer. 

Shell  with  a  periostracum ;  valves  equal,  free,  closed,  smooth  externally  with  plain 
margins;  pallial  line  simple;  area  obscure  or  none;  ligament  external,  parivincular ; 
resilium  external  or  slightly  sunken ;  hinge  plate  narroio,  entire,  with  one  or  tivo 
cardinals,  and  a  single  anterior  lateral  placed  above  the  anterior  cardinal  teeth.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 




Kelliella  Sars  ;  Lutetia  Desli. ;  (?)  Allopagus  Stol.  ;  Turtonia  Alder.  Eocene  to 

C  Cyclodonta. 

Teeth  arched,  springing  from  below  the  hinge  margin,  with  the  hinge-plate  obscure  or 

Superfamily  9.     CARDIACEA  Lamarck, 

Lobes  of  the  mantle  free  behind  the  sij)hons,  foot  elongate,  geniculate;  sculpture  of 
the  shell  chiefly  radial ;  cardinal  teeth  conical,  the  lateral  laminae  short,  distant  from  the 

Family  26.      Cardiidae  Fischer. 

Shell  substance  cellulo-crystalline,  ivith  the  external  layer  more  or  less  tubular  ;  valves 
equal,  free,  gaping  slightly  behind,  the  beaks  prosocoelous,  the  margins  usually  serrate  or 
radially  striated ;  adductor  scars  sub-equal,  the  pedal  distinct  and  usually  distant ; 
ligam.ent  and  resilium  parivincular,  external,  short,  set  in  a  groove ;  area  obscure ;  com- 
plete hinge  armature  consisting  of  an  anterior  and  posterior  lateral  in  the  left,  and  tmo 

A  ■  B 

Pio.  SOI. 
CarcUum  product um  Sow.    Turonian  ;  St.  Gilgeii,  Salzburg,     i/i- 

anterior  and  one  posterior  lateral  in  the  right  valve,  any  or  all  of  which  may  be  absent ; 
cardinal  formula  ^oTyfrnj  ^he  teeth  simple,  smooth,  never  bifid,  one  cardinal  in  each  valve 
usually  persistent,  the  others  inconstant.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Gardium  Linn.   (Figs.  801-803).      Cordate,  inflated,  radiately  ribljed  or  striated, 

Fio.  SO'2. 

Protoeu  rdia  hifrons 
Reuss.  Turonian; 
Strobl-  Weissenbach  am 
Wolfgangsee,    Austria. 

Fki.  803. 

Cardium  {DUcors)  diacrepans  Bast.     Miocene 
Dax,  near  BordeaT'x.     Vl- 




with  prominent  beaks.      Represented  by  about  200  recent  and  over  100  fossil  species. 
Trias  to  Recent. 

A  very  large  number  of  subgenera  and  sections  have  been  proposed,  based  chiefly  on  the 
external  sculpture.     Some  of  the  more  conspicuous  groups  are  the  following  : — 

Prntocardia  Beyr.  (Fig.  802).  Cretaceous.  Discors  Desh.  (Fig.  803)  ;  Laevicardiuvi 
Swains.  ;  Scrripcs  Beck ;  Fragum  Bolten  ;  Pa2)yridca  Swains.  Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Didacna  Eichwald,  estuarine,  leads  toward  the  next  family. 

Family  27.     Limnocardiidae  Stoliczka. 

Like  the   Gardiidae,  but   thin-shelled,  witli    long  united  siphons,  a  short  compressed 

foot,  a  pallial  sinus  and  obsolete 
hinge  armature,  living  in 
brackish  or  fresh  water.  Ter- 
tiary and  Recent. 

Adacna      Eiclnv.        Slicll 

elongate  oval,  truncate  behind, 

gaping    at    both    extremities ; 

siphons     very     long,     pallial 

sinus    deep.       Miocene,     and 

Recent  in  Caspian  Sea. 

Limnocardium  Stol.  (Fig.  804).      Cardinals  weak,  laterals  strong,  distant,   pallial 

sinus   moderate,  shell  closed   anteriorly.      In   brackish  Miocene  beds,  especially  the 

Sarmatic  and  Pontic  horizons  of  Eastern  Europe,  and  in  estuaries  of  the  Aral,  Black 

and  Caspian  Seas. 

Fic.  804. 

Limnocnrdium  conjungens  Partsch.    Pliocene  (Congeria  Stage) ; 
Brunn,  near  Vienna.     Vi- 

Subgenera  :  Prosodacna  Tourn.  {Psilodon  Cob.)  ;  Monodacna  Eichw. 
Arcicnrdiuin  Fischer. 

Uniocardiu7)i  Capell. ; 

Superfamily  10.     TRIDACNACEA  Menke. 

Soft  parts  rotated  forward  nearly  90°  with  relation  to  the  valres  as  compared  with 
typical  dimyarian  Pelecypods,  the  anterior  adductor  wanting,  and  the  posterior  nearly 
central  in  the  shell ;  cardinal  teeth  lamellar,  oblique. 

Family  28.     Tridacnidae  Cuvier. 

Shell  very  densely  porcellanous,  with  no  visible  epidermis;  valves  equal,  free,  witli 
a  byssal  gape,  radially  sculptured,  with  serrate  margins  and  prosocoelous  beaks ;  ligament 
and  resilium  as  in  the  Gardiidae ;  hinge  with  a  single  oblique  cardinal  in  each  valve,  a 
single  posterior  lateral  in  the  left,  and  tivo  in  the  right  valve.      Eocene  to  Recent. 

Byssocardium  Mun.-Chalni.  and  Lithoccordium  Woodw.,  of  the  Eocene,  are 
])er]iaps  precursors  of  the  Recent  Tridacna  Brug.  and  Hippopus  Lamarck. 

Superfamily  11.     ISOCARDIACEA  Ball. 

Lobes  of  the  mantle  closed,  except  for  the  pedal  and  siphonal  openings,  smooth,  double- 
edged  ;  foot  short,  compressed ;  sculpture  of  the  shell  faint  or  concentric ;  cardinal  teeth 
lamellar,  parallel  with  the  hinge  margin. 

Family  29.     Isocardiidae  Gray. 

Shell  substance  cellulo-crystalline,  the  external    layer    not    tubuJate,  with  a  marked 
epidermis;  valves  equal,  free,  rotund,  completely  closed,  with,  plain,  margins  and  jiro- 




minent  prosogyrous  beaks ;  adductor  scars  suh-equal ;  pedal  scar  adjacent;  area  not  dis- 
tinctly limited ;  ligament  and  resilium  external,  parivincular,  set  in  a  deep  groove,  con- 
tinuous to  the  heaJcs ;  complete  armature  of  the  hinge  ivith  an,  inconstant  posterior  lateral 
in  each  valve,  and  rarely,  an  conterior  lateral  close  to   the  cardinals ;  cardinal  formula 

PQ,„..,  the  teeth  lamelliform,  and  very  variable  in  details  of  form.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Many  species  have  been  referred  to  this  group  solely  on  account  of  their  having  gyrate 
beaks.  Tlie  Paleozoic  and  many  Mesozoic  species  so  referred  must  be  separated  from 

Isocardia    Lam.    (Figs.    805,   806).      Inflated,    smooth    oi'  concentrically  striated ; 
beaks  distant,  much  produced,  prosogyrate.     Jura  to  Recent. 


Viv,.  S(».5. 
IsocariUu  striata  d'Orb.     Portlancliaii  ;  Cirey,  Haute-Mame  (after  Loriol). 

Meiocardia  Adams.      Keeled,  concentrically  ribbed.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 
?  Glisocohos  Galjli.      Cretaceous  ;  North  America. 

Fig.  S06. 
Hinge  of  Isocardia  lunulata  Nyst.     Crag  ;  Antwerp. 

Family  30.     Vesicomyacidae  Dall. 

Shell  as  tn  the  Isocardiidae,  hut  with  low  and  inconspiciwus  beaks,  the  valves  more 

elongated,   and   the   lunule   delimited    by   a  sharp  groove;   cardinal  formula   ^pTaTqTa" 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Gallogonia  Dall.  Pallial  line  deeply  sinuated,  and  a  distinct  anterior  lateral  close 
to  the  cardinal  teeth.      Recent ;  abyssal. 

Vesicomya  Dall.  {Gallocardia  auct.,  non  Adams).  Rounded  or  Tapetiform,  com- 
pressed, or  not  inflated,  with  low,  inconspicuous,  non-gyrate  beaks.     Eocene  and  Recent. 

D.  Teleodonta. 

The  most  perfected  type  of  modern  teeth,  to  ivhich,  in  addition  to  the  typical  (10101) 
cardinal  series  of  the  ordinary  Teleodesmacea,  there  is  added  in  the  most  specialised  types 
{Veneridae,  Mactridae)  either  a  roughened  area  [Venus),  a  series  of  extra  cardinals 
(Tivela),  or  accessory  lamellae  (Mactra),  rendering  the  hinge  more  efficient,  or  complicated. 




The  hinge  characters  of  the  less  specialised  forms  hardly  differ  from  the  Diogenodonta, 
but  they  are  grouped  here  on  account  of  their  obvious  affinities,  as  shoivn  by  other 

Superfamily  12.     VENERACEA  Menke. 

Teleodonts  with  normal  gills  united  to  form  a  complete  anal  chamber,  the  mantle 
lobes  free  behind  the  siphonal  region,  sub-equcU  adductors,  an  external  parivincular  liga- 
ment seated  in  a  groove,  and  the  shell  substance  densely  cellulo-crystalline  with  incon- 
spicuous epidermis.      Complete  hinge  formula  T-^r ~7j — ^i^,^', ^p  of  which  a  large 

part  is  usually  deficient. 

Family  31.     Veneridae    Leach. 

Valves  equal,  free,  closed,  with  prosogyrous  beaks,  variably  sculptured,  with  the 
margins  more  or  less  dentate,  except  in  the  smooth  species ;  adductor  scars  peripheral, 
pedal  distant ;  pallial  sinus  more  or  less  sinuated,  area  very  distinct ;  resilium  usually 
external,  embraced  by  the  ligament ;  hinge-plate    developed ;  formula  of  the  cardinals 

-jTT-r-rY^:^,  with   (t  siugU    obsolete    lateral  in  one   valve;   the  cardinals  frequently  bifid, 

usually  radially  disposed  and  sub-equal  in  size,  except  the  posterior  left  one,  which  is  often 

obsolete  or  obscure;  supplementary  cardinals  or 
rugosities  are  piresent  in  sfecialised  forms.  Jura 
to  Recent ;  niaxiniuin  in  Tertiary  and  latei'. 

The  family  must  be  divided  into  at  least  four 
subfamilies,  as  follows  : — 

a.  Vcnerinae  :  typical,  with  produced  siphons, 
not  byssiferous,  the  young  not  retained  within  the 
mother  after  leaving  the  egg. 

b.  Circinac  :  with  separate  short  siphons,  cor- 
relative nearly  simple  pallial  line,  sub  -  internal, 
partially  amphidetic  resilium,  and  compressed  beaks. 

c.  Tapctinac :  with  long  but  partly  separated 
siphons,  a  byssus  present  at  least  in  the  young  ; 
hinge  with  no  lateral  teeth,  otherwise  like  the 

d.  Gemminae  :  minute  shells,  with  more  or  less 
separated  siphons,  no  byssus,  obsolete  lateral  laminae, 
and  sheltering  the  nepionic  young  within  the  cavity 
of  the  mother. 

Fio.  807. 

Cyprimrria  discus  CMnth.).     Upper 
Cretaceous  ;  Gosau  Valley,  Austria. 

Gyprimeria  Conr.  (Fig.  807). 

a.  Pronoella   Fisch.  {Pronoe    Ag.,  non  Guer. 
Men.).      Compressed,  pallial  sinus  very  shallow  ; 
a  posterior  lateral  and  three  cardinals  in  each 
valve.     Jura. 
Like  the  preceding,  Imt  the  right  A^alve  with  only 
two  cardinals,  the  hinder  one  bifid  ;  pallial  sinus  very  shallow.     Cretaceous. 

Dosinia  Scop.  {Artemis  auct.).  Orbicular,  lentiform,  concentrically  sculptured, 
with  a  deep,  well-marked  lunule :  cardinals  3:3;  pallial  sinus  deep,  ascending, 
pointed.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Eocijclina  Dall.  (Cyclina  Desh.).  Cretaceous  to  Recent.  Sunetta  Link  [Meroe 
Schum.) ;  Grateloupia  Desm.  Tertiary  and  Recent,  dementia  Gray.  Oligocene  to 

Vemis  Linn.  (Fig.  808).  Oval  or  rounded,  plump,  cordate,  thick  ;  concentrically 
or  radially  sculptured,  with  denticulate  margins  ;  hinge-plate  lu-oad,  with  three 
cardinals  in  each  valve  and  no  lateral  teeth  ;  pallial  sinus  short,  angular.     Jura  to 




Recent  ;  represented  by  about  200  fossil  and  as  many  recent  species.     Very  numerous 
sub-divisions  have  been  proposed  ;    Venus  s.s.  is  typified  by  V.  mercenaria  Lam. 

FiQ.  SOS. 
Venus  eincta  Eichw.     Miocene  ;  Gainfahrn,  near  Vienna. 

Fia.  809. 

Meretrix  semisulcaia  Lam. 
Eocene  ;  Grignon,  near  Paris. 

Meretrix    Lam.    (Gytherea    auct.)    (Figs.     809,    810).     Hinge  witli   lateral   teetli. 
Macrocallista  Meek  ;   Callocardia  Adams  ;  Saxidomus  Conrad.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig.  810. 
Meretrix  incrassata  Sow.    Oligocene  ;  Weinheim,  near  Alzey. 

Pig.  811. 

C  i  r  c  e  e  x  i  ?« i  a 
Hoernes.  Miocene  ; 
Enzesfeld,  near 


Tivela  Link.     Hinge  witli  supplementary  cardinals.     Miocene  to  Recent. 
b.   Girce  Scliiim.  (Fig.  811).      Gafrarium  Bolten.      Umbones  compressed,  sculj^ture 

often  divaricate,  ligament  immersed.    Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Subgenus  Gouldia  Adams. 
Eocene  to  Recent. 


Fig.  srJ 

gregar ' 
Stage ; 

ia     Partsch. 
Wiesen,  near 

Small,  concentrically  striated. 

Ptychoniya    Agassiz. 

c.     Paphia     Bolten 


Paphia  (Baroda)  fmgilis  (d'Orb.). 
Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Gosau,  Austria. 

(Tapes    Megerle ; 
lastra  Sow.)  (Figs. 
814).       More     or 
elongate,      oval, 

hinge  -  plate, 
and  often 
bifid  cardinals,  no  la- 
terals, and  deep  pallial 
sinus.  Cretaceous  to 
Recent;  about  150 
living  species. 


494  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Of  the  numerous  subgenera,  Baroda  {Fig.   813)  and  Itscanotia  (Fig.   814)  Stol.,   from  the 

Cretaceous,  are  remarkable  for  their  elonga- 
tion and  the  riilge-like  form  of  the  posterior 

Onco'phora  Rzehak.    Differs  from  Ta2:)es 

in  having  a  very  short  pallial  sinus,  and 

the  anterior  adductor  scar  bounded  by  a 

ridge.     Miocene  brackish-water  beds. 

Fio-  SI-*-  Venenipis   Lam.      Cardinal  teetli   2  : 

Papilla  {Iscanotia)  impar  Zitt.     Upper  Cretaceous  ;        9-3    stron"- •   a  borer   or   nestler,  often  de- 

Gosau.  '     n        m'      -  T  Ti 

formed.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

(I.  Gemma  Desh.  ;  Parastarte  Conr.  ;  Psephidia  Dall.  Minute  shells.  Eocene 
to  Recent. 

Family  32.      Petricolidae  d'Orbigny. 

Valves,  when  not  distorted,  equal,  free,  somewhat  gaping  behind,  radiately  sculptured 
with  plain  margins  and  inconsp>icuous  beaks ;  posterior  adductor  scar  larger  than  the 
anterior,  pedal  narroio,  elongctted,  distinct ;  ligament  and  resilium  external ;  area 
obscure  or  not  defined ;  hinge  without  lateral  laminae,  with  tivo  or  three  small,  usually 
bifid,  radial  cardinal  teeth  in  each  valve.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Petricola  Lam.  (Choristodon  Jonas;  Naranaio  Gray)  ;  Petricolaria  Stol. 

The  family  Glaucomtacidae,  of  estuarine  or  fluviatile  habit,  appears  to  be  related 
to  Petricola,  and  includes  the  Recent  Glaucomya  (Bronn)  Woodward,  and  Tanysiphon 

Superfamily  13.     TELLINACEA   Blainville. 

Siphons  distinct  to  their  bases,  usually  long ;  pallial  line  sinuate ;  ligament  external, 
seated  on  nymphs  ;  hinge  typically  with  an  anterior  and  posterior  lateral  in  each  valve, 
tvjo  radicd  cardinals,  of  which  the  anterior  is  commonly  bifid  and  somewhat  pedunculated, 
and  the  posterior,  as  well  as  the  laterals,  often  obsolete. 

Family  33.     Tellinidae    Deshayes. 

Shell  substance  cellulo-crystalline,  with  an  inconspicuous  epidermis;  valves  sliglitUj 
unequal,  free,  rounded  in  front,  more  or  less  rostrate,  oblique,  and  gaping  behind,  com- 
pressed, usually  with  smooth  margins,  low  beaks,  and  variable,  chiefly  concentric  sculpture ; 
anterior  adductor  scar  larger,  frequenily  irregular  ;  pedal  distinct ;  resiliu,m  embraced  in 
the  ligament,  sub-external;  area  narroio,  small,  covered  with  a  dark  epiidermis,  or 
frequently  obsolete ;  hinge-plate  narrow,  anterior  laterals  approximate,  posterior  more 
distant  from  the  cardinals,  when  present ;  cardinal  teeth  small ;  pallial  sinus  deep, 
discrepant  in  the  opposite  valves.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Tellina  Linn.  Elongated,  the  rostrum  more  or  less  twisted  ;  two  lateral  teeth  in 
each  valve  ;  shell  porcellanous.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Subgenera:  Tellina  s.s.  (Figs.  815,  816);  Tellidora  Morch  ;  SlrUjilla  Turton  ;  Lincaria 
Conrad  {Arcopagia  d'Orb.)  (Fig.  817),  etc. 

Macoma  Leach.  Anal  siphon  long,  branchial  very  short,  hinge  without  laterals  ; 
shell  smooth,  earthy,  less  elongated  than  in  Tellina.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Gastrana  Schum.  (Fragilia  Desh.).      Miocene  and  Recent. 

Quenstedtia  Mor.  and  Lye.  Long,  oval,  obliquely  truncate  behind  ;  beaks  low, 
pallial  sinus  shallow,  only  a  single  cardinal  tootli  present.     Jura. 




Fir..  815. 

TelUna  planata  Lum.     Miocene;  Putzleinsdorf, 
near  Vienna. 

Fig.  810. 

Tcllina  rostralina  Desh.     Eocene  ;  Damery, 
near  Epernay. 

Fig.  817. 

Tcllina  (Linearia)  hiradiata  Zittel.     Upi)(;r 
Cretaceous  ;  Gosau,  Austria. 

Family  34.     Semelidae  Dal]. 

Resembling  the  Tellinidae,  but  with  the  resilium  internal,  often  on  a  distinct  chondro- 
■phore,  and  with  the  laterals,  when  present,  stronger  and  less  distant.      Tertiary  to  Eecent. 

Semele  Sclium.  (Amphidesma  Lam.).      Shells  large,  rounded,  thick,  often  conspicu- 
ously  sculptured;     100    species.       Tertiary   and 

Gumingia  Sow.     Small,  thin,  with  a  spoon-    ^ 
like    chondrojihore  ;    habit    nestling.      Tertiary 
and  Eecent. 

Scrobicularia  Schum.      Differs  from  Semele  in 
having  no  lateral  teeth.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Abra  Leach  {Syndosmya  Recluz)  (Fig.  818). 
Smooth,  small,  thin  ;  cardinals  2:2,  an  anterior  and  posterior  lateral  present ; 
chondrophore  narrow,  oltlique,  not  separated  from  the  hinge  line.  Tertiary  and 
Recent  ;  chiefly  in  deep  water. 

Family  35.     Psammobiidae    DaU. 

Shell  as  in  the  Tellinidae,  but  usually  more 
equivalve  and  less  twisted,  with  more  conspicuous 
epidermis  and  nymphs,  broader  hinge-plate,  and 
a  ivider  posterior  gape;    lateral  laminae  on  the 

Fig.  818. 

Abra  ajielina  {Jim\.).    Miocene;  Grund, 
near  Vienna. 

Fig.  819. 

Psammohia  effiisa  Desh.     Eocene  (Calcaire 
Grossier) ;  Parnes. 

Fi<;.  820. 

Psammosolen  (Mcwha)  deshayesii (Desm.).  Calcaire 
Grossier  ;  Grignon,  near  Paris,    i/j. 

496  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Jdnge  wantiiuj,  and  the  cardiiiaU  sometimes  three  in  uiie  valve;   ligament  external  and 
conspicuous  ;  no  defined  area.     Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

Psammobia  Laiaarck  (Gari  Sclium.)  (Fig.  819).  (?)  Cretaceous.  Tertiary  and 

Pliorhytis  Conrad  ;  Asaphis  Modeer  ;  Sangninolaria  Lam.  ;  Tayclus  Gray  ;  Nova- 
culina  Benson  ;  Ampliichacna  Pliil. ;  Psammosolen  EisKo,  with  subgenus  Macha  Oken 
(Fig.  820) ;  Azor  Leacli  ;  and  Heterodonax  Morcli.     Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Family  3G.      Donacidae    Deshayes. 

Valves  equal,  free,  sub-triyonal,  tisually  closed,  solid  ;  outer  surface  and  inner  margins 
smooth  or  radially  sculptured,  the  posterior  end  usually  shorter  and  obliquely  sub-trimcate  ; 
pallial  sinus  similar  in  both  valves ;  resilium  sub-internal,  sometimes  amphidetic ; 
ligament  short,  external,  seated  in  a  deep  groove,  episthodetic ;  hinge-plate  moderately 
developed,  usually  with  a  posterior  and  anterior  lateral  in  the  right,  a.nd  corresponding 

sockets  in  the  opposite  valve;  cardinal  formula  daiaii  ''''^'  strongest  cardinal  tooth  often 

bifid.     Lias  to  Eecent. 

The  resiliuiu  is  chiefly  opisthodetic  and  sub-internal,  but  some  of  the  large  species  have  a 

small  segment  of  the  resilium  separate  from  the  rest, 
wholly  internal,  and  in  front  of  the  beaks. 

Isodonta  Buv.  (Sowerbya  d'Orb.)      Suh-symniet- 
rical,  convex,  laterals  strong,  pallial  sinus  deep.  Jura. 
Donax  Linn.  (Fig.  821).      Anterior  side  longer, 
laterals  weak.      Ujiper  Eocene  and  Eecent ;  about 
Fii;.  S21.  100  species.     Subgenus  Iphigenia  Sclium.     Eecent. 

Donax  lucida  Eichw.     Miocene  (Sarmatian  Egeria  Lea.       Lower  Eocene. 

Stage);  Wiesen,  near  Vienna.  ^^^  Hemidonax  Morch  (Donacicardium  Vest). 

Superfamily  14.     SOLENACEA  Lamarck  (emend.). 

Dwellers  in  soft  sea-bottom,  narrow,  elongated,  modified  for  burrowing,  gaping  at 
both  ends;  foot  elongated,  distally  modified  to  serve  as  a  jnston  or  stilt  toithin  the 
burrow  ;  siphons  short ;  hinge  without  lateral  laminae. 

Family  37.     Solenidae  Leach. 

Shell  substance  as  in  Tellina,  but  the  external  layer  shoiving  its  cellular  structure 
more  clearly  ;  with  a  pronounced  epidermis ;  valves  equal,  free,  usually  truncoAe  at  both 
ends,  and  more  or  less  inequilateral,  with  low  beaks,  smooth  margins,  not  rostrate,  smooth 
or  feebly  sculptured  ;  adductor  scars  narroiv,  elongate,  dorsally  distributed,  pedal  distinct ; 
pallial  sinus  small  in  species  with  anterior  umbones,  and  vice  versa ;  ligament  and  re- 
silium external,  parivincular,  seated  on  nymphs ;  area  obscure  or  none ;  hinge-plate 
hardly  developed ;  hinge  often  with  a  thickened  ray  crossing  the  valves  and  serving  as  a 
buttress;  cardinals  varying  from  one  to  four  in  each  valve,  usually  a  single  slender 
radial  laminar  cardinal  in  the  right,  and.  ttvo  in  the  left  valve,  with  or  ivithout  one  or 
two  placed  parallel  with  tlie  hinge  margin,  simulating  laterals;  radial  teeth  usually 
more  or  less  pedunculated,  rarely  bifid.     Devonian  to  Eecent. 

The  Silurian  forms  heretofore  referred  to  this  family  do  not  seem  to  belong  to  it,  but 
Palacosolcn  Hall  is  scarcely  distinguishable  externally  from  some  modern  forms  ;  its  hinge, 
however,  is  unknown.  The  species  of  this  family  are  mostly  much  modified  for  a  special 
mode  of  life,  hence  the  variability  in  certain  features,  such  as  the  siphons,  foot  and  ferma- 
ture  of  the  mantle  lobes. 

Bolen  Linn.  (Fig.  822).  Scabbard-sliaped,  straight,  with  terminal  beaks.  Among 
the  numerous  subgenera  are :  Ensis  Sclium.  ;  Pharella  Gray ;  Geratisolcn  Forbes  ; 
Siliqua  Megerle ;  Cultellus  Schuni.  (Fig.  823).      Tertiary  and  Eecent. 


Palaeosolen  Hall.      Devonian.     Leptosolen  Conrad.      Cretaceous. 


Fi...  822. 

Solcn  suhfraglKs  Eichw.     Miocene  (Sarma- 
tian  Stage) ;  Pullendorf,  Hungary. 

Fic.  S-23. 

CuUellus  grignonensis  Desh.     Calcairo 
Grossier ;  Grignon,  near  Paris. 

Superfamily  15.     MACTRACEA  Gray. 

Resiliuvi  internal,  seated  on  chondrophores,  left  cardinal  tooth  bifid,  fitting  below  the 
two  right  cardinals,  lohich  are  more  or  less  joined  together  dorsally.  Inner  wall  of  the 
mantle  behind  the  siphons  exhibiting  a  laminar  sense  organ. 

Family  38.     Mactridae  Gray. 

Shell  'porccllanous,  xvith  an  obvious  epidermis,  usually  rounded-triangular,  with 
smooth  or  concentrically  sculptured  surface,  smooth  margins,  ctnd  prominent  frosogyrous 
beaks ;  valves  equal,  free,  usually  with  a  slight  posterior  gape ;  area  not  limited ;  liga- 
ment variably  external  or  internal;  resilium  connecting  sub-triangulnr  chondrophores 
usucdly  excavated  out  of  the  hinge-plate,  rarely  with  a  pro})  or  buttress ;  hinge-plate  locll 
developed,  with  typically  an  anterior  and  posterior  lateral  in  the  left,  received  into  soclcets 
or  paired  laminae  in  the  right  valve,  or  obsolete ;  cardincds  in  the  right  valve  two,  with 
their  dorsal  edges  usually  soldered  together,  and  one  bifid  or  deltoid  cardinal  in  the 
left,  fitting  below  the  former,  a  delicate  accessory  lamella  often  present  in  either  valve,  or 
all  may  be  more  or  less  obsolete ;  siphons  toell  developed,  united,  and  usually  with  an 
epidermal  tunic ;  adductors  peripheral,  sub-equal.     Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

This  groui)  is  so  large  and  its  extremes  so  variable,  that 
it  is  best  divided  into  subfamilies,  as  follows  :  ^  Mactrinae, 
Pteropsidinae,  Lutrariinac,  Zcnatiinac  and  ?  AnatincUinae. 

Mactra  Linn.   (Fig.    824).      Ligament  and    resilium 
separated  by  a  slielly  se])tum.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Subgenera  :  Mactra  s.s.,  Coelomactra,  Mactroderma, 
Mactrotoma  Dall  ;  Mactrella  Gray. 

Fio.  8-'4. 

Mactra  podolica  Eicliw.  Miocene 
(Sarmatian  Stage) ;  Wiesen,  near 

Fio.  825. 
Lutraria  dliptica  Roissy.     Pliocene  ;  Rhode.s.     ^/•j. 

Spisula  Gray.     Ligament  and    resilium  not  separated,  the  former  more  or  less 
external.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

^  Dalt,    W.  IT.,  Synopsis  of  a  Review  of  the  Genera  of  Recent  and   Teitiary  Mactridae    and 
Mesodesmatidae.     Proc.  Mai.  Soc,  1895,  vol.  i. 

VOL.  I  2   K 




Subgenera  :  Hemimaetra  Swains. ;  Leptospisula  Dall ;  Cymbophora  Gabb ;  ScJdzodcsma  Gray. 
Mulinia  Gray.     Ligament  and  resilium  immer8ecl  in  the  same  socket.     Miocene 
and  Recent. 

•Rangia     Desm.    (Gnathodon    Gray,    non    Goldfuss).       Like    Mulinia,   Init    witli 
elongated  laterals,  and  the  anterior  lateral  hooked  at  the  umbonal  end.     Estuarine. 
Pteropsis  Conrad.     Eocene.     Lahiosa  (Schmidt)  Moller.     Miocene  and  Recent. 
Ltotraria  Lam.  (Fig.  825).     Soleniform,  hinge  Mactroid.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Schizothacrus  Conr.  {Tresus  Gray) ;  Eastonia  Gray ;  Heferocardia  Desh.     Tertiary 
and  Recent.     Zenatia  Gray  ;  Anatinella  Sow.      Recent. 

Family  39.     Cardiliidae  Dall. 

Shell  cordiform,  with  prominent  prosogyrous  heahs,  small,  thin,  radially  sculptured ; 
posterior  adductor  scar  impressed  upon  a  radial  myoplioric  lamina,  the  anterior  scar 
elongated,  pallial  line  not  sinuated ;  ligament  external,  seated  on  nymphs ;  resilium 
internal  connecting  projecting  chondrophores ;  hinge  without  laterals,  hut  the  cardinal 
teeth  as  in  Mactra.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Cardilia  Deshayes.     Eocene  and  Recent. 

Family  40.     Mesodesmatidae  Deshayes. 

Shell  solid  and  heavy,  usually  Donaciform,  with 
erect  or  opisthogyrate  beaks,  otherwise  as  in  the  Mactridae; 
siphons  naked,  not  united.     Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Mesodesma  Desh.  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Mac- 
tropsis  Conr.  Eocene.  Atactodea  Dall  {Paphia 
Lam.  ;  Eryx  Swains.)  ;  Davila  Gray ;  Anapella  Dall. 
Recent.  Ervilia  Tnrton  (Fig.  826).  Tertiary  and 
Recent.      Gaecella  Gray.     Recent,  fluviatile. 

Pig.  820. 

Ervilia  podolica  Eicli  w.    Miocene  (Sar- 
matian  Stage) ;  Wicseii,  near  Vienna.  Vl- 


Hinge  often  essentially  Mactroid,  hut  usually  degenerate  or  obsolete,  owing  to  modi- 
fications induced  by  the  burrowing  habit. 

Superfamily  16.     MYACEA  Menke  (emend.). 

Burrotving,  long  siphoned,  frequently  inequivalve  Pelccijpods,  visually  with  the  mantle 
lobes  largely  united  below,  more  or  less  united  siphons,  and  degenerate  hinge  apparatus. 

Family  41.     Myacidae  Woodward. 

Shell  substance  cellulo-crystalline,  earthy,  with  a  conspicuous  epidermis ;  valves  un- 
equal, more  or  less  elongate,  rounded  in  front 
and  gaping  behind ;  adductor  scars  suh- 
equal ;  pallial  line  sinuated ;  shell  margins 
plain ;  area  obsolete  or  none ;  ligament  and 
resilium  internal,  opisthodetic,  attached  in 
the  left  valve  to  a  projecting  chondrophore 
merging  with  the  dorsal  margin  behind,  and 
in  the  right  valve  to  an  inconspicuous, 
usually  sub-umboncd  chondrophore;  hinge 
edentulous ;  siphons  united,  with  a  horny 
tunic,  not   wJluIIu  retractile.      Tertiary  and    ,_  ...        „,     .,  /r^i    •  i  r,       ■.  % 

'  -^  -  Mya  arcnaria  Linn.     Pleistocene  (Glacial  Deposits) 

Recent.  Bohuslim,  Sweden. 




Mya  Liun.  (Fig.  827).      Smooth  externally.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 


Platyodon  Com-ad.  Surface  decussated,  siphon  with  horny  appendages. 
Cryptomya  Conrad.  Small,  the  ]iallial  line  discrepant  in  the  two  valves.  Siihenia  Turton. 
Minute,  byssiferous,  nestling.     Tugonia  Gray.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  42.     Corbulidae  Fleming. 

Shell  small,  mxich  as  in  Mya,  hit  the  pallial  line  feeble  or  obsolete,  the  ligament 
usually  sub-external,  separated  from  the  resilium,  xvhich  is  internal,  alivincular  and 
amphidetic ;  the  chondrophore 
is  received  into  a  socket  of  the 
opposite  valve,  not  merged  with 
the  valve  margin ;  hinge  ivith 
one  or  two  sub-umbonal  pro- 
jecting teeth,  and  rarely  obscure 
traces  of  laterals  ;  the  posterior 
gape  inconspicuous ;  siphons 
short,  united,  naked,  tvholly 
retractile.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Corhula  (Bicorhula)  gallica  Lam. 
Calcaire  Glossier;  Damery,  near 
Epernay,  France.    Hinge,  i/i. 


Fio.  829. 
Corhula     carinata     Duj. 

Miocene ;  Potzleinsdorf,  near 
Vienna.  B,  C.  angiv^tata  Sow. 
Upper  Cretaceous ;  Gosau. 

Corbula   Lam.   (Figs.  828, 
829).     Small,  ovate,  rostrate,  very  inequivalve,  tlie  right  valve  convex,  larger,  with  a 
prominent   tooth   in    front   of  the   pit  for  the  resilium,  left  valve  with  a  flattened 
chondrophore,  and  usually  a  posterior  tooth.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Subgenera:  Erodona  Daudin  {Azara  d'Orb.  ;  Potamnniya  Sow.).     Pallial  sinus  obsolete, 
fluviatile.     Pleistocene  and  Recent.     Bothrocorhula  Gabb.     With  a  lunule  deeply  indented 

into  the  cavity  of  the  valves.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fl<:.  .S30. 

Pannpc  menardi  Desli.     Miocene;  Vienna  Basin.     A,  Dorsil  view 
of  valves.     B,  Internal  mould.     C,  Hinge-plate  seen  from  above,  1/2. 

Corhulamclla  Meek.  "With  an  anterior 
myophore.  Cretaceous.  Aniso- 
thyris  Conr.  {Fachydon  Gabb). 
Pliocene.  Paramya  Conr. ;  Cor- 
hiclomya  Nyst.  Tertiary  and 

Family  43.     Saxicavidae 


Shell  substance  as  in  Mya  ; 
epidermis  conspicuo^is ;  valves 
equal,  free,  rude  and  often 
irregular,  more  or  less  elon- 
gated and  gaping,  not  fully 
covering  the  animal ;  adductor 
.^cars  often  irregular,  the  pallial 
line  discontinuous  or  irregular, 
the  sinus  distinct;  shell  raar- 
gins  smooth ;  area  obsolete ; 
ligament  and  resilium  external, 
parivincular,  seated  on  strong 
nymfhs,  sometimes  tcidely  ex- 
tended ;  hinge  without  laterals, 
ivith  few  feeble  or  obsolete  sub- 
umbonal  cardinals.  Creta- 
ceous to  Recent. 

Saxicava    Fleuriau    {Glycimeris    Schum.  ;    Hiatella    Daudin ;    Byssomya    Cuvier  ; 
Agina  Tiirton).      Hinge  edentulous  in  the  adult,  with  one  or  two  cardinals  in  the 


Tertiary  and  Recent. 


Subgenus  Pavomya   Gray 

young,  l^oring  in  the  softer  rocks. 
{Chaenopea  INIayer). 

Panope  Menard  ^  {Ghjcimeris  Lam.  1799,  non  Da  Costa)  (Fig.  830).  Large,  gaping 
widely  behind  and  slightly  in  front ;  surface  concentrically,  or  feebly  sculptured  ;  an 
obscure  tooth  in  each  A'^alve.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Cyrtodaria  Daudin  (Ghjcimeris  Lam.  1801,  non.  Schum.).  Solenoid  with  strong 
epidermis.     Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Family  44.     Gastrochaenidae  Gray. 

Shell  substance  as  in  Saxicava  ;  valves  equal,  widely  gaping  in  front ;  adductor  scars 
unequal,  the  anterior  smaller ;  pallial  sinus  deep,  margins  simple;  area  none;  ligament 
and  resilium  external,  pjarivincular ;    hinge  loith  a  single  obsolete  cardinal   or  uliolbj 

edentulous;  animal  frerpbently  forming 
an  external  protective  tube  to  sup)plcment 
its  burrow,  but  to  tvhich  it  is  in  no  way 
attached.     (?)  Permian.     Trias  to  Recent. 

This  group  stands  between  the  Myacea 
and  Adesmacea,  verging  on  the  latter.  Many 
of  its  characters  are  adaptive,  and  are  re- 
peated in  the  Ensiplionacea,  but  morpho- 
logically its  relations  to  the  Saxicavidae 
seem  close. 

Flc.  831 

Gastrochacna  angusUi  Desh. 
Eocene  (Sables  moyens) ; 
Valmandois,  near  Paiis. 

Fio.  832. 

Gastrochaena  deshmg- 
ehmnpsii  Laube.  Middle 
Jura;  Balin,  near  Cracow. 
Internal  mould  of  burrow 
including  one  of  the 
valves,  i/i. 

Gastrochaena        Spengler        ( Ghaena 

Retzius;  Bocellaria  Blainv.)  (Figs.   831, 

832).    Bores  cylindrical  or  pear-shaped  cavities  in  rock,  shell,  or  coral.  ^  Trias  to  Recent. 

Fistulana   Brug.      Secretes  calcareous  tubes  which  stand  upright  in  the  sand  or 

mud.     Recent. 

Superfamily  17.     ADESMACEA  Blainville. 

Gills  with  direct  and  reflected  laminae,  long,  united,  extended  into  the  branchial 
siphon ;  posterior  adductor  usually  'in  front  of  the  visceral  ganglion,  anterior  adductor 
external  to  the  cavity  of  the  valves,  exerted  in  a  contrary  sense  to  the  posterior  muscle ; 
hinge  margin  reflected,  edentulous;  ligament  obsolete;  a  myophoric  process  extending 
■freely  into  the  valve  from  the  sub-unibonal  cavity. 

Family  45.     Pholadidae  Fischer. 

Shell  cellulo-crystalline,  with  a  thin  epidermis ;  valves  more  or  less  gaping  in  front 
and  behind,,  with  inconspicumis  beaks   and   reticulate,  often  spinose   sculpture;    m   the 
A  r. 

Fin.  833. 
I'holas  Uvcsqun  Watelet.     Eocene  ;  Cuise  de  la  Mothe. 

adult  supplemented  by  accessory  shelly  pieces,  ahoays  attached  to  the  valves,  hit  rarely  by 
an  exterior  shelly  tube  like  that  of  the  Gastrochaenidae ;  the  antero-dorsal  margins  more 
or  less  extensively  reflected,  the  postero-venfral  approximated;  p)allial  line  sinuated,  area 

1  Erroneously  written  Pnivypea  by  many  authors. 




none;   lujament  and  resilium  usually  absent,  an  obsolete  remnant  of  the  resilium  and 
chondro])hore  sometimes  present  in  the  left  valve.      (?)  Carboniferous,  Jura  to  Recent. 

Pholas  Linn.  (Fig.  833).  Surface  divided  Ijy  grooves  into  area.s  whicli  often  Lave 
diverse  sculpture  ;  the  adult  often  provided  with  accessory  shelly  plates,  each  of  which 
when  seated  in  front  of  the  beaks  has  been  named 
a  "  jirotoplax  "  ;  when  above  the  beaks,  "  mesoplax"  ; 
when  behind  the  beaks  between  the  valves,  "  nieta- 
plax " ;  and  when  between  the  valves  ventrally 
(Alartesia),  "  hypoplax."  A  calcareous  septum, 
secreted  after  the  completion  of  tlie  burrow,  and 
occujiying  the  pedal  gape  of  the  valves,  is  called 
the  "callum."  The  addition  of  these  plates  and 
appendages  during  growth  so  changes  the  appear- 
ance of  the  shell  that  old  and  young  stages  have 
frequently  been  described  as  specifically  or  even 
generically  distinct.  Typical  Pholads  date  from 
the  Jura.     Many  subgenei'a  have  been  named. 

Turnus  Gabb  (Fig.  834).  Cretaceous.  Martesia  Leach  (Fig.  835). 
to  Recent.  Jouannetia  Desm.  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Teredina  Lam. 
adult  stage  soldered  together  and  to  a  thick  adventive  calcareous  tube. 

Fig.  834. 

Turnus  {Xylopha- 
gella)  elegantulus 
Menk.  Upper  Cre- 
taceous ;  Idaho. 
Enlarged  (after 

Fig.  835. 

Martesia  ccmoidea 
De.shayes.  Eocene ; 
Auvers,  near  Paris. 


Valves  in  the 



.1,  Valves  of  the  recent  Teredo 
norveglca  Spengl ;  inner  and  ontei- 
views.  B,  Pallet  of  Xylotrya  sp. 
C,  Pallet  of  Teredo  sp.  D,  Casts 
of  boiings  of  Teredo  tournali  Leym. 
Eocene  ;  Kressenberg,  Bavaria. 

Family  46.     Teredinidae  Scjicchi. 

educed,  equivalve,  auriculate,  widely  galling,  the  valves  a-pposited 
ventrally  only  on  the  surface  of  a  parietal  tubercle  ;  adductor 
scars  unequal,  the  anterior  marginal  very  small;  pallial 
line  coincident  loith  the  valve  margins ;  a  styloid  myophore 
projecting  from  the  cavity  of  the  beaks;  mantle  secreting  a 
calcareous  lining  to  the  burrow;  ixdlets  variable  in  form,  the 
valves  ivithout  attached  accessory  shelly  plates;  area  none; 
hinge  margin  reflected,  edentulous;  ligament  absent  or 
obsolete ;  anterior  adductor  degenerate,  attached  on  the 
anterior  edges  of  the  valves,  and  covered  only  by  the  mantle ; 
animal  boring,  chiefly  in  wood.  Carboniferous  (?) ;  Jura  to 

Teredo  Linn.  (Fig.  836,  A,  C).  Pallets  simple,  spatuli- 
form.      Juia  to  Recent. 

Xylotrya  Leach  (Fig.  836,  B).  Pallets  articulated, 
bipinnate.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

The  name  Teredolites  Leymerie,  has  been  projaosed  for 
the  casts  of  borings  of  fossil  Teredos  (Fig.  836,  D).  The 
problematical  genus  Polorthus  Gabb,  from  the  American 
Cretaceous,  has  been  referred  to  this  family.  The 
Paleozoic  species  are   known  only  by  burrows,  which  are 


;omewhat  doubtful  origin. 

Vertical  Range  of  the  Pelecypoda. 

Two  small  forms  of  bivalve  shells,  Fordilla  and  Modioloides,  occurring  in  the 
Lower  Cambrian  of  New  York  State,  have  been  doulitfuUy  referred  to  Pelecypods, 
but  are  more  probably  to  Ije  regarded  as  Branchiopod  Crustaceans.  Aside  from  these 
fossils,  whose  moUuscan  affinities  must  be  considered  as  highly  problematical,  Pelecypods 

502  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

are  vmknown  from  strata  geologically  older  than  the  St.  Peter  sandstone,  which  is  of 
early  Ordovician  age.  Here  appear  suddenly  several  genera  of  the  Modiolopsidae,  and 
this  family,  together  with  the  Ambonychiidae,  Cyrtodontidae,  and  Ctenodontidae, 
attain  the  acme  of  their  development  dm-ing  the  Middle  and  Ui^per  Ordovician.  In 
the  Sihirian  a  considerable  number  of  bivalves  is  observable,  as  many  as  eighty 
species  having  been  distinguished  in  the  fauna  of  the  small  island  of  Gotland  alone. 

A  very  marked  difference  in  geological  range  is  perceptible  among  the  three  orders 
into  which  the  class  is  divided.  The  Prionodesmacea,  including  most  of  Neumayr's 
Palaeoconcha,  are  pre-eminently  characteristic  of  the  Paleozoic  faunas.  Of  the  forty- 
two  families  referred  to  this  order,  no  less  than  seven  occur  in  the  Ordovician,  and 
eighteen  in  the  Silurian,  to  which  seven  are  added  during  the  Devonian,  only  three  in 
the  Carboniferous,  and  one  in  the  Permian.  From  these  ancient  stocks  only  seven 
Prionodesmacean  families  are  evolved  during  the  whole  of  the  Mesozoic,  and  but  two 
in  the  Tertiary,  while  three  are  Recent. 

The  order  Anomalodesmacea  is  represented  in  the  Paleozoic  solely  by  its  radical, 
the  Pholadellidae  ;  eight  of  its  sixteen  families  originate  in  the  Mesozoic  and  Tertiary, 
and,  with  the  exception  of  the  Pholadellidae  and  Pleuromyacidae,  all  have  endured 
until  the  present  time.     Only  one  faniily  appears  to  be  exclusively  Recent. 

The  Teleodesmacca  are  distinctively  modern,  although  foreshadowed  in  the  Paleo- 
zoic by  Cypricardian,  Lucinoid  and  Allodesmid  radicals  (the  Solenoid  radical  is  still 
questionable).  Of  forty-seven  families  thirty  can  be  first  definitely  recognised  in  the 
Mesozoic,  twelve  originate  in  the  Tertiary,  two  are  exclusively  recent,  and  only  a  single 
one  can  be  traced  continuously  from  the  Paleozoic  to  the  recent  fauna. 

Of  the  Prionodesmacean  families,  10-5  per  cent  survive  ;  of  the  Teleodesmacean  71 
per  cent ;  and  of  the  Anomalodesniacean  88  per  cent.  If  it  were  not  for  the  mortality 
among  the  Chamacea  and  Rudistacae,  the  ratio  of  survival  among  the  Teleodesmacean 
families  would  be  95  per  cent.  Of  105  families  which  have  been  discriminated  during 
the  whole  history  of  the  class,  76,  or  about  72-3  per  cent,  are  represented  in  the 
existing  fauna.  Families  have  originated  in  the  various  geological  epochs  as  follows : 
Ordovician  9,  Silurian  11,  Devonian  9,  Carboniferous  3,  Permian  1,  Trias  13,  Jura  14, 
Cretaceous  18,  Eocene  15,  Miocene  and  Pliocene  3,  Pleistocene  and  Recent  6.  From 
this  it  appears  that  the  development  of  the  grovip,  judged  by  the  increase  of  families, 
was  most  intense  during  the  Silurian,  thereafter  rapidly  decreasing  until  the  Trias, 
then  gradually  increasing  until  the  Cretaceous,  after  which  the  rate  of  diff'erentiation 
again  rapidly  declined.  It  is  noted  that  in  the  Paleozoic  the  Pelecypods  form  about 
one-quarter  of  all  the  mollusks  known  from  this  era ;  in  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous 
about  one-half,  and  in  the  Tertiary  about  one-third  of  this  number. 

The  Ordovician  and  Silurian  are  especially  characterised  by  the  presence  of 
Taxodont,  Palaeoconch,  and  the  older  forms  of  Schizodont  Pelecypods.  The  Cardio- 
lidae,  Pterineidae,  Amlionychiidae  and  Modiolopsidae  are  common  to  both  the  Silurian 
and  the  Devonian. 

The  Devonian  has  no  families  solely  characteristic,  but  the  brackish-water  Car- 
diniidae,  the  Megalodontidae,  Trigoniidae,  Pinnidae,  Pectinidae  and  Mytilidae  first 
take  rise  in  this  period,  and  the  sinupalliate  Allorisma  is  the  first  Pelecypod  showing 
clear  evidence  of  retractile  siphons. 

The  Carboniferous  is  marked  by  the  appearance  of  Parallelodon  and  its  allies, 
the  Limidae  and  Ostreidae,  and  some  precursors  of  the  Lucinacea  and  Pholadacea. 
The  Pernidae  and  Gastrochaenidae  make  their  advent  in  the  Permian;  but,  on  the 
whole,  the  Carboniferous  fauna  persists  throughout  this  period.  In  the  Trias,  however, 
important  changes  take  place ;  many  old  genera  disappear,  and  such  forms  as  the  Limop- 
sidae,  the  true  Uniones,  Spondylus,  Dimya,  the  Pleuromyacidae,  Pholadomyacidae, 
Astartidae,  Lucinacea,  Cardiidae  and  Corbulidae  enter  upon  the  scene. 

During  the  Jura,  genuine  Arcidae,  Anomia,  Eligmus,  various  Anatinacea,  Cyrcna, 
Diceras,  Isocardia,  and  the  Teleodont  Veneridae,  Tellinidae,  Donacidae  and  Pholadacea 


are  initiated.  The  character  of  the  Cretaceous  is  strongly  influenced  by  the  aberrant 
and  short-lived  Chamacea  and  Rudistids.  The  Mutelidae,  Pandoridae,  Clavagellidae, 
Poromyacidae,  Crassatellitidae,  Cryptodontidae,  Petricolidae,  true  Solens,  the  Mac- 
tridae  and  Saxicavidae,  also  take  their  origin  during  this  period. 

With  the  beginning  of  the  Tertiary  a  gradual  approximation  to  present  conditions 
takes  place.  The  Rudistae  have  disappeared,  the  Dysodonts  are  on  the  decline,  and 
the  Teleodesniacean  types  on  the  increase.  Numerous  Anatinacea,  Leptonacea,  Tridac- 
nidae,  Callocardiidae,  Senielidae,  Mesodesmatidae  and  Myacidae  appear.  At  the  close 
of  the  Eocene,  the  wide  distribution  of  many  types  now  characteristic  of  warm- 
temperate,  or  tropical  waters  begins  to  be  restricted  ;  and  during  the  Miocene  the 
faunal  boundaries  of  mollusks  depending  upon  temperature  conditions  are  laid  down 
nearly  on  existing  lines. 

The  following  table  indicates  more  exactly  the  geological  range  of  the  families  of 
Pelecypods  according  to  our  present  information  : — 
















i  j 












Order  1.  Prionodesmacea 

A.  Palaeoconcha 

1.  Solemyacidae . 

2.  Soleiiopsidae  . 

3.  Vlastidae 

4.  Grammysiidae 

5.  Cardiolidae      . 

6.  AntipleuridaL' 

7.  Praecai'diidae  . 

B.  Taxodonta 
Superfamily  1.  Numlacm 

8.  Ctenodontidae 

9.  Nuculidae 

10.  Ledidae  . 

Superfamily  2.  Arcacca 

11.  Parallelodontidae    . 

12.  Cyrtodontidae 

13.  Limopsidae 

14.  Arcidae  . 


Superfamily  3.  Ptcriacca 

15.  Pterineidae     . 

16.  Lunulicardiidae 

17.  Ambonycliiidae 

18.  Piiinidae 

19.  Coiiocardiidae 

20.  Pernidae 

21.  Pteriidae 

22.  Myalinidae      . 

23.  Vulsellidae      . 

Superfamily  4.   Ostraeca 

24.  Ostreidae 

25.  Eligmidae 

Superfamily  5.  Naiadaeea 

26.  Cardiniidae     . 

27.  Mcgalodontidae 

28.  Unionidae 

29.  Mutelidae 

30.  Etheriidae 

Superfamily  6.    2'rigoniacea 

31.  Lyrodesmidae 

32.  Trigoniidae     . 









































Superfamily  7.  Pectinacea 

33.  Pectinidae 

34.  Spondylidae    . 

35.  Dimyidae 

36.  Limidae . 
Superfamily  8.  Anomiacea 

37.  Auoniiidae 

E.  Dysodonta 
Superfamily  9.  Mytilacea 

38.  Modiolopsidae 

39.  Mytilidae 

40.  Dveissensiidae 

Order  2.  Anomalodesmacea 
Superfamily  1.   Anatinacea 


1.  Pleuromyacidae 

2.  Pholadellidae . 

3.  Pholadomyacidae    . 

4.  Anatinidae 

5.  Peviplomatidae 

6.  Thraciidae 

7.  Myochamidae. 

B.  Adelosii'honia 

8.  Pandoridae 

9.  Lyonsiidae 

10.  Lyonsiellidae  . 

Superfamily  2.   Ensi2)lumacea 

11.  Clavagcllidae  . 

12.  Euciroidae 

Superfamily  3.    Poromyacea 

13.  Poromyacidae 

14.  Cuspidariidae 














Order  3.  Teleodesmacea 

A.  Pantodonta 

1.  Allodesmidae . 


Superfamily  1.  Cypricardiacca 

2.  Pleurophoridae 
Superfamily  2.   Astartacea 

3.  Curtonotidae  . 

4.  Astartidae 

5.  Crassatellitidae 

Superfamily  3.   Cyrenacca 

6.  Gyreuidae 

7.  Spliaeriidae     . 

Superfamily  4.   Carditacea 

8.  Carditidae 

Superfamily  5.   Chamacea 

9.  Diceratidae 

10.  Chamidae 

11.  Monopleuridae 

12.  Caprinidae 

Superfamily  6.  Eudistacca 

13.  Radiolitidae    . 

14.  Hippuritidae  . 

Superfamily  7.  Lucmacea 

15.  Tancrediidae  . 

16.  Unicardiidae  . 

17.  Lucinidae 

18.  Corbidae 

19.  Diplodontidae 

20.  Cyrenellidae   . 

21.  Tliyasiridae    . 

Superfamily  8.  Leptonacca 

22.  Leptonidae 

23.  Galeommatidae 

24.  Chlamydoconcliidae 

25.  Kelliellidae      . 
C.  Cyolodonta 

Superfamily  9.    Cardiacea 

26.  Cardiidae 

27.  Limnocai'diidae 

Superfamily  10.    Tridacnacea 

28.  Tridacnidae     . 































Superfamily  11.   Isocardiacca 

29.  IsocarJiidae     . 

30.  Vesicomyaciidae 

D.  Teleodonta 
Superfamily  12.    Veneracea 

31.  Veneridae 

32.  Petricolidae    . 
Superfamily  13.    Tellinacea 

33.  Tellinidae 
84.  Seiiielidae 

35.  Psammobiidae 

36.  Donacidae 
Superfamily  14.  Solenacca 

37.  Solenidae 
Superfamily  15.  Mactracea 

38.  Mactridae  ,     . 

39.  Cardiliidae      . 

40.  Mesodesmatidae 


Superfamily  16.  Myacea 

41.  Myacidae 

42.  Corbulidae 

43.  Saxicavidae 

44.  Gastrocliaenidae 

Superfamily  17.  Adesmacca 

45.  Pholadidae 
4G.   Tcredinidae     . 



[The  text  for  the  preceding  chapter  on  Pelecypods  was  revised  for  the  first  edition  of  this 
work  by  Dr.  William  H.  Dall,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum,  and  is  here  reproduced 
with  comparatively  few  changes  proposed  by  himself  and  Dr.  R.  S.  Bassler. — Editok.] 

508  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Class  2.     SCAPHOPODA  Bronn.i 

(Cirrhobranchiata  Blainville  ;  Solenoconchia  Lacaze-Duthiers  • 
Prosopocephala  Stoliczka.) 

Aquatic,  marine,  bilaterally  symmetrical  onollnsks,  protected  by  an  external, 
tubular,  somewhat  curved  and  tapering  shell,  open  at  both  ends,  the  concave  side 
of  tvhich  is  dorsal ;  the  shell  secreted  by  a  mantle  of  the  same  shape,  the  larger, 
anterior  opening  of  which  is  provided  with  a  circular  muscular  thickening,  the  smuller 
opening  serving  as  outlet  for  organic  waste  and  genital  products.  Mouth  furnished 
with  a  radula,  borne  on  a  cylindrical  snout,  and  surrounded  by  a  rosette  of  leaf-like 
appendages  ;  a  cluster  of  numerous  exsertile  filaments  (captacula)  springing  from,  its 
base.  Otocysts  present,  but  no  eyes  or  tentacles.  Foot  rather  long,  conical,  with 
lateral  lobes,  and  adjacent  to  the  snout  ventrally. 

Gills  are  wanting,  the  general  surface  assuming  respiratory  functions.  Liver 
large,  bilateral ;  intestine  strongly  folded,  the  emus  ventral  and  rather  anterior, 
genital  and  kidney  orifices  adjacent  to  it.  Heart  rudimentary,  vjith  a  single  chamber. 
Nervous  system  with  well-developed  ganglia  united  by  commissures.  Beproduction 
without  copulation,  the  sexual  products  voided  through  the  right  kidney. 

Scaphopods  are  without*  exception  marine,  and  for  the  most  part  inhabit 
deep  water.  There  are  few  littoral  species.  They  live  embedded  in  mud  or 
sand,  with  only  the  smaller  end  of  the  shell  projecting  above  the  surface. 
Their  food  consists  chiefly  of  Foraminifera  and  similar  organisms,  captured 
by  the  filamentary  captacula. 

The  tubular,  curved  shell,  open  at  both  ends,  is  characteristic  of  the  class, 
the  tubular  shells  of  certain  Gastropods  and  Cephalopods  being  invariably 
closed  at  the  smaller  end.  Some  tubicolous  worms  (Serpulidae)  form  a  similar 
shell,  but  it  is  composed  of  two  layers  only,  instead  of  three  as  in  Scaphopods, 
the  growth  is  more  irregular,  and  its  microscopic  structure  very  different. 

The  shell  of  Scaphopods  inci'eases  by  successive  increments  at  the  larger 

end,  and  at  the  same  time  loses  by  wear  and  absorption  at  the 

smaller  end.     The  posterior  slits  or  notches  occiirring  in  some 

species   are   therefore  formed  by  resorption  of   the  previously 

solid  shell  wall,  and  have  a  genesis  wholly  different   from   the 

slits  or  fissures  of  Pleurotomaria,  Fissurella,  and  other  Gastropods. 

Various    genera  described   as   Scaphopods  have  since  been 

found  to  belong  to  the  Serpulidae.     Such  are  Pyrgopolon  Montf. 

(Fig.   837),  from   the   Maestricht   of   Belgium,    also   known   as 

Entalium  Defr.,  and  Pharetrium  Kopig ;  and  Hamulus  Morton 

{Falcula  Conrad),  of  the  American  Cretaceous.     The  Cambrian 

Fig.  S37.         genus  Spirodentalium  Walcott,    in   which    the    shell    has    spiral 

PyrgopoionmoMti  Striae,  is  at  present  too  imperfectly  known  to  justify  its  refer- 

taceous;  Boigiunt   6nce  to  the  Scaphopods,  or  even  to  the  Mollusca. 

^  Literature  (see  also,  under  the  liead  of  Molliisea,  anleu) :  Leshayes,  (i.  I'.,  Anatomie  et 
monogra]iliie  du  genre  Dentale.  Mem.  Soc.  Hist.  Nat.  Paris,  1825,  vol.  iii. — Lacaze-Dvthiers,  II.  de, 
Histoire  del'organisation  et  du  developpement  du  Deutale.  Ann.  des  Sci.  Nat.,  1856-5'/,  ser.  4,  vols, 
vi. ,  viii. — Sars,  M.,  Om  Siphonodeutalium  vitreum,  en  ny  Slaegt  af  Dentalidernes  Faniilie. 
Universitets-Program,  Christiania,  1861. — Stoliczka,  F.,  Palaenntologia  Iiidica.  Cretaceous  Fauna 
of  Soutliern  India,  vol.  ii.,  1867-68. — Gardner,  J.  S.,  On  the  Cretaceous  Dentaliidae.  Quar. 
Journ.  Geol.  Soc.  Loudon,  1878,  vol.  xxxiv.  —  Kovalersky,  A.,  llltude  sur  I'embryogeuie,  etc.,  du 
Dentale.      Ann.    Mus.  Hist.   Nat.    Marseille,  1882-83.      Zoologie,   Mem.   No.    \.— Plate,  L.,  tiher 

CLASS  11 



Family  1.     Dentaliidae  Gray. 

Scai)lwpoda  having  a  conical  foot  with  an  encircling  sheath  expanded  laterally  and 
interrupted  dorsally.  Shell  tabular,  curved,  regularly  tapering  throughout,  not  contracted 
anteriorly,  sculptured  or  smooth.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Dentalium  Linn.  (Figs.  838,  839).  Characters  those  of  the  family.  Beginning 
with  a  few  species  in  the  Ordovician,  the  number  increases  slowly  until  the  Cretaceous. 
A  great  acceleration  then  ensues,  which  continues  to  the  present. 
About  275  fossil  and  150  recent  species  known.  Various  authors  have 
attempted  to  subdivide  the  genus  ui^on  characters 'of  the  posterior  slit 
of  the  shell,  but  this  has  jDroved  to  vary  widely  even  among  individuals. 
The  following  subgenera  based  upon  the  system  of  sculpture  and 
shape  of  the  tube  appear  more  stable  : — 

Dentalium  s.  str.  (Fig.  839).    Shell  with  strong  longitudinal  ribs,  apical 
notch  short  or  wanting.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Antalis  Adams  {Entalis,  Gray  non  Sowb.  ; 
Entaliopsis  Newton  and  Harris)  (Fig.  838, 
A).  Shell  with  longitudinal  riblets  or  striae 
at  least  in  the  young  ;  apex  with  a  short 
ventral  slit  and  a  sheath.  Cretaceous  to 

Heteroschisma  Sirar.  With  longitudinal 
riblets  and  a  dorsal  slit.     Recent. 

Fissidentalium  Fischer.  Large  and  solid, 
with  many  longitudinal  ribs  or  striae  ;  a  long 
ventral  slit  usually  present.  Eocene  to  Re- 
cent. Schizodcntaliu'ui  Sowb.,  in  which  the 
.slit  is  interrupted  into  a  series  of  holes,  is 
probably  a  modification  of  this  group. 

G-raj)tacme  Pils.  and  Sharp.  Surface  with 
close,  fine  longitudinal  striae  near  ajjex  only, 
or  throughout.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Lacvidentalium  Cossm.    Arcuate,  smooth,       -'-  -D-  i^ntalis)  Uckxi  Nyst.    Oli- 

.,,  ,1    ,.  1  •        T        •  i-  gocene ;  Wemneim,  near  Alzey.    B, 

With  growth-bnes  only,  circular  in  section,   n.  (Fnstiaria)lucula-Desh.  Eocene; 

apex  simple  or  notched.    Silurian  ?  to  Recent.    Cuise  la  Mothe.    Vi-    '-',  Posterior 

Ehabdus  Pils.  and  Sharp.     Smooth,  thin,    portion  of  same  enlarged,  showing 

Fi(!.  83S. 



Fin.  839. 

Dentalium  sex- 
nnrjulare  Lam. 
Pliocene ;  Asti, 

glossy,     nearly    straight,     sub  -  circular 
section,  apex  entire.     Recent. 

Episiphon  Pils.  and  Sharp.     Small  and  very  slender,   smooth,  thin,  the  apex  generally 
with  an  inserted  tube.     Oligocene  to  Recent. 

Compressidens  Pils.   and  Sharp.     Small,  much  tapering,  vertically  compressed,   smooth. 
Eocene  to  Recent. 

Lobantalc  Cossm.     Shell  compressed,  with  two  internal  longitudinal  ribs.     Eocene. 

F'ustiaria  Stol.  (Fig.  838,  B,  C).     Shell  with  a  very  long  and  linear  ventral  cleft  posteriorly. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Placjioglypta  Pils.  and  Sharp.     Surface  with  extremely  oblique,  sinuous,  encircling  striae 
(Z>.  undulatiim  Mxmst.).     Carboniferous  to  Trias. 

Family  2.     Siphonodentaliidae  Simroth. 

Scaphopoda  having  the  foot  either  expanded  distally  in  a  symmetrical  dish  with 
crenate  continuous  edge,  or  simple  and  vermiform,  without  developed  lateral  processes. 
Shell  small  and  generally  smooth,  often  contracted  toioards  the  mouth.  Cretaceous  to 

den  Bau  und  die  Verwaiultschaftsbeziehungen  der  Solenoconchen.  Zool.  Jahrb.,  Abteil.  fiir  Anat. 
mid  Ontog.,  1892,  vol.  v.  [Bibliography,  pp.  ^M-ZiQ.]— Simroth,  H.,  MoHusca, -in  Bronn's 
Classen  und  Ordnungen  des  Tierreiehs,  vol.  iii.,  1893-95.— PiYsiry,  //.  A.,  and  Sharp,  B.,  Scapho- 
poda, in  Tryon  and  Pilsbry's  Manual  of  Couchology,  1897-98,  vol.  xviL—BelNni,  B.,  Revisione 
delle  Dentaliidae  dei  terrcni  terziari  e  qnateniari  d'  Italia.      Palaeont.  Ital,,  1909,  vol.  xv. 

510  MOLLUSCA  phyltjm  vi 

Altliougli  this  family  is  usually  characterised  by  a  small  smooth  shell,  the  essential 
difference  from  the  Dentaliidae  is  in  the  form  of  the  foot.     Typical  forms  of  Gadulus 

appear   in   the  Cretaceous ;   the  remaining 
^  J3  (-'  Z)     genera  are  Tertiaiy  and  Kecent. 

Entalina  Monts.  Shell  I)entalium-Vik&, 
largest  at  the  aperture,  thence  taj^ering  to 
the  apex  ;  strongly  ribljed,  and  angular  in 
section  near  the  apex.  Miocene  to  Eecent. 
Sifhonodentalium  Sars  (Pulsellum  Stol. ; 
Siplionentalis  Sars).  Shell  an  arcuate, 
Fi"-  ^*o.  slightly  tajjering    tube,  circular  in  section 

A,Ca(tulu.^  (PolysMdes)  denticulatus  Desh     Cal-   qj,  nearly  SO,  and  smooth  externally.     Apex 

caire  Grossier ;  Damery,  near  Bpernay.     B,  Cadulus  it  .       ,         ,.       . 

(DUrhhhs)  hifissumtus   Desii.     Caicaire   Grossier ;   rather  large,  tyjiically  slit  into  lobes,  Ijut 

Gnjjnoii,  near  Paris.     C,  Cadulus  omtlum.  Fhil     Tor-    cmnptimes  simnle        Plioppne  to  ■Re.-mit 
tonian  ;  Monte  Gibbio.    D,  Cadulus  olivi  Scac.    Tor-    sometimes  Simple.       rilOCene  tO  Itecent. 

tonian ;  Monte  Gibbio,  near  Sassuolo,  Italy.  Cadulus     Phil.     {Gadus    Desh.  ;      Gadila 

Gray ;  Helonyx  Stimp.)  (Fig.  840,  G,  D). 
Shell  tubular,  circular  or  oval  in  section,  swollen  near  the  middle  or  anteriorly,  con- 
tracting toward  the  aperture.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Tyjiical  forms  with  simple  anal  orifice  appear  first  in  the  Cretaceous,  Dischides, 
Jeffr.  (Fig.  840,  B),  with  two  lateral  slits,  and  Polyschides  Pils.  (Fig.  840,  A),  with 
several  notches,  appear  in  the  Eocene.     All  continue  to  the  present  time. 

Class  3.    AMPHINEURA  von  Ihering.^ 

Aquatic,  marine,  hilaterally  symmetrical  moUusks,  with  the  head  partially  or  not 
differentiated ;  in  form  worm-like  with  a  ventral  groove  or  none,  or  oval,  flattened, 
with  a  foot  adapted  for  creeping.  Nervous  system  consisting  of  an  oesophageal  ring 
with  ganglia  and  four  longitiidinal  cords,  two  ventral  and  two  lateral ;  no  cephalic 
eyes,  tentacles,  or  otocysts.  Gills  jMired  or  many,  posterior  or  lateral ;  mouth  anterior, 
usually  with  a  radula  ;  anus  posterior,  median.  External  surface  with  a  series  of 
eight  shelly  plates,  or  stiffened  loith  calcareous  spicules. 

Order  1.     APLACOPHORA  von  Ihering. 

Body  vermiform,  tvith  a  ventral  groove,  the  skin  elsewhere  beset  with  calcareous 
spicules  ;  no  dorsal  shelly  plates  in  the  adidt. 

This  is  a  degenerate  group,  represented  in  the  Recent  fauna  by  about  a 
dozen  genera  belonging  to  two  families — Chaetodermatidae  and  Neomeniidae. 
Fossil  remains  are  unknown. 

Order  2.     POLYPLACOPHORA  Blainville.     Chitons. 

Amphineura  protected  by  a  dorsal  series  of  eight  shelly  valves  and  an  encircling 
girdle  ;  with  differentiated  head,  and  a  ventral  sole  or  foot  adapted  to  creeping  ;  gills 

^  Literature  :  Ihering,  H.  v. ,  Vergleichende  Anatoiuie  des  Nervensystems  mid  Phylogenie  der 
Mollusken,  1877.— Dall,  W.  II.,  On  the  Genera  of  Chitons.  Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Museum,  1881,  vol. 
iv.- — Jlnhrecht,  A.  A.  IF.,  A  Contribution  to  the  Morphology  of  the  Ainj)]iiueura.  Quar.  Journ. 
Microscop.  See,  1882,  vol.  xxii.  [Bililiography,  pp.  226,  227.]— Ruchebrune,  A.  T.  de,  Mono- 
graphie  des  especes  fossiles  appartenant  a  la  des  Polyplaxiphores.  Ann.  Sci.  Gcol.  1883,  vol. 
xiv. — Pruvot,  O.,  Sur  I'organisation  de  quelques  Neomeniens  des  cotes  de  France.  Arch.  Zool. 
Expi-r.  et  GencT.  [2],  1891,  vol.  ix.  [Bibliography,  pp.  702,  7Q'3.]—Pilsbri/,  H.  A.,  Monograph  of 
the  Polyplacophora.  In  Tryon  and  Pilsbry's  Manual  of  Conchology,  vols.  xiv.  and  xv.,  1892-93. 
— Broili,  F.,  Die  Fauna  der  Pacliycardientuffe  der  Seiser  Alp.  II.  Scaphopoden  und  Gastropoden, 
Palaeoutogr. ,  1907,  vol.  liv. 


numerous,  occupying  the  groove  between  foot  and  girdle  ;  radula  present,  heterodont  ; 
sexes  separate. 

The  external  covering  in  the  Polyplacophora,  or  Chitons,  consists  of  eight 
valves  bound  together  by  an  encircling  flexible  band  called  the  girdle.  The 
anterior  or  head-plate  (Fig.  841,  ^-^j  below)  is  invariably  semicircular,  with  the 
apex  or  mucro  at  the  middle  of  the  straight  margin ;  the  six  succeeding  plates 
are  generally  square  (Fig.  842,  below),  with  the  apex  posterior  on  the  median 
line  ;  and  the  posterior  or  tail- valve  (Fig.  841,  ^)  is  semicircular  or  subcircular, 
with  apex  varying  in  position  from  in  front  of  the  middle  to  the  hind  margin. 
All  of  the  plates  are  composed  of  two  layers — an  outer  porous  layer,  the 
tegmentum,  and  an  inner  porcellanous  one,  the  articulamentum.  In  most  of  the 
lower  Chitons  these  layers  are  coextensive  and  have  smooth  edges ;  but  in 
the  higher  forms  the  articulamentum  projects  beyond  the  outer  layer  into  the 
substance  of  the  girdle,  in  Avhich  it  is  firmly  inserted.  These  projections  at 
the  outer  or  peripheral  margin  are  termed  insertion  plates.  They  are  generally 
slit  or  notched  into  so-called  "  teeth,"  which  may  be  either  smooth  and  sharp 
along  the  edge,  or  crenulated  {pectinated).  Insertion  plates  serve  the  function 
of  binding  the  valves  firmly  to  the  girdle. 

The  anterior  margin  of  each  valve  except  the  first  one  invariably  shows 
two  projections  of  the  articulamentum  called  sutural  laminae  (Figs.  841,  B, 
842),  which  pass  under  the  rear  margin  of  the  next  anterior  valve,  thus  pre- 
venting vertical  displacement  of  the  series.  The  tegmentum  is  traversed  by 
a  multitude  of  fine  canals  which  terminate  at  the  surface  in  minute  sense 
organs.  The  cavities  of  the  latter  in  dry  or  fossil  valves  are  visible  as  fine 
quincuncial  punctations.  In  the  highest  Chitons  a  certain  number  of  these 
sense  organs  have  become  enlarged  and  modified  into  eyes,  easily  recognised 
as  pigmented  dots  in  recent,  and  small  pits  in  fossil  specimens. 

Polyplacophora  make  their  appearance  as  early  as  the  Ordovician ;  they  are 
rare  in  the  Silurian  and  Devonian,  but  somewhat  more  abundant  in  the 
Carboniferous.  None  of  the  Paleozoic  genera  is  known  to  continue  into  the 
Mesozoic,  but  the  Eoplacophora  are  replaced  by  types  more  related  to  modern 
Chitons  {Mesoplacophora).  Members  of  the  most  specialised  suborder,  Teleo- 
placophora,  first  appear  in  the  Eocene,  although  they  doubtless  arose  earlier. 
About  twenty  Paleozoic,  five  or  six  Mesozoic,  and  fifty  Tertiary  species  have 
been  described.  Recent  forms  number  several  hundreds.  A  good  many 
species  supposed  to  be  Chitons  have  been  based  upon  barnacle  valves,  fish 
scales,  and  other  fragments.  The  recently  described  Duslia  insignis  Jahn  is 
apparently  a  Crustacean  ;  certainly  not  a  member  of  the  Polyplacophora. 

Three  suborders  are  recognised,  according  as  the  insertion  plates  are 
absent,  or  if  present,  unslit  (Eoplacophora)  ;  developed,  smooth,  and  slit  into 
teeth  (Mesoplacophora)  ;  or  both  slit  and  pectinated  (Teleoplacophora). 

Suborder  A.     EOPLACOPHORA  Pilsbry. 

Polyplacophora  with  the  tegmentum  coextensive  with  the  articulamentum,  or  with  the 
latter  projecting  in  smooth,  unslit  insertion  plates ;  gills  posterior. 

Family  1.  Gryphochitonidae  PiLsbry. 

Insertion  plates  absent,  sutural  laminae  small ;  one  or  both  end-valves  with  the 
terminal  margins  elevated;  form  elongated  and  narroiv.     Paleozoic. 




Helminthochiton   Salter.      Valves    tliin,    niucro   subcentral,    low ;    end-valves   not 
elevated  terminally.     Silurian. 

Priscochiton  Billings.      Similar  in  the  non-sinuous  liead-valve,  lait  beaks  of  the 
valves  greatly  produced  backwards.     Ordovician. 

Grijphochiton  Gray  (Fig.  841).     Elongated,  with  small  beaks  and  very  small  sutural 
laminae ;    terminal  margins   of   end-valves  strongly  elevated  ;    tail-valve    with   low, 

decurved  mucro  behind  the  middle.     Carboniferous. 
^  ''  Pterochiton   Carp.    {Anthracochiton   Rochebr.).      Elon- 

gated, the  valves  strongly  beaked  and  laterally  excavated  ; 
tail -valve  with  de2)ressed  post -median  mucro  and  no 
posterior  sinus,  anterior  valve  with  the  front  margin 
elevated,  sutui-al  laminae  large.     Carboniferous. 

Gymatochiton  Dall  {Protalochiton  Rochebr.).  Oval, 
elevated  and  granular,  the  valves  short  and  wide,  with 
small,  low  sutural  laminae  and  distinct  lateral  areas ; 
mucro  of  posterior  valve  post-median,  elevated.  Permian. 
Probolaeiim  Carp.  Elongated,  elevated  ;  valves  very 
strongly  beaked,  the  pleura  projecting  beyond  the  jugal 
tract ;  anterior  valve  sinuate  in  front,  posterior  valve 
unknown.      Devonian. 

Chonechiton  Carp.     Median  valves  as  in  Gryphochitoyi ; 
posterior    valve    with     the    mucro 
thrown  backward,  as  in  Grypto'plax. 
Somewhat   like   the    Recent    Lorica,   Init 

Fig.  S41. 

Gryphochiton  ju-iscHS  (Munst.). 
Carboniferous  ;  Tournay,  BRlgiuiii. 
A,  Anterior  and  three  intermediate 
valves.  B,  Posterior  valve,  ventral 
and  dorsal  aspects.     Vi- 

Loricites    Carp, 
without  insertion  plates.      Carboniferous. 

Family  2.     Lepidopleuridae  Pilsbry. 

Fig.  842. 

Lepidopleurus       virgifer 
(Sandb.).    Miocene ;   Wald- 

Insertion   plates   absent,   or   present   and    unslit ;    end-valves   biickeiheim,    near    Creuz- 

...  r,  .  7j7_f  ;  1.7  nacli,  Germany.    A  median 

With  the  terminal  margins  never  elevated ;  form  oval  or  oolong,    ^ud  a  posterior  valve,    '•^/i. 

Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Leindo'pleurus  Risso  {Lcptochiton  Gray)  (Fig.  842).  Small,  oval ;  insertion  plates 
entirely  absent,  sutural  laminae  small ;  girdle  minutely  scaly  or  chaffy.     Eocene  to 


Hanleyia  Gray.  Like  the  last,  except  that  the  anterior  valve  has  an  unslit  insertion 
plate,  and  the  girdle  is  spiculose.      Champlain  to  Recent. 

Hemiarthrum  Carp.  Both  anterior  and  posterior  valves  with  smooth  unslit 
insertion  plates,  the  others  lacking  them  ;  girdle  downy,  with  small  sutural  pores. 

Ghoriplax  Pils.  Valves  partly  immersed  in  the  minutely  granulose  girdle,  all  with 
thin,  smooth  insertion  plates.     Recent. 

Suborder  B.     MESOPLACOPHORA  Pilsbry. 

Insertion  plates  developed,  slit,  not  vertically  grooved  or  pectinated  outside. 

Family  1.      Ischnochitonidae   Pilsbry. 

Valves  having  the  inner  layer  ivell  covered  by  the  outer.  Surface  of  intermediate 
valves  divided  into  lateral  and  central  areas  by  a  diagonal  rib  {often  indistinct),  extending 
from  the  beak  to  each  anterior  aider  angle  of  tegmentum;  or  ivhen  this  is  not  clearly  the 
case,  the  posterior  valve  has  a  crescentic  series  of  wdl-developed  teeth ;  all  valves  with 
slits.      Eocene  to  Recent. 



Two  subdivisions  of  this  family  are  recognised,  according  as  the  anterior  and  side 
slits  correspond  in  position  with  ribs  on  the  external  surface  or  not.  Among  the 
genera  included  under  the  first  section  {Gallistoflacinae)  may  be  mentioned  the  follow- 
ing : — Gallistochiton,  Nuttcdina,  and  Callistoplax  Carpenter ;  Grasfcdochiton  Shuttle- 
worth  ;  and  Ceratozona  Dall.  Eepresentatives  of  the  second  subfamily  {Ischnochitoninae) 
are  as  follows  : — Schizoplax  Dall ;  Tonicella,  Trachydermon,  and  Dinoplax  Carpenter  ; 
Gallochiton  and  Ischnochiton  Gray  ;   Ghaetopleura  Shuttleworth. 

Family  2.     Mopaliidae  Pilsbry. 

Valves  externally  divided  typically  into  central  and  lateral  areas,  the  posterior  valve 
with  a  sinus  behind,  one  or  two  slits  on  each  side  of  it  or  none ;  intermediate  valves  each 
with  a  single  slit ;  teeth  smooth,  sharp,  often  ivith  thickened  edges  on  the  outside ;  girdle 
more  or  less  hairy.     Pleistocene  and  Recent. 

This  family  comprises  the  following  genera  : — Mopalia  and  Plaxiphora  Gray  ; 
Placiphorella  Carpenter  ;  and  Placophoropsis  Pilsbry. 

Family  3.     Acanthochitidae  Pilsbry. 

Valves  more  or  less  immersed  in  the  smooth  or  hairy  girdle,  the  tegmentum  therefore 
much  smaller  than  the  articulamentum ;  the  exposed  stirface  divided  into  a  narrow  dorsal 
and  wide  latero-pleural  areas,  the  latter  formed  by  the  union  of  the  lateral  and  pleural 
areas  of  typical  Ghiton^.  Insertion  teeth  sharp,  rarely  smooth;  posterior  valve  either 
slit  like  the  head-valve,  or  having  a.  posterior  sinus ;  head-valve  usually  with  five  slits, 
intermediate  valves  singly  slit.     Body  never  vermiform.     Pliocene  to  Recent. 

The  following  representatives  are  to  be  cited  : — Acanthochites  Risso  ;  Spongiochiton 
Carpenter  ;  Katharina  and  Amicula  Gray ;   Gryptochiton  Midd.  and  Gray. 

Family  4.     Cryptoplacidae  Dall. 

Elongated  or  vermiform  Ghitons  loith  small  valves;  insertion  and  sutural  plates 
strongly  drawn  forward,  sharp  and  smooth ;  the  anterior  valve  ivith  three  to  Jive  slits,  the 
others  with  one  slit  on  each  side,  or  none;  tail-valve  having  the  miicro  far  posterior, 
insertion  plate  continuous  behind ;  girdle  very  thick  and  wide. 

This  is  a  highly  specialised  branch  of  a  low  group  of  Chitons,  unknown  in  the 
foasil  state.  Gryptoplax  Blainville  {Ghitonellus  Lam.),  and  Ghoneplax  Carpenter,  are 

Suborder  C.     TELEOPLACOPHORA  Pilsbry. 

All  valves,  or  the  first  seven,  with  insertion  plates  cut  into  teeth  by  slits;  the  teeth 
sharply  sculptured  {pectinated)  outside  by  fine  vertical  grooves. 

Family  1.     Chitonidae  Pilsbry. 
Gharacters  those  of  the  suborder.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

The  family  is  illustrated  ])y  the  following  genera,  of  which  only  the  first  two  occur  in 
the  fossil  condition  : — Ghiton  Linne  ;  Trachyodon  Dall ;  Eudoxochiton  Shuttleworth  ; 
Tonicia,  Schizochiton,  Enoplochiton  and  Onithochiton  Gray  ;  Acanthoplcura  Guilding  ; 
Lorica  Adams  ;  Loricella  and  -Liolophura  Pilsbry. 

VOL.  I  2  L 

514  MOLLUSC  A  phylum  yi 

Class  4.    GASTROPODA.     SnailsJ 

MoUuslcs  ivith  distinct  head,  soled  or  more  rarely  Jin-like  foot,  and  undivided 
mantle,  which  latter  usually  secretes  a  univalve,  sjnrally  wound,  or  saucer-shaped  shell. 

Gastropods  differ  from  Pelecypods  in  having  a  more  or  less  distinctly 
marked  head,  which  usually  bears  tentacles,  eyes,  and  ears,  and  contains  a 
large  cerebral  ganglion.  The  ventral  aspect  of  the  creature  is  commonly 
formed  by  a  broad  foot ;  but  in  the  Heteropoda  this  is  modified  into  a  vertical, 
laterally  compressed  fin  ;  and  in  the  Pteropoda  it  is  represented  by  two  wing- 
like swimming  membranes  near  the  head.     The  base  of  the  foot  is  sometimes 

^  Literature  (see  also  under  head  of  Mollusca,  antea) :  Ihering,  H.  v.,  Vergleiclieiide  Anatomie 
des  Nervei) systems  iiud  Phylogeuie  der  MoUusken.  Leipsic,  1877. — Koken,  E.,  Uber  die  Eut- 
wickelung  der  Gastropoden  vom  Kambrium  bis  zur  Trias.  Neues  Jahrb.  f.  Mineral.,  1889,  supplem. 
vol.  vi. — Quenstedt,  F.  A.,  Petrefaktenkuude  Deutsclilands.  Gastropoden,  vol.  vi.,  1881. — Simroth, 
H.,  Gastropoda,  in  Broun's  Klasseu  uud  Ordnungen  des  Tien-eichs,  1896. — Troschel,  H.,  Das 
Gebiss  der  Sclmecken,  zur  Begriindung  einer  natiirlichen  Classification,  vols,  i.,  ii.  Berlin,  1856-78. 

A.  On  Paleozoic  Forms. — Billings,  E.,  Palaeozoic  Fossils.  Geol.  Surv.  Canada,  1865-74,  vols,  i., 
ii. — Jakoialeiu,  V.,  Die  Fauna  eiuiger  oberpaliiozoischer  Ablagerungen  Russlands.  Mem.  Coniite 
Geol.,  1899,  vol.  XV.,  No.  3. — Koken,  E.,  Die  Gastropoden  des  baltischen  Untersilurs.  Bull.  Acad. 
Imp.  Sci.  St.  Petersb.,  1897,  vol.  vii..  No.  2. — Koninck,  L.  G.  de,  Faune  du  calcaire  carbonifere 
de  la  Belgique.  Ann.  Mus.  d'Hist.  Nat.  Belg.,  1882-85,  vol.  vi. — LindstrlJm,  G.,  On  the  Silurian 
Gastropoda  and  Pteropoda  of  Gotland.  K.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl.,  1884,  vol.  xix. 
— Perner,  J.,  Gasteropodes,  in  Barrande's  Systeme  silurien  du  centre  de  la  BohOme,  vol.  iv. 
Prague,  1903-7. — Salter,  J.  W.,  Catalogue  of  the  collection  of  Cambrian  and  Silurian  fossils  in 
the  Museum  of  Cambridge,  1873. — Spitz,  A.,  Die  Gastropoden  des  karnischen  Unterdevon.  Beitriige 
Pal.  nnd  Geol.  Osterr.-Ung.,  etc.,  1907,  vol.  xx.  —  Ulrich,  E.  0.,  and  Scqfield,  W.,  The  Lower 
Silurian  Gastropods  of  Minnesota.      Rept.  Geol.  and  Nat.  Hist.  Surv.  Minn.,  1897,  vol.  iii.,  pt.  2. 

B.  On  Mesozoic  Forms. — Ahlbiirg,  J.,  Die  Trias  im  s.  Oberschlesien.  Abhandl.  Preuss.  Geol. 
Landesanst.  n.  Bergakad.,  1906,  n.s..  Heft  50. — Bijhm,  J.,  Die  Gastropoden  des  Marmolatakalkes. 
Paliiontogr.,  1895,  vol.  xlii. — Brosamlen,  R.,  Beitrag  zur  Kenutuis  der  Gastropoden  des  schwiibischen 
Jura.  Paliiontogr.,  1909,  vol.  Ivi. — De^iingei;  K.,  Die  Gastropoden  der  siichsischen  Kreideformation. 
Beitrage  Pal.  und  Geol.  Osterr.-Ung.,  etc.,  1905,  vol.  xviii. — Haberle',  D.,  Paliiontologische  Unter- 
suchungen  triadischer  Gastropoden  ans  dem  Gebiet  von  Predazzo.  Verhandl.  Naturh.  Med.  Vereins. 
Heidelberg,  1 908,  n.s.,  vol.  ix.  — Iludlcston.  W.  //.,  A  Monograph  of  the  British  Jurassic  Gasteropoda. 
Paliiontogr.  Soc,  1887-94. — Kanjilinven,  F.,  Die  Gastropoden  der  Mitstricher  Kreide.  Paliiont. 
Abhandl.,  1897,  n.s.,  vol.  iv.  (viii.). — Koken,  E.,  Die  Gastropoden  der  Trias  um  Hallstadt.  Jalirb. 
Geol.  Reichs-Anst.  Wien,  1897,  vol.  xlvi.,  and  Abhandl.,  vol.  xvii. — Morris,  J.,  and  Lycett,  J., 
Mollusca  from  the  Great  Oolite  :  Univalves.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1850. — d'Orbigny,  A.,  Paleontologie 
fran(;aise.  Terrains  jurassiques  ii.  et  iii.,  1850-82.  Terrains  cretaces  ii.,  1842-3. — Picard,  E., 
Beitrag  zur  Keuntnis  der  Glossophoren  der  mitteldeutschen  Trias.  Jahrb.  Preuss.  Landesanst., 
1901,  vol.  xxv. — Stolii'zka,  F.,  Cretaceous  Fauna  of  Southern  India.  Gastropoda,  vol.  ii.  Mem. 
Geol.  Surv.  East  India,  1808. — Zittel,  K.  A.,  Die  Gastropoden  der  Stramherger  Schichten.  Mitt. 
Mus.  Bayer.  Staates,  1873,  vol.  ii.,  pt.  iii. 

C.  On  Tertiary  Forms. — Beyrich,  E.,  Die  Couch ylien  des  norddeutschen  Tertiiirgebirges. 
Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1853-6,  vols,  v.,  vi.,  viii. — Cossmann,  M.,  MoUusqiies  eoceniqnes 
de  la  Loire-Inferieure,  i.  and  ii.  Bull.  Soc.  Sci.  Nat.  Quest  Nantes,  vols,  vii.-ix.,  1895-1901. 
Contribiition  .a  la  paleontologie  franeaise  des  terrains  jurassiques.  Mem.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  1895, 
1898,  Mem.  Nos.  14  and  19.  Essais  de  pah'outologie  comparee,  i.-iv.  Paris,  1895-1904. — Cossmann, 
M.,  and  Pissarro,  G.,  Faune  eocenique  du  Cotentin.  Bull.  Soc.  Geol.  Normandie,  1900-2,  vols,  xix.- 
xxi. — Dall,  W.  H.,  Contributions  to  the  Tertiary  Fauna  of  Florida.  Trans.  Wagner  Free  Inst.  Sci., 
1895-97,  vols,  iii.,  v. — Harris,  G.  F.,  The  Australasian  Tertiary  Mollusca.  Cat.  Tert.  Mollusca 
Brit.  Mus.,  pt.  i.,  1897. — Hoernes,  R.,  and  Aninger,  M.,  Die  Gastropoden  der  Meeresablagerungen 
der  ersteu  und  zweiten  Mediterranstufe.  Vienna,  1879-91. — Martin,  K.,  Die  Fossilien  von  Java. 
Samml.  Geol.  lleichsmus.  Leiden,  1895-99,  n.s.,  vol.  i.,  pts.  2-10. — Newton,  R.  B.,  Systematic  List 
of  British  Oligocene  and  Eocene  Mollusca,  1891. — Philipj^i,  R.  A.,  Die  tertiiiren  und  quartiiiren 
Versteineruugen  Chiles.  Leipsic,  1887.  —  Sandberger,  F.,  Land-  und  Siisswasserconchylien  der 
Vorvvelt.  Wiesbaden,  1870. —  Vinassa  de  Regny,  P.  E.,  Synopsis  dei  molluschi  terziari  delle  Alpe 
venete.  Palaeontogr.  Italica,  1896-97,  vols,  i.,  ii. —  Wood,  E.,  Tlie  Phylogeny  of  certain  Cerithiidae. 
Ann.  N.Y.  Acad.  Sci.,  1910,  vol.  xx. — Grufiaii,  A.  W.,  Studies  of  Gastropoda.  Amer., 
1902-3,  vols,  xxxvi.,  xxxvii. — Phylogeny  of  Fusus.     Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.,  1904. 


of  considerable  size,  and  in  some  forms  (Strombidae)  the  animal  is  enabled  to 
spring  quite  a  distance  by  contracting  the  foot.  The  mantle  lobe  is  elevated 
along  the  back  like  a  hood,  extending  as  far  as  the  head,  and  usually  secretes 
a  shell  from  its  outer  surface.  The  shell  (which  may  be  wanting  or  obsoles- 
cent in  the  adult)  covers  the  intestinal  sac  and  lung-cavity,  and  usually  permits 
of  retraction  into  it  of  the  entire  body  of  the  animal.  Body  and  shell  are 
united  by  muscular  attachment ;  in  spiral  shells  the  muscle  is  fastened  to  the 
columella,  but  in  bowl-shaped  forms  to  the  inner  surface  of  the  shell. 

The  nervous  system  consists  of  two  cerebral  ganglia,  the  paired  pedal  and 
visceral  ganglia,  and  two  or  three  additional  pairs,  all  of  which  are  united  by 
commissures.  A  complete  crossing  of  the  commissures  of  the  visceral  ganglia 
sometimes  takes  place  (Chiastoneura),  but  in  other  forms  they  run  parallel 

The  peculiar  armature  of  the  mouth,  although  developed  in  all  classes  of 
Mollusks  except  Pelecypods,  is  especially  characteristic  of  Gastropods.  This 
consists  of  one  or  more  horny  plates  on  the  anterior  upper  margin  of  the 
oesophagus,  opposed  to  which  is  a  chitinous  grating,  strap  or  radula,  resting 
upon  the  tongue  or  odontophore.  The  tongue  itself  is  merely  a  swelling  at 
the  bottom  of  the  buccal  cavity.  The  radula  is  usually  quite  long,  and  is 
beset  with  innumerable  small  teeth  or  hooks,  placed  in  transverse  and 
longitudinal  rows,  and  exceedingly  constant  in  form  throughout  the  several 
groups.  The  characters  of  the  radula  among  the  different  groups  were 
therefore  advantageously  employed  by  Loven  and  Troschel  as  a  basis  of 

The  oesophagus  conducts  into  a  long,  coiled,  intestinal  canal,  which  is 
surrounded  by  a  large  liver,  the  kidneys,  and  numerous  glands.  The  intestine 
ends  in  an  anal  opening  placed  anteriorly.  The  heart,  as  a  rule,  has  one 
auricle  (Montocardia),  more  rarely  two  (Diofocardia),  and  serves  as  a  central 
organ  for  the  supply  of  a  much  branched  system  of  blood-vessels.  When  the 
gills  or  lungs  are  placed  in  front  of  the  heart  (Prosobranchia,  Pidmonata),  the 
auricles  are  antex'ior  to  the  ventricle ;  but  when  placed  behind  the  heart 
{Opisfhobranchia,  Pteropoda)  the  aiu-icle  is  posterior. 

Only  a  few  Gastropods  breathe  through  the  general  surface  of  the  body, 
and  are  without  distinct  organs  of  respiration ;  the  vast  majority  possess  gills 
or  lungs.  The  gills  are  lamellar  or  tuft-like,  sometimes  branched  or  feathered 
lobes  of  the  integument,  and  are  usually  placed  in  the  gill-cavity  below  the 
mantle  ;  more  rarely  they  project  freely  on  the  back  or  at  the  sides.  Only 
exceptionally  are  they  present  in  large  numbers  and  symmetrically  developed  ; 
and  when  so  disposed  they  are  always  secondary  structures  not  homologous 
with  the  normal  ctenidia.  Typically  there  are  two  gills,  but  the  left  usually 
becomes  completely  atrophied,  and  the  right  takes  up  a  median  position,  con- 
sequent upon  the  torsion  of  the  body,  or  even  migrates  over  to  the  left  side. 
Air-breathing  snails  have  the  gills  replaced  by  a  sac-like  cavity,  the  lung 
occupying  the  place  of  the  gill-cavity.  The  walls  of  this  respiratory  cavity 
are  covered  with  a  finely  branched  network  of  blood-vessels.  The  Ampul- 
lariidae  and  Siphonariidae  possess  both  gills  and  lungs.  The  opening  of  the 
respiratory  cavity  is  reduced  to  a  round  or  crescentic  aperture,  called  the 
breathing  pore.  The  sides  of  this  pore,  in  operculated  snails,  are  often  pro- 
duced outwards,  so  as  to  form  a  closed  or  cleft  tube,  corresponding  with  which 
there  is  frequently  a  canal-like  process  of  the  shell. 

516  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Gastropods  are  remarkable  for  the  extreme  diiferentiation  of  their  repro- 
ductive organs.  The  sexes  are  distinct  in  the  Prosohranchia  and  Heteropoda, 
but  united  in  the  Opisthobranchiata,  Pteropoda  and  Pidmonata.  The  ovarian 
and  seminal  ducts  of  hermaphrodites  sometimes  open  into  a  common  cloaca, 
or  they  may  terminate  in  separate  openings. 

The  shell,  as  has  already  been  remarked,  is  secreted  by  the  mantle,  and  is 
limited  in  form  and  size  by  the  configuration  of  the  intestinal  sac.  It  is 
composed  of  a  chitinous  substance  (conchiolin)  infiltrated  with  lime  carbonate, 
or  exceptionally  with  sulphate  of  lime  in  small  quantities.  Shell  characters 
ai-e  of  great  importance  in  distinguishing  genera  and  species,  but  their  value 
in  classifying  larger  groups  is  comparatively  slight,  owing  to  the  fact  that 
very  similar  shells  are  often  developed  among  forms  which  differ  widely  in 
their  general  organisation.  Two  forms  of  shell-habit  occur,  the  symmetrical 
and  the  spiral.  The  first  are  flat,  conical  or  saucer-shaped,  and  characterise 
only  a  few  groups  (Cyclobranchia,  Aspidohranchia,  Pidmonata).  Transition 
forms  between  the  symmetrical  and  spiral  are  to  be  observed  in  conical  shells 
with  slightly  inrolled  beaks.  Exceptional  forms  of  the  spiral  shell  are  seen 
in  Vermetus,  which  is  irregularly  coiled,  and  in  Planorhis,  Bellcrophon  and 
Jtlanta,  coiled  in  one  plane  (discoidal).  Usually  the  shell  forms  a  screw-like 
spiral,  and  rests  upon  the  back  of  the  creature  in  such  a  way  that  the  apex  is 
directed  upward  and  backward,  the  aperture  forward  and  downward.  Holding 
the  shell  upright  so  that  the  apex  is  above,  and  the  aperture  below,  facing 
the  observer,  it  is  said  to  be  right-handed  or  dextral  when  the  opening  is  on 
the  right  side,  and  left-handed  or  sinistral  when  on  the  left  side.  By  far  the 
larger  number  of  Gastropods  are  dextral ;  but  a  few  (Clausilia,  Physa,  Spinalis) 
are  normally  sinistral.  Right-handed  individuals  of  normally  left-handed 
genera,  as  well  as  pathologic  sinistral  individuals  of  normally  right-handed 
forms,  are  occasionally  met  with. 

In  drawing  and  describing  Gastropod  shells,  the  apex  is  ordinarily  directed 
upward,  so  that  the  right-  or  left-handedness  may  be  seen  at  a  glance.  It  is 
also  customary  to  employ  the  terms  above  and  below  in  the  same  sense  as 
posterior  and  anterior.  The  height  or  length  of  the  shell  is  measured  by  a 
line  drawn  from  the  apex  to  the  lower  margin  of  the  aperture. 

The  shell  is  to  be  considered  as  a  more  or  less  rapidly  widening  cone, 
which  is  wound  either  around  an  axial  pillar,  called  the  columella,  or  about  a 
central  tubular  cavity.  Each  coil  of  the  tube  is  termed  a  tvhorl,  and  all  the 
whorls  except  the  last  one  form  together  the  spire.  The  last  or  body  whorl 
is  often  very  much  larger  than  the  preceding ;  its  lower,  sometimes  flattened 
surface  is  called  the  base.  As  a  rule,  the  whorls  are  in  contact  with  each 
other,  each  in  succession  either  partly  or  entirely  covering  the  preceding ;  but 
in  rare  cases  they  form  a  loose  spiral,  in  which  the  whorls  are  separated  from 
one  another.  The  spire  is  said  to  be  convolute  when  the  later  whorls 
entirely  conceal  the  earlier  ones,  as  in  Cypraea.  The  line  between  two  con- 
tiguous whorls  is  known  as  the  suture.  According  to  the  manner  of  inrolling, 
various  shell  contours  are  produced,  requiring  numerous  descriptive  names, 
such  as  conical,  auriform,  turbinate,  fusiform,  cylindrical,  spherical,  oval, 
pyramidal,  etc. 

When  the  inner  parts  of  the  whorls  coalesce  to  form  a  columella,  the  shell 
is  said  to  be  imperforate  ;  it  is  pierforate  when  they  do  not  so  coalesce,  but 
leave  a  central  tubular  cavity  instead.     The  opening  of  this  perforation  below. 






in  the  centre  of  the  base,  is  designated  the  umbilicus.  A  true  umbilicus 
reaches  to  the  apex  of  the  shell ;  when  confined  to  the  last  whorl  only,  it  is 
called  a  false  umbilicus.  An  umbilical  fissure  is  sometimes  produced  through 
a  partial  covering  of  the  umbilicus  by  the  reflected  inner  lip,  or  by  a  shelly 
growth  termed  the  callus. 

The  aperture  is  variable  in  form,  being  most  commonly  oval,  rounded, 
crescentic  or  half-round,  but  is  sometimes  contracted  or  even  fissure-like.  Its 
margin  is  called  the  peristome,  the  outer  part  of  which  forms  the  outer  lip,  and 
the  part  next  the  columella  the  inner  lip.  Some  shells  have  a  continuous, 
uninterrupted  peristome,  but  as  a  rule  the  inner  and  outer  lips  are  discon- 
nected. The  aperture  is  said  to  be  entire  when 
rounded  anteriorly  (inferiorly),  as  in  the  Holosto- 
mata  ;  it  is  channelled  when  a  basal  notch  or 
canal,  caused  by  an  inbending  of  the  margin 
next  the  base  of  the  columella,  is  developed. 
This  anterior  canal  serves  for  the  lodgment  of 
the  siphon,  as  the  tube  is  called  which  conducts 
water  to  the  gills  ;  it  may  be  either  straight  or 
recurved,  and  in  the  Siphonostomata  it  is  greatly 
produced,  sometimes  even  exceeding  the  aper- 
ture in  length.  The  outer  lip  may  be  entire  or 
incised,  thin  and  sharp  or  thickened,  curved 
outward  (reflected)  or  inward  (inflected),  even 
or  crenulated,  or  it  may  be  produced  into  alar 
or  finger-like  processes.  It  is  sometimes  chan- 
nelled by  a  canal  at  the  posterior  border,  in 
which  the  anal  or  excurrent  canal  is  placed. 
The  upper  or  posterior  portion  of  the  inner 
margin  is  commonly  designated  as  the  parietal 
wall,  in  contradistinction  from  the  lower  or 
columellar  portion.  The  inner  lip  is  formed 
either  by  the  wall  of  the  penultimate  whorl,  or 
by  a  calcareous  callus ;  like  the  outer  lip  and 
columella,  it  may  bear  spiral  folds,  which  in 
some  cases  extend  backward  as  far  as  the 
apex  (Fig.  843),  but  sometimes  are  progres- 
sively absorbed  internally. 

The  external  ornamentation  usually  consists  of  impressed  lines  or  grooves, 
or  of  elevated  ridges,  ribs,  folds,  nodes,  spines  and  the  like.  The  markings 
are  called  spiral  when  they  run  parallel  with  the  suture,  and  axictl  or 
longitudinal  when  they  meet  the  suture  at  right  angles  or  obliquely.  Many 
Gastropods  are  brilliantly  coloured  ;  some  have  a  smooth  or  rough,  and  others 
a  velvety  or  hairy  epidermis.  The  fossilisation  process  is  usually  destructive 
not  only  of  the  epidermis,  but  of  the  coloration  as  well. 

The  essential  constituent  of  univalve  shells  is  aragonite,  which  usually 
forms  a  homogeneous,  porcelain-like  layer.  Many  families  have  in  addition 
to  this  an  inner  nacreous  layer,  which  is  made  up  of  alternating  strata  of 
conchiolin  and  calcium  carbonate,  running  parallel  with  the  inner  surface  of 
the  shell.  The  porcellanous  material  is  composed  of  three  distinct  layers, 
each  of  which  is  made  up  of  thin  laminae,  and  the  laminae  in  turn  of  very 


Fio.  843. 

Mitra  episcojialis  Linn.  View  of  shell 
sawed  through  longitudinally,  showing 
columella  with  folds. 

518  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

small  oblique  prisms.     The  laminae  of  the  middle  layer  are  disposed  at  right 
angles  to  those  of  the  adjacent  layers. 

Many  Gastropods  have  a  calcareous  or  horny  plate,  called  the  operculum, 
attached  to  the  posterior  part  of  the  foot,  and  serving  to  close  the  aperture 
more  or  less  completely  Avhen  the  animal  withdraws  into  its  shell.  Being 
most  commonly  of  corneous  nature,  it  is  seldom  preserved  fossil ;  sometimes, 
however,  it  is  calcareous,  and  may  attain  considerable  size  and  thickness.  On 
the  outer  surface  it  may  be  smooth,  furrowed,  granulated  or  covered  with 
excrescences.  The  nucleus  or  initial  point  of  growth  is  sometimes  central,  or 
may  be  eccentric  or  even  marginal  in  position  ;  it  may  be  surrounded  by  con- 
centric markings,  or  form  the  origin  of  a  spiral  consisting  of  few  (paucispiral) 
or  many  (multispiral)  whorls.  Certain  Solariidae  have  a  conical  operculum, 
which  is  covered  externally  with  numerous  spiral  lamellae. 

The  embryonic  stages  of  Gastropods  are  usually  completed  in  the  egg- 
capsule.  Early  in  its  development  the  embryo  forms  a  small  shell,  the  proto- 
concliy  which  consists  sometimes  of  several  whorls,  and  not  infrequently  differs 
in  form  from  the  shell  of  the  adult.  The  protoconch  remains  attached 
to  the  apex  for  a  time,  in  the  form  of  a  small  glistening  knob,  or  a  short 
smooth  spire,  which  occasionally  stands  at  an  angle  to  the  rest  of  the  shell,  or 
is  even  twisted  in  a  contrary  direction  (heterostrophic).  Should  the  protoconch 
become  decollated,  a  small  calcareous  plate  closes  over  the  apex  of  the  spire. 

All  branchiate  Gastropods  are  aqueous  in  habitat,  but  there  are  some 
forms  having  a  lung-cavity  which  live  permanently  in  fresh  water  (Lymnaeidae), 
and  others  which  are  exclusively  marine  (Siphonariidae).  The  greater  number 
of  Gastropods,  especially  the  large  and  solid  forms,  frequent  the  coast-line, 
and  inhabit  comparatively  shallow  water.  Some  become  attached  to  rocks 
and  plants,  others  burrow  in  sand  or  mud.  A  great  reduction  in  the  Gastropod 
fauna  is  noticed  at  a  depth  of  between  70  and  100  metres,  but  many  genera 
(Pleurotoma,  Fusus,  Natica,  Odosfomia,  Eulima,  Scissurella,  Turbo,  Cylichna, 
Tornatina,  Actaeon,  etc.)  persist  into  the  greatest  depths  yet  explored.  Most 
marine  Gastropods  are  killed  by  removal  into  fresh  water  ;  a  few  genera, 
however,  are  able  to  maintain  their  existence  in  brackish  or  in  fresh  water 
(Cerithium,  Littorina,  Eissoa,  Trochus,  Purpura,  etc.).  On  the  other  hand,  many 
fresh-water  forms  {Melania,  Melanopsis,  Neritina,  Ampullaria,  Lymnaea,  Planorhis) 
can  survive  in  brackish  or  even  strong  salt  water.  There  are  also  large 
numbers  of  terrestrial  Gastropods,  especially  in  tropical  regions. 

Most  Gastropods  are  herbivorous,  but  a  few  subsist  upon  living  or  decom- 
posed animal  food.  Many  genera  {Natica,  Buccinum,  Murex)  perforate  the 
shells  of  other  Mollusks  with  their  radula,  and  extract  the  contents. 

Classification. — Ordinal  divisions  have  been  based  since  the  time  of  Cuvier 
and  Milne  Edwards  upon  the  respiratory  organs,  and  the  structure  of  the  foot 
(whether  adapted  for  swimming  or  crawling).  The  reproductive  organs,  and 
the  structure  of  the  heart  and  nervous  system,  are  also  of  prime  importance. 
For  separating  smaller  groups,  shell  characters  and  the  radula  are  largely 
employed.  Gastropods  may  be  diA-ided  into  two  subclasses :  Streptoneura, 
with  the  orders  Ctenohranchiafa  and  Aspidohranchia ;  and  Euthyneura,  with 
the  orders  Opisthobranchia  and  Pulmonata. 



Subclass  1.     STREPTONEURA  Spengel. 

(Prosobranchia  Cuvier ;  Cochlides  von  Ihering.) 

Gastrofods  in  which  the  visceral  commissures  are  crossed,  'producing  an  S-shaped 
loop ;  sexes  separate  ;  heart  behind  the  gill ;  a  shell  almost  always  developed,  and 
with  few  exceptions  provided  with  an  operculum. 

The  Streptoneura,  or  Prosobranchiates  as  they  are  often  called,  constitute  by 
far  the  largest  group  of  Gastropods,  and  comprise  at  least  20,000  living  and 
fossil  species.  The  shell  is  usually  spiral,  .more  rarely  symmetrical,  saucer- 
shaped  or  conical.  The  intestinal  sac  is  twisted  from  left  to  right,  so  that 
the  anal  opening  is  placed  on  the  right  side  near  the  head,  and  the  organs 
normally  belonging  to  the  right  side  (kidneys  and  gills)  migrate  over  to  the 
left.  As  a  rule,  one  only  (the  right)  of  the  lamellar  gills  is  fully  developed, 
but  in  some  cases  the  two  are  of  equal  size.  The  gill  veins  enter  anteriorly 
into  the  single  or  double-auricled  heart. 

The  large  number  of  Prosobranchiates  have  been  variously  classified. 
Cuvier,  Milne  Edwards,  and  most  of  the  older  zoologists  laid  emphasis  upon 
the  number  and  formation  of  the  gills  ;  Troschel  and  Loven  upon  the  char- 
acters of  the  radula  ;  von  Ihering  upon  the  nervous  system  ;  Morch  and  more 
recently  Perrier  and  Bouvier  upon  the  structure  of  the  heart.  As  none  of 
these  characters  leave  a  marked  impress  upon  the  shell,  they  are  without 
practical  value  in  Paleontology.  Nevertheless,  the  two  orders  Aspidohranchia 
and  Cfenobranchia  form  natural  groups,  and  are  recognised,  albeit  under 
different  names,  in  all  classificatory  systems. 

Order  1.     ASPIDOBRANCHIA  Schweigger. 

(Gyclobranchia  and  Scutibrancliia  Cuvier.) 

Nervous  system  not  much  concentrated  anteriorly ;  a  penis  generally  absent ;  radula, 

This  group  includes  most  Paleozoic  Gastropods,  and  is  regarded  as  the  most 
primitive  expression  of  the  class.  The  nervous  system  and  radula  are  of  low,  decidedly 
generalised  type,  and  in  some  families  two  symmetrical  ctenidia  or  gills  are  developed, 
as  in  Pelecypods. 

Suborder  A.     DOCOGLOSSA   Troschel.     Limpets. 

{Gyclobranchia  pars  Cuvier  ;  Heterocardia  Perrier.) 

Symmetrical,  icith  conic  or  bowl-shaped  non-spiral  shells,  or  ivith  spiral  shells  coiled 
in  the  same  plane ;  operculum  wanting.  Organs  of  resjnration  represented  either  by  a 
ring  of  laminae  {secondary  or  pallicd  gills)  beneath  the  mantle  margin,  or  by  a  comb- 
shaped  true  gill  in  front,  anterior  to  the  heart,  or  by  both  true  and  secondary  gills. 
Tongue  set  with  peculiar  modified  teeth.  Heart  with  one  auricle.  Marine.  Cambrian 
to  Eecent. 

The  impression  of  the  adductor  muscle  in  the  shell  cavity  is  horseshoe-shaped, 
open  in  front.  In  the  family  Tryblidiidae,  the  horse-shoe  is  broken  into  numerous 
separate  impressions.  The  three  families  Patellidae,  Acmaeidae  and  Lepetidae  have 
the  impression  uninterrupted,  and  are  distinguished  by  the  structure  of  the  gills.    The 




shells  themselves  exhibit  little  variation  in  form,  and  hence  their 

generic  and 


family  affinities  are  almost  always  doubtful  in  the  fossil  state.  About  400  Recent 
species  of  limpets  are  known  ;  these  are  almost  exclusively  shallow  water  inhabitants, 
and  subsist  on  algae.      Fossil  forms  are  uncommon. 

In  this  very  primitive  group  two  divisions  have  been  proposed  by  Ulrich  and 
Scofield  :  (1)  the  Patellacea,  which  embraces  the  first  three  families  noted  below ;  and 
(2)  the  Belleropho7itacea,  including  the  remaining  five  families.  The  latter  groujj  by 
Meek  was  regarded  as  involute  Fissurellidae,  a  view  which  is  not  without  plausibility. 

Family  1.     Patellidae  Carpenter. 

Patella  Linn.  Cup-shaped,  round  or  oval,  depressed  conical,  with  sub-central  or 
eccentric  apex.      Surface  usually  with  radiating  ribs  or  striae.     Silurian  to  Recent. 

Helcion  Montf.  Differs  in  having  the  beak  strongly  recurved  anteriorly.  Eocene 
to  Recent. 

Helcioniscus  Dall ;  Nacella  Schum.     Recent. 

Family  2.     Acmaeidae  Dall. 

Acmaea  Eschscholtz  {Tectura  auct.)  (Fig.  844,  B).  Like  Patella,  Ijut  shell  having 
generally  a  differentiated  marginal  band  inside ;  externally  smooth,  finely  striated,  or 
radially  ribbed.  Beak  anterior  to  the  middle.  Silurian  to  Recent.  Lottia  Gray  is 
closely  allied. 

Scurria  Gray  (Fig.  844,  C).  High  conical,  smooth,  with  sub-central  beak.  Jura 
to  Recent. 


A,  Ai-chinac.ellaciwjidataVlT.  Ordovician  ;  Kentucky.  B,  Aciiuwa  TainvourUV>6s\\.  Eocene;  Anvers,  near 
Paris.  C,  l$curria  nitida  Deslongcli.  Upper  Jura  ;  Langrune,  Calvados,  i/j.  D,  Helcionopsis  striata  Ulr. 
Ordovician  ;  Kentucky. 

Metoptoma  Phil.  Depressed  conical  with  sub-central  beak.  Posterior  side  exca- 
vated.    Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Lepetopsis  Whitf.     Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

The  genera,  Palaeacmaea  Hall;  Archinacella  Ulrich  and  Scofield  (Fig.  844,^);  and 
Scenella  Billings  are  the  oldest  representatives  of  the  Bocoglossa.  They  are  small, 
smooth  or  radially  ornamented,  and  scarcely  to  be  distinguished  from  Acmaea. 
Lepeta  Gray  and  Lepetella  Verrill  are  small  simple  limpets  of  the  Recent  and  late 
Tertiary,  with  degenerate,  aborted  gills.      They  form  the  family  Lepetidae. 

Helcionopsis  Ulr.  and  Scof.  (Fig.  844,  D),  and  Gonchopeltis  Walcott,  from  the 
Ordovician  of  North  America,  are  doubtfully  referred  to  this  vicinity. 

Family  3.     Tryblidiidae   Pilsbry. 
Limpets  ivith  the  muscle  scar  broken  into  numerous  separate  impressions.     Silurian. 




Tryhlidium  Lindstrom  (Fig.  845).      Shell  depressed,  very  thick,  oval,  with  anterior 
beak  ;    ornamented  externally  with  concentric  lamellae.      Six  pairs  of  muscle  scars 

arranged  in  the  form  of  a  hoise-shoe. 

Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Family  4.     Cyrtolitidae  UMch  and 

Symmetrical,  involute  shells  with  two  or 
three  volutions,  barely  in  contact,  sharply 
angular  dorsally ;  aiierture  not  expanded,  the 
sinus  V-shaped,  never  deep,  sometimes  want- 
ing ;  slit  absent ;  surface  reticulate.  Ordo- 
vician and  Silurian. 

Gyrtolites  Conrad  (Fig.  846,  A,  B).  Shell 
carinated  on  the  back  and  often  on  the 
sides,  giving  a  sub-quadrate  cross  section  ;  no 
slit  band. 

Cyrtolitina  Ulrich.  Small  thin  shells 
with  a  slit  band. 

Microceras  Hall. 


Pig.  845. 

Tri/blUUum  reticukttum  Lindstrom.  Silurian; 
Gotland.  .4,  Internal,  and  li,  external  aspect 
(after  Lindstriim). 


Fig.  846. 

A,  B,  Cyrtolites  ornatas  Conrad.     Ordovician  of  Boonville,  New  York,  and  Cincinnati,  Ohio.     C-E,  SinuUes 

rancellatus  (Hall).     Ordovician  of  Minnesota. 

Family  5.      Sinuitidae,  novum.     (Protmvarthiidae  Ulr.  and  Scof.). 

Symmetrical,   involute  shells  with  aperture  not  abruptly  expanded ;    outer  lip  and 
lines  of  growth  loith  a  broad  or  narrow  dorsal  sinus ;  slit  and  band  wanting. 

Sinuites  Koken  (Protowarthia  U.  and  S.)  (Fig.   846,   C-E).     Aperture  large  with 
outer  lip  bilobate  ;  dorsum  convex  ;  umbilicus  closed.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 
Bucanella  Meek.     Dorsum  of  shell  trilobate  ;  umbilicus  large.      Silurian. 
Owenella  Ulr.  and  Scof.      Cambrian. 

Family  6.     Bucaniidae  Ulrich  and  Scofield. 

Symmetrical,  involute  shells  with  rather  numerous  lohorls  merely  in  contact  or 
embracing  slightly,  all  visible  in  the  umbilicus  ;  aperture  often  expanded  abruptly ;  dorsal 
slit  band  distinct  with  the  slit  long  and  narrow;  surface  with  transverse  lamellae  or 
lines  usually  crossed  by  short  ribs.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Bucania  Hall  (Fig.  847,  A,  B).  Shell  of  three  to  five  depressed  volutions  coiled 
in  a  plane,  generally  with  a  wide  umbilicus  and  with  aperture  never  abruptly 
expanded.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Salpingostoma  Roemer  (Fig.  847,  C).  Aperture  abruptly  expanded,  trumpet-like; 
outer  half  of  last  whorl  with  a  long,  narrow  slit  closed  some  distance  behind  the 
apertural  expansion.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Trematonotus  HaU.  Like  Salpingostoma  except  that  the  slit  band  is  replaced  by 
a  row  of  perforations.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 




Conradella  U.  and  S.  {Phragmolites  Conrad)  (Fig.   847,  D,  E).     Ordovician  and 

J   -» 





Pio.  847. 

A,  J!,  Buamia  hiiUl  Ulr.  and  Scof.     Ordovician  ;  Minnesota.     C.  S(tli>liiijostuma  hndli  (Wliitf.).     Ordovician  ; 
Illinois.     D,  E,  Conradella  Jimbriata  Ulr.  and  Scof.     Ordovician  ;  Minnesota. 

Tetranota  U.  and  S.  Like  Bucania,  Init  with  four  doi'sal  ridges.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Kokenia  U.  and  S.  Ordovician.  Megalomphala  Ulr.  ;  Oxydiscus  Koken. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Family  7.     Bellerophontidae  M'Coy. 

Symmetrical,  involute  sJiells  ivith  nqrldlij  enlarginy  wlturls,  month  expanded 
laterally  and  ventrally  but  not  dorsally ;  umhilicus  small  or  closed  ;  inner  lip  thickened, 
outer  with  a  short  slit ;  slit  hand  always  present ;  surface  loith  lines  of  growth  only  or 
cancellated.     Cambrian  to  Triassic. 

The  Bellerophontidae  were  classed  by  Montfort  with  the  Cephalopoda  ;  by  Deshayes, 
on  account  of  their  resemblance  to  Atlanta,  with  the  Heteropoda  ;  and  by  de  Koninck 

with  the  Aspidobranchiates.  The 
thick  shells  sometimes  retain  traces 
of  their  original  pigmentation.  At 
least  300  Paleozoic  species  have 
l)een  described. 

Bellerophon  Montfort  (Fig.  848). 
Distinguished  by  :  (1),  the  absence 
of  .sculpture  save  the  lines  of 
growth  ;  (2)  the  small  or  entirely 
closed  umbilicus ;  (3)  the  moderate 
expanse  of  the  aperture ;  (4)  the 
callosity  on  the  inner  lip,  and  (5) 
a  well  developed  slit  band  terminat- 
ing in  a  slit  in  the  outer  lip.  Or- 
dovician to  Permian,  maximum  in  Carboniferous. 

Patellosfimn  Waagen.  Like  Bellerophon,  but  aperture  greatly  expanded.  Devonian 
and  Carboniferous. 

Fi(!.  848. 

Bellerophon  Hcarenux  Leveille.    Lower  Carboniferous  ; 
Tournay,  Belgium. 




Eitphemus  M'Coy  (Fig.  849).     Differs  from   BeUerophon  in  the  revolving  folds  of 
the  inner  lip.      Carl)onifei'ous. 

Bucanopds  Ulrich.      Ordovician  to  Permian. 

JVarthia,  Mogidia,  and  Stachella  Waagen.     Carboniferous. 

Pig.  849. 

E^iphemus  nrii  Fleming.    Lower 
Ciirboniferous :  Bdiiibiugli. 

Fig.  850. 

Carinaropsis  cymhula  Hall. 
Ordovician  ;  Kentucky. 

Family  8.      Oarinaropsidae   Ulrich  and  Scofield. 

Symmetrical,  almost  patelliform  shells  of  not  more  than  two  volutions  with  greatly 
expanded  aperture  luithin  which  is  a  broad  concave  septum. 

Garinaropsis  Hall  (Phragmostoma  Hall,  non  Waagen)  (Fig.  850).  Dorsum  carinate  ; 
slit  band  occasionally  distinguishable.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Suborder  B.     RHIPIDOGLOSSA  Troschel. 

{Scutibranchiata,  Cuvier ;  Zygobranchia  and  Diotocardia  von  Ihering.) 

Symmetrical  and  limpet-like  or  with  spiral  shells.  Gills  plume-like,  two  and  sym- 
metrical, or  single.  Eadula  with  several  large  plates  or  teeth  in  the  median  portion,  and 
excessively  numerotis,  crowded,  narrow,  hook-shaped  teeth.      Operculum  often  present. 

The  Rhipidoglossa  comj^rise  both  air-breathing  and  aquatic  forms,  and  are  divisible 
into  two  series  :  Zygobranchia,  in  which  two  gills  are  developed,  and  the  shell  is 
generally  perforated  at  the  apex  or  has  a  slit  in  the  outer  lip  •  and  Anisobranchia, 
with  a  single  gill  and  generally  unslit  shell. 

Family  1.     Haliotidae  Fleming. 

Shell  flattened,  auriform,  with  wide  aperture,  and  no  operculum.     Interior  nacreotds, 
with  a  row  of  perforations  on  the  left  outer  margin.     Marine.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Haliotis  Linn.     This,  the  solitary  genus,  occurs  very  rarely  fossil  except  in  the 

Family  2.     Pleurotomariidae  d'Orbigny. 
Shell  spiral,  sub-spherical,  turbinate,  conic,  turreted  or  Planorboid,  nacreous  inter- 

Fin.  851. 

A,  Fleurotoniaria  {Ra}>histomelia)  radians  Wissni.    Keuper  ;  St.  Cassian,  Tyrol.     B,  Pleurotomaria  j 
(firyptaenia)  yolita  Gqldf.     Lower  Lias  ;  GCippiugen,  Wurteiuberg. 




nally.  Outer  lip  with  a  slit,  from  which  a  slit-hand  {the  anal  fasciole)  extends  bachvard, 
traversing  all  the  ivhorls.  Tlie  slit  sometimes  replaced  hy  one  or  more  perforations. 
Operculum  horny.      Cambrian  to  Eecent. 

Pleurotomaria  Sowb.  (Figs.  851-853).  Shell  broadly  conical  or  turbinate;  spire 
sometimes  liigli,  in  other  cases  depressed  ;  nmbilicus  present  or  absent.  Outer  lip 
with  slit ;  growth-lines  strongly  recurved,  meeting  in  the  slit-band.  Silurian  to 
Recent.  Four  living  and  several  hundred  fossil  species  known.  Rare  in  the  late 

Subgenera :     Ptycliom]}halus    Agassiz  ;     Alourlonia,    Worthcnia,    Aynesia    de    Koninck  ; 
Gosscletina,  Ivania  (Baylea  de  Kon.)  Bayle  ;  Baphistomella  (Fig.  851,  A),  Zygitcs,  Laubclla, 

Piu.  S52. 

A,  Pleurotomaria  ftitorguaia  Deslongchamps.    Middle  Lias  ;  May,  Calvados.    B,  F.  suhscalaris 
Deslongchamps.     Lower  Oolite  ;  Bayeux,  Calvados,     i/o. 

Fig.  863. 
l'U:urotomaria(Lc2itomaria)macroin2)lialla  Zittel.    Tithonian  ;  Stramberg,  Moravia. 

Stuorella,   Schizodiscus  Kittl  ;   Brilunella  Kayser  ;   Hespericlla  Holzapfel ;  Cryptacnia  (Fig, 

851,  B),  Leptomaria  Deslongchamps  (Fig.  853),  etc. 

Porcellia  Leveille  (Leveilleia  Newton)  (Fig.  854).  Shell 
discoidal,  flat,  widely  umbilicate,  nearly  symmetrical,  and 
all  but  the  first  few  whorls  coiled  in  the  same  plane.  Outer 
lip  sharp,  with  long  slit.  Slit-band  prominent,  traversing 
the  central  portion  of  the  whorls.  Devonian  and  Carboni- 
Pjj,  gr;^  Kohenella  Kittl.      Very  flat,  discoidal,  and  only  slightly 

PorceHiapwmsi  LevoiUe.   Car-    asymmetrical,  with  a   broad  slit -band.      Trias.      K.  fischeri 
boniferous  ;  Tournay,  Belgium.    (Hoernes). 

CLASS  rv 



Polytremaria  de  Kon.      Shell  turbinate,  with  band  replaced  by  a  row  of  perfora- 
tions, of  which  the  jjosterior  ones  are  successively  closed.      Carboniferous. 

Ditremaria  d'Orb.  (Fig.  855).     Two   oval   perforations   connected    by   a   slit  are 
2)resent  behind  the  outer  lip  ;  base  with  an  umbilical  callus.     Jura. 

Trochotoma  Deslongch.    Shell  turbin-  a  b  c 

ate,  with  conical  base.  A  slit  closed  at 
either  end  is  present  behind  the  outer 
lip,  and  corresponding  to  it  is  a  slit-band. 
Trias  and  Jura. 

Fl(,i.  855. 

Ditremaria  granuUfera  Zittel.    Upper  Tithonian  ; 
Stramberg,  Moravia. 

Fig.  856. 

A,  Murchisonia  bilineata  d'Arch.  and  Vern. 
Devonian  ;  Paffrath,  near  Cologne.  B,  M.  hlinni 
Klipstein.  Trias  ;  St.  Ca.ssian,  Tyrol.  C,  M. 
subsulcata  de  Kon.  Lower  Carboniferous;  Tour- 
nay,  Belgium.     Last  two  whorls,  2/j. 

Schizocjonium  Koken  ;   Temnotroins  Laube  ;   Gantantostoma  Sandb.     Devonian. 

Murchisonia  d'Arch  and  Vern.  (Fig.  856).  Shell  turreted,  with  numerous  smooth 
or  ornamented  whorls  Outer  lip  with  a  slit,  and  corresponding  to  it  a  slit-band. 
Cambrian  to  Trias.     Maximum  distribution  in  Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Loi^liospira  Whitf.  (Fig.  857,  A,  B).  Shell  with  more  or  less  elevated  spire  ; 
whorls  angular  on  the ,  periphery  and  bearing  from  one  to  five  distinct  carinae. 
Ordovieian  to  Devonian. 

Hormotoma  Salter  (Fig.  857,  D).  Elongate,  beaded,  practically  imperforate  ;  outer 
lip  with  broad,  deep  notch.     Ordovieian  and  Silurian. 

Liospira  Ulr.  and  Scof.  Shell  lenticular  with  aperture  deeply  notched  and 
band  scarcely  distinguishable.      Ordovieian  and  Silurian. 

Schizolopha  and  Turritoma  Ulrich.  Ordovieian  and  Silurian.  Seelya,  Plethospira 
A  n  c  D 

Pig.  857. 

A,  B,  Loplwspira  sumnerensis  (Safford).     Ovdovician  ;  Tenne.ssee.     C,  Trepospira  spherulata  (Conrad).     Coal 
Measures  ;  Illinois.     D,  Hormotoma  salteri  Ulrich.     Ordovieian  ;  Kentucky. 

and  Euconia  Ulrich.  Ordovieian.  Coelocauhis  CEhlert ;  Clathrospira  Ulr.  and  Scof.  ; 
Ectomaria  Koken  [Solenospira  Ulr.  and  Scof).  Ordovieian  and  Silurian.  Bemhexia 
(Ehlert ;   Trepospira  Ulr.  and  Scof  (Fig.  857,  G).     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Family  3.     Fissurellidae  Risso. 

Shell  symmetrical,  cap-  or  limpet-shaped,  non-nacreous,  ivithout  operculum.  Apex 
erect  or  pointing  hachward,  often  recurved,  perforated.  Anterior  margin  often  ivith  a 
fissure;  young  shell  with  a,  spiral  protoconch.  Marine;  shore  forms.  Carboniferous  to 




Of  the  three  subfamilies  into  which  this  group  is  divided,  the  Fissxirellinae  are 
known  only  in  the  recent  fauna.  Fissurellklinae  occur  in  the  Pliocene ;  all  the 
earlier  forms  are  Emarginulinue. 

Fissurella  Brug.  Shell  conical,  oval,  with  an  oval  apical  orifice 
bounded  inside  by  an  entire  callus.  Recent.  The  numerous  fossil 
species  referred  to  this  genus  belong  to  Fissnridea. 

Fissurellidea  d'Orb.  ;  Piqnllaea  Gray  ;  Megatebennus  and  Luca- 
■pinella  Pilsbry  ;  Macroschisma  Swains.  These  are  all  Recent  genera, 
with  the  apical  orifice  very  large. 

Luccqmia  Gray.  Like  Fissurella,  but  with  large  apical  orifice 
and  finely  crenate  jjeriphery.     Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Fissuridea   Swains.  {Gly])his   Carp. ;   Fissurella  auct.)  (Fig.  858). 

Fio.  S5S. 

Griind,  Hungary. 

truncate  callus. 

Fissuridea  italica  .      „^  ^     .  ,     .      „  , 

"  ^       iinsary"*' '    Sliell    conical,  oval,  with    apex  in    advance    of   the  middle,  giving 
place  to  a   perforation  which    is    bounded  inside    by  a   posteriorly 
Carboniferous  (?)  to  Recent ;  very  abundant  in  the  Tertiary. 
Puncturella  Lowe.     Shell  conical,  with  a  perforation  at  or  in  front  of  the  post- 
median  aitex,  liehind  which  there  is  a  shelf  within  the  cavity.     Eocene  to  Recent. 
Emarginula  Lam.  (Figs.  859,  860).      Conical  or  cap-shaped,  with  persistent  post- 


A         B 

Fig.  850. 

Emarginula  schlotheimi 
Bronn.  Oligocene;  Wein- 
heim,  near  Alzey,  Baden. 

Fig.  860. 

Emarginula  muensteri  Pictet. 
Keuper ;  St.  Cassian,  Tyrol. 
A,  li.  Natural  size.     C,  Bnlaraed. 

Rimiila  goldfussi  (Roem). 
Coral-Rag ;  Holieneggelsen, 
Hanover.  A,  Natural  size. 
B,  Enlarged. 

median  apex,  and  a  slit  in  the  front  margin  of  the  shell.  Surface  cancellated. 
Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Bimula  Defr.  (Fig.  861).  Like  the  last,  but  slit  replaced  by  a  closed  hole  on  the 
anterior  slojje.     Lias  to  Recent. 

Suhemarginula  Blainv.  Like  Emarginula,  but  slit  short  or  wanting,  and  no  slit- 
band.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Scutiis  Montf.  (Parmophoriis  Blainv.).  Shell  dej^ressed,  oblong,  without  fissure, 
slit,  or  slit-band ;  miLscle  impression  near  the  edge.      Eocene  to  Recent. 

The  families  Phenacolepadidae,  with  the  single  genus  Phenacolepas  Pils.  {ScutelKna 
Gray),  Cocculinidae  and  Addisoniidae  are  recent  groups  allied  to  the  Fissurellidae. 

Family  4.     Euomphalidae  de  Koninck. 

Shell  depressed  conical  to  discoidal,  spirally  coiled,  more  or  less  deeply  and  widely 
umhilicate.  JFhorls  sometimes  in  a  loose  spdral,  smooth  or  angular ;  the  earlier  w]iorls 
frequently  separated  off  by  partitions.  Outer  lip  tisually  with  a  shallow  indentation. 
Operculum  calcareous.     Cambrian  to  Cretaceous. 

The  Euomphalidae  belong  primarily  to  the  Paleozoic  era.  They  have  been 
variously  associated  with  the  Trochidae,  Turbinidae,  Littorinidae  and  Solariidae.  The 
shells  bear  a  strong  resemblance  to  those  of  the  last-named  group,  but  in  Solarium  the 
embryonic  apex  is  sinistral,  whereas  in  tlic  Euomphalidae  it  is  dextral.  Opercula  are 
known  with  certainty  in  only  a  few  gcmeivi,  such  as  Maclurea.  De  Koninck  surmised 
that  the  deeply  excavated,  slipj)er-.sliaped  opei'cula  from  the  Carl>oniferous,  described 
originally  as  Gcdceola  dumontiana,  are  referable  to  Euomphalus. 




Stra'parollina  Billings.      Cambrian.      Ophileta  Vanuxem.      Cambrian  to  Silurian. 
Maclurea  Lcseuenr ;  Maclurina  Ulr.  and  Scof.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Platyschisiiut  M'Coy.  Thin  -  shelled,  depressed 
conical,  smooth.  Umbilicus  relatively  narrow ;  outer 
lip  with  broad  sinus.  Silurian  to  Carboniferous.  P. 
helicoides  Sowb.     Carboniferous. 

StraparoUus  Montf.  (Fig.  862).  Turbinate  to 
discoidal,  with  broad  umbilicus.  Whorls  smooth  or 
with  fine  transverse  striae.  Silurian  to  Jura  ;  especially 
abundant  in  Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Phanerotinus  Sowb.  Like  the  last,  except  that  the 
whorls  form  an  open  spiral.      Carboniferous. 

Euomphalus  Sowb.  {Pleuronotus  Hall ;  Schizostoma 
Bronn)  (Fig.  863).  Depressed  conical  to  discoidal,  with  wide  umbilicus.  Spire 
flattened  or  even  concave  sui^eriorly ;  whorls  angular,  the  edges  sometimes  set  with 
nodes  (Phymatifer  de  Kon.).  Outer  lip  with  emargination  at  the  ujiper  angle.  Silu- 
rian to  Trias  ;  maximum  in  Carboniferous. 

A  B 

Fui.  862. 

StraparoUus  dionysii  Montf. 
Carboniferous ;  Vise,  Belgium. 

Fio.  863. 

Euomphalus  catUlus  (Sowb.).     Carboniferous  ;  Kiklare,  Ii'eland. 
-4,  Superior,  and  B,  Inferior  aspect. 

Fio.  864. 

Discohclix  orhis  Renss.     Middle  Lias  : 
Hiuter-Schafberg,  Austria. 

Subgenera :    Omplmlocirrus  de    Ryckholt.      Devonian  and   Carboniferou.s.      Cocluccnlrus 
Zittel.     Trias. 

Discohelix  Dunk.  (Fig.  864).  Flat,  discoidal ;  upper  side  flat  or  slightly  concave, 
the  lower  widely  umlnlicate.  Whorls  rectangular,  with  sharp  edges.  Trias  to 

Ecryliompliahhs  Portlock  ;  Eccyliopterus  Remele  ;  Helicotoma  Salter.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Family  5.     Raphistomidae  Ulrich  and  Scofield. 

Comprising  shells  intermediate  hetioeen  the  Euoviphalidae  and  Pleurotoviariidae,  and 
regarded  as  ancestral. to  these  families  and  the  Trochidae. 

Raphistoma  Hall.  Shell  depressed  or  completely  flattened  ;  whorls  angular  above  ; 
umbilicus  moderately  broad  ;  outer  lip  with  short  notch  on  the  keel.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Enomphalopterus  Roemer.  Distinguished  by  its  more  rounded  volutions  and 
excessively  developed  carinae.      Silurian. 

Scalites  Emmons,  non  Conrad.  Turbinate,  spire  only  moderately  high  and 
acuminate  ;  whorls  flattened  superiorly,  rising  steplike  one  above  the  other,  sharply 
angular  at  the  periphery,  produced  below.     Body  whorl  very  large,  smooth ;  aperture 




sub-triangiilar,  faintly  notched  ;  no  umbilicus.      Ordovician  (Cliazy),  and  according  to 
Laube,  also  Triassic.     Tyjie,  S.  angulahts  Emmons. 
Raphistomina  Ulr.  and  Scof.     Ordovician. 

Family  6.     Stomatiidae  Gray. 

Shell  depressed,  composed  of  a  few  very  rapidly  widening  whorls ;  nacreous  internally ; 
aperture  large. 

With  the  excej)tion  of  Stomatia  Helb.  and  Stomatella  Lamarck,  a  few  rare  repre- 
sentatives of  which  are  known  as  early  as  the  Cretaceous  (perhaps  also  Jurassic),  this 
family  belongs  to  the  Recent  period. 

Fig.  865. 

Omphalotrochus  discus  Sowb.     Silurian  ; 
Dudley,  England,     i/j  (aftpr  Nicholson). 

Family  7.     Turbinidae  Adams. 

Shell  turhinate,  discoidal  or  turreted,  nacreous  internally.  Aperture  rounded  or 
oval ;  inner  lipi  smooth  or  with  callus,  the  outer  lip  never  reflected.  Operculum  cal- 
careous, very  thick,  convex  externally.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

The   extremely   abundant   Recent   Turbinidae    are   distinguished    jDrincipally   by 

characters  of  the  operculum  ; 
but  inasmuch  as  this  is 
known  in  but  few  of  the 
fossil  forms,  the  precise  deter- 
mination of  the  latter  is 
iLSually  uncertain.  It  is 
customary,  therefore,  to  groujj 
under  the  general  head  of 
Turho  such  fossil  turbinate 
Fi>'-  stiii-  shells    with    a    sub  -  circular 

Omphalotrochus  glohosus   aperture  as  are  not  speciallv 

(Schloth.).    Silurian; Got-     ,.     .  .  -,      t   ■,  ^         ,    '^ 

land.      Opert-uinm  pre-    distinguished  by  some  other 

.served     in    place     (after    characters. 

Omphalotrochus  Meek 

(Polytropis  de  Kon. ; 
Oriostoma  Lindstrijm, 
non  Munier-Chalm.) 
(Figs.  865,  866).  Dis- 
coidal or  depressed 
conical,  widely  umbi- 
licate.  Whorls  round, 
ornamented  with 

raised       longitudinal 

keels.     Operculum   extremely  thick,  fiat  internally,  conical   externally,    multispiral. 

Ordovician  to  Carboniferous ;  especially  abundant  in  Silurian. 

Astralium  Link  (Figs.  867,  868).     Turbinate;  whorls  rough,  often  spinose,  and 

usually  keeled.      Aperture  depressed,  witli  disconnected  margin.     Base  more  or  less 

flattened  ;   ojierculum  calcareous,  thick,  flat  internally,  spirally  coiled,  and  with  very 

eccentric  protoconch.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Subgenera:  Bolma  Risso  (Fig.  867);  Pachypoma,  Lithopoma,  Uvanilla  (Fig.  868),   Guil- 
fordia  Gray  ;  Calcar  Montfort,  etc. 

Turho  Linn.  (Fig.  869).  Turliinatt;  to  concial  ;  aperture  nearly  circular.  Oper- 
culum calcareous,  thick,  flat  internally,  externally  convex,  multispiral,  with  sub-central 
nucleus.     Silurian  (?)  to  Recent. 

Fici.  8(57. 

Astrnlium  (Tlolma)  rugo.'^um  Linn.     Pliocene 
Pienza,  Tuscany.    Shell  and  operculum. 

Fio.  S6S. 

AstraUutn  {UfanUhi)  ilamon Laul)e. 
Keuper  ;  St.  Cassian, Tyrol. 




Subgenera :    Sarmatims,   Ninclla  (Fig.    869),   Modclia,    and    Callopoma   Gray  ;  Senedus 
Hiuiiphr. ;  Batilhis  Schum, ,  etc. 

Collonia  Gray  (Fig.  870).     Like  Turbo,  but  operculum  with  a  thin  calcareous  layer 
disposed  in  a  spiral  rib.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Family  8.     Phasianellidae  Troschel. 

Shell  elongated,  oval,   thin,  smooth,  lustrous,  porcellanous,  not 
nacreous  internally, 

ivithout  umhilicus.  Body 
whorl  large,  with  oval 
aperture.  Operculum 

calcareous,  convex  exter- 
nally. Devonian  to 

Phasianella  Lam. 
{Phasianus  Montf.)  (Fig. 
871).  With  the.jchar- 
acters     of    the    family. 

Cretaceous     to     Recent  :        Turho  (Ninclla)  parkinsoni 
,  T       -r.  1  •  Bast.    Oligocene ;  Uax,  near 

perJiaps  also  raieOZOlC.       Bordeaux. 

Fig.  sod. 

Fig.  STO. 

Collonia'-  modcsta 
Fuchs.  Oligocene ; 
Monte  Grunii,  near 
Castel  Gomberto, 

Fig.  871. 

Phasianella  gosauiai 
Zeki'li.  Tmonian;Qosau, 

Family  9.     Delphinulidae  Fischer. 

Shell  turhinate  or  discoidal,  usually  thick,  nacreous  internally,  and  ornamented 
externally  with  spines,  ribs  or  folds.  Aperture  circular,  peristome  entire;  outer  lip 
usually  expanded  or  thickened.  Operculum  horny,  often  strengthened  by  a  thin  calcareous 
outer  layer.      Silurian  to  Recent. 

Graspedostoma  Lindstrom.  Globose,  narrowly  umbilicate,  Avith  short  spire,  and 
large  transversely  striated  or  cancellated  body  whorl.  Inner  lip  with  an  alar  process 
at  the  end  of  the  columella.     Silurian.      G.  elegantulum  Lindstrom. 

Grossostoma   Morr.  and   Lye.    (Fig.    872).     Depressed   turbinate,    smooth,  without 

Fio.  S7-2. 

Crossostoma  reflexi- 
lahrnm,  (d'Orb.). 
Middle  Lias ;  May, 

FlG.  SV3. 

Liotia  (jcrvillci 
(Deshayes).  Calcaire 
Grossier ;  Haute- 
ville,  near  Valogne, 

Fio.  874. 

Delphinula  segregata 
Heb.  et  Desl.  Callo- 
vian  ;  Montreuil  -  Bel- 
lay,  Maine-et-Loire. 

Fig.  875. 

Delphinula  scohina 
(Brongniart).  Oligocene  ; 
Gaas,  near  Dax,  France. 

umbilicus.  Spire  short,  aperture  round,  narrowed  by  a  callus.  Outer  lip  somewhat 
reflexed.     Trias  and  Jura. 

Liotia  Gray  (Fig.  873).  Depressed  turbinate,  with  transverse  swellings.  Aperture 
thickened  by  a  callous  rim.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Delfhinula  Lam.  {Angaria  Bolt.)  (Figs.  874,  875).  Depressed  turbinate,  um- 
bilicate.     Whorls    scaly,    spinous    or    spirally    ornamented.     Aperture    circular,    lip 

without  thickening. 
VOL.  I 

Trias  to  Recent. 

2  M 




Family  10.     Trochonematidae  Zittel. 

Shell  pyramidal,  turbinate  or  discoidal,  dextral  or  sinistral,  with  internal  nacreous 
layer.  JVIiorls  convex,  with  one  or  more  longitudinal  keels,  and  slightly  iindulating 
transverse  striae  or  ribs.  Aperture  rounded,  sometimes  ivith  faint  notch.  Operculum 
unknown,  presumably  horny.     Marine.     Cambrian  to  Cretaceous. 

This  extinct  group  is  very  abundant  in  the  Paleozoic,  and  notably  so  in  Jurassic 
rocks.  The  shells,  as  a  rule,  are  highly  ornamented,  and  have  been  associated  by  some 
with  the  Littorinidae,  by  others  with  the  Turbinidae  or  Purpurinidae.  They  form 
a  distinct  family,  wliich  is  best  placed  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Turbinidae  and 

Trochonema  Salter.  Pyramidal  to  turbinate,  deeply  umbilicate,  longitudinally 
keeled  and  transversely  striated.  Aperture  round  ;  the  umbilicus  surrounded  by  a 
keel.     Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Eunema  Salter  (Fig.  876).  Pyramidal,  with  acute,  elongate  spire,  and  no  umbilicus. 
Whorls  with  two  or  more  spiral  keels,  and  strong  transverse  striae.  Aperture  oval, 
slightly  notched  anteriorly.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Fig.  870. 

Eunema  strigilata  Sal- 
ter. Ordovician  ;  Pau- 
quette  Falls,  Canada. 

Fio.  877.  bilix  Conrad. 
Ordovician  ;  Cincinnati, 

Fig.  878. 

Amherleya  capitanea 
Miinst.  Upper  Lia.s  ;  La 
Verpilliere,  near  Lyons, 

Cyclonema  Hall  (Fig.  877).  Turbinate,  whorls  inflated  and  ornamented  with  fine 
spiral  striae  ;  apertui-e  rounded,  peristome  discontinuous.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Strophostylus  and  Holupea  Hall ;  Gyronema  Ulrich.  Ordovician  and  Silurian. 
Dyeria  Ulrich.     Ordovician.     Biicanospira,  Ulrich.     Silurian. 

Amberleyn    Morr.    and    Lye.    (Eucyclus    Deslongch.)    (Fig.    878).       Turbinate    to 

Fig.  879. 

Pfntyar/ra  impressa 
(S('hafhautl).  Lower 
Lias ;  Hoclifellen, 

Fic.  SSO. 
Cirrus  nodosiis  Sowh.     Lower  Oolite  ;  Yeovil,  England. 

pyramidal,  with  deep  sutures,  and  no  umlnlicus.     Sjiiral  keels  usually  nodose  or  sjjiny, 




and  crossed  by  strong  transverse  striae,  which  are  more  numerous  in  the  lower  portion 
of  the  whorls  than  in  the  iipper.  Aperture  rounded,  sometimes  with  a  shallow  notch. 
Trias  to  Cretaceous  ;  common  in  all  divisions  of  the  Jura. 

Oncospira  Zitt.  Pyramidal,  spirally  ribbed,  with  one  or  two  transverse  swellings 
on  each  whorl,  disposed  continuously  along  the  spire.     Jura. 

Hanmsina  Gemm.  Sinistral,  with  nodose  longitudinal  keels,  and  no  umbilicus. 

Platyacra  v.  Ammon  (Fig.  8Y9).  Like  the  last,  but  with  flattened  apex,  and  the 
earlier  whorls  discoidal.     Lias. 

Girriis  Sowb.  (Scacvola  Gemm.)  (Fig.  880).  Sinistral,  turbinate  shells,  deejjly 
and  widely  umbilicate.      Spire  acuminate  ;  whorls  spirally  keeled  and  striated,  and 

with  strong  transverse  ribs. 

Trias  to  Middle  Jura. 

Family  11.     Trochidae  Adams. 

Shell  conical,  turbinate  or  ptjramidal,  nacreous  internally.  Aperture  trapezoidal  or 
sitb-circidar,  peristome  disconnected,  inner  lip  often  hearing  a  tooth.  Base  more  or  less 
flattened ;  operculum  thin,  horny.     Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Precise  determination  of  the  numerous  fossil  Trochidae  is  not  less  difficult  than 
that  of  the  Turbinidae.  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic  forms  in  many  cases  do  not  harmonise 
with  recent  genera,  but  represent  rather  col- 
lective types,  in  which  characters  now  distri- 
buted amongst  several  genera  or  even  families 
are  united.  Shells  incapable  of  more  accurate 
determination  have  been  commonly  assigned  to 
the  genus  Trochus.  Among  the  more  ancient 
true  Trochidae  may  be  mentioned  the  following : 
the  Trochus  species  described  by  Lindstrom 
from  the  Silurian  of  Gotland  ;  also  Flemingia 
and  Glyptobasis  de  Koninck,  and  Microdoma 
Meek  and  Worthen,  from  the  Carboniferous  ; 

Turbina     (Fig.     881)     and      Turbonellina     de 

--      .      ,  .  J.  ii.       r-i     1        -i-  i       Mtinst.   Keuper;St. 

Koninck,   ranging   from  the  Carbomterous  to    cassian,  Tyrol. 

the  Trias. 

Trochus  Linn.  (Fig.  882).     Shell  conical  or  pyramidal ;  whorls  slightly  convex  or 

flat ;  base  angular  at  the  periphery.      Inner  lip  often  truncated  anteriorly,  thickened 

or  with  teeth.     Silurian  to  Recent. 

Subgenera :   Tectus  Montf.  (Fig.  882) ;  Polydonta  Schum.  ;  Clanculus  Montf.,  etc. 

Monodonta  Lam.  (Figs.  883,  884).     Turbinate,  with  nearly  round  aperture,  the 

Fig.  SSI. 
Turbiiui      spiralis 

Fio.  882. 

Trnelius  (Tectus)  luca- 
sanus  Biongt.  Oligo- 
cene ;  Castel  Gomberto 
near  Vicenza. 

Fig.  SS3. 

Monodonta  nodosa  Mtinst. 
Keuper  ;  St.  Cassian,  Tyrol. 

Fig.  884. 

Monodonta  {Oxystcle)  patula 
Brocchi.  Miocene ;  Steina- 
brunn,  near  Vienna. 

Fig.  885. 

Gibhula  picta 
Bichwald.  Mio- 
cene ;  Wiesen, 
near  Vienna. 

Fig.  8Si5. 

Gibbula  hrocchii 
Mayer.  Pliocene  ; 

Montopoli,  Tuscany. 

columella  ending  below  in  a  tooth.      Trias  to  Recent.      In  the  subgenera  Osilinus  and 
Oxystele  Phil.,  the  tooth  is  wanting. 




Gibbula  Risso  (Figs.  885,  886).     Turbinate  or  low  conical,  umbilicate,  and  with 
rounded  aperture.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig.  887. 

Calliostoyna  semi- 
punctatum  Miinst. 
Keuper  ;  St.  Cas- 
sian,  Tyrol.     2/j. 

Fic.  8S8. 

Callinstoma  aequalis 
Bnv.  Coral-Rag  ;  St. 
Mihiel,  Meuse. 

Fig.  889. 

LeviHeUa  conica  (d'Orb.). 
Middle  Lias  ;  May,  Cal- 

Fig.  890. 

Solariella  peregrina 
(Libassi).  Pliocene ;  Or- 
ciano,  Tuscany. 

Margarites  margarifula 
Mer.  Oligocene  ;  Weinlieim, 
near  Alzey,  Baden. 

Galliostoma  Swains.  (Ziziphinus  Gray)  (Figs.  887,  888).     Conical,  with  j^eripheral 

keel  and  flattened  base.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Other  genera  are  Cantharidus  Montfort ;  Lewisiella 
Stol.  (Fig.  889);  Tegnla  Lesson;  Solariella  Wood 
(Fig.  890)  ;  Margarites  Leach  (Fig.  891) ;  Danilia  Brus. 
(Fig.  892) ;  Gamitia  Gray,  and  many  others.  Most  of 
tliese  have  a  more  or  less  extensive  Tertiary  history. 

Family  12.     Umboniidae  Adams. 

Fir;   802 

Shell  small,  usually  depressed  discoidal,  smooth  and 
Danilia clathrata(Eta,l\.).    Coral-Raff:    7      ,  -.i     /.  •      i    ±    •  7       -,7       , 

Vaifin,  Ain.    2/j.  lustrous,  or  loitn  jine  spiral  striae,  ana  without  nacreous 

layer.      Outer  lip  sharp,  peristome  discontinuous.      Um- 
bilicus often  concealed  by  a  callus;  operculum  horny.      Silurian  to  Recent. 

Allied    to   the   Recent   genera    Umbonium   Link  (Botella   Lam.),    Tsanda   Adams, 

Fig.  893. 

Middle  Jura ; 
Balin,  near 

Fig.  894. 

Teinostmna  rotellaa- 
forniis  Desk.  Calcaire 
Grossier ;  Grignon, 
near  Paris. 

Fig.  895. 

Hdicocryptiis  2'msillus  (Roem.).    Coral- 
Rag  ;  Lindeuer  Berg,  near  Hannover. 

iFiG.  89(3. 

Adeorhis  tricostatus 
Desh.  Middle  Eocene 
(Auversien) ;  Auvers, 

etc.,  are  a  number  of  fossil  forms,  such  as  Pycnomphalus  Lindstriira,  from  the 
Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  Anomphalus  Meek  and  Worthen,  and  Botellina  de  Koninck, 
from  the  Carboniferous ;  Ghrysostoma  Swaiuson  (Fig.  893),  from  the  Jura,  and  otliers, 
Avhich  are  probably  the  ancestors  of  the  Umboniidae. 

Whether  the  genera  Teinostmna  (Fig.  894)  and  Vitrinella  Adams,  together  with 
their  fossil  allies  from  the  Carboniferous  onward,  are  rightly  assigned  to  this  group,  is 
doubtful.  Helicocryptus  d'Orb.  (Fig.  895),  from  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  is  similar  to 
Vitrinella.  Gyclostrema  Marryat,  comprisiug  small,  lustrous  shells,  and  the  spirally 
striated  ones  known  as  Adeorbis  S.  Woodw.  (Fig.  896),  present  some  resemblances  to 
the  Umboniidae  ;  but,  according  to  Fischer,  they  form  separate  families.  All  of  these 
genera  have  fossil  representatives  in  the  Tertiary. 





Family  13.     Neritopsidae  Fischer. 

Shell  oval  to  semi-globose,  with  short,  sometimes  laterally  twisted  spire,  and  without 
■mnbilicus  vr  nacreous  layer.  Body  ivhorl  very  large;  aperture  oval  or  semicircular, 
Inner  lip  callous,  curved  and  occasionally  notched.  Operculum  calca- 
reous, not  spiral,  with  sub-central  nucleus,  and  internally  with  callous 
cohimellar  margin,  vAich  forms  a  broad,  angular  or  rounded  process  in 
the  middle.      Devonian  to  Recent. 

The  Neritopsidae  are  distinguished  from  the  closely  related 
Neritidae,  principally  by  the  totally  ditterent,  non-spiral  operculum, 
and  by  the  fact  that  the  internal  partitions  are  not  resorbed,  as  in 
the  latter  family.  Detached  opercula  have  been  described  under  the 
names  of  Peltairon,  Scaphanidia,  Cyclidia  and  Ehynchidia. 

Naticopsis  M'Coy  {Neritomopsis  Waagen)  (Figs.  897-899).     Shell  oval  to  globose, 
smooth    or    transversely   striated.      Aperture    oval ;     inner    lip    flattened,    somewhat 

Pif!.  S97. 

Naticopsis  mandel- 
sluhi  (Klipstein). 
Keuper ;  St.  Cas- 
sian,  Tyrol. 

Fig.  S9S. 
A,  Naticopsis  ampUata  Phil.      Carboniferous  ;   Vise,   Belgium. 
B,  Operculum  of  N.  ylanispini  Pliil.,  from  same  locality  (after  de 

Fii;.  siiy. 

Naticopsis  lemniscata  Hoernes.  Trias  ; 
Esino,  Lombardy.  Original  coloration 

callous,  curved  and  sometimes  transversely  striated.  Sparse  in  Devonian,  but  very 
common  in  Carboniferous  and  Trias. 

Hologyra  Koken.  Semi-globose,  smooth,  with  faintly  impressed  sutures.  Spire 
short,  laterally  situated,  not  resorbed  internally.  Inner  lip  flattened,  callous,  covering 
the  umbilicits,  and  with  sharj)  margin.  Abundant  in  the  Trias.  Some  species,  such 
as  H.  neritacea  (Mtlnst.),  have  the  original  colouring  admirably  preserved. 

Marmolatella  Kittl.  Auriform  to  cap-shaped,  with  very  short,  incurved  and 
almost  marginal  sjaire.  Last  whorl  much  distended ;  inner  lip  callous,  broad, 
arched.      Trias.     M.  stomatia  (Stopp.),  M.  telleri  (Kittl). 

Natiria  de  Koninck.  Silurian  to  Carboniferous.  Palaeonarica  Kittl  {Pseudo- 
fossarus  Koken). 

Naticella  Mitnst.  (Fig.  900).  Thin-shelled,  depressed,  with  straight  spire,  and 
large,  transversely  ribbed  body  whorl.      Trias. 

NaticrUa  costata  Miinster. 
Uppei-  Trias  ;  Wengen,  South- 
ern Tyiol. 

A,  Ncritopsis  moniliformis  Grat. 
Miocime  ;  Lapugy,  Transylvania.  I!, 
N.  spiiwsa'Hih.  et  Deslong.  Callovian  ; 
Montreuil-Bellay,  Maine-et-Loire. 

Pi(i.  902. 

Operculum  of  Neritopsis  radula. 
Recent;  New  Caledonia.  External 
and  internal  aspects  (after  Crosse). 





Platychilina  Koken  {Fossariopsis  Laube).  Spire  depressed,  straight ;  last  whorl 
large,  surface  rough,  tuberculose.  Inner  lip  even,  with  simple  margin.  Trias.  P. 
pustulosus  (Miinst.). 

Delphimdopsis  Laube.  Like  the  last,  but  spire  composed  of  loosely  connected 
whorls.  Sutures  deep.  Body  whorl  with  nodose  longitudinal  keels.  Inner  lip  even, 
with  sharp  margin.     Trias.     D.  binodosa  (Miinst.). 

Neritoiosis  Grat.  (Figs.  901,  902).  Spire  depressed,  Ijody  whorl  very  large. 
Surface  Avith  sjjiral  and  transverse  ribs  or  nodes,  often  cancellated.  Inner  lip 
thickened,  with  broad,  angular  emargination  in  the  middle.     Trias  to  Kecent. 

Family  14.     Neritidae  Lamarck. 

Shell  semi-globose,  without  'umbilicus  or  nacreous  layer.  Spire  very  short,  someivhat 
lateral;  whorls  rctpidly  broadening,  the  last  very  large,  and  earlier  ones  resorbed 
internally.  Aperture  semicircular ;  margin  of  the  flattened  or  calloused  inner  lip  often 
with  teeth.  Operculum  calcareous,  with  a  lateral  spiral  nucleus,  and  a  process  for 
■muscle  attachment  on  the  inner  side.     Trias  to  Recent. 

The  Neritidae  are  partly  marine,  and  partly  fresh-water  inhabitants.  The  former 
live  usually  in  the  vicinity  of  the  coast,  the  latter  often  in  brackish  water.  Since  the 
earlier  whorls  are  internally  resorbed,  moulds  of  the  interior  reveal  no  trace  of  the  spire. 
This  character,  together  with  the  form  of  the  operculum,  serves  to  distinguish  the 
family  from  the  Naticopsidae,  from  which  both  it  and  the  terrestrial  Helicinidae 
are  probably  descended.  Fossil  forms  not  infrequently  retain  traces  of  their  former 

Neritaria  Koken  {Protonerita  Kittl).  Spire  acuminate,  suture  deep,  surface 
smootli.  Outer  lip  sharj) ;  inner  lip  callous,  flattened.  Resorption  of  the  inner  walls 
incomplete.     Trias. 

Nerita  Linn.  (Fig.  903).  Thick,  ovoid  or  semi-globose,  imperforate.  Surface 
smooth  or  with  sjjiral  ribs.  Inner  lip  callous,  flattened,  with  a  straight,  often 
denticulate  border.      Operculum  sub-spiral.      Trias  (?)  to  Recent. 

(?)  Oncochilus  Petho  (Fig.  904).  Smooth  ;  inner  liji  arched,  callous,  bearing  two  or 
three  teeth  on  the  margin  or  smooth  ;  outer  lip  sharp.     Trias  and  Jura. 

Lissochilus  Petho  (Fig.  905) ;  Neritodomus  Morr.  and  Lye.  ;  Neritoma  Morris. 
Jura.      Otostoma  d'Ai'ch.  ;  Dejanirco  Stol.      Cretaceous. 

Velates  Montf.  (Fig.  906).  Depressed  conical,  only  the  curved  apex  of  the  sjjire 
A  n  c 

Flu.  903. 

A,  Nerita  laffoniMeriiLJi.  Citharella  Limestone  ;  Epfen- 
hofen,  near  Sciiaflliaiisen,  Switz(>rland.  B,  N.  (jrannlosa 
Desh.  Eocene  (Sables  Moyens) ;  Auvers,  near  Paris.  C, 
Operculum  of  a  recent  Nerita. 

Fii!.  904. 

Oncochilus  chronKiticus  Zittel.     Upper 
Tithonian  ;  Stramberg,  Moravia. 

visible.    Last  whorl  very  large.    Inner  lip  convex  or  straight,  with  denticulate  margin. 
Abundant  in  the  European  Eocene  ;  sometimes  attaining  a  size  of  10  or  12  cm. 

Neritina  Lam.  (Fig.  907).  Small,  semi-globose,  lustrous,  smootli  or  spiny,  mostly 
brilliantly  coloured.  Inner  lip  flattened,  with  sharp  or  finely  toothed  margin  ;  outer 
lip  sharp.  Inhabits  brackish  or  fresh  water.  Abundant  in  Tertiary  and  Recent.  The 
sujjposed  Mesozoic  forms  belong  i)rincipally  to  Nerita. 


Pileolus  Sowh.  (Fig.  908).      Small,  cup-shaped  to  depressed  conical,  ovoid  or  round. 


Fig.  905. 

Lissochilus  sigaretinus  Buv. 
Coral-Rag ;  Hoheneggelsen,  Han- 

Fio.  DOT. 

Neritina  gratcloupcma  Per. 
Miocene ;  Haufelburg,  near  Gunz- 

Fig.  90S. 

Pileolus  plicahis  Sowb.    Bathon- 
iaii ;  Langrune,  Calvados.    3/i. 

Velates  sclimiilelianus  Chem.     Lower  Eocene 
(Londinlen) ;  Cuise-Lamothe,  Oise. 

Apex  slightly  curved  backwards ;  only  the  last  Avhorl  visible, 
inner  lip  broad,  callous.     Jura  to  Eocene. 

Aperture  semicircular; 

Order  2.     CTENOBRANCHIATA  Schweigger. 

{Pectinihranchia  Cuvier ;  Azygohranchia  von  Ihering ;  Monotocardia  Bouvier.) 

Bight  cervical  gill  fectinate,  very  large,  and  usually  transposed  to  the  left  side,  Giving 
to  torsion  of  the  body ;  the  left  gill  atrophied.  Heart  with  hut  one  a,uricle.  Eadula 
small,  variously  constructed,  hut  usually  armed  loith  fev}  teeth  in  a  transverse  series. 
Shell  coiled  in  a  more  or  less  elevated  spiral,  rarely  cup-  or  cap-shaped. 

The  Ctenobranchiata  constitute  the  largest  group  of  the  Streptoneura.  They  are 
for  the  most  part  marine,  but  some  are  terrestrial,  and  some  inhabit  fresh  water. 
Beginning  in  the  Silurian,  they  attain  their  maximum  distribution  in  the  Mesozoic, 
Tertiary  and  Recent  periods.  A  division  into  two  groups — Holostomata  and  Siphono- 
stomata — according  to  the  nature  of  the  aperture,  has  been  attempted  ;  but  this  is 
iTunatural,  since  it  emphasises  a  shell  character  which  is  unaccomj^anied  by  any 
anatomical  differences.  Classifications  based  upon  the  structure  of  the  radula,  such  as 
have  been  j)roposed  by  Troschel,  and  more  recently  by  Bouvier,  are  valueless  in 
Paleontology.  Here  it  will  be  sufficient  to  recognise  two  suborders  primarily : 
Platypoda,  in  which  the  foot  is  typically  developed  ;  and  Heteropoda,  in  which  it  is 
modified  into  a  fin. 

Suborder  A.     HETEROPODA  Lamarck. 

(Nucleohranchiata  Blainville.) 

To  the  Heteropoda   belong  naked   or   shell-covered,   free-swimming   and   pelagic 
marine  Mollusks,  with  distinct  head  and  highly  developed  sense  organs.      Heart,  gills, 




reproductive  organs  and  nervous  system  agree  with  the  corresponding  organs  of  the 
Ctenobranchiates ;  the  radula  resembles  that  of  the  Taenioglossa.  They  differ  con- 
siderably, however,  from  the  Prosobranchiates,  since  the  foot  is  modified  into  a  sort  of 

vertical  fin,  and  imparts  to  them  a  peculiar  appearance.  They 
rise  usually  toward  evening  in  great  swarms  to  the  surface  of 
the  ocean,  where  they  hover  about  with  a  very  rapid  motion, 
swimming  in  an  inverted  position,  with  the  dorsal  side  down, 
and  the  foot  uppermost.  They  are  exceedingly  delicate,  often 
transparent  organisms.  The  body  may  be  either  entirely 
naked  or  provided  with  a  very  thin,  light  shell. 

Two  Recent  genera  have  been  found  also  in  early  Tertiary 
deposits.  Of  these  Carinaria  Lamarck,  has  a  keeled,  cap-shaped, 
glassy  shell ;  while  in  Atlanta  Lesson  (Fig.  909),  the  delicate 
shell  is  coiled  spirally  in  a  single  plane,  and  the  aperture  is  provided  with  a  slit. 
Owing  to  a  similarity  in  coiling  of  Atlanta  and  Oxy gyrus  to  that  of  the  Paleozoic 
Bellerophontidae,  a  relationship  between  the  two  lias  been  suggested.  The  latter 
forms  are  distinguished  by  their  heavier,  thicker  shells,  but  are  very  pi'obably  related 
to  Emarginula  and  its  allies. 

Pig.  909. 

Atlanta  peronii  Lesueur. 
Recent :  Atlantic  Ocean. 

Suborder  B.     PLATYPODA  Lamarck. 

Superfamily  1.     GYMNOGLOSSA  Gray. 

Mostly  holostomate  forms,  in  tvhich  the  radula  is  usually  unarmed  through  degenera- 
tion.     TJic  smaller  forms  frequently  parasitic  or  commensal. 

Family   1.     Eulimidae  Fischer. 

Small,  iiolished,  elongate-conic  shells,  with  ovate  aper- 
tures;  the  axis  often  distorted,  protoconch  dextral.  Trias 
to  Recent. 

Eulima  Risso  {Melanella  Bowdich)  (Fig.  910).  Tur- 
reted,  smooth,  lustrous,  without  umbilicus.  Trias  to 

Niso  Risso  (Fig.  911).     Like  the  last,  but  with  deep 


umbilicus  reaching  to  the  apex. 

Trias  to  Recent. 

Fin.  910. 

A,  Eutlinasuh- 
ulata  Don.  Plio- 
cene ;  Coroncina, 
Tnseany.  B,  li. 
fioJlta  '  (Linn.). 
Miocene;  Niedei- 
k'is,  Moravia. 

Fio.  911. 

Niso  nhu'nica 
Risso.  Plio- 
cfne ;  Monte 
Mario,  near 

Family  2.     Pyramidellidae  Gray. 

Shell  turreted  to  elongate-oval.  Aperture  oval,  an- 
teriorly rounded,  or  angular  ;  outer  lip  sharp.  Operculum 
horny,  .spiral.     Marine.     Cambrian  to  Recent. 

The  protoconch  consists  of  several  whorls,  and  in  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic  forms  is 
coiled  in  the  same  direction  as  the  remainder  of  the  shell.  But  in  the  younger  and 
more  typical  genera  it  is  heterostrophic,  distinctly  separated  fi-om  the  rest  of  the 
shell,  and  often  stands  at  an  angle  with  the  adult  spire.  It  is  questionable  whether 
forms  older  than  the  Cenozoic  can  be  retained  in  this  family ;  Fischer  places  most  of 
them  in  a  new  family,  entitled  Pseudomelaniidae. 

Macrocheilus  Phil.  {Macrochilina  Bayle  ;  Strobaeus  de  Kon.)  (Fig.  912).  Elongate- 
oval,  without  umbilicus,  smooth  or  with  slightly  curved  growth-lines.  Spire  acuminate, 
only  moderately  high  ;  last  whorl  large.  Aperture  angular  posteriorly,  sometimes 
also  in  front.      Inner  lip  with  weak  anterior  folds.      Silurian  to  Trias. 

(?)  l'tychostom,a  Laube  ;  (?)  Undularia  Koken.      Trias. 

Loxonema  Phil.     Turreted,  whorls  arched,  with  S-sliaped  growth-lines.      Sutures 




deei) ;  aperture  higher  than  wide,  with  shallow  canal.    Silurian  to  Trias ;  particularly 
abundant  in  the  Carboniferous. 

Zijgo2)leara    Koken.       Like    the    last,    but    whorls    with    sharp,    slightly    curved 
transverse  ribs,  or  transverse  nodose  keel.     Devonian  to  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Bourgetia  Deshayes  {Pithodea  de  Kon.).  Large, 
elongate-oval  to  turreted,  with  large,  inflated  body 
whorl.  Surface  marked  with  spiral  striae  or  furrows. 
Carboniferous  and  Upper  Jura. 

Pseudomelania  Pictet  {Chcmnitzia  p.p.  d'Orbigny) 
(Fig.  913).  Turreted,  with 
numerous,  almost  flat  whorls, 
and  slightly  impressed  sutures. 
Surface  smooth,  or  marked  by 
fine  growth  -  lines  ;  aperture 
rounded  anterioi'ly,  or  with 
faint  canal.  Umbilicus  want- 
ing; rarely  an  umbilical  fissure 
present.  Very  abundant  in  the 
Trias  and  Jura,  less  so  in 
Cretaceous  and  Eocene  ;  prob- 
ably present  also  in  the  Car- 

Subgenera :  Oonia,  Microscldza 
Gemm. ;  IIypsipleu7'a,  AndptycMa  ^^^    ^^^ 

Koken.     Trias   and   Jura.     Goe- 

lostyhnc^  _  Euslylus,  SpirostT/lus  ^j^^j^,^^,, .,_  j^u^l^jl,  ^e- 
Kittl.  Trias,  hayania  Munier-  vonian;  Paftrath,  near 
Clialni.  (Fig.  914).     Eocene.  Cologne. 

Fici.  913. 

h  p  d  d,  ingt  one  n  s  I  s 
(Sowl).).  Oxlbid- 
iau ;  Franco.  Bands 
of  original  colora- 
tion still  showing. 

(Bayania)  lactea 
Lam.  sp.  Cal- 
caire  Grossier ; 
Grignon,  near 

Pustularia    Koken,  non   Swains.     Turreted,  with  groove -like   sutures.     WhorLs 
flat,  with  three  or  more  spiral  rows  of  nodes.      Trias. 

Gatosira  Koken.       Wliorls  flat,  with  transverse  ridges.       Aperture  canaliculate  ; 

base  with  spiral  grooves.     Trias  and  Jura. 

Diastoma  Desh.  (Fig.  915).  Like  the  last, 
but  aperture  separated  from  the  body  whorl. 
Whorls  with  transverse  folds  and  spiral  striae. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Mathilda  Semper  (Promathilda  Andreae). 
Turreted ;  whorls  transversely  and  spirally 
striated  or  ribbed.  Aperture  with  canal.  Proto- 
conch  heterostrophic.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Keilostoma  Desh.  {ParypJiostoma  Bayan)  (Fig. 
916).  Turreted,  spirally  striated.  Outer  lip 
with  externally  thickened  margin.     Eocene. 

Turhonilla  Risso  (Ghemnitzia  p.p.  d'Orb.)  (Fig. 
9 1 7).  Small,  turreted,  with  heterostrophic  proto- 
conch.  Whorls  transversely  ribbed  or  smooth. 
Inner  lip  straight,  or  occasionally  with  folds. 
Tertiary  and  Recent 

Lamarck     (Fig.     919). 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fio.  915. 

Diastoma  costellata 
(Lam.).  Caloaire 
Grossier ;  Uamery, 
near  Epernay. 

Fig.  916. 

Keilostoma  turricula 
Brug.  sp.  {Mclanla 
marginata  Lamarck). 
Caloaire  Grossier; 
Grignon,  near  Paris. 


(Fig.   918);    Pyramidella 
Cretaceous     to     Recent. 
Palaeoniso  Gemm.     Trias 

Syrnola  Adams  ;  Eulimella  Fischer, 
and  Jura. 

The  genera  Suhulites  Conrad  (?  Polyphemopsis  Portlock),  from  the  Cambrian  t^ 




Carboniferous ;     Fihsisinra    Hall,    Ordovician  ;   and    Soleniscus    Meek   and    Wortlien, 

Fio.  917. 

Tii.rbo7iilla  rufa 
Phil.  Crag;  Sutton, 

Fir:.  918. 
Odostomin  pit- 
cata  (Montf.). 
Upper  Oligocene ; 
Kinder- Kaufuiigen, 
near  Cassel. 

Fk;.  919. 

PyraviiiJclIa  pli- 
cosa  Bronn.  Mio- 
cene ;  Niederleis, 

Firs.  920. 

Euchrysalis  fusi- 
formis  (Minister). 
Keuper ;  St.  Cas- 
sian,  Tyrol. 

Carboniferous,  are  cliaracterised  by  narrow,  anteriorly  elongated  and  canaliculate  aper- 
tures. They  probably  form  a  separate  family,  in  which  also  should  be  placed  the 
Triassic  Euchrysalis  Laube  (Fig.  920). 

Superfamily  2.     PTENOGLOSSA  Gray. 

Teeth  of  the  radula  suhulatc,  numerotis  and  similar  in  each  transverse  row. 

Family  1.      Epitoniidae,  novum  (Scalariidae  Broderip). 

Shell  turreted,  usually  narrowly  umbilicate.  JFJiorls  convex,  transversely  ribbed  or 
striated.  Aperture  round,  with  entire  peristome.  Operculum  horny,  paucis2oiral. 
Marine.      Silurian  to  Recent. 

Holopella  M'Coy  (Aclisina  de  Kon.).  Slender,  turreted  ;  whorls  with  fine  trans- 
verse striae,  sometimes  cancellated.      Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Gallonema  Hall  {Isonema  Meek  and  Worth.).  Turreted,  oval  to 
globose ;  whorls  covered  with  lamellate  transverse  ribs ;  aperture 
circular.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Scoliostoma  Braun.  Devonian.  Ghilocyclus  Bronn  {Gochlearia 
Braun) ;    Ventricaria  and  Batycles  Koken.     Trias. 

Epitoni'um  Bolten  {Scalaria  Lam. ;  Scala  Klein ;  Cirsotrema 
Morch)  (Fig.  921).  Turreted;  whorls  strongly  arched,  with  trans- 
verse ribs,  and  often  also  spirally  striated.  Aperture  round,  outer 
lip  sometimes  thickened.      Trias  to  Recent.     Many  suljgenera. 

Family  2. 

Fid.  921. 

Sadariaiumeiiom  '^^«^^    depressed    conical, 

Brocehi.  Miocene;   nacreous     layer.        Whorls 
angular ;  operculum  horny 
spiral.       The  protoconch    is 
Marine.       Cretaceous      to 

Solariidae  Chenu. 
deeply    and   broadly   ^imbilicate,   without 

Baden,  near  Vienna. 

or    calcareous 



The    Solariidae    exhibit    some    resem- 
blance  to   the  Euomphalidae,  from  which 

they  are  distinguished  principally  by  the  -g.^^^  932. 

heterostrophic  protoconch.  solarium  simplex 

Solarium  Lam.  (Architectonica  Bolten)  Bronn.      Miocene; 

(Figs.  922,  923).     Aperture  quadrilateral;  Niederleis, Morava. 

Jura  to  Recent. 

Fio.  923. 

Sdlarium  hymeriei  Ryckholt. 
Tourtia  (Cenomanian) ;  Tour- 
nay,  Belgium. 

operculum  horny  ;  umbilical  angle  notched  or  sharp.      Jura  to  Recent.      A  number 
of  Mesozoic  forms  confused  with  this  genus  probably  belong  to  Euompihalus. 

Torinia  Gray.      Tertiary  and  Recent.      Bifrontia  Desh.  {Omalaxis  Desh.).     Eocene. 




Superfamily  3.     TAENIOGLOSSA  Bouvier. 

Teeth  of  the  radula  seven  in  each  transverse  row.     Mainly  holostomate  forms,  but 
some  genera  have  deeply  notched  apertures,  as  in  the  higher  divisions. 

Family  1.      Purpurinidae  Zittel. 

Thick-shelled,  oval,  unth  platform-like  spire,  and  with- 
out pearly  layer,  TVliorls  flcottened  beneath  the  suture  and 
angular,  the  angles  often  beset  loith  nodes.  Body  whorl 
large ;  aperture  oval,  with  anterior  emargination,  and 
discontinuous  peristome.  Operculum  unknoion.  Carboni- 
ferous to  Cretaceous. 

Trachydomia  Meek  and  Worth.  {Trachijnerita  Kittl). 
Coal  Measures  ;  North  America  and  Europe.  Pseudoscalites 
Kittl ;   Tretospira  Koken.      Trias  ;  Europe. 

Purpurina  d'Orb.  Elongate-oval.  Whorls  angular 
superiorly,  spirally  ribljed,  with  transverse  folds  or  costae, 
highly  ornamented,  often  with  umbilical  fissure.  Aperture 
oval,  anteriorly  notched.     Rhaetic  and  Jura. 

Purpuroidea  Lycett  (Fig.  924).     Spire  with  successive 
steps  or  platforms,  the  flattened  surface  beneath  the  suture 
bounded  by  a  row  of  n6des.     Last  whorl  inflated,  smooth, 
canal-like  notch  ;  outer  lip  thin.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Brachytrcma  Morris  and  Lycett ;   Tomocheilus  Gemm. 

Fig.  924. 

Pur}mroidea  nodulata  (Young 
and  Bird).  Great  Oolite ;  Minchin- 
hampton,  England. 

Aperture  anteriorly  with 


Family  2.     Littorinidae  Gray. 

Shell  turbinate,  usually  smooth  or  spirally  ornamented,  without  nacreous  layer. 
Aperture  rounded ;  outer  lip  sharp.  Operculum  horny,  pa,ucispiral.  Marine. 
Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Fossil  shells 

of  this  family  are  distinguished  solely  from  those  of  the  Turbinidae 
and  Trochidae  by  the  absence  of  a  pearly  layer.  The  animal, 
however,  differs  radically.  The  heart  has  but  one  auricle  in 
the  Littorinidae,  two  in  the  Turbinidae  and  Trochidae.  The 
radula  in  the  last-named  groujis  is  rhipidoglossate ;  in  the 
present  family  it  is  taenioglossate.  The  differences  in  essential 
structure  are  thus  seen  to  be  considerable ;  yet  the  shells 
when  fossilised  are  so  similar,  it  can  scarcely  be  doubted  that 
the  so-called  Paleozoic  Littorinidae  are  in  many  cases  very 
closely  related  to  genera  referred  to  the  Turbinidae  and 
Trochidae.      The  limits  of    these  families  are  therefore  very 

Fk;.  92o. 

uncertain,   so  far  as  Paleozoic  forms  are  concerned.      Among 

Turho7iUella  subcostata 
(Goldf.).  Middle  Devonian  ; 
Paffrath,  near  Cologne. 

the  extinct  genera  which  exhibit  great  similarity  to  Littorina, 
but  are  often  assigned  to  the  above-named  families,  may  be 
mentioned     the    following :    Holopea    Hall.       Ordovician    to 

Devonian.       Turbonitella    de     Koninck    (Fig.    925).      Devonian    and    Carboniferous. 

Portlockia,    Turbinilopsis    and    Ehabdopleura    de    Koninck.       Lower     Carbonifei'ous. 

Lacunina  Kittl.     Trias. 

Littorina  Fer.  (Fig.  926).      Thick-shelled,  turbinate  to  globose,  smooth  or  spirally 

striated,  without  umbilicus.     Aperture  oval.     Jura  to  Recent. 




Lacuna  Turton  (Fig.  927).     Like  the  last,  but  thin,  small,  with  an  excavated  pillar. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fic.  y2G. 

Littorina  Utorea  (Linn.). 
Post-Pleistocene ;  Lsle  of 

Fig.  927. 

Lacuna  (?)  basterotina 
Bronn.  Miocene ;  Stein- 
abrunn,  near  Vienna. 

Fig.  92S. 

Fossarus  costatus  Brocchi.    Pliocene  ; 
Liraite,  Tuscany. 

Lacunella  Deah.  Eocene.  Litiopa'Rang;  PlanaxisLnm.;  QnoyiaBesh.  Tertiary 
and  Recent.     The  families  Litioindae  and  Planaxidae  are  usually  recognised. 

The  genus  Fossarus  Phil.  (Fig.  928)  forms,  according  to  Fischer,  a  separate  family, 
Fossaridae.     It  occurs  in  the  late  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  3.     Cyclostomatidae  Menke. 

Shell  extremely  variable  in  form,  turbinate  to  discoidal,  sometimes  turrcted,  covered 
with  epidermis.  Aperture  circular,  with  usually  entire  peristome.  Operculum  horny  or 
calcareous,  spiral.      Terrestrial.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Like  the  pulmonate  snails,  the  animal  possesses  a  respiratory  cavity.  But  in 
other  respects  they  approach  the  Littorinidae  very  closely,  which  latter .  forms  also 
have  the  gill  mucli  reduced.  The  shell  haljit  is  excessively  variable.  There  are  more 
than  600  Recent  species  distributed  thi'oughout  all  parts  of  the  globe,  but  the  majority 

Fl(i.  929. 

Cydostoma  hi- 
sidcatum  Zicten. 
Miocene;  Brmin- 
gen,  near  Ulin, 

Fig.  930. 

Pomatvis  la}ieUiirti 
(Thomas).  Helix 
Beds  (U])per  Oligo- 
eene);  Hochheim, 
near  Wiesbaden. 

Fic.  931. 

Cyclotus  exaratus  Sandb. 
Upper  Eocene ;  Pngnello, 
Italy.  Shell  and  operculum 
(after  Sandberger). 

Fig.  932. 

Strojihostoma  nnom- 
phala  Capellini.  Oligo- 
cene ;  Arnegg,  near 
Ulm,  Wiirtembeig. 

of  these  are  tropical.  Fossil  forms  are  found  in  fresh-water  deposits  as  old  as  the 
Middle  Cretaceous. 

Gyclostomus  Montf.  (Fig.  929).  Turbinate,  with  calcareous  spiral  operculum. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Otopoma,  Tudora  Gray.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Megalomastoma  Guild.  Turbinate  to  chrysalis-shaped,  usually  smooth.  Peristome 
with  thick  margins  ;  outer  lip  reilected.  Operculum  horny.  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 
M.  mumia  (Lamarck). 

Pomatias  Studer  (Fig.  930).  Turreted,  transversely  striated,  with  reflected 
margins  and  calcareous  operculum.  .  Tertiary  to  Recent ;  palearctic 

Leptopoma  Pfeiff.;  Gyclophorus  Montf;  Graspedopoma  Pfeiff ;  Gyclotus  Guilding 
(Fig.  931),  etc.  Upper  Cretaceous.  These  genera  are  considered  to  form  a  distinct 
family,  Gyclophoridae.     Strophostoma  Desh.  (Fig.  932).      Upper  Cretaceous  to  Miocene. 




Family  4.     Capulidae  Cuviei'. 

Shell  cup-,  cap-shaped  or  oval,  irregular,  loith  spirally  twisted  apex;  in  some  cases 
the  shell  is  composed  of  several  depressed  whorls.  Body  whorl  very  large  ;  aperture  wide  ; 
operculum  absent.     Marine.     Cambrian  to  Recent. 

Various  genera  belonging  here  are  stationary,  remaining  tlirougliout  nearly  the 
whole  of  their  existence  attached  to  some  foreign  body,  to 
which  they  gradually  become  accommodated  in  form. 

Stenotheca  Salter.  Shell  small,  cap-shaped,  concentrically 
striated  or  furrowed,  with  slightly  incurved  apex,  which 
latter  is  distantly  situated  posteriorly.      Lower  Cambrian. 

Fia.  933. 

'Capuhis  hungarlcus  (Linn.). 
Pliocene  ;  Tuscany.    ' 

Fig.  934. 

Capulus  rugosus  (Sowb.). 
Great  Oolite ;  "  Langrune, 
Calvados.     I'j 

Fig.  935. 

OrtJionychia  clcgans  Barr. 
Silurian  (Etage  E) ;  Loclikow, 

Capulus  Montf.  {Pileopsis  Lam.;  Brocchia  Bronn)  (Figs.  933,  934).  Irregularly 
conical  or  cap-shaped ;  apex  greatly  displaced  backward,  more  or  less  spirally  inroUed. 
Aperture  wide,  rounded  or  irregular  ;  internally  with  a  horseshoe-shaped  muscular 
impression.  Exceedingly  abimdant  from  the  Cambrian  to  Carboniferous,  but  rather 
sparse  from  the  Trias  onward. 

Orthonychia  Hall  {Igoceras  Hall)  (Fig.  935).  Shell  conical,  .straight  or  slightly 
curved,  often  plicated.     Apex  but  faintly  spiral.      Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Platyceras  Conrad  {Acroculia  Phil.)  (Fig.  936).     Apex  bent  and  spirally  inroUed. 

Fig.  936. 

Platyceras  neritoides    Pliil. 
Carboniferous  ;  Vise,  Belgium. 

Pig.  937. 

Hall.  Silurian ; 


Fig.  93S. 

Horiostmna  harrandei  Mun.-Clialm. 
Lower  Devonian  ;  Gahard,  lUe-et- 
Vilaine  (after  Munier-Chalmas). 

Surface  smooth,  striated,  plicated  or  covered  with  small  spines.  Young  shell  coiled 
as  in  Diaphorostoma,  late  stages  non-coiling,  often  spinous.  Commensal  on  Echinoicls. 
Silurian  to  Coal  Measures. 

Diaphorostoma  Fisher  {Platyostoma  Conrad)  (Fig.  937).  Shell  composed  of  numerous 
rapidly  widening  whorls.  Spire  low,  body  whorl  very  large.  Inner  lip  reflected  and 
somewhat  thickened.     Aperture  round,  of  large  size.     Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Horiostoma  Munier-Chalm.  (Fig.  938).  Shell  thick,  spirally  ribbed,  with  short 
lateral  spire,  and  wide  umbilicus.     Devonian. 

Tubina  Barr.     Silurian.     Bothiiletzia  Simonelli.      Tertiary. 




Hipponix  Defr.  (Gochlole'pas  Klein)  (Fig.  939).  Shell  thick,  obliquely  conical  to 
cup-shaped.  Beak  straight,  rarely  spiral,  greatly  removed  pos- 
teriorly. Aperture  oval  or  rounded,  internally  with  a  horseshoe- 
shaped  muscular  impression.  The  foot  often  secretes  a  thick, 
operculiform  calcareous  disk.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 


Hipponix  cornucopiae  (Lamarck.)  Calcaire 
Grossier;  Liancourt,  near  Paris.  A,  Shell. 
B,  Foot-plate. 

Fio.  940. 

Calyptraea  {Trocli itn)  trochiformis  Lam.    Calcaire  Grossier ; 
Damery,  near  Epernay. 

Galyptraea  Lam.  {Galerus  Gray)  (Fig.  940).  Shell  thin,  conical,  with  central 
spiral  apex.  Whorls  flattened,  often  spinose.  Base  horizontal ; 
aperture  wide,  depressed.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Crqndula  Lam.  (Fig.  941).  Slijjper  -  shaped,  elongate  -  oval,  flat 
or  arclied.  Beak  at  the  posterior  end,  almost  marginal,  somewhat 
curved.  Aperture  greatly  elongated,  wide ;  inner  lip  formed  by  a 
thin  horizontal  lamella.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Crucibuhtm  Schum.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  5.     Naticidae  Forbes. 

Fio.  941.  Shell  tuith  short  spire  and  large  body  whorl.     Aperture  semicircular 

Crepidula  unjui-   to  oval,  angular  posteriorly,   broadly  rounded   anteriorly.      Operculum 

Trias  to  Recent. 

cen'et  Tifscany.  '°"   calcareous  or  horny,  paucispiral.     Marine. 

The  distinction  of  fossil  Naticidae  from  Naticopsis,  Nerita  and  Ampidlaria  is 
attended  with  some  difficulty,  since  they  frequently  possess  nearly  identical  characters 
in  common,  difl'ering  mainly  in  the  operculum,  which  is  not  j^reserved  fossil. 

Sinum   Bolten   {Sigaretus  Lam.)  (Fig.   942).      Shell  depressed,  auriform,  spirally 

Fic.  942. 

Sinum  haHotoideum 
(Linn.).  Miocene ;  Grund, 

A,  Nat'tra  milhpunctata  Lam. 
Pliocene ;  Monte  Mario,  near  Home. 
B,  (Jpercnlum  of  N.  mnUipiitictata 
S.  Woodw.     Crag;  Sutton. 

Fii;.  944. 

Natica  (Ampullina)  palnia 
Lam.  Calcaire  Grossier ; 
Damery,  near  Epernay. 

striated  or  furrowed.     Spire  very  low,  with  rapidly  widening  whorls.     Aperture  greatly 
distended  ;  operculum  horny.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Natica  Scopoli  (Figs.  943-946).     Globose,  semi-globose,  ovate  or  pyramidal,  smooth 
and    lustrous,    rarely    spirally    striated,    umbilicate    or    not.     The    umbilicus,    when 




present,  often  partially  or  entirely  filled  with  callus.     Aperture  semicircular  or  oval. 
Outer  lip  sharp  ;  inner  lip  thickened  by  a  callus.     Excessively  abundant  from  the 

Trias  onward. 

Subgenera  :  Ampullina  Lam.  (Fig.  944)  ; 
Amauro2)sis  Morch.  (Figs.  945,  946)  ;  Polinices 
Montlbrt ;  Euspira  Agassiz  ;  Lunatia,  Cernina 
Gray  ;  Neverita  Risso,  etc. 

(?)  Deshayesia  Raul. 
(Fig.  947).  Lil^eNatica, 
but  inner  lip  with  a 
thick  callus  and  den- 
ticulated. Miocene  and 

Fio.  945. 

Nntiai,  {AmpulHna) 
wilhmeti.  Lam.  Cal- 
caire  Grossier ;  Da- 
mery,  near  Epernay. 

Fig.  946.  Fio.  947. 

Natica        (Amauropsls)  Deshayrsia        cochlearia 

hnlhi/ormis  Sowh.    Upper  (Brongniart).     Oligocene; 

Cretaceous;     St.    Gilgen  Monte     Grnmi,     near 

on  Wolfgangsee,  Austria.  Vicenza. 

Family  6. 


Shell  turbinate,  with- 

0  ut  nacreous  layer ; 
whorls  flat,  often  covered  with  agglutinated  foreign  bodies.  Base  concave  or  flat,  with 
a  peripheral  heel.  Aperture  obliquely  quadrilateral.  Operculum  horny.  Silurian  to 

The  Xenophoridae  Jlre  an  ancient  family,  the  modern  representatives  of  which 
have  acquired  a  high  diiferentiation.  The  radula  is  like  that  of  the  Capulidae, 
Littorinidae  and  Strombidae,  not  like  that  of  the  Trochidae.  The  earlier  forms, 
encountered  in  the  Silurian,  present  a  great  superficial  resemblance  to  the  Paleozoic 
Trochus  species. 

Eotrochus  Whitfield  (Fig.  948).  Thin-shelled,  turbinate,  widely  umbilicate. 
Whorls  flat,  rarely  with  aggluti- 
nated foreign  particles.  Base  con- 
cave, its  periphery  formed  by  a 
compressed  lamellar  belt.  Silurian 
to  Recent. 

Omphalopterus  Roemer.  De- 
pressed turbinate,  widely  umbili- 
cate. The  wide  peripheral  margin 
at  the  base  composed  of  two  lamellae, 
separated  by  a  slit.     Silurian. 

Clisosinra  Billings ;  Autodetus 
Lindstrom.      Silurian. 

Xenophora  Fischer  {Phorus 
Montf.)  (Fig.  949).      Low  trochiform,  narrowly  umbilicate. 

Fiii.  948. 

Eotrochus  heliacus 
(d'Orb.).  Upper  Lias ;  La 
Verpilliere,  near  Lyons. 

Fig.  949. 

Xenophora  ngglutinans  (Lam.). 
Calcaire  Grossier  ;  Damery,  near 

Whorls  usuallv  covered 

above  with  agglutinated  extraneous  objects.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  7.     Ampullariidae  Gray. 

This  family  inhabits  fresh  or  brackish  water,  and  is  found  in  Africa,  Asia  and 
tropical  America.  Some  of  their  shells  are  hardly  to  be  distinguished  from  Ampul- 
Una.  The  animal  possesses  a  lung  cavity  above  the  right  gill.  Fossil  forms  occur  in 
fresh-water  dej^osits  of  Cretaceous  age  at  Rognac,  near  Marseilles,  and  also  in  the  early 




Family  8.     Valvatidae  Gray. 

Shell  composed  of  few  ivJiorls,  conical  or  discoidal,  umhilicate.  Aperture  round,  tvith 
continuous  ijeristome.  Operculum  horny,  circular,  multispiral. 
Upper  Jura  to  Recent. 

The  genus  Valvata  MiiU.  (Fig.  950)  is  small,  and  varies 

from  turbinate  to   discoidal.      It  comprises  about  twenty-five 

Pig.  950.  Eecent    species,  inhabiting  the  frcsli    waters    of   Eiiroj^e    and 

Valvata  piscinaiu  Miiii.    North  America.     It  is  initiated  in  the  Purbeck,  but  does  not 

Transylvauia.*^'^'' '      ^'^°^*''    become  at  all  abundant  until  the  Tertiary. 

Family  9.     Viviparidae  Gill. 

Shell  conical  or  turbinate,  tvith  thick  epidermis;  imperforate  or  tvith  narroiv 
umbilicus.  Whorls  smooth,  tubular  or  angular.  Aperture  rounded,  oval,  sub-angular 
posteriorly,  with  continuous  peristom.e.  Operculum  horny,  concentrically  striated,  ivitli 
eccentric  nucleus.     Jura  to  Eecent. 

Vivipctra    Montf.    {Paludina    Lam.)    (Fig.    951). 


This,   the    principal  genus,    is 
a  D 

abundant  in  fresh  water 
of  all  parts  of  the  globe, 
with  the  exception  of 
tropical  and  South 
America.  Several  other 
genera  and  subgenera 
are  recognised,  such  as 
Campeloma  Raf.  {Me- 
lantho  auct.)  of  North 
America,  comprising 
mostly  smooth,  thick- 
shelled  sj^ecies, 
thickened  inner  lip ; 
Tulotoma  Haldem.,  including  forms  with  angular  whorls.  North  America  ;  Margarya 
Nev.,  China  ;  Lioplax  Troschel ;  Laguncula  Benson  ;  Tylopoma,  Boslwvicia  Brusina,  etc. 
Typical  species  of  this  genus  are  found  in  the  Wealden  clays.  Vast  numbers  of 
Vivipara  occur  in  the  Pliocene  of  southern  Hungary,  Croatia,  Slavonia,  Roumania 
and  the  Island  of  Cos,  where  they  are  remarkable  for  their  extreme  variability. 
Neumayr  has  described  a  number  of  mutation  series  from  this  horizon,  which  begin 
with  smooth  Vivipara  species,  and  terminate  with  angular  Tulotoma-\ik.&  forms. 

Fig.  951. 

A,  B,  Vivipara   hrusinae  Neumayr.      C,   V.   (Tulotoma)  forbesi  Neumayr. 
with    Pliocene  ;  Isle  of  Cos.    D,  V.  {Tulotoma)  hoerneri  Neumayr.    Pliocene  :  Novska, 

Family  10.     Hydrobiidae  Fischer  {Amnicolidae  Try  on). 

Shell  turbinate  to  turreted,  small,  usually  thin,  and  either  smooth,  longitudinally 
ribbed  or  spirally  heeled.  Aperture  ovate;  opierculum  horny  or  calcareous,  spiral  or 
concentric.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Tliese  are  fresh  or  brackish  water  inhabitants,  some  of  which,  however,  are  able  to 
survive  for  a  considerable  period  on  land.  It  is  difficult  to  distinguish  the  different 
genera  belonging  to  this  family  by  means  of  shell  characters  alone.  All  the  forms 
are  diminutive. 

Bithinia  Gray  (Fig.  952).  Thin-shelled,  tui'binate,  with  umbilical  fissure. 
Peristome  continuous,  outer  lijj  sharp.  Operculum  calcareous,  concentric.  Wealden 
to  Recent. 




Staliola    Brusina.      Outer    lip   thickened  ;    operculum  calcareous.     Cretaceous   to 
A  (•  Fossarulus  Neumayr.      Like   the   last,  but  witli   spiral   ribs. 

Upper  Miocene. 

Nematura  Benson  (Stenothyi-a  Benson)  (Fig.  953).  Like 
Bithinia,  but  aperture  contracted.  Operculum  calcareous,  spiral. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig.  952. 

A,  Bithinia  tentaenlata 
(Linn.).  Upper  Mionene; 
Miocic,  Dalmatia.  B, 
Operculum  of  same.  C, 
B.  grariUs  Sandb.  Fresh- 
water JVIolasse ;  Uber- 
kirchberg,  near  Ulni. 

Pig.  953. 

Nematura  pupa  ( 
Oligocene  ;  Hackenlieim, 
near  Alzey. 

Fig.  954. 

Nystia  chastelii 
(Nyst).  Middle  Oligo- 
cene ;  Klein-Spouwen, 

Fig.  955. 

Hydrobia  acuta  A. 
Braun.  Miocene ; 
Weissenau,  near 

Nystia  Tourn.  (Forbesia  Nyst)  (Fig.  954).  Outer  lip  reflected;  operculum 
calcareous,  spiral.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Assiminea  Leach.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Hydrohia  Hartm.  (Littorinella  Braun  ;  Tournoueria  Brusina)  (Fig.  955).  Conical 
to  turreted,  acuminate,  smooth.  Aperture  oval ;  operculum  horny,  paucispiral. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent.  The  Indusia  Limestone  (Lower  Miocene)  of  Axivergne  is 
almost  exclusively  composed  of  the  shells  of  H.  dubuissoni  Bouill.  Similarly,  the 
Littorinella  Limestone  ,of  the  Mayence  Basin,  which  is  of  equivalent  age,  is  made 
up  of  the  shells  of  H.  acuta  Braun.  Strata  in  the  fresh-water  limestone  of  Nordlingen 
are  charged  with  H.  frochulus  Sandlj.  ;  and  the  Upper  Eocene  marl  of  St.  Ouen  is 
filled  with  the  remains  of  H.  pusilla  (Prev.). 

Other  genera  and  subgenera  closely  related  to  the  foregoing  are  Bythinella  Moq.  ; 
Amnicola     Gould  ;     Belgrandia    and  .  j,  ^, 

Lartetia    Bourguignat ;    Lapparentia 

Pyrcjula  Christofori  and  Jan. 
(Fig.  956,  A).  Turreted,  whorls 
spirally  keeled  or  ribbed.  Peristome 
continuous.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Genera  allied  to  the  last  are 
Micromelania  Brus.  (Fig.  956,  B)  ; 
Mohrensternia  Stol.  (Fig.  956,  C) ; 
Pyrgidium  Tournouer ;  Prnsosthenia 
Neumayr.     Tertiary. 

Lithoylyphns  Ziegl.  (Fig.  957). 
Globose  or  ovate,  with  short  sj)ire  ; 
rather  thick  and  solid.  Aperture  large,  obliquely  oval ;  inner  lip  thickened. 
Tertiary  and  Recent  ;  Europe.  Similar  forms,  Somatogyrus  Gill,  and  Flmnincola 
Stirapson,  occur  in  North  America.  There  are  other  related  genera  in  south-eastern 
Asia  and  South  America. 

Family   11.     Rissoidae  Troschel. 

Shell  small,  thick,  turbinate  to  turreted,  usually  ribbed  or  spirally  striated,  rarely 
smooth.  Aperture  oval,  angular  posteriorly,  often  with  anterior  canal.  Operculum 
horny,  pavjcispiral.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Rissoina  d'Orb.  (Fig.  958).      Turreted,  transversely  ribbed,  rarely  smooth  :  outer 
VOL.   I  2  N 

Fig.  95(3. 

A,  Pyrcjula  eugeiiiae  Neumayr. 
Upper  Miocene ;  Arpatak,  Transyl- 
vania. B,  Micromelania  {Diana) 
haueri  (Neumayr).  Upper  Miocene ; 
Miocic,  Dalmatia.  C,  Mohrensternia 
inflata  Andrzewsky.  Congerien  Stage 
(Miocene)  ;  Inzersdorf,  near  Vienna. 

Fig.  957. 

Litho<jJyphiiii  fuscus 
Ziegler.  Upper  Mio- 
cene ;  Malino,  West 




lip  arcuate,  generally  tliickened  ;   aperture  somewhat  notched  or  effuse  at  the  base. 

Dogger    to     Recent ;     mainly 
^  ^  Tertiary. 

Bissoa  Frem.  (Fig.  959). 
Turreted,  transversely  riljbed 
or  cancellated,  aperture  entire 
l)elow.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Fio.  958. 

A,  Rissoina  amocna  Zitt.  Titlion- 
ian  ;  Stramberg,  Moravia.  B,  R. 
Ue<'Uf:sata  Montf.  Miocene  ;  Steina- 
brunn,  near  Vienna. 

Fici.  9:J9. 

A,  Rissoa  turhinata  (Lain.). 
Oligocene ;  Weinheini,  near 
Alzey.  /.',  R.  (Alr<inia)  mon- 
iagui  Payr.  Miocene  ;  Steina- 
brunn,  near  Vienna. 

Family  12.     Turritellidae 

Shell  turreted,  with  liigh 
acuminate  spire.  Whorls  numerous,  usually  spirally  ribbed  or  striated.  Aperture  oval, 
round  or  quadrangular,  sometimes  ivith  faint  anterior  canal.  Outer  lip  thin,  peristome 
discontinuous.      Operculum  horny,  muUispiral.     Marine.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Turritella  Lam.  (Figs.   960,   961).     Spire  very  high  ;  aperture  oval  or  rounded 

quadrilateral ;  outer  lij)  thin,  excavated  behind,  and 
slightly  jjroduced  in  front.  Trias  to  Recent ;  maximum 
in  Tertiary.  The  older  Mesozoic  species  are  usually 

Fic.  960. 

A,  Turritella  tnrris  Bast.  ('/'. 
terelira  Ziet.  non  Linn.).  Miocene 
Molasse  ;  Enningen,  near  Ulni. 
B,  T.  irnhricatarin  Lam.  Cal- 
caife  Grossier ;  Grignon,  near 

Subgenera :  Mesalia  Gray  (Fig.  961 
but  aperture  with  shallow  canal,  and 
Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Protoma  Baird 
{Proto  p.p.  Defr. ). 
Aperture  oval,  an- 
teriorly with  canal- 
like contraction, 
which  is  surrounded 
externally  by  a  thick 
swelling.  Tertiary 
and  Recent.  P. 
cathedralis  Brgt. 

Glauco)iia  Gie- 
bel  (Omphalia 
Zekeli ;  Cassiope 
Cocp)  (Fig.  962). 
Thick-shelled,  coni- 
cal or  turreted, 
narrowly      umhili- 

Like    the    last, 
twisted    inner    lip. 

Fiii.  9(3L 

TurritcUa  {Mesalia) 
multisulcata  Lam. 
Eocene  ;  Calcaire 
Grossier  ;  Grignon, 
near  Pari.s. 

Glauconia  kefersteini 
Goldf.  Middle  Cre- 
taceous ;  Dreistiitten, 
near  W'iener-Nenst. 

cate.  Whorls 

spirally  ribbed,  rarely  smooth.      Aperture    oval,  with   faint   canal ;    outer  lii?  ^\ith 
anterior  and  median  emargination.     Abundant  in  the  Cretaceous. 

Family   13.     Vermiculariidae,  novum.      {Vermetidae  Adams). 

Shell  tubular,  the  earlier  whorls  spiral,  the  later  ones  irregularly  twisted,  free  or 
attached.  Aperture  round;  operculum  horny,  sometimes  icanting.  Carboniferous  to 

Some  fossil  Vermetidae  are  liable  to  be  mistaken  for  Serpulidae,  but  differ  from 
them  neverlheless  in  the  structure  of  the  shell  and  spiral  protoconch.  The  determina- 
tion of  the  few  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic  forms  is  uncertain. 

Vermicularia  Lam.  {Vermetus  Daudin)  (Figs.  963,  964).  Shell  usually  attached, 
irregularly  tubular,  internally  vitreous,  and  often  with  septa.  Carboniferous  (?)  to 
Recent.     Abundant  in  the  Tertiary, 




Subgenera ; 

Thylaeodes  Guettard  (Fig.  963) ;  Petaloconchus  Lea  (Fig.  964).     Tertiary  and 

Siliquaria  Bnig.  (Fig.  965).  Shell 
free,  coiled  in  a  loose  spiral.  Aperture 
lateral,  and  with  a  slit  which  continues 
as  a  fine  cleft  or  row  of  pores  through- 
out the  entire  length  of  the  shell. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 


Vcrmicidaria  (Th  yhwode-i)  arenaria 
Linn.  Miocene ;  Grund,  near  Vienna. 

V.  (Petaloconchus)  intorta  Lam. 
Pliocene ;  Montespertoli,  near 
Florence.  Some  of  the  tubes  are 
fractured  i  and  show  the  internal 

Fir;.  965. 

Siliquaria  striata 

Desh.  Calcaire  Grossier ; 
Chaussy,  near  Paris. 

Family   14.     Caecidae  Adams. 

Shell  small,  discoidal  in  early  stages,  later  becoming  tubular.      The  decollated  yroto- 
conch  replaced  by  a  septum.     Operculum  roimd,  horny.      Tertiary  and 

Caecum  Flem.  About  one  hundred  Recent  and  twenty  Tertiary 
species  are  known. 

Family  15.     Melaniidae  (Lamarck)  Gray. 

Shell  turreted  to  oval,  with  thick,  dark-coloured  epidermis.  Apex 
usually  truncated  and  corroded.  Aperture  oval,  sometimes  canali- 
culate.     Operculum  horny,  spiral.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Living  species  inhabit  fresh,  or  more  rarely  brackish,  waters  of 
southern  Europe  and  the  warmer  zones  of  Africa,  Asia  and  America. 

Melania  Lam.  (Thiara  Bolten)  (Fig.  966).  Shell  smooth  or 
spirally  striated,  or  with  transverse  ribs  or  nodes.  Aperture  oval, 
anteriorly  I'ounded.     Upper  Jiira  to  Recent. 

Stomatopsis  Stache.  Whorls  platform-like,  with  strong  trans- 
verse ribs  ;  aperture  rounded,  with  entire,  thickened  and  reflected 
margins.     Lowermost  Eocene  (Cosina  Beds) ;  Istria  and  Dalmatia. 

Pyrgulifera  Meek  {Hautkenia  Munier-Chalm.)  (Fig.  967).      Shell  thick,  elongate- 
oval,  with  platform-like,  transversely  ribbed,  and  spirally  striated  whorls.     Aperture 

Fig.  966. 

Melania  escheri 
Brongt.  Miocene ; 
Michelsberg,  near 



Upper  Cretaceous  of  Europe   and   North 

oval,  sometimes  with  very  faint   canal 

Paramelania  Smith.     Eesembles  the  preceding.     Living  in  Lake  Tanganyika. 

Fascinella    Stache ;    Goptostylus   Sandb.  ;    Faunihs   Montf ;    Hemisinus    Swainson. 
Upper  Cretaceous,  Eocene  and  Recent. 

Melanopsis  Fer.  (Figs.  968-970).     Shell  oval  to  turreted,  smooth  or  ornamented. 

Fig.  967. 

Pyrrjulifcra  pich- 
leri  (Hoernes). 
Upper  Creta- 
ceous; Ajka, 

Fio.  968. 

Melcmopsla  galln-pro- 
vincialis  Math.  Upper- 
most Cretaceous ;  Mar- 
tigues,  near  Marseilles. 

Fio.  969. 

UManopsis  mar- 
tiniana  Fer.  Mio- 
cene ;  Nnssdorf, 
near  Vienna. 

Fio.  970. 

Melanopsis      (Can- 

thidomus)    acanthica  Pleurocera  tttromhi- 

Neumayr.       Upper  formis     (Scliloth). 

Miocene;      Miocic,  Wealden ;      Oster- 

Balniatia.  wakl,  Hannover. 

Base  of  columella  truncated  ;  aperture  with  short  canal ;  inner  lip  callous.  LTpper 
Cretaceous  to  Recent.     Remarkably  abundant  in  the  Miocene  and  Pliocene. 

Pleurocera  Raf.  (Fig.  971).  Like  Melania,  but  aperture  with  faint  canal,  and 
outer  lip  sinuous.     Cretaceous  to  Recent ;  occurs  only  in  North  America. 

Ooniobasis  Lea ;  Anculosa  Say  {Leptoxis  Raf) ;  Ptychoshjhis  Sandb.  Wealden. 
The  first  two  occur  Tertiary  and  Recent  in  North  America  only. 

Family   16.     Nerineidae  Zittel. 
Shell  turreted,  pyramidal  or  ovate,  perforate  or  imperforate.     Apertitre  anteriorly 

VK:   972. 

Trorhdlin  ronnolirina  Zitt. 
Tithonian  ;  Straiiiberg,  Mor- 
avia.    Longitudinal  section. 

Fid.  973. 

A,  Nerinca  defrancci  d'Orb.  Coral-Rag  ;  Coulanges  sur  Yonne.  B,  N. 
dilatata  d'Orb.  Coral-Rag ;  Oyoiinax,  Ain.  C-E,  N.  hnke,neg(inri  I'eters. 
Tithonian  ;  Straniberg,  Moravia.     '','■!/;,.     A  Vi-     £,  Longitudinal  section. 




tuith  short  canal  or  shallow  notch.  Columella  and  lips  with  strong  folds,  continuous 
throughout  the  entire  length  of  the  spire.  Outer  lip  thin,  posteriorly  with  fissure-like 
incision,  which  leaves  a  small  slit-hand  immediately  beneath  the  suture  on  all  the  ivhorls. 
Marine.     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

Aptyxiella  Fisch.  (Aptyxis  Zitte],  non  Troscliel).  Turreted,  very  slender,  im- 
perforate. Aperture  quadrangular  ;  inner  and  outer  lips  without  folds ;  columella 
somewhat  thickened.      Trias  to  Upper  Jura. 

Trochalia  Sharpe  {Gryptoplocus  Pict.  and  Camp.)  (Fig.  972).  Turreted  to 
pyramidal,  usually  smooth  and  imperforate.  The  inner  lip  only  has  a  strong,  simple 
fold.     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Nerinella  Sharpe  (Pseudonerinea  Loriol).  Turreted,  imperforate.  Outer  lip  and 
sometimes  also  the  columella  with  a  simple  fold.     Jura. 

Nerinea  Defr,  (Fig.  973).  Turreted  or  pyramidal,  usually  imperforate.  Columella 
invariably,  and  inner  and  outer  lips  generally,  with  simple  folds.  Jura  and  Cretaceous  ; 
maximum  in  the  Coral-Rag  (Upper  Jura). 

Ptygmatis  Sharpe  (Fig.  974).      Like  the  last,  except  that  the  folds  on  both  lips 
and  the  columella  are  complicated  by  second- 
ary constrictions  and  branchings.     Jura  and 

Itieria  Math.  (Fig.  975).  Elongate-oval, 
usually  umbilicate.  Spire  short,  sometimes 
insunken.  Body  whorl  very  large,  more  or 
less  enveloping  the  preceding.  Columella 
and  both  lips  with  folds.  Jura  and  Cre- 

Family   17.     Oerithiidae  Menke. 

Shell  turreted;  aperture  elongated  oval,  or 
quadrilateral,  anteriorly  ivith  short  canal. 
Outer  lip  often  thickened  and  reflected,  or  thin 
and  sharp.  Columella  sometimes  with  one 
or  two  folds.  Operculum  horny,  spiral. 
Marine  and  brackish  ivater.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Fio.  974. 

Ptygmatis  pscndo- 
linndrutana  Gem- 
mellaro.  Titlionian ; 
Iiiwald,  Carpathia. 
Vertical  section. 

Fig.  975. 

Itieria  staszycii  Zeuschner. 
Tithonian ;  Inwald,  Car- 

The  earliest 

More  than   1000  living,  and  about  500 
fossil  species  are  known,  the  latter  being  most  numerous  in  the  Eocene, 
forms  ai-e  usually  of  small  size,  and  have  a  nearly  entire  peristome. 

Cerithinella  Gemm.  (Fig.  976).      Shell  turreted,  slender.     Whorls  numerous,  flat, 

ornamented  with  spiral  ribs  or  rows  of  small  nodes. 
Aperture  c^uadrilateral,  with  very  faint  canal. 

Cryptaulax  Tate  {Pseudocerithium  Cossmann). 
Small,  turreted.  Whorls  with  spiral  ribs  or  rows 
of  nodes  and  transverse  folds.  These  last  usually 
run  continuously  in  a  somewhat  oblique  direction 
from  one  whorl  to  the  next.      Aperture  oval  or 

Pio.  977. 

Fia.  976. 

Cerithinella  armata 
Goldf.  Torulosus 
Beds  (.Middle  Jura) ; 
Pretzfeld,  Franconia. 

Mordf  and  Tyc'   quadrilateral,     with     scarcely    perceptible     canal. 

Great  Oolite  ;  Min-     rj,j.-j^g  ^^^  j^^^,^ 

chinhanipton,  Jing-  ^     .     ,,        ,,        .  -it  ,tt        n^,^~^        m   • 

land.  Ceritella    Morris  and  Lye.   (Fig.   977).      Trias 

and  Jura.      Fibula    Piette   (Fig.    978).      Trias    to 
Cretaceous.     Pseudalaria  Huddlest. ;   Ditretus  Piette.     Jura. 

Exelissa  Piette  (Fig.  979).     Very  small,  turreted  ;  whorls  with  strong,  continuous 




transverse  ribs  and  spiral  striae.     Aperture  contracted,  rounded,  without  canal,  some- 
times slightly  separated  off,  and  with  continuous  jieristome.     Abundant  in  the  Jura. 
Bittium  Leach  (Fig.  980).     Turreted,  with  granulated  spiral  ribs, 
and  numerous  transverse  costae.     Aperture  with  short,  straight  canal ; 
outer  liji  sharp.     Jura  to  Eecent.     Abundant  in  the  Tertiary. 
Triforis  Deshayes  ;  Gerithiopsis  Forbes.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Eustoma  Piette.  Aperture  with 
long  canal,  which  is  often  closed, 
however,  by  margins  of  the  inner 
and  oiiter  lip.  Inner  lip  callous 
and  strongly  dilated  ;  outer  lip 
expanded.     Jura. 

Cerithium  Brug.  (Figs.  981, 
982).  Turreted,  imperforate,  with- 
out epidermis.  Aperture  oblong, 
ovate,  with  l)ackwardly  curved 
canal ;  outer  liji  often  somewhat 
reflected.  Columella  concave,  fre- 
quently with  one  or  two  folds. 
Certain  Tertiary  species  attain  a  length  of  half  a  metre  {G.  giganteum).  Jura  to 
Recent ;  maximum  in  Eocene. 

Subgenera  :   Vicarya  d'Arcli.  ;  Clava  Martyn  (Fig.  982)  ;  Bcllardia  Mayer,  etc. 

Potamides  Brongt.  (Figs.  983,  984).  Turreted,  with  epidermis  ;  aperture  with 
emargination  or  faint  canal.  Inhabits  only  brackish  water  or 
estuaries.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Fig.  978. 

Filnila  undulosa 
Piette.  Bathou- 
ian  ;  Eparcy, 

Fig.  079. 

Exelissa  strangu- 
lata  (d'Arch.). 
B  a-t  li  o  II  i  a  n  ; 
Eparcy,  Aisne. 

Bittium  pJicaJM7)i 
Brng.  Oligocene; 
OriiKiy,  near  litampe.s, 

Fig.  981. 

Cerithium  serratum 
Brug.  Calcaire  Gros- 
sier ;  Damery,  near 

Pig.  982. 

Cerithium  (Clava) 
nudum,  Lam.  Eocene  ; 
Chaumont,  near  Paris. 

Fig.  983. 

Potamides  (Tympano- 
tumus)  margaritaceum 
Brocchi.  Oligocene ; 
Hackenheim,  near  Alzey. 

Fig.  984. 

Potamides  (Lampaiiia) 
plcurotomides  Desh. 
Middle  Meere.ssand ; 
Mortefontaine,  Seine-et- 

Subgenera :   Tympanotovms  Adam.s  (Fig.  983)  ;  Pyrazus,  Telcscopium  Montf. 
Swains. ;  Lampania  (Fig.  984)  and  Pyrenella  Gray  ;  Sandhenjeria  Bosq. 


Family  18.     Aporrhaidae  Philippi. 

Shell  fusiform,  turreted  or  conical  ovate.  Aperture  produced  anteriorly  in  a  canal. 
Outer  lip  expanded  in  a  iving-like  or  digitiform  fashion,  or  thickened.  Operculum  horny. 
Marine.     Jura  to  Recent ;  maximum  in  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Alaria  Morris  and  Lye.  (Figs.  985-988).  Shell  turreted  ;  aperture  with  long  or 
sliort  canal.      Outer  \\\\  not  overriding  the  last  whorl,  digitated  or  winged.     Spire 




and  body  whorl  often  retaining  traces  of  apertures  at  earlier  stages.     Veiy  abundant 
in  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Subgenera  :     Dicrolovm   Gabb ;    Anchura    Conrad    (Fig,    987). 
Cretaceous.     Diempterus  Piette.     Jura. 

Jura    and 

Fig.  987. 

Alaria  myuras  Desloiii;ch. 
Lower  Oolite ;  Bayeux,  Cal- 


Alaria  annata  Morris 

and  Lye.    Great  Oolite ;  Alaria  (Aiichura)  cari- 

Minchinhanipton,    Eng-  nata      Mant.        Gaiilt ; 

land.     I  Folkestone,  England. 

Fig.  988. 

Sp in igc ra  semica rinata, 
(Goldfuss).  Callovian ; 
Montrei\il  -  Bellay, 

Spinigera  d'Orl).  (Fig.  988).      Whorls  keeled  and  ornamented  with   two  opposite 
rows  of  spines.     Jura. 

Aporrhais  Ba,  Costa  {Ghenopvs  Phil.)  (Figs. 
989-991).  Like  Alaria,  but  niai'gins  of  aperture 
elongated  posteriorly  in  a  canal,  whicli  remains 
either  attached  to  the  spire,  or  extends  free  from 
the  same.  Outer  lip  expanded,  digitated  or  lobed. 
Jura  to  Recent. 

Subgenera  :  Alices  Conrad  ;  Arrhoyes,  Tessarolax, 
Hclicaulax  Gabb  ;  Ceratosi'phon  Gill  ;  Cuphosclenus, 
Malaptera  Piette  ;  Pterocercl la  Meek  ;  Dimorphosoma 
St.  Gardner  (Fig.  990)  ;  Lispodesthes  White  (Fig. 
991).     Jura  and  Cretaceous. 


Fig.  989. 

Aporrhais  tridactijhis  A.  Braun.  Oligo- 
ceiie  ;  Hackenlieim,  near  Creuznach. 

Fig.  990. 

Aporrhais  {Dimor- 
phosoma)  calcarata 
8  o  w  b.  Upper 
Greensand  ;  Black- 
down,  England. 

Fig.  991. 

Aporrhais    (Lispochsthcs)    rcuasl    Geinitz 

var.  megaloiitera  Reuss. 

Planer ;  Postelberg, 

Family  19.     Strombidae  d'Orbigny. 

Shell  conical,  turreted  or  fusiform,  ivith  acuminate  spire.  Aperture  canaliculate ; 
outer  lip  often  expanded,  anteriorly  with  an  emargination.  Opercuhim  horny.  Jura 
to  Recent. 

Although  the  shells  of  this  family  are  excessively  variable,  the  soft  parts  of  the 
animals  exhibit  great  uniformity  of  structure. 




Harpacjodes  Gill  (Fig.  992).     Spire  sliort,  Ijody  whorl  very  large.      Canal  long, 
reflected.       Outer  margin  produced  in  a  number  of  tubular  spinous   processes,  the 

posteriormost  of  which  rests  against  the  spire  and  extends 
nearly  to  the  apex.      Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Pig.  992. 

Ha'rpagodes  oceani  Brongt. 
Kimineridgian ;  Lindner  Berg, 
near  Hannover. 

Stromlms  crassilaJirum  Zitt.     Gosan- 
Cretaceous  ;  St.  Gilgen,  Austria. 

Pterocera  Lam.  [Hepta- 
dactylus     Klein).         Spire 
short ;  canal  bent  sideways. 
Outer   margin    wing  -  like, 
with  tubular  spinous  pro- 
cesses,   beneath    the    most 
anterior  of  which  is  a  deep 
notch.     Kecent. 
Pterodonta  d'Orlj.  ;   Thersitea  Coq.  ;  Pereiraea  Crosse.     Miocene. 
Strombus  Linn.  (Oncoma  Mayer)  (Fig.  993).      Shell  ovoid,  tuberculose  or  spinose, 
solid  ;  spire  with  several  whorls  ;  body  Avhorl  veiy  large.     Aperture 
elongate,  obliquely  truncated  and  channelled  anteriorly,  canaliculate 
I^osteriorly.      Outer  margin   dilated  in   wing-like   fashion,   usually 
thick,  often   proditced   behind,   sinuate  and   sometimes  channelled 
in  front.      Columellar    liorder    simple,   enamelled.      Cretaceous    to 

Pugnellus  Conrad.  Cretaceous.  Struthiolaria  Lam.  Tertiary 
and  Eecent. 

Seraphs  Montf  (TerebeUum  Lam.)  (Fig.  994).  Shell  elongate, 
sul)-cylindrical ;  spire  short,  summit  obtuse.  Body  whorl  very 
large,  smooth  or  striated.  Aperture  longitudinal,  narrow  pos- 
teriorly, and  slightly  dilated  anteriorly ;  canal  short.  Outer 
margin  thin,  simple,  obliquely  trimcated  anteriorly,  sometimes  pro- 
longed in  the  spire  posteriorly  by  a  callosity.  Columellar  border 
smooth,  straight.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Rosfellaria  Lam.  Spire  high,  whorls  smooth.  Aperture  jsro- 
Scrnphs  sopitum  '^^^^ced  anteriorly  in  a  beak -like  canal,  and  continued  posteriorly 
(Brander).  Caicaire  as  a  narrow  channel  resting  on  the  spire.  Oitter  margin  with 
near  Paris.  °  '  denticulate  jirocesses,  notched  anteriorly.  Late  Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Hi^ypochrenes  Montf.  {Gyclomops  Gabb)  (Fig.  995).  Like  the  last. 
))ut  outer  margin  exj^anded  in  wing-like  fashion,  and  destitute  of  processes.  Uijper 
Crgtaceous  and  Eocene. 

Fin.  994. 



Eimella   Agassiz   {Isopleura   Meek)  (Fig.   996).       Surface   cancellated, 
with     tliickened     margin,     entire     or  a 

crenulated.     Upper  Cretaceous  to  Re- 

Gablj.       Spire    wholly 

Outer  lip 

involute  and 


Fig.  996. 

Family  20. 


Shell  thick,  elongated 

oval,    loith    short    conical        ^U  Rimella  fismrella  (Lam.). 

,    ,  ■      77      Calcaire     Grossier ;     Damery, 

spire,  ana   large,  spirally    nearEpernay.    j:,i;.hartoncnsis 

ribbed,    frequenthl  cancel-    (Sowb.).       Calcaire    Grossier; 

'  •'      ^  •>  Grignon,  near  Pans. 

lated  body  whorl.  Aper- 
ture narrow,  anteriorly  -with  short  canal,  and  pios- 
teriorly  ivith  a  canal  directed^  obliquely  outtvards. 
Inner  lip  callous,  outer  lip  often  thickened,  denti- 
culated or  somewhat  reflected  outwardly.  Jura  and 

Pig.  995. 

Hippochrcnes  inurrMsoni  Desli.     Calcaire 
Gro.ssier  ;  Damery,  near  Bpernay. 

Fig.  997. 

Columbellaria  coral- 
Una       (Quenst.). 

Pig.  998. 
Zitteliu  crassissima 

Coral -Rag;       Nat-    (Zitt.).      Titlionian ; 
tlieiiii.  Stramberg. 

Fig.  999. 

Pctersia  costata 
Gemm.  Titlionian ; 

Columbellaria  RoUe  (Fig.  997).  Surface  covered  with  numerous  spiral  ribs, 
sometimes  cancellated.  Aperture  long  and  narrow,  broadening  somewhat  anteriorly. 
Outer  lip  denticulated  internally,  not  thickened,  somewhat  reflected.  Anterior  and 
posterior  canals  short.      Upper  Jura. 

Zittelia  Gemm.  (Fig.  998).      Like  the  last,  but  aperture  very  narrow  or  cleft-like. 
Outer  lip  much  thickened  in  the  middle.      Titlionian. 

Golumbellina   d'Orb.      Cretaceous.      Petersia   Gemm.    (Fig.    999). 

Family  21.     Cypraeidae  Gray.     Cowries. 

Shell  ovate,  convolute.  Spire  shoii,  nearly  or  completely  covered  in 
the  adult  by  the  very  large  body  whorl.  Aperture  of  equal  length  with 
the  shell,  narrotv,  anteriorly  and  posteriorly  produced  in  a  tisually  short 
canal.  Outer  lip  inflected.  Operculum  toanting.  Upper  Jura  to 

Fig.  1000. 

Cypraea  suhexcisa 
A.  Braun.  Oligo- 
cene ;  Weinheini, 
near  Alzey. 

Recent  Cypraeidae  of  which  about  210  species  are  known, 
inhabit  principally  the  warmer  seas.  They  are  often  remarkable  for 
their  beautiful  coloration,  and  sometimes  attain  considerable  size.  Jurassic  species  are 
sparse  ;  Tertiary  ones  rather  more  abundant. 

Cypraea    Linn.    (Fig.    1000).      Ovoid,   ventricose,    enamelled,    smooth,    lirate    or 




tuberculate  ;  sj)ire   exposed   or   enveloped.     Aperture  narrow,   extending   the   whole 
length  of  tlie  shell,  and  canaliculate  at  each  extremity.      Inner  lip  and  the  inroUed 

outer    lip    generally   crenulate.      Jura    {G.    titonica 
Stefan  i)  to  Recent. 

Trivia  Gray  (Fig.  1001).  Like  the  preceding, 
but  smaller,  and  sculptured  with  raised  transverse 
riblets.  Anterior  channel  not  prolonged,  wide  and 
slightly  reverted.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Erato  Risso  (Fig.  1002).     Small,  ovoid  or  pyri- 
form,  with  sliort  conical  spire.     Aperture  narrow. 
Inner   lip   smooth,  except  for  anterior   columellar 
Canal  notch-like,  broad.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Flo.  1001. 

Trivia  affin  is  (Diij.). 
Miocene ;  Pont- 
levoy,  Touraine. 

Fig.  1002. 

Erato  laevis  Don. 
Miocene ;  Nieder- 
luis,  Austria. 

folds  ;  outer  lip  denticulate. 

Family  22.     Ovulidae  Fleming. 

Like   the   Gypraeidae,   except   that   the  spire   is  convolute   instead   of  produced   and 
covered,  and  the  marginal  teeth 
of   the    radula    are    peculiarly 
modified.    Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Ovula  Brug.  Shell  ovate 
or  fusiform,  the  spire  completely 
enveloped.  Aperture  produced 
anteriorly  and  posteriorly  as  a 
canal.  Inner  lip  smooth  ;  the 
outer  reflected,  smooth  or 
denticulated.  Tertiary  and 

Gisortia  Jousseaume  (Fig. 
1003).  Large,  thick  -  shelled, 
ovate,  with  short  convolute 
spire.  Surface  typically  keeled 
or  coarsely  tuberculate.  Body 
whorl     with     a     blunt     ridge ; 

aperture    anteriorly  and    posteriorly   with    a   short    canal. 
gigantea  (Goldf.). 

Pedicularia  Swainson.      Sessile  on  corals.     Miocene  to  Recent 

Fig.  1003. 

Gisortia  tuberculosa  Duclos.     Lower  Eocene  (Londinicn); 
Cuise  Lamotlie. 

Eocene.      G.  (Strombus) 

Family  23.     Cassididae  Adams. 

Shell  thick,  inflated,  glohularly  ovate,  sometimes  varicose;  spire  short,  body   whorl 

very  large.  Aperture  narrow,  elongate,  anteriorly 
xvith  short  canal.  Inner  lip  resting  on  an  exten- 
sive callus,  sometimes  granulated  or  ivrinkled. 
Outer  lip  more  or  less  thickened.  Operculum  horny, 
with  marginal  nucleus.  Marine.  Upper  Creta- 
ceous to  Recent. 

Galeodea  Link  {Morio  Montf.  ;  Gassidaria 
Lam.)  (Fig.  1 004).  Shell  ventricose,  not  varicose. 
Canal  long,  twisted,  reverted  or  bent  sidewise. 
Inner  lip  greatly  expanded,  outer  lip  reflected, 
often  crenulate.  Columellar  border  plicate. 
Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent ;  maximum  in 

Fill.  1004. 
Galeodea     carinatu 
Lam.      Calraire  Gro.s- 
.sicr ;     Grignoii,     near 

Fig.  lOOo. 

Galeodea  (.Scons  iVi) 
a;mhi(jua  (Solander). 
Oligocene  ;  Lattorf, 
near  Bernburtr. 





Subgenus  :  S'consia  Gray  (Fig.  1005) 
Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Cassis  Lam.  (Fig.  1006).     Shell  ovoid,  ventricose,  having 

„^^j^ varices.     Spire    short,   aperture    elongate.      Outer 

lip  thickened,  reflected,  usually  denticulate  in  the  interior. 
Inner  lip  callous,  expanded,  denticulate,  wrinkled  or  granii- 
late.  Canal  very  short,  broad,  sharply  recurved,  directed 
uj)ward  posteriorly.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  24.     Doliidae  Adams. 

Shell   thin,   inflated.     Spire   very   short,  body   whorl  very 
large,  longitudinally  ribbed   or   cancellated.      Aperture   ivide, 

oval ;  canal  straight  or  curved.     Oper- 
culum absent.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Last  whorl  with  varix  ;  canal  short  and  straight. 

Fig.  100(5. 

Cassis  salmron  Lam.    Miocene ; 
Gainfalirn,  near  Vienna. 

Cretaceous    to 

Tonna   Briinnich  {Dolium   Lam.). 
Spirally  ribbed.      Outer    lip  notched 
internally ;    canal    short,    obliquely    directed. 

Pyrula  Lam.  {Ficida  Swainson)  (Fig.  1007).  Spirally 
ribbed,  grooved  or  cancellated.  Aperture  very  wide  ;  outer  liji 
sharp  ;  canal  long,  broad,  straight.  Lower  Cretaceous  to 
Recent ;  maximum  in  Tertiary. 

Family  25.     Nyctilochidae  Dall. 

Fig.  1007.  Shell     thick,    ovate    to     fusiform,     ivith     eindermis.      Spire 

Pyrula  retimiata  (Lam.),  moderately  high,  whorls  varicose,  aperture  ivith  thickened  outer 

lip,  and  open,  straight  or  slightly  bent  canal.     Operculum  horny, 
with  marginal  nucleus.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Miocene ; 




Nyctilochus  Gistel  {Tritonium  Link ; 
Triton,  Lotorium  Montf.).  Spire  elon- 
gated. The  varices  do  not  run  con- 
tinuously over  more  than  a  few  whorls. 
Columella  and  inner  lip  callous  or 
granulated.  Outer  lip  thickened  inter- 
nally and  notched.  Cretaceous  to 
Recent ;  abundant  in  the  Tertiary, 

EtigTjrina  Dall  (Fig.  1008). 
cene  to  Recent. 

Distortrix  Link  {Personct  Montf.). 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Bursa  Bolten  {Ranella  Lam.)  (Fig. 
1009).  Like  Nyctilochus,  but  with  two 
opposite  varices,  which  are  continuous 
over  all  the  whorls.  Tertiary  and 

Superfamily  4.     RACHIGLOSSA  Gray. 

Radula  reduced  to  three  teeth  or  to  one  tooth  in  a  transverse  series. 

These  are  carnivorous  marine  forms,  which  have  their  initiation  in  the  Mesozoic, 
become  somewhat  numerous  in  the  Cretaceous,  and  form  an  important  element  of  the 
Tertiary  and  Recent  faunas. 

Fig.  1008. 

Eugyrina  flandrica  de 
Kon.  Oligocene ;  Wein- 
lieim,  near  Alzey. 

Fig.  1009. 

Bursa  (Aspa)  marip',iiata 
Brocclii.  Miocene  ;  Grund,  near 

5  56 



Family  1.     Oolumbellidae  Troscliel. 

Shell  small,  ovate  to  fusiform,  covered  with  epidermis,  imj^crforate.  Aperture  narrou\ 
.canal  short.  Outer  lip  denticulated  internally,  thickened  in  the  middle. 
Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

The  typical  genus,  Golumhella  Lamarck  (Fig.  1010),  attains  its 
maximum  distribution  in  the  Tertiary  and  Eecent  seas.  It  is  divided 
into  a  number  of  subgenera. 

Fig.  1010. 

Family  2.     Buccinidae  Troschel. 

Columhella  curta 
Duj.  Miocene ; 
Lapugy,  Transyl- 

wide,   ivith 



Shell    elongate -oval,  covered   ivith   epidermis.     Aperture 
short  canal.    Outer  lip  sharp  or  thickened.   Operculum  horny. 
to  Recent. 

Linn.  Inflated,  smooth  or  transversely  ribbed.  Spire  moderately 
aperture  wide  ;  canal  short,  wide,  open.  Outer  lip  sharp  and  thin,  inner  lip 
somewhat  callous.  Distributed  principally  in  waters  of  the  more 
northerly  zones  (B.  imdatum  Linn.).  Fossil  in  the  Crag  and 

Oominella  Gray  (Fig.  1011).  Usually  spirally  ribbed.  The  last 
whorl  somewhat  depressed  beneath  the  suture,  so  that  the  aperture 
forms  a  small  groove  posteriorly.  Outer  lip  sharp  or  crenate  inter- 
nally.    Upper  Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Pseudoliva   Swains.   (Fig.    1012).      Like  the   last,  but  outer  lip 
with    a    small    basal    tooth   or    notch   which 

Fig.  1011. 

corresj^onds  to  a  groove  on  the  body  whorl. 
UjJiier  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Pisania    Bivona    (Pisanella    v. 

Cominella  cassidaria 
A.  Braun.  Oligocene; 
Hackenlieim,  near 

Koenen  ; 
Taurinia  Bellardi).  Elon- 
gate-ovoid, sjjire  moder- 
ately high.  Whorls 
smooth  or  spirally 
striated.  Outer  margin 
thickened,  notched  inter- 
nally. Tertiary  and  Re- 

Cantharus  Bolten 
(Pollia  Gray  ;  Tritonidea 
Swains.)  (Fig.  1013). 
Oval,  inflated  ;  spire  and 
aperture  of  about  equal 
length ;    surface    usually 

spirally  ribbed  and  transversely  folded.     Columella  often  with  weak  transverse  folds  ; 

outer  margin  thickened,  crenate  internally.     Aperture  posteriorly  with  a  short  canal. 

Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Phos    Montf.     Shell    elongate,   bucciniform,    turriculate ;    spire    sharp,    elevated, 

whorls  ornamented  with  prominent  longitudinal  costae,  and  less  salient  spiral  threads 

and  sulci,  often  varicose.     Aperture  oblong ;  outer  margin  lirate  within.     Columella 

excavated,  plicate  in  front ;  canal  short,  slightly  twisted.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Eburna  Lam.    {Dipsaccus   Klein)    (Fig.    1014).     Resembling   Nassa,   but  smooth, 

perforate,  and  with  deeply  incised  sutures  ;  outer  margin  sharp.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Nassa  Lam.  {Alectrion  Montf.)  (Fig.  1015).      Ovate,  inflated.     Aperture  with  short, 

reverted  canal ;  inner  lip  callous,  expanded  ;  outer  margin  usually  crenate  internally. 

Fig.  1012. 

Pseudoliva  zitteli 
Upper  Cretaceous ; 
Gora,  Hungary. 


Fig.  1013. 

Can tharus  suhlamtus 
(Bast).  Miocene;  Eiiz- 
esfeld,  neariVienna. 

Fig.  1014. 

EInt  ma  mronls 
(Brongt.).  Eocene; 
Ronea,  nearVicenza. 




Sparse  in  Upper  Cretaceous  and  Eocene,  abundant  in  Miocene  and  Pliocene  ;   living 
species  exceeding  200  in  number,  and  distributed  in  numerous  subgenera. 

Cyclonassa  Agassiz  ;  Oijllime  Gray  ;  Truncaria  Adams  ;  Buccino%isis  Conrad. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Chrysodomus  Swains.  {Nefhmea  p.p.  Bolten).  Elongate-ovoid,  inflated,  sometimes 
sinistral,  with  rather  short  and  moderately  bent  canal.  Cretaceous  to  Recent.  C 
contrarius  Lam.      Crag. 

Siphonalia,  Zemira,  Metula  Adams ;  Euthria  Gray ;  Hemifusus  Swainson  (Fig. 
1016).      Tertiary  and  Recent.     Mitraefusus  and  Genea  Bellardi.     Neocene. 

Melongena  Schum.  {Pyrula 
Lam.  p.]).;  Myristica  Swains.)  (Fig. 
1017).  Pyriform,  inflated,  with 
short  spire.  Body  whorl  large, 
longitudinally  striated  and  beset 
with  nodes  or  rows  of  sjaines.    Inner 

Fig.  1015. 

Na<isa  clathrata  Brocchi. 
Pliocene  ;  Larniano,  Tus- 

Pig.  lOlS. 

Tudicla  rusticula 
(Bast.)-  Miocene; Grand, 
n(!ar  Vienna. 

Fig.  1010. 

Hemifusus  siCbcarinatus 
(Lam.).  Eocene  (Sables 
moyens) ;  Senlis,  Seine- 

Pig.  1017. 
Melongena  cornuta  Agassiz      Miocene  ;  Bordeaux. 

Fio.  1019. 

Strepsidura  ficuhiea 
(Lam.).  CaleaireGrossier; 
Damery,  near  Epernay. 

lip  smooth  ;  aperture  gradually  becoming  merged  into  the  short  and  wide  canal. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Busycon  Bolten  (Fulgiir  Montfort).      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Tudicla  Bolten  (Fig.  1018).  Resembles  Fulgur  but  has  a  straight  and  very  long 
canal  ;  inner  lip  with  a  fold.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Strepsidura  Swains.  (Fig.  1019).  Spire  short  ;  body  wdiorl  inflated,  transversely 
ribbed  ;  canal  curved.     Eocene  and  Miocene. 

Family  3.     Muricidae  Tryon. 

Shell  thick.      Spire  moderately  high ;  whorls  %oith  transverse  swellings,  ribs  or  folia, 
and   frequently    spinose.       Aperture  rounded  or  oval;    canal  more    or    less   elongated, 




wholly  or  imrtially  covered  by  margins  of  the  inner  and  outer  lips.      OpermliLm  horny. 
Cretaceous  to  Keceiit. 

Murex  Linn.  {Tigs.  1020-1022).     Shell  roimded,  spire  prominent.     Surface  with  at 
least  three,  often  more  than  three  varices  or  transverse  rows  of  spines  or  nodes  on  each 

whorl.  Apei'ture  ovate  ;  inner  lip  smooth,  outer  lip 
thickened.  Canal  much  prolonged,  partially  closed, 
usually  spinose.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Fio.  1020. 

Mwrex  (Phylloiwtns)  sedgwichi  Miclit. 
Miocene  ;  Gainfahrn,  near  Vienna. 

Fig.  1022.  Fig.  1023. 

Fig   lO'^l 

Murex       (Purpura)  Typhis      tuhifer 

Murex  sjiinicost a  Bronn.    t'nmriniituslja.m.  Eo-  Montf.       Calcaire 

Miocene ;      Baden      near    cene ;    Damery,    near  Grossier;  Grignon, 

Vienna.                                    Bpernay.  near  Paris. 

Subgenera  :  Haustellum  Klein  ;  Rhinacantha  Adams  ;  CMcoreus,  Phyllonotus  (Fig.  1020) 
Montfort ;  Purpura  Martyn  {Ptero7iotus  Swsiinson)  (Fig.  1022)  ;  Tritonalia  Fleming  {Ocinebra 
Leach),  etc. 

Typhis  Montf.  (Fig.    1023).     Like  Murex,  but  with  hollow  spines.      Canal  short, 

completely  closed.      Upper  Cretaceous  to  Re- 

Trofhon  Montf  Spire  high.  Longitu- 
dinal ribs  replaced  by  thin  lamellae.  Canal 
open,  somewhat  curved.    Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  4.     Thaisidae  Dall, 

Shell  thick,  usually  ovoid;  spire  short, 
body  ivhorl  large.  Aperture  wide,  inner  lip 
and  columella  more  or  -less  flattened ;  canal 
short.  Operculum  horny.  Cretaceous  to  Re- 

Fig.  1024, 

Thais  exilis 
Partscli.  Mio- 
cene ;  Miillcrs- 
dorf,  near  Vienna. 

Pio.  1025.  Thais  Bolten  (Purpura  Brug.)  (Fig.  1024). 

Rapana  laxecarinahi  Miclit.    Imperforate ;     body    whorl    witli    transverse 
ougocene ;    Santa    Giustina,    j^.^y^g  q^.  ^^^^^^^      Aperture  oval,  columella  flat- 
tened, smooth.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Rapana  Schum.  (Fig.  1025).     Like  the  preceding,  but  perforate.      Inner  lip  callous, 
expanded.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Lysis  Gabb  ;  Stenomphalus  Sandberger.      Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 
Sistrum   Montf  {Ricinula   Lam.) ;    Acanthina   Fischer  de   Waldheim   (Monoceros 
Lam.) ;  Goncholepas  Lam. ;  Gymia  Morch,  etc.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 




Family  5.     Fusidae  Tryon. 

Shell  hirreted,  fusiform  or  ovoid,  generally  without  varices.  Canal  more  or  less 
elongated.  Inner  lip  smooth,  or  tvithioeak  columellar  folds  ;  outer  margin  thin.  Oper- 
culum horny.     Jura  to  Recent. 

These  shells  are  sparse  in  the  Upper  Jnra  and  Cretaceous,  but  abundant  in  the 

Fio.  102(5. 

Fusus  lonrjirostris 
Brocchi.  Miocene ; 
15  a  lie  11,  near 

Fig.  1027 

Pig.  1028. 

ClaveUa  longiKims  Lam.  Siic.uinhulbiform,is{LiS.\n.).  Cal- 
Eocene  ;  Daniery,  near  caire  Grossier ;  Grignon,  near 
Epernay.  Paris. 

Fio.  1029. 

Fasciolaria  tarhdViaiia  Grat. 
Miocene  ;  Grund,  near  Vienna. 

The  animal  differs  somewhat  from  that  of  the  Buccinidae  and 

Tertiary  and  Recent, 

Fusus  Lain.  (Fusinus  Raf.  ;  Colus  Humph.)  (Fig.  1026).  Shell  narrow,  elongate; 
spire  acuminate.  Aperture  ovate  ;  canal  very  long,  straight,  oiien.  Outer  margin 
thin,  sometimes  crenulate,  and  often  striate  within ;  columella  smooth.  Rare  in 
Upper  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  very  profuse  in  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

ClaveUa  Swains.  {Cyrtulus  Hinds)  (Fig.    1027).      Thick-shelled,  smooth  or  with 
fine  spiral  striae.    Body  whorl  suddenly  contracted  anteriorly.    Canal 
very  long,  straight.   Common  in  Eocene;  rare  in  Neocene  and  Recent. 

Sycum  Bayle  {Leiostoma  Swains.)  (Fig.  1028).  Spire  short; 
body  whorl  inflated,  smooth,  somewhat  flattened  below  the  suture. 
Inner  lip  smooth  ;  canal  straight.  Common  in  the  Eocene ;  rare 
in  Miocene. 

Fasciolaria  Lam.  (Fig.  1029).  Like  Fusus,  but  distinguished 
in  general  ))y  having  a  shorter  spire,  more  inflated  body  whorl,  a 
wider  and  more  sinuous  or  flexuous  canal,  and  in  that  the  anterior 
portion  of  the  columella  has  two  or  three  oblique  plications. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Latirus  Montf.  (Fig.  1030).  Shell  fusiform,  turreted  ;  spire 
costate.     Aperture  oblong,  outer  margin  relatively  thin,  crenulate  ;   Lapugy j  Transylvania! 

Pio.  1030. 

Latirus    craticulatus 
(d'Orb.).         Miocene; 




columella!'  boi^der  sliglitly  twisted,  with  two  or  three  small  oblique  plaits  anteriorly  ; 
sometimes  uml)ilicate.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Pisanella  v.  Koeneii.  Oligocene.  Peristernia  Miirch  ;  Leucozonia  Gray.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 

Family  6.     Vasidae  Adams.      (Turbinellidae  auct.). 

Shell  similar  to  those  of  the  preceding  family,  hut  with  strong,  horizontal  columellar 
folds.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Xancus  Bolt.  (Turhinella  Lam.  ;  Mazza  Adams  ;  Mazzalina  Conrad).  Thick- 
shelled,  ovate -conical,  smooth;  spire  short  and  Idunt,  body  whorl  large;  canal 
straight,  elongated.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Vasum  Link  {Cynodonta  Schum.).  Shell  lieavy,  strongly  sculptured,  often  s^iinose, 
with  short  canal.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  7.     Volutidae  Gray. 

Shell  thick,  ovate  to  fusiform,  didl  or  lustrous.  Spire  short  or  long,  body  whorl  large. 
Aperture  elongated,  with  a  short  canal  or  notch;  inner  lip  tvith  columellar  folds.  Oper- 
culum usually  absent.      Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

This  family,  as  here  defined,  contains  genera  distributed  by  malacologists  amongst 

several  families  —  Marginellidae,  Mitridae  and 
Volutidae — all  of  ^^'hich  are  characterised  by  the 
strong  development  of  columellar  folds  ;  but  it  is 
likely  that  this  structure  originated  independently 
in  several  I)hyla  at  intervals  remote  from  one 
anotlier.  The  initiation  of  well-marked  genera 
with  Volutoid  plaits  occurred  in  the  Cretaceous. 
Subsequently  their  number  increased,  and  a  great 
many  generic  tyjies  became  differentiated.  The 
phylogeny  of  Tertiary  and  Recent  forms  has  been 
ably  worked  out  by  Dall.^ 

Marginella  Lam.  (Fig.  1031).  Shell  oval  or 
oblong,  smooth,  glistening.  Spire  short ;  aperture 
narrow,  slightly  canaliculate  anteriorly.  Columella 
with  three  or  four  oblique  folds  of  about  equal 
size;  outer  margin  frequently  thickened  and  dentate. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Mitra  Lam.  (Fig.  1032).  Fusiform  to  elongate- 
oval,  solid  ;  spire  high,  acuminate  ;  aperture  narrow, 
channelled  anteriorly.  Columella  with  numerous 
oblique  folds,  the  posterior  plaits 

being  often  the  strongest.     Outer  mai'gin  commonly  thickened,  and 

smootli  internally.     Abundant  in  the  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Turricida  Adams.    Like  the  last,  biit  shell  transversely  ribbed. 

Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Strigatella  Swains.  (Fig.  1033) ;  Cylindromitra  Fischer  {Cylindra 

Schum.)  ;  Imbricaria  Schum. ;    Volutomitra  Gray ;  Perplicaria  Dall. 

Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Lyria   Gray   (Fig.    1034).     Elongate -oval,    transversely   ril)l)ed. 

Aperture  narrow.     Columella  anteriorly  with  two  much  compressed 

Fig.  1031. 

Marginella  crassula 
Desh.  Calcaire  Gros- 
sier ;  Chaumont,  near 
Paris.     2/i. 

Pio.  1032. 

Mitra  fusiformU 
Brocchi.  Plio- 

cene ;  Rhodes. 


'  Bull.    Museum    Comp.    Zoology,   vol.    xviii.,    1889  ;    Proc.    U.S.    Nat. 
Museum,  vol.  xii.,  1890,  Trans.  Wagner  Free  Inst.  Sei.  Philad.,  vol.  iii.,  1890. 

Strigatella  InhmtnUi 
(Ijam.).  Eocene; 
Grignon,  near  Paris. 




and  very  large  plications,  behind  (above)  which  are  numerous  weaker  ones.  Outer 
margiai  thickened.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Ampulla  Bolten  (Halia  Risso  ;  Priavius  Beck).  No  columellar  folds.  Pliocene  and 

Volutilithes  Swains.  (Figs.  1035-36).  Shell  fusiform,  spire  elongate-conical;  proto- 
conch  small,  rising  to  a  more  or  less  acute  apex.  Whorls  costate,  typically  spinose. 
Aperture  anteriorly  with  short  broad  canal ;  columellar  folds  variable,  several  in 
number,  those  toward  the  anterior  being  generally  the  most  pronounced.  Abundant 
in  the  Cretaceous,  Eocene  and  Oligocene. 

Allied  genera  :  Gosavia  Stol.;  Leioderma  and  Bostellites  Conrad  ;  Liopeplum  Dall ; 
Volutoderma  (Fig.  1037)  and  Volutomorpha  Gabb.     Cretaceous. 

Athleta  Conrad.     Spire   short,    body   whorl  inflated,  posteriorly  with   a   row   of 

Fi(i.  1034. 

Lyria  modeda 
A.Braun.  Oligo- 
cene ;  Weinheiin. 

Fia.  1035. 

Volutilithes  bicorona 
(Lam.).  Eocene;  Cour- 
tagiion,  near  Epeinay. 

Fig.  1036. 

Volutilithes  innriciMis  Lam. 
Calcaire  Qrossier ;  Dameiy, 
near  Epernay. 

Fig.  1037. 

Volutoderma  elon- 
fjitia  d'Orb.  Gosau- 
Cretaceous ;  St.  Gil- 
sen,  Austria. 

spinous  nodes.  Inner  lip  callous,  much  expanded  ;  columella  anteriorly  with  three 
strong  transverse  folds,  behind  (above)  which  follow  a  few  weaker  ones.  Outer 
margin  thickened.     Miocene  and  Pliocene. 

Hcafliella  Swains.  Shell  in  this  genus  is  elongate-oval  or  fusiform,  solid,  l)road,  and 
with  elevated,  turbinate,  smooth  protoconch.  Spire  short,  longitudinally  plicate,  the 
folds  being  elevated  into  obtuse  tu].)ercles  on  the  base  of  the  whorls.  Aperture  narrow, 
canaliculate  behind  and  broad  in  front ;  inner  margin  often  covered  by  a  thin  callus. 
Columella  carrying  many  plaits,  four  or  five  of  which  are  prominent,  the  remainder 
much  smaller.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Subgenera:    Fulgoraria  Schum.  ;    Scapha   Gray;    Zidona  Adams;    {Volutella  d'Orb.); 
Aurinia  Adams  {Volutifusus  Conrad) ;  CariceUa  Conrad ;  Adclomelon  and  Eucymba  Dall,  etc. 

Valuta  Linn.      Spire  short,  protoconch  small.    Aperture  narrow,  inner  lip  callous, 
with  numerous  transverse  folds  ;  outer  margin  thickened.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 
Melo  Humphr.      {Gymhiuvi  pars,  Bolten).      Recent. 

Family  8.     Harpidae  Troschel. 

Spire  depressed ;  body  ivhorl  inflated,  with  sharp,  uniformly  spaced  transverse  ribs. 
Aperture  wide,  with  short  broad  canal.  Inner  lip  callous.  Operculum  absent.  Tertiary 
and  Recent. 

VOL.  I  2  0 




The  typical  genus  Harpa  Lam.  {Silia  Mayer)  (Fig.  1038),  ranges  from  the  Eocene 

to  the  present  time. 

Cryptochorda  Murch  (?  Harpopsis  Mayer) 
(Fig.  1039).  Elongate-oval  ;  spire  short, 
body  whorl  large,  smooth,  lustrous.  Aperture 
with  short  recurved  canal  ;  inner  lip  callous. 
Common  in  the  Eocene. 

Family  9.     Olividae    d'Orbigny. 

Fig.  1038. 

Harpa  mutlca  Lam. 
CalcaireGrossier;  Grig- 
non,  near  Paris. 

Fio.  1039. 

Vryjitochorda  strom- 
hoidcs  (Lam.).  Calcaire 
Grossier ;  Uamery,  near 

Shell  elongate-oval  to  subcylindrical,  solid, 
smooth  and  glistening.  Spire  short ;  body 
whorl  very  large.  Aperture  narrow ;  outer 
lip  sharp  ;  colitmella  anteriorly  loith  an  out- 
loardly  reflected  callus.  Canal  very  short. 
Cretaceous  to  Eecent. 

Oliva  Martyn  (Fig.  1040).     Shell  subcylindrical  ;  suture  line  marked  by  a  deep 
groove.     Columellar  callus  obliquely  folded.     Cre- 
taceous to  Recent. 

Olivella  Swainson.  Small,  with  acute  en- 
amelled .spire.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Ancilla  Lam.  (Ancillaria  Lam.)  (Fig.  1041). 
Shell  oblong,  occasionally  acuminate.  Suture 
usually  covered  over  by  a  lustrous  enamel -like 
callus.  Aperture  somewhat  bi'oadened  anteriorly  ; 
columellar  callus  slightly  twisted.  Cretaceous  to 

Superfamily  5.     TOXOGLOSSA    Troschel. 


(Jlh-a  dai'ukt  Lam. 
Miocene  ;  Dax,  near 

Fig.  1041. 

Ancilla  ijlandi- 
fonnis  Lam.  Plio- 
cene ;  Steinabrunn. 

Radula   typically   with   only  two  arroio-shaped 
teeth  in  each  transverse  row,  although  occasionally  as  many  as  five  teeth  are  developed' 
Shell  similar  to  that  of  the  Rachiglossa. 

This  group  is  most  closely  allied  to  the  Rachi- 
glossa, from  which  it  probably  became  differentiated 
in  the  Cretaceous.  The  Tertiary  and  Recent  species  are 
excessively  profuse.     All  are  carnivorous  and  marine. 

Family  1.     Cancellariidae    Adams. 

Shell  oval  to  tiirreted.  Spire  acuminate ;  body 
whorl  inflated  ;  surface  transversely  ribbed  and  in  most 
cases  cancellated.  Aperture  with  short  canal  or  notch ; 
columella  with  several  strong  oblique  folds,  outer  lip 
grooved  internally.     Upper  Ci'etaceous  to  Recent. 

The  typical  genus  Gancellaria  Lam.  (Fig.  1042) 
attains  a  maximum  distribution  in  the  late  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Firi.   1042. 

Canixllaria  can 
(;eHafci(Linn.).  Mio 
cene  ;  Gainfalirn 
near  Vienna. 

Family  2.      Terebridae    Adams. 

Shell  turreted,  slender,  acuminate,  with  small  body  ivhorl.  Aperture 
oval  or  quadrilateral ;  canal  short,  curved ;  outer  lip  sharp.  Oper- 
culum horny.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Of  the  two  leading  genera,  Terebra  Lam.  (Fig.  1043)  and  Hastula  Adams,  the  first 

Pio.  1043. 

Terebra  (wiivi  inata 
Borson.  Miocene  ; 
Baden,  near  Vienna. 




is  characterised  by  a  line  running  parallel  with   the  suture,  and  creating  a  narrow 
suture  band.     JJuplicaria  Dall  has  the  suture  channelled. 

Family  3.     Turritidae    Adams  {Plexhrotomidae  Stoliczka). 

Shell  fusiform,  with  moderately  high  spire.  Aperture  elongated,  j)roduced  anteriorly 
in  a  longer  or  shorter  canal.  Outer  lip  with  a  slit  or  notch  below  the  suture.  Operculum 
horny,  sometimes  absent.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Upwards  of  700  recent  and  1000  fossil  species  have  been  described,  of  which  28 
are  Cretaceous. 

Turris  Bolten  (Pleurotoma  Lam.)  (Figs.  1044-1047).     Shell  turriculated,  spire  long. 

A  B  '  C  A  B 

Pig.  1044. 

A,  Turris  noiata  (Brocchi)  var.  {=T.  monilis 
Hoernes).  Miocene  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna.  B,  T.  (Sur- 
cula)  Iwmarcki  Bell.  Miocene  ;  Baden,  near  Vienna. 
C,  T.  {Surcula)'hclgica  Nyst.  Oligocene  ;  Weiuheim, 
near  Alzey. 

Fig.  1045. 

A,  Turris  (Genota)  ramosa  Bast. 
Miocene ;  Grund,  Hungary.  B, 
T.  (Cryptono7ms)fllosa  (Lam.).  Cal- 
caireGrossier;  Grignon,  near  Paris. 

Body  whorl  of  nearly  equal  length  with  the  spire  ;  canal  long  and  straight ;  columellar 
margin  smooth.  Outer  mar- 
gin of  the  aperture  with  a 
narrow,  deep  sinus,  situated 
at  or  some  distance  below  the 
suture.  Operculum  pointed 
ovate,  with  ajaical  nucleus. 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Subgenera : 

Surcula  (Fig. 
1044,  B,  C)  ;  Genota  Adams 
(Fig.  1045,  A)  ;  Bathytoma 
Harris  (Fig.  1046)  ;  Oligotoma, 
Eouaultia  Bellardi  ;  Cryjito- 
C071US  V.  Koenen  (Fig.  1045,  B) ; 
Drillia  (Fig.  1047)  ;  Bela  Gray  ; 
Lachesis  Risso,  etc. 

Glavatula  Lamarck  (Fig. 
1048).      Differs  from   Turris 

Fig.  104T. 

Turris  (Drillia) 
incrassata  Duj.  Mio- 
cene ;  Steinabnmn, 
near  Vienna,     -/i. 

notch,  and  the  nucleus  of  the 

operculum  is  situated  in  the  middle  of  the  anterior  margin 

Suljgenera  :  Pseudotoma,  Glinura  Bellardi. 

Turris   (Bathytoma) 
proper  in  that  the  outer  margin    cataphracta    Brocchi. 
.    ,  1     Ti         J    •  1         Miocene ;  Baden,  near 

is  cut  by  a  shallow  triangular   Vienna. 

Pig.  1048. 

Clavatula  asperulata 
Lamarck.  Miocene ; 
Grund,  Hungary. 

Cretaceous  to  Recent. 




Borsonia  Bellardi  (Fig.  1049).  Outer  margin  with  a  shallow  notch  i  canal  long 
and  straight  ;  columella  with  one  or  two  folds ;  operculum  unknown.  Eocene  to 

Mangilia  Risso  (Fig.  1050).  Shell  small,  fusiform,  imperforate  and  typically, 
with    longitiidinal  costae    or  swellings.     Aperture  commonly  narrow,    witli  a  short. 


Fig.  1049.  • 

Borsonia  delvcii 
Nyst.  Lower  Oligo- 
cene  ;  Lattdoiff,  near 

Fig.  1050. 

Mangilia  anguMa 
Jan.  Pliocene ; 
Occiano,  near  Pisa. 

Pio.  1051. 

A,  Clathurella  strom 
billa  Duj.  Miocene 
Kienberg,  near  Vienna, 
B,  BeUardkila  reticu 
lata  (Brocchi).  Plio 
cene ;  Sassuola,  near 

Fig.  1052. 

Daphnclla  {Raphi- 
toma)  vulpccnla 
Brocclii.  Pliocene  ; 
Sassuola,  near 

truncated  canal ;  no  operculum  ;  sinus  near  the  suture.     Outer  margin  usually  acute, 
not  dentate  posteriorly  with  shallow  notch.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Allied  genera  are  the  following:   Glathurella  Carp.  (Fig.  1051,  A);   Bellardiella 

Fischer  (Fig.  1051,  B);  Atoma  Bellardi;  Ghjflio- 
stoma  Gabb;  Daphnella  Hinds,  with  subgenus  Baphi- 
toma  Bellardi  (Fig.  1052) ;  Eucythara  Fischer,  etc. 

Family  4.     Oonidae    Adams. 

Shell  convolute,  turbinate  or  subcylindrical, 
generally  smooth.  Spire  short,  conical  or  flattened. 
Aperture  long,  narrow,  anteriorly  notched.  Outer  lip 
sharp,  sometimes  with  an  anal  sinus  belov:  the  suture. 
Columella  smooth.  Operculum  horny.  Cretaceous  to 

This  family  is  now  enjoying  its  acme  of 
development,  having  entered  upon  its  ascendency 
during  the  Tertiary.  The  typical  genus,  Conus 
Linn.  (Fig.  1053),  is  divided  by  malacologists  into 

.1,  ro««s ponto-o7«,rBrocchi.  Miocene;  numerous  subgenera,  connected  with  one  another 
Lapugy,  Transylvania.  B,  c.  iMviumnis  by  intermediate  fomis.  It  is  initiated  in  the 
Part.     Calcaire  Grossier;   Grignon,  near    c,.ej.ace0US. 

Gonorbis  Swains.  Characterised  by  a  liigh 
spire,  and  a  curved,  outer  lip,  which  is  deeply  notched  posteriorly.  Eocene  and 

FiQ.   1053. 

Subclass  2.     EUTHYNEURA  Spengel. 

Gastropods  in  which  the  visceral  nerve  commissures  are  not  crossed,  but  form  a  simple 
loop ;  the  sexes  are  united  Qiermaphroditic) ;  and  the  heart  is  often  in  front  of  the  gill. 
Shell  spiral  or  saucer-shaped,  fi'equently  vestigial  or  absent ;  operculum  generally  wanting. 
Radula  generally  multiserial. 


Order  1.     OPISTHOBRANCHIA   Milne    Edwards. 

Marine,  ivater-breathing  forms,  either  naked  or  shell-covered,  in  ivhicli  the  gills  are 
placed  behind  the  heart  and  lie  free  on  the  back  or  side ;  or  true  gills  may  be  absent, 
being  replaced  by  secondary  or  false  gills.     Heart  with  a  single  auricle. 

The  Opisthobrancliiates,  unlike  the  Streptoneura  (Prosobranchiates),  send  the  blood 
into  the  heart  from  behind,  instead  of  fi-om  the  anterior  side.  The  gills,  in  the  form 
of  a  more  or  less  branched  plume,  lie  on  the  right  side,  or  are  replaced  by  false  gills 
not  homologous  with  the  ctenidium,  arranged  either  in  two  rows  on  the  back,  or 
wreath-like  arouiid  the  anus.  The  gills  are  often  covered  by  the  mantle,  and  some- 
times become  completely  atrophied.  The  radula  generally  resembles  that  of  the 
Pulmonates.     The  body  and  nervous  system  usually  exhibit  bilateral  symmetry. 

Three  suborders  are  recognised  in  the  recent  fauna  :  (1)  Nudibranchiata,  in  which 
a  shell  is  absent,  except  during  the  larval  stage,  and  the  ctenidium  is  replaced  by  false 
gills  ;  abundantly  distributed  in  all  seas  at  present,  but  owing  to  their  perishable 
nature  are  unknown  as  fossils ;  (2)  the  Tectibranchiata,  in  which  a  mantle,  shell  and 
ctenidium  or  true  gill  is  developed  ;  and  (3)  the  Pteropoda,  dating  from  the  Cambrian, 
and  from  which  the  second  suborder  is  perhaps  derived.  A  provisional  fourth  sub- 
order, the  Conularida,  contains  Paleozoic  forms  of  doubtful  affinities,  of  which  part 
are  probably  not  Mollusca. 

Suborder  B.    TECTIBRANCHIATA.^ 

This  group,  briefly  defined  above,  has  fossil  representatives  as  early  as  the 
Paleozoic.  During  the  Mesozoic,  a  few  genera  now  extinct  were  very  profuse.  Most 
of  the  Tertiary  species  belong  to  existing  genera. 

Family  1.     Acteonidae    d'Orbigny. 

Shell  ovate,  with  exposed  spire,  the  surface  usually  grooved  and  punctured,  sometimes 
smooth.  Aperture  long,  rounded  beloiv ;  columella  generally  twisted,  or  with  folds. 
Operculum  paucispiral.      Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Solidula  Fischer  von  Waldheim  {Buccinulus  Adams  ;  Dactylus  Schum.).     Ovate  or 
oblong,  compact,  solid,  with  a  short  conic  siiire.      Columella  bearing  two  plications,  the 
anterior   prominent   and  bifid,  the   jiosterior  comparatively  inconspicuous  when  the 
shell  is   entire  ;    between   them  the   columella  is  spii'ally  excavated. 
A  few  ill-defined  species  from  the  French  Eocene  and  Miocene,  one 
from  the  Australian  Pliocene,  and  numerous  Recent  tropical  species 
are  known. 

Tornatellaea    Conrad    (Fig.    1054).      Differs    from    Solidula    and 
Acteon    in     the    more    anterior    disposition    of    the    two    columellar 
plications,  in  the  marked  depression  on  the  anterior  portion  of  the         pio.  1054. 
aperture,  and  in  the   greater   thickness  of  the  shell  near  the  outer     Tomatdiaea  sim- 
border  of  the  aperture,  which  is  frequently  crenulated.      Base  of  Jura  ceTef  ilattdof  f^ 
to  Miocene  ;  widely  distributed.     Type,  T.  bella  Conrad.     Subgenus  :  near  Bemburg. 
Triploca  Tate.     Eocene  ;  Australia. 

Acteon  Montf.  (Tornatella  Lam.  ;  Speo  Risso  ;  Kanilla  Silvert.).  Oval,  spirally 
punctate-stria te,  with  conic  spire.      Protoconch  not  very  prominent  ;  nucleus  sinistral. 

1  Literature  (see  also  preceding  bibliographies) :  Cossmann,  M.,  Essais  de  paleoconcliologie 
comparee,  i.,  1895.— PiMry,  II.  A.,  Monograph  of  Recent  Tectibranchiata,  in  Manual  of  Conch- 
ology,  vols.  XV.,  xvi.,  1894-95. 




Columella  thick,  with  one  strong,  spiral,  slightly  oblique  plication.      Upper  Cretaceous 

to  Recent. 

Adelactaeon  Cossni.  {Myonia  Adams).  Shell  with  sinistral  protoconch,  the  latter 
not  very  large.  Whorls  decussated  by  fine  striae,  growth -lines 
inconspicuous.  Columella  slightly  excavated,  and  carrying  a 
small  but  well-marked  plication.  Miocene  of  France  and  Ger- 
many, and  Recent. 

Fio.  1U56. 

Actaeonina  myosotis 
Buv.  Coral-Rag;  St. 
Miliiel,  Meuse.  "-/i 
(after  Buvigiiier). 

Fig.  1055. 

Actaeonina  dnrmoisiana 
d'Orb.  Coral-Bag;  Val- 
fin,  Aiii. 

Fio.  1067. 

Cyltndrites  acntus 
(Sowerby).  Great 
Oolite;  Minchin- 
haiupton,  England. 

Fifi.  1058. 

Actaeonelln  girjantca  Sowb.     Turonian  ; 
Griinbach,  Lower  Austria. 

Actaeonina  d'Orb.  {Orthostoma  Desh.)  (Figs.  1055,  1056).      Shell  ovoid  to  fusiform, 
usually    smooth,    rarely    spirally    striated.      Spire  conical,    body    whorl    very    large, 
narrowing  toward   the  base.      Columella  straight,  without  folds. 
Outer  lip  sharp.     Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Subgenera  :    Euconactaeon,    Conactacon    Meek. 
Lias.     Douvilleia  Bayle.    Tertiary. 

Cylindrites  Fer.  (Fig.  1057).  Cylindrical- 
ovoid  with  short  spire.  Columella  with  an 
anterior  fold.      Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

Bullina  Fer.  Jura  to  Recent.  CyUndro- 
hnllina  v.  Amnion.  Trias  and  Lias.  Etallonia 
Desh.  Jura  and  Tertiary.  Bullinida  Beck. 
Jura  to  Recent. 

Actaeonella     d'Orb.      (Figs.     1058-1060). 

Thick -shelled,  inflated,  smooth.     Spire  short; 

columella     thickened    anteriorly,    with    three 

sharp  folds.      Very  profuse  in  the  Middle  and 

Una)  laevis   Sowb.    Upper  Cretaceous ;  maximum  distribution   in 
Turonian,  Gcsau.  ,  ■,       tt  •  •  ^     t  •         ^  c  J.^        ^.^ 

tne  Hippurite  Limestone  oi  the  Alps. 

Fic!.  ]0r,9. 

Actaeonella  volnta 
Goldf.  Turonian; 
Gams,  Styria. 

Fio.  1060. 
Actaeonella      (Volrn- 


Volmilina  Stol.  (Fig.  1060).     Like  tlie  preceding,  but  witli  iiisunken  spire. 

Volvaria  Lam.      Cylindrical,  witli  involute,    concealed    spire.      Surface    usually 
spirally  striated  ;  aperture  narrow  ;  columella  with  four  anterior  plications.     Eocene. 
Ovulacfaeon  Dall.     Similar  in  form  to  Gy2)raea,  l)ut  without  jilications.      Recent. 




Family  2.      Ringiculidae  Meek. 

Inopemdate  forms  resembling  the  Actaeonidae  in  having  columellar  folds.  Creta- 
ceous to  Recent. 

Ginulia  Gray  (Fig.  1061).  Globose,  inflated,  spirally  grooved  or  punctate.  Spire 
short ;  ajjerture  crescentic  ;  outer  lip  reflected  and  thickened.  Columella  and  inner  lip 
with  numerous  transverse  folds.      Cretaceous. 

Subgenera  :  Avellana,  Ringinella  d'Orb.  ;  Eriptycha  Meek  ;  Fortisia  Bayan.     Eocene. 

Ringicula  Desh.  (Fig.  1062).  Small,  ovoid  to  globose,  thick-shelled,  with  manimil- 
lated  protoconch.      Spire  short ;  body  whorl  large,  usually  smooth.      Ajjerture  canal- 

Fi(i.  1061. 

A,  Cinulia  {AvcUana)  incrasstata  (Mant.).  Gault ;  Perte  du 
Rhone.  B,  C.  (RhigineUa)  Uwhryma  Mich.  Gault;  P^olkestone, 
England.  C,  ('.  {Eriptycha)  drcurtnla  Zekeli.  Turonian  ;  Gosau, 

Fiti.  1002. 

Ringicula  hoernesi 
Seguenza.  Miocene ; 
Steinabrunn,  near 

iculate  jiosteriorly,  excan^ated  anteriorly.  Columellar  border  thick  and  callous  ;  the 
columella  arched,  and  furnished  with  from  two  to  four  plications.  Outer  margin 
usually  very  thick,  reflected,  and  occasionally  denticulated  within  Cretaceous  to 

Pugnus  Hedley.      Cylindrical,  with  sunken  S2)ire.      Recent. 

Family  3.     Akeratidae  Pilsbry. 

Shell  oval  or  cylindrical,  thin  and  fragile,  the  spire  low  or  concealed.     Tertiary  and 

Akera  Miiller  (Fig.  1063).      Thin-shelled,  flexible,  with  ex])osed,  truncated  spire. 
Whorls  separated  from  one  another  by  deep  sutures.      Sutures 
deep   and    prominent  ;    outer   lip   separated   from    the   sjjire. 
Eocene  to  Recent. 

Haminea    Leach.       Oval,   thin -shelled,  brittle;    the   spire 
concealed.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fig.  1003. 

Akera  striatella  Lam. 
Oligocene ;  Castel  Goniberto, 
near  Vieenza. 

Family  4.     Hydatinidae  Pilsbry. 

Globose  or  oval,  with  exposed,  nearly  level  spire  and  tilted 
pirotoconeh.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Hydatina    Schumacher.     Jura    to    Recent.      Aplustrum.   Schumacher ;    Micromelo 
Pilsbry.      Recent. 

Family  5.     Bullariidae  Pilsbry  (emend.). 

Shell  oval  or  sub-globose,  involute,  smooth.     Spire  sunken  and  concealed.     Aperture 
long,  rounded  anteriorly  ;  outer  lip  sharp.     Marine.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Bullaria   Raf.  {Bulla   Linn.)   (Fig.  1064).      Oval,   inflated,  with   sunken  spire  and 
perforated  apex.      Aperture  rounded  posteriorly  and  anteriorly.      Jura  (?)  to  Recent. 




Family  6.     Acteocinidae,  novum  (Tornatimdae  Fischer). 

Radula  unarmed.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Adeocina  Gray  {Tornatina  Adams)  (Fig.  1065).  Cylindrical,  with  projecting 
spire,  and  sinistral,  tilted  j)rotoconch.  Columella  bearing  a  single 
fold.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Retnsa  Brown.      Shell  resembling  Cyliclma.      Tertiary  and 

Volvula  Adams  {Vohulella  Newton). 
Fusiform,  the  body  whorl  forming  a  point 
above  the  spire.     Eocene  to  Recent. 

Fk:.   1064. 

Bnllaria  am-piiUa 
(Linn.).  Pliocene ;  Asti, 

Fig.  1065. 

Actcocina  exerta 
(Desli.).  Oligocene ; 
JeiiiTPs,  near  Btampe.s 
(after  Uesliayes). 

Family  7.     Scaphandridae  Fischer. 

Spire  concealed  ;  radula  with  few  teeth  in  a 
row.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Scaphander  Montf.  (Fig.  1066).  Shell  sub-cylindrical,  with  epidermis,  usually 
spirally  striated.  Body  whorl  of  enormous  capacity,  much  dilated 
anteriorly.  Columella  sx)iral,  leaving  a  false  umbilicus.  Creta- 
ceous to  Recent. 

Atys  Montf.     Cretaceous  to  Recent.     Diaphana  Brown.     Ter- 
tiary and  Recent.     Smaragclinella  Adams.     Recent. 

Cylichna  Loven  {Bullinella  Newton)  (Fig.  1067).  Small, 
cylindrical,  solid ;  spire  deeply  perforated  at 
the  .«ummit ;  body  whorl  covering  all  the 
others.  Aperture  very  narrow,  outer  margin 
lower  than  the  axis  of  the  shell.  Columella 
thickened  anteriorly  and  bearing  a  small  plica- 
tion ;  often  umbilicated.      Trias  to  Recent. 

Fk;.  1066. 

Scujihaiuler  coniciLs 
Desli.  Eocene  ;  Brack- 
lesliam,  England. 

Family  8.     Philinidae  Fischer.  ^'"-  ^°'^'- 

Cyliclina      conoidra 

Similar  to  Scaphandridae.,  but  shell  internal,    welnhehn,  neai^A^izey.' 

loosely  coiled,  pnmctate.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 
Philine  Ascan.  {Bullaea  Lam.)  (Fig.  1068).     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  9.     Umbraculidae  Pilsbry. 

Shell  limpet-shaped,  with  low  sub-central  apex,  and  sharp,  thin  edges.     Tertiary  and 

Umbracidum  Schum.  {Umbrella  Lam.).  Shell  orbicular,  broad, 
patelliform,  ornamented  exteriorly  with  concentric  lines  of  growth ; 
internal  surface  with  concentrically  undulating  striae.  Eocene  to 

Other  families  of  Tectibranchiata,   such    as  Aplysiidae,  Pleuro- 

branchidae,  etc.,  aie  rej)resented  in  the  Recent  fauna,  but  their  thin, 

I'hiihie     pxcavata   often  membranous  shells  have  not  been  found  fossil.      The  suj^posed 

CalVamr"  Gross^er'';    Aphjsias  I'eported  from  the  Pliocene  by  Pliilippi  are  flakes  from  the 

Gri-non,  near  Paris.'    interior  of  Pelecypod  valves. 


Suborder  C.     PTEROPODA  Cuvier.^ 

Naked  or  shell-covered,  herviapliroditic,  i)elagic  Molhisca,  ivithout  distinct  head.  Eijes 
rudimentary,  and  foot  modified  so  as  to  form  tvjo  lateral,  wing-lihe  fins,  situated  on  the 
anterior  end  of  the  body.      The  gills  are  placed  behind  the  heart. 

The  body  of  these  free-swimming  Mollusca  is  sometimes  elongated,  sometimes  coiled 
posteriorly  in  a  spiral.  In  some  instances  it  is  covered  by  a  thin  transj^arent  shell 
(Thecosomata),  but  oftener  it  is  naked  {Gymnosomata).  The  creatures  associate  in  vast 
swarms  in  the  open  sea,  and  rise  to  the  surface  toward  nightfall.  Their  shells  often 
accumulate  in  prodigious  quantities  on  the  sea-bottom,  forming  calcareous  deposits  of 
considerable  magnitude. 

Cuvier  recognised  the  Pterojiods  as  an  independent  class  of  Mollusca,  having  equal 
rank  with  the  Gastropods.  Modern  researches,  however,  have  apjjroximated  them 
more  closely  to  the  latter  through  the  swimming  Opisthobranchs.  If  we  regard  it  as 
probable  that  invertebrate  life  began  in  the  sea,  it  almost  certainly  follows  that 
Pterojjods  are  among  the  earliest  Mollusca.  Also,  granting  that  the  conditions  of 
their  existence  have  undergone  no  appreciable  change  since  the  ocean  became  capable 
of  sustaining  siich  pelagic  life,  there  is  no  obvious  reason  why  the  members  of  the 
grouji  should  have  since  experienced  any  radical  modification. 

The  earlier  paleontologists,  d'Archiac,  de  Verneuil,  Sandberger,  Barrande  and 
others,  recognised  the  true  relations  of  the  Paleozoic  Pteropods,  though  uniting  with 
them  some  forms  of  similar  appearance,  which  probably  are  not  of  molluscan  nature, 
such  as  Conularia,  and  perhaps  Tentacnlites. 

Neumayer  and  Pelseiieer,  led  by  preconceived  theories,  have  objected  to  the  imion 
of  Paleozoic  forms  like  Hyolithes  with  the  Pteropods,  though  proposing  no  satisfactory 
alternative  ;  and  by  a  curious  reversal  of  paleontologic  succession,  have  wished  to 
derive  the  PterojDoda  from  the  more  modern  Opisthobranchs.  Since  the  anatomy  of 
the  Cambrian  forms  seemed  inaccessible,  the  uncertainty  bade  fair  to  remain  permanent, 
when,  by  the  discovery  of  the  wonderful  Middle  Cambrian  deposits  of  the  Canadian 
Rocky  Mountains,  among  the  other  fossils  showing  traces  of  the  soft  parts,  were  found 
several  specimens  of  Hyolithes  carinatus  Matthew,  with  distinct  and  clear  impressions 
of  the  pteropodia.  These,  judging  from  the  sharpness  of  their  anterior  margins,  seem 
to  have  had  there  some  kind  of  a  chitinous  supjDort,  perhaj)s  like  the  chitinous  rods 
supporting  the  gill-lamellae  of  some  Nuculidae."  This  wholly  unexpected  confirmation 
of  the  earlier  view  as  to  the  relations  of  these  fossils,  falls  in  with  the  views  generally 
held  by  malacologists  as  to  the  derivation  of  the  swimming  OiJisthobranchs  from  the 

^  Literature  (see  also  preceding  bibliographies)  :     Sandberger,  G.,  Die  Flossenflisser  oder  Ptero- 
poda.    Neues   Jalirb.    liir    Mineral.,    pp.    8-25,    1847.  —  Barrande,    J.,    Pugiunculus,    ein   fossiles 
Pteropoden-Gesclilecht.     Neues  Jahrb.  fiir  Mineral.,  pp.  554-558,  1847. — Systenie  Silurien  du  centre 
de  la  Bohenie,  vol.  iii.   Pteropodes,   1867. — Salter,  J.    W.,  Memoirs  of  the  Geological  Survey  of 
Great  Britain,  vols,  ii.,  iii.,  1848,  1866. — Se.guenza,  G.,  Paleontologia  malacologica  dei  terreni  terziarii 
del  distretto  di  Messina.      Pteropodi  ed  Eteropodi.     Mem.  Soc.  Ital.  Sci.  Nat.  Milauo,  vol.  ii.,  1867. 
— Karpinsky,  A . ,  Die  fossilen  Pteropoden  am  Ost-Abhang  des  Ural.      Mem.  Acad.  St.  Petersbourg, 
ser.  7,  vol.  xxxii.  pp.  1-20,  1884. — Doll/us,  G.  and  Ramond,  G.,  Liste  des  Pteropodes  du  terrain 
tertiaire  parisien.    Mem.  Soc.  Malacol.  de  Belgique,  vol.  xx.,  1885.  — TfWco«,  C.  D.,  Contribution 
to  Studies  on  the  Cambrian  Faunas  of  North  America.      Bull.  U.  S.  Geolog.  Survey,  vol.  iv.  No.  30, 
pp.  125-146,  1866. — The  Fauna  of  the  Lower  Cambrian  or  Olenellus  Zone.       Tenth  Ann.  Rept. 
U.S.  Geol.  Survey,  1890. — Pelseneer,  P.,  Report  on  the  Pteropoda.     Report  Challenger  Expedition, 
Zoology,  vol.  xxiii.,  1888.— /c?e»i,  Bull.  Soc.  Beige  de  Geol.  Palaeont.  et  HydroL,  vol.  iii.,  1889.— 
Blanckenhdrn,  M.,  Pteropodenreste  aus  der  oberen  Kreide  Nord-Syrieus  uud  aus  dem  hessischen 
Oligocan.     Zeitschr.  Deutsch.   Geol.   Ges.,  vol.  xli.,  1889. — NovCik,  0.,  Revision  der  palaozoischen 
Hyolithiden  Bohmens.     Abhandl.  Bohm.  Ges.  Wiss.  [7]  vol.  iv.,  1891.— i/oZm,  G.,  Sveriges  Kam- 
brislv-Siluriska  Hyolitlddae  och  Conularidae.     Afhandl.  Sver.  geol.  Underscik.,   Ser.  C,  No.   112, 
l^^^.— Slater,  I.,  Monograph  of  British  Conulariae.      Palaeont.  Soc,  1%Q1  .  —  Walcott,  C.  D.,  Cam- 
brian Geology  and  Paleontology.      Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.,  1912,  vol.  Ivii.,  No.  5. 

"A  figure  of  this  fossil  is  given  by  Walcott  in  Smithson  Misc.  Coll.,  1912,  vol.  Ivii.,  No.  5. 




same  stem  as  the  Pteropoda,  and  their  natural  association  with  the  latter  in  a  single 
lai-ge  group. 

Family  1.     Limacinidae  Gray. 

Shell  thin,  spiral,  sinistral,  with  vitreous,  patocispiral  operculum.  Tertiary  and 

The  genus  Limacina  Lam.  {Spirialis  Eyd.  and  Soul.  ;  Embolus  Jeffreys),  is  of 
sporadic  occurrence  in  the  Tertiary  (Eocene  and  Pliocene).  Valvatina  Watelet, 
includes  flat  sinistral  shells  from  the  Calcaire  Grossier  of  Paris,  and  Planorbella  Gabb 
comprises  similar  forms  from  the  Oligocene  of  San  Domingo. 

Family  2.     Cavoliniidae  Fischer. 

Shell  symmetrical,  thin,  vitreous,  ventricose,  pyramidal,  or  conically  tuhiform,,  hut  not 
spiral.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Gavolina  Abildgaard  (Hyalaea  Lam. ;    GamojAeura  Bellardi)  (Fig.    1069).     Shell 

globose,  laterally  keeled  and  slit,  acuminate  pos- 
teriorly ;  composed  of  two  unequally  arched  pieces, 
one  of  which  projects  helmet-like  above  the  other. 
Recent,  and  fossil  in  the  Italian  IMiocene  and 

Clio  Linnaeus  {Glcodora  Peron  and  Lesueur ; 
Balantium  Benson  ;  Flahellum.,  Poculina  Bellardi) 
(Fig.  1070,  A,  B).     Shell  somewhat  angular,  com- 

FiG.  1060. 

A,   Carnlinct  {Hyalaea)  t 
lecent.     B,  C, 
Sism.     Miocene  ;  Turin,  Italy. 

.-a m)  tridrntata  Porsk.    pressed  dorso-ventrally,  with  lateral  keels.     A  crest 

Recent.     B,  V,  (J.  (Gamopleura)  taurmensis  .,  ■■,  -i      •.  -f     ]•      n         ^       „    f1  <a 

or  rib  generally  extends  longitudinally  along  the 
back,  and  usually  projects.     Upper  Cretaceous  to 
Recent.      A  common  fossil  in  the  Pliocene  of  Monte  Mario,  near  Rome,  and  in  the 
vicinity  of  Messina  and  Turin  ;  also  in  the  Oligocene  of  the  Mayence  Basin,  and  in 

the  English  Crag. 

Fiii.  1070. 

A,  Clin  (Claoilora)  pyramidata  Linn.  Pliocene  ; 
Monte  Mario  near  Rome.  B,  Clio  (Balantii(.m)  rc- 
mrniiii  A.  Adams.  Recent.  Animal  with  .shell  (after 
Adams).  C,  VaijinrUa  drpr(t<><a  Daudin  (Cleodnra 
stmnguliitn  Desh.).     Miocene;  Dax,  near  Bordeaux. 

Pig.  ion. 

A,  Crc.teis  rrctn  Lesueur.  Recent  (after 
Ailanis).  B,  Styliola  striatuhi.  Novak.  Devonian 
(Etatie  H)  ;  Hlubocep,  Bohenjia.  3/,.  C,  Creseis 
clavidnn  Barr.  Devonian  (Etaue  H) ;  Ilostin, 
near  Prague,  Bohemia.  Several  individuals  on 
slate-fragment.     Vi- 

Subgenus:  Creseis  Rang  [Crisia  Menko)  (Fig.  1071,  A,  C).  Shell  conical,  straight, 
elongated  ;  surface  smooth  or  faintly  striated  ;  dorsal  groove  not  parallel  to  axis  of  the  sliell, 
but  slightly  sjnral,  with  only  the  anterior  extremity  (which  ends  in  a  rostrum)  in  the  median 
lino  ;  enibryoni(!  portion  ends  in  a  iwinted  a]>e\.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Styliola  Lesueur  (Fig.  1071  H).  Conical,  with  bulbous  iirotoconeli,  no  dorsal  groove, 
aperture  circular. 




In  the  Devonian  of  Bolieniia,  Nassau,  Ural  and  North  America,  great  nnmhers  of  smooth, 
circnLar,  longitudinally  striated  tubes  are  occasionally  met  with,  the  posterior  end  of  which  is 
inflated  into  a  small  Inilb.  Similar  tubes  have  also  been  described  by  Blankenhorn  from  the 
Cretaceous  of  Syria.     None  of  these  differ  externally  to  any  great  extent  from  Clio  or  Hiyliola. 

Vaginella   Daudin    (Fig.    1070,  C).      Shell  long,  ventricose,  depressed 
slightly    caiialiculated    and    compressed   laterally.      Cross-section    elliptical 
Cretaceous  to  Recent.  a  h 

Gumerina  Boas ;  Trij^tera  Quoy  (Tihiella 
0.  Meyer).  Tertiary  and  Recent.  Euchilotheca 
Fischer.     Eocene. 



Fig.  1072. 

Family   3.      Hyolithidae  Nicholson. 

Shell  symmetrical,  conical  or  pyramidal, 
straight  or  sharply  bent ;  cross-section  triangular, 
elliptical  or  lenticular ;  one  side  often  flattened, 
and  the  other  arched  or  with  a  blunt  median  keel. 
Siorface  smooth  or  with  fine  transverse  striae,  rarely 
longitudinally  striated  or  ribbed.  Aperture  com- 
pletely closed  by  an  operculum,  the  latter  being 
semicircular,  triangular  or  lentiform,  with  lateral 
nucleus,  and   concentrically  striated ;    pteropodia,     .  A,  B,  liyoUthes  elegans  Barr.    Oidovician ; 

•,i  7  • ,  •  J     J       j7  i      ■  J         (Etage  D) ;  Lodenice,  Bohemia.     Slightly  ve- 

Wlth    a    chltmous    support     to    the    anterior     edge.    ^j,ced.       C,    H.    maxima    Ban-.       Cambrian 
Cambrian  to  Permian.  (Etage    C);    Mleschitz,    Bohemia.      Anterior 

portion  restored,  with  opercnUmi,  and  viewed 
According     to     Holm      the      typical     genus,    ^anfie^'"' ''''^'''    ^'^'    -^' '-Operculum  (after  Bar- 
Hyolithes  Eichwald  {Theca  Sowb.  ;    Pugiuncuhis 

Barr.)  (Fig.  1072),  is  divisible  into  two  subgenera.     One  of  these,  Orthotheca  Novak, 

contains  forms  with  an  abruptly  truncated  anterior  end  ;  and  in  the  other,  Hyolithes 

s.  str.,  the  margin  of  the  flattened  side  projects  somewhat  above  the  opposite  wall. 

^^  ;.  fi         The  forms  known  as   Cleidotheca,  Gentrotheca  Salter, 

Gamerotheca,  Diplotheca  Matthew,  Pharetrella,  Hall, 
Geratofheca  and  Bactrotheca  Novak,  fall  within  the 
synonymy  of  Hyolithes.  This  genus  is  abundantly 
distributed  in  the  Cambrian,  Ordovician  and  Silurian 
of  North  America,  Great  Britain,  Sweden,  Russia  and 
Bohemia  ;  it  occurs  sparingly  also  in  the  Devonian, 
(Jarboniferous  and  Permian. 

Pterotheca  Salter  ;  Phragmotheca  Barrande.    Silu- 
rian ;  Europe.     Matthewia  Walcott.     Cambrian. 

Fig.  1073. 

A,  Tentnculitrs  accdari.'^ 
Schluth.  Erratic  block  of 
Ordovician  age  ;  Berlin.  C, 
T.  ornatus  Sowb.  Silurian  ; 
Dudley,  England.  C,  T. 
iLcnarltc^  Richt.  Silurian  con- 
cretion ;  Thuringia.  A 
smaller  individual  contained 
within  the  larger  (after 

having  a  circular    cross 
embryo7ial  bulb.     Surface 
portion  of  the  shell  often 
Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Suborder  D.    CONULARIIDA  Miller  and  Gurley. 

Paleozoic  forms  of  doubtful  systematic  fodtion, 
resembling  some  Recent  Pteropoda,  but  probahly  to  be 
regarded  as  a  parallel  rather  than  as  an  identical 

Family   1.     Tentaculitidae  Walcott. 

Thick  -  walled,    tapering,    elongate,    conical    tubes, 

section,  and    terminating  posteriorly  either   acutely  or  in  an 

ornamented  with  parallel  raised  transverse  rings.      TJie  apical 

filled  loith  calcareous  matter,  or  divided  off  by  transverse  sefta. 




Tentaculites  Scliloth.  (Fig.  1073).  Tliis,  the  solitary  genus,  is  prodigiously 
abundant  in  the  Sihirian  and  Devonian,  the  strata  being  sometimes  fairly  charged 
with  their  remains.  Tlie  sliell  is  composed  of  a  comjjact  outer  layer,  and  an  inner 
layer  made  up  of  thin  lamellae  running  parallel  witli  the  external  surface. 
The  supposed  Tentaculites  described  from  the  Oligocene  by  Ludwig  and  Blankenhorn 
are  thin-shelled,  transversely  ribbed,  conical  tubes,  wliich  probably  belong  in  the 
neighbourliood  of  Stijliola  or  Euchilotheca. 

Family  2.     Torellellidae  Holm. 

Thick  -  loalled,  smooth,  transversely  or  longitudinally  striated,  straight  or  bent  tubes, 
acutely  terminated  "posteriorly,  and.  unthout  opercula.     Cambrian  to  Silurian. 

Turellella  Holm.  Tubes  strongly  compressed,  flattened  at  both  ends,  elliptical  in 
cross-section,  and  with  fine  transverse  striae  ;  composed  of  brownish-coloured  calcium 
phosphate.     Cambrian  to  Silurian  ;  Sweden. 

Hyolithdlus  and  Salterella  Billings  ;  Coleolus  Hall ;  and  Goleoloides  Walcott,  from 
the  Lower  Cambrian  of  North  America,  j^robably  also  belong  here. 

Family  3.     Conulariidae  Walcott. 

Shell  rectilinear,  elongate- conical,  rectangular  to  rhombic  in  cross- section,  with 
usually  sharp  edges,  acute  or  truncated  posteriorly.  Each  of  the  transversely  striated  or 
ribbed  lateral  faces  divided  into  longitudinal  halves  by  a  superficial  groove,  corresponding 
internally  to    a    median  ridge.     Posterior  portion   of  the  shell    divided    off  by  septa. 

A])erture  constricted  by  four  triangular  or  linguiform   incurved 
lobes  of  the  anterior  margin.     Ordovician  to  Jura. 

Conularia  Mill.  (Figs.  1074,  1075).  This,  the  solitary 
genus,  sometimes  attains  a  length  of  20  cm.,  and  is  represented 
by  about  100  species.  Its  maximum  distribution  occurs  in  the 
Ordovician  and  Silurian  of  Bohemia,  Normandy,  England, 
Sweden  and  North  America,  and  in  the  Devonian  of  North 
America  and  Bolivia.  It  is  rare  in  the  Carboniferous  and 
Permian,-  and  the  last  surviving  species  occurs 
in  the  Tiias  and  Lias. 

Order  2.     PULMONATA  Cuvier. 

Air-breathing  Snails.^ 

Euthyneura  in  wldch  the  gill  cavity  is 
transformed  into  a  lung  for  breathing  free 
air.     Mainly  terrestrial  or  fresh-water  forms. 

A  few  Pulmonates  have  reverted  to  ex- 
clusively aquatic  habits,  and  have  the  lung 
.     ,     ,         'i'^"'}'    filled   witli  water ;    and  in  a  few,  secondary 

risulcata      Sowb.  '  -mi 

Upper  Carboniferous   gills  are    developed    in    the    cavity.      These, 
Sc;raaM'!''fhS'    however,    are    rare    exceptions.      The    great 

Fig.  1075. 


Fig.  1074. 

Conularia  aw^mnhi  Barr. 
Ordovician  (Etage  D) ; 
Drabov,  Bohemia. 

well-preserved  aper-   maioritv  of  forms  breathe  air  by  means  of  a 

tural  margins  (after  /         i         p    i  n       i  ^  j  ii 

Etheridge).  network    01    blood  -  vessels   spread    upon    tlie 

inner  surface    of   the    lung.      The    ordinary 
aquatic  forms  come  to  the  surface  of  the  water  at  intervals  to  renew  their  su2:)ply  of 

^  Sandbergcr,  F.,  Land-  unci  Siisswasser-Conchylien  der  Vorwelt.  1870-75.  —  White  C.  A., 
Review  of  Aiiiericiui  non-marine  MoUusca.  3rd  Ann.  Rep.  U.S.  Geol.  Siirv.,  1881-82. — Tryun, 
G.  W.  an<l  ]'i/sbri/,  II.  A.,  Manual  of  Conchology,  Pnlmonata. 




air.  The  Pulmonates  have,  with  few  exceptions,  no  operculum,  and  tlie  shell  is  often 
vestigial  or  absent. 

Next  to  the  Prosobranchs  the  Pulmonates  are  the  largest  group  of  Gastropods, 
there  being  upwards  of  6000  living  and  700  fossil  species  known.  The  most 
important  and  highly  diversified  genera  {Helix,  BuUmus,  Clausilia)  are  terrestrial  in 
habit ;  certain  others  {Planorbis,  Lymnaea,  Physa)  are  confined  to  fresh  water.  The 
oldest  Pulmonates  are  of  rare  occurrence  in  the  Devonian  and  Carboniferous  ;  they 
are  found  sparingly  in  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous,  are  of  greater  abundance  in  the 
Tertiary,  but  do  not  attain  their  maximum  distribution  until  the  present  geological 

The  Thalassophila  and  Auriculidae  are  restricted  to  marine  deposits ;  the  re- 
maining Pulmonates  are  rarely  found  except  in  fresh -water  strata,  and  are  commonly 
associated  with  other  organisms  that  have  been  swept  by  rainfall  or  running  water 
into  swamps  or  estuaries. 

Suborder  A.     THALASSOPHILA  Gray. 

Shell  either  spiral  and  opeixulate,  or  bowl-shaped  to  depressed  conical,  without  spire, 
and  somewhat  unsymmetrical.  Animal  usually  provided  ivifh  a  single  gill  in  addition 
to  the  lung  cavity.      Tentacles  fused  tvith  the  discoidal  head.     Eyes  sessile. 

The  Thalassophila  inhabit  the  littoral  zone  of  the  ocean  and  brackish  estuaries. 
Fossil  remains  occur  from 
the  Devonian  onward. 
Three  families  are  recog- 
nised— Siphonariidae,  Gadi- 
niidae  and  Amphibolidae, 
but  these  are  not  readily 
distinguishable  by  sliell 
characters  alone. 

Siphonaria  Blainville 
(Fig.  1076).  Shell  usually 
radially  ribbed.  Apex 
directed  backwards  or  to- 
ward the  left  side ;  inter- 
nally with  two  unequal  muscular  impressions,  which  are  interrupted  on  the  right 
side  in  front  by  a  broad  groove.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Hercynella  Kayser  (Fig.  1077).  Devonian.  Anisomyon  Meek  and  Hayden.  Jura 
and  Cretaceous. 

Valenciennesia  Rousseau.  Shell  very  thin,  broadly  bowl-shaped,  concentrically 
ribbed.  Apex  situated  near  the  posterior  margin.  Right  side  bearing  a  broad 
plication  for  the  respiratory  tube.  Found  in  brackish  water,  Congerian  Stage  (Pliocene) 
of  Hungary,  Roumania  and  South  Russia. 

Williamia  Monts.  ;  Gadinia  Gray.      Recent  and  Pliocene. 

Amphibola  Schuni.  Shell  spirally  globose,  thick,  rugose  and  operculate.  Recent. 
This  is  placed  in  a  separate  family,  the  Amphibolidae. 

Fici.  lOTLi. 

Siphonaria  crassieoslata  Desh. 
Eocene  ;  Anver.s,  near  Paris. 

Fig.  1077. 

Herci/nella  hohemica  Barr.    Devonian 
(Etage  F) ;  Lodikow,  Bliemia. 

Suborder  B.     BASOMMATOPHORA  A.  Schmidt. 

Shell  invariably  present.     Eyes  situated  at  the  base  of  a  pair  of  tentacles, 
or  living  in  the  vicinity  of  ivater. 


Family  1.     Auriculidae  Blainville. 

Shell  thick,  ovate.     Spiire  short,  body  whorl  very  large.     Inner  lip  or  columella  bear- 
ing plications.     Shore  forms  or  inhabitants  of  salt  marshes.     Jura  to  Recent. 




Auricula  Lam. 
rounded  anteriorly, 
times  denticulated. 

Cassidula  Fer.  ; 

(Fig.    1078).     Elongate-oval,  witli  ei^idei-mis.     Aperture  narrow, 
Inner  lip  bearing  two  or  tliree  folds  ;  outer  lip  thickened,  some- 
Jura  to  Recent. 
Plecotrema  Adams;  Alexia  Leach  (Fig.  1079);  Pythiopsis  Sandb. 

(Fig.  1080) ;  Melampus  Montf. 

Carychium    Miiller    (Fig.    1081).      Shell   small,   smooth    and    glossy.      Inner    lip 

Fic.  1078. 

Auricula  dutemjilei 
Deshaye.s.  Lower 
Eocene ;  Sainceux 
(after  Deshayes). 

Fio.  1079. 

Alexia  pisoUna  Desh. 
Miocene  ;  Pontlevoy, 
Touiaine.     -/i. 

Fig.  1080. 

I'ythiopsis  la- 
marcki  (Desh.). 
Eocene ;  Houdan 
(aftei-  Deshayes). 

Fi(i.  lOSl. 

Canjchiuin  antiquum 
A.  Biaun.  Miocene; 
Hocliheini,  near  May- 
ence.     EnlarLred. 

bearing  one  or  two  folds ;  outer  margin  thickened,  sometimes  with  a  tooth.     Jura  to 
Recent.      Terrestrial. 

Scarabus   Montf.    (Polyodonta   Fischer   von   Waldh.) ;   Leuconia   Gray ;   Blamieria 
Shuttleworth,  etc.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Family  2.     Chilinidae  Dall. 

Shell  ovdl,  auriculate,  with  large  aperture,  the  colitmellar  margin 
provided  ivifh  spiral  folds ;  surface  coloured  in  various  patterns. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Ghilina  Gray.  This  is  said  to  be  Streptoneurous.  The 
dentition  resembles  that  of  Physa.  Miocene  and  Recent ;  South 

Family  3.     Physidae  Dall. 

Shell  sinistral,  oval,  glossy,  unicoloured.  Aperture  large;  colu- 
mella twisted  or  simple.     Jura  to  Recent. 

Physa  Drap.  (Fig.  1082).  Shell  brilliantly  polished,  thin, 
sinistral.      Upper  Jura  to  Recent. 

Pio.  10S2. 

Physa  giganteti 
Michaud.  Lower 
Eoci^ne ;  Hilly,  near 

Fi(!.  1083. 

Lymnaca  'pai'hyfiastcr 
Thorn.  Fresli  -  water 
Miocene  ;  Morsingen, 
near  Ulm. 

Family  4.     Lymnaeidae 

Shell  thin,  turreted,  or  dis- 
coidal.  Fresh-water  inhabitants. 
Lias  to  Recent ;  especially  abun- 
dant in  the  Tertiary. 

Lymnaca  Lam.  {Limnaeus 
auct.)  (Fig.  1083).  Shell  very 
thin  and  corneous.  Body  whorl 
very    large ;    spire    acute,    and 

moderately  high.     A])erture  wide,  oval ;  outer  margin  sharp, 
to  Recent ;   maximum  in  Tertiary. 

Planorbis  Guettard  (Figs.    1084,  1085).      Discoidal  (exceptionally  turreted),  with 

!Flo.  1084. 

Planorbis  cornu  Brongt.  var.  mantclli 
Dimker.     Upper  Miocene  ;  Mundingen, 


Upper  Jura  (Purbeck) 

CLASS  IV  GASTROPODA                                                     575 

many    whorls.     Aperture  oval    to    crescent-shaped ;    outer   margin    sharp.     Lias    to 

Recent ;    very  profuse   in  the  Tertiary.      P.  multiformis  (Bronn),  from   the   Middle 

A  n                        c                                    D 

Fig.  1085. 

Planorbis    multiformis   (Bronn).      Upper   Miocene    fresh-water  limestone ;    Steinheim,  near    Heidenheini, 
Wtirteniberg.     A,  var.  suprema.    B,  var.  trorJiiformis.     C,  var.  chgans.     D,  var.  steinheiviensin. 

Miocene  of  Steinheim  in  Wiirtemberg,  is  particularly  interesting  on  account  of  its 
extraordinary  variability.  The  different  mutations  of  the  species  are  usually  found 
at  different  horizons  of  the  fresh-water  limestone  occurring  there,  and  constitute, 
according  to  Hilgendorf  and  Hyatt,  a  remarkable  genealogical  sequence. 

Isidora  Ehr.      Shell  similai'  to  that  of  Physa.      Recent ;  trojaical  countries. 

Family  5.     Ancylidae  Dall. 

Shell  limpet-shaped,  conical,  not  spiral,  or  ivith  the  apex  recurved.     Tertiary  and 

Ancylus  Geoffrey  (Fig.    1086).     Shell  simply  conical  or  with  the  apex  slightly 
incurved.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Gundlachia  Pfeiff.     A  partial  septum  is  developed  at  the  end  of 
the  first  season's  growth.      Tertiary  of  Mayence  Basin  and  Recent. 

Suborder  C.     TELETREMATA  Pilsbry. 

Shell  absent ;  mantle  coverincj  the  whole  upper  surface  of  the  body. 
Male   and  female   orifices   widely  separated;    lung  orifice   and    anus  Fki.  losti. 

ventral  and  near  the  tail.  Desr^ciliJ^^G^^ 

Several  families   of   this  suborder   are   recognised  (Vaginulidae, 
Rathouisiidae,  Onchidiidae),  but  owing  to  the  absence  of  a  shell,  tlieir  remains  are 
not  preservable  in  the  fossil  state. 

Suborder  D.     STYLOMMATOPHORA  A.  Schmidt.     Land  Snails. 

Eijes  borne  on  the  extremities  of  two  peduncles,  which  are  capable  of  invagination  ; 
a  fair  of  short  tentacles,  rarely  obsolete,  are  placed  in  front  of  them.  Male  and  female 
genital  orifices  contiguous,  or  uniting  in  a  common  vestibule,  situated  at  the  right  or 
left  side  of  the  head.  Buccal  retractors  present ;  lung  foramen  and  anus  anterior  to  the 
end  of  the  foot,  not  ventral. 

This  suborder  comprises  most  recent  and  all  fossil  land  snails,  and  is  divisible 
into  series  or  superfamily  groups.  The  families  proper  are  based  almost  wholly  upon 
characters  of  the  soft  anatomy,  which  are  herein  largely  omitted  or  abridged. 

Superfamily  1.     HOLOPODA  Pilsbry. 

No  longitudinal  grooves  above  the  margins  of  the  foot ;  jaw  present,  teeth  quadrate. 

Family  1.     Helicidae  Keferstein.      Helices. 
Shell  depressed,  globose  or  oval  and  elevated.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

This  comprises  an  enormous  assemblage  in  the  Recent  fauna,  but  most  of  the  genera 
have  not  as  yet  been  found  fossil.     All  the  typical  forms  will  probably  in  time  be 




traced  back  to  the  Eocene.     Subfamily  and  generic  characters  are  based  largely  iijion 
the  genital  system,  and  hence  are  of  little  practical  importance  to  the  paleontologist. 

Polygyra    Say.      Globose    or    dejaressed, 
Oligocene  to  Eecent ;  North  America. 

Sagda   Beck.      Glossy,  with   many   close 

A,  Helix  (Dimorphoptychia)  arnouldi  Michaud.  Lower 
Eocene  ;  Rilly,  near  Rhelms.  B,  HeHx  (Campylaea)  inflexa 
Klein.  Upper  Miocene  ;  Morsingen.  C,  Helicodonta  osculum 
Tlioin.     Lower  Miocene  ;  Hochheim,  near  Wiesbaden. 

with    the    lip    reflected,    often    toothed. 

whorls,  the  last  usually  with  internal 
laminae  and  a  sharp  lip.  Oligocene  to 
Recent ;  Antilles. 

Pleurodonta  Fischer  von  Wald. 
Solid,  large,  depressed  and  generally 
keeled  ;  aperture  often  toothed.  Oligo- 
cene to  Recent ;  Antilles,  Florida. 

Helix  Linn.  (Fig.  1087,  A,  B). 
Shell  semi-globose,  conical  to  discoidal, 
manifesting  great  variability  of  form. 
Aperture  oblique,  crescentic  or  rounded, 
with  disconnected  margins.  Very  pro- 
fuse in  the  Tertiary  and  Recent  of  Europe  and  adjacent  regions  of  Asia  and  Africa, 

Helicodonta    Fer.    (Fig.    1087,    C).     Similar    to    Helix,   but   with    thickened    or 
denticulated  lip.      Oligocene  to  Recent ;  Europe. 

Other  allied  genera  occur  in  Euroj^ean  Tertiary  deposits. 
Recent  Helicidae  reproducing  by  extraordinarily  large  eggs  are 
the  following :  Helicoiihanta  of  Madagascar,  Acavus  of  Ceylon, 
Panda  of  Australia,  and  Strophocheilus  of  South  America. 

Family  2.     Bulimulidae  Fischer. 

Shell  elongated,  ovate,  with  narroio  umhilicus  or  none.  Ter- 
tiary and  Recent. 

Bulimulus  Leach.  Oligocene  to  Recent ;  America.  Amjihi- 
dromus  Alb.      Tertiary  ;  Europe  and  Asia. 


Family  3.     Pupidae  Albers. 

Fig.  loss. 

A,  Clausilia  hulimoides 
A.  Braun.  Lower  Miocene; 
Eckingen,  near  Ulm.   B,  C. 

Shell  small,  cylindrical  or  oval,  with  narrow  ivhorls.     Tertiary    (^ntiqua  Schiibier.    Same 
and  Recent  ;  also  in  the  Carboniferous. 

Clausilia    Drap.    (Fig.    1088).     Shell    turreted    to    fusiform,    slender,    sinistral. 
Aperture  j^yriform,  with  usually  continuous  peristome.       Inner  lip  bearing  two  folds ; 
A  outer  margin  somewhat  reflected  ;  the  aper- 

ture usually  closed  by  a  movable  calcareous 
l^late.  Occurs  sparingly  fossil  from  the 
Eocene  onward,  and  represented  by  about 
400  Recent  species. 

Pupa  Lam.  (Fig.  1089,  B).  Shell  small, 
cylindrical -ovate.  Aperture  semicircular, 
usually  constricted  by  teeth  on  the  colu- 
mella and  inner  and  outer  lips.  The  outer 
margin  reflected.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Dendropupa    Dawson    (Fig.    1089,    A). 
Like  the  last,  but  aperture  without  teeth. 
Upper  Carboniferous  ;  Nova  Scotia. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 
(Fig.  1090).     High  conical,  solid,  turreted. 

Fii;.  10.S9. 

A,  Dendropupa  vetusta 
Dawson.  Coal  Measures ; 
Nova  Scotia  (after  Dawson). 
B,  Pupa  diversidens  Sandb. 
Miocene;  Sansan,  Gers (after 

Vertigo  Miiller. 
Buliminus  Ehrb. 

Fio.  1090. 

' Buliminus  (Pet  raeu.t) 
c.omjtlanatus  Reuss. 
Lower  Miocene; 
Thaltingen,  near  Ulm. 

Eocene  to  Recent. 




Family  4.     Achatinidae  Pilslny. 

Ovate  or  elonfiate,  imperforate  shells,  with  the  coluraella  (jeneralhj  truncated  at  the 
base.     Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Achatina  Lam.      Recent ;  tropical  Africa. 

Sfcnogyra  Sliuttlew. ;  Rumina  Risso ;  Opeas  Alb. ;  Rhodea 
Adams.     These  are  all  small  members  of  the  group,  mainly  Recent. 

Megaspira  Lea  (Fig.  1091).  Turreted,  slender,  very  long  ; 
columella  with  transverse  folds.      Upper  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Gochlicopa  Fer.  ;  Azeca  Leach  ;  Gaecilianella  Bourg.,  etc. 
Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fid    1091 

Superfamily  2.     AGNATHA  Morch.  ,,^^,^.p.,.^  ^^^^,^„,^ 

(Micli.).  Lower 

Carnivorous  snails,  usually  vdth  no  jaw,  thorn-shaped  teeth,  and   Eocene;  Riily,  near 
without  furroivs  above  the  foot  edges. 

Fig.  1092. 

Tcstacella  zcllu  Klein. 
Miocene ;  Andelflngen 
(after  Sandberger). 

Fanuly  1.     Testacellidae  Gray. 

Shell  spiral,  of  very  small  size,  and  situated  near  the  tail  of  the 
vermiform  animal.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Testacella  Cuvier  (Fig.  1092).  Shell  auri- 
form, borne  on  the  posterior  end  of  the  animal. 
Tertiary  and  Recent.  jfP^\\\\\\ 

Parmacellina  Sandberger.  Eocene.  Daude- 
bardia  Hartm.  {Helicophanta  Fer.  p.p.). 
Quaternary  and  Recent. 

Family  2.     Glandinidae  Albers. 

Shell  oval  or  oblong,  capable  of  containing  the  entire  animal' 
Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Glandiiia  Schum.  (Fig.  1093).  Shell  elongate-oval,  with  high 
spire.  Aperture  notched  in  front ;  columella  truncated.  Upper 
Cretaceous  to  Recent.  Other  Recent  allied  genera  inhabit  the 
American  tropics. 

Glandina  inflata 
Reuss.  Miocene; 
Richelberg,  near  Ulm. 

Superfamily  3.     AULACOPODA  Pilsbry. 

Foot  with  longitudinal  grooves  above  and  parallel  with  its  lateral  margins. 

Family   1.     Zonitidae  Pfeiffer. 

Aulacopoda  with  a  spiral,  conical  or  helicoid  shell,  sometimes  partially  imcoiled, 
usually  smooth  and  with  simple  lip;  marginal  teeth  of  the  radula  thorn-like ;  foot 
margin  loide ;  jaio  rather  smooth.      Carboniferous  (?)  to  Recent. 

Vitrina  Drap.  Shell  small,  translucent,  with  short  spire,  .and  very  large  body 
whorl.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Archaeozonites  Sandb,  (Fig.  1094).  Thick-shelled,  globose,  with  rather  high  spire, 
deeply  umbilicate  ;  outer  margin  sharp.  Oligocene  and  Miocene.  Here  also  should 
be  placed,  perhaps,  the  archaic  ifefe-shaped  snails  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Nova 

VOL.  I  -"  ^ 




Zonites   Montf.     Like   the   last,  but  with   thinner  shell,   granulated   above,   and 
smooth  below.      Tertiary  and  Recent. 

Fl(i.   1094.  s^Averticlllus 
Sandb.  Lower  Miocene; 
Eckingen,  near  Ulni. 

Fic.  1095. 

Hyalinia  denudata 
(Reuss).  Miocene ; 
Tuchoritz,  Bohemia. 


Lychnus  matheroni  Requien. 
Upper  Cretaceous  (Garumnian) ; 
Rognac,  Provence. 

Hyalinia  Fer.  (Fig.  1095)  ;  Omphalosagda  Sandb. ;  Ariophanta  Desm.  ;  Trocho- 
morpha  Albers.      Tertiary  and  Eecent. 

Lychnus  Montf.  (Fig.  1096).  Body  whorl  large,  bent  upward  at  first,  and  later 
decurved,  so  that  the  margins  of  the  aperture  lie  in  the  basal  plane.  Upper 
Cretaceous  of  Provence  and  Spain. 

Family  2.     Limacidae  Lamarck. 

NaTced  sliujft  a  small  vestigial  shell,  flat  and  non-sfiral^  concealed  within  the 
mantle,  which  latter  forms  a  small  oval  shield  on  the  forepart  of  the  body.  Foot  margin 
narrow ;  dentition  and  jaw  as  in  the  Zonitidae.     Tertiary  and  Recent. 

The  principal  genera  are  Limax  Linn.,  in  whicli  the  intestine  has  four  longi- 
tudinal folds,  and  the  back  is  keeled  at  the  tail  only ;  and  Amalia  Moq.-Tand.,  with 
spiral  gut  and  strongly  keeled  back.  Their  small  scale-like  shells  have  been  found 
in  the  Tertiary  and  Pleistocene  ;  present  distriliution  nearly  world-wide. 

,        Family  3.      Endodontidae  Pilsbry. 

Shell  spiral  and  external,  varying  from  cylindric  to  helicoid  and  planorhoid,  usually 
rih-sculp>tured  and  with  02nique  colouring ;  lip  thin,  unexpanded.  Jaw  of  sc^inrate  or 
united  imbricating  plates,  or  solid  and  striated ;  margined  teeth  squarish ;  genitalia 
tvithout  accessory  organs.     Carboniferous  to  Recent. 

Punctinae.  Jaw  of  numerous  separate  plates ;  shell  minute.  Includes  the 
Holarctic  genera  Punctum  Morse  and  Sphyradium  Charp.,  also  the  New  Zealand 
genus  Laoma  Gray.     Recent. 

Endodontinae.  Jaw-plates  united  more  or  less  completely.  Genera  :  Pyramidula 
Fitz.  Discoidal  or  low  conical,  with  tubular  ribbed  whorls  and  ojien  umbilicus. 
Carboniferous  to  Recent.  This  is  one  of  the  most  ancient  land  Mollusks  known,  and 
is  the  oldest  Helicoid  form.  Phasis,  Amphidoxa,  Flammulina  and  Endodonta  Alb. 
are  similar  austral  forms,  but  are  only  known  Recent. 

Family  4.     Arionidae  Gray. 

Slugs  having  the  shell  reduced,  to  a  flat  plate  or  a  few  granules,  nearly  or  entirely 
concealed,  or  absent.  'Mantle  in  the  form  of  a  shield  on  anterior  piart  of  the  body  ;  teeth 
of  the  quadrate  type.      Recent. 

This  family  is  probably  derived  from  the  Endodontidae  by  degeneration  of  the 
shell.  Arion  Fer.,  and  Anadenus  Heyn.  are  leading  genera  of  Europe  and  Asia ; 
Ariolimax  Miirch,  and  Prophysaon  Bland  occur  abundantly  in  North  America. 


Family  5.     Philomycidae  Gray. 

Slugs  sometohit  similar  to  Arionidae,  hut  the  mantle  covers  the  entire  thpfer  surface 
of  the  body.     A  shell  is  completely  absent ;  hence  no  fossil  forms  are  hnoivn. 

Superfamily  4.     ELASMOGNATHA  Morch. 

Ja%v  ivith  ct  strong  squarish  process  of  attachment  above. 

Family   1.     Succineidae  Albers. 
Shell  thin,  ovate,  consisting  of  few  whorls.  p^^,      ^ 

Succinea  Pfeiffer  (Ficf.  1097).     Shell  tliin,  ovate,  amber-coloured,      Snwinca  jwregriim 

1  -,1      T      \         •  IT  1      1  1       T        /-v    J  •       Sandb.     Lower  Mio- 

translucent,  with  short  spire  and  large  body  whorl.      Uuter  margin   cene;       Tuchoritz, 
of  aperture  sharp.      Tertiary  and  Eecent ;  abundant  in  the  Loess.         Boliemia. 

Range  and  Distribution  of  the   Gastropoda. 

Of  all  classes  of  Mollusks,  the  Gastropods  exhibit  the  most  manifold 
variety.  Beginning  in  the  Cambrian,  they  acquire  a  very  gradual  increase 
and  distribution,  and  are  at  present  enjoying  their  maximum  vigour.  There 
exist  probably  over  20,000  Recent  species,  about  three-fifths  of  which  have 
gills,  the  remainder  being  air-breathers. 

At  the  base  of  the  Cambrian  (Olenellus  zone)  are  found  such  archaic 
genera  as  Scenella,  Stenotheca,  Platyceras,  Ehaphistoma,  Pleurotomaria  ;  a  number 
of  Pteropods  with  some  doubtful  forms  (Hyolithes,  Hyolithelliis,  Salterella,  Torel- 
lella,  etc.),  which  evince  the  great  antiquity  of  the  Aspidobranchs  ;  and  forms 
resembling  the  Capulidae.  In  the  later  Cambrian  the  Rhipidoglossa  (represented 
by  the  Pleurotonmriidae,  Euomphalidae  and  Bellerophontidae)  predominate ;  and 
associated  with  these  are  certain  Pteropod  remains,  members  of  the  Capulidae, 
and  a  few  genera  probably  referable  to  the  Turbinidae.  A  notable  genus 
occurring  here  is  Suhdites,  which  bears  some  resemblance  to  the  Pyramidellidae, 
and  exhibits  a  distinct  channelling  at  the  base  of  the  columella. 

Unfortunately  the  poorly  preserved  remains  of  Cambrian  Gastropods  afford 
but  scanty  information  regarding  the  disposition  of  the  soft  parts  ;  neverthe- 
less there  are  good,  although  purely  theoretical  reasons  for  supposing  that 
the  Rhipidoglossa  and  Ctenobranchs  were  formerly  not  so  widely  sejjarated  as 
at  present. 

During  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  Gastropods  increased  perce2:)tibly  in 
the  number  of  species,  and  a  few  new  families  were  initiated  {Epitoniidae, 
Purpurinidae,  Trochidae,  Xenophoridae) ;  but  the  faunal  aspect  remained  on 
the  whole  much  the  same  as  in  the  Cambrian,  and  no  essential  changes  were 
introduced  during  the  remainder  of  the  Paleozoic.  Accordingly,  the  Paleo- 
zoic Gastropod  fauna  may  be  said  to  be  characterised  by  its  general  simplicity, 
being  made  up  principally  of  Pteropods,  Rhipidoglossa,  a  few  Docoglossa 
and  Opisthobranchs,  and  also  a  scattering  representation  of  Ctenobranchs 
{Capulidae,  Pyramidellidae,  Littorinidae). 

During  the  Jura-Trias,  the  hirge,  thick-shelled  varieties  of  Pteropod-like 
Mollusks  became  extinct.  But,  on  the  other  hand,  various  families  of  the 
Rhipidoglossa  reached  the  acme  of  their  development  (Pleurotomariidae,  Tur- 
binidae, Neritopsidae,  Neritidae) ;    and   among   the   Ctenobranchs,   the  families 

























45  1 

£    i 







1.  Streptoneura 

Order  1.  Aspidobbanchia 

A.  Bocoglossa  . 

B.  Rhipidoglossa 

1.  Haliotidae 

2.  Pleurotoinariidae     . 

3.  Fissurellidae  . 

4.  Euomphalidae 

5.  Raphistomidae 

6.  Stomatiidae    . 

7.  Turbinidae 

8.  Pliasianellidae 

9.  Delphinulidae 

10.  Trochoneniatidae     . 

11.  Trochidae 

12.  Umboniidae    . 

13.  Neritopsidae  . 

14.  Neritidae 

Order  2.  Ctenobranchia 

A.  Heteropoda. 

B.  Platypoda 

1.  Eulimidae 

2.  Pyramidellidae 

3.  Epitoniidae     . 

4.  Solariidae 

5.  Purpurinidae  . 

6.  Littorinidae    . 

7.  Cyclostomidae 

8.  Capulidae 

9.  Naticidae 

10.  Xenophoridae 

11.  Anipullariidae 

12.  Valvatidae 

13.  Viviparidae    . 

14.  Hydrobiidae    . 

15.  Rissoidae 

16.  Turritellidae  . 

17.  Vermiculariidae 

18.  Caecidae 

19.  Melaniidae 

20.  Neriueidae 

21.  Cerithiidae 

22.  Aporrhaidae    . 

23.  Stronibidae     . 

24.  Columbellariidae     . 


t             i 

..  ?    . 

.-?  .. 








































25.  Cypraeidae 

26.  Ovulidae 

27.  Cassididae 

28.  Doliidae 

29.  Nyctilochidae 

30.  Columbellidae 

31.  Buccinidae 

32.  Muricidae 

33.  Thaisidae 

34.  Fusidae  . 

35.  Vasidae  . 

36.  Volutidae 

37.  Harpidae 

38.  Olividae 

39.  Cancellariidae 

40.  Terebridae 

41.  Turritidae 

42.  Conidae  . 

2.  Euthyneura 

OiiuER  1.  Opisthobranchia 

B.  TectihrancJiiata 

1.  Acteonidae 

2.  Ringiculidae  . 

3.  Akeratidae 

4.  Hydatinidae  . 

5.  Bullariidae 

6.  Acteocinidae  . 

7.  Scaphandridae 

8.  Pliilinidae 

9.  Umbraculidae 

C.  Pteropoda 

1.  Limacinidae    . 

2.  Cavoliniidae   . 

3.  HyolLthidae    . 

D.  Coniclariida 

1.  Tentaculitidae 

2.  Torellellidae  . 

3.  Couulai'iidae  . 

Order  2.  Pitlmonata 

A.  Thalassophila     . 

B.  Basommatophora 

1.  Auriculidae     . 

2.  Chilinidae 

3.  Physidae 

4.  Lymnaeidae    . 

5.  Ancylidae 
0.   Teletremata 

D.   Sfi/IommMtopJiora 

^ — 




582  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Pyramidellidae   Nerineidae,  Purjmrinidae,   Turrit ellidae    and  Aporrliaidae  multi- 
plied in  a  great  variety  of  forms. 

The  Cretaceous  witnessed  a  decided  increase  among  the  siphonostomous 
Otenobranchs,  and  in  the  Tertiary  this  branch  asserted  itself  as  the  dominant 
type  of  Gastropods,  surpassing  all  other  families  in  point  of  numbers,  and 
gradually  acquiring  the  aspect  of  living  genera  and  species.  The  Nerineidae, 
Pyramidellidae  and  Aporrhaidae,  which  played  such  a  prominent  role  along 
with  the  Rhipidiglossa  during  the  Mesozoic  era,  became  in  part  extinct  in  the 
Tertiary,  and  the  remainder  entered  upon  their  decline.  The  great  majority 
of  Eocene  and  Oligocene  genera  are  still  living,  but  the  species  have  with 
very  few  exceptions  become  extinct.  During  the  Miocene,  more  species  made 
their  appearance  which  are  still  in  existence,  and  of  the  Pliocene  species, 
between  80  and  90  per  cent  are  represented  in  the  Recent  fauna. 

The  geological  history  of  the  Puhnonata  is  remarkable.  Thalassophilous 
Siphonariidae  are  first  met  with  in  the  Devonian,  where  they  are  very  sparse. 
Land  snails  (Archaeozonites,  Pyramidula,  Dendropupa)  were  initiated  in  still 
smaller  numbers  during  the  Carboniferous;  but  not  until  the  boundary  between 
the  Jura  and  Cretaceous  is  reached  do  we  find  any  traces  of  fresh- water  snails. 
We  meet  them  first  in  the  Purbeck.  In  the  Wealden,  and  Cretaceous  gener- 
ally, both  land  and  fresh- water  Gastropods  are  quite  abundant ;  they  became 
highly  developed  and  widely  distributed  dixring  the  Tertiary,  attaining,  in  fact, 
a  differentiation  nearly  equal  to  that  exhibited  by  the  corresponding  Recent 

The  successive  approximations  to  present  conditions  among  Gastropod 
faunas  have  not  been  confined  to  the  production  of  forms  simulating  more  and 
more  those  now  living ;  they  include  also  the  gradual  demarcation  of  existing 
geographical  provinces.  Mesozoic  Gastropods  are  too  dissimilar  in  their 
general  characters  to  admit  of  a  close  comparison  with  modern  faunas  ;  but  as 
early  as  the  Eocene  resemblances  to  modern  forms  are  observable,  and  a  certain 
correspondence  is  to  be  noted  with  Gastropods  now  inhabiting  somewhat 
warmer  zones. 

The  Eocene  faunas  of  Europe,  North  America,  Asia  and  Northern  Africa 
share  a  great  many  genera  in  common,  and  have  numeroiis  others  which  are 
vicarious.  A  very  different  aspect  is  presented  by  the  Eocene  fauna  of 
Australia,  New  Zealand  and  South  America,  where  we  find  the  evident  fore- 
runners of  forms  now  inhabiting  the  southern  portions  of  the  Atlantic  and 
Pacific  Oceans. 

Still  more  intimate  is  the  relationship  existing  between  the  fossil  land  and 
fresh-water  Gastropods  and  their  descendants  on  the  several  continents.  It 
has  been  observed  that  Miocene  faunas  bear  a  decidedly  tropical  stamp.  On 
this  account  European  and  American  forms  from  the  inland  Miocene  deposits 
bear  some  resemblance  to  the  Recent  faunas  of  the  Azores  and  the  West 
Indies,  as  well  as  to  the  land  and  fresh- water  Gastropods  inhabiting  the  colder 
latitudes  of  Europe  and  Asia.  Only  as  recently  as  the  Pliocene  did  each 
geographical  province  come  to  assume  its  present  distinctive  features. 

In  general,  the  stratigraphic  sequence  of  Gastropod  groups  corresponds 
closely  with  the  zoological  order,  the  most  generalised  forms  appearing  first, 
the  more  specialised  later.  Beginning  with  the  two-gilled  Rhipidoglossa  and 
the  Docoglossa,  followed  by  the  single-gilled  Rhipidoglossa,  Opisthobranchs  and 
taenioglossateCtenobranchs,the  series  leads  to  the  Rachiglossa  in  later  Mesozoic, 


and  culminates  in  the  great  increase  of  rachiglossate  and  toxoglossate  families 
in  Tertiary  and  Recent  times.      (See  tables,  pp.  580,  581.) 

[The  text  for  the  preceding  chapter  on  Gastropoda  was  revised  for  the  first  edition  of 
this  work  by  Professor  Henry  A.  I'ilsbry,  of  the  Philadelphia  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 
and  is  reprinted  here  with  some  slight  changes  at  the  hands  of  Drs.  W.  H.  Dall  and 
R.  S.  Bassler.— Editor.] 

Class  5.    CEPHALOPODA.! 

Head  sharply  defined  in  Recent  forms,  except  Nautilus.     Foot  transformed  into  a 

^  Literature  :  Angdin,  N.  P.,  Fragnienta  Silurica,  edited  by  G.  Lindstroni.  Stockholm,  1880. 
— Anthula,  /.,}Uber  die  Kreidefossilien  des  Kaidcasus.  Beitr.  Pal.  Osterreich - Ungarns,  etc., 
1899-1900,  vol.  xii. — Arthaber,  G.  von,  Die  Cephalopodenfanna  der  Keiflinger  Kalke.  Beitr. 
Palaont.  Geol.  Osterreich  -  Ungarns,  etc.,  1896,  vol.  x. — Idem,  Das  Jiiugere  Palaozoicum  aiis  der 
Araxes-Enge  bei  Djulfa.  Beitr.  Pal.  Geol.  Osterreich-Ungarns,  1900,  vol.  xii. — Idem,  Die  Trias 
von  Albauien.  Ibid.,  1911,  vol.  xxiv.  —Barrande,  J.,  Systenie  Sihirien  de  la  BohGme,  vol.  ii.,  Cepha- 
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584  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

funnel-shaped  muscular  swimming-organ ;    mouth  provided  with  jaws  and  radula. 

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stalt,  1902,  Heft  24. — Koninck,  L.  G.  de,  Faune  du  calcaire  carbonifere  de  la  Belgique,  pt.  ii., 
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Territ.,  vol.  ix.,  1876.— Palaeontology,  U.S.  Geol.  Exploration  40th  Parallel  Surv.,  vol.  iv.  pt.  i. 
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ranen  Triasjjrovinz.  Ibid.  Bd.  x.,  1882. — Uber  einige  arktische  Trias  Ammoniten  des  nordlichen 
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189Q.—Milnster,  G.  von,  Beitrage  zur  Petrefactenkunde,  i.-viii.,  1839-46.— Ueber  die  Clymenien  und 
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Neuvmyr,  M.,  Jurastudieu.  Jahrb.  Geol.  Reichsanst.  Wien,  Bd.  xxi.,  1871.— Die  Cephalo- 
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1874.  — Ueber  Kreideammoniten.  Sitzungsber.  Akail.  Wiss.  Wien,  Bd.  Ixxi.,  1875  ;  also  in  Zeitschr. 
Deutsch.   Geol.  Ges.,    Bd.   xxvii.,   1875.— Ueber  unvermittelt   auftretende  Cephalopodeutypen   ini 


Sexes  separate.     Sensory  organs  highly  developed.     A  circle  of  fleshy  arms  or  ten- 

Jura  Mittel-Europa's.  Jalirb.  Geol.  Eeichsanst.  Wien,  Bd.  xxviii.,  1873. — Zur  Kenntmss  tier 
Fauna  des  uutersten  Lias  in  den  Nordalpen.  Abhandl.  Geol.  Reichsanst.  Wien,  Bd.  vii.  Heft  5, 
187 4:-82.—JVeumayr,  M.,  and  Vhlig,  V.,  Ueber  Ammonitideu  aus  den  Hilsbildiingen  Nord- 
deutsclilands.  Palaeontogr.,  Bd.  xxvii.,  1881. — Nickles,  R.,  Contributions  a  la  paleontologie  du 
Sud-Est  de  I'Espagne.  Mem.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  No.  4,  1890.— i\%iYm,  S.  N.,  Der  Jura  der 
Umgegend  von  Elatnia.  Nouv.  Mem.  Soc.  Imp.  Moscou,  vols,  xiv.,  xv.,  1879-89. — Allgemeine 
geologische  Karte  von  Russland,  Blatt  56.  Mem.  Com.  Geol.  St.  Petersb.,  vol.  i.,  No.  2,  1884. 
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Mineral.  Gesellscli.  [2],  vol.  xx.  1885. — -Noetling,  F.,  Cambrische  uud  silurische  Gescbiebe  Ost- 
uud  West  -  Preussens.  Jahrb.  preuss.  geol.  Landesanst.  und  Bergsakad.,  1882. — Beitrag  zur 
Kenntniss  der  Cephalopodendes  Provinz  Ost-Preussens.  Ibid.  1883;  also  Zeitscbr.  Deutscb.  Geol. 
Gesellsch.,  Bd.  xxxiv.,  1882.  —  Fauna  of  Neocomian  Belemnite  Beds.  Palaeout.  Indica,  Ser. 
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franjaise,  terrain  cretace.  I.  Cephalopodes,  1840;  Terrain  jurassique,  Cephalopodes,  1852. 
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vol.  v.  No.  5,  1897. — Marine  Fossils  of  the  Coal  Measures  of  Arkansas.  Proc.  Amer.  Philos.  Soc. 
vol.  xxxv.,  1897. — The  Development  of  Glyphioceras,  etc.  Proc.  Calif.  Acad.  Sci.  [3],  vol.  i., 
1897. — The  Carboniferous  Ammonoids  of  America.  Mon.  xlii.,  U.S.  Geol.  Survey,  1903. — Stein- 
mann,  G.,  Ueber  Tithon  und  Kreide  in  den  peruanischen  Anden.  Neues  Jahrb.,  Bd.  ii. ,  1881. 
—Stanton,  T.  W.,  The  Colorado  Formation.  Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.  No.  106,  I89o.—Stoliczka, 
F.,  and  Blanford,  II.  F.,  Fossil  Cephalopoda  of  the  Ci'etaceous  Rocks  of  Southern  India. — Mem. 
Geol.  Surv.  India,  Palaeont.  Indica,  1861-66. — Suess,  E.,  Ueber  Ammoniten.  Sitzungsber.  Akad. 
Wiss.  Wien,  Bd.  Iii.,  Ixi.,  1866-70. — Till,  A.,  Die  fossilen  Cephalopodengebisse.  Jahrb.  Geol. 
Reichsanst.  Wien,  1907,  vol.  liv. — ■Tornquist,  A.,  Die  degenerierten  Perisphinctiden  des  Kimmeridge 
von  Le  Havre.  Abhandl.  Schweizer.  Pal.  Gesellsch.,  Bd.  xxiii.,  1896. — Toula,  F.,  Eine  Muschelkalk- 
fauna  am  Golfe  von  Ismid  in  Kleinasien.  Beitr.  Paliiont.  Geol.  Osterreich-Ungarns  u.  Orients, 
Bd.  X.,  1896. —  Uhlig,  V.,  Die  Cephalopodenfauna  der  Wernsdcirfer  Schichten.  Denkschr.  Akad. 
Wiss.  Wien,  Bd.  xlvi.,  and  Sitzungsber.  Bd.  Ixxxvi.,  1883. — Uber  die  Cephalopodenfauna  der 
Teschener  und  Grodischter  Schichten.  Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1901,  vol.  Ixxii. — The 
Fauna  of  the  Spiti  shales.  Pal.  Indica,  ser.  xv.,  1910,  vol.  iv.  —  Wuagen,  W.,  The  Jurassic  Fauna 
of  Kutch,  vol.  i.  Cephalopoda.  Palaeont.  Indica,  ser.  ix.,  1873-76. — -Salt  Range  Fossils.  I. 
Productus  Limestone  Fossils  ;  Cephalopoda.  Ibid.  ser.  xiii.,  1879-88.  II.  Fossils  from  the 
Cei'atite  Formation.  Ibid.  ser.  xiii.,  1895. —  Wdhner,  F.,  Beitriige  zur  Kenntniss  der  tieferen 
Zonen  des  unteren  Lias  der  nordostlichen  Alpen.  Beitr.  Paliiont.  Geol.  Osterreich-Ungarns  u. 
Orients,  Bd.  ii.,  ix.,  1882-95.  —  Wagner,  A.,  Fossile  tjberreste  von  uackten  Tintenfischen.  Abh. 
Bayer.    Akad.    Wiss.,    Bd.   viii.,   1856-60. —  Wedekind,  R.,   Die  Cephalopodenfauna  des  hciheren 

586  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

tades  surround  the  7nouth,  and  serve  as  prehensile  and  locomotive  organs;  in  the 
Dihranchiates  they  are  armed  with  hooks  and  suckers} 

The  Cephalopods  are  the  most  highly  organised,  and  include  the  largest- 
sized  of  all  known  Mollusca.  They  bi-eathe  by  gills,  and  are  exclusively  marine. 
Their  nervous,  circulatory,  digestive  and  reproductive  systems,  their  muscula- 
ture and  sense  organs  all  exhibit  remarkable  differentiation  as  compared  with 
those  of  other  Mollusks.  A  fleshy  mantle,  which  is  open  above,  encloses  the 
cavity  which  is  occupied  by  the  respiratory  organs  (the  gills)  and  it  also 
serves  as  a  covering  for  the  reproductive,  alimentary  and  secretory  systems, 
the  heart  and  the  principal  blood-vessels.  A  large  ganglionic  mass  (cerebral 
ganglion)  and  sub-oesophageal  ganglion  connected  by  commissures  are  placed 
around  the  oesophagus,  and  are  surrounded  by  a  cartilaginous  enclosure  in  the 
Dihranchiates,  but  in  Nautilus  this  protects  only  the  sub-oesophageal  nerve  mass. 

Recent  Cephalopods  were  divided  by  Owen  into  two  groups — Tetrahranchiata 
and  Dibranchiata.  The  former  is  represented  in  the  present  fauna  by  the  soli- 
tary genus  Nautilus,  but  the  latter  still  comprises  a  very  considerable  series  of 
forms.  A  host  of  fossil  Cephalopods  abounded  in  the  Paleozoic  and  Mesozoic 
seas.  Among  these  the  two  largest  groups,  the  Ammonoidea  and  Belemnoidea,  do 
not  aff"ord  any  certain  information  regarding  the  number  of  gills,  but  the  shells 
of  the  former  agree  essentially  with  those  of  Nautili,  while  those  of  Belemnites, 
on  the  other  hand,  are  more  like  those  of  certain  Dihranchiates ;  hence  it  is 
advisable  to  associate  these  fossil  groups  with  the  corresponding  sub-classes 
established  for  Recent  forms. 

Subclass  1.  TETRABRANCHIATA  Owen." 

Cephalopods  with  four  plumose  gills,  and  external  chambered  shells.      Ambida- 

Oberdevon  am  Enkeberg.  Neues  Jalirb.  f.  Min.  etc.,  1908,  Supplem.  vol.  xxvi.  —  White,  C.  A., 
Mesozoic  Fossils.  Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.  No,  4,  1884.— 117; (Ye«re.s,  J.  F..  Mesozoic  Fossils, 
vol.  i.  Geol.  Surv.  Canada,  1876-79. — Palaeozoic  Fossils,  vol.  iii.,  ibid.  1884-97. — Contributions 
to  Canadian  Palaeontology,  vol.  i.,  1885-89.^ — Descriptions  of  Fossils  from  the  Devonian  of  Manitoba. 
Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Canada,  vol.  viii.  sec.  4,  l^^O.  — Whitfield,  R.  P.,  Several  papers  in  Bull.  Anier. 
Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  1886-97.— Republication  of  Hall's  Fossils,  etc.  Ibid.  vol.  i.,  pt.  ii.,  1895. 
Wright,  T.,  Monograph  on  the  Lias  Ammonites.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1878-86. —  Wurtenberger,  R., 
Stuilien  iiber  die  Stanimgeschichte  der  Amnioniteu.  Darwinistische  Schriften,  No.  5.  Leipzic, 
1880.  —  Vabe,  //.,  Ci'etaeeous  Cephalopoda  from  the  Hokkaido.  Journ.  Coll.  Sci.  Imper.  Univ. 
Tokyo,  Japan,  1904,  vols,  xix.,  xx. — Zittel,  K.  A.,  Cephalopoden  der  Stramberger  Schichten. 
Palaeont.  Mittheil.  Museum  Bayer.  Staates,  Bd.  ii.,  1868. — Die  Fauna  der  iilteren  Tithonbildungen. 
Ibid.  Bd.  iii.,  1870.— Handbuch  der  Palaontologie,  Bd.  ii.,  1881-85. 

^  A.  E.  Verrill  has  furnished  the  following  note  regarding  the  arms  of  Cephalopods  :  "  The 
arms,  together  with  the  siphon  (ambulatory  funnel)  of  Cephalopods,  must  lie  considered  as 
homologous  with  the  foot  of  other  Mollusca.  The  large  nerves  su])plying  these  organs  arise  from 
the  pedal  ganglia.  In  the  early  larval  stages  the  arms  arise  as  bud-like,  paired  lateral  outgrowths 
at  the  base  of  the  large  yolk-sac,  while  the  rudiments  of  the  siphon  (funnel)  arise  as  two  oblique 
pairs  of  folds  situated  farther  back.  The  anterior  pair  of  these  folds  eventually  unite  and  form 
the  central  or  tubular  jjai't  of  the  siphon,  and  the  more  posterior  folds  form  the  lateral  or  valvular 
portions  of  the  same  organ.  The  rudimentary  arms  arise  posterior  to  the  mouth  on  the  ventral 
and  lateral  sides  of  the  yolk-sac,  and  only  surround  the  buccal  region  at  a  later  stage.  The 
yolk-sac  occupies  the  same  relative  position,  behind  the  mouth,  as  the  central  part  of  the  foot- 
area  of  ordinary  Gastropod  larvae  in  the  early  veliger  stages.  Therefore  the  arms  are  muscular, 
lateral  outgrowths  of  this  same  foot-area.  The  two  lateral  rows  of  rudimentary  arms  are  widely 
separated  at  first  by  the  yolk,  but  during  the  absorption  of  this,  they  rapidly  approach  each  other 
and  converge  around  the  mouth." 

^  Owen,  R.,  Memoir  on  the  Pearly  Nautilus.  London,  1832.  —  Kerr,  J.  G.,  Anatomy  of 
Nautilus  pompilius.  Proc.  Zool.  Soc,  London,  1895. —  Griffin,  L.  E.  ,  Anatomy  of  Nautilus 
pompilius.      Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  1900,  vol.  viii. 




tory  funnel  divided  ;  ink-bag  absent ;  arms  represented  in  existing  Nautili  by  lobes 
and  numerous  tentacles,  which  are  tvithout  hooks  and  suckers.  Cambrian  to 

Fig.  1098. 

Nautilus  pompilius  Linn.  Recent ;  Indian  Ocean.  Shell  with  contained  soft 
parts  seen  from  the  left  side,  the  .shell  b^ing  cut  through  along  the  median 
line,     a,  Mantle ;   h,   Dorsal  lobe  of  the   mantle  ;  c,   Hood  ;  d,  Hyponome,    or 

Our  knowledge  of  the  soft  parts  of  the  Tetrabranchiates  is  based  entirely 
upon  the  single  existing  genus  Nautihis  (Fig.  1098).  The  soft  parts  are  con- 
tained in  the  outer- 
most compartment 
(living  chamber)  of 
the  shell,  the  ventral 
portions  being  on 
the  external  side. 
The  body  is  short 
and  thick,  and  the 
head  separated  from 
the  remaining  por- 
tion. Around  the 
mouth  are  about 
ninety  external  fili- 
form tentacles, 
placed  upon  the 
edges  of  lobes,  and 
their  basal  parts 
when  contracted  are 
lodged  in  fleshy 
sockets   or   sheaths. 

rrii  •       f,        ,       1         "  ambulatory  funnel ";  p,  Nidamental  gland  ;/i,  Muscle  for  attachment ;  o,  Eye  ; 

±  ne  pair  OI  tentacles    «,  Siphuncle  ;  t,  Tentacle.s  ;  x.  Septal  chamber  (after  R.  Owen). 

on     the     inner     or 

dorsal  side  are  fused  so  as  to  form  a  thicker  muscular  lobe  or  hood,  which 
serves  to  close  the  aperture  of  the  shell  when  the  animal  is  withdrawn  into 
the  living  chamber.  On  the  ventral  side  of  the  head  and  tentacles,  but 
separated  from  them,  is  a  very  thick  muscular  leaf,  having  the  free  edges 
external  and  rolled  in  upon  themselves  (Fig.  1098,  (/).  This  is  the  so-called 
ambulatory  funnel  of  authors  generally  (Jiyponome  of  Hyatt),  and  its  cavity 
is  contracted  anteriorly  and  dilated  posteriorly,  where  it  opens  into  the 
branchial  chamber.  It  serves  to  conduct  water  which  is  taken  by  suction 
into,  and  then  violently  expelled  from  the  gill  cavity  of  the  mantle,  thus 
driving  the  creature  backward  by  the  force  of  reaction.  Kerr  suggests  that  the 
structure  of  the  infolding  edges  of  the  hyponome  and  the  muscular  character 
of  this  organ  would  enable  the  animal  to  unroll  and  flatten  it  out  so  as  to  be 
available  for  crawling.  It  is  supposed  to  be  homologous  with  the  foot  of 
Gastropods,  and  this  suggestion,  if  true,  would  show  that  it  had  not  entirely 
lost  its  normal  functions  in  primitive  forms  of  Cephalopoda. 

On  either  side  of  the  head,  near  the  pair  of  lateral  tentacles,  is  placed  a 
large  eye  of  primitive  structure,  which  is  supported  on  a  short  peduncle. 
The  mouth  is  in  the  centre  of  the  lobes  and  groups  of  tentacles,  the  tongue  is 
fleshy,  and  the  radula  armed  with  numerous  rows  of  plates  and  hooks.  The 
remarkably  powerful  jaws  (Figs.  1099,  1100)  are  largely  composed  of  a  dark 
horny  substance,  only  their  points  being  calcified.  Similar  calcified  beaks  are 
not    uncommon    in    Mesozoic    terranes,   being    found    either  associated   with 




Nautiloid  shells  or  detached.     The  jaws  belonging  to  Nautilus  bidorsahis  froni 
the    Trias    were   originally  described    under    the    name    of    Rhyncholites   and 

A  i: 

Upper  jaw  of  NaiUilus  pompiliiis. 
A,  Side  view ;  li,  Inferior  aspect,  i/i. 

Fin.  1100. 

Lower  jaw'of  Mufii^ws 
jMinpilius.  Side  view.  i/j. 

Fir,.  1101. 

Temnoclicihis  hidorsatus  Schlotli.  (  =  ii/ii/H- 
chfiUthcs  hirmulo  Faure-Bignet).  Musciiel- 
kalk  ;  Lainecl<,  near  Bayreutli.  A,  Upper 
jaw,  viewed  from  above  ;  B,  from  tlie  .side  ; 
C,  from  below. 

Conchorhyncliiis  (Figs.  1101,  1102);  the  common  Jurassic  and  Cretaceous 
forms  are  known  as  Ehymhoteuthis  (Fig.  1103)  and  Palaeoteuthis  d'Orbigny. 
The  long  feather-like  gills  are  disposed  in  two  pairs  at  the  base  of  the 
hyponome,  and  between  them  is  the  anus,  closely  behind  Avhich  is  placed  the 

A  single  or  double  orifice 

of    the    generative    or- 
gans.     In    the   female 
there   is  found   at  the 
base  of  the  gill  cavity 
a     long,     tri- 
partite,   nida- 
mental  gland, 
which      fuses 
with       the 

The  body 
is  short, 
sack  -  shaped, 
rounded  pos- 
teriorly, and  enveloped  by  the  mantle.  The  base  of  the  latter  is  prolonged 
at  a  certain  point  into  a  fleshy,  hollow  cord  or  tube  (the  siphon),  which  passes 
through  a  rounded  aperture  in  each  of  the  septa,  and  extends  as  far  as  the 
inner  side  of  the  apex  in  the  initial  chamber.  The  fastening  of  the  animal 
within  the  living  chamber  is  accomplished  by  two  oval  muscles  situated  on 
either  side  near  the  base  of  the  mantle.  These  muscles  are  attached  to  the 
inner  wall  of  the  living  chamber,  and  have  corresponding  but  very  shallow 
impressions.  They  are  connected  both  dorsally  and  ventrally  by  a  band  of 
fibres,  the  annulus,  which  also  leaves  its  impression  upon  the  shell.  The  form 
and  position  of  the  muscles  for  attachment  and  the  annulus  are  sometimes 
discernible  on  the  internal  moulds  of  fossil  shells. 

The  shells  of  existing  Nautili  are  coiled  in  one  plane,  and  composed  of 
several  volutions,  the  outermost  of  which  either  envelops  all  the  earlier  ones 
{Nautilus  fompilius),    or    leaves    the    umbilicus  partly  open  {N.  umhilicatus). 

Fig.  1102. 

Temnocheilus  hidorsatus  Schlotheim 
(=  Conchorhynchus  avirostris  Blainville). 
MiLschellcalli  ;  Laineck,  neap  Bayrenth. 
Lower  jaw  viewed  from  above. 

Rhynchoteuthis  sahaudianus  Pict.  and  Lor. 
Neocomian ;  Voirons,  France.  A,  Dorsal 
aspect,  showing  in  part  the  chitinous  lateral 
expansions.  B,  The  calcareous  beak  seen 
from  below. 


With  the  exception  of  the  last  half  of  the  outer  volution,  which  is  occupied 
by  the  animal  as  a  living  chamber,  the  shell  is  divided  up  into  numerous 
cavities  or  chambers  by  parallel  partitions  called  septa,  the  mesal  parts  of  which 
are  concave  toward  the  aperture  ;  and  they  are  disposed  at  regidar  intervals. 
The  compartments  thus  formed  are  said  by  different  authors  to  be  filled 
with  air,  gaseous  or  even  fluid  matter,  and  all  are  traversed  by  the  siphon.^ 

The  siphon  has  dense  walls  and  is  probably  not  capable  of  any  extended 
movements  inside  of  the  surrounding  calcareous  parts  which  form  the  siph- 
uncle.  The  relation  of  the  siphuncle  to  the  septal  chambers  in  Nautilus  has 
not  been  sufficiently  investigated  to  enable  one  to  state  distinctly  what  its 
functions  may  be.  The  whole  exterior  of  the  mantle  and  siphon  is  encased 
in  a  cuticle  of  horny  matter,  the  remains  of  which  are  often  found  in  the 
living  chambers  and  siphuncles  of  fossil  forms  as  well.  The  shell  itself  is 
composed  of  two  layers,  an  internal  and  an  external.  The  outer  layer  is 
composed  of  imbricated  laminae,  is  porcellanous,  light-coloured  and  super- 
ficially ornamented  with  red  or  brown  transverse  bands  ;  the  inner  layer  is 
nacreous,  and  composed  of  thin,  parallel  laminae,  which  are  crossed  by  fine 
rectangular  lines.  The  septa  likewise  consist  of  a  pearly  layer,  but  are 
covered  over  like  the  inner  walls  of  the  chambers  with  a  very  thin,  opaque, 
calcareous  film.  A  large  number  of  fossil  shells  have  a  structure  similar  to 
the  recent  Nautilus.  These  are  divided  into  several  groups,  characterised  by 
peculiarities  of  the  initial  chamber,  and  by  differences  in  the  suture  lines, 
siphuncles,  sculpturing  and  form  of  the  aperture. 

Our  knowledge  of  the  life-history  of  the  Nautilus  is  very  limited. 
Although  empty  shells  are  cast  ashore  in  great  quantities  in  the  Pacific  and 
Indian  Oceans,  the  animal  is  rarely  found  alive.  According  to  Kumpf,  the 
creature  swims  by  ejecting  water  through  the  hyponome,  and  at  the  same  time 
holds  the  tentacles  expanded  horizontally,  and  the  head  protruded  as  far  as 
possible ;  but  when  creeping,  probably  the  head  and  tentacles  are  directed 
downward."  The  shell  is  essentially  alike  in  both  cases.  However,  in 
Nautilus  po7npilius,  Willey  has  found  that  the  females  differ  in  having  flatter 
and  more  convergent  sides,  the  males  being  stouter  and  more  gibbous,  which 
is  exactly  contrary  to  the  prevalent  notions  with  regard  to  sex  among  shell- 
bearing  Cephalopods.  The  shell  is  supposed  to  serve  as  a  hydrostatic  apparatus, 
sinking  when  the  animal  withdraws  into  the  living  chamber,  but  sufficiently 
buoyant  to  float  itself  and  the  animal  when  the  head  and  tentacles  are 
protruded  in  the  act  of  swimming.     Moseley  ^  confirms  the  observations  of 

1  These  conditions  are  described  by  Professor  Verrill  in  the  following  note  :  "The  pericardium 
of  Nautilus  pompilius  communicates  directly  with  the  gill  cavity  by  siDccial  pores,  which  are  close 
to  the  orifices  of  the  nephridia,  but  do  not  unite  directly  with  latter,  as  in  most  Mollusca.  Water 
can,  therefore,  pass  directly  into  the  pericardium  and  other  coeloniic  cavities.  The  cavity  of  the 
siphuncle  appears  to  communicate  directly  with  the  pericardium,  and  hence  with  the  gill  cavity  by 
means  of  the  special  pores.  Thus  sea-water  can  readily  pass  into  or  out  from  the  chambers  of  the 
shell,  to  equalise  pressure  at  varying  depths,  as  in  most  marine  Mollusca.  These  chambers  are 
unquestionably  filled  with  fluid  under  normal  conditions.  But  living  as  the  animal  does  under 
pressure  at  considerable  depths,  the  fluid  in  the  chambers  is  saturated  with  the  gases  in  solution. 
When  the  Nmitilus  is  rapidly  brought  to  the  surface,  some  of  the  gas  is  liberated  in  consequence  of 
diminished  pressure,  and  must  occupy  part  of  the  space  within  the  chambers  by  forcing  out  some  of 
the  fluid.  Hence  the  shell  will  float  until  the  free  gases  within  the  chambers  are  absorbed  or 
otherwise  eliminated.  There  is  no  evidence  that  free  gases  are  ever  naturally  present  in  the  living 
chambers  during  life. " 

"  Rnmphius,  G.  J5/. ,  Amboinische  Rariteitkamer,  p.  59.      Amsterdam,  1705. 

^  Moseley  H.  N.,  Narrative  of  the  Voyage  of  the  Challenger,  vol.  i. — Fischer ,  P.,  Manuel  de 

590  MOLLUSC  A  phylum  vi 

Rumplims,  but  the  animal  he  studied  was  drawn  up  by  a  dredge  which  had 
been  dragged  on  the  bottom  at  a  depth  of  300  fathoms.  This  individual 
swam  in  the  manner  described,  but  was  not  able  to  sink ;  and  this  was 
accounted  for  on  the  supposition  that  in  rising  from  the  bottom  the  sudden 
expansion  and  rarefication  of  the  contents  of  the  air-chambers  had  interfered 
with  the  action  of  the  hydrostatic  apparatus. 

Nothing  has  yet  been  ascertained  regarding  the  mode  of  reproduction 
and  development  of  the  animal  in  Nautilus.  The  construction  of  the  shell 
in  this  genus,  however,  renders  it  probable  that  in  the  youngest  stage  a 
perishable  embryonal  shell  was  formed,  the  presence  of  which  is  indicated  by 
a  scar  or  cicatrix  on  the  apex  of  the  initial  chamber.  Hyatt  describes  and 
figures  a  more  or  less  wrinkled  lump  on  the  apex  of  several  species  of  the 
Orthoceratidae,  which  he  regards  as  an  embryonal  shell  or  protoconch ;  and 
Clarke  also  figures  one  having  a  nearly  perfect  form.  The  former  explains 
the  absence  of  the  protoconch  in  fossil  genera  and  in  the  Recent  Nautilus  by 
supposing  it  was  usually  membranous  or  imperfectly  calcified,  and  hence 
easily  destroyed. 

As  the  animal  continued  to  grow,  it  advanced  forward  by  building  out 
the  edges  of  the  aperture  and  secreted  new  septa  at  regular  intervals,  each 
one  probably  corresponding  to  a  period  of  repose.  A  tubular  prolongation  of 
the  base  of  the  mantle  was  formed  at  each  j^eriod  of  progress,  and  this 
remained  behind  in  the  first  septal  chamber  and  excreted  the  calcareous 
matter  that  built  the  last  segment  of  the  siphuncle.  Each  septum  bends 
apically  into  a  funnel  around  the  origin  of  the  siphon  at  the  base  of  the 
mantle,  and  this  is  continuous  with  a  calcareous  but  more  loosely  constructed 
and  very  porous  wall  that  prolongs  the  tube  begun  by  the  funnel.  This 
porous  wall  or  sheath  coats  the  funnel  on  its  external  surface  in  the  air- 
chambers,  but  it  continues  alone  apically  beyond  the  funnel,  and  is  inserted 
into  the  spreading  trumpet-like  opening  of  the  next  preceding  funnel.  The 
siphuncle  is  therefore  a  segmented,  calcareous  tube  surrounding  the  siphon, 
each  segment  crossing  only  one  septal  chamber  and  consisting  of  a  funnel  and 
its  connecting  sheath.^ 

In  Nautilus  the  margin  of  the  external  opening  or  aperture  is  sinuous,  the 
concavities  being  the  sinuses,  the  outward  convexities  the  crests  ;  and  the 
single  median  concave  bend  on  the  venter  is  named  the  hyponomic  sinus, 
because  it  indicates  the  position  of  the  hyponome.  In  some  fossil  genera 
(Orthoceras)  the  aperture  is  often  straight  or  simple  (Fig.  1111);  in  others 
the  lateral  margins  are  produced  in  the  form  of  ear-like  crests  or  lappets 
(Lituites,  Ophidioceras) ;  and  in  some  forms  they  approximate  more  or  less, 
forming  contracted  apertures. 

The  closure  of  the  aperture  is  never  complete,  and  may  take  place  through 
the  inward  growth  of  the  lateral  margins,  as  in  Phragmoceras  (Fig.  1136), 
forming  a  direct  dorso- ventral  slit,  or  from  the  venter  and  the  sides,  as  in 
Mandeloceras  (Fig.  1133),  producing  a  T-shaped  opening;  or,  as  in  Hercoceras 
(Fig.  1120),  it  may  occur  principally  from  the  dorsum  and  venter,  resulting  in 

Conchyliologie,    1880-87. —  Willey,  A.,    In    tlie    Home    of  the   Nautilus.      Natural  Science,  1895, 
vol.  vi. 

^  Brooks,  H.,  On  the  Structure  of  the  Siphon  and  Funnel  in  Nautilus  pompilius.  Proc.  Boston 
Soc.  Nat.  Hist. ,1888,  vol.  xxiii. — Appelqf,  A.,  Die  Schalen  von  Sepia,  Spirula unci  Nautilus.  Kon. 
Svensk.  Akail.  Handling.,  189.5,  vol.  xxv.  No.  7. — Grandjean,  F.,  Le  Siphon  des  Ammonites 
et  des  Belemnites.      Bull.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  1910,  vol.  x. 


u  transverse  aperture.  The  dorsal  side  of  the  aperture  is,  as  a  rule,  occupied 
by  a  crest,  known  as  the  dorsal  crest  (Figs.  1115,  1121,  1138).  The  position 
of  the  hyponome  is  indicated  by  the  large  single  opening  and  sinus  at  the 
termination  of  the  longer  median  slit  of  the  aperture  in  shells  with  contracted 
openings  that  obviously  had  this  organ  (Phragmoceras,  Gomphoceras,  etc.) ;  but 
in  others  like  Hercoceras,  which  have  no  ventral  sinus  in  the  aperture,  the 
hyponome  was  probably  absent  or  non-functional.  The  sinus  in  the  lines  of 
growth,  however  (Fig.  1120),  show  that  this  organ  was  present  in  the  pre- 
ceding stages  of  development  before  the  contracted  apertures  were  formed. 

Ponipeckj  states  that  contracted  apertures  occur  only  in  senile  stages  of 
growth,  and  small  shells  having  this  peculiarity  must  be  regarded  as  dwarfs. 
This  is  certainly  true  of  many  species,  and  is  probably  also  the  case  with 
Hercoceras  and  the  like.  T-shaped  apertures  often  show  several  accessory 
sinuses  and  crests  (Fig.  1134),  which  probably  indicate  the  number  of  their 
protrusible  arms  or  tentacles.  Most  curved  forms  have  the  ventral  sinus  on 
the  arched  external  side  (exogastric  shells),  but  some  have  it  on  the  concave 
internal  side,  as  in  Phragmoceras,  and  these  are  called  endogastric  shells.  The 
interior  wall  of  the  living  chamber,  and  volutions  in  recent  and  fossil 
Nautiloids  (Fig.  1122),  are  typically  marked  with  fine  transverse  and  longi- 
tudinal lines.  In  the  recent  Nautilus  a  black  superficial  layer,  composed  in 
part  of  organic  matter,  is  deposited  by  the  hood  immediately  in  front  of  the 
aperture  on  the  dorsum. 

The  internal  partitions  or  septa,  which  divide  the  volutions  into  chambers, 
vary  exceedingly  in  number  among  different  species  and  also  at  different  ages 
of  the  same  individual ;  but  they  are  tolerably  constant  as  a  rule,  within  the 
limits  of  one  and  the  same  species,  if  specimens  of  the  same  age  are  compared. 
They  follow  one  another  in  regular  succession,  but  as  observed  by  Hyatt,  the 
intervals  are  relatively  greater  in  the  young,  more  constant  in  the  adult,  and 
then  markedly  decrease  in  the  oldest  stages  of  development.  Each  septal 
chamber  {camera  of  Hyatt)  was  part  of  the  living  chamber  until  it  was  cut  off 
by  a  septum  and  left  empty  as  the  animal  moved  forward.  Perfectly  pre- 
served shells  may  have  the  living  chamber  alone  filled  up  with  stony  matrix, 
since  the  sediment  could  only  pass  into  the  preceding  chambers  through  the 
siphuncle,  or  as  a  result  of  injury  to  the  walls  of  the  camerae.  Nevertheless, 
these  last  are  seldom  entirely  empty,  their  interiors  being  frequently  lined 
with  crystals  of  infiltrated  calcite,  quartz,  celestine,  baryte,  jDyrite,  or  with 
organic  secretions.  Double  septa  occur  in  some  forms  (Actinoceras),  and  in 
others  the  camerae  are  sometimes  secondarily  partitioned  off  by  intermediate 
walls  or  pseudo-septa,  which  may  either  run  parallel  with  the  septa  proper,  or 
at  an  angle  with  them,  and  are  composed  of  two  readily  separable  calcareous 
lamellae.  The  origin  of  these  pseudo-septa  has  been  attributed  to  the 
calcification  of  regularly  arched  membranes  at  the  posterior  end  of  the  body. 

The  line  of  junction  between  the  septa  and  inner  wall  of  the  shell  is  called 
the  suture.  This  is  invisible  externally,  except  when  the  shell-substance  has 
been  broken  or  worn,  or  dissolved  away,  and  it  is  seen  most  clearly  on  natural 
moulds.  The  sutures  of  Nautiloid  shells  follow,  as  a  rule,  simple,  straight  or 
slightly  undulating  lines.  These  undulations,  when  convex  toward  the  apex, 
are  termed  lobes,  and  the  reversed  or  forward  curves  are  the  saddles.  Thev  are 
called  lateral  lobes  when  occurring  on  the  sides,  and  when  on  the  venter  or 
dorsum  are  termed  ventral  or  dorsal  lobes  and  saddles.     The  annular  lobe  is  a 

592  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

small  median  dorsal  lol)e,  usually  pointed  and  occupying  the  centre  of  the 
main  dorsal  lobe.  It  is  supposed  to  have  had  some  relation  to  the  correspond- 
ing inflection  or  point  of  the  annular  muscle  among  the  Nautiloidea.  In  more 
specialised  shells  it  is  associated  with  a  conical  inflection  of  the  septum  itself. 
The  curves  are  undulatory  as  a  rule,  but  in  some  genera  may  be  more  or  less 

The  position  of  the  siphuncle  does  not  enable  one  to  determine  which  is 
the  ventral  and  which  the  dorsal  side  in  most  genera,  but  the  hyponomic  sinus 
in  the  aperture  and  the  curved  lines  of  growth  are  an  almost  unfailing  index 
of  the  ventral  side.  The  siphuncle  is  apt  to  change  its  position  in  the  same 
individual  at  different  stages  of  development,  but  in  shells  of  the  same  age 
it  is  approximately  constant,  and  is  available  for  diagnostic  purposes  in  a 
number  of  genera. 

The  siphuncle  differs  in  its  form  and  characteristics  among  Paleozoic 
genera,  being  tubular  in  some  (Fig.  1110),  or  inflated  in  the  interseptal  spaces 
in  others,  in  such  manner  as  to  resemble  a  string  of  beads,  or  swollen  discs 
which  are  separated  by  narrow  constrictions  (Fig.  1126).  When  of  consider- 
able width,  its  cavity  is  partly  filled  up  with  thin  calcareous  lamellae  (Fig. 
1137),  partly  with  the  calcareous  cones  immediately  to  be  described  (Fig. 
1105),  or  it  is  notably  reduced  by  excretions  around  the  interior  of  the 
funnels  forming  peculiar  annular  swellings  known  as  rings,  and  which  are 
generally  composed  of  calcareous  matter.  The  centre  of  the  siphuncle  in 
these  forms  is  usually  kept  open  more  or  less  perfectly  by  an  axial  tube 
termed  by  Zittel  the  prosiphon  (endosiphmide  of  Hyatt),  which  will  be  con- 
sidered more  fully  in  the  descriptions  of  Endoceras  and  Adinoceras.  In 
Diphragmoceras  the  siphuncle  is  septate  like  the  shell.  The  upper  parts  of 
these  large  siphuncles  were  more  or  less  unobstructed  near  the  living  chamber, 
and  this  part  (the  endoconal  or  siphuncular  chamber  of  Hyatt)  Avas  doubtless 
occupied  by  an  extension  of  the  mantle  cavity,  probably  containing  portions 
of  the  viscera. 

The  funnel  of  the  siphuncle  as  described  above  is  simple  in  structure,  and 
is  plainly  directed  towards  the  apex  in  all  Nautiloids,  Avith  the  exception  of 
Nothoceras  and  its  allies,  the  funnels  (?)  of  which  are  turned  in  the  opposite 
direction.  The  funnels,  as  a  rule,  are  short  and  incomplete,  although  in 
the  early  stages  of  development  of  many  shells,  and  in  the  adult  stage  of 
primitive  forms  they  may  be  complete,  extending  from  one  septum  to  the  next 
following  (Fig.  1105),  or  even  to  the  second  preceding  this  (Fig.  1104,  (7). 
When  the  funnels  are  complete  they  are  always  contracted  apically,  and 
inserted  one  within  the  other.  The  siphuncle  in  most  Nautiloids,  as  in  the 
existing  Nautilus  (Fig.  1123),  is  apt  to  be  more  or  less  dilated  in  the  younger 
stages,  especially  in  the  second  and  first  air-chambers,  and  it  is  closed  at  the 
end  within  the  fii'st  air-chamber  by  what  is  termed  the  caecum.  The  external 
shell  is  perforated  by  an  elongated  scar  or  cicatrix  (Fig.  1122),  closed  by  a 
plate,  against  some  part  of  which  the  bottom  of  the  caecum  impinges  in  the 
interior.  The  presence  of  the  cicatrix,  as  already  stated,  leads  to  the  inference 
that  a  deciduous  embryonal  shell  or  protoconch  must  have  been  present.  The 
shell  on  the  apex  is  so  much  thinner  than  at  later  stages,  and  is  so  easily 
abraded  or  destroyed,  and  the  cicatrix  itself  in  consequence  so  slightly  marked 
even  in  perfect  shells,  that  good  examples  are  rarely  found,  and  when  met 
with  require  careful  preparation  and  close  observation. 


In  some  Paleozoic  Nautiloids  with  large  siphuncles  (Endoceras,  Actinoceras), 
the  apical  end  of  the  siphuncle  is  solid  and  dilated  to  form  the  nepionic  bulb 
(Hyatt),  and  this  sometimes  practically  fills  the  camerae,  and  besides  being 
very  large  in  a  number  of  succeeding  chambers.  The  endosiphuncle  expands 
near  the  apex  in  these  genera,  and  forms  a  good-sized  conical  perforation  or 
cicatrix,  which  is  obviously  open  at  its  termination  (Actinoceras,  Nanno). 

Closely  coiled  shells  have  the  apical  part  bent  so  as  to  enclose  a  vacant 
space  (the  umbilical  perforation)  in  the  centre  of  the  whorls  (Fig.  1119). 
This  is  present  in  all  the  Nautiloidea  having  this  mode  of  growth,  although  in 
some  genera  it  is  very  minute.  The  Nautiloid  shell  is  invariably  cone-shaped, 
but  this  may  be  straight  or  curved,  or  coiled  in  open  or  closed  spirals,  but  in 
rare  instances  it  is  even  screw-like,  or  similar  to  a  Gastropod  shell.  Along 
with  perfectly  smooth  shells,  or  those  marked  only  with  fine  growth-lines, 
which  in  some  rare  cases  may  retain  traces  of  their  original  coloration,  there 
are  others  with  external  transverse  ridges,  keels,  rows  of  tubercles  or  laminae ; 
but  this  ornamentation  is  of  a  simple  kind,  and  never  attains  the  degree  of 
complexity  observed  among  the  more  highly  ornamented  forms  of  Ammonoids. 

Classification. — Great  importance  has  always  been  attributed  to  the  external 
configuration  and  curvature  of  the  shell  in  distinguishing  genera,  and  the 
principal  groups  usually  named  Orthoceras,  Cyrtoceras,  Gyroceras,  Nautilus,  etc., 
have  been  founded  upon  such  characters.  Barrande  emphasised  in  addition 
the  shape  of  the  aperture,  direction  of  the  funnels,  and  structure  of  the 
siphuncle,  but  considered  these  subordinate  in  most  cases  to  the  general 
form,  and  the  majority  of  writers  have  followed  his  example.  Hyatt, 
however,  regarded  the  general  form  and  involution  of  the  shell  as  relatively 
minor  characters,  and  depended  upon  coincidence  of  structure,  outlines  of  the 
aperture,  and  especially  resemblances  in  developmental  stages,  as  surer  guides 
to  the  affinities  of  the  species  and  characteristics  of  the  genera. 

Terminology. — For  sake  of  convenience,  it  is  preferable  always  to  speak  of 
the  embryonal  shell  as  the  protoconch,  and  the  later  or  epembryonic  stages  of 
the  shell  as  the  conch,  the  term  "  shell "  being  really  applicable  to  the  entire 
external  skeleton  inclusive  of  the  protoconch.  The  history  of  the  individual 
and  its  shell  can  be  divided  into  the  following  stages  and  substages  :  The 
embryo  or  protoconch ;  the  nepionic  stage  or  infancy,  represented  by  the  apical 
part  of  the  conch ;  neanic  stage  or  adolescent  part  of  the  more  mature  cone ; 
ephebic  or  adult  stage  of  the  same ;  and  gerontic  or  senile  stage  with  which  it 
terminates  in  a  complete  example. 

All  of  these  stages  differ  materially  from  each  other  as  a  rule,  and  it  is 
often  convenient  to  divide  them  into  substages,  connoted  by  the  prefixes  ana-, 
meta-,  and  para-.  Thus  the  nepionic  can  be  separated  into  ananepionic,  meta- 
nepionic  and  paranepionic,  and  it  is  often  essential  to  treat  the  neanic  and 
gerontic  stages  in  the  same  manner.^ 

The  many  different  forms  of  Nautiloid  shells  may  be  grouped  into  a  few 
leading  types,  as  follows  :  An  orthocone  is  the  young  of  the  straight  as  well  as 
of  many  of  the  coiled  forms.  In  this,  although  straight,  the  bands  of  growth 
are  broader  on  the  venter  than  on  the  dorsiim,  and  there  is  no  hyponomic 
sinvis.  A  cyrtocone  is  the  similar  stage  which  replaces  or,  as  is  oftener  the 
case,  succeeds  this  and  is  curved.     Both  of  these  may  have  crests  in  the  bands 

1  For  a  more  extended  discussion  of  terminology  that  can  1  >e  advantageously  used  in  descriptions 
of  shells  of  this  class  see  Hijatt,  A.,  Phylogeuy  of  an  Acquired  Cliarat:teristic,  1894,  p.  422  ct  seq. 
VOL.   I  2  Q 

594  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

of  growth,  on  both  the  dorsum  and  venter,  thus  indicating  that  the  young 
animal  did  not  possess  a  large  hyponome.  An  orfhoceracone  is  the  older  stage 
of  a  straight  form,  and  is  nearly  or  quite  straight  on  both  venter  and  dorsum  ; 
the  bands  of  growth  are  approximately  equal,  but  there  is  usually  a  hyponomic 
sinus.  Cyrtoceracones  are  shells  curved  like  Cyrtoceras  on  both  venter  and  dorsum. 
Gyroceracones  are  curved  in  a  loose  spiral  like  Gyroceras,  the  volutions  being 
sometimes  in  contact,  but  there  is  no  impressed  zone,  i.e.  the  venter  is  not 
involved  by  the  overgrowth  of  the  dorsum  belonging  to  the  next  outer  whorl. 

The  impressed  zone  in  its  primitive  form  is  the  longitudinal  impression 
formed  in  the  dorsum  by  the  contact  of  the  whorls.  This  is  divisible  into 
two  kinds — the  contact  furrow,  arising  and  lasting  only  when  the  whorls  are 
in  contact ;  and  the  dorsal  furrow,  arising  through  inheritance  in  the  young 
before  the  whorls  come  in  contact.  There  is  also  a  third  modification,  which 
for  the  present  may  be  called  the  'persistent  dorsal  furrow.  This  occurs  in  the 
free  senile  whorls  of  some  shells,  and  is  a  remnant  of  the  impressed  zone. 
Finally,  there  is  a  furrow  arising  only  from  contact  in  the  old  age  of  some 
distorted  Ammonoids,  and  hence  may  be  called  the  gerontic  contact  furrow. 
Cyrtoceracones  and  gyroceracones  do  not  usually  have  impressed  zones,  but 
an  exception  is  furnished  by  Cyrtoceras  depressum. 

Nautilicones  are  closely  coiled  shells  having  an  impressed  zone.  This  may 
be  only  a  very  slight  contact  furrow,  or  a  hereditary  dorsal  furrow  deepening 
by  growth  and  involution,  as  in  Nautilus.  Torticones  are  asymmetrical  spirals 
like  those  of  a  Gastropod,  either  loosely  or  closely  coiled.  These  may  or 
may  not  have  impressed  zones.  Among  Nautiloids  they  may  be  distinguished 
as  trorJioceracones,  etc.,  according  to  their  form,  and  among  Ammonoids  as 
turriliticones,  etc.,  when  more  precise  descriptive  terms  are  required.  A  special 
nomenclature  is  employed  in  describing  the  position  of  the  siphuncle,  which 
is  of  convenience  in  technical  treatises,  but  may  be  omitted  here.  The  septal 
chambers  have  been  termed  camerae  in  the  sequel,  because  this  avoids  any 
assertion  with  regard  to  their  contents,  such  as  is  implied  by  "  air-chambers  " 
and  the  like.  The  less  appropriate  term  "loculus  "  has  been  used  with  the  same 
meaning  by  Holm. 

Order  1.     NAUTILOIDBA    Zittel. 

The  conchs  are  camerated  orthocones  and  cyrtocones  in  the  young  of  primitive 
forms,  becoming  cyrtoceracones  like  the  adults  of  these  same  ancestral  shells  in  the  young  of 
more  si^ecialised  and  coiled  shells.  Apertures  have,  as  a  rule,  ventral  or  hyponomic 
sinuses,  and  crests  on  the  dorsum.  Septa  are  concave  along  the  mesal  plane  towards  tlie 
apex.  Sutures  straight  or  undulated,  rarely  with  sub-angular  lobes  and  saddles,  and  these 
are  probahly  never  acutely  angular,  as  in  the  Ammonoidea.  Each  segment  of  the  siph- 
uncle is  composed  of  a  funnel  and  sheath  as  among  primitive  Ammonoids,  hut  the  funnel 
persists  throughout  life  in  the  ontogeny  of  all  forms  {except  perhaps  Nothoceras).  Collars 
around  the  oral  openings  of  the  funnel  are  present  in  the  later  stages  of  Ascoceras  (and 
Nothoceras  ?).  Apex  cup-  or  saucer-shaped,  and  marked  by  a  circular  or  elongated  cavity 
or  cicatrix,  ivhich  is  more  or  less  compressed  elliptical,  never  transversely  elliptical  or 
depressed,  and  is  sometimes  hidden  by  the  protoconch  or  its  shrunken  remnants. 

The  order  may  be  subdivided  according  to  the  general  external  features  of 
the  shell  and  structure  of  the  siphuncle  into  five  sub-orders,  as  follows,  named  with 
reference  to  peculiarities  of  the  funnels  : — Holochoanites,  Mixochoanites,  Schistochoanites, 




OrthocJioanites  and  Gyrtochoanites.     The  characters  of  these  different  groups  are  defined 
under  their  proper  headings. 

Suborder  A.     HOLOCHOANITES  Hyatt. 

Funnels  of  siphuncular  segments  reaching  from  the  septum  of  origination  to  the  plane 
of  the  next  septum  apicad  or  beyond  this,  or  in  some  genera  even  to  the  plane  of  the  second 

I.  DiPHRAGMiDA  Hyatt. 

This  group  contains  but  one  family,  Diphragmidae^  having  the  same  characters  as 
the  following  unique  genus  : — 

Diphragmoccras  Hyatt.  Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  having  simple  septa 
and  sutures  as  in  Endoceratida,  but  siphuncle  divided  by  tabulae  alternating  with  the 
septa  of  the  camerated  shell.  Chambers  of  siphuncle  empty,  as  are  also  the  camerae. 
Quebec  group. 

II.  Endoceratida  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones,  cyrtoceracones,  gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  having  siphuncles  of 
variable  diameter,  but  as  a  rule  large  in  proportion  to  the  width  of  the  shell.  Tlieymay  be 
empty  or  filled  with  internal  organic  deposits,  but  are  invariably  tubular,  and  the  funnels 
completely  shut  off  the  interior  from  the  interiors  of  the  camerae.  The  latter  are  without 
organic  deposits. 

Family   1.     Endoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Smooth  or  annulated  orthoceracones.  Siphuncle  ahvays  more  or  less  filled  with 
organic  deposits. 

A  B  c 

Fig.  1104. 

A,  Vaginoceras  duplex  (Wahlenberg).  Ordoviclan  ;  Kinnekulle, 
Sweden.  Much  reduced.  B,  V.  coi/iv/iHnc  (Wahlb.).  Ordovician ; 
Oranienbaum,  Russia.  The  anterior  endocone  of  the  siphuncle  is 
filled  up  with  matrix  so  as  to  form  a  dart  ("  Spiess  ").  i/.j.  C,  Dia- 
grammatic longitudinal  section  of  the  last,  showing  siphonal 
funnels.  D,  Detached  camera  of  V\ujinoceras  with  long  siphonal 
funnel.     (Figs.  C  and  D  after  Dewitz.) 

Fig.  1105. 

Endoceras  proteiformc  Hall.  Ordovi- 
cian ;  New  York.  Longitudinal  section 
showing  funnels  and  endocones. 

Vaginoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.    1104).     Ordovician.      Gameroceras  Conrad  {Sannionites 
Fischer  von  Waldheim  ;  Suecoceras  Holm).     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Endoceras   Hall   {Golpoceras  Hall;    Diploceras  Conrad)    (Fig.   1105).      Smooth  or 

596  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

annulated  orthoceracones.  Funnels  reach  from  septum  of  origination  to  the  next 
apicad  of  this,  but  no  farther.  Septa  pass  entirely  around  the  siphuncle.  Organic 
deposits  in  the  form  of  endocones,  and  taper  off  at  tlie  centre  into  a  spire  that  is 
sometimes  tubular  and  hollow,  or  again  flattened  and  elliptical.  This  is  the  enclo- 
siphunde.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Narthecoceras  Hyatt.  Long,  cylindrical,  staff-like  orthoceracones.  Siphuncle 
large  and  filled  with  organic  deposits  having  a  radiating  fibrous  structure  like  the 
guard  of  a  Belemnite.  Endocones  and  an  endosiphuncle  developed.  Septa  continuous 
around  the  siphuncle.     Ordovician. 

Nanno  Clarke.  Similar  to  the  preceding,  but  endosiphuncle  present  only  at  the 
apical  end.  Siphuncle  close  to  the  shell,  so  that  sutures  appear  to  bend  apically  into 
a  lobe  passing  around  the  siphuncle.     Trenton  Limestone. 

Family  2.     Piloceratidae  Hyatt. 

Shorter  and  stouter  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  loith  relatively  larger  siphuncles 
than  in  Endoceratidae,  and  more  variable  in  their  internal  deposits.  Septa  are  more 
concave  and  sutures  more  sinuous.     Camerae  empty  and  funnels  similar. 

Piloceras  Salter.  Breviconic  cyrtoceracones  with  very  large  siphuncle  and  well- 
defined  endocones.     Ordovician. 

Family  3.     Cyrtendoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  having  large  siphuncles  filled  with  organic  deposits  or 
empty,  hut  with  endocones  obscure  or  absent,  and  no  endosiphimcles. 

Gyrtendoceras  Remele.  Gyroceracones  with  siphuncle  near  the  dorsum  and  filled 
with  calcareous  deposits.     Ordovician. 

Suborder  B.     MIXOCHOANITES  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  having  expanded  living  chambers  with  contracted 
apertures  in  the  gerontic  stage  of  specialised  genera.  Tlie  oldest  septa  arc  bent  sharply 
orad,  forming  a  series  of  dorsal  saddles,  and  the  siphuncle  becomes  highly  modified. 
Primitive  genera  have  the  septa  deeply  concave  or  approximately  sub-conical,  the  siphuncle 
small  and  empty,  and  the  septa  sometimes  more  or  less  imperfect  on  the  ventral  side  in  the 
gerontic  stage.  Specialised  forms  have  siphunchs  with  short,  straight  funnels  in  ths 
younq,  and  in  the  ephcbic  stage  collars  are  built  around  the  oral  openings,  thus  becoming 
parallel  to  some  forms  of  Goniatitidae  that  have  similar  composite  funnels. 

Family   1.     Ascoceratidae  Barrande. 

Cyrtoceracones,  smooth  or  annulated.  Siphuncle  with  long  funnels  only  in  the  young 
and  later  stages  of  primitive  genera,  but  collars  are  added  in  later  stages  of  specialised 
forms,  and  segments  become  nummuloidal  in  the  gerontic  stage.  Septa  often  more  or  less 
imperfect  around  the  siphuncle  and  on  the  ventral  side. 

Ghoanoceras  Lindstr.  Sections  depressed  elliptical.  Gerontic  stages  have  no 
saddles,  and  living  chamber  uncontracted.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Aphragmites  Barr.  Only  gerontic  li\'ing  chambers  known  ;  these  are  similar  to 
those  of  Ascoceras,  but  have  no  internal  sigmoidal  dorsal  saddles.      Silurian. 

Ascoceras  Barr.  (Figs.  1 106,  1107).  (Terontic  living  chambers  internally  contracted 
by   the  formation    of   large  sigmoidal   saddles,   and   septa   more  or   less  incomplete 




ventrally.      Sipliuncle  with  funnels  only  in  the  young,  the  collars  in  ephebic  stages 
becoming  nummuloidal  and  often  incomplete  in  old  age.     Aperture  open.      Silurian. 

Glossoceras   Barr.      Known   only  by  gerontic  living   chambers, 
which  are  like  those  of  Ascoceras,  except  that  the  aperture  has  dorsal 
f^^^p'        and  lateral  crests.      Silurian. 

Volborthella  Schmidt.  Minute  orthoceracones  with  conical 
septa,  small  siphuncle,  perfectly  plain  upon  the  surface  of  the  septa. 
Living  chamber  flaring  and  uncontracted.  Lower  Cambrian ; 
Finland,  Esthonia.     St.  John  Group  ;  Nova  Scotia. 

Family  2.     Mesoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Depressed  elliptical  cyrtoceracones,  hnoion  only  hy  their  gerontic 
living  chavibers,  and  affinities  therefore  uncertain.  They  are  globular 
at  this  stage,  and  have  highly  contracted,  transversely  elongated,  and 
approximately  dumb-bell  shaped  apertures. 


FiC!.  1106. 

Ascoceras  inanuhrium 
Linilstrom.  Silurian  ; 
Gotland.  i/.i.  (Re- 
stored after  Lindstrom.) 

Fig.  1107. 

Ascoceras  bohemicum  Barr.  Silurian  (Etage  E)  ;  Kozorz,  Bohemia.  A, 
Specimen  with  shell  partially  preserved.  ]J,  Mould  of  living  chamber  detached 
from  preceding  portion.  C,  Longitudinal  section,  w,  Living  chamber  ;  c  1-4, 
Camerae  ;  I  1-4,  Saddles  contracting  the  living  chamber,    i/i  (after  Barrande). 

Mesoceras  Barr.  Aperture  with  very  shallow  hyponomic  sinus.  No  internal 
gerontic  sigmoidal  septa.     Silurian. 

Billingsites  Hyatt.  Aperture  without  hyponomic  sinus.  Gerontic  living  chamber 
partly  filled  by  dorsal  sigmoidal  saddles  as  in  Ascoceras,  but  septa  complete  on  the 
ventral  side.     Silurian. 

Suborder  C.     SCHISTOCHOANITES  Hyatt. 

Funnels  usually  more  or  less  imperfect,  present  on  the  internal  side,  cmd  absent  or 
split  on  the  outer  side. 

The  typical  form  of  the  suborder  is  Conoceras  Bronn. 

Gyrfocerina  Billings.  Breviconic  cyrtoceracones.  Siphuncle  large,  on  tlie  concave 
side  and  empty,  but  having  internal  ridges  alternating  with  septa  of  the  camerae. 
These  ridges  appear  to  indicate  affinity  with  Conoceras.     Ordovician. 

Conoceras   Bronn   {Bathmoceras    Barr.)    (Fig.    1108).       Breviconic    orthoceracones, 




known  only  in  tlieir  later  stages  of  development.      Sipliiincle  of  moderate  size,  sub- 
ventran.     Funnels  reaching  half-way  across  each  camera,  steeply  inclined  orad,  and 

split  on  the  outer  side.  Closure  of  the  walls  effected  by  a 
plate  extending  from  the  apical  opening  of  each  funnel  through 
the  funnel  itself  orad  to  the  apical  opening  of  the  next 
beyond,  and  projecting  into  the  interior  as  a  flattened  fold, 
which  is  incomplete  or  open  along  the  central  axis.  These 
internal  collars  or  flat  semiconical  rings  have  been  described 
as  complete  cones  (Dwight).      Ordovician. 

Suborder  D.     ORTHOCHOANITES  Hyatt. 

Gerontic  stages  have  uncontracted  volutions  and  open  aper- 
tures, except  in  a  few  uncoiled  pliyloyerontic  genera.      Siphun- 
FiG.  1108.  cular  segments  may  be  slightly  niimmuloidal,  fusiform  or  tubular, 

Conoceras  irracpost^rwm  but  are  never  markedly  nummuloidal,  nor  are  the  funnels  bent 
D)"vosdf'^Boh(fmia^fafter  s/i-ar^^^  outwards  as  in  Cyrtochoanites.  Deposits  formed  only  in 
Barrande).  the  siphuncles  of  Orthoceratidae   and  Kionoceras,  and  in   them 

they  are  irregular  and  no  endosiphuncles  occur ;  other  genera 
have  empty  siphuncles.  Funnels,  as  a  rule,  both  longer  and  straighter  than  in  Cyrto- 
choanites, and  in  Atu,ria  almost  equal  to  those  of  Holochoanites. 

Tliis  group  includes  the  greater  number  of  Nautiloid  forms,  passing  from  the 
smoothest  to  the  most  highly  ornamented  of  Paleozoic  shells,  continuing  in  the  Trias 
as  nautilicones  of  comjilex  ornamentation,  and  terminating  with  smooth  shells  that 
range  from  the  Jura  to  the  present  time.  The  sutures  become  more  sinuous  and  com- 
plex in  one  of  the  subdivisions  than  in  all  other  Nautiloids.  The  increase  in  number 
of  lobes  and  saddles  begins  in  the  Trias  with  Clymenonautilus,  and  ends  with  Aturia 
in  the  Tertiary. 

I.  Orthoceratida  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  with  smooth  or  ornamented  shells,  and  not  as  a 
rule  contracted  in  gerontic  stage ;  apertures  open  throughout  life.  Although  often  short, 
none  are  brcvicones,  strictly  speaking.  Section  circular  or  elliptical,  very  rarely  oval. 
Siphuncle  with  slightly  nummidoidal,  fusiform  or  tubular  segments,  and  generally  near 
the  centre. 

Family  1.     Orthoceratidae  M'Coy. 

Section  circular  or  compressed,  living  chamber  uncontracted  or  only  slightly  so, 
and  aperture  always  open.  Surface  smooth  or  with  only  transverse  bands,  rarely 
longitudinal  striae,  never  longitudinal  ridges.  Siphuncle  small  (except  in  Baltoceras), 
segments  fusiform  or  cylindrical,  never  nummuloidal.  Deposits  when  present  irregular, 
and  gathered  about  the  funnels  as  in  the  Cyrtochoanites;  no  definite  endosiphuncles  ever 

Baltoceras  Holm.  Sii^huncle  large,  but  with  short,  straight  funnels,  and  sheaths 
as  in  Orthoceras.     Ordovician. 

Orthoceras  Breyn  (Figs.  1109,  1110).  Long  tapering  orthoceracones  and  cyrto- 
ceracones, smooth,  or  with  only  transverse  striae  and  growth  bands.  Siphuncle 
generally  larger  than  in  Geisonoceras,  centren  or  slightly  dorsad  of  centre.  Deposits 
when  present  gathered  about  the  funnels  as  in  the  Annulosiphonata.    Silurian  to  Trias, 

Geisonoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1111).  Similar  to  the  last,  but  sides  spreading  more 
rapidly,  and  sii>huncle  empty,  centren  or  slightly  ventrad  of  centre.  Ordovician  to 


Protobactrites    Hyatt.       Long    pencil-sliajied    orthoceracones    and    cyrtoceracones, 

(hthocerasinterm,ediumMa,Tk\m.  Silurian  ; 
Gottland.  Longitudinal  section  showing 
siiiliuncle,  si^pta  and  pseudosepta  ;  cainerae 
lilled  up  vvitli  calcite. 

Fio.  1110. 

Orthocrras  michclini 
Barr.  Silurian  ;  Kozorz, 
Bohemia.  Longitudinal 
section  showing  short 
siiilioual  funnels. 

circular,  or  compressed  ellii)tical  in  section,  ornamented  with 
transverse  and  sometimes  longitudinal  striae.  Si])huncle 
tubular,  centren  or  near  the  centre.  Truncation  occurs  in  some 
species,  and    others   are   more  or   less    transitional   to  Bactrites 

among  the  Ammonoids. 
ceras)  styloid eum  (Barr.). 

Type   P.   {Ortho- 
Silurian  to  Car- 

Family  2.     Cycloceratidae  Hyatt. 

Fig.  1111. 

Geiaonoceras  timidum 
(Barr.).  Silurian ;  Loch- 
kow,  Bohemia. 

Fio.  1112. 

Daicsonocrras  annula- 
twill  (Sowb.).  Silurian 
(Etage  B) ;  Viscocilka, 
Bohemia.  Terminal  por- 
tion showing  shell  of 
living  chamber  and 
sectioned  canierae (after 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  having  annuli  with  transverse 
sfridje  or  hands  of  grototh  at  all  stages ;  longitudinal  ridges,  when 
present,  more  or  less  discontinuous.  The  earliest  forms  often  have 
large  siphuncles,  and  are  apparently  more  directly  connected  ivith 
primitive  Endoceratida  than  with  the  Orthoceratidae. 

Protocycloceras  Hyatt.  Annulated  orthoceracones  and  cyrto- 
ceracones without  longitudinal  ridges.  Siphuncle  large.  Type 
P.  (Orthoceras)  lamarcki  (Bill.).      Ordovician. 

Gy  cheer  as  M'Coy  (Dictyoceras,  Heloceras  Eichw.).  Annulated 
orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  with  discontinuous  longitudinal 
ridges.  Siphuncle  generally  tubular  or  with  fusiform  segments  ; 
deposits  when  jaresent  irregular  as  in  Orthoceras.  Annuli  often 
become  obsolete  in  paragerontic  stages.      Ordovician  to  Permian. 

Dawsonoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1112).  Similar  to  Cycloceras,  but 
liaving  prominent  frilled  bands  of  growth  between  and  on  the 
annulations,  the  frills  sometimes  forming  more  or  less  discon- 
tinuous longitudinal  ridges.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Ctenoceras  Noetling.  Cyrtoceracones  like  Dawsonoceras  dulce 
(Barrande),  but  with  fine  longitudinal  ridges  between  the  annuli, 
and  living  chamber  with  three  internal  folds  or  processes — one 
median  dorsan,  and  a  pair  on  the  A^enter.  Siphuncle  dorsad  of 
centre.      Oidovician. 

Family  3.     Kionoceratidae  Hyatt. 
Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  with  more  or  less  well-marked  continuous  longi- 




tudinal  ridges,  and  either  with  or  without  annulations.  Spinous  processes  or  ttihercles 
often  appear  at  the  intersections  of  the  longitudinal  and  transverse  hands  of  growth. 

Siphuncle  toith  faintly  nummuloidal,  fusiform  or  tuhular 

Kionoceras  Hyatt.  Longitudinal  ridges  present  as  a  rule 
only  in  tlie  earlier  stages,  after  wliich  inconspicuous  annuli 
appear,  but  with  some  few  exceptions  become  obsolete  before 
the  epliebic  stage.      Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Spyroceras  Hyatt.  Very  long,  slender,  annulated  shells, 
with  more  or  less  prominent  longitudinal  ridges  in  the  ephebic 
stage.      Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

Thoracoceras  Eichw.  {Melia  Eichw.)  (Fig.  1113).  Like  the 
last,  but  with  more  or  less  sinuous  longitudinal  ridges.  Silu- 
rian to  Carboniferous. 

II.  Plectoceratida  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones,  gyroceracones,  and  very  discoidal  naittilicones 
with  comparatively  slight  impressed  zone.  Volutions  of  gerontic 
stage  often  have  a  centrifugal  tendency,  becoming  sometimes 
straight  and.  even  bending  slightly  in  the  opposite  or  ventral  direction. 
Shells  annulated.  or  costated,  and  often  with  longitudinal  striae  or 
Thoracomms  r'u-hniaium  fi''^'^  ridges,  especially  in  the  young,  btht  these  generally  disappear 
(Barr.).     Silurian   (Etage    before   the   ephehic   stage.      Siphuncular   segments  slightly   num- 

15):  Dvoretz,  Bohemia  (after  7    •  j    7    -f      -^  j    7     7 

Barrande).  m.'ulmdal,  jusijorm  or  tubular. 

Family  4.     Tarphyceratidae  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones,  cyrtoceracones,  gyroceracones  and  nautilicones,  compressed  oval  in 
section,  venter  narroioer  than  the  dorsum.  Shell  smooth  or  sometimes  ivith  primitive  fohl- 
liJce  costae,     Siphuncle  empty,  tubular  and  ventrad  of  centre. 

Ap)hctoceras,  Deltoceras,  Barrandeoceras,  Tarphyceras  Hyatt ;  Planctoceras,  Eury- 
stomites  Schroder ;  Falcilituites  Eemele.  Ordovician.  (For  descriptions  see  Hyatt's 
Phytogeny,  1894.)  Eurystomites  and  Tarphyceras  are  wholly  nautilicones,  the  remain- 
ing genera  are  eitlier  cyrtoceracones  or  gyroceracones. 

Family  5.     Trocholitidae  Hyatt 

Nautilicones  resembling  those  of  the  preceding  family,  and  not  easily  distinguished 
from  them  in  the  young.  As  a  ride  they  have  excessively  broad  volutions  with,  reniform 
section  and  an  impressed  zone  at  a  very  early  age;  the  siphuncle  is  then  ventrad  of  the 
centre,  but  in  the  ephebic  stage  it  is  tubular  and  dorsad  of  centre. 

Schroederoceras,  Litoceras,  Trocholitoceras  Hyatt ;  Trocholites  Conrad  (Palaeo- 
nautilus,  Palaeoclymenia  Eemele).  Ordovician.  JDiscoceras  Barrande.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian. 

Family  6.     Plectoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones,  nautilicones  and  torticones  having  annular  costae  from  the  neanic 
stage  until  late  in  life,  and  in  some  genera,  more  or  less  prominent  longitudinal  ridges, 
which  usually  disappear  in  the  ephebic  stage.     Siphuncle  ventrad  of  centre. 




Pledoceras  Hyatt. 

Ordovician  and  Silurian.     Sphyradoceras  Hyatt  (Peismoceras, 
Hystrofhoceras     Hyatt)     (Fig. 
1114).  Silurian        and 

Devonian.  The  first  is  gyro- 
ceraconic,  with  some  discoidal 
nautilicones,  and  the  second  is 
almost  exclusively  torticonic 
of  the  trochoceran  type. 

Family  7.     Ophidio- 
ceratidae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  nautilicones, 
costated  from  the  neanic  stage 
onioard.  Volutions  of  the 
yoicng  small  and  numerous. 
Section  during  the  ephebic  stage 
generally  compressed,  venter 
narrower  than  the  dorsum. 
Siphuncle  tubular,  small. 

Ophidioceras    Barr.    (Fig. 
1115).        Nautilicones     with 
straight    lateral    costae    and 
raised   bands  on    the  venter, 
and    longitudinal    ridges    in 
Siphuncle  dorsad  or  ventrad  of  centre  during  ephebic 
stage,  but  ventrad  during  the  nepionic. 
Gerontic  apertures  with  prominent  dorsal 
and  lateral  crests,  and  very  deep  hypo- 
nomic  sinus.     Silurian. 

Homaloceras  Whiteaves.  Cyrtocera- 
cones  with  section  similar  to  that  of  Oj^hi- 
dioceras,  venter  narrow  and  channelled, 
bordered  by  creniilated  ridges ;  the  dorsum 
gibbous  aiid  rounded.  Siphuncle  near 
the  venter.     Devonian. 

Viv..  1114. 

Sphyradoceras  optatum  (Barrande).    Silurian 

(Etage  E)  ;  Loclikow,  Bohemia  (after  Barrande) 

the  young. 

Family  8.      Lituitidae  Noetling. 

Excepting  the  supposed  ancestral, 
primitive  genus,  Cyclolituites,  this  is  a 
series  of  phylogerontic  uncoiled  forms  with 
an  extreme  modification  in  the  almost 
completely  uncoiled  Bhynchorthoceras. 
Apertures  quite  distinct  from  those  of  the  preceding  family  ;  hyponomic 
sinus  shallower,  there  are  narrow  ventro-lateral  crests,  and  small  lateral 
sinuses  and  crests,  some  forms  having  altogether  as  many  as  five  sinuses 
and  five  crests.     Siphuncle  tubular  and  usually  large. 

Fii;.  1115. 

Ophidioceras  simplex  Barr. 
Silurian  (Etage  E) ;  Loclilcow, 
Boliemia.     i/i  (after  Barrande). 

Pig.  1116. 

Lituites  lituus 
Montf.  Ordovician 
drift ;  East  Prussia. 
1/.J  (after  Noetling). 

Cyclolituites  Remele  ;  Lituites  Bveyn  {Fig.  1116);  Angelinoceras. 
Holmiceras  Hyatt.      Ordovician. '^i^?ictsiroceras  Boll,  and  Bhynchorthoceras  Remele 
Ordovician  and  Silurian.      (For  re-descriptions  see  Hyatt's  Phytogeny,  1894.) 




III.  Pleuronautilida  Hyatt. 

Comparatively  smooth  nautilicones,  the  inimitive  genera  discoidal  hut  leading  uf  to 
some  highly  involute  shells  in  the  Trias.  The  later  Mesozoic  and  Tertiary  shells  nearly 
all  deeply  involute.  Some  of  the  Triassic  Glydonautilidae  have  more  sinuous  sutures 
and  a  greater  number  of  lobes  and  saddles  than  any  other  Nautiloids,  and  this 
complexity  persists,  although  to  a  lesser  degree,  among  the  Jurassic,  Cretaceous  and 
Tertiary  forms.  Siphuncle  tubular  and  small,  with  mostly  short  funnels  except  in 
Aturia,  where  they  are  very  long. 

Family  9.     Grypoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Primitive  forms  have  discoidal  volutions  with  very  simple  sutures,  but  are  succeeded 
by  involute  shells  having  more  complete  sutures.  The  latter  have  prominent  ventral 
saddles  sometimes  divided  by  a  lobe,  and  large  latercd  and  dorsal  lobes.  All  genera 
save  one  known  to  have  annular  lobes.  Shells  less  higlily  ornamented  than  in  -preceding 
family,  and  sutures  simpler  than  in  the  next  following. 

Syringoceras  Hyatt.  Discoidal  with  primitive,  ap2)roximately  tubular,  or  slightly 
compressed  volutions.  Surface  marked  hy  longitudinal  ridges,  sometimes  intersecting 
the  transverse  lines  so  as  to  produce  a  cancellated  surface.  Sutures  with  faint  ventral 
saddles,  slight  lateral  and  dorsal,  and  minute  annular  lobes.  Siphuncle  very  small 
and  near  the  venter.      Trias. 

Grypoceras  Hyatt.  Volutions  more  or  less  deeply  involved,  but  umliilicus  open, 
the  venter  narrow  and  often  channelled.  Sutures  with  narrow,  sometimes  deep  A-entral 
lobe,  broad,  sweeping  lateral  lobes,  and  deep  dorsal  with  annular  lobes.  Siphuncle 
dorsad  of  centre.     Trias, 

Family  10.     Glydonautilidae  Hyatt. 

Shells  have  folds  in  some  species,  and  all  are  deeply  involute  except  the  primitive  genus 

Glymenonautilus.  Lateral  lobes  of  sutures  more 
or  less  deep  and  often  sub-angular,  suggestive  of 
the  Clymenidae  among  Ammonoids.  Some  highly 
specialised,  and  involute  species  have  the  umbilical 
lobes  exposed,  on  the  sides,  and  an  additional 
pair  of  laterals  developed  near  the  venter,  thus 
making  three  pairs  of  lobes  on  each  side.  The 
compressed  volutions,  narrow  venter,  and  aspect 
of  the  young  and  primitive  forms  seem  to  in- 
dicate close  affinity  with  the  Grypoceratidae,  but 
only  a  few  species  of  late  Mesozoic  time  are 
hioion  to  have  annular  lobes. 

Clym.enonautilus  Hyatt.  Smooth,  discoidal 
shells  with  more  or  less  compressed  volutions, 
and  narrow  convex  venter.  Sutures  with  pro- 
minent ventral  saddles,  one  pair  of  deep  lateral 
lobes,  and  large  marginal  saddles.  Siphuncle 
supposed  to  be  near  the  venter.  Type  C. 
(Nautilus)  ehrlichi  (Mojs.).  Trias. 
Fi.:.  1117.  Clydonautilus      Mojs.        Deeply     involved 

Hercoglossafmnconica(OpT?e\).    Upper  .Jura  ;      nauiil'i('ones  with  compressed  volutions,  narrow 

concave  ventei-,  and  umbilicus  small  or  closed. 
Sutures  with  prominent  ventral  saddles  undivided  by  ventral  lobes  in  adults  hells.   Trias 


Hercoglossa  Conrad  {EncUmatoceras  Hyatt)  (Fig.  1117).  Deeply  involute,  with 
sutures  like  those  in  Glyphioceratidae,  l)ut  the  ventral  saddle  not  divided  by  even  the 
shallow  lobe  usually  found  in  that  family.  Annular  lobes  present 
only  in  some  species.  Siphuncle  small,  centren  or  dorsad  of  centre. 
Trias  to  Tertiary. 

Pseudonautilus  Meek.  Similar  to  Hercoglossa,  but  with  lolies 
on  the  venter,  and  two  saddles  on  either  side.  Large  annular 
lobes  present.     Jura. 

Aturia,  Bronn  (Fig.  1118).  Similar  to  Hercoglossa,  but  with 
large  siphuncle  close  to  the  dorsum  from  an  early  stage  onward, 
and  funnels  very  long  and  larger  than  in  any  genus  of  Mesozoic 
or  Tertiary  Nautiloids.     Eocene  and  Miocene. 

IV.  Ryticeratida  Hyatt. 

Cyrtoceracones,    gyroceracones    and    nautiliconcs    having    shells 
covered  with  more  or  less  x>'>'ojecting  hands  of  growth  which  often   Miocene;  Bordeaux'. 
become  sinuous  or  develop  into  spout-like  spinose,  or  nodose  promi-   ^}^^^^   broken  open   to 

■'..-'  -^  '  T  n       1    snow  sipnonal  tunnels. 

ncnces.     In  the  more  speciahsed  shells  these  are  apt  to  he  confined, 

to  the  venter.      The  frills  in  the  hands  often  form  coarse  longitudinal  ridges.     Siphuncle 

tubular  or  slightly  nummuloidal,  and  commonly  ventrad  of  centre. 

Family  11.     Halloceratidae  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  having  depressed  elliptical  or  suh-trigonal  sections, 
venter  broader  than  the  dorsum.  Shell  ivith  closely  set  and  frilled  projecting  bands  of 
growth,  having  large  ring-like  bands  at  intervals  that  sometimes  expand  so  as  to  form 
ivide  collars.  The  highly  specialised  nautilicones  may  have  a  row  of  large  nodes  on 
either  side  ^ringing  from  the  bases  of  large  spout-like  spines.  Siphuncle  tubular,  small, 
and  near  the  venter. 

Zitteloceras  Hyatt.  Cyrtoceracones  of  depressed  elliptical  section,  the  venter 
narrower  and  more  gibbous  than  the  dorsum.  The  layers  finely  frilled  and  closely 
set  in  the  intervals  between  more  prominent  annular  bands.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Halloceras  Hyatt.  Gyroceracones  of  sub-trigonal  section,  the  venter  broad  and 
dorsum  sub-angular,  with  one  row  of  large  nodes  at  each  of  the  ventro-lateral  angles. 

Family  12.     Ryticeratidae  Hyatt. 

Cyrtoceracones  and  gyroceracones  resembling  Halloceratidae,  but  much  larger,  with 
coarser  crenulated  bands,  and  often  ivith  roios  of  spout-like  spinous  processes  ivhich  some- 
times form  coarse  longitudinal  ridges.  Siphuncle  more  or  less  nummuloidal,  and  larger 
than  in  the  Halloceratidae. 

Byticeras  Hyatt  {Rutoceras  Hyatt),  Gophinoceras,  Strophiceras  Hyatt.     Devonian. 

V.  Rhadinoceratida  Hyatt. 

Cyrtoceracones,  gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  having  smooth  or  spinous  longitudinal 
ridges  in  the  young,  lohich  become  large  and  fluted  in  some  genera,  but  disappear  in 
others.  Ridges  more  or  less  sporadically  combined  with  fold-like  annulations,  thus 
suggesting  direct  descent  from  the  Kionoceratidae. 

Family  13.     Rhadinoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Primitive  discoidal  gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  with  stout  volutions,  circular  or 
depressed  elliptical   in   section,  but  becoming  reniform  in   later   stages  of  nautilicones. 




Shells  ivith  longitudinal  ridges  and  sometimes  annular  folds  in  the  young,  hut  often 
smooth  in  the  epliehic  stage.  Sutures  with  ventral,  lateral^and  dorsal  lobes,  or  almost 
straight.  Siphunde  nummxdoidal  and  often  dorsad  of  centre.  Annular  lobes  knoion  to 
be  present  in  specialised  forms. 

Bhadinoceras,  Nephriticeras  Hyatt.     Devonian. 

Family  14.     Trigoiioceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  having  at  some  stage  or  throughout  life  trigonal 
volutions,  a  more  or  less  concave  venter,  and  generally  fluted  shell.  Sidures  with  ventral 
saddles  in  the  young,  becoming  divided  by  shallow  lobes  in  later  stages,  and  in  some  genera 
the  dorsal  lobes  of  the  young  become  divided  subsequently  by  dorsal  saddles.  Gerontic 
living  chamber  occasionally  free  near  the  aperture.  Annular  lobes  observed  in  only  one 
species  {Apheleceras  disciforme).  Young  have  longitudinal  ridges  roiujhened  by  transverse 
bands  as  in  Thoracoceras.     Siphunde  small,  ventrad  of  centre. 

Trigonoceras    M'Coy ;    Goelonautilus    Foord    {Trematodiscus    Meek;    Trematoceras 

Hyatt) ;  Subclymenia  d'Orb.  ;  Stroboceras, 
Apheleceras,  Diorugoceras,   Ephippioceras 
©  v    Hyatt.      Carboniferous.     All  nautilicones 

but  the  first,  wliicb  is  gyroceraconic. 

Family  15.     Triboloceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  similar 
to  Trigonoceratidae,  and  with  concave 
venter  at  an  early  stage  or  until  late  in 
life.  The  venter  afterioards  becomes  more 
or  less  elevated,  and  in  most  species  convex. 
Sutures  also  similar,  but  annular  lobes 
are  present  in  all  the  nautilicones  save 

Fi(i.  1119. 

Vest i nautilus  kcinincli (d'Orb.).  Lower  Carboniferous  ; 
Tournay,  Belgium.  Oral  and  lateral  aspects  of  young 
individual,  with  umbilical  perforation. 

Triboloceras  Hyatt;  Vestinautilus  Ryckh.  (Fig.  1119);  Planetoceras,  Stearoceras, 
Goloceras  Hyatt.     Carboniferous. 

Family  16.     Rhineceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  like  Tlioracoceras  in  nepionic  stage,  but  subsequently 
becoming  biangular  in  section,  and  generally  developiing  solid,  more  or  less  tetragonal, 
volutions.  Longitudinal  ridges  and  flutes  also  developed,  but  are  more  uniform  in  size 
than  in  the  preceding  family,  and  venter  is  always  convex.  Annular  lobes  present  in 
all  nautilicones  so  far  as  hnoivn. 

Rhineceras,  Lispoceras,  Thrincoceras,  Phloioceras,  Discitoceras  {Discites  ]\I'Coy), 
Leuroceras,  Phacoceras  Hyatt.     Carboniferous. 

VI.  Hercoceratida  Hyatt. 

Primitive  shells  have  projecting  bands  of  groivth  and  p)rocesses  similar  to  those  of 
primitive  Ryticeratida,  but  less  numerous,  being  present  in  only  one  row,  and  evolving 
more  rapidly  into  nodose  or  symmetrical,  spout-lilce,  spinous  processes.  More  sp>ecialised 
forms  are  t-uherculated  as  in  Ryticeratida,  but  there  are  never  more  than  three  rows  of 
nodes  on  either  side,  and  these  are  regularly  distributed — one  on  the  umbilical  shoulder, 
another   on    the   ventro -lateral  angle,  and   the    third  close   to    the  median  ventral  line. 




Annular  lobes  absent  except  in  a  few  Triassic  forms.     SifMmcle  generally  more  or  less 

Family  17.     Hercoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyrtoceracones,  gyroceracones,  nautilicones  and  torticones  having  depressed  elliptical 
suh-quadrate  or  trapezoidal  sections.     Aperture  has  two  deep  sinuses  with  projecting  edges 

Hercoceras  mirnm  Barr. 

Piri.  1120. 

Devonian  (Etage  G) ;  Hlubocep,  Bohemia 
(after  Barrande). 

Fli:.  11-21. 

rtenoeernt'  (Gyr.)  alatiim 
(Ban-.).  Silurian  (F)  ; 
Konieprus,  Boh( 
(after  Banande). 

at  the  ventro-lateral  angles,  and  these  are  usually  persistent,  foroning  tioo  lines  of  more  or 
less  spout-like  processes.  Suttires  with  ventral,  lateral  and  dorsal  lobes.  Siphuncle 
ventrad  of  centre. 

Hercoceras  Barr.  (Fig.  1120),  Trochoceras  Barr.;  Ptyssoceras,  Ptenoceras  (Fig.  1121), 
Anomaloceras  Hyatt.     Devonian. 

Family  18.     Tainoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  nautilicones  with  more  or  less  massive  volutions  which  at  some  stage  or 
Ihrotighout  life  are  trapezoidal  in  section,  tuberculated,  and  without  well-defined  lateral 
and  umbilical  zones.  Sutures  have  ventral,  lateral  and  dorsal,  but  no  annular  lobes. 
Spiinous  processes  are  complete,  never  spout-lihe.     Siphuncle  small,  tubular. 

Temnocheilus  M'Coy  {Endolobus  Meek  and  Worth  ;  Cryptoceras  d'Orb.).  Section 
trapezoidal  throughout  life,  and  one  row  of  persistent  spines  and  nodes  on  either 
side  at  the  ventro-lateral  angles.      Devonian  to  Carboniferous. 

Foordiceras  Hyatt.  Permian.  Metacoceras  and  Goelogasteroceras  Hyatt.  Carboni- 
ferous.    Biadiploceras  Hyatt.     Devonian.      Tainoceras  Hyatt.     Carboniferous. 

Family  19.     Oentroceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  with  young  similar  to  early  stages  of  Temnocheilus 
btfore  the  impressed  zone  is  formed.  Shell  subsequently  becoming  tetragonal  in  section, 
the  venter  is  flattened  or  concave,  and  dorsum  remaining  convex  until  a  late  stage. 
Nautilicones  have  a  persistent  convex  centran  area  in  the  impressed  zone.  No  annular 
lobes  knoivn. 

606  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Gentroceras  Hyatt.  Devonian  to  Carboniferous.  Tetragonoceras  Whiteaves. 

Family  20.     Pleuronautilidae  Hyatt. 

More  or  less  discoidal  nautilicones  with  stout  volutions  and  large  umhilical  perfora- 
tions ;  the  young,  especially  in  primitive  species,  remaining  cyrtoceracones  until  a  late 
stage.  More  specialised  shells  are  costated  and  tuherculated  on  the  sides.  Sutures  have 
annular  lobes  except  in  Pselioceras.  Siphuncle  ventrad  of  centre  in  the  young,  but 
becoming  dorsad  in  later  stages. 

Pselioceras  Hyatt.  Permian.  Pleuronautihos  Mojs.  ;  Encoiloceras,  Enoploceras, 
Anoploceras  Hyatt.     Trias. 


Nautilicones  with  biangular  sections  at  an  early  stage  of  groivth,  developing  later 
into  modified  trapezoidal  outlines  as  in  many  of  the  Hercoceratida,  but  shells  are  smooth, 
and  the  trapezoidal  form  as  a  rule  evolves  during  the  phylogeny  into  quadrangular,  and 
finally  into  involute  coils  ^oith  compressed  sections,  or  may  become  simply  more  or  less 
trigonal  through  elevation  of  the  venter.  Anmdar  lobes  present  in  most  genera. 
Aperture  constantly  open,  and  in  some  forms  remarkable  lateral  projections  are  developed 
during  the  gerontic  stage. 

Family  21.     Koninckioceratidae  Hyatt. 

Shells  of  primitive  forms  similar  to  Temnocheilus,  but  leading  into  those  with 
tetrago7ial  sections,  and  finally  into  highly  compressed  volutions.  All  are  smooth  and 
have  marked  umbilical  saddles.  Volutions  vnth  broad  umbilical  zones  lohich  become 
lateral  in  the  more  involute  species.     Siphuncle  ventrad  of  centre. 

Koninckioceras,  Domatoceras  Hyatt.  Carboniferous.  Potoceras  Hyatt.  Devonian  (?). 
Stenopoceras,  Peripetoceras  Hyatt.      Permian. 

Family  22.     Solenocheilidae  Hyatt. 

Compressed  elliptical  in  section  during  early  stages,  but  full-grown  of  primitive  forms 
and  young  of  specialised  derivatives  have  a  more  or  less  trigonal  section  in  neanic  stage. 
Later  this  stock  evolves  shells  with  volutions  having  depressed  elliptical  or  broadly  hemi- 
spherical outlines.  Sutures  generally  have  large  ventral  saddles,  and  saddles  on  the 
umbilical  shoulders.  Umbilical  zone  very  broad,  the  increase  by  groioth  of  the  dorsum 
being  remarkably  rapid.  Shells  smooth,  but  the  aperture  in  the  gerontic  stage  may  develop 
peculiar  lateral  projections,  especially  at  the  umbilical  shoulders,  which  are  usually  very 
prominent.     Siphuncle  sub-ventran. 

Aipoceras,  Oncodoceras  Hyatt  ;  Asymptoceras  Kyckliolt  ;  Solenocheilus  Meek. 
Carl)oniferous.     Pteronautilus  Meek.      Permian. 

Acanthonautilus  Foord.  Nautilicones  with  sub-hemispherical  volutions,  the  dorsum 
flattened  or  concave.  Aperture  developing  laterally  into  two  projecting  spines  at  the 
umbilical  shoulders.      Carboniferous. 


Pririiitive  forms  constantly  retain  depressed  volutions  having  a  more  or  less  biangular 
or  sub-trigonal  section  ;  specialised  shells  repeat  these  stages  in  the  young,  but  subsequently 
become  more  involute,  and  the  sections  change  to  reniform,  sub-quadrangular  or  sub- 
elliptical.  Shells  smooth  except  in  the  single  genus  Cymatoceras.  Aperture  simple  and 
open  at  all  stages ;  gerontic  living  chamber  only  slightly  contracted. 




Family  23.     Estonioceratidae  Hyatt. 

Gyroceracones  and  discoidal  nautilicones  having  slightly  depressed,  broad,  rapidly 
increasing  biangular  sections  in  the  young,  but  becoming  depressed  oval  or  depressed 
sub-trigonal  in  later  stages.      Siphuncle  variable  in  position. 

Estonioceras  Noetl.  Ordovician.  Edaphoceras,  Remeleoceras,  Lophoceras  Hyatt ; 
Diodoceras  Hyatt.  Tyjie  D.  {Endolobus)  avonense  (Dawson).  Carboniferous.  Digonio- 
ceras  Hyatt.     Jura. 

Family  24.     Nautilidae  Owen. 

Nautilicones  with  more  or  less  involved  volutions,  the  siphuncle  slightly  mimmuloidal 
and  variable  in  position,  but  never  near  either  the  dorsum  or  venter  except  in  the  young, 
when  it  is  frequently  either  near  the  dorsum  or  is  centren.  Biangular  stage  much 
abbreviated  or  absent,  the  trigonal  stage  present  in 
most  shells  for  a  more  or  less  prolonged  period,  but 
developing  invariably  by  spreading  of  the  venter  into 

Fig.  1122. 

NawtiUis  pompilius  Linn. 
Recent.  Portion  of  conch  showing 
linear  cicatrix  at  apical  end  (after 

Fig.  1123. 

Apical  chamber  and  first 
volution  of  N.  pompilius, 
sectioned  longitudinally, 
s,  Siphuncle;  c,  Blind 
origin  of  caecum;  .r,  Empty 
space  or  uniljilical  perfora- 
tion (after  Bianco). 

Fig.  1124. 

Nautilus  intermedins  Sowb.     Middle 
Lias  ;  Hinterweiler,  Wiirtemberg. 

tetragonal,  reniform  or  hemispherical  outlines.  Never  decidedly  dis- 
coidal, although  the  umbilicus  is  often  open.  More  specialised  forms 
have  a  minute  umbilicus,  and  in  some  cases  it  is  completely  hidden 
during  the  ephebic  stage,  although  invariably  open  in  the  young. 
Zone  of  impression  present  on  the  dorsum  before  the  whorls  are  in 
contact.  Annular  lobes  often  developed  at  an  early  stage,  but  liable 
to  disappear  in  the  adult ;  absent  in  some  Tertiary  species. 

Genoceras  Hyatt.  Jura.  Gymatoceras  Hyatt.  Cretaceous. 
Eutrephoceras  Hyatt.     Cretaceous  and  Tertiary. 

Nautilus  Linn.  (Figs.  1122-1125).  The  young  resembling 
adults  of  Digonioceras  until  a  late  stage,  and  adults  of  i>rimitive 
species  (like  N.  umbilicatus)  similar  to  Genoceras.  Sutures  slightly 
inflected,  with  faint  ventral  lobes ;  annular  lobes  present.  Volu- 
tions sub-globose,  and  umbilical  perforation  comparatively  large. 
Siphuncle  centren  in  the  apical  camera,  but  later  becoming  ventrad 
of  centre.     Tertiary  (?)  to  Recent. 

Fig.  1125. 

Nautilus  geinitzi 
Pictet.  Tithonian  ; 
Stramberg,  Moravia. 

608  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Suborder  E.     CYRTOCHOANITES  Hyatt. 

Shells  varying  from  orthoceracones  to  nautilicones,  none  of  them  highly  ornamented, 
although  some  are  annulated  or  costated,  and  in  rare  cases  slightly  nodose.  Sittures  as  a 
rule  simpler  than  in  the  Orthochoanites.  Siphnncle  varies  exceedingly,  passing  from  tubular 
in  the  young,  and  even  in  the  full-groion  of  immitive forms,  to  highly  nummuloidal  in  the 
adults  of  specialised  genera,  or  again  in  some  groups  retaining  constantly  its  primitive 
character.  The  funnels,  however,  are  as  a  rule  bent  outward  or  crximpled,  and  generally 

I.  Anndlosiphonata  Hyatt. 

Mostly  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones,  ivith  a  few  gyroceracones  and  very  rarely 
natitilicones,  the  last-named  being  invariably  discoidal.  Apertures  constantly  open. 
Siphuncle  may  be  empty,  but  organic  deposits  when  present  always  gathered  about  or 
encrusting  the  funnels  as  hollow  or  solid  internal  rings.  Deposits  sometimes  sufficient  to 
form  more  or  less  annulated  endosiphuncles,  the  rings  being  optposite  the  camerae,  alter- 
nating with  the  septa,  and  extending  outivardly. 

Family  1.     Loxoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Smooth  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  similar  to  the  Orthoceratidae,  but  siphuncle 
distinctly  nummuloidal,  and  funnels  very  short  and  crumpled.  Deposits  not  uncommon, 
but  irregular,  and  only  irregular  endosiphuncles  occasionally  formed. 

Loxoceras  M'Coy  {Sactoceras  Hyatt).  Mostly  ortlioceracones,  circular  or  ellijstical 
in  section.  Siphuncle  supjiosed  to  be  tubular  in  tbe  young,  but  highly  nummuloidal 
in  later  stages,  centren  or  near  the  centre.  Septa  invariably  single,  and  camerae 
empty.      Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

Campyloceras  M'Coy  (Aploceras  d'Orb.).  Breviconic  cyrtoceracones  or  orthocera- 
cones with  smooth  or  finely  ridged  shells,  circular  or  depressed  elliptical  in  section. 
Sij)huncle  centi'en  or  ventrad  of  centre.      Carboniferous. 

Family  2.     Uranoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Cyrtoceracones,  gyroceracones  and  na%itilicones,  with  stout  volutions.  Siphuncle  in 
primitive  forms  highly  nummuloidal,  but  invariably  empty ;  in  nautilicones  it  has  less 
nummuloidal  segments,  and  is  uniformly  ventrad  of  centre,  but  not  near  the  venter. 
Sutures  with  ventral  saddles,  lateral  lobes,  and  also  dorsal  saddles  in  primitive  forms  as 
toell  as  the  young  of  all  shells.  Ventral  and  dorsal  lobes  arise  .subsequently  in  the 
ontogeny  of  nautilicones. 

Uranoceras  Hyatt.  Stout,  more  or  less  breviconic  cyrtoceracones,  compressed 
elliptical  or  sub-quadrangular  in  section.  Sutures  with  broad  veutral  saddles,  lateral 
and  dorsal  lobes.  Siphuncle  large,  nununuloidal,  centren  or  ventrad  of  centre. 
Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Gigantoceras  Hyatt.  Gyroceracones  similar  to  the  preceding,  but  having  longer 
living  chambers  and  more  compressed  volutions.  Includes  the  largest  known  Nauti- 
loid  shells.      Type  G.  (Gyroceras)  inelegans  (Meek).      Silurian. 

Family  3.     Actinoceratidae  Saemann. 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  with  siphuncle  more  or  less  filled  by  rings  of 
organic  deposits,  and  having  an  endosiphuncle  in  the  central  axis.  Camerae  may  be 
empty  or  filled  to  various  degrees  tvith  organic  deposits,  even  to  the  extent  of  solidifying 
the  entire  shell  previous  to  the  gerontic  stage.  Shells  smooth  or  anmilated,  but  not  longi- 
tudinally ridged,  at  least  in  the  latter  stages. 




Actinoceras  Bronn.  (Figs.  1126-1127).  Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  of  usually 
dejjressed  elliptical  section,  Avitli  large,  excessively  nummuloidal  siphuncle.  Funnels 
very  short  and  crumpled,  sheatli  almost  globular.  In- 
ternal dejjosits  contracting  tlie  central  axis  into  an 
annulated  endosiiiliuncle  with  tubuli  radiating  from  the 
annuli.      Septa  often  double,  with  an  interspace  between 

the  two  layers  near  the 

siphuncle,  but  solid  near 

the    shell.       Ordovician 

to  Carboniferous. 

Subgenera :       Ormo- 

ceras  Stokes  (Fig.  1128). 

Fig.  1126. 

Actinoceras  coMcatiim  (Scliloth.). 
Silurian  ;  Gotland.  Abraded  '  frag- 
ment showing  single  septa  and  thick 
annulated  endosipliuncle.     1/2. 

Pig.  1127. 

Actinoceras  vertcbratiim  Hall. 
Silurian  ;  Lockport,  New  York. 
Longitudinal  section  showing 
organic  deposits  of  siphuncle 
(alter  Barrande). 


Actinoceras  (Ormoceras)  hayfieldi 
Stokes.  Ordovician ;  Longitudinal 
section  showing  organic  deposits 
of  siphuncle  partly  dissolved  away 
(after  Stokes). 

Ordovician  to  Carboniferous.     Par  actinoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1129).      Shells  longer  and 
more  slender  than  in  the  preceding,  large   siphuncular  segments   confined  to  early 

stages,  and  very  long  living  chamber.     Type  P.  (Sactoceras) 

canadense  (Whiteaves).      Silurian. 

Gyrt actinoceras  Hyatt.    Type  G.  (Gyrtoceras)  rebelle  (Barr.). 

Deiroceras  Hyatt;  Huronia  Stokes   (Fig.  1130);  Discosorus 

and  Gonioceras  Hall. 

Fig.  1129. 

Actinocems  {Parartinocerds) 
(locens  (Barr.)  Silurian  (E); 
Dvoretz,  Bohemia.  Vertical 
section  showing  senile  stage 
without  organic  deposits, 
preceded  by  adult  stage  with 
siphuncular  rosettes  (after 

Fig.  1130. 

Huronia  vertehralis 
Stokes.  Ordovician  ;  Isle 
Drummnnd,  Lake  Huron. 


(?)  Tretoceras  Salter.  Orthocera- 
cones having  a  centren  nummuloidal 
siphuncle,  similar  to  that  of  Acti- 
noceras but  smaller,  and  with  a 
superficial  tubular  siphuncle  (so- 
called),  having  very  long  but  not 
Holochoanoidal  funnels.  Sheath  not 
yet  shown  to  be  present.  It  is  pos- 
sible that  the  structure  referred  to 
is  a  peripheral  pseudo  -  siphuncle 
formed  by  abnormal  condition  of  the 
septa.      Silurian. 


gyroceracones,    and    a 


few    discoidal 

nautilicones.     Shells  frequently  breviconic,  in  lohich  case  the  gerontic  living  chambers  and 

apertures  are  more  highly  contracted  than  in  all  other  Na%itiloids.      Siphuncle  sometimes 

empty  ;   organic  deposits,  ivhen  present,  in  the  form  of  laminae  radiating  from  the  sheath 

VOL.   I  2  R 




of  each  segment  towards  the  interior.  These  internal  calcareous  septa  are  united  only  in 
their  'peripheral  I'tarts,  not  meeting  at  the  central  axis  so  far  as  known,  and  also  liable 
to  be  more  or  less  interrupted  in  the  transverse  plane  of  each  funnel.  The  interior  is 
consequently  an  actiniform  endosipihuncle  toith  rays  extending  outwardly  between  the 
laminae  of  the  deposits. 

Family  4.     Jovellanidae  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  with  slightly  compressed  oval,  or  depressed  and 
more  or  less  sub-trigonal  sections.  Shells  smooth  or  partially  annulated.  Siphuncle  large, 
with  well-developed  actiniform.  lamellae,  and  distinct  endosiphuncles.  Aperture  open  and 
living  chamber  uncontracted  in  the  gerontic  stage. 

Includes  Jovellania  Bayle  ;  and  Tripleuroceras  Hyatt.  Silurian  and  Devonian. 
Mixosiphonoceras  Hyatt.  Type  M.  {Gyrtoceras)  desolatum  (Barr.).  Silurian  and 
Devonian.      Projovellania  Hyatt.      Type  P.  (Gyrtoceras)  athleta  (Barr.).      Silurian. 

Family  5.     Rizoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  expanding  regularly  by  growth  throughout  life,  the 
living  chamber  very  slightly  or  not  sensibly  contracted  in  the  gerontic  stage.  Aperture  con- 
stantly open,  and  with  slight  dorsal  as  well  as  somewhat  deeper  and 
broader  hyponomic  sinuses.  Siphuncle  generally  small  and  empty, 
but  actiniform  lamellae  and  an  endosiphuncle  sometimes  occur. 
Shells  as  a  rule  smooth  or  with  transverse  bands  only,  hut  longitu- 
dinal striae  are  often  present  in  earlier  stages. 

Rizoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1131).  Orthoceracones  and  exo-  or 
endogastric  cyrtoceracones  having  circular  or  elliptical  sections. 
Living  chamber  extraordinarily  large  and  long  as  compared  with 
camerated  part.     Silurian  to  Carboniferous. 

Cyrtorizoceras  Hyatt.  Sections  more  com- 
pressed than  in  Rizoceras,  living  chamber 
shorter  and  apt  to  be  more  or  less  laterally 
compressed  in  gerontic  stage,  but  the  dorso- 
ventral  diameters  only  very  slightly  so  or  not 
at  all.  Sutures  more  sinuous,  and  vi^ith  decided 
ventral  and  dorsal  saddles.  Type  C.  (Gyrtoceras) 
minneapolis  (Clarke).  Ordovician  and  Silu- 

Fig.  1131. 

Rizoceras  rohustum 
(Barr.).  Silurian  (E) ; 
Butovvitz,  Bohemia. 
Aperture  open.     i/.j. 

Family  6.     Ooceratidae  Hyatt. 

Orthoceracones  and    gyroceracones    with  closely    set   septa  and  yig  1132. 

large  nummuloidal  siphuncle  in  later  stages  of  the  ontogeny,  hut  ooceras      (Ci/rtuceras) 

tubular  in  the  younq.      Actiniform.  deposits  oftener  nresent  than  in  ''«?/'ei  (Barr.).    Silurian 

J,      Ti-              s-1        i^        i                 7       T.           7                       -77                  .  (E);  Lochkow,  Bohemia 

the  mzoceratiaae,  but  not  generat.     Jiunnels  very  variable,  sometimes  (after  Barrande). 
minutely  plicated  or  hook-like  in  section,  confined  to  dorsal  side  of 
tube,  or  sometimes  absent  altogether.      Living  chamber  short  and  like  that    of  Cyrto- 
rizoceras;  aperture  not  infrequently  suh-trigonal  in  outline,  but  always  open. 

Ooceras  Hyatt  (Oonoceras  Hj^att)  (Fig.  1132).  Cyrtoceracones  more  elongated 
and  usually  more  compressed  than  in  Gyrtorizoccras,  but  otherwise  similar  except  in 
structure  of  the  siphuncle.  Septa  rise  rapidly  on  ventral  side,  and  may  bend  sharply 
orad,  forming  a  funnel  ridge   or    shoulder    on   tliat    side,  but    disappearing   on   the 



opposite  side  of  the  same  fuunel.     When  the  funnel  itself  is  absent,  the  ridges  look 
like  reversed  funnels  or  collars.     Silurian. 

Cyrtoccras  Goldf.  Large  exogastric,  breviconic  cyrtoceracones  ;  sections  depressed 
elliptical  or  approximating  to  trigonal,  the  dorsum  more  or  less  flat,  and  venter 
elevated.  Aperture  contracted  in  gerontic  stage  to  a  T-shaped  opening,  and  placed  at 
an  acute  angle  with  the  central  axis,  so  that  the  dorsal  side  is  very  much  shorter  than 
the  ventral.  Siphuncle  large,  iiummuloidal,  with  well-developed  actiniform  lamellae, 
and  with  an  endosiphuncle  in  later  stages  of  ontogeny.     Devonian. 

Family  7.     Oncoceratidae  Hyatt. 

A  phylogerontic  group  of  breviconic  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  similar  to 
Gyrtorizoceras,  but  shells  much  shorter  and  living  chamber  Visually  contracted,  especially 
in  their  transverse  diameters  during  the  gerontic  stage.  Siphuncle  tubular  or  highly 
nummuloidal,  tvithout  deposits. 

Ercmoceras  Hyatt.  Cyrtoceracones  similar  to  Cijrtorizoceras,  but  living  chambers 
longer,  and  aperture  more  or  less  flaring  and  open.  Siphuncle  more  or  less  nummu- 
loidal.     Type  E.  (Cyrtoceras)  syphax  (Bill.).      Ordovician. 

Cyclostomiceras  Hyatt.  Slender,  short,  exogastric  orthoceracones  and  cyrtocera- 
cones, circular  or  compressed  in  section.  Living  chamber  as  compared  with  camerated 
part  longer  and  larger  than  in  most  forms,  less  contracted,  and  Avith  open  aperture  in 
gerontic  stage.     Type  C.  (Gomphoceras)  cassinense  (Whitf).      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Oncoceras  Hall.  Compressed  exogastric  cyrtoceracones  with  sections  like  Gyrtori- 
zoceras,  but  shells  as  a  rule  much  shorter  and  smaller,  and  siphuncle  more  distinctly 
nummuloidal.  Living  chamber  also  more  flattened  laterally,  the  aperture  elongated 
and  often  sub-trigonal,  but  typically  open.     Ordovician. 

Sul>genus  :  Meloceras  (Melonoceras)  Hyatt.  Similar  to  the  last,  but  lateral  edges 
of  the  gerontic  aperture  grow  inwards,  and  form  pear-shaped  outlines.      Silurian. 

Family  8.     Poterioceratidae  Foord. 

Smooth,  breviconic  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  having  circular  or  depressed 
elliptical  sections.  Gerontic  aperture,  except  in  primitive  forms,  is  contracted  and  apt  to 
assume  a  sub-trigonal  outline;  it  is  laterally  narrowed  and  approximates  those  of  the 
next  family  only  in  Streptoceras.  Outlines  of  aperture  entire;  sutures  straight  or  only 
slightly  sinuous.  Siphuncle  in  this  and  remaining  families,  so  far  as  knoivn,  slightly 
mmimuloidal  and  empty  in  the  young,  but  becomes  larger ;  in  specialised  forms  it  is  apt 
to  be  more  or  less  filled  with  radiating  lamellae,  and  in  late  stages  has  an  endosiphuncle. 

Glinoceras  Mascke.     Ordovician  to  Devonian.     Sycoceras  Pictet.     Devonian. 

Poterioceras  M'Coy  {Apioceras  Fischer  ;  Acleistoceras  Hyatt).  Orthoceracones  and 
exogastric  cyrtoceracones,  short  and  stout,  with  sub-trigonal  gerontic  aperture.  Brachial 
area  not  decidedly  difl'erentiated  from  the  hyponomic  sinus,  and  contraction  may  take 
place  in  all  diameters  or  more  extensively  in  the  lateral.      Ordovician  to  Carboniferous. 

Streptoceras  Bill.  Like  the  last  but  more  arcuate,  with  laterally  contracted 
aperture,  and  a  short  hyponomic  sinus  distinct  from  the  brachial  area.      Silurian. 

Family  9.     Trimeroceratidae  Hyatt. 

Smooth  breviconic  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones  similar  to  Poterioceras  in  aspect 
and  sutures,  but  more  slender,  especially  in  the  young,  and  aperture  very  distinct  in 
primitive  forms.  Even  the  latter  usually  have  the  brachial  distinctly  marled  off  from 
hyponomic  area  by  ingrowth  of  sides  of  the  aperture,  and  in  all  specialised  shells  the 




hyponomic  sinus  and  special  inflections  known  as  "  brachial  sinuses  "  are  formed  by  bases 
of  the  arms  on  edges  of  the  brachial  area.  Finally,  the  aperture  becomes  reduced  to  a  more 
or  less  Y-  or  T-shaped  figure,  with  an  open  semicircular  sinus  at  the  end  of  the  hyponomic 
slit  or  area,  and  similar  sinuses  in  the  edges  of  the  brachial  slit,  corresponding  to  the 
number  of  arms.     Silurian. 

Mandaloceras  Hyatt  {Dimorion  Barr.)  (Fig.  1133).  Differs  from  Poterioccras  in 
the  gerontic  aperture,  which  is  laterally  contracted,  and  has  hyponomic  and  brachial 
areas  distinctly  differentiated  in  all  but  the  most  primitive  species.  More  specialised 
forms  have  these  areas  narrowed  down,  but  sjjecial  sinuses  are  not  formed. 

Trimeroceras   Hyatt  {Trimorion,  Trimeres  Barr.)  ;    Pentameroceras,   Septameroceras 

Hyatt.  Silurian.  Aperture  in  the  first  has  a  median  and 
two  brachial ;  in  the  second  a  median  and  four  brachial ; 
and  in  the  last  a  median  and  six  brachial  sinuses. 

Fio.  1133. 

Mandaloceras  (Gom'phoccraf:)  hohcmicum  (Barr.).     Silurian (Etage  B) ; 
Dvoretz,  Bohemia.    A,  Side  view  of  conch.    B,  Aperture. 

Fig.  1134. 

Tetrameroccras  panderi 
(Barr.).  Silurian  (B) ;  Dvoretz, 
Bohemia,     i/i  (after  Barrande). 

Hemiphragmoceras  Hyatt.  Compressed  endogastric  cyrtoceracones  having  a 
narrowed  hyponomic  area  like  Phragmoceras,  but  with  brachial  areas  as  in  Dimeroceras. 
Type  H.  {Phragmoceras)  piisillum  (Barr.). 

Tetrameroccras  Hyatt  {Tetramorion,  Tetrameres  Barr.)  (Fig.  1134).  Like  the  last^ 
but  with  more  highly  contracted  aperture  and  four  lateral  sinuses. 

Hexameroceras  Hyatt.  Brachial  area  with  six  lateral  sinuses.  Octameroceras 
Hyatt.     Brachial  area  with  eight  lateral  sinuses.      Type  0.  (Phragm.)  callistoma  (Barr.). 

Family  10.     Phragmoceratidae  Hyatt. 

Smooth  hreviconic  cyrtoceracones  and  gyroceracones  rapidly  expanding  by  growth  in 
their  dorso-ventral  diameters,  and  having  open  apertures  only  in  primitive  types  or  the 
young  and  ephebic  stages  of  more  specialised  forms.  In  the  latter  gerontic  apertures  are 
laterally  contracted  and  have  co  very  long  hyponomic  area  terminated  by  a  large 
hyponomic  sinus.  The  brachial  area  may  be  more  or  less  open  and  ellipitical,  or 
narrowed  and  transversely  elongated,  but  always  has  an  entire  outline.  Siphuncle 
generally  large,  nummuloidal,  and  often  has  actiniform  lamellae  and  endosiphuncles  in 
later  stages.     Shells  mostly  endogastric. 

Godoceras  Hyatt.  Excessively  short  and  rapidly  expanding  cyrtoceracones  like 
some  species  of  Rizoceras,  Init  with  large  living  chambers,  narrow  venter,  and  large 
.siphuncle  just  ventrad  of  centre.  Aperture  constantly  open.  Type  G.  {Gyrtoceras) 
domitum  (Barr.).     Silurian. 

Protophragmoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1136).     Similar  to  the  last,  but  form  more  com- 




pressed,  and    siphuncle   near   the   venter    (internal).     Diifers   from   Phragmoceras   in 
having  ajierture  open  throughout  life.     Type  P.  (Gyrtoceras) 
murcliisoni  (Barr.).     Silurian. 

Gomphoceras  Sowb.  Stout  short  orthoceracones  and 
cyrtoceracones  similar  to  some  species  of  Phragmoceras,  but 
straighter,  stouter  and  less  compressed  in  form,  and  gerontic 
aperture  less  contracted  laterally.  Hyponomic  sinus 
shorter,  and  curvature  exogastric.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Phragmoceras  Sowb.  (Figs.  1136,  1137).  Compressed 
endogastric  cyrtoceracones  and  gyroceracones,  oval  in 
section,  and  venter  narrowly  rounded.  Sijjhuncle  large 
and  near  the  venter  (internal).  Gerontic  aperture  much 
contracted  laterally,  the  hyponomic  area  very  long  and 
narrow.     Silurian. 

Incertae  Sedis. 

Fio.  1135. 

PTotcyphrcKjmoceras  murcliisoni 
(Barr.).  Silurian  (Etage  E)  ; 
Lochkow,  Bohemia.     Vo- 

Nothoceras  Barr.  Represented  by  the  single  species  N. 
bohemicum  Barrande,  in  which  the  septum  turns  orad, 
forming  an  inverted  funnel.  This  funnel  connects  with 
a  more  or  less  inflated  sheath  that  closed  the  siphuncle,  and  connected  it  with  the 
distal  opening  of  the  next  succeeding  septum,  thus  completely  reversing  the  relative 
positions  of  funnels  and  sheaths  in  other  forms.      The  appearances  as  described  by 


Fig.  1136. 

Phragmoceras  hroderipi  Barr.     Silurian  (Etage  E) ;  Lochkow,  Bohemia. 
i/o  (after  Bairande). 

Fig.  1137. 

Phragmoceras  loveni 
Barr.  Silurian  (E) ;  Loch- 
kow, Bohemia.  Section 
showing  lamellar  organic 
deposits  (after  Barrande). 

Barrande  are  not  deemed  sufficient  to  prove  the  truth  of  this  statement,  and  it  is 
unsafe  to  accept  it  absolutely  until  the  development  has  been  studied.  The  cavity  is 
divided  by  radiating  lamellae  running  longitudinally  as  in  the  Actinosiphonata. 

614  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Range   and   Distribution   of  the   Nautiloidea. 

Fossil  Nautiloidea  have  been  recorded  Ly  Billings  as  occurring  in  Canada  earlier 
than  the  Quebec  Group,  but  his  statement  lacks  confirmation.  An  abundant  Cephalo- 
podan  fauna  makes  its  appearance  in  the  earliest  Quebec  or  Calciferous,  and  is  quite 
distinct  from  other  later  assemblages.  Diphragmoceras  and  other  orthoceracones  and 
cyrtoceracones  with  veiy  peculiar  siphuncles  occur  here,  but  gyroceracones  and  nautili- 
cones  are  absent.  However,  the  information  we  have  at  present  of  this  fauna  is 
limited,  and  but  few  positive  conclusions  can  be  drawn. 

All  the  suborders  of  Nautiloidea  are  initiated  in  the  Ordovician,  and  one  of  them, 
Schistochoanites,  is  confined  to  this  period.  Holochoanites  and  Mixochoanites  become 
extinct  in  the  Silurian,  and  only  Orthochoanites  survive  the  Paleozoic.  The  sub- 
orders that  disapi^ear  at  this  early  date  are  remarkable  for  their  complicated  siphun- 
cular  structure,  and  peculiar  sigmoidal  septa  observed  in  the  gerontic  living  chambers 
.of  certain  forms  (Ascoceras,  Gonioceras),  while  their  prevailing  habit  is  gyroceraconic. 
The  sigmoidal  septa  do  not  become  complicated  in  correlation  with  closer  coiling  of  the 
shell,  but  occur  in  cyrtoceracones  correlating  with  highly  compressed  cones,  and  in 
orthoceracones  correlating  with  strongly  depressed  cones. 

The  older  classifications  recognised  the  straight  orthoceracones,  curved  cyrtocera- 
cones, loosely  coiled  gyroceracones,  and  more  closely  coiled  nautilicones  as  distinct 
natural  divisions.  Although  it  is  possible  to  employ  the  habit  of  curvature  in  con- 
junction with  family  groups  as  a  convenient  means  for  tracing  laws  of  distribution  and 
the  like,  yet  for  more  accurate  data  the  genera  must  be  considered  independently. 
For  instance,  some  families  made  up  largely  of  gyroceracones  and  nautilicones  also 
contain  a  few  orthoceracones  and  cyrtoceracones,  and  these  have  to  be  neglected  in 
estimating  the  relative  proportions  of  straight  and  coiled  conchs.  Other  sources  of 
error  are  presented  by  sporadic  uncoiled  or  gerontic  forms  which  occur  in  families 
having  coiled  shells.  In  a  general  way,  however,  it  is  possible  to  state  the  morphic 
succession  as  follows  : — 

Orthoceracones,  together  with  their  almost  invariably  associated  cyrtoceracones 
exceed  gyroceracones  in  the  Quebec  in  the  proportion  of  three  families  to  one,  and  this 
horizon  contains  but  one  family  of  closely  coiled  nautilicones,  and  one  of  the  uncoiled 
or  gerontic  type.  In  the  Ordovician  are  found  no  less  than  fourteen  families  having 
straight  or  approximately  straight  shells,  as  against  seven  families  of  gyroceracones  and 
nautilicones.  Thereafter  until  toward  the  close  of  the  Paleozoic,  the  proportions  of 
straight  and  coiled  forms  remain  approximately  equal.  The  Permian  has  but  one 
surviving  family  of  orthoceracones,  and  four  of  the  coiled  groups  ;  in  the  Trias  the 
ratio  is  one  to  six,  and  in  the  Jura  coiled  forms  alone  persist.  Thus,  a  slowly  working 
tendency  is  apparent,  leading  to  the  production  of  more  and  more  closely  coiled  cones, 
and  the  elimination  of  straight  and  slightly  curved  forms.  Gyroceracones  disappear 
with  the  Carboniferous,  and  the  more  discoidal  nautilicones  with  the  Trias. 

Some  curious  features  are  presented  by  the  phylogerontic  or  uncoiled  shells.  Only 
one  family,  the  Silurian  Lituitidae,  have  all  the  genera  uncoiled  save  the  probable 
ancestral  close-coiled  type.  Other  families  have  isolated  genera  or  species  exhibiting 
similar  tendencies,  and  becoming  partially  uncoiled  during  their  later  stages,  although 
close-coiled  in  the  young.  Such  forms  occur  throughout  the  Devonian,  Imt  none  have 
yet  been  found  in  the  Carboniferous,  where  uncoiling  of  the  volutions,  when  it 
occurred,  took  place  earlier  than  the  gerontic  stage.  From  the  ]\Iesozoic  and  later 
horizons,  no  species  is  known  in  which  the  gerontic  stage  is  to  the  slightest  degree 

Torticones  are  more  aberrant  than  any  other  conchs,  and  may  be  best  classified  as 
phylogerontic  forms,  since  tendencies  toward  unsymmetrical  development  of  the 
volutions  occur  in  the  gerontic  stage,  and  are  genetic  in  but  a  few  genera,  where  they 


appear  during  the  early  stages  and  are  preceded  so  far  as  known  by  a  symmetrical 
volution.  The  first  manifestation  of  torticones  is  in  the  Ordovician,  and  their  acme  is 
attained  during  the  Silurian.  As  regards  ornamentation,  annulated  shells  appear  in 
the  Calciferous,  and  those  with  longitudinal  ridges  later  in  the  Ordovician,  together 
with  tuberculated  and  costated  gyroceracones  and  nautilicones.  The  last-named,  how- 
ever, are  much  .more  abundant  in  the  Devonian  and  Carboniferous,  after  which  they 
disappear.  Very  highly  ornamented  shells  exist  in  the  Trias,  but  following  this 
period  the  conchs  are  smooth. 

Very  striking  is  the  marvellously  sudden  rise  of  the  Nautiloidea  as  a  group, 
reaching  its  maximum  in  the  Silurian,  and  followed  by  a  decline  extending  from  the 
Devonian  to  the  Trias.  Then  the  forces  acting  unfavourably  upon  their  existence 
were  arrested,  or  their  violence  lessened,  and  the  group  has  been  affected  by  only  very 
slight  changes,  and  an  exceedingly  slow  process  of  retrogression  until  the  present  time. 
The  acme  of  siphuncular  differentiation  occurred  in  the  Ordovician,  of  general  morphic 
diversity  in  the  Silurian,  of  ornamentation  in  the  Devonian,  and  of  sutures  in  the 

Geographically  considered,  some  facts  of  distribution  are  of  general  interest.  The 
fauna  of  the  Quebec  or  Calciferous,  which  in  Newfoundland,  Canada,  Vermont,  and 
the  vicinity  of  Poughkeepsie,  New  York,  is  rich  in  fossil  remains,  is  represented  by 
a  few  camerated  conchs  in  the  Durness  Limestone  of  Scotland.  Holochoanites  and 
Schistochoanites  'are  most  plentifully  represented  in  the  American  faunas,  but  Mixo- 
choanites  very  sparsely  so,  at  least  as  compared  with  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian  of 
Bohemia.  The  same  is  true  of  the  Lituitidae,  Ophidioceratidae  and  Hercoceratidae 
among  Orthochoanites,  and  of  the  Jovellanidae,  Trimeroceratidae,  and  kindred  families 
among  the  Cyrtochoanites.  The  Devonian  and  Carboniferous  faunas  of  America 
and  Europe  are  nearly  on  a  par,  but  the  Permian  of  the  western  hemisphere  is 
very  deficient  in  Nautiloid  remains.  The  Jurassic  faunas  of  America  have  so  far 
yielded  but  one  specimen  of  a  Nautiloid,  but  they  were  probably  present  to  some 
extent,  since  they  are  represented  in  the  Cretaceous  of  this  country.  During  the 
Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  the  princijml  distribution  of  the  Nautilidae  was  in  the 
eastern  hemisphere,  and  the  last  surviving  species  of  Nautilus  are  now  restricted  to 
oriental  waters.  The  following  table  shows  the  range  of  the  leading  Nautiloid 

[The  systematic  portion  of  the  foregoing,'  chapter  on  Nautiloidea  was  revised  for  the  first 
edition  of  this  work  by  the  late  Professor  Alpheus  Hyatt.  In  the  earlier  edition  some  nine- 
teen new  genera  of  fossil  Nautiloids  were  proposed  by  Professor  Hyatt,  as  well  as  many  new 
genera  of  Ammonoids.  The  type  species  of  these  new  genera  were  designated,  but  the  author's 
intention  to  publish  suitable  generic  diagnoses  has  remained  for  the  most  part  unfulfilled. 
— Editor.] 





Table  showing  Vertical  Range  of  the  Nautiloidea. 




















1.  Dijihragmidae  . 

2.  Endoceratidae  . 

3.  Cyrtendocferatidae     . 


1.  Ascoceratidae   . 

2.  Mesoceratidae  . 


D.  Orthochoanites 
1.   Ortlioceratidae . 


2.  Cycloceratidae  . 

3.  Kionoceratidae 

4.  Tarphyceratidae 

5.  Trocholitidae    . 

6.  Plectoceratidae 

7.  Ophidioceratidae 

8.  Litnitidae 

9.  Gryi)Oceratidae 

10.  Clydonautilidae 

11.  Halloceratidae  . 

12.  Ryticeratidae    . 

13.  Rhadinoeeratidae 

14.  Trigonoceratidae 

15.  Triboloceratidae 

16.  Rhineceratidae 

17.  Hercoceratidae  . 

18.  Tainoceratidae. 

19.  Centroceratidae 

20.  Pleuronautilidae 

21.  Koninckioceratidae 

22.  Solenocheilidae 

23.  Estonioceratidae 
24     Naiitilid-ip 

E.  Cyutochoanites 
1.   Loxoceratidae   . 

2.  Uranoceratidae 

3.  Actinoceratidae 

4.  Jovellanidae 

5.  Rizoceratidae     . 
().   Ooeeratidae 

7.  Oncoceratidae   . 

8.  Poterioceratidae 

9.  Trinieroccratidae 

10.    Piiragmoceratidae 


Order   2.     AMMONOIDEA   Zittel.^ 

Shells  similar  to  those  of  the  Naiitiloidea  in  some  primitive  Paleozoic  groups,  hut 
these  give  rise  to  others  with  more  highly  ornamented  shells,  the  apertures  of  which 
have  ventral  rostra  instead  of  hyponomic  sinuses.  Sutures,  as  a  rule,  have  ventral 
lohes  in  the  later  stages  of  ontogeny  ;  the  inflections  become  more  numerous  than  in 
Nautiloids  even  in  Paleozoic  genera,  and  their  outlines  during  the  Mesozoic  are 
extremely  complex.  Siphuncle  invariably  small,  and  (except  in  the  Clymeniidae) 
situated  near  the  venter.  Funnels  short,  retrosiphonate  in  primitive  forms,  but 
becoming  sometimes  prosiphonate  during  the  Paleozoic,  and  as  a  nde,  prosiphonate 
during  the  Mesozoic, 

The  ontogeny  begins  with  a  calcareous  protoconch,  the  apical  stage  of  the 
conch  being  an  open  neck  built  in  continuation  of  the  permanent  aperture  of 
the  protoconch.  The  first  septum  is  concave  as  in  Nautiloids,  and  sutures  are 
straight  or  have  more  or  less  of  a  saddle  on  the  venter.  Young  stages  of 
Mesozoic  shells  recapitulate  the  primitive  adult  characters  of  Paleozoic  forms. 
The  aperture  was  closed  when  the  animal  was  retracted  by  a  single  horny  plate 
{anaptychus)  or  a  pair  of  calcareous  plates  (aptychus),  probably  secreted  by 
muscular  lobes  homologous  with  the  hood  in  Nautilus. 

Shell  Characters. — There  are  apparently  no  characters,  not  even  the  presence 
of  a  calcareous  protoconch,  which  can  be  relied  upon  to  separate  Bactrites  from 
the  orthoceraconic  Nautiloids.  Nevertheless,  the  position  of  the  siphuncle  and 
its  peculiar  funnels  are  features  which  seem  to  place  this  form  with  true 
Paleozoic  Ammonoids.  There  is  but  one  series  of  straight  shells  among 
Ammonoids,  and  these  are  obviously  not  the  same  as  orthoceracones,  but  are 
more  properly  called  hactriticoyies  (Fig.  1169).  Similarly,  the  loosely  coiled 
Mimoceras  shells  (Fig.  1170)  are  not  gyroceracones,  but  only  their  morphic 
equivalents  in  a  different  genetic  stock  ;  hence  the  term  mimoceracone  should 
be  substituted  for  gyroceracone.  In  the  same  sense  the  closely  coiled  sym- 
metrical shells,  comparable  in  external  aspect  and  intimate  structure  with 
nautilicones,  should  be  described  among  Ammonoids  as  ammoniticones.  The 
term  torticone,  however,  can  be  conveniently  applied  to  both  groups,  since  it 
does  not  connote  any  special  structures,  but  is  a  general  name  for  all  asym- 
metrical spirals. 

Ammoniticones  in  some  Paleozoic  forms  are  mimoceracones  during 
nepionic  stages,  and  consequently  in  later  stages  a  perforation  is  present 
passing  through  the  umbilicus  as  in  Nautiloids.  However,  in  most  Paleozoic 
and    all  later  ammoniticones,  the  coiling  is  so  close  even  at  the  beginning 

^  Besides  the  works  cited  the  following  may  be  consulted  : — Buckman,  S.  S.,  Divisions  of  so- 
called  Jurassic  Time.  Quar.  Jouvn.  Geol.  Soc,  1898,  vol.  liv.  — Ctor^e,  J.  M.,  The  Naples  Fauna. 
16tli  Ann.  Rep.  N.Y.  State  Geologist,  1898.— C'nc^-,  G.  C,  Muscular  Attachment  of  the  Animal 
to  its  Shell  in  Ammonoidea.  Trans.  Linn.  Soc,  1898,  ser.  2,  vol.  vii. — Haug,  E.,  Etudes  sur  les 
Goniatites.  Mem.  Soc.  Geol.  Fraiice,  Paleont.,  1898,  vol.  vii. — Levi,  G.,  Fossili  degli  strati  a 
Terebratnla  aspasia.  Boll.  Soc.  Geol.  Italia,  1895,  vol.  xv. — Parana,  C.  F.,  and  Bonarelli,  G., 
Faune  du  Callovien  inferieur  (Chanazien)  de  Savoie.  Mem.  Acad.  Savoie,  1897,  vol.  vi. — Semenoff,  B., 
Anwendung  der  statistischen  Methode  zum  Studium  der  Vertheilung  der  Ammoniten.  Ann.  Geol. 
Mineral.  Russie,  1897,  vol.  n.Smith,  J.  P.,  Development  of  Lytoceras and  Phylloceras.  Proc.  Calif. 
Acad.  Sci.,  1898,  vol.  i. — Choffat,  P.,  Les  Ammonees  du  Bellasien,  des  Conches  a  Neolobites  Vibra- 
yeanus,  du  Turonien  et  du  Senonien.  Faune  cret.  du  Portugal,  1898,  ser.  2,  vol.  ii. — Jackson,  R.  T., 
Localised  Stages  of  Development  in  Plants  and  Animals.  Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1899,  vol.  v. 
— Novak,  J.,  Untersuchuugen  iiber  die  Cephalopoden  der  oberen  Kreide  in  Polen.  II.  Die  Scaphiten. 
Bull.  Acad.  Sci.  Cracovie,  ser.  B,  1911. 




of  the  conch,  that  the  protoconch  is  closely  enwrapped  by  the  first  volution, 
and  no  perforation  is  visible  even  under  a  magnifier.  There  are  two  pits, 
however,  one  on  either  side  of  the  apical  end  of  the  conch,  which  remain  as 
remnants  of  this  perforation,  and  are  present  in  all  ammoniticones  (except 
perhaps  certain  Clymeniidae).  The  bactriticone  obviously  represents  the 
primitive  or  primary  radical  of  the  Ammonoidea,  and  the  mimoceracone  the 
next  or  secondary  radical  of  this  order. 

Ammoniticones  of  the  Nautilinidae  introduce  a  peculiar  form  of  volution, 
the  anarcesfean  (Fig.  1171),  w^hich  is  depressed  and  crescentic  in  section,  and 
may  be  regarded  as  an  ancestral  radical.  These  forms  evolve  a  series  becoming 
more  involute  and  compressed  (Fig.  1172),  and  some  with  elevated  or  narrow 
venters  and  w^ell-defined  lateral  zones  (Fig.  1173),  but  still  retaining  in  the 
young  more  or  less  of  the  anarcestean  aspect.  The  Clymeniidae  have  a  few 
radical  forms  of  similar  aspect  and  with  somewhat  similar  sutures  (Fig.  1165) ; 
they  then  produce  a  series  of  compressed  discoidal  shells  having  cordiform  or 
quadrate  sections  (Figs.  1166-1168),  and  these  also  develop  involute  forms 
among  specialised  species.  The  Gephyroceratidae  and  Beloceratinae  have  a 
similar  history,  but  in  the  Glyphioceratidae  coronate  or  gastrioceran  forms  with 
trapezoidal  section  arid  broad  venter  become  common  in  the  ephebic  stages 
(Fig.  1196).  In  the  more  specialised  groups,  the  anarcestean  character  re- 
appears only  during  the  young  stages. 

Phylogeronetic  series  (Bhabdoceras,  Cochloceras)  make  their  appearance  in  the 
Upper  Trias,  become  more  abundant  in  the  Jura,  and  still  more  important 
during  the  Cretaceous.  They  have  their  own  peculiar  radicals,  sometimes 
found  among  discoidal  and  again  among  more  involute  shells,  but  for  the 
most  part  they  do  not  originate  from  smooth  shells. 

The  same  descriptive  terras  are  used  for  shell  characters  among 
Ammonoids  as  among   Nautiloids.     Obviously   the  first   stage  of  the  conch 

Fig.  1138. 

Asellate  protoconch  of  Gephyroccras  calculi- 
forme  (Beyr.).  Upper  Devonian  ;  Budesheim, 
Eifel.  A,  viewed  from  in  front.  B,  Prom  the 
side  (after  Branco). 

Fig.  1139. 

Latisellate  stage  of  Arcesies  cymblformis  (Wulfen). 
Trias  ;  Aussee,  Austria.  A,  Viewed  from  in  front. 
JS,  From  the  side  (after  Brauco). 

was  that  of  a  living  chamber,  the  protoconch  being  without  internal  septa 
or  siphuncle  (Fig.  1150).  Then,  after  building  out  the  usually  flattened 
neck  or  apical  part  of  the  conch,  the  animal  rested,  and  the  first  septum  as 
well  as  the  caecum  (or  incipient  stage  of  the  siphuncle)  was  secreted.  The  first 
septum  closed  the  aperture  of  the  protoconch,  and  the  caecum  jDr ejected  into 
its  interior.  The  caecum  is  connected  with  the  internal  surface  of  the  proto- 
conch by  bands  (Figs.  1150,  1151),  or  semiconical  prolongations,  described 
by  Munier-Chalmas  as  the  frosiphoii.  But  these  bands  are  of  various  shapes, 
are  not  connected  with  the  interior  of  the  caecum,  and  appear  to  be  merely 




Pig.  1140. 

Angustisellate  stage  of  PhyUocnras 
hetewphyllum  (Sowb.).     Lias. 

calcareous  supports  for  the  bottom  of  the  caecum.  The  earliest  sutures, 
described  in  a  masterly  way  by  Braneo,  are  divided  by  him  into  three  classes  : 
asellate,  laiisellafe  and  angustisellate  (Figs. 
1138-1140).  The  asellate  cross  the  venter  as 
a  straight  line  or  very  slight  saddle,  and  are 
present  only  in  the  ephebic  stages  of  Cyrto- 
dymenia{1)  and  in  the  young  mimoceran  stage 
of  the  Nautilinidae.  In  all  except  primitive 
forms  it  is  confined  (as  are  most  of  the 
purely  nautiloidean  characters)  to  the  first 
septum.  The  latisellate  stage  is  character- 
ised by  a  decided  broad  saddle  on  the 
venter,  with  corresponding  deeper  and  broader  lobes  on  the  sides.  The 
angustisellate  stage  has  prominent,  sometimes  almost  sub -acute  ventral 
saddles  with  corresjDonding  deep  lateral  lobes,  accompanied  by  definite  saddles 
at  the  umbilical  depressions. 

The  last  two  stages  are  progressive  modifications  confined  to  the  larvae  of 
Ammonoids,  and  are  not  present  in  the  ephebic  stages  of  any  known  species. 
The  asellate  condition  of  the  first  septum  is  found  in  the  ananepionic  stage  of 
one  species  of  the  Clymeniidae,  according  to  Braneo,  but  his  figure  shows  a 
saddle  on  the  venter.  The  Nautilinidae  and  Gephyroceratidae  are  asellate,  and 
the  Glyphioceratidae  also  in  some  primitive  Devonian  genera,  but  latisellate  in 
others,  and  angustisellate  in  the  Trias.  The  Triassic  Lobitidae  and  Arcestidae 
are  latisellate,  while  the  Cladiscitidae  and  the  Phylloceratidae  are  angustisellate 
4  P,  c  throughout.        The 

embryos  of  theCera- 
tidae  are  very  little 
known,  but  are  sup- 
posed to  be  latisel- 
late, while  the 
highly  specialised 
Pinacoceratidae  are 
angustisellate.  The 
remaining  system- 
atic groups  are 
wholly  Jurassic  and 
Cretaceous,  and  so 
far  as  known,  the 
first  septa  are  an- 

Sutures} — The  second  septum  (Fig.  1141)  in  all  but  the  most  primitive 
forms  becomes  divided  by  an  entire  azygous  lobe  on  the  venter,  often  termed 
the  "siphonal  lobe,"  but  hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  ventral  lobe,  and  by  a 

^  The  terminology  commonly  in  vogue  designates  the  siitural  inflections  as  follows  : — The  ventral 
or  external  lobe  is  boinuled  on  either  side  of  the  niesal  plane  by  the  laxge.  first  or  superior -lateral 
saddle.  This  is  followed  liy  the  first  or  snperior-lateral  lobe,  and  then  come  the  second  or  inferior- 
lateral  saddle  and  lobe  in  the  order  named.  All  additional  inflections  occurring  between  the  second 
lateral  lobe  and  the  line  of  involution  are  termed  auxiliaries,  and  are  numbered  in  regular  order. 
The  antisiphonal  is  also  known  as  the  internal,  dorsal  or  columellar  lobe.  By  "lobes"  are  always 
understood  the  angulated  or  digitated  portions  of  the  suture  which  are  directed  backwards,  away 
from  the  mouth  of  the  shell  ;  "'saddles"  are  the  elevations  between  them,  which  point  towards  the 
aperture  of  the  shell. 


HrvAAAf  " 


Gastrioceras   diadcma 
Same  in  a  latjsellate 

Fig.  1141. 

A,   Development  of  sutures   in  a    latisellate   Qoniatite, 
(Goldf.).     Lower  Carboniferous ;    Choquier,   Belgium.     B, 

Ammonite  {Tropitcs  fuhbuUatiis  Hauer).  C,  Same  in  an  angustisellate  Ammonite 
(all  after  Braneo).  Sutuies  of  the  first  volution  are  lettered  consecutively  from 
y  to  I;  those  of  the  second  from  m  to  s. 




smaller  azygous  lobe  (shown  to  the  left  in  Fig.  1141,  A-C)  on  the  dorsum, 
usually  termed   the  antisiphoiial.     This  undivided  ventral  lobe  (Figs.    1143, 

1144,  EL)  persists 
throughout  the  Nau- 
tilinidae  so  far  as 
known,  and  is  obliter- 
ated by  a  secondary 
ventral  saddle  only 
in  the  Clymeniidae. 
It  is  present  throughout  the  ontogeny  of  the  simplest  or  radical  forms  of 
Glyphioceratidae,  Beloceratinae  and  Arcestidae.  But  in  the  Devonian  Gephyro- 
ceratidae     and 

Fn:.   114'J. 

.Suture  -  line  of  Ct/rto- 
dymenia  laevigata 

L  EL 

Pig.  1143. 

Sut\ue-lin(^  of  Anarcestes  suhnautiUnus 
(Schloth.).     Devonian. 

in  the  Triassic 

Ceratidae,    shells 

having  undivided 

ventral  lobes  have 

not been  recorded ; 

in  the  Tirolitinae 

but      one      such 

species  has  been  doubtfully  described. 


L       EL 

Fig.  1144. 

Sutiire-line  of  Aganides  sulcatus 
(Munst.).     Devonian. 

«72   aU 

Left  half  of  suture-line  of  Ceratites  nodosus 
de  Haaii.     Trias. 

n    /,S' 





Fig.  114G. 

This  class  of  radicals  is  replaced  in 
the  ventral  lobe  divided  by  a  small  saddle 
usually  called  the  ventral  or 
siphonal  saddle  (Fig.  1146,  m). 
The  class  of  radicals  having 
entire  ventral  lobes  disappears 
before  the  close  of  the  Trias. 

The  entire  antisiphonal  lobe 
has  a  more  extensive  distribution 
than  the  entire  ventral  lobe,  being 
present  throughout  the  ontogeny 
of  Nautilinidae,  Clymeniidae  and 
Gephyroceratidae.  Most  of  the 
Glyphioceratidae  have  this  lobe 
entire,  but  it  becomes  bifid  in  the 
later  stages  of  specialised  forms. 
The  radicals  of  Beloceratinae  have  it  entire,  but  in  specialised  genera  it  becomes 
bifid  or  even  trifid.  It  is  known  to  be  entire  in  only  a  few  of  the  Lecanitinae, 
and  is  bifid  in  most  of  the  Ceratitidae  and  Arcestidae,  besides  having  for  the 
most  part  entire  sides.  It  is  also  entire  in  some  phylogerontic  species  of  the 
Trias.  In  the  Desmoceratidae  and  Ly  toceratidae  it  is  generally  bifid,  but  may 
be  trifid  or  irregular  in  some  species,  and  is  accompanied  by  an  extraordinary 
growth  of  two  of  the  branches  inwards  in  a  large  number  of  forms.  In 
Jurassic  and  Cretaceous  Ammonoids,  it  is  as  a  rule  more  or  less  complicated 
by  the  development  of  secondary  inflections  on  the  sides,  termed  marginals. 

Paired  or  zygous  lobes  and  saddles  (Fig.  1141)  appear  between  the  two 
azygous  lobes  and  belong  to  two  series,  the  laterals  or  externals,  and  the 
dorsals.  The  first  broad  external  lateral  inflections,  called  the  "  first  pair  of 
lateral  saddles,"  are  formed  by  the  ventral  lobe  and  the  corresponding  first 
pair  of  dorsals  by  the  formation  of  the  antisiphonal  lobe ;  and  between  these 
there  appears  a  broad  lobe,   either  wholly  or   the   most  part  external  (Fig. 

Right  suture-line  of  Conmireras  hit^nlrntumBrug.  Lias,  m, 
Sii)lional  saddle  ;  n,  Line  of  involution.  EL,  Ventral  (also 
called  siphonal  or  external)  lobe,  traversed  by  the  siiihtincle. 
L,  First  or  superior-lateral  lobe  ;  /,  Second  or  inferior-lateral 
lobe.  ii'.S,  7,.s'i,  LS^,  First  second,  and  thiid  lateral  saddles. 
[S,  Dorsal  saddle.  IL,  Antisiphonal  lobe,  i,  First  dorsal 
lube  lying  on  line  of  involution. 




1141,  J).  This  is  the  stage  marked  by  four  lobes  and  saddles — two  azygous 
and  two  zygous  lobes,  and  four  zygous  saddles.  The  wide  lateral  lobes  in  the 
next  stage  (Fig.  1141,  Ck)  are  divided  by  saddles  that  arise  on  or  near  the  lines 
of  involution.  These  divide  the  two  lobes  into  four,  one  pair  being  in  part  or 
Avholly  dorsal,  and  becoming  eventually  the  first  pair  of  dorsal  lobes  ;  the 
others  develop  into  the  "first  pair  of  lateral  lobes."  There  are  accordingly 
six  lobes  and  six  saddles  at  this  stage.  In  the  next  stage  (Fig.  1141,  A,  Bin, 
Cm)  the  saddles  bridging  the  lines  of  involution  become  divided  by  lobes 
arising  on  or  near  the  lines  of  involution,  and  the  inner  arms  of  the  saddle  so 
formed  thus  become  the  second  dorsal  saddle,  while  the  outer  form  the  second 
lateral  saddles ;  but  in  some  forms  they  may  both  pass  into  the  lateral  series. 
This  stage,  therefore,  has  eight  lobes  and  eight  saddles — three  paired  lobes 
and  four  saddles  on  either  side  of  the  mesal  plane,  and  two  azygous  lobes. 

Additional  inflections  arise  in  like  manner  along  or  near  the  line  of 
involution  during  succeeding  stages.  But  there  is  considerable  irregularity  in 
their  advent  even  in  the  eight-lobed  stage,  and  still  more  so  at  later  periods  ; 
hence  the  above  description  must  be  regarded  as  a  very  general  one,  although 
serving  to  indicate  a  few  primitive  lobes  and  saddles  that  are  generated  during 
the  younger  stages,  and  are  usually  recognisable  in  the  adult. 

In  subsequent  stages  additional  inflections  arising  on  or  near  the  lines  of 
involution  pass  outward  as  the  sides  of  the  shell  broaden  by  growth  ;  and  the 


Pio.  1147. 

Pinacoceras  m et t r rn khi  (Hannr).  Keuper  ;  Sonieraukogt'l,  near  Hallstadt,  Austria.  Left  suture-line,  much 
reduced,  showing  auxiliary  (inner)  and  adventitious  (outer)  intleutions.  The  three  longest  lobes  in  the  middle 
are  the  first,  second,  and  third  laterals  (after  Hauer). 

same  law  holds  true  for  the  dorsum,  but  of  course  here  the  inflections  pass 
inward  toward  the  mesal  plane.  The  number  of  inflections  on  the  dorsum  is 
more  limited  in  all  forms  than  the  laterals,  and  they  have  simpler  outlines. 
The  inflections  added  to  the  sides  after  the  first  two  or  three  saddles  and  lobes 
appear  are  usually  called  the  auxiliaries  (Figs.  1145,  al;  1147),  but  the  current 
use  of  this  term  is  not  consistent  with  the  development  of  the  inflections,  and 
the  distinctions  are  based  for  the  most  part  on  the  contrast  in  size  between 
the  saddles  and  lobes  as  they  appear  in  the  adult  of  diff'erent  types.  When 
the  ontogeny  is  known,  however,  the  auxiliary  inflections  can  be  properly 
discriminated  and  described,  but  otherwise  are  liable  to  confuse  the  nomen- 
clature. Adventitious  inflections  (Fig.  1147)  arise  between  the  first  pair 
of  laterals  and  the  median  line  of  the  venter,  either  by  the  growth  of 
marginals  in  the  arms  of  the  ventral  lobe,  or  by  division  of  the  outer  parts  of 
the  first  lateral  saddles,  or  by  division  of  the  inner  parts  of  the  siphonal 

The  regions  of  greatest  metabolism  or  growth-changes  in  each  genetic 
series  are  near  the  lines  of  involution,  and  it  is  here  that  new  inflections  are 
usually  formed.     The  later  formed  lobes  and  saddles  in  these  regions  repeat 




in   their   own   development   the   ontogenetic   stages  of   modification  through 
which  the  older  ones  have  already  passed.     It  follows  also  from  this  that  the 

lobes  and  saddles  nearest  the  umbilical  lines  of  in- 
volution are  simple  and  often  entire,  and  are  parts 
of  a  series  that  become  progressively  more  compli- 
cated outwards  to  the  lines  or  columns  of  the  oldest 
class — the  first  lateral  lobes  and  saddles.  When 
there  are  adventitious  lobes,  this  series  is  reversed 
on  the  ventral  side  of  the  first  pair  of  saddles.  The 
inversion  is  sometimes  quite  complete,  as  in  some  of 
the  Beloceratinae,  thus  indicating  unusual  metabolism 
on  the  venter  like  that  of  the  regions  of  involution. 
Jackson's  law  of  the  localised  recapitulation  of  onto- 
genetic stages  is  well  exemplified  by  the  history  of 

Is        AL 
Fir;.  1148. 

Lytoceras  fimhrlatum  (Sowerby). 
Middle  Lias ;  Wiirtemberg.   Traiis- 

venTrarfote"  "fLj^AntSiphonai  s^^tures  among  Ammouoids  as  already  shown  by  him 

lobe ;    L,   Siiperior    lateral    lobe  ;    in  PlacenticevaS. 
I,   Inferior  lateral  lobe ;    ES,  Ex- 
ternal saddle ;  LS,   Is,    First  and 
second  lateral  saddles. 

The  above  method  of  designating  the  lobes  and 
saddles  as  paired  in  the  external  aspect  and  on  the 
dorsum  on  either  side  of  the  mesal  plane  disregards,  for  sake  of  convenience, 
an  important  fact  that  should  be  noted ;  namely,  that  the  azygous  ventral  and 
dorsal  lobes  are  in  reality  paired  with  each  other  in  the  mesal  plane ;  also 
that  the  primitive  dorsals  and  external  lateral  inflections  correspond  in  the 
same  sense  to  one  another,  and  are  also  more  or  less  united  across  the  septa 
in  some  forms. 

The  outlines  of  the  paired  lobes  and  saddles  first  become  complicated  in 
the  Carboniferous  Glyphioceratidae.  Minor  or  marginal  inflections  are  intro- 
duced, and  what  are  termed  bifid  or  trifid  lobes  occur  in  the  arms  of  the  ventral 
lobe  (Fig.  1182) ;  they  then  aff"ect  the  primitive  first  lateral  lobes  and  saddles, 
and  extend  thence  toward  the  line  of  involution  (Fig.  1187).  These  marginal 
inflections  increase  greatly  in  number  and  complexity  during  the  Permian, 
become  preponderant  in  the  Trias,  and  universal  in  the  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 
During  the  Carboniferous  it  is  the  lobes  only,  as  a  rule,  that  are  thus  modified; 
but  in  the  Permian  the  saddles  too  are  often  affected.  The  modifications 
in  outline  proceed  from  the  lobes  to  their  sides,  and  thence  to  the  saddle  bases, 
except  in  certain  cases  when  direct  division  of  the  saddles  takes  place  by  the 
outgrowth  of  secondary  median  lobes  that  divide  their  bases.  All  these 
secondary  lobes  and  saddles  are  termed  marginals. 

Siphwncle. — The  caecal  condition  of  the  siphuncle  is  apparently  confined  to 
the  ananepionic  stage  or  first  septum,  but  J.  P.  Smith  has  shown  that  some 
species  of  Lytoceras  and  Phylloceras  have  a  bulbous  enlargement  of  this  organ, 
which  may  persist  in  several  nepionic  camerae.  This  is  apparently  a  persistent 
remnant  of  the  caecal  enlargement.  The  siphuncle  of  all  Ammonoids  is  larger 
in  proportion  to  the  volution,  and  apt  to  be  nearer  the  centre  (Figs.  1149,  1 150) 
during  the  young  than  at  later  stages,  and  is  also  retrosiphonate,  as  in  Nauti- 
loids.  It  remains  retrosiphonate  in  the  Clymeniidae,  Nautilinidae,  and  most 
Gephyroceratidae,as  well  as  primitive  forms  of  Glyphioceratidae;  but  it  becomes 
transitional  (having  both  funnels  and  forwardly  directed  collars)  in  more 
specialised  Carbonifei'ous  Glyphioceratidae,  and  finally  prosiphonate  (funnels 
lost,  collars  alone  remaining)  in  Permian  genera.  Most  Triassic  and  all  Jurassic 
and  Cretaceous  genera  have  the  siphuncle  chloiochoanitic.     The  above  stages 




;ire  repeated  in  regular  succession  during  the  ontogeny  of  chloiochoanitic  forms 
(Fig.    1149)  except  when  accelerated  development   {tacliy genesis)  occurs,  and 

Fig.  1149. 

Tropites  cf.  phoebus  Dittm.  Trias.  En- 
larged section  in  the  median  plane  of  the 
young,  showing  retrosiphonate  funnels  in 
the  nepionic  stage,  then  transitional,  and 
later  prosiphonate  funnels,  a,  Position  of 
protoconcli  (after  Branco). 


Ainaltlieus  spinatus  Brug.  Lias. 
Section  parallel  to  median  plane,  show- 
ing position  of  the  siphuncle.  a,  Pro- 
toconch  ;  c,  Caecum  (after  Branco). 

then  the  monochoanitic  stage  may  disappear.  The  reduction  in  size  of  the 
siphuncle  among  Ammonoids  is  obviously  correlated  with  loss  of  functional 
importance,  as  is  also 'the  case  among  more  specialised  Nautiloids ;  and  con- 
sequently organic  deposits  are  not  found  in  the  camerae  of  these  shells. 

Living  Chamber. — This  varies  greatly  in 
all  of  its  dimensions,  thus  indicating  differ- 
ences in  the  size  and  proportions  of  the 
animal,  since  its  body  parts  were  probably 
wholly  contained  within  this  cavity.  The 
lines  of  growth  and  the  few  apertures  known 
among  Nautilinidae  and  Clymeniidae  show 
that  they  had  hyponomic  sinuses  on  the 
venter,  and  were  swimmers  like  Nautiloids. 
The  same  was  probably  true  of  the  Gephyro- 
ceratidae,  except  during  the  gerontic  stage  of 
some  species  when  a  ventral  crest  arises,  as 

demonstrated    by    Clarke.        In    the    Glyphio-        Farkinsonia  parkinsoni  (Sowevhy).    Middle 
,•  ^  iT->i  j_-i  -ji.     Jura.      Median    section    showing    siphuncle 

ceratidae  and  ijeloceratidae  many  species  that  with  bulbous  enlargement  (c),  prosiphon  (p), 
retain    the   so-called    goniatitic    form    have  ji,nd  position  of  protoconch  (a)  (af^^^^ 

hyponomic    sinuses,    but    occasionally    short 

ventral  crests  appear,  and  later  these  become  general.  Only  radical 
Paleozoic  forms  of  the  Arcestidae  have  retained  the  hyponomic  sinus ;  short 
obtuse  crests  appear  in  the  Trias,  and  continue  thereafter.  Jurassic  and 
Cretaceous  Ammonoids  have  as  a  rule  more  pointed  rostra  than  those  of  the 
Trias,  and  frequently  develop  lateral  crests  and  lappets  (Figs.  1152,  1156). 

Very  decided  decrease  in  the  dimensions  of  the  living  chamber  during  the 
senile  stage  does  not  occur  as  a  rule  among  Paleozoic  forms  ;  but  this  con- 
dition appears  among  the  Triassic  Haloritinae  and  Tropitidae  with  a  corre- 
sponding contraction  of  the  aperture.  The  Arcestidae  (Fig.  1222)  and  some 
species  of  the  Ceratitidae  also  often  have  very  narrow  openings  during  the 

Fir..  1151. 




paragerontic  substage,  but  the  condition  is  in  no  sense  phylogerontic  except 

Lohites,  and  the  like  (Figs.  1217,  1218). 

Pompeckj,  in  an  important  essay,  asserts  that  contracted  living  chambers 

are  invariably  developed  in  old  age,  and  that 
small  shells  possessing  them  are  consequently  not 
immature  individuals,  but  dwarfs  (Fig.  1156). 
It  is  probable  that  large  numbers  of  shells  are 
indeed  dwarfs,  but  it  is  also  a  fact  that  contrac- 
tion of  the  living  chamber  and  volutions  occurs 
in  some  forms  during  comparatively  early  stages ; 
and  sometimes  in  such  a  way  as  to  affect  the 
ephebic  stages  of  the  ontogeny,  when  the  forms 
become  truly  phylogerontic.  This  latter  term  is 
used  to  designate  shells  in  which  the  ontogeny 
has  become  permanently  modified  by  the  assump- 
tion of  retrogressive  characters  that  were  intro- 
duced first  in  the  senile  stages  of  allied  pro- 
pjy  ^^5^  gressive  species.     Whether   these  peculiar  forms 

sciiioenhachia  cristata  (Deiuc).   have  contracted  apertures  in  their  earlier  stages, 

Gauit.    Aperture  with  ventral   ^^^^  ^^^jj  resorb  them  before  building  further,  or 

rostrum.  o  ' 

whether  they  never  add  lateral  lappets,  rostra, 
etc.,  as  claimed  by  Pompeckj,  until  the  last  resting  stage  of  the  ontogeny 
(Fig.  1156),  it  is  obvious  that  they  are  permanently  affected  by  phylogerontic 

Spliaeroceras  tironcj- 
niarti  (Sowb.).  Oolite. 
Apertui'e  with  bi-oad, 
contracted  ventral  ros- 

Fin.  1154. 

Normann ites  hraiken- 
ridijl  (Sowb.).  Oolite. 
Apei'ture  with  lateiul 

FiiJ.  1155. 

Oppclia      nimhata 
(Oppel).  Jura. 

Latei'al  lappets. 

Fio.  1156. 

Oecoptychius  re- 
fractus  (de  Haan). 
Jura.  Living  chamber 
contracted,  with  ros- 
trum and  lappets. 

characters.  These  forms  are  comparatively  rare  in  the  Trias  {Loldtes, 
Cochloceras),  but  their  number  is  sensibly  increased  in  the  Jura,  although 
usually  confined  to  special  localities.  During  the  Cretaceous  they  become 
more  numerous  and  more  widely  distributed  (Figs.  1261,  1262).  In  their 
extreme  modifications  they  become  more  or  less  uncoiled  and  finally  per- 
fectly straight. 

Crick  and  Waagen  maintain  that  Ammonoids  had  an  annular  band  as  well 
as  shell  muscles,  and  that  these  served  both  to  hold  the  animal  in  the  living 
chamber,  and  also  formed  an  air-tight  band  around  the  face  of  the  mantle, 
fastening  the  latter  to  the  shell  (Fig.  1157).  Such  was,  however,  probably 
not  the  only  means  of  attaching  the  animal  to  the  shell.  The  steady  pro- 
gressive complication  of  sutures,  affecting  both  lobes  and  saddles  as  well  as 




Fio.  lir)7. 

Oppelia  sferaxj)^  (OpppI). 
Upper  Jura;  SolenhotVii.  Com- 
pressed shell  with  aptychus  (a) 
preserved  in  living-  chamber  and 
distinct  impression  of  shell 
muscles  ()i)  (after  Waagen). 

their  marginal  inflections,  is  directly  correlated  with  the  outgrowth  of  rostra. 
The  presence  of  a  rostrum  indicates  the  disuse  and  disappearance  of  the 
swimming  organ  {hyponome),  which  in  Nautilus  causes 
the  formation  of  the  hyponomic  sinus  in  the  aperture, 
and  flexed  growth-lines  on  the  venter.  These  facts 
and  the  gregarious  littoral  habits  of  Ammonoids  show 
that  they  probably  crawled  along  the  bottom  with 
their  shells  carried  above  them,  very  rarely  swimming. 
Their  shells  are  also  less  bulky  in  proportion  than 
those  of  Nautiloids,  and  correspondingly  less  buoyant. 
All  these  observations  justify  the  hypothesis  that  the 
progressive  complication  of  Ammonoid  sutures  took 
place  because  of  their  utility  in  helping  to  carry  and 
balance  the  shell  above  the  extruded  parts  when  the 
animal  was  crawling.  The  greater  complication  of 
the  marginals  in  Jurassic  Ammonoids,  where  the 
number  of  auxiliary  lobes  and  saddles  is  often  reduced 
(Fig.  1253),  and  the  multiplication  of  the  principal 
inflections  in  Fseudoceratites  of  the  Cretaceous  in  com- 
pensation for  the  suppression  of  marginals  (Fig.  1309),  are  all  accounted  for 
by  this  theory.     The  phylogerontic  forms,  in  which  the  lobes  and  saddles  are 

sometimes  reduced  in  number,  and  the 
marginals  are  also  less  complex^ — together 
with  the  position,  form  and  mode  of  growth 
of  the  last  volution,  and  the  short  rostra 
— suggest  that  these  creatures  could  not 
have  been  active  crawlers  during  the 
greater  part  of  their  ontogeny. 

The  occurrence  of  broods  of  young 
shells  in  the  living  chamber  may  be  taken 
as  suggesting  that  some  Ammonoids  were 
viviparous,  but  the  examples  of  this  are 
too  rare  to  be  relied  upon  for 
general  statement. 

Opercula. — Plates  have  been  found  iw 
situ  closing  the  aperture  and  correspond- 
ing in  position  to  the  hood  of  Nautilus  in 
a  number  of  Ammonoid  shells  (Fig.  1158). 
This  positive  fact,  and  the  obvious  fitness 
of  such  plates  to  serve  as  opercula,  lead 
to  the  inference  that  they  were  formed  by 
an  organ  similar  to  the  hood  of  Nautilus, 
and  protected  the  animal  when  it  was  re- 
tracted into  the  living  chamber.  When  composed  of  a  single  piece,  the  plate 
is  called  an  OMapfychns ;  in  such  cases  it  is  invariably  carbonaceous,  and  was 
doubtless  horny  in  the  living  animal  (Fig.  1160).  The  anaptychus  is  rare  in 
the  Paleozoic,  and  has  not  yet  been  found  in  the  Trias,  but  occurs  among  the 
Arietidae  and  Amaltheidae  of  the  Lower  Jura.  The  operculum,  when  formed 
of  two  plates,  is  termed  an  apitychus,  and  is  always  of  calcareous  composition. 
It  is  noteworthy  that  these  plates  occur  uniformly  in  the  same  position  among 
VOL.  I  ■  2  s        ^ 

Fio.  1158. 

Oppelia  suhradiaia 
(Sowb.).  Inferior 
Oolite  ;  Dundry. 
Aptychus  in  place, 
closing  apei-tnre 
(after  Owen). 



Fio.  IIJO. 

Apt  yd)  U.I  lamdkitius 
preserved  as  in  Fig.  1157. 
Upper  .Jura;  Solen- 
hofnn,  Bavaria. 




Fig.  1160. 

Anaptychi.  A,  Amaltheus 
spUialwf  Brug.  Lias.  i/j. 
B,  Goniatites  uchtensis  Keys. 

some  species  from  certain  localities,  inside  the  living  chamber  and  close  to  the 

venter  (Figs.  1159,  1161),  a  circumstance  that  led 
Waagen  to  suppose  they  served  to  protect  the  nida- 
mental  gland  of  female  shells.  As  shown  by  Michael 
in  Ojjpelia,  even  the  embryonic  shells  were  furnished 
with  aptychi.^ 

Aptychi  are  composed  of  three  layers,  of  which  the 
middle  one  is  the  thickest  and  exhibits  a  cellular  struc- 
ture, whereas  the  two  outer  layers  are  comparatively 
dense  (Fig.  1164).  Detached  aptychi  have  been 
classified  by  Zittel  into  several  groups  according  to 
their  structure.      Cellulosi  (Fig.  1163)  are  smooth,  thick 

plates,    with    punctate    external    surface;    Imhricati    (Fig.    1159)    have    the 

surface     traversed 

by     oblique    folds 

or  costae;  Pundati 

(Fig.      1164,      C) 

have      rows      of 

punctae  and  over- 
lapping     folds; 

Gramdosi     include 

thin  plates  having 

the    external    sur- 
face covered  with 

concentric  folds  or 

rows   of   tubercles 

or  spinules ;  liiigosi 

are     thick     plates 

with       irregularly 

arranged  granules 

or  rows  of  nodes 

Fic.  1161. 

Ifarpoceras  lythense  (Sowb.). 
Boll,  Wtirtemberg.  Aptychus 

Upper  Lias  ; 
in    the    living 

Scaiihites  spiniger  Schltiter. 
Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Coesfeld, 
Westphalia.  Detached 


on  the  outer  surface 

Nigrescentes  (Fig.  1161)  are  covered 
with  a  thin  carbonaceous  coat- 
ing;  and  Coalescentes  (Fig.  1162) 
have  the  two  thin  plates  fused 
along  a  median  depression.  This 
last  is  a  phylogerontic  condition 
of  the  aptychus  occurring  in 

Classification. — Leopold  von 
Buch  prepared  the  way  for  a 
general  classification  of  the 
Ammonoidea  by  pointing  out 
three  grand  divisions  which  he 
called  "genera."'  These  were 
the  Paleozoic  Goniatites,  Ceratites, 
from  the  Trias  and  Cretaceous, 
and  Ammonites,  from  the  Jura 
Von  Buch's  chief  distinctions  were  based  on  the  outlines  of 

Fui.  IKB. 

Aptychus  laeris  v.  Meyer.     Lithographic  Stone  ;  Solenhofen, 
Bavaria.     ^1,  External  aspect;  B,  Internal.  Vi- 

and Cretaceous. 

1  Michael,  R.,  Zeitsclir.  deiitscli.  geol.  Ges.,  1894,  vol.  x]vi.—Retowski,  0.,  Neues  Jahrli.  Miii., 
1891,  vol.  \\.—lilackmore.  If.  P.,  Geol.  Mag.,  1896,  dec.  4,  vol.  iii. 




the  lobes  and  saddles,  and  were  as  natural  and  well-founded  as  the  knowledge 


Fio.  1164. 

Vertical  sections  of  aptychi  belonging  to  A,  Cdhdosi  (^Ammonites  zonatus  Stopp.)  ;  B,  Imhricati  (Ammonites 
■jirafmidus  Voltz);  and  C,  Punctati  (A.  punrtatux  Voltz).     3/i  (after  Menegliini  and  Bornemann). 

of  the  time  permitted.  D'Orbigny,  Quenstedt,  Sandberger  and  Barrande 
greatly  increased  our  knowledge  of  structure  and  variation,  and  defined  a 
number  of  new  genera. 

The  next  marked  epoch  dates  from  the  publication  of  Mojsisovics's  great 
works  on  the  Trias,  which  made  known  a  fauna  as  rich  and  complex  as  that 
of  the  Jura.  Suess,  Neumayr,  Branco,  Waagen,  Buckman,  Grossouvre,  Haug, 
Diener,  Douvill6,  Kilian,  Zittel,  Karpinsky,  Hyatt  and  others  made  advances 
of  essential  importance  along  different  lines.  All  of  these  authors  attempted 
to  trace  phylogenetic  histories  which  of  necessity  crossed  the  lines  of  the 
older  classifications  at,  right  angles,  and  sometimes  bridged  over  the  divisions 
of  geologic  time. 

Suborder  A.     INTRASIPHONATA  Zittel. 

Family  1.     Clymeniidae  Giimbel. 

Conchs  varying  from  forms  like  Anarcestes  to  those  that  are  more  or  less  compressed  in 
section,  and  from  completely  discoidal  to  compressed  and  highly  involute  shells,  the  surface 
being  either  smooth  or  with  large  spines.  The  characteristic  ventral  saddles  o,re  almost 
imperceptible  in  some  primitive  species,  and  although  entire  and  large  as  a  rule,  are 
in  some  genera  divided  by  entire  ventral  lobes.  Septa  concave  along  the  mesal  plane. 
Siphuncle  dorsally  situated.  Living  chamber  occupying  about  three-fourths  of  a  volution  ; 
aperture  tvifh  hypionomic  sinus. 

The  ventral  saddles  are  developed  by  the  obliteration  of  primitive  ventral  lobes 
and  fusion  of  the  first  pair  of  saddles  (Branco).  It  is  at  present  questionable  whether 
the  ventral  lobes  of  some  genera  are  secondary  modifications  or  retentions  of  the 
primitive  ventrals,  and  also  whether  these  can  be  regarded  as  divided  ventrals  even  in 
Gymaclymenia.  The  antisiphonal  lobe  is  large  and  long,  and  often  fused  with  the 
siphuncular  funnels.  The  dorsal  sutures,  so  far  as  known,  are  very  peculiar,  having 
only  a  pair  of  large  saddles  confluent  with  the  last  pair  of  external  saddles ;  or  one 
pair  of  zygous  saddles,  and  one  pair  of  zygous  lobes,  the  second  pair  of  zygous  saddles 
being  confluent  wdth  the  innermost  external  pair. 

-  The  perforation  through  the  umbilicus,  so  constant  in  Nautiloids,  is  absent,  and  so 
too  are  the  umbilical  depressions  on  either  side  of  the  neck  of  the  protoconch,  common 
in  other  Ammonoids.  The  forms  are  nevertheless  ammoniticones,  having  the  proto- 
conch and  other  characters  of  the  order.  The  first  septum  is  described  as  asellate 
(Branco),  but  is  figured  as  having  a  broad  saddle  on  the  venter. 

Primitive  forms  similar  to  Anarcestes,  but  differing  in  that  the  sutures  have  broad 
entire  ventral  saddles  and  broad  rounded  lobes ;  or  if  the  latter  are  angulated,  they 




are  incomplete  internally,  rising  to  saddles  at  the   lines  of  involution.     Siplumcle 
tubular  and  small,  and  funnels  comparatively  short  (Giimbel). 

§  1.   Cijrtoclymenia  (Fig.  1165),  Oxyclymenia  (Fig.   1167)  Giimbel;  Platyclymenia 

Hyatt.     Devonian. 

Fio.  1166. 

§  2.  Conchs  similar  to  those 
of  preceding  genera,  but  sutures 
have  two  pairs  of  lateral  saddles, 
and  there  is  a  ventral  lolje  with 
a  median  saddle. 

Cymaclymema  (Fig.  1166),  Sellaclymenia  Giimbel.     Devonian. 

§  3.  Conchs  differ  from  preceding  genera  in  that  the  sutures  have  deep  undivided 

Fig.  1165. 

Suture-line  of  Cyrtody- 
menia  !(ui'i(iatri  (Miinst.). 

Suture-line  of  Cymadymenm 
striata  (Miinst.). 

Fig.  1167. 

Oxydymenia      undulata     (Miinster). 
Upper    Devonian;    Elber.sreutli, 


l-'ic;.  1168. 

Ooniodyncnia  f:peeiom  (Miinst.).     Upper  Devonian  ; 
Sehiibelhammer,  Fichtelgebirge.    1/2- 

ventral  lobes,  and  sometimes  two  pairs  of  lateral  saddles  are  present.      These  last  may 
be  either  in  part  or  AvlioUy  divided  by  marginals. 

Gonioclymenia  (Fig.  1168),  Cycloclymenia,  Discoclymenia  Giimbel;  Cryptoclymema 
Hyatt ;  Acanthochjmenia  Hyatt.    Type  A.  (Glymenia)  neapolitana  (Clarke).    Devonian. 

Suborder  B.     EXTRASIPHONATA  Zittel. 

The  Extrasiphonata  include  straight,  open-coiled  and  close-coiled  forms,  embracing 
the  old  groups  of  Goniatites,  Ammonites  and  Ceratites,  between  which  there  are  no 
sharp  lines. 

The  Goniatites  are  the  oldest  and  most  primitive  Ammonoids,  chiefly  confined  to 
the  Devonian  and  Carl:)oniferous.  They  are  mostly  small  in  size,  distinguished  from 
the  Clymeniidae  by  their  external  siphuncle,  and  from  the  rest  of  the  Ammonoidea  by 
their  simple  septa.  Tlie  older  Goniatites  are  retrosiphonate,  and  the  aperture  usually 
has  a  ventral  sinus.  They  grade  over  into  Ceratites  and  Ammonites,  the  septa 
becoming  serrated  or  digitate,  usually  with  an  increase  in  the  number  of  lobes,  and 
with  the  development  of  the  forward-pointing  siphonal  collars. 

Family  1.     Bactritidae  Hyatt. 

Bactriticones  and  cyrtoceracones,  usually  compressed  elliptical  in  sceiion,  and  con- 
necting  through  Protobactrites  with  the  Naxitiloidea. 




Bactrites   Saiidb.   (Fig.    1169).       In   this,   the    only   genus,  the   shell   is   straight, 
gradually  tapering,  and  round  or  compressed  elliptical  in  section.     Devonian. 

Family  2.     Nautilinidae  Hyatt  (NauUlini  Beyrich,  pars). 

Mimoceracones  and 
avimoniticones,  rounded 
in  section.  Body- 
cJiamber  long.  Sutures 
have  narroio  saddles  on 
cither  side  of  the  un- 
divided ventral  lohe, 
and  broad  lateral  lohes 
iDith  saddles  at  the  lines 
of  involution  or  on  the 
umbilical  zones,  tvhen 
the  latter  are  differen- 
tiated. Antisiphonal 
lobe  absent.  Dorsum 
with  a  broad  azygous 
saddle.  Aperture  with 
a  deep  and  narrow 
hyponomic  sinus,  crests 
on  the  ventre  -  lateral 
angles,and  broad  lateral 
sinuses  on  either  side. 

Mimoceras     Hyatt 

Fig.  1170. 

iMiiiwcerds  coviprcfsiuii  (Beyr.).  Lower  Devonian  ; 
Wissenbach,  Nassau.  A,  B,  Natural  moulds,  i/j.  C, 
Nepionic  individual  enlarged. 

Fig.  11(59. 



Fiu.  1171. 

(Fig.  1170);  Anarcestes   Sandb.     Upper  De- 

Ar    •       /XT''  iit-ri       „^l     vonian ;    Budesheim, 

:\rojs.  (Figs.   1171   and    ^^^^^^    j,  Conch,  i/,: 

1112)'  ProlobitesK.a,V\).    J>,    Sutm-e  -  line,    s/j   Anarcestes  plehejus  (\i^n.).     Lower  Devonian  (Etage  G) ; 

^        ".  ^'    (after  Sandberger).  Hlubocep,  Bohemia  (after  Barrande). 


Family  3.     Aphyllitidae  Freeh. 
Ammoniticones  icith  truncated  venters,  compressed  whorls  and  short  body -chambers. 

L  EL 

Fig.  1172. 

.1  narcpstes  subnautilin  us 
(Schlotli.).  Middle  Devonian  ; 
Wissenbach,  Nassau. 

Fig.  1173. 

Agoniatites  occultus  (Barr.).     Lower  Devonian  (Etage  G) ; 
Hlubocep,  near  Prague,  Bohemia  (after  Barrande). 

Sutures  similar  to  those  of  the  Nautilinidae,  except  that  a  dorsal  azygous  lobe  is  sometimes 




Acjoniatites  Meek  (Ajjhyllites  Mojs.)  (Fig.  1173);  Palaeogoniatites  Hyatt.  Type 
P.  (Goniatites)  lituam  (Barrande).     Devonian. 

Paraphtjllites  Hyatt.  Type  P.  (Goniatites)  tabuloides  (Barr.).  Dorsum  of  this 
involute  form  is  entirely  occupied  by  a  large  azygous  lobe  terminating  in  a  minute 
annular  lobe  and  partial  cone  similar  to  that  observed  in  Nautiloids  and  in  Pinacites. 
The  inner  extension  or  cone  is  not  present  elsewhere  among  Ammonoids  so  far  as 
known.     Devonian. 

Pinacites  Mojs.  Highly  involute,  compressed  ammoniticones  with  acute  venters. 
Septa  biconcave,  owing  to  a  division  of  the  lateral  lobes  by  narrow  saddles  which 
are  conncctefl  by  ridges  with  corresponding  saddles  on  the  dorsum.  There  are  also 
saddles  at  the  umbilical  angles  and  on  either  side  of  the  ventral 
lobes.  The  azygoiis  dorsal  lobe  is  large.  Dorsum  with  one  pair 
of  narrow  zygous  saddles  and  one  pair  of  broad  zygous  lobes, 
giving  a  formula  of  eight  lobes  and  eight  saddles.  European 

Family  4.     Tornoceratidae  Giirich. 

Involute  forms,  with  ventral  sinus,  simple  septa   like  those  of 
Fig.  U7-4.  ^^'^^  Apkyllitidae,  and  relatively  short  body-chambers. 

Tornoceras  simplex  (v.  Tomoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1174),  Maeneceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1176). 

Buch).  Upper  Devonian;    i-.  .  J  \      b  />  J  \      a  / 

Budesiieim,  Eifei.  Devonian. 

Family  5.     Cheiloceratidae  Freeh. 
Ammoniticones  varying  from  discoidal  and  Anarcestes-like  to  highly  involute,  com- 

FiG.  1175. 

Suture-line  of  Sjioradoceras 
miinsteri  (v.  Buch). 

Fig.  1176. 

Suture-line  of  Manneceras 
tcrehratus  (vSandb.). 

Fig.  1177. 

Suture  -  line  of  Agnnidcs 
xulcutns  (Miin.ster).  Upper 
Devonian  ;  Fichtelgebirge. 

Fig.  117S. 

Aganides  rotatorius  (de  Koninck).     Lower  Carboniferous  ; 
Tournay,  Belgium. 

pressed  shells  with  narrow  venters.     Shells  smooth,  but  with  frequent  labial  constrictions. 
Body  chamber  long.     Aperture  without  hyponomic  sinus. 

In  this  family  the  septa  are  concave  along  the  mesal  plane  as  in  Nautiloids, 
becoming  convex  only  internally  and  laterally,  following  the  broad  internal  saddles  in 
the  zone  of  involution.     Lobes  and  saddles  entire.      Primitive  forms  may  have  only 




two  broad  saddles  on  either  side,  but  more  specialised  sliells  may  have  two  pairs  of 
principal  saddles  formed  by  division  of  the  primitive  first  laterals.  There  is  a  corre- 
sponding development  of  narrow  saddles  and  lobes  on  the  dorsum,  but  primitive  forms 
have  only  two  broad  saddles  here  as  in  Aiimxestes.  Antisiphonal  lobe  narrow,  entire, 
pointed.  From  this  family  sprang  the  Glyphioceratidae  of  the  Carboniferous,  and 
through  them  came  the  Tropitidae  and  Arcestidae  of  the  Triassic. 

Cheiloceras  Freeh  (Parodoceras  Hyatt);  Sitomdoceras  (Fig.  1175);  Aganides  Montfort 
(Figs.  1177,  1178).     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Family  6.     Gephyroceratidae  Hang. 

Evolute  to  involute  forms,  mostly  laterally  compressed,  with  short  body -chambers,  deep 
ventral  hyponomic  simis,  and  ivithout  labial  constric-  a 

tions.  This  group  includes  forms  vnth  simple 
goniatitic  septa,  forms  with  ceratitic  septa,  and  forms 
with  exceedingly  complex  ammonitic  septa. 

The  external  sutures  in  primitive  forms  some- 
times approximate  to  those  of  Anarcestes,  but  the 
dorsals  have  only  one  large  azygous  lobe,  the  saddle 
being  confluent  at  the  line  of  involution  with  the 
second  external  pair.  In  more  involute  forms  the 
antisiphonal  lobe  is  large,  entire  and  pointed  ;  there 
is  one  pair  of  dorsal  saddles,  and  one  of  broad 
dorsal  lobes ;  the  second  pair  of  saddles,  when 
present,  is  confluent  with  the  second  pair  of  lateral 

Subfamily  A.     Primordialinae  Hyatt 
{Primordiales  Beyrich). 

Distinguished  froui  Anarcestes  by  the  divided 
ventral  lobes,  large  siphonal  saddles,  and  especially 
the  first  lateral  saddles,  which  are  very  prominent 
on  the  sides.  Adventitious  lobes  and  saddles  are 
formed  by  division  of  the  first  lateral  saddles.  Septa 
in  the  young  are  concave  and  similar  to  those  of 
Anarcestes,  but  in  later  stages  become  convex  along  the  mesal  plane  as  in  typical 
Ammonoids.  Siphuncle  small,  subventran,  without  calcareous  sheath  ;  funnels  retro- 
siphonate  and  short,  except  in  Manticoceras,  where  they  are  prosiphonate. 

Gephyroceras  (Figs.  1138,  1119),  Manticoceras  Hysitt;  Frobeloceras  GleiTke ;  Timanites 
Mojs.  Devonian.  Nomismoceras  Hyatt.  Gonioloboceras  Hyatt.  Type  G.  (Goniatites) 
goniolobus  (Meek).  Carboniferous.  Koenenites  Wedekind.  Devonian.  (This  and 
related  genera  are  described  by  Wedekind  in  Sitzber.  Ges.  Naturf.  Freunde  Berlin,  1913). 

From  the  Gephyroceratidae  probably  sprang  the  Meekoceratidae  of  the  Permian 
and  the  Lower  Trias,  and  through  them  came  the  Ceratitidae. 

Fu;.  117y. 

Gephyroceras  Lntumescens  (Beyi.).  Upper 
Devonian ;  Nassau.  A,  Conch,  i/i.  B, 

Subfamily  B.     Beloceratinae  Freeh. 

Form  compressed,  discoidal,  involute,  with  high  whorls  and  narrow  acute  venters. 
Lobes  and  saddles  lanceolate,  with  numerous  adventitious  and  auxiliary  lobes. 

Includes  the  genus  Beloceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1180),  of  the  Upper  Devonian.  From 
the  Beloceratinae  probably  came  the  Sageceratinae,  the  Hedenstroeminae,  and  the 
Carnitinae,  and  possibly  the  Pinacoceratidae.  Beloceras  was  probably  derived  from 
Timanites  with  Probeloceras  as  a  connecting  link. 




Family  7.     Prolecanitidae  Hyatt, 

IVie  young  have  a  long  undivided  ventral  lobe.  Primitive  forms  are  compressed ^ 
discoidal,  and  more  specialised  genera  become  involute  and  assume  a  modified  anarcestean 
aspect.  Saddles  are  entire  in  the  former,  but  the  first  laterals  become  very  large  and  are 
subdivided  by  simple  marginal  lobes.  'Lateral  lobes  entire  in  primitive  genera,  and 
become  bifid  or  trifid  in  specialised  forms,  but  rarely  have  more  numerous  digitations. 
Antisiphonal  lobe  entire  or  pointed.  Hiphuncle  without  calcareous  sheath ;  funnels  piro- 
siphonate  so  far  as  knoicn. 


Fig.  ll.Mi. 

Bdoix ras  iaultUoliiitwin  (Bpyrich).      UpixT 
DHVouiaii ;  Ailorf,  Westphaliu. 


Kic.  nsi. 

PfDlecaniies  lunulicotttii  (Saiidli. ). 
Upper  Devonian  ';  Nassau  (alter 

Subfamily  A.      Prolecanitinae  Freeh. 

Shells  diwcoidal  or  evolute,  compressed  or  subquadrate  in  section.  Primitive  forms 
with  undivided  ventral  lobes,  and  rounded  saddles  and  lobes  of  the  lecanitean  type. 
More  specialised  shells  have  entire  hastate  lobes  and  saddles,  and  similar  but  divided 
ventral  lobes.  Aperture  with  well-marked  hyponomic  sinus.  Shells  smooth  or 
costated,  and  often  with  longitudinal  ridges. 

Phenacoceras  Freeh  ;  Prolecanifes  Mojs.  (Fig.  1181).      Devonian  to  (Jarljoniferous. 

Subfamily  B.      Noritinae  Karpinsky. 

Similar  to  Prolecanitinae,  but  the  ventral  lobe  instead  of  ])ecoming  divided  in  the 
usual  way,  retains  the  larval  trifid  stage  throughout  life  in  primitive  species.  In 
specialised  forms  the  larval  siphonal  saddles  enlarge  in  the  neanic  stage,  thus  building 
up  a  single  siphonal  saddle  with  a  comparatively  large  siphonal  lobe.  First  lateral 
lobes  may  be  bifid,  trifid  or  completely  .-serrated  in  specialised  shells,  and  the  second 
and  other  lateral  lobes  also  may  become  ceratitic.  The  saddles,  however,  retain  more 
or  less  of  their  primitive  outlines,  and  their  bases  are  entire.    Sutures  with  adventitious 




inflections.     Apertures  have  crests  at  the  A'^entro-lateral  angles  ;  straight  or  with  faint 
sutures  at  the  venter. 

Pronorites  Mo^s.  (Figs.  1182,  1183);  Triainoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1185);  Farapronorites 

Fi<;.  1184. 

Septa  of  Gonlillerites  angulatus  Hyatt  aud  Sinitli. 
Lower  Trias  ;  Idaho. 

Fic.  I  isj. 

I'rono  ri  ies  i-ycloluh  us  (Ph  i  1 1. ). 
Lower  Carboniferous  ; 
innton,  Yorkshire  (after 

Fiu.  1183. 

Fig.  11S5. 

.Septa  of  I'ronorite.s  arkansaaansis  Suture-line  of  Triainoceras 
.Smith.  Lower  Carboniferous;  Arlcansas.  tiiherculoso-costatnin  (Sandb.).  Up])er 
1/..  (after  J.  P.  Smitli).  Devonian. 

Fk.'.  Il8(j. 

Suture-line  of  Norites 
gondola  Mojs.  Muschelkalk ; 
Schreyer  Alp,  near  Hallstadt, 

Geinni. ;  CurdiUerites  Hyatt  trnd  Smith  (Fig.  1184);  (1)  Ambit e.sWaagen  ;  NoritesUoy 
(Fig.  1186);  Daraelites  Geium.      Devonian  to  Trias. 

Sulifamily  C.     Medlicottiinae  Karpinsky. 

Shells  compressed,  discoidal  and  involute,  with  smooth  or  costated  sides,  and 
often  costated  or  tuberculated  and  channelled  venter. 
Ventral  lobe  entire  in  primitive  species,  and  trifid  or 
divided  as  among  the  primitive  Noritinae  in  more  specialised 
forms.  First  lateral  saddles  simple  but  divided  in  primi- 
tive genera,  and  acquire  in  Medlicotiia  through  hyper- 
trophy and  the  development  of  marginals  extraordinary 
serrated  outlines.     Aperture  as  in  the  Noritinae. 

Sicanites  Gemm. ;  Promedlicottia  Karp. ;  Propina- 
coceras  Gemm. ;  E'piscujeceras  Noetling ;  Medlicottia 
Waagen  (Figs.  1187,  1188).      Permian  to  Lower  Trias. 

Fiii.  11S7. 

Suture-liue  of  Medlirottiajirimas  Waagen.     Permo 
Carboniferous  ;  Salt  Range,  India  (after  Waagen). 

Medlicottia  trautscholdi  Genini. 
Fernio-Carboniferous  ;  Sosio, 
Sicily  (after  Gemmellaro). 




Family  8.     Pinaooceratidae  Mojsisovics. 

Forms  vntli  involute,  compressed,  hi(jh  ivhorls,  vnth  narrow  and  often  acute  venters. 
Body-chamher  short.  Septa  goniatitic  to  ceratitic,  to  digitate,  but  always  with  adventitious 
and  auxiliary  lobes  in  addition  to  the  regular  series. 

The  group  is  probably  derived  from  tlie  Beloceratiiiae,  at  least  in  so  far  as  it  is 
a  unit.  This  is  almost  certainly  true  of  the  Sageceratinae  and  the  Hedenstroeminae ; 
the  Carnitinae  are  probable  derivatives  of  the  Hedenstroeminae,  and  the  Pinaco- 
ceratinae  apparently  are  derivatives  from  the  Sageceratinae. 

Subfamily  A.     Hedenstroemiinae  Waagen. 

Principal  lobes  and  saddles  with    ceratitic  outlines,  but  adventitious  lobes   and 

saddles  have  Sageceras -like  outlines. 
Antisiphonal  lobe  bifid  and  very  long. 
Dorsal  inflections  more  complex  than 
in  preceding  families.  Aperture  with 
ventral  crests. 

Hedenstroemia  Waagen  (Glypites 
Waagen)  (Fig.  1189);  Prodromites 
Smith  and  Weller  (Fig.  1190); 
Aspenites  H.  and  S. ;  Longobardites 
Mojs.      Carboniferous  to  Trias. 






'-.C'7  <£■ : 

Fio.  1189. 
Hedenstm-mia.  hissmati  H.  and  8.     Lower  Trias  ;  Idalio. 

Fig.  ll'JU. 

Prodromites  gorhyi  Miller.     Lower  Carboni- 
ferous ;  Missouri.     1/2  (after  J.  P.  Smith). 

Subfamily  B.     Sageceratinae  Hyatt. 

Similar  to  the  last,  but  lateral  lobes  bifid,  and  saddles  acutely  spade-shaped. 
Adventitious  and  auxiliary  lobes  numerous.  Antisiphonal  lobe  bifid.  Aperture  has 
sinuous  lateral  outlines  with  crests  at  the  A'entro-lateral  ridges. 

Pseudosageceras  Diener  (Fig.  1191);  Sageceras  Mojs.  (Fig.  1192).  Permian  and 




Subfamily  C.     Carnitinae  Arthaber. 

Form  and  sculptiu-e  like  that  of  the  Sageceratinae,  except  that  in  the  Carnitinae 
there  is  a  tendency  towards  the  development  of  ribs  and  knots.     The  septa  are  no 



Fit,,  iiyi. 

Pseudosageceras  intermontanum  H.  and  S. 
Lower  Trias  ;  Idaho,     x  '^U- 

Fig.  1192. 

Sageceras  haidirujeri  (Hauer).    Upper  Trias  ; 
Hallstadt,  Austria. 

Fni.  1103. 

Septa  of  A rihaberites  alexandrac  Diener.     Middle 
Trias  ;  Alps  (after  von  Arthaber). 

longer  lanceolate,  but  ceratitic  or  even  largely  digitate.      The  adventitious  series  of 
lol)es  is  short,  but  usually  highly  complex.      This 
group   probably  serves  as  a  connecting  link   be- 
tween the  Sageceratinae  and  the  Pinacoceratinae. 

Garnites  Mojs. ;  Procarnites  Art. ;  Arthaberites 
Diener  (Fig.  1193);  Lanceolites  Hyatt  and  Smith; 
Hauerites and  Bambanagites  Mojs.;  Bosnites  Hauer; 
Tibetites  Mojs.      Trias. 

Sul)faniily  D.     Pinacoceratinae  Mojsisovics. 

Forms  thin,  compressed,  with  acute  venters. 
Lobes  and  saddles  all  finely  digitate.  Adventitious 
and  auxiliary  lobes  numerous. 

The  Pinacoceratinae  reach  the  highest  degree 
of  complication  of  the  septa  found  in  any  group 
of  Ammonites.  The  general  plan  of  their  septa 
suggests  a  derivation  from  the  Carnitinae,  and 
through    them   from    either   Hedenstroeminae   or 


It  is  also  possible  that   the  sub- 

Fio.  1104. 

Plnacoceraf:  layer!,  (Hauer).     Upper  Trias  ; 
Rothelstein,  near  Aussee,  Austria. 




groups  under  the  Pinacoceratidae   may  have  no  near  kinship  with  each  otlicr  but 
may  rather  be  merely  i^hylogerontic  developments  in  different  stocks. 
j__    Pinacoceras  Mop.  (Figs.  1194,  1195);  Placites  Mojs. 

AdL  EL 

Pinacocerm  metttrnicM  (Hauer).     Keuper  ;  Someiiiukogel,  near  Hallstadt,  Austria, 
Suture-line  reduced  (after  Hauer). 

Family  9.     Glyphioceratidae  Hyatt. 

Form,  robust  and  involute,  or  evolute  and  trapezoidal  in  section.  Body -chamber  long. 
Labial  constrictions  always  present.  Spiral  ridges  often  present,  especially  on  the  venter. 
External  septa  somewhat  like  those  of  the  Primordialinae,  but  the  dorsal  or  internal  septa 
have  narrovi  saddles  and  an  interior  lateral  lohe  on  either  side  of  the  pointed  anti- 
siphonal  lobe. 

Siphuncle  small,  and  funnels  generally  prosiphonate.  Aperture  usually  with 
hyponomic  sinus,  but  some  species  have  ventral  crests  during  ephebic  stages.  Shells 
smooth,  tuberculated  or  costated,  but  costae  do  not  cross  the  venter  as  a  rule.  Venter 
.sometimes  with  well-marked  longitudinal  ridges. 

This  group  is  probaldy  descended  from  the  Cheiloceratidae,  and  is  the  ancestral 

stock  of  the  Tropitidae  and  the  Arcestidae, 
possibly  also  of  the  Ptychitidae.  Muenstero- 
ceras,    Gastrioceras  (Figs.  1196,   1197),  Glyphio- 

¥ia.  lino. 

Gastrioceras  josaae  (M.  V.  K.).     Permo- 
Carboniferous  ;  Artinsk,  Ural. 

Gastrioceraii  diadciiia  (Goldf.). 
Lower  Carboniferous  Lime- 
stone ;  Choquier,  near  Liege, 

Fl(3.  1199. 

GU/phioccras           sphaericum  Faralcgoceras  newsoini 

(Goldf.).    Lower  Carboniferous  Smith.         Coal      Measures  ; 

Limestone  ;     Suttrop,     West-  Arkansas,     x  V2  (after  J.  P. 

phalia.  Smith). 

ceras  (Fig.    1198),  Paralegoceras  (Fig.    1199),   Schistoceras   Hyatt;    Pericyclus  Mojs. ; 
Pronannites  Haug.  ;  Praeghjphioceras  Wedekind.     Devonian  and  Carboniferous. 

Family  10.     Thalassoceratidae  Hyatt. 
Forms  robust,  involute,  laterally  compressed.     Septa  from  goniatitic  to  ceratitic  to 




complex  digitate,  but  always  with  few  lobes  and  saddles;  auxiliary  series,  if  present, 
short ;  adventitious  series  consisting  of  not  more  than  one  lobe. 

Fio.  liiOl. 

Septa  of  ThalasDocerrtf! 
'phillipsi  Gemmel.  Permian  ; 
Sicily  (after  Geininellaro). 

Fio.  1200.^ 

Dimorphoceras  texanum  Smith.     Coal 
Measures  ;  Texas,    x  i/i  (after  J.  P.  Smith). 

Fio.  1202. 

Septa  of  Ussuria  waacjeni  Hyatt  and  Smith. 
Lower  Trias  ;  Idaho. 

This  family  is  jirobably  derived  from  Aganides  of  the  Devonian  and  Lower 
Carboniferous.  There  is  a 
general  resemblance  to  the 
development  of  the  Carni- 
tinae,  in  the  formation  of 
adventitious  lobes,  but 
there  is  probably  no  kinship 
with  that  group. 

Dimorphoceras  Hyatt 
(Fig.  1200).  Carboniferous. 
Thalassoceras  Gemm.  (Fig. 
1201).  Permian.  Ussuria 
Diener  (Fig.  1202).  Lower 
Trias.  Sturia  Mojs.  Alpine 

Family  11.     Ptychitidae 


Similar  in  aspect  to 
the  more  robust  forms  of 
Meekoceratidae,  but  having 
subacute  venters,  more  com-  Fio.  1203. 

plex  sutures,  and  the  auxil-    Pty'Mtes  flexuosusUojti.  (  =  Amviuiiites  stndeH'H.a.wr  ■{).p.).     Muschelkalk; 
.  •         ,       •   7  J  Schreyer  Alp,  Salzburg,  Austria. 

lary  series  stratghter. 

Ptychites  (Fig.  1203),  Japonites  and  Nannites  Mojs.;  Parannites  Hyatt  and  Smitli. 
Owenites  Hyatt  and  Smitli.      Trias. 




Family  12.     Tropitidae  Mojsisovics. 

Forms  usually  robust,  but  ranying  from  compressed-discoidal  to  heg-shaped.  Body- 
chamber  long.  Surface  usually  highly  ornamented  with  ribs  and  knots.  Septa  are 
goniatitic  in  some  reversionary  genera,  ceratitic  in  the  most  primitive  forms  known,  but 
mostly  slightly  digitate.  TJiere  are  no  adventitious  lobes,  and  not  more  than  one 
auxiliary  lobe. 

The  Tropitidae  are  derived  from  the  gastrioceran  branch  of  the  Glyphioceratidae, 
witli  such  forms  as  Protropites  and  Columbites  as  connecting  links. 

Siilifamily  A.     Tropitinae  Mojsisovics. 
Similar  to  the  Anarcestidae  in  the  ephebic  stage,  but  the  young  frequently  have 

volutions  Avith  highly  trapezoidal  sections, 
section  of  a  system  of  longitudinal 
ridges  and  transverse  costae.  Sutures 
have  deep,  narrow  ventral  lobes  divided 
by  siphonal  saddles  with  peculiar  trun- 
cated bases,  which  are  often  retained  in 
later  stages.  Sutures  in  ejjhebic  stages 
of  some  forms  are  similar  to  those  of 
Haloritinae  ;  the  young  have  a  more  or 
less   prolonged  coronate  stage,  and   are 

Shells  highly  ornamented  by  the  inter- 

Fio.  1204. 

Maryarite.i  jol'elyi  (Hauer). 
Upper  Trias  ;  Sandliiig,  near 
Aussee,  Austria. 

Fir,.  1205. 

Tropites  siMu/luliix  (Hauer).     Upper  Trias  ; 
Aussee,  Austria.     Vi- 

Fk;.  1206. 

Discotropitrn  samUingcnsis  (Hauer).     Up|ier  Tiias  ; 
California  (after  Hyatt  and  Smitli). 

also  keeled  on  the  venter.     Aperture  narrower  and  with  more  ]iointed  ventral  crests 
than  in  the  Haloritinae. 

Margarites  (Fig.  1204),  Tropites  (Figs.  1141,  C;  1149;  1205),  Paratropites  (Micro- 
tropites),  Barrandeites,  Silbyllites  Mojs. ;  Discotropites  H.  and  S.  (Fig.  1206).      Trias. 




Subfamily  B.     Haloritinae  Mojsisovics. 

Shells  luore  globose  and  more  involute  in  the  young  than  in  the  Tropitidae,  and 
usually  keelless,  but  having 
similar  volutions  in  a  number 
of  species  during  later  stages. 
Ornament  as  a  rule  simpler 
than  in  Tropitidae.  Aper- 
ture usually  with  ventral 
crests,  but  these  are  primitive 
in  outline,  broad,  and  in  some 
species  scarcely  indicated  by 
the  lines  of  growth. 

Halorites   {Homerites), 

Fig.  1207. 

Juvavites  suhintrrniptus  Mojs. 
Upper  Trias  ;  California  (after  Hyatt 
and  Smith). 

Fio.  1-208. 

Sagenites  herbichi  Mojs.     Upper  Trias  ;  California 
(after  Hyatt  and  Smith). 

Jovites,  Parajuvavites,  Juvavites  (Fig.  1207),  (Anatomites,  Griesbachites,  Dimorphites), 

Miltites,  Metasibirites, 
Sagenites  (Trachysagenites) 
Mojsisovics  (Figs.  1208, 
1209).     Trias. 

Fig.  1209. 

Septa  ot  Sagenites  herUchi  Mo.js.     Upper  Trias  ;  California 
(after  Hyatt  and  Smith). 

^W-W  ^ 

Fic.  1210. 

Septa  of  AcrochonUceras  hyatti 
Meek.  Middle  Trias;  Nevada  (after 
Hyatt  and  Smith). 

Subfamily  C.     Sibiritinae  Mojsisovics. 
Forms  robust  and  highly  ornamented,  with  strong  lateral  ribs  and  knots.      Septa 




ranging  from  ceratitic  to  moderately  digitate.      This  group  is  probably  the  connecting 
link  between  the  Glyphioceratidae  and  the  Haloritinae. 

Acrochordiceras  RysLtt  (Fig.  1210);  Ste2}hanit es  Waagen  ;  Sibirit es  Mojs.     Trias. 

Subfamily  D.     Celtitinae  Mojsisovics. 

Forms  discoidal,  evolute  and  slender  in  most  genera.      In  jJi'iniitive   forms  with 
strong  umbilical  ribs,  frequent  constrictions  and  low  whorls  resembling  Gastrioceras. 

Septa  always  consisting  of  few  lobes 
and  saddles,  ranging  from  goniatitic, 
through  ceratitic,  to  slightly  digitate. 

Paraceltites  Gemm.  Permian. 
Geltites  and  Tropiceliites  Mojs. ;  Colum- 
bites  Hyatt  and  Smith  (Fig.  1211); 
Proteusifes  Hauer  ;  Margarites  Mojs. 

This  group  is  the  connecting  link 
between  Gastrioceras  of  the  Paleozoic 
and  the  Tropitinae  of  the  Middle  and 
Upper  Trias. 

Fh,;.  liill. 

Columhi.frf;  pnrisiaims  Hyatt  and  Suiith.     Lowit  Trias 
Ifl.ilio  (after  Hyatt  ami  Smith). 

Fig.  1212. 

Jgiithiceras  cisooense  Smith.     Coal 
Measures  ;  Texas  (after  .1.  P.  Smith). 

Family  13.     Arcestidae  Mojsisovics. 

Forms  smooth,  involute,  robust,  with  frequent  labial  constrictions.  Body -chamber 
long.  Septa  ranging  from  goniatitic,  to  complex  digitate,  but  ahvays  with  a  tendency 
towards  the  nuiltiplication  of  the  lateral  lobes,  both  external  and  internal.  This  family 
is  undoubtedly  derived  from  the  gastrioceran  branch  of  the  Glyphioceratidae,  but  may 
be  polyphyletic,  inasmuch  as  both  Agathiceras  and  Schistoceras  may  be  radicals  of 

Subfamily  A.      Popanoceratinae  Hyatt. 

Forms  very  robust  and  involute.  Septa  relatively  simple,  ranging  from  goniatitic 
(Agathiceras),  though  slightly  serrated  (Stacheoceras),  but  never  becoming  completely 
digitate.  This  is  the  oldest  and  the  most  primitive  group  of  the  Arcestidae,  and  pro- 
bably branched  out  from  Schistoceras,  with  Stacheoceras  as  the  connecting  link. 




Agathiceras  Gemm.  (Fig.  1212).      Carboniferous.     Stacheoceras  Gemm.  (Fig.  1213). 
Carboniferous  and  Permian.     Popanoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1214).     Permian.     Parapopano- 

FiG.  1213. 

Septa  of  Stacheoceras  ganti  Smith.    Coal 
Measures  ;  Texas  (after  J.  P.  Smith). 

Fig.  1214. 

Popanoceras  midti  striatum  Gemm. 
Permo  -  Carboniferous  ;  Sosio,  Sicily. 
'•^/■j  (after  Gemmellato). 


Fio.  1215. 

A,  Megaphyllites  inseclus 
Mojs.  Upper  Trias  ;  Sand- 
line;,  near  Aiissee,  Austria. 
B,  Suture-line  of  M.  jarbas 


^     f    * 

Fig.  1216. 

Septa  of  Megaphyllites  haugi  Hyatt  and  Smith.     Middle 
Trias  ;  California. 

Fig.  1217. 

Lohites  delphinocephalus  (Hauer).  Upper 
Trias;  Sandling,  near  Aussee,  Austria.  A,  li, 
External  aspect.  '',  Median  section.  D, 
Suture-line,  Vi- 

Fig.  121S. 

Lohites  pisum  (Miinster). 
Keuper  (Caraiolan)  ;  St. 
Cassian,  Tyrol. 

ceras  Haug  ;  Megaphyllites  Mojs.  (Figs.  1215,  1216).     Trias  ;  Europe.     (?)  Lohites  Mojs. 
(Figs.  1217,  1218).      Trias;  Europe. 

VOL.  I  2  T 




Fio.  1219. 

Septa  of  Shximardites  simondH 
Smith.    Coal  Measures  ;  Texas 

Subfamily  B.     Cyclolobinae  Zittel. 

Forms  as  a  rule  much  larger  and  with  more  complex  septa  than  in  the  Popano- 

ceratinae.  There  is  a  distinct  tendency  towards  a 
phylloid  development  of  the  saddles.  This  subfamily 
probably  came  from  the  Popanoceratinae,  although  the 
most  primitive  and  oldest  genus  assigned  to  the  group, 
Shumardites,  almost  certainly  is  descended  directly   from 


Shumardites  Smith  (Fig.  1219).  Carboniferous.  Cyclo- 
lolus  Waagen  (Fig.  1220);  JVaagenoceras  Gemm.  (Fig. 
1221).      Permian. 

Sulifamily  C.     Arcestinae 

This  comprises  smooth,  globose, 
deeply  involute  anarcestean  forms, 
discoidal  only  in  primitive  genera. 
Gerontic  living  chamber  usually  more 
or  less  contracted  laterally,  becoming 
sometimes  subacute  at  the  venter  ;  in 
extreme  age  depressed,  and  truncated 
or  concave  at  the  aperture.  The 
latter  has  typically  in  the  ephebic 
stage  a  low  In-oad  ventral  crest,  but 
loses  this  in  the  parage ron tic  sub- 
stage,  and  acquires  a  ventral  sinus 
simulating  that  of  Paleozoic  and  more 
primitive  forms.  Saddles  and  lobes 
completely  divided  by  more  or  less 
complex  marginals,  the  monophyllic 
outline  being  completely  obscured 
except  in  the  young,  and  in  dorsal 
sutures  of  some  species.  Siphonal 
saddles  long,  and  not  very  deeply 
incised  by  marginal  lobes.  Antisi- 
phonal  lobe  bifid  or  trifid,  and  com- 
plex in  specialised  forms.  Other 
dorsals  may  also  become  quite  com- 
23lex,  and  as  a  rule  are  completely 
divided,  although  of  course  simpler 
than    the    external    sutures.      Dorsal 

sutures  in  the  young  resemble  those  of  the  Popanoceratinae.      Funnels  prosiphonate 

in  ephebic  stage. 

Sphingitea,    Arcestes    (Figs.     1139,    1222),    Stenarcestes,    Proarcestes,    Pat-arcestes, 

Ptycharcestes,  Joannites  (Fig.  1223),  Didymites  Mojs.  (Fig.  1224).      Trias. 

Fig.  1220. 

Cyclolohus  stacTiei  Gemm.     Permo-Carboniferons  ; 
Sosio,  Sicily  (after  Gemmellaro). 

Fin.  1221. 

Septa  of  Waagenoceras  hilH  Smith.     Permian 
Texas,     x  1/2  (after  J.  P.  Smith). 

Family  14.      Cladiscitidae  Mojsisovics. 

Involute,  laterally  compressed,  ivith  abruptly  rounded  ventral  shoulders  and  flattened 
venter.  Umbilicus  closed.  No  contraction  of  the  ajjerture,  and  no  labial  constrictions. 
Body-chamber  long.     Surface  spirally  striated.     Lobes  and  saddles  numerous,  deeply  and 




Fro.  1222. 

Arcestes  intuslahiatus  Mojs,  4  Upper  Trias  ;  Steinbergkogel,  near  Hallstadt,  Austria. 
A,  B,  Externaliaspect.     C,  Median  section.    D,  Sutuje-line. 

finely  divided,  arranged  serially. 
The  stems  of  the  saddles  are  long 
and  narrow,  divided  anteriorly  into 
two  or  four  branches. 

The  shape  and  ornamentation 
of  the  shell  suggest  a  derivation 
from  Ayathiceras  of  the  Carboni- 
ferous and  Permian,  but  no  con- 
necting links  are  known. 

Gladiscites  Mojs.  {Hypocladiscites 
Mojs.)  (Fig.  1225).     Trias. 

Family  15.     Meekoceratidae 


Compressed    discoidal    and    in- 

FiG.  1223. 

Joannites  cymhiformis  Wulfen.  Upper  Trias  ;  Raschberg, 
near  Aussee,  Austria.  Natural  mould  showing  the  living 
chamber  (after  Mojsisovics). 

Fio.  1224. 

Suture-line  of  Didymitcs  suhglobus 
Mojs.  Upper  Trias  ;  Someraukogel, 
near  Hallstadt  (after  Mojsisovics). 

volute  forms.  Surface  nearly  smooth,  radial  folds  being  often  present,  but  constrictions 
and  spines  always  absent.  Body-chamber  short.  Septa  simple  goniatitic  in  primitive 
forms,  becoming  ceratitic  in  most  genera,  but  rarely  reaching  a  digitate  stage  of  com- 
plexity in  even  the  most  specialised  groups.      The  ventral  lobe  is  divided  in  all  forms ; 




the  dorsal  (antisiphonal)  lobe  is  undivided,  in  the  most  primitive  forms,  and  bifid  in  the 

more  specialised  groups. 

The  entire  family 
is  supposed  to  have 
been  derived  from 
Lecanites,  and  through 
that  genus  to  have  been 
connected  with  Nomis- 
moceras  of  the  Carboni- 
ferous, and  Gephyroceras 
of  the  Devonian. 

Fig.  1225. 

Cladiscites  torruxtus  (Bronn).     Upper  Trias  ;  Steinbergkogel,  near  Hallstadt,  Austria. 
A,  B,  Lateral  and  anterior  views.     C,  Suture-line. 

Subfamily  A.     Lecanitinae  Hyatt. 

Primitive  discoidal  shells  like  those  of  the  Prolecanitidae,  with  short  rounded  entire 
saddles  and  lobes  like  those  of  Prolecanites,  but  ventral  lobes  divided  by  short  com- 
paratively broad  and  entire  siphonal  saddles.     There  are  all 
stages  in   the  development  of    these  saddles,  so    that  their 
aspect   is    rather  variable.      There    are    as  a    ride   but  two 
principal  lateral  saddles  and  lobes,  with  one  auxiliary  .saddle 
and  shallow  lolie  on  either  side  in  primitive  species,  but  in 
others   the  number   of  auxiliaries  may  be  considerably  in- 
creased.    Antisiphonal  lobe  entire,  and  often 
long  and  acute.     The  zygous  dorsal  lobes  are 
very  slight   so  far   as    known,   and    entire ; 
merely  marginals  in  the  dorsal  saddles. 

Paralecanifes  Diener  (Fig.   1226).      Per- 
mian and  Triassic.     Lecanites  Mojs. ;  Kyma- 
FiG.  1226.  Fjo.  1227.  tites,      ParaTcymatites     Waagen ;      Proavites 

Parahcaniles     arnoMl     H.  BiuliotiUi^       eryx    Avthsihei' ;   Badiotites  Moisisovici^  (¥ IS.  1221). 

and  S.     Lower  Trias ;  Idaho      (MUnst.).    Keuper ;    rp   ■  \     o  / 

(after  Hyatt  and  Smith).  St.  Cassian,  Tyrol.       J-  nas. 

Subfamily  B.     Meekoceratinae  Waagen. 

Shells  smooth,  compressed,  discoidal  and  involute,  and  as  a  rule  with  narrow  and 
more  or  less  flattened  venter.  Sutures  in  many  forms  have  a  tendency  to  extend  the 
inner  lateral  saddles  or  lobes,  and  to  develojj  a  corresponding  series  of  auxiliaries ; 
and  this  is  carried  to  an  excessive  extent  among  some  highly  involute  shells.  The 
ventral  lobes,  however,  are  apt  to  remain  broad  and  shallow  ;  their  arms  become 
highly  denticulated  excejit  in  the  Lecanitinae  where  they  are  narrow  and  rounded. 
Saddles  entire  and  generally  somewhat  elongate  and  linguiform,  but  plainly  of  the 
Lecanites  type.     Antisiphonal  lobe,  so  far  as  known,  long,  nari-ow  and  bifid.      Ex- 




tremities  or  dorsal  sutures  produced  and  corresponding  with  the  inner  parts  of  the 
external  sutures. 

MeeJcoceras  Hjatt  (Fig.   1228);  Nicomedit es  Toula  (Koninckites) ;   Clypeoceras  i\om. 
nov.  (Aspidites  Waagen),  of  which  the  type  is  Aspidites 
superb  as  Waagen  ^  ;  Proptychites  Waagen.      Triassic. 

Family  16.     Gymnitidae  Waagen. 

Smooth,  compressed,  discoidal  shells  loith  rounded 
venter  in  pirimitive  forms,  becoming  involute  with  acute 
renter  in  specialised  species.  Septa  not  reaching  above 
the  ceratitic  stage  of  development  in  most  genera,  but  not 
remaining  in  the  goniatitic  stage  in  any  hnoivn  genera. 
Sutures  in  specialised  groups  similar  in  convexity  and 
general  aspect  to  those  of  the  Pinacoceratidae,  but 
having  peculiar,  highly  inclined  auxiliaries  which  are 
developed  apparently  from  marginals  on  the  umbilical 
sides  of  the  saddles;  no  corresponding  adventitious 
inflections.  Siphonal  saddle  similar  to  that  of  Meeko- 
ceratidae,  and  arms  of  the  ventral  lobe  narrow.  First 
lateral  saddles  are  dependent  on,  or  attached  to  the 
large  siphonal  saddles,  and,  often  simulate  adventitious 

Gymnites  Mois.   (Fig.    1229);    Buddhaites    Diener ; 
Anagymnites  Hyatt.      Type  A.  (Gymnites)   lamarcki  (Diener). 
Type  P.  (Plac.)  sakuntala  (Mojs.).     Trias. 

Xenodiscus  and  Xenaspis  Waagen.      Permian  and  Trias.      Ophiceras  Griesbach  (Fig 
1230).      Trias.     Flemingites  ^Yaagen  {Fig.  1231). 
Trias.    Japonites  Mojs.    Trias.    Europe  and  Asia. 

The  Gymnitidae  are  commonly  regarded  as  a 
subfamily  under  the  Ptychitidae,  but  they  are 


Fig.  1228. 

Mcckoceras  inushhaclMnum  White. 
Lower  Trias ;  Idaho.  x  1/2  (after 
Hyatt  and  Smith). 

Paragymnites  Hyatt. 


Fig.  1229. 

Gymnites  pahnal  Mojs.     Muschelkalk  ; 
Schreyer  Alp,  near  Gosau,  Austria. 

Fic.  123U. 

Ophiceras  jacksoni  H.  and  S.     Lower  Trias  ; 
Idaho  (after  Hyatt  and  Smith). 

more    probably    an    offshoot    from    the   Lecanitinae,    and    through    them    from    the 
1  The  uaiue  Aspidites  was  preoccupie<l  when  Waagen  u.sed  it,  and  a  new  one  becomes  necessary. 




Family  17.     Hungaritidae  Diener. 

Form  involute^  laterally  compressed,  ivith  keeled  venter.     Surface  often  ornamented 

/ . 

Fir;.  1231. 

FlemingUes  russeUi  H.  and  S.    Lower  Trias  ; 
Idaho  1/2  (after  Hyatt  and  Smith). 

with  folds,  ribs  or  knots.  Body 
chamber  short.  Septa  usually  cera- 
titic,  not  reaching  the  digitate  stage 
in  any  genera,  but  persisting  in  the 
goniatitic  stage  in  Beneckeia. 

This  group  is  not  regarded  as 
a  side  brancli  from  the  Meekoce- 
ratidae,  but  as  an  old  and  persistent 
stock,  coming  down  with  little  modification  from  the  Gephyroceratidae,  j^robably 
from  the  keeled  form  Timanites.  The  Hungaritidae  have  been  confused  with  the 
group  of  keeled  Ceratites,  and  also  with  compressed  members  of  the  Tropitidae,  but 
the  resemblance  is  one  of  convergence,  and  bespeaks  no  near  relationship. 

Hungarites  Mojs. ;  Otoceras  Griesbach.  Permian  and  Trias.  Beneckeia  Mojs.  ; 
Inyoites  Hyatt  and  Smith  (Fig.  1232);  Dalmatites  Kittl.  Permian  and  Trias. 
Eutomoceras  Hyatt  {Halilucites  Diener).      Trias. 

Fig.  1232. 

Inyoites  oweni  H.  and  S.     Lower  Trias  ;  California 
(after  Hyatt  and  Smith). 

Family  18.     Oeratitidae  Mojsisovics. 

Forms  evoluta  to  involute,  laterally  com,pressed  to  robust  and  rounded.  Surface 
usually  ornamented  vnth  folds,  ribs,  knots,  spines  or  tubercles.  Venter  in  some  genera 
provided  loith  a  keel,  in  others  with  a  median  furrow  ;  and  occasionally  biangalar.  Body 
chamber  rather  short.  Septa  ranging  from  the  goniatitic  stage  in  some  arrested  or  re- 
versionary forms,  through  the  typical  ceratitic  stage,  to  complex  digitation. 

This  family  may  be,  and  probably  is,  polyjihyletic,  but  a  large  part  of  it,  including 
the  typical  Ceratites,  .seems  to  have  been  derived  from  MeeJcoccras  or  from  some  member 
of  that  group.  Only  the  more  primitive  members  of  Ceratites  show  a  youthful  stage 
similar  to  Meekoceras,  but  there  seems  to  be  a  perfect  intergradation  between  the  more 
complex  species  of  Meekoceras  and  the  more  primitive  species  of  Ceratites. 

Subfamily  A.      Ceratitinae  Mojsisovics. 

Primitive  forms  are  discoidal  or  involute,  but  stout-whorled  and  keelless,  becoming 
more  compressed,  and  having  a  broad,  sliglitly  elevated  median  ventral  ridge  in  more 
specialised  genera.     Sides  have  at  least  one  line  of  nodes  in  primitive  forms,  and  are  more 

cl:^.ss  V 



or  less  completely  costated  with  several  lines  of  tubercles  in  specialised  shells.  Sutures 
in  the  young  and  in  primitive  genera  have  a  magnosellarian  aspect,  but  when  the  broad 
internal  saddles  become  divided,  the  internal  inflections  resemble  those  of  Lecanitmae. 

Kic.  1233. 

Cn-atitefnodosnxde  Haan.  Muschelkalk  ;  Wurzburg,  Bavaria.  .4,  B,  Conch,  1/3.  C,  Left  half  of  suture-line. 
D  First  and  second  lateral  saddles  and  auxiliaries  to  left  of  line  of  involution  (n) ;  half  of  dorsal  suture-line  to 
right.     (AL,  Antisiphonal  lobe  ;  other  lettering  as  in  Figs.  1145,  1146.) 

In  primitive  forms  (Olenikites)  the  saddles  are  broad  and  very  shallow  ;  lobes  entire, 
and  ventral  lobe  divided  by  a  larviform  siphonal  saddle,  which  is  sometimes  entire. 

The  large  nodes  and  stout  volutions  of  primitive 
forms  indicate  parallelism  with  Sfephanites.  Saddles 
and  lobes  have  the  typical  ceratitic  outlines,  as  a  rule, 
))ut  in  some  forms  the  auxiliary  line  may  be  extended  as 
in  the  Meekoceratinae.  Occasionally,  also,  costae  may  cross 
the  venter  as  in  Sibiritinae. 

Ceratites  de  Haan  (Figs.  1233,  1234);  Danubites  and 
Balatonites  Mojs. ;  Beiflinyites  Artlial).  Gymiiotoceras  and 
Olenilcites  Hyatt.  Type  0.  (Din.)  sinni-plicatus  (Mojs.). 
Keyserlingites  Hyatt.  Type  K.  (Ceratites)  subrobustus 
Mojs.  Beyrichites  Waagen.  Subgenera  :  Hollandites  and 
Phillippites  Diener.      Trias. 

Subfamily  B.     Tirolitinae  Mojsisovics  (pars).  Fm.  1234. 

Ceratites  fri)iorfos!(s  Hauer.     Mus- 

Compressed,  discoidal  or  involute   shells  resembling   chelkalk ;  Bakony,  Hungary  (after 

i  '  ^     Moisisovics). 

Dinaritinae   in  their  sutures  and   having   entire  saddles 

and  slightly  denticulated  lobes.     Ventral  lobe  may  remain  entire  until  a  late  stage 

in  some  forms,  but  as  a  rule  it  is  divided,  and  the  siphonal  saddle  is  small  and  often 





entire.      Shells  have  a  line  of  nodes  on  the  ventro-lateral  angles,  and  the  venter  is 

invariably  smooth  and  convex. 

Includes  Tirolites  (Fig.   1235)  and  Mctatirolites  Mojs.,  from  the  Alpine  Trias  and 

from  Idaho.  The  subfamily  of  Clydonitinae  has  sutures 
similar  to  Tirolites,  but  costae  interrupted  on  the  venter, 
which  is  often  channelled.  Includes  Clydonites  and  Eremites 
Hauer  ;  and  Edolcites  Mojs.     Trias. 

Subfamily  C.      Dinaritinae  Mojsisovics  ^pars). 

Sutures  resembling  Tirolites  in  having  only  two  broad 
saddles,  one  pair  of  first  lateral  lobes,  and  incomplete  lobes 
at  the  umbilicus.  Shells  smooth,  or  with  coarse_  folds 
most  prominent  at  the  umbilical  shoulders ;  sides  more  or 
less  flattened  or  jilanoconvex,  and  venter  rounded. 

Dinarites  Mojs. ;  Guceoceras  Diener.     Trias. 

Subfamily  D.      Buchitinae  Hyatt. 

Primitive   forms    similar    to  Celtitinae,  with    smooth 
elevated  venter  ;  more  specialised  shells  with  slight  keel  on 

Fig.  1235. 

Tirolites   cassianus    (Quenst.)    the  narrow  venter,  and  simple  costae  or  folds  on  the  sides. 

Lower  Trias ;  GronR.s-Hof,  near    Sutures  have  entire  outlines,  or  lobes  but  slightly  denti- 
st. Cassian,  Tyrol.  '  &       •' 

LUilated ;    and    when    the   saddles    are    comj^letely  divided 
Sutures  otherwise  similar  to  those  of  Dinaritinae,  and  the 
young  have  a  Dinarites  stage.      Antisijihonal  lobe  entire  and  bifid  in  some  forms. 
Buchites,  Helictites,  Phormedites,  Parathisbites  and  Glyphidites  Mojs.     Trias. 

their  marginals  are  small. 

Suljfamily  E.     Arpaditinae  Hyatt. 

Dift'ers  from  the  Buchitinae  in  the  tendency  to  form  channelled  venters  bordered 
by  two  ridges,  which  may  be  either  tuberculose  or  smooth. 

Arpadites  (Fig.  1236),  Klipsteinia,  Dittmarites,  Muensterites,  Steinmannites,  Daph- 
nites,     Dionites,     Drepanites,    Heraclites,    Guembelites, 
Cyrtopleurites  and  Acanthinites  Mojs.      Trias. 

Subfamily  F.     Trachyceratinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  and  involute  shells  with  well-defined  and 
often  profusely  tuberculated  costations  which  are 
interrupted  on  the  ventral  aspect  by  a  smooth  zone 
or  channel.  This  may  in  some  specialised  forms 
become  a  distinct  channel  bordered  by  tuberculated 
ridges.  Lobes  and  saddles  completely  divided  by 
marginals,  but  these  do  not  become  very  long  nor 

Distichites,  Trachyceras  (Fig.  1237),  Protrachyceras  (Fig.  1238),  Anolcites,  Sand- 
linyites,  Sirenites,  Anasirenites,  Diplosirenites  and  Glionites  Mojs.  (Figs.  1239,  1240). 
Trias.     (?)  Heqyerites  Pompeckj.      Rhaetic. 

Fig.  1236. 

Arpadites  cinensis  Mojs.     Keuper  ;■ 
Esino,  Lombardy. 

Subfamily  G.     Chorlstoceratinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  anmioniticones  in  primitive  forms,  becoming  uncoiled  phylogerons,  and 
finally   even   complete   baculiticones   in    the   most  specialised   species.      Sutures  also 




phylogerontic,    having   only  six   entire  or  very  faintly  denticulated    lobes,  and    six 
entire  saddles.      Ventral  lobe  divided,  and  the  antisiphonal  either  entire  or  bifid  at 

.1  i- 

Fig.  r_'37. 

Tmchycrras  austriaciim  Mojs.    Upper  Trias  ; 
Riithelstein,  near  Anssee,  Au.stria. 

Fig.  1238. 

Protradiyceras  archelaus  Laube.     Upper  Trias  (Norian) ; 
Bakony,  Hungary  (after  Mojsisovics).    i/o. 

Fio.  1-230. 

Clionites  fairbanlsi  H.  and  S.     Upper  Trias  ; 
California  (after  Hyatt  and  Smitli). 

Fig.  1240. 
Septa  of  Clionites  fairbanlcsi  H.  and  S.     x  V2- 


Fio.  1241. 

Polycydiis  nastiir- 
tiwrn  (Dittmar). 
Keuper  ;  Sandling, 
near  Aussee. 

Fio.  1242. 

Choristoceras  inarsTd 
Hauer.  Rliaetic ;  Kendel- 
ongraben  am  Osterhorn, 
near  Salzburg. 

its   extremity.       Dorsal    lobes    and    .saddles    otherwise    entire.       Connected    through 
Polycyclus  with  Buchites,  according  to  Mojsisovics. 

Pohjcyclus  (Fig.  1241),  Peripleurites  Mojs.;   Choristoceras  (Fig.  1242),  Rhabdoceras 
Hauer  (Fig.  1243).      Trias. 





Subfamily  H.      Cochloceratinae  Hyatt. 

Turriliticones  with  costae  similar  to  those  of  the  preceding  group,  but  more  or  less 

asymmetrical   in    consequence   of   the   asymmetry 
^/aA  of  the  sjiires.     Lobes  reduced  to  four  in  number, 

and  there  are   other    phylogerontic    supj^ressions. 
Funnels  monochoanitic,  collars  absent. 

Gochloccras  Hauer  (Fig.  1244) ;  Paracochloceras 
Mojs.      Trias. 

Family  19.     Phylloceratidae  Zittel. 

Fig.  1243. 

Rhahdoceras  suessi 
Hauer.  Keuper  ; 
Sand  ling,  near 
Aussee  (after 

Fig.  1244. 

Cochlocera  s  fisch  e  r  i 
Hauer.  Sandling, 
near  Aussee  (after 

Shells  smooth,  with  radial  striae  or  weak  folds. 
Form  compressed,  with  rounded  venters.  Body 
chamber  taking  up  one-half  to  threefourths  of  the 
last  volution.  Aperture  sim])le,  with  short  ventral 
crest.  Lobes  and  saddles  numerous,  decreasinfj  in 
size  towards  the  umbilicus.  In  primitive  genera  the 
saddles  have  monophyllic  bases  resembling  those  of  the  Popanoceratinae,  but  in  the  more 
specialised  groups  only  the  marginal  saddles  retain  the  rounded  outline,  the  others 
becoming  deeply  divided,  although  always  remaining  phylloid  in  termination. 

Monophyllites    is    the    oldest    and    most    primitive   of    the    Phylloceratidae,    and 

MonophylUks  xlmoiiyi  (Hauer).     Ujipor  Trias  ; 
liothelstein,  near  Aussee,  Austria. 

Fig.  1246. 

Monophyllites  billingsianus  Gahb. 
Middle  Trias  ;  Nevada  (after  Hyatt 
and  Smith). 

probably  connects  the  family  with  Nomismoceras  or  some  other  derivative  of  the 
Gephyroceratidae.  The  resemblance  of  Phylloceras  to  the  Permian  Arcestidae  is 
purely  one  of  convergence,  for  neither  the  young  of  Phylloceras  nor  the  adults  of 
Monophyllites  resemble  any  genera  of  the  Arcestidae.  But  the  young  of  Phylloceras  are 
like  adult  Mono'phyUites,  and  the  young  of  Discophyllites  are  at  first  like  Nomismoceras, 
and  the  adolescent  stages  like  Monophyllites.  The  development  of  Monophyllites 
itself  has  not  yet  been  studied. 




The  family  of  the  Phylloceratidae  is  the  most  persistent  and  the  longest-lived 
among  the  Ammonoids,  being  continuous  from  the  Permian  to  the  Upper  Cretaceous. 

Subfamily  A.     Monophyllitinae  Smith. 

Shells  compressed,  discoidal,  evolute.  Septa  with  primitive  monopliyllic  saddles, 
and  more  regular  in  the  relative  size  of  the  lobes  and  saddles  than  the  succeeding 
group.  Antisiphonal  lobe  bifid,  but  otherwise  entire.  Monoi)hyllites  Mojs.  (Figs 
1245,  1246)  (Mojsvarifes  Pompeckj);  DiscophijUifes  Hyatt  (type  Lytoceras  patens  Mojs.). 
Triassic.  Discophyllitcs  forms  a  connecting  link  with  the  Phylloceratinae,  and  might 
with  equal  propriety  have  been  classed  with  that  group. 

Subfamily  B.     Phylloceratinae  Zittel. 
Form  usually  involute.     Septa  very  complex,  with  the  saddles  deeply  digitate, 

Rharoi^lryllites  ncojuniisis  {Ql\iiii\sie.At).     Keuper  ;  Hallstadt,  Austria. 

Fig.  1248. 

PhyUoceras  heterophyllum  (Sowb.).    Upper 
Lias ;  Whitby,  Yorkshire. 

Fio.  1249. 

PhyUoceras  ptychoicum  (Quenstedt).    Tlthonian  ;  Stramberg, 
Moravia.    AL,  Antisiphonal  lobe. 




but  retaining  the  pliylloid  ending,  and  with  the  marginal  saddles  retaining  the 
monoijhyllic  outlines.  Antisiphonal  lobe  with  entire  sides,  or  with  only  one  pair  of 
lateral  branches,  and  extremities  bifid. 

Rhacophyllites  Zittel  (Fig.   1247);   Euphyllites  Wiihner  ;  Phylloceras  Suess  (Figs. 

a6  a^  a-i  a3 

Fig.  1251. 

I    Li  AL 

Suture-line  of  Sovcrbiceras  fortisulcatum  (d'Ovb.) 
(after  Queustedt). 

Suture-line  of  Phj/lloccras  nihsoni  (Heb.). 
Upper  Lias. 

SL,  Ventral  or  siphonal  lobe  ;  /.,  First,  and  /,  Second  lateral  lobes  ;  ai  -8,  Inner  or  so-called  auxiliary  lobes  ; 
n,  Line  of  involution  ;  Li,  Second  dorsal  lobe  ;  AL,  Antisiphonal  lobe. 

1140,  1248-1250) ;  Soicerbiceras  Paroni  and  Bon.  (Fig.  1251) ;  Basijceras  Hyatt.  Type 
D.  (Phylloceras)  rakosense  (Herbich).  Schistoplmjlloceras  Hyatt.  Type  8.  {Phylloceras) 
aulonotum  (Herbich).  Geyeroceras  Hyatt.  Type  G.  {Phyll.)  cylindricum  (Geyer). 
Tragophylloceras  Hyatt.  Type  T.  (Phylloceras)  heterophyllus-numismalis  (Quenst.). 
Menecjhiniceras  Hyatt.     Type  M.  (Phylloceras)  lariense  (Menegh.).     Trias  to  Cretaceous. 

Family  20.     Lytoceratidae  Neumayr. 

Shell  widely  umhilicate,  sometimes  forming  a  loose  or  snail-like  spiral,  sometimes 
even  hook-shaped.  Body  chamber  two-thirds  to  three-fourths  of  the  last  volution.  Aperture 
rounded,  irhorls  little  embracing.  Surface  often  ornamented  with  simple  ribs  or  rows 
of  knots.  Septa  deeply  divided.,  with  usually  turn  latercd  lobes  and  an  auxiliary.  Tlie 
first  and  often  the  second  lateral  lobes  and  saddles  are  deeply  bifid. 

In  all  probability  the  family  Lytoceratidae  is  not  monophyletic,  some  of  the 
Scapthites  and  other  degenerate  groups  coming  from  different  stocks.  The  Lytoceratinae, 
however,  ajipear  to  be  monophyletic,  and  to  have  been  derived  from  Monophyllitcs. 

Subfamily  A.     Lytoceratinae  Mojsisovics  (pars). 

Includes  only  closely  coiled,  discoidal  and  involute  shells  with  somewhat  prominent, 

often  crenulated,  transverse  bands  of  growth.  Antisiphonal 
lolje  with  two  long  internal  bi^anches  bending  inwards  and 
attached  to  surfaces  of  the  septa.  Sij^honal  lolie  short 
like  that  of  Phylloceras,  and  siphonal  saddles  narrow.  The 
first  lateral  saddles  small  and  short,  the  first  lateral  lobes 
much  longer  than  the  ventral.-  Eeduction  of  lobes  along 
the  line  of  involution  is  such  that  there  are  commonly 
only  six  to  eight  in  full-grown  shells. 

Lytoceras     Suess     (Thysanoceras     Hyatt)     (Figs.     1252, 
1253).      Jura  and  Cretaceous.      Alocolytoceras  Hyatt  (Fig. 
1254).     Type  A.  (Amm.)  germainei  (d'Orb.).    Pleurolytoceras 
T.!itiM-riwjimhriatnm(Sov!h.).     Hyatt.       Type    P.    (Amm.)    Mrcinum    (Schloth.).       Jura. 
Cross-secti'on^cf^^'' ms^^^^^^      TchYtr/o « ?'<es  Kossmat ;  Gaudryceras  Grossouvre.     Cretaceous. 

Subfamily  B.      Macroscaphitinae  Hyatt. 

Symnu^trical,  closely  coiled,  discoidal    ammoniticones   during  young  stages  (and 
persistently  so  in  primitive  forms),  but  becoming  uncoiled  in  gerontic  stages  or  earlier 



Fici.  1253. 

Lytoceras  liehigi  (Oppel).     Tithonian  ; 
Stramberg,  Mora\'ia. 

in  the  ontogeny  of  phylogerontic  forms, 
and  finally  straight  in  some  genera. 
Antisijjhonal  lobe  short,  and  in  some 
genera  trifid.  Shells  have  constrictions 
and  large  costae  at  intervals,  but  no 
tubercles  at  any  stage. 

Alacroscaphites  Meek  (Fig.  1255); 
Leptoceras,  Costidiscus  Uhlig  ;  Tropaeum 
Sowb. ;  Hamites  Parkinson  (Fig.  1256)  ; 
Phjchoceras  d'Orb.   (Fig.    1257) ;   Dijify- 

h'ui.  1264. 

Alocolytoceras  gennainei,  (d'Oii^.). 
Upper     Lias  ;      Pinperdu,      near 
Salins,  Jura 

Fici.  1255. 

Maeroscaphites  ivanii  (d'Orb.). 
Upper  Neocomiaii  ;  Malleuewitz, 

Fio.  1256. 

Hamites  rotunilatus  (Sowb.). 
Gault ;  Folke.stoue. 

Fin.  1257. 

Ptychoceras  jmzo- 
sianum  (d'Orb.). 
Barremian ;  Vergons, 
Basses  Alpes. 




choceras  Gabb  ;  Cyrtochilus  Meek 

Fi(!.  1258. 

A,  Baculites  anccpx  Lam.     B,  B.  faiijasi 
Lam.    Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Maestricht.  I 

Fig.  1259. 

Suture-line  of  Diplomocerascylindraeeum 
Defr.  Uppermost  Cretaceous  ;  Tresville, 

(Sci^nonoceras  Hyatt);  Baculites  Lam.  (Fig.  1258). 

Diplomoceras  Hyatt  (Fig. 
1259).  Tyi^e  D.  (Ham.)  cylin- 
draceum  (d'Orb.).  Hamulina 
d'Orb.  (Fig.  1260,  A).  Cre- 
taceous. Baculina  d'Orb. 

Subfamily  C.     Turrilitinae 
Hyatt  {pars). 

A  heterogeneous  group 
of  turret-shaped  cones,  with 
shells  highly  ornamented 
with  ribs  and  tubercles.  In 
Turrilites  the  spire  is  sym- 
metrical and  close-coiled  ;  in 
most  other  forms  it  is  un- 
symmetrical,  and  more  or  less 
open.  The  relationship  of 
this  group  to  the  Lytocera- 
tidae  is  extremely  problema- 

Turrilites  Lamarck.  (Fig. 
1261);  Heteroceras  d'Orb. 
(Fig.  1262);  Eviperoceras 
Hyatt ;  Helicoceras  d'Orb. 

Fic.  12(50. 

A,  Hamulina  suhcylhi- 
drica  (d'Orb.).  B,  Suture- 
line  of  A.  lorioU  (Uhlig). 
Neocouiiaii ;  Angles,  Basses 
Alpes  (after  Uhlig). 

Family  21.     Aegoceratidae  Neumayr. 

For7n  discoidal,  mostly  widely  u'liibilicate.  IVhorls 
smooth,  or  with  straight  radial  ribs  that  occasionally 
bifurcate  at  the  venter.  Aper- 
ture xoithout  lateral  ears. 
Venter  with  keel,  or  with  for- 
ward pointing  crest.  Body 
chamber  comprising  from 
three-foiirths  to  more  than  a 
complete  revolution.  Suture 
line  not  deeply  digitate; 
usually  with  only  two  lateral 
lobes  and  an  auxiliary. 

Subfamily  A.     Psilocera- 
TINAE    Zittel. 

Widely  umbilicate, 
whorls  laterally  compressed, 
smooth  or  with  simple  ribs 
which  do  not  cross  the 
rounded  keelless  venter. 

Fig.  12G2. 

Fig.  1261. 

Tnrrilitrs    catenntna    d'Orb.  Heteroceras polyjilocum  (HoeTneT). 

„,          T^  -1             .■                        Gault ;   Escragnolles,   France  (after  Upper  Cri'taceous ;  Haldeni,  West- 

The     Psiloceratmae     are   d'Orbigny).  piiaiia. 




commonly  supposed  to  have  been  the  progenitors  of  all  the  other  Aegoceratidae. 
It  is,  however,  just  as  likely  tliat  they  are  a  degenerate  grouj),  reversionary  towards 
the  ancestral  radical.  They  have  a  certain  re- 
semblance to  Monophtjllites,  which  has  given  rise 
to  the  idea  that  they  may  be  an  offshoot  from  the 
Phylloceratidae.  This  too  is  improbable,  the  re- 
semblance being  most  likely  a  convergence  pheno- 

Psiloceras     Hyatt    (Fig.     1263);      Tviaegoceras 
Hyatt.     Lias. 

Subfamily  B.     Arietitinae  Zitteh 

Venter  with  strong  keel.  Form  evolute,  volu- 
tions of  discoidal  forms  more  quadrate  than  in 
preceding  families,  and  often  with  a  channelled 
venter.  Costae  more  strongly  developed  as  a  rule, 
and  with  prominent  ventro -lateral  angles,  which 
are  sometimes  tuberculated.  Sutural  inflections 
reduced  in  number  and  complexity  as  compared 
with  preceding  families,  and  phylliform  marginals 

Fig.  1263. 

Psiloceras    planorhis    (Sowb.).        Infra- 

replaced  by  saddles  of  more  irregular  aspect.  '^^t^^.^J^'^'''^-  ^"^ 
Ventral  lobe  long  and  narrow,  with  corresponding 

siphonal  saddle.  Usually  only  two  pairs  of  large  lateral  saddles,  the  second  often 
the  most  prominent.  Fir3t  pair  of  lateral  lobes  large,  second  and  third  pairs  successively 
smaller ;  third  and  fourth  pairs  of  saddles  also  smaller,  the  last  often  partially  on 

the  line  of  involution.  Antisiphonal  lobe 
bifid,  very  long,  and  sometimes  complex. 
One  pair  of  large  dorsal  saddles,  and  one  of 
short,  often  incomplete  lobes.  Anapytclius 
observed  in  several  species. 

There  are  two  types  of  young  in  the  Arieti- 
tinae, which  afterwards  become  separated  in 
other  related  groups  :  a  broad  depressed  or 
coronate  type  occurs  in  typical  Arietites  and 
some  others,  and  the  compressed  Psiloceran 
type  in  Arnioceras,  etc.  Pseitdotropites  shows 
that  Cocloceras  may  have  originated  from 
the  Arietinae  tiirough  persistent  develop- 
ment of  a  trapezoidal  form  of  young  with 
correlative  changes.  Arietites  Waagen  (Figs. 
1264,  1265). 

Subgenera  :  Vermiceras,  Coroniceras  (Fig. 
1146),  Arnioceras,  Discoceras,  Asteroceras,  and 
Ophioceras  Hyatt.     Lias. 

Vui.  1264. 

Arietites  histdcatus  Brug.     Lower  Lias  ;  Cote  d'Or 
(after  d'Orbigny). 

Subfamily  C.      Aegoceratinae  ZitteL 

Form  widely  umbilicate.  Whorls  with  lateral  ribs  which  frequently  either  divided 
or  undivided  extend  across  the  keelless  venter.  Under  this  subfamily  are  two  groups 
of  genera,  the  first  being  that  of  Aegoceras  Waagen  which  Hyatt  has  called  the  "  Lijjaro- 
ceratidae."  In  this  the  volutions  remain  rounded  in  section  and  frequently  retain  a 
primitive  discoidal  aspect.  Costae  almost  entirely  disapj^ear  on  the  venter  of  some 
forms,  but  form  very  large  continuous  folds  in  others.  Sutures  become  excessively 
com2:dex,  saddles  narrow  and  deeply  cut  by  complex  marginals,  and  ventral  lobe  corre- 
sponds, but  usually  of  about  equal  length  with  the  lateral  lobes.     Antisiplional  bifid, 




and  resembles  (as  do  also  the  two  dorsal  saddles  and  small  dorsal   lobes)   those   of 
the  Arietitinae.  a 

■1,1        KS  LSI  LS^  %      IS 

k     M 

Fin.  1-265. 

Arii'tites  hisulcatus  Brug.     Lower  Liiis  ;  Wiirtemburg.    A,  Suture  line  ;  IS,  (\  Portion  of  volution  .seen  from 

the  Lateral  and  ventral  aspects. 

Aegoceras  Waageii  (Fig.  1266) 
Hyatt  has  proposed  the  following 
subgenera :  Liparoceras,  Microdero- 
ceras  and  Androc/ynoceras.  Lo\\er  and 
Middle  Lias. 

The  second  group  is  that  of  Schlo- 
fheimia  Bayle,  called  by  Hyatt  the 
"  Angulatidae."  This  includes  more 
or  less  compressed  and  costated  shells, 
the  costae  sometimes  crossing  the 
venter  in  the  young  or  extreme  age, 
l)ut  usually  interrupted  in  the  adult 
by  a  smooth  and  occasionally  sunken 
median  zone.  Sutures  inclined  apicad 
near  lines  of  involution,  more  com- 
plex in  outline  than  in  tyjjical  Arie- 
'■  tites,  and   with   phylliform  marginals 

Ventral  lobe  broader   and  shorter,  with  larger  siphonal 

Fii;.  ItiOt;. 

ras  capricornns  (Sclilotli.).     Middle  I^ias 
Gniiind,  Wilrtemberg. 

more  like  those  of  Psiloceras. 




saddles  than  Arietites,  and  antisiphonal  lobe  bifid,  longer  and  more  complex.      First 
pair   of  dorsal  saddles  large  and   long,  otlier 
dorsal  inflections  variable,  Imt  generally  more 
numerous  than  in  Arietites. 

Schlotheimia  Bayle  (Fig.  1267);  Waeh- 
neroceras  Hyatt.      Lower  Lias. 

Subfamily  D.     Polymorphinae  Haug. 

Shells  compressed  discoidal,  with  smooth 
young  like  those  of  Psiloceras.  Costae  apt 
to  be  inclined  or  slightly  sigmoidal,  and 
continuous  across  the  venter.  This  is  crenu- 
lated  in  primitive  forms,  but  becomes  smooth, 
cliannelled  or  keeled  in  specialised  shells. 
The  latter  have  sutures  similar  to  those  of 
Schlotheimia,  but  less  complex. 

Agassiceras    Hyatt    {Paroniceras    Bonar. ; 
Gymbites    Neumayr ;     Amm.   glohosum    0\)\).  ; 
Amin.  miserabile  Quenst.).     Liparoceras  Hyatt  (Ammonites  bechei  Sow.)  ;  Pohjmorphites 
Sutner  ;  Dumortieria  Haug  ;  Amphiceras  Gemm.      Lias. 

Family   22.     Harpoceratidae  Neumayr. 

Discoidal  and  involute  shells,  with  sigmoidal  costae.  Vender  icith  smooth  or  crenulated 
keel.  Aferture  vdth  curved  sides  or  with  projecting  lateral  ears,  and  rounded  ventral 
crest.  Septa  simply  digitate,  loith  the  lobes  and  saddles  arranged  in  a  straight  line,  and 
usually  with  several  auxiliary  lobes. 

This  family,  which  i)robably  originated  from  the  Arietitinae,  ranges  from  the 
Lias  to  the  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Vu:.  1267. 

Srhhthtimia  anijulatu  (Schlotli.).     Lower  Lias  ; 
Goppingen,  Wiirteniberg. 

Subfamily  A.     Harpoceratinae  Zittel. 
Discoidal  involute  shells  with  sigmoidal  costae  separated  throughout  or  confluent 

Fig.  12(58. 

Hildoccras  bifrons  (Brug.).     Upper  Lias  ; 
Whitby,  Yorkshire. 

Fig.  1269. 

Lioceras  opnlinum  (Rein.).     Lower  Dogger  ; 
Teiifelsloch,  near  Boll,  Wiirtemberg. 

on  the  median  lateral  line,  and  sometimes  bifurcated  externally.     Nodes  never  present, 
VOL.  I  2  u 




although  prominent  crescentic  ridges  may  arise  on  the  sides  through  confluence  of 
costae.     The  latter  are  straiglit  in  primitive  Gatulloceras,  which  resembles  Culoccras 

in  aspect.  Discoidal  forms  often  both 
keeled  and  channelled  on  the  venter,  and 
sometimes  have  broad  furrows  on  the 
sides.  Specialised  involute  shells  have 
solid  keels,  but  usually  no  channels,  and 
lateral  zones  often  become  smooth.  Sutures 
comparatively  simple,  and  in  discoidal 
forms  are  similar  to  those  of  Arnioceras, 
but  more  complex  in  highly  involute 

Harpoceras  Waagen,  and  subgenera : 
Hildoceras  (Fig.  1268),  Lioccrcn^  (Fig. 
1269),  Grammoceras  Hyatt  (Fig.  1270); 
Catulloceras  Gemm.  ;  Aridieras  Seg. ; 
Hyperlioccras,  Graphoceras,  Brasilia  and 
Darellia  Buckiuan.  Upper  Lias  and  In- 
ferior Oolite. 

Poecilomo  rp  h  u  s,      Hu  (Idle  .s- 1  o  n  i  «, 
Brodieia,  Gosmogyria,  JVelschia  Buckman  ; 
These  are  also  subgenera  from  the  Inferior  Oolite. 

Fio.  1270. 

Ilarpoceras  Grammoceras  thouarsensi  d'Orb. 
Lias ;  Heiningen,  Wiirtemberg. 


Ludwiyia  Bayle. 

Subfamily  B.     Oppeliinae  Hang. 

Discoidal  and  highly  involute  shells  with  sutures,  form  and  markings  in  primitive 
species  that  show  affinity  with  Harpoceran  stock,  and  aj)parent  derivation  from  Poecilo- 

morplius  through  typical  Oecotraustes.     Costae  highly  flexed  and  sometimes  fused,  but 

no  well-marked  lateral  channels  as  in  hollow-keeled  groups.     Venter  often  truncated 

and  sides  flattened,  except  in  primitive   species.      The   keel 

may  Ijecome  very  prominent,  and   filled  with  shell  layers, 

but   never    hollow.      It    disappears   on    the   body  chamber. 

Aperture  with  ventral  crest.     The  sigmoidal  ribs  often  end 

in  marginal  knots.      Septa  finely  digitate.     This  subfamily 

rano-es  from  the  Middle  Jura  to  the  Cretaceous,  its  maximinn 

fallinfT  in   the  Upper   Jura.       Typical  genera  are    Oppelia 

Waagen    (Figs.    1155,    1157,    and    1158),    and    Oecotraustes 

Waagen  (Fig.  1271).     A  revision  of  the  group  has  recently 

been  published  by  Douville  (1913). 

Oppelia   has  been   subdivided   into  a  large    number    of 

groups,  or  transitional  series  ("  Formenreihe  "),  some  of  which   |3^}.'|^J^OTav 

mi<dit   even   take  rank   as   subfamilies,  but    most    of    them 

are''  hardly  more  than  subgenera.  The  largest  group,  which  Hyatt  distinguished 
under  the  name  "  Glochiceratidae,"  includes  discoidal  and  involute 
shells,  smooth  in  primitive  species,  Imt  acquiring  highly  inflected 
costations,  sometimes  with  two  rows  of  tubercles  on  the  sides,  and 
a  median  ventral  row  that  may  fuse  into  a  continuous  solid  keel. 
One  line  of  ventral  tubercles  may  also  arise  directly  from  folds  that 
appear  in  otherwise  unornameuted  shells.  Ajterture  sometimes 
with  long  lateral  lappets.  Sutures  similar  to  those  in  the  Haplo- 

Gadoinoccras,  Grmiceras,  Mun.-Chalm.  (Fig.  1272);  Phhjcticcras 
{Lophoceras    Bonar.) ;    Ochetoceras    Hang    (Fig.     1273);    Gymaceras 

Quenst.  (emend.  Hyatt).     Type  C.  {Ammonites)  guembeli  (0pp.).     Strigoceras  Quenst. 

Fig.  1271. 

Oecotranntes  macrotelvs 
Titlionian  ;    Stram- 

Kio.  1272. 
Crcnireras    rewigeri 
(Oppfil).      Oxfonlian  ; 
Saliiis,  Jura. 




(Buckman) ;     Streblites    Hyatt    (Fig.    1274).       Type    S.    {Ammonites)   pictus-costatus 
(Quenst).      Glochiceras  Hyatt.     Middle  and  Ui)per  Jura. 

Another  group,  which   Hyatt   called    "  Distichioceratidae,"  includes    the    genera 

Fig.  1273. 

Ochetoccras  flexiwsum  (v.  Buch).     Upper 
Jura  (j3) ;  Laufen,  Wiirtemberg. 

Fig.  1274. 

StrchlUes  tenuilohatus  (Oppel).    Upper  Jura  ; 
Pappenheim,  Bavaria. 

Horioceras  and  Distichoceras  Munier-Chalmas,  with  septa  simpler  than  in  Glochiceras, 
owing  to  arrested  develoiyment.  The  young  of  Distichoceras  repeat  the  characteristic 
form  and  costae  of  Glochiceras,  with  smooth  venter  and  lateral  tubercles,  and  then 
acquire  the  features  of  Horioceras  before  the 
median  continuous  keel  of  Distichoceras  arises. 

Family  23.     Amaltheidae  Fischer  (pars). 

Form  laterally  compressed,  usually  involute, 
high  whorled.  Sides  with  gently  curved  ribs  or 
folds,  and  often  with  lateral  knots  or  spiral 
lines.  Venter  keeled,  and  the  keel  is  often 
crenulated  by  ribs  or  thickened  growth  lines. 
Aperture  simple,  or  with  narrow  ventral  crest. 
Sutures  deeply  digitate  with  several  auxiliary 

Subfamily  A.     Amaltheinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  and  involute  shells,  the  young  of 
which  have  fold -like  costae  rising  into  heavy 
nodes  just  inside  the  lines  of  involution.  Costae 
became  prominent  and    sharp  at   the  umbilical   ^/maWmis   margariwm    Montf       Middle 

.j.^v^u,iiiv-    |_j.v^       ii  ^  Lias;  Wurtemberg.     Living  chamber  broken 

shoulders     and    ventro- lateral     angles,    and     true    away    and    exposing    "  wrinkled    layer  "    on 
,11  •        „  „,.^,-,,^c        "VronfoT.  l-colorl     ventral  surface.     This  is  homologous  with  the 

tubercles  appear  m  some  groups.      Venter  keeled    «biack  layer"  of  iVaufHus. 

and  sulcated  in  discoidal  forms,  the  keels  alone 

persisting  in  more  involute  species.     Keel  solid  and  crenulated  by  the  passage  of  costae 

or  folds  across  the  venter.     Anaptychus  present.      Nodes  prominent  in  the  young  of 

primitive  species  ;  costae  with  only  one  row  of  tubercles  in  later  stages  or  none  ;  keel 

invariably  present  and  crenulated.     Amaltheus  Montf.  (Figs.  1 150  ;   1160,  ^  ;   1275) ; 

Paltopleuroceras  Buckm.  {Pleuroceras  Hyatt).     Middle  Lias. 

Fio.  1275. 




In  another  group  of  tlie  Amaltheinae,  tlie  young  usually  have  gibbous  volutions  with 
a  single  row  of  nodes,  which  either  persist,  or  are  followed  by  a  bispinous  stage,  and 

inner  ends  of  the  short  costae  also  become 
tuberculated.  Venter  smooth  at  first,  and 
may  remain  so  or  may  have  a  solid  keel. 
Costae  single,  and  usually  bend  at  ventro- 
lateral angles  tOAvard  the  keel,  but  do  not 
cross  the  venter  except  in  late  stage  of 
Pseudotrojntes.  Haplopleuroceras  and 
Dorsetensia  Buckm. ;  Psexidotroioites 
Canav. ;  Ganavarites  Hyatt.  Type  C. 
(Arietites)  discretum  (Canav.).  Lias  to 
Inferior  Oolite. 

The  Amaltheinae  are  usually  classed 
as  derivatives  from  the  Arietitinae,  but 
this  is  doubtful.  Oxynoticeras  Hyatt 
(Fig.  1276)  from  the  Ijias,  is  classed  by 
most  writers  with  the  Amaltheidae, 
although  Hyatt  regarded  it  as  a  member 
of  the  Arietitinae.  In  this  genus  the 
shells  are  compressed  and  more  involute  than  in  the  Arietidae,  with  narrower  and 
more  acute  keeled  venter,  but  no  ventral  channels.  Sutures  have  extended  and 
liighly  modified  auxiliary  inflections  ;  keel  hollow  in  adult  of  some  species.    Lower  Lias. 

Fi(i.  1276. 

Oxynoticeraa  oxywitum  (Quenst.). 
(j3) ;  Wiirtemberg. 

Lower  Lias. 

Subfamily  B.     Hammatoceratinae  Buckman. 

Discoidal  forms  with  single  or  bifurcated  costae,  keeled  and  often  channelled 
Young  similar  to  those  of  the  Harpo- 
ceratinae    in   compressed    forms.      Keel 

Cycloceras  and  Hammatoceras  Hyatt ; 
Lillia  Bayle ;  Haugia,  Polyplechis,  Chart- 
ronia,  Denckmannia  Buckm. ;  Zurcheria 

Upper  Lias  and  Inferior  Oolite. 

The  Hammatoceratinae  have  usually 
been  classed  as  near  relatives  of  the 
Arietitinae  but  their  systematic  position 
should  probably  be  in  the  Amaltheidae, 
with  which  they  show  near  affinities  in 
form  and  septation. 

Buckman  placed  two  genera  or  sub- 
genera of  this  subfamily  in  a  separate 
group  '■^  Sonniniinae."  /Son?!^^  includes 
discoidal  forms  with  a  keeled  but  not 
channelled  venter,  and  sides  with  coarse 
bifurcated  costae  diverging  from  a  row 
of  nodes  along  the  median  line  of  the 
rounded  sides  and  continued  internally 
by  single  costae.  Witchellia  has  nodes 
only  in  the  young,  and  costae  become 
single  or  only  slightly  confluent.  Sonninia  Bayle  {JVaagenia  Bayle)  (Fig 
Jl'^itchellia  Buckman.      Inferior  Oolite. 



Fic.  iL'vr. 

SonnUiia  so}t'erhyi  (Miller).     Middle  Dogger  ; 
(after  SteinmaTin  and  Diiderlein). 






Fig.  1278. 
Haploceras  elimaUim  (Oppel).    Tithonian  ;  Stramberg,  Moravia. 

Family  24.     Haploceratidae  Zittel. 

Shell  smooth,  tvifh  fine  groivth  lines,  ivithout  const  notions.      Venter  rounded,  ivithout 
keel.     Apertures  with  lateral  ears  or  lap2)ets.     Septa  deeply  digitate. 

This  family  is  supposed  to  be  an  off-shoot  from  the  Harpoceratidae,  and  nearly 
related  to  Oppelia. 

Haploceras  Zittel 
(Lissoceras  Bayle)  (Fig. 
1278).  From  Middle  J  ura 
to  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Family  25.     Stephano- 
ceratidae  Neumayr. 

Forms    usually   robust 

and  inclined  to  he  coronate, 

at  least  in  youth.     Surface 

tvith  bifurcating  ribs  that 

extend   across  the   rounded 

venter.        Aperture      ivith 

lateral     ears    or     lappets, 

and     usually     constricted. 

Septa  deeply  digitate,  tvith 

two   lateral   lobes  and  two, 

or  three  auxiliaries.      Keel 

present  in  some  genera. 
The        Stejihanocera- 

tidae  were  derived  from  the  Aegoceratidae  of  the   Lias,   and   in  turn   gave  rise  to 
^  most  of  the  Ammonite  families  of  the  later  Jurassic 

and  Cretaceous,  so  much  so  that  it  might  be  well  to 
include  these  and  their  descendants  in  a  superfamily, 
or  suborder  Stephanoceratoidea. 

The  group  has  been  subdivided  into  numerous  so- 
called  families,  most  of  which,  in  so  far  as  they  are 
deserving  of  recognition  at  all,  are  here  treated  as 
subfamilies,  for  the  sake  of  uniformity  in  classifica- 
tion. It  is  not  meant  to  imply  by  this  that  they 
all  have  equal  taxonomic  rank. 

Subfamily  A.     Dactylioceratinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  forms  with  costae  Ijifurcated  and  always 
crossing  the  venter.  Sutures  with  very  complex 
outlines,  but  only  three  or  four  pairs  of  lateral  lobes 
and  saddles.  Dorsal  sutures  have  two  pairs  of  saddles 
and  one  pair  of  zygous  lobes. 

This  series  is  usually  termed  the  Planulati  of  the 
Lias,  but  although  an  offshoot  of  the  same  common  stock, 
it  is  quite  distinct  from  its  supposed  congeners  of  the 
Middle  and  Upper  Jura.  Sutures  are  straight,  not  in- 
clined apicad  as  in  Perispliiuctinae.  The  subfamily  com- 
prises a  complete  cycle  of  forms  varying  from  the  broad 
A,  Coelocera,  suharm.UuM  (Young),  ti-apezoidal,  tuberculated  volutions  of  Coeloceras  through 
Whitby,  Yorkshire.  B,  Suture-line  of  Armatoid  species  to  Dactyhoccras,  111  wiucli  the  costae 
Coeloceras  pettos  (^uenst.    Middle  Lias.      are  smooth  and  sometimes  even  single. 


Fig.  127!>. 




Goeloceras  {Deroceras  Hyatt)  (Fig.  1279),  Dadylioceras  (Fig.  1280)  trndPeronoceras 

Hyatt ;  Pimelites  and  Diafhorites  Fuciiii ; 
(?)  Praesphaeroceras  Levi  ;  (?)  Gollina  Buckm. 
Middle  and  Upper  Lias. 

Subfamily  B.     Stephanoceratinae 

Primitive    radicals,  liiglily   coronate,   dis- 

coidal,  giving  rise  apparently  to  involute  and 

partially   compressed    forms    that    in    Macro- 

cephalites  and  some  others  are  without  tubercles. 

Venter  always  rounded,  costae  bifurcating  on 

the  sides   and   continuous    across   the   venter. 

Fi<;.  1280.  Only  one   line   of  nodes  or  tubercles  at   the 

Dactylioccnui  commune  (Sov/h.).    Upper  Lias ;      umbilical  shoulders,  and  the  division  of  costae 
England.  ' 

Pig.  12S1. 

Sphaeroceinshronfjniarti  (Sowb.).     Inferior 
Oolite  ;  Bayeux,  Calvados. 

Fu;.  liiiS'J. 

Normannitcs  bniikenrklgci  (Sowb.).     In- 
ferior Oolite  ;  Bayeux,  Calvados,     i/i- 

takes  place  along  these  lines  in  most  forms.      Sutures  of  the  same  type  as  in  Dacty- 

Fifi.  12S3. 

Macrorephnlltcs  mcwroccphdus  (Scliloth.).     Upper  Do,CK'er  (CalloviaTi) ;  EliniiiKen,  Wiirtcniberg. 

lioidinae,  but  iiuRh  more  complex,  witli  usually  more  inflections,  and  lobes  and  saddles 




more  nearly  t'qual.      Dorsal  sutures  generally  have  three  pairs  of  zygous  saddles  and 

two  pairs  of  lobes  in   the  coronate  discoidal 


Stcjihanoceras  Neum.  (Fig.  1285);  Gado- 
mites  Mun.-Chalms.  ;  Sphaeroceras  Bayle  (Fig. 
1281);  Eniileia  Bucknian  ;  Normannites 
Mun.-Chalnias  (Fig.  1282);  Macrocivphalites  MSt^  / 
Sutner  (Fig.  1283);  Sutneria  Zittel  (Fig.  1284). 
Inferior  Oolite. 

.  12.S4. 

Siitiirria  platynotii  (llfnn.).  Upper 
Juni  (Ti'iiiiilobatu.s  Buds) ;  Balinyen, 

Stejihanocerns  coronatus  (Brug.).     C'allovian  : 
Dept.  Niovre,  France.     V;;. 

Subfamily  C.      Cadoceratinae  Hyatt. 

More  specialised,  compressed,  and  involute  forms  tend  to  evolve  shells  with 
creniilated  keels,  and  sometimes  channels  also.  Costae  of  Cadoceras  divided  as  in 
Stephanoceratinae,  but  other  genera  usually  develop  two  lines  of  tubercles.  Young 
of  Neumayria  more  or  less  costated,  but  sides  and  keel  become  smooth,  and  in  some 
.sijecies  resemble  the  adult  of  Qnensfedtoceras. 

This  group  is  remarkablo  for  tlie  closo  parallelism  of  some  of  its  genera  with  Aiualtheidae, 
but  the  young  are  very  distinct.  Development  and  adult  stages  of  Cadoceras  with  its  discoidal 
and  much  depressed  volutions  plainly  show  derivation  from  Coeloccran  stock,  while  its  form 
and  sutures  also  show  relationshi[)  with  Stephanoceratinae. 

Cadoceras  Fischer ;  Quenstedtoceras  Hyatt ;  Gardioccras  Neumayr  and  Uhlig ; 
Neumayria  Nikitin.      Kelloway. 

Subfandly  D.      Perlsphinctinae  Steinmann.i 

An  extensive  series  of  discoidal  genera  having  rounded  or  subquadrangular 
volutions,  and  costae  single  on  the  sides,  but  split  into  two,  three  or  more  on  the 
venter,  which  they  cross  uninterruptedly.  Splitting  does  not  begin  as  a  rule  at 
umbilical  shoulders,  but  near  the  ventro-lateral  angles.  Inner  parts  of  sutures  steeply 
inclined  apicad,  and  dorsal  sutures  have  a  long  pair  of  first  dorsal  saddles,  usually  two 
additional  pairs  of  saddles,  and  two  pairs  of  lobes.  All  of  these  are  so  decidedly 
inclined  apicad  that  they  often  appear  as  a  single  pair  of  complex  saddles. 

These  genera  are  morphic  equivalents  of  the  Liassic  Dactylioidina6  and  are  derived  from 
the  same  common  stock.  Young  have  depressed  trapezoidal  volutions  and  often  nunute 
tubercles  on  ventro-lateral  angles,  but  are  otherwise  smooth,  like  the  young  of  Cadoceras 
sablaeve.  They  become  compressed  in  the  neanic  stage  and  rapidly  assume  the  discoidal 
Perisphinctean  form  and  costae  without  tubercles. 

Perisplmides  Waagen    {Grossbuvria,    Procerites,   Ghoffatia  Siemirad.)  (Figs.    1286- 


^  Siemiradzki,  ./.,  Monographische  Beschreilnuig  der  Gattung  Perisphinctes.     Palaeontogr.  1898, 
,  xlv.     See  also  R.  DuavtlU's  recent  studies  of  Cardioceras,  etc.,  1913. 




1288) ;  Ataxioceras  Font.;  Fro2)lanulites  Teiss. ;  Pictonia  Bayle  ;  Crasj^ecUtes  Pavl.  and 
Lampl.     Inferior  Oolite  and  Cretaceous. 

Fig.  1286. 

Suture  line  of  Perisphinctes  colubrinus 

Fi(i.  12S7. 

Pcris'phincies polyplocus  (Rein.).     Upper 
Jura  ;  Pappenlieim,  Bavaria,     i/o. 

Fio.  1-288. 

I'crisphinctcs  tiziani  (Oppel).     Upper  Jura  (Biniamniatu.s  Buds)  ; 
Hundsriick,  near  Streichen,  Wiirtemberg. 

Subfamily  E.     Morphoceratinae  Hyatt. 

Globose  and  usually  involute  forms  with  open  umbilici  showing  the  young  to  Ije 
highly  coronate   until  a   late   stage.      Costae   on   umbilical   zones  single  and  widely 

separated,  Init  divided  into 
very  broad  bundles  of  fine, 
closely  -  set,  ventro  -  lateral 
costae  differing  from  those  of 
all  other  grouj^s  except  some 
Perisphinctinae.  Only  one 
line  of  tubercles  or  nodes, 
which  usually  occur  at  um- 
bilical shoulders.  External 
and  dorsal  sutures  resemble 
those  of  Perisphinctinae,  but 
not  so  uniformly  inclined 
apicad.  In  discoidal  coronate 
shells  the  lobes  and  saddles 
are  of  equal  length,  and 
dorsum  has  two  pairs  of 
z3'gous  lobes  and  two  pairs  of 

Mori^hoceras  Douv. ; 
Garantiana  Siemirad.  ;  Olco- 
stephanus  Neum.  {Holcostephanus  auct.) ;  I'olyptychites,  Simhimkites,  Astieria,  and 
Virgatites  Pavl.  and  Lampl.       Upper  Jura  and  Cretaceous. 

Fic.  128ii. 
Reineckid  hrancoia  (Steiinn.).     Caracole.s,  Boliva  (al'lcr  Stciiimaiin). 




Subfamily  F.     Reineckiinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  shells  with  costae  single  on  the  lateral  zones  but  bifurcated  on  their 
outer  parts,  and 
with  one  or  two 
lines  of  tubercles, 
the  first  being 
near  the  point  of 
bifurcation  of  the 
costae,  and  the 
other  near  their 
ventral  termini. 
Division  of  costae 
takes  place  along 
ventro -  lateral 
angles  and  not  on 
or  near  the  um- 
bilical shoulders. 
Costae  cross  the 
venter  only  in 
the  coronate 
young,  when  the 
section  is  trape- 
zoidal as  in  Goeloceras.     Sutures  as  in  the  preceding  subfamily. 

Eeineckia  (Fig.  1289),  Parkinsonia  Bayle  (Fig.  1290);  Occoptychius  Neum.  (Fig, 
1291);  ^tt/acos<e2^/i.a'ft«s  Sutner  and  Pomp  ;  (?)  Waagenia  Neum.;  /S'ircnocfirtts  Hyatt 
Type  S.  {Ammonites)  niortense  (d'Orb.).     Middle  and  Upper  Jura. 

Fig.  1290. 

Parkinsonia  jparlcinsoni  (Sowb.).     Inferior  Oolite  ; 
Bayeux,  Calxados. 

Fig.  1291. 

OecoptycMus  rcfractus 
(lie  Haan).  Callovian  ; 
Niort,  France  (after 

Family  26.     Aspidoceratidae  Zittel. 

Earlier  volutions  costate,  later  ones  with  one  or  tivo  rows  of  tubercles.      Venter  broad, 
never  keeled.    S&pta  resemhlinf/  those  of  Dactylioidinae,  but  saddles  and  lobes  broader,  and 

Fig.  1292. 

Aspidoceras  'perarmatiim  {Bowh.).    Oxfordian  ; 
Dives,  Calvados.     1/2. 

Fio.  1293.  volanensc.  (Oppel). 
Lower  Tithonian  ;  Monte  Catria, 
Central  Apennines. 

dorsal  sutures  with  only  one  large  pair  of  inner  or  first  dorsal  lobes,  the  outer  or  second 
pair  being  incomplete  in  the  wore  discoidal  species  as  in  the  Arietidae. 

Aspidoceras   Zittel  (Fig.    1292);    Peltoceras   Waagen   (Fig.    1294);    (?)  Aurigerus 

666  MOLLUSCA  phylum  vi 

Oppel;  (?)  Simoceras  Zittel  (Fig.  1293);  Siemiradzkia  Hyatt.       Type  S.  (Ammonites) 

PcUoccras  athlctd  (Pliill.).     Uppei'  Callovian  ;  Vaclies  noires, 
Normandy,     i/i. 

Fi(i.  1295. 

Physodoceras  circum- 
spmosum  (Oppel).  Upper 
Jura  ;  Swabian  Alps.     i/w. 

hakeriae  (d'Orb.)  [Terr.  Jurass.  PL   149,   Fig.  1,  non  PL   148].      Physodoceras  Hyatt 
(Fig.  1295).      Type  P.  (Ammonites)  circumspinosum  (Oppel).      Upper  Jura. 

Family  27.     Desmoceratidae  ZitteL 

Discoidal  moderately .  involute  forms,  loith  simple  or  divided  ribs.  These  continue 
toithout  interruption  across  the  rounded  keelless  venter.  Constrictions  or  varices  at 
regular  intervals.      Septa  finely  diyitate,  with  aiixiliary  lobes  arranged  in  a  straight  roiv. 

The  Desmoceratidae  are  slightly  modified  descendants  of  the  Stephanoceratidae, 
and  preserve  in  youth  the  characters  of  the  ancestral  family. 

Subfamily  A.     Desmoceratinae  Zittel  (ixirs). 

Mostly  involute  shells,  smooth,  or  with  constrictions  and  fold-like  costae  without 

tubercles  that  commoidy  follow  the 
lines  of  growth  across  the  rounded 
venter  uninterruptedly.  Spines 
sometimes  present  as  in  preceding 
family.  Sutures  have  blunt 
siphonal  saddles,  never  pointed. 
First  lateral  lobes  shalloAver  than 
in  the  Lytoceratidae,  the  first 
lateral  saddles  broader,  and  less 
deeply  cut  by  marginals.  Anti- 
siphonal   lobe   long,   straight,   and 

trifid.     Lateral  zygous  inflections  more  numerous,  and  there  are  often  three  or  more 

zygous  dorsal  saddles. 

Fio.  1290. 

Suluie-liiio  of  Dcxtiioceras  latidorsatmn  Midi. 
Peite  du  Kliniie. 

Gault ; 




Eurynoticeras  Canavari.     Jura.     Desmoceras  Zittel  (Fig8.   1296,   1297);    Puzosia 

Eayle ;     Ghonoceras    Paroiii    and 
^  Bon.  ;     Scldueteria,     Hauericeras 

^V^  <^V"^?     ^  Grossouvre.      Cretaceous. 

Subfamily  B.      Silesitinae 

Similar  to.  the  Desmoceratinae, 
but  costae  more  strongly  de- 
veloijed,  and  sometimes  spinous. 

Fio.  1297. 

Desmoceras  mayorianura  (d'Orb.).     Gault ;  Perte  du  Rhcjne 
(after  d'Orbigiiy). 

Fio.  ]298. 
Pachydiscus  iieranvplus  (Maiitell).     Lower  Chalk  ;  England. 

Fig.  1299. 

Pwhyiliscus  loittcldmli  (Scliliiter). 
Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Haldem,  Wost- 
pVialia.    Vs- 

Silesites,  Holcodiscus  Ulilig ;  PacJiy discus  Zittel  (Figs.    1298,    1299);  Parapachy- 
discus  Hyatt.      Type  P.  {Ammonites)  gollevillensis  (d'Orb.).     Cretaceous. 

Family  28.     Cosmoceratidae  Zittel. 

Shells  richly  ornamented  tvith  ribs  that  are  divided,  or  broken  uf  into  rows  of  knots. 
Usually  with  rows  of  umbilical  and  marginal  knots  on  the  ribs.  Sculpture  interrupted 
by  a  furrow  on  the  venter.  Aperture  often  with  lateral  ears  or  lappets.  •!  Septa  deeply 
digitate.      One  or  tivo  auxiliary  lobes  present. 




The  Cosmoceratidae   are    probably   a    polyphyletic    group,  derived    from  several 
branches  of  the  Steplianoceratidae. 

Subfamily  A.     Cosmoceratinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal  and  involute  forms  having  at  a  comparatively  early  stage  or  throughout- 

.^  {»ri!*Ti»^  ^^^^  ^^'^  *^^"  ^^^'^^  rows  of  large  tubercles 

on  each  side,  and  costae  interrupted  on 
the  venter  by  a  smootli  median  zone  or 

Gosmoceras      Waagen      (Fig.      1300). 
Middle  Lias  to  Oxfordian. 

Subfamily  B.     Hoplitinae  Hyatt. 

Discoidal    and    involute    forms    with 
costae  bifurcated  on  the  sides  at  umbilical 

Fi(!.  1300. 

Vosmoceras  oniatnm  (Sowb.).     Callovian  (Ornaten- 
thon) ;  Gammelsliausen,  Wurteniberg. 

Fii^  1301. 

HoplUes     tuhercujatus     (Sowb.).  "'■ 

Gault ;  Folke.stone,  England.        HoplUes  noricus  (iiovih.).     {  =  Hoplites  amblygonius  'Neum.).     Neocomian  ; 
Siphiincle  broken  away.j  Acliim,  near  Borsuni,  Prussia. 

shoulders ;  prominent  tubercles  at  their  forks,  and  also  at  or  near  their  ventral 
termini,  these  last  being  separated  by  a  median  zone  or  deep  channeL  Young  of 
some  species  have  costae  continuous  across  the  venter,  and  resemble  those  of  Sonneratia. 
Parallelism  with  Cosmoceratinae  very  close.  Sutures  resemble  those  of  Mammites, 
but  more  comi:)lex.  Lateral  saddles  narrower  and  more  deeply  cut,  and  first  lateral 
saddles  often  trifid  in  late  stages.  Dorsal  series  with  two  pairs  of  complex  zygous 
lobes  and  saddles  on  either  side  of  a  long,  narrow,  complex,  antisiphonal  lobe. 

Hoplites   Neum.   (Figs.    1301,    1302);    Genomanitea  Haug    {Discoceras   Kossmat) ; 
Sonneratia  Bayle  ;  Neocomites  Uhlig.      Cretaceous. 




Subfamily  C.     Acanthoceratinae  Hyatt. 

Robust    and    moderately   evolute  forms.      Surface   highly   ornamented   with   ribs 
either  simple  or  bifui'cating.      Rows  of  tubercles  usually  present  on  ribs,  and  often  a 

Fii:.  1303. 
Acanthoccrcif  rhotoiAaijerise  (Del'r.).     Cenoinanian  ;  Rouen,  France  (after  QiieiLstedt). 

Fia.  1304. 
Douvilleiceras  mamillare  {Schloth..).     Gault;  Macheromenil,  Ardenne.s. 

median  row^,  sometimes  uniting  in  a  keel.      Septa  deeply  digitate,  the  first   lateral 
saddle  being  bifid. 

Acantlwceras  Neumayr  (Fig.  1303);  Douvilleiceras  Gj'oss.  (Fig.  1304);  TJiur- 
viannia  Hyatt ;  Steueroceras  Cossmann  {Odontoceras  Steuer) ;  Mammites  Laube  and 
Bruder  :  Muniericeras  and  Barroisiceras  Gross.      Cretaceous. 

Subfamily  D.     Crioceratinae  Hyatt. 

A  heterogeneous  group  of  degenerate  forms,  probaljly  derived  from  several  different 
normal   groups.     Forms   highly   ornamented   with    ribs   and   spines   or   knots.     The 




yoiitliful  whorls  ai'e  coiled  spirally  in  a  jilane  ;  at  maturity  the  whorl  straightens  out 
tem^jorarily,  often  bending  Lack  again  in  a  hook-shaped  body-chamber. 

Pig.  13C5.  Fi«-  130G. 

Spiroceiw  hifiircatum  (Qunnst.)-      Upper  Dog.uer  (Cal-  Aiicyloceras -mathcroriianum(VOrh.    Neocomian  ; 

lovian);  Ehniii;,'en,  Wiirtcmlierg.   J,  Shell  with  i)rotocoiicli  Castellane,  Basses  AJpes.     .(,  Conch,     r,,  Suture- 

bi-oken  away,  Vi-  '  ^'>  Portion  of  venter.     (',  Sntnre-line.  line. 

Sjiiroceras  Quenstedt  (Fig.   1305),  Lower   Oolite,   supposed    to    be   derived    from 
Parkinsonia.     Grioceras  Leveille  i  Anryloceras  d'Orb.  (Fig.  1306).      Cretaceous. 

Subfamily  E.     Scaphitinae  Meek. 

Whorl  close-coiled  in  youth,  opening  out  at 
maturity  into  a  hook- 
shaped  body  -  chauiber. 
Form  robust,  thick -set, 
involute,  surface  highly 
ornamental  with  ribs 
and  knots.  Sej^ta  finely 
digitate,  usually  with 
several  auxiliary  lobes. 

Scaphites    Parkinson 
(Figs.  1162, 1307,  1308); 
Fici.  130S.  Discosraphites        Meek  ; 

Scaphitcs    aeijualis   Sowb.    Jalinites  Hyatt.      Creta- 

Ceii  oni  an  i  an  ;     Rouen, 

Fi(i.  1307. 

SccqihUea  sjiinifii'r  Schliitei-.     Uppi'i-  Creta 
ceous  (Senonian)  ;  Cousfeld,  Westphalia. 

France,     i/i 





Subfamily  ¥.     Placenticeratinae  Hyatt. 

Compressed,  involute,  liigli-wliorled  forms,  with  venters  flat  compressed  or  concave 
in    youth,   becoming  somewhat   rounded   with   age.       Surface   either   tuberculate   or 

Septa      complex,     with 
outlines,     and      narrow- 




This  group  appears  to  be  little 
modified  from  the  ancestral  Cosmo- 
ceratinae,!  and  of  all  the  so-called 
Pseudoceratttes  of  the  Cretaceous  it 
is  nearest  to  the  typical  form. 

Placenticeras  Meek  ;  Dvplacomo- 
ceras  Hyatt ;  Forbesiceras  Kossmat. 

Family  29. 


Fi.;.  1300. 

hidoceras  ismaiili  (Zittel).     Upper  Senonian  ;  Libyan 
Desert  west  of  Oasis  Dachsel. 

Shell  compressed,  imtdliform, 
narro%vly  wmhilicate,  high  whorled. 
Venter  flattened  or  rounded,  or 
acute.  Flanks  with  broad  low  folds 
which  often  end  in  marginal  keels, 
more    seldom    in     knots    pr    spines. 

Septa  not  deeply  digitate,  lobes  xLsually  only  moderately  serrated,  saddles  often  rounded 
and  entire.  The  external  saddle  is  often  divided  into  several  secondary  lobes.  Tliere 
are  several  auxiliary  lobes  in  most  genera. 

The    Engonoceratidae    were   probably,  derived    from    the    Placenticeratinae,   and 

through  them  from  the  Cosmoceratinae. 

Engonoceras     Neumayr ;      Metengonoceras 

Hyatt ;    Hoplifoides   von    Koenen ;     Tndoceras 

Noetling    (Fig.    1309)  ;     Sj^henodiscus    Meek. 

^^      ..  issx  Cretaceous. 


'  '^""'  Family  30.     Pulchelliidae  Douville. 

Form  involute  and  high  iohorled.  Venter 
flattened  or  rounded  or  acute.  Flanks  smooth, 
or  ornamented  with  ribs  or  knots.  Septa  not 
digitate,  being  mostly  either  ceratitic  or  gonia- 
titic  in  character.  Lobes  and  saddles  shallmo, 
with  broad  saddles  and  narroio  lobes.  External 
saddle  divided  into  several  secondary  lobes. 
Auxiliary  lobes  txvo  to  three  in  number. 

The  Pulchelliidae  were  j)robably  derived 
from  the  Hoplitinae.  Pulchellia  Douville ; 
Metpicoceras  Hyatt ;  Knemiceras  J.  Boehm  ; 
i>«c/w"ce?'rts  Hyatt;  /t'oewCT'ocer-as  Hyatt ;  Tissotia 
Douville  (Fig.  1310).      Cretaceous. 

Fui.  1310. 

Tissotia  fourneli  Bayle.     Cenomanian 
M'sai,  Algiers  (after  Bayle). 


^   Smith,  J.  P.,  The  development  .iiirl    phylogeny  of   Placeuticeras. 
Sci.,  Srd  ser..  Geol.,  1900,  vol.  i.  No.  7. 

Proc.  California  Acad. 




In  this  family  1  probably  belong  several  genera  commonly  classed  witli  Oxynoticeras 
or  Amaltheus,  as  follows  : — Garnieria  Sajai.  ;  Lenficeras  Gehr.  ;  Euloplwceras  Hyatt. 

Family  31.     Prionotropidae  Zittel. 

Form  evolute,  discoidal,  laterally  compressed.  Flanks  with  strong,  simple  or 
dichotomous  ribs  that  form  one  or  more  rows  of  knots  on  the  sides,  and  one  on  the 
ventral  shoulders.      Venter  with  strong  median   heel,  either  smooth  or  broken  ^ip  into  a 

Fig.  1311. 

Scldoenbachia  varians  (Sowb.).     Cenomanian  ; 
Quedliiiburg,  Saxony. 

Fio.  1312. 

Schloenhachia  cristata  (Dehic). 
Lower  Cretaceous. 

row  of  knots.     Septa  only  moderately  digitate.     External  and  first  lateral  saddle  broad, 
lateral  lobes  bifid,  only  one  auxiliary  lobe  present. 

This  group  is  commonly  supposed  to  have  been  derived  from  the  Amaltheidae, 
but  proofs  of  the  connection  are  lacking. 

Schloenhachia  Neumayr  (Figs.  1311,  1312);  Hystatoceras  Hyatt;  Barroisiceras 
Gross. ;  Murtoniceras  Meek  ;  Peroniceras  Gross. ;  Prionotropis  Meek.      Cretaceous. 

Range    and    Distribution    of  the    Ammonoidea. 

The  Ammonoids  are  more  than  twice  as  rich  in  forms  as  the  Nautiloids.  While 
of  the  latter  about  2500  species  have  been  described,  the  number  of  Ammonoids  has 
reached  far  beyond  5000  species.  These  are  without  exception  extinct,  and  are 
especially  characteristic  of  the  Mesozoic  eia. 

Although  Ammonites  are  unknown  later  than  the  Cretaceous  period,  nevertheless 
this  group  must  be  regarded  on  the  whole  as  the  younger  brancli  of  the  stock  of 
Tetrabranchiates.  After  the  Nautiloids  had  passed  their  culmination,  the  Goniatites 
and  Clymenias  appeared  as  the  oldest  representatives  of  the  Ammonoids.  The  time 
range  of  the  Clymenias  is  limited  to  a  short  epoch  in  the  Upper  Devonian  ;  the 
Goniatites  appeared  first  in  the  Upper  Silurian  (Kellerwald),  develojied  a  great 
variety  of  forms  in  the  Devonian,  and  continue  until  the  close  of  the  Paleozoic  era. 

Until  a  few  yeais  ago  it  was  believed  that  only  Goniatites  and  Clj'menias  occurred 
in  the  Paleozoic  deposits.  The  discovery  of  genuine  Ammonites  in  the  Permian  of 
the  Salt  Range  of  India,  in  the  Ural  Mountains,  in  Texas,  in  the  Fusulina  limestone 
of  Sicily,  etc.,  and  later  the  discovery  of  primitive  Ammonites  in  the  Coal  Measures 
of  Texas  and  in  the  Lower  Carboniferous  of  the  Mississij)pi  Valley,  pushed  their  range 

*  Danville,  //.,  Involution  et  classificatiou  des  Pulcliellides,    Bull.  Soc.  Gcol.  France,  1911,  vol.  xi. 


considerably  further  back  into  tbe  Carboniferous  system.  These  Paleozoic  Aiimionoids 
stand  in  the  development  of  their  septa  between  the  Goniatites  and  the  more  highly 
specialised  Mesozoic  Ammonites. 

With  the  beginning  of  the  Mesozoic  era,  the  true  Ammonites  developed  with 
great  rapidity.  In  the  middlq  European  Muschelkalk  only  the  genera  Geratites, 
Bcneckeia,  Hungarites,  Balafoniies,  Arniotites,  Acrochordiccras  and  Ptychites  have  as 
yet  been  discovered.  On  the  other  hand,  in  the  Alps,  Spitzbergpn,  the  Himalayas, 
in  western  North  America  and 'in  Siberia,  there  have  been  found  great  numbers  of 
Ammonites  in  rich  faunas  of  the  Lower,  Middle  and  Upper  Triassic.  The  families 
of  Tropitidae,  Ceratitidae,  Ptychitidac,  Cladiscitidae  and  Pinacoceratidae  belong 
exclusively  to  the  Triassic ;  the  Arcestidae  begin  in  the  Coal  Measures,  but  reach 
their  greatest  development  in  the  Triassic. 

In  the  development  of  their  septa  the  Triassic  Ammonites  show  an  unexpected 
variety  of  form  and  complexity.  Certain  genera  {Sageceras,  Lccanites,  Lohites)  scarcely 
pass  the  goniatitic  stage  of  development ;  many  others  (Meekoceras,  etc.)  only  reach  the 
ceratitic  stage.  In  the  Arcestidae,  Tropitidae,  Cladiscitidae,  Ptychitidae  and  Phyllo- 
ceratidae  the  lol^es  and  saddles  have  become  digitate.  Indeed,  in  Pinacoceras  is  found 
the  greatest  complexity  of  development  of  the  septa  that  has  been  observed  among  the 
Ammonites.  Along  with  the  typical  forms  the  Upper  Triassic  of  the  Alps  has  fur- 
nished also  a  number  of  reversionary  types  or  aberrant  forms  (Gochloceras,  Rhahdoceras, 
Ghoristoceras),  which  are  distinguished  by  reduction  of  the  septa  to  great  simplicity. 

■  With  the  Lias  a  fundamental  change  in  the  Ammonites  occurred.  Of  the 
numerous  Triassic  genera  and  families,  with  the  exception  of  the  Phylloceratidae,  all 
have  come  to  an  end  and  are  replaced  by  new  forms.  The  causes  that  made  the 
Cephalopods  so  rare  in  tlie  Rhaetic  are  unknown.  It  may  be  that  not  all  these 
groups  were  extinguished,  but  that  they  lived  on  in  other,  as  yet  unknown  regions, 
and  when  we  next  see  them  in  the  Jurassic  they  have  changed  beyond  recognition. 

In  the  Lower  Lias  the  Aegoceratidae  are  almost  the  only  forms ;  the  -genera 
Psiloccras,  Arietites  and  Schlotheimia,  are  confined  to  this  stage.  In  the  Middle  Lias, 
along  with  the  Aegoceratidae,  are  represented  the  Harpoceratidae,  the  Amaltheidae 
{Oxynoticeras,  Amcdtheus),  the  Phylloceratidae  (Phylloceras),  the  Lytoceratidae 
(Lytoceras),  and  the  oldest  members  of  the  Stephanoceratidae  (Goeloceras,  Dactylioccras). 
It  is  noteworthy  that  in  the  Liassic  Ammonites  the  antisiphonal  lobe  is  frec[uently 
bifid  (as  in  the  Aegoceratidae  and  Amaltheidae). 

With  the  exception  of  the  Aegoceratidae  all  the  families  that  appeared  in  the 
Lias  lasted  into  the  Middle  and  Upper  Jurassic,  although  tlie  Harpoceratidae  are 
reduced  in  numbers,  and  perished  in  the  Malm  or  Upper  Jura.  The  only  new 
families  added  in  the  Middle  Jurassic  are  the  Haploceratidae  and  the  Cosmoceratidae. 
The  most  common  genera  in  the  Middle  Jurassic  are  :  Harpoceras,  Oppelia,  Stephanoceras, 
Sphaeroceras,  Morphoceras,  Macrocephalites,  Oecoptychius,  ReinecJcia,  Parkinsonia, 
Gosmoccras,  Perisphindes,  Hap)loceras,  Phylloceras,  Lytoceras. 

In  the  Malm  are  found  nearly  all  those  genera  named  under  the  Middle  Jurassic, 
but  the  number  of  species  has  changed  greatly.  Thus  Harpoceras,  Stephanoceras, 
Reineckia,  Parkinsonia  and  Gosmoceras,  are  reduced,  while  Oppelia,  Haploceras, 
Olcostephanus,  and  especially  Perisphinctes  have  increased  greatly.  Perisphinctes  is 
decidedly  the  dominant  genus  in  the  Upper  Jurassic,  and  along  with  it  Aspidoceras, 
Simoceras  and  PeUoceras  show  a  large  number  of  species.  Aberrant  forms  are  rare 
in  the  Jurassic,  and  are  confined  to  a  few  species  of  Spiroceras  and  Baculina. 

A  change  like  that  seen  at  the  beginning  of  the  Jurassic  takes  place  also  at  the 
end  of  this  period.  The  Ammonites  of  the  Cretaceous  belong  largely  to  new  genera. 
Indeed  a  remarkable  metamorphosis  occurs  in  the  entire  habitus  of  the  Cephalopod 
fauna.  Only  the  oldest  Neocomian  beds  of  the  Alps  contain  a  few  species  that  had 
lived  in  the  Tithonian  epoch,  and  show  the  continuity  of  the  two  systems.  The  least 
degree  of  change  is  shown  by  the  Phylloceratidae  and  the  Lytoceratidae.  In  place  of 
VOL.  I  2  X 



Table  showing  Geological  Kange  of  Ammonoidea 
















1.  Clymeniidae 
Extrasiph  onata 

1.  Bactritidae 

2.  Nautilinidae 

3.  Aphyllitidae 

4.  Tornoceratidae  . 

5.  Clieiloceratidae  . 

6.  Gephyroceratidae 

A.  Primordialinae   . 

B.  Beloceratinae     . 

7.  Prolecanitidae 

A.  Prolecanitinae    . 

B.  Noritinae  . 

C.  Medlicottiinae    , 

8.  Pinacoceratidae 

A.  Hedenstroemiinae 

B.  Sageceratinae 

C.  Carnitinae 

D.  Pinacoceratinae 

9.  Glyphioceratidae 

10.  Thalassoceratidae 

11.  Ptychitidae 

12.  Tropitidae 

A.  Tropitinae 

B.  Haloritinae 

C.  Sibiritinae 

D.  Celtitinae 

13.  Arcestidae 

A.  Popanoceratinae 

B.  Gyclolobinac 

C.  Arcestinae 

14.  Cladiscitidae 

15.  Meekoceratidae 

A.  Lecanitinae 

B.  Meekoceratinae 

16.  Gynmitidae 

17.  Hinigaritidae     . 

18.  Ceratitidae 

A.  Ceratitinae 

B.  Tirolitinae 

C.  Diuaritinae 

D.  Buchitinae 

E.  Arpaditinae 

F.  Trachyceratinae 

G.  Choristoccratinae 
H.   Cochloceratinae 

.....    «> 



...      — 



















19.  Phylloceratidae 

A.  Monophyllitinae  . 

B.  Phylloceratinae   . 

20.  Lytoceratidae 

A.  Lytoceratinae 

B.  Macroscaphitinae 

C.  Turrilitinae 

21.  Aegoceratidae 

A.  Psiloceratinae 

B.  Arietitinae  . 
G.  Aegoceratinae 

D.  Polymorphinae    . 

22.  Harpoceratidae 

A.  Harpoceratinae    . 

B.  Oppeliinae  . 

23.  Amaltheidae 

A.  Amaltheinae 

B.  Hammatoceratinae 

24.  Hajiloceratidae    ., 

25.  Stephanoceratidae 

A.  Dactylioceratinae 

B.  Steplianoceratinae 

C.  Cadoceratinae 

D.  Perisphinctinae    . 

E.  Morphoceratinae  . 

F.  Reineckiinae 

26.  Aspidoceratidae  . 

27.  Desmoceratidae 

A.  Desmoceratinae    . 

B.  Silesitinae    . 

28.  Cosm.oceratidae 

A.  Cosmoceratinae    . 

B.  Hoplitinae  . 

C.  Acanthoceratinae 

D.  Crioceratinae 

E.  Scaphitinae 

F.  Placenticeratinae 

29.  Engouoceratidae 

30.  Pulchelliidae 

31.  Prionotropidae     . 





... — 


tlie  Haqjoceratidae  we  find  the  Desmoceratidae,  of  which  the  genera  Desmoceras  and 
Silesites  especially  characterize  the  Neocomian  and  Gault,  and  Pachydiscus  the  higher 
stages  of  the  Cretaceous.  Of  the  Stephanoceratidae  the  genera  Perisphinctes  and 
Olcostephanus,  which  had  survived  from  the  Jurassic,  are  extinguished  in  the  Lowei' 
Cretaceous.  In  the  place  of  the  Jurassic  Cosmoceratidae  appear  Ho-plites,  Douvilleiceras 
and  Acanthoccras.  A  peculiar  retrograde  development  of  the  septa,  a  reversion  to  the 
ceratitic    stage,    is    seen    in     two    families    of   Cretaceous  Ammonites,    the    southern 




Pulclielliidae  and  Engonoceratidae,  which  were  probably  connected  with  the  younger 
Cosmoceratidae  (Hoplites).  The  Cretaceous  Ammonitic  fauna  derives  a  sj^ecial 
character  from  the  great  development  of  aberrant  forms,  which  are  most  abundant  in 
the  Neocomian,  l)ut  in  jjart  last  into  the  higher  stages  of  the  Cretaceous.  The  genera 
Macroscaphites,  Pictetia,  Hamites,  Anisoceras,  Turrilites,  Baculites,  Crioceras  and 
Bcaphites  are  confined  exclusively  to  the  Cretaceous. 

The  sudden  extinction  of  the  Ammonites  at  the  end  of  the  Cretaceous  is  one  of 

Diagram  showing  the  Relationships  of  Paleozoic  and 
Early  Mesozoic  Ammonoids 

the  most  remarkable  phenomena  in  the  history  of  the  organic  world,  and  one  as  yet 
without  explanation.  Great  changes  in  conditions  of  life  must  have  taken  place  at 
the  border  between  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  to  have  brought  about  the  extinction  of 
this  flourishing  and  highly  organised  group  of  animals  not  only  in  Europe,  but  also 
in  all  other  parts  of  the  world. 

The  system  of  nomenclature  now  commonly  in  vogue  has  placed  oljstacles  in  the 
way  of  a  clear  view  of  the  general  characters  of  the  whole  group  of  Ammonoids. 
And  this  is  especially  unfortunate  because  in  more  recent  years  the  genera  and 
families  named  have  been  difficult  to  distinguish,  and  in  many  cases  have  received 
very  vague  definitions.  At  present  the  i^revailing  tendency  is  to  subdivide  rather 
than  to  unite,  and  some  authors  are  in  a  fair  way  to  change  every  time-honoured 
species  into  a  special  genus  or  family. 

Few  divisions  of  the  animal  kingdom  liave  left  such  a  perfect  record  of  their 




development,  and  such  a  great  mass  of  evidence  in  favour  of  tlie  tlieory  of  evolution 
as  have  tlie  Ammonites.  Indeed,  in  this  group,  on  account  of  the  uncommon  thinness 
of  the  shell,  internal  moulds  are  of  as  much  importance  from  the  standpoint  of  precise 
identification  as  those  sjiecimens  which  have  the  shell  perfectly  preserved. 

The  first  attempt  to  study  a  large  number  of  species  of  Ammonites  in  their 
genetic  relationships  was  made  by  Waagen  in  the  series  of  Oppelia  supradiata. 
Similar  attempts  were  made  by  Neumayr  in  the  Phylloceratidae,  Perisphinctinae,  etc.  ; 
by  Hyatt  in  the  Arietitinae  ;  and  with  especial  minuteness  by  Leopold  Wiirtenberger 
in  the  Jurassic  groups  Aspidocei-as,  Simoceras,  Waagenia,  Peltoeeras,  Perisphindes  and 
Stephanoceras.  Also  Mojsisovics,  Uhlig,  Hang,  Douville,  Freeh,  Diener,  Pompeckj  and 
others  have  paid  special  attention  to  the  genetic  relationships  of  the  various  groups  of 
Ammonites.  All  these  authors  come  to  the  conclusion  that  in  the  Ammonites  there 
are  numerous  genetic  series  of  which  the  development  may  be  followed  step  by  step  in 
the  species  that  occur  in  the  various  successive  strata. 

In  the  last  few  years  great  progress  has  been  made  in  the  study  of  the  Ammonite 
faunas,  especially  of  the  later  Paleozoic  and  Triassic  horizons  ;  also  in  the  most  various 
divisions  of  the  many  branched  family  tree  of  the  Ammonites,  much  light  has  been 
thrown  ujion  the  genetic  relationships  of  nr;merous  genera  and  families.  But  in 
spite  of  this  it  is  not  yet  possible  to  give  a  graphic  representation  of  the  development 
and  kinship  of  the  Ammonoidea  that  is  true  of  the  whole  group,  and  beyond  suspicion 
in  any  of  its  parts.  However,  in  the  above  diagram  a  tentative  efl:ort  is  made  in  this 
direction,  and  in  this  scheme  the  probable  relationships  of  the  Paleozoic  to  the 
earlier  Mesozoic  genera  are  indicated  in  the  light  of  ^ 

the  present  status  of  our  knowledge. 

[The  foregoing  chapter  on  Ammonoidea  has  been  revised 
for  the  present  work  by  Professor  James  Perrin  Smith,  of 
Leland  Stanford  Junior  University,  California. — Editor.] 

Subclass  2.     DIBRANCHIATA  Owen. 

Cefhalopods  with  only  two.  arhoi'escent  gills  in  the 
mantle-cavity  :  provided  round  the  mouth  with  eight 
or  ten  arms  hearing  suckers  or  hooks,  two  of  them 
(when  ten  in  all  are  present)  being  often  developed 
into  long  tentacles.  Funnel  closed;  ink-sac  usually 
present.  Shell  internal,  or  if  external,  it  is  not 
chambered ;  in  many  forms  entirely  wanting. 

The  body  of  the  Dibranchiates  or  Cuttle-fishes 
is  elongated,  cylindrical  or  sac-shaped,  and  fre- 
quently provided  with  two  lateral  fin-like  append- 
ages. The  anterior  cephalic  region  gives  off"  a 
circlet  of  eight  or  ten  powerful,  muscular  arms, 
the  inner  sides  of  which  are  armed  with  suckers 
(acetahula),  or  a  double  row  of  hooks,  and  assist 
in  swimming  or  creeping,  and  also  serve  for  the 
capture  of  prey.  The  Sepioidea  have  two  of 
their  ten  arms  developed  into  very  long  tentacles 
which  bear  hooks  or  suckers  only  at  their 
thickened  extremities  (Fig.  1313).  The  lower  surface  of  the  suckers  is  disk- 
or  cup-shaped,  perforated  in  the  middle,  and  occupied  by  numerous  radially 

Pig.  1313, 

Enoploteuthis  leptura.  Recent; 
Pacific  Ocean.  A,  Ventral  aspect. 
B,  Internal  shell  or  "pen." 

678  MOLLUSC  A— CEPHALOPODA  phylum  vi 

arranged  muscle  fibres  ;  they  are  also  occasionally  furnished  with  horny  hooks 
or  sharp  claws.  Each  sucker  is  able  to  create  a  partial  vacuum  by  pressing 
the  cartilaginous  rim  against  some  object  and  then  contracting  the  inner 
folds,  and  hence  can  be  used  like  a  cupping-glass. 

The  jaws  resemble  those  of  Nautiloids  in  form,  but  are  never  calcified  ; 
and  owing  to  their  perishable  nature,  usually  horny,  they  are  not  preserved  in 
the  fossil  state.  The  cartilage  of  the  head  forms  a  complete  ring  enclosing 
the  central  portion  of  the  nervous  system.  The  eyes  are  of  large  size, 
protected  by  a  capsule,  and  recall  those  of  vertebrates  in  structure. 

The  body  is  constricted  at  the  mantle  opening,  which  occurs  just  behind 
the  head,  and  at  this  point  on  the  ventral  surface  is  placed  the  respiratory 
orifice,  bounded  by  a  projecting  fold  of  the  mantle.  Here  also  terminates 
the  cylindrical  or  conical  funnel,  on  either  side  of  which  lie  the  dendriform 
gills ;  in  this  region  also  are  placed  the  anal  and  genital  openings. 

The  abdomen  is  sac-shaped,  and  contains  besides  the  viscera  and  circu- 
latory systems  a  rather  large  pyriform  vessel  called  the  ink-bag.  Its  reservoir 
is  filled  with  an  extremely  opaque  brownish-black  fluid,  which  can  be  voided 
at  will  through  an  excurrent  canal  terminating  near  the  anus.  Menaced  or 
alarmed,  the  creature  discharges  a  dense  cloud  of  ink,  which  serves  to 
conceal  its  retreat.  One  often  finds  within  the  body  of  fossil  Dibranchiates 
not  only  a  cast  or  mould  representing  the  ink-bag,  but  often  a  dark-coloured 
residuum  of  the  carbonaceous  particles  suspended  in  the  ink. 

The  abdomen  is  completely  covered  by  the  mantle,  which  is  a  thick  and 
frequently  brilliantly  coloured  muscular  envelope.  Traces  of  it  are  occasion- 
ally found  among  fossil  forms,  owing  to  a  slight  secretion  of  calcareous  matter 
within  it. 

Most  Dibranchiates  secrete  an  internal  shell  within  the  mantle.  Only 
among  the  Octopoda  is  a  shell  absent  entirely,  or  replaced  in  the  female  by  a 
thin,  simple,  unchambered  spiral ;  but  this  last  is  in  nowise  homologous  with 
the  usual  Dibranchiate  shell.  Spirula  has  a  spiral,  camerated  shell,  the  septa 
of  which  are  traversed  by  a  siphuncle,  and  the  coils  are  not  in  contact.  It 
is  situated  in  the  hinder  portion  of  the  body  and  is  partially  enveloped  by  the 
mantle.  Among  extinct  Belemnites  the  internal  shell  consists  of  three  parts  : 
a  chambered  cone  {phragmacone),  which  is  prolonged  forwards  on  the  dorsal 
side  into  a  delicate  corneo  -  calcareous  proosfracum,  and  is  inserted  at  the 
posterior  end  into  a  finger-like  calcareous  piece  called  the  guard  (sheath  or 
rostrum)  (Fig.  1314,  C). 

Some  living  Cuttle  -  fishes  have  a  horny,  elongated-oval,  feather-shaped 
pi-oostracum  or  "pen"  (Fig.  1332),  which  is  situated  dorsally  in  a  closed  sac 
of  the  mantle.  It  is  sometimes  extremely  thin,  and  composed  of  conchyolin 
or  lime  carbonate.  The  sepion,  gladius,  or  "  cuttle-bone,"  as  the  shell  is  called 
when  calcified  in  some  genera,  exhibits  at  its  posterior  end  a  small  point  (the 
mucro)  corresponding  to  the  guard  in  Belemnites,  and  extends  in  front  as  a 
broad  shelly  plate,  like  a  proostracum.  This  forward  extension,  when  viewed 
from  the  front  side,  is  seen  to  be  covered  by  a  mass  of  thin  shelly  lamellae, 
which  correspond  to  the  septa  more  distinctly  observed  in  Belosepia. 

Many  living  Dibranchiates  are  gregarious,  and  swim  in  the  open  sea  in 
hordes  ;  others  creep  on  the  bottom  or  lead  a  separate  existence  along  rocky 
shores.  They  are  extraordinarily  active,  voracious  animals,  and  prey  upon 
mollusks,  crustaceans  and  fishes.     A  few  species  are  esteemed  as  food  by  man. 


In  size  Dibranchiates  are  extremely  variable  ;  some  forms  are  only  2  or  3  cm. 
long,  others  attain  gigantic  dimensions.  Architeuthis,  for  example,  reaches 
a  total  length  of  12  metres,  the  body  being  2*5  long,  and  over  2  metres  in 
circumference.  Its  arms  are  thick  as  a  man's  leg,  and  the  suckers  sometimes 
as  large  as  ordinary  coffee-cups. 

Dibranchiate  Cephalopods  are  divided  into  three  orders,  as  follows : — 
Belemnoidea,  Sepioidea  and  Odopoda. 

Order  1.     BELEMNOIDEA.      (Phragmophora  Fischer.)^ 

Shell  infernal,  chambered,  and  the  septa  traversed  by  a  sijdiuncle ;  conical  or  more 
rarely  spiral,  and  {with  the  exception  of  Spirilla)  terminating  ^posteriorly  in  a  calcareous 
sheath  or  guard.     Arms  ten  in  number,  provided  ivith  hooklets.     Trias  to  Recent. 

Save  for  the  genus  Spirula,  all  forms  belonging  to  this  suborder  are  extinct.  Their 
camerate  shells,  perforated  by  a  siphuncle,  betoken  a  kinship  with  Tetrabranchiates,  but 
there  are  decided  differences  both  in  the  structure  and  function  of  the  shell.  Tetra- 
branchiates have  the  shell  always  external,  enclosing  the  body,  but  in  Dibranchiates  it 
is  more  or  less  enveloped  by  soft  parts.  Genetic  connection  between  the  Belemnoidea 
and  Sepioidea  is  apparent,  and  although  their  shells  differ  in  form  and  structure,  yet 
a  rudimentary  phragmacone  persists  in  the  latter  at  the  posterior  end  of  the  skeleton. 
This  rudiment  is  much  more  perfectly  developed  in  Belosepia  of  the  Tertiary,  which  is 
a  connecting  link  between  Belemnoidea  and  Sej^ioidea.  It  is  possible  to  explain  the 
entire  internal  shell  of  Spirula  as  homologous  with  the  phragmacone  of  Belemnites. 
It  begins  as  a  globular  or  inflated  protoconch,  which  is  constricted  off  from  the  first 
camera,  and  is  devoid  of  a  cicatrix.  The  siphuncle  originates  as  a  caecal  tube,  and  is 
continued  apicad  as  a  prosij^hon,  the  same  as  in  Ammonoids. 

Family   1.      Belemnitidae  de  Blainville. 

Shell  composed  of  a  conical  camerate  phragmacone,  continued  on  the  dorsal  side  as  a 
proostracum,  and  an  elongated  solid  rostrum  or  guard.  Arms  ten  in  number,  of  equal 
length,  provided  with  hooklets.     Ink-bag  present.     Trias  to  Eocene. 

This  family,  owing  to  its  great  morphological  diversity  and  geological  importance,  occupies 
a  foremost  position  among  Belemnoidea.  The  shell  may  be  considered  as  the  prototype  of  that 
in  all  Dibranchiates,  since  it  has  all  the  component  parts  fully  developed,  whereas  in  other 
groups  some  of  these  become  atrophied  or  wanting. 

The  shell  of  Belemnites  (Fig.  1314)  consists  of  three  fundamental  portions  :  (1)  A  solid 
calcareous  piece,  usually  much  elongated,  and  of  subcylindrical,  conoidal  or  fusiform  shape. 
This  is  called  the  guard  (rostrum,  osselet,  gaine,  Scheide),  and  is  excavated  at  its  anterior 

^  In  addition  to  the  literature  cited  under  the  head  of  Cephalopoda  (v.  antea)  see  the  following  : 
Angermann,  E.,  tjber  das  Genus  Acanthoteuthis  Minister,  etc.  Neues  Jahrb.  Miner.,  1902, 
supplem.  vol.  xv. — Blamville,  H.  D.  de,  Mumoire  sur  les  Belemnites.  Paris,  1827. — Crick,  G.  C, 
On  Acanthoteuthis  and  Coccoteuthis.  Geol.  Mag.,  1896-97,  dec.  4,  vols  iii.,  iv. — Idem,  Notes  on 
Actinocamax.  Ibid.,  1904,  1907,  vols,  i.,  iv. — Idem,  On  the  Proostracum  of  a  Belenniite  from  the 
Upper  Lias  of  Alderton.  Proc.  Malacol.  Soc.,  London,  1896,  vol.  ii.  pt.  3. — Idem,  On  the  Arms  of 
the  Belemnite.  Ibid.,  1907,  vol.  vii. ,  no.  5. — Ide^ni,  Buccal  Membrane  of  Acanthoteuthis.  Ibid., 
1898,  vol.  iii.  pt.  1. — Idem,  On  Belemnocamax  boweri  from  the  Lower  Chalk.  Proc.  Geol.  Assoc, 
London,  1910,  vol.  xxi. — Danford,  0.  G.,  Notes  on  the  Belemnites  of  the  Speeton  Clays.  Trans. 
Hull  Geol.  Soc,  1906,  vol.  v. — Grossouvre,  A.  de,  Quelques  observations  sur  les  Belemnitelles,  etc. 
Bull.  Soc.  Geol,  France,  1899,  ser.  3,  vol.  xxvii. — Huxley  T.  H.,On  the  Structure  of  Belemnitidae, 
etc.  Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  United  Kingdom,  1864,  Monogr.  ii. — PlbilUiJS,  J.,  Monograph  of  British 
Belemnitidae.  Palaeontogr.  Soc. ,  1865-70. — Suess,  ii\,  UeberdieCephalopoden-Sippe  Acanthoteuthis. 
Sitzber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1865,  vol.  Ii.  —  Voltz,  P.  L.,  Observations  sur  les  Belemnites.  Paris, 
1827. — Idem,,  Observations  sur  les  Belopeltis  ou  lames  dor.sales  des  Belemnites.  Mem.  Soc.  d'Hist. 
Nat.  Strasbourg,  1840,  vol.  iii. — Appeliif,  A..  Die  Schalen  von  Sepia,  Spirula  und  Nautilus. 
Kongl.  Sveuska  Vetensk.  Handl.,  1893,  vol.  xxv. 




broad  extremity  into  a  conical  cavity  or  alveolns.  Within  the  alveolus  is  placed  (2)  the 
phrag iiiaconc.  This  consists  of  a  conical  series  of  chambers  (loculi),  the  sejita  of  which  are 
pierced  at  the  ventral  margin  for  the  passage  of  the  siphuncle.  The  phragmacone  begins  with 
a  globular  protoconch,  and  its  last  or  anterior  chamber  is  of  comparatively  large  size.  It  is 
invested  with  a  thin  proper  wall  (conotheca),  which  is  jn-olonged  forwards  on  the  dorsal  side 
into  a  more  or  less  calcified  plate  called  (3)  the  proostracum.  This  last  corresponds  to  the 
"  pen  "  of  living  cuttle-fishes.  There  is  evidence  that  its  anterior  margin  is  convex,  but  it  is 
so  extremely  thin  that  it  is  never  perfectly  preserved,  and  like  the  phragmacone,  is  wanting 
in  by  far  the  greater  number  of  specimens. 

Notwithstanding  the  fragmentary  condition  in  which  the  proostracum  invariably  occurs, 
it  is  possible  to  reconstruct  its  outlines  from  the  iieculiar  conothecal  striae,  or  markings  of  the 
membranous  substance  with  which  it  is  invested.  The  conotheca  is  made  up  of  three  very 
thin  superimposed  laminae,  the  outermost  of  which  usually  shows  the  markings  alluded  to 
most  distinctly  (Fig.  1314,  C).  The  conical  surface  of  the  phragmacone  and  proostracum  is 
divided  by  Voltz  into  four  principal  regions  radiating  from  the  apex  :  A  dorsal  area,  including 
all  the  space  between  two  straight  lines  called  the  asyvvptotes,  which  extends  from  the  apex  of 
the  cone  as  far  as  the  aperture.  Tiiis  area  occupies  about  one-fourth  of  the  circumference,  and 
'  is  marked  with  loop  lines  of  growth  convex  toward  the  front.     On  either  side  of  the  dorsal 

area  and  separated  from  it  by  the  asymptotes  is  a  lateral  or 
hyperbolic  area,  each  one  occupying  about  one-eighth  of  the 
circumference,  and  covered  with  very  obliquely  arched  lines 
in  a  hyperbolic  form.  The  ventral  area  is  covered  with  numer- 
ous transverse  striae,  of  which  there  are  many  on  each  alveolar 
chamber,  and  they  are  closer  together  the  nearer  they  are  to 
the  apex  of  the  ])hragmacone.  The  striae  of  the  dorsal  area 
are  less  numerous  than  those  of  the  rest  of  the  shell,  and 
usually  are  less  pronounced,  being  sometimes  imperceptible. 

"The  guard  oi Bclemnites  consists  of  prismatic  calcareous 
fibres,  which  are  directed  perpendicularly  to  the  surface,  and 
radiate  in  all  directions  from  an  axial  line,  which  is  not 
strictly  central,  but  is  somewhat  nearer  the  ventral  than  the 
dorsal  side.  The  growth  of  the  guard  is  ett'ected  by  the 
deposition  of  successive  conical  layers  or  sheaths,  which  are 
secreted  over  the  entire  surface,  but  are  thickest  behind,  and 
become  gradually  attenuated  in  front.  The  surface  of  the 
guard  is  smooth  ;  or  may  be  wholly  or  partially  granulated 
or  wrinkled  ;  or,  again,  may  be  marked  with  branched  vasculnr 
impressions,  which  are  especially  conspicuous  on  the  ventral 
side.  In  many  cases  a  well-marked  groove^ — the  ventral  furrow 
— runs  from  the  edge  of  the  alveolus  backwards  on  the  ventral 
side,  extending  for  a  short  distance  only,  or  reaching  to  tlie 
]ioint  of  the  guard  (Fig.  1318,  6').  The  apical  portion  of  the 
guard  often  shows  two  symmetrical  grooves  (the  dorso-lateral 
grooves)  which  diverge  slightly  and  become  shallower  as  they 
extend  forwards,  and  which  mark  the  dorsal  side  of  the  shell." 

As  shown  by  vascular  impressions  on  the  rostrum,  the  shell 
of  Belemnoids  was  eomi)letely  enveloped  by  the  mantle.  AVell 
preserved  impressions  of  the  animal  in  tlie  Englisli  Lias  (Figs. 
1315,  B  ;  1327)  exhibit  an  elongated  form  of  body,  contracted 
anteriorly,  with  a  small  head  surrounded  by  ten  eijual  arms. 
An  ink-sac  is  present,  and  the  arms  are  provided  with  hooks. 
The  maximum  size  attained  by  Belemnoids  is  between  2  and 


Aulacoceras  Hauer    {Didyoconites   Mojs.)  (Fig.    1314). 

Guard  elongated,  clavate,  contracted  anteriorly,  thickened 

^'"-  ■'^^^-  in  the  posteiior  third,  and  pointed  at  the  tija  ;  composed 

u;S''S;''SSuf^:^;  of  concentric,  loosely  superimposed  lamellae.      Each   side 

Aussee,  Austria.    .1,  Guard  and   marked  by   a    deep  broad   lateral    groove   reaching  from 

pliraf,'macoiie,  -/•;.     11,  Guard,  i/i-     ,i       .■  o  ■,  ■  n         i  •  -ni 

a.  Portion  of  piiraHiiKicoue  siic-ed   the  tip  as  far  as  the  anterior  alveolar  margin.      FJiragma- 
funm'iT  ■''''*""^''''  '""'  ■'^'1^1'^""''   cone  at  least  twice  as  long  as  tlie  rostrum,  slowly  increas- 
ing   in    width    anteriorly,    ornamented    externally    with 
raised  longitudinal  lines,  which  are  crossed  on  the  dorsal  side  by  a  transverse  series, 




convex  toward  the  front  ;  closely  resembling  Orthoceras.  Septa  rather  distantly 
spaced  ;  siphuncle  marginal,  thin ;  proostracum  unknown.  Guards  of  this  genus 
are  rare,  but  detached  jshragmacones  are  not  uncommon.      Uj^per  Alpine  Trias. 

Atractites  Giimbel.     Like  Aulacoceras,  but  guard  large,  smooth  and  without  lateral 

furrows.     Phragmacone  either  smooth,  or  with  fine  asymptotic  lines,  and  dorsal  area 

A  B  c  marked    with    extremely    fine 

growth  -  lines,  convex  toward 
the  front.  Guards  and  phrag- 
macones  almost  always  occur 
detached.  Tlie  latter  were 
originally  mistaken  for  Ortho- 
ceratites,  but  are  distinguished 
by  their  marginal  siphuncle 
and  characteristic  conothecal 
striae.  Upper  Trias  and  Lias 
of  the  Alps ;  also  Trias  of 


Pig.  1315. 

A,  Vertical  section  of  a  Belenmite,  the  proostracum  broken  away 
above  the  phragmacone.  B,  Behmnltes  hrugicrlanus  Miller.  Lower 
Lias  ;  Cliarmouth,  England.  Impression  of  complete  individual.  1/3 
(after  Huxley).     C,  Restoration  of  a  Belemnite  shell. 

Abbreviations:  R,  Rostrum  or  "guard";  Ph,  Phragmacone;  Po, 
Proostracum  ;  a.  Apical  line  reaching  from  apex  of  guard  to  bottom  of 
alveolus  (0) ;  h,  Impression  of  arms  ;  c,  Camerae  of  phragmacone  ;  i,  An- 
terior end  of  proostracum  ;  0,  Protoconch  ;  si,  Siphuncle  ;  x.  Ink-bag. 

Pio.  1316. 

Bclcmnitescomprcssiis.  Lias ; 
Gundershofen,  Alsace. 
Phragmacone  with  well-pre- 
served conotheca.  a,  Asymp- 
totic line  ;  h.  Hyperbolic 
area  ;  v,  Ventral  area. 

Xiphoteuthis  Huxley.     Middle  Lias  ;  England.     X.  elongata  Huxley. 

Belemnites  Lister  (Figs.  1315-1319).  Name  first  ajjplied  by  Agricola  in  1546. 
Guard  dactyliform,  subcylindrical  or  conoidal,  sometimes  short  and  thick,  sometimes 
slender  and  much  elongated  ;  retral  portion  tapering,  submucronate  or  obtusely 
rounded.  Owing  to  irregularity  in  secretion  of  calcite  layers  on  the  periphery  of  the 
guard  during  growth,  individuals  belonging  to  the  same  .sjjecies  but  of  difierent  ages 
frequently  differ  considerably  in  form.  Such  difterences  are  well  illustrated  in  B. 
acuarius  Schloth.  The  young  are  sometimes  fusiform,  but  grow  cylindrical  or 
conical  with  age.     About  350  species  are  knoAvn,  ranging  from  the  Lower  Lias  to 




the  uppermost  Cretaceous  ;   maximum  from  the  Middle  Lias  to  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Distribution  world-wide  ;  most  abundant  in   Europe,  Asia  and  North  America.     As 

an  index  fossil  of  the  Jura 
and  Cretaceous,  this  genus 
is  scarcely  less  important 
than  the  Ammonites. 

Subtfenera  :  I'achytcufJiis 
Bayle  (Fig.  1318,  A).'  Guard 
perfectly  smooth.  Contined 
to  the  Lower  Lias.  £.  acutus 

Mcgateuthis  Bayle ,  {Dac- 
U/loteuthis  Bayle,  Paxillosi) 
(Fig.  1318,  B).  Apex  of 
the  guard  with  two  or  three 

Fig.  1317. 

Belcmnites  (Duvcdia) 
dilaMtus'  Blv.  Neo- 
comian  ;  Justithal, 
Lake  of  Tliun,  Switzer- 




Fig.  131S. 

-4,  U.  (Fachyteuthis)  acutus  Miller.  Lower 
Lias  ;  Lyme  Regis,  Dorsetshire.  B,  B.  (Mega- 
teuthi':)  2mxiUosus  Schloth.  Middle  Lias ;  Metzin- 
gen,  Wiirtemberg.  (',  B.  (P^eudohdus)  hijiariitiifi 
Blv.  Lower  Cretaceous  ;  Castellaiie,  Basses 
Alpes.  a,  h,  c,  Dorsal  and  ventral  aspects  and 
cross-section,  i/j.  /),  B.  {Brlcinnopsis)  canalicu- 
kit  us  Schloth.  Inferior  Oolite  ;  Wiirtemberg. 
E,  B.  (Bdemno}isls)  liastatus  Blv.  Oxfordian  ; 
Dives,  Calvados. 


Fig.  1319. 

Belernnitcs  {Actinocamax)  quad- 
ratus  (Blv.).  Upper  Creta- 
ceous ;  Germany.  -1,  Dorsal 
view  of  guard  with  deformed 
phragmacone  projecting  from 
alveolus.  B,  Ventral  aspect  of 
guard.  C,  Alveolus  from  above 
(after  Schltlter). 

usually  short  grooves.  Middle  Lias  to  Lower  Cretaceous.  B.  paxillosus  and  B.  giganteus 
Schloth.  ;  B.  clongatns  Mill.  ;  B.  subquadratus  Roem.,  etc. 

Belemnopsis  Bayle  (Hiholithcs  Montf.,  Gastrocoeli,  Canaliculati,  Hastati)  (Fig.  1318,  D,  E). 
Guard  with  deep  and  usually  long  ventral  furrow  extending  from  alveolar  margin  toward  the 
apex,  with  or  without  dorso-lateral  lines.  Middle  Jura  to  Middle  Cretaceous.  B.  canaliculatus 
Schloth. ;  B.  absoliitus  Fisch.  ;  B.  unicanalicu.lcdus  Zeit. ;  B.  minimus  Lister. 

Fscudohclus  Montf.  (Bijiartiti)  (Fig.  1318,  C).  Guard  thin,  slender,  with  deep  dorso- 
lateral grooves,  with  or  without  ventral  furrows.  Upper  Lias  to  Lower  Cretaceous.  B.  cxilis 
d'Orb.  ;  B.  hipartitus  Blainv. 

Adinocnmax  l\Iiller  [Goniotcuthis  Bayle)  (Fig.  1319).  Guard  cylindrical,  subniucronate, 
with  short  but  very  deep  ventral  furrow  ;  anterior  end  foliaceous,  and  very  liable  to  dissolu- 





Fig.  1321. 

Diploconus  helem- 
nlUddra  Zittel.  Ti- 
tlKuiian  ;  Strainberg. 

tion.  Phragniacone  only  very  slightly  inserted  in  the  guard,  the  two  portions  usually 
separated  by  an  interval.  Middle  and  Upper  Cretaceous.  B.  subventricosus  Wahlb. ;  B. 
quadratus  Blaiuv. 

BcleitinitcUa  d'Orb.  (Fig- 
1320).  Guard  cylindrical,  with 
short,  deep  ventral  furrow  fall- 
ing short  of  the  alveolar  margin. 
Pliragmacone  inserted  in  guard. 
Vascular  impressions  often 
beautifully  preserved.  Upper 

Diploconus  Zitt.  (Fig. 
1321).  Guard  short,  obtusely 
conical,  and  having  a  con- 
centric lamellar  structure,  not 
radial  and  fibrous.  Phragnia- 
cone reaching  nearly  to  the 
posterior  end  of  the 

Bayatioteuthis  Mun.- 
Chalni.  Guard  long,  cylind- 
rical, mucronate,  with  shallow 
lateral  grooves.  Dorsal  area 
roughened.  Pliragmacone  very 
slender  and  long,  oval  in 
section.  Eocene  ;  Paris  /Basin 
and  Ronca,  Italy.  B.  rugifer 

Vasscuria  Mun.  -  Chaliii. 
Guard  slender,  elongated - 
conical,  with  a  number  of 
longitudinal  grooves  extending 

from  the  apex.  Pliragmacone  more  than  one -half  as  long  as  the  guard.  Septa 
oblique,  their  necks  extending  from  one  septum  to  the  next.  Very  rare  in  the  Eocene 
of  Brittany. 

Belemnosis  Milne  Edw.  Very  rare  in  the  English  Eocene.  Styracoteiithis  Crick. 
Intermediate  between  Belemnitella  and  Bayanoteuthis.     Eocene  ;  Arabia. 

Beloptera  Blainv.  (Fig.  1322).  Guard  short  and  somewhat  swollen  at  its  forward 
end,  which  makes  a  slight  angle  with  the  pliragmacone  ;  on  either  side  it  is  expanded 
into  a  conical  projection.      Eocene. 

Belopterina  Mun.-Chalm.  Like  Beloptera,  but  without  the  lateral  wing-like 
expansions.      Eocene. 

Fig.  1320. 

licli'mnitcs  (BclcmniteUa)  mucronatua 
Schloth.  Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Drenstein- 
furtli,  Westplialia.  A,  B,  0,  Ventral,  dorsal 
and  lateral  aspects.    %. 

Pig.  1322. 

Beloptera  be.lcm- 
nitoidai  Blv.  Calcaire 
Grossier;  Paris  Basin. 
Ventral  aspect. 

Family  2.     Beleninoteuthidae    Zittel. 

Shell  composed  of  a  conical  phragmocone  and  proostracum,  the  guard  being  reduced 
to  a  thin  calcareous  or  horny  investment  of  the  pliragmacone.  Ten  arms  of  nearly  equal 
length,  each  heset  ivith  a  douhle  roio  of  hooJcs.     Ink-sac  'present.     Trias  and  Jura. 

Acanthotcuthis  Wagner  and  Miinst.  {Belemnites  Quenst.  p.p.  ;  Ostracoteuthis  Zitt.) 
(Figs.  1323-1325).  Pliragmacone  with  numerous  septa,  and  siphuncle  having  short 
siphonal  funnels  ;  enveloped  externally  in  a  thin  granular  calcareous  layer  rej)resent- 
ing  the  guard.  Surface  of  proostracum  divisible  into  a  broad  dorsal,  and  two  narrow 
lateral  areas  which  are  longitudinally  striated  and  taper  toward  the  front.  Dorsal 
area  ornamented  with  fine  parabolic  and  also  straight  longitudinal  lines  ;  anterior 




margin  rounded.      An  impression  of  tlie  animal  found    in  the  Lithographic  Stone 

Pio.  1324. 

A  can  thofeu  this  spec  losa 
Miinst.  Lithographic 
Stone ;  Eichstiidt.  A, 
Impression  of  shell,  the 
proostracum  accident- 
ally bent  sideways.  /;, 
Prcjostraeiini  showing 
se]ita  and  siphonal 
funnels,     -/g. 





V,   ''^\     "of I 

^^v^^\>  ^N 



!^_         £'^g~-^'~/ 


r^^)  \E:::1^ 



=^^fc-C— y'' 


=-^    I  _j^ 


Fig.  1324. 

I  II     lu2''). 

Acfi  nthotcuthis  spcc'iosa 
Miinst.  Lithographic 
Stone ;  Solenhofen.  Pro- 
ostracum.     -/;> 

•  Fiii.  1323. 

AccmthofeutJds  speciosa  Miinst.  Lithographic 
Stone  ;  Eichstiidt,  Bavaria.  Impression  of  arms 
and  body.     l/.i. 

shows  an  ink-bag  and  ten  powerful  arms  about  the  head, 
which  arc  beset  with  two  rows  of  ojjposite,  hornj^,  falciform 
booklets.     Upper  Jura. 

Phrucjmoteuthis  Mojs.  (Fig.  1326).  Proostracum  twice 
as  long  as  the  conical  phragmacone,  with  dorsal  area 
bounded  by  asymjitotic  lines,  and  two  shoiter  lateral  areas  ; 
anterior  margin  of  all  ai-eas  rounded.  Phragmacone  invested 
liy  a  brownish  horny  layer  representing  the  guard.  Trias 
(Raibl  Beds). 

Belemnoteuthis  Pearce  (Gonoteuthis  d'Orb.)  (Figs.  1327- 
1328).  Like  Acanthoteuthis  but  with  smaller  and  curved 
phragmacone,  which  is  not  produced  into  a  long  proostracum. 
Upper  Callovian  and  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Family  3.     Spirulidae  Zittel. 

Shell  reduced  to  a  chambered,  ^^h/ragmncone  coiled  into  aflat 
spiral,  the  coils  not  in  contact ;  situated  in  posterior  jjart  of 
the  body,  and  the  greater  portion  contained  within  the  mantle,  hi 




addition  to  the  eight  arms,  two  long  tentacles  ivithout  hooka  are  placed  between  the  third 
and  fourth  pairs.     Oligocene  to  Recent. 


Fig.  13-20. 

A,  PhragmoteiUhis  hiainiiata 
(Bronn).  Trias  ;  Raibl,  Car- 
iutliia.  I'll,  Pliragmacone  ;  I'o, 
Proostractuii  ;  L,  Lateral  area 
of  proostracum  ;  </,  Ink-bag. 
B,  Hooklets  of  arms,  i/i  (after 

■<i<.A  ..r 


Fig.  1327. 

U  clc  m  note  nth  i  s  ft  n  t  i  q  u  a 
Pearce.  Oxford  Clay  ;  Chris- 
tian Malford,  Wilts.  .1 ,  Partly 
restored  specimen,  i/.j.  oo. 
Eyes  ;  m,  Mantle.  Other 
letters  as  in  Fig.  132i;.  B, 
Hooklet,  -i/i  (after  Mantell). 

Fig.  132S. 

Belemnoteuthis  sp.  Oxford  Clay  ;  Gam- 
melshausen,  Wtirtemberg.  A,  C,  Dorsal 
and  ventral  aspects.  B,  Septum  and 


■--  Ph 

Fig.  1320. 

Spindirostra  hellardU  (Mich.).  Mio- 
cene ;  Siiperga,  near  Turin,  Italy.  .1, 
Side  view.  J!,  Longitudinal  section.  /', 
Guard  ;  Ph,  Pliragmacone.  i/'i  (after 

Spirulirostra  d'Orb.  (Fig.  1329).  Shell  composed  of  a 
short  triangular  pointed  guard,  which  is  excavated  anteriorly 
for  the  reception  of  the  chambered  phragmacone.  The  latter 
begins  as  a  spiral,  but  speedily  becomes  straight,  and  has 
septa  pierced  on  the  concave  ventral  side  by  the  marginal 
siphuncle.  Only  one  species.  Oligocene  of  Westphalia  and 
Upper  Miocene  of  Turin. 

Sfirnlirostrina  Canavari.  Like  the  preceding,  but  guard 
reduced  to  two  small,  lateral  wing-like  appendages.  Neocene 
of  Sardinia. 

Spirula   Lam.  (Fig.    1330).      Shell   thin,   guard   wanting. 
Chambered     phragmacone     enrolled    with     the    ventral    side 
concave,  the  coils  not  in  contact,  composed  of  nacreous   sub- 
stance ;     septa     concave  ;     protoconch     globular.        Siphuncle   tocon'ch" 
ventral   and   marginal   in  position,  the   septal  necks  directed   ^^^X^! sfS^^ 
backwards   between   the   septa.      Prosiphon   present.      Recent  ;  (after  Munier-Chalmas). 

Fig.  1330. 

Spirula  pernnii  Lam. 
Recent  ;  Pacific.  Longi- 
tudinal section,  i/i.  a,  Pro- 
e,    Caecal    com- 




inlialjits  tropical  seas.  For  description  of  the  animal  see  Keport  on  Spirula,  by 
Huxley  and  Pelseneer,  in  Appendix  to  Challenger  Keports,  Zoology,  part  Ixxxiii., 

Order  2.     SEPIOIDEA.      (Squids  and  Cuttle-fishes). 

Shell  internal,  without  differentiated  •phragmacone  and  guard,  hut  consisting  essenti- 
ally of  the  proostracum  or  ^'' pen"  which  is  either  oval  or  narrow  and  elongated.  Arms 
ten  in  number,  provided  with  suckers  or  hooks.     Ink-bag  present. 

Family   1.     Sepiophoridae  Fischer. 

Shell  or  "  sepion "  a  calcareous,  elongated-oval  plate,  terminating  piosteriorhj  in  a 
thickened  mucro  which  represents  a  rudimentary  guard,  and  encloses  a  conical  cavity. 
Siphuncle  wanting. 

The  thickened  posterior  mucro  is  a  nidimentary  structure  probably  corresponding 

to  the  guard  of  Belemnoids,  and 
its  conical  cavity  to  the  alveolus. 
Belosepia  retains  a  vestigial  cham- 
bering but  no  .siphuncle,  and  in 
Sepia  a  recognisable  phragmacone 
is  wholly  wanting.  These  forms 
are  undoubtedly  descended  from 
Belemnoids  like  Beloptera. 

Belosepia  Voltz  (Fig.  1331). 
As  a  rule  only  the  posterior  portion 
of  the  ijroostracum  is  preserved. 
This  ends  in  a  bent  spine,  which 
is  thickened  anteriorly,  laterally 
expanded,  and  contains  near  the 
apex  a  conical  alveolus.  The 
latter  shows  on  the  dorsal  side 
incomplete  traces  of  septa,  and  a 
wide  funnel  -  like  depression 
occupies  the  place  of  a  siphuncle. 
Eocene  ;  not  uncommon  in  Paris 
Basin  and  the  London  Clay.  Rare 
in  Claibornian  sands  of  Alabama. 
Sepia  Lam.  (Fig.  1332).  Shell 
or  "pen"  of  equal  length  with 
the  mantle,  elongated  -  oval, 
rounded  anteriorly,  thickened 
posteriorly  and  terminating  in  a 
short  mucro.  The  latter  contains 
a  conical  alveolus.  Dorsal  and 
ventral  walls  of  the  jien  consisting  of  two  brittle  calcareous  laminae,  separated  by  a 
horny  layer.  Internally  with  a  mass  of  extremely  fine  parallel  calcareous  lamellae, 
increasing  in  thickness  anteriorly ;  the  lamellae  separated  from  one  another  by 
minute  vertical  I'ods,  thus  producing  a  spongy  texture.  The  familiar  cuttle-bone  of 
commerce,  or  ossa  Sepiae,  is  the  pen  of  Sepia  officinalis  Linn.,  and  is  found  in  great 
quantities  along  the  coasts  of  certain  countries.     Several  Tertiary  species  known. 

(?)  Gampylosepia  Picard.      Muschelkalk  ;   Thuringia.     Belosepiella   De  Alessandri. 
Eocene  ;  Paris  Basin. 

Pig.  1331. 

Belosepia  hlainvillei  De.sli. 
Eocene  ;  Aiivers,  near  Paris. 
A,  Posterior  end  of  shell, 
ventral  aspect.  B,  Same  fioni 
the  sid(!  (after  Deshayes). 

Fifi.  1332. 

Scpki  officltinlis  Linn.  Recent. 
Ventral  view  of  .shell,  a,  Cal- 
careous shelly  plates  represent- 
ing vestigial  septation.  h,  Pcsi- 
tion  of  rudimentary  phragma- 
cone in  front  of  mucro,  '•^/.■j 




Family  2.     Ohondrophoridae  Fischer. 

Internal  shell  in  the  form  of  a  much  elongated  thin  plate  or  proostracum,  divided 
lengthrvise  into  three  areas,  composed  of  conchiolin  or  of  alternating  layers  of  calcareous 
and  horny  matter,  thickened  posteriorly,  and  with  very  little  trace  of  any  chambered 
portion  or  phragmacone.     Jura  to  Recent. 

The  members  of  this  family  show  a  further  reduction  of  the  guard  and  phragmacone 
than  occurs  in  the  stage  represented  by  Belemnoteuthis,  and  their  horny,  non-septate 

.b'iG.  ibab. 

Coccoteuthis  hastiforinis  (Riipp.). 
Lithographic  Stone ;  Eichstiidt, 

Fk;.  1334. 

Geuteuthis  boUensii  Ziuteu. 
Upper  Lias ;  Holzmaden,  Wiirtem- 
bt'i-g.  Shows  ink-bag  and  cono- 
thecal  striae.     V;?- 

Fig.  1335. 

Udoteuthis    schuehleri    Quenst. 
Upper   Lias  ;   Holzmaden,    Wiir- 

teniberg.     '/a  (after  Quenstedt). 

shells  should  be  compared  with  the  pen  of  the  common  squid  or  calamary,  Loligo 
vulgaris  Lam. 

Coccoteuthis  Owen  {Trachyteuthis  v.  Meyer)  (Fig.  1333).  Proostracum  elongated- 
oval,  composed  of  calcareous  and  horny  laminae,  rounded  posteriorly  or  with  but 
slightly  projecting  mucro ;  external  surface  roughly  granulated,  and  marked  by  lines 
diverging  from  the  apex.  These  lines  limit  the  boundaries  of  two  wing-like 
expansions  projecting  from  the  sides  of  the  elongated  median  portion.  Impressions  of 
the  body  and  arms  are  occasionally  found  in  the  Lithographic  Stone  of  Bavaria. 
Upper  Jura. 

Leptoteuthis  v.  Meyer.  Proostracum  very  large,  thin,  narrowing  posteriorly  and 
composed  of  several  layers  of  calcareous  and  horny  layers.  Median  area  ornamented 
with  fine  undulating  transverse  striae,  convex  toward  the  front,  and  separated  from  the 
lateral  areas  by  longitudinal  lines  diverging  from  the  apex.  Lateral  areas  marked 
with  oblique  inwardly  directed  lines,  and  bordered  by  lateral  expansions  which  are 
widest  posteriorly.      L"''i)per  Jura  of  Southern  Germany.      L.  gigas  v.  Meyer. 

Geoteuthis  Mlinst.  (Fig.  1334).      Proostracum  composed  of  thin  alternating  horny 







and  calcareous  layers,  widest  in  front,  rounded  jjosteriorly.  Median  area  divided  into 
halves  by  a  longitudinal  line,  and  bounded  on  either  side  by  lateral  areas  with 
^1  hyperbolic    striae.       Ink-bag    frequently   preserved,    the 

contents  transformed  into  a  jet -like  substance.  It  is 
jjossible  to  dissolve  the  carbonaceous  particles  so  as  to 
prejiare  a  wash  resembling  India  ink.  Upi^er  Lias  of 
Germany,  France  and  England. 

Beloteihthis  Miinst.  (Fig.  1335),  Proostracum  very 
thin,  elongated,  feather -shaped,  broadly  rounded  pos- 
teriorly, pointed  in  front,  traversed  by  a  median 
longitudinal  keel.     Upper  Lias  of  Wiirtemberg. 

Teuthopsis  Desl.  Lias.  Kclaeno-  Miinst.  Upper 
Jura.  Phylloteuthis  Meek  and  Hayden ;  Actinosepia 
Whiteaves.      Cretaceous  ;  Canada. 

Plesioteuthis  Wagner  {Dorateuthis  Crick)  (Fig.  1336). 
Proostracum  very  thin,  long,  narrow,  lanceolate,  pointed 
posteriorly,  rounded  in  front,  with  a  median  longi- 
tudinal keel  and  a  raised  line  along  each  of  the  lateral 
edges.  Very  abundant  in  the  Lithographic  Stone,  and 
impressions  of  the  liody  and  head  not  uncommon.  Also 
found  in  the  Cretaceous  of  Maestricht  and  Syria. 

Order  3.     OCTOPODA  Leach. 

Body  vnthout  internal  shell,  and  only  the  female  of 
Argonauta  secreting  a  single- chavihered  external  shell. 
The  two  tentacles  are  not  present,  and  the  eight  arms 
bear  sessile  suckers  withoid  horny  rims.  Eye  relatively 
small,  ivithout  sphincter -like  lid.  Body  short  and  rounded, 
usually  without  fin-like  appendages. 

The  majority  of  genera  belonging  here  aie  naked 
and  therefore  without  fossil  representatives.  The  small 
male  of  Argonauta  Linn,  is  without  a  shell,  but  the 
large  female  bears  a  delicate,  boat -shaped,  spiral  shell 
which  is  secreted  partly  by  the  mantle,  and  partly  by 
two  fin-like  expansions  of  the  dorsal  arms.  Outer  surface 
of  shell  ornamented  by  folds  and  tubercles,  and  two 
„,.,,.         .         ,„ .      „    nodose  ventral  keels  are  present.     Late  Tertiary  (Pied- 

Pleswtenlhis      prisca      (Ruppel).  \         i   -n  j 

Lithographic    Stone  ;     Eichstadt.  mont)  and  Kecent. 

;'•   I"'P7««ion  "f  aniinal  showing  q^^i^^     j       |       q         g       ^  g^         ^       ^  ^  j 

anus  and  ink-bag.     B,  81iell,  i/.,.  ...  .  . 

provided  with  triangular  lateral  fins,  not  united  behind. 
Head  small,  with  relatively  stout  tentacttlar  arms,  these  being  of  nearly  uniform 
length  and  size,  and  each  bearing  a  single  row  of  suckers.  This  is  the  earliest  known 
Octopod  genus.      Upper  Cretaceous  ;  Mt.  Lebanon,  Syria. 

Fi(i.  133(5. 

Vertical  Range  of  the  Dibranchiata. 

As  compared  with  Tetrabranchiates,  the  Dibranchiata  are  of  minor  geological 
importance.  Their  entire  organisation  renders  them  less  well  adapted  for  preserva- 
tion in  the  fossil  state,  and  accordingly  we  shall  never  be  able  to  form  even  an 
ajiproximate  idea  of  their  importance  in  their  contemporaneous  faunae.  The  earliest 
representative  of  Belemnoidea  ajspears  in  the  Trias  (Aulacoceras),  and  the  Sepioidea 


are  initiated  in  the  Lias.  From  what  group  Dibranchiates  are  descended,  whether 
from  the  Tetrabranchiates  or  from  primitive  naked  ancestors,  we  have  at  present  no 
certain  means  for  determining.  Tliey  aj^pear  suddenly  in  a  high  state  of  develoj)- 
ment ;  but  a  still  more  remarkable  fact  is  the  swift  culmination  and  decline  of  the 
group  of  Belemnoids.  In  contrast  to  the  small  numbei'  of  forms  met  with  in  the  Trias, 
we  find  even  in  the  Lias,  as  well  as  other  divisions  of  the  Jura  and  Lower  Cretaceous, 
a  ]'ich  and  varied  Belemnite  fauna.  At  the  close  of  the  Cretaceous  only  two  genera, 
Belcmnitella  and  Actinocamax,  persist  in  relatively  large  numbers,  and  although  a 
few  antiquated  relics  of  the  same  stock  continue  into  the  Eocene,  their  rarity 
demonstrates  waning  vitality.  The  sole  living  representative  of  Belemnoids  is  the 
genus  Spirilla. 

In  all  probability  the  Sepioidea  are  descended  from  Belemnoids.  Belosepia  of  the 
Tertiary  has  tolerably  distinct  indications  of  a  phragmacone,  but  in  Sepia  proper  the 
sejjtation  has  become  vestigial.  Jurassic  Chondrophoridae  apj)roximate  closely  to 
Recent  squids  and  cuttle-fishes.  All  the  evidence  at  our  disposal  justifies  the  conclusion 
that  Mesozoic  Sepioids  possessed  an  essentially  similar  organisation  to  that  of  Recent 

[For  certain  changes  introduced  in  the  present  treatment  of  Dibranchiate  Cephalopods, 
as  compared  with  the  original  German  edition,  the  Editor  alone  is  responsible.] 

VOL.  1  2  Y 

Phylum  VII.    ARTHROPODA.     (Articulates.) 

Heteronomously  segmented  animals  with,  typically,  a  pair  of  appendages  to  each 
somite  of  the  body  ;  the  whole  enclosed  in  a  chitinous  segmented  exoskeleton,  the  joint- 
ing of  which  extends  to  the  appendages. 

In  the  Arthropoda  the  segments  are  unequally  developed,  and  the 
appendages,  primitively  locomotor  in  function,  may  be  modified  on  one  or 
more  somites  to  subserve  special  functions,  such  as  the  seizure  aad  comminu- 
tion of  food,  respiration,  sensation,  copulation,  oviposition,  fixation,  etc. 
These  modifications  of  the  appendages  and  the  more  or  less  complete  union 
of  the  segments  into  groups  may  result  in  the  differentiation  of  three  distinct 
regions  :  head,  thorax  and  abdomen.  Of  these  regions  the  head  is  concerned 
largely  in  sensation  and  feeding,  the  thorax  is  chiefly  locomotor  in  function, 
and  the  abdomen  frequently  defensive. 

The  braii|  lies  above  and  in  front  of  the  oesophagus,  and  consists  of  a 
fusion  of  several  pairs  of  ganglia.  The  rest  of  the  central  nervous  system  con- 
sists of  a  chain  of  ganglia  lying  in  pairs  on  the  ventral  surface,  with  typically 
a  pair  in  each  somite.  Not  infrequently  there  is  a  more  or  less  extensive  con- 
centration or  fusion  of  these  ventral  ganglia.  The  eyes  may  be  simple, 
aggregate  or  compound,  with  in  some  cases  an  inversion  of  the  retinal  layer. 

Respiration  in  the  smaller  forms  is  by  the  general  surface  of  the  body, 
whereas  in  the  larger  certain  regions  become  S2:)ecialised  for  this  purpose. 
When  respiratory  outgrowths  protrude  from  the  body  wall  they  are  known 
as  gills  or  branchiae ;  when  invaginated  they  are  termed  Inngs  if  they  be 
lamellar  in  arrangement,  or  tracheae  if  they  consist  of  fine  tubes  ramifying 
through  the  tissues. 

Excretion  is  effected  either  by  "  segmental  organs "  (true  nephridia) 
which  open  at  the  inner  end  into  the  true  body  cavity  (coelom)  and  at  the 
other  to  the  exterior,  or  by  diverticula  developed  at  the  hinder  end  of  the 
alimentary  canal.  The  nephridia  when  present  occur  in  only  a  few  segments 
of  the  body.  The  diverticula  of  the  alimentary  canal  (Malpighian  tubes)  are 
of  two  kinds — one  developed  from  the  mesenteron,  the  other  from  the  procto- 
daeum.  In  all  Arthropods  the  ducts  of  the  reproductive  organs  are  apparently 
modified  nephridia,  and  the  organs  themselves  consist  of  gonads  developed 
from  the  coelomic  walls.  The  circulation  depends  upon  a  dorsal  heart  enclosed 
in  a  vascular  pericardial  sac,  and  metameric  blood  -  vessels  terminating  in 
"  lacunar  "  spaces. 

Arthropods  are  divisible  into  three  groups  or  subphyla,  distinguished 
according  to  the  nature  of  the  respiratory  organs,  segmentation  of  the  body, 



and  structure  of  the  appendages  as  follows :  Branchiata,  Myriapoda  and 
Inseda.  These  are  in  turn  divided  into  several  classes,  all  of  which  have 
fossil  representatives.  As  to  the  origin  of  the  Phylum,  Paleontology  affords 
no  certain  evidence.  The  entire  organisation  of  Arthropods  indicates  a  close 
relationship  with  Vermes,  and  especially  with  the  group  of  Annelid  Worms ; 
nevertheless,  the  differentiation  of  the  Arthropod  type  must  have  antedated 
the  Cambrian,  since  several  orders  of  Crustacea  are  encountered  in  the  oldest 
fossiliferous  rocks  which  are  almost  as  widely  divergent  from  the  supposed 
ancestral  stock  as  many  Recent  forms.  The  relatively  late  appearance  of 
Myriapods,  which  are  the  most  worm-like  of  all  Articulates,  may  be  accounted 
for  by  their  terrestrial  habitat  and  the  destructibility  of  their  body  parts. 

SuBPHYLUM  A.    Branchiata. 

Arthropods  breathing  by  means  of  gills  (or  lungs  or  tracheae  modified  from  gills) 
developed  always  in  connection  with  the  appendages.  Head  and  thorax  rarely  distinct, 
but  usually  more  or  less  completely  united  in  a  cephalothorax.  The  genital  ducts 
open  to  the  exterior  near  the  middle  of  the  body,  and  true  nephridia  usually  occur. 
Malpighian  tubes,  when  present,  are  derived  from  the  mesenteron.  Anterior  append- 
ages all  midtiarticulate,  the  basal  joints  of  one  or  more  pairs  serving  as  organs  of 

The  branchiate  Arthropods  include  two  classes :  Crustacea  and  Arachnida. 

Class  1.    CRUSTACEA.^ 

Arthropods  of  usually  agnatic  habitat,  and  breathing  by  gills  {exceptionally 
through  the  general  body  surface) ;  with  one  or  two  pairs  of  appendages  {antennae)  in 
front  of  the  mouth,  the  first  of  which  is  jnirely  sensory,  and  several  pairs  of  post-oral 
appendages,  some  of  which  are  modified  into  organs  of  mastication.  Appendages  with 
typically  a  basal  joint  {protopodite)  giving  rise  to  ttvo  or  three  branches. 

The  segmentation  of  the  body  is  distinct  in  all  except  certain  parasitic 
foi'ms,  where  it  is  lost  in  the  adult  stage  through  degeneration.  Usually  the 
demarcation  between  head  and  thorax  is  obscure,  and  the  anterior  region  of 
the  body  consists  of  a  cephalothorax,  the  number  of  whose  segments  varies 
within  wide  limits  ;  this  being  in  sharp  contrast  to  the  Arachnids,  where  the 
segments  are  constantly  six  in  number.  The  cephalothorax  is  frequently 
covered  by  a  chitinous  shell  or  carapace,  developed  from  the  dorsal  portion  of 
the  second  and  third  segments,  and  is  frequently  strengthened  by  deposits  of 
carbonate  and  phosphate  of  lime.      Although  the  carapace  is  usually  a  single 

^  Literature  :  Brongniart,  A.,  and  Bemarest,  A.  O,  Histoire  naturelle  des  Cnistaces  fossiles 
sous  les  rapports  zoologiques  et  geologiques.  Paris,  1822. — Milne  Edwards,  H.,  Histoire  naturelle 
(les  Crustaces,  3  vols.  Paris,  1834-40.  —  Woodward,  H.,  and  Salter,  J.  W.,  Catalogue  and  Chart  of 
Fossil  Crustacea.  London,  1865. — Woodward,  H.,  A  Catalogue  of  British  Fossil  Crustacea. 
London,  1877. — Gerstctecker,  A.,  Crustacea,  in  vol.  v.  of  Bronn's  Classen  und  Ordnungen  des 
Thierreichs.  Part  1  (Cirripedia,  Copepoda,  Branchiopoda,  Poecilopoda,  Trilobita),  Leipsic,  1866- 
79  ;  part  2  (Isopoda  to  Decapoda),  1881-94.  —  Vogdes,  A.  W.,  A  Catalogue  of  North  American 
Palaeozoic  Crustacea  confined  to  the  non-trilobitic  Genera  and  Species.  Ann.  N.Y.  Acad.  Sci., 
1889,  vol.  V. — Grohben,  K.,  Genealogy  and  Classification  of  the  Crustacea.  Sitzungsber.  Akad. 
Wiss.  Wieu,  1892,  vol.  ci.  Translated  in  Ann.  and  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.  [6J,  vol.  xi. — Kingsley,  J.  S., 
The  Classification  of  the  Arthropoda.  Amer.  Nat.,  1894,  vol.  xxviii.  Reprinted  in  Tufts  College 
Studies,  No.  1,  1894,  with  bibliography. 

692  AKTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

piece,  yet  in  some  forms  (Estheriiform  Branchiopods  and  Ostracods)  it  may 
consist  of  two  lateral  valves,  which  enclose  the  body  like  a  Pelecypod  shell  ; 
or  of  four  parts,  as  in  certain  Phyllocarida  ;  or  again  (Cirripedia)  of  a  number 
of  calcareous  plates.  The  abdomen  is  usually  well  developed  and  its  seg- 
ments are  free,  but  occasionally  it  becomes  greatly  reduced,  as  in  certain 

The  total  number  of  body  somites  varies  within  wide  limits  in  the 
Entomostraca  and  Trilobita,  but  in  the  Malacostraca  they  are  almost  constantl}^ 
twenty -one,  ranging  slightly  higher  in  the  Phyllocarida,  and  falling  shorter  in 
the  parasitic  Laemodipoda.  ' 

In  all  living  Crustacea  there  are  two  pairs  of  antennae,  although  in  some 
forms  {Apus,  Oniscids)  one  or  the  other  pair  may  become  greatly  reduced. 
In  the  Trilobites,  on  the  other  hand,  but  a  single  pair  has  been  discovered. 
The  appendages  are  exceedingly  variable  in  form,  according  as  they  serve 
for  sensation,  comminution  of  food  ("  mouth  parts  "),  locomotion,  respiration, 
capture  of  prey  or  copulation.  The  primitive  form  was  a  lamellar  appendage 
like  those  found  in  the  thoracic  region  of  Branchioj)ods,  but  the  typical  leg  is 
usually  stated  to  consist  of  a  basal  portion  (protopodite)  of  one  or  two  joints, 
and  a  distal  portion  made  up  of  an  inner  (endopodite)  and  a  lateral  branch 
(exopodite).  In  many  cases  the  exopodite  becomes  greatly  modified  or  even 
entirely  atrophied  in  the  adult. 

Most  of  the  lower  Crustacea  escape  from  the  egg  in  a  larval  condition 
known  as  the  nauplius  stage.  In  the  nauplius  the  body  is  unsegmented,  there 
is  but  a  single  median  eye,  and  but  three  pairs  of  appendages,  correspond- 
ing to  the  two  pairs  of  antennae  and  mandibles  of  the  adult.  The  nauplius 
gradually  becomes  metamorphosed  into  the  adult  Crustacean,  the  changes  being 
accomplished  by  several  moults  of  the  external  chitinous  crust.  In  the  higher 
Crustacea  this  free-swimming  nauplius  stage  is  omitted,  the  animal  already 
having  the  form  of  the  adult  as  it  escapes  from  the  egg.  The  Decapods  have 
a  larval  stage  known  as  the  zoea,  in  which  seven  pairs  of  appendages  and  a 
segmented  abdomen  are  present.  These  larval  stages  are  of  great  value  in 
determining  relationships,  but  most  modern  authorities  regard  them  as  adaptive 
rather  than  ancestral ;  or,  in  other  words,  it  is  not  believed  that  existing 
Crustacea  are  descended  from  an  ancestral  form  resembling  the  nauplius. 

Two  subclasses  are  recognised  :  Trilobita  and  Eucrustacea.  The  term 
Entomostraca  is  here  used  in  a  collective  sense  to  distinguish  the  lower  orders 
of  Eucrustacea  from  the  highest,  or  Malacostraca. 

Subclass  A.     TRILOBITA  Walch.     Trilobites.' 

Marine  Crustacea,  with  a  variable  number  of  metameres ;  body  covered  with  a 
hard  dorsal  shield  or  crust,  longitudinally  trilobate  into  the  defined  axis  ami  pleura  ; 

^  Litei-ature :  A.  General  Works. — Brongniart,  A.,  Histolre  naturelle  des  Crustacus  fossiles.  1822. 
— Dalmicn,  J.  IF.,  Ueber  die  Palaeadeii  oder  die  .sogeiiannten  Trilobiten.  1828. — Green,  J., 
Monograph  of  the  Trilobites  of  North  America,  with  coloured  models  of  the  species.  1832. — 
Burmeister,  H.,  Die  Organisation  der  Trilobiten.  1843. — Beyrich,  E.,  tjber  einige  biihniische 
Trilobiten,  Berlin,  184.'J-46.  — Cort^a,  J.  C,  and  Jlmvle,  J.,  Prodrora  einer  Monogi-aphie  der 
liohmischen  Trilobiten.  Prag  1847. — IIccU,  J.,  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  vols,  i.-iii.,  1847-59. — 
Barmnde,  J.,  Systunie  Hilurien  du  centre  de  la  BohOnie,  vol.  i.,  1852  ;  Supplement,  1872. — Angelin, 
N.  P.,  Palaeontologia  Scaudinavica.  Parti.  Crustacea  formationis  transitionis,  1854. — Neiszkuivski, 
J.,  Versuch  einer  Monographic  der  in  den  silurischen  Sehichten  der  Ostseeprovinzeii  vorkoninii'inlen 
Trilol)iten,  1857. — Hoffmann,  E.,  Siinmitliche  bisjetzt  bekaunte  Trilobiten  Ivusslands.      Vcrhandl. 



cephahn,  thorax  and  abdomen  distinct.      Cephalon  covered  with  a  shield  composed  of 
a  primitively  pentamerous  middle  piece,  the  cranidium,  and  two  side  pieces,  or  free 

Mineral.  Gesellscli.  St.  Peterslmrg,  1857-58.— Salter,  .T.  W.,  A  Monograph  of  British  Trilobites. 
Palaeontographical  Society,  1864. — Idem  and  Woodward,  H.,  Ibid.,  1867-84. — Schmidt,  F., 
Revision  der  ostl)altischen  silurischen  Trilobiten.  Mem.  Acad.  Imp.  St.  Petersbourg,  1882-1907, 
ser.  7,  vol.  XXX.,  and  ser.  8,  vol.  xii. — Brogger,  W.  C,  Die  silurischen  Etagen  2  und  3  in  Kristiana- 
gebiet  und  auf  Eker,  1882.— Hohn,  G.,  De  Svenske  Arterna  af  Trilobitslilgtet  Illaeuus.  Bihang 
Sveusk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl.,  1882,  vol.  vii.,  no.  ^.—Matthew,  G.  F.,  Illustrations  of  the 
Fauna  of  the  St.  John's  Group,  1882-93.  —  Woodward,  H.,  Monograph  of  the  British  Carboniferous 
Trilobites.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1883. — Hall,  ./.,  and  ClarU,  J.  M.,  Palaeontology'  of  New  York, 
1888,  vol.  \\\.  —  Walcott,  C.  D.,  The  Fauna  of  the  Lower  Cambrian  or  Olenellus  Zone.  10th  Ann. 
Rept.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  1890. — ,/aekel,  0.,  tjber  die  Organisation  der  Trilobiten.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch. 
Geol.  Ges.,  1901,  vol.  liii. — Lake,  P.,  Monograph  of  British  Cambrian  Trilobites.  Palaeontogr. 
Soc,  1906-1913. — Lorenz.  T.,  Beitrage  zur  Geologic  und  Pahiontologie  von  Ostasien,  der  Provinz 
Schantung,  etc.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1906,  vol.  Iviii. — Monk,  H.,  Beitrage  zur  Geologic 
von  Schantung.  Jahrb.  Preuss.  Geol.  Landesanst.  Bergakad.,  1905,  vol.  xxiii. — Moberg,  J.  C,  and 
Segerberg,  C.  0.,  Bidrag  till  Kannedomen  om  Ceratopygeregionen  med  Siirskild  Hansyn  till  dess 
Utveckling  1  Fogelsangstrakten.  Acta  Universitatis  Lundensis,  1906.- — Olin,  E.,  Om  de  Chasmops- 
kalkeu  och  Trinucleusskiffern  Motsvarande  Bildningarne  1  Skiine.  Acta  Universitatis  Lundensis, 
1906. — Raymond,  P.  E.,  The  Trilobites  of  the  Chazy  Limestone.  Annals  Carnegie  Mus.,  1905, 
1910,  vols,  iii.,  vii. — Idem,  and  Ka.rraway,  J.  E.,  Notes  on  Ordovician  Trilobites.  Ibid.,  1906, 
1910,  vols.  iv. ,  vii. — Reed,  F.R.  G.,  Lower  Palaeozoic  Trilobites  of  the  Girvan  District.  Palaeontogr. 
Soc,  1903-1 906. ^/f?e?*(-,  The  Lower  Palaeozoic  Fossils  of  the  Northern  Shan  States.  Burma. 
Palaeont.  Indica,  1906. — Idem',  The  Cambrian  Fossils  of  Spiti.  Palaeont.  Indica,  1910.  —  Walcott, 
G.  D.,  The  Cambrian  Faunas  of  China.  Proc  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1906,  and  Smithson.  Misc.  Coll., 
vol.  xxix.,  1911. — Idem,  Cambrian  Trilobites.  Geology  and  Paleontology.  Smithson.  Misc.  Coll., 
1908-11,  vols,  liii.,  Iv. —  Weller,  S.,  Paleontology  of  the  Niagaran  Limestone  in  the  Chicago  Area. 
Bull.  Chicago  Acad.  Sci.,  1907,'  no.  4. 

B.  Structure  and  Appendages  :  Burmeister,  H.,  vide  supra,  1843. — Billings,  E.,  Notes  on 
some  Specimens  of  Lower  Silurian  Trilobites.  Quar.  Jouru.  Geol.  Soc,  1870,  vol.  xxvi.  —  Woodward, 
II.,  Note  on  the  Palpus  and  other  Appendages  of  Asaphus  from  the  Trenton  Limestone  in  the 
British  Museum.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1870,  voL  xxvi. —  Walcott,  G.  D.,  Preliminary  Notice 
of  the  Discovery  of  the  Natatory  and  Branchial  Appendages  of  Trilobites.  28th  Rept.  N.Y.  State 
Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  1875. — The  Trilobite  ;  New  and  Old  Evidence  relating  to  its  Organization.  Bull. 
Mus.  Conip.  Zoology,  1881,  vol.  viii.— iVom^,  0.,  Studienan  Hypostomen  biihmischen  Trilobiten. 
Sitzungsber.  Bohm.  Ges.  Wiss.,  Jahrg.  1879,  1886. — Clarke,  J.M.,  The  Structure  and  Development 
of  the  Visual  Area  in  the  Trilobite  Phacops  rana  Green.  Journ.  Morphology,  1888,  vol.  ii. — 
Matthew,  W.  D.,  On  Antennae  and  other  Appendages  of  Triarthrus  beckii.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1893, 
(3),  vol.  xlvi.— JSeecAer,  C.  E.,  On  the  Thoracic  Legs  of  Triarthrus,  ibid.,  1893.— On  the  Mode 
of  Occurrence,  and  the  Structure  and  Development  of  Triarthrus  becki.  American  Geologist,  1894, 
vol.  xiii. — The  Appendages  of  the  Pygidium  of  Triarthrus.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.  1894  (3),  vol.  xlvii. 
— Further  Observations  on  the  Ventral  Structure  of  Triarthrus.  Amer.  Geologist,  1895,  vol.  xv. — 
The  Morphology  of  Triarthrus.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1896  (4),  vol.  i. — Structure  and  Appendages 
of  Trinucleus,  ibid.,  1895. — -Studies  in  Evolution,  New  York,  1901. — The  ventral  integument  of 
Tribolites,  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1902  (4),  vol.  xiii. — Lindstrom,  G.  Researches  on  the  Visual  Organs 
of  Trilobites.     Svensk.  Vet.  Akad.  Handl.,  1902,  vol.  xxxiv, 

C.  Ontogeny  :  Barrcmde,  J.,  vide  supra,  1852. — Beecher,  G.  E.,  The  Larval  Stages  of  Trilobites. 
Amer.  Geologist,  1895,  vol.  xvi. —Matthew,  G.  F.,  Sur  le  developpement  des  premiers  Trilobites. 
Ann.  Soc.  Roy.  Mai.  de  Belgique,  1889,  vol.  xxiii. — vide  ante,  1882-93. 

D.  Systematic  Position :  Zittel,  K.  A.,  Handbuchder  Palaeontologie,  1881-85,  vol.  iii. — Grundziige 
der  Pahiontologie,  1895. — Lang,  A.,  Text-book  of  Comparative  Anatomy,  English  Translation  by 
H.  M.  and  M.  Bernard.  1891. — Kingsley,  J.  S.,  The  Classification  of  the  Arthropoda.  Amer. 
Nat.,  1894,  vol.  xxviii. — Bernard,  H.  M,,  The  Systematic  Position  of  the  Trilobites.  Quar.  Journ. 
Geol.  Soc,  1894-95,  vols.  1.,  li. — The  Zoological  Position  of  the  Trilobites.  Science  Progress, 
1895,  vol.  iv. —  Woodward,  H.,  Some  Points  in  the  Life-History  of  the  Crustacea  in  Early  Palaeozoic 
Times.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1895,  vol.  li, — Haeckel,  E.,  Systematische  Phylogenie  der 
wirbellosen  Tiere  (Invertebrata),  1896. — Beecher,  G.  E.,  Outline  of  a  Natural  Classification  of  the 
Trilobites.     Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1897  (4),  vol.  iii. 

E.  Classification:  Barrandc,  J.,  vide  stqyra,  1852. — Beecher,  G.  E.,  ante,  1897. — Brongniart, 
A.,  ante,  1822. — Burmeister,  II.,  ante,  1843. — Corda,  A.  J.  G.,  and  Hawle,  J.,  ante,  1847. — 
Haeckel,  E.,  ante,  1896. — Dalman,  J.  W.,  Om  Palaeaderna  eller  de  sa  kallade  Trilobiterna 
Stockholm,  1826. — Milne  Edivards,  H.,  Histoire  naturelle  des  Crustaces,  1834-40. — Quenstedt, 
F.  A.,  Beitrage  zur  Kenntniss  der  Trilobiten.  Wiegmann's  Archiv  fur  Naturgesch. ,  1837,  vol.  iii. 
— Emmrich,  H.  F.,I>e  Trilobitis.   Dissertation,  1839. — Zur  Naturgeschichte  der  Trilobiten,  1844. — 

694  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

cheeks,  which  may  he  separate  or  united  in  front,  and  carry  the  compound  sessile 
eyes  when  pit'esent ;  cephalic  apipendages  ptediform,  consisting  of  five  pairs  of  limbs, 
all  Uramous,  and  functioning  as  ambidatory  and  oral  organs,  except  the  simple 
antennules,  which  are  purely  sensory.  Upper  lip  forming  a  well-developed  hypostoma  ; 
under  lip  fresent.  Somites  of  the  thorax  movable  upon  one  another,  varying  in 
number  from  two  to  twenty -nine.  Abdominal  segments  variable  in  number,  and  fused 
to  form  a  caudal  shield.  All  segments,  thoracic  and  abdominal,  carry  a  pair  of 
jointed  hiramous  limbs.  All  limbs  have  their  coxal  elements  forming  gnathobases, 
which  become  organs  of  manducation  on  the  head.  Respiration  integumental  and  by 
branchial  fringes  on  the  exopodites.  Development  proceeding  from  a  protonauplius 
form,  the  protaspis,  by  the  p>rogressive  addition  of  segments  at  successive  moults. 

The  Trilobites  constitute  a  group  of  extinct  marine  animals,  and  are 
related  to  the  stock  of  the  higher  modern  Crustacea ;  they  are  therefore  to  be 
considered  as  very  primitive  Crustaceans.  The  subclass  had  its  origin  in  pre- 
Cambrian  times.  Trilobite  remains  are  very  abundant  in  the  oldest  known 
fossiliferous  strata,  the  Cambrian,  where  they  exceed  in  number  and  diversity 
all  other  forms  of  animal  life.  They  continue  to  be  very  plentiful  during  the 
Ordovician  and  Silurian,  but  decline  in  the  Devonian,  and  the  fcAV  last  sur- 
vivors are  found  in  the  Carboniferous  and  Permian.  Probably  there  have 
been  more  than  two  thousand  species  described,  distributed  among  nearly  two 
hundred  genera.  These  numbers  give  an^idea  of  the  amount  of  differentiation 
and  specialisation  attained  by  Trilobites  during  Paleozoic  times. 

Carapace. — Trilobites  were  covered  or  pi'otected  on  the  dorsal  side  by  a 
hard  crust  or  shield,  which  is  the  only  portion  commonly  preserved.  Their 
remains,  even  when  fragmentary,  are  recognisable  by  the  form  and  structure  of 
this  shield.  It  is  divided  longitudinally  by  two  dorsal  furrows,  or  grooves, 
into  three  portions  or  regions,  and  on  this  account  the  name  Trilobite  was 
first  given.  The  central  part  formed  the  axis  of  the  animal,  and  contained  the 
principal  organs,  as  the  viscera,  heart  and  chain  of  ganglia.  Transversely  the 
shield  is  divided  into  (1)  a  head  portion  called  the  cephalon  ;  (2)  a  series  of 
joints  or  segments,  forming  the  thorax ;  and  (3)  a  tail-piece  or  pygidium, 
forming  the  abdomen. 

The  test  seldom  exceeds  one  millimetre  in  thickness,  and  consists  of  thin 
laminae  of  carbonaceous  and  phosphatic  compounds  of  calcium,  some  of  which 
were  originally  chitinous  substances.     The  laminae  are  frequently  traversed 

Goldfuss,  A.,  Systematische  Ubersicht  der  Trilobiteu  imd  Besehreibung  einiger  neueii  Arten 
derselbeu.  Neues  Jalirb.  fiir  Mineral,  1843. — M'Cui/,  F.,  On  the  Classification  of  some  British 
Fossil  Crustacea,  with  Notices  of  new  Forms  in  the  University  Collection  at  Cambridge.  Ann. 
Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1849  (2),  vol.  iv. — Chapman,  E.  J.,  Some  Remarks  on  the  Classification  of  the 
Trilobites  as  influenced  by  Stratigraphic  Relations  :  with  Outlines  of  a  new  Grouping  of  these 
Forms.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Canada,  1889,  vol.  vii. — GUrich,  G.,  Versuch  einer  Neueinteilung  der 
Trilobiten.  Centralbl.  Mineral.  Geol.  Pal.,  1907. — Jaekel,  0.,  tjber  die  Agnostiden.  Zeitschr. 
Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1909,  vol.  Ixi. — Pompeckj,  J.  F.,  tJber  Calymmene,  Brougniart.  Neues  Jahrb., 
1898,  vol.  i. — Raymond,  P.  E.,  Notes  on  Parallelism  among  the  Asajihidae.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc. 
Canada,  1912  (3),  vol.  v. — Reed,  F.  R.  C,  Notes  on  the  Evolution  of  the  genus  Clieirurus. 
(Jeol.  Mag.,  1896  (4),  vol.  iv.—Idem,  Blind  Trilobites.  Ibid.,  1898,  vol.  v.— Idem,  On  the  British 
species  of  Conocoryphe.  Ibid.,  1900,  vol.  vii. — Idem,  On  some  Wenlock  species  of  Lichas.  Ibid., 
1903,  vol.  X.,  and  (5),  1907,  vol.  iv.—Idem,  The  Classification  of  the  Phacopidae.  Ibid.,  1905, 
vol.  ii. — Idem,  Notes  on  the  genus  Lichas.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1902,  vol.  Iviii. — Idem,  On 
the  genus  Trinucleus.  Geol.  Mag.,  1912  (5),  vol.  ix. —  Wedekind,  II.,  Klassifikatiou  der  Phaco- 
f)iden.     Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1911,  vol.  Ixiii. 

F.  Bibliogi-aphy  :    Voydcs,  A.    W.,   A  Classed  and  Annotated   Bibliography    of  the  Palaeozoic 
Crustacea.     Cal.  Acad.  Sci.  Occas.  Papers,  iv.,  1893.     Supplement  in  Proc.  Cal.  Acad.,  1895,  vol.^v. 




by  minute  pores,  which  give  a  punctate  appearance  to  the  test,  and  which  are 
sometimes  large,  as  in  Homalonotus  and  related  forms. 

The  carapace  is  somewhat  arched  or  convex,  generally  elongate-oval  in 
form,  and  usually  rounded  at  both  ends.  The  length  is  almost  invariably 
greater  than  the  width.  Very  often  the  same  species  shows  a  broad  form, 
as  well  as  a  relatively  larger,  narrower  one.  The  former  was  considered  i  by 
Barrande  as  representing  the  female,  and  the  latter  the  male  individual.  The 
carapace  is  often  ornamented  with  spines,  teeth  and  knobs.  These  may  be  of 
the  nature  of  surface  ornaments,  or  in  the  case  of  spines,  may  be  produced  by 
growths  from  the  genal  angles,  the  ends  of  the  segments  of  the  thorax  and 
pygidium,  or  the  spiniform  extension  of  the  pygidial  termination. 

The  carapace  does  not  often  terminate  at  the  margin  as  a  simple  lamellar 
plate,  but  is  turned  under,  and  forms  a  reflexed  margin,  or  doublure,  which  is 
parallel  to  the  outer  edge,  but  is  separated  from  the  upper  surface  by  a  narrow, 
partially  included  space.  This  produces  the  hollow  spines  from  the  ends  of 
the  segments,  from  the  genal  angles  and  from  the  pygidium.  In  rare  instances, 
the  spines  are  solid. 

The  axial  lobe,  or  middle  part,  is  defined  by  two  longitudinal  dorsal  furrows 
extending  the  whole  length  of  the  thorax,  and  also  over  more  or  less  of  the 
cephalon  and  pygidium. 

The  ])leura  are  the  two  lateral  areas  on  each  side  of  the  axis.  Thus,  there 
are  pleural  cephalic,  thoracic  and  pygidial  regions.  The  name  pleuron  (in 
the  singular),  or  pleura,  is  especially  applied  to  the  extensions  from  the  axial 
portion  of  each  free  segment. 

The  Cephalon. — The  cephalon,  or  cephalic  shield  (Fig.  1337),  includes  all 
that  part  of  the  carapace  in  front  of  the  thorax.  It  comprises  the  hypostoma, 
epistoma,  the  free  cheeks  bearing 
the  eyes,  the  fixed  cheeks,  and  the 
glabella  ;  it  is  generally  semicircular 
in  form,  and  is  joined  along  its 
posterior  margin  to  the  thorax. 
The  postero  -  lateral  margins,  or 
genal  angles,  are  frequently  drawn 
out  into  spines.  Usually  there  is 
an  occipital  furrow  extending  across 
the  cephalon  parallel  to  the  posterior 
margin,  and  defining  the  occipital 
ring  or  segment. 

The  ■  glabella  is  the  axial  portion 
of  the  cephalon,  and  is  defined  by 
the  primary  dorsal  furrows  (Fig. 
1337).  It  shows  typically  three 
oblique  or  transverse  furrows  in 
addition  to  the  occipital  ring,  mark- 
ing the  limits  of  the  original  five  consolidated  segments,  and  corresponding  to 
the  paired  appendages  of  the  ventral  side.  Sometimes  the  positions  of  the 
muscular  fulcra  are  also  indicated  on  the  dorsal  surface,  by  short  furrows,  or  by 
shallow  pits.  The  glabella  may  constitute  nearly  the  whole  of  the  cephalon, 
as  in  Dciphon  or  Aeglina,  or  it  may  be  narrow,  as  in  Harpes  and  Enrycare.  In 
some  cases  it  does  not  extend  over  half  the  length  of  the  cephalon,  as  in  Harpes 

It,  Genal  spines  ;  gl,  Glabella ;  If, 
Frontal  lobe  ;  1^43,  Side  lobes  ;  1-3, 
Side  furrows  of  glabella  ;  so,  Neck 
furrow  ;  A,  Neck  ring  ;  (S,  Facial 
suture  ;  oc.  Visual  surface  of  the  eyes  ; 
p,  Palpebral  lobe. 




The    hypostoma,^  or    labrum, 
Crustaceans,   and   consists   of   a 


Hypostoinas.  *A,  Corydocephalus  jialniatus. 
C,  Ericfinurus  intercostatus,  side  and  front  views 
fafter  Novak).  BB,  Anterior  edge  ;  M,  Middle 
furrow  ;  E,  Posterior  furrow  of  tlie  middle  por- 
tion ;  P,  Posterior-  edt;e ;  L,  Lateral  edge ;  y,  Pos- 
terior wing. 

and  Aulacopleura,  but  it  may  extend  to  the  frontal  border,  as  in  Placofaria  or 
Ceraurus,  or  even  beyond,  as  in  Pliacops,  Ampyx  and  ConoUchas.  The  entire 
portion  of  the  glabella  which  lies  in  front  of  the  anterior  lateral  furrows,  and 
which  is  often  somewhat  enlarged  laterally,  is  called  the  frontal  lobe.  Some- 
times the  limitation  between  the  glabella  and  fixed  cheeks  is  scarcely  defined, 
as  in  Illaenus  and  Dipleura.  Most  frequently,  however,  three  pairs  of  grooves 
can  be  distinguished  in  front  of  the  neck  furrow,  marking  the  pentamerous 
division  of  the  glabella  and  the  five  pairs  of  appendages  attached  to  the 
cephalon.  Sometimes  the  lateral  furrows  are  continuous  across  the  glabella, 
or  again,  they  may  be  directed  obliquely  (Triarthrus),  or  even  form  longi- 
tudinal grooves  (ConoUchas). 

is   homologous    to   the  upper   lip   of    other 
separate  plate  attached  by  an  articulating 
surface  or  line  to  the  reflexed  border  of 
the  cephalic  shield  (Fig.  1338). 

In  front  of  the  hypostoma  is  a  rostral 
area  sometimes  partly  occupied  by  a 
separ-ate  plate,  the  epistoma  (lUaemis, 

The  fixed  cheeks  are  lateral  extensions 
from  the  glabella,  to  which  they  are 
firmly  joined,  forming  the  centx'al  portion 
of  the  cephalon.  They  may  occupy  more 
than  two -thirds  of  the  cephalon,  as  in 
Conocoryphe,  or  may  become  greatly  reduced,  as  in  Lichas  and  Proetus.  The 
cranidium  consists  of  the  glabella  and  the  fixed  cheeks. 

The  free  cheeks  carry  the  compound  eyes,  and  are  separated  from  the 
cranidium  by  a  suture.  They  may  form  (a)  a  continuous  ventral  plate,  as  in 
Harpes,  Jgnostus,  Cryptolithus,  etc. ;  they  may  include  {h)  a  greater  or  lesser 
portion  of  the  dorsal  surface,  being  either  entii-ely  separated  by  the  cranidium, 
or  (c)  meeting,  and  (d)  sometimes  coalescing  in  front.  They  are  widely 
separated  in  Ptychoparia,  in  juxtaposition  in  Asaphus,  and  continuous  in 

The  genal  angles  are  the  posterior  lateral  angles  of  the  cephalon.  They 
may  be  rounded,  as  in  Illaenus,  angular,  as  in  Goldius,  or  spiniform,  as  in 
Cryptolithus  and  Dalmanites.  They  belong  either  to  the  fixed  cheeks,  as  in 
Dahnanites,  or  to  the  free  cheeks,  as  in  Illaenus,  Goldius  and  Proetus. 

The  character  of  the  cheeks  is  especially  influenced  by  the  facial  sutures 
separating  the  free  cheeks  from  the  rest  of  the  cephalon.  They  appear 
as  sharply  defined  lines  beginning  either  at  the  posterior  margin,  or 
near  the  genal  angles,  or  on  the  lateral  margins,  and  extend  to  the  eyes, 
thence  around  the  inner  margin  of  the  visual  areas,  then  turn  anteriorly,  and 
either  unite  in  passing  around  the  front  of  the  glabella  or  remain  separate,  in 
which  case  the  sutures  terminate  in  the  anterior  margin.  The  position  of  the 
facial  sutures  thus  determines  the  relative  size  of  the  fixed  and  free  cheeks. 
After  the  death  of  the  animal,  or  after  moulting,  the  cephalic  shield  frequently 
fell  into  pieces,  dividing  along  these  sutures. 

In  most  Trilobites,  the  existence  of  eyes  has  been  demonstrated,  though 

^  Brijgger,  W.  C,  Uber  die  Ausbilduiig  des  Hypostouies  bei  einigen  skandiuavisclieu  Asapliideu. 
Bihang  K.  Svensk.  Vet.  Akad.  Handl.,  1886,  vol.  xi. 


they  appear  absent  altogether  in  some  genera  {Co')iocoryphe,  Agnostus),  and  are 
so  imperfectly  shown  in  others  that  for  a  long  time  they  remained  unrecognised 
{Agraulos,  Sao,  Ellipsocephalus,  etc.).  The  eyes  are  compound,  and  are  elevated 
above  the  free  cheeks.  The  adjoining  area  of  the  fixed  cheeks  is  also  drawn 
upwards,  thus  forming  the  palpebral  lobe.  The  visual  areas  of  the  eyes  are 
borne  by  the  free  cheeks.  The  shape  of  this  area  is  extremely  variable,  but 
together  with  the  palpebral  lobe  it  generally  forms  a  truncated,  conical  or 
semilunar  elevation,  of  which  the  laterally  directed,  convex  side  is  occupied 
by  the  visual  surface  (Phacops,  Asaphus).  It  may  likewise  have  a  circular  or  oval 
form,  and  very  little  convexity  above  the  general  surface.  The  eyes  may  be 
quite  small,  as  in  Encrinurus  and  Trimerocephalus ;  large  and  prominent,  as  in 
Phacops,  Dalmanites  and  Proetus ;  or  very  large,  as  in  Aeglina,  in  some  species 
of  which  nearly  the  entire  area  of  the  free  cheeks  is  faceted,  and  the  visual 
surface  extends  around  the  entire  outer  borders  of  the  cephalon.  In  many  of 
the  primitive  genera  the  eyes  are  situated  at  the  distal  ends  of  raised  lines,  or 
eye  lines,  extending  outward  from  near  the  forward  end  of  the  glabella. 

As  regards  their  structure,  the  compound  eyes  of  Trilobites  are  recognised 
as  of  two  kinds.  In  the  first,  the  holochroal,  the  visual  area  is  covered  with  a 
continuous  horny  integument,  or  cornea,  which  is  either  smooth  and  externally 
gives  no  idea  of  its  compound  nature,  or  granular,  on  account  of  the  facets 
beneath.  The  lenses  of  the  ommatidia  are  often  visible  by  translucence.  The 
second  type  of  structure,  the  schizochroal,  is  confined  to  the  single  family 
Phacopidae.  In  this,  the  visual  area  is  made  up  of  small,  round  or  polygonal 
openings  for  the  separate  facets  of  the  cornea,  between  which  is  an  interstitial 
test  or  sclera.  The  size  of  the  facets  varies  from  more  than  0'5  mm.  in  some 
of  the  Phacopidae,  to  from  6-14  facets  in  the  width  of  1  mm.  in  other  Trilobites. 
The  number  and  arrangement  of  the  facets  also  vary  greatly  according  to  the 
genus.  Trimerocephalus  volhorthi  shows  only  14  facets,  while  species  of  Phacops 
may  possess  from  200-300,  and  Dalmanites  hausmanni  has  600.  Among  the 
holochroal  eyes,  the  number  of  facets  is  much  greater  ;  in  Goldius  palifcr  it  is 
estimated  at  4000,  in  Ogygites  nohilis  at  12,000,  and  in  Caphyra  radians  as  high  as 
15,000.  Usually  the  facets  are  arranged  in  regular,  alternating,  vertical  rows, 
or  quincuncially. 

Certain  genera  show  visual  organs  of  an  entirely  different  type,  which  can 
be  best  regarded  as  simple  eyes,  and  correlated  with  the  ocelli  of  many  Crus- 
taceans. Thus,  the  genera  Harpes  and  Tretaspis  present  from  one  to  three 
simple  elevations  or  granules  on  the  fixed  cheeks,  at  the  ends  of  eye-lines, 
while  the  ordinary  compound  eyes  on  the  free  cheeks  are  absent. 

The  Thorax. — In  contrast  to  the  undivided  cranidium,  the  thorax  consists 
of  a  series  of  short,  transverse,  articulating  segments,  which  difter  in  number 
with  the  genus  and  species.  Every  thoracic  segment  is  divided  by  the  dorsal 
furrows  into  a  middle  portion  (axis,  tergum)  and  two  lateral  divisions  {pleura, 
epimera).  The  axial  portions  are  firmly  anchylosed  with  the  pleura,  and  are 
generally  strongly  convex,  with  the  posterior  margin  incurved.  Anteriorly 
they  bear  an  extension  below  the  general  surface,  and  separated  by  a  furrow. 
This  forms  a  surface  of  articulation  along  which  the  segments  are  movable,  and 
is  covered  by  the  edge  of  the  segment  immediately  in  front,  so  that  it  is  chiefly 
visible  in  coiled  or  disarticulated  specimens.  Barrande  distinguished  two 
types  of  pleura  :  (1)  furrowed  pleura  (j)lhre  a  sillon),  which  have  a  diagonal 
furrow  on  the  upper  surface,  running  posteriorly  from  the  anterior  edge  near 




the  axis,  and  towards  the  free  extremity;  and  (2)  ridged  pleura  {jplhvre  a 
hourrelet),  having  a  longitudinal  ridge  or  narrow  fold.  These  characters  vary- 
considerably,  and  are  sometimes  obscure.  In  a  small  number  of  genera 
(Illaemis,  Nileus)  the  pleura  are  perfectly  smooth. 

All  pleura  show  a  distal  or  lateral,  and  a  proximal  or  inner  portion.  The 
latter  extends  from  the  axis  to  the  fulcrum  or  bend,  i.e.  to  a  place  where  the 
pleura  bend  more  or  less  abruptly  downward,  and  also  generally  toward  the 
rear.  The  distal  portion,  beginning  at  the  fulcrum,  may  continue  of  equal 
thickness  and  be  rounded  or  obtuse  at  the  extremity,  or  it  may  decrease  in 
size  and  terminate  in  a  spine. 

The  number  of  thoracic  segments  differs  exceedingly  among  different 
genera.  The  smallest  number,  two,  occurs  in  Agnostus.  The  largest  number 
so  far  observed,  twenty-nine,  is  found  in  some  species  of  Harpes.  A  variation 
is  to  be  noted  even  among  the  species  of  a  single  genus,  hence  this  character 
is   not   of  general  application  for  purposes  of  classification.     For  example. 

Fig.  1339. 

Pygidiuni  of  Oiiygiocaris  huchi  (Brongt.). 
Ordovician,  Wales. 

Fig.  1340. 

Pygidium  of  Goldius  umbellifer  (Beyr.). 
Devonian  ;  Bohemia. 

there  are  species  of  Ampyx  and  Aeglina  with  five  to  six  thoracic  segments, 
Phillipsia  with  nine  to  fifteen,  Cheirurus  with  ten  to  twelve,  Cyphaspis  with  ten 
to  seventeen,  ElUpsocephahis  with  ten  to  fourteen,  and  Paradoxides  with  sixteen 
to  twenty.  In  general,  there  seems  to  be  a  sort  of  mutual  relationship 
between  the  number  of  thoracic  segments  and  the  size  of  the  pygidium. 
When  the  latter  is  large,  the  thoracic  segments  are  usually  few ;  but  if  small, 
the  number  of  thoracic  segments  is  large. 

The  Pygidium. — The  abdomen  of  Trilobites  is  commonly  known  as  the 
pygidium  (Fig.  1339),  though  sometimes  styled  the  caudal  shield  or  plate.  It 
consists  of  a  single  piece,  with  an  arched  upper  surface,  upon  which  may  be 
distinguished  regularly  a  median  axis  and  two  lateral  parts,  or  pleural  lobes, 
marked  more  or  less  distinctly  by  transverse  furrows.  Sometimes  it  bears 
considerable  resemblance  to  the  cephalic  shield  {Agnostus,  Eodiscm).  The 
pygidium  evidently  originated  from  the  anchylosis  of  a  number  of  similar 
segments.  The  potential  segmentation  is  often  so  strongly  marked  that  it  is 
very  difficult  to  recognise  the  dividing  line  between  the  thorax  and  pygidium, 
except  in  disarticulated  specimens.  Sometimes  the  evidences  of  segmentation 
disappear  entirely  or  are  but  faintly  indicated  on  the  lower  side.  When 
segmentation  along  the  axial  and  lateral  lobes  is  weak,  the  pygidium  difl'ers 
considerably  in  appearance  from  the  thorax. 

The  axis  may  extend  as  far  as  the  posterior  end  of  the  pygidium,  or  to 


any  part  of  the  length,  but  is  sometimes  reduced  to  a  short  rudiment  (Goklius, 
Fig.  1340),  or  it  may  be  even  entirely  obscured  (Nileus).  The  number  of 
axial  segments  normally  corresponds  to  the  number  of  pygidial,  and  varies 
between  two  and  twenty-eight.  On  the  lateral  lobes,  all  or  at  least  a  part  of 
the  pleura  may  also  be  seen,  being  continued  from  the  axis  as  ribs  separated 
by  furrows.  In  these  cases,  the  furrowed  and  the  ribbed  pleura  can  usually  be 
distinguished,  but  not  infrequently  they  have  entirely  disappeared  as  surface 
features.  Many  of  the  Cambrian  Trilobites  are  conspicuous  for  their  small 
pygidium  and  elongated  thorax. 

The  outline  of  the  pygidium  is  most  frequently  semicircular,  parabolic  or 
elliptical ;  more  rarely  it  is  triangular  or  trapezoidal.  The  margin  is  entire, 
less  commonly  dentate  or  spiny.  The  border,  as  in  the  case  of  the  cephalon 
and  the  pleura  of  the  segments,  has  a  reflexed  margin,  or  doublure,  which  in 
some  genera  attains  considerable  width. 

The  Ventral  Side. — The  ventral  side  of  Trilobites  is  commonly  inaccessible 
for  purposes  of  observation,  since,  as  a  rule,  it  is  so  firmly  attached  to  the 
rock  that  the  organs,  even  though  present,  cannot  be  exposed  by  the  ordinary 
methods.  Furthermore  the  appendages  and  ventral  structures  are  so  thin 
and  delicate  that  the  most  favourable  conditions  are  necessary  for  their  pre- 
servation. For  this  reason,  great  uncertainty  has  prevailed  regarding  the 
presence  and  character  of  the  legs  and  various  appendages.  After  a  careful 
preparation  of  their  inferior  side,  by  far  the  larger  number  of  Trilobites  show 
only  the  vacant  hollow  space  beneath  the  dorsal  shell,  and  the  hypostoma 
attached  to  the  reflexed  margin  of  the  cephalic  shield.  This  common  condition 
of  the  fossils  led  Burmeister,  in  1843,  to  the  assumption  that  all  organs  on 
the  lower  side,  as  in  Phyllopods,  were  originally  soft  and  fleshy.  Previous 
to  this,  however,  Linnaeus,  in  1759,  described  what  appeared  to  be  antennae, 
and  Eichwald,  in  1825,  announced  both  antennae  and  legs.  Altogether  the 
early  literature  down  to  1870  contains  quite  a  number  of  claimants  for  this 
discovery.  Most  of  the  evidence  is  manifestly  'erroneous,  and  the  two  or 
three  cases  which  bear  some  semblance  of  validity  are  too  obscure  to  be  of 
any  scientific  value. 

Billings,  in  1870,  published  the  description  and  figure  of  an  unusually 
well-preserved  Isotelus  gigas  from  the  Trenton  Limestone  of  Ottawa,  Canada. 
The  ventral  side  of  the  specimen  showed  eight  pairs  of  jointed  legs  on  each 
side  of  a  median  furrow.  Soon  after.  Woodward  described  an  antenna  or 
pediform  cephalic  appendage,  lying  beside  the  hypostoma  of  another  individual 
of  the  same  species.  Through  the  investigations  of  Walcott  (1875-94)  on 
Ceraurus  and  Calymene,  by  means  of  transverse  and  longitudinal  sections 
of  enrolled  specimens,  a  number  of  problems  have  been  settled  as  to  the 
characters     of    the    ventral 

side.       It    is     now    known    '^-^^^^^^^^^  >^ 

that     Trilobites     possessed     #^       i^r^^^^^^^^^^^^^^g-^^^^..- 5"?' 

a     thin,     external,     ventral    J  4>     m  ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^""?^N^ 

membrane   attached   to  the    ^^^^^  p      o  ^^ 

retlexecl        margin        OI        the        jiedian  vertical   section  of  Ceraurus  i^leurexantheimis  Green,      c, 
cephalon,   thoracic    segments    Cephalon  with  hypostoma  below ;  111,  Mouth;  v,  Ventral  membrane; 
1  .,.  -r ,  (',  Intestinal  canal ;?)!/,  Pyaidium  (after  Walcott). 

and  pygidium.     It  was  sup- 
ported by  transverse  processes  which   became   thickened  with    age,  and    to 
these  the  legs  were  attached. 




The  alimentary  canal,  discovered  by  Beyrich  and  Volborth,  begins  at 
the  mouth  and  then  curves  over  backward  beneath  the  glabella,  and  extends 
parallel  with  the  dorsal  test  to  its  termination  in  the  anal  opening  at  the 
posterior  end  of  the  pygidiura  (Fig.  1341). 

Most  of  the  recent  advances  in  the  knowledge  of  Trilobite  structure  have 
come   from  the   study   of   numerous   very  perfectly  preserved  specimens   of 

Fig.  1342. 

Trmrthrus  hecki  Green.     Utiea  Slialu  (Oi(lo\'ician)  ;  Rome,  New  York.     A,  Dorsal,  and  B,  Ventral  aspect, 

2/i  (after  Ueeuher). 

IViarthnis  hecki  Green,  from  the  Utica  Shale  (Ordovician),  near  Eome,  New 
York.  Undoubted  antennae  in  this  form  were  discovered  by  Valiant,  and  first 
announced  by  Matthew  in  1893.  Subsequently  a  series  of  papers  was 
published  by  Beecher  on  the  detailed  structure  of  this  Trilobite,  Avhich  is  now 
the  best  known  of  any  species,  and  necessarily  forms  the  basis  of  much  of  the 
following  summary  of  ventral  organs. 

In  the  median  line  anteriorly,  there  is  first  the  hypostoma  or  upper  lip,  at 
the  end  of  which,  and  opening  obliquely  backward,  is  the  mouth  (Walcott,  in 
Calyrmw).  In  Triarihrus  the  lower  lip,  or  metastoma,  is  a  convex  arcuate 
plate,  just  posterior  to  the  extremity  of  the  hypostoma.  At  the  angles  on 
either  side  are  two  small  elevations,  or  lappets. 




Paired  Appendages. — All  segments  of  the  cranidium,  thorax  and  pygidium, 
except  the  anal  segment,  carry  appendages,  all  of  which  are  biramous  save  the 
anterior  pair.  The  anterior 
antennae,  or  antennules,  are 
attached  at  the  sides  of  the 
hypostoma,  and  consist  of  a 
simple,  many-jointed  flagel- 
lum  (Fig.  "  1342).  The 
caudal  rami  of  the  Cambrian 
genus  Neolenus  (Fig.  1343) 
are  long,  slender,  jointed 
and  attached  to  the  last 
segment  of  the  pygidium. 

The  typical  Trilobite 
leg  has  two  branches  arising 
from  a  basal  joint,  or  coxo- 
podife,  which  is  prolonged 
into  a  gnathobase.  The 
inner  branch,  or  endopodite, 
has  typically  six  joints. 
The  outer  branch,  or  exo- 
podite,  has  a  long  proximal  joint,  with  a  distal  multiarticulate  portion,  or 
the  proximal  joint  may  be  flat  and  elongate,  forming  the  entire  exopodite, 
as  in  Neolenus  (Fig.  1343).  Long  setae  extend  posteriorly,  and  on  the  distal 
portion  they  are  so  crowded  as  to  make  a  conspicuous  fringe,  imparting  a 
characteristic  appearance  to  the  leg. 

Besides  the  antennules,  the  cephalon  bears  four  pairs  of  pediform  biramous 
appendages,  with  large  gnathobases  functioning  as  manducatory  organs.     Of 


Middle    Cambrian 

Neolenus  serratus  Rominger. 
B.C.     Microphotograph  showing  elongate  setiferous  exopodite. 
(after  Walcott). 

Burgess    Pass, 

Fig.  1344. 

Triarthrus  hccki  Green,  a,  Restored  tlioracic  limbs  in  transverse 
section  of  the  animal ;  h,  Section  across  anterior  portion  of  pygidium  ; 
c,  Section  across  posterior  portion  of  pygidium  (after  Beecher). 

Fig.  134.5. 

Triarthrus  hccki  Green. 
Dorsal  view  of  second  thoracic 
leg,  with  and  without  setae  and 
without  Kuatliobase.  en,  Endo- 
podite ;  ex,  Exopodite  (after 

these  the  first  may  be  correlated  with  the  posterior  antennae  of  higher  Crustacea. 
In  structure  and  function  they  are  true  mouth  appendages,  like  the  second 
pair  of  nauplius  limbs.  The  second  pair,  corresponding  to  the  mandibles  of 
higher  forms,  and  the  third  and  fourth,  corresponding  to  maxillae,  have  the 
same  structure  as  the  first,  with  large  gnathobases  and  fringed  exopodites. 
The  thoracic  and  abdominal  limbs  are  of  the  same  biramous  type.     The  endo- 




podites  are  jointed,  crawling  legs ;  posteriorly,  especially  on  the  pygidium, 
the  joints  become  flattened  and  leaf -like,  cai'rying  tufts  of  setae,  and  being 
adapted  for  swimming. 

The  exopodites  are  fringed  along  their  posterior  edges  with  narrow, 
oblique  lamellar  elements  becoming  filiform  at  the  ends,  thus  converting  the 
limb  into  a  swimming  organ,  and  probably  also  serving  respiratory  functions 
(Figs.  1343,  1346). 

Habits. — In  the  absence  of  any  closely  allied  recent  forms,  it  is  difficult  to 
reach  definite  conclusions  respecting  the  manner  of  life  of  Trilobites,  except 

A  B 

Fio.  1346. 

Crypiolithus  fensellatus  Green.  Utica  Shale  (Ordo^ician) ;  Rome,  New  York.  A,  Left  half  of  pygidium  and 
three  thoracic  segments,  with  test  removed,  and  showing  fringes  of  the  exopodites.  B,  Ventral  aspect  of  sani(\ 
a,  Endopodite  ;  h,  Exopodite.     'O/i  (after  Beeclier). 

such  as  are  based  upon  their  organisation  and  mode  of  occurrence.  They  were 
undoubted  marine  animals,  since  their  remains  are  found  only  in  salt-water 
deposits,  associated  with  brachiopods,  cephalopods,  crinoids,  and  other  typical 
oceanic  forms.  Some  species  are  plentiful  in  calcareous  or  argillo-calcareous 
deposits,  with  thick-shelled  brachiopods,  gastropods  and  reef-building  corals, 
which  evidently  did  not  live  at  any  considerable  depth.  Other  forms  appear 
to  have  been  bottom  crawlers,  frequenting  either  muddy  or  sandy  bottoms  ; 
and  again,  others  like  Crijptolithus,  lived  partly  buried  in  the  soft  mud.  On 
the  other  hand,  many  species  indicate,  from  the  absence  of  visual  organs,  a 
comparatively  deep-water  habitat.     The  structure  of  the  appendages  of  many 

was  probably  such  as  to  permit  of  both  swimming  and 
crawling,  as  in  a  number  of  families  of  modern  Crustacea, 
and  they  were  therefore  restricted  neither  to  the  shore 
nor  to  the  bottom.  This  doubtless  explains  the  occur- 
rence of  the  same  species  in  very  difi^erent  sediments. 

Foiver  of  Enrollment. — The  bodies  of  most  Trilobites 
were  capable  of  being  rolled  up  completely  like  many 
of  the  Isopods  (Fig.  1347).  In  the  enrolled  condition 
the  margin  of  the  pygidium  is  closely  applied  to  the 
doublure  of  the  cephalon,  thus  entirely  concealing  the 
ventral  side  of  the  body.  The  thoracic  segments  over- 
lap, and  admit  of  more  or  less  motion  upon  one  anothei'.     The  pleura  also 

Fio.  l;;47 


Calymcne      ineeki 
Ordovician  ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio, 
Enrolled  specimen. 




imbricate,  and  their  fulcra  are  provided  with  facets  upon  which  the  fulcra  of 
adjacent  segments  impinge.  The  ends  of  the  pleura  thus  protect  the  ventral 
surface  along  the  sides,  when  the  animal  is  enrolled.  Some  forms  appear  to 
have  possessed  the  power  only  to  a  limited  degree.  In  these,  the  creature  is 
usually  found  extended,  and  the  facets  on  the  fulcra  are  either  rudimentary 
or  absent. 

Ontogeny. — Minute  spherical  or  ovoid  fossils  associated  with  Trilobites 
have  been  described  as  possible  Trilobite  eggs,  but  nothing  is  known,  of 
course,  of  the  embryonic  stages  of  the  animals  themselves.  The  smallest  and 
most  primitive  organisms  which  have  been  detected,  and  traced  by  means  of  a 
series  of  specimens  through  successive  changes  into  adult  Trilobites,  are  little 
discoid  or  ovate  bodies  not  more  than  1  mm.  in  length.  This  first  larval  form 
has  been  named  the  profaspis,  and  has  been  found  to  be  the  typical  larval  form 
characteristic  of  all  Trilobites.  It  is  believed  to  approximate  the  protonauplius 
form,  or  the  theoretical,  primitive,  ancestral,  larval  form  of  the  Crustacea. 

The  simple  characters  possessed  by  the  protaspis  are  the  following,  as 
drawn  from  the  study  of  this  stage  in  all  the  principal  groups  of  Trilobites  : — 
Dorsal  shield  minute,  not  more  than  0'4  to  1  mm.  in  length;  circular  or  ovate  in 
form  ;  axis  distinct,  more  or  less  strongly  anniilated,  limited  by  longitudinal  grooves ; 
head  portion  predominating ;  axis  of  cranidium  with  five  annnlations ;  abdominal 
portion  usually  less  than  one-third  the  length  of  the  shield  ;  axis  with  from  one  to 
several  annulations  ;  pleural  portion  smooth  or  grooved  ;  eyes,  tvhen  present,  anterior, 
marginal  or  subnmrginal  ;•  free  cheeks,  when  visible,  narrow  and  margined. 

The  changes  taking  place  during  the  growth  of  an  individual  are  chiefly 
the  following  : — Elongation  of  the  body  through  the  gradual  addition  of  the 
free  thoracic  segments ;  development  of  the  pygidium  ;  translation  of  the 
eyes,  when  present ;  modifications  in  the  glabella  ;  growth  of  the  free  cheeks  ; 
and  final  assumption  of  the  mature  specific  characters  of  pygidium  and 

In  a  classification  of  the  stages  of  development,  the  protaspis  has  the  rank 
of  a  phylembryo,  and  corresponds  in  value  to  the  protoconch  of  cephalopods, 
the  px'odissoconch  of  pelecypods,  and  the  protegulum  of  brachiopods.  In  its 
geological  history  and  the  metamorphoses  it  undergoes  to  produce  the  perfect 
Trilobite,  accurate  information  can  be  gained  as  to  what  the  primitive  char- 
acters are,  and  the  relative  values  of  other  features  acquired  during  the  long 
existence  of  the  class. 

Of  the  developmental  stages  after  the  protaspis,  the  nepionic  may  be  con- 

A  B 

A  B 

Fig.  134S. 

Ptyclioparia  kingi  MprW. 
Cambrian.  A,  Protaspis  en- 
lareerl.     B,  Adult  reduced. 

Fi(i.  1349. 

.Sao  hirsuta  Barr.  Cambrian. 
A,  Protaspis  enlarged.  B,  Adult 

Fig.  1350. 

Triarthrus  becJci  Green. 
Ordovician.  A,  Protaspis  en- 
larged.    B,  Adult  reduced. 

sidered  as  including  the  animal  when  the  cephalon  and  pygidium  are  distinct, 
and  the  thorax  incomplete.  There  would  thus  be  as  many  nepionic  stages  as 
there  are  thoracic  segments.  The  neanic  stages  would  be  represented  by  the 
animal  with  all   parts  complete,   but  with   the   average   growth   incomplete. 




Final  progressive  growth  and  development  of  the  individual  would  fall  under 
the  ephebic  stage.  Lastly,  general  evidences  of  senility  would  be  interpreted 
as  belonging  to  the  gerontic  stage. 

Morphogeny. — During  the  protaspis  stage,  several  moults  take  place  before 


I'lXiitus  parviusculus  Hall. 
Ordovician.  A,  Protaspis 
iimch  enlarged.  B,  Adult 
slightly  enlarged. 


Fin.  1352. 

Acidas2)is  tuherculata 
Conrad.  Devonian.  A, 
Protaspis  enlarged.  B, 
Adult  reduced. 

Fig.  13")3. 

Dahnanitina  socialis  (Barr.). 
Ordovician.  A,  Protaspis  en- 
larged. B,  Adult  reduced. 
(Figs.  1348-1353  after  Beecher.) 


the  complete  separation  of  the  pygidium  or  the  introduction  of  thoracic  seg- 
ments. These  bring  about  various  changes,  namely,  the  stronger  annulation 
of  the  axis,  the  appearance  of  the  free  cheeks  on  the  dorsal  side,  and  develop- 
ment of  the  pygidium  by  the  introduction  of  new  appendages  and  segments, 
as  indicated  by  the  additional  grooves  on  the  axis  and  limb.  In  the  earliest, 
or  Cambrian  genera,  the  protaspis  stage  is  by  far  the  simplest  expression  of 
this  period  to  be  found.  In  the  higher  and  later  genera,  the  process  of 
acceleration  or  earlier  inheritance  has  pushed  forward  certain  characters  until 
they  appear  in  the  protaspis,  thus  making  it  more  and  more  complex. 

Taking  the  early  protaspis  stages  in  Solenopleura,  Liostracus  or  Pfychoparia, 
it  is  found  that  they  agree  exactly  with  the  foregoing  diagnosis  in  its  most 
^  j>  c  elementary     sense.       Since     they    are    the 

chai'acters  shared  in  common  by  all  larvae 
at  this  stage,  they  are  taken  as  primitive, 
and  accorded  that  value  in  dealing  with 
adult  forms  possessing  homologous  features. 
Therefore,  any  Trilobite  with  a  large  elon- 
gate cephalon,  eyes  rudimentary  or  absent, 
free  cheeks  ventral  or  marginal,  and  glabella 
long,  cylindrical,  and  with  five  annulations, 
would  naturally  be  placed  near  the  begin- 
ning of  any  genetic  series,  or  as  belonging 
to  a  very  primitive  stock. 

Next  must  be  considered  the  progressive 
Cambrian  •  skrey    addition  of  characters  during  the  geological 

"iopmlnHSBanfndVr'''""''''''^^^^   ^^"^^^'^  °^  ^^^  protaspis,  and  the  ontogeny 

of  the  individual  during  its  growth  from 
the  larval  to  its  mature  condition.  It  has  been  shown  by  Beecher  that 
there  is  an  exact  correlation  to  be  made  between  the  geological  and  zoological 
succession  of  first  larval  stages  and  adult  forms,  and  therefore  both  may  be 
reviewed  together. 

The  first  important  structures  not  especially  noticeable  in  all  stages  of  the 
protaspis  are  the  free  cheeks,  which  usually  manifest  themselves  in  the  meta- 
or  para-protaspis  stages,  though  sometimes  even  later.  Since  they  bear  the 
visual  areas  of  the  eyes,  when  such  are  present,  their  appearance  on  the  dorsal 

Fio.  13.04. 

.Sao  hirsuta   Barrande. 
of  de 




shield  is  practically  simultaneous  with  these  organs,  and  before  the  eyes  have 
travelled  over  the  margin,  the  free  cheeks  must  be  wholly  ventral  in  position. 
AVhen  first  discernible,  they  are  very  narrow,  and  in  Ptychoparia  and  Sao, 
include  the  genal  angles.  In  Dalmanites  and  Cheirurus,  however,  the  genal 
angles  are  borne  on  the  fixed  cheeks. 

Since  the  free  cheeks  are  ventral  in  the  earliest  larval  stages  of  all  but  the 
highest  Trilobites,  and  as  this  is  an  adult  feature  among  a  number  of  genera, 
which  on  other  grounds  are  very  primitive,  this  is  taken  as  generally  indicative 
of  a  very  low  rank.  The  genera  Harpcs,  Agnostus,  Cryptolithus  and  their  allies 
agree  in  this  respect,  and  constitute  the  Hypoparia. 

The  remaining  genera  of  Trilobites  present  two  distinct  types  of  head 
structure,  dependent  upon  the  extent  and  character  of  the  free  cheeks.  In 
both,  the  free  cheeks  make  up  an  essential  part  of  the  dorsal  crust  of  the 
cephalon,  being  continued  on  the  ventral  side  only  as  a  doublure  or  infolding 
of  the  edge,  similar  to  that  of  the  free  edge  of  the  cranidium,  the  ends  of  the 
thoracic  pleura,  and  the  margin  of  the  pygidium.  They  may  be  separated 
only  by  the  cranidium,  as  in  Ptychoparia ;  by  the  cranidium  and  separate 
A  n  c  D 

Fig.  1355. 

Ontogeny  of  Sao  hirsuta  Barr.    (Pinsthoparia)  A,  Protaspis.    B,  Cephalon  of  nepionio  individual.     C,  Cephalon  of 
later  nepionio  individual  having  eight  free  segments.     D,  Cephalon  of  adult  (from  Beechei-,  after  Barrande). 

epistomal  and  rostral  plate,  as  in  lUaenus  and  Homalonofus ;  or  they  may  be 
united  and  continuous  in  front,  as  in  Aeglina  and  Dalmanites.  One  type  of 
structure  is  distinguished  by  having  the  free  cheeks  include  the  genal  angles, 
thus  cutting  off  more  or  less  of  the  pleura  of  the  occipital  segment.  The 
genera  belonging  to  this  group  constitute  the  second  order — the  Opisthopiaria. 

The  third  and  last  type  of  structure  includes  forms  in  which  the  pleura  of  the 
occipital  segment  extend  the  full  width  of  the  base  of  the  cephalon,  embracing 
the  genal  angles.  The  free  cheeks  are  therefore  separated  from  the  cranidium 
by  sutures  cutting  the  lateral  margins  of  the  cephalon  in  front  of  the  genal 
angles.     Genera  having  this  structure  are  here  placed  in  the  order  Proparia. 

The  characters  still  to  be  noticed  have  chiefly  family  and  generic  values, 
A  r.  c  D 

FlQ.  1356. 

Ontogeny  of  DalmanUina  socialis  (Haw-.).     {Pivparia)  A,  Piotasi)is.     B,  Cephalon  of  Individual  of  three  free 
segments.     C,  Cephalon  of  one  with  seven  free  segments.    D,  Ceijlialon  of  adult  (from  Beecher,  after  BaiTande). 

and  are  of  great  assistance  both  in  determining  the  place  of  a  family  in  an 
order  and  the  rank  and  genetic  position  of  a  genus  in  a  family. 

There  is  very  satisfactory  evidence  that  the  eyes  have  migrated  from  the 
ventral  side,  first  forward  toward  the  margin,  and  then  backward  oVer  the 
cephalon  to  their  adult  position.     The  most  primitive  larvae  should  therefore 
VOL.  I  2  z 

706  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

present  no  evidence  of  eyes  on  the  dorsal  shield.  Just  such  conditions  are 
fulfilled  in  the  youngest  larvae  of  Ptychoparia,  Solenopleura  and  Liostracus. 
The  eye-line  is  present  in  the  later  larval  and  adolescent  stages  of  these  genera, 
and  persists  to  the  adult  condition.  In  Sao  it  has  been  pushed  forward  to  the 
earliest  protaspis,  and  is  also  found  in  the  two  known  larval  stages  of  Triar- 
thrus.  Sao  retains  the  eye-line  throughout  life,  but  in  Triarthnis  the  adult  has 
no  trace  of  it.  A  study  of  the  genera  of  Trilobites  shows  that  this  is  a  very 
archaic  feature,  chiefly  characteristic  of  Cambrian  genera,  and  only  appearing 
in  the  primitive  genera  of  higher  and  later  groups.  It  first  develops  in  the 
later  larval  stages  of  certain  genera  (Ptychoparia,  etc.) ;  next  in  the  early  larval 
stages  (Sao) ;  then  disappears  from  the  adult  stages  {Triarthnis) ;  and  finally 
is  pushed  out  of  the  ontogeny  (Dalmanites). 

In  Ptychoparia,  Solenopleura,  Liostracus,  Sao  and  Triarthrus,  the  eyes  are 
first  visible  on  the  margin  of  the  dorsal  shield  after  the  protaspis  stages  have 
been  passed  through,  and  later  than  the  appearance  of  the  eye-lines  ;  but  in 
Pro'etus,  Acidaspis,  Ceratarges  and  Dalmanites,  through  acceleration,  they  are 
present  in  all  the  protaspis  stages,  and  persist  to  the  mature  or  ephebic  condi- 
tion, moving  in  from  the  margin  to  near  the  sides  of  the  glabella.  Progression 
in  these  characters  may  be  expressed,  and  in  so  far  taken  for  general  applica- 
tion among  adult  forms  to  indicate  rank,  as  follows: — (1)  Absence  of  eyes; 
(2)  eye-lines ;  (3)  eye-lines  and  marginal  eyes  ;  (4)  marginal  eyes ;  (5)  sub- 
marginal  eyes ;  (6)  eyes  near  the  pleura  of  the  neck  segment. 

The  changes  in  the  glabella  are  equally  important  and  interesting. 
Throughout  the  larval  stages  the  axis  of  the  cranidium  shows  distinctly  by 
the  annulations  that  it  is  composed  of  five  fused  segments,  indicating  the 
presence  of  as  many  paired  appendages  on  the  ventral  side.  In  its  simplest 
and  most  primitive  state  it  expands  in  front,  joining  and  forming  the  anterior 
margin  of  the  head  (larval  Ptychoparia  and  Sao).  During  later  growth  it 
becomes  rounded  in  front,  and  terminates  within  the  margin.  In  higher 
genera,  through  acceleration,  it  is  rounded  and  well  defined  in  front,  even  in 
the  earliest  larval  stages,  and  often  ends  within  the  margin  (larval  Triarthrus 
and  Acidaspis).  From  these  few  simple  types  of  pentamerous  glabellae,  all 
the  diverse  forms  among  species  of  various  genera  have  been  derived,  through 
changes  affecting  any  or  all  of  the  lobes.  The  modifications  usually  consist  in 
the  progressive  obsolescence  of  the  anterior  annulations,  finally  producing  a 
smooth  glabella,  as  in  Illaenus  and  Niohe.  The  neck  segment  is  the  most  per- 
sistent of  all,  and  is  rarely  obscured.  The  third  or  mandibular  segment  is 
frequently  marked  by  two  entirely  separate  lateral  lobes,  as  in  Acidaspis,  Cono- 
lichas,  Chasmops,  etc.  Likewise,  the  fourth  annulation  carrying  the  first  pair 
of  maxillae  is  often  similarly  modified  in  the  same  genera,  also  in  all  the 
Proetidae,  and  in  Cheirurus,  Crotalocephalus,  Sphaevexochus,  Ampyx,  Harpes,  etc. 
Here,  again,  among  adult  forms,  the  stages  of  progressive  differentiation  may 
be  taken  as  indicating  the  relative  rank  of  the  genera. 

The  comparative  areal  growth  of  the  free  cheeks  is  expressed  by  the 
gradual  moving  of  the  facial  suture  toward  the  axis.  As  the  free  cheeks 
become  larger  the  fixed  cheeks  become  smaller.  In  the  most  primitive  pro- 
taspis stages,  and  in  Agnostus,  Harpes  and  Cryptolithus,  the  dorsal  surface  of  the 
cephalon  is  wholly  occupied  by  the  axis  and  fixed  cheeks,  while  in  the  higher 
genera  the  area  of  the  fixed  cheeks  becomes  reduced  until,  as  in  Stygina  and 
Phillipsia,  they  form  a    mere  border   to   the  glabella.     Therefore  the  ratio 


between  the  fixed  and  free  cheeks  furnishes  another  means  of  assisting  in  the 
determination  of  rank. 

The  pleura  from  the  segments  of  the  glabella  are  occasionally  visible,  as 
in  the  young  of  Elliptocephala,  but  usually  the  pleura  of  the  neck  segments  are 
the  first  and  only  ones  to  be  distinguished  on  the  cephalon,  the  others  being 
so  completely  coalesced  as  to  lose  all  traces  of  their  individuality.  The  pleura 
of  the  pygidium  appear  soon  after  the  earliest  protaspis  stage,  and  in  some 
genera  [Sao,  Dalmanites)  are  even  more  strongly  marked  than  in  the  adult 
state,  and  much  resemble  separate  segments.  The  growth  of  the  pygidium  is 
very  considerable  through  the  protaspis  stage.  At  first  it  is  less  than  one- 
third  the  length  of  the  dorsal  shield,  but  by  successive  addition  of  segments  it 
soon  becomes  nearly  one-half  as  long.  In  some  genera  it  is  completed  before 
the  appearance  of  the  free  thoracic  segments,  all  of  which  are  added  during  the 
nepionic  stages.  An  interpretation  of  these  facts,  to  apply  in  valuing  adult 
characters,  would  indicate  that  a  very  few  segments,  both  in  the  thorax  and 
pygidium,  may  be  evidence  of  arrested  development  or  suppression.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  apparently  unlimited  multiplication  of  thoracic  and  especially  of 
abdominal  segments  in  some  genera  is  also  to  be  considered  as  a  primitive  char- 
acter expressive  of  an  annelidan  style  of  growth.  Genera  like  Asaphus,  Phacops, 
etc.,  having  a  constant  number  of  thoracic  segments  accompanied  by  other  char- 
acters of  a  high  order,  undoubtedly  represent  the  typical  Trilobite  structure. 

These  analyses  and  correlations  clearly  show  that  thei-e  are  characters 
appearing  in  the  adults, of  higher  and  later  genera,  which  successively  make 
their  appearance  in  the  protaspis  stage,  sometimes  to  the  exclusion  or  modifica- 
tion of  structures  present  in  the  more  primitive  larvae.  Thus  the  larvae  of 
Dalmanites  or  Proetus,  with  their  prominent  eyes  and  glabella  distinctly 
terminated  and  rounded  in  front,  have  characters  which  do  not  appear  in  the 
larval  stages  of  ancient  genera,  but  which  may  appear  in  their  adult  stages. 
Evidently  such  modifications  have  been  acquired  by  the  action  of  the  law  of 
earlier  inheritance  or  tachygenesis,  as  it  was  called  by  Hyatt. 

Position  in  the  Zoological  System. — Since  Trilobites  have  been  made  the  sub- 
ject of  special  study,  they  have  been  commonly  classed  with  the  Crustacea,  and 
placed  near  the  Phyllopods  by  most  observers.  Quite  a  number  of  naturalists, 
however,  still  divorce  the  Trilobites  and  Limuloids  from  the  Crustacea,  and 
ally  them  with  the  Arachnids.  Leaving  aside  the  question  of  the  homologies 
of  Limulus,  it  is  a  fact  that  Trilobites  show  the  clearest  evidence  of  primitive 
Crustacean  affinities,  in  their  protonauplius  larval  form,  their  hypostoma  and 
metastoma,  the  five  pairs  of  cephalic  appendages,  the  slender  jointed  antennules, 
the  biramous  character  of  all  the  other  limbs,  and  their  original  phyllopodiform 
structure.  They  difter  from  Limulus,  not  only  in  most  of  these  respects,  but 
also  in  not  having  an  operculum.  From  Limuhis  and  all  other  Arthropods 
they  are  distinguished  by  having  compound  eyes  on  free  cheek-pieces,  which 
apparently  represent  the  pleura  of  a  head  segment  that  is  otherwise  lost, 
except  possibly  in  some  forms  of  stalked  eyes  and  in  the  cephalic  neuromeres 
of  later  forms.  The  most  recent  discussions  as  to  the  affinities  of  Trilobites 
are  to  be  found  in  the  papers  by  Bernard,  Kingsley,  Woodward  and  Beecher, 
where,  from  the  facts  presented,  the  relationships  of  these  animals  with  the 
Crustacea  follow  as  a  necessary  corollary. 

As  to  the  rank  of  the  Trilobites  in  a  classificatory  scheme,  there  is  also 
much  diversity  of  opinion.     They  have  been  long  regarded  as  an  order  of 

708  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

Crustaceans,  but  any  attempt  to  include  them  in  this  way  under  higher  groups, 
such  as  the  Entomostraca,  Malacostraca  or  Merostomata,  results  in  such  broad 
generalities  and  looseness  of  definition  as  to  render  these  divisions  of  little 
value.  The  present  state  of  knowledge  of  Trilobite  structure  and  develop- 
ment is  in  favour  of  assigning  them  nothing  short  of  the  rank  of  a  subclass. 

In  nearly  every  particular,  the  Trilobite  is  very  primitive,  and  closely 
agrees  with  a  theoretical  Crustacean  ancestor.  Its  affinities  are  with  the 
known  subclasses  of  the  group,  especially  their  lower  orders,  but  its  position 
is  not  intermediate.  The  more  primitive  characters  may  be  summarised  as 
follows  : — (1)  They  are  all  free  marine  animals;  (2)  they  have  a  definite  con- 
figuration ;  (3)  the  larva  is  a  protonauplius-like  form  ;  (4)  the  body  and 
abdomen  are  richly  segmented,  and  the  number  of  segments  is  variable ;  (5) 
the  head  is  typically  pentamerous ;  (6)  the  thorax  and  abdomen  are  always 
distinct,  the  number  of  segments  in  each  being  variable ;  (7)  all  segments 
except  the  anal  bear  paired  appendages ;  (8)  all  appendages  except  antennules 
are  biramous  ;  and  (10)  the  coxal  elements  of  all  limbs  form  gnathobases, 
which  become  organs  of  manducation  on  the  head.  Walcott  has  recently 
discovered  (1912)  the  appendages  of  the  Cambrian  trilobitic  genus  Neolenus 
and  those  of  other  Crustaceans,  which  indicate  that  the  Trilobite  is  a 
Crustacean  intermediate  in  structural  organisation  between  the  Branchiopoda 
and  the  Merostomata. 

Classification. — Barrande  gives  a  complete  r6sum6  of  the  classifications 
applied  to  Trilobites  down  to  1850,  and  shows  in  a  very  satisfactory  manner 
the  weak  points  of  each,  furnishing  strong  reasons  as  to  why  they  are  un- 
natural and  therefore  untenable.  The  underlying  principles  of  these  early 
attempts  at  a  classification  are  here  briefly  summarised.  (1)  The  first  classifi- 
cation of  Trilobites  was  advanced  by  Brongniart  in  1822,  in  which  all  the 
forms  previously  known  as  Entomolithus  paradoxus  were  shown  to  belong  to  five 
distinct  genera.  (2)  Dalman,  1826,  made  two  groups,  based  upon  the  presence 
or  absence  of  eyes.  (3)  Quenstedt,  1837,  recognised  the  number  of  thoracic 
segments  and  the  structure  of  the  eyes  as  of  the  greatest  importance.  (4) 
Milne  Edwards,  1840,  considered  the  power  of  enrollment  as  of  prime  value. 
(5)  Goldfuss,  1843,  established  three  groups  depending  on  the  presence  or 
absence  of  eyes  and  their  structure.  (6)  Burmeister,  1843,  accepted  the  two 
divisions  of  Milne  Edwards,  and  laid  stress  on  the  nature  of  the  pleura  and  the 
size  of  the  pygidium.  (7)  Emmrich's  first  scheme,  1839,  was  founded  on  the 
shape  of  the  pleura,  the  presence  or  absence  of  eyes  and  their  structure.  (8) 
The  later  classification  of  the  same  author,  published  in  1844,  depended  on 
whether  the  abdomen  was  composed  of  fused  or  free  segments,  and  the  minor 
divisions  were  based  chiefly  on  the  structure  of  the  eyes  and  the  facial  suture. 
(9)  Corda,  1847,  placed  all  Trilobites  in  two  groups,  one  having  an  entire 
pygidial  margin,  and  the  other  with  the  pygidium  lobed  or  denticulate.  (10) 
M'Coy,  1849,  took  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  facet  on  the  pleura  for  a 
divisional  character.  As  this  is  an  indication  of  the  relative  power  of  enrol- 
ment, it  does  not  diff"er  matei'ially  from  the  schemes  of  Milne  Edwards  and 
Burmeister.  Zittel,  in  a  review  brought  down  to  1885,  includes  in  addition 
the  schemes  of  (11)  Barrande,  1850,  and  (12)  Salter,  1864,  and  remarks  that 
the  basis  of  Barrande's  general  grouping,  namely,  the  structure  of -the  pleura, 
has  neither  a  high  physiological  nor  a  morphological  significance.  Both 
Barrande  and  Salter  recognise  nearly  the  same  families,  with  slight  differences, 




and  the  latter  adopts  a  division  into  two  lines,  based  on  the  number  of  body- 
rings  and  size  of  the  pygidium.  These  include  and  are  themselves  included 
in  four  groups,  founded  on  the  presence  and  form  of  the  facial  suture  and  the 
structure  of  the  eyes.  (13)  Chapman,  in  1889,  proposed  four  suborders  or 
primary  groups  based  purely  upon  arbitrary  features  of  general  structure  and 
configuration,  especially  the  form  of  the  glabella,  whether  wide,  conical  or 
enlarged.  (14)  Haeckel,  in  1896,  divided  the  Trilobites  into  two  orders 
based  upon  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  functional  pygidium. 

The  classification  here  followed  is  essentially  that  prepared  by  Beecher  for 
the  first  edition  of  this  treatise,  but  with  some  amplification  and  modification, 
made  possible  by  the  recent  work  of  Reed,  Clarke,  Jaekel,  Walcott  and  others. 
Beecher's  classification,  although  not  universally  accepted,  has  proved  superior 
to  any  previously  proposed,  and  forms  the  basis  for  most  of  the  modern 
investigation  of  the  group. 

Order  1.     HYPOPARIA  Beecher. 

Free  cheeks  forming  a  continuous  marginal  ventral  plate  of  the  cejihalon,  and  in 
some  forms  also  extending  over  the  dorsal  side  at  the  genal  angles.  Siiture  ventral, 
marginal  or  snlmarginal.  Compound  paired  eyes  absent ;  simple  eyes  may  occur  on  each 
fixed  cheek,  singly  or  in  pairs. 

Even  in  the  higher  genera  of  this  order,  the  suture  is  frequently  imnoticed,  but  can 
be  seen  in  all  well-preserved  specimens.  In  Gryptolithus  and  Harpes  it  follows  the  edge 
of  the  cephalon,  and  separates  the  dorsal  from  the  ventral  plate  of  the  pitted  brim. 
Since  eye-spots  occur  on  the  fixed  cheeks  in  the  young  of  Gryptolithus  and  adult 
Harpes,  it  is  probable  that  this  character  is  a  primitive  one  in  the  order,  and  has 
been  lost  in  Agnostus,  Eodiscus,  Ampyx  and  Dionide. 

The  ontogeny  of  higher  genera  shows  that  the  true  eyes  and  free  cheeks  are  first 
developed  ventrally,  appearing  later  at  the  marginal,  and  then  on  the  dorsal  side  of 

Fio.  1357. 
Cepliala  of //(/yiojiana.     A,  Agnostus.     B,  Eodiscus.     C,  Harpes.     D,  Crypiolithus.     E,  Ampyx  (after  Beecher). 

the  cephalon.  Therefore  the  Agnostidae,  Cryptolithidae,  and  Harpedidae  have,  in 
this  respect,  a  very  primitive  head  structure,  characteristic  of  the  early  larval  forms 
of  higher  families.  Other  secondary  features  show  that  this  order,  though  the  most 
primitive  in  many  respects,  is  more  specialised  than  either  of  the  others,  except  in 
their  highest  genera.  The  characters  referred  to  are  the  glabella  and  pygidium.  Very 
few  species  show  the  primitive  segmentation  of  the  glabella,  it  being  usually  smooth 
and  inflated  and  resembling  in  its  specialisation  such  higher  genera  as  Proiitus, 
Asaphus  and  Lichas.  The  pygidium  often  fails  to  indicate  its  true  number  of 
segments.  Many  species  of  Agnostus  and  Eodiscus  show  no  segments  either  on  the 
axial  or  pleural  lobes  of  the  pygidium.  Gryptolithus  and  others  may  have  a  numerously 
annulated  axis  and  fewer  grooves  on  the  pleural  portions.  The  number  of  ajipendages 
corresponds  to  the  axial  divisions.  The  multiplication  of  segments  in  the  laygidium, 
and  their  consequent  crowding,  make  them  quite  rudimentary. 




Family  1.     Agnostidae  M'Coy. 

Hypo2Jaria  with  head  and  abdomen  shields  similar;  free  cheeks  not  visible  from  the 
dorsal  side.      Thorax  xvith  two  segments.      Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

Subfamily  A.     Condylopyginae  Raymond. 

Agnostidae  with  many-lobed  shields,  long  glabella  ivhich  expands  totvard  the  front, 
and  long  and  broad  axial  lobe  on  pygidium.. 

Condylopyge  Corda.  Anterior  lobe  of  glabella  broad.  Pygidium 
with  three  pairs  of  middle  -  lobes,  and  a  broad  end -lobe.  Middle 
Cambrian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Pleuroctenium  Corda  (Fig.  1358).  Similar  to  Condylopyge,  but 
with  anterior  lobe  of  glabella  flattened,  and  crossed  by  radiating 
grooves.     Cambrian ;  Europe. 

Diplagnostus  Jaekel.  Anterior  middle-lobe  divided.  Axial  lobe 
of  pygidium  pointed  behind.     Cambrian  ;  Europe. 

Peronopsis  Corda.  Anterior  middle  lobe  of  glabella  simple,  not 
wider  than  the  part  behind.  Accessory  lobes  present  at  base  of 
glabella.     Middle  Cambrian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Arthrorachinae  Raymond. 

Agnostidae  with  middle   lobe  of  glabella   short   and   simple;  small   accessory  lobes 
present  at  base  of  glabella. 

Arthrorachis  Corda.      Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 
Hypagnostus  Jaekel.     Axial  lobe  of  pygidium  narrow,  pointed  behind. 

Subfamily  C.     Agnostinae  Jaekel. 

Agnostidae  toith  both  shields  sculptured.     Middle  lobe  of  cephalon  long,  narrowed 
toward  the  front.     Accessory  lobes  always  present. 

Agnostus  Brongniart  (Figs.  1357,  A  ;  1359).  Surface 
smooth ;  accessory  lobes  simple.  Cambrian ;  Europe  and 
North  America. 

Ptychagnostus  Jaekel.  Surface  wrinkled  or  otherwise 
ornamented.  Accessory  lobes  double.  Cambrian  ;  Europe 
and  North  America. 

Subfamily  D.     Phalacrominae   Corda. 

Fig.  135S. 

rjranulatum  (Barr.). 
Cambrian  ;  Skrey, 
Bohfiinia.  5/j  (after 

Fig.  ]:;5'.i. 

Agnostus  pisiformis  (Linn.). 
Cambrian  ;  Andiarnm,  Sweden. 
Complete  individnal,  and  frag- 
ment of  limestone  witli  detaelied 
cephala  and  pygidia. 

Agnostidae  with  shields  scarcely  lobed. 

Lejopyge  Corda.  Middle  lobe  of  cephalon  and  pygidium  Ijarely  indicated- 
Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Phalacroma  Corda.  Cephalon  and  pygidium  without  lobes.  Cambrian  and 
Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Family  2.     Eodiscidae  Raymond. 

Hypoparia  of  small  size ;  free  cheeks  not  visible  from  the  dorsal  side ;  thorax  of  three 
segments ;  pygidium  annulated.     Cambrian. 




Eodiscus  Matthew  (Microdiscus  Salter  non  Emmons)  (Fig.  1357,  B).  Glabella  short, 
occipital  ring  spined.     Lower  and  Middle  Cambrian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Goniodiscus  Raymond.  Glabella  long,  occipital  ring  obtusely  pointed.  Type, 
Microdiscus  lobatus  Hall.      Lower  Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Family  3.     Shumardiidae  Lake. 

Hypoparia  similar  to  the  Agnostidae  in  size  and  in  structure  of  the  cephalon,  but 
with  small,  stronyly  segmented  pygidium,  and  six  segments  in  the  thorax. 

Shthmardia  Billings.     Glabella  proniinent,  expanding  toward  the  front.     Lower 

Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Family  4.     Harpedidae  Corda. 

Hypoparia  loith  very  large  head  shield  and  small  pygidium.  Free  cheeks  ventral, 
sutitre  marginal.  Tliorax  with  numero^is  segments  {seventeen  to  twenty-nine).  Cephalon 
with  hroad  pitted  hrim.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

The  broad  hippocrepian  pitted  hvhn  of  the  Harpedidae  has  its  counterpart  in 
Gryptolithus  and  Dionide,  although  less  well  developed  in  those 
genera.  The  head  is  also  relatively  longer  and  larger,  both 
features  being  decidedly  larval.  The  functional  visual  spots  or 
ocelli,  situated  on  the  fixed  cheeks,  are  found  only  in  this 
family  and  in  Tretaspis  arid  in  the  young  of  Gryptolithus.  Thu 
great  number  of  thoracic  segments  is  another  primitive 
character,  and  the  cephalon  is  larger  than  the  thorax  and 

Harpes  Goldfuss  (Fig.  1357,  G).  Hypostoma  somewhat 
pentagonal,  angular  in  outline.  Silurian  and  Devonian ; 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Eoharpes  Raymond  {Harpina  Novak)  (Fig.  1360).  Hypostoma 
oval  in  outline.      Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Fig.  1360. 

Eoharpes  ungula  (Stern- 
berg). Ordovician  ; 
Bohemia,  l/i  (after  Bar- 

Family  5.     Trinucleidae  Emmrich  (Gryptolithidae  Angelin). 

Hypoparia  with  large  cephalon  and  small  pygidium.  Free 
cheeks  ventral,  carrying  the  gcnal  spines.  Gephalon  with  a  pitted, 
hrim.     TJwracic  segments  few  {five  or  «?";<■).      Ordovician. 

Gryptolithus  Green  {Trinucleus  Murch.^mrs)  (Figs.  1346, 1357, 
D  ;  1361).  Central  portion  of  cephalon  divided  by  the  dorsal 
furrows  into  three  prominent  portions.  No  ocelli  in  adult. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Trinucleus  Murch.  (restr.).      Glabella  obovate,  with  two  pairs 

;ryptoiithus      (jMfussi   ^f  ^^^^  glabellar  furrows.     Pits  on  brim  set  in  deep  radiating 

furrows;  no  ocelli  or  eye-lines.     Ordovician;  Europe  and  N  orth 

America.      Type  T.  fimbriatus  Murch. 

Tretaspis  M'Coy.     Glabella  spherical  in  front,  conical  behind,  with  two  pairs  of 

strong  glabellar   furrows ;  ocelli   and   eye-lines   present.       Ordovician ;    Europe   and 

North  America. 

Dionide  Barrande.     Similar  to  Gryptolithus,  but  with  an  irregularly  pitted  border 
and  a  large  pygidium.      Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Fig.  1361. 

(Barr.).  Ordovician  (Etage 
D) ;  Wesela,  Bohemia. 
X  i/i. 




Family  6.      Raphiophoridae  Angeliu. 

Hijimparia  with  large  trilobed  cephalon  without  brim,  small,  wide  'pygidium,  and 

few  thoracic  segments.  Small  free  cheeks 
visible  on  the  dorsal  surface.  Glabella, 
produced  in  front  of  the  cephalon  as  a  spine. 
Ordoviciaii  and  Silurian. 

Fin.  1362. 

Ampi/x  nasutus 
(Dalnian).  Or- 
dovieian ;  Pul- 
kowa,  Russia. 
X  v.- 

Raphiophorus  Angelin. 

Glabella  obo- 

vate,  with  an  abrupt  apical  spine, 
thoracic  segments.     Europe. 

ylm292/x  Dalman  (Figs.  1357,  J?;   1362, 
1363).      Glabella   oval,  terminating  in  a 
round     spine.      Six     thoracic 
Europe  and  North  America. 
Lojichodomas  Angelin.     Glabellar  spine  long  and  prismatic  in  section.     Europe  and 
North  America. 

Fig.  1363. 

Ampyx  portlocki  Barrande. 
Ordovician  (Etage  D)  ;  Leiskow, 
Bohemia,     x  i/i  (after  Barrande). 


Order  2.     OPISTHOPARIA  Beecher. 

Free  cheeks  generally  separate,  cdivays  bearing  the  genal  angles.  Facial  sutures 
extending  forward  from  the  posterior  part  of  the  cephalon  within  the  genal  angles,  and 
cutting  the  anterior  margin  separately,  or  more  rarely  uniting  in  front  of  the  glabella. 
Qompound  paired  holochroal  eyes  on  free  cheeks,  and  tvell  developed  in  all  but  the  most 
primitive  family. 

The  families  which  are  here  i')laced  under  this  order  lend  themselves  quite  readily 
to  an  arrangement  based  uj^on  the  characters  successively  appearing  in  the  ontogeny  of 
any  of  the  higher  forms.      Thus  Sao,  Ptychoparia  and  other  genera  of  the  Olenidae 

Fig.  1364. 

Cephala  of  the  Ojns^/tojxiria.     A,  Atops.     B,  Conocoryphe.     C,  Ptychoparia.     D,  Olenus.     E,  Asaphus. 
F,  lUaenus.     G,  Proiitus.    H,  Goklius.    I,  Lichas.    J,  Acidas2ns  (after  Beecher). 

have  first  a  protaspis  stage  only  comparable  in  the  structure  of  the  cephalon  with  the 
genera  of  the  preceding  order.  Therefore  this  stage  does  not  enter  into  consideration 
in  an  arrangement  of  the  families  of  the  Opisthoj^aria.  In  the  later  stages,  however, 
there  is  a  direct  agreement  of  structure  with  the  lower  genera  of  this  order.  The 
nepionic  Sao,  with  two  thoracic  segments  (Fig.  1355,  B),  has  a  head  structure  agi'eeiug 
in  essential  features  with  that  in  Atops  or  Conocoryphe  (Figs.  1364,  A,  B).  A  later 
nepionic  stage,  with  eight  thoracic  segments  (Fig.  1355,  G)  agrees  closely  with  the 
adult  Ptychoparia  or  Olenus  (Fig.  1364,  C,  D).  These  facts  clearly  indicate  that  the 
family  Conocoryphidae  should  be  put  at  the  base  of  this  extensive  order.  Moreover, 
as  Ptychoparia  and  Olenus  are  more  primitive  and  simpler  genera  than  Sao,  they,  as 




typifying  the  family  Olenidae,  govern  its  position,  which  accordingly  would  be  after 
the  Conocoryjjhidae. 

Differences  in  the  position  of  the  eyes,  the  relative  size  of  the  free  and  fixed  cheeks, 
and  the  degree  of  specialisation  of  the  glabella  have  a  definite  order  in  the  ontogeny  of 
any  Trilobite,  and  furnish  characters  of  taxonomic  value  in  arranging  the  families 
jjlaced  under  the  Opisthoparia  (see  Fig.  1364). 

Family   1.     Conocoryphidae  Angelin. 

Opistho2Mria  with  free  cheeks  very  narrow,  forming  the  lateral  margins  of  the 
cephalon,  and  bearing  the  genal  spines.  Eye-lines  are  present,  but  neither  ocelli  nor 
compound  eyes.  Thorax  with  from  fourteen  to  seventeen  segments.  Pygidium  small. 

The  genera  comprised  under  this  family  present  a  number  of  very  primitive 
characters,  such  as  are  displayed  only  in  the  larval  stages  of  higher  forms.  The  free 
cheeks  are  narrow  and  marginal,  and  may  be  compared  with  those  in  the  nej)ionic 
stages  of  Sao  and  Ptychoparia.  Eyes  have  not  been  detected,  but  the  presence  of  an 
eye-line  suggests  their  possible  existence.  The  variations  in  the  glabella  are  very 
marked,  and  are  as  great  as  those  which  in  higher  forms  attain  some  importance  as 
family  characteristics. 

So  far  as  known,  all  the  larval  forms  in  the  other  families  of  the  Opisthoparia 
agree  in  having  the  narrow  marginal  free 
cheeks,  bearing  the  genal  angles.  The 
eye-line  is  present  in  most  of  the  adult 
Olenidae,  and  in  the  early  stages  of  all  so 
far  as  known,  so  that  the  general  average 
of  characters  in  the  Conocoryphidae  re- 
presents the  main  larval  features  through- 
out the  other  families. 

Conocoryphe  Corda  (Figs.  1364,  B ; 
1365,  1366).  The  glabella  is  convex, 
tapering  toward  the  front.  Anterior 
border  of  cephalon  marked  by  a  broad 
and  deep  furrow.  Cambrian  ;  Europe  and 
North  America. 

Gtenocephalus  Corda.  Similar  to  Cono- 
coryphe, but  with  a  lobe  in  front  of  the 
glabella.  Cambrian  ;  Europe  and  North 

Fig.  13GG. 

Ceplialonof  C'oiio- 
coryphe  sulzeri 

Fio.  1365. 

Conocoryphe  sulzeri  Schloth. 

Without  the  free  cheeks.    Cam- 

-r-,  /T-i.         -.^y^.       A        -.«^w^      briaii      (Etage     C)  ;      Giiietz, 

^ioj9S  Emmons  (Figs.  1364,  .4;    1367).    Buhemia.    i/i- 
Glabella  long,  and  does  not  taper.     Thorax 
of  seventeen  segments.     Pygidium  small.     Lower  Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Fig.  1367. 

Cephalon  oiAto^s 
trilineatus  Em- 

Family  2.     Mesonacidae  Walcott  (Olenellidae  Moberg). 

Opisthoparia  with  large  cephalon  and  small,  simple  pygidium.  Facial  sutures  in 
a  state  of  sijmphysis  and  usually  not  to  be  distinguished.  Eyes  large,  the  palpebral  lobes 
extending  to  the  glabella.  Glabella  narrow,  sometimes  tapering  toward  the  front. 
Thorax  of  numerous  segments  {thirteen  to  tioenty-seven).     Lower  Cambrian. 

This  family  is  considered  by  Walcott  to  have  developed  in  pre-Cambrian  time  from  some 
annelid-like  ancestor  by  the  gradual  combination  of  segments  to  form  the  cephalon  and 
pygidium.  A  compact,  strong  pygidium,  made  up  of  many  segments,  does  not  occur  in  this 
family,  nor  among  any  of  the  simplest  forms  of  Lower  Cambrian  Trilobites.     The  Middle 




Cambrian  Paradoxides  is  thought  to  have  been  descended  from  Callavia,  through  Holmia 
and  Wanneria. 

Mesonacis  Walcott.     Tliorax  long  and  tapering,  the  third  segment  enlarged,  and 
the  pleura  extended  as  long  spines.     The  fifteenth  segment  has  a  large  spine  on  the 

axial  lobe.     Ten  segments  behind  the  great  spine. 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Ellvptocephala  Emmons.  Like  Mesonacis,  but 
without  the  enlarged  third  segment,  and  with  long 
spines  on  the  axial  lobes  of  the  last  five  segments. 
Eastern  North  America.     E.  asaphoides  Emmons. 

Paedeumias  Walcott.  Like  Mesonacis,  but 
with  rudimentary  thoracic  segments  and  pygidium 
posterior  to  the  fifteenth  segment.  North  America. 
Olenellus  Hall.  Like  Mesonacis,  but  without 
segments  liack  of  the  fifteenth,  the  great  spine  of 
which  is  usually  considered  as  a  pygidium. 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Olenelloides  Peach.  Adult  is  essentially  like  a 
larval  form  of  Olenellus,  as  indicated  by  the  large 
cephalon  and  narrow  thorax.     Europe. 

Holmia  Matthew  (Fig.  1368).  Thorax  with 
sixteen  segments,  the  pleura  of  which  end  in 
rounded  spines.     Europe  and  America. 

Wanneria  Walcott.      Similar  to   Holmia,  but 
with  l^roader  spines  on  the  pleura  of  the  thoracic 
segments,  and  with  a  spine  on  the  fifteenth  seg- 
ment.    North  America. 
Callavia     Matthew.       Similar     to    Holmia,    but 
with   narrower   glabella,  and   broader  spines  on  the 
pleura     of     the     thoracic    segments.       Europe    and 
North  America. 

Peachella  Walcott.  Cephalon  with  blunt,  tumid 
genal  spines  ;  elongate,  narrow  glabella ;  small  eyes 
and  marked  convexity.     Eastern  Nevada. 

Family  3.     P  aradoxidae  Emmrich. 

Opisthoimria  loith  large  cephalon,  small  free  cheeks, 
long  narroiv  eyes,  the  palpebral  lobes  not  reaching 
the  glabella  in  the  adult.  Thorax  long,  with  numer- 
ous segments  {seventeen  to  twenty- 
three).  Pygidium  small  and 
simple.     Cambrian. 

Holmia  Vjenilfi  Linuarson.  Cambrian  ; 
Ringsaker,  Norway.  Left  half  of  glabella 
removed,  exposing  hypostoma  beneath,  s/^ 
(after  Holm). 

Paradoxides  Brongniart  (Figs. 
1369,  1370).  Glabella  enlarging 
toAvard  the  front.  Middle  Cam- 
brian ;  Europe,  Eastern  North 
America  and  Australia. 

Fio.  1370. 

Family  4.     Olenidae  Bunneister.       Paradoxides  (cf. 

„       ,„„,  young  of  P.   r«:/?af"x 

Ornsthoparia    xoith    short    and     Corda.)  =  Hydr,,- 

Paradoxides   hohemicus    Barr.     Cam-  .  ■,  ,     ,  ,,  -,•  cevhalus  cami'<   Barr. 

l)rian  (Etagc  C) ;  Ginetz,  Bohemia,    i/a-      '"'*'*^     cephalon,     small     pygidtum,      Cambrian ;  Bohemia. 




small  free  cheeks,  and  narrovj  glabella.     Eye-lines  present,  eyes  small.      Tliorax  of  from 
twelve  to  twenty-two  segments.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

Olenus  Da]man  (Figs.  1364,  I) ;  1371).  Glabella  only  moderately  convex,  rounded 
in  front.     Upjier  Cambrian  and  Ordovician  ;  Enrojae. 

Eurycare  Angelin  (Fig.  1372).  Ceplialon  very  sbort  and  wide,  eyes  far  a^iart. 
Genal  spines  long  and  incurved.     Cambrian  ;  EiU'oi^e. 

Fig.  1374. 

Pi«-1371.  Fio.1372.  Fio.lSTS.  A^dacoplcurakonincU 

Olcnnstruneatus  Briinn.  Eurycare  hrevicmidn  Any:.  Sao  hirsuta  (Barr).  Barr.  Silurian  (Etage 
Cambrian  ;  Andraruni,  Cambrian  ;  Andrarum,  Sweden  Cambrian  (Etage  C)  ;  D) ;  Knclielberg,  near 
Sweden  (after  Angelin).         (after  Angelin).  Skrey,  Bohemia.  Prague.     Bohemia. 

Peltura  Milne  Edwards.  Glabella  wide,  extending  nearly  to  the  front  of  the 
cephalon.  Eyes  small,  close  to  tbe  front  of  the  glabella.  Pygidium  small,  with  short 
spines.     Upper  Cambrian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Ptychoparia  Corda  (Figs.  1348,  1364,  G).  Glabella  convex  and  narrow,  short, 
furrowed.     Pygidium  large.     Cambrian  ;  Europe,  Asia  and  North  America, 

Sao  Barrande  (Figs.  1349,  1354,  1355,  1373). 
Glabella  strongly  convex.  Thorax  of  seventeen  seg- 
ments. Pygidium  very  small.  Surface  granulose. 
Cambrian  ;  Bohemia. 

Euloma  Angelin.  Glabella  convex,  short,  with 
prominent  side  lobes,  similar  to  those  of  Calymene. 
Pygidium  short  and  wide.     Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Aulacopleura  Corda  {Arethusina  Barrande)  (Fig. 
1374).  Glabella  short,  small,  with  basal  lobes.  Thorax 
of  twenty-two  segments.  Pygidium  small.  Silurian  ; 

Triarthrus  Green  (Figs.  1342,  1344-1345,  1350, 
137^).  Lacks  eye-lines.  Glabella  low  and  broad.  The 
facial  sutures  cut  the  genal  angles.  This  genus  is  note- 
worthy on  account  of  the  wealth  of  information  that  has 
been  gained  concerning  the  appendages,  antennae  and 
other  parts  in  wonderfully  preserved  remains.  Ordovi- 
cian ;  Euroj)e  and  America,. 

Bathynotus  Hall.  Eyes  long  and  narrow.  Axial 
lobe  wide.  Thorax  of  thirteen  segments.  Lower  Cam- 
brian ;  America. 

Family  5.     Solenopleuridae 


Fig.  1375. 

Triarthr'iis  hecki  Green.  Ordo- 
vician ;  Rome,  Xew  York.  Specimen 
showing  antennae  and  legs.  8/2 
(after  Beecher). 

Opistlioparia     with    free    cheeks    small    and     widely 
separated    in    front,    glabella    short,    convex,    tapering    toward    the    front,    eyes   small. 
Pygidium  short,  of  few  segments.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 




Solenopleura  Angelin.     Eye-lines  present.      Cambrian  ;  Europe,  Asia,  and  North 

Hystricurus  Raymond.     Eye-lines  absent.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 


Vk..  lliTO. 

Neolenus  serratus  (Roiuingei).    Burgess  shale  (Middle  Cambrian) ;  Burgess  Pass,  British  Columbia, 
portion  of  an  individual  showing  thoracic  legs  and  caudal  rami,     x  3/j  (after  Walcott). 


Fig.  1377. 

Neolenua  serratus  (Rominger).  Burgess  shale  (Middle  Cam- 
brian) ;  British  Columbia.  Group  of  thoracic  and  abdonnnal 
legs,  showing  basal  joint  or  coxopodite,  and  six-jointed  leg 
with  three  terminal  claws,     x  Vl  (=ifter  WalcottV 

Family  6.     Oryctocephalidae 

Opisthoparia  with  large  cephalon 
and  smaller  2Jygidium,  2J(ilpebral  lobes 
long  and  connected  with  the  glabella. 
Pygidium  of  six  to  nine  segments, 
lohich  end  in  spines.     Cambrian. 

Oryctocephabis  Walcott.  Glabellar 
furrows  represented  by  deep  pits  wliicL. 
■ire  connected  across  the  top  of  the 
glabella  by  shallow  fixrrows.  Middle 
Cambrian  ;  North  America  and  Asia. 

Zacanthoides  Walcott.  Glabellar 
furrows  not  deep,  intergenal  spines 
present,  thorax  spinose.  Middle 
Cambrian ;  North  America. 

Olenoides  Meek.  Pygidium  larger 
and  with  shorter  spines,  and  eyes 
smaller  than  in  Zacanthoides.  Cam- 
brian ;  America. 

Neolenus  Matthew  (Figs.  1343, 
1376,  1377).  Like  Olenoides,  but 
the  furrow  on  each  pleuron  of  the 
thorax  is  diagonal  instead  of  being 
straight.      Cambrian ;  America. 




Family  7.     Ceratopygidae  Raymond. 

Opisthoparia  with  sub-equal  cephalon  and  pygidium,  long,  nearly  amooth  glabella. 
Pygidium  with  long  spines  at  the  sides.     Cambrian  and  Ordovician. 

Geratopyge  Corda.  Glabella  long,  narrow,  with,  basal  lobes.  Pygidium  with  long 
splines  sjiringing  from  the  pleural  lobes  at  the  second  annulation.  Basal  Ordovician ; 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Habella    with 

Pig.  137'. ». 

FAlipsocephalun  h.offi 
Scliloth.  Cambrian 
(Etage  C)  ;  Ginetz, 

Albertella   Walcott   (Fig.    1378).      Eyes  long, 
three    pairs    of    furrows.      Pleura   of    third    segment    of   thorax 
■  extended  into  spines.     Cambrian  ;  North  America  and  Asia. 

Family  8.     Ellipsoce- 
phalidae    Matthew. 

Opisthoparia  with 
narrow  free  cheeks,  small 
eyes,  smooth,  unfurrov)ed 
glabella,  twelve  to  sixteen 
thoracic  segments,  and  small 
pygidiuvi.     Cambrian. 

Ellipsocephalus  Zenker 
(Fig.  1379).  Dorsal  fur- 
rows of  the  cephalon  deep, 
cheeks  are  very  narrow. 
Cephalon  with  a  narrow, 
raised  border.  Cambrian  ; 
Europe  and  North 

Agraulos  Corda. 
Glabella  faintly  outlined, 
cephalon  without  concave 
or  rimmed  border.  Cam- 
brian; Europe  and 

Stremiella  Matthew, 
cephalon.      Lower  Cambrian  ;  America. 

Family  9.     Remopleuridae    Corda. 

Opisthoparia  with  large,  faintly  furrowed  glabella,  which  has  a  tongue-like  anterior 
projection.  Eyes  very  large,  extending  nearly  around  the  glabella.  Thorax  of  eleven  to 
thirteen  segments.     Pygidium  small.     Ordovician. 

Bemopleurides  Portlock.  Pygidium  wider  than  long,  with  two  j^airs  of  short 
spines.     Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Gaphyra  Barrande  (Fig.  1380).  Pygidium  long  and  flat.  Genal  spines  and 
pleura  of  thorax  flattened.     Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Fig.  137S. 

Alhertdla  hdcnae  Walcott.     Lower  Cambrian  : 
Powell  County,  Montana  (after  Walcott). 

Fig.  1380. 

CapTiyra  radians 
Barr.  Ordovician 
( Etage  D) ;  Konigsliof, 
Boliemia.  Vi  (after 

Similar  to  Agraulos,  but  with  a  narrow  rim  around  the 

Family  10.     Bathyuridae    Walcott. 

Opisthoparia  with  cephalon  and  pygidium  usually  nearly  equal  in  size.  Glabella 
long,  cylindrical,  reaching  nearly  to  the  anterior  margin.  Eyes  large  and  close  to  the 
glabella.  TJiorax  of  nine  segments.  Pygidium  more  or  less  strongly  ribbed.  Middle 
Cambrian  to  Ordovician. 




Bathyurus  Billings  (Fig.    1381). 

Glabellar  furrows  faint  or  absent.  Pygidiuui 
with  four  pairs  of  smooth  ribs,  and  a  long,  pro- 
minent axial  lobe.  Ordovician  ;  North  America, 
including  Beekmantown  beds  of  Newfoundland. 

Petigurus  Raymond.  Cephalon  like  Bath- 
yurus. Pygidium  with  nodose  ribs  and  strongly 
annulated  axial  lobe.  Ordovician  ;  Canada  and 

Bathyuriscus  Meek.  Glabellar  furrows 
deeper,  eyes  further  forward,  and  pygidium 
larger  than  in  Bathyurus.  Middle  Cambrian  ; 
North  America  and  Asia. 

Bathyurellus  Billings.  Glabella  low,  smooth, 
pointed  in  front.  Cephalon  and  pygidium 
with  broad  concave  borders.  Ordovician  ;  North 

Asaphidae    Burmeister. 

Family  11. 

Ofisthoparia  with  large.,  sub -equal  haul  and 

Fig.  13S1.  abdomen  shields,  inominent  eyes,  eight  segments  in 

Bnthyurnsiunfiispinus  Waicoti.   Black  River    the  thorax,  and  toith  a  median  vertical  suture  in 

KoS"^ '  ^'''^'°'^'  ^•^'-     ""  '''  ^*^""   the  doublure  of  the  cephalon.     Middle  Cambrian 

to  Ordovician. 

Facial  suture 

Subfamily  A.     Ogygiocarinae  Raymond. 

Asaphidae  with  hijpostoma  rounded  or  pointed  behind. 

Ogygiocaris  Angelin  {Ogygia  auct.  non  Brong.)  (Fig.  1339).      Pygidium  with  flat, 
furrowed  ribs.     Axial  lobe  very  narrow, 
marginal  in  front  of 
glabella.  Ordovician  ; 

Ogygopsis  Wal- 
cott  (Fig.  1382). 
Similar  to  Ogygio- 
caris, but  with  eye- 
lines,  and  eyes  small 
and  far  apart.  Middle 
Camljrian  ;  British 

Mega  laspis  Ange- 
lin  (Fig.  13  83). 
Glabella  short, 
cephalon  and  pygi- 
dium nearly  smooth 
and  sometimes 
pointed.  The  facial 
sutures  meet  in  a 
point  far  forwaid  of 
the  glabella.  Ordovi- 
cian ;  Europe,  Asia, 
and  rarely  North 



Fig.  1382.  i 

OgygupsiSjldotzi  (Rotiiiiigcr).  Miilille  Cam- 
brian ;  Mount  Stepliuu,  British  Cohinibia. 
i/i  (after  Walcott). 

Megalaspis  extenuata  Aug.  Ordo- 
viciau  ;  ijast  Gotlaiidj  Sweden, 
i/i  (after  Angelin). 




Asaphellus  Callaway.  Similar  to  Megalaspis,  but  with  longer  and  flatter  glabella, 
and  shorter  shields.      Tremadoc  ;  Europe.      Lower  Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Hemigyraspis  Raymond.  Similar  to  Asaphellus,  but  with  facial  suture  marginal 
in  front.     Tremadoc  ;  Europe.      Lower  Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Sympliysurus  Goldfuss.  Cephalon  and  pygidium  short,  sub-hemispherical,  without 
concave  border.     Axial  lobe  narrow.     Lower  Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Nileus  Dalman.  Similar  to  Symphysurus,  but  with  broad  axial  lobe  and  very 
large  eyes.      Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Asaphinae    Raymond. 
Asaiihidae  ivith  hypostoma  bifurcated. 
AsaphiijS  Brongniart  (Figs.  1364,  E ;   1384).      Cephalon  and  pygidium  short  and 


Fig.  13S4. 
Asaphus  expansus  (Linn.).     Ordovician  ;  Pulkowa,  near  St.  Petersburg,  Russia,     i/i  (after  .Salter). 

wide,  glabella  prominent,  expanding  forward,  and  reaching 
the  anterior  margin,  which  is  without  concave  border. 
Axial  lobe  of  i:)ygidium  ringed,  pleural  lobes  smooth. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  Asia. 

Onchometopiis  Schmidt.  Similar  to  Asaphus,  but  the 
glabella  only  obscurely  defined,  axial  lobe  rather  wide,  and 
pygidium  smooth.    Ordovician;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Basilicus  Salter.  Pygidium  strongly  ribbed,  glabella 
convex,  prominent,  facial  suture  marginal  in  front.  Ordo- 
vician ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Ogygites  Tromelin  and  Lebesconte  {Ogygia  Brongniart) 
(Fig.  1385).  Similar  to  Basilicus,  but  glabella  less  pro- 
minent, and  sutures  meeting  in  a  point  in  front  of  glabella. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

PtAjchopyge  Angelin.  Glabella  short,  facial  sutures  well 
inside  the  margin,  pygidium  not  ribbed,  concave  borders 
wide,  and  doublure  very  broad.      Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Isotelus  Dekay.  Cejihalon  and  pygidium  smooth,  with 
wide  depressed  borders.  Axial  lobe  of  thorax  wide.  Ordo- 
vician ;  rare  in  Europe,  abundant  in  North  America. 

Family  12.     Illaenidae    Corda. 

,  Opisthoparia  with  large,  convex  cephalic  and  abdominal 
shields  which  are  nearly  smooth  and  without  concave  border. 
Epistomal  plate  large,  hypostoma  convex,  ovoid.  TJiorax  of 
eight  to  ten  segments,  tuith  smooth  pleura.  Pygidium  smooth, 
with  short  axial  lobe.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Illaenus  Dalman  (Figs.   1364,  F ;  1386).      Axial  lobe 

Fio.  13S5. 

Oyygites  guettardi  (Brong.). 
Ordovician  ;  Angers,  France. 
Mechanically  deformed  indi- 
vidual   (after  Brongniart). 




about  one-tliird  the  total  width.      Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  Europe,  Asia  and  North 

A  B  ""  ^ 


A,  lllacnus  dalmani  Volb.  Ordovician ;  Pulkowa,  near 
St.  Petersburg,  Russia.  B,  C,  I.  crassicauda  Dalman. 
Ordovician  ;  Dalekarlien,  Sweden  (after  Holm). 

Bumastus  Murchison.  Axial  lobe  very  wide ;  cephalon 
and  pygidium  smooth.  Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  Europe 
and  Nortli  America. 

Thaleops  Conrad.  Glaljella  rather  well  defined  ;^eyes  nikeioccphaius  winvesotenns 
small  and  elevated.  Ordovician  and  Silurian;  North  Owen.  Upper  Cambrian ;^Wiscon- 

Fig.  13S7. 

sin.     A,  Cranidiuui. 
(after  Hall). 

B,  Pygidium 

Family  13.     Dikelocephalidae    Miller. 

Opisthoparia  loith  large  cephalon  and  pygidium,  glabella  marked  by  faint  furroivs 
which  extend  across  it.  Eyes  large.  Pygidium  with  short  axial  lobe,  and  usually  a 
pair  of  flat  spines.     Upj)er  Cambrian  and  Lower  Ordovician. 

Dikelocephalus  Owen  (Fig.  1387).  Spines  on  pygidium  far  apart,  short  and 
broad.  Complete  specimens  are  known  of  D.  lodensis  and  D.  crassimarginatus. 
Upper  Cambrian  ;  North  America. 

Dikelocephalina  Brogger.  Spines  close  together  at  the  posterior  end  of  pygidium. 
Lower  Ordovician ;  Europe. 

Family  14.     Goldildae  Raymond  (Bronteidae  Angelin^). 

Opisthoparia  with  eyes  close  to  the  glabella  and  to  the  posterior  margin  of  the 
cephalon.  Glabella  muck  expanded  toward  the  front.  Thorax  with  ten  segments. 
Pygidium  larger  than  the  cephalon,  with  short  axial  lobe.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Goldius  de  Koninck  {Brontes  Goldfuss)  (Figs.  1340,  1364,  H;   1388).     Pygidium 

with  radiating  ribs  extending  from  the  end 
of  the  axial  lobe  to  the  margin.  Ordovician 
to  Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Thysanopeltis  Corda.  Like  Goldius,  but 
with  small  spines  along  the  jiosterior  margin 
of  the  pygidium.  Devonian ;  Europe  and 
North  America. 

Bronteopsis  Nicholson  and  Etheridge. 
Cephalon  like  Goldius ;  pygidium  with 
longer  axial  lobe,  behind  which  is  a  longi- 
tudinal ridge.  The  ribs  on  the  pleural  lobes  do  not  radiate  from  a  centre  as  in 
Goldius,  and  they  die  out  before  reachiug  the  margin.     Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

1  The  family  name  "  Bronteidae "  cannot  be  retained,  as  de  Kouinck's  term  Goldius  has 
priority  over  Bronteus  Goldfuss,  a  term  which  was  substituted  for  Brontes  of  the  same  author  on 
finding  that  the  latter  appellation  was  preoccupied. 

Fiii.  13S8. 

Goldius  palifer  (Beyr.).    Cephalon.    Devonian 
(Et.  F)  ;  Konieprus,  Bohemia  (after  Barrande). ;  t 




Family  15.     Proetidae    Corda. 

Small  Opistho'paria  ivith  cephalon  and  pygidium  nearly  equal,  free  cheeks  large,  eyes 
long,  and  close  to  the  glabella.  Thorax  with  eight  to  ten  segments.  Ordovician  to 

Proetus  Steininger  (Figs.  1351,   1364,  G  ;   1389) 
furrows.    Pygidium  smaller  than  cephalon. 
Ordovician     to     Carboniferous ;     Europe, 
Asia  and  America. 

Gyphaspis  Burmeister.  Similar  to 
Proetus,  but  with  a  strongly  elevated 
ridge  which  surrounds  the  glabella  out- 
side the  dorsal  furrows.  Glabella  with 
prominent  basal  lobes.  Ordovician  to 
Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Haploconus  Eaymond.  Similar  to 
Gijphaspis,  but  without  the  basal  lobes  on 
the  glabella.  Type,  Bathyurus  smithi 
Billings.      Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Phillipsia  Portlock  (Fig.  1390). 
Similar  to  Proetus,  but  with  large  pygi- 
dium, and  basal  lobes  on  glabella 

Glabella  witliout  deep  lateral 

Fk;.  1390. 

Fig.  1389. 

rroetus  ,  bohemims  Corila. 
This    Silurian  (Et.  E) ;  Konieprus, 
.  -1   1  •  Bohemia  (after  Barrande). 

genus    survived  all    other   trilobites,    but 

became    extinct    with    the    close    of    the    Permian.      Carboniferous    and    Permian ; 

Europe  and  America. 

PhiUipsin  gernmulifera 
Phill.  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous ;  Kildare,  Ire- 

Aeglina  Barrande  (Fig.    1391). 

A  l:  ( • 

Family  16.     Aeglinidae  Pictet. 

Opisthoparia  with  large  glabella  and.  eyes  which  occupy  nearly  the  whole  area  of  the 
free  cheeks. 

This  genus  has  the  glabella  strongly  convex, 
prominent,  smooth  ;  fixed  cheeks  suppressed  ; 
eyes  very  large  ;  thoracic  segments  five  or  six  ; 
pleura  grooved  ;  pygidium  large,  with  short  axis. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Family  17.     Lichadidae    Corda. 

Opisthoparia  with  large  cephalon  and  pygi- 
dium, the  glabella  greatly  modified  by  the  peculiar 
development  of  the  lateral  furrows.  Thorax  with 
nine  or  ten  segments.  Pygidium  with  short 
axial  lobe,  and  the  pleural  lobes  modified  in 
various  ivays.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Fig.  1301. 

Aeglina  iiHaca  Barr.  Ordovician  (Etage  D)  ; 
Vosek,  Bohemia.  A,  Nat.  size.  B,  C,  enlarged 
(after  Barrande). 

Lichas  Dalman  (Figs.  1364,  /;  1392). 
The  glabella  is  broad,  with  axial  furrows  which 
do  not  reach  the  neck  furrow.  Occipital  lobes  are  present.  Pygidium  flat,  with 
the  pleural  lobes  divided  by  furrows  into  two  pairs  of  lobes  with  short  free  ends,  and 
a  median  flattened  lobe.     Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  Europe  and  America. 

Amphilichas  Raymond  {Platymetopus  Schmidt).  Glabella  large,  divided  longi- 
tudinally into  three  lobes  by  a  pair  of  axial  furrows  which  join  the  neck  ring. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Gonjdocephalus  Corda  (Figs.  1338,  A;  1393).     Glabella  with  three  pairs  of  side  lobes, 
VOL.  I  3  A 




the  central  lobe  narrow. 

Pio.  1392. 

Lichas  laciniatiis  Wahlb. 
Silurian ;  Sweden  (after 

Hall  and  Clarke. 
New  York. 

Silurian  ; 

Pygidium  small,  the  pleural  lobes  crossed  by  two  narrow, 

prominent  ribs  which  end  in  spines. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian ;  Europe 
and  North  America. 

HoplolicJias  Dames  (Fig.  1394). 
Cephalon  trilobed,  the  central  lobe 
produced  in  front,  and  not  depressed 
at  the  back  as  in  Gonolichas.  Occipital 
lobes  present.  Ordovician  to  De- 
vonian ;   Europe. 

Geratarges  Giirich  (Fig.  1395). 
Glabella  with  two  curved  spines  in 
front,  and  pygidium  with  numerous 
spines.     Devonian  ;  Europe. 

Geratolichas  Hall  and  Clarke 
(Fig.  1396).  Cephalon  with  two 
pairs  of  long,  curved  spines  on  the 
axial  portion.  Devonian ;  North 

Terataspis  Hall.  Glabella  bulbous, 
strongly  pustulose.  Devonian ;  North 

Fig.  1395. 

Ceratarges  armatus 
(Goldfuss).  Devonian  ; 
Germany  (after  Beyrich). 

Fig.  1394 

Hoploliclias  schmidti  Dames. 
Ordovician  ;  Germany  (after 

Fig.  1396. 

Family  18.     Odontopleuridae 

Geratolichas  gryps  Hall 
and  Clarke.  Devonian  ;  New 
York  (after  Hall  and  Clarke). 

twelve  segments.      Pygidium  small. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Opisnioparia      with      large     free 
cheeks,  small  eyes.      Thorax  of  eight  to 
All  parts  of  the  crust  are  usually  very  spinose. 

In  this  family,  as  well  as  in  the  Lichadidae,  is  to 
be  found  the  highest  expression  of  differentiation  and 
specialisation  among  the  Opisthoparia.  The  primitive 
pentamerous  lobation  of  the  axis  of  the  cranidium  is 
entirely  obscured,  and  is  only  clearly  seen  in  the  pro- 
taspis  and  early  nepionic  stages.  These  two  families 
are  very  closely  related,  the  chief  differences  being 
noted  in  the  size  and  character  of  the  pygidium,  and 
the  ribbed  or  grooved  pleura.  The  Lichades  are 
generally  much  larger  and  flatter,  but  the  smaller  and 
spinose  forms  of  Geratarges  and  Geratolichas  approach 
quite  near  some  of  the  Acidaspidae. 

Odontopleura  Emmrich.  Occipital  ring  smooth  or 
with  a  median  tubercle.  Ordovician  and  Silurian ; 
EurojDe  and  America. 

Ascidaspis  Murchison  (Figs.  1352,  1364,  J). 
Occipital  ring  with  a  single  median  spine.  Ordovician 
and  Silurian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Geratocephala  Warder  (Fig.  1397).  Occipital  ring 
with  two  long,  nearly  straight,  divergent  sj)ines. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Dicranurus    Conrad.      Occipital    ring   with   two   long    spirally  recurved 
Devonian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Fig.  1397. 

Ceratopephala  dufrenoyi  (Barr.).  Sil- 
urian (Etage  E) ;  St.  Ivan,  BoJiemia 
(after  Barrande). 





Ancryopyge  Clarke.  Margin  of  pygidium  with  twelve  very  long,  slender,  curved 
spines.      Devonian  ;  North  America. 

SelenopelUs  Corda.  Thorax  with  very  long  spines  extending  from  the  pleura  ; 
pygidium  aspinose.      Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Glaphurus  Eaymond.  Thorax  with  twelve  segments.  Pygidium  very  small  and 
aspinose.     Ordovician  ;  North  America. 

Order  3.     PROPARIA  Beecher. 

Free  cheeks  not  hearing  the  genal  angles.  Facial  sutures  extending  from  the  lateral 
margins  of  the  cephalon  in  front  of  the  genal  angles,  inward  and  forward,  cutting  the 
anterior  margin  separately,  or  smiting  in  front  of  the  glabella.  Compound  paired  eyes 
scarcely  developed  or  sometimes  absent  in  the  most  primitive  family ;  ^vell  developed  and 
schizochroal  in  the  highest  family. 

This  is  the  only  order  of  Trilobites  which  apparently  begins  during  the  known 
Paleozoic,  and  unlike  the  other  orders,  had  no  pre-Cambrian  existence.      The  earliest 

Fig.  1398. 

Cephala  of  the  Proparia.    A,  Placoparia.     B,  Enerinurus.     C,  Calymem.    D,  Dipleura.    E,  Cheirnrm. 
F,  Dalmanitina.     G,  Dalmanites.    H,  Chasmop,'<.     I,  Phacopidella.     J,  Phncops  (after  Beecher). 

forms  of  Proparia  were  initiated  at  the  close  of  the  Cambrian  and  dawn  of  the 
Ordovician.  The  greatest  generic  differentiation  of  the  group  was  early  attained  ; 
during  the  Silurian  and  Devonian  a  rapid  decline  ensued,  and  only  one  or  two 
genera  survived  into  the  beginning  of  the  Carboniferous. 

Among  the  Opisthoparia,  it  seems  clear  that  the  Conocoryphidae  formed  the 
natural  base  or  most  primitive  family  in  the  order,  and  is  distinguished  by  the 
narrow  marginal  free  cheeks  and  absence  of  well-developed  eyes.  It  is  of  great 
interest  and  importance  to  be  able  to  note  that  under  the  Proparia  there  is  a  similar 
primitive  family  having  characters  in  common  with  the  other,  but  still  clearly 
belonging  to  the  higher  order.  Placoparia,  Areia  and  Dindymene  constitute  a  group 
of  apparently  blind  Trilobites  with  narrow  marginal  free  cheeks,  and  present  in 
general  the  appearance  of  Atops,  Conocoryphe,  Gtenocephalus,  and  other  members  of  the 

Family  1.     Encrinuridae  Angelin. 

Proparia  with  narrow  free  cheeks;  either  blind,  or  with  small  eyes.  Pygidium 
composed  of  many  segments,  the  pleural  ribs  usually  less  in  number  than  the  rings  on  the 
axial  lobe,  and  usually  ending  in  spines.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Encrinurus  Emmrich  {Cromus  Barrande)  (Figs.  1338,  B,  G  ;  1398,  B  ;  1399,  1400). 
Cephalon  tuberculated,  glabella  prominent,  free  cheeks  separated  in  front  by  a  small 




epistomal  plate ;    eyes    small,   elevated   on    conical  prominences ;    thoracic  segments 

eleven  :  pygidium  elongate,  triangular.  Ordo- 
vician  and  Silurian  ;  Europe,  Asia,  and  America. 
Gybcle  Loven.  Similar  to  Encrinurus,  but 
with  the  ribs  of  the  pygidium  turning  back 
sliarply,  parallel  to  the  axis.  Ordovician  and 
Silurian  ;  Euroiie  and  America. 

Encrinurus  punc 
tatus  Emmrieh.  Sil 
urian ;  Gotland. 

Calymenidae    Milne  Edwards. 

Fig.  1400. 

Fig  13'^t9 

Encrinnrus  hohemicns 

(Barrande).     Silurian        tti        -i      o 

(Etage  E) :  Loehkow,       l^amily  2. 

Bohemia.  ... 

Propana  with  thirteen  segments,  the  hypo- 
stonm  notched  hehind,  and  attached  to  an  epistomal  plate.  Free  cheeks  narrow,  the 
facial  sutures  cutting  the 
margin  almost  exactly:\in 
the  genal  angles.  Ordovician 
to  Devonian. 

Calymene  Brongniart 
(Figs.  1398,  G;  1401). 
Glabella  prominent,  strongly 
lobed,  with  two  or  three 
pairs  of  lateral  furrows. 
Ordovician  to  Devonian ; 
Europe,  Asia  and  America. 

Pharostoma      Corda. 
Glabella  prominent,  very  narrow  at  the  front,  with 
two  pairs  of  glabellar  furrows.     Long  genal  spines 
present.     Ordovician ;  Europe. 

Homalonotus  Koenig.  Axial  lobe  wide,  cephalon 
short  and  trilobate  in  front,  cheeks  forming  high 
mounds  crowned  by  the  eyes.  Silurian  ;  Europe 
and  Nova  Scotia. 

Trimerus  Green  (Fig.  1402).  Cephalon  longer 
than  in  the  preceding,  not  trilobate  in  front,  free 
cheeks  narrow.  Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  woild-wide 

Dipleura  Green  (Fig.  1398,  D).  Axial  lobe  wide. 
Pygidium  smooth.    Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Fig.  1401. 

Calymene     meeki     Foerste. 
Ordovician ;  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Family  3.     Oheiruridae  Salter. 

Fig.  1402. 

Trimerus  clelphiitocephalus  Grfien. 
Silurian  ;  Lockport,  New  York. 

Proparia  with  small  free  cheeks,  whose  anterior  ends 
are  separated  by  the  glabella.  Pygiditim  small  with 
pleura  ending  in  spines.      Thorax  with  nine  to  eighteen  segments.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Subfamily  A.     Cheirurinae    Raymond. 

Oheiruridae  with  eleven  segments  in  the  thorax  {rarely  nine  to  thirteen),  and  four 
segments  in  the  pygidium. 

Cheirurus  Beyrich  (Figs.  1398,  E  ;  1403).  Glabella  smooth,  more  than  one-third 
the  total  width  of  the  ceplialon  ;  pygidium  with  six  or  seven  sub-equal  spines. 
Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  Europe,  Australia  and  America. 

Geraurus  Green  (Fig.  1341).  Glabella  pustulose,  one-third  or  less  the  total  width 
of  the  cephalon  ;  pygidium  very  small,  with  the  first  pair  of  sj^ines  very  long,  the 
others  short  or  absent.     Ordovician  ;  Eurojje,  Asia,  and  America. 




Grotalocephalns    Salter.      Similar    to    Cheirurus  but  with  furrows  extending   all 
across  the  glabella.      Silurian  and  Devonian  ;  Europe. 

Sphaerexochus  Beyrich.  (Fig.  1404).     Glabella  globular,  cheeks  small.     Ordovician 

and  Silurian  ;  Europe  and  America. 
Pseudos2)haerexochus  Schmidt. 
Glabella  tumid,  tapering  forward. 
Pygidium  with  subequal  spines. 
Ordovician  ;    Europe  and  America. 

Nieszkoivskia  Schmidt.  Glabella 
tumid  or  prolonged  into  a  spine 
behind.  Pygidium  with  two  pairs  of 
spines.  Ordovician  ;  Eurojje  and 

Fifi.  1403. 

Cheirurus  insi(jnis  Beyr.  Sil- 
urian (Etage  E);  Kozolup,  Bo- 
hemia.    Vl  (after  Barrande). 

Fio.  1404. 

Sphaerexochus  mirus 
Beyrich.  Silurian; 
Listice,  Bolieiiiia.  x  l/i 
(after  Barrande). 

Fig.  1405. 

Cephalon  of  Pliomera  fischeri 
(Eichvvald).  Ordovician  ;  Pulkowa, 

Subfamily  B.     Pliomerinae  Raymond. 

Gheiruridae  loith  fifteen  to  nineteen  segments  in  the  thorax;  jyygidium  hemisphericy 
ivith  five  flat  segments. 

Pliomera  Angelin  (Amphion  Pander)  (Fig.  1405).  Glabella  expanding  forward, 
with  two  small  median  lobes  on  the  front.  Border  of  the  cephalon  denticulate. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Pliomerops  Raymond.  Similar  to  Pliomera,  but  the  glabella  has  parallel  sides, 
and  lacks  the  two  small  lobes  at  the  front.     Ordovician  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Placoparia  Corda  (Fig.  1398,  A).  Free  cheeks  are  narrow;  eyes  absent. 
Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Subfamily  C.     Deiphoninae  Raymond. 

Gheiruridae  mth  a  part  of  the  glabella  bulbous. 

Beiphon  Barrande.  (Fig.  1406).  Glabella  globular, 
without  lateral  furrows.  Free  cheeks  minute.  Silurian  ; 
Europe  and  North  America. 

Staurocephalus  Barrande.  Glabella  with  two  pairs 
of  glabellar  lobes  behind  the  bulbous  portion.  Cephalon 
with  a  denticulate  border,  and  pygidium  similar  to  that 
of  Pliomera.     Silurian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Sphaerocoryphe  Angelin.  Glabella  with  one  pair  of 
lobes  behind  the  bulbous  portion.  Ordovician  and 
Silurian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

Fig.  1406. 

Deiphon  forhesi  Barr. 
(Etage  E)  ;  St.  Iwan, 
(after  Bariande). 


tcith  large  facets,  schizochroal. 

Family  4.     Phacopidae  Corda. 

Proparia    with    rather    large  free    checks,  eyes  large, 
Thorax  with  eleven  segments.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 




Subfamily  A.     Ualmanitinae  Reed. 

Phacopidae  with  more  or  less  modified  pentamcrous  segmentation  of  the  glabella,  and 

usually  ivith  large  cranidia  and  fijgidia. 

Dalmanitina  Reed  (Figs.  1353;  1356; 
1398,  i'^;  1407).  Pentamerism  of  head  well 
marked,  lobes  of  glabella  distinct ;  genal  angles 
rounded  or  with  short  spines.  Pygidium 
with  few  segments,  rarely  more  than  ten. 
Ordovician  and 
Silurian  ;  Europe. 

Dalmanites  Bar- 
rande  (Figs.  1337  ; 
1398,  G;  1408).' 
Frontal  lobe  of  gla- 
bella detached.  Pygi- 
dium strongly  mucro- 
nate,  with  twelve  to 
Devonian  ;     Europe    and 

.  Fig.  U07. 

Dalmanitina  xodaUs  (Bair.).     Ordovician  (Etage 
D) ;  Wesela,  near  Prague,  Bohemia.     Cephalon,  i/] 

sixteen    segments.      Silurian    and 

Asteropyge  Corda  (Gryphaeus  Green).  Pygidium  with  five 
pairs  of  marginal  spines,  and  sometimes  a  terminal  spine. 
Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Proholium  ffihlert.  Cephalon  with  a  snout-like  anterior 
prolongation.     Devonian  ;  Europe  and  America. 

Subfamily  B.     Phacopinae  Reed. 

Fig.  1408. 

Phacopidae  loith  qlahallar  furrows  nearly  or  quite  obsolete,  .       , .       , 

.  -'.  7,  7  7    7  -'J-  Dalmanites    limulurus 

and  pygidium  small  and  rounded.  (Green).  Silurian ;  Lockport, 

New  York  (after  Hall). 

Phacopidella  Reed  {Acaste  Goldfuss)  (Figs.  1398,  J;   1409). 
Glabella  with    three    pairs   of  ,^^5?^^^  faintly     defined 

Ordovician       and       Silurian  ;       /!(F^-'''''^^™|k      Europe. 

Phacops     Emmrich     (Figs.    ^fe^/W 
furrows,     except     occasionally    ^^^'^'^..^^^M  the    last    pair,    obsolete.       Silurian 
and     Devonian  ;     world  -  wide   te=^?^^3^?=^  distribution. 

lateral      furrows. 

Fio.  1409. 

Phacopidella  downin giae 
(Murch.).  Silurian  ;  Lud- 
low, England  (after  Salter). 

Fio.  1410., 

Phacops  latifrons 
Bronn.  Devonian  ; 

Gerolstein,       Eifel 
District,  Germany. 

Fig.  1411. 

Phacops  stcrnhergi  Barr. 
Devonian  (Etage  G)  ;  Hostin. 
Bohemia  (after  Barrande). 

Trimerocephalus  M'Coy.      Eyes  small  and  far  forward.     Devonian  ;  Europe. 


Subfamily  C.     Pterygometopinae  Reed. 

Rather  small  Phacopidae,    the  cephalon   with  more   or    less   modified   pentamerous 
lobation,  and  the  pygidiuvi  less  triangular  and  with  fewer  seg- 
ments than  in  most  of  the  Dalmanitinae. 

Pterygometopus  Schmidt  (Fig.  1412).  Glabella  with  three 
pairs  of  lateral  furrows.  Ordovician ;  Europe  and  North 

Ghasmops  M'Coy  (Fig.  1398,  H).  Second  pair  of  glabellar 
lobes  absent,  or  represented  by  tubercles.      Ordovician;  Europe.   (j)l\m!)T'^'^ oi\\oy\cf^n\ 

Monoraicos  Schmidt.     Second  and  third  pairs  of  glabellar    iswos,     Esthonia     (after 
furrows  represented  by  pits.      Ordovician  ;  Europe. 

Fir,.  1412. 


Geological  Range  and  Distribution  of  Trilobites. 

Trilobites  are  the  only  large  division  of  the  Arthropoda  which  has  become  extinct. 
Even  in  the  earliest  Cambrian  they  bear  evidence  of  great  antiquity, — in  their 
diversified  form,  larval  modifications,  polymerous  head  and  caudal  shields.  These 
features  show  that  Trilobite  phylogeny  must  extend  far  back  into  pre-Cambrian 
times,  and  it  is  probable  that  primitive  Branchiopods,  of  a  type  corresponding  to  the 
modern  Apus,  were  developed  even  earlier.  The  views  of  Bernard  and  Walcott 
regarding  the  origin  of  Trilobites  and  higher  Crustacea  from  a  primitive  Apus-lika 
ancestral  stock  are  mentioned  a  few  pages  farther  on  under  the  head  of  Branchiopoda. 

Concerning  the  habits  of  Cambrian  Trilobites  Dr.  Walcott  has  suggested  that  the 
adult  animals  probably  crawled  about  the  sea-bottom  and  did  not  swim  freely  in  the 
water  to  the  extent  that  it  would  be  necessary  to  see  the  bottom.  Their  habits  must 
have  been  very  much  like  those  of  Limulus  when  in  search  of  food.  That  the 
creatures  burrowed  and  pushed  their  way  through  the  mud  and  soft  sands  is  proven 
by  the  trails  and  burrows  made  by  them,  some  of  which  we  now  designate  as 

The  maximum  development  of  Trilobites  occurred  in  the  Cambrian  and  Ordovician, 
after  which  they  steadily  waned  both  in  niunbers  and  variety.  The  genera  of  the 
Conocoryphidae,  Eodiscidae,  Mesonacidae,  Paradoxidae,  Oryctocephalidae  and  Ellipso- 
cephalidae,  are  wholly  restricted  to  the  Cambrian,  and  here  also  are  found  nearly  all 
the  Olenidae  and  Agnostidae,  only  scattering  representatives  of  which  survive  into 
the  Ordovician.  The  Asaphidae  are  more  characteristic  of  the  Ordovician,  and  the 
Cryptolithidae,  Shumardiidae,  Remopleuridae,  Bathyuridae  and  Aeglinidae  are 
restricted  to  it.  The  Raphiophoridae,  Goldiidae,  Harpedidae,  Encrinuridae,  and 
Illaenidae  flourished  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian,  while  the  Proetidae,  Lichadidae, 
Odontopleuridae  and  Phacopidae  attained  their  greatest  development  in  the  Silurian 
and  Lower  and  Middle  Devonian. 

The  later  Devonian  witnesses  a  decline  in  the  number  of  families  present,  and  with 
the  close  of  this  era,  the  class  practically  became  extinct,  since  only  five  genera  of 
one  family,  the  Proetidae,  are  met  with  in  the  Carboniferous,  and  the  single  genus 
Phillipsia  alone  persists  as  late  as  the  Permian. 

As  regards  their  geograj^hical  distribution,  some  genera  are  of  cosmopolitan  occur- 
rence :  such  as  Agnostus,  Gonocoryphe,  Ptychoparia,  Paradoxides,  Gryptolithus,  lUaenus, 
Proetus,  Phillipsia,  Acidaspis,  Lichas,  Galymene,  Homalonotus,  Gheirurus,  Phacops, 
Dalmanites,  and  others.  The  majority  of  forms,  however,  are  extremely  limited  in 
distribution,  so  that  a  large  number  of  genera  found  in  Sweden,  Bohemia,  England 
and  North  America  are  unknown  outside  of  certain  very  restricted  areas ;  and  the 
total  number  of  species  common  to  both  sides  of  the  Atlantic  is  very  small. 

A  remarkable  contrast  is  observable  between  the  older  Paleozoic  Trilobites  of  the 




northern  parts  of  Europe,  and  those  of  the  middle  and  southern  portions.  While  the 
majority  of  northern  genera  and  sjiecies  are  common  to  Great  Britain,  Scandinavia 
and  Russia,  the  forms  of  the  central  European  provinces  (Bohemia,  Thuringia,  Fichtel- 
berg,  the  Hartz,  Belgium,  Brittany,  Northern  Spain,  Portugal,  the  Pyrenees,  the  Alps 
and  Sardinia)  are  so  dissimilar  as  to  stand  in  closer  relationships  with  the  North 
American  than  with  the  first-named  Trilobite  fauna.  Of  the  350  species  found  in 
Norway  and  Sweden,  and  of  the  275  species  in  Bohemia,  only  six  are  common  to 
both  provinces,  and  it  is  doubtful  if  these  are  really  identical. 

The  first  of  the  accompanying  taljles  shows  the  range  and  relative  development  of 
the  orders  and  the  subclass ;  the  second  represents  the  vertical  range  of  the  several 
families  of  Trilobites. 


Diagram  Constructed  by  Beecher  showing  Relative  Development 

OF  THE  Orders  of  Trilobites 












Table  showing  Vertical  Range  of  Trilobites 

Orders  and  Families. 

q  3 
















Order  1.  Hypoparia 

Familv  1     Acnostidae 

2.  Eodiscidae   . 

3.  Shumardiidae 

4.  Harpedidae 

5.  Trimicleidae 

6.  Rapliiophoridae  . 

Order  2.  Opisthoparia 

Familv  1.   Conofiorvnhidae 

2.  Mesonacidae 

3.  Paradoxidae 

4.  Olenidae 

5.  SolenopleTiridae  . 

6.  Oryctocephalidae 

7.  Ceratopygidae 

8.  Ellipsocephalidae 

9.  Remopleuridae     . 

10.  Bathyuridae 

11.  Asaphidae    . 

12.  Illaenidae     . 

13.  Dikelocepbalidae 

14.  Goldiidae     . 

15.  Proetidae     . 

16.  Aeglinidae  . 

17.  Lichadidae  . 

18.  Odontopleuridae  . 



Order  3.  Proparia 

Family  1.  Encrinuridae         .... 

2.  Calymenidae         .... 

3.  Cheiruridae          .... 

4.  Phacopidae 

— . 


Total  Number  of  Families  . 









[The  foregoing  chapter  on  Trilobites  has  been  revised  by  Dr.  Percy  E.  Raymond,  of  the 
Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  at  Cambridge,  Mass.  Some  notes  on  Cambrian  genera, 
together  with  two  or  three  figures  illustrating  the  same,  have  been  contributed  by  Dr.  C.  D. 
Walcott. — Editor.] 

730  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

Subclass  B.     EUCRUSTACEA  Kingsley/     (Crustacea  proper.) 

Crustacea  having  typically  two  pairs  of  antenniform  preoral  appendages  and  at 
least  three  pairs  of  pastoral  appendages  acting  as  jaws. 

In  the  Crustacea  proper  the  appendages  of  the  head-region  are  as  follows  : 
the  first  and  second  pairs  are  preoral  and  are  known  respectively  as  antenmiles 
and  antennae;  the  third  pair,  placed  on  either  side  of  the  mouth,  are  the 
mandibles ;  the  fourth  pair,  maxillulae,  and  fifth  pair,  maxillae  (the  two  pairs 
sometimes  known  as  first  and  second  maxillae),  are  secondary  jaws.  The 
appendages  behind  these  vary  in  character,  some  being  walking  or  swimming 
feet,  while  from  one  to  three  pairs  may  be  subsidiary  to  the  maxillae  in 
feeding,  in  which  case  they  are  called  maxillipeds. 

Regarding  the  evolution  of  the  subclass,  Bernard  has  reached  the  conclusion 


Strabops  ' ' 



Emeraldella  - 






Belitna  . 





,  Opabinia 

Theoretical  Evolution  of  Cambrian  Crustacea  from  the  Branchiopoda 

(according  to  Walcott"). 

that  all  Eucrustacea  are  descended  from  a  browsing  carnivorous  annelid  with 
its  first  five  segments  (head)  bent  so  that  its  mouth  faced  ventrally  and 
posteriorly,  and  using  its  parapodia  for  pushing  food  into  its  mouth.  The 
modern  representative  of  this  hypothetical  crustacean-annelid,  according  to 
Bernard,  is  Apus.  In  the  Burgess  shale  (Middle  Cambrian)  crustacean 
fauna  of  British  Columbia  occur  certain  annelids,  like  Canadia  spinosa  Walcott, 
which  have  the  head  bent  down  so  that  the  mouth  faces  posteriorly,  and  in 

1  Literature  :  Gerstaecker,  A.  and  0)-tmann,  A.  E.,  Crustacea,  in  Bronn's  Klassen  und  Ordnungen 
des  Thierreichs,  vol.  v.,  1866-1901.— Ca^maw,  IT',  T.,  Crustacea,  in  Lankester's  Treatise  on  Zoology, 
pt.  vii.,  fasc.  3,  1909. 

-  Walcott,  C.  D.,  Middle  Cambrian  Brauchiopoda,  Malacostraca,  Trilobita,  and  Merostomata. 
Smithson.  Misc.  Coll.,  1912,  vol.  Ivii.,  no.  6. 


the  opinion  of  their  describer  may  have  been  derived  from  the  same  general 
type  of  animal  as  the  accompanying  crustaceans. 

The  preceding  diagram,  which  is  taken  from  Walcott,  illustrates  that 
author's  views  as  to  the  relations  of  Cambrian  crustaceans  to  a  theoretical 
ancestral  stock  which  for  convenience  is  correlated  with  ^|ms-like  forms. 
From  this  primitive  stock  it  is  assumed  that  the  Branchiopoda  Avere  derived, 
and  from  them  three  distinct  branches  were  developed  prior  to,  or  during, 
Cambrian  time.  According  to  this  view  Trilobita  are  direct  descendants  of 
Branchiopoda,  and  in  turn  gave  rise  to  the  line  leading  through  the  orders 
Aglaspina,  Limulava  and  Eurypterida  to  the  Xiphosura.  The  structure  and 
probable  habits  of  Trilobites  lead  Walcott  to  the  opinion  that  these  were 
mud-burrowing  animals  more  or  less  allied  to  Limulus.  The  Phyllocarida 
and  Ostracoda  are  assumed  by  the  same  author  to  have  been  derived  from 
the  Branchiopoda,  but  on  different  lines  of  descent  from  that  of  the  Trilobites 
and  the  orders  grouped  under  the  Merostomata. 

The  Eucrustacea  are  frequently  divided  into  Eniomostraca  and  Malacostraca, 
but  the  first  of  these  groups  is  not  a  homogeneous  assemblage ;  it  is  rather  a 
repository  in  which  have  been  placed  all  forms  not  members  of  the  Malacostraca. 
The  Eucrustacea  are  here  divided  into  the  superorders  BrancJiiopoda,  Ostracoda, 
Copepoda,  Cirripedia  and  Malacostraca. 

Superorder  1.     BRANCHIOPODA  Latreille.^ 

Eucrustacea  in  which  the  carapace  may  form  a  dorsal  shield  or  a  bivalve  shell  or 
may  he  entirely  absent ;  the  number  of  body  segments  and  appendages  varies  greatly  ; 
the  appendages  of  the  body  are  rarely  pediform,  generally  foliaceous  and  lohed. 

Under  the  Branchiopods  are  embraced  very  differently  formed  Crustaceans 
of  large  and  small  size,  living  mostly  in  fresh  water  or  salt  lakes,  and 
possessing  little  else  in  common  than  the  leaf- like  form  of  leg.  The 
segmentation  of  the  body  in  the  larger  forms  is  very  distinct,  but  in  the 
water  fleas  (Cladocera)  it  is  usually  quite  incomplete.  The  number  of  body- 
segments  varies  considerably  among  different  genera.  In  the  strongly 
segmented  forms  the  body  is  elongated  and  protected  in  front  by  a  flat  or 
shield-shaped  dorsal  carapace  {Apus),  or  it  is  naked  (Branchipus).  In  the 
Cladocera  and  Estheriidae,  which  are  enclosed  in  a  bivalve  shell,  the  body  is 

'■  Literature:  A.  Recent  Forms. -r-G'ra6e  ^. ,  Bemerkungen  iiber  die  Pliyllopoden,  etc.  Wieg- 
laaun's  Archiv  fiir  Naturgescli.,  1853-1865,  vols,  xix.,  xxi. — Claus,  C,  Papers  on  Branchipus 
and  Apixs,  in  Abhandl.  Gesellsch.  Wiss.  Giittingen,  1873,  vol.  xviii.,  and  Arbeit.  Zool.  Inst.  Wien, 
1886,  vol.  vi. —  Weismann,  F.  L.  A.,  Zur  Naturgeschiclite  der  Daphniden.  Zeitschr.  Wisseusch. 
Zool.,  1876-80,  vols,  xxvii.,  xxxiii. — Lankester,  E.  R.,  Several  papers  on  Limulus,  Apus,  etc., 
in  Quart.  Journ.  Microsc.  Soc,  1881,  vol.  xxi. — Packard,  A.  S.,  Monograph  of  the  Phyllopod 
Crustacea  of  North  America,  12th  Ann.  Rept.  U.S.  Geogr.  and  Geol.  Surv.  Terr.,  1883.— «S^ars,  G.  0., 
Fauna  Norvegiae.  I.  Phyllocarida  and  Phyllopoda,  1896. — Bernard,  H.  M.,  The  Apodidae.  Nature 
series,  London,  1892. 

B.  Fossil  Forms. — Jones,  T.  R.,  On  Fossil  Estheriae  and  their  distribution.  Quar.  Journ. 
Geo!.  Soc,  1863,  vol.  xix.— Monograph  of  the  Fossil  Estheriae.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1862. — 5th 
and  7th  Repts.  Comm.  British  Assoc  Adv.  Sci.  on  Fossil  Pliyllopoda,  1887-89.— Geol.  Mag., 
Sept.  1890,  Feb.  1891,  Dec.  1893,  July  1894.— Trans.  GeoL  Soc  Glasgow,  1890,  vol.  ix.— 
Clarke,  J.  M.,  New  Devonian  Phyllopods.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1882,  vol.  xxiii. — Hall,  J.,  and 
Clarke,  J.  M.,  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  1888,  vol.  vii. — Bernard,  H.  M.,  Fossil  Apodidae. 
Nat.  Sci.,  1897,  vol.  xi. — Schuchert,  C,  On  the  fossil  Phyllopod  genera  Dipeltis  and  Protocaris. 
Proc  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1897,  vol.  xix.— Clarke,  J.  M.,  Estheria  in  Devonian  of  New  York  and 
Carboniferous  of  Ohio.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Paleontologist,  1900.— irfewi.  Notes  on  Paleozoic  Crus- 
taceans. 51th  Ann.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Mus.,  1902,  vol.  i.— Walcott,  C.  D.,  Middle  Cambrian 
Branchiopoda,  Malacostraca,  etc.     Smithson  Misc.  Coll.,  1912,  vol.  Ivii.,  no.  6. 




laterally  compressed,  shortened,  and  often  indistinctly  segmented.  The  head 
is  sharply  demarcated  from  the  rest  of  the  body,  and  is  usually  provided  with 
two  large  eyes  sometimes  coalesced,  in  addition  to  which  there  is  often  a 
a  small  unpaired  eye.  The  upper  lip  is  very  large,  the  mandibles  have  no 
palps,  and  the  maxillae  are  reduced  or  absent. 

The  body-limbs  are  usually  foliaceous  and  lobed  on  the  outer  and  inner 
margins.  They  vary  in  number  from  four  to  more  than  sixty  pairs,  and 
usually  all  carry  gill-plates.  The  posterior  part  of  the  body  is  without 
limbs  and  usually  ends  in  a  caudal  f urea,  the  rami  of  which  may  be  filiform, 
flattened  or  claw -like.  All  Branchiopods  have  the  sexes  'distinct.  The 
males  are  often  much  less  numerous  than  the  females,  and  the  latter 
reproduce  largely  by  parthenogenesis. 

The  classification  of  the  Branchiopoda  here  given  differs  from  that 
commonly  adopted,  in  that  the  term  Phyllopoda  (Latreille,  1802)  is  not 
employed  for  an  ordinal  division  including  several  groups  which  are  dis- 
tinguished from  the  Cladocera  chiefly  by  the  greater  number  of  somites  and 
appendages  and  by  the  prevalence  of  metamorphosis  in  development.  Instead, 
these  groups  of  the  old  division  Phyllopoda  are  more  properly  assigned  the 
rank  of  independent  orders,  all  three  being  sharply  contrasted  from  one 
another  as  well  as  from  a  fourth  order,  Cladocera.  Phyllopods  in  the  old 
sense,  therefore,  are  equivalent  to  the  orders  Anostraca,  Notostraca  and 
Conchostraca,  as  here  recognised.  The  substitution  of  the  term  Phyllopoda 
for  Branchiopoda,  in  the  usage  of  Glaus  and  some  writers  following  him  is 
contrary  to  the  rule.^ 

Order  1.     ANOSTRACA  Sars. 

Head  distinct,  carapace  absent,  paired  eyes  pedunculate;  thorax  with  eleven  to 
nineteen  pairs  of  trunk -limbs,  none  post  -  genital ;  f  ureal  rami 
unsegmented,  rod-like  or  flattened. 

Branchipodites  Woodward.  Similar  to  the  Recent  Branchi- 
pus.  Oligocene  of  Bembridge,  Isle  of  Wight.  B.  vectensis 

Opabinia,  Leanchoilia,  Yohoia  (Fig,  1413),  Bidentia  Walcott. 
Middle  Cambrian  ;  British  Columbia. 

Order  2.     NOTOSTRACA  Sars. 

Carapace  forming  a  dorsal  shield  ex- 
tending over  the  anterior  segments ;  paired  ■ 
eyes  sessile;  antennae  vestigial;  trunk - 
limbs  forty  to  sixty-three  pairs,  of  ivhich 
ttventy-nine  to  fifty-two  are  post-genital ; 
furcal  rami  multiarticulate. 

Fig.  1413. 

Yohoia  tenuis  WaUtott. 
Middle  Cambrian  ;  Britisli 
Columbia.      Dorsal    view, 


Protocar is  Walcott  (Fig.  1414).  This 
is  the  oldest  representative  of  the  Apus- 
type,  and  exhibits  a  remarkable  similarity 
to  A2)us  in  its  univalve  carapace,  multi- 
segmented   abdomen,  and   single  pair  of 

Lower  Cambrian  ;  Vermont. 

Pig.  1414. 

Prolocaris  marshi  Walcott. 
Lower  Cambrian  ;  Georgia, 
Vermont,    x  %. 

caudal  spines 

1  Unfortunately  some  writers,  following  Glaus,  have  transposed  the  names  Branchiopoda  and 
Phyllopoda,  applying  the  latter  to  the  superorder  and  the  former  to  one  of  its  divisions,  but  this 
use  is  not  sanctioned  either  by  priority  or  by  universal  custom. 




Ribeiria  Sliarpe  ;  Ribeirella  Shubert  and  Waagen.  These  names  have  been  applied 
to  arched,  univalved  bodies  with  strong  beaks,  muscular  scars  and  sub-cardinal  ridge. 
They  occur  in  the  early  Ordovician  of  Europe  and  America,  and  are  doubtfully 
assigned  to  a  position  among  the  Ajjodidae. 

Apus  Latreille.  Trias  to  Recent.  Lepidurus  Leach.  Recent.  These  genera, 
included  in  the  family  Apodidae,  comprise  the  largest  known  forms  of  Branchiopods, 
some  sjjecies  of  Ajms  having  a  length  of  70  mm.  The  imder-mentioned  Cambrian 
Notostracans  are  placed  in  separate  families  by  Walcott. 

Naraoia  (Fig.  1415),  Burgessia  and  Waptia  Walcott  (Fig.  1416).  Middle 
Cambrian  ;  Britisli  Columbia. 

Anomalocaris    Whiteaves.      This    name    has    been    aj^plied    to    bodies    from    the 

Pig.  1415. 

Naraoia  covipacta  Walcptt.     Middle  Cambrian  ; 
British  Columbia.     Dorsal  view,  x  -/i. 

Fu..  1410. 

Waptia  Jieldensis  Wal- 
cott. Middle  Cambrian  ; 
British  Columbia.  Dorsal 
view  of  flattened  specimen, 

Cambrian  of  British  Columbia  which  have  been  comjjared  to  the  segmented  abdomen 
of  a  Branchioj)od,  each  segment  bearing  a  pair  of  lamellate  appendages.  Although 
the  objects  abound  where  found,  nothing  is  known  of  the  carapace,  nor  is  there  any 
evidence  of  the  surface  markings  which  characterise  most  Crustacean  shields.  Their 
affinities  are  doubtful. 

Euchasma,  Eopteria  and  Ischyrina  Billings  ;  Technophorus  Miller.  These  names 
have  been  applied  to  remains  from  the  Ordovician  of  North  America,  regarded  by 
their  describers  as  Pelecypods,  but  undoubtedly  of  Crustacean  nature.  Their  reference 
to  the  Notostraca  is  uncertain. 

Order  3.     CONCHOSTRACA  Sars. 

Carapace  hivalved,  enclosing  the  tvhole  body ;  antennae  ivell  developed,  biramotis, 
natatory ;  paired  eyes  sessile,  coalescent.  Body-limbs  ten  to  twenty-seven  pairs,  of  ivhich 
none  to  sixteen  are  post-genital,  and  the  first  one  or  two  in  the  male  form  clasping  organs. 
Fnrcal  rami  claw-like. 




Family  1.      Lininadiidae  Baird. 
Family  characters  the  same  as  above  given  for  the  order. 

Estheria  Eiijipel  (Figs.  1417,  1418). 
united  by  a  straight    tootliless   margin. 

Shell  composed  of  two  thin  rounded  valves, 
External  surface  concentrically  ridged  or 

Fig.  1417. 

Estheria  minuta  Alberti.  Lettenkohle  Dolo- 
mite ;  Sinsheim,  Baden.  A,  i/j.  B,  6/j.  C, 
Portion  of  the  exterior,  50/j. 

FlO.  141S. 

Estheria  sp.  indet.  Lower  barren 
Coal  Measures  ;  CarroUton,  Oliio. 
Umbonal  portion  showing  muscular 
or  nuclear  node,  i3/j. 

striated,  and  between  the  ridges  are  more  or  less  regularly  interlacing  or  branching 
striae.  The  latter  character  serves  to  distinguish  this  genus  from  Posidonomya  among 
Pelecypods.      The  beaks  are  not  sharply  defined,  and  the  primitive  portions  sometimes 

bear  a  strong  ocular  or  muscular  node. 

The  genus  Estheria  has  numerous  fossil  representatives,  being  first  met  with  in  the 
Devonian,  and  occurring  mostly  in  brackish  and  shore  deposits.  It  abounds  in  the 
productive  Coal  Measures,  in  the  Permian,  Trias  (Lettenkohlenmergel)  and  'W^ealden, 
and  has  been  found  in  the  Pleistocene  clays  of  Canada. 

Leaia    Jones    (Fig.    1419).      CarajDace   marked    by   one   or    two    diagonal    ridges 

Fio.  1419.     ■ 

A,  Leaia  teidyi  Jones.  Coal  Measures ;  Potts vi He, 
Pennsylvania.  B,  Lcdia  haentschiana  Geinitz.  Coal 
Measures  ;  Neunkirclien,  near  Saarbriicken  (after 
Golden  berg). 

Fig.  1420. 

Schizodiscus  capsa  Clarke. 
Hamilton  ;  Centerfleld,  New 
York.     2/j. 

which  run  from  the  anterior  end  of  tlie  dorsal  margin  toward  the  lower  margin. 
Carboniferous  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

EstherieUa  Weiss.  Carapace  as  in  Estheria,  but  with  radial  riblets  crossing  the 
concentric  striae.     Permian  ;  Russia.      Buntersandstein  ;  Saxony. 

Schizodiscus  Clarke  (Fig.  1420),  Carapace  peltate,  with  a  straight  hinge  which 
is  in  the  major  axis  of  the  shield.  Each  valve  nearly  a  semicircle ;  surface  marked 
with  concentric  ridges.      Middle  Devonian  ;  New  York. 

Lepeditta  Matthew.      Cambrian  ;  North  America. 




Family  2.     Bradoriidae  Matthew. 

Carapace  bivalvcd,  membranaceous,  calcareo-corneus  in  composition,  not  completely 
separated  hut  prohahly  often  fused  along  the  cardinal  edge;  free  margins  of  valves 
slightly  gaping ;  main  muscle  spot  close  to  antero-cardinal  angle  just  behind  and  beneath 
the  ocular  tubercle. 

The  members  of  this  family  have  hitherto  been  considered  as  Cambrian  Ostracoda,  but 
recent  studies  have  shown  them  to  be  Branchiopoda.  The  genera  listed  below  embrace 
several  distinct  types  of  structure,  and  will  in  part  be  referred  to  other  families  in  the  course 
of  study. 

Beyrichona  Matthew  (Fig.  1421,  A,  B).  Valves  subtriangular  with  a  broad 
undefined  depression  in  the  dorsal  slope,  limited  in  front  by  a  short  node-like  ridge. 

A  B 

Fig.  1421 
A,    Beyrichona    tinea    Jlatthew, 

Beyrichona  papilio    Matthew. 
Cambrian  of  New  Brunswick. 

X  4/i.       B, 
X  •*/!.      Middle 

Fig.  1422. 

A,  Hipponicharion  clavatiim  Matthew. 
X  Vi-  -B,  Aluta  enyo  (VValcott).  X  8/j. 
Middle  Cambrian  of  New  Brunswick  and 

Hipponicharion  Matthew  (Fig.  1422,  A).  Valves  semi-elliptical  with  two 
prominent  marginal  ridges  and  an  inconspicuous  central  ridge  near  hinge  line. 

Pohjphyma  Groom.      Valves  semicircular  with  numerous  rather  variable  tubercules. 
Bradoria,  Escasona,  Aluta  Matthew  (Fig.  1422,  B).     (?)  Isoxys  Walcott. 

Order  4.     CLADOCERA  Milne  Edwards. 

Carapace  bivalved,  generally  enclosing  body  but  leaving  head  free;  paired  eyes  sessile, 
coalesced ;  antennae  large,  forming  swimming  organs ;  four  to  six  pairs  of  body-limbs ; 
f ureal  rami  claw-like. 

The  egg-cases  (ephippia)  of  Cladocera  have  been  recognised  in  Glacial  de2:)0sits  in 
Germany.  Lynceites  ornatus  Goldenberg,  from  the  Carboniferous,  is  a  very  doubtful 
representative  of  this  order. 

Superorder  2.    COPEPODA  Milne  Edwards. 

Eucrustacea  without  a  distinct  carapace,  but  with  one  or  two  of  the  anterior 
somites  coalesced  with  the  head.  Paired  eyes  usually  absent.  Antennules  and 
antennae  usually  well  developed ;  typically  six  pairs  of  biramous  body-limbs.  Caudal 
furca  present. 

The  Copepoda  are  without  known  representatives  in  the  fossil  state. 

Superorder  3.     OSTRACODA  Latreille.^ 

Small,  indistinctly  segmented  Crustacea  completely  enclosed  in  a  horny  or  calcareous 
bivalve  shell.     Not  more  than  seven  pairs  of  appendages  present — two  of  antennae, 

1  Literature  :    Bosquet,   J.,   Description  des  Entomostraces  fossiles  de  la  craie   de  Maestricht. 

736  ARTHEOPODA  phylum  vii 

one  of  mandibles,  two  of  maxillae,  and  two  pairs  of  feet.     Abdomen  short  and 

As  a  rule  only  the  bivalved  shell  of  the  Ostracoda  is  found  fossil,  and  since 
the  classification  is  based  principally  upon  characters  presented  by  the 
appendages,  the  relations  of  recent  to  fossil  forms  cannot  be  made  out  with 
certainty,  especially  as  the  form  and  ornamentation  of  the  shell  are  largely 
independent  of  the  internal  organisation. 

The  valves  are  closed  by  a  subcentral  adductor  muscle,  the  attachment  of 
which  is  marked  on  their  inner  sides  by  a  tubercle,  pit,  or  a  number  of  small 
spots.  The  shell  is  compact  in  structure,  commonly  from  0"5  mm.  to  4  mm. 
in  length,  although  sometimes  exceeding  20  mm.  The  outer  surface  may  be 
smooth  and  glossy,  or  granulose,  pitted,  reticulose,  striate,  hirsute,  or  other- 
wise marked,  the  effect  being  often  quite  ornamental.  The  two  valves  may 
be  of  equal  size  (Beyrichia),  or  more  or  less  unequal,  with  either  the  right  or 
left  valve  overlapping  at  the  ventral  border  only  (Leperditia),  or  at  the  dorsal 
border  as  well  (Bairdia),  or  in  some  cases  overlapping  all  round  (Cytherella). 

Most  commonly  the  outline  is  ovate  or  reniform ;  in  many  cases,  however, 
one  or  both  ends  may  be  pointed  or  drawn  out  in  the  form  of  a  beak ;  and 
when  the  dorsum  is  straight,  the  ends  may  join  it  angularly.  Although 
usually  convex,  the  ventral  margin  is  sometimes  straight  or  gently  concave. 
It  is  sometimes  impossible  to  distinguish  between  anterior  and  posterior 
extremities,  but  as  a  rule  the  posterior  half  is  somewhat  thicker  than  the 
anterior,  even  though  of  equal  or  of  less  height.  The  hinge -line  may  be 
straight  or  arcuate,  the  hinge  itself  being  generally  simple,  although  among 
the  Cytheridae  hinge  teeth  and  corresponding  sockets  are  often  developed. 
There  are  commonly  a  small  median  and  two  larger  lateral  eyes  ;  the  position 

Mem.  Soc.  Roy.  Sci.  Lk'ge,  1847,  vol.  iv. — -Description  de.s  Entomostraces  fossiles  des  terrains 
tertiaires  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.  Mem.  Couroun.  Acad.  Roy.  Belg.,  1850,  vol.  xxiv.- — 
Monographic  des  crustaces  fossiles  du  terrain  cretace  du  Duche  de  Limburg.  Mem.  Commiss.  Carte 
geol.  Nederlande.  Haarlem,  1854. — Reuss,  A.  E..  Die  fossilen  Entomostracen  des  osterreichisclien 
Tertiiirbeckens.  Haid.  naturw.  Abhandl.,  1850,  vol.  iii.,  pt.  1. — Die  Foraminifereu  mid  Entomo- 
stracen des  Kreidemergels  von  Lemberg.  Ibid,  iv.,  pt.  1,  1851. — Jones,  T.  M.,  A  Monograph  of 
the  Entomostraca  of  the  Cretaceous  Formation  of  England.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1849. — Idem,  and 
Hinde,  G.  J.,  A  Supplemental  Monograph  of  the  Cretaceous  Entomostraca  of  England  and  Ireland. 
Ibid.,  1890. — Jones,  T.  R.,  A  Monograph  of  the  Tertiary  Entomostraca  of  England.  Ibid.,  1857. 
— Idem,  and  Sherborne,  G.  I).,  A  Supplemental  Monograph  of  the  Tertiary  Entomostraca  of 
England.  Ibid.,  1889. — Jones,  T.  R.,  and  Kirkby,  J.  IF.,  Notes  on  Palaeozoic  bivalved  Entomostraca, 
Nos.  1-32.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist,  1855-95. — Egger,  0.,  Die  Ostracoden  der  Miociinschichten  bei 
Ortenburg.  Neues  Jahrb.,  1858. — Speyer,  0.  W.  C,  Die  fossilen  Ostracoden  aus  den  Casseler 
Tertiiirbildungen.  Cassel  Jahresber.,  1863,  vol.  xiii. — Brady,  G.  S.,  Orosskey,  H.  W.,  and 
Robertson,  D.,  A  Monograph  of  the  Post-Tertiary  Entomostraca  of  Scotland.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1874. 
— Jones,  T.  R.,  Kirkby,  J.  W.,  and  Brady,  G.  S.,  A  Monograph  of  the  British  Fossil  bivalved 
Entomostraca  from  the  Carboniferous  Formations.  Ibid.,  1874,  1884. — Jones,  T.  A.,  and  HoU, 
H.  B.,  Notes  on  Palaeozoic  bivalved  Entomostraca.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1869,  ser.  4,  vol.  iii. — 
Brady,  G.  S.,  and  Norman,  A.  M.,  A  Monograjih  of  the  marine  and  fresh-water  Ostracoda  of  the 
North  Atlantic,  etc.  Sci.  Trans.  Roy.  Dublin  Soc,  1889-96,  vols,  iv.,  v. — Lienenklaus,  E., 
Monographie  der  Ostracoden  des  nordwestdeutschen  Tcrtiiirs.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1894, 
vol.  xlvi. — Jones,  T.  R.,  and  Kirkby,  J.  W.,  On  Carboniferous  Ostracoda  from  Ireland.  Sci. 
Trans.  Roy.  Dublin  Soc,  1896,  vol.  vi.  —  LIrich,  E.  0.,  The  Lower  Silurian  Ostracoda  of  Minnesota. 
Geol.  Minn.,  Palaeont.,  vol.  iii.,  pt.  2,  1897. — Shcrburn,  C.  I).,  The  literature  of  fossil  Ostracods. 
Nat.  Sci.,  1897,  vol.  x. — Lienenklaus,  E.,  Die  Tertiiir-Ostrakoden  des  mittleren  Norddeutschlands. 
Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.  1900,  vol.  Iii. — Idem,  Die  Ostrakoden  des  Mainzer  Tertiiirbeckens. 
Ber.  Senckenberg  Nat.  Ges.  Frankfurt,  1905. — Matthew,  G.  F.,  Ostracoda  of  the  basal  Cambrian 
Rocks  in  Cape  Breton.  Canad.  Rec.  Sci.,  1902,  vol.  viii. — Chapman,  F.,  Some  Silurian  Ostracoda 
and  Phyllocarida.  Proc  Roy.  Soc.  Victoria,  1904,  n.  s.  vol.  xvii.  —  Ulrich,  E.  0.,  and  Bassler, 
R.  S.,  New  American  Paleozoic  Ostracoda,  pts.  ii.  and  iii.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1906,  1908, 
vols.  XXX.,  XXXV. — Miocene  Ostx-acoda.      Maryland  Geol.  Surv.,  Miocene  Vol.,  1904. 




of  the  latter  being  often  indicated  on  the  exterior  of  the  valves  by  a  small 
"  eye  tubercle,"  or  ocular  spot. 

Save  for  one  or  two  families  (Cypridae)  Ostracods  are  almost  wholly 
restricted  to  marine  or  brackish  water.  They  are  gregarious,  and  occur  in 
vast  hordes  swimming  near  the  surface  or  creeping  over  the  bottom,  preferring 
usually  shallow  depths.  Their  remains  abound  in  nearly  all  the  principal 
formations,  and  they  are  often  important  rock-builders.  The  identification  of 
fossil  Ostracods  is  very  difficult  on  account  of  their  similarity  of  form  and 
ornamentation,  and  usually  minute  size  ;  and  they  cannot  be  well  intercalated 
among  the  recent  series  for  reasons  already  given.  Sars  has  arranged  the 
living  forms  into  four  divisions,  Podocopa,  Platycopa,  Mi/odocopa  and  Cladocopa, 
but  assembling  the  families  into  higher  groups  is  not  attempted  here,  and 
only  the  more  repx'esentative  genera  can  be  noticed. 

Family   1.     Leperditiidae  Jones. 

Thick-shelled  Ostracoda,  mostly  of  considerable  size.  Valves  smooth  and  glossy,  of 
very  compact  structure,  and  in  general  regularly  convex ;  hinge-line  straight;  anterior 
and  posterior  ends  oUiquely  truncated  or  rounded,  and  neither  gaping  nor  excised. 

Shell  sub-oblong  with  an  oblique  backward 

dorsal  edge  straight,  generally  angular  at  the 

Valves  unequal,  the  right  larger  and  over- 

Leperditia   Rouavxlt   (Fig.    1423). 
swing,  from   2  mm.  to  22  mm.  long; 
extremities ;    ventral  outline  rounded, 
lapping  ventral  edge  of 
the  left.     Surface  often 
corneous  in  apjjearance, 
smooth,  and  eye  tubercle 
generally     present     on 
the        antero-dorsal 
quarter.        A     large 
rounded      sub  -  central 
muscular    imprint  pre- 
sent on  interior.    Ordo- 
vician  to  Carboniferous. 

Leper ditella  Ulrich.  Similar  to  above,  but  the  left  instead  of  right  valve  is  the 
larger,  and  has  a  groove  within  its  ventral  border  for  receiving  the  simple  edge  of 
the  right  valve.     Eye  tubercle  wanting.     Length  1  mm.  to  3  mm.      Ordovician. 

Isochilina  Jones  (Fig.  1424).  Like  Leperditia  except  that  the  valves  do  not  over- 
lap but  are  equal  in  every  respect.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Aparchites  Jones.  Shell  not  over  3  mm.  in  length,  equivalve,  sub-ovate  or 
oblong  ;  ventral  edge  thickened,  often  bevelled.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Schmidtella  Ulrich.  Ordovician.  Paraparchites  Ulrich  and  Bassler.  Carboni- 
ferous ;  North  America. 

Fig.  U-23. 

Leperditia  hisingeri  Schmidt.     Silurian  ; 
Wisby,  Gotland,    i/i- 

Fir..  1424. 

Isochilina  gigantea  Roenier. 
Silurian  eriatic  ;  Lyck,  East 
Prussia.    2/3  (after  F.  Roemer). 

Family  2.     Beyrichiidae  Jones. 

Small  equivalve  Ostracoda  tuith  a  long  straight  hinge.  Shells  vertically  sulcated  and 
more  or  less  lohate,  varying  from  forms  having  a  simple  median  depression  to  others  in 
which  the  surface  of  the  valves  is  raised  into  numerous  low  lobes,  ridges  or  nodes. 

Primitiella  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425,  a).  Valves  with  a  broad,  undefined  mesial  depression 
in  the  dorsal  slope.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

VOL.  I  3  B 




Primitia  Jones  and  Holl  (Fig.  1425,  b).  Has  well-marked  subcentral  pit  or 
sulcus,  with  furrow  extending  to  the  hinge  line.      Ordovician  to  Permian. 

Dicranella  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425,  d).  Like  Primitia  but  has  horn-like  process  on  one 
or  both  sides  of  the  sulcus.     Ordovician. 

Aechmina  J.  and  H.  (Fig.  1425,  c).  Sulcus  is  replaced  by  a  single,  horn-like 
process.      Ordovician  to  ]\Iississij)pian. 

Ulrichia  Jones.  Ordovician  to  Mississippian.  Synafhe,  Beyrichiopsis,  Beijrichiella 
Jones  and  Kirkby.     Carboniferous. 

Eurycliilina  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425,  g).  Like  Primitia  but  ventral  margin  provided 
with  a  wide,  frill-like  border.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

JoneseUa  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425,  /).  Valves  subovate  with  a  ci;rved  ridge  on  the 
posterior  two-thirds.     Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Fig.  14-25. 

Paleozoic  Ostr<Koda.  a,  Primitiellu  unicornis  Uli-.  x  i^/i-  ''>  Pi'imitia  fincinnatieiisis  Miller,  x  i-*/i.  c, 
AechmiTM  marginata  Ulr.  X  I'l/j.  d,  Dicranella  bicornis  Ulr.  x  ii^/i.  e,  Ctenobolhina  ciliata  Emmons,  x  s/j. 
/,  Jonesella  crepidifurmis  Ulr.  x  '^-/i.  g,  Eurychilina  reticulata  Vlr.  x  'O/i.  /(,  Halliella  IdbrosaXSlr.  x  i'*/!. 
i,  Kloedenia  centricornis  Ulr.  and  Bass,  x  I'l/j.  j,  Tetradella  qiiadrilirata  H.  and  W.  x  i3/j.  fc^  Ceratopsis 
chambersi  Miller,  x  i2/j.  l^  Kloedenella  iurgida  Ulr.  and  Bass,  x  I'l/i.  in,  Kirkbya  tnibqxifulrata  Ulr.  x  ^-i/i. 
n,  Beynchia  clavata  Kal.     x  i-i/i.     o,  Drcpanella  crasHnoda  Ulr.     x  i"/].     p,  Dilobcfla  typa  Ulr.     x  i^/i. 

Bollia  Jones  and  Holl.  Valves  with  a  central  looped  or  horseshoe-shaped  ridge. 
Ordovician  to  Mississippian. 

Tetradella  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425,  j).  Valves  marked  l)y  four  more  or  less  curved 
vertical  ridges  united  ventrally.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Geratofsis  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425,  k).  Has  a  horn-like  process  arising  from  the  ex- 
tremity of  the  jjosterior  ridge.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Gtenoholbina  (Fig.  1425,  e),  Drepanella  (Fig.  1425,  o),  Halliella  Ulr.  (Fig.  1425, 
h).     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Beyrichia  M'Coy  (Fig.  1425,  n).  Valve  has  three  lobes  or  nodes  with  the  central 
one  the  smallest.      Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Kloedenia  Jones  and  Holl  (Fig.  1425,  i) ;  Kloedenella  Ulr.  and  Bass.  (Fig. 
1425,  Z).  Silurian  and  Devonian.  Dilobella  Vlr.  {Fig.  IA25,  p).  Ordovician.  Hollina, 
Jonesina,  Treposella  Ulr.  and  Bass.     Devonian  to  Carboniferous. 

The  following  genera,  doubtfully  referred  here,  should  perhaiJs  be  regarded  as 
Paleozoic  Cytheridae  : 

Kirkhya  Jones  (Fig.  1425,  m).  Devonian  to  Permian.  Moorea  J.  and  K. 
Ordovician  to  Permian.  Strepula  J.  and  H.  Silurian  and  Devonian.  Macronotella 
Ulr.      Ordovician, 




Family  3.     Oytheridae  Zenker. 

Minute  shells  of  generally  elongate-oval,  reniform  or  sub-qioadrate  outline,  and  of 
dense  structure.  Surface  smooth,  imnctate,  nodulose,  striate  or  spinose ;  hinge  generally 
denticulated,  the  right  valve  with 
two  teeth  in  most  eases,  and  the  left 
with  corresfonding  pits. 

Fossil  species  of  this  family  are 
very  numerous  iu  the  marine  deposits 
of  the  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary.  The 
resemblance  between  Gytherc  and  the 
Devonian  genus  Strepula  is  so  decided 
as  to  indicate  relationship. 

Gythere  Miiller  (Fig.    1426,  a). 

Shell      reniform      or      subquadrate,  Valves  of  fossil  Ostracoda.    «,  Cytlwe  basslcri  Ulr.     X  H/i. 

,,            -J     J.     ■        4-        J.               r  ^1  Cytheropteron  nodot:u)ii  Uli'.  and  Bass,     x  i''/].     c,  Cytheridea 

usually     widest     m     tront  ;      SUrtace  perarcuata  Ulr.      x  i-i/i.     rf,  Pachydomella  tumida  Ulr.     x  l^/j. 

variously  ornamented  •    hinse  teetll  ^tXestulebcrismuellcriana(ham.).     X  •*"/!.    f,  OctonaHa  stiginata 

strong,  placed  one  at  each  end  of 

a  horizontal  bar  which  fits  into  a  corresponding  furrow  and  sockets  of  the  left  valve. 

Permian  to  Recent. 

Gythereis  Jones  (Fig.    1427).      Like   Cy there  but  connecting  bar  of  the  hinge  is 
wanting.     Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Cytheridea  Bosq.  (Fig.  1426,  c).     Differs  from  Gythere  in  having  hinge  beset  with 

Fli;.  1420. 

Fio.  1427. 
Cythereis  qimdrilatera  Roemer.     Gault ;  Folkestone,  England,     x  25/j  (after  T.  Rupert  Jones). 

row  of  small  teeth  in  right  valve,  often  interrupted  in  the  middle,  and  with  corre- 
sponding pits  in  the  left  valve.      Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Cytherideis  Jones.  Shell  more  or  less  triangular  ;  hinge  simple.  Cretaceous  to 

Carbonia  Jones.  Carboniferous.  Gijtheropteron  (Fig.  1426,  6),  Xestoleheris  (Fig. 
1426,  e)  and  Pseudocythere  Sars.      Tertiary  to  Recent. 

Family  4.     Thlipsuridae    Jones. 

Reniform  or  ovate  inequivalve  shells,  less  than  2  mm.  in  length,  the  margin  of  one 
valve  overlapping  that  of  the  other  more  or  less  completely ;  dorsal  margin  arcuate, 
ventral  sometimes  straight  or  slightly  sinuate.     Siorface  with  two  or  more  definite  pits. 

Tldipsura  Jones  and  Holl.  Valve  generally  with  three  pits,  one  posterior  and  two 
in  the  anterior  half.     No  ornament.      Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Octonaria  Jones  (Fig.  1426,  /).  Differs  from  the  last  in  having  the  surface  of 
valves  raised  into  a  thin  spiral  or  annular  ridge  which  in  the  more  typical  forms  is 
8-shaped.     Silurian  and  Devonian. 

Phreatura  J.  and  K.  Posterior  end  of  shell  strongly  compressed  and  marked  by 
a  shallow  semicircular  pit  ;  a  similar  but  smaller  pit  is  present  at  the  anterior 
extremity.     Carboniferous. 




Family  5.      Cypridae  Zenker. 

Minute,  mostly  reniform  or  elongate-ovate,  corneous  or  corneo-calcareous  shells,  ivith 
thin,  someivhat  unequcd  valves,  one  overlapping  the  other  either  ventrally  or  dorsally  or 

Recent  Cypridae  are  chiefly  fresh-water  inhabitants,  but  this  is  true  in  a  lesser 
degree  of  the  fossil  forms.  All  the  Paleozoic  representatives  are  marine,  excepting 
perhaps  certain  Carboniferous  species.  Fossil  remains  are  extraordinarily  profuse  in 
certain  deposits,  and  the  family  is  an  important  rock-builder. 

Palaeocijpris  Brongt.  Shell  0*5  mm.  long,  sub-ovate,  smaller  posteriorly  than  in 
front ;  surface  granulose  and  finely  hirsute  in  dorsal  region.      Carboniferous. 

Gypris  Miiller  (Fig.    1428).     Shell  reniform  or  oval,  thin,  translucent,  smooth  or 
A  hirsute,  often    j^^mctate ;    hinge  edentulous,  somewhat 

thickened  ;  ventral  margin  often  sinuate.     Tertiary  to 

Fig.  1428. 

Cyi->ris  faba  Desm.      Miocene; 
Oeningen,  Switzerland.  A,  Dorsal,  and 

B,  Lateral  view,     is/j  (after  Bosquet). 

C,  Valves  composing  fresh-water  lime- 
stone at  Nordlingen. 

Fig.  1429. 

Cypridea  waldensis 
Sowb.  Wealden  ;  Ober- 
Isirchen,  Hanover.     15/^. 

Fig.  1430. 

Bn.inlia  curta  M'Coy. 
Ijow  er  Carboniferous  ; 
Ireland.  15/j  (after 

Cypridea  Bosq.  (Fig.  1429).  Like  Gypris,  but  with  a  small  hook-like  projection 
at  the  antero-ventral  angle.     Purbeck  and  Wealden. 

Bairdia  M'Coy  (Fig.  1430).  Shell  sub- triangular  or  rhomboidal,  with  the 
greatest  height  near  the  middle,  generally  smooth,  both  extremities  narrowly  rounded 
or  pointed.  Dorsal  margin  more  or  less  strongly  convex  ;  hinge  formed  by  over- 
lapping edge  of  left  valve.      Ordovician  to  Recent ;  maximum  in  Carboniferous. 

Bythocypris  Brady.  Shell  smooth,  reniform,  ovate  or  elliptical  ;  left  valve  over- 
lapping the  smaller  right  valve  usually  on  both  dorsal  and  ventral  margins. 
Typically  Recent,  but  a  number  of  Paleozoic  forms  have  also  been  assigned  to  this 

Macrocypris  Brady.  Similar  to  the  last,  but  generally  more  elongate,  posteriorly 
more  acuminate,  and  the  right  valve  larger  than  the  left.  Ordovician  and  Silurian  ; 
also  Jurassic  to  Recent. 

Pontocypris  Sars.  Like  Bythocypris,  except  that  the  shell  is  very  delicate,  and 
the  hinge  is  simple  without  overlap.      Silurian,  Carboniferous,  Pleistocene  and  Recent. 

Fig.  1431. 

Cytherclla  conipressa 
(Miinst.).  Oligocene  ; 
Riippelmonde,  Belgium. 
22/i  (after  Bosquet). 

Family  6.     Oytherellidae  Sars. 

Family  characters  chiefly  displayed  by  soft  parts.  Shell  minute, 
incquivalve,  thicJc,  calcareous,  not  notched  anteriorly. 

Gytherella  Jones  (Fig.  1431).  Shell  oblong  or  sub -ovate, 
compressed  in  front ;  surface  generally  smooth,  but  sometimes 
undulating  and  marked  Avith  pits  and  granules.  Contact  margin 
of  the  larger  right  valve  grooved  for  reception  of  flange -like 
edge  of  smaller  left  valve.      Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Gytherellina  Jones  and  Holl.  Silurian.  (?)  Pachydomella 
Ulrich  (Fig.  1426,  d) ;  Bosquetia  Brady.      Recent. 




Family  7.     Entomidae  Jones. 

Shells  relatively  short,  strongly  convex,  reniform,  ovate  or  rounded  quadrate,  suh- 
equivalve,  luith  a  more  or  less  loell-marked  depression  near  the  middle  of  dorsal  region. 
Surface  sculpture  concentric  or  radiate. 

Entomis  Jones  (Figs.  1432,  1433). 
slightly  curved  sub-naedian  vertical 
furrow  extending  to  the  hinge  line  ; 
in  front  of  furrow  occasionally  a 
rounded  tubercle.  Surface  marked 
generally  with  raised,  concentric, 
transverse  or  longitudinal  lines. 
Ordovician  to  Carboniferous ;  very 
profuse  in  Devonian. 

Entomidella  Jones.  Like  En- 
tomis, but  with  furrow  extending 
entirely  across  the  valves  to  ventral 
edge.      Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Elpe   Barr.      Shell    reniform,   3 
mm.  to   7   mm.   long,  with  depres- 
sion just  behind  the  middle  of  the 
dorsal  slope  ;  posterior  half  sometimes  strongly  inflated 
Ordovician  and  Silurian. 

Shell  sub-ovate  or  fabiform  ;   valves  with  a 

A  B 

Fio.  1432. 

Entomis  pelagica  Barr. 
Lower  Devonian  (F) ; 
Konieprus,  Bohemia. 

Fig.  1433. 

Entomis  serrato-striuta  (Sandb.). 
Upper  Devonian  ;  Weilburg, 
Nassau.  A,  Fragment  of  matrix, 
Vi-  B,  Ventral  and  lateral  aspects, 
s/j.     C,  Impression  of  valve,  9/i. 

Delicate  radial  ornament. 

Family  8.     Cypridinidae  Sars. 

Shells  equivalve  sub-elliptical  to  ohlong,  convex,  smooth  or  punctate,  and  sometimes 
ribbed,  especially  in  posterior  half.  Anterior  end  ivith  a  notch  and  hook-like  hood  over- 
Tianging  an  opening  left  between  edges  of  valves  for  protrusion  of  the  lower  antennae  ; 
posterior  extremity  freqxhently  acuminate. 

Gypridina  Milne  Edw.  (Fig.    1434).      Shell  generally  acuminate,  oviform,  rarely 

Fig.  1434. 

Cypridina  primaeva  (de 
Kon.).  Coal  Measures ;  Braid- 
wood,  England.  •>/,  (after 
Jones,  Kirkby  and  Brady). 

Fm.  1435. 

Cypridella  v.yrightii  J.  K.  and  B.  Lower 
Carbonifennis  ;(  Corlv,  Ireland.  ^/i  (after 
Jones,  Kirkby  and  Brady). 

Fig.  1436. 

Cyprella  chrysalidea  (de 
Kon.).  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous ;  Cork,  Ireland. 
*li  (after  Jones,  Kirkby 
and  Brady). 

oblong ;  antero-dorsal  edge  projecting  beak-like  over  the  strongly  defined  notch ; 
muscle  spot  large,  sub-central,  often  visible  on  exterior.      Ordovician  to  Recent. 

Gypridinella  J.  K.  and  B.  Like  Gypridina,  but  having  the  antero-ventral  region 
projecting  somewhat  prow-like  and  generally  beyond  the  hook.     Carboniferous. 

Gypridellina  J.  K.  and  B.  Differs  from  the  last  in  having  a  tubercle  or  lump 
above  the  centre  of  the  valve.      Carboniferous. 

Gypridella  de  Kon.  (Fig.  1435).  Like  Gypridellina,  except  that  it  has  a  curved 
sulcus  behind  the  tubercle.      Carboniferous. 

Gyprella  de  Koninck  (Fig.  1436).  Shell  much  as  in  the  last,  but  annulate. 

Sulcuna,  Rhombina  J.  K.  and  B.  ;   Gypresis,  Cyprosina  Jones.      Paleozoic. 

742  ARTHEOPODA  phylum  vii 

Family  9.     Entomoconchidae. 

Shell  sub-globose,  more  or  less  inequivalve ;  anterior  edge  truncate  and  with  central 
portion  of  margin  inturned  so  as  to  leave  a  simple  or  sinuate  slit.     Beak  not  developed. 

Entomoconchus  M'Coy  ;  Offa  Jones,  Kirkby  and  Brady.    Carboniferous. 

Geological  Range  of  the  Ostracoda. 

Numerous  supposed  Ostracoda  (Bradoria,  Beyrichona,  etc.)  have  been  described 
from  the  Cambrian,  but  all  of  these  now  prove  to  be  Brancliioi^ods.  The  earliest 
undoubted  Ostracoda  are  indicated  by  a  few  species  of  Leperclitia  found  in  the 
Beekniantown  beds  (Lower  Ordovician)  of  Tennessee.  During  the  Middle  and 
Upj)er  Ordovician  these  Crustaceans  flourished  greatly,  and  form  excellent  horizon 
markers.  The  prevailing  Ordovician  and  Silurian  types  belong  to  the  Leperditiidae 
and  Beyrichiidae,  although  toward  the  close  of  the  Silurian  numerous  Cypridae  make 
their  apjjearance. 

Devonian  Ostracoda  are  less  numerous,  but  manifest  essentially  the  same  types  as 
in  the  earlier  periods.  Here,  however,  the  larger  Leperditiidae  are  entirely  wanting. 
Although  many  small  species  of  archaic  genera  persist  in  the  Carboniferous,  the  aspect 
of  the  fauna  is  changed  by  the  strong  development  of  Cypridinidae.  Thereafter 
Ostracods  are  but  sj)arsely  represented  until  the  Cretaceous,  when  certain  genera, 
especially  Gythere,  develop  a  surprising  variety  of  species.  Little  difference  can  be 
detected  between  Tertiary  Ostracods  aud  their  modern  descendants,  although  on 
account  of  the  facilities  for  studying  the  anatomy  of  the  soft  parts  it  has  been  possible 
to  distinguish  many  more  genera  among  the  living  forms. 

[The  above  revision  of  the  groups  Branchiopoda  and  Ostracoda  has  been  prepared  by 
Dr.  R.  S.  Bassler. — Editor.] 

Superorder  4.     OIKRIFEDIA  Burmeister.     Barnacles.^ 

Sessile,  mostly  hermaphroditic  animals,  enclosed  in  a  membranous  mantle  which 
is  often  covered  with  calcareous  plates.    Body  attached  by  the  anterior  extremity  of  the 

1  Literature  :  A.     Recent  Forms : — Thompson,  J.  V.,  Zoological  Researches  and  Illustrations. 

1.  Cork,   1830. — Discovery  of  the  Metamorphosis  in  the  Lepades,  etc.      Phil.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc,  pt. 

2,  1835. — Burineistcr,  H.,  Beitriige  zur  Naturgeschichte  der  Raukenfiissler.  Berlin,  1834. — Martin- 
Saint-Ange,  G.  J.,  Memoire  sur  I'organisation  des  Cirripedes.  Mem.  Savans  llltrang.,  Acad.  Sci., 
Paris,  1835,  vol.  vi. — ■Daricin,  C,  A  Monograph  of  the  Sub-Class  Cirripedia.  Ray  Soc,  1851-54, 
vols,  i.,  ii. — lloek,  P.  P.  C,  Report  on  the  Cirripedia.  Rept.  Challenger  Exped.,  Zool.,  viii.,  x., 
1883-84. — Anrivillius,  G.  W.  »S'.,  Stndien  iiber  Cirripeden.  Svensk.  Vetensk.  Akad.  Handl. .  1893, 
vol.  xxvi.,  no.  7. — Groom,  T.  T.,  On  the  Early  Develoi)ment  of  the  Cirripedia.  Phil.  Trans.  Roy. 
Soc,  1894,  vol.  clxxxv. — Hansen,  H.  J.,  Phyllopoda  and  Cirripedia.  Plankton  Expedition,  1895. 
—  Gruvel,  A.,  Monographic  des  Cirrhipedes.     Paris,  1905. 

B.  Fossil  Forms. — Sowerby,  J.,  aud  J.  de  C,  The  Mineral  Couchology  of  Great  Britain. 
London,  1812-30. — Roemer,  F.  A.  Die  Versteineruugen  des  uorddeutscheu  Kreidegebirges.  Hanover, 
1840-41. — Darwin,  C,  A  Monogi\iph  of  the  Fossil  Lepadidae  of  Great  Britain.  Palaeont.  Soc, 
1851. — A  Monograph  of  the  Fossil  Balauidae  aud  Verrucidae  of  Great  Britain.  Ibid.,  1855. — 
Bosquet,  J.,  Monographic  des  Crustaces  fossiles  du  terrain  cretace  du  Duche  de  Limbourg.  Mem. 
Comraiss.  Carte  geol.  Nederlande,  1854. — Notice  sur  quelques  Cirripedes  recemment  deconverts 
dans  les  terrains  cretaces  du  Duche  de  Limbourg.  Haarlem,  1857. — Reuss,  A.  E.,  Ueber  fossile 
Lepadiden.  Sitzungsber.  Akad.  Wiss.  Wien,  1864,  vol.  xlix.  —  Woodward,  H.,  On  Turrilepas,  etc 
Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1865,  vol.  xxi. — Barrande,  J.,  Systcme  Siliirien  du  centre  de  la  Boheme, 
I.  Suppl.,  1872.  — Segnenza,  G.,  Ricerche  palaeoutologiche  intorno  di  Cirripedi  terziarii  della  Pi-oviucia 
di  Messina,  Pts.  i.,  ii. ,  Naples,  1873-76.  Marsson,  J.,  Die  Cirripeden  und  Ostracoden  der  weissen 
Schreibkreide  der  Insel  iRtigen.  Mittheil.  naturw.  "Ver.  Neu-Vorpommeru  und  Riigen,  1880,  vol. 
xii. — Zittel,  K.  A.,  Bemerkungen  iiber  eiuige  fossilcn  Lepaditen  aus  deni  lithographischen  Schiefer 
und  der  oberen  Kriede.   Sitzungsber.   Bayer.  Akad.  Wiss.,  1884,  vol.  xiv. — Fuber,  C.  L.,  Remarks 


head ;  obscurely,  and  at  times  not  at  all  segmented  ;  posterior  portion  with  at  most 
six  pairs  of  biramous  legs  or  cirri,  which,  however,  may  be  fewer  in  number  or 
altogether  absent. 

The  typical  and  best  known  Cirripedes  {Bala7iidae,  Lepadidae)  differ  so 
widely  from  all  other  Crustacea  in  their  external  form,  solid  calcareous  shells, 
slightly  developed  respiratory  and  sensory  organs,  and  especially  in  their 
hermaphroditic  sexual  apparatus,  that  until  1830  they  were  commonly  classed 
with  the  Mollusca.  About  this  time  J.  V.  Thompson  and  Burmeister  showed 
that  these  Cirripedes  pass  through  a  nauplius  stage,  and  that  directly  before 
attachment  both  Balanus  and  Lepas  undergo  a  C^pm-stage,  thus  showing  very 
clearly  their  relation  to  the  Eucrustacea. 

All  Cirripedes  are  marine  animals.  Those  with  calcareous  shells  attach 
themselves  to  stones,  wood,  moUusks,  crabs,  corals  and  sea  plants,  and  often 
cover  rocky  coasts  in  myriad  numbers.  Some,  genera  {Coronula, _  Chelonobia) 
attach  themselves  to  whales  and  turtles ;  some  (Pyrgoma,  Falaeocreusia) 
become  embedded  in  corals,  and  others  bore  into  shells  of  mollusks  or 
lead  a  parasitic  existence  on  Decapods  or  within  the  shells  of  other  Cirripedes. 
Most  Barnacles  inhabit  shallow  water,  but  certain  genera  occur  at  great 
depths,  from  1900  to  2000  fathoms  (Scalpellum,  Verruca).  Many  of  the 
living  families  are  naked,  and  naturally  only  those  possessing  shells 
(Thoracica)  have  left  fossil  remains,  although  some  of  the  tubular  cavities  in 
molluscan  shells  may .  have  been  perforated  by  naked  Cirripedes.  Fossil 
forms  occur  sparingly  in  the  older  strata,  and  do  not  become  abundant  until 
near  the  close  of  the  Tertiary. 

Order  1.     THORACICA  Darwin. 

Body  indistinctly  segmented,  and  enclosed  in  a  membranous  mantle  in  which  calcare- 
ous plates  are  usually  developed.  Six  pairs  of  cirri  present.  Mostly  hermaphroditic, 
sometimes  with  complemental  males. 

The  relations  of  the  first  two  of  the  following  families  to  the  other  members  of 
the  order  are  conjectural. 

Family  1.     Lepidocoleidae  Clarke. 

Body  covered  with  two  vertical  columns  of  overlapping  plates,  those  of  one  series 
alternating  -with  those  of  the  other.  Terminal  or  caudal  plate  axial.  Basal  or  cephalic 
portion  of  the  body  with  a  ventral  curvature.  Apices  of  the  plates  on  the  dorsal  margin. 
No  accessory  plates. 

Lepidocoleus  Faber  (Fig.  1437).  Elongate,  blade-shaped  ;  dorsal  edge  the  thicker, 
ventral  edge  sharper  and  linear.     The  two  series  of  plates  make  a  complete  enclosure, 

oil  some  Fossils  of  the  Cincinnati  Group.  Journ.  Cincin.  Soc.  N<at.  Sci.,  1887,  vol.  ix. — Ball,  J., 
and  Clarke,  J.  M..  Palaeontology  of  New  York,  1888,  vol.  \n.— Clarke,  J.  M.,  Notes  on  certain 
Fossil  Barnacles.  Amer.  Geol.,  1896,  vol.  xvii. — Matthew,  G.  F.,  On  occurrence  of  Cirripedes  in  the 
Cambrian.  Trans.  N.  Y.  AcacL  Sci.,  1896,  vol.  xv.— Logan,  IT.  N.,  Cirripeds  from  Cretaceous  of 
Kansas.  Kansas  Univ.  Quar.  1897,  vol.  \i.  — Woodward,  H.,  Cirripedes  from  the  Trimmingham 
Chalk  in  Norfolk.  Geol.  Mag.  1906,  dec.  5,  vol.  \\\.—Idem,  on  the  genus  Loricula.  Ibid.,  1908, 
vol.  v.— Z)e  Alessandri,  G.,  Studi  monografici  sui  Cirripedi  fossili  d'  Italia.  Palaeontogr.  Ital., 
1906,  vol.  xii. — Idem,  Osservazioni  sopra  alcuni  Cirripedi  fossili  della  Fraucia.  Atti  Soc.  Ital. 
Nat.,  Milano,  1907,  vol.  xlv. — Reed,  F.  R.  C,  Structure  of  Turrilepas  and  its  allies.  Roy.  Soc. 
Edinb.,  1909,  vol.  xlvi.  — ir^Y/igrs,  T.  H.,  The  Cirripede  genus  Scalpellum.  Geol.  Mag.  1910, 
dec.  5,  vol.  vil— Idem,  The  Cirripede  Brachylepas  cretacea  H.  Woodward.     Ibid.,  1912,  vol.  ix. 




being   interlocked    on  the   dorsal  edge,  but   are  only  in  apposition  on    the  ventral 

edge,  where  they  were  undoubtedly  capable  of  dehiscence  for 
the  protrusion  of  the  appendages.  This  is  the  most  primitive 
genus  of  the  group.     Ordovician  to  Devonian. 

Family  2.     Turrilepadidae  Clarke. 

Body  ivith  four  to  six  vertical  columns  of  triangular  plates, 
two  of  the  columns  being  small,  accessory  and  sometimes  much 
modified  in  shape.      Gaiidal  plate  patelliform,  axial. 

Turrilepas     Woodw.     (Plumulites  a  b 

Barr.)  (Fig.    1438).       Body  elongate- 
Silurian  ;    Rociiester,    New   conical  with   four  to   six  columns  of 

lork.       Jjorsal,    lateral    and 

ventral  views.  large    triangular    overlapping    scales, 

some  of  which  are  keeled  in  the 
middle.  Besides  having  concentric  striae,  the  surface  may  be 
radially  lined  or  punctated.  Cambrian  (?)  to  Upper  Devonian. 
Strobilepis  Clarke.  Composed  of  four  columns  of  over- 
lapping plates,  two  of  which  are  of  large  and  eqnal  size. 
Of  the  other  two  intervening  columns,  one  consists  of  a 
few  very  small  plates,  and  the  other  is  modified  into  a  series 
of  grooved  sj^ines  which  appear  to  overlap  one  another  at 
their  bases,  and  to  lie  opposite  the  column  of  small  plates, 

Fid.  1437. 
Lepidocolcns  Hnrhi    Clarke. 

Fig.  143S. 

Caudal    extremity   terminated    by   a   circular,    conical,   axial   England.    A,  Compiet 
plate,  against  the  sides  of  which  lies  the  first  plate  in  each    putes,' enlarged '(after' 

column.     Middle  Devonian. 

TurriUpas  imghtianus  de 
Koninck.     Silurian  ;  Dudley, 
,e  indi- 

Family  3.     Lepadidae  Darwin.     (Goose  Barnacles). 

Shell  pedunculated,  composed  mainly  of  the  paired  terga  and  scuta,  the  impaired 
carina,  and  a  variable  number  of  small  calcareous  plates,  some  of  which  cover  the 
flexible  peduncle ;  others  take  part  in  the  capitulum.  The  calcareous  plates  are  never 

Archaeolepas  Zittel  (Fig.    1439).      Peduncle  flattened,  the  two  principal  surfaces 

FlO.  1439. 

Archaeolepas  •  redten- 
hachcri  (Opp.).  Litlio- 
graphic  Stone  ;  Ke!- 
heim,  Bavaria.  Vi-  'i 
Carina  ;  li,  Rostrum  ; 
S,  Scutum  ;  T,  Tergum. 

Fl(i.  1440. 

A,  Loricula  laevisHma  Zitt. 
Senonian  ;  Dulinen,  West- 
phalia. Vi-  B,  C,  Loru-uta 
syriaca  Dames.  Cenomanian  ; 
Lebanon.     Vi  'I'l'l  "h- 

Fig.  1441. 

Scalfiellum  gallicum 
Hebert.  Upper  Cretace- 
ous ;  Meudon,  near  Paris. 
2/,  (after  Hubert). 

with  four  to  six,  the  narrow  sides  with  two  columns  of  small  scales.  The  capitulum 
is  composed  of  triangular  scuta,  two  large  trapezoidal  terga,  a  short  unpaired  carina, 
and  a  minute  rostrum.     Upper  Jura  to  Lower  Cretaceous. 

Loricula  Sowb.  (Fig.    1440).        Peduncle  squamous.     Capitulum  with  two  scuta, 
two  terga,  four  lateralia  and  a  very  narrow  carina.     Cretaceous. 




Pollicipes  Leach  (Polylepas  Blainv.).       Capitulum  composed  of  numerous  (eighteen 
to  one  hundred)  plates,  among  which  the  scuta,  terga,  rostrum  and  carina  are  dis- 

ci       u 

Fig.  1442. 

Capituhim  of  Scalpellum  fossulum  Darwin. 
Upper  Cretaceous ;  Norwich,  B^ngland.  s/j. 
C,  Carina ;  L,  Laterale  superius  (upper  latus) ; 
R,  Rostrum  ;  S,  Scutum  ;  T,  Tergum  ;  cl, 
Carino  -.latus  ;  il,  Infra  -  median  latus  ;  rl, 
Rostral  latus  ;  sc,  Sub-carina  ;  sr,  Sub-rostrum 
(after  Darwin). 

Fig.  1443. 

Scalpellum  fossidumDavvim. 
Upper  Cretaceous ;  England. 
Carina  much  enlarged  (after 

Fig.  1444. 

Lepas  anatifera  Linn. 
Recent;  Mediterranean.  C, 
Carina  ;  P,  Peduncle  ;  S, 
Scutum ;  T,  Tergum. 

Lateralia    generally  in   two  columns.      Peduncle   mem- 

UpiJer    Jura    to    Recent.      Doubtfully  recorded   from 

tinguishable   by  their   size, 
branous    with   minute  scales, 
the  Silurian. 

Squama,  Stramentum  Logan.      Upj)er  Cretaceous  (Niobrara) ;  Kansas. 

Scalpellum  Leach  (Figs.  1441-1443).  Capitulum  with  twelve  to  fifteen  pieces. 
Terga  and  scuta  much  larger  than  in  Pollicipes  and  of 
very  characteristic  form.  Carina  narrow,  long,  with 
arched  surface.  Peduncle  covered  with  fine  scales, 
rarely  naked.  Cretaceous  to  Recent,  and  doubtfully 
recorded  from  the  Silurian. 

LejMS  Linn.  (Fig.  1444).  Peduncle  naked. 
Capitulum  consisting  of  only  two  very  large  tri- 
angular scuta,  two  small  terga,  and  a  single  carina. 
Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Poecilasma    Darwin.       Capitulum     consisting     of  Fig.  1445. 

three,  five  or  seven  pieces.      Carina  extending  only  to      BrachyUpas  naissanti  (Hebert)  (= 
base    of    the    terga,    the    latter    sometimes    wanting.    ^r1utS,s"ttSmr'^ScxS- 

Scuta  sub-oval.       Tertiary  and  Recent,  ;,  upper  latus ;  f,  tergum  ;c,  carina  ;  t.s 

imbricating  plates.   Vi  (after  W  ithers). 

Family  4.     Brachylepadidae  H.  Woodward, 

Shell  sessile,  loith  a  large  number  of  plates,  the  arrangement  of  which  indicates  a 
transition  from  the  Lepadidae  towards  the  Balanidae. 

The  single  known  genus  Brachylepas   H.   Woodward  (Fig.    1445)  occurs  in  the 
Upper  Senonian  of  England  and  the  continent  of  Europe. 




Family  5.     Verrucidae  Darwin. 

Shells  sessile  and  composed  of  six  pieces.      Of  the  scuta  and  terga  only  those  of  one 
side  are  free  the  others  being  fused  ivith  the  rostrum  or  carina. 

The  solitary  genus  Verruca  Schum.,  ranges  from  the  Cretaceous  to  Recent. 

Family  6.      Balanidae  Darwin.      (Acorn  Barnacles). 

Shell  ohtusehj  conical,  circular  or  oval  in  cross  section,  with  broad,  often  calcareous 
and  cellular  base;  composed  of  foiir  to  ten  ^'-  compartments"  more  or  less  completely  fused 

at  their  sides,   and  tivo  pairs  of  free  terga  and  scuta 
which  close  the  upper  aperture  like  an  operculum. 

Of  the  lateral  plates  which  compose  the  crown- 
shaped  immovable  test,  two  are  designated  as  carina 

Pic.  1440. 

Diagram  of  the  shell  of  Balanus.  B, 
Basis  ;  C,  Carina  ;  CL,  Carino  -  lateral 
oompartinent ;  L,  Lateral  compartment ; 
It,  Rostrum  ;  KL,  Rostro-lateral  com- 
partment. Eacli  valve  or  "  compart- 
ment "  consists  of  a  central  ' '  paries  "  (p) 
flanked  by  " alae "  (ri)  or  "radii  "  (/■). 

...  OG 

Fig.  1447. 

Scutini)  and  tergum  of  Bakmus.  A,  External  aspect  of  tergum, 
showing  "spur"  below  and  "beak"  above.  £',  Internal  view  of 
scutum,  showing  muscular  scar  {li).  C,  Internal  view  of  tergum 
(after  Darwin). 

and  rostrum,  the  pieces  lying  between  and  occurring  in  pairs  being  called  lateralia.     If 
^  J,  additional     plates    are     inserted 

among  the  lateralia,  they  are 
termed  according  to  their  position 
rostro-  or  carino  -  lateralia.  The 
scuta  and  terga  lie  free  on  the 
Irnck  of  the  animal,  and  in  fossil 
forms  are  generally  lost.  They 
have  a  very  characteristic  form, 
and  hence  are  of  great  systematic 
imiJortance.  Since  among  fossil 
species,  however,  only  the  mar- 
ginal plates  are  for  the  most  part 
preserved,  the  determination  of 
their  structural  characters  is  often 
quite  uncertain. 

Balanus    Lister   (Figs.    1446- 
1449).       Shell    low,    conical    or 

cylindrical,  composed  of  six  pieces.     Opercular  plates  sub-triangular  ;  base  membranous 

or  calcareous.      Eocene  to  Recent. 

Protobalanus  Whitf.     Affinities  doubtful.     Composed  of  twelve  jslates,  of  which 

the  carina  is  the  largest ;  rostrum  small,  lateralia  in  five  pairs,  fused  only  near  the 

base.     Middle  Devonian. 

Acasta  Leach.     Sliell  composed  of  six  solid  pieces.     Base  calcareous,  cuii-.sha])ed  ; 

epizoic  on  Sponges  and  Alcj^onarians.     Pliocene  and  Recent. 

Fig.  1448. 

Balanus  coneavus  Broun.     Crag;  Sutton,  England.     .1,  Shell. 
iJ,  Tergum.     r,  Scutum.    Vi  (after  Darwin). 




Pyrgoma  Leach  {Creusia  Blainv.).  Shell  formed  of  a  single  piece.  Base  cui3- 
shaped  or  sub- cylindrical ;  epizoic  on  Corals.  Lower  Devonian  (?).  Tertiary  and 

Palaeocreusia  Clarke  (Fig.  1450).  Affinities  doubtful.  Shell  in  one  jiiece,  with 
a  deep  cylindrical  base  ;  ejjizoic  on  corals.     Lower  Devonian. 

Coronula  Lara.     Composed  of  six  lateralia,  with  thin,  deeply  folded  walls  dividing 


Fio.  1449. 
Balanus  pictus  Miinst.     Miocene  ;  Dischingen,  Wiirtemberg. 

Pio.  1450. 

Palaeocreusia  devoniea  Clarke. 
Embedded  in  Farositc>:.  Middle  De- 
vonian (Onondaga  limestone)  ;  Le 
Roy,  New  York. 

the  interior  space  into  chambers  which  open  at  the  lower  side  of  the  shell.  Base 
membranous  ;  epizoic  on  whales.      Pliocene  to  Recent. 

Ghthamalus  Ranz.  (Euraphia  Conrad).  Shell  depressed,  composed  of  six  pieces. 
Base  membranous.      Cretaceous,  Miocene  and  Recent. 

Pachylasma  Darwin.  Shell  in  the  young  with  eight  pieces,  which  afterwards  become 
six,  or  by  coalescence  of  the  lateralia  are  apparently  reduced  to  four.  Base  calcareous. 
Pliocene  to  Recent. 

Superorder  5.     MALACOSTRACA  Latreille. 

Eucmstacea  having,  in  Recent  forms,  typically  fourteen  (^rarely  fifteen)  body- 
somites  besides  the  telson.  All  the  somites  (except  the  fifteenth)  bear  appendages 
which  are  differentiated  into  two  groups,  a  thoracic  of  eight  and  an  abdominal  of 
six  pairs. 

The  classification  of  the  Malacostraca  has  undergone  considerable  modifi- 
cations at  the  hands  of  zoologists  within  recent  years,  and  further  research  is 
necessary  before  some  of  the  fossil  forms  can  be  assigned  to  their  proper 
places  in  the  newer  arrangements. 

The  basis  of  the  new  classification  is  the  recognition  of  the  fact  that  what 
has  been  called  the  "  caridoid  facies "  is  a  common  inheritance  from  the 
primitive  stock  of  the  Malacostraca  (possibly  excepting  the  Phyllocarida), 
and  does  not  imply  close  affinity  between  the  various  groups  presenting  it. 
The  chief  characters  that  go  to  make  up  this  facies  are  the  stalked  eyes,  the 
scale-like  exopodite  of  the  antenna,  the  thoracic  carapace,  the  natatory 
exopodites  of  the  thoracic  limbs,  the  large  and  ventrally  flexed  abdomen, 
and  the  "  tail-fan  "  formed  by  the  uropods  and  telson.  The  group  "  Schizo- 
poda "  has  long  served  as  a  receptacle  for  primitive  forms  possessing  these 
characters,  and  its  dismemberment  into  the  three  orders,  Anaspidacea, 
Mysidacea  and  Euphausiacea,  is  attended  by  the  inconvenience  that  the 
characters  distinguishing  these  orders  are  but  rarely  to  be  discovered  in 

748  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

Following  is  the  scheme  of  classification  here  adopted  : — 

Series  I.  Leptostraca. 

Division  A.  Phyllocarida. 
Order  Nebaliacea. 

Series  II.  Eumalacostraca. 

Division  A.  Syncarida. 
Order  Anaspidacea. 

Division  B.  Peracarida. 

Order   1.  Mysidacea. 

„       2.  Cumacea. 

,,       3.  Tanaidacea. 

„       4.  Isopoda. 

5.  Amphipoda 


Division  C.  Eucarida. 

Order   1.   Euphausiacea. 
„       2.   Decapoda. 

Division  D.  Hoplocarida. 
Order  Stomatopoda. 

Series  I.    LEPTOSTRACA  Glaus. 
Division  A.    PHYLLOCARIDA  Packard.' 

Order  1.   NEBALIACEA  Caiman. 

Abdomen  of  seven  somites  (in  the  Recent  forms),  the  last  of  which  is  without 
appendages,  and  a  telson  hearing  a  pair  of  movable  f ureal  rami.      Carapace  present, 

1  Literature :  Salter,  J.  W. ,  On  some  new  Fossil  Crustacea,  etc.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1856-62, 
vols,  xii.,  xix. — -On  New  Silurian  Crustacea.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1860,  vol.  v. — Hall,  J., 
Palaeontology  of  New  York,  18,59,  vol.  iii.— 16th  Ann.  Kept.  N.Y.  State  Cabinet  Nat.  Hist.,  1863. 
—  Woodward,  //.,  On  a  new  Genus  of  Phyllopodous  Crustacea.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1866, 
vol.  .xxii.— Geol.  Mag.,  1872,  1882,  1885.— C'/«)fs,  C,  Ueber  den  Ban  und  die  systeniatische 
Stellung  von  Nebalia.  Zeitschr.  wissenscli.  Zool.,  1873,  vol.  xxii. — tJber  den  Organismus  der 
Nebaliden.  Arb.  zool.  Inst.  Wien,  1888,  vol.  viii. — Barrande,  J.,  Systeme  Silurien  du  centre  de 
la  Bohenie,  I.  Suppl.,  1872. — Etheridge,  R.,  On  Dithyrocaris  andAntluapalaemon  in  Scotland.  Quart. 
Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1879,  vol.  xxxv.  — Whitfield,  li.  P.,  Notice  of  new  Forms  of  Fossil  Crustacea, 
etc.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1880,  vol.  xix. — Clarke,  J.  J/.,  New  Phyllopod  Crustacea  from  the 
Devonian.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.,  1882,  vol.  xxiii. — New  Discoveries  in  Devonian  Crustacea.  Ibid.,  1883, 
vol.  XXV. — Ueber  deutsche  oberdevonische  Crustaceeu.  Neues  Jahrb.,  1884,  vol.  i. — On  the 
Structure  of  the  Carapace  in  Rhinocaris,  etc.  Amer.  Nat.,  1893,  vol.  xxvii. — 14tli  Rept.  State 
Geol.  N.Y.  I.,  1898. — Beecher,  G.  E.,  Ceratiocarida,  from  the  Upper  Devonian  Measures.  2nd  Geol. 
Surv.  Penn.  Rept.  PPP,  1884. — Tdem,  Revision  of  the  Pliyllocarida  from  the  Chemung  and  Waverly 
Groups  of  Pennsylvania.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1902,  vol.  Iviii. — Tones,  T.  li.,  and  Woodioard, 
H.,  Various  Papers  in  Geol.  Mag.,  1884-94,  and  Reports  l-12of  Comm.  on. Fossil  Phyllopoda,  Brit. 
Assoc.  Adv.   Sci.,   1883  95. — Nurdk,   0.,  Remarques  sur  le  genre  Aristozoe.     Sitzungsber.  bohm. 


with  a  movably  articulated  rostral  plate.  Eyes  pedunculate  ;  thoracic  limbs  foliaceous  ; 
no  brood-plates  (oostegites) ;  first  four  pairs  of  abdominal  limbs  biramous,  last  two 
piairs  reduced. 

This  definition  is  based  on  the  characters  of  the  Recent  genus  Nebalia 
(Fig.  1452)  and  its  allies,  which  Packard  first  grouped  together  under  the 
name  Phyllocarida  with  the  fossils  described  below.  Many  of  the  fossils, 
however,  show  important  differences  from  the  Recent  genera  {e.g.  in  the 
number  of  abdominal  somites)  which  may  eventually  require  the  establishment 
of  new  orders  if  they  are  to  be  retained  within  the  division  of  Phyllocarida. 

Cephalic  appendages  have  not  been  satisfactorily  determined  in  any  fossil 
species,  although  traces  of  them  have  been  noticed  in  a  few  genera  (Cryptozoe, 
Ceratiocaris,  Bhinocaris).  In  the  absence  of  contrary  evidence  there  is  reason 
to  suppose  that  the  appendages  of  the  head,  thorax  and  abdomen  were 
after  the  type  of  Nebalia,  since  there  is  close  correspondence  in  the  form  of 
carapace,  rostrum  and  abdomen.  Owing  to  the  non-preservation  of  limbs, 
distinctions  within  the  group  are  based  principally  on  diff'erences  in  the 
structure  of  the  carapace,  and  in  number  of  body  -  segments.  Several 
fossil  genera  (Echinocaris,  Bhinocaris,  Mesothyra)  bear 
a  distinct  optic  node  or  pit,  suggesting  a  sessile 
simple  eye  in  contradistinction  to  the  stalked  facetted 
eye  of  Nebalia.  In  these  genera,  also,  large  cuspidate 
masticatory  organs  (Fig.  1451)  have  been  found, 
which  were  apparently  attached  only  by  means  of 
muscles ;  these  are  compared  by  H.  Woodward  with 
the  gastric  teeth  of  the  lobster.  From  the  Middle 
Cambrian  of  British  Columbia  Walcott  has  described 
wonderfully  preserved  specimens  of  Phyllocarida 
(new  species    of  Hymenocaris,  etc.)  showing    append-  fig.  1451. 

ages,     which    will    probably    repay    more    detailed      Gastric  teeth  of  EcUnocans 

,  •       ,  •  punctata    Hall.       Hamilton  : 

investigation.  Pratfs  Fails,  New  York.     %. 

Suborder  A.     NEBALIINA  Clarke. 

Carapace  folded,  univalved  and  rostrate. 

Family   1.     Nebaliidae  Baird. 

Cephalic  appendages  five,  thoracic  eight,  abdominal  eight,  terminating  in  two  caudal 
spines.     No  metamorphosis;  development  direct. 

Nebalia   Leacli   (Fig.    1452).      Represented  by  a  few   marine   species   inhabiting 
shallow  waters.     Paranehalia  and  NebaUopsis  are  also  Recent  and  marine. 

Akad.  Wissens.,  1885. — Ibid.,  1886. — On  Occurrence  of  a  New  Form  of  Discinocaris  in  Bohemia. 
Geol.  Mag.,  1892,  dec.  3,  vol.  ix. — Sars,  G.  0.,  Report  on  the  Phyllocarida  (Leptostraca).  Kept, 
Challenger  Expedition,  1887,  vol.  xix. — Hall,  J.  and  Clarke,  J.  AL,  Palaeontology  of  New  York, 
1888,  vol.  vii. — Whitfield,  R.  P.,  New  Genus  of  Phyllocaridae.  Bull.  Airier.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist., 
1896,  vol.  V\n.^Jones,  T.  R.,  and  Woodvxt7-d,  H.,  Monograph  of  the  British  Palaeozoic  Pliyllopoda 
(Phyllocarida,  Packard),  Part  iii.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1898. — Clarke,  J.  M.,  Some  Devonic  and 
Siluric  Phyllocarida  from  New  York.  54th  Ann.  Kept.  N.Y.  State  Mus.,  1900  (1902).  — Tr«/co«, 
C.  B.,  Middle  Cambrian  BranchioiDoda,  Malacostraca,  Trilobita  and  Merostomata.  Smithson, 
Misc.  Coll.  1912,  vol.  Ivii.  No.  6. 




Suborder  B.     HYMENOCARINA  Clarke. 

Nebalia-like forms  toith  folded  univalved  carapace;  rostrum  wanting (1). 

Family   1.     Hymenocaridae  Salter. 

Body  with  eight  to  nine  thoracic  and  abdominal  seginents,  and  six  caudal  spines  in 
three  fairs. 

Hymenocaris  Salter  (Fig.  1453).      Carapace  narrow  in  front,  very  broad  posteriorly, 
convex  ;  surface  smooth  or  faintly  lined.      Cambrian  ;  Wales  and  British  Columbia. 

Fig.  1452. 
Nebalia  geoffruyi  M.  Bdw.     Recent ;  Mediterranean.    «/i. 

Fig.  1453. 

Hymenocaris  vennicauda  Salter. 
Uppei'  Cambrian  ;  Dolgelly,  Wales. 
i/i  (after  Salter). 

Several  peculiar  genera  described  by  Walcott  under  the  names  of  Hurdia,  Tuzoia, 
Odaraict,  Fieldia  and  Garnarvonia,  from  the  Middle  Cambrian  of  British  Columbia, 
are  doubtfully  referred  to  this  family. 

Suborder  C.     CERATIOCARINA  Clarke. 

Carapace  bivalved,  with  a  median  symphysis  and  a  free  rostrum. 

Family   1.     Ceratiocaridae  Salter. 

Carapace  pod-shaped,  smooth  and  without  eye-nodes. 

Geratiocaris  M'Coy  {Entomocaris  Whitf.)  (Fig.  1454).     Valves  of  carapace  elongate, 

sub-ovate  or  sub-quadrate, 
^^  narrow     in     front,     sub- 

VX*    truncate,     but     not     in- 
j    Bi^^   curved  behind.      Surface 
without  nodes  or  carinae. 
''tt    Antennae  (?)  obscure;  suj)- 
posed  gastric  teeth  large, 
cuspidate.       Rostrum 
lanceolate.        Body      seg- 
ments fourteen   or  more. 
Fig.  1454.  four   to   sBvcn   extending 

Cemtiocaris  papiUo  Salter.  Ordovician  ;  Ijanark-  lieyond  the  carapace,  SOme 
sliiie.  rt,  Traces  of  antennules  (?);  m,  Toothed  plates,  f  flipiii  witli  nh^pnrp 
possibly  the  mandibles  ;   r,   Rostral  J.late.      l/j  (after    °^      U^e^n      A\  llil       ODhCUre 

H.  Woodward).  branchial      ajjpendages 

(uropods).  Telson  long, 
spinose  on  the  edges  ;  two  lateral  appendages  or  cercopods.  Abundant  in  Ordovician 
and  Silurian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 




Cardiolites  Nicli.     Supposed  tracks  of  Geratiocaris  (?).     Silurian  ;  Scotland. 

Garyocaris  Salter.  Carapace  smootli,  narrow,  sub-acute  in  front,  thick.  Abdomen 
unknown- ;  caudal  plate  with  three  spines.      Cambrian  ;  Wales. 

Physocaris  Salter.  Carapace  bladder-shaped,  pointed  in  front,  bivalved  (?),  smooth. 
Abdomen  smooth  ;  telson  longer  than  the  cercopods.     Silurian. 

Lingulocaris,  Saccocaris  Salter.  Very  imperfect  remains  of  Crustacean  bodies. 
Lingula  Flags  ;  Wales. 

Acanthocaris  Peach.  Carapace  small,  with  a  blunt  snout  in  front ;  surface  smooth. 
Body  segments  numerous,  seven  exposed  beyond  the  carapace.  Telson  long  ;  cercopods 
short  or  rudimentary.      Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Scotland. 

Xijthidiocaris  Jones  and  Woodw.  (emend.).  Known  only  by  its  long  curved  blade- 
like telson.      Silurian  (Ludlow) ;  England.      (A",  ensis  Salter.) 

Gryptozoe  Packard.  Carapace  smooth,  broadly  rounded  in  front ;  imperfectly 
known.  Coal  Measures  ;  Illinois.  (C.  problematicus  Packard).  Probably  congeneric 
with  the  Carboniferous  species  named  Geratiocaris  oretonensis  and  C.  truncata  Woodw., 
in  which  traces  of  four  cephalic  appendages  have  been  found. 

Golpocaris  Meek.  Carapace  smooth,  with  deep  anterior  marginal  sinus  and  sharp 
extremity.     Caudal  plate  with  three  .spines.      Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Kentucky. 

Strigocaris   Vogdes    (Solenocaris    Meek).       Carapace   narrow    and    elongate,    with 
longitudinally    striated    surface ;    very    imperfectly    known. 
Lower  Carboniferous ;  Kentucky. 

Nothozoe  Barrande.  Doubtfully  assigned  here.  Ordovi- 
cian  ;  Bohemia. 

Phasganocaris  Noviik.,  Known  only  from  the  abdomen 
and  telson.  Last  segment  long,  cylindrical,  with  strong 
articulation.  Telson  articulated  to  the  cercopods  by  dee]> 
sockets ;  edges  spinose.  Surface  scaly.  Lower  Devonian  ; 

Macrocaris  Miller.  Carapace  valves  very  narrow  in 
front,  broad  behind,  strongly  lineate.  Body  segments 
numerous.      Lower  Carboniferous  ;  Kentucky. 

Family  2.      Echinocaridae  Clarke. 

Garapace  elongate  or  oval,  with  nodes  {r)iuscular  or  seg- 
mental) in  the  cejyhalic  region,  one  of  which  in  each  valve 
may  he  ocular  hut  hears  no  optic  pit;  one  or  more  lateral 
,i,u,,,  carinae     usually    present. 

•^Uii/j^^  A   free  rostrum   has   been 

observed  in  some  genera. 

Echinocaris  Whitf. 
(Figs.  1451,  1455).  Hinge 
short,  carapace  sub  -  oval, 
broad  in  front,  not  in- 
curved behind,  no  postero- 
lateral spinules ;    a  single 

sigmoid  carina  on  each  valve,  sometimes  a  small 
accessory  ridge  near  the  hinge.  Surface  punctate 
and  pustulose,  no  longitudinal  striations.  Of  the 
body  segnifints,  six  are  ex^aosed  and  bear  small 
spines  on  their  surface  and  posterior  margins. 
icarishorrijiiiata  Clarke,  cheimmg  Telson  and  cercopods  are  spines  of  imequal  size. 
Alfred,    New    York       Vi    (after    M^rl^qi^  a^^  TT^..^,.  n^,.«,.,-o,.  •    xr^,.fL    A».o^i.a 

Fig.  1455. 

Echinocaris  punctata  (Hall). 
Hamilton  Group;  Pratt's  Falls, 
New  York,    i/i  (after  Beecher). 

Fig.  1456. 

Group  ; 

Middle  and  Upper  Devonian  ;  North  America. 

752  AETHROPODA  phylum  vii 

Pephricaris  Clarke  (Fig.  1456).  Carapace  as  in  the  last,  but  without  the  lateral 
carinae.  Margins  provided  with  a  single  row  of  long  recurving  spines.  Three  or 
four  abdominal  segments  protrude  beyond  the  carapace,  the  last  two  having  a  single 
pair  of  long  sjiines.      Ujiper  Devonian  ;  New  York. 

Aristozoe  Barr.  (Bactrojms  Barr.).  Carapace  with  cephalic  node  well  developed, 
but  without  lateral  carinae.  But  one  abdominal  segment  known,  and  this  is  very- 
long,  cylindrical,  with  an  intricate  hinge  at  the  articulation  with  the  caudal  spines. 
Telson  a  long  spine  with  a  row  of  spinules  on  each  lateral  edge.  Novak  has  shown 
that  of  Barrande's  three  species,  Aristozoe  regina,  Bactropus  longipes  and  Geratiocaris 
dehilis,  the  first  rej^resents  the  carapace,  the  second  the  last  abdominal  segment,  and 
the  third  the  telson  of  one  form,  A.  regina.  Devonian  ;  Bohemia.  Species  referred 
to  the  same  genus  have  been  described  from  the  Cambrian  of  North  America  and 
Devonian  of  Germany  and  Russia. 

Orozoe  and  Callizoe  Barrande  are  presumably  allied  to  Aristozoe,  Silurian ; 
Bohemia.     Zonozoe  Barr.  and  Solenocaris  Young  are  not  Crustaceans. 

Eleutherocaris  Clarke.  Carapace  elongate-subc^uadrate,  truncate  in  front,  incurved 
behind ;  rostrate  (?).  Broad,  obscure  nodes  in  the  cephalic  region  ;  lateral  carinae 
single,  anterior  and  very  short.  Body  segments  unknown ;  caudal  plate  with  a 
slender  telson  and  cercopods  of  equal  length.  Surface  of  all  known  parts  more  or  less 
strongly  tuberculated.     Upper  Devonian  ;  New  York. 

Ptychocaris  Novak.  Valves  elongate-subquadrate,  posterior  margin  sloping  or 
slightly  incurved.  Ceijhalic  region  with  a  cluster  of  small  nodes  in  front,  and  two 
larger  nodes  behind.  Lateral  region  with  a  single  long  sigmoid  carina.  Surface 
striated  with  raised  longitudinal  lines.  Abdomen  and  tail  unknown.  Lower 
Devonian  ;  Bohemia. 

Elymocaris  Beecher.  Surface  of  carapace  evenly  convex,  smooth,  without  lateral 
carina ;  hinge  line  long ;  posterior  margin  convex ;  cephalic 
nodes  obscure  ;  rostrum  not  observed.  Abdomen  with  two  ex- 
posed segments  ;  caudal  plate  short,  with  broad  convex,  rapidly 
tapering  telson  and  two  cercopods,  setigerous  on  their  inner 
margins.  Middle  Devonian ;  New  York.  Upper  Devonian ; 

Tropidocaris  Beecher  (Fig.  1457).      Carapace  with  truncate 
posterior    margins ;    ocular    node   well    defined,    other   cephalic 
nodes  obscure ;    rostrum  narrow  and  ridged  ;  surface  of  valves 
Fi(i.  1457.  with  several  strong  longitudinal  carinae.     Abdomen  with  two 

Trojndocans  hicarmata   exposed    segments,    which     are    sub -cylindrical    and    without 

Beecher.         Chemung         .  .  "^ 

Group ;    Warren,    Penn.    spinules.      Upper  Devonian  and   Lower  Carboniferous ;    Penn- 

Carapace  and  rostrum,    i/i    qvlvania 
(after  Hall  and  Clarke).         syivania. 

Emmelezoe  Jones  and  Woodw.  Valves  of  carapace  elongate, 
narrow,  and  with  distinct  ocular  node  ;  other  cephalic  nodes  wanting.  Surface  with 
fine  longitudinal  raised  striae.     Abdomen  unkno-wii.     Sihtrian. 

Suborder  D.     RHINOCARINA  Clarke. 

Carapace  with  a  free  rostrum  and  narroio  median  dorsal  plate  separated  from  the 
valves  by  a  straight  or  slightly  curving  hinge  at  each  side.  Ocular  nodes  clearly  defined, 
with  a  distinct  optic  pit  at  the  summit. 

Family  1.     Rhinocaridae  Clarke. 

Valves  articulated  by  interlocking  at  the  single  point  ivhere  they  come  in  contact. 
Abdominal  segments  two  to  three.     Posterior  margin  of  carapace  concave  and  spined. 




Rhinocaris  Clarke  (Fig.  1458).  Carapace  smooth,  with  fine  raised  longitudinal 
striae ;  divergent,  branching  furrows  radiating  backward  from  the  eyes.  Lateral 
carina  very  faint.  Abdomen  with  two  or  three  free  segments,  the  last  much  longer 
than  the  others  ;    all  diagonally  striated  or  chevroned.     Caudal  plate  with  a  broad 

Fig.  1458. 

Rhinocaris  columbina  Clarke.  Ham- 
ilton Group ;  Canandaigua  Lake,  New 
York.  .-1,  E,  Dorsal  and  lateral  views  of 
animal.  B,  D,  Same  of  rostrum,  en- 
larged.    C,  Median  plate,  enlarged. 

Fig.  1459  bis. 

Mesothyra  oceatii  Hall.  Portage  Group 
(Upper  Devonian) ;  Ithaca,  New  York.  A, 
Eye.    B,  Hinge  of  right  valve,    i/j. 

Fig.  1459. 

Mesothyra oceani  HaU.  Upper  Devonian;  New 
York.  Reconstruction  of  carapace  and  abdomen. 
1/2  (after  Hall  and  Clarke). 

telson  and   two  long   and   slender   cercopods  fimbriated   on    their   margins.      Middle 
Devonian ;  New  York. 

Mesothyra  Hall  and  Clarke  (Fig.  1459).  Carapace  large,  valves  distinctly  inter- 
locking at  point  of  contact.  Lateral  carinae  strong,  crenulated  at  the  summit. 
Abdomen  with  two  broad,  exposed  segments.  Telson  shorter  than  the  cercopods, 
the  latter  setigerous.     Upper  Devonian  ;  New  York. 

Dithyrocaris  Scouler  {Argas  Scouler).  Very  similar  in  aspect  to  Mesothyra, 
with  the  junction  line  of  the  valves  overlapped  by  a  (free  ?)  rugose  ridge  or  narrow 
interstitial  plate.  Rostrum  not  observed.  Devonian  and  Carboniferous  ;  Scotland. 
Rachura  Scudder,  known  only  from  the  abdomen  and  telson,  is  probably  allied  to 
Dithyrocaris.      Carboniferous ;  Illinois. 

Chaenocaris  Jones  and  W.  Carapace  valves  with  a  very  strong  lateral  ridge  and 
without  posterior  spine.      Carboniferous  ;  Scotland  and  Belgium. 

VOL.  I 

3  c 




Suborder  E.     DISCINOCARINA  Clarke. 

Sub-circular  or  oval  shields  with  a  triangular  rostrum  filling  an  anterior  notch. 
Surface  ornamented  with  raised- concentric  lines.     Substance  chitinous. 

Family  1.     Discinocaridae  AVoodward. 
Test  convex,  sometimes  mesially  ridged ;  in  a  single  piece. 

Discinocaris  Woodw.  Shield  sub-circular,  rostral  notch  and  rostrum  angular. 
Abdominal  segments  and  caudal  spines  have  been  referred  to  this 
genus  by  Jones  and  Woodward.  Silurian  ;  Great  Britain, 

Aspidocaris  Reuss.  Similar  to  Disrinocaris.  Raibl  Beds 
(UpiJer  Trias) ;  Hallstadt. 

Dipterocaris  Clarke  (Fig.  1460).  Shield  with  a  deep  posterior 
notch,  sliorter  than  the  anterior  or  rostral  notch.  Sides  of  shield 
sloping.     Silurian  ;  Scotland.      Ui^per  Devonian  ;  New  York. 

Fig.  14(50. 

Diptfivcaris  ivtustus 
d'Aich.  and  Verii.  Pe- 
vonian  ;  Eifel.     i/j. 

Peltocaris  Salter. 
Abdomen  unknown. 

Family  2.      Peltocaridae  Salter. 

notch    and    plate. 

A  numbei' 

Shields  mesially  sutured. 

Circular    shields    with    a   rounded    rostral 
Ordovician  ;  Great  Britain. 
Apityrhopsis  Barr.  (Fig.  1461).      Like  Peltocaris,  but  with   the 
rostral  notch  angular.      Silurian  ;  Bohemia  and  Great  Britain. 

Pinnocaris  Etheridge.      Similar  to  Dipterocaris,  but  bivalved. 
Ordovician  ;  Scotland.      (P.  lapirorthi  Etheridge  jun.) 

Fki.  1461. 

AptyrhopsU       j)7'i))i«.s 
Addendum.  '^arr.     ordovician  (D) ; 

Branik,    Bulipniia.       l/i 
„  .  .  ^       ,.  .       _,.        -  ,„,-,>      (af'tei- Bai'Kin(]e). 

ot  generic  names,  sucJi   as   vardiocaris  (rig.  1462), 

Ellipsocaris,  Pltoladocaris  Woodward,  and  Sputhiocaris  Clarke, 
have  l^een  applied  to  Devonian  fossils  whicli  closely  resemble  the 
Silurian  Discinocaris,  of  whose  Crustacean  nature  there  seems  to 
be  110  doubt.  Some  of  these  l)odies,  however  (Garcliocaris),  have 
been  found  in  the  living  chamber  of  Goniatites  {G.  intumescens), 
and  have  undoubtedly  served  as  opercula  or  aptychi  of  these 
Cejahalopods ;  of  others  the  nature  is  not  fully  understood. 
Lisgocaris  Clarke  is  not  a  Crustacean  ;  Gryptocaris  Barrande  is 
})robably  the  operculum  of  a  Hyolithoid ;  Myocaris  Salter  is 
stated  to  be  a  Pelecypod ;  Proricaris  Baily  was  founded  on 
parts  of  Geratiocaris ;  Grescentilla  and  Pterocaris  Barrande  are 
doubtfully  Crustacean. 

Fia.  1462. 

Vardiocaris  (Anajiti/- 
rhns?)  rocmeri  Woodw. 
Upper  Devonian  ; 
Blidesheini,  Eifel.     Vi- 

Series  11.    EUMALACOSTRACA  Grobben. 

Abdomen  of  six  somites,  all  of  which  may  hear  appendages,  and  a  telson  ivhich 
never  bears  movable  furcal  rami.  Thoracic  limbs  rarely  all  similar,  fi/picalhj 

The  remains  of  Crustacea  presenting  the  primitive  "  caridoid  fades,"  as 
described  above,  occur  in  the  Carboniferous,  and  it  may  be  that  the  Eumala- 
costraca   had   their   origin  in   that  epoch.     If    certain   Devonian   fossils   are 




correctly  assigned  to  the   Isopoda,  however,  the  origin   of    the  series  must 
have  been  considerably  earlier. 


Division  A.     SYNCARIDA  Packard.' 

Order.     ANASPIDACEA  Caiman. 

Carapace  absent.     First  thoracic  somite  fused  with  the  head,  or  defined  therefrom 
by    a    groove.      Eyes    pednncidate    or 
sessile.      Thoracic   legs    typically    toith 
exopodites  ;  no  oostegites.     Uropods  and 
telson  forming  a  tail-fan. 

The  name  Syn- 
carida  was  applied 
by  Packard  to  a 
group  of  Carboni- 
ferous and  Per- 
mian Crustacea  of 
which  the  affinities 
long  remained  ob- 

Fig.  1463. 

Anaspides  tasmaniae  Thomson. 

The  dis- 
covery, in  the 
fresh  waters  of 
Tasmania  and 
Australia,  of  living  forms  with  similar  characters  has  thrown  a  new  light  on 

A       -  S 

Recent ;  Tasmanm.  Male,  3/,.,  "Cervical 
^n-oove "  ;  ii,  viii,  Second  and  eighth  thoracic  somites  ;  1,  6,  First  and  sixth  ab- 
dominal somitea  (after  Caiman). 

Fig.  14G4 

Palaeocaris  typus  Meek  and  Worthen.    Coal  Measures  ;  Illinois.     A,  Restoration  of  body,  omitting  eyes,  4/^. 

B,  Telson  and  uropods,  6/j  (after  Packard). 

the  subject,  and  reinvestigation  of  some  of  the  fossils  has  only  emphasised 
their  close  agreement  with  the  Recent  Anaspides  (Fig.  1463)  and  its  allies. 
Of    the    fossil    genera,    Palaeocaris    Meek    and    Worthen    (Praeanaspides 

1  Literature :  Jordan,  H. ,  and  Meyer,  H.  von,  Crustacean  der  Steinkohlenforniation  von 
Saarbriicken.  Palaeontogr. ,  1854,  vol.  iv. — Brocchi,  P.,  Note  sur  un  Crustace,  etc.  Bull.  Soc. 
Geol.  France,  1880,  ser.  3,  vol.  \m.— Packard,  A.  S.,  On  the  Syncarida,  etc.  Mem.  Nat.  Acad. 
Sci.  Washington,  1886,  vol.  iii. — Thovison,  G.  M.,  On  a  freshwater  Schizopod  from  Tasmania. 
Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  London  (2)  Zool.,  vi.,  1894. — Caiman,  W.  T.,  On  the  Genus  Anaspides,  etc. 
Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Edinburgh,  1896,  vol.  xxxviii.,  pt.  iv. — On  Pleurocaris,  etc.  Geol.  Mag., 
1911,  dee.  5,  vol.  viii. — Fritsch,  A.,  Fauna  der  Gaskohle,  1901,  vol.  iv.,  Heft  3,  Crustacea,  etc, 
—  Woodivard,  H.,  Some  Coal-measure  Crustaceans,  etc.  Geol.  Mag.,  1908,  dec.  5,  vol.  v. — 
Sayce,  0.  A.,  On  Koonunga  cursor,  etc.  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  London  (2)  Zool.,  xi.,  1908. — 
Smith,  G.,  On  the  Auaspidacea,  living  and  fossil.     Quart.  Journ.  Microsc.  Sci.,  1909,  vol.  liii. 




Woodward)  (Fig.  1464),  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  England  and  North 
America,  is  now  the  most  completely  known.  It  resembles  Anaspides  in 
general  form,  in  the  segmentation  of  the  body,  the  pedunculated  eyes,  the 
characters  of  antennules,  antennae,  and  even  of  the  minute  mouth-parts^  the 
exopodites  of  the  thoracic  legs,  and  the  form  of  the  tail-fan.  The  only 
important  difference  between  the  two,  apart  from  the  delicate  lamellar  gills 
which  could  hardly  be  looked  for  in  a  fossil,  is  the  presence  in  I'alaeocaris  of 
a  wedge-shaped  first  thoracic  somite,  which,  in  Anaspides,  is  fused  with  the 

Uronedes  Bronn  (Gampsonyx  Jordan  and  v.  Meyer)  (Fig.  1465),  from  the 
Lower    Permian    of    Saarbriicken,    resembles   Falaeocaris, 
but  has  one  of  the  anterior  pairs  of   legs  enlarged  and 
armed      with      spines.        Acanthotelson 
Meek    and    Worthen,    and    Pleurocaris 
Caiman,   from    the   Coal   Measures    of 
Illinois   and  of    England   respectively, 
have    the   first    thoracic    somite  fused 
with  the  head  and  may  perhaps  have 
no    thoracic    exopodites.     These    exo- 
podites are  also  stated  to  be  absent  in 
Gasocaris    Fritsch,    from    the    Permian 
Gaskohle    of   Bohemia.      Falaeorchestia 
Zittel     (Fig.     1466)     and     Nedotelson 
Fio.  1460  PaiMorcMstm  paraiieia  Brocchi,    are   less    Completely   known, 

Uronedes  fimhrtatus  (Fntsch).       Coal     Meas-  i       i     p    n         •  ^     ^      •  ■ 

(Jordan).         Rothlie-  iires ;  Lisek,  near  Beiann,     and     are     doubtfully     included     in     this 

gendes ;  Lebach,  Saxony.  Bohemia.      i/j   (after 

i/j.  Fritsch).  group. 

Fig.  1466. 

Division  B.     PERACARIDA  Caiman. 

Carapace,  when  present,  leaving  at  least  four  of  the  thoracic  somites  distinct  ; 
first  thoracic  somite  always  fused  with  the  head.  Eyes  pedxincidate  or  sessile. 
Oostegites  attached  to  some  or  all  of  the  thoracic  limbs  in  the  female,  forming  a  brood- 

Of  the  orders  included  in  this  division,  two,  the  Cumacea  and  Tanaidacea, 
are  unrepresented  in  the  fossil  state. 

Order  1.     MYSIDACEA  Boas.^ 

The  caridoid  fades  is  retained.  The  carapace  extends  over  the  greater  p)(^'>'t  of 
the  thoracic  region,  hut  does  not  coalesce  dorsally  with  more  than  three  of  the  thoracic 

Among  the  caridoid  forms  known  from  Carboniferous  rocks,  Pygocephalus 
Huxley,    from    the    English    Coal    Measures,    has    recently   been    shown    by 

^  Literature:  Sars,  G.  0.,  Report  on  the  Schizopoda.  Scient.  Results  Challenger  Exped., 
Zool.,  xiii.,  1885. — Salter,  J.  ]V.,  Higlier  Crustacea  from  British  Coal  Measures.  Quart.  Journ. 
Geol.  See,  1861,  vol.  xvii. — Etheridge,  R.,  Occurrence  of  Anthrapalaemon  in  Carboniferous  of 
Scotland.  Ibid.,  1877,  vol.  xxxiii. — Ortmann,  A.  E.,  The  Systematic  position  of  Crangopsis,  etc. 
Anier.  Journ.  Sci.,  1897,  ser.  4,  vol.  iv.  —  Woodioard,  //.,  On  i\\&  gewns  Pygocephabts,  etc.  Geol. 
Mag.,  1907,  ilec.  5,  vol.  iv. — Peach,  B.  N.,  Monograph  on  Higher  Crustacea  of  Carboniferous  Rocks 
of  Scotland.     Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  Great  Britain,  1908. 




H.    Woodward    to   possess   a  brood-poiicb    formed   of   overlapping  oostegites; 

and    may    therefore    be    referred,    with     little    doubt,    to    the    Mysidacea. 

Crangopsis  Salter,  from  the  Lower  Carboniferous 

of    Scotland    and    the    base    of    the    Waverly    in 

Kentucky  is    placed    here    by   Ortmann,  since   it 

has  the  jDOsterior  thoracic  somites  distinct  beneath 

the  carapace.     Anthrapalaemon  Salter  (Fig.  1467), 

Pseudogalathea,  Tealliocaris,  and  Palaemysis  Peach, 

all  from  the  Carboniferous,  have  also  been  referred 

to  this  order. 

Order  4.     ISOPODA  Latreille.^ 

Body  usually  broad  and  depressed.  Carapace 
absent;  first  thoracic  somite,  rarely  also  the  second, 
fused  with  the  head.  Abdomen  short,  the  last  somite 
almost  always  coalesced  with  the  telson.  Eyes  sessile. 
Thoracic  limbs  without  exopodites.  Abdominal  limbs 
lamellar,  branchial.  ,  „       ,       '      '•,■,,„  ,,  w 

'  Anthnipalneinon  gractlis  M.  ana  W. 

Of  the  earlier  fossils  that  have  been  referred  ^°^l  fl^^^j^^^^v^^^r 
to   this   order,    Oxyuropoda  Carpenter   and   Swain 

(Fig.  1468),  from  the  Devonian  of  Ireland, 
has  the  strongest  claim  to  be  regarded 
as    an    Isopod.       Its    appearance    earlier 

1  Literature  :  A.  On  Recent  Forms.  —  Beddard, 
F.  E. ,  Report  on  the  Isopoda.  Sci.  Results  Challenger 
Exped.,  Zool.,  xi.,  IS85.— Hansen,  H.  J.,  Isopoden, 
Cumaceen  and  Stomatopoden  der  Plankton-Expedition. 
Ergebn.  Planktou-Exped.,  ii.,  1895.— /(fe?»,  On  the 
Family  Sphaeroniidae.  Quart.  Journ.  Micrpsc.  Sci., 
1905,  n.s.  vol.  xlix. — Miers,  E.  J.,  Revision  of  the 
Idoteidae.  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.  London,  1883,  vol.  xvi. 
— Richardson,  H. ,  Monograph  on  the  Isopods  of  North 
America.  Bull.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1905,  vol.  liv.~ 
Sars,  G.  0.,  An  account  of  the  Crustacea  of  Norway, 
vol.  ii.     Isopoda.     Bergen,  1896-99. 

B.  On  Fossil  Forms. — Amnion,  L.  von,  Beitrag  zur 
Kenntniss  der  fossilen  Asseln.  Sitzuugsber.  Bayer. 
Akad.  Wiss.,  \^%2.~Andree,  A'.,  Zur  Kenntniss  der 
Crustaceen-Gattung  A  rthroiileura  Jordan.  Palaeontogr., 
1910,  vol.  W\\.— Carter,  J.,  On  fossil  Isopods.  Geol. 
Mag.,  1889,  dec.  3,  vol.  vlSdwards,  H.  Milne,  Sur 
deux  crustaces  fossiles.  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  Zool.,  1843, 
ser.  2,  vol.  xx. — Idem,  On  Archaeoniscus.  Ann.  Mag. 
Nat.  Hist.,  1844,  ser.  2,  vol.  xin.—Kunth,  A., 
Crustaceen  von  Solenhofen.  Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol. 
Ges.,  1870,  vol.  x\\\.— Meyer,  H.  von,  Ueber  Palaeo- 
niscus  obtusus.  Palaeontogr.,  1858,  vol.  v. — Racovitza, 
E.  G.,  and  Sevastos,  R.,  Proidotea  haugi,  n.g.,  n.sp., 
etc.  Arch.  Zool.  Exper.  Paris,  1910,  ser.  5,  vol.  vi.— 
Renus,  M.,  tjber  Palaeosphaeroma  uhligi,  etc.  Beitr. 
Palaont.  Geol.  Osterr.  -  Ungarn,  1903,  vol.  xv.— 
Woodward,  H.,  Several  papers  in  Trans.  Woolhope 
OxvuropoM  im^nJcsC^v  and  Swain.  Upper  Field  Club,  1870  ;  Geol.  Mag  1870  dec  1,  vol.  vii.  ; 
Old  Red  Sandstone  ;  Kiltorcan,  Ireland,  a,  1890,  dec.  3,  vol.  vu.  ;  1898,  dec.  4,  vol.  \.~Jdem, 
Portion  of  antenna;  c,  Chela  (?) ;  o,  Eye;  p,  On  Squilla,  etc.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1879,  vol. 
Segment  of  body-limb  ;  «  Uropod  ;  1-7,  xxxv.—Carpewto'  G*.  .ff.,  and  ;S!wm(,,  /.,  A  Devonian 
Thoracc  segments;  1. -VI.,  Abdommal  segments.     /^    ••      ^";'^  t-i    a    „i     iqhq    ,^.1    v^,-;; 

i/i  (after  Carpenter  and  Swain).  Isopod.      Proc.  Roy.  Irish  Acad.,  1908,  vol.  xxvii. 

Fig.  1408. 




than  the  primitive  caridoid  forms  may,  however,  justify  some  suspicion  as 
to  its  affinities.  Praearcturus  Woodward,  from  the  Old  Red  Sandstone  of 
Herefordshire,  has  very  slender  claims  to  be  admitted  into 
this  order,  and  the  same  may  be  said  of  Amphipeltis  Salter 
(Devonian  of  Nova  Scotia),  and  Arthropleura  Jordan  (Coal 

Undoubted  Isopods  appear  in  Secondary  rocks,  Urda 
Miinster  (Fig.  1469),  from  the  Kimmeridgian  of  Solenhofen, 
has  some  very  peculiar  characters  in  which  it  approaches 
the  males  of  the  Recent  Gnathia,  differing,  however,  in  the 
large  size  of  the  eyes.  Cyclosphaeroma  Woodward,  from  the 
Great  Oolite  and  Purbeck,  resembles  in  general  form  some 
Recent  members  of  the  family  SiDhaeromidae,  as  do  also 
Archaeoniscus  Milne  Edwards  (Fig.  1470),  from  the  English 
Purbeck  and  Eosphaeroma  Woodward  (Fig.  1471),  from  the 
Eocene  and  Miocene.  Palaega  Woodward  (Fig.  1472), 
Cenomanian  and  Oligocene,  has  a  general  resemblance  to 
the  Recent  Aega  and  allied  genera.     Proidotea  Racovitza  and  Sevastos,  from 

A:  A 


Fig.  1469. 

Urda  rostrata  Munst. 
Litliographie  Stone  ; 
Solenhofen,  Bavaria. 
Vi  (after  Knntli)- 

Fio.  1470. 

A,  ArclMconiscus  brodei 
M.  Edw.  Purbeck  ;  Vale 
of  Wardour,  Wiltshire.  3/j 
(after  Woodward).  B,  Frag- 
ment of  matrix,  i/i  (after 

Fio.  1471. 

A,  Eusphaeroma  bro7igniarti 
M.  Edw.  Middle  Oligocene  ; 
Butte  de  Chaumont,  near 
Paris,  s/i  (after  Woodward). 
B,  Fragment  of  matrix,  i/j 
(.after  Quenstedt). 


Fig.  1472. 

I'alapija  scrobiculatn  (v. 
Animon).  Lower  Oligo- 
cene ;  Hiiring,  Tyrol,  an. 
Antennae  ;  o,  Eyes  ;  jfi, 
Uropod  ;  I-VII,  Thoracic 
segments ;  1-6,  Abdominal 

the  Oligocene  of  Roumania,  is  closely  allied  to  the  Recent  Mesidotea  in  the 
tribe  Valvifera. 

Order  5.     AMPHIPODA  Latreille.i 

Body  usually  compressed  laterally.     Carapace  absent ;  first  thoracic  somite,  more 

'   Literature  :   Jlale,  C.  S.,  Catalogue  of  the  .4inphipo(la  in  the  Britis'h  Museum,  1862. — Sars, 



rarely  also  the  second,  fused  with  the  head.  Abdomen  short,  ventrally  flexed,  the 
last  somite  usually  distinct.  Eyes  sessile.  Thoracic  limbs  loithout  exopodites,  the 
basal  segments  usually  lamellar,  carrying  gills.  Abdominal 
appendages  divided  into  two  sets,  the  last  three  pairs  directed 
backwards,  styliform. 

Although  various  Paleozoic  fossils  from  the  Silurian  ^^^  ^^.^ 

{Necrogammarus  Woodward)  and  later  rocks  have  been  aa,n,narm  oeninge.n^u 
referred    to    this    order,   it  is  only  in   the   Tertiary  that   Heer     Miocpne ;  oenin- 

ci  PI  e    "  ^         5?*""'  Baden.     2/^. 

undoiibted  Amphipods  appear,     bome  oi  these,  from  the 

Miocene,  are  referred  to  the  Recent  genus  Gamriiarus  Fabricius  (Fig.  1473), 

from  which    Palaeogammarus   Zaddach,  found  in   Baltic  amber,   is  doubtfully 


Division  C.     EUCARIDA  Caiman. 

Carapace  coalesced  dorsally  vnth  all  the  thoracic  somites.  Eyes  pedunculate. 
No  oosiegites. 

Order  1.      BUPHAUSIACBA  Boas.' 

Caridoid  forms  in  which  none  of  the  thoracic  appendages  are  specialised  as 
maxillipeds  and  the  gills  are  in  a  single  series  attached  to  the  bases  of  the  thoracic 

Anthracophausia  from  the  Calciferous  Sandstone  of  Scotland  is  descrilied 
by  Peach  as  belonging  to  this  group,  but  the  points  of  resemblance  are  very 

Order  2.     DBCAPODA  Latreille.' 

The  caridoid  fades  may  be  retained  or  may  be  very  greatly  modified.  The  first 
three  pairs  of  thoracic  limbs  are  specialised  as  maxillipeds  and  one  or  more  of  the 

(t.  0.,  An  account  of  the  Crustacea  of  Norway,  vol.  i.,  Ainijliipoda,  Christiana,  1890-95. — Stebhing, 
T.  li.  R.,  Report  on  the  Amphipoda.  Scient.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  Zool. ,  1888,  vol.  xxix. 
— Idein,  Ganimaridea,  in  Das  Tierreich,  1906,  vol.  xxi. — Zaddach,  <•.,  Ein  Aiiiphipod  im  Bernstein. 
Hclniften  physik.-cikononi.  Ges.  Konigsberg,  1864,  vol.  v. 

^   For  literature  references  see  under  the  head  of  Mysidacea. 

-  Literature:  A.  On  Recent  Forms. — Alcock;  A.,  Materials  for  a  careinological  fauna  of  India, 
nos.  1-6.  .Journ.  Asiatic  Soc.  Bengal,  1895-1900,  vols.  Ixiv.,  Ixv.,  Ixvii.-lxix. — Idem,  Catalogues 
of  Calcutta  Museum,  1899-1910. — Bate,  C.  S.  Report  on  the  Crustacea  Macrura.  Scient.  Results 
Challenger  Exped.,  Zool.,  1888,  vol.  xxiv. — Boa.s,  J.E.  V.,  Studier  over  Decapoderues  Slaegtskabs- 
forhold.  Dansk.  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skr.,  1880,  ser.  6,  vol.  i. — Borradaile,  L.  A.,  Classification  of 
Decapod  Crustaceans.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1907,  ser.  7,  vol.  xix. — Bouvier,  E.  L.,  Sur  I'origine 
homarienne  des  Crabes.  Bull.  Soc.  Philomath.,  Paris,  1896,  ser.  8,  vol.  viii. — Faxon,  IF.,  Revision 
of  the  Astacidae.  Mem.  Mns.  Comp.  Zool.,  Cambridge,  1885,  vol.  x. — Idem,  Stalk-eyed  Crustacea. 
Albatross  Reports,  xv.  Op.  cit.,  1895,  vol.  xviii. — Henderson,  .T.  R.,  Report  on  the  Anomura. 
Scient.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  Zool.,  1888,  vol.  xxvii. — Herrick,  F.  //.,  The  American  Lobster. 
Bull.  U.S.  Fish  Comm.,  1895,  and  Bull.  Bureau  Fisheries,  1911,  vol.  xxix.—IIti.dei/,  T.  II.,  On  the 
Classification  and  Distribution  of  the  Crayfishes.  Proc.  Zool.  Soc,  London,  1878. — Ortmann, 
A.  E.,  Die  Decapoden-Krebse  des  Strassburger  Museums.  Zool.  Jahrb.  Abth.  Syst.,  1890-94, 
vols,  v.-vii. — Idem,  Das  System  der  Decapoden-KreTise.  Oj).  cit.,  1896,  vol.  xi. — Miers,  E.  J., 
Report  on  the  Brachyura.     Sci.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  1886,  vol.  xvii. 

B.  On  Fossil  Forms. — Bell,  T.,  Monograph  of  the  fossil  Malacostracous  Crustacea  of  Great 
Britain.  Paleontogr.  Soc,  1857-62. — Bittner,  A.,  Brachyuren  des  vicentischen  Tertiiirgebirges. 
Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss.,  Wien,  1877-83,  vols,  xxxiv.,  xlvi.  —  Carter,  J.,  On  Orithojisis  bonneyi. 
Geol.  Mag.,  1872,  dec.  1,  vol.  ix.^Idem,  Contribution  to  the  imlaeontology  of  the  Decapod  Cru.stacea 
of  England.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1898,  vol.  liv. — Cushman,  J.  A.,  Fossil  Crabs  of  the  Gay 
Head  Miocene.      Amer.    Nat.,   1905,  vol.    xxxix. — Efcdlvn,  A.,  Description   des  crustaces  fossiles. 




following  pairs  are  usually  chelate.     The  gills  are  typically  in  several  series  attached 
to  the  bases  of  the  thoracic  limbs  and  to  the  lateral  wall  of  the  thorax. 

Although  undoubted  Decapods  have  not  been  recognised  in  formations 
earlier  than  the  Trias,  it  is  probable  that  some  of  the  caridoid  forms  known 
from  the  Carboniferous  may  be  the  forerunners  of  this  large  and  varied  order. 

Pig.  1474. 

Penaeus  meyeri  Oppel.     Upper  Jura  (Litliograpliic  Stone) ; 
Solenhofen.     1/2. 

Suborder  A.     NATANTIA  Boas. 

Body  usually  compressed,  rostrum  compressed  and  serrated.  First  somite  of 
abdomen  not  much  smaller  than  the  others.  Legs  slender,  sometimes  with  evopodites  ; 
any  one  of  the  first  three  pairs  may  he  enlarged.  Abdominal  appendages  well  developed, 
used  for  swimming. 

Of  the  three  tribes  which  compose  this  suborder,  the  Penaeidea  and  Stenopidea 
agree  in  having  the  first  three  pairs  of  legs  chelate  (with  a  few  exceptions  in  the 
Penaeidea),  and  the  side-plates  of  the  second  abdominal  somite  not  expanded  ;  they 

differ  in  that  the  third  pair  of 
legs  is  much  larger  than  the 
first  in  the  Stenopidea,  but  not 
in  the  Penaeidea.  The  Caridea 
never  have  the  third  pair  of 
legs  chelate,  and  have  the 
side -plates  of  the  second  ab- 
dominal somite  expanded  to 
overlap  those  of  the  somites 
in  front  and  beliind. 

The  Penaeidea  are  some- 
what doubtfully  represented 
in  the  Trias,  but  a  long  series  of  fossils  from  the  Solenhofen  Lithographic  Stone  can 
be  referred  with  certainty  to  this  tribe.  Some  of  these  are  included  in  the  Recent 
genus  Penaeus  Fabricius  (Fig.  1474),  while  Acanthochirus  Oppel,  Bylg'ia,  Drobna  and 
Dusa  Miinster  are  extinct  genera. 

The   Stenopidea    comprise   a  small  number   of  Recent  forms  which   show   some 

Bull.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  1859,  ser.  2,  vol.  xvi. — Fritsch,  A.,  Uber  die  Caliauassen  der  bdhmischeu 
Kreide.  Abhandl.  Bolim.  Ges.  Wiss.,  1868,  vol.  liv. — Knebel,  W.  von.  Die  Eryonjden  des  oberen 
Weissen  Jura  von  Siiddeutsclilaud.  Arch.  Biontol.,  1907,  vol.  ii. — Lijrenthey,  E.,  Uber  die  Brachy- 
iiren  der  paliiont.  Sanimlung  des  Bayer.  Staates  Termeszet  Filzetek,  Budapest,  1898,  vol.  xxi. — 
Idem,  Beitriige  zur  Decapodenfauna  des  ungarischen  Tertiiii-s.  Math.-naturw.  Ber.  aus  Ungarn, 
1898,  1903,  vols,  xiv.,  xviii. — Idem,  Falaontol.  Studien  Uber  tertiiiren  Decapoden.  Op.  cit.,  1907, 
vol.  xxi. — Idem,  Beitriige  zur  tertiaren  Decapodenfauna  Sai-diuiens  nnd  Agyptens.  Op.  cit.,  1908, 
1909,  vols,  xxiv.,  XXV. — Mark,  W.  von  der,  Fossile  Fische,  Krebse  und  Pflanzen  aus  der  Kreide. 
Palaeontogr.,  1863,  vol.  xi. — Idem,  and  Schluter,  C,  Neue  Fische  und  Krebse  aus  der  Kreide  von 
Westphalen.  Op.  cit.,  1868,  vol.  xv. — Meyer,  H.  von,  Neue  Gattungen  fossiler  Krebse.  Stuttgart, 
1840. — Moericke,  W.,  Die  Crustaceen  der  Stramberger  Schichten.  Palaeontogr.,  1897,  Supplem. 
vol.  ii. — Oppel,  A.,  Ueber  jurassische  Crustaceen.  Palaeont.  Mittheil.  Mus.  Bayer.  Staates,  1862, 
vol.  ii. — Ortmann,  A.  E.,  On  Limiparus  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Dakota.  Anier.  Journ.  Sci., 
1897,  ser.  4,  vol.  iv. — Pilshry,  H.  A.,  Crustacea  of  the  Cretaceous  formation  of  New  Jersey. 
Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Pliilad.,  1901,  vol.  iii. — Hathbnn,  M.  J.,  Descriptions  of  fossil  crabs  from 
California.  Proc.  U.S.  Nat.  Mus.,  1908,  vol.  xxxv. — Schluter,  C,  Die  Macruren-Decapoden 
Westphalens.  Zeitsclir.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1862.  vol.  xiv. — Idem,  Kreide-  und  Tertiiir-Krebse  des 
nordlichen  Deutschlands.  Op.  cit.,  1879,  vol.  xxxi. — Idem,  Podocrates  im  Senon  von 
Braunschweig.  Op.  cit.,  1899,  vol.  Ii. — Stimpson,  IT. ,  Fossil  Crab  from  Gay  Head.  Journ. 
Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1863,  vol.  vii. — Tribolet,  M.,  Descriptions  des  cru.stacees  dii  terrain 
neocomien.  Bull.  Soc.  Geol.  France,  1874-75,  ser.  3,  vols,  ii.,  iii. — Mliitfield,  B.  P.,  American 
si3ec\es  oi'  Iloploparia.  Bull.  Anier.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  1907,  vol.  xxiii.  —  Winkler,  T.  C,  Etudes  sur 
les  genres  Peinphix,  Glyj}haeu,  etc.  Arch.  Mus.  Teyler,  1883,  ser.  2,  vol.  \.  — Woodward,  H., 
Macrurous  Crustacea,  etc.     Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1872-76,  vols,  xxix.,  xxxii. 




affinities  with  the  Reptantia.  The  extinct  genus  Aegcr  (Fig.  1475),  which  has 
representatives  in  the  Trias  and  also  in  the  Solenhofen  Lithographic  Stone,  agrees 
with  the  Recent  genera  in  having  the  third  pair  of  legs  chelate  and  much  larger 
than  the  first.      It  is,  in  all  probability,  a  primitive  member  of  this  tribe. 

Representatives  of  the  Caridea  are  not  known  with  certainty  earlier  than  the 
Kimmeridgian,  though  some  Carboniferous  fossils  have  been  described  as  having  the 
enlarged  side-j)lates  of  the  second  abdominal  somite,  whicli  are  characteristic  of  this 
tribe.  In  the  Solenhofen  Stone  numerous  genera  occur,  some  of  which,  such  as  TJdora 
Miinster,  and  Udorella  Oppe],  have  exopodites  on  the  thoracic  legs,  a  primitive 
character  suggesting  affinity  with  the  Recent  family  Acanthephyridae.  Other 
Solenhofen  genera,  in  which  these  exopodites  appear    to   be  wanting,  are  Blaculla, 

Fig.  1475. 
Aeger  tipularius  (Schloth.).     Upper  Jura  (Lithographic  Stone)  ;  Eiehstadt,  Bavaria.     2/.,. 

Hefriga  and  Elder  Miinster.  The  Recent  deep-sea  genus  Oplophorus  i\Iilne  Edwards 
(Acanthejihyridae)  has  been  identified,  with  considerable  probability,  in  the  Upper 
Cretaceous  of  Westphalia.  Some  Caridea  are  found  in  frosh-water  Tertiary  deposits, 
as  for  example  Homely s  von  Meyer,  from  the  Miocene  of  Oeningen  ;  but  it  is 
impossible  to  say  what  relation  they  bear  to  the  groups  of  Recent  Caridea  that  have  a 
fresh -water  habitat. 

Suborder  B.     REPTANTIA  Boas. 

Body  often  depressed,  rostrum  often  absent,  small  and  depressed  if  present.     First 

somite  of  abdomen  distinctly  smaller  than  the  others.  Leys   stout,  without   exopodites, 

the  first  jMir  usually  much  larger  than  the  others.  First  five  pairs  of  abdominal 
appendccges  commonly  small,  not  used  for  swimming. 

§  1.   Palinura. 

This  section  consists  of  lobster-like  forms  w4th  the  rostrum  very  small  or  often 
absent,  with  the  carapace  fused  at  the  sides  with  the  epistome,  and  the  exopodite  of 
the  uropods  not  divided  by  a  distinct  suture.  It  includes  two  tribes  (1)  the  Eryonidea 
and  (2)  the  Scyllaridea  (or  Loricata). 

The  Eryonidea  comprise,  among  living  forms,  only  a  small  number  of  genera 
such  as  Polycheles  Heller,  and  JFillemoesia  Grote,  which  have  chelae  on  the  first  four  or 





on  all  five  pairs  of  legs.  All  are  blind  and  inliabit  only  the  deep  sea.  The  fossil 
genera,  however,  include  forms  that  lived  in  shallow  water  and  probably  possessed 
eyes.      The   earliest   is    Tetrachela    Eeuss,   from  the    Upper   Trias  of    Raibl.     Eryon 

Vie.   14Tti. 
Erymi  ■iinijiiiiqn'U!<  (.St-lilotli.)-     Litliograpliie  Stone  ;  Solenhofeii,  Bav.aria. 


Desmarest  (Fig.  1476),  of  which  finely  preserved  specimens  ai'e  found  in  the  Upper 

Jurassic  Solenhofen  Stone,  ranges  from  the  Lias  (perliaps  the  Trias)  to  the  Neocomian. 

Tlie  Scyllaridea,  which  are  distinguished,  among  other  characters,  by  having  the 

Fi(i.  1477. 
Mecncliirus  luniiiiiiiiiiiis  (fichloth.).     Ijithographic  Stout' ;  Eichstadt,  Bavaria.     i/.,. 

first  pair  of  legs  imperfectly  chelate,  include  the  Spiny  Lobsters  {Falinuridae) 
and  their  allies.  The  earlier  forms  should  j^robably  all  be  referred  to  the 
extinct  family  Glypliaeidae,  of  which,  the  first  representatives  occur  in  the  Trias. 
Pemfhix  von  Meyer  (Fig.  1478)  occurs  in  the  Muschelkalk.  Lithogaster  and 
GUjphaea  von  Meyer  (Fig.   1479)  range  fi'om  Trias   to  Cretaceous.      Pseudogly^ilucn 




Oppel  is  Jurassic.      Scwpheus  and  Preatya  Woodward  are  Liassic.      Mecochirus  Kef. 

(Fig.    1477)  is   found  in  tlie   Middle  and  Upper  Jura,  and  Meyeria  M'Coy,  in  the 

, .  Neocomian.      All    of    these    have   a    more   or    less 

distinct    rostrum    and    the    antennae    moderately 

PaUnurina  Miinster,  from  the  Lower  Lias  and 
Solenhofen  Stone,  appears  to  be  a  member  of  the 
Pali)iuridae,  a  family  which  has  the  rostrum  sup- 
pressed and  the  antennae  very  stout.  Podocrates 
Geinitz,  from  Upper  Cretaceous  and  Eocene  is 
hardly  to  be  distinguished  from  the  Recent  Linu- 
parus  Gray.  Cancrinus  Miinster,  from  Solenhofen, 
which  has  the  antennae  short  and  very  broad, 
perhaps  leads  toward  the  ScyUaridae,  in  which  the 
antennae  form  liroad  flattened  plates.     Scyllaridia 

Pit;.  1478. 

Pe.mphix  aueurii  Desm.     Muschfilkalk  ;  Crailsheim, 

Wiirtemberg.    i/i- 

Pi(i.  U7'.i. 

Glyphaea  fenuiit  Oppel.  Lithographic  Stone  ; 
Eichstiidt,  Bavaria.  A,  Side-view,  i/i-  -'5,  Rostral 
region  enlarged,  a,  a",  First  and  second  pairs  oi' 
antennae ;  o,  Eye ;  s,  Antennal  scale  ;  M,  Base  of 
second  pair  of  antennae. 

Bell  is  found  in  the  Gault  and  London  Clay,  while  the  Recent  Scyllarus  Fabr.  first 
appears  in  the  Chalk. 

§  2.  AsTACURA.      Lobsters  and  Crayfishes. 

This  section  comprises  only  the  tribe  Nephropsidea  (Astacidea)  including  the  true 
Lobsters  and  Crayfishes.  In  these,  the  rostrum  is  of  moderate  size,  the  carapace  is 
free  from  the  epistome,  and  the  exopodite  of  the  uropods  is  divided  by  a  suture. 
The  first  three  pairs  of  legs  are  chelate  and  the  first  pair  is  greatly  enlarged. 

The  earliest  member  of  this  group  is  Eryma  v.  Meyer  (Fig.  1480),  found  in  the 
Lias,  and  also  occurring,  together  with  Pseudoastacus,  Stenochirus  and  Etallonia  Oppel, 
in  the  Solenhofen  limestone.  Isolated  chelae  of  Magila  (Fig.  1481)  are  abundant 
throughout  the  Jura.    Enoplochjtia  M'Coy;  Nyniphaeops  Schlilter;  Oncoparia  Bosquet; 




Palaeasfacus  Bell;  and  Hoidoixma  M'Coy,  occur  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  Westplialia, 
Bohemia  and  England,  the  last-named  genus  also  occurring  in  the  Tertiary.      More 

doulitfuUy,  the  Recent 
genera  ■which  include  the 
Lobster,^  the  Crayfish  of 
Europe,  and  the  Norway 
Fir..  1481.  Lobster  (iVep/iroj3s  of  Leach), 

Magiu      snprajurensi.t   have  been  stated  to   occur 

(Quenstedt).  Upper  Jura;  j  ^^       Upper  Cre- 

Chela.  taceous. 

Fig.  1480. 

Eryma    leptodactylina   (Germ.).      Litho- 
graphic Stone 
(after  Oppel). 

Fio.  1482. 

CaUiana!!sa  archiaci  M.  Echv.     Turonian  ;  Montdragon, 
Var  (after  Mihie  Edwards). 

Fif!.  1483. 

Callimiaxsa  untiqua  Otto.    Turonian  ;  Turnau,  Bohemia. 
Right  chela. 

§  3.  Anomura. 

This  section  includes  forms  which  have  the  abdomen  generally  soft  or  bent  upon 
itself,  with  reduced  side-plates  and  tail-fan.  They  are  rare  as  fossils.  The  tribe 
Galatkeidea  is  represented  only  by  chelae  from  the  Upiaer  Cretaceous  of  Denmark, 
referred  to  the  Recent  Galathea  Fabr.  Of  the  tribe  Thalassinidea,  the  Recent 
genus  Gallianassa  Leach  (Figs.  1482,  1483)  is  known  from  the  Kimineridgian,  as 
well  as  from  the  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary.  Thcdassina  Latreille  is  Tertiary  and 
Recent.  The  tribe  Paguridea,  including  the  Hermit-crabs  and  their  allies,  is  very 
doubtfully  rejwesented  in  the  Eocene  of  Hungary  by  chelae  referi'ed  to  the  Recent 
Pagurus  Fabr.      The  Hippidea  are  unknown  in  the  fossil  state. 

§  4.  Brachyura.     True  Crabs. 

The  true  Crabs  have  the  abdomen  small,  bent  under  the  thorax,  and  without  a 
tail-fan  ;  the  carapace  fused  with  the  epistome  at  the  sides  and  nearly  always  in  the 
middle  line  in  front ;  the  third  maxillipeds  more  or  less  broad  and  flattened,  covering 
the  other  mouth-parts. 

^  The  generic  name  Ilomarus  Mihie  Edw.  is  most  commonly  used  for  the  Lobster,  and  Astacus 
Fahr.  for  the  Crayfish.  Some  writers,  however,  employ  Astacvs  Fabr.  for  the  Lobster,  and 
Hotavuihiiis  Leach  for  the  European  Crayfish.  The  questions  of  nomenclature  involved  cannot  suit- 
ably be  discussed  here,  but  reference  may  be  made  to  a  recent  ruling  (1910)  of  the  International 
Commission  on  Zoological  Nomenclature. 




The  Dromiacea  take  the  lowest  place  among  the  tribes  composing  this  section 
differing  from  the  more  specialised  Brachyura  in  retaining  many  primitive  characters. 
Thus,  the  last  somite  of  the  abdomen  often  retains  vestiges  of  uropods,  the  first 
abdominal  somite  of  the  female  has  a  pair  of  appendages,  the  fossettes  for  the  reception 
of  the  antennules  are  less  clearly  defined,  and  the  gills  are  more  numerous. 

Among  the  Recent  Dromiacea,  again,  the  family  Homolodromiidae  is  the  most 
primitive,  its  members,  which  inhabit  the  deep  sea,  presenting  many  features  which 




.(,  Prosopoii  marginatum,  v.  Meyer.     Upper  .Juni  (e) ;  Oerlinger  Valley,  l-So. 

near  Ulm.     3/2.     B,  P.  personatwm.     Upper  Juiii  (y) ;  Weissiugen,  Wurtem-  Dromiopsis         rugosa 

berg.     Rostrum  enlarged.     C,  P.  aculeutu in.  v.  Meym:     .Same  locality  as  ^4.  (Schloth.).    Uppermost  Cre- 

-D,  P.  pustulatuvi  Quenst.     Same  locality  as  A.  taceous  ;  Faxoe,  Denmark. 

link  them  with  the  Lobsters  of  the  tribe  Nephropsidea.  It  is  therefore  of  special 
interest  to  find,  as  Bouvier  has  shown,  that  the  earliest  fossil  Brachyura,  forming  the 
extinct  family  Prosoponidae,  are  allied,  by  the  form  of  the  carapace  and  the  disposition 
of  the  grooves  upon  it,  tq  the  existing  Homolodromiidae.  In  the  majority  of  cases 
the  carapace  alone  is  preserved,  but  portions  of  the  abdomen  and  limbs  are  known  in 
Protocarcinus  (Palaemachus)  Woodward,  from  the  Forest  Marble  (Bathonian)  of 
England.  The  genns  Prosopon  von  Meyer  (Fig.  1484)  is  of  even  earlier  date, 
appearing  in  the  Bajocian  and  persisting  to  the  Neocomian.  Later  forms  approach 
more  specialised  Recent  types,  such  as  Hotnolopsis  Bell  from  the  Gault,  leading  towards 
the  Homolidae  ;  and  Dromiopsis  Reuss  (Fig.  1485),  leading  towards  the  Dromiidae. 
The  Tertiary  Dromilites  Milne  Edwards,  is  scarcely  different  from  the  Recent  Dromia. 

The  tribe  Oxystomata  is  characterised  by  the  form  of  the  mouth-frame,  which  is 
triangular  and  produced  to  the  front  of  the  head  between  the  eyes.  The  earliest 
examj^le  of  the  tribe  is  Mithraciies  Gould, 
from  the  Lower  Greensand.  Palaeocorystes 
Bell  (Fig.  1486),  ranges  from  the  Gault 
to  the  Eocene.  Eucorystes  and  Necrocar- 
cinus  Bell  (Fig.  1487),  are  found  in  the 
Gault  and  Upper  Greensand.  The  precise 
relations  of  these  to  modern  families  are 
doubtful.  The  Recent  Calajypa  and 
Matuta  Fabr.,  however,  are  known  from 
Eocene  and  later  deposits. 

The  remarkable  family  Raninidae, 
distinguished  by  the  unusual  form  of  the 
chelae  and  by  the  elongate  carapace, 
which  is  broader  in  front  than  behind,  is  known  as  early  as  the  Cenomanian  chalk, 
and  its  representatives  are  not  rare  in  the  Tertiary.  Raniella  and  Raninoides 
Milne  Edwards,  are  Cretaceous  genera.  Of  the  few  Recent  genera,  Ranina  Lamarck 
(Fig.  1488)  is  known  from  the  Eocene. 

The  tribe  Brachygnatha,  in  whicli  the  mouth-frame  is  quadrate,  includes  the  great 
majority  of  the  Brachyura.  It  is  divided  into  two  subtribes,  the  Oxyrhyncha  and 

Fig.  1486. 

Palaeocorystes  stokesi 
(Mantell).  Upper 
Greensand  ;  Cam- 
bridge, England. 

Fig.  1487. 

Necrocarcinus  trlcarinatus 
Bell.  Greensand  ;  Cam- 
bridge, England  (after  Bell). 




The  Oxyrhyncha  have  the  carapace  narrowed  in  front  and  produced  into  a  more 
or    less    distinct     rostrum.       Fossil    forms    are    few   and    generally    rather    small. 

Fio.  1488. 

A,  B,  Ranina  marestiana  Ki'mis  {=R.  lidli  Schafh.)-     Eocene  ;  Kressenberg,  Bavaria.     Ventral  and 
dorsal  view.s.     C,  Chela  of  7.'.  houilleana  M.  Bdw.     Eocene  ;  Biarritz,  Prance.     1/2- 

Micromaia    Bittner  (Fig.    1489),    and    Microthorax 

MicroiiMia  tuhercvlata 
Bittner.  Eocene  ;  San 
Giovanni  Illarione,  Italy. 
(After  Bittner.) 

lateral.       Since,   however,  i 
they  are   not   separated   in 
the  more  recent  systems  of 

The  Catometopous 
families  are  not  well  repre- 
sented among  fossils.  Litho- 
pliylax  Milne  Edwards, 
from  the  Upper  Cretaceous, 
is  an  early  and  somewhat 
doubtful  form.  GnUnopsif^ 
and  Coeloma  Milne  Edwards 
(Fig.  1490) ;  Liforicola 
Woodward ;  and  Palaeo- 
grapsus  Bittner,  are  known 
from  the  Eocene  and  Oligo- 
cene.     The    Recen.t    Gecar- 

Noetling,  are  Eocene  and 
Miocene  forms  respectively. 
The  Recent  Lambrus  Leach 
is  known  from  the  Eocene, 
and  Maia  Lamarck  from 
the  Pliocene. 

The  subtribe  BracJiy- 
ihyncha  includes  a  large 
number  of  families  which 
are  often  divided  into  two 
groups:  (1)  the  Gyclome- 
topa,  with  the  carapace 
broad  and  arcuate  in 
front  ;  and  (2)  the  Gatome- 
fopa,  in  which  the  carapace 
is  more  or  less  quadri- 
t  is  impossible    to   distinguish    the   two  groups  sharply, 

Fig.  1490. 

Coehiiiia  vigil  M.  Edw.     Eocene  : 
Laverda,  Italy. 

Fio.  1491. 

Ijobocarciiius  paulino  viierti-mhergicus  v.  Meyer. 
Mokkatam,  near  Cairo,  Egypt.     Male. 

Eocene ; 




cinus   Leach,  is   stated    to  occur  in   the  fresh-water    Miocene  deposits    of  Oeningen. 
Archaeoplax  Stimpson  is  found  in  the  Miocene  of  Gay  Head,  Massachusetts. 

The  Cyclometopous  families  have  many  representatives  in  the  Tertiary  and  a  few 
in  the  Cretaceous.     The  earliest  are  of  Cenomanian  age,  inchiding  Efyus  Mantell  and. 

Fr(!.  1492. 
XaiUhopsis  krexsaibergmxis  v.  .Mpvcv.     Eocene  ;  Kressenberg,  Ba\-aiin.     Male,  ventral  and  dorsal  aspects,  1/2. 

doubtfully,  the  Recent  Xantho  Leach.  Tifanocarcinus  and  Palaeucarpilius  Milne 
Edwards,  appear  in  the  Upper  Cretaceous.  The  Recent  Panopens  Milne  Edwards,  is 
said  to  date  back  to  the  Cretaceous.  In  the  Eocene  are  found  Harpartocardnus  Milne 
Edwards;  LoSocamwMS  Reuss  (Fig.  1491) ;  .ra?i</io|;s?:s  M'Coy  (Figs.  1492,  1493)  ;  and 
Neptocarcinus  and  Carcinocarcinns  Lorenthey.  The  Recent  genera  Cancer  Linn.  ; 
Atercjidis  de  Haan  ;  and  Etisus  Mihie  Edwards,  are  recorded  from  the  Upper  Eocene, 

Pig.  1493. 

Xanthopsis  hruckmamii  v.  Meyer.     Eocene  ;  Sonthofen, 
Bavaria.     Ventral  view  of  female,  Vi- 

Fig.  1494. 

J 'aammocarcinus  iLericarti (Desm.).  Middle  Meeressand 
(Miocene) ;  Le  Gue-a-Tresmes,  France  (afteri  A.  Milne 

although  the  demonstration  of  their  precise  identity  with  Recent  forms  is  not  in  all 
cases  satisfactory. 

The  easily  recognised  Swimming-crabs  of  the  family  Portunidac  are  certainly 
represented  as  early  as  the  Eocene  by  such  forms  as  Psammocar cinus  Milne  Edwards 
(Fig.  1494);  Portunites  B&\\;  and  the  Recent  iVepiwMfs  de  Haan.  The  River-crabs 
\potamonidae)  are  said  to  be  represented  in  the  fresh-water  Miocene  of  Oeningen  by 
the  Recent  genus  Potamon  Savigny  {Thelphusa  Latreille). 




Division  D.     HOPLOCARIDA  Caiman. 

Order  1.     STOMATOPODA  Latreille.i 

Carapace  small,  leaving  at  least  four  of  the  thoracic  somites  distinct  and  wn- 
covered;  with  a  movable  rostral  plate  anteriorly.  Eyes  pedunculate.  Eyes  and 
antennules  home  on  movable  segments  of  the  head.  First  five  pairs  of  thoracic  limbs 
sub-chelate,  the  second  pair  very  large.  Abdomen  large  and  depressed,  ending  in  a 
tail-fan.     First  five  pairs  of  abdominal  appendages  carrying  tufted  gills. 

The  existing  Stomatopods  form  a  very  homogeneous  group,  within  which 
onljT^  one  family  (Squillidae)  can  be  recognised,  while  many  of  the  genera  are 
separated  by  comparatively  slight  differences.  Representative  forms  are 
Squilla  Fabr. ;  Lysiosquilla  and  Pseudosquilla  Dana  ;  Gonodactyhis  Latreille  ;  and 
Coronida  Brooks.     Modern  Stomatopods  are  exclusively  marine,  the   adults 

generally  inhabiting  burrows 
in  the  sand  or  mud  of  the  sea- 
bottom  in  shallow  water,  chiefly 
in  the  tropics,  but  extend- 
ing also  50  degrees  on  either 
side  of  the  equator.  Many 
species  seem  never  to  wander 
far  from  their  burrows,  into 
which  they  retreat  with  great 
rapidity  when  alarmed.  The 
larval  stages,  on  the  other 
hand,  are  exclusively  pelagic, 
of  glass-like  transparency,  and 
occur  in  great  numbers  in  the 
plankton  of  the  warmer  seas. 
All  the  Stomatopods  appear 
to  be  of  active,  predatory 
habits.  They  range  in  size 
approximately  from  38  to 
Fig.  1495.  340  mm. 

Sculda  pennata  Mnnst.     Upper  Jura ;  Bavaria,     yl,  £,  Dorsal  The     existence     of     Stoma- 

views,  Vi  and  3/i.     C,  Ventral  aspect,  s/i-     «,  e,  First  and  second    f^nnds;     in     PnlpnymV     timps    la 
pairs  of  antennae  (after  Kunth).  topoUS     in    raieOZOlC     timCS    IS 

still  doubtful.  Necroscilla 
Woodward,  from  the  English  Coal  Measures,  is  based  on  a  fragment  of  the 
abdomen  and  telson.  Perimerturns  Peach,  from  the  Carboniferous  of 
Scotland,  shows  several  features,  such  as  the  massiveness  of  the  abdomen  and 
the  movable  rostral  plate,  that  suggest  an  affinity  with  this  order.  In  the 
Kimmeridgian  of  Solenhofen  undoubted  Stomatopods  occur,  some  of  which 
are    even    referred    to    the    Eecent    genus    Squilla   Fabr.   (also    known   from 

1  Literatiu'e :  Munster,  G.  Graf  zu,  Beitrage  zur  Petrefaktenkiuide.  Parts  iii.  and  v.,  1840- 
1842. — Mark,  W.  von  der,  and  Schlutcr,  C,  Neiie  Fische  uud  Krebse  aus  der  Kreide  von  Westphalen. 
Palaeontogr.,  1868,  vol.  xv. — Kunth,  A.,  Uber  wenig  bekannte  Crustaceen  von  Solenhofen. 
Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.,  1870,  vol.  xxii.  —  Woodward,  II.,  Contributions  to  the  knowledge  of 
fossil  Crustacea.  Quart.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1879,  vol.  xxxv. — Brooks,  W.  A'.,  Report  on  the 
Stomatopoda.  Scient.  Results  Challenger  Exped.,  Zool.,  1886,  vol.  xvi. — Miers,  E.  J.  On  the 
Squillidae.      Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1880,  ser.  5,  vol.  v. 


Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  deposits).  Sculda  Miinster  (Eeckur  Miinst. ;  Buria 
Giebel)  (Fig.  1495),  also  from  the  Solenhofen  beds,  differs  considerably  from 
Recent  forms.  It  is  of  interest  to  note  that  larvae  of  Stomatopods  belonging 
to  what  is  known  as  the  Erichtlms  type  have  been  recognised  in  the  Cretaceous 
of  the  Lebanon. 

[With  the  underuoted  exceptions  this  revision  of  the  Eucrustacea  has  been  prepared  for  the 
present  treatise  by  Dr.  \V.  T.  Caiman,  of  the  British  Museum  of  Natural  History.  The 
systematic  account  of  the  Branchiopoda  and  Ostracoda  has  been  revised  by  Dr.  R.  S.  Bassler, 
of  the  United  States  National  iMuseum,  and  that  of  the  Phyllocarida  by  Dr.  John  M.  Clarke, 
State  Geologist  and  Director  of  tlie  New  York  State  Museum  at  Albany. — Editoe.] 

Class  2.     ARACHNIDA. 

Arthropods  in  which  the  branchial  folds  function  as  gills  or  as  lungs,  or  heroine 
metamorphosed  into  air-tuhes  (tracheae)  penetrating  the  body.  The  body  is  divided 
into  two  regions,  cephalothorax  and  abdomen,  the  line  between  the  two  passing  behind 
the  sixth  pair  of  appendages.  Cephalothoracic  segments  usually  coalesced,  those  of 
the  abdomen  either  free  or  fused.  Frequently  a  piost-anal  spine  is  present.  Antennae 
lacking  ;  genital  openings  upon  the  first  abdominal  somite  ;  midgut  long  ;  spermatozoa 
motile  ;  development  without  nauplius  or  zoea  stages. 

The  affinities  of  the  Recent  Limulus  and  its  extinct  Xiphosurous  allies 
with  the  group  represented  by  Scorpions,  Spiders,  etc.,  was  pointed  out  by 
Straus-Diirckheim  as  long  ago  as  1829,  and  additional  reasons  for  removing 
the  Merostoraes  from  association  with  Crustacea  were  brought  forward  at  a 
later  period  by  various  writers,  among  whom  may  be  mentioned  Henri  and 
Alphonse  Milne -Edwards,  Dohrn,  Lankester,  van  Beneden,  Kingsley,  Laurie, 
Clarke  and  Ruedemann.  Kingsley,  in  discussing  the  relations  between 
Limulus  and  the  Crustacea  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  Arachnida  on  the  other, 
has  indicated  the  following  points  of  agreement:  (1)  a  branchial  respii'ation ; 
(2)  absence  of  malpighian  tubes  ;  (3)  absence  of  salivary  glands  ;  (4)  absence 
of  embryonic  envelopes  ;  and  (5)  presence  of  compound  eyes.  He  has  also 
shown  28  points  in  which  Limulus  and  the  Arachnids  agree,  and  in  which 
both  differ  from  the  other  "  Tracheates  "  (Myriapoda  and  Insecta). 

The  following  points  of  likeness  are  considered  as  of  special  importance 
for  justifying  the  association  of  Merostomata  with  the  Arachnida  : 

(1)  The  numerical  homologies  of  segments  and  appendages;  (2)  the  exact 
homologies  existing  in  the  respiratory  organs  ;  (3)  the  fact  that  the  cephalo- 
thoracic appendages  are  pediform,  the  basal  joints  serving  as  jaws ;  (4)  the 
presence  of  true  nephridia  opening  in  the  base  of  the  third  or  fifth  pair  of 
appendages  or  in  both ;  (5)  genital  openings  in  the  seventh  (or  more  probably 
eighth)  segment  of  the  body ;  (6)  extreme  length  of  the  midgut ;  (7)  presence 
of  an  internal  structure,  the  entosternite ;  (8)  inclusion  of  the  ventral  nerve 
cord  and  its  nerves  in  the  external  artery  and  its  branches ;  (9)  the  close 
similarities  in  the  central  nervous  system. 

The  Arachnida  form  a  more  diverse  class  than  the  Insecta,  and  display 
nearly  as  much  differentiation  among  themselves  in  structure,  size  and  habit 
as  do  the  Crustacea.  The  larger  and  more  complex  forms  have  a  fixed  and 
constant  number  of  segments,  and  in  all  Arachnida,  as  in  Insecta  and  the 
higher  Crustacea,  it  is  possible  to  analyse  the  body  into  twenty-one 
VOL.  I  3  D 




segments  (or  somites).  Some  of  these,  however,  may  be  suppressed  during 
the  ontogeny,  not  all  of  them  persisting  to  the  adult  stage,  or  else  becoming 
fused  in  various  ways. 

The  body  segments  of  Arachnida  are  grouped  together  in  higher  aggregates 
or  categories,  called  "  tagmata  "  by  Lankester  (or  expressed  more  simply  as 
"  regions  "),  of  which  three  are  usually  distinguishable.  These  regions  are  : 
(1)  the  prosoma,  often  termed  also  the  "  cephalothorax "  ;  (2)  the  mesosoma, 
also  called  by  some  writers  the   "thorax"  or  "  preabdomen "  ;  and  (3)  the 

A  B 


stern  urn 


en  I  la  I 

---  3 





Fin.  1496. 

Duthus  vccitarms  Amoreux,  a  ty]iical  OM-World  Scorpion.     A,  Dorsal,  and  B,  VRntral  view. 

i/;i  (after  Kraepelin). 

metasoma  (another  name  for  the  "  postabdomen  "  or  "  tail  "  of  earlier  writers. 
Fig.  1496).  The  first  of  these  regions  includes  all  of  the  segments  in  front 
of  the  genital  pore,  usually  six  in  number.  The  second,  or  mesosoma,  begins 
with  the  somite  bearing  the  genital  pore,  and  ends  with  the  last  somite  which 
bears  free  appendages,  typically  six  segments  in  all.  The  third  region,  or 
metasoma,  consists  usually  of  six  segments,  none  of  which  bear  appendages, 
excepting  that  the  terminal  one  often  has  attached  to  it  a  postanal  "telson," 
which  may  be  considered  as  in  the  nature  of  an  appendage.  The  latter  takes 
in  Scorpions  the  form  of  the  sting,  in  Xiphosures  and  Eurypterids  that  of  the 
spine.  Among  Merostomes,  where  the  body  is  sometimes  sharply  divided 
functionally  into    two    regions    only  ("  cei:)halothorax "  and    "abdomen"   as 


they  are  then  commonly  called),  the  metasoma  together  with  the  mesosoma 
make  up  the  abdomen.  The  abdominal  segments,  although  usually  distinct, 
are  sometimes  coalesced  or  fused. 

Arachnids  have  the  sexes  distinct,  and  do  not  reproduce  asexually  or, 
so  far  as  known,  parthenogenetically.  As  a  rule  there  is  little  external 
difference  between  male  and  female,  except  for  a  very  frequent  disparity 
in  size  and  an  occasional  modification  of  some  of  the  appendages.  In  several 
genera  of  Eurypterids  two  forms  of  opercular  appendages  of  sexual  significance 
have  been  recognised,  and,  by  analogy  with  Lmiulus,  the  more  primitive  of 
these  is  assigned  to  the  male,  the  more  elaborate  to  the  female.  From  this 
it  appears  that,  in  Eurijpterus  at  least,  the  adult  males  are  smaller  than  the 
females,  as  is  true  of  Limulus  also.  Mites,  Scorpions  and  Pedipalps  are 
viviparous,  but  all  other  members  of  the  class  lay  eggs. 

Primitive  Arachnids  appear  to  have  been  altogether  marine,  and  to  have 
breathed  by  gill-books  borne  on  appendages.  During  or  after  Silurian  times, 
when  their  descendants  acquired  a  terrestrial  habitat  and  changed  from 
water-breathing  to  air-breathing,  the  gill-books  sank  into  the  body  and 
became  lung-books  or  were  replaced  by  tracheae.  Eeference  may  be  had  to 
the  recently  published  works  by  Gaskell  on  The  Origin  of  the  Vertebrates  (1908), 
and  Patten  on  The  Evolution  of  the  Vertehrates  and  their  Kin  (1912),  for  an 
extended  discussion  of  the  so-called  Arachnid  theory  of  the  origin  of 

The  Arachnida  are  divided  into  two  subclasses,  Merostomata  and  Enibolo- 
branchiata.  The  chief  distinguishing  character  of  the  former  of  these  groups 
is  that  the  gills  are  patent  and  exposed,  and  (in  living  representatives) 
malpighian  tubules  are  absent.  It  is  to  be  noted  that  both  these  features 
are  associated  with  aquatic  life. 

Subclass  A.     MEROSTOMATA  Dana  (emend.  Woodward).^ 

(Syn.  Gigantostraca  Haeckel  ;  Delobranchiata  Lankester.) 

Six  pairs  of  ambulator ij  limbs  about  the  mouth,  the  foremost  of  which  terminates 
in  chelicerae.  The  rest  serve  as  organs  of  locomotion,  and  their  coxal  joints  for 
prehension  and  mastication.  Behind  the  mouth  is  a  single  or  paired  metastoma. 
Frosoma  {"  cephalothorax")  depressed,  with  usually  a  pair  each  of  median  ocelli  and 
laterally  placed  kidney-shajyed  comptound  eyes.  Respiration  by  means  of  lamellar 
branchiae  borne  on  the  apipendages  of  all,  or  all  but  one  of  the  first  six  post-cephalic 
segments,  which  collectively  form  the  mesosoma.  In  Limulus  there  are  no  salivary 
glands,  no  malpighian  tubules,  and  no  embryonic  membranes  {^^  amnion")  are  found 
in  development. 

Concerning  the  origin  of  the  subclass,  it  is  to  be  noted  that  the  early 
appearance  and  later  atrophy  of  the  abdominal  appendages  is  clearly  a 
feature  that  points  to  a  common  ancestor  for  the  Scorpion  and  Merostomes 

^  The  best  bibliographies  of  Merostomata,  including  also  historical  reviews  of  the  group,  are  to 
be  found  in  the  following  memoirs  : — Woodward,  IL,  A  Monograph  of  the  British  Fossil  Crustacea 
of  the  Order  Merostomata.  Palaeont.  Soc,  1866-78,  pp.  21-30. — Packard,  A.  S.,  On  the  Car- 
boniferous Xiphosurous  Fauna  of  North  America.  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  1885,  vol.  iii.  pp.  153-6. 
— Clarke,  J.  M.,  and  Ruedemann,  R.,  The  Eurypterida  of  New  York.  Mem.  14,  N.Y.  State 
Museum,  1912,  p.  438. 

772  AETHROPODA  phylum  vii 


having  such  appendages.  Also  it  is  to  be  inferred  that  the  cephalothorax 
in  the  embryo  of  the  Scorpion  retains  ancestral  features,  from  the  facts  that 
its  length  corresponds  to  about  six  abdominal  segments  and  it  equals  the 
latter  in  width. 

A  comparison  of  the  larvae  of  all  three,  Eurypterids,  Limulus  and  the 
Scorpion,  shows  that  the  two  last-named  have  lost  the  primitive  form  of  the 
abdomen  by  acceleration ;  that  of  Limulus  being  much  broadened,  that  of 
the  Scorpion  abruptly  contracted  to  the  tail  or  postabdomen,  while  the 
Eurypterids  have  best  preserved  the  original  gradual  and  uniform  contraction. 
The  carapaces,  of  Eurypterids  and  the  Scorpion  have  most  nearly  retained 
the  original  proportions  and  form  of  the  common  ancestor.  Of  the  cephalo- 
thoracic  appendages  the  chelicerae  are  alike  in  all  three  groups  and  obviously 
ancestral  in  their  form  ;  the  remaining  legs  have  taken  quite  different  courses 
of  adaptation,  the  Scorpions  having  developed  the  powerful  chelate  pedipalps, 
the  Eurypterids  the  swimming  legs,  while  those  of  Limulus  have  remained 
relatively  undifferentiated. 

These  and  other  facts  tend  to  support  the  inference  that  neither  Limulus 
nor  the  Scorpions  are  derivable  from  Eurypterids,  but  that  all  three,  while 
related,  have  early  separated  ;  and  that  the  Eurypterids  are  still  nearest  in 
their  general  aspect  to  the  early  common  ancestor.  The  appearance  of 
Eurypterids  in  the  Cambrian  with  the  essential  characters  of  the  group  is 
in  accordance  with  their  larval  aspect,  while  the  early  separation  of  Scorpions 
from  the  primitive  stock  is  evinced  by  the  occurrence  of  typical  Scorpions  in 
the  Silurian,  and  by  the  fact  that  in  the  Carboniferous  they  show  a  greater 
diversity  of  form  than  they  do  to-day.  On  the  other  hand  the  similarity  of 
the  ancient  Palaeophonus  nuntius  to  Recent  forms  is  conclusive  evidence  that 
the  Scorpions  have  been  very  "  persistent  types "  and  had  developed  their 
typical  characters  much  earlier  than  the  Silurian.  There  is  no  reason  to 
doubt  that,  as  there  are  Eurypterids  in  the  Cambrian,  the  Scorpions  also 
reach  back  to  that  era,  and  the  diversion  from  the  common  ancestor  must 
have  already  been  inaugurated  in  early  Cambrian  time. 

As  to  what  this  common  ancestor  was  we  have  no  clue.  Surely  the 
Trilobites,  which  are  true  primitive  Crustacea,  are  not  ancestrally  or  other- 
wise closely  related  to  Merostomes,  and  the  latter  even  in  the  Cambrian  are 
far  removed  from  any  possible  synthetic  ancestors,  as  is  shown  by  their  very 
definite  number  of  segments  and  the  arrangement  of  their  appendages.  We 
must  search,  therefore,  for  still  more  primitive  Arthropods  than  the  Crustacea 
as  ancestors  of  Merostomes  and  ilrachnids  generally.  In  support  of  this  view 
Clarke  and  Ruedemann  point  to  the  absence  of  anything  in  the  ontogeny  of 
the  Eurypterids  that  would  suggest  a  crustacean  nauplius  stage,  the  admitted 
absence  of  all  crustacean  characters  in  the  adult  forms,  and  the  equal  absence 
of  all  crustacean  features  in  the  ontogenies  of  Limulus  and  the  Scorpion. 

Order  1.     XIPHOSURA  Gronovius.i 

Body,  in  mature  types,  distinctly  trilohed  longitudinally.  Cephalothorax  large, 
semicircular,  the  compound  eyes,  when  present,  laterally  situated,  and  ocelli  near  the 

^  Literature  :  Hoeven,  J.  van  dei\  Recherclies  sur  lliistoire  iiaturelle  et  ranatoniie  des  Limules. 
Leydeii,  1838. — Minister,  G.  Oraf  zu,  Beitriige  zur  Petrefaktenkunde.  Parts  i.,  iii.,  1840. — 
Gegenhaur,  C,  Anatomische  Untersuchuugen  eiiies  Limixlus.     Abliaudl.  iiaturf.  Ges.  Halle,  18.58. 


centre  in  front.  First  pair  of  appendages  chelicerate.  Metastoma  with  two  small 
accessory  2)Iates.  Abdomen  tvith  seven  to  ten  segments,  which  are  dorsally  free  or 
coalesced  ;  the  six  anterior  ones  provided  with  lamellar  appendages  on  the  under  side. 
Telson  long,  ensiform,  movable. 

Family  1.     Oyclidae  Packard. 

Cephcdothorax   small,    orbictdar,    discoidal   or   convex,    calcareous   or   chitinous, 
bounded  by  a  distinct  border.     Cephalic  appendages  nearly  as  in  embryonic  Limulus. 

Cyclus  de  Kon.  (Fig.  1497).  Known  almost  solely  by  the  orbicular 
cephalothorax  with  its  imperfectly  preserved  appendages,  which  seem  to  be 
simple  swimming  legs.  Their  enlarged  joints  cover  the 
ventral  surface  of  the  carapace  everywhere  except  in 
the  centre,  which  is  occupied  by  a  V-shaped  plate, 
towards  the  pointed  extremity  of  which  all  the  basal 
joints  of  the  limbs  converge.  Coal  Measures  ;  Great 
Britain,  Illinois  and  Missouri. 

Family  2.     Belinuridae  Packard. 

■  Body    limnloid     in^    general     aspect.       Cephalotltorax  F'*'-  ^^'•^'•■ 

rounded,  with  long,  slender  genal  spines;  its  appendages  as  coafMeasm^'fSm  Creek; 
in  larval  Limulus.      Abdomen  with  the  segments  in  vart  n'inois.   cephaioUiorax  show- 

,         ,       7    77  T  1    ,    1       .  1  J-  -77     7        n    ^  ing  traces  of  let;s  and  alimentary 

or  almost  wliolly  consolidated  ;  telson  of  variable  length.  canal,   i/i- 

Belinurus  Konig  (Fig.  1498).  Cephalothorax  hippocrepiform,  its  central 
portion  surrounded  by  a  broad,  flat  marginal  area,  which  at  the  genal  angles 
is  produced  into  a  long,  slender  spine.  Abdomen  with  eight  segments, 
besides  the  much-elongated,  slender  telson  ;  seventh  and  eighth  segments  are 
consolidated.  Upper  Old  Red  Sandstone  and  Coal  Measures  of  Great  Britain 
and  northern  France  {B.  belkdus  Konig ;  B.  reginae  Baily).  Also  in  Coal 
Measures  of  Illinois  (B.  lacoei  Packard). 

— Baily,  W.  IL,  Explanation  of  Sheet  137  of  the  Maps  of  the  Geol.  Surv.  Scotland,  1859.— 
Remarks  on  Beliuiirus.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1863,  ser.  3,  vol.  xi. — Giebel,  O.  G.,  Limulus 
Decheni.  Zeitschr.  gesammt.  Naturw.,  1863,  vol.  xxi. — Meek,  F.  B.,  and  Worthen,  A.  H.,  Kept. 
(tboI.  Surv.  III.,  1868,  vol.  iii. —  Woodivard,  H.,  Notes  on  Neolimulus,  Cyclus,  Merostomata,  etc. 
Geol.  Mag.,  1869-94,  dec.  1,  vol.  v.  ;  dec.  3,  vols,  vii.,  ix.  ;  dec.  4,  vol.  i. — Dohrn,  A.,  Embryologie 
und  Morpliologie  des  Limulus.  Jenaische  Zeitschr.,  1871,  vol.  vi. — Packard,  A.  S.,  Development 
of  Limulus.  Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1872,  vol.  i. — Idem,  Anatomy,  Histology  and 
Embryology  of  Limulus.  Anniv.  Mem.  Boston  Spc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1880. — Idem,  Carboniferous 
Xiphosurous  Fauna  of  North  America.  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  1885,  vol.  iii.  —  Van  Beneden, 
M.  E.,  Systematic  Position  of  King  Crabs  and  Trilobites.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1872,  ser.  4, 
vol.  ix. — Milne-Edwards,  A.,  Recherches  sur  I'anatomie  des  Limules.  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.,  1873, 
ser.  5,  vol.  xvii. — Lankester,  E.  R.,  Limulus  an  Arachnid.  Quart.  Journ.  Microsc.  Sci.,  1881, 
vol.  xxi. — Peach,  B.  N.,  Further  Researches  among  Crustacea  and  Arachnida.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc. 
Ediub.,  1882,  vol.  xxx. —  Williams,  H.  S.,  New  Limuloid  Crustacean  from  the  Devonian.  Amer. 
Journ.  Sci.,  1885,  ser.  3,  vol.  xxx. — Hall,  J.,  and  Clarke,  J.  M.,  Palaeontology  of  N.Y.,  1888, 
vol.  vii. — Kishenouye,  K.,  Development  of  Limulus.  Journ.  Coll.  Sci.  Tokyo,  1891,  vol.  v. — 
Kingsley,  J.  S.,  Embryology  of  Limulus.  Journ.  Morphol.,  1892-93,  vols,  vii.,  viii. — Fritsch, 
A.,  Fauna  der  Gaskohle.  Prague,  1901,  vol.  iv. — Clarke,  J.  M.,  Pseudoniscus  in  the  Eurypterus 
Beds  of  New  York.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Palaeont.  for  1900.  (54th  Ann.  Rept.  N.Y.  State  Mus.), 
1902. — Rogers,  A.  F.,  Some  new  American  Species  of  Cyclus  from  the  Coal  Measures.  Kansas 
Univ.  Sci.  Bull.,  1902,  vol.  i..  No.  10. — Stromer  von  Reichenbach,  E.,  tJber  Molukkenkrebse. 
Zeitschr.  Deutsch.  Geol.  Ges.  Mouatsber.,  1907,  vol.  lix.  —  Gaskell,  W.  B.,  Origin  of  the 
Vertebrates,  London,  1908. — Patten,   W.,  Evolution  of  the  Vertebrates  and  their  Kin,  1912. 




Presfwichia  Woodw.  (Euproiips  Meek;    Anthracopeltis  Boulay)  (Fig.  1499). 
Differs  from  Belinurus  in  having  seven  coalesced  abdominal  segments,  besides 

a  short  and  obtuse  caudal 
spine.  Outline  of  ab- 
domen subsemicircular, 
central  axis  of  body 
segments  narrow.  Coal 
Measures;  England, 
northern  France,  Russia 
and  Illinois.  Type,  P. 
anthrax  (Prestw.). 

Protolimuliis  Pack. 
Cephalothorax  relatively 
large,      subsemicircular. 

with  small  appendages ; 

PlfJ.  149S. 

Belinurus  reqinae    Baily.  ^"'-  l'*'^^- 

Coal     Measures  ;      Queen's  Prestwichia  danac  (Meek).     Coal   Meas-  . 

County,   Ireland.     Vi  (after  ures;  MazonCreek,Grundy  County,  Illinois.  itS  geiial  angles  lesS  prO- 

Woodward).  2/   (aft,er  Packard).  '  J  j    xi,  •        .r,       "1 

duced  than  in  the  two 
preceding  genera.  Abdomen  with  six  segments  besides  a  large,  thick  caudal 
spine.  Upper  Devonian  (Chemung  Group) ;  Pennsylvania.  Type,  Prot. 
eriensis  (Williams). 

Prolimulns  Fritsch.  Cephalothorax  ellipsoidal,  broader  than  long,  without 
genal  angles,  and  with  relatively  long  appendages.  Abdomen  rounded, 
shorter  than  the  cephalothorax,  with  lamellar  appendages.  Telson  slender 
equalling  one-half  the  total  body  length.  Permian ;  Bohemia.  Type,  P. 
ivoodwardi  Fritsch. 

Family  3.     Limulidae  Zittel  (King  or  Horseshoe  Crabs). 

(Syn.  XiphosuridaG  Pocock.) 

Body  longer  than  broad;  cephalothorax  arched  dorsalhj,  the  central  jwrtion 
separated  from  the  sides  by  longitudinal  grooves;  marginal  area  large  and  flat. 
Abdomen  composed  of  six  consolidated  segments  forming  a  simple  sub-triangidar 
shield,  and  a  long  slender  telson.  Six  p)airs  of  abdominal  limbs,  five  of  them,  having 
over  a  hundred  p)airs  of  gill-leaves. 

Limulus  Miiller,  restricted  by  Fabricius  (Fig.  1500).  Living  species  belong- 
ing to  this,  the  solitary  genus  of  the  family,  occur  on  the  eastern  shores  of  North 
and  Central  America  and  Asia.  According  to  Pocock's  classification  {Ann. 
Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1902,  ser.  7,  vol.  ix.),  the  foui-  Asiatic  species  are  referable 
to  two  genera  distinct  from  Limulus  s.s.  In  all  forms  the  four  cephalothoracic 
feet  are  chelate,  the  sixth  pair  is  furnished  with  a  whorl  of  plates  used  in 
pushing  the  animal  through  the  mud.  Gills  are  borne  upon  the  five  posterior 
pairs  of  abdominal  appendages,  the  anterior  pair  being  without  gills,  but 
having  the  genital  opening  upon  the  posterior  face. 

The  males  are  smaller  than  the  females,  aud  are  fxirther  distinguished  by  the  hooked,  not 
chelate,  termination  of  the  second,  or  second  and  third  appendages,  a  chai-acter  which  they 
acquire  only  at  maturity.  The  young  embryo  of  Limulus  is  without  an  elongated  caudal 
spine,  and  swims  freely  by  means  of  its  abdominal  appendages.  With  its  marked  lateral 
eyes,  segmented  abdomen  and  body  divided  into  median  and  lateral  regions  by  longitudinal 
grooves,  it  presents  considerable  resemblance  to  a  Trilobite,  and  the  stage  has  in  fact  been 




called  the  Trilobite  stage  (Fig.  1500,  B).  After  the  first  moult  the  caudal  spine  begins  to 
elongate,  and  at  this  stage,  while  tlie  abdomen  retains  its  segmented  larval  character,  a  true 
affinity  with  the  Paleozoic  Frestwichia  and  Bclinurus  is  clearly  revealed.  The  prevailing 
modern  view  is  that  in  Limulus  we  have  a  member  of  the  Arachnida  which  retains  its  water- 
breathing  liabit,  and,  in  the  features  of  the  abdominal  appendages,  some  traces  of  the 
characteristic  structure  of  the  primitive  crustacean  stock  from  which  the  Arachnida  originally 

The  genus  first  makes  its  appearance  in  the  Trias,  one  small  species  being  known  from 
tlie  Buntersandstein  of  the  Vosges,  and  another,  L.  viccnsis  Bleicher,  from  the  Keuper  of 

C,  Limulus  jiriscui 
Miinst.  Muschelkalk  ; 
Laineck,  near  Bay- 
reutli.     Vi- 

B,  Embryo  of  Limulus, 
ill  the  so-called  "Trilo- 
bite stage."  Lateral 
eves  faintly  .shown. 
(After  Dohni.) 

A,  Limulus  walchi   Desm.      Lithograjihic  Stone;    Solenhofen,  Bavaria. 
hitter  showing  several  pairs  of  imi)erfectly  preserved  ambulatory  limbs.     On  the  carapace,  covering  the  prosoma, 
are  seen  impressions  of  the  lateral  eyes. 

Fic.  1500. 

Dorsal  and  ventral  aspects,   the 

Lorraine.  L.  loalchi  is  abundant  in  the  Lithographic  Stone  of  Bavaria  ;  L.  nathorsti  and 
L.  woodivardi  are  Jurassic  species  from  Sweden  and  England  respectively  ;  L.  syriacus 
occurs  in  the  Cretaceous  of  the  Lebanon  ;  and  L.  decheni  occurs  in  the  Oligocene  brown  coal 

of  Teuchern,  near  Merseburg.^ 

Order  2.     SYNXIPHOSURA  Packard. 

Body  elongated  ;  cephalothorax  semicircular  with  more  or  less  distinctly  defined 
m.cdian  axis,  and  no  facial  sutures.     Compound  eyes  generally  present,  ocelli  not 

^   Biihm,  J.,    tjber    Limulus   decheni  Zincken.     Jahrb.  Preuss.    Landesanst.    Bergakad.,   1905, 
xxvi.     One  of   these  specimens  described  by  Btilim  represents  doubtless  the  largest   known 


776  AKTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

observed  except  in  NeoUmidm.     Abdomen  trUobed,  its  segments  free,  the  pleura  jlat 
and  extended,  and  usually  terminating  in  lateral  projections  or  spines. 

With  tlie  exception  of  the  Cambrian  Aglaspis  (Fig.  1501),  all  the  genera  belonging  to  this 
order  are  of  Silurian  age,  and  are  too  imperfectly  known  as  yet  to  permit  a  satisfactory 
grouping  into  families,  although  several  such  have  been  ]iroposed  by  Packard.  Zittel  united 
them,  together  -with  certain  genera  of  Xiphosura,  in  the  family  Hemiaspidae,  which  term  is 
retained,  but  employed  in  a  restricted  sense. 

Suborder  A.     AGLASPINA  Walcott. 

Body  elongate,  transversely  trilohed,  more  or  less  sharply  divided  into  tioo  regions 
only.      Cephalothorax  with  or  without  sessile  eyes;    on  the  ventral  side  it  has  an 
epistoma  and  five  pairs  of  movable    appendages.     Abdominal 
segments    all  free,    varying  from    seven    (Aglaspis)    to    tiuelve 
{Emeraldella)  in  addition  to  the  caudal  spine. 

Family  1.     Aglaspidae  Clarke. 

Cephalothorax   moderately   large,   trilohed ;    abdominal    seg- 
ments with  distinct  axis  and  pleurae  ;  telson  long  and  spiniform. 

Aglaspis  Hall  (Fig.    1501).      Cephalothorax  relatively 

Fig.  1501.  large,  its  trilobed  central  portion  short  and  conate,  in  front 

Aglaspis  eatoni  whitf.   of  which  are  two  approximate  compound  eyes ;  bounded 

w?s^cOT^in"'%'r  '  ^°'^''   o^^  ^^^  sides  by  a  distinct  border.      Abdominal  segments 

described  as    seven    in    number,  flat    and    blade -like,   not 

grooved  on  the  pleura  ;  telson  a  long  and  somewhat  obtuse  spine.     Cambrian; 


Under  this  family  also  are  included  three  genera  from  the  Burgess  shale 
member  of  the  Stephen  formation  (Middle  Cambrian)  of  British  Columbia, 
described  by  Walcott  under  the  names  of  Molaria,  Ilahelia  and  Emeraldella. 
They  are  remarkable  for  displaying  well-jDreserved  abdominal  appendages. 

Suborder  B,     BUNODOMORPHA,  nomen  novum. 

This  group  contains  only  the  family  Hemiaspidae,  as  at  present  constituted. 
It  is  a  somewhat  heterogeneous  assemblage,  but  recognised  as  separated  from 
the  Aglaspidae  by  more  than  family  dift'erences. 

Family  1.     Hemiaspidae  Zittel. 

This  family,  in  its  restricted  sense,  may  be  provisionally  maintained 
pending  further  investigation  of  the  rare  and  in  some  respects  obscure  forms 
embraced  by  it.  The  original  definition  of  this  family  is  no  longer  applicable, 
its  limits  having  become  narrowed  by  the  removal  of  various  genera  to 
other  groups. 

Neolimulus  Woodw.  Cephalothorax  short  and  broad,  crescentic,  elevated 
mesially,  and  bearing  one  or  two  pairs  of  ocelli.  Compound  eyes  lateral  and 
connected  with  the  genal  angles  by  a  suture.  Abdomen  very  broad  anteriorly, 
not  distinctly  divided  into  two  regions,  all  of  its  segments  free,  trilobed  and 



N,  p.  f* 
/ 1 1 

at  least  nine  in  number 

discovered.      Axial    portion    of    abdomen 

backwards.     This  genus   has  been  understood 

as  connecting  the  Xiphosura  with  the  Synxi- 

phosura.    Silurian  ;  Scotland.    Type,  N.falcatus 


Bunodes  Eichw.  [Exapinurus  Nieszk.)  (Fig. 
1502).  Cephalothorax  semicircular,  convex, 
with  radial  furroAvs  from  the  median  portion. 
Facial  sutures  obscure,  converging  from  the 
posterior  to  the  anterior  margin.  According  to 
Patten's  interpretation,  a  median  ("parietal") 
and  a  pair  of  lateral  eyes  are  present,  but  no 
genal  spines.  Abdomen  divided  into  an  an- 
terior portion  (mesosoma  or  "  thorax  ")  consist- 
ing of  six  trilobite-like  segments  having  a  broad 
median  axis  and  lamellar  pleura  with  diagonal 
pleural  lines ;  and  a  posterior  portion  (meta- 
soma  or  "  postabdomen ")  of  four  narrow  seg- 
ments, besides  a  long  and  acuminate  telson. 
External  surface  of  carapace  and  somites  pus- 
tulose.     Silurian ;  Oesel. 

Hemiaspis  Woodw.  (Lmuloides  Salter)  (Fig. 
1503).     General  form  similar  to  that  of  Bunodes. 

Cephalothorax  one -half 
as  long  as  broad,  with 
several  genal 
central  portion 

the  telson  not  observed  in  any  specimen  thus  far 

rapidly   from    before 



Fio.  1502. 

Bunodes  lunula,  var.  schrenki,  Niesz. 
Silurian ;  Rootzikull,  Oesel.  Drawing 
made  from  a  plaster  model,  as  restored  by 
Patten,  "-/i.  Pros,  Prosonia ;  M.<,  Meso- 
soma, following  which  are  the  four  narrow 
somites  and  telson  constituting  the  meta- 
sotna  ;  le,  Lateral  eye ;  pe,  Parietal  eye. 
(Supposed  antennae  omitted.) 

spines  ; 

well   de- 

Postcephalic  seg- 

nine   in    number, 

the     acuminate 

more  or  less  dis- 

divided  into  two 

(mesosoma    and 

metasoma),  subtriangular 

in    outline,   and    with   a 

broad  median  axis  which 

tapers  gradually  from  before  backwards.     Pleura  flat 

and  short,  the  lateral  margins  of  the  sixth  divided  into 

two  lobes,  as  if  compound.     Segments  seven  to  nine 

are    narrower    and    longer    than    the    preceding,    their 

combined    length    equalling    that    of    the     tail-spine. 

Silurian  ;  Scotland. 

Bunodella  Matthew.     Prosoma  small,  postcephalic  segments  seven  in  number, 

tapering  posteriorly.     Axial  portion  of  the  body  elevated  ;  telson  not  observed. 

Silurian  ;  New  Brunswick. 

Pseudoniscus  Nieszk.  (Fig.  1504).  Prosoma  relatively  large,  convex, 
hippocrepiform,  probably  eyeless  and  without  facial  sutures  ;  genal  angles 
extended  into  short  spines  ;  surface  obscurely  marked  with  radial  furrows. 
Postcephalic  portion  ("abdomen")  strongly  trilobed  and   trilobitiform,  with 

Fig.  1503. 

Hem  iaspis  Vniiuloides  Woodw. 
SiluriaTi  ;  Leintwardine,  Eng- 
land.   Vi  (after  Woodward). 




gradually  tapering  median  axis.     Segments  nine  in  number,  besides  a  short 
pointed   telson,    all    with   smooth   surfaces.       The    first    five    segments    with 

obliquely  grooved  pleura ;  sixth  and  seventh 
partly  conjoined  on  the  pleura,  and  corre- 
sponding axial  parts  of  the  segments  narrow  ; 
eighth  and  ninth  segments  narrow,  lanceolate, 
and  with  increasing  retral  curvature.  Average 
total  length  of  animal  2 "5  cm.  Silurian; 
Oesel  and  New  York  State  (Salina  Group). 

j        Orders.     EURYPTBRIDA  Burmeister.^ 

Body  elongated,  with  a  thin  cldtinous  epi- 
dermal carapace  ornamented  by  fine  scale -like 
markings.  Frosoma  with  tiuo  large,  sometimes 
facetted  lateral  eyes  and  a  pair  of  median  ocelli ; 
on  the  ventral  side  with  six  pairs  of  appendages, 
the  foremost  of  which  is  preoral  and  chelicerate. 
Mouth  bordered  posteriorly  by  a  metastoma. 
"  Abdomen  "  consisting  of  thirteen  free  segments, 
of  which  the  anterior  six  belong  to  the  mesosoma 
and  bear  ventrally  five  pairs  of  broad,  foliaceous 
appendages,  corresponding   or  comparable  to  the 

operadum  and  branchial  appendages  of  Limulus. 
Fio.  1504.  jL  .         ^-'^-^      -  ^      -^      , 

PseudoniscuB  rooseveiti  Clarke.   Complete   ^^'^  mctasoma  cmsists  of  SIX  free,  annular  seg- 

individual.    Silurian  (Salina  Group);  Monroe    ments    without    appendages,    together    with    a    loug 
County,  New  York.     »/i  (after  Clarke).  ,    ,    ,     _,  7  i>     '        J 

or  spatutate  telson. 

This    order,  which  is   restricted  wholly  to   the   Paleozoic,  embraces   the  largest 
Arthroijods  known,  some  of  them  {Pterygotus,  Stylonurus)  having  attained  a  length 

1  Literature:  Dekay,  J.  E.,  On  a  Fossil  Crustaceous  Auimal.  Ann.  N.Y.  Lye.  Nat.  Hist., 
1825,  vol.  i.—M'Coij,  F.,  Some  British  Fossil  Crustacea.  Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  1849,  ser.  2,  vol. 
iv. — Roemer,  F.,  Ueber  ein  E.xemplar  von  Eurypterus.  Palaeontogr. ,  1851,  vol.  i. — Huxley,  T.  //., 
On  Himantopterus.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  1856,  vol.  xii. — Idem,  and  Salter,  J.  W.,  On  Ptery- 
gotus. Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  United  Kingd.,  1859,  vol.  i.—Page,  D.,  Advanced  Text-Book  of  Geology, 
1856  and  ISb'd.—Nieskowski,  J.,  De  Euryptero  remipede.  Dorpat,  1858.— ^a^/,  J.,  Palaeon- 
tology of  New  York,  1859,  vol.  m.— Salter,  J.  W.,  Some  Fossil  Crustacea,  etc.  Quar.  Journ.  Geol. 
Soc,  1862-63,  vols,  xviii.,  xix.  —  Woodward,  H.,  Numerous  papers  in  Geol.  Mag.,  ser.  1,  dec.  1, 
vols,  i.,  ix.,  and  Quar.  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  vols,  xxi.,  xxiii.,  xxiv.,  x.xvii.,  xxviii.,  etc,  1864-72. 
— Idem,  Monograph  of  British  Fossil  Crustacea,  Order  Merostoniata.  Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1866-78. 
—Grate,  A.  R.,  and  Pitt,  W.  H.,  New  Crustaceans  from  Water- Lime  Group  (Eusarcus,  Ptery- 
gotus, etc.).  Bull.  Burtalo  Soc  Nat.  Sci.,  1875,  vol.  m.^Pohlman,  J.,  Fossils  of  the  Water-Lime 
Group.  Ibid.,  1881-84,  vols,  iv.,  v. — Peach,  B.  N.,  Further  Researclies  among  Crustacea  and 
Arachnida.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Edinb.,  1882,  vol.  xxx.— Schmidt,  F.,  Miscellanea  Silurica.  Mem. 
Acad.  Imp.  Sci.  St-Petersb.,  1883,  ser.  7,  vol.  xxxl—Hall,  J.,  Note  on  Eurypteridae.  2nd  Geol. 
Survey  Penn.,  Rept.  PPP.,  188^.— Idem,  and  Clarke,  J.  M.,  Palaeontology  of  New  York  State, 
1888,  vol.  \\\.—  Whiteave.s,  J.  F.,  Palaeozoic  Fossils  of  Canada,  1884,  vol.  in.— Fraipont,  J., 
Euryptc'Tides  nouveaux  du  Devonien.  Ann.  Soc.  Belg.  Geol.,  1889,  vol.  x\\\.—Clctypole,  E.  W., 
On  Eurysoma,  Careinosoma,  etc  Amer.  Geol.,  1890-94,  vols,  vi.,  xm.— Laurie,  M.,  Eurypterid 
Remains  from  Pentland  Hills.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc  Edinb.,  1892,  vol.  xxx\\\.—Idevi,  On  Eurypterida. 
Nat.  Sci.,  1893,  vol.  \\\.—Idem,  Anatomy  and  Relations  of  the  Eurypteridae.  Ibid.,  1893,  vol. 
xxxvii.,  and  Nat.  Sci.,  1893,  vol.  m.—Holvi,  G.,  tjber  Eurypterus  Fischeri.  Bull.  Acad.  Imp. 
Sci.  St-Petersb.,  1896,  ser.  5,  vol.  iv.  ;  also  Memoires,  1898,  ser.  8,  vol.  viii.,  and  Geol.  For.  i 
Stockholm  Fiir.,  1899,  vol.  x\\.— Semper,  M.,  Gigantostraken  des  bohmischen  Palaozoicum.  Beitr. 
Pal.  u.  Geol.  Osterr.-Ung.,  1898,  vol.  \\.—Beccher,  C.  E.,  Restoration  of  Stylonurus.  Amer. 
Journ.  Sci.,  1900,  vol.  x.—Idem,  Eurypterid  Remains  from  Missouri.  Ibid.,  1900,  vol.  xii.,  and 
Geol.  Mag.  1900,  dec.  4,  vol.   viii. —^'ar^e,  C.  /.,  Eurypterid  Fauna  from  the  Salina  Rept.   N.Y. 




of  nearly  three  metres.  The  presence  of  gills  upon  the  branchial  appendages  shows 
that  the  Eurypterids  were  aquatic,  and  the  structure  of  their  appendages  indicates 
tliat  they  were  for  the  most  part  mud-crawlers,  though  some  were  good  swimmers. 
They  are  found  associated 
with  cephalopods  and  tri- 
lobites  in  the  Cambrian 
and  Ordovician  of  North 
America  ;  with  cephalo- 
pods and  marine  arthropods 
(Phyllocarids  and  Ostra- 
cods)  in  the  Silurian  ;  with 
Ostracophores  and  Arthro- 
dires  in  the  Devonian ;  and 
with  land  plants, scorpions, 
insects,  fishes,  and  fresh- 
water amphibians  in  the 
productive  Coal  Measures. 
It  is  ajiparent,  therefore, 
that  from  being  originally 
marine  forms,  they  became 
gradually  adapted  to 
brackish,  and  jiossibly  even 
fresh-water  conditions. 

The  Eurypterids  and 
Xiphosures  present  a  num- 
l)er  of  points  of  common 
resemblance.  Both  groups 
have  a  prosoma  comi^osed 
of  at  least  six  fused  seg- 
ments, and  bearing  two 
pairs  of  eyes,  one  pair 
simple,  the  other  com- 
pound, on  the  dorsal  sur- 
face of  the  carapace.  The 
number  and.  position  of 
the  appendages  of  the 
prosoma  in  Eurypterids 
are  the  same  as  in  Limulus, 
and  the  chelicerae  are 
similarly     constructed     in 

both  cases.  The  basal  joints  of  all  five  pairs  of  legs  in  Eurypterids  are  toothed  and 
function  in  mastication  ;  similarly  in  Limulus  all  are  spiny  except  the  coxae  of  the 
last  j)air  of  legs.  In  both  groups  a  similar  process  called  the  epicoxite  is  borne  upon 
the  coxae.  On  the  mesosoma  the  genital  operculum  and  plate-like  appendages  with 
branchial  lamellae  are  similar  in  both  groups.  A  striking  difference  between  them, 
however,  is  seen  in  the  segments  of  the  mesosoma  and  metasoma,  the  somites  being  all 
free  in  Eurypterids,  but  in  Limulus  fused  together.  The  resemblance  between  Euryp- 
terids and  Scorpions  is  none  the  less  striking,  both  groups  showing  the  same  number 

Fig.  liiOo. 

Eurypterus  remipes  Dekay.  Bertie  Waterliine  (Silurian)  ;  Herlvimer 
County,  N.Y.  Restoration  of  dorsal  aspect.  Va  (after  Clarice  and 

State  Palaeont.,  1903. — Schmidt,  F.,  tJber  Stylouurus  von  Osel.  Bull.  Acad.  Imp.  Sci.  St-Petersb., 
1904,  ser.  5,  vol.  xx. — Seemann,  F.,  Zur  Gigantostrakenlauna  BcJlimens.  Beitr.  Pal.  u.  Geol. 
Osterr.-Uug.,  1906,  vol.  xix. — Pruvost,  P.,  Crustaces  du  nord  de  la  France.  Ann.  Soc.  Geol. 
Nord,  1911,  vol.  xl. — Clarke,  J.  M.,  and  Ruedemann,  R.,  Eurypterida  of  New  York.  Mem. 
N.Y.  State  Mus.  no.  xiv.,  1912. 





of  segments  in  the  three  regions  of  the  body,  and  the  appendages  of   the  prosonia 
being  identical  in  number  and  position. 

The  general  form  of  the  body  in  Enrypterids  (Fig.    1505)  is  somewhat  like  that 
of  a  Scorpion,  Imt  is  relatively  broader  ami  shorter.      The  prosoma  or  cephalolhorax 

consists  of  six  fused  seg- 
ments covered  by  a  quadrate 
carapace  with  its  front 
angles  rounded.  This  beai-s 
on  its  dorsal  surface  two 
pairs  of  eyes — large  kidney- 
shaped  lateral  eyes,  and 
median  ocelli.  The  com- 
pound lateral  eyes  are 
smooth  in  theEurypteridae, 
facetted  in  the  Pterygotidae. 
As  shown  by  Clarke  and 
Ruedemann,  these  facetted 
eyes  are  identical  in  struc- 
ture with  those  of  Limulus. 
On  the  ventral  surface 
of  the  prosoma  (Fig.  1506) 
are  seen  six  pairs  of  appen- 
dages, of  which  the  first  pair 
(the  chelicerae)  are  preoral 
in  position,  and  the  remain- 
ing five  pairs  are  found  at 
the  sides  of  the  elongate 
mouth,  and  are  develojjed 
as  legs.  These  legs  consist 
typically  of  a  basal  joint 
(coxa),  the  inner  margin 
of  which  (gnathobase)  is 
provided  with  teeth  and 
able  to  function  in  masti- 
cation, much  as  in  Limuhis 
or  Apu,s,  whilst  the  distal 
part  of  each  appendage 
served  as  an  organ  of  loco- 
motion. The  ambulatory 
part  of  the  appendages  is 
usually  six-jointed,  and  is 
attached  to  a  small,  oval 
"ej)icoxite"  at  its  anterior  angle  exactly  in  the  same  fashion  as  in  Limulus.  The 
fifth  pair  of  legs  is  spineless  and  slender,  probably  serving  as  balancing  organs. 
The  sixth  pair  is  characterised  in  all  members  of  the  order  by  its  greater  size  and 
usually  somewhat  flattened  form,  as  well  as  by  its  termination  in  an  oval  plate  or 
claw.  This  last  pair  is  commonly  termed  the  palette  or  paddle,  and  seems  to  have 
had  a  swimming  function,  although  it  is  probable  that  the  animal  used  it  also 
for  anchoring  or  burying  itself  in  the  mud. 

Behind  the  prosoma  are  twelve  free  segments,  plus  the  tail-spine,  of  which  the 
first  six  form  the  mesosoma,  and  the  remainder  the  metasoma.  On  the  ventral 
surface  the  segments  of  the  mesosoma  bear  pairs  of  plate-like  appendages,  each  of 
which  slightly  overrides  the  next  succeeding  one.  These  appendages  bear  on  their 
inner  (posterioi-)  surfaces   the    lamellar  branchiae,   which   are   oval   in  outline   (Fig. 

Enrypicrm  fischerl   Eichw.      Silurian ;    Island 
iniliviilual,  Vi  (from  Holm). 

of    Oesel.      Female 




1509),  and  in  a  general  way  are  comijarable  to  the  leaf -like  external  gills  of  Limulus. 
The  first  and  second  segments  of  the  mesosoma  are  covered  on  the  ventral  snrface 
by  the  genital  operculum.,  which  consists  of  a  pair  of  plates  meeting  in  the  middle 
line  and  having  a  median  lobe  attached  to  them.  The  latter,  from  analogy  with 
Limulus,  is  undoubtedly  genital  in  function,  and  varies  in  form  in  the  same  species, 
correlating  with  sex. 

Family  1.     Eurypteridae  Burmeister. 

Body  elongate,  narrow  in  form  to  hroadlij  expanded  in  the  mesosomatic  region. 
Frosoma  subquadrate  to  suhtriangvlar  in  outline,  with  rounded  front  angles  ;  telson 
spiniform.  Compound  eyes  smooth, 
not  facetted,  generally  near  the 
middle  of  the  cephalic  shield  ;  no 
epistoma;  chelicerae  not  extending 
beyond  the  fronted  margin  of  the 
carapace.  Sixth  pair  of  legs 
adapted  for  either  sioimming  or 
crawling.  Female  genital  append- 
age composed  of  several  lobes. 

Certain  genera  which  are  here 
included  in  this  family  {Eusarcus, 
Stylonurus,  etc.)  present  rather 
wide  departures  from  the  type,  and 
in  the  recent  classification  proposed 
by  Lankester  {Encydop.  Brit., 
12th  ed.,  article  on  Arachnida) 
they  are  placed  in  sejiarate  families. 
Concerning  genetic  relations,  much 
new  light  has  been  gained  through 
study  of  the  stages  of  development 
of  the  principal  genera,  and  by 
comparison  of  them  with  the 
primitive  and  much  generalised 
Strahops  from  the  Cambrian. 
This  genus  is  one  of  the  earliest 
known  Eurypterids,  and  is  re- 
garded by  Clarke  and  Euedemann 
as  an  actual  progenitor  of  most 
Silurian  forms.  According  to 
the  authors  just  named  the  Euryp- 
terids studied  by  them  pass  through  a  so-called  Straho2}  during  the  course  of 
their  nepionic  development.  It  has  also  been  shown  by  them  that  the  ontogeny  of 
Euiypterids  fully  corresponds  to  that .  of  Limulus  in  lacking  any  indication  of  a 
nauplius  or  zoea  stage. 

Strahops  Beecher  (Fig.  1507).  Prosoma  small,  comparatively  wider  than 
in  Eurypterus,  but  the  eyes  further  back,  small,  and  very  far  apart ;  body 
somites  not  distinctly  differentiated  into  two  regions  (mesosoma  and 
metasoma),  twelve  in  number  besides  the  short  and  blunt  tail-spine.  In  view 
of   its  generalised   characters   this   genus   is   eminently  fitted  to   serve   as   a 

Fig.  1507. 

Strabopfi  thacheri  Beecher.  Potosi  limestone  (Upper  Cambrian) ; 
St.  Franijois  County,  Mo.  Restoration  of  dorsal  aspect.  2/3 
(after  Clarke  and  Ruedemaun). 




prototype  from  which  later  Eurypterids   are  descended.     Cambrian  (Potosi 
limestone) ;  Missouri. 

Eurijpterus  Dekay  (Lepidoderma  Reuss ;  (?)  Ctwipylocejjhalus  Eichw.)  (Figs. 
1505,  1506,  1508).  Body  elongate,  narrow,  attaining  sometimes  a  length  of 
1  m.  Prosoma  contained  five  or  six  times  in  total  length  of  the  body,  depressed 
convex,  subquadrate,  with  rounded  anterior  angles.  Anterior  margin  nearly 
straight,  posterior  slightly  concave.  Eyes  reniform,  somewhat  in  front  of  the 
middle ;  between  them  and  close  to  the  axial  line  are  two  ocelli.  The  entire 
prosoma  bordered  by  a  narrow  marginal  furrow,  and  the  margin  broadly 
enfolded  on  the  ventral  side.  In  the  middle  of  the  lower  side  is  the  cleft- 
shaped  mouth,  which  is  bordered  laterally  by  the  basal  segments  of  the  fifth 
pair  of  legs,  and  posteriorly  by  the  large  oval  metastoma.  Ordovician 
(Normanskill  shale)  to  Permian  ;  Europe  and  North  America. 

The  first  pair  of  ap])endages  was  regarded  by  Woodward  and  Schmidt  as  filiform  and 
tactile.  Laurie,  Holm,  Clarke  and  Ruedemann,  and  others,  however,  have  shown  that  they 
are  chelicerate,  and  thus  in  accord  with  homologous  structures  in  other  members  of  the 
family.  The  three  succeeding  appendages  are  six-  or  eight-jointed  and  covered  with  fine 
spines.  The  fifth  pair  is  eight-jointed,  and  longer  than  those  in  front  of  it.  The  posterior 
pair  is  a  powerful  swimming-organ  ;  its  great  subquadrate  basal  joints  enclose  the  metastoma, 
and  together  with  this,  cover  nearly  one-half  of  the  ventral  side  of  the  prosoma. 

All  of  the  body  segments  are  free.  The  first  six  form  the  mesosoma,  and  together 
collectively  occupy  about  one-fourth  of  the  body-length.  They  are  short  and  broad,  and 
nearly  uniform  in  shape  ;  but  the  second  segment  has  lost  its  hard  skeleton  on  the  ventral 
surface,  and  the  first  covers  the  greater  part  of  the  genital  operculum.     This  first  segment 

joins  the  jjosterior  margin  of  the  prosoma 
and  consists  of  two  lateral  portions  and 
a  median  process.  All  six  segments  of 
the  mesosoma  are  moderately  overlap- 
ping on  the  ventral  side,  and  each  is 
divided  by  a  median  suture  or  cleft  into 
two  parts.  After  these  follow  the  six 
ring -like  segments  of  the  metasoma, 
which  diminish  gradually  in  width  pos- 
teriorly, and  the  body  is  terminated  by 
a  long,  slender  telson.  The  latter  is 
properly  to  be  regarded  as  an  appendage 
of  the  twelfth  segment,  as  indicated  by 
the  position  of  the  anus  in  relation  to  it. 
Larval  stages  have  the  telson  short, 
thick  and  four-sided,  witli  dorsal,  ventral 
and  two  lateral  edges,  corresponding  in 
form  to  that  of  the  primitive  Strabops. 

About  twenty-five  species  of  Em'yj)- 
f.rrus  are  known,  the  largest  being  about 
1  m.  long.  They  are  found  for  the  most 
part  in  argillaceous  or  sandy  deposits 
in  transition  strata  between  tlie  Silurian 
and  Devonian  of  England,  Gotland, 
Oesel,  Podolia,  and  in  the  Water-lime 
Grou])  (Silurian)  of  New  York.  They 
are  rare  in  the  Devonian,  but  occur 
again  more  frequently  in  the  Coal 
Measures  of  Scotland,  Silesia,  Bohemia, 
Saarbriicken,  and  Pennsylvania.  The 
last  survivor  is  from  the  Permian  of 
Bussaco,  Portugal,  where  it  occurs  in 
association  witli  land  plants  {JValchin,  Sphenopteris).     Typo,  E.  re7)iipes  Deka.y . 

Onyc]iop)ierns  Clarke  and  Ruedemann.  Terminal  claw  (with  joint)  of  sixth 
leg  developed  into  a  propelling  spine  ;  fifth  pair  undifferentiated.  Silurian ; 
Indiana.     Type,  Eurypterus  kokomoensis  Miller  and  Gurley. 

Fio.  1508. 

Eurypterus  rem.iiies  Dekay.  Bertie  AVaterlime  (Silurian); 
BuH'alo,  N.Y.  Ventral  aspect  of  a  young  individual  in 
which  tlie  relatively  large  size  and  length  of  the  paddles, 
and  abrupt  contraction  of  the  body  posteriorly,  are  especi- 
ally noteworthy,      x  3/j  (after  Clarke). 

CLASS  ir 



Tijlopterus  Clarke  and  Kuedemann.  Thick  calcareo-chitinous  integument, 
with  median  divided  knobs  on  tergites.  Silurian  ;  Canada.  Type,  Eurypterus 
hoylei  Whiteaves. 

Ecliinognathns  Walcott.  Imperfectly  known.  Cephalothoracic  appendages 
with  numerous  curved  spines,  indicating  an  animal  of  large  size.  Ordovician  ; 
New  York. 

Megalograptus  Miller.  Richmond  beds  (Lowermost  Silurian)  ;  Ohio. 
Known  only  by  fragmentary  remains. 

Dolichopterus  Hall.     Sixth  prosomatic  appendage  has  the  terminal  claw 
developed  into  an  elliptical  oar-plate.     Waterlime  (Upper- 
most Silurian) ;  New  York.     Silurian  ;  Oesel. 

Eusarcus  Grote  and  Pitt  (Eurysoma  and  Carcinosoma 
Claypole).  Eurypterids  with  the  six  mesosomatic  seg- 
ments greatly  expanded,  the  next  following  of  the 
metasoma  being  abruptly  contracted.  Prosoma  subtri- 
angular,  compound  eyes  at  apex  in  front ;  metastoma 
subtriangular.  Second  pair  of  legs  the  longest.  Terminal 
joint  of  the  sixth  prosomatic  appendage  not  expanded. 
General  aspect  of  body  scorpion -like.  Ordovician  and 
Silurian ;  New  York,  Indiana,  and  Pentland  Hills,  Scot- 

Anthraconedes  Meek  and  Worthen.  Like  Eurypferus, 
but  with  spines  on  the  falcate  posterior  angles  of  the 
abdominal  segments.  Coal  Measures ;  Illinois  and 

Adelophthalmus  Jordan  and  von  Meyer.  Comprises 
eyeless  Eurypterids.     Coal  Measures  ;  Saarbriicken. 

?  Eurypterella  Matthew.  Probably  not  a  Eurypterid. 
Devonian ;  New  Brunswick. 

?  Beltina    Walcott.       Probably    not     a     Eurypterid. 

Slimonia  Page  (Himantopterus  Salter)  (Fig.  1509). 
Body  attaining  a  length  of  60  cm.,  and  width  of  15  cm. 
Prosoma  subquadrate,  with  anterior  marginal  eyes  and  sumonia  acuminata 
median  ocelli.  Preoral  appendages  in  the  form  of  small  ^-^^r'^:^ 
stout  pincers,  much  like  chelicerae  in  Limulus.     Of  the   t.jon    of    ventiai   aspect, 

•  J-  X         1  1  i.u      c      i-     •  J-£    J     ^        showing      appendages      of 

five  pau's  of  postoral  appendages,  the  nrst  is  modmed  to  the  prosoma  i.— vi.,  geni- 

form  tactile  organs.      The  first   seven   postcephalic   seg-  seiiXite"of"them'^osonia 

ments  much  wider  than  the  rest.     The  first  two  sternites  \}^-~~  ^\h\-,     metasoma 

are    represented    by  the   genital  plate  and  its  posterior  xix.    Dotted  areas  of  the 

-...^  ,  IP  T  •  lii  •  mesosoma     are     branchial 

divisions  ;   the  other  nve  are  discontinuous  plates  bearing  lameiiae  showing  through 
branchial    lamellae    on    their    inner    surface.       The    five   ^llVfter'Li'iirier''"'^^"''" 
posterior    segments    are    long,    narrow,    and    cylindrical. 
Telson  like  that  of  Pterygofus,  but  produced  into  a  longer  spine.     Only  one 
species  known.      Old  Red  Sandstone  ;  Scotland. 

Stylonurus  Page  (Fig.  1510).  Body  similar  in  general  proportions  to 
Pterygotus,  and  often  exceeding  1  m.  in  length.  Prosoma  quadrate  or  sub- 
pentagonal,  its  margins  bent  under.  Eyes  large,  approximate,  sometimes 
supported  by  strong  orbital  ridges  ;  ocelli  on  the  slope  of  a  median  ridge. 
Preoral    appendages    chelicerate.       The    five    pairs    of    postoral    appendages 

Algonkian  ; 




increase  in  length  from  the  first  backward,  the  last  pair  enormously  elongated, 
being  nine-jointed,  extending  almost  to  the  end  of  the  telson,  and  terminating 

in  a  sharjD  claw.  The  first  two 
pairs  of  legs  frequently  bear 
paired  leaf- life  spines.  Telson 
long  and  slender.  Silurian  and 
Devonian  ;  Scotland,  Russia,  New 
York,  and  Pennsylvania. 

Subgenus  :  Cienopterus  Clarke 
and  Ruedemann.  First  three 
pairs  of  legs  with  numerous  paired 
spines  to  each  segment. 

Tarsoptenis  Clarke  and  Ruede- 
mann.    Silurian ;  New  York. 

JDrepanopterus  Laurie.  Body 
as  in  Sf'i/lonurus,  but  the  pos- 
terior legs  much  less  elongated. 
Silurian  ;  Scotland  and  Indiana. 

Family  2.     Pterygotidae 

Body  elongate,  narrow.  Pro- 
soma  semiellijdical  to  suhqnadro,te  in 
outline ;  telson  spiniform  in  Eugh- 
miUeria ;  spatulate  and  bilobed 
peltate  in  all  other  genera.  Com- 
pound eyes  facetted,  marginal; 
epistoma  present;    chelicerae    sonie- 

Sfy!onuruse.ceUlormn.  Chemung-CatskiU  Group  (Upper  ^^^'^^^  9reatly  extended.  Last  pair 
Devonian)  ;  Pennsylvania.  Restoration  of  dorsal  aspect,  of  UqS  olwaVS  adapted  tO  SWiviminq. 
V'^o  (after  Clarke  and  Ruedemann).  ^         i  .,77  •       i 

■  Female  genital  appendage  simple. 

Pterygotus  Agassiz  (Figs.  1511-1512).  Eurypterids  sometimes  of  gigantic 
size,  attaining  a  length  of  over  2  m.  Prosoma  semi-ovate,  with  anterior 
marginal  facetted  eyes  and  median  ocelli.  The  metastoma  is  a  heart-shaped 
plate  attached  along  the  middle  line  to  the  ventral  wall  of  the  prosoma, 
between  the  bases  of  the  last  pair  of  legs,  and  extending  outwards  and 
forwards  so  as  to  enclose  the  jaws  in  a  kind  of  chamber.  Epistoma  a  thin 
plate,  occupying  the  same  position  as  the  hypostoma  in  trilobites,  and  having 
the  preoral  appendages  attached  close  to  its  posterior  border.  The  latter  are 
large  pincers,  probably  prehensile  in  function;  by  Schmidt  and  Woodward 
they  are  represented  as  many-jointed,  but  it  is  now  known  that  they  consist 
of  but  three  long  joints.  Behind  the  mouth  are  four  pairs  of  slender  Avalking 
legs,  followed  by  the  large  "  swimming  feet,"  which  are  similar  to  those  in 
Eurypterus,  except  that  they  are  less  broadly  expanded  at  the  tips.  Telson 
an  oval  plate,  terminating  in  a  slight  projection.  The  species  first  referred 
to  this  genus  (P.  prohlematicus  Ag.)  is  imperfectly  understood,  and  P.  anglieus 
Ag.,  which  is  well  known,  is  generally  accepted  as  the  typical  form  of  the 
genus.  Ordovician ;  New  York.  Silurian  ;  Wales,  Scotland,  Sweden,  Oesel, 
Russia,  New  York,  and  Australia.     Old  Red  Sandstone ;  Scotland. 

Fi<-i.  1510. 




Erettopterns    Huxley   and    Salter.     Like    Pterygotus,    but    with   a    bilobed 
telson.     Silurian  ;  Lanarkshire. 

IlughmiUeria  Sarle.      Small  animals  with  carapace  as  in  Pterygotus,  chelate 

Fig.  1511. 

Pteri/(jolus  huffaloenns  (Polilnian).     Bertie   Waterlinie  (Silurian) ;  Buflalo,  Xew  York.     Restoration  of 
A,  dorsal,  and  B,  ventral  aspect,     i/ao  O^'t'*''  Clarke  and  Ruedeniann). 

appendages  on  short  legs,  and  telson  as  in  Euryptenis.     Epistoma  lyre-shaped, 
flanked  by  lateral  shields.     Ordovician  and  Silurian  ;  New  York. 

Glyptoscorpius  Peach.  Body 
attaining  a  length  of  30  cm. 
Surface  covered  with  highly 
developed  scale-markings.  The 
animal  is  provided  with  a  pair 
of  comb-like  structures  supposed 
to  resemble  the  pectines  of 
scorpions,  and  the  legs  end  in  a 
double  claw.  Lower  Carboni- 
ferous •  Scotland. 

Hastimima  White.  Large  forms  having  a  pterygotoid  hastate  telson  with 
impressed  median  ventral  plate.  Carboniferous  ;  Brazil,  Nova  Scotia  (?)  and 
Devonian  of  South  Africa. 

Fig.  1512. 

Pfe.rygoiU!<  buffaloensis  (Polilnian).      Bertie  Waterlime  (Silurian) ; 
Buffalo,  New  York.     The  toothed  anterior  chela,     i/o. 

Order  4.      LIMULAVA  Walcott. 

Body  elongated.  Prosoma  with  lateral  or  viarginal  eyes ;  on  the  ventral  side 
with  five  pairs  of  appendages,  some  of  which  are  hiramous.  Postcephalic  portion 
of  body  (mesosoma  and  metasoma)  consisting  of  twelve  segments,  the  anterior  nine  of 

VOL.  I  3  E 

786  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vri 

which    bear  gills ;    the   last    has   a   central    spatulate  process  that,   combined   with 
swimmerets,  forms  a  strong  caudal  Jin. 

It  is  doubtful  whether  this  group,  which  in  the  biramous  jointed  legs  and 
compound  telson  possesses  crustacean  features,  belongs  to  the  merostomes  or 
connects  the  latter  with  the  crustaceans. 

Walcott,  from  his  discovery  of  jointed  body  appendages  in  Sidneyia,  is 
inclined  to  the  view  that  this  genus  is  transitional  between  trilobites  and 
Eurypterids.  One  family  is  recognised,  the  original  diagnosis  of  which  is 
given  as  follows  : 

Family  1.     Sidneyidae  Walcott. 

Cephalothorax  small,  without  lobes,  eyes  marginal;  ventral  side  with  large 
epistoma,  five  pairs  of  movable  appendages,  the  gnathobases  of  the  three  j^osterior 
pairs  forming  organs  of  manducation.  Abdomen  twelve-jointed,  the  three  posterior 
segments  annular  and  narrow,  the  terminal  one  forming,  with  lateral  swimmerets,  a 
fan-like  tail ;  nine  anterior  segments  with  a  pair  of  branchial  appendages  on  each  ; 
the  three  posterior  segments  without  ventral  appendages.  Surface  smooth,  or 
ornamented  by  narrow,  irregular,  fine  imbricating  ridges. 

In  this  family  are  placed  two  genera,  Sidneyia  and  Amiella  Walcott,  from 
the  Ogygopsis  shale  of  the  Stephen  formation  (Middle  Cambrian),  near  Field, 
in  British  Columbia,  Canada.  They  are  described  and  figured  in  Smithson. 
Misc.  Coll.,  1911-12,  vol.  Ivii.,  nos.  2  and  6.  Sidneyia  inexpectans  Walcott, 
the  type  species,  which  attains  a  length  of  about  17  cm.,  is  represented  by 
very  fine  material.  The  accompanying  genus  Amiella  is  less  satisfactorily 
preserved,  and  there  are  indications  of  its  occurrence  also  in  the  Cambrian  of 
Yunnan,  in  Indo-China. 

[The  foregoing  -chapter  on  the  Merostomata  has  been  revised  for  the  present  edition  by 
Dr.  John  M.  Clarke,  New  York  State  Geologist,,  and  drawings  for  several  new  figures  of 
Euryjiterids  have  been  kindly  furnished  by  him  and  Dr.  R.  Ruedemann,  of  Albany. — Editor.] 

Subclass  B.     EMBOLOBRANCHIATA  Lankester.' 

Arthropods  with  at  least  three  preoral  segments  in  the  adult  stage,  xoith  one  pair  of 
preoral  appendages  called  chelicerae,  and  five  postoral  pairs,  the  anteriormost  of  which 
are  the  pedip)alpi.  Chelicerae  two-  or  three-jointed,  retrovert  or  chelate.  Pedipalpi 
pediform,  chekite  or  retrovert,  typically  six-jointed,  legs  typically  seven-jointed.  Head 
fused  with  at  least  one  thoracic  segment,  usually  with  the  entire  thorax,  forming  a 
cephalothorax  or  prosoma.  Genital  opening  on  the  first  somite  of  the  mesosoma. 
Nephridia  modAfied  as  coxal  glands.      Abdomen  typically  composed  of  twelve  segments, 

*  Literature  :  Gomstock,  J.  H.,  The  Spider  Book.  New  York,  1912. — Fritsch,  A.,  Palaozoische 
Arachniden.  Prague,  1904.— /^ocA,  C.  L.,  and  Berendt,  J.  &,  Die  iui  Bernstein  befiudliclien 
Crustaceen,  Myriapoden,  Arachniden  und  Apteren  der  Vorwelt.  'Berlin,  1854. — Lankestcr,  E.  R., 
Articles  on  Arachuida  and  Arthropoda  in  Encycl.  Brit.,  1911. — Laurie,  M.,  On  a  Silurian  Scorpion 
from  the  Pentland  Hills.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Edinb.,  1899,  vol.  x.x.xix. — Petrunkcvitch,  A., 
Monograph  of  terrestrial  Palaeozoic  Arachnida  of  North  America.  Trans.  Conn.  Acad.  Sei.  (In 
press.) — Pocock,  R.  /.,  Monograph  of  the  terre.strial  Carboniferous  Arachnida  of  Great  Britain. 
Palaeontogr.  Soc,  1911. — Scudder,  S.  H.,  Fo.ssil  Spidens.  Harvard  Univ.  Bull.,  1882,  vol.  ii. — 
Idem,  Illustrations  of  the  Carboniferous  Arachnida  of  North  America.  Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat. 
Hist.,  1890,  vol.  iv. — Idem,  Index  to  the  known  fossil  Insects  of  the  World,  including  Myriapods 
and  Arachnids.  Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.  No.  71,  1891. —  Warhvrton,  C,  Chajiter  on  Embolo- 
brancliiata  in  Cambridge  Natural  History.  London,  1909. — ■Whitjicld,  R.  P.,  Fossil  Scorpion 
from  the  Silurian  roJks  of  America.     Bull.  Amer.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  1885,  vol.  i. 




even  ivhen  external  segmentation  is  subsequently  lost.      Anus  on  last  abdominal  segment. 
Eyes,  when  "present,  simple,  variable  in  number.     Respiration  by  lung-books  or  tracheae. 

The  subclass  of  Embolobranchiata  includes  .spiders,  scorpions,  mites,  ticks,  etc., 
and  comprises  in  all  thirteen  orders.  Of  these  four  are  entirely  extinct,  and  of 
those  still  living  six  have  continued  to  exist  since  the  Paleozoic,  and  only  one  is  not 
known  to  have  fossil  representatives.  So  far  as  the  evidence  of  extinct  forms  goes, 
the  older  members  of  the  various  orders  seem  to  have  resembled  to  a  remarkable 
degree  those  existing  at  the  present  day,  and  serve  to  illustrate  the  extreme  antiquity 
of  living  types  of  invertebrate  animals.  The  majority  of  fossil  sjiecies  is  known  from 
remains  preserved  in  amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age  in  eastern  Prussia.  The  most 
delicate  jaarts,  including  the  finest  hairs  and  sjsiders'  webs  are  to  be  found  practically 
unaltered  within  this  transparent  fossil  resinous  substance  which  exuded  from  ancient 
Coniferous  trees. 

The  order  Scorpionida   {Scorpiones)  is   the  oldest  among  the  Embolobranchiata 

Fw.  1513. 

Upper  Silurian  primitive  Scorpions,  ralaeophonns.  A,  P.  nuntlus  Thor.  and  Lindst.  Ludlow  series 
^Clunian) ;  Gotland.  Restoration  of  dorsal  aspect.  %  (after  Pococlc).  B,  P.  caledonicus  Peacli.  Ludlow 
series  (Clunian) ;  Lanarkshire.  Reconstruction  of  ventral  aspect,  in  which  the  space  for  a  genital  operculum, 
the  pair  of  pectens,  and  the  absence  of  any  evidence  of  pulmonary  stigmata  are  noticeable  features,  s/o  (after 

and  bears  witness  to  a  common  origin  with  the  Eurypterida.  Scorjiions  are 
characterised  by  having  tliree -jointed  chelate  chelicerae  and  six -jointed  chelate 
pedipalpi ;  the  head  is  fused  with  the  thorax  ;  the  abdomen  is  comj)Osed  of  twelve 
segments,  the  last  five  of  which  are  annular  and  form  the  so-called  postabdomen  or 
tail.  At  the  end  of  this  latter  is  a  telson  modified  as  a  poison  gland  with  sting. 
On  the  ventral  surface  is  found  a  characteristic  pair  of  appendages,  the  "  comb." 
Lung-books  are  present  in  four  pairs. 

Silurian  Scorpions  are  grouped  together  under  the  suborder  Apoxtjpoda,  which 
contains  a  single  family  represented  by  the  genera  Palaeophonus  Thorell  (Fig.  1513) 



and  Proscorpius  Whitfield.  The  former  of  these  comj)rises  three  species  occurring  in 
the  Upper  Silurian  (Clunian)  of  Gotland  and  Lanarkshire,  and  the  latter  a  single 
one  from  the  Bertie  Waterlime  of  New  Yoi'k.  Pocock  has  suggested  that  the 
supposed  mesosomatic  "  sternites "  of  PalaeopJbonas  are  really  broadly  laminate 
gill-bearing  appendages,  as  they  have  been  shown  to  be  in  Eurypterus.  Similar 
appendages  occur  also  in  Eobuthns,  and  it  is  inferred  that  respiratory  lamellae  lay 
beneath  them  as  they  do  in  Limulus.  Thus,  the  In-eathing  organs  in  primitive 
Scorpions  were  gills,  and  the  animals  are  thought  to  have  been  aquatic,  possibly 
even  marine.  But  in  Carboniferous  genera  an  important  change  has  taken  place, 
in  that  the  covering  jjlates  have  closed  over  the  lamellae  of  the  gills,  leaving  only 
slit-like  openings  called  stigmata.  Breathing  in  these  forms  took  place  by  the 
admission  of  air  through  the  stigmata  to  lung-books.     P.  nuntius  was  blind. 

Eoscorpius  Meek  and  Worthen  (Fig.  1514) ;  Isobuthus  Fritsch  ;  and  Cyclophthahnus 
Corda,  are  examples  of  Carboniferous  Scorpions.  Eoscorpius  does  not  differ  in  any 
important  respect  from  living  forms,  and  appears  to  have  been  quite  as  highly 
organised.  According  to  Fritsch  the  order  Scorjiionida  attained  its  acme  during  the 
Carboniferous  and  subsequently  declined.  Imperfect  remains  have  been  found  in  the 
Trias  of  Warwickshire,  and  a  species  of  Tityus  Koch  occurs  in  Oligocene  amber. 

The  order  Pedipalpida  (Whip-scorpions,  etc.)  has  two-jointed  retrovert  chelicerae, 
and  six-jointed,  retrovert  or  chelate,  raptorial  pedipalpi.      The  first  pair  of  legs  is 

Fig.  1514. 

Eoscorpius  carhonarius  Meek  and  Wortli.  Coal  Measures ; 
Mazou  Creek,  Illinois.  A,  Dorsal  aspect  of  soma,  Vi-  -B,  Pecten 
or  "comb,"  enlar.ned. 

«S^^  Fio.  lol5. 

Ge/rallnura  hohemica  (Kusta). 
Coal  Measures  ;  Rakonitz,  Bohemia, 
i/i  (after  Kusta). 

very  long  and  modified  as  tactile  organs.  Coxae  of  second  pair  of  legs  placed  behind 
those  of  the  pedipalpi,  while  the  small  coxae  of  the  first  pair  are  widely  separate 
and  situated  above  and  external  to  tlie  former.  Abdomen  segmented,  movably  jointed 
to  the  cephalothorax  ;  last  two  or  three  segments  small,  annular,  either  with  or  with- 
out a  segmented  whip.  To  this  order  belong  Geralinura  (Fig.  1515)  and  GraeopJionus 
Scudder,  from  the  Carboniferous  ;  Stenarthron  Haase,  from  the  Upper  Jurassic  Litho- 
graphic Stone  of  Bavaria  ;  and  Phrynus  Latreille,  which  occurs  Tertiary  and  Recent. 

The  order  Palpigradi  is  constituted  by  the  single  Recent  genus  Koenenia  Grassi, 
found  in  southern  Italy,  Sicily,  and  Texas.      It  has  no  fossil  representatives. 

The  extinct  order  Kustarachnida  is  represented  by  a  single  family,  comprising 




the  solitary  genus  Kustarachne  Scudder  (Fig.  1516),  of  wliicli  three  Carboniferous 
species  have  been  described.  Chelicerae  not  observed  ;  pedipalpi  chelate,  their 
coxae  fused  solidly  together ;  ab- 
domen segmented,  pediculate,  the 
terminal  segment  annuliform  ;  legs 
long  and  slender. 

The  order  Solpugida  (Solifugae) 
has  the  head  fused  with  the  first 
thoracic  segment,  all  the  remaining 
thoracic  segments  being  free.  Cheli- 
cerae chelate  :  pedipalpi  pediform  ; 
abdomen  segmented  ;  respiration  by 
means  of  tracheae  ;  trochanters  two- 
jointed  ;  coxae  and  trochanters  of 
the  fourth  pair  of  legs  with  a  row 
of  characteristic  "  maleoli."  Proto- 
solpiiga  Petrunk.  (Fig.  1517)  is 
known     from     the 

Fig.  1516. 

Fi<^  lai; 

r roti.isolpuga  carhonaria  Pet- 
runk. Coal  Measures ;  Mazou 
Creek,  Illinois,  i/i  (after  Pet- 

Kiistanichne   tenuipes 

Carboniferous.     Scudder.  Coal  Measures; 

,,     ,  „  1  i  •      1  Mazon     Creek,     Illinois. 

Modern  forms  are  sulitropical.  3/.,(afterPetrunkevitch). 

The  order  Ricinulei  or  Podo- 
(jonida,  is  represented  in  the'^nodern  fauna  by  two  tropical  genera,  and  includes  also 
a  few  Carboniferous  forms.  Head  and  thorax  fused,  forming  a  cephalothorax,  in 
front  of  which  is 'a  movable  plate  called  the  "  cucullus."  Abdomen  composed  of 
nine  segments,  but  so  ,  united  with  the  cephalothorax  that  the  first  and  second 
abdominal  segments  are  not  visible.     The  three  hindmost  segments  are  small,  annular, 

forming  a  short  "  tail." 
Chelicerae  are  two- 
jointed,  chelate;  pedi- 
palpi chelate  ;  tro- 
chanter of  first  and 
second  pairs  of  legs 
two-jointed  ;  the  third 
pair  of  legs  in  the 
male  is  modified  as  a 
copulatory  apparatus  ; 
eyes  absent  in  both 
sexes.  Polyochera 
Scudder  (Fig.  1518); 
and  Gurculioides 
Buckland  are  Carboni- 
ferous examples. 
The  order  Pseudoscorpionida  also  known  as  Chernefidea  or  Chelonetni  (False 
Scorpions),  is  chiefly  Recent,  with  no  fossil  representatives  older  than  the  Tertiary. 
In  this  group  the  head  is  fused  with  the  thorax,  the  abdomen  is  segmented  and 
broadly  joined  to  the  cephalothorax.  Chelicerae  chelate,  with  openings  on  the 
movable  finger  for  the  ducts  of  the  spinning  glands  ;  pedipalpi  chelate.  The  Recent 
genus  Chelifer  Geotfr.  (Fig.  1519)  occurs  also  fossil  in  Baltic  amber. 

The  order  Araneida  or  Araneae  (Spiders)  has  numerous  fossil  representatives, 
the  earliest  of  which  appear  in  the  Carboniferous.  Head  and  thorax  fused ; 
chelicerae  two-jointed,  retrovert ;  pedipalpi  pediform,  their  terminal  joint  in  the 
male  modified  as  a  copulatory  organ  ;  abdomen  segmented  only  in  the  most  primitive 
suborder,  anteriorly  constricted  and  movably  united  with  the  cephalothorax  ;  usually 
six  spinnerets  present  on  the  abdomen,  but   their  number   may  vary  between  two 

Fio.  151S. 

I'lilyoi'hera  iwui alata  Scud.  Coal  Measures  ; 
Mazon  Creek,  Illinois.  <*/2  (after  Petrunke- 

Fig.  1519. 

Chelifer  hemprichi  Menge. 
Oligoceiie;  Baltic  amber,  y/i. 




and  eight 

Arthrohjcosa  Harger  (Fig.  1520),  and  Profolycosa  Roemer  (Fig.  1521),  are 
Carboniferous  examples,  but  tlie  majority  of  forms  are  known  from  Oligocene  amber 
found  on  the  shores  of  tlie  Baltic  in  East  Prussia.     Mizalia  Koch  (Fig.  1522)  is  an 

Fig.  1520. 

Arthrnlycosa   antlqxia    Harger.      Coal  'Measures  : 
Mazon  Creek,  Illinois,    i/i  (after  Petrunkevitch). 

Fig.  1521. 

I'rofolycof:a  aiitlira- 
cophila  Roemer. 
Coal  Measures; 
Myslowitz,  Sile.sia. 
(after  F.  Roemer). 

Fig.  1522. 

Mizalia  rostrata  Koch  and 
Berendt.  Oligocene  ;  Baltic 
amber.     3/j. 

Fig.  1523. 

Attoides  eresifonnis  Brongt. 
Oligocene  ;  Aix  in  Provence. 
lo/i  (after  Brongniart). 

Fig.  1524. 

Thorn isus  oeninijensis 
Heer.  Freshwater  Mio- 
cene ;  Oeningen,  Baden. 
"/i  (after  Heer). 

example  from  the  latter  locality;  Attoides  Brongt.  (Fig.  1523)  occurs  in  the  fresh- 
water Oligocene  marls  of  Aix  in  Provence,  and  Thomisus  Walck.  (Fig.  1524)  in 
similar  deposits  of  Miocene  age  at  Oeningen,  Baden.      The  Upj)er  Oligocene  lignites 

of  Rott,  near  Bonn,  Ger- 
many, and  the  Miocene  fresh- 
water strata  of  Florissant, 
Colorado,  have  also  yielded 
remains  of  this  order.  Among 
Eocene  localities,  from  which 
fossil  Spiders  have  been  ob- 
tained, should  be  mentioned 
the  Green  River  beds  of 
Wyoming,  and  the  strata  at 
Quesnel,  British  Columbia. 
The  known  sj^ecies  of  fossil 
Spiders  aggregate  about  250. 
Tlie  order  Anthraco- 
con  fined     to     the 

FlO.  1525. 

Anthrai-oiHitrtiis  I'oelkeUauus 
Karsch.  Coal  Measures  ;  Neu- 
rode,  Silesia.  Dorsal  aspect, 
i/i  (after  Karsch). 

Fig.  1526. 

respects  intermediate  l^etween  them. 

Eoplirynvs   pri'stvicii  (Buokland).  ynor+i      ic 

Coal  Measures  ;  Coalbrookdale,  Bng-  '^'^'-  ^-^ 

land.     Dorsal   aspect,    showing    ten  Palcozoic,     and      is      IJerhapS 
tergal   segments  of  the  hind- body.  i.     t     i        ji  -d    t       i 

Vi  (after  Woodward).  '  ancestral    to    tlie     Pedipalps 

and  Oi^iliones,  being  in  some 

Its  distinguishing   characters  are  as  follows  : 


head  fused  with  the  thorax  ;  abdomen  segmented,  apparently  broadly  joined  to  the 
cephalothorax ;  between  the  tergites  and  sternites  one  or  two  rows  of  pleural 
Rclerites ;  anus  with  an  operculum  which  represents  the  tergite  of  the  eleventh 
segment ;  chelicerae  not  known  ;  pedijialiDi  short,  pediform  ;  legs  seven-jointed  with 
movable  coxae  apparently  articulated  to  a  sternum.  Anthracomartus  Kartsch  (Fig. 
1525);  Brachypyge  and  Eophrynus  Woodward  (Fig.  1526)  ;  Alaiocercus  and  Trigono- 
tarbus  Pocock  ;  and  Kreischeria  Geinitz  are  Carboniferous  genera. 

The  order  Haptopoda  is  also  confined  to  the  Paleozoic.  Head  fused  with  the 
thorax  ;  abdomen  segmented,  broadly  joined  to  the  cephalothorax  ;  pedipalpi  short, 
pediform  ;  pleura  soft,  without  sclerites ;  tarsus  of  the  first  pair  of  legs  seven-jointed. 
Flesiosiro  Pocock,  from  the  Carboniferous  of  England,  is  the  solitary  known  genus. 

The  order  Phalangiotarbi,  like  the  two  preceding  orders,  is  Paleozoic,  Head 
fused  with  the  thorax  ;  abdomen  broadly  joined  to  the  cephalothorax,  segmented, 
with     soft     pleura     devoid     of    sclerites  ; 

several  anterior  tergites  very  short,  with  a  ^#^ 

thickened    posterior    edge ;    anus  with  an  ^^ 

operculum,  representing  the  tergite  of  the  y/^ 

twelfth  segment  ;    chelicerae  not  observed  ;  exZESa^ZTT^M^^^^ 

pedipalpi  short,  pediform.    Phalangiotarbus  II--*^^^^K»^v?'^'---^ 

Haase ;    Geratarhus   Scudder  ;    and    Arclii-     ^'^=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^023^^^ 
tarbus{  =  Geraphnjnus)  Scudder  (Fig.  1527) ;     ^^^^^^^^<^/^\j<^»^i^^^T/^~^^ 
Opiliotarbus  Vocock  ;  Discotarbus  V&iixxnk.^  pr?^^^^^g>-r  ^^^.>. 

etc.,  are  Carboniferous.  I.;   rrr~~7^  j  \  "^-^-^^i 

The    order    Phalangida    or    Opiliones  n  W^ZTji    Vi 

(Harvest -spiders)   has    many  fossil    repre-  ^>Jw~-+v         x"- 

sentatives,  most  of  which  are  preserved  in  ^^5^  ^X  ' 

Oligocene    amljer.      Head   fused    with    the  ^5b  ''xj^ 

thorax  ;  abdomen  broadly  joined  with  the  Fig.  1527. 

cephalothorax,    segmented,    the    anal    oper-  ArcTiUarhus    roUimlatus    Scudder    (=GeraphrymLS 

..iilniii  rM^rec;ATitinCT  tbp  tertritp  nf  the  tenth  co)-ho?ia/n<s  Scudder).  Coal  Measures  ;  Mazon  Creek, 
cuium  rtpiesenting  tne  lergu-e  oi  ine  lenin    jm^^ig^    under  surface,    i/i  (after  Petrunkevitch). 

segment.     Chelicerae  three-jointed,  chelate ; 

pedipalpi  pediform  ;  coxae  of  the  first,  often  also  of  the  second  and  third  pairs  of  legs 

with   maxillary  lobes  ;   one  pair    of  tracheae.     Nemastomoicles  Thevenin  ;   Dinopilio 

Fritsch  ;   and  Protopilio  Petrunk.,  all   from   the  Carboniferous,  are  referred  to  this 

order.      The  first-named  of  these,  however  {Nemastomoides   claveris  Thevenin),  may 

possiblj^  lielong  to  the  Anthracomarti. 

The  order  Acarina,  Acari,  or  Rhynchosfomi  (Mites,  Ticks,  etc.)  comprises  degenerate 

Arachnids  in  which  the  abdomen  is  usually  not  segmented   and   is  either  broadly 

joined  to  the  cephalothorax  or  completely  fused  with  it.     Coxae  of  pedipalpi  fused 

together ;  coxae  of  legs  widely  separate,  without  maxillary  lobes.     Numerous  fossil 

representatives  are  known  from  Oligocene  amber  and  Tertiary  freshwater  deposits, 

the  majority  of  species  being  referable  to  Recent  genera.      Through  the  Opiliones  this 

order  appears  to  be  connected  with  the  Spiders. 

SuBPHYLUM  B.    Myriapoda  Latreille.^ 

Tracheate    Arthropods   with    distinctly    separated    head    bearing    a    single   pair    of 
antennae,  and  a  soma  composed  of  numerous  {at  least  twelve)  fairly  similar  segments 

1  Literature:  Fritsch,  A.,  Faiuia  der  Gaskolile,  vol.  iv.  Prague,  1899-1901.— Griimell,  F., 
Quateruary  Myriapods  aud  Insects  of  California.  Univ.  of  Cal.  Publ.,  Dept.  Geol.,  1908,  vol.  v.— 
Koch,  G.  L.,  Die  Myriapoden.  Regensburg,  1847.— /toc/t,  C.  L.,  and  Berendt,  J.  C,  Die  im 
Bernstein  Ijetiudliclien   Crustaceen,   Myriapoden,   Arachniden  uud  Apteren  der  Vorwelt.     Berlin, 

792  ARTHROPODA  phylum  vii 

which  are  never  divided  into  fagmata  ;   there  are  two  or  three  imirs  of  mouth  ajijyendages , 
and  numerous  pairs  of  legs. 

The  time-honoured  division  of  Myriapods  into  the  orders  commonly  known 
as  Centii^edes  and  Millipedes  {Ghiloj^oda  and  Diplopoda),  plus  the  more  recently 
established  groups  of  Pauropoda  and  Symphijla,  which  latter  have  no  fossil  repre- 
sentatives, has  of  late  years  been  abandoned.  The  prevailing  modern  view  is  to 
regard  the  above-mentioned  groups  of  tracheate  Arthroj)ods  as  independent  classes  of 
the  phylum ;  and  the  reason  for  this  is  found  in  the  recognition  of  closer  athnities 
Ijetween  the  Chilopoda  (Centipedes)  and  the  Hexapoda  (Insects),  on  the  one  hand,  than 
between  the  Chilopoda  and  Diplojooda  on  the  other.  According  to  the  modern  system 
the  older  fossil  Millijiedes,  which  are  embraced  in  the  extinct  orders  Protosyngnatha 
and  Archipolypoda  of  Scudder,  fall  within  the  limits  of  the  class  Diplopoda. 

For  practical  purposes,  however,  it  will  be  convenient  to  retain  the  designation 
Myriapoda  in  a  general  sense,  it  being  a  familiar  term,  and  the  number  of  fossil 
forms  with  which  the  paleontologist  has  to  deal  being  comparatively  limited.  The 
groujjs  of  which  Centijiedes  and  Millipedes  are  the  most  important  members  are  here 
treated  as  classes,  conformal)ly  to  the  view  which  assigns  them  equal  rank  with  the 
exclusively  Recent  Pauropoda  and  Symphyla.  Among  the  latter,  certain  genera 
agree  exactly  in  the  numerical  segmentation  of  the  body  with  an  isopod,  a  thysanuran, 
and  a  primitive  arachnid.  This  would  lead  to  the  inference,  as  pointed  out  by 
G.  H.  CarjDenter,  that  "  all  the  Arthropodan  classes  must  be  derived  from  ancestors 
with  a  definite  number  of  segments,  and  the  development  of  a  large  number  of 
somites  in  such* forms  as  Julus,  Geophilus,  and  Apus  must  be  regarded  as  a  secondary 

Class  1.     DIPLOPODA  Gervais  (CMo(7m«Aa  Latreille).     (Millipedes). 

Trunk  homonomously  segmented,  segments  usually  numerous  and  not  flattened,  of  a 
variable  number  (from  12  to  150),  and  the  majority  of  them  fused  pairioise,  each  tergite 
bearing  two  pairs  of  legs.  Head  with  one  pair  of  short,  seven-jointed  antennae,  one  pxiir 
of  mandibles,  and  one  or  two  pairs  of  maxillae.  No  compound  eyes,  but  numerous  ocelli 
usually  present. 

The  anterior  three  or  four  segments  of  the  soma  are  free,  with  a  single  pair  of 
legs  to  each  segment.      The  anterior  pair,  or  both  pairs  of  legs  corresj^onding  to  the 

seventh  tergite  are  usually  modified  as  copulatory  organs 
(gonoi^ods),  but  in  one  order  (Oniscomorpha)  it  is  the 
posterior  pair  of  legs  that  is  thus  modified.  A  pair  of 
genital  openings  is  present  at  the  base  of  the  legs  of  the 
second  segment.  Resj^iration  takes  place  by  means  of  either 
tufted  or  tube-like  tracheae  with  spiracles  at  the  base  of 
the  legs. 

Recent  Diplopoda  are  divided  into  eight  orders.     At 

Fio.  1528.  least  five  of  the  modern  families  have  Tertiary  representa- 

Jalusan.tiquiM'iieydw.  Upper   tives,  especially  in  amljer.     Among  Tertiary  examj)les  may 

S!G™?y^''4.^°"'  "'""   l^e    mentioned    the   following:    JuUs   Linn.   (Fig.    1528); 

Graspedosoma  Leach  ;  Euzonus  Mewge  ;  Polyxenus  Latreille; 

1854. — Peach,  B.  N.,  On  some  new  Myriapods  from  the  Palaeozoic  rocks  of  Scotland.'  Proc.  Phys. 
Soc.  Edinb.,  1899,  vol.  xiv; — Pocock,  R.  I.,  Articles  on  Centipedes  and  Millipedes  in  Encycl.  Brit., 
1911. — Scuddci;  S.  JI.,  On  Carboniferous  Myriapods.  Mem.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  1873-90, 
vols,  ii.-iv. — Idem,  Index  to  the  known  fossil  Insects  of  the  World,  including  Myriapods  and 
Arachnids.  Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  No.  71,  1891. — Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.,  Catalogue  of  the  generic 
names  based  on  American  Insects  and  Arachnids  from  the  Tertiary  rocks,  with  indications  of  the 
type  species.      Bull.  Amer.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  1908,  1909,  vol.  xxvi! 




and  Fhryssonotiis  Scudder  {Lophonohis  Menge).  A  species  of  Julus  (J.  telluster 
Sciidder)  occurs  in  the  Green  River  Eocene  of  Wyoming,  and  another  in  the  Miocene 
freshwater  beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado. 

The  older  fossil  forms  are  referable  to  the  two  extinct  orders  of  Scudder,  Proto- 
syngnatha  and  Archipolyj^oda.  The  former  of  these  approaches  closely  to  the  Recent 
order  Pencillata,  and  is  represented  by  the  Carboniferous  genus  Palaeocampa  Meek 
and  Wortlien.  The  second  of  these  orders  comprises  three  families,  of  which  the 
Archidesmidae  resembles  the  Recent  Polydesmidae.     Archidesmus  Peach  (Fig.  1529) ; 

Fig.  1529. 

Archidcsmus  maenicoU  Peacli.    Lower  Old  Red  Sand- 
stone ;  Forfar.shire,  Scotland.    Vl  (after  Peacli). 

Fio.  1530. 

Euphohcria  nrmigera  Meek  and  Worth.    Coal 
Measures  ;  Mazoii  Creek,  Illinois,    i/j. 

and  Kam'pecaris  Page,  from  tlie  Old  Red  Sandstone  of  Scotland,  are  examples.  The 
family  Euphoberiidae  shows  some  resemblance  to  the  Julidae  of  the  present  fauna, 
Ijut  the  dorsal  scuta  are  more  or  less  distinctly  divided  into  two  portions  corresponding 
with  the  pairs  of  legs.  <  Among  Carboniferous  genera  belonging  to  this  family  may 
be  mentioned  tlie  following  :  Acantlierpestes  and  Euphoheria  Meek  and  Worthen 
(Fig.  1530);  Amynilispes  and  Eileticus  Scudder.  Acantlierpestes  is  regarded  by 
Scudder  as  probably  amphibious,  and  attains  the  relatively  enormous  length  of 
20  cm.  {A.  giganteus  Baldwin).  Tlie  family  Archiulidae  is  represented  in  the 
Carboniferous  by  Trichiulus  and  Archiulus  Scudder,  and  Xylobius  Dawson.  One 
Mesozoic  species,  Jidopsis  cretacea  Heer,  from  the  supposed  Cretaceous  of  Greenland, 
is  of  doubtful  ordinal  position,  but  may  belong  to  the  Archipolypoda. 

Class  2.     CHILOPODA  Latreille.     (Centipedes). 

Body  more  or  less  flattened  dorso-ventrally,  composed  of  <c  variable  number  of 
segments  {from  18  to  176),  with  a  single  piair  of  legs  to  each  segment.  One  pair  of 
segmented  antennae,  the  joints  being  at  least  fourteen  in  number,  one  pair  of  mandibles 
and  tuw  pairs  of  maxillae.  First  pair  of  somatic  appendages  modified  as  porverful 
maxillipeds  with  poison  glands  emerging  on  the  terminal  claw  (toxognaths).  Last  j)air 
of  appendages  {those  borne  by  the  antepenultimate  segment)  modified  as  copulatory  organs. 
Unpaired  genital  apertiire  on  the  penultimate  segment.  Eyes  variable  in  number,  simple 
or  compoihnd  {Scutigera),  often  wanting.  Respiration  by  means  of  tracheae  with  either 
paired  spiracles  in  the  pleural  membranes  or  single  spiracles  in  the  median  dorsal  line. 

Recent  Chilopoda  are  divided  into  five  orders,  three  of  which  have  Tertiary 
representatives,  especially  in  amber,  and  in  the  freshwater  deposits  of  Aix  in  Provence. 
The  following  true  Chilopod  genera  are  known  from  the  Tertiary  :  Cermatia  Rossi ; 
Scolopendra  Linn.  ;  Lithobius  and  Geophilus  Leach.  The  older  fossil  remains  cannot  be 
positively  referred  to  any  of  the  five  existing  orders.  By  Scudder  they  were  assigned 
to  two  extinct  families,  named  by  him  Gerascutigeridae  and  Eoscolopendridae. 
The  former  of  these  includes  tlie  genus  Latzelia  Scudder,  and  the  latter  the  genera 
Palenarthrus  and  Ilyodes  Scudder,  all  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Illinois. 

[The  text  for  the  preceding  chapters  on  Embolobranchiata  and  Myriapoda  has  been  reA'ised 
by  Dr.  Alexander  Petrunkevitch,  of  Yale  University. — Ebitou.] 

794  ARTHEOPODA  phylum  vii 

SuBPHYLUM  C.     Insecta  (Hexapoda).     Insects.^ 

Trarheate  Arthropods  loitli  body  at  maturity  consisting  of  a  distinct  head,  thorax 
and  abdomen.  Head  provided  loith  one  pair  of  antennae,  one  of  mandibles,  and  two  of 
maxillae.  Thorax  composed  of  three  segments,  each  supplied  with  a  pair  of  legs,  and  the 
second  and  third  segments  also  usually  carrying  a  pair  of  wings  on  their  dorsal  surfaces 
in  the  adult  stcde.  Abdom.en  composed  of  several  {commonly  ten)  distinct  segments,  and 
usually  without  leg-like  appendages.     Development  usually  throthgh  metamorphic  stages. 

No  undoubted  remains  of  Insecta  are  known  from  strata  older  than  the 
Carboniferous,  but  in  the  Coal  ]\Ieasures  and  Permian  a  considerable  variety  of 
winged  forms  has  been  detected,  in  Ijoth  Europe  and  North  America.  These  earlier 
Insects  appear  to  be  more  generalised  than  are  the  post- Paleozoic  forms,  and  the 
majority  are  referred  by  Handlirscli  to  orders  distinct  from  those  occurring  in  Mesozoic 
and  later  formations.  But  one  order,  the  Blattoidea,  seems  to  have  survived  from 
Paleozoic  times  onward  to  our  own  day.  The  primitive  extinct  order  Palaeodictyop- 
tera  is  regarded  as  the  ancestral  stock  which  gave  rise  to  the  other  Paleozoic  orders, 
and  from  the  latter  in  turn  have  originated  the  modern  Insect  groups. 

Although  it  is  clear  that  strangely  differentiated  forms  occurred  among  the 
different  Insect  groups  as  early  as  the  Carboniferous,  yet  it  has  been  conclusively 
shown  that  this  differentiation  had  little  dej^th,  and  that  it  is  only  through  Mesozoic 
and  later  descendants  that  we  have  any  clue  to  a  wide  separation  of  the  original 
Paleozoic  forms.  Among  the  latter,  the  neuration  of  the  wings,  though  diversified, 
had  yet  a  far  greater  homogeneity  than  is  found  now,  or  than  existed  during  Mesozoic 
time,  from  the  Trias  onward.  The  fore  wings  of  whatever  type  were  as  diaphanous  as 
the  hind,  and  could  never  (as  in  most  of  their  descendants)  properly  be  called  tegmina. 
The  wings  of  the  Protodonata  of  Brongniart  had  indeed  a  superficial  resemblance 
to  those  of  living  Odonata  in  shape,  reticulation,  and  sweep  of  the  veins.  But  in 
fundamental  neuration  they  were  altogether  different,  and  no  trace  is  to  be  discovered 
of  those  characteristic  features  of  the  Odonata,  such  as  the  nodus,  triangle  and 
pterostigma,  which  apj^ear  fully  elaborated  in  the  Mesozoic  species. 

"  The  wings,  broadly  speaking,  may  be  said  to  be  three-margined.  The  margin 
that  is  anterior  when  the  wings  are  extended  is  called  the  costa,  and  the  edge  tliat  is 
then  most  distant  from  the  body  is  the  outer  margin,  while  the  limit  that  lies  along 
the  body  when  the  wings  are  closed  is  the  inner  margin. 

"The  only  great  order  of  insects  provided  with  a  single  pair  of  wings  is  the  Diptera, 
and  in  these  the  metathorax  possesses,  instead  of  wings,  a  pair  of  little  capitate 
bodies  called  halteres  or  poisers.  In  the  great  order  Coleoptera,  or  beetles,  the 
anterior  wings  are  rejilaced  by  a  jiair  of  horny  sheaths  that  close  together  over  the 
back  of  the  insect,  concealing  the  hind  wings,  so  that  the  beetle  looks  like  a  wingless 
insect ;  in  other  four-winged  insects  it  is  usually  the  front  wings  that  are  most  useful, 
in  flight.  In  the  Orthoptera  the  front  wings  also  differ  in  consistence  from  the 
other  pair  over  which  they  lie  in  repose,  and  are  called  the  tegmina."  (Sharp, 
Cambridge  Natural  History,  vol.  v.) 

^  The  most  complete  bililiograpliies  are  to  be  found  in  various  well-known  publications  on  fossil 
Insects  by  S.  H.  Scudder,  and  in  the  work  by  A.  Handlirsch,  Die  fossileu  Insekten,  Leipzig, 
1906-8.  See  also  Handlirscli  s  Revision  of  American  Paleozoic  Insects,  in  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus. , 
1906,  vol.  xxix.  For  important  recent  contributions  one  should  consult  the  writings  of  Agnus, 
Bode,  Bolton,  Brnes,  Burr,  Cockerell,  Dainpf,  Enderlein,  Leriche,  Melandrr,  Meunier,  Olfers, 
Pruvost,  Reis,  Rohwer,  Schlechtendal,  Sellards,  Shelford,  Ulnier,  Wickham,  and  others. 

The  most  elal)orate  descriptions  of  the  insect  faiuia  of  Commeutry  are  contained  in  the  follow- 
ing memoirs  : — Brongniart,  C,  Recherches  pour  servir  a  I'histoire  des  insectes  des  temps  primaires, 
etc.  Saint-Etienne,  1893. — Meunier,  F.,  Nouvelles  recherches  sur  quelques  insectes  dii  terrain 
houiller  de  Commentry  (AUier).      Annales  de  Paleont. ,  vols,  iv.,  vi.,  1906-12. 


Among  the  Orthopterous  Insects  of  the  British  series  of  Carboniferous  rocks  are 
a  number  of  forms  allied  to  cockroaches,  and  nodules  of  the  same  age  contain  wings  of 
Palaeodictyopterous  and  allied  Insects,  some  of  them  showing  colour  bands  (Brodiea). 
At  Comm  entry  (Allier),  France,  is  found  the  richest  deposit  of  Carboniferous  Insects 
in  the  world,  and  this  fauna  has  been  ably  investigated  by  Charles  Brongniart 
(1893)  and  later  writers.  Very  numerous  fossil  remains  are  known  from  different 
Mesozoic  and  Cenozoic  horizons.  The  Insects  found  in  the  English  and  German 
Lias  are  for  the  most  part  small  and  insignificant,  but  there  are  known  a  moderate- 
sized  dragonfly,  and  also  a  few  Coleoptera.  Various  remains  occur  also  in  the  Stones- 
field  Slate,  Purbeck,  Wealden,  Bagshot  Beds  (Upper  Eocene),  and  Bembridge  Beds 
(Oligocene)  of  England.  Insects  are  well  represented  in  the  Lithographic  Stone 
(Kimmeridgian)  of  Bavaria  ;  in  freshwater  Oligocene  deposits  of  Aix  in  Provence, 
and  especially  in  Baltic  amber  of  the  same  age  from  East  Prussia ;  in  the  Miocene 
brown  coal  of  Rott  near  Bonn  ;  in  the  Miocene  lacustrine  deposits  of  Oeningen, 
Baden,  on  Lake  Constance ;  and  in  similar  deposits  of  Florissant,  Colorado,  also 
of  Miocene  age.  Many  Insects  also  come  from  the  Miocene  deposits  of  Radoboj 
in  Croatia,  and  from  the  Indusial  limestone  of  Lower  Miocene  age  from  Offenbach. 
There  is  considerable  reason  to  supjjose  tliat  Insects  were  more  numerous  in  species 
during  Tertiary  times  than  they  are  at  the  present  day. 

In  the  system  here  adopted  the  winged  or  wingless  condition  is  made  the  basis 
for  dividing  Insects  into  two  classes,  Pterygogenea  and  Apterygogenea.  The  former 
of  these  comprises  forty  orders,  thirteen  of  which  are  entirely  extinct.  The  lowly 
organised  class  of  apterous  Insects  comprises  four  orders,  three  of  which  have  Tertiary 
rejjresentatives  as  well  as  Recent,  and  the  remaining  order  is  without  known  fossil 

If  the  opinion  of  Lankester  and  Bcirner,  that  the  primitive  Insects  have  a  special 
affinity  with  the  Isopoda,  be  accepted,  the  discovery  of  Oxyuropoda  in  the  Devonian 
of  County  Kilkenny,  Ireland,  becomes  of  particular  interest  (see  ante,  p.  757).  In 
the  view  of  G.  H.  Carpenter,  a  more  general  relationship  between  Insects  and 
Crustacea  seems  probable,  so  that  this  Devonian  Isopod  genus  and  the  lowly  organised 
Pterygote  order  of  Palaeodictyoptera  must  be  regarded  as  having  each  advanced  along 
difterent  lines  of  specialisation  from  their  common  ancestors.  The  common  stock 
from  Avliich  both  Crustacea  and  Insecta  are  descended  must  surely  have  been  Arthro- 
pods with  undifteren tinted  trunk-segments,  yet  on  the  whole,  resembling  primitive 
Crustaceans  in  structure,  and  possibly  not  very  remote  from  Trilobites. 

Class  1.    PTERYGOGENEA  Brauer. 

Insects  normally  winged  in  the  adult,  or  secondarily  wingless,  with  faceted  eyes,  and 
abdomen  usually  with  nine  or  ten  distinct  segments. 

t  Order  1.     PALAEODICTYOPTERA  Goldenberg. 

Head  moderately  large,  rounded,  ivith  simple  antennae,  mouth  parts  adapted  for 
biting,  and  well-developed  jaws.  Two  pears  of  wings,  subequal  in  size,  of  similar  form 
and  frimitive  venation,  incapable  of  being  folded  backward  over  the  abdomen  ;  sometimes 
a  rudimentary  third  pair  present  on  the  first  thoracic  segment.  Abdomen  consisting  of 
ten  nearly  homonomous  segments  which  often  exhibit  pleural  lobes.  Terminal  segment 
often  with  much  elongated  cerci.      Thoracic  legs  similar. 

In   tliis   order   the  wing  structure  is  very  primitive  (Fig.    1531),  corresponding 

t  This  sign  is  used  throughout  the  following  pages  to  indicate  that  the  systematic  group  referred 
to  is  extinct. 




very  nearly  to  tlie  liypothetical  type.      The  cross-veins  are  numerous  and  more  or 
less  irregular  ;  tlie  anal  lobe  is  not  separated  by  a  fold  ;  the  anal  veins  are  always 

well  developed,  more  or  less  branched, 
C  and  curved  regularly  backward  to  the 

SC  posterior  margin  ;  and  there  is  no 
anal  fold  nor  fan  -  like  plaitings. 
Larvae  are  similar  to  the  imago. 

The    Palaeodictyoptera    are    best 
regarded   as   a    generalised   group    of 
very  primitive  organisation,   and   as 
the  probable  progenitors  of  all  winged 
Pjq_  1531  Ijisects.      They  are  restricted  to  the 

Diagram  of  the  neuration  of  a  primitive  insect  wing,  one  Paleozoic,  and  OCCUr  in  various 
of  the  Palaeodictyoptera.  The  principal  longitudinal  veins  "PupniiPaTi  ond  ISTnT-th  ATnericnn 
are  connected  by  a  network  of  cross -veins,     c,  Costa ;   sc,     -CiUropean       anci        l^Ortn       Ameiican 

Subcosta;    r,  Radius;    rs,    liadial    sector;    m,    Media;    ru,    localities.         There      are      al>OUt      120 

Cubitus;  a,  Anal  veins  or  nervures  (after  Handlirscli)-  i  ■        l^  ■      ■.        c      t  ■  ^ 

known  species,  the  majority  ot  which 

are  European,  and  about  one-fourth  of  this  number  l)eing  found  in  the  Carboniferous 

of  the  United  States  and  Canada.      Six  species  are  known  from  the  Pottsville,  ten 

from  the  Kanawha  and  Little  River  groups,  eleven  from  the  Allegheny,  one  from  the 

Conemaugh,  and  the  remainder  of  American  forms  from  the  Productive  Coal  Measures. 

Many  of  these  Insects  attain  considerable  size.      The  following  named  families  have 

been  distinguished  : 

Dictyoneuridae,  of  which  the  genus  Stenodictya  Brongn.  (Fig.  1532)  is  an  example. 

'^^^^;^^m£^^^^^'''^'^' /is^^ 


Fig.  1533. 

EkiblepPns  da7ilelsi 'H.a\ii.\l.    Coal  Measures  ; 
Stenodictya    lohatn    Brongn.      Stephanian    (Upper    Carboni-      Mazon  Creek,  Illinois.    The  antennae,  ocelli 
ferous) ;  Commcntry,  Allier,  France^     Tlie  antennae,  ocelli  and      and     tarsi    are    reconstructed.      -/x '  (after 

tarsi  are  reconstructed,     "/s  (after  Ilandlirsch). 


Peromapteridae,  Megaptilidae,  Hypermegethidae,  Mecynopteridae,  Syntonopteridae, 
Lithomantidae,  Lycocercidae,  Homoijiteridae,  Homothetidae,  Heolidae,  Breyeriidae, 
Fouqueidae,  Grapliiptilidae,  Sjiilapteridae,  Lampioptilidae,  Polycreagridae,  Eublejitidae 
(represented  by  Euhlejptus)  (Fig.  1533),  Metropatoridae,  Paoliidae,  Stygnidae,  Aenigma- 
todidae,  and  Synarmogidae. 

t  Order  2.     MIXOTERMITOIDEA  Handlirsch. 

Wings  with  broadly  rounded  apical   border,  their  venation  resembling  that  of  the 
Palaeodictyoptera,  hid  more  highly  specialised. 




This  order  is  probably  an  early  aberrant  offshoot  of  the  preceding  group,  and  is 
known  from  two  genera.    Mixotermes  Sterzel  (Fig,  1534)  occurs  in  tlie  Coal  Measures  of 


Fig.  1534. 

Mixotervies  lugnucnsis  Sterzel.  Coal  Measures; 
Lugau,  Saxony.  Fore  wing.  2/i  (after  Hand- 

Recula  parva  Sclilecliten.  Coal 
Measures  ;  Wettin,  Saxony.  Fore 
wing,     '■^/i  (after  HaniUirsch). 

Saxony,  and  Geroneura  Matthew  in  tbe  Little  River  group  (approximately  equivalent 
to  the  Kanawha  series)  of  New  Brunswick. 

t  Order  3.      RECULOIDBA  Handlirsch. 

An  early  aberrant  offshoot  of  the  Palaeodictyoptera,  loith  peculiarly  specialised  iving 
neuration,  and  approaching  in  some  respiects  to  the  Proforthoptera  and  Protoblattoidea. 

This  order  was  proposed  in  a  j)rovisional  sense  to  include  tlie  single  genus  Eecula 
Handlirsch  (Fig.  1535),  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Saxony. 

t  Order  4.     PROTORTHOPTERA  Handlirsch. 

Wing  pairs  of  unequal  size,  capable  of  being  folded  backward  over  the  abdomen,  and 
with  more  complicated  venation  than  in  the  preceding  types,  approaching  in  some  respects 

Fig.  1536. 

Spanindera  ambvlans  Handl.  Coal 
Measures  ;  Mazon  Creek,  Illinois,  i/i 
(after  Handlirsch). 


Oi'.dischia  wUUamsoni  Brongn.  Stephanian  ; 
Commentry,  France.  A  forerunner  of  true  Locus- 
toids,  witli  long  antennae  and  hind  legs  adapted 
for  springing.     %  (reconstructed  by  Handlirsch). 

that  of  the  modern  Locnstidae.  Hind  wings  similar  to  the  front  pair,  but  with  larger  anal 
area,  marked  off  by  a  fold.  Antennae  long  and  slender ;  mouth  parts  strong,  adapted 
for  biting.     Prothorax  often  elongated  or  saddle-shaped,  legs  similar  in  form,  the  third 




pail-  sometimes  elongated  and  adapted  for  springing ;  cerci  short  or  of  moderate  size ; 
abdominal  segments  without  lateral  lobes.  Females  of  some  species  with  a  well-developed 

This  Paleozoic  group  is  apparently  intermediate  in  position  between  the  Palaeo- 
dictyoptera  and  Orthoptera  proj^er.  There  are  upwards  of  ninety  known  species, 
about  twenty  of  which  occur  in  the  Coal  Measures  of  North  America,  and  forty  in 
the  Permian  of  Kansas.      The  following  named  families  have  been  distinguished  : 

Spanioderidae,  of  which  the  genus  Spaniodera  Haudl.  (Fig.  1536)  is  an  example,- 
Ischnoneuridae,  Cnemidolestidae,  Prototettigidae,  Homalophlebidae,  ProtokoUariidae, 
Schuchertiellidae,  Pachytylopsidae,  Caloneuridae,  Stenaropodidae,  Oediscliiidae  (with 
well-developed  jumping  legs  as  shown  in   Oedischia  Brongu.)  (Fig.  1537),  Omalidae, 
Geraridae,  Sthenaroceridae,  Apithanidae,  Cacurgidae,  and  Narkemidae. 

Order  5.     ORTHOPTERA  Olivier. 

Mouth  parts  well  developed,  mandihulate}  Wings  unequal.,  capable  of  being  folded 
backwards  over  the  abdomen.  Fore  wings  coriaceous,  ivith  numerous  cross-veins,  and  the 
principal  longitudinal  veins,  with  most  of  their  branches,  directed  totvards  the  outer 
margin.  Hind  wings  thinner,  delicately  veined,  with  a  large,  plicated  anal  area. 
Prothorax  saddle-shapied ;  hind  legs  generally  saltatorial. 

The  Orthoptera  are  Insects  of  comparatively  large  size.  The  largest  of  existing 
Insects  are  included  within  this  order,  and  none  of  its  members  is  so  small  as  are 
many  minute  representatives  of  other  orders.  Modern  forms  include  grasshoppers, 
locusts,  green  grasshoppers,  katydids,  and  crickets. 


Suborder  A.     LOCUSTOIDEA  Leach.     (Locusts  and  Crickets). 

Cubital  area  in  the  fore  wings  of  the  male  {in  most  modern  forms)  modified  into 
stridulating  organs;  anterior  tibiae  loith  auditory  organ ;  tarsi  three-  or  four-jointed ; 

antennae  long  and  slender,  consisting  of 
more  than  thirty  segments;  female  almost 
alioays  with  well  developed  ovipositor. 

The  earliest  known  members  of  this 
suborder  are  found  in  the  Lias  of 
Europe,  and  belong  to  the  extinct 
families  of  Locustopsidae  and  Elcanidae 
(the  latter  typified  by  the  genus  Elcana 
Giebel)  (Fig.  1538).  Apparently  no 
stridulating  organs  were  developed,  but 
in  the  Elcanidae  lamellar  ajipendages 
have  been  observed  on  the  posterior 
tibiae,  by  means  of  which  the  insects  were  probably  able  to  ambulate  on  the  surface 
of  the  water  or  liquid  mud  after  the  manner  of  some  living  Tridactylidae  and 
Gryllidae.  The  Jura  of  Europe  has  yielded  some  true  Locustidae  (Green  Grass- 
hojipers)  and  Gryllidae  (Crickets)  with  stridulating  organs,  and  the  families  Tri- 
dactylidae and  Gryllotalpidae  make  their  appearance  in  the  early  Tertiary.     Remains 

••  By  tlie  term  niandibulate  or  "  orthopteroiil  "  mouth  is  meant  one  in  which  the  mandibles,  or 
maxillae,  or  both,  are  fitted  for  biting,  crushing,  or  grasping  food  ;  while  the  term  suctorial  implies 
that  some  of  the  mouth  parts  are  of  a  tubular  form  or  are  protrusible  as  a  proboscis,  wliich  assists, 
or  protects,  a  more  minute  and  delicate  sucking  apparatus. 

Fig.  153S. 

Elcana,  geinUzi  Hear.  $  Upper  Lias  ;  Dobbertin  in 
Mecklenburg.  A  true  Locustoid,  the  cerci,  tarsi  ami 
ocelli  partly  restored.     10/3  (after  Handlirseli). 




of  crickets  are  known  from  the  Green  Eiver  Ecoene  of  Wyoming,  and 
are  found  also,  with  locusts,  in  the  Miocene  lacustrine  beds  of 
Florissant,  Colorado.  Various  European  species  are  known  of  Bry- 
madusa  Stein.  (Fig.  1539),  and  Gnjilas  Linn.  (Fig.  1540). 

Fio.  1539. 
Drymadusa  speciosa  (Heer).     Miocene  ;  Oeningen,  Baden,    ^/i. 

Suborder  B.     ACRIDIOIDEA  Handlirsch. 

Fig.  1540. 

Gryllus  mncrocercus 
Germar.  Lower  Oli- 
gocene;  Baltic 
amber.  3/.,  (after 


Stridulating  organs  sitnated  in  the  hind  femora  and  a  modified  longitudinal  vein  of 
the  fore  ivings.  Auditory  organ  on  the  side  of  the  first  abdominal  segment.  Antennae 
short,  composed  of  less  than  thirty  segments.  Tarsi  short,  three-jointed.  No  exserted 
ovipositor  in  the  female. 

Fio.  1541.  * 

Tyrbuki  russelU  Seudder.  Miocene  lake 
beds ;  Florissant,  Colorado.  3/^  (after 

This  is  a  grouj)  of  com- 
paratively late  origin,  and  is 
derived  in  all  probability  from 
the  Locustopsidae  or  similar 
locustoid  ancestors.  Grass- 
hoppers are  known  from  the 
Green  Eiver  Eocene  of  Wyom- 
ing, and  from  the  freshwater 
Miocene  of  Florissant,  Colorado, 
and  elsewhere.  Tyrbula  (Fig. 
1541)  and  Nanthacia  Seudder, 
etc.,  are  examples. 

Fio.  154:2. 

Chresmoda  obscura  Germar.     Lithographic  Stone  (LTpper  Jura) ; 
Solenhofen,  BaAaria.     4/^  (after  Handlirsch). 

Order  6.     PHASMOIDEA  Leach.     (Walking-sticks,  Leaf  Insects,  etc.) 

Body  usually  long  and  slender,  mouth  parts  ortliopteroid,  fore  ivings  rarely  well 
developed,  iijithout  stridulating  organ,  and  loithout  visible  demarcation  between  the 
cubital  and  anal  areas.  Hind  ivings  with  large,  folded  anal  lobe ;  hind  legs  not 
saltatorial,  usually  long  and  slender  like  the  other  pairs.  Gerci  short,  genital  appendages 
of  the  female  not  prominent,  tarsi  five-jointed. 

Here  is  placed  the  Upper  Jurassic  genus  Chresmoda  Germar  (Fig.  1542),  which. 




as  indicated  liy  tlae  structure  of  its  legs,  proljably  lived  on  the  surface  of  tlie  water 
as  do  modern  Gerridae.  True  terrestrial  Phasmoidea  occur  rarely  in  Baltic  amber 
and  in  tlie  Miocene  lake  beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado.  An  example  from  the  latter 
locality  is  Agathemera  reclusa  Scudder. 

Order  7.     DBRMAPTERA  De  Geer.     (Ear- wigs,  etc.) 

Flat-hodied  running  Insects  ivith  prognathous,  orthopteroid  mouth  parts ;  antennae 
sim])k,  consisting  of  from  ten  to  thirty  segments.      Fore  ivings,  when  present,  very  feebly 

developed,  and  forming  short,  coriaceous  tegmina. 
Hind  wings  longitudinally  and  transversely  plicated  in 
a  complex  fashion,  consisting  almost  wliolly  of  the 
highly  specialised  anal  lobe.  Legs  similar,  with  three- 
jointed  tarsi ;  cerci  chelate. 

This  is  a  specialised  order,  which  makes  its  first 
appearance  in  the  Tertiary  of  Europe  and  North 
America.  Labiduromma  Scudder  (Fig.  1543)  is  repre- 
sented in  the  freshwater  Miocene  of  Florissant,  Colo- 
rado, by  about  a  dozen  species.  Forficula  Linn, 
ranges  from  the  Eocene  to  Recent. 

Fig.  1o43. 

Lahiduromma  exsnlatum  Scudder. 
Miocene  lake  beds  ;  Florissant,  Colo- 
rado.    "Ji  (after  Scudder). 

Order  8.      DIPLOGLOSSATA  de  Saussure. 

Includes  the  apterous,  parasitical  family  Hemime- 
ridae,  living  in  Africa,  unknown  in  the  fossil  state. 

Order  9.     THYSANOPTBRA  Haliday.      (Physopoda  auct.). 

Small  terrestrial  Insects  with  asymmetrical,  hypognathous,  suctorial  movtJi.  ptO'^i'ts, 
short  antennae,  slender  wings  which  are  fringed  when  present,  hit  are  often  rudimentary 
or  wanting.  Legs  similar,  tarsi  ivith  one  or  tivo  joints,  termi- 
nated by  a  vesicular  structure ;  cerci  reduced ;  genital  appendages 
of  the  female  forming  a  terebra. 

Several  genera  occur  in  the  Oligocene  and  Miocene  of 
Europe,  and  three  in  the  Green  River  beds  (Middle  Eocene) 
along  the  White  River  in  western  Colorado.  Thrips  Linn.  ; 
and  Palaeothrips  Scudder  (Fig.  1544)  are  examples. 

Fifi.  1544. 

t  Order  10.     PROTOBLATTOIDEA  Handlirsch.      iWaco<;mi,«/ossiZisScuddeT. 

'  Green  River  beds  (Eocene) ; 

.,       ,,        .  Utah.    r2/j  (after  Scudder). 

Insects  usually  attaining  considerable  size.  Head  not  con- 
cealed beneath  the  prothorax,  with  orthopteroid  mouth  parts,  and  simple,  numerously 
jointed  antennae.  Fore  wings  usually  with  multifurcate  principal  veins  and  numerous 
cross-veins ;  subcosta  well  marked ;  anal  area  distinctly  limited  by  a.  furrow,  anal  veins 
mostly  recurved.  Hind  wings  ivith  a  distinct,  enlarged,  and  folded  anal  lobe.  Wings 
capable  of  being  folded  over  the  abdomen,  and  the  forward  pair  overlapping  the  hinder. 
Legs  non-saltatorial,  the  first  pair  sometimes  robust  and  raptorial.  Abdomen  rarely 
slender,  generally  more  or  less  flattened  ;  cerci  distinct ;  female  sometimes  with  a  short 

This    is   an    exclusively    Paleozoic    order,    intermediate    in    jxisitiun    lietween    the 




Palaeodictyoptera  and  the  true  cockroaches  and  soothsayers  (Blattoidea  and  Mantoidea) 
of  later  date.  The  less  specialised  members  of  this  order  are  very  similar  to  those  of 
the  parallel  group  Protorthoptera. 

The  Protoblattoidea  are  well  represented  in  the  Carboniferous  and  Permian  of 
Europe  and  North  America  by  the  following  named  families  : 

Stenoneuridae,  Protophasmidae  (typified  by  the  genus  ProtopJmsvia  Brongn.) 
(Fig.  1545),  Eoblattidae,  Oryctoblattinidae,  Aetophlebidae,  Cheliphlebidae,  Eucaenidae 

Fig.  1645.   , 

Prolophasnia  dumabi  Brongn.  Stephanian  ; 
Commoiitry,  France.  Antennae,  ocelli,  tarsi  and 
cerci  restored  from  analogy.  ■'/<j  (after  Hand- 

Fio.  1546. 

Eucaenus  ovalis  Scudder.  Coal  Measures  ;  Mazon 
Creek,  Illinois.  Antennae,  ocelli  and  tarsi  recon- 
structed,    -i/y  (after  Handlirsch). 

(typified  by  the  genus  Eucaemis  Scudder)  (Fig.  1546),  Gerapompidae,  Adiphlebidae, 
Anthracothremmidae,  and  (?)  Cnemidolestidae. 

Order  11.      BLATTOIDEA  Handlirsch.      (Cockroaches^). 

Head  deflexed,  often  entirely  concealed  from  above  by  the  large  shield-like  pronotum ; 
with  orthopteroid  moufh  parts  and  long,  numerously  jointed  antennae.  Leqs  similar, 
with  five-jointed  tarsi  and  long  coxae.  Fore  wings  or  tegmina  more  coriaceous  than  the 
hinder  pair,  and  more  frequently  preserved  ;  they  are  capable  of  overlapping  above  the 
abdomen ;  their  subcostae  are  more  or  less  reduced,  and  the  anal  area  is  distinctly 
separated  by  a  cm-ved  furrow.  Hind  wings  with  an  enlarged,  folded  anal  lobe. 
Abdomen  short  and  broad,  provided  with  cerci,  but  ivithout  visible  female  genital 

This  order  includes  the  majority  of  Paleozoic  Insects,  upwards  of  300  species 
being  known  from  North  American  strata,  a  still  larger  number  from  European  rocks 
and  a  few  from  the  Carboniferous  of  India.  About  80  Jurassic  species  have  been 
described,  half  as  many  Tertiary,  and  we  are  acquainted  with  about  1200  Recent 
species.  In  the  most  primitive  family,  tlie  Archimylacridae,  which  includes  more 
than  one-third  of  the  American  Paleozoic  si^ecies,  the  neuration  still  resembles  in  the 
main  the  Palaeodictyopteroid  type.  Highly  characteristic  of  this  family  is  the 
condition  of  the  long  subcosta  or  mediastinal  vein  of  the  tegmina,  which  sends  off  a 
large  number  of  branches  to  the  costal  margin,  either  pectinate  or  arranged  in  groups, 
but  never  issuing  ray-like  from  the  base  of  the  wing. 

1  Scudder,  S.  H.,  Revision  of  the  American  fossil  Cockroaches.     Bull.  U.S.  Geol.  Surv.,  no.  124, 
1895. — Schlechienclal,  D.  von,  Uber  die  Karbon-Iusekten  unci  Spinneu  von  Wettin.    Leipzic,  1913. 
VOL.  I  3  F 




From    this  generalised   stock    have   probably   been    derived   a   numl)er   of    more 
specialised  families,  also  limited  to  the  Paleozoic  (Upper  Productive  Coal  Measures 

and    Permian),    among   ■which    may 

\.Anal  Veins 

Scapular - 

-Jtnal  Furrow 

be  mentioned  the  following  : 

Spiloblattinidae,  with  smooth 
fenestrated  spaces  between  the  bor- 
dered longitudinal  veins  of  the 
tegmina  ;  Mylacridae,  with  the  sub- 
costal branches  given  otf  from  a 
common  point  of  origin  at  the  base 
(Fig.  1548,  G);  Poroblattinidae 
and  Neorthroblattinidae,  with  a 
very  short  subcosta ;  Mesoblatti- 
nidae,  with  the  subcosta  forming 
only  a  callous  at  the  base  of  the 
anterior  border  ;  Pseudomylacridae, 
Dictyomylacridae,  Neomylacridae, 
Pteridomylacridae,  Idiomylacridae, 
Diechoblattinidae,  and  Protere- 

Tertiary  cockroaches  are  all 
referable  to  modern  families,  and 
are  probably  descended,  at  least  for 
the  greater  jjart,  from  the  Mesoblattinidae,  a  family  which  is  abundantly  rej^resented 
in  Jurassic  rocks.     Many  larval  forms  and  even  egg  packets  of  cockroaches  are  found 

Fig.  Ii47. 

Neuration  of  one  of  the  tegmina  of  a  Paleozoic  Cockroacli 
Asemohlatta  mazona  (Scud.),  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Illinois. 
The  veins  are  named  at  the  bnse  of  the  tegmen,  and  the  areas 
are  marked  along  the  margin,     -/i  (alter  Scudder). 

Fui.  1548. 

Types  of  fore  wings  in  Paleozoic  Cockroaches,     "j-^.     A,  Priiriitive  Archimylacrid.     V,,  Jlore  highly  specialised 
Archimlyacrid.     (\  Mylacris,  typifying  the  Mylacridae.     Nervures  are  marked  as  in  Fig.  1531. 

fossil.  Specific  determinations  are  often  difficult,  no  two  individuals  being  exactly 
alike,  and  difterences  often  existing  between  the  right  and  left  wings  of  the  same 




Illustrations  of  the  tegniina  of  typical  Paleozoic  cockroaches  are  shown  in 
Figs.  1547  and  1548.  Among  North  American  examples  may  be  mentioned 
Adeloblatta  (Fig.  1549)  and  Asevwhlatta  (Fig.  1547)  Hand- 
lirsch,  both  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Illinois  ;  Phyloblatta 
and  Bradyblatta  Handlirsch,  from  the  Permian  of  "West 
Virginia  ;  Etohlattina  and  Sinlohlattina  Scudder,  from  the 
Carboniferous  and   Permian  respectively. 

Order  12.    MANTOIDBA  Handlirsch. 

(Soothsayers  or  Praying  Insects). 

Head  exsarted-  hut  deflexed,  nut  covered  by  the  protliorax, 
lohich  is  elongate  and  variously  formed,  but  never  disk-like. 
Mouth  parts  and  antennae  as  in  the  Blattoidea.  First  pair 
of  leys  largely  develofed,  raptorial,  the  coxae  elongate  and 
free ;  second  and  third  fair  of  legs  simple  and  similar ;  the 
tarsi  five-jointed,  without  a  pad  between  the  claws ;  a  pair  of 
jointed  cerci  near  the  extremity  of  the  body.  Tegmina  less 
highly  specialised  than  in  the  Blattoidea,  subcosta  well  de- 
veloped, anal  area  not  so  distinct. 

(Scud.).  Coal  Measures ;  Mazon 

The   earliest    members    of    this   order    are    the    extinct   Creek,    Illinois.      2/j    (after 

Palaeomantidae  from  the  Upper  Permian  of  Russia.    Higher 

types,  such  as  the  extinct  Haglidae  and  Geinitziidae,  appear  in  tlie  Lower  and  Upper 

Lias  respectively,  of  England  and  Germany.      The  latter  family  contains  the  single 

genus  Geinitzia  Handlirsch  (Fig.  1550),  represented  by  three 

species.      Comparatively  few  Tertiary  forms  are  known,  but 

in  the  modern  fauna  the  Mantidae  are  an  extensive  family, 

showing  extreme  variety   in    the   shape   of   the    body,   and 

characterised  by  the  very  remarkable  front  legs. 

I  » 

Fig.  154'J. 
A  de.lohlatta  columhiana 

SC.    2- 


Fig.  1550. 

Geinitzia  schlieffeni  (Gein.).     Upper  Lias  ;  Dobbertin  in 
Mecklenburg,     o/o  (after  HainUirsch). 

Fig.  1551. 

I'arotermes  insignis  Scudder 
Miocene  lake  beds  ;  Florissant, 
Colorado,     ^/j. 

Order  13.     ISOPTERA  BruUe.     (Termites  or  White  Ants). 

Social  terrestrial  Insects.  Head  not  concealed,  with  orthopteroid  mouth  parts,  and 
simple  antennae  consisting  of  from  nine  to  thirty-one  joints.  Wing  pairs  elongate  and 
similar,  anal  area  reduced,  and,  owing  to  a  suture  near  the  base  of  the  luings,  the 
latter  are  deciduous.  Legs  similar,  the  body  terminated  by  a  pair  of  short  cerci, 
ovipositor  concealed.  Wingless  individuals  {workers,  or  sexually  reduced  males  and 
females)  are  polymorphous. 

True  Termites  or  White  Ants  appear  first  in  the  Eocene,  and  are  represented  in 
Tertiary  formations  by  about  forty  species.      In  the  modern  fauna  upwards  of  350 




species  are  known.     Parotermes  Scudder  (Fig.  1551);  Eutermes  Heer;  and  Hodotermes 
Hagen  occur  in  the  Miocene  lake  beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado. 

Order  14.     CORRODBNTIA  Burmeister^  (Cojjeo g n atha  Endevlein). 

(Book  Lice). 

Minute  terrestrial  Insects  ivith  specialised  ortliofteroid  mouth  ])arts,  filiform  or  hair- 
like antennae,  and  two  pairs  of  unequal  membranous  xoings  which  are  capable  of  being 
folded  backward,  with  reduced  cross-veins.     Hind  wings  smaller, 
\  /*    without   folded    anal   lobe ;    ne^iration    highly    specialised.       Legs 

homonomous,  with  two-  or  three-jointed  tarsi.      Prothorax  small ; 
cerci  reduced,  ovipositor  not  prominent. 

Fig.  1552. 

A  number  of  sjjecies  belonging  in   j)art  to   extinct  and  in 

part  to  still  living  genera  is  known  from  Baltic  amber  (Lower 

Oligocene  of  East  Prussia),  and  from  Sicilian  amber  of  Upper 

Miocene  age.      A   very  remarkable   form  with  hard,  chitinous 

Sphaeropsocus   icuenovii   ^ings,    and    interesting    from    a     phylogenetic    standpoint,    is 

Hagen.  Oligocene  amber ;   Sphaeropsocus  Hagen  (Fig.  1552),  preserved  in  Baltic  amber. 

Hagen)!  ^^^^'"^  ^^  The  fifteenth  order  Mallophaga  Nitsche,  including  parasitic 

Bird   Lice  or  Biting  Lice,  witli  reduced  mouth  parts,  and   the 

sixteenth  order  Siphunculata  Meinert  ( =  Anoplura  Enderlein),  which  is  allied  to  the 

Mallophaga  but  has  suctorial  mouth  parts,  comprise  modern  ectoparasitical  Insects, 

and  are  not  known  to  be  represented  in  the  fossil  state. 

Order  17.     COLEOPTERA  Linnaeus.     (Beetles). 

Terrestrial  or  aquatic  Insects  with  orthopteroid  biting  mouth  parts  and  generally 
multiarticulate  antennae.  Four  ivings  are  present ;  the  upper  pair  shell-like  in  con- 
sistency, and  forming  cases  (elytra)  which  meet 
together  along  the  median  dorsal  line,  so  as  to 
sheathe  completely  the  delicate  membranoiis  hind 
pair.  Legs  generally  homonomous  or  the  third 
pair  modified  for  swimming  or  leaping.  Abdo- 
men sessile,  without  cerci  or  prominent  ovipositor ; 
the  number  of  visible  segments  more  or  less  re- 

Over  350  species  of  rather  primitive  Cole- 
optera  have  been  found  in  Mesozoic  strata,  the 
largest  number  being  from  the  Uijper  Jura. 
The  majority  of  these  cannot  be  positively 
assigned  to  Recent  families,  although  it  is 
certain  that  many  of  these  were  represented  as 
early  as  the  Mesozoic.  On  the  other  hand, 
most  of  the  Tertiary  Coleoptera  belong  to  exist- 
ing families,  and  comprise  nearly  2300  species. 
This,  however,  is  a  small  number  in  comparison  to  something  like  200,000  described 
species  of  Recent  beetles. 

The  principal  families  which  are  repi'esented  in  the  fossil  state  are  the  Carabidae, 
to  whicli  belongs  the  cursorial  beetle  Tauredon  Handl.  (Fig.  1553);  Elateridae ; 
BujDrestidae ;   Dytiscidae,  etc.     The   Strepsiptera  of  Kirby  may  be   considered   as   a 

^  Enderlein,  G.,  Die  fossileu  Copeognatheii  iind  ilne  Phylogeuie.      Palaeontogr.,  1911,  vol.  Iviii. 

Fm.  1553. 

Tauredun  horni  Handl.     Lithographic  Stoni^ 
(Upper  Jura) ;  Bavaria.    5/3  (after  Haiidlirsch.) 




highly  specialised  parasitical  group  of  Coleoptera.  In  North  America,  the  division  of 
tlie  Khynchophora  is  represented  in  the  Cretaceous  of  Greenland  by  two  genera 
{Archiorhynchus  Heer  and   Gurcidiojms  Hand!.),  and  much  more  abundantly  in  the 

Fio.  1.554. 

Cyphon  vetustus 
Giebel.  Purbeck ; 
Vale  of  Wardour, 
England.  6/1  (after 

Cerylonopsls  slriatii 
(Brodie).  Purbeck  ; 
Vale     of     Wardour, 


8/1   (after 

Fig.  1556. 

Paltorhyiichus  rectirostris 
Soudder.  Miocene  lake  beds  ; 
Florissant,  Colorado,    s/i- 

Fig.  1557. 

Apion  refrenatum  Scudder. 
Miocene  lake  beds ;  Floris- 
sant, Colorado.    12/j. 

freshwater  Miocene  of  Florissant,  Colorado.  The  divisions  Heteromera,  Phytophaga, 
Laniellicornia,  Serricornia,  Clavicornia  and  Adephaga  are  also  fairly  well  represented 
at  the  latter  locality.  Two  English  and  two  American  species  are  shown  in  Figs. 

Order  18.      HYMBNOPTERA  Linnaeus.^     (Ants,  Bees,  Wasps,  etc.). 

Terrestrial  Insects  with  a  free  head  having  ivell-developed  mandibles ;  the  first  and 
second  maxillae  are  often  elongated,  and  form  in  the  higher  groups  a  tubular  proboscis 
adapted  for  sucJdng.  Antennae  generally  long  and  multiarticulate.  Thorax  and  first 
abdominal  segments  fused,  the  rest  of  the  abdomen  generally  well  separated  hy  a  con- 
striction.    Legs  usually  homonomous,  with  five-jointed  tarsi  ;  cerci  not  distinct ;  genital 

Fig.  1558. 

Atocus    defessus    Scudder.      Miocene    lake 
beds  ;  Florissant,  Colorado.    2/^. 

Fto.  1559 

Pseudosirejo  schroeteri  Germ.  Litho- 
graphic Stone ;  Solenhofen,  Bavaria.  Vl 
(after  Oppenheim). 

appendages  of  the  female  forming  either  a  more  or  less  pronounced  terebra  or  a  sting. 
Four  wings  of  membranous  consistency  and  a  reduced  number  of  veins ;  the  front  pair 
larger  than  the  hind,  which  are  always  smaller  and  rarely  fold  up  in  repose.  Wingless 
forms  frequent. 

The  earliest  members  of  this  order  are  of  Jurassic  age,  and  it  is  probable  that  some 

^  Mayr,  G.,  Die  Ameisen  ties  baltischen  Bernsteius,  Schriften  der  phys.-okon.  Ge.s.  Konigs- 
berg,  1868. — Mem,  Studien  iilier  die  Radoboj-Formiciden.  Jalirb.  geol.  Reichsaiist.  Wien,  1868, 
vol^  x\ii.  — Wheeler,   IV.  M.,  Ants.     New  York,  1910. 




primitive  types  of  the  suborder  Symphyta  were  already  in  existence  during  the  Mesozoic, 
although  the  most  primitive  saw-flies  (Lydidae  or  Pamphilidae)  are  not  known  from 
rocks  older  than  tlie  Tertiary.  About  2900  Recent  species  of  saw-flies  are  known, 
several  are  preserved  in  Baltic  amber,  and  fifty  or  more  have  been  described  from 
Tertiary  strata  in  Europe  and  North  America.  Of  this  number  thirty-three  occur 
exclusively  in  the  Miocene  lake  beds  of  Florissant.  Here  belong 
the  genera  Dineura  and  Taxonus  Dahlb. ;  Tenthredo  Linn.;  and 
Atocus  Scudder  (Fig.  1558).  A  group  of  more  highly  specialised 
Siricid-like  Insects,  constituting  the  extinct  family  Pseudo- 
siricidae  {Pseudosirex  Weyenb.)  (Fig.  1559)  is  rather  abundant  in 
Jurassic  formations  of  Eurojie,  l>eing  accompanied  by  forerunners 
of  the  next  higher  suborder,  Apocrita.  A  great  expansion  of 
the  order  took  place  during  tlie  Cretaceous,  contemporaneously 
with  the  rise  of  Angiosperms. 

Nearly  all  of  the  principal  modern  families  are  represented 

in  the  Mid-Tertiary  formations,  as  for  instance  true  saw-flies  of 

the  family  Tenthredinidae  ;  Siricidae  ;  various  subfamilies  of  the 

parasitic  Ichneumonidae  ;  small  Cynipidae  or  gall-flies;  Sphecidae; 

Vesjjidae  or  Avasps ;  Formicidae  or  ants  (Fig.  1560);  and  Apidae 

m'^rt  ^'"'^*''^'    ''^^  ^^^^^^    01"   bees.     Ants  are   exceedingly  abundant  in   the   Miocene   lake 

beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado,  thouvsands  of  individuals  liaving  been 

obtained,   and    true   wasps    and    bees    are    also    present    in    large    numbers.      About 

5000  species   and  sub-species  of   ants   belonging    to   the    modern  fauna    have    been 

described,  as  compared  with  about  only  300  Tertiary  species. 

Fill.  15G0. 

P7-ion.omyrmex  longipes 
Mayr.  Lower  Oligocene; 

t  Order  19.     HADENTOMOIDBA  Handlirsch. 

This  order,  comprising  a  single  family  and  genus,  is  evidently  derived  from  the 
Palaeodictyoptera,  and  shows  sjiecialisation  in  the  reduced  venation  of  the  homonomous 
wings.  The  small  Carboniferous  genus  Hadentomum  Handl.  (Fig.  1561)  is  perliaps 
transitional  to  the  next  following  order. 

Order  20.     EMBIOIDEA  Kusnezow 

(Oligoneura  Borner). 

Terrestrial  Insects  luith  prognathous  orthopteroid 
mouth  parts,  homonomous  free  thoracic  segments, 
apterous  or  with  homonomous  wings  showing  re- 
duced, venation.  Antennae  multiarticulate ;  cerci 
present ;  first  pair  of  legs  with  a  spinning  apparatus. 

Modern  Embiidae  are  one  of  the  smallest 
families  of  Insects,  not  more  than  sixty  species 
being  known  from  all  parts  of  the  world,  and 
the  group  being  an  obscure  one.  They  are  small 
and  feeble  Insects,  and,  as  indicated  by  their 
wide  distribution,  are  to  be  looked  upon  as  the 
remnants  of  a  once  flourishing  stock.  A  few 
fossil  remains  have  been  found  in  Baltic  amber  and 
in  the  Miocene  lake  beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado. 

Fic.  15()1. 

ITiulentomum  amcricaniim  Ilaniil. 
Measures;  Illinois.     ^Yo  (after  Hand 





i-  Order  21.     SYPHAROPTBROIDBA  Handlirsch. 

Body  slender,  of  small  size,  loith  homononious  segments  and  tico  pairs  of  Jiomonornoiis 
loiiigs  in  v:hich  the  medial  and  cubital  veins  are  greatly  reduced. 

This  order,  erected  to  contain  the  single  genus  Sypharoptera  Handl.  (Fig.  1562), 

Tio.  1502. 
Syphnroptern  pneuma  Ilandl.     Coal  Measures  ;  Mazon  Creek,  Illinois,     ^/j  (after  Handlirsch). 

is  probably  to  be  regaMed  as  a  highly  specialised  lateral  aberrant  offshoot  of  the 
Palaeodictyoptera.      It  is  confined  to  the  Upper  Carboniferous. 

t  Order  22.     HAPALOPTEROIDEA  Handlirsch. 

Like  the  last,  this  order   is   prol)ably  a  specialised  derivative  from  the  Palaeo- 
dictyoptera, and  appears  to  be  related  to  primitive  types  of  the  next  succeeding  order. 

'  cu 

Fi(i.  15(33. 
Ilapaloptera  gracilis  Handl.    Coal  Measures;  Tremont,  Penna.    s/i  (after  Handlirsch). 

In    the   Carboniferous  genus  Hapakrptera    Handl.  (Fig.    1563),  the  wings   have    the 
media  and  cubitus  reduced,  and  the  sector  radii  well  developed. 




Order  23.     PERLARIA  Handlirsch  {Plecoptera  Burmeistei). 

Amphibious  Insects  unth  prognathotis  orthopieroid  mouth  parts  and  long  multi- 
articulate  antennae.      Body  segments  very  nearly  homonomous,  legs  fairly  similar,  and 

wings  with  a  rather  specialised  venation,  generally  shoioing 

^„^s»^'^^^'''^^^S!^^^^^:^,i^^^,^^      a  few  cross-veins.     Hind  wings  often  with  a  conspicuous 

folded  anal  lobe ;  cerci  usually  well-developed ;  tarsi  three- 
jointed  ;  females  toithout  a  prominent  terebra. 

Fid.  1564.  From  tlie    Permian   of    Russia  and  North  America 

Leiictm  gracilis  Pictet.     Lower   are  known  a  number  of  Insect  remains  wliicli  appear  to 
OliETOcene ;  Baltic  amber,    ••/i  (after    ^    ^  ^       J_^  •  j         i     ^        i  •  i    j.  • 

Pictet).  belong    to    this  order,   but   whose  precise  relations  are 

difficult  to  determine.     A  few  undoulited  representatives 

of  the  order,  such  as  Mesonemura,  Mesoleucfra  and  Platyperla  Brauer,  occur  in  the 

Middle  Jura    of   Siberia,  and   several    genera,  including  Perla  Geoffr.,  and   Leuctra 

Steph.  (Fig.  1564)  are  preserved  in  Baltic  amber. 

t  Order  24.     PROTEPHEMEROIDBA  Handlirsch. 

Amphibious  Insects  of  Palaeodictyopteran  aspect.  JVings  homonomous,  with  a  very 
primitive  venation  and  numerous  cross-veins,  but  also  showing  intercalary  veins  extending 
longitudinally.  Thorax  and  abdomen,  with  very 
nearly  homonomous  segments ;  legs  similar ;  cerci 

Here  is  j)laced  the  solitary  genus  Triplosoba 
Handl.  {  =  Blanchardia  Broiign.)  (Fig.  1565)  from 
the  Upper  Coal  Measures  (Stephanian)  of  Com- 
mentry,  France.  It  is  regarded  as  a  connecting 
link  between  the  Palaeodictyoptera  and  true 
Ephemeridae  or  may-flies  belonging  to  the  next 

Order  25.     PLECTOPTERA  Packard 

{Agnatha  auct.).      (May-Hies). 

Fio.  1565. 

Triplosoha  ind chcU a  (BroDgn.).  Stephan- 
ian ;     Comnientry,     France.       Vi    Oifter 
,  .,  ,  .  .  Brongniart). 

Delicate  amphibious  Insects  with  atrophied  ortho- 
pteroid  mouth  parts,  short  antennae,  and  four  membranous  wings  having  both  intercalary 
and  cross-veining ;  the  hinder  pair  in  all  Recent  and  many  fossil 
species  more  or  less  reduced  and  sometimes  wanting.  Antennae 
short,  with  two  basal  joints  and  an  apical  needle-like  segment. 
Ocular  organs  large,  often  divided.  Prothorax  small,  legs  slender, 
the  first  2yair  elongated,  antenniform ;  tarsi  more  or  less  reduced ; 
cerci  slender,  very  elongate;  last  segment  often  filiform.  Larvae 
loith  respiratory  abdominal  legs. 

This    order    is  well    represented    in    the   Permian,  Jurassic, 

and    Tertiary  deposits    of   Europe    and    North  America.      The 

older  forms  differ  from  existing  Ephemerids  in  having  the  hind 

Fir,  15G6  wings  equal  in  size  to  tlie  front  pair,  and  in  having  more  com- 

Cronicus   anomalus  pHcated    venation.       Later   and    more    highly   specialised   forms 

(Pictet).     Lower  oiigo-   have    reduced   venation.      Nearly  300  species  of   may -flies  are 

cene  ;    Baltic  amber, 
(after  Pictet) 


known  in  the  modern  fauna,  but  these  probably  represent,  as 




Scudder  suggested,  the  lingering  fragments  of  an  expiring  group.  The  genera 
Gronicus  Eaton  (Fig.  1566);  Palingenia  Burm.  ;  Baetis  Leach;  and  Ephemera  Linn. 
occur  in  Baltic  amber,  and  the  last-named  is  found  also  in  the  Miocene  lake  beds  of 
Florissant,  Colorado. 

t  Order  26.     PROTODONATA  Brongniart. 

Mostly  very  large  Insects  tvith  large  eyes  and  heavy  jaws ;  segments  of  the  thorax 
unequal;  legs  stout,  homonomous.      Wings  suheqital,  horizontally  expanded  and  with  a 

Fig.  1567. 

Meganenra  monyi  Brongn.     Stei)lianian  (Upper  Productive  Coal  Measures) ;  Commentry  (Alliw),  France. 

i/e  (afti'r  lii'ougniart). 

finely  reticulated  venation ;  the  hinder  pair  somewhat  dilated  totvards  the  base,  ivithout 
folds.  Nodus,  pterostigma,  wing  triangle,  quadrangle,  reduction  of  the  anal  vein,  and 
other  characteristic  wing  structures  of  the  trice  Odonata  are  not  developed  in  this  order. 
Sector  radii  and  media  probably  not  crossed.     Abdomen  slender. 

This  group  is  of  transitional  character  between  the  Palaeodictyoptera  and  the  true 
Odonata  or  dragon-flies.  Its  geological  range  is  from  the  Coal  Measures  to  the  Trias, 
and  the  several  genera  belonging  to  it  are  grouped  under  the  families  Protagrionidae, 
Meganeuridae  and  Paralogidae.  In  all,  less  than  a  dozen  species  are  known,  only 
three  of  which  are  North  American.  These  last  are  referred  to  the  genera  Paralogus 
Scudder,  typified  by  P.  aeschnoides  from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Rhode  Island  ;  Palaeo- 
therates  Handlirsch,  from  the  corresponding  horizon  in  Pennsylvania ;  and  Tupus 
Sellards,  from  the  Permian  of  Kansas.  The  gigantic  Meganeura  Brongn.  (Fig.  1567), 
from  the  Upper  Coal  Measures  (Stephanian)  of  Commentry,  France,  measured  over 
75  cm.  across  the  extended  wings. 




Order  27.      ODONATA  Fabricius.^     (Dragon-flies). 

Elongate  Insects  with  very  mobile  head  and  large  eyes,  highly  specialised  orthopteroid 
mouth  parts  and  small,  inconspicuous  antennae  terminating  in  a  bristle.  Thorax 
highly  specialised ;  legs  similar,  all  placed  more  anteriorly  than  the  wings.  The  wings 
are  elongate,  equal  or  suhequal  in  size  and  similar  in  texture,  membranous,  finely 
reticulated,  with   a   nodus,  pterostigma,  more   or   less  developed  triangular  areas,  and 

especially    characterised     by 
/  the  crossing  of  the  anterior 

)  branches  of  the  medial  vein 

by  the  radial  sector.  Abdo- 
men slender  and  elongate, 
consisting  of  ten  segments 
and  a  pair  of  terminal 
caliper-like  processes  (cerci) ; 
females  sometimes  with  a, 
terebra.  The  earlier  stages 
of  life  are  aquatic ;  the 
mouth  of  the  nymph  develops 
a  peculiar  structure  'called 
the  "  mask." 

True  Odonata  appear 
first  in  the  Lower  Lias,  and 
are  present  throughout  the 
Mesozoic  and  Tertiary. 
Most  of  the  Jurassic  types 
l)elong  to  the  suborder 
Anisozygoptera,  which  is 
represented  in  the  modern 
fauna  by  but  a  single 
species.    The  more  advanced 

ZTarsopMehia  eriinia  Hagen.  Lithograpliic  Stone  (Kimiueridsian) ;  suborders,  Zygoptera  and 
Biclistadt,  Bavaria.  An  Upper  .Jurassic  dragon-fly  witli  long,  forwardly  Anisoptera  became  domi- 
directed  legs.     5/.^  (after  Handlirsch).  '  \,         ^  . 

nant   durmg    the   Tertiary, 

and  comprise  at  the  present  day  upwards  of  1000  and  1300  sj)ecies  respectively. 

In  the  Anisozygoptera  the  wings  are  subequal  and  the  nodal  region  resembles  that 
of  the  next  succeeding  suborder,  but  triangles  are  not  formed  by  the  cubitus  and 
cross-veins.  Here  belong  the  extinct  families  Diasatommidae  ;  Heterophlebiidae  ; 
Tarsophlebiidae  (typified  by  the  genus  Tarsophlebia  Hagen,  Fig.  1568);  Steno- 
phlebiidae  and  Isophlebiidae. 

In  the  Anisoptera  the  hind  wings  are  considerably  broader  than  the  front  pair, 
the  nodal  region  is  generally  situated  in  the  middle  of  the  costal  margin  and  the 
triangle  formed  by  the  cubitus  and  two  cross-veins  is  Avell  developed.  A  single 
species  belonging  to  the  genus  Gomphoides  Selys  is  known  from  the  English  Lias,  and 
a  number  of  allied  genera,  such  as  Nannogomphus  and  Mesuropetala  Handl.  ; 
Protolindenia  and  Gymatophlebia  (Fig.  1569)  Deichmiiller  ;  Aeschnidium  Westwood, 
etc.,  occur  in  the  Upper  Jura.  In  Tertiary  strata  the  families  Gomphidae,  Aeschnidae 
and  Libellulidae  are  represented  by  about  sixty  siaecies.  As  an  example  of  Tertiary 
Anisoptera  may  be  mentioned  Btenogomphus  carletuni  Scudder,  from  the  Eocene  strata 
of  Roan  Mountain,  Colorado. 

^  Kirby,  W.  F.,  Syiiouyniic  Catalogue  of  Neuroiitera  Odonata,  with  an  apiiemlix  of  fossil 
species.  London,  l?>^Q.—Muttkoivski,  H.  aA.,  Catalogue  of  the  Odonata  of  North  America.  Bull. 
Pulilic  Museum  of  Milwaukee,  1910,  vol.  i. 




In  the  suborder  Zygoptera  the  wings  are  equal,  no  triangle  is  formed  by  the 
cubitus  and  cross-veins,  and  the  nodal  region  is  situated  very  near  the  base  of  the 
wings.  Half  a  dozen  species  are  known  from  the  Ujiper  Jura,  and  a  considerably 
larger  number,  mostly  belonging  to  the  family  Agrionidae,  occur  in  the  Oligocene  and 
Miocene  of  Europe  and  North  America.  Dysac/rion  Scudder  is  represented  by  a  few 
species  in  the  Green  River  Eocene  of  Wyoming,  and  several  species  closely  related 

Fio.  1569. 

Cymatophlebia  longialata  (Germar), 
Litliographic  Stone ;  SolbAhofen, 
Bavaria,     '^fi. 

Fio.  1570. 

Argia  alieiia  (Scudder).     Miocene  lake  beds  ;  Florissant, 
Colorado.    3/j. 

to  living  forms  are  known  from  the  IMiocene  lake  beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado. 
Here  also  occurs  Argia  aliena  (Scud.)  (Fig.  1570),  together  with  representatives  of 
several  related  forms,  such  as  Melanagrion  Cock. ;  Lithagrion  Scud. ;  and  Hesperagrion 
Calvert.  The  most  interesting  dragon-fly  from  this  locality,  however,  is  Phenacolestes 
Cockerel!,  which  has  been  made  the  subject  of  special  investigation  by  P.  P.  Calvert 
{Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Philacl,  May  1913). 

Order  28.     MEGALOPTERA  Latreille.     (Alder-flies). 

Head  with  prognathous  orthopteroid  mouth  parts  and  multiarticulate  antennae. 
Four  membranous  wings  of  moderate  size,  meeting  in  repose  over  the  hack  at  an 
angle ;  the  hinder  pair  slightly  the  smaller ;  anal  area  plicate.  Venation  of  a  some- 
what archaic  type,  the  nervures  and  transverse  veinlets  being  moderately  numerous, 
and  forming  irregularly  disposed  cells.  Segments  of  the  thorax  nearly  equal,  legs 
homonomous,  loith  five -jointed  tarsi;  cerci  usually 
reduced,  ovipositor  not  prominent.  Larvae  of  acpiatic 
habits,  2}ossessed  of  branchiae  and  legs,  but  no  spiracles, 
and  with  mandibles  formed  for  biting,  armed  ivith  strong 

Fio.  1571. 

This  group  has  a  long  geological  history,  extending  f,,^^^,;^^^,,  ^,;,„,  pjetet.  Lower 
from  the  Lower  Trias  onward  to  the  present  day,  and  is  oligocene ;  Baltic  amber.  ■*/:)  (after 
proljably  descended  from  Palaeodictyopteroid  ancestors.    ^^'^^'^  '' 

The  genera  Ghauliodites  Heer,  and  Triadosialis  Handlirsch  occur  in  the  Lower  Trias 
(Bunter)  of  Germany,  and  an  undoubted  larval  form,  Mormolucoides  articulatus 
Hitchcock,  is  not  uncommon  in  the  Upper  Trias  of  Turner's  Falls,  ]\Lassachusetts. 
In  this  latter  a  head,  or  thorax,  of  three  segments,  and  an  abdomen  of  nine  segments 




are  recognisable.      Ghaidiodes  Latreille  (Fig.  1571),  an  interesting  form,  is  preserved 

in  Baltic  amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age. 

Order  29.     RAPHIDIOIDEA  Handlirsch.     (Snake-flies). 

Terrestrial  Insects  with  prognathoits  orthopteroid  mouth  parts  and  long,  multi- 
articulate  antennae.  Head  large,  abdomen  slender,  prothorax  greatly  prolonged  and 
very  mobile.  Wings  similar,  membranous,  of  nearly  equal  size ;  venation  'more  highly 
specialised  than  in  the  Megaloptera,  with  a  prominent  pterostigma  ;  anal  veins  forming 
several  irregular  cells,  of  moderate  size,  and  never  fan-shaped  in  arrangement.  Legs 
similar,  with  Jive-jointed  tarsi;  no  cerci ;  females  with  an  elongate  exserted  ovipositor. 
Larvae  of  terrestrial  habits,  without  abdominal  legs  and  furnished  loith  mouth  parts 
adapted  for  biting. 

Only  two  Recent  genera  are  known,  Raphidia  Burm.,  and  Inocellia  Schneid., 
comprising  in  the  aggregate  about  forty  species.  The  former  of  these  occurs  fossil  in 
Baltic  amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age,  and  botli  genera  are  represented  in  the  Miocene 
lake  beds  of  Florissant,  Colorado,  by  a  few  species.  Megaraphidia  elegans  Cock,  also 
occurs  at  the  last-named  locality.  It  is  to  l)e  inferred,  however,  that  the  group  is 
of  pre-Tertiary  origin,  inasmuch  as  the  modern  genera  are  peculiar  to  the  Palearctic 
and  Nearctic  regions. 

Order  30.     NEUROPTERA  Linnaeus.      (Lacewing-flies,  Ant-lions,  etc.). 

Usually  slender,  often  very  small  Insects  of  terrestrial  habits,  with  orthopteroid 
mouth  parts  and  generally  long  and  multiarticulate  antennae.  Wings  membranous, 
subequal  in  size,  with  much  reticulation,  and  longitudinal  veins  giving,  off  numerous 
branches  towards  the  margin,  some  of  them  distally  forked ;  anal  area  not  defined,  loith 
few  irregular  veins;  pterostigma  seldom  developed.  Legs  similar,  with  five -jointed 
tarsi,  front  pair  sometimes  ra,ptorial ;  abdomen  without  cerci  or  terebra.  Larvae  either 
aquatic  and  provided  with  respiratory  abdominal  legs,  or  terrestrial ;  in  both  cases  with 
mandibles  and  maxillae  co-adapted  to  form  spear-like  organs  that  are  suctorial  in  function. 

In  the  emended  sense  this  order  includes  only  a  limited  number  of  sjjecies,  of 
which  about  1300  are  Recent,  less  than   30  are  Cenozoic,  and  a  small  number  are 

Fig.  1572. 

Prolieinerohius  prodrcmius  Hand).  Upper  Lias ; 
Dobbertin  in  Mecklenburg,  s/j  (reconstructed  by 

Brongniartiella  inconditissima  Handl. 
Lithographic  Stone  ;  Solenhofen,  Bavaria. 
2/3  (after  Handlirsch). 

Mesozoic,  most  of  the  latter  being  from  the  Upper  Lias.  The  group  is  of  ancient 
lineage,  and  is  undoubtedly  derived  from  Palaeodictyopteroid  ancestors.  The  oldest 
and  most  primitive  family,  that  of  the  Prohemerobiidae,  is  represented  in  the  Lias 




and  Upper  Jura  by  twenty-two  species,  some  of  whicli  attain  considerable  size.  The 
genera  Prohemerobius  (Fig.  1572)  and  Archegetes  Handl. ;  and  Brongniartiella  Meunier 
(Fig.  1573)  are  examples. 

Other  families  of  Neuropterous  Insects  which  are  restricted  to  the  Mesozoic,  such 
as  the  Epigambridae,  Sqlenoptilidae,  Nymphitidae,  Kalligrammidae  and  Mesochryso- 
pidae,  show  a  certain  apj)roximation  to  Tertiary  and  modern  forms.  Members  of  the 
now  flourishing  Osmylidae,  Sisyridae,  Nymphidae,  Hemerobiidae,  Coniopterygidae, 
Chrysopidae,  Nemopteridae  and  Myrmeleonidae  have  been  recorded  from  Tertiary 
rocks.  The  genera  Osmyhis  Latr.  ;  Osmy- 
lidia  Cockerell ;  Bothromicromus,  Tribo- 
chrysa  and  Palaeochrysa  Scudder  are 
represented  in  the  North  American  Mio- 
cene. The  last-named  genus  is  represented 
by  four  species  at  the  Florissant  locality, 
and  Tribochrysa  by  one.  A  single  species 
each  of  Polystoechotes  Burm.,  and  Halter 
Rambixr,  has  also  been  described  from  the 
same  locality. 

t  Order  31.     MEGASECOPTERA 

Insects  ivith  slender  body,  the  segments 
of  which  are  very  similar,  long  antennae 
and  cerci,  and  homonomous  legs.  Wing 
fairs  equal,  horizontally  expanded,  venation 
specialised  in  that  there  is  a  reduced  number 
of  branches  and  cross-veins. 

This  is  an  exclusively  Paleozoic  group, 
derived  from  the  Palaeodictyoptera,  and 
probably  the  progenitor  of  the  next  suc- 
ceeding order.  Here  belong  the  families 
Diaphonopteridae,  Corydaloididae,  Cam- 
pyloj)teridae,  Mischopteridae  (typified  by 
the  genus  Mischoptera,  Brongn.)  (Fig.  1574),  Raphidiopsidae  and  Prochoropteridae 

Fu!.  1574. 

Mischoptera  voodivardi  Brongn,  Steplianian  (Upper 
Coal  Measures) ;  Commentry,  France.  Ocelli  and 
tarsi  restored,     i/.j  (after  Handlirsch). 

Order  32.     PANORPATAE  Brauer  {Mecaptera  auct.).     (Scorpion-flies). 

Terrestrial  Insects  ivith  orthopteroid  mouth  parts  and  long,  multiarticidate  antennae. 
Prothorax  smaller  than  the  remaining  segments;  legs  similar,  ivith  five-jointed  tarsi; 

abdomen  slender,  with  short  cerci  and 
large  genital  appendages  in  the  male. 
Wings  equal,  membranous,  without  en- 
larged anal  lobe,  and  with  a  limited 
member  of  secondary  branches  and  cross- 

This  order,  which  is  now  in  a  state 
of  decline,  is  abundantly  rejaresented 
in  the  Lias  and  Upper  Jura  of  Europe. 
Most  of  the  fossil  species  belong  to  the 
family  Orthophlebiidae,  of  which  the  genera  Orthophlebia  Westw.,  and  Neorthophlebia 
Handl.     (Fig.    1575)  are  exanqdes.      True  Panorpidae  and    Bittacidae   occur  in  the 

Fig.  1575. 

NeorthophleMa  macuUpennis  Handl.  Upper  Lias  ;  Dob- 
bertin  in  Mecklenburg.    5/i  (after  Handlirsch). 




Tertiary  of  Europe  and  Nortli  America.  Representatives  of  the  families  Meropidae 
and  t  Eobanksiidae,  tlie  latter  typified  by  EobanJcsia  Cockerell,  are  also  known  from 
the  Florissant  lake  beds.     About  100  Recent  species  of  Scorpion-flies  are  known. 

Order  33.     TRICHOPTERA  Kirby  (Phryganoidea  Stephens). 

Moderate-sized,  water-frequenting  Insects  with  long,  multiarticiUate  antennae  v.nd 
reduced  or  obsolete  mandibles,  but  well-developed  maxillae.  Wings  membranous,  unequal, 
more  or  less  clothed  ivith  hair,  nervures  dividing  at  very  acute  angles;  the  front  p)air 
ivith  longitudinal  veins  moderately  branched,  very  few  cross-veins,  specialised  anal  area, 

and  often  a  pterostigma  ;  the  liind  pair  generally 
ivith  an  enlarged  and  plicated  anal  lobe.  Pro- 
thorax  small,  legs  similar,  with  five-jointed  tarsi 
and  prominent  spu,rs ;  cerci  reduced,  terebra 
wanting.  Larvae  aquatic,  with  well  -  developed 
mandibles,  and  as  a  rule  providing  themselves  with 
Cij;-^  cases  or  tubes  formed  of  extraneous  matter. 

FK'-  1570.  Some   half  -  dozen   genera   comprising    fifteen 

Nccrotauiius  iiitermedhis   HaiuU.     Upper   species  of  primitive  Caddis-flies  are  known  from 

Lias ;  Dobbertin  m  Mecklenburg.     «/i  (alter      \  .        '■  i     i  ■  , 

Handlirsdi).  Mesozoic  rocks,   most   01    them   belonging  to   the 

extinct      family     Necrotauliidae.        Necrotaulius 

Handl.  (Fig.  1576);  and  Trichopteridium  Geinitz  are  examples  from  the  Upper  Lias 

of    Germany.      About   1400   Recent  and    200    Tertiary  species  have   been  recorded, 

of  which    24   occur    in    the    Miocene  lake    beds   of    Florissant,   Colorado.      At    this 

locality  remains  in  the  imago  state  are  extremely  abundant,  and  many  such  remains 

have  been  found  in  Europe.     On  the  other  hand,  the  so-called  indusial  limestone 

of  Auvergne,  which  is  from  two  to  three  metres  thick  over  a  wide  area,  is  largely 

composed  of  the  cases  of  Phryganoid  larvae.     Similar  masses  of  tubes  occur  also  in 

the  Green  River  Eocene  of  Wyoming. 

Order  34.     LEPIDOPTERA  Linnaeus.      (Butterflies  and  Moths). 

Terrestrial  Insects  with  suctorial  mouth  pjarts,  in  wltich  tlie  mandibles  are  almost 
invariably  reduced  and  the  first  maxillae  are  either  small  or,  in  higher  forms,  frolonged 
in  a  spirally  coiled  proboscis;  antennae  multi- 
articulate  and  of  various  shapes.  Fore  and  hind 
loings  unequal  in  size,  membranous  and  densely 
covered  with  scales  ;  the  hind  pair  shorter  and 
■usually  ivithout  enlarged  anal  area.  Longitu- 
dinal veins  giving  off  but  a  limited  number  of 
straight  branches,  and  with  very  few  cross-veins. 

Fid.  1577. 

rhratjtiuUoecites  dumesi  Oppeiih.     Middle  Jura  ; 
Siberia,     ^/g  (after  Oppeiiheiin). 

Fig.  15TS. 

Eocimda  lameeri  Handl.  Lltliograpliie 
Stone  (Ujiper  Jura)  ;  Soleuhofen,  Bavaiia. 
An  Upper  Jurassic  Lepidopterid,  the  antennae 
and  ocelli  restored,     -i/y  (after  Haudlirsch), 




Tliorax  much  abbreviated.,  legs  simiilar,  with  sjntrs ;  no  cerci  or  terebra.     Larvae  with 
mandibles,  thoracic  and  abdominal  legs. 

The  earliest  undoubted  traces  of  Lepidoptera  are  found  in  Jurassic  strata  of 
England,  Spain,  Bavaria  and  Siberia,  and  comj)rise  a  nuiulier  of  genera  belonging  to 
the   family    Palaeontinidae.      Phragmatoe-  » 


cites  (Fig.  1577),  Eocicada  (Fig.  1578),  and 
Prolystra  Oppenheim  are  examj^les,  these 
forms  being  somewhat  distantly  allied  to 
the  non-suctorial  Limacodidae  of  our  own 
day.  Several  modern  families  make  their 
appearance  in  the  Tertiary,  but  are  repre- 
sented by  relatively  few  species.  The 
total  number  of  Tertiary  species  is  not 
over  85,  as  against  some  60,000  Recent 
l)utterflies  and  moths.  Among  North 
American  examj^les  may  be  mentioned  the 
following  from  the  Miocene  lake  beds  of 
Florissant,  Colorado,  all  described  by 
Scudder  :  Prodryas  ]^)ersei)hone  (Pig.  1579), 
Barbarothea  florissanti  (Fig.  1580),  Jwpiteria  charon,  Lithodryas  styx,  Nymphalitcs 
obsctirics,  Prolibythea  vagabunda,  Psecadia  mortuella,  and  Stolopsyche  libytheoides. 
From  the  same  locality  Cockerell  has  described  Chlorippe  wilmattae  and  some  other 
species,  including  a  wel^-preserved  larval  form  knoMU  as  Phylledestes  vorax. 

Pig.  1579. 

rrodryus  persejihone  Scudder.     jrioceue  lake  beds 
Florissant,  Colorado,     i/i  (after  Scudder). 

Order  35.     DIPTERA  Linnaeus.     (Flies). 

Terrestrial  or  uiujjhibious  Insects  with  highly  specialised  suctorial  month  parts. 
Antennae  either  long  and  multiarticulate,  or  consisting  of  a  limited  number  of  similar 
or  dissimilar  joints.     Only  the  fore  wings  are  prominent ;   these  are  usually  icell  developed, 

membranous,  highly  specialised,  narrow,  with 
■'     -  few    cross -veins,     and     longitudinal    veins 

.sparingly    branched.       Hind    wings    always 
, .  .;!w>_ni . „,;j^  reduced    to    clubbed  filaments,    the   so-called 

Fig.  1580. 

TUirUanitbea  florissanti  Scudder. 
Miocene  lake  beds ;  Florissant,  Colo- 
rado.    Vl  (alter  Sinidder). 

CL      CU 

Fici.  1581. 

Architijmla  seebacMana  Handl.  Uiiper 
Lias  ;  Dobbertiii  in  Mecklenburg.  6/2  (after 

"  haltercs."     Thorax  much  abbreviated,  legs  generally  homonomous,  with  five-jointed  tarsi ; 
abdomen  ivithout  terebra  or  visible  cerci. 

Upwards  of  44,000  Recent  and  1550  Tertiary  species  are  known,  125  of  the 
latter  being  North  American.  The  earliest  Flies  are  found  in  the  Upper  Lias,  and 
comprise  about  30  species,  nearly  all  of  which  belong  to  the  suborder  Orthorrapha 
of  Brauer.  They  are  grouped  in  the  following  named  families :  Protorhyphidae, 
Mycetophylidae,  Bilnonidae,  Psychodidae,  Eoptychopteridae,  Architipulidae  (typified 
by  the  genus  Architipula  Handl.)  (Fig.  1581),   Tipulidae  and  Rhypliidae.       In  the 




Tertiary  of  North  America  tlie  same  suborder  is  abundantly  represented,  especially 
in  the  Miocene  lake  beds  of  Colorado,  where  thousands  of  individuals  and  hundreds 
of  species  have  been  found.      The  suboi'der  Cyclorrapha  is  likewise  well  represented 

Fig.  1684. 

Penthetria  falcahda  Handl.    Oligocene  ; 
British  Culuinbia.     3/j. 

Fig.  1582. 

Nccromyza  pedata  Scudder.     Miocene  ;  Oeningen, 
Baden.     I'-^/j  (after  Scudder). 

Fig.  1585. 

Chironomus  meyeri  Heer.     Miocene  ;  Oeningen, 
Baden.     *>/j  (after  Heer). 

Bihio  sticheli  lla,w\\.     9  Miocene;  Gotschee,  Carintliia. 
•J/i  (after  Handlirsch). 

Pio.  1586. 

I'ltlonhohis  Jlorigerus  Scudder. 
.Miocene  lake  beds  ;  Fl(iris.sant, 
Colorado,     ^/i  (after  Scudder). 

in  the  Miocene  of  Colorado,  where  numerous  species  occur,  also  in  British  Columbia, 
arid  in  the  Green  River  Eocene  of  AVyoining.  In  the  European  Tertiary  nearly  all 
of  the  modern  families  are  represented,  a  few  examples  of  which  are  shown  in  the 
accompanying  Figs.  1582-86.  The  most  interesting  genus  from  the  Florissant  locality 
is  Glossina,  the  tsetse  fly,  two  species  of  which  occur  here  but  not  elsewhere  in  the 
western  world. 




Order  36.    SUCTORIA  De  Geer  (Siphonaptera,  Aphaniptera  auct.).     (Fleas). 

Small,  wingless,  semiparasitic  Insects  with  slender  body,  suctorial  mouth  parts,  short, 
clubbed     antennae,    and    legs     adapted    for 
springing ;  tarsi  jive-jointed. 

The  sole  representative  of  this  order  in 
the  fossil  state  is  a  species  of  Palaeopsylla 
Wagn.  (Fig.  1587)  preserved  in  Baltic 
amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age.  It  is 
interesting  to  note  that  Kecent  species  of 
this  genns  are  restricted  to  central  Europe, 
and  still  inhabit  the  same  region  as  in 
mid-Tertiary  times. 

region   as 

t  Order  37.     PROTOHEMIPTERA 

Fig.  1587. 

Palaeopsylla  klehsiana  Dampf.     Lower  Oligocene  ; 
lialtic  amber.     aB/^  (after  Dampf). 

Head    small    with    projecting    suctorial 

mouth  parts  differing  from  the  beak  of  true  Hemiptera  only  in  that  the  palpi  of  the 

second  maxilla  are  not  fused  in  the  middle  line.     Body  stout,  tvith  a  broad  pronotum. 

JFings    horizontally  expanded,   the   venation  primitive,  resembling  that  of  the  Palaeo- 

dictyoptera,  and  with  'numerous  cross-veins ;   the  anal  area  not  separated  off  by  an  anal 

furrow  so   as   to  form  a   distinct   region   or  "  clavus."      Front 

\    '        legs  long  and  probably  raptorial. 

^      tut 

The  sole  representative  of  this  group  so  far  as 
known  is  Eugereon  Dohrn  (Fig.  1588),  the  genotyjje 
of  which  is  the  highly  interesting  E.  boeckingi 
Dohrn  from  the  Lower  Permian  of  Oldenburer. 
It  is  a  generalised  form,  and  may  he  regarded  as 
a  connecting  link  between  the  Palaeodictyop- 
tera  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  Homoptera  and 
Hemiptera  on  the  other. 

t  Order  38. 



A  provisional  group,  estab- 
lished for  the  reception  of  cer- 
tain fragmentary  remains, 
mostly  wings,  which  combine 
in  themselves  the  characters  of 
the  Homoptera  and  Hemiptera. 
The  "  clavus "  or  anal  region 
is  separated  by  a  straight  ridge, 
the  corium  and  membrane  are 
not  distinctly  separated. 

Fic.  15S8. 

Euyereon  boeckingi  Ddlun.     Perniian  ;  Birkenfeld  in  Oldenburg, 
3/4  (after  Dohrn). 

Here  are  placed   the  families  Prosbolidae  (typified  by  the  genus  Prosbole  Handl.) 
VOL.  I  3  G 




Fio.  1589. 

Prosbole  hirsuta  Handl.    Upper  Permian  ;  Tichagori,  Russia. 
2/1  (after  Handlir.sch). 

(Fig.  1589),  and  Scytinoirteridae,  botli  restricted  to  the  Permian,  and  the  Dimorpho- 
,-— ^  ptilidae  from  the  Lias. 

Order  39.  HEMIPTERA 
Linnaeus  (Heteroptera 
auct.).      (Bugs). 

Terrestrial  or  aquatic  Insects 
with  suctorial  mouth  'parts  con- 
sisting of  a  mobile  prognathous 
beak  (the  fused  palpi  of  the 
second  maxillae)  which  contains 
the  setiform  mandibles  and  first 
maxillae.  Antennae  never  multi- 
articulate  and  exhibiting  a  variety  of  form,  often  concealed  in  aquatic  forms.  Fore 
wings  covering  the  abdomen,  their  apical  areas  mostly  membranous  and  overlapping, 
their  basal  moieties  generally  coriaceous,  with  a  definitely  limited  anal  area  or  '■'■  clavus." 
Hind  wings  concealed  and  with  a  somewhat  reduced  venation.  Body  more  or  less  stout 
and,  depressed ;  prothorax 
large  ;  legs  similar,  vnth  fe%v 
tarsal  joints,  and  variously 
adapted  as  for  raptorial, 
saltatorial,  fossorial,  or 
natatory  functions ;  cerci 

Two  main  divisions  are 
recognised,  Gymnocerata  or 
terrestrial  Bugs,  and  Crypto- 
cerata  or  aquatic  Bugs. 
Both  groups  are  represented 
in  the  Mesozoic,  but  many 
of  these  ancient  types  cannot 
be  included  within  tlie  limits 
usually  assigned  to  modern 
families.  During  the  Ter- 
tiary, on  the  other  hand,  no  forms  existed  whicli  differ  markedly  from  Recent  tyjies, 
and  nearly  all  of  the  modern  families  are  here  represented.  The  following  named 
families  are  among  the  most  important  of  those  occurring  in  the  Mesozoic : 
t  Archegocimicidae  (tyj^ified  by  Archegocimex)  (Fig.  1590),  f  Progonocimicidae, 
t  Eocimicidae,  f  Eonabidae,  f  Hadrocoridae,  f  Cuneocoi-idae,  Proboscanionidae, 
t  Apopnidae,  f  Pachymeridiidae,  f  Protocoridae,  f  Sisyrocoridae,  f  Diatillidae, 
Coreidae,  Nepidae,  Belostoiuidae  (typified  by  the  genus  Mesobelostomum  Haase)  (Fig. 
1591),  Naucoridae,  Notouectidae,  and  Corisidae. 

Fic.  1500. 

Archegocimex  geinitzi 
Handl.  Upper  Lias  ;  Dob- 
bertiii  in  Mecklenburg. 
fi/i  (after  Handlirsch). 

Fig.  1591. 
Mesohelostomimi       deperdUum       Gerniar. 

Upjier    Jura ;     Solenhofen, 
(after  Deiclnniiller). 

Bavaria.      ^/-j 

Order  40.      HOMOPTERA  Leach.     (Plant-lice,  Wax-bugs, 

Harvest-fiies,  etc.). 

Exclusively  terrestrial  Insects  ivith  hypognathous  suctorial  mouth  parts  having  the 
same  conformation  as  in  the  Hemiptera.  Antennae  usually  ivith  heteronomous  segments, 
often  short  and  bristle-like.  Wings  as  a  rule  not  overlapping  and  disposed  in  a  more 
tectiform  attitude,  rarely  coriaceous;  '■'■clavus^'  in  most  forms  distinctly  bounded.  Hind 
wings  generally  smaller  than  the  forward  pair,  sometimes  with  an  enlarged  anal  lobe. 




Prothorax   relatively   large;    legs   similar,   or    the   third  jmir   adapted  for   springing; 
abdomen  without  cerci ;  females  often  with  a  terehra. 

This  grouj)  is  divided  into  five  suborders,  the  most  primitive  of  which  is  the 
Auchenorhyucha,  ranging  from  the  Lias  onward.  It  is  represented  in  Mesozoic  rocks 
by  50  species,  in  the  Tertiary  by  about  200,  and  in  the  modern  fauna  by  upwards 
of  10,000.  Most  of  the  Jurassic  species  belong  to  the  families  Fulgoridae  (typified 
by  Fulgoridimn  Handl.)  (Fig.  1592)  ;   f  Procercopidae  (typified  by  Procercopis  Handl.) 

Fulgoridium,  pallidum  Handl.  Upper 
Lias ;  Dobbertin  in  Mecklenburg.  B/i 
(after  Handl  irsch). 

Fio.  1593. 

Procercopis  alutacea  Handl.     Upper  Lias  ;  Dobbertin  in 
Mecklenburg,    -^/i  (after  Handlirscli). 

(Fig.  1593) ;  and  Jassidae.  One  species  of  Cicadidae  is  reported  from  the  Cretaceous, 
and  a  dozen  from  Tertiary  strata.  The  Fulgoridae,  Cercopidae  and  Jassidae  are 
represented  by  numerous  species  in  the  Tertiary,  and  are  now  flourishing  families. 
The  suboT'ders  Psylloidea  and  Aphidoidea  have  a  continuous  range  from  the  Jura 
onward,  and  the  division  of  Aleurodoidea  is  Tertiary  and  Recent,  but  is  represented 
by  relatively  few  species.  Plant-lice  (Aphididae)  and  Harvest-flies  (Cercopidae  and 
Cicadidae)  occur  frequently  in  the  Tertiaries  of  Utah,  Wyoming,  Colorado  and  British 

Class  2.     APTERYGOGENEA  Brauer  (Ajytem  Linnaeus).^ 

Purely  ivingless  Insects.     Abdomen  \oith  from   six  to  twelve   segments.     No  meta- 

Order  1.     THYSANURA  Latreille. 

Small  Apterygote  Insects  with  orthopteroid,  free  mouth  parts  and  simple  multiarticu- 
late  antennae.  Compound  eyes  present ;  head  ivith  broad  basis  joined  to  thorax,  which 
consists  of  three  divisions;  tergite  usually  well  developed,  pleurite  and  sternite  small; 
prothorax  as  large  as,  or  larger  than  the  mesothorax.  Abdomen  consisting  of  ten  well- 
developed  segments  and  bearing  distinct  cerci,  a  ter- 
minal filum,  and  reduced  styliform  abdominal  legs  on 
most  of  the  segments. 

The  families  belonging  to  this  grouj),  Machilidae  Fn'- 1594. 

and  Lepismidae,  are  ectotrophous — that  is,  the  mouth      Mackilis  seticomis  (Koch  and 
^  1-1-T111  1-        Berendt).      Lower   Ohgocene ;    Baltic 

parts  are  not  buried  in  the  head,  but  are  arranged  in    amber.    •■2/1  (after  Koch  and  Berendt). 

the  fashion  usual  among  mandibulate  Insects.      Both 

families  are  represented  in  Baltic  amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age,  the  genus  Machilis 

Latr.  (Fig.  1594)  being  specially  abundant.     Lepisma  Linn,  is  represented  by  several 

European  and  one  North  American  species  in  the  Oligocene. 

^  Olfers,   W.  M.,  Die  Ur-Insekten  (Thysanura  and  Collembola  im  Bernstein), 
physikal.-okon.  Ges.  Konigsberg,  1907,  vol.  xlviii.  * 

Schrifteu  <ler 

820  AETHEOPODA  phylum  vii 

Order  2.     CAMPODEOIDBA  Handlirsch  {Jrchinseda  Haeckel). 

Small  Apterygote  entotroplious  Insects  {month  parts  or  tropin  reduced  and  buried  in 
the  head),  with  feebly-developed  eyes  and  long,  simple,  muUiarticulate  antennae.  Body 
segments  very  nearly  equal ;  ten  well-developed  abdorainal  segments,  most  of  them  with 
reduced  styliform  legs ;   cerci  elongate  or  chelate. 

The  so-called  abdorainal  legs  in  this  grouj)  and  in  the  Tliysannia  are  appendages 
which  help  to  support  the  abdomen,  and  serve  also  as  tactile  organs.  They  are 
called  by  Grassi  false  legs  or  "  Pseudozampe."  The  Eecent  genus  Campodea  Westwood 
occurs  also  in  Baltic  amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age. 

Order  3.      COLLEMBOLA  Lubbock.     (Spring-tails). 

Trophi  reduced  and  buried  in  the  head,  eyes  feebly  developed,  antennae  sometimes 
uneq'ually  segmented.  Thorax  with  very  -unecpial  segments  but  ivith  homonomous  legs. 
Abdomen  consisting  of  not  more  than  six  segments,  the  first  of  rchich  is  furnished  with  a 
ventral  tube  or  papilla,  and  modified  legs  forming  a  springing  apparatus  being  present 

About  450  Eecent  s^Decies  of  Spring-tails  are  known,  and  70  have  been  recorded 
from  Baltic  amber  of  Lower  Oligocene  age.  The  crustacean  characters  which  we 
tind  to-daj^  in  the  Collembola,  the  Thysannra,  and  the  Ephemerida,  are,  as  pointed 
out  by  G.  H.  Carpenter,  without  doubt  inherited  survivals,  indicating  a  true  relation- 
ship Ijctween  the  two  subphyla  of  Branchiata  and  Insecta. 

Order  4.      PROTURA  Silvestri  (Myrientoma  Berlese). 
Minute  subterraneous  Insects  without  antennae  and  eyes. 
This  order  is  without  known  rejjresentatives  in  the  fossil  state. 

Geological  Range  and  Distribution  of  Insecta. 

It  is  estimated  that  about  1000  Paleozoic,  as  many  Mesozoic,  and  upwards  of 
8000  Cenozoic  Insects  have  been  described  by  different  authors.  The  total  is, 
however,  a  mere  fragment  of  the  insect  fauna  of  past  periods,  and  very  small  in 
comparison  with  the  half  million  species  now  in  existence. 

The  earliest  fossil  Insects  which  have  been  definitely  recognised  are  members  of 
the  Palaeodictyoptera.  Their  first  appearance  in  Europe  is  at  the  base  of  the  Upper 
Productive  Coal  Measures  (Ouralien  or  Stephanien  superieure  of  Coinmentry,  France, 
and  the  corresponding  '•  unteres  Obercarbon "  of  German  geologists).  From  the 
Upper  Coal  Measures  of  France,  Germany,  Belgium,  Bohemia,  and  other  localities  in 
EurojDe,  and  froiu  the  Lower  Productive  Coal  Measures  (Kanawha  and  Allegheny 
formations)  of  Pennsylvania,  Illinois  and  elsewhere  in  the  United  States  and  Canada 
has  been  obtained  a  large  number  of  higlily  interesting  types.^     Other  representatives 

^  The  Little  Kiver  Group  of  St.  Joliu,  New  Brunswick,  whicli  has  yielded  a  number  of  insect 
remains,  was  formerly  regarded  as  of  Devonian  age,  but  is  now  assigned  on  the  evidence  of 
Paleoliotany  to  the  Lower  Productive  Coal  Measures,  corresponding  to  the  Kanawha  Group  (upper 
division  of  tlie  Pottsville).  A  supposed  insect  wing,  described  by  Moberg  under  the  name  of 
Protocimex  sibiricus,  from  the  Graptolite  beds  of  Sweden  is  probably  not  of  Arthropod  nature. 
Another  doubtful  fragment,  the  so-called  Palaeoblattina  dourillei  of  Brongniavt,  from  the 
Mesosilurian  of  Calvados,  is  interpreted  by  Agnus  as  part  of  the  pleural  lobe  of  a  Trilobite. 
Suggestive  traces  have  been  found  in  Devonian  rocks  of  the  south-east  of  Ireland,  but  no  indubitalile 
indications  of  Insects  prior  to  the  Carboniferous  have  been  as  yet  forthcoming.  The  insect  remains 
found  at  Fairplay,  Colorado,  are  now  thought  to  be  of  Permian  insteail  of  Triassic  age.  Those 
from  the  Florissant  lake  beds  are  now  referred  to  the  Miocene,  instead  of  to  the  Oligocene,  as 


of  various  primitive  groups  are  known  from  the  Permian  of  Russia,  Germany,  West 
Virginia,  Kansas  and  Colorado,  so  that  on  the  whole  we  are  fairly  well  acquainted 
with  these  heterometabolic  ancestors  of  modern  orders.  Unfortunately,  however,  very 
little  evidence  is  forthcoming  from  the  Trias,  during  which  era  the  transition  from 
the  heterometabolic  to  the  holometabolic  stage  probably  took  place.  Nevertheless, 
a  few  fossil  remains  are  known  from  the  Trias  of  Sweden,  Germany,  Austria, 
Switzerland  and  China.  Numerous  tracks  of  supposed  Insects,  and  also  what  are 
believed  to  be  the  aquatic  larvae  of  an  alder-fly  {Mormolucoides  articulatus  Hitchcock), 
occur  in  the  dark  shales  of  the  Connecticut  Valley  Trias. 

A  fairly  rich  insect  fauna  has  been  discovered  in  the  Lias  of  Sehambelen  in 
Aargau,  Switzerland,  Dobbertin  in  Mecklenburg,  Brunswick,  "Weyer  in  Austria,  and 
several  localities  in  Somerset,  Gloucestershire  and  Yorkshire,  England.  A  few 
remains  are  preserved  in  the  Stonesfield  Slate  near  Oxford,  England,  and  in  strata 
of  the  same  age  in  Siberia  ;  and  a  considerable  number  of  sjiecies  occurs  in  ihe  Purbeck 
of  the  southwestern  counties  of  England.  Richest  of  all,  however,  is  the  Upper 
Jurassic  insect  fauna,  especially  that  which  is  found  in  the  Lithographic  Stone 
(Kimmeridgian)  of  Bavaria.  Contrariwise,  the  Cretaceous  is  markedly  deficient  in 
information  respecting  this  group  of  invertebrates. 

Tertiary  sediments  have  yielded  an  enormous  quantity  of  well-preserved  insect 
remains.  Among  the  more  important  localities  that  have  furnished  material  of  this 
nature,  mostly  of  mid-Tertiary  age,  may  be  mentioned  the  freshwater  deposits  of 
Florissant,  Colorado,  Aix-en-Provence,  Oeningen  on  Lake  Constance  in  Baden,  Radoboj 
in  Croatia,  Rott  (Upper  Oligocene  lignite)  near  Bonn  on  the  Rhine,  Brunnstatt  in 
Alsace,  Sieblos  in  Bavaria,  Bilin  in  Bohemia  and  Gabbro  in  Tuscany ;  also  the 
Oligocene  strata  at  Quesnel  in  British  Columbia,  and  the  Green  River  Eocene  of 
AVyoming,  western  Colorado  and  eastern  Utah.  But  by  far  the  largest  and  most 
varied  assemblage  of  Tertiary  insect  remains  is  obtained  from  Oligocene  amber  in 
East  Prussia. 

Finally,  in  the  Pleistocene,  the  interglacial  clays  of  Switzerland,  German}^  and 
Ontario,  the  jDeats  of  northern  France  and  England,  the  ozokerite  of  Galicia,  and  the 
lignites  of  Husbach  in  Bavaria,  deserve  mention  as  localities  which  have  furnished 
fossil  insect  remains.  In  the  accomj^anying  table  is  indicated  the  geological  range  of 
the  different  orders  of  Insects. 

[The  preceding  chapter  on  Insecta  has  been  prepared  especially  for  the  present  work  by 
Professor  Anton  Handlirscli,  of  the  Imperial  Museum  of  Natural  History  at  Vienna.  A 
few  minor  emendations  have  been  suggested  by  Dr.  W.  J.  Holland,  Director  of  the  Carnegie 
Museum  at  Pittsburgh,  and  others  by  Professor  T.  D.  A.  Cockerel],  of  the  University  of 
Colorado.  — Editok.  1 




Table  showing  the  Vertical  Range  of  Fossil  Insects. 


Class  I.  Pterygogenea 

1.  Palaeodictyoptera 

2.  Mixotermitoidea 

3.  Reculoidea 










Diploglossata  . 


Thysanoptera  . 








Isoptera  . 






Sipliunculata  . 




Hymenoptera  . 





21.  Sypliaropteroidea 

22.  Hapalopteroidca 

23.  Perlaria   . 

24.  Protephemeroidea 

25.  Plectoptera 

26.  Protodonata 

27.  Odonata  . 

28.  Megaloptera 

29.  Raphidioidea 

30.  Neuroptera 










Diptera    . 


Suctoria  . 









Class  II.  Apterygogenea  {Aj)tcr~ 

1.  Tlij^sanura 

2.  Canipodeoidea  . 

3.  Collenibola 

4.  Protura    . 


O   cc 



[Names  of  genera  and  subgenera  regarded  as  synonyms  are  printed  in  italics,  all  others  in  Roman.] 

Abacocriniis,  194 
AlmttiJi,  296 
Aljlacomya,  449 
Abra,  495 
Abracrinus,  194 
Abrotocrinus,  222 
Acaeocrinus,  194 
Acambona,  414 
Acauthactinella,  62 
Acantherpestes,  793 
Acanthina,  558 
Acanthinites,  648 
Acantlioearis,  751 
Acanthoceras,  669 
Acanthocites,  513 
Acanthocladia,  342 
Acanthoclema,  344 
Acanthoclymenia,  628 
Acanthocrinus,  188 
Acanthocyathus,  95 
Acantliocystites,  150 
Acanthodictya,  61 
Acantholithus,  112 
Acantlionautilu.s,  606 
Acantliopleura,  513 
Aciinthii,<j)ijngla,  62 
Acanthotelson,  756 
Acaiithoteuthis,  683 
Acaiithothyris,  400 
Acasta,  746 
Avasie,  726 
Acavus,  576 
Acentrotremites,  172 
Acervularia,  86 
Aceste,  297 
Acestra,  62 
Acharax,  438 
Achradocrinus,  219 
Achiudocystites,  151 
Achrochordocrinus,  232 
Acila,  440 
Acdeistoceras,  611 
AcHsina,  538 
Aeloeodictya,  61 
Acmaea,  520 
Acritis,  371    f 
Acrochordiceras,  640 
Acrocrinus,  201 
Acrocului,  541 
Acrogenia,  346 
Acroidaris,  275 
Acropora,  107 
Acrosalenia,  279 
Acrotliele,  376 
Acrothyra,  376 
Acrotreta,  376 
Acrura,  256 
Actaeonella,  566 
Actaeonina,  566 
Acteocine,  568 
Acteoii,  565 
Actinacis,  107 
Actinocamax,  682 

Actinocei'ainus,  447 
Actinoceras,  609 
Actinoconchu.s,  418 
Actinocriiius,  197 
Actinodesnia,  444 
Actinodiclya,  61 
Actinoiloiita,  455 
Actinomya,  468 
Actiuopora,  322 
Actinopteria,  448 
Actinosepia,  688 
Actinostoma,  341 
Actinostreon,  450 
Actinostronia,  122 
,  Actinotaxia,  326 
Adacna,  490 
Adelactaeon,  566 
Adelnstrea,  101 
Adeloblatta,  803 
Adeloptlialiims,  783 
Adeonella,  339 
Adolfia,  410 
Adniuiirid,  440 
Aecliinina,  738 
Aegor,  761 
Aegliipe  405 
Aeglina,  721 
Aegoceras,  656 
Aeolopneustes,  282 
Aeropsis,  297 
Aesclinidium,  810 
Aesiocrinus,  225 
Aesiocystis,  159 
Aetea,  348 
Aetliocystis,  157 
Aetostreon,  450 
Aganides,  631 
Agaricia,  103 
Agaricocrinus,  196 
Agassiceras,  657 
Agassizia,  296 
Agassizocrinus,  224 
Agathelia,  95 
Agatheinera,  800 
Agathiceras,  641 
Agelacrinus,  159,  156 
Agiud,  499 
Aglaspis,  77ii 
Aglithodictya,  61 
Agnesia,  524 
Agnostus,  710 
Agoniatites,  630 
Agraulos,  717 
Agria,  482 
Agriocrinus,  199 
Agrion,  811 
Aguthasia,  404 
Aipocoias,  606 
Akera,  567 
Alaria,  550 
Albertella,  717 
Ahcto,  319 
Alectrioii,  550 

Alectryonia,  450 
Alexia,  574 
Alipes,  551 
AUageerinus,  209 
Allionia,  237 
Allocrinus,  191 
Allocystites,  155 
Allodesma,  470 
Allomorphina,  29 
Allonema,  318 
Anonychia,  445 
Allopagus,  469,  489 
AUoprosallocrinus,  195 
Allorhynchus,  398 
Allorisma,  465 
Alocolytoceras,  652 
Aluta,  735 
Alveolina,  39 
Alveolites,  114 
Alveopora,  107 
Amaltheus,  659 
Amaiiropsis,  543 
Ambites,  633 
Amblypneustes,  282 
Amblypygus,  289 
Amblysiphonella,  71 
Ambocoelia,  412 
Ambonycliia,  445 
Amiella,  786 
Amicula,  513 
Amiskwia,  135 
Amita,  444 
Ammobaculites,  2(i 
Ammodiscus,  25 
Aminolagena,  25 
Amnicola,  545 
Amnigenia,  451 
A)iwrphocystis,  152 
Ainperleya,  530 
Ampheristocrinus,  218 
Amphiasti'aea,  98 
Amphibola,  573 
Aniphiceras,  657 
Amphicliaena,  495 
Amphiclina,  419 
Amphiclinodonta,  419 
Amphicoelia,  445 
Amphicrinus,  205 
Amphidesma,  495 
Amphidonta,  450 
Amphidromus,  576 
Aiiiphigenia,  400 
Amphilichas,  721 
Amphion,  725 
Amphipeltis,  758 
Ampliipora,  124 
Ampliispongia,  62 
AmphistPgina,  34 
Anipli i.^ili'ijilila,  385 
AmphitUeliori,  59 
Amphitomella,  418 
Amphiura,  256 
Ataplwra,  197 

Aniplioracrinus,  197 
Aniplexopora,  336 
Am  plexus,  83 
Ami)ulla,  561 
Ampiillina,  543 
Ainjiyx,  712 
Amusium,  458 
Amygdalocystites,  151 
Aniynilispes,  793 
Anabacia,  103 
Anabaia,  417 
Anadara,  443 
Anagyiniiites,  645 
Anancliytes,  292 
Anapella,  498 
Aiiaphragma,  339 
Anarcestes,  629      . 
Anasirenites,  648 
Anaspides,  755 
Anastoniopora,  342 
Anastrophia,  394 
Anathyris,  417 
Aiiatimya,  •^^'16 
Aiiatina,  466 
Anatinella,  498 
Awitomites,  639 
Aniizyga,  408 
Ancluira,  551 
Ancilla,  562 
Ancillaria,  5<"i2 
Aiicistroceras,  601 
Aiicistrocrania,  379 
Ancryopyge,  723 
Anculosa,  548 
Ancyloceras,  670 
Aiicylus,  575 
Androgynoceras,  656 
Angaria,  529 
Angelinoceras,  601 
Anisactinella,  418 
Anisocardia,  471 
Anisocriniis,  203 
Anisophyllum,  84 
Anisothyris,  499 
Anisotrypa,  335 
Anodonta,  455 
Anodontites,  455 
AncKlontopsis,  470 
Anolcites,  648 
Anolotichia,  328 
Anomactiiiella,  418 
Anomalantlms,  286 
Anomalina,  33 
Anomalocaris,  733 
Anonialoceras,  605 
Anomalocriniis,  213 
Anomalocystites,  150 
Anonialodonta,  445 
Anutiudoides,  72 
Anonialospongia,  72 
Anomia,  461 
Anoinoclonella,  56 
Anomphalus,  532 



Anopaea,  447 
Anoplia,  389 
Anoploceras,  606 
Anoplophora,  452 
Anoplotheca,  41G 
Anoptychia,  537 
Antalis,  509 
Antedon,  236 
Antheiuocrinus,  189 
A7tt!iocrinus,  216 
Antlioeystis,  153 
Anthonyia,  474 
Anthracochiton,  512 
Antluacomartus,  791 
Anthracomya,  452 
AnUiraconectes,  783 
Anthracopeltis,  774 
Anthracopliaiisia,  759 
Anthramjite.ra,  451 
Anthracosia,  451 
Antlirapalaeiiion,  757 
Antinomia,  403 
Antipleura   439 
Antiptychia,  407 
Antirhynchondla,  394 
Antocyrtis,  44 
Anuscula,  440 
Aorocrinus,  lOtl 
Aparchites,  737 
Apasmophyllnm,  84 
Aphanaia,  440 
Aplieleceras,  604  . 
Aplietoceras,  600 
Aphragmites,  59(3 
Aphrostroma,  124 
Aphj/llHe.s,  630 
Apioceras,  611 
Apiocrinus,  230 
Apiocystites,  154 
Apion,  805 
Aplocems,  608 
Aiiorrhais,  551 
Apricaidia,  477 
Apsendesia,  321 
Aptychopsis,  754 
Aptyxiella,  549 
Aptyxis,  549 
Apiis,  733 
Arachnocrimis,  219 
Arachnocystites,  152 
Arachiioides,  288 
Araeacis,  96 
Arbacia,  281 
Arbnscvlites,  390 
Area,  443 
Ai-ainopora,  346 
Arcestes,  642 
Arcliaediscus,  34 
Archaeocidaris,  300 
Arcliaeocrimis,  188 
Archaeocyathua,  105 
Archaeolepas,  744 
Arcliaeoniscus,  758 
Archaeoplax,  767 
Archaeoscyphia,  53 
Arcliaeospliaerina,  37 
Areharenicola,  139 
Aixhasterias,  248 
Arcliegetes,  813 
Archegocimex,  818 
Archegocystis,  155 
Archidesmus,  793 
Archimedes,  341 
Archinacella,  520 
Archiorhyncliii.f,  805 
Architarbus,  791 
Arcliitectoiiica,  538 
Architipiila,  815 
Arcliiiilus,  793 
Arcomya,  4(;6 
Arcomyopsis,  438 
Arcopagia,  494 
Arctitii'ta,  387 
Arenicola,  141 
Arethusina,  715 
Argas,  753 

Argnstar,  248 
Argia,  811 
Argina,  443 
Argoiiauta,  688 
Argopatagus,  297 
Argyrotliea,  365 
Argyrotheca,  405 
Aricardium,  490 
Arieticeras,  658 
Arietites,  655 
Aristerella,  462 
Aristocystites,  150 
Aristozoe,  752 
Arnioceras,  655 
Arpadites,  648 
Arrhoges,  551 
Artemis,  492 
Arthaberites,  635 
Arthracantha,  200 
Arthraster,  251 
Arthroclema,  343 
Arthrolycosa,  790 
Artluoiiliycus,  141 
Artliropleura,  758 
Arthropora,  345 
Arthrorachis,  710 
Arthrostyhis,  342 
Arystidicta,  61 
Asaphellus,  719 
Asaphis,  495 
Asajjhus,  719 
Ascidaspis,  722 
Ascoceras,  596 
Ascocystites,  160 
Ascodictyon,  31S 
Asemoblatta,  803 
Aspenites,  634 
Aspergillvm,  468 
Aspidiscus,  99 
Aspidites,  645 
Aspidocaris,  754 
Aspidoceras,  665 
Aspidodiadema,  276 
Aspidophylluiii,  86 
AsiJidoiJOia,  333 
Aspidosoma,  249 
Aspidotliyris,  401 
Aspidura,  256 
Assilina,  36 
Assiiiiinea,  545 
Astacus,  764 
Astarte,  472 
AfitartopHs,  457 
Asteractinella,  62,  63 
Asterias,  247,  252 
Asteriatites,  237 
Asteiina,  251 
Asteroblastus,  167 
Asteroceras,  655 
Asteroorinus,  201 
AstPi'oderrna,  57 
Asteropyge,  726 
Ast}ienodonta,  452 
Astlienosoma,  278 
Asthenothaerus,  467 
Astieria,  664 
Astraemorpha,  104 
Astraeospongia,  62 
Astraliuiii,  528 
Astrangia,  98 
Astreopora,  108 
Astrlielia,  95 
Astrocladia,  55 
Astrocnida,  255 
Astrocoenia,  101 
Astrocoma,  237 
Astroconia,  62 
A!<tromnn^,  172,  190 
Astrocystitps,  160 
Astroides,  76,  106 
Astropecten,  247,  249 
Astrophytov,  255 
Astropyga,  278 
Astrorhiza,  24 
Astylucrinus,  224 
Astylomanun,  56 

Astylospongia,  55 
Asyiiiptoceras,  616 
Atactodea,  498 
Atactopora,  333 
Atactoporeila,  331 
Atd.nister,  248 
Ataxioceras,  664 
Ataxocrinus,  213 
Ateleocystites,  150 
Atelestocrimis,  218 
Atergatis,  767 
Athleta,  561 
Athyris,  417 
Atikakania,  105 
Atlanta,  536 
Atocus,  806 
Atoma,  564 
Atomodesma,  449 
Atops,  713 
Atractites,  681 
Atretia,  400 
Atrina,  446 
Atrypa,  409 
Atrypina,  408 
Attoides,  790 
Aturia,  603 
Atys,  568 
Aucella,  449 
Aulacoceras,  680 
Aulacophyllum,  83 
Aulacopleura,  715 
Aiilacorhynchus,  389 
AulacostPphanus,  665 
Aulacotbyris,  406 
Anlocopium,  53 
Aulocrinus,  224 
Aitlonotreta,  371 
Aulo]ihyllum,  86 
Aulopora,  116 
Aulosteges,  391 
Auricula,  574 
Aurigeru.s,  665 
Aurina,  561 
Austinella,  381 
Austinocrinus,  233 
Austriella,  399 
Autodetus,  543 
Avellaiia,  567 
Ariciihi,  447 
Aviculopecten,  457 
Aviculopinna,  446 
Axinopsis,  487 
Axinus,  487 
Axosmilia,  100 
Aysheaia,  136 
Azara,  499 
Azor,  495 

Babinka,  444 
Bactrites,  629 
Bactrocrinus,  218 
Bactropora,  343 
Buctnqms,  ib2 
Bactrotheca,  571 
Bdctrynium,  3S9 
Baculina,  654 
Baculites,  654 
Baculocystites,  150 
Badiotella,  460 
Badiotites,  644 
Baerocrinus,  211 
Baetis,  809 
Bairdia,  740 
Bakewellia,  447 
Balanocrinus,  233 
Balanocystites,  151 
Balauophyllia,  105 
Balantionella,  64 
Jldlantivm,  570 
Balanus,  746 
Balatonites,  647 
Baltoceras,  598 
Baiubaganites,  635 
Banftia,  141 
Barbarotliea,  815 
Barbatia,  443 

Baroda,  494 
Barrandeite.s,  638 

liarrandella,  395 

Barrandeoceras,  600 

Barraiideocrinus,  195 

Barrettia,  484 

Barroisella,  374 

Barroisia,  71 

Barroisiceras,  669,  672 

Bartlettia,  455 

Barycrinus,  218 

Baryphyllia,  99 

Baryphyllum,  82 

Barysniilia,  101 

Basilicus,  719 

Basiliola,  400 

Basterotia,  469 

Bathnioceras,  597 

Bathybius,  17 

Bathymelia,  382 

Batliycrinus,  230 

Bathycyathus,  95 

Bathynotus,  715 

Bathysiphon,  24 

Bathvtoiua,  563 

Bathyurellus,  718 

Bathyuriscus,  718 

Bathvurus,  718 

Batillus,  529 

Batissa,  474 

Batocrinus,  195 

Batolites,  482 

Batostoina,  338 

Batostoiiiella,  335 

Battersbyia,  87 

Bayania,  537 

Bayanoteutliis,  683 

Bayha,  524 

Bayleia,  478 

Bdellacoiiia,  251 

Beachia,  401 

Becksia,  67 

Beecheria,  403 

Bela,  563 

Beleinnitella,  683 

Beleuinites,  681,  683 

Beleninocrinus,  215 

Beleinnocystis,  151 

Belemnopsis,  682 

Belemnosis,  683 

Bdeninoteutbis,  684 

Belgrandia,  545 

Belinurus,  773 

Bellardia,  550 

Bellardiella,  564 

BpUerophoii,  522 

Beloceras,  631 

Beloptera,  683 

Belopteriua,  683 

Belosepia,  686 

Belosepiella,  68() 
Beloteutliis,  688 
Beltina,  783 
Bembexia,  525 
Beneckeia,  646 
Berenicea,  319 
Berthelinia,  464 
Beyrichia,  738 
Beyrichiella,  738 
Beyrichiopsis,  738 
Beyrichites,  647 
BejTichocrinus,  195 
Benichona,  735 
Bicavea,  323 
Bicia,  373 
Bicrisina,  320 
Bideiitia,  732 
Bidiastopora,  320 
Bifuhi;  416 
Bi'flabellaiia,  326 
Bifrontia,  538 
Biiiencrina,  29 
Biiliugsella,  380 
Billingsia,  372 
Billiiigsites,  597 
Bilobites,  383 



Biloculiiia,  3S 
Binuliolites,  481 
Birostritex,  482 
Bisiiimonea,  320 
Bithinia,  544 
Bittium,  550 
Bittnerula,  413 
Bitubigera,  320 
Blairocrinus,  197 
Blanchardia,  808 
Blastoidocrinus,  167 
Blauneria,  574 
Bohemura,  254 
Boletia,  282 
Bolivina,  28 
Bollia,  738 
Bolma,  528 
Bontaea,  467 
Borelis,  39 
Borsonia,  564 
Boskovicia,  544 
Bosnites,  635 
Bosqiietia,  740 
Bothnoci(lari.s,  270 
Bothrocorbula,  499 
Bothromicromus,  813 
Bothiyocampe,  44 
Botriopygus,  290 
Botryllopora,  330 
Botryocrimis,  221 
Botryodift}-a,  60 
Botsfoidia,  375 
Bouchard  ia,  407 
Bourgetia,  537 
Bourgueticrinns,  229 
Bruchiocrinus,  212 

Brachiospoiigia,  62 

Biachylepas,  745 

Brachymcrus,  394 

Brachyprion,  385 

Bracliypyge,  791 

Biachythyris,  410 

Bracliytreina,  539 

Braduria,  735 

Bradyl)latta,  803 

Bialiniaciiims,  200 

Braiichi])odite.s,  732 

Braneonia,  395 

Brasilia,  658 

Brecliites,  468 

Breynia,  297 

Briarocrinus,  191 

Brilonella,  524 

Biissomorpha,  297 

Brissopatagiis,  297 

Brissopsis,  297 

Brissus,  297 

Brocchia,  541 

Brodieia,  658 

Broeckia,  439 

Broeggeria,  371 

Brongniartiella,  S13 

Brontfiopsis,  720 

Brontes,  720 

Bronteus,  720 

Bryopa,  468 

Bueanclla,  521 

Bucaiiia,  521 

Bucaiiopsis,  523 

Bucanospira,  530 

Buccinopsis,  557 

Buccinulus,  565 

Biiccinum,  556 

Buchiceras,  671 

Buchiola,  439 

Biichites,  648 

Buddliaites,  645 

]5idiniina,  29 

Bnlimulus,  576 

Bulla,  567 

Bullaea,  568 

Bullaria,  567 

Bullina,  566 

BulUndla,  568 

Bullinula,  566 

Buniastus,  720 

Bundonbacliia,  254 
BuuodcUa,  777 
Buiiode.s,  777 
Burgessia,  733 
Buriu,  769 
Bursa,  555 
Bursacrinus,  225 
Bushia,  467 
Buskopora,  330 
Busycou,  557 
Buthus,  770 
Byssocardiuin,  490 
Byssomya,  499 
Byssonycliia,  445 
Byssopteria,  445 
Bytlunella,  545 
Bythoerinus,  229 
Bythocypris,  740 
Bythopora,  335 
Bythvtrypa,  328 

Caeabocrinus,  191 

Cactocrinus,  197 

Cadoceras,  663 

Cadomella,  389 

Cadomia,  440 

Cadomites,  663 

Cadomoceras,  658 

Cadulus,  510 

Caecella,  498 

Caecum,  547 

Cainocrinus,  233 

Calais,  688 

Calamocrinus,  238 

Calaiuophyllia,  'M 

Ca/amopiini.,  113 

Calapoecui,  114 

Calappa,  765 

Calathocrirms,  225 

Calathospongia,  61 

Calcarina,  33 

CalceocrintiK,  213 

Calceola,  88 

Caleidocriuus,  206 

Callavia,  714 

Callianassa,  764 
Callicriiuis,  192 
Callidernui,  250 
Calliostoina,  532 
Callistochiton,  513 
Callistoplax,  513 
Callizoe,  752 
Callocanlia,  491,  493 
Callocliiton,  513 
Callocystites,  153 
Callogonia,  491 
Callonenia,  538 
Callopegma,  53 
Calloponia,  529 
Callopora,  337 
Calloporella,  337 
CaUoporina,  337 
Callotrypa,  335 
Calostylis,  105 
Calpiocriuus,  203 
Calvetiua,  353 
Calycanthocrinus,  20S 
Calymeue,  724 
Calynnie,  294 
Calyptogena,  476 
Calyptraea,  542 
Cauiarella,  394 
Camnrium,  416 
Cainarocrinus,  160,  190 
Cauiarophorella,  396 
Camarophoria,  395 
Camarospira,  416 
Cameroceras,  595 
Canierospongia,  68 
Cauierotheca,  571 
Camerothyris,  407 
Camitia,  532 
Campodfa,  820 
Campophylhini,  84 
Cauijjtocrinus,  201 
Cainptouectes,  458 

Camjryloce^^haluJ^;  782 

Canipyloceras,  608 

Campylosepia,  686 

Canadia,  136 

Canadocystis,  151 

Canavarites,  660 

Cancellaria,  562 

Cancer,  767 

Cancrinus,  763 

Cariinia,  83 

Canistrocrinus,  189 

Cantantostoma,  525 

Cantliaridus,  532 

Cantliarus,  556 

Capellinia,  395 

Caphyra,  717 

Caprina,  479 

Caprinella,  480 

Caprinula,  480 

Capulus,  541 

Carabocriuus,  217 

Caratomus,  289 

Carbouarcfl,  442 

Carbonia,  739 

Carbonieola,  451 

Carcinocarcinus,  767 

Cdirinosoma,  783 

Cardiaster,  294 

Cardilia,  498 

Cardinia,  452 

Cardinocrania,  379 

Cardiocaris,  754 

Cardioceras,  663 

Caniiocystis,  160 

Cardiola,  439 

Cardiolites,  751 

Cardiomorplia,  439 

Cardiomya,  469 

Cardita,  475 

Carditamera,  476 
Carditella,  476 
Cardiutn,  4S9 
L'arduocrinus,  221 
Caricella,  561 
Carinaria,  536 
Cariuaropsis,  523 
I'arinifer,  326 
Carinopora,  341 
Carnarvonia,  750 
Carnites,  635 
Carolia,  461 
Carolwrinus,  194 
Carosyphaera,  42 
Carpenteria,  33,  451 
Carpenteroblastus,  172 
Carpenterocrinus,  232 
Carpocrinus,  194 
Carpocystis,  156 
Carpomanon,  56 
Carpospongia,  56 
Carterella,  57 
Carterina,  124 
Carychium,  574 
Caryocaris,  751 
Caryocrinus,  153 
Caryocystites,  152 
Caryomanon,  56 
Caryophyllia,  95 
CaryophyUites,  239 
Caryospongia,  56 
Casearia,  65 
Cassianella,  448 
Cassianocrin us,  225 
Cassidaria,  554 
Cassidula,  574 
Cassidulina,  29 
Cassidulus,  290 
C'assiope,  540 
Cassis,  556 
Castmiocrimis,  190 
Castocrinus,  213 
Catazyga,  408 
Oatenipora,  117 
Catillocrinus,  214 
CatiUus,  447 
Catopygus,  290 

Catosira,  537 
Catulloceras,  658 
Caunopora,  123 
Cavaria,  324 
Cavea,  324 
Cavolina,  570 
Cea,  323 
CelkirUi,  348 
Cellepora,  350,  353 
Celleporki,  353 
Cellularia,  348 
Cellulipora,  320 
Celtites,  640 
Cenoceras,  607 
Cenocrinus,  233 
Cenomariites,  668 
Ceuosphaera,  42 
Centrechinus,  277 
Centrioerinus,  191 
Centroeeras,  606 
I'entvocrinus,  199 
Centronella,  400 
Centrotheca,  571 
Ceplialogi'aptus,  130 
Cephaloraphidites,  51 
Ceramella,  346 
Ceramocnnus,  219 
Ceraiiiophylla,  328 
Ceramopora,  327 
Ceramoporella,  327 
Ceratarges,  722 
Ceratiocaris,  750 
Cwatisolen,  496 
Ceratites,  647 
Ceratocephala,  722 
Ceratocystis,  151 
Ceratodictya,  60 

Ceratoliclias,  722 

Ceratopsis,  738 

Ceratopyge,  717 

Ceratosiphon,  551 

Ceratostreon,  450 

Ceratotheca,  571 

Ceratotrochus,  94 

Ceratozona,  513 

Ceraurus,  724 

Cercomya,  466 

Cerioaivu,  326 

Ceriocrinus,  225,  231 

Cerionites,  72 

Ceriopora,  326 

Ceritella,  549 

Ceritliidea,  550 

Cerithiiiella,  549 

Cerithinpsis,  550 

Cerithiuni,  550 

Cermatia,  793 

Cernina,  543 

Ceromya,  465 

Cerylimopsis,  805 

Cetciciiiicha,  469 

Cetomya,  469 

Chaena,  500 

Chaeudcaris,  753 

Chaeuomya,  439 

Chaenojiea,  500 

Chaetetes,  117 

Chaetopleura,  513 

Chaiiiodictyon,  340 

Chalmasia,  449 

Chama,  477 

CiMperia,  480 

Charioiiella,  416 

Chartrouia,  660 

Chascothyris,  401 

Chasmatopora,  340 

Chasmops,  727 

Chauliodes,  812 

Chauliodites,  811 

Cheiloceras,  631 

Cheirocrinus,  154,  213 

Cheiropteraster,  251 

Cheirurus,  724 

Cbelifer,  789 

Vlidocrinus,  225 

Chemnitsia,  537 



Cheiiendopora,  59 
Clienopus,  551 
Chicagncriiuis,  193 
Chicoreus,  558 
Chilina,  574 
Cliilocyclus,  53S 
Cliilopora,  326 
Chiloporella,  328 
Cliilostomella,  29 
Chilotrypa,  330 
Chiridota,  313 
Chiton,  513 
Chitonellus,  513 
Chkuiocrinns,  232 
Clilamydoconcha,  448 
Chlamys,  457' 
Clilidonophora,  404 
C'hoaiioeeras,  596 
Chojfatui,  603 
Cholocriims,  203 
Chonaxis,  85 
Chondrostronia,  124 
Ohiinechiton,  512 
Choneplax,  513 
Chonetella,  389 
Chiinetes,  389 
Chonetina,  389 
Chonopectus,  391 
Chonophyllum,  85 
Choiiostegitcs,  116 
Chonostropliia,  389 
Choriplax,  512 
Churistites,  410 
Clioristoceras,  649 
Choristodon,  494 
Chresmoda,  799 
Christaiiia,  385 
Chrysodonius,  557 
Chrysomelon,  278 
Chrysostoma,  532 
Chthamalus,  747 
Cibolocriiius,  225 
Cicatrea,  472 
Cidaris,  272 
Cidaroblastus,  171 
Cigara,  151 
Cimitaria,  465 
Cincta,  407 
Cinulia,  567 
Circe,  493 
Circopora,  124 
Cirrus,  531 
Cirsotrema,  538 
Cistella,  405 
Citrocystis,  152 
Cladangia,  98 
Cladiscites,  643 
Cladochonus,  116 
Cladocora,  97 
Cladocrinus,  206 
Cladnpora,  114 
Claiiculus,  531 
Clarkella,  392 
Clathrodictyon,  123 
Clathropora,  345 
Clathrospira,  525 
Clathrospongia,  60 
Clathurella,  564 
Clausa,  324 
Clausilia,  576 
Clava,  550 
Clavaehldstus,  170 
Clavagella,  468 
ClavaUila,  563 
Clavella,  559 
Claviclausa,  324 
Ckwisparsa,  320 
Clavulina,  29 
Cleidophoius,  440 
Cleidoiheca,  571 
CIt'iocriims,  ISO 
Cleinilivridiiia,  4IS 
Chiotkyris,  417,  418 
Cleistecliiuus,  297 
Cleinatncriiius,  199 
Ck'ineutia,  492 

Cleodictya,  61 
Ckodora,  570 
Cleonoceras,  667 
Clesydrospongia,  61 
Clidiophora,  467 
Clidochirus,  204 
Cliftoiiia,  387 
Climacaniniina,  29 
Climacograptus,  130 
Climactichnites,  142 
Clinoceras,  611 
Clinopistha,  438 
Clinopora,  321 
Clintonella,  409 
Cliinira,  563 
Clio,  570 
Clionychia,  445 
Clisiophyllnm,  85 
Clisocolus,  491 
Clisospira,  543 
Clitauibouites,  392 
Clonocriuus,  190,  190 
Clonopora,  321 
Clorinda,  395 
Closterocrinus,  218 
Clydonautilus,  602 
Clydoiiites,  648 
Clynienia,  628 
Clymenonantilus,  602 
Clypeaster,  285 
Clypeina,  321 
Clypeoceras,  645 

Clypeus,  290 

Clypites,  634 

Cnemidiastrum,  57 

Cnemidium,  57 

Cnisma,  442 

Coccocrinus,  199 

Coccophyllum,  101 

Coccoseris,  112 

Coccoteuthis,  687 

Cochlearia,  538 

Cochloceras,  650 

Cochlodesma,  467 

Cochlolejms,  542 

Codakin,  486 

Codaster,  168 

Codechiiius,  278 

Codiacrinus,  221 

Codiacystis,  155 

Codiopsis,  277 

Codoceras,  612 

Codoiiasttr,  168 

Codonites,  169 

Coelastarte,  472 

Coeliocrinus,  223 

Coeloeentrus,  527 

Coeloceras,  662 

Coeloclema,  328 

Coeloconus,  343 

Coelocorypha,  59 

Coelocriiius,  187,  196 

Coelocystis,  154 

Coelodon,  467 

Coeloeanlus,  525 

Coelogasteroceras,  605 

Coeloina,  766 

Coelomactra,  497 

Coelonautiliis,  604 

CoelopUnirus,  281 

Coeloptycliium,  67 

Coelosmilia,  100 

Coelospira,  417 

Coelostyliiia,  537 

Coenagiion,  811 

Coenites,  114 

Coeniioyathus,  95 

Coenocystis,  157 

Coeno(ji-uptu.s,  130 

Coenotliyris,  407 

Coleoloidos,  572 

Coleolus,  572 

Collina,  662 

Collonia,  529 

Collyrites,  292 

Coloboceiitrotus,  283 
Coloceras,  604 
Colospongia,  71 
Colpocaris,  751 
Colpoceras,  595 
Columbplla,  556 
Columbellaria,  553 
Collumbellina,  553 
Columbites,  640 
Columnaria,  87 
Columnastraea,  101 
Columnopora,  114 
Coins,  559 
Colynimatina,  55 
Comarocystites,  151 
Coinastrocrinus,  284 
Coiiiatulina,  237 
Comatulithes,  237 
Coniaturella,  237 
Combopliyllum,  82 
Comelicania,  418 
Cominella,  556 
Coinoseris,  104 
Composita,  418 
Composocrinus,  194 
Compressidens,  509 
Conipsoiiietra,  237 
Coinptonia,  250 
Conactaeon,  566 
Concliicolites,  139 
Conchidium,  394 
Couchocele,  487 
Conchodon,  453 
Concholepas,  558 
Oonchopeltis,  520 
Condylociiiius,  189 
Condylopyge,  710 
CoiifusaMrea,  101 
Congeria,  463 
Conocardium,  446 
Conoceras,  597 
Conoclypeus,  2S4 
Conocoryphe,  713 
Conocrinus,  229 
Conolampas,  291 
Conorbis,  564 
Conoteuthis,  684 
Conotreta,  376 
Coiiotuligera,  321 
Conradella,  522 
Conradia,  373 
Constellaria,  334 
Conularia,  572 
Conulus,  284 
Convexastrea,  101 
Cophinoceras,  603 
Coptostyllus,  548 
Coralliochama,  480 
Coralliopliaga,  472 
Corallium,  76,  110 
Coraster,  296 
Corbicella,  487 
Corbicula,  474 
Corbis,  486,  486 
Corbula,  499 
Corbulamella,  499 
Corbuloitiya,  499 
Corburella,  470 
Cordillerites,  633 
Cordylocriinis,  199 
Corimya,  467 
Corneocyclas,  475 
Cormicaprina,  479 
Coriiulites,  139 
Corniispira,  37 
Coroniceras,  655 
Coronida,  768 
Cnivniirrinux,  191 
Coronnla,  747 
Corydocephahis,  721 
Corylocriuus,  153 
Coryiii.hiifrinii'!,  190 
Coryiiibopora,  321 
Corynella,  70 
Coryiiotrypa,  319 
CoscintiUa,  345 

Coscinium,  346 
Coscinopora,  64 
Coscinotrypa,  346 
Cosmiolithes,  112 
Cosmoceras,  668 
Cosmocrinus,  221 
Cosmogyria,  658 
Costidiscus,  653 
Cottaldia,  277 
Cotylecrinus,  241 
Cotylederma,  241 
Cotyledonocrinii s,  201 
Cranaena,  403 
Crangopsis,  757 
Crania,  378 
Cranielhi,  378 
Craniops,  379 
Craniscus,  379 
CraspeditPS,  664 
Craspedoelilton,  513 
Craspedophylluui,  85 
Craspedopoma,  540 
Craspedosoma,  792 
Craspedostoma,  529 
Crassatelltt,  474 
Crassatellina,  474 
Crassatellites,  474 
Cmssina,  472 
Crassineila,  472,  474 
Craterella,  54 
Craterinn,  150 
Craticularia,  63 
Cremacrinus,  213 
Crenatula,  447 
Crenella,  463 
Creniceras,  658 
Crenipecten,  457 
Crepidophylluni,  85 
Crepidula,  542 
Crepipora,  328 
Crescentilla,  754 
Crescis,  326 
Creseis,  570 
Creusin,  747 
Cribrilina,  350 
Cribrobhistus,  171 
Cribrostomnm,  29 
Crieopora,  320 
Crinocystis,  160 
Criocpras,  670 
Crisia,  318,  570 
Crisidia,  318 
Crisina,  320 
Cristellaria,  30 
Cromus,  723 
Cromyocrinus,  224 
Cronicus,  809 
Crossopodia,  141 
Crossostoma,  529 
Crotaloceplialus,  724 
Crotalocrinus,  216 
Crucibulum,  542 
Cruratula,  407 
Cryphcieus,  726 
Cryptabacia,  102 
Cryptacantliia,  402 
Cryptaenia,  524 
Cryptangia,  98 
Cryptaulax,  549 
Cryptaxis,  108 
Cryptoblastus,  172 
Cryptocaris,  754 
Cryptoeeras,  605 
Cryptochiton,  513 
Cryptocliorda,  562 
Cryptoclymenia,  628 
Cryptocoelia,  71 
Cryptocopnia,  101 
Cryptoconus,  563 
Cryptocrinus,  157 
Cryptodictya,  61 
Cryptodon,  487 
Cryptoglpna,  325 
Cryptolithus,  711 
Cryptomya,  499 
CryptonoUa,  402 



Cryptoplax,  512,  513 
Crypto'plocus,  549 
Cryptopora,  400 
Cryptoporus,  400 
Ci-yptoschisma,  109 
Cryptozoe,  751 
Crystallocystis,  152 
Crytopora,  341 
Ctenol)olbina,  738 
Cteiiocephahi.s,  713 
Cteiioceras,  599 
Ctenocrinus,  190 
Cteiiodonta,  440 
Ctenoptorus,  784 
Ctenostreon,  460 
Cuccoceras,  648 
Cucullaea,  442 
Cucullaria,  442 
CucuUella,  440 
Culicoorinus,  199 
Cultellus,  496 
Cuniingia,  495 
Cuiiiulipora,  351 
Vupelliiecrinus,  199 
Cuphoselenus,  551 
Cupressocrimis,  210 
Cupularia,  351 
Cupuloprinus,  215 
Curculioides,  789 
OurcuUopsis,  805 
Curticia,  371 
Curtonotus,  472 
Cuspidaria,  469 
Cuvierina,  571 
Cyatliaxonia,  81 
Cyathidium,  241 
Cyatliocriiius,  220,  221 
Cyathocystis,  159 
Cyatliodonta,  467 
Cyatliophora,  101 
Cyatliophyciis,  61 
Cyathopliyllimi,  84 
Cyatlioseris,  102 
Cybele,  724 
Oyclas,  472,  475 
Cyclaster,  297 
Cyclidia,  583 
Gydina,  492 
Cycloceras,  599,  660 
Cycloclyiuenia,  628 
Cyclocoelia,  381 
Cycloconcha,  470 
Cyclocriiuis,  72,  160,  232 
Cyclocystoides,  159 
Cyclolites,  103 
Cyelolituites,  601 
Cyclolobus,  642 
Cyclomops,  552 
Cyclonema,  530 
Cyolonssa,  557 
CycloxjUorus,  540 
Cyclophtlialainu.s,  788 
Cyolopliyllnm,  86 
Cyclopora,  347 
Cycloporella,  347 
Cycloporidiuin,  121 
Cydoporina,  341 
Cyclorhina,  397 
Cyclosiihaeroma,  758 
Cyclospira,  410 
CyflostOMia,  540 
Cyclostoiuiceras,  611 
Cyclostrema,  532 
Cyclothyris,  398 
Cyclotrypa,  329 
Cyclotus,  540 
Cydus,  372,  773 
Cylichna,  568 
Cylirncrinus,  195 
Cylindm,  560 
Cyliiidrites,  566 
Cyliiidrolndlina,  566 
Cylindroinitra,  560 
Cyliiidroi)hyma,  56 
Cylleiie,  557 
Cymaceras,  658 

Cymaclyinonia,  628 
Cymatoceras,  607 
Cymatocliitdii,  512 
Cymatoplilebia,  810 
Cyinhitifs,  657 
Cyiiibiuni,  561 
Cymbopliora,  498 
Cyvu'Ila,  469 
Cymia,  558 
Cynodunta,  560 
Cypellia,  64 
Cypellocrinus,  199 
Cyphaspis,  721 
Cypliocrinus,  187 
Cyphon,  805 
Cyphosoiiia,  280 
Cyphotrypa,  334 
Cypraea,  553 
Cyprella,  741 
Cypresis,  741 
Cyprimnlia,  472 
Cypiicardinia,  471 
Cyprimrilites,  442 
Cypridea,  740 
Oypridclla,  741 
Oyiiridelliiia,  741 
Cypridiiia,  741 
Cypridiiiella,  741 
Cyjiriineria,  492 
CyprUia,  472 
Cypris,  740 
Cyprosiiia,  741 
Cyrena,  474 
Cyrenella,  4S7 
Cyreiioida,  487 
Cyricaidella,  471 
Cyrtactinocera.s,  609 
Cyrtendoceras,  596 
Cyrtia,  412 
Cyrtidocrinus,  203 
Cyrtina,  412 
Cyrtocalpis,  44 
Cyrtoceras,  611 
Cyrtocerina,  597 
Cyrtochilus,  054 
Cyrtoclynieiiia,  028 
Cyrtocrinu.t,  240 
Cyrtodonta,  442 
Cyrtodo ntopMs,  445 
C'yrtolites,  521 
Cyrtolitiiia,  521 
Cyrtopiniia,  446 
Cyrtopleurites,  648 
Cyrtopora,  322 
Cyrtorizoceras,  610 
Cyrtotheca,  413 
Cyrtulus,  559 
Cystaster,  159 
Cystechiims,  294 
Cystii)liylluni,  87 
Cystispongia,  68 
Cystocidaris,  299 
Cystodictya,  346 
Cythere,  739 
Cytherea,  493 
Cytliereis,  739 
Cytherella,  740 
Cytherellina,  740 
Cytheridea,  739 
Cytherideis,  739 
Cytherodon,  440 
Cytheropteron,  739 
Cytinopsis,  413 
Cytis,  323 
Cytocrinus,  190 
Cytodaria,  500 
Cytograptus,  132 

Dactylioceras,  662 
Dactylocrinus,  205 
Padylocystis,  156 
Uadyloteuthis,  682 
Diictylus,  565 
Dadocriiius,  232 
Daedalus,  141 
Dalila,  439 

Dallina,  406 

Dalmanella,  382 

Dalmaiiites,  726 

Dalmanitina,  726 

Dalmatites,  64() 

Danilia,  532 

Danubites,  647 

Daondla,  448 

Daphnella,  564 

Daphnites,  648 

Daraelites,  633 

Darellia,  658 

Dasyceras,  652 

Davidsonella,  372,  389 

Davidsonia,  385 

Daviesiella,  389 

Davila,  498 

Davousti,  452 

Dawsonoceras,  599 

Dayia,  409 

Dazieduszyclia,  410 

Deacanemos,  237 

Dearbornia,  376 

Decadocrinus,  223 

Decadopecteii,  457 

Def'ranciopora,  326 

Deiplioii,  725 

Deiroceras,  609 

Dejanira,  534 

Dekayella,  333 

Dekayia,  333 

Delgadella,  372 

Delphinula,  529 

Delphinulopsis,  534 

Deltacrinus,  213 

Dvlthyridca,  406 
■Ddtlmris,  408 

Delthyris,  411 

Deltoceras,  600 

Deltocyathus,  95 

Democrinus,  229 
Deiickiiiaiinia,  600 
Dendracis,  108 
Dendrastm;  288 
Derulricopora,  342 
Dendrocriuus,  215 
Dendrocystites,  151 
Dendrograptus,  128 
Dendrophyllia,  106 
Dendropupa,  576 
Dendrostrea,  450 
Denkmannia,  401 
Dentalina,  30 
Dentalium,  509 
Deocrinus,  188 
Derbya,  386 
Dermatoiuya,  469 
Dermatopora,  349 
Deroceras,  662 
Deshayesia,  543 
Desmidocrinus,  194 
Desmoceras,  667 
Desmograptus,  128 
Desoria,  296 
Detocriuus,  225 
Deutocystites,  150 
Dlabolocrinus,  188 
Dkidema,  277 
Diadiploceras,  605 
Diam(3nocrinus,  189 
Diamesopora,  347 
Dianulltes,  335 
Diaphana,  568 
Diaphorites,  662 
Diaphorostoma,  541 
Diaphragnius,  390 
Diapora,  123 
Diastoiiia,  537 
Diastopora,  319,  319,  320 
Diastoporiiia,  320 
Dicaiiiara,  416 
Dicellogi-aptus,  130 
Dioeras,  477 
Dieeroeardium,  454 
Dichocrinus,  201 
Dichograptus  129 

Dichotrypa,  346 
Dlcoelosia,  383 
Dicranella,  738 
Dicr<miscus,  387 
DicranoKraptus,  130 
Dicrauopora,  345 
Dicranuius,  722 
Dicroloina,  551 
Dictyocenis,  599 
Dictyoconites,  680 
Dictyocrinites,  72 
Dictyoarinvs,  72,  160 
Didyograptus,  128 
Dictyomitra,  44 
DictyoiU'lla,  396 
Dictyonema,  128 
Dictyopleurus,  282 
Dictyospongia,  60 
Dictyothyris,  404 
Didacna,  490 
Didymites,  642 
Didymograptus,  129 
Didymopora,  329 
Dielasma,  402 
Dielasiiiina,  403 
Dielasmnides,  403 
Diemptfius,  561 
Digitaii,  472 
Diguoiuia,  374 
Digonioceras,  607 
Dikelocephalina,  720 
Dikelocephalus,  720 
Dilobella,  738 
Dimerella,  399 
Diinerocrinus,  187,  205 
Diiiiorwn,  612 
Diinorphaiaea,  103 
Diiiiorpliastrta,  104 
Uimorphina,  31 
Dimorphites,  639 
Diiiiorphoceras,  637 
Dimorjihccrinus,  169 
Dimorpliograptus,  132 
Dimorphosoma,  551 
Diniya,  459 
Dimyodon,  459 
Diiiarella,  401 
Diiiarites,  648 
Diiieura,  806 
DiiKibilus,  373 
Dinocystis,  159 
Diiiopilio,  791 
Diiioplax,  513 
Diiiorthis,  382 
Diodoceras,  607 
Dionide,  711 
Dionites,  648 
Dioristella,  416 
Diorugoceras,  604 
Diphragmoceras,  595 
DiphyUes,  403 
Diphyphyllnni,  84 
DipiUdia,  478,  482 
Diplacomocera.s,  671 
Diplagnostus,  710 
Di  pleura,  724 
Diploceras,  595 
Diplocidaris,  274 
Diploclema,  321 
Diploconus,  683 
Diplocraterion,  141 
Diplocrinus,  233 
Diplocteiiium,  100 
Diplodonia,  487 
Diplot'pora,  112 
Diplograptus,  130 
Dlplonioceras,  654 
Diplopodia,  277 
hiplopora,  342 
Diploporaria,  342 
Diploria,  99 
Diplosireiiites,  648 
Diplospirella,  418 
Diplostoma,  71 
Diplotheca,  571 
I  Diplotrypa,  338 



Dipsaccus,  bUd 
Dipterocaris,  754 
Diptychoceias,  653 
Dischides,  510 
Discina,  378 
Discinisca,  378 
Discinocaris,  75-t 
Discinolejiis,  370 
Discinopsis,  377 
Discites,  604 
Discitoceras,  604 
Discocavea,  325 
Discoceras,  600,  655,  668 
Discoclymenia,  628 
Discocyatlius,  95 
Discocystis,  159 
Discocytis,  323 
Discodermia,  55 
Discofacigera,  321 
Discohelix,  527 
Discoidea,  283 
Discophyllites,  651 
Discorbina,  32 
Discors,  490 
Discoseaphites,  670 
Discosorus,  609 
Discosparsa,  319 
Discotarbus,  791 
Discotroehus,  94 
Discotropites,  638 
Discotypa,  337 
Disculina,  404 
Disjectopora,  124 
Distichites,  648 
Distichoceras,  659 
Distortrix,  555 
Ditaxia,  325 
Dithyrocaris,  753 
Ditreniaria,  525 
Ditvetus,  549 
Dittmarites,  648 
Dittopora,  339 
Divaricella,  486 
Dizygocrinns,  196 
Dochraostoma,  290 
Dolatocrinus,  191 
Diilichocriims,  229 
Doliclwpteron,  444 
Dolichopterus,  783 
Dolium,  555 
Domatoceras,  60i; 
Donacicardium,  484,  496 
Donax,  496 
Dorateuthis,  688 
Dorsetensia,  660 
Dorycrinus,  196 
Dorydernia,  57 
Dosinia,  492 
Douvilleia,  566 
Douvilleiceras,  669 
Douvillina,  385 
Dreissenia,  463 
Dreissensiomva,  463 
Drepauella,  738 
Drepanites,  648 
Drepanopterus,  784 
Drillia,  563 
Bromia,  765 
Dryinadusa,  799 
Drymotrypii,  340 
Dualina,  439 
Diimortieria,  (i57 
Duncanella,  82 
Durga,  454 
Dux,  438 
Dyhowalddla,  320 
Dyeria,  530 
Dysagririii,  811 
Dysaster,  292 
Dyscolia,  404 
Dystactella,  438 

Eastonia,  498 
Eatonia,  397 
Eburna,  556 
Eccylioinplialus,  527 

Eceylioptems,  527 
Ecliinarachnius,  288 
Bchinaster,  252 
Echinasterella,  251 
Echinohrissns,  289 
Echinocardium,  297 
Echinocaris,  751 
Echinochama,  478 
Echinocorys,  292 
Bchinocrepis,  298 
Echinocyamus,  286 
Echinocyphus,  282 
Echinocygtites,  157,  299 
Echinodiscus,  288 
Echinoencrinus,  154 
Ecliinognathus,  783 
Ecliinolampas,  291 
Ecliinometra,  283 
Bchinoneus,  289 
Echinopsis,  276 
Eckinospatagus,  294 
Echinosphaerites,  152 
Echinostrephus,  282 
Bohinotliuria,  278 
Echinus,  281 
Ectenocrinus,  212 
Ectenodesina,  444 
Bctolcites,  648 
Ectomaria,  525 
Edaphoceras,  607 
Edentula,  447 
Edmondia,  439 
Edrioaster,  159 
Edriocrinus,  206 
Edtvardsocrin us,  l'.i9 
Egeria,  496. 
Bgeta,  474 
Ehrenbergina,  29 
Eichwaldia,  396,  396 
Eileticus,  793 
Elaencrinus,  171 
Elasmostoma,  71 
Eleana,  798 
Elder,  761 
Eldonia,  313 
Elea,  324 

Eleutherocaris,  752 
Eleutherocrania,  379 
Bleutherocrinus,  170 
EHgmus,  451 
Elkaiiia,  372 
Ellipsactinia,  120 
Ellipsoearis,  754 
Ellipsocephalus,  717 
ElHpsoidina,  29 
Elliptocephala,  714 
Elpe,  741 
Blymella,  439 
Elymocaris,  762 
Emaiginula,  526 
EinWa,  469 
Embolus,  570 
Eirieraldella,  776 
Emileia,  663 
Emmelezoe,  752 
Emmonsia,  114 
Emperoceras,  654 
Euallhelia,  95 
Enallociinus,  216 
Endiitloxphen,  400 
EnilUiuitiireras,  603 
Eucuiloceras,  606 
Encope,  288 
Encrinurus,  723 
Enn-inus,  225,  233 
Endoceras,  595 
Knd,,!ohus,  605 
Endothyra,  33 
Eiidoxocrinus,  233 
Engoiioceras,  671 
Enicliaster,  294 
Ennalaster,  294 
Ennei-wystis,  153 
Eiiopleura,  150 
Enoploceras,  606 
Enoplochiton,  513 

Enoploclytifi,  763 
Ensis,  496 
Entalina,  510 
Entaliopsis,  509 
Entalis,  509 
Entalium,  508 
Entalopliora,  230 
Enteletes,  383 
Euteletoides,  383 
Entodesnia,  468 
Entoliuin,  458 
Entoniidella,  741 
Entomis,  741 
Entoinocaris,  750 

Entnmnconchus,  742 

Bobuthus,  788 

Eoeicada,  815 

Eoeidaris,  300 

Eocyclina,  492 

Eocystites,  151 

Eodiadenia,  276 

Bodiscus,  711 

Eoharpes,  711 

Eoluidia,  255 

Eooholus,  372 

Eoortliis,  381 

Eophrynus,  791 

Eophyton,  134 

Eopteria,  439,  733 

Eoscoipius,  78S 

Eosphaeroiiia,  758 

Bospirifer,  411 

Bo.stiuphomena,  384 

Eotrochus,  543 

Eotrophonia,  137 

Eozoon,  37 

Epactocrinus,  219 

Ephemera,  809 

Epliippioceras,  604 

Epliip]>inni,  461 

Ephippodoiita,  4SS 

Epiaster,  294 

Epicyrta,  407 

Episageceras,  633 

Episiphon,  509 

Epismilia,  97 

Epithyrls,  402,  403 

Epitonium,  538 

Erato,  554 

Eremites,  618 

Brenioceras,  611 

Eretmocrinus,  195 

Brettopterus,  7S5 

Eriohthus,  769 
Eridophyllum,  84 
EridorthU,  381 
Bridotrypa,  329,  335 
Erinocystis,  155 
Briphyla,  472 
Briptyclia,  567 
Brisocrinus,  225 
Brodona,  499 
Ervilia,  498 
Brycina,  488 
Erycinella,  488 
Eryma,  763 
El-yon,  7t)2 
Eryx,  498 
Bscasona,  735 
Eitchara,  350 
EscliarUes,  824 
Bscharoijora,  345 
Estheria,  734 
Estheriella,  734 
Estlioniopora,  336 
Estonioceras,  607 
Etallonia,  566,  763 
Btheria,  455 
Btlieridgaster,  251 
Btheridgia,  68 
Etlieridgina,  391 
EilniiiipliyUnia,  105 
Ktisus,  767 
Etyus,  767 
Eublejitus,  79ii 
Eucaenus,  301 

Jluealathis,  404 
Eucalytoerinus,  192 
Euchxris,  469 
Euchasma,  439,  733 
Eiichilotheca,  571 
Buchirocriniis,  213 
Buchrysalis,  538 
Euciroa,  469 
Bucladia,  255 
Eucladoorinus,  200 
Buconactaeon,  566 
Buconia,  525 
Bucorystes,  765 

Eucratea,  348 

Eucrinus,  187 

Eucucloderaa,  381 

Eucyclus,  530 

Eucymba,  561 

Eucyrditium,  44 

Eucysti.s,  155 

Eueythara,  564 

Budea,  69 

Eudesella,  388 

Eudesia,  406 

Eudesicrinus,  241 

Budoxochiton,  513 

Eugeniacrinus,  239 

Eugereon,  817 

Eugyrina,  55 

Euhelia,  95 

Eulimella,  537 

Euloma,  715 

Bulophoceras,  672 

Euiiiegalodoii,  454 

Bumetria,  414 

Eumicrutis,  448 

Eunella,  402 

Bunema,  530 

Eunicites,  139 

Bunoa,  377 

En,obolus,  371 

Euomphalopterus,  527 

Buomphalus,  527 

Eupachycrinus,  224 

Eupatagus,  297 

Eupera,  475 

Euphemus,  523 

Euphoberia,  793 

Euphyllites,  652 

Euproiips,  774 

Eupsammia,  105 

Euractinella,  418 

Euraphia,  747 

Burhodia,  290 

Euryale,  255 
Bury  care,  715 
Eurychilina,  738 
Eurydictya,  345 
Eurymya,  462 
Eurynoticeras,  667 
Buryocrinus,  205 
Eurypneustes,  282 
Eurypterella,  783 
Eurypterus,  782 
Eurysoma,  783 
Eurystomites,  600 
Eusarcus,  783 
Eusiphonella,  70 
Buspilopora,  345 
Buspira,  543 
Euspirocriiuis,  218 
Bustoma,  650 
Bustylus,  537 
Eutaxocrinus,  205 
Eutermes,  804 
Enthemon,  255 
Euthria,  567 
Buthydesma,  439 
Euthyris,  417 
Eutomoceras,  646 
Eutrephoceras,  <)07 
Eutrochocrinns,  196 
Euzonus,  792 
Bvactinopora,  346 
Exapii.nurus,  777 
Bxelissa,  549 



Exogyra,  4o0 
Extnwrinus,  232 

Fabella,  48S 
Fabnlaria,  3'.i 
Falcilituites,  600 
FalcuUi,  508 
Faorina,  29(5 
Fasciculipora,  321 
FasciiiPlla,  5-18 
Fasciolaria,  550 
Fascipoi-a,  321 
Faseiporina,  321 
Faunus,  548 
Favia,  US 
Favicella,  330 
Favistella,  87 
Favositella,  328 
Pavosites,  113 
Felania,  487 
Fenestella,  341 
Fenestralia,  341 
Fenestiaimra,  341 
Fenestrella,  341 
FergensUi,  320 
Fibula,  549 
Fibularia,  287 
Ficula,  b^}b 
Field ia,  750 
Filicea,  323 
Filicrisin,  318 
Filicrisina,  320 
Filifascigera,  322 
Filisparsa,  319 
Fimbria,  4Sti 
Fimbriella,  487 
Fimbriotliyris,  407 
Finkelnburgia,  381 
Fischeria,  474 
Fissidentaliimi,  509 
Fissirostra,  400 
Fissurella,  52i),  526 
Fi.ssun^llidea,  52ti 
Fissuridea,  520 
Fissnriroatra,  406 
Fistiilana,  500 
Fistulipora,  329 
Flabellocrin ws,  225 
Fiabt'llothvri.s,  4015 
Flabelliini;  94,  570 
Flemiiigia,  531 
Flemingites,  045 
Foordiceras,  (505 
Ploridiiia,  351 
Flustrdluria,  350,  351 
Forbesia,  545 
Forbesiceras,  671 
Forbesiocrinus,    204,    204, 

Fordilla,  439 
Fordinia,  371 
Forticida,  800 
Foricula,  324 
Fortisia,  5(57 
Fossariopsis,  534 
Fossarulus,  545 
Fossanis,  540 
Fragilia,  494 
Fragum,  490 
Frenula,  406 
Frenulina,  40(5 
Frieleia,  4(J0 
FroiidiiMilaria,  30 
Fulgoraria,  501 
FuJgoritlitiiii,  819 
Fulgur,  557 
Fungia,  102 
Fungocystites,  156 
Fuselia,  410 
Fusiiius,  559 
Fusispira,  538 
Fustiaria,  509 
Fusulina,  34 
Fusus,  559 

Gadila,  510 

Gadinia,  573 
(ladus,  510 
Gufraiiuin,  493 
Clithitcn,  474 
Galatliea,  764 
Galaxea,  100 
Galenopsis,  760 
(jalt'oila,  554 
Galeoniiiia,  488 
Galerites,  284 
Galeropygiis,  285 
Gdlerus,  542 
Gammarocriiuis,  240 
Gainniarus,  759 
Gamopleura,  570 
Gampsonyx,  756 
Ganymeda,  237 
Garantiana,  664 
Gargantua,  351 
Gaiiiieria,  672 
Gasocaris,  756 
Gasjjesi,  385 
Gasterocoma,  219 
Gast-rana,  494 
Gastrioceras,  636 
Gastrochaeiia,  500 
Gastrocrinus,  221 
Gaudryceras,  652 
Gaudryina,  29 
Gazaeiiinis,  187 
Gecarciuus,  767 
Geinitzdla,  335 
Geinitzia,  803 
Geisouoceras,  598 
Geiiiellaria,  348 
Gemma,  494 
Gemmcllaria,  479 
Gemmellaroia,  392 
Gemmipora,  108 
Genabaoia,  103 
Genea,  557 
Geiiicopatagus,  297 
Geniiafacriniis,  195 
Genota,  563 
Geocoiiia,  237,  256 
Geocrinus,  194 
Geophilds,  793,  139 
Geoteuthis,  687 
Gepliyroceras,  631 
Gephyrocrimis,  238 
Geialiiiura,  788 

Geraphrynus,  791 

Gpi-atarbdS,  791 

Geroneui-a,  797 

Gervillia,  447 

Geyerella,  387 

Geyeroceras,  652 

Oii)bula,  532 

Gigantoceras,  608 

Gilb(^rtsociinu.s,  188 

Giityella,  403 

Gisortia,  554 

Gissocriiius,  220 

Ghiharif:,  455 

Gladiograptiis,  132 

Glanduliiia,  30 

Glaplidius,  723 

Glaphyrocvstis,  155 

Glassia,  409 

Glassina,  415 

Glaucomya,  494 

Glaucomyacidap,  494 

Glanconia,  546 

Glauconome,  342,  343 

Gleiiotremites,  237 

Globigerina,  31 

Globoblastus,  171 

Gloria,  439 

Glossina,  374 

Glossites,  439 

Glossoceras,  597 

Glossograptus,  130 

Glossotbyris,  404 

Glossotrypa,  330 

Glottidia,  374 

Glycimeris,  443,  499,  500 

Glyphaea,  7(;2 
Glyphidites,  648 
Glypbioceras,  636 
Glt/phis,  526 
Glypbocyphus,  282 
Glypliostoma,  564 
Gliiiititster,  187 
Glyptecbimis,  282 
Glypticus,  276 
Glyptobasis,  531 
Glyptocarrlia,  439 
Gl'yptocidaris,  280 
Glyptocrimis,  189 
Glyptocystites,  154 
Giyptodcsma,  444 
Glyptograptus,  130 
Glyptopora,  346 
Glyj^tosceptivn,  110 
Glyptoscorpius,  785 
Glyptosphaerites,  156 
Giiathia,  758 
GnafhodoH,  498 
Gnorimocrinus,  205 
Goldius,  720 
Gomphoceras,  613 
Goiiiphocystites,  156 
Gomphoides,  810 
Gonambonites,  392 
Gongylospoiigia,  60 
Gouiacriniis,  218 
GoniasteroidocrinKS,  188 
Goniastrea,  99 
Goniobasis,  548 
Goiiioceras,  6(J9 
Gonioci<laris,  273 
Gonioeladia,  346 
Gonioclyiiieuia,  628 
Goniocoelia,  416 
Goniocora,  97 
GoJiiodiscus,  711 
Goiuoloboceias,  631 
Goniomya,  466 
Goiiiophora,  462 
Goino])lioriis,  279 
G()iuo])liyllum,  87 
Goniopygus,  276 
Gonioximut,  472 
Gnnioteiitliis,  682 
Goniotrypa,  345 
Gonocriniti's,  154 
Gonodactylus,  768 
GoKodon,  486 
Goodallia,  472 
Gorgoiiella,  110 
Gorgon  ia,  110 
Gorgonocephalus,  255 
Gosavia,  561 
Gosseletia,  445 
Gosseletina,  524 
Gothocrinus,  215 
Gothogiaptus,  132 
GotUtndia,  373 
Gould  ia,  474,  493 
Graeopbonus,  788 
Grammatodon,  441 
Grainmoceras,  658 
Gramiuysia,  439 
Granatocriiius,  171 
Graphiocdnus,  222,  225 
Graplio('eras,  658 
Grajihularia,  110 
Grapta(;ine,  509 
Graptodictya,  345 
Grasia,  292 
Grateloupia,  492 
Greenfieldia,  415 
Gresslya,  464 
Griesbai'hites,  639 
Gripbodictya,  (il 
Grossouiyria,  663 
Grotriania,  472 
Gruenewaldtia,  409 
Grylbi.s,  799 
Grypbaea,  450 
Gr!ip!iaeostrm,  450 
Giypliochiton,  512 

Grypoceras,  C02 
Gualtieria,  297 
Guembelites,  (548 
Gueraiigeria,  452 
Guettardia,  64 
Guiittardicriiius,  232 
Guilfordia,  528 
Guiidlacliia,  575 
Gwynia,  405 
Gymnites,  645 
Gymnocriims,  240 
Gymnotoceras,  647 
Gypidia,  394 
Gypidida,  395 
Gyronema,  530 
Gyropleura,  478 

Habelia,  776 
Habrocrinus,  194 
Hadeiitomum,  806 
Hadioerinus,  191 
Hadropliylliim,  82 
Haenleiiiia,  447 
Hageiiowiiiella,  349 
Halia,  561 
Halicardia,  468 
Halilucites,  646 
Haliotis,  523 
Haliris,  4(i9 
Hallicystis,  154 
Halliella,  738 
Hallina,  408 
Hallirhoa,  54 
Halloceras,  603 
Hallodictya,  61 
Hallopoi-a,  337 
Halloporina,  337 
Halobia,  448 
Haloniitra,  102 
Halonympha,  470 
Halorella,  399 
Halorites,  639 
Haly.siocriiius,  214 
Halysites,  117 
Haminea,  567 
Hainites,  653 
Hammatoeeras,  (i60 
Hamulina,  654 
Hamulus,  508 
Hatnusina,  531 
Hanleya,  512 
Hapaloptera,  807 
Haplaiaea,  105 
Haploceras,  6(51 
Haplocoiius,  721 
Haplocrinus,  208 
Haplocystis,  159 
Haplohelia,  95 
Haplooecia,  321,  324 
Haplophragmium,  26 
Haplopleuroceras,  660 
Haploscapha,  447 
Haplosmilia,  101 
Haplostiche,  26 
Harmocrinus,  189 
Harpa,  562 

Harpactocarcinus,  767 
Harpagodes,  552 
Harpax,  459 
Harpes,  711 
Harpina,  711 
Harpopsis,  562 
Harpoceras,  658 
Harttina,  402 
Hastimima,  785 
Hastula,  562 
Hauericeras,  667 
Hauerina,  38 
Hauerites,  635 
Haugia,  660 
Haustellum,  558 
Hautkenia,  547 
Hebertella,  381 
Hedenstroemia,  634 
Hederella,  320 



Helcion,  520 
Helcioniscus,  520 
Helcionopsis,  620 
Helianthaster,  251 
Heliaster,  251 
Helicaulax,  551 
Helicoceras,  G54 
Helicodictya,  (50 
Helicodonta,  5V0 
Helicophanta,  576 
Helicopora,  341 
Helicoryptus,  532 
Helicotoma,  527 
Helictites,  648 
Heliocrinus,  152 
Heliolites,  112 
Heliophylluni,  S4 
Heliopora,  111 
Heliotrypa,  345 
Helix,  576 
Helmersenia,  372 
Helininthochiton,  512 
Heloceras,  599 
Helonyx,  510 
Helopora,  342 
Heraiarthrum,  512 
Heiniaspis,  777 
Hfiniaster,  295 
Hemicardiwin,  444 
Hemicellaria,  324 
Hemicidaris,  275 
Hemicosmites,  152 
Hemicrinus,  240 
Hemicystites,  159 
Heinidiadema,  275 
Hemidonax,  484,  496 
Hemifusus,  657 
Heinigyraspis,  719 
Hemimactra,  498 
Heminajas,  452 
Hemipatagus,  294 
Hemipedina,  277 
Hemiphragma,  338 
Hemiphragnioceras,  612 
Hemiplethorhynchus,  398 
Hemiplicatiila,  461 
Hemipneustes,  293 
HPinipronites,  393 
Hemiptyehina,  403 
Heniisiiius,  548 
Hemithyris,  399 
Heinitrypa,  341 
HeptMkictylus,  552 
Heptastyiis,  106 
Heraclites,  648 
Hercoceras,  605 
Hercocrinus,  188 
Hercoglossa,  603 
Hercynella,  573 
Hermatostroina,  123 
Hernodia,  320 
Herpetocrinus,  212 
Herpetolitha,  102 
Hertha,  237 
Hesperagrion,  811 
He.speriella,  524 
Hesperites,  648 
Heteraster,  294 
Heterasti'idiiim,  2,  121 
Heterelasma,  403 
Heteroblastus,  172 
Heterocardia,  498 
Heterocentrotus,  283 
Heteroceras,  654 
Heterocrinus,  212,  212 
Heterocystites,  153 
Heterodiadeiiia,  277 
HeUrodicei'ds,  477 
Heterodictya,  344 
Heterodonax,  495 
Heteronema,  318 
Heterophyllia,  87 
Heteropora,  326 
Heterosalena,  279 
Heteroschisma,  168,  509 

Heterosteglna,  35 
Heterotypa,  333 
Hettaiigia,  484 
Hexaeriiius,  200 
Hexagonella,  330 
Hexahwystis,  152 
Hexanieroceras,  612 
HviteUu,  499 
Hihernula,  237 
HiboKfhes,  682 
Hildoceras,  65S 
Himanto2)terus,  783 
Hindella,  415 
Hiiidia,  56 
Hindsiella,  488 
Hinnites,  458, 
Hippugus,  469 
Hipparioiiyx,  386 
Hippochrenes,  552 
Hipponicharion,  735 
Hippouix,  642 
Hippoptidium,  462 
Hippoporina,  352 
Hippopiis,  490 
Hippurites,  482 
Histioderma,  141 
tUstriiTinus,  200 
Hochstetteria,  449 
H(;dotermes,  .804 
Hoernesia,  447 
Holaster,  293 
Holasterella,  62 
Holcodiscus,  667 
Holcospongia,  71 
Holcostephanus,  664 
Holectypus,  2S4 
Hollandites,  647 
Hollina,  738 
Holmia,  714 
Holmiceras,  601 
Holocrinus,  232 
Holocystis,  101, 150 
Hologyra,  533 
Holopea,  530,  539 
Holopella,  538 
Holopueustes,  282 
Holopus,  241 
Holorhynclius,  395 
Holothuria,  313 
Homaloceras,  601 
Homalocrimis,  203 
Homalonotus,  724 
Homarus,  764    . 
Homelys,  761    '• 
Hoiiterites,  639 
Homocrimis,  217 
Homocystites,  164 
Homoeosolen,  323 
Homoeospira,  414 
Homolamisas,  297 
Hoinomya,  466 
Honiotrypa,  332 
Homcitrypella,  332 
Hoplites,  668 
Hoplitoides,  671 
Hoplocriims,  211 
Hoplolichas,  722 
Hoplomytilus,  449 
Hiiploparia,  764 
Hurioceias,  659 
Horio.stoina,  641 
Hormotoma,  525 
Hornera,  324 
Huddlestonia,  658 
Hueiiella,  392 
Hughmilleria,  785 
Hungarites,  646 
Hurdia,  750 
Huronia,  609 
Hustedia,  414 
Hyalaca,  570 
Hyalostelia,  62 
Hyalotragos,  58 
Hyattechinus,  301 
Hyattelhi,  416 
Hyattidina,  415 

Hyboclypeus,  292 
Hybocrinus,  211 
Hybocystis,  211 
Hybocystites,  154 
Hyboechinus,  306 
Hydatina,  667 
Hydnoceras,  60 
Hydractinia,  120 
Hydreioiiocriiius,  223 
Hydriocriniis,  222 
Hydriodictya,  60 
Hydrobia,  545 
Hymenocaris,  750 
Hyvienocyduft,  36 
Hyiuenopliyllia,  99 
Hynniplioria,  407 
Hvoci'inus,  238 
Hyolithellus,  572 
Hyolithes,  571 
Hypagnostus,  710 
Hypalocrinus,  234 
Hypanthocri.nus,  192 
Hypechinus,  282 
Hyperammina,  25 
Hypei-lioceras,  668 
Hyperocriniis,  196 
Hypbantaenia,  61 
Hyphasmopora,  344 
Hypocladiscifts,  643 
Hypocriims,  157,  219 
Hypodiadeiiia,  275 
Hyponome,  160 
Hypothyridina,  398 
Hypothyris,  39S 
Hypotrema,  4(>1 
Hypsipleura,  537 
Hyptiocrinus,  187 
Hysocrinus,  208 
Hystatoeeras,  672 
Hystricurus,  716 

Ichthyocrinns,  204 
Ichthyosarcolites,  480 
Idaliiia,  39 
Idiocrinus,  187 
Idiostroma,  124 
Idiotrypa,  335 
Idmonea,  320 
Idonearca,  442 
Jgoceros,  541 
Uariona,  290 
Illaenus,  719 
IHycrinus,  230 
Ilyodes,  793 
Imbricaria,  560 
Indoceras,  671 
Infraclypens,  292 
Infulaster,  294 
Inocellia,  812 
Inoceraiiius,  447 
Tntrapora,  345 
Inversaria,  324 
Inyoites,  646 
locrinus,  212 
Iphidea,  370 
Iphidella,  370 
Iphigenia,  4'.i6 
Iridina,  Abb 
Iridometra,  237 
Isanda,  532 
IsasttT,  294 
Isastrea,  98 
Isoanotia,  494 
Ischadites,  72 
Ischnochiton,  513 
Iscliyriiia,  733 
Ischyrodonta,  442 
Isidora,  575 
Isis,  233 

Ismeiiia,  405,  408 
Isoarca,  443 
Isobuthus,  788 
Isocardia,  491 
Isochilina,  737 
Isoerania,  379 
Isocrinus,  206,  233 

Isoculia,  439 
Isodonta,  496 
Isogonomon,  447 
Isogramma,  389 
Isonema,  538 
Isopleiira,  653 
Isorliapliinia,  57 
Isorhynchus,  393 
Isoteius,  719 
Isotrypa,  341 
Isoxys,  735 
Itieria,  549 
Ivania,  524 

Jaeulella,  25 
Jaekelocystis,  154 
Jahnites,  670 
Janeia,  438 
Janiceps,  418 
Janira,  467 
.Taponites,  C37,  645 
Jerea,  54 
Jereica,  58 
Joannisella,  487 
Joannites,  642 
Jodamia,  482,  482 
Jonesella,  738 
Jonesina,  738 
Jouaimetia,  501 
Jovellania,  610' 
Jovites,  639 
Juglandociimis,  153 
Julopsis,  793 
Julia,  464 
Julus,  792 
Jupiteria,  815 
Juvavella,  401 
Juvavellina,  401 
Juvavites,  639 

Kampecaris,  793 
Kan  in  a,  565 
Kanopliyllum,  82 
Karpinskya,  409 
Katharina,  513 
Kayserella,  386 
Kayseria,  418 
Keilostoma,  537 
Kelaeno,  688 
Kellia,  488 
Kelliella,  489 
Kerainospliaera,  40 
Keyserlingia,  376 
Keyserlingina,  387 
Keyserlingites,  647 
Kingena,  406 
Kingki,  406 
Kionoceras,  600 
Kirkbya,  738 
Klipsteinia,  648 
Kloedenella,  738 
Kloedenia,  738 
Knemiceras,  671 
Kochia,  444 
Koenenites,  631 
Kokenella,  524 
Kokenia,  522 
Koninckella,  419 
Koninckia,  107 
Koninckina,  419 
Koninckites,  645 
Koninckoceras,  606 
Koninckocidaris,  301 
Koninckodonta,  419 
Koninckophylluin,  86 
Kraussia,  408 
Kraussina,  408 
Kreiscberia,  791 
Kustarachne,  789 
Kutorgiiia,  371 
Kymatites,  644 

Labechia,  124 
Labiduromnui,  800 
Labiosa,  498 
Lacazdhi,  366 



Lacazella,  388 
Lnmzina,  38 
Lachesis,  563 
Lacuna,  540 
Laciiiu'lla,  540 
Ijacuniiia,  539 
Laevicardium,  490 
Laevidentaliuin,  509 
Lagaiuim,  286 
Lagena,  29 
1,1  uje n  iuc r i n lis,  209 
Laguncula,  544 
Lahuseiiioerinus,  189 
Lukhmina,  372 
Lamanskya,  384 
Lambrus,  766 
Lampania,  550 
Lampterocrinus,  187 
Lanceolites,  635 
Lanieria,  284 
Ijapeirousia,  482 
Lapillocystites,  150 
Lapparentia,  545 
Ijaijwortliura,  255 
Laqueus,  406 
Lartetia,  545 
Lasaea,  488 
Ijasiograptus,  131 
Jjaternula,  466 
Luterocaoa,  320 
Laterocea,  323  . 
Latirus,  559 
Latonieandra,  98 
Latusastrea,  97 
Latzi'lia,  793 
l^aubella,  524 
Leaia,  734 
Leanchoilia,  732 
Lebedictya,  60 
Lecanites,  644 
Lecanocriiius,  203 
Leca7wcrinus,  205 
Lecythiocrinus,  221 
Lecytliocriniis,  221 
Leda,  441 
Leila,  455 
Leioclionia,  59 
Leiocidaris,  273 
Leioderma,  561 
Leiomya,  469 
Leioniyaliiia,  449 
Leiopedina,  278 
Leiopteria,  448 
Leiorhyiichus,  398 
Leiostoma,  559 
Leiostracosia,  67 
Lejopyge,  710 
Leiiita,  288 
Lenticeras,  672 
LeiUiculites,  35 
Lepadocrinus,  154 
Lepadocystis,  154 
Lepas,  745 
Lepeditta,  734 
Leperditella,  737 
Leperditia,  737 
Lepeta,  520 
Lepetella,  520 
Lepetopsis,  520 
Lepidaster,  251 
Lepidecliiiius,  306 
Lepidesthes,  306 
Lepidocentrus,  301 
Lepidocidaris,  300 
Lepidocoleus,  743 
Lepidoderma,  782 
Lepidodistis,  159 
Lepidopleurus,  512 
Lepidolites,  72 
Lepidosp<ingia,  67 
Lepidurus,  733 
Lepisma,  819 
Lepocrinuf:,  154 
Lepralia,  352 
Leplaster,  250 
Leptaena,  384 

Leptaenalosia,  391 
Leptaeiiisia,  385 
Lejitdtioiiia,  384 
Lepta.straea.  98 
Leptella,  384 
Ivi'ptembolon,  372 
Leptesthes,  474 
Leptobolus,  372 
Leptoceras,  653 
Leptochiton,  512 
Leptocoelia,  417 
Leptocrinus,  194 
Leptodesma,  444 
Ijeptodomus,  439 
Leptodus,  387 
Leptograptus,  130 
Leptomaria,  524 
Lepton,  488 
Leptophragma,  64 
Leptophyllia,  103 
Leptopoina,  540 
Leptoria,  99 
Leptosolen,  496 
Leptospisula,  498 
Leptostrophia,  385 
Leptoteuthis,  687 
Leptotrypa,  334 
Leptoxis,  548 
Leskia,  297 
Leuconia,  574 
Leucozonia,  560 
Leuctra,  808 
Leuroceras,  604 
Leveilleia,  524 
Lfiwisiella,  532 
Libitina,  472 
Lichas,  721 
Lichenalia,  347 
Lichenocriiius,  160 
Lichenocystis,  157 
Lichenoides,  157 
Lichenopora,  325 
Lichenotrvpa,  330 
Liebea,  449 
Liiiuln,  467 
Li'llia,  660 
Lima,  460 
Limacino,  570 
Limaea,  460 
Liniauomia,  461 
Limatula,  460 
Limnaeus,  574 
Limnocardium,  490 
Limopsis,  442 
Linioptera,  448 
Limuloides,  777 
Limulus,  774 
Linearia,  494 
Lindstroemaster,  248 
Lindstroemella,  378 
Lingula,  374 
Lingular  ins,  374 
Lingulasma,  374 
Lingulelasma,  374 
Lingulella,  372 
Lingulina,  30 
Lingulipora,  374 
Lingulobolus,  371 
Lingulocaris,  751 
Lingulodiseina,  377 
Lingulops,  374 
Linnarssonella,  377 
lAnnars^onia,  376 
Linthia,  296 
Linuparus,  763 
Lioceras,  658 
Lioolema,  336 
Lioclemella,  336 
Liolopliura,  513 
Liopeplum,  561 
Liopistlia,  409 
Lioplax,  544 
Liospira,  525 
Liothyrina,  365,  404 
Liothyris,  404 
Liotia,  529 

Liparoceras,  656,  657 
Lisgocaris,  754 
Lispoceras,  604 
Lispodesthes,  551 
Lissoceras,  661 
Lissochilus,  534 
Lissopleura,  401 
Lithactinia,  102 
Lithagxion,  811 
Litharaea,  106 
Lithobius,  793 
Litliocampe,  42 
Litliocardium,  490 
Lithocrinns,  204 
Lithodendron,  99 
LithudoMus,  463 
Lithodryas,  815 
Lithogaster,  762 
Lithoglyphus,  545 
Lithophagus,  463 
Litliophylax,  766 
Lithopdma,  528 
Lithe istrotion,  86 
Litiopa,  540 
Litoceras,  600 
Litoricola,  766 
Littorina,  539 
LittorineUa,  546 
Lituites,  601 
Lobantale,  509 
Lobites,  641 
Loboearcinus,  767 
Lobocrinus,  196 
Lobolithus,  160,  190 
Lobopora,  353 
Lobopsamniia,  106 
Locularia,  322 
Loculipora,  341 
Loczyella,  388 
Lodanella,  150 
Loftusia,  120 
Lonchodomas,  712 
Longobardites,  634 
Lonsdaleia,  86 
Lophoblastus,  172 
Lophoceras,  607,  658 
Lophocrinus,  221 
Lopholepis,  322 
Lophonotus,  793 
Lophophyllum,  84 
Lophoseris,  103 
Lophosmilia,  100 
Lophospira,  525 
Lorica,  513 
Lorieella,  513 
Loricites,  512 
Loricula,  744 
Loriolaster,  251 
Loripes,  486 
Lotorium,  555 
Lovenechinus,  303 
Lovenia,  297 
Loxoceras,  608 
Loxonema,  536 
Loxopteria,  444 
Lucapina,  526 
Lueapinella,  526 
Lucina,  485,  486 
Ludwigia,  658 
Lumbricaria,  139,  139 
Lunatia,  543 
Lnnulicardiiim,  444 
Lunulites,  350 
Lutetia,  489 
Lutraria,  498 
Luzonia,  470 
Lychnoeaniuni,  44 
Lycodes,  453 
Lycophoria,  394 
Lycophryti,  36 
Lymnaea,  574 
Lynceites,  735 
Lyonsia,  468 
Lyonsiella,  468 
Lyra,  406,  560 

Lyriocrinus,  189 

Lyriopecten,  457 
Lyrodesma,  455 
Lyropora,  341 
Lysactinella,  60 
Lysiosquilla,  768 
Lysis,  558 
Lysocystites,  157 
Lytoceras,  652 
Lyttonia,  387 

Macandrevia,  406 
Macarocriniis,  194 
Maccoya,  303 
Macha,  495 
Machilis,  819 
Machomya,  466 
Mackenzia,  118 
Maclurea,  527 
Maclurina,  527 
Maconia,  494 
Macraster,  294 
Macrocallista,  493 
Maerocaris,  751 
MacroceplialitPS,  603 
Macrocheilus,  536 
Macrochilinn,  536 
Macrocrinns,  195 
Maerocypris,  740 
Macroeystella,  157 
Macwdon,  441 
Macronotella,  738 
Macropneustes,  297 
Macroscaphites,  653 
Macroschisma,  526 
Macrostylocrinus,  191 
Mactra,  497 
Mactrella,  497 
Mactroderma,  497 
Mactromya,  466 
Maetropsis,  498 
Mactrotoma,  497 
Madi-epora,  107 
Maeneceras,  630 
Magalompliala,  522 
Magas,  407 
Magasella,  407 
Magellania,  408 
Magila,  763 
Magnosia,  277 
Maia,  766 
Maiocercus,  791 
Malacostroma,  124 
Malaptera,  551 
Malletia,  441 
Malleus,  449 
Malocystis,  151 
Mammites,  669 
Mandaloceras,  612 
Mangilia,  564 
Mannia,  408 
Manticoceras,  631 
Maragnicrinus,  222 
Maretia,  297 
Margarites,  532,  638,  640 
Margarya,  544 
Marginaria,  349 
Marginella,  560 
Marginifera,  390 
Marginuhna,  30 
Mariaciinus,  190 
Marmolatella,  5iS,3 
Marsipella,  24 
Marsipocrinus,  199 
Marsupiocrinui;,  189,  199 
Marsupites,  235 
Martesia,  501 
Maitinia,  412 
Martiniopsis,  412 
Mastigocrinus,  220 
Matercula,  444 
Matheria,  442 
Matheronia,  477 
Mathikla,  537 
Matthewia,  571 
Matuta,  765 



Mazza,  560 

Mazzalina,  560 

Mecochiius,  763 

Mecynocloii,  471 

Medlicottia,  633 

Medusaster,  251 

Meekechinus,  307 

Meekella,  387 

Meekoceras,  645 

Meekocytis,  154 

Meekopora,  330 

Medusites,  134 

Megacystites,  150 

Megalaiiteris,  402 

Megalaspis,  718 

Megalitliista,  57 

Megalodou,  453 

Megalograptus,  783 

Megalomastonia,  540 

Megalonms,  454 

Meganeura,  809 

Mmjanteris,  402 

Megapliyllitps,  641 

Megapodagrioii,  SU 

Megaptem,  445 

Megaraphidia,  812 

Megarhiza,  59 

Megarhyndms,  392 

Megatebennus,  526 

Megateutlus,  682 

Megathyris,  405 
Megerha,  405 

Megerliiia,  408 
Megistocriniis,  195 
Meiocardia,  491 
Melanipus,  574 
Melanagrion,  811 
Melania,  547 
Melanopsis,  548 
Meleagriiia,  448 
Melia,  600 
Meliceritites,  324 
Mellita,  288 
Melo,  561 
Meloceias,  611 
Melocriiius,  190 
Melonecliinus,  304 
Melonella,  56 
Melongena,  557 
Me!onitcs,  304 
Melonoceni!!,  611 
Membianipora,  349,  350 
Meinbraniporella,  350 
Meneghiuiceras,  652 
Menipea,  348 
Meiiiscopora,  353 
Menophyllum,  84 
Mentzelia,  412 
Meoma,  297 
Meretrix,  493 
Merista,  616 
Meristella,  415' 
Meristina,  415 
MOTstoeriims,  204 
Meristospira,  415 
Meiocrinus,  215 
Meroii,  492 
Mesalia,  546 
Mesenteripora,  319 
Mesidotea,  758 
Mesites,  156 
Mesoblajtus,  172 
Mesoceras,  597 
Mesocrinus,  229 
Mesocystis,  156 
Mesodesma,  498 
Mesogiuptus,  130 
Mesoleuctra,  808 
Mesonacis,  714 
Mesonennira,  80S 
Mesothyra,  753 
Mfisotreta,  377 
Mesotrypa,  333 
Mespiloerinus,  203,  232 
Mesuropi^talu,  810 
Metablastus,  170 

Metacoceras,  605 
Metacrinus,  234 
Metalia,  297 
Metaplasia,  412 
Metaporhinus,  292 
Metasibirites,  639 
Metatirolites,  648 
Metengonoceras,  671 
Meticlithyocrinus,  205 
Metoiceras,  671 
Metopaster,  250 
Metoptoma,  520 
Metriopliyllum,  84 
Metuki,  557 
Miehelinia,  115 
Mickwitzella,  371 
Mickwitzia,  370 
Micrabaoia,  103 
Micraster,  296 
Microblastidium,  67 
Microceras,  521 
Microconchus,  138 
Microcriinis,  237 
Mierocylus,  82 
Microcyphus,  282 
Microderoceras,  656 
Microdisciis,  711 
Microdoma,  531 
Microdon,  471 
Microinaia,  766 
Micromelania,  545 
Microniitra,  370 
Micropedina,  278' 
Micropocrinus,  241 
Micropora,  351 
Microporella,  351 
Micropsis,  280 
Microsehiza,  537 
Microseris,  102 
Microsolena,  104 
Microthorax,  766 
Microthyris,  406 
Microtropites,  638 
Mila,  444 
Miliola,  38 
Miliolina,  38 
Millepora,  119 
Millericrimis,  231 
Milneria,  476 
Miltha,  486 

Miltites,  639 

Miiiiocuras,  629 

Miinocystites,  157 

Miiiiulus,  387 

Miocidaris,  272 

Mischoptera,  813 

Miskoia,  136 

Missouricriniis,  215 

Mithracites,  765 

Mitoclema,  321 

Mitra,  560 

Mitraefusus,  557 

Mitraster,  250 

MitrocystfiUa,  160 

Mitrocystites,  160 

Mixosiphouoceras,  610 

MixotPiiiies,  797 

Mizalia,  790 

Miihergia,  375 

Model'ia,  529 

Modiella,  449 

Modiola,  463 

Modiolaria,  463 

Modiolodon,  462 

Modioloides,  439 

Modiolopsis,  462 

Modioiiiorpha,  462 

Mogiilia,  523 

Mohrensternia,  645 

Moira,  296 

Mojsvarites,  651 

Molaria,  776 

Moltkia,  110 

Moiiac-hocTinus,  230 

Monia,  461 

Moiinu'iella,  373 

Monobolina,  377 

Monoceros,  558 

Moiiocondylaea,  455 

Monodacna,  490 

Monodonta,  531 

Moiiograptus,  132 

MoiiopliyllitRS,  650,  651 

Monopleura,  478 

Monoprion,  132 

Mohopteria,  448 

Monorakos,  727 

Monotis,  448 

Monotrypa,  339 

Monotrypella,  336 

Monticulipora,  331 

Montlivaltia,  96 

Moorea,  738 

Mooretleldella,  898 

Mopalia,  513 

Murio,  554 

Mormolucoides,  811 

Morphoceras,  t)64 

Morrisia,  405 

Mortoniceras,  672 

Mourlonia,  624 

Mucronella,  352 

Muehlfeldtia,  405 

Muelleria,  455 

Muensterites,  648 

Muensteroceras,  636 

Mulinia,  498 

MuUetia,  447 

Multicavea,  326 

Multitvibigera,  322 

Mi^tizonopora,  326 

Muniericeras,  669 

Murchisoiiia,  525 

Murex,  558 
Musculus,  403 
Mutela,  455 
Mutiella,  487 
Mya,  499 
Mya cites,  464 
Myalina,  449 
Myalinodontn,  448 
Myalinoptera,  449 
Mycetopoda,  455 
Mycocrinus,  214 
Mydodattylus,  212 
Myocaris,  754 
Myochania,  467 
Myoconclia,  462 
Myodora,  467 
Myoiieia,  470 
Myoma,  fif^io 
Myophoria,  456 
Myophoriopsis,  457 
Myoplusia,  440 
Myopsis,  466 
Myrianites,  141 
Myriopora,  353 
Myriozonin,  853 
Myristira,  557 
Myrtea,  486 
Myrtillocrinus,  219 
Mysidia,  449 
M ystrophora,  393 
Mytilarca,  445 
Mytilops,  449 
Mytilopsis,  463 
Mytilus,  463 

Nacella,  520 
Naiadites,  451 
Naites,  141 
Naiinites,  637 
Naniio,  596 
Nannogomphus,  810 
Nanocrinus,  219 
Nanthacia,  799 
Naranaio,  494 
Naraoia,  733 
Narthecoceras,  596 
Nassa,  556 
Natica,  542 
Naticella,  533 

Naticopsis,  533 
Natiria,  533 
Nauiiiachocriiius,  230 
Nautilus,  607 
Neiu-ra,  469 
Neat  vet  ia,  400 
Nebalia,  749 
Necrocarcinus,  765 
Necrogammarus,  759_ 
Necroscilla,  768 
NecTotaulius,  814 
Nectotelson,  756 
Neitliea,  457 
Nemagraptus,  130 
Neuiapodia,  141 
Nemastoiuoides,  791 
Nemataxis,  344 
Nemutocriniif<,  214 
Nematopora,  343 
Nematotrypa,  344 
Neniatura,  545 
Nemertites,  141 
Nemodou,  442 
Neobolus,  372 
NeocatiUus,  447 
Neocatopygus,  290 
Neocoiuites,  668 
Neocrinus,  233 
Neocystites,  160 
Neoliindia,  56 
Neolampas,  291 
Neolenus,  716 
Neolimulus,  776 
Neoinegalodon,  454 
Neortiioplilebia,  813 
Neoschizodus,  456 
Neothyris,  408 
Nephriticeras,  604 
Nephrvps,  764 
Neptocarcinus,  767 
Neptnnea,  557 
Neptunus,  767 
Nereites,  141 
Nerinea,  549 
Neriiiella,  549 
Nerita,  534 
Neritaria,  534 
Neritina,  534 
Neritcidomus,  534 
Neritouia,  534 
Neritomopsis,  533 

Neritopsis,  534 

Neumayria,  663 

Neusina,  26 

Neverita,  543 

Newberria,  401 

Nicholsonella,  334 

Nicholsonia,  112,  345 

Nicomedites,  645 

Nieszkowskia,  725 

Nileus,  719 

Niuella,  529 

Nipterella,  57 

Nipterocriuus,  204 

Nisusia,  380 

Nodelea,  324 

Nodicrescis,  320 

Nodosaria,  30 

Noetia,  443 

Noetliiigia,  394 

Nomisnioceras,  631 

Norella,  399 

Norites,  633 

Normaunites,  663 

Nothoceras,  613 

Nothozoe,  751 

Nototliyris,  403 

Novaculina,  495 

Nubecularia,  87 

Nucleatula,  401 

Nucleociiuus,  171 

Nucleolites,  2S9 

Nucleospira,  416 

Nuenla,  440 

Nunditnii,  440 

Nuculiua,  441 



Nuinmnlina,  36 
Numiimlites,  35 
Niittaliiia,  513 
Nyassa,  452 
Xyctiloclms,  555 
Nyctopoiii,  114 
Nympliaeoblastus,  172 
Xyinphaeops,  763 
Xyinphalites,  815 
Nymphastm',  250 
Nystia,  545 

Oliliitothiii,  452 
Obo'lella,  375 
Oliolelliiic,  373 
Obolus,  371 
Ochetoceras,  65S 
(ii'liu'lini,  558 

<  )ctonaria,  730 
Oetotremacis,  111 
Ueuliua,  95 
Uculospongia,  71 
Orlaiaia,  750 
Odoiifoceras,  0(39 
Odoutopenia,  447 
odoiitopleura,  722 
Odoatittijipa,  330 
Odostoiiiia,  537 
Ofeoptyeliius,  665 
Oecotraiistes,  65S 
Oediscliia,  79S 
OchkvteVu,  377 
Oesia,  141 

Otta,  742 
Ottastei-,  293 
Otniuiii.  718,  719 
Ogygiocaiis.  71S 
Ogygites,  719 
Ogyg(jpsis,  71S 
ohiocriiiHS,  212 
Oleostephanus,  664 
Oldliaiiiia,  388 
Olpiielloides,  714 
Oleiielhis,  714 
Olenikitt'S,  ii47 
OlPiioides,  71ii 
Ulfuiis,  715 
Oliijiicriniir',  206 
01ig(jpi>i-us,  304 
Oligotoma,  563 
t)liva,  562 
Oni-(iiiih'.<,  171 
Olivella,  562 
Olhirrhius,  ISS 
Oiiuda.ds,  53S 
Omlxiiiia,  3Si'. 
0  IK  iih  111  ill,  546 
( )inplialo(.-irvns,  527 

<  iiiipluilc.iphyllia,  10:1 
(linpUaliipteruii,  543 
(Jniphulotrochus,  528 
Oiiipliyiiia,  85 
Oncliiiuietopu.s,  719 
Onchotvochns,  94 
Oncoceras,  611 
Onrocliilus,  534 
Oui'iicriniis,  203 
Oncodnceras,  606 
Oiiciijiiii,  552 
Oiicopaiia,  763 
Oiicophnra,  494 
Oiicosiiira,  531 
Oiiithix-liitou,  513 
Oiiyeliaster,  255 
(liiiirliiii,  444 
Oiiycliocella,  350 
Oiiychocrinus,  206 
Oiiychopterus,  782 

( )oi'Hras,  liio 
Oonia,  537 
Oonoceras,  610 
Opabinia,  732 

<  )i)ercnlina,  35 
( )pliieeras,  645 
opliidioceras,  601 
( ipliileta,  527 

VOL.  I 

Opliioceras,  655 
Ophiocoiiia,  256 
Ophiocrinus,  189 
Ophiocnnus,  212,  221 
Ophiocten,  256 
Opliiuderiiia,  256 
Opliiolepis,  25ii 
Opliioimisiiuu,  25ii 
Opbiiaphidites,  51 
Ophinrella,  256 
Ophiuiites,  237 
Ophlura,  256 
Opthaliuidiuiii,  38 
Opiliotarljus,  791 
Opis,  473 
Opisoiiia,  473 
OpisthoptPi'a,  445 
Oplopliorus,  761 
Oppelia,  658 
Oppelismilia,  97 
Orbicella,  98 
Orliiri'lln,  377 
Orbiculiua,  39 
Orbicidoidea,  377 
Orbignyella,  331 
Orbignyia,  482 
Orbipecteii,  457 
Orbipoia,  33(i 

'  Orbitoides,  36 
Orbitolina,  27 
Orbitolites,  39 
Orbitremitt's,  171 
Orbuliiia,  31 
Oreaster,  251 
OHostoma,  528 
Oriskania,  401 
Ormoceras,  609 
Oriiitliaster,  296 
OriiitliHlla,  406 
Orocystites,  152 
Oropliocrinus,  li!9 
Orozoe,  752 
Orthambonltes,  381 
Orthaulax,  553 
Orthidiuiii,  385 
Ortbis,  381 
Orthisina,  392 
Ortlioceras,  598 
Ortbocidaris,  274 
Ortbocriims,  187 
Ortliode.siiia,  46.2 
Ortbodiiiiti.scus,  470 
Ortbograptus.  130 
Ortlioidea,  407 
Orthoiiotiiaed,  408 
Ortbonota,  462 
Ortboiiycliia,  541 
Orthopblebia,  813 
Ortbopora,  344 
Ortbopsis,  27(1 
Ortltoptiirlni.^,  479 

!  Ortlinriiyiicbnla,  396 
OrthoMuiiiii,  566 
Orthostropbia,  382 
Ortliotetes,  386 
Ortbotbeca,  571 
Orthotlwtes,  386 
Orthothetina,  387 
Orthnthrii;  391 
Ortlioticbia,  383 
Ortbotoiiia,  406 
Orthotropia,  395 
Ortonia,  139 
Orusia,  381 
Oryctocepbalus.  716i 
Osculipora,  322 
Osiliuus,  531 
Osiiiylus,  813 
Ofttmrnteiithis,  683 
Ostrea,  45li 
Otoceras,  646 
Otopoina,  540 
Otostoiiia,  534 
Ottawacriims.  215 
Ottoia,  141 
Otusia,  380 

Ovula,  554 
Ovnlactaeon,  566 
OweneHa,  521 
Owenites,  637 
Oxyclymenia,  628 
Uxydiscus,  522 
Oxygyrus,  536 
Oxynoticeras,  660 
Oxystele,  531 
(_)xytoina,  448 
Oxyuropoda,  757 

Pachastrella,  51 
Pacbinion.  59 
Pacbyeardia,  452 
Pacliyclypeus,  285 
Pachydictya,  316 
Pacbydiscus,  667 
Pachydomella,  740 
rachydon,  499 
Pacbygyra,  101 
Pacbylasiua,  747 
Pacbylocrinus,  222 
Pacbyniagas,  407 
rachynwgalodon,  454 
Pachyinytilus,  463 
Paobyphylluni,  86 
Pacbypoiiia,  528 
Pacbypora,  114 
Pacbypteria,  459 
Pachiirhfincliiis,  407 
Pacbyrisina,  454 
Pwhystrmna,  123 
Pacbyteicbisiiia,  65 
Pacbyteutliis,  6S2 
Pacbytyloilia,  71 
Pafdeuniiits,  714 
Pagurus,  7ii4 
Palaeacis,  106 
Palapacinapa,  520 
Palaeaniutela,  452 
Palaeaiioilouta,  452 
Palaeastacus,  764 
Palaeaster,  248 
Palaeechinus,  303 
Palaega,  758 
I'ldneiiKu-hu!',  765 
Palaemysis,  757 
Palaeoblattina,  820 
Palaeobolus,  371 
Palaeobrissus,  297 
Palaeocainpa,  793 
Palaeocardita,  475 
Palaeocaris,  755 
Palaeocarpilius,  7ii7 
Palaeocbrysa,  813 
Palai'iii-hiiariiia,  600 
Palaeoconia,  251 
Pnku'ocorhis,  487 
Palaeocorystes,  765 
I'ulaeocrania,  379 
Palaeocreusia,  747 
Palaeocrimis,  217 
PalaeocycliiH,  82 
Palaeocypris,  740 
Palaeocystites,  152 
Palaeodiscus,  299 
Palaeogamiiiarus,  759 
Palaeogoniatites,  630 
Palaeograpsus,  766 
Palaeolaiiipas,  291 
Palaeomanon,  56 
I'olaeomya,  484 
Palaeonarica,  533 
Palaeonantilm,  600 
Palaeonectria,  249 
Palaeoneilo,  440 
Palaeonisa,  537 
Palaeopbiura,  254 
Palaeopbonus,  787 
Palaeopinna,  446 
Palaeopneustes,  295 
PaUieoporites,  112 
Palaeopsylla,  817 
Palaeorcbestia,  756 
Palaeosaccus,  61 

j  P(daci)sreptron,  110 
Palaeosolen,  496 

'  Palaeostella,  249 
Palaeostoma,  297 
Palaeotbrips,  800 

I  Palaeotropiis,  297 
Palasterina,  251 
Palasteriscus,  251 
Paleanatina,  438 
Pakorcii,  442 
Palenarthrus,  793 
Paleoeardia,  445 
PaUiigenia,  809 
Palimirina,  763 
Pidliiim,  457 
Pahnocvstis,  155 
Paltodiis,  140 
Paltopleuroceras,  659 
Paltorbynchus,  805 
Pn.luditm,  544 
Panda,  576 
Pandora,  467 
Panoniya,  500 
Panope,  500 
Panopea,  500 
Panopeus,  767 
Papbia.  493,  498 
Papyridea,  490 
Paracardiuni,  439 
Paraceltites,  640 
Paracocbloceras,  650 
Paractinoceras,  609 
Paracyatbns,  95 
Paracyclas,  485 
Paradoxecbinns,  282 
Paiadoxides,  714 
Paragynmites,  645 
Parajurvavites,  629 
Parakymatites,  644 
Paialanipas,  290 
Paralecanites,  644 
Paralegoceras,  636 
Parallelodon,  441 
Parambonites,  393 
Paramelania,  548 
Paianiya,  499 
Parannites,  637 
Paranoniia,  461 
Parapacliydiscns,  667 
Paiapareliites,  737 
Paiapborbyncbus,  39S 
Parapbylli'tes,  630 
Paiapopanoceras,  641 
Parapronoi'ites,  633 
Pararca,  439 
Pararcpstes,  642 
Parastarte,  494 
Parastropbia,  394 
Paratbisbites,  648 
Pai-atropites,  638 
Parazyga,  414 
Paricfitbyocrinus,  206 
Parisocrinus,  218 
Parkeria,  120 
Parklnsonia,  665 
Parmophonis,  526 
Parodoceras,  631 
Paroniceras,  657 
Pnropsis,  448 
Paroteruies,  804 
ParyphostoiiKi,  537 
Pasceolus,  72,  160 
Passyia,  488 
Patella,  520 
Patellina,  33 
Patflliocrinu.s,  191 
Patellostium,  522 
Patenaria,  322 
Paterina,  370 
Paternia,  372 
Patrocardiuu),  444 
Patterson  ia,  62 
Fa'vonana,  110 
Pavotuhir/erii,  322 
PaxUhisf,  682 
Peacbella,  714 

3  H 

CO   1 


Pecchiolia,  4(39 
Pecteii,  457 
Pedalwn,  447 
Pedicularia,  554 
Pedina,  278 
Pedinopsis,  277 
Pedum,  458 
Peuinoceras,  001 
Fehtiiiii,  323 
Pflagoiliseus,  37.'^ 
Pehijiothuria,  313 
Pelanechiiius,  278 
Peltairon,  533 
Peltastes,  279 
Peltocaris,  754 
Peltoceras,  i3C5 
Peltnra,  715 
Penipliix,  762 
Peiieroplis,  39 
PunwituUtes,  110 
Pcrmiretejiora,  343 
Pentwrmx,  251 
Pentacrinus,  232,  233 
Pentactinella,  418 
PenfaiUii,  224 
Peiitagonaster,  240 
Peiitagonia,  410 
Pentanierella,  395 
PentainenHvrds,  612 
Pentamerns,  395 
Pentaphyllum,  84 
Pentastere,  395 
Pentata,  439 
Pentepliyllum,  172 
Pentremites,  1()9 
Pentreinitidea,  1C9 
Pephricaris,  752 
Peregrinella,  399 
Peieiraea,  552 
Pergamidea,  449 
PergensHlla,  320 
Pericosmus,  290 
Pericyclus,  030 
Periechopfiniis,  194 
Periglyptocnnus,  190 
Perimecturus,  70S 
Periiietoceras,  000 
Peripleurites,  049 
Periploiua,  407 
Periplouiya,  406 
I'erifiii'nsti'S,  297 
Peripora,  321 
PerischoL-iclaris,  300 
Perisehodoinus,  300 
Perisphiiictes,  003 
Peristernia,  5(i0 
Perla,  808 
Perna,  447 
Pernopecten,  457 
Pernostrea,  447 
Peronelhi,  09 
Perouiceras,  072 
Peronidella,  09 
PeroHoceras,  002 
Peronopora,  332 
Peronopsis,  710 
Perpliearia,  560 
Persona,  555 
Pctahixis,  86 
Petaloconcluis,  547 
Petalocrinns,  217 
Petalogiaptus,  130 
Petalopora,  324 
Petalo.spyris,  44 
Petalotryjia,  337 
Petersia,  553 
Petigopora,  333 
Petigunis,  718 
Petraia,  72 
Petmster,  248 
Petricola,  494 
Petricolaria,  494 
Petrocrauia,  378 
Pexidella,  418 
Plmcites,  35 
Phaeoceras,  004 

Phaciiides,  480 
Pliacopidella,  720 
Phacops,  720 
Phaenopora,  345 
Pliaenoscliisma,  108 
Phalacrouia,  710 
Phalaugella,  320 
Phalaugiotarbus,  791 
Phanerotiinis,  527 
Pliarella,  490 
Plion'tra,  374 
Pharetrella,  571 
Pharetriuni,  508 
Pliarostoma,  724 
Pliasgauocaris,  751 
Phasianella,  529 
Phagicnius,  529 
Phenacoceras,  032 
Pheuacolepas,  520 
Phenacolestes,  811 
Pliialocrimtx,  225 
Phiilolophora,  353 
Philhedra,  378 
Pliiline,  508 
Philipjiiella,  459 
Philis,  487 
Phillippites,  647 
Phillipsastrea,  87 
Phillipsia,  721 
Pli  i I lipsocr in  lit:,  197 
Philobrya,  449 
PliUocrinus,  223 
Pliiiiiocrinus,  209 
Phloioceras,  004 
I'hoen  icocrinus,  194 
Plioladella,  405 
Pholadocaris,  754 
Plioladoinya,  460 
Pholas,  501 
Pholidechiuus,  302 
Pholidocidaris,  300 
Pholidopliylhuu,  84 
Pholidops,'  379 
Pliolidostropia,  385 
Plioniiedites,  648 
Plioniiopora,  324 
Plioriiiosella,  00 
Plionnosouia,  278 
Phoriis,  543 
Plios,  550 
Phractopora,  346 
Phragmatoecites,  815 
Pliraginoceras,  613 
Phragmodictya,  61 
PJi  r'tgiiioiites,  522 
/•/(  riKjiiiostoiita,  523 
Pliragmoteutliis,  684 
Phragmotlieca,  571 
Phi-eatura,  739 
Pliryuocrinus,  230 
Pliryuus,  788 
Phryssouotus,  793 
Phthonia,  438 
Plivcticeras,  658 
Pbyllacantlius,  273 
Phyllaugia,  98 
Pliyllobrissus,  290 
Phylloceras,  052 
Phyllocoenia,  101 
Phyllocrinus,  240 
PliVllodictya,  340 
Plivllodocites,  141 
Phyllofmiicia,  322 
PhVllograptus,  129 
Pliyllonotus,  558 
Phyllopora,  341 
J'hyHoiinrind,  340 
Phyllosuiilia,  ino 
Phvlloteuthis,  i;88 
Ph'yloblatta,  803 
Phyuiatella,  54 
1'liyiiKi.tifei;  527 
Phyniechinus,  277 
Physa,  574 
Pliysetocrinus,  197 
Pliysocaris,  751 

Pliysodoceras,  000 
Pliysospongia,  (il 
Phytoi:nntfs,  237 
Phytogyra,  102 
Plct-etocrUins,  233 
Pictonia,  064 
Pikaia,  137,  141 
Pileolus,  535 
I'ih'iipsls,  541 
Pilriitnjpa,  329 
Pileus,  285 
Piloceras,  596 
Pilocystites,  150 
Piiuelites,  662 
Pinaeites,  030 
Pinacoceras,  030 
Pinacophyllum,  101 
Pinacotrypa,  330 
Pinna,  440 
Pinnatopora,  342 
Pinnigena,  440 
Pinnouaris,  754 
Pionocriniin,  194 
Pionodema,  382 
Pironaea,  482 
Pisauella,  556,  500 
Pisania,  556 
Piaidiuin,  475 
Pisocrinus,  208 
Pithodca,  537 
Placenta,  4tU 
Placenticeras,  671 
Placiphorella,  613 
Placites,  636 
Placocoenia,  101 
Placoeystites,  151 
Placoparia,  725 
Placiiphoropsis,  513 
Placophyllia,  100 
Placopsilina,  20 
Placosmilia,  100 
Plarii n.a,  401 
Placunanoniia,  401 
Pliiciinemd,  401 
Placunopsis,  401 
Plaesioniys,  382 
piagioglypta,  509 
Plagioptychus,  479 
Plagiostonia,  460 
Plauaxis,  540 
Planctoceras,  600 
Planetoceras,  604 
Plannlites,  141 
Planorbella,  570 
Planorbis,  574 
Planurbulina,  32 
Planulina,  33 
Plasniopora,  112 
Plasmoporella,  112 
Platidia,  405 
Platyacra,  531 
Platybrissus,  295 
Platyceras,  541 
Platychilina,  534 
Platyehonia,  58 
Platyelynienia,  628 
Platycrinus,  199 
Pliitycyslis,  150 
Ptatyinetopus,  721 
Platymya,  466 
Platyodon,  499 
Platyostonia,  541] 
Platyperla,  808 
Platyschisiua,  527 
Platystropliia,  381 
Plaxiphora,  513 
Plecotrenia,  574 
Plectaiiibonites,  384 
Pleetella,  384 
Plectoceras,  601 
Plectoderina,  01 
Plectodermatiuni,  07 
PlectoddU,  470 
Plectomya,  400 
Plectortiiis,  381 
Pleiodon,  455 

Plesiastraea,  98 
Plesiocypriua,  472 
Plesiodicera^,  477 
Plesiolampas,  291 
Plesiosira,  791 
Plesioteuthis,  688 
Plesidthyris,  407 
Pletliomytilus,  445 
Plethopora,  326 
Plethorhyucha,  397 
Plethospira,  525 
Pleurocaris,  756 
Pleurocera,  548 
Pleuroceras,  548,  659 
Pleuroeora,  97 
PJeunu-rinus,  199 
Pleurocteniuui,  710 
Pleuiijcystites,  154 
Pleurodiadema,  277 
Pleurodictyum,  114 
Pleurodonta,  439,  576 
Pleurolytoceras,  652 
Pleui'onieris,  476 
Pleuroniya,  464 
Pleuronautilus,  600 
Phuronotns,  527 
Pleurophorus,  471 
Pkurorhynrhus,  446 
Pleuiostonia,  04 
Plcunitoiiin,  563 
Pleurotomaria,  524 
Plicatocrinus,  238 
Plic-atula,  459 
Plicigera,  418 
Pliwmya,  466 
Plintlio.sella,  55 
Pliomera,  725 
Plionierop^,  725 
Pliorhvtis,  495 
Ploeophyllia,  101 
Plocoseyphia,  07 
Phiniatella,  354 
Phimatellitus,  354 
PhiiimUtea,  744 
Plycliophylluni,  85 
Plycliospira,  414 
Pocillopora,  90 
PocuUiia,  570 
Podagrion,  811 
Podocidaris,  281 

Podocrates,  763 
Podocyrtis,  44 

Poecilasma,  745 

Poeeiloniorphus,  658 

Polinices,  543 

Pollui,  556 

PoUicipes.  745 

Pollingeria,  137,  142 

Polorthus,  501 

Polvl)lastidiuni,  60 

Pofyi-nitx,  232 

Polyclieles,  761 

Polycidaris,  274 

Polycoeliit,  09,  82 

Polycyclus,  649 

Polvcyphus,  278 

Polyd'onta,  531 

Polygnatlms,  140 

Polygonosphaerites.  72 

Polygyra,  57(i 

Polyjerea,  55 

Polyh'jiKs,  745 

PolyMiara]ihiuina,  54 

Polynioipliiua,  31 

Polyniorpliites,  657 

Polyochera,  789 

Poiyodotitd,  574 

Polyosepia,  64 

Polypeltes,  190 

Polvpbeninpsis,  537 

Polypl>y"ia,  102 

Polypliynia,  735 

Polyplectus,  660 

Polyjiora,  341 

Polvptchites,  004 

Polyschides,  510 



Polysolenia,  111 
Polystomella,  34 
Polytaxia,  325 
Polytoechia,  393 
Polytrema,  326 
Polytremacis,  111 
Polytremaria,  525 
Polytropis,  -528 
Polyxeiius,  792 
Pomatias,  540 
Pomatocrinus,  231 
Pomatograptus,  132 
Pomatospirella,  418 
Pomocystis,  155 
Pontocypris,  740 
Popaiioceras,  641 
Poi'cellia,  524 
Porella,  352 
Poricella,  353 
Porina,  352 
Poristoma,  353 
Porites,  107 
Porocidaris,  273 
Porocrinus,  160,  217,  225 
Poromya,  469 
Porospliaera,  121 
Porospongia,  65 
Portlockia,  539 
Portunites,  767 
Posidoniella,  449 
Posidonomypa,  449 
Potamides,  550 
Potamobius,  764 
Potamoviya,  499 
Potamon,  767 
Poterioceras,  611 
Poteriocrinns,  222 
Potoceras,  606 
Pourtalesia,  298 
Praeanaspides,  755 
Praearctunis,  758 
Praecardium,  439 
Praeglyphioceras,  636 
Praelima,  439 

Praelucina,  439 

Praesphaeroceras,  662 

Pmsina,  464 

Prasopora,  332 

Preatya,  763 

Preconia,  472 

Prenaster,  296 

Prestwichia,  774 

Priumun,  561 

Primitia,  738 

Primitiella,  737 

Piiiniioa,  110 

Prionastrea,  98 

Prioniodus,  140 

Prionomyrmex,  806 

Pi'ioiiotropis,  672 

Priscochitoii,  512 

Prismodictya,  60 

Prismopora,  346 

Pristiograptus,  132 

Proarcetes,  642 

Proavites,  644 

Probeloceras,  631 

Probolaeum,  512 

Probolium,  726 

Proboscidella,  391 

Proboscina,  319 

Procardia,  466 

Procarnites,  635 

Procercopis,  819 

Procerites,  663 

Prodivocrinus,  213 

Prodromites,  634 

Prodryas,  815 

Prodiicta,  390 

Productella,  389 

Productus,  390 

Proetus,  721 

Proflscheria,  474 

Prographnlaria,  1 10 

Prohemerobius,  813 

Proidotea,  758 

VOL.   I 

Proisocrinus,  232 
Projovellania,  610 
Proleanites,  632 
Prolibyhea,  815 
Prolimulus,  774 
Prolobella,  462 
Prolobites,  629 
Piolucina,  486 
Prolystra,  815 
Promacrus,  438 
Proiuathihla,  537 
Promedlicottia,  033 
Promelocrinus,  190 
Pronannites,  636 
Pwnites,  392 
Pronoe,  492 
Pronoella,  492 
Pronorites,  633 
Propeaniusium,  458 
Propinacoceras,  633 
Proplanulites,  664 
Proptychites,  645 
Propygope,  404 
Proricaris,  754 
Prorokia,  472 
Proscorpius,  788 
Prosocoelus,  472 
Prosodacna,  490 
Prosopon,  765 
Prososthenia,  545 
Prospondylus,  459 
Pros.serella,  412 
Protalochiton,  512 
Protaraea,  112 
Protaster,  254 
Protasteracanthion,  249 
Protaxocriiius,  205 
Proteocystites,  156 
I  Proteroblastus,  156 
Proterocidaris,  306 
Protetraclis,  53 
Proteusites,  640 
Protholoturia,  313 
Prothyris,  438 
Protichnites,  142 
Proto,  546 
Protobactrites,  599 
Protobalanus,  746 
Protoeardia,  490 
Protocaris,  732 
Protoeidaris,  306 
Protocimex,  820 

Protocrinites,  156 

Protocrisiiia,  320 

Protocycloceras,  599 

Protocystis,  151 

Protodiceras,  454 

Protolimulu.s,  774 

Protolindenia,  810 

Protolycosa,  790 

Protoma,  546 

Protomya,  439 

Protonerita,  534 

Protoma.  390 

Protopalaeaster,  248 

Protopharetra,  105 

Protophasma,  801 

Protophragmoceras,  612 

Protopilio,  791 

Protoretepora,  341 

Protorhynclia,  396 

Protorthis,  3S0 

Protoschizodus,  472 

Protoscolex,  137 

Protosiphon,  376 

Protosolpuga,  789 

Protospongia,  60 

Protosycon,  71 

Protowarthia,  521 

Protozyga,  408 

Pi'otrachyeeras,  648 

Proutella,  347 

Prunocystis,  155 

Psammhelia,  95 

Psamniobia,  495 

Psammocarcinus,  767 

Psammosoleii,  495 
Psecadia,  815 
Pselioceras,  606 
Psephidia,  494 
Pseudalaria,  549 
Pseudamusium,  458 
Pseudedniondia,  484 
Pseuderiphyla,  474 
Pseudoastacus,  763 
Pseudobelus,  682 
Pseudocerithium,  549 
Pseudochaetets,  118 
Psendocidaris,  275 
Pseudocrania,  379 
Pseudocrintes,  153 
Pseudocythere,  739 
Pseudodiadema,  277 
Pseudodiceras,  477 
Pseudofossarus,  533 
Pseudogalathea,  757 
Pseudoglossothyris,  404 
Pseudoglyphaea,  762 
Pseudohornera,  340 
Pseudokingena,  406 
Pseudolingula,  374 
Pseudoliva,  556' 
Pseiulomelaiiia,  537 
Pseudometoptoma,  378 
Pseudomoiiotis,  448 
Pseudoiiautilus,  603 
Pseudoneri7iea,  549 
Pseudoniscus,  777 
Pseudopedina,  278 
Pseudoplacuna,  461 
Pseudoploeoscyphia,  54 
Pseudosageceras,  634 
Pseudoscalites,  539 

Pseudosirex,  806 

Pseudosphaerexochus,  725 

Pseudosquilla,  768 

Pseudostichopus,  313 
Pseudotoma,  563 

Pseudotropites,  660 

Pseudozainpe,  820 

Psiloceras,  655 

Psilodon,  490 

Psilomya,  469 

Ptenoceras,  605 

Pteria,  447 

Pterincopecten,  467 

Pterinea,  444 

Pterocaris,  754 

Pterocera,  552 

Pterocerella,  551 

Pterochiton,  512 

Pterocodon,  44 

Pterocoma,  237 

Pterocrimts,  230 

Pterodoiita,  552 

Pteronautilus,  606 

Pteroiiites,  448 

Pteronotus,  558 

Pteroperna,  448 

Pterophloios,  389 

Pteropora,  346 

Pteropsis,  498 

Pterotheca,  571 

Pterotocrinus,  201 

Pterygonietopus,  727 

Ptervgotus,  784 

Ptilocella,  346 

Ptilocrinus,  238 

Ptilodictya,  344 

Ptilograptus,  128 

Ptilopora,  342 

Ptiloporella,  342 

Ptiloporina,  342 

Ptilotrypa,  345 

Ptychagnostus,  710 

Ptvcharcestes,  642 

Ptychites,  637 

Ptycliocaris,  752 

Ptychoceras,  653 

Ptychocladia,  318 

Ptychocriiius,  187 

Ptychodesnia,  449 

Ptychomphalus,  524 

Ptychomya,  474,  493 

Ptychonemit,  339 

Ptychoparia,  715 

Ptychopygp,  719 

Ptychostoma,  536 

Ptychostylus,  548 

Ptygmatis,  549 

Ptyssoceras,  605 

Puella,  439 

Pugiunculus,  571 

Pugnax,  398 

Pugnellus,  552 

Pugnoides,  398 

Pugnus,  567 

Pulchellia,  671 

Pwllastra,  493 

Pulsellvm,  510 

Pulvinulina,  33 

Puncturella,  526 

Pupa,  576 

Pupillaea,  526 

Purpura,  558,  558 

Purpurina,  539 

Purpuroidea,  539 

Pustularia,  537 
Pustulopora,  320 

Puzosia,  667 
Pycinaster,  250 

Pycnocrinus,  189 
Pycnodonta,  450 
Pycnolithus,  112 
Pycnoniphalus,  532 
Pyenopegma,  56 
Pyciiophyllum,  84 
Pycnosaccus,  203 
Pygaster,  285 
Pygaulus,  289 
Pygites,  403 
Pygocardia,  472 
Pvgocephalus,  756 
Pygope,  403 
Pygorhynchus,  290 
Pygurus,  291 
Pyramidella,  537 
Pyrazus,  550 
PjTenella,  550 
Pyrgifx,  116 
Pyrgidium,  545 
Pyrgoma,  747 
Pyrgiila,  545 
Pyrgulifer,  547 
Pyrgulifera,  547 
Pyrieavea,  326 
Pyrina,  289 
Pyritonema,  62 
Pyrocystites,  156 
Pyrogojiolon,  508 
Pyrula,  555,  557 
Pythina,  488 
Pythiopsis,  574 
Pyifidocririus,  194 
Pyxis,  390 

Quebecia,  375 
QnenstedHa,  116,  494 
Quenstedtoceras,  663 
Quinqueloculina,  38 
Quoyia,  540 

Radioaivea,  326 
Radiofaseigera,  323 
Radiolites,  481,  482 
Radiopora,  326 
Radula,  460 
Rafinesquina,  384 
Ramulina,  31 
BnneUa,  555 
Rangia,  498 
Raniella,  765 
Raniiia,  765 
Rauiuoides,  765 
Rapaua,  558 
Raphidia,  812 
Raphiopliorus,  712 
Raphistoma,  527 

3  H  2 



Bapliistomella,  524 
Raphistomina,  528 
Kapliitoma,  .'i64 
Rastrite.s,  132 
Receptaculites,  72 
Eeckur,  769 
Recula,  797 
Redlicliella,  376 
Redonia.  440 
Regina,  439 
Reiflingites,  647 
Reineckia,  665 
Remeleoceras,  607 
Remondia,  474 
Remopleurides,  717 
Rensselaeria,  400 
jLe7isselandia,  401 
Reophax,  25 
Reptaria,  320 
Reptelea,  324 
Reptocavea,  324 
Reptocea,  323,  326 
Beptoceritites,  324 
Reptofascigera,  320 
Beptomulticava,  326 
Reptomulticlaiisa,  325 
Reptonmltisparsa,  320 
Requienia,  477 
Retecava,  320 
SeteJea,  325 
Reteuoa,  322 
Reteocrimis,  186 
Retepoia,  353 
Reteporina,  342 
Reticularia,  412 
Reticulipora,  325 
Retiograptus,  131 
Retiolites,  132 
Retusa,  568 
Retzia,  414 
Rliabdammina,  24 
Rliabdoceras,  649 
Rliabdoeidaris,  273 
RhabdoniPson,  343 
BhthiluplniJIui,  99 
Rhabdopleura,  539 
Rhabdosispoiigia,  60 
Rhabdns,  509 
Rliacodiscula,  55 
Rliacophyllites,  652 
Khadinoceras,  604 
Rhadinoerinus,  221 
Rhaetina,  403 
Rhagadinia,  55 
Rhagasostoma,  351 
Rhaphanocrinus,  187 
Rliaphidonema,  71 
Rhectocyma,  472 
Rhinacantha,  558 
Rliineceras,  604 
Rhinidictya,  345 
Rhinobolus,  373 
Rhinobrissus,  297 
Rliinocaris,  753 
Rhinoelama,  470 
Rhinopora,  347 
Rliipidocardium,  446 
Rliipidocrinus,  189 
Rhipidocystis,  150 
Rhiindogoryia,  110 
RhipidogjTa,  102 
Rhipidomella,  382 
Rhipiodomys,  382 
Rliipidopora,  321 
Rhizammina,  24 
Bhizangia,  97 
Rliizocrinus,  229 
Rhizophyllum,  88 
Rliizoporidium,  121 
Rliizopoterion,  66 
Rhizostomites,  134 
Rliodaraea,  106 
Rhodocriiius,  188 
Rliodophylhim,  86 
Rhoechinus,  306 
Rhorabi/era,  207 

Rhombina,  741 
Rhombopora,  343 
Rliombopteria,  444 
Rhombotrypa,  337 
Rhopalocoma,  251 
Rhopaloerinus,  206 
Rliopalonaria,  317 
Rhynchidia,  533 
Rliviichomya,  466 
Rhyiiclionella,  398 
Rhynchoiiellina,  399 
Rhyiicliopora,  398 
Rhyndioporina,  398 
Rhyncliora,  408 
Rhynchorina,  408 
Rhynchorthoceras,  601 
Rliynchospira,  414 
Rhynchostreon,  450 
Rhyncliotetra,  398 
Rhynchotrema,  396 
Rhynehoti-eta,  397 
Bhyneopygus,  290 
Rhytimya,  465 
Ribeirella,  732 
Ribeiria,  732 
Richthofenia,  391 
Ricinula,  558 
Rimella,  553 
Rimula,  526 
Ringicula,  567 
Ringiuella,  567 
Rissoa,  546 
Rissoina,  545 
Rizoceras,  610 
Rocellaria,  500 
Roemeraster,  251 
Roemerella,  378 
Roemerispongia,  61 
Roemeroceras,  671 
Romiiigeria,  116 
Romingerina,  401 
Rostellaria,  652 
Rostellites,  561 
Rostranteris,  403 
Rotalia.  33 
Rotella,  532 
Rotellina,  532 
Rothpletzia,  541 
Rotula,  288 
Rouaultia,  563 
Roudairia,  471 
Rowleyelli,  403 
Runa,  287 
Bupertia,  33 
Rustella,  370 
Rutoceras,  603 
Rutotia,  448 
Ryderia,  469 
Ryticeras,  603 

Saccammina,  25 
Saccohlastns,  170 
Saecocaris,  751 
Saccocoma,  239 
Saccocrinus,  194 
Saccorhiza,  25 
Saccospongia,  57 
Sactoceras,  60S 
Sagda,  576 
Sageceras,  634 
Sageiiites,  639 
Sageiiina,  25 
Sagenocrinus,  204 
Sagitta,  135 
Saiutia,  461 
Salenia,  279 
Salicornaria,  348 
Salmacis,  282 
Salpingostoma,  521 
Salteraster,  249 
Salterella,  572 
Sa  III  I  isi  1 11  lie  ri  nna,  197 
S:iiiill)t'ig('ria,  550 
Saiidliiigites,  648 
Sanguinolaria,  495 
Sanguiuolites,  438 

Sannionites,  595 
Sao,  715 
Sarmaticus,  529 
Saxicava,  499 
Saxidomus,  493 
Scacchiiiella,  387 
Scaevola,  531 
Scalaria,  538 
Scalaripora,  346 
Scaldia,  484 
Scalites,  527 
Scalpellum,  745 
Scambula,  474 
Scapha,  561 
Scaphander,  568 
Scaphanidia,  533 
Scapliarca,  443 
Scapliella,  561 
Scaplieus,  763 
Scaphiocoelia,  401 
ScapMocrinva,   222.  225 
Scaphites,  670 
Scaphula,  443 
Scarabus,  574 
Scenella,  520 
Scenellopora,  328 
Scenidium,  393 
Sceptropora,  343 
Selielhvienella,  386 
Scluosia,  479 
Schistoceras,  636 
Schistophylloeeras,  652 
Schizanibon,  376 
Schizambonia,  376 
Schizaster,  296 
Sehizoblastus,  171 
Sohizobohis,  377 
Schizochiton,  513 
Sehizocrania,  377 
Schizocrinus,  189 
Schizocystis,  155 
Schizodentalium,  509 
Schizodesma,  498 
Sehizodiscus,  524,  735 
Seliizodus,  456 
Schizogoniuiii,  525 
Scliizoloplia,  525 
Schizonema,  382 
Schizopholis,  375 
Schizophoria,  383 
Schizoplax,  513 
Schizoporella,  352 
Scliizoiarama,  382 
Scliizorhabdus,  66 
Schizostoma,  353,  527 
Schizothaerus,  498 
Scluzotreta,  378 
Schloenbachia,  672 
Schlotheimia,  657 
Scldueteria,  667 
Schmidtella,  737 
Schmidtia,  371 
Schroedeioceras,  600 
Schucliertella,  386 
Schuchertina,  370 
Schultzicrinus,  219 
Sclnvagerina,  33 
Scintilla,  488 
Scipionoceras,  654 
Sclerocrinus,  240 
Scolecoderma,  141 
Scoliocystis,  155 
Scoliostoma,  538 
Scolithus,  141 
Scolocystis,  157 
Scolopendra,  793 
Scousia,  555 
Sciobicularia,  495 
Scrupocellaria,  348 
Sculda,  769 
Sciirria,  520 
Scutella,  287 
Scutellina,  287,  526 
Sciitus,  526 
Scyllaridia,  763 
Seyphocrinus,  160, 190,  215 

Scytalia,  59 
Seytalocrinus,  224 

Sebargasia,  71 
Sedgwickia,  439 
Seebachia,  473 
Seeleya,  525 
Selenaria,  350 
Selenella,  401 
Selenopeltis,  723 
Selenopora,  330 
Seliscothon,  59 
Selkirkia,  136 
Sellaclvmenia,  628 
Semele,  495 
Semicava,  326 
Semicea,  323 
Semiclausa,  320 
Semicoscinium,  341 
Semielea,  324 
Seniifascipora,  321 
Semimulticavea,  326 
Seminula,  395,  418  ' 
Semiopora,  346 
Semiplicatula,  461 
Senectus,  529 
Sepia,  686 
Septameroceras,  612 
Septifer,  463 
Septopora,  342 
Seraplis,  552 
Seriatopora,  96 
Serietubigera,  321 
Serpula,  137 
Serpulites,  139 
Serripes,  490 
Sestromostella,  71 
Setosella,  351 
Shumardella,  398 
Shumardia,  711 
Sliumardites,  642 
Sibirites,  640 
Sicanites,  633 
Sicyocrinus,  221 
Siderastrea,  103 
Sidneyia,  786 
Sieberella,  395 
Siemiradzkia,  666 
Sigaretus,  542 
Sigmaey.stis,  151 
Silbyllites,  638 
Silenki,  469 
Silesites,  667 
Siliu,  562 
Siliqua,  496 
Siliquaria,  547 
Siluraster,  249 
Silurina,  439 
Sinibirskites,  664 
Simoceras,  666 
Sinuites,  521 
Siuum,  542 
Sipliodictyuni,  324 
Siphonalia,  567 
Siplionaria,  578 
Siphonentalis,  510 
Siphonia,  54 
SiphonocoeHa,  69 
Siplionocrinus,  187 
Siphonodentalium,  510 
Siplionotreta.  375 
Siphoniotyphlus,  321 
Sirenites,  648 
Sismondia,  287 
Sistrum,  558 
Slimonia,  783 
Smaragdinella,  568 
Smilotroclms,  94 
Smittia,  352 
Smittina,  352 
Smittipora,  351 
Smittistoma,  353 
Solanocrinus,  237 
Solariella,  532 
Solarium,  538 
Solecardia,  488 
Solemya,  438 



Solen,  496 
Solenastrea,  98 
Soleniscus,  538 
Solenocaris,  751 
Solenocheilus,  (JOtJ 
Solenopleura,  710 
Solenopsis,  438 
Solenospira,  525 
Solidula,  5(35 
Sollasella,  54 
Sollasia,  71 
Sonneratia,  668 
Sonninia,  660 
Sowerbiceras,  652 
Sowerbya,  496 
Spanila,  444 
Spaniodera,  798 
Spaniodon,  488 
Sparsicavea,  324 
Sparsicytis,  326 
Spatagocystis,  298 
Spatangopsis,  134 
Spatangus,  297 
Spatha,  455 
Spathiocaris,  754 
Spatiopora,  329 
Speo,  565 
Sphaenia,  499 
Sphaera,  487 
Sphaeractinia,  120 
Sphaerechinus,  282 
Sphaerella,  487 
Sphaerexochus,  725 
Sphaeriola,  487 
Sphaerium,  475 
Sphaerobolus,  371 
Sphaerocaprina,  479 
Sphaeroceras,  663 
SphcLerocoelia,  71 
Sphaerocoryphe,  725 
Sphaerocriuu.s,  196,  218 
Sphaerocystites,  154 
Sphaeroidina,  31 
Sphaeronites,  155 
Sphaeropsociis,  804 
Sphaerulites,  482 
Sphenaulax,  64 
Spheniopsis,  470 
Spheuodiscus,  671 
Spherwmya,  439 
Sphenopoteriuvi,  106 
SpheBotrochus,  94 
Sphingites,  642 
Sph>Tadocera.s,  601 
Spiloblattina,  803 
Spiiiigera,  551 
Spiractinella,  62 
Spirialis,  570 
Spirifer,  410 
Spiriferella,  410 
Spiriferina,  413 
Spirigera,  417 
Splrigerella,  41S 
Spirigerina,  409 
Spirillina,  32 
Spiroceras,  670 
Spirodausa,  325 
Spirocolex,  141 
Spirocyathus,  105 
Spirodeiitalium,  508 
Spiroloculina,  38 
SpiTophyton,  141 
Spiroplecta,  27 
Spiropora,  320 
Spirorbis,  138 
Spirostylus,  537 
Spirilla,  685 
Spirulirostra,  685 
Spirnlirostrina,  685 
Spisula,  497 
Spondylobolus,  872 
Spondylus,  459 
Spongilla,  51 
Spongiochiton,  513 
Spongiomorpha,  106 
Spongiostroma,  124 

Spongites,  353 
Spongophylhim,  86 
Sporadoceras,  631 
Sporadopyle,  64 
Sporadoscinia,  66 
Sportella,  488 
Spyridiocrinus,  191 
SpjToceras,  600 
Squama,  745 
Squamularia,  412 
Squilla,  768 
Staehella,  523 
Stacheoceras,  641 
Stacliyodes,  124 
Stachyspongia,  59 
Staliola,  545 
Stauranderaster,  251 
Stauria,  87 
Stauiocephalus,  725 
Staurocystis.  154 
Stauroderma,  65 
Staurolonche,  42 
Stuurosoma,  158 
Stavelia,  463 
Stearnsia,  474 
Stearoeeras,  604 
Steganoblastus,  160 
Steganocrinus,  197 
Steganoporella,  351 
Stegerhynchus,  397 
Steininanuites,  648 
Stelidiocrinus,  189 
Stellipora,  334 
Stelliporella,  112 
Stellispongia,  70 
Stellocavea,  326 
Stelloria,  99 
Stemmatocrinus,  225 
'  Stenarcestes,  642 
Stenarthron,  788 
Stenaster,  249 
Stenocliirus,  763 
Stenochisma,  396 
Stenocrinus,  212 
Stenodictya,  796 
Stenogomphus,  810 
Stenoraphalus,  558 
Stenonia,  294 
Stenopoceras,  606 
Stenopora,  335 
Stenosmilia,  101 
Stenotheca,  541 
Stenothyni,  bib 
Stephanites,  640 
Stephanoceras,  663 
Stephanocidaris,  273 
Stephaiiocoenia,  101 
Stephanocrinus,  207 
Stephanophyllia,  105 
Stereocrinus,  191 
Stereopsammia,  106 
Steueroceras,  669 
Stiboria,  99 
Stichocystis,  152 
Stieliopora,  350 
Stictocella,  346 
Stictopora,  345,  345 
Stictoporella,  345 
Stictoporidra,  346 
Stictoporina,  345 
Stictotrypa,  347 
Stigmatopygus,  290 
Stireehinus,  282 
Stirpulina,  468 
Stoliczkaria,  121 
Stolleya,  51 
Stolopsyche,  815 
Stolzenburgiella,  418 
Stomatella,  528 
Stomatia,  528 
Stomatopora,  319,  319 
Stomatopsis,  547 
Stomechinus,  278 
Stomonopneustes,  281 
Stortiugocrinus,  209 
Strabops,  781 

Stramentum,  745 
Straparollina,  527 
Straparollus,  527 
Streblites,  659 
Streblotrypa,  344 
Streuoceras,  665 
Strenuella,  717 
Strephodes,  87 
Strepsidura,  657 
Streptaster,  159 
Streptelasma,  82 
Streptis,  387 
Streptooeras,  611 
Streptocrinus,  221 
Streptorhynchus,  387 
Strepula,  738 
Striatopora,  114 
Stribalocystis,  153 
Stricklandinia,  395 
Strigatella,  560 
Strigilla,  494 
Strigocaris,  751 
Strigoceras,  658 
Stringocephalus,  401 
Strohaeus,  536 
Strobilepsis,  744 
Strobilocy^^tites,  154 
Stroll  i  ?os/;o  ugiii,  62 
Stroboceras,  604 
Stromatoeystis,  159 
Stromatoinorp}ia,  106 
Stromatopora,  123 
Stromatoporella,  124 
Stromatotrypa,  339 
Strombodes,  86 
Strombus,  552 
Strongylocentrotus,  282 
Strophalosia,  391 
Stropheodonta,  385 
Strophieeras,  603 
Stroi)hocheilus,  576 
Strophocriims,  217 
Strophomena,  386 
Strophonella,  385 
Strophostoma,  540 

Strophostylus,  530 

Strotocrinus,  198 
Strotopora,  330 

Strutliiolaria,  552 

Studeria,  290 

Stuorella,  524 

Sturia,  637 

Stylaraea,  112 

Stylaster,  120 

Stylastraea,  98 

Stylaxis,  86 

Stylina,  100 

Styliola,  570 

Stylocoeuia,  101 

Stylocora,  97 

Stylocrinus,  209 

Stylodictyon,  124 

Stylohelia,  96 

Stylonurus,  783 

Stylophora,  96 

Stylophyllop.sis,  97 

Style )phylluni,  97 

Stylotrochus,  94 

Styracoteutliis,  683 

Subclymenia,  604 

Subemarginula,  526 

Subulites,  537 

Suecoceras,  595 

Suessia,  413 

Suleocava,  320 

Sulcuna,  741 

Sunetta,  492 

Supercytis,  323 

Surcula,  563 

Sutueria,  663 

Swantonia,  392 

Sycoceras,  611 

Sycoeystites,  154 

Sycum,  559 

Symbatlioorinus,  209 

Symphyllia,  99 

Symphysurus,  719 
Syinphytoci'inus,  239 
Sympterura,  255 
Synaplie,  738 
Synapta,  313 
Syncyclonenia,  458 
Syndosmya,  495 
Syneroerinus,  205 
Syuhelia,  95 
Synocladia,  342 
Synodontites,  482 
Synopella,  71 
Syntrielasma,  383 
Syntrophia,  392 
Sypharoptera,  807 
Syringoceras,  602 
Syringocrinus,  151 
Syringolites,  114 
Syringopleura,  411 
Syringopora,  116 
Syringosphasria,  121 
Syringospira,  411 
Syringostroma,  124 
Syriiigothyris   411 
Syniola,  537 
Systrophoceras,  601 

Taeniaster,  249 
Taeniodictya,  345 
Taeniopora,  346 
Tagelus,  495 
Tainoceras,  605 
Talarocrinus,  201 
Tanaocrinus,  193 
Tancredia,  484 
Tanysiphon,  494 
Taoiiurus,  141 
Tapes,  493 
Tarphyceras,  600 
Tarsophlebia,  810 
Tarsopterus,  7S4 
Tauredon,  804 
Taurinia,  556 
Tauroeeras,  453 
Taxocrinus,  205,  206,  221 
Taxonus,  806 
Tealliocaris,  757 
Technocrinus,  191 
Technophorus,  733 
Tecticavea,  325 
Tectura,  520 
Teetus,  531 
Tegula,  532 
Tegulifera,  391 
Teinostoma,  532 
Telescopium,  550 
Teliocrinus,  197 
Tellidora,  494 
Tellina,  494 
Tetlinomya,  440 
Tellinopsis,  439 
Temnechinus,  282 
Temnocheilus,  605 
Temnocidaris,  274 
Temnocrinus,  204 
Tenmopleurus,  282 
Temnotropsis,  525 
Tenea,  487 
Tenka,  444 
Tentaculites,  572 
Tenthredo,  806 
Terataspsis,  722 
Terebella,  138 
Terebellaria,  325 
Terebellum,  552 
Terebra,  562 
Terebratalia,  406 
Terebratella,  408 
Terebratula,  403 
Terebratulina,  404 
Terebratuloidea,  398 
Terebripora,  317 
Terebrirostra,  406 
Teredina,  501 
Teredo,  501 
Teredolites,  501 



Terquemia,  451 
Tessarolax,  551 
Tethyopsis,  51 
Tetinka,  444 
Tetracamera,  39S 
Tetrachela,  762 
Tetracidaris,  274 
Tetracrinus,  540 
Tetractinella,  41S 
Tetracystis,  154 
Tetradella,  738 
Tetragonites,  652 
Tetragonoceras,  606 
Tetragraptus,  129 
Tetrameres,  612 
Tetrameroceras,  612 
Tetramorion,  612 
Tetranota,  522 
Tetrapygus,  281 
Tetrast'er,  248 
Tetrataxis,  29 
Teuthopsis,  688 
Textularia,  27 
Thais,  558 

Thalamopora,  33,  71 
Thalassina,  764 
Thalassites,  452 
Thalassoceras,  637 
Thalassocrinus,  238 
Thaleops,  720 
Thallocrinus,  199 
Thamnasteria,  103 
Thamnastred,  103 
Thamniscns,  341 
Tlianinodictya,  61 
Tliamnophyilum,  84 
Thamnotrypa,  346 
Thaumastoeoelia,  71 
Theca,  571 
Thecidea,  365,  388 
Thecidella,  388 
Thecidiopsis,  388 
Thecidium,  388 
Theeocyatiiiis,  95 
Thecocyrtella,  413 
Thecocystis,  159 
Thecosiphonia,  55 
Thecosmilia,  99 
Thecospira,  419 
Thecostegites,  117 
The.lphusa,  767 
Thenarocrinus,  215 
Theonoa,  322 
Thetsitea,  562 
Thiara,  547 
Thiemella,  382 
Thiollierierinus,  234 
Thlipsura,  739 
Tholiasterella,  62,  63 
Tholopora,  326 
Thomasina,  374 
Thomisus,  790 
Tlioiacoeeras,  600 
Thracia,  467 
Thrinoceras  604 
Thrips,  800 
Thurammina,  25 
Tliumiaimia,  669 
Thyasira,  487 
Thylacocrinus,  189 
Thylacodes,  547 
Thysanoceras,  652 
Thysanocrinus,  187 
Thysanodictya,  61 
Thysanopeltis,  720 
Thysanotus,  371 
Tiaiacrinus,  158 
Tiarechinus,  298 
Tibetites,  635 
TibieUa,  571 
Tichogonia,  463 
Tilesia,  322 
Timanites,  631 
Tindaiia,  441 
TinoporuiS,  33 
Tirolites,  648 

Tissotia,  671 
Titanocarcinus,  767 
Tityus,  788 
Tivela,  493 
Tmaegoceras,  655 
Tolypammiiia,  25 
Tomocheihis,  539 
Tonicella,  513 
Tonicia,  513 
Tonna,  555 
Torellella,  572 
Torinia,  538 
Tormocrinus,  241 
Tornatella,  565 
Tornatellea,  565 
Tomatina,  568 
Tornoceras,  630 
Torynifer,  398 
TorynocriiiHS,  240 
Toucasia,  477 
Tournoueria,  545 
Toxaster,  294 
Toxometra,  237 
Toxopneustes,  282 
Trachyceras,  648 
Trachydermon,  513 
Trachydomia,  539 
Tmchynerita,  539 
Tiachyodon,  513 
Trachypora,  114 
Trachysagenites,  639 
Tmchyteiithis,  687 
Tragophylloceras,  652 
Trapezium,  472 
Traumatocrinus,  225 
Tremabolites,  68 
Tremadictyon,  63 
Trematella,  335 
Trematis,  377 
Trematobolus,  376 
Trematoceras,  604 
Trematocystis,  155 
Trematodiscus,  604 
Trematonotus,  521 
Trematopora,  339 
Treinatopygus,  290 
Trematospira,  414 
Tremopora,  349 
Treposella,  738 
Trepospira,  525 
Tresus,  498 
Tretaspis,  711 
Tretoceras,  609 
Tretospira,  539 
Triacrinus,  208 
Triadosialis,  811 
Triainoceras,  633 
Triarthrus,  715 
Tribaehiocriiius,  224 
Tribliocrinus,  191 
Triboloceras,  604 
Trichasteropsis,  249 
TrichUes,  446 
Trichiulus,  793 
Trichopteridium,  814 
Tricoelocrinus,  170 
Tridacna,  490 
Triforis,  550 
Trigeria,  401,  414 
Trigondictya,  346 
Trigonella,  406 
Trigonelliiia,  405 
Trigonia,  457 
Trigonoceras.  604 
Trigonocoe!  ia,  442 
Trigonocrinus,  241 
Trigonocystis,  150 
Trigonodus,  452 
Trigonosennis,  406 
Trigonotarbus,  791 
Trigoiiotreta,  410 
Trigonuliiia,  469 
Triloculina,  38 
Trimerella,  373 
Trimeres,  612 
Trimerocephalus,  726 

Trimeroceras,  612 
Trimerocystis,  154 
Trimerus,  724 
Trimorion,  612 
Trinacria,  442 
Trinemaeystis,  152 
Trinucleus,  711,  711 
Triodonta,  474 
I  Triplecia,  387 
I  Tripleuroceras,  610 
Triplosoba,  808 
Tripneustes,  282 
Triptera,  571 
Tripylus,  296 
Triton,  555 
Tritonalia,  558 
Tritonidea,  556 
Tritonium,  555 
Trivia,  554 
Trochalia,  548 
Trocliammina,  26 
Trochamminoides,  26 
Trochiliopora,  326 
Trochiscolitlius,  112 
Troclioceras,  605 
Trochocrinus,  194 
Trochocyathus,  94 
Trochocystites,  150 
Trochoderma,  313 
Trocholites,  600 
Trocholitoceras,  600 
Trochonema,  530 
Trochoseris,  102 
Trochosmilia,  99 
Trochotoma,  525 
Trochus,  531 
Troostocrinus,  170 
Tropaeum,  653 
Trophon,  558 
Tropiceltites,  640 
Tropidocaris,  752 
Tropidoleptus,  385 
Tropidomya,  470 
Tropidopora,  344 
Tropites,  638 
Truncaria,  557 
Truncatula,  323 
Truncatulina,  33 
Tryblidium,  521 
Tscliernvscliewia,  390 
Tubina,  541 
Tugonia,  499 
Tnlotoma,  544 
Turbina,  531 
Turbinaria,  108 
Turbinella,  560 
Turbinilopsis,  539 
Turhinocrinus,  190 
Turbinolia,  94 
Turbo,  528 
Turbonellina,  531 
Turbonilla,  537 
Turbouitella,  539 
Turniis,  501 
Turonia,  55 
Turricula,  560 
Turrilepas,  744 
Turrilites,  654 
Turris,  563 
Tiinitella,  546 
Turritoma,  525 
Turtoiiia,  488 
Tuzoia,  750 
Tyleria,  467 
Tylocrinus,  195 
Tylopoma,  544 
Tylopterus,  783 
Tympanotoma,  550 
Typhis,  558 
Tyrbula,  799 

Udora,  761 
Udorella,  761 
Uintacrinus,  236 

Ulocrinus,  224 
Ulrichia,  738 
Umbonium,  532 
Umbraculuni,  568 
UmbreUa,  568 
Umbrelliua,  321 
Uncinella,  413 
Un-cinnUna,  398 
Uncinulus,  397 
Uncites,  413 
Undularia,  536 
Ungula,  371 
Ungnlina,  487 
UnguUtes,  371 
Unicardium,  484 
Unicrisia,  318 
Unicytis,  323 
Unio,  454 
Uuiocardium,  490 
Unionia,  452 
Unitrypa,  341 
Uperocrinus,  196 
Uphantaeiiia,  61 
Uranoceras,  608 
Urda,  758 
Urechinus,  294 
Uronectes,  756 
Ussuria,  637 
Uvanilla,  528 
Uvigerina,  31 

Vaginella,  571 
Vaginoceras,  595 
Vaginopora,  353 
Vaginulina,  30 
Valenciennesia,  573 
Valletia,  478 
Valvata,  544 
Valvatina,  570 
Valvulina,  29 
Vanuxemia,  442 
Vasocrinus,  218 
Vasseuria,  683 
Vasum,  560 
Velates,  534 
Velofita,  474 
Veloritina,  474 
Venericardia,  475 
Venerupis,  494 
Veiiiella,  472 
Venilicardia,  472 
Ventriculites,  65.  71 
Venus.  492 
Vermetus,  546,  546 
Vermiceras,  655 
Vermicularia,  540 
Verneuilia,  412 
Verruca,  746 
Verrucocoelia,  64 
Verruculina,  i59 
Vertebralina,  39 
Verticordia,  469 
Vertigo,  576 
Verturania,  448 
Vesicomya,  491 
Vestinautilus,  604 
Vevoda,  438 
VexilluM,  141 
Vibracella,  351 
Vicarya,  550 
Villorita,  474 
Vincularia,  350 
Vinella,  317 
Virgatites,  664 
Virgularia,  110 
Vitrinella,  532 
Vitulina,  417 
Viviparus,  544 
Vlasta,  438 
Vola,  457 
Volborthella,  597 
Volbortliia,  370 
Voluta,  561 
Volutella,  561 
Volutifusixs,  561 



Volutilithe.s,  061 
Volutodei'ma,  501 
Volutomitra,  5li0 
Volutomorpha,  561 
Volvaiia,  5ii<> 
Volviceramus,  447 
Volvula,  568 
Voh-uleUa,  568 
Vulsella,  449 
Vul.sellina,  44ii 

IVrmgenia,  660,  665 
WaaKftiiOLM'ras,  642 
Wii'tgtii'ijiiu-'i-,  387 
Wai'lnieioc-eras,  657 
Wakulliua,  461 
IViOdheiinia,  408 
ir.(7/o»iii,  408 
Waiiiieria,  714 


Waptia,  733 
Warthia,  523 
Welschia,  ii5S 
Westoiiia,  371 
Wliiteavesia,  462 
Whitella,  442 
WliitfieUiia,  415,  415 
Willemoesia,  761 
Williainia,  573 
Wilsouia,  39S 
AVimaiiella,  381 
Witchi'Uia,  i;60 
Wiwaxia,  137 
Woodocrinus,  223 
Woitheiiplla,  137 
WortliPiiia,  524 
Wortlii'iiopora,  847 

Xaiitlu),  7i')7 
Xaiitliopsis,  7ii7 

Xeiia-spis,  645 
Xenufiter,  248 
Xeuoeidaris,  274 
Xenocdiins,  lii3 
Xenodi.sciis,  645 
Xeiiopliora,  543 
Xestulebeiis,  730 
Xiijhidiocari.s,  751 
Xiphotentliis,  681 
Xylobiu.s,  793 
Xylotrya,  501 

Tolioia,  732 
Yoldia,  441 
Yorkia,  376 

Zaeaiithoides,  710 
Zaplnentis,  S3 
Zeaeiiiius,  223 
Zeilleiia,  40ii 

Zfllania,  405 
Zemira,  557 
Zenatia,  498 
Zenl-erii'rinU):,  190 
ZeuKlopleiii-us,  282 
Zidoua,  561 
Zittella,  553 
Zittelispoiigia,  (iS 
Zitteloceras,  603 
ZiziphiHus,  532 
Zoiiatula,  326 
Zonopora,  325 
Zoopilus,  102 
Zophocrinus,  15S 
ZiiKinevfiia,  403 
Ziirelievia,  660 
Zygites,  524 
Zygocriiius,  172 
Zygopleura,  537 
Zygospiia,  408 

END    or    VOL.    I 

Printed  by  R.  &  R.  Clark,  Limited,  Edinburgh. 



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