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The  Association  of 
American  Colleges, 


<^o  a^-/ 


of  the 







Volume  2 
Cantatas  101  to  199 

Printed  privately  and  distributed  by 

The   Association  of   American   Colleges 

Arts  Program 

19  West  44th  Street,  New  York  City 

Not  copyrighted 


Cantata  101 
,  (About  1740) 

I  Libretto  by  Uollar 

X  Trinity 

KpiBtle,    I   Corinthians  XII,    1-11.      Concerning 
spiritual   gifts. 

Gospsl,    St.   Luke  XIX,    41-48.      Christ   weeps 
orer  Jerusalem. 

(Cornetto,    3  Trombones,    2  Oboes,    Flauto  traverse, 
Tallle,   Oboe  da   caccia,    and  Strings.) 

1.    Chorale  Fantasia  /)        (d) 

(Cor.    with  Sop.i    Tromb.    I   with  A.lto;    Tromb. 
with  Ten, I    Tromb.    Til  with  Bass;    Fl.    tr. , 
Ob.    I  4  II,   Taille,    sjid  Strings.) 

Ninnn  von   una,    Herr,    (du  treu-   er     Gott,) 
Have  mer-  cy.   Lord,   and  hear  our  pray'r, 

(die   Bchwe-   re     Straff)        ( und     gro-sse     Not,) 
for-give     our   faults,        Thine     an-ger   spare; 

die     *ir,    (mit      Sun-don   (oh-      ne     Zahl) 
from  sin,    from        en-vy,      and   from  pride 

(▼er-die-net   ha-ben)        (all-2u-       mal.) 
de-li-  yer  us  and  be     our  Guide; 

do-li-  ver  Thou  us 

Be-       hut      fvor  Krieg)   und       teu-rer  Zeit,) 
From  strife     and     war,       from  want   and   care, 
from  war 

Tor       Seu-   Chen,    Feur   (und     gro-ssem     Leid. ) 
from  plague  and     fire     and  dark     de-   spair. 


2.    Aria  Tenor   (Violin  Solo)      3/4     (g) 

(Han*  die  nicht)   nach  del-  nen  Rech-  ten 
Judge     us     not  as     base     de-faul-ters, 

mit      uns     bo-     sen  Sun-den-knech-  ten, 
whose     of-fenee     no  mer-cy        al-     ters; 

lass   das  Schwert    (der        Fein-   de   ruhn. ) 
bid     our     foes       their  swords  to  stay. 

Hoch-ster,    ho-      re        un-ser  Fie-  hen, 
Fath-   er,      har-ken       to   our   cal-lir^ 

dass     wir   (nicht    (durch   siind-lich  Tun) 
lest,    as  in  Je-        ru-      sa-   lem 

wle  Je-   ri»-     sa-lem  ver-  ge-     hen. 
er-   il   deeds   be   our  down-fal-ling. 

Cantata  101 

3.    Soprano  Recitative  ft  Chorale      3/4     4/4     (d) 


Act),   Hsrr  Gott,   durch  dia  Treu-     e     d«lL> 

Ahf     Qoif  our        Mas-  ter  good     and  trua. 


wird   un-ser  Land   in     Fried   und  Ru-he     sein. 

'tis  by  Thy  will   our     coun-try  is  at   peace; 

Wenn   uns      ein      Un-        glucks-wet-ter  droht, 
and     when  the   storms        of       war     im-  pend, 

so     ru-fen     wir,        barm-herz-  ger  Gott, 
then  do     we  call,        our       Gra-cious  God, 

zu     dir         in     sol-  cher     Hoti 
on  Thee,       Thy  help     to     send. 


Hit     Trost       und     Rst-  tung     uas       •r»aohsln! 

With     hop*       and  peao*  our     hasirts  im-     buaj 


Du     kannst   dem  feind-   li-   chen  Zer-sto-ren 

Our     ev-       er     fierce  and     ev-  il     fee 

durch     dei-  ne     Macht   und  Hil-fe       weh-ren. 
Thy     might   and   help     can     ev-er-throw. 


Be-     wels*     an     uns  del-     ne     gro-sss  Gnad* 

Our  faults  vith  Thy  gra*oious  mer-ey    Tiow, 

imd  (straf *   ims  nioht)       auf  fri-scher.  Tat, 
nor       pun*     ish-nsnt  in-flict     a-       nsv* 


wenn  un-  are  Fu-sse  wan-  ken  woll-ten 

and  when  our  wea-ry  foot-steps  wa-  ver, 

und  wir  aus  Schwaoh-heit  strau-cheln  sell-tea. 
re-  pair  our  weak-  ness  thru  Thy   fa-  ver. 


Wohn*      uns  mit  dsi-     ner  oii-te     bei 

Thy       boun-ty     rich     on     us  be-stow, 


und     gib,    dass  wir     nur  nach  dem  Gu-ten   stre-ben, 

and  hold       us     fast  and  firm  in  high  en-  dea-vor* 

da-     mit      all-   hier        und  auch     in     js- 
both  here  on     earth       and  There  be-yond 

-nem  Le-ben 
for-ev-   er. 


dsin  Zom     und  Orlsm  (fern     Ton       uns  sei. } 

Thy     scorn  and     fis*     ry       wrath  for«-go. 

Thy     wrath  fore-go. 


Cantata  101 

Cantata  101 

4,  Base  Aria  and  Chorale 
(Oboe  I  4  II,  Taille.) 

f^     (a) 


«&-  ruB   vlllst  du  (so  lor-nig)  s«in, 

For  litaX         art   Thou  ao  an-gry,  Lord? 


Eb      Bchla-   gen     del-     nee        Ei-      fers     Flam-cen 
Thy  thund'-rous  wrath,    like   light-ning   flash-ing, 

(achon  u-     ber     un-     senc  Haupt )        xu-  Bam-  men. 
a-     bove  our  frigh-ted     heade         is   crash-ing. 

Ach       8tel-le  doch  (die  Stra-fen)      ein 
Ahi  nd-  ti-gate     Thy     pun-iah-ment, 

ah,    spare   us 

und  trag 
the  weak 

au8  va-  ter-      li-      cher  Huld 
in     fa-ther'e   arms      en-   fold. 

mit      un-      sere  achwa-chen  Fleiech   (Ge-  duld.) 
Thy  blame  from     fee-  ble        folk        with-hold. 


Wir  tref-  fen  hier  auf  die-  ser  echma-len  Bahn 
A-  long  this     nar-row  path  of       mor-  tal  life 

sehr  Tie-le  Hin-der-  nis   iic     Gu-  ten     an. 
so       ma-ny     ob-sta-cles  to  Good  are  rife, 
St.  Uatthew  VII,   14. 

Soleh    E-  lend     kennst  du,  Herr»  al-leint 
Thou     knov-est*     Lord,   our      ml?  se-  ryt . 


hilf,    Hel-  fer,   hilf  una  Schwa-chen, 

with     hope  and     help     in-spire     ue, 

du       kannat     una  star-  ker     ma-  chen. 
with  strength  and     cou-rage  fire     us. 


Aoh,  lasa  una  dir  be-fota-  len  soin. 

Ah,       auf-fer  ua     to  come  to     Tbaa! 

5.   Tenor  Chorale  ft  Recitativo     V*     (d) 


Dia  Sund'  hat   una     var»d*r-bet  aatar* 

Our  gria-roua  aina     be-aat  ua     aora. 


So  mua-Ben  auch     die     From-msten     aa-  gen 

So   ev'-ry     Right-eous     One     con-   feas-ee 

und  mit   be-   tran-ten     Au-     gen  kla-  genj 
the  bur-den  that   hie   grief     ex-pres-aes. 


Dar  Tau-ral     plagt      una  noeh  vial  nabr. 

Tti*     D*-vil  plaguaa  ua     aora     loid  mora. 


Ja,  die-   ser     bo-   ae     Geist, 

Taa,        for  thJ.8   Heli-iah  Fiend, 

der     achon  von  An-be-   ginn        eln     Uor-   der 
with     mur-  der  in  hia   foul,   blood-thir-aty 


St.   John  VIII,    44. 

aucht    une   urn     un-   aer  ?lell   zu  brin-gen 
ie  ev-er   eeek-ing     to     be-tray      ua 

und      ala    «in  Lo-we        lu       ver-achlin-gen. 
aM,    aa     an     ev-ll  beaet,      to        alay      ua. 


Die  Walt  aaah       un-       aar       riaiach  und  Blut 

The  wlak-   ad     world,    atrlva  aa       wa     aay, 

una   al-la-aait     var-   fuh-   ran     tut. 
for-«v-ar  laada   our   flaah     a-   atrar* 

6.  Duet  Soprano-Alto       \2/  P     (d) 
(Oboe  da  caccia,  Flauto  traverao* 

Ce-denk  an  Je-  au     bit-torn     Tod, 
Re-mem-ber  Je-sua'   bit-ter     death, 

Nimm,      Va-  ter,      dei-  nes     Soh-   nes  Schmer-   zen, 
take     Thou  to       heart  Thy  Son's     af-  flic-  tion, 

(und     (aei-     ner  7,'un-den  Fein)    zu  Her-ien, 
and     think  Thou  on     His     cru-  ci-fix-ion, 
on     His  Cross 

die  Bind  ja       fur     die  gan-   ze       Telt, 
For  all     the  world  He     suf-fered  thus, 

die  Zah-lung  (und  daa     Lo-  se-  galdj) 
the  reui-aom     gold  He     paid  for     ua, 
paid  the  gold  for     ua 

er-   zeig     (auch       mir)   zu  al-  ler  Zeit, 
re-deem'd       us         for     e-ter-  ni-     tyj 
A  bar   36j        re-deem'd 
A  bars    29-30i 

(barm-herz-ger  Gott,)   (Barm-her-zig-kait, ) 
Oh,      God   of       Uer-  cy,      pi-  ty     ma, 

0         pi-  ty     me 

bare  39-40,  Sopranot       , 
barm-herz-ger  Gott,  barm-herz-ger  Gott 
0   God  of   Mer-   cy   pi-  \ 

of       Mer-     cy       pi-  ty       ma 

bars   4I742,    Sopranot 
Barm-herz-ger  Gott,(zu     al-ler  Zeit) 
0       God     of       Mer-   cy,    pl-ty       me 
Alto  42-3io     pi-ty       me 
(loh   eeuf-    zo   steta)    In     mel-   ner  Noti 
I      aigh   for     Him       Who   com-fort-eth, 

Oe-denk   (an  Je-   au     bit-tern     Todl) 
Ra-mam-  ber  Je-aua'    bit-ter     daathj 


Cantata  101 

Cantata  102 

7,   Chorale  SATB        V*        (d) 

(Fl.    tr.    in  evn,   Ob.    I,    Cor.,   Vn.    I   with 
Sop.;    Ob.    II,    Tronib.    I,   Vn.    II   with   Altoj 
Taille,   Tromb.    II,   Va.    with  Ten.j    Tromb.III 
with   Bues.) 

Leit      una     mit  dei-ner   rech-   ten  Hand 
Lord,    lead   ub     by     Thy     gui-ding  Hand, 

und      eeg-   ne        un-   ere  Stadt    und     Land{ 
and  bless   our  town  and     na-   tive     land} 

gib     una     all-xeit  dein  heil-ges  Wort, 
pre-a'-nre  to        us     Thy        Ho-   ly     7/ord, 

b#-     hut     Tors     Teu-   fels  List   und     Word; 
a-  guinet   the     wiles     of     Sa-tan's      Herd. 

▼•r-        leih     ein  sel-goa     Stun-  de-  lein, 
Orant,    Lord,      a     gen-tlo  death  for       me, 

auf  dass  wir  e-     wig     bei     dir     sein. 
and  Life     e-ter-   nal  There  with  Thee. 

Va-  ter     un-       eer       in  Him-mel-reich 
Our   Fa-ther     thron'd   in  Hea-ven     High, 

der     du     una     al-   le     hei-ssest  gleieh 
In     need  to     Thee  Thy  peo-  pie       cry; 

Brii-   der  sein  und  dich       ru-     fen     an. 
Thou  who     as     bro-thers   count   us     all, 

und  willat  das     Be-  ten  von  una   ha'n, 
we       pray     Thee  har-ken  to     our  cull; 

gib,    dass   nicht     bet  al-   lein  der     Uund, 

teach     us       the     pray'r  that  Oraco  im-parta, 

hllf,    dasa   ea       geh'    aue  Her-   lens-  grund. 
not        from  our  lij^a,    but    from  our     hearta. 

Cantttta  102 


X  Trinity 

Epistle,    I   Corinthiana   XIT,    1-11.      Concerning 
spiritual   gifts. 

Gospel,    3t.    Luke  XIX,    41-48.      Christ   weeps 
over  Jeruaalen. 

(Oboe   I   4  II,    Flauto  trarerso   (or  violino 
piccolo),   and  Strings.) 

1.   Chorus   (Ob.   I  *  IT,   Strings.)     4/*     (g) 

Jeremiah  V,    3,    6i 

"0  Lord   are  not  thine   eyes   upon  the  truth? 
thou  haat   stricken  them,   but   they  have  not 
grieved;    thou  hast   consumed  them,    but  they  have 
refused   to   receive   correction;    they   have  made 
their  faces   harder  than  a  rock;    they  have  re- 
fused to  return." 

"...    their  transgreasions   are  uAny  and 
their  backslidings   are   increased." 

(ae-  hen  (nach 
eyes   on        un- 

Harr,       dei-  ne     Au-     gen 
Lord,        are  not   then  Thine 
3op.    bara   43   &   108: 

dem  Glau-  beni ) 
-be-lie-  vera? 

bars  64-65,    *   113-115j 
dei-     ne       Au-  gen       se-  hen  nach  dem  Glau-  ben 
are  Thine  eyea  not,   not     on     un-     be-  lie-  vers? 

Alto  bara  67-68,    4  Sop.   bar   117j 
ae-       hen,      ae-  hen 
eyea,  Thine   eyes     on 

du     pla-gest      aie, 
con-  au-meat  them. 

Du     schla-gest  aie, 

Thou     ami-  teat  them, 

du     Bchla-geat  eie 

Thou     ami-  teat  them 

(a-  ber    faie        fuh-     len     es   nicht), 
but  yet     they  grieve     at     it     not, 

Bass,   bara   38-39: 
how  they  have  har-dened  their  hearts, 

bars   50-61,    AS.   A.    4  T. ,   bar  llOt    4  A.    49: 
fuh-  lens  nicht 
feel     it       not 

du     pla-gest     aie   (a-  ber     aie     bes-sern 
con-Bun-est     them  yet   they  will     ne-ver 

aich  nicht), 
re-  pent, 

Basa,   bara    39-40: 
a-     ber     aie     bea-aem  aich  nicht, 
how  they  will     ne-ver       re-  pent. 

Sop.   4  Baas  bars   112-113,    Alto,   Ten.    bar  63t 
sie     bea-eern  aich  nicht, 
they     ne-ver       re-  pent, 

ale     ha-ben  ein  har-ter        An-     ge-   sicht 
their   fa-cea   are  har-der  turned   a-  gainst 

denn  ein     Fela 
Thee  than   rock 

und     wol-   len      (eich   (nicht)   be-keh-  ren)). 
and   etill   they     are  not        re-len-ting. 


Cantata  102 

2.   RecltatJTo  Basa 

Wo     i8t   das     E-     ben-  bild,    das     Gott    uns   ein- 
How  can  we     stub-born     mor-  tals      so     per-vert 

-ge-  pra-  get, 
the     i-  mage 

wenn  der  ver-kehr-        te     TTill   sich     ihm 
of     God   Hini-self,    which     in     our     hearts 

zu-  wi-  der     le-  get? 
He  has     im-  plan-ted? 

Wo        ist     die  Kraft  von  sei-nem  V7ort, 
Where   lies  the     po-     wer  of     His  word, 

wenn     al-  le     Bee-  se-  rung  weicht  auo 
to     move  the   sul-len   heart        by       no 

don  Her-   len         fort? 
re-pen-tence  stirred? 

Der  Hoch-ste     su-     chet   una  duroh  Sanft-mut 
The  High-est   seeks     by     gen-  tie-     neas     to 

zwar     2u     2ah-  men, 
breed  con-tri-tion, 

Ob  der  ver-irr-  te  Geist   sich  woll-  te 
that  thus  the  er-ring  soul    be   wa-kened 

Docb  be-  que-  menj 
to  aub-mis-sion; 

doch,        fahrt  er  fort     in     dem     ver-atock-ten 
but,  if       we  will  not  heed,   or       do       our 


eo     gibt     er  ihn     ins  Her-   zens     Dun-  kel     hin. 
He  leaves  ua  atew-ing  with  our     atub-born  heart, 

Cantata  102 

aich  trennt, 
dis-  claim. 

4.   Aria  Baas      (Strings.)      3/8     (A^,) 

Romans   II,    4-5j 

"Or  despisest  thou  the  riches  of  his  good- 
ness and   forbearance  and   long   suffering;    not 
knowing  that  the  goodness  of  God  leadeth  thee 
to   repentance? 

"But,    after  thy  hardness  and  impenitent 
heart,    treasurest   up   unto  thyself  wrath  againstt 
the  day  of  wrath  and  revelation   of  the  right- 
eous judgment   of  Godj" 

(Ver-  ach-  test     du)  den  Reich-tum)   sei-ner 
Dost  thou     des-piee  the     rich-ea       of     His 

Gna-     de, 

Ge-  duld     und  Lang-mu-tig-  keit? 
pa-tience  and     tol-er-ant  grace? 


(V.'eia-8est     du     nicht),   dass  dich     Cot- 
Know-  est     thou     not         that   the       Grace 

Gu-  te  (zur     Bu-     sae  lo-     cket)? 
God  doth     in-spire     re-pen-tance? 

Du     a-  ber  nach  dei-  nem  ver-atock-ten     und 
But  af-ter  thy     hard  and     im-  pen-     i-  tent 

un-     bus3-fer-  ti-  gen  Her-ien  hau-fest  t^l 
heart  thou  trea-sur-est   ev-  er     up       to 

selbst  den  Zorn     auf  den  Tag  dea  Zorns, 
-self     His  wrath  for  the  Day  of     Wrath, 

und   der  Of-fen-ba-rung 
and  the  re-vel-  a-tion 

dee  ge-  rech-     ten 
of     the  right-eoua 


3.    Aria  Alto     (oboe)        V*     (f) 

(Weh:)  der  See-     le),  die         den  Scha-  den 

Woe       to     api-rits  which,      un-  bluah-ing, 

nicht  mehr  kennt, 
know       no     shame, 

und      Mle  Straf  auf  aich     zu     la-   den), 
heed-leaa     all     to     doom  are   rush-lnir, 

Btor-   rig   rennt, 
blind   to     bloioe, 

Ja,      von     Ih-     rea  Got-tes  Gna-  den  aelbet 
yea,    the  Grace  of     God     It-aelf  do       they 

de-  cree 

of     God? 

5.    Aria  Tenor  3/4     (g) 

(Flauto  traverso  Solo   (Or  Violin  piccolo)) 

(Sr-schre-   eke 
Be-  ware   thou 

See-  Is: 


(du       all-zu     aich-  reH 
thou  aelf-auf-fic-ient 

(Denk),    wea      ((dloh  wur-   dig)    iSh-   le) 
Know       that        thou  rloh-ly  me-rlt 

(der  Sun-  den     Joch). 
the  sin-ner's  yoke. 


Cantata  102 

Cantata  102 

Die       Got-  tea-Lang-  mut  geht     auf     ei-  nem 
Tho '    God's   for-bear-ance  makes   Him  slow     to 

FuBS     von  Dlei, 
wrath  at     Thee, 

da-  mit    (der  Zorn  her-   nach   (dir   (de-   sto 
yet    in       the   end     His   wrath     will  much  the" 
bar  91 I    at   last 

achwe-rer)    eei), 
fierc-er       be. 

6.   Recitatiyo   Alto     (Oboe  I   ft   Tl) 

Heut    lebst   du,    heut  be-   keh-   re        dich, 
To-     day       a-   live  and     in  your  price, 

eh     mor-gen  kommt,    kanns     an-        dern        slchf 
get   you     to     God,      while   still   there's  time. 

wer  heut   ist   frisch,    ge-     aund   und        rot, 
To-  day       a-     lert        and   sound  and  brave, 

ist   mor-gen  krank,    ja  wohl   gar  tot. 

to-  mor-row     sick     or     in     your  grave. 

So  du  nun   stir-  best        oh-     ne     Eusa, 
By  pe-   ni-tence  God's  wrath  dis-  pel 

dein  Leib   und     Seel   dort   bren-  nen  muss, 
or     face  the  fiend-ish     fires  of     Hell. 

Beim  VJar-ten  ist        Ge-    fahr;        willst   du     die 
In        pe-ril   thou  dost   wait  I  "Thy       put   off 

Zeit  ver-lie-    ren? 
thy     re-pen-tance? 

Der  Gott,  der   eh-  male   gna-   dig     war. 

Thy     God,        'til   no»      so     kind  to     Thee, 

kann  leicht-lich  dich  vor   aei-nen  Richt-stuhl 
at  a-        ny       mo-  ment   may  pro-nounce     thy 

fuh-   ren. 

Wo     bleibt   so  dann  die   Buss? 
How     then     of     pen-   i-tence? 

se-  pa-ratea 

der  Zeit   und  E-  wig-  keit, 
e-  ter-     ni-ty  from  time. 

See-   le   schei-det; 
soul  to-  geth-    er. 

Ea   ist      ein 
An  in-stant 

der     Leib     und 

holds    frame  and 

Ter-   blend-ter  Sinn, 
Thou  blin-   ded      one, 

a-   gain, 

daas  dich     die-   sel-be  Stund 
that    when  thine     ho-ur     cone 

-de  un-  be-rei-tet. 
thee  not  un-rea-  dy. 

ach,  keh-  re  doch 
ah,   turn  thou  back 

nicht  fin- 
'twill  find 


Hilf ,     0       Herr  Je-  su,   hilf     du     mir, 
Help,   Thou  Lord  Je-aus,    help  Thou     me, 

dase  ich  noch  heu-  te  komm   zu     dir 
that     I       to-  day  may  come  to  Thee, 

und     Bu-  sse     tu       den     Au-gen-blick, 
teach  me,     T     pray  Thee,   pe-ni-  tence, 

eh  mich     der     schnel-   le       Tod     hin-   ruck, 
be-fore  swift  death     shall  bear     me  hence, 

auf     daas   ich  heut    una   je-der-zeit 
that      rea-dy       I        may   ev-er       be 

zu  mei-   ner  Heim-fahrt    aei     be-reit. 
to  taJce  my     jour-   ney      home  to  Thee. 

Cantata  103 


Libretto  by  Von  Ziegler  and  Bach 

TU  Faster 

Fpistle,    I   Peter  TT,    11-20.    Abstain  from 
fleshly  lusts;    be   obedient    and  patient    in   suf- 

Gospel,    St.   John  XVI,    16-23.      Tn  a   little 
while   ye   shall   see  raej    ye  shall   weep   and   lenent, 
but    your   sorro7/  will  turn  to  joy, 

(Flauto   traverse,   Flauto  piccolo,    2  Ob.    d'amore, 
TroEba,    and  Strings.) 

7.    Chorale      Tlo.    320)      4/4        fc) 

(Fl.    tr.    in  8va,   Ob.    I   i  IT,   Vn.      I   with 
Sop.;    Vn.    II   v.ith  Alto;    Va.    with  Tenor.) 

1.    Chorus        3/4     (b) 

(Fl.    pic,    Ob.    d'amore  I   *   TT,    end  "itrings) 

St  John  XVI,    20i 

"Verily,   verily  T   eay   unto  you.   That   ye   shnll 
weep   and   lament,   but   the  world   eV.all    rejcice;    and 
ye  shall  be  sorrovful,    but   your  sorrow  ahp.ll  be 
turned   into  joy." 


Cantata  103 

Cantata  103 

Ihr     wer-   det    (wei-nen  und     heu-len, ) 
Ye      shall  be     weep-ing  and  wail-ing, 

(a-     ber)    (die  Welt      (wird   eich  freu-   on.) 
yet    shall     the  Torld        be        re-     joi-cirig| 

Ihr      ^a-  ber)     wer-   det   trau-rig   sein. 

and  tho'    ye        shall  be        sor-row-   ful, 

ye  shall  be       3or-row-  ful, 


Doch    (eii-        re     Trau-rig-keit    soil   (in 

Yet      shall   your     aor-row  turn     in-     to 

Freu-   de 

ver-keh-ret     wer-   den.) 
to     joy  and  gltd-ness. 

'St-  bar-ce  dich,     ach,   ho-  re     doeh^ 
ah,      pi-ty     me,     Thine  an-ger   spare.' 

Du       su-chest   ja     nicht  mein  Ver-  der-     ben, 
Thou  seek-  est  not     for       my       de-struct-icn, 

wohl-  an,  (so  hofft   (mein  Her-  le)  noch, 
80  help  Thou   me,    and   hear  my  pray'r. 


bar   56: 
wohl-     an,    so     hofft 
and     hear     my  pray'r 

4.   Recitativo   Alto 

2.   Recitativo  Tenor 

^er     soil-   te   nicht   in     Kla-   gen     un-  ter-  ge>in', 
TTho  *'culd  not      sink   in  grief  were   our  dear  Lord, 

wenn   uns     das     Lieb-ste  *ird    ent-ris-   sen? 
our     Sa-viour,      to     be       ta-   ken  from     us? 

Der  See-len  !!eil, 
If     He,    our  Hope, 


die        Zu-   flucht    kran-ker 
should  pass      us  by     un- 

acht   nicht      auf     un-   sre   Schner-zen. 
when  hf-arts  are   sick   and     bleed-ing? 

Du     wirst  mich  nach  der   Angst 
Thou  wilt        as-suage     my     woe, 

auch  *le-  der-um  er-   qui-ckenj 
and      com-fort  me   in  trou-blej 

30  will  ich  mich   zu     dei-ner     An-kunft      schi-ckei 
so      I  a-  wait  Thy  con-ing  here  with  yearn-ing 

ich  trau-e  dem     Ver-heis-sungs-wort, 
Thy  V.'ord  T  hold   In     firm     be-      lief 

dass  mei-ne  Trau-rig-keit 
that   all  my   care  and  grief 

in  Freu-  de   soil  ver-      keh-ret     wer-den. 
to     joy  and  glad-ness  will  be     turn-ing. 

See  St.  John  XVI,    20. 

3.    Aria  Alto        6/8        (ff) 

(Violino   concertante   or   Flauto   traverse) 

?;ein    Arzt   ist     au-sser  dir      zu  fin-   den, 
Phy-    aic-ian  none     I        find  to  cure     rr.e, 

ich  su-      che  durch       gunz  Qi-le-ad; 

tho'    search     I        thru       all     Gi-le-ad; 

JereiLiah  VIII,    22i 

"Is  there   no   balm  ir.  Gilead;    is   there 
no  physician  there?...," 

»er   heilt   die  Tun-den     mei-   ner  Sun-den, 
no  re-  uie-  dy     to     sooth     my     fe-ver, 

«eil     man   hler   kei-nen  Bal-sar;  hat? 
no     balm     for  sin  ie     to     be     had. 

b-re   2R-29i 
well  cjin     hler     kei-nen,  hier  kei-nen  Bal-sam  hat 
no     bblffi     to     heal   me     fron  sin   is     to     be     had 

Ver-    birget   du  dich,    eo  muas   ich  eter-ben. 
■7ith      Th»«        a-   way,      I    eure-    ly      per-lsh, 

5.    Aria  Tenor        V4     ''D) 
(Tromba,    and   Strings.) 

Er-ho-   let      euch       be-trub-  te     Sin-  nen, 
Ee   com-fort-      ed,      ye  trou-bled   spi-rits, 

ihr       tut    euch     sel-ber  all-      zu       weh. 
with-hold   your  sighs   and   calm  your   fears, 

Lasst   von  dem  trau-ri-  gen     Be-  gin-        nen, 
nor     let   the      sor-row  you  have   suf-fered 

eh       ich     in     Tra-nen   un-ter-     geh, 
dis-solve  you  now     in  fu-tile   tears. 

Uein     Je-      sus     lasst    sich  wie-   dar     se-   hen, 
Our     Lord  will      come        a-     gain  to     save     us, 

^0   Freu-  de);        der   nicht s   glei-chen     kann; 
0     Rap-ture,        Joy     be-        yond   all     price, 

wie     wohl      let   rir  dn-durch  ge-sche-hen, 
tf.i8  won-droue   co-  ve-   nant   He  gave      ua. 


Cantata  103 

Cantata  104 

nimiE,    ninan     fmein  Hon)    turn  Op-fer     an. 
my        heart        is     His,      my     sa-cri-fice. 

6.  Chorale     V*   fb) 

(Tr.,  Fl.  tr.,  Ob.  d'sun.  T  ft  II,  Vn.  I  with 
Sop.t  Vn.  II  with  AltO|  Va.  with  Tenor.) 

Ich  hab  dich   ei-  nen  ^u-  gen-blick, 
Tho'   I   be  gone   a   lit-tle   time 

0   lie-  bee  Kind,  ver-las-   sen; 
my  child-ren,   you  may  trea-sure 
St.  John  XVI,  16. 
eieh  a-   ber,  eieh  mit  gros-sem  Gluok 
the   hope  of    hap-pi-  nese  eub-  lime 

und  Treat  ohn^  al-  le  Lla-  ssent 
and  bllee  bey-ond  all  mea-surei 

will  ich  dir  echon,  die  Freu-  den-  kron^ 
I    send   re-lief   from  trou-bles  brief 

auf-  set-  »en  und  ver-  eh-   ren; 
by  which  you  are  sur-round-  ed, 

dein  kur-tes  Leid  soil  sich  in  Freud 
and   on  your  head  will  rest  in-stead 

und    e-  wig  Tohl  ver-  keh-  ren. 
the  Crown  of  Joy    un-bound-  ed. 

der   du  Jo-  seph  hu-test  wie  der  Scha-  fe. 
Thou  that  lea-dest  like  a   flock  the  Faith-ful, 

fer-3chei-   ne)    der  du   ait-zest   u-  ber 
ap-  pear   Thou,  Thou  that  dwell-eet  'mid  the 


2.   Recitativo  Tenor 

Der     hoch-ate     Hii-  ter     sorgt    fur  mich, 
lly     heav'n-ly  Shep-herd   cares   for     me, 

was      nut-    zen  raei-   ne  Sor-gon? 
what  mat-ters   then  my   aor-row? 

Es  wird   ja     al-   le  Uor-gen 
To-  day,    a-gain  to-mor-row, 

dee     Ilir-  ten  Gti-     te       neu. 
He     leads  to     paa-tures  new. 

Main     Herz,    so  fas-   se  dich, 
My     heart,   be  com- for-  ted  I 

Gott   iat    ^ge-treu.) 
Thy     God     is   true. 

Cantata  104 


Libretto  by  Chr.  Weiss  Sr. 

II  Easter 

Epistle,    I   Feter  II,    21-25.      Ye  were  as 
sheep,    gone   astray. 

Goepel,    St.   John  X,    11-16.      I   am  the   good 

(2  Oboes,    Taille,    2  Oboe   d'amore.    Strings.) 

1.    Chorus 

V4       (G) 

(Ob.    I   4   II,   Taille,    and  Strings.) 

PsaLai  LXXX,    Ij 

"Gire   ear,   0   Shepherd  of  Israel,    thou 

that    le-tdest  Joseph  like  a  flock,    that    dwell- 

est   between  cherubirca,    and  shine   fort'n." 

(Du     Hir-      te        Is-    ra-   el,)    (ho-   rs) 
Thou  Shep-herd   boun-tl-ful,      hear   us, 

3.    Aria  Tenor   (Ob.    d'amore   I  *  Tl)    4/4     (b) 

Ver-birgt  mein  Hir-  to      sich     ( zu  Ian-  ge), 
With  Thee     a-     way     the  wilds     a-   larm  me, 

macht   mir     die  \Vu-   ste   all-      zu     ban-  ge, 
I  fear  the  de-sert   foes  will  harm  me, 

mein   achwa-cher  Schritt        ( eilt      den-noch  fort), 
with     hal-  ting      steps  yet      haste     I        on. 

(Uein     Uund  echreit )   nach     dir. 
My     heart      cries  to     Thee, 

und     du, 
and  Thou, 

mein     Hir-     xe 
my     Shep-herd, 

wirkst   in  mir 
speak     to     me 

(ein  glau-big  Ab-     ba)   durch  dein  Wort, 
and  give     me   com-fort        by     Thy     '7ord, 

4.  Recitativo  Bass 


die-808  Wort  ist  raei-  ner  See-   le  Spei-se, 
to     my        fee-ble   soul  Thy  V7ord   is   lea-ven, 


Cantata  104 

Cantata  104 

ein  Lab-   sal     mei-ner  Brust, 
an     oint-ment  for     my  heart, 

die     Wei-     de,      die     ich     mei-  ne     Lust, 
these  pas-turea     Hea-ven's  coun-ter-part, 

des  Him-mels  Vor-schmack,      ja 
a     pre-  mon-  i-        tion,      yea, 

mein  al-  lea  bei-sse. 
of     fu-ture  Hea-ven. 


samn-le     nur,    0  gu-  ter     Hir-  te, 
ga-ther   now,    0  gen-tle  Shep-herd, 

zur     Weid  er     mich,   soin     Schaf-lein,   filhrt. 
Thru  mea-dows  deep       He     guides     His     sheep, 

auf  scho-  ner  gru-  nen  Au-  e: 
in   ver-dant  val-leys  ly-ing. 

zum  fri-schen  Was-  ser  leit  er  mich. 
By   wa-ters  still  He   lea-deth  me, 

mein  Seel  zu    la-  ben  kraf-tig-  lich 
in   pas-tures  green  He  fee-deth  me, 

durchs  se-lig  wort  der  Gna-  den. 
and   80  my  soul  re-sto-reth. 

uns     Ar-  me 
the  fee-ble 

und  Ver-irr-  te; 
and  the  way- ward. 

ach  lass  den  ^eg 
and  let     the  way 

nur  bald     ge-  en-det     sein 
be     short  and  ve-ry     plain. 

und       fuh-  re     uns       in  dei-  nen  Schaf-stall  ein. 
that  leads  us  back       to  find  Thy     fold       a-  gain. 

5,   Aria  Base     (Strings)      1^8     (D) 

Be-gluck-te     Her-       de,       Je-     su  Soha-     fe. 
Ye     hap-  py  flocks  whom  Christ  is     kee-ping, 

die     V.'elt     ist   euch   (ein  Him-mel-reich), 
this  world   for     you     is     Hea-ven     now, 

Hler  echmeckt  ihr     Je-     su     Gu-  te  schon 
For         here       you  taste  the  joy  to     come 

und  hof-   fet   noch  des     Glau-bens  Lohn 
and   know  the   hope   of     Christ-   en-  dom, 

nach  ei-  nem  aemf-ten     To-     des-schla-  fe. 
'til  you  in       gen-tle  death  are   sleep-ing. 

6.    Chorale   (No.    13)      4/*     (A) 

(Ob.    I,   Vn.    I   with  Sop.;    Ob.    II,   Vn.    II  with 
Alto;    Taille,   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Psalm  XXIII,    l-3i 

"The  Lord   is  my   shepherd,    I  shall   not  want, 
"He  maketh  me   to   lie  do?m   in  green  pas- 
tures;   he   leadeth  me  beside  the   otill  waters. 
"He   restoreth  my  soul;    he  leadeth  me   in 
the  paths  of  righteousness  for  his  name's  sake.' 

Der   Herr  ist   mein     ge-   treu-   er     Hirt, 
The  Lord  my     faith-ful  3hep-herd      is, 

d«B     ich  mich  gans  ver-trau-     e, 
my      er*-   ry     want   sup-   ply-ing. 

Cantata  105 


IX  Trinity 

Epistles, I  Corinthians  X,   6-13.     Take  heed 
lest  you  fall;    you  will  not  be  tempted  beyond 
your  power  to   resist;    shun  worldly  lusts. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke  XVI,    1-9.      Parable   of  the 
dishonest   steward. 

(Horn,    2  Oboes,   and  Strings,) 

1,   Chorus  4/4     (g) 

(Instr.    as   above) 

Psalm  XCLIII,    2; 

"And  enter  not  into  judgment  with  thy 
servant:    for  in  thy  sight   shall  no  man  be 

Herr,      ge-        he     nicht    (ins     Ge-richt) 
Lord,  weigh  Thou     and     judge  us     not 

rait   dei-nem  Knecht; 
by     our     de-  fault; 


denn,    (vor  dir) 

nay,        for  then 

Alto  bar  98j 

ac-   quit. 

(wird  (kein  Le-ben-  di-  ger) 
no   man   a-live  may  Thou 

2,  RecitatiTO  Alto 

Mein  Gott, 
My       Cod, 

ver-wirf  mich  nichl 
con-demn     me       not; 


Cantata  105 

Cantata  105 

in-dem  ich  mich  in  De-     aut  vor     dir  beu-ge 
in  hum-ble     pen-i-tence     I      come  to     bow  me 

▼on  dei-  nen  An-ge-sicht, 
be-  fore  Thy  Ma-jea-  ty. 

leb  weiss, 
I       know 

wie  gross  dein     Zorn 
how  great   Thy     wrath, 

tdd  mein  Ver-bre-chen     ist, 
how  deep  my     sor-  ry     guilt. 

dass   du        zu-     gleich   ein  schnel-ler     Zeu-     ge 
Thy  judg-ments,   Lord,      I        know     are  right-eoua, 

und  oln  ge-rech-  ter  Rich-ter  biat. 
as     Thy  de-crees  are     mer-ci-     ful. 

der     al-     le  Schuld   er-set-      zet, 
aa-  eured  of     full     ac-quit-teuice, 

so     wird  die  Hand-schrift  aiis-  ge-'tan, 
for  him     the  debt       was       paid  in  full 

Colosalans  II,   I4i 

"Blotting   out  the   handwriting   of  ordinances 
that  was  against   us,  which  was  contrary  to  us, 
and  took  it   out  of  the  way,  nedling  it  to  His 

wenn  Je-sus   sis     mit     61u-te  net-      zet. 
when  Je-8U8   of-   fer'd  His   a-  tone-ment. 

Er     hef-     tet   sie     ans  Krou-   ze  sel-ber       an| 
He  nedled  it     fast     be-side  Him  on     the  Cross. 

Ich  le-  ge  dir     ein  frei  Be-  kennt-nis     dar 
I      of-fer  Thee   con-fes-sion   frank  and   free, 


stur-ze  mich  nicht   in  Ge-fahr 
»ould     I  dare     de-     ny  to  Thee 

die  Feb-  ler     mei-ner  See-      le      zu  leug-nen 
■y     spi-rit's     ma-ny     fail-ings  or  ven-ture 

su  ver-heh-     len. 
to  con-ceal  them. 

er     wird  von     dei-   nen  Cu-tern, 
For  our     sake  with  the  Fa-ther 

Leib   und  Le-  ben, 
in-   ter-ced-ing, 

wenn  dei-  ne  Ster-  be-  stun-   de  schlagt, 
He  pleads  for  us  when  death's  hour  strikes, 

dem  Va-  ter  selbst 
and  Migh-ty   God 

-ge-     ben. 

die     Rech-nung   u-  ber- 
will     har-ken     to  His 

3.    SoK'Tano  Aria        V*        (Efe) 

Wie      zit-tern  und  waji-  ken 
With  qui-ver     and   qua-king 

der  Sun-  der  3e-  dan-  ken 
the   sin-ners  are   sha-king 

in-  dem  aie  aich     un-     ter-ein-an-der 
Each  one     is     the  fault   of     the   oth-er 

So     mag  man  dei-nen     Leib 
So  when  thy  mor-tal  corpse 

den  man     zu     Gra-  be  tragt, 
is     car-ried     to  the  grave 

irdt   Sand      und 
and  earth  is 

Staub  be-schvit-ten 
heaped   up-  on         it. 

dein  Hei-land   off-net   dir     die      ew-gen  Hut-ten. 
thy     God  will     o-  pen  wide  the  Gate  of  Hea-ven. 

ver-kla-  gen 

und        wie-  der-um   sich   zu  ent-echul-di-  gen 
while   stout-ly     de-  ny-ing  his     own  grea-ter 

wa-  gen. 

So     wird   ein        ge-  ang-   stigt  Ge-  wis-aen 
They     ne-  ver        may  rest  them     con-ten-ted, 

durch   ei-ge-ne  Fol-     ter        zer-ris-sen. 
for-    ev-er  by  con-science  tor-men-ted. 

5.   Aria  Tenor       V*        (^b) 

Kann  ich     nur 
If     but  Thou, 

Je-sum  mir   zun.  Freun- 
Je-sus,   be     my       dear 

-de  ma-   chen, 
com-pan-  icn 

BO  gilt   der  f^am-mon 
I        val-ue     Mam-mon 


bei     mir 

Ich  fin-  de   (kein  Ver-gnu-  gen)   hier 
I      find  me        no     con-tent-ment   here 

4,   Recitativo   Baaa        (Strings.) 

^ohl     a-  ber  dem. 
How     hap-py     he. 

der   aei-nen  Bur-gen  weisa, 
he     who  is     firm  as-sured. 

bei   die-  ser  eit-len  "Jelt 
in       fu-tlle  mor-tal  joys, 
und     (W. ) 

in       ir-     di-6chen  Sa-     chen, 
and  world-ly     at-   trac-tiona. 


Cantata  105 

(in         ir-     d'schen  Sa-     chen. } 
this  world's       at-  trac-tions. 

6.   Chorale       V*       (g) 

Nun,    ich  weiss,      du     wirst  mir     stil-len, 
Ko»       I        know     that  Thou     wilt     qui-et 

mein  Ge-     wis-      sen,    das     mich  plagt, 
all     the  fears   that     trou-ble       me, 

Es  wird  del-  ne     Treu  er-  fill-  len, 
in     ful-  fil-ment  of     the  pro-mlse, 

was   du     sel-ber  hast     ge-sagti 
gi-ven     to     the  Torld  by  Thee, 

dass   auf     die-ser     weit-     en     Er-  den 
that  thro'-out  the   earth's  do-icin-ions, 

Kei-ner  Boll  ver-   lo-   ren     wer-den, 
not     a        sir.-gle   soul  will  per-ish; 

eon-dern       e-     wig     le-  ben     soil, 
if     the     faith  we     firm  inain-tain 

wenn  er  nur  ist  g la u-b ens-roll, 
life   e-  ter-nal     we     will  gain. 

Cantata   106 
Libretto  by  Each 

(2  Flutes,    2  Viola  da  Gamba. ) 

1.  Sonatina   (Instr.    as  above)      V*     (E^) 

2.  Chorua    (instr.    as   in  No.    1)   V*  3/4  V*  (E^) 

(Got-tes  Zeit)   ist   (die     al-   ler-bee-te)   Zeit. 
Uigh-ty     God,      Hie     own  time     is     ev-er     beat. 
Hie  tiine     is     ev-er 

Begirning  at   bars   designated,    after   V*« 
Sop.    1,    8,    Alt.    2.   Ten.    6,    15.    Buss   7| 

In   ihE     le-  ben. 

In   ilio:  live     we. 

Cantata  106 

Sop.   12,   21.   Alt.   13,   21.  Ten.   21.  Bass  19: 
in  ihm     le-  ben 
in  Him  move     we 

Sop.   3,   10.   Alt.   4.  Ten.   8.   Bass  9t 
we-  ben  und  Bind  wlr 
live  we     and  move     we 

Tenor,   17j 
le-  ben 
move     we 

Sop,    14,    23.    Alt.   15,    23.  Ten.   13,   18,23. 
and  Bass   21t 
we-  ben  und  sind  wir 
have  we     our     be-  ing 

Sop.   19,   Alt.   11,   19t 
und  sind  wir 
our     be-  ing 

Alto  9j 
und  sind  wir  und  eind  wir 
and  have  we     our     be-  ing 

Bass  14t 
und   sind  wir 
and  move     we 

The  Acts  XVII,   28t 

"For  in  Him  we  live,   and  move  and  have 
our  being.. ." 

All  partsi 
In     ihm  ster-ben  wir   zur  rech-ten  Zeit 
And  we     die     at     His     ap-poin-ted  time, 

wenn  er  will, 
when  Ho  wills. 

Beginning  after  V*»  bars: 

Sop.  2,  3.  Alt.,  Ten.,  and  Bass  3,  4t 

in  ihm  ster-ben  wir 

His   ap-poin-ted  time 

3.  Aria  Tenor  (instr.  as  in  No,  1)  V*  fc) 

Psalm  XC,    12: 

"So  teach   us  to  number  our  days  that  we 
may  apply  our  hearts   unto  wisdom." 

Ach,    (Herr),      leh-   re   uns     be-den-ken. 
Ah,        Lord,      teach  us   that  we  num-ber« 

dass  wlr  ster-ben  mus-sen, 
that   our  days  we     num-ber 

auf  dass,       auf  dase,   auf     dass     wir  klug  wer-den^ 
that     we  ap-ply        our  hearts      un-to       wie-doffl^ 


Cantata  106 

4.   Aria  Baee    (Instr.    as   in  No.    1)    2/8   (c) 

leaiah  XXXVIII,    li 

"Thus   saith  the  Lordj    Set   thine   house  in 
order,    for  thou  8h£il+    die  and  not   live." 

Be-   stel-   le  dein     HausJ 
Set   in        or-  der     thy   house, 

denn     du     wirst   ster-ben   ( und   nicht   le-   ben-dig) 
for     thou  Shalt     per-ish     nor     may     thy  days  be 

blei-       ben. 
length- en«d. 

Bars    31-41   of   ?/9j 
(und   nicht  le-  ben-  dig)   blei-ben. 
BO     shall   thy  days     be        end-   ed. 

5.  Chorus    4/  4   (c) 

Ecclesiasticus  (Sirach)  XIV,  17t 

"All  flesh  waxeth  old  as  a  garment;  for  the 
corencmt  from  the  beginning  is,  Thou  shalt  die 
the  death." 

Cantata  106 

Alto  13,    33,    39.   Ten.    34.   Base   34t 
menscli,      du     musst    stei — ben 
that        thou     must     per-ish 

Revelation  XXII,    20| 

"He  which  testified   these  things   saith, 
Surely  I   come  quickly.    Amen.   Even  so  come. 
Lord  Jesus." 

Sopranot     Ja,     Ja,     koam,  Harr  Ja-  su,   kono. 
0       ooma,    coma.    Lord  Je-aua,    coma. 

6.    Aria  Alto   (Viola  da  Oamba)   4/'4  (b^) 

Psalm  XXXI,    5i 

"Into  Thy  hemd   I   commit  my  spirit i    Thou 
hast  redeemed  me,    0  Lord  God   of  Truth." 

In  dei-  ne     Han-  de       be-fehl'  ich  raei-nen  Gelstj 
In-to     Thy  keep-ing        do     I        con-mlt     my     soul, 

du     hast  mich  er-     l6-      set, 
for  Thou  hast  re-deemed     me, 

Herr,     du     (ge-  treu-er     Gott). 
0  Lord, Thou     God   of  Truth. 

Er     ist        der     al-  te       Bund: 
For  thou  shalt   die  the  death: 

Beginning  at  bare   designated,    after   4/ii 
Alto,    4,    9,    29,    37,    45,    50: 

Tenor,    3,6,10,11,    13,    14,    28,30,38,44,47,50, 
Bass,    6,8,12,13,31,38,47,48,50: 
Uanach,      du     musst   ster-ben 
Uan,        thou     must     per-ish 

Alto   11,31,38.   Ten.    14,31.   Bass   32: 
mensch,   du     musst   ster-ben 
thus        was      it        writ-ten 

Alto   12,    32.   Ten.    32.   Bass   33: 
mensch,   du     musst   ster-  ben 
from       the     be-        gin-ing 

Tenor  39: 

Alto  34.    Tenor   39.    Bass    39: 
mensch,      du     musst   ster-ben 
yea,      thou     must     per-ish 

Alto,    5,10,14,46,47,48: 

Tenor,    5,7,29,45, 48, 4fi: 

Bass,  14,  33,  48: 
du  musst  ster-ben 
thcu  must  per-ish 
that      thou     per-ish  Tenor  bars   4-5 

Alto   6.    T««i.    4.8,10,11,29.    Bass   7,7,8,9,9,13: 
du     mueat 
thou     must 

7.   Duet  Basa-Alto        4/4       (c) 

St.  Luke  XXIII,  43: 

"And  Jesus  saith  unto  him,  Verily  T  say 
unto  thee.  Today  shalt  thou  be  with  me  in 
paradise. " 


Heu-te,    (heu-     te     wirst  du  mit     mir) 

For  to-     day  shalt  thou  be  with     me, 

51-52:      shalt  thou  with  me     to-  day 

( im  Pa-ra-dies)   sein. 
in  Pa-ra-dise        be. 

Mlo        , 

Mit  Fried   und  Freud  ich  fahr  da-hin 
In     Peace     and  Joy       T     pass     a-way, 

in  Got-tes  Wil-   len, 
in  God  con-   fi-ding. 

ge-  trost   ist        mir     mein  Herz   und  Sinn, 
His     will  with  heart   and     soul     o-     bey, 

sanft  und  stil-  le. 
safe       a-     bi-  ding. 

'Vie     Gott     mir     rar-hei-  asen       faati 
Here     on     earth     I     faar  for     naugkt, 

der  Tod   ist   mein  Schlaf     wor-  der.. 
e-  ter-nal   life        a-       waits     me. 


Cantata  106 

Cantata  107 

8.    Chorus   (Inatr.    as  in  No.    1)    V*  (E^) 

Glo-rie,   Lob,        Ehr       und  Herr-lich-keit 
All  glo-   ry,     praise,    and     Lla-  jes-     ty 

sei  dir,   Sott,  Va-  ter  imd  Sohn  be-  reit, 
to     God     the       Fa-ther  for-  e-     yer     be, 

dem  heil-gen  Geiat  mit  Na-  meni 
and     to     the     Ho-     ly     Spi-rit. 

Die     gott-  lich' Kraft, 
The  strife     is       done, 

mach  una  aieg-haft, 
the     bat-tie     won, 

durch       Je-     sum  Chri-stum,   A-men. 
thru     Christ  the     Sa-viour,   A-men. 

Cantata  107 


Libretto  by  Heerman 

yil  Trinity 

Epistle,   Romans  VI,    19-23.     The  wages   of  ain 
is  death;   but  the  gift   of  God  is   eternal  life 
through  Jesus   Christ   our  Lord. 

Gospel,   St.   Uark  VII,    1-9.      Four  thousand 
fed  with  the   loaves  and  fishea. 

(2  Flutes,   2  Ob.   d'Eun. ,   Cor.   da  caccia.   Organ 
and  Strings.) 

er     wird  gut     al-     lea  ma-chen 
and     He     will  aid  thee  ev-  er, 

und  for-dern  (dei-   ne  Sa-chen, ) 
and  fur-ther  thine  en-dea-vor 

wie  dire  wird  ae-  lig  aein. 
to  atand  be-  side  Hia  Throne. 

2.  Recitativo  Bass   (Ob.  d'am.  I  ft  II,  Org.) 

Denn  Gott   ver-laa-  set  kei-nen. 
By   God   are  none  for-  sa-ken 

der  sich  auf  ihn  ver-lasst; 
who   on  Hie  aid  re-  ly, 

er  bleibt  ge-  treu  den  Sei-nen, 
and  them  with  fsiith  un-sha-ken 

die  ihm  ver-  trau-en  feat. 
He  firm  will  fcr-ti-  fy. 

Lasst  eicha  an  wun-  der-  llch, 
His  ways  are  won-drous  wise, 

so  lass  dir  doch  nicht  grau-  en; 
80  be  ye  not   af-  fright-ed 

mit  Freu-den  wirst  du  schau-en, 
in   joy  to   be    u-  nit-  ed. 


(wie     Gott  wird  ret -ten)   dich. 

with     God,   in  Pa-  ra- 

-dise,   God     in  Pa-  ra-  dise. 

1,   Chorale  (Inatr.   as  above)     V*     (b) 

Was  willet     du     dich  be-tru-ben, 
Oh,      why        Duch     sad  bo-ha-viour, 

0  mei-  ne  lie-be  Seel, 
my  soul,   when  all  is  well, 

er-     gib  dich  den  zu     lie-  ben, 
for  thou  hast  now  thy  Sa-vioi«- 

d«r  heisst    (Im-ma-nu-el, ) 
be-     loved     Im-ma-nu-el? 

Isaiah  VII,    14i 

"Therefore  the  Lord   himself  shall  give 
you  a  signi    behold  a  virgin  shall   conceive 
and  bear  a  son  and   shall  call   his  name 
St.   Uatthew  I,    22t 

"TThich  being   interpreted  is  God  with  us. 

Ver-     trau-     e  ihm  al-lein| 
Trust   thou  in     Him     a-lone. 

3,   Aria  Bass  (Strings  &  Organ)      4/*     fA) 

Auf     ihn  magst  du  es         wa-  gen 
With  cou-rage     ne-ver  alack-ing, 

mit        un-        er-3chrock-nem       Mutj 
nor  thought   of       fear     or     fright 

du     wlrst  mit  ihm     er-  ja-  gen, 
you     ne-     ver  will  be  lack-ing 

was  dir     ist  nuts  and     gut. 

for  what  is     good  and  right. 


Was  Gott  be-Bchlos-sen  hat. 

When  God  as-  serts  His  Will, 

das  kann  (nie-mand)   hin-  dern 
man  can   ne-ver   change  It, 

auB  al-  len  Uen-schen-  kin-dern; 
or  oth-er-  wise  ar-  range  It, 


Cantata  107 

ea     geht   (nach     eei-  nem     Rat.) 
but      Hie        com-mandB   ful-fill. 

4.    Aria  Tenor      (Organ)      3/4      (e) 

'^ann  auch  gleich     aua     der   Hol-len 
When  the        Foul      Fiend      e-  mer-gee 

der     Sa-   tan  woll-te   sich 
from  his     a-   bode   in   Hell; 

dir   oelbot        ent-ge-gen-stel-len 
hie      host  up-   on   you     ur-   gee, 

und     to-  ben       wi-     der  dich, 
with  ra-ging  fierce  and  fell, 

ao     mu88   er  doch  mit   Spott 
hie    swift   rte-feat   ia   sure, 

Yon   eei-     nen     Ran-   ken   lae-   sen, 
his  God  will   chas-ten, 

da-   Kit      er  dich     will   fas-sen; 
him  back   in   shajne  will   has-ten, 

(denn   (dein  Werk)        for-  dart  Gott. 
80       may     you  rest     ee-  cure. 

5.    Aria  Soprano   (Ob.    d'am.    4  Org.)    1^8   (b) 

Er     richte    zu  eei-   nen     Eh-    ren 
God        ev-      er  will   con-corn   Fim 

und     dei-   ner  Se-lig-   keit; 
to     mould   our  fu-ture   state, 

(aolls    sein,)    kein  Uensch   kanns   weh-  ren, 
froE  thia  no  man        can     turn  Him, 

und  ware   ihm  nocb   so   leid. 
or        Vie   con-cern     a-bate, 

Tills   denn  Gott    ha-ben   nicht, 
Kia        pur-pose   ne-ver   fails; 

•0     kanna      nie-   c^nd   fort-   trei-  ben, 
th«y     who     would   seek     to     thwart    !:im 

ea     muas   (zu-ru-  eke)        blei-ben; 
will     in     con-fua-icn  per-iah; 

waa     Gott     will,    (daa     F.e-schicht. ) 
what   God     willa,      that   pre-  vaila. 

Cantata  107 

6.  Aria  Tenor  (Fl.  tr.  I  *  II,  *  Org.)  4/4   (d) 

Drum  ich  mich  ihm  er-t^e-  be. 
From  God  my  all  de-ri-ving, 

ihm  sei   es   heim-ge-stellt; 
to     Him  my     all     T     give, 

(nach  nichts)    ich   sonst   mehr   stre-  be, 
for     naught     but     His     love   etri-ting, 

denn  nur     was        ihm  ge-fallt. 
as     He     would  have  me     live. 

(Drauf  wart   ich)    und     bin     still, 
So        wait      I        pa-  tient   still. 

eeln  77111  der     ist 
in       God     a-   lone 

der  be-  ste, 

das  glaub  ich  (steif  und  fe-  ate,) 
in  stead-fast   faith  a-  bi-ding; 

Gott  mach  es,  (wie  er  willi) 
all  hap-  pens  by  His  will. 

7.    Chorale  6/8        (b) 

(Fl.   I  *  II,  Ob.   d'am,  I  ft  II,   Strings. 
Organ.     Corno  da  caccia  with  Soprano.) 

Herr,   gib,   daas     ich     dein     Eh-     re 
So       may       I       kneel     be-  fore  Thee 

ja     all  mein     Le-     ben     lang 
thru-out     my     whole   life   long, 

von     Her-   zen-grund  ver-meh-     re, 
and  heart-  i-        ly        a-   dore  Thee 

dir  aa-     ge       Lob        und  Dank, 

with  praise  and  thEmka   and   sorg. 

0     Va-  ter,   Sohn  und  Geist, 
0  blea-eed       Tri-ni-       tyl 

Der     du  aus   lau-  ter  Gna-  den 
Thou,    my      se-cure   aal-  va-tion. 

eei   Im-mer-     dar     ge-prelst. 
for-    e-ver  praise     I     Thee. 


Cantata  108 
Libretto  by  Uarianne  Ton  Zieglar  t   Bach 
IV  Eaater 

Epistle,  James  I,  17-21.  Every  good 
gift  is  from  above;  be  swift  to  hear,  slow  to 
speak,  slo*  to  wrath. 

Gospel,  St.  John  XVI,  5-15.   It  is  expedient 
for  you  that  I  go  away;  but  the  spirit  of 
truth  will  come  and  guide  you. 

(2  Oboe  d'amore,  and  Strings.) 

1.  Aria  Bass       V*  (A) 

(Oboe  d'amore  I,  and   Strings.) 

St.   John  XVI,    7: 

"Nevertheless   I  tell  you  the  truth;    it   is 
expedient    for  you  that  I  go  away;    for  if  I  go 
not   a^-ay,   the  Comforter  will  not   come   unto 
you;    but   if  I  depart,   I  will  send  him  unto 

(Es  ist   euch     gut,)   dass  ich  hin-ge-     he; 
For  you   'tis  best     that     we     be     par-ted, 

(denn,)    (so  ich  nicht)   hin-  ge-     he, 
for  if     I  go       not    from  you 

(bo)  kommt   der  Tr'6-eter  nicht    2u     euch. 

there  com-   eth  not   the        com-  for-  ter. 

so     ich  a-ber     ge-     he. 
But  if     I     go  from  you, 

will  ich  ihn     zu  euch  sen-   den. 
to     you  will     I  then  send  Him. 

2.    Aria  Tenor  (Violin  solo)      ?/4     (f^) 

Uich  kar.n   (keln   Zwei-    fel   sto-ren,) 
All     care     and     doubt     de-   fy-ing, 

(auf  dein  7/ort,)        (Herr,)    zu  h'6-ren. 
on     Thy     77ord,  Lord,      re-ly-ing, 

Ich  glau-        be,    (gehet     du     fort,) 
I      trust  Thee,        tho'   Thou     go 

80  kann  ich  mich  ge-   tro-sten, 
I      will   not     be     ne-glect-   ed, 

dasB'    ich         zu       den     Er-  lo-sten 
birt      still,    with  Thine  E-   lect-   ed. 

Cantata  108 

3.  Recitative  Tenor 

Dein  Geist  wird  mich  al-  so       re-gie-  ren. 
Thy       Spi-  rit        ev-  er  shall  di-rect     me, 

dass  ich  auf  rech-  ter  Bah-  ne     geh; 
that     I     may  tread  the  Path  of  Right, 

durcb     dei-  nen     Hin-  gang  kommt   er 
Thy     death     as-eured     to       me     this 

ja       zu       mir, 
pre-oious  boon; 

ich  fra-  ge  sor-gens-voll: 
I     ask  now  sor-row-     ful: 

ach,   ist     er  nicht  schon  hier? 
Ah,      will  He     not       come  soon? 

4.    Chorus   (Ob.    d'am.    I  *  II,    *  Str.)     /i       (D) 

St.  John  XVI,    13i 

"How  be  it  when  He,  the  Spirit   of  truth 
is  come,    he  will  guide  you  unto  all  truth; 
for   he   shall  not   speak   of  himself;    but   what- 
soever he  shall  hear,   that   shall  he   speak; 
and   he  will  shew  you  things  to   come." 

Wenn  a-  ber     je-  ner,   der  Geist 
How-  be-   it   when     He,      of  Truth 

der  Wahr-heit,      kom-  men  wird, 
the     Spi-rit,      comes     to     you, 

der  wird  euch  (in     al-     le  'Vahr-  heit     lei-  ten), 
He       ev-     er       in  paths  of  truth  will  guide  you, 

Denn  er     wird  (nicht  von  ihm  sel-  ber)   re-     den. 
Of     Him-self     will     He     not  tell  you 

will     not   of     Him-self     tell  you, 

son-dern  was   er     ho-  ren     wird, 
but   what-   e-  ver  He   shall   hear, 

das     (wird     er     re-  don,) 
that     shall  He  tell  you, 

und    (was      zu-  kilnf-tig  ist,) 
and     He     will  show     to  you, 

wird      er      (ver-   kun-     di-  gen.) 
will   shew     you  things  to   come. 

komn  an   er-wunech-  ten  Port. 
Thy  Pa-ra-   dioe     will   know. 

5.    Aria  Alto      (Strings)        6/fl     (b) 

Was     niein  Hers 
Thou  wilt  fill 

von       dir        ba-gehrt, 
my     heart's   de-   oire. 


Cantata  108 

Cantata  109 

?  ach,  das  wird  mir 
j  give  mo  all  that 

wohl  g8-wahrt. 
T        re-3alre, 

O-ber-schut-te  nich  mit     r>e-     gen, 
o-ver-*heLB  ne  with  Thy  Blea-sing, 

£uh-      re  mich  auf  dei-   nen     'He-     gen, 
while   uj^-on       Thy  path  pro-gres-sing, 

dasi)  ich     in     der  E-  wig-keit 
that   thru  all     E-ter-   ni-  ty 

schau-   e  dei-   ne     Herr-lich-keit. 
I        be-hold  Thy     Ua-     jea-   ty. 

Ich  glau-     be,    (lie-  ber  I!err,) 
T     doubt   not,      dear-est   Lord, 

hilf  mei-   nem  Un-   glau-ben,    hilfj 
help  Thou  my     mia-  gi-ving,    helpl 
help  Thou  that   I   doubt   not,    ^elpi 
<5op.    41,    47,    51,    66,    72: 
Alto   23,    26,    47,    51,    66,    72, 
Tenor   2?,    26,    41,    66,   72t 
Bass    23,    26,    42,    49,    51t 
hilf  mei-  nen   "n-   glau-   ben 
o        help     my  mia-  gi-  vlng 
0        help  that   T  doubt      not 

6.   Chorale  V**        (b) 

(Ob.    i'am.    I  A  TI,   Vn.    I  with  Sop.j   Vn.    II 
with  Alto;    Va.   with  Tenor.) 

D«in  Geiat,   den  (}ott  vom  Him-  mei  gibt, 

Thy        Spi-     rit    sent    from  Heav'n     a-bove 

der     lei-   tet      al-      lea,   waa      ihn  liebt, 
will   lead   our  aouls  who     know  His      love, 

auf  wohl-  ge-bahn-tem  'Ve-     ge, 
in     paths  of     con-se-  cra-tion. 

•r  setzt   und     rich-  tet   un-sren  Fuss, 
H*  wise-  ly     guides  ^ur   er-ring  feet, 

daas   er  nicht     an-  ders  tre-ten     muss, 
when  we     are     weak  euid       in-dis-creet, 

ale     wo  man   find   den  Se-  gen. 
and  per-il     our     sal-va-tion. 

2.   Recitativo  Tenor 

Des   Her-   ren  Hand        ist        ja     noch  nicht  ver-kiirzt. 
The  Hand      of     God        is     reach-ing     from       a-   far 

mir  kann     ge-hol-fen     wer-den. 
to     guard  me   in     my     trou-ble. 

Ach  nein,        ich  sin-ke   schon   zur  Er-   den 
But     no,  my     mi-   se-ries        re-dou-blej 

vor  Sor-     ge         dass   sie  mich  zu     Eo-den  et'urzt. 
as     down-ward       plun-ges     my     un-luck-y       star, 

Der     Hoch-ste     will,        sein  Va-ter-her-ze  bricht. 
?7ill  not     the  heart  of  Migh-ty  Cod   re-   lent? 

Ach  neini        er     hort     die     Sun-der  nicht. 
Ah,      no]  His     pa-tience  all   is      spent. 

Er  wird,        er  muss        dir  bald   zu     hel-   fen     ei-len. 
He  will,        He  must,        as-sist  the  poor  and  need-y, 

um     dei-  ne     Mot        zu       hei-len. 
with  suc-cor  sure       and   speed-  y.     neinI        es  blei-bet  mir        um     Trost 
But   still  I     fear  my     Sa-  viour     may 

Cantata  109 

XXI  Trinity 

Epiatle,   Epheaiems  VI,    10-17.      Put   on  the 
whole  armor  of  Cod. 

Gospel,    r"t.   John  TV,    46-54.      The   nobleman's 
•on  healed  of  a  fever. 

(2  Oboes,    Como  da  caccia.    Strings.) 

1*   Chorua   (Inetr.    as  above)      V*     (d) 

St.  Uark  IX,  24t 

"And  straightway  the  father  of  the  child 
erled  out  ana  said  with  tears,  Lord,  I  believe; 
iMlp  thou  mine  unbelief." 

sehr  ban-  ge, 
ne-  gleet  me. 


Ach  Herr,  wie  Ian-  ge? 

Oh,   Lord,    pro-tect  me. 

3.   Aria  Tenor     (Strings)        4/4     (E) 

Wie   xwel-fel-haf-  tig        ist  mein  Hof-fen, 
How     vac-  ci-  la-ting       is       my     epl-rit, 

wie     wan-  ket   mein  ge-ang-stigt      Ferx. 
how  trem-bles     my     un-qui-   et        heart. 

Des  Clau-bens  Docht   gllmrat   kaum     her-     vor, 
The  Lamp     of     Faith       ie       nigh  burned  out| 


Cantata  109 

Cantata  109 

es  bricht  dies  fast  xu-  atoas-  ne  Rohr, 
soon  breaks  the  reed  so  bruised  by  doubt, 

St.   Matthew  XII,    20t 

"A  bruised   reed   sr.all  he  not  break..." 

die  Furcht  (nacht   ste-  tig  neu-en  Schnerz). 
and     fear         new  doubt     to     me  im-  parts. 

4.   RecitatiYO  Alto 

0       fas-  se     dich, 
Take   cou-rage     now, 


well  Je-BU8  jetzt 
for     mi-  ra-  cles 

du  zwei-fel-lmf-ter 
0     thou     of   lit-tle 

noch     Wun-  der       tut. 
our     Lord  still  works; 

Die  Glau-bens  •  au-     gen     wer-den  echau-  en 
the  Eye     of       Faith  will  see  sal-  va-  tion 

das      Keil  dea      Kerrn; 
which,  tho'   de-f erred, 

der  wird  nim-  mer     (zu-sclian-den; ) 
the  foes  who  would     de-  fame  him; 

denn     wer     auf       die-   sen  Fel-sen       baut, 
his     Fedth,    firm-found-ed   on     this     rook 

denn     wer     auf     dies'n,   auf       die-sen  F«l»  sen 
his     Faith  firm     foun-     ded,    foun-ded   on     this 


ob  ihm     gleich  geht      \  zu-     han-     den) 
de-fies     all       who     would   shame     him, 

(viel  Un-  falls  hie,)   hab     ich     doch     nie 
In     spite  of       all,     they  will  not     fall 

den     Men-schen  se-hen  fal-len, 
who   faith-  ful-ly     en-dea-vor 

(der   sich  ver-lasst)   auf     Got-  tes  Trost; 
with     one     ac-cord       to     trust  the     Lord; 

er  hilft 
He   helps 

sain     Glaub-gen  al-len, 
the     Faith-ful  ev-  er. 

scheint  die  Er-  ful-lung  all-  xu-     fern, 
yet       by     His  sol-emn     pro-mised  Word, 

60  kannst  du     doch  auf  die  Ver-hei-ssung  bau-  en. 
will     in       the  end     at-tain  its  con-  sum-  ma-tion. 

5.   Aria  Alto     (Ob.   I  4  II)        3/4     (F) 

Der  Hei-lajid  ken-   net   ja     die  Sei-nen, 
Je-   sua     for-gets  not  His     e-  lec-ted, 

wenn       ih-  re       Hoff-nung     hilf-los  liegt. 
guards  them  tho'   all     their  hope  may     fall; 

T/enn  Fleinch  und  Gelat   in  ih-nen  strei-ten. 
Bo-       dy       with     soul  is  ev-er     etri-ving 
Tho'      flesh  with     soul        -bars   100-106. 

so     steht   er  ih-nen  selbet    zur  Sei-  ten, 
but     God     is   er-or     found     con-tri-ving 
yet  -bar  106, 

da-  mit        (xu-letxt)  der     Glau-  be  aiegt. 

that   in  the     end  shall  Faith  pre-Tail. 

6.    Chorale  Extended    (Inotr.    as   In  No.    1)    4/4  (d) 

(Wer   hofft      In  Gott)    und        dem     rer-traut, 
Who  trusts   in  Ood,      •Ith  mirth  may     mock 

Cantata  110 


Christmas  Day 

Epistle,   Titus  II,    11-14.     God's  grace 
brings   salvation, 

or  Isedah  IX,    2-7.     The  people  have  seen  a 
great   light;    for   unto   us   a  child   is   born. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke  II,    1-14.      The  Nativity. 

(3  Troabe,  Timpani,    3  Oboes,   Fagotto,    2  Flauto 
traverse,   Oboe  da  caccia.  Organ,   and  Strings, 

1.   Chorus       /i     3/4     V*        (D) 

(3  Tromb.,   Tirap,,    3  Ob.,    Fag.,   Org.,    *  Str.) 

Psalm  CXXVI,    2i 

"Then  was   our  mouth  filled  with  laughter 
and   our  tongue  with  singing;    then   said  they 
among  the  heathen,    the  Lord   hath  done  great 
things   for  them." 

Un-  eer  L'.und     (sei       (voll     La-  chene) 
Then   our  mouth  filled     with  laugh-  ter, 

und   un-   ere        Zun-        ge     voll     Ruh-mone. 
and  all  our  tongues  with  loud   sing-  Ing, 

Denn  (der  Horr)      hat   (Gro-  ssea 
for        the  Lord     hath     oom-passed 


Cantata  110 

Cantata  110 

(an  uns)  ge-  tan.) 
such  migh-  ty  things, 
such  things 

Baas,  bars  15  &   16  of  solot 

GrO-  3968 

righ-  ty 

wenn  Holl  und  Sa-  tan   um  ihn  sind. 
is  due,  and  Sa-tan's  hell-ish  ban. 

Doch  auch  deln  Sohn 
But   yet   Thy   Son, 

den  Seel  und  Geist 
so  dear  to  Thee, 

au8  Lie-be  sei-nen  Er-  ben  heiest. 
Hitt-eelf  be-came  a  man  like   me. 

2.  Aria  Tenor  (Fl.  tr  I  *  II,  Org.)  V*  (b) 

Ihr     Ge-     dan-     ken     und     ihr  Sin-  nen, 
Let   your  thanks  with  love  out-pour-ing, 

•chwin-get    euch     an-jetzt  von     hin-nenl 
up-  ward   hence  to     Hea-  ven  soar-ing, 

stei-   get   8chleu-nig     him-  mel-   an 
mount     be-  yond     the  stare  and   sun. 

und      (be-denkt)   was     Gott   ge-     tani 
Tldrk      on     all       that     God  has  done; 

Er  wird  L'ensch       und  dies     al-   lein, 
He     was     once  a     child  and     we 

dass   (wir)    (Him-cels-)    kin-  der  sein. 
must      I-is  Ic-ving     child-ren     be. 

5.   Duet  Soprano-Tenor      fOrgan)      11^8     (A) 

St.   I.uke  II,    14i 

"Glory  to  God  in  the   highest,   and  on 
earth  peace,   good  will  toward  men." 

Eh-  re.   Eh-   re  sei  Gott    (in  der     -Ho-   he) 
Glo-ry,   glo-ry     to     God     in  the  High-est, 

und  Erie-  de,   auf  Er-  den 
and  peace   un-  to     all  men, 

Soprano-Tenor,   bars   24-28: 
und  Erie-  de,      Erie-  de,   Erie-   de,      Erie-de 
and  peace   on     earth  and     peace  on     earth  un- 

auf  Er-  den 
-to  all  men 

3.  Pecitativo  Baas  (Strings  and  Organ) 

Jeremiah  X,    6: 

"Eorascuch  as  there  is   none   like   unto 
thee  0  Lord;    thou  art  great,   and  thy  name  is 
great   in  might." 

Dir,      Herr,    ist   nie-  cand   gleich. 
None,    Lord,    is      like     to       Theel 

Du     biet  gross,        und  deir     fJa-     me       ist  gross, 
Thou  art     great,        end  Thy     Mame,    too,    is     great, 

und   kannst's  mit   der     Tat     be-     wei-   sen. 
its     great-   ness  Thy  Uight   pro-claim-eth. 

Tenor,   bars   29-30t 
und  Erie-  de,     Erie-de  auf  Er-  den 
and  peace  on     earth  un-to     all  men 

Soprano  bar  41,   Tenor,   bar  36t 

und     den     Men-schen  (ein  V/ohl-ge-fal-len. 
peace   on     earth     and  good  will  to  all  men. 

Soprano  bar  36,   Tenor,   bar  42: 
und     den     Men-schen   (ein     "'ohl-ge-fal-len. 
peace  and  good  will       on     earth  to  all  men. 

Soprano  bars   37,38,46.   Ten.,   bars   43,45,46: 
und     den       Llen-schen   (ein  Wohl-ge-fal-len. 
on     earth  pe^ce  and     good  will  to  all  men. 

4.    .^ria  Alto   (0b.(d'ajn.)    4  Org.)    3/4   (f^) 

Ach  Kerr,   was     ist     ein  Uen-schen-kind, 
Ah,    lord,   what   then     in-deed   is        man, 

dass     du  sein        f!eil   so   echmert-lich   su-chest? 

that  T^ou  shouldst     val-ue        his  sal-va-tion? 

Ein  ■ffurc,        den     du     ver-flu-chest, 
A     worrir,        for  whor  dam-   na-  tion 

6.    Aria  Bass  V*        (D) 

(Tr.   I,   Strings,   and  Organ.) 

(T/acht  auf  I)   ihr  A-  dern  und     ihr  Glie-  der, 
A-     risej      a-  way  with  care  und     sad-ness, 

und   singt   (der-glei-chen  Ereu-den-lie-     der,) 
and   sing  a     song     of     joy     and  glad-nese, 

die      (un-   serm     Gott        ge-   fal-lig     sein.) 
with     hap-  py     heart        and  joy-ous  voice; 

Und        ihr,        (ihr       an-   dachts-  vol-   len  Pal-ten,) 
and   strike       the   strings  with     strong  e-  mo-tion, 
yea     play 


Caatata  110 

sollt     ihm       ein     sol-  ches  Lob     be-rei-ten, 
to     sound       His  praise  in     deep  de-vo-tion, 

da-     bei  aich  (Herz  und  Geiet)    er-freim. 
where-by     the     heart  and     soul     re-joice. 

7.   Chorale  V*         (b) 

(Tr.    I,   Fl.    tr.    I   4  II,   Ob.   I,  Vn.   I  with 
Sop,;    Ob.   II,   Vn.    II  with  Alto;   Ob.    da  cac, 
*  Va.  with  Tenor.     Organ.) 

Allelujai      Alleluja.' 

Go-       lobt     sei  Gotti   Sing-en     wir  all  aua 
GiT«  praise  to       God       in  song     to-geth-er- 

un-sers   H«r-x«ni  Grun-  de; 
join  in     deep     e-     mo-  tion; 

denn  Gott  hat  heut  ge-  macht  solch  Freud, 
for     God       to-  day  has  brought   such     joy, 

der     wir  ver-  ge-ssen  eolln   zu  kein- 
that   er'-ry     hour  in-   crea-aes     our 

-er  Stun-     de. 
de-  vo-  tion. 


Cantata  111 
Libretto  by  Albrecht  of  Brandenburg 
III  Epiphany 

If  Epiatle,  Romans  XII,  17-21,   Overcume 

"ieril  *ith  good. 

Gospel,    St.    I'atthew  VIII,    1-13.      Christ 
heale   a  leper,    and   the  Centurion's   servant 
of  the  palsyi    the  Centurion'*   Faith. 

(2  Oboea,    and  Strings.) 

-      Jhoral  Fantasia   (   above)     /{      (a) 

VblB     mein  Octt      vrill,    (das  gscheh  all-zeit.) 
What     God      re-solves,      will   come        a-   bout, 

sain  Will,    der     ist     der  be-      ste; 
what      He        has   don«,    is      fin-lshed} 

>u     hel-  fen  den'n  (er  ist  be-reit,) 
H«  gives  His  help       to  all  de-vout, 

die        an        ihn  glau-ben   fe-      ate, 
whose  faith  is       un-  di-  min-lshed. 

Er     hilft   (au8     Not,)        der  from-me  Gott, 
Our  help       in     need,  our     God  in-deed, 

und    xuch-    tl-  get    (mit     Ma-   ssenj ) 
He        tem-pers   our     cor-rect-   ion, 

wer     Gott  ver-traut,    (feet   auf   ihn     baut,) 
with     mer-oy     just;  so     Him  we     trust, 

den  will   er  nicht  ver-laa-   sen. 
as-sured   of     His        af-fect-ion. 

2.   Aria  Baas 

V4  (e) 

Ent-    set-ze  dich,      (mein  Her-ze,    nicht,) 

Rest      ea^ay,       heart,      and     wor-ry       not, 

Gott   iat  dein  Trost        und  Zu-  ver-sicht 
thru  God     is     yours         a     hap-  py     lot 

und   dei-ner  See-   le  Le-        ben. 

blM     He     HiiD-self   has   planned      it. 

,  was        Bsin  wsi-   ser       Rat     be-dacht, 

a,        when       the     Lord   has   formed     a     pl«m, 

d«B     kann       die     Welt  und  Uen-schen-macht 

no     pow'r        on     earth,        no     mor-   tal       man 

f  mog-lich  wi-der-   stre-  ben. 
ean     al-tor     or  with-stand     it. 

Cantata  111 

3.   Recitativo  Alto 

0     To-   rich-torJ    der  sich  von  Gott 
0   fool-ish     onei      Al-migh-ty     God 

ent-tieht,      und  wie     ein  Jo-nas  dort 
to        shun,      or     like     a     Jo-nah   flee, 

see  Jonah  I,    3. 

Tor     Got-tes   .\n-  ge-sich-te   flieht; 
from  God   and   His   au-tho-  ri-     ty; 

auch   lin-   ser       Den-        ken  ist   ihm  of-   fen-  bar, 
for     all   our  thoughts  to     Him  are  ful-ly     bare, 

und   un-sers  Haup-tes  Haar 
and   ev'-ry        sin-gle   hair 

hat   er     ge-iah-  let, 
by     Him  is  num-bered. 

Wohl   dem. 
Blest  they. 

der  die-sen  Schutz  er-  wah-  let 
who     un-der     His       pro-tect-ion. 

ini  glau-bi-gen  Ver-trau-  en, 
re-  ly     on  His     di-rect-ion, 

auf  des-sen  Schluas   und     'Tort 
and  do     as  He  com-mands, 

mit     Hoff-nung  und         Ge-  duld   ru  schau-en, 
with  pat-ience   and       with-out      ob-ject-ion. 

4,   Duet  Alto-Tenor     (Strings)        3/4     (G) 

So  geh  ich  (mit     be-  herz-ten  Schrit-  ten), 
I     fol-low     God  with     hap-py       foot-   steps, 

auch  wenn  (mich  Gott  ( zum     Gra-  be)    fuhrt), 
aJ.-  tho'      the     path  to     death  may     lead. 

Alto,    bars   36-38,  Tenor  63-65: 
al-  tho'      to     death         may  lead     me, 

Gott    (hat   die     Ta-   ge  auf-ge-   achrie-ben), 
Lo,        all  my     days  by  Him  are     count-  ed; 

so  wird,        wenn   sei-   ne     Hand  mich  ruhrt, 
so  when  His      hand  is  touch-   Ing       me, 

dee     To-des     Bit-ter-   keit^des     To-  dee     Bit- 
the   bit-ter-ness   of     death     it-self  will   be 

at      last 

ver-  trie-ben, 
sur-mount-   ed. 


Cantata  111 

5.  Recltatiyp  Soprano 

Drun  wenn     der  Tod       zu-letzt     den     Geist 
'^en  death  at     last  with  ruth-lesa     force 

noch       mit     Ge-walt   aua     sei-nem  Kor-per  reisat, 
shall  wreat  my  aoul  from  out  my     mor-tal   corae, 

so  nimzn  ihn,  &ott,       in     treu-     e 
80  take  it,      Lord,      with  Fath-er's 

Va-  ter-han-     de; 
hand  car-eaa-  ing; 

wenn  Teu-fel,     Tod     und  Sun-  de  mich  be-kriegt 
when     De-vil,  Death  and  Sin-ful-neaa  as-  aail, 

und  mei-ne  Ster-be-kis-sen 
and  in     my     fi-   nal   ho-ur 

ein  Kaay)f-platz  wer-     den       mus-aen, 
I     fall       be-     fore  death's  po-wer, 

80  hilf,  da-  mit  in     dir  mein  Glau-  be  aiegt. 

ah  help,        that   in     the   end     my     Faith  pre-vail. 


0       se-     li-     gea,        ge-wunsch-  tea         En-     de, 

0  longed  for  goal,        0       pre-   cious  bles-  aing. 

6.   Chorale         V*       (a) 

(Vn.   I   (Ob.    I   ft  II)   with  Sop.;   Vn.    II  with 
Alto;   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Noch  eins,   Herr,  will  ich  bit-ten  dich, 
Once  more,     0         Lord     I     aak  of     Thee 

du     wirst  mira  nicht  ver-aa-genj 
nor  will     Thou     this     de-ny     mei 

TJenn  mich  der     bo-     ae     Geiat   an-ficht. 
When  base  temp-ta-tiona     trou-ble     me, 

laaa  mich     doch  nicht  ver-aa-  gen. 
with  Faith  and     Hope     aup-ply     mej 

Hilf,    steur  und  wehr,   ach  Gott,   mein  Herr, 
0  God,    our  Lord,   Thy   help       al-  ford, 

xu       Eh-   ran  dei-nem     Ila-     men. 
Thy  Kaxno  to     ren-der  glo-rioua, 

7/or     daa     be-gehrt,   dam     wird's  g«-wahrt| 
and  send.      I     pray,    that     pro-miaed     day, 

drauf  Bprech  ich     froh-lich  A-     men. 
when       Flight   will      be       vic-to-riouai 

Cantata  112 


Libretto  by  Ifenael 

II  Easter 

Epiatle,   I  Peter  II,    21-25,     Ye  were  aa 
sheep,   gone  aatray. 

Gospel,   St,  John  X,   11-16,     I  am  the  good 

(2  Corno,    2  Oboe  d'amore,    and  Strings) 

1.   Chorua   (Instr.    as  above)       ji       (G) 

Der  Herr     (ist  mein)   ge-treu-  er     Hirt, 
The  Lord,     my     God,     my  Shep-herd     is, 

halt  mich  in  sei-ner  Hu-  te, 
for       me     He     ev-er     ca-reth, 

da-rin  nir  (gar  nicht s)   man-geln     *lrd 
He     aa-tis-  fi-     eth         all     my     wants, 

for       me 

da-rin  mir  gar  nlchtB  gar  niebta 

He  sa-tis-fi-  eth  for   me 

ir-  gend  an     ei-  nem     Gu-     te, 
nor     a-     ny  bles-aing  apa-reth; 

( er  wei-  det     mich)   ohn     Un-  ter-lasa, 
by     wa-ters  still     He     lead-eth     me, 

da-rauf  wachat   (daa     wohl-achme-ckend  Grae) 

in     pas-turea     green     He       feed-  eth       me, 

Baaa:  the     Lord     feed-  eth       me 

sei-nes  heil-  sa-  men  Wor-  tea, 
and  so       my     soul     re-ato-reth. 

Psalm  XXIII,  l-3j 

"The  Lord  ia  my  shepherd}  I  ahall  not 

"He  maketh  me  to  lie  down  in  green  paa- 
turea,  he  leadeth  me  beside  the  still  waters. 

"He  reatoreth  my  aoul.,," 

2,    Aria  Alto  (Ob,  d'amore  aolo)      ^8     (e) 

Zun     rei-  nen  7?aa-aer     er     mich  weiat. 
My     heart  ia       ev-er     well     con-  tent 

daa  mich  (er-qui-  cken)   tu-     e, 
if       He       ia  atan-ding     by     me. 

Daa  iat 
When  He 

aein  fron-hei-   li-  ger  Geiat. 
ia  near  I've  naught  to  fear* 

der  maoht  mich  wohl-  ge-  mu-  te. 
no   dan-  ger   can  come  nigh  me. 


C«otata  112 

Caatata  112 

Kr  fuh-  ret  mich  auf   rech-  ter  Straes 
He  lead-eth     me     in     paths   of        right, 

sei-  ner  Ge-bo-  ten     (ohn  Ab-     laee) 
that     I     be  ho-nored      in     Hie   sight, 

Ton  we-gen  oei-  nee     N'a-  mens  wil-len. 
and  of  Hi"  Name  be     coun-ted     wor-thy, 

Psalffl  XXIII,  3 1 

"...he  leadeth  me  in  the  paths  of 
righteouenees   for  His  Name's   eake." 

3.  RecitatJTO  Base   (Strings) 

Tenor,   bare   28-33.      Soprano  30-33i 
vor     mei-  nen  Fein-den     al-  lent-hal-ben 
thus   all  mine     e-     ne-  mies     ig-  nor-ing 

machst  main  Her-«a      un-  ver-ragt      und     frisch, 
Thou     a-  noint-est  me,   my     head,   with     oil, 

mein  Haupt   (tuat  du     mir     eal-ben) 
my     full        cup     run-neth     o-  ver. 
Ten.    66-7i        it     run-neth     o-  ver 

mit     dei-  nem  Geist,    der  Freu-den     01, 
my     voice     ex-   ults,      in     Joy-ous  chant, 

(und   (schen-kest  voll     ein)   mei-ner  Seel 
my       heart      in     gled-nese,      ju-  bi-lant, 
Soprano  bars  100-101.      Tenor  102-103t 
is         re-  joi-  oing 

Arioso  , 

Und   ob  ich  wan-  dart  im  fin-stem 

Yea,  tho*   I  walk  thru  the  val-  ley 

Tal,  in:  fin-    stern  Tal 
of   the  sha-dow  of   death, 

furcht  ich  kein  Un-  g»-lu-  eke 

no    ev-  il  will  I   fear  there, 

^bar^  11-12: 
furcht  ich  doch  kein  Un-ge-lu-oke 
I    fear  no   ev-  il  no   ev-il 

in  Ver-fcl-  gung, 
•mid  op-pres-sion, 

Lei-  den, 


und  die-ser     V/el-  te     Tii-     eke; 
or       a-  ny     world-ly  mis-chief; 

denn     du     bist  bei     mir  ete-  tig-  lich, 
for     Thou  art     »lth  me     con-stant-  ly. 

dein  Steb 
Thy  rod 

und     Ste-   cken  tro-sten  mich, 
and   staff  they  com-f ort     me; 

(auf  dein  Wort) 
give     com-f ort, 

ich     mich  las-   se. 
give     me     com-fcrt. 

Fsalm  XXIII,   4j 

"Yea,   though  I  walk  through  the  valley  of 
the   shadow  of  death,    I  will   fear  no   evil:    for 
thou  art  with  me;    thy   rod   and  thy  staff  they 
comfort  me." 

4.   Duet   Soprano-Tenor  (Strings)      ^2     (D) 
Du     be-   rei-tost   fur  mir  ei-nen     Tisch 
Thou  pre-par-est     me       a     ta-ble,      Lord, 

▼  cr     mein'r.  Feir-den  (al-  lent-hal-  ben,) 
mine        e-  ne-mies     all     ig-  no-  ring; 

dei-ner  geist-li-chen  Freu-den. 
for  my     soul     is     re-     joi-cing. 

Psalm  XXIII,  5: 

"Thou  preparest  a  table  before  me  in 
the  presence  of  mine  enemies:   thou  anointest 
my  head  with  oil;  my  cup  runneth  over." 

5.  Chorale  (No.   14)        V*     (G) 

(Ob.   d'an.    I,  Vn.   T  with  Sop.;   Ob.   d'am.   II, 
Vn.   TI  with  Alto;  Va.  with  Tenor.   Cor.   I  «  II) 

Gu-  tea   und     die  Barm-her-zig-keit 
And   so     thru  all     my     mor-tal  days 

fol-     gen     mir     nach  im  Le-ben, 
shall  good-nesB  fail  me  ne-ver, 

und  ich  werd'blei-  ben     al-  le-     leit 
and     I     will  dwell  and  sing  Thy  praise 

im     Haus  dee     Her-  ren  e-ben, 
with-  in     Thy  House  for-e-ver; 

auf     Erd 
on     earth 


christ-li-cher  Ge-mein 
god-  ly  folk  se-cure. 

und  nach  dem     Tod       da     wera     ich  sein 
and     8if-  ter  death,   sal-  va-tion     sure, 

bei     Chri-sto,     mei-        nem  Her-     ren. 
thru     Je-  BUS     Christ,   the     Sa-viour. 

Psalm  XXIII,  6: 

"Surely  goodness  and  mercy  shall  follow 
me  all  the  days  of  my  life;  and  I  will  dwell 
in  the  house  of  the  Lord  for  ever." 


Cantata  113 


Libretto  by  Ringwaldt 

XI  Trinity 

Epistle,    I  Corinthians  XV,    1-10,   Of  Christ's 
death  and  resurrection. 

Gospel,   St,  Liike  XVITI,   9-14,     Parable  of  the 
Pharisee  and  the  publican. 

(2  OboeSf   2  Ob.   d'amore,   Flauto  traverso,  and 

1.    Choral   Fantasia  3/4        (b) 

(Oboe  I  4  II,    and  Strings.) 

Herr  Je-  su  Christ,      du     hoch-   stes     Girt, 
Lord  Je-sus  Christ,  Thou  Fount     of     Grace 

du     Brunn-quell  al-  ler  Gna-     den, 
and  source     of     ev'-ry     bles-sing, 

sieh  docb,    wie     ich     in  nei-  nem     Mut 
see      how  I     kneel  be-fore  Thy  face, 

mit   Schzner-zen  bin     be-  la-  den 
my        load     of     sin  con-f ess-ingj 

und     in       rair     hab       der  Pfei-le     viel, 
the  darts  of     wrath  from     out  the  blue 

die         im         Ge-wis-     sen         oh-  ne     Ziel 
have  pierced  my  con-science  thru  and  thru 

mich  ar-  men  Sun-  der       dru-cken. 
to     pun-ieh     my  trans-gress-ing. 

2,    Alto  Chorale   (Unison)      V*       (ff) 
(Violins  ir.  unison. ) 

Er-barm  dich  mein     in  sol-cher     Last, 

Have  pi-     ty,   Lord,    on     my     dis-tress, 

nimm  sie     aus  mei-nem  Her-   zen, 
and      ease  my     tri-bu-  la     tion, 

die-weil     du     sie  ge-  bu-  sset   hast 
re-  mem-  ber  Thou  the  bit-  ter-ness 

am  Holi  mit     To-des-schmer-zen, 
of     Je-  sus'    ex-  pi-     a-     tion, 

auf     dass   ich  nicht   in  gro-   ssem     Weh 
that      I        may     not,    in   hope-less  grief, 

in       mei-  nen  Sun-den     un-  ter-  geh, 
•n-gulfed  in     oin     be-yond  re-  lief, 

noch     B-     wig-llch  ver-SQ-     gel 
sink  down     in     de-   spe-ra-tioni 

Cantata  113 

3,   Aria  Bass   (Ob,   d'am.   I  ft  II)     1^8     (A) 

Fur-wahr,      (wenn  mir     das  kom-met     ein), 
In     truth         to     me     'tis     re-ry     clear 

dass  ich  (nicht   recht  vor  Gott)     ge-  wan-  delt 
how  far     from       God     my     steps  have  wan-dered, 

und  tag-lich  wi-der  ihn  miss-  han-     delt, 
and  how     His  fa-vor     I     have  squan-dered, 

80     qualt  mich     Zit-  tern,   Furcht        und  Pein, 
and     80         I       quake  with     fright       and  fear. 

(Ich  weiss),   dass  mir  daa       Her-   zs  bra-  che, 
In-     deed,       no     com-fort  would     a-vail     me 

wenn  mir  (dein  Wort  (nicht  Trost))  ver-  spra-okl; 
did       I         be-  lieve     Thy     Word       might  fail     ail 

4,   Choral  ft  Recitativo  Baas       V*     («) 

Choral  1 

Je-  doch  dain  beil-sam    Wort     daa  maofat 
Thy  haal-ing    Word     re-si  orea  ny     aoul 

mit     aai-  nam     au-     seen     Sia-gan^ 
and  filla  ay     haart  with  aing-ing, 


dass  mei-ne     Brust, 

and       in  my  breast, 

der     Tor-  mals  lau-  ter  Angst  be-     wusst, 
which     an-xious  care  of     late     op-pressed, 

sich  wie-  der  kraf-tig  kann  er-     qui-     cken. 
new     hope  is     now     ex-     ul-tant   spring-  ing. 

Das     jam-     mer-vol-     le  Herz 
Uy     heart,   so     full     of     woe, 

emp-fin-det  nun  nach     tra'-  nen-  rei-chem  Schmerj 
no     lon-ger  now  with  tears  will     o-     ver-     flow,^ 

von  Je-  su   Gna- 
of  Je-sus'  Grace 

den   hel-  len  Schein 
bright  gleam  the  rays 

and  raer-  cy. 

aein  Tlort  hat     mir       so     vie-len  Trost 
His     Word   has   quick-ened  me     sind     made 

me  whole. 


daaa     mir     das     Har-ze     wis-     der  lacht, 

Uj     heart  with-ln       ma  laMgha     a-  loud, 

ala     wann's  ba-gunnt   cu  aprln-gaa. 
with     Joy       and  hope  ie     ring-ing. 


Cantata  113 

Cantata  113 


Wie  wohl,   wie  wohl  Ist  mei-ner  See-lenJ 

How  bleat,   how  blea-oed  io  my  spi-ritl 

Das  xa-  gen-   de   Ge-wis-   sen 
The  nag-ging  pricka  of  con-Bcience 

kann  mich  nicht  Ian-  gar  qua-  Ion, 
no  Ion-  gar  will  con-found  me, 


dl«-w*ll  Oott  ad-     le  Onad*   rer-helSBt, 

for  Ood       a«-8ures  ao  peace     se-  rene, 


hier-nachst        die     Glau-  bl-     gen     und   From-men 

when        I,  with  rlght-eoua   souls   a-round     me, 

mit        Him-mels-man-     na  spelat, 

with  heart   and   con-eclence      clean. 

die   ihr  muh-se-   lig   und  be-  la-den, 
ye     wea-ry   ones   and   hoa-vy     la-den, 

St.   Matthew  XI,    28. 
konnat    her   zien  Brunn-quell  al-   ler     Gnn-  den, 
to       Me,   the  Fount     of       er'-ry     Blea-slng, 

ich  hab  euch  mir  zu     Freu-den  aus-er-ko-  ren, 
for     I     have  cho-asn     you  for  joy     e-ter-nal." 

Auf  die-   see  7/ort  will  ich     zu     dir 
At      thia  as-   but-  anco   come     I   then, 

wie     der  buss-fert-  ge  Zoll-ner  tro-ten 
like  the  Pub-      li-   can  who     re-  pen-ted, 

St.   Luke  XVIII,    ISi 

"And  the  publican,  etandinp;  afar  off, 
would  not  lift  up  so  much  as  his  eyes  unto 
heaven,  but  smote  upon  his  breast,  saying, 
Ood  be  merciful  to  me   a  sinner." 


wwin  wlr  BUT  sit  i«r>knlraob-t«m  Oaist 

«b«n  I,  with  p*-  B*-  tant-  ial  mien, 

%u     un-  sarm  J a-  au  kon-  man. 
ge  hanaa  to  meat  my  Sa-riour. 

und  mit        de-  mut-gem  Geist 
and  pray  with  hum-ble  heart 

Gott,    sei     mir     gna-digj      be-ten. 
"0  Lord   have  mer-   cy        on     mei" 

Ach,        tro-   ate  mei-   nen  bl'6-den     Mut 
Ah,  com-fort  Thou  my     fee-ble  soul. 

5.   Aria  Tenor  (Fl.   tr.)      4/4       (d) 

Je-Bus  niiamt  die  Sun-  der  am 

Je-sus     is       the  sin-ner'e   friend, 

(o)      su-ssea  Wort       voll  Trost   und  Le-  benj 
o     blee-sed  TTord         of     hope     and  com-fort  I 

Er  schenkt   (die  wah-re  See-len-  ruh) 
Ha     gives       the  wea-ry  spi-rit  rest, 

und     ro-     f et      Ja-  dem  tr'ost-lich       zut 
and  calls  to     them  His     love     has  blesti 

dein  Sund  iat  dir  ver-ge-ben. 
"Thy   sins  are  all   for-gi-ven. " 

und     ma-     che  mich  durch  dein  ver-   goss-nes 
by     Thine     a-  tone-ment     make  me     clean  and 


von     al-     len     Sun-  den     rein, 
from  all  trans-gres-sion  freej 

so  werd  ioh  auch  wia  Da-  vid     und     Ma-nas-     se 
as     Da-  vid  and     Ua-  nas-sah  dared  to  face  Thee 

Sea  II  Samuel  XII,   13.     II  Chronicles  XXXIII,   12, 

wenn  ich     da-  bei  dich  stets  in     Lieb     und  Treu 
re-  pen-tent  and  with     lo-  ving  heart  and  trua, 

mit     mei-  nam      Glau-bens-ann  um-  fas-     se, 
in     stead-fast  faith  will     I     em-brace  Thee, 

hin-       fort        ein  Kind     des     Him-     mels  sein. 
hence-forth         a     child  of     Heav'n     to       be. 

6.   Recitativo  Tenor   (Strings) 

Dar  Hei-land  nimmt   die  Sun-   der  an: 

The  Sa-viour     is        the   sin-ner's   friendi 

wie   lieb-lich  klingt   das  "Vort      in     mei-  nen 
how  pre-oioua       to       my     ears  thia  pro-mlae 

Oh-   renj 

Er     rufti      Koanrt    her   zu  mir, 
Ha  callsi      "Come      un-to     me 

7.  Duet  Soprano-Alto       3/4       (E) 

Ach  Herr,   main  Gott  ver-  gib  mirs  dooh, 
Oh     Lord,     my     God,   for-give  Thou     me, 

wo-mit     ich     dei-nen  Zom  er-re-get, 
if     T     Thine     an-ger  have  ex-ci-ted, 

xer-  brich  das   schwa-re  Sun-den-Jooh, 
aaaa     Thou  the     load  of     mi-  aa-  ry 


Cantata  113 

das  nir  der   Sa-  tan  auf  er-le-get, 
which  my  trans-grea-aions  have  in-vi-ted, 

dass  sich  mein  Herz   zu-frie-  den  ge-  be 
that   I,   my  heart's  al-  le-giance  gi-ving, 

und  dir   zum  Preis  und  Ruhn  hin-  fort 
Thy  Might  and  (Jlo-  ry  may  pro-claim, 

nach  dei-  nem  Wort 
and  praise  Thy  Name 

in  kind-li-chem  3e-hor-  aam  le-  be, 
in  du-  ti-  ful  o-be-  dience  li-ving. 

8.  Chorale  (Unacc.)   V^   (b) 

Stars  mich  mit  dei-  nem  Freu-den-  geist, 
By   Thine  a-  tone-ment  make  me  strong, 

heil  mich  mit  dei-  nen  !7un-  den. 
Thy  lore  and  grace  re-veal  me, 

wasch  mich  mit  dei-  nem  To-  des-achweiss 
wash  Thou  my  soul  of  ev'-ry   wrong, 

in  mei-ner  letz-  ten  Stun-den; 
of  ev*-ry  tres-pass  heal  me; 

und  nimm  mich  einst,  wenn  dirs  ge-  fallt, 
and  take  me,  when   it  plea-ses  Thee, 

in  wah-rem  Glau-ben  von  der  '.¥elt 
in  Hea-Ten  ev-  er-  more  to   be 

zu  dei-  n«»n  A  us-  er-wihl-ten, 
with  Thee  and  Thine  e-  lec-ted. 

Cantata  114 

Ach     (lie-  ben  Chri-sten),   seid     ge-     trostj 
Keep     up     your  cour-age,       Chri-stian     folk, 

of     good  cheer,    ye     -A,   T.   B.   bars   12-13» 

wie  tut  ihr     so     ver-   za-     gen, 
why  are  ye     thus     de-spair-ing? 

weil  una  (der  Herr)   heim-  su-     chen     tut? 
It     was     the  Lord       im-  posed  this  yoke, 

lassv     uns       von     Her-   zsn         sa-  gen: 
so       bear       it     brave-ly 
so       bear       it     brave,    de-     clar-ing; 
A,   T.   B.,   bars  41-42: 

bear     it  de-     clar-ing 

Die     Straf  wir   (wohl   (ver-  die-  net)    han; 
"This     pun-  ish-  ment       de-serve  we       all, 
well       de-serve  we       all 

solchs  muss   (be-ken-  nen)   je-der-  mannj 
on       each     we  reck-on       it  must   fall, 

nie-mand   (darf  sich  aus-schlie-ssen.) 
a-  like       we     all     are       far-     ing." 

2.    Aria  Tenor   (Fl.   tr.)      3/4     12/Q     3/4     (d) 

Wo     wird     in  die-  sem  Jam-  mer-  ta-  le 
Ah,  where  in  this  sad  Vale  of     sor-row 

fur  mei-  nen  Geist  die     Zu-flucht   sein? 
may     I     find     re-     fuge  for     my       soul? 

bars   25-27: 
wo     wird  die  Zu-flucht,   die     Zu-flucht   sein 
a     place  of     re-  fn?e,     to     hide     my       soul, 

bars   31-32i 
wo  wird     die  Zu-flucht  sein 
a       re-  fuge  for     my       soul, 

bars  40-41: 

wo ,         wo , 
where,  where. 

Cantata  114 
Libretto  by  Gigas 
XVII  Trinity 

Epistle,  Ephesians  IV,   1-6.  Exhortation  to 
meekness   and  unity. 

Gospel,   St.   Luke  XIV,   1-11.     One  with  dropsy 
healed  on  the  Sabbath}   parable  of  the   seating 
of  the  trueats  at  the  wedding. 

(2  Oboes,    Corno,   Fl.   tr. ,    and  Strings) 

1.   Choral  Fantasia  ^4       (g) 

(Ob.   I  i  II,   Como  with  Sop.:    Strings.) 

A-  lone 

zu    Je-     su 
Thy  Fa-ther's 

Va-  ter-han-  den 
fond  af-  fec-tion 

will  ich    mich     in       der     Schwach-heit  wen-  d«n, 
re-vives     my     weak-neas,       my  do-  Jec-tion| 

sonst  weiaa  ich     (we-der  aua     noch     ein.) 
what     elae     will     ev-er     make     me     whole? 

3.  Recitativo  Baas 

0       Sun-der,   tra-     ge     mit     Ge-  duld, 
Thou  sin-nerl     Pn-tient  tear  th*  load 


Cantata  114 

Cantata  114 

«a8  du  durch  del-  ne  Schiild 
thy  Ti-  cee     have  be-atoved 

dir  Bel-  ber       zu-       ge-zo-  genj 
and  juat-ly     brought   up-on  theej 

das  Un-racht   aaufst     du  Ja  wio     Was-   ser 
for  eT-  11       thirst-ing  ev-er,   thou  hast 

in     dich  ein 
guz-zled      up 

und  die-  ae     Sun-den-  was-   ser-   sucht 
the     Wa-ters  of     Un-  right-eous-nese 

let      xuD  Ver-der-ben     da 
'til   thou  art   dro-psi-cal 

und  wird  dir     tod-     lich     sein. 
and   fit     for  naught  but     death. 

Der  Hoch-  mut     aes     vor-dem 
Of     old       thy  Pride  did  eat 

Kein  Frucht  das  Weix-en-korn-  lein  bringt 
No     fruit     the  seed  of  wheat     can     bear, 


es  fall  denn       in       die     Er-den; 
un-  til     to     earth   'tie  fal-len; 

00     muse   auch     un-      eer     ird-   echer     Leib, 
80,   too,   our     earth-  y     foma  must     change, 

2u  Staub   und     A-   schen  wer-  den, 
to  duet      and  aeh       re-  turn-ingj 

eh       er  konmt      zu     der  Herr-lich-keit, 
thero-by     we       gain  the  blee-sed-  ness, 

die         du,      Herr  Chriet,   une  haet  be-  reit 
which  Chriot   our       Lord       has  won     for     us, 

durch  dei-   nen  Gang   zum  Va-  ter, 
to        lead   U8        to     the  Fa-ther, 

Ton     der     ver-bot-nen  Frucht , 
of     God' 6  For-bid-den     Fruitj 

Genesis   III 
Gott   gleich     xu  wer-        den; 

like       God     thou  thought  theei 

wie        oft        ex-hebst   du     dich 
80     wouldst   ex-  alt     thy-self.' 

mit   schwul-sti-gen  Ge-   bar-  den, 
bon-  bae-     tic      af-fec-ta-  tioni 



du     er-nie-drigt  wer-  den       musst. 
soon  hu-mi-      li-     ty  thou' It   learn. 

T7ohl-   an,  be-rei-  te   dei-     ne     Brust, 

Take   heedi        In     or-der   set   thine   house, 
II   Kings   XX,    1.      Isaiah  XXJCVIII,    1. 
daas      sie  den       Tod   und     Grab     nicht    scheut, 
that,    one  day,   when  thou  shalt  have       died, 

BO     komnst   du  durch  ein     se-   lig  Ster-     ben 
thy     mor-  tal      fear   com-plete-ly     van-ishiBd, 

aus       die-     sen;  sund-lich-  en  Ver-  der-  ben 
thou  nayst  then  live,    cor-rup-tion  ban-ished^ 

»ur     Un-  schuld  und   lur  Herr-lich-keit. 
all  blame-  less  and  all     glo-  ri-  fied. 

5.    Aria  Alto  (Ob.   I  «  Strings)     4/4     (Bb) 

Du  maeh8t,o     Tod,      (mir  nun     nicht     fer-  ner 
I       have,   0  Death,      no     fear     to       cross  thy 

ban-  ge), 

wenn  ich  durch  dich   die  Frei-heit  nur 
To  gain  thru  thee   my   li-  ber-  ty 

er-lan-  ge, 

es  muss      Ja       so     ein-  nal     ge-  stor-     ben  sein. 
T     know  full  well  that     T     must  first   have  died. 

Mit     Sim-e-on  will     ich     in  Frie-den     fah-  ren. 
Like  Sim-e-on     in     peace  I     now     will  fare     me, 

St.   Luke  II,   29. 
Kein     Hei-laJid  will     mich  in-  der     Gruft 
77hile  in     the     earth     my     Sa-viour     will 

be-wah-  ren 
pre-pare     me 

und  ruft  mich  einst   { zu  sich  (ver-klart )und  rein) 

one     day     to     celII       me     to       Him     glo-  ri-  fled. 

bars  48-49j  yea  pure  and     glo-  ri-  fied 

bars  41-45i  ver-klart,   ver-klart   und  rein. 

Him     pure     and     glo-  ri-  fied. 

4.    Soprano   Unison  Chorale 

St.   John  XII,    24i 

"Verily,   verily  I  say  unto  you,    except  a 
com  of    fall   into  the  ground  and   die,    it 
abideth  alonei    but  if  it  die,   it  bringeth 
forth  much  fruit." 

bars   46-49: 
und   ruft   mich  einst    zu  sich  ver-klart 
one  day       to     call     me     to     Him     pure 


Cantata  114 

6.  Recitative  Tenor 

In-     des, 
Thou  man. 

be-  den-     ke     dei-  ne  See-le 
be-think  thee  of     thy  soul. 

und  stel-le     sie  dem  Hei-  land     dar, 
of     its     sal-va-tion  take  thou  head 

gib  dei-  nen  Leib     und  dei-ne  Glie-der  Got  ., 
and  give  thy  limbs  and     bo-dy  back  to     Godj 

der  sie  dir     ge-     ge-     ben,   wie-     der. 
He     it  was     that  gave  them     to       thee. 

Er     sorgt  imd  wacht. 
He  guards  thy     rest; 

und     so  wird  sei-  ner  Lie-be  liacht 
His  migh-ty     Love  is     man-  i-  fest 

im     Too         und  Le-  ben       of-  fen-  bar* 
in  death       and  po-tent,  too,   in     life. 

7.   Chorale         V*         (g) 

(Cor.,   Ob.   I  4  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.;  Vn.   II 
with  Alto;   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Wir     wa-chen     o-     der  schla-fen     ein. 
When  we     a-     wake  or     when     we     sleep 

80     sind  wir  doch  des     Her-ren; 
the  Lord  is     our     good  Pas-tor; 

auf  Chri-stim     wir     ge-tau-  fet   sein, 
to       be     bap-  tised  in  Him  will  keep 

der  kann     dem         Sa-     tan  weh-ren. 
our  souls  from  Hell's  dis-  as-ter. 

Durch  A-  dam     auf       uns     kommt  der       Tod« 
All     ev-il     sprang  from       A-  deim's  Fall, 

Chri-     stuB       hilft   uns     aus     al-     ler  Not, 
But     Christ's       A-  tone-ment   saved  ua     all; 

Drun       lo-     ben  wir     den  Her-ren. 
So     praise  our  Lord  and  Uas-ter. 

Cantata  115 
Libretto  by  Freysteln 
XXII  Trinity 

Epistle,   Philipp   I,    3-11.      The  glory   of 
Christ's   grace. 

Gospel,    St.   Uatthew  XVIII,    3-25.   Parable   of 
the    unmerciful   debtor. 

Cantaita  115 

(Flauto  traverso,  Ob.  d'eunore,  Como,  Yioloncell 
piocolo,  and  Stritigs.) 

1,   Chorale  Fantasia         ^4       (G) 

(Fl.  tr.,  Ob.  d'am. ,  and  Strings.   Cor.  with 

Ua-       che  (dich,   (mein  Geist,)  be-  reit,) 
Come,  my       soul,     thy-  self         pre-pare, 

va-     ehe,       (fleh  und       be-     te,) 
watch-ing,  pray-ing,  plea-ding, 

St.  Matthew  XLVI,    21.     St.  Uark  XIV,   38. 
dass  (dich  nicht)   (die     bo-     se         Zeit) 
lest     one       day         the  trum-pet's  blare 

un-     ver-hofft  be-tre-  te; 
find  thee     all     un-hee-ding. 

denn  es     ist 
Ah,  be-ware. 

Sa-  tans     List 
Sa-tan*8  snare. 

u-  ber  vie-  le  From-  men 
let  him  not  dis-  may  thee, 

zur     Ver-  su-     chung  kom-  men. 
lest  his  guile     be-  tray  thee. 

zur     Ver-     su-chung,    zur     Ver-  zu-chung  kom-  men 
lest  his  guile  be-     tray,   his  guile  be-tray  thee' 

2.   Aria  Alto  (Ob.   d'am.  *  Str.)      3/8     (e) 

Ach,   schla-fri-  ge  See-  le,       wie? 
Ah,      slim-  ber-ing  spi-rit,       why 

ru-  hest  du  noch? 
tar-  ri-est  thou? 

er-mun-  tre  dich  dochi 
be-stir  thy-self     nowi 

Es     moch-te     die     Stra-fe     dich  plotz-lich 
lest  pun-ish-ment     come  of       a         sud-  den 

er-weck-  en 
to  wake  thee 

und,  wo     du     nicht     wa-cheet, 
and,    dur-ing     thy     slum-  ber, 

im     Schla-  fe  des       e-       wi-gen     To- 
the       An-  gel  of     Death,    un-  a-  ware, 

des  be- 

de-   oken. 
take  thee. 


Cantata  115 

Cantata  115 

3.  Recitative  Bass 


Ooit,        80     vor     del-   no     Seo-ls  wacht, 
Ood,  who   is     watch-ing   us      so     well, 

hat   Ab-      Bcheu     an     der  Sun-d«n  Nacht 
ab-   hora     the     ways   of     Sin  and      Hellf 

•r     sen-  det     dir     seln     Gna-  den-licht, 
and  thru  His  Grace  our     souls     up-lifts. 

imd  will  Tor  die-   se  Ga-  ben, 
The     on-   ly     com-pen-sa-tion 

die     er     so     reloh-lich  dir  yer-  sprlchtj 
He     asks   for     Flis        a-     bun-dant     gifts 

nur   off-   ne  Gei-stes-   au-  gen  ha-     ben, 
is     in     our   s^ii-rit's   con-se-   cra-tion, 

Des  Sa-  tans  List     ist   oh-  ne  Grund, 
The  De-vil's  guile  is     o-cean     deep, 

die  Sun-     der  lu  be-stri-  chen, 
in     sin  would  he  en-snare     us, 

brichst  du  nun  selbst  den  Gna-  den-bund 
and       if  the     Faith  we     fail  to     keep, 

wirst  du  dir     Hul-     fe     nie  er-bli-  cken. 
\«i-   fit  for  Grace  will  God  de-clare     ua. 

Die     gan-     xe  T7elt     und  ih-  re     Glie-     der 
Tho'  Tain  the  world  ajid  all  its     fas-hions, 

bare  37-39 j 
▼on       Siin-  den  frei 
wash  clesm  our  sins, 

und  ge-rei-nigt, 
pu-ri-  fy     us. 



ge-  rei-  nigt     ma-  ohen. 
us   clean     and   spot-less i 

5.   RecitatlTO  Tenor 

Er     seh-     net   eich  nach  un-senn  Schrei-   en. 
The  Lord  will  hear  the  Taith-ful     oal-  ling, 

er     neigt  sein  gna-  dig  Ohr  hier-  aufj 
and  hith-     er     turn  His  Gra-cious  Ear. 

wenn  Fain-de  sich     auf     un-serm  Scha-den  freu-  en. 
When  foes  re-Jolce  at     ills  to       us     be-  fal-llng, 

00     sie-gen  wir       in         sei-     ner  Kraft; 
with  His  Biqj-port  we've  naught  to       fear. 

in-  dem     sein       Sohn,  in  dem  wir     be-     ten. 

For  hope     and  strength       do  we       be-aeech  Him, 

und     Uut  und       Kraf-  te     schafft, 
we     know  that  prayer  sin-     cere 


und     will  ala  Hel-fer  xu     uns       tre-  ten, 

thru  His     Be-  lo-  ved  Son  will  reach  Him, 

sind  nichts  als  fal-sche  Bru-  der, 
our     flesh     and  mor-tal     pas-sions, 

doch  macht  dein  Fleisch  und  Blut  hle>  bei 
yet       we         of       earth     are  well  con-tent 

■ich  lau-     ter     Schmei-che-     lei, 
to     heed  their     blan-  dish-ment. 

6.   Chorale         4/*       (G) 

(Como,   Flauto,   Ob,   d'eun, ,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.j 
Vn,   II  with  Alto;  Va.  with  Tenor.) 

Drum  80  lasst  ims  im-     mer-  dar 
Bear  we  then,   oinr  woes  and  cares 

♦,   Aria  Soprano         A/i     (b) 

(Flauto  traverse,   Violoncello  piccolo) 

(Be-  te)   a-  ber  auch     da-     bei 
Pray  ye,    ev-er     watch  and  pray, 

mit-   ten     in     dem  '^a-   chen. 
pray  ye     wlth-out   cea-sing, 

(Bit-te)  bei     der     gro-  seem  Schuld, 
Beg  ye     that  the  Judge  will     view 

dei-  nen     Rich-ter       cm       Ge-duld, 
pa-  tient-   ly     the  wrongs  we     do, 

soil   er     dich   (von     Sun-   den   frei) 
aJ.1      our  sins     will  wash     a-     way, 

(und  ge-     rei-  nigt)  ma-  chen. 

make  ua  clean     and  spot-less, 


wa-chen,  fie-  hen,  be-  ten, 
pe-  ni-  tent  and  fea-ring, 

well  die  Angst,  Not  und  Ge-  fahr 
lest  the  Day   come,  un-  a-  wares 

im-  mer  na-her  tre-  ton; 
which  is  ev-er  nea-ring; 

denn  die  Zeit     ist  nicht  weit, 
watch  and  pray;    comes  the   Day 

da  una  Gott  wird  rich-ten, 
when  the  whole  world  cras-hea 

und  die  Welt  ver-nich-ten. 
In-  to  dust  and  as-  hes. 


CsLntata  116 


Libretto  by  Ebert 

XXV  Trinity 

Epistle,  I  Thessalonians  IV,  13-18.  Christ 'e 
sseond  coming. 

Gospel,  St.  Matthew  XXIV,  15-28.  The  second 
coming  and  day  of  Judgment. 

(2  Oboe  d'amore,  Corno,  and  Strings) 

1.  Choral  Fantasia  fi       (A) 

(Ob.  d'am.  I  k   II,  Str.|  Cor.  with  Sop..) 

Du   Frie-  de-furst,  Herr  Je-  su  Christ, 
Thou  Prince  of  Peace,  to  Thee  we   bow, 

Isaiah  IX,  6. 
wahr  Uenach  und  wah-rer  Gott, 
Lord   Je-  sua,  God  sind  Uan, 

(ein  star-  ker)   Not-  hel-  fer)  du  bist 
a   val-iant  Friend  in  Need  ext   Thou, 

im  Le-  ben  und  im  Tod. 
our  aid  since  time  be-gan. 

Drtoi   wir  al-lein    im  Na-  men  dein 
So    now  we  all,   in  Thy  Name  call, 

lu  dei-nem  Va-  ter   achrei-  en. 
and  ask  Thy  Fa-ther*s  bless-  ing. 

Cantata  116 

aufl  Lie-  be  woll-test  du     dein  Wort  uns  sen-dent 
In     lo-ving  kind-ness  may  Thy    Word  per-vade  us, 

will  sich  dein  Hers  auf  ein-  mal  von  uns  wen-  den 
that     we     may     have  the  help  of     Him  Who  made   us. 

der     du       so     gro-     sse  Hil-fe  sonst  be-  wei-sest 
Turn  not  Thou,  Lord,   Thy  Ho-ly     Spi-rit  from     us. 

4.  Terzett  S-T-B  Z/A     (E) 

Ach,  wir  be-  ken-  nen     un-  sre  Schuld 
Ah,      all  too  well  we     know  our     guilt; 

und  bit-ten  nichts,        als     (um     Ge-  duld) 
and  ask  for  naught,        sare     as  Thou  wilt, 

und     (um     (dein  un-  er-mess-lich  Lie-ben), 
in     Thine       im-  mea-su-  ra-  ble     Mer-  cy. 

Es  brach  ja     (dein       er-bar-mend  Herx)« 
tt     was     the     love,      of  Thy  dear     Son 

als   (der  Ge-fall-nen  Schmer*) 
for     ev'-ry     fal-len       one 

dich       (lu       irns   (in     die  Welt     ge-trie-ben)). 
that  brought   Him  here  to     earth  to  save     us. 

2.   Aria  Alto  (Ob.   d'am.   solo)        V'*     ('#) 

Ach,        ach,        (un-aus-aprech-lich)   ist  die 
Ach,        Ach,  we  are  speech-less     in     our 

und  des     er-   zum-ten  Rioh-tera  Drau-     eni 
and  fear  the     an-  gry     Jud-ge*s     sen-tence. 

Kaum,        dass  wir  noch  in     die-ser  Angst, 
So,  must  we     vain-ly,    in     our     woe, 

wie       du,      0  Je-  su,    fselbst  ver-langat, ) 
like  Thee,   0  Je-sus,        long       a-     go, 

su  Gott   in  dei-   nem     Na-  men  achrei-   en. 
to  God     in  Thy  Name   lift   our       voi-  ces. 
St.    Uatthew  XXVII,    46.      St.   Ifark  XV,    34. 

3.   Tenor  Recitatlvo 

(Chorale  alluaiona   in  baaa) 

Ge-den-  ke  dooh,       0  Je-  su, 
R»-mea-ber     now,        0  Je-sus, 

dass   du       noch     ein  Furst   des   Frie-dena 
that   the  Prince  of     Peace  Thy     peo-ple 

5.  Recitativo  Alto       (Strings.) 


dread,  Ach,   lass  uns  durch     die     schar-fen  Ru-  ten 
Ah,       ml-  ti-  gate     these     cru-  el     pur-ges, 

nicht  all-su       hef-  tig     blu-  ten. 
these  all-too-blood-  y     scoiu*-gee! 

0  Gott,   der     du     ein  Gott  der  Ord-nung     bist, 
0     God,  Thou  art  the  God     of     Law     and  Right, 

du     weisst,       was     bei     der  Fein-de  Grimm 
Who     knows         the  wrath  of       cru-el     foes, 

fur  Grau-saiQ-  keit   und  Un-     recht     ist. 
how     sa-  vage  and     un-  fedr     they  fight, 

Wohl-     an,        so  stre-     eke       dei-     ne     Hand 
Oh       Lord,       do  Thou  stretch  out  Thine  Hand 

auf  ein     er-  schreokt  ge-  plag-  tes  Land, 
to     this  our       sore-     ly  strick-en     land) 

die  kann  der  Fein-     de       Uacht  be-zwln-gen 
our     en-     e-  mles   strike  down     be-fore     U8| 

und   uns     be-  stan-dig  Frie-  de  brin-  gen. 
to     firm  and  last-ing  Peace  re-atore     us. 


call  Thee. 

Isaiah  IX,    6. 


Cantata  116 

6.   Chorala  V*        (A) 

(Cor.,   Ob.    d'ajn.    I,   Vn.    I   ulth  Sop.;    Ob.    d'am. 
II,   Vn.    II   with  Alto|   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Er-leucht   auch     un-   aer  Sinn   und      Hen 
En-light-      en     Thou  our     ev'-ry     heart, 

durch  den     Gaist   del-  ner     Gnad, 
in-   spire     ub        with  Thy  Grncoj 

daee      wlr     nicht  trei-   Den  draus      eln  Schen, 
the      Bhace  which     car-ping  doubte   im-     part, 

der     un-  erer     See-  le  ■chad't, 
froic  out   our     souls    ef-   face. 

0     Je-      su     Christ,    al-lein     du     biet, 
0  Lord,    the       On-        ly     One  Thou     art 

der   solchs  wohl   kann  aus-rich-  ten. 
to        whon       we     look   for     coin-fort. 

Cantata  117 

2.  Recitatlvo  Bass  »  Arioso 

Eb     dan-   ken     dir     die  Him-mels-     heer, 
In  thanks   the   songe   of     An-gel       throngs 

o  Herr-Boher     al-  ler  Thro-  nen, 
a-bore     to       Thee  are  swell-ingj 

und     die  auf     Er-     den    ,       Luft        und  Iteer 

on     earth       all  crea-tures,        high       and     lov, 

in     dei-nem  Schat-ten     woh-  nen, 
all   in     Thy     aha-  dow  dwell-ing, 

die  prei-   een     dei-  ne     Schdp-   fer-  macht, 
are  pral-aing  their  Cre-     a-     tor's  might, 

die     Al-        les   al-   so  wohl  be-dacht. 
Who  guides   our   ev'-ry   step  a-  right. 

Gebt   un-  sorm  Gott  die  Eh-  re,' 
To     Him     be     all     the  flo-rjl 

Cantata  117 


Libretto  by  Schuti 


(2   Flauto  traverso,    2  Oboes,    2  Oboe  d'amore, 
and  Strings. ) 

1.    Choral   Fantasia  V'8      (O) 

(Instr.    as  above,    except  Ob.    d'euriore.) 

Sei  Lob   und  Ehr  den  hoch-aten     Gut, 
All  glo-ry     to     the  Lord      of     Lords, 

dem     Va-  ter  al-  ler  Gu-  te, 
the  God     of     all   Cre-   a-tion, 

dec  Gott,   der  al-  le  Wun-der     tut, 
who  hope     and  joy  to  man     af-fords, 

dem  Gott,    der  nein  Ge-  ku-     te 
in        ev'-   ry     rank   and   sta-tion} 

fit    sei-nen  rei-chen  Trost   er-   fullt, 
our  cup  to       ov-  er-  flow     He     fills 

Tenor:   rei-chen  Trost   er-    fullt, 
to     OT-      er-    flo*     He     fills, 

dec  Gott,    der  al-    len  Jam-  oer   atillt. 
and      all     our  woe  and  vail-ing   stills, 

Gebt    on-   senn  Gott   die  Eh-   re." 
To      Him     be     all     the  glo-ry." 

3,   Aria  Tenor   (Ob.   d'am.    I  *  II)      6/8     (e) 

Was     un-     ser     Gott  ge-schaf-fen     hat, 
The  world  that  God     cre-  a-     ted   here 

dae  will  er  auch  (er-  hal-ten); 
He     will  up-hold     for-  e-  ver, 

dar-  u-       ber  will     er         fruh       und  spat 
He     rules  His     aub-Jects       far       and  near 

mit  sei-ner  Gna-     de  wal-ten. 
His  mer-cy     fail-eth     ne-ver. 

In       sei-nem  gan-   zen  Ko-  nlg-reich 
Thro '-out  His  King-dom  ev'-ry-  where, 

ist  al-  les   recht   und   ((Al-     les)       gleich), 
Hie  peo-ple     equ-  al         just-ice  share, 

Gebt    un-   serm  Gott  die  Eh-   rei 
To     Him     be     all     the  glo-ryl 

4.    Chorale        4/4        (G) 

Ich  rlef     deir,  Herm  in  mei-ner     Not: 
I     called   to     Thee      in  my     dis-trees, 

Ach,    Gott,    ver-nimm  mein  Schrei-     en J 
"Ah     hear     my        sup-  pli-   ca-        tion.' 

Da     half  mein  Hel-fer     mir  vom       Tod 
Then   came     my     Hel-per,   me     to     bless 

und     liess  mir  Trost  ge-dei-  hen. 
with  hope     and     con-   eo-la-  tion. 


Cantata  117 

Cantata  117 

Drun  dank;  acb     Gott,   drum  dank  ich     dir; 
For     this  my     thanks     go     out       to  Thee} 

ach       dan-  ket,   dan-ket  Gott  mlt     mirl 
coma  thank  ye       all  our  God     with     me. 

Gebt   un-  serm  Gott  die  Eh-  rel 
To     Him     be     all     the  glo-ry. 

5.   ReeitatiTO  Alto       (Strings.) 

Der  Herr  ist     noch       imd  nim-  mer  nicht 
The  Lord  will     not         de-sert  Hi a  folk, 

▼on  Bei>  nem  Volk  ge-schie-  den, 
nor  bide     in     i-  so-     la-     tion; 

er  blei-  bet     ih-  re     Zu-  ver-  eicht, 
in  Him       we     rest   our  fer-vent     hope 

ihr     Se-     gen,   Heil       und  Frie-  den} 
of     bles-sing       and       sal-  va-  tion. 

mit     Uut-  ter-han-  den  lei-  tet  er 

With  lo-ving     hand  and  con-stant   cheer 

die     Sel-  nen  ste-tig  hin       und     her. 
He     helps  Hie  peo-ple  far       and  near. 

Gebt   un-  serm  Gott  die  Eh-  re.' 
To     God     be     all     the  glo-ry. 

6.   Aria  Baas     (Violin  solo)     V*     (b) 

Wenn  Trost   und  Hulf  er-  man-geln  muss. 
When     mor-  tal  aid     and  com- fort  fail, 

die     al-   le  Welt   er-    lei-  get, 
when  ev'-ry  one     re-jects     me, 

80     komrrt,      so     hilft   der     !J-        ber-fluaa, 
the  Lord       will  help.   His  grace  pre-vail, 

der  Schbp-fer  eelbst,  der  Sohop-fer  aelbst^ 
for     it        was        He        ere-     a-     ted       me} 

und      nei-get        die  Va-     ter-   au-  gen 
should      er-er  the  Fa-ther's   lo-ving- 

7,  Aria  (Largo)  Alto         3/4     (D) 
(Fl.  tr.   I,  and  Strings.) 

Ich     will  dich  all  mein  Le-  ben     lang. 
With  glad     re-  joi-cing  all  life  long, 

0     Gott,  von     nun  an     eh-     ren} 
Thy  Name     will     I     be  prai-sing} 

0  Gott  Ton     nun  an,     all  mein  Le-     ben  lang, 
0  God .  will     I     be     prai-aing  all  life  long 

man  soil,  0  Gott,  den  Lob-  ge-  sang, 
in   ev'-  ry  land,  a  lo-  ving  song 

an  al-  len  Or-  ten  ho-  ren. 
Thy  peo-ple  all  are   rais-ing, 

Uein  gan-zes  Heri  er»munt-  re  sich, 
Uy  be-  ing  all  a-wakes  in  ne, 

mein  Geist   und  Leib  er-freu-  e       sich. 
my     heart  sind  soul  re-joice  in     Thee. 

Gebt   (un-  serm  Gott  die  Eh-  rei ) 
To    -Thee     be     all     the  glo-ry. 

8,  ReeitatiTO  Tenor 

Ihr,        die  ihr     Chri-       sti     Na-  men  nennt 
Ye  who  by     Christ's  own  Name  are  known, 

gebt   un-serm  Gott  die  ^h~  rel 
Give  un-  to       God  the  glo-ry; 

Ihr,        die     ihr     Got-  tee  liacht  be-  kennt. 
Ye  who  God's  migh-ty       po-     wer     own, 

gebt   un-aerm  Gott  die  Eh-  rei 
give  un-  to     liim     the  glo-ry. 

Die  fal-schen  Got-zen  macht   zu  Spott, 
Let     i-  dols       un-der  foot     be     trod, 

der  Herr  ist  Gott,        der  Herr  ist  Gottt 
the  Lord     is     God,       the  Lord  Is       God. 

Gebt   un-  serm  Gott  die  Kh-  re,' 
To     Him     be     all     the  glo-ry. 

de-      nen        xu, 
-klnd-ness  cease, 

die        aon-sten  (nir-gend)      fin-   den     Ruh. 
then  could     I       ne-  ver  rest   in     peace. 

Gebt    un-   Borm  Gott  die  Eh-   re.* 
To     God     be     all     the  glo-ry. 

9.   Chorale  V*        ^G) 

So  kom-     met     ver  seln     An-     ge-sicht 
Be-fore  God's  pre-sence  here  we     come 

mit   jauch-zen-     vol-   lem  Sprin-  gen} 
in     loud-  ly     voiced     e-     la-     tion, 


Cantata  IIV 

f  »ah-let  die  go-     lob-  te     Pflioht 
our     du-ty     o»ti  to  Chrie-  ten-     dom, 

und  lasst   una  froh-lich  ein-  gem 
and  aing     in       a-       do-  ra-  tion, 

Gott   hat   ee     Al-     les  wohl-be-  daoht 
Hit     lo-ving  care  and     o-     ver-sight 

und  al-   lea,     al-  lea  wohl-  ge-  machti 
la     al-vays     Juat  and     al-  waya  right! 

Gebt   un-  eenn  Gott  die  Eh-  re' 
To     Hiir.     be     all     the  glo-ryj 

Cantata  118 

Libretto  by  LJartin  Behm 

(2  Lltuus,   ComettOy   3  Trombones,) 

Cantata  119 

2.   Chorus    (Inetr.    as   in  No.    l)      1^8      (C) 

Psalm  CXLVII,    12-14i 

"Praise  the  Lord,   0  Jerusalem;    praise   thy 
God,   0  Zion. 

"For  he  hath  strengthened  the  bars   of  thy 
gntesi    he  hath  blessed  thy  children  *ithin  thee. 

"He  maketh  peace  within  thy  borders  and 
filleth  thee  with  the  finest   of  wheat." 

Prei-     se,  Je-ru-sa-lem,   den  Herm. 
Praise,   0       Je-ru-sa-lem,   thy     God, 

lo-       be,   Zi-on,     del-     nen  Gotti 
praise,   0        Zi-on,   praise  the  Lord. 

Denn  ( er       ma-     chet   fest)   (die     Rie-       gel) 
For       He  streng-then-^eth         the  strong-hold 

dei-  ner       To-      re, 
which  pro-tects  thee, 

(und  (seg-  net)     (dei-  ne  Kin-     der)  drin-  nen, 
and  bles-seth         eill  thy  chil-dren       in     thee, 

er  schaf-fet     dei-  nen     Gren-zen  Frie-  den. 
He     ma-  keth  peace  with-  in     thy     bor-ders. 

3.  Recitativo  Tenor 
0  Je-       su     Christ,    (mein's  Le-  bens  Licht) 

0  Je-        sue  Christ,        my        life,   my     light,    Ge-   aeg-net  Landi        gluck-  sel-       ge  Stadti 

D«ar  Friend,   the     loss  we       feel  this     day        0     bles-sed  Land  of       heart's  de-  sire, 

(nein  Hort,       mein  Trost,)       mein     Zu-     ver-sicht    wo-     selbst  der  Herr  sein  Herd   und 
■y       joy,  my     peace,  my     com-fort  bright  where     God       Hlm-self     has     set  His 

no     voice         can  sound,  no  tongue  can     tell| 

Feu-     er       hat. 
auf       Er-     den   (bin  (ich)(nur       (ein     Gaat)  hearth  and  fire, 

on  earth  here     am         I       but  a     guest, 

bowed  down  with       o-     Ter-flow-       ing     love 

und  druckt  mich  sehr   (der  Sun-  den         Last.) 
by       hea-       vy     load     of     sin     op-pressed. 
by     sin     op-pressed 
we       bid       thee  here     our  last  Fare-     well. 

Wie     kann     Gott     bes-  eer     loh-nen 
Could  clear-  er     proof  be     shown 

als  wo     er     Eh-     re     lasst 
of     fa-vor  than  that     God 

in  ei-  nem  Lan-  de     woh-nen? 

should  make   our  Land   !!is  own? 

Cantata  1' 
Libretto  by  Picander  (7) 

(4   TroBbA,     Tinpani,    2  Flauto,    3  Oboes, 
2  Oboe  da  caccia,    and  Strings. 

Wie  kann     er  ei-ne  Stadt 
How  could     a  ci-ty     win 

mit     rei-cherm  Nach-druck     seg-  nen, 
from  Him       a       rich-     er     blee-sing? 

als     wo     er     Gut      und     Treu 
With-in  thy  walls  are  Truth 

ein-  an-der  laaet  be-geg-  nen, 
and  Uer-   oy     met     to-ga-  ther, 

wo     er     Ge-  rech-     tig-keit   und     Frle-de 
with-in  thee  Right-oous-ness  and  Peace 

!•   Sinfonla  (Instr.    as  above  except  Ob.    da  c.)  xu     kus-sen     nie-     male  mu-  de,        nicht  m'u-  de, 

have  met   and   kissed  each-oth-er,  nor     wea-ry 


Cantata  119 

Paiam  LXXXV,   10i 

"IJercy  and   truth  are  met  together;    right- 
eousness and  peace  have  kissed  each  other." 

nie-mals   satt        ju     wer-den  teur  ver-heis-   sen, 
80     to         do;        for  did  not     God  so     pro-  niise 

auch  in     der     Tat      er-     ful-let        hat? 
that  He  would  corn-pass,   by     His  Grace? 

Da     ist  der  Sohluss  ge-macht: 
And  80     we  sing       a-  new: 

Ge-  seg-net  LandJ  gluck-     eel-  ge  Stadtl 

0     Bles-sed  Landi  Thrice  Bles-sed  Place! 

4,  Aria  Tenor  (Ob.  da  cac.  I  *  II)   ^4  (G) 

bare  12-13: 
^ohl  dir,  wohl  dir  du  Volk  der  Lin-  den, 
Fair   ci-  ty  thou  a-nong  the  lin-dens 

bare  28-31: 
How  fair  thou  art   a-cong  the  lin-dens 

bare  15-16}  and  32-33: 
Tohl   dir  du  Volk  der  Lin-  den 
How  fair  a-mong  the  lin-dens 

bars  44-49: 
Thou  fair  and  bles-sed  ci-  ty 

wohl  dir,   du  hast   es   gut, 
'tis  well,  'tis  well  with  theei 

bars  49-51: 
rohl   dir,  wohl  dir   du  hast 


'tis  well  with  thee,  'tis  well  with  th 

Wie-  Tiel  an  Got-tes   Se-   gen 
How   rich-ly  God  has  blessed   U8, 

und   sei-ner  Huld  ge-  le-  gen, 
what  boun-ty   ma-  ni-feet-  edj 

die  u-  ber-schwen-glich  tut, 
God '8  fa-Tored  folk   are   we, 

kannst   du   (an  dir  be-  fin-den), 
who   scarce  can  com-pre-hend  it. 

5.  RecitatiTO  Ease 

(Tromb.,  I,  II  4  III  4  iv,  Timp.,  Fl.  I  *  II, 
Ob.  da  caocia  I  4  II. ) 

So   herr-llch  etehst  du,  lie-be  Stadtl 
How  fair  thou  art,   be-  lo-red   town. 

Cantata  119 

Doch  wohl    und  a-   ber  wohl,   wo  mans  zu 
'tis  well,   in-deed  'tis  well,   to  pen-  der, 

Her-zen  fas-  sen, 
ne-ver  ceas-ing, 

und  recht  er-ken-  nen  will,   durch  wen  der  A 
and  right-ly  take  to  heart     how  rich-ly 

Herr  den  Se-  gen  wach-sen  las-  sen. 
all  our  bles-sings  are  in-creas-  ing, 

Ja,    was  be-  darf  es  viel? 
Yea,    a-  ny  doubt  is  vainJ 

das  Zeug-nis  ist  schon   da, 
the  ev-  i-  dence   is  plain: 

HerzJ     und  Ge-   wis-  sen  wird  uns 
Heart,    un-  der-stand-ing,   join  in 

u-  ber-  zeu-  gen, 
bear-ing  wit-nese, 

dass;       was  wir     Gu-     tes     bei  uns  sehn, 
that,        by     the  grace  of     Migh-ty       God, 

naohst  Gott  durch  klu-     ge     Ob-rig-keit 
our     coun-  cil-lors,      and  Gov-em-ment 

und  durch  ihr     wei-  ses       Re-  gi-  ment  ge-scheh 
di-  rect     our  State  with  wise  and  just  in-     ten 

Drum     sei,     ge-lieb-tes       Volk, 
Re-  fleet,  be-  lov-  ed  friends, 

zu     treu-em     Dank  be-  reit, 
how  all     our  Joys     a-bound, 

"ionst  wur-den  auch     da-  von 
and     let  our  walls  re-sound 

nicht     dei-  ne     Mau-     ern     schwei-  gen, 
with     songs  of  glad  thanks-     gi-     ving. 

du     Volk: 
thou  folk 

da8     Gott    zum  Erb-teil    aioh 
whom  Ood     haa   set      a-     part 

6.    Aria  Alto   (Fl.    I  4  II)        6/8        (g) 

Die  Ob-  rig-kelt  ist     Got-  tes       Ga-     be, 
Au-  tho-  ri-  ty     pro-ceede  from  Hea-ven, 

(ja)   (ael-ber)     Got-  tes       E-  ben-bild. 
yea         ev-er       comes  from  God     di-rect, 

Wer  ih-  re     Liacht  nicht  will  er-  mes-  sen, 
How  may  our     leg-     is-       la-tors  rule     us, 

der  muse  auch     Got-     tes     gar     ver-  ges-     sent 
di-   rect   our     State,   pre-serve  and   school     us, 

wie  wiir-     de       Bonst   aein     Wort   er-fullt? 
un-less     their     pre-cepts       we     re-epeot? 

er-   wah-   let   hat, 
to  call     Hia  own. 


Cantata  119 

7.   RecitatlTo  Soprano 

Nun,        nun,    wir   er-k«n-nen        ••  und 

Now,        now,    we     can  un-der-etand,        bo 

brin-  gsn  dir, 
let     thie     be, 

0  hoch-ster  Gott,    eln  Op-fer   un-   eere  Danke 
o  High-   ty       God,    an     of-fer-lng     of     thanks 

da-   fur. 
to  Thee. 

Zu-  mal,        naoh-   dem  der   heut-  ge  Tag, 
And     so,  on     this  es-  pec-  lal  day, 

der     Tag,        den     uns  der  Herr  ge-macht, 
this   day        which  God   has   set        a-  part, 

•uch,   teu-re       Va-  ter,   teils  von  eu-  rer 
-vhei:     of     our  Coun-cil-  ore       a       few  will 

Last     ent-  bun-  den, 
end     their     la-bo rs, 

teils  auch  auf     euch  schlgif-lo-   se  Sor-     gen- 
vhlle  oth-   ers,   well       be-     lov-ed  by     their 

-stun-   den 

bei      ei-  ner  neu-  en     V7ahl  ge-  bracht, 
their  all-  ab-eor-bing     du-ties     start, 

so     seufct  ein  treu-es  Volk 
your     true     and     loy-al  folk 

ait      Herz   und  Uund  zu-gleicht 
God's     Uer-cy     thus  in-  voket 

8.   Chorus   (Instr.   as  in  No.   1)      V*     (C) 

Der  Herr  hat     Guts  an  uns  ge-tan. 
The  Lord  is     boun-  ti-ful  to     us, 

des  sind  wir     al-  le     froh-lich 
for  this  we       all  are     joy-ful. 

^sind    (wir  al-      le,    al-      le)) 
so         we  all,   we     all     are 

(Er  seh     (die   teu-   ren  Va-   tor)      an 
Hs  will     pro-tect    our  Ru-lers     thus, 

UBd  hal-  te       auf     un-        zah-lig 
and  thru  the  years  will   coun-sel 

und      spa-te      (Ian-     ge  Jah-re     naus) 
the   Coun-cil-lors        we   now  in-ataJ-l, 
whom     we   now  in-atall 

in       ih-     rem     Re-     gi-     men-te     Haus, 
and  guide  then  in   their  Coun-cil   Hall| 

Cantata  119 

8  0  wol-  len  wir  Ihn     prei-     sen, 
so  will  wo       ev-er     praise  Thee, 

9,   Recitativo  Alto 

Zu-letzti  da     du       uns,      Herr, 

In-  deed.  Thy  peo-ple's  lives 

zu     dei-  nem  Volk  go-set zt, 
hast  Thou  for  them  de-creedt 

so     lass     von     dei-  nen  From-men 

80,   Lord,   Thy  Faith-ful  Folk 

nur  noch     ein  arm     Go-  bet 
Thy  bles-aing  here  in-voko, 

vor  dei-  ne     Oh-     ren       kom-men 
to     us,     we  pray,   give  heedt 

und  ho-       re I  ja  er-  ho-         rel 

Wo     beg  Thee,  we  bo-seeoh  Thee 

der       Uund,      das  Herz         und  See-  le  seuf-zet 
with  heart       and  soul,        so     may  our  pray-  er 

sob-       re, 
reach  Thse! 

10.   Chorsile 

V4       (C) 

Hilf,   dei-  nem  Volk,   Herr       Je-       su     Christ, 
Pre-  serve  ue,     Je-     sus     Christ,    our     Lord, 

und     sag-     ne,     was  dein  Erb-  tell     ist. 
Thy  Bles-sing       to     Thy     Folk     af-  ford, 

^art     und  pfleg  ihr  zu       al-  lor  Zeit 
Watch     o-     var     ua     who  Thee     a-  dore 

und       hob     sie  hoch  in     E-wlg-koit. 
and  praise  Thy  Name  for-e-ver-nore, 



Cantata  120 


Libretto  perhaps  by  Picander 

Inauguration  of  Council 

(2  Ob.   d'ajnore,    3  Tromba,  Timpani,  Violin  concer- 
tante,    and  Strings.) 

1.   Aria  Alto         6/Q     (A) 

(Ob,   d'amore  I  4  II,    and  Strings.) 

Psalm  LXV,    1: 

"Praise  waiteth  for  thee,   0  God,   in  Zion 
and  unto  thee  shall  the  vow  be  performed." 

bars   11,   and  64i 
Gott,  man  lo-  bet   dich  (in  der  Stil-  le) 

God,        praise     '*ait-eth  Thee     in  the     Tem-ple 
praise  a-       vait-eth  -renaining  measures. 

(xu  2i-on,) 
of  Zi-on, 

und  (dir     be-   zah-  let     man)   (Ge-lub-       de. ) 
to       Thee  the  vow  shall  be         ac-com-pliahed. 

2.    Chorufl  V*       (D) 

(Tromb  I,    II  4  III,  Timp.,   and  Strings,] 

Jauch-iet  .     (ihr  ( er-freu-ten)   Stim-men, 
Shout      ye,        all     ye     joy-ful       voi-ces, 

(stel-   get)    (bis   (zum  Him-mel)      naufj 
mount-ing        up        to     Hea-ven     climb. 

Lo-     bet   Gott    im  Hei-    lig-        turn 
Praise  ye     God     on  High     en-throned, 

(und   (er-     ho-  bet)    sei-  nen     Ruhm; 
let  your  song  be       full     en-toned; 

Cantata  120 

er-ken-  ne,   wie  er  dich 
re-nem-ber,   it     is     He 

in       dei-     nem  Schmuck  und  Pracht 
who  keeps  thee       fair     and       free, 

80         va-     ter-  lich     er-     halt, 
and  guards  with     fa-ther's     arm 

be-     schutzt,         be-  wacht 
from       fear,  from     harm, 

und       sei-  ne         Lie-     bes-hand 
with  watch-ful  thought   and   care 

noch     u-     ber  dir  be-  stan-dig     hat, 
pro-tects  us       ev-er,^     ev'-ry-where, 

"Yohl-  an,    ,     be-     zah-  le     die     Ge-  lub-     de, 
In-deed,        'tis  right  for  town  and     na-tion 

die     du     dem  Hoch-  sten  hast  ge-tan. 
to     keep  the  faith  with  liigh-ty  God, 

und   sin-  ge     Dank-   und  De-muts-lie-  der; 
and  sing  in  thanks  and  a-  do-     ra-  tion; 

komm,        bit-  te,        dass   er  Stadt   und  Land 
80  pray  we         God     to  guard  our  land* 

un-end-lioh  wol-le  mehr     er-  qui-  cken 
of     pe-ril       ev-er     to     fore-warn     us, 

und     die-  se     wer-  te  0-  brig-keit, 
to     guide  our  wor-thy  ru-lers     all 

so  heu-  te  Sitz     und     '?ahl  ver-neut, 
to  wis-dom     in     their  Coim-cil  Hall, 

mit  vie-  lem     Se-     gen     wol-le  schmu-ckoQ. 
and  with  His  bles-sings  to     a-     dorn     us. 

8«i-  ne     Gu-     te, 
His  com-pas-sion, 

-mil-     t  e 

hort    lu  kei-  nen  Zei-  ten     auf, 
ceaa-es  not  thru  end-less  time. 

sein     er-bar-men-des  Ge- 
ehown  to  us     in     rich-est 

4.   Aria  Soprano  6/8  (G) 

(Violin  concertante,   and  Stringe.) 

(Heil  und       Se-     gen) 
God     we     thank  Thee 

aoll  und  muss     zu         al-     ler  Zeit, 
for     the  bles-sings  Thou  hast  sent 

sich  auf  un-sre     0-  brig-keit 
our     be-   lo-ved  Gov-ern-  ment, 

3.   Recitativo  Pass 

Auf,  du     go-    liflb-te     Lin-   den-   atadt. 

Come,        fair-eat   lin-  den-bor-derod     town, 

kotnB,    fal-le     vor  dem  Hoch-eten  nei-   der, 
corn*,    bow  be-fore   the   Lord      Al-mlgh-   ty; 

bars   16-17   and   68-69i 
alch       auf       un-  are     0-  brig-iteit 
ua,  haat   sent   our  Gov-ern-  ment 

(In  er-wunach-ter  Ful-le)  le-  gen^ 
by  Thy  Uer-  cy  ev-er-  last-  ing, 
by  Thy  Graoe     aind  Uer-cy 


C«atata  120 

(dasa   sich   (Recht   und  Treu-   e)   mua-   sen) 
Truth     and     flight   are     met  to-  ge-  ther, 
Truth     and     Right  and     Uer-cy     (bare  47-48) 
bare  49-50i 

Truth  and  Right   to-ge-   ther 

tait-    ein-   an-der   (freund-lich  kue-sen. ) 
Peace  and  Uer-   cy        kiae      each-oth-   er. 

Cantata  120 

und     se-     gne,   wae   dein  Erb-  teil     let; 
Thy  Blea-Bing     to     Thy     Folk     ai"-  ford, 

wart      und  pfleg   ihr    zu       al-   ler  Zeit 
watch     o-     ver     uo     who  Thee     a-   dore 

und      heb        eie   hoch  in     E-*lg-kelt, 
and  praise  Thy  Name   for  o-yer-more. 

Paalm  LXXXV,    10| 

•T/ercy  and  truth  are  mot   togetheri 
rigbteouanesB  and  peace   have   kissed    each 
other. - 

5.   Recitative  Tenor     (Strings) 

Nun,    Merr,        ao  wei-       he  aelbst  dein 
0         God,  we  pray  Thee,   bleae     and 

Re-   gi-  ment 

■it     dei-  nem     Se-  gen     ein, 
the  lords  who  rule  Thy  State, 

daaa  al-le  Boa-  heit  von     una     flie-  he, 
leat   ev-er  they     a-  buae  their     po-  werj 

und     die       Ge-  rech-tig-  keit   in     un-   aern 
let  Right-eous-neas  with-  in     our  bor-dera 

Kut-  ten  blu-   he, 
bloom  emd   flo-wer. 

dass   dei-   nes     Va-     tera      rei-   ner     Sa-     me 
Our     atur-dy     stock     pre-eerve  and   nou-rish, 

und  dein  ge-     be-      ne-   dei-   ter     Na-     me 
for  thuB  Thy  Fame  will  grow  and   flou-riah, 

v°i    uns     ver-herr-licht   m'6-ge     sein. 
Kame     re-main     for-   e-ver  great  J 

6.   Chorale       V* 

Mun  hilf   una,   Herr,   den  Die-nern     dein, 
Pro-tect      us.  Lord,   and  be     our     guide; 

die  mit  delnin  Blut   er-  lo-   set      eein. 
it     waa     for       us     the  Sa-viour  died. 

Lass        una     im     Him-mel   ha-  ben  Teil 
Grant  Thou  that  we     to     Hea-ven  fare, 

>  ) 

■It      den     Heil-gen   im     e»-     gen        Heil. 
to     dwell  with  all  Thy   eer-venta  there. 

Hilf   dei-   nem     Volk,    Herr       Je-      au     Christ, 
Prs-serre   ua,        Je-     bus     Christ   our     Lord, 


Cantata  121 


Libretto  by  Luther-Picander 

Chrlatmas  Uonday 

Epistle,    The  Acta  VI,    8-15.      Martyrdom  of 
Saint    Stephen, 

And  The  Acts  VII,    55-60. 

Gospel, St.   Uatthew  XIII,    34-39.   0  Jerusalem 
that   killeat  the  prophets. 

and   St,   Luke   II,    15-20.      The   shepherds   come 
to  the  manger. 

(Cornetto,   Ob.d'amore,    3  Tromb,,   and  Strings.) 

1.    Choral  Fantasia    /)       (e(end3   on  F^)) 

(Cor.,   Ob.    d'am. ,   4  Vn.    I  with  Sop.j    Tromb.    I, 
Vn.    II  with  Alto;    Tromb.,    II,   Va.   with  Ten.} 
Troznb.    Ill  with  Bass.) 

Chri-etum  (wir     aol-     len  (lo-ben)    schon,)) 
Christ  Je-     bus  praise     we   ev'-ry-       one, 
we     praise     Him 
Alto   I  Bass  bars   21-24t 

Christ  Je-       sus  praise   we 

der  rei-nen  Magd   (Uar-  i-        en     Sohn)) 
the  Vir-gin  llcdd-   en     Ua-  ry'a       Son 
the  V'«T-gin'B     Son 

(so  weit)    (die  lie-  be  Son-ne   leucht) 
as      far       as     rays   of   aun   ex-  tend, 

und      (an       al-  ler  ?elt     En-de     reicht. ) 
and     thro'   £l11  the   earth  to  the       end. 

Cantata  121 

(ma     dich)    (da-durch)    ( zu     ret-ten) 


thee^  too^     in-  deed       can  res-cue 


Vor-der-  ben. 

dam-  na-tion. 

3.   Hecitativo   Alto 

Der     Cna-  de  un-   er-meas-lich     'Ve-  sen 
The  Grace  of  God  ia  all       un-bound-  ed, 

zur  ^ohn-statt 
by     Hea-  ven's 

2.   Aria  Tenor  (Oboe  d'amore)      3/4     (b) 

0       du     Ton     Gott   er-  hoh-te  Kre-  a- 
Thou  man  whom  God     ere-  a-ted  can-not 


(be-  grei-fe  nicht,)   nein,   nein,   be-wund-  re 
nor     un-der-stand,       but       on-     ly     won-der 



Gott  will  durch  Fleisch  (des  Fleie-ches     Hail 
that     He     thro*        man  can     com-  pass  man's 

er-  war-  ben.) 
•al-^Ta-  tion. 

Wio  gross  ist  doch  d'er  Schop-fer  al- 
He,   who  from  cha-os  hath  the  world 

-lor  Din-  ge, 
•-  rec-ted, 

und  wie  bist   du  rar-  ach-  tat    und     ga-rin-  ga, 
al-tho'   Thou  be  daa-piaad   and   onca   ra-Jac-ted, 

hat   sich  den  Him-  mel  nicht 
nor  does  it     keep  it-  self 

aus-   er-     le-  sen, 
wall  sur-roun-ded, 

well  kei-  ne  Gren-te  sie  um-schliesat. 
we     see  and  .find  it   ev'-ry-     where. 

Was     Wun-der,   dass  all-  hie  Ver-stand  und 
What  won-der,   that   at     this  our     UB-     dsr- 

Witx  ge-  bricht, 
-stand-ing     fails, 

ein     solch  Ge-  heim-nia     zu       er-  grun-den, 
when     we       at-tempt  to     solve  the     sec-rot, 

wenn     sie  sich       in     ein     keu-sches 
to     fath-  om    irtiioh     a     ptire  hearv 

Her-  ze  giesst.      (Wustmann) 
Herz  er-giesst. 
may     not  dare. 

Gott     wah-  let  sich  den  rei-  nen  Leib 
God     gives  to       us     to     keep  for     Him 

zu     ei-  nem  Tern-pel  sei-ner  Eh-ren, 
our  bo-dies  as       a     seui-ctu-  a-  ry, 

urn     zu     dan  Uen-schen     sich 
in  which  we  may     pre-  serve 

mit  wun-der-vol-  ler     Art        zu     keh-ren* 
and     ev-er     keep     a-  live       His  glo-  ry. 

4.    Aria  Bass   (Strings)  V*       (C) 

St.   Luka   I,    44i 

"For  lo,  as  soon  as  the  voice  of  thy  salui 
tation  sounded  in  mine  ears,  the  babe  leaped  II 
my  womb  for  Jov." 

Jo-     han-      nis    frau-den-vol-   las  Sprin-   gen 
Than  John,    in     Joy-   ful  wel-coma   apring-ing. 


Cantata  121 

ar-     karm-  te     dich,   mein     J»-     au,    echon. 
knew  well  that  Thou,    the     Lord,    had     oome. 

Kun  da   ein  Glau-   bene-   eo-m     dich   hiilt. 
And  aa   hla   faith     bo     moTod   him     then, 

■0  will     mein     Her-    le  von  der  Welt 
mf  heart  would  leap  to  Him     a-  gain 

su     dei-ner  Krip-  pe  briln-atig  drin-gen, 
and   haa-ton     to     Hie      cra-dle      sing-ing. 

Cantata  121 
















-  nl- 

•  ty. 

Cantata  122 


Libretto  by  Gchneeiae-Bach 

Sunday  eifter  Chriatmas 

5,   RecitatiTO  Soprano  Epistle,   Galatiane   TV,    1-7.      God   sent   His 

Son  to  redeem  usj    we_are   sons  and  heirs. 
Doch       wis   er-blickt    es     dich   in  dei-ner  Krip-pe?        Gospel,    St.   Luke  II,    33-40.      Childhood  of 
Mil  but   to     see     Thee     ly-ing   in     Thy   cra-dle!   Jesus;    Anna's  prophecy  of  the  Redemption. 

Ks  seufit        mein     Herzj        mit      be-  ben- 
kly     heart        beats   fast;        with  sil-ent 

-der   und   fast 
trsE-bling  lips 

je-schloss-ner  Lip-     pe 
I        kneel     be-   fore  Thee 

bringt      es     sein  dank-end  Op-  fer     dar. 
in        lore   and        a-     do-   ra-tion  there. 

jott,  der     so  ur-      er-  mess-lich     war, 

3od  loved  the  world  with  love     so     great 

nlmnrt  Knechts-ge-stalt   und   Ar-mut     an. 
He         chose     a       me-     ni-  al   es-  tate. 

(2  Oboes,  Tallle,    3  Flutes,  and  Strings.) 

1.    Choral   Fantasia  3/8        (g) 

(Instr,    as   above,   except    flutes.) 

Das  neu-ge-     bor-     ne     Kin-de-lein, 
Un-  to     the  world  this   hap-py  morn 

das   (her-ze-   lie-  be     Je-        eu-lein) 
our     lit-tle     Je-sus   Child  was  born; 

Alto  48-51,    and  Tenor   52-54t 
our   lit-tle   Child  Je-   sua     was  bom. 

bringt     a-        ber-  mal) 
Chri-stiana     re-joice 

(ein     neu-   es)  Jahr) 
the     news  to     hear 
re-  joice  ye 

Ond  wail      er  die-   see    uns      xu-  gut   ge-  tan. 
And   since   He   has     thus  done   so  much   for   us 

lass-   et    fWustmann) 
■O     lass      ich     mit   der  En-gel  Cho-ren 
1st      us     then  with  the  An-gel  Cho-rus, 

ein     jauch-zend  Lob-     und     Dank-  lied  ho-  ren. 
ijivo     hear-  ty  thanks  and  preiise     so-   no-rous. 

bars  82-83: 
ein       neu-   es  Jahr 
this   news     to  hear 

(der  aus-  er-wahl-  ten)  Chri-sten-schar, 
pro-  mi-  sing  all  a  glad  new  year, 
pro-mise     to     aJ.1     men 

der     aus-       er  wahl-ten  Chris-ten-schar, 
which  brings   to  all        a     glad     new     year. 

6,   Chorale       V*     («   (ends  F,^)) 

(Cor.,  Ob.  d'am.,  Vn.  I  with  Sop.;  Tromb.  I, 
Vn.  IT  with  Alto;  Trocb.  II,  Va.  with  Ten.; 
Tromb.    Ill   with  Continuo.) 

Lob,      Ehr     und     Dank     ssi     dir  ge-sagt, 
In       thank-ful  praise  sing  ev'-ry-  one 

Christ,     ge-     born  von  der  rei-nen     Uagd, 
I     to        Christ   the     Vir-gin  Ua-   ry's     Son, 

•UDt       Va-      ter   und      dem  heil-gen  Geist 
with  i^raise     a-  dore   the     Ho-  ly     Three, 

2.    Aria  Pass 

ji     (c) 

0  lien-schen,    (die  ihr  tag-  lich  sun-digt,) 
0  lior-   t'ds,      ye     who    face     dajr-  na-tion, 

ihr  sollt        dsr  En-   gel   Freu-   de     sein. 

the     An-  gels        all   re-   joice   for     you, 

Ihr  ju-bi-  11-      ren-   dee       Ge-   ochrel 
Be     Ju-bl-lant   that   this  young     Child 


Cantata  122 

dass  Gott     mit     eueh    ver-soh-net     sei 
the       Fa-ther's  wrath  has     re-con-ciled, 

(hat   euch  (den  su-  ssen  Trost)   ver-kun-digt. 
and     has     as-sured  to       you       saJL-va-  tion. 

3.   Recltativo  Soprano  (3  Flutes). 

Die  En-gel,     wel-     che     eich  zu-vor  vor  euch 
The  An-gel     choir  which  once  a-  voi-ded     us, 

als     vor     Ver-fluch-ten  scheu-  en, 
ac-cursed     in       de-  gra-  da-  tion, 

er-     ful-len  nun  die  Luft  im  ho-  hern  Chor, 
fill  all  the  Hea-ven  with  ce-les-tial   song, 

um     u-     ber     eu-  er  Heil  sich  zu  er-freu-  en. 
re-joi-cing  »lth  us     now     in     over  sal-va-tion, 

Gott,  so     euch     aus  dem  Fa-     ra-   dies 

Once,        when  God's  mer-cy     was  wlth-held 

aus      eng-li-scher     Ge-cein-schaft   stiess, 
from     Fa-ra-diae     *ere     we       ex-     pelled 

lasst   euch  nun  »le-  de-  rum  auf  Er-  den 
but     now       a-  gain  we  take  our  pla-ces, 

durch     sei-  ne     Ge-     gen-wart  Toll-kom- 
with     Bles-sed  Ones  whom     He,      as     His 

-men  se-     lig  wer-  den. 
E-lect,      em-bre.c-   es. 

So     dan-  ket  nun     mit     vol-lem  Mun-  de 
We  thank  Him  then  with  jcy-ful  voi-ces 

fur     die  ge-  wiin-schte     Zeit        im     neu- 
that   in     the  Day       of     Grace       man-kind 

.«B    Bun-  de. 

4.    Terzett    (Chorsile)   S-A-T  (Strings)      6/8  (d) 

Soprano   and  Tenor 

0  wohl   uns  die  *lr        (an     ihn  glau-ben,) 

Good    cheer  ye,  ye     with  faith     un-   sha-ken, 

sein  Grimm  kann  un-   sern  Trost   fnicht   rau-ben,) 
the     fiend  need  not   your     fear  a-     wa-  ken, 

ihr  7/u-ten  (»ird   sle     (we-  nig)   nut-zen,) 
hie   fi»-ry     rage  will      llt-tle     aid   him 

Gott   iat  rait      uns      (und     will   (uns   achut-zen.) 
for     Go'J  will   help  that        we  e-  vade     him. 

Cantata  122 


1st     Gott  ver-sohnt   und  un-  ser  Freund, 

When  God     His     love  on     us     be-     stows, 

was  kann  uns     tun  der     ar-ge  Feind? 
we     fear     no  harm  from  ev-il     foes. 

Trotz  Teu-  fel  und  der     Hoi-  len  Pfort, 

I        fear  not  De-  vil   fiend  or       Hell, 

das  Je-  8u-lein  ist  un-ser  Hort, 
for  Je-sus     is     my     ci-ta-     del. 

5,  Recitatiyp  Ba«e 

Dies  ist   ein  Tag, 
This  is     the  Day, 


den     selbst  der  Herr 
most     bles-  ssd     for 

ge-  macht, 
the  earth, 

der     sei-  nen  Sohn  in     die-  se     Welt       ge- 
on     which  we       ce-  le-brate  the     Sa-  riour's 


0       sei-  ge  Zeit,   die  nun       er-  fulltl 
Oh  bles-sed     day,     at   last   come     truel 

0        glau-bigs  T/ar-ten,        das  nun-mehr  ge-stilll 
Oh  Faith     un-   sha-ken,        ri-sing     ev-   er        newj' 

0     Glau-  be. 
Oh  cou-rage, 

Ob,      Lie-         be. 
Oh  staunch-ness. 

der  sein     En-        de     siehti 
to       be     stead-fast   stilll 

die  Gott   zu     sich  ziehti 
to     God     and  His       willl 

30       durch     die     Trub- 
which  leaves  dull  care 

0     Freu-dig-keit, 
Oh  hap-  pi-  ness, 

-sal  dringt 
be-  hind 

und     Gott        der     Lip-     pen  Op-  fer  bringt. 
and  moves       the  thanks   of     all  man-  kind. 

6.    Chorale  3/4     (g) 

(Ob.    I,   Vn.   T  with  Sop.j    Ob.    IT,  Vn.    IT  with" 
Alto;   Taille,  Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Es     bringt  das   rech-te       Ju-  bel-  jahr, 
Sing     out        ye     voi-ces,    loud  and   clear, 

was  trau-ern  wir  denn  im-  mer-  dar? 
Je-  sua     has     en-ded     all  our  fear. 


Cantata  122 

Cantata  123 

Frisch  aufi    jetit   iet      ee     Sin-   gens-zeit. 
Sing     out        ye        voi-cea,    high     and      low 

das  Je-   8u-   lein  \sendt   al-   lea  Loid, 
Je-   sua  has      en-     ded     all   our     voe. 

mir     Lieb-res     wer-  den, 
gives     me     no     plea-aure, 

ale     Wenn        ich       mei-     nen       Je-     sum 
Thou     art        my     heart's  de-  light,     Oh 

(stets)   be-     halt, 
Sa-     viour  mine. 

Alto,    bar   121i 
Je-     sum 

Cantata  123 


(Fritsch's  Hymn) 

Libretto  by  Picander 


Epistle,    Isaiah  LX,    1-6.      4riee  and    shinei 
Thy   light   shall    come;    the   canels    from  Sheba. 

Gospel,    St.    llatthew  II,    1-12.      The   three 
wise  men  come   to   see  Jesus,    following  the 

(2  Flauto  traverse,    2  Oboe   d'pjnore, 
and  Strings. ) 

1.    Chorus    (Instr.    as   above)      9/8     (b) 

Tenor,    bur   117t 
stets,    stets      be-   halt 
Thou         Sa-  viour  mine 

Lieb-ster  Im-ma-nu-el, 
Dear- est     Im-ma-nu-el, 

Isaiah  VII,    14. 
St.   Matthew  I,    23. 

Her-    zog  der  From-  men, 
Lord   of     the  Faith-ful, 

du-   mei-ner     See-   le        Heil, 
deep   in     my     heart   to     dwell 

kocvc,    komm  nur     baldj 
come,    come  Thou  soon. 

Du     hast  mir,      hoch-  ster  Schatz, 
Thou  art        my     soul's      de-      light, 

mein  Herz  ge-nom-  men, 
ev-      er     my  com-fort, 

BO     ganz  vor     Lie-  be  brennt 
glo-*ing  with  pur-eet      love, 

und      (nach  dir  wallt). 
yeum        I        for  Thine. 
Alto  A  Tenor  bars   91-95t 
I        yearn  for  Thine. 

Bass  bars   92-95i 
80  ganz  vor     Lie-   be  brennt 
I     glow  with  pur-est     love 

und  nach     dir  wallt. 
and   yeum  for  Thine. 

Jiichta   kann        fauf       Er-     den) 
Earth's   fu-        tile     trea-sure 
Alto   and  Tenor   bare    105-106j 
earth's   trea-sure 

2.   Recitativo  Alto 

Die     Him-mels-   sti-  ssig-   keit, 
The  sweet  con-tent     of     Heav'n 

der       Aus-  er-  wahl-ten     Lust 
where  dwell  the     Cho-aen  Bleat, 

er-fullt  auf     Er-     den  achon  nein       Herz 
al-read-     y     fills  my     heart  and     soothes 

und     Brust, 
my     breast , 

wenn       ich       den  Je-sus-     na-  men  nen-     ne 
the     thought   of     Je-aus'    dear     de-vo-  tion 

und   sein  ver-borg-nes  Man-   na     ken-     net 
is       to     my     soul     a     heal-ing     po-tion. 

ein     dur-  res     Land 
be-dewed     be-comes 

gleich-  wie  der     Tau 
As     thirs-ty     soil 

a-     live, 

BO  ist     mein     Herz 
80  does     my     heart 

auch  bei  Ge-   fahr  und  Schmert 
no     lon-ger  ache     or     amart, 

in     Frou-dig-keit  durch  Je-  su         Kraft 
but     joy-oua-  ly,   thru     Je-sus'    strength, 

re-  vive. 

3.    Aria  Tenor  (ob.   d'amore)      4/*     (f#) 

Auch  die     har-  te     Kreu-zea-rei-      se 
Trou-ble,   toil  and  tri-  bu-  la-  tion. 


Cantata  123 

Cantata  123 

und     der     Tra-  nen  bitt-re  Spei-     se 
care  and  grief  and     de-  so     la-  tion, 

scbreokt       ndch  nicht,       ndch  nicht. 
'fright  ce       not  at        all. 


Wenn  die  Un-  ge-  wit-     ter       to-  ben. 

High     a-bove  the  thun-der'e  blus-ter. 


sen-  det       Je-     sue      ^isir  Ton     o-  ben) 

glo-wing  bright  with       ho-ly     lus-tre, 

Heil     und  Licht. 
shine 8  Thy  light. 

6.  Chorale  3/2       (b) 

(Fl.   tr.   I  &  II  in  8va,   Ob.   d'am.   I  4  11,  * 
Vn.    I  with  Sop.;   Vn.   II  with  Alto;   Va.  with 

Drum  fahrt  nur  im-  cer  hin, 
Far     from     me     put     I      off 

ihr  Ei-  tel-kei-     ten, 
all   emp-ty     plea-sure, 

Du,     Je-  su,      du     bist  mein 
Thou,  Je-Bus,  Thou     art  mine, 

und     ich  bin  dein; 
Thine     on-ly       I; 

ich     will  mich     von     der     Welt 
glad-    ly        I        leave  the  world 

4.  Recitative  Basa* 

zu     dir  be-rei-     ten; 
Thou  art  my  trea-surej 

Kein      Hoi-   Len-feind   kann  mich  ver-schlin-gen, 
No     fiend   of       Hell     can     now  con-found     me. 

du  sollst   in  mei-   nem  Herz 
my       ev'-  ry  want  and  need 

das  schrei-en-   de  Ge-       wis-sen   schweigt, 

my       soul     and  con-science  are     at       peace. 

und     Uun-  de     sein. 
Thou  dost  sup-  ply I 

Tfas     soll-te  mich  der  Fein-de  Zahl  urn-     rin-gen? 
^at  care  I     tho*      a     host   of  foes  sur-roimd  me? 

mein  gan-zes  Le-ben 
Thou  art  my     be-ing 

Der       Tod       hat  selb-sten       kei-  ne     llacht. 
For  death       no       lon-ger     fright-ens     me, 

mir     a-ber  ist     der  Sieg   achon   zu-  ge-dacht, 
al-read-y     have     I       won     the     vic-to-  ry; 

weil  sich  nein  Kel-fer     mir,       mein       Je-  sue, 
with     Je-     BUB     at     my  side,  my     trou-bles 

sei  dir  er-  ge-  ben, 
my  life  de-cree-ing, 

bis  man  mich  ein-  eten  legt  ins  Grab  hin-ein, 
'til  in  the  grave  at   last  one  day  T  lie. 


5.    Aria  Base  (Flauto  traverse)      4/4     (d) 

Lass,   0     Telt,   mich       aus       Ver-ach-tung 
Lit-  tie  does     the     world's  dam-  na-tion 

in        (be-trub-ter)   Ein-aam-keit. 
leave     me     lone-ly,    sad      or   sore. 

Je-eue,   der     ins  Fleisch  ge-  kom-  men 
Je-8UB     came  for   •    my         b*1-  va-tion, 

und  main  Op-     far  an-ga-noc-  men. 
Ha       ac-capta  my     a-  do-  ra-tion, 

blai-  bet     bai  mir   (al-le)-( zeit). 
bides  with  me     for-   ev-er-     more. 

Cantata  124 
Libretto  by  Chr.   Keimann-Hammerschmidt 
I  Epiphany 

Epistle,   Romans  XIT,    1-6.     'Ve   are  all  members 
of  Christ's   body. 

Gospel,   St.    Luke  TT,    41-52.     Jesus   in  the 

(Corno,   Ob.   d'amore  concertante,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Chorus  V*        (E) 

(Cor.   with  Sop.;   Ob.   d'am.   and  Strings.) 

Uei-nen     (je-Sioi  (lasa      ich  nicht,) 
Je-  BUS,      ne-ver     leave     T       Thaa 

wall     er     sich       fur  mich  ge-  ge-ben, 
since  Thy   life        for     me     was  gl-van; 


Cantata  124 

Cantata  124 

80     er-for-dert  mei-ne  Pflicht, 
Thou  to     me  will      ev-er       be 

[     klet-  ten-  veie      (an     Ihm     zu   kle-ben. ) 
f     fet-  tered  fast,      and  firm-ly     rl-ven. 

I       Er        ist    (mel-   nes   (Le-  bene  Licht,) 
Light   of     Life     art   Thou     to        me, 

mei-nen     Je-sum      (lass     ich  nicht.) 
ne-Ter,  Je-oue,      leave      I        Thee, 

ich     la-—  mel-nen       Je-     sum     nlcht. 
that      I,      my  Je-8u«,    atill   have     Thee. 

4.    RecitatJYO  BasB 

Doch  achi        weloh  echwe-rea     Un-     ge-  mach 
But       OhI         what      aore  dis-treis  and     woe 

2.   RecitatJTO  Tenor 

So-      lan-ge  sich   ein  Trop-fen     Blut 
Vhile   yet     a     ein-gle  drop     of  blood 

in     Hen  und       A.-     dern     re-     get, 
•1th-   in       my  veine      is      etir-ring, 

soil  Je-   8U«     nur       al-   lain 
my     Sa-Tiour  dear  will     be, 

Eein     Le-   ben   und  mein  al-    les   sein. 
my     life   and  all     in     all  to       me. 

Vein  Je-      sua,  der  an     mir  so     gro-  ase 
Uy     Sa-yiour,   i^o   for  me     has  done  such 

Din-ge       tut; 
migh-ty  things, 

ich  kaon  ja  nicht 8  ale  mei-  nen  Leib 
my       bo-  dy,    yea       my     life     I        lay 

und     Le-  ben 

be-fore  Him, 

Ite  sum  Ge-scren-ke     ge-  ben. 
and      ev-er-more      a-   dore   Him. 

3.  Aria  Tenor  (Ob.   d'am.   ft  Str. )      3/4     (f^) 

Und  wenn  der  har-te  To-  dee-schlag 
And  when  the  dread-ed  stroke  of  death. 
What   tbo' 

die     Sir.-  nen  echwacht,    die  Glie-der  ruh-     ret, 

t^-   on          my  weak-      ened   frame  de-scend-ing 
bars   57-59: 

■hall    rand     my  soul       from     out     my     bo-     dy 

vann     der  dea     Fleisch  yer-hKB8-te       "Tag 
•hall  8uf-  fo-       cats     my       dy-ing  breath, 

BUT  Furcht   und     Schre-cken  mit   oich     fuh-ret, 
■y        80ul      from     out        my       bo-   dy   rend-ing, 

doch  tro-Btet    sich   die   Zu-  ver-   sicht; 
jrat      this     my  hope  and   joy   will     be. 

amp-  fin-  det  noch  all-  hier  die  See-     le? 
now  fill     my     soul  with     de-  eo-     la-tionl 

Wird  nicht  die     hart     ge-krank-  te  Bruet 
Uy     heart  from  grief  is       ne-  Ter     fraa- 

zu       ei-  ner  Wu-ete-       nei     und  Uar-ter-hoh-  le 
my  breast  a     de-sert  filled  with  la-men-ta-tion, 

bei     Je-  eu  schmerz-lich-stam  Var-lust? 
that  Je-Bus     has         been  lost  to       me' 

Al-lein       mein  Geist   sieht  glau-  big  auf 
But   no,  my     soul      looks  trust-ing     up 

wo     Glaub  und  Hoff-nung 
with  Faith  and  Hope     re- 

und     an  den     Ort, 
to     Hea-ven  high, 

pran-  gen, 

all-     wo     ich  nach  voll-brach-tem     Lauf 
for  There     my     api-rit        soon  will     fly 

dich,  Je-        zu,      e-  wig  soil     um-     fan-  gen. 
to     dwell  with  Him     in  joy     trans-cend-ent! 

5.   Duet   Soprano-Alto 

3/8     (A) 

Ent-zie-   he       dich     eil-     ends,   mein  Her-   ze 
A-  way,   now,     my     heart,   haste     a-     way  from 

der     TZelt, 
the  world, 

du  find-est  im  Mim-  mel  (dein  wah-  res 
in  Hea-  ven     a-lone  can       be     found  true 


Ver-  gnli-  gen). 


-so-   la-   tion. 

Alto  bars   42-46,    and  Soprano   62-66: 
dein     wnh-   res,    dein  wah-   res  Ver-gnu-  gen. 
be     found,  can       be   found   ccn-   bo-   la-tion. 

V7enn  kilnf-  tig  (dein  Aug-     a  den  Heil-     and 
One       day  when  thlna  ayo*  on  the     Sa-  rlour 

er-  blickt,) 
shall     rest, 


Cantata  124 

Cantata  125 

wo  wird  erst   (dein  seh-  nen-  des     Her-   ze 
at   last  will       thy  lang-uiah-ing  heart  be 

er-  quickt,) 

sanft  und  stil-  le} 
safe   a-  M-  dingj 

wie   Gott  mir  ver-  hei-  saen  hat, 
God   has  pro-mised  that   in  death 

(bo  wird  ea  (in  Je-  su  zu-fried-en)-ge-8teilt,   Bass  bars  57-59; 

and  trust-ing  in  Je-sus,  be  whol-ly  at  peace,  wie  Gott  mir  ver-  hei-ssen.mir 

6.   Chorale  ^A       (e) 

(Cor.,   Ob.    d'am.,   4  Vn.    I  with  Sop.;   Vn. 
with  Alto;  Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Je-3iim  lass  ich     nicht  von     mir, 
Je-3U8  part  Thou     not     from     me, 

geh     ihm     e-  wig     an       der  Sei-  ten; 
stay  Thou  ev-er     close     be-side     me, 

Chri-stue  lasat  mich  fur     und     fur 
keep     me     near     and     dear  to     Thee, 

zu  den  Le-bens-bach-lein     lal-  ten. 
to  the  Li-ving     T7a-  ters  guide     me. 

Sa-     lig,   der  mit     mir  so  sprichti 
Bles-sed,  who  with  me     may       sayt 

)iei-nen       Je-     sum     lass  ich  nicht. 
Je-  8 us  Christ  have     I         al-  way. 

ver-     hei- 
God  has     pro-mised,  God  has     pro-mised  that 

-ssen     hat 
in     death 

Alto  bars   57-59; 
II  wie  Gott  mir     ver-     hei-ssen,     ver- 

God  has     pro-mi a ed,  has     pro-mised 

-ssen     hat  , 
in     death 


der  Tod   (ist    (mein 

I     will  but      sleep, 
Alto  71:    will     but 
Ten.    71:  but 

Bass  71: 
that   T        will     but 

Schlaf  wor-den. ) 
sleep  ev-er. 
sleep  ev-er. 
sleep  ev-er. 


Alt  ernat  e  , 

der  Tod  (ist  (mein  Schlaf  wor- 

den.  ) 

I  go 





Alto  71: 





Ten.  71: 




Bass  71: 

I  go 





Cantata  125 
Libretto  by  Luther 

Epistle,   lialachi  III,    1-4.      I  will  send  my 
messenger  to  prepare  the  way  before  thee. 

Gospel,   St.    Luke   II,    ^2-32.      Simeon  sees  the 
infant  Jesus}    nunc   dimittis. 

(Flauto  traverse.   Oboe,    Corno,   Oboe  d'amore, 
and   Strings. ) 

1.    Choral   Fantasia  iV?        (E) 

(Fl.    tr.,    Ob.,    and   Str..      Cor.    with  Sop..) 

Uit   Fried   und  Freui    (Ich   fahr   (da-hin) 
In     Peace  and     joy  T        go        my  way, 

St.    Luke  II,    29. 
in  Tot-tee  711-   lenj 
in  God      con-fi-dingt 

ge-   troBt    ist        mir  mein  Merz        und   Sinn, 

His     will  with  heart        and      soul  o-   bey. 

2.    Aria  Alto  (Fl.   tr.,   Ob.  d'am.)      3/4      (d) 

Ich  will   (auch  mit   (ge-broch-nen     Au-  gen) 
In     death     my     glas-sy     eyes     are  tum-ing 


nach     dir,        (mein  treu-  er  Hei-  land,)    sehn. 
to     Thee,  my       God  and     Sa-viour       deeir; 

Wenn  gleich  des     Lei-bes     Bau     zer-bricht, 
Tho'      shat-tered  be     my     earth-ly        frame, 

doch        fallt 
still        firm 

mein     Herz 
my     heart 

und  Hof-  fen  nicht. 
and   hope     re-  main. 

Uein     Je-sus    sieht      (auf     mich  im     Ster-ben) 

in     death  it-self     Thou,   Lord,  art   near     me, 

und     las-   set  mir      (kein     Leid)      ge-schehn. 
with  Thee  at      hand     I've  naught      to        fear. 

3.   Recitative  Baas   8:  Chorale   fStr.)      V*      ^b) 


0  Wun-der,        dase   ein   Herx 

0   *on-der.        that     a     soul 


Cantata  125 

▼or     dor     dem  Fleisch  ver-hass-ten  Gruft 
would   know     no        ter-      ror     of     the   grave 

xmd  gar  des     To-     dea  Schmerz 
and   of     the  pains      of     death, 

8ich  nicht  ent-  set-   zet! 
be     not       af-  frigh-ted. 


Dm  maobt     Chrl-       stus,     vahr     Oot-tes  Sohn, 

So     hath     Christ  wroMght,  God's     on-ly     Son, 

dsr  trail-  «     Hei-land, 
our  blei-sad  Sar-iour, 


der  auf  den  Ster-be-  bet-   te   schon 

Who   on     the     bed   of  death  it-   self 

mlt      Him-  mels-sus-aig-   keit   den  Geiat 
doth  glad-den     us     with     pro-mi-      ses 

of  Hea-ven. 


dan       du    mich,   Harr*  hast  sa-han     lahn, 

Thou  Lord  hast     nada       na     un-dar-stand. 


da       in     er-full-  ter  Zeit 

at  God's  ap-point-ed     time, 

das     Heil     des  Herrn 
will  bring     to       ur 

ain  Glau-bens-arm 
His  trus-ted     Arm 

van-  fin-     ge} 
sal-va-  tionj 


toad  Baobst  ba-  kannt 

and     hast     ra-raalad 


▼on  dem  er-hab-nen  Gott, 

the     Ua-Je-sty     of     God, 

dem  Schop-fer  ed-ler  Din-     ge, 
the      Fa-   ther   of  Cre-  a-   tion, 


daaa  ar     aai  daa     La-       ban  und     Hail 
flTar,   Ha,   of     Life*s     ▼a^ry     apark, 


dar  Uen-schen  Trost   und  Tail, 

tha     Sa-^iour     of       man-kind, 

ihr       Ret-  ter  ▼om     Ver-  der-     ben 
Vho  guards   us     from     da-atruct-iony 


~Ii       fod     vaMl  aueh     la  Star-baa. 

fr«B  Daath  and  froa  da>-na-  tion. 

Cantata  125 

4.   Duet  Tenor-Bass   (Vn.    I   4  II)  4/4     (G) 


Ein     uh-  be-  greif-      lich     Licht  er-fullt 

Thru-out   the  whole   earth's  broad  ex-panse, 

(den   gan-  zen  Kreia)    (der     Er-   den.) 
a       my-atic    light        is     glo-wing. 

Ten.  ^bars   18-20.    Bass   39-41j 
(er-   fullt   den       gan-      zen  Kreis) 
thru-   out     the  earth's      ex-panse 

Tenor  bars   4i;-44.      Baas,    21-23t 
er-fullt   den     gen-   zen  Kreis  der  Er-     den. 
a       my-   stic  Light   is        ev-      er     glo-wing. 

E3      Bchal-   let 
There      e-   choes, 



und  fort, 
and  near, 

ain  hochst 

the  Word 

of       Hope 

Ver-hai-aaungB  -worti 
and     joy     and      cheert 

War  glaubt,   soil   (se-     lig)   wer-den. 
"Ba-  lie-       vers   shall  not     per-ish." 

See  I  Peter  I,    6;   Galatiana  III,   23. 

5.  Recitativo  Alto 

0   un-er-acho-pftar  Schatz  der     Gu-     te, 
0  ne-ver-fail-  ing  source     of  bles-sing, 

so  sich     uns     Men-schen  auf-ge-     tanj 
re-froah-ing  Fount  for     all  man-kindt 

es     wird  der       77elt,        so  Zorn  auf  Fluch  auf 
here     in     thia  world,        so  full     of     hate  and 

sich  ge-la-     den, 
ev-  il  pae-sions, 

ein     Stuhl  der     Gna-     den  und  Sie-ges-zel-chen 
this     pro-mise  stands  as       a     syir.-bol     of     Thy 

auf-ge-atallt , 
bat -tie     won, 

und  je-des  glau-bi-gaa      Ge-  mu-  te 
a     Ha-ven  safe  for  true  be-lie-vers 

wird  in     sein  Gna-  den-reich  ge-  la-  den, 
in     Thy     do-  nain  of     Peace  and  L'er-  cy. 

6.   Chorale  V4  (e) 

(Fl.    tr.    in  8va,    Cor.,   Ob.,   Vn.   I  with  Sop.f 
Vn.    II  with  Altoj   Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Er     iat   das   Heil    und   se-lig  Licht 
for  edl  man-kind     is   He  the  Light, 


Cantata  125 

Cantata  126 

fur  die  Kei-  den, 
all  ere-  a-  tion 

2u  er-leuch-tsn,   die  dich  ken-nen     nicht, 
is         guid-ed       by     His     bea-con  bright 

wad  zu  wei-  den. 
to     sal-va-tion. 

Er  ist  deins  Volka   Is-  ra-  el 
Sa-Yiour  of   the   Faith-ful  He, 

der  Preis,  Ehr,  Freud  und  Won-  ne. 
we  kneel   in   a-   do-  ra-  tion. 

au-  gen-blick-lich 
seek-ing  vain-  ly 

zu  zer-streu-en. 
to  de-  stroy  us. 


3,  Recitativo  &.  Chorale  Alto-Tenor     4/4 


Der  Uen-schen  Gunst   und  Kacht 

No     mor-  tal     will     or     might 

wird       we-  nig  nut-   zen, 
would  much     a-  vail     us, 

wenn     du     nicht  willst  das  ar-  me     Ifeiuf-lein 
did     Thou       de-     sert     our  fee-ble  band     or 

fall     us. 

Cantata  126 


Libretto  by  Luther 

(Verleih*  uns  Frieden) 


Epistle,  II  Corinthians  XI,  19.  XII,  9,  Paul 
justifies  himself. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  VIII,  4-15,  Parable  of  the 

(Tromba,  2  Oboes,  and  Strings,) 

1,   Choral  Fantasia  (Instr.   as  above)      4/4     (a) 

((Er-halt)   uns,   Herr,)   (bei  dei-nem  Wort, ) 
SuB-tain       us.  Lord,  om-ni-  po-  tent, 

und  steur  dee  Papets       und  Tur-ken  kord, 
and  smite  all     them         on       ev-il     bent, 

die       (Je-  sum  Chri-  stun,)   (dei-  nen  Sohn,) 
who     Christ  the     Sa  viour       would  dis-  own, 

stur-ien  wol-len       (von  sei-neip     Thron. ) 
cast-ing     Je-sus       from  off  His  Throne. 

2,   Aria  Tenor  (Ob.   I  *  II)        V*       (e) 

Sen-de      (dei-  ne  Uanht  von        o-  ben,) 
Let  Thy  liight  de-scend'from  Hea-ven, 

(Herr     der     Her-  ren,)   star-ker  GottJ 
Prince     of  Prlnc-  es,     Migh-ty     Lord: 

Dei-   ne       Kir-     che     zu     er-  freu-  en 
Uay  Thy  Church     be     safe  and     Joy-ou8| 

und     der  Fein-de     bit-tern  Spott 
•cat-ter  Thou  the  hos-tlle  horde 


Gott     heil-ger  Geist, 

Lord,     ooDofor-  tor. 

du    Tro-st«r    vert. 
Thou  tru-Btad  frland, 

du  weisst, 
see   us. 

dass  die  ver-folg-te  Got- 
Thy  cho-sen  peo-ple,  sore 

-tes-  stadt 
op-  pressed} 

den  arg-  sten  Feind 
the  base  de-  ceit 

nur  in    sich  sel-ber  hatt 
of  breth'-ren  ma-  ni-festf 

durch  die  Ge-  fahr-  lioh-keit  der  fal-schen 
by   dan-gers  grave  from  cru-el  foes  af- 

Bru-  der. 
-fright-  ed. 

Tolk     ei-ner-lel  Sinn  auf    Xrd, 
Thy    spl-rit     on     um    d««ca«idt 

Gib  dein'n 
Lot     nofw 


dass  wir,  an  Chri-sti   Lei-  be  Glie-der, 

that  we,  by  Je-sus'  Blood  u-  ni-  ted 

im  Glau-bea  eins, 
be  one  in  Faith, 

im  Le-ben  ei-nig  sei'n, 
in  life  and  bo-dy  one. 


Stoh  boi  uns  in  dor  lots-ton    Not: 
Cjp-hold  us     in  our  hour  of    ao«d« 


Es     bricht  ale-dann 

The       Ev-     il     One, 

be-  gun, 

und  will     den  Trost 
by     which  he     hopes 

•e-  veri 

der  letz-     te       Feind 
his     on-slaught     has 

von     un-  sem  rierz-en 
Thy  Folk  from  Thee  to 


Cantata  126 

Cantata  126 

doch       lass  dich       da     ale   un-eem  Hel-fer 
yet,        Thou  »llt   still  re-main  our  Hel-per 



g*i«it'     una     Ins     La-  ben     aus     doo     Tod. 
from      Death  to     Lift,   our  souls  to  load. 

ala  Hel-  fer       lu 
Thy  Hand  with  love 

und  villst  du  dlch 
and     help     0     Lord, 

una     keh-  ren, 

80  wird   una  dann     in     Frie-den 
to      us,    in     peace  pos-aeas-ing 

dea     Se-  gene  U-     ber-   fluae  be-  achie-  den. 
the  full     a-  bun-dance     of       Thy     blea-sing. 

4.    Aria  Baaa 

3/8        (C) 

Stur-   te     zu         Bo-  den       echwul-sti-  ge 
Down  with  the  haugh-ty,  ar-     ro-gant 

Stol-     zel 
proud  ones, 

Ua-che   lu-  nich-  te   , 
ut-ter-ly  fruat-rate 


Lasa   sio  den     Ab-  grund 
In-  to     the  brim-stonei 

ver-3chlin-  gen, 
de-  atroy  themj 

weh-   re     dem       To-  ben 
Baf-fle  their  blua-ter, 

(waa)   aie     er-  dachtj 
all  they  oon-trivel 

swift-  ly 

feind-li-  cher     Macht, 
let  them  not     thrive. 

lass   (ihr     Ver-lan-  gen)        (nim-  mer) 
foil  their     en-dea-vor«,        last  they 

ge-lin-  genj 
en- joy  them, 

bars  8,  7,  and  6  before  Da  capoi 
nim-  mer 
foil  them 

6,   Chorale  4/4       (a) 

(Tr.,   Ob.    I  *  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.j   Vn.    II 
with  Alto;   Va.  with  Tenor.) 

Ver-leih     una  Frie-den     gna-  dig-  lich. 
In     gra-  cious  mer-cy     grant   ua     peace, 

Herr  Gott,    zu       un-       aern  Zei-  ten; 
Lord     God,    for  life's     du-  ra-  tion; 

ea       ist     ja  doch  kein     and-     rer     nicht, 
we've  none  to  help     us     should  Thou  ceaae 

der     fur       uns  kdn-nte  strei-  ten, 
to     strive  for  our  sal-  va-     tion. 

denn     du,      un-  ser     Gott,   al-lei-ne. 
On     Thee,   our  God,      do       we     re-ly, 

Gib  un-  aerm  Furstn  und  al-  ler  0-brig-keit 
In-sure     our       Ru-  lere  and  our  O-ver-lorda 

Fried   und  gut     Re-  gl-  ment. 
Peace  and  good  Gov-ern-ment , 

dasa  wir  un-     ter     ih-     nen 
that      un-der  their   com-mand, 

ein     ge-     ruh'g  und   atil-  lea  Le-ben  fuh-  ren 
free  from     war     and     tur-moil  we  may  live  and 

5.  Recitativo  Tenor 

So     wird     dein  7/ort    und  Wahr-heit   of-fen-bar, 
Hake  Lord,   Thy        Ho-  ly       Goa-pel     ma-ni-fest, 

und   stel-  let   sich       im     hdch-aten  Glan-ze     dar, 
let  Right  pre-vail        and     Rec-  ti-  tude  be  bleat, 

dasa   du  fur  dei-   ne  Kir-   che  wachat, 

that    ev-er-  more  Thy  Church  may  thrive, 

dass     du     dea   Heil-gen  ".'or-  tea     Leh-   ren 
and  from     Thy     Ho-  ly     ^/ord  and  teach-ing 

turn     Se-  gen   fruoht-bar  machat} 
rich   aus-ten-   ance     de-  rive; 

mo-  gen 

in     al-  ler     Gott-ae-  lig-keit 
dwell-ing  here     in     god-  li-neaa 

und  Ehr-bar-keit.      A-men. 
and     ho-nea-  ty.        A-men. 


Cantata  127 


Libretto  by  Eber-Picander 

Q uinquageaina 

Epistle,   I  Corinthians  XIII.   Of  charity,    love. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke  XVIII,    31-43.      Behold  we  go 
to  Jerusalem;    prediction  of  death  and  resurrec- 
tion;   sight   restored  to  the  blind  man, 

(2  Flutes,    2  Oboes,   Tromba,    and  Strings.) 

1.   Choral  Fantasia  V*     (F) 

(Instr.    as  above   except  Tromba.) 

Herr     Je-   su  Christ,    (wahr  Llensch        und  Gott,) 
Thou  who,   a       God,  as  man         yet   came 

der  du  littst   (liar-ter,    (Angst)    (und  Spott,) 
to     suf-   far       mar-tyr-        dom         and   shame, 
scorn       and   shame, 

fur  mich  (am  Kreuz)   auch  (end-lich)      starbst 
who  died     to     gain     the       Fa-ther's       Grace, 

und  mir  deins     Va-     ters  Hiild  er-irarbst. 
and  my  trans-gres-sions        to     ef-   face, 

ich     bitt        (durchs  bitt-re     Lei-     den)    deinj ) 
oh     grant  that       all  Thy  bit-     ter     pain 

Thine  an-guish 

Du     wollst        (mir  s'un-der)     gna-  dig  aein. 
may     make         this   sin-ner     whole     a-  gain. 

Tenor   68-70i 
du  wollst  mir     Sun-der  gna-  dig,     gna-  dig  sein, 
to     make     this   sin-ner  pure  and     whole     a-  gain 

Soprano,    at   endt 
mir     gna-  dig  sein, 
me     whole     a-  gain. 

Bass  at   end: 
mir  Sun-  der     gna-dig,      gna-  dig  sein. 
□ay  Lake  this  sin-ner     whole     a-  gain« 

Cantata  127 

dureh  Seuf         zer  spricht 
but     sighs       can     make, 

und  die-  ses     Her-     ze       brichtt 
and  wiien     my  heart  would     break: 

ge-     nug,        dass  da  der     Glau-     be  weiss, 
yet   still       will  I     have  naught  to     fear, 

dass  Je-sus  bei  mir  steht, 
with  Je-8U8     ev-er       near. 

der     mit     Ge-duld  zu     sei-  nem  Lei-den  geht 

My     Faith  is  firm,        and  tho'  the  way  be  drear, 

und  die-sen  schwe-ren  "/eg     auch     mich 
yet  He,  who     pat-ient  bore  the     Cross, 

ge-  lei-  tet 
will  lead     me, 

und  mir  die  Ru-  he   zu-  be-  re-  tet. 
and  safe  to  Hea-ven   He  will  speed  me. 

3.  Aria  Soprano      4/'^       (c) 

(Fl.  I  *  II,  Ob.  I,  and  Strings.) 

Die  See-  le  ruht  in  Je-  su  Han-  den. 
My  soul  will  rest  in  Je-sus*  keep-ing, 

wenn  Er-  de  dei-  sen  Leib  be-deckt. 
when  bu-ried  deep  my   bo-  dy  lies, 

Ach  ruft  mich,   ruft  mich  bald,   ihr  Ster- 
Ah,  call  me,    call  me  soon,   thou  Death- 

-be-  glo-  cken, 
-knell,  call  me, 

ich       bin       zum     Ster-ben       un-     er-schro-cken, 
thy  sound       will     ne-  ver       more  ap-  pal       me. 

bar  35: 
un-   er-schro-cken; 
not  ap-  pal       me 

2.   Recitative  Tenor 

Tenn  al-les   sich 
7/hen     o-ver     me 

zur     Letz-ten  Zeit    ent- 
the  Dread-ed       Rea-per 

weil  mich  mein  Je-     sue  wie-  der  weckt. 
for       I       will  wake     be-yond  the  skies. 

-set-  zet, 
ho-  vers, 

und  wenn   ein  kal-ter     To-     des-schweies 
and  when  the      i-cy       sweat      of     death 

die  echon  er-starr-ten  Glle-der  ixft-   zet, 
at        last  my     ri-     gid     bo-  dy        co-vcre, 

wenn     r-el-   ne  Zun-  ge     nichte 
wr^ri,    too,   my  fail-ing  tongue 

ale     nur 
no      uound 

4.   Recltativo  Bass   fTr,   9   Str,) 

Wenn  ein-atens   die     Po-  sau-     nen     schal-   len, 
'Then  we     shall   hear  the  last  trump     cal-  ling, 

und  wenn  der     Bau     der       V/elt 
and  when  the  wliole  wide  world 

nebst   de-   nen     Him-mels-ve-   sten 
and      Hea-ven,      o-   ver-turn-   ing, 


Cantata  127 

Cantata  127 

ier-8chmet-tert       wird   zer-fal-  len, 
in     frag-  menta        all     are   fal-ling, 

ao     den-      ke  mein,        mein  Gott,    im       be-   sten; 
^^ed  then,   0     Lord,  my     love     and   yearn-ing, 

7enn   slch  dein  Knscht 
nien      I,        in        fet;r, 

einat  rors  Ge-   rich-   te   stellt, 
be-      fore  the  Judge   ap-   pear, 

da  die       Ge-        dan-ken     eich        ver-kla-   gen, 
try   con-acience  all  my  thouglits     be-tray-ing, 

Sae   Romane   II,    15. 

io     wol-   lest     du        al-lein, 
then  wilt  Thou  stand  by     me, 

0  Je-   Bu,        mein  Fur-spre-  cher   eein 
0  Je-au8,  and  my     spokes-man     be, 

und  Eei-  ner  See-  le  trost-lich  sa-  gen: 
and   con.-fort   then  my      soul     by     say-ingi 

filr-  wahr,    fur-  v-nhr,    (euch  sa-  ge     ich:  ) 
"In  truth,    in     truth         I        say  to  theej 

Venn  Hic-mel   und     Er-       de     im     Feu-er     ver- 
Tho'    Hea-ven  ajid  Earth  pass   and      ut-ter-ly 

-ge-   hen, 

80  soil   doch     ein  Glau-bi-  ger      e-        wig 
By  Tord   shall     re-main  for  the  Faith-f ul 

be-ste-  hen. 
to   cher-ish." 

St.   Matthew  XXIV,    35: 

"Heaven  and   earth  shall  pass   away,   but 
By  word  shall  nnt  pass  away," 

Er  wird  nlcht  kom-     men     ins     Ge-  richt 
An     an-     gry     Judge  thou  need  not     fear, 

(und   (den     Tod     e-  »lg)   schme-cken  nicht, 
and  death  will  ne-ver       find  thee     here; 

(nur   hal-   te  dich)   mein     Kind,    an  mich: 
80     har-ken  thee,     my     child,   to     met 


Ich  bre-che  ndt   star-ker  und  hel-  fen-der  Hand 
For     I     am     thy     God,    at   thy   side  will  I    stand, 

dee       To-     d«8       ge-     wal-  tig     ge-schlos-ae-  nee 
and   snatch  thee   from   death  with  om-     ni-     po-tent 


5.    Chorale  V4     (F   (ends   in  C) 

(Fl.    I   A  II   in   8va,    Ob.   I   *  II,    f  Vn.    I  with 
Sop. I   Vn.    II  with  Altoj   Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Ach  Herr,   ver-gib   all      un-   sre  Schuld, 
Ah     Lord,    our     ma-ny      sins   for-  give, 

hilf,    dass  wir  war-  ten  mit   Ge-  duld, 
grant   Thou  so  long   as        we     may   live 

bis      un-   ser     Stiind-lein  kommt   her-bei, 
that   pat-ient        we     may       bear  our   lot, 

auch     un-      ser     Glaub      stets  wa-   cker   sei, 
with  stead-fast   faith,    that      fal-ters   not, 

dein'm  77ort    zu  trau-   en   fe-stig-lich, 
in       firm  re-   li-ance   on  Thy     love, 

bis  wir  ein-schla-fen     se-  lig-lich. 
un-  til  we     come     to     Thee     a-  bove. 

Cantata  128 


Libretto  by  Ziegler 

Ascension  Day 

Epistle,    Acts   I,    1-11.      Christ   prepares  the 
disciples   for  the    Ascension. 

Gospel,   St,  Uark  XVI,   14-20.     The  Ascension, 

(2  Corno,   2  Oboes,   Oboe  da  caccia,   Tromba, 
and  Strings. ) 

1.    Choral   Fantasia  V^        (G) 

(Instr.    as  above   except  Tromba) 

(Auf  Chri-sti        Him-        mel-fahrt)    al-lein 
On       Je-  SUB  Christ's     as-cent       on  high 

(ich   (mei-ne  Nach-fahrt)   gr'un-  de 
is       my     sal-va-  tion       groun-ded, 

und     al-   len  Zwei-fel    Angst    und  Pein 
thru  Him  all     ev-  il  I       de-     fy 

Bass   bars   40-42: 
und     al-   len   Zwei-fel,      al-      len  Zwei-fel 
thru  Him  all      ev-   il,      doubt   and  tor-ment 

Angst  und  Pein 

I  de-   fy 

Alto  bare   47,    48,   Tenor  45-48,   Baas   45-47i 
hier-mit    (atete      u-     ber-  win-   de), 
by        Him     all        were   con-foun-ded 

Sop.,    Alto  bar   49.   Tenor   48-50.    Baaa    47-50> 
by        Him     were     all      con-foun-ded 


Cantata  128 

Cantata  128 

denn  well   (das  Haupt   (im  Him-  mel)  ist) 

and        of       my     hope       is  this  the  sign, 

of     hope       is  this  the  sign, 

is  this  then 

wird    (sei-ne  Glie-  der)     Je-   sus  Christ 
that       ev-er  where  we       find  the     Vine, 

zu       rech-ter     Zeit   (nach-  ho-  len. ) 
there, too,    must     be       the     bran-ches. 

ich  werd  einat  da-  hin  kom-iaen, 
one  day     will     I         a-  wa-  ken, 


wo       mein  Er-l6-   ser     lebt, 
where     my     Re-dee-mer  lives, 

IZein  Au-     gen     wer-den     ihn     in  gross-ter 

My     eyes  will  see  Him  there  in     glo-     ry 

Klar-  heit   sclmu-  en. 
past     all       tell-ing. 

9..   Recitativo  Tenor 

Ich  bin  be-     reit,   komir.,      ho-      le     michl 
I     ajn     pre-pared,    come,   take  Thou     me, 

Hier  in  der  T7elt     ist  Jam-  mer,    Angst    und  Pein; 
Here  in  the  World  is     trou-ble,   pain     and     woe, 

hin-  ge-     gen  dort,   in  Sa-lems     Zelt, 
but  There     a-  bove,   to  Sa-lem's  tent 

,  ^_  Psalm  LXXVI,    2. 

werd  ich  ver-  kla-ret  sein. 
will     I       re-joic-ing     go. 

Da       seh     ich  Gott  von  An-  ge-  sicht  zu 
There  will     I     meet  say     God  amd     Sa-viour 

An-  ge-sicht, 
face  to     face, 

wie     mir  sein  hei-     lig  ?7ort  ver-spricht, 
trans-fig-ured  thro'   Uis     Sa-ving     Grace, 

I  Corinthians  XIII,   12i 

",,,but  then  face  to  face..." 

0  konnt  ich 
0  might      I 

im  vor-     aus, 

mir     ei-       ne 
con- struct  me 

Hut-  te     bau-   en. 

such  a     dwel-ling, 


Wo-     hin?    •      Ver-  geb-     ner    V/unschi 
But  where?        Pre-surap-tuous  thoughtl 

Er     woh-  net  nicht  auf  Berg     und     Tal, 
He  dwell-eth     not     in     vales  or     hills, 

sein  All-nacht   zeigt  sich     u-  ber-     all; 
His       lia-  jes-     ty       all     spa-ces  fills, 

80   solTweig,       ver-weg-  ner  Mund, 
so     cease,  au-  da-cious  soul, 

und   su-   che   nicht 
nor  har-bor     more 

er-  grun-  den, 
and  fan-cies. 

die-sel-be       zu 
such  id-le  dreams 

3.   Aria  Bass  (Tr.  *  Strings)      3/4     (d) 

Auf,    auf   (mit     hel-   lem  Schall) 
Ring   out     with  cla-rion     call 

ver-  kun-  digt   u-       ber-all 
pro-claim     a-  broad  to     all 

(mein  Je-sus   eitzt )   zur  Rech-ten} 
th-it  Jo-BUB  Christ  is       _ri-  sen, 

("ffer  sucht   (mich)   aji-     zu-fach-ten? 
How     cEui         my     faith  be     sha-ken? 

bare  48-49,    50-51,    51-52i 
Wer  aucht  mich 
be        sha-   ken 

4,  Duet  Alto-Tenor  (Ob,    (d'am,)   l)     6/8     (b) 

Sein  All-     macht     zu     er-  grun-den. 
No     tongue     can     tell  the     sto-ry, 

wird  sich  kein  Llen-sche  fin-den, 
of     Him     and     of       His  glo-  ry, 

mein  Uund  (ver-stummt   und  schweigt.) 
all     mute     in       awe       we        stand. 

Icn     se-  he     durch     die     Ster-  ne. 
Be-  yond  the   stars      we       find  Him, 

dass   er  sich  schon  von  fer-     ne 
the     An-gels  Host     be-  hind   Him 

zur     Rech-     ten     Got-     tee     zeigt, 
en-  throned  at     God's  right     hand. 

let      erauchmir  ge-nom-men, 
Tho'    He  from  me     be     ta-ken 


Cantata  128 

5,   Chorale  4/4        (G) 

(Ob.    I,  Vn.    I  with  Sop.j   Ob,    II,  Vn.    II  with 
Altoj    Ob.   da  c,   Va.   with  Tenor.      Cor.    I   4  II) 

Als-daxin     so     wiret  du  mich        zu     dei-ner 
So     wilt  Thou     al-     so  Lord,    then  at     Thy 

Rech-  ten     stol-   len, 
right   hand  place     rae, 

und  mir  als   dei-  neia       Kind,    ein     gna-dig 
and  as     Thy  par-doned  child,    with  lo-ving 

Ur-  teil  fal-  len, 
Grace  em-brace  me. 

Kich  brin-gen     zu     der     Lust,     wo     dei-  ne 
Wiat     joy     a-waite  me     There,    with  Thee  on 

High     to       be, 

Ich  wer-de  schau-en       &n         in       al- 
Thy  Ua-jes-     ty     to   sliare,    thro'    all 

-le  E-     wig-keit. 
9-  ter-  ni-  tyi 

Cantata  129 

von  Hut-ter-lei-     be        an, 
our     ne-ver-fail-ing  Friend, 

der  al-le,    (ed-le     Au-     gen-blick) 
our  ev-er,      ev-er  Right-eoue     God, 

((viel)     Guts   (an  mir)  ge-  tan.) 

whose     bles-sings  ne-  ver     end. 

whose       be-     ne-  fits 

will  ne-  ver     end. 

2.   Aria  BasB 

3/8        (A) 

Ge-  lo-bet   sei  der  Herr, 
,\11  glo-ry     to  the  Lord, 

main  Gott,   mein  Heil,  mein  Le-  ben, 
the       God       of       our     sal-  va-tion, 

des     Va-  ters  lieb-  ster  Sohn, 
who  gave     His  moil-loved     Son 

der  sich  fur  mich  ge-  ge-  ben, 
to     save  us     from  dam-na-tion, 

bars  46-50: 
der  sich  fur  michjfur  mich  ge-  ge-  ben 
to     save   us,    save   us     from  dam-na-tion 

der  mich     (er-  lo-  set)   hat 
our  blest     Re-deem-er       He, 

Cantata  129 


Libretto  by  Olearius 

Trinity  (?) 

'^Tpistle.   Romans  XI,    33-35.     V/ho  can  know  the 
riches   of  the  wisdom  and  judgments  of  God? 

Gospel,   John  III,    1-15.      Christ  and  Nicodemus} 
"Except  a  man  be  born  again". 

(3   Trombe,  Timpani,   Flauto  traverse,    2  Oboes, 
Oboe  d'amore,   and  Strings.) 

1.    Choral  Fantasia  V*        (d) 

(Instr.    as  above   except  Oboe  d'amore.) 

(Ge-  lo-  bet)   sei   (der  Herr,) 
All  glo-ry       to       the  Lord, 

Uein  Gott,        mein  Licht,        c:ein  Le-  ben, 
our     God^  our  Guide,        all-   soo-ing, 

mein  Schop-fer,    (der  mir     nat) 
Ore-       a-     tor       of     the  world, 

Bein  Leib  und  Seel  ge-  ge-ben, 
the        Au-thor     of     our  be-ing; 

mein  Va-  ter,   der  rr.ich  schutzt 
the     Fa-tner     of       us         all, 

mit   sei-nem     teu-  ren  Blut, 
up-  on     the  Gross  He     died} 

der     mir     (ira  Glau-ben  schenkt) 
with  Him,      my     All     in         All, 

(sich  selbst), 
in       Faith 

das     hoch-ste     Gut, 
will     I  a-  bide. 

3.    Aria  Soprano   (Fl,    tr.,  Vn.    solo)      4/4     (e) 

Ge-  lo-  bet   sei  der  Herr, 
All  glo-ry     to     the  Lord, 

mein  Gott,   mein  Trost,   mein  Le-  ben, 
our       com-  fort     ne-       ver     end-ing, 

des  Va-  ters  wer-ter  Geist, 
His  Spi-rit,    in     His     Son, 

den     mir     der  Sohn  ge-     ge-  ben, 
to     earth  as     man     de-scend-ing; 

der       mir     (mein  Herz        er-   quickt), 
our  hearts        He     fills  with     hope, 

der  mir     gibt  neu-     e  Kraft, 
our  CO  r-age     fires  a-  new, 


Cantata  129 

der  mir     in       al-  ler     Not 
and  com-fortB  in     our  need 

Rat,    Trost   und     Hil-   fe  schafft. 
with     help  and  coun-sel       true. 

4.   Aria  Alto  (Ob.    d'amore)      6/8     (G) 

Ge-  lo-  bet   sei  der  Herr, 
All  glo-ry     to     the  Lord, 

mein  Gott,    der     e-  wig  le-bet, 
e-     ter-     nal  God     un-dy-ing, 

den  al-  lee   lo-  bet,      was 
to     Him  the  An-gels  sing, 

in     £l1-   len  Luf-  ten  schwe-bet. 
thru  ail  the  Hea-vena     fly-  ing, 

Ge-       lo-  bet  sei  der       Herr, 
God 'a   '.'ame     be      ev-er     praised 

des  Ha-     me  hei-  lig  heisat, 

by     all  that  Heav'n-ly       Host, 

Gott  Va-  ter,        Gott  der  Sohn 
God,    Fa-ther,        God     the     Son, 

und  Gott  der  heil-ge  Geist, 
and  God     the     Ho-  ly  Ghost. 

Cantata  130 


Libretto  by  Eber 

Feast   of  St.  Ifichael   (?) 


Epistle,   Revelation  XII,    7-12,     "'ar  in  Heavenfi 
St.   ''ichael  and  his   angels  against  the  Dragon. 

Gospel,  St.  I.:atthew  X\''III,  1-11.  Become  as 
little  children;  if  thy  hand  offend  thee,  cut 
it   off. 

(3  Trornb.,   Timpani,    3  Oboes,  Flute,  and  Strings, 

1.    Choral  Fantasia  4/4       (C) 

(Instr.   as  above,   except  Flute.) 

(Herr  Gott,    dich     lo-       ben)      .Al-  le  wir 
Lord  God,       we  praise  Thee,   all     of     us 

und     sol-   len     bil-lig     dan-  ken     dir 
with  just   and  hear-ty     thank-f ul-ness; 

bass  30-32t 

und     sol-  len     bll-  lig         dan-  ken       dan-  ken  d 
with  Just  and  heart-felt, heart -felt  thank-f ul-ne^ 

alto  28-31t 
und     sol-  len    bil-lig     daa-         ken 
with  Just  and  hear-ty     thanks *  Lord 

(fur  dein     Ge-  schopf )  der  En-gel  schon, 
that  Thou  hast     There     an     An-gel  band, 

die     UB      dioh  sohwbn  ta.  dei-nem  Thron. 
to     serve     and       guard  at  Thy  com-mand. 

5,   Chorale   flnstr.    as   in  No.   l)      V^     (D) 

Dec     wir     das  Hei-  lig  jetzt 
To     Thee,   the  Lord  of     Lords, 

mit     Freu-den  las-     sen  klin-  gen 
with     joy  we     close  are  cling-ing, 

und  mit     der  En-gel-schar 
and  with  the  An-gel  Choir 

das   Hei-  lig,    Hei-lig  sin-  gen, 
Thy  prai-see        ev-er     eing-ing 
are   "Ho-  ly,        Ho-ly" 

den  herz-lich  loot   und  prelst 
"Te     De-      tie       lau-  da-  mue"; 

die  gan-   ze  C  ri-sten-helti 
Thy  peo-ple  sing     to     Thee, 

Ge-      lo-  bet   sei   mein  Gott 
"All  glo-ry     to     the     Lord, 

in     al-   le  C-       vig-keit. 
for  all      e-ler-    ni-      ty." 

2.  Recitativo   Alto 

xhr       hei-  ler  Glanz      und  ho-  he  "'eis-heit 
Their  splen-dor  bright   and  lof-ty  wis-  dorti 


^de  Gott        sich     zu       uns  IZen-schen  neigt, 
how  God  His     Grace   on     man     be-      stows, 

der  sol-  che  Hei-  den,   sol-  che  'Vaf-   fen 
to     give     us   such     a       mlgh-ty       le-gion 

fur   uns  ge-8chaf-   fen, 
for  our  pro-  tec-tion. 

Sie  ru-  hen,    ihm     zu     Eh-ren,    nicht; 
To     hon-  or     !Iim  they   ne-ver        rest, 

ihr  gon-zer  Fleies  let  nur  da-  hin  f^e-richt, 
but   go     and     come     at     Hie  dl-vlne  be-  hest. 

dasB     sie,      Herr       Chri-   ste,    urn     dich  aei'n 
They   serve.   Lord,   Christ,   at     Thy     ccn-ruand, 

und      um       dein  ar-  ir.eo     Tau-   fe-   lelnf 
and  guard  Thy     fee-ble  faith-fid  band. 


Cantata  130 

Cantata  130 

wie  no-     tig  ist     doch  die-   se     Taoht 
ro»   sore  «e     need   them     in  our  pli^rht 

bei  Sa-  tans  Grinu:.    und     Lacht! 
tc     baf-fle       Sa-  tan's  c.ightj 

So     etellt  sich  in     Ge-fahr 
and       be         ye     not  a-fraid, 

noch  Jetzt        der     Kn-   gel   llil-     fe     dar. 
for     still        we     hny»  the      A.n-gel*s   aid. 

3.   Aria  Bass   (3  Tronb.,   Timp.)     fi      (c) 

Der     al-   te     Drtx-   che     brennt   vor     f.'eid 
In     !!ell  the  Ser-pent,      hot       with  hate, 

und  dich-tet   stets   auf  neu-es  Leid, 
for-    e-     ver  plots   our     ev-il   fate, 

dass      er       das   klei-ne   Hauf-lein  tren-net, 
and      hopes  Thy   lit-tle  band     to        se-  ver, 

pr     tilg-     te     gern,   was     Got-t-s  ist, 
iHa  would,   with  joy.     Thy  Nar.e     de-file, 

bald,   beld       braucht   er       List, 
be-       ware  ye       hie  guile 

bar   38: 
bald  braucht   er       List 
be-       ware     his  guile 

»eil   er  (nicht  Raat     noch  Ru-     he     ken-net.) 
for     he     from     cruft      is     res-ting     ne-ver. 

5.    .iVria  Tenor   (Fl.   tr.)       ji        (G) 

Lass,    0     Fiirst   der  Che-ru-  bi-   nen. 
Thou,    of  Cher-     u-  bim  the  llaa-ter, 

die-      ser  Hel-den  ho-   he     Schar 
let   Thine      An-gel   le-^jion     soar 

im-nier-  dar 
ev-er-  rr.ore, 

dei-ne  Glau-bi-  gen  be-  die-nen; 
ov-  er   us,  to  foil  dls-as-  ter, 

Lass'  eie  auf   E-   li-  as  "Va-gen 
as   to   Ileav'n  they  bore  E-li-  as, 

See  II  Kings  TI,  11. 

sie      2u     dir     gen  Him-nel  tra-gen. 
may  they  bear  and  glo-  ri-fy     us. 

4,  Puet  Soprano-Tenor  (Recitativo)      (Strings) 

(TTo)-J)      a-  ber   uns,    dass  Tag  'md  Nacht 
Well     for   us     all     that   day  and   night 

die  Schar  der  En-  gel     wacht, 
«e     have     the  An-gels'    might 

des     Sa-  tejis  An-  schlag   zu  zer-  std-ren, 
I'roo  Sa-tan's  on-8lan5ht   to  pro-tect      us. 

Da-   ni-        el,      so        un-ter  Lo-  wen   eitzt 
Dan-iel    ntood     wlth-in  the  li-on's     den 

•P-fahrt,        wie  ihn  die   fiand     des  En-gels 
a»     lone,        the   An-gels   saved   hin  ev-   en 


See  Daniel  VI,   7-23. 

"?7etm  dort  die  Olut        In  Ba-  bels     0-     fen 
And       ae     the  fire       of  yi-bel's   fur-nace 

kei-   nen  3chi-den  tut, 
harmed   him     not   at      all,    '"-ee  Dan.    Ill,    11  > 

eo  lia-sen  Glau-  bi-     ge     eln     Eank- 
•0  let   our  Faith  to   songe   of     thianke 

-lied   no-   ren. 
ii-rect      ua, 

6.    Chorale  3/4     fC) 

(Ob.    I,   Vn.    I  rith  Sop.j    Ob.    IT,   Vn.    TT  with 
Alto;    Ob.    Ill,   Va.    with  Ten..    3  Tr. ,    *  Timp.) 


Da-      rum     wir     bil-     lig     lo-  ben  dich 

With  grate-ful   hearts  v/e     come  to     Thee, 

und  dan-kfin     dir,      ''.ott,      e-  wig-lich, 
to     ren-der  thanks      e-        ter-nal-   ly, 

wie     auch  der   lie-  ben  En-gel  Schar, 
v.ith     An-  gel  Most   let    us     a-     dore 

dich     prei-   sen     heut    und   im-mer-   dar. 
ind     praise  Thee   now     and   ev-er-  more. 

Und  bit-   ten     dichi    wollst      al-   le-   zeit 
7/e     pray  Thee  Lord;      do  Thou  com-mand 

die     sel-  ben     hei-  ssen     sein  be-  reit, 
trie   !!ost   to     guard   our     "aith-ful  Band, 

2u  schut-zen  dei-        ne        klei-ne     Herd, 
to   foil      our  foes,    their  plot   con-fute, 

80     halt   deln  gott-lioh'e  "'ort   in  Wert, 
■;nd   keep  Thy     ".'ord        in        good   re-   pute. 

Cantata  131 


(Oboe,  Fagotte,  and  Stricgs.) 

1.    Chorus   (Instr.    as  above)      3/4     V4     (g) 

Psalm  CXXX,    1-2: 

"Out  of  the  depths  have  I  cried  to  thee, 
0  Lord. 

"Lord,  hear  my  voice,  let  thjne  ears  be 
attentive  to  the  vcice  of  my  supplication." 

AuB  der  Tie-   fe     ruf'  ich,  Herr,  zu  dir. 

Fron  the  deep,  Lord,    cried  I,   Lord,  to  Thee. 

Sop.  41-i,,  Ten.  40-1;   cried  out, 

Alto  40-3  Ten.   *  Bass   41-3,   all  parte   50-4: 

(ru-      fe)ich,  )Herr»    zu     dir, 

cried  I     out.   Lord,    to  Thee, 

rierr,        Herr,    ho-  re     nei-ne  Stira-  me. 
Lord,  0  har-ken  to     my     cal-ling, 

lass   dei-     ne       Oh-  ren  mer-ken   (auf     die 
in-  cline  Thine  ear     un-to     my     voice  and 

har-   ken 

StiiL-ne  mei-nes  Fle-hensj) 
hear  ^y  sup-pli-   ca-ticn: 
to     cy 

Soprano,   bar   P7: 
Stiir-r.e,   auf  die  Stic-  rr.e 
hear  my     sup-pli-  ca-tion 

S-A-T  bars  91-95: 
auf     die  Stim-r.e,   auf  die  Stim-ce  mei-nes 
hear  my       sup-pli-ca-tion  hear  my  sup-pli- 


Cantata  131 

Soprano  Chorale 

Er-     barm  dich  mein  in     sol-        cher  Last, 
Have     pi-     ty        on     ny  heart's   dis-tress, 

nimm  sie     aus     mei-nem     Her-zen, 
and     take  from  me     this  bur-den; 

die-weil  du       sie     ge-  bu-  sset   hast 
for     of     Thy  Cross  and  bit-ter-  ness 

£ir-     Holz  mit   To-     des-schmer-een,. 
this     is     the  pre-cicus  guer-  den, 

auf     dass   ich  nicht   rait  gro-  rj^en  Weh 
that     I       may     not,      in  deep        e-spair, 

in     nei-     nen  Sun-  den     un-  ter-geh, 
en-gulfed  by     sins  too  base  to     bear, 

noch  6-  wig-lich  ver-   za-  ge. 
be     ev-er-  more  con-foun-ded. 

3.   Chorus   (Instr.    as  in  No.    l)      V*     (Eb) 

Psalm  CXXX,    5t 

"T  wait  for  the  Lord,   my  soul  doth  wait, 
end  in  his  v-ord  do  I   hope." 

Ich  har-   re     des   Herrn, 
T     wait  for  the     Lord, 

mei-  ne  See-  le  har-  ret,    (und)    (ich  hof-   fe) 
yea,   my  soul  is  wai-ting,       T         am       ho-ping 

auf  sein  'Tort, 
in     His     Tford. 

2.   Duet  Soprano-Bass   (Oboe)        4/4     (g) 

Fsalm  cyJC,    3-4 j 

"If  thou,   0  Lord,   shouldst  mark   iniquities, 
0  Lord,   who  shall  stand? 

"But  there   is  forgiveness  with  thee,  that 
thou  cayst   be  feared." 

If  Thou,   Lord,      ahouldst  mark  oil   our  fail-ings 

bare  9P-103i 
So     du     wlllst,   Herr       Herr       Sun-  de 
If  Thou,      Lord,    Lord    chouldot  mark   our 
108,124:      U)rd,- 

tu-rech-  nnn 

In-nl-     qul-ti©B 

Herr,   *er  wird  be-   ete-     hen? 
Lord,  who  then  can  fsce  Thee? 

Denn  bei     dir       let     die  Ver-  ge-  bung. 
But     with  Thee  there  la     for-glve-neee, 

dnet  Baa  dich  fu-     rohte. 
that   ••       EAf  feur  Thee. 

4.   Duet   Alto-Tenor 

1^8  (c) 

Psalm  CXXX  6: 

"i!y  soul  waiteth  for  the  Lord,  more  than 
they  that  watch  for  morning:  I  say  more  than 
they  that  watch  for  the  morning." 


(Mei-ne  See-   le)    (war-  tet,        auf  den   '^errrl 

Here   my   soul   is       wai-ting  for  the  Lord, 

bars   23-24: 
mei-  ne  See-     le,   mei-  ne  See-   le     w.r~  t(»t 
here  my   soul,   my     soul   is  w«)i-ting,   wai-tlnp; 

(von     el-     ner  Uor-gen-     wi-     che)  Cbie        xu 

yea  more,      T      say  thnn  they     thf\t  watch     for 

watch-   ere  that   WRtol 

bnr   35:  do  »<»tol 

der  an-  dern. ) 
the  mor-nlng. 
for  mor-nlng. 



i;aiitata  131 


bare  57-62t 

bin        »u  der     an-dern.von     ei-   ner  Uor-gon- 
K&tch-era   for  tLcrc-ingjyea  more,    I      oay^  than 

-«a-  che     bis     xu     der  an-  dern,      bis     xu 
I  they  ttot   do  watch  for  mor-ning,    watch  for 

ider  an-  dern. 
the  mor-ning. 


Jhd  well    ich  denn  in  mei-naB  Sinn 
^  A       JtS-   ae~      ra-ble  mor-teil      I, 

tie     ich        xu-  vor  ge-kla-   get, 
irhat    grie-Toua   sin  be-sets     cei 

ein  be-trub-ter  Sun-der  bin, 
ev-il  deeds  I     tes-ti-   fy, 

I"'      sein     Ge-wie-     sen         na-     get, 
which  my  con-science  frets     met 

ii-.c  *oll-te     gem     im  Blu-  te     dein 
by     Thy  Blood   I      fer-vent  pray 

ron     Sun-den     ab-        ge-  wa-      achen  sein 
;hBt  all  ity     faults  be  washed     a-     way) 

rie  Da-vid   und  lla-naa-   se. 
IS     Da-vid  and  Ua-nes-sah. 

>*e   II  Samuel  XII;      Fsalm  LI. 

>«e  also   II   Chronicles  XXXIII,    12-13. 

Cantata  132 
Libretto  by  Franck 

Epistle,   Phllippians   TV,    4-7.      Rejoice   In  the 
Lord;    he  la   at    hand;    be  moderate;    asic  in  prayer; 
and  the  peace   of  God  which  pasaeth  all    under- 
standing shall  keep  your   hearts   and  minds   thru 
Christ  Jesus. 

Gospel,  St.  John  I,  19-2R.  "I  am  the  voice  of 
one  crying  In  the  wilderrieee,  make  straight  the 
way   of  the  Lord,    as   said  the  prophet  Eslas." 

(Oboe,    Fagotto,    Cello  and   Strings.) 

1.    Aria  Soprano   (instr.    as  above)        6/9     (A) 

Isaiah  XL,  3> 

"The  voice  of  him  that  crieth  in  the 
i»llderne88.  Prepare  ye  the  way  of  the  Lord, 
make  straight  in  the  desert  a  highway  for 
our  God." 

Be-  rei-  tet  die  We-  ge, 
"Fre-pare  ye  the  high-way, 

be-  rei-tet   die  BahnJ 
the  way  of     the  Lord!" 

Be-   rei-tet   die     '.Ve-     ge 
the  v/il-der-nesa   ori-eth, 

und     ma-     chet  die  Ste-  ge 
the  Voice     in     the     de-sertj 

>.    Chorus  V4        (g) 

(Ob.,   Vn.,   Va.    I   ft   II,    and  pag, ) 

'■aim  CXXX,    7i 

"Let    Israel   hope  in  the  Lord;    for  with  the 
,ord   there   is  mercy   and.  with  him  is  plenteous 
'edemption. " 

!s-ra-el  ( hof-   fe)    auf  den  Herrn; 

[s-ra-el,        hope     ye     in     the     Lord, 

Isnn  (bei     dam  Herm     ist     die  Gna-de) 
'or     with     the  Lord      there   is     mer-cy 

mi  viel       Ir-  lo-   sung  bei     ihm. 
lod  full        re-demp-tion  with   Him, 

Jnd   ( er   (wire   la-ra-el) 
ind      un-     to     Is-ra-el 

er-  lo-   sen 

ali.   parts   to  bar  be  except   Ten.    bars   48-49t 
luf     al-   len   sei-nen  Gun-  der. 

TroK  all  of     hi«     in-  i-  qui -ties. 

Ten.   bars   48-49,    all   parts   52 — endt 
»uf     ad.-   len  sei-     nen        Sun-     den 
Troc  all   of     his   trans-  gres-   sions. 

im     Glau-ben   und     Le-  ben 
"Fre-pare  ye     the  high-way, 

dem  Hoch-eten  ganz      e-     ben; 
the     way     for     the  Sa-viour, 

be-  rei-  tet   die     7/e-     ge, 
pre-pare  ye     the  high-way, 

und  ma-      chet   die  Ste-  ge, 

make  straight   in     the     de-sert 

U»-ssi-  as     kommt     an! 
the  way  for     our     GodJ" 

2.   Recitativo  Tenor 

Willat     du  dich     Got-  tea  Kind 
Wouldst  bo     a       Child   of       God 

und  Chri-  stl   Bru-der  nen-     nen, 
and     Bro-ther     of  the     Sa-viour? 

so       mus-   sen  Herz    und  Uund 
then,   must  thy  life  con-form 

den     Hei-     land  frei  be-ken-  nen. 
to     Christ-ian-  like  be-ha-viour. 


Cantata  132 

Cantata  132 

J  a. 


dein  gan-     zes  Le-     ben 
thy  whole     ex-iat-ence 

muss  von  dem  Glau-ben  Zeug-  nis  ge-  ben! 
mu3t     ev-er       to     thy  Faith  be     wit-ness. 

Soil  Chri-       ati         Tort   und     Leh-     re 
Ob-   serve  Christ's  Word  and  Teach-ing, 

auch  durch  dein  31ut  ver-sie-     gelt  aein, 
that     it       may       ne-  ver  cease     to       be 

so  gib  dich  wil-  lig  drein, 
a       ve-  ry     part   of       thee. 




(die-     sea     ist) 
this  shall     be 

der  Chri-        sten 
the  Chria-tian's 

tCron     und  Eh-  re. 
crown-ing  glo-ry, 


In-des,  mein     Herz,   be-  rei-     te 

To-day,     my     heart,   pre-pare  thee, 

noch  heu-  te 
to  fare  thee, 

dem  Herrn  die  Glau-bens  -  bahn 
a-  long     the  Path     of     FaithJ 

und   rau-  me  weg  die     Hu-     gel 
re-  move     a-way  the  hill-ocks. 

ob     du,         0  Uensch,        falsch  o-       der  treu, 
if  thou,       0     man,  be     false  or     true, 

(dein  rech-tes  Ur-  teil)  ho-  ren  mus-sen. 
and  face  the  truth  with-  out  e-  va-sion, 
what-e'er  be-  falls  thee     -bars  15-16. 

Wer     bist     du? 
That  art  thou? 

fra-ge  das     Ge-     set-       ze, 
stu-dy  thou  the  Scrip-turee^ 

das  wird  dir       sa-     gen,       wer       du     bist: 
for  they  will  tell  thee,       what  thou     art: 

bars  29-30: 
wer  ,    wer       du     bist  , 


what  thou     art 

(ein  Kind     des  Zorns),   in  Sa-  tans  Net-  ze, 

a     child  of  sin,        in  Sa-tan's  mesh-es, 

ein  fal-scher,  heuch-  le-     ris-cher  Christ, 

how  full   of  guile  thine     ev-il          heart. 

4.   Recitativo  Alto        (Strings.) 

Ich  will,   mein  Gott,        dir  frei  her-  aus 
To     Thee,     my       God,        con-fess-ion  frank 

is     ow-ing: 

und  die  Ho-  hen, 
the  high  pla-oes, 

ste-  hen. 

-pede  Him. 

die  ihm  ent-     ge-     gen- 
and  all  that   would     im- 

ich  ha-     be     dich  bis-her       nicht  recht 
•til  now  have     I        not  owned  Thee        as 

be-  kannti 
Thou  art  2 

77al2  ab 
Roll  off 

die  schwe-ren  Sun-  den-stei-ne, 
the  rag-  ged  rocks  of  ev-  il, 

nimm  dei-  nen  Hei-  land  an, 
and  greet  thy  Sa-viour  now, 

dass   er   mit  dir  (im  Glau-  ben 
in  faith  to  Him  be  plight-  ed 

sich  mit  dir  ver-ei-  ne.) 
fast  and  firm  u-  ni-ted. 

in  Glau-ben  sich  ver-ei-  ne 
be  plight-ed  and   u-  ni-ted 

3.    Aria  Bass   ('Cello)  V4      (E) 

Wer     biat     du? 
"Diit    art      thou? 

fra-ge  dein  Ge-  wis-     sen, 
ev-er  ask     thy  con-ecience. 

da     wiret   du  eon-der  Meu-     cha-lei, 
with     ho-   noB-ty        in-:}ulre     a-   new, 

Ob     Uund   und  Lip-  pen  gleich 
Lip  serv-ice   have     I       giv'n 

dich  Herr  und  Va-     ter  nen-  nen, 
with-out     in     *act     v>e-stow-ing 

hat   sich  mein  Herz  doch  von  dir       ab-ge-wandt; 
on     Thee  the     true     al-  leg-leLnce    of  my  heart, 

Ich  ha-  be  dich  ver-leug-  net  mit     den     Le-     l 
In     loy-al-  ty     have  I       been  weak  and  swerv-J- 

77ie  kannst  du  mir  ein  gu-  tee  Zoug-nis  ge-  bep 
and     not       at  all  of     "^hy  eup-port     de-ser-vir. 

Als,  Je-   su,   mich  dein  Geiat-und  77a8-eer-  bad 
Yet,  Je-eu3,   Thou     by       Thy     bap-tia-mal  bath| 

ge-        rei-        ni-get  von  raei-     ner   Ui-   B«e- 
dldat   cleanse  ray  sin  and   still  Thy  Fa-ther'e 


hub  ich  dir  iwar  ateta   fe-  ate  Treu  ver- 
Tho'  fair-eat  pro-  mi-  aea  in-  deed  I've 


Cantata  132 

Cantata  132 


<     achJ        a-  ber  achl        der  Tauf-bund   ist 
ah,  sin-ner  I,  ray        co-     ve-nant 

f  ge-   bro-chen. 

I  have  bro-   ken. 

[     Di«   Un-   treu     rou-   et      michl 
I     yy     mis-deeds  tor-ture     me,* 

Ach  Gott,        er-   bar-     me     dich, 
Ah     God,  for-give  Thou     me, 

achi    hilf  .   dass    ich     ndt    un-  ver-wand-ter  Treu-   e 
and     grant   that   with     un-wai-ver-ing        e-  mo-tionj 

den  Gna-den-bund   im  Glau-   ben   eteta   er-neu-   e, 
I     may      re-new     my   faith  and   deep     de-vo-tion. 

den     al-ten  lien-schen  kran- 
t"hat  we  put      on     the        New 



dasa   der     neu  le-   ben     mag 

the     Old  Man's  pow'r     ef-face. 

Eph.    IV,    24.      Col.    Ill,    10. 
wohl     hier  auf  die-   aer     Er-den, 
V/hile   here  as     mor-tals   liv-ing, 

den  Sinn   und   all     Be-     ger-den 
our  true  al-   leg-ianoe   giy-ing, 

)  ) 

und  Gdan-  ken  habn   zu       dir. 
our  trust   in     Thee  we  place. 

5.    Aria  .Uto      (Vn.    solo)  V*        fb) 

Chri-    sti     Glie-der,        ach  be-den-ket, 
Chris-tian     peo-ple  ev-er  pon-der 

wag   der   Hei-   land   euch     ge-      schen-ket 
how  our  Lord  was     bap-   tised      yon-   der 

durch  dor  Tau-   fe  rei-   nea  Bad, 

in        the  bath  of  Jor-dan's   stream. 

Bei  der  Blut-und  '?7a8-Ber-  quel-     Je 
Gol-   go-tha     ajid  Jor-dan  cleared   ua 

wer-den     eu-  re     Klei-der     hel-     le, 

of     the   stains   that      so     be-sraeared   us, 

(die     be-   fleckt)    (von  Mi-   8B«-tat.) 
wash-ing        all  our   sins      a-way. 

Chri-stus        gab  zun  neu-   en     Klei-   de 

Je-   sua     Christ's     re-deem-ing     pay-ment 

ro-        ten  Pur-pur,    wei-sse  Sei-  de, 
clothed   ua     all   in       pur-ple   rai-ment, 

die-   ae     sind  (der     Chri-sten  Staat). 
whit- est   silk     and  bright   ar-     ray. 

See  Rev.   VII,    12-13. 

6.    Chorale  V*        fA) 

Sr-     tot      UDS  durch  dein     Gii-     te, 
Trans-form   us        by       Thy     kind-ness, 

•r-weck    uas  durch  dein     Gnad| 
a-  wake  va     thru     Thy     Grace, 

Cantata  133 


Libretto  by  Caaper  Ziegler 

Christmas  Tuesday 

Epistle,   Hebrews  I,    1-14.      Christ  in  person 
and  office  is   preferred  to  the   angels, 

or     Ecclesiaticus  XV,    1-R.     TVisdom  embraces 
those  that   fear  God, 

Gospel,   John  I,    1-14,      In  the  beginning  was 
the  77ordj   John  was   sent   as   a  witness   to  the 
Light;    the  'Tord  was  made   Flesh. 

or  John  XXI,    15-24.      Feed  my  sheep  and   lajnbs. 

(2  Ob.    d'amore,    Cornetto,    and  Strings.) 

1.    ChoruB  fi        (D) 

(Cor,   with  Sop. I    Ob.    d'am,   I  4  II,    Str,) 

Ich  freu-e     mich  in     dir 
liy     joy     is     aJ.1  in  Thee, 

und   hei-   sae  dich  will-  kor.-     men. 
and  glad-ly     will     I        greet  Thee. 

Uein  lie-  bee  Je-au-   leini 
Thou  dear-eat  Je-eus  mine! 

Du  hast   dir  vor-ge-     nom-     man, 
As  bro-ther     I     may  treat  Thee, 

main     Brii-  der-lein   zu     sein. 
of     blood  the   saiBe   as  Thine. 

Ach,      wie        (ein     su-      aaer     Ton J ) 
Ah,      word  of     aweet-eat      doundl 

^ie     freund-lich  sieht    er     aua, 
What     bles-sings  rich  and   rare 

der       gro-      see  Got-  tee-   sohn, 
thru  Christ  the  Lord     a-  bound. 


Cantata  133 

2.   Aria  Alto  (Ob.  d'am.   I  t  II)       /{     (a) 

Ge-  trost  es     faast   ein  heil-  ger     Leib 

Take  heart,        our     mor-  tal  frame  con-taina 

dea   Hoch-sten     un-     be-greif-lichs  ':^'e-sen. 
the  spark  of     God's    un-fath-   oned     Be-ing. 

Ich     ha-  be  Gott— 
Al-  cigh-ty     God, 

(wie  wohl  ist  izir  ge-sche-   heni)  — 
how     hap-py       I     to     see  Thee 

von        An-  ge-sicht  (zu  An-  ge-sicht) 

thus   face  to     face,  yea,   face  to     face 

ge-se-     hen. 
to  see  Thee. 

AchJ        mei-ne  See-  le  cuss   ge-  ne-   sen. 
Ahi  now  my  spi-rit     is     con-ten-ted. 

Cantata  133 

dies  Yi'ortj 
that  Christ 
the       Lord 

main  Je-  sus  ist 
the  Lord  has  come 
-bars    25,    45. 

ge-  bo-  ren, 
to   save     us. 

wie  dringt   es     (in       das  Herz     hin-     eini) 
how  sweet     it   sounds  to     Chri-stisLns  alii 
sweet  to     Chri-stians  all 

Largo     12/S 

77er     Je-   su       l.'a-  men  nicht  ver-steht, 

TPho  does  not   come  at       Je-     sus'    call, 

und     wem     es     nicht  durchs     Her-   ze     geht, 
or     would  His  Name       and       teaoh-ing  mock, 

bars  63-66  &  69-71: 
der  muss     ein  har-ter  Fel-sen,    ein  har-ter 
his  heart  is        ev-en     har-der,   is     har-der 

Fel-  sen  sein. 
than     a     rock. 

bars   71-73t 
der  muss     ein  har-ter  Fel-  sen  sein. 
his  heart     is  har-der  than     a     rock. 

3.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Ein  A-  dam     mag   sich  vol-ler  Schre-cken 
In     Fa-  ra-dise     may     A-  dam     trem-ble 

vor  Got-     tea     An-  ge-  sicht  im       Fa-  ra- 

ar.d  seek,   per-chance,   from     God     his  fail-ings 

-dies  ver-ste-ckeni 

to     dis-sem-  ble.' 


Der  el-  ler-hbch-ste  Gott 

But   yet     Al-migh-ty     God 

kehrt   eel-  ber     bei   una     ein: 
a-  bides  with-in     us     here, 


und   80  ent-set-   zet  sich  mein  Her-     ze     nicht; 

and   30  my  heart  is        ev-  er       free  from     fear, 

es  ken-  net     sein     er-bar-men-des     Ge-     nu-     te. 
cur  5a-viour  shows  to  us     in  bound-leSS  fas-hion 

Aue    un-   er-     mess-   ner  Gu-     te 
Hie  ten-der,    sweet   com-pas-sion, 

wird   er   ein  kleir  nee  Kind 
a     lit-tle   child     He  came; 

Je-  Bu-  leln. 
was  His  tJame. 

und   heisst  mein 
Lord     Je-     sus 

5.   Recitativo  Bass  (b     D) 

Wohl-  ani  dee     To-     dee  Furcht  und  Sehmert 

•Tis  wellj        the   fears   of     death       im-  par+ 

er-T.^gt   nicht  mein  ge-     tro-  stet     Herz. 
no     hor-  ror       to     the  trust-ing     heart. 

Will      er     vom     Him-     mel   sich 
He     left   His  throne     a-  bove 

bis     zu       der     Er-  de       len-ken, 
the  world  to     rule  and   save, 

80  wird        er     auch  an     mich 
so  still  have     I       His  love 

in     mei-ner  Gruft  ge-     den-ken. 
when     I     am       in       my  grave. 

Adagio     4/4 

\Yer  Je-8um  recht   er-kennt. 

If     Je-3U8     but     be     nigh 

der   etirbt   nicht,   wenn  er   stirbti 
I       die         not       when  I         die, 

(so-     bald)    er       Je-        sum  nennt. 
for  death     de-stroys     me         not. 

4.    Aria  Soprano     (Strings.) 

Wie  (lieb-llch) 
The  Joy-  fui 

klingt   eo 
ti-  dinge 

in  den       Oh-ren, 
An-gels  gave   ua 

6.    Chorale     V*      (d)  (Cor.,   Cb.    d'an.    I,   Vn.    I 

with  Sop.;    Cb.    d'am.  TI,  Vn.    II  with  Alto.,  Va. 
with  Tenor.) 

Wohl-        oni    ao  will  ich  mich     an       dich,     0 

I      cleave,      0  Lord,  to     Thee^tho'    earth     and 


Cantata  133 

Cantata  134 

Je-   8u,    hal-     ten, 

i  eky  be     shat-tered, 


und   eoll-te  gleich  die  7.elt   in  tau-   send  St'ii-oke 
I  and  all     the     u-        ni-verea   in  thou-aand  pie-ces 

spal-     ten. 

0         Je-  eu,     dir,   nur  dir,   dir  let  ich  gam 
J  Thou,  Je-BU8,   Thou       a-lone,   art  all  the  world 


to     ae, 

(     auf        dich,    al-lein  auf  dich,   0     Je-   eu, 
1  naught   else     I      care  to     o»-n,      if  I      have 

echlaf  ich     ein. 
on-     ly     Thee. 

(Auf,)   Glau-  bi-     ge,      ein-  get  die  lieb-li- 
Ye  Faith-ful  Onee,    eing   ye       a     song  of 

-Chen  Lie-  dor, 

re-  joi-cing,  • 

bare   41-42,    54-57t 
Auf,      auf 
Come   sing, 

bare  62-63, 
Auf,   auf,     auf 
coiLe  and     aing 

bars   100-103: 
Auf,    auf,      auf,    auf,    auf,      auf,    auf,    auf,      auf, 
come  and      sing,    come  and      sing,    core  and     sing, 

euch     Bchei-net    ein     herr-lich  er-neu-e-  tes 
there     shi-neth  from     Hea-ven     a       ma-gi-cal 


Dei'  le-  ben-  de  Hei-lend  gibt_  ae-  li-  ge 
The  Sa-viour  is     ri-sen     from  sor-row  to 

Cantata  134 


Easter  Tuesday 

Epistle,   The  Acts  XIII,    26-33.      Paul  preaches 
at   Antioch  of  Christ's  death  and  resurrection. 

Gospel,    St,   Luke  XXIV,    36-47.     Jesus   appears 
to  tlie  Eleven, 

(2  Oboes,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Recitativo  Tenor-Alto  V*     (E^) 


Ein  Hen,   dae     sei-nen     Je-     sum  le-bend  ▼'eiss 

The   soul     thiat  tru-ly     knows  his  ri-sen     Lord, 

•Li-pfin-det  Je-   eu  neu-   e  Gu-     te 

re-cei-ving  dai-ly     Je-sus'    bles-eing, 

und  dich-  tet  nur     auf  eei-  nee  Hei-lands  f reis. 
de-lights  in     song  His   prai-ses   to        re-  cord. 


(Wie   freu-et   sich)   ein     glau-     bi-  ges 
How     hap-py     he,      this  price-less  boon 

Ge-     mu-     te. 

Zei-  ten. 
spare      us, 

(auf)    (See-   len, )      ihr     mus-set      ein  Op-   fer 
come,   Faith-ful       Ones,   we     must     a     tri-bute 

be-rei-  ten, 
pre-pare      us, 

bare   128-129,    160-161i 
auf,      auf,    auf 
come,   sing     ye 


bars   130-132,   162-164,    173-175: 
See-   len,    auf,      auf,    auf,      auf J    See-   len  auf J 
Sing  ye,      ye       Faith-ful     Ones,   Sing  ye,    ye 

See-   len,      ihr 
Faith-ful     Ones 

bar  173i 
See-      len     auf. 
Faith-ful  Ones 

be-   zah-   lat   (dera  Hooh-sten)   mit     Dan-     ken 
our  debt   to        the  High-est        in     tliariks  to 

die  Pflicht. 
re-     quite. 

3.   Recitativo  Alto-Tenor 

2.    Aria  Tenor     (Ob.    I   ft  II,    Str. )      3/«     (Ej,) 

bs-rs   24-26: 
Auf,      auf,      auf,   auf,   Glau-  bi-     gel 
Come,   sing     ull     ye       Faith-ful  Ones 


'Vohl     dir,        Gott   hat   an  dicli       ge-dncht , 

'Tie  well,       God       ev-er  thinks  of     thee, 

0-     Gott     ge-weih-tes  Ri-gen-  t\m\ 
and  makes   in  thee   His  Ho-ly  Shrinsf 


Cantata  134 

Cantata  134 

der  Hei-lemd     lebt         und  aiegt  nit  Uacht, 
the     Sa-viour  lives,     and     vie-  to-     ry 

zu  dei-nem     Heil, 
He  has  ac-hieved 

zu     sei-     nem  Rufam 
with  might     di-vine, 


Der  letz-te  Feind 

My       fi-nal     foe 

iat     Grab  und     Tod: 
will     be     the  Grave, 

muss  hier  der     Sa-       tEin  furcht-sam  zit-tern 
and       Sa-  tan  tremb-ling       and       de-fea-ted 

und  sich  die  Hol-le     selbst  er-schut-tern. 
to     Hell  in     ter-ror     has       re-  trea-  ted, 

Es     stirbt  der  Hei-  land  dir     zu       gut 
For     thee     the     Sa-viour  died  and  bled, 

und  fah-ret  fur     dich     zu     der  Hoi-  len, 
and      ev-en     down     to     Hell     de-scen-ded; 

30-  gar  ver-gie-sset    er     sein  koat-  bar       Blut, 
for-get   not  how     He  shed     His     pre-cioua  Blood 

dass  du     in       sei-nem  Blu-  te  siegst, 
that  we  there-by     be     sanc-ti-  fied, 

denn  die-  ses  kann  die  Fein-de  fal-len, 
and     Sa-tan's     ev-  il     rule  be  end-  ed; 

und  wenn  der  Streit  dir     an     die  See-  le     dringt, 
so     when  the  stress  of  life     as-sails  our  souls, 

dass  du     als-  dann  nicht  u-     ber-w\m-den  liegst, 
be     not  dis-mayed;      it     was  for  us     He       died. 

I  Corinthians  XV,    26j 

"The  last   enemy  that  shall  be  destroyed 
is  death." 


Gott  macht  auch  den  zum  En-  de  un-  srer  Not, 

But   God  will  be  at  hand,  my  soul  to  save. 


ist  fur  mioh  ein       Pa-  nier 
my     bat -tie     flag  shall  be, 

zur  Star-ke     in  dem 

and  cou-rage  in  the 

Der     Lie-  be  Kraft 
The  pow'r  of     Love 

zum  !Iel-  den-       mut, 
to     give  me  strength 


mir  Sie-  gee-  kro-nen     zu         be-     rei-     ten' 
and  tho'   with  cru-el     thorns  they  crown     me, 

nahmst  du  die     Dor-  nen-kro-ne  dir, 
'twill  be     a     crown  of     vic-to-  ry; 

mein  Herr, 
my     Lord, 

mein  Gott, 
ray       God, 

mein  auf-er-stand- 
whom     ri-aen     we 

-nes     Heil, 

00   hat   kein  Feind 
thru  Thee  no   foe 


an   mir   zum  Scha-den 
can  bring  us   now  to 

4,  Duet  Alto-Tenor  (Strings,)   V*  (E^) 

Wir  dan-  ken,  und  prei-   sen  dein 
We  thank  Thee,  we  praise  Thee,   for 

brun-sti-ges  Lie-  ben 
all  Thy  de-  vo-tion, 

(und  brin-  gen)  (ein  Op-  fer)(der  Lip-  pen) 
and  bring  Thee       .  ^  ^.-i-   -»   j 

tri-bute  of  sing-ing 
an  of-  fer-  ing, 

vor  (W, ) 

(fur  dich). 


Der  Sie-ger  (er-we-  cket  die  freu-di-  gen 
The  Vic-tor     a-wakes  our     re-joi-cing     in 


und  tro-stet 
our  path-way 

der  Hei-land   er-schei-     net 
the  Sa-viour  il-  lu-  mines 

uns  wie-  der 
be-fore     us. 

bars   107-109: 
und  tro-stet 
be-fore     us 

Tenor,   bara   102-103   and  106: 
una  wie-  der 
our  path-way 

und  star-ket   (die     etrei-     ten-de         Kir-  che 
and  migh-  ti-  ly  strength-  ens   His  Church  for 
durch  sich,  bar  114:      und 

the     fray.  He 


Die  Fein-  de       zwar  sind   nicht   zu  zah-  len! 

Our  count-less      e-        ne-     mies   as-sail      usl 


Gott   achutzt  die  ihir.     ge-  treu-en     See-  len. 
If  we  be     true  God  will  not   fail      us. 

5,   Recltatlvo   Alto-Tenor 


Doch     wir-   ke   aelbat  den  Dank   in     un-     aerra 

Lord  teach  me     now         a     Song  of  true  Thanks- 

l!un-  de, 


i   Cantata  134 

in  dem  er  all — tu     ir-  disch  iat; 
nor  let  my  world-ly  heart  for-  get, 

ja  achaf-  fa,    dasa  zu  kei-  ner  Stun-  de 
an  in-  atant  while   on  earth  I'm  li-ving. 

dich,    und  dein  Werk  kein  mensch-lich  Herz  vor- 
Thee,    and  Thy  whol-ly     un-   re-  quit-  ed 


ja  laaa   in  dir     daa     Lab-   sal      un-   arer  Bruat 
be  Thou  a     pre-cioue  Oint-ment   for     my        aoul 

und     al-   ler  Her-zen  Trost    und     Lust, 
to     keep  my     api-rit   aound  and  whole, 

die      un-   ter  dei-   ner     Gna-  de  trau-   en, 
in     Thine  a-bound-ing  Grace  a-     bi-ding, 

Toll-kon-  men   und  un-end-lich     aein. 
to     per-fect   and   un-end-ing     hliae, 

Eb     echile-ase  dei-ne     Hand   una        ein. 
And  grant      us        al-ao,      Uaa-ter,    this, 

dass  wir     die  Wir-kung  kraf-  tig   achau-   en, 
that  we,      in     Thy     de-   fenae  con-   fi-  ding, 

waa   una  dein     Tod     und  Sieg   er-wirbt, 
may  on     Thy     death  and   life  re-     ly, 

und     dasa  man  nun  nach  dei-nem  Auf-er-ate-  hen 
that   thru  Thy  vie-  to-  ry     and  Re-aur-rect-ion, 

nicht   etirbt       wenn  man  gleich  zeit-lich  stirbt, 
our     death  re-lease     ua       when     we         die, 

und  wir     da-  durch  zu     dei-ner  Herr-lich-  keit 
to     live  and  ahare  Thy     Ua-Jes-  ty     and     Thine 

ein-ge-     hen. 
af-f ec-tion. 

Cantata  134 

6.   Chorus    (Ob.   T  A  II   A  Str.)      3/8     (Bb) 

er-freu-     e  dich,. 
re-joice  ev'-ry 

du  glau-  ben- 
ye  Faith-ful 

Er-achal-let,    ihr  Him-mel, 
Re-sound  all     Cre-  a-tion, 

Er-     de, 

lob-  sin-  ge  dem  Hoch-aten, 
in  praise  to  the  High-est, 

de  Schar, 
Ones   sing. 

.Uto  bare   43-46,    81-B4i 
lob-   sir.-  ge,    lob-   sin-  ge     dem  Hocn-sten- 
in  praise  to     the  High-est,   the  High-est 

(Es     schau-et)    (und   schme-cket)    ein     j^-     des 
The     Hea-vena     are     tell-ing       and  Earth     is 

Ge-     mu-  te 
con-f esa-ing 

des   le-     ben-       den  Hei-landa   un-   end-  li-che 
the  Sa-viour's     un-   en-  ding     and  boun-te-ous 

Gu-     t  e , 

des  Hei-   landa   un-   end-li-che     Gu-     te, 
the  Sa-viour'a  per-pet-u-  al     bles-slng, 

(er     tro-  stot   (und  stel-let)    (ale  Sie-ger) 
the  Lord     our       Re-dee-  raer,      our  Mas-ter 

sich     dar. 
and     King, 

als  Sie-  ger  sich  dar,   er, 
our  Lord  and     Re-  dee-mer. 

tro-  stet 
Lord     and 

und   stellt  als 
Re-  dee-     mer. 

Sie-ger  sich     dar. 
l/as-ter  and     King. 


Was     in     uns  ist,        er-hebt  dich,   gro-saer  Gott, 

All  that  we     are         ex-alts  Thee,  Uigh-ty       God, 

und  prei-aet  dei-  ne     Huld     und     Treuj 
and  mag-  ni-  fiea  Thy  Truth  and  Grace; 

dein  Auf-er-ste-  hen  macht  sie  wie-  der  neu. 
Thy     aac-ri-fice  did     all     our  aina     e-rase, 

dein  gro-  sser  Sieg     macht   una   von  Fein-den 
Thy     glo-rious  Might      has     put  the     foe     to 


und     brin-  get   uns   lun  Le-  ben, 
and  brings  to     us     aal-va-tion; 

drum  soi     dir  Preia      und  Dank  ge-ge-  beni 
for     this   our  praiae  and     a-     do-ra-tionl 

Cantata  135 


Libretto  by  Schneegaas 

III  Trinity 

Epistle,  I  Peter  V,  6-11.   Cast  your  care  on 
the  Lord  and  resist  the  Devil. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  XV,  1-10.   Parable  of  the 
lost  sheep. 

(2  Oboes,  Tromba,  Cometto,  and  Strings.) 

1.  Choral  Fantasia     3/4   (a) 

(Ob.  I  A  II,  Cor.,  Str.,  Tr.  with  Continuo.) 


Cantata  135 

Cantata  135 

Ach  Herr,    (mich     ar-  men     Sun-der) 
Ah     Lord,    spare  Thou  this   sin-ner, 

straf   nicht    (in     del-   nem)    Zorn, ) 
in  an-     ger   sciite  me       not, 

ah  sciite  me        not, 

(dein'n   ern-sten  Grimm)    doch  lin-der, 
and        tem-per     Thou       Thy       fu-ry 

sonst   iata    (mit  mir)  ver-lorn. ) 
else     hope-less     is     my       lot. 

Alto  ^  , 

Bonst  ists     iidt     mir,     mit  mir  ver-lorn 
else     hope-less,    hope-less   is     my        lot 


sonst  ists  mit  mir,  sonst  ists  nit  mir  ver- 

else  hoce-less  is,   hope-  less  else  is  my 


(Ach)  Herr,)  wollst  mir  (ver-  ge-  ben) 
Ah,  Lord,    I   pray   for-give  me, 

(mein  Sund)  ( und  (gna-  dig)  sein, 
for-  give   and  wel-come   me 

(dass)  (ioh  mag)  (e-wig)  le-  ben, 
to   dwell  for-  ev-er   v/ith  Thee 

ent-  fliehn  (der  Hol-len-  pein.) 
from  Hell   and  tor-ment  free, 

cken   angst 
xious  tre- 

2.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Ach  hei-  le  mich, 
Ah,  heal  Thou  me, 

ich  bin  sehr  krank 
for  I   am   sick 

du  Arit  der  See-len, 
Thou  Soul-phy-si-cian, 

und  schwach; 
and   weak. 

man  moch-te     die  Ge-  bei-     ne      zah-     len, 
all  men     can  see  my  bones,    to   count   them, 

80  Jam-mer-lich  hat  mich     mein     Un-  ge-  mach, 
my     pi-ti-     ab-  le     state  they  loud  be-speak, 

mein  Kreuz       und  Lei-  den  ru-  ge-  richt; 
the     world         a-  bout   la     sad  and  bleak, 

das      An-   ge-sicht   ist  gam       von  Tra-nen 
with  woe  on     woe     up-  on  r;./     wea-ry 

auf-ge-   8chwol-len, 
epi-rit     hea-  ping; 

die,    achnel-len  Flu-  ten     gleich, 
how        fast     my     hot   teara     flow, 

Ton     v/ar-     gen       ab-       warts  rol-  len. 
sy      cheeka  are   atained   with     wee-ping, 

Der  See-  le       ist       •^or     Schre- 
my     Soul   is   fraught  with       an- 

und  ban-     ge} 

ach,        du       Herr,        wie   so     Ian-  ge? 
is       there.   Lord,        no     ces-   sa-tion? 

3.    Aria  Tenor   (Ob.    I   &  Tl)        3/4        (C) 

Tro-      ste     mir,  Je-   su,   mein  Ge-mu-     te. 
Cheer  Thou  ,  0       Je-susj     me     in  sad-ness, 

sonst  ver-sink  ich     in     den  Tod, 
else       I     lay     me     down  to     die, 

(hilf  mir)   hilf  mir  durch  dei-ne       Gu-     te 
give  me,      give  me        corn-fort   and  glad-nesa 

aus     der  gro-asen     See-  len-  not, 
when  in       an-guish  thus     I       cry. 

(Denn)    (im     Tod)   ist       al-     lea   (stil-     le) 
There       in  death     is  naught  but     still-ness, 

da     ge-  denkt  man  dei-ner   (nicht), 
they  who     die     re-  mec-ber       not. 


Psalm  VI,    5t 

"For  in  death  there  is  no  remembrance  of 
thee;    in  the  grave  v/ho  shall  give  thee  thanks. 

Lieb-ster  Je-  su, 
Dear-est     Je-sus, 

ists  dein  7/il-le, 
thru  Thy     mer-cy 

(so)    (er-freu  mein  An-  ge-  sicht). 
make     me     hap-  py     in     my       lot. 

4,  Recitativo  Alto 

Ich     bin       von     Seuf-xen     mu-     de. 
Op-pressed  with     wea-ry     sigh-ing, 

mein     Geist     hat  we-  der     Kraft  noch  Macht, 
my     strength  and  cou-ra^e     all       are     gone, 

well  ich     die     gaii-ze  Nacht 
from  dark-ness     un-to     dawn 

oft  oh-ne  See-len-ruh  und  Frie-de 
in     a-  go-ny     of     api-rit     ly-ing, 

in  gro-  ssem     Schwoiaa  und     Tra-nen   lle-ge, 

T     aweat  with         an-  guieh  ter-ri-  fy-ing, 

Ioh     gra-  me  mich  faat  tot     und  bin     vor 
From  aor-row     I  am     old,   my     woea   are 

Trau-ern  alt, 
ma-  ni-fold, 


Cantata  135 

denn  mei-  ne  Angst  ist  ican-nig-falt. 
what  left  have   I,   but  now  to  die? 

5,    Aria  Base   (Strings.)      4/*     (a) 

(TTeicht),    all   ihr   0-  bel-   ta-  ter, 
Out,  all   ye      ev-il      spi-rite, 

nein  Je-sus  tros-tet        mich. 
for     Je-su8      is     my     Friend} 

r     lasst  nach     Tra-  nen  und  nach  TTei-nen 
Thru     all      our     tears   and   our     re-   pi-ning 

die  Freu-den-son-   ne     wie-  der   schei-nenj 
the      joy-ouB   sun  will    soon  be        shi-ning, 

das     Tr'ub-   oals-wet-  ter     an-   dert   sich, 
the  storms     of     trou-ble  soon  will     end, 

die  Fein-   de  mus-   sen   (pldti-lich)    fal-     len 

our   foes   are   naught,    for     swift-   ly 

He        will     stay  them, 

und     ih-  re     Pfei-  le     ruck-warts  pral-  len, 
their   ar-rcws   back  will   come     to        slay  them. 

6.    Chorale         V*       ( e.  (ends  e)) 

(Cor.,    Ob.    T   *   II,   Vn.    I   with  Sep.;    Vn.    IT 
with  Alto;   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Ehr  sei   ins  Him-mela  Thro-  ne 
All   glo-ry       to     the     Fa-ther, 

mit    ho-   hem  Ruhm  xmd  Preie 
all  glo-ry       to     the     Son, 

den  Va-ter     und     dem  Soh-ne 
the   Fo-ly     Ghost  we      ho-nor, 

und   auch  lu     glei-   cher  V/eie 
the  Bles-sed  Three  -  in  -  One; 

den   heil-gen     Geist   mit  Eh-  ren 

So        Fa-ther,      Son     and  Spi-rit 

in     al-le  E-wig-keit, 
for   ev-er  »e   a-   dore, 

der  woll   una  alln  be-   echo-   ren 
on   High     in      Hea-  von   reign-ing 

die        ew-     ge     Se-lii^-keit. 
hence-forth   for-e-  ver-more. 

Cantata  136 

VIII  Trlnicy 

Epistle,   Romans  VIII,    12-17.      Live  not   after 
the  flesh  but   aXter  the  spirit,     'Ve  are  Joint 
heirs  with  Christ. 

Gospel,    St,   Uatthew  VII,    15-23.      By  their 
fruits   ye    shall    know  themj    doers   of  the  word 
enter  the   kingdon;,    not   merely   those  who  say, 
"Lord,   Lord." 

(Como,    2  Oboes,   Ob.   d'amore,    and   Strings.) 

1.   Chorus  l^a  (A) 

(Cor.,   Ob,    I,   Ob.    II   d'arr.,    Strings,) 

Psalm  CXXXIX,    23-24t 

"Search  me,   0  God,    and  my   heart;    try 
me  and   know  my  thoughts. 

"And   see   if  there  be  any  wicked  thing   in 
n.e,    and   lend  me  in  the  way  everlasting," 

Er-for-8che  mich,    Gott, 
Ex-  a-  mine     me,        God, 

und    (er-   fah-   re   (mein     Herz; ) 
and      in-ouire   of       rcy     heart; 

Alto  bar   23j 
pr'u-     fe     mich   und   er-   fah-   re  mein     Herz 
that  Thou     may-est   in-quire   of     my     heart 

Tenor,    bar   ?6i 
und   er-   fah-   re,    er-   fah-   re 
and  in-quire. and   in-quire   of 

All  numbers   of  bars   indicate  bars   in  which  the 
phr<i3e  begins,    all  through  this  moverent. 

Sop,,    bars    12,    16,    IP,    10: 

Alto,    birs   13,    25i 

Ten.,    bars   16,    17,    19,    25i 

Bass,   bars   16,    17,    25,    47i 
pr'u-     fe     mich   und   er-fih-  rs,    wis  ichs  mei-      tie, 
thfit  Thou     may-est   dis-co-ver   all     ray        fail-iup-s. 

Sop.   25,    30,  32,    40,    43,    44,    47: 

Alto  bars   16,    31,  33,    39,    45,    46: 

Ten,    bars   31,    S3,  40,    45,    47: 
3asB   bar   55: 

(pr'u-   fe)   mich   und  er-        fah-        re      f*le   ^ichs 

try     me     and     know  my  thoughts   and        all     my 

all  parts  bar   51,  and   S-\-T,    55: 

try  Thou     me     and  dis-      co-       ver 

mei-     ne.) 

■^enor,   bar   43: 
und     er-        fah-     re     wie   ichs   r.ei-     ne 
know  my  thoughts   and   all     my     fail-ings 

ato,    bars   37-3'^: 
pr'u-fe  mich  und     er-f.ih-     re 
try  me     and  know  my  fail-ings 


Cantata  136 

Cantata  136 

all  parta,  bars  49-50: 
pru-     fe     mich 
try     Thou    me 

ja     un-  er-trag-lioh  sein. 
will  all  >>e     put        a-     way. 

2.   RecitatJYO  Tenor 

Genesis  III,   17; 

"Cursed  is  the  ground   for  thy  sake," 

Ach  dass  der  Fluch, 

"Cursed,        for     thy     sake, 

30  dort   die     Er-de     schlagt, 
0        A-     dam,    is  the     ground." 

auch  de-rer       Ven-schen     Herz     ge-  trof-fenl 
Yea,   A-daa*8  curse  our     hearts  has  tain-ted. 

T/er  kann  auf  gu-     te     Friich-te     hof-fen, 
A       3or-ry  scene  for     Man     is  pain-ted, 

da  die-ser  Fluch       bis     in       die  See-  le 
he  is     ac-cursed,     as-sailed  by     Sa-tan's 

drin-  get, 

80     dass  sie     Sun-     den-dor-nen  brin-  get 
his  soul  is  pierced  by     cru-el     this-tles, 

und       Las-     ter-dis-teln  tragt, 
with  thorns  of     sin     is     bound. 

Doch  wol-  len     sich  oft-  mals  die  Kin-     der 
But      oft-times  the     chil-dren     of  Hell,   Cod- 

der  Hol-len 
for-  sa-ken, 

in     En-  gel  des  Lich-  t^^s  ver-stel-len; 
for  An-gels   of     Light    are  mis-  ta-  ken; 

man  soil  bei   dem       ver-derb-ten     "/e-   sen 
per-  ver-ted  minds  not      ev-   en     know-ing 

von       die-     sen       Dor-     nen  Trau-ben     le-  sen. 
that   grapes   from  thorns  are     ne-  ver  grow-ing. 

St.   I'atthew  VII,    16. 
Zin  7/olf  w^ll   8l«h   rei-   ner  ".Vol-   le 
A     wolf  may     well     ap-pear  in     fair-ost 

de-   cken; 

clo-thing,  St.   Matthew  VII,    15. 

doch  briclit     ein       Tag      her-ein, 
but        soon     there  comes     a     day 

der     wird        ihr  Heuch-ler  euch     ein 

wh«n  such       de-     ceiv-era,       viewed  with 

loath-    infr,, 

3.   Aria  Alto   (Ob.   d'am.   l)   V*     12/8     4/4     ff^/) 

Es     komint   (ein     Tag), 
The     day       will  come 

so         das     Ver-borg-ne     rich-tet, 
when  Truth,      at   last  pre-vail-ing, 

Yor       dem       (die     Heu-che-     lei)  er- 

will   strike  these     hy-po-  crites       with 

-zit-tern     mag. 
ter-ror     dumb. 

See  St.   Matthew  XXIII,    13-15. 

Denn  (sei-  nes     Ei-  fers  Grimm  ver-  nich-tet,) 
.Be-  fore     the  wrath  of         God  will     per-ish 

was   Heu-  che-  lei        und  List   er-  dich-tet, 
all  they  who  base       de-     cep-tion  cher-ish, 
thus     -bar   6   of  Presto. 

4.  Recitative  Bass 

Die     Hi.m-mel  sel-ber  sind  nicht   rein, 
'.7hen  Hea-ven     is     it-self     not     ptjre, 

wie  soil  es     nun  ein  Mensch  vor  die-  sem 
how  then  can  raor-tal     stand  be-  fore  the 

Rich-  ter  seinJ 
Judge     se-cure? 

Doch,        wer  durch     Je-  su     Blut  ge-       rei-nigt. 
Yet,  he     whcae  sins  the     Sa-viour  right-ed, 

im     Glau-ben  sich     mit  ihm     ver-ein-igt, 
with     !lim     in  faith  is     fast      u-  ni-  ted, 

weiss,    dass   er  ihm  kein  har-  tea     Ur-teil 
nor       need  he  fear     8     judg-ment  too  se- 


Krankt    ihn     die  Sun-  de     noch, 
,U.-     tho'      a     soul   has   erred 

der  Uan-gel   sei-ner  War-   ke,  ' 
and   sin-ful-ly       de-faul-ted, 

er     hat       in     Chri-sto       doch 
by  Christ  may     it     be     stirred 


Cantata  135 

S*»rech-  tig—  keit   und  Star-ke. 
to  Right-eoua-nees      ex-  al-ted. 

5*  Duet  Tenor-Baaa  (Vn.   I   4  II   uniaon)     12/8     (b) 

Ukis   tref-fen   zwar  (der  Sun-den  Fle-cken), 
W«       auf-fer  eore     by     ain  be-apot-  ted, 

■o     A-dama  Fall   (auf      una)    ge-     bracht), 
thru  A-dama  fall     de-filed     and   atained. 

Al-lein,        wer   sich  ( lu       Je-     au     \7un-  den), 
A-  lone         may     Je-eua'      blood  re-atore     ua 
Hia     blood  re-atore     as 

groa-aen  ("7.  ) 
dam     Gna-  den-atron  voll  Blut  ge-  fun-  den, 
a     atream  of       mer-   cy     flo-wing  o'er     ua, 

wird   (da-  durch  wie-  der       (rein)   ge-macht). 
to     waah     ua     clean  and         pure       a-  gain. 

bar   19,   Tenor: 
da-  durch  wie-  der  rein  ge-macht 
Hia  blood  make   ua     pure     a-  gain 

6.   Chorale  Embelliahed        4/4     (b) 

(Cor.,   Ob.   I   A  II  with  Sop.j   Vn.   II  with  Alto; 
Va.   with  Tenor.      Also  Vn.    I.'^ 

Dain     Blut,   der  ed-  le  Saft. 
Thy     blood,     e-  lix-ir  pure, 

hat     aol-che  Stark  und  Kraft, 
con-taina  a       po-  tion     aure 

daaa       auch       ein     Tropf-lein  klei-ne 
to     cleanae,   tho'        Sa-  tan       ra-ges, 

die  gan-   ze  Tfelt   kann  rei-ne, 
the  aina   of  all     the       a-gaat 

ja       gar     aua     Teu-      fels  Ra-   chen 
re-leaaed  from  ain'a   aub-  jec-tion, 

frei,    loB     und  le-  dig  ma-  chen, 
we       lire  by     Thy     di-rec-tion. 

CEUitata  137 
Libretto  by  Joach,   Neander 
XII  Trinity 

Epiatle,    II  Corinthians   11,   4-11,     '7e  are  but 
ministers;    the  letter   killeth  but  the   spirit 
giveth  life. 

Gospel,   St.  Uatthew  VII,    31-37.     The  deaf  and 
dumb  man  healed, 

(3  Trombe,   Timpani,    "  Oboes,    and  Strings.) 

1.   Chorua    (instr.    as  above)      3/4        (C) 

f^Lo-     be)   den  Her-   ren),  den  mach-ti-  gen 

A,   Tj    Praise  the      Al-raigh-ty,  our  King  and   our 
Baas:    Praise     ye 

Sop.;    Praise     ye      Al-migh-ty  Ood,King  and  our 

Ko-nig  der  Eh-ren, 
Ru-ler     ex-al-ted, 

mei-ne  ge-lie-be-       te       See-  le,   das  ist     mein 
it      is  a     good-ly  thing,    prai-aea  to     sing     to 

Be-  geh-  ren. 
the  Iligh-est. 

A.    48-51:    mei-ne  See-  le 
to  the  High-eat 

Tenor,    bars   50-51: 
ge-lie-  be-  te  See-  le 
to  aing  to  the  High-est 

Baas,    bars   51-52: 
mei-  ne     ge-lie-  be-  te  See-  le 
prsii-ees  to  sing  to  the  High-eat 

Kom-         met      zu         Hauf, 
Strike  atrong  the  atringa, 

Paal-ter  und  Har-  fen  wacht       aufi 
Paal-ter  and   harp  to        Hia     praise, 

las-set   (die     Uu-     si-     cam     ho-  ren.) 
mu-sic     and  songs   of  Thanks-gi-ving, 
re-     joi-cing. 

2.   Aria  Alto     (Vn.   solo)        9/8       (C) 

Lo-     be  den     Her-  ren,   der     al-  lea  ao 
Praiae  ye  the  Lord,   who     ao     raigh-ti-  ly 

herr-  lich  re-  gie-  ret, 
rulea  all     ere-  a-  tion. 

der  dich  auf        A-     de-  lera     Fit-  ti-chen 
on        ea-gle'a  pin-ions     He     leads   ua     for 

ei-  cher  ge-  fuh-  ret, 
our     pre-aer-va-  tion, 

der  dich     er-  halt, 
Our  Cham-pion  He, 


Cantata  137 

wie   es  dir  sal-     ber  ge-fallt; 
ev-er     He   harks  to     our     plea; 

hast     du     nicht  die-  ses  ver-spu-  ret? 
praise  Him     in       deep     a-     do-  ra-tion. 

Cantata  137 

5.    Chorale  3/4  (C) 

(Ob.    I  &  II,  Vn.    I  with  Sop.;   Vn.   II  with 
Alto;   Va.   with  Tenor.      Tromba  I,    II,    &  III, 
and  Timpani. ) 

Lo-     be  den  Her-  ren,  was     in  mir     ist. 
Praise  ye     Al-migh-ty       God,   re-  ve-rent 

3.   Duet  Soprano-Bass   (Ob.    I   4  II)      3/4     (e) 

Lo-     be     den  Her-ren,    der  kunst-lich  und 
Praise  the     Al-migh-ty     who     fedr     in     His 

fein  dich  be-   rei-  tet, 
im-  age     did  make      us, 

Lo-     be  den  Herm 
Praise  ye  the     Lord. 

der  dir     Ge-  sund-  heit  ver-     lie-  hen,    (dich 
who  gave  us  health,   He     our  friend  who       will 

(freund-lich  ge-   lei-tet;) 
ne-     ver     for-sake   ua; 

bars   36-42: 
dich  freund-lich  ge-  lei-tet 
ne-     ver       will  for-sake  us 

lo-  be  den     Na-  menl 
bow  ye  be-  fore  Himi 

/U.-       les,   was     0-       dem     hat,     lo-     be     mit 
All  breath-ing  crea-tures  for     grace  and  for 

Ab-  ra-hams     Sa-     rnenj 

mer-cy     im-plore     HimI     See  Psalm  CL. 

Er  ist  dein  Licht, 
He  is     the     Light, 

See-     le,  ver-giss     es       ja  nicht^ 
come  all     ye     falth-ful,      u-  nite, 

lo-  ben-  de,      achlie-sse     mit  A-     menl 
wor-ship  Him,     praise  and     a-dore  HimI 

in  (wie  viel)     Not 
to     our  dire     need 

hat   nicht   (der  gna-di-     ge     Gott) 
gra-ciou8     God     ev-er  gives  heed, 

u-  ber  (dir     Flu-     gel  ge-brei-tet. ) 
un-der     His  wings  will  He  take     us, 
95-100:      to     Him     will  He  take      us. 

4.  Aria  Tenor  (Tromba) 

(Lo-  be)  den  Her-  ren,  der  dei-  nen  Stand 
Praise  ye  the  Lord  God,  who  hath  so   ma- 

eicht-bar  ge-   aeg-  net, 
-ni-  fest-ly  blessed  ue, 

der  auB  den  Him-mol   mit  Stro-men  der  Lie- 
who  from  His  Hea-ven   with  sho-wers  of  Love 

-be  ge-   reg-  net, 
bath  r*-fr*sh*d  us; 

Men-   ke)  dran, 
pon-der     thua 

(waa   der     All-maoh-ti-   ge)    kann, 
how  Ulgh-ty       God   aid-eth     ua, 

der     dir   (mit   Lie-  be)   be-     go^-     net. 
think   how     His   love  haa  poe-eesaed     ua. 

Cantata  138 

(    ) 

Libretto  by  Hans  Sachs 

XV  Trinity 

Epistle,  Galatians  V,  25.  VI,  10,  Exhortatii 
to  virtuous   conduct. 

Gospel,  St.  Matthew  VI,  24-34,  Part  of  sermr 
on  the  mount;  no  man  can  serve  two  masters;  ta! 
no  thought   of  personal   desires,   etc. 

(Oboe  d'amore  I  4  II,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Choral  Fantasia  ft  Recitative         4/4     (b) 

Va-  rum  (ba-tnibst  du     dloh,   (main     Hars) 
What  Is       it     trou-bles  thaa,       ny     heart? 


7?a-     rum  be-trubst  du     dich     mein     Hen? 

What   is      it     trou-bles  thee,      my     heart? 

Wa-   run  be-trubst     du     dich       mein     Hen? 

Ah  what?        what  trou-bles     thee  my     heart? 

be-kiim-merst   dich        und  tra-geat  Sohmen, 
so  woe-  be-     gone        and   sad  thou       art, 


be  kiB-aerat  dioh       und  tra-gast  Sohmari 

so  woe-  be-     gone       and  sad  thou       art* 


Cantata  138 

Cantata  138 

Recltatlvo  and  Chorale 

nur   ui    (das   xeit-li-che)  Gut? 

why  mourn  earth's  tran-si-ent     Joya? 

xeit-  lich 

Recitativo  Alto 

Ach.'  ich  bin  arm,    mioh  dru-cken  achwe-   re 

Ah,    I  am  poor,    and   o-  ver-whelmed  with 


Tom  A-bend  bis  sun  Uor-gen 
and  «▼-  er  on  the  mor-row 

vahrt  mei-  ne  lie-be  Not, 
my   trou-blea  mul-ti-ply. 

daas  Gott  er-barm^   wer  wird  mlch  nooh 
God,   pi-  ty   mei   who  is  there  now 

er-  lo-  sen 
to  save  me 

Tom     Lei-  be       die-  aer     bo-     sen     und 
from  them  who  would     en-slave  me     here 

ar-gen     V7elt? 
on  the  earth? 

Tie     e-     lend  ists     urn     mlch  be-stellt! 
Ah,   what     a       wret-ched      one  am         11 

Ach.'  war     ich     doeh     nur     tot! 

Oh,  would  that     I       might  die! 


Ver-trau'   du     dei-nem  Her-  ren  Gott 

Thy  great  crea-a-  tor-Lord     a-  dore^ 

der  al-  le  Ding*   sr-schaf-fen  hat. 
Al-Blgb-ty     God     for-  trr-  er-iLore. 

2,  RecitatiTO  Btuis 

Ich  bin  ver-acht, 
De-spiaed  am   I, 

der  Kerr     hat  mich  zum  Lei-den 
in     wrath  did  God      cre-ate     me, 

am  Ta-  ge   aei-   naa      Zome   ge-macht; 
my  tri-bu-la-tiona        mul-  ti-  ply; 

der  Vor-rath,    Haua      lu  hal-   ton  iat    riem-lich 
of   earth-ly       goods   I      hare  but      a     acan-  ty 


■an  schenkt  mir  fur  den  77eln 
none  poura   for  me  the  wine 

der  Freu-  den    den  bit-tern  Keloh  der 
of  glad-neaa,   my  cup  of  tears  doth 

Tra-nen  ein, 
0-  ver-flow. 

Wie  kann  ich  nun     mein  Amt  mit  Ruh  ver-  wal-  ten? 
How  can       I  serve     my     God  in     wor-thy     fas-hlon, 

wenn  Seuf-xer       mei-ne  Spei-   ae 
when  weep-ing  ia  my     ra-tion, 

und         Tra-  nen     daa     Ge-  tran-  ke  sein. 
with  naught  to     drink  but  tears  of     woa2 

Psalm  XXXXII,    3: 

"Uy  tears  have  been  my  meat  day  and  night.' 

3.   Chorus   (Verse  II)  V*       (b) 

(instr.   as  in  No,    l) 

Er     kann  und     will  dich  las-sen  nicht, 
Thy  God     will  not       a-     ban-don     thee, 

er  weisB  gar     wohl,  was  dir  ge-  brioht, 
He  knows  thy  needs,   the     Ru-ler       He 

Him-  mel     und  Erd  ist  sein! 
of     earth  and  sky  and     seal 

Recitativo  Soprano  ^ 

Ach,       wie?       Gott   sor-  get  frei-lich     fur 
But  lo,  the  Lord     in-deed  pro-tects 

das     Vieh, 
His  flock, 

er  gibt  den     Vo-     geln     sei-  ne     Spei-  ae, 
to     ba-  by     birds  their  food  siq)-  pli-eth, 

er     sat-ti-  get  die     jun-gen  Ra-ben, 
the  lit-tle     ra-vens     sa-tis-fi-eth. 

Psalm  CXXXXVII,    9: 

"He  giveth  to  the  beast  his  food  and  to  the 
young  ravens  which  cry. " 

nur  ich,        ich  weiss  nicht  auf  was  Wei-  se 
but     I,  am       lone-  ly,      un-  be-frien-ded, 

ich  ar-mea  Kind,   mein  bia-  chen  Brot   aoll  ha-ben; 
in     po-ver-  ty         my     life  will  soon     be     en-d«d{ 

wo     iat   je-  mand        der   aich   zu     mei-ner 
for  who   ie  there        to        auc-cor  and     de- 
Ret-  tung   find? 
-li-  ver       me? 


Dein  Va-  ter  und  deln  Her-  re     Gott, 

Thy     Fa-ther  and  thy     God  will  heed 

der  dir  bei-steht   (in)   (al-ler)     Not. 
and  auc-cor  thee       in       er'-ry     need. 


Cantata  138 

RecitatJYO  Alto 
Ich  bin  ver-las-aen, 
I     am     for-sa-  ken. 

68  scheint, 
it     seems 

ale  woll-te  mieh  aueh  Gott 
as     tho'  my     eor-  ry       lot 

bei  mei-ner  Ar-     mut  has-sen, 
no       pi-ty     vill     a-  wa-  ken 

da  era  doeh  im-mer  gut  mit  mlr     ge-meint« 
in  God  who     ev-er     was  so     good  to     me. 

Ach  Sor-gen, 
Ah,    eor-row, 

Sor-gen 1 

Ach'   wer-     det     ihr     denn  al-le     Uor-gen 
ail,     might   it     cease     vtp-  on  the  mor-row* 

und  al-  le     Ta-       ge     wie-der  neu? 
but  no,   it  comes  each  day     a-  new. 

So  klag     ioh     iar-  mer«       fort} 
I       cry,   with  aji-guish  fraught; 

Ach,    Ar-mut; 
Ah,      pi-  ty. 

har-tes       ^ort, 
bit-ter  thought. 

Cantata  138 

und  hilft     er     heu-te  nicht, 
and  help     will     He  af-  fordj 

so  hilft  er  mir  doch  mor-gen. 
to  bring  a     joy-ous     mor-row. 

Nun  leg  ich     herz-lich     gem 
And  so     with     hap-  py     heart 

die  Sor-gen  un-  ters  Kis-  sen 
I     put     a-  way     re-  pi-  ning, 

und     mag     nichts  mehr       aid  dies 
for  Faith       and     Hope       at     last 

2u    mei-nem  Tro-ste  wis-  sent 
have     ri-sen  and  are  ahi-ning. 

5.   Aria  Basa   (Gratias  in  G  Mass)        3/4 

Auf  Gott  steht  mei-  ne  Zu-  ver-sicht. 
In     God       the     Lord  I     put  my     trust, 


wer     eteht     mir     denn  in  mei-  nem  Kun-mer     bei? 
what   friend  have     I,      in  need  for-  ev-er     true? 


Dein       ^Va-     ter  und  deln  Her-re     Gott, 

Thy     Heav'n-ly     Fa-  ther,God,the  Lord 

der  steht  dir  bei     (in         al-  ler    Not), 
in     this     thy  need     will  help     af-ford. 

bars  41  ft  139 t 
mein  Glao-     be     las at  ihn  wal-  ten. 
with  atead-fast  faith  con-  fi-ding. 

bars  30  ft  128: 
mein     Glau-be 
stead-fast  in 

Nun  kann  mich  kei-ne     Sor-  ge  na-  gen. 
No       sor-row     now  can  come  to  rex     me, 

nun  kann  mich  auch  kein  Ar-mut  pla-  gen. 
nor  care  nor       po-     ver-ty  per-plex     me. 

4.   Recitatiyo  Tenor 

Ach  su-   sser  TrostJ 
Ah,    corn-fort   sweet, 

Wenn  Gott  mich  nicht  ver-las-   sen 
for     God     will      not      for-sake     me 

und   nicht   ver-sau-men  will, 
un-  mind-   ful     of     my     lot} 

Auch  mit-ten  in     dem  gross-ten  Lei-  de 
My     Fa-ther  He,   my       joy     in     sad-ness, 

bleibt  er  mein    Va-     ter, 
He       ne-ver     fails     me. 

mei-     ne  Freu-  de, 
brings  me  glad-ness, 

er     will  mich       (wun-der-lich)   er-  hal-  ten, 
con-tent-ment         won-der-ful       pro-rl-ding. 

■o  kann  ich     in       der  Still 
•e-cure     a-galnst     de-feat 

und      in     Ge-duld  ndch  fas-     sen. 
I     bear  my   fate  with  pat-ience. 

Die  Welt  mag  im-  mor-hln  mich  has-   sen, 
Nor  heed     I     mor-tal     de-  tea-   ta-tlone| 

80  werf   ich  mei-   ne  Sor-gen 
I      caat  my     load    of   eor-row 

mit      Freu-  den  auf  den  Herm, 
with  glad-neea   on     the     Lord, 

«.  ReoitatiTO  Alto 

Ei        n\ml 
•Tie  well. 

80     will  ich     auch     recht 
now  care  will  cease     to 

aanf-te     ruhn, 
mar  my  peace. 

Euch,   Sor-  gen 
Ye        eor-rows, 

sei     der  Schei-  de-brief 
"fare-  ye-well",    at      last 


ge-  ben, 
bid  you 


antata  138 

Cantata  139 

un  kann  ich  wio        im  Him-mel   la-  ben. 
or     hap-py       I  aa      if     in  Hea-ven, 

.   Chorale  Extended  6/8       (f) 

(Inatr.   aa  in  I!o.    1) 

•11       du     meln  Gott   und  Va-  ter  blet, 
inca  Thou     my     God     and  ra-ther     art, 

•in  Kind     wirst   du  ver-laa-      sen     nicht, 
"hy     Child     with-in  Thy     Fa-ther'«  heart 

du     ▼a-ter-li-chee    Herx.' 
'ill  ne-ver  be     for-  got. 

oh     bin  ein  ar-  mer  Er-  den-kloes, 
•ho'      I     am     but     a     loi»-ly        clod, 

luf  Er-den  welse  ich     kei-  nen  Troet. 
I     am  at       one     with  Uigh-ty       God. 

wohl  Ter-gnugt, 
him     at-  tend, 

wenn  er  ((nur  Gott)   (xun  Freun-  de))   krlegt. 

who     has      in     God  a     faith-ful        friend. 

in     God  for-      ev-   er 

Cantata  139 
(About  1740) 

Libretto  by  J.   C.   Ruben 
(Uach'a  mit  mir) 

Epietle,   Philippiana  III,    17-23.      Follow  not 
earthly  thii^ga  aa  many  do, 

Goapel,   r.t.  Uatthew  XXII,   15-22.     The  Phariaeee 
and  the  tribute  money. 

(2  Ob.   d'amore,  Orgem,    and  Strings.) 

2.    Aria  Tenor   (Vn.    I   conoertanto)      3/4      (a) 

Gott   iet   mein  Ereundj        was   hilft   dae     To-  ben, 
God     ia        my     friend,        who     now     can  harm     me? 

80  wi-der  mien  ein  Felnd   er-  ho-  beni 
No     e-  ne-  my     can     now     a-larm       me! 

(ich  bin     (ge-  troet))  bei     Neid      und  Hass. 

I     will     not     heed  their  spite  emd  hate. 

Ja,  re-     det       nur     die  77ahr-heit   spar-llch, 

Yea,        all  their  false  and     ey-     il     chat-  ter 

eeid   im-     mer  falach,        was  tut  mir  das? 
con-cerns     me       not  a     sin-gle  Jot, 

ihr     Spot-  ter       seid  mir     un-  ge-  fahr-lich, 
their  scof-fing       real-ly     does  not     mat-  ter, 

ihr     eeid  mir       un-  ge-  fahr-lich. 
their  scof-fing  does  not     mat-  ter. 

1.   Choral  Fnritaoia  (Instr.    as  above)   V*     (E) 

Wohl  dem,    (der  aich  (auf  sei-nen  Gott)) 
•Tie  well  with  him       who   on     the  Lord 

recht   kind-   lich  kann  Ter-las-  senj 
doth     ple.ce  his     full     re-li-  anco. 

Den  mag  gleich  (Son-de,    (Welt   und       Tod)) 
For     he       may       bid  to         Sa-tan's  horde 

und    (al-    le       Tou-   fel)    haa-    sen,) 
and     all  the  world     de-  fi-  ance. 

so     bleibt   er  den-  noch     wohl-rer-gnugt. 

All     hap-     pi-nesa  will     hin       at-  tend, 

so     bleibt   or     den-   noch,   den-noch  bleibt      er 
all        hap-   pi-neaa,    all        hap-  pi-      neee     will 

3.  RecitatlTO  Alto 

Der  Hei-  land  sen-  det       ja     die     Sei-  nen 
The     Sa-viour  send-eth  forth  the  Faith-ful 

recht  mit-     ten     in     der  Wol-  fe       Wut, 
aa     sheep,   to     face  the  wolf-ish  rage, 

St.   Uatthew  X,    16 i 

"Behold  I  send  you  forth  aa  aheep  in  the 
midat    of  wolvea..." 

IJkn     ihn     hat      slch     der  Bo-   sen     Rot-  te 
At  them  there   acoff  the  god-leaa  rab-ble, 

sun  Scha-     den     und     sue  Spot-  te  mit 

who  would  their  fame     be-  dab-ble,        with 

List     ge-   stellt) 
fiend-ish     glee; 

doch  da     sein  Uund  so     wel-   sen  Aue-apruch 

but     God     is     near.        His  Word  and  Coun-  sel 


so   schutzt   er     mich  auch  vor     der     Welt, 
pro-  teota   and      ev-      er     com-forts     me. 


Cantata  139 

Cantata  139 

Gott  ist  mein  Schutz,  mein  Hilf  und     Ratj 
In     God     I       trust       when  ills     im-pend. 

wohl     dem,   der  Gott   zum  Freun-de       hat. 
Blest  he,     vho  has     in       God     a     friend* 

4,   Aria  Bass  (Ob.   d'am.   I  &  II)   V4     6/8     V*  (f#)Trotz     al-  ler     Welti  mich  kann  nicht.  mehr 

Out,   sins  of     earth!     I       bid       fare-well 
Das     Un-  gluck  schlagt       auf       al-     len     Sei-ten 

The  blows     of       fate  come  thick  and  thick-er,   ihr  Po-  chen     trau-  rig  ma-chenj 

to     all     my     faults  and  er-rors.' 
(um  mich)   (ein  tent-ner-schwe-res )       Band, 
and  bind       me     fast  as     with       a         chain, 
and  help-less 
Acts  XXVIII,    20, 

Doch  plotz-lich  er-schei-net   (die  hel-fen-  de 
Then     sud-  den     ap-pear-  eth     the  Suc-cor-ing 


liir  BCheint  dee     Tro-stes  Licht  von  wei-ten; 
A-  far       the  Lamps   of       Com-fort  flic-ker, 

(da  lern     ich)        erst,   dass  Gott  al-leir  Cantata  140 

so  learn     I  then     that  God       a-lona  (1731-1742) 

Libretto  by  Nicolsil 
der  Men-  schen  be-  ster  Freund  muss  sein,  XXVII  Trinity 

is     still     the  tru-est     friend     to       own. 

Epistle,   II  Corinthians  V,   1-10,      Assurance! 

of  salvation. 

Gospel,   St.  Matthew  XXV,   1-13,     Parable  of 
the  wise  and  foolish  virgins. 

(2  Oboes,   Taille,   Corno,  Vn.   piccolo,   Strings* 

5,   Recitativo  Soprano     (Strings.) 

Ja     trag  ich  gleich  den  gross-ten  Feind  in     mir, 
Yea,   deep  with-     in     me       is       my     great-est  foe.  Alternate  words  preceded  by  "W*  adapt  th 

text  for  a  Wedding  Cantata, 
die  schwe-re  Last     der     Sun-     den, 
the     load  of     my     trans-gres-sion; 

mein  Kei-  lajid  lasst  mich  Ru-  he  fin-  den, 
my     hope     is       Je-     su«*   in-ter-ces-sion, 

Ich     ge-  be  Gott,   was     Got-tes  ist, 
I     give  to     God     what  God     I     owe, 

das  In-     ner-   ste  der     See-  len. 
my     8pi-rit*B     in-most  trea-sure. 

Will   er  sie  nun  er-  wah-  len, 
and     if  it     be     His  plea-sure, 

■0  weicht   der     Sun-   den  Schuld, 
u5)-right-   nesB  will  pre-  vail, 

BO     fallt   des        Sa-  tans  List. 
the     De-  vil's  plot   will   fail. 

1.   Choral  Fantasia  3/4     (E^) 

(Ob.   I  ft  II,   Taille,  Vn,   I  (or  Vn,  pic.)  Vn,i 
Va.,   &  Cor.   with  Sop..) 

(Wa-   chet     auf i )   ruft 
Wake     ye     maids!   hark. 

une       (die  Stim-me* 
strikes     the     ho-  urr 

der  Wach-  ter  sehr     (hoch  auf  der  Zin-  ne,) 
the  watch-man  calls     high  on     the     to-wer, 

wach  auf,        du  Stadt   (Je-ru-     sa-     leml) 
a-  wake,  a-  vake,  Je-ru-      sa-     lem. 

Wt        ye  mai-dens   fair. 

Mit-  ter-     nacht        (heisst)       die-  se     Stun-  i< 
t^d-night  strikes,        hear,  hear  it  sound-im 

sie        ru-     fen     uns, 
Loud  cries  the  watch, 

mit     hel-  lem     Uun-     di 
with  call  re-  sound-iui 


seid  ihr  klu-gen     Jung-frau-       en? 
are     ye,   o       wise     vir-gins,   where?" 

6.    Chorale  V^  (E) 

(Ob.    d'am.    I   ft   II,   Vn.    I   with  Sop.j    Vn.    II 
with  Alto;    Va.    »ith  Tenor.) 

Da-        he-      ro  Troti     der     Hoi-      len  Heer!  Wohl     auf, 

Hence-forth  I      flaunt    the   fiends   of     Hell,  Good  cheer. 

A-T-B,  bare  84-85 j 
wo,    wo 
oh  where? 

der  Braut'-  gam  konmt, 
the  Bride-groom  comes. 

Trotz  auch  dea  To-   dee   Ra-  ohen! 
I   fear  not  now  death's  ter-rorel 

■teht  auf, 
a-  riee 

die  Lam-  pen  nehmt! 
and  take  your  lamps! 


Btata  140 

Cantata  140 

jl.le-lu-Jal  Uacht   euch  (be-  reit) 
l-le-lu-jaJ   Ye  malde   be-  ware." 

Alto  142-3,  145-6,  153-4.   Ten.  142,  145-6, 

153-4.   Bass  142-3,  145-6* 

the     feast     pre-  pare 

u       der     Hoch-zeit, 
he  feast     pre-pare, 

A-T-B  bars   154-157,    «  Bass   152-153 i 
nd     pre-  par*     ye 

hr  mus-set   (ihni)   (ent-  ge-  gen)     gehn. 
o     go     ye     forth     to     meet   Him     there. 

.   RecltatJTO   Tenof 

r  komiit,        der  Braut-   gam     koLint! 
|0  comes,        the  Bride-groom  cocesj 


Ich  war-     te 

"^e     wait   thee 

mit     bren-  nen-dem  5-     le, 
with  lamps  all     a-ligh-tedi 

Er-   off-     ne  den  Saal  xum     hiinm-  le-     sohen 

The  doors  op-en     wide,        come  claim  thee     thy 


konim     Je-     su 
come   quick-ly 


Ich  off-     ne  den  Saal 

The  doors  op-en     wide. 

zun  hinim-  li-achet 
I      claim  me       my 


(ich  kom-me)   komm  lieb-li-  che  See-  le. 
For-  ev-er       in     rap-ture     u-  ni-  ted. 

.:      ihr  Toch-ter     Zi-     ons,   konmt  her-  aus, 
y     and     Zi-on's  daugh-ter     shall     re-joice, 
llfl  his  love-ly     bride  may       well     re-joice} 

i«in  AuB-gang  ei-let     aus     der     Ho-     he 
he     has-tens  to  her  dwell-ing  claim-ing 

.n     eu-   er     kut-ter     Haus. 
.he  mai-den  of     his  choice. 

)er  Braut-  gam     kommt,        der  ei-nem  Re-     he 
Tie  Bride-groom  comes;        as     is     a     roe-buck, 

md     jun-  gem  Hir-sche  gleich  auf  de-     nen 
'•a,    like     a     lus-  ty       moun-tain  roe-buck, 

Hu-     geln  springt  Song  of  Solomon, 

fleet     and        fair,  II,    17.     VIII,    14. 

'aid  euch  das     Uahl     der  Hoch-zeit  bringt. 
lis  mar-riage  feast   he     bids     you     share. 

facht   auf,        er-  mun-  tert      euchi 
A-     rise         and  take  your  lampsi 

len  Braut-gam     zu     emp-   fan-   gen; 
Ln        ea-     ger-ness   to     greet   him; 

iortj        se-   het,        kommt    er     her-  ge-gan-  gen. 
:oaeI        has-ten,  sal-  ly  forth  to  meet  him. 

4.  Tenor  Choraile  (Str.    unis.)      V*     (^b) 


Zi-  on  hort     die  Wach-  ter  sin-  gen, 
Zi-   on  hears  the  watch-men  ced-ling, 
Hear  we     all     the  watch-men  cal-ling 

das  Herx     tut  ihr     vor     Freu-den  sprin-  gen, 
the  Faith-ful  hark  with     Joy  en-  thral-ling, 
W:    we        ea-     ger  hark  with     joy  en-  thral-ling 

sie     wa-     chet   und     steht   ei-     lend       auf, 

they  rise  and  haste     to     greet  their  Lord. 

W:    and     rise  in     haste  with     one       ac-     cord. 

Ihr  Freund  kommt     vom  Him-  mel  prach-  tig, 
See,      He       comes,   the  Lord  vie-     to-rious, 
W:    See,      he       comes,   o'er  all  vie-     to-rious 

von       Gna-  den  stark,  von  'Tahr-heit  mach-  tig, 

al-     migh-  ty,      no-     ble,   true     and  glo-rious, 

W:    fair  feat-ured,   no-     ble,   true     and  glo-rious, 

ihr  Licht     wird     hell,    ihr  Stern  geht     auf, 

in     Heav'n     su-  preme,    on     earth     a-  dored. 

Wi    by       all       his  friends     a-  like       a-  dored. 

Nun     koram,        du     wer-te     Kron, 

Gome     now.      Thou     Ho-ly       One, 

Wt    Come,    choice  and  cho-sen     one, 

j3.  Duet   Soprano-Bass   (Vn.   pic.)      6/8     (c) 


i*ann   koramat   du,    mein  Heil? 

Cone    4uick-   ly,    now     come, 


Ich  kon-  me   dein  Teil. 

Yea  qulck-ly    I   cone. 

Herr  Je-  su,     Got-  tes       Sohn, 

the     Lord       Je-   ho-     vah's        SonI 

Wj   Dame  For-tune's  luck-  y  son. 



Wir  fol-,4dn  all 
We     fol-low  all 

iiAD  Freu-d«n-saal 
the     joy-ful  call 


Cantata  140 

Cantata  140 

und  hal-  ten  mlt  daa     A-  bend-mahlj 
to     join  P!iiB  in     the  Ban-quet  Hallj 
Wi     vou 

5.  RecitatiTO  Base  (Str,  Vn.   pic.  with  Vn.  l) 

So  geh     her-  ein  zu  mir, 
So  cooe  thou     un-to     me, 

du  mir     er-  wahl-te     BrautJ 
my  fair  and  cho-   sen  bride, 

leh       ha-  be  mich  mit  dir 
thou  vfaom  I     long  to     see 

Ton  E-wig-keit  Ter-trautJ 
for-e-Tor     by       my     side. 

Dich  will  ich     auf     mein     Herz, 
With-  in     my     heart     of     hearts 

auf  mei-nen  Arm  gleich  wie  ein       Sie-     gel 
art  thou  se-cure     by     ties  that  naught  can 


und     dein  be-  tr'ub-  tes  Aug     er-  got- z en. 
where     I       may     che-rish  thee  for-  e-  ver, 

Ver-gisB   i    0     See-le  ■,      nun  die  Angst, 
For-get,       be-  lo-ved,      ev'-ry       care, 

den  Sclimerz,        den       du     er-     dul-  den  mus-   sen; 
a-         way  with  pain  and  grief  and  sad-ness, 

auf  raei-ner  Lin-ken  sollst  du     ruhn, 
for  bet-ter  or     for  worse     to  share 

und     mei-  ne  Rech-te     soil   dich  k'us-     sen, 
our  lives  in  love  and     joy     and  glad-ness. 

in     Him-     mels 
in  flow'r-  y 

Ro-  sen  wei-den« 
fields  will  wan-der« 

da  Freu-  de     die  Ful-le, 
in     rap-ture     u-  ni-ted 

da     (Won-ne)  wird  sein. 
for-  e-  ver       to       be. 

7.  Chorale  V*       (^b) 

(Vn.  pic.  in  8va,  Cor.,  Ob.  I,  Vn,  I  with  S! 
Ob.  II,  Vn.  II  with  AltO}  TaJUe  and  Va.  m\ 

Glo-ri-a     sei     dir  ge-  sun-gen 
"Glo-ri-a"  sing  all  our  voi-ces, 

mit     Men-schen-und  eng-li-     .schen  Zun-gen, 
with     An-  gels  all  man-kind     re-     joi-ees, 

mit     Har-  fen       und       mit     Cym-  beln  schon. 
with  harp  and  strings  in     sweet-est       tone. 

Von       zwolf       Per-     len  sind  die  Pfor-ten 
Twelve  bright  Pearls     a-  dom  Thy  Por-tals, 

W:        the 

See  Revelation  XXI,   21. 

an     dei-  ner     Stadt}     wir     sind     Kon-sor-  ta 
where  Thou  hast       ga-  thered  Thine     Im-mor-tal 
W:      God  W:        His 

der  En-  gel  hoch     un     dei-  nen       Thron, 
as     An-gels  round  Thy  glo-rious  Throne, 
Tit        His 

ICein  Aug  hat  je  ge-spurt. 
No     eye  has  ev-er     seen, 

je  ge-  hort 
ev-er  heard 

kein  Ohr  hat 
no  ear  has 

6.   Duet  Soprano-Basa   (Oboe   solo)      4/^     (Bfe) 


Uein  Freund  iat  meinl 

Thy        love     is     mine. 

sol-che  Freu-     de, 
the  joy     we     know. 

1-  o,   1-  o: 
•e-o,   ee-o. 

Des  sind  wir  froh, 
Our  prai-ssB  flow, 

E-  wig  in  dul-ci   ju-bi-lo. 
to  God  in  dul-ci  Ju-bi-lo. 


Und   ich  bin     dein  J 

And      I     am     thlnej 


Die  Lie-  be  soil  fnichta  achei-den). 

True   lo-vere  ne'er  are    par-  ted. 


Ich  will  nit   dir    du  aollst  mit  mir, 

Low  I   with  thee,   and  thou  with  me, 


Cantata  141 

III   Advent 

Epistle,  I  Corinthians  TV,  1-5.  Attributes  of 
a  true  minister  of  Christ, 

Gospel,  St.  Matthew  XI,  2-10.  Christ's  testi- 
mony concerning  John. 

(2  Oboes,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Chorua     (Instr.   as  above)        V*     (C) 

I  Timothy  I,    15: 

"This   is   a   faithful   saying  and  worthy   of 
all  acceptation,    that   Christ  Jesus   came   unto 
the  world  to   save   sinners;    (of  whom  I   am   chief.) 

Das  ist  j*  g«-  wisB-lich  wahr 
This  is  now  the  Cos-  pel  Truth 
•Tie  in-deed 

und  ein  teu-   er  wer-tes  Wort, 
wor-thy  that  we   all     ac-cept, 

dass  Ciiri-stus       Je-     bus  kom-  men     ist   in 
that       Je-   sus  Christ   our  Lord  came     un-to 

die     Welt, 
the  world 

die  Sun-  der  (fse-lig)    zu     ma-  chen, ) 
to     save  and     ran-som     the   sin-ners. 

Cantata  141 

2,   Aria  Tenor  (Ob.   I  4  IT,   Str.)      3/^     (g) 

(Je-Bua)  ist  (der     Uen-  schen)   Hell.) 

Je-3U8,   Christ  re-  deemed  man-     kind, 

doch  wer     die-  ses     will     ^e-  nie-ssen, 
he     who  would  this  bles-sing     me-  rit, 

muss  sich  wahr-  lich  auch  •nt-Bohlia-seeB, 
and     Thy     Grace     in     truth     in-     he-        rit, 

oh-     ne     fal-schen  Heu-chel-schein 
must  with-out     hy-     po-     cri-     sy 

ihm  al-lein 
ev-  er  be 

treu  zu  sein, 
true  to  Thee, 

Bonst  wird  ihm  (dies  nicht   zu-  toil. ) 
on   such  on-  ly   bles-singe  fall. 
Thy  bles-sings  fall. 

bars  66-71t 
sonst  wird  ihm  dies  nicht   zu-  tell,    dies 
on   such  Thy  bles-sings  will  fall,    Thy 

nicht  su-  tell, 
bias-  sings  fall. 

Alto  bars  49-53: 
die  Sun-  der  se-lig,   se-  lig,   se-lig  se-lig 
to   save  and  ran-somj  save  and   ran-som  .ran-som 

zu  ma-  chen 
the  sin-ners 

Tenor,  bitrs  49-53: 
die  Sun-  der  se-  lig,   se-  lig,  se-  lig  se-  lig 
to  save  and  ran-som  save  and   ran-som. save  and 

ae-  lig  zu  ma-  chen 
ran-som  the  sin-ners 

A-T-B,  bars  37-39,  40-43: 
Be-  lig,  86-  lig,   se-  lig,  se 
save  and 

lig,   se-  lig 
ran-BOffij  save  and  ran-som.  save  and 

se-  lig  zu  ma-  chen 
ran-som  the  sin-ners 

Soprano  4  Bass,  49-53: 
die  Sun-  der  se-  lig,   se-  lig  se-  lig  zu 
to   save  and  ran-som^  save  and  ran-son.  the 

ma-  chen 

3.   Recitative   Alto 

Wir  mus-   sen  recht  im  Gei-  ste  nach  ihm  fra-gen 
To     know  our     God,   we  mor-tals  must     en-dea-vor 

und  nicht  nur:    "hier       hler       hier     ist  Chri- 
not     mere-  ly     "Lo,  here,     there  is     Christ" * 

-Btus"   sa-  gen, 
be       cry-ing, 

wle  al-   le     Heuch-ler  sich     mit  der     Er-  kla- 
yet  all  the  while  His  Faith     de-ceit-ful-  ly 

-rung  tra-gen; 
de-  ny-  ing| 

sonst   Bchan-den  wir  das     E-     van-     ge-li-   um 
for       thus  His     Ho-ly     Word  would  we  de-stroy, 
,  Gal.    T,   7 

als   uns-ren     be-     sten  Ruhm: 
and  mar   our  great-est        joy. 

an     die-  sem     a-     ber  mer-  ken     wir, 
Now  take  ye     this,    ad-vice     to  heart, 

dass,    so  wir  sein  Ge-  bot     be-  trach-  ten 
he       on-ly     real-ly  knows  the     Sa-  viour 


Cantata  141 

\md     uns     nach  sel-bi-     geit     un-straf- 
who  fire,  with     ir-re-proach-ab-  le 

-lich  ach-  ten, 
be-  ha-viour, 

dase  *ir  den     Hei-land  ken-nen, 
in     His  V?ill     ac-   qui-esc-  es.** 

Da-     ge-  gen, 
For  mark     ye. 

lasst  sich  je-  inand     ei-     nen 
he       who   false-ly     Chri-stian 

Chrl-   sten  nen-nen 
Faith  pro-  fes-ses, 

und  gibt  der  Sun-de  ^loch  Ge-     hor, 
but     yet   on       ev-il   sets  his   store, 

der  ist   ein  Lug-ner  und  nichts  mehr. 
he     is       a       li-ar,      no-thing     nore. 

See  I  John  I,    22. 
♦St.   liatthew  XXIV,    23: 

"Then  if  any  nan  shall   say  unto  you,   "Lo, 
here  is   Christ,   or  there",  believe  it   not, 
*«I  John  II,   3i 

"And  hereby  do  we  kno\^  that  we  know  Him,   if 
we  keep   His   comciandiEents. " 

4.   Aria  Baas  {Strings.)  V*       fe) 

Je-  su,   Trost  der  Geist-lich-Ar-  cen, 
Je-8U8,   hope     of     them     who     fal-ter, 

lass  dich  uns-  re     Kot   er-  bar-men; 
Thy       com-pas-sicn     do  not     al-ter, 

hilf  (zur     wah-  ren  Glau-  bens-kraft.) 
g-ire     us     faith  to     trust     in       Thee. 

Gib,   dass  wir  uns  dir       be-     feh-len 
Help     us     do     as     Thou  shalt  bid     us, 

und   (kein  fal-sches)  Wort     er-     wah-len, 

da-      ran  das     Ver-der-  ben  haft, 
from     de-fect-ion  keep   us     free. 

Cantata  142 

(2  Flutes,  2  Oboes,  and  Strings.) 

1,  Concerto  (Instr.  as  abore)  4/4     fa) 

2.  Chorus  (Strings.)    V'*   (a) 

Isaiah  IX,  6: 

"For  unto  us  a  child  is  bom,  unto  us  a 
Son  is  given," 

IMs  ist  ein  Kind  ge-bo-ren. 
To  us   a  child  is  gi-ven, 

(ein  Sohn  ((ist  uns)  ge-ge-ben. ;; 

a   Son   to  UB   is  gi-ven, 

a   Son   is  born 
T  *  B  32i   is  born 

3.   Aria  Bass   (Vn.   I  *  II)  V*       (e) 

Dein  Ge-  burts-  tag  ist     er-  schie-nen. 
Now       a-  gain         up-on      Thy  birth-day, 

so     er-for-dert  mei-  ne     Pflicht, 
hoffl-age     I  vould  ren-der        Tbea, 

(dich,  mein  Je-   su, )    zu  be-  die-  nen, 
Thee,     my    Je-sus       as  my    Uas-  ter, 

doob  (ich     At-  mer)  weiss  gar  nicht, 
How,     poor  sin-ner     tho*       I       be, 

was     ich  su-  che,was     ich  fin-  de, 
may       I  find     a     gift  to       of-fer, 

wel-  ches  dir     zum     An-  ge-bin-  de 
worth-  y  from     my     scan-ty  cof-fer? 

als  ein  hei-lig  Op-  fer  tugt, 
I,   who  but     a     com-mon  clod, 

dich,   0       gros-  ser  Gott,   ver-gnugt. 
yet  would  please  Al-migh-  ty       God, 

Cantata  142 


Libretto  by  Keuneister 


Epistle,   Titus   II,   11-14.     God's  grace  brings 

or  Isaiah  IX,    2-7.      T^e  people  have   seen  a 
great    light;    for   unto   us  a  child    is  born. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke  II,    1-14.      The  Nativity, 

4.   Chorus   (Strings.)  3/4     (C) 

Psalm  LXIX,    30: 

"I  will  praise  the  name  of  God  with  a  song, 
and  will  magnify  him  with  thanksgiving." 

Ich  will  den     Na-  rsen  Got-tes   (lo-ben) 
Ev-er       the  Neune   of     God     I       ho-nor 

mit  ei-     nem  Lie-     de 

vith  praise  and  with  song, 


Cantata  142 

und  will  ihn     (hoch  eh-  ren)   mat       Dank. 
and     I       will        ex-   edt    Kim     with  thanks. 

5.    Aria  Tenor   (Ob.    I   *   II)        V*        (a) 

(Je-   Bu,     dlr       sei  Dank)  ge-  sun-  gen, 

Je-BUBf   thanks     I     bring         with  sing-lng, 

Je-   8U,      dir     sei     Ehr      und     Ruhml 
Hon-or     bring  that   none   can  guage. 

denn  das     Los     ist  mir      in       al-len 
Mr     I      stand   in     Thy  good  gra-ces, 

auf     das   lieb-lich-ste       ge-   fal-len, 
falls  my     lot        in     plea-sant   pla-ces, 

du,   du  bist   (mein  Ei-gen-  turn.) 
Thou  my  good-     ly     he-ri-  tage. 
iry     he-ri-   tage. 

Psalm  XVI,    6j 

"The  lines  &re  fallen  unto  me  in  pleasant 
places;    yea,    I  have  a  goodly  heritage." 

6.   RecitatiYO   Alto 

Im-ca-nu-elJ   Du  wol-   lest     dir     ge-fal-len 
Im-ma-nu-eli    Ac-cept   with  grace  my     a-   do- 
las-  sen, 

daes  dich  mein  Geist   und  Glau-  be     kann  um- 
to     Thee     my     soul     and  faith  are  whol-ly 



kann  ich  die  Freu-de  gleich  so  herz-lich  nicbt 
to-  day  my   joy  is   far  too  great  to  find 

ent-  de-  cken, 

die  dein  Ge-  burts-tag     will  er-  we-  cken, 
yet     in     Thy  grace  wilt  Thou  re-ceive  it, 

wird  doch  mein  schwa-ches  Lal-len 
al-   tho*      my  of-      fer-ing      of 

dir       durch  Lob   und  Preis  ge-  fal-     len. 
praise     bo       fee-ble     and     so  fait '-ring. 

Cantata  142 

7.    Aria  Alto   (Fl.    I   4  II)  V4       (d) 

(Jo-   su,      dir       sei  Preis)     ge-  sun-  gen, 
Je-6U8,   praise     I     bring     with  sing-ing, 

donn     ich     bin     durch  dich     or-   lost, 
praise  with  tran-  quil   heart   and  mind, 

Nichts  be-  trii-  bet  das  Ge-  mu-  te, 
I  re-Joice  in     my     sal-va-tion} 

dc   mein  Herz  durch  del-no     Gu-  te 
in     Thy  birth-  day   co-  lo-bra-tion 

u-  ber-schweng-lich  (wird     ge-  trost.) 
OT-er-     whelm-     ing        ccm-fort      find. 

fi.   Choral  Extended  3/4  (a.) 

(Violins   and  Viola) 

(Al-le-lu-Ja,)      ge-        lo-     bet   sei  Gott, 
.Al-le-lu-ja,     give  praise  to     our     God, 

sin-  gen  wir  all     aus      un-sers   Her-zens  Grun-   de, 
in     song     to-geth-er     join  in     deep  e-     mo-  tion 

denn  Gott   hat   heut   ge-     macht      solch  Freud, 
for     God     to-  day     has  brought      such     joy, 

der     wir  ver-ges-   sen   solln   zu  kei-ner  Stun-  do. 
that  ev'-ry     hour  in-  creas-es   our     de-  vo-tion. 

Cantata  143 


Libretto  by  Bach  (?) 

New  Year's 

Epistle,  Galatians  ITT,  23-29.  Faith  super- 
ceded the  law;  we  are  all  one  when  baptised  in 

Gospel,   St.   Luke  IT,    21.     Kis  name  was  called 

(3   Como  da  caccia,   Timp.,    Fag.,    smd  Strings.) 

1.   Chorue    finstr.    as  above)        3/4     (Eb^ 

Psalm  CXLVI,    li 

"Praise  ye  tho  Lord.      Praise  tho  Lord,  0 
my   soul." 


Caatata  143 

Cantata  143 

(Lo-   be)  (den  Herrn) 
Praise  thou  the  Lord, 

mei-ne  See-  le. 
0  my  spi-rit. 

den  Her-ren,       mei-     ne  See-  le, 
to     God     be     praise,  my  spi-rit. 

se-  hen  an-     dre     Lan-  der     zvar, 
Day  by     day  their  woes     in-crease, 

a-  ber  wir     (ein     Se-     gens-  jahr), 
ws     a-  lone     are  blest  with  peace. 

2.   Unison  Soprano  Chorale  (Violins)     V*     (Bb) 

Du       Frie-  de-furst,   Ilerr  Je-   su  Christ, 
Thou  Prince  of  Peace,   Lord  Je-sus  Christ, 

Isaiah  IX,    6. 
»ahr  Uensch  und  wah-rer  Gott, 
true     God       but   yet     a       man, 

•in  star-ker     Not-  hel-     fer     du  bist 
in     life  and  death  our  friend  in  need, 

im       Le-ben  und     im  Tod; 
since   ev-er     tine  be-gan; 

drum  wir     al-lein     im     Ma-men  dein 
with  loud  ac-claim  and  in  Thy  Name 

zu  dei-nem  Va-  ter        schrei-   en. 
we  ask  Thy  Fa-ther's       blea-sing. 

3.   Recitativo  Tenor 

Psalm  CXXXXVI,    5t 

"Happy  is   he  that  hnth  the  God   of  Jacob   for 
his  help,   whose  hope  is  in  the  Lord  his  God." 

"7ohl     den,       dee  Hil-fe     der     Gott  Ja-   cobs  ist. 
Blest      he,        who  for  his  help  hath  Ja-cob'a  God, 

dee        Hoff-nung   auf  dem  Flerrn, 
whose   hope     is     in     the     Lord 

sel-nem  Gott,   ate-  het. 
and     on     God     res-teth. 

5.   Aria  Bass   (3  Cor.   da  c.  Fag,,  Tinqj.)  3/4  (Bl 

Psalm  CXXXXVI,    10 i 

"The  Lord  shall  reign  forever,  even  thy 
God,  0  Zion,   unto  all  generations.     Praise  ye 
the  Lord," 

(Der  Herr  ist     Ko-     nig),   e-wlg-lich, 
The  Lord  is     reign-ing       e-ver-more, 

dein  Gott,   Zi-on,   fur  und     fur, 
thy       God,   Zi-on,   ev'-ry-  where. 

6.   Aria  Tenor  (Str,, 

5.)        V4     (g) 

Je-  su.   Ret-  ter  dei-ner  Her-  de, 
Je-sus,   Sa-viour  of     Thy  peo-ple, 

blei-be         fer-ner  (un-ser  Hort), 
be     the  guard-ian     of     us     all, 

dass  dies  Jahr  una   (gluck-lioh  war-  de), 
thru  this  year  pre-   serve     us     safe-ly, 
keep     US     safe-ly 

(hal-  te)  'Vacht     an     je-  dem     Ort, 
watch  us       well, lest  ill     be-fall; 

fuhr,     0     Je-     su,    dei-  ne     Schar, 
guard  Thy  peo-ple,   be     Thou     near 
US  Je-   sus, 

bis   (zu  ,  je-  nem     neu-   en     Jahr). 
all  thru-out  this     co-ming  year. 

4.   Aria  Tenor  (Strings.)      V4     (<=) 

Tau-    send-fa-   ches   Un-gluck,    Schre-cken, 
Thou-sar.d-fold   on        o-  ther  na-tions 

Trub-sal,    .\ngat        und   schnel-len     Tod, 
com-    eth       fear       and        sud-  den  death, 

Vol-ker,      die     das  Land  be-  de-   cken, 
ev'-ry-     where  are     la-  men-ta-tions, 

(2££-   g«n)      »^d     ( Bonst   noch  mehr  r.'ot) 
aor-rows     which     none       com-for-teth. 

7,   Chorale  Extended   (Instr.   as  in  No.   1)   6/8  (Bfal 



Ge-  denk,    Herr     Je-  su,    an  dein       Amt, 

Be-think     Thee,  Je-sus,    of  Thy     charge, 

dass        du       ein  Frled-fvirst  bist, 
the     Prince  of     Peace  Thou       art, 

Isaiat'  IX,    6, 
und   hilf   una  gna-dig     al-   le-   samt 
and     to     Thy  peo-ple,    far  and  wide. 


Cantata  143 

Cantata  143 

Jetzt   und    zu       je-     der  Frietj 
Thy        sa-ving  Grace     im-  part; 

lass   una  hin-fort  dein  gott-lich  Wort 
80     may  *6     hear     Thy        Ho-   ly     Word 

In  Friefl  noch     Ian-   ger  hal-      len, 
in  songs     of     peace     re-soun-dlng. 

Cantata  144 


Epistle,  I  Corintliiana  IX,  24-27,  X,  1-5.  Keep 
your  body  in  subjection;  in  the  race  but  one  re- 
ceives the  prize. 

Gospel,  St.  Matthew  XX,  1-16.   Parable  of  the 
laborers  in  the  vineyard. 

(Oboe  d'amoro.  Strings.) 

1.    Chorus    (Concerto)    Liotet       /I        (b) 

St,   Uatthew  XX,    14:    (Parable   of  the  vineyard) 

"Take  that  thine   is,    and  go  thy  way;    I 
will  give   unto  this   last,    even  as  to  thee." 

Nlmn,   was     dein     ist,    und  ge-  he  hin. 
Take     that  thine     is,   and  go  thy  way. 

for   two   quarter   or   longer  notes: 
ge-   he  hin 
go  thy  way 

for  two  8th  notes: 
f«-ho  hin 
go  a-way 

2.    Aria  Alto   (Strir^s.)      3/4     (e) 

(Uur-   re  nicht),    (lie-     ber  Christ) 
Grum-ble     not,  fret-ting     soul, 

««nn  (was   (nlcht   (nach  Wunsch)   ge-  schlehtf 
when     it       goes       not       well       with     thee; 

•on-dern     sei     mit     den     zu-   frie-  den, 
but   with  cheer-ful   heart   con-tent   thee 

was     dir   (dein     Gott)    hat   bo-schie-  den, 
with  the     bles-sings     God   has   sent   thee, 
which     thy 

(er  weiss),   was      (dir     nutz-lich)    ist. 
He   knows        what     will     fit-ting       be. 

3.   Chorale  4/4        (g) 

Wa«     Gott     tut,    das   ist     wohl-ge-     tan. 
What  God     does     is     with     wis-dora  done, 

es   bleibt   ge-recht   soin  Wil-   le; 
of     this     be  ne'er   for-  get-ful, 

wie     er     fangt  mei-     ne       Sa-     chen     an, 
al-  tho'      at        times   our  joys     are     none, 

will   ich     ihm  hal-  ten  stil-   le. 
and      life   is     hard   and   fret-ful, 

Sr  ist   main     Gott 
lie   is       my     Guide 

der        in     der     Not 
what-e'er     be-tide, 

mich  wohl  weiss     xu     er-hal-  ten; 
who       ev-     er       will  up-hold     me 

drum  lass  ich  ihn  nur       wal-  ten. 
and        in     His     i-  mage  mould     me. 

4.   Recitativo  Tenor 

Wo     die  Go-     nug-     eam-keit  re-giert 
The  one  who   guides  his   soul   at      ease 

und      u-     ber-all     das     Ru-   der  fuhrt, 
to     S8d.l     se-rene  thru  pla-cid     seas, 

da  ist  der  Uensch  ver-gnugt 
is     e-  ver     well     con-  tent 

mit        dem,      wie     es     Gott   fugt. 
with  that  which     God     has   sent. 

Da-   ge-gen,      wo     die     Un-   ge-     nug-sajn-kelt 
But    oth-er-  wise  with  him  on  greed-   i-   ness 

das     Ur-  tail  spricht, 
and  plea-sure     bent; 

da     stellt   sich  Gram  und  Kum-mer     ein, 
his     woe        and     wai-ling     ne-ver  cease, 

das     Herz,        will   nicht    zu-   frie-den     sein, 
his   heart  can        ne-     ver     be      at      peace, 

und  man     ge-   den-   ket   nicht   da-   ran: 
nor  does   he      say     to        a-        ny-   one: 


Cantata  144 

Vfas     Gott     tut,    das   ist     wo  hi-  ge-     tan. 
"Wha^  God     does     is     with     wis-  dom  done." 

5.   Aria  Soprano   (Oboe  d'amore)      V4       (b) 

(Ge-  nug-  sam-lceit) 
0     sweet  con-teat 

ist   ein  Schatz  in  die-  sem       Le-     ben, 
in     our       life     a  pre-cious  trea-sure 

wel-  Cher  kann     Ver-gnu-gung     ge-     ben 
bring-ing     peace  and     qui-et     plea-sure, 

in       der  gross-ten  Trau-rig-keit, 
sooth-ing     all       em-  bit-ter-ment. 

Denn  es  las-set   sich     in     Al-     len 
Let     us     ev-er,   then,    con-tent     us, 

Got-  tes  Fu-  gung  wohl-ge-  fal-  len, 
with  the  lot  that  God     has  sent     us. 

Ge-  nug-  sam-keit. 
0     sweet  con-tent. 

Cantata  145 


III  Easter 

Epistle,  The  Acts  XIII,  26-33.  Paul  preaches 
at  Antioch;    of  Christ's  death  and  resurrection. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  XXIV,  36-47,  Christ  appears 
to  the   eleven. 

(Tromba,    2  Ob.   d'araore,   Flauto  traverse,   Strings;^ 

1.   Chorale  V4         (D) 

Auf,  mein     Herzi   des     Her-  ren     Tag 
Up,       my     heart!   this  glo-rious  Day 

hat     die  Nacht  der     Furcht  ver-trie-ben; 
gloo-my       fear  from     Man       has     dri-ven, 

Chri-  stus,   der     im     Gra-     be     lag, 
Christ     the     Lord  who  life-less  lay 

ist     im       To-     de  nicht  ge-blie-ben, 
has  from  death  to-  day       a-  ri-  sen. 

Nun-mehr  bin     ich  recht  ge-trdst, 
CoE-fort   sure  in     this     I       find, 

Je-su8  hat  die     YJelt     er-  lost. 
Je-sus  has     re-deemed  man-kind. 

6.   Chorale         V*     (b) 

Was     mein  Gott     will,   das     g'scheh  all-   zeit, 
What     God     re-solves     will  He         ac-chieve. 

seln  Wil-  le  ist     der  bes-te. 
His  will     is  per-fect     ev-erj 

2.   Chorus   (Tr.,   Str.)        3/4     (D) 

Romans  X,    9t 

"If  thou  Shalt   confess  with  thy  mouth  the 
Lord  Jesus,  and  shalt  believe  in  thine  heart 
that  God  hath  raised  him  from  the  dead,   thou 
ehalt  be  saved." 

zu  hel-  fen  den'n, er     ist     be-   reit. 
He  suc-cors     all     who  firm  be-lieve 

die  an     ihm  glau-  ben  fes-  te. 
and  for  the  best     en-  dea-vor. 

Er     hilft  aus     Not,  der  from-me  Gott, 
Our  help     in     need,    our  God     in-deed, 

und     zuch-ti-  get  cdt  Ua-  ssen. 
with     gen-tle  mo-  de-   ra-  tion 

Wer  Gott  ver-  traut,    feet  auf  ihm     baut. 
Ha     chas-tens       ua,        so     Him  we     trust, 

den  will   er     nicht   ver-la-sson. 
we     need  not     fMir  dam-'na-tion. 

So     du       mit     dei-  nen  Mun-  de       be-  ken-  nest 
If  thou,      in       op-  en     fas-hion     ac-know-ledge 
with  true     de-  vo-tion 

Je-8um  , 

dass  er  der  Herr  sei, 
to     be  the  Lord  God, 

Soprano  bars  6  *  12,   Alto  bar  9: 

und     glau-  best  in       dei-  nem  Her-   zen, 
with  faith     in     thy  heart     be-lie-ving 

dass  ihn     Gott      (von  den     To-     ten) 
that  from  death     and  the  grave  God 

(auf-  er-  we-  oket)  hat, 
up  hath  ral-  eed  Him, 
up     hath  raised      Him 


Cantata  145 

Cantata  145 

so   wirat       du     (so-     lig). 
thy   faith  will   save  thee. 

3.   Puet   Soprano-Tenor  (Vn. )      Z/ ^      (D) 


Ich     le-     be,   mein   Her-ie, 
I      live,   0  be-   lo-ved, 

lu     dei-   nem  Er-   got-    ren, 
but   for     thy   sal-  va-tion, 

niein  Le-   ben   er-   he-     bet      dein  Le-  ben  em-  por. 
ex-   al-ting  thy   life  with     de-light    ev-er-core. 


Du     le-best,    ir«in  Je-      su, 
Thou  li-vest,     my     Sa-viour, 

lu     mei-   nee  Er-  got-    zen, 
but    for     my     sal-  va-tion, 

dein  Le-  ben   er-he-     bet     irein  Le-  ben   em-   por. 
ex-   al-ting  my  life  with     de-light    ev-er-core. 

Colossians   IT,    14: 

"Blotting    out  the    handv.riting   of   ordinances 
thi  t   was   against    us,   which  was  contrary  to   us, 
end  took   it    out    of  the  way,    nailing   it   to    his 


Die     kla-  gen-de  Hand-schrift 

The  brand-iEg   in-dict-  nent 

iet  vol-  lig  zer-ris-sen, 
is     torn     in-to     pie-ces, 

der  Frie-   de     ver-schla-f et 
the   blee-airg   of     peace  and 

ein        ru-   hig  Ge-  wia-sen 
good-will     ne-ver   cea-ses, 

und   off-net   den  Sun-dern  dag   hinm-li-      eche     Tor. 
end  op-   ens  to     sin-ners  the  Ilea-  ven-     ly     Door, 
op-   en  is     Hea-ven's  wide 

4.  Pecitativo  Tenor 

Nun  ford-  re,   LIo-bcb,   wie     du  willst. 
Con-front   me,    Uo-ses,    if     thou  wilt, 

das     drau-cn-  de  Ge-    setz    zu  u-     ben; 
with  cru-  el   law  emd   reg-   u-  la-tionj 

ich  ha-     be  n-ei-      ne        'Juit-     tung     hier 
I      have  cy   quit-tance   signed   and      sealed. 

mlt  Je-  Bu     Blut   und  Wun-     den  un-ter-schrie-ben. 
in     Je-sus'    life  and   death  is     my  sal-     va-  tion. 

Die-   sel-  be  giltj        ich  bin  er-   lost. 
The  price   is  paid,        and     I      am  saved, 

ich  bin  be-  freit 
for-  e-  ver     free 

und     le-       be         nun     mit     Gott   in  Fried   und 
to     dwell   hence-forth  with  God     in  Peace  and 

U-   ni-  ty} 

der  Kla-ger  wird  an  mir   zu-schan-den, 
dis-con;- fit-ted     ie  my     ac-      cu-   ser, 

denn     Gott      ist   auf-   er-stan-den. 
f'-'r     Christ  the  Lord  ie     ri-   sen. 

Adap  io 

Mein     Herz       das  mer-ke       dir, 
Ky     heart       for-get  not  tiia. 

5.    Aria  Eaea  3/8       (D) 

(Tr.,    Fl.   Tr.,   Ob.    d'am.    T  &  IT,   Vn.   I   A  Tl) 

Uer-  ke,        mein  Her-   ze,        (be-  atan-dig) 
Mark  ye  and     hark   ye,  for-  get      ye 

nur  dies, 
not  this, 

Venn  du     al-       les       sonst  ver-gisat, 
tho'   all  else  should     be       for-  got, 

dass  dein     Hei-     land  le-  bend  iat. 
Je-   BUS     lives,      for-get  tVds  not. 

Las-   se     die-   see     dei-   nerc  Glau-  ben 
Make  ye  Faith  your   firm  re-   li-   ancej 

ei-   nen  Grund   und     Ve-      ste  blei-  ben, 
you  may     bid     the  world     de-   fi-  ance, 

bars   84-87,    157-150: 
mer-   ke,   mein  Her-ze,    (nur  dies) 
aark   ye        for-get   ye        not   this 

bars   1<;7-1?0,    137-140,    141-14R,    161-164: 
mer-   ke,    (rein  Her-ze),   mer-   ke  nur     dies 
D.ark   ye        for-  get   not,    mark   ye  well   this 

auf   sol-   chem    '(be-      steht      er)   ge-wisa). 
ee-   cure     a-     gainst     what-eer     be-fall, 
what-    e'er     may 


Cantata  145 

Cantata  146 

das  soil  irlr  nie-  mand 
Of     this  can  none     de- 

6.   Recitativo  Soprano 

Uein  Je-  sus       lebtj 
Ky     Sa-viour  lives  J 

neh-     men, 
-prive     ne, 

drum  sterb  ich     son-  der     Gra-     men, 
nor     does     my     death     af-fright     me, 

und  bin  ge-viss 
for     I     am  sure 

und     ha-     be     das  Ver-trau-en, 
it     will  with  Him     u-  nite  me. 

dass  mich  dee     Gra-  bes  Fin-  ster-nis   lur     Him- 
and     from  the  gloom  and  dark-ness  of     the  grave 

-mel6-herr-  lich-keit  er-hebt. 
will  raise     me       up     on  high. 

ich  ha-     be  nun  ge-nug. 
So     fear  I     not  to  die. 

Uein  Je-  su     lebtl 
My     Je-sus  livesi 

mein     Hers  und  Sinn 
my     heart  and   soul 

will  heu-te  noch  zum  Him-  mel       hin, 
this  day  to  Hea-  ven  High  will  fare, 

selbst  den  Er-  lo-     ser  an-   ju-  schau-en. 
and        see  my  Blest  Re-  dee-mer  there. 

7,   Chorale  3/4       (f#) 

Dr«n  wir  auch  bil-  lig     froh-lich     sein, 
Joy-  ful     we     hail  this     glo-rious     day, 

sin-  gen  das  Heil-le-lu-  ja  fein 
Bing-ing  our  Hal-le-lu-jas     gay| 

und     lo-  ben  dich,    Herr     Je-     zu  Christ, 
with  voi-ces  all       in       sweet  ac-  cord; 

xu  Trost  du     uns       er-  stan-den  bist. 
we  Join     to  praise  our     Ri-  sen  Lord. 


Cantata  146 

(1740   ?) 

Ill   Easter 

Epistle,    I   Peter   II,    11-20.    Be  patient   in 
eufferingi    this    la   acceptable  to  Cod. 

Goepel,    St.   John  XVI,    16-23.      In   a   little 
while   ye   shall    see  mej    ye   shall   weep   and   lament 
but   your   sorrow  shall  b«  turned   into  Joy. 

(2  Oboes,    2  Ob.   d'amore,   Flauto  traverse,  Taille 
Organ,   and  Strings.) 

1.  Sinfonia  V*       (d)  1 

(Ob.   I  *  II,   Taille,  Organ,   and  Strings.)  ■ 

2.   Chorus  (Strings  4  Organ)       3/4       (g) 

The  Acts  XIV,    22: 

"  the  souls  of  the  disciples,   and 
exhorting  them  to   continue  in  the  faith,   and 
that  we  must  through  much  tribulation  enter  into  ) 
the  kingdom  of  God," 

Wir     miis-sen  (durch  viel  Trub-sal) 
Thru  bit-ter       tri-     bu-     la-tion 

beginning  at  bars  numbers: 
Sop.   bars   16,    32,    42,47,    57,    63i 
Alto  bars  16,    32,    43,    47,    57,    63: 
Ten.    bars   16,    32,    43,    47,    51,    57,    63: 

Bass  bars   3j^8,16,21,32,37,43,47,52,57,63,68,82t  i 
durch  viel  Trub-sal 
thru     much  trou-ble 

(in  das  Reich  Got-tes)      ein-     ge-  hen. 
we     en-  ter       in-to       God's  King-dom. 

beginning  at  bars  numbers: 
Sop.   bars  7,    22,    39,    81: 
Alto  bars   6,    22,    35,    38,    80: 
Ten.    7,    23,    35,    39,    66,   81: 

in  das  Reich  Got-tes     ein-     ge-  hen 
en-ter     we         in-to     God's  King-dom 

3,   Aria  Alto  (Vn. )  3/4  (g) 

Ich  will  nach  dem  Him- 
Up       to       Hea-ven  will 

nach  dem  Him-cel 
up     to     Hea-ven 

mel   zu, 
I  fly, 

will  ich  zu, 
will  I  fly 

Bchno-des  So-dom, 
wick-ed  So-dom, 


nun-     mehr 

ich  und  du 

thou       and     T 
Genesis  XIX 
ge-schie-  den. 
be     par-     ted. 

Uei-     nes     Blei-bens  1st  nlcht   hier, 
Here  would     I  no      Ion-  ger     stay; 

denn     ich  le-be  doch  bel  dlr 
Peace   for  me  is      far     a-  way, 

(nlm-mer-  mehr)    (in     Frle-den.) 
far  from  thee        for-   ev-      er. 


Cantata  146 

4.   Recitativo  Soprano      (Strings.) 

Aohi        *er  doch  schon       im  Him-mel  warl 
Ab!         now  would     I  to  Hea-ven     gol 

'  TTie  dran-get  n.ich  nicht   die        bd-   se     Welti 
How  hate-ful     to       me       thie   «ick-ed  world. 

Lit  TS'ei-   nen  steh  ich     auf, 
At     iLorn     I     riee  in     tears, 

mat  "'ei-nen  leg     ich  nich   zu     Bet-  te, 
and   lay     me  down  at      ev'-ning  wee-ping, 

wie  trug-   lich  wird  car  nach-ge-stelltl 
op-presa'd   by     b^^ae  de-   ceit   and     fearsi 

■lerrJ        iter-  ke,        sci'au-   e        drauf, 
LordJ        har-ken  if     Thou     wilt 

sie  has-   aen  mich,        und        oh-        ne     Schuld, 
Ab-horred  am     I,  tho'    free     from     guilt, 

als  wenn  die  ''.'elt  die  Uacht 
the  wick-ed-   nesa   of       lian 

mich        gar     lu     td-ten  hat-  te; 
would   ahame  and   e-  ven  slay  me 

und    leb*   ich  dann  mit   Seuf-zen   und  Ge-   duld 
my     life  ia     all     an-     xi-     e-  ty     and   sighs, 

ver-laa-aen        und  ver-     acht, 
for-sa-   ken       and  de-apised, 

eo  hat      aie   noch  an  mei-nem  Lei-  de 
my   foes   re-joice  at  all  my     sad-ness 

die     grda-ate  Freu-  de, 
with  hor-   rid  glad-ness; 

Lein  Gott,   das   fallt  inir  schwer* 
0       God,      bov  aore     op-prsssedl 

AchJ       wenn     ich     doch;     mein  Je-  au  ,     heu-     te 
Ah,  %ould  that     I  to  Je-sus       might  be 


bei  dir     im  ilim-mel     war  I 
and   aafe  in  Hea-ven  rest  J 

5,    Aria  Soprano    (Ob.   d'am.    I  1  II,   Fl. )      4/i  (d) 

Ich  la-     •     mei-     ne   Zah-ren 
I     sow  the  tears   of   sor-row 

(odt     ban-     gem  Her-    len)      aua. 
with     ev-  er  an-xious    ftvr* 

with  trou-bled  spi-   rit 

Js-  doch       mein        Her-      le-   leid 
But     yet  my     heart's  de-spair 

Cantata  146 

wird     mir       die  Herr-lich-keit 
will  turn       to     glo-  ry     There 

am     Ta-     ge     der     ae-     li-  gen  Ern-  te 
when  Har-voat  Day  dawna   for   ua     all     on 

ge-  ba-  ren. 
the  mor-row. 

6.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Ich  bin  be-  reit  mein  Kreuz   i^e-dul-dig 
"Tith  pa-tience  I.    pre-pare ,   ray  hea-  vy 

2u   er-  tra-gen; 
Cross  to  bear;  i 

ich  weiss,   daa   al-   le  mei-ne   Pla-gen 
I  know     that  T   may  not  con-pare 

nicht  wart   der  Herr-lich-keit, 
my   suf-f'ringa  of   to-  day     . 

die  Gott  an   den  er-  wahl-ten  Scha-ren 
with  all  the  eight  and  ma-  jes-  ty 

und  auch  an  nir   wird  of-  fen-ba-ren. 
to   be  re-vealed  one  day  to  me, 

Romans  VTII,    18: 

"For  I   reckon  that  the  suffering  of  this 
present  time  are  not  worthy  to  be  compared  with 
the  glory  which  shall  be  revealed   in  ua." 

Jetzt  wein  ich,        da     das  Telt-  ge-  tum-irel 
Yet     weep     I,  for  it     seems  the  Rab-ble 

bei  mei-nem     Jam-  mer     froh-  lich  acheint, 
re-gard  my     grief  with  fiend-iah         glee. 

Bald   komirt   die  Zeit,  da     sich  mein  Herz 

But     soon     the     day,       when     joy-ous     1*11 

er-freut , 
a-  way, 

und     da     die     7/elt       einst   oh-  ne  Tro-ster  wsin 
and  then  the  world       will  weep  in  sore  dis-  may 

"'er  mit   dem       Fein-  de   ringt    und   schlagt, 
On     him  who  strives  to  fight   the         foe 

dem     wird  die     Kro-  ne  bei-  ge-legt; 
will  God     the  Grown  of  Life  be-etow; 

denn  Gott   tragt   kei-  nen  nicht       mit   Han-  dsn 
when     He     shall  bear     us        up,        to     Join  the 

in       den  Him-mel 
Saints  in     Hea-Tsn. 


Cantata  146 

7.    Duet  Tenor-Bass   (Ob.   I   *  II,    Str.)    3/?     (F) 

77ie  will   ich  (nich  freu-en)        wie  will   ich 
Ah     how       I        will  glo-   ry  in  song      and 

mioh  la-     ben 
re-   joi-cing, 

wenn  al-   le     ver-  geing-  li-che  Trub-   sal 
when  all  of  these   earth-ly     af-flic-tions 

vor-   bei. 
are  past. 

Ta  glanx  ich  wie  Ster-  ne  und  leu-  chte  wie 
The  sun  of  my  soul  will  in  splen-dor  be 

Son-  ne, 

da     3to-     ret     die  hinin-.-li-3che  se-  li-     ge 
the  bles-eings  of     Hea-ven  will  ban-ish     re- 
Ton-  ne 

kein   Trau-«m,  Heu-  len  und  Ge-schrei, 
all      earth-ly     woe  will   end  at      last. 

Cantata  147 

Libretto  1,  3,  5,  4  7  by  Franck 

(Rest  by  Bach) 


Epistle,  Isaiah  XI,  1-5.  Prediction  of  the 
Messiah;    a  rod    shall   come   out   of  Jesse. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  I,  39-56.  Mary's  visit  to 
Elizabeth}   the  Magnificat. 

(Tronba,    2  Oboes,   Ob.    d'am.,    2  Ob.    da  caccia, 
Fagotte,    and  Strings. ) 

Part   I 

1.    Chorus  (Tr.,   Fag.,   Str.)        6/4       (c) 

Hen      und  IJund  und     Tat     und  Le-  ben 

Heart  and  lips,       thy  whole     be-ha-viour 

muss   (von     Chri-sto     Zeug-   nis  ge-  ben) 
wir-     ness  bear     to  Christ  thy  Sa-viour, 

at-  test     to        -Alto  bar   17,    Bass   33, 

(oh-   ne     Furcht)    (und     Heu-   che-   lei,) 
fal-ter  not,        nor  doubt   nor  fear, 

(dass     er     (Gott   und  Hei-  land)      sei.) 
own     Him,      God     and     Sa-viour     dear. 

8,    Chorale  V*         (F) 

(Bach-Gesellschaft   has   no  words.      These  are 
per  Terry  and  "/ustmann. ) 

Denn  wer     se-      lig  da-   hin  fah-ret. 
On     the  doors   of     Hea-ven  yon-der 

da     kein     Tod     mehr  klop-fet        an, 
dread-ed     Death  will     ne-  ver  knock; 

der     iet     al-   les   des   ge-wah-ret, 
there   the  Blee-sed   ev-    er  wan-der, 

was    ,.    ihm     nur  wiJn-Bchen     konn, 
hap-py  with  the  Cho-sen       Flock. 

T.T        let     in        der   fee-  ten  Stadt 
There  in     God'a   se-  cure     a-     bode 

da     Gott   eel-   ber  Woh-   nung     hat| 
nel-ther  moth  nor  rust     cor-roda; 

•r  ist   in  das  Schloss  ge-  f'tih-  ret, 
to  }{!•  Bo-BOQ       will      he     cill      ua, 

dai      kein   'Jh-ge-lUck   be-riih-   rot. 
vhere     no      ev-il     may  be-fnll      ue. 

2.   Recitativo  Tenor     (Strings.) 

Ge-  be-  ne-     dei-  ter     Uund! 
Ah,   ti-dings  doub-ly     blesti 

Ua-  ri-  a     macht   ihr     In-  ner-   stes  der  See-1> 
When  Ua-ry,      Joy-  ous,   and  with  deep     e-  mo-ti< 

durch     Dank     und     Ruh-     men       kund; 
her     thanks  and  prGiise     ex-pressed, 

sie  fan-  get  bei  sich  an, 
and  told     E-  li-     la-beth 

St.   Luke  I,    ?9-56. 
dee   Hei-lands  'Vun-der   lu  er-      tah-   len, 

the   won-   der     of     the  Sa-viour's     co-ming 

was     er       aji     ihr       ale  sei-  ner  Uagd  ge-  tan. 
that  He        be  born       to     her,      a       low-ly  maid* 

0  mensch-li-   ches  Ge-schlecht, 
0      sin-     ful  Race   of  Man, 

des  Sa-  tana     und       dar     Sun-  de  Knacht, 
the  Da-vil's   slave   since  time  be-     gan. 

du     bist  be-   freit 
thou  wart  set  fraa. 

durch  Chri-sti        tro- 
thru     Ja-   BUS  Chriat'a 

-■ten-  doe     '^r-schel-   nen 
aup-raroa     a-tona-  mant. 


Cantata  147 

Cantata  147 

Ton     die-ser  Last    und  Dienet-bar-keitl 
from  all  thy     for-mer        sla-  ve-     ryJ 

Je-     doch  dein  Uund        und   deln  ver-stockt 

let   still,        thy     lips        and   thy     too     stub- 

doch       die-   ser     Arm  er-     hebt, 
yet  He     whose  arm  can  shako 

ob-   schon  vor        ihm     der  Br-     ae     Krels   er-     o«bt, 
the       ve-   ry     earth,   be-fore  whom  moun-taine   quake 

Ge-  mu-  te 
-born  api-rit 

rer-achweigt,  ver-leug-net   sol-  che     Gu-     tej 

con-      ceal  and  will  not    own  this  bles-aingj 

doch  wis-   se,  dasa  dicli   nach       der     Schrift 

for-   get   not,  how     the     Scrip-tures        tell 

•in     all-    lu-  Bchar-fea     Ur-     tail  trifft, 

that   such  will  feel     the  pains     of       Hell. 

3.   Aria  Alto  (Ob.   d'amore)      3/4       (a) 

Jcha-  me  dich,   0     See-le,      nicht, 
joul      of  cine,   be  not     a-   shamed 

lei-nen  Hei-  leind   zu  be-   ken-  nen, 
hy     Re-deem-   er     to  ac- know-ledge, 

toll  er  dich     die     eei-ne     nen-   nen 
'or     in  this-*l3e,    by     the  Fa-ther, 

■or     des  Va-  ters  An-ge-sichtl 
one   of     God  will  ye  be  named. 

■och  wer  ihn     auf  die-   ser  Er-     den 
im     who   here     a-  mong  the  mor-tala 

su       Ter-leug-  nen  eich  nicht   scheut, 
'Ould   His     God-head   now       de-  ny, 

oil  Ton     ihm  ver-  leug-  net  *er-  den, 
od     will  bar  from  Hea-ven's  por-tals, 

enn     er     kocnt        ( zur  Herr-lich  keit). 
here   He   reigns  a-  bove      on     High. 

•   RecitatJYo   Bass 

er-Btock-   ung        kann  Ge-  wal-     ti-        ge 
er-Terse-ness         of-  ten-tirres  will  blind 

the  migh-ty, 

it   sle  dee     Hoch-sten     Arm     vom  Gtuh-     le 
A-  til   from  off  their  seats  God  hurls   their. 



••  St.   Luke  I,    52. 

hin-     ge-  gen  die       E-   len-den,    so     er  er-     lost, 
will   helD  the   poor  and  nee-dy,      for  pi-ty's   sake. 

0     hoch-be-gluck-te  Chri-   stei ,      auf. 
Ye  rich-ly  bles-sed  Chri-stians,      up, 

ma-      chet   euch  be-  reit,        jetzt   ist      (die 
watch     ye,    now,    and  pray;        comes   soon     the 

an-     ge-neh-  me  Zeit ) , 
long   ex-pect-ed     day, 

jet  at 

ist  der  Tag  des   Heils: 
is  the     day  of       hopel 

II   Corinthians  VJ,    2: 

"Behold   now  is  the   accepted   time;    behold 
now  is  the   day   of  8alve.tion." 

Der  Hei-  land  heisst   euch     Leib       und  Geist 
The     Sa-viour     asks     your  heart        and      soul, 

mit       Glau-bene-ga-  ben  ru-sten, 
naught   less     is     fit  to     of-  fer; 

in     brun-sti-  gem  Ver- 
with  fer-vent,   ard-ent 

auf,    ruft    zu  ihm 
cry     out     to  Him, 

-Ian-  gen, 

uni  ihn        im       Glau-  ben  zu     em-        pfan-  gen. 
to   Him       with  Faith  in     wor-ship  throng-ing. 

5.    Aria  Soprano   (Vn.    solo)        4/4  fd) 

Be-  rei-  te     dir,  Je-   su,   noch  .1et-zo  die     Bahn, 
Pre-pare  for  Thy     co-ring  the     way  to  our  hearts, 

nein  !!ei-     land,    er-  wah-   le     die  glau-  ben- 
re-   ceive        as       Dia-ci-  pies  the  Faith-ful 

-de  See-  le 

und   sie-     he   (mit      Au-     gen     der  Gna-de 
and  grant   us     the  Grace  that  Thy  mer-cy 

mich  an). 

Be-  rei-  te  dir,  Je-  su,  noch  jet-zo  die  Pahn. 
Pre-pare  for  Thy  the  T.ay  to  our  hearts. 


Cantata  147 

Cantata  147 

6,   Chorale  Extended  (Jesu  Joy)      3/4     (G) 
(Troraba,   and  Strings.) 

Wohl,   dass  ich  Je-     eum  ha-     be, 
Hap-  py         T       who  have  my     Sa-vioir; 

0       wie  fe-ste  halt  ich     ihn, 
from  Him  ne-ver  will     T     part, 

daas  er     mir       mein     Her-   ze     la-     be, 
He     re-stores     my     droop-ir-g  epi-rit, 

wenn  ich  krank  und  trau-rig     bin. 
be  I        sad     and   sick  at     heart, 

Je-     sum  hab  ich,   der     nich     lie-     bet 
Cares  may  vex  and     trou-bles  grieve     me, 

und  sich  mir  zu     ei-gen     gi-     bet} 
yet  will    Je-Bus  ne-ver  leave     me; 

ach  drum  lass  ich  Je-     sum  nicht, 
Him     I         ne-  ver  will  for-  sake, 

wenn  mir  gleich  mein     Her-     ze         bricht, 
ev-   en       tho'       my     heart  should     break. 

wirkt     im    Ver-bor-ge-  nen  der     Er-     den, 
are     past  our  mor-tal     un-der-stan-ding. 

Jo-  han-nes  muss  mi.t  Geist   er-     ful-  let 
The     Ho-ly     Spi-  rit  quick -ened  John  the 

wer-  den, 

ihn  zieht  der  Lie-be       Band     be-reits  in     seii 
as       yet     un-born  and  while  with-  in     her  worn' 

-ner  tJut-  ter  Lei-     be, 
his  Mo-ther     bore  him, 

dass     er     den     Hei-  land  kenot, 
to     know  and  greet   his       Lord; 

ob       er     ihn  gleich  noch  nicht 
and  tho'   he       could     not   speak 

mit     sei-     nem  Mun-de  nennt, 
that  Name,  by     all     a-dcred, 

er       wird     be-  v;egt,   er  hupft   und  sprin-get, 
he  stirred  and  lept     in     sal-  u-       ta-  tion 

in-     dem    E-li-za-beth         das     V7un-der-werk 
the  while  E-li-za-beth,       with    Ma-ry  stand- 

7.   Aria  Tenor 

Part  II 

aus-spricht , 
-ing       by. 

St.   Luke  I,   41. 


dass  ich  auch  dich 
that     I     may     not 

Hilf,       Je-  su,   hilf. 
Help,       Je-sus,   help, 

be-ken-  ne 
de-ny  Thee 

in     ?/ohl  und  Weh,   (in  Freud)   und     Leid« 
thru  weal  and  woe,      in     joy       and  grief, 

dass  ich  dich  mei-  nen     Hei -land  nen-     ne 
and     as       my       Sa-viour  not     be-  lie  Thee; 

im     Glau-  ben     und       Ge-   las-  sen-heit, 
that     I       with  stead-fast   firm     be-lief 

dass   stets  mein  Herz  von     dei-  ner  Lie-be  bren- 
and     heart     a-  flame  with  love  may  mag-ni-  fy 



stets  von     dei-  ner  Lie-be  bren-  ne, 
fired  with  love  may  mag-ni-fy     Thee. 

8.   Recitativo  Alto   (Ob.   da  c.   I  *   II) 

Der  hoch-  sten  All-     macht  V/un-  der-hand 
The     won-drous  works     of       l.;igh-ty     God 

in-     dem     lia-  ri-a     Mumd       der    Lip~      pen 
ob-served  the  mi-ra-cle,        in     hushed  and 

Op-     fer     brin-get. 
whis-pered     won-der= 

Wenn  ihr,       0  Glau-  bi-     ge,         des  Flei-  chesi 
If       ye,        0  Faith-ful  Ones,  be-csuse  the 

Schwach-heit  merkt, 
flesh       is       weak, 

wenn  eu-er  Herz  in  Lie-     be     bren-net, 
from  du-ty  oft-  are  turn-ing, 

und  doch  der   Mund    den  Hei-  land  nicht 
yet  if  your  hearts   with  love  for   Him 

be-  ken-  net, 
are  burn-ing, 

Gott  ist     es,     der     euch       kraf-     tig  starkt, 
then  God  will  give     you     strength  to       speak, 

er     will  in     euch  des  Gei-     stes  Kraft   er-re- 
and  cou-rage     to     pro-claim  your     ob-     li-ga-tJ 

ja,         Dank   und  Preie       auf     eu-     re 
yea,        hear-  ti-     lyy       with  love  and 

Zun-gen  le-  gen. 
a-  do-  ra-tion. 


Cantata  147 

9.    Aria  Base   (Tr,,    Strings.) 

4/4        (C) 

Ich  will  von  Je-au  77un-dern  sin-  gen 
Of       Je-   BUB  am  I        ev-   er     sin-ging, 

und   ihn  der  Lip-pen     Qp-        fer  brin-  gen, 
my     of-   fer-ing     of  praise  am     brin-ging; 

er     wird  (nach  eei-  ner  Lie-     be  Bund) 
for     Me,        be-cause  He     loved  us     so, 

das   Bchwa-   che  Fleisch       den  ird-echen  Uund 
h&B  filled  our     hearts       to     o-       ver-   flow 

durch  heil-ges     Feu-er  kraf-tig    zwin-     gen. 
with     love  from  God  Al-cdgh-ty     sprin-ging. 

Cantata  148 

1.   Chorus  /  (D) 

(Tromba,   and  Strings.) 

Paalm  XCVI,    8: 

"Give   unto  the  Lord  the  glory  due   unto  his 
nar-.e;   bring  an  offering  and  con-.e   unto  his  Courts." 

Brin-get   dem  Herrn  (Eh-  re)   (sei-nes  Na-mes ) , 
Give  to     the     Lord     glo-ry       due  the  L'as-ter 

fbe-  tet)   an)    (den  TIerrn)   im  hei-   li-gen  Schmuck, 
bring  an       of-     fer-   ing     and  come  to  His     Court, 

to     Him         a     gift 
bring  a       gift 
bring   ye 

10.    Chorale  Extended   (Tr.,    &  Str.)      3/4     (g) 

Je-8U8     blei-     bet  mei-ne  Freu-  de, 
Jesus,   source     of     ev'-ry  bless-ing, 

mei-nes       Her-     zens  Trost   und     Saft, 
He     my     heart's   sup-  reme        de-light; 

Jo-BUB     weh-  ret  al-  lem  Lei-     de, 
Je-3U8   light-ens   all  my     trou-bles 

er     ist     mei-     nee  Le-     bens  Kraft, 
thru  FJ.S   love's     re-deem-ing     might. 

mei-ner     Au-     gen     Lust   und     Son-     ne, 
He     ny     eyes'   most  pre-cious  plea-sure, 

mei-ner  See-  le       Schatz  und     Won-     ne| 
He     my     spi-rit's     choi-cest  trea-sure, 

da-     rum  lass  ich     Je-sum  nicht 
fast  and  firm  with-ln  my     heart; 

aus   dem  Her-zen     und  Ge-  eicht. 
He     and     I     will     ne-ver     part. 

2.   Aria  Tenor   (Vn.    solo)  6/8       (b) 

die  Leh-ren  dee  Le-  bens   zu 
to     fath-ora  the   sec-ret     of 

(Ich  ei-  le,) 
I     has-ten 

ho-  ren 

und     su-  che  mit  Freu-  den     das  hei-le-  ge  Ha us. 
to     dwell  in     de-light   with  the  Hea-ven-ly  King. 

das   fro-  he  Ge- 
how  joy-ful-ly 

\7ie     ru-     fen  so  echo-     ne 
How  sweet-ly     re-sound-ing, 

-to-       ne 

zum     Lo-       be     des  Hoch-sten  die  Be-  li-  gen 
the  songs  that  the     An-  gels     e-  ter-nal-  ly 


Cantata  148 

XVII  Trinity 

Epistle,   Ephesians  TX,    1-6.     Exhortation  to 
meekness  and   unity. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke  XTV,    1-11.      One  with  dropsy 
healed   on  the   Sabbathf    Farable   of  the   seating  of 
the  guests   at  the  wedding   feast. 

(,    3  Oboes,   and  Strings.) 

3.  Recitativo  Alto        (Strings.) 

So,        wie  der  Hirsch       nach     fri-schem  ".'as-ser 
Lo,        as     the     hart  doth  crave  the     wa-  ter 


80  schrei         ich,Gott^2u       dir. 
so     pemt-eth     my  soul  for  Thee. 

Psalm  XLII,  Ij 

"As  the  hart  panteth  after  the  water  brooks 
80  panteth  my  aoul  after  thee,  0  God." 

Denn  al-  le  mei-  ne  Ruh 
For  my  tran-quil-  i-  ty 

ist  nie-  mand  aus-  ser  du. 
I  look  a-  lone  to  Thee, 


Cantata  148 

Cantata  148 

77ie  hei-     lig        und  wie  teu-      er 
Ah,    pre-cioua        con-se-   cra-tion, 

ist,    Hoch-ster,        dei-  ne     Sab-baths-fei-     erj 
Thy  Ho-   ly     ce-   le-     bra-tion. 

Da  preis   ich  dei-ne     llacht 
I        glo-   ri-   fy     Thy  eight 

in  der     Ge-  mei-   ne     der  Oe-   rech-  ten, 
in  wor-8hip  with  Thy  Con-gre-   ga-   tion. 

0,        wenn     die     Kin-     der     die-ser  Nacht 
0,        would  that   those  with-out  Thy  light 

die     Lleb-lich-  keit     be-  dach-ten, 
mi^ht      un-   der-    stand  this     ma.r-vel: 

denn     Gott  wohnt    selbst   in  mir. 

God      dwells,  Hdm-      self,    in     me. 

cein  lie- 
be-   lo- 

ber  Gott, 
ved     God, 

mit        dir 
with  Thee, 

den  gro-ssei 
may     ce-   le- 

4.    Aria  Alto   (3  Oboes)        V*        (G) 

fciund    und  Her-      ze  steht     dir        of-   fen, 

Lord      I     need  Thee,        cose     Thou,    heed     me, 

Hoch-ster.    sen-   ke  dich  hin-      eini 
en-   ter        Thou  ny     in-   most   heart, 

Ich        in  dich        und     du  in  aich, 

I  in  Thee       and  Thou       in     me, 

Glau-     be,   Lie-     be,  Dul-  den,   Hof-  fen 
Faith  and     Love  and     Hope   and     Long-ing, 

soil     mein     Ru-      he-  bet-     te   sein, 
these     a-     lone  will  peace  ics-part. 

5.   Recitatjyo  Tenor 

Bleib  auch,   mein  Gott,    in  mir, 
A-       bide,     0       Lord,    in     me, 

und  gib  cir  dei-nen  Geidt, 
and   let  Thy  3pi-rit     be 

der  mich     nach  dei-     neo  'Vort   re-gie-   re, 
B.y     guide     in     life     tor     me     to   heed 

dasa   ich     eo        ei-   nen  '.Van-del    f'uh-      re, 
that   tnru  Thy  V/ord     By  rr'-ry     deed 

der  dir  ge-   f'al-   lig  heiset, 
be  pl«a-eii)g  un-  to       Thee 

da-     alt        ich     nach  der   Zeit 
■0     will     there  oone     a     tiae 

in     dei-ner  Herr-lich-k^it , 
vtk«a  I     Ib     Joy     aub-  liae 

Sab-bat  no-        ge     hal-  ten. 
-brate   a     glo-rious  Sab-bath. 

6,   Chorale 

Fiihr'    auch  mein  Herz   und  Sinn 
Di-     rect     for     me     my       way, 

durch  dei-nen  Geist   da-  hin, 
that        I     go       not        a-stray, 

dass     ich  m'og*      Al-   les  mei-den 
teach     me     to     shun  for-   e-  ver, 

was  und     dich  kann     schei-den, 
what     me        from  Thee  would     se-  ver, 

und  ich     an     dei-  nem  Lei-   be 
in     all  with  Thee     a-  gree-ing 

ein  Gleid-mass     e-     wig  blei-be, 
u-     ni-     ted     with  Thy     be-ing. 

Cantata  149 

St.   ifichael 

Epistle,  Revelation  XII,   7-12.     War  in  Heaven; 
St,  Michael  and  the  angels  against  the  dragon. 

Gospel,    St.    Matthew  XVIII,    1-11.      Become  as 
little  children.      If  thy  right   hand  offend 
thee,    cut   it   off. 

(3  Trombe,    Timpani,    3   Oboes,   Feigotte,   Strings.) 

1.    Chorus   finstr.    as  above)        3/8        (D) 

Psalm  CXVIII,    15i 

"The  voice   of  rejoicing  and    salvation  is 
In  the  tabernacles    of   the   righteous j    the   right 
hand   of  the  Lord  doeth  valiantly." 

Uan     sin-  get    (mit   Freu-den),   vom  Sieg 
The  voice   of       Re-  joi-cing        and  Hope 

in        den  Hut-  ten  der  Ge-   rech-     tenj 
fills   the  Tom-pies   of     the  Right-eousi 

Alto,    Tenor   and   Bassi 
fills   the  Tem-ples   of  Right-eous-nessi 


Cantata  149 

Die  Rech-     te     des   Herrn  be-   halt   den  Sieg, 
The  Right   Hand   of       (^od      up-holds   Hie  Folk, 

die  Rech-     te     dee  Herrn  ist     (er-hd-     het.) 
the  Right   Hand   of       God     will      ex-alt   them. 
Poalm  CXVIII,    16. 

2 .   Aria  Baa s 

V4      (b) 

(Kraft    und  Star-ke)    sei      ge-   eun-   gen 
Uight   and     po-wor     rise  ric-tor-ious, 

Gott,        dem  Lam-     me,      daa   be-iwun-     gen 
Cod  the  Lani),    a-     gain  is  glo-  rious, 

und   den       Sa-     ta-      naa    (den     Sa-     ta-     nae) 
Sa-tan's  horde  has   fled,    hia   horde  haa    fled 

a-      way, 

der   una  Tag      und  Nacht  ver-klagt. 
who      re-vile   us      night    and     day. 

Revelation  XII,    10i 

"...for  the  accuser  of  our  brethern  is  caat 
down,    which  accused  them  before   our  God  night 
and  day." 

(Khr       und  Sieg)        ist  auf  die  From-men 
Thru       Hia   death       and     de-gra-   da-tion 

durch  dea     Lam-   mea        Blut     ge-   kom-men. 
Right-eous  Onea   have  gained   aal-va-tion. 

3.    Recitative   Alto 

Ich  furch-te  c.ich  vor  tau-aend  Fein-  den  nicht 
I      fear     me     not      a     hun-dred  thou-aand  foes, 

denn  CJot-tes  En-gel      la-gern     aich     um  mei-ne 
the     .Aji-gela  of  the  Lord  are  camped  a-bout   on 

Sei-ton     her; 
ev'-ry     aide; 

wenn     al-  lea     fallt, 

tho'    earth   should  break 

wenn  al-   lea     bricht, 
and     all   hope     fail. 

80        bin     ich  doch  in     Ru-      he. 
yet    atill  may     I        be  tran-quil. 

Wie        war      es     mdg-   lich      lu     ver-    2a-   gen? 
What    cause   it  there   for     vain  de-spair-ing? 

Gott    achickt   air      feur-  ge     Rosa    und       "Va-  gen 
With     fl»-        ry      steeds   and   trua-pets   bla-ring 

und      gan-    ze   Scha-ron  En-      gel      zu, 
this   host   of  An-   gels   will  pre-vail. 

Ceuitata  149 

4,  Aria  Soprano  (Strings.) 

3/^       (A) 

Got-  tea  En-  gel  (wei-  chen)   nie), 
Hea-ven'a  An-gela  watch  will  keep 
keep, will   keep 

-io   Bind  bei  mir   (al-ler-  en-  den), 
.hey  are   atand-ing    ev-er  near  me. 

Wenn  ich  achla-  fe,   wa-  ohen  sie. 
They  are  watch-ing  while  T   sleep, 

wenn  ich  ge~   he,  wenn  ich  ste-  he, 
yea,  what-e-  ver   my  en-  dea-vor, 

tra-  gen  sie   mich   auf  den  Han-  den. 

bars  93,  117: 
for-   ti-  fy,  atrength-en  and  cheer  me, 

bar  121: 
for-   ti-  fy,    up-   hold  and  cheer  me, 

bar  129: 
they  will  for-  ti- 

fy  and  cheer  me. 

5,  Recitativo  Tenor 

Ich  dan-ke  dir,   mein  lie-  ber  Gott,  da-  fur. 
Be-  lo-ved  God,    my  thanks   T  bring  to  Thee, 

da-  bei  ver-  lei-  he  mir, 
BO  grant  Thou  now  to  me, 

dass  ich  mein  aund-lich  Tun  be-  reu-e, 
that   I   re-  pent  my   ev-  il  ways. 

dass  sich  mein  En-  gel  dru-  ber  freu-   e, 
My   An-  gel  will  not  then  for-sake  me, 

da-  mit   er   mich  an  mei-  nem  Ster-be-  ta-  ge 
when  death  shall  come  at  last  to  end  my  days, 

in  dei-nen  Schoas  zum  Him-  mel  tra-  ge, 
but  in  Thy   bo-   som  will  a-wake  me. 

6,  Duetto  .Uto-Tenor  (Fagotto)   V^  fG) 

Seid  wach-  sam,  (ihr  hei-  li-gen  Tach-ter,) 
Be  watch-ful,   ye  guar-di-an  An-  gela. 

die  Ilacht   ist 
the  dark-  nesa 

schier  da-hin, 
cones   a-pace. 

(Ich  seh-  ne  mich)  (und  ru-   he  nicht,) 
I   yearn  to  be    at   rest  with  Thee 

bis  ich  vor  dem  An-ge-  aicht 
to  gaze  on  Thy  ho-ly   face, 

(mei-nes  lie-ben  Va-tera)   nei-nes  lie-ben 
see  my  lo-vin^  Fa-ther,  seat-ed   on  the 

Va-  tere   bin. 
Throne   of  Grace. 


Cantata  149 

Cantata  150 

7.   Chorala  V*       (C) 

(Vn.   I,   Ob.    I  with  Sop.j   Vn.   II,   Ob.    II  4  III 
with  AltO|   Va.   with  Tenor.     Tromba  I,    II»    * 
II,   Tijnpguii.        Fagott*  with  Baas.) 

Acb  Herr,  lasa  dein  lieb  En-  ge-  lain 
Ah  Lord,  when  comes  that  last  aad  day 

ac     letz-ten  End     die  See-  le  mein 
may     an-gele  bear  my     bouI     a-  way, 

in  A-   bra-     hama   Schoaa  tra-  gen; 
to  A-bram's     bo-     aom       take     it; 

See  St.  Luke  VIJ,   22. 

den  Laib  in  aeinn  Schlaf-kam-mer-  lain 
let  then  my     bo-       dy'a     an-guiah  cease 

gar     aanft,    ohn  ein-  ge  Qual  und     Pein, 
that     it         may  rest  in  pain-less  peace 

ruhn  bis     am  jung-sten  Ta-  ge. 
'til  Thou  a-  gain     a-  wake   it. 

Als-dann  vom  Tod   ar-  w»-   eke     mich, 
Oh,   what     a     joy  it   then  will     be 

dass  mei-ne   Au-   gen  se-  hen  dich 
the       ve-ry  Son   of     God     to     see, 

in       al-     ler  Freud,     0     Got-  tes  Sohn, 
and  there  to       meet     Him  face  to     face, 

mein  Hei-  land   und  mein     Gna-     den-throni 
my       Sa-viour  on     the     Throne  of     Graced 

Herr  Je-   su  Christ,    er-      ho-     re     mich. 
Lord  Je-8U8   Christ,    now  hear  Thou     me, 

Ich  will   dlch     prei-    sen     e-  wig-lichi 
Thy  name     I        praise     e-   ter-nal-   lyj 

"0  my  God,   I  trust  in  thee;    let  me  not  be 
ashamed;    let  not  mine   enemies  triumph  over  me." 

Nach  (dir,   Herr,)   (rer-  Ian-get  mich). 
To     Thee     Lord  lift     I     my     soul. 

Sop.  bars   3-4,   15-16,  Ten.   2,   10,17-18.  Bass  9 
0  Lord, 

Uein  Gott, 
liy       God, 
A-T-B  21-22 J 

ich     hof-     fe 

ir     Thee       do 

I  trust  Thee 

auf     dich. 
I     trust. 

Lass  mich  (nicht      zu-schan-den     ver-den,) 
Let       me  not     then     be     con-foun-ded. 

Soprano  bars   28-29: 

nicht   zu-Bchan-  den,   nicht   lu-schan-den     wer-denf 

let     me     not     then       ev-     er       be     con-foun-ded; 

Alto  bars  28-29t 
lass'  mich  nicht   zu  Scban-den,  zu  Schan- 
let   me   not  then.  Lord,  ev-  er   be 

-den  wer-den 

Tenor,  bars  28-29i 
nicht  zu  Schan-den  wer-den 
ne-  ver  be   con-foun-ded 

Bass,    bers   28-29: 

nicht      zu     Schan-den  wer-den   zu  Schan-den     7/er-de 

not     then       0       my     God  «▼-  er       be     con-foun-d« 

bars   29-32: 
( zu-schan-den)   war-     den, 
be       ne-  ver       a-B>iamed, 

dass  sich  mei-       ne  Fein-de   ^ nicht  freu-     en) 
let     not.   Lord,    mine   e-     ne-  cies     tri-umph 


(ii-ber  mich. ) 
o-ver     me. 

Sop.  bar  45.  Alto  bars  37,41,42,44,46,50: 
Tenor,  37,43,47,50:   Bass,  40,  51: 
sich  nicht  freu-  en 
no,   not   tri-umph 

Cantata  150 
(Fagotte,  2  Violins) 

1.    5infonia   flnstr.    as  above)      V4     (b) 

3,   Aria  Soprano  (Violins)        V*     (b) 

Doch  bin   und  blel-be     ich     ver-gniigt, 
And      80     my     soul  may  rest   con-  tent, 

ob-  gleich  hier   zeit-   lich  to-  ben 
tho'    earth-     ly     cures     be-  set     met 

2.    Choru*   flnstr.    as   Mo.    1)      V*        fb) 

Psala  XXV,    l-2i 

"Unto   thae.   Lord,   do   I    lift    up  my   toul. 

Kreuz,    Sturm        und     an-  dre       Fro-     ben, 
7?hat-        o'er       the   ills  that   threat     me, 

(Tod,      Holl)        und  was    sich  fugt. 
for     denth  are     Im-  po-  tent 

and        hell    -bur  11. 


t^antata  150 

Cantata  150 

bar  12: 
'od,   Holl' 

,hey  both 

b     'Jn-     fall  echlagt  den     treu-en  Knecht 
e-apite  the       trou-  blea  which  as-  sail 

echt      let  und  bleibt. 

■t        laet,  at        last, 

t    lot    und     blei-     bet      e-     wig  recht. 
::t      last  will   right-eoue-neoB  pre-  vail. 

oft  viel   Un-     ge-     Each       em-  pfin-  den» 
oft-   en-timea  are  bruised  and   shat-tered 

oft-male  wer-     den       sle  ver-kehrt. 

by     the     tem-pest'a   etor-ny     blast. 

Rat      und     Tat        auf  Gott     ge-stel-let, 
Give  ye     heed        to     God's  di-rect-icn, 

Qch-  tet   (nicht,)        was  wi-   der-bel-   let, 
count   for     naught  all   oth-er     coun-eel, 

denn  sein  Tfort   (gam  an-ders)   lehrt. 
to     His     Word     hold   ev-  er  fast. 

I.  ChoruB   (Ir.str.    stune  as  No.    1)      4/4     (b) 

'•alai  XXV,   5t 

"Lead  me   in  thy  truth,    end  teach  me;  for 

£hou  art   the   God  of  my  salvation;    on  thee  do 
(  wait   all  the  day."                             ■         i  i 

j»i-     te     mich         in     dei-  ner  '.7ahr-  heit 

;j«ad  Thou     ae,        lead  Thou  r.e       in     Thy  truth 

[und   (leh-     re     mlch; ) 
•nd  teach  Thcu     me, 

l«nn  (du     bitst)   (der  Gctt),   der  cur  hilft 
for     Thou     art       the     God       of     my       sal- 


der  car  hilft, 
-▼a-  tiOR, 

Sop.,   bare   19-21j 

lich  har-  re  ich  doin, 
on     Thee  dc     I     wait 

6.   Chorus   (Instr.   as  in  No.   1) 

6/fl   (d) 

Psalm  XXV,    15: 

"Tiine  eyes   are  ever  toward  the  Lord;    for 
he   shall  pluck  my  feet    out   of  the   net." 

Mei-     ne        Au-gen  se-  hen   fstets) 

Mine   eyes     ev-er         turn     to       God, 

bars   6,    8,    10,   12; 
steta    zu  dec.  Herrn, 
turn     to  the     Lord, 

Sop.,    Alto,   bars   4  4   5i 
etets,       stets 
mine  eyes 

Tenor  and  Baas,  bar  5t 

Alto  bars   20-22,   Tenor  21-24i 
aar-re     ich,   tag-lich  har-  re  ich  dein 
ill  the  day     long,   en  Thee  do     T     wait 

'     Sop.  bars  21-22,   23-25,   27-28: 
Alto  bars   23-25,    27t 
Ten.   bare   20-21,    24-25,    25-27: 
ccea  bars   20-21,    21-22,    23-24: 
-e      ich  dein 
the  day  long 

^Sop.   bare   28-29,   Alto  27-29,   Baas  25-29: 
tag-lich  har-re     ich  dein 
wait   I       all  the  day  long 

^Tenor,  bars  27-29t^ 
tag-lich  har-  re,   tag-lich  har-re     ich  dein, 
on     Thee  wait     I,   wait   I        all  the  day  long. 

S.  T»r«ett   A-T-B      (Fagotto)        3/4       (D) 

2»-   dern  dub-   sen  von  den  Win-  den 
High-  ty       c»-dars  oft  are  bat-tered, 

S-A-T-b,   bar   15: 
se-hen  etets 
ev-er     turn 

S-A-T-B,   bars  16-17: 
se-hen  stets   su  der:  Herrn, 
ev-er     turn     to  the     Lord, 

denn     er       ward     mei-nen  Fuss 
V.e     shall  pluck   out   my     feet 

(aus  dem  Net-   ze       zie-  hen.) 
from  the  net  that  binds     me. 

7,   Ciaccona   (Chorus)    (Instr.   es  in  No.    1)   3/2     (b) 

Uel-      ne         Ta-  ge  in       dem     Lei-  de 

Days  which  here  are  filled  with  sad-neis 

en-  det  Gott   den-  noch   zur  Freu-  de; 
God  at      last  will  turn  to     glad-nese. 


Cantata  ISO 

Chri-sten     auf     den  Dor-  nen-  we-     gen 
By     the     thorn-  y     path  He     takes  us 

fuh-ren  HiiL-  mels  Kraft   una       Se-     gen, 
to     the  Bles-sed-  ness     that  waits     us; 

Blei-bet  Gott  mein  treu-er  Schutz, 
ev-  er     firm  with  God     I       stand, 

(ach-     te     ich       nicht)     L'en-schen-trutz, 
fear-ing       no-     thing,      -bars  41-42. 
fear-ing;  naught      from       nor-   tal       can.    -43-45. 

Chri-stus,   der      una  steht   zur  Sei-  ten, 
TTe     who        have  the     Lord     be-side     us 

hilft  mir     tag-  lich  (sieg-haft   strei-ten.) 
stead-fast   face  what-   e'er     be-  tide     us. 
S  ft  A  75-81:  what     be-  tide      us. 

Tenor  78-80: 
strei-  ten  sieg-haft   strei-ten 
face     what   e'er     be-  tide     us 


Cantata  151 


III  Christmaa 

Epistle,    Hebrews  I,    1-14.      Christ  in  person 
and  office  is  preferred  to  the   angels. 

or  EcclesiasticuB,   XY,    1-8.     "Wisdom  embraces 
those  that   fear  God. 

Gospel,    St.  John  I,    1-14.      In  the  beginning 
was   the  "Vcrdj   John  was   sent   as  a  witness  to  the 
Light)    the  Word  was  made  Flesh. 

or  St.   John  XXI,    15-24.      Feed  my   sheep  and 

(Flauto  traverso,   Oboe  d'Eimore,    and  Strings.) 

1.    Aria  Soprano   (Instr.    as   above)      1^8     (g) 

(sU-sser  Trost ),        (mein  Je-sus)   kommt, 
Com-fort   sweet  that  Je-sus        caii;e, 

_  bars  17,    23i 
au-saer  Trost 
Je-   BUS     came 

Je-     3U3     wird  aji-  jetzt  ge-  bo-ren, 
pro-miaed  long  and  long     ex-pect-ed; 

Hen      und  See-  le. 
Heart   and  Spi-rit , 

freu-et     sich, 
joy-ous     be 

denn  mein  lieb-ster  Gott   hat  mich 
that  the     Lord     has     cho-ssn  thee 
thy     God       will  wel-come  thee 

nun  ( zum     Him-     nel     aus-er-   ko-ren. ) 
to        His  Keav'n  with  His   E-  lect-ed. 

2.   Recitative  Bass 

Kr-freu-     e       dich,   mein     Herz, 
Re-joice  thee     now,      my     heart, 

denn  jet-   io  weicht  der  Schmerr, 
and     bid  the     cares     de-     part 

der     dich     so     Ian-     ge     Zeit  ge-drilckt       hat, 
which  lofig   have  trou-bled     and   op-pressed  thee. 

Cott   hat  den     lieb-sten  Sohn 
For     God  hath  sent      His     Son 

den      er        so     hoch  und  teu-er  halt. 
His   dear-est,    best     be-lo-ved     One, 

auf     die-ser  VTelt   ge-schi-cket. 
from     ev-il        to     dl-vest  thee. 

Cantata  151 

au8     ih-     ren     Skla-  ven-ket-ten 
He     burst   our   chains     a-  sun-der 

und     ih-     rer  Dienst-bar-keit   er-     ret-ten. 
and  cured  the   curse     we        la-bored      un-der, 

0       wun-  der-vol-   le  Tati 

Oh,   what     a     won-drous  deedj 

Cott  wird   ein     Llensch  und  will  auf  Er-     den 
that  One     from       His        ex-  al-  ted   sta-tion 

noch  nied-ri-ger     als     wir 
be-  came     a  man,      to  bleed 

und  noch  viel     iir-     mer  wer-den. 
for     low-  ly     man's  sal-va-tion. 

3.  Aria  Alto  (Ob.  d'am.  *  Str.)   /(   (e) 

(In  Je-  su   De-  mut)  kann  ich  Trost, 
In  Je-sus'  meek-ness   is  my   hope, 

in  sei-ner  Ar-  mut  Reich-tum  fin-  den. 
as  He  was  poor   so   I   have  plen-ty. 

Uir  macht  des-  sel-  ben  schlech-ter  Stand 
He  chose  a  state  of   low    de-  gree, 

nur  lau-ter  Heil  und  Wohl  be-kannt, 
and  yet  from  sin  He  set  me  free, 

Ja  sei-  ne  wun-der-vol-  le  Hand 
and  lo.   His  ma-gic  Hand  for  me 

will  mir   (nur  Se-   gens-kran-  ze)  win-d»n« 
will  wreath   a  bles-  sed  crown  of  glo-  ry. 
a  crown   of   glo-  ry 

4.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Du  teu-rer  Got-tes-sohn,        nun     hH.Bt   du     mir 
Be-  lo-ved  Son   of       God,        Thou  hast   for     me 

den  Him-     mel  auf-  ge-     macht 
un-locked  the  Hea-vens'      gate. 

und  durch  dein  Nied-rig-sein 
To     Thine     hu-     mi-   li-     ty 

das  Lieht  der     Se-  lig-keit   zu-weg-ge  bracht, 
«•        ow«     our  bles-sed  and     ex-  al-ted   stated 

Er  lasst  den     Him-     mels-  thron 
He   left      His   Heav'n-   ly     Throne 

und  will  die     gan-ze  Telt 
for     sin-ners  to     a-  tone. 

^•11        du     nun  ganz  al-lein 
Since  Thou  for      us        a-lone 

des       Va-     ters  Burg   und  Thron 

didst   leave  Thy       Fa-ther's  throne 


Cantata  151 

Cantata  152 

aus  Lie-     be       ge-  gen  una  ver-  las-  sen, 
and  Hea-Ten's  high  and  roy-al     splen-dor, 

80  wol-len  vir  dich  aucb  da-  fur 
so  now  do     va       In     love  to  Thee 

in   un-   ser  Her-  se  fas-sen. 
our  hearts  and  souls  sur-ren-der. 

bars   21-23: 
der       Zi-  on     halt   und  tra-  get, 
Rock     of     our  sure  aal-  va-tionj 
The     Rock   of     our     -33-39, 

bars  43-46j  , 

(Uenach,      sto-sse  dich  nicht)  drani 
Uan,        stuD-ble  not     there-     on. 
Uan,        stum-ble  thou     not      -bars   40-43. 

See  I  Peter  II,   8. 

5.   Chorale  V*         (of ■ 

(Fl.   tr.,  Ob.   d'am.,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.;  Vn.   II 
with  Alto;   Va.   with  Tenor.) 

I  ., 

Heut  schleusst   er  wle-der  auf  die     Tur 
The         gates       of  Hea-ven     o-  pen  wide, 

lum     scho-nen  Pa-   ra-deis, 
with-  in     is     our  re-ward, 

der     Che-  rub   steht  nicht 
the  guard-ian     an-       gel 

mehr  da-  fur, 
stands  a-side*, 

Gott  aei   Lob,  Ehr  und  Preis. 
all  praise  to  Sod  the  Lord. 

3.  Recitativo  Bass 

St.  Luke  II,   34t 

"And  Simeon  blessed  them,   and  said   unto 
Uary  his  mother.   Behold,   this  child  is  set   for 
the  fall  and  rising  again  of  many  in  Israel; 
and  for  a  sign  which  shall  be  spoken  against," 

Der  Hei-land  iat     ge-  aetzt 
A     sym-bol     is     this  child 

in  Is-ra-el     zum     Fall 
in  Is-ra-el,    of     death 

und  Auf-er-  ste-  henj 
and     Re-sur-rect-ionI 

Der     ed-  le  Stein  ist  son-der  Schuld, 
The  Rock   of  Faith  is     not     at     fault 

Cantata  152 


Libretto  by  Franck 

Sunday  after  Christmas 

Epistle,   Calatians  IV,    1-7,     Cod  sent  His  Son 
to  redeem  us;   we  are  sens  and  heira. 

Ooapel,    St.    Luke  II,    33-40.      Childhood   of 
Jesus;    Anna's  prophecy  of  the  Redemption. 

(Recorder,   Oboe,  Viola  d'amore,  Viola  da  gamba) 

1.    Concerto  (Instr.   aa  above)   4/i     3/8     (e) 

wenn  sich  die     bo-  se  Welt     so     hart       an  ihm 
al-  tho*   the  wick-ed  world  is  bruised  in  its 


ja,        u-     ber     ihn  zur         Hoi-       le  fallt, 
yea,   head-long  hur-tles  straight  to     Hell, 

weil  sie     bos-  haf-  tig     an       ihn  ren-  net 
the     wlok-ed     ones,   in     wrath     at-tack-ing, 

und     Got-tes       Huld     und     Gna-  de  nicht 
with-in  whose  hearts  the  Grace  of     God 

er-  ken-net  I 
is  lack-lng. 

2.   Aria  Bass   (Oboe)        3/4       (e) 

Tritt     auf       die  Glau-bens-  bahn. 
Tread   thou       the  Path     of     Faith. 

burs   18-20i 
Gott        hat  den  Stein     ge-   le-  gat. 
There     is     our     firm  foun-da-tion; 
On       this     -bare   31-32. 

Doch     se-   lig  iat   ein     aus-  er-  wahl-  ter     Christ, 
How     blea-aed   is     that    fav-ored   Chria-tisin     soul 

(der  aei-   nen     Glau-bena-grund) 
who   on     this     Rock     of     Faith 

auf     die-   sen  Eok-   stein  le-  get, 
haa  built   his   firm  foun-  dn-tion, 

weil   er       da-  durch, 
ftnd    thus   will      i^Hln 

Heil    und     Kr-   lo-   sung 
re-domp-tion   and   eal- 


Cantata  152 

Cantata  152 

fin-  det.) 

die     blin-     de       Lei-  te-     rin     rer-  fuhrt  die 
when  blind  vould   lead   the  blind  both     stixn-bl* 

from  end   of  bar   18: 
Er-      1*0-   Bung   fin-  det, 
and  thus  will  gain  him, 

well      er     da-durch  Heil 
will  gain  re-demp-  tion 

und  Er-   lo-sung,    Heil    imd     Er-   lo-   sung   fin-  det. 
and   sal-va-tion,      re-demp-tion  and   sal-  va-tion. 

geist-lich  Blin-den, 
to         die-  as-  ter. 

St.   Matthew  XV,    14j 

"...and   if  the  blind   lead  the  blind,   both 
shall  fall   into  the  ditch." 

4.    Aria  Soprano    (Rec,   Va.    d'am.)      V^        (^) 

Stein,    der   vi-ber  al-le     Schat-xe^ 
Rook       of     A-ges  ne-ver  fail-ing, 

hllf,   dass  ioh     zu     al-ler  Zeit 
fort-   rees  firm  for     a-gea  past, 

durch     den  Glau-  ben  auf     dich  set-   ze 
strong     a-gainst   all   foes      as-sail-lng, 

■ei-nen  Grund  (der-  Se-  lig-keit,) 
hope   of     blea-    sed-ness   at      last, 
our  hope  at      last 

und  mich  nicht  an       dir     ver-  let-'  ze. 
•u-     re-     ty       for  Right  pre-vail-ing. 

6.    Duet   Soprano-Bass 

(Gli   Stromenti,    unison.) 

6/4        (e) 


Wie  soil  ich 

How     may     I, 

dich,   Lieb-ster 
Be-       lo-  ved. 

der  See-len, 
in-  her-  it 

um-  fas-  sen? 
sal-  va-tion? 


fDu     ^musst   dich) 
By  prayer     and 

ver-leug-  nen       und     al- 
a-  tono-ment,      and  true 

les  ver-las-  sen. 
ab-  ne-  ga-  tion. 


Wie  soil  ich 

How     may     I 

er-   ken-nen  das     E-  wi-  ge  Licht? 
dis-  co-ver  the  hea-ven-ly     path? 

5.   Recitativo  Base 

Es  arg-   re     sich  die     klu-  ge  Welt, 
It  an-gers     all     the  world-ly-wlse 

ver-     lasst  den       ho- 
should  leave  His  Throne 

daas     Got-  tee  Sohn 
that  God's  own     Son 

Eh-  ren-thron, 
mor-tal  guise, 

dass   er  in     Fleisch  und  Blut  sich  klei-det 
•n-  dur-ing     death     in       hu-  man     fash-ion, 

und     in     der  Uensch-heit  lei-  detl 
with  bit-ter     Cross     and  Pas-sionl 

Die  gros8-te  Weis-heit     die-  ser  Er-  den 
Our       bu-BOLn     wis-dom     seems  but   fol-ly 

muss  vor     des  Hoch-sten  Rat 
ooiB-pared  to     that     of     God, 

«ur  gross-ten  Tor-helt  wer-deni 
our     wit     but   mel-   an-   cho-   lyi 

Was  Gott  b»-«chIo«asea  hat. 
The  ways  of     Uigh-  ty     God 

kann  die  Ver-nunft   doch  nicht   er-griin-deni 
are     far     be-yond     our     pow'r  to     mas-teri 


Er-  ken-  ne  mich   glau-big  und  ar-  gre 

Be-lieve  in  me     tru-ly,   nor  give  way 

dich  nicht. 
to  wrath, 
for  Soprano 

(Komm,)   leh-  re  mich,  (Hei-  land,)  die  Er- 
Come,   teach  Thou  me,    Sa-viour,  to   eoorn 

-de  ver-schma-heni 
mor-tal  plea-sure. 

(Konim,    Hei-   land) 
Come,   Sa-  viour 


Komm,   See-  le,   durch  Lei-  den     zur     Freu-  de 

Thru     sor-row       and     pain  thou  wilt  gain  thee 

zu       ge-     han. 
thy  trea-sure. 


Ach,    (zie-  he     mich,)    (Lieb-ster),    so     folg     ich 

Ah         lead  Thou  me  Uas-  ter,        I     cleave  to 

dir     nach. 
Thee  fast. 


Dir  schenk  ich     die  Kro-  ne  (nach  Trlib-  sal 

So       thou     wilt     in-   he-rit        sal-  va-  tion 

und  Schmach. ) 
at        last. 


Cantata  153 

Epistle,  Titus  III,  4-7.   The  grace  of  God 
brings  salvation;  lead  righteously  a  godly  life 
or  Titus  II,  11-14.   By  His  grace  He  saved  us.* 
or  I  Peter  III,  20-22.  Jesus'  resurrection 
saved  us. 

Gospel,  St.  katthe*  II,  13-15.  The  flight 
into  Egypt. 

JoZ.^^'   "^**^®'  "^'  ^3-17.  Jesus  baptised  by 

1.   Chorale  4/4       f^) 

(Vn.   I  with  Sop.,   Vn.   II  with  Alto;   Va.   with 
Tenor. ) 

Schau,    lie-  ber  Gott,   wie  mei-ne  Feind, 
See,      dear-est     God,    the     ma-ny     foes 

A.    T.4B.:        how       my 
da-  mit      ich     stets  muss  kam-pfen, 

that    con-stant-   ly  as-   sail  me. 

Cantata  153 

in  kur-  zer  Zeit 
they  will  not  wait 

den  Ga-  raus 
to     mas-  ter 

vol-lig     ma-   chen. 
and  to     slay     me. 

l°r,   /^T  ^^^^  "^^       ^°     '"^ch-tig  seind, 
so   foul-   ly     deal   such  migh-ty     blows, 

dass        Bie  mich  leicht-lich  dSm-  pfen. 

that    strength     I  fear     will  fail     mel 

H6rr,   wo  alcfa     del-  ne     Gnad*  nicht  hSlt. 
The       De-vil,   Flesh  and  Wick-     ed     World 

80     kann  d.r  Tau-  fal,   Fleisch  uad       Welt 
had  long  my     soul  to         Hell       have  hurled 

mich  leicht   in        Un-     glUck   stUr-zen. 
did        not        Thy  Grace        a-     vail     me. 

2.    Recitativo   Alto 

Mein  lieb-ster  Gott,        ach     lass  dicl^s  doch 
Be-      lo-  ved        God,        with     pi-     ty  do 

er-  bar-  men, 
Thou  hear     me, 

ach  hilf  doch,        hilf  mir     Ar-  men: 
pro-tect     me,  ev-   er     near     me. 

A-   round  me  here  are      ev-il     beasts  which  sore 

bei  Dra-chen, 
die-may     me, 

und  die-   ae  wol-   Ion        mir 
I     live   in   con-stant    fear 

durch  W»rt      und     Grim-  ndg-kelt 
that      in     their  rage     and   hate 

3.   Aria  Bass  3/8       (e) 

Isaiah  XLI,    10: 

"Fear  thou  not;  for  I  an  with  thee;  be  m 
dismayed,  for  I  am  thy  god,  I  will  strengthen 
ii^^*  ^!!  IJ^^^  ^®^P  *^*5  yea  T  will  uphold 
thee  with  the  right  hand  of  my  righteousness.' 

F^rch-te     dich  nicht,    (ich)  bin  mit       dir 
1?%1    pf     dis-mayed,        I       am     with  thee.* 
J.',Zl,23j        a-  fraid 

T7ei-  Che     nicht. 
Fear  thou     not. 

ich  bin  dein  Gott, 
I     am     thy       God. 

ich     stir-ke  dich,    ich  hel-     fe     dir 
Help  will  I     give,    xxp-  hold  thee  and 

auch       durch  die     rech-  te  Hand       mei-ner 
strength-  en     thee     by     the  right   hand  of 

Ge-   rech-  tig-  keit. 
my     right-eouB-ness. 

4.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Du     sprichst   2war,   lie-  ber  Gott, 
Thou     speak-     est,      dear-est     God, 

2u  mei-  ner  See-  le       Ruh* 
a     word  of     hope  and  peace, 

mir       ei-     nen  Trost 
that    calms  my        soul 

in     mei-nen  Lei-  don 
and  bids  my  sor-rows   ceai 

Ach,        a-     ber  mei-  ne     Pla-  ge 
Ah,  day  by     day     my  trou-ble 

ver-gro-esert    oich  von  Tag     zu  Ta-     ge 
m-   crea-ses     and     my     woes  re-dou-blej 

denn  mei-ner  Fein-  de     sind   so     viel 
my       ma-ny     foee  are     bent   on  strifi 

mein  Le-  ben  let     ihr  Ziel, 
and     aim  to     take  my     life, 

ihr     Bo-     gen 
their  b 

wird   auf  mich     go-   spannt, 
with  fell   in-  tent   they     bend, 

ale  rich-ten  .. _^, 


-nd   .^      ♦v,  ,      ^^"  ^•  P'«i-1»     'U"  Ver-der-  ban, 
and   aim  their  cru-.l      ar-row.  to     de-atrov     ma. 


Cantata  153 

Cantata  153 

ich  soil  von     ih-   ren       Han-   den  eter-bonj 

I     fear,        leat   at   their   hands     I        per-ieh. 

Gott,'        mei-   ne   Not      lot     dir  be-   kannt, 
Cod,  Thou  my   need  well  com-pre-   hand, 

die     gem-ze       Welt        wlrd  mir      lur 
with  all  the  world  a       Hell  and 

epricht   mir  dooh 
thus        my     God 

ich  bin  dein  Hort 
"I     am     thy     Lord 

Gott  trost-lioh       tui 
vill     bid     you     ceaaei 

und  Er-ret-ter. 
.nd  Re-dee-mer." 

Uar-ter-hoh-   le; 
de-   80-  la-tioni 

7,   RecitatJTO   Baee 

hilf,    Hel-fer,    hilf;    er-   ret-  te     mei- 
help,    Hel-per,    help.*    for  Thou  art     my 

Ge-     troet,   nein  Hen,        er-       dul-     de 
Fret     not,       my     soul,        hold  atead-faat 

-ne  See-  lo] 
eal-  va-tioni 

dei-nen  Schmeri, 
to  thy   goal, 

5.   Chorale   (Inatr.    as   in  No.    1)      V*      (a) 

Und     ob     gleich     al-     le     Teu-     fel 
Tho'    all       the  fiends  are  stri-ving 

dir  woll-ten  wi-der-stehn, 
o'er  Hea-ven  to  pre-  vail, 

so     wird  doch       oh-  ne     Zwei-  fel 
all  Tain  their  fell  con-  tri-ving, 

Cott     nicht   lu-    ru-     ek«     gehn; 
their  Hell-  ieh  raid  will  fail. 

was      er     ihm  fur-  ge-  ncE-cen 
Ihat  God  has  well  pro-  vi-ded, 

und  was   er     ha-  ben  will., 
no     mor-tal  can     a-  mend, 

das   muse  doch   end-lich  koc-men 
and  what      He     has     de-      ci-ded 

zu     sei-nec  Zweck   und  Ziel. 
vill   hap-pen        in     the     end. 

6.    Aria  Tenor   (Str.)        V'i        (a) 

(Sturmt   nur),    st'urnt,    ihr  Trub-sals-wet-  ter, 
Stom     and  rage        ye      seas      of     trou-ble 

rage     ye 

wallt,    ihr  Flu-  ten,    auf  ciich  los, 
roll        ye     bil-lowB        o-  ver     ne, 

Schlagt,    Ihr     '■hn-     gliicks-flam-  men, 
Strike,      ye     light-   ning      flash-    es, 

u-        ber  cich   zu-      sair-  ii^en, 
roar,    ye     thun-der   craeh-    es. 

•tort,      ihr     Fein-de,        nei-ne     Ruh, 
'oea        which  rob     rae  of     my  peace, 

lass   dich  dein  Kreuz  nicht   un-     ter-druck-  en, 
fear  not       to       face     the  trials  be-fore  thee, 

Gott  wird     dich  echon     zu     rech-ter  Zeit 
in     God 'a  good     tiiLe  will     He     at     last 

er-quick-     en; 
re-atore  thee. 

muaa  doch  aein  lie-     ber     Sohn, 
Did     not     Hia     well-loved     Son, 

dein  Je-  a us,   in     noch  zar-ten  J ah-  ren 
when  but     a       ten-  der  lit-tle     in-femt, 

viel  gro8B-re       Not      er-  fah-ren, 
en-  dure     the  great-est  dan-ger; 

da       ihm  der  Wu-  te-rich     He-  ro-  des 
for  wick-ed     Her-od  would  be-tray  Him 

die  auB-ser-ate  Ge-  fahr     dea     To-  dea 
and  in     hia     fu-ry  sought  to     alay  Him 

■iit     m'or-de-  ri-   achen  Fau-sten  drohti 
with  mur-der-ous       fe-     ro-  ci-       ty, 

Kaum  kommt  er  auf  die  Er-den, 
new-  born     a     hu-  man  be-ing, 

80  muse  er     achon  ein  Flucht-ling  wer-  deni 
in     hu-  man     ter-  ror     heed-  long  flee-ingi 

St.   Matthew  TI,    13-15. 
Wohl-     an  mit  Je-   su     tro-   ate  dich, 

Take  hearti        be     com-for-ted     in       Him, 

und  glau-     be     fe-     stig-lichi 
nor  let      your  faith  grow     dim; 


den-  je-     ni-         gen,      die  hier     mit     Chri-  sto 

they  f;ho,    like  Christ,      en-dure  their  Cross     aa 

lei-  den, 

will    er     dae   Him-mel-reich  be-      schei-den. 
with  Him  nay     en-ter     Hea-ven' a     por-tala. 


Cemtata  153 

8.   Aria  Alto  (Strings.)      3/4       (g) 

Soil  ich  mei-nen  Le-  bens-lauf 
Tho'      I     suf-fer  all  life  long 

un-  ter  Kreux  und  Trub-sal  fuh-  ren, 
care  and     pain  and     tri-  bu-  la-tion, 

bort   es  doch     im     Him-  mel     auf, 
Hea-ven  soon  will  hear     my  song. 

Da     ist     lau-  ter  Ju-bi-li-  ren, 
Sing     I     There  in     ju-bi-la-tion; 


da-     selb-sten  ver-  wech-selt  mein  Je-     sue 
There     Je-   sue     will     ban-ish       my     care  and 

das  Lei-  den 
my     sad-nee 8, 

mit   86-  li-ger  Won-  ne,   mit   e-     nd-  ger 
and  win  me     e-  ter-nal     sal-va-tion  and 

Freu-  den. 

9,   Chorale   (Instr,   as  in  No.   1)      3/4     (c) 

Drim     will  ich,     well     ich     le-  be     noch, 
Lord,    here  on       earth,     my  sovil  pre-pare, 

das  Kreuz  dir  froh-lich  tra-     gen  nachj 
pa-  tient  and  glad     my     Cross  to     bear; 

mein  Gott  mach  mich     dar-   lu       be-reit, 
fill     me     with  Faith  and  Hope  and  Love, 

es  dient   lum     be-     sten     al-     le-seit. 
rea-  dy     to     serve  Thee  There     a-bove. 

Cantata  153 

Je-  su,  mein  Trost,  hor   mein  Be-  gier, 
Je-Bus,  my   com-  fort,  hear  my  prayert 

0  mein   Hei-  land,  war'  ich  bei   dirl 
"Sa-viour  would   I   were  with  Thee  ThereJ" 

Cantata  154 


Libretto  by  Weiss,  Sr.  (?) 

I  Epiphany 

Epistle,  Romans  XII,   1-6.     We  are  all  memberE 
of  Christ's  body. 

Gospel,   St,   Luke  II,   41-52.     Jesus  in  the 

(2  Oboes,    2  Ob.   d'amore,   Str.,   Cembalo) 

1.   Aria  Tenor  (Strings.)        3/4       (b) 

Mein  lieb-ster  Je-  bus     ist     ver-lo-ren; 
Uy     bles-sed     Sa-riour  gone  for-ev-eri 

0  Wort,   das  mir     Ver-zwei-  flung  bringt, 
0  word     of     woe,   of     black-  est       hue.' 

0  Schwert,  das  durch  die  See-  le     dringt, 
A     sword       to     stab     me     thru  and     thrui 

St.   Luke  II,   35i 

"Yea,  a  sword  shall  pierce  through  my 
soul  also,  and  the  thoughts  of  many  hearts 
be  revealed." 

0  Don-  ner-uort       in     mei-nen  Oh-  ren. 
0  Word  of     Doom       and     de-so-  la-tion. 

»         2. 
Hilf  mir  mein  Sach  recht   grei-  fen     an. 
Hold  my       en-  dea-     vor     broad  and  high, 

daes   ich  mein  Lauf  voll-en-  den  k«uin, 
let     me     ful-  fill     it     ere     I       die; 

hilf  mir  auch  zwin-  gen  Fleisch  und  Blut, 

help  me       my       way-ward     flesh     to     tame, 


fur     Suna    und  Schan-den     mich  be-     hilt. 

keep  Thou  me        free  from  sin     and   shame. 

I  3. 

Er-        halt   mein     Herr        Im     Glau-  ben   rein. 
Strength-en        my     Faith,    from  doubt-ing   free, 

•o     leb   und   eterb  ich  dir  al-   lein; 
li-vlr.g   and        dy-   ing  all   for  Theef 

2.  Recitwtivo  Tenor 

Wo       treff  ich  n.ei-  nen    Je-  sum     an, 
Where     may       I     find  my     Lord     to-day, 

wer     zei-     get  mir  die  Bahn, 
who  points  me     out  the     way? 

wo  mei-  ner       See-le     brun-stl-ges     Ver-  Ian-gen, 
my     Sa-viour,    He     for  whom  my     soul   is     burn-ing, 

mein  Hei-land  hin-ge-  gan-  gen? 
with  love  for-ev-  er  yeam-ing? 

Kein   Un-gluck   kann     mich  so     em-pflnd-lloh 
Ah,      how     my     heart  will  rue   the     ev-     11 



Cantata  154 

ale  wenn     icb  Je-sum  soil  ver-lie-ren. 
on     which  my     Je-siis  went     a-  way. 

Cantata  154 

5.    Arioso  Baae  ^4  (f#) 

St.   Luke  II,    49t 

"Wist  ye  not  that   I  must  be  about  my 
father's  business?" 

3.   Chorale  V*       (A) 

(Ob.    I,    II,    Vn.    I  with  Sop.|   Vn.   II   with  Alto} 
Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Je-  8U,  mein  Hort  und  Er-ret-ter, 
Ja-sus,  Thou  my  blest  Re-dee-mer, 

Je-  su     mei-  ne     Zu-     ver-     sicht, 
J»-8U8,   safe  re-treat  froni  strife, 

Je-  SU,    star-ker  Schlan-gen-  tre-ter, 
Je-eus,      foe  of       foul     blas-phe-mer, 

Je-   su,  mei-nes  Le-bens  Lichti 
Je-su8,   bea-con  of     my       life* 

Wie  Ter-  Ian-  get     mei-nem     Her-     zen. 
How  my     heart  will  joy-ous  greet  Theei 

KoniL,   ach  kocnr,    ich  war-  te     dein. 
Come,     0     cocie,     I     wait  for  Thee, 

komm,    0     lieb-stes     Je-     su-leini 
come,   my     Je-  sua  dear,      to     mei 

4.   Aria  Alto         IIV'S         (A) 

(Ob.    d'am.   I  t  II,   Strings,   CeiiA>alo.) 

Je-  su,    lass  dich     fin-  den, 
Je-Bua     safe-  ly     guide     me, 

lass  dooh  mei-  ne     Sun-     den 
let       my     sins  not  hide  Thee, 

kei-  ne       dl-eke     Wol-  ken     sein, 
like  a     thun-der  cloud  from     me; 

wo     du  dlcb     zum     Sahre-ekan 
sore-ly  would  it     grlere     me 

willst     fur       micb     rar-  ate-  ekaa, 
shouldst  Thou  chance  to     l«aTe     me; 

stel-  le     dich  bald  wie-  der  einl 
come  Thou  aoon,  0       Lord,   to     mei 

at  the  endi 
bald, bald     stel-  le  dich  bald, bald       wie-der  ein. 
come  Thou,     0     Lord, come     0       come       soon  to     me. 

Wis-  set   Ihr  nicht,    dass   ich     sein  muss 
Wist  ye     not     that       I       must     now     be 

in     dem   ,    das  mei-     nes  Va-     ters     ist? 
a-  bout       my     Fa-ther'e  bus'-ness  here? 

bars   6-10,   14-15,   18-22t 
in       dem  v  das       itei-  nes  Va-ters     ist? 
that     T       must   serve  my     Fa-ther  here? 

6.  I 9citatiY0  Tenor 

Dies  ist     die  Stim-  me  mei-nes  Freun-des, 
T       hear  the  voice  of  my       Re-  deem-  er. 

Gott     Lob 
to       God 

und     DankJ 
be     praise. 

Uein       Je-     su, 
my     prayer  by 

mein  ge-treu-  er       Hort, 
Je-8U8  has     been  haard, 

sioh  wie-  der  troat-lich 
I       find     a-     gain     my 

lasst  dvirch  sein  Wort 
and     thru     His     Word 

ho-     ren} 

ich  war  Tor  Sehmsr-zen  krank, 
for     I     was     sick     at     heart; 

der  Jam-     mer     woll-te  mir  das       Mark     in  Bei-nen 
my     trou-bles,   like  a     CEin-ker,  gnawed  me  to     the 

fast  rer-zeh-renj 
ve-  ry     mar-rowj 

nun  a-     ber  wird  mein  Glau-  be     wie-     der  stark, 
but  now  at     last     my     Faith  is  strong  and     sure, 

nun  bin  ich  hochst   er-freut, 
e-  ter-nal     Joy       se-cure,  . 

denn  ich       er-  bll-  oke     mei-ner  See-la  Won-ne, 
my     soul's  aal-  va-  tion  is  .  for-  ev-er  won, 

den  Hei-  land,        mei-  ne     Son-ne, 
my       Sa-viour,        like  the  sun, 

der  nach  be-trub-ter  Trau-er-nacht 
has  put     a-way       the  gloo-my  night, 

durch     sei-     nan  Glanz       mein     Her-        ze     froh- 
and     shines     a-     gain,        my     heart's  su-preme 

lich  macht. 
de-  light. 


Cantata  154 

Cantata  154 

Auf,   See-     le,  ma-  che  dich  be-  reiti 
Uy       soul,   a-  rise^ for     God  pre-pare, 

Du     muset     zu       ihn       in  sei-nes     Va-ters  Haua, 
for  thou     must   soon       to  Him  in     Hea-ven     fare, 

bin     in     den  Tern-pel   ziehn; 
to     find  His  Tem-ple  There} 

da  lasst  er     sich       in     sei-nem  Wort   er-  bli- 
80     let     His  word       and  sac-ra-  ment  pro-Tide 


da     will     er     dich  im     Sa-cra-ment  er-qui-  cken; 
with  Faith  and  Hope  and  Cha-ri-  ty     to  guide  thee 

doch         willst  du  wur-dig-     lich       sein  Fleisch 
thus,  by       re-pen-tence  Christ  thy       Lord 

und  Blut     ge-  nie-ssen, 
may  deem  thee  fit 

so  inusst  du     Je-  sum  aueh 

at     His     com-mun-ion     ta-^le 

in     Buss   und  Glau-ben  kus-sen. 
vith  Him     at     last  to     sit. 

8.   Chorale  V*  fD) 

(Ob,   I  «  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.j  Vn.   II  with 
Alto}   Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Uei-nen  Je-     sum  lass*   ieh     nieht) 
(je-  sum  lass'ich  nicht  von       mir) 
Je-  sua  part  Thou  not     from     me, 

geh'    ihm     e-  wig     an       der  Sei-  ten; 
stay  Thou  ev-er     close     be-side     me, 

Chri-stus  lasst  mich  fur     und     fur 
keep     me     near     and     dear  to     Thee, 

«u  den  Le-bens-bach-lein     lei-  ten. 
to  the  li-ving     wa-  ters  guide     me. 

Se-     lig  der  mit     mir  so     sprichtt 
Bles-sed  who  with  me     can         sayt 

Mei-nen     Je-       sum     lass  ich  nicht I 
"Je-suB  Christ  have     I         al-  way." 

7.  Duet  Alto-Tenor  V*     3/8       (d) 

(Oboe  d'amore  I  &  II,   Strings.) 

(Wohl  mir),  Je-sus  ist     ge-fun-den, 

Hap-  py         I,  to  find  my     Je-sus, 

nun  bin     ich 
now  will     I 

nicht  mehr 
no       more 

re-  pinej 

Der,        den  mei- 
He,         my     Lord, 

ne     See-  le         llebt« 
and  Sa-viour,       mine. 

ceigt      sich  mir     lur  fro- hen  Stun-den. 
source     of     life  and  Joy     e-  ter-  nal. 


Ich  will  dich,  mein  Je-  su,   nun  nim-  mer 

Ah       Je-     BUS,      my     Je-sus,    no     more  will 

aehr     las-     sen, 
I     leave     thee, 

ich     will  dloh  im  Glau-  ben     be-stan-dig 
But   atead-fast   in  Faith  will  I        ev-   er 

iBD-   fas-      son. 
re-caivo  Thee. 

Cantata  155 

II  Epiphany 

Epistle,  Romans  XII,  6-16.  Christian  duties 

ennumerated;  each  should  fill  his  station 


Gospel,  John  II,  1-11.  Miracle  of  the  water 

turned  to  wine  at  the  marriage  in  Cana  of 


(Fagotto,  Strings.) 

1.  Recitative  Soprano    (Strings.) 

Ueln  Gott,  vie  lang*,  ach  lan-ge? 
hhf     God,  my   way    is  wea-ry, 

des  Jam-  mere  ist  su-  viel, 
my  trou-bles  are  too  great) 

ich  se-   he  gar  kein  Ziel 
it  seems  that  cru-  el  fate 

der  Schmer-zen  und  der  Sor-genI 
to   chae-  ten  me  is  bid-den. 

Dein  BUS-  aer  Gna-  den-blick 
Thy  kind-ly   glance  is   gone. 


Cantata  155 

Cantata  1S5 

hat      un-     ter  Hacht   und     Tol-     ken  aich  ver- 
In     black-eat  night   and  clouds   of     dark-neea 


die  Lie-bes-hand    zieht      aich,    ach       ganz 
the  lov-irg  Hand  which  helped     me         ia 

tu-     ruck, 

urn  Troat  iat  mir     eehr  ban-  gei 
my  life     and  hope  are     drea-ryl 

Ich     fin-de,      waa     mich  Ar-men  tag-   lich 
Each  day  my     carea   and     ma-ny     woea     are 


der  Thra-  nen  Uaaa  wird  ateta  voll  ein-ge- 
By  teara  in  end-  leaa  streama  are  ev-er 

flow-  ing, 

der  Freu-den  V/ein  ge-bricht,  mir  sinkt   faat 
the     joy     of  life  haa    fled,      and     ein-   kir^ 

al-     le     Zu-     ver-  eichti 
hope  will  soon     be       dead* 

als     ob        dein   iieb-ster  Freund     aich  gani 
that  God,    thy     dear-est     Friend,    has      quite 

von     dir     ge-achle-den; 
froD  thee  de-  par-  tedj 

wenn  er     dich  kur-      te     Zeit 
for     bet-ter     times   are  near, 

fear     not, 


glau-be   feat, 

es  wird   ein  klei-nea      aein, 
in  but       a       lit-tle  while 

da     er     fur  bit-tre  Zah-  ren 
thy  bit-ter     la-men-  ta-tion 

dir     Treat   und  Freu-den  -  wain 
will       be       a       hap-  py  smile, 

und   Ho-   nig-aeim  fur     Wer-  mut  will   ge-wah-   reni 
thy  bit-ter-nesa  will  turn  to       ju-  bi-  la-tionj 

Achi        den-ke  nicht, 
Ahi  fan-cy     not 

daas  er     von     Her- 
that  God  in     truth 

-zen  dich     be-  tru-     be, 
in-  tenda  to  grieve   ua; 

er     pru-fet     nur       durch  Lei-  den  dei- 
•tia  mere-ly  that,        be-     fore  He     can 

-ne     Lie-     be, 

2.   Cuet   Alto-Tenor     V'4       (a)      (Fagotto) 

Du  muBst   glau-  ben, 
77e     muat   truat    Him, 

du  musst   hof-   fen, 
we     must   heed   Him. 

du  musst  Gott   (ge-  las-     aen         aein.) 
we  must     hear     the  Sa-viour'a     voice. 

Je-Bue  weiss     die   rech-  ten     Stun-den, 
Je-oua   knowa  when     we     ahall  need  Him, 

dich  mit  Hil-fe   zu  er-freun. 
in     Kia   I'er-cy   we   re-   jcice. 

T/enn  die  tru-  be     Zeit  ver-echwun-den. 
Care  and  trou-ble  may     aa-     aail      ua, 

ateht    (eeir.  gan-    zea   Herz  dir      of-   fen.) 
His  com-paa-sion  will   not   fail      ua. 

His  Uer-  cy 

er       ma-chet,   daas     dein     Herz     bei     tru-     ben 
He  tries  our  faith     and     proves  our  hearts     by 

Stun-   den  wei-     ne, 
trial  and  trou-ble, 


da-     mit   aein  Gna-der-licht   dir     de-     sto 
where-by     the     glo-ry        of       His  Grace  may 

lieb-     li-  Cher     er-echei-  ne; 
shine  vath  aplen-dor  dou-  ble. 

er     hat, 
Thy  God 

waa   dich      er-gotzt, 
re-serves   for  thee 

at      last 

zu     dei-     nem     Trost      dir  vor-be-   hal-     tenj 
thy  soul'a  moat   prec-ious   joy  and   plea-eure, 

drum  less     ihn     nur,    0     Herz,    in     al-lem  wal-   ten. 
BO     yield  thy   he^irt   to     Him     in   full-eat   mea-aure. 

3.    fiecitativo  Easa 

So      sei,    0     See-      le,    sel    zu-      frie-denJ 
Fret   not,   my   aoul,    nor  be     down-hear-tedi 

Tenn      ea        vor  dei-      nen   Au-   gen   acheint, 
Al-      though  at   times   it     iray     ap-     pear 

4,    fijia  Soprano        4/4        (?)        (Stringa.) 

Wirf ,   rrein     Her-   ze,     wirf  dich  noch 
Up  my     heart   and     givo     thy-self 

in     des   Hoch-aten     Lie-     bes-   ar-     me, 
whol-ly        to     the     Lord' a   pro-tect-ion. 


Cantata  155 

Cantata  156 

dass  er  dei-  ner  sich  er-bar-     me, 
rest  se-cure  in     His     af-fect-ion; 

Le-     ge     dei-ner  Sor-gen  Joelv» 
Cast  thy  bur-den  on     the  Lord, 

und  was  dich    bis-  her     be-  la-     den, 
let  Him  shoul-der  thine  af-flict-ion, 

auf     die  Ach-seln  sei-ner  Gna-  den, 
seek  His  sav-ing     Be-  ne-  diet-ion. 

5.   Chorale  V'4         (F) 

(Vn.   I  with  Sop.}  Vn.   II  with  Altoj 
Va.  with  Tenor.) 

Ob     sichs  an-liess,  ale  wollt   er  nicht, 
Tho'     God     at  times     may  chas-ten     you, 

lass  dich     es     nicht   er-8chre-cken, 
be     not     then     ye       af-frigh-  ted, 

denn  wo  er     ist     am     be-sten     mit, 
for     He  re-mains  for-ev-  er     true, 

da  will  er's  nicht   ent-de-cken; 
in  love  with     ue         u-  ni-  ted. 

sein  Wort  lass     dir       ge-  wis-ser  sein, 
So     hold     ye     stead-fast  to     His  Word, 

und  ob     dein     Herz     sprach     lau-  ter       Nein, 
let  not  your  hearts     with     doubt  be     stirred, 

80     lass     doch  dir  nicht  grau-     en. 
nor  think  that  you     are     sligh-ted. 

2.   Aria  Tenor  and  Chorale  Soprano     ?/4     fp) 
(strings  in  unison.) 


Ich  steh  mit     ei-     nem  Fuss  im  Gra-  be. 

My       op-  en     grave     I     see     be-fore  me, 

(bald)  fallt(der  kran-ke  Leib)  hin-  ein, ) 
soon  falls  my  wea-  ry  corpse  there-in, 

■   komm,        lie-  ber  Gott,       wenn       dirs     ge-  fallt, 
come,       dear-est     God,        come       when  Thou     wilt, 

komm,        ich  ha-be     schon  mein  Haus       be-stellt, 
come,       in     or-der       I         my     house  have     set, 

nur   lass  mein  En-  de    (se-  lig  seini ) 
AhJ   let   me  meet  Thee   s^ved  from  sinj 

Soprano  , 

Mach's     mit       mir,   Gott,  nach     dei-  ner  Gut, 

God     grant  that       I,       while  here     be-low, 

hilf  mir     in  mei-nen  Lei-  den, 
may     live  in  Thy  pro-tect-ion, 

was  ich     dich     bitt,   ver-sag     niir  nicht, 
and  when     it     comes     my     time  to       go, 

Wenn  sich  mein  Seel     soil  schei-den, 
with-hold     not  Thine     af-  feet-  ionj 

So     niram  eie,   Herr,   in  dei-  ne     Hand, 
with  help-ing     hand     my  care  dis-  pel, 

ist  al-  les  gut,  wenn  gut  das  End, 
for  all  is     well     that   end-eth  well. 

3.   Recitative  Bass 

Cantata  156 


III  Epiphany 

Epistle,  Romans  XII, 17-21.  Overcome  evil  with 

Gospel,   St.  Matthew  VTII,    1-13.      Christ  heals 
a  leper;    and  the   centurion's  servant  of  the 
palsy;    the   centurion's    faith. 

(Oboe,   and  Strings.) 
1.   Sinfonia     3/4     (F)      (instr.   as  above) 

Mein  Angst  und  Not,       mein  Le-  ben  und     mein  Tod) 
The     care,  the  woe  I       suf-fer  here     be-  lowi 

steht,   lieb-ster  Gott,     in     dei-nen  Han-  den; 
are       all,   dear     God,  with-in     Thy  keep-ing; 

so  wirst  du     auch  auf  mich 
so  turn     Thy     gen-tle  eyes 

dein  gna-dig  Au-  ge     wen-den, 
to     me     in     ten-der  mer-  cy, 

7/illst  du     mich  mei-  ner  Sun-     den       we-     gen 
And       if,   for     sin,     I     needs  must   lan-guish. 

ins  Kran-ken-bet-  te  le-  gen, 
bed-rid-  den  here  in  an-guish, 

mein  Gott,   so  bitt  ich  dich, 
0   Lord,   I  pray  to  Thee, 

lass  die-  ne       Gu-  te  gros-ser  sein, 
be     not  Thou  mere-ly  just     to       me. 



Cantata  156 

Cantata  156 

alo  die  Ge-rech-tig-keitj 
but      ev-er  boun-ti-  fuli 

Doch  hast  du       mich     da-zu  ver-sehn, 
And       if     per-chance  it  be  Thy  will, 

dass  mich     mein     Lei-den  aoll  ver-seh-ren, 
that     I       should  suf-fer  fur-ther  sor-row, 

Icb  bin  be-     reit, 
I     am     pre -pared, 

dein  Wil-le  soil  an       mir  ge-sohehi., 
nor     do     I     ask     that     I     be  spared} 

Ter-   echo-  no     nicht   und  fah-  re     fort, 
what  lot     Thou     sen-dest     I     will  bear, 

laaa     mai-     ne     Not     nich     Ian-  ge  w{ih-ren( 
but     grant  that  soon     my     trial  be     o-  vor. 


je     lein-ger  hier,   je     apa-ter     dortJ 

the  lon-ger  here,   the     la-ter  Therei 

4,   Aria  Alto       V*       (Bv,) 
(Oboe,  Violin  I  4  II.) 

Harr,   was  du     willst. 
Lord,   by     Thy     will 

veil  dooh  dein     Rat 
Thy     pur-  pose  wise 

soil     mir  ge-fal-len, 
shall     I     be  gui-ded, 

am     bes-ten  gilt, 
must     I     ful-  fil. 

In     der  Freu-  de,      in     dem  Lei-     da. 
Both  in     glad-ness     and  in     sad-nesa, 

im  Ster-  ben,    in  Bit-  ten     und  im     Flehn 
in  death  as       in  TTor-ahip,   and  in  Pray'r, 

laaa  mir  al-  le-     mal     ge-     schahn 
■ay       I     all  with  pa-tienca     bear, 

Harr,  wia  du  wlllat! 
Lord,   by     Thy     will.' 

die     See-  le      son-der  Krajik-heit      sei 
from  ail-ment  and  die-  or-     der     free 

und     al-la-   zeit  ge-  sund  ver-  blei-be. 
to     Thee  in  love  for-  ev-  er     boimd. 

Nimm  sie     durch  Geist   und     ^ort     in       Acht, 
Pre-serve     my       soul       un-marred  and  whole, 

denn  die-ses  ist  mein  Heil, 
its     ma-   la-dies     al-     lay, 

und  wenn  mir     Leib  und  Seel  ver-schmacht, 
and  when  this     bo-  dy     pines  a-       way 

80  bist  du,   Gott,   mein  Trost 
my     God     I     look       to       Thee 

und  mei-nes     Her-zens  Teili 
my     Com-fort-er       to       be. 

6.   Chorale  V*         fC) 

(Ob.,  Vn.  I  with  Sop.j   Vn.   II  with  Alto; 
Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Herr,   wie     du  willat,   so  sohicks  mit  mir, 
Lord,   as     Thou     wilt,    so       may       it     be, 

im  Le-     ben     und     im     Ster-ben; 
in  Life  and  Death  pro-tect     me, 

al-lein  zu     dir  ateht  mein  Be-gier, 
my  hope  and  joy       is       all  in  Thee, 

Herr,    lass  micht  nicht  ver-der-  benj 
Lord,   Thou  wilt       not       re-ject     me, 

Er-halt  mich  nur  in     dei-  ner     Huld, 
Up-hold     me     by     Thy     Sa-ving  Grace, 

sonst  wie  du  willat,  gib     mir       Ge-duld, 
else     make  me  brave,   the  trials  to   face, 

dein    Will,   dar     ist  der     be-  stel 
for     which     Thou  may     se-lect     mei 

5.  Racitativo  Baas 

Uod  willat     du. 
If,     Lord,  Thou 

dasa  ich  nicht  aoll  kran-  ken, 
keep  me     wall     and     thriv-ing, 

■o  werd  ich       dir     von  Her-   zen  dan-  kenf 
ro-buet   and   strong  for   stur-dy     atri-ving, 

dooh       a-       bar       gib     mir  auch  da-  bal, 
■y     praiaa  and  thanka  are  due     to  Thaa{ 

daaa  auch  in  mai-nam  fria-chan     Lei-  be 
kaap  Thou  my     bo-dy     hale  and      sound. 

Cantata  157 
Libretto  by  Picander 

Epistle,   Ualaochi   III,   1-4.      T  will   send  my 
messenger  to   prepare  the  way  before  thee. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke   II,    22-32.      Simeon  sees  tha 
infant  Jaaua;   nunc  dimittis. 


Cantata  157 

(Flauto  traverse,   Oboe,   Oboe  d'aiLore,  Violine, 
and  Violetta. ) 

1.  Duet  Tenor-Baas  ^4       (b) 

(Flauto  tr.,   Oboe,.  Violin  solo.) 

Genesis  XXXII,    26: 

"And   he  (Jacob)    said   (to  ^od)   I  will  not 
let  thee  go,    except  thou  bless  me," 

Ich  las-   se     dich  nicht, 
I     let  Thee     not        go 

du  se£-  nest  mich     denn; 
ex-cept     I         be     blest. 

Cantata  157 

der     Him-  mel     muss     ver-al-ten, 
its  false     de-lights  are   em-pty, 

die     Lust     der  "'elt  ver-geht  wie  Spreuj 
like  chaff  are  gone  and  all  for-     got. 

wenn  ich  dich  nicht,  mein      Je-  sua,      hat-t 
Ah,     Je-  BUS     mine,     didst  Thou  die-  dain  ir 

an       wem     sollt  ich  mich  son-sten  hal-ten? 
who  would     up-  hold     rae,   who  sus-tain     me? 

Drum  lass  ich  nim-  mer-mehr  von       dir, 
So       ne-  ver  will     I     part   from  Thee, 

dein     Se-     gen  blei-be  denn       bei  mir: 
Thy     bles-sing     ev-  er     be  on     meJ 

2,   Aria  Tenor     3/8       (fjf)      (Oboe  d'amore.) 

Ich     hal-  te     mei-     nen       Je-     sum  fe-  ste, 
I     clasp  and  cling  to     Christ  my     Mas-ter 

ich  lass     ihn  (nun  und  e-  wig)   nicht, 
nor  leave  Him     now  nor  ev-er-     more, 

er     ist  al-  lein  mein  Auf-   ent-  halt, 
'tis   He     up-holds     me     with  His  might; 

drum  fasst  mein  Glau-be  mit  Ge-  wait 
His       bles-sed     face  is     my  de-light, 

sein     se-  gen-rei-ches  An-  ge-sicht; 
my     soul  to     com-fort   and  re-store, 

denn     die-     ser  Trost   ist  doch     der  be-ste. 
He     guards  me     safe       a-gainat  dia-as-ter. 

Ich     hal-  te     mei-  nen       Je-     sum  fe-   ste. 
I     clasp  and  hold  to     Christ  my     Mas-ter. 

3,   Recitativo  Tenor  (Vn.   I  A   II,    4  Violetta.) 

Uein  lie-ber  Je-  su,     du, 
Be-     lo-  ved  Je-sus,   Thou, 

wenn     ich     Ver-druas   und  Kuc--  mer  lei-   de, 
•hen  grief  and     wea-  ry     cure     ae-sail  me, 

80     biot  du     mei-  ne  Freu-  de, 
will     ne-\..r,     ne-ver  fail     me, 

in        IJn-     riih     mei-  ne     Ruh 
when   reat-lesB,   Thou  my  rest, 

und     in     der  Angst  mein     Ban-   ftee  Bet-  te| 
In     care  and  grief,    my     eweet-est      com-fort: 

die   fal-   eche  77elt   iat   nicht   ge-treu, 
The  world     a-  bout  me     trust     I     not, 

4.   Aria  Bass     4/4       (D)      (Fl,   tr.,  Violin.) 

Ja,      ja,        ich  hal-  te     Je-  aim  fe-ate. 
Oh     joy,  I     have  my  Lord  for-ev-  er, 

Je-   sus 

so  geh  ich  auch  zum     Him-mel  ein, 
in  Hea-ven  High  with  Him     to     be 

wo       Gott   und     sei-nes  Lam-mes  Ga-  ste 
where     Fa-ther,   Son  and     Ho-ly     Spi-rit 

in  Kro-nen     zu       der  Hoch-zeit  aein. 
in  glo-ry     dwell     e-     ter-  nal-  ly. 

Da       lass  ich     nicht,       mein  Heil,  von     diri 
There     I       with     Thee         and     Thou     with     me< 

da  bleibt  dein  Se-     gen     auch  bei  mir. 
in  peace     and     love  will     ev-  er     be, 


Ei,         wie     ver-gniigt       iat  mir  mein 

Yea,        well  con-tent         am       I       for 

Ster-  be-  kas-  ten, 
death  to     take     me, 

weil  Je-3U3  mir  in  Ar-men     liegti 
if     I     but  lie  in  Je-sus'        arms, 

So     kann       mein  Geist   recht   freu-  dig     ras-  1 
for     He  to       end-  less     bliss  will  wake 

Ja     ja,   ich  hal-  te     Je-  sun  fe-  stel 
Oh  joyi      I     have  my  Lord   for-ev-  erj 
Je-   BUS 

BO  geh  ich  auch   zum     Him-mel   ein. 
in  Hea-ven  High  with  Him  to       be. 


0  echo-  ner   OrtJ   Komm,  Banf-ter  Tod, 

0  beau-teouB  spot,   come   gen-tle  death, 


jitata  157 

(  fuhr  mich  fort^ 
\  lay     thou     not, 

|.       Gott   und      sei-nea  Lam-meB  Ga-   ate 
tr«     Fa-ther,    Son   and     Ho-ly     Spl-rit 

Kro-nen     zu       der  Hoch-zoit   aein. 
glo-ry     dwell     o-     ter-  nal-  ly. 

bin   er-freut ,    dae  E-   lend   die-ser   Zait 
I     re-joice,   and  put      a-  way  the  woes 

ih  Ton     mlr  heu-  te  ab-zu-   le-     gen{ 
loh  here  to-day  are  so  op-pres-sing, 

i<n  Je-8UB     war-  tet  mein  im  Him-mel 
I     Je-suB  waits  for     me     in  Hea-ven 

mit     dem     Se-     gen.  i 

I      with  His  bles-sing. 

lass  ich     nicht, 
\f     I       with     Thee 

mein  Heil  von     dir, 
and     Thou  with     me. 

libleibt  dein  Se-     gen     auch  bai  mir. 
ipaace     and     love  will     eT-  er       be« 

Cantata  158 

Purificationt  Easter  Tuesday 

Epistle,  Malacchi  III,  1-4.   I  will  send  my 
messenger  to  prepare  the  way  before  thee. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  TI,  22-32.   Simeon  sees  the 
infant  Jesus;  nunc  dimittis. 

(Oboe,  and  Violin.) 

1.   Recitativo  Bass 

St.   Luke  XXTV,    36t 

"And  as  they  (the  Eleven)   thus  spake, 
Jesus   himself  stood  in  the  midst   of  them  and 
saith  unto  them.   Peace  be    unto  you." 

Der  Frie-  de  sei  mit  dir, 
"May  Peace  be     un-to     you," 

du     angst-  li-  ches     Ge-  wis-sen! 
Be  still,   thou  trou-bled  spi-ritj 

Dein  Mitt-  lar     ste-  het     hier, 
Thy       Sa-viour  bides  with  thee, 

der  hat  dein     Schul-den-  buch 
the     an-cient   curse  He     halts. 

I.  Chorale  V*  (d) 

n.  tr.   in  8va,   Oboe,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.| 
/n.   II  with  Alto}   Violetta  with  Tenor.) 

l)-nen  Je-     sum  lass     ich  nicht, 
I  gum  lass  ich  nicht  von     mir) 
!«  sua  peu't  Thou  not     from     me, 

-B     e-  wig     an       der  Sei-  ten; 
-.ou  ev-er     close     be-side     me, 

'U-ctus   lasst  mich  filr     und     fur 
~.e     near     and     dear  to     Thee, 

i:sr.  Le-bens-bach-lein  lei-     ten. 
i;he   li-ving     Wa-  ters   guide     me. 

lig,  war  mit     mir  ac     sprichtt 
••■ad     who  with  ma     can       say: 

■Ben       Je-     sum     lass  ich  nicht. 
••us  Christ  have     I         al-  way." 

und  des     Ge-  set-   zes     Fluch 
the     Re-cord-Book  of     faults 

ver-  gli-  cben     und      zer-ris-sen. 
wipes   clean  and  tears  to     pie-ces. 

Col.    II,    14. 
Der  Frie-  de  sei  cit  dirJ 
Kay  Peace  be     un-to     youi 

Der     Fur-     ste  die-  ser       77elt, 
The  Prince   of     Dark-ness  there 

der     del-  ner  See-  le  nach-  ge-stellt, 
who  would  thy  soul  by  guile  en-  snare, 

ist     durch  des     Lam-     mes  Blut 
thru     Je-     BUS  Christ  the     Son 

be-zwun-     gen       und  ge-fallt. 
is     van-quished  emd   un-  done. 

Mein     Herz,  was  bist  du     so  be-  tr'ubt. 

My     Heart,  why  art     so  filled  with     woe? 

da       dich  dooh     Gott     durch  Chri-  stun  liebtj 
since  God     thru  Christ     has     loved  thee     so? 

Er     sel-ber  spricht    zu  mirj 
•Tis  He     who   speaks     to     mei 

Der  Frie-  de   sei    (mit      dir.) 
"May  Peace  be     un-  to     thee." 

der  Frie-     de 
be     with     thee 


Cantata  158 

2,   Duet  Soprano-Baes  (Chorale  Soprano)      V*     (O) 
(Oboe  vith  Soprano*     Violin  solo. 


Welt         a-       de 

World,  fare-welll   of     thee  I'm    wea-ry. 

ich  bin     dein  mu-  da. 

ieh  will     nach     dem  Him-mel     xu; 
I     would  forth  to     Hea-ven  fare; 

da       wird  aein  der  rech-te  Frie-  de 
there     my     soul  may  rest   un-trou-bled, 

und  die       ew«     ge     See-len-  ri^. 
per-fect  peace  for-  ev-er     there. 

Welt,   bei     dir     iet  Krieg     und  Streit, 
Here     on     earth  is     strife  and       war, 

nichts  denn  lau-ter     Ei-  tel-  keit; 
Va-  ni-  ty     and  sore  die -tress; 

in       dem  Kim-irel  al-le«seit, 
there  in     Hea-ven  ev-er-more, 

Frie-     de,     Ruh,   vmd  See-  lig-keit. 
Peace,   and  rest     and  Bles-sed-ness* 

Bass  1 

Welt,   a-  del     ich  bin  dein  mu-  de, 

World,  fare-well!  of  thee  I'm  wea-ry, 

Sa-lems  Hut-  ten  stehn  mir  an; 
Zi-on's  To-wers   be-ckon  me; 

wo       ich       (ich)   Gott,   in     Ruh     und  Frie-  de 
'tis  there,     my         God,   at  peaoe  and  tran-quil, 

(e-*ig)    (se-  lig)   schau-en)  kann. 
ev-er       bles-sed     would     I       be. 
bars   41  ft   53:        ev-er 

(Da  bleib  ich,)    (da  hab  ich)  Ver-  gnu-  gen  zu 
Re-joic-  ir^,        ex-ul-tant     with  Thee     ev-er 

woh-  nen, 

Ver-gnu-  gen  zu 
un-trou-bled  with 

bars  64-68t       j 
Ver-gnu-  gen,  da  hab  ich 
un-trou-bled  re-joi-cing, 

woh-  nen,  zu  woh-  nen 
Thee  ev-  er  dwell-ing 

da  prang  ich  ge-zie-ret  mit  himm-li-schen 
re-8plen-dent  in  glo-ry  all  glo-ry   ex- 






67 1 



Cantata  158 

3,  Recitativo  and  Andante  BasB 

Nun  Herr,       re-gie-  re       mei-  nen     Sinn, 
Oh    Lord,       di-rect  and  guide  Thou    me, 

da-  mit     ich     auf     der  Welt, 
that     I,  ibile  here     be-low, 

80  lang     ee     dir     mich  hiar  zu     las-  sen 
un-til     that  day,  when     at     Thy  will     I 

noch       ge-fallt, 
forth  must     go, 

ein  Kind  des  Frie-  dens  bin, 
a  Child  of  Peace  may  be; 

und  lass  mich  zu  dir  aus  mei-  nen  Lei-i 
from  all   my  af-flict-ions  give  me  peace 

wie  Si-me-on  in  Frie-  de  schei-den. 
like  Si-me-on  in  Peace  de-part-  ing. 

See  St.  Luke  III,  29. 

Da  bleib  ich,  da  hab  ich  Ver-  gnu-  gen  zu 
Re-  joi-cing,  ex-ul-tant,  with  Thee  ev-er 

woh-  nen, 

>  . 

(da  prang  ich  ge-zie-ret)  mit  himm-li-schen 

re-splen-dent  in  glo-ry   all  glo-ry  ex- 

Kro-  nen. 


4,   Chorale 

4/4       (e) 

Hier  ist  das  rech-te     Os-ter-  lainn. 
The  Eas-ter-Lamb     for  us  was  slain, 

da-  von  Gott  hat  ge-bo-  ten, 
God's  pro-mised  boon  be-sto-wing, 

das     ist     hoch     an       des  Kreu-zes  Stanm 
high  hung     He     there     up-  on     the  Cross, 

in     hei-  seer  Lieb  ge-  bra-  tent 
with  Love     Su-  per-  nal  glo-wing. 

des  Blut        zeich-  net  un-sre  Tur 
?{i8  Blood,   sprink-led  on  our  door, 

das     halt        der     Glaub  dem     To-  de     fur, 
with  Faith,    bade  Death  to     pass   us   o'er, 

3    J.. 

der  Wur-  ger  kjinn  una    nicn^   ruh-ren. 
The  Slay-er     can     not   harm  us. 



Cantata  159 


Epistle,   I  Corinthians  XIII,     Of  charityj 

Gospel,   St.   Luke  XCIII,    31-43.     Prediction  of 
death  emd  resurrection;    sight  restored  to  the 
blind  man. 

(Oboe,   Strings,   and  Fagotti.) 

1,  Recitatiyo,    Arioso  Alto-Bass  V*       (c) 


St.  Luke  XVIII,    31i 

"Behold  we  go  up  to  Jerusalem! " 

Cantata  159 

hier  Bucht  man  Gei-sscln  vor,  dort  bindt 
Thy       cru-  el     foes  will  lash  Thee         and 

man         Ru-         ten; 
will  scourge  Thee, 

die  Ban-de  war-  ten     dein, 
nor     a-  ny  tor-ment  spare; 

ach         ge-  he  eel-  ber  nioht   hin-  einj 
Ah         Lord  do  not  Thou     ren-ture  there. 

Doch,        blei-best     du     ru-     ru-     eke  ste-  hen. 
Yet,  if     Thou  face  not   shame  and     an-guish. 

so  muset    ich  selbat 
I       may     not     come 

nicht   nach  Je-ru-sa-lem, 
to       my     Je-ru-sa-lem, 


Se-   het,      se-  het. 
Come     ye,    come     ye, 

Je-ru-sa-lem, ) 

wir  gehm  (hin-auf)    (gen 
our     way     is     up         to 


Komm,        schau-e     doch,  main  Sinn, 

Come,        look     ye     now,      and     say 

wo       geht  dein     Je-   sus  hin? 
where  goes  our     Lord     to-day? 


Se-   het,      se-   het, 
CoiTie     ye,   come     ye, 


wir  gehn  hin-auf  gen 
our  way     is     up     to 


0  har-ter  GangI 

0  wea-ry     road, 

Hin-  auf? 
to     climb. 

0     un-ge-  heu-rer  Berg,        den  mei-  ne     Sun-  den 
0  rock-y,    roqgh  as-cent,        we  sin-ners  all  must 

x«i-  geni 
mount     it  I 

ach     lei-der     in     die  Hoi-     le     ge-       henj 
yea,      ev-er     deep  in     Hell  will  lan-guish. 

2.   Duet  Soprano-Alto  (Chorals  in  Soprano)  6/8   (E^,) 
(Oboe  with  Sop.,   Fagotti  with  Continue,) 


(Ich  fol-  ge)   dir     nach 
I     fol-low    Thee  still 

durch  Spei-chel   und  Schmach 
thru     Bcof-fing  and     shame 

Eun  Kreuz  (will     ich       dich  noch  um-  fan-     gen.) 
t^)-  on         the     Cross  would     I       em-brace  Thee, 
bar  55i   yea,   there 


Ich  will     hier  bei  dir     ste-hen, 
I     stand     be-side  Thee     ev-er, 

ver-  ach-  te  raich  doch  nichtj 
Thee  will     I     not     for-  sake; 

Von     dir     will  ich  nicht  ge-hen, 
from  Thee  will     I       not     se-ver 

Wie  sau-er  wiret  du       mus-sen  stei-  geni 
How-   ev-er  hard     and  steep  we  count     -<tj 


gen  Je-ru-sa-lem, 

to     Je-ru-sa-lem, 


Ach,        ge-   he     nicht S 

Ah,  go  Thou     noti 

Dein  Kreuj  ist  dir  schon  zu-  ge-richt, 
for     there  Thy  Cross       is     now  pre-pared, 

wo         du     dich   eollst   su       To-     de     blu-ten; 
where  Thou  must      hang     and  bleed   and  suf-fer; 

wenn  dir  dein     Her-       ze       bricht, 
al-  tho  Thy     heart  should     break. 

ffenn  dein  Haupt  wird  er-blaa-  sen 
And     when     Thy     head  is  droop-ing 

im     letz-     ten     To-des-stoss 
in  death's  last     a-  go-     ny, 

als-dann  will  ich  dich  fas-   sen 
my     arms  will  be       a-  bout  Thee 

in     mei-  nen       Arm     und  SchosB, 
and  hold  Thee  close     to       me. 


Cantata  159 

Cantata  159 

Alto  , 

Dich  lass  ich     nicht   (aus  mei-ner  Brust) 
I       let     Thee     not     from  oirt  my     heart 

und  wenn     du 
and     if     from 

end-     lich 
life     Thou 

bars  77-79,   83-85 j 
und     wenn     du         end-  lich 
from  life     Thou     needs  must, 

schei-den     musst 
needs  must     part 

schei-den     musst 
needs  must     part 

sollst     du     dein  Grab     in     mir  er-  Ian-gen. 
then     find  Thou  there  Thy     fi-nal     ha-ven. 

bars  89-91: 

in     mir     dein     Grab,  dein  Grab 
then  find  Thou,    find     Thou  there 

bars   99-103: 
sollst     du       in 

mir     dein  Grab,      in     mir       dein 

then     find  Thou  there, then  find     Thou  there  Thy 

4.   Aria  Baas     (Oboe  4  Str.)     V*       (Bb) 

St.  John  XIX,    30: 

"It  is  finished." 

Es  ist  Yoll-bracht,  das  Leid  ist  al-  le, 
}i±s  vork  is  done,  the  pain  is  end-ed, 
The  bat-  tie         won,      (second  time) 

wir  sind     von  un-  serm  Sun-  den-fal-  le, 
the  curse  of     A-  dam's  fall     a-  men-ded, 

in     Gott   (ge-  recht)  ge-  macht, 

man-kind     re-deemed         from     Hell. 

Es  ist  voll-bracht.  Nun  will  ich  ei-  len 
His  work  is  done  now  will  I  has-ten 
The  bat-  tie         won 

und  mei-  nem  Je-  su  Dank  er-  tei-  len, 
to       ren-     der  thanks  and       a-  do-  ra-  tion, 

Grab  er-lsji-gen. 
fi-nal     ha-ven. 

(Welt;,     gu-     te       Nachti 
World,        fare-thee-  well. 

3,  Recitativo  Tenor 

Nun  will  ioh  mich,       mein       Je-     su,    u-     ber  dich 
Ah       Je-  BUS  mine,  I       grieve  in-deed  for  Thee 

in  aiei-  nam  Win-kel  gra-men| 
in  this  my     lit-tle  cor-nerj 

die  Welt     mag  im-  mer-     hin     das  Gift 
the  world  may  che-risb  tEiint-ed     Joys, 

der  Wol-  lust  zu     sich  neh-  men, 
the  scof-fer     and  the     scor-ner) 

ich  la-be     mich     an       mei-  nen  Tra-nen 
for  me  is  naught  but  tears  and  sad-ness 

und  will  mich  e-her  nicht   nach     ei-  ner 
nor  have     I       a-ny       fur-  ther  hope  of 

Freu-de     seh-     nen, 
joy     and  glad-ness, 

bis  dich  mein  An-       ge-     sicht  wird     in       der 
un-  til     mine  eyes   shall     see     Thee  reign-ing 

Herr-lioh-keit  er-  bli-     cken. 
High     in     Hea-ven's   splen-dor, 

bis        ich  durch     dich     er-     1*6-     set       bin} 
where,   by       Thy     grace,   re-deemed  and   saved, 

da  will   ich  mich  mlt     dir      er-     qal~ck«n. 
my   soul  to     Thee     I      shall  sur-   ren-  der. 

5.  Chorale   V*    (E^) 

(Ob.,  Vn.  I  with  Sop.j  Vn.  II  with  Alto; 
Ya.  with  Tenor.) 

Je-  su,  dei-  ne  Pas-  si-  on 
Je-sus  from  Thy  Pas-sion  came 

ist  mir  lau-   ter  Freu-  de, 
all  my  heart's  e-  la-tionj 

dei-ne  Wun-  den,  Kron  und  Hohn, 
Thy  de-epair  and  Cross  and  shame, 

mei-  nes  Her-zens  Wei-  dej 
were  for  my  sal-  va-tion; 

mei-  ne  Seel  auf  Ro-  sen   geht, 

yea,  my  spi-rit  blos-soms  forth, 

wenn  ich  dran  ge-den-  ke, 
when  I  pause  to  pon-der 

in  dem  Him-  mei  ei-  ne  Statt 
on  the  bliss-ful  days  to  come 

mir  des-we-  gen  schen-  ke. 
up  in  Hea-ven  yon-  der. 


Cantata  160 
Libretto  by  Neumelster 

IplttlOt  I  Corinthians  V,  7-8.   Purge  out  the 
d  leaven;  Christ  our  paasorer  is  sacrificed 
r  US. 

Gospel,  St.  Matthew  XVI,  1-8.   The  two  Marys 
d  Salome  at  the  sepulchre  on  Easter  morning. 

(Fagotto,  Violin) 

Aria  Tenor  (Instr.    as  above)        V*       (C) 

b  XIX,    25t 

"For  I   know  that  my  redeemer   liveth;    and 
at   he  shall  stand  at  the   latter  day   upon  the 

eh  weias,)   dass  raein  Er-ld-   ser  (lebt.) 
I     know         that     my     Re-dee-mer     lives. 

lebt^    er     lebt        und     mir     zur  Freu-de» 
lives   and      so  my     heart      re-joi-ces. 

MB  eein,    lass   sein,   dass  ich     im  Lei-  de, 
care     not,   care     not     that  I      suf-fer, 

n       Ar-  beit,  Uuh'      und  Pla-  ge 
10*   strug-gle,   care,   pri-va-tion 

•1  Stun-den     mei-ner  Ta-   ge 
i6     mine  with-out   ces-aa-tionj 

las  auf  der  T/elt  ver-schmer-zen; 
ire     is  but     tri-  bu-     la-  tion 

iluht  doch     (der  Trost))   im     Her-zen. 
but     There     we     gain  sal-va-tion. 


Cantata  160 

die     ifam  der     Fein-de  Gift  und  Naid 
whan     Ju-das,     His  be-tray-er,   came 

durch  den  Ver-       ra-     ter     sm-  ge-     legt; 
with     poi-aoned  words  to     work  His  shame; 

ward  auoh  mein     Her-   ze  wund,         da     man  Ihm 
my     soul  was     wound-ed  deep         when     Pi-late 

80     viel     ?7un-       den 
bade  them  scourge  Him 

mit   eohar-fen  Gei-sseln  schniss; 
at       ev'-  ry     vic-ious         blow. 

hab  ich     so  man-   chen  Stieh 
Ah,   well  I     feel  euid     know 

mit   Ach  und     Vah     aBp-fun     den, 
the  tor-ment  that  H*     auf -farad 

da     man  sein  Haupt  mit     Dor-  nen  stach 
when  by     the       cru-  al     crown  of     thorn 

und  jam-  mer-lich  zer-riaei 
His. Head  was  foul-ly     torn; 

folgt   ich  halb-  tot       bis  Gol-go-  tha     ihm  nach, 
I         fol-lowed  Him       iqj     Gol-go-tha's     as-cent, 

da     er       die  Last   und     Schmach 
by  shame  and     tor-ture     bent, 

des     Kreu-zes  sel-  bar     trug, 
where  all     coro-pas-sion  failed. 

an     sol-  ches 
our  Lord     was 

ecitativo  Tenor 

und     ihn  die  Grau-  sam-keit 
when  to     the  Cross  at     last 


was  mei-     ne     See-  le     voll  Be-  kum-mer-nis, 
my     heart  was  sad     and     in-  con-sol-  a-  ble. 

als  mem  den  Leib      zu       Gra-  be     bra-   chte 
:r     lebt  und     iat  von     To-     ten  auf-er-stan-    as     to     the  Grave  the   Faith-ful  bore     Him 

»     lives,        from  out  the  grave  He     is     a-     ri- 


ler-auf     be-ruht  der  Grund, 
)n     this  I     rest  my     Faith, 

m  fe-  ston  Glau-ben  tragt 
i-cure   from     ev'-ry     shock. 

der  als   ein  Fela 
as      on       a     rock, 

und  al-  ler  Trau-rig-  keit   ein  traii-rig  En-  de 
and  all  the  sad-  nees     of     His     mi-  se-  ry  was 

ma-  chte 
end-   ed; 

so     muss-ten  doch       bei   sel-  nem  Blut  ver- 
but   yet,      in-deed,     de-spite  the  pain     He 

-gie-   saen 
suf-f ered. 

tr  Hoff-nun?  m«i-  ner     Se-   lig-keit. 
r     hope     of        fu-ture  bles-aed-neas. 

aus  mir     zu-gleich       auch  Freu-den-  tra-  nen 
»-Jam-  mert   ich  im     Gar-ten     sei-     ne       Ban-  den,  j     must   re-Joice,  and     joy-ous  tears  are 

•uf-fer'd  in     the  gar-den  where  they  bound  Him, 

»•  St.   John  XVIII.  flo-wing 


Caatata  160 

Cantata  160 

vail     er     durch  sai-nen  Tod 
that  thru     His     sae-ri-fiee 

die  Sehul-den  mei-ner     Not 
He     paid     for    me  the  price 

an     mei-ner  St el-  le  wol-  len     bu-  seen, 
for  all  my     sins,   in  full     a-  tone-ment, 

Al-     lein       ich     wa-       re     schlecht  ge-troet 
But   still         my     peace  were       in-       ee-  cure, 

Drtan     will  ich     freu-dig  ster-ben. 
Id     death  will     I       not     per-ish 

die  Freu-  de  dort   xu     er-  ben, 
b'jt     joy-ouB     ev-  er  cher-ish 

die     mir  im      En-     gel-  or-den 
with  An-gele,    life  im-  mor-tal, 

von  ihm  ver-  ma-  chet  wor-den, 
ee-cure  in     Hea-ven's  por-tal. 

und  gar  nicht  ganz     er-  lost, 
sal-  va-tion     far     from  sure, 

wenn  er  nicht     war'      BlUB     eig-ner     Kraft 
did     I       not     know       that  Je-   sua'        re- 
ar-  stan-den. 

Nun     a-  ber  ist  der  Trost  Tor-han-  den, 
would   er-er     be     my     firm     pro-tect-ion 

und       der       be-  ste-het   feet, 
that  nav^ht  can  cir-cin-vent; 

daas  auch  der  lets-te  Scberf 
for     by       it        ev'-ry     cent 

fur  mich  be-iah-  let   sei, 
was      du-  ly  paid  for     me, 

und  das  Ge-   setz   an     mir     nichts  mehr   cu 
and  now  the  law     de-mands     no         more  of 


for-dern  ha-  be. 
me       at     all. 

4,  Recitative  Tenor 

So     biet  ich     al-       len  Teu-feln  Truttl 
Now  all     the  fiends  may     I       de-     fy, 

(Uein     Heil,   mein  Je-  sue)   ist  mein  Schutx. 
on     Christ     my     Sa-viour     I       re-     ly, 

Der  Glau-  be  wird  mir  nim-       mer-  mehr     xu 
my     faith  I       ne-  ver  need,  thru  fear,     de- 


Soil  ich  ver-  lo-  ren  gehn? 
But  if  the  dead  rise  not. 

So     ist  auch     Chri-   stus  nicht   er-stan-den. 
then    Je-8U8     Christ   is         not     a-     ri-  sen: 


Er     a-  ber     lebt. 
Yet  Je-8U8   lives! 

so  muss   ich  auch  durch  ihn 
Sc     I       too  must       a-  rise 

Denn  heu-te   laest  Gott  mei-nen     Bur-  gen 
Uy     sur-e-     ty       from  out  the  grave  will 

aufl  dam  Gra-  be, 
God  re-   call, 

xum  Le-  ben     axif-  er-  stehn 
and  bid  the  world  fare-well, 

und     in     sein  Reich  der  Ruh 
with  Him     in       Pa-     ra-dise 

ale  aus     dem  Schuld-turm,    wie-der  frei. 
as     from     a       debt-  or' a     pri-son  free. 

der     Ruh     und  Eh-  re   ziehn. 
in     peace  and  joy  to  dwell. 

3.    f.ria  Tenor  (Instr.   as  in  No.    1)      V*     (C) 

Gott     Lob!      (dasB  mein  Er-lo-   eer) 
be  praise       that     my     Re-dee-mer 

Ir     libt,    80  wird   seln  Le-  ben     im     To-  det      im 
Arid      as       my     Sa-viour   li-veth,    yea  11-veth,    new 

To-  de  mir  ge-g«-   ben, 
life  to  oe     Mfl  gi-vetK. 









I  Corinthians  XV,   13: 

"But  if  there  be  no  resurrection  of  the 
dead,   then  is  Christ  not   risen," 

5,    Aria  Tenor  V^        (a,    ende   C) 

(Fagotto,   and  Violin.) 

(Mun)    (ich  hnl-te     mich     bo-reit) 
Now       am        I     pre-pared  to     go, 

mei-   n«»B     Lei-  bee     Sterb-lJ  ch-keit 
glad  to     leave  this   earth     be-  low. 


Cantata  160 

(auf  der  Er-  den)     ab-   zu-  le-  gqn. 
and  to     Hea-Ton     High  be-take     me. 

KomEt ,    ihr  En-  gel,    kocint   ent-   ge-   gen, 
Coice,      ye     An-gels,    come     and  wake     me, 

tra-   get  moi-     ne     See-      le        bin, 
bear  my     eoul  thru  Hea-ven'e  gates, 

da«B   ich   (bald)      bei     Je-eus     bin! 
take  me       eoon     where  Je-oue  waits! 

Ach   (   herz-lich)   wunach  ich  miri 
Ah,      how     hap-   py  would     I        be 

war     ich  (heu-     te)        nooh     bei       dlr. 
were     I       dwel-ling       there  with  Thee. 

heu-     te,        heu-   te   noch  bei        dir. 
if       I     were   dwel-llng     There     a-bove  with  Thee. 


Cantata  161 

XVI  Trinity 
Libretto  by  Frsmck 

Epistle,  Ephesians  III,  13-21.  The  strength 
and  fulness  of  (Jod's  lore. 

Gospel,  St.  Liik  VII,  11-17.  The  widow's  son 
brought  back  to  life. 

(2  Flutes,   Organ,    and   Strings.) 

1.   Alto  Aria       4/4     (C) 
(Flauto   I  4  li,   Organ.) 

Koran,      du  su-  sse       To-  des-stun-   de, 

Coie,    eweet  death,  thou  bles-sed  Hea-   ler, 
bars    15-17: 

thou     bles-  aed,  bles-sed  Hea-  ler, 

da     mein  Geist,   Ho-  nig     speist, 
wel-coKe  rest,      per-fect     peace, 

aus   des  Lo-wen  ILxm-  de; 
qui-et     ev-er-  last-ing. 

See  Judges  XIV,    8. 

ma-      che  mei-   nen     Ab-   schied  su-ase, 
Uake  my     pas-sing  swift  and       ea-ay, 

aau-me  nicht,   letz-tes  Licht, 
tar-ry     not,      cone     0       comei 

dass  ich  (mel-nen  Hei-land  ku-sse.) 
Take  me       to     my       fi-nal     ha-Ten. 

2.   Recitativo  Tenor 

Cantata  161 

Drum  seufz'   ich  recht  von  Her-rens-grun-  de 

So,     tho*  I     sigh,      I       ea-ger     wel-come 

nur  nach  der  leta-  ten     To-       des-  stun-de. 
the     fi-  nal  hour  when  death  shall  take  me. 

Ich     ha-  be  Lust  bei  Chri-  sto     bald  zu  wei-den, 
Ah,  what  a     joy     to     leave  this  Vale  of  Sor-row, 

ich     ha-  be  Lust  von  die-ser     '^elt   zu  schsi-den. 
and  join  my     Sav-iour  on  that     hap-py     mor-  row. 

See  Philippians  I,    23. 

3.   Aria  Tenor     (Strings.)       3/4       (a) 

(Uein  Ver-  Ian-  gen)     ist,        den  Hei-  land     zu 
Ah       what  rap-ture     mine,       at     last     to     gain 

um-  fan-  gen 
eal-va-  tion. 

und     bei       Chri-  sto  bald 
there  with  Christ  so     soon 

zu  sein. 
to     be. 


dei-ne     Lust   ist     Last, 
all  thy  joys  are  brief. 

Ob       ich  sterb-lich'        Aach'    und  Er-  de 
The'   to     earth-  ly  dust     and  ash-es 

Genesis  XVIII,    27.     Job  XXX,   19. 
dureh  den  Tod  zer-mal-met     wer-  de, 
this     my       bo-dy       I     must  ren-der, 

wlrd  der  See-     le     rel-  ner  Sehein 
yet     my     soul  will  then  be       free, 

den-  noch  gleich  den  En-  geln     pran-  gen. 
with  the         An-  gels  clad     in     splen-dor. 

dein  Zu-  cker  ist  mir  als     ein       Gift     ver-hasst, 
a       sug-ared  poi-son  brin-ging  naught  but  grief, 

dein  Freu-  den-licht  ist     mein     Ko-me-     te, 
a       flash-ing  star,   that  burns  to  cin-der, 

und  wo  man     dei-       ne     Ro-  sen  brieht, 
thy  ro-ses   filled  with  hid-den  thorns. 

Bind  Dor-  nen 
un-   num-bered. 

oh-       ne     Zahl 
which  will  prick 

zu  mei-  ner     See-  le       Qual. 
ny   soul  to     touch  the   quick. 

4.  Recitativo  Alto     (Flauto  I  *  II,  Strings.) 

Der  Schlues  ist  schon     ge-  macht, 
I       hear       my     last     hour  knell) 

Welt,       gu-     te     NachtJ 

World,   fare-thee     welll  . 

Und  kann  ich  nur  den  Trost  er-     wer-  ben, 
And     80     for  so-lace  sweet  I       sigh 

in  Je-  su     Ar-  men  bald   zu  ster-bent 
in  Je-sus'   lo-ving  arms  to  die. 

Der  bl&s-s*       Tod,        iat   mei-   ne  Uor-gen-  ro-     te. 

To     me     pale  death       is     like  a     ro-  ay     morn-ing,  er       ist      (mein  sanf-  ter  Schlaf). 

and  there       in     peace  to     sleep, 
mit        aol-cher     geht   mir     auf     die  Son-     ne 
when,      o-  ver     gloom-y     night      vlc-to-rlous,  Das  kuh-le     Grab       wird  mich  mit   Ro-sen     de-cken( 

Up-  on     my  grave  a     bed     of     ro-aea  make  me, 

der  Herr-llob-keit   uad     HIb-     m«la-won-       ne. 
the   aun       a-        ri-   aaa   bright   and     glo-rloua.  bis     Je-eue  mich  wlrd  auf-er-we-   oken, 

where  I     may  lie      'til  He     a-wake     me 


Cantata  161 

Cantata  161 

bis     w     sain  Sohaf 
to     l«ad  Hla     thaep 

fuhrt  auf  dl«     ••-  •■•     La-  bans-wai-  da» 
thru     h«a-T«na  fair  and  far-tila  maa-dova, 

daaa     mlch  dar  Tod     ron  Iha  nlcht  achai-da. 
Thara     to     ba     ona  with  Hiia     for-       a-  Tar. 

80  brioh  bar-     ein,         du     froh-ar  To-das-  tag, 
So  eoaa     thou  aoon,       thou     Day  of  my  ra-leaaa, 

■0     (achla-  ge     dooh),      du     latc-tar  Stun-dan- 
and     atrika  tha  hour       whan     I       may  rest     in 


wird  lawh-tan  ala  die     Son-na 
with    Ood     in     nf-diaBk  glo-ry, 

und       la-  ban  oh-na       Not 
from  oara  for-  a-rar  fraa. 

in  mil-  ncher  Freud  und  Won-  na« 
in  haar'n-  ly         Joy     and  rap-tura. 

waa     aohad't  mir  dann     der  Tod? 
What     faar       haa  Death  for     me? 

5.   ChoruB  3/8       (C) 

(Flauto  I  ft  II,  and  Strings.) 

Wenn  ea  mei-nes  Got-  tea     Wil-  le. 
If     my  God  to-  day  ahall  will  it 

wunach'   ich,  dass  das  Lei-bes  Leist 
would         I       that  my     bo-  dy     rest 

hau-te  noeh  die     Er-     da  ful-  la, 
qui-et  with  the  earth  a-round  me; 

\md     der  Geiet,       dee  Lai-  bea     Gaat, 
that  my     aoul,  my       bo-dy*B  guest. 

Bit     Un-aterb-lioh-keit  sioh  klei-  de 
rise  to  Hear'n  for  life     e-     ter-nal, 

in     der  au-esen  Him-mele-freu-  de. 
olad  in     ma-Jes-  ty       au-  per-  nal. 

Je-   au,    (komm 
"Je-aua,      come. 

und  nimm  mich  fort  I) 
and  take  Thou     mei" 

Die-   sea   sei  mein  letx-  tes     Wort. 
This  my       fi-nal     word  shall     be. 

Cantata  162 


XX  Trinity 

Libretto  by  Franok 

Kpietla,   St.  Matthew  XXII,   1-14.     Parable  of 
the  marriage  of  tha  king's  son  to  nhich  tha 
guests  would  not   come. 

(Paraphraae  of  Parable.)     A  king  made  a  banquet 
for  his  son's  marriage.     The  invited  guests  ig- 
nored their  invitations  and  slew  the  messengers 
who  inrited  them.     The  angry  king  sent  his  armiea 
and  slew  them.     He  then  sent  his  servants  to  the 
highways  and  they  gathered  all  they  found  both 
bad  and  good,   and  tha  wedding  was  furnished 
with  guests. 

When  the  king  came  to  see  the  guests  he 
saw  one  which  had  not   on  a  wedding  garment, 
and  when  this  one  could  not   explain  it 

Then  said  the  king  to  the  servants,  Bittd 
him  hand  and  foot   and  take  him  away  and  cast 
him  into  outer  darknees;   there  shall  be  weeping 
and  gnashing  of  teeth. 

For  many  are  called  but   few  are  chosen. 

Gospel,  Ephesians  V,   15-21.     Behave  wisely, 
soberly  and  devoutly,  and  do  not  waste  your 

(Gorno  di  tirarsi,  Strings,   Fagotto.) 

6.   Chorale  embelished     V*     (•)      (Phrygian) 
(Flauto  I  4  II,   and   Strings.) 

Dar     Leib     zwar     in       der  Er-den 
Tho'   worms   our     flesh     de-vo-ur 

Ton     Wur-mern  wird  Ter-xehrt, 
deep  bur-ied        in     tha    earth, 

doch  auf-       er-  weokt   aoll  wer-den, 
our     aouls  will     all       a-     wa-  ken 

durch     Chri-   stum  achon  ver-klart, 
thru     Christ     aa-  aurad     re-blrth{ 

1.    Aria  Baas       V*     (a) 
(Instr.  aa  above.) 

Ach,      ich  ae-     he. 
Saint a  and  ain-nare 

Jetxt  da     ieh     zvr 
to       the  bem-quat 

Hooh-teit  ge-  he, 
all  are  bid-den. 

bare  10  ft  15-16 t 
Hoch-aelt  ge-  he, 
God   haa  bid-den. 


Cantata  162 

Cantata  162 

ach  web» 
Ah     7«a; 

imd  Te-     he, 
and  8in-nerBt 

(wohl  und  we-he. ) 
good  and  av-ll. 

S«*-  len-gift  und     L«-     bens-  brot, 
High  and  lo«^  ly,   small  and     great, 

Him-  sel,       Hoi-     le,  Le-     ben,     Tod, 
Bl«S8-ing     Curs-ing,     Lore  and     Hate, 

Hia-  mels-glans  und  Hoi-  len-  flam-men 
souls  ex-  al-  ted,  spi-rits  bllght-ed, 

slad  bei-sam-men. 
all   in-vl-  ted. 

Je-  su,  hilf,   dass  ich  (be-  ste-     he) ,  (hilf). 
Je-sus,  help,  that     I       be  etead-fast,     help. 

2.  ReeltatlTO  Tenor 

als  Braut  und     Lieb-ste     kus-sen. 
and     vel-eomes     us     with  ho-  nor! 

Das  Hoch-ieit-mahl  ist     an-  ge-stellt. 
The  feast  of     Lore  is     rioh-ly  spread, 

das  Uast-Tieh  ist  ge-sehlach-tet^ 
the     rl-  ands  all  pro-     vi-     ded, 

wie  herr-  lleh  ist  doeh     al-     les 
oom-plete  are     all  the     sonp-tuous 

xu-  be-  rei-  teti 
pre-par-a-  tiona! 

Wie  se-  lig  ist,  den  hier  der  61au-  be 
How  blest  the ul  as  they  take  their 

lei-  tet, 

und     wis      7er-flueht  ist  doeh, 
but  thrice     ae-  cur-     sed     he 

0     gre*sss«    Hoeh-  seit-fest, 
0     won-drous  Feast     of     Lore 

dar-  lu      der  Him-  mels-ko-  nig 
to     which  the  King     of     Hea-Tsn 

die     Men-  sehen  ru-     fen  lasst! 
has  called     us     from    a-     bore. 

Ist  denn  die  ar-     me     Braut, 
But  are     not  we,   poor     souls 

die  ■saseh-li-  ohe  Na-    tur, 
of     day     azxl     oom-mon  clod, 

nieht  Tiel  xu     achleeht  und  we-  nig, 
by       far     too       mean       and  hum-ble 

dmss  sieh  mit  ihr  der  Sohn  des  Hoch-sten  traut? 
to     sit     at       ta-ble  with  the     Son     of       God? 

0     gro-ssM    Hoeh-  xalt-fest, 
0     won-arous  Feast     of     Lots, 

der  die-ses     Uahl    Ter-aeh-tet! 
who  has  this  Feast     de-  ri-dedi 

3,  Aria  Soprano         1^8     (d) 

Je-  su,  Brunn-qusll     al-  Isr    Gna-  den, 
Je-sus,  fount       of       er'-ry    bless-ing, 

la-     be  mleh  e-len-den    Gast, 
feed  me  tho*  I  be    the  least 

weil     du    mieh  be-  ru-  fen    hast. 
Thou  hast     bid-den  to     Thy  feast! 

Ich  bin     matt, 
I     am     faint. 


und  be-la-den, 
hea-ry-la-d  en , 

Ach:     er-qui-  eke  mei-     ne     See-le, 
quiok-en  Thou  the  soul  with»in     me. 

wie  ist  das  Fleisch     xu     sol-cher     Eh-     re  koaH-men^Aoh!)  wie  hun-gert  mioh  (nach     dlr}! 
how  can  it         be         that  mor-tal     flesh  so  lov-ly     ah,       how  hun-gry       I         fbr.   Thee. 

dass  Got-tes  Sohn  es       hat     auf  e-     wig  an- 
■ay     be     the  hon-ored  guest  of     Him  of     all 

>ge-  noB-men? 
most     ho-ly7 

Der  Hlflt-mel  ist  seln     Thron, 
For  Hea-Ten  ie     His     Throne, 

die     Ir-     de  dient   xum  Sche-     mel  sei-oen     F^ 
and  Karth  beneath  but  serres  Hia  for     a     foot- 


•oeh  will  er  die-    ae  Welt 
and     yet     He  bids   us  come 

Le-     bens-brot,     das     ich     er-     wah-le. 
Bread     of     life     whioh     I     would  win  me. 

( koDm) , 

Tsr-ei-  ne  dioh 
and  be  Thou  one 

mit     mlr. 
with    a*. 

4.  ReoitatiTO  Alto 

Uein  Je-  su,   lass  mioh  aiefat   xur  Hooh-xelt 
Lord  Je-sus,  let       me       not       ap-pear     in 

un-be-klei-det  koa-  men, 
un-be- fit-ting  gar-mente, 


Cantata  162 

da«c  mieh  nlcbt  traf-  f*  dain  G«-riobt| 
lest     I         diB-grace  Thy     Ho-  ly  Plaodf 

■it  Sehre-oken  hab*   loh     Ja     Tcr-nom-meiit 
for       I         ob-oerra  with  per-tur-ba-tion 

wl*     da     dan  kuh-     nan  Hooh-  sait-  gaatf 
bow  onoa     a     bold,  pra-siai9>-tuou8  guaat 

der  oh-         na       IQaid  ar-sohia-nan* 
in-ovirrad  Thina       in-  dig-na-  tlon 

war-  wor-fan  imd       rar-dam-mat       hastS 
whan  ha     ap-paarad  not  fit-ly     draasad. 

lob  weisa  auob  main*    Un-wur-dig-kaltt 
I     know       my       own     un-wor-thi-naaat 

Aoh,    sohen-ka     mir     das     Glau-bana  Hooh-xait- 
Lat     Lora  and  Faith  than     ba       my       ban-quat 


laaa  dain  Vair-dlanat  su     mai-  nam  Schmu-cka 
lat       loy-  al-  ty         and  aar-rioa     ba       my 



Gib  mir  zum  Hoeh-zait-klai-  da 
■y  cloak  ba  Thy  aal-  ra-  tion, 

dan  Rock  das  Hails*  dar  Un-achuld  wai-  saa 
and  In-  no-  canoe  my  ooat  of   whlt-ast 

Sai-  da: 

Aoh,       lass  dain  Blut,       dan     ho-     ban  Pur-pur, 
Ah,         whan  Thou  diad         it     wiped  out  ev'-ry 


dan       al-     ten  A-dams-     roek  und  sei-     ne 
with  which  old  A-dam*B   curse     be-spot-tsd 

La»rt  er-f la- ok asy 
my     ap-  par-  al, 

•o     ward  ich  schon  und  rain 
and  left  me     fair     and  pure, 

und  dir  will-koa-  loen  sein, 
and  of     Thy     wal-eoaa  sure) 

so  werd*   ich  wur-  dig-lieh  das  Uahl  das     Lam- 
so     may       I     coma  in       wor-thy  garb  to     share 

-mee   schme-cken. 
Thy       ban-quet. 

Cutata  162 

5.  Duat  Alto-Tenor       ^/^       (C) 

bars  13-22,   26-29,   97-112t 
In     mai-nem  Gott       bin  ich  mr^trmvtl 
God  is     my     Joy,       Ha     my     da-light, 

bars  23-25,   32-34,   73-81,   113-121t 
In  mei-nem  Gott       bin  ich  er-freut J 
In  God  the  Lord       is     my     de- light 

die     Lie-bes-maeht  hat     ihn     be-     wo-     gCBf 
thru-out  my     life     His  Grace  has  blest     aa, 

dass     er  air       in       der  Gna-  den-     teit 
mored  by  His  Lore's  tri-  um-phant  might; 

au*     lau-     ter  Huld  hat     an-ga-       zo-       gan 
in     brigbt-est  gar-ments  He  has  dressed  r^- 

die     Klei-der     (der       Ge-reoh-  tig-  keit.) 
spot-lesB-ly     clothed  in  Right-eous-ness. 

Ich  weiss 

er  wird  nach  die-  sem  Le-  ben 
am     I         of     Life     E-  tar-nal 

der     Eh-  re  wei-  sees  Kleid 
ar-rayad  in  whit-eat     dress, 

mir  auoh  (im     Him-     mel  ge-  ben)< 
and  joy       in  Hear'n     su-per-nal. 

6,  Chorale         V*       («) 

(Cor.  da  t.,  Vn.  I  with  Sop.i  7n.  II  with 
Altoi  Va.  with  Tan}  Fag.  with  Bass.) 

Ach,   ich       ha-     be  Bchon  er-  bll-ak«t 
Now     the  Lord's  e-     ter-nal  king-dom 

die-se     gro-sse  Harr-lich-keit, 
in     its  glo-ry       I       will  view. 

Jet-  zund  werd*   ich  schon  ga-sefaBU-ckat 
clad     in     rich     and  fair     ap-  par-     el, 

mit     dem     wal-saen     Him-     melB-kleid| 
Hea-ven'a  garb  of     bright -est       hue, 

mit  der  guld-nen   Eh-  ren-kro-ne 
with  a  gold-en  Crown  iq)-on  me, 

steh'   ich       da       fur  Got-tos     Thro-ne, 
by       the  Throne  of     God     Al-migh-  ty, 

schau-  e       sol-  che  Preu-de     am, 
ah,     what  Joy  will  fill  me  than, 

die  kein  En-  de     neh-men  kazm. 
Joy     be-yond  all  mor-tal     ken. 


Cantata  163 


Franc k 

XXIII  Trinity 

Cantata  163 


du    hast  UBS  ge-g»-  ben 
hone  and    dal-lv  ra-tion, 

und  Hab*   und     Gut 
all     we     poB-seas, 

und  Ehr'   und  Staivij 
or     hope     to       be. 

Spistle,   St.  Uatthew  XXII,   15-22.     The  Pharieees  Geist,       See-le,       Leib         imd     Le-  ben 
to  confute  Christ,   asked  him  if  it  were  lawful  to     heart,  bo-dy,        soul,       and  sta-tion, 

give  tribute  to  Caesar  or  not.     He  asked  them  to 
show  thec^  a  penny  and  whose  image  was   on  it. 

They  say  unto  him,   Caesar's.     Then  saith  he 
unto  them,   Render  therefore  unto  Caesar  the 
things  which  are  Caesar's,  and   unto  God  the 
things  which  are  God's. 

Oospel,  Philippians  III,   17-21.     Follow  not 
carnal  things,  as  many  do;   He     shall  change  our 
▼ile  body  and  make  it   glorious. 

(Oboe  d'amore,   2  Violoncello,  and  Strings.) 

1.   Aria  Tenor  V*       (b) 

(Ob.   d'am.,  Vn.,  Va. ,  Violoncello.) 

Nur     Je-  dem       das  Sei-  ne. 
Do     Just-ice       to     all  men. 

Hues  Ob-  rig-  keit  ha-ben 
So       pay  what  thou  ow-est 

Zoll,   Steu-ern  und  Ga-  ben 
to       high-est  or     low-est, 

bare  25-27t 
Zoll,     Steu-em,   Zoll,  Steu-ern     und     Ga-ben 
pay         all     aeUf     pay     all     that  thou  ow-est 

BUSS     0-  brig-keit  ha-  ben 
to     high-est     or     low-est 

nan  weig'-re  sioh  nicht 
to       du-     ty     be     true, 

d«r     Sebul-di-  gen  Pflicht: 
giro       Cae-sar  his       due. 

Doch  blei-     bet     da^     Her-  xe 
Thy     heart  shall  thou  ren-der 

lem  Hooh-sten 
to     God     In 

dea  Hooh-sten     (al-     lei-ne). 
the  High-est I       none  oth-er. 

Was     sol-  len     wir     dsnn  dir 
What  is     there  than  that     ws 

lur      Dank-bar-  keit     da-  fur  ar-  !••    ^tnt 
with  ttaans-f ul  hearts  aay  lay  b«*for«  Tbesi 

da     nn-  ser  ganx  Ysr-ao-     gm 
tc  show  how    ws       a-dors  Th*«7 

nur  dein       und  gar  niefat  un-  ser       let? 
Our     all       is     not     our     own  but  Thine. 

Doch  ist     nooh     eins,       das     dir,  Gott, 
Yet     this  one     thing         Thou  may-  est 

wish  of     mine, 

das     Her-  xe  soil  al-  lein, 
my     heart  I       of-  fer  Thee, 

Hsrr,  del-  ns     Zin-  se-mun-  xs     Min. 
Lord     let  Thou  this  my  tri-bute     be. 

Aeh,       a-     bar  aoh!   ist  das  niobt 
Ah,         wos  is     meJ     for  Sa-  tan's 

schlsoh-tes  Geld? 
fiend-  ish     faee 

Bar     Sa-         tan     hat  dein  Bild     dar-     an 
is  stamped  there-on,  euid     worth-less  coin 

Tsr-     Ist-xst, 
will  aaks  it. 

dis  fal-  sohs  lAu*   ist  ab-  gs-     set-  xst. 

nor  will  the     Lord     as     tri-bute  take     it. 

2.   ReoitatiTO  Bass 

Du     bist  BSin  Gott, 
Thou  art,      my     God, 

Ga-     beai 

der     Ge-       ber  al-  ler 
the  soiree  of     er'-ry 

sir      ha-     ben, 
the  trea-sures 

was     wir     ha-  ben, 
that  ws     ohe-rish 

al-   lein  von  dci-ner  Hand, 
are     ow-  ing  all  to     Tbse, 

3.  Aria  Bass       4/a     {•) 

nrTolonoeUo  Obligato  I  *  II) 

Lass  main     Herx  die  Uun-  xs     ssin 
Let       ay     heart  ny     tri-buts     be, 

(dis  ioh)   (dir)  ,  main    Je-  ««,    stsu'-rs, 
all  to       Thse,       to     Thee  I       pay       it. 

bars  14  and  23i 

bar  22i 

-su,   dir,   aoh  u-. 
I       pay     it     all 


•Bta\«  163 

•t  •!•  glelch  nlobt  all-   lu  rein, 
t     i8         not       from     al-loy  free. 

Mb,    BO     koom  docb) 
Mlt  it,  work     It. 

und   er-neu*-re, 
new  as-say     It, 

r,    den     echo-   nen  Glanz  bei      Ihr. 
•     tre  bright   to       it       im-  part. 

I,        (ar-bei-     te,)   aofamels       iind  prii-  ge, 
oa»,  my  tri-bute  Thee  I     ren-der, 

aea     dein     E-ben-  bild  in     mir 
'^  tamp  Thine  i-mage     on     my  heart 


ganz   er-  neu-     ert     glan-   xen)     mo-     ge. 
deep  en-grared   in     bright-eot     eplen-dor. 

L  RecitatJTo  Soprano-Alto  A  Aria     V*     (f) 

ch  woll-te  dir,  0       Gott, 
0     gire  to  Thee  my  heart, 

ger-     ne     ge-ben. 
Lord,   for-eT-er, 

tr     Will  ist   ivar  bei     mir; 
1th     spi-rit      rea-dy,      yet 

das     Her-        ze 
I     etrive,     0 

doob  rielaeh  und 
the       flesh     is 

Blut   (will     im-       mor  wi-der-atre-ben. ) 
weak     and  thwart a  my  beat   an-dea-  ror. 

it.  Mark  XIY,    38t 

"Vatoh  ye  amd   pray,   lest  ye  enter  into 
•optation.     The  spirit  truly  is  ready,  but  the 
leah  is  weak."       See  also  St.   Matthew  XXVI,   41. 

daa       Herx       (ge-  fan- 
haa   anatched     my  heart 

den  Raub  nieht   neh-  men 
re-leaae     me       tho*      I 

|d*-  weil  die  Welt 
"he  world     to-  day 

-gen  halt, 
a-     way, 


•0  will  aie  aioh 

»r  will  the  world 

laa-  aen) 
hat  e  it , 

!•-  doeh  ieh  muaa   aie  has-  een. 
tad  deep      a-     bo-  mi-   nate     it. 

iHm  ich  dieh  lie-  ben     aoll. 
-•t     me       be     whol-ly     Thine, 

So     ma-      che   doch  ceic  Here 
*f  heart   to     Thee     re-    sign, 

lit  dei-   ner  Gna-   de       toIIi 
lad  fill  M     with  Thy  Grace 

leer'    ea        ganz   aua  ron  Welt    (und   al-len 

^ba     world   to      face,        end   acorn   ita    em-pty 

Cantata  163 

Lu-  at en) 

und     ma-che   mich 
that  I     mav  true 


(zu     ei-     nem     reeh-ten 
to  Chri-atian  ata-ture 

5.   Duet   Soprano-Alto        3/4        (D) 
(Violina  and  Viola  in  uniaon.) 

Ninm  mich  mir 
Take  Thou  me. 

und       gib  mich  dir 
Thine  own     to     be. 

Nimn  mich  mir     und  mei-  nem  Wil-  len, 
taJce     my     will  in     full  aub-Jec-tion, 

dei-nen    Wil-  len  (zu     er-ful-  len)j 
I     am     Thine  for     Thy  di-rec-tion. 

gib  dioh  mir  mit  dei-ner  Gu-  te, 
with  Thy  boun-ty  me  pro-vi-ding 
no-  thing  Thee  from  me     di-  vi-ding, 

daea  mein  Herz  und  mein  Ge-m'ti-  te 
let       my     api-  rit     be     a-  bi-ding, 

in  dir  blei-be  (fur  und       fur). 

er-er,      ev-  er-  more  with  Thee. 

bsura  49-50j  er-  er-     more. 

6.    Chorale        V4        (D) 

Fuhr  auch  mein     Herz  und  Sinn 
Lead  Thou    my     heart  and  will, 

durch  dei-  nen  Geiat  da-  hin. 
Thy     bid-  ding     to       ful-fil, 

daaa     loh     mog     al-  lea     mei-den, 
and     grant  that  no-thing     ev-er 

waa  mich  ron     dir     ktum  achei-den, 
can     me     from  Thee     die-     ae-  rerj 

und  ich     an     dei-nem     Lei-     be 
in     lore  for-  ev-  er  pligh-ted 

ein     Gllod-maaa   e-     wig  blei-  be, 
with     Thee     aa     one     u-     ni-  ted. 


Cantata  164 


XIII  Trinity 

Epistl*,  Galatians  III,  15-22.  The  covenant 
with  Abraham. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  X,  30>37.  Parable  of  the 
Good  Sanaritan. 

(2  TlJiuto  traverBO,  2  Oboes,  Strings. ) 

1.  Aria  Tenor  (Strii«8.)   ^4  (g) 

Ihr,   die  ihr  eueh  Ton  Chri-ato  nen-     net. 
Ye       who  pro-fees  tr     call  you  Chri-stians, 

wo  blei-  bet  die  Bann-her-xig-  keit, 

■here         is     that  mer-cy       now     re-vealed 

da-  ran     man  Chri-eti  Glie-     der  ken-  net? 
by  which  we     know  our  Chris-tian  bro-there? 

Sie     ist  Ton     euch         aeh       all-zu-  weit. 
From  you   'tis  fled,       ah         far     a- field. 

Die       Her-       ten       soil-ten     lieb-reich  sein. 
Your  hearts  nhould  glow  with  love       a-     lone, 

80     sind   sie  (har-ter)  als     ein     Stein, 
yet  they  are     har-der     than     a       stone. 
far     than 

Zechariah  VII,   12. 

2.   RecitatiTo  Bass  i   Arioso 

St.  Uatthew  V,  7t 

"Blessed  are  the  merciful,  for  cuey  shall 
obtain  mercy.** 

Cantata  164 

Er  klopft  an  un-ser     HerSf 
He  knocks  up-on  our  heart, 

doch  wird's  nicbt  auf-ge-  tan 
his     pray-       ers     are  de-nied 
prayers  are     all 

Wir  se-  hen  zwar  sein  Han-       de-       rin-  gen, 
We     no-tiee  not     his     out -stretched  banda, 

sein     Au-  ge,  das     von     Tra-     nen     fleusst; 
nor     that  his  eyes  are  filled  with    tears, 

doch  lasst     das  Hers  sieh  nicht   zur     Lie- 
our     hearts p^e     a-       da-  mant     to     love's 

-be  twin-  gen. 

Der     Prie-  ster  und     Le-     vit,       der  hier  lui 
The  priest  who  draws  not  nigh,       the  Le-  vit  j 

Sei-  te     tritt, 
pas-sipg     by. 

bi,  Luke  X,  31-32. 

sind  ja  ein  Bild  lieb-lo-  ser  Chri-  sten; 
are  like  to  some  be-nigh-ted  Chri-stians, 

sie  tun,    als  wenn  sie  nichts  von  frem- 
thay  who    their  neigh-bor  in    mis-for-t 

E-     lend  wuss-ten, 
would     ig-  nore; 

sie  gie-ssen  we-     der  '6l        noch  Wain 
no       an-     y-dyne,   no     oil         or     wine 

ins  Nach-sten     Wun-       den       ein. 
vgp-  on       his     wounds  would  pour. 

Tir     ho-  ren  swar,       was  selbst  die  Lie-  be 
We     hear     in-deed         the  words     our  Sa-vioiur 



Die     mit  Earm-har-ilg-keit 
"Blest  ye,   the     mer-  ci-ful, 

den     Nach-   sten  hier   um-   fan-  gen, 
your  neigh-bor     not     dis-dain-ing; 

die   eol-    len  vor     Ce-      richt 
be-  fore  the  Judg-ment     seat, 

Barm-her-iig-Veit      er-      Ian-gen. 
will   ye        ob-tain  God'e  mer-   cy." 


Je-   doch        wir   sich-   ten     eol-chee  nicht  I 

And      yet        we     hold   oio'-selTee   a-     part, 

Wir      ho-   ren     noch  dee   Hach-etan  Seuf-ier  anj 
and  paas   our    neish-bor     on     the        oth-er  side. 

See  gospel  for  the  day. 

3.   Aria  Alto     (Fl.  tr.   I  *  II)      V*     (d) 

Nur  (durch  Lieb'    und  durch  Er-  bar-men) 
By         our     love     and     ten-  der  mer-oy 

wer-den  wir       Gott   sel-ber  gleich. 
may  we     be         like  God     a-     bove; 

Sa-     ma-ri-ter-glei-che  Her-ien 
like  Sa-ma-ri-     tans  to     la-bor 

St.   Luke  X,    33. 
las-sen  frem-  den  Schmert  slch  schmer-ten 
in     the     eer-vloe       of         our     neigh-bor,       ^ 

und   sind  (an  Er-  bar-  mung  reioh). 
filled  with  pi-ty,  rich  in   love. 

bars    35-37: 


und        sind  an  Er-  bar-mung,    em  Er-bar-mung  i 
filled  with  pi-ty,   rich  in       pi-ty  and     in     3 


Cantata  164 

4.  RacltatJYO  Tanor     (Strlogs.) 

Aeh,   8chmel-S8       doch     dureb     del-     nan  Lie-  baa- 
Ah,        melt  Thou,  Lord,     with  Lore'e  hot-bur-ning 

I  -atrahl 

■  ray 

dee  kal-tan     Her-   zena  Stahll 
my       i-  cy     heart     a-       way, 

daas  Ich  die       wah-  re  Chrl-atan-lie-  be, 
that     I,  with  naigh-bor^ly       af-  feet-ionf 

mein  Hei-land,        tag-       lich     u-     be, 
may     feel  my       friend 'a     de-Ject-ion, 

daas  mei-  nea  Naeh-aten     We-     he, 
and     com-fort  hie       af-fliot-lon, 

er     eei  auch,   war  er     iat, 
who-   er-     er     he     may     be. 

Freund       o-     der     Feind, 
Friend,   Sin-  ner.   Saint, 

Held*   o-der  Christ, 
or     Pha-ri-  aaa, 

mir  elIs     mein  eig-  nea     Laid 
as     tho*      it     were  mine      own, 

tu     Her-   zen  all-zeit  ge-     ha! 
and  gain  hia     be-  ne-dict-ion. 

Cantata  164 

6.   Chorale  V*        (Bb) 

(Ob.   I  ft  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.j  Vn.   II  with 
iUto}  Va.   with  Tanor.) 

Er-     tot     una  durch  dein     Gu-     te, 
Trana-form  ue       by       Thy     kind-neaa, 

ar-weck'    una  durch  dein  Gnad'! 
a-  wake     ua     thru*  Thy     Grace, 

Den     al-ten  Lien-echen  kran-  ke, 
that  we  put      on     the     New     Uan, 

daas  der     neu'      le-     ben     mag       Eph.    It,   24. 
the     Old  Uan'a  pow'r     af-face.     Col.   Ill,   10-11. 

wohl     hier  auf  die-aer  Er-  den. 
While  here  aa     mor-tala  ll-ving 

den     Sinn  und  all*     Be-     ger-  den, 
with  hear-ti-  eat  thanka-gi-  ving 

und  6*dan-ken  hab'n  zu     dir. 
our  truat  in    Thea     we  placel 

Uein  Herz  eei  lieb-reich, 
Keep     me       de-  to-       ted, 


und     mild, 
in     heart, 

80     wird  in  mir     Ter-klart  dein  E-     ben-bild. 
that     in    me  Thou  may     sea     Thy  ooun-ter-part. 

Cantata  165 
Franc k 


5.   Duet  Soprano-Baas  ^2       (g) 

(Fl.  tr.  I  ft  II,  Ob.   I  ft  II,  Vn.   I  ft  11.] 

Han-  den,  die  aioh  nicht  Ter-achlie-aaen, 
Hands  in     Cha-  ri-     ty       ex-     ten-     ded 

wird  (der  Hia-  mal  auf-ge-  tan), 
find     the  Hea-Tena  o-  pan  wide; 

Au-       gen,   die     mit-     lei-dend  flie-aaen, 
eyes  wbieh  flow  with  tears  of       pi-     ty, 

sieht  der  Hei-land  gna-     dig  an. 
Jo-      sua     ne-Ter     casts     a-side. 

Her-      zen,   die     (nach  Lie-be  etre-  ben). 
Hearts  for     lore     for-   err-   er  stri-Ting, 

will   (Gott   solbst   sein  Her-      te)      ge-     ben. 
rich       in     God's       re-  gard  are     thri-Ting. 
af-   fect-lon 

Epiatla,  Romana  XI,    33-36.     Who  can  know  the 
richea  of  the  wiadom  and  Judgmenta  of  God. 

Goapel,  St.  John  III,   1-15.     Chriat  and 
Nicodemua.     Except  a  man  be  born  of  water  and 
the  spirit  he  cannot   enter  the  kingdom  of  God. 

(Strings,  and  Fagotto.) 

1.   Aria  Soprano       A/4       (G) 
(instn.  ae  aboTe. ) 

0  heil*-ges  Geiat-und     Was-  ser-bad, 
0       ho-  ly     foun-tain,   aanc-tl-fied, 

daa     Got-tas  Reich  una  ein-Ter-lei-  bet 
which     op-ena  God* a     e-  ter-nal  King-dom 

und  una  ina  Buoh  das  Le-     bens  achrei-  bet! 
and  in     the  Book  of     Life     in-  scribea     us! 

0     Flut,     die       fal-  le)  Uia-ae-     tat 
0  fount,   which  awal-lows  sin  and  pride, 

durch  ih-  re       Wun-  der-kraft   er-tran-ket 
whoae  ma-gie  drowna  all       trr-  il     do-  ing, 

und       una         daa  (neu-     e)  Le-     ben  aohan-ket! 
our  atrength  and  hope  and     life     re-  new-  ing J 


Cantata  165 

2.  Reel tat ivo  Bass 

Die  Bun-di-  ge  Ge-  burt       ver-danm-  ter     A- 
The     aw-ful  af-ter-math       of       A-  dam's  base 

-dams-er-  ben 

ge-     bie-  ret  Got-tes     Zorn         den       Tod       und 
vas  God's     e-  ter-nal  vratb,       our  death      and 

das  Ver-  der-  ben, 
our  de-struct-ion} 

Denn  was     Tom  Fleiseh  ge-bo-ren       1st, 
All     that  is       born       of  A-deun's  flesh 

ist  nichts  als  Fleiseh,       von     Sun-de     an-  ge- 
ls    naught  but     flesh,  from     ev-il  foul-ly 

rot-  ted, 

ver-gif-  tet         und  be-fle-cket. 
en-  V en- owed,       and  be-spot-tedl 

Wie     se-     lig  1st       ein       Christ: 
How  blest  we     Chri-stians       all!      , 

Er  wlrd  Im  Geist-und    Was-     ser-  ba-     de 
Bap-ti-sed     in-     to     Christ  we     drsst 

ein  Kind  der     5e-lig-keit  und     Gna-de, 
in     whi-test   silk  of  bles-sed-ness 

er  zie-het     Chri-stum     an 
we  put  on     Christ  Him-self, 

Galatians  III,    27: 

"For  as  many  of  you  as  have  been  baptised 
into  Christ,  have  put  on  Christ," 

und  tfei-ner  Un-schuld  wei-sse  Sel-de, 
and  His  un-  sul-  lied  pu-  ri-     ty, 

er     wlrd  mit     Chri-sti     Blut, 
and     so     will     we     be     dressed 

der       Eh-     re     Pur-pur-klei-  de, 
in     bright-est  pur-ple     rai-ment, 

im     Tauf-bad  an-ge-  tern, 
and     glo-ry    ma-ni-fest. 

3,  Aria  Alto       12/8       (e) 

Je-  su,  der  aus     gro>8ser  Lie-  be 
Je-Bus,  who  has  loved  me     dear-ly, 

in     der     Tau-  fe     mir     ver-sohrie-be 
who  thru  bap-tism  pro-mised  clear-ly 

Le-     ben,   Hell  und     Se-  lig-  keit, 
life  and     hope  and  bles-sed  peace} 

Cemtata  165 

hllf ,   dass  ieh  mich  des-  sen  freu-  e 
let  us.   In     this  rite  re-  joi-cing, 

Gna-den-bund     (W. ) 
und     den     Le-bens-bund     er-     neu-     e 
faith  and  firm  al-     le-giance  voi-cing, 

in     der  gan-aen  Le-bens-  zeit, 
our  de-  vo-tion  ne-ver     cease. 

4,  Recitativo  Bass  (Strings  *  Fag.) 

Ieh     ha-  be,   ja,         mein  See-len-brau-ti-  gam. 
Thou  art  in-deed  be-  lo-  ved     of     my  soul^ 

da      du    mich  neu-ge-  bo-ren, 
thru  Thee     am       I     re-born  i 

dir     e-     wig  treu  zu     sein  ge-schwo-ren, 
and  true  to     Thee  for-  ev-  er  sworn, 

hoch-heil'-ges  Got-  tes-lammj 
Thou       ho-  ly     Laznb     of     God! 

Doch  hab'  ieh,   aeh! 
Yet     have     I,     oft. 

den  Tauf-bund 
bap-tis-  mal 

oft  ge-  bro-chen 
pled-ges  bro-  ken, 

und  nicht  er-  fullt,     was  ieh    ver-spro-chen, 
nor  have     ful-filled     the  vows     be-  spo-  ken. 

er-bar-me     dich     aus  Gna-den  u-  ber  mich! 
In     pi-ty.  Lord,  be     mer-ci-ful  to      me! 

Ver-  gib  mir     die       be-gang'-ne     Sun-     de, 
For-give  my     faults  and     in-  dis-cre-tions. 

du    weisst, 
Thou    who 

mein  Gott,  wie  sehmert-lieh  ieh 
dost  know,  my  sor-  row-  ful 

•iBD-fin-       da 
trana-gress-ions , 

der     al-  ten  Sohlan-  ge       Stieh} 
pluck  out  the     ser-  pent's  sting, 

das     Sun-den-gift  ver-derbt  mir  Leib  and  Se**le* 
whoso     ev-il       ven-om  taints  my     soul  and     bo-dy, 

hilf ,  dass  ieh  g^u-     big         dich  er-     wah-     le, 
keep     Thou  me     stead- fast,       true  and  trust-ing. 

St.  John  III,   14i 

"And  as  Uoses  lifted  iip  the  serpent  in 
the  wilderness,  even  so  must  the  Son  of  man  be 
lifted  up," 

blut-ro-tes  Sehlan-gen-bild, 
As     Uo-ses     lift-  ed       up 

das  an     dem     Kreuz  er-  ho-  het, 
the  ser-pent       in     the  de-sert, 


Cantata  165 

daa      al-     le        Schmer-zen  etillt 
so     liks-wlse,        on       the     Cross, 

und  mich  er-quickt,        wsnn  al-    le     Kraft 
the     Son  of        man  was      lif-ted        up 

ver-  ge-  net, 
to      save     us. 

Cantata  166 


(Chr.   ".'eiss   Sr.?) 

(TV  Easter  ?) 

Epistle,   James   I,    17-21,     Every  good  gift   is 
from  above;    be   swift   to  hear      slow  to   speak, 
slow  to  wrath. 

Gospel,  St.  John  XVI,  5-15.  It  ia  expedient 
for  you  that  I  go  away  but  the  spirit  of  truth 
will  come  and  guide  you. 

(Obos  and  Strings.) 

5,    Aria  Tenor      (Vn,    I   4  II.)      4/4        (g) 

Je-    Bu,    (mei-   nes     To-des     Tod), 
Je-sus,      Sa-viour     of     my     soul, 

lass   in  mei-   nem     Le-     ben 
thru  my  life  pre-serve     me, 

und     in  mei-  ner  letz-ten     Not 
when  I      nesLT  my        fi-   nal   goal 

vor  (W. ) 
Mir  fur  Au-  gen     schwe-  ben, 
let  not  an-guisb  swerve     me; 

(Er-       lo-     ser) 
dass  du  mein  Heil-schlang-lein     seist 
keep  me      ev-     er  true       to        Thee; 

(von     dem) 
fur     das  Gift  der  Sun-  de. 
foil  the     ev-  il     Sche-mer, 

Hei-   le,     Je-   su,   Seel'    und  Geist, 
help  and  heal  and     con-fort     roe, 

dass    ich     Le-ben   fin-   de, 
be     Thou  my     Re-dee-mer, 

6.   Chorale       4/4       (G) 

(Vn.    I  with  Sop.;    Vn.    II  with   Alto;   Va,   with 
Tenori   Fag.    *lth  Baas.) 

Sein  Wort,    sein'   Tau-  fe,   sein  I'iacht-mahl 
Thy     Tford,      com-  mun-ion,      sa-     era-  ment, 

dient     wl-  der  al-   len  Un-fall, 
will  ward     off  all   di-   sas-ter; 

der   heil'-  ge  Geist    Ira  Glau-ben 
our   faith     in  Thee      un-   sha-ken, 

lehrt    uns      da-rauf  ver-   trau-    en. 
di-    rect  Thou      us,    dear  Lias-ter. 

1.   Aria  Bass  2/8       (Bb) 

(instr.   as  above. ) 

St,  John  XVI,    5» 

"But  now  I  go  my  way  to  him  that   sent  me; 
and  none  of  you  asketh  me,   Either  goest   thou?" 

Wo  ge-hest     du       hin,   wo-  hin? 

Where       go-eat     Thou  Lord,   ah  where? 

bare   16,    36,    46   52i 
wo,     wo 
ah     where 

2.   Aria  Tenor     (Oboe)      4/A     (g) 

Ich       will        an  den       Him-  mei     den-ken 

All  my     thoughts  to  Heav'n  are  turn-ing, 

und  der     T7elt  mein  Herz       nicht   schen-ken, 
for  the  world  have     I  no       yearn-ing, 

this     -bar  10, 

Denr  (W, ) 

(Wenn  ich  ge-     he     o-  der     ste-  he). 
The*      I     wan-der  hith-er,    yon-der, 

BO  liegt   mir   (die  Frag'    im  Sinn)t 
ev-   er-  more       I       ask     me     now: 

Mensch,        ach  UenschJ  wo        gehst   du     hin? 

"Man,  ah  man]  where        go-est   thou?' 

3,    Aria  Soprano    fUnison  Chorale)      4/4      'c) 
(strings   in  unison.) 

Ich     bit-  te  dich,    Merr  Je-   su  Christ, 
I      crave   of  Thee,    Lord  Je-sus   Christ, 

halt   mich  bei   den  Ge-   dan-ken 
main-tain  me     by     Thy     fa-vor, 

und   lass  mich  ja      xu  kei-  ner     Frist 
and      let     me     not     an   in-stant   brief 


Cantata  166 

Cantata  166 

Ton     die-ser  Uei-nung  van-ken, 
from  my     con-vic-tion  wai-yerj 

son  -  dem     da-bei  ver-har-  ren  feet, 
but  8taunch-ly  my     be-  lief  con-firm, 

bis     dass  die  Seel*   aus       ih-     rem  Nest 
that  Then  my     soul     has  senred  its  term 

wird     in       den     Him-  mel  kom-men. 
'twill  dwell  with  Thee  in       Hea-ven, 

Denn  ea     kann  leieht  auf  Er-  den 
At     eve  the     plans     of     nor-ning 

vor       A-  bends     an-  ders     wer-den, 
are  blast-ed       with-out     wam-ing, 

ale  main     am  Uor-  gen  nieht  ge-dacbt. 
and  fade  a-  way  like     fly-ing  chaff. 

4,  RecitatiTO  Baas 

Gleich-wie     die     Re-gen-was-  ser  bald  Ter- 
As       quick  to  pass  as  light-est     sum-mer 


und  man-  che  Far-  ben  leioht  Ter-sobie-ssent 
as     soon  to     fade  as       sum-     mer     flow-ers, 

BO  gebt  es     auch  der  Freu-de     in       der  Welt, 
80  all     the     lit-tle  joys  of  earth  de-  part 

auf     wel-  che  man-cher  Uenseh       so  vie-  le 
which  mor-tals  here  be-     low  so  deep-ly 

Stu-cken     halt; 
take  to     heart, 

denn  ob     man  gleich  zu-  wei-len  sieht 
tho'   man  may     oft-     en-times  as-sume 

dass  sein  ge-wunseh-tes  Glu-cke  bl'uht, 
that     gol-den  days     will  ev-er     bloom, 

80       kann  doch  wohl  in  be-sten  Ta-  gen 
yet,    just  when  all     is  to  our     li-king, 

ganz     un-ver-  mut 
quite  un-  a-wares, 


die  letz-te  Stun-de 
our     fi-nal   hour  is 

5.    Aria  Alto        ^4        (B^) 
(Oboe   and  Strings.) 

Han       neh-me  sich  in     acht, 
Light   as     is  fly-ing  chaff, 

-lu-   eke   lacht. 
fic-kle   laugh. 

bars   17,    22,    end    24t 
nan     neh-  n* 
as     light   as 

wenn  dee        Ge- 
ls    For-time's 

6.  Choral '       V*       (g) 

(Ob.  Vn.  I  with  Sop,;  Vn.    II  with  Alto; 
Va.   with  Tenor.) 

Wer  weisB,  wie     na-  he  mir  mein  En-de, 
Who  knows     how  near  is  my     last  ho-ur, 

hin  geht-    die     Zeit,   her  kommt     der       Tod. 
for  there  goes  time,   and  here     comes  death, 

Ach  wie  ge-echwin-de     und  be-     hen-  de 
Ah,  how  too     sud-  den-ly     and  swift-ly 

kann  kom-  men  mei-ne  To-des-     not, 
will  come  my     fi-nal  dy-ing  breath. 

Mein  Gott,   ich     bitt'   durch  Chri-sti  Bluti 
In       Je-     sue'   Name         I       ask  of       Thee, 

mach's  nm*     mit  mei-nem     En-     de  guti 
send       Thou     a     gen-tle  death  to     mel 

Cantata  167 


Feast   of  St,  John 

Epistle,  Isaiah  XL,  1-5,  A  voice  crying  in 
the  wilderness,   Prepare  ye  the  way. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  I,  57-80.  Elizabeth  bears 
John  the   Baptist.      Her  prophecy;    and   Benedictus. 

(Oboe  da  caccia.  Oboe,   Clarino,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Aria  Tenor  12/8         (G)      (Strings.) 

Ihr  t!en-8chen,      ruh-     met     Got-tes  Lie-     be 
Ye     mor-  teds,    praise  ye     God 'a  af-fect-ion, 

und   (prei-set    eei-ne     Gu-     tig-keit). 
and     mag-   ni-   fy     His   kind-   li-ness, 

Lobt  Ihn  (aus  rel-  nem  Her-zens-trle-  be), 
that      in     the  time   of     His     se-   lect-lon 


Cantata  167 

Cantata  167 

dass   er     una   zu     be-stimm-ter  Zelt 
True  Be-lleT-ars  at      last  poe-aess 

das  Horn       des  H«lla,        den  V7eg       zum     Le-ben 
the  Horn       of     Hopej         the  Way       to     save   us, 

an     Je-  su       sel-     nem  Sohn,   ge-  ge-ben, 
that  Je-6U8  brought   to       us     and  gave   us. 

3.   Duet  Soprano-Alto       ^4       (a) 
(Oboe   da  caccia.) 

Got-tes  Wort  das   tru-  get   nicht, 

God     is  true,        His  Word     en-duree, 

es  ge-     schieht,       was     er  ver-sprlcht. 
He  will         do  what  He     as-  sures} 

Was  er     in       dem  Pa-ra-  dies 
as     He  vowed  in     a-  ges  past. 

a,  Recitativo  Alto 

0«-  lo-bet     sei     der  Herr  Gott  Is-ra-els, 
Kx-alt  the  Lord,   the  God       of     Is-ra-  el, 

der  sich  in     Gna-  den     zu     uns     wen-det 
for  all     the  Uer-cies  that  were  won, 

und     sei-  nen       Sohn         vom  ho-     hen  Him- 
rtien  froui  His  Throne,        for  sin-ners     to 


a-     t  one ,  . 

tuir  Welt-er-  lo-ser  sen-det. 
He     sent  His   on-ly     Son. 

Irst  stell-te     sich  Jo-  lian-  nee  ein 

First,       John     the  Bap-tist   came  to     us 

und     mu88-te       Weg     und     Bahn 
that     by     him  might  be     cleared 

See  Isaiah  XL,    3.      St.  Luke  I,   76. 

dezn     Hei-land  zu-  be-  rei-     ten; 
a     High-way     for  the     Sa-viour. 

hier-   auf         kam     Je-  sue   sel-  bar       an. 
And     then,        our  Lord  Him-self  ap-peared, 

die     ar-     men  Uen-schen-kin-  der 
the  Child  of     mor-  tal     Uoth-  er, 

und  die     Ter-  lor'-nen     Sun-  der 
to     save  each  sin-  ful  broth-er, 


bars  13-16i 
Bit     Gnad'      und  Lie-be 
with  love       and  mer-cy, 

bar  14i 
■it     Gnad'        und       Lie-be     zu     er-freu'n 
that     we         might   know  His  sa-ving  grace 

und  sie     zum  Him-mel-reich  zum  Him-mel-reich, 
to     lead  us     Joy-ful-  ly       our  God     to     face, 

(in  wah-  rer  Bums*)    zu  lei-ten, 
re-pen-tant     all,      in  Hea-ven. 

und  vor  so  viel  hun-  dert  J ah-  ren 
to     the  Pa-tri-archs     be-  fore     us 

See  St.  Luke  I,   72-73. 

de-nen     Va-  tern       schon  ver-hiess. 
He  will  wel-come  us     at     last, 

ha-  ben  wir   (gott-lob* )   er-  fah-ren. 
mer-ci-  ful       at     last     re-etore     us. 

4.  Recitativo  Bass 

Des  Wei-bes  Sa-  men     kam. 
Of     wo-  man  was  He     born, 

nach-dem  die  Zeit   er-     ful-     let; 
when  God  the     Fa-ther  willed     it; 

der  Se-  gen,  den  Gott   A-  bra-  ham 
as     God     to       A-  bra- ham  had  sworn, 

dem  Glau-b ens-he Id,  ver-  spro-chen. 
He     ver-     1-     ly         ful-filled  it; 

let  wle     der  Glanz  der     Son-  ne     an- 
80     will  He     cause  His  light  to  shine 

-ge-  bro-  Chen, 
re-splen-dent , 

und     un-  ser  Kum-  mer  let       ge-stil-let, 
that  all  our  sor-rows  may       be     end-  ed, 

Ein     stum-     mer  Za-cha-ri-ae     preist 
The  speecb-less  Za-cha-ri-as *     voice 

mlt     lau-     ter     Stim-     me     Gott 
was  loosed  euid  praised  the  Lord 

fur  sel-ne     Wun-der-       tat, 
for  all  the  won-dere  wrought, 

die  er     dem  Volk         er-     xei-  get         hat. 
to     all  His  folk,       and  bless-lngs  brought. 

Be-denkt,   ihr  Chri-  sten,      auch, 
Be-thlnk,   ye     Chri-stiana,   too, 


Cantata  167 

was     Gott  an     euch  ge-  tan, 
vbat  God     has  dons  for  you, 

Chorale  (lat  time) 

und   stim-cet     ihm  ein     Lob-  lied     an, 

and      in     His  migh-ty     »orks      re-joice, 

Recit.    (2nd  tine): 

und   stim-cet     ihm  ein     Lob-  lied     an. 

and     in     His  migh-ty     works     re-joice. 

Cantata  168 

Franc k 
VIII   Trinity 

Epistle,  I  Corinthians  X,  6-13.  Take  hee#i 
lest  you  fall;  you  will  not  be  tempted  beyo]^ 
your  power  to  resist;    shun  worldly  lusts. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  XVI,  1-9.  Parable  of  thai 
dishonest   steward  and  his  accounting. 

(2  Oboe  d'amore,   Strings.) 

1.   Aria  Bass   (Strings.)        V*       (b) 

5.   Chorale  Extended       3/4     (G) 
(Clarino,  Obce,   and  Strings.) 

Sei  Lob   una  ^rels     mit  Eh-   ren 
Be     ho-  nor  praise  and  glo-ry 

Gott  Va-  ter,   Sohn,    hei-li-  gem  GeiatJ 
to     all  the     bles-  sed  Tri-  ni-     tyl 

Der  woll'    in  uns  ver-meh-  ren, 
Ab       God     to   us     has  pro-mised 

was  er  uns  aus  Gna-den     /er-heisst, 
so     in  His  mer-cy     will  it       be; 

dass  wir  ihm  fest  ver-trau-en. 
Be*  cure  in     Him       a-  bid-ing, 

ganz-lich  ver-lass'n  auf     ihn, 
sub-  mis-sive     to         His  will, 

Ton     Her-zen     auf     ihn  bau-  en, 
with  hear-ty  trust  con-fid-ing, 

dass   uns'r  Herz,  Uut   und  Sinn 
His       pur-  pose     to     ful-fill; 

ihm     fe-  stig-lich  an-han-gen; 
with  all  the     firm  re-li-ance 

d'rauf     sin-  gen  wir  xur  Stund'i 
that      faith  in     Him     im-parts, 

A-men,   wir  werd'n's   er-lan-  gen, 
A-cen,   we       join         in  ein-ging 

glaub'n  wir  aus     Her-    zens     Grund. 
from       out   our  heart     os     hearts. 

Tu-     e     Rech-nungI 
Thine  ac-count-ingj 

das     die     Fel-     sen 
^en  the  moun-tains 

Don-  ner-  wort, 
Judg-ment     Dayi 

selbst  zer-spal-tet. 
split  to  piec-es. 


wo-     von     mein  Blut   er-  kal-tetl 
the  blood  with-  in     me  freez-es. 

Tu-     e     Reoh-nungi 
Thine  ac-count-ingi 

bar  25 t 

fort,   fort' 
thy       debt 

bars   26-27i 
ah     yea 

See-     le,    (fort)' 
Thou  must     payi 



du     musst  Gott 
thy     chat-tels 

wie-  der     ge-  ben 
thou  must  ten-der 

sei-  ne     Gu-ter,  Leib   und  Le-  ben. 
life  and  bo-dy     must   sur-ren-der. 

Tu-     e     Rech-nungi       Don-  ner-  wort. 
Thine  ac-oount-ingj       Judg-ment  Dayl 


2.  Recitative  Tenor     (Oboe  d'amore  T  *  IT) 

Es     ist     nur  frem-des     Gut, 
This  life  is     not     mine  own 

was     ich  in  dle-sem     Le-     ben  ha-  be; 
which     I     to-day  on     earth  am     li-ying, 

Geist,        Le-ben,        Uut    und  Blut  , 
soul,  bo-dy  are     a     loan, 

und  Amt  und  Stand  ist  mei-nes  Got-  tes     Ga-  b 
my     lot  and     sta-tion  are  the  Fa-ther's  gi-vi 

es       ist       mir     «um  Ver-wal-  ten 
The  goods  whieh  God     is  lend-ing 

und  treu-lich     da-     mit   Haus      xu       hal-  ten 
are  held     in     trust      a-gainst   the   epend-ing 

von     ho-     hen  Han-den     an-  ver-trauti 
of     more  than     T     can  well     af-ford. 



Caatata  168 


a-  ber  achi 
woe  is  me: 

mlr  graut, 
0     Lord, 

VMin  leh  in  mein     Ge-         wia-sen  go-  be 
I       ask  my  cons-cience     oft  in     ter-ror 

so  ▼oil  De-fek-te 
so   full  it  is     of 

und     mei-     ne  Rech-nun-gen 
how  stands  my  reck-on-  ing? 

ee-  hal 

Ich     ha-  be     Tag   und   Nacht 
I     tren-ble  day  and   night 

die     Gu-ter,   die     mir  Gott  ver-  lie-  hen, 
lest   I     de-  fault   in       my       ac-count-ing, 

kalt-sin-  nig     durch-ge-     braohtj 
and     shud-dor,      cold  with  fright i 

Vie     kann  ich  dir, 
What  may       I     do, 

flie-  hen? 

Ich  ru-  fe     fle-hent-lich, 
0     har-ken     to     my     plea. 

ga-rech-tor  Oott,    ent- 
ray  Sod,   to     pass     Thy 

ihr     Ber-  ge,      falltl 
ye     moun-tains     fall, 


ihr  Hu-  gel  de-cket 
ye  hill-ocka  co-ver 

Tor     Cot-  tea  Zorn-ge-rich-     te 
take  note  of       my     re-  pen-tance 

und  vor  dem     Blitz 
and  80     with-  hold 

von     sei-nem 
from  me     Thy 

An-  ge-aich-     tei 
aw-ful  sen-tencei 

3.   Aria  '^enor       3/8       (f#) 

(Oboe  d'amore  I  4  II  in  unison.) 

(Al-le  5c'nul-den  die   ich  ha-  be 

Ka-pi-tal        und   In-  tor-        es-   aen 
Ca-pi-tal        and  In-t'reat      pay-ment 

mei-ner  Schul-den  grosa   und   klein 
all  my        do-   bits  great  and  small 

mus-sen     einst  ver-rech-   net    sein, 
I     must    soon        ac-count    for     all; 

(Was  hier  un-  be-  rahlt  ge-blie-ben) 
Al-  las,  was  ich  schul-dig  blie-ben, 
Er'-ry       fail-ing,   base     and     aor-dld, 

ist   in     Got-  tes  Buch  ge-schrie-ben 
in     the   Book   of     God      re-   cor-     dod 

Cantata  168 

als  mit   Stahl   und     De-mant-»t#in. 
as     if       gra-  von  deep  in     stone* 

4.   Recitativo   Bass 

Je-     doch  er-Bchrock'-nes  Hen,      leb 

Take   heart,        and     trem-     ble     not;      live, 

und  ver-    ra-  ge     nichtj 
nor     be-moan  thy     lot, 

Tritt  freu-dig  vor     Ge-  richti 
but        Joy-oua   meet   thy     Godi 

Und     u-     ber-fuhrt  dich  dein  Ge-wis-       sen 
If,   bur-dened     by     thy     guil-ty  con-science, 

du  wer-  dest     hier  ver-  atum-     men     mus-     sen, 
be-fore  the     Judge  thy  words     shall  fall  thee, 

so     schau'   den  Bur-gen  an, 
thy       Su-     re-  ty     is     by, 

der  al-   le     Schul-  den  ab-ge-tanj 
Who  all  thy  debts  will  sa-tis-fy. 

(bis  auf     den  leti-ten  Rest) 
Ea   ist  be-zahlt  und  vol-   lig     ab-  ge-fuhrt, 

Be  not     a-fraid,        the  debt  is     whol-ly  paid 

was       du,  0  Mensch,  in       Rech-nung 

which  thou,        0     .  man,  didst  owe       to 

schul-dig  blie-ben; 
God       a-  bove,  i 

des  Lam-mea     Blut,        0  groa-   sea  Lie-  beni 
by       Je-suB  blood.       0  migh-  ty     lovei 
pre-cious  love. 

hat   dei-ne  Schuld  durch-stri-chen 
Of     ev'-ry     wrong     com-  mit-  ted 

und  dich  mit   Gott  ver-gli-  chen. 
in     full  art  thou     ac-quLt-  ted, 

Ss  iat  be-zahlt,        du     bist   quit-tiertj 
Be  not     a-fraid,        thy  debt     is     paidi 

In-  des-   sen     weil  du  weisst,        dass     du 
So,    stew-ard,  make  no     slip,  but     heed 

Haus-hal-  ter   seist, 
thy  stew-ard-   ship, 

30   aei     be-muht    und    un-  ver-ges-   sen, 
be   sure  to   use     thy  ta-lent   wiae-ly, 

den  Uam-mon  kliig-lich     an-   zu-  wen-den, 
in-  vest   it   well,    nor  vain-ly   spend   it, 

den     Ar-  men     wohl-zu-tun, 
in     good-ly     deeds   ex-cel, 


Cantata  168 

■o  Tirst  du,  wenn  sieb  Zeit  imd  L«-  ben 
■o  vilt  tbou,  wben  tby  life  on  earth  is 


in  Him-mels-  but-  ten  ei-cher  ruh'n, 
in  Haa-7en*s  Uan-slons  ev-  er  dvell. 

Cantata  169 


X?III  Trinity 

Epistle,   I  Corinthians  I,   4-8.     Thanks  for 
God's  Grace  to  the  Corinthians, 

Gospel,    St,  Matthew  XXII,    34-46,     The  great 
commandment;   whose  son  is  Christ, 

(2  Oboes,  Taille,  Organ,   and  Strings.) 

5,   Duet   Soprano-Alto        6/8        (e) 

Hen,    ler-reiaa'        dee     Uajn-mons  Ket-  te. 
Rend,   my     heart,        the  chains  of  Uam-mon, 

Han-     de         streu-  et       Gu-     tes     ausi 
scat-ter,        hands,   the  seeds  of     Graced 

11a-  chet   sanft   (main  Ster-be-  bet-  te), 
Uake  ye     soft       my       cru-  el  death-bed, 

bai^      et       mir     ein     fe-   stes     Haus, 
bid. Id  in  Heav'n  my     rest-ing-place, 

das     im     Him-mel       e-     wig  blei-  bet. 
There  for-  ev-er     loved  and  cher-ished 

1,  Sinfonia   V*  (D) 

(Inetr,  as  above.  Org,  Obligato,) 
(Same  as  first  movement  of  Clavier  Concerto 
in  E,) 

2.  Arioso  A  Recitative  Alto   3/8  (b) 


Gott  soil  al-  lein   mein  Her-ze  ha-  ben, 

God  has  my  heart,  there  He  a-  bi-deth, 

bars  12-13» 
a-  lone 

bar  34  Soprano,   bar  36  Altoi 
•-  wig,        e-     wig 
•v-er       loved  and 

(wenn)   der     Er-     de     Gut        zer-stau-  bet, 
when     the  Earth  in  diet       haa  per-ished. 

6,   Chorale        V*        (b) 

(Ob.   d'am.   I  *  II,  Vn,   I  with  Sop,}   Vn,  II 
with  Alto,   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Stark*   mich     mit  dei-  nem  Freu-den-  geist, 
By       Thine     a-tone-ment  make  me     strong, 

hell  mich  mit     dei-  nen  ^un-  den, 
Thy     love  and  grace     re-veal     me, 

wanch'    mich  mit   dei-   nem  To-  dea-schweiss, 
wash     Thou  my     soul   of     ev'-ry  wrong, 

in  mel-ner  letz-  ten     Stun-den; 
of  ev'-ry     tree-pass  heal     mel 

und  nlmm  nich  einet,  wenn  dlr'e  ge-fallt. 
And  take     me,  when         it     plea-  see  Thee, 

in  wah-reo  Glau-ben  von  der  77elt 
In  Hea-ven     ev-  er-more  to       bo 

xu     dei-  nen     Au«-  er-wahl-ten. 
with  Thee  and  Thine  E-  leo-  ted. 


Zwar  merk'    ich       aji       der     Welt, 
I       know     the  things   of     earth 

die       ih-     ren     Kot      un-schatz-bar     halt, 
are  naught  but  dust,   of       lit-  tie  worth, 

well  sie     so  freund-lich  mit  mir     tut, 
tho'  they  ap-  pear       to     me     so     dear; 

sie     woll-     te     gem  al-lein 
the  world  would  have  me  stray. 

das  Lieb-  ste  mei-  ner  See-  le  sein, 
and  seeks  to     lead  my     soul     a-  way; 

Doch  neini 
But  nay* 


Gott  soil  al-  lein 

God  has  my  heart 

(ich  find'   in  ihm) 
I      find  in     Him 


"/ir     se-     hen   zwar  auf     Er-  den 

At     times   we        no-tice   flo-wing, 

mein     Her-ze  ha-  bem 
there  He     a-  bi-deth. 

das  hoch-  ste  Gut. 
my  great-est  joy. 

hier  und  deu*, 
here  or  there. 

ein  Bach-lein  der   Zu-frie-den-heit, 
a   lit-tle   stream  of  hap-  pi-ness, 

das     von     des     Hoch-sten     Gu-     te  quil-let| 
that  tri-ckles  from  the     flllls  of  Plen-  ty; 

Gott  a-  ber     1st     der  ^uell, 
God     is     a     Ulght-y       Fount, 

an-  ge-  fill-     let, 
wa-tors  nou-rished. 

mit   Stro-raen 
by     mlgh-ty 



Cantata  169 

da     schopf    leh, 
when       wea-     ry 

was     mich  al-     le-ieit   kann 
there     I        come  to   oat-     le- 

aatt-eam     und       wahr-haf-  tig     la-  ben, 
-fy     my  thirst,    and     there  re-freeh  me, 


Gott   soil  al-lein       mein  Her-    ze  ha-ben, 

Ood       in     my  heart       a-     bi-deth  ev-er, 

bare   47   and   51t 
a-  lone 

3.    Aria  Alto      (Org,   Obi,)      V4     (D) 

Gott        Boll  al-   lein  mein     Her-   la   ha-  ben, 
Cod  has     my  heart  and     there  a-  bi-deth. 

leh  find'    in  ifam       (das  hoch-  ate)  Gut, 
I      find      in  Him         my     great -eat     Joy, 

(Er  liebt  mich)  in     der  bo-  sen       Zeit 

He  loTes     me  tho'   mia-for-tune  fallal 

und  will  mich  in  der     Se-  lig-  keit 
One  Day     for     me      in  Hea-ven's  Halls 

Cantata  169 

5.    /jria  Alto       1^8        (f) 

(strings,   end  Organ  obligate,) 

(Stirb     in  mir),   "Zelt      und   al-   le     dei-ne 
Die        in  me.        Earth  and  all  thy   emp-ty 

Lie-  be, 

etirb     in  mir,    dass   die  Brust 
die        in  me,      die     in       me; 

sich  auf     Er-  den      fur     und     fur 
give  rne     hope  and    faith  in     Thee, 

in     der  Lie-  be  Got-   tee      u-     bej 
and  of  love     a-  bun-dant  mea-sure, 

(Stirb     in  mir),   Hof-fahrt,   Reich-turn,    Au-gen-luat 
Die       in  me,       glo-  ry,  rich-es,     va-nl-  ty, 

ihr  ver-worf '-  nen  Flei-aches-trie-  be, 
ev-  il  things  that     mor-  tale  trea-sure, 

Vifelt      und  al-   le     dei-ne  Lie-     be, 
earth  and  edl  thy  emp-ty  plea-sure. 

See  I  John  II,   16, 

Bit     Gu-tern     sei-  nes     Hau-ses  la-  ben. 
His  rich-eet  bless-ings  He     pro-vid-eth. 

4.   Recitativo  Alto 

Wae     ist  die  Lie-  be  Got-tee? 
Whit   is     the  Love  of  God? 

Dee     Gei-     stee  Ruh',        der     Sin-     nen 
The   soul's     re-pose,  the  spririg  that 

ne-ver  dries, 

der  See-     le     Pa-ra-dies, 
the  spi-rlt's  Pa-ra-dise, 

Sie   echliesst  die  Hoi-  le     lu, 
it        shuts       the  Gate  of  Hell 

den  Him-mel     a-     ber     aufj 
ar.d     op-ecs  Hea-  ven  wide, 

■ie      ist     E-   li-   as'      Xa-  gen. 
To     earth  I  bid  fare-well, 

da     wer-den  wir   in     Him-   irel      nauf 
and  in       E-  li-  as'    Char-iot     ride. 
See  II  Kings  II,   11, 

in     A-  brame  Sehoss     ge-  tra-gen. 
to    rest      in  Ab-   rate's     bo-som. 

See  St.  Luke  XVI,    22. 

mlt      eu-        rem 
"to     neigh-bore 

6,  Recitativo  Alto 

Doch  meint    es     auch  da-bei 
Our     Lord     com-nand-ed  you, 

Nach-sten  treu, 
be       ye     true." 

Denn     so     steht     in     der  Sohrift  ge-schrie-benj 
The   Scrip-txire     bids   us,    "Faith-ful       la-     bor, 

Du     sollst  Gott  und  den  Naeh-sten     lie-  ben. 
love       God,    and,    as     thy-aelf,   thy  neigh-bor." 
St.  Matthew  XXII,    39. 

7,   Chorale       V*       (A) 

(Ob.   I  4  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.j   Vn.    II  with 
Alto|   Taille,  Va.  with  Tenor.) 

Du     »vf  a»9      Lie-       be,    schank'    uns 
Thou  pre-olous   love,   abed       o-         ver 

dei-ne     Gunet, 
us  thy     Grace, 

lass      uns        amp-fin-     den     der     Lie-be  Brimet, 
and     grant  that  thy     teaeh-ings     we  em-braca, 

dass  wir  uns     von     Her-     zen 
that  we     love  our  neigh-bors, 

ein-     an-  der  lie-  ben 
and  each     his  bro-ther 


Cantata  169 

und  in     Frie-  den  auf      ei-   nem  Sinn  blei-ben, 
li-ving  peace-Xul  all  with  one     an-   oth-   er. 

Ky-rie  e-lei-son. 
Ky-rie   e-lei-son, 

Alto  and  Bass: 
Ky-ri-e  e-iei-eon. 

Cantata  170 
(Bach  7) 
VI  Trinity 

Epistle,   Romans  VI,    3-11.     Sin  and  death  de- 
stroyed by  the  Resurrection, 

Gospel,    St,   liatthew  V,    20-26,     Part   of  senaon 
on  the  mount;    agree  with  thine   adversary. 

(Oboe  d'&more,   Flauto  traverse,   Strings,   and 
Organ. ) 

1.    Aria  Alto        1^8      (d) 
(Oboe  d'aiEore,   Strings.) 

Ver-gniig-  te  Ruh* ,        be-lieb-  te        See-     len- 
0     bles-eed  rest,       0     wel-come  heart's  de- 


dich  kann     rran     nicht     bei     Hol-len-   sun-den, 
«en     find  thee     not       where  sin     a-bound-eth, 

wohl        a-     ber     Kim-Eels-ein-tracht    fin-   den, 
but     where  the  praise  of  God     re-     sound-eth, 

bare    20  and   46> 
du     starket  al-lein     die  schwa-che  Brust. 
Eske   strong     my  weak-ness        by     thy  might, 

bar8__21  and    47 1 
dii     starket   al-lein  die  schwa-che  Brust, 
and     guide     my  fee-  ble  soul       a-  right. 

(Drut)      sol-   len  lau-ter     Tu-     gend-  ga-     ben 
So        make  thou   in     my     heart   thy     dwell-ing, 

In       mei-   nem   Her-ien  Woh-nung   ha-  ben. 
and  bring   me     joy   all  joy      ex-cell-ing. 

,  bar  38i 

Cantata  170 

2.   Recitativo  Alto 

Die     Welt,   das  Sun-den-  haus, 
The  world     is     full  of  wrong, 

bricht  nur  in       Hol-len-lie-  der     aus 
in       ev'-ry  throat  a     ri-bald     song, 

und   sucht  durch  Hass   und  Neid 
and     men     would  seem  to     seek 

des  Sa-     tans     Bild     an  sich     2u     tra-gen. 
in     hate  and     spleen  to  vie     with     Sa-tan. 

Ihr     Uund  ist         vol-       ler  Ot-ter-gift, 
V.'ith  pois-oned  tongues,    on     ev-il     bent, 

der     oft       die     Un-  achuld  t*dd-lich  trifft, 
they  strive  to     wrong     the     in-     no-     cent, 

und  will  al-     lein     von       Ra-cha,       Ra-     cha 
and     in     their  mad-ness  spesik  of     naught  but 

sa-     gen, 

Ge-  rech-  ter     Gott, 
Ah,   Right-eous  God, 

wie  weit  ist     doch     dei 
how  far     does  man     fal! 

Uensch  von  dir  ent-fer-     net; 
short      of     Thy  com-mand-nentsj 

du  liebst, 
in-  deed, 

je-  doch  sein  ijfund 
vilth     cur-ses       he 

macht  Fluch  und  Feind-schaft  kund 
in  o-     pen       en-       mi-       ty 

(kran-ken  nur  und 
und  will  den  Nach-  sten  nur  mit  Fus-  sen 
a-  gainst   his  neigh-bor's  need  his  heart  has 

hoh-  nen) 
tre-  ten, 

Achj        die-       se     Schuld 
Ah,  guilt  like     this 

(ver-Boh-  nen) 
ver-be-  ten. 
be     par-doned. 

iet   schwer-llch  eu 
can  scarce     in-deec 

3.    Aria  Alto  ^/^       (t§) 

(strings   in  unison.      Organ  obi. 

2  ClaT.) 

"7ie  jam-mem  mich  do  oh  die     ver-kehr-ten 
How  sad     am       I        for     that  per-rer-  t«d 



SMitata  170 

dl«       dlr,    ^meln  Gott),      (ao  sehr)    iu«  vi- 
■boae  heart       la     hard         nor  will     he  hear 
bar*  13-14t     «jaos«  heart 

-  der     aeln} 
Thy  Toloe, 

ieh  sitt*-re  recht    und  fuh-  le   (tau-  aend 
I     treo-ble  much     and  feel  a       thou-aand 

Schmer-ien) , 
tor-  oenta 

vann  ale     aleh  nur  an  Raoh*,an     Rach'und  Haaa, 
that   auch     a       one  in  ren-gence     and     In  hate 

an     Rach'    und  Hasa  er-freu'n, 
can       er-  er     thua  re»  Jolce, 

bar   24-25i 
««nn  ale     elch  nur  an  Each'    und  Haaa   er-freu'n. 
that   aiich     a       one  In  ren-genoe  can     re-  Jolce. 

Oa-rech-  ter     Gott,    (was  icagat     du     (dooh 
0     Right -eoua  God,     what  must     Thou     now 

ge-  den-  ken)), 
be  thlnk-lng, 

wenn   ale       al-leln  cdt  rech-  ten  Sa-tane-ran-ken 
vfaan  man       la  thus  to     flend-lah  vi-ces   slnk-lng, 

dain  achar-fee  Straf-ge-     bot      so  frech 
whan  Thine     ex-preas  coic-manda  so     oft 

we     flout. 

kebi        oh-     ne     Zwel-fel     hast  du  so  ge-  dachti 
khl       Thou  wilt   say     with     me,      I  do  not   doubti 

Wle  J am-mern  izdch       doch  die     ver-kehr-ten 
•How  sad     am       I  for     that  per-rer-  ted 


Cantata  170 

wle  Dei-nen     be-'ttra  Preund 
aa     If     he     were  my     friend 

naeh  Got-  tea     Vor-achrift     lie-ben  aoll, 
for     thus  the  Script-urea     clear-ly  ahow, 

ao  flieht   mein  Her-   ze  Zom  und  Groll 
A-     way         I       ban-lah  hate  and  wrath 

und     wunacht  al-  leln  bel     Gott     lu       le-ben, 
from       out       my  heeirt.and  choose  the  path 

der     aelbst  die     Lie-  be  helsst. 
that     God       has  shown  to       me. 

Ach,   ein-  t'-aobt-  Tol-  ler  Gelst, 
Ah,      soon     from     troub-le       free 

wann  wlrd     er     dir  dooh       nur     sein  Him- 
my       soul  will  be     In       Heay'n  with  Him 

-mels-  xl-  on     ge-ben? 

whose  name  Is  love. 

4.  RecltatlTO  Alto       (Strings.) 

Wer     soil-  te  aich  dec-  naoh 
Why  ahould  we  here   on     earth 

vohl  hier   zu       le-     ber.     wun-echen, 
re-  gard  our  Urea   of     worth, 

Venn     c&n     nur  Hasa   und     Un-  ge-mach 
where   hate   Is   reck-oned      far     a-bore 

fur  sei-ne     Lie-  be     sieht? 
tha  joy  of  God's   own     lore? 

Doch  well   Ich     auch  den  Feind 
Tet        I        must    love  my        foe 

5.   Aria  Alto       i/A       (D) 

(Fl.  tr.    (An  stelle  der  Orgel.)  Org,   obi.. 
Oboe  d'amore,   and   Strings.) 

(Wle  leld  lat       air       daa  La-  ben) 
Ulr     e-     kelt   (mehr  ( zu     le-  ben,) 
Uy     life     la       but       a       bur-den, 

drum  ntnwi  mlch,     Je-     au,      hin. 
to     end       it       soon  were  well, 

Mir     graut  vor     al-  len  Sun-den, 
with  dread  my     sins     I     pon-der* 

laas  mlch  dies  Wohn-haua  fin-den, 
so     take     me       to     Thee  yon-der 

(wo-     selbst)   ich     ru-     hig     bin. 
with     Thee       in     peace  to     dwell. 


Cantata  171 

3.  RecltatJTO  Tenor 

Cantata  171 



New  Year 

Du       8U-  saer  Je-sua-  Na-     me       du, 
^letle,  Gelatians  III,   23-29.     Faith  si^erceded  Thou  Name     of    Je-Bus,  sweet-eet  rest, 
the  lav}  we  are  all  one  irtien  baptised  in  Christ, 
0«apalt  St.  Luke  II,   21.      His  name  was  called 

in     dir  ist  mei-  ne      Ruh', 
when     I     am     sore  op-presti 

(3  Ttoaba,  Tis«>ani,   2  Oboe*,  Strings.) 

1.   Chorus         Z/Z  ■  (D) 
( Inatr.  as  abore) 

Psalm  XLVTII,    lOi 

"According  to  my  name,  0  God,   so  is  thy 
praise  unto  the  ends  of  the  earth|   thy  right 
hand  is  full  of  righteousness." 

Gott,  wie  dein     Na-  me,   eo 
God,     as     Thy     Name  is,   so. 

Sop.   bars  13,   35,    60.   Alto  7,    39, 

Ten.    3,    8,    43.   Bass  17,    47| 
ist  auch  dein     Ruhm  , 
80       is     Thy     praise 

Sop.   bars   18,    40,    48,    59.    Alto  14,    22,    44,    52. 

Tenor  8,    16,    27,    48.   Base  16.    22t 
so  ist   auch  dein  Ruhm 
so  is       Thy       re-nown 

bis   (an  (der  Welt  En-  de.) 

to  where  the  earth  doTh  end. 


Du    bist  mein  Trost  auf  Er-  den. 
Thou  art       my       con-  so-  la-tion, 

wie  kann  denn  mir       im     Kreu-  ze  ban-ge  wer-^eni 
why  need     I       then  fear  trial  or  tri-bu-la»t4  oni 

Du     bist  mein  fe-  stes  Schloss  und  mein  Pa-  nit 
Thou  eu-t     my       ban-ner       fair,     my       to-  wer  big 

da  lauf *   ich  hin 
to  Thee       I     fly 

wenn  ich  rer-fol-  get     bin. 
when     ev-il     foes  are  nigh. 

Du     bist  mein     Le-     ben  und  mein     Licht, 
Thou  Eirt       my     hope,  my     bea-eon    bright, 

mein    Eh-  re,       mei-ne       Zu-       ver-siebt, 
my     Hel-per         and  my  heart's     de-light, 

mein  Bei -stand     in     Ge-  fahr 
the     pre-cious  gift  to  cheer 

imd  mein     Ge-schenk  sum  neu-  en  Jahr* 
my     life  thru-  out     the  com-ing  year. 

Sop.   bare  15,    37,    62.    Alto  9,    11,    41,    62. 
Tenor   5,    45,    62.   Bass   19,    62i 
En'     de. 
doth  end. 

Sop.   bars   23,44,52,55,65,67,69,72,77.    Alto  18, 
26,    31,48,55,65,68,77.   Tenor   11,14,18,24,30, 
52,67,72,77.    Baas   26, 31, 49, 53, 58, 68, 72, 77i 

En-     de. 


2.    Aria  Tenor   (Vn.    I   4  II.) 


so  weit  die     Wol-     ken  ge-  hen, 
as   far     as     clouds   in     Hea-ven 

ge-        het   dei-nes  Na-  mens  Ruhm. 
spreads  Thy  glo-ry     and  Thy     Name. 

Al-   les;   was  die       Lip-pen     r'uhrt, 
Er'-ry     crea-ture  draw-ir^  breath, 

Al-   lea,   waa     nuir       0-       dem   fuhrt, 
er'-ry        soul   froo  birth  to     dauth, 

wlrd   dlch   in     der  Kacht    er-ho-hen. 
Ood        Al-mlgh-ty        ■««-  nl-fi-eth. 
Sea  PeaLa  CL. 

4.  Aria  Soprano  (Vn.  solo.)   1^8   (D) 

Je-sus  soil     mein     er-     stes  Wort 
Je-8U8   first     I       speak     Thy  Name 

in       dem  neu-  en     J ah-  re       hei-ssen. 
first  of     all  this  New  Year  mom-  ing. 

lacht   sein  Nam'   in  mei-nem 
Joy-  0U8     voi-ces  now  are 

Fort   und  fort, 
Je-  sua  Nacei 

Hun-  de. 


und     in       mei-     ner  letr-  ten  Stun-  do 
when  the   shades  of     death  are  fall-ing, 

ist  Je-Bua  auch  (mein  letz-tes  'Yort). 
my     fi-nal  word     will     be     the  same. 

5.   ReoitatiTO  ft   Arioso  Daae    (Ob.   T   4  IT)    V^  fO) 

St.  John  XIV,  14i 

"If  ye  shall  ask  anything  In  my  name, 
I  will  do  it." 


Cantata  171 

Cantata  171 


Ubd     da       du,      Herr,   s«-  sagti 

And   hast  Thou,   Lord,    not   said 

Bit-tet     nur        in       mei-nem       Na-     men, 
"A-     n/-  thing  which  for  my     Names  sake 

so     ist     Al-   Iss     Jal      und  A-  meni 
ys  shall  ask  me,     I       will  do     it!" 


so  fie-  hen  wir, 

so  pray  now  we, 

du     Hei-  land  al-ler     Welt, 
Thou     Sa-Tiour  of  the  World, 

6.   Chorale 

(Tromba  I,    II,    III,  Timpani.        Ob.   I  4  II, 
Vn.   I  with  Sop. I   Vn.    II  with  Altoi   Va. 
with  Tenor.) 

Dein  ist     al-lein  die  Eh-  re, 
To     Thee     a-lone  be     glo-ry, 

dein  iat      al-lein  der     Ruhm. 
to       Thee     a-lone     be  praise. 

Ge-duld   im     Kreuz   uns   leh-     re. 
In  trou-ble  teach  us     pa-  tience, 

zu     din 
to  Theet 

Ver-stoss'    uns 
"Be     Thou,  Lord, 

fer-ner  nicht, 
ev-er     near. 

be-  hut'    uns  die-  ses  Jahr 
pro-toct   us     thru  the  year. 

Tom  (W. ) 

fur       Feu-  er    , 

from  sick-ness, 

Pest  und  Kriegs-ge-fahri 

fire,        and  threat   of     war. 

Lass      uns  dein  Wort,   das  hel-le  Llcht, 
Uain-tain  Thy     Word,   for-ev-  er     more 

noch  rein  und     lau-     ter  bren-nenj 
a       bea-  con  bright -ly     burn-ing, 

gib     un-     ser     0-  brig-keit 
to     guide  our  gor-  ern-ment, 

und     dem  ge-     sam-ten  Lan-  de 
thru-out    our  land  ajid     na-tion, 

dein  Heil  des  Se-  gens      zu       er-     ken-  nen; 
de-  Tout-ly     for  Thy     Bles-sing  yaarn-ing. 

gib     al-  le-seit  Cluck  und  Heil     zu  al-  lem 
bring  for-       tune     fair  to     those  in  ev-erj' 

Stan-  de. 

re-  gier'    all'    un-  ser     Tun, 
and     go-  Tern     all  our  ways, 

bis  wir  ge-trost  ab-schel-den 
un-  til  at  last     in     Hea-  Ten, 

iaa      ew'-  ge     Him-  mel-relch, 
from  care  and  trou-ble     free, 

zu     wah-  ren  Fried*    und  Freu-den, 
in  peace  and     joy       for-  er-  er 

den  Heil '-gen  Got-tes     gleioh, 
we       may     be     one  with     Thee. 

In-     des     mach's  mit     una       al-  len 
Our  needs     €ind       Ton-tures  mea-sure 

nach  del-  nem  Wohl-ge-     fal-  len. 
ac-  cor-ding     to     Thy  plea-sure, 

Solch's  sin-gat  heut'   ohn'   Scher-zen 
And         so     Thy     peo-  pie,  bring-ing 

die  christ-glau-     bi-     ge     Schar, 
to       Thee     their  faith  sin-cere, 

und     wunscht  mit     Uund     und  Her-   zen 
with  truat-     ing  hearts  are  sing-ing 

ein     eel*-  ges     neu-  es     Jahr. 
"Bless  Thou  this     co-  ming  year." 

Wir     bit-  ten  Herr, 
Ve     pray  Thee  Lord, 

in     dei-  nem     Na-  men, 
that  Thou  be     near     us. 

sprich  JaJ  dar-zu       eprloh     A-     men, 

say       yea,        A-  men,  edi,      hear     us, 

(A-     men:) 
hear     us.' 


Cantata  172 

Epiatle,  Acts  II,  1-13.  Descent  of  the  Holy 
Ghost  at  Pentecost. 

Goipel,  St.  John  XIV,  23-31,  Ye  who  love  me 
will  keep  my   conraandments;    I   come  again. 

(3  Tromba,  Tlnqpani,  Fagotto,  Violoncello, 
Organ,   Strings,   axtd  Viola  II.) 

1.   Chorus         2/e       (C) 

(Tromba  I,    II,    III,   Tin*.*   Fag.,Vn.    I  *  II, 
Va.    I  4  II.) 

Er-schal-let,        ihr     Lie-  der. 
Ye     Yoi-  ces  re-  sound-ing, 

(er-klin-get, )   ihr       Sal-  teni 
ye  psal-  te-  ries     sound-ing, 
vi-  ols 

(0  se-  liK-ste   Z«i-  ten,) 
0  glo-ry       a-bound-ing, 

Gott  will     sich  die  See-     len 
the     souls     of     the  Right-eous 

lu     Tem-peln  be-     rei-  ten, 
God     ma-keth  His   dwell-ing. 

2.   RecitatiTO  Baas   (See  also  74  (1).) 

St.   John  XIV,    23: 

"Jesus  answered  and  said  unto  him  (Judas, 
not   Iscariot)    If  a  man   love  me,    he  will  kee 
my  words;    and   my  father  will   love  him,    and  vs 
will   oon^   unto  him,   and  make  our  abode  witn 
him.  " 

Her  mich     lie-  bet,        der     wird  mein  Wort 
He     who     loves  me,  keep-eth       my     com- 

hal-     ten, 

und  mein  Va-  ter  wird   ihn     lie-  ben, 
and     my     Fa-tfeer   too     will  love   him, 

und  wlr  wer-den   zu     ihm     koin-.^en 
and  we     His     a-bode  will     en-ter, 

und     Woh-   nung   bei   ihn  ma-chen. 
and  dwell  with  Him  for-   e-  ver. 

Cantata  172 

3,   Aria  Bass  (3  Tromba,  Tinqpani,) 

Hei-  lig-  ste  Drei-  ein-  ig-keit. 
Come  Thou     Ho-  ly     Three-in  -  One, 

(gro-  sser  Gott,)   gro-sser  Gott     der  Eh-  ren, 
Uigh-  ty     God,        God     in     Grace  ex-cell-ing, 

komm     doch     in  der  Gna-den-zeit 
Fa-     ther,      Ho-ly     Spi-rit,   Son, 

bei     una  ein-   zu-     keh-  ren, 
with  us     meike  Thy  dwell-ing) 

(komm  doch)   in  die     Her-   zens-hut-  ten, 
come  Thou,   in  our  hearts     a-  bl»  ding, 

Bind  sie  gleich  ge-ring  und  klein, 
tho'   we         of-  fer  mea-  gre     fare, 

komm  doch,   komn     und     lass  dich  doch     er-  bit-tem 
come  Thou,    come  Thou,     by     Thy     Grace  pro-vi-ding! 

koLim  und  zie-  he     bei  uns     sini 
Hope  and  Love  and  Mer-cy     there* 

4,   Aria  Tenor       3/4       (a) 
(Strings  in  unison,  Va,   II,) 

0  See-     len-pa-ra-dies, 
0  Soul,   the  Pa-ra-dise, 

das     Got-tes  Geist  durch-we-  hetj 
which  God  Him-self       per-  va-dethj 

der     bei  der  Schop-fung  blies, 
God's  Spi-rit       ne-  ver     dies, 

der  Geist,  der  nie  ver-ge-  het| 
His     glo-     ry     ne-  ver  fa^deth. 

auf,   auf,   be-     rei-te  dlchl 
Vpl     soon  will  He     ap-peari 

der  Geist,  der  nie  ver-ge-  het, 
His     glo-     ry       ne-ver  fa-deth, 

der       Tro-ster  na-het  sioh, 
God's  Grace  is     ev-er  nesir. 
His     -bar  80,   97. 

5,    Duet   Soprano-Alto 

(Vn.   solo,  Violoncello  Obi.,  Org.  Obligate.) 


Konm,    lass  mich  nioht      Ian-  ger  war-ten, 
Come     Thou     Spi-rit        which  oa-  ress-es 


Caotata  172 

Cantata  172 

(koiim)t     du       sanf-  tar  Hlza-mals-wlod, 
oooe,     thou  breath  of     Hea-yen     mild, 

w-     he     durch  den       Her-   lene-gar-tenl 
blow  thou  thru     my     heart's  re-  cess-es! 


(leh  er-     qui-cke)    (dich)   mein     Kind.) 
I  will  quiok-en       thee,     my     child. 


Lleb-ste  Lde-be,    (die       so       eu-     see,) 

Beet  Be-  lo-Ted,     pre-cloue  trea-eure, 

al-ler  Wol-luet     U-       ber-fluss, 
•-  Ter-flow-lng  fount  of     bllee, 

(loh  rer-     geh*)  wann  ioh  dlch     mis-  se. 
Thou  the  source       of     all     my     plea-sure. 


Nlnm  (Ton     mlr)    (den     Gna-den-kuse). 

Take     from  me         this     Ho-ly     kiss. 


Sel     Im     Glau-ben     mlr     will-kom-  men! 

Tal-come     me     with  hope       en-rap-turedl 

Hoch-ste  Lie-be,        komm  her-  ein! 
Best     B««lo-Ted,  I       am     Thine, 

du     hast  mlr     das     Hers     ge-  nom-  men, 
whol-  ly     Thou  my     heart   hast  eap-tured, 

■•i     Im  Glau-     ben     mlr     will-kom-  men. 
firm  of  faith,  with  hope     en-  rap-tured* 

Ich  er-       qui-cke  dlch),  mein     Kind, 
I     will  quick-en  thee,       my     child, 

nima  (ron     mlr  (den     Gna-den-kuss) , 
take     from  me       this     Ho-ly     kiss, 

(Ich  bin  deln)    und  (du     blet  mein,) 
I     ac     Thine  and  Thou     art  mine, 

du     blst  mein  (und  Ich)  bin     delnl 
Thou  art     mine       euid  I        am     Thlnei 

6.   Chorale 

(strings,   ft  Va,   II,   Fag,   with  continue.) 

Ton  Gott   komnrt  mlr   eln  Freu-den-   sohein, 
0     God,     when    Je-sua  mine  doth  chance, 

wenn     du     mlt   del-nen     Au-  ge-  leln 
to     cast   on     me       a     klnd-ly  glance, 

■Ich  freund-llch  tust    an-gli-  cken. 
Thy       Light      of     Joy     In-spires   me. 

0  Herr  Je-     su,   mein  trau-tes  Cut, 
0  Je-   sua,   Thou  who     com-fort-eth. 

deln  Wort,   deln  Geist,   dain  Laib  und     Blut 
Thy     Word,   Thy       Spi-     rlt,    life  and  death 

mlch     in-     ner-  lich  er-     qui-  oken. 
with  qulok-ened     cou-rage  fires  me. 

Nimm  mlch  freund-lich  in     deln'    Ar-  me. 
Take     me)      keep       mej   Thy  pro-  teo-tlon, 

dasB     ich  war-  me       werd  von  Gna-  den) 
Thine     af-fec-tlon.   Love     in-etil-ling) 

auf  deln  Wort  komn  ich     ge-     la-     den. 
at     Thy     call     I       come  all  will-ing. 

Cantata  173 


Epistle,   Acts  X  42-48.     Descent  of  the  Holy 
Ghost   on  Peter,   Corneliua  and  edl  that  heard 
Peter  preach. 

Gospel,  St.  John  III,   16-21.     Qod  so  lorad 
the  world  that  He  gave  His   only  begotten  eon, 
that  whosoever  believeth  in  Him  should  not 
perish  but   have  everlasting  life. 

(2  Flauto  traverse,   Strings.) 

1,  Recltatlvo  Tenor       (Strings.) 

Er-hoh-tes  Fleisch  und     Blut, 
Ex-alt-ed       Floah     and  Bloodi 

das     Gott   selbst  an     sich  nimmt, 
when  God,     thru     His  own       Son, 

dem     er     schon  hier  auf  Er-     den 
as-simed       a       mor-  tal  sta-tlon. 

•1b  hlmm-lisch  Hell  be-  stimmt, 
a     child  of       man.    Ha         won 

dee  Hoch-sten  Kind   zu     wer-  den! 
for     Man     as-sured  sal-va-  tion. 

Er-hoh-tes  Fleisch  und     Blut! 
Ex-al-  ted     Flesh     and  Blood! 

2.   Aria  Tenor     V*     (D) 

(Fl.  tr.   I  ft  II,   Strir^s.) 

Elr.     ge-     hei-  lig-       tes  Ge-     mu-     ta 
Faith-ful   Chri-stians,   God  con-fess-lBg, 


Cantata  173 

Cantata  173 

sieht   tind  aehme-cket  Got-     tea     Gu-     ta« 
come     to     knoT     Hla     pre-oioua  blesa-log. 

Ruh-met,        sin-get,   etiiont  die  Sai-teuv 
Vi-  oIb,       Toi-ces,     aing     the  Sto-ry, 

Got-tes  Treu-  e  (aua-     au-  brei-ten). 

of     Hie  good-neaa,      chant  Hla     glo-ry. 

3.   Aria  Alto  (Stringa.)      V*     (b) 

Gott  will,        o         ihr     Uen-ac hen-kin-  der, 
Won-droua  thizigs     will  God     ae-     com-pliab, 

an     euch  gro-  ese     Din-  ge  tun. 
for  the     sake     of     mor-tal  man; 


und  Her-ze, 
and     bo-dy, 

Ohr       und  Bli-oke 
hearta  and  Toi-eea* 

kon-nen  nicht  bel  die-  aem  Glu-eka 
er'-ry       hu-     man  aoul     re-joi-cee, 

und  ao     hell'-ger  Freu-     de     ruh'n. 
joy-ful     all     the  Chria-tian     clan. 

4.   Duet   Baae-Soprano   (Aria)      V*     (G) 
(ri.   tr.   I  4  II,   StringB. ) 


So     hat  Gott     die     77elt   ge-liebt, 

God   ao     lored  the  vorld   and  man 

St.   John  III,    16-21. 
aein  Kr-bar-  men       hllft   una     Ar-  men, 
that  He  gare  ua,        aent     to     save  ua, 

daas    er     aei-nen  Sohn  une  gibt, 
gave   Hia  Well-be-   lo-  ved  Son; 

Ona-den-ga-ben     zu       ge-nie-aeen, 
rich-ly  on  ua     grace  be-atow-ing, 

die       wle  rel-che  Str'6-me  flie-eaen. 
Btreajta   of     mer-cy        o-  rer-flow-ing. 


Sein  Ter-noii-ter  Gna-den-   bund 

By       Try     co-ren-ant   of     Grace 

let   ge-Bcriaf-tig        und  wird   kraf-tig 
ne»-ly  guide   ua,        all  pro-  Tide   ua, 

in        der     Uen-ach«n  Herz      und  Uund, 
guilt   from   out      our     aoule      ef-face. 

daa*    aaln  Oelat    zu        saI-     nnr     Th-   re 
So     with     loT-lng       ao-        cla-  aia-tlon 

glau-big      zu     i>ic     ru-   fen   leh-   re. 
we     wmj  Toioe   our     a-   do-   ra-tir«n. 


Nun    wir       laa-aen  un-are  Pflicht 
There-fore  come  we,   du-tv       bound. 

Op-     fer       brin-gen,  dan-  kend     sin-gen, 

pre-sente  bring-ing,       thank-ful     aing-ing, 

da     sain     of-       fen-bar-  tee  Licht 
that  Thy     praise  may  loud     re-aound; 

sioh  xu  sei-nen  Kin-dern  nei-  get 
As       a     Fa-ther  safe  di-rect     us, 

und  aich  ih-nen  kraf-  tig  zei-  gex. 
by     Thy     Ho-ly     Light  pro-tect     us. 

5.  Reoitativo  and  Arioao  Soprano-Tenor 

Un-end-lich-eter,       den     man       dooh  Va-tar  nenn' 
E-  tar-nal     One,  oxir  hearts     go     out  to  Thee 

wir  wol-len     denn  daa  Herz  und  Op-fer  brin-gen,  i 
our  Fa-thar,     in     de-     vo-tion  ne-ver-end-  ing; ; 

auB  uns-rer     Brviet,        die  ganz     vor  An-dacht 
for  we     will     all  Thy  ohild-ren  ©▼-  er 

brennt , 

soil     sich     (der  Seuf-zer  Glut)   zim  Him-  icel 
our     prayers  to     Thee  in       Hea-  ven  high     as- 
S. 9-11,  T.  10-11, 

12-13i        in     Hea-  ven  high 

Ten.   13i  in     Heav'n  aa- 


-cend-  ing. 

6.   Chorus   (Fl.  tr.   I  4  II,   Str.) 

Ruh-     re,      Hoeh-ater,      un-     earn  Gelst, 
Stir. Thou,  Lord,   our     hearta  thia  day, 

daas  dee  hooh-Bten  Gei-ates     Ga-  ben 
let     Thy     Ho-  ly       Spi-rit     move  us, 

ih-     re     Wlr-kung  in     une     ha-     ben. 
tried  and  true  dia-cip-lee  prove     ua; 

Da  deln  Sohn      une   be-  ten  heisBt, 
Je-Bua,   teach   ub     how  to       pray, 

wird      as     duroh  die  Wol-ken  drin-gen 
that  thru     Thee   our  eup-pli-   cn-tion 

und       Kr-     ho-     rung  auf  una  brin-gen. 
pierce  the   olouda   for   our  sal-  va-tlon. 


*  Cantata  174 


Sx>iBtl«,  Aota  X,  42-48.  The  Holy  Ghost 
Itsoends  on  Peter,  Cornelius,  and  all  who 
lear  Peter  preach. 

Gospel,    St,  John  III,    16-21.      r,od   bo   loTed   the 
rorld  that  he  gave  His  only  son  that  we  nilghi 
je  saved, 

'2  Como  da  caccla,    2  Oboee,  Tedlle,    3  Violins, 
3  Violas,    3  Violoncelloa. ) 

L.   Sinfonia       V*     (O) 
(Inatr.   as  above.) 
(Third  movement   of  Brandenburg  Conoerto. ) 

t.   Aria  Alto  ^8       (D) 

'■     (Oboe  I  ft  II.) 

'oh  lie-  be     den  Hoch-sten  von     gan-  xem 
I     love  the     Al-migh-ty       with  deep-est 

Ge-Mu-  te, 

>r     hat  mich  guch     am     hoch-eten     lieb, 
ind     I       am     sure  that  God     loves     me. 

bar  59i 
•r     hat  mich  auch     am     hoch-sten     lieb« 
•ore  am       I       too     that  God     lores     me. 

[Gott   (al-lein)   soil  (der  Schatz  der  See-len) 
God       to     me       will     ay       trea-sure     ev-er 


la  hab'   ich  (die  •-     wl-ge  Qusl-le)  der  Gu-  te. 
I*  wide  and     as  deep  as  the  o-  cean 

as  wide  and  as  deep  as  the  o-cean. 

B«  Recitativo  Tenor 

(3  Vn.  in  unison.    3  Va.    in  unison.) 

3     Lie-  be  wel-cher  kei-  ne  gleiohl 

0«-  vo-tioni        such  as       ne-ver  knownl 

0     un-schati-  ba-     res  Lo-  se-geldl 
0  pre-cioua     love,   of     God     a-lone! 

Der  Va-ter  hat  des  Kin-  des     Le-  ben 
Hie  on-ly     Son  the     Fa-ther  gave   us, 

fur  Sun-der     in        den  Tod  ge-  ge-  ben 
to     suf-fer  death  and  so     to  save   ua, 

Cantata  174 

und     al-     le, 
that  mor-tals 

die     das  Him-mel-reich 
lost  to     Hea-ven     and 

ver-scher-   zet   und  ver-lo-  ren, 
pre-des-  tined   for  dam-na-tion 

rur  Se-   lig-keit    er-  ko-  ran. 
may  yet      at-tain  sal-va-tlon. 

Al-   BO   hat  Gott   die  Welt     ge-  liobtl 
Ah,    so     in-deed  God  loved  the  worldj 

St.   John  III,    16-21. 
I/ein     Herz,   das  mer-ke     dlr 
Uy     heart,   be     not      a-fraid, 

und         star-     ke  dich  mit     die-  sen  !Tor-ten; 
your  strength  re-new,   your  hope     a-     wa-kenj 

vor  die-     asm     mach-ti-  gen  Pa-     nier 
for  when  God's     bsui-ner  is     dis-played 

er-   ait-tern  selbst 
the     ve-ry         gates 

die  Hoi-  len-pfor-ten. 
of     Hell  are     sha-ken. 

4.  Aria  Baas       V*     (G) 

(Violins  and  Violas,   all  in  unison.) 

Grei-  fet       zu^       Faaat   (das  Heil,;       ihr 
Guard  your,   hold       it     fart  with 

and  firm 

Glau-  bens-han-  de, 
hands     ex-  ten-ded, 

bars   21,    26,    34,    40,    101,    104,    110,    118,   124i 
Grei-  fet      zui 
Guard  it     well: 

bar  91j 
Grei-  fet       zui 
Keep     the  faith: 

Je-8U8  gibt  aain     Him-     mel-reich 
Je-sus     o-     pens  Heav'n     to     you, 

und     ver-langt  nur  dad     von  eucht 
this  is       all     He     bids  you     doi 

Glaubt   (ge-treu)     bia     an     daa     En-de, 
"Soul       be  true,    'til  Life  is     end-ed," 

5.   Chorale 

(Ob.   I,  Vn,  I  4  II,   with  Sop.i   Ob.    IT,  Vn,   III 
with  Altof   Taille,   Va,    I,    TI,    III  with  Ten,) 

Herz-lich  lieb  hab'      ich     dich,   o       Herr| 
I       love  Thee  Lord,   with  all       my  heart. 


Caotata  174 

ich  bitt'i   woll'st   seln  von     mir  nicht   fern 
and     pray         Thee     etay  Thou  not       a-     part. 

Bit  dei-  ner  Hilf    und     Gna-  den, 
btit  help  me,   Lord,   and  bless     me. 

Die  gan-ze     Velt  nicht   frsu-et     micb, 
I     ask  for     no-  thing  here  on  earth, 

nach  Hinan'l     und       Er-     de  frag'    ich  nicht, 
this     vfaole  world  seems  of     lit-  tie  worth, 

wenn  ich  dieh  nur  kann  ha-     ben. 
if       I     may     not   pos-sess  Thee* 

Und  wenn  mir  gleieh  mein     Herz     zer-     bricht. 
And      er-  en       tho*       my     heart   should  break, 

80     bist  du     doch  mein  Zu-  Tsr-sioht, 
Thy  ser-Tant  Thou  wilt  not   for-sake, 

mein  Tail  und  mei-  nes  Her-  zens  Trost, 
my     Hope  and  Com-fort  Thou  wilt     be, 

der  mich  durch  sein     Blut  hat     er-  lost* 
who     on       the     Cross       a-toned  for     me* 

hast  died 
Harr  Je-  su  Christ,   (mein  Gott   und  Herr), 
0     Lord     I       ask,  in       Je-sus*  Ilame 

in     Sohan-den  lass  mich  nim-mer-  mehr! 
keep  Thou     me     free  from  sin  emd  shame* 

Cantata  175 

2*  Aria  Alto       (n*  I,   II,   A  III.) 

Konm,   lei-     te     mich,   (es  seh-  net  sich) 
Come,   lead  Thou     ma,       I     long  to       be 

mein  Geist  auf     gru-  ne     Wei-  de, 
in     Hea-  van's  fer-tile  pas-ture, 

mein     Herz-  ze       schmaeh't,       achzt  Tag 

my     heart  cries  out  yea«         longs 

und  Nacht, 
for  Thee, 

mein  Hir-     te,     mei-  ne     Freii-deJ 
my     Shep-herd,  decur-est  lifae-ter* 

3*  Recitativo  Tenor 

Wo       find'   ich     dich?        Ach   '     wo       bist  dui 
Where     may     Thou    be?         Ah,       leave  not     bwi 

ver-bor-  genv 
in     sad-nessj 

0       zei-     ge     dich  mir    bald! 
0       hide  Thee  not     from    me.' 

Ich     seh-  ne     mich,       brich      an,  er- 

I     yearn  for  Thee.       Break  forth.         Thou 

-wunsch-ter     Uor-  gen. 
dawn     of     glad-ness. 

Cemtata  175 


Spistle,   Acts  VIII,   14-17.     The  Holy  Ghost 
desoends  on  those  In  Samaria  on  whom  Peter  and 
John  laid  hands. 

Gospel,   St.  John  X.   1-10.     Christ  the  door 
of  the  shoepfold.     Verses  11-16,   the  good 

(3  riauto.  Violoncello-piccolo,   2  Trosibe,  and 

1.    Recitativo  Tenor   (Fl.   I,    II,    4  III.) 

St*  John  X,    3i 

"To  him  the  porter  openeth;   and  the   sheep 
hear   his  voioe;    and   he   oalleth  his   own   sheep  by 
name,    and   leadoth  theiz^  out."  C^   K 

Kr     ru-   fet   sei-nen  Soha-   fen     mit   (Na-men) 
He  oall-eth  His  own  sheep  each  by     name 

und   fuh-   ret    sie     hln-aue. 
and   lead-eth  then     a-  way. 

4*  Aria  Tenor 

V4         (C) 

Es  dun-  ket  mich,   ich     seh'  dich  kon-  men, 
I     seem  to     see       Thee  ccme     to     meet  me, 

(du  gehst  zur  rech-ten  Tu-re)     ein* 
and     en-     ter     by     the  o-pen     door* 

Du     wirst  im  Glau-ben  auf-  ge-     nom-     men 
With  faith  I     wel-come  Thee  and  greet  Thee. 

und  musst   (der     wah-  re     Hir-te  sein). 
be     Thou       my     Shep-herd     ev-er-more. 

loh  ken-  ne       dei-  ne  hoi-  de     Stim-me, 
I     know  Thy  voice  so  kind  and  gen-tle, 

die  vol-   ler  Lieb'    i«id  Semft-mut      iet, 
so     full  of     love     emd     ten-  der  carei 

dass  ich     im  Geiit     da-     rob       er-grim-  me* 
it     fills  my  heart  with  rigfat-eous     em-ger 

wer     zwei-  felt,   dass     du       Hei-  land     ■•Itt' 
wl»n  doubt-ing  •     ones  their  Lord     for-  swear 


Cantata  175 

5,  RecitatJYO  Alto-Baa 8     ( Strings.) 


Sle  yer-  nah-men     a-  ber  nicht,       wae     as  war, 

But  they  com-pre-hen-ded     not  what   it  was 

das       er     lu       ih-   nen  ge-  sa-  get   hat-  te, 
that  thus   the  Lord  un-  to  them  had  spo-ken. 

St.   John  X,    6s 

"—-but   they  understood   not    what   things 
they  were  which  he   spake   unto  them."      (as  to 
being  the  sheep  who  knew  their  shepherd  and 
not  a  stranger. ) 

gass  J) 

Ach  JaJ         Wir  Uen-schen  sind   oft-icals  den 
Ah     yeai       We     mor-  tale     are  oft-  ten- 

Tau-     ben   zu     ver-glei-chen, 
-times  de-void   of     hear-ing, 

•ten  die  rer-blen-de-te     Ver-nunft  nicht  weiss, 
tihen  our  de-     lu-ded  sen-ses     do         not     heed 

was      er  ge-aa-  get  hat-te. 
what   He   is   say-ing     to    us. 

Oi      To-        rin,      mer-ke  doch, 
Thou  fool  thou,    know  in-deed, 


wenr.  Je-8ua     mat        dir  spricht, 

when  Je-sus   speaks  to         th«e« 

dass   es     zu     dei-nem  lieil  ge-schieht. 
for     thy  eal-va-tion     it     will     be. 

Cantata  175 

wer  ihm  folgt,    sein  Kreuz  nach-tragt. 
you  who   shure     His     Cross     and       woe. 

7,   Chorale 

(Vn.    I  with  Sop.;   Vn.   II  with  Alto;   Vn.    Ill 
with  Tenor.      Flautl  I,    II,    4  III.) 

Nun,     wer-ter  Geist,   ich     folg*   dirj 
Come,      Ho-ly     Ghost,    help  Thou     raej 

hilf,   dass   ich     su-   che  fur  und     fiir 
to        seek  Thee  and  to     fol-low  Thee, 

nach  del-  nam  Wort     eln  an-der  Le-  ben, 
Thy     T7ord  my     guide  and  in-api-ra-tion 

das     du     mir  willst  aus  Gna-den  ge-  ben. 
to     mould  my     life     for     my  sal-Ta-tion, 

Dein  Wort     ist     Ja     der     Mor-gen-  stem, 
Thy       Word,   a     glo-rious  mor-ning-star, 

der  herr-lich  leuch-tet     nah'    und  fern, 
is     shi-  ning  fair     from     Hea-ven     far. 

Drum  will  ich,     die     mich     an-  ders  leh-ren, 
So,      firm     in     Faith     no     doubt   can     se-ver, 

in       E-     wig-keit,  mein  Gott,   nicht  ho-ren. 
I     hold     me     true       to     God         for-  e-  ver. 

Al-le-lu-   ja,    Al-le-lu-  jaj 
Al-le-lu-jah,    Al-le-lu-jah: 

ia  Bass  6/8 

"onba  I   4  II.) 


bars  9-12: 
^'"      net     euch,   ihr 
our  hearts   and 

bars   12-17j 
off-net  euch,    ihr 
op-   en  ,     op-     en 

bei-  den  Oh-ren, 
ears  be     op-en. 

bei-   den     Oh-  ren 
wide    and  hear  you, 

J8      hat   euch   zu-     ge-      schwo-ren, 
-a'   pro-mise  then  will  cheer  you, 

da83      er     (Teu-fel,     Tod     er-     legt), 
^        .1  and     De-  vil        are   laid     low, 
to43i    Hell   and  Death  laid   low. 

Cni-  de,     nnu-  ge, 
Orace  and  glad-ness 

vol-   les     Le-  ben 
will  at-  tend  you. 

•ill     er     al-     len  Chri-sten     ge-  ben, 
He     will   love   and  well      de-    fend  you, 
bar   63i  and 

Cantata  176 

Epistle,   Ronans  XI,    33-36.     ^'/ho   can   know  the 
riches  of   the  wisdom  and   judgments   of  God? 

Gospel,    St.   John  III,    1-15.     Nicodemue 
coding  to  Christ   in  the  night   for   fear  of  being 
seen  by  his   fellows. 

(2  Oboes,    Oboe  da   caccia,    and  Strings.) 

1,   Chorus        V^     (c) 
(Instr.   as  above.) 

Jeremiah  XVII,  9i 

"The  heart  is  deceitful  above  all  things, 
and  desperately  wicked;  who  shall  know  it?" 


Cantata  176 

Cantata  176 

Es       ist     ein  trot-xig 
The   heart   is     ^dck-ed 

und  ver-ia^  Ding 
and     de-ceit-fxil 

( un  (al-ler)   Men-schen     Her-   ze. 
im     ev'-ry     mor-  tal     crea-ture. 

Sop.   bars  14-15,31-32,35-36.   Alto  10-11,14-15, 
28-29.   Ten.    5-6,10-11,24-25,31-33. 
Bass  1-2,5-6,    21-22,35-36* 
ein  trot-zig 
de-  fi-  ant 

Sop.   bar   20-21,34-35.   Alto  13-14,    20-21. 

Tenor  9-10,    20-21.      Pass   4-5i 
ein  trot-zig   und  ver-    zagt' 
de-   ceit-ful  and     a-   fraid 

soil     fur  mich  um-     ne-       belt     sein, 
bright -ene  not     the  shades     of     night 

veil  ioh  nach  dem  Uei-  ster  fra-  ge, 
when     I       go     to     meet  the     Mas-ter, 

denn  ich  scheu-e  mich  bei  Ta-  ge« 
for     by       day     I  fear  dl-sas-ter. 

Nie-mand  kann  die  Wun-der  tun, 
Won-ders  none  can     ev-er     do, 

denn  sein'    All-macht  und  sein  V?e-  sen, 
but     that     God     Al-  nigh-  ty     aid-eth, 

seheint,  ist  gott-lich  aus-er-  le-  sen, 
else         the     Spi-rit     him  per-vad-eth, 
Tenor  bars   27-31.  ,  , 

Es        ist      ein  -trot-^ig   und  ver-zagt,    und  ver-zagt    Got-  tea  Geist  muss  auf  ihm  ruh'n. 
The  heart  is     Tdck-ed     and     a-  bove     elII  de-ceit-   his  soul  quick-  en-  eth     a-     new. 

Ding  in  al-ler,   al-ler  k'en-schen     Her-  ze. 
-ful  in  ev'-ry,    ev'-ry  Eor-  tal     crea-ture, 

Bass  bars   11-15,    23-25,    28-29,    38-40t 
es       ist   (ein  trot-zig'  und  ver-zagt'    Ding) 
the  heart   is     *lck-ed       a-bove   all     things 

4.  Recitativo  Bass 

So  wund*-re  dich,   0  Mei-ster  nicht, 
So     won-der     not,   0  Mas-ter       mine. 

2.    Recitativo   Alto 

Ich  oiei-     ne. 
In     this  wise. 

recht     ver-     zagt, 
filled  with  fright. 

dasB   Ki-ko-de-mus   sich  bei     Ta-  ge  nicht, 
did     i;i-co-de-Dus  seek  his  Lord  by  rdght, 

St.  John  III,   1-15. 
bei  Ilacht  zu     Je-  su  wagt. 
nor  dared  to  cone  by     day. 

Die  Son-   r.e     r.uss-te  dort 
Cod  bade   the   sun     o-  bey 

bei       Jo-  su-a     so  Ian-  ge  stil-le  stehn, 
when  Joeh-u-  a  cor.-man-ded     it     to     stay. 


lan-ge  bis     der     Sieg  voll-kom-men     war 
Is-ra-el     might    rout   the        A-  no-rites' 

war-  um  ich  dich  bei  Nacht  aus-fra-     gei 
that   in  the  dark  of     night     T     seek  Theej 

Ich  furch-te  ,    dass  bei     Ta-     ge 
for     in       the  light     I     trem-ble 

mein'      Ohn-       macht   nicht   be-ste-  hen     kann, 
with     fright,      nor     could  I     face  Thee  then, 

Doch  trdst'    ich     mich,        du     nimmst  mein  Herx 
But     since     Thou  art  the     keep-     er       of 

und  Geist  y 

my     heart, 

zum     Le-  ben  auf   und  an. 
con-tent     I      say   "A-men". 

St.  John  III,    15: 

"That  whosoever  believeth  in  him  should 
not   perish,   but   have  eternal   life." 

ar-     ray, 

Joshua  X,    12-14. 

hier  a-ber  wun-schet       Ki-     ko-     deiri 
yot     JJi-co-de-  cue        feared  the  light, 

0        sah'    ich     Bie      zu  Ru-   ste     gehnj 
and      ti-  Diid,   wait-ed   for  the   ni^htl 

Weil   al-   le, 
For     aJLl   ye 

die       nur     an  dich     ^lau-ben, 
whose  faith  is  stead-fast,  ye 

nicht  ver-lo-   ren,    nicht   ver-   lo-   ren  wer-den.^ 
will      not   per-ish,      but     have   life   e-  ter-nal. 

3,   Aria  Soprano       (Strings.) 

Delr.  Bcnot  hell     be-li«»b-ter  Schoin 
Sun,      thy     cl^ar  bfl-lo-     ved    light. 

5.    tj-io   Alto      3/B      (Efc) 

(Ob.    I  A   I],   Ob.    da  c.    nil   in  unison.) 

Er-mun-   tert      euch,    f urcht-seun'und    schuch- 
A-rouBO  thee,   thou       ti-     odd     and   fnirt- 


Cantata  176 

Cantata  177 

-ter-  ne  Sin-  ne, 
-heart-ed  spi-rit, 

(er-   ho-     let   euch)        (ho-   ret)    ,    waa     Je-aua 
take   cou-rage  and  hear  ye  what  Je-sua 

des-pair  ye     not     -bars   28-31, 

has       saldt 

daas   ich  durch     den     Glau-  ben  den  Him-rael 
that   Hea-  ven     thru'    feiith  you  may  one   day 

IV  Trinity 

Epietle,   Roimne  VTII,    18-23.     God'e   children 
avait  the   glory   of  the  body's   redemption, 

Goepel,    St.    Luke  VI,    36-42.      Part    of  the 
sern.on   on  the  mount;   be  merciful,   forgiving, 
generous;    can  the  blind    lead  the  blind?     Take 
first  the  beam  fron    thine  own  eye, 

(2  Oboes,   Oboe  da   caccia.   Fagotto,   Violin 
concertante,    and   Strings,) 


in-her-it.  1.    Choral -Fantasia  3/8        (g) 

(Ob.    I  A   II,   Vn.    concertante.    Strings.) 
Wenn  die     Ver-hei-ssung   er-ful-lend  ge-schicht,  , 

Thus,        will  the   pro-mise      of  God     be   ful-filled;    (Ich  ruf)    zu     dir,    (Herr  Je-   su)    (Christ) 

I     cry     to  Thee,     Lord  Je-sus       Christ 

werd'    ich     dort      o-     ben       mit     Dan-   ken   und 
There  will     we     join  in     thanks-  gi-ving  emd 

Lo-  ben 

Va-       ter,    Sohn     und   heil'-gen  Geist 
praise  and     thank  the     ho-      ly     Three, 

prei-  sen,      der  drei-ein-  ig  heisst, 
praise  the     bles-ssd     Tri-  ni-     ty. 

6.    Chorale 

(Ob.    I,   Vn.    I  with  Sop.|    Ob,    IT,   Vn.    II  with 
Alto}    Ob.   da  c. ,   Va^    with  Tenor.) 

Auf  dass  wir  el-   so     all-zu-gleich 
To-  geth-er     we  must      ev-er   strive 

«ur  HiiE-mels-pfor-  te     drin-gen 
to        en-ter     Hea-ven's     por-tal, 

und     der-  mal-einst   in     dei-  nem  Reich 
for  there  our     Spi-rits  will  sur-  vive, 

ohn'      eil-   les     En-   de   sin-gen, 
and     join  in     song  im-mor-tal, 

dass     du     al-   lei-  ne     Ko-  nig     seist 
to     Thee  the  King   of  Hea-ven's     Host, 

hoch     u-     bar  al-   le     Got-ter, 
the     Lord   of     all   Cre-  a-tion, 

Gott,   Va-  ter,   Sohn  und  heil'-ger  Geist, 
Cod,      Fa-ther,      Son  and     Ho-   ly       Ghost, 

der     Frcn>-     men  Schutx  und  Ret-ter, 
who  broMght  to       man       Sal-va-tion, 

•in  Te-sen,  drei     Per-  so-     nen. 
One  Be-ing       in     Three  Per-sons. 

ich  bitt      (er-   hor  main  Kla-gen), 
and  would     Thy  pi-  ty       wa-  ken; 

)  ■' 

(ver-leih  mir     Gnad)    (lu  die-ser  Frist), 
be-   stow  Thy  grace        up-on     me       now, 

lass  mich  doch  nicht   ver-za-gen; 
nor     let        me       be        for-oa-ken; 


den  rech-ten  Glau-ben,    ^Herr,      ich  mein), 
for     I         en-dea-  vor.     Lord,   in-     deed, 

den  wol-  lest     du       mir     ge-     ben, 
to     live     as     Thou  would  have  me, 

dir     zu     le-ben, 
faith-ful  ev-er, 

mein'rc  Nach-sten     (nutz      zu       sein), 
to       meet     my       neigh-bor's  need 

(dein  Wort   (zu     hal-  ten)   e-  ben. 
to     Thy       com-mand     ob-ed-ient, 

dein  Tort   lu     hal-     ten,    zu     hal-  ten  e-  ben. 
to     Thy     com-mand.   Thy     com-mand   ob-ed-ient. 

2.   Aria  Alto 

Ich  bitt     noeh  mehr,   noch  mehr, o     Her-re  Gott, 
I     aslf       Thee  Lord,      a-     gain  in  Je-eua'   name 

du     kannst   es     mir     wohl  ge-ben» 
what     Thou     may  well     ac-cord  me; 

dass  ich     werd  ( nim-mer-mehr )    xu  Spott, 
hold  Thou     ne       ne-  ver-more     to   shar;e, 

die   Hoff-nung  gib     dar-ne-  ben, 
but   hope     at     last  af-ford  rae 

vor-   aus,   wenn  ich     muss     hler  da-von 
that  when     my     time  shaJll  come  to  die 


Cantata  177 

Cantata  177 

daas  ich     dir  mog     ver-  trau-en 
I        then  nay  have  Thee  near  me, 

und  nicht   bau-   en 
for     I  fear  me ; 

auf       al-   les  ir.ein     Tun, 
that   irtiat      I     have  been 

eonet   mocht   michs   (e-  Tig)      reu-   en, 
a-     lone     will       ne-ver     clear  me. 

es  kann  Nie-mand      er-   er-ben, 
of  Thy     di-  vine   crs-a-  tion, 

ncch  er-wer-b'^n 
Thy     do-na-tion, 

durch  "/er-  ke  dei-  ne     "nad, 
for     3ole-ly  by     Thy  Grace 

die   una   er-rett   (vom  Ster-  ben), 
may  we     es-cape     dan-na-  tion. 

3.    Aria  Soprano        6/8        (S^j) 
(Cbce  dc  caccia. ) 

Ver-       leih,   dasa  ich  aus  Her-   zene-grund 
Grant,  Lord,   that     I     may  well     for-give 

nein'n  Feir.d-   en     cog  ver-  ge-ben, 
all        them     whom     T     have  ha-ted, 

ver-ieih'   mir  auch     zu     die-ser   Stund*, 
Tor-give     me     too,     that  I     may  live, 

gib  mir  ein     neu-ee     Le-ben; 
to     Thy  will   con-se-cra-ted. 

Dein  Tort  mein  Speis  laoe     all-weg  oein 
Thy     Word     my     food     shall     ev-er       be 

da-mit  mein  Seel   lu  n'ah-  ren, 
By  hun-gry     soul  to  nou-rish, 

Dich  su  weh-  ren, 
and     to  feed     me 

»enn  Un-gluck  geht       da-  her, 
vhan   ev-   il       threa-tens     me, 

das     mich  bald  mbcht  (ab-     keh-  ren). 
which  from     my     faith  might   lead     me. 

bars   59-60,    e8-R9t 
bald         (ab-     keh-  ren) 
which       might   lead     me. 

5.   Chorale        V^        (g) 

(Ob.    I   &  II,   Vn.    T  with  Sop.;   Vn.    TI  with 
Alto;   Va.     with  Tenor;    Fag.   with  continue.) 

Ich     lieg'    im     Streit   und  wi-der-streb. 
To     strife  and  strug-  gle  am     I     prone, 

hilf,      0     Herr  Christ,    dem  Schwa-chenJ 
nor       can     I  suf-     fer     Ion-  ger; 

An     dei-  ner  Gnad'   al^     lein  ich  kleb, 
help  Thou  my     weak-ness;   Thou     a-  lone, 

du     kannst  mich  etar-ker     ma-     chen, 
can     stay     and     make  me     stron-  ger, 

Kommt   nun  .\n-   fecb-tung,    Herr,    so     wehr', 

A-     gainst   temp-   ta-  tion     guard  me,   Lord, 

dasa   aie  mich  nicht    um-     eto-saen. 
nor     let      it        fur-ther  hound     me; 

Du  kannst   ma-   ssen, 
all     a-     round     me 

dass  mir'a  nicht  bring'   Ge-     fahr; 
I       see         the         hos-tile  horde. 

ich  Tieiaa,      du     wirst'a   nicht   las-   een. 
Ah,      let        them       not  con-found     me. 

4,  Aria  Tenor   V*   (Bfe) 

(Vn.  concertante.  Fag.  obligato.) 

Lass  mlcb  (kein  Lust)  noch  Furcht 

L«t  not.  Lord,  greed 

bars   17-18i   not     greed     or       fear 

▼on       dlr     (in       die-   ser  "Jolt   ab-wen-den), 
hance-forth     from  ser-vlng  Thee  di-vert  me. 

&••     Stan-  dig-  sein 
nth  stsad-fast-neas 

du  hast^   (al-     lain) 
to   ste/id-faat    faith 
do     Thou 

und     warn     du's  gibst, 
this  gift     is     Thine, 

ana  End  gib     mir, 
my     spl-rlt   blaaa, 

in  Han-  den; 
con-vnrt     ma; 

dar   n'lts      un-aonat; 
and  Thina     a-lona. 

Cantata  17 B 

VIII  Trinity 

Epistla,  Romans  VITT,  12-17.  Livo  not  after 
the  flesh,  but  after  the  spirit,  "Ve  are  Joint 
heirs  with  Christ. 

Gospel,   St.   L'atthew  VII,    15-23.     By  thalr 
fruits  ye   shall    know  them;    doers  of  the  Yord 
enter  the    klnj^dom  of  Ood,    nor  merely  those  who 
say   "Lord,    Lord". 

(2  Oboes,    2  Oboe   d'arr.ore,    eind  Strings.) 


Cantata  178 

1.    Choral-Fantasia 

(Ob.    I   4   II,    and  Strings.) 

"Vo     Gott.der  Herr,  nicht   bei    una   halt, 
TTere  God     the  Lord     not      on     our   side 

wer.n   un-   are   Fein-   de  to-  ben, 
vhen  foes   so    strong  as-sail  ua, 

und        er   un-a'ror  Sach'    nicht    lu-   fallt 
ahould   He   no     Ion-     gsr       b*       our  Guld* 

im     Him-        mel        hoch   (dort      o-  ben.) 
thru  all  the        ills     that   ail      us| 

wo      er       la-  ra-        els        Schutx        nicht        ist 

did   He        re-        main  a-  loof  a  bove 

und    sel-        ber       bricht        der       Fein-        de     List 
de-   ny  to  us  His       care       and     lore 

90      ist'e     mat      una  ver-      lo-   ren. 
ah,    then     would   all   hope   fail      us. 

Cantata  178 


auf     Sohlan-gen-   list   und  fal-ache  Ran-ke   sin-nen, 

with     se'"-  pent-guile  the     Ev-il        one  de-vi-aes, 

der     Bos-heit     End-zveck      zu     ge-  win-nen; 
his    fiend-ish  plans     in     fell  dia-gui-ses; 


so     geht  dooh  Oott      ein '      an-dre  Bahn 

Ood     al-  ways  finds     a       bet-ter     way. 


er  fiihrt   die     Sei-   ni-  gen     mit   star-  kor  Hand 

He   leads  the  Faith-ful  with     un-   er-ring     Hand 

durobs      Kreu-zes-meer     in  das  ge-  lob-     te 
o'er       8ea8   of     Trou-ble  to     the  Pro-nia'd 


da     wird  er       al-  les       Un-gluck  wen-den. 
with  for-tune  fair  will  them     en-  do-  wer. 


Es      steht     in     sei-nen  Han-den. 

All  lies     with-in     Hie  po-  wer. 

■  Uto  Chorale  and  RecitatiYO 

7iaa     !ien-3chen     Kraft        und  '-Vitz   an-faht.^ 
That   wit     and     strength   of     men     de-vise 

:11     una  bil-  lig  nicht   schre-cfcen. 
ild     ne-ver  much       af-  fright      us. 


-.  Gott   der  Hoch-ste  ateht  una     bei, 
-      nigh-ty     God  will   heed      our   call, 

und     ma-  chet     una     von     ih-  ren     Stri-cken  frei, 
and  from  their  irk-aome  sha-cklea   free     us     all. 

horale  , 

t     sit-zet     an     der  hoch-sten  Statt 
'or     He  who  sits  be-  yond  the     skiee 

•r  wird     ihr'n       Rat       auf-  de-cken. 
di-rects     our     course     de-apite   us. 


Die     Gott      im  Glau-bon  feat    un-fas-aen 
Vhos*  faith  in     God  re-mains   un-sha-ken 

11    er  nie-mala  ver-aau-men   und  ver-laa-sen; 
■111   ne-ver     be     ne-glec-ted   or     for-sa-   ken; 

•r     stiir-zet     der     ver-kehr-ten       Rat 
God  puts  to     shame  all     e-     vil  thOMght 

hin-        dert        ih-      re  bo-     se        Tat. 

9r-  il   plans   foils   and   brings  to  nauB;ht. 

nn  sie's  aufa     Itlug-  st«     grei-fen     an 
fho'      Dor-  tal         man  strive  as     he     may 

3.  Baas  Aria  (Vn.  I  *  II  in  unison.) 

Gleich  wie  die  wil'-den  Mee-  res-wel-len 
Like  rough  and  an-gry  waves  of  o-  cean 

mit        Un-  ge-stum  ein  Schiff   zer-schel-len 
which  toss  a     ship   in       wild     com-  mo-  tion 

BO     ra-  set  auch 
our  ra-ging  foei 

der     Fein-de     7?ut 
will     ne-ver  ceaae 

und   raubt   daa     be-     ate  See-   len-     gut. 
to       rob     our  Souls  of     all  their  peace. 

Sie     wol-  len     Sa-tane  Reich  er-wei-tern. 
Thus  Sa-tan's  King-dom     is        ex-pan-  ded, 

und  Chri-eti  Schiff-lein       soil     zer-achei-tern. 
the  Ship     of     God  is     wrecked   and   atran-ded. 

4.   Tenor  Unison  Chorale      (Ob.    d'am.    I  4   II) 

Sie     atel-   len        una     wie  Ket-zern  nach , 
They  who     would  brand  me      "He-   re-  tic", 

nach  un-   sere  Blut      aie  trach-ten 
and     by  their  guile  be-  tray     me, 

noch  ruh-     men     sie     sich       Chri-sten     auch, 
pro-claim  them  Chri-atians,   tho-     by     trlclp 


Cantata  178 

Cantata  178 

die     Gott   al-leln  gross  ach-  ten, 
they     9T-    er  seek     to        slay     me, 

Ach  Gott,    der     teu-re     !la-     me       dein 
Oh     Lord,   what   cru-el  crime  and   shame 

muss     ih-  rer  Schalk-heit  De-ckel  sein; 
has     heen  com-     cdt-  ted     in  Thy     name 2 

du     wirst   ein-mal  auf-  wa-   chen, 

let   this     not   be,      I     pray  Thee. 

RecitatJTO  Bass 

Gott     wird  die     to-  rich-  ten       Pro-  phe-ten 

False  pro-phets  who  God's  will  would  hin-der 

mit  Feu-er     eei-     nea     Zor-  nes     to-ten 
His  fie-ry  wrath  will  burn     to     cin-der, 

und     ih-re  Ket-   ze-rei  ver-  sto-ren 
their  he-re-sies  be  all  con-foun-ded. 


Sie     wer-den's  Gott  nicht  weh-  ren, 
God's  po-  wer         is       un-  boun-ded. 

5.    Chorale  i  RecitatiTO    (Chorus  ft  B-T-A-B) 


Auf      sper-ren     sie        den       Ra-   chen  weit, 

Like   h'on-  gry  beasts  they  rage  and     roar, 

RecitatiTO  Baas 

nach  Lo-wen-  art  bru-     len-  dem  Ge-     te- 
as     li-ons,      op-en-Jawed,    and  bent   on  slaugh- 

sie      flet-achen     ih-   re     Uor-  der-rah-   ne 
they  bare  their  blocd-y  fangs  and  ta-lons. 


und     wol-     len     uns     ver-schlin-gen, 

and   would  their  prey     de-     vo-      ur. 

Je-  doch. 
But  stayl 


Lob   und  Dank     sei     Gott   al-le   Zeitj 

To     God     be     praise  for   ev-er-more, 

RecitatiTO  Tenor 

der  Held   aus     Ju-       da     schutzt   una  noch, 

our     He-  ro     fights   for  us  to-day. 

See   nerelation  V,    5. 


es  wird     ihn'n  nicht        ge-      lin-gen 

He  puts       to       nayght  their     po-wer, 


Sie  wer-den     wie        die  Spreu  Ter-geh'nj 

As     fly-ing  chaff  they     ptss     a-     way; 

wenn     eei-   ne     Glau-     bi-     gen     wie  gru-  ne 
tne     Faith-ful   Dnee   will     flou-rish  as     the 

Bau-     ne   eteh'n. 
green-ing       bay. 


Er        wird      ihr*    Strick'      ler-rei-eien   gar 
Their   ehack-lee  Me       will   rend      a-pace 

und   itur-    len     ih-   re      fel-ncho     Lnhr 
and  bare  their   sec-ret   hid-ing     pl'icb. 

6.  Tenor  Aria       (Strings.) 



nej       bars   12,   13,   18,   74,   75,   80| 

ter,  Schweig'    nur   schweig' 
Fear       thou     not 

bars   14-17, 19-21, 22-25, 76-79, 81-8?, 84-87 t 
schweig',    sci-weig'    nur   (tau-     meln-     de 
and  fear        not      faint*-ing     heart 

thou     not**  faint   heart 

of       mine 

Sprich  nicht I   Die     From-  men  sjnd    (Ter-lorn) 
Say       not      "The  Right-eous   hope     in     Tain", 

(das  Y.reuz)   hat    sie      (nur     neu)   ge-bor'n. 
The   Cross        a-wakes      our   hope     a-  gain, 

Denn     de-  nen,      die     auf  Je-siw  hof-fen 
To     them  who     trust   in     Je-sus     eT-er, 

steht   (stets  die  Tur  der  Gna-den  of-fen, 
the       Door     of     Uer-cy     clo-ses   ne-ver; 

(und  wenn  sie     Kreuz     und  Triib-  sal)   drvickt, 
for     they.v'hen  Cross   and     trou-bles     press- 
so     wer-  den  sie  mit   Trost   er-quickt, 
are   sol-aced  by     His     ten-der-   ness. 

♦  luore   faithful  to   Each  to   associate   "faint" 
witlj  the  tottering  musical  figure, 
♦*     Sn.oother  and   easier  to  sing. 

7.    Chorale 

fob.    T   *   IT,    Vn.    T  wit!.  Sop.f   Vn.    TT  with    Alti 
Va.    with  T'onor. ) 

Die      Feind*    Bind      all'      in     dei-ner  Hand, 
lord     God,        we     thank   Thee   ev'-ry     hour 


Cantata  178 

Cantata  179 

dar-    8u     all' 
for  all  Thy 

ihr'    Ge-     dan-ken; 
pre-ciouB      fa-vcr| 

ihr     Ar-Bchlag*    sind   dir,    Herr,   be-   kannt, 
to     foil     our       foes     is       in       Thy  poner, 

half  nur,    daes  wir     nicht   u-an-ken. 
sup-port        us      lest     *e       wa-  ver. 

Ver-   nunft   wi-der  den  Glau-ben  ficbt, 
Tfhen  Faith  to  Rea-son  must   euc-cumb, 

aufs     Kunf'-ge  Till   sie     trau-   en  nicht, 
with       no       be-lief  in     Things  to   cone 

da       du     »-iret      sel-  ber  trd-sten. 
our   souls     are  prone   to     qua-ver. 

Den        Him-   L-el   und   auch        die     "r-  den 
This   Earth     be-lon'  and     Keav'n     a-bove 

hast      du,      Herr  Gott,      ge-griln-det 
hast   Thou,    Lord  God,      ere-     a-  ted, 

dein  Licht   lass  uns     hel-  le  wer-     den, 
and       by       the     rad-iance  of  Thy  love 

das     Herz     uns  werd'    ent-iun-det 
our  hearts   il-     lu-  min-     a-  ted. 

in     rech-ter  Lieb'      des     Glau-bens  dein, 
Tho'   men     nay  scoff,   our  Faith     in     Thee 

bis  an  das  End'      be-stan-dig   seint 
un-fal-ter-ing     will   ev-  er       be, 

die  Telt  lass  in-cer  nur-ren« 
our  fer-  tout  un-  a-  bat-   ed. 

Cantata  179 
(C.  77ei88  Sr.   ?) 
XI  Trinity 

Epistle,  I  Corinthians  XV,  1-10.  Of  Christ's 
death  and  resurrection. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  XVIII,  9-14.  Parable  of  the 
hypocritical  Pharisee   and  the   humble  Pifclican. 

(2  Ob.,    2  Ob.   da  caccia,    and  Strings.) 

Sie-   he        zu,      dass  dei-  ne  Got-tes-f urcht  nicht 
Trust   the  Lord,    come  thou  to  Him  with        op-     en 

Heu-  che-lei     sei, 
heart   and  fear  Him, 

(und     die-   ne     Gott) 
and   serve  thy  God 

nicht   ((mit)    ( f al-  schem) 
not        with        false     de- 

Her-    2 en.) 

bars   103-104J 
fal-     schem.    fal-   echem  Her-    ten. 
false,   with     false     de-  cep-tion. 

2.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Das  heut'-  ge     Chri-sten-tian 
The  Chri-stian  »»rld  to-  day 

ist   lei-der  schlecht  be-stellt: 
is     in       a  sor-  ry     state; 

die  mei-   sten  Chr^-  sten       in     dnr  Welt 
for  moat  the     Chri-stiane,    sad  to  <  say, 

sind     lau-  li-chte  La-  o-       di-  ca-     er 
are     neith-er  hot     nor  are  they  cold. 

Revelation  III,   14-16i 

"And   unto  the  angel  of  the  Church  of  the 

Laodiceans  write} 

"I  know  thy  works,  that  thou  art  neither 
cold  nor  hott      I  would  thou  wert  cold  or  not, 

"So  then  because  thou  art   lukewarm,    and 
neither  cold  nor  hot,  I  will  spue  thee  out   of 
my  mouth."  i 

und     auf-     ge-     blas'-ne     Pha-ri-  sa-  er, 
and  filled  with  pride  are     ov-er-bold*. 


sich  von     au-ssen     fromm 
out-ward-ly     they     seem 

t,e_     zei-g«n 
most     pi-ous, 

und  wie  ein  Schilf 
sj^d  bow  and  scrape 

den     Kopf   zur  Er-de  beu-gen; 
like     Em-  y       An-  a-  ni-  as, 

im         Her-     zen  a-     ber    stackt     ein     stol-zer 
their  hearts  are  all     re-plete       with  swag-ger 

Ei-  gen-ruhmj 
and  de-ceit; 

sie     ge-hen     iwar       in     Got-tes     Haus 
they  go     to  Church  each  Sab-bath     Day, 

1.   Chorus  (Strings.)        V*       (G) 

Ecclesiasticus   I,    28,    29i 

"Distrust  not  the  fear  of  the  Lord  when  thou 
art  poor,   and  come  not   unto  him  with  a  double 

und  tun  da-selbst 
and   ev'-ry        one 

ren-  ders 

die  au-   sser-li-chen 
riis  out -ward  du-  ty 

macht  a-     ber  dies  wohl  ei-  nen  Chri-  sten  aus? 

tak*  gc 

•^e  not   a   hypocrite   in  the   eight    of  men  and     .     .  ,,  ...      ..         .        ,        ^u  j      **        „ 

,   .^      .      .    .    ^.  but     call  you  thia   the     tru-ly     Chri-stian  way 

good  heed  what  thou  speakest.  ' 


Cantata  179 

Cantata  179 

Neinl       Heuch-ler  kon-  nen's  auoh 
Nayi  Ky-  po-crites  are     sue  hi 

8  0.' 


3.   Aria  Tenor  (Strings.  Ob.    I  *  II  with  Vn.  I.) 

Fal-scher  Keuoh-  ler     E-     ben-bild 
Hy-     po-  critee,  irtio  thus     ig-nore, 

kon-  nen  So-doms-ap-     fel     hei-ssen, 
like   the  So-dom-itee,   your     du-ty, 

Genesis  XIII,    13. 
die  mit  Un-flat  an-  ge-  f'ullt 
ye     are  rot-ten  at  the     core, 

und     von     au-  seen  herr-lich  glei-ssen. 
tho'    ye     glow  with     out-ward     beau-ty. 

Heuch-ler,   die         (von       au-ssen  schon), 
Hy-     po-orites,        tho'    fair  of     face, 

kon-nen  nicht   (vor  Gott)  be-steh'n. 
ye     may     not       at-  tain     His  Grace. 

bist  du     kein  Rau-ber, 
tho*  not     a       rob-ber, 

bars   24-27,   and   34-35t 
kon-nen  nicht  vor  Gott, 
may  not     come  to     God, 

vor  Gott  be-steh'n. 
nor  gain  His  Grace. 

4.   RecitatJYO  Bass 

Wer  so  von     in-     nen  wie  von     au-  ssen  ist, 
^0     be  in     truth  as     one     ap-pears  to     be, 

der   heisst   ein  wah-rer  Christ, 
pro-claiits   the  man   of     Christ, 

So     war     der  Zoll-ner  in  dem  Ten-pel, 

Tot  thus  the     pub-li-can     in  the  Tem-ple 

der  schlug       in  De-mut       an       die  Brust, 
did   Bcdte  up-on   his  breast   and     pray 

er     leg-   te      sich   nicht    selbst    ein   hei-lig 
that   God   have     mer-   cy  on       his     ma-ny 

We-     sen  bei| 
sins  that  day.     See  St.  Luke  XVIII,   9-14. 

und  die-sen     stel-le     dir. 
And  so     for  thine  of-fense, 

0  Uenscti,        iium  ruhm-li-chen  Ex-em-pel 
0       man,  let  this  be     an     ex-am-ple 

in  dei-ner  Bu-^ue  f'uri 
of  ho-n«st  p*-ni-t«ncei 

E-  he-bre-cher, 
ev-il-  do-  er, 

kein  un-ee-rech-  ter     Eh-ren-schwa-cher, 
nor     an  un-right-eous  ma-  le-  fac-     tor. 


bil-de  dir  doch  ja  nicht     ein, 
ev-«n     so     be     ve-  ry       sure. 



du     seist  des-we-  gen     en-gel-rein, 
thou     art     by     no  means  an-gel-pure. 

Be-  ken-  ne       Gott     in     De-mut  dei-  ne  Sun-  den, 
Con-fess  thy  wrong  when-ev-er     thou  de-falt-est; 

30     kannst  du     Gnad'    und  Hil-fe  fin-den, 
for     'tis     the     hum-  ble  God  ex-al-teth. 

5,    Aria  Soprano       3/4       (a) 
(Oboe  da  caccia  I  *  II.) 

Lieb-ster  Gott, 
Dear-est     God, 

er-bar-me  dich, 
I     cry  to  Thee, 

lass  mir  (Trost        und  Gnad')   er-   schei-nen. 
Thou  my       hope,       my     stay,   and       an-  chor, 
bars   30,103t    and  33j    ny 

Uei-     ne     Sun-     den         kran-ken  mich. 
My     trans-gres-sions       sick-en       me, 

als     ein  Ei-  ter         in     Ge-bei-nen, 
gnaw  my     vi-tals       like     a  can-ker; 

hilf  mir, 
help  me. 

Je-  su       Got-  tes  Lamm, 
Je-sus,      hear  my     plea, 

ich     ver-sink* 
lest  the  rare 

in       tie-  fen  Schlamm, 
shall  swal-low         me. 

6,  Chorale     (Ob,   I  A  II  A  Vn.   I  with  Sop.}  Vn.Tl 
with  Alto;   Va,  with  Tenor,) 

Ich  ar-  mer  lU      .  .,   ich  ar-     ffler  Sun-der 
A     fee-ble     soul,        a     fee-ble  sin-  ner, 

steh'   hler     vo.-  Got-     tes     An-ge-sicht, 
I  stand     be-fore  God's  Ua-je-  sty. 

Ach  Gott,   ach  Gott,  ver-  ftihr'   ge-lin-  der 
Ah     God,      ah     God,      deal  with     me  gent-ly, 

und  geh'   nicht  mit  mir  ins  Ge-richt. 
con-demn       me     not  by     Thy  de-  ores. 

Er-  bar-me  dioh,    er-  bar-me  dloh, 
Ah,      pi-ty     me,      ah,      pi-ty     me, 

Gott,   mein  Er-bar-mer,    u-  ber  mich, 
Thcu     God      of  Uer-oy,      pi-ty       me. 


Cantata  180 
XX  Trinity 

Epiatle,   Epheaisina  V,    15-21.      Bo  circumspect, 
wise,    sober,    and  pious. 

Gospel,    St.   Uatthew  XXII,    1-14.      Parable   of 
the  marrieige   of  the  Kir^'a   Son. 

(2  Fl.,    2  Ob.    (Ob.    da  c.)   Fl.    traverso,   Violon- 

cello   piccolo,    and   StrinKS. ) 

1.    Chorus  1^8        (B) 

(ri.    I  4   II,   Ob.    I   A   II    (Ob.   da  o.)    Strings.) 

Schmu-cke  dich,        o     (lie-     be       See-  le). 
Deck     thy-self,        my   soul,    with  glad-nesa; 

lass    (die     dun-     kle  Sun-den-hoh-   le), 
shun     the  haunts   of     sin  and  sad-ness{ 

komm    (ans     hel-     le       Licht)    (ge-gan-gen), 
come       in     ra-  diance     rare       to  ren-der 

fan-ge     herr-lich     an       ( zu     pran-  gen); 
ho-mage     to     His     might      and  aplen-dor. 

denn  der  Herr     (voll  Heil   und  Gna-  den) 
At     the     feast        of     our     eal-va-tion, 

lasst  dich  jetzt   ( zu  Ga-     ste     la-  den). 
He       has     bid  us  tsJce  our  sta-tion; 

Cantata  180 

Ob       du     gleioh     in     ent-suok-ter  Lust 
What  tho'        in       this      en-chan-ted   hour 

nur  halb  ge-  broch'-ne  Freu-den-wor-  te 
thy  hal-ting     words   of     Joy  are  fee-ble 

lu  del-  nem  Je-     su     sa-  gen       musst. 
to  tell  thy  Sa-viour  all  thou  wouldst, 

bars  79-30: 
-gen,    zu     dei-  nem     Je-        su     sa-  gen       musat. 
tell     thy     Sa-viour  all,   tell   all  thou  wouldat, 

3.   Soprano  Recitative  ft  Arioso 
(Violoncello  piccolo.) 


Wie  teu-  er  sind  des     heil '-gen     Mah-  lee  Ga-  ben.' 

Ah,  what  a     pre-cious  gift     the  blest  Com-mu-nioni 

Sie     fin-  den     ih-  res  Glei-chen  nicht. 
On     earth  its  like  can-not       be     found, 

fur  (W. ) 
Was   sonat     die     Welt  vor       koat-bar     halt     sind 
Tha  things  the  world  holds  dear  are  naight  but 

Tand  und  Ei-tel-kei-  ten: 
vain  and  id-le     tri-fles; 

Der  den  Him-  mel   kann  ver-  wal-  ten. 
He     who  high  in     Hea-  ven  reign-eth. 

will   (selbst     Her-  berg'    (in     dir       hal-  ten), 
yet  to       dwell  with       mor-tsJLa  deign-eth. 

ein     Got-  tea-kind  wijnscht  die-sen  Schatz      zu 
the  Cldld  of     God       will         co-vet     well     this 

ha-     ben 

in     der         hal-  ten,      in     der       hal-  ten 
mor-tals,   dwell  with  mor-tals  deign-  eth 

2.    Aria  Tenor     (Flauto  traverse.) 

Er-mun-  ire     dichj    dein  Hei-  lemd  klopft, 
A-  rise  thee     now,     thy     Sa-viour  knocks, 

ach  off-ne,      off-ne     bald  die     Her-zens-pf or-  teJ 
ah,      op-en,        op-en     wide  thy  heart   to     hail  HimI 

bare    20-22,    40-42j 
off-ne  bald  die     Her-     zens-pfor-  te.    diis 
op-en  wide  thy  heart,    thy     heart   op-   en 

Her-  zens-pfor-  te. 
wide     to     hail  Him. 

und  sprichtj 
and       sayt 


Aoh,  wie   hun-gert  mein     Ge-  m'li-     te. 

Friend       of     man,   our  souls  pos-sea-sing, 

Men-aohen-freund,   nach  dei-ner     Gii-     tel 
how       I  hun-     ger     for  Thy  bless-ingj 

Ach,        wie  pfleg  ich     oft  rait       Tra-  nen 
Ah,  we     weep     with  fer-vent  year-nlng 

mich  nach     die-  ser  Koat   zu     seh-  neni 
to     Thy     bleat   Com-  mun-ion  tur-ning. 

Ach,  wie     pfle-  get  mich     zu     d'ur-aten 
Ah,     how  thirat  we     for     that     Po-tion, 

nach  dem  Trank  des  Le-  bens-f ur-steni 
san-  cti-fied     by     Thy     de-  vo-  tion] 

bars   45-47i 
die     Her-      zens-pfor-   to,    ach   off-     no        bald 
thy  heart,    thy     heart    op-   en     wide,    thy  heart, 

die     Her-zens-pf or-  te. 
thy  heart   to     hail   Him. 

Wun-sche     atets,    daaa  main     Ge-  bei-  ne 
^ould  that        mor-  tal     bones   for-sa-  ken, 

sloh  durch  Cott   mit   Gott   ver-ei-   ne, 
one       with     God  we     may       a-  wa-ken. 


Cantata  180 

Herr,   lass     an     mir     deln  treu-es  Lie-  baiiy 
Lord,     may     Thy  Love     te       er-  er  with     me, 

BO     dich  vom  Ilim-  nel     ab-       ge-  trle-ben, 
that     Thy     de-scent  to  earth  from     Hea-ven 

ja     nlcht  ver-  geb-  llch  eeln. 
may     not     have  been     In    vain. 

Ent-zun-  de     du     in  Lie-     be     mei-  nen  Gelst, 
En-  kin-die  Thou  my  soul  with  love  for     Thee; 

wenn  es     sich  nicht   in  das  3e-  helm-  nis  fin-  det, 

and  when     I       seek     to     un-der-stand  His  se-crets,da8s  er       sich  nur  nach  den,  was   himm-  lisch 

in-  spire  Thou  me       to     no-     ble  deeds,  with 

Cantata  180 

4.  Recitativo  Alto     (Fl.   I  ft  II) 

Ueln     Herz  f uhlt     in       sich  Furcht  und  Freu-dej 
Uy     heart     is     filled  with     joy       and  ter-ror, 

es     wird  die  Furcht   er-  regt, 
with  ter-  ror     when     I     think 

wenn     es       die  Ho-hait  u-  ber-legt, 
of     God's     ex-al-ted     Ua-jes-  ty, 

dies   ho-   he     Werk 
the     rid-dle     of 

nocb  durch  Ver-nunft 
or         to       ex-plain 

Ore-     a-tion. 

Nur  Got-  tes  Geist       kann  durch  sein  '^ort 
His  T/ord     a-     lone,     must        ev-     er       be 

una  leh-  ren, 
our  tea-cheri 

wie  sich     all-hier  die       See-len  nah-ren, 
our  souls  are  nou-rieb«u  by     His  Spi-rit, 

die     sich  im     Glau-ben  zu-     ge-scliickt, 
here  for     our     sus-ten-ance  be-stowed. 

Die  Freu-de     a-     ber     wird     ge-star-ket. 
But  Joy     my  fain-ting  heart  re-stor-eth, 

wenn  sie  des  Hei-lands  ?Ierz     er-  blickt 
when     I        re-call  the     won-droue     Love, 

und  sei-  ner  Lie-  be  Gr'6-  sse     mer-  ket. 
the  mlgh-ty     Love  my     Sa-viour  bore     me. 

5.    Aria  Soprano      (Fl.    I  A   II,   Ob.    I  ft  II    (Ob, 
da   c.)    and  Strings. ) 

Le-bena  Son-   ne,      Licht   der  Sin-nen, 
Ev-   er     shi-ning,   guide  my     spi-rit, 

Herr,        der  du     meln     Al-     les  bist! 
Thou  the  sun     to     light   my       wayj 

bare    31-34t 
Al-       les,  cein  al-les  bist. 
light     me       up-    on     my     way. 

Du     wirst   mei-   no  Treu-e        ee-  hen 
Let     my        love  to  Thee   en-denr  me, 

und   den  Glau-  ben  nlcht  ver-   schma-hen, 
in     my     wask-nees     be       Thou     near     me, 

der     noch  schwaoh  und  furcKt-snin  let. 
soom     me  net        nor     any       me     nny. 

heisst,   im       Glau-     ben  len-  ke 
nor     ble  thovghts     in-stil  me, 

und  dei-  ner  Lie-  be     (stets  ge-den-  ke.) 
and  with  Thy  Love  for-     ev-     er  fill  me. 

7.  Chorale 

Je-  su,     wah-  res  Bret     des     Le-  bens, 
Je-sus,  Bread  of     Life,    sus-tain     usj 

hilf ,   dass  ich     doch  nicht  ver-  ge-  bens 
thru     Thy     Love     sal-     va-tion  gain     us, 

0-  der  mir  viel-leicht   zmn  Scha-den 
by  Thy     sa-ving     Grace     en-     a-  ble 

sei   zu  dei-  nem  Tisch  ge-  la-den, 
us     to     ga-ther     at       Thy  Ta-ble. 

Lass  mich  durch  dies  See-  len-es-  sen 
Sac-  red       Sup-  per,   soul-  re-ga-ling, 

dei-  ne     Lie-  be     recht   er-  mes-  sen, 
keep  our  spi-rite     ne-  ver     fai-ling, 

dass  ich  auch,   wie  jetzt  auf  Er-     den, 
that  we,   while   on     earth     so-jour-ning, 

mog  ein  Cast  in  Ilim-mel     wer-  den. 
be     for  Hea-ven     ev-er     year-ning. 


Cantata  181 

Epistle,  II  Corinthians  XI,  19.  XII,  9.  Paul 
Justifies  himself. 

Gospel,  St,  Luke  VIII,  4-15.  Parable  of  tne 

(Flauto  traverse,  Oboe,  Strings,  Tromba.) 

1.  Aria  Bass 

(Instr,  as  above.) 

Leicht-ge-      sinn-  te     yiat-ter-gei-ster 
Scat-  ter-bralned  and   ehal-low  peo-ple 

rau-ben  sich  (des  77or-t9s  Kraft) , 
rob  Thy  "TTord     of     all  its  pow'r. 

(Be-li-al)   iLit   sei-nen  Kin-dern 
Be-li-al     and  eill  his   fac-tion 

II   Cor.   VI,    15. 
Bu-   chet        oh-     ne-  dea  lu  hin-dern, 
seek  to     thwart   our  sv'-ry     ac-tion, 

dass   es   (kei-  nen  Nut-zen  schafft). 
ev'-   ry     day,   and  ev'-ry         hour. 
ev*-  ry     day  and       hour. 

bars    36-37,    60-61: 
dass   es  kei-nen  Nut-zen 
ev'-ry  day  and     ho-ur 

2.  Reoltativo  Alto 

un-gluck-  sel'-  ger  Stand  ver-kehr-ter 
lucl^-less   souls,    per-vert-   ed,   weak  and 



so  glsich-sam  an  dem  7e-ge  sind; 
your  seed  has  fal-len  by  the  way; 

Cantata  181 

ihr   ei-  gen  Heil  ver-scher-ien 
with  Grace  and  Uer-cy   tri-  fie, 

und  einst   xu  Grun-de     geh'n. 
on       bar-ren  land   and     bare. 

Es     wirkt  ja  Chri-  sti   letz-tes  Wort, 
When     Je-   sua   spoke   His     dy-  ing  Word, 


dass  Fel-     sen     selbst    ler-eprin-gen; 
the     rocks  were     rent     in     pieces. 

See  St.  Uatthew  XXVII,    5>\. 

des  En-gels  Hand  be-wegt  dee     Gra-  bes     Stein, 
The  An-gels  roll     a-way     the  stone  with  ease* 

See  St.  Matthew  XXVTII,    2.     St.   Luke  XXIV,    2. 

ja       Mo-     sis  Stab  kann  dort 
one  touch  of       Mo-  ses'   rod 

aus  ai-nem  Ber-  ge    Was-  ser  brln-gen. 
the  wa-ter  from  the  rock     re-lea-  ses. 

See  Exodus  XVII,   5-6. 

Willst     du,      o     Het ., 
Art       thou,   0  heart. 

noch  har-  ter     sein? 
as     hard  as     these? 

3.  Aria  Tenor 

Der  80had-li-chen     Dor-  nen  un-  end-  11-ehe 
The     ven-  o-  mous  bram-bles  of  plea-sure  and 


die  Sor-  gen  der  Wol-lust,  die  Schat-ze 
will  fur-nish  to   Sa-tan    a     fu-el 

zu  moh-ren) 

und     wer     will  doch  des 

the   fowls     of     Hell  will  most    of 

J  die  wer-  den  (das  Feu-  er     der  hol-ll-aohea 

Sa-tans  Ust   er-zSh-len,  *o  feed  to       the  fire  and  re-doub-le       the 

it     de-vour. 

*«nn  er     das  Wort  dem     Her-  zen  raubt, 
the     lit-tle  left  will  soon  de-  cay; 

das,   an     Ver-stan-de  blind, 
nor     can  you  know  or     say 


in     E-  wig-  keit  nah-ren. 
of  tor-ment     E-     ter-nal. 

den     Scha-den  nicfat  ver-steht 
where  thus  the  Word       of     God 


Es   wer-den     Fel-      sen-  her-xen 

In  sto-ny     hearts   they   sti-fle 

■o     bos-  haft     wi-  der-steb'n^ 
th*  Word  they  scat-ter     there. 

noch  glaut)t. 
was      strewn. 

4.   Reoitativo  Soprano 

Von  die-sen  wird  die  Kraft  er-stickt, 
Uta-less  we     sow     our     seed     a-  right, 

der     ed-  le       Sa-     me   liegt  ver-ge-bens, 
on     good-ly  ground  of  choice  se-lect-ion, 


Cantata  181 

wer     aich     nioht   recht  im  Gei-ste  Bchickt, 
the  thomfl  will     choke  it     o-  Tor-  night. 

sein  Hen  bei-   lei-ten 

So       well  pre-paxe,  i 

xiffl     gu-  ten     Lan-  de       xu         be-     rei-ten, 
and  till  your  good-ly  ground  with  care« 

dass  un-eer  Herx   die  Su-ssig-keit-en 
the  ^ord  of  God   in  fer-tile  soil  to 


80     una  dies  Tort   ent-     de-cket, 
that  it     may     grow  and  flour-ieh 

die     Kraf-  te         die-     see   und     des  kunft'-gon 
and  bring  forth  fruit,     a-  bun-dant       to       per- 


Cantata  182 

1.   Sonata       V*     (Gf) 
(Fl.,    2  Vns.,    2  Va.) 

2.   Chorus  V*       (G) 

(Fl.,  Strings,  Violoncello.) 

(Him-  mela-ko-  nig,)   (sei  will-koiL-  men,) 
King     of     Hea-yen,  e-  ver     wel-come, 

lass  auch     uns       (dein     Zl-     on)     seinj) 
make  our     hearts     Thy     dwell-ing-placei 

Komm  her-  eini 
Bide       th     us. 



Du     hast     una     das  Herx  ge-  nom-  men. 
All  our     souls  are     in     Thy  keep-ing. 

3.  RecitatiTO  Bass 

S.   Chorus 

(Tromba,   Fl.,   Ob.,    and  Strings.) 

Last,      Hoch-ster,    una  ( xu     (al-  len)   Zei-ten) 
Grant,   Lord,   to       us     thru     all  the       a-  ges, 

des     Her-     xans  Trost ,        dein  hei-lig  Wort. 
our  hearts'     de-light.       Thy       Ho-ly     Word, 

Du     kannst,   nach     dei-  ner  All-  machta-haod 
Thou  canst,       by     Thine     Al-migh-     ty       Handj 

(al-   lein)   (ein  frucht-bar  gu-  tes     Laind) 
caJta  Thou       our  hearts     a     fer-tile  land, 

in       un-sem  Her-   xen     xu-  be-  rei-     ten. 
whare-in  Thy     Word  laay  grow  and  flou-rish. 

Sie-he,   sie-  he,   ich  kom-  me, 
Lo,     I     come,   I     am     with  you, 

im     Buch  ist  von  mir     ge-  echrie-bem     Psalm  XI 
for     80     it     is     writ-ten     of         Ue:  7-8, 

Dei-nen  Wil-  len,  mein  Gott,       mein  Gott, 
I       de-light     0         my     Lord,         my     God, 

mein  Gott,  dei-nen  Wil-len 
my  God,   I   de-light  to 

tu'  ich  ger-  ne,  dei-nen  Wil-  len,  dei-nen 
do  Thy  Will, to  do  Thy  Will,  to  do  Thy 

Wil-  len  tu'  ich  ger-     ne. 
7/ill,  to  do  Thy  Will,  0  God. 

4.  Aria  Baas   4/4     (C)   (Strings.) 

-tes-sohn,  von     dem  Thron, 
own     Son     cane  to       us. 

llty   aran 

tBphal    ant 
I    Advent.) 

Steu'-kes  Lie-ben,  das  dich,  gro-  aaar  Got- 

Lore  un-end-ing,  *twae  for   love  that  God** 

Cantata  182 



Palm  Sunday 

dai-  ner     Herr-Hoh-kait  ga-tria-ban| 
Phlllppiana  II,    5-11.     Christ 'b  huml-     down  from  Hia       ax-  alt-  ad  ata-tion| 
to  death,    and  Hia  aubaequant   exaltation. 

St.   Uatthav  XXI,    1-9.      Chriat'a  tri-  atar-kaa  Lie-ben,   daaa     du     dioh  xun  Hell  der 

ry   into  Jaruaalem.    (Same  Gospel  aa  for      love     un-end-ing,    'twas  /or  lore  He     paid  tba 

(fl,.   Violoncello,    and  Strings,   Vn.    ooncertante) 



SaBtata  182 

▼or  (W.) 
lie      «in     Op-     f«r  fur-ge-atollt, 
ade  His   crown-ing  sac-ri-  fics, 

lass  di      dicb     mit     Blut  ver-schrie-ben. 
,bat  Uan-kind  might  gain  aal-     ra-  tion. 

),  Aria  Alto         V'4       (e) 
(Flairto   solo.      (Violoncello  with   continue)    ) 

[Jje-   get        euch)    dam  Hei-   land   un-     ter» 
Bow  your  heada     be-  fore  your  Sav-iour, 

)ar-zen,   die     ihr  christ-lich  aeid. 
»T-   er       keep  as       pure       aa       He; 


Fragt   ein     un-       be-fleck-tee  Kleid 
let     our  light   grow     ne-  ver     dim, 

n^  res  Glau-bens  ihm     ent-  ge-gen, 
lat  our  faith  be     firm  and  atea-dy, 

[Laib   und  Le-     ben)   und  Ver-md-gen 
life  and  for-tune     ev-  er     rea-dy 

»<i  dem  Ko-nig  jetit  ge-weiht. 
to     be     gi-ven     adl     to     Him, 

4.   Aria  Tenor        3^4        (b) 
(Violoncello  with  continue.) 

!•-   su,    lass     durch  Wohl   und  Wah 
Je-8U8,   Lord,   thru     weal  and  woe 

(siich)   auch  mit  dir)    zie-  hen. 
keep       me       er-er       by     Thee, 

Schreit  die     "Velt       nur       "Kreu-zi-ge"I 
TFhen       the  world  shrieks   "Cru-   ci-fy"i 

bars   24,    46,    51: 
BO     lass  mich  nicht 
lat     me       ne-  ver 

bare   26,    48,    53i 
•0     lass  mich  nicht   f lie-  hen, 
lat     me     not       da-     ny       Thee. 

Herr,    Herr,  von     dai-nam  Krauz-pa-nier| 
Lord,   Lord,   thru  Thy     Ra-deem-ing  Pain 

Cantata  182 

7.   Choral  Fantasia 

(Fl.,  Violoncello,   and  Stringa.) 

Je-   su,    dei-  ne     Paa-   si-     on 
Je-sus,    from  Thy  Pass-ion  came 

iet   (mir     (lau-     ter  Freu-  de,) 
all     my     heart's     •-      la-tion, 

dei-  ne  'Vun-  den,  Kron'  und  Hohn 
crown  of  Thorns  and  Croso  and  shame 

Alto  bars   24-25 t 
dei-ne     7/un-  den,   Kron'    und     Hohn 
all  Thy  tor-ment,    crown  and   ahama 

mei-  nes  Her-zena  "/ei-  de; 
were  ^or  my  sal-  ra-tionl 

mei-ne  Seel'  auf  Ro-   sen  geht, 
and  my  spi-  rit  bloa-soms  forth 

(wenn  ich  dran)  (ga-dan-  ka,) 
when  I  pause  to  pon-der 

(in  dem  Him-  mel)  (ai-  ne  Statt',) 
on  the  bliss-ful   daya  to  come 

una  des-wa-  gen  achan-ke, 
up  in  Hea-ven  yon-der. 

Bass,  bars  43-46 j 
in  dem  Him-  mel,   in  dem  Him-  mel,   in   dem 
on  the  bliss-ful  days  to  come^the  bliss-ful 

ei-  ne  Statt' 
daya  to  coc^e 

8,  Chorus 

(Fl.,  Violoncello,   Strings.) 

So  laa-set   uns     ge-  hen  (in  Sa-lem) 
So  let   us     then  haa-ten     to  Sa-lem 


und  Pal-men  find'   ich     hiar, 
E-  ter-nal        I      shall  gain. 

der  Freu-den, ) 
re-  joi-cing, 

(Be-glei-tet     den  Ko-  nig)   in     Lie-ben  und 
to     be     with  our  Uaa-ter     for-  ev-er     and 


ar     ge-  het     to-     ran       (und  off-net  die  Bahn. ) 
our  Sa-viour  and  Guide,     what-ev-er     be-  tide. 


Cantata  183 

Sunday  after  AecensioD 

Spietle,  I  Peter  TV,  7-11.  Be  charitable  to 
one  another. 

Gospel,  St.  John  XV,  26.  X7I,  4.  They  shall 
put  you  out  of  their  synagogues. 

(2  Ob.  d'am. ,  2  Ob.  da  caccia,  Violoncello 
piccolo,  and  Strings.) 

1.    RecitatiTO  Bass 

St.  John  XVI,    2i 

"They  shall  put  you  out  of  the  eynagoguee, 
yea  the  time  conseth,  that  whosoever  killeth  you 
will  think  that   he  doeth  God  senrice." 

Sie     wer-  den     euch  in     den     Bann  tun 
Froiri  out  their  teiL-ples  they  cast  you 

es     komnrt     a-  ber  die  Zeit,        dass,   wer  euch 
yea  thece  cp-ceth  the  time  that     who-   so 


to-  tet, 

kill-eth  you 

wird     mei-     nan 
will  think  that 

er     tu-  e     Gott   ei-nen  Dienst  da-     ran, 
le  thus  do-eth     to  God        a  ser-vice. 

Cantata  183 

3.  Recitatiyo  Alto 

(Ob.  d'am.   I  4  II,  Ob.  da  c.  I  *  II,  Str.) 

Ich  bin  be-reit  ,    mein  Blut         xind     ar- 
I     de-  di-oate         my     life,       my     whole 

-ces  Le-  ben 
be-  ha-viour, 

fSr  (W.) 

vor  dich  j  mein  Hei-  land,   hin-zu-ge-  ben, 

to  Thee    to  serve  Thee,    0  my  Sa-viour, 

mein  gan-  ser  Mensch  soil  dir  ;e-wid-met 
my  blood  and   bo-  dy   shall  be  whol-ly 



dein  Geist  wird  bel  mir 
to     stand     in     epi-rit 

ich  tro-  ste  mich, 
I     trust  in     Thee 

ste-  hen, 
near  me. 

ge-setit       ea     soil-  te       mir     Tiel-leicht 
in     ease       per-chance  the  fires     of     life 

lu-     viel  ge-Bche-hen. 
too  sore-ly     sear     me. 

2.    Pj-ie.  Tenor  4/4       (e) 

(Violoncello  piccolo.) 

Ich  furch-te     nicht       des     To-     des  Schre-cken, 
No       more  the  fear         of     death  af-  fecte     me, 

ich  echeu-e  (ganz  kein  Un-  ge-  mach), 
for  Je-  SUB  keeps  me  safe  from  harm; 

denn  Je-   sue'    Schuti-ann  wird  ndch  de-cken, 
I       fol-low         Him     and     He     pro-tecte  me, 

ich     fol-     ge  gern   und     wil-     lig  naoh. 
and   guards  o     by     Has   shleld-ing     Arm; 

Tollt    ihr  nicht  itel-   nes  Le-  bens   scho-nen 

and     so        if        one   should  wish     to     slay  me, 

und   glaubt,        Gott    ei-     nen  Dienst    zu       turn 
and  think  to  serve   his        Cod  there-by 

er  soil  euch  eel-  ber  noch   be-loh-nen, 
or  esok  re-ward  thnt  he    be-tray  me, 

wohl-  an  -      es  mag  da-  bei   be-ruh'n. 
•h,   well,    what  of   it,  what  care  I? 

4.  Aria  Soprano       3/8       (C) 

(Ob.  da  c.   T  ft  II,   and  Strings.) 

Hoch-ster  Tro-ster,    heil'-ger  Geist, 
Ho-     ly       Spi-rit,       Com-fort  Sweet, 

der       du       mir  die  V7e-  ge  weis'st, 
choose  the  path-way  for  my       feet, 

(da-     rauf  ich     wan-deln)   soil, 
and  guide  my     waiv'-ring  will. 

Hilf  mei-  ne  Schwach-heit   mit  ver-tre-  ten. 
Help  Thou  my        fick-   le        in-   cli-na-tions. 

Ton  (W. )     selbst 
denn  vor     mir  eel -ber  kann  ich  nicht  be -ten 
heed  Thou  my     too   fee-ble     sup-  pli-  ca-tion»|i 

denn  vor  mir  eelbst  kann  ich  nicht  be-  ten 
heed  Thou  my   fee-  ble   sup-  pli-  ca-tions; 

fur  (W. ) 
(ich  weies):    du     sor-geet  vor  niein     '^ohl. 
I      know       Thou  car-est      for     me      still. 


Cantata  183 

Cantata  184 

5.    Chorale 

(Ob.  d'aiK.  T  &  II,  Vn.  I  with  Sop.;  Ob.  da  c 
I,  Vn.  II  with  Altoj  Ob.  da  c.  II,  Va.  with 

Du     biet    ein  Geist,   der   leh-ret, 
•Tie  Thou     0  Ho-      ly     Spi-rit 

wie        man     reeht   be-ten  soil; 
thiit   teach-eet        uo   to     pray, 

dein     Be-     ten  wird       er       ho-  ret, 
and     Thou,      0     Lord,    will   hear      it 

dein     Sin-   gen  klin-get  wohl* 
and     speed   our   song     a-  vay; 

Ee    Bteigt    xum  Hlm-mel     an, 
to     Thee     in     Hea-Ten  high, 

es     ateigt   und   lasst  nicht  a-     be, 
far        up       to       Thee        as-cen-ding, 

bid  der  ge-  hol-fen  ha-  be, 
a     cho-ru8     ne-yer  end-ing, 

der     al-     lain  hel-  fen  kann. 
and   hoard     be-yond     the   aky. 

aBp-fiD-4«D  reich-lich  nun, 
no  eT-  il   fear  we   there. 

wie  Gott      xu     una  den  langet    er-wunech-ten 

We     shall  not   want;        with     gen-tle     hand     our 

Hir-  ten     sen-  det, 
6hep-herd  feeds   us; 

der  un-  sre  See-le   epeist 
0-  be-dient  to  Hie  will, 

und     un-   sern  Oang     durch  Wort    und  Geist 
with  rod     and   staff       by       wa-ters    still, 

xum  rech-  ten  77e-  ge   wen-det. 
to  green-eat  pae-turea  leads  us; 

Wir,  eein  er-  wahl-tes  Volk   emp-fin-  den 
We,   as  (lis  cho-  sen  flock   are  con-scious 

sei-ne  Kraft | 
of  His  power, 

in     sel-  ner  Hand  al-  leln  ist,       wets 

His   kind  pro-tect-ing  Hand,        which  soothes 

una  Lab-  sal     schafft, 
in     sor-row's       hour, 

was     un-     ser     Her-     xe  kraf-tig     star-ket. 
and  fills  our  hearts     a-new     with  cou-rage. 

Er     liebt  uns,      sei-  ne  Her-  de. 
Our  Shep-herd     loves  us  dear-ly. 

Cantata  184 
(Bach  7) 

die  sei-nen  Trost   und  Bei-stand  mer-ket^ 
and  is     our     help  and  Com-fort        ev-er, 

er  xie-     het  sie     vom     Eit-len,   von     der     Er^de^ 
He  keeps   us     from  temp-ta-tion  when  sin-cere-ly 

Epistle,    Acta  VIII,    14-17.     The   Holy  Ghost   de- 
scends,   in  Saicaria,   on  those  on  whom  Peter  and 
John   laid  bands. 

Gospel,   St.  John  X,   1-10.     Christ  the  door  of 
the  sheepfold. 

(2  Tl,  traTerso,   Strings.) 

auf  ihn  xu     schau-en 
we     let   Him  guide   us, 

und  Je-der-   xeit       auf     sei-     ne     Huld 
and   no  con-ceite        of     earth   from     Him 

xu  trau-en. 
di-Tide  us. 

1.   RecitatiTO  Tenor     (riauto  trarerso  I  4  II.) 

0     Hir-     te,  so     sich  tot     die  Her-     de 

0  Shep-herd,        Thou  who     died  to     sare  Thy 

Er-wunsch-tee   freii-den-licht; 
0       wel-  cone  Joy-  ous  light 

das        iLit      dem  neu-   en     Bund   an-   bricht 
•hich  glows     a-   new  with  pro-mise  bright, 

•wch  Je-sum,      un-        sern     Hir-  ten; 
thru     Je-Bus     Christ   our     Shep-herd; 

»lr,    die  wir   sonst        in     To-  des-ta-     lem 
tho*    we     tra-Torse       the  Tal-ley   of  death'i 


•ha-<low,  See  peala  IIIII,    4. 


der  bis   ins     Grab        und  bis   in     Tod        sie 
but   yet   the  grave       and     er-en  death  didst 


Sein     Arm       keinn  de-nen  Fein-den     weh-ren. 
Thine  Arm       from  ev'-ry  foe     pro-tects   us, 

■ein  Sor-gen       kann  uns  Seha-  fe     geist-lich 
Thy     sor-row         to        a     rlgnt-eous   life     di- 



Cantata  184 

nah-  ren, 
-rect#     us; 

Ja,      konrt  die  Zeit,   dto-oha 
yea,   tho'        I     walk       thru 

zu       ge-hen, 
and  aha-dov, 

so  hilft  und  troa-  tet   uns 
Thy  rod  and  staff  will  help 



fin-     Btre     Tal 

death's   dark  Vale 

sein  eanf-ter 
and  cot-fort 


Drum  fol-gen       wir 

And     80     to     death 

mit     Freu-den  hie  ina  Grab, 
with     joy     I     fol-low  Thee. 


Auf i        eilt    zu       ihm , 

Rise  to     the   skies, 

zu  ste-     ben. 
be-fore  Thee. 

ver-  klart  vor     ihm 
trans-fig-ured  there 

2.   Duet   Soprano-Alto     ^8        (G) 

Ce-  eeg-       ne-  te     Chri-  sten,     gluck-ee- 
Ye  thrice-blee-sed  Chri-stians,      in     glad 

-li-  ge  Her-  de 

kODEt,   Btellt   euch  bei  Je-  su  nu.t       Dank-  bar- 
come       throng     ye     to     Je-eus  with  thanks  and 

•keit       ein, 
with  praise, 

Ver-ach-  tet   (das  Lo-  cken)   (der  schniei-cheln- 
and  shun  the     en-tice-ments     of         mor-     tal 

-den  Er-  de) , 

daas    eu-   er  Ver-gnu-gen  (Toll-kom-aen)    kann  sein. 
thus   icay  ye  be     hap-py       thru  all   of        your  days. 

Cantata  184 

Dies  Lab-  sal  kann  kein  Uensch  er-«ah-  lea, 
A     balm  be-  yond     all     mor-  tal  tell-ingj 

die     Freu-de  steigt  auch     un-ter-TOrts 
this     joy,de-3cend-  ing     from  a-  bore, 

zu     de-  nen,   die  in     Sun-den-ban-     den       la-     g« 
has  con-se-     cra-ted  eT*-ry     base  trans-grea-  sc 

die  hat  der  Held  aus  Ju-     da     schon  2u-«chla-ger 
and     11-be-  rat-  ed  all     from  their  op-pres-  sot 

Ein  Da-vid  steht   uns  bei. 
A.     Da-vid     now     we     see, 

Ein  Hel-den-arm  macht   una     von     Fein-den  frei. 
a     He-  ro     who  from     foes  will     set     us  free. 

Wenn     Gott     mit  Kraft     die     Her-de  schutzt, 
God     guards  His  flock,  with  po-wer       vast, 

wenn  er     im     Zorn  auf  ih-re  Fein-de  blitzt, 
in     fie-ry  wrath  our  e-  ne-mies  to     blast, 

wenn  er     den  bit-  tern  Kreu-zes-  tod     fur 
nor,   did  He     shun  the     bit-  ter  Cross     to 

sie  nicht   scheu-et, 
die     and       save  us 

so  trifft  sie  fer-ner  kei-  ne     Not, 
80     fear     we     not  our  fi>-  ture  lot, 

so     le-  bet  sie  in     ih-     rem  Gott   er-freu-et. 
but  lo-ving-ly     re-joioe  for  all     He  gave  us. 

Hier  sclime-cket  sie     die  ed-  le  ^ei-  de 
The     Pro-  misod  Land  we     see  be-fore  us, 

und  hof-     fet     dort 
a     fore-taste  here 


(voll-koram'-ne     Him-  mels-freu-  de.) 
of       joy  com-plete     in       Hea-ven. 

4.   Aria  Tenor       3/4     (b) 

(Violin  solo.) 

3.  RecittttJTO  Tenor 

So  fr*i>-   et  euoh,    ihr     aus-  er-     wiihl-  ten 
JU-Joice  ye  who        in     Chri-stian  faith  are 

See-   len: 

die     rr«u-de  grun-det   sloh     in  Je-   eu     Herz, 
your  hmp'  pi-neas   la     baaed   on  Je-aua*    love. 

(Gluok   und     Se-  gen)   sind  be-relt, 
Joy     and  Bles-sed-  ness   un-told 
Joy     and  Bles-sing 

die  ge-  welh-  te     Sohar   zu  kro-nen. 
is     pre-pared  for  God'e  E"  leo-ted, 

Je-  eu  bringt  die  guld'-ne  Zeit, 
Je-sufl  brings  the     Age     of  Gold- 

wel-  che  aich  ( zu   ihm)  ge-woh-nen, 
pro-mieed  long,  and  long  ex-peo-ted. 
bar  68i    yea 


Cantata  184 

5.   Chorala 

(Fl.   tr.   I  4  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.j   Vn.    II  with 
Alto;   Va.    with  Tenor.) 

Herr,      ich     hoff    je,      du  wer-deot  die 
The        staff     and     rod,    of  migh-ty     God 

in     kei-  ner  Not  ver-las-   sen 
will   coia-fort  and  pro-tect  me, 

die     dein  Wort   recht     als   treu-e     Knecht' 
thru-out     the     strife   of       mor-tal   life, 

Iffl  Heri'n  und  Glau-  ben  fas-  sen. 
in     love     and  faith     di-rect     me. 

Cibst   ihn'n  be-reit        die     5e-  lig-  keit 
Ajid       when     at   last       my     time   has  passed 

und  lass'st   aie  nicht   ver-der-  ben. 
let        me  not     be        con-foun-ded, 

0     Herr,   durch  dich  bitt'      ich  ,  lass'   mich 
but  take     Thou       rae       to       dwell  with     Thee, 

froh-lich  und     so-   lig   ster-ben, 
by       An-  gel  host  sur-roun-ded. 

Camtata  185 

IV  Trinity 

Epistle,  Romans  VIII,   18-23.     God's  children 
await  the  glory   of  the  body's  redemption. 

Gospel,   St.   Luke  VI,    36-42.     Part   of  sermon 
on  the  mount.      Be  merciful,    forgiving,    generoua. 
Judge  not  that   ye  be  not   judged.     Can  the  blind 
lead  the  blind?     Take  first  the  beam  from  thine 
own  eye. 

(Oboe,   Tromba,    Fagotto,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Duet  Soprano-Tenor 
(Oboe.    (Troinba).) 

Barm-  her-  zi-ges   Her-  ze 
Thou  Heart  of  com-pass-ion. 

Lie-  be)} 

tenor,   bars   65-66j 
be-we-  ge       durch  dich^ 
de-vo-ted  to     Thee 

(der  e-  wi-gen 
e-ter-neJ.  de- 

er- re-  ge, 
in-stil  me 

be-     we-  ge 
and   fill  me 

(mein  Her-   ze  durch 
with  love  to-ward 

6.    Chorus 

(Fl.   tr.   I  a.  II,   Strings.) 

Gu-  ter     Hir-     te,   Trost   der     Dei-  nen, 
Gen-tle  Shep-herd,   watch  Thou  o'er     us, 

lass   uns  nur     dein  heil-ig     Worti 
let     Thy  Word  our     corn-fort     be. 

Lass  dein  gna-  dig     Ant-litz  sohei-nen, 
To     Thy     gra-cious   love     re-store     us, 

blei-be     un-   eer  Gott   und  Kort, 
that   we  know  Thy     Lla-  je-   sty; 

der     durch  all-machts-vol-   le     Han-  de 
from     Thy     bour-  ty       rich  pro-vide   us, 

un-      sern  Gang      zun     Le-  ben     wen-  de, 
thru  our     lives   ;.ro-tect   and  guide   us. 

dich) J 


da-mit   ich  Er-bar-men  und   Gu-  tig-keit 
in  ways  of  be-ne-  vo-lence,  mer-cy  and 

u-   be, 


(O   Flam-  me)  (der  Lie-  be),  (zer-schmel-ze) 
with  flame  of   de-  vo-tion,   0   soft-  en 

thus  mel-  ow 

du  mich). 
Thou  me. 

0   Flam-me  zer-schnel-ze  du  mich 
with  fer-vor  o   soft-  en  Thou  me. 

2.  Recitativo  Alto   (Fag.,  Strings.) 

Ihr     Her-zen,        die        ihr       euch 
Have     pi-ty.  Thou  whose  heart 

in  Stein  und  Fels  ver-keh-  ret, 
is   cold     and   hard  as     gra-nite; 

zer-f liesat   und  wer-det  weich, 
be         mal-  leab-le     and      soft 

er-  wagt ^     was   euch     der  Hei-   land      leh-ret, 
and   live       as  Christ   Him-self  would  plan  it, 


Cantata  185 

Cantata  185 

ubt,    ubt  BariD-her-iig-keit 
yea,   be     coa-  pas-sion-ate 


und  Bucht  noch  c-f     der  Er-  den 

and  show  thy  neigh-bor  mer-cy 

dam  Va-  ter  gleich   zu  wer-den, 
as  God  has  shown  thee  mer-cy. 


Achi        grei-   fet   nicht, 

Ah,  judge  ye        not, 

durch  das     ver-  bot'-ne  Rich-  ten 
lest      ye     shall   coEe  to  Judg-ment, 

dem  Al-ler-hoch-   sten  ins  Ge-   richt, 
and   if  ye     would  not     be     con-demned, 

eonst   wird   sein  Ei-  fer        euch     zer-nich-  ten, 
con-     demn     ye     not   your   friend  and  neigh-bor. 


so     ward   euch     auch  ver-ge-ben; 
and     ye     shall     be     for-gi-ven; 


gebt   in  die-     sec  Le-ben; 
and     it   shall   be     gi-ven; 

macht   euch  ein     Ka-     pi-    tal  daa     dort 

lay     for     your-self  a     store       with     God 

ein-  iLal 
a-  bore, 

Gott  wie-  der-zahlt  mit  rei-chen  In-  ter- 
God  will  with   in-  ter-eat   re-  pay  the 

-es-  sen; 

Wo,   wer  Gu-  tes  aus-  ge-  aa-  et, 
he    who  seeds  of  kind-nees  sov-eth, 

froh-  lich  (nach  den  Geut-  ben)  ge-  het, 
plen-teoue   crops  at  har-vest  grow-eth. 

4.  Recitativo  Bass   (Fagotto.) 

Die  Ei-gen-lie-be  schmei-chelt  sichi 
Our  va-ni-  ty  be-  gets   con-  ceit. 

Be-stre-be  dich,   erst  dei-  nen  Bal-  ken 
Re-move  you  first   from  your  own  eyes  the 

aus-   2u-  aie-  hen, 
beams  that  blind  you, 

dann  magst   du       dich  um     Split-ter  auch 

and       ha-  ving  plucked  them     out      you  then 

be-  mu-     hen, 
may  mind  you 

die     in     dee  Nach-sten     Au-       gen     sein. 
to     find  the  motes  in     neigh-bors'   eyes. 

See  St,   Luke  VT,    41. 

let  gleich  dein  Nach-ster  nicht  voll-kom-men 
Tho'      oth-  ers       be     not     pure       as     sum-mer 


so  wis-se,  dass  auch  du  kein  En-  gel, 
you  are  no   an-  gel,  past  cor-rect-ion. 


denn  wie  ihr   meset,       wird  man  euch  wie-  der 

for     as     ye     mete,  with-al     the     Lord   will 

mes-  sen. 

St.    Luke  VI,    38: 

"For  with  the  same  measure  that   ye  mete, 
withal   it   sriall  be  measured  to   you  again." 

ver-  bees  -re     dei-ne     tlan-  gel.' 
heal   your     own     im-per-fect-ioni 

3.   Aria  Alto 



(Oboe,    Fagotto,    and   Strings.) 

Sei        be-muht    in     die-     ser  Zeit, 
Strive  to   sow     the   seeds   of     love, 

Se»-   le,    (reieh-lich  aus-iu-streu-en) , 
fre«-ly       seeds     of     mer-cy  ocit-ter, 

■oil  die  Ern-  te     dich  er-  freu-en 
■ake  the  har-veut   rich-er,   fat-tor. 

In     der   rei-  ohen     E-  wlg-keit, 
that   you  reap     in     Joy     A-  bovei 


Wie   kann  ein  Blin-  der  mit     dem  an-dern 
How   can     the   blind     di-rect   the  blind, 

doch  recht   und   rich-tig  war.-dern? 

his       pro-  per  path  to     find?  . 

77ie,        fal-   len   sie        zu  ih-  rem  Lei-de 

Yea,        will  not  both,    un-aee-ing,  pitch, 

nicht   in     die  Gru-     bo            al-   le  bei-de? 

un-  done  and   help-less,        in  the  ditchV 

See  St.   Luke  VI,    ?9. 

5.    Aria  Bass 

(Dae  ist)  der  Chrl-   eter.  Kuneti 
This   is        the  CI rl?-tian     goalt 

nur  Gott      und   b1c)i   er-     ken-   nen, 
to     know     thy-eelf  dis-creet-ly; 
to     epOHk  and     uct 


Cantata  185 

von  *ah-   rer  Lde-be     bren-nen, 
to     love  thy  God   coic-plete-ly; 

nicht      un-      »u-  las-   eig     rich-ten, 
not     wrong-ly  judge  thy  neigh-bor, 

noch   fraxo-dee     Tun       ver-nich-ten, 
or     eet     at     naught   hl«     la-   bor| 

I   des   N'ach-sten  nicht   vor-gee-sen, 
[  re-  cec-  ber        his     pri-va-tion 

,   Elt      rei-cheiD  t«-   sse  ites-   eem 
with  ge-  ne-   roue     do-  na-tion. 

das  macht   boi  Gott    uni     L'en-Bchen  Gunat, 
•TlB  thu8     we     mark  the  Chris-tian  soulj 

Dae      let    (der     Chri-sten  Kunet.) 
this   la        the   C»irie-tiar     goal. 

6.   Choral   erbellished  ^/ \     (fjtf) 

(Ob.,    Tr.   with  Sop.;   Vn.   II   with  Alto|   Va, 
with  Tenor;    Fag.  with  Basa.     Vn.  T; ) 

Ich  ruf •    xu     dir,   Horr     Je-   su     Christ, 
I     cry     to  Thee,      my     dea-rest     Lord, 

Ich  bltt',   er-hor'   mein  Kla-  gen, 
0     hear       my  aup-  pll-  ca-  tion, 

Ter-leih'   ndr  Gnad'    lu       die-       gar     Friat, 
be-  stow     Thy  Grace  for  life* a  brief     span 

laas  iLich  doch  nicht  ver-xa-  gen; 
to     ease     my       tri-  bu-  la-tion; 

den  rech-ten     Weg,     0     Herr,    ich  main*, 
for     I     would  fol-  low     in       the  path 

den     wol-   leat     du     mir        ge-  ben, 
of     rigi.t-eoua-neae  Thou  show-est, 

dir   zu  le-  ben 
ev-   er  lo-vinp; 

cein'B  Nach-sten  nutx   xu  aein 
my       neigh-bor     as     my-aelf, 

dein  T/crt   xu  hal-ten     e-       ben, 
o-     bey-ing  Thy   com-mand-mente. 

Cantata  186 


Franc k 

VII  Trinity 

Epietle,   Romans  VI,    19-23.     The  wages   of   sin 
is  death,   but   the  gift   of  God   is   eternal   life 
through  Jesue   Christ. 

Goapel,    St.    Uark  VIII,    1-9.      4000  fed  with 
the  louvea  and   fishea. 

(2  Ob.,   Oboe  da  caccia,   Taille,    Fag.,    and  Str. ) 

Part   I 

1.   Chorue        V^      (g) 

(Ob.    I,   Vn.    I;    Ob.    II,  Vn.    II;   Taille,  Va.; 

Xrg*-   re     dich,        (0       See-   le)   nicht, 
Fret  thee     not,        thou  mor-tal        aoul. 

Sop.    bars   18-19,29-31,36-37:    Mto,    16,    29-31. 

Ten.    30-31.      Bass   35-36,    48-49j 
Xrg'-   re     dlch  nicht 
Fret  thy-  self     not 

Sop.   bars   19-20,44-45,48-49.    /Qto  15-16,    17-18, 
18-19,    21-22,38-39,48-49.   Ten.    21-22,32-33, 
34-35,35-36,48-49.   Baas   19-20, 21-22, 30-31, 36-37i 

Arg'-  re     dich  nicht, 

Fret   not     thy-   self 

dase  daa     al-  ler-hoch-ste  Licbt, 
at       thy  mean  and     hum-ble     role. 

Got-  tea  Glanx  und       E-  ben-bild, 
all  that   lives  doth  God  per-vade, 

sich  (in     Knechts-ge-stalt  ver-hullt.) 
in       His        im-     age  thou     art  made, 
art        in       His     im-     age  made. 

2.  Recitativo  Baaa 

Die  Knechta-ge-steuLt,       die     Not, 
Our       hum-  bla     role,        our  need. 

der  Uan-  gel 
prt-  va-tiona, 


trifft  Chri-sti  Glie-der  nicht 
are     not     en-dured  by       us 

es     will  ihr  Haupt   selbst  arm       und     e-lend 
but     to     our  Lord       Him-  self       were  al-so 



l)nd   ist   nicht   Reich-turn, 
And   are     not        rlch-es. 

ist  nicht  t)-ber-flufls 
is   not  o-pu-  lenoe. 


Cantata  186 

des  Sa-tare     An-     gel  so       man  mit     Sorg- 

but   Sa-tan*8  pit-fell,        which  man  must   shun 

-fait  mei-den  muss? 
with  di-   li-gence? 

Wird     dir     im       Ge-gen-teil     die     Last    lu     viel 
When  trou-bles   come   a-   new,   whose  bur-don  seems 

zu       tra-gen, 
past  beai^lngt 

wenn     Ax-  mut  dich     be-schwert, 
idien  want  is     pres-aing     sore, 

wenn  Hun-ger  dich  Tcr-xehrt, 
with  hun-ger     at     the  door, 

und  willst   80-gleich  Ter-   la-  gen, 
in-   stead  of       rain     des-pair-ing, 

•  o  denkst  du     nicht     an     Je-sun:,    aji     dein  Heil. 
be-think     you  then     that  Je-cus  died   for     you. 

Hast     du,   wie       Je-   nes  Volk,        nicht     bald      zu 
TThen  you,    like  those  of     old,        have     naught   to 

es-  sen, 
feed  you, 

■o  aeuf-zeet     dut 
do  not     then  cryi 


"Ach   J'err,        wie   Ian-  ge,        wie   lan-ge, 

"Ah     Lord,        for-got-ter,        for-sa-ken, 

wie   Ian-     ge     willst  du     main     ver-ges-   sen?" 
how  long  wilt     Thou     not  deign  to     heed     me?" 

3.    /jia  Bass  3/4        (B^) 

Bist     du,    der  mir  hsl-   fen  soil. 
Thou  who     al-«uya   help  me        so, 

(eilst     du     nicht)    (mir  bei-zu-   ste-  hen)? 
haste  Thee     now         to     my     sal-Ta-  tion. 

Uain  Ge-  nut        (let      xwel-   fels-voll), 
I        am  filled     with  doubt  and     woe, 

du     Ter-  wlrfst  Tiel-leicht  mein  Fle-hen. 
hear  Thou     this       my       aup-     pli-  ca-tion| 

doch,     0  See-     le,    ( iweif-le   nicht), 
leave,  0  soul,   thy     doubt  be-hlnd, 

lass  Ver-nunft   dich  nicht   be-   etri-ckem 
let      not      rea-   eon     thus     be-witch  thee, 

dai-     nen     t{el-   fer,        Ja-     kobs  Lioht, 
•  Mirch  the  Scrlp-tio-o,   there     to        find 

Cantata  186 

kannst   du     in     der     Schrift   er-bli-   cken. 
how       thy  God  will     soon       en-rich  thee. 

4,   Recitatjyo  Tenor 

Ach,        dass   ein       Christ     so     sehr 

Ahl  Chri-stians     too     much  heed 

fur  (t;.  ) 

vor  sei-nen  Kor-per  sorgtj 

our  mor-tal  bo-dy'a     needi  i 

Was     ist   er  mehr?        Ein  Bau     von     Dr-den, 
'Shat  is     it   then?  A     linnp   of     dirt, 


der     wie-  der  muss      zur       Er-  de  ver-den, 
which  back  to     earth  must   soon  re-vert; 

ein  Kleid, 
et-  tire. 

so  nur     ge-borgt, 
we  have  on     hire. 

Er  konn-     te       ja     das  be-  ste  Teil  er-wah-  ler 
Our     80-journ  here  is     but  the     pre-pa-ra-  tior 

80     sei-     ne  Hoff-  nung  nie     be-trugt: 
for  hopes  in  which     we     firm     a-bide, 

das  Heil  der  See-  len,  so  in 

our  sure  sal-va-  tion,       gained         when 

Je-  Eu  liegt. 
Je-su3     died. 

0     se-  ligl       wer     ihn  in  der  Schrift   er-bliekt; 
0  bles-sed,       they  who  ve-  ri-     ly         be-lieve 

wie  er  durch  sei-  ne       Leh-  ren 
Thy  Ho-     ly     Word  and  Teach-ing, 

auf     Al-le         die       ihn     ho-  ren, 
the  Uan-na       which,  be-seech-ing, 

ein  geist-lich     Wan-  na  schicktj 
our     spi-  rits  shall  re-  ceive. 


DVuq,    wenn  der  Kum-  mer     gleich 

So,        tho'   mis-f or-tunes     fall, 

das   Her-ze  nagt   und   frisst 
and   eat     a-way     the  heart, 

80   schmeckt    und   se-  het  doch, 
we       will       re-  mem-bor,   all, 

(wie   freund-lich)  Je-      sus     ist, 
how  lo-  ving-kind     Thou  art. 

5.    Aria  Tenor  V'*        (d)      (Oboe  da  onccla, ) 

Ueln  Msi-lnnd   lasst   slcli  ner-   ken 
Uy     Sa-viour     oft        ap-  pear-eth 


Cantata  186 

Cantata  186 

In  aei-nen  Gna-  dan-ver-  ken, 

in  mer-cy     that      en-dear-eth. 

da       er       sich  kraT-tig  velst. 
His  Grace  will  make  me     whole, 

den   schwa-chen  Geist    xu  leh-   ren, 
my       fee-  ble       bo-     dy  nour-iah, 

dan     mat-ten  Leib    zu     nah-   ren, 
tbat      I     may  grow  and  flou-rlsh, 

diet   aat-tigt  Leib   und  Gslat. 
and     sa-  tia-     fy     my       aoul. 

6.    Chorale   extended      (Ob.    I   4  II,    Str, ) 

Ob     sich'e  an-liees',   als  wollt   er  nicht, 
Tho'      God       ap-  pear       at     timea   ae-vere, 

laas   dich     ea     nlcht      er-achre-oken) 
let     not     your  hearta  be  trou-  bled, 

denn     wo        er        iat  ajs     be-aten     mit, 

for     grace  con-cealed  will  be     re-vealod 

da     will   er'a     nicht   ent-  de-cken, 
and  blea-ainga     be         re-doub-led. 

Sein  ^ort  laaa  dir     ge-     wia-  aer  aein, 
Hla     "Vord  will  be     your  guide  and  atay, 

und     ob     dein     Herz     aprach  lau>ter  Nein^ 
and  tho*    your  heaxta  would     aay  you  "nay", 

ao        laaa   doch     dir  (nlcht   grau-      en.) 
hold  atead-faat,   and       com-  plain  not. 

ao     laaa     dir     docfa     nicht  grau-en^nicht 
hold   atead-faat.  atead-faat,      nev-er     com- 

grau-  en , 

Part  II 

7,  RecitatJYO  Baaa    (Strings.) 

Ea        iat     die  Welt       die  gro-aae  Wu-st»-     nel, 
The  world  of     nan         is     but     a     wil-der-neas, 

der  Him-mel     wlrd      lu       En, 
tha  Hea-Tena   seem  like  droas, 

Lwwiticus  XXVI,    14,    19. 

die     Er-     da     wird   lu    Ei-  sen, 

the   earth  ap-peare  but  bra-ien, 

wenn  Chrl-aten  duroh  dan  Glau-ben     wal-     sen* 
to     them  who       do       not  hold  tha  Serip-tures 

dasa  Chri-  sti  Wort  Ihr  groae-ter  Reloh-tum     aei| 
the     great-eat  rich-ee       mor-tala     can     poa-aeaa; 

der  Nah-runga-eo-gen  schelnt 
our  po-  yer-  ty  ap-  pears 

Ton  ih-nen   fast    «u     file-  hen, 
to     be   our   lot     and  por-  tion, 

ain  ste-  tor  Uan-gel  wird  be-     weint, 
aind  want  to     be     our  con-atant  trial, 

da-     mit   sie     nur     der  Velt 
whloh  God     im-peurts  to       us 

sioh  da-     ato       mehr       ent-zie-  hem 
to  turn     our  thoughta  to-  ward  Him. 

da  fin-det   erat  dee  Hei-landa  TTort, 
No  oth-er       ri-ches  can     com-  pare 

der  hoch-ate  SohatS;     in  ih-ran     Her-san  Plati. 
or     take  the  place         of  Je-aua'    aa-ying  Grace. 

Ja,  jam-mert   ihn     dee     Vol-  kea  dort, 

Yea,        Hia  com-  paa-aion,   rich  and  rare, 

so  muaa  auch  hier    aein  Her-  ze  bre-chen 
will  reach  ua  here,    to  give  ua  cou-rage 

und     u-     ber     aie       den     Se-     gen  apre-chan. 
and  fill  our  hearta  with  hope  and     con-fort. 

8.   Aria'  Soprano     V*     (g)      (Vn.  I  *  II,   uniaon, ) 

Die     At-  men     will       der  Herr  um-  ar-  men. 
The  Lord  will  help       the  poor  and  nee-dy, 

mit     Gna-den  hier   und   dort; 
their  mor-tal  bur-dena  lift; 

er     Bchen-kot  ih-nen  aua     Er-     bar-     men 
and     for       e-  ter-ni-ty     will  grant  them 

dan  hoch-aten  Schatz,    (daa     Le-  bens-  wort.) 
the  Word     of       Life,       moat  pre-cioua  gift. 

9.  RecitatiTO  Alto 

Nun     mag     die  "^elt   mit      ih-     rer  Lust 
The  world  and  ita     de-lighta     I     hold 

ver-ge-  hem 
for  no-thingi 


Cantata  186 

Cantata  186 

brioht  gleleb  der  Uan-gal  eln, 
tho*  po-     Ter-ty     im-pend, 

doch  kann  die  Sae-  le  freu-dig  aein. 
ny     soul  for-aaes  a       joy-ous     end. 

Wird  durch  dies  Jam-  mer-  tal 
If     thru     this  vale     of  tears 

vann       du       (von       Ban-     den  (des       Lei-  baa 
waits  thee       when  life's  wea-  ry     jour-     ney 

life's  Jour-ney 

BUD  frai). 
is     thru. 

der  Gang  su  schwer, 
oar  way  is  hard 



in  Je-  8u  Wort  liegt  Heil   und   Sa-  gen. 
in  Je-sus'  Word   is  hope   and  bleas-ing. 



ih-res  rnas-ee  Laueh-ta  und  eln  Lioht 

lamp  un-to  my  feet  and  ie   a.     light 

auf  ih-ren  We-  gen. 
un-  to  my  path-way. 

Psalm  CXIX,    105i 

"Thy  word  is  a  lamp  unto  my  feet  and  a 
light  unto  my  path." 

Wer     glau-big  durch  die  Wu-ste  reist, 
The  Falth-ful     Ones  by     it  are     led 

1,  3. 

Cantata  187 

4,  5  in  (x  Uass 
VII  Trinity 

Epistle,  Romans  VI,  19-23.  The  wages  of  sin 
is  death,  but  the  gift  of  God  is  eternal  life 
through  Jesus  Christ  our  SaTiour. 

Gospel,  St.  Mark  VIII,  1-9.  4000  fed  with 
the  loaves  and  fishes. 

(2  Ob.,  and  Strings.) 

wird  durch  dies     Wort         ge-  trankt,       ge-speiat; 

thru     da-     sert  waste;        are  clothed       and     fed;     i,   chorig      (Instr.   as  above.) 

dar  Hei-land  off-net       selbst,   nach  die-     sem 
The  Sa-Tiour     o-  pens,       by         this  Word,    for 

Wor-  te, 

ihm  einst  des  Pa-     ra-  die-  ses     Pfor-  te, 
the     way     one  day  thru  Hea-Ten*s  por-tals; 

und  nach  voll-brach-tsB     Lauf 
BO       at     the     jour-ney's     end, 

aettt     er     dan     Glau-  bi-     gen     die  Kro-ne     auf, 
a-     round  the  Throne  the  Faith-ful  may  at-tend. 

10.  Duet  Soprano-Alto       3/8       (c) 

(Ob.    I  *  II,   Taille,    and  Strings.) 

Lass,    See-le,    kein     Lei-     den 
Tho'      suf-fer-ing     smart   thee, 

Ton     Ja-  su  dich     schei-  dan, 
from  Je-aus  ne'er     part  tbea» 

•ai,   (Saa-       le,   ge-  treu* ) 
ba         stead-fast  and  truei 

Dir  blei-bet  die  Kro-  n9 
At     thy     li-  ba-   ra-tion, 

aua     Gna-  dan  ( tu     Loh-  ne, ) 
tba  Crown  of       Sal-Ta-tion 

Psalm  CIV,    27,28: 

"These  wait  all  upon  thee;   that  thou  mayeat 
give  them  their  meat  in  due  season  (beasts  and 

"That  thou  giveat  them  they  gather;   thou 
openeat  thine  hand,  they  are  filled  with  good." 

(Es     war-tet   (Al-     lea))       auf  dich, 
They  all  are     wai-ting  on     Thee 

daas     du     ih-  nen  (Spai-se  ge-best  zu     sei- 

that  Thou  may-est       in  due  sea-son       give  them 

-ner     Zeit.) 
their  meat. 

Sop.;    bars   47-49.   S  4  A  116-118,    TAB  117-119t 
daaa  du  ih-  nen     Spei-  se     ge-best        zu  sei- 
that   in  Thy  good  time  Thou  give   un-     to  them 

-ner     Zeit. 
their  meat; 

Wenn  du       ih-   nen     gi-best, 
and     all  that   Thou  giv-ast. 

(so     sam-Beln  sia); 
they     ga-ther     in; 

wenn     du     (dei-ne  Hand)   auf-tust, 
when  Thou       o-   pe-nest     Thy  Hand 

(so     wer-  dan     sia)  mit       Cu-       te       (ga-  sat- 
Thy  crea-tures  all     with  good  things     are  sa- 
Alto  bar  80i  plen-  ty 

-11-     get.) 


Outata  107 

2.   R»citatlTO  5a«B 

V&s     Cr»-«*     tu-     ran  halt     das     gro-eae 
What  ma-ti-t-jlM  of     cr«a-tirea  fill  tfali 

der       Yelt: 

roiaad  vorldl 

Schau'   doch  die     3«r-  ge       an. 
Look         to     tb«  ■ouD-talD-aide, 

da  sie     bei     tat>-   send     ge-   h«a; 

vhere  eouzrt-less  thou-saads  vaa-^lsrl 

■m&M     xao-     get  aieht  dl«     riut? 
and  aboala  of     fish-  •■     gild* 

la     via-  Bala  5tr«  uud  Sa-     an; 
in  lakaa  and       ri»  rara  yoa-der; 

dar     Vo-     gal     gro-  aaea  Hear 
tba  birds  ia     fiald  and     air 

xiafat  direh  dia  Luft   su     raid. 
ara       fly-  lag     ar'-ry-where. 

Var  aah-     rat     aol-  eba     Zahl* 
n»  tbac  could  faad  tUa  bort? 

md  weT  Ter-  aag  ihr  vohl     dia     Not-aurft 
Ah     vfao  but  Ulgh-ty     Ood     vould     ar-   er 

ab-  lu-  g»-  baa? 
dara  at^taapt  it? 

Cans  ir-  gaai-  ain     Uo>aarch 
Tould  a-  sy     priaca  or     king 


aaeb  aol-ebar  Eb-     ra     stre-banf 

•B-  say     so     rast  a     thing? 

•o     much  am     ar-  er  dreazt     it? 

Zahlt  al-  ler     £r-  da     ?old 
Thy,      all  tba  gold   oa  aartb 

ihr     vchl  ain     aia-  ig  Mahl? 
vould  buy     oaa  aaal  at     aostl 

3.  Aria  Alto       ^B       (Bb) 
((Ob.  I,  Ta.   I.)  Ta.  n,  Ta. ) 


Da      Barr 
Tke««  Lord, 

(du       krout)   al-  laia))i 
alll  erevB       tba  yaar» 

Wra  32,   36,   46^  137t 
Da     Barr     da     kroaat  al-  lain 

Lerl  Thov  «ilt  eroin     tba  yaar 

4mm    Jahr  alt  dal-  aaa  Sat. 
vitb  be.a>-ty     rich  sad  rara, 

bar*  35,  53,  140t 
tea     Jahr  sit     dai-  aaa  Zvt , 
•!•■!     it     with  bo«»-ty     rara 

Cantata  IBT 

as     trau-felt   7att   uad  Sa-  gae. 
with  plen-ty       wilt   su^^-ply   us, 

bar  102 1 

as  trau-felt  Tett   uad  Sa-  gen 
plan-ty     wilt  Tbou  siq^-ply  us, 

auf     dai-     nas     Tu-  sses     Ve*  gan, 
that  aaat  shall  aot  cona  nigh  ua, 

bar  i05t 
auf  dei-  aae       fu-  asas     Ta-  gen, 
na-  Ter  shall  want   coea  nigh   uai 

vaid  dai-     aa  Gaa-  da  ist's, 
of     grace  a     good-ly  ahara 

bar  lOei 

md     dei-ne  Gna-  de  let's, 
grace  in     a     good-ly  sfaarei 

die  (al-les)       Gu-  tee     tot. 
nor     an-y         bless-ing  spar*. 

Part  II 

4.  Aria  Baaa     V*     (g)     (▼»•   I  4  n  in  uniaoa. 

Da-  r\M     sollt  ihr  nicht   ecr-gen 
Be-thiak     ya       not     nor    wor-ry, 

Boeh  aa-  gent     Tas  ver-  dan  wir  ee-  sec,  waa 
ncr     ask     yet    "Of    ^iat  ax       I     aat-iag,     of 

wer-  den  wir  trin-  kea, 
what  as       I     drlnk-ing, 

wo-     Kit  wer-  daa    wir     una     klai»  dan? 

and  whara-       witb-all  shall     I     clothe     c«?~ 

St.  Matthew  VI,   31-32t 

'Therefore  take  no  thought,   aayingt     That 
aball  *a  eat?   or,  what   sball  we  drink?     or* 
wherewithal  shall  we  be  clothed? 

*^For  after  these  things  do  the  Gantilaa 
•eek{ )   for  your  he&Tenly  Father  knoweth  that 
ya  hare  nead  of  all  these  things.' 

traeh-tae  dia 
fol-  low  the 

Haeh  aol-chaa     al-         lar 
For       af-ter  tbasa  things, 

Hei-  den. 

bars  64-691 
Oan       (9}f^r     tiAsai  li-acber  Ya-  tar  waias,) 
For  your       Haa-vaa-ly       T^-tbar  knows 

bar*  T3,  81i 
Dami         au-     ar     faisK-li-adiar  Ta-  tar  waias 
for        wall  yota*     Haa-woo-  ly     fla-t bar  ksowa 

daaa     itar     dies       al-  laa     ba-dur-  fat. 
that  tbasa  things  all  will  >a  naad-ful. 


CMtata  187 

Cantata  187 

bar  8St 

lan     sai-  ne     Not-  durft  ninsnt] 
are  vont  to  mourn     our       lot? 

der  e-»ig     rei-  che     Gott 
The  e-ver  boun-teous  God 

5.  Aria  Soprano   (Oboe  solo.) 

Cott  Ter-Bor-  get       al-  lee     Le-  ben, 
Ccd     pre-eer-Teth       all  that    li-veth, 

vaB  hle-ni*-  den  0-  dem       hegt. 

•r'-ry     crea-ture       draw-ing  breath, 

Sollt'    er  mir  al-leln  nlcbt  ge-  ben, 
So         to  me     He  Bure-  ly       gi-veth 

(was)   er  al-  len  xu-  ge-eagt? 
what     to  all  He     pro-Bii-Beth, 


Welcht,   ihr  Sor-gen,        sei-ne     Treu-  e 
Sor-     rowB  Tan-ieh,       His  com-paB-Bion 

iBt     auch  mei-  ner     ain-  ge-denk 
vill  not     fail  my     vante  to  heed, 

und     vird  ob     mir  tag-lich  neu-  a 
will  pro-vide  my     dai-  ly     ra-tion, 

durcb  manch  Va-ter-Liebe-ge-schenk, 
Ba-     tiB-     fy     my     ev'-  ry     need. 

hat  Bich  die  Sor-  gen  aus-er-ko-  ren, 
aa-Bumed  to     bear  oiir  tri-bu-la-tionej 

80  weiaa     ich,   dass  er  mir     auch     mei-     nen 
I     know  that       all     we  need     He     givee,  with 

Teil     be-Btimrat, 
naight   for-  got. 

6.  RecitatJTo  Soprano       (Stringe,) 

Halt'    ich  nur  feet  an  ihm  mit   kind-  li-        chem 
I         fal-ter  not,   in  alm-ple  child-like  faith 

Ver-trau-  en 
a-  bi-  ding, 

uzkd  nehm'   mit  Dank-     bar-keit, 
and      ren-  der  thanka  to     God 

waa    er     nSr   lu-     ge-dacht, 
for  all   He     doea   for     me, 

ao  werd'    ich  mich  nia     oh-     ne     Hil-fe   achau-   en, 
in     Hia     pro-tect-ion  truat-ing-ly     con-fi-  ding. 

und  wie     er  auch  fur  mich 
My     raok-on-ing     ia     paid, 

die     Recb-nung  hab*    ge-macht. 
what-   ev-   er  it     may     ba. 

Daa     Gra-     nen  nut-xet   nicht, 
What   boota   It     to     be-  wail 

die  Ku-  ha     let  Tor-lo-  ran« 
io     fu-tlle  la-  nen-ta-tlonay 

die       daa     Tor-uig-te     Harx 
with  which  we     tl-ild   aoula 

7.   Chorale  S/*       (g) 

(Ob.   I  4  II,  Vn.   I  with  Sop.{  Vn.   II  with 
Alto;  Va,  with  Tenor.) 

Gott  hat  die  Er-  de  xu-  ge-richt't, 
God     has  pro-Ti-ded  for  ub       all, 

lasBte  an     Nah-     rung       man-  geln  nicht; 
food     for  erea-tiree,  great  and     small; 

Berg     und     Tal,   die  macht  er     nass, 
grass  He     grows  on     hill     and  dale, 

dass  dem  Vieh  auch  wachst   sein  Gras; 
lest  the  food  for       cat-     tie     fail; 

aus     der  Er-  den     Wein     und  Brot 
gives  to     mor-tals  bread  and  wins, 

schaf-fet  Gott  und     gibt's  uns  satt, 
rain     for  flo-  wer,  tree       and  rine, 

dass  der  ^nsch  sein  Le-  ben  hat. 

made  for     man         by     God's     de-sign. 

Wir     dan-ken  sehr  und     bit-  ten     ihn, 
Thank-ful  to     Thee  with  hope  we     pray, 

dass     er     uns  geb'   des  Gei-stee  Sinn, 
"Send  Thou  Thy     Spi-rit  here     to-  day, 

daes  wir     sol-ches  recht  ver-steh'n, 
make      us   right-ly  un-  der-stand 

stets  in  eein'n  Ge-  bo-  ten  geh'n, 
how     to     fol-     low  Thy  com-mand." 

Bei-  nen     Na-  men     ma-  ohen  gross 
True  to     Thee  thru  all  our     days, 

in  Chri-   ato  ohn'    Uh-  ter-lnesj 
to     Thy  Name  with  Joy     we  raiae 

BO  Bing'n     wir       das     Gra-  ti-     as, 
Toi-oea       filled  with  end-laaa  praiae. 


Cantata  188 



XXI  Trinity 

Epistle,  Epheai&ns  VI,  10-17.  Put  on  the  lAiola 
anaor   of  God;    describing  it. 

Gospel,  St.  John  TV,  46-^-a  The  nobleman's  son 
healed  of  a  fever. 

(Oboe,   Violoncello,   Organ,    and  Strings.) 

1.    Aria  Tenor        3/4        (F) 
(Oboe,    Strings. ) 

bars   21-23,    54-56i 
Ich  ha-  be     nei-   ne  Zu-  ver-sicht, 
In     God  the  Lord   I     put   ay     trust 

bare   15-16,    43-44i 
ich  ha-     be     mei-   ne   Zu-ver-sicht 
God  the  Lord  will  I     er-er     trust 

bare   2?-25t 
auf  den  ge-treu-en     Gott  ge-  richt't, 
for  He     is  true  and  kind  and     Just; 

bars   17-19,    45-46i 
auf     den  go-  treu-en  Gott   ge-richt't, 
kind-ly     and  true  is     He     emd     juat; 

da     ru-  het     mai-     ne  Hoff-nung     fe-  ate. 

I      know  that   He     will  ne-ver     fail     me, 

bars   47-52i 

I     know     He     will  not  fail     me 

52-54i    He     will  ne-Tor     fall     me, 

Wenn     al-     lee     bricht,       wenn     al-     lea  fallt, 
Tho*   moun-talns     burst,        and     earth  de-  day, 

wenn     nie-  mand  Treu*        und         Glau-ben  halt, 
and     feiltb-less  friends  their  trust     be-tray, 

so     let   denn  Gott   der       al-     ler-  be-   ate. 
Al-adgh-ty       God     will   still     a-  Tail     me. 

2.   RecitatiTo   Bass 

Cantata  188 

■o     hoff '    ich  dooh  auf  ihn, 
His  name       I       glo-  ri-  fy. 

Denn  sein  er-turn-     tee     An-  ge-sicht 
When     an-ger  clouds  His   stor-my  brow, 

ist     VI-  ders   nlcht 

it     will  not      last,  | 

als     ei-  no  'Vol-  ke       tru-be, 
but   soon  be  gone  and  past, 

sie     hln-  dart        nur       den     Son-nen-scheln, 
as     dark'-ning  clouds  bring  wel-come     rain, 

da-  mlt     durch  ei-  nen  aanf-ten     Re-  gen 
the  mild     and     gen-tle  3\m-  mer  sho-wers, 

der     Him-  mele-se-     gen 
which  feed  the     flo-wers, 

um       so     viel  rei-cher     mo-         ge       sein. 
and  fill  the  fer-  tile  fields  with  grain. 

Dsr  Herr  ver-  wan-delt   sich     in  el-  nen 
The  Lord   as-aumes   at     times     an  as-pect 


Lsn     dea-     to     troat-li-  oher     zu  achei-nen; 
but   this  must     not     the   least     a-lann     us, 

er  will,  er     kann's   nicht  bo-  ae  mei-  nen, 

we  know         that       He         will  ne-ver  harm     us. 


Irrum  lass*   ich  ihn     nlcht, 

I'l]      not      let  Thee      free 

er     seg-     ne       mich  denn. 
'til  Thou  hast  bleat     me, 

bars   28-29i 
er   seg-     ne     mich     denn. 
ex-cept  Thou  bless     me. 

Genesis  XXXII,   26t 

"....I  will  not  let  thee  go,   except  thou 
bless  me." 

Cott  maint   es  gut   mlt     je-   der-mann, 
Al-  migh-  ty  God  for-gets      us     not, 

aucb  in  den  eJ.-ler-groa8-ten     No-  ten, 
not     ev-an     in  our  worst  af-f lict-ipn. 

Ver-   bir-get      er     gleich  sei-ne     Liu-be 
Tho'    it     may   seerc     that      He     for-got, 

so     denkt    sein  Herz   doch  beim-lich     aran 
yet   from     Hie     deep   ajvl        in-  most    heart 

das   kann  er     nie-n»ls   nicht    ent-xieh'n; 
Hie   love   for   ue     will     not        de-   R'^rt; 

und  woll-te  mich  der     Herr  auch   to-ten, 
if     God     de-cide   that      I        ir.ust   die 

3.    Aria  Alto       V^        (E) 

(Violoncello.     Organ  obligate.) 

Un-  er-forech-lich 
All   un-     char-ted 

ist  die     Wei-  sa 
is     the  coun-try 

wie     (der   Herr   fdie     Sei-  nen)   fuhrt ) , 
where     the  Lord     will   take  His      folk, 
15,    26,    58,    69i      will  take  tnem 

sel-ber   fun-   ser     Kreui        und  Peln) 
ev-   on        sor-row,      care        and   pain 
33-35t      ev-en  care 


Cutata  188 

Buas   lu     un~  sera  Be-sten  eeln 

in     the  end  will  be  our  gain, 

tad  ( xu  sei-nee     Na-  cena  Frei-ee.) 
and     ex-alt  Thy  Name     and     Glo-ry. 

4.  RecitatiTo  Soprano       (Strlnge.) 

Die  Uacht  der  Welt  rer-lie-   ret   eich. 
The  might      of     man     a-  rail-eth     not, 

Ter  kann     auT  Stand   und     Ho-     heit     bau-   en? 
nor  eeo^h-ly       rich-e«,   goode     or     trea-Burei 

Cott     a-  ber     blei-bet     e-     wig-lich; 
He     who  with  God     haa   cast   his     lot, 

vohl       al-  len  )     die     atif     ihn  rer-trau-  en. 
gains  con-fort        uore   than  man  can  mea-sure. 

Cantata  189 

1.   Aria  Tenor       V*       (Bv) 
(Flauto,   Oboe,  Violin.) 

(Uei-     ne  See-  le, )  ruhmt   und  preist 
Come,  my  spi->rit,     raise  thy  voice, 

(Got-     tea  Huld)   imd  rei-ohe     Gu-     te. 
praise  thy  God       for  all  His  bles-sing} 

lAid     mein  Geist, 
Heart     said     soul. 

Hers     und     Sinn 
praise  and  thanks 

und  gam  Ge-  mu-     te 
and   love  ex-pres-sing; 

ist   in     mei-nem  Gott   er-freut, 
in  His     Tisr-cy     loud  re-joice, 

der  (mein  Hell  und  Hel-fer)     heisst. 
He       hath  thy     sal-va-tion     wrought. 

S.   Chorale 

Auf  mei-nen  lie-  ben     Gott, 
Be-   lo-  ved  God  will     heed 

trau  ich  in  Angst   und     Not| 
■y     cry  to     His     in     need. 

•r  kann  mich  edl-ieit    ret-  ten 
■y  hope  and     my     sal-  va-  tion 

aus     Trub-   sal,    Anget    und  Ko-  ten, 
from  trial   and       tri-  bu-   la-tion; 

eeic  Un-gluck  kann     er     wen-  den 
from     ev-   il        He     pro-tects  me, 

■teht   all's   in  sei-   nen  Han-  den. 
in  all     my  ways     di-rects  u.e. 

Cantata  189 




Epistle,  Isaiah  XI,  1-5.  Prediction  of  the 

Gospel,  3t.  Luke  I,  39-50.  Uary'e  visit  to 
KliMb«th|    the  UaKnlficat. 

(riauto.  Oboe,  and  Violin.) 

2.  Recitativo  Tenor 

Denn  seh'  ich  mich   und  auch  mein  Le-  ben  ant 
When  here  on  earth   my  hap-  py   lot  I  see 

BO  muss  mein  Uund  in   die-  se  T?or-  te 
my  voice  in  praise  and  thanks  I  lift  to 

Thee  I 

(Gott J)       was  hast  du  doch  (an       mlr)  ge-tan! 
God,  how  boun-te-ou9       art  Thou     to     r.e. 

to       Jie 

Es     ist  mlt     tau-send       Zun-  gen 
Had     I        a     thou-sand  tongues 

nicht     ein-  mal     aus-  xu-  spre-chen, 
they     would  not  serve  for  tell-ing 

wie  gut       du     bist, 
how  good  Thou  art, 

wie   freund-lich  dei-  ne     Treu', 
how       gen-  tie,    kind   and  true, 

wie   reich  dein'    Lie-be       sei. 
how     lo-     ving     is     Thy  heart | 

So     ssi  dir       denn     Lob,   Ehr'    und  Preis 
and   so     with  thanks  my       song   of     praise 

ge-  sun-  goni 
is   ewell-lng. 


Cantata  189 

3.  Aria  Tenor    V*  (g) 

Gott   hat        aich   (hoch  ge-set-    zet) 

On     High  where     God  a-  bi-deth 

bar  8i  high  in  Hea-  ven 

und   sieht   auf  das, 
He     aeea     us     all 

(was  nied-rlg)      iet. 
be-   lo*  Him       here. 

Ge-   eetit.    dasB  mich  die   V.'elt 
The  world     may     hold  me     maun. 

ge-  ring  und     e-     lend  halt, 
yet      I        re-  luain     oe-  rene^ 

doeh  bin  ich  hoch  ge-schat-set, 
no     oat-ter  who     de-   ri-   deth- 

bar  23i 
W0il  Gott     mieh  nicht 
I       know     that     God, 

bars   23-24: 
well  Gott  micb  nicht,  micb  nicht  Ter-glsst, 
I       know  that     God         for-gets     me       not, 

bfo-i   25-26,    and   27-281 
weil  Gott  mich  nicht  ver-giost. 
my     God        for-gets     me        not. 

bar   26-27 1 
nich   nicht, 
my       God, 

Cantata  189 

Er  hat     mir  Leib   und  Le-ben, 
Uy  life  to     Him     is      o«-ing, 

er  hat     mir  auch  das  Recht    lur     Se-   llg-keit, 
my  hope   of        fu-  ture  blee-sed-ness     se-cure, 

und  was  mich  hier   und  dort    er-freut. 
He     pro-  mi-   ses     sal-  va-tion     sure 

auB   lau-ter  Huld  ge-  ge-  ben. 
and  mer-oy        o-  ver-flow-ing. 

5,    Aria  Tenor     3/4       (Bb) 
(Flauto,  Oboe,  Violin.) 

Dei-ne     Gu-     te,      fdein  Er-  bar-cen) 
Thy  com-pas-sion,      Thy     sal-Ta-tion, 

wah-       ret,  Gott,   (zu     al-ler  Zeit). 
lasts,     0       God,        for-ev-er-  more. 

Du       er-   zeigst   (Barm-her-zig-keit ) 
Thou  wilt     save       and     not     ig-nore 
bar  63i  wilt  not     ig-nore 

de-nen     dir     er-geb'-nen     Ar-  men. 
ev-en     those  of  hum-  bio  sta-tion. 

4.  RecitatiTO  Tenor 

ftir  (W. ) 
0  was     Tor  gro-  sse  Din-  ge 
0  what   stu-pen-dous  won-ders 

treff '    ich  an  al-     len  Or-  ten     an, 
I  see  a-round  me     er'-ry-where, 

die     Gott     an  mir  ge-  tan, 
on     earth,   in  sea  and  air. 

fur  (W.) 
wo-  Tor  Ich 
that  God   has  ^ 

brin-  ge. 
thank    Himi 

Er     tut   es, 
what   is     it 


mein  Herz      iixn     Op-   fer 
for     which  we     hare     to 

des-sen  Uacht 
but   His  might 

den     Him-cel   kann   um-   achran-ken, 
that    set   the  Hea-Tens'    ceil-   ing, 

an       des-   sen     Ma-mens  Pracht 
where    'aid  His  glo-   ry     bright 

die  Se-ra-phim  in  De-  mut   nur  ge-     den-   ken. 
the  Se-ra-phia  to  Hisi  are  hi«-ble  kneel-ing? 

Cantata  190 



Epistle,  Galatians  III,  23-29.  Faith  siqjer- 
ceded  the  law;  we  are  all  one  when  baptised  in 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  II,   21.     His  name  was  called 

(3  Tr.,  Timpani,   3  Ob.,  Ob.  d'amore,   Strings.) 

1.   Chorus 

(Instr.   as  above   except  Ob.    d'amore. ) 

Psalm  CXLIX,   It 

"...Sing    unto  the  Lord   a  new  song,    and 
hia  praise  in  the    congregation  of  saints." 
Psadm  CL,   4,   6i 

"...Praise  him  with  the  timbrel  and  dancei 
praise  him  with  stringed  instruments  and  organs. 

"Let   everything  that  hath  breath  praise 
the  Lord." 

((sin-  get)   dem  Herm)   ein  neu-  ea     Lied  J 
Sing  to       the  Lord  a     new-made   song! 

Sing  ye 


Cantata  190 

Cantata  190 

Die  G«-     nei-  ne     der  Hel-li-  gen  (eoll     ihn 
Let  the  whol*  con-gre-ga-tion  of     BsdctB  sing 

aing     His 

lo-  ben)J 

Lo-     bet  ihn  mit     Pau-  ken     und  Rei-gen, 
Praise  ye     Him  with  tim-brels   and  dan-ces; 

lo-     bet  ihn  nit     Sal-     ten  und     Pfei-feni 
praise   ye     Him  with  pipes   and  with     yi-   olsl 


Herr  Gott,    dich       lo-     ben     wir. 

Lord,    God,   Thy     praise  we     sing. 

M-     les       was        0-     dem       hat. 
All  things  that  live  and  breathe, 

lo-     be  den  HormI        Al-la-lu-Jah, 
praise  ye  the     Lordi        Al-le-lu-jahi 


Herr  Gott,   wir     dan-     kea     dir,* 

Lord   God,      our  thanks  we     bring! 

Herr  Gott,   dich       lo-     ben     wlri 
Lord  God,     Thy     praise  we     singi 

Recitativo   Alto 

Denn  dei-ne       Va-  ter-  treu'   hat  noch  kein  Sn-  de 

Thy     lo-ving-kind-nees  knows  no       li-     mi-  ta-tio 

sie  wird  bei     uns     noch  al-  le     Uor-gen  neu. 
Thy  love  and  grace  each  day  new  joy  af-ford, 

Drun  fal-ten  wir,       barm-herz'-ger  Gott,   da-     fuT) 
And     80     we     bow         our     heads  to     Thee     our  Lord^ 

in  De-  mut   un-sre  Han-  de 
in  hum-ble     a-do-  ra-tion, 

und  sa-gen     le-     bens-lang 
and  ev-er     thank-ful  raise 

mit     Uund     und  Her-zen,   Lob  und     Dank. 
our  hearts  and  voic-es     in     Thy  praise. 

Herr  Gott,  wir  dan-       ken     diri 
Lord  God,      our  thanks  we     bring J 

2.    Chorale  i  RecitatJTO  B-T-A 

(3  Tr.   unison,    3  Gh,   unison,  Tinq).,   Str.) 

Herr  Gott,   dich       lo-     ben     wiri 
Lord  God,      Thy     predse  we     sing! 

ReeitatiTO  Bass 

daas  du  oiit  die-   sem  neu-  en     Jahr 

that  at  the  dawn  of     this  new  year, 

uns  neu-es  Gluck   und  neu-     en       Se-  gen 
new  hap-pi-nese     and  bles-slng  Thou     be- 

-stow     ua^ 

und   noch  in       Gna-   den  an      uns   den-  kest. 
new  lore  and   grace  and  mer-oy     show     us, 

Herr  Gott,   wir     dan-     ken     diri 
Lord  Ood,      our  thanks  we     brlngi 

ReoitatlTQ  Tenor 

das*    dei-ne     Gu-   tig-   kelt 

for     Thy   cooj-pas-sion  rest, 

in     der  Ter-gang-nen     Zeit 
that   In     the  year  now  passed 

das     gan-   te     Land 
hast    kept   our  town 

▼or     Teu*-rt«ig, 
froei     ft-  Bine, 

Lnd    un-   sre  wer-te  Stadt 
and   our   be-   lor-ed    land 

Pes-tl-    lenz        und  Krieg 
pee-tl-lerioe       and     war. 

3.  Aria  Alto       3/4       (A)  (Strings.) 

Lo-       be     Zl-on     del-     nen  Gott       lo-       be 
Praise  thou  Zi-on^praise  the  Lord^praise  thy 

del-  nen  Gott  mit  Freu-den. 
God  with  loud     re-joi-cing, 

Auf!        er-  sah-  le     des-  sen     Ruhm, 
Vp^         and  tell  His  migh-ty     deeds, 

der  in     sei-nem  Hei-     lig-     tun 
He     wiio  to     the  sheep-fold  leads 

fer-ner-  hin  dich  als     dein  Hirt 
us     in     plea-sant  pas-tures  feeds 

will  auf     gru-     ner     Au-     e       wei-  den. 
us,      in     green     and  plea-sant  pas-tures. 

b*-hv»-  tet 
kj  Thy  ooa> 


4.   ReeitatiTO  Bass 

Es       wun-     sohe     sich  die  Welt, 
The  world,   since  time     be-gan, 

was  rieisch       und  Blu-  te  wohl-ge-falltf 
has  longed         for  what  is  deeir  to     man; 

nur  elns,        sins  bitt   ioh  Ton  dem  Herm, 
one  thing  a-     lone     I     ask  my     Lord 

dies  si-ne  hiitt     ich  gsmi 
ae     my   su-preme     re-ward i 

dass  Je-sus,        mel-ne   Freu-de 
that  Je-sus,        as     my  Uas-ter, 


Cantata  190 

Cantata  190 

nein  trau-  er     Hirt, 
nj     Shap-'hord  trua, 

main  Trost   und   Hell 
and       corn-fort   sure, 

und     mai-ner     Sea-le     be-atei  Tail 
will     er-er     keep  my  soul  sa-  cure, 

Biob  ala  aln  Sobaf-leln  eel-  ner  Wei-  da 
will  lead  ma    as   a   sheep  to  pas-tura, 

auch  dla-   see     Jahr       ndt    sel-  nem  Schutt 
ajod     thru  this  year       in     aafe-ty       will 

IB-     fas-ae 
pro-tact  ma 

und   nis-aer-mehr 
nor  let  me     fear 

aufl     sei-nen  Ar-men  las-  sa. 
that      e-  Ter  He  ne-gleot  me. 

Sain     gv^ter     Ceist)      der  mlr  den  Weg       xun 
His     spi-rit  guides       my     er-rlng  foot-ateps 

La-  ben  waist, 
lest     I     stray, 

Andante  (Chorale  in  acoonpaniment) 

re-  gier'    und     fub-re     mioh  auf  eb*-ner  Bahnt 

and  keeps  ae     walk-ing     in     the     er-en       way. 

•o  fang*     leh     die-ses  Jahr 
And     so     shall     I     ao-clalm 

in    Je-     su    Na-     nan     an. 
the  new  year  with  Hia  Name. 

5.  Duet  Tanor-Bass     (Oboe  d'amora.) 

Ja-sus   (soil  main  Al-  lea   sein), 
Ja-sua       is       my     all  in     all, 

Je-sus  soil  meln  An-   fang  blel-ben, 
my     be-gin-   nlng  and     my     end-   ing, 

Je-sus  Ist   (main  Freu-den-schain, ) 
Ja-sus   is  my     Joy     and     light; 

Ja-sus  will     ioh  (mich  Ter-schrai-ben). 
Ja-sus  halts  8dl     ills     im-  pend-  ing. 

Je-sua  hllft  mlr  (durch  sein  Blut)) 
J^sus  thru     His       sac-     ri-  fice 

Ja-     sua  macht     meln     En-     de       gut. 
paid  for     Be         the       ran-som     price, 
paid  my     soul's     re-  daup-tion  price. 

6.   RacltatlTo  Tenor       (Strings.) 

auob  sein     Ge-     salb-       ter       la-     ba{ 
our     well-lored  Prince  shall  flou-rish, 

er     sag-  ne       bel-  des,   Stamm       und  Zwei-  ga^ 
both  stem  and  bran-ohea     bless       and  nou-rlsh, 

auf     dass  Ihr  Cluck       bis  an     die     'Tol-  ken 
that  they  may     rise       be-yond  the  cloud*.,  of 


Es       seg-  ne       Je-     nvm     Kirch*   und     Sohul* 
Bless  Thou  our  Chri-stian  Church  and  Schools, 

er       seg-     na     al-  la     trei>-en  Lah-  rer, 
and  bleas  Thou  all  our  wor-thy  tea-ohers, 

er     seg-ne     sei-  nes  Wor-  tee     Ho-  rerj 
and  all  who  hear  Thy  Word  and  keep  it, 

er       aeg-ne       Rat        und  Rich-ter-stuhl) 
bless  him  who  sarres  and  him     who  rules; 

er     glass'   auch     u-       bar  Je-des     Haus 
let  there     gush  forth  in     ar'-ry  place, 

in  un-srer  Stadt       die     Sa-     gena-quel-le 
in  eT*-ry     home,         a     wall-spring  of     Thy 

grace I 

er       ga-       ba,  dass  auf's  nau* 
and  grant  this  bles-sing     too, 

aich  Fried*       und  Treu* 
this  year,  a-  new, 

in     im-aani  Oran-     sen     kua-  sen  mo-     gen. 
that  wa  hare  peace,  that  none  da-calTa  us. 

So       la-     ban    wlr     dies  gan-     ta       Jahr  in 
that  truth  and  right-aous-neas  shall     ne-rar 

Sa-     gan. 
leave     us. 


Je-sua     ge-       be  , 
Je-sua  grauTt  Thou, 

dass  mlt     deo  neu-   en 
that  thru  the  ooffl-iz^ 

7.   Chorale     (Instr.   as  in  let  movement.) 

Lass   uns  das     Jahr     voll-brin-  gen 
Our     New  Year  greet -ing     bring-ing 

su       Lob     dem     Na-       men  dein, 
with  grate-ful  hearta  we     come, 

dass     wir       den-ael-ben  ain-  gen 
Thy     praise  and  glo-ry     slng-ing 

in     der  Chri-sten-     ge-mein; 
thru-out  all     Christ-en-  dom. 

wollst      una     daa  La-ban     fri-sten 
Our       lives  In     mer-cy  spare  ua. 



Cantata  190 

Cantata  191 

dtirch  deln*   all-naeh-  tig     Hand, 
Thy     faith-f ul  Chris-tian  Band, 

}  ) 

•r*halt  dein  li»-be  Chrl-aten 

let  no       mie-he^  im-palr     us 

und     un-     ser  Va-  ter-land. 
and  blesB  our  Fa-tber-Land. 

Dain'n  Se-  gen     tu     une  wen-de, 
Qu«ll     war  and  vain  dis-or-dere, 

gib'   Fried'   an       al-     laai       En-  de| 
»ith-     in       our  coun-try'e  bor-derej 

gib*   un-  Ter-falflcht  la  Lan-de 
let  truth  and   aim-  pie  can-dor 

dein  se-lig-ffla-cbend  Wort, 
to     ho-nor  be       re-stored, 

Die  Ueuch-ler  mach'    xu-schan-  de  hier   und  an 
by-     po-     cri-  sy       and  slan-der     be     ev'-ry- 

al-     lea     Ort, 
-vfaere  ab-horred, 

die  Heuob-ler  nacb*    zu-scban-  de  hier   und  an 
hy-     po-     cri-  sy       and  slan-der     be     ev'-ry- 

al-  lem  Ort, 
-where  ab-horred. 

2.  Duet  Soprano -Tenor 

(Fl.  tr.  I  ft  II,  unison.  Strings.) 

Glo-ri-a  Pat-ri,   et  Fi-li^o, 

0t   Spl-ri-tu  San-cto. 

"Glory  be  to  the  Father  sind  to  the  Son  and 
to  the  Holy  Ghost." 

3.   Chorus  (Instr.   as  in  1st  movement.) 

Si-cut  e-rat  in  prin-ci-pi-o 

et  nunc   et     sem-per 

in  sae-cu-la  sae-cu-lo-rum 


"As  it  was  in  the  beginning,  is  now  and  ever 
shall  be,  world  without  end,  A-men." 


Cantata  191 
(1740  Uasa  1733) 

Epistle,  Titus  TI,   11-14.     God's  Grace  brings 

or  Isaiah  IX,   2-7.     The  people  have  seen  a 
great    light;    for   unto    us  a   child  was  born. 

Gospel,    St.   Luke  II,    1-14.      The  Nativity. 

(3  Tr.,   Tiinp.,    2  Fl.   tr.,   2  Ob.,   Strings.) 

1.    Chorus  (Instr.    as   above) 

Clo-ri-a        (in  ex-cel-eis)   De-o, 

et   in    ter-m   (pax)    ho-mi-ni-bus 

bo-nae   vo-lun-ta-tie. 

St.    Luke  II,    14i 

"Glory  to  God   in  the   highest,    and   on  earth 
pence,    good  will   toward   men." 

Cantata  192 
Reformation  Festival 

Epistle,  Revelation  XIV,  6-8. 

(2  Fl.  tr.,   2  Ob.,  Strings.) 

1.   Chorus       3/4       (G) 
(instr.   as  above.) 

Nun         dan-  ket  Al-  le     Gott, 
Now       thank   we     all  our  God 

Al-     le,      Al-     le   , 
thank  wa     all     our 

mit        Her-      ten,  Uund,    und   Han-den, 
with  hearte   and     hands,    and  voi-ces. 

Tenor  and  Base  bare   53-54i 
mit     Her-   xen, 
we     thank   Him, 

der  gro-eae.   Din-   ge     tut 

In  all   His     migh-ty  works. 


Cantata  192 

Cantata  192 

Alto  85-87,   Ten.    86-88,    93-94,    Basa   85-881 
der  gro-ese,   gro-Bse  Din-  ge     tut, 
in     all  Hla     migh-ty^  migh-ty  works, 

Baae  92-94,    Alto   94-96i 
der  gro-aee  Din-  ge,     gro-     ose  Din-  ge     tut 
in     all   Ills  migh-ty     vorke,    Kie  mlgh-ty  works 

an  una  und  (al-  len)  En-  den, 
for-er-er       man  re-  Jci-  cesf 

Base  bare   96-97i 
an       uns   und  al-   len^ 
man-kind     re-joi-cee 

Ten.    83-86i 
an  uns  und  al-  len,   al-  len»   al-  len  En-  den, 
for-ev-er     man     re-  joi-ces,   man  re-  jci-ces. 

2.   Duet   Soprano-BasB 

(Fl.   tr.    I,   Ob.    I,   Vn.    I    unison;   Vn.   II,   Va.) 

Der     e-     wig,      a-  wig  rei-ohe  Cott 
liay  God,   may     God  all-boun-tl-f ul 

woll'  uns  bei  un-serm  Le-  ben 
a-  bide  for-er-  er  near  us, 

ein       iiE-     mer  froh-llch     Herz 
with  peace  re-joice      our   hearts, 

und   (ed-     len  Frio-den)      ge-     ben 
to        com-fort      us,    to 

coQ-fort      us     and   cheer     U8| 

und  une     in  eei-ner  Gnad* 
up-  hold  US  by     His  Grace, 

Ten.   and  Bass  94-96i 

an     8d.-lenj      em     al-     len  En-  den, 

for-eT-er         man-kind   re-  joi-cee     -Tenor 

for-eT-er  man     re-  j'^i-ces      -bass 

der   une     von  L'ut-  ter-  lalb 
who   from  our  mo-ther's   arms 

imd  Kin-des-bei-  nen     an) 
His  boun-ty  doth  be-  stov| 

Alto  bars  130-132t 
der        uns        von  Uut-ter-leib   und     Kin-   dee-  bein' 
fror   child-hood  on  thru  life,  His  bles-sings   flow 

Alto  bars   145-1491 
der  une     von  iiut-  ter-  leib  und  Kin-  des-bei- 
who  from  our  mo-ther's  arms^who  from  our  mo- 

-nen,       von  liut-ter-     leib   und  Kin-des- 
-ther's,   our  mo-ther's  arma-His  boun-ty 

-bei-   nen     an 
doth  be-stow, 

un-        ijih-     lig  viel     zu  -  gut 
from  child-hood     on     thru  life^ 

imd     noch         jetx-  und     ge-       tan. 
His  count-       less  bles-singa  flow. 

Tenor  133-135i 
xu       gut     und     noch       Jetz-  und     ge-       tan 
His  bles-sings  flow^    His     bles-sings   flow 

Alto  122-123,   Ten.    152-154,    Baes  129-130t 
und  noch  jett-     und 
His  bles-sings  flow 

er-  hal-  ten       fort        und     fort 
our  fai.l-ing  strength     re-store{ 

und  uns     (aua     al-  ler     Not) 
our  Rock     and  Fort-ress  be, 
our  Fort-ress  be 

er-       lo-     sen  (hier  und  dort.) 
hence-forth  for-     ev-  er     more. 

3.   Chorus       (Instr.   as  in  Ist  movement.) 

(Lob,       Ehr'    und  Preis)        sei  Gott, 
All         glo-  ry       be  to     God, 

(dem  Va-  ter)   (und  den  Sob-  ne) 
the  Fa-ther       of     Cre-  a-tion| 

und  dem,    (der  bei-den  gleich) 
all     ho-     nor  to     the       Son, 
and  to     the       Son 

in       ho-  hen  Him-mels-thro-  ne, 
the  Hope  of     our     sal-  va-tionj 

dem  drei-  ein-     ig-     ea     Gott, 
the  Three  en-throned  on     high 

als     der       ( ur-sprung-lich  war) 
all  Heav'n     and  earth       a-dore 
yea       all       a-dore, 

imd  irt  und  blei-ben  wird 
for  so     it     was     and     is 

Alto   119-121,    123-124.      Bass   118-121i 
und      noch       jetx-und  ge-     tan 

thru  life       His     bles-sings  flow 

Tenor  bars   120-121i 
xu       gut     ge-     tan 
His  bles-sings  flow 

Jetx-und     und  im-mar-dar. 
and  shall  be     er-er-more. 


Cantata  193 


Inauguration  of  Council 

(2  Ob.,   and  Strings.) 

1.   Chorus       V*     (D) 
(inatr.   as  above.) 

Ihr     To-re  (W, ) 

Ihr  Pfor-ten     tu  Zi-on j 

Ye       por-tals  of  Zi-on 

ihr     Woh-  nun-  gen  Ja-kob6,(freu-  et)   euch!) 
ye     dwell-ioge  of     Ja-cob,     joy-  ful     sing. 
Bate   18,    83t    Joy-ous 

Gott  iet   un-sere  Her-tens  Freu-de, 
God     our  Joy  and  our  Pro-  toct-or, 

wir  eind     Vol-  ker  eei-ner  Wei-  de 
God  our     Guide  and  our  Di-rect-  or, 

••     wig  iet  eein  Ko-nig-reieb. 
God  tor-erf  er       is  our     King. 

2.   RecitatJTO  Soprano 

Der  Hu-  ter  Is-  ra-     ela  ent-schlaft 
The  God  of     Is^rael  slian-bers     not 

noeh  schluD-Diert   nioht| 
nor       doth       He     sleepi 

•s       ist  an-noch  sein  An-ge-sicht 
our  Keep-er  will     He     "▼xfir     be, 

der  Schat-ten  un-erer  rech-  ten  Hand; 
the  shade     up-on  our     right  hand) 

und     das  ge-   sam-  te     Land 
thru-out   our  fer-tile  land 

Cantata  193 

3.   Aria  Soprano         2/6       (E) 
(Ob.    I,   Strings.) 

Gott,   wir     dan-     ken     dei-ner     Gu-     te, 
God,     we     thank  Thee,   Thy  pro-tect-ion, 

denn  dein     Ta-ter-lich  Ge-  mu-     te 
lo-  ving,  Fa-ther-ly     af-fect-ion, 

wah-  ret  e-     wig  fur  und  fur. 
last  to     all     e-  ter-ni-  ty; 

Du    Tor-  gibst     das     tJ-  ber-  tre-  ten, 
hear  our  prayers  and  our  con-f ess-ions, 

du     er-     ho-rest,  wenn     wir       be-       ten, 
peir-don  Thou  us       our     trans-gress-ions, 

drun.  konnt  (al-  les  Fleisch)   zu     dir. 
that     we         all  may     cone         to  Thee. 

4.  RecitatJTO  Alto 

0  Leip-ii-ger  Je-     ru-  sa-  lem, 
0  best  be-lo-Ted     land  of  ours, 

Ter»gnu-ge  dieh     an       dei-  nem  Fe-  ete! 
how  hap-py     we,  where  none  mo-lest     us J 

Der  Fried'       ist     noeh  in       dei-  nen     Uau-ern, 
For  peace         with-  in     our  walls  has  blest  us, 

68     stehn  an-     noeh  die  Stuh-le       zum    Ge-rieht 
with     up-  right  Judg-es       on     the  judg-ment  seat 

und     die     Ge-  rech-tig-  keit  be-woh-net  die 
and  right-eous     o-  ver-lords  se-cu-  ri-  ty 

Pa- la-  ste. 

hat  sein     Ge-  wachs  in     D-  ber-fl.  use  ge-       ge-ben. 
our  crops  and  herds  in  rich  a-  bun-  dance  grow.  ^1- 

Ach,       bit"  te,  dass  dein  Ruhm  und  Licht 
Ahl         our  good     for-tme     is     eom-plete, 

so   be-  stan-dig  mo>ge  dau-em. 

Wer     kann  dlch,    Herr,       ge-  nug  da- fur     er-  he-ben 
What      oay     «e  do  our  gra-ti-tude  to  show? 

PsalB  CXXI,    4-5i 

"Behold,   he  that  keepeth  Israel  shall 
neither  eluBtjer   nor   sleep. 

"The  Lord  is  thy   keepen    the  Lord   is  thy 
■hade   upon  thy  right  hand." 

raint.  Lord,  that     it     may  be  en-dur-ing. 

5.   Aria  Alto       V*       (O)        (Oboe  l) 

Sen-     de)(Herr),       den  Se-     gen     ein, 
Bleee  us     Lord,         by     word  and  deed, 

lass  die  waoh-sen  una  er^     hal-  ten, 
let     our     leg-is-  la-tors  flour-ish, 

die       fiir  dich  daa     Reoht  Ter-wal-  ten 
teach  them  that  tbey  help     and  nou-rish 


Cant&ta  193 

Cantata  194 

und      ein  Schuts  der   Ar-men   eain. 
those   In  po-     Ter-ty  and   need. 

Wir     *ei-     hen   un-   are  Bruet   dir   of-fen-  bar 
Our  hearts  we     come  to     de-     di-oate  to  Thee 

Cantata  194 
Probably  Bach 
Trinity  Sunday 

Epistle,   Romans  XI,    33-36.     Who  can   know  the 
riches   of  the  wisdom  and   judgments   of  God, 

Gospel,   St.   John  III,    1-15.      Christ,    and  Nic- 
odemus   coming  to   Him  in  the  night, 

(3  Ob.,    Fag.,   and  Strings,) 

zim     Dank-aJ.-  tar, 
hero     0-     pen-ly. 


den  kein  Haua, 
un-  oon-fined 

kein  Ten-  pel  fasst, 
by  time  or  space, 

noch  Gren-ien  hast, 
a-   bi-ding  place. 

da   du  kein  Ziel 
who  hast  no   one 

I  Kifigs  VTII,  27;  II  Chron.  VI,  18. 
lass  dir  dies  Haus  ge-fal-lig  sein, 
grant  that  this  House  of  God  may     be 

es      sei     dein  An-     ge-  siclit 
a     dwell-ing-place  for  Thee 

ein     wah-  ror     Gna-  den-stunl,   ein  Preu-den-licht. 
in     which  Thy  Light  Di-  vine       may     Joy-ous   shine. 

Part  I 

1.   Chorus       V*     (Bh) 
(Instr,  as  above.) 

Hochst-(  er-wiinsch-tes  Freu-den-f  est, ) 
Wei-       come     joy-  ous     fea-tal     day 

das  der  Herr   zu  sei-nem  Ruh-  me 
to     Thy     Glo-ry     ce-le-  bra-ted, 

Im   er-   bau-ten  Hei-lig-tu-     me 
in  Thy  Tam-ple   con-se-   cra-ted. 

uns  Ter-gnugt   be-     ge-   hen  lasat, 
by     Thy     peo-ple,   glad  and     gay. 

3.   Aria  Bass         1^8  (Bt) 

Was     des  Hoch-sten  Glanz     er-     f ullt , 
God's      e-  ter-  nal        shi-  ning     light 
drives  a-  way     the     shades  of       night.   -34,36, 

wird  in  kei-  ne  Macht  ver-  hullt , 
drives  a-  way  the  shades  of  night. 
God's     e-  ter-nal     shi-  ning     light,  -32, 

was  des  Hoch-sten  heil'-ges     We-  sen 
He     Him-self  the     dark     dis-pell-eth 

sich     (zur  Woh-nung  aus-  er-       le-     sen), 
where     His     Ho-ly       Pres-ence  dwell-eth. 

Z»   Recitative  Bass 

Un-end-lich  gro-sser  Gott,        ach  wen-     de       dich 
E-  ter-r^l     mlgh-ty     God,  In-cline   Thine     ear 

zu  uns ; 
to     us 

zu     dem  er-  wah-le-  ten     Ge-schle-chte 
Thy   cho-sen  peo-ple   here  as-aainb-   led; 

und   zum     Ge-        be-        to     dei-ner  Knech-  te. 
and    hear  the  pray 're   of      us     Thy   ser-vants. 

.^ch,    lasa     vor     dich  durch   ein   in-brun-atig 
In        heart-felt     a-        do-     ra-tion  are     we 

Sin-  gen 


der  Lip-pen  Op-   fer     brin-  gen, 
our  voi-ces  tri-bute  brlng-ing. 

4.  Recitativo  Soprano 

77ie     konn-  te     dir,      du       hoch-stes  An-  ge-eicht. 
How,    then,   to  Thee,   whose   clear   un-err-ing   sight, 

da       dein  un-end-lich  hel-les  Licht 
whose     glo-ri-ous,    e-     ter-nal  Light 

bis     in         ver-borg'-ne     Grun-de  sie-het, 
can  pierce  the  dark     ajid  sec-ret  pla-ces, 

ein  Haus     ge-        fal-   lig   sein? 
can  this  place  bring  de-light? 

all-hie   (TT. ) 
Es     schlsicht   sich  Ei-       tel-koit   all-hier 
For  ev'-     ry-  thing  which  here  we     see 

an  eil-   len  Kn-den  ein, 
is  filled  with  va-  ni-  ty. 

Wo       dei-  ne     Herr-lich-kelt     ein-   zie-     het. 
But  where  Thy     Glo-ry       glows     re-splen-dent. 


Cantata  194 

Cantata  194 

da       muss  die     Woh"  nung  rein 
there  must  Thy  dwell-ing       be, 

tmd  disuses     Ga-  stes  ww-  dig  sein. 
a     wor-thy  place  to     quar-ter  Thee. 

Hier  wirkt  nichts  lien-echen-  kraft. 
The     might     of         man       is     naught, 


drm  lass       dein       Au-ge     of-fen  ste-hen 
if     Thou  shouldst   ev-er  halt  or     wa-Ter 

und  gna-dlg  auf     una  ge-hen; 
in     Thy     re-gard  and  fa-vor. 

■o  le-gen     wlr       in  heil'-ger  Freu-de  dir 
So  at  Thy  throne  in     hum-  ble     Joy  we  lay 

die     Far-  ren     und     die     Op-  fer  un-srer  Lie-der 
our  palms  and  songs  as     gifts  in     a-  do-  ra-tion, 

Tor     dei-nem  Thro-ne  nie-  der 
that  ve     by     this  do-na-  tion, 

und  tra-gen  dir       den  Wunsch  in     An-  dacht  fur. 
our     re-ye-rent         de-     vo-  tion  may     con-  vey. 

5.  Aria  Soprajio       V*       (E5)        (Strings.) 

Hllf,   Gott,   dass       es     uns     ge-lingt, 
Lord     our       souls  with  zeal  in-spire, 

und  (dein  Fei>-  er       in       uns  dringt). 
kin-   die     in     our  hearts  Thy     fire, 
en-  kin-die     there 

der  Be-trub-ten  Trost  und  Freud' J 
er-  er  bless-ed  Three  in         One.' 

Al-     len  Glau-ben,   den  ich  find'. 
Faith  and  hope  and     oha-  ri-  ty 

hast     du     in     mir       an-       gs-zund't, 
Thou  hast  kin-died  bright  in       me; 

u-     ber     mir  in  Gna-  den  wal-  te, 
help  Thou  me     in  high     en-dea-vor, 

fer-.    ner     dei-ne     Gnad'   er-  hal-te. 
watch  Thou     o-ver       me       for-ev-  er. 

Sei-  ne     Hil-   fe   zu     mir  sen-  de. 
Send  Thy  help  so  oft  en-treat-ed, 

0     du       ed-         ler     Her-zens-  gastj 
no-ble  guest,  Thou,      of     my     heart; 

Und  das     gu-     te  Werk  voll-  en-  de, 
see  Thy  work,   be-gun,      coir-plet-ed, 

das     du     an-       ge-  fan-  gen  hast, 
nor  from  this.  Thy  home  de-  port. 

Bias  in       mir     das  Funk-lein     auf. 
Fan     the  flame  of     faith  to     fire, 

bis     dass  nach  Toll-brach-tem  Lauf 
that     to       Hea-ven         I       as-  pire, 

ich     den  Aus-  er-wahl-ten  glei-che 
gain  the  goal  so  long     ex-pect-  ed, 

und     des     Glau-bens  Ziel     er-rei-che. 
There  with  Thee  and     Thine     E-lect-ed. 

Dass  es  auch  in  die-  ser  Stun-de 
Ho-   ly  fire  iq)-hold  and   stay   us. 

See  Isaiah  VI,   6-7. 

wie  in     E-     sa-     i-       ae  Uun-de 
as     of  old  Thou  didst     I-s{ii-as| 

•  el-   ner  Tfir-kung  Kraft   er-     halt 
give   us       po-wer     thru  Thy     might, 

und      uns  hei-llg  vor  dich  stellt. 
Bake   us        ho-ly     in     Thy        sight. 

6.    Chorale        V4        (Bb) 

(Ob.    I,    II,    111,    and   Strings.) 

Heil'-ger  Geitt  ins        Him-     mels  Thro-ne, 
Ho-      ly     Ghost      en-throned     in     )lea-ven, 

glei-cher  Gott   von  E-     wlg-kelt 
with  the       Fa-ther  and  the     Son, 

■it     dcffl  Va-   ler     uni     den  Soh-   ne, 
hope  and  Joy  to     those  nf-flict-ed. 

Part  II 

7,  Recitativo  Tenor 

Ihr  Hei-li-  gen,   er-freu-  et     euch, 
Ye       Ho-ly  Ones     re-Joice  and  sing 


eilt,   ei-   let,   eu-ren     Gott      zu         lo-  ben; 
come,    has-ten     to   your  God     with  praise, 

das       Her-      ze     eel    er-     ho-  ben 
your  hearts   and  Toi-ces  raise 

zu  Cot-  tes     Eh-  ron-reich, 
to  God   your  migh-ty       King, 

von       dan-     nen  er     auf  dich 
Who  throned   in     Mea-ven   "igh 

du  hell-  ge        '.Voh-nung,    ole-   het 
re-g'irds   our   nnrth-ly        sta-tion 

und     ein  ne-   rel-ni(?t    florz 
that   He     may     pu-  ri-      fy 


Cantata  194 

Cantata  194 

tu        eich     Yon  die-        aer     eit-   len     Er- 

our   l\eart8   from  thoughts    of      earth  and   vain 

-de     zie-het. 

Eln  Stand,        so     bll-     lig   se-llg  heisst, 
Our     hope  of   Heav'n  la     ma-   ni-   feat, 

■an  schaut   hier  Va-ter,      Sohn        und     Gelet. 
by       all       the     Ho-ly       Three       thus  blest. 

Wohl-an,        ihr  gott-   er-full-te   See-lenl 
Ar-lse,        ye     soula   by  God      a-noln-tedj 

Ihr     *er-     dot      nun       das   be-ste  Tell   ei^irah- 
And   chooae  the   courae   of   lif^  by  Him     ap-poin- 

die  Welt      kann     euch     kein  Lab-   oal     ge-ben, 
the  world     has   naught      of     worth  to  give, 

Ihr     konnt   in  Gott  al-   lein 
thru     God       a«lone  may     we 

Ter-gnugt   und   se-     lig        ie-ben. 
in     bleat   con-tent-ment    live. 


Gott      fuh-   ret    eelbat    und   starkt   dea     Glau-bena 

Have   faith  and     God        Him-   aelf     will  fail      you 

Vor-aati   (";.) 
Handj den     Fur-sat i      lu     er-rei-ohen. 
not,   to     furth-er     your  en-doa-vor. 


r'le     a-     ber .   wenn     dea   Flei-schea  ochwnch-heit 

But  will  not,   then,   our     fee-ble         flesh     yet 

woll-te      wei-chen? 
fall   U8        ov-er? 

len;  Soprano 

ted|  Dea     Hoch-aten  Kraft   wird  raach-tig  in 

Tho'      we       be     weak     the     Lord  will  strength 

den  Schwa-chen. 
pro-vide       ua. 


Die  ':Velt   wird   aie     vor-la-   chen. 

The     rab-ble     will     de-ride   ua. 


'Ver  Got-tea  Huld     be-      sitit,       ver-ach-   tet 

Him  who     en- joys  God's  Grace  no     scan-dal 

8.   Aria  Tenor       V*       (g) 

Des     Hoch-oten  Ge-  gen-wart     al-     lein. 
From     God     do     all   our   bleaa-ings   flow 

(kann  un-  erer  Freu-  den)    Ur-  sprung  sein. 
to     Him  our     glad-neaa     all     we  owe| 

Ver-ge-   he  ■  (Welt)  v     mit   dei-   ner  Pracht, 
so     per-iah     world        of     ahov  and  pride. 

in  Gott     iat,    was 
in  God     doth     joy 

una  gluck-lich  macht, 
and     hope        a-  bide. 

eol-chen  Spott, 
can  de-  base. 

Baas  J 

Was     wird  ihr     au-     seer     die-aen  feh-len? 

TThat  more  be-   eidea  might  we     de-sire? 


Ihr  einz'-ger  'Wunsch, 

Our     God       a-     lone 

ihr  al-   lea     iat   in     Gott. 
Is     all  that  we     re-quire, 

Baas  J 

Gott    ist   un-sicht-bar  und   ent-fer-ncti 
Uh-  seen  la     He       and   far     a-  way, 

9.   Recitativo,   Duet   Soprano-Baaa 

zu  Gott   im  Him-mel 
as-cend  to  God      on 


Kann  wohl   ein  Uensch 
How     can        a  man 



Der  Glau-be     kann     den  Schop-fer        lu     Ihn 

But    keep   the   Faith  and     you     will   find   Hdm 


Er   ist   oft      ein   zu  schwa-chea  Band. 
V*  Bor-tals  are     a       sor-  ry       lot. 

Soprano  ^' 

Wohl   uns ,    dass      un-     eer     Glau-  be        ler-net, 
yet     we,      who,    falth-ful,    watch  and  pray 

im     Gei-   ste  sei-nen  Gott    zu  echau-en. 
will   find   His     Ho-ly     Spl-rlt      near  us. 


Ihr  Leib  halt   sie     ge-fan-     gen. 

Our     bo-  dies   here  en-chain     us. 


Dee   Hoch-aten  Huld 

The  Grace   of     God 

-Ian-  gen, 
gain     us. 

denn   er   er-  baut     den       Ort  > 
for     He   has  built   this  Palnce 

da       can  ihm  herr-lich   schaut. 
where  man  rray  see     His       face. 

be-  for-dert   ihr     Ver- 
bur  fond-est  wish  will 


Cantata  194 


Da     er     den  Glau-ben     nun       be-   lohnt 
To  hare  wit>i-in     our  hearts  the     Lord 

und  bei   uns  wohnt, 
is     our     re-*ard; 

bei      unB     alp   sei-ner.  f:ir.-dern, 
Kls  child-ren  are  we        ev-er, 

BO     kann  die     7?elt    und   Sterb-iich-keit 
nor  can     this   cere  mor-  ta-        li-     ty 

die   Freu-de  nicht  yer-hin-dern. 
our  hope  of     HeE-  ver     ee-ver. 

10.   Duet   Soprano-basB        3/4      (F) 
(Oboe  I   4   II.) 

0       wie  wohl     iet    uns  ge-ocheh'n, 
God  hae  bleat    us     by     His     Grace, 

daaa   eich     Gott      (eir.     Haua   er-   seh'n.) 
Blade  our     hearta     Hie  dwell-ing-place. 

(Schceckt   und   se-  het)    doch  lu     gleich, 
Close     »e     aee  Kim       at      our     Bide, 

Gott   aei  freund-lich,    eei  freund-lich     ge- 
He     our  friend,   He       our  friend  what-e'er 

-gen  euch, 
be-  tide. 

Schut-tet   eu-     re       Her-   zen     aus 
Let     UB     then  our  eonge     in-tone, 

hler  Tor  Oct-     tea  Thron  und     Haua. 
here   Ke     makee   Hie   Hone     and  Throne. 

11.   Pecitativo  fcaea 

TTohl-an     den>-nach,        du  hei-li-ge     Ge-mei-ne, 
Be-   btlr   ye     then,        ye     ho-ly  ooE-pa-ny, 

be-      rel-   te     dich   zur   hell '-gen  Luetl 
your   joy  will   aoon  be       ma-     nl-   foatl 

'^ott    »o>.nt    nicht   nur   in  el-   ner  Je-den     Brust, 
for       God       not       on-ly   en-tero  er'-ry  breast 

•r     baut        alch     hier   eln     Haua. 
but   bullda   hit     dwell-lnt;   there. 

"Sfohl-   an 

eo        ru-   etrt      euch     mlt   Geiat 

-ta-e   then        with   zeal   your  hearta   pre-pare 

und     Ga-     ben  sua, 
ua     gifts  to     Hlrr., 

Cantata  194 

dass  ihn  so-  wohl  dein  Herz 
that  He     nay  icake     in     them 

als  auch  dies  Haus   ge-fal-     le. 
His  cho-  sen       ha-  bi-  ta-tion. 
ho-  ly 

12,   Chorale 

(Oboe  I,    II,    ITI,   and  Strings.) 


Sprich  Ja       zu       mei-     nen  Ta-  ten, 
Ei-   rect  Thou,   Lord,   my     ac-tione 

hilf  eelbet   das     Be-   ste     ra-       ten; 
fore-fend       all  rain  dis-tract-icns, 

den      ta-  fang,  liitt'l   und     En-     de 
and   keep     me  ev-     er     stri-ving 

ach,    Herr,    zum     be-   sten  wen-  de. 
till     at       my     goal     ar-   ri-ving. 

tlit  Se-  gen  mich       be-schut-  te. 
Thy  sa-ving  Grace  pro-  vi-  ding, 

mein  Herz   sei     dei-  ne  Hut-  te, 
with-   in     my     heart   a-  bi-ding, 

dein  Wort   eei  ciei-ne  Spei-se, 
with  lore  and  mer-cy   feed  me, 

bis  ich     gen  Him-tnel  rei-   se. 
and  safe  to     Hea-ven  lead  me. 

Cantata  195 


(Bach  ?) 


(3  Tr.,  Timpani,  2  Fl.  tr.,  2  Ob.,  2  Ob.  d'amor* 
and  Strings,  2  Cor.) 

1.   Double  Chorus        V^     (D)      (in  ripieno.) 
(3  Tr.,   Tinip.,    2  Fl.    tr.,    2  Ob.,    Str.) 

Psalm  XCVII,    11,    12i 

"Light    la   Bown  for  the   rif^hteoua,   and 
gladneas   for  the   upright    In  heart. 

"Rejoice   in  the   Lord,    ye   rlghteousi    and 
glTs  thanks   at   the   remsir.brance  of  his   holinesB*" 


Cantata  195 

Cantata  195 

(Dem  Ge-   rech-  ten) 
For   the  Right-eoue 

muB8     das  Licht 
light   is      sown, 

ic-     mer  wie-  dor     (auf-  ge-     hen) 
light  and  glad-ness     are  scat-tered 

dem  Ge-   rech-   ten,      ( und   ( Freu-  de) 
; f or   the      up-   right,      and   gl-d-nese 

den   From-iuen  Her-      zeni 
for  then  who   fear  Thee. 

Ihr  Ge-rech-     ten,    (freu-et      euch)    fdeo   Herrn) 
All   ye  Right-ecus,      joy-ful   praise     the  Lord 
joy-ful-   ly 

und   (dan-  ket   ihm) 
and  thank   ye     Him 

ho-    li-ness. 

und  prei-set   feei-       ne 
and  wor-ship        ye        Hii« 

4.    Aria  Baas        2/4        (G) 

(Ob.    (d'amore)   I  4   II,    Strings.) 

Ruh-     net    (Got-tes     Gut*    und  Treu' ) 
Praise  God     for  His  Grace  to     you, 

riih-  net      ihn       mit        re-       ger  Freu-  de, 
sing  His  praise  with  blithe     re-joi-cing, 

prei-     set   Gott,   Ver-lob-ten  bei-  de 
praise   ye     God,      you  hap-py     cou-ple. 

Denn        eu'r  heu-ti-ges     Ver-bin-den 
Here  to-  day   in   love     u-   ni-  ted, 

laset   euch  lau-   ter     Se-     gen     fin-   den, 
may     your  path  by     faith  be     light-ed, 

Licht    und  Freu-de  wer-  den  neu, 
hope     and   joy     to  find     a-  new. 

2.    Pecitativo  Bass 

Dem     Freu-   den-   licht 
Each  right-sous     soul 

ge-      rech-  ter  From-men 
adds    light    and   lus-  tre 

BUSS   stets   ein  neu-   er  Zu-  W!:<chs     kon.-  ir.en, 
and     ne*       de-light  to  all     the     Faith-ful; 

der     Wohl 


und     Gluck  bei 
their     wel-fare 

ih-  nen  mehrt, 
ev'-ry-  where. 

(Den:     grei-sen  Si-  me-      on.) 
Auch  die- sec     neu-  en  Paar 
This   new-ly       wed-ded  pair, 

an     dem       ir&n  so     Ge-   rech-tig-keit 

dis-tin-guished  both  for  rect-  i-  tude 

als  Tu-  gend     ehrt, 
and  gra-cicus-ness, 

ist      heut ' 
give     joy 

ein  Freu- 
to     all 

-den-licht   be-   reit , 
as-  set-  bled  here, 

dus   stel-let   neu-    es     V.'ohl-sein     dar. 
who   bid     to     both  the  best      of     cheer, 

Oi  ein  er-wunscht  Ver-bin-denJ 

Oh;        how  by       fate       u-   ni-  ted- 

So        kon-   nen    zwei   ihr     Gluck, 
are  these  two     fav-ored      ones, 


an  dem  an-dern     fin-   den. 
to   the   oth-er     plieht-edt 

4.   Recitativo  Soprano    (Fl.    tr.    I  *  II,   Ob.d'am. 
T  *  II.) 

Wohl-  an  so     kn'up-fet   denn  ein  Band, 

Then   come,        and  tie     for  them  the   knot 

dae     80  Tiel  'Vohl-sein  pro-phe-   i.ei-et, 
which  au-gurs     so     nn  ch  hap-  pi-ness. 

Des  Prie-sters  Hand 
The  Pas-  tor's  handf 

wird  jetzt  den       Se-gen 
ie  on     your  head, 

auf     eu-      ren     E-        he-   stand 
so     pligh-ted  there  you   stand 

auf     eu-     re     Schei-tel     le-gen. 
where  you  will     now     be     wed. 

Und  wenn  des       Se-  gens  Kraft  hin-  fort  an  euch 
And  when  this  bless-ing  makes  your  love  to  grow 

ge-  dei-     het, 
and  flou-rish, 

so        ruhmt        des    Hoch-sten  Va-ter-hand. 
then  praise       the   Hand      of     God     a-bove. 

Er     kniQjf-te   selbst   eu'r     Lie-  bee-band 
Him-self     He     ties     your  bonds   of      love; 

und      liess   das,        *as   er        an-  ge-fan-gen, 
what-   ev-      er  God   hes   thus  be-gun 


auch  ein     er-wunsch-tes     End'    er-    1    n-gen, 
by     Hin  will     be       coc-plete-ly  done. 


Cantata  195 

5.   ChoruB        2/4        (D) 

(3  Tr.,  Tia^),,    2  Fl.   tr.,    2  Ob.,   and  Str. ) 

Wir       kom-  men,    (dei-     ne     Hei-lig-keit), 
We  cocfi   to       praiae  Thy     Ho-li-  ness. 


(un-end-lich  gro-  sser  Gott),    lu  prel-sen, 
e-  ter-nal     Lord  and  God  Al-migh-ty, 

Der  An-   fang  riihrt  von         dei-     nen  Han-den, 
Thy  Hand  it       wae     that  wroMght   Cre-   a-tion, 

durch  All-     macht  kannet  du     es  voll-en-  den 
Thy     Uight  will        gain     for   us     sal-ra-tion, 

und  (dei-  nen  Se-gen  (kraf-tig)  wei-sen. 
Thy  bles-sing  free-ly   ehcw-er   on  ue* 

Sop.   bars   105-110: 
una     dei-   nen     Se-gen  kraf-tig,    kraf-tig  wei-sen. 
Thy  BlesB-ing   free-ly   show-er       Thou     up-on     us. 

Tenor,  bars  105-110: 
und  dei-  nen  Se-gen  kraf-tig,  dei-nen  Se-gen 
Thy  Bles-sing  free-ly  show-er,  free-ly  show-er 

kraf-tig  wei-sen. 
Thou     up-on      us. 

Cantata  195 

injd  gro-sse  Din-  ge     tut, 
smd     ev-er-last-ing  King. 

6.   Chorale  Zmbelliahed 

(Cor.    I,    II,   Timp.,    Fl.   tr.    I,    II.      Ob.   I,  Vn. 
I   with  Sop.j    Ob.    II,   Vn.    II   with  Uto;   Va. 
«lth  Tenor. ) 

I.'un     dan-   ket     all'    und   brin-  get  Shr', 
Kow  thank  ycur  God     in     songs   of     love, 

ihr  Uen-scnen     in     der  ".'elt, 
ye     cor-tals     here     be-low} 

dez  dee-   sen  Lob  der     En-     gel  Heer 
and  like  the     An-gel  Choir     a-  hove 

la   Hin»-  mel  stets  ver-meld't, 
your  praise  and  hom-age   show, 

iia       ':im-     rel   stets  ver-reld't. 
your  praiae  and     hom-  cge     show. 

Er-oun-tert   euch   und   singt  nit  Schall 
Tn  cho-run     loud   and      lus-   ti-      ly 

Soil,    un-eonr.  hoch-gti>n  Gut, 
to        God      Al-migh-ty      sing, 

der   eei-     ne     "Vun-der   u-b«r-all 
our  Lord   t»;ru  all      e-ter-ni-ty, 

\mi  r,ro-««»  Din-  ge     tut, 
and     rr-er-laat-ing  King, 

Cantata  196 
Psalm  CXV,    12-15. 

(Violoncello,   Organ  and  Strings.) 

1.  Sinfonia     ^Instr.    as  above)        V*       fC) 

2.   Chorus     (Str.,   Organ.)     V*       (C) 

PsaliD  CXV,    12: 

"The  Lord  hath  been  mindful  of  ust  he  will 
bless  us;  he  will  bless  the  house  of  Israel;  he 
will  bless  the  house  of  Aaron." 

(Der  lierr       den-ket)   an     uns        und  seg-     net  uni 
The  Lord       car-eth     for     us       and  blee-seth  us 

er  den-ket  an  una-, 
He  car-eth  for  us 

(er  seg-  net)  das  Haus  Is-ra-el, 
»111  bless  the  House  of  Is-ra-el, 
will  bless  it, 

er        seg-  net   (das     Haus   Aa-ron. ) 
will  bless  the  House      of     Aa-ron. 

3.   Aria  Soprano       (Vns.   in  unison.   Org.)  A/A  (k) 

Fsalm  CXV,    13: 

"He  will  bless  them  that    fear  the  lord, 
both  siTiall  and   great," 

Er     seg-  net,        die     den  lierrn  furch-ten. 
He  bles-ceth  them  who      fear     their  God, 

bei-  de,   Klei-ne,   bei-de     Klei-ne     und 
both  the  migh-ty     and  the     low-ly,    the 

Gro-Bse,    und   Gro-sse. 
mip;h-ty      and    low-ly. 


Cantata  196 

4.  Duet  Tenor-bass       (Org.   *  String-a.) 

Fsolm  CXV,    14j 

"The  Lord   shall   increase   you  mori^  and 
more,    you  end   your   children." 

Der     Herr     seg-   ne   euch       je     nehr  und  mehr; 
Lord  God     pros-per  you,        yea  more  and  more, 

eiich  vmd     eu-   re     Kir.-   der, 
you     and  your  des-cen-dHnta, 

5.    Chorus        (Org.   end  ^Jtringa. ) 

Pselm  CXV,    15i 

"Ye  are  the  blessed   of   the  Lord  which  cade 
J  leaver   and   Farth." 

Ihr  eeid        die   Ge-      seg-ne-  ten     dee   Merrn, 
For      ye  are   the  bles-sed   ones     of     God, 

bar   9-11: 
der   '-im-mel        und  Er-   de 
of     liea-ven        the  L'a-ker 

Sop.    11-13,    Alt.    11-1-,   Ten.    11-13: 
(ge-nacht   hat),  der     fiin-  tLel   und     Er-  de 
the     Ua-     ker     of     earth  and  of     Hea-ven 

Base  11-13: 
ge-macht   hat ;       der  !Iim-Eel,   der     Hin-  r.el 
the     L'a-   ker,        the     L'a-ker     of     earth  and 

und     Er-  ae  > 
of     Hea-ven 

Sop,    Ten.,    Bass,    Alto,    bars   1?-15: 

der   (Hin-nel)    und     Er-     de     ge-macht   hat, 

the       L'a.-ker     of     earth  and   of     Kea-  ven 

Alto  bars   12-13: 

Hic-cel   und     Er-  de, 

Lla-ker  of     Hea-ven 



Cantata  197 

Gott       ist   (un-     are     2u-     ver-slcht,) 
Rest       thy  faith  on     God     the     Lord, 
Rest     thy  faith  on       God, 

wir  (ver-trau-en)    (sei-nen  Han-   den.) 

trust  His     mer-cy        all   pre-vail-irg, 

'Vie     er       un-   sre  V,'e-ge     fuhrt, 
He     will   lead   us      on   our     way, 

wle     er       un-     ser     Ilerz  re-giert, 
guide  our  foot-stepa  lest  we  stray, 

(da     ist      (Se-  gen)    al-ler-   en-  den. 
give   His  bless-ing     ne-ver-fail-ing. 

2.   Recitative  Bass  , 

Gott   ist    und  bleibt   der     be-ste     Sor-ger, 
Our     God  pro-vides     with     o-pen  hand 

er     halt    an;     be-sten     Ilaus. 
for  each  who   is     His  guest. 

Er  fuh-     ret    un-   ser     Tun   zu-wei-   len 
At  His  way  with  us     is  hard     to 

wun-der-  lich, 

je-  den-noch  froh-lich     aus. 
but     eJ.-ways   for     the     best. 

Wo-hin  der  Vor-satz  nicht  ge-dacht. 
We  may  not   fath-om       His     in-tent, 

was  die  Ver-nunft  un-  mog-lich  macht, 
but  see     da-  vel-  op  each     e-     vent 

das  fii-get        sich. 
as     He  has  planned. 

Er       hat       das     Gluck  der  Kin-der,   die 
His  child-ren's     hap-  pi-nesa     is     His 

ihn  lie-ben, 

(von       Ju-     gend  an)        in     eei-     ne     Hand 
from  child-hood     on         His  care  will  fail 

ge-  Bchrie-ben. 
them       ne-     ver. 

Cantata  197 
(Bach  ?) 

(3  Tr.,    Timp,,    2  Ob.,    Ob.    d'amore,    Fag.,   Str. ) 

1.    Chorus       fi     (D) 

(3  Tr.,  Ticp.,    2  Ob.,    Strings.) 

3.    Aria  Alto  3/4       (A) 

(Ob.   d'amore.   Strings.) 

Schla-fert   (al-  l«n  Sor-  gen-kim-mer) 
Slum-  ber        all   ye     care  and   sor-row 

in     den  Schltro-mer 
•till  the       mor-  row. 


Cantata  197 

kind-li-chen    Ver-  trau-ens     ein, 
like     "a  child  from     vor-ry     free- 

Got-tes  Au-gen  )       wel-   che     wa-chen 
God  is      ev-er         watch-ing   o'er     us, 

und   (die   { un-   ser  Leit-stern  sein)), 
He       our  guid-ing  star  ifill       be, 

(wer-den   (Al-les)    sel-ber  raa-chen), 
go-ing      ev-er        on     be-fore     us. 

6.   Aria  Bass 

(Ob.    I,  Vn.   I  *  IT,   Fag,    obligate.) 

0       du       an-     ge-  neh-  mee  Paar 
0        you  sweet  de-light-ful  pair, 

dir     wird   ei-  tel     Heil  be-geg-  nen, 
hope  and     jcy  thru  life  at -tend  you^ 

Gott  witd  dich  aus      Zi-     on     seg-  nen 
may     the     Lord  His  bles-sing  send  you, 

und     dich  lei-ten  im-mer-  dar. 
guide  you     safe-ly  ev-ry  -where. 

4.   Pecitativo  Bass        (Strings.)         i 

Drum  fol-get  Gott    und   sei-   nee     Trie-be. 
Let     God   in-spire  and  rule   your  life. 

Das  ist   die  rech-te     Eahn. 
o-  bey  you  His     con-r^ndj 

Die   fuh-   ret   durch  Ge-     fehr 
se-cure   fror.     nor-tal    strife 

auch  end-     lich       in  das     Ka-  na-       an 
He     leads     you       to  the  Pro-cised  Land; 

und  durch  von  ihm  ge-  prilf-te     Lie-be 
be-     fore  His     al-tar  side  by  side, 

auch     an   sein  hei-   li-  ges   Al-  tar 
your  pro-ven     love  is     pur-  i-fied, 

und        bin-  det   Herz      und  Herz    zu  -  sam-  men. 
with   heart   to     heart     to-geth-er  plight-ed« 

Herri        sei     du     selbst  mit   die-   sen  Flam-c.en. 
Lord,        keep   you        ev-      er     thus      u-     ni-  ted. 

5.   Choriile 

Du     8U-      see  Lieb*,    schenk'    uns  dei-ne  Gunst, 
0     sweet-est    love,        help        us     two  to   feel 

lass   uns     eitp-fin-  den     der     Lie-       be     Brunst, 
Thy      fire  Di-vinei    fill   our  hearts  with      zeal, 

daes   wir   uns  von   Her-zen  ein-   an-     der   lie-ben 
lo-ving    one     an-oth-er     with   love     un-  dy-ing, 

und        In        Fried'    auf     ei-   nem  Sin-   ne  blei-ben. 
love   ikidch       God      this  day   is      sanc-ti-   fy-   ing. 

7,  Recitativo  Soprano 

So  wie  es       Gott        mit     dir     ge-treu 
As  God  has  watched  and  cared  for  you 

und       va-     ter-  lich       von  Kin-  des-  bei-  nen 
from  child-hood     on,        ani  been  your  Fa-ther 

an     ge-  meint, 
kind  and  true, 

80  will  er  fur  und  ftir  dein  al-  ler-     be-  sten 
so  will  He  to     the   end      re-main  your  faith-ful 


bis        an     das  En-     de     blei-ben. 
your  most  be-loved   com-pan-  ion. 

Und  al-so     kannst  du       si-  cher  glau-ben. 
Nor  if  you  trust     Him  will     He     fail  you, 

er     wird  dir  nie,   bei  doi-     ner       Han-     de 
your     la-  bor  will  re-quite,   your  hearts  and 


und  Huh,  kein  Gu-   tes   las-sen     feh-len. 

u-     nite.  By     hap-pi-neas  sur-rourd-ed, 

(Wohl  dir)!      dein  Gluck  ist  nicht   zu     zah-len, 
in-deed  )       your     wel-fare      is        un-bound-ed. 

?/ohl     dir 
Good  luck, 

wohl  dir: 
to     you. 

Ky-rie   e-leiei 
Ky-rie   e-leie: 

8,    Irla  Soprano        6/8        (G) 

(Violin  solo.     Ob.    (d'ara. )    I  *  IT) 

Ver-  gnu-  gen  und     Lust  Ge-  dei-hen  und 

Tood    for-tune  and  wealth,        well-be-ing  and 



Cantata  197 

(wird  wach-  sen  und  star-ken)   und  la-     ben, 
are     yours   in     a-     bun-dance     in-creas-ing. 

Das  Au-  go,   die  Brust    (wird     e-  wig     sein  Teil 

In     Joy  and     de-light,    your  hearts  will      u-  nite, 

an     su-     sser  Zu-   frie-den-heit   ha-  ben. 
In  peace  and     con-tent-ment   un-ceas-ing. 

Cantata  198 

The  "Trauerode"  was  cotopoeed  1727  by  Bach 
for  the  memorieLl  service  of  ';;ueen  Christiane 
Eberhsirdine  of  Saxony.  The  present  worde  a- 
)dapted  by  Wilhelm  Rust  for  general  use.  The 
music  was  probably  adapted  by  Bach  to  a  lost 
St.   Uark's  Passion. 

(2  Fl.    tr.,    2  Ob.    d'am.,   Va.   da  g.   2  Liuto,   Str.) 

1.    Chorus        4/4        (b) 
(Instr.   as  above.) 

9.   Recitativo  Bass   (Ob.   I  1  II,    Strings.) 

Und     die-     ser  fro-     he     Le-bene-lauf 
Your  peace  of     mind  will  be     se-   cure 

wird   bis  in     spa-     te     Jah-  re     wah-ren. 

as  life*!   last   stage  is     draw-ing  nigh. 

Denn  Got-     tea     Gu-  te     hat      kein       Ziel, 
Of     kind-nass  from  His  boun-teous   store 

die   schenkt   dir  vial, 
He       gives     us     more 

ja  mehr       als     selbst  das     Her-   ze     kann 
by     far       than         a-     ny     heart  nay  well 

be-  geh-ren. 

Ver-las-   ee     dich  ge-wiss     ge-wiss.  ver-las- 
Of     this  you  may     be   sure,   be  sure,    of     this 

-se     dich  ge-wiss  da-rauf. 
you  may     be     ev-   er   sure. 

Lass,       Hoch-ster,        lass  der  Hoff-nung  Strahl 
Send,  Fa-  ther,        send  Thy       Ho-ly       Light 

aus     Him-mels-ho-  hen     aich     er-  gie-0sen, 
from  high-est   Hea-ven  bright-ly  gleam-ing, 

und  fsieh),       wie     bit-tre  Tra-nen  flie-ssAti 
0       see  our  tears  of  sor-row  stream-ing, 

an     uns'-rer     To-  ten  Trau-er-     mal. 
and     pi-  ty     Thou  our     bit-ter  plight. 

2.   Recitativo   Spprano        (Strings.) 

Ach  we-     hei     weh'    uns  Wen-schen  al-  len. 
Ah     mor-tals«     we     may  not        es-cape     it, 

er-starrt        sinkt  Je-  der  einst    zur     Gruftj 
we     all,  each     one   of        us,      must     die; 

Die     Lie-be  weint,        die  Kla-  ge     ruft: 
That   tho''  we     wail,        in     an-guish     cryi 

Q  her-       bes     Lo«,  dem  wir  ver-fal-leni 
"A-las,        un-  hap-     py     man     am     U" 

10.    Chorale 

So  wan-delt   froh     auf     Got-  tea       '7e-  gen. 
So  hap-py       walk  where  God  sl-all  lead   you, 

und  was   ihr       tut,   das     tut     ge-  treuj 
and  do     your  part     with  pur-pose  true  I 

Es     kennt  der     Tod       kein  tou-         res  Band, 
Our  dear-  est   ones         it     bears         a-  way, 

er  rafft  da-     bin,       was  Fleisch  ge-     bo-rent 

no     mor-tal  flesh         its     course  may  stay; 

Llit      A-  dar.s  Fall  ging   auch  ver-lo-ren, 
its   sum-mons     we     must   each     o-bey, 

die  Se-llg-     keit,   das     Hei-  mat-  land, 
for     A-dam's  feill     has   doomed  us     all. 

Ver-   die-   net      eu-     res        Got-  tes     Se-     gen. 
Thus  will   you  gain  God's  grace  and  bles-sing. 

denn  der  ist     al-   le  ;ior-gen  neu; 
each  mor-ning  gi-ven  you     a-  new; 

denn  wel-cher  sei-ne        2u-     ver-sicht 
who-   so        on     God  his  faith  has     set 

auf  Gott   setzt,   den     ver-lasst   er     nicht. 
him     ne-  ver         will  his     God      for-  get. 

3.   Aria  Soprano     (Strings) 

(Hin-weg),        ent-flohn       ist     E-        dens 
A-  way  and     gone       is     sweet   oon- 

Frie-  del 

Das  Le-  ben  beut  nur  Kampf  und  Not, 
and  life  is  naught  but  toil  and  woe, 
for     -bars   2B-29. 

nach     u'uh'    und  Sor-  ge  schliesst  der  Tod, 
nor     aMght  but   sor-row       here  be-low. 


Cantata  198 

0  Schner-z ens-wort J         die     Au-gen       mu-  de. 
un-  hap-  py       lot  irtiieh  we  must  suf-f«»ri 

4.   Chorale         V*       (G) 
(Instr.   con  voce.) 

Der     er-  aten  Un-achuld  rei-nes  Gluck, 
Our  first   un-   sul-lied       in-no-   cence, 

wo-  bin  bist     du       ge-schie-  den? 
ah,   with-er     hast  thou  van-ished? 

Du     flohst   und  keh-  rest   nicht   zu-     ruck, 
Our  sweet     con-tent,   de-     par-ted     hence, 

mit     dei-nem  su-  ssen  Frie-  den. 
from  Pa-  ra-dise     is     van-ishedi 

Dein     E-     dens-gar-  ten     bluht   nicht     mehr. 
No     more  does     E-  den's     gar-  den       bloom, 

ver-  welkt  durch  Sun-den-  hauch     ist     er, 
the  breath       of     sin  has  wrought  its     doom, 

durch  IZen-schen-schuld  ver-  lo-ren. 
ajad     with-ered     ell       its  beau-ty. 

5.   Recitative  Alto     finstr.   as  in  No.   1) 

Von       hoch       her-  ab  durch-bebt   und-hallt 
From  heights     a-bove        T       hear  its  tones, 

der  Trau-   er-  glo-cken  Klang  die     Luf-te; 
the  dole-ful  clang  of       toll-ing  bell;     i 

Toll  Schre-cken     sind  dee     To-     des     Gruf-te, 
a       fear-  some  sound,   a     grue-some  knell, 

es     geht     durch  JJark  und  Bein     so     kalti 
to  freeze     the       mar-row     in       loy  bonesj 

0,  moch-  te     doch  dies  ban-ge  Klin-gen, 

0,       would  this  grim     re-  ver-be-  ra-tion, 

das        u-       ber  Gra-ber  tag-  lich  gellt, 
which  makes   the     ve-ry     dead     to     quake, 

all-macht'-ger  Schop-fer  die-oer  'Velt, 
re-   Bound-   ing     thus  may     pi-ty     wake 

dir  Zeng-  nis      uns'-res  Jam-mers  brin-  geni 
In     Thee,   the        Fa-ther     of     Cre-     a-  tion. 

6,   Chortdc        V4     (b) 
(instr,    con  voce) 

Ich  ar-   rrjtr  lit-nsch.    ich  ar-  mer  Sun-der 
A     fee-ble     ooul,        a     foe-ble   sin-ner, 

Cantata  198 

steh'   hier     vor  Got-     tes     An-ge-sicht; 
I         stand     be-fore  God's  ma-je-  sty, 

Ach,   Gott,   ach,  Gott,   ver-  fahr'   ge-  lin-  der 
Ah       God,        ah     God,     deal     gen-tly     with  me, 

und  geh'   nicht  mit  mirs  •  ins  Ge-richtJ 
con-demn       me     not     by       Thy  de-  cree. 

Er-  bar-me  dich,   er-  bar-me  dich, 
Ah,     pi-ty     me,     ah,     pi-ty     me, 

Gott,  mein  Er-bar-mer,   u-ber  michj 
Oh         God  of  mer-cy,     pi-ty     mei 

7.   Aria  Alto  1^8       (d) 

(Va.   da  gamba  I  &  II,  Liuto  I  &  II  with  cont, 

Ge-     trostj       Er-  bar-  men       kam     (von  Gott). 
Take  heart  J        our  api-rits       live       a-  gain, 

YI±e  mach-  tig       hat     aein     Christ  ge-run-gen, 
By       Je-     sus'   death  and  de-  gra-da-tion 

da  er       des         To-     des       Arm       be-zwun-gen, 
He  con-quered  death  and  brought  sal-va-tion. 

( zu  til-)   gen     Ed-   ler  Sun-den     Not. 
to  man       from  sin  and  mor-tal  pain. 

8.   Recitative  Tenor     (Oboe  (d'am. )   I  *  IT) 

Im       Le-       ben         fromm,   ge-     treu  im  Ster-ben 
Live  stead-fast,  die       with  faith  un-daun-te 

soil  feat   der  Christ   zu     Chri-sto  stehn; 
and     hold  to     Christ  for-  ev-  er       true; 

dann  wird     dem         Tod'   in's     Aug'   er     sehn, 
so     death  will         ne-  ver     frigh-ten     you, 

die  Furcht   kann     ihn  nicht  mehr  ent-far-  ben. 
nor       by       its     fear     will  you     be     haun-ted, 

Ja     se-  lig,       der  in     Chri-  sti     Geist 
Ah  bles-sed         is     the  Chris-tian  soul 

aich     u-ber     die       Na-tur       er-  he-  bet, 
who     ri-ses   strong     a-bove  teup-ta-tion, 

vor  Gruft        und     Sar-  gen  niclit   er-be-  bet, 
for     him         the  grave     is        li-  be-rR-tion 

wenn  ihn  sein  Schop-fer  schei-den  heisst, 
when  his     Cre-     a-     tor  calls  him     hence. 


Cantata  198 

Cantata  198 

9.  Chorus      ft.       (b) 

(Instr.    Bame  as  in  No,    1) 

Von       dir,   du     Vor-  bild  al-  ler  From-men 
Thru  Thee,   the  Lord     of     all  Ore-     a-tion, 

von       dir,    (er-hab'-ner  Sot-tes-sohn), 
thru  Thee,      ex-  al-  ted  Son     of     God, 


0     Lamm     im     Him-  mels-thron 

thru  Thee,       who  paths  of  earth  haa     trod, 

ist  ew*-gea  Le-ban  wie-  der  kom-men, 
we     gain  for-ev-er-more  aal-va-tion. 

Acn,   sollt'   ihr  ae-hen,   wie     mir's  geht. 
Ah,      could     you  un-der-stand     and     see 

und  vde  mlch  der     so  hoch  er-hoht, 
hov/  God  has     high  ex-   al-ted     me 

der  selbst   so     hoch  er-ho-  ben; 
be-     side     the  Lord   Su-per-nal, 

ich  weiss,    ihr       wur-  det      an-ders     tun, 

I       know     your  tongues  would  ne-ver     cease 

und  mei-ner  See-len     ■u-sses       Ruhn 
to     glo-ry     in     my     spi-rit's  peace, 

mit      eu-  rem  Mun-  de  lo-  ben. 
with  Him  for  life  e-  ter-nal. 

10.  Chorale       V*     (b) 
(inatr.   con  voce) 

Soil  ich  denn     auch  des  To-  des       '.Veg 
When     I     shall     go     the  way  from  which 

und  fin-stre  Stras-een  rei-  sen, 
no     tra-vel-     er         re-tur-neth, 

Wobl-  eini        so  tret'   ich     Bahn     und  Steg, 
I       hope       to  find     the  Heav'n-ly     home, 

den     mir     dein'   Au-  gen     wei-  sen. 
for  which       my     spi-rit  year-neth, 

Du     bist  mein     Hirt,  der       Al-  les  wird 
Thou  art       my     guide,   what-e'er     be-tide, 

2u     sol-chem  En-  de  keh-  ren, 
what-ev-  er       may  be-fall  me, 

daaa  ich  ein-mal     in     dei-nem  Saal 
un-  til  the  day  when  far     a-  way 

dich     e-  wig     mo-     ge     eh-     ren, 
to     Hea-ven  Thou  wilt   call     me. 

Part  II 

12.   Aria  Tenor       3/4       (e) 

(Fl.   tr.,   Ob.   (d'am.)  Vn.  I  &  II,  Va,   da 
gamba  I   &  II,   Liuto  I   4  II  with  continue,) 

Des   ew'-gen     Got-  tea  Va-     ter-haus 
Al-migh-ty     God's     di-vine     a-bode 

zieht,   Freun-  de,  die       ge-  hob'-  nen 

up-       lifts  our     thOMghts  to  heav'n-ly 

Bli-   eke 

von  ird'-scher  Kied-ri-  keit   zu-       r'u-     eke 
a-     way     from  base-neas  and  from  pleas-ures. 

und     til-  get  Gram  und  Kum-mer     aus, 
which  sick-en,     poi-son  and  cor-rode, 

Es     strahlt  im     heh-     ren  Glemz  der     Son-     nen. 
Its       glo-     ry  shines  on     high       re-splen-dent. 

ver-scheucht     die 
has       ba-       nished 

der     gro-sse  Tsig 

its     ra-diance  bright 

night , 

Der  Geist,   er  spricht:    es  ist     voll-bracht. 
The     Spi-  rit     speaks:      It  will     be       done. 

11,   Chorale         \/ ^       (g) 

Mein  her-zer       Va-       ter,  weint  ihr  noch, 
Uy     fa-ther,   dear,   mourn     not       to-day, 

und  ihr,   die     mich  ge-     bo-  ren? 
nor     mo-ther,   thou  who  bore  me. 

Was  gramt  ihr     euch,   was  macht  ihr  doch? 
for     God     has  borne     my     soul       a-  way 

ich  bin     ja     un-  ver-  lo-  ren, 
and  will  to  life     re-store  me. 

was     Lie-  be       wob,  was     Gnad'   ge-spon-nen, 
what  Love  has  spun,  what  Grace  has     wo-ven. 

13.   Chorale 

(Instr,   con  voce) 

0       wie  se-lig  seid  ihr     doch,   ihr  From-  men, 
Bles-sed  ye  who  live  in     Faith       un-swer-ving, 

die   ihr  durch  den  Tod       zu     Gott  ge-kom-  men; 
ye     the  crown  of     life  from  God     de-ser-ving* 


Cantata  198 

Cantata  198 

ihr     seid  ent-  gein-  gen 
Thru  Hea-ven*8  por-tala 

al-   ler  Not, die     uns        noch  halt  ge-fan-  gen, 
you  es-cape  the   chains  that  bind  us  mor-tals. 

dann  komnrt     dee         "^ie-  der-  ae-  hens  Freu-de. 
be-  yond     death's  vale  of     dark-ness  yon-der 


14,   Recitativo  and  Arioso  Bass 

0  gro-88«       Lieb*!       Es  halt   uns  wert 
0  pre-cioua  lovei         The  King  of  earth 

der     Ko-nig  Him-mels  und  der  Er-     de; 
the  Eigh-ty  Lord   of     all  Ore-  a-tion 

er     will,   dasa   uns  das  Heil  auch  wer-  de, 
de-sires     for     us     the   same     sal-va-  tion, 

das     un-     s're       To-  ten  schon       ver-klart, 
as     those  whom  death  has  brought   new  birth. 

Dort   stehn  sie     vor  des  Lam-mes     Thro-ne, 
A-     way       from     va-ni-  ty     and  strife, 

ent-ruckt  der       Er-     den  Ei-     tel-     keit; 
be-  fore     the  Throne  on     Hea-ven's  height 

im       per-     len-rei-     nen     Un-schulds-kleid 
they  stand,   in     robes  of     pear-     ly       white, 

emp-fin-  gen     sie     des     Le-     bens     Kro-ne. 
re-  cei-ving  There  the  Crown     of     Life. 

16.  Chorus     (instr.   as  in  No,   1) 

0     Uen-Bchen-kind,   (du     stir-best  nicht), 
0  child     of       man,  thou     di-  est       not, 

Du    weisst,  dass  dein  Er-lo-ser     le-  bet, 
Thou     know-     est     thy     Re-dee-mer  li-veth, 

der  dich     er-  weckt   und  hoch  er-  he-  bet, 
and  faith  and  hope     to     mor-tals  gi-veth, 

ob         die-     ser     Welt-bau  auch  zer-bricht, 
tho'   worlds  shall  fall  and     be     for-  got. 

Herr  Je-  su  Christ,*       Nach  dei-  nem  'Vor-  te 
Lord  Je-8U8  Christ!       Thy     word  to     raor-tals, 

ist       dein     das  Reich  und  dein  die  Kraft, 
has  wrought  Thy  King-  dom  and     Thy     Might, 

die     Le-  ben  wirkt,  die  Wei-  ten  schafftt 
put  down  the  wrong,      up-held  the     right, 

er-schliess'   auch  uns  des  Him-mels     Pfor-  tei 
and         0-         pens  for  us  Hea-ven's     por-talsi 


So-weit  der  Him-  mel     apannt   sein  Zelt, 
Ab     far     as  Hea-ven's     skies       ex-tend, 

das  Meer  das  Er-     den-  rund  um-flie-aaet, 
and  seas     a-round  the  earth  are  flow-   ing, 

so-weit  die  Sonn'   ihr  Licht    er-gie-sset, 
as  far     as     light   of     suns     is  giow-ing, 

preiat        ae-     lig     (sie)   die  gan-      ze     "Velt, 
Thy       prstise  will  reach  Cre-  a-tion' a     end. 

preist       se-      lig       sie     die  '7elt,  sie         die 

Thy       praise  will   reach  the  end,  reach       the 

Welt,   preist     se-     lig  sie     die     'Velt, 
end,       will     reach  Cre-  a-tion' a     and. 

17,   Chorale 

(Instr,   con  voce) 

Auf,   mein     HerzJ   dea     Her-ren       Tag 
Up,       my     heart,  this  glo-rious  day 

hat  die  Nacht  der     Furcht  ver-trie-benj 
gloom-y     fear     from     man       has     dri-venj 

Chri-       stus,   der       be-  gra-  ben     lag, 
Christ,  the       Lord,   who   life-lesa  lay, 

ist  im   To-  de  nicht  ge-blie-ben, 
haa  from  death  to-  day  a-  ri-  sen, 

..    ) 

Nun-mehr  bin     ich  recht  ge-trost} 
Com-fort   sure  in     this     I        find: 

Je-auB  hat  die  Welt     er-  loat, 
Je-sue  has  re-deemed  man-kind. 

15.   Recitativo  Baaa     (Fl.   tr.   I  *  IT,   Ob.   I  4  II) 

Doch  wlr,   wir  gehn   im       Pil-ger-klei-de 
And        80,    as     Pil-griins   here  we     wan-der, 

noch   ei-        ne  Zeit   nach         Oot-  tea  Tahl, 
'til  '^od        Al-migh-  ty  ahall  or-  dain 

und     WBLTi-deln     hier  im       dun-  keln     Tal| 
that   wa     Bhall  aee     our  loved     a-     gain. 


Cantata  199 

XT  Trinity 

Epistle,  I  Corinthians  XV,  1-10.  C  Christ's 
death  and   resurrection. 

Gospel,  St.  Luke  XVIII,  9-14.  Parable  of  the 
hypocritical  Pharisee  and  the  humble  Publican. 

(Fagotto,   Oboe   and   Strings.) 

1,   Recitativo  Soprano        V^       (c) 
(Fag.,    Str.,   Vn.    with  continuo.) 

Uein     Her-   ze   schwlujnt   im         Blut, 
Uy     heart  is       deep       dis-tressed, 

wail     mich  der  Sun-  den       Brut 
by     brood-ing   sins     op-pressed, 

in       Got-  tes  hell '-gen  Au-     gen 
which  make  ray       God     be-lieve  me 

sum  Un-  ge-     heu-er  macht, 
a     mon-ster  man-  i-   fest. 

Und  mein    Ge-       wis-sen     fuh-  let     Pein 

Uy     con-science     ne-ver  gives  me     peace, 

well  mir     die     Sun-     den  nichts 
but      like  the  fiends  of     Hell 

ala     Hol-len-  hen-  ker     soin. 
from  tor-ment  will  not  cease. 

Ver^hftss-te  Las-  ter-nachtj 
0       ha-ted  load     of     einl 

Du,      du  al-     lein       hast  raich     in       sol-  che 
•Twas  A-dam's  fall       with  which  our  trou-bles 

Not  ge-bracht; 
did  be-  gin, 

und     du,  du       bo-   ser     A-     dams-Ba-men, 

and  thou,        thou  tain-ted  eeed     of       A-dam, 

raubst       mei-ner  See-   le     al-  le     Ruh 
hast     robbed  my  eoul  of     all  re-pose, 

und   schlie-saest      ihr        den     Him-     mel        zuj 
and  caused     the     door       of     Heav'n  to     olosel 

Ach]    un-er-  hor-ter  Schmera.' 
AhJ      ne-Ter-end-ing     griefj 
un-ex-  aap-led 

mein  aua-  ge-  dorr-tes  Herz 
i        hope  for     no     re-  lief, 

will      fer-  ner  mehr  kein  Trost  be-  feuch-     ten, 
cy     heart   is      com-   fort-less      and  with-   ered; 

und  ich  cues  mich     vor     dem  ver-ste-cken 
how  can     T       seek  those     ho-ly     pla-ces 

Cantata  199 

vor       dem       die     En-  gel   selbst 
where  dwells  the  Lord  to       Whom 

ihr  An-ge-      sicht     ver-  de-cken. 
the   An-gels  veil     their  fa-ces? 

2.   Aria  Soprano       V*     (c) 
(Vn.   with  continuo.) 

Stum-  me  Seuf-zer,    stil-     le       JTla-  gen. 
Si-  lent   sigh-ing,    sound-less  griev-lng, 

ihr     inogt  mei-  ne  Schmer-zen     sa-  gen, 
speak  the     pain  my     heart,   per-ceiv-ing, 

well  der  Ifund  ge-schloe-sen     ist. 
can-  not     by     my     lips       ex-press. 

Und       ihr     nas-  sen  Tra-  nen-  quel-len 
Streams  of     tears  in     tor-rents  flow-ing 

konnt    ein  sich-res     Zeug-     nis     stel-len, 
tell     the  fail-ings  which,  well  knowing, 

wie  (mein  sund-lich  Herz  ge-  b'usst). 
I         in       pen-  i-  tence  con-fess. 


Kein     Herz 

I'y     heart 

ist  jetzt   ein  Tra-  nen-brunn, 
is       but       a     well     of  tears, 

die     Au-       gen 
my     tired  eyes 

h^i-sse     Ouel-len. 
hot  with  weep-ing. 

Ach  Gott; 
Ah     God: 

wer     wird  dich  doch   zu-frie-  den 
would  they     a-     gain  in  peace  were 


3.  Recitativo  Soprano        (Instr.    as  in  No.    1) 

Doch  Gott       muss  mir     ge-  na-dig  sein. 
But     God  in-deed  must  pi-ty       me, 

weil  ich  das  Haupt   mlt   A-sche, 
my  head  is  heaped   with  ash-es, 

das     An-     ge-eicht       mit     Tra-  nen     wa-  eoh«f 
and  tears  be-  dim         my     droop-lng  lash-  es, 

mein     Herz       in  Reu     und  Leid   zer-schla-ge 
my     heart       re-pent-ent     at     my       fol-  ly 

und     vol-     ler     Teh-mut   sa-  gei 
is     filled  with  mel-  an-cho-ly. 

Gott   eei  mir  Sun-der  gna-digl 
God       pl-ty     me       a     sin-cerJ 


Cantata  199 

Ach     i&l 
It     must 

sein     Her-  ze  bricht, 
His     wrath  al-  lay 

imd  mei-  ne  See-  le  sprichtt 
to     hear  my  spi-rit       say: 

4,   Aria  Soprano     3/4       (E^,) 
(Instr.  as  in  No.   1.) 

(Tief       ge-  huckt)    (und  vol-ler  Reu-     e) 
"Bowed  with  grief     deep-ly     re-  pen-tent^ 

bar   39,    59t 
imd  vol-  len  Reu-     e 
in     deep     re-pen-tence^ 

(lies' ich),(lieb-8ter  Go**)*  ^°r     ^^^* 
come     I,       Dear-est     God,       to     Thee, 

Ich  be-  ken-ne  mei-ne  Schuld, 
Sin-ful-ly     am     I     in-clined, 

a-       bar     (ha-     be     dooh  (Ge-duld)) 
there-fore     pet-ient     be       and  kind 

be     kind 

mit  mir. 
to     me." 

5.  Recitativo  Soprano 

(Vn.  with  Cont..     Va.  in  Chorale) 

Auf     die-  se     Schmer-zens-  reu 
In     grief  and     pen-       i-  tence 

fallt     mir     als-dann     dies  Trost-wort  beii 
I       Tolce  my     faith  and       con-  fi-  dencei 


Ich,   dein     be-  trub-  tee  Kind, 

Thy     griev-ing  child-ren,     we 

werf    al-  le  mei-ne  Sund', 
•ur-   ren-der  all  to  Thee, 

BO  Tiel  ihr  in    mir   ate-  cken 
our  ma-  ny  grare  trana-gress-ions, 

und     mlch     ao     hef-tig   schre-cken, 
our  faults   and      in-dia-cret-   ionsi 

in     doi-   nc     tie-fen  7/un-den, 
for  thru  Thy  tri-bu-   la-tion 

da   ich     stets  Hell   ge-   fun-  den. 
ia   come     our     sure  obI-te-  tion. 

Cantata  199 

6.  Recitatjyo  Soprano  (Inetr,  as  in  No.  1) 

Ich  le-  ge  mich  in  die-se  V7un-den 
Thy  sac-r^-fice  ia  my     re-li-ance, 

ale     in     den  rech-ten  Fel- sen-stein; 
my     rock  no       po-  wer  can     de-stroy, 

die  sol-  len  mei-ne  Ruh-statt  sein. 
my     com- fort  and  my  eon-stant     joy. 

In  die-  se  will     ich     mich     im  Glau-ben 
To  this  I     hold,  with  faith  de-vout-ly 


und  drauf  ver-gnugt       und  froh-lich  sin-  gent 
in     sweet  oon-tent         and     joy-ful     sing-ing: 

7.   Aria  Soprano 

(Ob.,  Fag.,   Str.,  Vn.  with  continuo.) 

(7/ie  freu-dig)   ist  mein     Herz, 
Kow     hap-py       is     my       heart, 

(da     Gott)  ver-soh-  net)   ist 
for  God       has  par-doned     me, 

und  mir     nach  Reu  und     Leid 
my     sins  have     I     con-fessed, 

nicht  mehr  die  Se-  lig-  keit 
80         pe-  ni-tent  and  blest 

noch  auch  sein  Herz  ver-schliesst. 
for-     e-     ver       I       will  be. 



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Johann  Seba 






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