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CUM .U L A T f V E 



VOL U M E S 51 to 55 

January, 1955 through December, 1959 

Every five years a CUMULATIVE INDEX is prepared to provide a 
compact listing of the material that has been published in the Journal 
during that period. Each article is listed by title, by author or 
authors, and under an appropriate topical heading. The year of 
publication is followed by the page number. 
Many articles were published in the French language in The 
Canadian Nurse . These are all listed. The publication of all the 
editorial content in L'Infirmière Canadienne was started in June, 
1959. These articles may be identified readily because a line has 
been drawn under each of their page numbers. 





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VOL U M E S 51 à 55 

De janvier 1955 à d
cembre 1959 

Tous les cinq ans un INDEX. CUMULATIF est assemblé dans 

l' intention de fournir un répertoire coocis de la matière qui a 

été publiée dans la revue au cours de cette période. Chaque article 

est répertorié sous son titre, sous Ie nom, ou les noms d'auteurs, et 

sous 1a rubrique d'articles se rapportant à un même sujet. L'année 

de publication est suivie du numéro de page. 

Plusieurs articles ont paru en français dans THE CANADIAN NURSE. 

lIs sont tous répertoriés. La. publication de la mati
re éditoriale de 

L'INFJRMIERE CANADlENNE a commencé en juin 1959. On peut facilement 

la reconnaitre au souligné du numéro de page. 

La rédactrice. 

I , 








Page Numbers by Months 
January - December 1221 
i.nuary 1 - 80 May 337 - 424 September 673 - 752 
3bruary 81 - 160 June 425 - 512 October 753 - 840 
lrch 161 - 256 July 513 - 592 November 841 - 928 
Jril 257 - 336 August 593 - 672 December 929 -1008 
January - December 1956 
muary 1 - 80 May 321 - 408 September 673 - 768 
3bruary 81 - 160 June 409 - 504 October 769 - 856 
1rch 161 - 240 July 505 - 584 November 857 - 936 
:>ri1 241 - 320 August 585 - 672 December 937 -1024 
January - December 1ill 
3.I1uary 1 - 88 May 361 - 488 September 777 - 880 
ebruary 89 - 176 June 489 - 584 October 881 - 976 
a.rch 177 - 264 July 585 - 680 November 977 -1064 
pril 265 - 360 August 681 - 776 December 1065 -1152 
January - December 1958 
anuary 1 - 88 May 393 - 496 September 793 - 896 
ebruary 89 - 184 June 497 - 600 October 897 - 992 
larch 185 - 288 July 601 - 696 November 993 -1080 
pril 289 - 392 August 697 - 792 December 1081 -1168 
January - December 1959 
January 1 - 88 May 393 - 488 Sept ember 769 - 872 
'ebruary 89 - 184 June 489 - 584 October 873 - 968 

rch 185 - 288 July 585 - 672 November 969 -1072 

pri1 289 - 392 August 673 - 768 December 1073 -1168 



1 - 64 
65 - 128 
129 - 192 


193 - 256 
257 - 312 
313 - 376 

décembre 371 - 44D 



AÐOUl' that readership survey (Kerr), (ed.), 1958: 615 
ABOUl' the staphylococcus (MuzTay), 1959: 787 
ABOVE mediocrity (Irene), (ed.) 1955: 685 
ABRUPl'IO placenta (O'Rourke), 1958: 210 
ACCIDENT prevention: 
Boracic acid - the wolf' in sheep's clothing (Halliday), 19592 1093 
Death from plastic film (Jeffrey), 19591 1096 
Get down to brass tacks - prevent home accidents (Robertson), 1959: 1097 
The problem of poisons (Dean), 1959: 1091 
The promotion of safety - the role of the public health nurse 
(Guild), 1955: 456 
Role of the industrial nurse in, (Grevine), 1956: 112 
Seven ways to, (O'Brien), 1955: 726 
Stop that accident, 1957: 226 
Table of antidotes, 1959: 1095 
ACCREDITATION de l'hôpital, facteur de progñs (St. Eug
ne), 1957: 117 
ACCREDITATION - What's on the record (MacQuarrie), 1956: 443 
ACHIEVING one's heart's desire (Smuczok), 1958: 732 
ACIDE borique - ou 1e loup sous 1a peau d tune brebis (Halliday), 1959: :rB 
ACQUIRED heart disease (Vineberg), 1955: 863 
ACTIVITIES of graduate nurses, 1957: 744- 
ACTUALITE et perspective (Tremblay), 1959: 
ACUl'E coronary artery disease (Flader), 1958: 624 
ACUl'E glaucoma (De Souza), 1958: 645 
ACUTE laryngotracheobronctdtis (O'Rafferty), 1955: 621 
ACUl'E laryngotracheobronchitis (Surerus), 1957: 603 
ACUl'E myocardial infarction (Grey), 1957: 606 

: . 


ACUl'E rheumatic fever (Edmund), 1955: 877 
ADoo, George Matthew 
Make great things, 1955: 948 
ADJUSTIVE mechanisms (Spalding), 1955: 532 
The changed role of hospitals (Bradley), 1958: 550 
L'éva1uation du personnel (Boshouwers), 1959: 
Ten commandments for administrators (Zeally), 1955: 44- 
Interdépendance du coût quotidien du nursing et de sa qualité 
(Décary), 1959: JQ 
ADMINISTRATION du service central, 1959: 804- 
ADVANCED preparation in nursing (Rheault), 1959: 904- 
ADVENTURES in science teaching (Alderson), 1956: 271 
ADVISER to schools of nursing (Schumacher), 1959: 332 
AFFECTIONS du sang: 
Erythroblastose foetale (Rutledge), 1959: J2i 
Anémie hémolytique familia.le (Sagesse), 1959: m 
La leucémie (Gosselin), 1958: 1022 
Quelques considérations sur I' anémie et les états anémiques 
(Tessier), 1956: 728 
AFFECTIONS rénalest 
Le rein artificiel (Racham), 1959: 165 
Les soins infirmiers (Harris, Dosseter), 1959: 12 
Transplantation rénale chez des jumelles identiques (MacKinnon), 1959: 11 
AFFIUATING in a tuberculosis hospital (Fulford), 19552 299 
AFFILIATION programs (McPhedran), 1957: 125 

- 3 - 

AFFIUATION programs: 
Public health (Downing), 1958: 846 
Student, in a hospital for tuberculosis (Eldridge), 1955: 297 
AGED in hospital (Francis), 1955: 21 
AGES of man (Scarlett), 1955: 607 
AIGUILLONNER (Bachand), 1955: 793 
AIR pollution: 
Garbage in the sky, 1959: 260 
The adviser to schools of nursing (Schumacher), 1959: 332 
Certified Nursing Aide Association (Quirk), 1959: 254 
Changing concepts (Bietsch), (ed.), 1957: 281 
A dream comes true (Van Dusen), (ed.), 1959: 103 
Medicine Hat General Hospital, 1956: 980 
Provincial Association activities, 1955: 192; 1956: 441; 1957: 528; 
1958: 758; 1959: 352 
Student Nurses' Association of (Nance), 1955: 51, 724; 1956: 212 
and the nurse (Fulford), 1957: 802 
The role of the nurse in the treatment of (Toner), 1955: 868 
ALDERSON, Henrietta J. 
Adventures in science teaching, 1956: 271 
ALL aboard for Winnipeg (Collins), 1955: 790 
ALL this and much more (Summers), (ed.), 1957: 503 
ALLAN, Reta 

 impression of geriatric nursing, 1955: 60 


ALLEMANG, Margaret 
An analysis of the experiences of eight cardiac patients during a 
period of hospitalization in a general hospital, 1959: 702, 151 
Corrected information, 1959: 876, 260 
AI.J..EN, Moyra 
Venture in field experience for graduate nurses, 1956: 276 
ALLEN, Moyra (Chittick) 
Let us find some answers and tell others, 1957: 40 
ALUSON, Pauline 
What each expects of nursing education: the head nurse, 1957: 1085 
ALPHABEl' for a happy and healthy pregnancy (Valentine), 1958: 212 
AMJNG the Miskito Indians (Prochnau), 1958: 660 
ANALYSE des expériences personnelles de huit cardiques pendant un 
séjour dans un hôpital général (Allemang), 1959: 151 , 260 
ANALYSE de 1a visUe A domicile en santé maternelle (Doyon), 1959: .!!:& 
ANALYSE des visites awe nourrissons (Carpenter), 1959: 229 
ANALYSIS of the experiences of eight cardiac patients during a period of 
hospitalization in a general hospital (Allernang), 1959: 702, 876 
ANALYSIS of home visits to newborn infants made by the public health 
nurses in the East York-Leaside Health Unit, Ontario 
(Carpenter), 1959: 809 
ANALYSIS of hospital experience: student nurses in schools of nursing 
in Ontario, 1957: 212 
AND the world too (McArthur), 1956: 703 
ANDERSON, Mary Helen 
Centralization, 1955: 474 

- 5 - 

ANDERSON, Winifred E.M. 
Unusual compound presentation, 1955: 38 
ANEMIE hémolytique familiale (Sagesse), 1959: m 
Fifty years of progress in surgery and, (Griffith), 1958: 540 
for open heart surgery (Gain), 19582 940 
Hibernation artificielle et l'infirmi
re (Rue 1, Gravel), 1957: 119 
ANGUS, liargaret 
Public wants, 1955: 444 
ANNE, Sister Mary 
Student nurses - student teachers, 1955: 796 
ANOMALIES congénitales: 
Le spina-bifida et l'hydrocéphalie (Perret), 1959: 
ANOTHER reason for hope (Lamarre), 1959: 1026 
ANTIBIOTICS in cosmetics, 1959: 1052 
Table of, 1959: 1095 
ANTIDOTES essentiels, 1959: 
ANTIDONlADES, Katherine (Ooos, Sellers) 
Pre-eclamptic toxemia, 1959: 1005 
Toxémie pré-éclamptique, 1959: ill 
APPUCATION for participation in retirement plan, 1959: 1117 
ARCHITECTURE des hôpitaux: 
Un aspect moderne du soin des malades (Flanagan), 1959: 163 
ARE we equal to our future (Saunders), (ed.), 1956: 781 
ARRAN'S ascent (Karpoff), 1955: 226 


ARNSTEIN, Margaret G. 
Improving nursing service, 1956: 869 
ARTHRITIS and rheumatism: 
Acute rheumatic fever (Edmund), 1955: 877 
ARTHRITIS and rheumatism: 
Traumatic, of the hip (Lawrence), 1958: 630 
Rheumatoid, (Ziehran), 1956: 448 
ARTICLE writing: 
Here's how to do it, 1959: 840 
Writers' cramp (Poland), 1959t 523 
ARl'IFICIAL kidney (Rackham), 1959: 716 
ARTIFICIAL respirations, 1955: 714 
ASPECT communautaire at Ie nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 298 
ASPECT moderne du soin des malades (Flanagan), 1959: 163 
ASPECTS sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques (Tyhurst), 1957: 434 
ASSOCIATION des Infirmières Canadiennes: 
La comité de recherche de, 1959: 408 
Conférence des membres du personnel des associations nationale et 
provinciales, 1959: 161 
Demande de participation au plan de retraite, 1959: 411 
Les dix premières années (Johns), 1958: 524 
Fonds de construction, 1959: 248, 448 
Fonds en vue de notre future résidence, 1958: 1132 
Un grand projet prend corps (McQuarrie), 1957: 308 
Liste des publications, 1959: 
Livret sur Ie plan de pension, 1958: 1134 
Nouveau siége social, 1959. lJÐl 


Plan de retraite, 1959: 162 , 410 
Patronage royal, 1957: 636 
Son histoire, 1954-59, 1959:.l2lt 
ASSUMING responsibilities (Ross), (ed.), 1957: 895 
AT home in a residence (Black), 1955: 101 
Registered nurse - a specialist psychiatric institutions need, 1955: 544 
ATKINSON School, Toronto Western Hospital, 1958: 110 
Farce of nursing education, 1957: 791 
From under the blanket, 1908-58, 1958: 544 
ATOMIC warfare, 1958: 666 
ATTITUDES to natural infant feeding (Pask), 1955: 785 
ATTRIBUTION exclusive, 1959: 
A nutrition experiment, 1958: 649 
AUTRE raison d'espére (La.marre), 195C}t 
AUXILIAIRES en nursing: 
Des cours d'entrainement pour 14 certifisation de l'infirmier 
(Dick, Carruthers), 1959: 184 
AUXILIARY nursing: 
Certified orderly training program (Dick and Carruthers), 1959. 732 
Orderly training program (Richmond), 1956: 191 

- B - 

Aiguillonner, 1955: 793 





La service de santé dans une école d'infirmi
res, 19581 312 
BACKGROUND information on tuberculosis (McGrath, Capling), 1955: 270 
L'infection staphylococcique (Southem-Holt), 19591 210 
Les maladies staphylococciques chez les nourris5ons (Robinson), 1959: 215 
Le staphylocoque (Murray), 1959: 205 
BAKER, Esme 
Enuresis, 1955: 709 
BAKKEN, Phyllis 
Normal delivery, 1957: 616 
BALANCE between education and service (Howe), 1958: 36 
BALL, Rita Mary 
I went to a small hospital, 1958: 1138 
BALSTON, Dorothea 
Natural childbirth, 1958: 205 
Retrolental fibroplasia, 1957: 1104 
BANDL'S ring (Foster, McLeod,, Should.i.ce)
 1956: 266 
BANGHAM, Mary Dickerson 
A thought for spring (poem), 1956: 256 
BARKER, Gladys 
Dish-washing center, 1956: 380 
BARRATT, Winifred M. 
Manitoba practical nurses, 1957: 158 
BASIC degree course in nursing (Carpenter), 1955: 200 
BASIC teachine in surgical nursing (Dusseault), 1959, 891 
BATT, Phyllis 
Nursing investigation of a tuberculosis outbreak, 1955: 295 


The bread you eat, 1958: 152 
BAUMAN, Brenda 
Copper intoxication, 1958: 419 
La chlorpromazine ou largactil en pédiatrie, 1957: 824 
BEAL, lllcy 
Case and incident methods of teaching, 1955: 126 
BEATON, George H. 
Les besoins nutritifs durant 1a grossesse, 1958: 216 
BEAUDIN, Norman R. 
The CNA retirement plan becomes a reality, 1959: 329 
Comment vous pouvez aider, 19592 22- 
How you can help, 1959: 524 
BEAUDRY, Andrée 
Journées Romaines, 1957: 707 
BEECH, Clive 
Cheese, 1955: 908 
BEDIN, B. Guy 
Tuberculose pulmonaire et chirurgie thoracique, 1955: 283 
BEDIN planning now, (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 525 
BELL, Daphne 
When a nurse has diabetes, 1956: 627 
BELL, Louise Price 
Counterpane land, 1956: 107 
K.P. for double-duty homemakers, 1956: 884 


- 10 - 


Psychiatry - an integral part of nursing, 1955: 120 


Cardiac catheterization - specific nursing care, 1959: 696 

BENEI', Stephen Vincent 

Our kind of democracy, 1955: 526 

BENFANI'E, Hugette 

Orthophonie, 1957: 524 

BENTLEY, Reginald S. 
The male potential, 1959: 344 


Saskatchewan's expanding health services, 1956: 699 

Dossier du malade, 1957: 638 
BESOIN d'entreprendre des recherches en nursing (Fidler), 1959: 
BESOINS de l'écolier en matiére de santé (Ranger), 1956: 52 
BESOINS nutritifs durant la grossesse (Beaton), 1958: 216 
BETHESDA Hospital Society (Hiebert), 1957: 295 
BETTER patient care (Melanie), 1957: 113 

BEITER utilization of the students' time in the clinical field 

(Felicitas), 1959: 321 

BEYER, Bianca Mary 

Rung of a ladder (ed.), 1955: 605 
BIENNIAL convention, 1956: 
s - 1956 (MacIssac), 1955: 697 

Clonvention personalities, 1956: 214, 350, 438 

Fun on trains (Steed), 1956: 185 

- 11 - 

Nurses cross the nation (Collins), 1955: 470 
Prairie convention (Kerr), (ed.), 1956: 687 
Resolutions, 1956: 697 
Theme for 1956, 1955: 640 
Ticket of nominations, 1956: 376 
What about vacation plans (Collins), 1956: 109 
Why attend the CNA (Carmel), (ed.), 1956: 255 
BIENNIAL convention, 1958: 
Cavalcade in white, 1958: 712 
18 cinquanti
me anniversaire (Charbonneau), 1958: 720 
Convention personalities, 1958: 117, 229, 332, 439, 574 
The fiftieth anniversary, (ed.), 1958: 709 
Fiftieth anniversary plans, 1957: 465; 1958: 45 
Honorary memberships, 1958: 717 
Resolutions, 1958: 868 
Special train, 1958: 250 
Spectacle historique, 1958: 250 
Ticket of nominations, 1958: 456 
BIENNIAL convention, 1960 
Post-convention study tour, 1959: 713, 1018 
BIENVENUE AI' Infirmière Canadienne (Girard), 19592 11 
BIEl'SCH,Elizabeth Anna 
Changing concepts (ed.), 1957: 281 
BIFOCAL approach (Sinclair), 1956: 880 
BIHET, Marie M. 
The I.C.N. watchword - wisdom, 1957: 1008 
BILATERAL cataracts (Purvis), 1958: 636 
BILL of rights for older citizens, 1958: 1019 

- 12 - 

BILL 320 and the student of nursing (MacLa.ggan), (ed.), 1958: 409 
BISHOP, Blanche 
Things that worry me, 1955: 707 
BUCK, J. (Skerry, MacLean, Kennedy, MacDonald) 
Radioacti ve isotopes, 1956: 800 
BLACK, Jean 
My attitude has changed, 1955: 302 
BLACK, Phyllis 
At home in a residence, 1955: 101 
BLACK cats, dark rooms and blind men (Uprichard), 1957: 711 
BLACKWOOD, Barbara (Du Gas) 
Aspect communautaire et Ie nursing, 1959: 298 
T.eaching cormnunity aspects of nursing, 1959: 932 
BLESSURES à 1a tête: 
Effet mental d tune (Gibson), 1959: 
BIOOD conditions: 
Chromosome deletion in the Rh genotype (Graves), 1956: 18 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rutledge), 1959: 1022 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (St. Macrina), 1958: 207 
Familial hemolytic anemia (Sagesse), 1959: 641 
Hemophilia, 1955: 225 
Hyperlipemia, 1957: 272 
Leukemia (Schweisheimer), 1956: 724 
Measuring. blood velocity, 1957: 128 
Nursing care in radiation therapy (Chandler), 1958: 1023 
Reactions to blood transfusions (Levitz), 1958: 1105 
BLOOD pressure: 
Hypotension (Schweisheimer), 1956: 53 

- 13 - 

L'évolution de notre conception des soins infirmi
res, 1955: 982 
BONE conditions: 
Multiple myeloma (Kuczmak), 19591 623 
Paget's disease (Lawton, Rinker), 1955; 960 
Cerebral hemorrhage, 1957: 805 
BOOK revi. ews ; 
See annual indexes 
BORACIC acid - the wolf in sheep's 
lothing (Halliday), 19591 1093 
The evaluat.ion of personnel, 1959: 532, 
BOTSFORD, Marion E. 
Head nurse study. 19551 29 
A propos de la santé des étudiantes infirmi
res, 1958: 309 
BOURNS, Beulah V. 
Sawdust beds, 1959; 162 
BRADLEY, Leonard O. 
The changed role of ho.spitals, 1958, 550 
BRADY I Kathleen 
Planning and implementation of a nursing referral program, 1957. 795 
BREAST feeding; 
Attitudes to natural infant feeding (Pask), 1955: 785 
BREATH of pain (Bromage), 1956: 45 
BRICE, Doreen 
A scholarship student reports, 1958: 432 


BREGG, Elizabeth 
Psychiatric nursing, 1956: 183 
BRIDGES, Daisy Caroline 
The patient, the present, and progress, 1958: 619 
BRIERS, A. (Tymstra, Brown) 
Caesarean section, 1957: 808 
BRING back Christ to Christmas (Walshe), (ed.), 1957: 1077 
BRITISH Columbia: 
Building for the future (Grundy), 1955: 772 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 192; 1956: 441; 1957: 528; 
1958: 758; 1959: 352 
Statement regarding labor relations (Rossiter), 1957: 799 
BRITISH Commonwealth and Empire Nurses War Memorial Fund, 1955: 641, 799 
Breath of pain, 1956: 45 
BRONCHOPNEUIDNIA (Slager), 1958: 49 
BROrm, Esther Lucille 
Social sciences and improvement of patient care, 1956: 175 
BRCMN, Janet R. 
New concepts in geriatric nursing, 1957: 289 
BR()\'.fN, Leona R. 
Stain removers, 1955: 357 
BROWN, S. (Tymstra, Briers) 
Caesarean section, 1957: 808 
Dans la salle (Lepot), 1959: 289 
Le probl
me des (Christie), 1959z

- 15 - 

Le programme de réhabilitation (Pakalnins), 1959: 
A la salle d'opératioo (Szmidt), 1959: 292 
Salles pour enfants brûlés (Tanner), 1956: 383 
Les soins infinniers à donner awe. l
sions thermiques (Virginia.), 1959: 417 
Soins infirmiers individualisés (Macleod), 1959: 288 
Traitment des grands brûlés, 1957: 288 
BRUNADER, Imelda Beetz 
Child with post-rubella encephalitis, 1957: 610 
The nursing service budget (Young), 1955: 107 
BUIIDING for the future (Grundy), 1955: 772 
CNA house, 1958: 864, 1130; 1959: 244, 444 
BUIIDING on our likenesses (Rossiter), (ed.), 1959: 407 
BULLOCK, Joyce (Wright) 
Meconium ileus, 1956: 193 
BUNGE, Helen L. 
Meaning and importance of research in nursing, 1955: 945 
Definitive treatment of, in mass casualties (Woolhouse), 1957: 411 
In the operating room (Szmidt), 1959: 918 
Nursing care of thermal injuries (Virginia), 1957: 416 
On the ward (Lepot), 1959: 914 
One person's nursing c
re (Macleod), 1959: 912 
The problem of, (Christie), 1959: 912 
The rehabilitation program (Pakalnins), 1959: 922 



BURNS, Margaret 
Rehabilitating the mentally ill employee, 1955: 779 
BURSTmG at the seams, (Livingston), (ed.), 1957: 991 
Occupational health nursing, 1955: 223 
Hastening recovery, 19571 997 
BUTLER, Dorothy 
The rehabilitation of 

s. Moritz, 1959: 215 
BUTLER, Ethelyn 
From little acorns, 1956: 31 
BUTS professionels: 
Lettre A ma ni
ce (Zalloni), 1959: 181 

- C - 

CAESAREAN section (Tymstra, Brown, Briers) 1957: 808 
Little red door, 1957: 306 
CALLAGHAN, J.C. (Hinson, Coleman, Cotter, Wilde) 
Open heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary by-pass, 1958: 726 
CALVE, Carmen 
re en obstétrique, 1956: 742- 
School is a school -- is a school, 1957:525 
CAMPION, F. Lillian 
Nursing yesterday and today - a challenge for the future, 1955: 208 

- 17 - 

Orientation, 1956: 447 
Rapport d1une comité spéciale de 1'0.1.1. 1959: 56 
Report of I.L.O. 
 committee, 1959: 52 
CAMPION, F. Lillian 
Toward better nursing, 1956: 693 
Women to the rescue, 1955: 95 
CAMPION, F. Lillian (MacIsaac) 
vres 1956, 1957: 297 
CANADIAN converence on nursing, 1957z 632,838,940, 1017 
ConférfÐce canadienne sur Ie nursing (Giroux), 1958: 31 
A doctor views the problems (Roth), 1958, 24 
A nurse views the problems (Macleod), 1958: 27 
Nursing today and tomorrow (Kerr), 1958: 21 
Rapport, 1958: 46 
Report available, 1958: 44 
Resource material, 1958: 127, 129 
CANADIAN council on nutrition, 1957: 1097 
CANADIAN Joint Committee on Nursing: 
Terms of reference, 1957: 121 
CANADIAN nurse studies English obstetrics (Robins), 1955: 372 
Canadian Nurses' Association: 
Activities of graduate nurses, 1957: 744 
Association activities, 1954-59, 1959: 1010 
Committee manual, 1956: 981 
Committee structure, 1955: 52 
Crest of the, 1958: 292, 340 
Exchange of privileges program, 1959: 632 

.. # . 

. . 

-18 - 

Founding of the (Johns), 1958: 520 
Historical sketch of the, (Stiver), 1955: 188 
Institute - staffs of national and provincial nursing associations 

1959: 712 
Just a mere fifty years (Hunter), (ed.), 1958: 13 
On the march (Sharpe), (ed.), 1955: 13 
National office auxiliary, 1955: 128 
Nurses: their education and their role in heelth programs 
1956: 347, 696, 791 
Nursing stamp, 1957: 121 
Publications list order form, 1959: 556 
Research committee personnel, 1959: 540, 2l 11l6 
Retirement plan, 1957: 464; 1958: 862, 1130; 1959: 244, 329, 330, 444, 
524, 713, 1116, 1117 
The retirement plan (Cassell), 1958: 922 
Royal patronage granted, 1957: 633 
Shape of things to come (McQuarrie), 1957: 307 
Yearbook of modern nursing, contribution to, 1956: 548 
THE Canadian Red Cross Society: 
Our cormnon heritage (Stanbury), 1958: 911 
of the breast (Davis), 1958: 318 
of the cervix (Rieger), 1957: 303 
and modern living, 1957: 305 
Colostomy, 1958: 1054 
du sein droit (Johnston), 1959: 112. 
Early detection and the nurse (Tupper), 1958: 1012 

- 19 - 

Educating the nurse in, care (Chandler), 1958: 1016 
Epidermoid carcinoma (Watanabe), 1956: 534 
An exploratory laparotomy (Gillis, MacDonald), 1958: 964 
Gynecological, -- diagnosis and treatment (Stapleton), 1958: 1018 
Infiltrative duct carcinoma of right breast (Johnston), 1959: 738 
La leucémie (Gosselin), 1958: 1022 
Leukemia (MacMillan), 1955: 614 
Leukemia (Schweisheimer), 1956: 724 
Little red door (Calcott), 1957: 306 
Malignant stomach ulcer (Parrent), 1959: 834 
Melanotic sarcoma (Jenkinson), 1958: 942 
Nursing the, patient (Ferguson), 1958: 1020 
Nursing care in radiation therapy (Chandler), 1958: 1023 
The organization and operation of a welfare program (Hartling), 1958: 1032 
The, problem (Gosse), 1958: 1009 
Psychological problems of the, patient (Nicholson), 1958: 1014 
The public health nurse in the, program (Fowler), 1958: 1029 
Rehabilitation of mastectomy patients, 1955: 390 
Respiratory, mortality, 1955: 289 
Service sociale et Ie cancer (Chamard), 1956: 268 
re gastrique malin (Parrent), 1959: 178 
CANCER du sein droit (Johnston), 1959: 112 
CANCER of the cervix (Rieger), 1957: 303 
CANCER. problem (Gosse), 1958: 1009 
CAPLAN, Hyman (Dimock) 
Student nurse in a pediatric setting, 1956: 959 
CAP LING, Erla (McGrath) 
Background information on tuberculosis, 1955: 270 

- 20 - 

CARCDOMA of the breast (Davis), 1958: 318 
CARDIAC arrest (Cruickshank), 1959: 305 
CARDIAC catherization (Cumming), 1959: 691 
CARDIAC catherization - general nursing care (Macmillan), 1959: 695 
CARDIAC catherization - specific nursing care (Benesch), 1959: 696 
CAHDIAC disability, 1955: 159 
CARDIAC surgery: 
Anesthesia for open, (Gain), 1958: 940 
Cardiac arrest (Cruickshank), 1959: 305 
Cardiac catheterization (Cumming), 1959: 691 
Cardiac catherization - general nursing care, (Macmillan), 1959: 695 
Cardiac catheterization - specific nursing care (Benesch), 1959: 696 
Congenital heart surgery (Mildenberger), 1959: 307 
Deeper into the heart, 1957: 550 
Nursing care in a mitral commissurotomy (Snidal), 1959: 421 
Open, using total cardiopulmonary by-pass (Hinson, Coleman, Cotter, Wilde, 
Callaghan), 1958: 726 
Preparation for nursing in, (Parent), 1959: 902 
CARE of your feet (Mathews), 1958: 442 
CARMEL, Sister Mary 
Health work on Okinawa, 1959: 40 
Pioneering in Okinawa, 1955: 541 
CARMEL, Sister Theresa 
Why attend the CNA convention (ed.), 1956: 255 
Analyse des visites aux nourrissons, 1959: 229 
An analysis of home visits to newborn infants made by the public health 
nurses in the East York-Leaside Health Unit, Ontario, 1959: 809 

: . 

- 21 - 

Basic degree course in nursing, 1955: 200 
Elements in program planning for conventions, 1955: 953 
Role of the nurse in the total health program, 1957: 720 
Night receptionist's prayer, (poem), 1958: 218 
Men in nursing, 1955: 222 
CAHRUTHERS, Peter R. (Dick) 
A certified orderly training program, 1959: 732 
Des cours d'entraînement pour 1a certification de l'infirmier, 1959: 184 
Some considerations on the basic nursing curriculum, 1956: 357 
CAS d'hépatite infectieuse (Trenchard), 1959: 61 
CASSELL, William F. 
The retirement plan, 1958: 922 
CASUALTIES from atomic weapons - a review (Pace), 1957: 400 
CATHETERISì-fE cardiaque (Macmillan), 1959: 1.46 
CATHETERISME du coeur, (Cumming), 1959: 141 
CAVALCADE in white, 1958: 712 
CAVERNOUS sinus thrombosis (lß.wton, Hobin), 1956: 120 
CE que Ie médecin attend de l'infirmière professionnelle (Hebert), 1955: 
885, 968 
CECELIA, Sister Mary Ann 
Child with laryngotracheo bronchitis, 1956: 351 
CECIL, Soeur M. 
Rôle de l'infirmière dans la société, 1955: 362 
CENTRAL supply room, 1955: 804 

- 22 - 

CENTRAL supply service: 
The problem of staphylococci in the operating room and, (Smith) 
1959: 801 
CENTRALISATION (Anderson), 1255: 474 
CENTRALIZED teaching program in Saskatchewan: an evaluation, 1958: 38, 
748, 752 
CEREBRAL hemorrhage (Bonvie), 1957: 805 
CEREBELLAR artery thrombosis (Jutras), 1959: 424 
CEREBRAL palsy: 
Speech therapy (Wells), 1957: 522 
CEREBRAL palsy (Richardson), 1955: 351 
CERTIFIED orderly training program (Dick, Carruthers), 1959: 732 
CEl'OSE diabétique (Dahl), 1959: 302 
CHAMARD, Ghislaine 
Service social et Ie cancer, 1956: 268 
Educating the nurse in cancer care, 1958: 1016 
Nursing care in radiation therapy, 1958: 1023 
CHANGED role of hospitals (Bradley), 1958: 550 
CHANGE'ffiNTS en nursing (Russell), 1958: 532 
CHANGES in the patterns of nursing (Russell), 1958: 529 
CHANGING attitudes (Phillips), 1956: 708 
CHANGING concepts (Bietsch), (ed.), 1957: 281 
CHAPTER meetings, ideas for, 1956: 898 
Le cinquanti
me anniversaire, 1958: 720 
New look at civil defence health services, 1957: 375 

: ..' 



.' . 

- 23 - 

Nouvel aperçu des services de santé de la défense civile et progrès 
réalisés jusqu'ici, 1957: 505 
Ward book (Ferguson), 1957: 917 
CHASE out fear and ignorance (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 269 
CHILD health centre: 
Organizing public health services (Wake), 1955: 546 
CHILD in hospital (Faughnan), 1956: 956 
CHILD welfare: 
In the Soviet Union (Walsh), 1958: 150 
Supportive maternal and child care (Cunningham), 1959: 990 
CHILD welfare in the Soviet Union (Walsh), 1958: 150 
CHILD with laryngotracheo bronchitis (Cecelia), 1956: 351 
CHILD with post-rubella encephalitis (Brunader), 1957: 610 
CHIRURG IE cardiaque: 
Cathétérisme cardiaque (Macmillan), 1959: .1fté. 
Le cathétérisme du coeur (CWIDning), 1959: 1.41 
l' evolution de la cardiologie et ses probl
es (David), 1956: 21, 101 
Nursing chirurgicale en cardiologie (Parent), 1959: 279 
Traitment de l'insuffisance cortique A l'aide d'une valve en plastique 
(Creighton, Hufnagel, Thorn, Presley), 1959: 21 
Forty years of growing, 1957: 29 
University courses for graduate nurses, 1955: 202 
CHITTICK, Rae (Allen) 
Let us find some answers and tell others, 1957: 40 
CHLORPROr1AZlfJE ou largactil en pédiatrie (Bawkin), 1957: 824- 
CHOLECYSTITIS and cholecystectomy (Killeen), 1955: 548 

. . 


CHRISTIAN motivation for service to the patient (Griffin), 1955: 617 
The problems of burns, 1959: 912 
Problème des bI'Ûlures, 1959: 288 
CHRIST}ßS in Korea (MCArthur), (ed.), 1956: 949 
CHRISTJ.fAS reverie (Giroux), (ed.), 1959: 1089 
CHRISTl-iAS story (}lIcNamara), 1958: 1103 
CHROMOSOlæ deletion in the Rh genotype (Graves), 1956: 18 
CHRONIC obstructed appendicitis (Scanlin), 1957: 599 
CINQ années de progr
s (Story), (ed.), 1959: 1l 
æ anniversaire (Charbonneau), 1958: 720 
CIRCULATORY conditions: 
Acute coronary artery disease (Flader), 1958: 624 
Cerebellar artery thrombosis (Jutras), 1959: 424 
Coarctation of the aorta (Nordin), 1955: 866 
Coronary artery thrombosis (Trenholm), 1959: 428 
Hereditary factor in high blood pressure, 1959: 554 
Vasculitis of unknown origin (Hooser), 1955: 875 
CIRRHOSIS of the liver (Cooper), 1957: 1106 
Are we equal to our future (Saunders), (ed.), 1956: 781 
Nurse and, (Drake), 1957: 629 
Sommes nous en me sure de faire face a l'avenir (Saunders), (ad.), 
1956: 785 
CIVIL defence: 
Casualties from atomic weapons - a review (Pace), 1957: 400 
College in Arnprior, 1955: 78 
Content for nursing education programs in the U.S., 1959: 444 

, , 

. " 

- 25 - 

Definitive treatnent of burns in mass casualties (Woolhouse), 
1957: 411 
Early medical management of mass trauma. (Derby), 1957: 389 
Hospital preparedness (Piercy, Fryer), 1957: 386 
Integration of, nursing into the basic curriculum, 1956: 47 
In time of need (MacGregor), 1956: 517 
National camp, 1956 (Maclean), 1957: 715 
New look at, health services (Charron), 1957: 375 
No substitute for knowing (Pepper), 1957: 373 
Nurses' role in, 1956: 186 
Nursing care of psychiatric casualties (McArthur), 1957: 456 
Nursing care of radiation sickness (Haggart), 1957: 409 
Nursing care of thermal injuries (Virginia), 1957: 416 
Nursing care of traumatic injuries (Reesor), 1957: 395 
Operation Arnprior (Farquharson), 1955: 695 
Panel discussion at biennial, 1956: 696 
Preparation for natural disasters, 1956: 454 
Preparing students for, 1955: 558 
Primary treatment services (Crawford), 1957: 383 
Psychological and social aspects of community disasters (Tyhurst), 
1957: 423 
Public he::1lth nurse looks at, (Walker), 1957: 420 
teaching goes on, 1957: 546 
Women to the rescue (Campion), 1955: 95 
CIVIL defence teaching goes on, 1957: 546 
CLAm-OBSCUR du tableau (Cot
), (ed.), 1959: ill 
CLAIR-OBSCUR of the picture (Cot
), (ad.), 1959: 689 

- 26 - 

CLARK, Inna. 
Sheehan's disease, 1957: 140 
Life, profession and school, 1956: 530, 640, 715 
CLEFT lips and palates (Hill), 1959: 439 
CLmHORN, Joan 
Tetanus, 1955: 461 
CLINICAL supervisor's plan for mother and baby care (Featherstone) 
1957: 203 
CLINICAL teaching: 
Better utilization of the students' time in the clinical field 
(Felicitas), 1959: 321 
in surgical nursing (Ouimet), 1959: 893 
CLINICAL teaching in surgical nursing (Ouimet), 1959: 893 
CLINICAL trial of a new drug in obstinate constipation (Jackson) 
1958: 1107 
CLOCK watching (Wallace), 1958: 220 
CNA retirement plan becomes a reality (Beaudin), 1959: 329 
COARCTATION of the aorta (Nordin), 1955: 866 
The patient, the þedpan and the nurse, 1958: 832 
COLD feet (Fraser), 1957: 293 
, J.M. (Hinson, Cotter, Wilde, Callaghan) 
Open heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary by-pass, 1958: 726 
COLIBACILLOSE (Fritel), 1957: 1116 
COLLINS, Ethel Annstrong 
All aboard for Winnipeg, 1955: 790 
Nurses cross the nation, 1955: 470 

- 27 - 

What about vacation plans, 1956: 109 
COLOR conditioning, 1955: 648 
COLOR in your home, 1959: 241 
COlDSTOMY, 1958: 1054 
COLQUHOUN, Dorothy Rebecca 
A more wholesome milieu, 1957: 1091 
COLVIN, Isabel T. (Jones, Mitchell) 
Planning a demonstration night, 19592 938 
Séance de démonstrations, 1959: 371 
COI-1MENI' vous pouvez aider (Beaudin), 1959: 59 
COMMON cold, 1959: 905 
COMMON sense safety precautions, 1956: 714 
Child with post-rubella encephalitis (Brunader) 1957: 610 
Common cold, 1959: 905 
Infectious hepatitis (Trenchard), 1959: 552 
Infectious mononucleosis (Laturnus), 1957: 1100 
Mumps - in utero (Shouldice, Minty), 1955: 454 
Scarletine plus endomyocardite (Payer), 1956: 891 
Staphylococcal pneumonia (Demko), 1956: 971 
Tetanus (Cleghorn), 1955: 461 
The venereal disease clinic (Schroeter), 1959: 42 
re educatrice et conseill
re (Notebaert), 1959: 314 
New staff locator system (Sen), 1958: 321 
Tape recorder as a means of, (Ruane), 1957: 1002 
COMPLEI'ING the cycle (Livingston), 1955: 218 
CONPEILmCE canadienne sur Ie nursing (Giroux), 1958: 31 

- 28 - 

CONFUSING notions of mental health (Stokes), 1956: 519 
CONGENITAL abnormalities: 
Abnormal openings in the wall of Imlscle dividing the right and left 
chambers of the heart, 1958: 823 
Hip dislocation (Williams), 1957: 620 
Spina bifida and hydrocephalus (Perret), 1959: 1111 
CONGENIT AL heart surgery (l-li.ldenberger), 1959: 307 
CONGENITAL hip dislocation (Williams), 1957: 620 
CONGESTIVE heart failures with uremia (Wilson), 1957: 324 
CONGRES - 1956 (MacIssac), 1955: 697 
CONGRES biennal, 1960: 
L'organization de ce voyage d'études, 1959: 22, 162 
 Rome (Kerr), (ed.), 1957: 695 
CONSEILS à une étudiante devant faire un stage à la salle d'operation 
(Lupien), 1956: 832 
CONSEIL International des infirmi
A.B.C. du, 1957: 1099 
Bureau des directeurs, 1959: 286 
Elles étaient trois mille cent dix-huit (Verret), 1958: 146 
CONSIDERATIONS sur l'enseignement de la médecine (Crevier), 1955: 699 
Clinical trial of a new drug in obstinate, (Jackson), 1958: 1107 
CONTROL of staphylococcal infections (Rose), 1959: 795 
COOKE, ethel B. 
Nutrition of infants, 1955: 381 
COOPER, Marilyn 
Cirrhosis of the liver, 1957: 1106 

- 29 - 

COPP, Marion L. 
Wee scrap of humanity, 1957: 53 
COPPER intoxication (Bauman), 1958: 419 
Some problems of the aged in medical practice, 1955: 15 
CORONARY artery insuffiency, surgery in, (Vineberg), 1955: 941 
CORONARY artery thrombosis (Trenholm), 1959: 428 
COST of nursing education programs, 1958: 748 
COSTELLO, Charles G. 
The role of the nurse in a psychiatric unit, 1958: 411 
COTE, Gabrielle Dolor
Le clair-obscur du tableau (ed.), 1959: 139 
The clair-obscur of the picture (ed.), 1959: 689 
Un institut sur l'hygi
ne maternelle, 1958: 654 
COTTER, H. (Hinson, Coleman, Wilde, Callaghan) 
Open heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary by-pass, 1958: 726 
COUNSEIJ..ING and guidance: 
Junior cousellor plan (Laidlaw), 1955: 966 
COUNTERPANE land (Bell), 1956: 107 
COURS approfondis en obstétrique destinés aux finissantes (Mann), 

1959: 347 
COURS d'entrainernent pour la certification de l'infirrnier (Dick, 
Carruthers), 1959: 184 
COURS de perfectionnement pour les infirmières en exercise (Detelin), 

19551 123 
COUT du cours d'infirmi
re, 1958: 752 
CRAMPE des écrivains (Poland), 1959: B 


Primary treatment services, 1957: 383 
CRAIPORD, Myrtle E. (Heieren) 
Rehabilitation in a teaching program, 1959: 201 
CREASOR, Alberta 
Importance of the individual (ed.), 1957: 789 
CREATIVE nursing (Schwier), 1956: 875 
le Morrison 
Nursing in the world, 1958: 81.4 
CREIGHTON, Helen (Hufnagel, Thorn, Presley) 
Entraide au-delà de la frontière, 1959: 21 
CREST of the Canadian Nurses' Association, 1958: 292, 340 
CREVIER, Pauline 
Considérations sur l'enseignement de la médecine, 1955: 699 
CRISIS in nursing education (MacLaggan), 1957: 517 
Don't bend an elbow, 1959: 744 
Pour n
 pas lever Ie coude, 1959: 101 
CROLL, Marie C. 
A women's auxiliary in action, 1956: 25 
Quelle sont les chances de survi du prématuré, 1955: 130 
CROUSE, Vivian 
Infirmières des salles d'operation, 1956: 197 
Operating room nurses, 1956: 198 
Cardiac arrest, 1959: 305 

- 31 - 

Mental health for nurses, 1956: 95 
Cardiac catherization, 1959: 691 
Cathétérisme du coeur, 1959: 141 
CUNNllJGHAM, Norah E. 
Soins de soutien de la mère et l'enfant, 1959: 327 
Supportive maternal and child care, 1959: 990 
CURE de sommeil, 1958: 48 
CURRENT status of microbiology (Goldberg), 1958: 203 
CURRICULUM development: 
Direction in regard to, 1956: 126 
Health and social philosophy in nursing education (Downing) 1958: 234 
improvement for university nursing courses through a faculty 
fellowship program (Tuttle), 1955: 634 
Ontario institute on, 1955: 465 
Public health affiliation program (Downing), 1958: 846 
Some considerations on the basic nursing (Carter), 1956: 357 
Teaching community aspects of nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 932 
University courses for graduate nurses (Chittick), 1955: 202 
CURRICULUM improvement through a faculty fellowship program (Tuttle), 
1955: 634 

- D - 

DAFOE, C.A. (Hinson, 01eksyn) 
Nursing care of the thoracic surgical patient, 1959: 218 

- 32 - 

DAHL, Doris (Haave) 
La cétose diabétique, 1959: 302 
Diabetic ketosis, 1959: 1038 
DALE, Beth 
The work of a church nurse, 1958: 1119 
DALEY, Mary 
Pre-clinical student looks at nursing, 1957: 138 
DALLAIRE, Gertrude 
J ournée d' étude, 1958: 1104 
My complaints, 1956: 197 
DANGER, health education at work (Macdonald), 1955: 354 
DANS la salle (Lepot), 1959: 289 
DAVID, Paul 
L'evolution de la cardiologie et ses probl
mes, 1956: 21, 101 
DAVIS, Grace 
Carcinoma of the breast, 1958: 318 
DAY with the local department of health (Lowry), 1955: 460 
DE SOUZA, Doreen 
Acute glaucoma, 1958: 645 
DEAN, John 
The problem of poisons, 1959: 1091 
Le probl
me des poisons, 1959: lê2 
DEAR Doctor Atlee: (Howe), 1958: 36 
DEAR Doctor Atlee; (Miller), 1958: 114 
DEAR Doctor Atlee: (Uprichard, Hutchison, Palliser), 1957: 1087 
DEATH from plastic film (Jeffrey), 1959: 1096 

- 33 - 

DECARY, Sister Mance 
Une fractueuse pratique, 1959: 228 
Interdependance du coût quotidien du nursing et de sa qualité, 
1959: 2Q 
The relationship between the quality of nursing care and its costs, 
1959: 521 
DECARY, Si ster Man ce (Ouimet) 
Recherche en nursing à l'Hôpital Notre-Dame, 1957: 923 
Research into better patient care, 1958: 1115 
DEEPER into the heart, 1957: 550 
DEFENCE civile: 
Aspects sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques (Tyhurst), 
1957: 434 
et Ie cours d'infirmi
re (Provost), 1957: 544 
Ensignement de la, parmi les infirmi
res, 1959: 446 
Nouvel aperçu des services de santé de la, et progr
s réalisés 
jusqu'ici (Charron), 1957: 505 
18s soins infirmiers à donner aux lésions thermiques (Virginia), 
1959, 417 
Les soins infirmiers et les cas de psychiatrie (McArthur), 1958: 422 
DEFENSE civile et Ie cours d'infirmière (Provost), 1957: 544 
DEFINITIVE treatment of burns in mass casualties (Woolhouse), 1957: 411 
DELISLE, Claude 
Traitement de 1a pneumonie, 1959: 412 
DEMKO, Clara 
Staphylococcal pneumonia, 1956: 971 
Our kind of, (Benet), 1955: 526 

- 34 - 

DENTAL hygiene: 
Fluoridation, 1956: 179 
Fluoridation (Yeo), 19571 191 
Teeth and dental caries (Hebert), 1955: 41 
Early medical management of mass trauma, 1957: 389 
Pemphigus vulgaris (Sobie), 1959: 
Diabetes mellitus, 1956: 617 
Le nursing chirurgical pédiatrique, 1959: 272 
Pediatric surgical nursing, 1959: 896 
DEI'ELrn, Valerie 
Cours de perfectionnement pour les infirmi
res en exercise, 1955: 123 
DEUX pôles de la personnalité (Franck), 1957: 1009 
NTS professionels: 
Changements en nursing (Russell), 1958: 532 
Les dix premi
res années (Johns), 1958: 524 
Cinq années de progr
s (Story), (ed.), 1959: 11 
Une nouvelle réalisation (Wheeler), (ed.), 1959: 11 
Lea trois autres R - ces inconnus (Hickman), 1959: 
La cétose diabetique (Dahl), 1959: 302 
Diabetes mellitus (Dersco), 1956: 617 
Diabetic ketosis (Dahl), 1959: 1038 
When a nurse has, (Bell), 1956: 627 

- 35 - 

Oral antidiabetics, 1957: 124 
DIABETES mellitus (Dersco), 1956: 617 
DIABEæIC ketosis (Dahl), 1959: 1038 
DIACK, Lesley M. 
The hare and the tortoise, 1958: 328 
DIAGNOSTIC procedures: 
Cardiac catheterizations (Cumming), 1959: 691 
Cardiac catheterization - general nursing care (Macmillan), 1959: 695 
Cardiac catheterization - specific nursing care (Benesch), 1959: 696 
Gastrointestinal intubation (Grobin), 1959: 106 
DICK, Dorothy (Carruthers) 
A certified orderly training program, 1959: 732 
Des cours d'entrainrnent pour la certification de l'infirmier, 1959: 184 
DICKSON, Irma Arbery 
Senile psychosis, 1957: 930 
DIGNITY of service (Kerr), (ed.), 1959: 303 
Ontario: its historical background, 1958: 426 
DIMOCK, Hedley G. 
Process notes on the work conference, 1956: 951 
DIMOCK, Hedley G. (Caplan) 
Student nurse in a pediatric setting, 1956: 959 
DION, Soeur Annette 
Expérimentation dans Ie domaine de l'éducation de l'infirmière, 
1956: 445 
DISC lesions: 
Management of lumbar intervertebral, (Rosen), 1956: 423 

- 36 - 

Nursing care of patients \dth lumbar intervetebral, (MacTaV1sh, 
MacQuarrie), 1956: 429 
DISCUSSING administration (Morrison), 1955: 45 
DISH-WASHING center (Barker), 1956: 380 
Skin antisepsis (Price), 1959: 222 
DISTRICT nurse knows better (Kirk), 1956: 180 
DIVERTICULE oesophagi en (Myers), 1959: 2! 
DIX comrnandements de la future maman (Thibault), 1959: 2l 
DIX premi
res années (Johns), 1958: 524 
DOCTOR looks at nursing (Wright), 1957: 104 
DOCTOR Marion Lindeburgh Memorial scholarship, 1957: 533 
DOCTOR views the problems (Roth), 1958: 24 
DODKIN, R. (Richards) 
Salt-losing nephritis, 1956: 537 
DON'T bend an elbow (Croken), 1959: 744 
DORION, Marcèle 
Importance de la technique dans Ie soin des nouveau-nés, 1957: 623 
DORIS, Sister Mary 
Glomerulonephritis, 1956: 712 
DOSSETER, John (Harris) 
Renal transplant - nursing care, 1959: 508 
Les soins infirmiers, 1959: 12 
DOSSIER du malade (Bertrand), 1957: 638 
DOUBLE formula room (Kissner), 1955: 959 
DOvlNING, Luella 
Health and social philosophy in nursing education, 1958: 234 

- 37 - 

Public health affiliation program, 1958: 846 
DOYON, Mary Alice Rita 
Une analyse de la visite à domicile en santé maternelle, 1959: 
Home visiting and maternal health, 1959: 700 
Les responsabilités de l'infirmière-hygiéniste, 1959: 22. 
The responsibilities of the public health nurse, 1959: 635 
DRAKE, Ellen M. 
Nurse and citizenship, 1957: 629 
DREAM comes true (Van Dusen), (ed.), 1959: 103 
DRIVERS' eyes - an unsolved puzzle, 1955: 557 
DRUG therapy: 
New drugs and, (Halliday), 1957: 911 
DRUGS and treatments in mental illness (Stewart), 1958: 414 
DRUGS in the treatment of tuberculosis (Ross), 1955: 273 
DU GAS, Beverly W. (Blackwood) 
L'aspect communautaire et Ie nursing, 1959: 298 
Teaching community aspects of nursing, 1959: 932 
DUODENAL ulcer (Lemieux), 1959: 109 
DUPLAIN, Patricia 
11 organization et la conduite d tune assemblée, 1959: 143 
Basic teaching in surgical nursing, 1959: 891 
Enseignement de base en nursing chirurgical, 1959: 270 

- 38 - 

- E - 

EAR conditions: 
Donation of good used hearing aids, 1955: 47 
Hearing loss, 1959: 27 
Measurement of sound, 1959: 38 
Middle ear surgery, 1959: 62 
Services for children with hearing impairment, 1957: 226 
Test questions for faulty hearing, 1955: 94.0 
EARLY detection and the nurse (Tupper), 1958: 1012 
EARLY medical management of mass trauma (Derby), 1957: 389 
EATON, Amaryllis 
Pneumonie lobaire, 1959: 
Right lobar pneumonia, 1959: 1108 
ECOLES d'infirmières au début du siècle (Giroux), 1955: 205 
About that readership survey (Kerr), 1958: 615 
Above mediocrity (Irene), 1955: 685 
All this and much more (Sunmers), 1957: 503 
Are we equal to our future (Sanders), 1956: 781 
Assuming responsibilities (Ross), 1957: 895 
Begin planning now (Kerr), 1955: 525 
Bill 320 and the student of nursing (MacLaggan), 1958: 409 
Bring back Christ to Christmas O
alshe), 1957: 1077 
Building on our likenesses (Rossiter), 1959: 407 
Bursting at the seams (Livingston), 1957: 991 
Challenge to mothers (Hutchison), 1955: 34.9 
Changing concepts (Bietsch),1957: 281 

- 39 - 

Chase out fear and ignorance (Kerr), 1955: 269 
Christmas in Kcrea (McArthur), 1956: 949 
A Christmas reverie (Giroux), 1959: 1089 
The clair-obscur of the picture (Coté), 1959: 689 
Congress in Rome (Kerr), 1957: 695 
The dignity of service (Kerr), 1959: 303 
A dream comes true (Van Dusen), 1959: 103 
The fiftieth anniversary, 1958: 709 
Fifty years young (Kerr), 1955: 175 
Five years of progress (Story), 1959: 599 
Forty years of pilgrimage (Russell), 1956: 173 
Great expectations (Poole), 1959: 889 
Home of their own (MacGregor), 1957: 597 
Importance of the individual (Creasor), 1957: 789 
In time of need (MacGregor), 1956: 517 
Just a mere fifty years (Hunter), 1958: 13 
The main project (Wheeler), 1958: 201 
The meaning of faith (Girard), 1959: 13 
Meeting the deadline (MacGregor), 1958: 909 
MOre than tolerance (Kerr), 1955: 939 
New look (MacGregor), 1955: 853 
A new milestone (Wheeler), 1959: 503 
No substitute for knowing (Pepper), 1957: 373 
Nova Scotia keeps faith (Forbes), 1955: 93 
Nova Scotia scene (McKeown), 1957: 189 
Nursing in evolution (Merleau), 1955: 766 
Nursing in New Brunswick (Smith), 1959: 199 
On the march (Sharpe), 1955: 13 

- 40 - 

Our golden jubilee (Girard), 1959: 783 
Our professional association (Hunter), 1958: 807 
Our senior citizens (\öJilson), 1956: 421 
A part of the deep flow C-
lillis), 1958: 1007 
Power of enthusiasm (La Croix), 1957: 101 
Prairie convention (Kerr), 1956: 687 
A profession and its journal (l1acLeod), 1958: 101 
A promising future (MacLeman), 1958: 303 
Rung of a ladder (Beyer), 1955: 605 
Salaam aliakum (Sharpe), 1956: 13 
Service, responsibility, nurture, action (MacKenzie), 1956: 337 
Taking our measure (Hunter), 1957: 15 
Tell it out among the people (Stevens), 1955: 437 
Tomorrow's pattern (Sharpe), 1956: 597 
Too few for too many (Girard), 1956: 93 
Visiting our neighbors (MacGregor), 1959: 985 
Why attend the CNA convention (Carmel), 1956: 255 
Words (Kerr), 1958: 1093 
Yesterday - today - tomorrow (Reid), 1958: 511 
Cinq années de progrès (Story), 1959: 11 
Le clair-obscur du tableau (Coté), 1959: 11.2 
Evolution du nursing (Merleau), 1955: 765 
De grandes attentes (Poole) 1959: 265 
Notre jubilé d'or (Gérard), 1959: 201 
Une nouvelle réalisation (Wheeler), 1959: 11 
Réflexions pour la vigile de Noë".1. (Giroux), 1959: 2ft1 
Sonmes-nous en mesure de faire face h I' avenir (Sanders), 1956: 785 


Ell visite chez nos voisines (MacGregor), 1959: 321 
EDMUND, Sister Mary 
Acute rheumatic fever, 1955: 877 
EDUCATING the nurse in cancer care (Chandler), 1958: 1016 
EDUCATION de nursing: 
Accreditation - où en Bommes-nous (McQuarrie), 1956: 444 
L'aspect cornmunautaire et Ie nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood) 
1959: 298 
Une autre raison d'espérer (Lamarre), 1959: 364 
Changements en nursing (Russell), 1958: 532 
Cours approfondis en obstétrique destin
s aux finissantes (Mann), 
Ellseignement de base en nursing chirurgical (Dussault), 1959: 270 
Enseignement centralisé en Saskatchewan, 1958: 336 
Ellseignement clinique dans un service de médecine (Hamel), 1957: 826, 934 
Ellseignement dans une école d'infirrni
res (Forest), 1955: 448 
Experimentation dans Ie dornaine de (Dion), 1956: 445 
Formation supérieure en nursing chirurgical (Rheault), 1959: 281 
Instruction clinique à l'étudiante en nursing chirurgical (Ouimet), 
1959: 267 
Lettre à ma nièce (Zalloni), 1959: 181 
Le nursing au rythme des progrès modernes (Gagnon), 1959: .Bl 
Le nursing chirurgical pédiatrique (Desjardins), 1959: 272 
Le perfectionnement par l'exercice (Tardif), 1959: 276 
Qu'est-ce que l'accréditation (Lefebvre), 1957: 23 
Réadmissions dans les écoles d'infirmières canadiennes-françaises 

(Gagné), 1957: 534 


Le rôle de l'infinnière-sage-fenme en Grande-Bretagne (Mills), 

1959: .l'lli 
Une séance de dérnonstrations (Colvin, Jones, Mitchell), 1959: ill 
Soins des enfants (Giroux), 1956: 968 
Les trois autres R - ces inconnus (Hickman), 1959: 24 
EDUCATION, then service (MacGregor), 1958: 110 
EDUCATIONAL programs: 
Above mediocrity (Irene), (ed.), 1955: 685 
Advanced preparation in nursing (Rheault), 1959: 904 
Centralized teaching program in Saskatchewan: an evaluation, 
1958: 38 
Education, then service (MacGregor), 1958: 110 
The master plan of rotation (Street), 1959: 30, 139 
Nursing service in the hospital: its responsibility to the, 
(Mongrain), 1958: 106 
Plarming a demonstration night (Colvin, Jones, Mitchell), 
1959: 938 
Queen Elizabeth Hospital nursing, (Geiger), 1958: 322 
School is a school - is a school (Cameron), 1957: 525 
Student nurse in the community (Hentsch), 1957: 205 
EFFECTIVE planning in a small hospital (Vien), 1957: 832 
EFFEl' mental d'une blessure à 1a tête (Gibson), 1959: 
EFFEl'S de 1a solitude à l'adrnission aux hôpitaux., 1959: 311 
Peptic ulcer, 1959: 114 
Student affiliation in a hospital for tuberculosis, 1955: 297 

- 43 - 

Fluid balance (Partington), 1956: 262 
ELEMENTS in program planning for conventions (Carpenter), 1955: 953 
ELIZABETH, Sister St. Mary 
Foreign body in the respiratory tract, 1958: 640 
EIl.ES etaient trois mille cent dix-huit (Verret), 1958: 146 
ELLIS, Mildred C. 
Open doors, 1957: 993 
The value of operating room experience to the student nurse, 
1955: 881 
Cardiac arrest (Cruickshank), 1959: 305 
Table of antidotes, 1959: 1095 
EIDTIONAL needs of the patient, the nurse and the, (Sisler), 1958: 314 
EMJI'IONAL problems of the \
rker (Hamilton), 1959: 409 
EMOTIONALLY disturbed patients (Ward), 1959: 1144 
EMPLOYMENT among older people (St. Kevin), 1955: 26 

 (Schroeter), 1958: 54 
ENDOCRINE conditions: 
Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas (Withrow, Galloway), 1957: 218 
Sheehan's disease (Clark), 1957: 140 
ENFANT est né trop tôt (Saint-Martin), 1956: 345 
ENSEIGNElID-1T centralisé en Saskatchewan, 1958: 336 
Conseils à une étudiante devant faire un stage à 1a salle d'opération 
(Lupien), 1956: 832 
Considerations sur I', de 1& médecine (Crevier), 1955: 699 


Cours de perfectionnement pour les infirmières en exercise 
(Detelin), 1955: 123 
à l'étudiante en nursing chirurgical (Ouimet), 1959: 267 
NT clinique dans un service de médecine (Hamel), 1957: 826, 934 
ENSEIGNID1EN'!' dans une école d'infinni
res (Forest), 1955: 44B 
ENSEIGNE1'1ENTS de base en nursing chirurgical (Dusseault), 1959: 270 
ENSEIGNEMENTS des soins à domicile (Tardif) 1958: 652 
ENTRrAIDE au-delà de La frontière (Creighton, Hufnagel, Thorn, Presley) 
1959: 21 
ENURESIS (Baker), 1955: 709 
EPIDERIDID carcinoma (Watanabe), 1956: 534 
ERYTHROBLASTOSE foetale (Rutledge), 1959: l22 
ERYTHROBLASTOSIS fetalis (Rutledge), 1959: 1022 
ERYTHROBLASTOSIS fetalis (St. Macrina), 1958: 207 
ESOPHAGEAL di verticulurn (Myers), 1959: 616 
Teaching, (Stockley), 1959: 310 
EI'HICAL religious needs of a patient (Frumkin), 1956: 263 
EI'UDE à l'hôpital Holy Cross de Calgary, 1958: 458 
EVALUATION and accreditation: 
Un grand projet prend corps (Mc
uarrie), 1957: 308 
de l'hôpital, facteur de progrès (St. Eugène), 1957: 117 
Let1s look at, 1956: 368 
Oð. en sommes-nous (McN.uarrie), 1956: 444- 
Pilot project, 1956: 697, 736; 1957: 307, 308, 530, 632, 634, 744, 
838, 94D, 1017, 1020, 1096, 1098; 1958: 246,250,340, 448, 450, 
570, 862, 1042; 1959: 154, 156, 158, 160, 340, 343, 632, 712 

- 45 - 

Qu'est que l'accréditation (Lefebvre), 1957: 23 
Resolutions regarding, 1956: 697 
Shape of things to come (Mc
uarrie), 1957: 307 
Speaker's kits, 1957: 121, 123 
\fuat is accreditation (Levebvre), 1957: 18 
What's on the record (McQuarrie), 1956: 443 
EVAWATION du personnel (Boshouwers), 1959: 
EVALUATION of personnel (Boshouwers), 1959: 532 
EVANS, Ruth E. 
Greenhorn on the frontier, 1956: 974 
EVOLUTION de la cardiologie et ses probl
rnes (David), 1956: 21, 101 
EVOLUTION du nursing (Merleau), (ed.), 1955: 765 
EVOLUTION of nursing education (McQuarrie), 1955: 194 
EXECUTIVE secretaries meet, 1958: 1134 
EXPERIMENI' AT ION dans Ie domaine de I' education de I' infinni
re (Dion), 
1956: 445 
EXPLORATORY laparotomy (Gillis, MacDonald), 1958: 964 
EYE conditions: 
Acute glaucoma (De Souza), 1958: 645 
Bilateral cataracts (Purvis), 1958: 636 
Drivers' eyes - an unsolved puzzle, 1955: 557 
Drivers' vision at high speeds, 1955: 650 
Retrolental fibroplasia (Bannister), 1957: 1104 
Services for children with vision and eye problems, 1957: 226 
Squint or strabismus (Reed), 1959: 16 
Staff education - a cooperative project (Harris, Plewes), 1957: 201 

- 46 - 

- F - 

FAITH and loyalty (Riley), 1959: 39 
FALCK, Hans S. 
Job satisfaction in the professions, 1957: 130 
FAMILIAL hemolytic anemia (Sagesse), 1959: 641 
FARCE of nursing education (Atlee), 1957: 791 
Operation Arnprior, 1955: 695 
FATIGUE factor in peptic ulcers, 1956: 223 
FAUGHNAN, Jeanne E. 
Child in hospital, 1956: 956 
F AWSON, Ruth (Ryan) 
A project in the histor,y of nursing, 1955: 873 
FEAST of lights, 1958: 160 
Clinical supervisor's plan for mother and baby care, 1957: 203 
FELICITAS, Sister Mary 
Better utilization of the students' time in the clinical field, 
1959: 321 
Institute on communications, 1956: 346 
FERGUSON, Margaret 
Nursing the cancer patient, 1958: 1020 
Ward book, 1957: 917 
FERTILITY of Mr. Flynn (tialsh), 1958: 745 
FIBROCYSTIC disease of the pancreas (Withrow, Galloway), 1957: 218 
FIDLER, Nettie D. 
Le besoin d'entreprendre des recherches en nursing, 1959: 

- 47 - 

The need for research in nursing, 1959: 224 
FIEID1IORK experience: 
Venture in, for graduate nurses, (Allen), 1956: 276 
FIFTIETH anniversa
, (CNA), (ed.), 1958: 709 
FIFTIETH anniversa
, The Canadian Nurse - March, 1955 
FIFTY years of progress in surgery and anesthesia (Griffith), 1958: 540 
FIFTY years young (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 175 
FILM strips, 1955: 466, 894 
For future nurses, 1957: 1030 
The hands that heal, 1958: 568 
Hospital sepsis: a communicable disease, 1959: 1126 
On nursing, 1957: 1018 
Rehabilitation, 1956: 824 
Student nurse, 1958: 568 
When you choose nursing, 1957: 224 
FINGER nails: 
A new treatment for brittle, (Halliday), 1959: 348 
FIRE and helpless people (McGrath), 1957: 904 
FIRE prevention, 1955: 936 
FIRST aid: 
Fire and helpless people (McGrath), 1957: 904 
Table of antidotes, 1959: 1095 
To use or not to use (Lindsey), 1959: 1142 
FIRST injection (Nelson), 1958: li5 
FIRST ten years (Johns), 1958: 520 
FIVE years of progress (Story), (ed.), 1959: 599 


FLADER, Stella 
Acute coronary artery disease, 1958: 624 
FLANAGAN, Eileen C. 
Un aspect rnoderne du soin des malades, 1959: 163 
A modern version of patient care, 1959: 726 
FLANAGAN, Eileen C. (Herdan) 
A preliminary study and analysis of nursing requirements in 
neurological and neurosurgical nursing, 1955: 855 
FLANDER, Madeleine 
Pediatric work conference, 1956: 951 
Some thoughtful conclusions, 1956: 966 
FLEMING, Donald S. 
Medical practice in the last fifty years, 1958: 536 
Job satisfaction, 1957: 812 
FLIGHT nurses - Royal Canadian Air Force (Somers), 1955: 539 
FLORENCE Nightingale International Foundation: 
Planning of nursing studies, 1956: 822 
Sèvres 1956 (Campion, MacIsaac), 1957: 297 
FIlJID balance (Partington), 1956: 262 
FLUORIDAT ION, 1956: 179 
FLUORIDATION (Yeo), 1957: 191 
FOOD fads, 1959: 460 
FOOD habits of new Canadians, 1959: 945 
FOOT conditions: 
The care of your feet (Mathews), 1958: 442 
Nurses and their footwear (Hammond), 1958: 460 
Scientists probe, 1956: 749 

- 49 - 

FOR future nurses (Johnson), 1957: 1030 
FOR the new mother (Gray), 1955: 114 
FORBES, Jean Stewart 
Nova Scotia keeps faith (ed.), 1955: 93 
FOREIGN body in the respiratory tract (Elizabeth), 1958: 640 
FOREIGN countries: 
Honduras - 
Among the Miskito Indians (Prochnau), 1958: 660 
Israel - 
Pilot study in modern, (Gould), 19571 214 
Jamaica - 
University College Hospital of the West Indies, 1958: 871 
Japan - 
Mission to, (Naudett), 1959: 128 
Korea - 
And the world too (McArthur), 1956: 703 
Christmas in, (McArthur), 1956: 949 
MCArthur Hall, 1955: 626 
Okinawa - 
Health work on, (Carmel), 1959: 40 
Pioneering in, (Carmel), 1955: 541 
Russia - 
Child welfare in the Soviet Union (Walsh), 1958: 150 
Turkey - 
Salaam aliakum (Sharpe), 1956: 13 
FOREST, Soeur Jeanne 
Enseignement dans une école d 'infinni
res, 1955: 448 

- 50 - 

FORMATION supérieure en nursing chirurgical (Rheault), 1959: 281 
FORMULA room, double (Kissner), 1955: 959 
FORTY years of growing (Chittick), 1957: 29 
FORrY years of pilgrimage (Russell), (00.), 1956: 173 
FOSTER, P. (McLeod, Palframan, Shouldice) 
Bandl's ring, 1956: 266 
FOWLER, Dorothy 
The public health nurse in the cancer program, 1958: 1029 
Nursing care of traumatic injuries (Reesor), 1957: 395 
FRANCIS, Sister Mary 
Aged in hospital, 1955: 21 
FRANK, Cécile 
Deux pôles de 1a personnalité, 1957: 1009 
FRASER, Catherine de N. 
Cold feet, 1957: 293 
FRAUDE civile: 
Sous de fausses couleurs (MacGregor), 1959: 
Colibacillose, 1957: 1118 
FROM little acorns (Butler), 1956: 31 
FROM small beginnings, 1955: 568 
FROM toboggan to aeroplane in public health nursing (Smith), 1955: 220 
FROM under the blanket, 1908-1958 (Atlee), 1958: 544 
FRUCTUEUSE pratique (Décary), 1959: 228 
FRUMESS, Gera1d M. 
Skin, mirror of emotions, 1956: 374 

- 51 - 

FRUMKIN, Robert M. 
Ethical religious needs of the patient, 1956: 263 
FRYER, G.E. (Piercey) 
Hospital preparedness, 1957: 386 
FULFORD, Dorothy 
Alcoholism and the nurse, 1957: 802 
FUlFORD, Lois 
Affiliating in a tuberculosis hospital, 1955: 299 
FULL-TIME work, part-time school (Lewis), 1955: 890 
FUN on trains (Steed), 1956: 185 
FUTURE nurses' club, 1956: 533 


GAGNE, Soeur Rita 
Réadmissions dans les écoles d'infirmi
res canadiennes-françaises, 

1957: 534 
GAGNON, Jacqueline 
Le nursing au rythme des progr
s modernes, 1959: m 
In step with modern progress, 1959: 987 
Anesthesia for open heart surgery, 1958: 940 
GALE, Gertrude 
Florence Nightingale's tomb, 1957: 529 
Let there be controversy, 1955: 400 

. , 

- 52 - 

GAJ.J.DtlAY, V. (Withrow) 
Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, 1957: 218 
GPJ.MA globulin (King), 1955: 125 
GARBAGE in the sky, 1959: 260 
Clinical trial of a new drug in obstinate constipation (Jackson), 
1958: 1107 
Chronic obstructed appendicitis (Scanlin), 1957: 599 
Colostomy, 1958: 154, 1054 
Duodenal ulcer (Lemieux), 1959: 109 
Esophageal diverticulum (
ers), 1959: 616 
Fatigue factor in peptic ulcers, 1956: 223 
Intestinal obstruction (Watanabe), 1957: 1024 
Intubation (Grobin), 1959: 106 
Peptic ulcer (Eldridge), 1959: 114 
Malignant stomach ulcer (Parrent), 1959: 834 
Pyloric stenosis (Pavan), 1959: 120 
GASTROINTESTINAL intubation (Grobin), 1959: 106 
GATEtJAYS to the mind, 1958: 930 
GAVIN, Ann F. 
The registrar, 1959: 164 
GEIGER, Elizabeth 
Queen Elizabeth Hospital nursing education program, 1958: 322 
GENERAL staff nursing: 
Ins ervice education for, (McRae), 1957: 1013 
K.P. for double-duty homemakers (Bell), 1956: 884 
GENERALITES sur les tranquillisants, 1958: 132 

- 53 - 

GERARD, Sister Catherine 
Notre jubilé d'or (ed.), 1959: 201 
Our golden jubilee (ed.), 1959: 783 
The aged in hospital (Francis), 1955: 21 
Aspects of aging, 1957: 550 
Bill of rights for older citizens, 1958: 1019 
Changing attitudes (Phillips), 1956: 708 
Cold feet (Fraser), 1957: 293 
Employment among older people (St. Kevin), 1955: 26 
Housing problems of the aged (MacKenzie), 1955: 25 
Impact of chronic illness (Phillips), 19562 524 
Institute: - in nursing, (Manitoba), 1955: 236 
Meaning of rehabilitation (Wellard), 1956: 904 
Mental health hazards in later life (Stevenson), 1959: 414 
"tr impression of, nursing (Allan), 1955: 60 
National Comnittee on aging, 1955: 640 
A new approach to gerontology (Lamont), 1958: 440 
New concepts in geriatric nursing (Brown), 1957: 289 
Our senior citizens 

ilson), (ed.), 1956: 421 
Pourquoi mourir à 65 ans, 1955: 361 
Les problèmes posés par l'augmentation de la longévité (Sebaoun), 
1955: 17 
Proportion of aged in population, 1956: 975 
Retraite et ses alternatives (Monkhouse), 1957: 220 
Role of the nurse in rehabilitation (Phillips), 1956: 810 
Some problems of the aged in medical practice (Copping), 1955: 15 
Special aspects of the nursing care of the aged (Kort), 1955: 22 

- 54 - 

Things that worry me (Bishop), 1955: 707 
What it means to be old (Phillips), 1956: 611 
Importance de dosage ingéré et excrété, 1956: 462 
Le coût des maladies mentales, 1957: 52 
Le lévophed, 1958: 938 
GET down to brass tacks - prevent home accidents (Robertson), 1959: 1097 
Effet mental d'une b1essure à 1a tête, 1959: 420 
Involutional melancholia, 1959: 1028 
The manic-depressive psychosis, 1959: 92S 
Mélancolie involuti ve, 1959: 2É1 
Mental effects of head injury, 1959: 1118 
Psychose maniaco-dépressive, 1959: 296 
Schizophrenia, 1959: 830 
Schizophrénie, 1959: 242 
GIBSON, Robert 
Some basic facts about mental defectives, 1957: 519 
GILLIS, Bernadette (MacDonald) 
An exploratory laparotomy, 1958: 964 
GIRARD, Alice 
Bienvenue à l' Infinnière Canadierme, 1959: 1l 
The meaning of faith (ed.), 1959: 13 
Too few for too many (ed.), 1956: 93 
Welcome to I' Infinni
re Canadienne, 1959: 505 

- 55 - 

GIROUX, Suzanne 
A ChristJn9.s reverie (ed.), 1959: 1089 
Conférence canadienne sur Ie nursing, 1958: 31 
Ecoles d'infirmi
res au début du siècle, 1955: 205 
Réf1exions pour la vigile de NolU (ed.), 1959: 387 
Rôle de 1a femme dans 1a société moderne, 1955: 644- 
Soin des enfants, 1956: 968 
GLDMERUlDNEPHRITIS (Doris), 1956: 712 
GOnJG home (Milley), 1958; l42 
GOmBERG, Herbert S. 
The current status of microbiology, 1958: 203 
GOOBY, E. Grey (Turnbull) 
New technique of administering medications, 1957: 734 
GOOD body mechanics (McMullen), 1955: 378 
GOOS, Katherine (Sellers, Antaniades) 
Pre-eclamptic toxemia, 1959: 1005 
Toxémie pré-éclamptique, 1959: ill 
GORDON, Eth el M. 
Nursing counsellors of the federal employee health service, 1957: 109 
GOSSE, Nçrman H. 
The cancer problem, 1958: 1009 
GOSSELIN, Blandine Y. 
La leucémie, 1958: 1022 
GOULD, Etta M. 
Pilot study in modern Israel, 1957: 214 
GRAND projet prend corps (MCQuarrie), 1957: 308 
GRANDES attentes (Poole), (ed.), 1959: 265 

- 56 - 

GRANT, Edna Fay 
The maple five stories high, (poem), 1958: 860 
Our rustling lady, (poem), 1958: 154 
GRANT, Marjorie 
Medical records department, 1957: 302 
GRAVEL, Lise (Ruel) 
tion artificielle et l'infirmière, 1957: 119 
GRAVES, Gilda G. 
Chromosome deletion in the Rh genotype, 1956: 18 
GRAY, Betty 
For the new mother, 1955: 114 
GRAYDON, William R. 
A new orthopedic brace, 1959: 350 
GREAT Britain: 
How to see England cheaply and well (Moroney), 1957: 199 
GREAT expectations (Poole), (ed.), 1959: 889 
GREENHORN on the frontier (Evans), 1956: 974 
GREETINGS from the ICN president (Ohlson), 1959: 138 
GREENFELL mis sion: 
The hare and the tortoise (Diack), 1958: 328 
Metropolis of the north (Mifflin), 1957: 230 
GRENIER, Edouard 
Voix secrètes, 1959: 
GREVILLE, Theresa 
Role of the industrial nurse in accident prevention, 1956: 112 
GREY, Beverley 
Acute myocardial infarction, 1957: 606 

- 57 - 

Christian motivation for service to the patient, 1955: 617 
GRIFFITH, Harold R. 
Fifty years of progress in surger,y and anesthesia, 1958: 540 
Gastrointestinal intubation, 1959: 106 
GROEND/AID, Emily Rosalie 
With our training we can help, 1956: 122 
GRrnlrH and development of infants: 
From little acorns (Butler), 1956: 31 
Development at various ages, 1956: 834 
GRUNDY, Loi s 
Building for the future, 1955: 772 
Tuberculosis in pregnancy, 1955: 625 
GUIDEE par l'étoile polaire (Thériault), 1958: 130 
GUIlD, Dorothy J. 
The promotion of safety - role of the public health nurse, 1955: 456 
GYNECOIDGICA.L cancer - diagnosis and treatment (Stapleton), 1958: 1018 

- H - 

HABITUDES alimentaires des néo canadiens, 1959: 2.2Q. 
HAGGART, Adelaide 
Nursing care of radiation sickness, 1957: 408 
HALlJDAY, Claire 
L' acide borique - ou Ie loup sous 1a peau d' une brebis, 1959: m 

- 58 - 

Boracic acid - the wolf in sheep's clothing, 1959: 1093 
A new treatment for brittle nails, 1959: 348 
New drugs and drug therapy, 1957: 911 
HAMEL, Laurence Crevier 
Fnseignem.ent clinique dans un service de médecine, 1957: 826, 934 
HAMILTON, Kenneth A. 
Emotional problems of the worker, 1959: 409 
How can the nurse understand herself, 1957: 1079 
HAMMOND, Eli zabeth 
Nurses and their footwear, 1958: 4f:fJ 
HARE and the tortoise (Diack), 1958: 328 
HARI.O\'l, Martha 
Natural childbirth, 1955: 786 
HARWÑ, Martha (Stewart) 
Prevention of tuberculosis in nurses, 1955: 285 
HARRIS, Margaret (Plewes) 
Staff education - cooperative project, 1957: 201 
HARRIS, Shirley (Dossetor) 
Renal transplant - nursing care, 1959: 508 
Les soins infirmiers, 1959: 12 
HARl'LING, Elizabeth A. 
The organization and operation of a cancer welfare program, 1958; 1032 
HARVEY, B. (Monk) 
Sociogramatic study of spontaneous patient groupings, 1958: 924 
HASSETT, Eileen 
Nursing in tuberculosis surgery, 1955: 290 

- 59 - 

HASTENING recovery (Bushell), 1957: 997 
HAUTE décoration internationa1e décernée à une canadienne, 1957: 855 
HAVE you a ward manual (Hewitt), 1955: 105 
HAvlKINS, Kenneth L. 
Role of the nurse in rehabilitation, 1957: 1005 
HEAD injuries: 
Mental effects of, (Gibson), 1959: 1118 
HEAD nurse study (Botsford), 1955: 29 
HEALTH and social philosophy in nursing education (Downing), 1958: 234 
HEALTH education: 
Danger, at work (Macdonald), 1955: 354 
in teachers' colleges (Langstaff), 1958: 1110 
Nurses and new parents (Robertson), 1958: 950 
HEALTH education in teachers' colleges (Langstaff), 1958: 1110 
HEALTH programs: 
Nursing counsellors of the federal employee health service (Gordon), 
1957: 109 
Role of the nurse in the total, (Carpenter), 1957: 720 
HEALTH services: 
An important milestone, 1958: 1062 
Nursing and the national health program (Monteith), 1958: 820 
The organization and operation of a cancer welfare program (Hartling), 
1958: 1032 
A promising future (MacLennan), (ed.), 1958: 303 
HEART conditions: 
Abnormal openings in the wall of the muscle dividing the right and left 
chambers of the heart, 1958: 823 
Acquired heart disease (Vineberg), 1955: 863 

- 60 - 

Acute corona
 artery disease (Flader), 1958: 624 
Acute myocardial infarction (Grey), 1957: 606 
An analysis of the experiences of eight cardiac patients during a period 
of hospitalization (Allemang), 1959: 702 
Cardiac arrest (Cruickshank), 1959: 305 
Cardiac catheterization (Cumming), 1959: 691 
Cardiac catheterization - general nursing care (Macmillan), 1959: 695 
Cardiac catheterization - specific nursing care (Benesch), 1959: 696 
Cardiac disability, 1955: 159 
Coarctation of the aorta (Nordin), 1955: 866 
Congenital heart surgery (
lildenberger), 1959: 307 
Congestive heart failure with uremia (Wilson), 1957: 324 
L' évolution de la cardiologie et ses probl
rnes (David), 1956: 21, 101 
Importance of the nurse in the care of cardiac surgery (Vineberg), 
1955: 687 
Mitral commissurotomy (Ritter), 1955: 689 
MYocardial infarction (McDermid), 1959: 610 
Nursing care in a mitral commissurotomy (Snidal), 1959: 421 
Rest in bed (Levine), 1958: 116 
Restoring the nonnal beat, 1958: 1087 
 of the congenital heart (Vineberg), 1955: 768 
Surgery in coronary artery insufficiency (Vineberg), 1955: 941 
Transaminase, 1955: 955 
Ventricular fibrillation, 1957: 242 
HEART disease nursing, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1956: 442 
HEBERT J Andrée 
Teeth and dental caries, 1955: 41 

- 61 - 

HEBER!, Georges 
Ce que Ie médecin attend de l'infirmière professionnel1e, 1955: 885, 968 
HEIEREN, Eleanor L. (Crawford) 
Rehabilitation in a teaching program, 1959: 201 
HEMOPHILIA, 1955: 225 
Le maintien de l'enfant d'âge scolaire, 1959: 240 
Posture and the school age child, 1959: 826 
HENTSCH, Yvonne 
Student nurse in the community, 1957: 205 
HERDAN, Irene M. (Flanagan) 
A preliminary study and analysis of nursing requirements in 
neurological and neurosurgical nursing, 1955: 855 
1-!E'tIITT, Marjorie E. 
Have you a ward manual, 1955: 105 
HIBERNATION artificielle et l' infirrnière (Ruel, Gravel), 1957: 119 
HICKMAN, W. Harry 
The other three R's, 1959: 516 
Les trois autres R - ces inconnus, 1959: 
Bethesda Hospital Society, 1957: 295 
HIGffifAY deaths, 1959: 1054 
HIIL, Dorothy J. 
Cleft lips and palates, 1959: 439 
HILL, Dorothy L. 
Nursing science, an integrated course, 1955: 630 
HIIL, Elizabeth 
Opportunities with 

O, 1958: 103 

- 62 - 

HINSON, J.W. (Coleman, Cotter, Wilde, Callaghan) 
Open heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary by-pass, 1958: 726 
HINSON, J.W. (Oleksyn, Dafoe) 
Nursing care of the thoracic surgical patient, 1959: 218 
L'association des Infirmières Canadiennes, 1954-59, 1959: ill 
Changements en nursing (Russell), 1958: 532 
Les dix premi
res années (Johns), 1958: 524 
Notre jubilé d'or (Gerard), (ed.), 1959: 201 
Sketch sur l'A.I.C., 1957: 228 
Voici Ie Canada (Young), 1959: 75 
La voix du passé, 1959: 426 
HISTORIC Manitoba, 1956: 339 
Canadian Nurses' Association, 1954-59: 1010 
The changed role of hospitals (Bradley), 1958: 550 
Changes in the patterns of nursing (Russell), 1958: 529 
Fifty years of progress in surgery and anesthesia (Griffith), 1958: 540 
The first ten years (Johns), 1958: 520 
Fortieth anniversary, N.B.A.R.N. (Chittick), 1957: 29 
Fortieth annual meeting, N.B.A.R.N. (MacGregor), 1957: 46 
From under the blanket, 1908-1958 (Atlee), 1958: 544 
In lighter vein (Odell), 1958: 558 
Just a mere fifty years (Hunter), (ed.), 1958: 13 
Manitoba's rural hospitals, 1957: 294 
Medical practice in the last fifty years (Fleming), 1958: 536 
Medicine man (
lyatt), 1959: 46 
Ontario: its background (Dill), 1958: 426 

- 63 - 

Our city - your capital (tlhitton), 1958: 513 
Our golden jubilee (Gerard), (ed.), 1959: 783 
A project in the history of nursing (Fawson, Ryan), 1955: 873 
A silver anniversary (University of Toronto), 1959: 48 
Sketch of the CNA, 1957: 224 
This is Canada (Young), 1959: 601 
Voice of the past, 1959: 1133 
HISTORICAL sketch of the CNA (Stiver), 1955: 188 
HISTORY of nursing: 
Arhan's ascent (Karpoff), 1955: 226 
Project in (Ryan, Fawson), 1955: 873 
HISTORY of the Canadian Nurse: 
Fifty years young (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 175 
Golden Anniversary issue, March, 1955 
Rôle de l'infirmi
re dans la société (Cecil), 1955: 362 
HOBIN, M. (Lawton) 
Cavernus sinus thrombosis, 1956: 120 
Goodnight old year (poem), 1955: 940 
HOLGAR Nielsen method of artificial respiration, 1955: 714 
HOME accidents, 1958: 23 
HOME care: 
Home visiting and materna.l health (Doyon), 1959: 700 
Looking back on, (Miller), 1958: 733 
Planning and implementation of a nursing referral program (Brady), 
1957: 795 
plans, 1956: 982 

- 64 - 

prograIDß, 1957: 527 
The public health nurse in the cancer program (Fowler), 1958: 1029 
The rehabilitation of Mrs. Moritz (Butler), 1959: 215 
The story of Johnny (Miller), 1959: 214 
HOME of their own (MacGregor), (ed.), 1957 a 597 
HONE visiting and maternal health (Doyon), 1959: 700 
HONORARY memberships, CNA: 1958: 717, 718 
Allard, Mother 
Bridges, Daisy Caroline 
Dickson, Edith MacPherson 
Ellis, Kathleen W. 
Emory, Florence H.M. 
Fairley, Grace M. 
Gray, Mabel F. 
Johns, Eth el 
Lyman, Mrs. Warren 
Randal, Helen 
Russell, E. Kathleen 
Simpson, Ruby 
Smellie, Elizabeth 
Thomson, Jean (Browne) 
\'lilson, Jean S. 
HOOSER, Winnifred 
Vasculitis of unknown origin, 1955: 875 
mOD, Zina L. 
A nurse becomes a patient, 1958: 105 
HOSPITAL architecture: 
Double formula room (Kissner), 1955: 959 

- 65 - 

A modern version of patient care (Flanagan), 1959: 726 
Ottawa Civic nursing education building, 1955: 368 
HOSprrAL auxiliaries: 
A women's, in action (Croll), 1956: 25 
HOSPITAL housekeeping (Wickens), 1959: 1100 
HOSPITAL insurance: 
Bill 320 and the student of nursing (MacLaggan), (ed.), 1958: 409 
Crisis in nursing education (MacLaggan), 1957: 517 
Nursing and the national health program (Monteith), 1958: 820 
provincial programs, 1957: 527 
HOSPITAL maintenance: 
Hospital housekeeping (Wickens), 1959: 1100 
La tenue d'un hôpital (Wickens), 1959: 400 
HOSPITAL personnel: 
The evaluation of, (Boshouwers), 1959: 532 
How, feel about nursing care (Schweisheimer), 1959: 456 
HOSPITAL preparedness (Piercey, Fr,yer), 1957: 386 
HOSPITAL safety: 
Fire and helpless people (McGrath), 1957: 904 
Inspection of ward drug cabinets (Teplitsky), 1958: 929 
HOSPITAL sepsis: a communicable disease, (film), 1959: 1126 
HOURS of work: 
Nurses' permanent rotation schedule (Jenkins), 1957: 907 
HOUSING problems of the aged (MacKenzie), 1955: 25 
HOW can the nurse understand herself (Hamilton), 1957: 1079 
Hal hospital personnel feel about nursing care (Schweisheimer), 1959: 456 
HOW to see England cheaply and \iell (Moroney), 1957: 199 
HOd you can help (Beaudin), 1959: 524 

- 66 - 

HOWE, Della M. 
The balance between education and service, 1958: 36 
HUFNAGEL, Charles A. (Creighton, Thorn, Presley) 
Entraide au-delà de la frontière, 1959: 21 
Multiple sclerosis with urinary tract infection, 1958: 1121 
HUMAN relations: 
Emotional problems of the worker (Hamilton), 1959: 409 
Emotionally disturbed patients (Ward), 1959: 1144 
Importance of the individual (Creasor), (ed.), 1957: 789 
Junior counsellor plan (Laidlaw), 1955: 966 
The nurse and the emotional needs of the patient (Sisler), 1958: 314 
Your high calling (Waters), 1958: 737 
HUNI'ER, Trenna Grace 
Just a mere fifty years (ed.), 1958: 13 
Our president meets the Queen, 1958: 15 
Our professional association (ed.), 1958: 807 
Taking our measure (ed.), 1957: 15 
HURLER'S disease (Philippe), 1959: ll22 
HURRICANES, safety tips, 1958: 956 
HUTCHISON, Carolyn VTedderburn 
Challenge to mothers (ed.), 1955: 349 
Le spina-bifida et 1', (Perret), 1959: 222 
Spina bifida and, (Perret), 1959: 1111 
HYDROCEPHAWS (Jenkinson), 1956: 885 

- 67 - 

HYGIENE publique: 
Une analyse de la. visite à domicile en santé maternelle (Doyon), 

1959: 148 
Analyse des visites au nourrissons (Carpenter), 1959: 229 
Les besoins de l'écolier en matière de santé (Ranger), 1956: 52 
Guidée par l'étoile polaire (Thériault), 1958: 130 
Le maintien de l'enfant d'âge scolaire (Henrichon), 1959: 240 
Les responsabilités de l'infirmière-hygiéniste (Doyon), 1959: 95 
Le rôle de l'infirmière-sage-femme en Grande-Bretagne (Mills), 1959: 334 
Société des infirmièree visiteuses (Rivard), 1956: 196 
Soins de soutien de 1a mère et l'enfant (Cunningham), 1959: 327 
Quelque nouvelles tendances dans Ie nursing en, 1956: 206 
HYPODERMIC needles, 1957: 622 
HYPOTENSION (Schweisheimer), 1956: 53 

- I - 
I went to a s
4l1 hospital (Ball), 1958: 1138 
IDEAL retirement plan for nurses, 1959: 1116 
Gamma globulin (King), 1955: 125 
IMPACT of chronic illness (Phillips), 1956: 524 
IMPORTANCE de dosage ingéré et excrété (Germain), 1956: 462 
IMPORTANCE of the individual (Creasor), (ed.), 1957: 789 
IMPORTANCE of the nurse in the care of cardiac surgery (Vineberg), 

1955: 687 
IMPORTANCE de la. technique dans le soin des nouveau-nés (Dorion), 1957: 623 
IMPRESSIONS d' Afrique (Tremblay), 1956: 630 

- 68 - 

IMPROVING nursing service (Arnstein), 1956: 869 
IN lighter vein (Odell), 1958: 558 
IN the operating room, burns, (Szmidt), 1959: 918 
IN step with modern progress (Gagnon), 1959: 987 
IN time of need (MacGregor), (ed.), 1956: 517 
Using the, 1958: 52 
INDIAN version of the Twenty-third Psalm, 1955: 486 
INFARCTUS du myocarde (McDermid), 1959: !!2. 
INFECTION in hospitals: 
About the staphylococcus (MUrray), 1959: 787 
The control of staphylococcal infections (Rose), 1959: 795 
Prevention and control of cross-infection in the nursery of the 
normal newborn (Zwicker), 1959: 797 
Prevention of staphylococcal infections in the operating room 
(MacNeill), 1959: 799 
The problem of staphylococci in the operating room and central 
supply room (Smith), 1959: 801 
Staphylococcal diseases in infancy (Robinson), 1959: 794 
Staphylococcal infection (Southern-Holt), 1959: 791 
INFECTION staphylococcique (Southern-Holt), 1959: 210 
INFECTIONS hospitalières: 
L'infection staphylococcique (Southern-Holt), 1959: 210 
Les maladies staphylococciques chez les nourrissons (Robinson), 1959: 215 
Prévention des infections staphylococciques à 1a salle d' operation 
(MacNeill), 1959: 219 
Prévention et contrôle de l'infection mixte à la pouponnière du 
nouveau-né (Zwicker), 1959: 217 

- 69 - 

Problèmes et contrôle des infections à staphylocoques (Rose), 1959: 213 
18 problème des staphylocoques A la salle d'opératiom et au service 
central (Smith), 1959: 221 
Le staphylocoque (Murray), 1959: 205 
INFECTIOUS hepatitis (Trenchard), 1959= 552 
INFECTIOUS mononucleosis (Laturnus), 1957: 1100 
WILTRATIVE duct carcinoma of right breast (Johnston), 1959: 738 
INFIIDITERE educatrice et conseill
re (Notebaert), 1959: 314 
INFIRMIERE et l'étude de la psychologie, 1957: 1032 
INFIRMIERE en obstetrique (Calvé), 1956: 742 
INFIRMIERES de l'ordre Victoria: 
Conférence nationale sur 1a réadaptation, 1958: 47 
LIINFIRMIERE travaillant en colonies (Smith), 1955: 902 
INFIRMIERES des salles d'operation (Crouse), 1956: 197 
INFIRMIERES visiteuses: 
Société des, (Rivard), 1956: 196 
INSERVICE education for general staff nurses (McRae), 1957: 1013 
INSERVICE education for nursing service administration, 1957: 538 
INSPECTIOt-J of schools of nursing: 
The adviser to schools of nursing (Schumacher), 1959: 332 
INSPECTION of ward drug cabinets (Teplitsky), 1958: 929 
INSTITUT sur l'hygiène maternelle (Côté), 1958: 654 
INSTRUCTION clinique à l' étudiante en nursing chirurgical (Ouimet), 
1959: 267 
INSUUN therapy (Dersco), 1956: 621 
INl'EGRATION of civil defence nursing into the basic curriculum, 1956: 47 
INI'ERDEPENDANCE du coût q,uotidien du nursing et de sa qualité (Décary), 
1959: 2Q 

- 70 - 

INTERNATIONAL conference of social work (Stiver), 1955: 388 
INTERNATIONAL Council of Nurses: 
A.B.C. of I.C.N., 1957: 1097 
Board of directors meeting, 1955: 559; 1959: 442, 906 
Congress in Rome (Kerr), (ed.), 1957: 695 
Florence Nightingale Nursing Education Division of, 1957: 699 
Gift for ICN House, 1958: 796 
Going home (Milley), 1958: 142 
Greetings from the president (Ohlson), 1959: 138 
International essay competition, 19591 62, 442 
Journées Romaines (Beaudry), 1957: 707 
Objectives and work (Ohlson), 1958: 810 
Planning of nursing studies, 1956: 822 
Publications, 1957: 701, 1018 
Salaam aliakum (Sharpe), (ed.), 1956: 13 
Study of psychological problems in general hospitals, 1959: 540, .8. 
INTERNATIONAL essay competition I.C.N., 1959: 62 
INTERNATIONAL Council of Nurses (Ohlson), 1958: 810 
INTERNATIONAL Florence Nightingale Foundation: 1957: 699 
Sèvres 1956, (Campion, MacIsaac), 1957: 297 
INTERNATIONAL Labor Organizatioo, 1958: 1040; 1959: 52 

AL nursing: 
Child welfare in the Soviet Union (Walsh), 1958: 150 
Nursing in the world (Creelman), 1958: 814 
Opportunities with WHO (Hill), 1958: 103 
INTESTINAL obstruction twatanabe), 1957: 1024 
INVOLUTIONAL melancholia (Gibson), 1959: 1028 


IRENE, Sister Mary 
Above mediocrity (ed.), 1955: 685 
IS nursing at the service of patients (Reynolds), 1959: 513 

- J - 

Clinical trial of a new drug in obstinate constipation, 1958: 1107 
JAMES, Christina F. 
Parents' point of view, 1956: 963 
JAMES, Leroy 
Relaxation, 1959: 325 
JAMES, Mary E. 
Nurses' registry narks fifty years, 1955: 476 
Death from plastic film, 1959: 1096 
Pellicule de polythène: da.nger de mort, 1959: ill 
JEtIT<INS, Bertha 
Nurses' permanent rotation schedule, 1957: 907 
Hydrocephalus, 1956: 885 
Melanotic sarcoma, 1958: 942 
JOB analysis and job evaluation manual, 1957: 840 
JOB satisfaction (Fletcher), 1957: 812 
JOB satisfaction in the professions (Falck), 1957: 130 
JOHNS, Ethel 
Les dix premi
es années, 1958: 524 
The first ten years, 1958: 520 

- 72 - 

JOHNSTON, Dorothy C. 
Cancer du sein droit, 1959: 175 
Infiltrative duct carcinoma of the right breast, 1959: 738 
JONES, Gertrude 
A research project in a premature nursery, 1959: 432 
JONES, S. (Colvin, Mitchell) 
Planning a demonstration night, 1959: 938 
Une séance de démonstrations, 1959: 371 
JOURNEE d'étude (Dallaire), 1958: 1104 
JOURNEES Romaines (Beaudry), 1957: 707 
JUNIOR Counsellor plan (Laidlaw), 1955: 966 
JUST a mere fifty years (Hunter), (ed.), 1958: 13 
JUTRAS, Ellen 
Cerebellar artery thrombosis, 1959: 424 


K.P. for double-duty hcmemakers (Bell), 1956: 884 
KARPOFF, Pauline 
Arhan's ascent, 1955: 226 
KAT ZELL , Mildred E. 
Why test pool examim.tions, 1957: 897 
KEEGAN, Soeur Florence 
L'orientation au travail dans Ie domaine du nursing, 1957: 195 
EDY, 1-1. (Skerry, Maclean, Black, MacDonald) 
Radioactive isotopes, 1956: 800 
KERR, Margaret E. 
About that readership survey (ed.), 1958: 615 

- 73 - 

Begin planning now (ed.), 1955: 525 
Chase out fear and ignorance (ed.), 1955: 269 
The dignity of service (ed.), 1959: 303 
Fifty years young (ed.), 1955: 175 "'\ 
More than tolerance (ed.), 1955: 939 
Nursing today and tomorrow, 1958 s 21 
Prairie convention (ed.), 1956: 687 
Words (ed.), 1958: 1093 
KIDNEY conditions: 
The artificial kidney (Ra.ckham), 1959: 716 
Congestive heart failure with uremia (Wilson), 1957: 324 
Enuresis (Baker), 1955: 709 
Glomerulonephritis (Doris), 1956: 712 
Postpartum renal failure (Pyrch), 1957: 1.46 
Renal transplant - nursing care (Harris, Dossetor), 1959: 508 
Renal transplantation in identical twins (MacKinnon), 1959: 506 
Salt-losing nephritis (Richards, Dodkin), 1956: 537 
KILLEEN, Norma Joan 
Cholecystitis and cholecystectomy, 1955: 548 
Garena globulin, 1955: 125 
KmK, Margaret 
District nurse knows bett er, 1956: 180 
Double formula room, 1955: 959 

KORT, Kees 
Special aspects of the nursing care of the aged, 1955: 22 

- 74 - 

MUltiple myeloma, 1959: 623 

- L- 

LABELIE, Emilien 
Physiologie cardio-pulmonaire, 1957: 287 
LABONTE, Soeur Cécile 
Méthode pour l' enseignement du soin des malades, 1955: 627 
LABOR relations: 
Statement regarding, (Rossiter), 1957: 799 
LABORATORY procedures: 
A summary of clinical, (Watson), 1956: 601 
LA CROIX., Marie Angela 
Power of enthusiasm (ed.), 1957: 101 
LACROIX, Soeur Marie-Rose 
Methodes d'enseignement en sciences physiques et chimiques, 1955: 553 
LAIDLAW, Margaret 
Junior counsellor plan, 1955: 966 
LAMARRE, Geneviève 
Another reason for hope, 1959: 1026 
Une autre raison d'espérer, 1959: 364 
Preventing toxemia of pregnancy, 1955: 482 
A new approach to gerontology, 1958: 440 
LANGSTAFF, Isabelle E. 
Health education in teachers' colleges, 1958: 1110 

- 75 - 

Teaching esophageal speech (Stockley), 1959: 310 
LATURNUS, Elizabeth 
Infectious mononucleosis, 1957: 1100 
LAW, Patricia 
Play - an essential of every child's life, 1955: 949 
Traumatic arthritis of the hip, 1958: 630 
LAWTON, C. (Hobin) 
Cavernous sinus thrombosis, 1956: 120 
LAWTON, C. (Rinker) 
Paget's disease, 1955: 960 
Precious kind of, (Woodside), 1957: 901 
LECHUK, Maria 
Neurofibroma of the spinal cord, 1957: 142 
LEFEBVRE, Sister Denise 
What is accreditation, 1957: 18 
Qu'est-ce que l'accréditation, 1957: 23 
Duodenal ulcer, 1959: 109 
IEPar, Doreen 
Dans la salle, 1959: 289 
On the ward, 1959: 914- 
LESIONS à la colonne vertébrale, 1955: 703 
LEæ there be controversy (Gallagher), 1955: 400 
lEI' us find some answers and tell others (Chittick, Allen), 1957: J.I) 
LEæ'S look at accreditation, 1956: 368 

- 76 - 

lEI'TER to my niece (Zalloni), 1959: 728 
lEI'TRE à IDa nièce (Zalloni), 1959: 181 
LEUCEMIE (Gosselin), 1958: 1022 
lEUKEMIA (Macmillan), 1955: 614 
rrA (Schweisheimer), 1956: 724 
IEVELTON, Edna Earle 
Into the future a better day, (poem), 1958: 519 
lEVOPHED, (Gervais), 1958: 938 
LEVITZ, Abraham 
Reactions to blood transfusions, 1958: 1105 
mus, Geneva 
Full-time work, part-time school, 1955: 890 
Nursing school (Riddell), 1956: 798 
of the school of nursing (Mitchell), 1955: 632 
LIBRARY of the school of nursing (Mitchell), 1955: 632 
LIFE, profession and school (Clarke), 1956: 530, 6J.1J, 715 
LIGUE Nationale du Nursing: 
Le nursing au rythme des progrès modernes (Gagnon), 1959: .Bl 
En visite chez nos voisines (MacGregor), (ed.), 1959: 321 
Memorial to, 1956: 464 
Professional challenge, 1955: 375 
LINDSEY, Douglas 
S'en servir, oui ou non, 1959: 186 
To use or not to use, 1959: 1142 
LITTlE red door (Calcott), 1957: 306 

- 77 - 

LIVER conditions: 
Cholecystitis and cholecystectomy (Killeen), 1955: 548 
Cirrhosis of the, (Cooper) 1957: 1106 
Infectious hepatitis (Trenchard), 1959: 552 
Microsomes, 1955: 569 
LIVER microsomes, 1955: 569 
LIVINGSTON, Marion Christine 
Bursting at the seams (ed.), 1957: 991 
Completing the cycle, 1955: 218 
l.OOKING back on home care (Miller), 1958: 733 
Schizophrénie, 1956: 539 
W!JRY, Lillian 
Day with the local department of health, 1955: 460 
LUPIEN, Marie 
Conseils à une étudiante devant faire un stage à la salle d'operation, 
1956: 832 

- M- 

MacARI'HUR, Christine 
We teach - do our patients learn, 1959: 205 
MacDONAlD, Lucetta (Gillis) 
An exploratory laparotomy, 1958: 964 
MacDONALD, M. Eleanor 
Danger: health education at work, 1955: 354 
MacDONAlD, S. (Skerry, MacLean, Black, Kennedy) 
Radioactive isotopes, 1956: 800 

- 78 - 

MacGREGOR, Jean Elizabeth 
E:lucation then service, 1958: 110 
Home of their own (ed.), 1957: 597 
In time of need (ed.), 1956: 517 
The new look (ed.), 1955: 853 
No boundary lines, 1959: 644 
Sans bornes et sans fins, 1959: 120 
Sous de fausses couleurs, 1959: 118 
Toward effective speech, 1955: 944 
Under false colors, 1959: 633 
En visite chez nos voisines (ed.), 1959: 321 
Visiting our neighbors (ed.), 1959: 985 
MacISAAC, Rita 
Public relations guide, 1956: 439 
Congrès - 1956, 1955: 697 
MacISAAC, Rita (Campion) 
Sèvres 1956, 1957: 297 
MacKENZIE, Nary T. 
Service, responsibility, nurture, action (ed.), 1956: 324 
MacKENZIE, Sister Mary 
Housing problems of the aged, 1955: 25 
MacKINNON, Kenneth J. 
Renal transplantation in identical twins, 1959: 506 
Transplantation rénale chez des jumelles identiques, 1959: 17 
Mr.CLAGGAN, Katherine Eva 
Bill 320 and the student of nursing (ed.), 1958: 409 
Crisis in nursing education, 1957: 517 

- 79 - 

MACLEAN, Beatrice A. 
A nurse's private devotions, 1956: 27 
MacLEAN, J. (Skerry, Black, Kennedy, MacDonald) 
Radioactive isotopes, 1956: 800 
MACLEAN, Margaret A. 
National camp, 1956, 1957: 715 
MACLENNAN, Edna. Agnes Electa 
A promising future (ed.), 1958: 303 
MACLEOD, Agnes J. 
Military and veteran care nursing, 1955: 213 
MacLEOD, Ann Isobel 
A nurse views the problems, 1958: 27 
One person's nursing care, 1959: 912 
A profession and its journal (ed.), 1958: 101 
Soins infirmiers indi vidualisés, 1959: 288 
Leukemia, 1955: 614 
vlhat each expects of nursing education: the doctor, 1957: 1083 
Cardiac catherization - general nursing care, 1959: 695 
Cathétérisme cardiaque, 1959: 
MacNEILL, Hazel L. 
Prévention des infections staphylococciques à 1a salle d'operation, 
1959: 219 
Prevention of staphylococcal infections in the operating room, 1959: 799 
MacQUi\RRIE, Dorothy (MacTavish) 
Nursing care of patients with lumber intervetebral disc lesions, 1956: 429 


MacTAVISH, Donalda (MacQuarrie) 
Nurs1ng care of patients with lumbar intevertebral disc lesions, 
1956: 429 
MADOR, Manning L. 
Prostatic problem, 1955: 103 
}.1AIN project (vJhe.eler), (ed.), 1958: 201 
MAINTIEN de l' enfant d' âge scolaire (Henrichon), 1959: 
MAKE great things (Adams), 1955: 948 
MALADES awe troubles émotifs (\lIard), 1959: 
MALADIE de foie: 
Un cas d'hépatite infectieuse (Trenchard), 1959: 61 
ürler (Philippe), 1959: ill 
MALADIE circulatoire: 
Insuffisance aortique (Creighton, Hufnagel, Thorn, Presley), 1959: 21 
MALADIE de coeur: 
Analyse des expériences personnelles de huit cardiaques pendant un 
séjour dans un hôpital général (Allemang), 1959: 151 
Cathétérisme cardiaque (Macmillan), 1959: 1d:t2. 
Le cathétérisme du coeur (Cumming), 1959: 141 
L'évolution de la cardiologie et ses problèmes (David), 1956: 21, 101 
Infarctus du muocarde (McDermid), 1959: 
Physiologie cardio-pulmonaire (La.belle), 1957: 287 
Scarlatine plus endornycardite (Payer), 1956: 891 
Traitement de l'insuffisance aortique à l'aide d'une valve en plastic, 
(Creighton, Hufnagel, Thorn, Presley), 1959: 21 
MALADIES de l'estomac: 
Diverticule oesophagien (MYers), 1959: 21 
re gastrique rnalin (Parrent), 1959: 178 

- 81 - 

MALADIES mentales: 
Aspects sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques (Tyhurst), 
1957: 434 
Le coût des, (Gerstain), 1957: 52 
La. cure de 5Ommeil, 1958: 4B 
Effet mental d'une blessure à la tête (Gibson), 1959: 420 
Généralités sur les tranquillisants, 1958: 132 
L'impatience des m
res, 1958: 154 
Malades aux troubles émotifs (Ward), 1959: 
La. mé1ancolie involutive (Gibson), 1959: 367 
La psychose maniaco-dépressive (Gibson), 1959: 296 
La schizophrénie (Gibson), 1959: 
MALADIES pulmonaires: 
La. pneumonie (de la Mare), 1959: ill 
Pneumanie lobaire (Eaton), 1959: 416 
Traitement de la pneumanie (Deslisle), 1959: 412 
MALADIES rênales: 
Colibaci11ose (Fritel), 1957: 1116 
MALADIES staphylococciques chez les nourrissons (Robinson), 1959: 215 
MAIE nurses: 

The male potential (Bentley), 1959: 344 
Men in nursing (Carruthers), 1955: 222 
New deal for, (Wedgery), 1956: 636 
One candle on the cake (Wedgery), 1957: 919 
The past has a future (Wedgery), 1959: 135 
LE potential (Bentley), 1959: 344 
MALIGNANT stomach ulcer (Parrent), 1959: 834 
MANAGEHENT of lumbar intervertebral disc lesions (Rosen), 1956: 423 

- 82 - 

MANIC-depressive psychosis (Gibson), 1959: 928 
Historic, 1956: 339 
Practical nurses (Barratt), 1957: 158 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 190; 1956: 440; 1957: 528; 
1958: 758; 1959: 352 
Rural hospitals, 1957: 294 
MANITOBA'S rural hospitals, 1957: 294 
MANN, Helena C.E. 
Cours approndis en obstétrique destinés aux finissantes, 1959: 
Planning senior experience in obstetrics, 1959: 1003 
MARE, de la, Eleanore 
Pneumonia, 1959: 1105 
La. pneumonie, 1959: 413 
MARNEY, Florence 
Nursing at Springhill, 1959: 156, 160 
MARY Agnes Snively Memorial lecture: 
Are we equal to our future (Saunders), (ed.), 1956: 781 
Our common heritage (Stanbury), 1958: 911 
Sommes-nous en mesure de faire face à l'avenir (Saunders), (ed.), 
1956: 785 

MARY Anne, Sister 
Student nurses - student teachers, 1955: 796 
MASS disaster: 
Aspects sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques (Tyhurst), 
1957: 434 
Definitive treatment of burns in mass casualties (
'Joolhouse), 1957: 411 
Early medical management of mass trauma (Derby), 1957: 389 

- 83 - 

Hospital preparedness (Piercey, Fryer), 1957: 386 
New look at civil defence health services (Charron), 1957: 375 
No substitute for knowing (Pepper), (oo.), 1957: 373 
Nouvel aperçu des services de santé de la défense civile et progr
réalisés jusqu'ici (Charron), 1957: 505 
Nursing care of psychiatric casualties (McArthur), 1957: 456 
Psychological and social aspects of community disasters (Tyhurst), 
1957: 423 
Public health nurse looks at civil defence (Walker), 1957: 420 
MASTEh plan of rotation (Street), 1959: 30, 139 
MATHEWS, Norman 
The care of your feet, 1958: 442- 
Portrait unveiled, 1956: 134 
McARTHUR, Anna C. 
Nursing care of psychiatric casualties, 1957: 456 
Les soins infirmiers et les cas de psychiatrie, 1958: 422 
McARTHUR, Helen G. 
And the world too, 1956: 703 
Christmas in Korea (ed.), 1956: 949 
International nursing award, 1957: 942 
Prix international de nursing, 1957: 948 
The world at your finger-tips, 1958: 919 
McARTHUR hall, 1955: 626 
McCOLL, Margaret Lorena 
The rehabilitation team, 1959: 210 
McCREADY, Fern (Scott) 
When nurses talk together, 1957: 42 

- 84 - 

Nursing in psychiatric divisions of general hospitals, 1959: 250 
McDERMID, Sister Rita 
Infarctus du rnyocarde, 1959: 
Myocardial infarction, 1959: 610 
McENERY, Yvonne 
Student's program in mother and baby care, 1957: 203 
McGRATH, Mary (Capling) 
Background information on tuberculosis, 1955: 270 
McGRATH, Robert 
Fire and helpless people, 1957: 904 
McKENNA, Agnes 
My lady autumn (poem), 1955: 775 
McKEO\JN, Mary Dorothy 
Nova Scotia scene (ed.), 1957: 189 
McLEOD, A. (Foster, Palframan, Shouldice) 
Bandl's ring, 1956: 266 
McMUlLEN, Lorraine 
Good body mechanics, 1955: 378 
McNAMARA, Kathleen 
Christmas story, 1958: 1103 
McPHEDRAN, Margaret G. 
Affiliation programs, 1957: 125 
McQUARRIE, Frances U. 
Accreditation - o
 en sommes-nous, 1956: 444 
Accreditation - what's on the record, 1956: 443 
Evolution of nursing education, 1955: 194 
Un grand projet prend corps, 1957: 308 

- 85 - 

Shape of things to come, 1957: 307 
McRAE, Mary C. 
Inservice education for general staff nurses, 1957: 1013 
MEANING and importance of research in nursing (Bunge), 1955: 945 
MEANING of faith (Girard), (ed.), 1959: 13 
MEANING of illness (Pumphrey), 1955: 116 
MEANING of rehabilitation (Uellard), 1956: 904 
MEASUREHENT of sound, 1959: 38 

right, Bullock), 1956: 193 
MEDECINE du travail, 1958: 1112 
MEDICAL care of the student nurse (Mellor), 1958: 305 
MEDICAL practice in the last fifty years (Fleming), 1958: 536 
MEDICAL records department (Grant), 1957: 302 
A new, setup (MOrley), 1959: 312 
New technique of administering, (Gooby, Turnbull), 1957: 734 
MEDICINE man ("I-J'yatt), 1959: 46 
MEETING the deadline (MacGregor) (ed.), 1958: 909 
MEFAITS du bruit et leurs répercussions sur l'organisme humain, 
1956: 546 
MELANCOLIE involutive (Gibson), 1959: 367 

ffilÃNIE, Sister Mary 
Better patient care, 1957: 113 
MELANOTIC sarcoma (Jenkinson), 1958: 942 
MELIDR, Mary Dorothea 
The medical care of the student nurse, 1958: 305 
MEN in nursing (Carruthers), 1955: 222 

- 86 - 

MENTAL deficiency: 
MOngolism (Nelson), 1959: 452 
Open doors (Ellis), 1957: 993 
Some basic facts about mental defectives (Gibson), 1957: 519 
MENTAL effects of head injury (Gibson), 1959: 1118 
MENTAL health: 
Adjustive mechanisms (Spalding), 1955: 532 
Behavior \'Ii.ll improve, 1955: 570 
Confusing notions of, (Stokes), 1956: 519 
Emotional problems of the worker (Hamilton), 1959: 409 
Hazards in later life (Stevenson), 1959: 414 
in industry (\Jarminton), 1955: 716 
for nurses (Cruickshank), 1956: 95 
The psychiatrist and the child (Statten), 1959: 620 
Rehabilitating the mentally ill employee (Burns), 1955: 719 
Safety signs for (Stevenson), 1959: 907 
MENTAL hazards in later life (Stevenson), 1959: 414 
MENTAL health in industry (Wanninton), 1955: 776 

NTAL health for nurses (Cruickshank), 1956: 95 
MERES célibataires: 
Pourq\toi les juger (Ste. Mechtilde), 1959: ll2 
Evolution du nursing (ed.), 1955: 765 
Nursing in evolution (ed.), 1955: 766 
MESURES préventives: 
L'acide borique - ou Ie 10up sous la peau d'une brebis (Halliday), 

1959: 392 
te d'antidotes essentiels, 1959: 

- 87 - 

Pellicule de polythène: danger de mort (Jeffrey), 1959: 222 
18 problème des poisons (Dean), 1959: 398 
Soyons prudentes - prévenons les accidents au foyer (Robertson), 
1959: )96 
MErHODES d' enseignement: 
L'aspect communautaire et Ie nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 298 
Aiguillonner (Bachand), 1955: 793 
de bas en nursing chirurgical (Dussault), 1959: 270 
Considérations sur, de la médecine (Crevier), 1955: 699 
Cours de perfectionnement pour les infirmières en exercise (Detelin), 

1955: 123 
dans une êcole d'infirmières (Forest), 1955: 448 
L'infirmière éducatrice et conseillère (Notebaert), 1959: 314 
Instruction clinique à l'étudiante en nursing chirurgical (Ouimet), 
1959: 267 
Le nursing chirurgical pédiatrique (Desjardins), 1959: 272 
Le perfectionnement par l'exercice (Tardif), 1959: 276 
en sciences physiques et chimiques (Lacroix), 1955: 553 
du soin des malades (Labonté), 1955: 627 
METHODES d'enseignement en sciences physiques et chimiques (Lacroix), 

1955: 553 
METHODE pour l'enseignement du soin des malades (Labonté), 1955: 627 
METROPOLIS of the north (Mifflin), 1957: 230 
METROPOLITAN Demonstration School of Nursing: 1955: 189, 197, 200 
Alumnae without an Alma Mater, 1955: 127 
Present activities of alumnae members, 1959: 540, 22 
About the staphylococcus (Murray), 1959: 787 

- 88 - 

The control of staphylococcus infections (Rose), 1959: 795 
Current status of, (Goldberg), 1958: 203 
Destruction of microbial life (Perkins), 1958: 229 
Prevention and control of cross infection in the nursery of the 
normal newborn (Z

cker), 1959: 797 
Prevention of staphylococcal infections in the operating room 
(MacNeill), 1959: 799 
The problem of staphylococci in the operating room and central 
supply room (Smith), 1959: 801 
Staphylococcal diseases in infancy (Robinson), 1959: 794 
Staphylococcal infection (Southern-Holt), 1959: 791 
MIFFLIN, Jessie Beaumont 
Metropolis of the north, 1957: 230 
MIGRATION of nurses, 1956: 202 
Congenital heart surgery, 1959: 307 
MILITARY and veteran care nursing (Macleod), 1955: 213 
MILLER, Hazel Isobel 
Dear Doctor Atlee: 1958: 114 
Looking back on home care, 1958: 733 
MILLER, Lorraine F. 
The story of Johnny, 1959: 214 
MILLEY, Syretha Squires 
Going home, 1958: 142 
Ottawa Civic nursing education building, 1955: 368 
MILlS, Alice C. 
Le rôle dp l'infirmière-sage-femme en Grande-Bretagne, 1959: 

- 89 - 

The role of the nurse-midwife in Great Britain, 1959: 995 
MINTY, s. (Shouldice) 

ps - in utero, 1955: 454 
Under false colors (MacGregor), 1959: 633 
MISSION to Japan (Naudett), 1959: 128 
MITCHELL, D. (Colvin, Jones) 
Planning a demonstration night, 1959: 938 
Une séance de démonstrations, 1959: 371 
MITCHELL, Elizabeth S. 
Library of the school of nursing, 1955: 632 
MITRAL commissurotomy (Ritter), 1955: 689 
IDDERN trends in the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis 
(Paine), 1955: 277 
MODERN version of patient care (Flanagan), 1959: 726 
IDNGOLISM (Nelson), 1959: 452 
IDNGRAIN, Sister L. 
Nursing service in the hospital: its responsibility to the 
educational program, 1958: 106 
MONK, R. (Harvey) 
Sociogramatic study of spontaneous patient groupings, 1958: 924 
Retraite et ses alternatives, 1957: 220 
Nursing and the national health program, 1958: 820 
MOONEY, Sister Margaret 
Parent teacher association in a school of nursing, 1957: 210 
MORE than tolerance (Kerr), (ed.), 1955:939 

- 90 - 

IDRE wholesome milieu (Colquhoun), 1957: 1091 
Using case histories to learn, 1956: 361 
IDRGAN, Margaret P. 
Research in basic nursing in Canada, 1955: 962 
A new medication setup, 1959: 312 
IDRONEr, Flora 
How to see England cheaply and well, 1957: 199 
Discussing administration, 1955: 45 
IDRTALITIES de la route, 1959: ill 
MULTIPLE myeloma (Kuczmak), 1959: 623 
MULTIPLE sclerosis: 
with urinary tract infection (Huggett), 1958: 1121 
MULTIPLE sclerosis with urinary tract infection (Huggett), 1958: 1121 
MUMPS - in utero (Shouldice, Minty), 1955: 454 
MUNRO, Jessica 
The nurse's life, 1959: 356 
About the staphylococcus, 1959: 787 
Le staphylocoque, 1959: 20, 
, Helen 
Appointment, 1957: 632 
Experience with N.L.N. accreditation program, 1957: 838 
MY attitude has changed (Black), 1955: )02 
MY complaints (Dalton), 1956: 197 
MY impression of geriatric nursing (Allan), 1955: 60 

- 91 - 

MYERS, Bernice 
Diverticule oesphagien, 1959: 21 
Esophageal diverticulum, 1959: 616 
MYOCARDIAL infarction (McDermid), 1959: 610 


NANCE, Leith 
Student Nurses' Association of Alberta, 1955: 724 
NATIONAL camp, 1956 (MacLean), 1957: 715 
NATICNAL League for Nursing: 
Biennial meeting May 11-15, 1959 (MacGregor), (ed.), 1959: 985 
In step with modern progress (Gagnon), 1959: 987 
NATURAL childbirth (Balston), 1958: 205 
NATURAL childbirth (Harlow), 1955: 786 
NATURE de 1a recherche (Uprichard), 1959: 105 
NATURE of research (Uprichard), 1959: 318 
NAUDETT, Hazel F. 
Mission to Japan, 1959: 128 
NEED for research in nursing (Fidler), 1959: 224 
NElSON, Judith 
The first injection, 1958: 115 
NElSON, Winnifred 
Mongolism, 1959: 452 
NEUROFIBROMA of the spinal cord (Lechuk), 1957: 142 
NEUROLOGICAL conditions: 
Cavernous sinus thrombosis (Lawton, Hobin), 1956: 120 
Cerebral hemorrhage (Bonvie), 1957: 805 

- 92 - 

Child with post-rubella encephalitis (Brunader), 1957: 610 
Hydrocephalus (Jenkinson), 1956: 885 
Neurofibroma of the spinal cord (Lechuk), 1957: l42 
Tick paralysis with bulbar involvement (Pattinson), 1955: 134 
NEUROSURGICAL conditions: 
Cerebellar artery thrombosis (Jutras), 1959: 424 
Management of lumbar intervertebral disc lesions (Rosen), 1956: 423 
Nursing care of patients with lumber intervertebral disc lesions 
(MacTavish, MacQuarrie), 1956: 429 
NEVILLE, patricia 
Psychological problems of tuberculosis patients, 1955: 293 

l approach to gerontology (Lamont), 1958: 440 
NErl Brunswick: 
Evaluating nursing education, 1956: 47 
Nursing in, (Smith), 1959: 199 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 191; 1956: 441; 1957: 528; 
1958: 758; 1959: 352 
Report of a study of nursing education in, (Russell), 1957: 45 
Tell it out among the people (Stevens), (ed.), 1955: 437 
Université du, nouvelle école, 1958: 960 
University of, School of Nursing, 1958: 512, 958 
NEW concepts in geriatric nursing (Brown), 1957: 289 
 deal for male nurses (Wedgery), 1956: 636 
NDl drugs and drug therapy (Halliday), 1957: 911 
NDl look (MacGregor), (ed.), 1955: 853 
NEW look at civil defence health services (Charron), 1957: 375 

1 medication setup (Morley), 1959: 312 
NEW orthopedic brace (Graydon), 1959: 350 

- 93 - 

NEW staff locator system (Sen), 1958: 321 
NErl technique of administering medications (Gooby, Turnbull), 1957: 734 
 treatment for brittle nails (Halliday), 1959: 348 
NEW watchword (Bihet) I 1957: 1008 
NE};ffiORN infants: 
Cardiovascular adjustments, 1957: 631 
Clinical supervisor's plan for mother and baby care (Featherstone), 
1957: 203 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rutledge), 1959: 1022 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (St. Macrina), 1958: 207 
Nurses and new parents (Robertson), 1958: 950 
Planning senior experience in obstetrics (Mann), 1959: 1003 
Prevention and control of cross-infection in the nursery of the 
normal newborn (Zwicker), 1959: 797 
Retrolental fibroplasia (Banister), 1957: 1104 
Staphylococcal diseases in infancy (Robinson), 1959: 794 
Students' program in mother and baby care (McEnery), 1957: 203 
All this and much more (Summers), (ed.), 1957: 503 
Five years of progress (Sto
), (ed.), 1959: 599 
History making, past and present, 1957: 538 
Metropolis of the north (Mifflin), 1957: 230 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 191; 1956: 441; 1957: 528; 
1958: 760; 1959: 354 
Two-year educational program, 1956: 46 
Psychological problems of the cancer patient, 1958: 1014 
NIGHT center (Smith), 1957: 514 

- 94 - 

NO boundary lines (MacGregor), 1959: 644 
NO substitute for knowing (Pepper), (ed.), 1957: 373 
NORDIN, La.ura M. 
Coarctation of the aorta, 1955: 866 
NORMAL delivery (Bakken), 1957: 616 
L'infinnière éducatrice et conseillère, 1959: 314 
NOTRE jubilé d'or (Gérard), (ed.), 1959: 201 
NOTI', S . 
Nutrition experiment, 1957: 1004 
Erythroblastose fetale (Rutledge), 1959: 365 
Importance de la technique dans Ie soin des, (Dorion), 1957: 623 
NOUVEL aperçu des services de santé de la défense civile et progrès réalisés 
jusqu'ici (Charron), 1957: 505 
NOUVE1.LE réalisation (\fueeler), (ed.), 1959: 11 
keeps faith (Forbes), (ed.), 1955: 93 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 191; 1956: 442; 1957: 528; 
1958: 760; 1959: 354 
scene (McKeoi
), (ed.), 1957: 189 
InffiSE and citizenship (Drake), 1957: 629 
NURSE and the emotional needs of the patient (Sisler), 1958: 314 

NURSE becomes a patient (Hopwood) , 1958: 105 
NURSE views the problem (Macleod) , 1958: 27 
NURSES cross the nation (Collins) , 1955: 470 

NURSES and new parents (Robertson), 1958: 950 
NURSES and their footwear (Hammond), 1958: 460 

- 95 - 

NURSES as teachers of science (Reid), 1956: 187 
NURSES' health service (Perry), 1958: 306 
NURSES' homes: 
At home in a residence (Black), 1955: 101 
Color conditioning, 1955: 648 
Women's College Hospital, 1955: 740 
NURSE'S life (as mirrored in Shakespeare) (MUnro), 1959: 356 
NURSES' permanent rotation schedule (Jenkins), 1957: 907 
NURSES' private devotions (l1acLean), 1956: 27 
NURSES' role in civil defence, 1956: 186 
NURSES: their education and their role in health programs, 1956: 347, 
696 , 791 
NURSES' War Memorial - Hall of fame, 1958: 568 
NURSING administration: 
Better patient care, (Melanie), 1957: 113 
Discussing, (Morrison), 1955: 45 
The evaluation of personnel (Boshouwers), 1959: 532 
Head nurse study (Botsford), 1955: 29 
I went to a small hospital (Ball), 1958: 1138 
The relationship between the quality of nursing care and its cost (Décary), 
1959: 521 
Solving hospital problems (Wright), 1955: 34 
In step with modern (Gagnon), 1959: 988 
Two hats (Richmond), 1957: 283 
NURSING and the national health program (lfunteith), 1958: 820 
NURSING assistants: 
Approved in principle (Wright), 1955: 192 
Alberta Certified Nursing Aide Association (Quirk), 1959: 254 

- 96 - 

A certified. orderly training program (Dick, Carruthers), 1959: 732 
Functions of, 1956: 280 
Manitoba practical nurses (Barratt), 1957: 158 
Nursing care for our citizens, 1957: 633 
With our training \
e can help (Groenewald), 1956: 122 
NURSING assistants approved in principle (Wright), 1955: 192 
NURSING at Springhill (Marney), 1959: 156 
NURSING au rythme des progr
s modernes (Gagnon), 1959: 
Abruptio placenta (O'Rourke), 1958: 210 
Acute coronary artery disease (Flader), 1958: 624 
Acute glaucoma (De Souza), 1958: 645 
Acute laryngotracheo bronchitis (O'Rafferty), 1955: 621 
Acute laryngotracheo bronchitis (Surerus), 1957: 603 
Acute myocardial infarction (Grey), 1957: 606 
Acute rheumatic fever (Edmund), 1955: 877 
The artificial kidney (Rackham), 1959: 716 
Bandl's ring (Foster, Mcleod, Palf, raman Shouldice), 1956: 266 
Better patient care (Melanie), 1957: 113 
Bilateral cataracts (Purvis), 1958: 636 
Bronchopneumonia (Slager), 1958: 49 
Caesarean section (Tymstra, Brown, Briers), 1957: 808 
Canadian nurse studies English obstetrics (Robins), 1955: 372 
Cancer of the cervix (Rieger), 1957: 303 
Carcinoma of the breast (Davis), 1958: 318 
Cardiac catheterization - general, (Macmillan), 1959: 695 
Cardiac catheterization - specific, (Benesch), 1959: 696 
Cavernous sinus thrombosis (Lawton, Hobin), 1956: 120 

- 97 - 

Cerebellar artery thrombosis(Jutras), 1959: 424 
Cerebral hemorrhage (Bonvie), 1957: 805 
Cerebral palsy (Richardson), 1955: 351 
Changing attitudes (Phillips), 1956: 708 
Child in hospital (Faughnan), 1956: 956 
Child with laryngotracheo bronchitis (Cecelia), 1956: 351 
Child with post-rubella encephalitis (Brunader), 1957: 610 
Cholecystitis and cholecystectomy (Killeen), 1955: 548 
Chronic obstructed appendicitis (Scanlin), 1957: 599 
Cirrhosis of the liver (Cooper), 1957: 1106 
Cleft lips and palates (Hill), 1959: 439 
Clock watching (Wallace), 1958: 220 
Coarctation of the aorta (Nordin), 1955: 866 
Cold feet (Fraser), 1957: 293 
Colostomy, 1958: 154, 1054 
Congenital heart surgery (Mildenberger), 1959: 307 
Congenital hip dislocation (Williams), 1957: 620 
Congestive heart failure with uremia (Wilson), 1957: 324 
The control' of staphylococcal infections (Rose), 1959: 795 
Copper intoxication (Bauman), 1958: 419 
Coronary artery thrombosis (Trenholm), 1959: 428 
Diabetes mellitus (Dersco), 1956: 617 
Diabetic ketosis (Dahl), 1959: 1038 
Don't bend an elbow (Croken), 1959: 744 
Duodenal ulcer (Lemieux), 1959: 109 
Early detection and the nurse (Tupper), 1958: 1012 
Educating the nurse in cancer care (Chandler), 1958: 1016 
Empyema (Schroeter), 1958: 54 

- 98 - 

Enuresis (Baker), 1955: 709 
Epidennoid carcinoma (Uatanabe), 1956: 534 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rutledge), 1959: 1022 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (St. Macrina), 1958: 207 
Esophageal diverticulum (MYers), 1959: 616 
An exploratory laparotomy (Gillis, MacDonald), 1958: 964 
Familial hemolytic anemia (Sagesse), 1959: 641 
Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas (vvithrow, Galloway), 1957: 218 
Flight nurses - Royal Canadian Air Force (Somers), 1955: 539 
Foreign body in the respiratory tract (Elizabeth), 1958: 640 
Glomerulonephritis (Doris), 1956: 712 
Good body mechanics (McMullen), 1955: 378 
Gynecological cancer - diagnosis and treatment (Stapleton), 1958: 1018 
in hemorrhoidectomy (Rowland), 1959: 123 
How hospital personnel feel about, (Schweisheimer), 1959: 456 
Hurler's disease (Philippe), 1959: 1122 
Hydrocephalus (Jenkinson), 1956: 885 
Impact of chronic il!ness (Phillips), 1956: 524 
Importance of the nurse in the care of cardiac surgery (Vineberg), 
1955: 687 
Infectious mononucleosis (Laturnus), 1957: 1100 
Infectious hepatitis (Trenchard), 1959: 552 
Infiltrative duct carcinoma of the right breast (Johnston), 1959: 738 
Intestinal obstruction (Watanabe), 1957: 1024 
Leukemia (Schweisheimer), 1956: 724 
Looking back on home care (Miller), 1958: 733 
Love for the helping professions (Willie), 1958: 16 
Malignent stomach ulcer (Parrent), 1959: 834 

- 99 - 

Meconium ileus (vlright, Bullock), 1956: 193 
Melanotic sarcoma (Jenkinson), 1958: 942 
Mitral commissurotomy (Ritter), 1955: 689 
in a rni t ral commis surotomy (Snidal), 1959: 421 
A modern version of patient, (Flanagan), 1959: 726 
Mongolism (Nelson), 1959: 452 
fultiple myeloma (Kuczmak), 1959: 623 
Multiple sclerosis with urinary tract infection (Huggett), 1958: 1121 
Mumps - in utero (Shouldice, Minty), 1955: 454 
MY impression of geriatric, (Allan), 1955: 60 
MYocardial infarction (McDermid), 1959: 610 
Neurofibroma of the spinal cord (Lechuk), 1957: 142 
A new approach to gerontology (Lamont), 1958: 440 
New concepts in geriatric, (Brown), 1957: 289 
Normal delivery (Bakken), 1957: 616 
The nurse and the emotional needs of the patient (Sisler), 1958: 314 
A nurse becomes a patient (Hopwood), 1958: 105 
Nursing the cancer patient (Ferguson), 1958: 1020 
A nutrition experiment (Augusta), 1958: 649 
One person's, (Macleod), 1959: 912 
Open heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary by-pass (Hinson, Coleman, 
Cott er, Wilde, Callaghan), 1958: 726 
Our premature darling (Richard), 1957: 1105 
The patient, the bedpan and the nurse (Cobourne), 1958: 832 
of patients with lumber intervertebral disc lesions (MacTavish, MacQuarrie), 
1956: 429 
The pediatric nurse and play therapy (Pinkerton), 1959: 28 
Pediatric setting (Ross), 1956: 955 

- 100 - 

Pemphigus vulgaris (Sobie), 1959: 627 
Peptic ulcer (Eldridge), 1959: 114 
Placenta previa ,dth afibrinogenemia (Patrick), 1958: 212 
Play - an essential of every child's life (Law), 1955: 949 
Postpartum renal failure (Pyrch), 1957: 146 
Pre-eclamptic toxemia (Goos, Sellers, Antoniades), 1959: 1005 
Preparation for, in cardiac surgery (Parent), 1959: 902 
of psychiatric casualties (McArthur), 1957: 456 
The public health nurse in the cancer program (Fowler), 1958: 1029 
Pyloric stenosis (Pavan), 1959: 120 
of radiation sickness (Haggart), 1957: 408 
in radiation therapy (Chandler), 1958: 1023 
Radioactive isotopes (Skerry, Maclean, Black, Kennedy, MacDonald), 
1956: 800 
The rehabilitation of Mrs. Moritz (Butler), 1959: 215 
The rehabilitation team (McColl), 1959: 210 
Renal transplant (Harris, Dossetor), 1959: 508 
Research into better patient, (Décary, Ouimet), 1958: 1115 
Retrolental fibroplasia (Banister), 1957: 1104 
Rheumatoid arthritis (Ziehran), 1956: 44B 
Right lobar pneumonia (Eaton), 1959: 1108 
Role of the nurse in rehabilitation (Hawkins), 1957: 1005 
Role of the nurse in rehabilitation (Phillips), 1956: 810 
Role of the nurse in the treatment of alcoßolism (Toner), 1955: 868 
Salt-losing nephritis (Richards, Dodkin), 1956: 537 
Sawdust beds (Bourns), 1959: 162 
Schizophrenia (Stewart), 1956: 114 
Senile psychosis (Dickson), 1957: 930 

- U'l - 

Sheehan's disease (Clark), 1957: 140 
Social sciences and improvement of patient care (Brown), 1956: 175 

Special aspects of the, of the aged (Kort), 1955: 22 
Spina bifida and hydrocephalus (Perret), 1959: 1111 
Staphylococcal pneumonia (Demko), 1956: 971 
The story of Johnny (Miller), 1959: 214 
Student nurse in a pediatric setting (Caplan, Dimock), 1956: 959 
Supportive maternal and child care (Cunningham), 1959: 990 
Tetanus (Cleghorn), 1955: 461 
of thermal injuries (Virginia), 1957: 416 

of the thoracic surgical patient (Hinson, 01eksyn, Dafoe), 1959: 218 

Thyroid conditions (Skinner), 1958: 935 
nf traumatic injuries (Reesor), 1957: 395 
in tuberculosis surgery (Hassett), 1955: 290 
Tick paralysis with bulbar involvement (Pattinson), 1955: 134 
Traumatic arthritis of the hip (Lawrence), 1958: 630 
Vasculitis of unknown origin (Hooser), 1955: 875 

On the ward (Lepot), 1959: 914 

We teach - do our patients learn (MacArthur), 1959: 205 
Wee scrap of humanity (Copp), 1957: 53 
vfuen a nurse has diabetes (Bell), 1956: 627 
NURSING care in hemorrhoidectomy (Rowland), 1959: 123 
NURSING care in a mitral comrnissuroto
 (Snidal), 1959: 421 

NURSING care of patients with lumbar intervertebral disc lesions 

(MacTavish, MacQuarrie), 1956: 429 

NURSING care of psychiatric casualties (McArthur), 1957: 456 
NURSING care of radiation sickness (Haggart), 1957: 408 
NURSING care in radiation therapy (Chandler), 1958: 1023 


- 102 - 

NURSING care of thermal injuries (Virginia), 1957: 416 
NURSING care of the thoracic surgical patient (Hinson, 01eksyn, Dafoe), 
1959: 218 
NURSING care of traumatic injuries (Reesor), 1957: 395 
NURSItlJ. chirurgical en cardiologie (Parent), 1959: 279 
NURSING chirurgical pédiatrique (Desjardins), 1959: 272 
NURSING counsellors of the federal employee health service (Gordon), 1957: 109 
NURSllJG education: 
Accreditation - what's on the record (McQuarrie), 1956: 443 
Advanced preparation in nursing (Rheault), 1959: 904 
Adventures in science teaching (Alderson), 1956: 771 
The adviser to schools of nursing (Schumacher), 1959: 332 
Affiliation programs (McPhedran), 1957: 125 
Analysis of hospital experience: student nurses in schools of 
nursing in Ontario, 1957: 212 
Another reason for hope (Lamarre), 1959: 1026 
Aspects sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques (Tyhurst), 
1957: 434 
The balance between education and service (Howe), 1958: 36 
Basic teaching in surgical nursing (Dusseault), 1959: 891 
Better patient care (Melanie), 1957: 113 
Better utilization of the students' time in the clinical field 
(Felicitas), 1959: 321 
Bill 320 and the student of nursing (MacLaggan), (ed.), 1958: 409 
Black cats, dark rooms and blind men (Uprichard), 1957: 711 
Centralized teaching program in Saskatchewan: an evaluation, 
1958: 38 
Changes in the patterns of nursing (Russell), 1958: 529 


Clinical teaching in surgical nursjng (Ouimet), 1959: 893 
Creative nursing (Schwier), 1956: 875 
Crisis in, (
ßcLaggan), 1957: 517 
The current status of microbiology (Goldberg), 1958: 203 
Dear Doctor Atlee: (Miller), 1958: 114; (Uprichard, Hutchison, 
Palliser), 1957: 1087 
Doctor looks at nursing (Wright), 1957: 104 
Educating the nurse in cancer care (Chandler), 1958: 1016 
Education then service (MacGregor), 1958: 110 
Evolution of, (McQuarrie), 1955: 194 
Farce of, (Atlee), 1957: 791 
Financial assistance for, brief on, 1959: 631 
The first injection (Nelson), 1958: 115 
Forty years of growing (Chittick), 1957: 29 
Forty years of pilgrimage (Russell), (ed.), 1956: 173 
Health and social philosophy in, (Downing), 1958: 234 
How can the nurse understand herself (Hamilton), 1957: 1079 
Inservice education for general staff nurses (McRae), 1957: 1013 
A letter to my niece (Zalloni), 1959: 728 
Life profession and school (Clarke), 1956: 530, 640, 715 
In lighter vein (Odell), 1958: 558 
The master plan of rotation (Street), 1959: 30, 139 
A more wholesome milieu (Colquhoun), 1957: 1091 
New concepts in geriatric nursing (Brown), 1957: 289 
No substitute for knowing (Pepper), 1957: 373 
Nurses as teachers of science (Reid), 1956: 187 
Nurses: their education and their role in health programs, 1956: 347 

- 104 - 

Nursing service in the hospital: its responsibility to the, program 
(Mongrain), 1958: 106 
Orientation and in-service (Smith), 1957: 728 
The other three R's (Hickman), 1959: 516 
Pediatric surgical (Desjardins), 1959: 896 
Perfection through practice (Tardif), 1959: 899 
Planning a demonstration night (Colvin, Jones, Mitchell), 1959: 938 
Planning senior experience in obstetrics (Mann), 1959: 1003 
Power of enthusiasm (La Croix), (ed.), 1957: 101 
Psychiatric experience, 1957: 527 
Psychological and social aspects of community disasters (Tyhurst), 
1957: 423 
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Montreal, program (Geiger), 1958: 322 
Rehabilitation in a teaching program (Orawford, Heieren), 1959: 201 
Role of the nurse in rehabilitation (Hawkins), 1957: 1005 
Role of the nurse in the total health program (Carpenter), 1957: 720 
The role of the nurse-midwife in Great Britain (Mills), 1959: 995 
Some considerations on the basic nursing curriculum (Carter), 1956: 357 
In step with modern progress (Gagnon), 1959: 987 
Student nurse in the community (Hentsch), 1957: 205 
Student's program in mother and baby care (McEnery), 1957: 203 
Teaching community aspects of nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 932 

What each expects of: the doctor (MacMillan), 1957: 1083 
What each expects of: the head nurse (Allison), 1957: 1085 
What each expects of: the student (Tozer), 1957: 1086 
What is accreditation (Lefebvre) , 1957: 18 

NURSING est-il au service du malade (Reynolds), 1959: 13 
NURSING the cancer patient (Ferguson), 1958: 1020 

- 105 - 

NURSING in evolution (Merleau), (ed.), 1955: 766 
NURSING in New Brunswick (Smith), (ed.), 1959: 199 
NURSING in psychiatric divisions of general hospitals (McCrimnon), 1959: 250 
NURSING in tuberculosis surgery (Hassett), 1955: 290 
NURSING in the world (Creelman), 1958: 814 
NURSING investigation of a tuberculosis outbreak (Batt), 1955: 295 
NURSING profession and social change (Ross), 1958: 824 
NURSING profiles: 1955: 48, 462, 636, 704, 782, 956; 1956: 38, 199, 543, 624, 
804, 976; 1957: 35, 208, 530, 626, 921, 1010; 1958: 118, 230, 436, 576, 
664, 756, 854, 931, 1048, 1125; 1959: 36, 132, 232, 326, 526, 637,714, 
807, 908, 1032, 1128 
NURSING programs at the University of Saskatchewan (Willis), 1956: 40 
NURSING referral program: 
Planning and implementation of a, (Brady), 1957: 795 
NURSES' registry marks fifty years (James), 1955: 476 
NURSING research: 
Affiliation programs (McPhedran), 1957: 125 
Analysis of hospital experience: student nurses in schools of nursing 
in Ontario, 1957: 212 
Improving nursing service (Arnstein), 1956: 869 
Inservice education for general staff nurses (Mcrlae), 1957: 1013 
Job satisfaction (Fletcher), 1957: 812 
Let us find some answers and tell others (Chittick, Allen), 1957: 40 
A more wholesome milieu (Colquhoun), 1957: 1091 
New technique of administering medications (Gooby, Turnbull), 1957: 734 
Parent teacher association in a school of nursing (Mooney), 1957: 210 
Report of a study of nursing education in New Brunswick (Russell), 
1957: 45 


sèvres 1956 (Campion, MacIsaac), 1957: 297 
NURSING school library (Riddell), 1956: 798 
NURSDIG science, an integrated course (Hill), 1955: 630 
NURSING service: 
Acceptable standards of, 1955: 127 
Administration, 1955: 466 
An analysis of the experiences of eight cardiac patients during a 
period of hospitalization (Allernang), 1959: 702 
Better patient care (Melanie), 1957: 113 
Better utilization of the students' time in the clinical field 
(Felicitas), 1959: 321 
budget (Young), 1955: 107 
A certified orderly training program (Dick, Carruthers), 1959: 732 
Clock watching (Wallace), 1958: 220 
The dignity of, (Kerr), (ed.), 1959: 303 
Discussing administration (Morrison), 1955: 45 
Efficiency, 1955: 304 
Great expectations (Poole), (ed.), 1959: 889 
Improving, (Arnstein), 1956: 869 
in the hospital: its responsibility to the educational program 
(Mongrain), 1958: 106 
Is nursing at the service of patients (Reynolds), 1959: 513 
Job satisfaction in the professions (Falck), 1957: 130 
The master plan of rotation (Street), 1959: 30, 139 
The new look (MacGregor), (ed.), 1955: 853 
New technique of administering medications (Gooby, Turnbull), 
1957: 734 
Nurses' permanent rotation schedule (Jenkins), 1957: 907 

- 107 - 

Orientation manual (Campion), 1956: 447 
Prevention and control of cross-infection in the nursery of the 
normal newborn (Zwicker), 1959: 797 
Prevention of staphylococcal infections in the operating room 
(MacNeill), 1959: 799 
The problem of staphylococci in the operating room and central 
supply room (Smith), 1959: 801 
A promising future (Maclennan), (ed.), 1958: 303 
Public wants (Angus), 1955: 444 
The relationship between the quality of nursing care and its cost 
(Décary), 1959: 521 
Research into better patient care (Décary, Ouimet), 1958: 1115 
Too many for too few (Girard), (ed.), 1956: 93 
Two hats (Richmond), 1957: 283 
Ward book (Ferguson), 1957: 917 
NURSInJ' service budget (Young), 1955: 107 
NURSING service in the hospital: its responsibility to the educational 
program (Mongrain), 1958: 106 
NURSING today and tomorrow (Kerr), 1958: 21 
NURSING yesterday and today - a challenge for the future (Campion), 
1955: 208 
Les besoins nutritifs durant la grossesse (Beaton), 1958: 216 
The bread you eat (Bauer), 1958: 152 
Cheese (Beech), 1955: 908 
experiment (Augusta), 1958: 649 
experiment (Nott), 1957: 1004 
Food fads, 1959: 460 

- 108 - 

Food habits of new Canadians, 1959: 945 
Formation of good food habits, 1955: 932 
A guide to better food habits, 1955: 543 
Habitudes alimentaires des Néo-Canadiens, 1959: 356 
of infants (Cooke), 1955: 381 
K.P. for double-duty homemakers (Bell), 1956: 884 
Nicotinic acid deficiency, 1955: 16 
Protein: the stuff of life (
links), 1957: 55 
Teeth and dental caries (Hebert), 1955: 41 
Things that worry me (Bishop), 1955: 707 
You are what you eat, 1956: 982 
NUTRITION experiment (Augusta), 1958: 649 
NUTRITION experiment (Nott), 1957: 1004 
NUTRITION of infants (Cooke), 1955: 381 

- 0 - 

O'BRIEN, John H. 
Seven ways to prevent accidents, 1955: 726 
Abruptio placenta (O'Rouke), 1958: 210 
Alphabet for a happy and healthy pregnancy (Valentine), 1958: 215 
Bandl's ring (Foster, McLeod, Palframan, Shouldice), 1956: 266 
Caesarean section (Tymstra, Brown, Briers), 1957: 808 
Canadian nurse studies English (Robins), 1955: 372 
Clinical supervisor's plan for mother and baby care (Featherstone), 
1957: 203 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rutledge), 1959: 1022 

- 10l) - 

Erythroblastosis fetalis (St. Macrina), 1958: 207 
For the new mother (Gray), 1955: 114 
From under the blanket, 1908-1958 (Atlee), 1958: 544 
Horne visiting and maternal health (Doyon), 1959: 700 
Natural childbirth (Balston), 1958: 205 
Natural childbirth (Harlow), 1955: 786 
Normal deli very (Bakken), 1957: 616 
Nurses and new parents (Robertson), 1958: 950 
Placenta previa with afibrinogenemia (Patrick), 1958: 212 
Planning senior experience in, (Mann), 1959: 1003 
Postpartum renal failure (Pyrch), 1957: 146 
Pre-eclamptic toxemia (Goos, Sellers, Antoniades), 1959: 1005 
Premature labor, 195B: 813 
Prenatal training, 1958: 156 
Preventing toxemia of pregnancy (Lambeth), 1955: J.J32 
The role of the nurse-midwife in Great Britain (Mills), 1959: 995 
Student's program in mother and baby care (McEnery), 1957: 203 
Supportive maternal and child care (Cunningham), 1959: 990 
Tuberculosis in pregnancy (Guerard), 1955: 625 
Unusual compound presentation (Anderson), 1955: 38 
Une analyse de la visite à domicile en santé rnaternelle (Doyon), 
Les besoins nutritifs durant la grossesse (Beaton), 1958: 216 
Cours approfondis en, destinés aux finissantes (Mann), 1959: 
Erythroblastose foetale (Rutledge), 1959: 
Importance de la technique dans Ie soin des nouveau-nés (Dorion), 
1957: 623 

- 110 - 

Infirmière en, (Calvé), 1956: 742 
Le rôle de l'infirmière-sage-femme en Grande-Bretagne (Mills), 
1959: ill 
Soins de soutien de la mère et l' enfant (Cunningham), 1959: 327 
Toxémie pré-éclamptique (Goos, Sellers, Antoniades), 1959: 
OCCUPATIONAL health nursing (Burton), 1955: 223 
Emotional problems of the worker (Hamilton), 1959: 4.09 
health, (Burton), 1955: 223 
Mental health in industry (Wanninton), 1955: 776 
Nursing counsellors of the federal employee health service (Gordon), 
1957: 109 
Role of the industrial nurse in accident prevention (Greville), 
1956: 112 
Promotion of safety - role of the public health nurse, 1955: 456 
Rehabilitating the mentally ill employee (Burns), 1955: 719 
Threefold program (Van Buskirk), 1957: 800 
Hastening recovery (Bushell), 1957: 997 
ODELL, Elizabeth N. 
In lighter vein, 1958: 558 
OFFICE accommodation: 
Building for the future (Grundy), 1955: 772 
A dream comes true (Van Dusen), 1959: 103 
Home of their own (MacGregor), 1956: 548; 1957: 597 
Provincial, (RNAO), 1957: 527 
OHLSON, Agnes 
Une attributioo exclusive, 1959: 

- III - 

Greetings from the ICN president, 1959: 138 
The International Council of Nurses, 1958: 810 
Unique award, 1959: 558 
OLEKSYN, E.E. (Hinson, Dafoe) 
Nursing care of the thoracic surgical patient, 1959: 218 
ON the march (Sharpe), (ed.), 1955: 13 
ON the ward (burns) (Lepot), 1959: 914 
ONE candle on the cake (Wedgery), 1957: 919 
ONE person's nursing care (MacLeod), 1959: 912 
Analysis of hospital experience: student nurses in schools of 
nursing in, 1957: 212 
The Atkinson School, Toronto \iestern Hospital, 1958: 110 
Curricula for schools of nursing, 1955: 465 
Home of their own (MacGregor) (ed.), 597 
its historical background (Dill), 1958: 426 
Nursing education building, ottawa Civic Hospital (Milligan), 
1955: 368 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 191; 1956: 442; 1957: 528; 
1958: 760; 1959: 354 
Rung of a ladder (Beyer), 1955: 605 
ONTARIO: its historical background (Dill), 1958: 426 
OPEN doors (Ellis), 1957: 993 
OPEN heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary bypass (Hinson, Coleman, 
Cotter, Wilde, Callaghan), 1958: 726 
OPERATING room experience: 
Value of, to the student nurse (Ellison), 1955: 881 
OPERATION Arnprior (Farquharson), 1955: 695 


OLOGICAL conditions: 
Acute glaucoma (De Souza), 1958: 645 
Bilateral cataracts (Purvis), 1958: 636 
Drivers' eyes - an unsolved puzzle, 1955: 557 
Dri vers vision at high speeds, 1955: 650 
Retrolental fibroplasia (Banister), 1957: 1104 
Services for children with vision and eye problems, 1957: 226 
Squint or strabismus (Reed), 1959: 16 
Staff education - a cooperative project (Harris, Plewes), 1957: 201 
OPPORTUNITIES with vlHO (Hill), 1958: 103 
OR what's a heaven for (Salter), 1958: 1094 
o 'RAFFERI'Y, Ann 
Acute Laryngotracheo bronchitis, 1955: 621 
ORDERLY training program (Richmond), 1956: 191 
ORGANIZATION and operation of a cancer welfare program (Hartling), 
1958: 1032 
ORGANISATION et La conduite d'une assemblée (Duplain), 1959: 143 
ORGANISATION Mondiale de Santé: 
troisième rapport du comité d'experts des soins infirmiers, 1955: 312 
ORGANIZING public health services (Wake), 1955: 546 
ORIENTATION (Campion), 1956: 447 
ORIENTATIOi'J and in-service education (Smith), 1957: 728 
ORIENTATION au travail dans Ie domaine du nursing (Keegan), 1957: 195 
ORIENI'ATION manual, 1956: 280, 447 
ORIENT AT ION programs: 
and in-service education (Smith), 1957: 728 
O'ROURKE, Eunice 
Abruptio placenta, 1958: 210 

- 113 - 

Congenital hip dislocation (Williams), 1957: 620 
A new, brace (Graydon), 1959: 350 
Traumatic arthritis of the hip (Lawrence), 1958: 6)0 
ORI'HOPHONIE (Benfonte), 1957: 524 
OTHER three R's (Hickman), 1959: 516 
Hearing loss, 1959: 27 
Measurement of sound, 1959: 38 
Middle ear surgery, 1959: 62 
arTA\IA Civic nursing edu::ation building (Milligan), 1955: 368 
OUIMET, Jacqueline 
Clinical teaching in surgical nursing, 1959: 893 
Instruction clinique à l'étudiante en nursing chirurgical, 1959: 267 
OUIMET, Jacqueline (Décary) 
Recherche en nursing à l'Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montreal, 1957: 923 
Research into better patient care, 1958: 1115 
OUR city - yot'!.r capital (Whitton), 1958: 513 
OUR common heritage (Stanbury), 1958: 911 
OUR golden jubilee (Gerard), (ed.), 1959: 783 
OUR prematur
arling (Richard), 1957: 1105 
OUR president æeets the Queen (Hunter), 1958: 15 
OUR professic
al association (Hunter), (ed.), 1958: 807 
OUR senior citizens (\"lilson), (ed.), 1956: 421 
OurPATIZNT department: 
The v

ereal disease clinic (Schroeter), 1959: 42 
OXYGEN therapy: 
Retrolental fibroplasia (Banister), 1957: 1104 

- 114 - 

- P - 

Casualties from atomic weapons - a review, 1957: 400 
PAGET'S disease (Lawton, Rinker), 1955: 960 
PAIN: breath of (Bromage), 1956: 45 
PAINE, A.t. 
Modern trends in the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, 
1955: 277 
P AKALNINS, Irmgard 
Le progranme de réhabilitation, 1959: 293 
The rehabilitation program, 1959: 922 
PAIFRAMAN, J. (Foster, Mcleod, Shouldice) 
Bandl's ring, 1956: 266 
PALUSER, Elinor M. 
Dear Doctor Atlee, 1957: 1088 
PARAPHRASE of Paul's thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians for nurses 
(Waters), 1959: 746 
Tick paralysis with bulbar involvement (Pattinson), 1955: 134 
PARENT, Adrierme 
Nursing chirurgical en oardiologie, 1959: 279 
Preparation for nursing in cardiac surgery, 1959: 902 
PARENT teacher association in a school of nursing (MOoney), 1957: 210 
PARENTS' point of view (James), 1956: 963 
Essentials for happiness, 1955: 706 

- 115 - 

PARLIMENTARY procedure: 
Amendments, 1958: 352 
Committees and their work, 1958: 742 
A discussion of principles, 1958: 42 
Incidental main motions, 1958: 650 
Main motions, 1958: 224 
Order of business, 1958: 138 
Other subsidiary motions, 1958: 444 
Other types of motions, 1958: 564 
PARI' of the deep flow (ìrlillis), (ed.), 1007 
Fluid balance, 1956: 262 
PASK, Anne A. 
Attitudes to natural infant feeding, 1955: 785 
PAST has a future (Wedgery), 1959: 135 
PATIENT, the bedpan and the nurse (Cobourne), 1958: 832 
PATIENT, the present, and progress (Bridges), 1958: 619 
PATRICK, Sister Mary: 
Placenta previa with afibrinogenemia, 1958: 212 
Tick paralysis with bulbar involvement, 1955: 134 
PAVAN, Adeline 
Pyloric stenosis, 1959: 120 
PAYER, Hélène 
Scarlatine plus endomycardite, 1956: 891 
PEDIATRIC nurse and play therapy (Pinkerton), 1959: 28 
PEDIATRIC nursing: 
Bandl's ring (Foster, Mcleod, Palframan, Shouldice), 1956: 266 


Bronchopneumonia (Slager), 1958: 49 
The child in hospital (Faughnan), 1956: 956 
Cleft lips and palates (Hill), 1959: 439 

Clinical supervisor's plan for mother and baby care (Featherstone), 

1957: 203 

Counterpane land (Bell), 1956: 107 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rutledge), 1959: 1022 
Erythroblastosis fetalis (St. Macrina), 1958: 207 
From little acorns (Butler), 1956: 31 
Hurler's disease (Philippe), 1959: 1122 

Infectious mononucleosis (taturnus), 1957: 1100 

Meconium ileus (\'lright, Bullock), 1956: 193 
MOngolism (Nelson), 1959: 452 
Our premature darling (Richard), 1957: 1105 
Parents' point of view (James), 1956: 963 
The pediatric nurse and play therapy (Pinkerton), 1959: 28 
Pemphigus vulgaris (Sobie), 1959: 627 

Prevention and control of cross-infection in the nursery of the 

normal newborn (Zwicker), 1959: 797 
Pyloric stenosis (Pavan), 1959: 120 
A research project in a premature nursery (Jones), 1959: 432 

Retrolental fibroplasia (Banister), 1957: 1104 
Staphylococcal. di seases in infancy (Robinson), 1959: 794 
Student's program in mother and baby care (McEnery), 1957: 203 
surgical, (Desjardins), 1959: 896 
PEDIATRIC setting (Ross), 1956: 955 
PEDIATRIC surgical nursing (Desjardins), 1959: 896 

- 117 - 

PEDIATRIC work conference (Flander), 1956: 951 
Process notes on the work conference (Dimock), 1956: 951 
School is a school - is a school (Cameron), 1957: 525 
setting, (Ross), 1956: 955 
Some thoughtful conclusions (Flander), 1956: 966 
Student nurse in a, setting (Caplan, Dimock), 1956: 959 
work conference (Flander), 19561 951 
Chloropromazine ou largactil en, (Bawkin), 1957: 824 
Maladie de Hurler (Philippe), 1959: m 
Les maladies staphylococciques chez les nourissons (Robinson), 
1959: 215 
Prévention et contrôle de l'infection mixte à la pouponni
re du 
nouveau-né (Zwicker), 1959: 217 
Soin des enfants (Giroux), 1956: 968 
Pellicule de polythène: danger de mort (Jeffrey), 1959: 122 
Pemphigus vulgaris (Sobie), 1959: .lli 
PENSION plan for nurses (Wetenha11), 1955: 693 
PEPPEli'., Evelyn A. 
Civil defence, 1956: 696 
No substitute for knowing (ed.), 1957: 373 
PEPTIC ulcer (Eldridge), 1959: 114 
PERCY, Dorothy M. 
Signpost at Geneva, 1956: 790 
PERFECTION through practice (Tardif), 1959: 899 
PERFECTIONNElæNT par I' exercice (Tardif), 19.59: 276 


Destruction of microbial life, 1958: 229 
PERREl', Shi rley 
18 spiina-bifida et l'hydrocéphalie, 1959: 
Spina bifida and hydrocephalus, 1959: 1111 
PERRY, Helen 
Nurses' health service, 1958: 306 
PERSONAL power and m.ergy to do and go m doing (Plewes), 1958: 836 
PERSONNEL practices, 1955: 211 
Rôle de l'oxygène dans la physiologie, 1957: 1089 
PHENOMENES métaboliques: 
Maladie de Hurler (Philippe), 1959: 431 
PHILIPPE, Marilyn 
Hurler's disease, 1959: 1122 
Ma.ladie de Hurler, 1959: 
PHILLIPS, Elisabeth C. 
Changing attitudes, 1956: 708 
Impact of chronic illness, 1956: 524 
Role of the nurse in rehabilitation, 1956: 810 
What it means to be old, 1956: 611 
PHILOSOPHY of nursing: 
Black cats, dark rooms and blind men (Uprichard), 1957: 711 
Your high calling (\laters), 1958: 737 
PHYSICAL fitness: 
Personal power and energy to do and go on doing (Plewes), 1958: 836 
PHYSIOlOGIE cardio-pulmonaire (La.belle), 1957: 287 


- 119 - 

PIERCEY, W.D. (Fryer) 
Hospital preparedness, 1957: 386 
PIlOT project: 
Appointment of Helen MUssallem, 1957: 530, 632 
Board of review, 1958: 570, 862, 1042; 1959: 156, 340 
Evaluation of schools of nursing, 1957: 838 
Financial contributions to, 1957: 632, 744, 838, 940, 1017, 1096 
Guidelines for the future, 1958: 570 
Insti tutes and workshops, 1959: 632, 712 
Interpreters of the, 1959: 154 
Regional visitors, 1957: 632; 1958: 450 
Schools chosen, 1957: 632 
Senior bilingual evaluator appointed, 1958: 340, 448 
Shape of things to come (McQuarrie), 1957: 307 
Study folio on accreditation, 1959: 244 
The surveys begin, 1958: 340 
The surveys completed, 1959: 340 
PILOT study in modern Israel (Gould), 1957: 214 
PINKERTON, Patricia A. 
The pediatric nurse and play therapy, 1959: 28 
PIONEERING in Okinawa (Carmel), 1955: 541 
PLACENTA previa with afibrinogenemia (Patrick), 1958: 212 
PLAN de retraite: 1957: 308; 1958: 1134; 1959: 248. 410 , 411 , 448 
Comment vous pouvez aidl"r (Beaudin), 1959: 2.2 
mes posée par l'augmentation de la longévité (Sebaoun), 1955: 17 
Retraite et ses alternatives (MOnkhouse), 1957: 220 
Valeur d'un, pour Ie personnel d'un hôpital, 1958: 256 
PLANNING a demonstration night (Colvin, Jones, Mitchell), 1959: 938 


PLANNING and implementation of a nursing referral program (Brady), 
1957: 795 
PLANNING senior experience in obstetrics (Mann), 1959: 1003 
PLASTIC film: 
Death from, (Jeffrey), 1959: 1096 
PIASTIC surgery: 
Cleft lips and palates (Hill), 1959: 439 
Homografts, 1957: 853 
PIAY - an essential of ever,y child's life (Law), 1955: 949 
PIAY therapy: 
Counterpane land (Bell), 1956: 107 
The pediatric nurse and, (Pinkerton), 1959: 28 
Play - an essential of every child's life (Law), 1955: 949 
PLEHES, Doris W. 
Personal power and energy to do and go on doing, 1958: 836 
PLEWES, Edna (Harris) 
Staff education - a cooperative project, 1957: 201 
Right lobar, (Eaton), 1959: 1108 
PNEUIDNIA (de la Mare), 1959: 1105 
lobaire (Eaton), 1959: 416 
Traitement de la, (Delisle), 1959: 
PNEUIDNIE, 1a (de la Mare), 1959: ill 
PNEUMONIE lobaire (Eaton), 1959: ill 
L'acide borique - au Ie loup sous la peau d'une brebis (Hallid
1959: 12,g 

- 121 - 

Boracic acid - the wolf in sheep's clothing (Halliday), 1959: 1093 
Liste d'antidotes essentiels, 1959: 
The problem of, (Dean), 1959: 1091 
Le problème des (Dean), 1959: Jê2 
Table of antidotes, 1959: 1095 
POLAND, Fred \'1. 
La. crampe des écrivains, 1959: B 
Writer's cramp, 1959: 523 
A propos de, (Recht), 1955: 564 
Recent advances in, and other virus diseases (Rhodes), 1955: 527 
outlook in, 1956: 874 
The psychiatric nurse and the adolescent, 1958: 417 
POOLE, Pamela Eleanor 
De grandes attentes, (ed.), 1959: 265 
Great expectations, (ed.), 1959: 889 
POSTGRADUATE education: 
Achieving one's heart's desire (Smuczok), 1958: 732 
Full-time work, part-time school (Lewis), 1955: 890 
POSTER on recruitment, 1957: 838 
POSTPARTUM renal failure (Pyrch), 1957: 146 
Le ma.intien de l'enfant d'âge scolaire (Henrichon), 1959: 240 
and the school age child (Henrichon), 1959: 826 
POSTURE and the school age child (Henrichon), 1959: 826 
POURQ.UOI et comnent écrire, 1959: m 

- 122 - 

UOI les juger (St. Mechtilde), 1959: ill 
UOI mourir à 65 ans, 1955: 361 
POWER. of enthusiasm (La. Croix), (ed.), 1957: 101 
PRAIRIE convention (Kerr), (ed.), 1956: 687 
PRECIOUS kind of leadership (Woodside), 1957: 901 
PRECLINICAL stu.dent looks at nursing (Daley), 1957: 138 
PRE-ECWIPTIC toxemia (Goos, Sellers, Antoniades), 1959: 1005 
PRELIMINARY study and analysis of nursing requirements in neurological 
and neurosurgical nursing (Flanagan, Herdan), 1955: 855 
Centre des prématurés, 1955: 132 
Un enfant est né trop tôt (Saint Martin), 1956: 345 
Quelles sont les chances de survie du, (Cross), 1955: 130 
Our premature darling (Richard), 1957: 1105 
A research project in a premature nursery (Janes), 1959: 432 
Wee scrap of humanity (Copp), 1957: 53 
 for nursing in cardiac surgery (Parent), 1959: 902 
Our professional association (Hunter), (ed.), 1958: 807 
Tomorrow's pattern (Sharpe), (ed.), 1956: 597 
PRESLEY, Florcnce G. (Creighton, Hufnagel, Thorn) 
Entraide au-delà de la fronti
re, 1959: 21 
PREVENTION and control of cross-infection in the nurser,y of the 
normal newborn (Zwicker), 1959: 797 
PRE'rENTION des accidents: 
L'acide borique - ou Ie loop sous 1a peau d tune brebis (Halliday), 
1959: 3 0 2 

- 123 - 

Liste d'antidotes essentiels, 1959: 
Pellicule de polythène: danger de mort (Jeffrey), 1959: l22 
Le problérne des poisons (Dean), 1959: 389 
Soyons prudentes - prévenons les accidents au foyer (Robertson), 
1959: l2.É. 
PREVENTION et contrôle de l'infection mixte à la pouponni
re du 
nouveau-né (Zwicker), 1959: 217 
PREVENTION des infections staphylococciques à la salle d'opération 
(MacNeill), 1959: 219 
PREVENTION of staphylococcal infections in the operating room (MacNeill) 
1959: 799 
PREVENTION of tuberculosis in nurses (Harlow, Stewart), 1955: 285 
PRICE, Philip B. 
Skin antisepsis, 1959: 222 
PRIMARY treatment services (Crawford), 1957: 383 
PRINCE Edward Island: 
Above mediocrity (Irene), (ed.), 1955: 685 
Assuming responsibilities (Ross), (ed.), 1957: 895 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 190; 1956: 442; 1957: 528; 
1958: 760; 1959: 354 
PRIVATE nursing: 
Nurses' registry marks fifty years (James), 1955: 476 
Professional nursing registries, 1955: 192 
PROBLEM of burns (Christie), 1959: 912 
PROBLEM of poisons (Dean), 1959: 1091 
PROBLEM of staphylococci in the operating room and central supply 
room (Smith), 1959: 801 
PROBI>>1E des brûlures (Christie), 1959: 288 


ili des poisons (Dean), 1959: 
PROBLEME des staphyloco
es à la salle d'opération et au service 
central (Smith), 1959: 221 
PROBIDiES et contrôle des infectioos à staphylocoques (Rose), 1959: 213 
PROBLEMES posée par I' augmentation de 1a 10ngévité (Sebaoun), 1955: 17 
PROBLEMES professionnels: 
Conférence canadienne sur Ie nursing (Giroux), 1958: 31 
Sous de fausses couleurs (MacGregor), 1959: 118 
PROBLEMES sociaux: 
Pourquoi les juger (Ste. Mechtilde), 1959: 222 
PROCEDURES parlementaires: 
L'organisation et la conduite d tune assemblée (Duplain), 1959: 143 
PROCESS notes on the work conference (Dimock), 1956: 951 
Among the Miskito Indians, 1958: 660 
PROFESSION and its journal (MacLeod), (ed.), 1958: 101 
PROFESSIONAL activities: 
All this and much more (Summers), (ed.), 1957: 503 
Five years of progress (Story), (ed.), 1959: 599 
Nursing in New Brunswick (Smith), (ed.), 1959: 199 
PROFESSIONAL challenge (Lindeburgh), 1955: 375 
PROFESSIONAL developments: 
Building on our likenesses (Rossiter), (ed.), 1959: 407 
Changes in the pattern of nursing (Russell), 1958: 529 
Fifty years young (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 175 
The first ten years (Johns), 1958: 520 
Five years of progress (Story), (ed.), 1959: 599 
Forty years of growing (Chittick), 1957: 29 

- 125 - 

A new milestone (Wheeler), (ed.), 1959: 503 
Nova Scotia keeps faith (Forbes), (ed.), 1955: 93 
Our golden jubilee (Gerard), (ed.), 1959: 783 
A part of the deep flow (Willis), (ed.), 1958: 1007 
A profession and its journal (MacLeod), (ed.), 1958: 101 
Yesterday - today - tomorrow (Reid), (ed.), 1958: 511 
MOre than tolerance (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 939 
School spirit (Thiessen), 1955: 387 
Under false colors (MacGre.gor), 1959: 633 
Faith and loyalty (Riley), 1959: 39 
The dignity of service (Kerr), (ed.), 1959: 303 
Job satisfaction in the professions (Falck), 1957: 130 
A letter to my niece (Zal1oni), 1959: 728 
Love for the helping professions (Willie), 1958: 16 
The meaning of faith (Girard), (ed.), 1959: 13 
My complaint.s (Dalton), 1956: 197 
The other three Rls (Hickman), 1959: 516 
We cannot come down (Spalding), 1956: 435 
Your high calling (Waters), 1958: 737 
PROFESSIONAL nursing registries, 1955= 192 
A doctor views the, (Roth), 1958: 24 
The meaning of faith (Girard), (ed.), 1959: 13 
A nurse views the, (Macleod), 1958: 27 
The nursing profession and social change (Ross), 1958: 824 today and tomorrow (Kerr), 1958: 21 

- 126 - 

Under false colors (MacGregor), 1959: 633 
PROFESSIONAL responsibilities: 
Assuming, (Ross), (ed.), 1957: 895 
Education for (Severinghaus), 1955: 439 
Importance of the individual (Creasor), 1957: 789 
A more wholesome milieu (Colquhoun), 1957: 1091 
Nova Scotia scene (McKeown), (ed.), 1957: 189 
A nurse views the problems (Ma.ëLeod), 1958: 27 
The patient, the present, and progress (Bridges), 1958: 619 
Precious kind of leadership (Woodside), 1957: 901 
Taking our measure (Hunter), (ed.), 1957: 15 
Your high calling (Waters), 1958: 737 
PROFESSICNAL training grants, 1956: 456 
PROGRAMMES d'orientation: 
L' orientation au travail dans Ie dorna.ine du nursing (Keegan), 
1957: 195 
PROGRAM planning, 1956: 712; 1959: 105 
Elements in, for conventions (Carpenter), 1955: 953 
PROGRAMME de réhabi lit at ion (Pakalnins), 1959: m 
PROGRAMMES scolaires: 
L'aspect communautaire et Ie nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 298 
Enseignement de base en nursing chirurgical (Dusseault), 1959: 270 
Formation supérieure en nursing chirurgical (Rheault), 1959: 281 
Instruction clinique à l'étudiante en nursing chirurgical (Ouimet), 
1959: 267 
Le nursing chirurgical pédiatrique (Desjardins), 1959: 272 
Le perfectionnement par l'exercice (Tardif), 1959: 276 
Une séance de démonstrations (Colvin, Jones, Hitchell), 1959: m 

- 127 - 

PROJECT in history of nursing (Ryan, Fawson), 1955: 873 
PROJET d'accréditation, 1957: 1020 
PROJEI'-ESSAI d'évaluation: 
Bureau de revision, 1959: 158, 343 
Choix des visiteuses régionales, 1957: 634 
Comment faire connaitre Ie, 1959: 160 
Directrice revient, 1958: 250 
18s éco1es choisies, 1957: 634 
Etude-essai sur l'accréditation, 1957: 1098 
Un grand projet prend corps (McQuarrie), 1957: 308 
Portf euille sur la, 1959: 248 
18 projet est complet, 1959: 343 
Le projet est lancé, 1957: 634 
PROJEI'-ESSAI d' évaluation des écoles d' infirmières, 1958: 250, 344, 
452, 573, 866, 1046 
PROMISIID future (Maclennan), (ed.), 1958: 303 
PROMOTION of safety - role of the public health nurse (Guild), 1955: 456 
PROPOS de la santé des étudiantes infinnières (Boucher), 1958: 309 
PROPOS de poliomyélite (Recht), 1955: 564 
PROSTATIC problem (Mador), 1955: 103 
PRaI'Ern: the stuff of life (Winks), 1957: 55 
PROVINCIAL association headquarters: 
A dream comes true (Van Dusen), (ed.), 1959: 103 
A home of their own (MacGregor), (ed.), 1957: 597 
PROVOST, Julienne 
La. défense civile et Ie cours d'infirmi
res, 1957: 541. 
PSYCHIATRIC conditions: 
Copper intoxication (Bauman), 1958: 419 


Involutional melancholia (Gibson), 1959: 1028 
The manic-depressive psychosis (Gibson), 1959: 928 
Mental effects of head injury (Gibson), 1959: 1118 
Nursing care of psychiatric casualties (McArthur), 1957: 456 
Psychological and social aspects of community disasters (Tyhurst), 
1957: 423 
Schizophrenia (Gibson), 1959: 830 
Senile psychosis (Dickson), 1957: 930 
PSYCHIATRIC nurse and the adolescent (Pollard), 1958: 417 
PSYCHIATRIC nursing (Bregg), 1956: 183 
Drugs and treatments in mental illness (Stewart), 1958: 414 
Emotionally disturbed patients (Ward), 1959: 1144- 
Night centre (Smith), 1957: 514 
The nurse and the emotional needs of the patient (Sisler), 1958: 314 
The psychiatric nurse and the adolescent (Pollard), 1958: 417 
Psychiatry - an integral part of nursing (Benedicta), 1955: 120 
Psychologicé'.l proble
 cf the cancer patient (Nicholson), 1958: 1014 
Registered nurse - a s?ecialist: psychiatric institutions need 
them (Atkinson), 1955: 544 
The role of the r..urse in a psychiatric unit (Costello), 1958: 411 

ie (Louis-Ltienn<3), 1956: 539 
Schizophrenia (Stewart), 1956: 114 
Senile psychosis (Dickson), 1957: 930 
Sociogramatic study of spontaneous patient groupings (Harvey, Monk), 
1958: 924 
Some basic facts about 
ental defectives (Gibson), 1957: 519 
ant (Statten), 1959: 98 

- 129 - 

PSYCHIATRIST and the child (Statten), 1959: 620 
an integral part of nursing (Benedicta), 1955: 120 
Nursing in psychiatric divisions of general hospitals (McCrimmon), 
1959: 250 
The psychiatrist and the child (Statten), 1959: 620 
PSYCHIATRY - an integral part of nursing (Benedicta), 1955: 120 
PSYCHOLOGICAL and social aspects of community disaster (Tyhurst), 1957: 423 
PSYCHOLOGICAL problems of the cancer pati ent (Nicholson), 1958: 1014- 
PSYCHOLCXaCAL problems of tuberculosis patients (Neville), 1955: 293 
Aspects sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques (Tyhurst), 
1957: 434 
Deux pôles de la personnalité (Franck), 1957: 1009 
Infirmière et 1 J étude de 1a, 1957: lC32 
How can the nurse understand herself (Hamilton), 1957: 1079 
problems of tuberculosis patients (Neville), 1955: 293 
Psychological and social aspects of community disasters (Tyhurst), 
1957: 423 
PSYCHOSE manico-depressive (Gibson), 1959: 296 
PUBLIC health: 
Affiliation program (Downing), 1958: 846 
Little red door (Calcott), 1957: 306 
Pilot study in modern Israel (Gould), 1957: 214 
The venereal disease clinic (Schroeter), 1959: 42 
work on Okinawa (Carmel), 1959: 40 
PUBLIC health affiliation program (Downing), 1958: 846 

- 130 - 

PUBUC health nurse in the cancer program (Fowler), 1958: 1029 
PUBUC health nurse looks at civil defence (Walker), 1957: 420 
PUBUC health nursing: 
affiliation program (Downing), 1958: 546 
An analysis of home visits to newborn infants made by the public 
health nurses in the East-York Leaside Health Unit, Ontario 
(Carpenter), 1959: 809 
Bifocal approach (Sinclair), 1956: 880 
in the cancer program (Fowler), 1958: 1029 
A Christmas story (McNamara), 1958: 1103 
Day with the local department of health (Lowry), 1955: 460 
District nurse knows better (Kirk), 1955: 180 
Greenhorn on the frontier (Evans), 1956: 974 
The hare and the tortoise (Diack), 1958: 328 
Health education in teachers' colleges (Langstaff), 1958: 1110 
Home visiting and maternal health (Doyon), 1959: 700 
investigation of a tuberculosis outbreak (Batt), 1955: 295 
Job satisfaction (Fletcher), 1957: 812 
Nurses and new parents (Robertson), 1958: 950 
Nursing counsellors of the federal employee health service (Gordon), 
1957: 109 
Posture and school age child (Henri chon) , 1959: 825 
Promotion of safety - role of the public health nurse (Guild), 1955: 456 
The public health nurse in the cancer program (Fowler), 1958: 1029 
Public health nurse looks at civil defence (Walker), 1957: 420 
The responsibilities of the public health nurse (Doyon), 1959: 635 
The role of the nurse-midwife in Great Britain (Mills), 1959: 995 
From small beginnings, 1955: 568 


- 131 - 

In step with modern progress (Gagnon), 1959: 988 
Student nurse in the community (Hentsch), 1957: 205 
Supportive maternal and child care (Cunningham) 1959: 990 
Teacher - nurse communications in an elementary school (Woods), 
1958: 122 

Teaching community aspects of nursing, their inclusion in the basic 
curriculum (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 932 
From toboggan to aeroplane in (Smith), 1955: 220 
PUBLIC relations: 
guide, 1955: 384 
guide (M:1cIsaac), 1956: 439 
Preparing press releases, 1955: 53 
Press clippings, 1955: 126 
Public wants (Angus), 1955: 444 
Radio scripts, 1955: 798 
Rules of the press, 1955: 304 
Tell it out among the people (Stevens), (ed.), 1955: 437 
Things that worry me (Bishop), 1955: 707 
What rapport means to me (Alfano), 1955: 880 
When the nurse is the patient, 1956: 127 
PUBLIC relations guide (M:1cIsaac), 1956: 439 
PUBUC speaking: 
Toward effective speech (MacGregor), 1955: 944 
PUBUC wants (Angus), 1955: 444- 
PUERIcuræURE sociale: 
Soins de soutien de la mère at l' enfant (Cunningham), 1959: 
Meaning of illness, 1955: 116 

- 132 - 

PURVIS, Joan (Vance) 
Bilateral cataracts, 1958: 636 
PYLORIC stenosis (pavan), 1959: 120 
PYRCH, Kathleen 
Postpartum renal failure, 1957: 1.46 


Actualité et perspective (Tremblay), 1959: ill 
Ecoles d'infirmières au début du si
cle (Giroux), 1955: 205 
Evolution du nursing (Mer1eau), (ed.), 1955: 765 
For future nurses (Johnson), 1957: 1030 
Future nurses' clubs, 1956: 533 
Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, 1958: 160 
Montreal General Hospital (alumnae), 50th anniversary, 
1956: 998 
Nursing in evolution (Merleau), (ed.), 1955: 766 
Provincial association activities, 1955: 190; 1956: 442; 1957: 529; 
1958: 760; 1959: 354 
QUEEN Elizabeth Hospital nursing education program (Geiger), 
1958: 322 
QUELLE sont les chances de survie du préma.turé (Cross), 1955: 130 
QUELQUES considérations sur l'anémie et les états anémiques (Tessier), 
1956: 728 
QUEWUES nouvelles tendances Ie nursing en hygiène publique, 1956: 206 
QU'EST-CE que l'accréditation (Levebvre), 1957: 23 

- 133 - 

QUIRK, M:1deline 
Alberta Certified Nursing Aide Association, 1959: 254 


R.C.A.M.C. : 

National camp, 1956 (MacLean), 1957: 715 
RABIES, 1959: 558 
RABIES treatment, 1957: 241 
RACKHAM, Judith C. 
The artifical Kidney, 1959: 716 
Le rein artificiel, 1959: 165 
RADIATION injuries: 
Casualties from atomic weapons - a 
view (Pace), 1957: 400 
Definitive treatment of burns in mass casualties (Woolhouse), 1957: 411 
Nursing care of, (Haggart), 1957: 408 
Nursing care of thermal injuries (Virginia), 1957: 416 
RADIATION therapy: 
Gynecological cance
 - diagnosis and treatment (Stapleton), 
1958: 1018 
Nursing care in (Chandler), 1958: 1023 
RADIO scripts, 1955: 798 
RADIOACTIVE isotopes (Skerry, Maclean, Black, Kennedy, HacDonald), 
1956: 800 
RADIOACTIVE techniques, 1955: 760 
RAMAGE, James 
New year greeting (poem), 1956: 17 

- 134 - 

RANGER, Monique 
Les besJins de l'écolier en mati
re de santé, 1956: 52 
RAPPORT d'une étude sur l'éducation des infirmi
res, 1957: 50 
RATIO of nurses to population, 1957: 1017 
RAYNAUD'S syndrome (Schweisheimer), 1955: 774 
REACTIONS to blood transfusions (Levitz), 1958: 1105 
18 progranme de réhabilitation (Pakalnins), 1959: 293 
READERSHIP survey: 1957: 1096 
The main project (Wheeler), (ed.), 1958: 201 
About that, (Kerr), (ed.), 1958: 615 
READMISSIONS dans les écoles d'infirmi
res canadiennes-françaises 
(Gagné), 1957: 534 
RECENT advances in poliomyelitis and other virus diseases (Rhodes), 
1955: 527 
RECHERCHE en nursing: 
Analyse des expériences personellesde huit cardiaques pendant un séjour 
dans un hôpital général (Allemang), 1959: 151 
Analyse des visits aux. nourrisons (Carpenter), 1959: 229 
Le besoin d'entreprendre des, (Fidler), 1959: 
Le coût du cours d'infirMi
re, 1958: 752 
Enseignement centralisé en Saskatchewan, 1958: 336 
Une étude à l'hôpital Holy Cross de Calgary, 1958: 458 
à l'Hôpital Notre-Dame, MOntréal, (Ouimet, Décary), 1957: 923 
La nature de la, (Uprichard), 1959: 105 
Rapport d'une étude sur l'éducation des infirmi
res (Russell), 

1957: 50 

- 135 - 

Réadmissions dans les écoles d'infirmi
res canadienne-françaises, 
(Gagné), 1957: 534 
Si vous avez trouvé la réforme, dites-la aux aut res , (Chittick, Allen), 
1957: 42 
RECHERCHE en nursing à l'Hôpital Notre-Dame (Décary, Ouimet), 1957: 923 
A propos de poliomyélite, 1955: 564 
RECORD keeping: 
Commentaires, 1956: 893 
Medical, department (Grant), 1957: 302 
RECRUITMENI' of nurses: 
Challenge to mothers (Hutchison), 1955: 349 
REDAcrION d r articles: 
18 crampe des écri vains (Poland), 1959: :ß 
Pourquoi et comment écrire, 1959: 239 
REED, Howard 
Squint or strabismus, 1959: 16 
REESOR, Isabel 
Nursing Cé of traumatic injuries, 1957: 395 
REFLEX-IONS pour 1a vigile de No
h (Giroux), (ed.), 1959: :ill1 
ffi et les niveaux lipides du sérum, 1957: 948 
REGISTERED nurse - a specialist, psychiatric institutions need them. 
(Atkinson), 1955: 544 
REGISTRATION of nurses: 
Why test pool examinations (Katzell), 1957: 897 
Nurses' registry marks fifty years (James), 1955: 476 
Professional nursing, 1955: 192 


REHABILITATING the mentally ill employee (Burns), 1955: 779 
Alcoholism and the nurse (Fulford), 1957: 802 
Films on, 1956: 824 
Good body mechanics (McMullen), 1955: 378 
Hastening recover,y (Bushell), 1957: 997 
in a teaching program (Crawford, Heieren), 1959: 201 
Meaning of, (Wellard), 1956: 904 
of mastectomy patients, 1955: 390 
of the mentally ill employee (Burns), 1955: 779 
of Mrs. Moritz (Butler), 1959: 215 
Miracles - yes or no, 1956: 896 
Open doors (Ellis), 1957: 993 
The, program (burns) (Pakalnins), 1959: 922 
Rcle of the nurse in, (Hawkins), 1957: 1005 
Role of the nurse in, (Phillips), 1956: 810 
The story of Johnny (Miller), 1959: 214 
Teaching esophageal speech (Stockley), 1959: 310 
The, team (McColl), 1959: 210 
Victorian Order of Nurses, conference on, 1958: 45 
We teach - do our patients learn (MacArthur), 1959: 205 
REHABILITATION in a teaching program (Crawford, Heieren), 1959: 201 
REHABILITATION of mastectomy patients, 1955: 390 
 of Mrs. Moritz (Butler), 1959: 215 
REHABILITATION program (burns)(Pakalnins), 1959: 922 
REHABILITATION team (McColl), 1959: 210 
REID, Alma E. 
Nurses as teachers of science, 1956: 187 

- 137 - 

Yesterday - today - tomorrow (ed.), 1958: 511 
REIN artificiel (Rackham), 1959: 165 
RELATIONSHIP between the quality of nursing care and its cost (Décar,y), 
1959: 521 
RELAXATION (James), 1959: 325 
RELIEVING pressure on acute wards, 1959: 1119 
Bring back Christ to Christmas (
alshe), (ed.), 1957: 1077 
Christian motivation for service to the patient (Griffin), 
1955: 617 
Ethical religious needs of the patient (Frumkin), 1956: 263 
A nurse's private devotions (MacLean), 1956: 27 
\rJhen nurses talk together (Scott, McCready), 1957: 42 
The work of the church nurse (Dale), 1958: 1119 
RENAL transplant - nursing care (Harris, Dossetor), 1959: 508 
RENAL transplantation in identical twins (MacKinnon), 1959: 506 
REPORT on the experiment in nursing education of the Atkinson 
school of nursing, Toronto Western Hospital, 1950-55 
(Wallace), 1956: 58 
REPORT of the Russell study of nursing education in New Brunswick, 1957: 45 
Ad hoc committee and committee personnel, 1959: 242, 540 
An analysis of the experiences of eight cardiac patients 
during a period of hospitalization (Allemang), 1959: 702 
An analysis of home visits to newborn infants made by th e public 
health nurses in the East York-Leaside Health Unit, Ontario 
(Carpenter), 1959: 809 
Areas of needed, 1959: 338 

- 138 - 

in basic nursing in Canada (Morgan), 1955: 962 
into better patient care (Décary, Ouimet), 1958: 1115 
Centralized teaching program in Saskatchewan, an evaluation, 1958: 38 
Clock watching (Wallace), 1958: 220 
The cost of nursing education programs, 1958: 748 
Gateways to the mind, 1958: 930 
Head nurse study (Botsford), 1955: 29 
The master plan of rotation (Street), 1959: 30, 139 
Meaning and importance of, in nursing (Bunge), 1955: 945 
The nature of, (Uprichard), 1959: 318 
The need for, in nursing (Fidler), 1959: 224 
A preliminary study and analysis of nursing requirements in neurological 
and neurosurgical nursing (Flanagan, Herdan), 1955: 855 
A, project in a premature nursery (Jones), 1959: 432 
Queen Elizabeth Hospital nursing education program (Geiger), 1958: 322 
Sociogramatic study of spontaneous grouping (Harvey, Monk), 1958: 924 
Solving hospital problems (\
right), 1955: 34 
In step with modern progress (Gagnon), 1959: 989 
Teacher-nurse corrununications in an elementary school (Woods), 1958: 122 
RESEARCH in basic nursing in Canada (Morgan), 1955: 962 
RESEARCH into better patient care (Décary, Ouimet), 1958: 1115 
RESEARCH project in a premature nursery (Jones), 1959: 432 
RESERPINE en psychiatrie, 1957: 740 
RESOWTIONS passed at 28th general meeting: 
Crest in two languages - English and French, 1956: 697 
Factu.J.l infonnation about nursing in Canada, 1956: 697 
Pilot project on ev
luation, 1956: 698 
Program of accreditation, 1956: 697 

- 139 - 

Wording of a nursing pledge, 1956: 697 
RESOLUTIONS passed at 29th general meeting: 
Accident prevention, 1958: 868 
Bursaries available to nurses, 1958: 870 
Establishment of post-baccalaureate degree work, 1958: 868 
Pension plan, 1958: 870 
Pilot project on the evaluation of schools of nursing, 1958: 870 
Research projects, 1958: 868 
Special fund for establishing our own national headquarters, 1958: 870 
Student Nurses I Association, 1958: 870 
SPIRATORY conditions: 
Acute laryngotracheo bronchitis (O'Rafferty), 1955: 621 
Acute laryngotracheo bronchitis (Surerus), 1957: 603 
Bronchopneumonia (Slager), 1958: 49 
Child with Laryngotracheo bronchitis (Cecelia), 1956: 351 
Empyema (Schroeter), 1958: 54 
Foreign body in the, tract (Ste. Elizabeth), 1958: 640 
Nursing care of the thoracic surgical patient (Hinson, Oleksyn, Dafoe), 
1959: 218 
Right lobar pneumonia (Eaton), 1959: 1108 
onia (de La Mare), 1959: 1105 
RESPONSABILITES de l'infirmière-hygiéniste (Doyon), 1959: 22 
RESPONSABILITES professionnelles: 
Actualité et perspective (Tremblay), 1959: ill 
Ce que le médecin attend de 1 'infirmi
re professionnelle (Hebert), 
1955: 885, 968 
Rôle de llinfirmi
re dans la société (Cecil), 1955: 362 
RESPONSIBILITES of the public health nurse (Doyon), 1959: 625 


RETlREI-ffiNT plan (Cassell), 1958: 922 
RETIREJ.:ENT plan, 1957: 307, 464; 1958: 862, 900, 1130; 1959: 244, 444, 
524, 713, 1116, 1117 
Application for the participation in the, 1959: 1117 
The CNA, (Cassell), 1958: 922 
The CNA, becomes a reality (Beaudin), 1959: 329 
How can you help (Beaudin), 1959: 524 
Ideal, for nurses, 1959: 1116 
Pensions for nurses (vletenhall), 1955: 693 
Scope broadened, 1959: 330 
Shape of things to come (McQuarrie), 1957: 307 
RETRAITE et ses alternatives (Monkhouse), 1957: 220 
RETROLENTAL fibroplasia (Banister), 1957: 1104 
REYNOLDS, J eann e 
Is nursing at the service of the patients, 1959: 513 
18 nursing est-il au service du nalade, 1959: 12- 
RHEAULT, Sister Claire 
Advanced preparation in nursing, 1959: 904 
Formation supérieure en nursing chirurgical, 1959: 281 
RHEUMATOID arthritis (Ziehran), 1956: 448 
Recent advances in poliomyelitis and other virus diseases, 1955: 527 
RICHARD, Marguerite H.L. 
Our premature darling, 1957: 1105 
RICHARDS, D. (Dodkin) 
Salt-losing nephritis, 1956: 537 


Cerebral palsy, 1955: 351 
Orderly training program, 1956: 191 
Two hats, 1957: 283 
RIDDELL, Dorothy G. 
Nursing school library, 1956: 798 
Cancer of the cervix, 1957: 303 
RIGHT lobar pneumonia (Eaton), 1959: 1108 
RILEY, Martha 
Faith and loyalty, 1959: 39 
RINKER, G., (Lawton) 
Paget's disease, 1955: 960 
RUTER, Ruth 
Mitral commissurotomy, 1955: 689 
RIVARD, Renée 
Société des infirmières visiteuses, 1956: 196 
ROBERTSON, Esther Jane 
Nurses and new parents, 1958: 950 
ROBERTSON, Irene Margaret 
Get down to brass tacks - prevent home accidents, 1959: 1097 
Soyons prudentes - prévenons les accidents au foyer, 1959: 
ROBINS, Margaret E. 
Canadian nurse studies English obstetrics, 1955: 372 
ROBINSON, Barbara 
Les maladies staphylococci
es chez les nourrisons, 1959: 215 
Staþhylococcal diseases in infancy, 1959: 794 


ROLE de la femne dans 1a société moderne (Giroux), 1955: 644 
ROLE of the industrial nurse in accident prevention (Greville), 1956: 112 
ROLE de l'infirmière dans la société (Cecil), 1955: 362 
ROLE de l' infirmière-sage-f emme en Grande-Bretagne (Mills), 1959: 
ROLE of the nurse in a psychiatric unit (Costello), 1958: 411 
ROlE of the nurse in rehabilitation (Hawkins), 1957: 1005 
ROLE of the nurse in rehabilitation (Phillips), 1956: 810 
ROLE of the nurse in the total health program (Carpenter), 1957: 720 
ROLE of the nurse in the treatment of alcoholism (Toner), 1955: 868 
ROIE of the nurse-midwife in Great Britain (Mills), 1959: 995 
ROLE de I' oxygéne dans la physiologie (Phaneuf), 1957: 1089 
ROlE of the public health nurse - promotion of safety (Guild), 1955: 456 
ROSE, Sister Annette 
The control of staphylococcal infections, 1959: 795 
Problèmes et contrôle des infections à staphylocoques, 1959: 213 
ROSEN, Harold J. 
Management of lumbar intervertebral disc lesions, 1956: 423 
ROSS, Aileen D. 
The nursing profession and social change, 1958: 824 
ROSS, Alan 
Pediatric setting, 1956: 955 
Drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis, 1955: 273 
X-raying all patients, 1955: 99 
ROSS, Ruth Isobel 
Assuming responsibilities (ed.), 1957: 895 
ROSSITER, Edna Elizabeth 
Building on our likenesses (ed.), 1959: 407 

- 143 - 

Statement regarding labor relations, 1957: 799 
ROTATION of students: 
Master plan of, (Street), 1959: 30, 139 
ROTH, F. Burns 
A doctor views the problems, 1958: 24- 
ROWLAND, Patricia 
Nursing care in hemorrhoidectomy, 1959: 123 
ROYAL Canadian Air Force: 
Flight nurses (Somers), 1955: 539 
ROYAL Commission on the economic future of Canada, brief to, 
1956: 366, 548, 690 
ROYAL patronage granted, 1957: 633 
ROYAL visit, 1957: 1096 
RUANE, Kathleen 
Starting from scratch, 1956: 341 
Tape recorder as a means of communication, 1957: 1002 
RUEL, Monique (Gravel) 
Hibernation artificielle et l'infirmière, 1957: 119 
RULE, Leonard G. 
Needles for surgeons ahd nurses, 1955: 698 
RUNG of a ladder (Beyer), (ed.), 1955: 605 
RUSSELL, Edith Kathleen 
Changements en nursing, 1958: 532 
Changes in the patterns of nursing, 1958: 529 
une étude sur l'éducation des infirmières, 1957: 50 
Forty years of pilgrimage (ed.), 1956: 173 
A study of nursing education in New Brunswick, 1957: 45 


Erythroblastose foetale, 1959: 365 
Erythroblastosis fetalis, 1959: 1022 
RYAN, Patricia (Fawson) 
A project in the history of nursing, 1955: 873 

- S - 

SAFETY education: 
Artificial respirations, 1955: 714 
Boracic acid - the wolf in sheep's clothing (Halliday), 1959: 1093 
COIIlIlon sense safety precautions, 1956: 714 
Death from plastic film (Jeffrey), 1959: 1096 
Drivers' eyes - an unsolved puzzle, 1955: 557 
Drivers' vision at high speeds, 1955: 650 
Fire and helpless people (McGrath), 1957: 904 
Get down to brass tacks - prevent home accidents (Robertson), 1959: 1097 
Highway deaths, 1959: 1054 
The problem of poisons (Dean), 1959: 1091 
Promotion of safety - role of the public health nurse (Guild), 
1955: 456 
The role of the industrial nurse in accidEl1t prevention (Greville), 
1956: 112 
Seven ways to prevent accidents (O'Brien), 1955: 726 
Slow down and live, 1957: 848 
Table of antidotes, 1959: 1095 
SAFETY signs for mental health (Stevenson), 1959: 907 
SAILE pour enfants brûles (Tanner), 1956: 382 

- 145 - 

SANTE des étudiantes infirmi
A propos de la, (Boucher), 1958: 309 
Besoins de l'écolier en matière de santé (Ranger), 1956:62 
Le service de santé dans une école d'infirmi
res (Bachand), 1958: 312 
SAGESSE, Sister Elizabeth Marie de la 
Anémie hémolytique familiale, 1959: 112 
Familial hemolytic anemia, 1959: 64J. 
ST. ANTHONY'S Hospital, The Pas, 1957: 294 
ST. EUGENE, Soeur 
Accréditation de l'hôpital, facteur de progrès, 1957: 117 
ST. KELVIN, Sister 
Employment among older people, 1955: 26 
ST. MA.CRlNA, Sister 
Erythroblastosis fetalis, 1958: 207 
Un enfant est né trop tôt, 1956: 345 
Pourquoi les juger, 1959: 122 
Why judge them, 1959: 999 
SALAAM aliakum (Sharpe), (ed.), 1956: 13 
SALLE d'operation, a la (Szmidt), 1959: 292 
SALLE pour enfants brûles (Tanner), 1956: 382 
SAIæ-losing nephritis (Richards, Dodkin), 1956: 537 
Or what's a heaven for, 1958: 1094 
SAUNDERS, Byrne Hope 
Are we equal to our future (ed.), 1956: 781 
Sommes-nous en mesure de faire à l'avenir (ed.), 1956: 785 

- 1.46 - 

SANS bornes et sans fins (MacGregor), 1959: 120 
SANTE mentale: 
La psychiatrie et l'enfant (Statten), 1959: 
Centralized teaching t>rogram in, an evaluation, 1958: 38 
Civil defence teaching goes on, 1957: 546 
The cost of nursing education programs, 1958: 7413 
expanding health services (Bentle.1), 1956: 699 
From toboggan to aeroplane in public health nursing (Smith), 
1955: 220 
and its people (Smith), 1956: 257 
New university hospital organizes the nursing service department 
(Ruane), 1956: 341 
Nurses' role in civil defence, 1956: 186 
Nursing prograMs at the university of, (Willis), 1956: 40 
A part of the deep flow (Willis), (ed.), 1958: 1007 
Provincial association activities: 1955: 191; 1956: 442; 1957: 529; 
1958: 760; 1959: 354 
Regional nursing counc
.l, 1957: 122 
Saskatoon student nurses' conference (Smith), 1958: 148 
Service, responsibility, nurture, action (MacKenzie), Ced.), 
1956: 337 
Survey in basic nursing education, 1957: 310 
SASKATCHEWAN and its people (Smith), 1956: 257 
SASKATCHEWAN'S expanding health services (Bentley), 1956: 699 
SASKATOON student nurses' conference (Smith), 1958: 148 
SAWDUST beds (Bourns), 1959: 162 

- 147 - 

SCANLIN, Elizabeth 
Chronic obstructed appendicitis, 1957: 599 
SCARLATINE plus endomycardite (Payer), 1956: 891 
SCARlETI', Earl P. 
Ages of man, 1955: 607 
SCHIZOPHRENIA (Gibson), 1959: 830 
SCHIZOPHRENIA (Stewart), 1956: 114 
SCHIZOPHF..ENIE (Gibson), 1959: 242 
SCHIZOPHRENIE (Louis-Etienne), 1956: 539 
SCHOLARSHIP student reports (Brice), 1958: 432 
ooL is a school - is a school (Cameron), 1957: 525 
SCHOOL nursing: 
Teacher-nurse communications in an elementary school (Woods), 1958: 1.22 
SCHOOL spirit (Thiessen), 1955: 387 
SCHROETER, Magdalen 
Empyema, 1958: 54 
The venereal disease clinic, 1959: 42 
SCHUP'J\CHER, Marguerite Eva 
The adviser to schools of nursing, 1959: 332 
How hospital personnel feel about nursing care, 1959: 456 
Hypotension, 1956: 53 
Leukemia, 1956: 724 
Raynaud's syndrome, 1955: 714 
SCHWIER, Mildred E. 
Creative nursing, 1956: 875 
scarr, Jean (McCready) 
\'lhen nurses talk together, 1957: 42 

- 1.48 - 

SEANCE de démonstrations (Colvin, Jones, Mitchell), 1959: 21! 
Problèmes posés par l'augmentation de la longévité, 1955: 17 
SELLERS, Marion (Goos, Antoniades) 
-éclamptic toxemia, 1959: 1005 
Toxémie pré-éclamptique, 1959: ill 
SEN, Ira C. 
New staff locator system, 1958: 321 
S'E'.N servir, oui ou non (Lindsey), 1959: 186 
SENILE psychosis (Dickson), 1957: 930 
SERVICE central: 
L'administration du, 1955: 804 
Centralization (Anderson), 1955: 474 
18 probléme des staphylocoques à la salle d'opération et au, 
(Smith), 1959: 221 
SERVICE de nursing: 
Analyse des expériences personnelles de huit cardiaques pendant un 
séjour dans un hôpital général (Allemang), 1959: 151 
Des cours d'entraînement pour la certification de l'infirmier 
(Dick, Carruthers), 1959: 184 
Une étude à hôpital Holy Cross de Calgary, 1958: 458 
Une fructeuse pratique (Décary), 1959: 228 
De grandes attentes (Poole), (ed.), 1959: 265 
Interdépendance du coût quotidien du nursing et de sa qualité 
(Décary), 1959: JQ 
Le nursing est-il au service du malade (Reynolds), 1959: !2. 
Orientation au travail dans Ie domaine du nursing (Keegan), 1957: 195 

- 149 - 

Prévention des infections staphylococciques à la salle d'opération 
(MacNeill), 1959: 219 
Le probléme des s taphylocoques à 1a salle d' opération et au service 
central (Smith), 1959: 221 
Recherche en nursing à I' Hôpi tal Not re-Dame (Décary, Ouimet), 1957: 923 
SERVICE de s ant é dans une école d t infirmi
res (Bachand), 1958: 312 
SERVICE social et le cancer (Chamard), 1956: 268 
SEVEN ways to prevent accidents (O'Brien), 1955: 726 
Education for professional responsibility, 1955: 439 
SEVRES 1956 (Campion, MacIsaac), 1957: 297 
SHAPE of things to come (McQuarrie), 1957: 307 
SHARPE, Gladys Josephine 
On the march (ed.), 1955: 13 
Salaam aliakum (ed.), 1956: 13 
Tomorrow's pattern (ed.), 1956: 597 
SHEEHAN'S disease (Clark), 1957: 140 


Nursing care of traumatic injuries (Reesor), 1957: 395 
SHOULDICE, D. (Foster, Mcleod Palframan) 
Bandl's ring, 1956: 266 
SHOULDICE, D. (Minty) 
MUmps - in utero, 1955: 454 
SI vous avez trouvé la réforme, dites-la aux autres (Chittick, Allen), 
1957: 42 
srGNPOST at Geneva (Percy) 1956: 790 
SILO-filler's disease, 1957: 68 

- 150 - 

SILO-filler's disease, 1957: 68 

SINCLAIR, Adelaide MacDonald 
Bifocal approach, 1956: 880 

SISLER, George C. 

The nurse and the emotional needs of the patient, 1958: 314 


SISTERS (see under given name or surname) 

SKERRY, V. (MacLean, Black, Kennedy, MacDonald) 
Radioactive isotopes, 1956: 800 
SKIN antisepsis (Price), 1959: 222 

SKIN conditions: 

Antibiotics in cosmetics, 1959: 1052 
Epidennoid carcinoma (vlatanabe), 1956: 534 
Pemphigus vulgaris (Sobie), 1959: 627 
S!{IN, mirror of emotions (Frumess), 1956: 374 

, Myrl E. 

Thyroid conditions, 1958: 935 

SLAGER, Fr2nces 

Bronchopneumonia, 1958: 49 

SMITH, C. Conway 

r:ight centre, 1957: 514 

SMITH, Christian 

Saskatchewan and its people, 1956: 257 

H, Elizabeth 

From toboggan to aeroplane in public health nursing, 1955: 220 

SMITH, Loi s L. 

Saskatoon student nurses' confermce, 1958: 1.48 

SrllTH, Lois O. 

Nursing in New Brunswick (ed.), 1959: 199 

- 151 - 

SMITH, Merle 
Orientation and in-service education, 1957: 728 
The problem of staphylococci in the operating room and central supply 
room, 1959: 801 
Le probl
me des staphylocoques 
 1a salle d' opération et au service 
central, 1959: m 
SNIDAL, Ellen 
Nursing care in a mitral commissurotomy, 1959: 421 
SOBlE, Gloria 
Pemphigus vulgaris, 1959: 627, ll4 
SOCIAL problems: 
Why judge them (Ste. Mechtilde), 1959: 999 
SOCIAL sciences and improvement of patient care (Brown), 1956: 175 
SOCIEI'E des infinni
res visi teuses (Rivard), 1956: 196 
SOCIOGRAl1ATIC study of spontaneous patient groupings (Harvey, Monk) 
1958: 924 
The nursing profession and social change (Ross), 1958: 824 
SOEURS (voir ci-dessous, prénom ou nom de famille) 
SOIN des enfants (Giroux), 1956: 968 
SOINS ! domicile: 
Une analyse de la visite, en santé maternelle (Doyon), 1959: 
soms d'urgence: 
Liste d'antidotes essentiels, 1959: 
SOINS de soutien de 1a mère et I' enfant (Cunningham), 1959: 327 
SOINS infirmiers: 
Accreditation de l'hêpital, facteur de progr
s (St. Eugène), 
1957: ll7 


: ' 

- 152 - 

Anémie hémolytique familiale (Sagesse), 1959: 112 
Un aspect mod erne du soin des malades (Flanagan), 1959: 163 
Cancer du s ein droit (Johnston), 1959: 175 
Un cas d'hépatite infectieuse (Trenchard), 1959: 61 
et les cas de psychiatrie (McArthur), 1958: 422 
La. cétose diabetique (Dahl), 1959: 302 
Diverticule oesophagien (MYers), 1959: 91 
Les, ! donner aux lésions thermiques (Virginia), 1959: 1il7 
l' enseignement des soìns à domicile (Tardif), 1958: 652 
Entraide au-del! de la frontière (Creighton, Hufnagel, 'Thorn, Presley), 

1959: 21 
Erythroblastose foetale (Rutledge), 1959: 365 
Importance de 1a technique dans Ie soin des nouveau-nés (Dorion) 

1957: 623 
individualisés (MacLeod), 1959: 288 
Infarctus du myocarde (McDermid), 1959: 
Ma.ladie de Hrrrler (Philippe), 1959: 431 
Méthode pour l'enseignement du soin des malades (Labonté), 

1955: 627 

! nos concitoyens, 1957: 636 
Nursing chirurgical en cardiologie (Parent), 1959: 279 
Le nursing est-il au service du malade (Reynolds), 1959: 11 
Pemphigus vulgaris (Sobie), 1959: ill 
Pneumonie lobaire (Eaton), 1959: 
Pour ne pas lever Ie coude (Croken), 1959: 101 
es et contrôle des infections à staphylocoques (Rose), 1959: 213 
Prophylaxie des plaies de lit, 1959: 

- 153 - 

Quelques, considérations sur l' anéT11ie et les états anémiques (Tessier), 
1956: 728 
Le rein artificiel (Rackham), 1959: 165 
R31e de l' oxygène dans la physiologie (Phaneuf), 1957: 1089 
Dans la salle (brûle) (Lepot), 1959: 289 
Scarlatine plus endomyocardite (Payer), 1956: 891 
Schizophrenie (Louis-Etienne), 1956: 539 
Service sociale et Ie cancor (Chamard), 1956: 268 
de soutien de la m
re et l'enfant (Cunningham), 1959: 327 
Le spina-bifida et l'hydrocéphalie (Perret), 1959: 22.2 
To<<émie pré-éclamptique (Goos, Sellers, Antoniades), 1959: 349 
Le traitement des grands brûlés, 1957: 288 
Traiten:.ent de la pneumonie (Delisle), 1959: 41.2 
re gastrique rnalin (Parrent), 1959: 178 
SOINS infirmiers, les (Harris, Dossetor), 1959: 19 
SOINS infinniers à donner au"" lésions thermiques (Virginia), 1959: 417 
SOINS infirmiers et les cas de psychiatrie (McArthur), 1958: 422 
SOINS infirmiers indi vidualisés (Macleod), 1959: 288 
SOINS psychiatrique: 
Orthophonie (Benfante), 1957: 524 
Les soins infirmiers et les cas de psychiatrie (McArthur), 1958: 422 
SOLVING hospital problems (Wright), 1955: 34 
SOME basic facts about mental defectives (Gibson), 1957: 519 
ffi considerations on the basic nursing curriculum (Carter), 1956: 357 
SOME problems of the aged in medical practice (Copping), 1955: 15 
SOME thoughtful conclusions (Flander), 1956: 966 
SOMERS, Gw-en M. 
Flight nurses - Royal Canadian Air Force, 1955: 539 

- 154 - 

SOMMES-nous en me sure de faire face a l'avenir (Saunders), (ed.), 
1956: 785 
SOUS de fausses couleurs (MacGregor), 1959: 118 
SOUTHERN-Holt, Mary 
L'infection staphylococcique, 1959: 210 
Staphlycoccal infection, 1959: 791 
SOYONS prudentes - prévenons les accidents au foyer (Robertson), 1959: .l2Q 
SPAIDING, lone E. 
We cannot come down, 1956: 435 
Adjustive mechanisms, 1955: 532 
SPECIAL aspects of the nursing care of the aged (Kort), 1955: 22 
SPEECH therapy: 
Stuttering, 1957: 158 
Teaching esophageal speech (Stockle,y), 1959: 310 
SPEECH therapy (Wells), 1957: 522 
SPILLS and dribbles avoided, 1955: 952 
SPINA bifida and hydrocephalus (Perret), 1959: 1111 
SPINA-bifida et l'hydrocéphalie (Perret), 1959: 369 
SQUINT or strabismus (Reed), 1959: 16 
STAFF education - a cooperative project (Harris, Plewes), 1957: 201 
STAFF locator system (Sen), 1958: 321 
STAFF relationships: 
Two hats (Richmond), 1957: 283 
STAIN removers (Brown), 1955: 357 
ST ANBURY, W. Stuart 
Our conmon heritage, 1958: 911 
STAPHYlOCOCCAL diseases in infancy (Robinson), 1959: 794 

- 155 - 

srAPHYIDCOCCAL infection (Southern-Holt), 1959: 791 
sr APHYIDCOCCAL pneumonia (Demko), 1956: 971 
About the, (l
rray), 1959: 787 
The control of, infections (Rose), 1959: 795 
Hospital sepsis: a communicable disease, 1959: 1126 
pneumonia (Demko), 1956: 971 
Prevention and control of cross-infection in the nurser,y of the normal 
newborn (Zwicker), 1959: 797 
Prevention of, infections in the operating room (lI..a.cNeill), 1959: 799 
The problem of, in the operating room and central supply room (Smith), 
1959: 801 
Staphylococcal diseases in infancy (Robinson), 1959: 794 
Staphylococcal infection (Southern-Holt), 1959: 791 
L'infecticn staphylococcique (Southern-Holt), 1959: 210 
Les maladies staphylococciques chez les nourrissons (Robinson), 
1959: 215 
Prévention des infections staphylococciques à 1a salle d'opération 
(MacNeill), 1959: 219 
Prevention et contrôle de l'infection mixte à 1a pouponni
re du 
nouveau-né (Zwicker), 1959: 217 
Le problème des, à 1a salle d'opération et au service central (Smith), 
1959: 221 
es et contråle des infections à (Rosé), 1959: 213 
STAPHYIDCOQUE, Ie (Murray), 1959: 205 
Gynecological cancer - diagnosis and treatment, 1958: 1018 

- 156 - 

STARTING from scratch (Ruane), 1956: 341 
STATEMENT regarding labor relations (Rossiter), 1957: 799 
STATTEN, Taylor 
La. psychiatrie et I' enfant, 1959: 98 
The psychiatrist and the child, 1959: 620 
srEED, Margaret 
Fun on trains, 1956: 185 
srEVENS, Grace Buchanan 
Tell it out among the people (ed.), 1955: 437 
srEVENSON, George S. 
Mental health hazards in later life, 1959: 414 
Safety signs for mental health, 1959: 907 
srElIART, Ann 
Schizophrenia, 1956: 114 
STE\'JAR'!', C.B. (Harlow) 
Prevention of tuberculosis in nurses (1955: 285 
STEV/AR'!', Enid M. 
Drugs and treatments in mental illness, 1958: 414 
srlVER, M. Pearl 
Historical sketch of the CNA, 1955: 188 
International conference of social work, 1955: 388 
Confusing notions of mental health, 1956: 519 
STORY, Janet S. 
Cinq années de progr
s (ed.), 1959: 73 
Five years of progress (ed.), 1959: 599 
srORY of Johnny (Miller), 1959 z 214 

- 157 - 

STREET, Margaret M. 
The JM.ster plan of rotatirn, 1956: 30, 139 
Teaching esophageal speech, 1959: 310 
STUDENT affiliation in a hospital for tuberculosis (Eldridge), 1955: 297 
STUDEI\IT day activities (\iildfang), 1956: 7CiJ 
STUDENT health services: 
The medical care of the student nurse (Hellor), 1958: 305 
Nurses' health service (Perry), 1958: 306 
STUDENT nurse affiliation: 
Chase out fear and ignorance (Kerr), (00.), 1955: 269 
Day with the local department of health (Lowry), 1955: 4(;1) 
in a hospital for tuberculosis (Eldridge), 1955: 297 
in a tuberculosis hospital (Fulford), 1955: 299 
in tuberculosis sanitoria, 1955: 260, 269 
MY attitude has changed (Black), 1955: 302 
Orthopedic-pediatric training, 1955: 487 
STUDENl' nurse in a pediatric setting (Caplan, Dimock), 1956: 959 
STUDENT nurse in the community (Hentsch), 1957: 205 
STUDENT nurse recruitment: 
For future nurses (Johnson), 1957: 1030 
Poster on, 1957: 838 
IT nurses' associations: 

of Alberta, 1955: 724; 1956: 212 
Birth announcement, 1955: 51 
A more wholesome milieu (Colquhoun), 1957: 1091 
Saskatoon, conference (Smith), 1958: 148 
Student day activities (1!ildfang), 1956: 706 

- 158 - 

The world at your finger-tips (McArthur), 1958: 919 
STUDENT nurses - student teachers (Anne), 1955: 796 
STUDENI"S program in mother and baby care (McEnery), 1957: 203 
STUDY tour for British nurses, 1958: 1040 
STUTTERING, 1957: 158 
SUMMARY of clinical laboratory procedures (Watson), 1956: 601 
SUMMERS, Elizabeth R. 
All this and much more, 1957: 503 
SUPPORTIVE maternal and child care (Cunningham), 1959: 990 
Acute la
otracheo bronchitis, 1957: 603 
SURGERY in coronary artery insufficiency (Vineberg), 1955: 941 
SURGERY of the congenital heart (Vineberg), 1955: 768 
SZMIDT, Patricia 
In the operating room, 1959: 918 
à la salle d 'opération, 1959: 292 

- T - 

TABLE of antidotes, 1959: 1095 
TAKING our measure (Hunter), (ed.), 1957: 15 
Salle pour enfant s brûlés, 1956: 382 
TAPE recorder as a means of communication (Ruane), 1957: 1002 
TARDIF, Colett e 
L'enseignement des Boins à domicile, 1958: 652 
Perfection through practice, 1959: 899 
Le perfectionnement par l'exercice (Tardif), 1959: 276 

- 159 - 

TEACHER education: 
Health education in teachers' colleges (Langstaff), 1958: 1110 
TEACHER-nurse communications in an elementary school (Woods), 1958: 122 
Albums of records, 1955: 466 
Film strips, 1955: 466 
ity aspects of nursing (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 932 
TEACHING methods: 
Adventures in science teaching (Alderson), 1956: 271 
Basic teaching in surgical nursing (Dusseault), 1959: 891 
Case and incident methods (Beal), 1955: 126 
Clinical teaching in surgical nursing (Ouimet), 1959: 893 
The current status of microbiology (Goldberg), 1958: 203 
Nurses as teachers of science (Reid), 1956: 187 
Nursing science, an integrated course (Hill), 1955: 630 
A nutrition experiment (Augusta), 1958: 649 
Orderly training program (Richmond), 1956: 191 
Pediatric surgical nursing (Desjardins), 1959: 896 
Perfection through practice (Tardif), 1959: 899 
Psychiatry - an integral part of nursing (Benedicta), 1955: 120 
Rehabilitation in a teaching program (Crawford, Heieren), 1959: 201 
Research in basic nursing in Canada (Morgan), 1955: 962 
Student nurses - student teachers (Anne), 1955: 796 
Teaching community aspects of nursing, their inclusion in the basic 
curriculum (Du Gas, Blackwood), 1959: 932 
Using case histories to learn (Morehouse), 1956: 361 
TEACHING and supervision: 
Orientation and in-service education (Smith), 1957: 728 

- 160 - 

TEAMvORK, concept of (Campion), 1955: 211 
TEETH and dental caries (Hebert), 1955: 41 
Petite étude psycho-sociale, 1956: 634 
TELL it out among the people (Stevens), (ed.), 1955: 437 
Mental health for nurses (Cruickshank), 1956: 95 
TENUE d'un hôpital (Wickens), 1959: 400 
TEPLITSKY, Benjamin 
The inspection of ward drug cabinets, 1958: 929 
Cinq années de progrès (Story), (ed.), 1959: 11 
TESSIER, Eugénie 
Quelques considérations l'anémie et les états anémiques, 1956: 728 
TEI'ANUS (Cleghorn), 1955: 41>1 
THE Canadian Nurse: 
Aims of, 1955: 164 
Fiftieth anniversary, March, 1955 
THERAPIE d' oxygène : 
Rôle de, dans la physiologie (Phaneuf), 1957: 1089 
THERIAULT, Michelle 
Guidée par l'étoile polaire, 1958: 130 
THIBAUr:r, Lucille 
Les dix cornmandements de la future maman, 1959: II 
School spirit, 1955: 387 
THINGS that worry me (Bishop), 1955: 707 
THIS is Canada (Young), 1959: 601 

. I 

- 161 - 

THORN, Juanita (Creig
ton, Hufnagel, Presley) 
Entraide au-delà de la frontière, 1959: 21 
TlffiEEFO:..D program (Van Buskirk), 1957: 800 
THYROID conditions (Skinner), 1958: 935 
TICK paralysis with bulbar involvement (Pattinson), 1955: 134 
TIPS for tourists, 1958: 528 
TO use or not to use (Lindsey), 1959: 1142 
TOMORROvl'S pat1tern (Sharpe), (ed.), 1956: 597 
TONER, Mary T. 
The role of the nurse in the treatment of alcoholism, 1955: 868 
TOO few for too many (Girard), (ed.), 1956: 93 
TOWARD effective speech (MacGregor), 1955: 944 
TOXLMIE prê-éclamptique (Goos, Sellers, Antoniades), 1959: 349 
TOZER, Eleanor 

at each expects of nursing education: the student, 1957: 1086 
TR1ITEMENT des grands br
lés, 1957: 288 
TRAITEMEln' de la parole: 
Orthophonie (Benfante), 1957: 524 
TRAITENENT de la pne".l'Ilon..1-e (Delisle), 1959: 412 
Reactions to blood transfusions (Levitz), 1958: 1105 

TATION rénale chez des jumelles identiques (MacKinnon), 1959: 11 
TIC arthritis of the hip (Lawrence), 1958: 630 
TREATI-1LNT of acute coronary (Levine), 1958: 116 
essio's d'Afrique, 1956: 630 
TRE1>fJLAY, J. No 

ualité et perspective, 1959: 

. ' 

- 162 - 

Un cas d'hepatite infectieuse, 1959: 61 
Infectious hepatitis, 1959: 552 
Coronary artery thrombosis, 1959: 428 
TRENNA Hunter, president, 1956: 799 
TROIS autres R - ces inconnus (Hickman), 1959: 24 
TRUDEL, Juliette 
Visite à l'école de puériculture de Paris, France, 1959: 310 
TUBERCULOSE pulmonaire et chirurgie thoracique (Bégin), 1955: 283 
pulmonaire et chirurgie thoracique (Bégin), 1955: 283 
Affiliating in a, hospital (Fulford), 1955: 299 
Background information on, (McGrath, Capling), 1955: 270 
Chase out fear and ignorance (Kerr), (ed.), 1955: 269 
Death rate from, 1955: 260 
Drugs in the treatment of, (Ross), 1955: 273 
"in pregnancy (Guerard), 1955: 625 
Modern trends in the surgical treatment of pulmonary, (Paine), 
1955: 277 

 attitude has changed (Black), 1955: 302 
Nursing in, surgery (Hassett), 1955: 290 
Nursing investigation of a, outbreak (Batt), 1955: 295 
Prevention of, in nurses (Harlow, St
lart), 1955: 285 
preventi on in the far north (Walz), 1956: 43 
Psychological problems of, patients (Neville), 1955: 293 
Student affiliation in a hospital for, (Eldridge), 1955: 297 

- 163 - 

X-raying all patients (Ross), 1955: 99 
TUBERCULOSIS in pregnancy (Guerard), 1955: 625 
TUBERCULOSIS prevention in the far north (Walz), 1956: 43 
TUPPER, W.H. Carl 
Early detection and the nurse, 1958: 1012 
TURNBULL, David R. (Gooby) 
New technique of administering medications, 1957: 734 
TUTTLE, Mildred Lucille 
Curriculum improvement through a faculty fellowship program, 19551 634 
TfENTY-third Psalm, Indian version of, 1955: 486 
TWO hats (Richmond), 1957: 283 
'TIlO-year course in training: 
Experimentation dans l' éducation de l'infirmière (Dion), 1956: 445 
program in Newfoundland, 1956: 46 
Report en the experiment in nursing education of the Atkinson 
school of nursing, Toronto Western Hospital, 1950-55, (Wallace), 
1956: 58 
Aspects sociaux et psychologiques de calamités publiques, 1957: 434 
Psychological and social aspects of community disasters, 1957: 423 
TYMSTRA, A. (Brown, Briers) 
Caesarean section, 1957: 808 

- U- 

UlCERE gastrique malin (Parrent), 1959: 178 
UNDER false colors (MacGregor), 1959: 633 
UNIVERSITY courses for graduate nurses (Chittick), 1955: 202 

- 164 - 

UNIVERSITY hospital: 
New, organizes the nursing service department (Ruane), 1956: 341 
UNIVERSITY programs: 
Nurses as teachers of science (Reid), 1956: 187 
Nursing programs at the University of Sask&tchewan (Willis), 1956: 40 
McMaster University, Hamilton, 1955: 894 
Venture in field experience for graduate nurses (Allen), 1956: 276 
UNIVERSITY of Toronto school of nursing: 
Basic degree course in nursing (Caruenter), 1955: 200 
Earning while learning, 1955: 558 
Silver anniversary, 1959: 48 
UNMARRIED mothers: 
Why judge them (Ste. Mechtilde), 1959: 999 
UNUSUAL compound presentation (Anderson), 1955: 38 
Black cats, dark rooms and blind men, 1957: 711 
Dear Doctor Atlee, 1957: 1087 
La nature de la recherche, 1959: 105 
The nature of research, 1959: 318 
Prostatic problem (Mador), 1955: 103 
USAGE des 10isirs, 1959: 
USE of leisure: 

'Jhat will you do with that shorter "'ork week, 1959: 804 
USING case histories to learn (Morehouse), 1956: 361 
USING the index, 1958: 52 

- 165 - 

- V - 

Alphabet for a happy and healthy pregnancy, 1958: 212 
VALUE of operating room experience to the student nurse (Ellison), 1955: 881 
VAN BUSKffiK, Dorothy 
Threefold program, 1957: 800 
A dream comes true (ed.), 1959: 103 
VARICOSE veins, 1957: 1090 
Nursing care in hemorrhoidectomy (Rowland), 1959: 123 
VASCULITIS of unknown origin (Hooser), 1955: 875 
VENEREAL disease: 
The, clinic (Schroeter), 1959: 42 
VENEREAL disease clinic (Schroeter), 1959: 42 
VENTURE in field experience for graduate nurses (Allen), 1956: 276 
VERREI', Fernande 
Elles étaient trois mille cent dix-huit, 1958: 146 
VETERAN care nursing (l
cleod), 1955: 216 
VICTORIAN Order of Nurses: 
Bureau for health information, 1957: 122 
Bursting at the seams (Livingston), (ed.), 1957: 991 
Completing the cycle (Livingston), 1955: 218 
Conference on rehabilitation, 1958: 45 
Official horne, 1957: 537, 588 
VIEN, Sister Yvonne 
Effective planning in a small hospital, 1957: 832 

- 166 - 

Acquired heart disease, 1955: 863 
The importance of the nurse in the care of cardiac surgery, 1955: 687 
Surgery of the congenital heart, 1955: 768 
Surgery in coronary artery insufficiency, 1955: 941 
VIRGINIA, Sister M. 
Nursing of thermal injuries, 1957: 416 
Lea soins infirmiers à donner awe 1ésioos thermiques, 1959: 417 
VISITE à l'école de puéricu1ture de Paris, France (Trudel), 1959: 310 
VISITE chez nos voisines (MacGregor), (ed.), 1959: 321 
VISITING our neighbors (MacGregor), (ed.), 1959: 985 
VISUAL aids: 
Film strips, 1955: 466, 894 
Wide variety of teaching, available to nursing educators, 1955: 466 
VITAL statistics, 1956: 840 
VOICE of the past, 1959: 1133 
VOICI Ie Canada (Young), 1959: 75 
VOIX du passé, 1959: 426 
tes (Grenier), 1959: 
VOYAGE en Europe, 1959: .2.2 

- w - 

WAKE, E. Anne 
Organizing public health services, 1955: 546 
WALKER, Mildred I. 
Public health nurse looks at civil defence, 1957: 420 

- 16.7 - 

WALLACE, Elspeth 
Clock watching, 1958: 220 
WALSH, Hazel 
Child welfare in the Soviet Union, 1958: 150 
The fertility of Hr. Flynn, 1958: 745 
WALSHE, Jeanne 
Bring back Christ to Christmas (ed.), 1957: 1077 
WALZ, Josephine 
Tuberculosis prevention in the far north, 1956: 43 
WAR surgery: 
Early medical management of mass trauma (Derby), 1957: 389 
Emotionally disturbed patients, 1959: 1144 
Malades aux troubles émotifs, 1959: 
WARD book (Ferguson), 1957: 917 
WARD manual: 
Have you a, (Hewitt), 1955: 105 
WARD supervision: 
The inspection of ward drug cabinets (Teplitsky), 1958: 929 
Mental health in industry, 1955: 776 
Epidermoid carcinoma, 1956: 534 
Intestional obstruction, 1957: 1024 
WATERS, F .\>1. 
Your high calling, 1958: 737 

- 168 - 

WATERS, Moir A.J. 
A paraphrase of Paul's thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians for 
nurses, 1959: 746 
WATSON, E.lf. 
Summary of clinical laboratory procedures, 1956: 601 
WE cannot come down (Spalding), 1956: 435 
WE teach - do our patients learn (r1acArthur), 1959: 205 
WEDGERY, Albert W. 
New deal for male nurses, 1956: 636 
One candle on the cake, 1957: 919 
The past has a future, 1959: 135 

lEE scrap of humanity (Copp), 1957: 53 
WELCOl-m to L'Infirmi
re Canadienne (Girard), 1959: 505 
t'1ELLARD, Frank G. 
Meaning of rehabilitation, 1956: 904 
WElLS, Jeanne C. 
Speech therapy, 1957: 522 
Pension plan for nurses, 1955: 693, 932 
WHAT about vacation plans (Collins), 1956: 109 
WHAT do provincial nurses' associations do (Wright), 1955: 190 
WHAT each expects of nursing education: the doctor (MacMillan), 1957: 1083 
T each expects of nursing education: the head nurse (Allison), 
1957: 1085 
\V:HAT each expects of nursing education: the student (Tozer), 1957: 1086 
vr.HAT is accreditation (Lefebvre), 1957: 18 
WHAT it means to be old (Phillips), 1956: 611 
1'JHAT rapport means to me (Alfano), 1955: 880 

. I 

- 169 - 

'-mAT will you do with that shorter work week, 1959: 804 
1:1HESLER, Margaret May 
The main project (ed.), 1958: 201 
A new milestone (ed.), 1959: 503 
WHEN a nurse has diabetes (Bell), 1956: 627 
WHEN nurses talk together (Scott, McCready), 1957: 42 
WHrrrON, Char10tt e 
Our city - your capital, 1958: 513 
WHY attend the CNA convention (Carmel), (ed.), 1956: 255 
WHY judge them (Ste. Mechtilde), 1959: 999 
WHY test pool examinations (Katzell), 1957: 897 
Hospital housekeeping, 1959: 1100 
La tenue d'un hôpital, 1959: 400 
WILDE, A.M. (Hinson, Coleman, Cotter, Callaghan) 
Open heart surgery using total cardiopulmonary by-pass, 1958: 726 
WILDF ANG, Edyth e 
Student day activities, 1956: 7r:iJ 
Congenital hip dislocation, 1957: 620 
WILLIE, Charles V. 
Love for the helping professions, 1958: 16 
WILLIS, Lucy Dorothea 
Nursing programs at the University of Saskatchewan, 1956: 40 
A part of the deep flow (ed.), 1958: 1007 
WILSON, Carl T.V. 
Congestive heart failure with uremia, 1957: 324 

- l70 - 

WIlSON, Mary Emily 
Our senior citizens (ed.), 1956: 421 
Protein: the stuff of life, 1957: 55 
WINNIPEG, the friendly city, 1956: 431 
WITH t"Jur training we can help (Groenewald), 1956: 122 
", A. (Galloway) 
Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, 1957: 218 
lliN t
 the rescue (Campion), 1955: 95 
WOliliN'S auxiliary in action (Croll), 1956: 25 
WOODS, Norah A. 
Teacher-nurse communications in an elementary school, 1958: 122 
WOODSIDE, Moffat St. A. 
Precious kind of leadership, 1957: 901 
Definitive treatment of burns in mass casualties, 1957: 411 
WORDS (Kerr), (ed.), 1958: 1093 
WORK of the church nurse (Dale), 1958: 1119 
WORLD at your finger-tips (McArthur), 1958: 919 
WORLD Health Organization: 
Nurses: their education and their role in health programs, 
1956: 126, 791 
Nursing in the world (Creelman) 1958: 814 
Opportunities with, (Hill), 1958: 103 
Signpost at Geneva (Percy), 1956: 790 
Some considerations on the basic nursing curriculum (Carter), 1956: 357 
That the people be served, 1956: 820 

- 171 - 

Nursing care of traumatic injuries (Reesor), 1957: 395 
WRIGlIT, Alice L. 
What do provincial nurses' associations do, 1955: 190 
WRIGHT, Doris (Bullock) 
Meconium ileus, 1956: 193 
WRIGHI', Marion J. 
Solving hospital problems, 1955: 34 
WRIGlIT, W. Ross 
Doctor looks at nursing, 1957: 104 
WRITER'S cramp (Poland), 1959: 523 
vfíATT, Jean 
Medicine man, 1959: 4b 

X-RAYING all patients (Ross), 1955: 99 

- Y - 

YEO, Douglas J. 
Fluoridation, 1957: 191 
YESTERDAY - today - tomorrow (Reid), (ed.), 1958: 511 
YOUNG, Edith 
Nur sing s ervic e budget, 1955 : 107 
YOUNG, Morley A.R. 
This is Canada, 1959: 601 
Voici 1e Canada, 1959: 75 
YOUR high calling (\']aters), 1958: 737 


- 172 - 

- Z - 

ZALLONI, Thérèse 
A letter to my niece, 1959: 728 
Lettre à ma ni
ce, 1959: 181 
ZEALLY, Harold A. 
Ten commandments for administrators, 1955: 44 
Rheumatoid arthritis, 1956: 448 

vICKER, Patricia 
Prevention and control of cross-infection in the nursery of the 
normal newborn, 1959: 797 
Prévention et contrôle de l'infection mixte à la pouponnière du 
nouveau-né, 1959: 217 


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