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Censor  Librorum 



Archbishop  of  New  York 

Copyright,  1919,  by 

All  Rights  Reserved  by 
The  Devin-Adair  Company 

Third  Printing 

PRINTED  IN   U.   S.  A. 





There  is  a  Supreme  Being  who  alone  is  master  of  life.  The 
Natural  Law.  The  nature  and  determinants  of  morality. 
Probabilism.  Permissive  suicide.  Suicide  is  illicit.  Con 
science.  Homicide,  direct  and  indirect.  Self-defence. 
Formal  and  material  aggressors.  Legalized  homicide. 
Bibliography 1-22 



Mutilation.  Canonical  irregularity.  Self -mutilation.  The  dou 
ble  effect  in  morality.  Direct  and  indirect  mutilation. 
The  State  and  mutilation.  The  dominion  of  the  State  23-32 



Ancient  and  modem  opinions.  The  fetus  is  animated  at  the 
moment  of  conception.  The  single  cell  as  the  primal 
life-organ.  Cell  growth  and  division.  Germ  cells.  The 
development  of  the  embryo.  Fetal  viability.  Theories 
of  development.  The  Aristotelian  and  Thomistic  opin 
ions.  The  formal  principle.  A  soul  exists.  The  pri 
mordial  cell  is  a  sufficient  organ  for  the  soul.  Metabo 
lism  in  the  cell.  Cell  motion.  Animal  heat  and  energy. 
Life  in  separated  tissues.  The  soul  in  monsters  .  .  33-82 



The  heart  and  life.  Resuscitation  after  apparent  death.  The 
last  sacraments  in  apparent  death.  Suspended  anima 
tion.  The  living  fetus  in  the  womb  of  a  dying  or  dead 
mother.  Methods  of  resuscitation.  Signs  of  death  .  83-91 




Abortion  and  miscarriage.  Causes  of  abortion,  fetal,  maternal 
and  paternal.  Surgical  operations  and  abortion.  The 
debitum  in  pregnancy.  Premature  labor.  Threatened, 
inevitable,  and  incomplete  abortions.  Treatment.  The 
use  of  the  tampon.  Precautions  against  abortion.  Ther 
apeutic  abortion.  Methods  of  inducing  abortion.  Arti 
ficial  abortion  of  an  inviable  fetus  is  never  licit .  De 
crees  of  the  church  concerning  abortion.  The  civil  law 
on  abortion  .  92-123 



Ectopic  gestation  or  extrauterine  pregnancy.  Anatomy  of  the 
uterus  and  its  adnexa.  Place  of  fecundation.  The  ab 
normal  uterus.  Tubal  rupture  and  tubal  abortion.  Diag 
nosis.  Decrees  of  the  church  on  ectopic  gestation.  Re 
moval  of  an  inviable  ectopic  fetus  except  in  present 
peril  of  life  is  illicit 124-132 



Indications  for  cesarean  delivery.  Abnormal  pelves.  Sym- 
physeotomy.  Varieties  of  cesarean  delivery.  Morality. 
Amputation  of  the  uterus  after  cesareau  delivery.  Pre 
cautionary  sterilization  of  a  cesarean  case  is  illicit  .133-142 



Nature  and  effects  of  placenta  praevia.  Treatment.  Morality 
and  methods  of  treatment.  Abruptio  placentae.  Moral 
ity  of  fetal  removal 143-146 



Tumors  blocking  parturition.    Fibroids  or  myomata.     Ovarian 

tumors.    Cancer.    Effects  and  morality  of  operation    .147-152 





Occurrence.    Time  of  operation.    Diagnosis        .        .       9        JL53-154 



Causes.     Varieties.     Prognosis.     Precautionary  sterilization  of 

puerperal  psychopaths  is  illicit 155-157 



Frequency.     Effects.     Abortion  as  a  treatment.     Varieties  of 

nephritis.    Pyelitis.     Catalepsy      ....        .158-161 



Definition.  Symptoms.  Prognosis.  Causes.  Precautions 
against  eclampsia.  Forced  delivery.  The  expectant 
treatment.  Relative  mortality  and  morality  of  the 
methods.  Cesarean  delivery  as  a  treatment.  The  ex 
pectant  treatment  is  apparently  the  best  .  .  .162-169 



Factors  in  abnormal  gestation.  The  use  of  pituitrin.  Weak 
pains  and  the  diseased  heart.  The  diseased  heart  in 
actual  parturition.  Operative  risk  in  cardiopaths.  Heart 
block  and  mitral  regurgitation  in  labor.  Prognosis  .170-176 



Pernicious  vomiting.  Occurrence.  Symptoms.  Stages.  Effects. 
Causes.  Therapeutic  abortion  in  pernicious  vomiting. 
Treatment  .177-181 





Varieties  of  chorea.  Differentiation.  Prognosis.  Hysteria. 
Causes.  Epidemics  of  hysteria.  Symptoms.  Progno 
sis  182-186 



Icterus  gravis.    Causes.    Symptoms.    Prognosis        .        .        .187-188 


Effects  on  mother  and  fetus.  Abortions  in  infectious  diseases. 
Placental  permeability.  Typhoid.  Smallpox.  Pneu 
monia.  Influenza.  Scarlatina.  Measles.  Cholera.  Tu 
berculosis.  Artificial  abortion  in  tuberculosis  .  .189-200 



Prognosis.  Abortion.  Infection  of  mother  and  fetus.  Colles' 
Law.  Erroneous  notions  on  the  curability  of  syphilis. 
Once  a  syphilitic  probably  always  a  syphilitic.  The  pro 
fessional  secret  in  syphilis.  Nature  of  secrets.  The 
physician  may  warn  an  innocent  person  .  .  .201-211 



The  cause  of  gonorrhoea.  Tests  of  cure.  Effects  on  a  woman. 
Chronicity.  Prevalence.  Surgical  treatment  in  women. 
Morality  of  the  surgical  treatment.  Conservative  sur 
gery.  Salpingotomy.  Ovariotomy.  Evil  effects  of 
ovariotomy.  Internal  secretion  of  the  ovary.  Results  of 
various  operations.  Pregnancy  after  operation.  Mor 
ality  of  infection.  General  effects  of  gonorrhoea.  Oph 
thalmia  neonatorum  and  gonorrhoea  .  .  .  .212-229 





Fatality  of  diabetes  in  pregnancy.  Diagnosis.  Sterility  of  dia 
betics.  Prognosis.  Heredity  in  diabetes.  Therapeutic 
abortion  in  diabetes  .  .  .  .230-231 



Twilight  sleep  to  avert  pain  in  parturition.  Stages  of  labor. 
Drugs  used.  Scopolamine  and  morphine.  Danger  in 
the  use  of  these  drugs  in  labor.  Contradictory  report 
of  physicians  on  twilight  sleep.  Eminent  authorities  op 
posed  to  the  methods.  Baer's  report  on  the  evil  ef 
fects.  The  methods  are  morally  illicit  and  useless  .232-244 



The  States  that  have  this  law.  Reasons  for  the  law.  Hered 
itary  transmission  of  certain  diseases.  The  operation. 
Its  effects.  Restoration  of  the  function  of  the  inter 
rupted  vas  deferens.  Vasectomy  and  impotence.  On- 
anism.  Vasectomy  effects  impotence  from  the  moral 
point  of  view.  Other  conditions  in  the  male  that  effect 
moral  impotence.  Immorality  of  artificial  impregna 
tion.  Vasectomy  a  grave  mutilation.  Vasectomy  as  or 
dinarily  practised  is  illicit.  The  State  and  vasectomy. 
The  limitations  of  the  State's  dominion.  The  State  sur 
geon  and  vasectomy.  Bibliography  .  .  .  .245-268 



Index  281 


IN  this  book  is  discussed  the  morality  involved  in  the  ordi 
nary  cases  of  medical  homicide  and  mutilation.  Craniotomy  has 
been  omitted  because  this  operation  on  the  living  child  is  never 
morally  licit,  and  when  done  on  the  dead  fetus  it  has  no  moral 
quality  that  requires  explanation. 

The  articles  may  seem  to  be  intended  for  Catholic  physicians 
and  spiritual  directors  alone,  but  the  desire  in  writing  them 
was  to  reach  all  practitioners,  to  the  end  that  the  Natural  Law 
which  binds  every  man  may  be  observed.  Morality  is  not 
made  such  in  its  fundamental  principles  by  any  religious  creed, 
but  by  the  requirements  of  Divine  Order,  which  finally  pre 
vails  no  matter  what  the  opposition.  Killing  and  maiming 
without  sufficient  extenuation  did  not  become  unlawful  solely 
by  the  establishment  of  Christianity.  Practically,  however, 
physicians  who  have  no  religion,  or  a  religion  which  is  so 
illogical  as  to  pay  no  attention  to  dogma,  or  even  to  rail  at  it 
as  obtrusive,  necessarily  gravitates  to  the  emotional  in  morality, 
and  the  principles  of  this  book  will  not  even  interest  them. 
Dogmas  are  abstract  propositions,  and  all  human  society  rests 
on  abstract  propositions.  The  most  vital  facts  in  morality,  the 
basic  distinction  between  crime  and  all  that  is  virtuous  or 
indifferent  morally,  is  in  abstract  principle  alone,  but  physicians 
and  pastors  who  are  not  trained  in  philosophy  and  rational 
religion  cannot  appreciate  an  abstract  principle — they  are  in 
fluenced  only  by  the  concrete. 

Obstetrical  text-books,  unfortunately,  are  written  by  such 
emotional  men;  by  men  who  lack  all  training  in  ethics  other 
than  that  inculcated  in  childhood  out  of  the  mental  vagaries 
of  the  women  in  the  household;  and  these  authors  prescribe 
therapeutic  homicide  as  if  it  were  a  drug  in  the  American 
Pharmacopoeia.  The  reader  is  told  that  if  the  patient  is  a 
Catholic  he  is  to  respect  her  religious  "prejudices";  if  she  is 
not  a  Catholic  one  need  not  bother  about  moral  scruples  when 
it  is  necessary  to  take  a  life  to  stop  fits.  Since  the  civil  law 
does  not  prosecute  a  physician  for  therapeutic  abortion  on  an 


inviable  child,  most  physicians  deem  such  an  act  not  only  per 
missible  but  scientific,  and  they  hold  that  if  a  man's  conscience 
will  not  let  him  kill  a  fetus  to  alleviate  maternal  distress  he 
is  guilty  of  malpractice. 

Decrees  of  the  Catholic  Church  are  cited  in  these  pages,  not 
because  morality  is  an  asset  of  the  Catholic  Church  alone,  but 
because  it  alone  pronounces  officially  on  these  medical  subjects 
after  careful  consideration  by  competent  specialists.  This 
Church  has  made  decisions  in  comparatively  few  medico-moral 
cases,  and  the  questions  still  undecided  authoritatively  are  very 
numerous.  They  are  quite  difficult,  too,  because  judgment 
supposes  a  knowledge  of  both  medicine  and  ethics,  a  combina 
tion  seldom  found  in  one  person.  As  physicians  do  not  know 
ethics,  and  moralists  do  not  know  medicine,  there  is  often 
trouble  in  getting  at  even  a  statement  of  the  questions  at  issue 
between  them.  In  the  preface  to  Essays  in  Pastoral  Medicine, 
in  1906,  I  mentioned  a  noted  case  of  this  kind,  and  in  1911  a 
similar  incident  occurred  in  a  discussion  of  the  morality  in 
volved  in  the  sterilization  of  criminals  and  the  defective  by 
the  state.  This  dispute  was  taken  up  by  the  leading  canonists 
and  moral  theologians  in  the  United  States,  Belgium,  Holland, 
Austria,  Spain,  Italy  and  France,  and  for  nearly  two  years  these 
men  wrote  article  after  article  based  upon  utterly  erroneous 
physical  data. 

The  books  we  have  on  medico-moral  subjects  are  either  ob 
solete  at  present,  or  insufficient;  or,  more  commonly,  they  are 
the  work  of  amateurs  in  medicine.  These  last  are  worthless 
when  they  are  not  harmful.  If,  however,  I  may  judge  from 
the  questions  sent  to  me  for  answer  by  clergymen  and  physicians 
from  all  parts  of  the  country,  our  theological  seminaries  and 
medical  schools  are  in  grave  need  of  courses  on  the  morality  of 
medical  practice.  In  this  book,  to  the  preparation  of  which  I 
have  given  years  of  anxious  thought  because  of  the  extreme  re 
sponsibility  involved  in  its  decisions,  the  data  for  the  most  im 
portant  parts  of  such  courses  are  presented. 






A  DISCUSSION"  of  euthanasia  through  the  use  of  nar 
cotics  in  cases  of  incurable  diseases  periodically  recurs, 
and  the  opinions  of  those  in  favor  of  putting  the  patient 
out  of  his  misery  are  expressions  of  mere  sentimentality,  as 
in  Maeterlinck's  essay,  Our  Eternity.  They  think  either  that 
the  passing  of  a  law  by  a  legislature  removes  all  moral  dif 
ficulty,  or  that  morality  is  a  trifle  which  should  never  stand 
in  the  way  of  expediency.  Those  who  oppose  this  method 
of  euthanasia  base  their  argument,  first,  on  the  fact  that  many 
patients  supposed  by  even  clever  diagnosticians  to  be  incur 
able  recover  health;  and,  secondly,  on  the  fact  that  the  giving 
power  of  life  and  death  to  physicians  is  liable  to  grave  abuse. 
This  side  misses  the  central  truth  and  argues  from  accidental 
and  secondary  premises.  Whether  it  is  expedient,  humane,  or 
impolitic  to  kill  incurable  patients  are  almost  irrelevant  con 
siderations:  the  fundamental  question  to  be  answered  here  is, 
Is  there  a  Supreme  Being  who  alone  is  master  of  life,  to  give 
it  or  to  take  it? 

By  its  very  definition  such  a  Being  is  necessary  (as  op 
posed  to  contingent),  self-existent;  its  essence  always  has 
been  and  always  will  be  actualized  into  existence,  and  that 
from  itself  alone;  it  is  an  individual  substance  of  an  intel 
ligent  nature,  and  therefore  a  person.  A  contingent  being 
is  one  that  happens  to  be  (coniingere)  ;  it  is  of  necessity 
neither  existent  nor  non-existent;  it  has  no  logical  aversion 
to  existence,  but  in  itself  it  has  no  more  than  a  possibility 



of  actuality.  A  necessary  Being,  on  the  contrary,  essentially 
must  be ;  it  cannot  not  be ;  it  is  absolutely  and  essentially  its  own 

There  must  be  such  a  Necessary  Being.  Jf  there  were 
not,  all  things  would  be  contingent,  which  is  an  absurdity. 
The  absurdity  arises  from  the  fact  that  if  all  things  were 
contingent  nothing  would  be  actual,  nothing  could  ever  come 
into  existence,  because  there  would  be  nothing  to  bring  the 
primitive  potentiality  of  the  contingent  beings  into  actual 
existence.  The  sufficient  reason  for  the  existence  of  contin 
gent  beings  is  either  in  themselves  or  in  something  outside 
themselves.  It  cannot  be  in  themselves,  because  as  they  do  not 
yet  exist  they  are  nothing;  therefore  it  is  in  a  Being  which 
is  not  contingent,  but  whatever  is  not  contingent  is  necessary. 
Therefore  the  existence  of  contingent  beings  absolutely  re 
quires  the  existence  of  a  Necessary  Being,  which  always  was 
in  existence.  The  ordinary  name  for  this  Necessary  Being 
is  God.  Contingent  beings  are  all  creatures,  all  organic  and 
inorganic  beings  without  exception.  There  is,  then,  a  God, 
the  first  cause  or  creator  of  all  contingent  beings,  among 
whom  is  man;  and  since  God  created  man  wholly,  this  crea 
ture  is  wholly  subservient  to  God,  under  the  dominion  of 
God,  and  his  life  is  owned  solely  by  God;  God  alone  is  the 
master  of  life  and  death,  and  he  alone  can  delegate  such  mas 

From  the  relation  between  the  Creator  and  the  creatures 
arises  the  natural  law.  Violation  of  this  law  is  the  source 
of  all  moral  evil  in  the  world,  and  of  much  of  the  physical 
evil.  Reason  shows  us  this  law,  and  the  method  of  observing 
it;  and  reason  and  unreason,  observance  or  disregard,  of  the 
order  fixed  by  the  natural  law  are  the  foundation  of  happi 
ness  and  unhappiness.  Whatever  a  human  being  is  or  does, 
he  must  seek  happiness;  that  is  an  essential  quality  of  his 
being.  Happiness  is  the  satisfying  of  our  desires;  but  as 
our  desires  are  limitless,  only  infinite  good  can  satisfy  them. 
The  sole  sufficient  good  that  sates  all  human  longing  is  the 
infinite  Necessary  Being,  and  to  be  happy  we  must  be  united 
with  that  Being.  Obviously  the  only  possible  method  of  pos- 


sessing  this  infinite  God  is  through  mental  union,  by  undis- 
turbable  contemplation  of  his  infinite  truth,  goodness,  being, 
beauty,  and  his  other  attributes.  If  perfect,  everlasting  hap 
piness  is  not  in  that,  in  what  can  it  be  ?  Is  it  in  human  fame, 
honor,  riches,  science,  art,  man,  woman,  or  child?  None  of 
these  can  give  lasting  happiness,  and  no  other  happiness  is 
real  happiness. 

Now,  the  only  means  we  have  to  obtain  union  with  infinite 
good  is  to  follow  out  the  condition  inexorably  placed  by  God, 
which  is  to  act  in  life  in  keeping  with  right  reason,  to  obey 
the  law.  Man's  supreme  honor  is  in  freedom  from  the 
tyranny  of  unreason,  and  in  a  full  obedience  to  external  and 
immovable  order,  with  the  belief  that  his  chief  duty  is  to 
apprehend  and  to  conform  thereto. 

This  is  morality.  From  the  beginning  men  have  held 
that  certain  acts  are  wrong  and  to  be  avoided,  and  that  others 
are  to  be  done.  What  is  wrong,  moreover,  is  such  of  its  own 
nature,  not  from  our  will:  we  deem  the  fulfillment  of  duty, 
obedience  to  law,  the  first,  highest,  and  last  necessity  of  life. 
Jf  we  deny  this  truth  we  let  in  chaos.  What  is  right  or 
wrong  is  one  or  the  other  on  its  own  merits,  prescinding  from 
its  pleasurableness  or  pain. 

We  must  seek  good  whether  we  will  or  not.  Good  is  the 
sole  object  upon  which  the  will  operates,  it  is  the  raw  mate 
rial  of  the  will's  business.  The  ultimate  standard  of  this 
good  is  God  himself  as  its  exemplary  cause,  but  proximately 
the  standard  of  moral  good  is  our  rational  nature.  Through 
our  reason  we  judge  whether  a  thing  is  good  or  bad;  that  is, 
whether  it  perfects  or  injures  us ;  and  as  it  is  good  or  bad  for 
us  our  will's  tendency  toward  it  is  good  or  bad.  Many  acts 
are  indifferent  in  themselves,  but  take  on  a  good  or  bad  quality 
from  our  intention ;  others  are  good  or  bad  in  themselves  apart 
from  our  volition:  charity  is  good,  lying  is  bad,  whether  they 
are  willed  by  us  or  not. 

The  morality  of  any  action  is  determined  (1)  by  the  ob 
ject  of  the  action;  (2)  by  the  circumstances  that  accompany 
the  action;  (3)  by  the  end  the  agent  had  in  view. 

1.  The  term   object   has  various   meanings,   but  here  it 

means  the  deed  performed  in  the  action,  the  thing  which 
the  will  chooses.  That  deed  by  its  very  nature  may  be  good, 
or  it  may  be  bad,  or  it  may  be  indifferent  morally.  To  help 
the  afflicted  is  in  itself  a  good  action,  to  blaspheme  is  a  bad 
action,  to  walk  is  an  indifferent  action.  Some  bad  actions 
are  absolutely  bad;  they  never  can  become  good  or  indifferent 
— blasphemy  or  adultery,  for  example;  others,  as  stealing,  are 
evil  because  of  a  lack  of  right  in  the  agent:  these  may  become 
indifferent  or  good  by  acquiring  the  missing  right.  Others 
are  evil  because  of  the  danger  necessarily  connected  with  their 
performance, — the  danger  of  sin  connected  with  them,  or 
the  unnecessary  peril  to  life.  An  action,  to  have  a  moral 
quality,  must  bo  voluntary,  deliberate;  and  mere  repugnance 
in  doing  an  act  does  not  in  itself  make  the  act  involuntary. 

2.  Circumstances    sometimes,    though    not    always,    may 
add  a  new  element  of  good  or  evil  to  an  action.     The  circum 
stances  of  an  action  are  the  Agent,  the  Object,  the  Place  in 
which  the  action  is  done,  the  Means  used,  the  End  in  view, 
the  Method  observed  in  using  the  means,   and  the  Time  in 
which  the  deed  is  done.     If  a  judge  in  his  official  capacity 
tells  a  sheriff  to  hang  a  criminal,  and  a  private  citizen  gives 
the   same   command,   the   actions   are  very   different  morally 
because  of  the  circumstance  of  the  agent  giving  the  command. 
The  object — it  changes  the  morality  of  the  deed  whether  one 
steals  a  cent  or  a  thousand  dollars.     The  place — what  might 
be  an  offensive  action  in  a  residence  might  be  a  sacrilege  in 
a  church.      The  means — to  support  a  family  by  labor  or  thiev 
ery.     The  end  in  view — to  give  alms  in  obedience  to  divine 
command  or  to  give  them  to  buy  votes.     The  method  used  in 
employing  the  means — kindly,  say,  or  cruelly.     The  time — 
to  do  manual  labor  on  Sunday  or  on  Monday.     Some  circum 
stances  aggravate  the  evil  in  a  deed,  others  excuse  or  attenu 
ate  it.     Others  may  so  color  the  deed  that  they  specify  it,  make 
it   some  special  virtue  or  vice.     The    circumstance    that    a 
murderer  is  the  son  of  the  man  he  kills  specifies  the  deed 
as  parricide. 

3.  The  end  also  determines  the  morality   of  an  action. 
Since  the  end  is  the  first  thing  in  the  intention  of  the  agent, 


he  passes  from  the  object  wished  for  in  the  end  to  choosing  the 
means  for  obtaining  it.  Without  the  end  the  means  cannot 
exist  as  such.  There  are  occasions  when  an  end  is  only  a 
circumstance:  for  example,  if  it  is  a  concomitant  or  extrinsic 
end.  When  this  extrinsic  end  is  in  keeping  with  right 
reason  or  when  it  is  discordant  thereto,  it  may  become  a  de 
terminant  of  morality.  In  every  voluntary,  or  human,  act 
there  is  an  interior  and  exterior  act  of  the  will,  and  each  of 
these  acts  has  its  own  object.  The  end  is  the  proper  object 
of  the  interior  act  of  the  will;  the  exterior  object  acted  upon 
is  the  object  of  the  exterior  act  of  the  will;  both  specify  the 
morality,  but  the  interior  object  or  end  specifies  more  im 
portantly,  as  a  rule,  than  the  exterior  object  does.  The  will 
uses  tho  body  as  an  instrument  on  the  external  object,  and  the 
action  of  the  body  is  connected  with  morality  only  through 
the  will.  We  judge  the  morality  of  a  blow  not  by  the  phys 
ical  stroke,  but  from  the  intention  of  the  striker.  The  ex 
terior  object  of  the  will  is,  in  a  way,  the  matter  of  the  moral 
ity,  and  the  interior  object  of  the  will,  or  the  end,  is  the  form. 
Aristotle  said :  "He  that  steals  to  be  able  to  commit  adultery 
is  more  of  an  adulterer  than  a  thief."  l  The  thievery  is  a 
means  to  the  principal  end,  and  this  principal  end  chiefly 
specifies  or  informs  the  action. 

The  means  used  to  obtain  an  end  are  very  important  in  a 
consideration  of  the  morality  of  an  act.  There  are  four  classes 
of  means — the  good,  bad,  indifferent,  and  excusable.  Good 
means  may  be  absolutely  good,  but  commonly  they  are  liable  to 
become  vitiated  by  circumstances, — almsgiving  is  an  example. 
Some  means  are  bad  always  and  inexcusable — lying,  for  in 
stance.  The  excusable  means  are  those  which  are  bad,  but 
justifiable  through  circumstances.  To  save  a  man's  life  by 
cutting  off  his  leg  is  an  excusable  means.  The  end  some 
times  may  vitiate  or  hallow  indifferent  means,  but  it  does  not 
in  itself  justify  all  means.  Means,  like  other  circumstances, 
are  accidents  of  an  action,  but  they  are  in  the  action  just  as 
much  as  color  is  in  a  man.  Color  is  not  of  a  man's  essence,  but 
we  cannot  have  a  man  without  color. 
1  Ethics,  v,  c.  2. 


The  effect  of  an  action,  the  result  or  product  of  an  effec 
tive  cause  or  agency,  may  in  itself  be  an  end  or  an  object  or  a 
circumstance,  and  it  has  influence  in  the  determination  of 
morality.  Sometimes  an  act  has  two  immediate  effects,  one 
good  and  the  other  bad.  For  example,  ligating  the  blood-ves 
sels  going  to  the  uterus  to  stop  a  hemorrhage  and  so  save  a 
woman's  life,  a  good  effect,  has  also  in  ectopic  gestation  while 
the  fetus  is  living  another  immediate  effect,  namely,  to  shut 
off  the  blood  supply  from  the  fetus  and  so  kill  it,  a  bad 
effect.  To  make  such  a  double-effect  action  licit  there  are  four 
conditions  which  are  explained  in  the  chapter  on  Mutilation. 

The  doctrine  of  Probabilism  is  very  important  in  morality. 
Any  law  must  be  promulgated  before  it  really  becomes  a  law, 
and  promulgation  in  a  rational  conscience  is  sufficient.  Some 
times  there  is  rational  doubt  of  the  existence,  the  interpreta 
tion,  or  the  application  of  a  law  in  a  given  case.  Here  prob 
ability  is  the  only  rule  we  can  follow.  A  law  which  is  doubtful 
after  honest  and  capable  investigation  has  not  been  sufficiently 
promulgated,  and  therefore  it  cannot  impose  a  certain  obliga 
tion  because  it  lacks  aii  essential  element  of  a  law.  When  we 
have  used  such  moral  diligence  as  the  gravity  of  the  matter 
calls  for,  but  still  the  applicability  of  the  law  is  doubtful  in 
the  action  in  view,  the  law  does  not  bind;  and  what  a  law 
does  not  forbid  it  leaves  open.  Probabilism  is  not  permissible 
where  there  is  question  of  the  worth  of  an  action  as  compared 
with  another,  or  of  issues  like  the  physical  consequences  of  an 
act.  If  a  physician  knows  a  remedy  for  a  disease  that  is  cer 
tainly  efficacious  and  another  that  is  doubtfully  efficacious,  he 
may  not  choose  this  probable  cure.  Probabilism  has  to  do 
only  with  the  existence,  interpretation,  or  applicability  of  a 
law,  not  with  the  differentiation  of  actions.  The  term  prob 
able  means  provable,  not  guessed  at,  not  jumped  at  without 
reason.  The  doubt  must  be  positive,  founded  on  reason,  not 
a  matter  of  mere  ignorance,  suspicion,  emotional  bias.  The 
opinion  against  a  law  to  permit  probabilism  must  be  solid.  It 
must  rest  upon  an  intrinsic  reason  from  the  nature  of  the  case, 
or  an  extrinsic  reason  from  authority,  always  supposing  the 
authority  is  really  an  authority.  The  probability  is  to  be  com- 

parative  also.  What  seems  to  be  a  very  good  reason  when 
standing  alone  may  be  weak  when  compared  with  reasons  on 
the  other  side.  When  we  have  weighed  the  arguments  on  both 
sides,  and  we  still  have  a  good  reason  for  holding  our  opinion 
in  a  doubtful  case,  our  opinion  is  probable.  The  probability  is, 
moreover,  to  be  practical.  It  must  have  considered  all  the  cir 
cumstances  of  the  case. 

There  is,  then,  a  Supreme  Being  whom  we  must  obey, 
who  created  and  owns  human  life  primarily;  there  is  also  a 
moral  law.  On  these  facts  rests  the  argument  relating  to  the 
destruction  of  human  life.  How  far,  then,  has  a  human  being 
dominion  over  his  own  life,  and,  secondly,  over  the  life  of  any 
one  else? 

St.  Thomas,2  Lessius,8  and  others  offer  as  one  argument 
to  prove  suicide  is  not  licit,  that  it  is  an  injury  to  society 
or  the  state  of  which  the  suicide  is  part,  and  to  which  the  use 
and  profit  of  his  service  rightly  belong.  Lessius,  while  de 
veloping  this  proof,  acknowledges  its  weakness. 

If  there  were  only  one  man  in  the  world,  and  no  society  or 
state,  suicide  would  still  be  illicit,  because  its  basic  deordina- 
tion  lies  deeper  than  society  or  the  state.  If  suicide  were  a 
moral  evil  solely  because  it  deprives  the  state  of  the  suicide's 
life,  then  for  the  same  reason  no  one  might  become  a  citizen 
of  another  state,  emigrate,  nor  might  man  abandon  society  and 
live  as  a  recluse.  Moreover,  if  a  man  were  detrimental  to  the 
state  rather  than  beneficial,  in  this  point  of  view  that  fact  alone 
would  justify  suicide,  and  the  state  would  then  be  justified  in 
permitting  or  even  commanding  suicide;  and  we  shall  show 
later  that  the  state  has  not  this  power. 

It  is  true  that  the  injury  done  the  state  or  society  by  loss 
of  use  and  profit,  by  scandal  and  similar  evils,  is  a  solid  argu 
ment  against  suicide,  as  such  injury  aggravates  the  deordina- 
tion  of  suicide,  but  in  itself  the  injury  done  to  the  state  and 
society  is  not  the  fundamental  reason  against  suicide. 

St.  Thomas  4  argues  against  suicide  because  it  is  contrary 
to  the  charity  a  human  being  should  have  for  himself.  This 

2  Summa    Theologica,  1,  2,  q.  64,  a.  5. 

3  De  Justitia  et  Jure,  lib.  2,  cap.  9. 


is  true  ordinarily,  and  suicide  takes  on  part  of  its  guilt  just 
because  it  is  an  offence  against  the  rational  regard  a  person 
should  have  for  himself;  yet  this  argument  is  not  basic.  We 
are  told  that  if  one  sins  against  charity  in  killing  his  neighbor, 
a  fortiori  he  sins  in  killing  himself.  Yet  suppose  just  what 
the  advocates  of  euthanasia  suggest,  viz.,  that  a  neighbor  is  in 
great  agony  and  incurable:  then  the  act  of  killing  him  takes  on 
a  quality  of  charity  rather  than  of  uncharity.  And  so  for  the 
suicide :  if  the  patient  is  willing  to  be  killed,  there  would  be  no 
uncharity;  if  he  were  unwilling,  then  homicide  in  any  form 
would  be  uncharitable  and  unjust.  The  argument  from  char 
ity,  therefore,  is  too  narrow  to  fit  the  whole  case ;  and  its  very 
weakness  is  a  source  of  error  for  the  advocates  of  euthanasia. 

Still  another  argument  is  often  advanced  against  suicide, 
viz.,  that  a  man  is  obliged  to  love  his  own  life,  since  it  is  the 
foundation,  or  the  necessary  condition,  to  him,  of  all  good 
and  every  virtue,  and  this  circumstance  makes  the  destruction 
of  that  life  unlawful.  That  argument  has  solid  truth,  but  if 
it  held  absolutely  it  would  prevent  us  from  desiring  death  in 
any  case,  and  no  one  denies  that  there  are  conditions  in  which 
a  desire  for  death  is  fully  legitimate.  No  desire  for  death, 
however,  can  give  the  slightest  justification  for  the  destruction 
of  life. 

Again,  the  argument  that  suicide  is  cowardice  is  not  broad 
enough.  Fortitude  is  a  mean  between  fear  and  rashness,  and 
this  argument  maintains  that  the  suicide  sins  against  fortitude 
by  rashness.  Jf  we  have  good  reason  it  is  not  rash  to  expose 
ourselves  to  death;  the  soldier  may  do  so,  the  person  strug 
gling  to  save  a  neighbor's  life,  and  so  on ;  it  may  be  the  highest 
form  of  fortitude  thus  to  expose  oneself  to  death.  If  the 
suicide  can  persuade  himself  that  by  his  act  he  is  seeking 
greater  good  than  the  life  he  possesses  he  would  have  reason 
for  his  act,  and  at  least  be  above  cowardice.  This  argument 
is  one  that  can  be  turned  at  times  so  as  to  cut  the  fingers  of 
the  man  that  uses  it.  The  fundamental  reason  that  suicide  is 
not  lawful  is  that  man  cannot  be  master  of  his  own  life,  and 
therefore  he  may  not  dispose  of  it  as  he  pleases. 

Suicide  is  the  direct  killing  of  oneself  on  one's  own  author- 


ity.  A  killing  is  direct  when  death  is  intended  as  an  end,  or 
chosen  as  a  means  to  an  end.  Direct  killing  is  positive  by 
commission,  or  negative  by  omission.  In  such  cases  the  will 
directly  rests  in  the  death  as  a  voluntary  and  free  act.  A 
killing  is  indirect  when  the  act  of  which  death  is  the  effect 
by  its  nature  and  the  intent  of  the  agent  is  directed  toward 
another  end,  but  concomitantly,  or  as  a  consequence,  results 
in  death.  In  such  case  death  is  an  accidental  effect,  and  comes 
indirectly  from  the  activity  of  the  will — it  is  not  necessarily 
voluntary.  If  one  has  a  right  to  do  that  other  deed,  or  if  it 
is  his  duty  to  do  it,  and  there  is  a  proportion  between  it  and 
his  life,  he  may  do  the  deed  and  permit  the  consequent  death. 

A  direct  homicide  may  be  done  on  one's  own  authority,  or 
on  that  of  another  person.  It  is  done  on  one's  own  authority  if 
the  agent  assumes  a  natural  individual  dominion  over  life,  and 
by  virtue  of  such  dominion  directly  kills  himself  or  another; 
it  is  done  on  the  authority  of  another  when  a  man  directly 
kills  himself  or  another  by  the  mandate  of  a  positive  divine  or 
human  law,  and  in  the  name  and  on  the  authority  of  a  positive 
divine  or  human  legislator.  It  is  evident  that  God,  as  Creator, 
has  supreme  dominion  over  human  life,  and  therefore  by  his 
positive  authority  he  may  command  a  man  directly  to  kill 
himself.  God,  however,  does  not  by  the  natural  law  confer  on 
man  the  right  thus  to  kill.  The  question  here  is  of  the  natural 
duty  or  right  which  comes  from  the  natural  law  alone. 

Direct  suicide  on  one's  own  authority  may  happen  in  two 
ways:  positively,  that  is,  by  doing  an  act  which  is  directly 
homicidal ;  or  negatively,  by  omitting  an  act  necessary  for  the 
preservation  of  life.  That  a  negative  homicide  be  direct, 
death  must  be  intended  as  an  end  or  means.  If,  however,  one 
voluntarily  intends  an  end  or  a  means,  but  for  the  sake  of 
antecedent  good  or  evil  omits  some  act  necessary  to  preserve 
life,  his  suicide  is  indirect,  per  accidens,  and  not  always  illicit 
unless  there  is  a  precept  against  just  such  an  omission.  Man 
has  no  dominion  over  his  own  life,  he  has  only  the  use  of  it; 
and  the  natural  law  obliges  us  while  using  a  thing  which  is 
under  the  dominion  of  another  not  to  omit  ordinary  means  for 
its  preservation.  "We  are  not,  however,  held  to  extraordinary 


means.  His  own  death  is  criminally  imputable  to  him  who 
negatively  and  indirectly  kills  himself  by  omitting  the  or 
dinary  means  for  preserving  his  life,  because  the  precept  he 
is  under  to  preserve  his  own  life  makes  his  act  voluntary.  If 
he  omits  extraordinary  means,  the  death  is  not  criminally  im 
putable  to  him  because  there  is  no  precept  obliging  such  means. 
Certain  circumstances  may  by  accident  oblige  one  to  use  ex 
traordinary  means  to  preserve  one's  own  life — a  dependent 
family,  a  public  office  in  perilous  times,  or  the  like.  The 
proposition,  then,  is:  The  natural  law  does  not  give  a  man 
absolute  dominion  over  his  own  life. 

J.  The  natural  law  gives  no  rights  except  such  as  are 
finally  founded  in  human  nature  itself ;  but  human  nature  can 
not  give  a  title  to  dominion  over  one's  own  life;  therefore  the 
natural  law  does  not  give  man  such  a  right. 

Every  natural  right  is  either  congenital  or  acquired.  The 
title  to  a  congenital  right  is  human  nature  itself;  the  title 
to  an  acquired  right  is  some  act  consequent  to  the  exercise  of 
human  activity.  The  right  to  such  exercise  is,  in  turn,  con 
genital  and  founded  in  human  nature. 

If  nature  established  the  title  to  dominion  over  one's  own 
life  it  would  thereby  establish  the  power  of  destroying  that 
life,  and  thus  of  removing  the  fundamental  title  to  all  rights; 
but  nature  exists  as  the  foundation  for  rights,  not  for  the  sub 
version  of  rights;  therefore  human  nature  cannot  give  a  final 
title  to  dominion  over  our  own  life. 

Again,  this  minor  of  the  first  argument  is  confirmed  by 
the  fact  that  if  nature  even  remotely  established  the  power  of 
self-destruction  there  should  be  in  nature  itself  some  natural 
tendency  to  such  destruction,  but  the  direct  contrary  is  the 

II.  The  natural  law  cannot  grant  a  right  to  man  which 
is  not  a  means  to  the  common  end  of  human  life ;  but  absolute 
dominion  over  one's  own  life  is  not  such  a  means,  therefore 
the  natural  law  cannot  give  one  dominion  over  his  own  life. 

The  natural  law  is  only  an  ordination  of  man  to  that  com 
mon  end  of  human  life  and  to  the  means  toward  that  end.  As 
regards  the  minor  of  this  second  argument,  an  absolute  domin- 


ion  over  his  own  life  would  give  man  power  to  stop  all  his 
human  activity,  yet  the  common  end  of  human  life  is  attain 
able  only  hy  man's  activity.  The  stopping,  or  the  power  of 
stopping,  all  activity  cannot  he  a  means  to  that  end. 

III.  The  natural  law  cannot  give  man  a  power  which  is 
opposed  to  the  essential  needs  of  human  nature  itself;  hut  that 
a  man  should  have  absolute  dominion  over  his  own  life  is 
opposed  to  an  essential  need  of  human  nature  itself,  therefore 
the  natural  law  cannot  give  such  a  power. 

Dominion  over  his  own  life  implies  the  power  in  man  of 
rebelling  against  the  subjection  which  he  owes  to  God;  but 
human  nature  essentially  demands  that  man  be  in  subjection 
to  God,  since  dominion  over  one's  own  life  and  subjection  to 
God  are  contradictory. 

Again,  if  man  had  absolute  dominion  over  his  own  life 
he  could  stand  aloof  from  all  influx  of  the  natural  law  and 
avoid  every  duty  arising  from  that  law.  A  law,  however,  can 
not  give  a  power  which  nullifies  itself. 

The  objection  that  suicide  is  licit  because  no  injury  can 
be  done  a  man  by  an  act  if  the  man  is  willing  to  submit  to 
the  act,  is  irrelevant.  The  injury  in  suicide  is  not  to  man  at 
all,  but  to  God. 

There  is  also  nothing  in  the  objection  that  a  gratuitous  gift 
may  be  renounced.  Life  is  not  a  gratuitous  gift;  it  is  an 
onerous  gift  with  obligations  inseparably  affixed  thereto  which 
forbid  the  destruction  of  the  gift. 

IV.  Destruction  is  an  act  proper  to  a  master  alone.  Man 
cannot  be  master  of  his  own  life;  he  can  have  dominion  of 
things  that  are  outside  himself,  distinguishable  from  himself, 
but  not  of  the  very  existence  of  himself,  which  is  not  really 
distinguishable  from  himself.  The  definition  of  dominion  sup 
poses  relation.  The  offices  of  master,  father,  magistrate,  are 
relative  conditions  which  suppose  superiority  over  another  per 
son,  not  over  oneself.  Even  Gbd  is  not  a  superior  over  himself, 
although  he  has  all  perfection.  For  this  reason  a  man  cannot 
sell  himself ;  he  can  sell  only  his  labor. 

God,  who  should  have  absolute  dominion  over  all  creatures, 
and  who  has,  wills  to  confine  these  creatures  to  certain  lines  of 


action  in  keeping  with  the  creature's  nature.  This  is  the  law 
underlying  even  the  moral  law  when  it  touches  humanity;  it 
is  the  eternal  law  coeternal  with  God's  decree  of  creation,  but 
not  necessary  as  God  is.  When  this  law  exists  in  the  mind 
of  God  it  is  the  eternal  law;  when  it  exists  in  the  minds  of 
creatures  it  is  the  natural  law,  governing  the  free  acts  of  intel 
lectual  creatures.  When  the  natural  law  becomes  a  motive  to 
the  human  will,  obliging  but  not  forcing  it,  a  law  through 
knowledge  within  the  consciousness  of  a  man  regulating  his 
behavior,  it  is  called  the  law  of  conscience. 

Conscience  is  an  act,  a  practical  judgment  on  one's  own 
action  in  some  particular  case.  ,It  testifies,  accuses,  excuses, 
restrains,  urges.  It  is  a  rational  faculty,  not  an  emotional, 
sentimental  power.  Emotion  blinds  its  judgments.  Yet  mere 
emotion,  and  that  foolish  deordination  of  emotion  called  sen 
timentality,  are  promptings  which  the  ignorant  mistake  for. 
conscience  and  obey.  Conscience  is  the  enlightened  eye  of  the 
heart,  not  the  vagary  of  any  appetite  that  blunders  into  action. 
It  must  be  educated ;  left  to  itself,  it  is  guilty  of  all  the  perver 
sions  of  the  streets. 

The  natural  law  is  immutable,  not  subject  to  recall  by 
every  rascal  under  the  goad  of  the  flesh.  In  morality  what 
was,  is;  what  was  once  right  because  reasonable,  always  will 
be  right  and  reasonable.  Since  opposition  to  the  natural  law 
as  applied  to  man  is  repugnant  to  human  nature,  no  power 
can  make  opposition  to  that  law  licit.  For  the  same  reason 
this  law  is  not  subject  to  evolution.  Truth  in  morality  is 
eternal.  What  is  ugly  now  was  ugly  a  millennium  ago;  what 
was  immoral  yesterday  was  immoral  in  the  sixth  century.  If 
our  ancestors  thought  permissible  what  we  know  to  be  illicit, 
our  ancestors  were  ignorant ;  the  fact  has  not  changed.  It  was 
as  immoral  to  steal,  lie,  or  murder  in  the  day  of  Abraham  as 
it  is  to-day. 

The  ultimate  tendency  of  man  is  toward  happiness,  and, 
of  course,  happiness,  or  any  other  perfection,  is  impossible 
without  existence;  hence  the  instinctive  recoil  from  the  de 
struction  of  our  life,  which  is  the  requisite  condition  for  hap 
piness.  Even  those  that  abnormally  destroy  their  own  life  do 


so  with  horror  for  the  destruction  itself,  and  act  thus  unrea 
sonably  to  escape  evil,  not  to  escape  life;  or  they  seek  what 
they  think  will  be  a  better  life.  We  can  do  no  other  injury 
to  a  man  so  great  as  the  depriving  him  of  his  life,  for  that 
deprivation  destroys  every  right  and  possession  he  has.  He 
can  recover  from  all  other  evil,  or  hold  his  soul  above  every 
other  evil,  but  death  is  the  absolute  conqueror.  No  matter  how 
debased  or  how  diseased  a  man's  body  may  be,  no  one  may 
dissociate  that  body  from  its  soul,  except  in  defence  of  in 
dividual  or  social  life  under  peculiarly  abnormal  conditions; 
but  even  such  defence  is  permissible  only  while  the  defender 
respects  other  human  life  and  the  social  life,  while  he  is  in 
nocent,  has  done  no  harm  to  society  commensurate  with  the  loss 
of  his  own  life. 

"The  weariest  and  most  loathed  worldly  life 
That  age,  ache,  penury,  and  imprisonment 
Can  lay  on  nature  is  a  paradise 
To  what  we  fear  of  death." 

r..:istence,  no  matter  how  sordid,  is  immeasurably  better 
tlian  non-existence,  for  non-existence  is  nothing;  and  when  we 
consider  eternal  life  after  separation  from  the  body,  even  as 
a  probability,  that  raises  existence  to  infinite  possibilities 
above  the  void  of  non-existence.  A  human  life,  even  in  an 
Australian  Bushman,  in  a  tuberculous  pauper,  in  the  vilest 
criminal,  is  in  itself  so  stupendously  noble  a  thing  that  the 
whole  universe  exists  for  its  upholding  toward  betterment. 
The  raising  of  human  life  toward  a  higher  condition  has  been 
the  sole  tendency  of  all  the  magnificent  charity,  sacrifice, 
patriotism,  and  heroism  the  best  men  and  women  of  the  world 
since  time  began  have  striven  in.  The  necessary  first  cause 
itself  is  life,  and  life  is  by  far  the  most  sacred  thing  possible 
for  the  first  cause  to  effect.  Eternal  life  is  the  greatest  reward 
of  the  just. 

It  is  not  permissible  under  any  possible  circumstance 
directly  to  kill  an  innocent  human  being.  By  killing  directly 
is  meant  either  (1)  as  an  end  desirable  in  itself,  as  when  a 
man  is  killed  for  revenge;  or  (2)  as  a  means  to  an  end.  By 
an  innocent  human  being  is  meant  a  person  who  has  not  by 


any  voluntary  act  of  his  own  done  harm  commensurate  with 
the  loss  of  his  own  life. 

To  kill  a  human  being  is  to  destroy  human  nature,  by  sep 
arating  the  vital  principle  from  the  body;  to  destroy  anything 
is  to  subordinate  and  sacrifice  that  thing  absolutely  to  the 
purposes  of  the  slayer;  but  (1)  no  one  has  a  right  so  to  sub 
ordinate  another  human  being,  because  man  and  his  life  are 
solely  under  the  dominion  of  God.  If  a  man  may  not  kill 
himself,  as  we  proved  above,  because  he  is  not  master  of  his 
own  life,  he  surely  may  not  kill  another  to  whom  he  is  no 
more  closely  related  as  master  than  he  is  to  himself.  (2)  No 
man  has  a  right  to  subordinate  another  human  being  as  is 
done  in  slaying  him,  because  this  other  human  being  is  a  per 
son,  an  intelligent  nature,  and  consequently  free,  independent, 
referring  its  operations  solely  to  itself  as  to  their  centre.  This 
very  freedom  differentiates  man  from  brutes  and  inanimate 
things.  These  are  not  independent;  they  are  rightly  possessed 
by  man;  but  man  may  be  possessed  by  no  one  except  God. 
Even  extrinsic  human  slavery  is  abhorrent  to  us  as  a  corollary 
of  the  intrinsic  freedom  of  man,  which  is  absolute.  This  in 
trinsic  freedom  is  such  that  we  may  not  under  any  circum 
stances  lawfully  resign  it  to  another's  possession.  This  is  one 
of  the  chief  moral  objections  to  oath-bound  secret  societies 
which  exact  blind  obedience.  All  morality  depends  on  that 
freedom,  all  peace  in  life,  all  civilization,  and  society  itself. 

The  end  of  our  struggles,  toil,  fortitude,  temperance,  thrift, 
is  freedom, — freedom  to  do  and  to  hold,  freedom  from  the 
thraldom  of  vice  and  barbarity.  The  rational  endeavor  of 
every  civilized  nation  is  that  it  be  free;  and  this  means  solely 
that  every  citizen  thereof,  from  the  highest  to  the  lowest,  is 
made  secure  in  his  rights  as  a  human  being.  It  intends  that 
justice  should  prevail.  Nearly  all  the  unhappiness,  crime, 
moral  misery,  and  much  of  the  physical  misery  in  the  world 
are  due  to  a  disregard  for  liberty,  for  the  safeguarding  of  men 
in  their  inalienable  rights.  Give  every  man  his  bare  rights  as 
a  man  and  all  troubles  of  capital  and  labor,  all  race  problems 
would  cease,  the  prisons  would  be  empty,  war  would  be  un 
known.  Our  struggle  toward  justice,  toward  the  protection 


of  the  rights  of  man,  toward  liberty,  must  go  on,  or  anarchy 
and  social  destruction  will  ensue.  Now,  as  there  is  nothing 
greater  and  nobler  than  liberty,  the  freedom  of  the  sons  of 
God  to  do  what  they  have  a  right  to  do,  and  as  every  human 
being  has  a  right  to  that  liberty,  so  there  is  nothing  baser  than 
its  contrary,  the  destruction  of  that  liberty;  and  no  destruc 
tion  is  so  final  as  that  of  killing  the  man,  no  usurpation  so 
abhorrent  to  human  nature  and  all  liberty.  Abhorrence  for 
such  a  destruction  is  the  primal  instinct  of  all  human  beings; 
even  the  irrational  reflexes  of  our  bodies  react  quickest  in  pro 
tecting  us  from  that  destruction. 

Justice  and  order  must  prevail;  that  is  a  fundamental 
natural  law  to  which  all  other  laws  are  subordinate.  Justice, 
moreover,  is  a  moral  equation,  and  whenever  one  right  tran 
scends  another  it  must  be  superior  to  the  right  it  holds  in 
abeyance.  The  right  an  innocent  human  being  has  to  his  life, 
however,  is  so  great  that  no  other  human  right  can  be  superior 
to  it  while  he  remains  innocent.  Subversion  of  this  right  by 
creatures  is  intrinsically  evil,  as  blasphemy  and  perjury  are  evil, 
although  not  in  exactly  the  same  degree. 

There  are  occasions  upon  which  it  is  permissible  to  kill,  in 
directly,  innocent  persons.  An  effect  is  brought  about  indi 
rectly  when  it  is  neither  intended  as  an  end  for  its  own  sake, 
nor  chosen  as  means  toward  an  end,  but  is  attached  as  a  cir 
cumstance  to  the  end  or  the  means.  Means  help  to  an  end, 
circumstances  often  do  not,  although  they  may  affect  the  mo 
rality  of  an  act. 

Suppose  two  swimmers,  Peter  and  Paul,  are  trying  to  save 
Thomas,  who  dies  in  the  water ;  as  he  dies  Thomas  grips  Peter 
and  Paul  so  tightly  that  they  cannot  shake  the  corpse  off.  Peter 
is  weak,  and  he  will  soon  sink  and  drown,  owing  to  his  weak 
ness  and  the  weight  of  the  corpse;  Paul  also  will  go  down 
later,  owing  to  the  weight  of  Peter  and  Thomas.  Peter,  how 
ever,  cuts  his  own  clothing  loose  from  the  grip  of  the  corpse 
and  is  saved;  but  Paul  immediately  is  drowned,  owing  to  the 
fact  that  the  full  weight  of  the  corpse  comes  upon  him.  Js 
Peter  justified  in  cutting  himself  loose?  Certainly  he  is. 
This  is  an  example  of  indirect  killing,  a  case  of  double  effect, 


one  good,  the  saving  of  Peter's  life,  the  other  evil,  the  loss  of 
Paul's  life,  both  proceeding  immediately  and  equally  from 
the  causal  act,  the  cutting  loose  of  the  clothing.  The  good 
effect  is  intended,  the  bad  effect  is  reluctantly  permitted. 

Again,  let  us  set  the  same  condition  for  Peter,  Paul,  and 
Thomas;  but  Peter  is  not  able  to  cut  himself  loose.  John,  a 
fourth  person,  can  cut  Peter  loose  and  save  him,  but  can  do  no 
more;  he  must  let  Paul  go  down  with  the  corpse  of  Thomas. 
May  John  cut  Peter  loose  ?  Certainly  he  may,  on  the  principle 
quod  liceat  per  se  licet  per  alium.  This  is  another  case  of 
double  effect,  with  the  extenuating  circumstances  as  above. 

Suppose,  however,  Peter  represents  a  living  infant  in  the 
womb  of  Ann,  and  that  she  is  in  labor;  further,  this  infant 
cannot  be  delivered  owing  to  the  contraction  of  Ann's  pelvis. 
May  John,  a  physician,  cut  away  Peter  by  craniotomy  and  so 
save  Ann's  life?  Certainly  he  may  not.  John  here  directly 
brains  Peter  to  save  Ann,  although  Peter  is  not  an  unjust 
aggressor;  he  does  a  murder  to  get  a  good  effect,  and  the  end 
does  not  justify  the  means.  There  are  two  effects,  but  the  good 
effect  follows  from  the  bad  one,  and  not  immediately  from  the 
causal  act. 

Take  another  example:  Peter  is  a  swimmer  disabled  by 
cramps  and  about  to  drown ;  Paul,  going  to  save  Peter,  is  seized 
by  Peter,  and  both  are  now  in  danger  of  drowning;  John  goes 
to  help  Peter  and  Paul.  He  cannot  get  Peter's  grip  loose  by 
ordinary  means,  and  he  sees  he  can  save  only  one  man,  either 
Peter  or  Paul.  May  John  knock  Peter  senseless  to  loosen  his 
grip  from  Paul,  bring  in  Paul,  and  thus  leave  Peter  to  drown  ? 
Certainly  he  may.  You  have  the  double  effect  here  also. 
Moreover,  Peter  is  a  materially  unjust  aggressor;  he  is  like 
a  maniac  trying  to  kill  Paul.  In  the  craniotomy  case  the  child 
is  not  a  materially  or  formally  unjust  aggressor,  it  is  not  doing 
anything  at  all.  It  is  where  the  mother  put  it,  and  it  has  a 
full  right  to  its  position  and  its  life. 

John  most  probably  might  also  knock  Paul  senseless  and 
save  Peter,  if  through  affection  or  similar  motive  he  preferred 
this  course.  He  would  then  be  justified  by  the  double-effect 
principle  alone,  although  Paul  is  in  no  sense  an  aggressor.  The 

intention  of  the  blow  would  have  to  be  solely  to  loosen  Paul's 

In  a  just  war  a  commander  may  shell  an  enemy's  works 
and  indirectly  thereby  kill  non-combatants.  The  gunners  that 
cause  the  death  of  the  non-combatants  do  not  intend  this  death ; 
they  permit  it  as  the  evil  effect  which  comes  immediately  with 
the  good  effect  (the  capture  of  the  works)  from  the  causal  act 
of  firing  the  guns. 

If  we  keep  within  the  bounds  of  a  just  defence  we  may 
protect  ourselves  against  an  unjust  aggressor  to  the  effusion  of 
his  blood,  or  even,  if  need  be,  to  killing  him.  An  aggressor  is 
any  one  who  does  injury  to  us  contrary  to  our  rights  and  the 
ordination  of  right.  A  formally  unjust  aggressor  is  a  sane 
intelligent  person  who  intentionally  attacks  us;  a  materially 
unjust  aggressor  is  one  who  is  not  intelligent,  not  responsible, 
as  an  insane  person,  a  child,  or  a  sane  person  who  is  injuring 
us  unintentionally.  This  question  is  important  in  medicine 
because  the  fetus  in  utero  is  often  erroneously  called  an  unjust 

It  is  a  primary  law  of  nature  that  every  human  being 
should  and  will  strive  to  resist  injury  and  destruction.  Justice 
requires  a  moral  equation,  and  if  one  right  prevails  over  an 
other  it  must  be  superior  to  the  right  it  supersedes.  At  the 
outset  both  the  aggressor  and  the  intended  victim  have  equal 
rights  to  life,  but  the  fact  that  the  aggressor  uses  his  own 
life  for  the  destruction  of  a  fellow  man  sets  the  aggressor  in 
a  condition  of  juridic  inferiority  to  the  victim.  The  moral 
power  of  the  aggressor  here  is  equal  to  his  inborn  right  to  life, 
less  the  unrighteous  use  he  makes  of  it;  while  the  moral  power 
of  the  intended  victim  remains  in  its  integrity,  and  has  there 
fore  a  higher  juridic  value. 

The  right  of  self-defence  is  not  annulled  by  the  fact  that 
the  aggressor  is  irresponsible.  The  absence  of  knowledge  saves 
him  from  moral  guilt,  but  it  does  not  alter  the  character  of 
the  act  considered  objectively;  it  is  yet  an  unjust  aggression, 
and  in  the  conflict  the  life  assailed  has  still  a  superior  juridic 
value.  In  any  case  the  right  of  wounding  or  of  killing  in  self- 


defence  is  not  based  on  the  ill  will  of  the  aggressor,  but  on 
the  illegitimate  character  of  the  aggression. 

The  condition's  of  a  blameless  defence  (moderamen  incul- 
patae  tutelae}  are:  (1)  that  the  aggressor  really  threatens  the 
defender's  life,  and  there  is  no  means  of  offsetting  that  vio 
lence  except  like  violence;  (2)  that  no  more  violence  is  used 
than  is  adequately  required:  if  the  aggression  can  be  stopped 
by  wounding  the  aggressor  the  defender  is  not  to  kill  him; 
(3)  that  the  violence  in  the  defence  is  used  with  the  inten 
tion  of  defence,  not  in  revenge,  hatred,  anger,  or  the  like 

We  may  do  an  act  good  in  itself  from  which  a  double  effect 
immediately  follows,  one  good,  to  which  the  agent  has  a  right, 
and  the  other  bad,  which  the  agent  is  not  obliged  to  omit  if 
permitted  by  him  and  not  intended;  but  in  the  case  of  a 
necessary  defence  of  life  against  an  unjust  aggressor,  made 
even  with  the  death  of  the  aggressor,  the  defence  is  such  an 
act,  provided  the  moderation  of  a  blameless  defence  is  ob 

The  evil  effect  here  is  not  a  means  to  the  good  effect,  nor 
does  it  more  immediately  follow  from  the  act  done.  The  evil 
effect  is  an  effect  per  accidens,  and  thus  not  directly  voluntary, 
either  in  itself,  because  it  is  not  intended,  or  in  its  cause.  It 
lacks  the  condition  necessary  to  make  it  voluntary  in  cause 
as  regards  the  accidental  effect  since  the  act  is  not  prohibited 
precisely  because  this  accidental  effect  follows. 

The  act  in  the  case  is  good  in  itself;  it  is  an  application 
of  physical  force  in  defence  of  a  proper  right,  and  any  right 
supposes  a  compulsive  power.  The  two  effects  of  this  double- 
effect  act  are:  (a)  the  preservation  of  the  defender's  life,  and 
(6)  the  death  of  the  aggressor.  The  first  effect  is  good  because 
the  defender  has  a  right  to  his  own  life ;  the  other  effect  is  evil, 
not  only  physically  for  the  one  who  dies,  but  morally  inasmuch 
as  the  death  conflicts  with  the  dominion  of  God.  This  death, 
however,  is  an  accidental  effect  of  the  act,  because  in  general 
the  defensive  act  is  not  directed  by  its  nature  to  that  death 
but  to  the  preservation  of  the  defender's  life;  nor  does  the 
death  follow  more  immediately  than  the  preservation.  Thus  it 

is  not  a  means  of  the  defence.  Finally,  the  defensive  act  is 
not  prohibited  precisely  lest  that  death  follow:  not  in  justice, 
for  there  is  no  justice  in  any  right  of  the  aggressor  which  re 
quires  from  the  defender  an  omission  of  defence  unto  the  loss 
of  life;  there  is  no  obligation  in  charity,  since  charity  does  not 
oblige  us  to  love  another  more  than  ourselves,  or  to  exalt  the 
good  of  another  above  our  own. 

In  an  aggression  which  is  merely  material — say,  in  an 
attack  by  an  insane  man — the  defender  has  a  right  to  the  in 
fliction  of  such  damage  as  is  necessary  and  proportionate  to 
an  efficacious  defence.  The  right  of  the  aggressor  yields  to 
the  superior  right  of  the  defender,  not  through  the  fault  of  the 
aggressor  but  through  his  misfortune.  There  is  a  collision 
where  both  rights  cannot  be  exercised  at  the  same  time,  and 
there  is  no  reason  obliging  the  defendant  to  forego  his  own 

We  may  defend  another  against  an  unjust  aggressor  be 
cause  we  can  assume  that  the  attacked  person  communicates 
to  us  the  use  of  his  own  coactive  right.  If  the  aggressor  is  our 
own  father,  mother,  son,  or  daughter,  or  in  general  any  one 
to  whom  charity  obliges  us  more  than  to  the  person  attacked, 
we  are  not  permitted  to  kill  our  own  kin  because  charity  does 
not  oblige  us  to  prefer  the  good  of  an  alien  to  the  good  of  one 
of  our  blood.  Ordinarily  we  are  not  obliged  in  justice  or 
charity  to  defend  another  at  the  risk  of  our  own  life. 

We  may  kill  an  unjust  aggressor,  servatis  servandis,  in  de 
fence  of  good  equivalent  in  value  to  life:  for  example,  to  pre 
vent  life  imprisonment,  the  loss  of  reason,  a  mutilation  which 
would  render  us  useless,  the  loss  of  a  woman's  chastity. 

There  are  cases  of  accidental  homicide,  in  medicine  and 
elsewhere,  which  have  an  element  of  guilt  in  them.  If  a  death 
follows  accidentally  upon  an  act  which  in  itself  is  licit,  and 
the  agent  uses  all  proper  precautions,  he  is  not  morally  guilty 
in  case  of  an  accidental  death  following,  his  act.  This  is  true 
even  if  the  agent  foresaw  a  probable  death  but  did  not  intend 
it.  If,  however,  the  agent's  primary  act  is  illicit  in  itself, 
and  an  accidental  death  follows  from  this  act,  the  agent  may 
be  guilty  of  homicide,  provided  the  first  act  in  itself  is  natur- 


ally  likely  to  cause  homicide.  Should  the  first  act  be  always 
dangerous,  such  that  death  commonly  follows  from  it,  like 
rocking  a  row-boat,  aiming  a  supposedly  unloaded  gun  at  a 
person  and  pulling  the  trigger,  striking  a  pregnant  woman, 
drinking  whiskey  and  then  overlying  an  infant  in  the  bed, 
throwing  building  material  from  a  roof  to  a  street,  racing  an 
automobile  through  a  crowded  thoroughfare,  sending  a  crew 
out  in  a  rotten  ship,  and  so  on,  the  accidental  homicide 
that  follows  is  imputable  to  the  agent  no  matter  how  much  pre 
caution  he  may  say  he  has  used  to  avert  such  a  death. 

Suppose,  secondly,  the  original  act  of  the  agent  is  illicit 
but  such  that  accidental  death  rarely  follows  from  it;  then  if 
he  takes  due  precaution  he  is  not  ordinarily  guilty  of  homicide. 
He  has,  say,  stolen  an  automobile,  and  is  going  along  the  street 
leisurely,  when  a  careless  child  runs  off  the  sidewalk  under 
the  machine  and  is  killed. 

1.  No  person,  then,  may  hasten  his  own  death  or  permit 
any  one  else  to  hasten  it. 

2.  No  physician  may  in  any  possible  condition  kill  a  pa 
tient  merely  to  effect  euthanasia. 

3.  The  state  has  no  more  right  than  the  physician  to  per 
mit  the  killing  of  patients  to  bring  about  euthanasia. 

Were  such  permission  given  to  physicians  it  would  imme 
diately  be  abused  by  men  with  even  the  best  intentions.  In 
all  countries  and  in  the  largest  cities  the  medical  profession 
is  swarming  with  quacks.  What  is  done  in  crass  ignorance  by 
licensed  physicians  and  specialists  every  day  in  the  name  of 
medicine  is  appalling.  Professor  Orth  of  the  Pathologic  In 
stitute  in  Berlin  makes  the  statement  that  of  all  the  appendices 
that  have  been  submitted  to  him  for  microscopic  examination 
after  removal  by  conservative  and  supposedly  skilled  physi 
cians,  17  per  cent,  showed  no  disease  at  all,  and  should  not 
have  been  removed.  In  this  country  the  percentage  of  normal 
appendices  removed  because  of  vague  abdominal  pains  is  much 

The  Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association  (June 
7,  1913)  gave  a  list  of  post-mortem  examinations  where  the 


diagnosis  made  by  men  with  a  reputation  for  fair  work  had 
been  correct  in  only  the  following  ratios: 

Diagnosis  Diagnosis 

correct.  incorrect. 

Per  cent.  Per  cent. 

Diabetes  Mellitus    95  5 

Typhoid   Fever    92  8 

Aortic  Kegurgitation  84  16 

Cancer  of  Colon  74  26 

Lobar   Pneumonia    74  26 

Chronic  Glomerular  Nephritis   74  26 

Cerebral   Tumor    72.8  27.2 

Tuberculous   Meningitis    72  28 

Gastric   Cancer    72  28 

Mitral  Stenosis   69  31 

Brain  Hemorrhage   67  33 

Septic  Meningitis  64  36 

Aortic  Stenosis   61  39 

Phthisis,   Active    59  41 

Miliary  Tuberculosis   52  48 

Chronic  Interstitial  Nephritis 50  50 

Thoracic   Aneurism    50  50 

Hepatic    Cirrhosis    39  61 

Acute  Endocarditis    39  61 

Peptic   Ulcer    36  64 

Suppurative   Nephritis    , 35  65 

Renal   Tuberculosis    33.3  66.7 

Bronchopneumonia    33  66 

Vertebral   Tuberculosis    23  77 

Chronic  Myocarditis    22  78 

Hepatic  Abscess    20  80 

Acute  Pericarditis    20  80 

Acute  Nephritis    16  84 

Pneumonia  is  a  very  common  disease,  extremely  danger 
ous,  and  by  skilful  treatment  it  is  very  often  cured,  yet  of 
these  100  cases  66  were  not  diagnosed.  I  recently  saw  a 
severe  case  of  double  pneumonia  which  a  physician  was  treat 
ing  as  "indigestion,"  and  he  was  giving  pepsin  tablets  for 
the  supposed  indigestion.  There  is  such  a  thing  as  extraor 
dinary  scientific  precision  in  medical  work,  but  it  is  rare; 
the  ordinary  physician  treats  symptoms  without  knowing  the 
cause  of  the  symptoms ;  that  is,  the  symptom-treater  is  a  quack, 
and  if  euthanasia  were  legalized  thousands  of  such  quacks 
would  be  permitted  to  murder  with  an  overdose  of  morphine 
any  querulous  old  man  or  woman  who  might  fall  into  their 


hands.  Osteopaths  and  chiropractors  are  masseurs,  and  they 
know  very  little  of  massage,  but  they  are  licensed  by  legisla 
tures  to  practise  medicine,  and  some  of  them  even  try  obstet 
rical  malpractice.  They,  too,  would  be  licensed  to  inflict 
euthanasia.  Pure  homeopathy  is  little  more  than  a  name  at 
present;  it  is  faith-healing  without  prayer.  It  attenuates  its 
drugs  100  per  cent,  for  thirty  repetitions,  to  a  degree  expres 
sible  by  one  with  sixty  ciphers.  Consequently  it  gives  sugar 
of  milk  or  alcohol  in  minute  quantities  plus  a  label,  and  one 
cannot  make  much  of  an  impression  on  any  disease  with  a 
label.  Such  practitioners  also  would  come  under  the  euthan 
asia  act. 


Cardinal    John    de    Lugo.       Disputationes    Scholasticae    et 

Morales,  vol.  vi;  De  Justitia  et  Jure,  disputatio  x. 
St.   Augustine.     I   Contra  Petilianum,  cap.   24;  Ad  Marcel- 

lianum  Comitem,  cap.  21;  De  Civitate  Dei,  cap.  17  to 


Aristotle.    IJI  Ethicorum,  cap.  7,  and  lib.  v,  cap.  ii. 
Plato.     Phaedo. 
Cicero.     Quaestiones    Tusculanae.     I,    lib.    v;    De    Somno 


Lessius.    De  Justitia  et  Jure,  lib.  ii,  c.  9,  dub.  6,  7. 
Molina.     De  Justitia  et  Jure,  vol.  i,  tr.  2,  disp.  119 ;  vol.  iv, 

tr.  3,  disp.  1  and  9. 
St.    Thomas   Aquinas.     Summa   Theologica,    2,    2,   q.    64,    a. 

St.   Alphonsus   Liguori.      Theologia   Moralis,   vol.    iv,   tr.   4. 

See  this  book  for  opposed  opinions  and  a  bibliography. 
Costa-Rossetti.    Philosophia  Moralis,  thesis  120. 
Ferretti.     Philosophia  Moralis,  theses  xci,  xciv. 
Macksey.    De  Ethica  Naturali,  theses  xxxiv  et  seq. 



THE  members  of  the  human  body  may  be  injured  (1)  by 
a  blow,  which  without  bloodshed  pauses  pain  or  a  bruise ; 

(2)  by  a  wound,  which  breaks  the  continuity  of  the  tissues; 

(3)  by  mutilation,  which,  without  killing,  removes  some  mem 
ber  requisite  for  the  integrity  of  the  body.     The  term  Mutila 
tion  as  applied  to  the  human  body  has  various  meanings.     In 
the  civil  law  mutilation  of  a  person  is  called  Mayhem,  an  old 
form  of  the  word  Maim,  and  is  defined  by  Blackstone  *  as 
"such  hurt  of  any  part  of  a  man's  body  as  renders  him  less  able 
in  fighting  to  defend  himself  or  annoy  his  adversary."     By 
statute  in  the  United  States  and  Great  Britain  the  scope  of 
the  offence  has  been  so  extended  as  to  include  injuries  to  a 
person  which  merely  disfigure  or  disable.     Mutilation  in  the 
civil  law  now  implies  the  taking  away  of  some  part  of  a  legal 
instrument,  as  a  will,  contract,  or  the  like,  by  any  one  who  has 
no  right  to  make  this  alteration. 

In  canon  law  mutilation  is  like  malicious  or  accidental 
mayhem  in  the  civil  law,  and  it  has  also  a  technical  phase  in 
relation  to  irregularity  as  affecting  the  reception  of  ecclesias 
tical  orders.  The  mutilation  requisite  to  irregularity  as  affect 
ing  the  reception  of  Holy  Orders  may  differ  from  mutilation 
in  its  purely  moral  and  accidental  aspects.  Broadly,  an  ir 
regularity  is  a  canonical  and  permanent  impediment  to  the 
reception  and  exercise  of  ecclesiastical  orders.  It  does  not 
exist  unless  it  is  actually  promulgated  in  some  canon,  and  it  is 
not  necessarily  grounded  on  corporal  deformity.  Defects  of 
the  body  that  cause  canonical  irregularity  are  such  as  would 
render  the  public  ministration  of  a  clergyman  either  impos 
sible  or  indecent. 

1  Commentary,  bk.  iv,  p.  205. 



Molina,  treating  of  mutilation,  says  2  it  does  not  exist  un 
less  there  is  an  amputation  or  shortening  (detruncatio}  of  a 
member.  When  a  foot  or  hand  is  so  weakened  without  ampu 
tation  that  it  cannot  exercise  its  function  the  person  is  said  to 
be  maimed  or  lame,  not  mutilated.  He  holds  that  a  finger, 
and  a  fortiori  a  phalanx  of  a  finger,  are  not  properly  members. 
In  defining  mutilation  as  a  cause  of  canonical  irregularity 3 
he  contends  that  the  weakening  of  a  member  so  that  it  cannot 
perform  its  function  is  not  a  true  mutilation  canonically.  He 
does  not  agree  4  with  Cajetan,  de  Soto,  and  others  who  hold 
that  an  important  part  of  a  whole  member  is  equivalent  to  a 
member  so  far  as  technical  canonical  mutilation  is  concerned. 
Molina  says  that  a  part  of  the  body  as  a  member  to  fulfil  the 
requirements  of  the  law  on  mutilation  as  a  cause  of  irregu 
larity  must  have  a  distinct,  complete  function  of  its  own,  not 
be  a  mere  part  conducing  to  the  function.  Ballerini 5  agrees 
with  Molina,  but  he  draws  attention  to  a  decretal  of  Jnnocent 
I.  which  makes  an  amputation  by  oneself  of  even  a  part  of 
one's  own  finger  a  full  canonical  irregularity,  because  of  the 
unnatural  quality  of  the  act. 

Suarez  defines  mutilation  thus:  "Mutilare  significat 
proprie  membrum  aliquod  abscindere"  6 — to  mutilate  means, 
strictly  speaking,  to  cut  off  any  member.  He  holds  with  Caje 
tan  that  an  important  part  of  a  member  is  in  itself  equivalent 
to  a  member.  A  reason  he  offers  for  his  opinion  is  that  a 
eunuch  is  enumerated  among  those  who  are  canonically  muti 
lated,  but  the  eunuch,  he  tells  us,  "does  not  lack  any  member 
which  in  itself  has  a  function  in  the  body  independent  of  all 
other  organs."  This  is  not  true.  The  testicles,  which  the 
eunuch  lacks,  have  two  distinct  functions,  independent  of 
other  organs — they  make  the  spermatozoa  and  an  important 
internal  glandular  secretion.  These  facts  were  not  known  in 
Suarez's  time  (1548-1617).  Suarez  adds  this  remark:  "There 
can  be  a  grave  sin  in  a  marring  [diminutio]  of  any  chief  mem- 

1  De  Justitia  et  Jure,  disp.  19,  tr.  3. 

1  Ibid.,  disp.  68,  tr.  3. 

4  Ibid.,  n.  69. 

"  Theol.  Moral,  vol.  vii. 

*  De  Censuris,  etc.,  disp.  44,  sec.  2,  2. 


her,  although  there  may  be  no  grave  mutilation;  as,  for  ex 
ample,  to  cut  off  a  part  of  a  finger  is  undoubtedly  a  mortal 
sin,  yet,  in  the  opinion  of  all  moralists,  it  is  not  enough  to 
cause  irregularity." 

St.  Alphonsus  Liguori  defines  mutilation  thus:  "Muti 
lation  here  signifies  that  some  principal  member  be  separated 
from  the  body;  that  is,  a  part  of  the  body  that  has  in  itself  a 
distinct  function,  as  a  foot,  hand,  eye,  ear,  etc."  7  He  says  8 
canonical  irregularity  as  a  punishment  is  not  incurred  by  a 
person  who  cuts  off  another  man's  finger,  thumb,  lips,  nose, 
auricle,  or  who  knocks  out  teeth,  because  these  are  supposed 
by  canonists  not  to  be  properly  members  of  the  body,  but  parts 
of  members.  To  blind  a  man  in  one  eye  is  not  enough  to  cause 
canonical  irregularity;  the  eye  must  be  taken  out.9  All  these 
injuries  are  of  course  mutilations  in  the  moral  sense  of  the 
term.  To  blind  a  man  without  removing  the  eye,  to  cut  out 
his  spleen  in  the  treatment  of  Banti's  disease,  to  remove  a 
woman's  ovary  or  uterus,  to  cut  off  part  of  the  point  of  a 
finger,  to  crop  the  top  of  an  auricle,  to  knock  out  a  tooth,  and 
any  other  permanent  marring  of  the  body,  even  to  cause  an 
unsightly  scar  across  the  face,  are  all  mutilations  in  the  moral 
sense  of  the  term.  A  physician,  midwife,  nurse,  or  parent 
who  neglects  an  infant's  eyes,  and  so  permits  ophthalmia 
neonatorum  to  blind  the  child,  is  guilty  of  grave  mutilation. 
In  the  year  1914,  in  the  Chicago  schools,  45,176  children  were 
found  suffering  from  various  defects,  and  35,425  were  advised 
by  the  examining  physicians  to  seek  treatment;  in  each  of 
these  cases  the  parents  were  informed  of  the  nature  of  the 
disease  and  the  necessity  for  treatment,  but  only  40  per  cent, 
of  the  parents  paid  any  attention  to  the  notices.  Of  5754 
cases  of  diseased  tonsils,  which  are  likely  to  affect  the  heart 
permanently,  only  4  per  cent,  were  treated;  of  1254  cases  of 
discharging  ears  only  10  per  cent,  were  treated,  although  such 
a  condition  may  go  on  to  deafness  if  not  attended  to.  These 

*  Theol.  Moral,  lib.  7,  cap.  5,  disp.  4,  n.  365. 
8  Ibid.,  n.  378. 
•Ibid.,  n.  382. 


parents  were  criminally  guilty  of  grave  neglect  in  permitting 
the  mutilation  of  the  heart  and  ears. 

Any  notable  mutilation  inflicted  upon  oneself  is  akin  to 
the  malice  of  suicide,  and  when  perpetrated  on  another  it  is 
related  to  homicide.  The  dominion  over  the  members  of  the 
body,  as  over  the  whole  body,  belongs  to  God  alone.  Man  is 
constituted  by  his  parts,  members,  taken  together,  and  if  he 
were  master  of  his  members  he  would  be  master  of  himself. 
Again,  each  member  of  the  body  is  naturally  united  to  that 
body  and  ordained  for  determined  organic  functions;  so  it  is 
wrong  to  render  these  members  unfit  for  their  natural  func 
tion  or  to  separate  them  from  the  body,  unless  such  actions 
are  necessary  for  the  preservation  of  life  itself.  Although 
man  is  not  master  of  himself,  he  is  the  administrator  of  him 
self;  and  therefore  when  the  amputation  of  any  member  is 
necessary  for  the  preservation  of  the  life  of  the  whole  body  it 
is  licit  to  subordinate  this  part  to  the  good  of  the  whole. 

A  direct  mutilation  is  one  intended  as  an  end,  or  as  a 
means  to  an  end;  it  is  a  voluntary  and  free  act.  An  indirect 
mutilation  is  one  in  which  the  mutilation  is  the  natural  effect 
of  the  act,  but  the  intention  of  the  agent  is  directed  toward 
another  end.  The  mutilation  follows  indirectly  from  the  ac 
tivity  of  the  will,  but  there  is  a  satisfying  proportion  between 
the  accidental  effect  (the  mutilation)  and  the  end  intended. 
In  such  an  act  there  are  two  effects  which  follow  the  causal 
act  deque  immediate,  or  directly  (not  indirectly,  that  is,  not 
all  from  the  other  effect,  but  each  immediately  from  this 
cause)  :  one  effect  is  good  (to  save  life,  avoid  unbearable  pain, 
or  the  like),  and  the  other  evil  (the  mutilation),  but  the  good 
effect  is  the  end  intended,  the  evil  effect  is  reluctantly  per 
mitted.  Such  an  act  is  licit  provided  the  usual  conditions  of 
the  double  effect  are  present,  that  is: 

1.  The  action  that  is  the  cause  of  the  good  and  bad  ef 
fects  must  be  itself  good  or  indifferent  morally. 

2.  The  good  and  the  bad  effects  must  each  be  an  imme 
diate  result  of  the  causal  act;  the  good  effect  may  be  not  so 
subordinated  to  the  evil  effect  as  to  be  obtainable  only  through 
the  evil  effect. 


3.  The  had  effect  must  not  be  intended,   either  imme 
diately  or  remotely;  it  may  at  most  be  tolerated  as  unavoid 

4.  There  must  be  a   sufficiently  grave  reason  for  the 

Indirect  mutilation  may  be  licit  when  the  evil  to  be 
avoided  is  proportional  to  the  mutilation.  Direct  mutilation, 
where  there  is  one  direct  effect  of,  say,  the  surgical  operation, 
namely,  to  remove  the  somatic  organ,  is  not  licit,  except  for 
the  good  of  the  whole  body;  and  that  good  to  the  whole  body 
must  be  juridically  equivalent  to  the  damage  done  the  body 
by  the  mutilation.  There  is  to  be  a  direct  effect  in  such  muti 
lation,  which  is  the  good  of  the  whole  body.  It  is  not  per 
mitted  to  kill  directly  to  save  the  life  of  another,  but  it  is  per 
missible  to  mutilate  directly  to  save  the  whole  body.  Direct 
mutilation,  however,  is  never  unavoidable  because  the  agent 
can  always  correctly  order  his  intention  before  the  opera 

All  direct  mutilation,  unless  for  the  good  of  the  whole 
body,  implies  deordination :  it  offends  against  the  supreme 
dominion  of  God,  who  reserves  to  himself,  as  Creator,  owner 
ship  of  human  life  and  its  organs.  As  we  may  not  destroy  life, 
which  belongs  to  God,  we  may  not  amputate  a  member  to  sup 
press  any  vital  function.  The  exception  which  permits  us 
to  mutilate  a  member  or  organ  is,  as  has  been  said,  the  adequate 
good  of  the  whole  body.  The  reason  for  this  is  that  man  is 
the  administrator  of  his  members,  to  the  good  of  the  whole 
person.  Each  member  is  not  for  itself  but  for  the  whole 

The  good  of  the  body  is  the  sole  cause  that  renders  direct 
mutilation  licit.  The  members  of  the  body  by  their  nature 
are  not  immediately  subordinate  to  anything  except  the  con 
servation  of  the  total  natural  good,  or  that  of  the  body.  There 
fore  direct  mutilation  is  not  permissible  to  effect  immediately 
spiritual  good,  or  the  good  of  the  soul.  We  may  not  castrate 
a  man,  or  do  vasectomy  on  him,  to  preserve  his  continence, 
because  there  is  no  immediate  subordination  and  connection 
between  the  members  of  the  body  and  the  salvation  of  the 


soul.  Moreover,  as  St.  Thomas  says,10  "Spiritual  health  can 
always  be  preserved  by  means  other  than  amputation  of  bodily 
members,"  that  is,  through  moderating  by  the  will  the  use 
of  these  members.  If  a  mutilation  that  immediately  conduces 
to  the  good  of  the  whole  body,  happens  also  to  do  good  to  the 
soul,  this  second  effect  is  then  legitimate.  (The  various  muti 
lations  of  the  body  by  surgical  operations  will  bo  considered 
separately  hereafter. ) 

May  the  state,  then,  sterilize  criminals,  and  persons  af 
flicted  with  dangerous  hereditary  diseases,  to  prevent  the  prop 
agation  of  moral  and  physical  defectives  ?  This  question  is 
considered  specially  in  another  chapter. 

There  is  an  error  gradually  infecting  all  nations  of  late 
which  is  that  the  state,  as  such,  is  above  morality;  that  what 
the  civil  authority  permits  or  orders  is  by  that  fact  alone  made 
licit  or  obligatory.  Hence  the  interference  with  individual  lib 
erty,  with  the  rights  of  man,  shown  by  laws  for  the  mutilation 
of  the  physically  degenerate,  laws  conferring  privileges  on  one 
part  of  the  community  to  the  detriment  of  another,  meddling 
in  parental  rights,  and  so  on.  Political  error  has  come  to  such 
a  pass  that  the  men  on  the  street  think  any  majority  is  jus 
tified,  solely  because  it  is  a  majority,  in  recalling  a  judge  or 
a  law,  in  overriding  authority  for  the  satisfaction  of  appetite. 
The  sovereign  people  tries  to  be  subject  and  sovereign  at  the 
same  time,  and  it  deems  its  rulers  mere  hired  men  who  may 
be  discharged  at  will  like  cooks. 

A  law  is  a  rule  and  standard  of  action;  a  just,  perma 
nent,  and  rational  ordination  for  the  good  of  the  community, 
promulgated  by  one  who  has  charge  of  that  community. 
Dominion  is  the  power  of  claiming  a  thing  as  one's  own,  the 
right  of  ownership;  and  if  this  possessor  has  created  the 
object,  his  dominion  may  be  absolute.  A  governor,  lawgiver, 
judge,  has  power  or  jurisdiction  for  the  good  of  the  governed. 
The  business  of  government,  of  the  state,  is  to  protect  each 
citizen  in  the  pursuit  of  temporal  happiness,  to  develop  his 
natural  faculties,  establish  and  preserve  social  order,  wherein 
each  citizen  is  secured  in  his  natural  and  legal  rights,  and  is 

10  2,  2,  q.  Ixv,  a.  1,  ad  3. 


held  up  to  the  fulfilment  of  his  own  duties  so  far  as  they  bear 
on  the  good  of  the  community  as  such ;  and  also  to  put  within 
the  reach  of  all  citizens,  as  far  as  possible,  a  fair  allowance 
of  means  to  acquire  temporal  happiness,  or  external  peace  and 
prosperity.  This  is  the  whole  business  of  the  state.  The 
state  is  for  the  people,  and  it  may  not  transgress  an  inch 
beyond  its  proper  limits,  which  are  as  hard  and  fast  as  those 
that  bind  the  individual  citizen.  The  citizen  is  not  to  be 
treated  solely  as  an  industrial  or  military  unit;  nor  are  ma 
terial  progress  and  military  power,  or  even  sheer  intellectual 
civilization,  to  be  the  sole  aim  of  the  state.  The  state  should 
develop  a  man's  entire  nature,  physical,  mental,  and  moral. 

We  must  obey  civil  authority,  but  we  are  not  slaves  or  chat 
tels  of  that  authority.  The  state's  authority  over  us  is  not 
dominative;  it  is  only  a  power  for  our  good  and  utility.  The 
civil  authority  has  no  more  right  to  invade  the  rights  of  its 
meanest  citizen  than  it  has  to  lie  or  to  blaspheme.  God  gives 
civil  authority  to  the  established  community,  and  the  com 
munity  entrusts  this  to  its  ruler;  authority  is  a  divine  insti 
tution,  rulers  are  directly  a  human  institution  and  only  in 
directly  divine.  When  the  ruler  has  once  been  set  up,  has  had 
authority  entrusted  to  him,  obedience  must  be  given  to  him 
while  he  acts  in  keeping  with  his  contract.  Kant  and  his 
followers  erroneously  separate  the  juridic  from  the  moral  or 
der;  they  deny  that  beyond  the  state  there  are  any  rights  pre 
eminent  to  the  state's  rights,  yet  they  say  there  is  an  innate 
liberty  which  belongs  to  every  human  being  equally  and  in 
alienably.  The  moral  order  comprehends  all  factors  that  are 
necessary  to  make  the  free  activity  of  man  in  every  respect 
well  disposed,  and  among  these  factors  is  the  juridic  order  it 
self.  Man  is  naturally  social,  and  whatever  means  are  neces 
sary  to  preserve  human  society  are  also  naturally  befitting  man. 
Such  means  are  to  preserve  for  each  man  what  are  his,  and  to 
abstain  from  injuring  other  men.  Now,  so  to  act,  that  is,  to 
abstain  from  murder,  theft,  and  the  like,  to  fulfil  contracts,  are 
strictly  juridic  duties,  and  at  the  same  time  moral  duties. 
Therefore  the  moral  order  comprehends  the  juridic  order. 

The  end  of  the  state,  then,  is  not  the  public  good  consid- 


ered  as  an  end  in  itself.  The  individual  citizen  is  not  his  own 
end  in  life,  and  so  no  mere  multitude  of  men  ever  can  become 
their  own  end.  Jf  the  end  of  the  state  is  the  public  good, 
then  private  good  is  subordinate  to  this,  and  the  public  good 
becomes  man's  final  end,  which  is  subversive  of  human  dig 
nity  and  is  despotism. 

A  clear  definition  of  the  power  of  the  state  to  interfere 
with  the  rights  to  life  and  limb  of  the  individual  citizen  is 
very  important,  because,  as  has  been  said,  of  late  there  is  an 
alarming  tendency  on  the  part  of  the  civil  authority  to  over 
ride  the  rights  of  private  citizens,  even  in  the  most  democratic 
forms  of  government.  Encroachment  on  the  liberty  of  the 
individual  is  characteristic  of  unchristian  political  societies, 
and  all  states  are  now  receding  from  Christianity.  A  striking 
example  of  this  tyranny  is  the  laws  recently  passed  in  ten 
American  states  for  the  mutilation  of  degenerates.  This  defini 
tion  is  more  readily  made  by  considering  concrete  examples  of 
public  conduct 

Suppose  an  enemy  demands  from  a  city  the  surrender  for 
execution  of  an  innocent  man  on  pain  of  the  burning  of  the 
city  and  the  destruction  of  its  inhabitants.  May  the  city  cut 
off  that  member  for  the  safety  of  the  whole  body  politic,  as  a 
person  may  cut  off  his  own  hand  to  save  his  life?  The  state 
has  not  dominion  over  the  life  of  a  citizen,  nevertheless  it  may 
kill  a  citizen  in  punishment  of  crime,  because  the  punishment 
is  useful  to  the  whole  people,  is  for  the  common  good,  is  pre 
servative  of  the  social  life.  Why,  however,  should  the  state  be 
permitted  to  kill  a  criminal  rather  than  an  innocent  man,  since 
it  has  no  dominion  over  the  life  of  either,  and  we  suppose  the 
death  of  each  is  necessary  for  the  public  good?  If  you  an 
swer  by  saying  a  man  may  cut  off  a  diseased  member  but 
not  a  sound  one  to  save  his  body,  and  the  state  in  like  manner 
may  cut  off  a  criminal,  unsound  member,  but  not  an  innocent 
one,  this  answer  does  not  remove  the  difficulty:  we  may  cut 
off  even  a  sound  member  to  save  the  body.  Suppose,  for 
example,  a  man  caught  by  the  arm  and  in  danger  of  death  from 
a  flood;  he  might  sever  a  sound  arm  to  escape  death  if  no 
other  means  presented.  In  like  manner  the  state  might  cut 


off  an  innocent,  sound  member  to  save  its  life  from  the  enemy, 
as  described  above. 

This  reasoning,  however,  is  open  to  objection.  The  state 
has  no  dominion  over  the  life  of  its  members,  and  there  is  a 
vast  difference  between  the  members  of  the  human  body  and 
those  of  a  body  politic.  A  member  of  a  human  body  has  no 
right  in  itself  against  the  other  members;  nor  is  it  capable 
of  natural  injury,  since  it  is  not  separable  from  the  whole 
suppositum,  or  person.  The  suppositum,  or  person,  has  a  right 
to  the  use  of  the  members ;  it  alone  is  injured  when  a  member 
is  amputated;  and  the  members  are  solely  for  the  utility  of  the 
suppositum.  Therefore  we  may  licitly  destroy  a  member  to 
save  the  suppositum  for  which  this  member  exists. 

The  state,  however,  is  not  a  suppositum  in  this  sense;  it 
may  not  wrest  the  life  of  its  members  to  its  own  utility,  be 
cause  the  citizens  are  not  for  the  state;  on  the  contrary,  the 
state  is  for  them  and  their  utility.  That  a  rational  being 
should  be  for  the  utility  of  another  person  or  a  society  makes 
him  a  slave  and  supposes  dominion  in  the  user.  A  slave  is 
differentiated  from  a  subject  by  the  fact  that  the  subject  is 
only  politically  governed — that  is,  governed  for  his  own  utility 
and  good;  the  slave  is  governed  despotically — that  is,  for  the 
utility  and  good  of  his  master.  The  state  may  not,  as  a  mas 
ter,  use  the  life  of  a  subject  for  its  own  utility  alone.  Al 
though  the  suppositum  does  not  own  its  members,  yet  since  the 
members  are  not  separable  from  the  man,  are  not  self-centred 
as  are  the  citizens  in  a  state,  the  man  may  use  them  for  his 
own  utility.  They  are  as  slaves  under  a  master,  not  as  subjects 
in  a  body  politic ;  therefore  they  may  be  sacrificed  for  the  good 
of  the  suppositum. 

This  is  the  argument  used  by  De  Lugo ;  Molina  follows  the 
same  line  of  thought;  but  both  authorities  finally  reach  the 
conclusion,  in  the  case  of  the  enemy  and  the  citizen  whose  life 
is  required,  that  the  state  may  at  least  drive  this  citizen  out  of 
the  city  to  save  its  own  existence.  Molina  also  draws  atten 
tion  to  the  fact  that  there  is  a  great  difference  between  a  mem 
ber  of  a  body  politic  and  a  member  of  the  human  body;  this 


identification,   if  pushed  far  enough,  becomes  an  analogical 

Some  hold  that  a  judge  or  the  civil  authority  in  general 
may  kill  or  maim  a  criminal  by  gubernatorial  power  alone,  pre 
scinding  from  dominative  power,  and  this  not  to  the  utility 
of  the  criminal  but  for  the  utility  of  society.  The  killing  of 
a  criminal,  these  objectors  say,  is  not  for  the  good  of  the 
criminal;  it  is  a  deterrent,  a  protective  act,  for  the  good  of 
society.  This  is  not  true.  The  penal  law  which  the  criminal 
breaks  was  not  made  solely  for  society ;  it  was  intended  also  for 
the  utility  of  the  person  who  becomes  a  criminal.  The  law 
was  made  and  the  punishment  established  that  all  subjects 
indiscriminately  should  be  helped  to  live  honestly  and  blame 
lessly,  and  to  this  end  it  was  necessary  to  decree  and  inflict 
punishment  as  affecting  all  offenders.  The  obligation  to  re 
ceive  punishment  is  in  a  manner  essential  to  man.  As  he 
naturally  requires  direction  and  government  unto  virtue  in  his 
political  and  social  life,  he  has  a  connatural  obligation  to  en 
dure  punishment  when  he  violates  the  law  made  for  his  ad 
vantage — one  condition  cannot  exist  without  the  other.  Hence 
punishment  really  is  to  the  utility  of  the  criminal. 


BY  the  embryologists  from  the  moment  the  spermatozoon 
joins  the  nucleus  of  the  ovum  until  the  end  of  the  second 
week  of  gestation  the  product  of  conception  is  called  the  Ovum; 
from  the  end  of  the  second  week  to  the  end  of  the  fourth  week 
it  is  the  Embryo;  from  the  end  of  the  fourth  week  to  birth  it 
is  the  Fetus.  At  what  moment  during  these  three  stages  does 
the  human  soul,  the  substantial  form  of  a  man  in  the  full 
comprehension  of  the  term,  enter  the  product  of  conception? 
When  does  the  thing  become  a  human  being  ? 

The  question  is  evidently  one  of  the  greatest  importance. 
If  the  rational  soul  does  not  enter  until  the  ovum  has  developed 
into  an  embryo,  or  only  after  the  embryo  has  passed  on  into 
the  fetal  condition,  the  destruction  of  this  ovum,  by  artificial 
abortion  or  otherwise,  would  be  a  very  different  act  morally 
from  such  destruction  after  the  soul  had  turned  the  new 
growth  into  a  living  man.  If  the  product  of  conception  has 
first  only  a  vegetative  vital  principle,  and  this  is  later  replaced 
by  a  vital  principle  that  is  merely  sensitive,  and  this  again  is 
finally  superseded  by  a  rational  vital  principle,  the  destruc 
tion  by  abortion  or  otherwise  of  the  vegetative  or  sensitive  life 
would  not  be  a  destruction  of  a  rational  life.  In  this  hypo 
thesis  the  killing  of  the  embryo  would  be  a  great  crime,  because 
the  embryo  would  be  in  potency  for  the  reception  of  human 
life,  but  the  act  would  not  be  murder. 

The  discussion  concerning  the  moment  the  human  soul 
enters  the  body  is  older  than  Christianity,  and  it  was  taken  up 
by  many  of  the  early  Greek  and  Latin  Fathers  of  the  Church, 
and  revived  again  and  again  down  to  the  present  day.  Plato 
thought  the  soul  enters  at  birth ;  Asclepias,  Heraclites,  and  the 
Stoics  held  it  is  not  infused  until  the  time  of  puberty;  Aris- 



totle  *  said  the  soul  is  infused  in  the  male  fetus  about  the  for 
tieth  day  after  conception,  and  into  the  female  fetus  about  the 
eightieth  day. 

Tertullian,2  Apollinaris,  and  a  few  others  advocated 
Traducianism,3  or  a  transmission  of  the  spiritual  soul  by  the 
parents.  He  said  souls  are  carried  over  by  conception  and  by 
the  parents,  so  that  the  soul  of  the  father  is  the  soul  of  the 
son,  and  from  one  man  conies  the  whole  overflow  of  souls. 
St.  Augustine  used  the  metaphor,  one  soul  lit  from  another  as 
flame  from  flame,  without  decay  in  either.  Augustine  was  in 
doubt  as  to  the  origin  of  the  soul,  and  inclined  to  traducianism, 
because  it  seemed  to  him  better  to  explain  the  doctrine  of  the 
transmission  of  original  sin.  "Tell  me,"  he  wrote  to  St. 
Jerome  in  41 5, 4  "if  souls  are  created  singly  for  each  person 
born  to-day,  when  do  infants  sin  so  that  they  need  remission 
in  the  sacrament  of  Christ,  sin  in  Adam  from  whom  the  flesh 
of  sin  is  propagated?  .  .  .  Since  we  cannot  say  that  God 
makes  of  souls  sinners,  or  punishes  the  innocent,  nor  may  we 
hold  that  souls  even  of  infants  which  without  baptism  leave 
the  body  are  saved,  ,1  ask  you  how  that  opinion  can  be  de 
fended  which  thinks  that  all  souls  are  not  made  from  the 
single  soul  of  the  first  man,  yet  as  that  soul  was  one  to  one 
man,  these  are  particular  to  particular  individuals." 

Again,  St.  Augustine  said :  5  "I  do  not  know  how  the  soul 
came  into  my  body;  he  knows  who  gave  it,  whether  he  drew 
it  [traxerit]  from  my  father,  or  created  it  new  as  in  the  first 
man."  In  the  Book  of  Retractions?  speaking  of  the  articles 
he  had  written  against  the  Academicians  before  he  was  a 
bishop,  he  says :  "As  to  the  origin  of  the  soul,  how  it  is  set  in 
the  body — whether  it  is  from  that  one  man  who  first  was 
created  .  .  .  or,  as  in  his  case,  is  made  particularly  for  each 
particular  individual,  I  did  not  then  know,  and  I  do  not  know 
now."  St.  Gregory  the  Great  also  said  he  could  not  tell 

*IX,  De  Animalibus. 

*  De  Anima,  cap.  27. 

*  From  tradux,  a  planted  vine-shoot  made  to  take  root. 

*  Migne,  vol.  xxxiii,  col.  720. 

*  De  Anima  et  ejus  Origine,  i,  xv. 
"I,  cap.  i,  n.  3. 


whether  the  human  soul  descends  from  Adam  or  is  given  par 
ticularly  to  each  man. 

St.  Gregory  of  Nyssa,  however,  who  died  about  385,  thirty 
years  before  St.  Augustine  wrote  the  letter  to  St.  Jerome,  held 
that  the  soul  is  infused  into  the  body  at  the  moment  of  con 
ception,  and  ho  argues  with  absolute  precision  for  his  opinion.7 
St.  Maximus  the  Theologian,  who  was  martyred  in  662,  in 
veighs  8  against  the  notion  that  the  soul  is  vegetative  at  first, 
then  sensitive,  and  finally  intellectual,  and  he  thinks  the  asser 
tion  of  Aristotle  that  the  fetus  is  not  animated  before  the  for 
tieth  day  is  altogether  untrue. 

St.  Anselm,  who  died  in  1109,  very  dogmatically  denied 
that  the  fetus  is  animated  at  conception,9  and  after  his  time 
the  doctrine  of  Aristotle,  which  is  commonly  called  the  Thom- 
istic  opinion,  became  almost  general.  Vincent  of  Beauvais, 
however,  a  contemporary  of  St.  Thomas,  opposed  the  Thomis- 
tic  doctrine.  Albertus  Magnus 10  had  the  same  opinion  as 
St.  Thomas,  and  probably  taught  it  to  St.  Thomas.  In  the 
middle  ages  all  held  that  each  soul  is  directly  created  by  God, 
and  is  infused  into  the  embryo,  not  at  the  instant  of  concep 
tion,  but  when  the  embryo  is  sufficiently  formed  to  receive  it, 
which,  as  Aristotle  said,  happens  at  about  the  fortieth  day  in 
males  and  the  eightieth  day  in  females.  The  Thomists  main 
tained  the  succession  of  the  three  souls;  many  others  opposed 
this  particular  opinion. 

Thomas  Fienus,  a  physician  and  a  professor  in  the  Univer 
sity  of  Louvain,  in  1620  published  a  book11  in  which  he  held 
that  the  soul  is  infused  about  the  third  day  after  conception, 
and  his  argument  for  the  early  advent  of  the  soul  is  very  sound. 
As  a  result  of  Fienus's  revolutionary  argument,  Florentinus  in 
1658  brought  out  a  book  at  Lyons,  called  De  Hominibus  Dubiis 
Baptizandis,  in  which  he  held  that  no  matter  what  the  age 
of  the  aborted  fetus,  if  it  could  be  differentiated  from  a  mole 
it  should  be  baptized.  This  book  was  brought  before  the  Con- 

I  Migne,  Patrologia  Graeca,  vols.  xliv  and  xlvi. 

8  Migne,  Ibid.,  vol.  xci,  col.  1335. 

9  De  Conceptione  Virginia,  cap.  xii. 

10  Summa,  De  Homine,  q.  xvi,  art.  3. 

II  De  Vi  Formatrice  Foetus  Liber. 


gregation  of  the  Index.  The  congregation  did  not  condemn 
the  book,  but  the  author  was  forbidden  to  teach  that  his  doc 
trine  holds  sub  gravi.  The  book  went  through  many  editions 
and  was  approved  by  the  faculties  of  the  principal  universities 
and  the  theologians  of  the  leading  religious  orders. 

Zacchias,  chief  physician  to  Innocent  X.,  in  1661  published 
his  Quest iones  Medico-Legates,  and  in  this  he  maintained  that 
"the  human  fetus  has  not  at  any  time  any  kind  of  soul  other 
than  a  rational,  and  this  is  created  by  God  at  the  first  moment 
of  conception,  and  is  then  infused."12  By  1745  the  opinion 
of  Zacchias  as  to  the  moment  life  begins  was  virtually  general 
among  physicians,  and  has  since  remained  the  doctrine  of 
physicists.  Modern  discoveries  by  biologists  have  confirmed 
the  fact  that  human  life  exists  in  the  impregnated  ovum  ex 
actly  as  it  does  in  all  stages  of  life,  and  no  scientist  holds  any 
other  opinion.  There  are,  however,  a  few  moralists  at  the 
present  day  who  incline  to  the  old  Thomistic  doctrine  or  to 
modifications  of  it. 

St.  Alphonsus  Liguori  * 3  was  a  follower  of  the  Thomistic 
opinion.  He  affirmed:  "They  are  wrong  that  say  the  fetus  is 
animated  at  the  instant  of  conception,  because  the  fetus  cer 
tainly  is  not  animated  before  it  is  formed,  as  is  proved  from 
Exod.  xxi :  22,  where  in  the  Septuagint  version  we  find :  'He 
that  strikes  a  gravid  woman  and  causes  abortion,  will  give  life 
for  life  if  the  child  was  formed ;  if  it  was  not  formed,  he  will 
be  fined.' '  This  argument  by  St.  Alphonsus  is  invalid  apart 
from  any  facts  that  may  bear  upon  either  the  Thomistic  or 
the  modern  opinion  concerning  the  quickening  of  the  fetus. 
The  text  from  the  Septuagint  Exodus  is  (1)  too  doubtful  in 
itself  to  be  the  basis  of  any  argument;  but  (2)  even  if  it  were 
authentic  just  as  it  stands,  the  conclusion  St.  Alphonsus  draws 
from  it  is  not  warranted  by  the  premises.  The  Septuagint  text 
differs  from  the  Vulgate  and  the  Hebrew  texts.  The  Vulgate 
has  it  thus:  "Si  rixati  fuerint  viri  et  percusserit  quis  mulierem 
pracgnantem,  et  abortum  quidem  fercerit,  sed  ipsa  vixerit, 
subjacebit  damno  quantum  maritus  mulieris  expetierit  et 

"Tom.  ii,  lib.  ix,  tr.  1. 

11  Thcologia  Moralis,  lib.  iv,  tr.  4,  n.  594. 


arbitri  judicaverint ;  sin  autem  mors  fuerit  subsecuta,  reddit 
animam  pro  anima,  oculum  pro  oculo,  dentem  pro  dente, 
manum  pro  mami,  pedem  pro  pede,  adustionem  pro  adustione, 
vulnus  pro  vulnere,  livorem  pro  livore.14  This  version  has 
nothing  whatever  to  say  about  the  foetus  formatus  or  non  for- 
matus;  it  is  merely  an  application  of  the  Semitic  Lex  Talionis, 
and  the  form  of  the  law  is  clearly  corrupt  and  inaccurate. 

The  passage  quoted  by  St.  Alphonsus  as  that  of  the  Sep- 
tuagint  is  not  exact  even  as  the  Septuagint  has  it.  The  full 
text  is :  "If  two  men  fight,  and  one  strike  a  woman  that  hath 
[a  child]  in  the  womb,  and  her  babe  come  forth  not  yet  fully 
formed,15  in  a  fine  he  shall  be  mulcted;  whatsoever  the  hus 
band  layeth  upon  him  he  shall  give  according  to  decision  [i.e., 
of  the  judges].  But  if  it  [the  babe]  be  fully  formed  he  will 
give  life  for  life,  eye  for  eye,  tooth  for  tooth,  hand  for  hand, 
foot  for  foot,  burning  for  burning,  wound  for  wound,  stripe 
for  stripe." 

This  is  (1)  evidently  nothing  but  an  application  of  the 
Lex  Talionis,  with  no  thought  whatever  of  the  biological  ani 
mation,  as  such,  of  the  fetus.  It  means  that  if  a  fully  formed 
fetus  be  aborted,  either  no  real  damage  is  done,  as  such  a  child 
is  viable;  or  the  formed  child  may  be  maimed,  and  then  the 
Lex  Talionis  is  to  be  applied.  ,If  the  fetus  is  not  fully  formed 
it  is  not  a  fit  subject  of  the  Lex  Talionis  since  it  cannot  lose 
an  eye,  a  tooth,  and  so  on,  because  it  lacks  these  organs,  and 
therefore  the  law  of  retaliation  is  not  to  be  enforced. 

(2)  Suppose,  however,  the  writer  of  the  text  as  the  Sep 
tuagint  has  it  did  think  with  St.  Alphonsus  that  the  formed 
fetus  is  animated,  and  the  unformed  is  not  animated,  even 
then  the  conclusion  drawn  by  St.  Alphonsus  is  not  warranted 
by  the  text.  The  laws  of  Exodus  do  not  teach  embryology, 
physiology,  or  any  other  part  of  physical  science;  and  no 

"If  men  quarrel,  and  one  strike  a  woman  with  child,  and  she 
miscarry  indeed,  but  live  herself,  he  shall  be  answerable  for  so  much 
damage  as  the  woman's  husband  shall  require  and  as  arbiters  shall 
award.  But  if  her  death  ensue  thereupon,  he  shall  render  life  for 
life,  eye  for  eye,  tooth  for  tooth,  hand  for  hand,  foot  for  foot,  burning 
for  burning,  wound  for  wound,  stripe  for  stripe. 

5  KCU  e£e\0#  Traidiov  avrijs  M1?  e^iKOVurufvov — not  moulded  out  into 
form;  l£tiKovi£ eiv,to  mould  out  into  fonn:euc«i',  an  icon,  image,  like 


authority  worth  a  hearing  holds  that  the  Scriptures  were  in 
tended  to  be  infallible  treatises  on  obstetrics  or  astronomy. 
Like  the  other  parts  of  the  Bible,  the  laws  of  Exodus  pre 
suppose  the  unscientific  biological,  astronomical,  and  other 
physical  notions  of  the  time  in  which  they  were  written — the 
moral  truth  is  the  matter  the  Scripture  is  dealing  with;  there 
no  inaccuracy  is  to  be  found.  St.  John  (1:13)  speaks  of  those 
who  believe  in  Christ's  name,  "Qui  non  ex  sanguinibus,  neque 
ex  voluntate  carnis,  neque  ex  voluntate  viri,  sed  ex  Deo  nati 
sunt."  Here  he  expresses  the  contemporary  notion,  which  is 
also  the  Thomistic  opinion,  that  men  are  generated  from  the 
specialized  blood  of  their  parents.  He  was  interested  solely  in 
conveying  the  truth  that  those  who  received  Christ  were  re 
generated  by  him,  not  through  heredity;  and  he  does  so,  al 
though  the  biology  is  inexact.  If  St.  Alphonsus's  conclusion 
is  valid  as  from  the  text  of  Exodus,  then  men  are  generated 
ex  sanguinibus,  and  so  on  indefinitely. 

The  Massoretic  text  of  this  passage  seems  to  be  the  best 
preserved:  "If  men  fight,  and  one  hurt  a  woman  who  is 
with  child,  and  her  child  come  forth,  yet  there  is  no  mischief, 
he  [who  struck  her]  shall  be  mulcted  in  a  fine;  whatsoever 
the  husband  of  the  woman  layeth  upon  him  he  shall  pay  ac 
cording  to  the  judges.  But  if  there  be  mischief,  then  he  shall 
give  life  for  life,  eye  for  eye,  tooth  for  tooth,  hand  for  hand, 
foot  for  foot,  burning  for  burning,  wound  for  wound,  stripe 
for  stripe."  Here  the  Hebrew  text  follows  the  Lex  Talionis 
exactly.  If,  in  a  brawl,  a  man's  pregnant  wife  is  struck  and 
abortion  results,  the  offender  pays  the  penalty.  If  the  abor 
tion  does  not  kill  or  maim  the  child,  the  culprit  is  fined  by 
the  Sanhedrim;  if  the  child  is  killed  or  maimed,  then  the 
penalty  is  according  to  the  Lex  Talionis.  In  the  Hebrew  text 
also  there  is  no  mention  of  a  distinction  between  a  foetus  for- 
matus  and  non  formatus. 

Whether  the  fetus  is  animated  at  conception  or  some  time 
later,  there  is  no  foundation  whatever  for  the  notion  that 
the  female  is  quickened  later  than  the  male.  As  was  said 
before,  Aristotle  held  that  the  human  male  fetus  is  animated 
at  the  fortieth  day,  the  female  at  the  ninetieth  day,  and  tho 


old  moralists  accepted  his  statement.  At  tlie  fortieth  day, 
however,  no  one  can  differentiate  sex  unless  the  microscope 
is  used,  and  this  particular  use  of  the  microscope  is  alto 
gether  modern — the  knowledge  requisite  for  such  use  was  not 
in  existence  sixty  years  ago.  At  the  twentieth  day,  with 
the  microscope  and  a  stained  specimen,  a  biologist  can  rec 
ognize  whether  the  primordial  ova  are  present  or  absent 
and  thus  determine  sex.  Only  at  the  eighty-fourth  day  can 
sex  now  be  differentiated  without  the  aid  of  the  microscope, 
but  then  the  embryo  must  be  dissected:  nothing  can  be  told 
from  its  external  appearance.  Sex  can  first  be  distinguished 
by  the  external  appearance  only  at  about  the  one  hundred 
and  twelfth  day,  the  end  of  the  fourth  month  of  gestation. 
Therefore  when  Aristotle  said  the  male  fetus  is  animated 
at  the  fortieth  day,  and  the  female  at  the  eightieth  or  nine 
tieth  day,  he  was  romancing. 

The  question,  then,  narrows  to  this:  Is  any  human  fetus 
animated  immediately  at  conception,  or  from  forty  to  eighty 
days  after  conception?  The  reason  given  by  the  followers 
of  Aristotle  for  deferring  animation  is  that  the  vital  prin 
ciple  requires  organs  in  the  receptive  material,  but  the  em 
bryo  in  the  early  stages,  they  say,  lacks  these  organs.  This 
notion,  however,  as  to  the  lack  of  organs  is  altogether  er 
roneous,  and  the  rational  soul  enters  the  embryo  in  the  oval 
stage,  immediately  after  the  pronuclei  unite:  there  is  organ 
ization  in  that  stage  of  human  life  sufficient  to  receive  the 
substantial  form  or  soul.  We  do  not  know  how  long  after 
insemination  the  pronuclei  unite,  but  the  proposition  here  is 
that  as  soon  as  they  unite  the  human  soul  enters.  Fecun 
dation  usually  occurs  after  a  menstruation,  but  not  necessarily 
so;  the  spermatozoon  may  live  in  the  tube  for  seventeen  days 
awaiting  the  ovum. 

The  human  body  is  made  up  of  billions  of  microscopic  liv 
ing  cells,  all  of  which  are  derived  by  fission  and  differentia 
tion  from  the  two  original  single  germ-cells,  the  ovum  and  the 
spermatozoon.  Some  nerve-cells  have  long  processes  running 
along  the  white  fibres  through  the  entire  length  of  the  body, 
but  they  cannot  be  differentiated  except  by  the  microscope. 


In  the  body  are  also  various  liquids  which  are  not  cellular, 
as  water,  saliva,  tears,  urine,  blood  and  lymph  plasma,  and 
the  gastric,  intestinal,  and  glandular  juices,  and  these  are 
secreted  or  excreted  by  the  somatic  cells.  The  cells '  assimi 
late  nutritive  material  carried  to  them  by  the  blood,  excrete 
refuse  substances,  secrete  glandular  products,  and  are  the 
media  for  all  human  operations  below  certain  acts  of  the  in 

A  typical  animal  cell  is  commonly  spherical  in  shape, 
but  it  may  take  a  great  variety  of  forms  through  compression. 
It  has  a  cell-body  or  protoplasm,  which  is  called  also  cyto 
plasm,  especially  when  contrasted  with  the  nuclear  karyoplasm, 
and  a  nucleus.  A  few  cells,  like  fat-cells  and  the  human  ovum, 
have  an  external  covering  membrane,  or  cell-wall.  There  is 
a  part  called  the  Centrosome  observable  in  many  cells, 
and  this  is  made  up  of  one  or  two  minute  dots  surrounded  by 
a  radiating  aster  called  the  Attraction-Sphere.  The  centro- 
some  is  concerned  in  the  process  of  cell-division  and  in  the 
fertilization  of  the  ovum ;  it  is  an  important  organ  in  the 
production  of  cell  from  cell,  though  its  full  nature  and  func 
tion  are  not  yet  known.  The  Plastid,  or  Protoplast,  is  an 
other  less  important  part  found  in  certain  cells;  and  in  this 
by  enlargement  and  differentiation  are  formed  starch,  pig 
ment,  and  in  some  cases  chlorophyl.  \racuoles  are  seen  in 
cells ;  and  there  is  an  opinion  that  these  may  be  a  special  kind 
of  plastid:  some  vacuoles  pulsate. 

The  Nucleus  is  the  most  important  part  of  a  cell,  the  cen 
tre  of  its  activity.  The  specific  qualities  of  organism  in  origin 
and  development  are  based  upon  nuclei,  so  far  as  the  material 
element  of  the  living  cells  is  concerned.  Vital  stimuli  pass 
through  the  nucleus  into  the  surrounding  protoplasm,  and 
these  stimuli  control  metabolism.  The  nutritive  cytoplasm 
assimilates,  but  the  vital  principle  energizes  this  assimilation 
through  the  nucleus,  for  a  part  of  a  cell  deprived  of  the  nucleus 
may  live  for  a  time,  but  it  cannot  repair  itself.  Constructive 
metabolism  ceases  when  the  nucleus  is  lost.  A  toxic  disease 
like  diphtheria  kills  by  disintegrating  cellular  nuclei. 

In  the  nucleus  are  several  elements,  the  chief  among  which 


is  Chromatin.  Chromatin  takes  various  forms,  but  commonly 
it  is  an  irregular  network.  From  the  chromatin  are  derived 
the  •  Chromosomes  in  the  prophases  of  indirect  cell-division 
which  is  the  process  of  cell-division  in  the  human  body,  ex 
cept  in  lymph-cells  and  white  blood-corpuscles,  which  split 
directly,  or  by  Amitosis.  Indirect  cell-division  is  called 
Mitosis  or  Karyokinesis.  In  the  male  and  female  chromo 
somes,  according  to  a  common  opinion  of  biologists,  all  the 

Fig.  I 

fWo  Ceotro6<xnes  in  an  attraction-sphere 

Nueteolus  or 




si  ve  bodies  t 

suspended  in  the  moh, 
<X  the  Cytoplaanx 


Throughout  the  Cytoplasm  is  a  mesh  containing  numerous  minute  granules 
called  Microsomes. 

elements  of  parental  and  phyletic  physical  heredity  are  trans 
mitted  to  the  embryo. 

The  production  of  cell  from  cell  is  accomplished  either 
by  direct  splitting  of  the  nucleus  and  cytoplasm  into  two 
new  cells,  or  by  indirect  division  through  a  series  of  stages. 
In  a  typical  direct,  or  amitotic,  division  the  nucleus  is  con 
stricted  in  the  middle  and  divides  into  two  daughter-nuclei. 
These  by  amoeboid  movements  withdraw  to  the  poles  of  the 
cell;  the  cell  finally  divides  between  them,  and  thus  two  cells 
are  formed.  These,  again,  split  into  four,  the  four  into 
eight,  and  so  on.  An  amoeba  by  direct  division  can  separate 
into  two  distinct  new  animals  in  ten  minutes. 


Heredity  here  is  simple.  In  unicellular  organisms,  such 
as  Rhizopoda  and  Infusoria,  each  individual  grows  to  a  cer 
tain  stage,  and  then  divides  into  two  parts,  which  are  exactly 
alike  in  size  and  structure,  so  that  it  is  not  possible  to  decide 
whether  one  is  older  or  younger  than  the  other.  These  or 
ganisms  reduce  the  size  of  their  overgrown  bodies  by  division. 
Each  individual  of  any  such  unicellular  species  is  a  part  split 
off  serially  from  an  organism  which  started  into  life  ages  ago. 
Some  of  them  have  come  down  in  uninterrupted  life  from  geo 
logical  epochs  that  passed  away  euns  before  the  first  man  was 
created.  Many  of  these  unicellular  plants  and  animals  have 
immeasurably  the  most  ancient  form  of  life  on  earth.  Hered 
ity  with  them  depends  upon  the  fact  that  each  offspring  is 
merely  half  of  its  parent.  In  some  cases  the  division  has  a 
sexual  quality:  two  cells  in  Paramecium,  and,  like  Infuso- 
soria,  fuse  and  then  divide  if  they  come  into  contact;  they 
can,  however,  split  without  this  sexual  process. 

Multicellular  plants  and  animals  do  not  reproduce  by  sim 
ple  division,  and  the  half  of  the  parental  body  does  not  pass 
over  into  the  progeny.  Sexual  reproduction  is  the  chief  means 
of  multiplication  in  multicellular  organisms,  and  in  no  case 
is  it  completely  wanting;  in  most  it  is  the  only  method  of  re 
production.  In  multicellular  animals  the  power  of  reproduc 
tion  is  in  the  germ-cells,  which  differ  from  the  somatic  cells. 
Germ-cells  do  not  maintain  individual  life  as  the  body-cells 
do,  but  the  germ-cells  alone  preserve  the  species.  From  two 
of  these  germ-cells  under  certain  conditions  is  developed  a 
complete  bodily  organism  of  the  same  species  as  the  parents. 
These  two  cells  are  in  a  sense  the  undying  cells;  the  somatic 
cells  die. 

Multicellular  animals — Man,  for  example — grow  embryo- 
logically  by  Mitosis  or  Indirect  Division.  As  in  Direct  Divi 
sion,  typically,  the  nucleus  in  mitosis  splits  first  and  the  cyto 
plasm  secondly;  but  before  the  nucleus  divides  its  content  un 
dergoes  a  series  of  changes.  The  chromatin  loses  its  reticular 
arrangement  and  gives  rise  to  a  definite  number  of  separate 
bodies,  usually  rod-shaped,  known  as  Chromosomes.  In  this 
process  the  chromatin  becomes  a  convoluted  thread,  called  the 


Skein  or  Spireme.  The  thread  thickens  and  opens  out  some 
what,  and  finally  breaks  transversely  to  form  the  chromo 
somes,  which  may  be  rods,  straight,  curved,  ovoid,  and  some 
times  annular.  Commonly  the  nuclear  material  fades  away 
and  leaves  the  chromosomes  in  the  cell-plasm.  (Fig.  II,  2 

and  3.) 

Fig.  II 


1.  Cell  with  resting  Nucleus.  2.  Prophase:  Chromatin  in  thickened  con 
voluted  threads,  beginning  of  Spindle.  3.  Prophase:  Chromosomes.  4.  Pro- 
phase:  Spindle  in  long  axis  of  the  Nucleus,  Chromosomes  dividing.  5.  Ana- 
phase:  Chromosomes  moving  toward  the  Centrosomes.  6.  Chromosomes  at 
the  poles  forming  the  Diaster,  beginning  splitting  of  the  Cell-body.  7.  Telo- 
phase,  Daughter-Nuclei  returning  to  resting  state.  8.  Daughter- Nuclei  show 
ing  Monaster  below.  9.  The  two  new  Cells. 

It  is  almost  an  established  fact  that  each  species  of  animal 
and  plant  has  a  fixed  and  characteristic  number  of  chromo 
somes,  which  regularly  recurs  in  the  division  of  all  its  cells. 
In  forms  arising  by  sexual  production  the  number  is  even. 
The  number  of  chromosomes  in  the  human  cell  is  said  to  be 


forty-eight.  There  are,  according  to  some  observers,  forty- 
seven  chromosomes  in  man  and  forty-eight  in  woman.  There 
seem  to  be  twice  as  many  chromosomes  in  white  men  as 
in  negroes.  Wilson  gives  the  number18  of  specific  chromo 
somes  for  seventy-four  animals  and  plants.  Germ-cells  as 
differentiated  from  the  somatic  cells  have  in  the  perfected  cell 
always  half  the  number  of  chromosomes  found  in  a  somatic 

While  these  changes  are  going  on  in  the  chromatin  the 
Amphiaster  forms.  This  consists  of  a  fibrous  spindle-shaped 
body,  the  Spindle,  at  either  pole  of  which  is  an  Aster  made 
up  of  rays.  In  the  centre  of  each  aster  is  a  Centrosome,  and 
this  may  have  a  Centrosphere  about  it.  As  the  amphiaster 
grows  the  centrosomes  are  grouped  in  a  plane  at  the  equator 
of  the  spindle,  forming  the  Equatorial  Plate.  (Fig.  ,11,  No. 
4.)  The  process  so  far  makes  up  the  Prophases  of  the  Mi 

In  the  Metaphases  of  the  Karyokinesis  begins  the  actual 
division  of  the  cell.  Each  chromosome  splits  lengthwise  into 
exactly  similar  halves,  and  these,  in  the  Anaphases  of  the 
mitosis,  drift  out  to  the  opposite  poles  of  the  spindle  to  form 
the  daughter-nuclei  of  the  new  cells.  The  daughter-nuclei 
receive  precisely  equivalent  portions  of  chromatin  from  the 
mother-nucleus,  and  this  is  an  important  fact  in  mitosis.  As 
the  chromosomes  go  toward  the  poles  the  cell-body  begins  to 
constrict  at  the  equator. 

In  the  final  phases,  the  Telophases,  the  cell  divides  in  a 
plane  passing  through  the  equator  of  the  spindle,  and  each 
daughter-cell  receives  half  the  chromosomes,  half  the  spindle, 
and  one  of  the  asters  with  its  centrosome.  A  daughter-nucleus 
is  reconstructed  in  each  cell  from  the  chromosomes.  The  as 
ter  commonly  disappears  and  the  centrosome  persists,  usually 
outside  the  new  nucleus,  but  sometimes  within  it.  Every 
phase  of  mitosis  is  subject  to  variation  in  different  kinds  of 
cells,  but  the  outline  of  the  division  given  here  is  the  funda 
mental  method. 

The  germ-cells   differ  from  the  body-cells  in  general  by 

18  The  Cell  in  Development  and  Inheritance,  p.  207. 


containing  half  the  number  of  chromosomes  characteristic  of 
a  given  animal  or  plant.  If  the  body-cell  has,  say,  twenty- 
four  chromosomes,  the  spermatozoon  of  the  animal  or  plant 
from  which  the  cells  are  taken  will  have  twelve  chromosomes 
and  the  ovum  will  have  twelve.  When  the  nuclei  of  these  two 
cells  unite  in  fertilization  the  resulting  primordial  cell  will 
have  the  twenty-four  chromosomes  restored,  the  specific  num 
ber  for  this  plant  or  animal.  In  oogenesis  and  spermatogen- 
esis  the  phases  of  "Reduction,"  wherein  the  ovum  and  sper 
matozoon  get  rid  of  half  the  chromosomes  during  the  stages 
of  maturation  of  these  germ-cells,  are  somewhat  similar  for 
both  sexes.  The  process  is  very  complicated,  but  it  is  of  im 
portance  in  the  theories  of  inheritance.  All  the  physical 
characteristics  in  a  human  being  that  come  to  him  from  his 
parents  and  remoter  ancestors  are  supposed,  by  the  biologists, 
to  reach  him  through  the  chromosomes  in  the  nuclei  of  the 
single  parental  germ-cells.  The  maternal  physical  heredity 
is  handed  on  through  the  chromosomes  in  the  ovum.  The  fe 
tus  in  the  womb  is  a  parasite,  autocentric,  feeding  at  the  start 
from  the  deutoplasm,  or  yolk,  in  the  ovum,  and  later  from 
the  supplies  brought  to  it  by  the  maternal  blood.  The  physi 
cal  material  it  gets  directly  from  the  mother  is  very  probably 
all  in  the  chromosomes  of  the  fecundated  ovum.  Some  weeks 
elapse,  and  the  embryo  is  quite  advanced  before  it  begins  to 
draw  food  from  the  mother  at  all.  So  far  as  the  father  is 
concerned,  there  is  no  doubt  whatever  that  every  physical  and 
pathological  characteristic  that  can  be  handed  down — and 
there  are  many  such  qualities — must  come  through  the  chro 
mosomes  of  the  paternal  spermatozoon.  Certain  physical 
characteristics  are  passed  on  for  centuries  in  a  family — the 
Norseman's  body  in  northeastern  Ireland,  the  skin-pigment  in 
the  American  negro,  and  so  on  indefinitely — and  these  qual 
ities  cannot  come  down  except  through  the  chromosomes. 
The  germ-plasm  has  come  to  us  from  the  first  man,  and  it 
will  be  passed  on  to  the  last  person  of  the  race — we  are  all 
literally  uterine  brothers. 

In  the  reduction  of  the  germ-cells,  if  the  primordial  cell 
that  finally  produces  the  ovum  has,  say,  four  chromosomes, 


these  four  chromosomes  first  split  longitudinally  and  reduce 
into  two  tetrads,  or  two  groups  of  four  chromosomes.  Out 
side  the  nucleus  is  a  spindle  toward  which  the  two  tetrads 
move;  they  pass  out  of  the  nucleus  and  become  the  equatorial 
plane  of  the  spindle;  each  tetrad  divides  into  dyads  (pairs  of 
chromosomes),  and  one  pair  of  these  dyads  remains  in  the 
ovum,  while  the  other  pair  leaves  the  ovum  entirely  and  be 
comes  the  nucleus  of  an  abortive  cell,  called  the  First  Polar 
Body.  Later  a  second  polar  body  forms  and  carries  another 
dyad  (two  chromosomes)  out  of  the  ovum,  leaving  only  one 
dyad,  or  two  chromosomes,  in  the  germ-cells;  that  is,  half  the 
number  of  chromosomes  that  were  in  the  primordial  cell. 

The  reduction-division  in  spermatozoa  is  similar,  but  the 
end  process  leaves  four  active  spermatozoa,  whereas  in  the 
ovum  the  final  result  is  one  ovum  and  three  practically  inert 
and  cast-off  polar  bodies.  The  reduction-division  in  both 
ovum  and  spermatozoon  is  in  reality  far  more  complicated 
than  the  broad  summary  given  here.  In  parthenogenetic  in 
sects  and  animals  a  polar  body  takes  the  place  of  the 
spermatozoon,  and  fuses  with  the  egg-nucleus  to  start 

In  general,  the  new  nuclei  in  the  cells  formed  by  division 
are  not  made  de  novo,  but  arise  from  the  splitting  of  the 
nucleus  in  the  mother-cell.  The  new  nucleus  assimilates  ma 
terial,  grows  to  maturity,  and  divides  again  into  two  daughter- 
nuclei.  Whatever  be  the  number  of  chromosomes  that  enter 
a  new  nucleus  as  it  forms,  the  same  number  issues  from  it  in 
mitosis.  Boveri  said,17  "We  may  identify  every  chromatic 
element  arising  from  a  resting  nucleus  with  a  definite  element 
that  enters  into  the  formation  of  that  nucleus,  from  which  the 
remarkable  conclusion  follows  that  in  all  cells  derived  in  the 
regular  course  of  division  from  the  fertilized  egg,  one  half 
of  the  chromosomes  are  of  strictly  paternal  origin,  the  other 
half  of  maternal."  It  is  not  strictly  true  to  say  that  the 
germ-nuclei  fuse:  they  send  in  two  sets  of  chromosomes  that 
lie  side  by  side,  as  has  been  frequently  demonstrated  since 
"  Jenaische  Zeitschrift,  1891,  p.  410. 


1892  18  in  many  of  the  lower  forms  of  life,  and  this  law  al 
most  certainly  extends  also  io  man. 

The  primordial  germ-cells  appear  in  the  human  fetus 
about  the  twentieth  day  and  finally  mature  at  puberty.  Then 
an  ovum  at  menstruation  breaks  out  through  the  surface  of 
the  ovary,  and  is  taken  by  the  fimbriae  of  the  Fallopian  tube 
into  the  lumen  of  this  tube.  Fecundation  happens  near  the 
outer  or  ovarian  end  of  the  Fallopian  tube,  and  the  fecundated 
ovum  finally  is  passed  on  to  fasten  on  the  wall  of  the  uterus. 
The  spermatozoon  is  a  ciliated  cell  with  the  power  of  locomo 
tion,  through  the  movement  of  the  tail  of  the  cell.  It  can 
move  0.05  to  0.06  mm.,  or  its  own  length,  in  a  second.  It 
thus  passes  up  through  the  uterus  and  out  through  the  Fal 
lopian  tube,  against  the  ciHary  motion  of  the  tubal  cells,  until 
it  meets  the  ovum. 

A  human  ovum  is  a  typical  cell,  but  it  has  a  covering  mem 
brane,  and  a  minute  quantity  of  deutoplasm  or  yolk,  which  is 
not  alive,  and  is  food  for  the  growing  embryo  before  the 
embryo  begins  to  draw  sustenance  through  the  placenta.  The 
eggs  of  birds  have  a  large  quantity  of  food  stored  in  the 
yolk,  since  their  embryos  live  in  the  ovum  and  draw  food 
therefrom  during  the  entire  period  which  corresponds  to  the 
time  of  gestation  in  mammals.  The  "white"  and  the  cal 
careous  shell  of  a  hen's  egg  are  adventitious  parts,  added  in 
the  oviduct  after  the  egg  leaves  the  ovary. 

The  spermatozoon  is  a  complicated  organism.  The  head 
is  partly  covered  with  a  thin  protoplasmic  cap,  and  it  con 
tains  the  nucleus  with  the  chromatin.  fn  the  neck  are  two 
centrosomes.  The  tail  is  in  three  parts  with  an  axial  filament 
throughout,  which  is  a  bundle  of  extremely  minute  fibrils.  In 
the  middle  part  the  axial  filament  is  surrounded  by  an  inner 
sheath ;  outside  this  sheath  is  a  spiral  filament  lying  in  a  clear 
substance;  and  outside  the  spiral  filament  is  a  finely  granular 
layer  of  protoplasm,  called  the  Mitochondria.  This  organ 
ism  is  a  living  animal  cell,  and  it  can  live  in  an  incubator,  or 
in  the  Fallopian  tube  for  two  or  three  weeks,  altogether  re 
moved  from  the  living  male  body  that  produced  it.  Sir 

u  See  Wilson,  op.  cit.,  p.  299. 


John  Lubbock19  says  be  kept  a  queen  ant  alive  for  thirteen 
years.  This  ant,  which  died  in  1888,  had  been  fertilized  in 
1874,  and  never  afterward.  She  laid  fertile  eggs  for  thirteen 
years;  that  is,  the  spermatozoa  in  her  oviduct  retained  their 
vitality  for  thirteen  years. 

The  human  spermatozoon  is  a  living  cell:  it  has  (1)  the 
requisite  structure;    (2)    the  chemical  composition  of  an  or 
ganic  being;  (3)  a  figure  in  keeping  with  its  species;  (4)  an 
origin  from  a  living  progenitor;   (5)   the  explicatio  naturae; 
(6)    the  power  of  assimilation;    (7)    the  duratio  viventium; 
(8)   the  power  of  reproduction;   (9)   motion  and  locomotion. 
As  soon  as  the  ovum  breaks  through  the  surface  of  the  ovary 
it  has  all  the  qualities  of  the  spermatozoon  except  locomotion. 
These  two  cells  are  animal  cells,  not  vegetable;  just  as  single- 
celled    protozoa,    like   Actinophrys,    Actinosphaerium,    Closte- 
rium,  Stentor,  and  the  Amoebas  are  animals,  not  plants.     It 
is  not  possible  in  our  present  knowledge  sharply  to  differen 
tiate  ultimate  forms  of  plants  from  animals.     To  say  that  ani 
mals  have  the  qualities  of  plants  plus  a  sentient  vital  prin 
ciple  is  not  enough.     It  is  very  doubtful  that  even  the  so-called 
sensitive  plants  feel,  and  it  is  practically  certain  that  many 
low  forms  of  animal  life  do  not  feel — they  have  no  sentient 
mechanism.     Plants  have  the  qualities  enumerated  above  plus 
the  power  of  drawing  nutriment  directly  from  inorganic  ma 
terial,  while  animals  can  draw  nutriment  directly  only  from 
organic  material ;  yet  some  fungi,  bacteria  for  example,  will 
grow  and  thrive  only  on  organic  material,  and  animals  will 
take  up  mineral  drugs.     It  is  questionable,  however,  that  min 
erals  which  thus  find  a  way  into  animal  cells  are  really  as 
similated.     They  excite  or  irritate  these  cells  into  intenser  ac 
tion,   and  thus  cause  growth,  rather  than  affect  development 
by  direction.     The  so-called  mineral  tonics  used  in  medicine 
act  by  irritation. 

This  irritation  or  stimulation  by  drugs  can  in  certain  very 

low  forms  of  animal  life  start  mitosis  in  the  unfertilized  ovum, 

and  thus  build  up  part,  at  the  least,  of  a  specific  embryo  par- 

thenogenetically :  here  probably  a  polar  body  takes  the  place 

"Journal  of  the  Linnean  Society,  vol.  xx,  p.  133. 


of  the  spermatozoon.  Loeb,  by  treating  the  unfertilized  egg 
of  Arbacia  (a  sea-urchin)  with  magnesum  chloride,  started 
mitosis  that  resulted,  it  is  said,  in  a  perfect  Pluteus  larva.20 
The  human  ovum  is  about  half  the  size  of  a  period  in  the 
type  of  this  page,  and  two  hundred  and  fifty  spermatozoa  will 
fit  side  by  side  along  the  horizontal  diameter  of  the  lower 
case  letter  o  here.  The  nuclei  of  these  cells  are  extremely 
minute:  they  must  be  stained  and  be  observed  with  a  high- 
power  objective  on  the  microscope  before  they  become  visible. 
This  small  nucleus  of  the  spermatozoon  penetrates  the  cover 
ing  membrane  of  the  ovum,  enlarges,  and  becomes  the  male 
pronucleus.  The  pronucleus  unites  permanently  with  the 
pronucleus  of  the  ovum,  and  together  they  form  the  Cleavage 
or  Segmentation  Nucleus  of  the  fertilized  ovum.  This  new 
nucleus  gives  rise  by  division  to  the  innumerable  myriads  of 
nuclei  in  the  growing  body.  Hence  every  nucleus  of  the  child 
apparently  contains  nuclear  material  derived  from  both  par 
ents,  as  has  been  said. 

The  two  perfected  germ-cells  before  fecundation  are  in  a 
state  of  nuclear  rest  after  the  numerous  mitotic  changes  that 
have  taken  place  in  the  maturation  of  these  cells.  When 
these  nuclei  unite  in  the  ovum  an  intense  activity  at  once  is 
set  up.  Biologists  offer  very  many  theories  to  explain  this 
awakening  force.  Herbert  Spencer,  Herting,  and  others  held 
that  protoplasm  when  perfected  tends  to  pass  into  a  state  of 
stable  equilibrium  and  consequent  lessened  activity,  but  fer 
tilization  restores  it  to  a  labile  state.  This  and  similar 
theories  are  verbose  amplifications  of  the  obvious  fact  that  the 
cells  start  to  divide  and  the  biologists  do  not  know  the  cause. 
The  soul,  of  course,  cannot  have  anything  to  do  with  the 
matter,  because  you  cannot  smell  a  soul.  "Senescence  and  re 
juvenescence"  is  another  sonorous  explanation  that  does  not 
explain,  used  by  Minot,  Engelmann,  and  Hansen.  Weismann 
rejects  these  theories  for  his  own  "Fertilization  as  a  Source 
of  Variation."  Anyhow,  the  fertilized  cell  starts  to  divide 
regardless  of  the  biologists.  Adult  cells  may  be  stimulated 
to  divide  by  chemical  irritation,  by  mechanical  pressure  as  in 
"American  Journal  cf  Physiology,  1899,  iii,  3. 


the  formation  of  calluses,  traumatism,  by  any  agency  that 
brings  about  an  abnormal  condition  of  the  body,  but  this  fact 
does  not  explain  the  normal  fission  of  the  fecundated  ovum. 

In  about  fifteen  days  from  the  date  of  fertilization  the 
ovum  passes  through  the  following  stages : 

1.  The  ovum,  with  a  full  series  of  mitotic  changes  of  the 
ordinary   somatic   type    described   above,    divides,    subdivides, 
and  grows  within  the  cell-wall  until  a  rounded  mass  of  cells 
is  formed,  which  is  called  the  Morula  or  Blastula — the  original 
cell-wall,  of  course,  stretches  to  hold  these  new  cells.     They 
are  of  unequal  size,  and  they  divide  at  unequal  rates. 

2.  An  albuminous  fluid  collects  within  the  morula,  and 
thus  the  Vesicle  or  Blastocyst  is  formed.     The  blastocyst  is 
called  more  commonly  the  Cleavage  Cavity  or  the  Segmenta 
tion  Cavity.     As  this  cavity  widens  the  cells  are  seen  to  be 
arranged  in  two  groups — (a-)    an  enveloping  layer,   the  epi- 
blast,  from  the  outermost  plate  of  which  develops  later  the 
Trophoblast,  or  the  nourishing  and  protecting  covering  of  the 
embryo;  (5)  an  Inner  Cell  Mass,  made  up  of  granular  cells, 
attached  to  the  epiblastic  layer  at  the  Embryonic  Pole  of  the 
Vesicle.     These  two  stages  probably  take  place  in  the  Fallo 
pian  tube,  and  thereafter  the  embryo  is  in  the  cavity  of  the 

3.  In  the  third  stage  the  Inner  Cell-Mass  separates  into 
two  layers  derived  from  the  inner  cell-plate  of  the  blastula. 
The  mass  flattens  and  spreads  peripherally,  until  finally  it  is 
divided  into  two  layers.     The  outer  is  the  Ectoderm  and  the 
inner  is  the  Endoderm  or  Hypoblast.     The  three  steps  just 
described  have  not  yet  been  seen  in  the  human  species  by  any 
one,  but  they  are  inferred  very  confidently  from  what  is  well 
known  of  the  development  in  mammals  most  closely  resembling 
man  in  physical  formation. 

4.  By  the  conversion  of  the  one-layered  blastula  into  two 
layers  of  cells,  the  Gastrula  stage  of  the  embryo  is  attained. 
The  Gastrula  consists  of  two  layers  of  cells  surrounding  a 
central  cavity,  which  is  the  Archenteron,  or  the  body-cavity 
that  will  hold  the  intestines.     During  the  past  twelve  years 
many  specimens  of  human  gastrulas  have  been  observed.     The 


earliest  form  was  that  seen  in  1908  by  Teacher  and  Boyce.21 
This  embryo  was  1.95  mm.  in  length  by  0.95  mm.  in  width, 
about  twice  the  size  of  a  pin-head.  It  showed  on  section  the 
endoderm,  the  ectoderm,  and  the  beginning  mesoderm,  en 
closed  in  a  spherical  mass  of  trophoblastic  cells.  The  mes 
oderm  is  a  plate  of  cells  lying  between  the  endodermic  and 
ectodermic  plates.  When  the  mesoderm  develops  into  two 
plates,  a  cavity,  called  the  Primitive  Coelom,  appears  between 
the  plates.  The  Coelom  becomes  the  space  between  the  vis 
cera  and  the  body-walls  in  later  development. 

From  the  primary  embryonic  layers  of  cells,  the  ecto 
derm,  the  endoderm,  and  mesoderm,  all  the  parts  of  the  body 
are  built  up.  From  the  ectoderm  are  produced  the  skin, 
nails,  hair,  the  epithelium  of  the  sebaceous,  sweat,  and  mam 
mary  glands,  the  epithelium  of  the  mouth  and  salivary  glands, 
the  teeth-enamel,  the  epithelium  of  the  nasal  tract,  of  the  ear, 
of  the  front  of  the  eye,  and  the  whole  spinal  cord  and  the 
brain,  with  their  outgrowths. 

From  the  endoderm  come  the  epithelium  of  the  respiratory 
tract,  of  most  of  the  digestive  tract  with  the  liver  and  pan 
creas,  the  epithelium  of  the  thyroid  body,  the  bladder,  and 
other  minor  parts. 

From  the  mesoderm  are  developed  bone,  dentine,  cartilage, 
lymph,  blood,  fibrous  and  alveolar  tissues,  muscles,  all  en- 
dothelial  cells,  as  of  joint-cavities,  blood-vessels,  the  pleura  and 
peritoneum,  the  spleen,  kidneys  and  ureters,  and  the  reproduc 
tive  bodies. 

The  epiblast  now  with  its  mesoblastic  lining  begins  to  form 
the  Chorion,  an  embryonic  intrauterine  appendage;  and  the 
endoderm  encloses  the  Archenteron  or  primitive  gut.  Before 
the  end  of  the  second  week  of  gestation  the  heart  is  indicated 
as  two  tubes  in  the  mesoderm,  and  the  blood-vessels  begin  to 
be  produced  in  the  yolk-sac.  About  the  twelfth  day  the 
mouth-pit  shows,  and  the  gut-tract  is  partly  separated  from 
the  yolk-sac.  The  medullary  plate  of  the  nervous  system  is 
laid  down  about  the  fourteenth  day,  and  the  nasal  area  is 

"  Contributions  to  the  Study  of  the  Early  Development  and  Em 
bedding  of  the  Human  Embryo.    Glasgow,  1911. 


observable.  The  maternal  blood  escapes  into  spaces  about  the 
embryo  enclosed  by  masses  of  embryonic  cells,  which  have 
not  separated  from  one  another,  but  which  are  known  collec 
tively  as  Syncytium. 

5.  With  the  third  week  the  stage  of  the  embryo,  techni 
cally  so  called,  begins.  During  this  week  the  body  of  the 
embryo  is  indicated.  There  are  three  layers  of  cells,  already 
mentioned,  the  ectoderm,  mesoderm,  and  endoderm,  and  these 
lie  on  the  floor  of  the  enveloping  Amnion.  The  amnion  is 
a  loose  fluid-filled  sac  (the  caul)  enveloping  the  fetus  to  pro 
tect  it  from  jarring.  The  fluid  in  it  is  the  "waters"  that  es 
cape  in  parturition  when  the  infant  breaks  through  the  caul. 
The  archenteron  in  the  third  week  shows  the  beginning  of  a 
division  into  two  parts:  the  part  that  will  go  to  the  body 
proper  of  the  embryo,  and  the  part  outside  the  body  of  the 
embryo  which  will  form  the  yolk-sac,  or  umbilical  vesicle, 
from  which  the  embryo  will  draw  sustenance  until  the  placen- 
tal  vessels  have  been  formed.  The  part  of  the  archenteron 
that  remains  within  the  embryo  proper  begins  in  this  third 
week  to  be  moulded  into  the  head-cavity.  The  forepart  of 
the  archenteron  will  later  make  the  alimentary  tract  from  the 
mouth  to  the  middle  of  the  duodenum,  or  small  intestine  be 
yond  the  stomach.  The  other  part  of  the  archenteron  will 
make  the  Allantois,  the  hind  gut  and  the  bladder.  The  allan- 
tois  becomes  a  part  of  the  fetal  umbilical  cord  after  the  for 
mation  of  the  placenta. 

During  this  third  week  the  dorsal  outline  of  the  embryo  is 
concave;  the  heart  has  a  single  cavity,  which  will  begin  to 
divide  during  the  fourth  week;  the  vitelline  blood  circula 
tion  begins,  and  the  blood-vessels  of  the  visceral  arch  are  laid 
down.  The  digestive  system  is  advanced  to  a  gut-tract,  which 
is  a  straight  tube  connected  with  the  yolk-sac.  The  liver 
evagination  is  present  and  the  oral  pit  is  a  five-sided  fossa. 
The  respiratory  system  is  represented  by  the  anlage  of  the 
lungs,  a  longitudinal  protrusion  of  the  ventral  wall  of  the  esoph 
agus.  The  genitourinary  system  begins  as  the  Wolffian 
bodies.  The  mesoderm  starts  to  segment  to  form  the  skin, 
and  the  neural  canal  (from  which  develop  the  spinal  cord 


and  brain)  for  the  nervous  system  forms.  The  fourth  ven 
tricle  of  the  brain  is  indicated,  and  the  vesicles  of  the  fore 
brain,  mid  brain,  and  hind  brain  are  recognizable.  The  ears, 
nose,  and  eyes,  muscular  system,  skeleton,  and  limbs  are  also 
beginning  to  be  recognizable.  At  about  the  sixteenth  or  eight 
eenth  day  of  gestation  the  various  parts  of  the  embryo  rap 
idly  differentiate. 

In  the  fourth  week  all  these  parts  advance.  The  atrium 
cavity  of  the  heart  begins  to  divide ;  the  alimentary  tract  shows 
the  pharynx  and  esophagus,  stomach,  and  gut;  the  pancreas 
starts,  the  liver  diverticulum  divides,  and  the  bile-ducts  ap 
pear.  The  lung  anlage  bifurcates  and  the  primitive  trachea 
is  seen.  The  ventral  roots  of  the  spinal  nerves  appear,  the 
interior  ear  is  indicated,  and  the  eye  is  deeper.  The  buds  of 
the  legs  and  arms  appear  about  the  twenty-first  day — by  the 
thirty-second  day  even  the  fingers  are  present.  The  four 
heart-cavities  are  formed,  the  intestinal  canal  is  nearly  closed, 
the  first  indications  of  the  liver  and  kidneys  appear.  The 
child  now  has  reached  the  fetal  stage,  and  its  living  body  is 
made  up  of  myriads  of  cells  all  derived  from  the  original 
fertilized  ovum.  The  fetus  is  then  one  centimetre,  or  two- 
fifths  of  an  inch,  in  length — about  the  length  of  the  word 
"fetus"  here. 

At  the  end  of  the  second  month  the  fetus  is  two  and  a 
half  centimetres  long.  The  ears  appear,  and  the  tail-like  proc 
ess  at  the  lower  end  of  the  spine  disappears.  The  arms  show 
the  three  parts,  arm,  forearm,  and  hand;  and  a  little  later 
the  thigh,  leg,  and  foot  are  differentiated.  The  navel  begins 
to  close,  the  liver  develops,  the  abdomen  is  yet  partly  open. 

At  the  end  of  the  third  lunar  month  the  fetus  is  seven  to 
nine  centimetres  long.  The  intestinal  canal  is  formed  and 
contains  bile.  The  body  resembles  that  of  a  human  being,  but 
the  head  is  proportionately  very  large.  Bony  tissue  begins  to 

At  the  end  of  the  fourth  lunar  month  the  fetus  is  ten  to 
seventeen  centimetres  long.  Some  muscles  are  movable. 
The  heart-beat  is  strong.  Sex  is  distinguishable  externally. 



The  skin  is  bright  red,  and  so  transparent  that  the  blood-vessels 
are  visible  through  it. 

Toward  the  close  of  the  fifth  lunar  month  the  head  is  about 
the  size  of  a  hen's  egg.  The  skin  is  somewhat  less  transparent. 
There  are  indications  of  hair  and  nails.  The  eyelids  are 
closed.  Parts  of  the  brain  and  spinal  cord  are  formed.  Such 
a  fetus  may  live  for  five  or  ten  minutes  if  removed  from  the 
womb,  and  it  may  make  attempts  at  respiration. 

At  the  end  of  the  sixth  lunar  month  the  fetus,  if  born,  may 
live  for  several  hours  under  favorable  circumstances.  Its  res 
piratory,  digestive,  and  related  organs  are  not  developed,  and 
no  artificial  feeding  will  keep  such  a  child  alive.  The  brain 
cortex,  the  organ  of  consciousness,  begins  to  laminate  into 
three  strata  of  nerve-cells  at  the  beginning  of  the  sixth  month. 

Here  the  time  of  fetal  viability  outside  the  womb  may  be 
considered.  Langstein,  of  the.  Augusta  Victoria  Hospital  in 
Berlin,  reported  22  a  study  of  the  growth  and  nutrition  of  250 
prematurely  born  infants,  and  he  found  that  a  weight  of  1000 
grammes  (2£  pounds)  and  a  full  body  length  of  34  centi 
metres  (13f  inches)  are  the  lowest  limits  for  viability  under 
proper  circumstances.  A  fetus  1000  grammes  in  weight  and 
34  centimetres  in  length  has  completed  the  sixth  solar  month, 
or  the  sixth  and  a  half  lunar  month;  that  is,  it  is  viable  at  the 
beginning  of  its  seventh  month,  servatis  servandis. 

The  child  at  term,  as  a  rough  average,  is  from  48  to  52 
centimetres  (19  to  20£  inches)  in  length,  and  it  weighs  from 
about  6§  to  7^  pounds.  It  is  impossible,  however,  to  ob 
tain  the  sizes  and  weights  of  infants  in  utero  with  scientific 
accuracy,  because  the  date  of  conception  cannot  be  determined 
with  absolute  certainty,  and  individual  fetuses  vary  as  do  in 
fants  after  birth.  A  full-term  infant  sometimes  may  weigh 
only  3^  pounds  when  the  mother  is  diseased,  and  again  an 
eight-month  fetus  will  weigh  as  much  as  8  pounds.  Large 
muscular  and  fat  women  have  large  babies;  women  of  the 
well-to-do  classes  have  larger  babies  than  do  the  poor;  women 
who  work  during  gestation  bear  smaller  babies  than  do  those 
women  that  rest.  Mothers  who  work  in  tobacco,  lead,  or  phos- 

M  Berliner  klinische  Wochenschrift,  June  14,  1915. 


phorus  have  puny  babies;  white  children  are  larger  at  birth 
than  negro  children;  boys  at  term  are  3  to  5  ounces  heavier 
than  girls. 

Langstein  says  that  prematurely  born  infants  weighing 
from  900  grammes  (31|  ounces)  to  1500  grammes  (3£  oounds) 
— that  is,  all  born  before  the  seventh  solar  month — must  be  kept 
in  hot-water  incubators  in  a  room  with  ordinary  ventilation. 
Babies  weighing  2000  grammes  (4|  pounds)  or  more  get  along 
in  an  ordinary  crib  if  they  are  kept  surrounded  with  hot- 
water  bags.  Such  children  are  to  be  fed  with  human  milk 
through  a  catheter  passed  into  the  mouth  or  they  die  of  inani 
tion.  Only  a  few  of  them  are  strong  enough  to  suck  from  a 
bottle,  and  these  give  up  the  effort  after  a  few  days  and  die. 
They  cannot  utilize  fat,  even  from  milk;  and  all  artificial 
food  is  dangerous. 

Most  of  the  prematurely  born  become  rachitic,  and  even  hu 
man  milk  is  not  preventive  of  this  condition.  Rachitis  is  a  con 
stitutional  disease,  characterized  by  impaired  nutrition  of  the 
bones  and  changes  in  their  shape.  In  the  third  or  fourth 
month  craniotabes  is  frequent — that  is,  an  atrophy  of  the 
skull  bones  with  the  formation  of  small  conical  pits.  These 
infants  show  also  a  morbid  tendency  to  convulsions — spas- 
mophilia.  Such  diseases  are  caused  by  a  lack  of  mineral  salts, 
which  normally  are  carried  to  the  fetus  by  the  placental  blood 
during  the  last  two  months  of  gestation.  Because  of  this  lack 
premature  infants  require  the  administration  of  lime  salts 
in  their  food ;  they  also  need  iron  because  they  are  anemic. 

A  fetus,  then,  of  six  calendar,  or  solar,  months  (not  lunar) 
is  viable  if  treated  in  a  hospital  by  competent  physicians. 
Otherwise  it  is  not  viable,  except  in  a  strictly  technical  sense; 
it  will  not  live  more  than  a  few  days  or  weeks.  Reports  of  in 
fants  younger  than  six  months  as  having  been  successfully 
reared  are  not  credible — it  is  easy  to  make  an  error  in  the 

A  full  seven-months  infant  may  be  reared  with  proper 
feeding  and  skilled  care;  a  six-months  infant  may  be  reared 
(with  difficulty)  in  a  hospital  with  skilled  care.  If  it  is  cer 
tain  that  the  removal  of  a  six-months  fetus  will  here  and  now 


save  the  life  of  a  mother  (a  very  difficult  matter  to  judge  by 
the  best  diagnosticians),  this  removal  may  be  done,  provided 
the  infant  is  delivered  in  circumstances  where  skilled  care, 
incubator,  and  proper  food  are  obtainable;  otherwise  the  re 
moval  is  not  justifiable.  That  the  ordinary  physician  says 
it  is  necessary  to  empty  the  uterus  is  not  a  sufficient  reason, 
as  he  is  likely  to  act  from  ill-digested  information  set  forth 
by  professorial  pagans,  who  place  no  value  whatever  on  human 
life  in  an  infant. 

A  most  important  and  essential  circumstance  in  the  matter 
of  inducing  abortion  at  the  end  of  the  sixth  month  of  gesta 
tion  to  save  a  mother's  life  is  that  in  practically  every  case 
requiring  such  interference  the  diseased  condition  of  the 
mother  has  checked  the  growth  of  the  fetus,  and  the  fetus 
therefore  is  really  not  a  six-months  child  in  development. 
Such  an  undeveloped  fetus  is  not  viable.  Eclamptic  women, 
and  those  who  have  nephritis,  are  most  likely  to  have  undevel 
oped  fetuses.  In  cases  of  this  kind  the  seventh  month  should 
be  completed  before  interference. 

How  is  this  human  body  in  all  its  complexity  developed 
from  the  microscopic  germ-cells  ?  There  has  been  a  vast  deal 
of  ink  spilled  in  striving  to  solve  this  mystery,  but  we  come 
out  empty  by  the  same  door  wherein  we  went.  The  early 
Preformationists  guessed  that  the  ovum  contains  an  embryo 
fully  formed  in  miniature,  and  development  is  a  mere  un 
folding  of  what  had  already  existed.  The  biologists  of  to-day 
mention  the  Preformationists  with  superior  scorn,  and  then 
present  Preformationism  under  other  names.  Weismann's 
theory  is  the  most  fashionable  at  present. 

In  a  paper  read  at  the  Darwinian  Memorial  Congress  in 
1909,  Weismann  said:  "With  others  I  regard  the  minimal 
amount  of  substance  which  is  contained  within  the  nucleus  of 
the  germ-cells  in  the  form  of  rods,  bands,  or  granules,  as  the 
germ-substance,  or  germ-plasm,  and  I  call  the  individual  gran 
ules  23  ids.  There  is  always  a  multiplicity  of  such  ids  pres 
ent  in  the  nucleus,  either  occurring  individually  or  united  in 

*  Id  is  a  word  derived  from  Nageli's  term  idioplasm,  which  meana 
the  chromosome  granule. 


the  forms  of  rods  and  bands  (chromosomes).  Each  id  con 
tains  the  primary  constituents  of  the  whole  individual,  so  that 
several  ids  are  concerned  in  the  development  of  a  new  indi 
vidual."  Actually  there  are  such  things  as  chromosomes,  and 
when  these  are  stained  and  are  under  the  highest  power  of  the 
microscope  they  appear  to  be  granular.  These  granules 
Weismann  calls  ids.  Beyond  the  fact  that  there  are  such 
granules,  all  else  is  sheer  guessing. 

He  says  further:  "In  every  complex  structure  thousands 
of  primary  constituents  must  go  to  make  up  a  single  id;  these 
I  call  determinants,  and  I  mean  by  this  name  very  small  in 
dividual  particles,  far  beyond  the  limit  of  microscopic  visibil 
ity,  vital  units,  which  feed,  grow,  and  multiply  by  division. 
These  determinants  control  the  parts  of  the  developing  em 
bryo, — in  what  manner  need  not  here  concern  us." 

There  is  some  truth  here.  The  id  is  made  up  of  molecules 
and  atoms,  ions  and  electrons,  and  in  some  manner,  of  course, 
these  have  to  do  with  the  development  of  the  embryo;  but 
as  to  the  manner  we  have  not  the  slightest  knowledge,  and 
just  this  knowledge  is  what  we  need  to  make  the  theory  any 
thing  more  dignified  than  a  child's  game  at  guessing.  There 
is  a  structural  differentiation  in  the  unsegmented  ovum,  with 
all  the  embryonal  axes  foreshadowed  in  it.  but  this  tells  us 
nothing  more  than  that  the  egg  contains  the  man  in  germ. 

He  goes  on:  "The  determinants  differ  among  themselves; 
those  of  a  muscle  are  differently  constituted  from  those  of  a 
nerve-cell  or  a  glandular  cell,  etc.,  and  each  determinant  is  in  its 
turn  made  up  of  minute  vital  units,  which  I  call  biophors,  or 
the  bearers  of  life." 

That  these  so-called  determinants  differ  among  themselves 
may  be  true,  if  they  exist  at  all,  which  is  just  the  point  to  be 
proved.  Giving  Greek  names  to  inventions  does  not  turn 
invention  into  fact.  These  supposed  determinants,  he  says, 
"may  vary  quantitatively  if  the  elements  of  which  they  are 
composed  vary;  they  .  .  .  and  their  variations  may  give 
rise  to  corresponding  variations  of  the  organ,  cell,  or  cell- 
group  which  they  determine."  Professor  Dwight  said:24 
"  Thoughts  of  a  Catholic  Anatomist,  p.  48. 


"This  is  what  is  palmed  off  on  us  for  science!"  Weismann 
assures  us  we  must  admit  this  farrago  of  clumsy  fiction,  other 
wise  we  should  be  forced  "to  assume  the  help  of  a  principle 
of  design."  25  In  the  name  of  common  sense,  then,  admit  a 
principle  of  design,  and  be  done  with  it! 

Darwin's  Gemmule  Theory  is  the  same  guessing;  and 
Weismann  rejects  it  because  he  did  not  think  of  it  first.  As 
a  theory  the  gemmule  plot  is  just  as  good  and  just  as  bad 
scientifically  as  Weismann's.  The  chief  objection  to  such 
imagining  is  that  after  its  authors  have  put  it  into  print  a 
few  times  they  lose  all  sense  of  humor,  and  mistake  phan 
tasms  for  facts. 

Up  to  the  present  time  we  have  discovered  no  living  or 
ganism  lower  in  grade  than  the  cell.  If  life  ever  originated 
from  inorganic  matter,  it  appeared  in  an  organized  cell.  The 
Weismann  ids,  biophors,  and  the  rest,  supposing  they  existed 
outside  his  own  imagination,  are  not  more  capable  of  inde 
pendent  life  than  is  a  chromatin  granule.  In  any  event, 
these  biophors  could  not  have  originated  spontaneously  in  the 
first  living  being;  and  if  they  could  not  so  have  come  into 
existence,  life  could  never  have  begun.  However  primitive 
any  organism  is,  it  must  be  able  to  nourish  itself  and  to  de 
velop  into  a  higher  specific  form;  but  such  a  variety  of  func 
tions  supposes  differentiated  structure,  composed  of  unstable 
chemical  substances,  a  correlation  of  parts,  a  purposeful  an 
ticipation  of  ends.  Inorganic  substances,  crystals,  and  the 
like  are  characteristically  stable,  not  unstable;  and  these 
could  not  have  been  brought  into  the  organic  state  on  an  earth 
burnt  to  a  cinder  and  devoid  of  chlorophyl,  which  itself  pre 
supposes  organic  cells.  Whence  came  also  the  absolutely  es 
sential  form  of  energy,  directive  of  vegetative  life  ?  The  only 
possible  explanation  is  that  life  was  created,  not  evolved  by  a 
stranger  miracle  from  a  lump  of  lava. 

We  know  the  successive  steps  in  the  growth  of  the  embryo 

from  the  time  of  fertilization  to  the  end  of  gestation,  but  how 

this  vital  process  is  effected  is  not  so  evident.     What  we  are 

certain  of  is  that  there  is  a  vital  principle  of  some  kind  from 

*  Contemporary  Review,  September,  1893. 


the  beginning,  and  this  is  the  matter  of  real  importance  in 
the  present  discussion.  The  old  moralists  held  that  this  prin 
ciple  in  the  human  being  is  at  first  vegetative;  after  a  while 
that  vegetative  vital  principle  is  expelled  by  a  sensitive  prin 
ciple  ;  and  finally  this  sensitive  soul  is  expelled  by  the  rational 
vital  principle,  or  human  soul.  St.  Thomas  2G  says :  "Some 
tell  us  the  vital  acts  that  appear  in  the  embyro  are  not  from 
its  soul,  but  from  the  soul  of  the  mother,  or  from  the  primi 
tive  force  in  the  semen.  Both  these  statements  are  false. 
Vital  operations,  as  sensation,  nutrition,  growth,  cannot  come 
from  an  extrinsic  principle;  therefore  it  must  be  admitted 
that  a  soul  preexisted  in  the  embryo,  nutritive  at  first,  then 
sensitive,  and  finally  intellectual."  After  showing  that  an 
intellectual  soul  cannot  be  evolved  from  lower  forms,  he  con 
cludes:  "Therefore  we  say  that  since  the  generation  of  one 
thing  is  always  the  corruption  of  another,  in  man  as  in  other 
animals,  when  a  more  perfect  form  comes  in  this  supposes  the 
corruption  of  any  precedent  form;  so,  however,  that  the  se 
quent  form  has  all  perfection  that  was  in  the  destroyed  forms, 
and  something  in  addition :  and  thus  through  many  generations 
and  corruptions  the  final  substantial  form  is  attained  in  man 
and  other  animals.  This  is  apparent  to  the  senses  in  animals 
generated  from  putrefaction.  Therefore  the  intellectual  soul 
is  created  by  God  at  the  end  of  human  generation,  and  this 
soul  is  both  sensitive  and  nutritive,  all  precedent  forms  having 
been  destroyed." 

There  is  no  such  thing  as  the  generation  of  any  animal 
or  other  living  being  from  putrefaction ;  but  that  is  irrelevant. 
St.  Thomas's  argument  proves  conclusively  that  if  man  has 
first  a  merely  vegetative  soul,  and  secondly  a  merely  sensitive 
soul,  which  includes  the  power  of  the  vegetative  soul,  and 
thirdly  an  intellectual  soul,  which  does  the  work  of  all  three, 
that  this  final  intellectual  soul  is  not  an  evolution  of  the  first 
two,  but  a  new  form  that  replaces  these  after  they  have  served 
their  purpose  and  have  been  annihilated.  It  does  not  even 
attempt  to  prove  that  man  really  has  first  a  merely  vegetative 
soul,  and  secondly  a  sensitive,  and  lastly  an  intellectual  soul; 
"I,  q.  118,  a.  2,  ad  2. 


it  supposes  all  this.  It  starts  out  with  the  erroneous  Aristote 
lian  theory  and  takes  it  for  granted.  The  reason  for  this 
statement  is  that  the  rational  substantial  form  requires  dis 
posed  matter  to  work  upon,  and  the  Thomists  suppose  (again 
erroneously)  that  in  the  human  embryo  during  the  period  im 
mediately  after  conception  there  is  not  enough  matter  to  be  a 
receptacle  for  the  rational  soul. 

The  soul  according  to  the  Thomists,  who  use  the  Aristote 
lian  definition,  is  the  first  entelechy  of  a  natural  organic  body 
that  has  life  in  potency.27  It  is  the  determination  that  gives 
the  body  its  specific  and  substantial  being;  the  primal  actua 
tion  of  a  body  or  matter,  since  only  in  matter  is  there  a  dis 
tinction  between  potency  for  substantial  being  and  substantial 
actuality.  An  entelechy  is  a  realization,  actuality,  full  perfec 
tion;  sight,  for  example,  is  the  entelechy  of  the  eye.  This 
body  is  natural,  not  merely  instrumental;  it  is  energized  by 
an  immanent  principle,  not  moved  by  an  external  force  like  a 
tool.  The  body  is  also  organic  ;  it  must  have  organs,  faculties, 
parts  destined  to  perform  definite  functions.  To  say  the  en 
telechy  has  life  in  potency  means  that  since  life,  or  the  op 
eration  of  the  soul,  is  an  immanent  act,  there  must  be  a  re 
ceptacle  within  which  it  can  be  immanent,  and  the  soul  is  the 
primal  actualization  of  that  organic  body,  which  is  in  potency 
to  produce  those  immanent  actions  in  which  life  consists.  A 
body  might  be  in  potency  while  it  still  has  no  principle  of 
operation,  or,  secondly,  while  it  has  such  a  principle  but  is  not 
using  it.  In  the  second  condition  the  human  body  is  in  po 
tency  for  life  at  the  moment  of  actualization. 

A  form  fixes  a  thing  in  its  proper  species,  and  the  ra 
tional  soul  is  such  a  form  for  the  human  body.  This  sub 
stantial  form  is  the  completion,  perfection,  in  operability  and 
existence,  of  the  matter  that  receives  it.  It  is  the  formal 
cause  of  man,  not  the  efficient  cause,  although  it  is  the  efficient 
cause  of  subsequent  vital  operations.  An  efficient  cause  makes 
something  numerically  different  from  itself  by  its  own  real 
and  physical  action;  a  formal  cause  and  a  material  cause  do 

27  ^  ^X1^  tffriv  tvTtKkxtia.  $  irp&Tij  aco/iaros  4>vffiKov  bpyavtKov 
(De  Anima,  ii,  1). 


not  make  anything  different  from  themselves  numerically,  but 
they  intrinsically  constitute  the  effect — they  are  intrinsic 

The  human  soul  as^  the  substantial  form  virtually  contains 
vegetative  and  sensory  faculties,  and  through  these  lower  or 
ganic  capacities  it  informs  and  animates  the  body.  That  form, 
together  with  the  matter,  the  body,  does  the  vital  acts  of  the 
composite  human  nature.  The  rational  soul  enters  the  body 
at  the  beginning,  and  first  uses  its  vegetative  faculty  until  the 
fetus  is  far  enough  advanced  to  be  a  subject  for  the  action 
of  the  sensory  faculty  of  the  soul.  Later,  some  time  after  the 
birth  of  the  child,  when  the  body  is  sufficiently  formed,  the 
intellectual  faculty  comes  into  use. 

The  nature  of  a  vital  principle  is  that  in  which  it  normally 
issues.  If  it  issues  as  a  rational  substantial  form,  as  in  man, 
it  was  rational  from  the  beginning.  If  it  was  not  rational 
from  the  beginning,  a  rational  principle  replaced  a  sensory 
vital  principle,  and  that  sensory  vital  principle  replaced  a 
vegetative  vital  principle.  The  only  reason  for  these  replace 
ments  would  be  that  the  early  human  embryo,  as  has  been  said, 
lacks  organization  sufficient  to  sustain  a  form  higher  than  a 
vegetative  principle.  If  this  were  sufficient  reason  for  defer 
ring  the  advent  of  the  rational  soul,  then  a  baby  six  months 
after  birth  would  have  no  rational  soul  because  it  certainly 
lacks  the  supposedly  requisite  organs.  However,  as  the  ra 
tional  soul  is  whole  in  each  part  of  the  adult  body  in  the  to 
tality  of  its  essence  and  perfection,  but  not  in  the  totality  of 
its  virtue,  because  certain  organs  are  lacking  in  particular 
parts  of  the  body,  it  is  in  the  embryo  whole  in  the  totality  of 
its  essence  and  perfection,  but  not  in  its  virtue  because  certain 
organs  are  not  yet  formed,  and  it  is  thus  from  the  moment  of 

As  to  the  soul  itself,  Kant  held  that  the  soul  is  not  a  real, 
but  only  a  logical  substance.  The  Pantheists,  Transcenden- 
talists,  and  ISTeo-Hegelians  try  to  identify  the  soul  with  the 
divine  consciousness.  The  Associationists  (Hume,  Davis, 
Hoffding,  Sully)  say  that  the  soul  is  a  mere  group  of  sensa 
tions.  The  Agnostics  and  Positivists  (Locke,  Herbert  Spen- 


cer,  James,  Comte)  write  volume  after  volume  on  the  soul 
to  prove  that  they  know  nothing  about  it.  Then  the  Material 
ists  assert  that  there  is  no  soul  of  any  kind;  that  we  secrete 
thought  as  a  mule  secretes  sweat.  Yet  the  vital  operations  of 
man  are  inexplicable  as  resultants  of  the  physical  and  chem 
ical  properties  of  matter.  There  is  an  intrinsic  energy  that 
unifies  the  actions  of  man,  directs  processes,  controls  the  tend 
ency  of  organic  matter  to  pass  into  the  fixity  of  the  inorganic, 
and  effects  metabolism.  This  intrinsic  energy  is  the  entel- 
echy,  substantial  form,  or  what  is  popularly  called  the  soul. 

In  any  organic  body  there  is  a  formal  principle.  We 
know  that  there  are  activities  that  proceed  from  organic  bodies, 
and  a  formal  principle  of  such  activity  is  a  substantial  entity 
whence  the  organism  derives  basically  its  own  kind  of  action, 
which  determines  and  orders  the  activity.  There  are  acts  of 
perception  in  animals  such  that  an  external  object  becomes 
so  internal  to  the  organism  of  these  animals  that  it  is  known 
by  one  expressed  and  immanent  image,  not  only  as  something 
objectively  existing  but  as  good  or  hurtful  to  the  perceiving 
animal.  The  innate  and  elicited  appetites  by  which  the  animal 
tends  toward  or  away  from  the  object  are  recognized,  as  are 
the  spontaneous  motions  which  are  directed  by  that  knowledge. 
There  must  be  a  principle  whence  these  actions  proceed,  and 
this  is  either  an  accident  of  matter  or  something  substantial. 
It  is  not  an  accident  of  matter,  because  action  can  never  arise 
from  an  accident;  it  must  proceed  from  a  substance.  If  you 
say  this  principle  whence  these  actions  arise  is  not  an  accident 
of  matter,  but  matter  itself,  you  would  have  an  extended,  com 
posite,  inert  mass  acting;  but  even  if  such  thing  could  act,  it 
could  never  effect  a  simple  immanent  image  of  an  object  or 
group  of  objects  external  to  itself. 

No  mere  machine  can  build  up  itself,  can  make  any  re 
mote  approach  to  metabolism  as  an  organized  body  can;  and 
the  principle  of  this  immanent  action  is  not  matter  itself,  be 
cause  it  uses,  makes,  subordinates  matter  to  (itself.  That 
principle  is  positively  one,  not  one  by  continuity  as  matter 
is.  Matter  as  in  a  crystal  grows  by  mere  aggregation,  an  or- 


ganism  grows  by  assimilation ;  a  crystal  loses  force  in  forma 
tion  and  growth,  an  organism  accumulates  force. 

The  theory  that  denies  the  existence  of  this  formal  princi 
ple  does  not  explain  the  phenomena  of  life  in  organic  beings. 
Uniformity  of  tendency  toward  an  end  is  not  a  characteristic 
of  mere  matter;  neither  is  a  harmonious  interaction  of  parts, 
nor  the  dependence  of  parts  on  the  unit,  nor  motion,  nor  the 
reproduction  of  the  species. 

Moreover,  most  of  the  greatest  physical  scientists  strongly 
maintain  that  there  must  be  a  formal  substantial  principle  in 
all  living  things.  Among  these  are  Wallace,  Niigeli,  Asken- 
asy,  Preyer,  Fechner,  Agassiz,  von  Baer,  E.  de  Beaumont, 
Blanchard,  A.  Braun,  Brongniart,  Bronn,  Burmeister,  Delff, 
Milne-Edwardes,  Flourens,  Goeppert,  Griesbach,  Heer,  Koel- 
liker,  Mivart,  Quatrefages,  Quenstedt,  Spiers,  Volger,  R.  Wag 
ner,  Liebig,  and  Joseph  Hyrtl. 

The  formal  principle  which  coexists  with  matter  in  the  or 
ganic  body  is  really  though  not  perfectly  distinguished  from 
matter.  A  formal  principle  which  is  necessary  for  sensation 
should  be  either  perfectly  simple,  or  at  the  least  so  one  that  its 
parts  together  make  up  one  essence:  matter,  however,  cannot 
have  such  unity,  and  as  a  consequence  the  formal  principle 
must  be  distinct  from  matter.  Anything  is  like  its  operation, 
and  the  parts  of  any  sensitive  activity  always  result  in  an  ac 
tivity  that  is  essentially  one.  If  we  touch  a  table,  by  that  sin 
gle  touch  we  at  once  know  that  the  object  is  one,  wooden,  hard, 
angular,  smooth,  extended,  and  so  on,  and  we  also  know  that 
one  subject  perceives  all  these  varied  qualities.  One  eye  can 
convey  knowledge  at  once  of  a  thousand  objects  miles  apart, 
and  these  objects  can  be  brought  into  one  perception  only  by 
a  simple  subject.  An  extended  complex  subject  like  matter 
would  get  one  impression  (if  it  could  perceive  any  impression) 
on  one  side,  one  on  another,  and  so  on,  but  it  could  not  unite 

The  formal  principle  which  is  in  organic  bodies  is  a  true 
substantial  form,  actuating  the  body  both  as  to  its  nature  and 
substance.  Together  with  the  body,  this  principle  makes  a 
being  one  in  itself,  such  that  the  matter  and  the  form  sep- 


arably  are  incomplete  as  regards  operation  and  being. 
Now,  a  form  is  that  principle  through  which  anything  is  es 
tablished  in  its  own  species;  light,  for  example,  is  the  form 
of  a  luminous  body,  heat  of  a  hot  substance.  A  body,  how 
ever,  is  established  in  the  human  species  by  receiving  a  ra 
tional  soul,  and  this  soul,  then,  is  its  form.  It  is  also  a  sub 
stantial  form  because  the  soul  itself  is  a  substance,  not  an  ac 
cident  dependent  upon  another  subject.  Moreover,  from  its 
union  with  the  body  another  substance — man — arises,  and  not 
a  thing  added  to  a  substance.  Man's  body  is  alive,  therefore 
it  is  a  living  substance;  but  life  in  its  secondary  actuality  is 
an  operation;  in  its  primary  actuality  it  is  an  essence.  The 
body  is  made  a  living  substance,  not  from  itself,  but  from  the 
soul  which  is  added  to  it.  When  the  soul  departs  the  body 
is  no  longer  alive.  Now,  a  principle  which  by  a  communica 
tion  of  itself  determines  the  body  in  its  essence  and  differen 
tiates  it  as  a  living  substance  from  everything  else,  is  a  sub 
stantial  form.  A  substantial  form,  then,  or  a  soul,  exists. 

The  soul,  however,  must  have  disposed  matter  for  most 
of  its  operations;  it  cannot  exist  as  a  substantial  form  bom- 
binans  in  vacuo;  but  it  does  not  need  a  human  organism  com 
plete  in  all  its  parts  as  a  necessary  condition  for  its  indwell 
ing.  There  is  organized  matter  enough  in  the  first  cell  that 
comes  into  existence  after  the  fusion  of  the  germ-nuclei  to 
hold  this  rational  form,  or  soul,  as  perfectly  as  it  needs  to  be 
held  in  this  first  stage  of  human  life. 

To  inform  the  embryo  any  principle,  whether  it  is  the  ra 
tional  soul  or  a  force  derived  from  the  parental  organism, 
must  have  organs;  and  if  organs  are  present,  then  the  embryo 
is  fit  to  receive  the  human  soul,  as  the  only  objection  to  its 
presence  is  a  supposed  lack  of  organs.  To  use  other  prin 
ciples  when  the  human  soul  itself  could  be  present  would  be  a 
multiplicatio  entium  sine  necessitate,  which  is  a  condition  re 
pugnant  to  the  universal  method  of  the  Creator. 

It  has  been  said  that  the  vital  activity  in  the  fertilized 
ovum  does  not  proceed  from  the  rational  soul  because,  "in  the 
first  place,  it  results  from  the  fusion  of  two  vital  activities, 
neither  of  which  is  rational;  secondly,  it  results  in  the  for- 


mation,  by  fission,  and  differentiation,  of  two  distinct  and  sep 
arate  living  cells,  each  containing  within  itself  a  principle  of 
vital  activity.  Now  this  principle  of  vital  activity  cannot 
be  a  rational  soul,  for  each  cell  has  its  own  principle  of  ac 
tivity,  and  in  man  there  is  but  one  soul." 

In  the  first  place,  that  vital  activity  does  not  result  from 
the  fusion  of  two  vital  activities  neither  of  which  is  rational. 
,It  results  after  the  nuclei  come  together,  by  particular  crea 
tion,  and  replaces  their  activity — the  generation  of  the  last 
vital  force  is  the  corruption  of  the  first  that  existed  in  the  sep 
arate  nuclei,  not  a  derivative  of  that  first  force.  Again,  when 
the  embryo  is  in  the  two,  four,  eight  cell  stage,  and  so  on, 
there  are  not  two,  four,  eight  vital  principles  present,  but 
one.  Substantial  unity  is  essential  to  life  of  any  kind,  no 
matter  how  low  its  grade;  and  if  each  cell  had  an  independ 
ent  vital  principle,  any  form  of  resultant  life  in  the  mass 
would  be  impossible.  An  aggregation  has  no  unity  of  sub 
stance;  there  would  be  as  many  substances  or  natures  as  there 
are  individual  beings  in  the  aggregate,  no  matter  whether  or 
dered  or  in  a  mob,  consequently  no  life  at  all  as  a  life. 

The  embryo  in  the  two-cell  stage  is  not  made  up  of  two 
independent  organisms,  any  more  than  the  right  and  left 
halves  of  an  adult  man  are  two  independent  organisms.  Ths 
cells  in  the  two-cell  stage  of  the  embryo  are  the  right  and  left 
halves  of  the  body,  not  two  individuals,  as  has  been  proved 
repeatedly  by  biologists.  Roux 28  punctured  with  a  hot 
needle  one  of  the  cells  in  the  two-cell  stage  of  a  frog  embryo 
without  killing  the  embryo,  and  it  grew  into  a  half-frog  larva. 
Analogous  results  were  obtained  by  operating  in  the  four-cell 
stage.  Later,  Pfliiger,  Schultze,  Enders,  and  Morgan  corrobo 
rated  the  work  of  Roux.  Newport 29  discovered  this  fact  sixty 
years  ago. 

In  analyzing  the  structure  and  functions  of  the  individ 
ual  cell  we  regard  it  as  an  independent  elementary  organic 
unit,  but  this  view  is  solely  a  matter  of  convenience,  almost 
a  convention.  All  the  billions  of  cell's  in  an  adult  man  are 

n  Virchow's  Archiv  (1888),  114. 
"Phil  Trans.,  1854. 


inseparable  parts  of  the  single  living  person.  No  cell  exists 
as  an  independent  organism  in  multicellular  animals,  except  the 
germ-cells,  and  these  only  after  separation  from  the  gland  of  ori 
gin.  Indeed,  the  biological  theory  of  heredity,  already  men 
tioned  here,  wherein  the  germ-cell  is  supposed  to  carry  forward 
the  entire  heredity,  is  now  changing  toward  the  view  which 
makes  all  the  somatic  cells  influence  the  germ-cells;  that  is,  the 
body-mass  of  cells  sends  on  heredity  through  the  germ-cell  as 
the  instrument.  Adult  organisms  do  not  make  cells  de  novo. 
New  cells  are  formed  by  division  from  preexisting  cells,  but 
some  biologists  think  the  body-cells  so  affect  the  new  germ-cells 
as  to  influence  heredity. 

The  cells  are  organs,  nodal  points,  of  a  single  formative 
power  which  pervades  the  mass  of  cells  as  a  whole.  The 
protoplasm  of  each  cell  is  not  only  in  direct  apposition  with  its 
neighbors,  but  nearly  all  biologists  are  now  inclining  to  the 
opinion,  which  Heitzmann  proposed  in  1873,  that  division 
of  cell  from  cell  is  incomplete  in  nearly  all  forms  of  tissue; 
and  that  even  where  cell-walls  are  present  (an  exceptional 
condition  in  mammals)  they  are  traversed  by  strands  of  proto 
plasm,  by  means  of  which  the  cells  are  in  organic  continuity. 
The  whole  body,  he  contended,  is  thus  a  syncytium  (a  mass  of 
continuous  protoplasm  Stippled  with  nuclei),  with  the  cells 
as  mere  nodal  points  in  an  almost  homogeneous  protoplasmic 
mass.  There  are  cell-bridges  between  the  sieve-tubes  of 
plants.  In  1879  Tangl  discovered  such  connection  between 
the  endosperm  cells  of  plants,  and  later  Gardiner,  Kienitz- 
Gerloff,  A.  Meyer,  and  many  others  demonstrated  that  in 
nearly  all  plant  tissues  the  cell-walls  are  connected  by  intra- 
cellular  bridges.  Kanvier,  Bizzozero,  Eetzius,  Fleming,  Pfitz- 
ner,  and  many  other  observers  have  found  these  protoplasmic 
bridges  in  animal  epithelium.  In  the  skin  of  a  larval  sala 
mander  they  are  quite  conspicuous.  They  are  known  to  oc 
cur  also  in  smooth  muscle-fibre,  in  cartilage  cells,  in  connec 
tive-tissue  cells,  and  in  some  nerve-cells.  Harrison  found,  in 
1908,  that  in  frogs  the  nerve-fibres  develop  out  of  these  intra- 
cellular  bridges.  Dendy  in  1888,  Ketzius  in  1889,  and  Pal- 
ladino  in  1890  have  shown  that  the  follicle  cells  of  the  ovary 


are  connected  by  protoplasmic  bridges,  not  only  with  one  an 
other,  but  also  with  the  ovum;  and  similar  connection  between 
somatic  cells  and  germ-cells  has  been  found  in  a  number  of 
plant's.  Thus  even  the  germ-cell  is  not  independent  until  it 
has  actually  broken  away  from  the  gland.  A.  Meyer  holds 
that  both  the  plant  and  animal  individual  are  continuous 
masses  of  protoplasm,  in  which  the  cytoplasmic  substance  forms 
a  morphological  unit,  no  matter  what  the  cell  is.  That  opinion 
is  not  finally  settled  as  regards  the  animal  after  the  fetal  stage, 
but  it  is  much  stronger  as  regards  embryos.  In  the  early  stages 
of  many  arthropods  it  is  certain  that  the  whole  embryo  is  at 
first  an  unmistakable  syncytium.  This  is  almost  established 
also  for  Amphioxus,  the  Echinoderm  Volvox,  and  other  ani 
mals.  Adam  Sedgwick  holds  that  it  is  true  for  vertebrates  up 
to  a  late  embryonic  stage.  Mitosis,  then,  is  a  form  of  growth 
of  a  mass,  not  a  generation  of  new  individuals. 

Whether  chromatin  or  any  other  element  in  the  germ-cell 
be  the  idioplasm  in  which  heredity  inheres,  differentiation  is 
a  progressive  transformation,  through  physical  and  chemical 
changes,  of  the  substance  of  the  ovum,  and  this  transforma 
tion  occurs  in  a  definite  order  and  a  definite  distribution  in  the 
ovum.  The  changes  result  in  a  cleavage  of  the  egg  into  cells, 
the  boundaries  of  which  sharply  mark  the  areas  of  differen 
tiation.  These  cells  take  on  specific  characters.  In  the  four- 
celled  stage  of  an  annelid  egg  these  four  cells  contribute 
equally  to  the  formation  of  the  alimentary  canal  and  the  ce 
phalic  nervous  system,  but  only  one  of  them,  the  left-hand 
posterior  cell,  gives  rise  to  the  nervous  system  of  the  trunk 
and  to  the  muscles,  connective  tissues,  and  germ-cells.  The 
relation  between  the  four  original  cells,  or  blastomeres,  and 
the  adult  parts  arising  from  them,  is  not  fixed,  because  in 
some  eggs  these  relations  may  be  artificially  changed.  A  por 
tion  of  the  egg  which  normally  would  develop  into  a  fragment 
of  the  body  will,  if  split  off  from  the  others,  give  rise  to  an 
entire  body  of  a  diminished  size. 

Conklin  says  30  that  in  the  ascidian  Styela  "there  are  four 
or  five  substances  in  the  egg  which  differ  in  color,  so  that  their 

"  Heredity  and  Environment,  p.  123,  Oxford  Press. 


distribution  to  different  regions  of  the  egg  and  to  different 
cleavage  cells  may  be  easily  followed,  and  even  photographed, 
while  in  the  living  condition.  The  peripheral  layer  of  proto 
plasm  is  yellow  and  it  gathers  at  the  lower  pole  of  the  egg, 
where  the  sperm  enters,  forming  a  yellow  cap.  This  yellow 
substance  then  moves,  following  the  sperm  nucleus,  up  to  the 
equator  of  the  egg  on  the  posterior  side,  and  there  forms  a  yel 
low  crescent  extending  around  the  posterior  side  of  the  egg. 
On  the  anterior  side  of  the  egg  a  gray  crescent  is  formed  in 
a  somewhat  similar  manner,  and  at  the  lower  pole  between 
these  two  crescents  is  a  slate-blue  substance,  while  at  the  up 
per  pole  is  an  area  of  colorless  protoplasm.  The  yellow  cres 
cent  goes  into  cleavage  cells  which  become  muscle  and  meso- 
derm,  the  gray  crescent  into  cells  which  become  nervous  sys 
tem  and  notochord,  the  slate-blue  substance  into  endoderm 
cells,  and  the  colorless  substance  into  ectoderm  cells.  Thus 
within  a  few  minutes  after  the  fertilization  of  the  egg,  and  be 
fore  or  immediately  after  the  first  cleavage,  the  anterior  and 
posterior,  dorsal  and  ventral,  right  and  left  poles  are  clearly 
distinguishable,  and  the  substances  which  will  give  rise  to  ec 
toderm,  endoderm,  mesoderm,  muscles,  notochord,  and  nervous 
system  are  plainly  visible  in  their  characteristic  positions." 
Conklin  followed  these  cells  in  every  division  until  the  em 
bryo  was  developed,  making  a  complete  genealogy  up  to  the 
ovum  proper. 

De  Vries  31  assumed  that  the  character  of  each  cell  is  de 
termined  by  "Pangens"  that  migrate  from  the  nucleus  into 
the  protoplasm.  Driesch  and  Oscar  Hertwig  held  that  the 
peculiar  development  of  a  given  blastomere  is  a  result  of  its 
relation  to  the  remainder  of  the  cell-mass,  an  outcome  of  the 
action  upon  it  by  the  whole  sytem  of  cells  of  which  it  is  a 
part.  Hertwig  said :  32  "Each  of  the  first  two  blastomeres  con 
tains  the  formative  and  differentiating  forces  not  simply  for 
the  production  of  a  half -body,  but  for  the  entire  organism; 
the  left  blastomere  develops  into  the  left  half  of  the  body 
only  because  it  is  placed  in  relation  to  a  right  blastomere." 

*  Iniracelluldre  Pangenesis.    Jena,  1889. 
"Jenaische  Zeitschrift,  1892,  1. 


Wilson  33  and  Driesch  34  came  to  the  same  conclusion  about 
the  time  Hertwig  wrote.  Driesch  said :  85  "The  relative  po 
sition  of  a  blastomere  in  the  whole  determines  in  general  what 
develops  from  it;  if  its  position  be  changed  it  gives  rise  to 
something  different;  in  other  words,  its  prospective  value  is 
a  function  of  its  position." 

A  discussion  of  this  matter  will  be  found  in  Wilson,86  but 
the  many  experiments  made  in  the  study  of  this  subject  show 
conclusively  that  the  cells,  singly,  grouped,  and  in  mass,  are 
a  morphological  unit,  not  an  aggregation  of  distinct  individ 
uals.  They  are  not,  of  course,  absolutely  homogeneous,  be 
cause  such  a  body  could  not  have  organs.  The  substantial 
form,  therefore,  is  not  confined  to  the  first  cell. 

The  cell-mass,  then,  has  a  unity  sufficient  to  be  the  recep 
tacle  of  a  human  vital  principle ;  again,  the  basic  vital  operation 
of  the  human  body  at  any  age  is  metabolism,  and  this  is  ac 
tually  carried  on  in  the  first  somatic  cell  of  the  embryo  as  in 
the  cells  of  the  adult  man.  In  the  development  of  the  human 
body  in  the  embryonal  stage  the  energy  of  cell-division  is 
most  intense  in  the  early  cleavage  stage,  and  this  diminishes  as 
the  limit  of  growth  approaches  because  further  division  is  not 
needed.  When  that  limit  is  attained  a  more  or  less  definite 
equilibrium  is  established.  Some  of  the  cells  in  the  fully 
formed  body  cease  to  divide,  the  nerve-cells,  for  example; 
others  divide  under  special  conditions,  as  the  blood-cells,  the 
connective-tissue  cells,  gland-cells,  epithelial  and  muscle  cells; 
others  continue  to  divide  throughout  life  and  thus  replace 
worn-out  cells  of  the  same  tissue,  as  the  Malpighian  layer  of 
the  skin.  Cells  grow,  divide,  function,  reproduce  themselves, 
and  so  on,  all  through  their  vital  activity,  sustained  by  the 
material  brought  to  them  by  the  blood.  Weismann 37  and 
other  biologists  think  that  the  vital  processes  of  the  higher 
animals  are  accompanied  by  a  renewal  of  the  morphological 

"Journal  of  Morphology,  1893,  1894. 

*  Studien,  iv,  p.  25. 
KIUd.,  p.  39. 

*  The  Cell  in  Development  and  Inheritance,  pp.  413  et  seq.    New 
York,  1906. 

17  The  Duration  of  Life. 


elements  in  most  tissues.  The  material  is  carried  to  the  fetus 
in  the  womb  by  various  agents,  but  mostly  by  the  maternal 
blood  after  the  embryo  uses  up  the  yolk;  and  when  the  fetal 
circulation  has  been  established  the  nutritive  material  is  taken 
from  the  maternal  blood  into  the  fetal  circulation  through  the 
placenta,  and  then  carried  to  the  cells  by  the  fetal  circula 
tion  itself.  After  the  child  has  been  born  the  stomach  and  in 
testines  take  in  the  food.  The  stomach  does  very  little  with  it 
except  in  a  preparatory  manner;  the  intestines  further  pre 
pare  it,  pass  it  into  the  body,  where  it  is  again  modified  by 
other  organs,  and  finally  it  is  carried  by  the  blood  to  the  cells. 
The  cells  really  use  it;  the  other  organs  are  the  farmers,  gro 
cers,  railways,  and  the  like;  the  cells  are  the  consumers.  So 
far  as  the  essential  processes  are  concerned,  the  embryological 
cells  act  as  do  the  adult  cells. 

The  first  cell  has  contractility,  protoplasmic  motion;  it 
can  absorb  perfectly  all  food-stuffs  necessary  for  it  from  the 
deutoplasm  of  the  ovum,  and  the  water  that  passes  in  from 
without  to  the  ovum.  In  a  few  days  the  embryonic  cells  have 
used  up  the  deutoplasm  and  are  taking  up  food  from  the  ma 
ternal  blood  as  perfectly  as  any  adult  cell  does,  and  are  exer 
cising  their  function  of  building  up  and  sustaining  whatever 
part  of  the  body  they  are  destined  for;  and  this  with  all  the 
complicated  metabolism  of  the  adult  cell.  Cell  metabolism 
is  the  fundamental,  chief,  organic  act  of  any  human  body  at 
any  age.  That  the  embryo  does  this  impelled  by  the  virtus 
formativa  transmitted  from  the  parents  is  a  mere  gratuitous 
assumption  to  fit  the  theory  that  the  embryonic  cell  lacks  or 
ganic  power.  The  fundamental  organ  that  conserves  the  body 
in  its  very  existence  under  the  government  of  the  soul  is  the 
apparatus  which  effects  metabolism.  Incessant  chemico-vital 
change  is  a  characteristic  of  all  living  substances,  from  the 
single  cell  up  to  the  adult  man;  and  in  all  cases  this  activity 
has  to  do  with  a  transformation  of  the  complex  molecules 
which  build  up  the  protoplasm  or  are  associated  with  its  op 
erations.  The  totality  of  the  chemical  changes,  or  exchanges, 
in  living  cells,  the  transformation  of  unorganized  food  ma 
terials  so  that  these  may  be  assimilated,  and  the  chemical  proc- 


esses  in  the  tissues  themselves,  all  are  metabolism.  Growth 
and  repair  (anabolism)  occur  side  by  side  with  the  destruction 
of  elementary  tissue  substance  (katabolism),  and  the  dura 
tion  of  life  rests  on  these  processes;  and  all  are  mere  cell  ac 
tivities.  Food-stuffs  (water,  inorganic  salts,  proteids,  albumi 
noids,  carbohydrates,  and  fats)  undergo  more  or  less  combus 
tion  or  oxidation.  Oxygen  unites  with  carbon  to  form  carbon 
dioxide,  and  with  hydrogen  to  form  water;  the  nitrogen  of 
the  highly  complex  proteid  substances  reappears  in  combina 
tion  with  carbon,  hydrogen,  and  oxygen  as  urea,  uric  acid,  and 
other  compounds;  and  other  ingesta  are  thus  transformed 
through  oxidation.  All  maintain  the  temperature  of  the  body, 
replace  outworn  parts,  and  accomplish  the  body's  work.  Oxi 
dation  occurs  to  a  slight  extent  in  the  blood,  but  the  specific 
reactions  are  intracellular.  Even  when  nothing  exists  but  the 
cells  and  the  blood,  as  in  the  beginning  embryo,  the  cells  really 
do  the  work,  and  they  do  the  work  as  they  do  in  the  adult. 

The  cells  also  from  the  very  beginning  are  the  organs 
that  make  the  animal  heat  necessary  for  life.  Rubner  38  proved 
that  the  source  of  at  least  90  per  cent,  of  the  animal  heat  in 
the  body  is  a  result  of  the  chemical  changes — oxidation — in 
the  food  ingested:  the  other  10  per  cent,  is  caused  by  muscular 
contractions,  the  flow  of  blood,  the  friction  of  joints,  and  like 
motions.  This  oxidation  is  more  active  in  young  animals 
than  in  adults,  and  in  each  it  is,  of  course,  a  cellular  process. 

Living  matter  contains  hydrogen,  oxygen,  sulphur,  chlo 
rine,  iodine,  fluorine,  nitrogen,  phosphorus,  carbon,  silicon,  po 
tassium,  sodium,  calcium,  magnesium,  and  iron.  The  removal 
of  one  of  these  elements  causes  the  death  of  the  body.  They 
must  be  arranged  in  a  definite,  prescribed  order  to  constitute 
cellular  protoplasm,  and  any  disarrangement  of  this  order 
causes  intoxication,  disease,  or  death.  Hydrogen  is  a  constant 
product  in  the  putrefaction  of  animal  matter,  of  animal  food, 
and  is  present  in  the  intestinal  tract.  Oxygen  is  found  dis 
solved  in  water  and  loosely  combined  in  blood  as  pxyhemoglobin. 
All  the  elements,  except  fluorine,  combine  with  oxygen,  form 
ing  oxides,  and  the  process  is  called  oxidation.  The  produc- 
"  Zeitschrift  f.  Biologic,  1893,  bd.  30,  p.  73. 


tion  of  heat  and  all  vital  motion  depend  on  oxidation,  decom 
position  of  matter.  In  the  nuclei  of  cells  there  is  a  so-called 
"oxygen-carrier,"  a  micleo-proteid,  which  contains  iron,  and 
this  appears  to  be  the  chief  oxidizing  agent  in  the  body. 
Chlorine,  which  in  hydrochloric  acid  is  essential  to  digestion, 
is  ingested  as  chloride,  and  leaves  the  body  chiefly  through 
the  urine  and  sweat.  Iodine  is  a  necessary  part  of  the  thyroid 
gland,  an  indispensable  vital  organ.  Fluorine  is  found  in  all 
cells.  Nitrogen  goes  into  the  body  combined  in  proteids;  and 
phosphorus,  combined  in  the  alkalies  and  alkaline  earths  of 
the  foods.  Carbon  occurs  in  all  cells  and  leaves  them  through 
the  lungs  as  carbon  dioxide. 

The  amount  of  energy  set  in  action  in  the  body  in  the  de 
composition  of  any  food  is  equal  to  the  energy  that  had  been 
expended  in  the  synthesis  of  that  food  from  its  organic  ele 
ments,  and  the  liberated  energy  set  free  in  the  body  appears 
as  heat,  work,  and  nervous  impulse.  In  a  plant  the  chloro- 
phyl  and  the  sun's  rays  combine  water  and  the  carbon  dioxide 
of  the  air  into  sugar  and  free  oxygen.  This  sugar  is  changed 
in  a  plant  into  starch,  cellulose,  and  fat,  and  also,  when  com 
bined  with  some  nitrogen,  into  proteid.  An  animal  eats  this 
plant,  which  contains  starch,  cellulose,  fat,  and  proteid,  and  it 
either  adds  these  ingredients  to  its  own  substance  or  oxidizes 
them  so  as  to  prevent  the  destruction  of  its  own  substance. 
These  are  the  ends  of  all  food.  Broadly  speaking,  plants 
synthesize  elements;  animals  analyze  them,  reduce  them  into 
simpler  bodies. 

Such  processes,  and  those  of  the  other  elements  of  the  body, 
which  have  to  do  with  the  changing  constituents  of  the  human 
organism,  are  all  cellular  processes — metabolism.  Hence  the 
chief  organic  act  of  the  body  is  metabolic;  the  basic  organ  of 
man  is  the  cell.  Arms,  legs,  heart,  brain,  stomach,  and  simi 
lar  organs  are  secondary,  though  some  of  the  latter  are  essen 
tial  for  certain  operations.  Now,  one  cell  is  an  organ  amply 
sufficient  for  metabolism,  for  the  chief  organic  act  of  the  body ; 
hence  it  is  a  fitting  receptacle  for  a  substantial  form,  a  soul. 
Therefore  there  is  no  reason  why  the  soul  may  not  be  present 
in  the  one-cell  stage  of  the  embryo ;  and  since  there  is  no  reason 


why  it  should  not  he  present,  hut  many  why  it  should,  it  is 

Conklin  says :  39  "The  fertilized  egg  of  a  star-fish,  or  frog, 
or  man  is  not  a  different  individual  from  the  adult  form  into 
which  it  develops,  rather  it  is  a  star-fish,  a  frog,  or  a  human 
being  in  the  one-celled  stage.  This  fertilized  egg  fuses  with 
no  other  cells,  it  takes  into  itself  no  living  substance,  but  man 
ufactures  its  own  protoplasm  from  food  substances;  it  receives 
food  and  oxygen  from  without  and  it  gives  out  carbonic  acid 
and  other  waste  products;  it  is  sensitive  to  certain  alterations 
in  the  environment,  such  as  thermal,  chemical,  and  electrical 
changes — it  is,  in  short,  a  distinct  living  thing,  an  individual 
ity.  Under  proper  environmental  conditions  this  fertilized 
egg-cell  develops,  step  by  step,  without  the  addition  of  any 
thing  from  the  outside  except  food,  water,  oxygen,  and  such 
other  raw  materials  as  are  necessary  to  the  life  of  any  adult 
animal,  into  the  immensely  complex  body  of  a  star-fish,  a  frog, 
or  a  man.  At  the  same  time,  from  the  relatively  simple  re 
actions  and  activities  of  the  fertilized  egg  there  develop,  step 
by  step,  without  the  addition  of  anything  from  without  except 
raw  materials  and  environmental  stimuli,  the  multifarious  ac 
tivities,  reactions,  instincts,  habits,  and  intelligence  of  the 
mature  animal." 

An  objection  to  the  opinion  that  the  soul  is  in  the  embryo 
from  the  beginning  is  made  from  a  consideration  of  the  facts 
that  there  appears  to  be  an  aptitude  for  life  in  certain  animal 
cells  and  tissues  after  removal  from  the  original  host,  or  after 
the  death  of  the  host;  and,  secondly,  that  in  other  separated 
tissues  life  is  undoubtedly  made  evident  under  proper  condi 
tions.  Some  parts  of  the  human  body  can  be  grafted  upon 
another  human  body,  and  human  sarcomatous  cells  have  been 
made  to  grow  in  vitro.  Hair  often  lengthens  after  the  death 
of  a  person,  if  no  embalming  fluid  has  been  injected.  Dr. 
Alexis  Carrel 40  substituted  a  piece  of  a  popliteal  artery,  taken 
from  an  amputated  human  leg  and  kept  in  cold  storage  for 

"Heredity  and  Environment. 

"Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association,  vol.  lix,  n.  7, 
p.  523. 


twenty-four  days,  for  a  part  of  the  aorta  of  a  small  bitch,  and 
the  dog  lived  for  four  years  afterward  and  died  in  parturition. 
Magitot  of  Paris,  in  1911,  took  a  piece  of  the  cornea  from  an 
extirpated  human  eye,  and  with  it  replaced  a  part  of  an  opaque 
cornea  on  another  man,  and  this  second  man  could  see  through 
the  new  cornea.  Surgeons  now  remove  skin,  bone,  and  other 
tissues  from  still-born  infants  and  accident  cases,  preserve 
these,  for  weeks  if  necessary,  in  petrolate  and  Ringer's  solu 
tion  in  cold  storage,  and  then  graft  them  on  patients  to  repair 
lesions  in  skin,  bone,  cartilage,  or  other  parts  of  the  body. 

If  these  separated  tissues  are  alive,  what  is  the  origin  and 
nature  of  the  life?  Again,  if  there  is  a  low  form  of  life  in 
these  separated  tissues,  remaining  after  the  departure  of  the 
human  soul,  why  could  not  such  a  low  form  of  life  precede 
in  the  embryo  the  advent  of  the  human  soul  ? 

What  is  the  nature  of  the  "life"  in  the  parasitic  sarcoma- 
tous  tissue  which  has  been  seen  to  proliferate  for  a  short  time 
in  vitro?  We  do  not  know,  nor  is  it  relevant  to  the  question. 
That  there  is  life  of  any  kind  in  the  cold-storage  graft  of  bone 
and  skin  is  certainly  not  evident;  rather  every  evidence  points 
to  the  absence  of  all  life.  When  taken  out  of  cold  storage, 
and  the  ordinary  forces  which  corrupt  a  dead  body  are  per 
mitted  to  work,  these  grafts  corrupt  exactly  as  any  part  of 
a  corpse  does.  That  there  is  life  of  any  kind  in  these  grafts 
is  a  gratuitous  assumption.  In  cold  storage  they  are  kept 
ready  for  assimilation  into  the  body  as  food  may  be  kept. 
Bone  and  skin  grafting  is  merely  a  peculiar  form  of  assimi 
lation.  Food  taken  into  the  body  through  the  stomach  and 
entrails  is  prepared  in  the  body  and  assimilated  into  the  sub 
stance  of  the  bones  or  skin  or  other  tissues ;  the  graft  is  ready 
for  assimilation  without  this  preparation  because  it  is  already 
bone  or  skin. 

The  vital  principle  in  a  man,  or  in  anything  else,  is  at  the 
end,  when  it  normally  issues,  of  the  same  nature  as  it  was  in 
the  beginning.  If  it  is  at  perfection  a  substantial  primary 
form,  it  always  was  such — a  substantial  form  cannot  issue 
from  an  accidental  form.  If  the  substantial  form  is  the  form 
of  the  cells  in  the  completed  organism,  it  was  such  before  that 


organism  was  perfected,  unless  it  replaced  a  lower  substantial 
form;  but  there  is,  we  repeat,  absolutely  no  need  for  such  a 
secondary  form  at  the  beginning.  If  the  cells  of  the  embryo 
(not  the  infused  germ-cells,  which  are  not  the  embryo)  had 
a  forma  corporeitaiis,  or  cellular  is,  or  whatever  you  wish  to 
call  it,  the  human  soul  when  it  did  come  would  not  confer  pri 
mal  existence,  would  not  be  a  forma  subsianiialis,  but  an 
accidental  form.  "In  proof  of  which,"  says  St.  Thomas,41 
"we  must  consider  that  a  substantial  form  differs  from  an  ac 
cidental  form  in  this,  that  an  accidental  form  does  not  give 
being  simply,  but  such  or  such  being;  as  heat  does  not  give 
being  simply,  but  heated  being.  So  when  an  accidental  form 
comes  in,  a  thing  is  not  said  to  come  into  existence  or  to  be 
generated,  simply,  but  to  become  such  or  such  an  object,  or 
to  find  itself  in  such  or  such  a  condition.  So,  also,  when  an  ac 
cidental  form  disappears,  a  thing  is  not  said  to  be  destroyed 
simply,  but  only  to  a  certain  degree.  A  substantial  form, 
however,  gives  being  simply;  and  therefore  by  its  advent  a 
thing  is  said  to  be  generated  simply,  and  by  its  recession  to  be 
destroyed  simply.  Jf,  therefore,  it  happened  that  any  sub 
stantial  form  other  than  the  intellectual  soul  preexisted  in 
matter,  by  which  the  subject  of  that  soul  would  come  into  ac 
tual  being,  it  would  follow  that  the  soul  would  not  confer  be 
ing  simply,  and  therefore  would  not  be  a  substantial  form; 
also  that  the  coming  of  the  soul  would  not  be  a  generation 
simply,  but  only  secundum  quid — all  of  which  is  evidently 
false."  Again,  St.  Thomas  says:42  "Some  tell  us  the  vital 
acts  that  appear  in  the  embryo  are  not  from  the  soul,  but  from 
the  soul  of  the  mother,  or  from  the  primitive  force  in  the 
semen.  Both  these  statements  are  false." 

An  application  of  the  opinion  offered  here — that  is,  that 
the  human  soul  is  infused  at  the  instant  of  conception — to  mul 
tiple  and  monstrous  embryos  offers  no  real  difficulty.  There 
are  two  kinds  of  human  twins — those  from  two  distinct  ova 
and  those  from  one  ovum.  Two  ova  may  come  from  one  or 
different  ovaries,  or  even  from  one  Graafian  follicle,  be  ferti- 

41 1,  q.  76,  corp. 

tt  la,  q.  118,  a.  2,  ad  2. 


lized  at  the  same  time  and  develop  synchronously.  If  the 
ova  are  placed  at  some  distance  apart  in  the  uterus,  two  pla 
centas  appear ;  if  the  ova  are  near  each  other  the  placentas  may 
fuse,  but  their  circulations  do  not.  Each  child  will  have  its 
own  fetal  envelope. 

In  twins  from  two  distincl  ova  there  is  no  difficulty  in  see 
ing  that  the  souls  are  placed  in  these  in  the  same  manner  as 
the  soul  is  put  in  the  normal  single  embryo.  When  the  twins 
come  from  one  ovum  the  condition  is  not  so  simple.  The  oval 
nucleus  is  the  essential  part  that  goes  from  the  maternal  side, 
and  human  ova  at  times  contain  two  nuclei,  as  occasionally  hens' 
eggs  do ;  a  double-yoked  hen's  egg  has  two  nuclei,  and  two  nuclei 
have  been  found  in  a  single  yolk.  Kolliker,  Stockel,  and  von 
Franque  have  observed  double  germinal  vesicles  in  single 
human  ova.  In  such  a  condition  two  spermatozoa  could  fe 
cundate  the  two  nuclei  and  the  development  go  on  as  in  the 
case  of  twins  from  distinct  ova. 

There  is  a  theory  which  holds  that  homologous  twins  (uni- 
oval)  can  develop  from  a  single  germinal  vesicle  which  splits 
into  two  primitive  streaks  and  two  gastrulas.  According  to 
this  opinion,  if  the  germinal  vesicle  divide  entirely,  two  fe 
tuses  develop  which  are  always  of  the  same  sex,  and  which  re 
semble  each  other  so  closely  in  appearance  that  it  is  very  diffi 
cult  to  differentiate  them.  This  theory  holds  also  that  should 
the  germinal  vesicle  not  split  fully,  the  lack  of  fission  causes 
the  various  kinds  of  double  monsters.  The  germinal  vesicle 
that  supposedly  splits  into  two  is  not  fecundated  by  two  sper 
matozoa,  they  say,  because  where  there  is  only  one  nucleus  in 
the  beginning,  the  entrance  of  a  second  spermatozoon  com 
monly  kills  the  ovum.  This  last  assertion  has  been  disproved 
of  late. 

Some  followers  of  the  splitting  theory  hold  that  double 
monsters  arise  from  the  union  of  two  originally  separate  prim 
itive  traces  (Verwachsungstheorie}.  Others  say  that  a  single 
primitive  trace  of  blastoderm  cleaves  more  or  less  thoroughly 
and  makes  the  double  monster  (Spaltungstheorie').  The  earli 
est  human  double  monster  (Ahlfeld's  case)  was  in  -the  fourth 
week  of  gestation;  therefore  whatever  is  held  in  these  theories 


as  regards  human  monsters  is  only  through  analogy  with  lower 

Gerlach  43  saw  bifurcation  at  the  cephalic  end  of  a  chicken 
embryo  sixteen  hours  old.  In  this  case  the  first  change  was  a 
broadening  of  the  anterior  end  of  the  primitive  streak;  next  a 
forked  divergence  appeared,  and  by  the  twenty-sixth  hour  the 
bifurcation  was  half  as  long  as  the  undivided  posterior  part. 
Whether  this  was  a  case  of  two  nuclei  or  not  is  not  known. 

What  seems  to  make  for  the  fission  theory  is  that  in 
non-parasitic  double  terata,  no  matter  how  unequally  nour 
ished  or  how  variable  in  extent,  the  union  between  the  halves  of 
double  monsters  is  symmetric,  and  the  same  part  of  each  twin 
is  joined.  This  fact  is  used  as  a  reason  to  exclude  a  fortui 
tous  growing  together  of  dissimilar  areas  of  cell-masses,  at 
least  in  non-parasitic  cases.  Born,44  in  a  study  of  fish  ova, 
found  that  eggs  which  produce  double  monsters  begin  with  a 
segmentation  like  that  of  the  simple  normal  ovum.  Composite 
spermatozoa  have  been  observed  with  two  and  three  heads  and 
one  body  and  tail-piece,  but  the  significance  of  these  abnormal 
cells  is  not  known. 

Embryos  of  sea-urchins  in  the  two-cell  and  four-cell  stages 
can  be  separated  by  shaking  into  isolated  blastomeres,  and  the 
segments  will  grow  into  full  though  dwarfed  larvae.  The  same 
division  with  the  growth  of  dwarfed  larvae  has  been  made 
in  Amphioxus,  in  the  teleost  Fundulus,  in  Triton,  in  a  number 
of  Hydromedusae  and  several  other  low  forms  of  life.  When 
the  division  is  not  made  completely  double  monsters  result. 

Up  to  a  certain  stage  of  development  the  blastomeres  of 
the  Medusa  embryo  are  totipotent,  or  capable  of  developing 
into  any  part  of  the  body.  The  limitation  of  development 
in  a  particular  case  lies  in  the  cytoplasm  rather  than  in  the 
nuclei  of  the  cells.  If  frogs'  eggs  are  fastened  in  abnormal 
positions,  inverted  or  on  the  side,  a  rearrangement  of  the  egg 
material  results,  wherein  the  nucleus  and  cytoplasm  rise  and 
the  deutoplasm  sinks.  This  change  of  axis  shifts  the  embryo. 

"  U.  d.  Entstehungsweise  der  vordern  Verdoppelung.  Deutsch. 
Archiv.  f.  Uin.  Ned.,  1887. 

44  U.  d.  Furchung  des  Eies  "bei  Doppelbildungen.  Breslauer  Aertz- 
liche  Zeitschrift,  1887. 


If  an  egg  is  turned  upside  down  in  the  two-cell  stage,  a  whole 
embryo,  or  half  a  double  embryo,  may  arise  from  each  of  the 
two  blastomeres,  instead  of  a  normal  half-embryo.  A  half- 
embryo  or  a  whole  dwarf  may  arise  according  to  the  artificial 
position  of  the  blastomere.  Each  of  the  two  blastomeres  con 
tains  all  the  materials  potentially  for  the  formation  of  the 
whole  body,  and  these  materials  build  up  a  whole  body  or  a 
half  body  according  to  the  grouping  they  take  on.  Primarily 
the  egg  cytoplasm,  in  low  forms  of  animal  life,  is  totipotent; 
it  has  no  fixed  relation  with  the  parts  to  which  it  gives  rise, 
and  may  be  artificially  modified  or  differentiated.  These  ef 
fects,  from  position  and  traumatic  dislocation,  suggest  expla 
nations  for  teratic  forms  in  higher  animals. 

Human  terata  are  now  commonly  classified  in  four  groups : 
(1)  Hemiteratic ;  (2)  Heterotaxic;  (3)  Hermaphroditic;  and 
(4)  Monstrous.  Hemiterata  are  giants,  dwarfs,  persons 
showing  anomalies  in  shape,  color,  closure  of  embryonal  clefts, 
in  absence  or  excess  of  digits,  or  like  defects.  The  Hetero 
taxic  group  are  persons  whose  left  or  right  organs  are  reversed 
in  position.  A  true  Hermaphrodite  would  have  the  complete 
reproductive  organs  of  both  sexes,  but  such  an  individual  has 
not  been  observed.  There  is  never  any  question  of  double  per 
sonality  in  hermaphrodites. 

Terata  more  properly  so  called  may  be  single,  double,  or 
triple;  and  single  monsters  may  be  autositic  or  independent 
of  another  fetus,  or  they  may  be  omphalositic,  dependent  upon 
another  which  is  commonly  well  developed  and  which  supplies 
blood  for  both  through  the  umbilical  vessels.  There  are  four 
genera  of  autositic  single  monsters,  with  eight  species  and 
thirty-four  varieties.  Of  the  monstra  per  defectum  the  com 
monest  are  caused  by  a  failure  of  closure  in  the  embryonal 
medullary  canal,  which  leaves  part  of  the  brain  and  spinal 
<x>rd  or  their  bony  covering  lacking.  Some  terata,  as  the  Ace- 
phalia,  have  no  brain  or  spinal  cord,  but  they  die  in  the  fetal 
stage.  The  Anencephalia  may  have  a  spinal  cord,  a  medulla 
oblongata,  and  parts  of  the  basal  ganglia,  but  the  cerebral  hem 
ispheres  are  wanting.  Such  monsters  are  sometimes  born  at 


term  and  live  for  several  days :  they  cry,  suckle,  show  some  re 
flexes  and  a  sense  of  pain,  and  move  the  arms  and  legs. 

I  described  the  various  kinds  of  terata  in  Essays  in  Pas 
toral  Medicine,**  and  of  these  the  most  important  in  the  mat 
ter  under  discussion  here  are  the  double  and  triple  monsters. 
Many  of  the  double  monsters  evidently  were  two  persons. 
There  is  only  one  well  authenticated  case  of  a  triple  human 
monster,  and  this  happened  in  Italy  in  1831.  It  had  a  single 
broad  body  with  three  distinct  heads  and  two  necks,  and  was 
killed  in  delivery.  There  is  no  proof  as  to  whether  it  was 
one  or  more  persons.  The  standard  of  judgment  in  such  cases 
as  regards  the  presence  of  one  or  two  souls  in  the  monster  is 
the  evidence  of  one  or  more  distinct  consciousnesses.  A  monster 
double  from  the  navel  or  breast  downward  (terata  anadidyma) 
is,  I  think,  one  person.  There  was  an  example  of  a  monster 
in  this  group  which  was  divided  from  the  foreheads  down 
ward;  or  better,  the  distinct  twins  were  united  by  their  fore 
heads  only;  but  such  a  form  is  very  exceptional.  In  my  arti 
cle  on  "Human  Terata  and  the  Sacraments,"  in  Essays  in  Pas 
toral  Medicine,  in  1906,  I  expressed  the  opinion  that  a  mon 
ster  which  is  single  to  the  navel  and  double  below  is  composed 
of  two  persons,  but  I  now  am  of  the  opinion  that  such  a  mon 
ster  is  only  one  person,  because  there  is  apparently  only  one  con 
sciousness.  There  are  about  eight  cases  of  two-headed  mon 
sters  known  which  were  evidently  two  persons  in  each  case, 
and  several  terata  kata-anadidyma,  divided  above  and  below 
but  joined  at  the  sternum,  abdomen,  or  sacrum.  Several  is- 
chiopagic  twins,  joined  at  the  pelvis  with  the  heads  at  the  op 
posite  ends  of  the  double  body,  are  grouped  with  either  the 
katadidyma  or  kata-anadidyma.  It  is  commonly  not  difficult 
to  recognize  individuality  or  duality  of  personality  in  mon 
sters,  but  it  is  not  easy  to  explain  the  origin  of  life,  to  point 
out  the  moment  the  second  soul  enters  these  fused  or  undivided 

We  can  artificially  obtain  double  embryos  of  frogs  by  in 
verting  the  blast omeres  in  the  two-cell  stage.46  We  thus  get 

49  Chap,  vi,  p.  69.    New  York,  1906. 
*  See  Wilson,  op.  cit.,  p.  421. 


united  twins  with  heads  turned  in  opposite  directions,  twins 
united  back  to  back  like  the  Blazek  Sisters,  twins  united  by 
their  ventral  sides,  and  double-headed  tadpoles,  but  we  have 
no  knowledge  of  how  similar  doubling  in  human  monsters 
takes  place;  we  must  guess  vaguely  from  analogy.  There  was 
one  soul,  at  least,  present  from  the  one-cell  stage  of  the  human 
monster;  when  the  second  soul  is  created  and  infused  we  do 
not  know,  but  the  moment  of  the  creation  of  this  second  soul 
has  no  practical  significance  in  this  discussion. 

The  presence  of  certain  kinds  of  monsters  in  the  uterus 
can  be  diagnosed  before  labor,  but  double  monsters  are  mis 
taken  for  ordinary  twins.  A  woman  who  has  given  birth  to 
a  monster  is  likely  to  have  subsequent  monstrous  fetuses. 
Where  the  intrauterine  existence  of  a  single  monster  is  sus 
pected  the  X-ray  will  at  times  clear  up  the  diagnosis.  Women 
gravid  with  monsters  commonly  abort  early  in  pregnancy,  but 
even  united  twins  may  go  on  to  term.  Those  monsters  that 
offer  an  obstacle  to  delivery  by  the  abnormal  bulk  of  one  or  the 
other  end  are  mostly  twins  joined  above  or  below  the  navel; 
those  joined  at  the  middle  are  easier  of  delivery.  Monsters 
that  are  joined  at  the  pelves  are  commonly  in  a  straight  line, 
and  may  not  be  difficult  to  deliver.  Most  double  monsters 
cannot  be  delivered  alive  except  by  cesarean  section,  and  the 
fact  that  the  content  of  the  uterus  is  monstrous  is,  as  a  rule, 
not  diagnosed  until  it  is  impossible  to  attempt  cesarean  sec 
tion  without  killing  the  mother  through  infection.  In  such 
a  condition  the  double  monster  would,  in  the  ordinary  medical 
practice,  be  delivered  by  craniotomy,  exenteration,  cleidotomy, 
or  the  like  operation. 

The  Rituale  Romanum  Pauli  V  47  gives  the  following  di 
rections  for  the  baptizing  of  human  terata: 

"18.  In  monstris  vero  baptizandis,  si  casus  eveniat,  magna 
cautio,  adhibenda  est,  de  quo  si  opus  fuerit,  ordinarius  loci, 
vel  alii  periti  consulantur,  nisi  mortis  periculum  immineat. 

"19.  Monstrum,  quod  humanam  speciem  non  praeseferat 
baptizari  non  debet;  de  quo  si  dubium  fuerit,  baptizatur  sub 
hac  conditione ;  Si  tu  es  homo  ego  te  baptizo,  etc. 

4T  Tit.  ii,  cap.  1,  nn.  18,  19,  20,  21. 


"20.  Illud  vero,  de  quo  dubium  est,  una  ne,  aut  plures  sint 
personae  non  baptizetur,  donee  id  discernatur:  discern!  autem 
potest  si  habeat  unum  vel  plura  capita,  unum  vel  plura  pectora ; 
tune  enim  totidem  erunt  corda  et  anirnae,  bominesque  distincti, 
et  eo  casu  singuli  seorsim  sunt  baptizandi,  unicuique  dicendo: 
Ego  te  baptizo,  etc.  Si  vero  periculum  mortis  immineat,  tem- 
pusque  non  suppetat,  ut  singuli  separatim  baptizentur,  poterit 
minister  singulorum  capitibus  aquam  infundens  omnes  simul 
baptizari,  dicendo:  Ego  vos  baptizo  in  nomine  Patris,  et  Filii, 
et  Spiritus  Sancti.  Quam  tamen  formam  in  iis  solum,  et  in 
aliis  similibus  mortis  periculis,  ad  plures  simul  baptizandos, 
et  ubi  tempus  non  patitur,  ut  singuli  separatim  baptizentur, 
aliis  nunquam,  licet  adhibere. 

"21.  Quando  vero  non  est  certum  in  monstro  duas  esse 
personas,  ut  quia  duo  capita  et  duo  pectora  non  babet  distinc- 
ta;  tune  debet  primus  unus  absolute  baptizari,  et  postea  alter 
sub  conditione,  boc  modo :  Si  non  es  baptizatus,  ego  te  baptizo 
in  nomine  Patris,  et  Filii,  et  Spiritus  Sancti." 

Any  kind  of  monster  coming  from  tbe  human  womb,  if 
it  is  only  a  head  and  lacks  a  body  (Acardiacus  Acormus),  or 
is  a  body  and  lacks  a  head  and  heart  (Acardiacus  Acephalus), 
or  is  a  Foetus  Anideus,  which  is  a  shapeless  mass  of  flesh  cov 
ered  with  skin,  should  be  baptized,  provided  it  shows  signs  of 
life.  Number  19  in  the  Ritual  would  be  liable  to  an  interpre 
tation  which  is  too  narrow  if  it  were  not  that  very  monstrous 
fetuses,  which  appear  to  a  lay  observer  to  be  not  human,  are 
as  a  rule  delivered  dead.  Here  it  may  be  worth  while  to  men 
tion  that  a  hybrid  between  a  human  being  and  a  lower  animal 
is  impossible.  As  to  number  20,  the  rule  for  differentiating 
unity  or  duality  of  personality  is  not  the  number  of  heads, 
but  the  number  of  evident  consciousnesses,  and  this  differentia 
tion  commonly  cannot  be  made  at  birth.  There  have  been  ex 
amples  of  two-headed  monsters  delivered  alive,  which  were 
single  as  to  soul  because  the  consciousness  evidently  was  one, 



THE  moment  human  life  begins  in  the  human  fetus  is  a 
subject  of  dispute,  but  the  moment  human  life  ends  is 
a  mystery — we  have  no  method  of  determining  exactly  just 
when  the  soul  leaves  the  body.  Daily  throughout  the  world 
the  priest  reaches  a  patient  who  has  just  died.  Conditional 
absolution,  extreme  unction,  baptism  might  have  been  adminis 
tered  if  there  were  signs  of  life,  but  the  heart  and  lungs  are 
still,  "the  patient  is  dead,"  and  the  priest  leaves  without  doing 
anything.  Yet  it  is  always  probable  that  the  patient  does  not 
die  at  once  even  in  a  case  of  decapitation. 

Bichat,  at  the  beginning  of  the  last  century,  called  the 
brain,  lungs,  and  heart  "the  tripod  of  life,"  and  from  time 
immemorial  we  have  based  our  judgment  of  the  presence  of 
somatic  death  on  the  lack  of  consciousness,  respiration,  and 
circulation  in  the  patient.  The  heart,  however,  beats  after 
consciousness  and  respiration  cease  (and  sometimes  respira 
tion  continues  after  the  pulse  cannot  be  felt),  and  this  cardiac 
activity  may  go  on  for  more  than  a  half  hour  after  all  the 
normal  clinical  signs  of  death  have  appeared — after  respira 
tion  has  quit,  when  no  heart-sounds  can  be  heard  by  the  stetho 
scope  and  muscular  relaxation  indicates  death. 

The  stimulus  of  the  heart-beat  probably  starts  at  the  junc 
ture  of  the  superior  vena  cava  with  the  right  auricle  of  the 
heart.  Some  biologists  think  that  in  this  spot  life  takes  its 
last  stand  before  the  final  retreat,  but  that  fact  is  disputed  of 
late.  In  the  hospital  of  the  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical 
Research  in  New  York,  Dr.  G.  Canby  Robinson  l  made  records 

1  A  Study  with  the  Electrocardiograph  of  the  Mode  of  Death  of 
the  Human  Heart.  Journal  of  Experimental  Medicine,  1912,  xvi, 



from  about  eight  patients  before  and  during  the  actual  stop 
ping  of  the  heart,  using  the  electrocardiograph,  which  can  be 
employed  without  disturbing  the  patient.  He  thus  found — 
only  in  one  case,  however — that  the  heart  may  beat  for  a  half 
hour  after  all  vascular  and  circulatory  sounds  have  ceased  to 
be  audible.  In  a  letter  to  me  Dr.  Robinson  said :  "Undoubt 
edly  the  heart  continues  to  show  activity  sufficient  to  be  re 
corded  by  the  string  galvanometer  very  frequently  after  res 
piration  has  ceased,  both  in  man  and  the  lower  animals;  but 
this  does  not  necessarily  mean  that  it  continues  to  be  an  effi 
cient  pump,  maintaining  the  circulation.  Undoubtedly  also 
in  other  instances  the  cardiac  activity  ceases  before  the  respira 
tion,  but  I  have  never  obtained  electrocardiographic  records  of 
such  cases." 

Crilo's  experiments  upon  dogs  show  that  it  is  possible  to 
resuscitate  these  animals  after  they  have  been  apparently  dead 
for  periods  of  time  up  to  seven  and  a  half  minutes.  The  ces 
sation  of  the  blood  circulation  causes  degenerations  in  the  nerve 
cells  and  fibres,  and  these  lesions  may  last  even  if  the  animal 
has  been  resuscitated.  Crile  thinks  the  human  respiratory 
centre  may  survive  anemia  from  thirty  to  fifty  minutes;  the 
vasomotor  and  cardiac  centres,  about  twenty  to  thirty  minutes ; 
the  spinal  cord,  eight  to  ten  minutes;  the  motor  cortex,  eight 
to  ten  minutes;  the  portion  of  the  brain  used  in  conscious  ac 
tivity  as  such,  six  to  seven  minutes.  The  higher  neurons  have 
been  stimulated  into  reflex  activity  twenty-five  minutes  after 
complete  clinical  cardiac  cessation  of  activity. 

In  any  attempt  to  resuscitate  a  person  apparently  dead  the 
maintenance  of  the  blood  circulation  is  the  chief  end.  If, 
however,  the  blood  is  not  oxygenated  the  circulation  will  not 
go  on  automatically.  Artificial  respiration  is  used,  and  the 
active  principle  of  the  adrenal  gland  is  injected  to  stimulate 
the  heart.  If  the  heart  has  stopped  in  diastole, — that  is,  when 
distended  with  blood, — this  distention  must  be  relieved  by  car 
diac  massage,  commonly  through  an  opening  in  the  thoracic 
wall.  Intratracheal  insufflation  of  oxygen  is  also  to  be  em 
ployed,  as  a  rule. 


In  Essays  in  Pastoral  Medicine  2  I  mentioned  several  cases 
of  resuscitation  after  what  had  appeared  to  be  certain  death. 
Two  of  these  had  been  "dead"  for  forty-five  minutes  before 
they  were  revived  temporarily.  Wayne  Babcock 3  reported 
a  number  of  new  cases  of  his  own.  One  was  a  resuscitation 
which  lasted  for  forty-three  hours,  and  which  was  begun  twenty- 
five  minutes  after  respiration  had  ceased.  The  patient  was 
a  very  fat  negress  who  had  collapsed  after  the  use  of  scopo- 
lamine.  A  man  whose  arm  had  been  torn  off  died  from  shock 
in  the  operating-room.  After  fifteen  minutes  of  artificial  res 
piration  the  circulation  started  again,  and  he  was  kept  alive 
for  six  hours  in  this  manner,  but  he  died  as  soon  as  the  artifi 
cial  respiration  was  discontinued.  An  exactly  similar  case 
was  kept  alive  for  seven  hours  by  artificial  respiration.  One 
of  Babcock's  cases  was  a  woman  of  eighty-seven  years  of  age, 
who  apparently  died  on  the  table  during  an  operation  for 
strangulated  hernia.  After  ten  minutes  of  cardiac  and  respir 
atory  cessation  she  was  revived.  She  died  four  days  later  of 
peritonitis.  A  man  fifty-six  years  of  age  undergoing  the  same 
operation  ceased  breathing  and  his  heart  stopped.  He  was 
completely  revived  and  cured. 

Father  Juan  Ferreres  4  holds  that  aborted  and  newly  born 
children  should  be  baptized,  although  they  give  no  sign  of  life, 
if  they  show  no  clear  evidence  of  putrefaction.  This  opinion 
is  mine  also,  but  the  word  maceration  should  be  substituted  as 
more  exact.  Eschbach  5  says :  "Infantes  recenter  natos  et  in 
vitae  discrimine  positos,  aut  foetus  abortivos  plane  formates, 
cum  vel  levissimus  in  eis  motus  apprehenditur,  absolute 
baptizari  oportet:  cum  autem  sine  motu  et  sensu  iidem  videan- 
tur  neque  tamen  adhuc  corrupti  aut  putrefacti  sint,  sine  mora 
baptizentur  conditionate :  Si  vivis,  ego  te  baptizo,  etc."  These 
quotations  give  the  common  opinion  of  moralists  at  present,  and 
this  opinion  is  fully  safe  Eschbach,  however,  would  have 
the  fetus  "plane  formatus,"  which  is  erroneous  and  an  echo 
of  the  old  Aristotelian  notion.  If  the  fetus  is  visible  at  all, 

1  New  York,  1906,  p.  164. 

'Proceedings  of  the  American  Therapeutic  Society,  1912. 
'La  Muerte  Real  y  Apparente,  4th  ed.,  p.  21.    Madrid,  1911. 
•  Quaestiones  Physiologicae-Theologicae,  disp.  3,  p.  2,  c.  3,  a.  3. 


open  the  membranes  and  baptize  it  conditionally,  even  if  it  is 
not  as  big  as  a  pea. 

An  infant  born  apparently  dead  may  be  resuscitated  after 
a  delay  very  much  longer  than  would  be  possible  in  an  older 
person,  provided  always  the  infant  has  not  begun  to  breathe. 

Ferreres  mistakes  cases  of  catalepsy  which  have  recovered 
consciousness  for  cases  of  apparent  somatic  death.  In  these 
cataleptic  conditions  the  blood  circulation  does  not  completely 
cease — if  it  did  the  nervous  centres  would  be  disintegrated. 
The  case  he  reports  on  p.  2G,6  of  the  woman  resuscitated  by 
Rigaudeaux  in  1748,  was  one  of  catalepsy,  if  it  ever  happened. 
The  same  is  true  of  the  case  from  Gaspar  de  los  Reyes,7  which 
probably  had  some  foundation  in  a  condition  of  catalepsy,  but 
which  more  probably  is  a  sheer  invention  by  Reyes.  It  looks 
like  an  anecdote  from  a  medieval  Florentine  novella. 

Old  writers  speak  of  cessation  of  the  pulse  for  long  periods. 
Ballonius  8  mentions  a  person  in  whom  there  was  no  pulse  for 
fourteen  days  before  death ;  Ramazzini  9  describes  a  cessation 
of  the  pulse  for  four  days  before  dissolution ;  Schenck  10  tells 
of  a  disappearance  of  the  pulse  for  three  days,  with  recovery. 
These  all  were  apparently  cataleptic  cases,  where  the  circula 
tion  was  very  feeble  and  the  radial  pulse  was  not  palpable. 
Cheyne  gives  an  account  of  a  Colonel  Townsend  who  had  the 
power  of  apparently  dying  at  will.  He  could  so  suspend  the 
heart  action  that  no  pulse  could  be  felt,  and  after  a  short  while 
the  circulation  would  become  normal  again.  The  longest  period 
in  which  he  remained  in  this  condition  was  about  thirty  min 
utes.  St.  Augustine  mentions  a  priest  named  Rutilutus  who 
had  a  power  like  that  of  Colonel  Townsend,  and  Caille  n  re 
ported  a  similar  case. 

The  fakirs  of  India  carry  this  power  to  great  lengths. 
Braid,12  on  the  authority  of  a  Sir  Claude  Wade,  says  a  fakir 
was  buried  unconscious  at  Lahore  in  1837,  and  the  grave  was 

*  P.  30  in  the  English  translation. 
TP.  35;  p.  39,  English  translation. 

*  Opera  Medico,  Omnia.    Geneva,  1762. 
8  Epistolae,  1692. 

10  Observationum  Medicarum,  etc.     Frankfort,  1600. 
u  New  Orleans  Medical  and  Surgical  Journal,  xvi. 
"  Treatise  on  Human  Hibernation,  1850. 


guarded  day  and  night  by  sentinels  from  an  English  regiment. 
Six  weeks  after  the  burial  the  man  was  dug  up  and  he  pre 
sented  all  the  appearance  of  a  corpse.  The  legs  and  arms  were 
shrunken  and  stiff,  and  the  head  reclined  on  the  shoulder,  as 
happens  in  corpses.  There  was  no  perceptible  circulation  any 
where,  yet  he  revived. 

Honigberger,  a  German  physician  in  the  service  of  Run- 
jeet  Singh,  described  13  a  fakir  of  the  Punjaub  who  was  put 
into  a  sealed  vault  for  forty  days,  and  the  seal  of  Runjeet 
Singh  was  on  the  coffin.  Grain  was  sown  above  the  vault  and 
it  was  well  above  the  ground  when  the  man  was  taken  out  of 
the  vault  and  resuscitated.  Sir  Henry  Lawrence  testified  to 
the  truth  of  this  story.  The  fakir's  chin  was  shaved,  Honig 
berger  says,  before  the  burial,  and  the  beard  did  not  grow 
while  he  was  in  the  vault. 

In  keeping  with  these  stories  are  many  curious  accounts 
of  recovery  after  hanging.  These  are  frequent  in  writings  of 
the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries,  when  hanging  was 
almost  an  every-day  occurrence.  These  narratives  are  much 
more  authentic  than  the  anecdotes  told  of  recovery  after  pre 
mature  burial,  which  are  as  old  as  literature.  Paul  Zacchias14 
tells  of  a  young  man  who  died  of  the  plague  and  was  set  out 
with  the  corpses  for  burial.  He  revived  and  was  taken  back 
to  the  pest-house.  He  "died"  again  and  was  again  prepared 
for  the  grave,  but  he  came  to  a  second  time.  The  stock  story 
in  these  premature  burial  cases  is  that  of  the  woman  who  is 
revived  by  a  thief  who  cuts  her  finger  in  an  effort  to  steal  the 
rings  buried  with  her. 

The  important  fact,  however,  is  that  in  any  case  of  death 
the  exact  moment  in  which  the  soul  leaves  the  body  is  not  know- 
able  by  any  means  we  have  at  present,  and  where  there  is 
question  of  giving  the  sacraments  the  person  apparently  dead 
should  have  the  benefit  of  the  doubt.  He  is  to  receive  condi 
tional  baptism,  absolution,  or  extreme  unction  (preferably  by 
the  short  method),  in  case  these  sacraments  are  required.  For 
a  whole  hour  after  apparent  death  the  probability  that  the 

a  Medical  Times  and  Gazette,  vol.  i.     London,  1870. 
"  Quaestiones  Medico-Legales,  1701. 


soul  has  not  departed  is  so  strong  that,  in  my  opinion,  a  priest 
who  does  not  give  the  necessary  sacraments  is  virtually  as 
guilty  as  if  he  neglected  to  administer  them  to  a  person  evi 
dently  alive.  Crile,  one  of  the  best  medical  authorities  on 
this  matter  of  somatic  death,  holds  that  the  human  respiratory 
system  may  survive  anemia  for  from  thirty  to  fifty  minutes. 
How  long  after  the  hour  a  priest  may  administer  the  sacra 
ments  is  not  known,  but  a  second  hour,  or  even  a  third,  are  not 
unreasonable  periods  of  time  during  which  the  sacraments  may 
be  administered  conditionally.  The  sacraments  are  for  man, 
and  there  is  no  irreverence  if  they  are  administered  condition 
ally  and  the  priest  explains  to  the  bystanders  the  reason  he  has 
for  his  action. 

If  a  pregnant  woman  dies  slowly,  the  fetus  in  her  womb 
is  likely  to  die  owing  to  lack  of  oxygen;  if  she  dies  suddenly, 
the  child  may  live  for  variable  periods  in  various  cases. 
Brotherton  reported  a  case  where  a  living  child  was  taken  from 
a  woman  twenty-three  minutes  after  the  death  of  the  mother. 
Tarnier,  the  noted  French  obstetrician,  told  of  a  remarkable 
incident  which  happened  in  Paris  during  the  rioting  by  the 
Commune  after  the  war  of  1870.  The  rioters  fired  on  a  ma 
ternity  hospital,  and  a  pregnant  woman  sitting  on  a  bed  in  a 
ward  was  instantly  killed  by  a  bullet  through  her  head.  After 
a  while  she  was  discovered  dead,  and  Tarnier  was  sent  for  to 
save  the  fetus,  as  its  heart-sounds  could  be  heard  through  the 
abdominal  wall.  When  he  began  the  operation  the  hospital 
was  fired  upon  again,  and  it  was  necessary  to  carry  the  corpse 
to  the  cellar  of  the  building.  There  Tarnier,  an  hour  and 
three  quarters  at  least  after  the  death  of  the  women,  extracted 
a  living  child  from  the  corpse.  Hirst15  tells  of  another  case 
which  was  narrated  to  him  by  an  American  naval  surgeon  who 
saw  it  in  the  harbor  of  Rio  Janeiro  during  the  revolution  at 
the  beginning  of  the  present  republic  of  Brazil.  A  woman 
near  term  was  killed  instantly  by  a  piece  of  shell.  As  soon 
as  she  fell  to  the  ground  a  Brazilian  surgeon,  who  was  standing 
near  by,  cut  open  her  abdomen  with  a  penknife  and  drew  out 
the  child,  but  it  was  already  dead. 

"  A  Textbook  of  Obstetrics,  7th  ed.,  p.  643.    Philadelphia,  1912. 


Mack18  was  called  to  a  pregnant  woman,  and  he  found 
she  had  died  suddenly  about  five  minutes  before  he  arrived. 
He  at  once  opened  the  uterus  with  a  small  lancet  and  extracted 
a  child  which  was  beyond  the  livid  stage  and  had  no  heart- 
sound.  He  worked  on  the  child  for  forty  minutes,  using  the 
ordinary  methods  for  reviving  asphyxiated  children,  but  got  no 
sign  of  life.  Then  he  injected  a  hypodermic  syringeful  of  a 
1 :1000  epinephrin  solution  through  the  umbilical  cord  into  the 
abdomen  and  continued  the  reviving  motions.  In  ten  min 
utes  the  child  was  crying  vigorously,  and  it  was  a  healthy 
baby  afterward. 

Gunn  and  Martin,17  in  experiments  on  rabbits  poisoned 
by  chloroform  and  apparently  dead,  found  they  could  resusci 
tate  about  70  per  cent  of  the  animals  if  treatment  was  begun 
within  ten  minutes  after  the  heart  ceased  beating.  They 
started  artificial  respiration  through  a  tube  in  the  trachea, 
then  injected  epinephrin  into  the  pericardium,  and  afterward 
massaged  the  heart  through  an  opening  in  the  abdomen.  The 
rate  of  compression  of  the  heart  in  this  massage  must  be  some 
what  less  than  half  that  of  the  normal  beat,  and  at  short  in 
tervals  the  massage  is  to  be  stopped  to  allow  the  spontaneous 
beats  to  develop.  Compression  should  be  gradual  and  the 
relaxation  abrupt.  The  massage  is  applied  by  one  of  these 
four  methods,  and  they  are  arranged  here  in  the  order  of  their 
efficiency:  (1)  by  direct  compression  of  the  heart  through  an 
opening  in  the  thorax;  (2)  by  compression  above  the  dia 
phragm  through  an  opening  in  the  belly-wall;  (3)  by  simple 
compression  of  the  abdomen;  (4)  by  simple  compression  of  the 
thorax.  Epinephrin,  or  pituitary  extract,  is  used  as  an  ad 
juvant  intravenously  to  increase  the  cardiac  movement  after  it 
has  been  started.  The  same  methods  will  probably  be  effective 
in  man,  and  have  been  used  successfully. 

When  a  woman  is  in  articulo  mortis  with  a  living  fetus  in 
her  womb,  one  should  not  wait  for  her  death.  If  one  waits,  he 

"Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association,  August  28,  1915. 
"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics.    Bal 
timore,  July,  1915. 


will  nearly  always  lose  the  child.  The  cervix  should  be  dilated 
forcibly,  the  child  turned  and  delivered.  Even  if  this  forcible 
delivery  should  happen  to  hasten  somewhat  the  mother's  death, 
the  action  would  be  morally  licit.  jit  would  be  a  double-effect 
action;  the  two  effects  would  proceed  immediately  and  equally 
from  the  act,  which  is  indifferent  morally;  one  effect,  the 
good  one,  is  to  save  the  child  for  baptism  at  least,  and  pos 
sibly  permanently;  the  second,  evil  but  reluctantly  permitted, 
is  the  possible  hastening  of  the  maternal  death.  I  should  be 
willing  even  to  slit  the  cervix,  if  necessary,  provided  the  diag 
nosis  were  certain,  with  the  possibility  of  tearing  the  uterus, 
in  a  case  where  the  dilatation  of  the  cervix  would  be  too  slow 
a  method;  but  this  supposition  is  scarcely  practical. 

Zsako  * 8  gives  a  method  for  determining  the  interval  since 
death  by  muscular  phenomena.  Tapping  with  a  percussion 
hammer  on  certain  muscles  of  the  body  excites  a  reflex  contrac 
tion  up  to  from  an  hour  and  a  half  to  two  hours  after  death. 
The  contraction  may  be  elicited  in  the  same  manner  on  the 
living,  but  it  is  more  evident  on  a  cadaver  owing  to  the  ab 
sence  of  antagonistic  'tonus  in  the  muscles.  Some  muscles 
may  move  for  four  hours  after  death.  Tapping  along  the 
radius  from  the  elbow  downward,  he  says,  a  point  is  found 
where  the  stroke  causes  extension  of  the  hand;  tapping  along 
the  radius  above  the  wrist  makes  the  thumb  bend;  tapping  on 
the  spaces  between  the  bones  of  the  hand  closes  up  the  corre 
sponding  fingers;  tapping  on  the  back  of  the  foot  extends  the 
toes,  on  the  leg  adducts  the  foot,  on  the  tibia  along  the  middle 
third  extends  the  leg.  "When  the  lower  third  of  the  thigh  is 
tapped  across  the  muscles  move,  and  if  the  back  is  struck  be 
tween  the  scapula  and  the  spine  the  shoulder  blades  move  to 
ward  each  other.  If  there  is  no  response  the  person  must  be 
dead  from  two  to  four  hours.  I  have  had  no  experience  with 
this  method. 

Satre  19  reported  that  many  soldiers  brought  into  the  dress 
ing-stations  apparently  dead  from  shock,  head  or  spinal 
wounds,  or  gas  asphyxiation,  were  revived  after  artificial  res- 

"Miinchener  medizinische  Wochcnschrift,  January  18,  1916. 
"  Presse  Medicale,  Paris,  xxiv,  66. 


piration  had  been  applied,  sometimes  for  even  six  hours  before 
results  were  obtained.  Two  tests  were  used  to  find  out  whether 
the  patient  was  alive  or  not.  In  such  cases  ten  c.c.  of  a  20  per 
cent,  alkaline  solution  of  fluorescine  is  injected  subcutaneously, 
and  if  there  is  any  circulation  this  dye  will  be  carried  to  the 
eye  and  turn  the  conjunctiva  green.  The  second  test  is  to  push 
a  fine  puncture-needle  into  the  spleen  or  liver  and  thus  re 
move  a  particle  of  the  pulp.  This  pulp  is  put  on  blue  litmus- 
paper  and  drawn  free  from  blood.  If  the  litmus-paper  turns 
red  the  man  is  dead;  if  it  remains  blue  he  is  alive.  The  re 
action  of  the  living  pulp  is  alkaline,  blue;  this  becomes  acid, 
red,  a  half -hour  after  death;  an  hour  after  death  the  acid 
reaction  is  quite  marked. 


A3ORTIOX,  as  the  term  is  used  by  physicians,  in  its 
widest  sense  is  the  ejection  or  extraction  of  a  fetus  from 
the  womb  at  any  time  before  term.  The  word  is  popularly 
contrasted  with  miscarriage,  where  the  fetus  is  ejected  through 
disease  or  accident;  abortion  in  the  lay  sense  supposes  arti 
ficial,  and  commonly  criminal,  extraction  of  the  fetus.  Abor 
tion  (from  dboriri,  to  perish)  etymologically  has  an  associa 
tion  with  destruction  of  life,  but  the  name  is  given  by  physi 
cians  to  a  removal  of  any  premature  fetus,  even  if  it  is  viable. 
Strictly,  however,  abortion  is  an  interruption  of  pregnancy 
before  the  fetus  is  viable,  and  premature  labor  is  such  an  in 
terruption  after  the  fetus  is  viable.  Throughout  this  chapter 
the  words  are  used  in  this  sense. 

Abortion  as  a  medical  and  moral  consideration  may  be  con 
sidered  from  several  points  of  view. 

First,  involuntary  pathologic  and  accidental  interruptions 
of  pregnancy  are  to  be  averted,  if  it  is  possible  to  do  so,  to 
save  the  life  of  the  child;  and  when  the  abortion  is  inevitable 
the  treatment  has  moral  qualities  which  involve  the  physician 
and  the  mother. 

Secondly,  voluntary  and  therapeutic  abortion  has  peculiar 
moral  and  medical  qualities  arising  (a)  from  the  period  of 
gestation  or  the  viability  of  the  child;  (&)  from  the  truth  or 
error  in  the  diagnosis  as  regards  the  necessity  for  interference, 
and  the  advantage  or  damage  resulting  from  the  interference. 

Thirdly,  the  technical  skill  or  ignorance  of  the  physician, 
and  the  methods  he  employs  may  in  themselves  in  any  case 
avert  or  cause  the  death  of  the  mother  or  grave  injury  to  her, 
and  in  the  forced  delivery  of  premature  infants  may  save,  kill, 
or  maim  the  child. 



Fourthly,  voluntary  criminal  abortion  has  a  special  malice 
of  its  own,  which  makes  it  somewhat  more  criminal  than  the 
therapeutic  removal  of  an  inviable  infant. 

Fifthly,  there  are  positive  canonical  and  civil  penalties 
against  abortion  as  it  affects  the  inviable  infant. 

Pathologic  abortions,  and  those  arising  from  accident  or 
carelessness,  are  extremely  common.  Hegar  estimated  that 
there  is  one  of  these  abortions  to  every  eight  normal  parturi 
tions,  and  specialists  in  obstetrics  find  as  many  as  one  abortion 
to  four  deliveries  at  term.  These  abortions  are  most  frequent 
from  the  eighth  to  the  twelfth  week  of  gestation,  because  the 
ovum  is  then  not  firmly  attached  to  the  uterus,  and  it  readily 
succumbs  to  external  influence.  Moreover,  the  woman  is  not 
certain  she  is  pregnant  and  neglects  precautions.  Many  wom 
en,  again,  are  under  the  error  that  there  is  no  moral  evil  in 
getting  rid  of  the  ovum  before  quickening,  and  they  think 
quickening  occurs  only  when  they  feel  the  fetal  movements. 
Others,  erroneously  again,  fancy  that  abortion  in  the  early 
months  is  not  dangerous  or  injurious  to  themselves. 

The  causes  of  pathologic  and  accidental  abortion  are  very 
numerous  and  often  interactive.  They  may  arise  from  the 
fetus,  the  mother,  the  father,  or  from  violence.  The  death  of 
the  fetus,  or  diseases  of  the  fetus  itself  or  of  its  appendages, 
cause  abortion.  Weakness  of  the  fetus  from  alcoholism  in 
the  parents,  anemia,  carbon  monoxide  and  lead  poisoning,  to 
bacco  poisoning  in  women  who  are  cigar-makers,  and  similar 
conditions  in  one  or  both  parents,  will  bring  on  abortion. 
Monsters  rarely  go  on  to  term.  Acute  or  chronic  affections 
in  the  mother,  as  typhoid,  malaria,  smallpox,  cholera,  scar 
latina,  measles,  tuberculosis,  and  the  like,  and  syphilis  in  the 
mother  or  father,  effect  abortion.  Other  abnormal  states  that 
bring  on  abortion  are  low  blood-pressure  in  maternal  anemia, 
shock,  syncope;  hemorrhages  into  the  placenta  in  maternal 
nephritis;  hemorrhages  between  the  placenta  and  uterus  from 
diseases  of  the  placenta  and  decidua,  or  from  traumatism, 
which  detach  the  placenta;  sun  or  heat  stroke;  sudden  high 
temperature  in  fever;  toxemias,  as  in  some  forms  of  hyper- 


emesis  gravidarum,  eclampsia,  chorea,  hepatic  autolysis,  and 
impetigo  herpetiformis. 

Chronic  endometritis,  or  inflammation  of  the  lining  mem 
brane  of  the  uterine  cavity,  is  the  commonest  maternal  cause 
of  abortion,  especially  of  habitual  abortion.  In  this  condi 
tion  hemorrhages  in  the  decidua,  or  uterine  fold  that  holds  the 
fetus,  kill  the  fetus,  or  force  the  ovum  off  the  uterine  wall, 
or  excite  expulsive  uterine  contractions.  Without  hemorrhage 
endometritis  prevents  a  firm  fixation  of  the  ovum,  or  it  may 
bring  about  a  malposition  of  the  placenta,  called  placenta  prae- 
via.  Endometritis  at  the  decidua  may  cause  hydrorrhoea 
gravidarum,  and  the  accumulated  serous  secretions  from  this 
source  are  likely  to  start  uterine  contraction.  Chronic  me- 
tritis,  or  inflammation  of  the  deeper  tissues  of  the  uterus,  is 
commonly  found  with  endometritis,  and  it  prevents  the  ex 
pansion  of  the  uterine  muscle.  This  condition  is  more  likely 
to  cause  abortion  than  endometritis  alone. 

Acute  gonorrhea,  inflammations  of  the  Fallopian  tubes,  and 
appendicitis  sometimes  interrupt  pregnancy.  Other  causes  are 
malformations  and  diseases  of  the  uterus,  infantilism,  fibroids, 
polyps,  uterine  horns,  lacerations  and  amputation  of  the  cer 
vix,  and  retroversions  and  retroflexions  of  the  uterus.  At 
times  a  replacement  of  the  uterus  will  avert  an  abortion. 

When  the  mother  has  an  infectious  disease  like  typhoid, 
smallpox,  cholera,  or  typhus,  the  infection  may  reach  the  fetus 
and  kill  it,  or  may  cause  an  endometritis  with  a  hemorrhagic 
tendency.  Maternal  sepsis  may  kill  the  fetus  directly  or  sec 
ondarily,  and  this  is  true  also  of  maternal  syphilis.  A  sudden 
rise  in  temperature  may  excite  expulsive  uterine  contraction. 
In  pneumonia  the  excess  of  carbon  dioxide  in  the  blood  may 
bring  on  abortion.  Like  pneumonia,  anesthesia  may  kill  the 
fetus  if  kept  up  for  a  long  time,  or  if  marked  by  cyanosis. 
Prolonged  nitrous-oxide  anesthesia  is  especially  dangerous  to 
a  fetus,  but  a  brief  nitrous-oxide  anesthesia  for  the  extraction 
of  a  tooth  may  not  bring  on  abortion.  The  worst  tooth  stump 
can  be  extracted  painlessly  after  local  injection  of  novocain, 
with  no  danger  to  the  fetus.  The  gums  remain  somewhat 
sore  for  a  day  or  two  after  novocain  infiltration,  but  this  in- 


convenience  is  a  much  less  evil  than  total  anesthesia,  even  when 
there  is  no  pregnancy.  It  is  probable  that  total  anesthesia  is 
morally  unjustifiable  for  the  extraction  of  a  single  tooth  if  the 
tooth  is  not  wedged  in. 

Violence,  accidental  or  intentional,  is  a  frequent  primary 
or  secondary  cause  of  abortion.  Sometimes  a  slight  jar,  a 
misstep  on  a  stairway,  a  nervous  shock,  a  jump  from  a  carriage- 
step,  lifting  weights,  running  sewing-machines,  sea-bathing,  a 
rough  automobile  ride,  will  bring  on  an  abortion  where  there 
is  a  predisposition.  Often  in  healthy  women,  on  the  other 
hand,  extreme  violence  does  not  interrupt  pregnancy.  Sur 
gical  operations  are  classed  here  with  violence.  In  a  neurotic 
woman  a  slight  operation  on  an  organ  not  directly  connected 
with  the  uterus  will  start  expulsive  contractions.  Again,  66 
per  cent,  of  operations  on  ovarian  tumors  during  pregnancy 
have  left  the  uterus  undisturbed.  De  Lee  says  he  has  removed 
fibroids  from  the  pregnant  uterus,  once  even  exposing  the 
chorion,  and  has  amputated  the  cervix  of  a  gravid  uterus,  with 
out  interrupting  pregnancy.  Several  cases  have  occurred 
where  both  ovaries  have  been  removed  during  pregnancy  with 
out  abortion.  The  breast  has  been  amputated  and  a  kidney 
removed  from  a  pregnant  woman  *  without  disturbing  the  preg 
nancy.  Wiener  2  did  eleven  operations  for  ovarian  tumors  dur 
ing  pregnancy  with  only  two  abortions.  Von  Hoist 3  removed 
a  myoma  weighing  two  and  a  half  pounds  from  the  uterus  at 
the  seventh  month  of  gestation  without  abortion.  Davis  of 
Birmingham,  Alabama,  reported  4  that  a  woman  three  and  a 
half  months  pregnant  was  shot  in  the  abdomen.  The  rifle 
bullet  made  twenty-five  perforations  in  her  intestines.  She 
was  taken  eighty-five  miles,  and  then  Davis  cut  out  five  feet 
of  the  intestine.  She  recovered  and  gave  birth  to  a  living 
child  at  term. 

Double  ovariotomy  brings  on  abortion  in  the  early  months 
of  pregnancy  oftener  than  in  the  later,  probably  from  the  loss 
of  the  corpus  luteum,  which,  it  appears,  is  necessary  for  the 

1Cronk,  Oklahoma  State  Med.  Assoc.  Jour.,  July,  1816. 
1  Amer.  Jour.  Obstet.,  August,  1915. 

3  Upsala  Ldkareforenings  Forhandlingar,  xxi,  8. 

4  Journal  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  October  28,  1916. 


growth  of  the  uterus.  Appendicitis  and  appendectomy  are 
especially  likely  to  interrupt  gestation,  apparently  as  a 
result  of  infection  and  because  pregnant  women  are  prone 
to  defer  operation.  The  traumatism  of  criminal  abortion, 
punctures  and  lacerations  from  bougies  and  curettes,  and  the 
exhibition  of  drugs  like  ergot  and  cantharides,  are  sources  and 
results  of  abortion.  Drugs  will  not  empty  the  uterus  unless 
they  are  given  in  poisonous  doses  which  endanger  the  woman's 

In  the  father,  syphilis,  tuberculosis,  general  paresis,  gen 
eral  debility  from  alcoholism,  unchastity,  and  senility,  and 
septic  conditions  of  the  generative  tract,  may  cause  abortion. 
Many  men  who  work  with  lead,  phosphorus,  mercury,  or  X-rays 
are  sterile,  and  before  they  become  totally  sterile  their  con 
dition  appears  to  cause  debility  in  the  fetus  which  leads  to 
abortion.  In  paternal  lead  poisoning  there  is  a  reduction  of 
about  20  per  cent,  in  the  weight  of  the  infants  at  birth,  and 
a  general  weakness  and  retardation  of  the  child.  The  children 
of  lead-poisoned  fathers  are  frequently  permanently  under 

Coition  during  gestation  is  a  cause  of  abortion,  and  the 
fault  here,  as  a  rule,  lies  with  the  husband.  St.  Thomas 5 
said:  "St.  Jerome  protests  against  the  sexual  approach  of  the 
husband  to  his  gravid  wife,  not  that  in  this  condition  such  an 
act  is  always  a  mortal  sin,  unless  there  is  probable  danger  of 
abortion."  St.  Alphonsus 6  says  if  there  is  danger  of  abor 
tion  the  use  of  the  debitum  is  a  grave  sin.  In  n.  924  he  again 
teaches  that  while  it  is  true  that  if  by  the  use  of  the  debitum 
the  life  or  formation  of  the  fetus  is  endangered  or  checked  the 
right  to  the  use  of  the  debitum  is,  in  such  circumstances,  lost, 
yet  he  thinks  that  in  pregnancy  there  is  little  danger  of  abor 
tion  from  this  cause,  especially  near  term. 

Sabetti-Barrett 7  says  the  wife  is  excused  from  the  debitum 
conjugale  if  the  husband  is  drunk,  or  if  there  is  a  rational 
dread  of  grave  injury,  or  grave  danger  to  health.  Genicot8 

'In.  4,  dist.  81. 

*  Theologia  Moralis,  n.  943. 
f  Theologia  Moralis,  n.  936. 

*  Theologiae  Moralis  Institutiones,  vol.  ii,  n.  544. 


thinks  that  in  pregnancy  it  "can  scarcely  be  shown  that  there 
is  a  notable  danger  of  abortion."  Lehmkuhl  9  holds  that  a 
married  person  is  not  obliged  to  grant  the  debitum  if  there  is 
great  danger  of  abortion;  but,  he  adds,  "Even  then,  if  there 
is  a  grave  danger  of  incontinence  I  do  not  think  it  certain  that 
there  is  an  absolute  obligation  to  abstain." 

Unlike  Lehmkuhl,  moralists  agree  that  if  there  is  real  dan 
ger  of  abortion  from  marital  congress,  such  an  act  is  illicit, 
but  they  are  inclined  to  think  that  there  is  little  or  no  danger 
of  abortion,  especially  at  the  end  of  gestation.     Authorities 
on  obstetrics,  on  the  contrary,  say  that  one  of  the  causes  of  abor 
tion  in  the  early  months  of  pregnancy  is  marital  congress ;  and 
one  of  the  sources  of  sepsis  in  women,  which  may  result  in  the 
death  of  both  mother  and  child,  is  certainly  congress  at  the 
end  of  gestation.     This  causation  of  abortion  is  found  espe 
cially  in  neurotic  irritable  women,  in  such  as  have  diseases  of 
the  generative  tract,  or  a  tendency  to  habitual  abortion.  When 
ever  a  woman  shows  any  tendency  to  bleeding  during  gestation 
the  use  of  the  debitum  is  undoubtedly  contraindicated,  because 
of  the  proximate  danger  of  both  abortion  and  septic  infection. 
Toward  the  end  of  pregnancy  the  danger  from  sexual  com 
merce  is  the  risk  of  infecting  the  woman's  vagina  with  bac 
teria  which  may  bring  on  sepsis  through  the  abrasions  incident 
to  parturition.     The  staphylococcus  pyogenes  albus,  a  danger 
ous  septic  microorganism,  exists  as  a  saprophyte  in  50  per 
cent,  of  male  urethras,  and  the  bacillus  coli  communis  is  an 
other  source  of  infection  from  the  father  during  pregnancy. 
De  Lee  saw  two  cases  of  sepsis  that  killed  both  mother  and 
child  from  such  an  infection  shortly  before  term.     If  a  phy 
sician  now  examines  a  woman  before  delivery  without  using  all 
the  precautions  known  to  prevent  sepsis,  such  as  wearing  a 
sterile  rubber  glove,  he  is  guilty  of  malpractice;  yet  certain 
moralists  are  inclined  to  let  a  husband  do  what  he  likes.     Mor 
alists  talk   about  the  fetus  as   protected  in  the  membranes. 
That  is  nonsense,  because  it  has  no  relevancy  to  the  question. 
It  can  have  the  slight  relevancy  of  untruth  when  the  woman 

*  Compendium  Theologiae  Moralis,  n.  1114. 


is  rendered  septic,  because  then  the  membranes  are  no  protec 
tion  at  all. 

The  mortality  statistics  of  the  United  States  Census  Bu 
reau  show  that  a  little  more  than  42  per  cent,  of  the  infants 
who  died  in  the  registration  area  in  1911  did  not  last  through 
out  the  first  month  of  extrauterine  life,  and  of  these  babies 
almost  seven-tenths  died  of  prenatal  and  delivery  abnormali 
ties.  In  1912,  in  the  registration  area,  which  then  took  in 
63.2  per  cent,  of  our  population,  the  total  death-rate  of  infants 
under  a  year  old  was  9035,  and  of  these  3905  died  of  puer 
peral  infection.  In  the  entire  country  a  very  conservative 
estimate  of  the  annual  number  of  deaths  of  infants  from  puer 
peral  sepsis  is  5000;  and  about  15,000  women  die  here  yearly 
from  this  etiology  alone.  Of  course  most  of  these  deaths  are 
caused  by  unclean  niidwives  and  quacks,  but  a  large  number  of 
them  are  brought  about  by  incontinent  husbands.  Invalidism 
from  puerperal  sepsis  happens  many  times  15,000.  Moreover, 
one-third  of  all  the  blindness  in  the  world  is  caused  by  septic 
infection  of  the  eyes  at  birth  and  virtually  all  this  septic  infec 
tion  of  the  eyes  is  carried  in  by  diseased  husbands,  although  not 
necessarily  by  coitus  during  gestation. 

Coition  during  pregnancy  is  unnatural  because  it  neces 
sarily  fails  of  the  end  of  coition,  which  is  procreation.  Cu 
riously,  too,  all  the  lower  animals  instinctively  appear  to  avoid 
this  act  during  pregnancy.  Men  should  be  told  that  marriage 
has  restraints  as  well  as  celibacy.  Women  are  reminded  of 
the  law  of  the  debitum,  but  not  of  the  occasions  when  they  are 
even  obliged  to  deny  it.  If  a  man  cannot  keep  continent  in 
the  presence  of  his  pregnant  wife,  let  him  live  in  another  part 
of  the  house.  Regard  for  the  woman  is  lacking  in  many  ways. 
Young  girls  often  marry  without  having  the  faintest  notion  of 
sexual  life,  and  they  are  panic-stricken  when  assaulted.  I 
have  known  two  who  were  frightened  into  insanity.  Priests 
should  tell  young  married  men  that  they  are  human  beings, 
not  animals;  that  they  should  act  like  rational  beings  when 
they  are  first  married;  and  that  after  the  wife  has  become 
pregnant  the  husband  should  not  be  the  cause  of  abortion  in 
the  first  three  months,  nor  of  puerperal  sepsis  in  the  last  three 


months.  Priestley, 10  in  2325  pregnancies,  found  one  abortion 
in  every  four  pregnancies ;  Guillemot  and  Devilliers  in  France, 
Hirst  in  Philadelphia,  and  others  report  the  same  propor 
tion.  These  are  natural,  not  criminal,  abortions.  If,  then,  in 
normal  pregnancies  about  one  child  in  five  is  lost  before  birth, 
husbands  should  be  taught  a  continence  which  would  to  some 
degree  avert  this  calamity.  Superfetation  has  occurred  by 
coition  during  pregnancy,  and  this  results  commonly  in  abor 
tion  and  the  death  of  both  fetuses. 

Premature  labor  in  cases  where  the  child  is  viable  is  pro 
duced  by  the  same  agencies  that  interrupt  gestation  in  the  early 
months.  Obstetricians  think  that  syphilis  is  the  commonest 
cause  of  premature  labor,  and  they  estimate  that  from  50  to 
80  per  cent,  of  these  premature  births  are  due  to  syphilis.  In 
a  series  of  705  fetal  deaths  in  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital,  26.4 
per  cent,  were  due  to  syphilis.  After  syphilis  the  cause  of 
premature  labor  next  in  frequency  is  nephritis  with  placental 
hemorrhages  and  infarcts.  Twins  are  not  seldom  delivered 
prematurely  because  of  lack  of  room  in  the  uterus.  For  the 
same  reason  any  tumor  of  the  uterus  or  abdomen  may  cause 
an  abortion. 

When  successive  pregnancies  are  interrupted  prematurely 
the  abortion  is  said  to  be  habitual,  and  again  the  commonest 
cause  is  syphilis.  In  this  disease,  as  the  virulence  of  the  in 
fection  decreases,  the  gestation  is  prolonged  until  a  child  is  born 
infected  with  congenital  syphilis.  This  child  commonly  dies, 
and  later  a  child  strong  enough  to  live  appears.  Correct  treat 
ment  of  the  parents  will  avert  this  slaughter  of  the  innocents. 
Sometimes  the  syphilis  is  latent  so  far  as  clinical  symptoms 
are  concerned,  but  we  may  find  a  positive  Wassermann  reaction. 
Hubert  reported  n  that  8.8  per  cent,  of  8652  patients  in  a  clinic 
at  Munich  where  all  were  subjected  to  the  Wassermann  test 
had  latent  syphilis,  and  in  52  per  cent,  of  these  cases  in  men, 
and  75  per  cent,  in  women,  the  infection  was  altogether  un 
known  to  the  patients. 

Chronic  endometritis,  where  there  is  no  syphilis,  will  per- 

10  Pathology  of  Intrauterine  Death.    London,  1887. 
u  Munchener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  Ixii,  39. 


mit  habitual  abortion,  and  each  abortion  makes  the  condition 
worse.  Nephritis,  diabetes,  and  other  constitutional  diseases 
cause  habitual  abortion. 

In  the  first  two  months  of  gestation  the  decidual  fold  which 
holds  the  ovum  against  the  uterine  wall  is  thick,  vascular,  and 
friable.  The  contracting  uterus  in  abortion  expels  the  decidua 
with  considerable  difficulty,  but  the  ovum  containing  the  fetus 
may  slip  out  easily  and  be  lost.  A  fetus  two  months  old  is 
about  three-fourths  of  an  inch  in  length.  Jf  a  physician, 
nurse,  or  other  person  finds  the  ovum,  no  matter  how  small  it 
is,  they  should  open  it  at  once  with  a  scalpel  or  scissors  and 
baptize  the  fetus  conditionally,  even  if  no  sign  of  life  is  per 
ceptible.  If  the  fetus  is  unmistakably  dead — a  diagnosis  not 
easily  made — there  is  no  use  in  attempting  baptism;  but  al 
ways  give  the  fetus  the  benefit  of  the  doubt.  In  the  first  six 
or  eight  weeks  the  whole  ovum  is  usually  born  developed  in 
decidual  tissue;  sometimes  the  ovum  will  slip  out  of  the  de 
cidua  and  be  covered  only  with  shaggy  villi,  suggestive  of  a 
chestnut  burr. 

During  the  third  and  fourth  months  there  may  be  (1)  an 
abortion  of  the  whole  ovum;  or  (2)  the  membranes  may  rup 
ture,  the  fetus  be  expelled,  and  the  secundines  remain  in  the 
uterus,  and  these  may  have  to  be  removed  by  instrument  or 
finger;  or  (3)  the  decidua  reflexa  and  the  chorion  may  split 
and  let  out  the  fetus  into  the  amniotic  sac:  here  again  the  re 
maining  secundines,  if  they  do  not  come  away  spontaneously, 
must  be  removed.  Abortion  after  the  fifth  month  is  like  a 
regular  labor  at  term,  but  not  so  energetic. 

An  abortion  may  be  threatened,  inevitable,  or  incomplete. 
In  each  of  these  conditions  there  is  uterine  pain  and  hem 
orrhage.  In  inevitable  and  incomplete  abortions  we  find  soft 
ening  and  dilatation  of  the  cervix,  and  a  presentation  or  ex 
pulsion  of  part  or  all  of  the  ovum. 

In  pregnancy  uterine  hemorrhage  and  uterine  pain  are 
symptoms  of  a  threatened  abortion,  but  not  certain  symptoms. 
Fromme  found  that  17.9  per  cent,  of  157  women  who  had  these 
signs  in  the  early  months  went  on  to  term.  If  the  fact  of 
pregnancy  is  not  known  it  is  not  always  easy  to  differentiate 


a  threatened  abortion  from  other  uterine  conditions,  like  chronic 
metritis,  ectopic  gestation,  a  fibroid  or  other  tumor,  hemorrhage 
from  cervical  erosions  or  varices,  or  malposition  of  the  uterus. 
If  the  abortion  is  inevitable  the  diagnosis  is  made  more  read 
ily.  The  cervix  is  then  more  or  less  dilated  and  the  ovum  is 
palpable.  There  is  rather  profuse  hemorrhage,  flooding,  and 
painful  uterine  contractions  are  evident.  The  rupture  of  the 
bag  of  waters  may  be  simulated  by  the  escape  of  secretions  in 
hydrorrhoea  gravidarum,  or  the  escape  of  waters  may  be  a 
primary  symptom  of  graviditas  exochorialis.  Hydrorrhoea 
gravidarum  is  an  intermittent  discharge  of  clear  or  bloody 
fluid  from  a  catarrhal  endometritis  under  the  decidua.  It 
occurs  in  anemic,  weak  women,  especially  multiparae.  In 
graviditas  exochorialis  the  fetus  is  left  within  the  womb  but 
outside  the  ruptured  chorion,  and  it  may  remain  there  for  some 

When  an  abortion  is  incomplete  it  is  absolutely  necessary 
to  learn  whether  the  entire  ovum  and  decidual  tissue  have  been 
expelled  or  not.  When  a  part  or  all  of  the  dead  ovum  is  re 
tained  the  consequences  are  so  grave  that  they  may  result  in 
the  death  of  the  woman  or  cause  chronic  invalidism.  Sepsis 
may  result,  a  placental  polyp  may  form,  and  even  syncytioma 
malignum  may  start — this  fatal  tumor,  however,  is  not  so 
common  after  incomplete  abortion  as  after  hydatid  mole  for 

The  prognosis  as  regards  health  is  worse  after  abortion  than 
after  normal  pregnancy.  The  involution  of  the  uterus  is 
slower  than  in  full-term  cases,  and  if  infection  has  occurred 
there  is  great  likelihood  of  a  chronic  endometritis  and  me 
tritis.  The  woman  may  bo  rendered  sterile,  or  she  may  be 
come  a  chronic  invalid  to  be  cured  only  by  capital  operations. 

In  threatened  abortion  examination  is  to  be  avoided  unless 
it  is  absolutely  necessary  for  diagnosis,  and  then  great  gentle 
ness  is  required  so  as  not  to  excite  uterine  contractions.  The 
woman  is  to  rest  in  bed,  not  so  much  as  raising  her  head  to  take 
a  drink  of  water  (which  is  given  to  her  through  a  tube),  and 
she  is  morally  obliged  to  submit  to  this  inconvenience.  If  she 
refuses  she  is  accountable  for  the  death  of  the  fetus.  If  there 


is  bleeding  the  foot  of  the  bed  should  be  elevated  as  in  hem 
orrhage  in  typhoid  fever.  The  routine  practice  is  to  quiet 
the  woman  and  the  uterine  irritability  with  morphine  and  other 
opium  derivatives.  Children  are  readily  overwhelmed  by  opium 
because  their  circulation  is  not  sufficient  to  neutralize  the  de 
oxidizing  effects  of  the  drug  up  to  safety.  While  the  embryo 
is  connected  with  the  maternal  circulation  through  the  placenta 
the  mother's  circulation  often  safeguards  the  fetus  from  the 
effects  of  the  opium.  The  danger  to  the  child  in  such  cases 
begins  from  the  opium  remaining  in  its  circulation  after  the 
child  has  been  separated  from  the  mother.  Often,  however, 
fetuses  in  cases  where  scopolamine  and  morphine  have  been 
used  on  the  mother  during  labor  are  born  badly,  and  even 
fatally  narcotized,  despite  the  connection  with  the  maternal 
circulation.  Nevertheless,  even  if  there  is  some  real  danger 
to  the  fetus  from  the  use  of  morphine  in  a  threatened  abor 
tion,  the  cautious  use  of  this  drug  would  be  morally  justifiable. 
Should  the  threatened  abortion  go  on  to  actual  abortion,  the 
fetus  will  certainly  be  killed,  but  the  use  of  morphine  on  the 
woman  is  the  best  and  virtually  the  only  means  we  have  to  avert 
a  threatened  abortion  and  so  save  the  fetal  life.  The  imme 
diate  double  effect  from  the  morally  indifferent  act  of  giving 
a  dose  of  morphine  is,  on  the  good  side,  the  saving  of  the  fetal 
life,  and  on  the  other,  the  evil  side,  the  danger  of  fetal  nar 
cosis,  which  is  not  at  all  certain  to  follow.  Evidently,  the  good 
intended  effect  far  overbalances  the  evil  and  somewhat  hypo 
thetical  effect. 

After  about  five  days,  if  the  bleeding  ceases,  the  woman 
may  be  permitted  to  go  back  to  her  ordinary  routine  of  life, 
but  with  extreme  caution,  and  she  must  return  to  bed  at  the 
slightest  show  of  blood.  Morphine  is  used  at  the  beginning 
to  quiet  the  patient  and  the  irritable  uterus.  If  the  cervix 
is  eroded,  applications  of  a  10  per  cent,  nitrate  of  silver  solu 
tion  are  made.  The  bowels  are  kept  locked  for  three  days  and 
a  softening  enema  of  olive-oil  is  used  before  emptying  the 

If  the  bleeding  starts  again  every  time  the  woman  goes 
about  her  duties,  the  abortion  may  be  inevitable.  When  the 


cervix  is  shortened  and  dilated  so  that  the  ovum  is  palpable 
and  pieces  of  the  decidua  or  ovum  are  expelled,  the  hemorrhage 
is  more  or  less  profuse,  and  especially  if  the  bag  of  waters  has 
ruptured  and  uterine  contractions  show,  the  abortion  is  deemed 
inevitable.  In  such  a  case  the  fetus  may  be  alive,  or  it  may 
be  dead;  and,  again,  conditions  which  show  all  the  classic 
symptoms  of  inevitable  abortion  sometimes,  though  rarely,  do 
not  go  on  to  abortion.  It  is  extremely  difficult,  and  often  im 
possible,  to  tell  whether  an  early  fetus  is  dead  or  alive.  A  high, 
lasting  fever  sometimes  kills  the  child;  so  do  low  blood-pres 
sure,  profuse  hemorrhages,  deoxidation  of  the  blood  in  pneu 
monia,  separation  of  the  placenta,  fatty  degeneration  of  the 
placenta,  and  the  severe  infections — in  such  cases  there  is  al 
ways  strong  probability  that  the  child  is  dead  when  the  abor 
tion  shows  its  symptoms.  If  the  fetal  tissues  that  appear  in 
dicate  maceration,  or  if  the  discharge  is  fetid  or  purulent,  the 
fetus  is  dead.  Should  the  fetus  be  alive,  tamponing  the  va 
gina  to  check  the  hemorrhage  often  separates  the  fetus  from 
the  uterus  by  the  dissecting  force  of  the  blood  dammed  back, 
or  in  any  case  tamponing  is  almost  certain  to  excite  uterine 
contractions ;  thus  there  is  an  indirect  killing  of  the  fetus. 

The  treatment  of  inevitable  abortion  after  the  fifth  month 
differs  very  much  from  the  methods  used  in  the  early  months. 
The  prime  principle  is,  never  interfere  until  forced  to  do  so. 
When  the  hemorrhage  is  dangerously  profuse,  so  that  the 
woman's  life  is  endangered  (an  exceptional  condition),  the 
uterine  cervix  and  the  vagina  must  be  tamponed  with  sterile 
gauze  and  cotton  to  check  the  bleeding,  but  this  is  a  last  resort. 
If  the  fetus  is  alive,  or  probably  alive,  nothing  short  of  a  ne 
cessity  to  save  the  woman's  life  by  this  means  justifies  the 
use  of  the  tampon.  De  Lee  advises  the  routine  use  of  the 
tampon  in  threatened  abortion,  but  this  doctrine  is  erroneous 
medically  and  altogether  false  morally.  If  the  physician 
knows  the  fetus  is  dead,  he  should,  of  course,  tampon  at  once 
to  get  rid  of  the  fetus.  The  tampon  excites  uterine  contrac 
tions  and  causes  destruction  of  a  living  fetus  by  dissecting  it 
loose  from  the  uterine  wall  through  the  dammed  blood.  Ele- 

ration  of  the  foot  of  the  bed  and  the  use  of  morphine  will,  as 
a  rule,  check  the  bleeding. 

When  the  woman  is  bleeding  to  the  risk  of  her  life,  the 
tampon  is  put  in  to  check  the  bleeding  and  so  save  her  life. 
The  double  effect  immediately  following  this  indifferent  act  is 
on  one  side  good,  the  saving  of  her  life ;  on  the  other  side  evil, 
the  killing  of  the  fetus.  The  good  effect  is  intended,  the  evil 
effect  is  reluctantly  permitted.  Such  a  procedure  is  morally 

Where  a  tampon  must  be  put  in,  it  is  left  in  from  sixteen 
to  twenty-four  hours,  even  if  the  temperature  goes  up.  Dur 
ing  this  time  there  are  painful  contractions  of  the  uterus,  as 
a  rule,  and  these  are  expulsive.  Xo  drug  is  to  be  given  to  allay 
these  pains  if  the  intention  is  to  have  a  dead  or  viable  fetus 
expelled.  If  the  pains  cease  suddenly,  this  is  usually  a  sign 
that  the  fetus  has  been  expelled  above  the  tampon.  When 
the  tampon  is  removed  and  the  entire  ovum  is  found,  it  is  best 
for  the  ordinary  physician  not  to  meddle  with  the  uterus  in 
any  manner.  Some  advise  that  the  physician  should  go  over 
the  uterine  lining  with  a  half-sharp  curette  to  make  certain 
that  nothing  has  been  left  behind,  but  this  is  dangerous  advice 
to  any  one  who  is  not  an  expert  obstetrician.  Should  the  tem 
perature  remain  above  100  degrees,  the  uterus  must  be  cleaned 
out,  and  flushing  with  uterine  catheters  is  not  enough:  if  the 
gloved  finger  cannot  remove  the  secundines,  the  curette  is 

If,  when  the  tampon  has  been  removed,  no  ovum  is  found 
and  the  cervix  is  still  closed,  another  tampon  is  to  be  put  in 
for  another  twenty-four  hours,  supposing  the  removal  of  the 
ovum  is  licit.  Forcible  dilatation  of  the  cervix  is  always  a 
dangerous  operation,  and  should  never  be  employed  when 
avoidable.  Steel  dilators  have  ruptured  the  uterus  and  killed 
the  patients  again  and  again  even  when  used  by  experts.  Lam- 
inaria  tents  are  not  to  be  recommended;  the  tamponade  is 

When  the  retained  ovum  cannot  be  removed  by  the  finger 
or  squeezed  out,  the  free  portion  of  the  ovum  is  to  be  grasped 
by  an  ovum  forceps  and  gently  drawn  out.  The  operator 


should  bo  sure  he  has  a  part  of  the  ovum  in  the  forceps  and  not 
a  part  of  the  uterine  wall.  If  he  bites  into  the  uterine  wall 
(a  common  catastrophe),  he  may  pull  a  hole  in  that  wall,  and 
then  the  woman  will  probably  die  unless  the  rent  can  be  closed 
immediately  after  opening  the  belly.  "When  the  abdominal 
cavity  has  been  opened  in  such  an  event,  the  uterus  is  also  to 
be  opened,  cleansed,  and  sutured.  This  method  is  safer  than 
curetting  where  there  is  a  rent.  If  one  is  certain  the  gut  has 
not  been  injured — and  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  be  certain — 
vaginal  anterior  hysterotomy  may  be  substituted.  Sometimes 
perforations,  when  the  uterus  is  not  septic  and  the  instruments 
are  clean,  are  not  dangerous.  Rest  in  bed,  ice-bags,  ergot, 
and  opium  cure  without  operation. 

Physicians  who  are  called  into  an  abortion  case  should  al 
ways  be  certain  that  no  one  has  attempted  to  pass  sounds, 
curettes,  or  similar  instruments,  because  a  perforation  may  have 
been  made  by  the  meddler  which  will  be  charged  to  the  second 
man  himself. 

If  a  uterus  is  flexed  it  is  easy  to  poke  a  curette  or  like  in 
strument  through  it  at  the  bend,  especially  if  the  uterus  is 
thin  or  friable  from  sepsis.  Again,  the  placental  site  is  raised, 
it  feels  rough,  and  the  furrows  in  it  lead  one  to  think  part  of 
the  placenta  is  still  adherent,  whereas  all  has  been  removed. 
Repeated  scraping,  due  to  this  error,  may  dig  a  hole  through 
the  uterine  wall.  Perforation  in  a  septic  case  is  practically 
always  fatal  to  the  woman.  The  use  of  the  curette  supposes 
a  special  technic,  and  no  physician  should  presume  to  try  its 
use  unless  he  has  been  carefully  and  practically  instructed. 

In  inevitable  abortion  after  the  third  month  it  may  be  very 
difficult  to  get  the  embryo  out.  The  cervix,  in  primiparae  es 
pecially,  may  be  long,  thick,  and  hard.  If  the  fetus  is  dead, 
it  may  then  be  removed  by  morcellement — L  e.,  by  cutting  and 
breaking  it  into  pieces,  and  then  taking  out  these  pieces  with 
an  ovum  or  stone  forceps.  Sometimes,  though  rarely,  the  op 
erator  may  find  it  impossible  to  get  the  entire  fetus  away. 
Then  the  uterus  is  packed  with  weak  iodine  gauze,  and  after 
twenty-four  hours  the  fetal  remains  are  expelled. 

In  every  abortion  the  presence  or  absence  of  extrauterine 


pregnancy  is  to  be  made  out     If  there  is  an  extrauterine  preg 
nancy,  curettage  will  cause  rupture  of  the  sac. 

When  the  interior  of  the  aborting  uterus  has  become  septic 
the  old  treatment  was  to  empty  the  uterus  at  once,  but  now  the 
treatment  is  expectant,  because  the  traumatism  of  the  curetting 
makes  the  sepsis  worse.  The  commonest  and  worst  infections 
are  of  the  streptococcus  putridus,  a  pus  staphylococcus,  and  the 
bacterium  coli  communis.  Curettage  lets  these  microorganisms 
enter  the  circulation.  The  cause  of  this  condition  is  often  un 
skilful  attempts  at  artificial  abortion.  When  the  womb  con 
tains  decomposing  material  bleeding  usually  obliges  tampon 
ing,  and  thus  often  the  uterine  contents  come  away  in  twenty- 
four  hours  with  the  gauze.  If  there  is  no  hemorrhage  there 
should  be  no  tamponing:  it  is  then  better  to  get  dilatation  by 
packing  and  drain  the  uterus  with  gauze.  The  curette  should 
not  be  used  at  all. 

Where  there  is  habitual  abortion  the  cause  must  be  found. 
During  gestation  syphilis  and  displacements  of  the  uterus,  as 
causes,  may  be  treated.  Endometritis  can  be  cured  only  when 
the  uterus  is  empty.  Rest  in  bed  at  the  time  when  these  abor 
tions  usually  occur,  and  at  the  time  when  menstruation  cus 
tomarily  appears,  is  required.  Treatment  of  the  husband  is 
often  necessary,  as  he  is  virtually  always  the  source  of  luetic 

Attention  or  inattention  to  the  mother's  own  hygiene  dur 
ing  pregnancy  has  great  effect  on  the  fetus,  and  care  of  hy 
giene  may  avert  abortion.  The  woman's  dress  should  be  sim 
ple  and  warm  enough  to  prevent  congestion  from  changes  in 
temperature.  Congestions  are  likely  to  affect  the  kidneys,  and 
care  of  the  renal  function  is  always  one  of  the  most  important 
facts  connected  with  pregnancy.  No  circular  constrictions  of 
the  trunk  by  lacing  or  stiff  corsets  should  be  attempted.  The 
corset  forces  the  uterus  and  child  downward  into  the  pelvis 
and  against  the  lower  abdominal  wall,  causing  congestion  of 
the  pelvic  veins  and  strain  on  the  abdominal  muscles.  Tight 
corsets,  preventing  the  expansion  of  the  uterus  and  the  growth 
of  the  fetus,  may  cause  mutilations  like  club-foot  and  wry 
neck,  or  even  kill  the  child.  The  woman  who  would  "preserve 


her  figure"  by  corsets,  to  the  mutilation,  weakening,  or  killing 
of  her  unborn  infant,  and  this  is  an  every-day  evil,  is  either 
a  criminal  fool  or  an  unmitigated  scoundrel.  Tight  lacing  to 
conceal  pregnancy  is  a  method  of  murder.  High-heeled  shoes 
are  somewhat  injurious  because  of  the  constrained  position  into 
which  they  throw  the  woman.  X-ray  photographing  of  preg 
nant  women  is  very  likely  to  cause  abortion. 

The  woman's  diet  should  be  simple.  She  must  abstain 
from  all  alcoholic  liquors  even  if  she  has  been  accustomed  to 
their  use  at  meals.  She  should  not  overeat  on  the  supposition 
that  she  has  to  feed  two  persons.  Some  popular  books  advise 
a  special  diet  to  reduce  the  bone-salts  and  thus  get  a  smaller 
baby  and  one  more  easily  delivered.  Such  advice  is  criminal. 
The  constipation  of  pregnancy  is  not  to  be  treated  by  strong 
cathartics  like  Epsom  salt.  The  kidneys  are  to  be  watched; 
therefore  the  urine  should  be  examined  every  three  weeks  up 
to  the  seventh  month,  then  oftener.  If  there  is  any  suspicion 
of  toxemia  or  nephritis,  the  urine  should  be  examined  daily. 
Obstetricians  who  have  any  regard  for  their  own  conscience 
and  reputation  will  have  nothing  to  do  with  a  woman  who  re 
fuses  to  take  this  precaution. 

Physical  exercise  should  be  gentle — say,  walking,  up  to  two 
miles  in  the  daytime.  The  vast  majority  of  women  are  too 
lazy  to  take  physical  exercise  as  a  hygienic  duty  at  any  time, 
and  during  pregnancy  their  aversion  to  all  effort  to  overcome 
indolence  is  so  great  they  make  even  themselves  believe 
they  cannot.  Just  as  most  professional  men  think  they  think, 
most  women  think  they  work.  There  are  thousands  of  women 
who  have  servants,  yet  make  not  only  their  families  and  friends 
but  themselves  believe  they  are  worked  to  death,  and  their 
work  is  the  spreading  of  four  or  five  beds,  and  the  ordering  of 
groceries  over  the  telephone.  When  these  women  are  preg 
nant  they  quit  even  the  bed-making. 

Cold  and  hot  baths,  Turkish  and  Russian  baths,  hot  sitz- 
baths  and  ocean  bathing  are  not  permissible  during  gestation. 
Tepid  baths  and  spongings  are  to  be  substituted.  Near  term 
the  bath-tub  is  not  safe  because  of  danger  of  uterine  infection 
from  unclean  water.  Then  shower-baths  are  better,  but  these 


are  dangerous  if  the  woman  must  step  over  an  enameled  bath 
tub  side  to  take  them,  because  she  may  slip  and  fall.  Vaginal 
douches  are  not  to  be  used  in  pregnancy  except  in  certain  dis 
eased  conditions,  under  the  direction  of  a  competent  physician. 

Therapeutic  abortion  and  therapeutic  induction  of  prema 
ture  labor  are  employed  in  five  chief  groups  of  conditions: 
(1)  contracted  pelvis;  (2)  diseases  caused  by  pregnancy;  (3) 
diseases  coincident  with  pregnancy;  (4)  habitual  death  of 
the  child  after  viability  but  before  term;  (5)  prolonged  preg 
nancy.  There  is  no  such  act  as  therapeutic  abortion  of  an 
inviable  child;  all  abortions  of  inviable  children,  when  di 
rect,  are  criminal,  and  nothing  criminal  is  therapeutic.  The 
consideration  of  narrow  pelvis,  and  the  diseases  caused  by 
pregnancy  and  coincident  therewith,  will  be  treated  in  detail. 

When  the  child  dies  after  viability  but  before  term  the  cause 
is  most  commonly  syphilis.  In  such  cases  a  Wassermann  re 
action  should  be  made  from  both  parents;  and  even  if  it  is 
negative,  and  no  other  definite  cause  for  the  fetal  death  can  be 
found,  syphilitic  treatment  should  be  tried  on  the  father  and 
mother.  Bright's  disease,  even  when  scarcely  diagnosable, 
anemia,  diabetes,  adiposity,  and  hypothyroidism  are  other  le 
thal  causes  of  habitually  still-born  infants.  Not  seldom  the 
cause  is  in  the  husband.  If  he  is  an  alcoholic  (and  two  or 
three  drinks  of  whiskey  a  day  make  any  man  an  alcoholic),  if 
he  is  especially  susceptible  to  the  toxin  of  tobacco  (and  tobacco 
alone  may  render  some  men  not  only  sterile  but  impotent),  if 
he  is  a  worker  in  poisonous  metals,  an  X-ray  operator,  a  user 
of  narcotics,  exhausted  with  overwork  and  worry,  affected  with 
weakening  systemic  disease,  his  germ-cells  are  unfit  for  their 
function.  Such  men  are  not  technically  sterile,  but  they  are 
practically  sterile. 

Some  women  carry  the  child  beyond  term,  with  the  effect 
that  the  baby  is  overgrown  for  normal  delivery.  The  head  is 
harder  and  more  angular  than  it  should  be,  the  long  bones 
stiffer  and  less  pliable,  the  muscles  tenser.  All  these  changes 
make  the  delivery  so  difficult  that  the  overgrown  child  may 
be  fatally  injured  at  birth.  Physicians  must  be  cautious  in 
believing  histories  of  enormous  children  at  previous  births  at 


which  they  were  not  present.     Mothers  and  nurses  are  likely 
to  exaggerate  the  size  of  infants. 

In  cases  where  the  children  die  at  a  particular  time  before 
term,  premature  labor  should  be  induced  to  save  the  child,  and 
when  the  child  has  been  carried  over  term  it  may  be  necessary 
to  induce  labor.  In  the  first  condition  labor  is  not  to  be  in 
duced  a  week  earlier  than  is  necessary.  We  talk  so  much  of 
a  seven  months'  child  as  viable  that  we  forget  that  any  child 
born  before  the  thirtieth  week  of  gestation  has  very  small 
chance  for  survival.  From  30  to  60  per  cent,  of  all  prema 
turely  delivered  infants  die.  The  maternal  passages  do  not 
dilate  normally  and  the  child  is  unformed;  its  bones  fracture 
readily;  it  cannot  sustain  pressures  and  strains.  All  induced 
labors  are  dangerous  to  the  mother  by  shock  and  possible  in 
fection,  and  only  very  grave  necessity  justifies  any  such  pro 

In  inducing  necessary  premature  labor  the  technical  meth 
od  may  take  on  a  moral  quality.  There  are  over  a  score  of 
methods,  and  many  of  these,  although  used,  are  dangerous  and 
should  be  obsolete.  A  very  common  method,  begun  in  1855,  is 
to  insert  one  or  two  elastic  solid  bougies  into  the  uterus  between 
the  membranes  and  the  uterine  wall.  This  is  a  dangerous 
method  and  should  be  obsolete.  Other  dangerous  and  obsolete 
methods  are  the  puncture  of  the  membranes  with  a  trocar  high 
up  in  the  uterus;  intrauterine  injections  of  hot  or  cold  water, 
glycerine,  milk,  and  other  liquids;  vaginal  tamponade  alone; 
irrigation  of  the  vagina  with  carbon-dioxide  water;  a  stream 
of  hot  water  directed  against  the  cervix,  electricity,  X-ray,  di 
latation  of  the  vagina  with  a  rubber  bag,  irritation  of  the  nip 
ples,  the  use  of  drugs  like  quinine,  cimicifuga,  ergot,  or  can- 

If  haste  is  not  necessary,  packing  the  cervical  canal  and  the 
lower  uterine  segment  antiseptically  with  a  strip  of  gauze  three 
to  five  yards  long  and  three  inches  wide  and  leaving  it  in  for 
about  twenty-four  hours  is  one  of  the  best  methods.  Where 
rapid  delivery  is  required,  cesarcan  section  must  be  employed. 
In  cases  of  somewhat  less  urgency  the  membranes  are  first 
punctured  and  balloon  dilators  are  used.  In  any  case  puncture 


of  the  membranes  is  the  most  certain  method  to  start  labor, 
but  it  has  many  bad  disadvantages.  A  dry  labor  in  a  primi- 
para  with  an  undilated  cervix  is  a  grave  condition.  If  the  fe 
tal  head  is  not  engaged  in  the  pelvis,  puncture  must  not  be  at 
tempted.  When  the  head  is  not  engaged  in  the  pelvis  like  a 
ball-valve,  the  cord  will  prolapse,  be  pinched,  and  thus  the 
blood  supply  will  be  cut  off  from  the  child  and  the  loss  will 
kill  it.  For  the  same  reason,  the  waters  must  not  be  run  off 
too  quickly.  Many  operators  insert  a  bag,  dilate,  and  so  start 
the  labor,  without  puncturing  the  membranes,  where  there  is 
no  reason  for  haste. 

Therapeutic  abortion,  as  has  been  said,  is  never  permissi 
ble,  under  any  circumstances,  if  the  child  is  not  viable.  In 
certain  conditions,  say,  when  a  uterine  tumor  clearly  threatens 
the  life  of  the  pregnant  woman,  or  if  in  extrauterine  gestation 
there  is  a  rupture  of  the  tube,  an  operation  may  be  permissible, 
or  even  obligatory,  which  has  for  its  direct  end  the  removal 
of  the  tumor  or  the  stopping  of  the  hemorrhage.  If  such  a 
removal  or  ligation,  under  these  conditions,  indirectly  causes 
the  abortion  of  the  inviable  fetus,  or  its  death  from  a  lack  of 
blood,  these  indirect  effects  may  be  reluctantly  permitted. 
They  are  cases  of  an  equally  immediate  double  effect,  one  good 
and  one  evil,  where  all  the  requirements  are  fulfilled.  A  di 
rect  abortion  of  an  inviable  fetus,  however,  is  never  licit  even 
to  save  the  mother's  life,  and  in  abortion  the  killing  is  direct 
because  it  is  used  as  a  means  to  an  end.  In  a  ruptured  ectopic 
gestation  the  primary  effect  of  the  physical  operation  is  to  li- 
gate  the  torn  arteries  to  save  the  woman's  life  here  and  now; 
the  secondary  effect  is  the  permitted  death  of  the  fetus  from 
the  shutting  off  of  the  blood  supply.  In  the  abortion  of  a  pre 
mature  fetus  the  primary  effect  of  the  operation  is  to  separate 
the  placenta  from  the  uterus,  to  cut  off  the  child's  blood  supply, 
and  as  a  direct  consequence  of  this  act,  which  is  essentially 
evil,  the  woman's  life  is  saved.  The  original  act  in  this  abor 
tion  is  evil,  and  evil  may  not  be  done  even  if  good  follows. 
Even  in  self-defence  against  an  unjust  aggressor  Cne  may  not 
kill  a  man  to  save  his  own  life — he  tries  to  save  his  own  life 
and  reluctantly  permits  the  death  of  the  aggressor.  In  a  kill- 

AJ30KTION"  111 

ing  in  self-defence  there  are  two  distinct  effects;  in  abortion 
there  is  only  one  effect,  and  the  killing  is  a  means  to  this  one 
effect.  That  you  may  kill  an  irresponsible  insane  man  who 
is  attacking  your  life,  or  the  life  of  one  entrusted  to  your 
care,  is  no  reason  that  you  may  attack  a  fetus  in  the  womb. 
There  is  no  parity.  The  insane  man  is  a  materially  unjust 
aggressor;  the  fetus  is  not  an  aggressor  at  all.  The  mother 
placed  it  where  it  is;  and  if  any  one  is  an  aggressor,  she  is. 
In  the  abortion  you  directly  kill  the  fetus  and  indirectly  save 
the  woman's  life,  and  this  indirection  uses  the  death  of  the 
fetus  as  a  means  to  the  end  of  saving  the  woman's  life.  In 
killing  the  insane  aggressor  you  directly  save  the  life  of  your 
self  or  your  ward,  and  reluctantly  permit  the  death  of  the 
aggressor.  The  proofs  of  the  essential  immorality  of  direct 
homicide  have  already  been  established  in  the  general  chapter 
on  Homicide. 

The  assertion  that  an  undeveloped  fetus  in  the  womb  is  not 
as  valuable  as  the  mother  of  a  family  is  beside  the  question, 
and  in  certain  vital  distinctions  it  is  untrue.  Any  human  life, 
as  such,  whether  in  a  fetus  or  an  adult,  is  as  valuable  as  an 
other,  inasmuch  as  no  one  but  God  has  any  authority  to  de 
stroy  it,  except  when  it  has  lost  its  right  to  existence  through 
culpable  action.  Secondly,  the  quality  of  motherhood  is  an 
accidental  addition  to  a  mother's  life,  not  substantial  as  is  the 
life  itself.  This  quality  of  motherhood  does  not  create  any 
juridic  imbalance  of  values  which  justifies  the  destruction  of 
the  rights  inherent  in  the  fetus.  That  the  fetus  may  not  be 
able  to  enjoy  these  rights  if  the  mother  dies  is,  again,  an 
irrelevant  consideration.  There  is  no  question  of  a  com 
parison  of  values.  A  life  is  a  life,  whether  in  mother  or  fetus, 
and  the  destruction  of  an  innocent  life  by  any  one  except  its 
creator,  God,  is  essentially  an  evil  thing,  like  blasphemy.  An 
innocent  fetus  an  hour  old  may  not  be  directly  killed  to  save 
the  lives  of  all  the  mothers  in  the  world.  Insisting  on  such 
comparisons  supposes  ignorance  and  sentimental  opposition  to 
truth.  It  is  a  good  deed  to  save  a  mother's  life ;  but  such  sav 
ing  by  killing  an  innocent  human  being  ceases  to  be  good 
and  becomes  indescribably  evil,  an  enormous  subversion  of 


the  order  of  the  natural  law,  as  it  is  a  usurpation  of  the 
dominion  over  life  possessed  by  God  alone.  If  I  owe  a  man 
a  vast  sum  of  money  and  the  payment  of  this  debt  will  ruin 
me  and  my  children,  it  would  be  a  good  thing  for  me  and 
them  to  have  this  creditor  put  out  of  the  way  by  death,  but 
that  fact  is  no  justification  whatever  for  me  to  kill  the  man. 
The  fetus  in  the  womb  in  a  case  where  there  is  question  of 
therapeutic  abortion  is  like  this  creditor:  it  would  be  wrell  for 
the  mother  to  have  this  fetus  out  of  the  way,  but  that  is  no 
justification  whatever  for  her  to  kill  the  fetus,  or  to  let  it  be 
killed  by  a  physician.  The  physician  who  kills  such  a  fetus 
is  exactly  like  a  hired  bravo  who  assassinates  a  troublesome 
creditor  for  a  fee,  except  that  the  physician  does  the  nasty 
job  for  less  money. 

To  hasten  even  an  inevitable  death  is  homicide,  and  that 
quality  of  merely  hastening  adds  nothing  for  extenuation : 
every  murder  is  merely  a  hastening  of  inevitable  death.  To 
give  a  dying  man  a  fatal  dose  of  morphine  "to  put  him  out 
of  misery"  is  as  criminal  a  murder  as  to  blow  out  his  brains 
while  he  is  walking  the  streets  in  health;  to  ease  pain  is  not 
commensurate  with  the  horrible  deordination  of  taking  a 
human  life.  This  subversion  of  the  moral  law  in  the  interest 
of  mawkish  sentimentality  is  one  of  the  gravest  evils  of  modern 
social  ignorance.  Physicians  are  constantly  mistaking  inclina 
tion,  or  the  mental  vagaries  of  the  nurses  who  influenced  their 
childhood,  for  rules  of  moral  conduct.  A  physician  is  not  a 
public  executioner,  nor  a  judge  with  the  power  of  life  and 
death:  his  business  is  solely  to  save  human  life,  never  to 
destroy  it. 

If  there  were  anything  in  the  objection  that  refusal  to  do 
abortion  opposes  the  life  of  a  useless  fetus  to  that  of  a  useful 
mother  of  a  family,  where  would  such  false  logic  stop  ?  If  it 
held  for  the  taking  of  life  in  an  unpleasant  condition,  it 
would  hold  a  fortiori  in  every  other  less  unpleasant  condition 
where  a  life  would  not  be  at  stake.  When  a  note  that  you  had 
given  falls  due  and  it  would  bankrupt  you  to  pay  it,  does  this 
inconvenience  let  you  out  of  the  difficulty  in  honor,  in  the 
moral  law,  or  in  the  civil  law?  It  certainly  does  not;  but  it 


should  if  the  doctrine  of  the  sentimentalists  on  abortion  were 
true.  An  eclamptic  woman,  or  one  with  hyperemesis  gravida- 
rum,  conceived  the  child,  got  into  the  difficulty,  and  she  and 
her  physician  have  no  right  to  tear  up  the  note  they  have 
given  to  the  Creator,  especially  when  such  tearing  implies 
murder.  Suppose,  again,  a  woman  has  done  a  deed  for  which 
she  has  in  due  process  of  just  law  been  condemned  to  death; 
suppose,  also,  there  is  only  one  man  available  to  put  her  to 
death,  and  if  this  man  were  killed  she  could  escape.  Would 
her  physician  be  permitted  to  shoot  that  executioner  to  let 
her  out  of  the  difficulty  ?  Certainly  not.  That,  however,  is 
just  what  the  physician  does  who  empties  an  eclamptic  uterus 
of  an  unviable  fetus.  You  may  not  do  essential  evil  that  any 
thing  under  the  sun,  good,  bad,  or  indifferent,  may  come  of 

If  I  may  kill  a  so-called  "useless  fetus"  to  save  a  useful 
mother,  do  gross  evil  to  effect  great  good,  why  should  I  stop 
there?  Why,  then,  may  I  not  rob  a  church  to  make  my  chil 
dren  rich,  murder  a  useless  miser  to  employ  his  money  in 
founding  orphanages,  shoot  any  oppressor  of  the  poor,  kick 
out  of  doors  my  senile  and  bothersome  father,  reject  all  my 
most  sacred  promises  whenever  their  observance  makes  me 
suffer?  Where  will  the  sentimental  moralist  draw  the  line? 
That  the  civil  law  permits  therapeutic  abortion  is  no  excuse  at 
all;  it  is  merely  a  disgrace  of  the  civil  law.  The  American 
civil  law  permits  many  things  that  are  contrary  to  morality 
and  the  law  of  God:  it  absolves  bankrupts  even  if  they  after 
ward  become  solvent ;  it  permits  the  marriage  of  divorced  per 
sons;  it  levies  unjust  school  taxes;  it  gives  unjust  privileges; 
it  squanders  the  money  of  the  citizens ;  and  so  on. 

If  a  woman  marries  in  good  faith  a  man  she  deemed  a  gen 
tleman,  but  who  turns  out  to  be  a  syphilitic  sot  who  disgraces 
her  and  makes  her  life  a  perpetual  misery,  immeasurably 
worse  than  the  condition  of  any  eclamptic  woman,  no  greater 
blessing  could  come  to  her  and  her  children  than  his  death. 
Would  she  therefore  be  justified  before  any  tribunal  of  God 
or  man  in  murdering  him  to  get  rid  of  her  trouble?  No; 


she  must  bear  with  her  evil  for  the  sake  of  social  order  and  of 
eternal  right.  So  must  the  eclamptic  woman. 

If  it  is  murder  to  kill  a  child  outside  the  womb,  and  mere 
therapeutics  to  kill  it  inside  the  womb,  then  it  is  murder  to 
shoot  a  man  on  the  street,  and  mere  good  marksmanship  to 
shoot  him  to  death  inside  his  house,  especially  if  he  is  an 
undesirable  citizen.  All  reputable  physicians  deem  a  fetus  in 
a  normal  pregnancy  so  good  that  they  will  not  dream  of  de 
stroying  this  fetus.  They  absolutely  refuse  to  effect  an  abor 
tion  to  get  rid  of  a  fetus  which  may  disgrace  an  unmarried 
woman  and  her  family,  and  they  are  perfectly  right  in  this 
refusal.  They  talk  and  write  with  genuine  indignation  of 
race  suicide.  The  only  reason  they  have  for  the  refusal  to 
do  what  they  call  criminal  abortion  is  that  the  disgrace  or 
inconvenience  of  the  woman  is  not  commensurate  with  the  de 
struction  of  a  human  life.  They  observe  the  natural  human 
instinctive  repugnance  to  murder  in  this  special  speech  and 
writing,  and  then  go  home  and  get  their  obstetrical  bags  and 
complacently  murder  the  first  baby  they  find  in  the  womb  of  a 
married  matron  who  has  a  disturbed  stomach  or  kidneys. 
They  show  here  the  fine  intellectual  acumen  and  reasoning 
ability  of  a  chronic  lunatic.  The  first  fact  in  the  social  order 
is  that  justice,  law,  order,  should  prevail,  no  matter  what  the 
cost.  It  might  be  better  that  the  fetus  should  die  than  that  the 
mother  should  die,  though  that  is  not  always  true.  It  is  not 
better  that  an  unbaptized  fetus  should  die  than  that  a  mother 
in  the  state  of  grace  should  die.  T^ut  these  are  irrelevant  con 
siderations.  It  is  never  better  that  the  fetus  should  be  killed 
than  that  the  mother  should  die.  That  is  a  very  different 

The  Mignonette  case  in  1884,  tried  in  England  by  Lord 
Coleridge,  is  a  good  example  of  evaluation  of  lives  as  in 
therapeutic  abortion,  which  came  to  grief.  A  ship  called  the 
Mignonette  foundered  1600  miles  from  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope,  and  three  of  its  crew,  with  a  boy,  were  for  a  long  time 
at  sea  in  an  open  boat  without  provisions.  When  they  were 
almosi  starved  the  boy  lay  on  the  bottom  of  the  boat,  asleep 
or  half  conscious  from  weakness.  Two  of  the  men  plotted  to 


kill  the  boy  for  therapeutic  purposes;  they  needed  his  flesh 
to  save  their  own  lives.  They  killed  the  poor  lad  just  as  the 
therapeutic  abortionist  kills  a  fetus.  They  got  his  uncooked 
flesh  for  four  days.  Later  Lord  Coleridge  got  them  and  he 
sentenced  both  of  them  to  death.  Another  Lord  will  get  the 
therapeutic  abortionists. 

What,  then,  is  the  physician  to  do  who  meets  a  case  that 
imperatively  calls  for  therapeutic  abortion  according  to  the 
common  medical  practice  ?  He  can  do  nothing.  The  law  may 
seem  hard  in  certain  circumstances  to  those  who  cannot  see 
beyond  the  physical;  yet  that  fact  does  not  abrogate  the  law, 
which  is  one  of  essential  morality. 

May  the  physician  call  in  a  physician  who,  he  knows,  will 
not  scruple  to  perform  the  therapeutic  abortion  on  an  unviable 
fetus  ?  If  he  does,  he  is  as  much  a  murderer  as  if  he  did  the 
deed  himself.  He  may  not  so  much  as  suggest  the  name  of 
some  one  who  will  do  the  deed.  He  simply  tells  the  family 
he  can  do  nothing.  If  they  insist  on  the  abortion  he  with 
draws  from  the  case. 

In  this  connection  it  is  necessary  to  mention  again  the  ques 
tion  of  viability.  Langstein  reported  12  a  study  of  the  growth  and 
nutrition  of  250  prematurely  born  infants,  and  he  found  a  con 
firmation  of  what  was  already  known,  that  a  weight  of  1000 
grammes  (2£  pounds)  and  a  full  body  length  of  34  centi 
metres  (13f  inches)  are  the  lowest  limits  for  viability  under 
proper  circumstances.  A  fetus  1000  grammes  in  weight  and 
34  centimetres  in  length  has  completed  the  sixth  solar  or 
calendar  month,  or  the  sixth  and  a  half  lunar  month — it  is 
beginning  its  seventh  month,  not  ending  it,  yet  it  is  viable  un 
der  proper  conditions. 

The  child  at  term,  on  a  rough  average,  is  from  48  to  52 
centimetres  (19  to  20£  inches)  in  length,  and  it  weighs 
from  about  6f  to  T£  pounds.  It  is  impossible,  however, 
to  obtain  the  sizes  and  weights  of  infants  in  utero  with  scien 
tific  accuracy,  because  the  date  of  conception  cannot  be  deter 
mined  with  absolute  certainty,  and  infants  in  utero  vary  as 
they  do  after  birth.  A  full-term  infant  sometimes  may  weigh 

u  Berliner  klinische  Wochenschrift,  June  14,  1915. 


only  3£  pounds  when  the  mother  is  diseased,  and  at  times  an 
eight-months  fetus  will  weigh  as  much  as  8  pounds. 

As  was  said  in  Chapter  III,  a  fetus  of  six  completed  cal 
endar  or  solar  months  (not  lunar — the  duration  of  gestation  is 
often  reckoned  in  lunar  months  by  obstetricians)  is  viable  pro 
vided  it  is  cared  for  by  competent  physicians  in  a  hospital. 
Otherwise  it  is  not  viable,  except  in  a  strictly  technical  sense ; 
it  will  not  live  more  than  a  few  days  or  weeks. 

A  full  seven-months  infant  may  be  reared  with  proper  feed 
ing  and  skilled  care;  a  six-months  infant  may  be  reared  (with 
difficulty)  in  a  hospital  with  skilled  care.  Jf  it  is  certain  that 
the  removal  of  a  six-months  fetus  will  here  and  now  save  tlio 
life  of  a  mother  (a  very  difficult  matter  to  judge  by  the  best 
diagnosticians),  this  removal  may  be  done,  provided  the  in 
fant  is  delivered  in  circumstances  where  skilled  care,  incubator, 
and  proper  food  are  obtainable;  otherwise  the  removal  is  not 

The  Council  of  Lerida,  in  Catalonia,  in  the  year  524,  de 
creed  that  abortionists  of  any  kind  must  do  penance  all  their 
lives,  and  if  they  are  clerics  they  are  to  be  suspended  per 
petually  from  all  ecclesiastical  ministration. 

The  Council  of  Worms,  under  Hadrian  II.,  in  the  year 
868,15  also  judged  women  who  procure  abortion  as  certainly 
guilty  of  murder. 

In  the  Corpus  Juris,™  among  the  decretals  of  Gregory, 
there  is  the  following  law:  "If  any  one,  through  lust  or 
hatred,  does  anything  to  a  man  or  woman,  or  gives  them  any 
drug,  so  that  they  cannot  either  generate  or  conceive,  or  bear 
children,  he  is  to  be  treated  as  a  murderer." 

Sixtus  V.,  in  the  Constitution  Effraenatam,  October  29, 
1588,  mentions  a  decree  of  the  Sixth  Synod  of  Constantinople, 
in  session  in  680  and  681,  which  subjects  those  who  perform 
abortion,  or  kill  a  fetus,  to  the  punishment  inflicted  on  mur 
derers.  Sixtus  then  decreed  that  any  one  who  effects  the 
abortion,  directly  or  indirectly,  of  an  immature  fetus,  whether 
the  fetus  is  animated,  formed,  or  not,  either  by  blows,  poison, 

"Cap.  35. 

18  Lib.  v,  tit.  xii,  c.  5. 


drugs,  or  potions,  or  tasks  of  hard  labor  imposed  on  pregnant 
women,  or  any  other  method,  however  subtle  or  obscure  it  be, 
is  guilty  of  murder,  and  is  to  be  punished  accordingly.  He 
recalls  all  ecclesiastical  privileges  from  clerics  who  cause 
abortion,  and  says  that  they  are  to  be  reckoned  as  murderers 
according  to  the  decree  of  the  Council  of  Trent,17  and  he  makes 
a  law  that  abortionists  may  never  be  promoted  to  orders. 

In  the  fifth  paragraph  he  says :  "Moreover,  we  decree  that 
the  same  penalties  are  incurred  (1)  by  those  who  give  potions 
and  poisons  to  women  to  induce  sterility  or  prevent  concep 
tion,  or  who  cause  these  drugs  to  be  administered,  and  (2)  by 
the  women  themselves  who  freely  and  consciously  take  these 

In  paragraph  seventh  he  decrees  that  any  one,  man  or 
woman,  cleric  or  lay,  who  procures  abortion  by  counsel,  favor, 
drinks,  letters  of  advice,  signs,  or  in  any  way  whatever,  are 
ipso  facto  excommunicated,  and  the  excommunication  is  re 
served  to  the  Pope  himself. 

Gregory  XIV.,  in  the  constitution  Sedes  Apostolica,  May 
31,  1591,  gave  to  priests  who  have  special  faculties  for  the 
purpose  from  the  bishop,  permission  to  absolve  from  this  ex 
communication,  but  only  in  foro  conscientiae.  Sixtus  V.  and 
Gregory  XIV.  used  the  term  foetus  animatus,  in  keeping  with 
the  old  Aristotelian  notion  of  animation. 

Pius  IX.,  in  the  constitution  Apostolicae  Sedis  Moderar 
tioni,  deleted  the  epithet  animaius,  and  extended  the  excom 
munication  to  all  abortions,  no  matter  at  what  time  of  the 
gestation  they  occur.  He  ordered  that  only  the  actual  physical 
abortionist  is  to  be  excommunicated,  not  those  who  counsel 
the  crime.  Some  moralists  hold  that  those  who  order  abor 
tion  are  direct  abortionists  and  fall  under  this  excommunica-' 
tion;  other  moralists  oppose  this  opinion.  Pius  IX.18  excom 
municates  procurators  of  abortion  if  actual  abortion  is  effected, 
and  this  excommunication  is  reserved  to  the  bishops,  not  to 
the  Pope. 

In  this  decree  occur  the  words  "Procuranies  abortum,  ef- 

1T  Session  xiv,  De  Reformatione,  cap.  7. 
18  Sect,  iii,  cap.  ii. 


fedu  secuto,"  and  there  has  been  considerable  discussion  of  the 
question  who  are  the  procurantes,  the  agents  who  fall  under  the 
excommunication?  Again,  are  craniotomy,  cephalotrypsis,  de 
capitation,  embryotomy,  and  exenteration,  when  performed  on 
the  living  child,  abortions  in  the  sense  of  the  decree,  and  thus 
matter  of  the  excommunication? 

Those  who  do  abortion  are  the  principal  agents  who 
physically,  immediately,  of  themselves,  in  their  own  name,  or 
who  morally,  through  others,  perform  an  abortion.  The  com 
mon  opinion  of  moralists  is  that  all  those  who  of  themselves  or 
through  others  bring  on  an  abortion  are  excommunicated,  but 
that  assistants,  although  guilty  of  crime,  are  not  excommuni 

Many  eminent  moralists  are  of  the  opinion  that  the  mother 
herself  who  seeks  an  abortion  does  not  fall  under  the  excom 
munication  because  Sixtus  V.  does  not  explicitly  mention  her 
in  this  penal  law,  and  a  penal  law  is  to  be  interpreted  liter 
ally.  If  a  pregnant  woman  goes  to  an  abortionist  and  per 
suades  him  by  speech  and  pay  to  do  an  abortion,  she  is  the 
direct  moral  cause  of  that  abortion.  If  it  were  not  for  her, 
the  abortion  would  not  take  place.  Virtually  all  abortions 
done  on  married  women  are  effected  morally  by  the  woman 
herself.  In  my  opinion,  and  the  new  canon  law  states  this  ex 
plicitly,  the  woman  who  procures  an  abortion  on  herself  or  on 
another  woman  is  excommunicated. 

Sabetti-Barrett 10  holds  that  craniotomy  on  a  living  child 
and  the  removal  of  an  inviable  extrauterine  fetus  are  not 
abortion  in  the  scope  of  this  excommunication,  because  as  a 
penal  law  these  operations  are  not  specifically  mentioned.  All 
mutilating  operations,  like  craniotomy  and  the  others  enumer 
ated  above,  first  kill  the  fetus,  then  extract  its  body  from  the 
womb;  abortion  first  extracts  the  fetus  and  then  lets  its  die. 
The  result  is  the  same,  but  the  operations  differ  technically, 
and  a  penal  law  is  ad  literam.  A  cleric  who  procures  abor 
tion  of  an  inviable  fetus  at  any  time  of  gestation  falls  under 
the  excommunication  and  suspension  a  sacris  perpetually,  al 
though  he  probably  is  not  technically  irregular  canonically  if 

"  Compendium  Theologiae  Moralis,  1915,  n.  1009. 


he  procures  the  abortion  before  the  Aristotelian  date  of  anima 
tion.  The  bull  Effraenatam  makes  the  canonical  irregularity 
at  the  Aristotelian  date  obsolete  practically. 

In  the  church  the  Holy  Office  (that  is,  the  Inquisitors-Gen 
eral  in  matters  of  faith  and  morals)  is  the  official  authority 
which  interprets,  under  the  approval  of  the  Pope,  the  morality 
of  acts  like  abortion  and  related  operations.  In  1895  the  fol 
lowing  difficulty  was  proposed  to  the  Holy  Office  for  solu 

A  physician  is  treating  a  woman  with  a  disease  which 
will  certainly  be  fatal  to  her  unless  cured  medically,  and  the 
disease  is  due  to  the  presence  of  a  fetus  in  her  womb.  To  save 
her  it  is  necessary  to  empty  the  uterus,  but  the  fetus  is  not 
yet  viable.  The  question  is,  May  the  physician  perform 
therapeutic  abortion  in  such  circumstances? 

On  July  24,  1895,  the  Holy  Office  answered:  "The  In 
quisitors-General  in  matters  of  faith  and  morals,  with  the  vote 
of  their  Consultors,  decree:  Negatively,  in  accord  with  the 
other  decrees  of  May  28,  1884,  and  August  19,  1888." 

Jn  May,  1898,  the  following  questions  were  proposed  to 
the  Holy  Office : 

I.  Is  the  induction  of  premature  labor  licit  when  a  con 
tracted  maternal  pelvis  prevents  the  birth  of  a  child  at  term  ? 

II.  If  the  maternal  pelvis  is  so  narrow  that  premature 
delivery  is  impossible,  is  it  licit  to  perform  abortion,  or  to 
effect  cesarean  delivery  at  the  proper  time? 

III.  Is  laparotomy  in  extrauterine  gestation  licit  ? 

May  4,  1898,  the  Holy  Office  answered,  with  the  assent  of 
Leo  Xm. : 

I.  Premature  labor  in  itself  is  not  illicit,  provided  it  is 
done  for  sufficient  reason,  and  at  the  time  and  by  such  methods 
as  will  under  ordinary  circumstances  preserve  the  life  of  the 
mother  and  the  fetus. 

II.  As  to  the  first  part,  the  answer  is  negative,  according 
to  the  decree  of  July  24,  1895,  on  the  unlawfulness  of  abor 
tion.     As  to  the  second  part,   there   is  no  objection  to  the 
cesarean  delivery  at  the  proper  time. 

III.  In  a  case  of  necessity,  a  laparotomy  to  remove  an 


ectopic  fetus  from  the  mother  is  licit,  provided  the  lives  of 
both  mother  and  fetus  are,  so  far  as  is  possible,  carefully  and 
opportunely  preserved.20 

March  5,  1902,  this  question  was  asked  the  Holy  Office: 
"Is  it  ever  licit  to  remove  an  ectopic  fetus  from  the  mother 
while  the  fetus  is  under  six  months  of  age  from  the  time  of 
conception  ?" 

The  answer  was:  "Negatively,  in  accord  with  the  decree 
of  May  4,  1898,  by  which  the  lives  of  the  fetus  and  mother, 
as  far  as  possible,  are  carefully  and  opportunely  preserved. 
As  to  the  time,  the  questioner  is  reminded  by  the  same  decree 
that  no  premature  delivery  is  licit  unless  effected  at  the  time 
and  by  the  methods  which,  under  ordinary  circumstances,  will 
preserve  the  lives  of  mother  and  fetus." 

The  English  civil  law  concerning  abortion  21  is: 

"Whoever  shall  unlawfully  supply  or  procure  any  poison 
or  other  noxious  thing,  or  any  instrument  or  thing  whatsoever, 
knowing  that  the  same  is  intended  to  be  unlawfully  used  or 
employed  with  intent  to  procure  the  miscarriage  of  any  woman, 
whether  she  be  or  be  not  with  child,  shall  be  guilty  of  a  mis 
demeanor,  and  being  convicted  thereof  shall  be  liable,  at  the 
discretion  of  the  court,  to  be  kept  in  penal  servitude  for  the 
term  of  three  years,  or  to  be  imprisoned  for  any  term  not 
exceeding  two  years,  with  or  without  hard  labor." 

Alfred  Susaine  Taylor,22  commenting  on  this  law,  said: 
"Strictly  speaking,  there  is  no  such  thing  as  justifiable  abor 
tion;  the  law  recognizes  no  such  possibility.  A  medical  man 
must  always  remember  this  when  he  contemplates  emptying  a 
pregnant  uterus. 

"It  is  obvious  that  the  only  reasons  that  can  be  thought  of 
by  an  honorable  man  as  justifying  the  induction  of  labor  are 
(1)  to  save  the  life  of  the  mother;  (2)  to  save  the  life  of 
the  child.  (Some  religions  will  not  contemplate  the  first  rea 
son,  but  that  we  are  not  now  concerned  with.)  It  cannot  be 

"  "Dummodo  et  foetus  et  matris  vitae  serio  et  opportune  pro- 

"  Statutes  24  and  25,  Victoria,  cap.  100,  sec.  59. 

M  Principles  and  Practice  of  Medical  Jurisprudence.  London, 


done  for  the  sake  of  family  honor  nor  for  any  similar  ethical 
reason.  .  .  . 

"The  golden  rule  is  never  to  empty  a  uterus  without  first 
having  a  second  professional  opinion  as  to  its  necessity;  if 
this  opinion  be  adverse,  do  not  do  it;  if  it  be  favorable,  it  is 
well  to  get  it  in  writing,  and  it  is  well  also  to  get  the  written 
or  attested  consent  of  the  woman  and  her  husband,  and  then 
proceed  to  do  it  with  all  the  skill  and  care  possible.  The 
death  of  the  fetus  is  at  any  time  the  most  certain  means  of 
causing  the  womb  to  empty  itself,  but  after  the  sixth  month 
the  operation  is  performed  necessarily  with  a  view  to  preserv 
ing  this  life,  and  steps  must  be  taken  accordingly."  Coke, 
about  1615,  judged  that  to  kill  a  child  in  the  womb  is  not 
murder,  but  if  it  is  expelled  by  violence  and  dies  after  it  leaves 
the  womb,  that  is  murder. 

The  law  in  Pennsylvania  23  is :  "If  any  person,  with  in 
tent  to  procure  the  miscarriage  of  any  woman,  shall  unlaw 
fully  administer  to  her  any  poison,  drug,  or  substance  whatso 
ever,  or  shall  unlawfully  use  any  instrument,  or  other  means 
whatsoever,  with  the  like  intent,  such  person  shall  be  guilty 
of  felony,  and  being  thereof  convicted,  shall  be  sentenced  to 
pay  a  fine  not  exceeding  five  hundred  dollars,  and  undergo  an 
imprisonment,  by  separate  or  solitary  confinement  at  labor, 
not  exceeding  three  years."  It  makes  no  difference  in  Penn 
sylvania  law  whether  the  child  is  quickened  or  not. 

The  New  Jersey,  Massachusetts,  and  Wisconsin  laws  are 
like  the  Pennsylvania  law.  The  law  in  Iowa  24  is :  "If  any 
person,  with  intent  to  procure  the  miscarriage  of  any  pregnant 
woman,  wilfully  administer  to  her  any  drug  or  substance  what 
ever,  or,  with  such  intent,  use  any  instrument  or  other  means 
whatever,  unless  such  miscarriage  shall  be  necessary  to  save 
her  life,  he  shall  be  imprisoned  in  the  penitentiary  for  a  term 
not  exceeding  five  years,  and  be  fined  in  a  sum  not  exceeding 
one  thousand  dollars."  To  the  same  effect  are  the  laws  in 
Connecticut,  Maine,  New  York,  Ohio,  Michigan,  Minnesota, 
Colorado,  Texas,  and  Maryland. 

"  Laws  of  Pennsylvania,  Act  of  March  31,  1860,  sec.  88.  p.  404. 
*  Laws  of  1897,  Iowa  Code,  4759. 


Frank  Winthrop  Draper,  professor  of  legal  medicine  in 
Harvard  University,25  commenting  on  the  Massachusetts  law 
of  October,  1903,  cap.  212,  sees.  15,  16,  says:  "It  is  impor 
tant  to  recognize  the  fact  that  the  law  does  not  make  any  excep 
tion  or  formal  recognition  in  favor  of  justifiable  operations  to 
procure  premature  labor.  The  statute  is  general  in  its  applica 
tion.  It  is,  of  course,  obvious  that  the  best  sentiment  of  the 
medical  profession  and  of  obstetric  teachers  is  favorable  to 
interference  of  pregnancy,  (1)  whenever  there  is  such  anatom 
ical  deviation  or  mechanical  obstruction  in  the  mother's  pelvis 
that  the  birth  of  a  child  is  impossible;  or  (2)  whenever  the 
mother  is  suffering  from  such  grave  disease  that  her  life  is  in 
imminent  peril  and  can  be  saved  only  by  the  arrest  of  gesta 
tion.  Under  such  conditions  the  physician  is  not  only  war 
ranted  in  inducing  premature  labor,  but  is  required  to  do  so 
by  a  sense  of  duty  to  his  patient,  with  a  view  thereby  to 
save  one  life  at  least,  and,  if  possible,  the  lives  of  both  mother 
and  offspring. 

"Nevertheless,  as  the  law  now  stands,  a  prudent  prac 
titioner  will  not  expose  himself  to  any  risk,  if  a  few  precau 
tions  will  save  him.  In  the  event  of  the  death  of  the  mother 
and  child  in  such  an  emergency,  the  attending  physician  might 
find  himself  in  jeopardy,  with  the  imputation  of  gross  care 
lessness  and  criminal  neglect  hanging  over  him,  an  imputation 
which  requires  years  to  remove.  So  the  attending  physician 
should  never  undertake  to  do  an  instrumental  operation  with 
out  these  precautions:  1.  The  consent  of  the  patient,  with 
that  of  her  husband  or  family.  2.  Especially,  a  consultation 
with  some  other  physician  or  physicians  in  whom  there  is  full 
confidence.  Attention  to  these  simple  and  sensible  safeguards, 
by  making  the  conduct  appear  by  its  candor  and  openness  in 
the  strongest  possible  contrast  with  the  secret  methods  of  the 
abortionist,  may  save  great  embarrassment." 

The  ethics  of  this  doctrine  is,  of  course,  absurd,  as  has 
been  shown,  and  it  is  cited  here  only  to  show  how  the  civil 
law  considers  abortion.  Wharton  and  Stille  26  give  the  same 

"  Legal  Medicine,  1905. 

"  Medical  Jurisprudence,  vol.  iii,  sec.  526. 


information  in  a  more  technical  manner.  "It  is  a  general 
rule,"  they  say,  "independent  of  statute,  that  the  act  of  a 
physician  in  aiding  a  miscarriage  is  not  unlawful,  where  the 
miscarriage  was  the  inevitable  result  of  other  causes.  And  the 
act  is  justified  where  the  circumstances  were  such  as  to  induce 
in  the  mind  of  a  competent  person  the  belief  that  a  miscarriage 
was  necessary  to  preserve  the  life  of  the  mother.  And  the 
statutes  of  many  of  the  States  penalize  the  causing,  or  at 
tempting  to  cause,  an  abortion,  unless  necessary  to  preserve  the 
life  of  the  woman,  or  unless  advised  by  a  designated  number  of 
physicians  to  be  necessary  for  such  purpose,  the  absence  of 
both  the  necessity  and  the  advice  being  an  essential  ingredient 
in  the  crime.  The  physician  by  whom  the  deed  is  done,  how 
ever,  cannot  act  as  his  own  adviser  in  the  matter.  And  an 
indictment  under  the  statute  must  not  only  allege  that  the 
act  was  not  necessary  to  preserve  the  woman's  life,  but  must 
also  negative  the  advice  of  physicians;  and  such  averments 
cannot  be  inserted  as  an  amendment  after  demurrer. 

"The  burden  of  proof  rests  with  the  state  to  show  that  the 
means  used  were  not  necessary  to  preserve  the  life  of  the 
woman  in  question;  and  the  absence  of  necessity  may  be  de 
termined  from  circumstantial  evidence.  But  the  burden  of 
proof  as  to  the  advice  of  physicians  would  not  fall  within  the 
rule  controlling  the  production  of  proof  as  to  negative  matters 
in  general,  and  would  rest  with  the  accused ;  though  it  may  be 
proved  by  a  preponderance  of  the  evidence  and  need  not  be 
established  beyond  a  reasonable  doubt.  But  either  that  the 
act  was  necessary  to  preserve  the  life  of  another,  or  that  it 
was  advised  by  physicians  to  be  necessary  for  that  purpose,  is 
of  equally  good  defence;  and  the  destruction  of  the  child  need 
not  have  been  both  necessary  and  advised  by  physicians.  And 
statutes  of  this  class  apply  only  in  cases  in  which  the  death  of 
the  mother  could  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  from  natural 
cause,  unless  the  child  was  destroyed,  and  do  not  apply  to  a 
case  in  which  the  mother  threatened  suicide  unless  she  was 
relieved  from  her  trouble." 


ECTQPIC  Gestation,  called  also  extrauterine  pregnancy, 
is  gestation  outside  the  uterus  in  the  adnexa  or  the  peri 
toneal  cavity.  Pregnancy  in  the  horn  of  an  abnormal  or  rudi 
mentary  uterus  is  classed  with  ectopic  gestation  because  the 
effects  are  similar,  although  pregnancy  at  times  in  a  rudimen 
tary  uterus  goes  on  to  term  normally.  The  uterus  is  in  the 
pelvic  cavity,  between  the  bladder  and  the  rectum,  and  above 
the  vagina,  into  which  it  opens.  It  is  a  hollow,  pear-shaped, 
muscular  organ,  somewhat  flattened,  and  about  three  inches 
long,  two  inches  broad,  and  an  inch  thick.  The  fundus  or  base 
is  upward,  and  the  neck  is  downward.  Passing  horizontally 
out  from  the  corners  or  horns  of  the  uterus,  which  are  at  the 
fundus,  are  the  two  Fallopian  tubes,  one  on  either  side.  These 
are  about  five  inches  in  length  and  somewhat  convoluted.  They 
are  true  tubes,  opening  into  the  uterus,  and  they  are  about 
one-sixteenth  of  an  inch  in  diameter  throughout  the  greater 
part  of  their  extent.  The  ends  farthest  from  the  uterus  are 
fringed  and  funnel-shaped;  and  this  funnel  end,  called  the 
Infundibulum  or  Fimbriated  Extremity,  opens  into  the  ab 
dominal  or  peritoneal  cavity.  Near  the  Fimbriated  Extremity 
of  each  tube  is  an  Ovary,  an  oval  body  about  one  and  a  half 
inches  long  by  three-quarters  of  an  inch  in  width.  For  con 
venience  in  description,  each  tube  is  divided  into  four  parts: 
(1)  the  Uterine  Portion,  which  is  that  part  included  in  the 
wall  of  the  uterus  itself:  it  extends  from  the  outer  end  of  the 
horn  into  the  upper  angle  of  the  uterine  cavity,  and  its  lumen 
is  so  small  that  it  will  admit  only  a  very  fine  probe;  (2)  the 
Isthmus,  or  the  narrow  part  of  the  tube  which  lies  nearest  the 
uterus:  it  gradually  widens  into  the  broader  part  called  (3)  the 
Ampulla;  (4)  the  Infundibulum,  or  the  funnel-shaped  end  of 



the  Ampulla.  One  of  the  fimbriae,  the  Fimbria  Ovarica,  is 
longer  than  the  others,  and  it  forms  a  shallow  gutter  which 
extends  to  the  ovary. 

The  uterus,  tubes,  and  ovaries  lie  in  a  septum  which 
reaches  across  the  pelvis  from  hip  to  hip.  This  septum  is 
called  the  Broad  Ligament.  If  a  man's  soft  hat,  of  the  style 
called  "Fedora,"  is  inverted,  the  fold  along  the  crown  coming 
up  into  the  cavity  of  the  hat  is  like  the  broad  ligament.  As 
the  crown  is  held  downward  the  uterus  would  be  in  the  middle, 
its  fundus  upward,  and  outside  the  hat,  representing  the  pelvic 
cavity,  but  in  the  crown  fold.  The  tubes  and  ovaries  would 
also  be  in  the  crown  fold,  or  broad  ligament,  and  the  fim- 
briated  extremities  would  open  into  the  interior  of  the  pelvic 
cavity  through  holes.  The  ovum  breaks  through  the  surface 
of  the  ovary  into  the  pelvic  cavity,  passes,  probably  on  a 
capillary  layer  of  fluid,  into  the  fimbria  ovarica  and  thence  into 
the  infundibulum,  whence  it  moves  along  slowly  into  the 

Ovulation  and  menstruation  occur  about  the  same  time 
ordinarily,  and  if  the  ovum  produced  is  not  fecundated  it 
gradually  shrivels  and  passes  off  through  the  uterus  and 
vagina.  Fecundation  of  the  ovum  rarely  occurs  in  the  uterus, 
but  ordinarily  in  the  Fallopian  tube.  After  fecundation  the 
ovum  is  pushed  on  through  the  Fallopian  tube  into  the  uterus 
in  from  five  to  seven  days,  where  it  fastens  to  the  wall  and 
develops  normally.  Hyrtl  described  an  ovum  which  appeared 
to  reach  the  uterus  in  three  days.  If  from  some  abnormal 
condition  of  the  Fallopian  tube  the  fecundated  ovum  is  blocked 
and  held  in  the  tube,  the  embryo  grows  where  the  ovum 
stopped,  and  we  have  a  case  of  Ectopic  Gestation.  In  normal 
pregnancy  in  the  uterus,  the  uterus  grows  with  the  embryo, 
but  a  tube  does  not.  In  the  latter  condition,  when  the  ovum 
is  big  enough  it  bursts  the  tube  or  slips  out  through  the  am 
pulla,  causing  hemorrhage  or  other  pathological  symptoms. 

There  are  certain  rare  abnormalities  of  the  uterus  through 
imperfect  embryological  development,  and  pregnancy  in  such 
a  uterus  may  result  in  symptoms  like  those  of  ectopic  gesta 
tion.  Normally  the  uterus  and  vagina  are  formed  by  the 


fusion  of  the  two  Miillerian  ducts.  When  these  ducts  do  not 
fuse  perfectly,  or  when  one  develops  partly,  the  various  kinds 
of  abnormal  wombs  and  vaginas  are  the  results.  There  may 
be  a  double  uterus  with  a  single  or  double  vagina,  a  uterus  with 
a  complete  or  partial  septum  down  the  middle,  a  uterus  with 
one  horn,  a  uterus  with  a  developed  horn  and  a  rudimentary 
horn,  and  the  rudimentary  horn  may  be  open  or  shut,  and  so 
on.  In  many  of  these  conditions  the  ovum  becomes  blocked 
and  rupture  follows  as  in  ectopic  gestation. 

When  the  ectopic  ovum  begins  to  develop  in  the  Fallopian 
tube  the  placental  villi  erode  the  tubal  wall  and  the  blood 
vessels.  At  length  the  ovum  slips  out  of  the  ampulla — the 
common  result — or  the  tube  bursts.  The  break  may  be  trau 
matic  in  origin,  from  jarring  or  a  like  accident,  or  it  may  be 
spontaneous.  If  the  rupture  is  through  the  tube  there  is 
hemorrhage  into  the  pelvic  cavity ;  if  the  ovum  slips  out  of  the 
ampulla  the  tubal  abortion  causes  hemorrhage  as  in  uterine 
abortion.  In  either  case  the  blood  with  peritoneal  fibrin  forms 
a  hematocele,  and  this,  with  the  ovum,  may  be  finally  absorbed  J 
or  the  woman  may  bleed  to  death  unless  the  hemorrhage  is 
checked  surgically;  or  the  child  may  live  for  varying  periods 
up  to  term.  The  tube  rarely  ruptures  into  the  fold  of  the 
broad  ligament. 

The  fetus  usually  dies  after  rupture  or  tubal  abortion,  and 
if  it  has  not  advanced  beyond  the  eighth  week  it  is  absorbed. 
Sometimes  it  lives.  When  the  rupture  or  abortion  does  not 
tear  the  placental  site  the  fetus  may  develop  in  the  abdominal 
cavity.  Between  1889  and  1896  Haines  J  found  40  operations 
for  ectopic  gestation  done  after  the  seventh  month  of  pregnancy 
with  10  maternal  deaths.  Of  the  children,  27  survived  the 
operation  from  a  few  moments  to  fifteen  years.  Sittner,  in 
1903,  compiled  from  the  medical  reports  142  cases  of  viable 
ectopic  fetuses,  and  Essen  found  25  additional  cases.  Since 
Essen's  article  more  have  been  reported,  about  173  to  my 
knowledge,  but  the  number  is  considerably  larger.  , 

Hirst  says  an  experienced  obstetrical  specialist  sees  from 
12  to  24  cases  of  ectopic  pregnancy  annually.  Kiistner  him- 
1  Kelly's  Operative  Gynaecology.  New  York,  1898. 


self  operated  on  105  cases  in  five  years.  About  78  per  cent, 
of  all  ectopic  gestations  result  in  tubal  abortion  and  22  per 
cent,  in  rupture. 

Many  specialists  now  are  of  the  opinion  that  the  diagnosis 
of  ectopic  gestation  ordinarily  is  not  difficult,  but  most  physi 
cians  find  it  very  difficult.  Before  rupture  of  the  tube  or  a 
hemorrhage  diagnosis  is  hardly  ever  made  by  any  one,  and  no 
pelvic  condition  gives  rise  to  more  diagnostic  errors.  When 
there  is  rupture  or  tubal  abortion  the  symptoms  may  lead  the 
physician  to  mistake  the  condition  for  uterine  abortion.  In 
uterine  abortion  the  onset  of  the  symptoms  is  quiet,  with  grad 
ually  intensifying  and  regular  pains,  resembling  labor,  in  the 
lower  abdomen.  In  ectopic  pregnancy  the  symptoms  of  a  rup 
ture  or  tubal  abortion  arise  quickly,  with  irregular  and  colicky 
or  very  violent  pains,  localized  on  one  side.  In  uterine  abor 
tion  the  external  hemorrhage  is  more  or  less  profuse,  with  clots ; 
in  ectopic  gestation  the  external  hemorrhage  is  slight  or  absent ; 
the  shock  in  the  latter  case  is  out  of  proportion  to  the  visible 
blood  loss.  Parts  of  the  ovum,  or  the  presence  of  the  whole 
ovum,  as  uterine,  are  found  in  ordinary  abortion,  but  in  the 
ectopic  condition  the  ovum  proper  does  not  appear.  An  intrau- 
terine  angular  pregnancy,  or  pregnancy  in  a  uterine  horn, 
causing  the  upper  corner  of  the  womb  to  bulge  sidewise,  may  be 
mistaken  for  ectopic  gestation.  Pregnancy  in  a  retroflexed 
uterus,  tumors  of  the  adnexa,  the  twisted  pedicle  of  an  ovarian 
tumor,  a  burst  pyosalpinx,  an  appendicitis  in  pregnancy,  or  a 
combined  intrauterine  and  ectopic  gestation,  also  may  confuse 
the  diagnosis.  When  there  is  a  dangerous  hemorrhage  from 
rupture  or  tubal  abortion  the  diagnosis  is  usually  made  with 
out  difficulty  from  the  collapse  and  other  signs. 

The  diagnosis  as  to  whether  the  fetus  in  the  pelvis  is  dead 
or  alive  may  be  made  (1)  from  the  absence  or  presence  of 
symptoms  of  tubal  rupture  during  the  second  and  third  months, 
or  of  mild  symptoms  indicating  only  slight  bleeding;  (2)  from 
the  continuation  and  progress  of  the  evidences  of  pregnancy, 
as  nausea,  mammary  changes,  fetal  movements,  or  audibility 
of  the  fetal  heart;  (3)  from  the  presence  of  a  loud  uterine 
blood  souffle;  (4)  from  the  absence  of  toxemia  or  suppura- 


tion;  (5)  from  a  growth  of  the  uterus  and  a  softening  of 
the  cervix;  (6)  from  a  gradual  increase  in  the  size  of  the 
suspected  ectopic  fetal  tumor.  In  making  the  diagnosis  great 
caution  must  be  observed,  as  roughness  in  manipulation  may 
start  hemorrhage  or  rupture  a  thinned  tube. 

The  diagnosis  may  be  made:  (1)  that  ectopic  gestation 
exists  without  symptoms  of  maternal  hemorrhage,  and  the  fetus 
is  not  viable;  (2)  that  the  same  maternal  condition  may  be 
present,  but  the  fetus  is  viable;  (3)  that  there  may  be  symp 
toms  of  slight  bleeding,  and  the  fetus  is  inviable;  (4)  that 
there  may  be  symptoms  of  grave  maternal  hemorrhage  at  any 
stage  of  the  gestation. 

The  ordinary  medical  doctrine  in  the  text-books  is  that  as 
soon  as  a  diagnosis  of  ectopic  gestation  is  made  laparotomy 
should  be  done  and  the  sac  with  the  ectopic  fetus  removed.  If 
the  fetus  is  alive  and  inviable  this  procedure  will,  of  course, 
kill  it.  Only  a  few  obstetricians  of  authority  advise  an  ex 
pectant  treatment.  Schauta  found  75  recoveries  and  166  ma 
ternal  deaths  in  241  cases  treated  expectantly — a  mortality  of 
69  per  cent. 

If  there  are  no  symptoms  of  maternal  hemorrhage  but  the 
fetus  is  evidently  dead,  the  fetus  is  to  be  removed.  If  it  is 
evidently  alive,  or  doubtfully  alive,  the  treatment  must  be 
expectant.  The  woman  is  to  be  removed  to  a  hospital  and 
kept  under  constant  watch,  day  and  night,  with  everything 
prepared  for  immediate  operation.  Any  woman  while  bear 
ing  an  ectopic  fetus  is  in  constant  grave  danger  of  death,  but 
the  moralists  hold  that  her  danger  is  not  so  imminent  before 
actual  rupture  as  to  justify  the  death  of  the  fetus  by  precau 
tionary  removal. 

In  1886  the  Archbishop  of  Cambrai  proposed  the  following 
list  of  questions  to  the  Holy  Office  for  decision: 

1.  May    a   pregnant   woman   in    danger   of    death    from 
eclampsia  or  hemorrhage  be  prematurely  delivered  of  a  viable 

2.  May  a  woman  in  the  same  condition  be  delivered  in 
urgency  by  means  which  will  kill  the  infant? 

3.  May  a  woman  in  articulo  mortis  be  delivered  of  a1 


viable  child  if  the  delivery  will  somewhat  hasten  her  death  ? 

4.  May  the  woman  in  question  1  be  delivered  of  an  in- 
viable  fetus  ? 

5.  May  the  woman  in  question  3  be  delivered  of  an  in- 
viable  fetus? 

6.  May  a  woman  who  is  about  to  become  blind,  paralytic, 
or  insane  from  her  pregnancy  be  prematurely  delivered  of  a 
viable  child  ? 

7.  May  the  woman  in  question  6  be  delivered  by  means 
which  will  kill  the  fetus  ? 

8.  May  the  woman  in  question  6  be  delivered  of  an  in- 
viable  child? 

9.  May  the  woman  in  question  6  be  delivered  of  an  in- 
viable  child,  supposing  the  child  to  be  in  articulo  mortis? 

10.  May  an  ectopic  fetus  be  killed  by  operation,  electric 
ity,  or  poison,   to  avert  possible  danger  of  death  from  the 
mother  ? 

11.  May   a  surgeon  who  has   opened  the  abdomen   for 
some  condition  not  uterine  incidentally  remove  a  viable  ectopic 
fetus  ? 

12.  With  conditions  like  those  in   question   11,   except 
that  the  fetus  is  not  viable,  may  the  surgeon  remove  the  in- 
viable  ectopic  fetus? 

Three  years  later,  August  19,  1889,  the  Holy  Office  an 
swered  these  questions  comprehensively:  "In  Catholic  schools 
it  may  not  be  safely  taught  that  craniotomy  is  licit,  as  was 
decided  May  28,  1884,  or  any  other  surgical  operation  which 
directly  kills  the  fetus  or  the  pregnant  mother."  Safely  taught 
here  is  a  somewhat  technical  expression  which  has  been  inter 
preted  by  the  Holy  Office  in  another  connection  as  meaning 
that  the  act  is  illicit  morally. 

The  Holy  Office,  May  4,  1898,  again  decreed:  "Necessi 
tate  cogente,  licitam  esse  laparotomiam  ad  extrahendos  e  sinu 
matris  ectopicos  conceptus,  dummodo  et  foetus  et  matris  vitae, 
quantum  fieri  potest,  serio  et  opportune  provideatur."  2  This 

1  "In  a  case  of  necessity,  it  is  licit  to  do  a  laparotomy  for  the  re 
moval  of  an  ectopic  gestation  sac  from  the  maternal  pelvis,  provided 
the  life  of  both  fetus  and  mother  be  carefully  safeguarded." 

decision  was  not  clearly  understood,  and  on  March  5,  1902,  the 
same  congregation  reported  the  following  question :  "Is  it  ever 
licit  to  remove  from  the  maternal  pelvis  an  ectopic  fetus  which 
is  still  immature ;  that  is,  which  has  not  yet  completed  the  sixth 
month  after  conception?"  The  answer  was,  "No;  according 
to  the  decree  of  May  4,  1898,  which  prescribes  that  the  life 
of  the  fetus  and  the  mother  must  as  far  as  possible  be  care 
fully  safeguarded.  As  to  the  time,  according  to  the  same  de 
cree,  the  questioner  will  remember  that  no  premature  delivery 
is  permissible  unless  it  is  effected  at  such  a  time  and  by  those 
methods  which  in  ordinary  circumstances  safeguard  the  life 
of  the  mother  and  fetus."  3 

If  the  fetus  is  removed  and  so  killed  to  avert  a  threatened 
danger  to  the  maternal  life,  but  not  an  actually  operative 
destruction  of  her  life,  this  removal  or  homicide  is  an  evil 
means  used  to  avert  the  danger.  There  is  no  question  of  a 
double  effect,  that  is,  of  two  effects,  one  good  and  the  other 
evil,  coming  with  equal  directness  from  the  cause,  which  is  the 
removal  or  killing  of  the  fetus ;  but  of  a  good  effect,  the  avert 
ing  of  the  danger  to  the  mother,  issuing  from  an  evil  cause, 
the  removal  and  death  of  the  fetus.  A  good  effect  does  not 
justify  the  use  of  evil  means;  it  is  not  permitted  morally 
directly  to  kill  the  fetus,  as  in  this  case,  to  save  the  mother 
from  a  threatened  grave  danger. 

The  case  is  not  like  that  of  the  woman  who  has  an  operable 
cervical  cancer  while  she  is  bearing  an  inviable  fetus.  If 
the  cancerous  uterus  is  not  removed  the  woman  will  surely 
die;  if  it  is  removed  she  has  a  reasonable  chance  of  cure;  but 
if  the  inviable  ectopic  fetus  is  not  removed  it  is  by  no  means 
certain  that  the  woman  will  die.  In  the  cancer  the  uterus  is 
directly  removed,  the  fetus  is  indirectly  killed;  in  the  ectopic 
case  the  fetus  is  directly  killed,  and  the  danger  to  the  woman's 
life  is  removed  as  a  direct  effect  of  the  killing. 

Again,  the  killing  of  the  inviable  ectopic  fetus  cannot  be 

1  "Negative,  juxta  decretum  4  Maii,  1898,  vi  cujus,  foetus  et  matris 
vitae,  quantum  fieri  potest  serio  et  opportune  providendum  est :  quod 
vero  tempus,  juxta  idem  decretum,  orator  meminerit,  nullam  pa.rtus 
accelerationem  licitam  esse,  nisi  perficiatur  tempore  et  modis,  quibus 
ex  ordinarie  contingentibus,  matris  ac  foetus  vitae  consulatur." 


justified  by  maintaining  that  the  fetus  is  an  unjust  aggressor 
against  the  life  of  the  mother.  An  aggressor  against  life  may 
be  such  formally  or  materially.  A  formally  unjust  aggressor 
consciously  and  voluntarily  attacks  the  life  of  the  victim  un 
justly.  This  perversion,  or  evil,  in  the  aggressor's  consciously 
actuated  will  sets  his  own  right  to  life  in  juridic  inferiority  to 
that  of  the  victim's  right  to  life,  and  the  victim  may  defend 
his  own  life,  even  unto  the  indirect  death  of  the  aggressor  in 

The  materially  unjust  aggressor  attacks  the  victim's  life 
unjustly,  but  whether  the  aggressor  is  sane  or  insane,  the  attack 
is  not  voluntary.  When  an  insane  aggressor  appears  to  use 
his  will,  such  use  lacks  all  moral  quality  because  of  the  ab 
sence  of  intellect  and  reason;  he  wills  improperly,  as  a  brute 
is  said  to  will.  In  either  case,  nevertheless,  there  is  active 
aggression  directed  against  the  victim's  life,  which  also  sets 
the  aggressor  in  juridic  inferiority  to  the  victim,  and  permits 
the  victim  to  defend  his  own  life  to  extremes.  As  great  an 
authority  as  De  Lugo  holds  that  in  such  defence,  whether  the 
aggressor  is  formally  or  only  materially  such,  the  victim  may 
directly  kill,  but  direct  killing  is  never  necessary,  as  it  is  all 
a  matter  of  intention. 

The  ectopic  fetus  cannot,  of  course,  be  a  formal  aggressor 
because  it  cannot  exercise  either  intelligence  or  will.  It  is  not 
a  materially  unjust  aggressor,  because  the  only  action  it  is 
capable  of  is  to  increase  in  size  in  obedience  to  the  natural  law 
of  growth.  It  is  not  trying  in  any  manner  to  tear  the  maternal 
blood-vessels.  It  has  a  right  to  its  own.  life  and  a  right  to 
grow.  Its  growth  may  finally  bring  about  a  maternal  hemor 
rhage,  but  just  now  it  is  not  causing  that  hemorrhage.  An  ag 
gressor  is  such  only  while  there  is  an  actual  attack  going  on 
here  and  now,  directed  against  the  victim's  life.  The  fetus 
is  necessarily  passive  always,  never  aggressive  in  any  sense 
of  the  term,  until  the  actual  rupture  occurs.  If  it  may  be 
deemed  materially  aggressive  when  the  actual  rupture  is  tak 
ing  place,  the  question  becomes  irrelevant,  because  at  that  time 
the  fetus  may  be  removed  for  other  reasons  altogether.  If  an 
insane  man  is  in  a  room  with  a  loaded  revolver  which  he  may 

not  use  against  me,  but  which  he  probably  will,  I  may  not 
kill  him  in  self-defence  until  he  actually  begins  the  aggres 
sion.  The  opinion  expressed  here  is  the  contrary  of  the 
opinion  I  expressed,  in  1906,  in  Essays  in  Pastoral  Medi~ 

The  second  condition  proposed  is  that  the  ectopic  gestation 
exists  without  symptoms  of  maternal  hemorrhage,  but  the  child 
is  viable.  In  such  a  case  it  is  probably  better  to  remove  the 
fetus  at  once,  but  only  a  skilled  abdominal  surgeon  should  at 
tempt  the  operation  because  it  is  likely  to  be  difficult  from 
adhesions.  A  viable  ectopic  fetus  is  usually  deformed. 
Winckel  found  50  per  cent,  of  them  deformed — the  head  in  75 
per  cent.,  the  pelvic  end  in  50  per  cent.,  the  arms  in  40  per 
cent.  Compression,  infraction,  hydrocephalus,  and  meningo- 
cele  are  common.  The  longer  the  fetus  is  left  in,  the  worse 
for  the  mother  so  far  as  peritoneal  adhesions  and  danger  and 
difficulty  in  removing  the  fetus  are  concerned. 

The  third  case  supposed  that  the  fetus  is  not  viable  but 
the  symptoms  of  maternal  hemorrhage  are  slight.  The  danger 
to  the  mother  in  waiting  is  greater  here  than  in  case  one,  and 
the  decision  must  be  made  in  keeping  with  evidences  in  the 
particular  case.  The  surgeon  who  assumes  responsibility  is 
obliged  to  remain  ready  for  instant  operation. 

Where  there  are  symptoms  of  grave  hemorrhage  in  the 
mother  at  any  stage  of  ectopic  gestation  the  surgeon  must 
operate  at  once,  and  ligate  the  bleeding  vessels  to  save  the 
woman's  life.  The  ligation  will  shut  off  the  blood  supply  to 
the  fetus,  and  thus  indirectly,  permissively,  the  fetus  must 
be  unavoidably  allowed  to  die.  This  is  a  clear  case  of  double 
effect  immediately  issuing  from  the  same  cause,  and  the  opera 
tion  is  morally  licit.  No  matter  how  young  the  fetus  is,  the 
surgeon  or  an  assistant  is  to  baptize  it;  if  it  is  very  young  it 
may  be  necessary  to  split  the  envelopes  to  get  at  the  fetus. 


IN  the  cesarean  delivery  (partus  cesareus,  celiohysterotomy) 
the  infant  is  brought  out  through  an  opening  made  in  the 
abdominal  and  uterine  walls.  The  chief  indications  for  this 
operation  may  be  a  contracted  maternal  pelvis,  an  abnormally 
large  fetal  head  or  body,  death  of  the  pregnant  mother  before 
delivery,  certain  forms  of  rigidity  of  the  cervix  uteri,  some 
cases  of  stenosis  of  the  vagina,  relative  vaginal  narrowness, 
blocking  tumors,  or  a  ventrofixed  uterus.  Sometimes  abruptio 
placentae,  eclampsia,  placenta  praevia,  and  other  accidents  of 
pregnancy  are  taken  as  indications  for  cesarean  delivery. 

An  abnormal  bony  pelvic  girdle  is  the  most  frequent  ob 
struction  to  delivery  of  the  fetus.  The  lower  part  of  the  pelvis, 
called  the  pelvis  minor  or  true  pelvis,  supports  the  muscles  of 
the  pelvic  floor,  and  gives  shape  and  trend  to  the  parturient 
canal.  The  inlet  and  outlet  of  the  true  pelvis  are  narrower 
than  its  middle  portion  and  are  called  the  superior  and  in 
ferior  straits.  The  inlet  is  somewhat  cordate  in  outline,  and 
normally  from  front  to  back,  at  its  so-called  conjugate  vera, 
it  averages  11  centimetres  (4-&  inches)  in  depth ;  from 
side  to  side  it  measures  13  centimetres  (5-J  inches)  ;  obliquely 
from  the  right  posteriorly  to  the  left  anteriorly  it  is  12|  centi 
metres  (nearly  5  inches),  and  the  other  oblique  conjugate  is 
12  centimetres  (4f  inches)  long.  The  transverse  diameter 
of  the  outlet,  from  right  to  left,  is  11  centimetres ;  the  diameter 
from  front  to  back,  because  the  coccyx  can  be  pushed  back  in 
labor,  is  from  9^  (3f  inches)  to  12  cm.  Normal  fetal  head 
measurements  average  from  side  to  side  at  the  widest  part,  9£ 
cm.  (3f  inches)  ;  from  the  root  of  the  nose  to  the  occiput,  11 
cm. ;  from  the  chin  to  the  occiput,  13  cm. ;  from  the  vertex  to 



the  neck  behind,  9^  cm.  The  size  of  the  fetal  head  is  the 
most  important  factor  in  delivery,  so  far  as  the  child  is  con 
cerned,  because,  as  a  rule,  when  the  head  is  delivered  the  com 
pressible  trunk  follows  readily.  Normally  the  child  presents 
in  delivery  with  the  vertex  of  the  head  first;  other  presenta 
tions  are  transitional,  abnormal  or  pathologic.  In  48,499  cases 
Karl  Braun  found  vertex  presentations  in  95.9  per  cent.,  and 
Schroeder  in  250,000  cases  found  an  average  of  95  per  cent. 
The  child's  head  is  "engaged"  when  its  largest  diameter  has 
passed  the  plane  of  the  inlet. 

An  abnormal  pelvis  may  be  generally  contracted,  dwarfed, 
in  all  its  diameters;  it  may  be  flat  or  narrow  from  front  to 
back;  it  may  be  contracted  from  side  to  side;  it  may  be  gen 
erally  contracted  and  flat  at  the  same  time ;  it  may  be  obliquely 
contracted  (Niigeli's  pelvis) ;  or  it  may  be  crowded  together 
irregularly.  Kachitis,  osteomalacia,  curvature  of  the  spine, 
habit  scoliosis,  hip  dislocation,  and  similar  pathologic  states 
cause  these  distortions  and  contractions. 

Contraction  of  the  pelvis  affects  the  mother  and  child  in 
parturition  in  proportion  to  the  degree  of  the  narrowing.  Be 
sides  this,  the  prognosis  depends  on  the  size  of  the  child,  its 
presentation,  position,  and  attitude,  the  strength  of  the  pains, 
the  skill  and  surgical  cleanliness  of  the  operator,  and  the  pres 
ence  or  absence  of  complications.  Obstruction  may  bring  about 
rupture  of  the  uterus,  septicemia,  exhaustion  and  shock,  pres 
sure  narcosis,  or  tears  of  the  cervix  or  vagina.  If  the  child's 
head  becomes  impacted  the  vagina  and  vulva  may  become  even 
gangrenous.  Pressure  may  cause  areas  of  necrosis  resulting  in 
fistulas  into  the  bladder,  rectum,  or  between  the  uterus  and  the 
vagina.  When  the  contracture  is  sufficient  to  let  the  fetus  just 
engage,  pressure  may  interfere  with  the  placental  circulation 
and  kill  the  child.  Compression  of  the  vagus  nerve  may  slow 
the  child's  pulse  and  asphyxiate  it  through  lack  of  oxygen  in 
the  blood.  The  cord  may  prolapse.  The  pressure  on  the  child's 
head  may  cause  fatal  intracranial  hemorrhage,  or  effect  per 
manent  injury  to  the  brain. 

Often  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  find  out  the  best  plan 
for  delivering  a  woman  who  has  a  contracted  pelvis.  Where 


the  conjugata  vera  is  9.5  cm.  (3f  inches)  or  above,  Ludwig 
and  Savor  found  that  75  per  cent,  were  delivered  without  in 
strumental  help.  At  9  cm.  (3^  inches),  58  per  cent,  so  end; 
at  8  cm.  (3T\  inches),  25  per  cent.  Should  the  conjugata 
vera  be  less  than  5£  cm.  (2T\  inches)  in  a  flat  pelvis,  or 
6  cm.  (2|  inches)  in  a  generally  contracted  pelvis,  this  is  an 
absolutely  contracted  pelvis  according  to  the  old  standard,  and 
the  delivery  must  be  by  cesarean  section,  whether  the  child  is 
living  or  dead.  The  minimal  requirements  have  been  grad 
ually  extended.  In  1901  Williams  of  Johns  Hopkins  Univer 
sity  advocated  that  the  absolute  indication  for  cesarean  sec 
tion  be  changed  to  7  cm.  in  the  generally  contracted  pelvis, 
and  to  7.5  cm.  in  the  simple  flat  pelvis.  His  opinion  was 
accepted  by  Webster,  Jewett,  Edgar,  and  others.  Now  some 
obstetricians  of  authority  extend  the  measurements  to  8  cm. 
If  the  woman  is  seen  before  labor,  or  early  in  labor,  cesarean 
delivery  alone  is  done.  When  the  uterus  is  infected  it  is 
usually  necessary  to  remove  it  after  taking  away  the  child, 
because  an  infected  uterus  left  in  place  causes  death  by  sepsis, 
as  a  rule. 

Text-books  on  obstetrics  have  a  series  of  rules,  based  on 
pelvic  measurements,  concerning  the  indications  for  cesarean 
or  other  methods  of  delivery  in  cases  of  contracted  pelvis,  but 
the  problems  are  not  so  simple  and  uniform  as  to  be  always 
accurately  solved  by  the  data  derived  from  measurements.  One 
woman  with  a  contracted  pelvis  may  require  cesarean  delivery ; 
another  woman  with  the  same  measurements  may  have  a  nor 
mal  parturition  because  the  child  happens  to  be  small  or  its 
skull  compressible.  The  best  pelvic  measurement  is  made  with 
the  fetal  head.  A  difficult  decision  as  to  whether  a  cesarean 
delivery  is  necessary  or  not  comes  up  in  the  majority  of  cases 
in  primiparae;  in  multiparae  the  physician  has  the  experience 
from  former  births  to  guide  him.  In  over  90  per  cent,  of 
primiparae  the  fetal  head  normally  is  found  engaged  in  the 
pelvis  in  the  last  week  of  gestation,  and  can  be  felt  by  a 
vaginal  examination.  In  multiparae  the  head  usually  is  not 
engaged  until  labor  begins.  If  the  fetal  head  does  not  engage 
in  a  primipara,  this  fact  at  once  suggests  an  absolutely  or  rela- 


tively  narrow  pelvis.  When  labor  has  begun,  if  the  fetal  head 
cannot  be  pushed  into  the  true  pelvis  of  a  primipara,  especially 
after  anesthesia,  the  necessity  for  cesarean  delivery  may  be 
clearly  evident. 

In  the  cases  where  there  is  doubt  that  the  child  can  get 
through  the  pelvis,  but  good  reason  to  think  that  it  can,  many 
obstetrical  experts  try  the  effect  of  labor  for  two  hours  or  a 
little  more,  and  if  there  is  no  real  progress  they  deliver  through 
laparotomy.  There  is  considerable  objection  now  to  version 
or  the  application  of  high  forceps,  but  many  skilful  men  pre 
fer  these  methods  at  times.  When  version  has  been  done  and 
it  fails  there  is  no  chance  to  save  the  child's  life.  In  the  trial 
of  labor,  the  expectant  treatment,  extraordinary  watchfulness 
is  required  and  a  full  knowledge  of  the  special  procedure  that 
may  be  necessary. 

In  minor  degrees  of  pelvic  contraction  the  obstetrical  prac 
tice  is  either  to  induce  premature  labor  at  the  thirty-second 
week,  or  to  deliver  by  a  cesarean  operation,  or  to  delay  and 
try  labor.  In  the  last  event  there  may  be  one  of  the  follow 
ing  issues:  spontaneous  delivery,  version  and  delivery,  extrac 
tion  by  high  forceps,  cesarean  delivery,  symphyseotomy,  hebos- 
teotomy,  or  craniotomy.  Craniotomy  on  a  living  child  is  never 
to  be  considered  under  any  circumstances.  Symphyseotomy  is 
a  cutting  of  the  maternal  pelvic  girdle  through  the  symphysis 
pubis,  the  rigid  joint  at  the  front  middle  part  of  the  pelvis, 
and  thus  letting  the  bony  girdle  dilate.  Hebosteotomy  or 
pubiotomy  is  a  sawing  through  the  pelvis  near  that  joint  to 
get  the  dilatation.  Symphyseotomy  has  been  replaced  by 
hebosteotomy  because  the  maternal  mortality  and  morbidity 
are  somewhat  lessened  by  the  latter  method.  Schlafli  in  1908 
reported  700  hebosteotomies  with  a  maternal  mortality  of  4.96 
per  cent,  and  a  fetal  of  9.18  per  cent.  Other  operators  have 
a  better  average;  still  others  a  worse.  This  operation  is  done 
very  seldom  of  late  except  in  a  case  where  the  fetal  head  is 
caught  low  in  the  pelvis,  or  there  is  a  chin-posterior  or  brow 
or  face  presentation,  and  the  cesarean  operation  would  not  de 
liver  the  child. 

The  varieties  of  the  cesarean  delivery  as  practised  at  pres- 


ent  are  the  classic  cesarean,  called  also  celiohysterotomy,  the 
Porro  cesarean,  or  celiohysterectomy,  where  the  uterus  is  re 
moved  after  the  extraction  of  the  child,  and  the  two  sections 
in  the  cervical  end  of  the  uterus,  viz.,  the  extraperitoneal 
cesarean  and  the  transperitoneal  cervical  cesarean.  Before 
the  days  of  antiseptic  surgery  cesarean  delivery  was  prac 
tically  always  fatal  to  the  mother.  Tarnier  could  not  find  one 
successful  outcome  for  the  mother  in  Paris  during  the  nine 
teenth  century  up  to  his  own  time,  and  Spaeth  said  the  same 
for  Vienna  up  to  1877.  In  1877  Porro  of  Pavia  advised  the 
supravaginal  amputation  of  the  uterus  after  the  child  was  de 
livered  to  avoid  hemorrhage  and  peritoneal  infection.  This 
operation  replaced  the  classic  cesarean  until  1882,  when 
Siinger  invented  a  suture  which  would  keep  the  uterine  in 
cision  shut,  and  applied  antisepsis.  Sanger's  operation  has 
been  improved  so  much  that  cesarean  delivery,  when  per 
formed  by  skilled  obstetricians,  has  an  extremely  low  mortal 
ity  in  cases  which  have  not  been  infected.  Routh,  in  1910, 
collected  the  statistics  of  Great  Britain,  comprising  1282  cases, 
which  may  be  taken  as  a  standard  for  all  civilized  countries, 
and  he  found  a  steady  decrease  in  the  mortality  until  now  it 
is  near  2  per  cent,  in  uninfected  cases.  The  dangers  in  the 
operation  increase  with  every  hour  the  woman  is  in  labor,  but 
even  then  the  general  mortality  is  now  down  to  about  8.1 
per  cent.  This,  it  must  be  remembered,  is  the  rate  when  com 
petent  men  operate. 

When  the  ordinary  practitioner  in  small  cities,  towns,  and 
country  places  operates  the  mortality  is  very  high.  Newell  * 
said  that  in  four  cities  of  from  25,000  to  40,000  inhabitants 
within  forty  miles  of  Boston  he  collected  the  following  data: 
in  A  no  patient  on  whom  cesarean  section  had  been  done  is 
known  to  have  recovered — a  mortality  of  100  per  cent.  In 
B  the  mortality  is  from  60  to  70  per  cent.  In  C  the  operation 
is  invariably  fatal  when  done  by  the  local  surgeons.  In  D  the 
fatality  is  from  10  to  20  per  cent,  in  average  cases,  but  since 
cesarean  section  has  become  popular  as  a  method  of  treatment 
for  eclampsia  the  mortality  is  over  50  per  cent. 

lJour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  February  24,  1917. 


In  spite  of  perfect  technic  by  the  best  obstetricians,  the 
operation  has  a  high  morbidity:  fever,  peritonitis,  pneumonia, 
dilatation  of  the  stomach,  and  other  bad  results  are  common. 

Before  antiseptic  surgery  began,  opening  the  abdominal 
cavity  was  almost  always  fatal,  and  some  obstetricians  tried  to, 
get  the  child  out  of  the  uterus  in  cases  where  cesarean  de 
livery  is  indicated  by  going  in  above  the  pelvis  without  open 
ing  the  peritoneum.  The  uterus  was  incised  near  its  cervical 
end.  This  method,  called  extraperitoneal  cesarean  delivery, 
has  been  restored  for  use  in  cases  where  there  is  some  infection 
of  the  uterus  and  the  operator  wishes  to  save  the  child  with 
out  removing  the  womb.  The  technic  is  more  difficult  than  in 
the  classic  cesarean,  and  the  operation  was  not  kindly  re 
ceived,  but  of  late  some  men  are  having  so  much  success  with 
it  that  it  is  reviving,  and  rightly  so.  Baisch  2  says  that  the 
first  eleven  women  he  delivered  by  extraperitoneal  cesarean 
section  recovered  more  readily  than  they  would  from  an  or 
dinary  laparotomy.  In  nineteen  cases  of  transperitoneal  but 
cervical  section  he  had  no  trouble,  and  six  of  these  were  in 
fected  cases.  The  technic  of  this  low  incision  protects  the 
peritoneal  cavity  better  than  the  classic  incision,  apparently. 
Two  of  the  nineteen  women  were  in  slight  fever  and  the  uterine 
fluids  were  fetid.  Two  primiparae  forty  years  of  age  had  been 
in  labor  seventy  hours.  Eight  of  the  women  were  able  to 
leave  the  clinic  on  the  tenth  day.  Only  one  child  was  lost,  and 
that  was  a  delayed  case.  Hofmeier 3  compiled  194  cases  of 
transperitoneal  cervical  cesarean  section  with  three  deaths. 
Kiistner  did  110  extraperitoneal  cesarean  sections  with  no  mor 
tality.  This  makes  304  cases  of  cesarean  cervical  section,  not 
the  'classic  operation,  with  only  three  deaths,  less  than  1  per 
cent,  mortality ;  and  fully  50  per  cent,  of  these  cases  were  not 
surgically  clean.  From  these  statistics  it  is  evident  that  the 
cervical  operation  in  the  hands  of  competent  surgeons  should 
be  the  operation  of  choice. 

The  ordinary  practitioner,  however,  is  utterly  unfitted  to 
do  a  cesarean  section  of  any  kind.  In  large  cities  it  is  easy 

'  Zentralblatt  f.  Gynakologie.    Leipsic,  October  30,  1915. 
1  Munch ener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  January  4,  1916. 


to  find  a  trained  surgeon  to  do  the  operation,  but  in  small 
towns  and  in  country  places  there  is  seldom  any  one  available. 
The  physician  who  chooses  to  practise  medicine  in  an  isolated 
place  knows  that  he  will  almost  certainly  be  called  upon  to  do 
a  cesarean  section  some  day,  and  he  should  not  take  up  the 
responsibility  of  the  general  practitioner  in  such  a  place  until 
he  is  competent  to  do  that  operation  when  life  depends  upon 
him.  This  is  as  things  should  be;  but  unfortunately  a  man 
who  is  trained  well  enough  to  do  major  surgery  will  not  live 
in  a  small  town  if  he  can  get  into  a  large  city.  The  physician 
in  any  case  should  be  able  at  least  to  make  the  diagnosis  in 
time,  before  labor  sets  in,  and  have  the  woman  sent  to  the  near 
est  city,  if  possible.  Dr.  Bull  4  reported  that  he  had  traveled 
seventy-five  miles  to  see  a  woman  who  was  having  severe 
hemorrhages  at  term.  He  found  her  in  a  log  cabin,  with  a 
centrally  implanted  placenta  (i.e.,  right  across  the  opening  of 
the  cervix  uteri),  and  she  had  had  three  hemorrhages  before  his 
arrival.  He  narcotized  her,  took  her  in  a  train  to  a  hospital, 
delivered  her  by  cesarean  section,  and  saved  her  and  the  child. 
If  he  had  delivered  her  by  version  in  the  log  cabin,  he  would 
almost  certainly  have  lost  both  the  mother  and  the  child. 

The  question  of  removing  the  uterus  comes  up  when  the 
uterus  is  infected,  or  as  a  method  of  sterilizing  the  woman 
to  avoid  the  danger  of  a  subsequent  gestation.  Whenever  a 
uterus  is  gravely  infected  and  a  cesarean  delivery  is  finally 
necessary,  the  infection  is  commonly  due  to  ignorance  or  care 
lessness,  and  the  physician  or  midwife  is  guilty.  There  should 
be  no  such  business  as  that  of  the  midwife  who  actually  delivers 
the  patient.  The  state  should  provide  physicians  for  the  poor. 
Even  the  midwife  who  calls  herself  "a  practical  nurse,"  but 
who  is  not  a  licensed  trained  nurse,  is  commonly  a  public 
danger,  although  some  so-called  practical  nurses  are  better  than 
the  ordinary  trained  nurses. 

Suppose,  however,  that  the  uterus  is  infected  unavoidably. 

If  this  infection  has  been  done  by  a  competent  obstetrician 

working  in  a  hospital  with  sterile  instruments,  it  may  be  safe 

to  deliver  the  woman  by  an  extraperitoneal  or  cervical  trans- 

*  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  September  30,  1916. 


peritoneal  cesarean  section.  If  the  practitioner  has  tried  to 
deliver  the  woman  at  her  home  with  forceps  and  has  failed, 
especially  if  repeated  attempts  have  been  made  by  the  physi 
cian  and  an  assistant  or  consultant,  the  uterus  should  be  am 
putated.  It  will  not  do  to  deliver  by  a  low  cesarean  and 
await  developments,  because  if  the  infection  is  serious  no 
subsequent  removal  of  the  uterus  will  save  the  woman's  life. 
The  grave  mutilation  of  removing'  the  uterus  is,  of  course,  licit, 
as  it  is  the  only  means  of  saving  the  woman's  life.  Some  mor 
alists  hold  that  a  woman  from  whom  the  uterus  has  been  re 
moved  is  impotent,  but  this  question  has  never  been  decided 
authoritatively,  as  we  shall  show  in  the  chapter  on  Vasectomy; 
and  until  it  has  been  so  decided  the  woman  must  be  given  the 
benefit  of  the  doubt. 

The  question  of  removing  the  uterus  solely  to  prevent  the 
danger  of  subsequent  deliveries  differs  from  the  condition  just 
considered.  If  the  woman  has  had  a  cesarean  delivery  for  an 
absolutely  narrow  pelvis,  her  subsequent  deliveries  must  be  by 
the  same  method.  After  a  cesarean  section  there  is  more  or 
less  danger  of  rupture  at  the  scar  in  other  labors.  Some  think 
the  danger  is  greater  if  the  placenta  becomes  implanted  on  the 
scar;  others  think  this  implantation  does  not  weaken  a  good 
scar.  If  the  convalescence  after  the  cesarean  section  already 
done  has  been  abnormal,  the  prognosis  for  rupture  is  not  good. 
Where  there  has  been  an  abnormal  convalescence,  each  new 
pregnancy  must  be  watched  closely,  and  often  an  early  subse 
quent  cesarean  is  indicated  to  prevent  rupture.  No  matter 
how  well  the  section  has  been  done,  latent  gonorrhea  may  pre 
vent  perfect  healing  of  the  wound.  Twins,  hydramnios,  and 
overtime  gestation  are  other  causes  of  rupture.  The  tendency 
with  obstetricians  in  the  future  will  probably  be  to  do  the  sec 
tion  toward  the  cervical  end  of  the  uterus ;  and  as  the  uterus  is 
thinnest  there,  it  might  be  thought  that  it  will  be  more  likely 
to  break,  but  Spalding  5  found  the  contrary  true — the  ruptur 
ing  was  usually  in  the  thick  part  of  the  uterus.  Version,  high 
forceps,  uterine  tampons,  hydrostatic  bags,  and  pituitary  ex 
tract  should  be  avoided  where  an  old  cesarean  scar  exists,  but 
'Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  December  1,  1917. 


Vogt  and  Kroback  have  done  version  a  few  times  without  rup 
ture.  Vogt  had  one  patient  with  a  true  conjugate  of  6|  cm. 
(2 A  inches)  to  7  cm.  (2£  inches).  She  was  delivered  in 
the  first  three  labors  by  craniotomy;  in  the  fourth  by  version; 
in  the  fifth  and  sixth  by  cesarean  section;  in  the  seventh  she 
had  twins  one  of  which  was  born  spontaneously;  in  the  eighth 
by  version  and  perforation  of  the  after-coming  head;  in  the 
ninth  she  refused  operation  and  was  delivered  spontane 
ously.  Skilful  operators  have  the  fewest  ruptures  after  ce 
sarean  delivery.  Olshausen  had  one  in  120  cases,  Leopold 
none  in  232  cases,  Schauta  none  in  177  cases,  Kiistner  none  in 
100  cases.  Olshausen,  in  a  series  of  29  cases,  operated  on 
two  patients  twice  and  upon  three  patients  three  times.  As 
early  as  1875,  Nancrede  of  Philadelphia  had  operated  the 
sixth  time  on  the  same  woman.  In  such  cases  the  uterus  is 
commonly  so  broadly  attached  by  adhesions  to  the  belly-wall 
that  it  is  opened  without  getting  into  the  peritoneal  cavity. 
In  150  cases  of  repeated  section  collected  by  Polak  in  1909  the 
mortality  was  only  5  per  cent. 

A  woman  may  not  be  sterilized  by  having  the  uterus  re 
moved,  by  fallectomy,  or  otherwise,  solely  to  obviate  danger  or 
morbidity  from  subsequent  pregnancies  and  cesarean  deliver 
ies.  Such  a  sterilization  would  be  a  grave  mutilation  with 
out  a  present  excusing  danger,  and  it  would  render  the  primary 
end  of  marriage  always  impossible.  Such  sterilization  of  a 
woman  is  in  contravention  to  the  decretal  of  Gregory  6  as  given 
in  the  chapter  on  Vasectomy.  It  is  also  against  the  bull  Ef- 
fraenatam  of  Sixtus  V.,  who  extended  all  penalties  prescribed 
for  abortionists  to  those  who  give  women  drugs  which  cause 
sterility,  and  to  those  who  purposely  prevent  the  development 
of  the  fetus  or  in  any  manner  abet  the  deed ;  and  the  penalties 
are  to  be  applied  to  the  women  themselves  who  willingly  use 
these  means.  These  penalties  are  enumerated  in  the  chapter 
on  Abortion.  The  Congregation  of  the  Holy  Office,  May  22, 
1895,  answered  negatively  the  following  question:  "Si  sia 
lecita  la  practice  sia  attiva  sia  passiva  di  un  procedimento  il 

Corpus  Juris,  lib.  v,  tit.  xii,  c.  5. 


quale  si  propone  intenzionalmente  come  fine  espresso  la  ster- 
ilizatione  della  donne  ?"  7 

The  reason  for  these  laws  is  that  any  act  which  deprives 
one  of  the  power  to  generate,  and  which  prevents  conception 
and  makes  the  semen  fail  of  its  end,  is  against  the  chief  intrin 
sic  end  of  marriage  and  any  benefit  that  arises  therefrom, 
which  is  the  good  of  offspring.  The  act  is  also  against  the 
intrinsic  end  of  the  semen,  which  is  to  generate ;  and  since  the 
semen  cannot  possibly  effect  its  end,  the  conjugal  act  degener 
ates  into  an  equivalent  of  onanism.  This  act  of  sterilization, 
done  not  to  save  the  whole  body  from  immediate  danger,  is  in 
trinsically  evil,  and  therefore  unjustifiable. 

To  say  that  marriage  is  also  a  licit  remedy  of  concupiscence 
is  no  excuse.  Marriage  is  such  only  in  a  secondary  sense,  and 
this  secondary  end  is  necessarily  subordinate  to  the  primary 
end,  and  coexistent  with  that  primary  end,  which  is  the 
generation  of  children.  Even  when  a  surgeon  is  doing  a  Porro 
operation,  his  main  intention  may  not  be  to  sterilize  the  woman. 
He  must  directly  intend  to  save  her  life  by  removing  the  in 
fected  uterus,  and  reluctantly  permit  the  sterilization  as  an 
evil  part  of  the  double  effect  coming  from  the  causal  amputa 

7  Is  any  active  or  passive  procedure  licit  which  is  undertaken  with 
the  express  end  of  sterilizing  a  woman? 



CESAEEA1ST  delivery  is  used  frequently  of  late  in  pla 
centa  praevia.  It  may  be  necessary  also  in  abruptio 
placentae,  gunshot  wounds  of  the  abdomen  during  pregnancy, 
sometimes  in  appendicitis  complicating  gestation,  rarely  in  pro 
lapse  of  the  cord  to  save  the  child,  and  when  twins  become  in 
terlocked  in  delivery.  Placenta  praevia  is  a  development  of 
the  placenta  in  that  part  of  the  uterus  which  dilates  at  the 
end  of  gestation  or  during  delivery.  This  dilatation,  with  the 
mechanical  pressure  of  the  child,  detaches  the  placenta  enough 
to  cause  a  hemorrhage  which  may  be  fatal  to  the  woman  if 
not  checked.  The  hemorrhages  begin  sometimes  as  early  as 
the  sixth  month  of  gestation,  but  most  frequently  in  the  eighth 
month.  Premature  labor  is  a  common  effect.  The  position 
of  the  placenta  may  cause  malposition  of  the  fetus,  prolapse  of 
the  cord,  weak  pains,  air  embolism  into  the  blood,  rupture  of  the 
uterus,  sepsis,  profound  anemia,  and  other  evils.  The  child 
may  be  premature,  puny,  have  collapsed  lungs,  hemorrhages,  and 
it  is  very  likely  to  be  killed  in  delivery.  The  mortality  of  the 
women  varies,  but  it  averages  about  7  per  cent ;  that  of  the  chil 
dren  averages  61  per  cent. 

The  tendency  with  obstetricians  is  to  deliver  the  child  as 
soon  as  the  diagnosis  has  been  made.  When  the  bleeding  is 
slight,  and  the  child  is  viable,  one  may  delay  delivery  provided 
the  woman  will  remain  in  bed  in  a  good  maternity  hospital  with 
out  moving.  At  home  the  woman  may  "flood"  and  bleed  to 
death  before  a  physician  can  reach  her.  If  the  woman  refuses 
to  go  to  a  hospital,  and  to  permit  the  induction  of  labor,  any 
physician  who  has  regard  for  his  own  reputation  will  drop  the 
case  and  leave  the  woman  to  her  own  devices. 



There  are  various  methods  of  treatment,  and  much  depends 
on  the  position  of  the  abnormally  placed  placenta.  The  treat 
ments  all  consist  in  stopping  the  hemorrhage  for  the  instant, 
emptying  the  uterus,  insuring  permanent  hemostasis,  and  meet 
ing  the  anemia.  The  Braxton-IIicks  version  is  one  method. 
The  child  is  quickly  turned  so  that  the  head  is  upward  in  the 
uterus,  and  a  leg  is  pulled  down  to  plug  the  cervix  uteri  until 
there  is  enough  dilatation  to  extract  the  child.  Very  many 
children  are  lost  by  this  method.  When  the  placenta  praevia 
is  marginal  to  the  cervix  or  lateral  in  the  uterus  the  child  has 
a  better  chance  when  a  colpeurynter,  or  inflatable  rubber  bag, 
is  inserted  in  the  cervix  as  a  plug.  Much  skill  and  discrimi 
nation  is  required  in  the  management  of  this  bag  until  the 
child  is  delivered.  The  obstetrician  may  be  obliged  to  sit  by 
the  bed  and  hold  on  to  the  bag  for  from  three  to  twelve  hours. 
Hasty  extraction  through  a  poorly  dilated  cervix  is  a  very  dan 
gerous  process,  as  a  tear  cannot  be  repaired  quickly  enough,  as 
a  rule,  to  check  the  hemorrhage,  which  will  be  fatal.  When 
version  has  been  done  haste  may  compress  the  head  in  the  tight 
cervix  and  asphyxiate  the  child. 

When  the  child  is  viable  a  cesarean  section  is  by  far  the 
best  method  for  the  child,  as  it  lowers  the  fetal  mortality  from 
61  to  about  5  per  cent.  The  mother,  too,  has  a  better  chance 
by  the  cesarean  section,  provided  it  is  done  by  a  competent 
man,  early  in  labor  before  infection  has  set  in,  and  in  a  hos 

If  the  child  is  not  viable  the  hemorrhage  must  be  stopped 
to  save  the  woman's  life.  As  a  rule,  the  hemorrhages  are  not 
dangerous  before  the  seventh  month.  In  the  128  deaths  of 
Miiller's  statistics  there  was  not  one  before  the  seventh  month 
of  gestation.  Hirst,  however,  says  he  has  been  obliged  to 
empty  the  uterus  at  the  fifth  month  for  placenta  praevia.  The 
woman  must  be  kept  in  bed,  the  foot  of  the  bed  elevated,  seda 
tives  used,  and  so  on,  as  in  threatened  abortion,  and  the  va 
gina  tamponed  securely  with  cotton.  If  it  is  evident  that  the 
fetus  is  dead,  it  must  be  extracted  as  in  the  case  of  a  viable 
fetus.  If  it  is  probable  that  the  fetus  is  alive,  it  is  to  be 
treated  as  in  a  case  of  inevitable  abortion  as  described  in  the 


chapter  on  Abortion.  The  tamponing  of  the  vagina  to  stop  the 
hemorrhage  will  cause  the  abortion  of  the  fetus  indirectly. 
This  is  another  double-effect  case,  and  the  tamponing  is  mor 
ally  permissible  provided  the  intention  is  correct. 

Abruptio  placentae  is  a  tearing  loose  of  a  placenta  which  is 
situated  in  the  normal  position,  not  abnormally  as  in  placenta 
praevia.  The  cause  may  be  a  disease  of  the  placenta  or  de- 
cidua ;  for  example,  syphilis,  chronic  metritis,  traumatism  from 
a  blow  or  fall,  jumping  from  a  carriage-step,  and  so  on.  Ne 
phritis  is  often  found  where  there  is  abruptio  placentae.  In 
labor  the  placenta  may  be  torn  loose  by  a  version,  by  the  de 
livery  of  the  first  of  a  pair  of  twins,  or  because  the  cord  is 
too  short. 

There  is  always  profuse  hemorrhage,  which  is  usually  con 
cealed  at  first,  but  finally  external.  Jt  is  possible  at  times  for 
a  woman  to  bleed  to  death  into  her  own  uterus,  when  it  is  dis 
tensible.  The  mortality  is  about  50  per  cent,  for  the  women, 
and  where  there  is  concealed  hemorrhage  about  95  per  cent,  of 
the  children  are  lost.  A  differential  diagnosis  is  to  be  made  to 
exclude  placenta  praevia,  rupture  of  the  uterus,  extrauterine 
pregnancy,  rupture  of  an  appendical  abscess,  gall-stone  colie, 
or  intraabdominal  injury. 

If  the  child  is  viable  it  must  be  delivered  as  quickly  as 
possible.  If  it  is  dead  and  the  head  is  developed,  craniotomy 
should  be  done  to  hasten  extraction.  When  the  abruptio  takes 
place  before  the  seventh  month  of  gestation  the  fetus  will  die 
in  about  ten  minutes,  whether  in  the  uterus  or  outside  it;  no 
matter  what  method  might  be  adopted  to  empty  the  uterus,  the 
child  would  be  dead  before  delivery.  The  diagnosis  would  have 
to  be  made  and  instruments  prepared,  and  this  would  take  up 
more  than  the  ten  minutes  of  life  left  to  the  fetus.  It  is  neces 
sary  to  get  the  fetus  out  to  stop  the  bleeding  of  the  open  sinuses 
by  contraction  of  the  uterus. 

The  removal  of  the  fetus  here  is  not  like  an  artificial  abor 
tion.  In  abortion  the  abortionist  separates  the  placenta  from  the 
uterine  sinuses  and  so  kills  the  fetus;  the  removal  from  the 
uterus  is  secondary  to  that  separation  which  kills.  The  com 
mon  notion  of  moralists  that  death  is  caused  in  abortion  by 


taking  the  child  out  of  the  uterus  is  inexact — tearing  loose  the 
placenta  is  the  real  cause.  In  a  removal  of  the  fetus  after  an 
abruptio  placentae  the  death  of  the  fetus  is  not  caused  by  the 
physician  at  all,  but  by  the  force  that  effected  the  abruptio. 
As  the  child  will  be  dead  before  sufficient  dilatation  of  the  cer 
vix  to  deliver  it  can  be  attained,  there  is  no  objection  to  begin 
ning  the  delivery  as  soon  as  the  diagnosis  is  clear. 


TUMORS  in  or  near  the  uterus  may  be  obstacles  to  deliv 
ery  or  they  may  through  malignancy  endanger  the  wom 
an's  life.  The  commonest  tumors  complicating  pregnancy  are 
fibroids,  cancers,  and  ovarian  tumors,  especially  cysts  and  der- 
moids,  but  tumors  of  other  kinds  are  not  frequently  met. 
Schauta,  in  111,112  pregnant  women,  found  fibroids  in  86, 
one  in  1292  cases;  Pinard,  in  13,915,  found  84,  one  in  165 
cases;  Pozzi,  in  12,050,  had  83,  one  in  133  cases;  in  St.  Peters 
burg,  in  13,076  deliveries,  there  were  only  4,  one  in  3269 
cases;  and  in  the  Charite  in  Berlin,  6  in  19,052  births,  one  in 
3175  cases.  The  ovarian  cyst  in  pregnancy  is  rarer  than  the 
fibroid — 5  in  17,832  births,  one  in  3566  cases,  in  the  Berlin 
Frauenklinik.  Cancer  of  the  cervix  also  seldom  appears — • 
once  in  about  2000  cases.  Other  very  rare  conditions,  related 
to  these,  are  polyps  of  the  cervix,  enlarged  and  prolapsed  kid 
neys,  extrauterine  pregnancy  combined  with  intrauterine,  echi- 
nococcus  cysts,  parametric  abscesses,  cancers  of  the  rectum, 
rectal  strictures,  tumors  of  the  bladder,  stones  in  the  bladder, 
tumors  of  the  pelvic  bones  or  cartilages,  and  tumors  of  the 
vagina  or  vulva. 

Fibroids,  called  also  fibromyomata,  fibromata,  and  myo- 
mata,  in  the  uterine  muscle  or  adnexa  commonly  enlarge  dur 
ing  pregnancy,  and  if  they  are  big  enough  and  low  in  the  pelvis 
may  block  the  parturient  canal.  These  tumors  may  suppurate, 
grow  gangrenous,  or  take  on  red  degeneration ;  they  may  cause 
abortion,  peritoneal  adhesions,  pain,  or  hemorrhage;  simulate 
threatened  abortion;  bring  on  retroflexion  of  the  uterus,  pla 
centa  praevia,  abnormal  presentations,  sometimes  weak  pains 
or  pains  so  strong  as  to  rupture  the  uterus,  and  they  may  check 
contraction  after  delivery  so  as  to  start  hemorrhage.  They 



may  so  kink  the  uterus  as  to  incarcerate  the  placenta  and  cause 
sepsis.  The  percentage  of  degeneration  in  fibroids  taken  gen 
erally  is  22,  according  to  William  Mayo.1 

Myomata  often  obscure  the  diagnosis  in  pregnancy.  The 
tumor  may  be  mistaken  for  a  twin  child,  or  vice  versa.  A  large 
symmetrical  interstitial  myoma  may  be  mistaken  for  pregnancy, 
or  vice  versa.  Sometimes,  even  after  the  belly  has  been  opened, 
it  is  difficult  to  be  sure  whether  the  condition  is  pregnancy  or  a 
tumor.  As  eminent  a  surgeon  as  Deaver  says  this  diagnosis 
cannot  always  be  made  by  any  one  no  matter  what  his  experi 

We  cannot  give  a  general  mortality  average  for  myomata 
in  pregnancy  because  only  bad  cases  are  reported,  but  in  bad 
cases  the  mortality  is  very  high — 50  per  cent,  for  the  mother 
and  about  60  per  cent,  for  the  children,  with  almost  30  per 
cent,  of  abortions.  The  majority  of  women  who  have  myo 
mata  go  on  to  delivery  without  trouble.  In  some  there  is  much 
pain  or  hemorrhage,  and  these  conditions  may  finally  oblige 
the  obstetrician  to  operate,  but  the  operation  should  be  deferred 
as  long  as  possible.  Where  there  are  signs  of  necrosis  of  the 
tumor,  operation  is  necessary  at  once  to  prevent  sepsis.  Re 
moval  of  a  myoma  during  pregnancy  does  not  always  cause 
abortion.  The  statistics  are  that  about  83  per  cent,  of  those 
operated  upon  are  removed  without  abortion.  In  the  Mayo 
Clinic 2  fourteen  cases  of  degenerating  fibroids  in  pregnant 
wombs  were  removed  and  the  majority  went  on  to  term.  The 
removal  is  always  a  very  bloody  operation,  and  it  requires  great 
surgical  skill.  Where  enucleation  of  the  tumor  alone  was  in 
tended  it  may  finally  become  necessary  to  amputate  the  uterus 
to  stop  hemorrhage. 

When  the  case  has  gone  on  to  labor  at  term  the  diagnosis 
as  to  position  and  size  of  the  tumor  is  to  be  made,  and  what  the 
effects  will  be  as  to  blocking  the  canal  or  crushing  the  tumor 
so  as  to  bring  on  sloughing.  If  a  tumor  blocking  the  canal 
cannot  be  pushed  up  out  of  the  way  of  the  child,  a  cesarean 
section  should  be  done  immediately.  ,In  such  an  outcome  as 

1  Jour.  Amcr.  Med.  Assoc.,  March  24,  1917. 


section  the  experience  of  the  operator  must  decide  whether  the 
tumor  is  to  be  removed  then  or  at  a  more  favorable  opportunity. 
It  may  be  necessary  to  do  cesarean  section  to  liberate  an  in 
carcerated  placenta. 

Sometimes  the  fetus  is  so  involved  with  a  gangrenous  myoma 
that  enucleation  of  the  tumor  will  kill  or  hasten  the  death 
of  the  fetus.  When,  in  such  a  complication,  it  is  evident  that 
the  life  of  the  woman  depends  on  the  immediate  removal  of 
the  tumor,  yet  a  second  but  evil  effect  follows  from  the  opera 
tion,  namely,  the  unavoidable  death  of  the  fetus,  the  removal 
is  morally  licit  provided  the  operator  has  the  proper  intention. 
The  death  of  the  child  as  an  effect  in  this  case  is  only  indirectly 
voluntary  from  the  physical  point  of  view,  and  only  permis- 
sively  voluntary  from  the  moral  aspect.3 

Ovarian  tumors  in  pregnancy  are,  as  has  been  said,  rarer 
than  myomata.  Such  tumors  are  mostly  cysts  and  dermoids. 
In  862  cases  collected  by  MacKerron,  68  per  cent,  were  cysts, 
23  per  cent,  dermoids,  5  per  cent,  malignant  tumors,  and  a  few 
were  myomata.  Cysts  and  dermoids  do  not,  like  the  myomata, 
grow  bigger  during  pregnancy,  but  they  may  hinder  delivery 
or  grow  gangrenous  and  septic.  When  treated  early  the  mor 
tality  in  pregnancy  is  from  2.1  to  5.9  per  cent,  for  the  women, 
but  delay  gives  a  maternal  mortality  of  from  31  to  39  per 
cent.  The  fetal  mortality  in  Heiberg's  statistics  of  271  cases 
was  66  per  cent. 

Most  obstetricians  advise  the  removal  of  an  ovarian  tumor 
in  pregnancy  as  soon  as  diagnosed,  provided  it  is  of  a  size  to 
cause  difficulty  in  parturition,  but  such  a  removal  causes  abor 
tion  in  over  20  per  cent,  of  the  cases.  The  expectant  treat 
ment  causes  abortion  in  about  17  per  cent.  If  the  child  is 
viable,  Fehling,  Martin,  Norris,  and  Do  Lee  are  in  favor  of 
the  expectant  treatment.  Late  operators  leave  weak  scars  at 
labor.  When  there  are  symptoms  of  torsion  of  the  pedicle  of  the 
tumor,  infection,  incarceration  in  the  pelvis,  involvement  of  the 
uterine  broad  ligament,  or  overdistention  of  the  belly,  the  tumor 

*Cf.  Ferreres,  Nouvelle  Revue  Theologique,  September  and  Octo 
ber,  1912,  and  the  appendix  of  his  book  De  Vasectomia  Duplici, 
Madrid,  1913. 


must  be  removed  immediately.  Whether  vaginal  puncture  or 
laparotomy  is  the  better  method  is  to  be  decided  particularly. 
Dermoid  cysts  are  likely  to  bring  on  sepsis  if  they  are  broken  in 
enucleation,  and  the  diagnosis  and  operation  must  be  carefully 
made.  When  it  is  necessary  to  save  the  life  of  the  woman  to 
remove  an  ovarian  tumor,  the  risk  of  abortion  may  be  taken 

Cancers  of  the  cervix  uteri  are  always  malignant  and  cause 
death  if  they  are  not  removed  before  they  have  gone  on  to  me 
tastasis.  As  this  tumor  commonly  appears  after  the  child- 
bearing  age,  it  is  rare  in  pregnancy;  the  ordinary  ratio  is 
one  in  2000  deliveries,  but  De  Lee  saw  only  one  in  Chicago 
in  16,000  consecutive  labors.  Abortion  occurs  in  from  30  to 
40  per  cent,  of  the  cases.  Spontaneous  rupture  of  the  uterus 
may  happen,  and  placenta  praevia  is  frequent  relatively. 
Pregnancy  hastens  the  growth  and  spread  of  cancer  very  much. 
Eight  per  cent,  of  the  women  die  undelivered,  and  43  per  cent, 
die  during  labor  or  immediately  afterward.  Of  all  uterine  can 
cers,  80  per  cent,  are  cervical. 

The  diagnosis  should  be  as  certain  as  possible.  Karely 
nodules  which  are  not  cancerous  appear  in  the  cervix  during 
pregnancy,  and  these  are  to  be  examined  microscopically. 
Snipping  out  of  a  piece  of  the  nodule  for  examination  does  not 
cause  abortion.  Vaughan  of  Michigan  University,  who  is  a 
skilful  and  careful  observer,  said  4  that  in  an  investigation  of 
200  cases  of  cancer,  upon  which  more  than  30,000  differential 
blood-counts  were  made,  he  discovered  a  method  of  diagnosing 
the  operability  of  a  cancer  as  follows:  He  makes  a  blood- 
count  and  then  injects  intraperitoneally  one  c.c.  of  placental 
residue.  The  next  day  he  begins  a  series  of  blood-counts,  and 
if  the  number  of  polymorphonuclear  cells  decreases  the  case 
is  operable,  no  metastasis  has  occurred;  if  there  is  no  change 
in  the  number  of  the  polymorphonucleavs,  or  an  increase  with 
a  corresponding  decrease  of  the  large  rnononuclears,  the  case  is 
inoperable,  metastasis  has  begun. 

In  cancer  of  the  cervix  operability  does  not  mean  curability 
always.  Inoperability  signifies  that  the  woman  has  no  chance 

4  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  December  8,  1917. 


at  all  for  life  and  that  it  is  useless  to  do  anything;  operability 
means  that  she  has  one  chance  in  four  and  that  it  is  worth 
while  taking  the  chance.  The  following  conditions  may  be  met : 

1.  The  case  may  be  operable  and  the  child  inviable. 

2.  The  case  may  be  operable  and  the  child  viable. 

3.  The  case  may  inoperable  and  the  child  inviable. 

4.  The  case  may  be  inoperable  and  the  child  viable. 

In  the  first  case  the  supposition  is  that  the  case  is  operable 
but  the  child  inviable.  To  save  the  woman  the  uterus, 
with  its  adnexa,  must  be  removed,  and  this,  of  course,  kills  the 
fetus.  The  case  differs  from  the  enucleation  of  a  gangrenous 
myoma  which  involves  the  death  of  an  inviable  fetus.  In  the 
myoma  case  the  woman  has  practically  every  chance  for  her  life 
through  operation;  in  this  cancer  case  the  woman  has  only  one 
chance  in  four,  as  75  per  cent,  of  such  operations  fail  through 
recurrence  of  the  cancer. 

The  child  has  about  one  chance  in  two  of  going  on  to  via 
bility,  owing  to  the  tendency  to  abortion,  if  no  operation  is 
done;  but  the  mother  loses  her  chance  for  life  if  the  opera 
tion  is  not  done  at  once,  as  the  cancer  will  spread  beyond  cure. 
Zweifel  has  seen  such  a  growth  extend  a  finger's  breadth  in 
one  week.  The  one  chance  in  four  in  immediate  operation 
gives  the  mother  a  solid  ground  for  hope,  and  the  probability 
is  sufficient,  in  my  opinion,  to  permit  the  operation  with  a 
permissive  loss  of  the  fetus. 

In  the  second  case  the  cancer  is  operable  and  the  child  is 
viable.  The  child  should  at  once  be  delivered  by  cesarean  sec 
tion,  and  the  uterus  with  its  adnexa  removed. 

The  third  case  is  that  of  an  inoperable  cancer  and  an  in- 
viable  child.  There  the  operation  should  be  deferred,  if  pos 
sible,  until  the  child  becomes  viable. 

The  fourth  case  supposes  the  cancer  is  inoperable  but  the 
child  viable.  In  the  interest  of  the  child,  immediate  cesa 
rean  section  is  the  best  thing  to  do ;  it  is  much  better  than  wait 
ing  until  term.  At  term  this  operation  will  have  to  be  done 
anyhow,  and  the  earlier  it  is  done,  the  better  the  woman  can 
stand  the  strain.  There  is  a  risk  that  she  will  die  from  the 


first  operation  done  to  deliver  the  viable  child,  but  she  may  lic- 
itly  take  this  risk,  as  she  might  licitly  run  into  a  burning  house 
to  save  a  child,  even  if  not  her  own.  She  may  also  licitly  re 
fuse  the  first  operation. 


PRIMARY  appendicitis  in  pregnancy  is  very  rare;  re 
current  appendicitis  is  not  so  rare.  When  appendicitis 
goes  on  to  suppuration  and  perforative  peritonitis  the  condition 
is  worse  in  pregnant  women  than  in  the  non-pregnant.  In 
pregnancy  protective  adhesions,  walling  off,  are  less  likely  to 
occur ;  the  inflammation  is  more  intense  owing  to  increased  vas- 
cularity ;  thrombosis  and  phlebitis  are  more  frequent ;  drainage 
may  be  obstructed  and  the  burrowing  of  pus  widespread ;  tym- 
pany,  too,  causes  dyspnoea  earlier.  About  75  per  cent,  of  the 
cases  occur  after  the  third  month,  and  the  earlier  the  appen 
dicitis  appears,  the  better  the  prognosis.  During  labor  the 
contracting  uterus  sometimes  tears  open  an  adhesive  appendix, 
or  ruptures  a  pus  sac  and  starts  a  general  peritonitis.  This 
condition  may  be  mistaken  for  a  general  sepsis  which  is  puer 
peral.  Acute  appendicitis  is  likely  to  be  confused  with  an  in 
flammation  of  a  Fallopian  tube.  When  the  appendicitis  is  per 
forative  abortion,  infection  of  the  uterine  contents  and  death 
of  the  child  happen  in  most  cases.  Labor  is  very  painful 
when  appendicitis  is  present,  and  the  uterine  contractions  are 
often  weak.  After  delivery  many  forms  of  infection  of  the 
uterus  and  its  adnexa  are  possible. 

Operation  is  much  less  difficult  in  the  first  half  of  gesta 
tion  than  in  the  latter  months.  At  the  beginning  of  gesta 
tion  the  operation  does  not,  as  a  rule,  cause  abortion.  Late 
in  pregnancy  appendicitis  rapidly  goes  on  to  suppuration  and 
perforation,  with  a  high  mortality.  Hirst  says  that  where  there 
is  reason  to  suspect  suppuration  a  median  incision  should  be 
made  and  the  pelvic  cavity  examined  for  possible  areas  of  in 
fection.  John  Deaver  says,  "Always  cut  down  on  the  sore 



spot  and  do  not  handle  the  uterus."  An  infected  uterus  after 
cesarean  section  complicated  with  appendicitis  has  to  be  am 

The  diagnosis  between  appendicitis,  ectopic  gestation, 
twisted  ovarian  tumors,  ureteritis,  and  ureteral  stone  is  to  be 
made.  In  a  discussion  of  a  paper  by  Finley  on  Appendicitis 
in  Pregnancy,1  Dr.  John  Murphy  of  Chicago,  a  great  author 
ity,  advised  operation  as  soon  as  the  diagnosis  is  made,  and  ho 
was  of  the  opinion  that  this  diagnosis  is  not  difficult  to  make 
in  pregnancy.  Deaver  said  a  diagnosis  of  catarrhal  appendi 
citis  is  not  seldom  very  difficult  to  make.  This  form  is  very 
rare  in  pregnancy.  Deaver  is  not  of  the  same  opinion  as  Mur 
phy  as  to  operating  as  soon  as  the  diagnosis  is  made  in  all  cases. 
Where  there  is  a  general  peritonitis,  operation  commonly  only 
makes  matters  worse  by  spreading  infection.  The  mortality 
of  cases  of  appendicitis  in  pregnancy  left  without  operation 
is  as  high  as  77  per  cent. ;  where  the  cases  are  operated  upon 
within  forty-eight  hours  after  diagnosis  the  mortality  is  G.7 
per  cent,  and  it  would  be  better  if  the  operation  were  done 
within  twenty-four  hours.  Finley  says  that  in  the  fifteen  cases 
reviewed  in  his  paper  the  operation  did  not  cause  abortion. 
Deaver  tells  us  the  muscular  rigidity  in  the  right  groin  char 
acteristic  of  appendicitis  is  often  missing  in  pregnancy,  and 
that  sometimes  the  pain  is  on  the  left  side  of  the  belly. 
*Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  December  24,  1912. 



FROM  8  to  10  per  cent,  of  all  insanity  in  women  develops 
during  the  puerperium — the  incidence  is  about  one  case 
to  400  births.  Puerperal  insanity  in  nearly  70  per  cent,  of 
the  cases  begins  within  the  first  two  weeks  after  parturition. 
Next  in  frequency  of  occurrence  is  the  period  of  lactation,  es 
pecially  in  multiparae.  Insanity  during  pregnancy  itself  ii 
relatively  rare,  and  it  begins  usually  after  the  fourth  month. 

As  in  other  forms  of  insanity,  hereditary  predisposition  is 
found  in  from  25  to  30  per  cent,  of  the  cases.  Alcoholism, 
sepsis,  and  neuroses  like  hysteria,  chorea,  and  epilepsy,  are  the 
predisposing  elements.  The  most  common  immediate  exciting 
cause  during  pregnancy  is  toxemia  from  faulty  metabolism 
and  excretion.  Other  frequent  direct  excitants  are  mental 
worry  from  poverty,  desertion,  seduction,  and  the  like  troubles. 

Prolongation  of  the  lactation  period  beyond  the  usual  time 
for  weaning,  from  the  ninth  to  the  twelfth  month,  is  common 
among  ignorant  and  lazy  women.  Some  women  prolong  lac 
tation  in  the  erroneous  notion  that  it  prevents  renewed  im 
pregnation.  Such  lactation  is  injurious  to  the  child,  as  a  rule. 
Ploss  says  hyperlactation  is  frequent  in  Spain,  and  that  some 
Japanese,  Chinese,  and  Armenian  women  may  nurse  their  chil 
dren  for  years,  but  this  practice  is  undoubtedly  injurious,  es 
pecially  among  European  races.  The  women  get  tabes  lactea 
with  emaciation,  asthenia,  anemia,  backache,  pain  in  the 
breasts,  neurasthenia,  cramps,  and  blindness.  The  uterus  atro 
phies  in  some  cases  and  may  be  permanently  injured.  Insan 
ity  is  not  unusual. 

The  forms  of  mental  disturbance  commonest  in  puerperal 
insanity  are  mania  with  or  without  delirium,  melancholia,  and 



dementia.  Dementia  is  the  final  stage  in  the  cases  that  become 
chronic.  Mania  is  the  prevailing  type  in  insanity  after  labor, 
and  melancholia  in  insanity  during  gestation.  The  melan 
choly  of  insanity  during  gestation  is  often  suicidal,  and  must 
always  be  watched.  Religious  and  erotic  symptoms  are  also 

The  onset  may  be  very  sudden  during  labor.  An  outbreak 
after  labor  may  be  suicidal  or  homicidal.  Maniacal  puerperal 
women  are  dangerous.  They  have  delusions  and  hallucinations, 
with  very  rapid  and  incessant  changes  that  range  from  obscen 
ity  to  prayer.  Melancholy  in  the  puerperium  is  likely  to  be 

About  75  per  cent,  of  puerperal  insanity  cases  recover 
within  five  or  six  months.  From  2  to  10  per  cent,  die  from  sep 
sis,  exhaustion,  or  intercurrent  diseases ;  the  remainder  become 
permanently  insane.  The  nearer  the  delivery  the  insanity  ap 
pears,  the  better  the  prognosis.  Menzies  found  that  of  cases 
which  began  during  gestation  56.7  per  cent,  remained  insane; 
of  those  that  began  during  the  puerperium  25  per  cent,  did 
not  recover;  of  those  that  began  during  lactation  43.5  per  cent, 
remained  insane.  Melancholia  is  more  favorable  than  mania 
in  pregnancy,  but  after  labor  mania  gives  the  better  prognosis. 
The  maniacal  patient  is  more  likely  to  die,  but  the  melancholic 
is  more  likely  to  remain  insane.  The  older  the  woman,  the 
greater  the  number  of  her  pregnancies,  the  more  the  depres 
sion,  and  the  higher  the  temperature,  the  worse  the  prognosis. 
Alcoholism  is  an  added  risk  always. 

All  puerperal  insanities  should  be  treated  in  sanatoria  or 
asylums  and  not  at  home.  When  a  woman  with  puerperal 
insanity  is  allowed  to  remain  at  home  she  cannot  get  proper 
treatment,  and  is  a  constant  menace  to  her  own  life  and  the 
lives  of  her  family. 

A  woman  who  has  had  puerperal  insanity  and  has  recovered 
her  mental  health  is  likely  to  have  a  recurrence  of  her  malady 
at  subsequent  pregnancies.  The  question  has  been  asked  me  a 
few  times,  "Would  it  not  be  justifiable  to  sterilize  such  a  woman 
to  prevent  this  recurrence,  with  its  dangers  and  terrors?" 

It  would  not  be  justifiable:     1.  Because  it  is  not  licit  to 

inflict  a  grave  mutilation  to  avert  a  possible  or  probable  future 
evil.  2.  There  are  other  means  to  escape  the  danger :  a  woman 
with  this  tendency  is  justified  in  denying  the  debitum.  3.  Once 
crazy,  always  crazy,  is  an  aphorism  with  much  truth  in  it, 
and  it  is  doubtful  that  sterilization  in  itself  will  prevent  ul 
timate  insanity.  4.  The  conjugal  relation  of  a  sterilized  wom 
an  would  be  no  better  than  onanistic.  5.  The  sterilization  would 
fall  under  the  decrees  and  penalties  described  at  the  end  of  the 
chapter  on  Cesarean  Section. 



IN  pregnancy  the  kidneys  always  give  evidence  of  a  con 
stant  congestion,  and  the  chief  symptom  of  this  is  the  great 
quantity  of  renal  epithelium  shed  with  the  urine.  This  en 
gorgement  has  given  rise  to  the  term  "kidney  of  pregnancy." 
There  has  been  much  discussion  of  this  condition,  especially 
as  to  the  possibility  of  differentiating  it  from  beginning  ne 
phritis.  In  227  consecutive  cases  of  pregnancy  in  which  the 
urine  was  examined  at  short  intervals  by  myself  throughout 
the  entire  gestation,  there  was  always  an  enormous  quantity 
of  epithelium,  and  this  presence  of  epithelium  is  so  constant 
that  its  absence  is  a  proof  that  pregnancy  does  not  exist.  It  is 
as  physiological  as  any  other  somatic  change  in  the  puerperium. 
Von  Leyden  and  other  German  observers  look  upon  the  degen 
erative  alteration  in  the  epithelium  of  the  renal  tubules  as 
pathological,  but  apparently  more  definite  symptoms  are  nec 
essary  to  make  a  diagnosis  of  significant  nephritis. 

Williams  l  says  that  in  the  examination  of  1000  pregnant 
women  at  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital  in  Baltimore  traces  of  al 
bumin  were  found  in  50  per  cent,  without  subsequent  serious 
disturbance,  but  where  considerable  albumin  with  casts  other 
than  hyaline  was  seen  there  were  symptoms  of  toxemia  later, 
and  several  of  these  went  on  into  eclampsia.  Fisher  2  held  that 
red  blood-corpuscles  in  these  cases  indicate  acute  nephritis; 
and  granular  and  epithelial  casts,  chronic  nephritis.  Like  the 
Johns  Hopkins  cases,  he  found  albumin  in  50  per  cent,  of  his 
patients.  Albumin  in  slight  quantities  is  found  to  be  extremely 
common  toward  the  end  of  pregnancy.  Meyer,?  in  an  ex- 

1  Obstetrics,  p.  456. 

* Praeger  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  ISO?    n.  17. 
*  Zeitschrift  fur  Oeburishulfe,  bd.  16,  n.  2. 



tensive  study  of  the  kidney  in  pregnancy,  made  at  Copenhagen, 
found  albumin  in  5.4  per  cent,  of  the  women.  During  the 
last  month  of  gestation  71  per  cent,  of  the  women  showed  albu 
min.  Premature  births  occurred  in  8  per  cent,  of  the  patients 
who  had  had  albuminuria,  but  in  21.5  per  cent,  of  the  women 
who  had  had  casts.  Delicate  tests  for  albumin  are  used  by  men 
who  find  these  high  averages,  as  a  few  leucocytes  from  leucor- 
rhoea  will  give  the  reaction.  Most  of  these  cases  have  no  clini 
cal  significance. 

It  is  usually  impossible  to  differentiate  in  pregnancy  a 
lighting  up  of  an  old  nephritis  from  a  toxemia.  Where  there 
is  a  history  of  nephritis  before  the  pregnancy,  this  often  clears 
up  the  diagnosis.  Nephritis  is  likely  to  manifest  itself  in 
pregnancy  earlier  than  toxemia;  albuminuric  retinitis  is  com 
moner  in  nephritis,  but  these  facts  are  no  real  help  in  differen 

The  position  of  the  uterus  may  be  a  cause  of  nephritis,  ac 
cording  to  the  American  Text-Book  of  Obstetrics;  but  De  Lee 
and  others  hold  that  the  growing  womb  cannot  possibly  be  a 
cause.  Many  other  origins  have  been  suggested,  but  without 
sufficient  proof. 

The  treatment  of  the  nephritides  of  pregnancy  is  that  de 
scribed  in  chap,  xiii  for  eclamptic  symptoms.  When  albuminuric 
retinitis  occurs,  the  medical  tendency  is  to  empty  the  uterus. 
All  text-books  counsel  this  procedure,  but  they  give  no  convinc 
ing  reasons  for  the  advice.  If  the  child  is  viable  the  thera 
peutic  abortion  might  be  done  when  necessary;  if  the  child  is 
not  viable  the  operation  is,  of  course,  not  licit  In  the  ne 
phritis  of  pregnancy  it  is  not  certain  that  emptying  the  uterus 
artificially,  with  the  entailed  shock,  is  the  best  method  of  treat 
ment;  but,  as  a  rule,  nephritis  is  made  worse  by  pregnancy, 
and  the  irritation  lessens  with  the  termination  of  gestation  in 
some  cases,  but  not  in  true  chronic  nephritis.  Eclampsia  is 
more  toxic  than  nephritis,  and  the  treatment  may  differ  in  im 
portant  details:  it  certainly  is  doubtful  that  artificial  abortion 
in  eclampsia  is  the  method  of  choice  at  present.  I  saw  a  case 
of  albuminuric  retinitis  ten  years  ago,  which  could  not  have 
been  worse.  The  woman  was  in  the  seventh  month  of  gesta- 


tion;  she  was  nearly  blind  and  half  comatose.  The  albumin 
in  her  urine  always  was  so  great  that  it  would  not  fully  precipi 
tate  in  a  centrifuge  tube,  and  every  field  under  the  microscope 
was  covered  with  large  casts  in  such  enormous  quantities  that 
they  were  felted  together.  Yet  the  woman  was  carried  on  to 
term  by  Dr.  Joseph  O'Malley  and  delivered  of  a  fully  developed 
child.  She  since  has  had  two  other  children  at  term  who  are 
perfectly  healthy,  and  she  herself  could  pass  a  life  insurance 
examination.  This  is,  of  course,  only  one  case,  and  it  is  ex 
ceptional  ;  but  it  is  impossible  to  say  what  will  happen  in  any 
particular  case — whether  it  will  go  on  to  death  or  recovery. 

Both  subacute  and  chronic  parenchymatous  nephritis  show 
clinically  much  albumin,  many  casts,  marked  edema  (except 
in  very  emaciated  cases),  absence  of  high  blood-pressure,  and 
the  heart  is  not  enlarged.  This  condition  is  caused  commonly 
by  chronic  tuberculosis,  syphilis,  sepsis,  and  malignant  tumors. 
With  these  clinical  symptoms  and  the  history,  we  may  differ 
entiate  the  nephritis  of  pregnancy  from  Bright's  disease. 
Again,  acute  intestinal  nephritis  or  glomerulonephritis  has 
urinary  findings  like  the  nephritides  just  described,  and  there 
may  be  edema.  The  heart  and  the  blood-vessels  are  normal. 
The  cause  is  usually  a  pus  microorganism,  and  there  may  be 
anemia  from  the  sepsis.  In  subacute  glomerulonephritis,  or  in 
testinal  nephritis,  the  urinary  findings  are  marked  (much  al 
bumin  and  many  casts),  anemia  is  rather  constant,  the  blood- 
pressure  gradually  goes  up  to  180  or  200,  edema  may  be  marked 
or  absent.  The  cause  is  usually  a  pus  microorganism. 
Chronic  glomerulonephritis  shows  much  epithelium  and  many 
casts  (sometimes  in  showers),  the  blood-pressure  is  high,  the 
heart  is  usually  somewhat  enlarged,  there  is  polyuria  and  some 
blood,  edema  is  common  (but  there  are  dry  cases),  albuminuric 
retinitis  is  rare,  and  anemia  is  marked  and  secondary.  It  may 
be  difficult  to  find  the  cause  of  this  chronic  glomerulonephritis, 
but  there  is,  as  a  rule,  a  history  of  tonsillitis,  septic  rheumatism, 
endocarditis,  a  true  influenza,  or  the  like  infection.  Primary 
arteriosclerotic  contracted  kidney  shows  hypertension  and  sec 
ondary  circulatory  disturbance.  The  urinary  findings  are 
comparatively  slight  and  transient,  and  there  is  little  or  no 


anemia.  The  development  is  insidious,  and  the  etiology  is  not 

There  is  evidence  of  late  to  find  a  septic  cause  for  most 
of  the  nephritides,  such  as  infectious  fevers,  pyorrhea  of  the 
teeth,  and  like  bacterial  intoxications;  in  pregnancy  the  ne 
phritis  may  be  toxemic  from  sources  that  are  not  bacterial. 
It  is  extremely  difficult,  and  not  seldom  impossible,  to  make 
any  differentiation,  as  has  been  said.  When  the  child  is  viable, 
whether  the  uterus  should  be  emptied  or  not  must  be  decided 
for  the  individual  case;  no  general  rule  can  be  set  down  to 
cover  all  conditions. 

One  of  the  kidneys  may  be  dislocated  during  pregnancy — 
usually  the  right  kidney.  If  a  floating  kidney  becomes  twisted 
on  its  pedicle,  abortion  may  be  a  con?equence.  The  torsion 
may  compress  the  renal  blood-vessels  and  bring  on  acute  hydro- 
nephrosis  with  high  fever,  great  abdominal  tenderness,  and  a 
peritonic  facial  expression. 

Pyelitis  of  the  renal  pelvis  is  not  seldom  met  in  pregnancy. 
The  gonococcus,  colon  bacillus,  or  some  other  pyogenic  bacte 
rium  gets  a  nidus  after  pressure  and  lowered  power  of  resist 
ance.  This  condition  is  sometimes  mistaken  for  appendicitis. 

Catalepsy  is  a  rare  complication  of  pregnancy,  in  which  the 
woman  lies  in  an  unconscious  condition.  The  disease  is  a  neu 
rosis,  but  it  might  be  mistaken  for  a  toxic  or  uremic  condition 
by  a  superficial  observer.  The  infants  of  such  women  may  be 
cataleptic,  and  may  die  as  a  consequence  of  the  condition. 



THE  term  Eclampsia  was  first  used  to  describe  the  sudden 
exaltation,  flashing  forth  (eklampsis),  of  the  vital  fac 
ulties  at  puberty;  later  it  was  applied  to  convulsions,  but  now 
it  is  restricted  to  convulsions  in  pregnancy  which  sometimes 
begin  suddenly,  as  in  a  flash.  The  disease  is  characterized  by 
a  series  of  violent  convulsive  movements,  loss  of  consciousness, 
and  coma,  and  is  one  of  the  most  dangerous  complications  of  ges 
tation.  All  convulsions  and  comas  in  pregnancy,  not  due  to  hys 
teria,  epilepsy,  cervical  tuberculosis,  apoplexy,  pneumonia,  phos 
phorus,  strychnia  and  like  poisons,  uremia,  and  meningitis, 
are  commonly  classed  as  eclamptic.  When  the  symptoms  of 
eclampsia  are  present  with  the  exception  of  the  convulsions,  a 
rare  condition,  this  state  also  is  said  to  be  eclampsia.  Reineke  x 
reported  a  case  like  this.  After  death  the  heart,  kidneys,  and 
liver  showed  all  the  signs  of  eclampsia. 

The  eclamptic  attack  may  occur  without  warning,  but  al 
most  always  there  are  premonitory  symptoms  for  from  a  few 
hours  to  some  weeks.  The  preeclamptic  symptoms  are  head 
ache  (commonly  frontal),  nausea  and  vomiting,  vertigo,  nerv 
ous  excitement  or  somnolence,  muscle  twitching,  occasional 
delirium,  cramps  in  the  calves,  disturbances  of  sight,  tinnitus, 
and  pain  in  the  epigastrium.  Epigastric  pain,  headache,  and 
disturbances  of  the  optic  tract  are  important  symptoms.  If 
these  last  signs  are  present  in  a  woman  who  has  some  edema 
and  nephritis,  the  eclampsia  will  certainly  occur,  if  proper 
means  to  relieve  the  condition  are  not  promptly  taken.  When 
the  prodromata  appear  there  is  nephritis,  as  a  rule,  but  ex 
ceptions  are  observed. 

lMiinchener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  July  30,  1907. 



When  the  attack  comes,  if  the  patient  is  standing  she  falls 
unconscious.  The  pupils  dilate,  the  eyes  and  head  are  turned 
to  the  side.  She  opens  her  mouth,  and  the  jaw  is  pulled  lat 
erally.  The  woman  stiffens,  her  face  is  distorted,  her  arms 
bent,  and  the  whole  body  curves  sidewise  in  a  tonic  spasm. 
After  a  few  seconds  her  jaws  chop,  and  if  her  tongue  is  be 
tween  the  teeth  it  is  lacerated;  twitching  runs  down  from  the 
face  and  ends  in  a  violent  convulsion  of  the  whole  body,  which 
may  toss  the  patient  from  the  bed,  and  she  may  even  fracture 
her  skull  or  long  bones  in  the  fall.  The  breathing  stops,  the 
bloodshot  eyes  stick  out,  the  face  swells  and  darkens,  the  lips 
become  purple.  Gradually  the  convulsions  wane,  and  the 
woman  appears  to  be  dying;  but  after  deep  sighing  she  begins 
to  breathe  stertorously ;  then  she  sinks  into  a  coma,  or,  in  favor 
able  cases,  revives. 

After  a  few  minutes  to  an  hour  or  more  another  convulsion 
may  befall  her,  or  she  may  have  no  more  than  one.  In  very 
grave  cases  consciousness  may  never  return  after  the  first  fit. 
The  convulsions  may  run  up  into  extraordinary  numbers — a 
hundred  or  more.  There  is  a  pseudoeclampsia  where  the  con 
vulsions  have  been  as  many  as  two  hundred.  If  there*  are 
many  attacks  in  the  first  twenty-four  hours  with  no  clear  evi 
dence  of  subsidence,  the  woman  nearly  always  dies.  Fever 
begins  in  such  cases,  and  goes  up  to  103  or  even  107  degrees. 
In  an  untreated  case  Black  found  a  temperature  of  110  degrees 
before  death.  The  average  number  of  attacks  in  these  cases 
is  from  five  to  fifteen,  and  the  convulsions  are  from  a  half  min 
ute  to  two  or  three  minutes  apart.  Olshausen  had  six  patients 
who  recovered  after  having  had  from  twenty-two  to  thirty-six 
convulsions,  but  those  who  have  above  fifteen  commonly  die. 

If  the  convulsions  are  severe  the  woman  as  a  rule  aborts, 
and  often  rapidly.  After  the  child  is  delivered  the  eclamptic 
symptoms  may  subside,  or  they  may  come  on  again,  even  a 
week  after  labor.  Often  the  fetus  dies  during  the  attack; 
rarely  it  survives  and  is  carried  to  term ;  again,  it  may  die  and 
the  eclampsia  may  subside,  but  the  fetus  remains  in  the  uterus 
for  some  time. 

If  the  woman  is  to  die  the  eclamptic  attacks  usually  in- 


crease  in  frequency  and  violence;  the  temperature  runs  up 
very  high,  or  it  sinks;  tho  pulse  becomes  weak  and  running, 
edema  of  the  lungs  comes  on,  with  rattling  and  cyanosis,  and 
the  urine  ceases  to  flow.  The  woman  may  die  in  a  convulsion 
from  apoplexy  or  heart  paralysis.  At  times  the  child  is  de 
livered,  but  the  coma  deepens  and  the  woman  dies.  In  other 
cases  there  are  coma  and  death  without  convulsions.  Rarely 
there  is  a  condition  akin  to  acute  yellow  atrophy  of  the  liver, 
with  delirium,  twitchings,  coma,  and  death. 

Women  who  have  chronic  nephritis  seldom  have  convulsions 
in  pregnancy  unless  there  happens  to  be  cerebral  hemorrhage 
as  an  effect,  but  they  suffer  the  other  results  of  chronic  Bright's 
disease — dropsy,  uremia,  edema  of  the  lungs,  paralysis  of  the 
heart,  and  albuminuric  retinitis;  they  also  are  inclined  to  pre 
mature  labor,  and  to  hemorrhages  that  loosen  the  placenta. 
When  acute  nephritis  happens  in  pregnancy  convulsions  are 
quite  common,  and  when  there  are  convulsions  as  a  result  of 
either  chronic  or  acute  nephritis  it  is  very  difficult  to  differen 
tiate  between  these  convulsions  and  genuine  eclampsia. 

The  real  cause  of  eclampsia  is  unknown,  but  the  most 
plausible  explanation  of  this  "disease  of  theories,"  as  Zweifel 
of  Leipsic  called  it,  is  that  it  is  a  toxemia  which  attacks  the 
liver,  and  directly  or  indirectly  the  kidneys,  and  brings  on 
convulsions  by  toxic  action  on  the  anterior  cerebral  cortex. 
The  great  difficulty  is  to  explain  how  these  toxins  originate. 
One  authority  suggests  that  the  poison  comes  from  the  liver; 
another,  from  the  fetus;  a  third,  from  the  placenta,  the  intes 
tines,  the  general  metabolism,  disturbed  glandular  balance,  bac 
teria,  and  so  on,  but  nothing  is  certain  as  to  the  etiology  except 
that  it  is  an  intoxication. 

On  an  average,  20  per  cent,  of  the  women  who  have  eclamp 
sia  die, — but  statistics  vary  from  5.31  per  cent,  to  45.7  for  the 
mother  and  from  30  to  42  per  cent,  for  the  child.  Eclampsia 
occurring  ante-partum  has  the  worst  mortality;  intra-partum, 
less;  post-partum,  least.  About  half  the  children  die  from 
prematurity,  toxemia,  asphyxiation,  narcotics  administered  to 
the  mother,  or  injuries  at  birth. 

If  the  patient's  pulse  remains  full  and  hard  and  below  120, 


there  is  no  immediate  danger  of  death;  but  if  faster,  weaker, 
and  running,  the  prognosis  is  bad.  High  fever  is  not  neces 
sarily  fatal  to  the  mother,  but  it  is  very  dangerous  to  the  fetus. 
Edema  of  the  lungs  is  a  very  grave  symptom,  but  recovery  is 
possible.  When  the  convulsions  have  gone  beyond  twenty  the 
prognosis  is  bad,  but  there  have  been  recoveries.  Deep  cya 
nosis,  marked  restlessness,  anuria,  and  intense  albuminuria  are 
all  bad  symptoms.  Apoplexy  is  nearly  always  fatal.  After 
delivery  the  recovery  of  the  woman  is  by  no  means  certain. 
She  may  get  pneumonia,  sepsis,  or  another  eclamptic  attack. 
Hirst  finds  that  if  the  diastolic  pressure  does  not  rise  above  a 
ratio  of  1  to  3  times  the  pulse  pressure  (i.  e.,  the  difference 
between  the  systolic  and  diastolic  pressures),  the  prognosis  is 

Every  pregnant  woman  should  be  watched  to  prevent 
eclampsia,  if  possible,  because  all  are  liable  to  this  outcome. 
The  hygienic  methods  mentioned  in  the  chapter  on  Abortion 
are  most  important  here.  The  family  history  is  of  weight — 
if  the  women  of  the  patient's  family  have  been  eclamptic,  if 
her  parents  were  alcoholic  or  insane,  these  facts  increase  her 
liability  to  the  disease.  If  she  has  had  eclampsia  before,  if 
her  kidneys  are  acutely  diseased, — especially  if  injured  by  in 
fections, — if  she  is  inclined  to  digestive  disturbance,  she  is 
disposed  to  eclampsia.  Albuminuria,  diminishing  amounts  in 
the  daily  excretion  of  urine,  and  decrease  in  the  total  solids  of 
the  urine,  casts  or  blood  in  the  urine,  are  serious  symptoms. 
If  albumin  increases  and  urea  decreases,  this  is  a  grave  sign. 

The  blood  should  be  examined  for  the  various  anemias.  If 
the  thyroid  gland  is  deficient  or  altered  in  activity,  thyroid 
extract  may  be  indicated — this  acts  also  as  a  diuretic.  Uterine 
malpositions  should  be  corrected.  Treatment  should  be  given 
where  there  is  any  evidence  of  toxemia,  as  headache,  altered 
secretion  and  excretion,  neuralgia,  mental  eccentricity,  in 
creased  vasomotor  stimulation,  high  tension,  disturbance  in  the 
sensory  apparatus,  obstinate  constipation  and  jaundice.  Tox 
emia  is  not  necessarily  renal  in  origin. 

In  any  of  these  conditions  the  proteids  should  be  kept  low 
in  the  diet,  so  that  the  kidneys  may  not  be  overtaxed.  To  throw 

off  toxins,  the  emunctories  should  be  stimulated  by  laxatives, 
water  for  diuresis,  tepid  bathing.  If  the  symptoms  grow 
threatening,  and  the  kidneys  are  involved,  the  woman  should 
be  put  to  bed,  on  water  alone.  After  three  days  an  absolute 
milk  diet  should  be  begun.  As  she  improves,  starches  are 
added,  then  the  vegetables  containing  proteid,  vegetable  oils, 
and  butter.  As  the  improvement  goes  on,  the  diet  may  be 
vegetables,  fruit  easy  of  digestion,  and  one  egg  a  day.  Later 
fish  and  chicken  are  used,  but  never  a  full  meat  diet.  Beef, 
mutton,  veal,  and  similar  heavy  meats  are  not  to  be  eaten. 
The  drink  is  to  be  water,  buttermilk,  or  koumiss. 

When  the  eclampsia  is  inevitable  the  question  of  inducing 
labor  arises.  If  the  child  is  not  viable,  abortion  is  out  of  the 
question,  as  has  been  proved  in  the  chapter  on  Abortion  and 
the  general  chapter  on  Homicide.  If  the  child  is  viable,  there 
are  three  opinions:  one,  that  the  premature  delivery  should  be 
effected  as  soon  as  possible;  a  second,  that  this  delivery  should 
be  delayed  as  long  as  possible;  and  a  third,  that  it  should  not 
be  attempted  at  all.  Those  who  hold  that  the  uterus  should 
be  emptied  as  soon  as  possible,  induce  labor  at  the  first  convul 
sion,  rapidly  and  under  deep  narcosis.  Chloroform  is  danger 
ous  to  the  heart  in  such  cases  for  full  anesthesia ;  ether  is  better. 
Braun  first  observed  that  the  convulsions  cease  or  are  lessened 
after  delivery.  Diihrssen  found  these  results  in  93.72  per 
cent.,  Olshausen  in  85  per  cent.,  Zweifel  in  66  per  cent. 
Peterson  said  that  in  615  cases  of  early  delivery — as  soon  as 
possible  after  the  first  convulsion — the  maternal  mortality  was 
15.9  per  cent.,  but  28.9  per  cent,  in  the  same  maternities  under 
the  expectant  method. 

Olshausen  was  not  in  favor  of  forced  delivery.  Charpen- 
tier  2  held  that  forced  delivery  is  dangerous  and  should  be  ab 
solutely  proscribed.  His  statistics  of  mortality  are:  after 
spontaneous  labor,  18.96;  after  artificial  labor,  30.04;  after 
forced  delivery,  40.74. 

Lichtenstein  3  reported,  from  Zweifel's  clinic  in  Leipsic,  the 
results  of  400  cases  of  eclampsia,  and  he  found  that  the  eclamp- 

*  Nouvelle  Archives  d'Obstetrique  et  de  Gynecologic,  1893. 
'  Archiv  fur  Gyndkologie,  1911,  xcv,  1. 


tic  convulsions  cease  in  only  one-third  of  the  cases  after  any 
form  of  delivery.  He  says  the  mortality  of  induced  labor  is 
no  better  than  that  after  forced  delivery,  and  that  the  mortality 
of  both  methods  does  not  materially  differ  from  the  mortality 
of  a  long  series  of  cases  where  there  was  no  such  intervention. 
The  difference  in  the  mortality  between  eclampsia  without  de 
livery  or  with  delivery  seems  to  depend  on  the  relative  loss 
of  blood.  In  40  per  cent,  of  eclamptic  cases  operated  upon, 
the  loss  of  blood  was  500  c.c.  above  the  loss  in  cases  of  spon 
taneous  delivery.  The  loss  of  blood  tends  to  produce  collapse 
when  the  blood  comes  from  the  uterus,  although  it  may  be 
beneficial  if  removed  by  venesection  before  delivery.  Five 
hundred  c.c.  of  blood  is  one-eighth  to  one-ninth  of  the  entire 
blood  supply  of  the  body  in  a  woman  of  average  size.  If  500 
c.c.  of  blood  is  withdrawn  before  the  shock  of  forced  delivery 
and  replaced  by  an  equal  quantity  of  normal  salt  solution,  the 
toxin  is  thus  reduced  by  one-fourth  or  one-third  and  then  di 
luted  by  the  normal  salt  solution,  so  that  it  has  less  poisonous 

Lichtenstein  4  describes  the  expectant  treatment  by  phleb 
otomy  and  narcotics  to  replace  operative  interference,  and  this 
method  has  revolutionized  the  mortality  of  the  treatment  of 
eclampsia.  In  ninety-four  cases  of  eclampsia  his  mortality 
was  only  5.3  per  cent.,  and  none  of  the  deaths  could  be  ascribed 
to  the  treatment.  The  infant  mortality  was  37.3  per  cent.,  as 
against  his  38.8  per  cent,  in  active  operative  interference  dur 
ing  preceding  years.  Werner,  in  the  Second  Gynecological 
Clinic  in  the  University  of  Vienna,5  by  this  new  method  in 
thirty-eight  cases  of  eclampsia  had  a  maternal  mortality  of  5.2, 
as  Lichtenstein  had,  but  his  infant  mortality  was  only  1-1.65 
per  cent.,  an  enormous  advance  for  the  better.  Formerly  the 
mortality  in  the  Viennese  clinic  was  15.8  for  the  women  and 
44.3  for  the  children,  in  a  series  of  120  cases  of  eclampsia.  A 
mortality  of  50  per  cent,  in  the  children  is  common  in  the 
old  method.  In  Lichtenstein' s  cases  there  were  mental  dis- 

4  Monatsschrift   fur   Geburtshulfe   und    Gynakologie,   xxxviii,   2. 

*  M iinchener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  November  23,  1915. 


turbances  in  2.1  per  cent,  of  the  women,  as  against  6.75  per 
cent,  in  the  old  method.  Eclamptics  may  go  insane  and  kill 
the  child  after  delivery.  Lichtenstein  treated  74  consecutive 
cases  without  a  single  death.  In  54  per  cent,  of  his  cases  the 
convulsions  ceased  after  one  venesection,  and  42  per  cent,  of 
the  women  with  ante-partum  attacks  recovered  before  labor 
came  on.  Engelmann  8  reported  a  case  where  a  woman  who 
had  had  188  convulsions  recovered  after  the  third  venesection. 

In  this  method  the  woman  is  put  in  a  dark,  quiet  room ;  400 
to  600  c.c.  of  blood  are  withdrawn  by  venesection,  and  0.002 
gin.  morphine  is  injected;  two  hours  later  3  gin.  chloral  is 
given  in  an  enema.  If  the  fetus  presents  in  a  position  for 
prompt  delivery  it  is  removed  with  forceps,  or  by  expression  to 
spare  the  mother ;  but  expression  is  a  dangerous  process  always. 

Zinke  7  of  Cincinnati  has  a  method  which  reduces  the  ma 
ternal  mortality,  but  it  has  an  enormous  infantile  mortality. 
He  depresses  the  maternal  pulse  by  veratrum  viride,  and  this 
depression  is  probably  the  cause  of  the  infantile  mortality 
through  asphyxia.  Yeit  introduced  the  use  of  morphine  in 
eclampsia,  and  Winckel  the  use  of  chloral.  It  has  been  found 
that  narcotics  check  the  action  of  toxins  on  the  nuclei  of  cells, 
and  in  eclampsia  the  action  of  narcotics  may  be  of  this  nature. 
Baker  of  Alabama  in  1859  first  gave  veratrum  viride  in 
eclampsia.  The  drug  lowers  arterial  tension  by  depressing  the 
vasomotor  centres  and  the  heart  itself.  In  eclampsia  it  diverts 
blood  from  the  brain  and  depresses  the  motor  neurons  of  the 
spinal  cord.  Aconite  has  the  same  effect  in  acute  cerebral  con 
gestion  without  depressing  the  vasomotor  centres  or  irritating 
the  stomach  as  veratrum  viride  does. 

Cesarean  delivery  is  used  frequently  of  late  in  eclampsia. 
The  mortality  of  the  children  is  lowered  somewhat  by  a  cesa- 
rean  section,  but  the  mortality  of  the  mothers  is  much  worse 
than  in  the  expectant  method  described  by  Lichtenstein. 
Eclamptic  women  usually  have  badly  affected  kidneys,  and  the 
anesthetic  used  in  the  section  may  be  a  cause  of  the  raised 
mortality.  Peterson  reviewed  500  cases  of  cesarean  section 

"  Centralbl.  f.  Gynak.  xxxi,  11. 

f  New  York  State  Journal  of  Medicine,  xiii,  8. 


for  eclampsia 8  done  by  259  operators  in  various  countries. 
Up  to  1908  the  maternal  mortality  was  47.97  per  cent,  in  198 
cases;  from  1908  to  1913  it  was  25.79  per  cent,  in  283  cases. 
Convulsions  ceased  in  only  54.92  per  cent,  of  the  women  after 
cesarean  delivery,  and  in  those  cases  in  which  the  convulsions 
continued  the  mortality  was  31.53  per  cent.  In  146  cases 
where  the  convulsions  ceased  the  mortality  was  still  19.8  per 
cent,  for  the  mothers.  The  fetal  mortality  was  10.69  per  cent., 
counting  all  children  who  died  within  three  days  after  delivery 
by  section.  The  maternal  mortality  after  cesarean  section  in 
creases  with  the  age  of  the  patient.  The  cesarean  delivery, 
then,  has  a  maternal  mortality  of  late  of  25.79,  with  a  tendency 
to  increase  as  unskilled  men  attempt  it;  the  expectant  method 
has  a  maternal  mortality  of  only  5.3  per  cent.  The  cesarean 
delivery  has  a  fetal  mortality  of  10.69  per  cent. ;  the  expectant, 
14.65  per  cent.  The  expectant  method  is  preferable. 

*  Amer.  Jour.  Obstetrics  and  Diseases  of  Women  and  Children, 
Izix,  6. 



OVER  20,000  women  die  in  childbirth  each  year  in  the 
United  States,  and  about  100,000  infants,  and  more 
or  less  permanent  injury  from  parturition  is  almost  general  in 
mothers.  The  mortality  in  the  trenches  during  the  present 
great  war  is  2  per  cent. ;  the  mortality  of  infants  during  the 
first  year  is  14  per  cent.  Very  much  of  this  mortality  and  in- 
validism  is  attributable  to  lack  of  skill  in  the  licensed  unfit. 
We  commonly  deem  parturition  merely  a  physiological  proc 
ess,  and  for  that  reason  the  state  permits  ignorant  midwives 
and  quacks  to  take  upon  themselves  with  impunity  the  respon 
sibility  and  the  risks  of  delivery. 

It  is  difficult  to  draw  the  line  between  normal  and  abnormal 
parturition,  but  every  labor,  as  women  now  are  in  civilized 
countries,  should  be  regarded  as  a  grave  surgical  operation,  and 
the  indications  that  must  be  met  in  a  surgical  operation  are 
likely  to  occur  in  almost  any  parturition.  The  strength  of  the 
patient,  the  condition  of  the  heart,  lungs,  kidneys,  and  blood, 
sepsis  and  antisepsis,  the  nature  and  technic  of  the  various  op 
erations  that  may  be  required,  and  the  complications  that  may 
arise,  are  all  to  be  understood  and  met  conscientiously.  ISTo 
physician  who  has  any  regard  for  morality  and  his  own  repu 
tation  now  will  accept  an  obstetrical  case  unless  he  has  had  the 
woman  under  frequent  observation  for  months  before  delivery. 
If  the  mother  or  child  dies  because  of  the  bungling  or  surgical 
uncleanness  of  the  physician  or  midwife, — and  unfortunately 
such  deaths  occur  almost  hourly, — this  physician  or  midwife 
is  guilty  of  murder.  There  may  be  an  abnormality  of  the 
uterine  or  abdominal  muscles  used  in  parturition,  a  dispro 
portion  between  the  parturient  canal  and  the  child,  or  various 



accidents  of  labor;  and  these  conditions  are  so  frequent  in  oc 
currence  and  so  grave  that  their  removal  requires  great  medical 
skill,  fine  discernment,  quick  and  exact  judgment,  and  often 
decidedly  courageous  purpose. 

New  methods  of  treatment  frequently  appear,  and  the 
quack  is  likely  to  be  among  the  first  by  which  the  new  is  tried. 
The  use  and  abuse  of  pituitrin  is  an  example  of  such  a  method. 
About  1909,  pituitary  extract  as  a  uterine  stimulant  was  first 
described  and  it  was  immediately  taken  up  by  competent  men 
and  more  frequently,  perhaps,  by  the  quack.  The  extract  is 
from  the  posterior  lobe  of  the  pituitary  gland,  and  when  in 
jected  subcutaneously  or  into  a  muscle  it  is  a  very  powerful 
oxytocic.  In  a  few  minutes  the  injection  markedly  increases 
the  intensity  and  duration  of  the  pains.  The  effect  lasts  for 
an  hour  or  an  hour  and  a  half.  Whitridge  Williams  1  says  a  ju 
dicious  administration  of  the  drug  will  do  away  with  the  use 
of  low  forceps  in  from  one-third  to  one-half  of  the  cases,  but  its 
ignorant  use  places  the  life  of  the  mother  and  child  in  jeopardy. 
Mundell  2  found  twelve  cases  of  rupture  of  the  uterus,  thirty- 
four  cases  of  fetal  death,  and  forty-one  cases  of  fetal  asphyxia 
pallida  in  which  resuscitation  was  effected  only  after  prolonged 
and  vigorous  efforts,  sometimes  for  over  an  hour. 

If  there  is  any  serious  obstacle  at  all  to  delivery  in  the  par 
turient  canal  or  in  the  fetal  position,  or  the  like,  pituitrin  is 
likely  to  cause  rupture  of  the  uterus  and  asphyxiation  of  the 
child.  It  should  never  be  used  when  there  is  the  slightest 
danger  of  rupture  of  the  uterus ;  or  when  the  child  is  suffering ; 
or  in  a  shoulder  and  most  pelvic  presentations;  or  in  elderly 
primiparae  with  rigid  muscles;  or  when  the  cervix  is  not  fully 
dilated,  lest  the  undilated  cervix  be  torn  off;  or  where  there  is 
inertia  after  prolonged  effort  to  overcome  an  obstacle  to  deliv 
ery.  It  is  never  to  be  used  in  a  normal  delivery  merely  to 
hasten  the  birth.  Obstetrical  cases  are  tedious,  and  an  impa 
tient  physician  with  an  atonic  conscience  is  likely  to  use  pitu 
itrin  so  that  he  can  get  back  to  his  bed. 

Comparisons  between  the  fetal  mortality  after  the  use  of 

1  Obstetrics,  4th  ed.    New  York,  1917. 
*  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  June  2,  1917. 


pituitrin  or  the  forceps  are  erroneous.  Quigley  3  contrasted 
the  fetal  mortality  in  these  conditions.  In  147  pituitrin  cases 
it  was  2.7  per  cent.,  in  about  five  or  six  times  the  number  oi 
forceps  cases  it  varied  from  5.7  to  15.63  per  cent.;  but  wher 
ever  there  is  any  real  need  at  all  for  the  forceps,  pituitrin  at 
once  is  contraindicated  except  in  easy  low  forceps  deliveries, 
where  in  the  hands  of  a  skilled  man  pituitrin  may  safely  re 
place  the  forceps  to  avoid  possible  instrumental  infection  of  the 
uterus.  There  are  contractions  of  the  uterus  toward  the  end 
of  gestation,  before  labor  proper  sets  in,  which  cause  what  are 
called  False  Pains,  and  these  must  not  be  mistaken  for  the  be 
ginning  of  labor,  as  unnecessary  examinations  and  meddlesome 
interference  may  bring  on  great  harm.  Uterine  atony,  or 
weak  pains,  may  affect  the  patient  in  the  first  stage  of  labor,  in 
which  the  cervix  of  the  uterus  should  be  dilated ;  or  the  second 
stage,  in  which  the  child  is  delivered;  or  the  third  stage,  the 
post-partum  period,  when  the  placenta  is  thrown  off.  Con 
tractions  of  the  uterine  muscle  cause  pain,  and  these  contrac 
tions  themselves  are  called  the  Pains.  In  the  first  stage  weak 
pains  may  prolong  the  dilatation  of  the  cervix  for  days  and 
expose  the  mother  to  sepsis  or  exhaustion,  and  the  child  to 
consequent  danger. 

In  the  second  stage  the  abdominal  muscles,  which  push  the 
child  out  of  the  uterus,  fail  to  work  if  the  pains  are  weak. 
Causes  of  unsuccessful  pains  in  the  second  stage  are :  an  infant 
ile  uterus,  fibroids  or  other  tumors  in  or  near  the  uterus,  peri 
toneal  adhesions,  a  full  rectum  or  bladder,  abnormal  position 
of  the  uterus,  a  pendulous  abdomen,  diseases  of  the  uterine 
wall,  scars  from  past  operations,  chronic  metritis  or  endome- 
tritis,  primiparity  in  relatively  advanced  age,  twins,  distention 
of  the  bag  of  waters,  gas  in  the  uterus,  abnormal  position  of 
the  child,  contracted  pelvis,  adhesions  of  the  membranes  about 
the  os  uteri,  fatigue  of  the  woman,  and  tetany  or  stricture  of 
the  uterus.  The  obstetrician  must  be  able  to  diagnose  the 
special  cause  and  treat  the  indications. 

One  of  the  causes  of  weak  pains  is  a  diseased  heart.  Systolic 
murmurs  at  the  base  of  the  heart  and  an  accentuated  second 

'Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  April  10,  1915. 


aortic  sound  are  quite  common  in  pregnancy  and  may  not  be 
of  grave  importance.  If  there  is  a  genuine  cardiac  lesion 
with  good  compensation,  the  labor  is  usually  successful  and 
without  notable  damage  to  the  woman,  although  obstetricians 
like  De  Lee  think  that  such  patients  appear  to  develop  decom 
pensation  sooner  than  do  women  who  are  not  pregnant.  If 
the  heart  disease  is  advanced  and  the  heart  is  in  unstable 
equilibrium,  especially  if  there  is  myocarditis  or  fatty  de 
generation,  the  heart  is  likely  to  break  down  in  pregnancy  or 
labor.  In  chronic  cardiac  lesions,  pregnancy,  through  venous 
congestion,  tends  to  renal  and  hepatic  disturbance,  or  to 
dyspnoea  and  carbonic  acid  narcosis.  The  uplifting  of  the 
diaphragm  by  the  enlarged  uterus  increases  the  respiratory 
difficulty.  There  may  be  edema  of  the  lungs,  hypostatic  pneu 
monia,  dropsy,  insomnia,  albuminuria,  and  other  serious 

During  labor  a  diseased  heart  may  fail  and  cause  sudden 
death,  especially  if  the  second  stage  is  prolonged.  At  times 
there  is  collapse  and  death  shortly  after  delivery.  The  mor 
tality  of  heart  disease  in  pregnancy  varies  in  the  reports  on 
various  series  from  4  to  85  per  cent.  Babcock 4  says  that 
the  mortality  in  mitral  disease  in  pregnancy  is  50  per  cent. ; 
that  in  disease  of  the  aortic  valve  is  23  per  cent.  These  figures 
are  far  above  those  given  by  later  obstetricians  of  skill.  Fell- 
ner  and  Demelin,  in  ninety-four  and  forty-one  cases  respec 
tively,  had  a  mortality  of  only  6.3  and  5  per  cent.  Hirst  says 
he  never  lost  a  case.  Jaschke  5  found  a  mortality  of  only  4 
per  cent,  in  1548  cases  of  pregnant  cardiopaths.  A  great 
danger  is  in  treating  heart  conditions  by  general  rules,  and  in 
giving  digitalis  and  other  drugs  without  discrimination.  In 
uncompensated  heart  conditions  many  of  the  children  die  from 
prematurity,  abruptio  placentae,  diseases  of  the  placenta,  or 

Even  those  obstetricians  who  induce  abortion  at  any  stage 
of  gestation  when  they  deem  the  woman's  life  in  danger  say 
that  heart  disease  in  itself  is  not  an  indication  for  abortion 

*  Diseases  of  the  Heart.    New  York,  1905. 
'Medizin.  Klinik,  February  25,  1912. 


unless  there  is  chronic  decompensation  with  myodegeneration 
and  renal  or  hepatic  insufficiency.  Expectancy  is  the  rule. 
Lusk  advises  abortion  as  soon  as  mitral  stenosis  is  discovered. 

Surgeons  of  the  Mayo  Clinic,  in  a  report6  on  Operative 
Risk  in  Cardiac  Disease,  hold  that  a  valvular  lesion  is  not  a 
rational  basis  for  judging  a  cardiopath  so  far  as  prognosis  in 
a  surgical  operation  is  concerned,  but  this  statement  is  not 
true  for  an  obstetrical  case.  If  we  except  angina  pectoris  and 
related  diseases,  the  four  disorders  of  the  heart's  mechanism 
that  surgeons  deem  the  worst  risks  in  operation  are  auricular 
fibrillation,  auricular  flutter,  impaired  auriculoventricular  con 
duction,  and  impaired  intraventricular  conduction.  These 
conditions  are  usually  accompanied  by  extensive  lesions  of  the 
heart  muscle. 

In  auricular  fibrillation  there  are  rapid  incoordinate  con 
tractions,  twitchings  in  individual  muscle  bundles  of  the  auric 
ular  wall.  The  auricle  loses  its  power  to  pump  the  blood  and 
dilates.  The  pulse  is  commonly  arhythmic  and  rapid.  A  per 
manent  fibrillation  is  worse  than  a  paroxysmal  state.  The  con 
dition  is  found  especially  in  advanced  cases  of  exophthalmic 
goitre.  In  the  Mayo  Clinic  the  operative  mortality  in  seventy 
cases  of  exophthalmic  goitre  with  auricular  fibrillation  was  only 
2.8  per  cent. 

In  auricular  flutter,  or  heart  block,  there  are  foci  of  irri 
tation  in  the  auricular  wall  which  cause  rapid  coordinate  con 
tractions.  The  auricle  may  contract  twice  as  often  as  the  ven 
tricle,  and  the  pulse  may  be  regular  or  markedly  irregular. 
The  stimulus  for  heart  contraction  normally  reaches  the 
ventricle  from  the  auricle  by  passing  along  the  bridge  of  primi 
tive  tissue  which  connects  the  auricle  and  ventricle.  This 
bridge  may  be  so  affected  that  the  stimulus  is  delayed,  or  pre 
vented  at  times  from  crossing  over,  or  completely  blocked. 
One  patient  with  complete  heart  block  was  operated  upon  at  the 
Mayo  Clinic  three  times  in  eleven  years  for  appendicitis,  cancer 
of  the  breast,  and  the  excision  of  recurring  skin  nodules,  and  is 
still  alive  and  reasonably  well.  In  intraventricular  "block  the  risk 
of  operation  is  worth  taking,  according  to  the  opinion  at  the 

*  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  Lxix,  24. 


Mayo  Clinic,  where  there  is  exophthalmic  goitre  or  tonsillitis. 

In  general,  where  there  is  question  of  surgical  operation 
on  a  cardiopath,  no  such  operation  should  be  done  unless  there 
is  definite  ground  to  believe  that  the  operation  is  essential  to 
improve  the  heart  condition  or  restore  reasonable  health.  Ex 
tremely  severe  cardiac  disease  can  be  relieved  or  even  com 
pletely  cured  by  the  surgical  removal  of  infectious,  mechanical, 
or  toxic  sources  of  heart  degeneration,  especially  goitre.  When 
the  myocardial  insufficiency  is  so  marked  that  no  medical  treat 
ment  reestablishes  a  reasonable  compensation,  no  surgical  op 
eration  is  permissible.  The  medical  treatment  is  the  only  test 
to  learn  whether  the  heart  can  be  put  into  a  condition  wherein 
it  will  withstand  the  anesthesia  and  the  operation.  Life  de 
pends  on  ventricular  action,  not  on  auricular,  and  the  ventric 
ular  reserve  is  the  standard  for  judgment  in  these  cases. 

Fibrillation  and  heart  block  are  grave  conditions  when 
found  in  pregnancy,  but  disease  of  the  mitral  valve  because  of 
frequency  is  more  important,  and  when  compensation  is  un 
stable  mitral  lesions  are  dangerous.  In  mitral  stenosis  the 
enlarged  uterus  in  the  last  months  of  gestation,  by  crowding 
the  intestines  and  diaphragm,  embarrasses  the  heart.  As  the 
diaphragm  cannot  descend  well,  the  flow  of  blood  out  of  the 
right  ventricle  is  not  aided  by  respiration  as  in  normal  condi 
tions.  Pressure  on  the  abdominal  veins  increases  the  blood 
tension  and  throws  greater  work  on  the  left  ventricle.  In  the 
expulsive  stage  of  labor  there  is  danger  of  the  right  ventricle 
giving  way  under  the  added  strain. 

In  mitral  regurgitation  the  left  ventricle  is  dilated,  and  in 
pregnancy  the  regurgitation  is  increased  by  the  peripheral  re 
sistance  or  obstruction.  If  the  dilated  ventricle  is  also  hyper- 
trophied  it  stands  the  strain  much  better.  In  the  second  stage 
of  labor  the  danger  is  the  same  as  in  mitral  stenosis.  In  dis 
ease  of  the  aortic  valve  the  strain  of  child-bearing  is  on  the 
left  ventricle,  but  patients  in  this  condition  undergo  labor  more 
successfully  than  do  those  with  mitral  disease. 

Labor  in  any  cardiac  disease  requires  close  watching  even 
when  the  compensation  is  good.  There  is  always  a  possibility 
of  collapse  in  the  third  stage  or  during  the  puerperium.  The 


obstetrician  must  stay  by  the  bedside,  and  he  is  to  have  every 
thing  ready  for  a  sudden  emergency,  which  is  likely  to  result 
in  death  if  not  instantly  met.  All  the  instruments  for  oper 
ative  delivery  are  to  be  kept  sterilized  and  ready  for  immediate 
use.  When  symptoms  of  imminent  collapse  appear,  delivery 
is  to  be  done  at  once.  If  a  cardiopath  collapses  in  the  early 
stages  of  gestation,  before  the  child  is  viable,  the  rule  explained 
in  the  chapter  on  Abortion  holds — the  child  may  not  be  killed 
by  removal  to  save  the  woman's  life. 

Jaschke,7  in  his  consideration  of  1548  pregnant  cardiopaths, 
found  that  seven-eighths  went  to  term,  and  that  the  women  were 
prematurely  delivered  in  only  about  9  per  cent,  of  the  total 
number  of  cases.  Therapeutic  interruption  of  pregnancy  was 
necessary  in  only  about  1  per  cent.  The  high  mortality  re 
ported  by  many  good  obstetricians  is  a  proof  that  the  treatment 
of  cardiac  conditions  requires  an  experience  in  clinical  medi 
cine  and  a  skill  lacking,  as  a  rule,  in  specialists  who  are  not 

A  combined  mitral  and  aortic  disease  with  great  enlarge 
ment  of  the  heart,  heaving  of  the  chest  wall,  and  some  protru 
sion  makes  pregnancy  very  dangerous.  Osier  thinks  mitral 
insufficiency  in  itself  not  very  dangerous.  He  had  one  patient 
with  such  a  condition,  a  loud  apex  systolic  murmur,  and  some 
enlargement,  who  bore  nine  children  and  lived  to  past  sixty 
years  of  age.  Mitral  stenosis  is  not  so  favorable,  but  even  in 
extreme  stenosis  some  women  bear  several  children  without 

f  Loc.  cit. 



HYPEEEMESIS  GRAVID  ARUM,  the  Pernicious  Vom 
iting  of  Pregnancy,  is  commonly  classified  among  the 
toxemias;  but  as  the  etiology  is  not  known  definitely,  this  clas 
sification  is  one  of  convenience  more  than  exactness.  Nausea 
and  vomiting  occur  so  frequently  in  the  early  months  of  gesta 
tion  that  they  are  deemed  almost  physiological,  but  when  these 
symptoms  become  very  grave  and  persistent  they  are  undoubt 
edly  pathologic,  and  are  said  to  be  pernicious,  as  they  may 
lead  to  abortion,  or  to  the  death  of  the  woman.  In  1813,  Sim- 
mond  first  successfully  employed  artificial  abortion  to  save  the 
woman  in  this  condition,  and  thus  added  a  possible  moral  qual 
ity  to  the  disease.  Therapeutic  abortion  was  used  in  1608, 
and  Soranus  of  Ephesus,  in  the  second  century,  mentions  it. 

The  pernicious  nausea  commonly  begins  in  the  second 
month  of  pregnancy,  less  frequently  in  the  fourth  month,  but  it 
may  be  delayed  until  the  sixth  month;  if  it  occurs  after  the 
sixth  month  it  is,  almost  as  a  rule,  an  evidence  of  nephritis. 
It  may  last  from  about  a  month  and  a  half  to  three  months,  but 
in  toxemic  cases  it  may  result  in  death  in  two  weeks.  Some 
times  remissions  occur. 

In  1852,  Paul  Dubois  described  the  disease,  and  his  divi 
sion  into  three  stages  is  still  used  in  articles  on  pernicious  vom 
iting,  although  these  stages  are  not  clearly  marked  clinically.  In 
the  early  months  of  gestation  the  stomach  may  become  unable 
to  retain  food,  and  there  is  notable  loss  of  appetite;  the  con 
dition  is  then  grave.  There  may  be  retching  at  the  sight  of 
food,  at  any  change  of  position,  or  at  the  entrance  of  a  person 
into  the  room.  The  emesis  may  recur  so  often  at  night  as  to 
cause  exhaustion  from  insomnia.  Hiccough,  thirst,  pain  in  the 



stomach,  and  soreness  of  the  thoracic  muscles  are  frequent  and 
troublesome  symptoms.  In  some  cases  there  is  salivation. 

The  vomitus  is  food,  mucus,  and  some  bile  at  first;  later 
mucus  and  bile ;  finally  it  contains  blood.  The  blood  may  come 
from  the  mouth,  pharynx,  or  stomach,  and  it  is  serious  if  it  is 
gastric.  The  urine  is  scanty,  and  shows  nephritic  irritation. 
At  times  it  contains  blood,  bile,  acetone,  diacetic  acid,  indican, 
and  rarely  sugar. 

In  the  second  stage  of  the  disease  all  symptoms  are  aggra 
vated,  and  the  stomach  will  not  retain  anything.  There  is  ex 
treme  thirst;  the  patient  faints  often,  and  loses  weight  rap 
idly.  In  chronic  cases  there  is  much  emaciation.  The  mouth 
is  like  that  in  a  case  of  typhoid.  Sometimes  there  is  a  low 
fever;  again,  the  temperature  is  subnormal,  with  a  rise  before 
death.  The  pulse  is  rapid  and  weak,  and  the  post-mortem 
heart  shows  fatty  degeneration  as  in  a  fatal  sepsis. 

In  the  third  stage  the  mind  is  affected,  there  is  delirium, 
stupor,  and  coma;  the  vomiting  ceases,  the  pulse  grows  more 
rapid  and  feebler,  and  the  weakness  becomes  more  and  more 
overwhelming  until  the  patient  dies.  This  third  stage  is  com 
monly  short.  In  these  conditions  it  is  too  late  to  empty  the 
uterus,  and  any  attempt  to  do  so  then  only  hastens  death. 

In  some  cases  the  fetus  is  apparently  not  affected ;  in  toxic 
cases  it  is  affected,  and  then  there  may  be  miscarriage.  If 
the  fetus  dies  the  vomiting  ceases,  as  a  rule. 

The  liver  enlarges  in  the  first  stage  and  later  diminishes. 
There  may  be  a  general  hemorrhage  hepatitis  and  acute  yellow 
atrophy,  or  partial  fatty  degeneration  around  the  central  lobu- 
lar  veins.  Necrosis  also  occurs.  Acute  parenchymatous  ne 
phritis  and  hemorrhages  into  the  kidneys  are  often  observed. 

Neurotic  and  hysteric  women  are  more  liable  to  this  dis 
ease  than  the  nervously  stable.  There  is  a  direct  communica 
tion  by  the  sympathetic  and  vagus  nerves  between  the  stomach 
and  the  uterus  and  its  adnexa,  and  thus  reflex  irritations  read 
ily  pass  to  the  stomach.  Through  this  path  vomiting  is  caused 
by  any  unusual  distention  of  the  uterus,  as  when  the  fetus 
grows  too  rapidly ;  or  when  the  size  of  the  ovum  is  larger  than 
normal,  as  in  twin  pregnancies;  or  in  irritations  like  hydram- 


nios,  displacement  of  the  uterus,  acute  anteversions,  retrover- 
sions,  or  flexions  which  pinch  and  stretch  the  nerves.  Inflam 
mations,  as  metritis,  endrometritis,  and  cervicitis;  tumors  of 
the  uterus;  diseases  of  the  adnexa  or  of  the  pelvic  connective 
tissue  or  peritoneum  are  other  sources  of  reflex  vomiting.  The 
proof  that  such  are  causes  is  that  the  vomit  ceases  when  the 
conditions  mentioned  are  cured.  Such  conditions  exist,  how 
ever,  in  women  who  are  not  pregnant  without  causing  vomit; 
there  is  therefore  some  special  disposition  in  the  pregnant. 

Diseases  which  in  themselves  have  vomiting  as  a  symptom 
will  in  pregnancy  make  the  vomit  pernicious.  Such  are 
chronic  gastritis,  gastric  ulcer,  enteritis,  cancer,  helminthiasis, 
large  fecal  concretions,  enteroptosis,  tubercular  peritonitis,  and 
gall-stones.  What  is  apparently  pernicious  vomiting  in  preg 
nancy  may  be  the  beginning  of  acute  miliary  tuberculosis. 
Diseases  of  the  air  passages — hypertrophied  turbinates,  septal 
spurs,  laryngeal  and  apical  tuberculosis — seem  to  cause  the 
vomiting  or  to  dispose  to  it.  When  vomit  is  associated  with 
uremia,  this  occurs,  as  a  rule,  in  the  last  months  of  pregnancy. 

The  cause,  again,  may  be  in  the  nervous  system,  from  either 
a  demonstrable  lesion  or  a  functional  imbalance — paresis,  lo- 
comotor  ataxia,  tumors  or  tubercle  of  the  brain,  meningitis, 
polyneuritis.  Even  when  the  nervous  system  is  not  directly 
the  cause  of  the  emesis,  the  remote  irritant  may  work  through 
the  nervous  system.  A  bad  neurotic  inheritance,  as  from  al 
coholic,  insane,  or  weak  parents,  disposes  to  neurotic  hyper- 

Toxins  from  the  fetal  syncytium  appear  to  be  another  cause 
of  the  vomit.  The  syncytium  is  a  mass  of  protoplasm  without 
cell  demarkation  but  with  nuclei  scattered  throughout  the  sub 
stance.  Sometimes  this  embryological  cellular  material  starts 
to  grow  after  the  manner  of  a  cancer,  and  then  it  is  very  malig 
nant  (syncytioma  malignum],  but  its  connection  with  the  per 
nicious  vomit  of  pregnancy  is  more  theoretical  than  estab 
lished.  In  physiological  conditions  the  toxins  in  the  blood  are 
neutralized  by  the  secretions  of  the  ductless  glands  of  the  body, 
and  in  pregnancy  probably  these  same  glands  by  intensified 
activity  effect  the  same  result.  Injection  of  blood  serum  taken 

from  healthy  pregnant  women  has  cured  cases  of  toxemic  per 
nicious  vomit,  and  this  makes  the  theory  much  more  probable. 

To  diagnose  the  etiology  of  pernicious  vomiting  is  not  al 
ways  easy.  We  must  decide  first  whether  the  emesis  is  really 
pernicious  or  not;  secondly,  we  have  to  determine  whether  or 
not  it  is  due  to  the  presence  of  the  fetus;  thirdly,  we  are  to 
differentiate  the  primary  and  adjuvant  causes  for  intelligent 
treatment.  The  age  of  the  fetus  must  be  known  to  determine 
whether  we  may  licitly  interfere  so  as  to  remove  the  fetus  from 
the  uterus  if  necessary,  in  medical  opinion,  to  do  so. 

Trousseau  emptied  the  uterus  of  a  woman  to  stop  her  per 
nicious  vomit,  but  she  died,  and  at  the  autopsy  he  found  a 
cancer  of  the  stomach.  Caseaux  discovered  tubercular  peri 
tonitis  in  a  woman  who  had  died  after  a  diagnosis  of  hyper- 
emesis  gravidarum ;  Beau,  tubercular  meningitis  in  a  l;ke  case. 
Williams  of  Johns  Hopkins  University  stopped  a  very  grave 
case  of  pernicious  vomiting  in  a  neurotic  woman  merely  by 
telling  her  of  the  dangers  of  artificial  abortion. 

There  is  no  settled  mortality  percentage  in  hyperemesis 
gravidarum  because  so  much  depends  on  diagnosis  and  treat 
ment.  Braun,  in  150,000  obstetrical  cases,  never  had  a  death 
from  pernicious  vomit ;  others  have  a  mortality  of  40  per  cent. 

The  treatment  is  technical,  and  is  given  in  detail  in  books 
like  De  Lee's  Principles  and  Practice  of  Obstetrics.1  Sug 
gestion  and  the  environment  are  important  elements  in  the 
treatment.  Local  anesthetics,  mechanical  drugs  like  cerium 
oxalate  and  bismuth,  depressomotors,  external  applications, 
and  gastric  lavage  are  indicated  in  the  early  stages  of  the  dis 
ease,  but  are  rather  harmful  than  useful  in  later  stages.  Ad 
renalin,  ten  drops  of  a  1 :1000  solution  by  mouth,  or  three  drops 
hypodermically  as  doses,  often  cures.  Sergent  and  Lian  re 
ported  six  such  cases  in  one  paper  in  1913.  Hypodermic  in 
jection  of  the  extract  of  corpus  luteum  in  1  c.c.  doses  has  been 
effective  in  some  cases.  So  has  the  injection  of  defibrinated 
serum  from  a  healthy  pregnant  woman.  Curtis  describes  the 
tcchnic  in  the  Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association, 
February  28,  1914.  The  gynecologist  must  adjust  uterine  dis- 
1  Philadelphia,  1913. 


placements  and  heal  cervical  erosions.  The  oculist,  laryngol- 
ogist,  and  otologist  are  to  remedy  refractive  errors  and  remove 
irritants  in  the  air  passages  and  the  ear. 

The  treatment  of  last  resort  is  to  empty  the  uterus.  This 
will  cure  all  cases  of  neurotic  and  reflex  origin  if  done  early 
enough.  In  these  cases,  if  the  therapeutic  abortion  is  deferred 
until  very  late,  the  patient  will  die  of  exhaustion.  Toxemic 
cases  do  not  react  well  after  therapeutic  abortion  because  of 
the  damage  previously  done  by  the  circulating  poison,  espe 
cially  in  the  liver.  A  positive  diagnosis  of  toxemia  can 
not  always  be  made,  and  many  patients  in  whom  the 
diagnosis  has  been  made  correctly  recover  without  abortion. 
Apart  from  moral  considerations,  it  is  very  difficult  to  deter 
mine  the  proper  time  to  empty  the  uterus.  A  test  is  made  of 
the  glycolytic  power  of  the  liver  by  giving  two  ounces  of  levu- 
lose  internally;  and  if  sugar  shows  in  the  urine,  this  means 
that  the  liver  is  unable  to  act  normally,  that  it  has  been  at 
tacked  and  disabled  by  the  toxin,  and  therefore  the  therapeutic 
abortion  should  be  done.  Again,  a  marked  concentration  of  the 
blood,  shown  by  erythrocytosis  and  leucocytosis,  indicates  star 
vation.  Some  obstetricians  perform  abortion  when  the  pulse 
remains  above  100,  at  the  appearance  of  fever,  blood  from  the 
stomach,  jaundice,  albuminuria,  mellituria,  acetonuria,  indi- 
canuria,  or  marked  loss  of  weight.  Polyneuritis,  with  icterus 
and  bile  in  the  urine,  is  another  indication  for  abortion ;  a  pa 
tient  may  die  from  polyneuritis  alone  after  the  hyperemesis  has 
ceased.  "Not  one  but  all  these  facts  must  be  considered,  together 
with  one's  own  clinical  experience. 

In  hyperemesis  gravidarum,  as  elsewhere,  therapeutic  abor 
tion  is  never  permissible,  under  any  circumstances,  if  the  child 
is  not  viable.  If  the  mother  cannot  be  saved  without  emptying 
the  uterus,  the  mother  must  die;  there  is  no  way  out  of  the 
difficulty.  The  proof  that  this  doctrine  is  correct  has  been 
given  in  the  introductory  chapter  on  Homicide  and  when  con 
sidering  abortion  in  general. 


RECURRING,  permanent,  localized  spasms  of  facial  or 
other  groups  of  muscles,  which  are  often  called  chorea, 
are  tics, — convulsive  tic,  painful  tic,  accessorius  spasm,  and  so 
on.  Chorea  is  also  characterized  by  various  recurrent  spas 
modic  movements,  but  the  origin  of  the  disease  is  commonly 
an  infectious  endocarditis,  rheumatism,  tonsillitis,  or  the  like 
disease.  This  is  Chorea  Minor,  St.  Vitus's  Dance,  or  Infec 
tious  Chorea.  There  is  also  a  common  chorea,  which  is  not 
from  an  infection  but  from  some  nervous  irritation,  usually 
eye-strain,  and  disappears  with  the  removal  of  the  irritation. 
The  chorea  of  pregnancy  is  often  an  infectious  chorea,  and  then 
it  is  an  extremely  dangerous  condition:  the  mortality  in  some 
collections  of  toxic  cases  is  as  high  as  22  per  cent.  We  meet, 
too,  in  pregnancy  hysterical  chorea,  and  a  form  which  is  partly 
hysterical  and  partly  infectious  in  origin. 

Primigravidae  are  more  susceptible  to  infectious  chorea  in 
pregnancy  than  multigravidae.  If  a  woman  has  not  had  true 
rheumatism  she  very  rarely  gets  chorea  after  the  first  gestation. 
Rheumatism  in  the  patient  or  in  her  immediate  ancestors,  epi 
lepsy,  fright  and  other  emotions,  and  anemia  are  predisposing 
causes.  The  patients  are  all  very  neurotic;  and  if  they  had 
chorea  in  childhood,  the  condition  is  likely  to  recur  in  preg 

Mild  cases  may  be  cured  without  damage  to  the  woman  or 
fetus,  but  many  cases  go  on  to  abortion  and  death  in  corra  and 
fever.  Some  severe  cases  result  in  a  mania  which  may  last  for 
months;  again,  there  is  paralysis  and  delirium.  The  earlier 
in  pregnancy  the  attack,  the  greater  the  danger  to  the  fetus. 

It  is  very  important  to  differentiate  infectious  chorea  from 



hysterical  chorea — the  latter  may  or  may  not  be  dangerous; 
chorea  always  is  dangerous.  In  hysterical  chorea  the  move 
ments  are  sudden,  isolated,  and  sometimes  rhythmical,  espe 
cially  in  the  fingers ;  there  are  zones  of  anesthesia,  and  the  per 
versity  of  the  hysteric  soon  manifests  itself.  The  movements 
in  hysteria  are  never  so  intense  as  to  exhaust  the  patient.  In 
true  chorea  the  movements  are  irregular,  spasmodic,  and  in 
creased  hy  motion  and  voluntary  effort,  especially  if  the  effort 
is  sustained;  they  exhaust  the  patient. 

Maniacal  chorea  differs  from  the  mania  of  the  puerperium 
from  other  causes:  in  maniacal  chorea  the  woman  is  not  so 
sullen,  and  is  more  garrulous  than  the  patient  with  puerperal 
mania.  The  prognosis  is  better  in  maniacal  chorea  as  to  re 
covery  of  reason.  Sometimes,  however,  the  mania  of  puerperal 
chorea  persists  for  months,  or  it  may  become  even  permanent. 

If  the  fetus  is  viable  and  the  choreic  woman,  with  a  clear 
toxic  chorea,  shows  signs  of  exhaustion  from  the  spasms  and 
insomnia,  or  if  her  mania  is  becoming  fixed  and  her  delusions 
are  dangerous  (such  women  are  likely  to  kill  the  infant),  or 
if  she  has  endocarditis,  the  uterus  should  be  emptied,  as  a  rule. 
If,  however,  the  symptoms  show  a  recession  on  treatment,  the 
uterus  should  not  be  emptied.  Albrecht  1  reported  a  case  of 
chorea  cured  by  an  injection  of  serum  from  a  normal  pregnant 
woman.  Each  case  must  be  judged  by  its  own  characteristics. 
The  last  sacraments  should  be  given  as  soon  as  the  symptoms 
grow  grave. 

Hysteria  in  a  woman,  even  when  mild,  may  grow  serious  in 
pregnancy  when  it  takes  the  form  of  melancholia;  but  it  is 
dangerous  when  it  passes  into  maniacal  excitement.  In  mania 
there  may  be  exhaustion  from  a  refusal  to  take  food,  and  in 
labor  maniacal  hysteria  may  wreak  grave  injury  on  both  mother 
and  child.  Hysterical  women  should  be  treated  before  preg 
nancy;  indeed,  the  process  of  avoiding  hysteria  should  have 
begun  in  the  patient's  grandparents. 

The  term  hysteria  has  been  handed  down  from  the  days 
when  physicians  thought  there  was  a  connection  between  uterine 
disorders  and  the  set  of  nervous  symptoms  grouped  about  the 
1  Zeitschr.  f.  Geburtshiilfe  u.  Gynak.,  Ixxvi,  3,  p.  677.  Stuttgart. 


title  hysteria.  It  is  now  etymologically  meaningless — men  also 
grow  hysterical.  Briquet  found  11  male  to  204  female  hys 
terics,  and  later  statistics  increase  the  number  of  males. 

The  disease  is  not  readily  definable.  The  patient  is  usually 
a  young  emotional  woman,  oftenest  between  fifteen  and  twenty 
years  of  age.  She  commonly  has  anesthetic  spots  on  her  body, 
concentric  limitations  of  the  fields  of  vision  and  reversals  in  the 
color  fields,  hysterogenetic  zones,  or  tender  points,  which  when 
pressed  appear  to  inhibit  the  hysterical  fit.  The  symptoms  enu 
merated  hero  are  not,  however,  found  in  every  case  of  hysteria, 
and  it  is  difficult  at  times  to  diagnose  the  case.  There  is  a 
popular  notion  that  hysteria  is  a  disease  of  malingerers,  but  it 
is  as  real  as  typhoid  fever  or  a  broken  leg,  and  a  much  greater 
affliction  than  either  of  these  conditions.  Malingering  is  only 
a  symptom  of  the  disease. 

The  conditions  that  bring  about  hysteria  are  hysteria  in  a 
parent,  or  insanity,  alcoholism,  or  some  similar  neurotic  taint  in 
an  ancestor.  Immediate  causes  are  acute  depressive  emotions, 
shocks  from  danger,  sudden  grief,  severe  revulsions  of  feeling, 
as  from  disappointment  in  love  or  abandonment  by  a  husband ; 
and,  secondly,  cumulative  emotional  disturbance,  as  from  worry, 
poverty,  ill  treatment,  unhappy  marriage,  or  religious  revivals. 
Certain  diseased  conditions,  as  anemia,  chronic  intoxications, 
pelvic  trouble,  start  it  into  activity  when  it  is  latent.  It  is  also 
communicated  by  imitation  and  it  may  become  epidemic. 

After  the  great  plague,  the  Black  Death,  in  the  fourteenth 
century,  there  were  very  remarkable  epidemics  of  imitative 
hysteria  in  Germany  and  elsewhere.  In  1374,  at  Aix-la- 
Chapelle,  cro\vds  of  men  and  women  danced  together  in  the 
streets  until  they  fell  exhausted  in  a  cataleptic  state.  These 
dances  spread  over  Holland  and  Belgium  and  extended  to 
Cologne  and  Metz.  The  "Dancing  Plague"  broke  out  again, 
in  1418,  at  Strasburg  and  in  Belgium  and  along  the  lower 
Rhine.  In  1237  there  was  a  similar  outbreak  among  children 
at  Erfurt  and  many  died  from  exhaustion.  The  tarantism  in 
Italy  from  the  fifteenth  to  the  eighteenth  century  is  another 
example  of  epidemic  hysteria.  There  were  epidemics  of  hys 
teria  in  Tennessee,  Kentucky,  and  a  part  of  Virginia,  which 


began  in  1800  and  recurred  for  a  number  of  years.  These  out 
breaks  started  in  revivals  and  camp  meetings.  The  majority 
of  the  cases  were  in  youths  from  fifteen  to  twenty-five  years  of 
age,  but  the  hysteria  was  observed  in  persons  from  six  to  sixty 
years  old.  The  muscles  affected  were  those  of  the  neck,  trunk, 
and  arms,  and  the  convulsions  were  so  strong  that  the  patients 
were  thrown  to  the  ground  and  often  leaped  about  like  a  live 
fish  tossed  out  of  the  water  on  a  bank. 

Convulsions,  tremors,  paralyses  of  various  forms  and  de 
grees  are  common  in  hysteria.  In  major  hysteria  the  patient 
falls  into  a  convulsion  gently.  There  is  checked  breathing,  up 
to  apparent  danger  of  suffocation.  Then  follows  a  furious  con 
vulsion,  even  with  a  bloody  froth  at  the  mouth,  but  there  is  a 
trace  of  wilfulness  or  purpose  in  the  movements.  Next  may 
come  a  stage  of  opisthotonos,  in  which  the  body  is  bent  back 
in  a  rigid  arch  until  the  patient  rests  on  her  head  and  heels 
only,  like  a  wrestler;  and  this  is  followed  by  relaxation  and  a 
recurrence  of  the  contortions.  An  ecstatic  phase  succeeds  this 
at  times,  the  so-called  crucifix  position,  with  outbursts  of  vari 
ous  emotions,  and  a  final  regaining  of  the  normal  state.  Any 
of  these  stages,  however,  may  constitute  the  entire  fit.  Some 
major  hysterics  can  simulate  demoniacal  possession  with  ex 
traordinary  ingenuity.  In  minor  hysteria  there  is  commonly 
a  sensation  of  a  rising  ball  in  the  throat — the  globus  hystericus. 
There  may  be  uncontrollable  laughter  or  weeping,  and  muscular 
rigidity  is  frequent.  The  patient,  especially  if  she  is  a  child, 
may  mimic  dogs  and  other  animals.  The  snarling,  biting,  and 
barking  of  false  rabies  are  hysterical;  such  symptoms  do  not 
occur  at  all  in  real  hydrophobia. 

There  are  innumerable  physical  symptoms  of  the  disease, 
but  the  mental  phases  have  most  to  do  with  the  treatment.  The 
hysterical  person  is  characterized  by  an  overmastering  desire 
to  be  an  object  of  sympathy,  interest,  admiration,  rather  than 
by  a  tendency  to  baser  instincts.  The  will  is  weak,  the  emo 
tions  explosive,  the  patient  is  impulsive  and  lacking  in  self- 
control.  She  readily  goes  from  absurd  laughter  into  floods  of 
tears.  She  simulates  pains  and  other  symptoms  of  disease,  and 


she  is  always  a  liar,  no  matter  what  her  state  in  life,  from 
nurse-girl  to  nun. 

Acquired  hysteria  may  be  cured,  but  the  congenital  form 
is  virtually  hopeless;  yet  even  with  this  latter  kind  much  can 
be  done  by  patient  training.  Such  a  girl  or  boy  must  be  reared 
carefully  and  with  a  firm  hand.  A  marked  congenital  hysteric 
should  not  marry.  Marriage  makes  them  worse,  and  they 
beget  other  hysterics.  When  a  hysterical  girl  gets  one  of  her 
fits  the  chief  obstacle  to  cure  is  sympathetic  visits  from  rela 
tives  and  friends.  If  a  patient  in  the  vapors  is  taken  from 
school  and  wept  over,  she  will  never  come  down  to  earth  again. 
The  girl  who  faints  at  the  communion-rail  regularly  is  always 
a  hysteric,  and  the  cure  for  her  is  a  bucket  of  cold  water  in  the 
sacristy,  or  a  threat  to  turn  her  over  to  the  police.  You  will 
find  these  fainters  with  a  perfect  pulse  despite  the  faint.  But 
there  are  other  cases  in  which  rough  treatment  is  harmful,  and 
the  only  method  is  patient  tact.  Such  persons  are  objects  of 
great  pity  and  should  be  dealt  with  as  one  would  deal  with  any 
deficient  mind. 


A  JUTE  yellow  atrophy  of  the  liver  in  pregnancy  was  for 
merly  called  Icterus  Gravis.  The  disease  is  not  neces 
sarily  connected  with  pregnancy,  but  half  the  cases  are  in  preg 
nant  women,  and  with  them  it  may  appear  at  any  time  in  ges 
tation  or  shortly  after  delivery.  Pernicious  vomiting,  eclamp 
sia,  sepsis,  chloroform  poisoning,  typhoid,  osteomyelitis,  diph 
theria,  erysipelas,  alcoholism,  or  phosphorus  poisoning  in  preg 
nant  women  may  end  in  this  acute  yellow  atrophy.  Bendig  * 
reported  two  cases,  both  fatal,  which  were  caused  by  syphilis. 

The  liver  lessens  in  size,  is  friable,  yellow-streaked,  mottled 
with  red ;  the  heart  degenerates,  and  all  tissues  are  stained  with 
bile,  icteric.  If  the  hepatic  atrophy  is  a  consequence  of  the 
diseases  enumerated  above,  the  symptoms  of  these  diseases  pre 
cede  those  of  the  atrophy.  In  chloroform  poisoning  the  attack 
may  end  fatally  within  six  hours,  or  it  may  last  for  five  or  six 
days  before  death. 

If  a  pregnant  woman  has  had  gastric  catarrh  with  weak 
ness  and  headache,  and  then  suddenly  becomes  delirious,  begins 
to  toss  about  the  bed  with  rolling  of  the  head  from  side  to  side, 
is  jaundiced,  shows  epigastric  tenderness,  and  a  diminution  of 
the  liver  dullness,  the  diagnosis  is  almost  certain.  The  re 
flexes  are  exaggerated,  there  are  minute  petechiae  on  the  trunk, 
arms,  and  legs,  the  tongue  is  dry  and  brown,  the  breath  is  foul, 
the  pulse  is  fast  and  weak,  the  temperature  is  usually  high 
(102-104  degrees),  and  the  urine  shows  nephritis. 

The  prognosis  is  always  bad.  The  fetus  nearly  always  dies. 
If  the  fetus  is  viable  the  uterus  should  be  emptied  at  once  even 
if  the  woman  is  so  near  death  that  the  procedure  appears  use 
less  :  it  may  at  least  give  a  chance  to  baptize  the  infant.  Sup- 

1 M unchener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  August,  1915. 


pose  in  a  particular  case  a  consultant  or  the  physician  in  charge 
holds  that  the  mother  is  so  ill  that  therapeutic  abortion  will 
only  hasten  her  death,  yet  the  fetal  heart-sounds  can  be  heard 
through  her  abdominal  wall.  In  that  case  I  should  be  in  favor 
of  performing  the  abortion  to  baptize  the  infant,  reluctantly 
permitting  the  chance  of  hastening  the  mother's  death.  But 
this  hastening  is  by  no  means  certain. 

When  a  diagnosis  of  acute  yellow  atrophy  has  been  made 
the  patient  should  receive  the  last  sacraments  as  soon  as  possible. 


A^Y  of  the  acute  infections,  as  typhoid,  typhus,  smallpox, 
measles,  scarlatina,  and  the  others,  attacks  a  pregnant 
•woman  as  readily  as  one  who  is  not  pregnant.  Pregnancy,  as 
a  rule,  lessens  the  resistance  to  the  infection,  and  the  infection 
is  likely  to  cause  abortion.  The  toxin  of  the  infection  is  added 
to  the  physiological  toxins  of  pregnancy,  the  kidneys  often  are 
overwhelmed,  and  there  is  a  tendency  to  hemorrhage.  After 
the  exhaustion  from  the  disease,  delivery,  whether  premature 
or  at  term,  is  liable  to  end  in  collapse,  especially  if  the  heart 
or  lungs  have  been  injured.  Puerperal  sepsis,  either  general 
or  local,  is  a  common  effect  of  these  bacterial  diseases.  In 
smallpox  there  is  infection  from  the  pustules  and  the  virus 
itself;  in  typhoid  the  typhoid  bacillus  and  the  streptococci  in 
Peyer's  patches  get  into  the  blood;  in  influenza,  pneumonia, 
erysipelas,  and  diphtheria  the  bacteria  directly  cause  sepsis, 
and  in  scarlatina  the  pus  organisms  from  the  throat  are  found 
in  the  septic  foci. 

In  these  infections  the  fetus  may  be  killed  by  the  high  tem 
perature;  it  may  die  from  asphyxia  brought  on  by  feeble  ma 
ternal  blood-pressure  and  consequent  stagnation  of  the  circula 
tion  in  the  uterine  sinuses ;  it  may  be  overwhelmed  by  maternal 
hemorrhage ;  by  deoxidation  of  the  maternal  blood,  as  in  pneu 
monia  ;  by  a  hemorrhage  in  the  placenta,  and  a  consequent  sep 
aration  of  the  placenta  itself  from  the  uterine  wall;  by  fatty 
degeneration  of  the  fetal  villi,  which  renders  respiration  of 
gases  impossible.  Again,  the  child  may  be  infected  by  the 
disease  of  the  mother,  or  it  may  be  killed  by  the  toxins  in  the 
maternal  circulation. 

The  communication  between  the  fetal  and  the  maternal 
blood  systems  is  as  indirect  as  that  between  the  air  in  a  man's 



lungs  and  his  blood.  The  communication  between  mother  and 
fetus  is  by  osmosis,  but  certain  toxins,  drugs,  and  bacteria 
may  also  pass  from  the  maternal  to  the  fetal  circulation  through 
the  placenta.  Strychnia  injected  directly  into  the  embryos  of 
animals  by  Savory  and  Gussarow  killed  the  mother  after  pass 
ing  to  her  through  the  placenta.  There  is  no  direct  communi 
cation  (except  by  osmosis)  between  the  fetal  chorionic  villi  and 
the  maternal  intervillous  blood  spaces.  In  the  first  half  of 
pregnancy  fetal  and  maternal  blood  are  separated  by  the  syncy- 
tium,  Langhan's  layer  of  cells,  the  stroma  of  the  villi,  and  the 
walls  of  the  fetal  capillaries;  in  the  second  half  of  gestation 
Langhan's  layer  gradually  disappears.  In  the  fetal  blood-ves 
sels  are  found  many  nucleated  red  corpuscles,  but  these  are 
lacking  in  the  maternal  intervillous  spaces.  Siinger  also  dis 
covered  that  in  pernicious  leucemia  the  leucocytes  of  the  mother 
are  not  present  in  the  fetal  circulation. 

That  gaseous  substances  pass  through  the  fetal  barrier  of 
tissues  was  proved  by  Zweifel,  Cohnstein,  and  Zuntz.  Zweifel 
showed  that  chloroform  administered  to  the  mother  rapidly 
reaches  the  fetus.  As  early  as  1817,  Mayer  proved  the  passage 
of  cyanide  of  potassium.  Since  then  we  have  been  made  cer 
tain  of  the  transmission  of  iodide  and  ferrocyanide  of  potas 
sium,  salicylic  acid,  bichloride  of  mercury,  methylene  blue,  and 
many  other  substances.  Kronig  and  Futh,  in  1901,  determined 
that  the  maternal  and  the  fetal  blood  freeze  at  the  same  tem 
perature,  which  indicates  that  they  possess  equal  osmotic  power, 
and  that  osmosis  may  occur  in  either  direction. 

Some  bacteria  do  not  get  through  to  the  fetus,  but  a  few 
do  get  in.  Tubercle  bacilli  were  found  in  the  fetus  by  Birch- 
Hirschfeld  l  in  1891,  and  Schmorl  2  demonstrated  them  in  50 
per  cent,  of  the  placentas  in  one  series  of  examinations.  Bar 
and  Renon  3  found  them  in  the  blood  of  the  umbilical  cord  in 
two  of  five  cases.  Actual  congenital  tuberculosis  is  possible, 
though  very  exceptional:  the  bacteria  either  pass  through  the 
wall  between  mother  and  fetus,  or  destroy  this  wall  and  then 

1  Arbciten  d.  pathologisch.  Instit.  zu  Leipsig.    Jena,  1891. 
1  Miinchener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  1904,  vol.  li,  p.  1676. 
1  L'Obstetrique,  vol.  i,  p.  69. 


get  in.  Smallpox,  measles,  and  scarlatina,  the  causes  of  which 
have  not  yet  been  demonstrated;  typhoid,  cholera  Asiatica, 
pneumonia,  bubonic  plague,  erysipelas,  pus  infection,  anthrax, 
syphilis,  febris  recurrens,  and  malaria  have  already  been  dem 
onstrated  in  the  fetus.  Lynch  of  Johns  Hopkins  collected  six 
teen  cases  of  typhoid  in  the  fetus.  I  found  the  typhoid  bacillus 
in  the  liver  and  kidneys  of  a  still-born  fetus  whose  mother  was 
ill  with  typhoid  fever;  this  case  was  not  among  those  collected 
by  Lynch. 

The  majority  of  writers  give  unfavorable  prognoses  for 
typhoid  in  pregnancy.  Abortion  or  premature  labor  is  ex 
tremely  common,  with  great  danger  to  the  mother's  life.  When 
labor  begins  in  these  cases  the  last  sacraments  should  be  ad 
ministered  early.  Therapeutic  abortion  in  typhoid  is  very 
likely  to  cause  death,  yet  a  number  of  women  recover  after 
abortion.  As  regards  the  woman's  life,  cases  of  premature 
labor  have  a  worse  prognosis  than  early  abortion.  The  greatest 
danger  is  while  the  fever  is  high,  and  abortion  is  commoner  in 
the  first  week  of  fever  than  in  the  second  or  third.  In  pro 
tracted  typhoid  abortion  is  likely  to  occur  in  the  fourth  week 
or  later.  After  defervescence  the  prognosis  is  better,  but  there 
is  always  danger.  Different  physicians  have  markedly  vary 
ing  results.  There  is  no  medical  condition  where  skill  in  the 
physician  counts  more  than  in  typhoid;  it  is  the  supreme  test 
of  the  therapeutist.  Sacquin4  collected  from  various  sources 
the  statistics  of  233  cases  of  pregnancy  during  typhoid,  and 
abortion  or  premature  labor  occurred  in  150  of  these,  with 
death  in  16  per  cent.  Many  skilful  men  have  a  mortality  as 
low  as  3  per  cent,  in  typhoid  not  complicated  with  pregnancy. 

The  subject  of  typhoid  is  too  vast  for  complete  treatment 
here :  the  article  on  Typhoid  in  the  American  edition  of  Noth- 
nagel's  Encyclopedia  of  Practical  Medicine  covers  472  large 
octavo  pages.  A  very  important  point  is  not  to  mistake  typhoid 
for  a  septicemia  in  its  early  stage.  A  Widal  reaction  should 
be  made  in  apparently  septic  cases  to  exclude  typhoid.  Some 
times,  however,  a  streptococcic  infection  will  give  a  positive 

4  These.    Nancy,  1885. 


Widal,  and  there  may  be  a  mixed  typhoid  and  streptococcic  in 

Smallpox  in  pregnancy  causes  abortion  or  premature 
labor  in  the  majority  of  cases,  and  the  child  usually  dies.  The 
child  may  be  born  in  the  eruptive  stage,  or  pockmarked.  Frank 
lin  reported  a  case  where  a  vaccinated  woman  was  delivered  of 
a  child  while  her  husband  was  in  the  house  ill  with  smallpox. 
The  mother  did  not  take  the  infection,  but  the  child  was  born 
dead  of  smallpox :  the  contagion  had  passed  to  the  child  through 
the  unaffected  mother.  Vaccinated  women  at  times  bear  chil 
dren  which  are  after  birth  immune  to  vaccinia  and  smallpox — 
vaccinia,  in  the  commonly  held  opinion  at  present,  is  an  at 
tenuated  smallpox.  Pregnant  women  should  be  vaccinated, 
when  there  is  smallpox  in  their  neighborhood,  to  protect  them 
selves  and  their  children,  unless  they  have  been  successfully 
vaccinated  within  four  or  five  years. 

Vaccination  prevents  smallpox  in  more  than  90  per  cent,  of 
the  exposures  to  the  disease.  The  death-rate  was  58  per  cent,  in 
the  unvaccinated  cases  and  16  per  cent,  in  the  vaccinated  in  a 
group  of  5000  cases  of  smallpox  studied  by  Welch  in  1894. 
During  the  eighteenth  century,  according  to  Bernouilli's  cal 
culation,  one-twelfth  of  all  the  children  born  succumbed  to  this 
disease.  In  1707,  in  Iceland,  18,000  of  the  entire  population 
of  50,000  died  of  smallpox.  As  late  as  1885,  3164  persons 
died  of  the  disease  in  Montreal  in  one  epidemic  brought  on  at 
a  time  when  vaccination  had  been  neglected.  In  Prussia,  from 
1851  to  1860,  without  compulsory  vaccination  for  civilians, 
there  were  36,577  deaths  from  smallpox;  in  the  Prussian  army 
during  the  same  time,  with  compulsory  vaccination,  there  were 
only  fourteen  deaths.  During  the  war  of  1870  the  French 
armies,  without  vaccination,  lost  23,469  men  from  smallpox; 
the  German  armies  lost  only  459  men  and  there  was  a  great  epi 
demic  of  the  disease  in  Germany  at  the  time. 

The  efficiency  and  necessity  of  vaccination  against  small 
pox,  which  is  as  virulent  now  as  it  ever  was,  is  so  certainly 
established  that  a  parent  or  guardian  who  neglects  or  refuses 
to  have  children  vaccinated  when  exposed  to  the  disease  is 
guilty  of  homicide  through  neglect  if  an  unvaccinated  child 


under  his  care  dies  of  smallpox.  Revaccination  is  necessary 
every  eighth  year  if  smallpox  reappears.  Agitation  against  vac 
cination  is  not  mere  ignorance:  it  is  a  dangerous  crime,  ex 
actly  like  loosing  a  mad  dog;  and  it  is  combined  with  the  in 
solence  of  ignorance.  Persons  who  have  seen  smallpox  are 
very  much  afraid  of  it,  because  it  is  one  of  the  most  dreadful 
afflictions  humanity  is  exposed  to;  those  who  have  not  seen  it, 
yet  say  they  are  not  afraid  of  it,  are  mere  fools. 

A  pregnant  woman  who  is  infected  with  smallpox  should 
receive  the  last  sacraments  as  soon  as  possible.  If  she  aborts 
she  may  die  very  quickly  in  collapse.  If  she  is  evidently  in 
articulo  mortis  and  the  fetal  heart  can  be  heard,  her  cervix 
should  be  forcibly  dilated,  the  child  turned,  and  delivered  for 
baptism.  If  the  physician  waits  for  death,  the  child  will  be 
dead  also,  and  sectional  delivery  will  be  too  late  for  any  good. 

Pneumonia  in  pregnancy  is  a  rare  but  very  dangerous  dis 
ease.  In  one  series  of  13,611  pregnancies  there  were  120  cases 
of  pneumonia — eight-tenths  of  one  per  cent. ;  in  another  series 
of  1842  pregnancies  two  and  three-tenths  had  pneumonia. 
Wallich,5  in  a  study  of  the  mortality  of  this  condition,  found 
that  pneumonia  causes  abortion  in  one-third  of  the  cases  that 
occur  during  the  first  six  months  of  gestation,  and  in  two-thirds 
of  the  cases  that  happen  between  the  sixth  month  and  term. 
On  the  third  day  of  the  pneumonia  the  abortions  are  most 
likely  to  occur.  The  maternal  mortality  varies  between  50  and 
100  per  cent,  in  the  groups  studied,  and  the  fetal  mortality  is 
80  per  cent,  in  general,  but  about  40  per  cent,  for  viable  fetuses. 
The  large  size  of  the  uterus  in  the  last  months  of  pregnancy 
interferes  with  the  descent  of  the  diaphragm  in  respiration,  and 
the  heart  is  likely  to  fail.  The  more  advanced  the  pregnancy, 
the  greater  the  danger  to  both  mother  and  child  from  pneu 
monia.  Among  the  dangers  to  the  child  is  the  imperfect  oxy- 
genation  of  its  blood,  and  in  a  few  cases  the  pneumococci  reach 
the  fetus. 

Randall,  in  a  study  of  190  pregnant  women  who  had  pneu 
monia,  found  a  somewhat  lower  mortality  than  that  observed 
by  Wallich.  In  Randall's  series  70  died  (36.7  per  cent.)  ;  of 

•  Annales  de  Gynecologic.    June,  1889 


118  who  did  not  abort,  only  12  died  (10.7  per  cent.).  In  a 
second  group  of  352  cases  abortion  happened  in  58.8  per  cent 
Of  144  patients  in  the  first  six  months  of  gestation,  22.08  per 
cent,  died,  but  of  those  that  aborted  52.08  per  cent.  died. 
Again,  of  164  cases  in  the  last  three  months,  30.49  per  cent, 
died,  but  70.12  per  cent,  died  of  those  that  aborted  during  these 
three  months.  Of  82  that  aborted,  87.8  per  cent.  died.  The 
mortality  in  women  under  25  years  of  age  was  13.33  per  cent. ; 
in  women  from  25  to  35  years,  23.2  per  cent.;  over  35,  22  per 

Pneumonia  in  pregnancy  is  made  worse  by  the  mechanical 
interference  with  respiration  brought  about  by  the  enlarge 
ment  of  the  uterus,  and  the  heart,  which  is  overburdened  in 
ordinary  pneumonia,  is  still  more  exhausted  by  the  additional 
strain  of  pregnancy  in  the  pneumonia  of  gestation;  moreover, 
the  lungs,  which  are  obliged  to  do  enhanced  labor  in  pregnancy 
in  eliminating,  are  clogged  by  the  pneumonia;  it  would  seem, 
then,  that,  if  the  fetus  is  viable,  the  womb  should  be  emptied 
to  give  the  mother  a  better  chance  for  recovery.  Statistics, 
however,  are  against  therapeutic  abortion.  The  evacuation  of 
the  uterus  determines  blood  to  the  inflamed  lungs,  which  are 
already  overburdened.  The  exhaustion  of  labor  weakens  the 
patient,  and  makes  her  liable  to  general  septic  infection.  Mat- 
ton  6  found  that  in  eighteen  cases  where  pregnancy  was  arti 
ficially  interrupted,  nine  women  died  (50  per  cent.) ;  while  in 
twenty  cases  where  no  interference  was  attempted,  only  one 
woman  died.  This  comparison  is  not  exact,  perhaps,  because 
we  do  not  know  the  gravity  of  the  infection  in  each  group, 
but  in  any  consideration  the  difference  is  remarkable.  In  a 
group  studied  by  Chatelain  7  the  results  in  natural  and  arti 
ficial  delivery  were  virtually  the  same.  Inasmuch  as  thera 
peutic  abortion  at  the  best  is  no  better  than  non-interference, 
there  is  no  justification  for  therapeutic  abortion,  unless  in  un 
usual  circumstances. 

Pneumonia  is  an  infectious  disease,  and  a  pregnant  woman 
should,  for  her  own  sake  and  the  sake  of  the  fetus,  avoid  ex- 

*  Jour,  de  Med.  de  Bruxelles,  1872,  p.  412. 

T  Hid.,  1970,  vol.  1,  pp.  430,  516,  and  vol.  li,  p.  11. 


posure  to  infection.  When  the  disease  is  present  the  last  sacra 
ments  should  not  be  deferred,  as  it  may  be  impossible  to  make 
a  confession  when  near  death. 

Influenza  in  pregnancy  is  more  severe  than  it  is  in  the  non- 
gravid  state.  By  the  laity,  and  sometimes  even  by  physicians, 
influenza  is  confused  with  la  grippe,  but  there  is  an  influenza 
vera  and  an  influenza  nostras,  or  la  grippe,  and  this  latter  is 
not  nearly  so  serious  a  disease.  The  real  influenza  is  caused 
by  a  specific  bacillus;  it  appears  in  epidemics  which  have  a 
tendency  to  become  pandemic,  and  then  the  disease  disappears 
for  a  generation.  La  grippe  is  a  bronchitis  or  coryza  with  some 
fever  and  muscle-soreness.  True  influenza  (the  name  is  Ital 
ian,  influenza  di  freddo)  is  very  infectious.  The  pandemic  of 
1889-90  started  in  Turkestan  in  June,  1889,  and  by  October, 
1890,  influenza  had  gone  westward  and  encircled  the  earth 
along  the  trade  routes.  The  preceding  pandemic  occurred  in 

There  is  no  clear  proof  that  pregnant  women  are  especially 
liable  to  infection  by  influenza,  but  there  is  always  a  notable 
fall  in  the  birth-rate  after  marked  epidemics  of  the  disease. 
This  has  been  observed  in  France,  Germany,  and  Switzerland. 
When  it  does  occur  in  pregnancy  it  is  likely  to  cause  abortion. 
Pasquier,  as  early  as  1410,  noticed  this  fact.  The  disease  is 
likely  to  cause  hemorrhage  from  the  uterus  in  non-gravid 
women,  especially  in  those  who  are  past  the  climacteric,  and 
menorrhagia  in  younger  women  who  are  not  pregnant.  Moel- 
ler  8  found  abortion  or  premature  labor  in  28.3  per  cent,  of 
twenty-one  severe  cases.  In  severe  influenza  where  there  is 
diffuse  capillary  bronchitis,  pleuropneuinoiiia,  or  spasmodic 
cough,  abortion  is  most  likely  to  occur,  and  such  abortion  is 
always  dangerous.  The  hemorrhages  in  abortions  from  influ 
enza  are  often  alarmingly  profuse. 

In  threatened  respiratory  or  cardiac  failure  in  influenza 
complicating  pregnancy  there  may  be  question  of  therapeutic 
abortion,  but  in  such  an  event  great  care  must  be  taken  to  avoid 
exhaustion  and  shock.  The  child  should  be  extracted;  the 
woman  should  not  be  made  to  labor.  One  of  the  important 

*  Dcutsch.  med.  Wochenscli.,  1900,  No.  28. 


moral  considerations  in  this  matter  of  influenza  and  preg 
nancy  is  that  the  woman  commits  grave  sin  if  she  needlessly 
exposes  herself  to  infection,  because  of  the  danger  to  the  child's 
life  and  the  risk  of  its  loss  without  baptism,  and  also  because 
of  the  danger  to  her  own  life. 

Scarlatina  (Italian  scarlattina,  Low  Latin  febris  scarla 
tina),  or  Scarlet  Fever,  is  very  rare  in  pregnancy.  Popularly, 
scarlatina  is  used  for  a  light  form  of  scarlet  fever,  as  varioloid 
is  used  for  a  light  attack  of  smallpox;  but  physicians  do  not 
make  this  distinction  between  scarlatina  and  scarlet  fever:  they 
use  the  terms  synonymously.  In  Nothnagel's  Encyclopedia  of 
Practical  Medicine  Juergensen  has  an  elaborate  discussion  off 
the  differentiation  between  genuine  scarlet  fever  in  the  puer- 
perium  and  the  relatively  frequent  septic  erythema  found  in 
that  state,  but  the  received  opinion  now  is  that  real  scarlet 
fever  is  very  rare  in  pregnancy.  Those  who  report  large  num 
bers  of  scarlet  fever  cases  in  pregnancy  err  in  diagnosis. 

The  mortality  in  the  scarlatina  of  pregnancy  may  be  very 
high — 52  per  cent,  in  some  epidemics;  and  if  the  infection 
happens  immediately  after  delivery,  the  mortality  is  still  higher. 
A  septic  rash  is  sometimes  mistaken  for  scarlatina,  but  where 
the  genuine  disease  is  present  the  pregnant  woman  is  gravely 
obliged  to  avoid  exposure  to  it,  both  for  her  own  sake  and  for 
that  of  the  fetus.  In  the  early  months  of  gestation  scarlatina 
commonly  causes  abortion. 

Measles  in  pregnancy  is  also  very  rare,  but  when  it  does 
occur  it  is  a  serious  disease.  Gestation  is  interrupted  in  55 
per  cent,  of  the  cases,  and  the  mortality  is  15  per  cent,  for  the 
women.  The  same  moral  and  related  conditions  that  obtain 
in  scarlatina  are  found  in  measles.  There  is  a  marked  tend 
ency  to  hemorrhage  and  pneumonia.  Of  eleven  cases  re 
ported  by  Klotz,9  nine  aborted. 

In  epidemics  of  Asiatic  cholera  the  mortality  among  preg 
nant  women  is  extremely  high.  In  the  Hamburg  epidemic  of 
1897,  fifty-seven  per  cent,  of  the  pregnant  women  affected  died. 
Abortion  is  very  frequent  because  of  the  hemorrhagic  endome- 
tritis.  The  mortality  for  all  patients  in  Asiatic  cholera  is  very 
*  Archiv.  f.  Gyn.,  vol.  xxix,  p.  448. 


great — almost  50  per  cent,  at  the  beginning  of  the  epidemic. 

Typhus  fever  is  the  ship  or  famine  fever  of  1847.  It  is  very 
rare  now.  "When  it  does  occur  it  is  about  three  times  as  fatal 
as  typhoid.  It  is  a  disease  of  poverty  and  war,  and  is  spread 
largely  by  the  body-louse,  as  happened  in  Serbia  in  1915. 
Skilled  hygiene,  however,  soon  gains  control  of  the  epidemic. 

Erysipelas  in  pregnancy  is  rare,  but  not  infrequent  after 
delivery.  In  the  puerperium  it  appears  commonly  as  a  septic 
infection  in  abrasions  about  the  parturient  canal.  When  it 
starts  on  the  face,  scalp,  or  breast  the  prognosis  is  relatively 
favorable,  but  even  then  it  causes  death ;  when  it  starts  on  the 
genitalia  it  has  a  mortality  of  43  per  cent.  Erysipelas  causes 
abortion.  As  it  begins  from  pus  bacteria,  it  is  not  seen  so  fre 
quently  now  as  formerly,  owing  to  greater  attention  to  asepsis. 
In  the  puerperium  it  is  often  an  infection  brought  on  by  dirty 
midwives  or  physicians. 

Malaria,  if  severe,  may  interrupt  gestation  through  fever 
or  cachexia.  During  labor  in  such  cases  the  uterine  action  is 
feeble,  and  hemorrhages  are  common  after  delivery.  By  proper 
treatment  during  pregnancy  these  evils  can  be  averted.  The 
infection  is  spread  from  one  malaria  patient  to  another  by 
a  mosquito  (Anopheles),  as  yellow  fever  is  spread  by  another 
mosquito  (Stegomyia  fasciata). 

Pulmonary  tuberculosis  in  pregnancy  is  somewhat  fre 
quent;  the  estimate  is  that  about  32,000  tubercular  women  be 
come  pregnant  annually  in  the  United  States ;  and  obstetricians 
incline  to  the  opinion  that  pregnancy  commonly,  though  not 
always,  makes  the  tuberculosis  worse.  Nearly  all  agree  that 
the  combined  effect  of  pregnancy,  the  puerperium,  and  lacta 
tion  is  a  grave  burden  on  the  consumptive  and  lowers  the  power 
of  resistance. 

Trembley  of  the  Saranac  Lake  Sanitarium  reported  that 
63  per  cent,  of  240  tubercular  married  women  under  his  ob 
servation  gave  a  history  which  showed  that  the  disease  was 
first  recognized  during  pregnancy  or  the  puerperium.  Schauta's 
clinic  found  such  origins  in  29  per  cent.  Fisberg,  Funk, 
Jacob,  Panwitz,  and  other  observers,  in  a  series  of  1100  cases. 


said  39  per  cent,  of  these  women  thought  the  disease  began 
during  pregnancy  or  the  puerperium. 

Some  tubercular  women  during  pregnancy  give  no  clinical 
evidence  of  an  aggravation  of  the  pulmonary  disease,  but  these 
cases  are  exceptional.  Tubercular  women  who  apparently  im 
prove  during  pregnancy  are  likely  to  have  a  subsequent  detri 
mental  reaction.  As  tubercular  cases,  however,  are  prone  to 
show  exacerbations  even  if  not  pregnant,  it  is  not  possible  to  say 
that  pregnancy  is  the  sole  cause  of  the  progressive  lesions  in  par 
ticular  instances.  Where  there  are  no  wide  or  deep  areas  of 
infection,  there  may  be  no  recognizable  damage  from  preg 
nancy,  but  advanced  and  active  tuberculosis,  with  fever  or  cav 
ity  formation,  does  badly,  especially  if  the  throat  is  involved. 
The  pressure  of  the  enlarged  uterus  causes  dyspnoea ;  the  cough 
and  fever  may  bring  on  miscarriage.  Miscarriage,  however,  is 
rare  in  tuberculosis;  it  is  more  common  in  cardiac  and  renal 
diseases.  Bernheim,  in  a  series  of  315  tubercular  pregnancies, 
found  that  abortion  occurred  in  23  per  cent.  The  later  in  ges 
tation  the  tuberculosis  becomes  florid,  the  more  likely  it  is  that 
abortion  will  happen.  Conception  may  take  place  at  any  stage 
of  the  tuberculosis,  although  women  in  the  final  stage  are  com 
monly  sterile.  Sometimes  a  woman  will  give  birth  to  a  sound 
child  and  die  herself  of  tuberculosis  a  few  days  after  the  parturi 

Pregnancy  in  consumptive  women  is  not  necessarily  detri 
mental  to  each  particular  patient,  nor  is  it,  as  a  rule,  a  justi 
fication  for  emptying  the  uterus  of  even  the  viable  fetus.  Even 
when  the  tubercular  condition  grows  worse  during  pregnancy 
it  is  not  always  possible  to  prove  that  the  pregnancy  itself  is 
the  cause  of  the  deterioration.  If  the  woman  conceives  in  the 
final  stage  of  pulmonary  tuberculosis  she  will  die,  whether  she 
goes  on  to  term  or  not.  Bonney  10  describes  three  cases  of  ad 
vanced  pulmonary  tuberculosis  which  were  cured  during  preg 
nancy,  by  the  bodily  changes  peculiar  to  that  condition,  but 
such  results  are  altogether  exceptional. 

Artificially  induced  premature  labor  sometimes  causes  more 
damage  than  normal  parturition  at  term.  Much  depends  upon 

"Pulmonary  Tuberculosis,  p.  550.    Philadelphia,  1908. 


the  methods  used  for  the  induction  of  the  abortion.  The  in 
sertion  of  bougies,  catheters,  or  sounds  is  always  contraindi- 
cated  in  advanced  tuberculosis.  Hirst  of  the  University  of 
Pennsylvania  n  thinks  the  notion  that  tubercular  women  im 
prove  in  pregnancy  is  "a  superstition,"  and  that  such  women 
should  neither  marry  nor  have  children.  De  Lee  12  holds  that 
tubercular  women  should  not  marry  because  the  woman  is  likely 
to  infect  her  husband  and  children.  He  thinks  the  disease 
grows  worse  in  pregnancy,  and  that  hemorrhage  is  frequent  ex 
cept  in  chronic  ulcerative  tuberculosis.  In  this  last  condition 
pregnancy  does  not  ordinarily  aggravate  the  condition.  In  tu 
bercular  laryngitis  complicating  pregnancy,  Kiittner  found  the 
mortality  to  be  90  per  cent.  Such  laryngitis  is  usually  fatal, 
whether  pregnancy  is  present  or  not.  When  there  is  a  miscar 
riage  in  tuberculosis,  the  infection  often  becomes  florid  and  re 
sembles  pneumonia.  Advanced  cases  have  a  tedious  and  dan 
gerous  labor,  with  dyspnoea  and  occasionally  hemorrhage  or 
cardiac  exhaustion.  Edema  of  the  lungs  is  not  infrequent. 

Williams  of  Johns  Hopkins  University,  in  the  1903  edition 
of  his  Obstetrics,  tells  of  a  woman  who  died  of  tuberculous  peri 
tonitis  a  short  time  after  parturition.  The  uterus  was  studded 
with  tubercles  and  its  interior  was  covered  with  tuberculous 
ulcers.  The  tubercle  bacillus  had  been  found  in  cultures  taken 
from  the  interior  of  the  uterus  during  life.  Her  child  was 
born  perfectly  healthy  and  remained  so.  Williams  says  in  the 
same  place  that  the  induction  of  premature  labor  because  of 
tuberculosis  is  justifiable  only  in  the  interests  of  the  child,  and 
this  only  in  those  rare  cases  in  which  the  woman  is  so  ill  that 
she  probably  will  die  before  term.  Norris  13  of  Philadelphia 
agrees  with  Williams  that  induction  of  premature  labor  is  use 
less,  and  he  says  all  authorities  unite  in  this  opinion. 

A  tubercular  woman  should  not  nurse  her  infant  because 
she  will  infect  it  and  exhaust  herself.  Infants  are  very  sus 
ceptible  to  tuberculosis.  Birch-Hi rschf eld,  in  1891,  first  dem 
onstrated  tuberculosis  in  the  fetus,  and  Schmorl  found  it  in 

11 A  Text-look  of  Obstetrics,  p.  427.    Philadelphia,  1912. 
a  The  Principles  and  Practice  of  Obstetrics,  p.  480.    Philadelphia, 

11  Pennsylvania  Medical  Journal,  February,  1916. 


the  placenta  in  50  per  cent,  of  a  series  of  cases  that  he  ex 
amined.  Infection  of  the  child  in  uiero,  however,  is  extremely 
rare  even  by  the  placental  way.  There  is  a  high  death-rate 
from  tuberculosis  among  infants,  but  the  infection  is  postnatal. 
Dietrich  of  Berlin  found  that  the  death-rate  from  tuberculosis 
among  children  in  Prussia  is  higher  during  the  first  year  of 
life  than  in  any  other  year. 

The  moral  conclusion  is  that  artificial  abortion  in  preg 
nancy  complicated  with  tuberculosis  is  never  indicated  except 
when  the  good  of  the  child  is  at  stake  in  the  last  stage  of  gesta 



SYPHILIS  in  pregnancy  at  times  assumes  peculiar  malig 
nancy.  The  virulence  depends  on  the  patient's  power  of 
resistance,  and  whether  or  not  there  are  septic  microorganisms 
mixed  with  the  syphilitic  spirochetes.  There  are,  moreover, 
varying  strains  of  spirochetes  which  differ  in  virulence,  or 
there  are  familial  idiosyncrasies.  Tropical  syphilis  is  worse 
than  northern  infections,  and  syphilis  of  the  nervous  system 
is  often  incurable.  Fournier  was  of  the  opinion  that  a  syphi 
litic  woman  who  becomes  pregnant  is  more  likely  to  abort  than 
a  pregnant  woman  who  becomes  syphilitic.  The  percentage  of 
fetal  deaths  is  also  greater  in  the  first  class  than  in  the  second. 
The  longer  a  woman  has  been  syphilitic,  provided  she  has  not 
been  treated  for  the  disease,  the  worse  the  prognosis  for  the 
duration  of  the  pregnancy  and  the  life  of  the  fetus.  The  ear 
lier  in  pregnancy  the  syphilis  appears,  the  worse  the  prognosis 
for  gestation.  General  fetal  mortality  in  syphilis  under  the 
best  circumstances  is  75  per  cent.  Syphilis  should  be  looked 
for  in  every  case  where  the  cause  of  an  abortion  is  not  evident. 
Huge  holds  that  in  83  per  cent,  of  repeated  abortions  syphilis 
is  at  fault ;  late  abortions  are  characteristic  of  this  disease. 

Inoculation  with  syphilis  before  conception  almost  always 
results  in  abortion.  In  130  women  studied  by  Le  Pileur  there 
were  3.8  per  cent,  still-births  before  infection  by  syphilis,  but 
78  per  cent,  after  infection.  In  premature  labor  the  child  is, 
as  a  rule,  born  dead ;  less  frequently  it  is  born  syphilitic ;  still 
less  frequently  it  is  born  apparently  sound,  but  the  syphilis 
appears  later;  in  a  few  cases,  when  the  maternal  syphilis  is 
old,  the  child  may  be  born  normal.  Interruption  of  gestation 
is  the  commonest  symptom  in  syphilis  complicating  pregnancy. 



The  labor  itself  is  affected:  the  pains  are  weak  and  tardy. 
Abnormal  presentations  occur  frequently  when  the  fetus  is 
dead.  Chancres  on  the  cervix  may  cause  obstruction,  and  there 
may  be  indurations  so  dense  as  to  necessitate  cesarean  delivery. 
The  perineum  may  become  so  friable  as  to  tear,  as  De  Lee 
says,  "like  wet  paper." 

When  the  mother  is  infected  at  the  time  of  conception  the 
child  is  always  syphilitic.  If  the  mother  is  infected  early  in 
pregnancy  the  child  is  almost  always  infected.  If  she  is  in 
fected  late  in  pregnancy  the  child  may  escape  infection.  Men 
with  tertiary  syphilis  have  begotten  children  without,  to  all 
clinical  appearance,  inoculating  the  wife.  In  such  a  case  the 
mother  may  nurse  the  child  with  safety  to  herself,  but  the 
child  will  infect  a  wet  nurse  other  than  its  own  mother,  and 
in  very  rare  instances  mothers  in  this  condition  have  been 
floridly  infected.  The  condition  here  described  is  called  Colles's 
Law.1  The  doctrine  of  Colles's  Law  has  fallen  into  dis 
use  because  we  can  now  demonstrate  by  the  "Wassermann  re 
action  that  almost  all  apparently  healthy  mothers  of  this  class 
are  in  reality  infected.  The  term  now  used  is  "Syphilis  by 
Conception."  2  The  virus  passes  through  the  fetal  placenta  to 
the  mother,  although  immunizing  substances  are  held  back  by 
the  placenta.  A  fetus  cannot  make  immunizing  bodies  before 
its  eighth  month,  and  on  that  account  the  earlier  the  fetus  is 
infected,  the  more  likely  it  is  to  die.  Recently,  however,  some 
scanty  testimony  has  been  collected  which  sustains  Colles's 
Law  in  a  few  cases.  Ledermann  reported  three  cases,  and 
Nonne  others,  in  which  the  wives  of  men  with  tabes  or  paralysis 
bore  syphilitic  children  and  yet  never  responded  positively 
themselves  to  the  Wassermann  test,  or  showed  any  symptoms 
suggesting  syphilis.  To  this  list  Kroon 3  adds  a  case  corre 
sponding  fully  to  the  requirements  of  Colles's  Law.  A  woman 
of  twenty-eight  years  who  had  had  eight  abortions  was  de 
livered  of  a  child  with  undoubted  congenital,  syphilis.  The 
child's  father  had  been  infected  with  syphilis  twelve  years  be- 

1  From  Abraham  Colles,  Dublin,  1837. 

•Wolff,  1879. 

1  Nederlandisch  Tijdschrift  voor  OeneesJcunde,  i,  9. 


fore.  The  woman  showed  no  signs  of  syphilis,  two  Wasser- 
mann  tests  were  negative,  and  she  nursed  the  child  without 
injury  to  herself. 

Should  the  husband  have  florid  primary  or  secondary  syph 
ilis,  and  infect  his  wife  at  impregnation,  abortion  is  the  rule. 
The  commonest  cases  are  those  where  the  husband  has  been 
treated  for  syphilis  more  or  less  thoroughly  before  marriage. 
Even  if  at  the  time  of  impregnation  the  husband  has  no  ap 
parent  infective  lesion,  the  child  is  usually  syphilitic,  or  it  may 
show  signs  of  the  disease  later  in  life.  Ibsen's  Ghosts  is 
founded  on  a  case  like  this.  If  the  syphilis  is  recent,  or  un- 
cured,  the  child  dies,  macerates,  and  is  expelled.  These  con 
ditions  recur  in  pregnancy  after  pregnancy,  until  the  virus  is 
removed  by  time  or  drugs.  As  the  nucleus  of  the  spermatozoon 
is  too  small  to  carry  the  spirochete  of  syphilis,  the  infection  is 
through  the  semen  in  a  manner  not  yet  clear  to  us. 

Wolff  *  studied  a  group  of  nine  syphilitic  women  and  their 
children.  There  were  sixty-six  pregnancies,  but  only  thirty- 
three  viable  children  were  born.  Of  these  last  fourteen  died 
in  childhood,  three  committed  suicide  at  twelve,  twenty,  and 
twenty-eight  years  of  age;  and  of  the  thirteen  still  living  only 
two  were  normal.  The  others  are  all  feeble-minded,  epileptic, 
hysteric,  or  otherwise  neurotic.  Post  5  tabulated  the  mortality 
in  thirty  syphilitic  families  in  which  there  were  168  preg 
nancies.  Of  these  fifty-three  ended  in  still-birth  or  miscar 
riage  and  there  were  forty-four  early  deaths — a  total  loss  of 
57  per  cent.  Of  the  children  that  were  born  alive  38  per  cent, 
are  now  dead,  and  of  the  seventy-one  that  are  alive  only  thirty- 
nine  are  apparently  healthy.  There  are  very  many  cases  of 
diseased  children  and  adults  with  serious  lesions  of  obscure 
etiology,  and  in  a  great  number  of  instances  of  anemia,  mal 
nutrition,  extreme  nervousness,  aortitis,  bone  diseases,  vague 
pain,  and  similar  conditions,  the  origin  is  congenital  syphilis. 
Stoll,8  in  sixty-eight  such  cases,  found  a  positive  luetin  syphi 
litic  reaction,  and  a  positive  Wassermann  in  17  per  cent. 

4  Zeitschr.  f.  klinisch.  Med.,  vol.  Ixxvi.    Berlin. 

*  Boston  Med.  and  Surg.  Jour.,  vol.  clvii,  n.  4. 

*  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  October  31,  1914. 


Gottheil,7  professor  of  dermatology  and  syphilography  in 
Fordham  University,  holds  that  if  a  man  has  gone  through  a 
modern  treatment  for  syphilis,  given  hy  a  competent  physician 
and  extended  over  three  years,  and  if  during  the  fourth  year, 
without  treatment,  he  repeatedly  shows  a  negative  Wasser- 
mann  reaction,  he  may  marry.  That  is  the  common  opinion 
of  physicians,  hut  it  is  decidedly  erroneous. 

In  one  series  of  562  cases  of  hereditary  syphilis  observed  hy 
the  great  syphilographer  Fournier,  sixty  children,  or  over  10 
per  cent.,  were  infected  more  than  six  years  after  the  primary 
parental  inoculation.  He  tells  of  one  woman  who  had  nineteen 
consecutive  still-births  from  syphilis.  Gowers  8  says:  "There 
is  no  evidence  that  the  disease  ever  is  or  ever  has  been  cured, 
the  word  'disease'  being  hero  used  to  designate  that  which 
causes  the  various  manifestations  of  the  malady."  This  state 
ment  is  too  sweeping,  but  it  is  very  near  the  truth. 

Brulms  recently  reported  the  outcome  of  the  Wassermann 
test  repeated  about  yearly  from  1908  to  1915  in  one  hundred 
private  cases  infected  with  syphilis  ten  or  more  years  before 
the  time  of  the  report.  In  forty-two  the  test  was  constantly 
negative;  in  thirty-two,  positive  at  first  but  negative  later;  in 
seven,  constantly  positive  notwithstanding  repeated  courses  of 
treatment;  in  three,  positive  at  first,  then  long  negative,  but 
finally  changing  to  positive  again;  in  eight,  negative  at  first, 
then  positive,  and  finally  negative;  and  in  eight,  negative  at 
first  but  finally  positive.  The  last  three  groups  are  particularly 
significant.  In  some  the  long  negative  reaction,  for  five  or  six 
years,  indicated  cure,  and  physicians  would  pronounce  such 
cases  positively  cured;  but  suddenly  they  changed  to  a  positive 
reaction  without  any  clinical  manifestations  showing  at  the 
time.  After  renewed  courses  of  treatment  in  the  following  two 
years  the  reaction  became  negative.  Among  the  cases  with  con 
stant  negative  reaction  there  were  some  who  developed  brain 
syphilis,  or  tabes,  proving  that  they  wrere  not  cured  despite  the 
absence  of  clinical  manifestations  of  the  disease  and  the  nega- 

T  Forchheimer's  Therapeusis  of  Internal  Diseases,  vol.  ii,  p.  421. 
New  York,  1913. 

"Syphilis  and  the  Nervous  System,  1892. 


tive  Wassermann  reactions.  Professor  Blaschko  of  Berlin,  at 
the  seventeenth  International  Medical  Congress  in  1913,  in  the 
presence  of  Ehrlich,  Wassermann  and  Hata,  said  no  one  could 
even  talk  of  a  cure  of  syphilis  until  an  interval  of  ten  years 
without  symptoms  had  occurred.  Where  a  blood  Wassermann 
is  negative  a  spinal  fluid  reaction  may  be  positive. 

In  from  60  to  75  per  cent,  of  all  cases  of  tabes  or  paresis 
members  of  the  family  other  than  the  patient  have  shown  in 
fection.  The  proportion  of  infections  in  the  families  of  tabetics 
and  paretics  is  far  larger  than  that  found  in  families  in  which 
the  syphilis  does  not  go  on  to  these  extremes.  Tabes  is  also 
called  locomotor  ataxia.  It  is  a  degeneration  of  a  part  of  the 
spinal  cord,  with  unsteadiness  and  incoordination  of  motion, 
lightning  pains,  disorders  of  vision,  and  other  symptoms.  Par 
esis  is  softening  of  the  brain,  with  insanity  and  death. 

These  and  other  facts  strongly  indicate  that  the  form  of 
syphilis  which  ends  in  tabes  or  paresis  remains  infectious  over 
a  much  longer  time  than  ordinary  syphilis  does.  No  one  has 
cured  either  tabes  or  paresis.  Raven  reported  in  1914  an  in 
vestigation  of  ninety  families  in  each  of  which  a  case  of 
metalues  had  developed.  The  interval  between  the  date  of  in 
fection  and  the  marriage  was  known  in  about  half  of  these,  and 
it  was  four  years  in  two  families,  five  years  in  one,  and  from 
six  to  twenty-one  years  in  ten!  Fournier,  in  4400  cases  of 
syphilis,  saw  three  cases  where  the  tertiary  symptoms  appeared 
fifty  years  after  infection,  and  in  one  case  fifty-five  years  after 
infection.  Bonnet9  reported  such  a  case  which  came  to  him 
for  treatment  fifty-four  years  after  infection.  The  man  had  no 

Syphilis  that  affects  the  nervous  system  as  in  tabes  and 
paresis  is  an  incurable  syphilis,  and  there  is  no  means  whereby 
any  physician,  no  matter  how  skilful  he  may  be,  can  tell  whether 
or  not  a  given  patient  has  such  an  infection.  The  physician, 
then,  who  tells  a  syphilitic  that  he  or  she  is  cured  and  lets  such 
a  person  marry  is  responsible  for  all  the  evils  that  result  from 
his  rashness.  Once  a  syphilitic,  not  necessarily  always  a  syphi 
litic;  but  once  a  syphilitic,  possibly  and  probably  always  a 

*  Lyon  Med.,  Novembe:  7,  1907. 

syphilitic,  and  that  no  matter  what  the  treatment  or  the  lack 
of  clinical  symptoms.  Damaged  goods  of  this  kind  are  to  be 
looked  upon  as  damaged  goods  forever. 

Any  man  or  woman,  then,  who  has  ever  had  a  clear  case 
of  syphilis  (and  the  diagnosis  is  easy,  as  a  rule)  is  likely  to 
be  for  the  remainder  of  life  a  source  of  syphilitic  infection. 
There  is  even  question  of  late  of  spirochete-carriers,  as  there 
are  typhoid-carriers  and  diphtheria-carriers,  who  may  infect 
others  while  not  suffering  themselves.  If  one  who  has  been  a 
syphilitic  marries  without  informing  the  other  party  to  the  con 
tract  of  the  condition,  the  injustice  is,  without  doubt,  very 
grave.  I  should  call  such  concealment  a  mortal  sin,  and  a  con 
dition  exposing  the  sacrament  to  sacrilege. 

Suppose  the  second  party  is  informed  of  the  old  infection 
and  is  then  foolish  enough  to  risk  the  marriage.  No  one  but 
an  experienced  physician  has  any  notion  of  the  indescribable 
horror  that  may  come  of  taking  this  risk,  and  no  one  has  the 
right  to  expose  his  own  body  to  infection  by  syphilis  for  the 
advantage  of  marriage.  There  is  no  approach  to  a  juridic 
equilibrium  between  these  two  conditions.  If  in  such  a  mar 
riage  children  are  begotten  and  infected,  (1)  embryos  will  die 
without  baptism;  (2)  later  possible  children  will  be  born  who 
will  die  of  congenital  syphilis;  (3)  possible  children  who  will 
escape  syphilis;  (4)  children  who  may  have  to  pass  through 
tabes  or  paresis  to  death, 'after  begetting  other  degenerates. 

A  syphilitic  embryo  which  dies  without  baptism  is  better 
than  no  child  at  all.  It  will  live  in  a  state  of  natural  happiness 
after  abortion.  A  baptized  child  which  has  congenital  syphilis 
is  immeasurably  better  off  than  a  sound  child  that  lacks  bap 
tism.  Eugenics  as  a  prudent  investigation  of  conditions  before 
marriage  is  a  good  thing;  eugenics  as  the  drivel  of  agitators, 
who  cannot  tell  the  difference  between  a  gentleman  and  a  corn- 
fed  hog,  is  quite  another  thing.  The  marriage,  therefore,  of  a 
person  who  has  been  syphilitic  to  one  who  knows  or  does  not 
know  of  this  condition  gets  its  mortality  chiefly  from  the  damage 
to  one  of  the  contracting  parties  which  is  imminent.  It  is 
difficult  to  estimate  the  morality  of  the  act  as  it  refers  to  the 
children  infected  congenitally,  and  to  society. 


The  natural  order,  charity,  justice,  and  related  principles 
give  every  child  the  right  to  be  born  with  bodily  health,  if  such 
an  event  is  possible.  If  it  is  not  possible  in  particular  circum 
stances,  then  melius  esse  quam  non  esse,  and  the  decision  in 
each  case  depends  on  its  own  qualities. 

If  a  physician  knows  that  a  person  who  has  been  infected 
with  syphilis  is  about  to  marry,  should  the  physician  warn  the 
innocent  party? 

There  are  several  conditions:  (1)  the  infected  person  about 
to  marry  may  be  actively  infectious;  (2)  the  person  may  be 
probably  infective,  as  any  one  is  who  has  once  had  syphilis; 
(3)  the  physician  may  know  the  fact  of  the  infection  officially 
or  unofficially;  (4)  the  infective  person  may  have  gone  to  the 
physician  for  treatment  for  a  condition  not  connected  with  the 
syphilis — say,  for  a  bronchitis  or  a  broken  bone — and  the  phy 
sician  in  the  examination  discovers  syphilis. 

Again,  there  are  various  kinds  of  secrets.  St.  Alphonsus 
Liguori 10  classifies  secrets  in  three  groups:  (1)  natural;  (2) 
promised;  (3)  entrusted  secrets.  A  natural  secret  is  one  which 
obliges  us  in  justice  to  observe  it  if  divulging  it  will  gravely 
injure  any  one  in  reputation  or  possessions.  We  are  not  obliged 
to  observe  a  secret  of  this  kind  at  the  risk  of  our  lives  unless 
the  damage  from  the  divulging  would  affect  the  community 
gravely.  A  promised  secret  obliges  to  silence  either  gravely  or 
lightly,  according  to  the  intention  of  the  promiser.  Where 
reasonable  doubt  exists  as  to  grave  obligation,  such  obligation 
does  not  exist.  A  promise  to  secrecy  made  even  under  oath  is 
not  binding  if  one  is  obliged  in  justice  to  reveal  the  secret; 
therefore  we  must  testify  to  the  crime  of  another  when  a  judge 
legitimately  demands  our  testimony,  even  if  we  have  promised 
not  to  tell  anything.  If  a  secret  is  entrusted  to  one,  and  divulg 
ing  would  cause  grave  damage,  but  justice,  or  similar  circum 
stances,  do  not  oblige  us  to  reveal  it,  we  are  bound  to  observe 
it  even  when  questioned  by  legitimate  authority.  Then  we  may 
answer  we  know  nothing  about  it,  at  least  for  revelation.  St. 
Alphonsus's  text  is :  "Potes  respondere  te  nihil  scire,  scilicet  ad 
revelandum."  His  meaning  seems  to  be:  "You  may  say  you 

"  Theologia  Moralis,  iv,  n.  970  et  seq. 


know  nothing  about  the  matter  inquired  into."  Any  other 
signification  would  bo  futile.  To  say  literally,  "I  do  not  know 
anything  I  may  tell,"  would  only  expose  one  to  punishment 
for  contempt.  He  seems  to  make  the  answer  a  conventional 
denial,  like  the  "not  guilty"  of  a  criminal.  A  judge  may  not 
abrogate  the  natural  right  by  which  an  entrusted  secret  is  pro 
tected,  unless  the  secret  is  already  known  in  some  other  way, 
or  there  is  a  just  cause  for  revealing  it.11 

When  an  entrusted  secret,  however,  which  is  also  called  a 
strict  or  absolutely  natural  secret,  is  imparted  expressly  or 
tacitly,  say,  to  physicians,  lawyers,  or  priests,  and  becomes  a 
professional  secret,  it  obliges  more  strictly  than  any  other. 
There  are  four  conditions  under  which  such  an  entrusted  secret 
may  be  revealed,  at  least  without  mortal  sin  (except  by  a  con 
fessor)  :  (1)  If  we  have  the  presumed  consent  of  the  principal. 
(2)  If  the  material  of  the  secret  is  trivial,  or  if  it  is  known 
from  another  source,  or  is  already  public.  Is  it  a  mortal  sin 
to  divulge  a  grave  entrusted  secret  to  a  responsible  person  who 
is  under  the  same  bond  ?  St.  Alphonsus,  De  Lugo,  and  others 
say  probably  it  is  not,  provided  the  secret  is  not  divulged  to 
the  particular  person  from  whom  the  principal  wished  it  to  be 
concealed.  The  term  probably  here  is  technical  and  refers  more 
to  the  absolute  truth  of  an  assertion  than  to  its  practical  ap 
plication.  (3)  One  might  reveal  such  a  secret  without  mortal 
sin,  through  inadvertence  or  thoughtlessness,  or  under  the  sup 
position  that  it  is  not  a  grave  secret.  Some  moralists  hold, 
however,  that  to  excuse  from  mortal  sin,  the  revealer  must  be 
certain  that  the  matter  of  the  secret  is  not  grave.  (4)  Such  a 
secret  may  be  revealed  if  keeping  it  would  cause  public  injury, 
or  injury  to  an  innocent  person,  or  injury  to  the  person  to 
whom  the  secret  has  been  entrusted;  then  the  law  of  charity 
demands  that  it  be  revealed.  Therefore,  even  if  one  has  bound 
himself  under  oath,  he  may  reveal  the  secret — always  excepting 
a  priest  or  confessor.  This  is  the  common  doctrine  of  moral 
theologians.  It  is  for  the  common  good  of  human  society  that 
entrusted  secrets  be  absolutely  kept  unless  so  grave  a  damage 
befalls  another  from  such  observance  that  it  becomes  more  con- 
"  Cf.  De  Lugo,  De  Justitia  et  Jure,  disp.  14,  n.  141. 


ducive  to  the  public  good  to  reveal  than  to  conceal.  To  let  an 
infective  syphilitic,  for  example,  spread  his  contagion  merely 
because  an  entrusted  secret  should  be  kept  is  a  much  greater 
damage  to  the  public  than  a  good. 

Barrett 12  says  a  physician  may  not  divulge  the  diseases 
of  a  family  to  an  insurance  company  unless  the  family  as 
sents  ;  he  may  not  tell  the  man  before  marriage  that  the  woman 
had  been  operated  upon,  say,  for  ovariotomy,  unless  the  woman 
gives  permission ;  nor  may  he  let  the  woman  know,  before  mar 
riage,  of  those  diseases  of  the  man  which  are  not  contagious. 
He  says  further  that  if  a  man  has  had  syphilis  and  is  now  com 
pletely  cured,  the  physician  may  not  reveal  this  previous  con 
dition  to  the  woman. 

That  doctrine  about  ovariotomy,  if  it  includes  double 
ovariotomy,  is  disputed  by  physicians  because,  they  say,  such  a 
woman  is  sterile  and  she  knowingly  is  going  to  deprive  the 
man  of  his  chances  of  having  children ;  secondly,  a  woman  upon 
whom  double  ovariotomy  has  been  performed  is  almost  always 
a  neurasthenic  invalid  with  a  marked  tendency  to  insanity,  and 
it  is  a  grave  injustice  to  any  man  to  saddle  such  a  degenerate 
upon  him  for  life  by  treachery.  The  prospective  injury  to 
the  man  is  so  great  that  the  physician  should  first  try  to  induce 
the  woman  to  divulge  her  condition,  and  if  she  does  not,  the 
physician  at  least  may  divulge  it. 

Secondly,  I  deny  most  emphatically  that  any  physician  can 
tell  that  a  man  who  once  has  had  syphilis  is  completely  cured 
and  is  not  a  source  of  infection.  The  facts  I  have  cited  in  this 
chapter  prove  conclusively  that  once  a  syphilitic  always  prob 
ably  a  syphilitic,  and  the  risk  is  always  so  great  that  the  phy 
sician  is  obliged  first  to  insist  that  the  man  does  not  marry, 
and  if  the  man  persists  the  physician  may  let  the  woman 
know.  If  preparations  for  the  marriage  have  been  made  pub 
licly,  the  physician  will,  as  a  rule,  for  his  pains  from  the  woman 
and  her  family  get  only  a  rebuff  and  the  woman  will  later  get 
her  syphilis  more  or  less  certainly.  If  the  man  is  actively  in 
fective  the  physician  is  bound  to  let  the  woman  know,  through 

u  Sabetti-Barrett,  Compend.  Theol.  Moral.,  n.  565.     New  York, 

her  confessor  if  no  other  way  presents,  provided  the  man  can 
not  be  frightened  out  of  his  scoundrel  ism.  If  nothing  else 
avails,  the  physician  would  be  justified  in  reporting  such  a 
man  to  the  Board  of  Health  or  the  sanitary  police.  Barrett 
says  the  physician  may  be  excused  from  divulging  that  the  man 
has  infective  syphilis  if  such  a  revelation  would  cause  the  phy 
sician  to  lose  the  confidence  of  his  patients.  It  never  does  have 
such  an  effect,  although  physicians  constantly  expose  such  cases 
in  the  interests  of  humanity.  Because  a  man  who  is  apparently 
cured  of  syphilis  may  or  may  not  infect  the  woman,  this  doubt 
probably  excuses  the  physician  from  the  strict  obligation  of 
divulging  the  condition,  although  he  may  tell  her  if  he  wishes 
to  do  so,  salvo  meliore  consilio,  as  far  as  the  release  from  strict 
obligation  to  divulge  is  concerned. 

If  a  patient  with  syphilis  goes  to  a  physician  for  the  treat 
ment  of  some  other  physical  disability,  and  the  physician  dis 
covers  the  syphilis  in  the  course  of  the  examination,  this  knowl 
edge  of  the  syphilis  would  be  a  tacitly  entrusted  secret. 
Whether,  however,  a  secret  that  a  man  is  actively  infective 
or  very  probably  infective  is  entrusted  either  tacitly  or  directly, 
it  is  not  a  privileged  secret  owing  to  the  danger  or  certainty 
of  extraordinary  calamity  to  the  innocent  second  party. 

The  fact  that  in  these  cases  of  active  or  latent  syphilis  the 
disease  has  been  acquired  criminally  does  not  in  itself  affect 
the  state  of  the  question  one  way  or  another — a  criminal  syphi 
litic  has  a  right  to  his  reputation  and  goods  despite  his  moral 
condition;  but  even  where  the  disease  has  been  acquired  with 
out  moral  guilt  the  syphilitic  is  always  a  formally  or  mate 
rially  unjust  aggressor  in  a  prospective  marriage  to  an  inno 
cent  and  uninfected  woman,  and  is  to  be  treated  accordingly. 
If  a  woman  may  kill  an  unjust  aggressor  in  defence  of  her 
chastity,  and  if  quod  liceat  per  se  licet  per  alium,  her  natural 
protectors,  kin,  physician,  and  so  on,  may  at  least  divulge  the 
secret  of  the  man's  condition  in  defence  of  her  from  a  fate 
which  in  many  respects  is  worse  than  rape. 

In  keeping  with  this  matter  of  entrusted  secrets  it  is  worth 
noting  that  physicians  should  remember  that  the  case  histories 
they  leave  after  them  at  death,  or  which  they  leave  unguarded 


in  their  offices,  are  likely  to  be  read  by  some  third  party  who 
has  no  right  to  the  secrets  they  contain.  Case  histories  which 
the  patients  would  not  have  divulged  should  be  kept  in  cipher 
so  far  as  proper  names  and  addresses  are  concerned. 



GONORRHEA  is  caused  by  the  gonococcus  discovered 
by  Neisser  in  1879.  The  name  was  given  to  the  dis 
ease  in  the  second  century  by  Galen,  who  supposed  that  the 
condition  is  a  spermatorrhea.  The  infection  begins  as  a  sur 
face  inflammation  and  gradually  penetrates  more  or  less  deeply 
into  the  underlying  tissues.  In  the  male,  gonorrhea  may  affect 
any  part  of  the  body;  and  when  the  disease  is  chronic  it  is  a 
Bource  of  infection  for  years.  If  a  man  who  has  had  gonorrhea 
wishes  to  marry  after  careful  treatment,  most  physicians  will 
permit  him  to  do  so  if  he  passes  the  customary  tests  which 
indicate  cure,  but  he  is  always  dangerous.  The  tests  are:  (1) 
the  microscopic  and  cultural  examinations  of  the  centrifugalized 
morning  urine — the  washings  from  the  urethra  must  be  nega 
tive  after  repeated  trials  and  over  a  space  of  months;  (2)  the 
microscopic  and  cultural  examinations  of  urethral  spontaneous 
and  artificial  discharges  must  be  negative  in  the  same  man 
ner;  (3)  the  microscopic  and  cultural  findings  of  the  secretion 
expressed  from  the  prostate  and  seminal  vesicles  must  be  nega 
tive  in  the  same  manner;  (4)  urethroscopic  examinations  of  the 
anterior  and  posterior  urethra  must  show  no  unhealed  lesions; 
(5)  the  complement  fixation  test  is  to  be  repeatedly  negative. 
The  complement  fixation  test  is  like  a  "Wassermann  reaction, 
but  the  antigen  should  be  polyvalent.  This  test  does  not  give 
a  positive  reaction  where  no  gonorrhea  is  present,  but  it  is  often 
negative  where  the  gonococcus  is  present.  Hence  a  positive  re 
sult  has  value,  but  a  negative  result  has  little  or  no  value.  All 
these  tests  are  to  be  tried  repeatedly,  and  if  negative  for  months, 
the  physician  may  say  the  man  is  probably  cured,  but  no  phy 
sician  can  guarantee  the  cure  so  as  to  take  the  responsibility  of 



the  decision.  Not  one  physician  in  five  hundred  can  make 
these  tests  himself,  because  physicians  in  general  lack  the  spe 
cial  training  and  the  means  to  make  them.  As  the  effects  of 
gonorrheic  infection  in  a  woman  are  so  appalling,  any  woman 
who  wittingly  marries  a  man  who  has  had  gonorrhea  is  very 
rash,  and  the  man  who  takes  the  risk  of  infecting  such  a  woman 
is  a  rascal. 

A  physician  is  obliged  to  let  a  woman  who  innocently  is 
about  to  marry  a  "cured"  gonorrheic  know  of  the  man's  con 
dition,  as  in  a  case  of  supposedly  cured  syphilis.  Taber  John 
son,  Noble,  and  other  authorities,  say  no  one  can  tell  when  a 
gonorrheic  is  absolutely  cured. 

In  women  infection  of  the  cervix  uteri  occurs  in  about  80 
per  cent,  of  the  cases  of  acute  gonorrhea,  and  in  95  per  cent, 
of  all  chronic  cases.  The  infection  may  extend  up  into  the 
uterus  at  the  menstrual  period  or  just  after  parturition.  In 
the  cervix,  owing  to  the  histologic  formation,  the  disease  tends 
to  chronicity,  but  the  inflammation  within  the  uterus  is  much 
more  likely  to  subside  naturally.  Chronic  gonorrhea  of  the  en- 
dometrium  is  usually  accompanied  by  tubular  infection.  The 
infection  of  the  uterus  may  be  superficial  or  it  may  extend 
down  into  the  underlying  myometrium. 

The  inflammation  extends  from  the  endometrium  to  the 
Fallopian  tubes  and  beyond,  causing  salpingitis,  pyosalpinx, 
hydrosalpinx,  tuboovarian  abscess,  tuboovarian  cysts,  and  pelvic 
peritonitis.  The  most  frequent  form  of  tubal  gonorrhea  is 
pyosalpinx,  or  pus  tube. 

In  the  acute  stage  of  tubal  infection  the  tubes  become 
elongated  and  swollen,  and  the  mucous  surfaces  within  are  cov 
ered  with  a  seropurulent  exudate.  This  condition  is  called  sal- 
pinx  or  salpingitis.  When  the  condition  advances  so  far  that 
the  external  abdominal  ostium  of  the  tube  is  closed,  a  pyosal 
pinx  forms.  The  pyosalpinx  may  be  quite  large.  A  hydro 
salpinx  is  like  a  pyosalpinx,  with  both  tubal  ends  sealed,  ex 
cept  that  its  content  is  a  serous  or  watery  fluid.  When  infected 
material  escapes  through  the  distal  end  of  the  tube,  perioophori- 
tis  develops,  and  the  ovary  becomes  adherent  to  the  tube  and 
other  adnexa.  More  commonly  only  the  surface  of  the  ovary 


is  affected,  but  frequently  the  infection  gets  into  the  body  of 
the  ovary  and  causes  oophoritis.  The  ovary  then  swells  and 
there  is  a  tendency  to  the  formation  of  retention  and  other 
cysts,  or  an  abscess  of  the  ovary.  A  tuboovarian  cyst  is  a  hydro- 
salpinx  in  communication  with  an  ovarian  retention  cyst,  and 
a  tuboovarian  abscess  is  a  like  formation. 

Gonorrhea,  especially  in  women,  is  likely  to  be  very  chronic. 
Emil  Noeggerath,  who  in  1872  published  a  book1  which 
changed  the  medical  doctrine  on  the  disease,  said  of  women, 
"Once  infected,  always  infected."  Morris  2  reports  a  case  where 
the  gonococcus  was  latent  in  a  man  for  twenty  years,  and  he 
then  infected  his  wife  and  wished  to  divorce  her  until  he  found 
that  he  himself  was  at  fault.  Sax  3  reported  an  infection  after 
fourteen  years;  MacMunn,4  one  after  fifteen  years.  These  are 
exceptional  durations  in  the  male  for  virulence,  though  not  for 
continuance  of  the  diplococcus. 

Neisser,  who  discovered  the  cause  of  gonorrhea,  holds  that, 
with  the  exception  of  measles,  gonorrhea  is  the  most  widespread 
of  all  maladies.  By  sterilizing  men  and  women  and  by  abor 
tion  it  holds  down  the  birth-rate  more  than  any  other  disease. 
The  number  of  deaths  from  the  consequences  of  gonorrhea 
(pelvic  abscess,  peritonitis,  septicemia,  endocarditis,  and  so  on) 
is  enormous.  Morris  thinks  that  12,000  prostitutes  die  an 
nually  from  the  effects  of  gonorrhea  alone.  Woodruff  5  holds 
that  60,000  is  nearer  the  truth.  The  estimate,  too,  is  that  50 
per  cent,  of  all  pelvic  inflammatory  diseases  in  women  is  gonor- 
rheic;  and  Neisser,  Bumm,  and  Fiirbinger  hold  that  from 
20  to  50  per  cent,  of  childless  marriages  are  due  to  gonorrhea. 
Probably  more  than  20  per  cent,  of  all  the  blindness  in  the 
world  is  from  the  same  cause.  The  Committee  of  Seven,6  in 
1901,  after  examining  most  of  the  hospital  records  in  New 
York  and  hearing  from  4750  physicians,  estimated  that  there 
were  more  than  220,000  venereal  patients  in  New  York  City. 

1  Die  latent?  Gonorrhoea  in  weib.  Geschlect.     Bonn. 

'Gonorrhea  in  Women,  p.  123.     Philadelphia,  1913. 

'Trans.  Amer.  Urological  Assoc.,  vol.  iii. 

*  Lancet,  November  24,  1906. 

6  Expansion  of  Races.    New  York,  1909. 

9  Medical  News,  December  21,  1909. 


Bierhoff 7  reckoned  that  in  1910  there  were  about  800,000 
gonorrheics  in  that  city.  In  1906,  in  Baltimore,  there  were 
3310  cases  of  the  infectious  diseases  like  measles,  diphtheria, 
scarlet  fever,  and  tuberculosis  combined,  but  9450  cases  of 
venereal  diseases.  In  New  York  City,  in  round  numbers,  there 
are  annually  about  41,000  cases  of  infectious  diseases,  ex 
cluding  the  venereal  group,  but  243,000  cases  of  venereal  dis 
eases — over  five  times  more  cases  of  venereal  diseases  than  of 
all  the  other  infectious  diseases  together.  Of  12,000,000  per 
sons  insured  in  Germany,  750,000  annually  are  infected  with 
venereal  diseases.  In  the  United  States  navy  between  1904 
and  1908,  with  an  average  of  43,165  men  in  the  navy  and 
marine  corps,  there  were  32,852  admissions  to  the  hospitals  for 
venereal  diseases,  and  of  these  11,526  were  cases  of  gonorrhea. 
This  report  is  far  below  the  actual  numbers,  as  only  men  in 
capacitated  for  work  are  included  in  the  list.  In  the  English 
navy  in  1906  the  daily  number  of  men  rendered  inefficient  by 
venereal  diseases  was  867.  In  the  total  relative  number  of 
venereal  diseases  the  American  army  and  navy,  before  the  pres 
ent  war,  were  the  worst  in  the  world,  the  Japanese  navy  next, 
the  English  army  and  navy  next. 

Sullivan  and  Spaulding  8  reported  on  the  prevalence  and 
effects  of  gonorrhea  in  522  women  and  girls  in  a  Massachu 
setts  reformatory  for  women.  Of  these  women  75.7  per  cent, 
had  gonorrhea  by  positive  diagnosis.  The  average  length  of 
time  the  infection  had  existed  when  diagnosed  was  four  years 
and  five  months,  but  one  woman  had  had  the  disease  for  twenty- 
six  years,  and  seven  had  had  it  for  over  twenty  years.  In 
82.7  per  cent,  there  had  been  no  cessation  of  the  clinical  symp 
toms  from  the  time  of  infection  to  the  time  of  diagnosis.  Of 
the  total  number  68  per  cent,  had  pelvic  inflammation  on  one 
side,  and  27  per  cent,  had  it  on  both  sides.  There  were  41 
per  cent,  of  the  cases  which  had  had  surgical  operations  or 
which  required  such  treatment. 

Of  63  women  committed  for  alcoholism  52.4  per  cent,  had 
gonorrhea,  42.8  per  cent,  had  syphilis,  and  9.6  per  cent,  had 

New  York  Med.  Jour.,  November  12,  1910. 
8  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  January  8,  1916. 


doubtful  syphilis;  but  of  400  women  who  had  been  at  some 
time  prostitutes  98.2  per  cent,  had  gonorrhea,  65.5  per  cent, 
had  syphilis,  and  9.5  per  cent,  had  doubtful  syphilis.  Of  119 
mental  defectives  among  these  women,  90.8  per  cent,  had  gonor 
rhea,  61.3  per  cent,  had  syphilis,  and  6.7  per  cent,  had  doubt 
ful  syphilis. 

Dr.  Thomas  Haines9  reported  on  365  cases  of  boys  and 
girls  under  eighteen  years  of  age  committed  to  an  Ohio  re 
formatory,  and  of  these  20.8  per  cent,  had  syphilis,  and  it  was 
mostly  acquired  syphilis,  not  congenital — over  one-fourth  of  the 
boys  were  so  affected.  McNeil 10  examined  1200  adult  negroes 
in  Galveston,  Texas,  for  syphilis  and  found  the  disease  in  30  per 
cent,  of  the  1200. 

Howard  Kelly  n  estimated  that  venereal  diseases  cost  the 
United  States  three  billion  dollars  annually,  and  Norris  thinks 
this  estimate  too  low.  The  ravages  of  the  disease  are  so  fright 
ful,  physically  and  morally,  that  any  one  who  spreads  it  by  in 
fection,  especially  of  an  innocent  woman,  is  guilty  of  the  gravest 
moral  injustice.  Morrow  12  thinks  that  250,000  married  women 
in  the  United  States  are  suffering  from  gonorrhea.  As  most 
of  these  unfortunate  women  are  infected  by  immoral  husbands, 
and  as  the  invalidism  and  suffering  they  undergo  are  indescrib 
able  and  cure  is  often  impossible,  the  physician  who  permits  a 
gonorrheic  to  marry  without  a  protest  is  responsible  for  the  evil 
as  an  accomplice;  and,  as  has  been  said,  once  a  gonorrheic, 
probably  always  a  gonorrheic. 

Pelvic  inflammatory  disease  includes  in  the  uterus  and  its 
adnexa  alone  metritis,  salpingitis,  oophoritis,  pelvic  peritonitis, 
cellulitis,  lymphangitis,  and  perimetritis.  Pus  may  rupture 
into  the  pelvic  cavity  and  set  up  local  or  general  peritonitis  or 
septicemia.  It  may  burrow  through  from  behind  the  uterus 
into  the  vagina,  rectum,  or  other  parts  of  the  intestines,  or  into 
the  bladder,  and  leave  fistulas.  Pus  has  been  known  to  get 
through  the  abdominal  wall  itself.  When  the  disease  advances 
beyond  the  tubes  there  is,  as  a  rule,  invalidism  until  after  the 

'  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  January  8,  1916. 
10  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  September  30,  1916. 
u  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  October  6,  1912. 
"  Social  Diseases  and  Marriage,  1904. 


menopause,  although  the  woman  may  be  cured  by  surgery. 
Even  skilled  surgery  does  not  always  cure,  because  it  is  prac 
tically  impossible  to  get  rid  of  the  gonococcus  once  it  has  been 
fixed  in  the  tissues. 

In  cases  where  the  gonorrheic  or  other  bacterial  infection 
has  been  chronic  in  the  uterine  adnexa,  palliative  treatment  will 
in  a  certain  percentage  of  cases  make  surgical  intervention  un 
necessary,  and  when  such  treatment  does  not  avail  we  must  de 
cide  between  the  total  removal  of  organs  and  the  partial  removal. 
Partial  removal  is  called  conservative  surgery,  and  the  term 
conservative  is  used  as  a  synonym  of  preservative.  Prochow- 
nick  13  reported  420  cases  where  pus  in  the  tubes  or  ovaries  was 
let  out  extraperitoneally,  and  no  organs  were  removed.  Of 
these  cases,  one  hundred  and  sixty,  or  38  per  cent.,  were  per 
manently  cured.  Fourteen  of  the  one  hundred  and  sixty  who 
had  received  only  one  treatment  subsequently  gave  birth  to  chil 
dren,  and  three  aborted.  After  a  second  treatment  twenty- 
seven  remained  well  and  three  became  pregnant,  of  whom  one 
aborted.  Olshausen,14  a  great  authority  in  gynecology,  used  the 
palliative  treatment,  and  he  commonly  waited  for  nine  months 
after  the  infection  and  until  the  temperature  was  normal. 
Goth  15  reported  excellent  results  in  seven  hundred  cases  of  pel 
vic  disease  treated  by  the  palliative  method.  The  chief  ob 
jections  to  this  method  are  the  time  required  to  get  the  result, 
and  the  difficulty  of  controlling  the  patients  and  their  chron 
ically  diseased  husbands,  who  reinfect  them  despite  the  med 
ical  prohibition  of  marital  intercourse. 

In  cases  of  chronic  pelvic  peritonitis  the  question  comes  up 
frequently  whether  the  womb  and  both  tubes  and  ovaries  should 
be  removed  wholly  or  in  part.  The  text-books  decide  the  question 
without  any  heed  whatever  to  the  notion  of  the  morality  of 
mutilation  as  such.  They  take  into  account  the  age  of  the  pa 
tient,  whether  she  has  children  or  is  desirous  of  maternity, 
whether  or  not  she  supports  herself  by  manual  labor,  her  tem- 

"  Monatschrift  f.  Geburt.  u.  Gyna.,  1909,  n.  20. 
"Zeitschr.  f.  Geb.  u.  Gyn.,  1907,  vol.  lix,  n.  1. 
"Archiv.  f.  Qyn.,  vol.  xcii,  n.  2. 


perament  and  character,  and  the  results  attained  by  men  who 
have  tried  various  methods  of  operating. 

The  conservative  surgery  of  the  uterus  and  its  adnexa  in 
gonococcal  pelvic  peritonitis  was  for  many  years  looked  upon 
with  disfavor  by  surgeons.  These  conservative  operations  often 
failed  or  later  required  secondary  intervention.  Preliminary 
palliative  treatment  as  now  used  greatly  lessened  the  number  of 
failures.  Operations  in  peritonic  conditions  are  dangerous  be 
cause  they  may  let  loose  encysted  bacteria  and  start  up  a  general 
septic  peritonitis,  which  may  be  fatal.  By  delay  and  pallia 
tive  treatment  the  virulence  of  the  bacteria  subsides,  except 
where  the  woman  is  reinfected  by  her  husband.  In  any  case 
the  blood-count  should  have  been  normal  for  at  least  a  month 
and  a  half  before  any  surgical  interference  is  attempted.  Ols- 
hausen  waited  nine  months  to  let  nature  disinfect  the  pus. 

The  removal  of  a  part  of  a  tube  is  called  salpingotomy ;  the 
taking  out  of  the  whole  tube  is  salpingectomy ;  the  opening 
up  of  a  shut  tube  is  salpingostomy.  The  presence  of  pus  in  a 
tube  is  absolute  indication  for  removal  according  to  the  gyn 
ecologists  at  present.  Howard  Kelly  and  others  have  succeeded 
at  times  in  such  cases  with  conservative  surgery,  yet  such  treat 
ment  is  now  deemed  obsolete — the  dangers  and  failures  seem 
to  overbalance  the  little  good  effected.  The  end  of  conserva 
tive  surgery  is  to  try  to  restore  function  without  pain,  to  pre 
serve  menstruation  and  ovulation,  to  put  the  organs  in  a  condi 
tion  to  make  pregnancy  possible,  and  to  preserve  the  internal 
secretion  of  the  ovaries.  The  ovaries,  so  far  as  the  woman's 
health  is  concerned,  are  the  most  important  of  her  generative 
organs.  If  a  woman  is  at  the  end  of  her  child-bearing  age 
there  is  no  reason  to  preserve  the  tubes  when  they  are  affected, 
and  conservation  is  likely  to  fail ;  but  the  ovaries  should  always 
be  preserved,  wholly  or  in  part,  when  possible. 

If  one  tube  is  infected  from  the  uterus  many  gynecologists 
are  inclined  to  remove  both  tubes.  "When  a  single  tube  is  af 
fected  the  cause  is  seldom  the  gonococcus,  but  some  other  bac 
teria  which  are  not  persistent.  "When  both  tubes  are  affected 
the  cause  is  commonly  the  gonococcus,  and  attempts  at  preser 
vation  then  fail,  as  a  rule.  Norris,  who  is  a  reliable  authority, 


holds  that  "the  only  cases  in  which  a  salpingostomy  is  justifiable 
is  on  old,  non-active  hydrosalpinges,  and  in  those  cases  of  tu- 
bal  occlusion  or  phimosis  resulting  from  extratubal  inflamma 
tion,  such  as  sometimes  result  from  appendicitis  or  ectopic 
pregnancies."  16  When  a  tube  is  shut,  if  it  can  be  opened  the 
opening  tends  to  close  again.  A  few  cases  of  subsequent  preg 
nancy  have  occurred  after  salpingostomy,  but  such  a  result  is 
exceptional,  because  the  origin  is  usually  the  gonococcus,  which 
destroys  tissue  and  is  very  persistent. 

The  ovary  corresponds  to  the  testicle,  and  the  Fallopian 
tube  to  the  vas  deferens.  Removal  of  the  ovaries,  or  removal 
or  closure  of  the  Fallopian  tubes,  renders  the  woman  sterile, 
but  removal  of  the  ovaries  has  other  profound  effects  beside 
sterility.  Loss  of  the  ovaries  brings  on  suppression  of  ovula- 
tion,  menstruation,  pregnancy,  and  ovarian  internal  secretionr 
various  neuroses,  and  a  tendency  to  insanity  in  certain  cases. 

The  testicles  and  prostate  gland  produce  an  internal  secretion 
containing  spermin,  and  the  ovaries  a  similar  nitrogenous  base 
called  ovarin,  which  acts  like  spermin.  The  suprarenal  glands 
secrete  epinephrin;  the  thyroid  gland  and  the  pituitary  body 
also  make  internal  secretions,  and  these  secretions  sustain  the 
tone  of  the  blood-vessels  and  effect  immunity  against  those  tox 
ins  that  arise  from  metabolic  waste  substances  while  these  are  in 
the  body  before  elimination.  If  there  is  a  hypersecretion  from 
one  or  more  of  these  glands,  the  excess  causes  congestion  of  the 
cerebrum  and  cerebellum  and  of  the  nerve  centres  there,  and 
one  effect  may  then  be  a  sexual  erethism  that  leads  to  masturba 
tion  and  similar  deordination. 

Castration  in  the  male  or  ovariotomy  in  the  female  stops 
all  production  of  spermin  and  ovarin.  In  man  the  prostate 
gland  also  ceases  its  function  after  castration,  and  vasectomy 
lessens  the  production  of  spermin.  In  castration  or  spaying, 
again,  when  we  remove  the  power  of  producing  spermin  or 
ovarin,  that  function  of  the  testes  and  ovaries  whereby  the  body 
is  immunized  against  poisoning  by  its  own  effete  material  is 
also  inhibited,  and  evil  effects  arise  from  this  waste  material. 
These  toxins  act  just  as  would  an  excess  of  spermin  or  ovarin 

"  Gonorrhea  in  Women,  p.  285.     Philadelphia,  1913. 


— they  congest  the  cranial  nerve  centres,  excite  fever,  neuroses, 
or  temporary  sexual  erethism.  This  excitement  may  gradually 
subside  as  equilibrium  is  restored  and  neutralization  effected, 
through  a  compensatory  overproduction  of  the  internal  secre 
tions  by  the  other  glands  remaining  in  the  body.  Cimoroni 17 
found  after  ovariotomy  an  increase  in  size  of  the  pituitary 
body  with  dilatation  of  the  blood-vessels.  Goldstein  18  reported 
a  case  of  gigantism  from  overactivity  of  the  pituitary  gland 
after  castration.  Acromegaly  in  cases  where  there  was  no 
castration  has  been  accompanied  by  atrophy  of  testicles  and 
ovaries.  Cecca  19  found  like  effects  in  the  thyroid,  and  sev 
eral  have  observed  these  effects  in  the  adrenals.  All  these  re 
sults  have  also  been  produced  experimentally  on  animals. 

Women  at  the  menopause  frequently  are  observed  who  have 
become  neurasthenic  from  the  irritation  of  waste  material  in 
toxication  which  is  not  neutralized  because  the  ovaries  are  ceas 
ing  to  function.  Ovariotomy  in  younger  women  produces  this 
menopause  artificially  and  suddenly;  and  women  from  whom 
both  ovaries  have  been  removed,  as  a  rule,  become  neurotic  inva 
lids  with  a  tendency  to  insanity  if  they  are  unstable  in  character 
or  have  a  bad  inheritance.  If  the  whole  thyroid  gland  is  re 
moved,  death  results  from  intoxication.  Extreme  obesity  is  an 
effect  of  undersecretion  by  the  glands  and  a  consequent  lack  of 
oxidation.  Fat  children  have  deficient  glands,  as  a  rule,  and 
eunuchs  grow  fat  as  capons  do.  Removal  of  the  ovaries  before 
puberty  arrests  or  prevents  the  development  of  the  uterus;  re 
moval  after  puberty  stops  menstruation,  the  breasts  atrophy,  and 
there  is  an  arrest  of  general  physical  growth. 

Gordon  20  reported  on  112  cases  of  ob'phorectomy.  Of  these 
thirty-four  had  had  before  operation  various  symptoms  of  neur 
asthenia,  hysteria,  or  psychasthenia,  and  vague  abdominal  dis 
turbances.  Surgeons  in  each  of  these  thirty-four  cases  blamed 
the  ovaries  for  the  symptoms;  and  although  these  organs  were 
not  diseased  in  any  degree,  the  surgeons  removed  them.  In 
twenty-five  of  these  cases  there  was  no  improvement  whatever; 

"  Policlinico,  1907,  p.  16. 

18  Miinchener  medizinischc   Wochenschrift,  April  8,  1913. 

"Soc.  Med.-Chir.  de  Bologne,  1904. 

K  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  October  17,  1914. 


in  the  remaining  nine  there  was  improvement  for  a  few  weeks, 
but  complete  relapse  later,  and  finally  their  symptoms  grew 
worse.  The  obsessions  became  permanent  and  expanded. 
Those  women  in  the  group  who  had  hysterical  paroxysms  began 
to  have  stronger  and  more  frequent  attacks.  Several  psychas- 
thenics  had  to  be  confined  in  asylums  for  the  insane.  Three 
of  the  women  who  had  complained  merely  of  vague  nervous 
symptoms,  as  pain  in  the  abdomen,  head,  or  back,  or  of  consti 
pation  or  diarrhea,  after  oophorectomy  grew  irritable,  highly 
nervous,  quarrelsome,  fickle,  restless,  showed  a  tendency  to 
travel  about,  to  complain  of  others ;  finally  there  was  insomnia, 
and  loss  of  appetite  or  voracity.  In  the  remaining  seventy-five 
cases  one  or  both  the  ovaries  were  diseased,  but  both  ovaries 
were  completely  removed.  All  these  women  developed  symp 
toms  like  those  described  above,  but  several  grew  much  worse 
in  their  mental  condition  than  the  psychasthenics  among  the 
first  thirty-four  women.  The  generally  observed  symptoms  are : 
restlessness  with  a  tendency  to  move  from  place  to  place;  loss 
of  self-control ;  dissatisfaction  with  all  persons  and  things ;  want 
of  interest  in  work;  indolence;  pessimism.  Sometimes  there 
are  outbursts  of  anger,  with  a  tendency  to  attack.  The  mental 
conditions  do  not,  as  a  rule,  become  clearly  developed  melan 
cholias  or  manias,  although  a  few  do  grow  definitely  insane. 
The  morbid  symptoms,  however,  persist  obstinately.  After 
ten  years'  observation  Gordon  found  no  improvement  in  some 
of  these  psychasthenics. 

When  the  ovaries  must  be  removed  for  diseases  like  cystic 
degeneration  or  abscess,  the  surgeon  leaves,  if  possible,  part  of 
an  ovary,  or  he  engrafts  part  of  an  ovary  in  the  abdominal 
wound,  under  the  skin,  or  elsewhere.  This  grafting  is  bene 
ficial  in  many  cases,  but  it  has  little  or  no  effect  in  many  others. 
The  graft  is  absorbed  and  it  disappears  in  a  year  or  two,  but 
before  it  is  absorbed  it  makes  the  onset  of  the  surgical  meno 
pause  gradual  and  thus  prevents  much  suffering.  In  thirty- 
two  cases  reported  by  Chalfant  21  the  graft  gave  evidence  of 
functioning  in  five  of  seventeen  women  from  whom  the  uterus 
and  ovaries  had  been  removed;  in  others  it  acted  for  months 

*  Surgery,  Gynecology,  and  Obstetrics,  November,  1915.    Chicago. 

and  then  failed;  in  others  it  lessened  the  unfavorable  symp 
toms  ;  in  others  it  had  no  effect  at  all.  Stocker  22  reported  two 
successful  implantations  of  ovarian  grafts  and  one  testicular 

Giles  23  says  that  in  his  series  of  157  cases  of  double  ob'phor- 
ectomy  severe  mental  depression  occurred  in  various  groups  in 
from  10  to  33  per  cent.,  and  two  women  became  insane.  Sex 
instinct  was  abolished  in  16  per  cent.  Dickinson  24  found,  in 
200  cases  where  one  or  both  ovaries  had  been  removed,  that 
not  more  than  20  per  cent,  fell  into  the  surgical  menopause 
even  when  the  uterus  had  been  taken  out;  but  Giles,  in  50  re 
movals  of  one  ovary,  found  irregularity,  diminution,  or  cessa 
tion  of  the  menses  in  16  per  cent.  Carmichael,  Valtorta,  and 
Mcllroy  25  discovered  in  animals  a  compensatory  hypertrophy 
of  the  remaining  ovary  after  one  ovary  had  been  removed.  The 
internal  function  and  nutrition  seem  to  depend  upon  the  ova 
rian  secretion,  as  atrophy  occurs  after  bilateral  oophorectomy. 
In  all  operations  upon  or  near  the  ovaries  there  is  likelihood 
of  interference  with  the  blood  supply  of  the  ovary,  either  by 
including  ovarian  arteries  in  the  ligatures,  or  by  tension  of 
these  vessels,  which  occludes  them,  or  by  malposition  and  pro 
lapse  of  the  ovary,  which  kinks  them:  these  accidents  result  in 
degeneration  or  retention  cysts.  In  most  cases  of  pelvic  peri 
tonitis  the  uterus  is  retrodisplaced,  and  this  position  prevents 
cure  until  it  is  corrected. 

When  there  is  pus  in  the  ovary,  resection,  in  the  opinion 
of  gynecologists  at  present,  is  not  an  advisable  operation;  the 
ovary  should  be  removed.  Watkins,20  however,  says  he  resects 
small  ovarian  abscesses  in  young  women  with  good  results.  In 
resection  the  blood  supply  is,  as  has  been  said,  usually  disturbed, 
and  the  cause  for  the  operation  is,  as  a  rule,  the  gonococcus, 
and  both  these  circumstances  make  the  prognosis  bad.  The 
stitches  necessarily  used  in  resection  operations  are  an  addi- 

"  Correspondenz-Blatt  f.  Schweizer  Aertze,  February  12,  1916. 
"Jour.  Obstet.  and  Gynecol.  of  Brit.  Empire,  March  and  April, 

"  Trans.  Amer.  Gyn.  Soc.,  vol.  xxxvi,  p.  324. 
15  Norris,  Gonorrhea  in  Women,  p.  289. 
*Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  January,  1913. 


tional  source  of  irritation.  Turetta  27  speaks  in  favor  of  re 
section  in  certain  cases.  A  single  retention  cyst  may  be  re 
sected,  especially  when  pedunculated.  Boldt  28  had  only  one 
bad  result  in  forty-five  resections  where  a  part  of  the  ovary 
was  saved.  If  the  blood  supply  after  the  resection  is  evidently 
to  be  poor,  resection  is  useless.  Skill  in  surgical  technic  has 
much  to  do  with  success  in  all  these  cases.  When  the  uterus 
is  removed  because  of  tumors,  even  near  the  time  of  the  meno 
pause,  if  one  or  both  ovaries  can  be  left  in,  this  should  be  done. 
In  such  conservative  operations  Dickinson  found  80  per  cent,  of 
the  patients  free  from  nervous  disturbance  at  the  time  of  the 

Polak  29  describes  an  operation  for  the  preservation  of  the 
menstrual  function  in  double  suppurative  disease  of  the  tubes 
and  chronic  metritis.  He  maintains  that  even  if  only  one  tube 
is  infected,  both  should  be  removed  because  this  apparently 
sound  second  tube  will  later,  almost  as  a  rule,  show  infection — 
probably  by  extension  from  the  fundus  of  the  uterus  inside. 
Ordinarily  inflammation  of  the  tubes  happens  to  be  bilateral. 
0wing  to  the  persistence  of  the  gonococcus  in  the  uterine  muscle, 
surgeons  are  inclined  to  the  removal  of  the  whole  uterus  and 
both  tubes.  After  such  an  operation  menstruation  ceases,  and 
in  the  removal  of  the  uterus  the  blood  supply  to  the  ovary  is 
interfered  with  so  that  the  ovaries  degenerate.  The  consequent 
artificial  menopause  has  a  decidedly  injurious  effect  on  the 
woman's  general  physical  and  mental  health.  The  parts  of  the 
uterus  permanently  infected  by  chronic  gonorrhea  are  the  cer 
vical  region,  the  fundus  and  the  partes  interstitiales  of  the 
Fallopian  tubes.  Polak  advises  that  in  cases  where  surgeons 
usually  remove  the  tubes  and  the  whole  uterus  they  should  in 
stead  cure  the  cervical  infection  by  the  cautery  and  take  out 
the  tubes,  but  in  place  of  the  removal  of  the  whole  uterus  they 
should  cut  out  a  wedge  including  the  fundus  and  the  partes  in 
terstitiales  of  the  tubes.  This  leaves  the  body  of  the  uterus 
and  does  not  injure  the  circulation  to  the  ovaries.  In  the  last 

"  Jl  Policlinico,  January  3,  1919. 

"  Trans.  Amer.  Gynecol.  Soc.,  vol.  xxxiv,  p.  327.     Philadelphia, 

"Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  December  8,  1917. 


seventeen  cases  thus  operated  upon  by  him  he  had  success. 

When  it  is  necessary  to  remove  both  ovaries  and  tubes  an 
opinion  very  common  now  is  that  it  is  better  to  take  out  the 
uterus  also,  because  in  such  cases  the  uterus  and  vagina  atrophy 
and  this  condition  later  causes  trouble.  Giles  came  upon  such 
trouble  in  11  per  cent  of  sixty-two  cases.  As  the  uterus  is 
useless  after  the  removal  of  the  ovaries  and  tubes,  there  is  no 
reason  why  it  should  not  be  removed.  The  danger  of  atrophy 
is  sufficient  reason  for  the  mutilation.  In  operations  for  pelvic 
peritonitis  it  is  well  to  remove  also  the  appendix,  because  it  is 
nearly  always  diseased,  or  it  will  give  trouble  from  adhesions 
later  and  cause  a  secondary  operation.  It  has  no  function  we 
know  of  at  present. 

In  conservative  surgery  of  the  uterus  and  adnexa  for  pelvic 
inflammatory  diseases,  the  results  attained  by  four  skilled  sur 
geons  are:  Giles  cured  90  per  cent,  of  132  cases;  Polak  cured 
35  per  cent,  of  300  cases;  Robins  cured  100  per  cent,  of  20 
cases;  Norris  cured  73  per  cent,  of  191  cases.  Polak's  pa 
tients  became  pregnant  after  operation  much  oftener  than  those 
of  the  other  operators.  Seventeen  per  cent,  of  his  patients, 
from  whom  he  removed  one  ovary  and  resected  the  other,  be 
came  pregnant.  Giles  found  that  of  his  married  patients  un 
der  fifty  years  of  age  at  the  time  of  the  operation  25  per  cent, 
became  pregnant  and  went  to  term.  They  bore  twenty-five  chil 
dren.  Five  of  these  also  miscarried.  In  sixty-eight  of  Nor- 
ris's  cases  seventeen  were  delivered  of  living  children  after  the 
operation ;  three  had  two  children  each,  one  had  three  children, 
and  there  were  seven  miscarriages.  In  one  of  his  cases  where 
he  removed  one  ovary  and  both  tubes,  the  woman  bore  a  healthy 
full-term  child  two  years  after  the  operation.  Dudley  30  found 
that  about  10  per  cent,  of  2168  cases  of  resection  became  preg 
nant  after  operation.  Ectopic  gestation  is  likely  to  occur  in  a 
few  cases  after  conservative  operations.  Giles  had  seven  such 
cases  in  his  series  of  132  operations,  Polak  one,  and  Norris  two. 

When  it  is  necessary  to  remove  the  uterus,  the  choice  be 
tween  supravaginal  hysterectomy,  where  the  cervix  is  left  in 
after  the  destruction  of  its  mucosa,  and  panhysterectomy, 

"Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  vol.  xli,  n.  24. 


where  the  cervix  and  the  body  of  the  uterus  are  removed,  of 
fers  no  moral  problem  except  the  necessity  of  deciding  upon 
what  will  be  best  for  the  woman.  Rupture  of  a  pus  tube  is  a 
very  dangerous  accident — all  the  patients  suffering  from  such  a 
rupture  die  if  not  operated  upon,  and  fifty  per  cent,  die  even 
after  operation.  A  physician  may  do  this  damage  by  ignorant 
or  careless  examination,  and  he  may  be  morally  responsible  for 
the  death.  The  accident  happens  not  unfrequently  from  mari 
tal  congress,  and  if  the  husband  has  been  warned  by  a  physician 
but  does  not  heed  this  warning,  he  is  guilty  of  murder  if  the 
woman  dies  after  rupture  of  the  pus  tube. 

Pregnant  women  are  more  liable  to  infection  by  the  gono- 
coccus  than  non-gravid  women,  because  of  the  increased  blood 
supply  to  the  generative  organs  in  gestation,  and  the  softening 
of  these  organs.  For  the  same  reason,  latent  gonorrhea  is 
likely  to  become  active  and  to  spread  during  pregnancy.  A  like 
activity  and  extension  of  latent  gonorrhea  often  occurs  during 
menstruation.  Women  with  gonorrhea  are  commonly  sterile 
— this  is  the  chief  reason  why  prostitutes  are  usually  sterile. 
In  married  women  gonorrhea  may  cause  dyspareunia;  it  may 
bring  on  abortion  through  endometritis ;  it  may  shut  the  tubes 
and  prevent  conception;  it  may  destroy  the  ovaries. 

The  disease  is  extremely  frequent  during  pregnancy. 
Gurd  31  isolated  the  gonococcus  in  52  of  113  pregnant  women 
who  came  to  his  dispensary  service  because  of  pelvic  rjain. 
Leopold,  Stephenson,  Fruhinholtz,  and  many  others  estimated 
that  about  20  per  cent,  of  all  pregnant  women  have  gonorrhea, 
but  more  recent  observers  think  that  from  5  to  10  per  cent,  is 
nearer  the  truth. 

When  a  pregnant  woman  has  gonorrhea  great  care  must  be 
taken  in  treatment  to  prevent  abortion.  Powerful  antiseptics 
in  the  cervix,  or  dilatation  of  the  cervix,  are  not  permissible, 
and  operative  interference  is  to  be  delayed  as  long  as  possible 
— in  each  instance  to  avoid  abortion.  The  vaginal  douche  as  a 
routine  treatment  is  not  used  now  by  obstetricians  in  these 
cases.  When  the  gonorrhea  is  in  the  uterus  douches  of  hot  bi 
chloride  solution,  1  to  10,000,  are  used  twice  daily  during  the 

n  Montreal  Med.  Jour.,  vol.  xxxvii. 


last  few  weeks  of  gestation,  with  the  intention  of  saving  the 
infant's  eyes  from  infection  during  delivery.  After  delivery 
the  cavity  of  the  uterus  should  not  be  entered  with  instruments 
lest  infection  be  carried  in,  unless  absolute  necessity  requires 
this  instrumental  procedure.  Post-partum  gonorrheal  sepsis  is 
differentiated  from  other  septic  conditions  chiefly  by  the  his 
tory  of  gonorrhea  in  the  husband,  by  bacteriological  examina 
tions,  and  by  the  technical  differentiation  of  symptoms. 

The  moral  guilt  of  a  person  who  infects  another  with  gon 
orrhea  is  affected  by  the  extent  of  the  physical  injury  done. 
Gonorrhea  causes,  besides  the  effects  already  described:  (1) 
chronic  cystitis,  with  all  the  suffering,  loss  of  work,  and  danger 
of  renal  infection  in  such  a  condition;  (2)  lymphadenitis  of  the 
inguinal  canal,  and  rarely  of  other  places;  (3)  proctitis,  or  in 
flammation  of  the  rectum,  especially  in  women  and  young  chil 
dren;  (4)  ophthalmia,  vaginitis,  and  proctitis  in  infants  and 
children,  and  metastatic  conjunctivitis;  (5)  stomatitis  or  in 
flammation  of  the  mouth  in  adults  and  children;  (6)  nasal  gon 
orrhea  (a  doubtful  condition)  ;  (7)  gonorrheal  septicemia,  bac- 
teremia,  or  toxemia,  which  may  affect  any  organ  in  the  entire 
body;  (8)  bone  and  joint  lesions:  (a)  gonorrheal  arthritis  in 
any  joint  in  the  body  (this  condition  may  be  fatal,  or  it  may 
leave  permanent  disability,  or  it  may  disappear)  ;  (&)  tenosyn- 
ovitis,  or  pain,  swelling,  and  edema  along  affected  tendon 
sheaths;  (e)  gonorrheal  periostitis,  where  the  bone  and  peri 
osteum  near  a  joint  are  affected;  (d)  perichondritis  and  chon- 
dritis,  a  rare  condition,  where  cartilage  is  attacked;  (9)  endo 
carditis,  or  inflammation  of  the  lining  membrane  of  the  heart 
(one  of  the  most  frequent  secondary  lesions  of  gonorrhea) ; 
(10)  pericarditis,  or  inflammation  of  the  sac  which  contains 
the  heart;  (11)  myocarditis,  an  inflammation  of  the  heart  mus 
cle  itself,  usually  as  an  extension  of  endocarditis;  (12)  aortitis, 
or  inflammation  of  the  aorta — a  rare  condition;  (13)  phlebitis, 
an  inflammation  of  the  veins — a  very  rare  condition;  (14) 
thrombosis,  or  blocking  of  a  blood-vessel  by  exudate  (this  may 
be  fatal) ;  (15)  skin  lesions,  as  erythema,  erythema  nodosum, 
bullous  and  hemorrhagic  eruptions,  hyperceratosis,  and  ulcers; 
(16)  gonorrhea  of  the  lungs  in  septicemia;  (17)  gonorrheal 


pleurisy  in  septicemia;  (18)  gonorrheal  nephritis,  which  is  fre 
quent  in  gonorrheal  septicemia — the  condition  is  often  fatal; 
(19)  perinephritis,  a  very  rare  condition;  (20)  gonorrhea  of 
the  nervous  system,  as  neuritis  or  neuralgia,  or  neuroses,  which 
vary  from  slight  melancholia  to  severe  mental  disturbances; 
(21)  parotiditis,  a  very  rare  condition;  (22)  otitis,  or  inflam 
mation  of  the  middle  ear,  a  very  rare  condition;  (23)  sup 
puration  in  muscles,  or  under  the  skin;  (24)  wound  septicemia; 
(25)  venereal  warts;  and  (26)  epididymitis,  which  often 
causes  not  only  sterility  but  impotence. 

Campbell  32  reported  a  gonorrheal  infection  of  a  compound 
fracture  at  the  ankle — it  required  four  months  to  get  the  wound 
free  of  the  infection.  Gonorrheal  obliterating  epididymitis  is 
quite  common.  Delbet  and  Chevassu 33  found  114  cases  of 
male  sterility  in  131  cases  of  epididymitis.  More  than  half 
of  such  cases  are  left  permanently  sterile,  and  if  the  function 
of  the  testicle  cannot  be  restored  by  the  surgeon  the  patient 
is  impotent,  and  any  marriage  he  would  make,  • 
is  rendered  void.  These  two  surgeons  have  restored  function 
in  six  such  cases  by  uniting  the  vas  with  the  epididymis  by 
Martin's  operation.  It  is  much  easier  to  restore  function  after 
vasectomy  than  after  obliterating  epididymitis. 

There  are  frequent  cases  of  arthritic  rheumatism  in  which 
the  source  of  the  infection  is  a  chronic  gonorrhea  of  the  seminal 
vesicles.  Fuller  34  has  done  101  vesiculotomies  for  this  con 
dition,  and  of  these  twenty-three  were  gonorrheal.  In  these 
twenty-three  the  excision  of  the  infected  vesicles  cured  the  rheu 
matism.  In  vesiculotomy  great  care  must  be  taken  not  to  cut 
the  vas  def  erens.  If  it  is  cut  the  man  is  impotent  until  the  vas 
is  restored,  and  it  would  be  a  very  difficult  operation  to  reunite 
the  vas  if  cut  near  the  vesicles. 

Of  all  the  gonorrheal  aifections  of  the  body  the  most  dan 
gerous  and  important  are  the  cardiac  inflammations  and  oph 
thalmia  neonatorum.  This  ophthalmia  is  a  purulent  infection 
of  the  external  parts  of  the  eye  in  infants.  It  may  be  caused 

"New  York  Medical  Journal,  February  22,  1908. 

83  Canadian  Presse  Medic.,  July,  1908. 

"New  York  Medical  Journal,  May  30,  1908 


by  many  kinds  of  toxic  bacteria,  but  the  worst  cases  are  from 
the  diphtheria  bacillus  (a  very  rare  condition)  and  the  gon- 
ococcus  (a  very  frequent  condition).  Before  1881,  when  Crede 
introduced  prophylactic  treatment  for  ophthalmia  neonatorum, 
every  maternity  hospital  had  a  department  isolated  for  the  care 
of  babies  suffering  with  this  disease.  At  the  present  day,  how 
ever,  despite  the  precautions  taken,  this  disease  is  quite  com 
mon.  Pennsylvania  and  New  York  alone  spent  $242,000  an 
nually  for  the  support  of  asylums  for  the  blind,  and  about  40 
per  cent,  of  the  children  in  these  institutions  were  blinded  by 
gonorrheal  ophthalmia.  The  United  States  spends  $1,800,- 
000  yearly  on  victims  of  ophthalmia  neonatorum.  Stephen- 
son  35  tells  us  that  in  the  practice  of  forty-one  oculists  who  re 
ported  to  him  the  gonococcus  was  found  in  67.14  per  cent,  of 
their  1658  cases  of  ophthalmia.  Mayou  found  the  gonococcus  in 
63.5  per  cent,  of  1483  cases. 

There  is  an  infection  of  the  child's  eyes  by  gonococci  pos 
sible  even  while  the  cHild  is  in  the  womb,  but  this  is  very  ex 
ceptional  ;  the  infection  happens  in  the  vagina  during  delivery, 
as  a  rule.  When  the  child's  head  is  born  its  lids  and  eyelashes 
should  be  cleansed  with  vaseline,  or  1  to  5000  bichloride,  or  car- 
bolized  oil,  before  the  eyes  are  opened  to  put  in  the  silver  nitrate 
solution.  This  solution  should  be  made  from  a  pure  drug  or  it 
will  injure  the  eyes.  A  one  per  cent,  solution  is  strong  enough 
for  routine  work,  but  if  the  gonococcus  is  suspected,  or  if  it  is 
known  that  the  mother  has  gonorrhea,  then  the  lids  of  the  in 
fant  must  be  everted  and  touched  everywhere  with  a  five  per 
cent,  solution  of  silver  nitrate.  This  is  neutralized  with  a  salt 
solution  and  washed  out  before  the  lids  are  turned  back.  It  is 
rash  to  trust  any  of  the  albuminoid  preparations  of  silver,  like 
argyrol,  silvol,  or  protargol,  in  gonorrhea  or  suspected  gonorrhea 
of  the  eyes. 

If  the  child  develops  ophthalmia  the  treatment  should  be 
turned  over  to  an  oculist  when  possible.  When  a  child  can 
have  a  day  and  a  night  nurse,  this  method  should  be  adopted, 
but  ordinarily  there  is  no  nurse  except  some  woman  about  the 
house  or  the  mother.  In  such  cases  one  eye,  commonly  the 

15  Ophthalmia  Neonatorum.     London.  1907. 


right,  does  better  than  the  other  because  the  first  eye  treated 
is  opened  readily,  but  after  the  infant  has  been  irritated  it 
shuts  the  eyes  so  strongly  that  it  is  difficult  to  open  them  at  all. 
The  first  eye  treated  is  habitually  the  same.  The  nurse  should 
begin  to  treat  the  eyes  alternately  on  this  account,  or  wait  to 
treat  the  second  eye  until  after  the  baby  has  quieted  down. 
Iced  compresses  should  be  used,  but  not  so  long  as  to  chill  the 
eye  very  much — five  to  ten  minutes  at  a  time  is  enough.  If 
the  physician  himself  makes  the  applications  of  silver  nitrate, 
the  nurse  should  use  some  silver  salt  like  argyrol.  Three  to 
eight  grains  of  zinc  sulphate  to  eight  ounces  of  boric  solution 
is  a  good  regular  eye-wash  in  these  cases.  Atropine  must  also 
be  instilled  to  protect  the  iris.  If  only  one  eye  is  affected,  the 
other  eye  should  be  protected  under  a  watch  glass  sealed  over 
it.  All  persons  who  have  gonorrhea,  or  who  treat  gonorrhea, 
must  be  warned  of  the  danger  they  are  in  of  infecting  their 
own  eyes. 

A  new  treatment  of  gonorrhea  is  described  by  Weiss.38 
The  gonococci  are  killed  by  a  temperature  of  107.6  degrees 
Fahrenheit,  and  in  eleven  cases  Weiss  subjected  men  to  a 
hot  bath  for  forty  to  fifty-five  minutes,  with  the  temperature 
of  the  water  gradually  increased  from  104  to  110  degrees 
Fahrenheit.  In  one  instance  the  body  temperature  was  raised 
to  108.5  degrees  F.  in  a  forty-minute  bath  and  the  gonococci 
disappeared  at  once.  In  the  other  cases  the  body  temperature 
did  not  go  up  so  high,  but  the  vitality  of  the  gonococcus  was 
evidently  reduced,  and  under  a  few  local  injections  they  all 

"  M iinchener  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  November  2,  1915. 


DIABETES  MELLITUS  is  rare  in  pregnancy,  but  when 
it  does  occur  the  disease  is  fatal  in  three-fourths  of  the 
children,  and  it  hastens  the  death  of  the  woman,  according  to 
the  common  opinion  of  obstetricians,  but  this  opinion  is  dis 
puted.  In  making  the  diagnosis  we  must  exclude  lactosuria  and 
other  pseudodiabetic  conditions.  A  sugar  reaction  which  is 
often  mistaken  for  the  glycosuria  of  true  diabetes  is  from  lactose 
in  excessive  milk  secretion.  This  lactosuria  is  harmless.  Again, 
when  women  are  taking  tonics  or  cough  mixtures  containing 
derivatives  of  wild  cherry  their  urine  may  give  a  sugar  reaction 
from  the  phloridzin  of  the  wild  cherry.  The  phloridzin  so  acts 
on  the  epithelium  of  the  kidneys  that  it  lets  the  blood-sugar  es 
cape  into  the  urine.  Medical  writers  who  report  diabetes  in 
large  numbers  of  pregnant  women  mistake  these  reactions  for 
the  reaction  of  true  glycosuria. 

In  the  genuine  diabetes  of  pregnancy  there  is  a  high  mor 
tality.  Offergeld,1  in  sixty  cases,  found  that  the  women  died 
within  two  and  a  half  years,  and  that  76  per  cent,  of  the  chil 
dren  were  lost.  Diabetics  commonly  are  sterile  from  atrophy 
of  the  uterus  and  ovaries:  in  a  series  of  114  diabetic  married 
women,  Lacorche  found  only  seven  pregnancies.  In  a  third  of 
such  as  do  become  pregnant  abortion  or  premature  labor  occurs. 
Coma  happens  in  30  per  cent,  of  these  pregnancies,  and  it  is 
almost  always  fatal.  Delivery  frequently  causes  collapse,  coma, 
or  sudden  death.  The  liver  in  any  gestation  has  more  work  than 
it  has  in  the  unimpregnated  state,  but  a  diabetic  liver  is  unfit 
for  almost  any  normal  function.  If  albuminuria  is  found  the 
prognosis  becomes  very  bad.  Diabetic  women  have  poor  re 
sistance  against  a  tubercular  infection.  Half  their  children 

1  Archiv.  f.  Gyn.,  bd.  86,  n.  1. 



are  still-born,  and  10  per  cent,  more  die  within  a  few  days  after 
birth  (many  of  these  children  are  diabetic). 

There  is  some  evidence  of  heredity  in  diabetes — it  is  likely 
"to  run  in  a  family."  Heiberg  2  reported  one  family  in  which 
five  of  thirteen  children  had  diabetes ;  in  another,  four  of  eight 
children,  the  mother,  two  of  the  mother's  brothers,  and  the 
maternal  grandfather  had  diabetes.  In  another,  two  brothers, 
the  father,  and  grandfather  died  of  it.  I  know  of  a  case  where 
the  only  two  sons  and  the  father  in  a  family  died  of  it.  Hei 
berg  did  not  find  any  essential  difference  in  the  histology  be 
tween  the  hereditary  cases  and  those  which  were  not  hereditary. 

Joslin 3  reported  seven  cases  of  diabetes  associated  with 
pregnancy.  Four  of  the  seven  are  now  dead,  one  by  suicide, 
one  from  uremia,  one  from  coma,  one  from  tuberculosis.  Of 
the  three  living  one  is  in  good  conditoin,  one  is  not  well  and 
she  has  lost  two  of  three  children,  and  one  is  very  ill  with  dia 
betes.  In  persons  beyond  middle  age  diabetes  with  proper 
treatment  may  go  on  for  from  ten  to  fifteen  years  before  it  is 
fatal,  but  it  quickly  kills  young  patients.  A  young  woman  at 
the  marriageable  age  who  has  diabetes  will  die  anyhow  in  two 
or  three  years,  and  if  she  marries  and  becomes  pregnant  she  will 
die  very  probably  in  her  first  pregnancy. 

When  the  child  is  viable,  and  the  diabetic  mother  shows 
albuminuria,  progressive  weakness,  or  diacetic  acid  in  marked 
quantity,  it  may  be  necessary  to  perform  therapeutic  abortion ; 
but  if  this  is  done  no  anesthetic  may  be  used,  and  great  pre 
cautions  should  be  taken  to  avert  physical  and  mental  shock. 
Even  ergot  acts  badly  with  these  cases.  The  last  sacraments 
should  be  given  in  good  time,  especially  if  coma  threatens. 
When  labor  begins  in  a  diabetic  and  everything  appears  to  be 
normal  the  sacraments  should  be  given,  because  there  is  always 
danger  of  sudden  collapse  and  death. 

1  Deutsche  medizinische  Wochenschrift,  xlii,  9. 

1  Boston  Medical  and  Surgical  Journal,  November  25,  1915. 


A  METHOD  of  effecting  painless  childbirth  through  the 
use  of  scopolamine  and  morphine  was  first  used  in  1902 
by  Steinbuechel,  and  in  1906  Gauss,  of  the  University  of  Frei 
burg  in  Baden,  reported  a  series  of  five  hundred  obstetrical  cases 
in  which  scopolamine  and  morphine  had  been  used.  The  wom 
an's  condition  was  called  in  Freiburg  a  Dammerschlaf,  a  Twi 
light  Sleep,  because  she  is  somnolent  and  forgetful  of  pain. 
In  1903  the  chief  obstetricians  in  several  of  the  leading  Amer 
ican  and  German  universities  tried  the  drugs,  but  they  quickly 
abandoned  the  method  because  they  found  it  dangerous  and 
unscientific.  The  process  was  exploited  here  by  McClure's 
Magazine,1  The  Ladies'  Home  Journal,  and  other  lay  periodi 
cals.  The  articles  in  these  magazines  were  written  by 
persons  who  are  not  physicians,  and  their  erroneous  state 
ments  are  misleading.  The  Ladies'  Home  Journal,  however, 
while  favoring  the  method,  published  letters  from  several  lead 
ing  obstetricians  in  the  United  States,  all  of  whom  are  opposed 
to  the  use  of  these  drugs  during  parturition  because  they  had 
tried  them  and  found  them  unscientific.  The  method  is  illicit 
morally,  and  it  is  unscientific. 

Obstetricians  divide  a  parturition  into  three  stages.  In 
most  primiparae  and  many  multiparae  there  is  a  prodromal 
stage,  in  which  false  labor  pains  (dolor es  praesagientes}  are 
the  most  evident  symptom.  When  the  real  labor  sets  in  there 
are  rhythmic  uterine  contractions  about  every  fifteen  min 
utes,  which  cause  pain  to  the  woman  by  the  pressure  of  the 
fetus  on  the  uterine  nerves — dolores  praeparantes.  From  the 
time  the  pains  become  rhythmic,  and  are  effective  in  dilating 

1  June,  1911. 



the  neck  and  mouth  of  the  womb,  until  the  mouth  of  the  womb 
is  completely  stretched  and  flush  with  the  vaginal  wall,  thus 
completing  the  continuous  parturient  canal,  is  the  first  stage 
of  labor.  The  fetal  enveloping  membranes  (the  "bag  of 
waters")  usually  rupture  at  the  end  of  this  stage,  but  some 
times  the  bag  bursts  before  the  end,  or  as  late  as  the  second 
stage  of  labor.  The  first  period  is  the  stage  of  dilatation. 

The  second  stage  extends  from  the  end  of  the  dilatation  un 
til  the  expulsion  of  the  child  is  completed.  This  is  the  stage 
of  expulsion. 

The  third  stage  lasts  from  the  delivery  of  the  child  until 
after  the  expulsion  of  the  placenta  and  membranes  and  the  re 
traction  of  the  uterus  has  ended — the  period  of  the  afterbirth. 

Normal  parturition  is  always  painful  to  the  woman.  As 
the  labor  progresses  the  pains  gradually  grow  more  intense, 
and  the  interval  between  them  shorter.  After  a  few  hours  the 
pain  is  strong  enough  to  cause  the  woman  to  cry  out,  but  there 
is  a  great  variety  in  the  endurance  of  these  pains,  as  the  wom 
en's  characters  differ.  Neurotic  women  begin  to  scream  and  act 
hysterically  even  in  the  early  part  of  the  first  stage.  When  the 
pains  are  fully  developed  each  lasts  about  half  a  minute. 

In  most  cases  the  infant  comes  out  head  first,  but  almost 
any  part  of  its  body  may  present.  Before  the  advancing  child 
part  of  the  liquor  amnii  within  the  fetal  enveloping  membranes 
is  forced  down  into  the  neck  of  the  womb,  and  causes  dilata 
tion.  In  primiparae  especially  the  bag  of  waters  may  rupture 
prematurely  and  thus  cause  what  is  called  a  dry  labor,  which 
is  commonly  tedious  and  painful.  Often  operative  interference 
is  required  in  dry  labors. 

In  the  second  stage  the  pains  are  stronger,  recur  every  two 
or  three  minutes,  and  are  expulsive.  The  woman  then  strives 
to  expel  the  child.  She  strains  violently  with  the  abdominal 
muscles — literally  labors;  her  pulse  is  high,  the  veins  of  her 
neck  stand  out,  her  face  is  turgid,  and  her  body  is  covered  with 
sweat.  When  at  last  the  head  of  the  child  is  driven  out  the 
woman  feels  as  if  she  were  being  torn  asunder  in  the  dolores 
conquassantes.  The  pain  is  so  great  that  the  woman  may  faint 
from  it,  but  that  is  not  the  rule.  After  a  pause  the  shoulders 


are  forced  out,  and  then  the  trunk  in  one  long  convulsive  ef 
fort.  The  umbilical  cord  is  tied  and  cut,  and  the  child  is  born. 

After  from  five  to  twenty  minutes  the  womb  begins  to  con 
tract  again,  but  the  pains  (dolores  ad  secundum  partum}  are 
not  nearly  so  intense  as  they  were  during  labor.  Then  in  from 
fifteen  minutes  to  about  three  hours  the  placenta  is  expelled. 

The  pains  of  labor  are  so  evident  that  the  expulsive  con 
tractions  of  the  uterus,  of  which  the  pains  are  symptoms,  are 
themselves  called  "the  pains."  These  pains  in  all  scientific  ex 
actness  of  statement  are,  as  has  been  said,  agonizing.  "In  do- 
lore  paries  filios"  is  a  very  literal  text.  The  scopolamine-mor- 
phine  method  was  devised  with  the  intention  of  mitigating 
them,  or  mercifully  rendering  the  woman  unconscious  of  them 
during  at  least  a  part  of  the  labor.  If  she  is  unconscious  of  pain 
she  is  thus  saved  also  from  shock  and  depression,  which  render 
her  susceptible  to  infection.  Such  results  certainly  are  im 
measurably  valuable  if  attainable  without  taint  of  moral  evil, 
but  as  the  method  stands  just  now,  they  are  not  free  from  that 

Scopolamine  hydrobromide,  one  of  the  drugs  used  in  this 
method,  is  an  alkaloid  obtained  from  the  roots  of  Scopolia  (or 
Scopola)  carniolica,  and  it  cannot  be  differentiated  chemically 
from  hyoscine  hydrobromide,  which  is  made  from  henbane  and 
other  plants  of  the  Solanaceae  group.  Rusby  was  of  the  opin 
ion  that  scopolamine  is  really  a  mixture  of  hyoscine,  hyoscya- 
mine,  and  atropine:  one-tenth  hyoscine  and  nine-tenths  hyos- 
cyaniine  and  atropine.  Cushny  and  others  find  different  pro 
portions  of  these  alkaloids.  As  the  leaves  of  Scopolia  are  used 
to  adulterate  the  belladonna  leaves  from  which  atropine  is  de 
rived,  hyoscine  and  scopolamine  are  substituted  for  each  other — 
if,  indeed,  there  is  an  any  real  difference  between  them.  Some 
of  the  largest  drug-houses  in  Germany  before  the  war  supplied 
hyoscine  and  scopolamine  from  the  same  stock  bottle — the  name 
depended  on  the  asker.  Even  in  a  pure  state  hyoscine  and 
scopolamine  have  the  same  chemical  formula  (C17H211S[04), 
and  their  physiological  action  is  the  same.  Each  can  exist  in 
three  isomeric  forms,  and  in  one  of  these  forms  they  turn  polar 
ized  light  to  the  left,  in  another  to  the  right,  while  in  a  third 


form  they  do  not  affect  the  light  at  all.  The  higher  the  rotatory 
power  of  the  drugs,  the  more  active  they  are  physiologically. 
The  levorotatory  scopolamine  has,  according  to  Cushny,  Peebles, 
and  Hug,  double  the  action  of  the  inactive  scopolamine  on  the 
cardiac  inhibitory  fibres  of  the  vagus,  but  the  levoactive  and  the 
inactive  scopolamine  produce  the  same  effect  on  the  central 
nervous  system.  The  drug  on  the  market  is  usually  composed 
of  a  mixture  of  the  levoactive  and  the  inactive  forms,  and  as 
one  or  the  other  predominates  the  results  differ:  the  rotatory 
power  of  a  given  specimen  should  be  known.  Old  solutions 
of  scopolamine  decompose  and  give  rise  to  toxic  substances. 
Gauss  attributed  post-partum  hemorrhages  in  the  women  and  as 
phyxia  in  infants  to  these  decomposition  products,  but  he 
avoided  these  untoward  effects  somewhat  by  cutting  down  the 
morphine  dose.  He  had  five  infant  deaths  before  he  cut  down 
the  morphine,  and  25  per  cent,  of  the  children  were  intoxicated. 
The  chief  action  of  scopolamine  or  hyoscine  is  upon  the  cere 
bral  cortex,  producing  sleep,  which  is  accompanied  often  by  a 
low  delirium.  They  depress  the  centre  of  respiration,  and  have 
a  depressant  effect  also  on  that  part  of  the  spinal  cord  which 
governs  the  motions  of  the  body.  They  intensify  the  action 
of  morphine  and  other  narcotics. 

Morphine,  which  is  used  to  prevent  pain,  is  the  chief  drug 
in  the  twilight  sleep  method,  and  it  is  greatly  intensified  in  ac 
tion  by  the  presence  of  scopolamine.  When,  however,  morphine 
and  scopolamine  are  given  to  a  pregnant  woman  hypodermically, 
these  drugs  are  at  once  carried  by  the  blood  to  the  fetus.  Chil 
dren  for  years  after  birth  all  withstand  the  action  of  morphine 
badly,  and  a  fetus  in  utero  may  be  overwhelmed  by  it.  Just 
in  this  fact  lies  the  chief  moral  crux  in  the  use  of  the  twilight 
sleep  method  of  obstetrical  delivery.  The  woman  may  go  on 
to  the  end  more  or  less  safely  in  competent  hands,  but  if  con 
stant  watch  is  not  kept  at  the  bedside  by  a  skilled  observer  the 
infant  is  liable  to  be  killed,  and  the  danger  comes  to  it  not  solely 
from  the  drug  directly — it  may  be  drowned  in  the  amniotic 
fluid,  its  condition  may  be  masked  by  the  restlessness  of  the 
mother,  which  prevents  proper  observation:  when  a  woman  is 
plunging  all  over  the  bed,  as  is  extremely  common  in  twilight 

sleep,  the  pulse-rate  of  the  baby  cannot  bo  properly  watched. 

If  the  mother  happens  to  be  particularly  susceptible  to  scopo- 
lamine  or  morphine,  the  first  will  cause  delirium  and  the  sec 
ond  coma;  or  the  respirations  may  become  arhythmic  and  be 
reduced  to  only  five  or  six  a  minute.  The  kidneys  may  be  af 
fected  by  the  morphine  so  as  to  bring  on  total  suppression  of 
urine.  Labor  is  prolonged,  and  it  may  be  very  much  pro 
longed.  In  some  women  uterine  atony  is  induced  by  the  mor 
phine,  with  very  dangerous  consequent  post-partum  hemorrhage. 
Morphine  relaxes  all  musculature,  and  it  relaxes  the  muscle 
of  the  arterial  walls  and  so  disposes  to  hemorrhage.  There  is 
little  or  no  premonitory  symptom  of  these  idiosyncrasies  (except 
in  the  case  of  an  injured  kidney)  to  inform  the  physician  that 
he  should  avoid  the  scopolamine-morphine  treatment. 

Dr.  Polak,  professor  of  obstetrics  at  the  Long  Island  College 
Hospital,  reported  2  on  155  cases  of  the  twilight  sleep  method, 
and  he  is  in  favor  of  it  under  several  restrictions.  He  uses  the 
drugs  from  ampules  which  contain  one  two-hundredth  of  a  grain 
of  scopolamine  and  half  a  grain  of  narcophin,  which  is  a  pro 
prietary  drug  said  to  be  composed  of  the  meconate  of  morphine 
with  the  meconate  of  narcotin  in  molecular  proportion.  Mor 
phine  itself  is  a  tribasic  meconate,  and  narcotin,  of  course, 
another  opium  derivative.  The  American  Council  on  Phar 
macy  and  Chemistry  was  unable  to  accept  the  claims  made  for 
narcophin.3  Polak  says  he  finds  no  difference  between  mor 
phine  and  narcophin. 

In  the  twilight  sleep  treatment  the  patient,  especially  if  she 
is  a  primipara,  should  be  definitely  in  labor  before  any  injec 
tion  is  given.  She  should  have  pains  occurring  at  regular  in 
tervals,  preferably  every  four  or  five  minutes,  before  the  first 
injection  of  scopolamine  and  morphine  is  administered;  that 
is,  the  first  stage  of  labor  should  be  well  advanced.  Gauss 
gives  one-sixth  of  a  grain  of  morphine  at  the  first  injection,  and 
Polak  nearly  three-fourths  of  a  grain  of  narcophin,  with  one 
two-hundredth  of  a  grain  of  scopolamine.  If  the  woman  is  a 

"  Long  Island  Medical  Journal,  December,  1914,  and  American 
Journal  of  Obstetrics,  May,  1915. 

'Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  November  21,  1914. 


multipara,  Polak  begins  the  treatment  at  the  very  beginning  of 
the  pains.  The  patient  is  kept  in  bed,  in  a  darkened  room,  re 
moved  from  all  noise  and  excitement.  Some  stop  the  ears  and 
blindfold  the  patient,  and,  according  to  Baer  of  Chicago,  the 
women  are  put  into  restraining  sheets  as  a  routine  practice  in 
certain  clinics  to  keep  them  from  infecting  themselves.  The 
ordinary  practice  is  to  give  a  half  dose  of  scopolamine  an  hour 
after  the  first  dose  and  about  every  two  hours  thereafter,  ac 
cording  to  the  indications.  The  morphine  may  be  discontinued, 
or  used  approximately  every  six  hours  in  a  long  labor.  Smaller 
doses  are  required  if  the  first  is  given  early  in  the  labor,  and 
larger  if  the  pains  have  been  well  developed.  In  these  latter 
cases  the  danger  to  the  child  is,  of  course,  greater. 

The  condition  of  the  patient's  pulse,  respiration,  pupillary 
reaction,  and  the  frequency  and  character  of  the  uterine  con 
tractions  are  constantly  watched,  to  guard  against  poisoning. 
Fonyo  4  reported  two  fatal  poisonings  by  the  scopolamine-mor- 
phine  method  as  used  in  surgery.  Both  were  operations  for  the 
delivery  of  women  by  laparotomy,  and  in  each  case  the  centre  of 
respiration  was  overwhelmed.  In  each  of  these  operations  only 
one-hundredth  of  a  grain  of  scopolamine  and  one-third  of  a 
grain  of  morphine  had  been  used,  but  chloroform  was  adminis 
tered  later.  Robinson  recently  reported  the  fatal  poisoning  of  a 
negress  by  scopolamine,  and  Chandler  of  Philadelphia  two  more 
where  one  thirty-third  of  a  grain  of  scopolamine  had  been  used. 
One-ninetieth  of  a  grain  given  hypodermically  has  caused  severe 
toxic  disturbance  which  lasted  for  twenty-eight  hours,  and  Root5 
reported  a  case  where  one  three-hundredth  of  a  grain  given  by 
mouth  poisoned  violently. 

In  Freiburg,  Gauss  tests  the  consciousness  of  the  women 
about  every  half  hour  by  showing  them  some  object,  and  if 
they  remember  having  seen  this  object  he  gives  an  additional 
dose  of  scopolamine.  Polak  says  this  memory  test  is  not  nec 
essary:  even  if  the  patient  gives  outward  evidence  of  pain  by 
cries  and  motion,  she  is  apparently  but  very  dimly  conscious 
in  his  opinion. 

*  Zentralblatt  f.  Gyndkologie,  September  19,  1914.    Leipsic. 
'  Therapeutic  Gazette,  vol.  ii. 


The  progress  of  the  delivery  must  be  constantly  watched  by 
repeated  extraabdominal  or  rectal  examinations,  following  the 
fetal  shoulder  as  it  rotates — and  not  by  vaginal  examinations 
—to  avoid  sepsis.  The  fetal  heart  must  be  auscultated  every 
half  hour  at  most,  between  and  during  the  pains.  If  the  child's 
pulse  grows  arhythmic  or  slow  between  pains,  these  are  bad 
prognostic  signs.  All  use  of  the  drugs  is  to  be  discontinued, 
and  the  child  is  to  be  delivered  at  once  to  save  its  life,  by  the 
most  suitable  method  and  route. 

Polak  holds  that  the  solutions  of  the  drugs  must  be  abso 
lutely  pure,  and  that  hyoscine  cannot  be  substituted  for  scopo- 
lamine,  but  that  narcophin  is  no  better  than  morphine:  the 
American  preparations  have  produced  delirium.  As  I  have 
shown,  no  one  can  possibly  tell  the  difference  between  hyoscine 
and  scopolamine,  even  by  chemical  analysis.  All  we  can  do 
is  to  take  the  druggist's  word  that  the  drug  at  hand  was  made 
from  Scopolia  and  not  from  Ilyoscyamus  niger.  It  does  not 
make  any  difference  which  is  the  source  of  the  supply. 

Polak  says  the  morphine  shortens  the  first  stage  of  labor 
by  softening  the  cervix,  but  that  the  treatment  lengthens  the 
second  stage.  Other  observers  have  not  found  that  it  shortens 
the  first  period.  He  tells  us  that  if  this  second  stage — that  is, 
the  time  from  the  full  dilatation  of  the  os  until  the  delivery 
of  the  child — lasts  over  an  hour  in  multiparae,  or  over  two 
hours  in  primiparae,  delivery  must  be  effected  by  the  Kristeller 
expression  or  by  low  forceps.  In  the  Kristeller  expression  the 
child  is  pushed  out  of  the  canal  by  the  hands  of  the  physician 
applied  to  the  fundus  uteri.  It  should  be  a  method  of  last 
resort,  because  there  is  danger  of  rupturing  the  uterus,  of  tear 
ing  the  placenta  loose,  or  of  crushing  an  ovary. 

In  his  report  Polak  says  he  has  had  no  failures;  the  pa 
tients  had  no  recollection  of  the  labor;  in  the  first  series  of 
fifty-one  the  children  showed  no  sign  of  asphyxiation  or  even 
cyanosis  except  in  two  cases.  In  this  first  series  one  patient 
had  a  long  second  stage  and  the  child  had  to  be  resuscitated. 
There  were,  he  said,  no  post-partum  hemorrhages;  no  low  for 
ceps;  the  placentas  were  delivered  without  difficulty;  none  of 
the  women  showed  signs  of  tire  or  exhaustion  the  next  day;  in 


fact,  they  were  better  off  than  the  women  who  have  normal 
labor.  This  report  is  different  from  that  made  by  other  men 
just  as  competent,  and  in  exactly  the  same  circumstances;  even 
Gauss  confesses  many  failures.  The  lay  journals  say  Gauss 
had  no  failures,  but  he  himself  should  know.  In  April,  1915, 
I  was  told  in  New  York  City  that  there  had  been  no  failures 
tliere,  yet  in  May,  Dr.  Broadhead,  professor  of  obstetrics  at 
the  Postgraduate  School  of  Medicine  in  that  city,  after  ob 
serving  seventy-two  cases  confessed  6  several  failures  where  the 
child  was  concerned.  One  Catholic  woman,  a  member  of  the 
executive  committee  in  a  Twilight  Sleep  League  of  married  and 
unmarried  women,  was  killed  in  Brooklyn  by  the  method  in 
the  summer  of  1915. 

Dr.  Charles  M.  Green,  professor  of  obstetrics  in  Harvard 
University,  tells  us:  7  "My  own  observations,  published  in  1903, 
led  me  at  the  time  to  favor  this  therapeutic  means  of  producing 
the  'Twilight  Sleep,'  and  removing  the  consciousness  of  pain,  or 
at  least  preventing  all  remembrance  of  it.  I  have  long  since 
abandoned  this  agent,  however,  for  two  reasons:  First,  because 
it  has  apparently  been  the  cause,  occasionally,  of  fetal  asphyxia. 
Second,  because  the  effect  of  the  drug  on  the  mother  is  often 
uncertain,  and  unless  used  with  great  care  may  cause  unfavor 
able  or  dangerous  results.  Moreover,  we  have  other  and  safer 
measures  for  the  relief  of  pain  in  labor.  So  I  have  given  up 
teaching  the  use  of  scopolamine  in  my  lectures." 

Dr.  Williams,  professor  of  obstetrics  in  Johns  Hopkins  Uni 
versity,  and  the  author  of  a  book  on  obstetrics  which  is  very 
valuable,  says :  8  "We  have  used  the  scopolamine  treatment  of 
childbirth  in  two  separate  series  of  cases  at  the  Johns  Hopkins 
Hospital,  but  in  neither  series  were  the  results  satisfactory,  nor 
did  they  in  any  way  approach  the  claims  made  for  the  treatment. 
We  expect  to  do  more  with  it  next  year."  In  the  fourth  edi 
tion  of  his  Obstetrics,  published  in  1917,  he  thinks  that  the 
twilight  sleep  method  will  fall  into  disuse,  or  at  least  that  its 
use  will  be  restricted  to  a  small  group  of  neurotic  patients. 

'The  Postgraduate,  May,  1915. 
*  Ladies'  Home  Journal. 
8  Ibid. 


From  bis  experience,  he  says,  the  method  is  not  adapted  for 
private  practice. 

Dr.  Hirst,  professor  of  obstetrics  in  the  University  of 
Pennsylvania,  tried  the  scopolamine  treatment  in  the  maternity 
hospital  of  the  university  in  about  300  cases  at  three  different 
times.  He  tried  it  first  in  1903,  but  he  found  that  if  sufficient 
morphine  is  given  to  abolish  pain  there  is  danger  of  hemorrhage 
in  the  mother  and  of  asphyxia  in  the  child.  At  a  meeting  of 
the  Obstetrical  Society  of  Philadelphia  9  Hirst,  commenting  on 
a  paper  by  Polak,  said :  "I  am  sorry  to  say  I  cannot  agree  with 
my  friend  Dr.  Polak  in  his  conclusions  ...  I  had  to  dis 
continue  morphia  and  scopolamine  because  there  were  too  many 
cases  of  post-partum  hemorrhage,  too  many  cases  in  which  for 
ceps  had  to  be  used,  too  many  asphyxiated  babies.  So  I  am  not 
an  enthusiast  for  'twilight  sleep.' ' 

Dr.  Joseph  B.  De  Lee,  professor  of  obstetrics  in  the  North 
western  University  Medical  School,  Chicago,  and  the  author 
of  a  book  on  obstetrics  which  is  now  one  of  the  best  we  have  in 
English,  tells  us  10  that  the  impressions  he  received  from  study 
ing  ten  cases  of  childbirth  in  Professor  Kronig's  clinic  at 
Freiburg  were  "decidedly  unfavorable  to  the  method  of 
'Twilight  Sleep.' '  In  all  the  ten  cases,  he  testifies,  the 
birth  pains  were  weakened,  and  labor  prolonged — in  two 
instances  for  forty-eight  hours.  In  three  cases  pituitrin, 
which  is  in  itself  a  dangerous  drug  to  use  before  the  uterus  has 
been  almost  emptied,  had  to  be  given  to  save  the  child  from  im 
minent  asphyxia.  In  five  of  the  cases  forceps  had  to  be  used 
owing  to  the  paralyzing  effects  of  the  drug,  and  all  these  forceps 
cases  were  extensively  lacerated.  Several  of  the  women  be 
came  so  delirious  and  violent  that  ether  had  to  be  used  to 
quiet  them,  with  the  result  that  the  infants  were  born  "nar 
cotized  and  asphyxiated  to  a  degree."  One  child  had  convul 
sions  for  several  days. 

The  complete  failure  in  these  ten  cases  is  so  obvious  as  to 
be  a  scandal,  although  De  Lee  does  not  say  so.  He  aban- 

*  Proceedings  printed  in  American  Journal  of   Obstetrics,  May, 

10  Ladies'  Home  Journal. 


doned  the  use  of  the  method  twelve  years  ago,  and  in  1913 
he  visited  the  maternities  at  Berlin,  Vienna,  Munich,  and 
Heidelberg,  and  found  that  all  had  tried  the  method  and  had 
rejected  it. 

Several  so-called  detoxicated  substitutes  for  morphine,  like 
"tocanalgine"  and  "analgine,"  have  been  tried ;  but  these  turned 
out  to  be  morphine,  and  to  be  equal  in  strength  to  morphine 
as  we  ordinarily  have  it.  These  were  the  drugs  that  were  ad 
vocated  in  the  Cosmopolitan  Magazine  as  "having  nothing  to 
do  with  the  morphine-scopolamine  treatment  originating  some 
years  ago  in  Freiburg."  They  are  morphine  treacherously 
disguised,  and  the  assertions  in  the  Cosmopolitan  were  never 
retracted  when  attention  was  called  to  the  untruth  by  the  Jour 
nal  of  the  American  Medical  Association.  In  the  American 
Journal  of  Obstetrics  for  May,  1915,  is  a  full  description  of 
these  drugs  (page  772). 

Dr.  Joseph  Baer  reported  n  sixty  cases  of  the  morphine- 
scopolamine  treatment  at  the  Michael  Reese  Maternity  Hos 
pital  in  Chicago,  and  his  results  were  diametrically  opposed 
to  those  Dr.  Polak  himself  obtains.  The  rooms  used  were 
large,  and  had  cork-lined  sound-proof  walls  and  doors;  ob 
stetricians  and  specially  trained  nurses  were  present  day  and 
night.  The  circumstances,  then,  were  the  best  that  could  be 

He  used  Merck's  scopolamine  at  first,  and  later  a  solution 
made  up  after  the  formula  of  Straub  of  Freiburg,  which  is 
more  stable.  His  doses  of  morphine  were  from  one-eighth  to 
one-fourth  of  a  grain;  Gauss  uses  one-eighth  to  one-sixth  of  a 
grain ;  Polak,  as  much  as  three-fourths  of  a  grain  of  narcophin 
for  his  first  dose. 

Baer's  series  ended  on  February  5,  1915,  and  of  his  sixty 
cases  only  five  were  successful.  Three  of  the  successful  cases 
received  one-fiftieth  of  a  grain  of  scopolamine  in  all,  and  some 
of  the  unsuccessful  cases  got  as  high  as  one-sixteenth  of  a 
grain,  with  only  wild  delirium  as  a  result. 

The  labor  was  lengthened  by  about  seven  hours  over  un 
treated  cases.    As  to  the  amnesia,  in  twenty-six  cases  the  mem- 
11  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  May  22,  1915,  Ixiv,  21,  p.  1723. 


ory  was  not  dulled  at  all,  although  they  received  more  scopola- 
mine  than  thirty-nine  cases  in  which  the  memory  was  cloudy. 

Thirty-two  women  had  unbearable  thirst  throughout  the 
labor,  and  nothing  would  slake  this  thirst.  Their  incessant 
cries  for  water  were  very  distressing  to  the  attendants.  Head 
ache  was  present  in  twenty-seven  cases  and  vertigo  in  thirty- 
one,  and  the  headache,  which  was  very  intense  in  some  women, 
lasted  for  several  days  after  delivery. 

Pain  was  diminished  in  thirty-nine  cases,  absent  in  one, 
as  severe  as  in  the  average  untreated  woman  in  nineteen,  and 
increased  in  one.  That  is,  only  one  woman  in  sixty  did  not 
suffer  the  pain  for  which  the  treatment  was  devised.  The 
reason  evidently  is  that  his  dose  of  morphine  was  too  small, 
yet  if  he  went  above  this  dose  he  ran  the  risk  of  post-partum 
hemorrhage  and  of  narcotizing  the  baby.  As  it  was,  he  had 
seven  post-partum  hemorrhages,  but  in  a  series  of  sixty  un- 
selected  normal  delivery  cases  he  had  only  one  hemorrhage. 

Restlessness  was  present  in  eighteen  cases,  and  delirium  in 
nine;  six  of  these  women  had  to  be  wrapped  in  restraining 
sheets,  and  one  had  to  be  shackled  for  four  days  after  she  had 
overpowered  a  nurse  in  an  effort  to  jump  out  of  a  window.  It 
took  three  attendants  to  get  her  into  the  strait-jacket.  Chand 
ler  of  Philadelphia  saw  a  woman  in  a  like  delirium  who  was 
shackled  only  after  six  attendants  together  had  tackled  her. 
Two  physicians  in  the  Chicago  maternity  were  severely  beaten 
by  women  in  a  twilight  sleep  delirium. 

Baer  says  the  serious  risk  of  self-infection  during  labor 
through  the  uncontrollable  motion  of  these  women  is  a  source 
of  constant  anxiety.  They  sit  cross-legged,  and  the  heel  infects 
them  with  coli  communis  from  the  expressed  feces.  The  dazed 
women  constantly  try  to  get  at  the  vague  pain  with  their  hands, 
and  on  this  account,  according  to  Baer,  some  clinics  that  prac 
tise  the  twilight  sleep  method  keep  all  the  women  in  strait- 
jackets,  but  they  omit  to  publish  this  fact. 

One  of  Baer's  patients  died  from  a  ruptured  uterus,  and 
ner  dead  baby  was  taken  from  her  belly-cavity.  The  drug  will 
mask  symptoms  in  a  case  like  this.  Sudden  cessation  of  puer 
peral  pain  as  a  symptom  of  rupture,  and  the  peculiar  pain  of 


a  premature  loosening  of  the  placenta,  are  both  covered  from 
observation  by  the  drugs,  the  darkening  of  the  room,  and  the 
tossing  of  the  patient,  which  prevent  proper  examinations. 

One  patient  had  a  mitral  insufficiency  and  myocarditis. 
This  should  be  an  ideal  case  for  the  treatment,  according  to 
the  twilight  sleep  men.  The  woman,  however,  after  three  doses 
of  the  scopolamine  developed  pulmonary  edema.  Her  child 
was  delivered  in  asphyxia  pallida  and  resuscitated  with  diffi 

Thirteen  of  the  children  did  not  breathe  at  delivery,  six 
were  asphyctic,  and  two  cases  relapsed  into  asphyxia.  One 
child  was  killed,  as  we  said,  when  the  mother's  uterus  rup 
tured.  Avarffy  12  had  one  fatal  case  in  fifty,  and  Chrobak  one 
in  one  hundred  and  seven. 

Eight  of  the  women  had  blurred  vision  after  delivery, 
which  lasted  for  over  twenty-four  hours;  two  had  marked 
delirium  for  from  two  to  four  days  after  childbirth.  As  to 
exhaustion  after  labor,  Baer  says  he  found  no  difference  between 
the  twilight  sleep  women  and  the  normal  cases. 

Some  advocates  of  the  twilight  sleep  method  say  that  there 
is  less  use  of  the  forceps  in  this  method  than  in  normal  de 
livery.  At  Freiburg,  for  example,  operative  delivery  has  been 
"reduced"  to  six  or  seven  per  cent.  Six  per  cent.,  as  a  mat 
ter  of  truth,  is  two  per  cent,  above  the  normal  average  for 
forceps  delivery  in  eighteen  German  maternities.  In  95,025 
deliveries  in  these  hospitals  the  average  forceps  delivery  was 
4.5  per  cent.,  and  some  were  small  teaching  hospitals  where 
the  forceps  were  used  on  any  provocation  for  class  demonstra 
tion.  The  twilight  sleep  method  has  a  much  higher  operative 
delivery,  and  this  varies,  of  course,  according  to  the  skill  and 
judgment  of  the  operators. 

Holmes,  one  of  the  first  in  Chicago  to  try  the  newly  re 
vived  method,  says  13  that  in  July,  1914,  before  the  great  war 
broke  out,  there  were  twenty-five  malpractice  suits  pending  in 
one  German  city  as  a  result  of  the  morphine-scopolamine  fad. 
He  quotes  a  noted  obstetrician  on  this  subject:  "If  you  will 

"  Gynakol.  Rundschau,  1909,  iii. 

u  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics,  May,  1915. 


use  the  method,  have  the  patient  in  the  best  hospital  possible, 
with  all  the  appurtenances  requisite  for  the  revival  of  the 
child ;  if  you  do  not  know,  learn  at  once  the  differences  between 
asphyxia,  oligoapneia,  and  narcotic  poisoning,  and  the  methods 
of  treating  them;  get  the  best  and  the  most  reliable  product 
called  scopolamine;  and  then  be  sure  you  are  in  a  position  to 
be  adequately  defended  by  a  lawyer  versed  in  malpractice 

This  is  the  state  of  the  question.  Two  or  three  men  in 
the  best  circumstances  say  they  get  one  hundred  perfect  results ; 
other  men,  equally  or  far  more  skilled  and  in  equally  favorable 
circumstances,  get  one  hundred  results  which  are  anything  but 
successful,  often  a  disgrace  to  science,  and  undoubtedly  im 
moral.  They  are  immoral  because  they  risk  human  life  in  an 
attempt  to  ease  a  physiological  pain,  and  this  is  not  a  sufficient 
reason;  moreover,  these  attempts  fail  oftener  than  they  suc 
ceed.  The  second  group  of  practitioners  have  no  motive  except 
honesty  to  induce  them  to  make  their  unfavorable  reports  of 
failure.  The  reports  of  the  two  groups  are  directly  contra 
dictory,  and  the  judgment  is  thus  a  matter  of  motives.  Tes 
timony  from  women  who  have  gone  through  the  process  is  not 
to  be  taken  into  account.  They  were  dazed,  and  in  any  case 
they  are  not  competent  to  judge  a  matter  which  is  wholly 

We  know  the  limitation  of  morphine  and  scopolamine  and 
we  cannot  improve  their  use.  If  enough  is  given  to  still  pain, 
we  take  a  criminal  risk;  if  we  do  not  give  enough  to  remove 
the  sense  of  pain,  why  not  use  the  safer  nitrous  oxide,  ether, 
and  chloroform?  If  enough  morphine  and  scopolamine  are 
administered  early  in  labor  to  a  multipara,  the  labor  is  com 
monly  stopped;  if  this  dosage  is  given  after  the  pains  are 
developed,  the  baby  is  born,  as  a  rule,  before  they  take  effect. 



THE  State  of  Indiana  in  1907  enacted  a  vasectomy  law 
which  obliges  the  superintendents  of  some  prisons  and 
asylums  to  appoint  two  surgeons  whose  office  is  to  sterilize 
sexually  criminals,  idiots,  imbeciles,  and  similar  persons,  if 
these  surgeons,  in  consultation  with  the  chief  physician  of  the 
institution,  deem  the  propagation  of  children  by  such  so-called 
degenerates  detrimental  to  society.  The  same  law  has  been 
incorporated  in  the  statutes  by  New  York,  New  Jersey,  Wash 
ington,  Iowa,  Nevada,  Wisconsin,  Connecticut,  California, 
Utah,  Kansas,  Oregon,  and  Minnesota.  The  law  has  been 
proposed  several  times  in  the  Legislature  of  Pennsylvania,  but 
it  was  vetoed  twice  and  held  up  once  in  the  Assembly. 

In  New  Jersey  there  was  question  of  sterilizing  an  epileptic 
girl,  and  the  Supreme  Court  of  that  State  J  decided  in  1913 
that  the  law  is  contrary  to  the  State  and  Federal  constitutions. 
In  1916  Probate  Judge  Lapeer  of  Michigan  declared  the  law 
as  passed  in  his  State  in  1913  unconstitutional,  but  the  State 
appealed  against  this  decision.  The  Supreme  Court  of  Wash 
ington  2  decided  in  favor  of  the  law  in  a  case  where  a  man 
convicted  of  rape  was  sentenced  by  the  trial  judge  to  life  im 
prisonment  and  to  vasectomy  as  a  punishment.  The  constitu 
tionality  of  the  Iowa  law  is  on  appeal  to  the  United  States 
Supreme  Court  after  a  Federal  judge  had  declared  it  uncon 
stitutional.  The  law  in  Indiana  was  put  into  effect  in  hun 
dreds  of  cases,  but  Governor  Marshall  set  the  law  in  abey 
ance.  Two  Federal  judges  in  Kansas  said  the  law  is  uncon- 

1  Smith  vs.  Board  of  Examiners  of  the  Feeble-minded,  88  alt.  B, 

*  State  vs.  Feilen,  126  Pac.  R.  75. 



stitutional  and  granted  an  injunction  against  its  application  in 
a  particular  case.  In  1808  the  superintendent  of  a  Kansan  in 
stitution  for  the  feeble-minded  castrated  forty-eight  boys.  Up 
to  April,  1916,  about  twenty-five  feeble-minded  boys  in  the  Wis 
consin  institution  at  Chippewa  Falls  were  sterilized,  and  the 
authorities  then  said  they  intended  to  sterilize  the  girls.  The 
laT.v  has  been  advocated  by  alienists  in  Switzerland,  and  French 
and  English  physicians  have  advocated  it. 

The  reason  given  by  the  advocates  of  this  law  is  the  alarm 
ing  prevalence  of  feeble-mindedness  with  its  tendency  to  crim 
inality;  and  as,  they  say,  heredity  accounts  for  65  per  cent,  cf 
feeble-mindedness,  the  feeble-minded  should  be  prevented  from 
propagating  their  kind.  Sweden,  with  5,500,000  inhabitants, 
has  18,000  insane,  14,000  idiots,  20,000  imbeciles,  and  7,000 
epileptics.  Much  of  this  degeneracy  is  due  to  the  notorious 
alcoholism  of  the  Swedes,  which  only  lately  has  been  brought 
under  some  control.  Pennsylvania  had  about  17,000  feeble 
minded  in  1913.  In  a  single  county  almshouse  in  that  State 
were  105  women  who  had  given  birth  to  101  defective  children. 
One  feeble-minded  couple  in  the  same  State  had  19  defective 
children;  two  other  families  had  9  imbeciles  and  7  idiots.  In 
New  Jersey  the  history  of  480  individuals  of  the  famous  "Kal- 
likak"  family  (a  pseudonym),  descended  from  a  feeble-minded 
woman  who  lived  at  the  time  of  the  Revolutionary  War,  has 
been  traced  out,  and  of  these  descendants  only  40  were  nor 
mal.  New  York  State  has  32,000  known  feeble-minded  per 
sons.  One  State  school  for  the  feeble-minded  in  Indiana  in 
1908  had  1054  inmates.  There  are  6000  mentally  defective 
children  in  the  schools  of  Chicago.  An  investigation  made  in 
Illinois  about  1907  brought  out  the  conclusion  that  all  the  de 
fectives  and  delinquents  in  that  State  at  the  time  could  be 
traced  to  150  families.  Poehlmann  of  Bonn  traced  the  de 
scendants  of  one  female  drunkard  through  six  generations  in 
800  individuals,  and  of  these  107  were  illegitimate,  102  were 
beggars,  181  were  prostitutes,  76  were  criminals  in  a  grave 
degree,  7  were  murderers,  and  they  had  cost  the  State 
$1,206,000.  The  Jukes  sisters,  two  illegitimate  prostitutes  in 
New  York  State,  in  five  generations  bred  709  criminals.  Fifty- 


two  per  cent,  of  the  women  were  prostitutes,  whereas  the  or 
dinary  ratio  of  prostitutes  to  other  women  is  1.66  per  cent. 
Alcoholics  engender  degenerates.  In  three  generations  of  215 
French  alcoholic  families,  Legrand  found  that  60  per  cent,  of 
the  children  were  degenerates.  Bourneville  found  that  62  per 
cent,  of  1000  idiotic,  epileptic,  and  feeble-minded  children  in 
Paris  had  alcoholic  parents. 

Hereditary  transmission  is  certainly  a  cause  also  of  many 
diseases  of  the  nervous  system.  Friedrich's  ataxia  is  heredi 
tary.  It  is  an  incurable  progressive  incoordination  of  the  limbs, 
tongue,  larynx,  and  eyes,  which  attacks  commonly  between  the 
tenth  and  the  twentieth  year,  and  the  patient  dies  from  some 
intercurrent  disease,  usually  an  infection.  Progressive  mus 
cular  dystrophy  is  also  hereditary  and  incurable.  The  legs  and 
trunk  atrophy,  and  death  comes  from  an  intercurrent  disease. 
Kelated  to  this  malady  are  hereditary  progressive  neurotic 
muscular  atrophy,  progressive  spinal  muscular  atrophy  in  in 
fants,  and  progressive  spinal  amyotrophy  in  adults.  Amaurotic 
(amaurosis,  blindness)  family  idiocy  is  hereditary,  and  the 
child  dies  at  about  two  years  of  age.  Huntington's  chorea 
appears  in  every  generation  of  an  affected  family.  Its  symp 
toms  show  between  the  ages  of  thirty  and  forty  years,  and  it 
progresses  from  choreic  and  ataxic  signs  to  dementia  and  death. 
The  death  is  often  by  suicide.  In  eastern  Long  Island,  south 
western  Connecticut,  and  eastern  Massachusetts  962  cases  were 
all  traced  back  to  six  persons,  three  of  whom  were  probably 
brothers,  who  came  to  America  in  the  seventeenth  century.  In 
the  3000  relatives  of  these  choreics  were  39  cases  of  epilepsy, 
51  cases  of  cerebral  inflammation,  41  cases  of  hydrocephaly,  73 
feeble-minded  children,  and  other  evidences  of  neuroses.  The 
heredity  in  this  disease  is  apparently  Mendelian.  Besides 
the  diseases  enumerated  here,  there  are  several  pathologic  con 
ditions  of  the  eyes  which  are  hereditary — presenile  cataract, 
stationary  night  blindness,  and  retinitis  pigmentosa.  If  the 
persons  who  have  these  diseases  are  sexually  sterile,  evidently 
the  heredity  so  far  as  they  are  concerned  will  be  cut  across; 
hence  the  advocates  of  legal  sterilization  wish  to  have  these 
patients  sterilized  to  protect  society. 


The  surgical  operation  by  which  the  man  is  sterilized  ac 
cording  to  the  State  laws  mentioned  above  is  an  interruption  of 
the  continuity  of  the  vasa  deferentia  near  the  testicles.  This 
interruption  may  be  a  severing  of  each  vas,  a  cutting  out  of  a 
part  of  each  vas,  or  a  ligation  of  the  vasa.  The  term  vasectomy 
is  now  used  loosely  to  cover  all  these  methods.  The  vas  defer- 
ens,  or  seminal  duct,  passes  from  the  testicle  up  along  the 
groin  on  each  side,  in  through  the  belly-wall  by  the  inguinal 
canal,  down  along  the  pelvis  and  under  the  bladder,  where  it 
opens  into  the  bottom  of  the  urethra  a  short  distance  in  front 
of  the  bladder  exit.  Each  vas  is  about  two  feet  in  length,  and 
it  has  a  diameter  of  one-tenth  of  an  inch  throughout  the  greater 
part  of  its  length,  but  its  lumen  is  extremely  narrow. 

There  are  two  essential  parts  in  the  semen,  the  spermatozoa 
and  the  carrying  liquid.  The  spermatozoa,  which  fructify  the 
ovum,  are  formed  in  the  testicle ;  the  liquid,  which  is  the  essen 
tial  vehicle  of  the  spermatozoa,  and  without  which  the  sper 
matozoa  are  inert  and  sterile,  is  secreted,  except  a  few  drops 
from  the  testicles,  at  the  distal  end  of  the  vasa  deferentia  under 
the  base  of  the  bladder,  in  the  seminal  vesicles,  the  prostate 
gland,  and  Cowper's  and  Littre's  glands.  The  semen  is  made 
up  of  90  per  cent,  water  and  10  per  cent,  solids,  and  in  these 
solids  is  the  nitrogenous  base  called  spermin,  which  is  produced 
by  the  interstitial  cells  of  the  testicles  and  the  prostate  gland. 
Ovarin,  secreted  from  the  ovaries,  corresponds  in  the  woman 
to  spermin  in  the  man.  The  ductless  glands,  and  some  that 
have  ducts,  produce  secretions  which  sustain  the  tone  of  the 
blood-vessels  and  neutralize  the  toxins  from  waste  substances 
while  these  are  in  the  body  before  excretion.  An  excess  of 
spermin  or  ovarin  causes  congestion  of  the  cerebrum  and  cere 
bellum  and  the  nerve  centres  there,  with  consequent  sexual 
erethism.  When  there  is  a  pathologic  sexual  erethism  from  an 
excess  of  spermin  or  ovarin,  vasectomy,  castration,  spaying,  or 
the  menopause  cuts  off  this  excess  and  the  erethism  disappears. 
Sometimes  the  waste  product  toxins  excite  the  patient  when  the 
spermin  or  ovarin  has  been  eliminated,  just  as  the  excess  of 
spermin  or  ovarin  excites,  and  the  neurotic  disturbance  or 


sexual  erethism  continues  until  compensation  by  other  glands 
neutralizes  the  irritating  substance. 

The  testicles  in  man  are  by  no  means  the  sole  organ  of 
generation.  There  are  at  least  seventeen  distinct  organs  in  the 
male  generative  system.  The  seminal  vesicles  with  the  pros 
tate  gland  are  as  necessary  in  generation  as  the  testicles,  as 
their  removal  sterilizes  the  spermatozoa  and  prevents  the  for 
mation  of  the  liquid  vehicle.  Castration  effects  an  atrophy 
of  several  parts  of  the  generative  tract,  and  an  irremediable 
degeneration ;  vasectomy  cuts  off  the  spermatozoa  but  causes  no 
atrophy  or  degeneration,  and  the  condition  is  remediable.  Dr. 
Edward  Martin  of  Philadelphia  found  active  living  spermato 
zoa  in  a  testicle  that  had  been  ligated  off  for  twenty  years. 

Running  along  the  vasa  deferentia,  within  the  sheath  of 
the  two  spermatic  cords,  are  the  spermatic  arteries,  the  pam- 
piniform  plexus  of  veins,  and  the  deferential  arteries.  These 
vessels,  with  the  vas  deferens  and  the  sheath  enveloping  the 
bundle,  make  up  the  spermatic  cord.  In  vasectomy,  under  local 
anesthesia,  a  slit  is  made  through  the  skin  of  the  scrotum  be 
hind,  the  sheath  of  the  spermatic  cord  is  opened,  and  the  vas 
is  isolated  and  tied  or  cut.  The  skin  wound  is  left  to  heal. 
This  operation  is  repeated  on  the  second  vas.  If  the  blood 
vessels  in  the  cord  are  ligated  or  cut  with  the  vas,  the  testicle 
will  atrophy;  if  the  vas  alone  is  operated  upon,  the  testicle 
is  not  injured.  The  person  upon  whom  vasectomy  has  been 
done  is  conscious  of  no  change.  The  semen  is  discharged 
as  before  the  operation,  but  in  a  slightly  less  quantity,  and  it 
is,  of  course,  sterile  from  the  lack  of  spermatozoa. 

Dr.  Carrington  of  Virginia  reported,  in  1910,3  twelve  cases 
of  vasectomy  on  convicts.  He  said  ten  of  this  dozen  had  been 
confirmed  masturbators,  and  all  were  cured  by  vasectomy.  One 
masturbating  epileptic  was  cured  of  both  conditions.  Two  dan 
gerous  homicides  were  rendered  harmless  and  peaceable.  One 
of  these  two  homicides  was  a  negro  under  a  long  sentence  for 
murder.  He  grew  insane  in  prison,  and  while  insane  killed 
a  second  person.  A  confirmed  masturbator  and  sodomist,  and 
a  dangerous  savage,  he  became  lucid  and  relapsed  into  insanity 

*  Virginia  Medical  Semi-monthly,  vols.  xiv,  xv. 

several  times.  A  year  after  vasectomy  he  was  "a  sleek,  fat, 
docile,  intelligent  fellow,  a  trusty  about  the  yard." 

Dr.  Sharp  of  Indianapolis,  after  ten  years'  experience  with 
the  operation,  during  which  time  he  did  456  vasectomies,  says:4 
"There  is  no  atrophy  of  the  testicle,  no  cystic  degeneration,  no 
disturbed  mental  or  nervous  condition  following."  He  says, 
further,  that  176  men  in  the  Indiana  Reformatory  asked  him 
to  perform  the  operation  on  them.  Vasectomy  tends  to  check 
masturbation,  and  the  minds  of  the  masturbators  frequently 
improve  after  the  operation. 

If  a  man  has  been  sterilized  by  vasectomy,  restoration  of 
function  and  removal  of  the  sterility  seems  practically  always 
possible.  If  a  ligature  has  been  used,  releasing  the  ligature 
restores  function.  Dr.  William  T.  Belfield  of  Chicago  5  re 
stored  function  fully  by  removing  the  ligature  eight  weeks 
after  it  had  been  applied.  In  a  letter  to  me,  Dr.  Belfield  said : 
"My  observation  accords  with  the  general  experimental  and 
clinical  experience  that  the  restoration  of  the  lumen  after 
vasectomy  or  ligation,  or  both,  is  more  certain  than  the  lasting 
occlusion  of  the  vasa  by  these  measures.  The  perseverance  of 
natural  forces  in  restoring  the  lumen  of  the  vas — and  the  suc 
cess  achieved  over  such  obstacles  as  silk  ligatures — is  surpris 
ing  until  one  reflects  upon  the  natural  factors  favoring  such 
restoration.  In  one  case  I  tied  a  waxed  (to  avoid  cutting 
through)  silk  ligature  tightly  around  the  sheath  of  each  vas; 
a  specimen  examined  a  month  later  was  devoid  of  sperms;  one 
six  months  later  contained  plenty  of  them.  I  cut  down  upon 
the  ligatures,  found  them  in  place  and  neatly  encysted,  and  re 
moved  them.  Evidently  the  pressure  from  behind  had  squeezed 
a  passage  on  at  least  one  side.  The  gynecologists  have  learned 
that  ligatures  around  the  Fallopian  tubes  are  apt  to  cut  through, 
whereupon  the  tubal  lumen  is  restored,  though  pressure  must 
be  less  than  in  the  vas.  Even  when  a  piece  of  the  vas  has 
been  excised  cases  of  spontaneous  restoration  have  been  ob 
served  in  men  and  dogs."  8 

4  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  December  4,  1909. 
*Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  October  19,  1912. 
*  Belfield,  loc.  cit. 


When  the  ends  of  a  cut  vas  are  released  from  cicatricial 
tissue,  these  ends  may  be  sutured  together ;  but  as  the  lumen  of 
the  vas  is  extremely  small,  there  is  sometimes  obliteration  by 
occlusion  at  the  juncture.  Christian  and  Sanderson 7  de 
scribed  a  method  of  preventing  this  obliteration.  A  piece  of 
No.  O  twenty-day  catgut  is  inserted  three-eighths  of  an  inch 
into  each  end  of  the  vas,  and  these  ends  are  brought  together 
by  two  catgut  sutures,  leaving  the  inserted  catgut  in  the  canal. 
The  ends  heal  together  and  the  catgut  in  the  canal  is  absorbed. 
This  method  has  been  used  successfully  to  join  the  cut  end  of 
a  Fallopian  tube. 

Gemelli  8  did  vasectomy  on  eleven  dogs  and  seven  cats ; 
about  six  months  later  he  reunited  the  cut  ends,  and  on  dis 
section  found  restoration  perfect,  anatomically  and  function 
ally,  in  the  eighteen  animals.  The  vas  deferens  in  these  ani 
mals  is  smaller  than  in  man;  and  therefore  offers  greater  dif 
ficulty  in  the  suturing.  He  used  no  inserted  catgut,  but  told 
me  he  employed  the  method  Carrel  applies  in  joining  cut  ar 
teries.  In  one  case,  where  the  dissection  was  broad,  he  suc 
cessfully  inserted  a  piece  of  a  vas  taken  from  another  animal. 
Whether  there  is  occlusion  or  not  after  end-to-end  suturing  de 
pends  largely  on  the  skill  of  the  surgeon. 

Dr.  Edward  Martin  of  the  Pennsylvania  University  9  and 
Delbet 10  have  removed  sterility  by  effecting  a  patulous  anas 
tomosis  between  the  vas  and  the  epididymis,  and  this  method  is 
applicable  after  vasectomy  by  cutting,  but  it  is  not  successful, 
as  a  rule.  It  has  been  done  effectively  where  the  vas  had  no 
stricture.  McKenna,11  in  five  attempts  on  men,  succeeded  once. 
Fiirbringer  12  said  that  in  his  experience  with  a  thousand  cases 
of  double  epididymis,  the  condition  is  incurable  in  80  per  cent, 
of  the  gonorrheal  infections. 

'  Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  December  13,  1913. 
8  La  Scuola  Cattolica,  November,  1911. 

*  University  of  Pennsylvania  Medical  Bulletin,  1902,  p.  388;  1903, 
xv,  2;  Therapeutic  Gazette,  December  15,  1909. 

10  Revue  de  Therapeutique  Medico-chirurgicale,  January  15,  1912. 

11  Journal  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  January  20,  1915. 
13  Deutsche  med.  Wochenschrift,  xxxix,  29. 


Apart  from  the  so-called  vasectomy  law,  gynecologists  quite 
frequently  sterilize  women  who  have  chronic  heart  disease, 
tuberculosis,  nephritis,  diabetes,  or  hereditary  mental  taints. 
Some  men,  like  Spinelli,  Cramer,  Polak,  and  others,  would 
sterilize  also  in  chronic  anemia,  persistent  albuminuria, 
epilepsy,  syphilis,  contracted  pelvis,  diseases  of  metabolism, 
infections,  and  cirrhosis  of  the  liver.  There  are  several  meth 
ods  of  sterilizing  women — removal  of  the  ovaries,  ligation  of 
the  Fallopian  tubes,  resection  of  portions  of  the  tubes,  resection 
of  the  whole  tube  on  each  side,  cutting  the  tubes  and  burying 
the  cut  end  in  the  tissues  by  various  methods,  and  destruction 
of  the  lining  of  the  uterus  by  vaporization  or  the  thermocautery. 
De  Tarnowsky  1S  describes  the  various  methods.  Some  liga- 
tions  and  short  resections  have  failed  to  sterilize.  When  the 
ovaries  or  uterus  are  removed,  or  the  major  part  of  the  tubes 
are  resected,  or  the  lining  of  the  uterus  has  been  destroyed,  the 
sterilization  is  permanent.  Almost  certainly  function  could  be 
restored  where  the  resection  of  the  tubes  is  not  too  destructive. 
Apart  from  the  matter  of  mutilation,  the  effects  of  double 
oophorectomy  are  very  grave,14  and  removal  of  the  uterus  or 
the  ovaries  merely  for  sterilization  is  not  only  immoral,  but  al 
together  unjustifiable  scientifically. 

A  phase  of  this  subject  which  is  important  and  has  occa 
sioned  much  discussion  is  whether  vasectomy  causes  sexual 
impotence  or  not.  From  a  medical  point  of  view,  there  is  no 
question  of  impotence;  physicians  would  say  it  causes  sterility 
only.  Most  canonists,  however,  hold  that  the  condition  after 
vasectomy  is  technically  impotence  in  the  canonical  sense.  Fer- 
reres  of  Tortosa,  a  leading  Spanish  canonist,  in  several  articles 
in  the  Ecclesiastical  Review,  in  Razon  y  Fe  (xxviii,  376;  xxxi, 
496),  and  in  his  book  De  Vasectomia  Duplici  (Madrid,  1913), 
opposed  my  opinion  published  in  1912  and  1913,  which  then 
was  that  vasectomy  does  not  cause  canonical  impotence.  De 
Smet  of  Bruges 15  holds  that  it  causes  impotence.  So  do 

"Jour.  Amer.  Med.  Assoc.,  April  19,  1913. 

14  See  the  chapter  on  Gonorrhea. 

18  Ecclesiastical  Review,  September,  1912. 


Ojetti,18  Rene  Michaud,17  Wouters,18  Eschbach,19  Capello,20 
Stucchi,21  De  Becker,  Vermeersch,  De  Villers,  and  Salsmans  of 
the  University  of  Louvain,  and  others.  Gemelli  of  Milan  22 
agreed  with  me.  The  weight  of  authority  is  certainly  in  favor 
of  the  notion  of  impotence,  but  the  arguments  are  by  no  means 
convincing,  as  virtually  every  canonist  who  has  discussed  the 
question  has  made  gross  misstatements  of  the  physical  facts  in 
the  case. 

If  a  man  or  woman  is  impotent,  the  disability  is  an  impedi- 
mentum  juris  naiuralis,  and  as  such  it  would  nullify  any  mar 
riage,  no  matter  what  the  dispensation.  There  are  two  opin 
ions  among  moralists  as  to  the  essence  of  canonical  impotence. 

I.  Some  hold  that  any  permanent  obstruction  to  fecunda 
tion,  no  matter  in  what  stage  of  the  physiological  process  or  in 
what  part  of  the  genital  tract  it  occurs,  constitutes  impotence. 
They  maintain  that  a  woman  whose  ovaries  or  uterus  have  been 
removed  is  impotent.  Roman  Congregations  have  promulgated 
several  decrees  in  peculiar  cases  permitting  the  marriage  of 
spayed  women;  but,  these  moralists  say,  it  is  not  clear  that  in 
those  special  cases  the  entire  ovary  on  each  side  of  the  whole 
uterus  was  taken  out;  they  hold  there  is  doubt  as  to  the  fact. 
And,  since  there  is  disagreement  of  moralists,  the  Holy  Office  or 
other  congregations  would  give  the  same  decision  because  of  the 
dubium  juris. 

April  2,  1909,  the  Congregation  on  the  Discipline  of  the 
Sacraments  decreed  that  the  marriage  of  a  Spanish  woman, 
from  whom,  according  to  the  physician  in  charge  of  the  case, 
the  uterus  and  both  ovaries  had  certainly  been  removed,  should 
not  be  prevented. 

February  3,  1887,  the  Holy  Office  made  the  same  decree  in 
the  case  of  a  woman  from  whom  the  uterus  and  both  ovaries  had 
been  removed. 

19  Synopsis  Rerum  Moralium  et  Juris  Pontificii,  31st  ed.,  n.  2425. 
"  Nouvelle  Revue  Theologique. 

w  Nederlandische  Katholische  Stemmen,  January  15,  1911. 
"  Analecta  Ecclesiastica,  September,  1911,  and  La  Scuola  Catto- 
lica,  February,  1912. 

"La  Scuola  Cattolica,  February,  1912. 
*Ilid.,  November,  1911. 
"  Ibid.,  November,  1911. 


July  23,  1890,  the  Holy  Office  made  the  like  decree  under 
the  same  conditions. 

July  31,  1895,  the  Holy  Office  permitted  the  marriage  of 
a  woman  from  whom  both  ovaries  had  been  removed. 

Another  case,  in  1902,  in  which  the  physician  was  not  cer 
tain  that  the  whole  ovary  on  each  side  had  been  removed,  was 
decided  in  the  same  manner. 

There  have  been,  then,  four  decisions  so  far  permitting  the 
marriage  of  women  who  lacked  both  ovaries,  and  three  of  these 
women  lacked  the  uterus  also.  The  Congregation  of  the 
Council  has  made  four  decisions  in  recent  time  forbidding  the 
marriage  of  women  because  of  impotence;  March  21,  1863, 
a  case  in  which  there  was  neither  vagina  nor  uterus;  January 
24,  1871,  a  case  in  which  the  vagina  was  only  two  inches  in 
depth;  September  7,  1895,  a  case  in  which  the  vagina  was  ob 
literated  in  greater  part;  December  16,  1899,  a  case  in  which 
the  vagina  was  only  five  centimetres  in  depth. 

That  a  woman  who  certainly  lacks  both  ovaries  is  canonic- 
ally  impotent  is  the  opinion  of  Antonelli,23  Lehmkuhl,24  Eos- 
set,25  Alberti,26  Bucceroni,27  and  others.  These  men  meet  the 
decisions  of  the  congregations  concerning  the  spayed  women  by 
saying  it  is  not  certain  the  whole  ovarian  tissue  or  the  entire 
uterus  was  removed,  although  as  a  matter  of  fact  the  physician 
in  one  case  testified  explicitly  that  both  ovaries  and  the  whole 
uterus  were  undoubtedly  removed.  That  a  woman  lacking 
both  ovaries  is  not  impotent  is  the  opinion  of  Gasparri,  D'An- 
nibale,  Genicot,  Berardi,  Aertnys,  Tanquerey,  Ojetti,  De  Smet, 
and  others.28 

II.  The  second  opinion  on  impotence  is  that  this  condi 
tion  is  caused  exclusively  by  those  permanent  disabilities  which 
exist  in  the  copula  itself.  If  the  sexual  act  contains  in  itself 
all  that  is  essential  to  generation,  if  the  copula  is  de  se  apta  ad 

**  Medicina  Pastoralis,  vol.  ii,  n.  43. 
**  Theologia  Moralis,  8th  ed.,  ii,  n.  744. 
15  De  Matrimonio. 
"  Theologia  Pastoralis,  p.  iv,  n.  88. 
"  Theologia  Moralis,  ii,  n.  994. 

K  See  Ferreres,  De  Vasectomia  Duplici  necnon  de  Matrimonio  Mu- 
lieris  Excisae,  p.  110.  Madrid,  1913. 


generationem,  prescinding  from  all  antecedent  and  subsequent, 
temporary  or  permanent,  obstructions  to  generation,  there  is 
no  impotence.  In  this  opinion  the  woman  without  ovaries  is 
not  impotent,  but  the  vasectomized  man  is ;  in  the  first  opinion 
both  the  mulier  excisa  and  the  vasectomized  man  are  impotent. 
The  second  group  says  the  vasectomized  man  is  incapable  of 
performing  an  act  de  se  apta  ad  generationem  because  his  semen 
lacks  the  essential  spermatozoa.  If  one  objects  that  the  spayed 
woman,  who  is  not  impotent  according  to  some  moralists  that 
so  interpret  the  decisions  of  the  congregations,  lacks  the  essen 
tial  ovum,  so  that  she  cannot  perform  an  act  de  se  apta  ad 
generationem  because  she  has  nothing  to  generate  with,  they 
answer  that  her  copula  is  per  se  apta,  that  there  happens  in  it 
everything  which  takes  place  in  a  copula  from  which  gen 
eration  actually  follows.  The  vasectomized  man  cannot  go 
through  the  form  of  the  act  with  all  the  elements  which,  so  far 
as  the  act  is  concerned,  are  required  and  sufficient  for  genera 
tion  because  he  lacks  the  spermatozoa,  but  the  mulier  excisa 
can.  His  inability  is  intrinsic  to  the  act,  it  vitiates  the  very 
substance  of  the  act;  her  inability  to  present  ova  is  not  in 
trinsic  to  the  act,  they  say.  All  that  is  necessary  in  her 
case  is  that  she  be  capable  of  receiving  the  semen. 

Marriage  was  instituted  to  beget  children;  that  is  the 
proper  end  of  the  contract,  its  basic  justification.  Whenever  the 
debitum  is  used  it  must  be  with  the  intention  of  generating 
children.  Even  the  use  of  marriage  as  a  remedy  of  con 
cupiscence  is  so  secondary  an  end  that  it  alone  is  not  enough 
to  legitimize  marriage.  Because  a  woman  does  not  always 
have  ova  present  in  the  tubes, — and  there  is  no  means  of 
knowing  just  when  the  ova  are  present, — it  is  justifiable  to  re 
peat  the  conjugal  act  until  the  woman  is  impregnated;  sec 
ondarily  and  dcpendently,  the  repetition  may  be  a  remedy  of 
concupiscence.  The  sexual  act  does  not  form  either  the  sper 
matozoa  or  the  ova;  these  pre-exist.  The  spermatozoa  are 
always  released  in  a  normal  sexual  act;  the  ova  are  not  always 
present  when  the  spermatozoa  are  released.  A  copula  which 
is  perfectly  de  se  apta  ad  generationem  supposes  not  at  the 
time  the  presence  of  both  sperm  and  ovum,  but  it  does  sup- 

pose  the  possibility  of  the  ovum,  otherwise  generation  is  ut 
terly  impossible;  and  every  copula  becomes  justifiable  solely 
because  there  is  a  hope  that  it  may  be  present.  It  is  a  mere 
quibble  to  say  that  an  act  is  de  se  apta  ad  generationem  if  by 
no  possibility  generation  ever  can  take  place;  nevertheless  the 
congregations  in  four  cases  have  apparently  judged  to  the 
contrary.  In  these  special  decisions,  however,  Rosset,  Antonelli, 
Bucceroni,  and  Palmieri  hold  there  was  a  doubt  in  the  minds 
of  the  members  of  the  congregation  as  to  the  complete  removal 
of  the  ovaries  or  uterus.  Bucceroni  expressly  states  29  that  the 
Cardinal  Secretary  of  the  Holy  Office  told  him  personally  the 
members  of  the  congregation  supposed  in  the  particular  cases 
that  generation  could  follow.  Therefore  these  decisions  do  not 
say  that  the  mulier  excisa  in  general  is  not  impotent  or  potent ; 
they  merely  gave  the  women  of  these  cases  the  benefit  of  the 
doubt.  The  question  is  entirely  open  so  far  as  these  decisions 
are  concerned. 

Those  who  hold  that  vasectomy  causes  canonical  impotence 
say  also  the  constitution  of  Sixtus  V.  forbidding  the  marriage 
of  eunuchs  is  applicable  necessarily  to  the  vasectomized  man, 
because  the  semen  from  the  vasectomized  man,  inasmuch  as  it 
lacks  spermatozoa,  is  not  genuine  semen,  and  Sixtus  V.  said 
eunuchs  cannot  produce  true  semen.  The  relevant  passage  in 
the  constitution  is:  "Cum  frequenter  in  istis  regionibus 
eunuchi  et  spadones,  qui  utroque  teste  carent,  et  ideo  certum 
ac  manifestum  est  eos  verum  semen  emittere  non  posse;  quia 
impura  carnis  tentigine  atque  iminundis  complexibus  cum 
mulieribus  se  comiscent,  et  humorem  forsan  quemdam  similem 
semini,  licet  ad  generationem  et  ad  matrimonii  causam  minime 
aptam,  effundunt,  matrimonium  .  .  .  contrahere  praesumant 
.  .  .  mandamus  ut  conjugia  per  dictos  et  alios  quoscumque 
eunuchos  .  .  .  contrahi  prohibeas." 

Sixtus  V.  says  here:  (1)  that  eunuchs  "who  lack  both  tes 
ticles  certainly  and  evidently  cannot  emit  true  semen" ;  (2)  that 
"although  eunuchs  may  perhaps  produce  a  kind  of  liquid  re 
sembling  semen,  this  is  by  no  means  fit  for  generation  or  mar 
riage";  (3)  therefore  eunuchs  are  forbidden  to  marry.  The 
"  Theologia  Noralis,  5th  ed.,  vol.  ii,  p.  391,  n.  994. 


effects  of  castration  in  the  eunuch  are:  (a)  that  all  spermato 
zoa  are  absent;  (&)  that,  as  a  consequence  of  the  absence  of  the 
testicles,  the  power  of  penetration  is  lost;  (c)  that,  as  another 
consequence,  the  liquor  setmnis,  which  normally  is  formed  in 
the  seminal  vesicles,  the  prostate  and  other  glands,  is  no  longer 
secreted.  The  eunuch,  then,  is  completely  impotent,  in  the  full 
sense  of  the  term.  Ferreres  is  of  the  opinion,  erroneously,  that 
eunuchs,  as  a  rule,  have  the  power  of  penetration  and  of 
emitting  a  humor  semini  similis,  and  that  amputation  of  the 
penis  is  requisite  to  cause  impotence  in  eunuchs.  There  are 
only  five  authentic  cases  of  temporary  apparent  potence  in 
eunuchs  in  modern  medical  records,  and  these  are  explicable  as 
cases  of  erethism  from  waste-product  intoxication. 

The  canonists  who  hold  that  the  vasectomized  man  is  im 
potent  interpret  the  words  of  Sixtus  V.  to  fit  their  opinion, 
although  the  vasectomized  man  has  all  the  sexual  potency  of 
the  normal  man  except  that  his  spermatozoa  are  occluded.  The 
potestas  coeundi  is  not  lost  in  any  degree;  neither  he  nor  the 
woman  is  conscious  of  any  change  whatever.  Only  the  micro 
scope  can  tell  that  the  spermatozoa  are  absent  if  the  fact  that 
ho  has  been  vasectomized  is  not  told.  Moreover,  if  vasectomy 
has  been  done  by  mere  cutting  without  considerable  resection, 
and  especially  if  the  vasa  have  been  shut  by  ligation  alone,  no 
one  can  be  certain  that  the  occlusion  is  either  certain  or  per 
manent.  There  is  always  doubt  that  the  spermatozoa  are  pres 
ent  if  the  microscope  is  not  used,  and  these  canonists  all  dis 
claim  the  use  of  the  microscope  in  such  circumstances.  The 
argument  Ferreres  uses,  to  the  effect  that  the  absence  of  sper 
matozoa  is  seriously  injurious  to  the  woman,  is  a  supposition 
of  his  own  arising  from  an  erroneous  notion  of  potency  in  the 
vasectomized.  This  absence  is  not  injurious  to  her,  but  it  is 
probably  injurious  to  the  vasectomized  man  because  of  the 
partial  ejaculation.  Onanism,  which  is  different,  is  decidedly 
injurious  to  both  the  man  and  the  woman. 

Onanism,  coitus  interruptus,  or  withdrawal  before  ejacula 
tion,  which  takes  place  extra  vas,  is  intended  to  prevent  im 
pregnation.  In  the  normal  sexual  act  the  male  genital  tract 
suddenly  becomes  congested  with  blood  through  nervous  action 


of  centres  in  the  lumbar  cord  and  the  cerebrum.  Cowper's  and 
Littre's  glands  secret  an  alkaline  fluid  which  neutralizes  the 
acid  urine  in  the  urethra  and  thus  prevents  killing  of  the  sper 
matozoa.  Muscular  peristaltic  action  presses  out  the  sperma 
tozoa  and  the  secretions  of  the  seminal  vesicles  and  the  pros 
tate.  When  the  act  is  normal  there  is  a  complete  emptying  of 
the  tract  of  semen  and  of  the  blood  engorgement;  in  coitus 
interruptus  there  is  incomplete  ejaculation  and  only  partial 
deplethorization.  The  seminal  vesicles  remain  distended,  and 
this  distention,  with  the  congestion  of  the  prostate,  causes  con 
tinual  excitation  of  the  sexual  centres  without  relief.  There  is 
irritability  and  exhaustion  of  the  centres,  and  this  state  brings 
on  premature  ejaculation  and  final  impotentia  coeuiidi.  Other 
common  effects  arc  tenesmus  of  the  urinary  bladder,  incon 
tinence  of  urine,  nocturnal  pollutions,  sexual  neurasthenia,  pain 
in  the  legs,  over  the  eyes,  and  in  almost  any  part  of  the  body, 
general  weakness,  headache,  vertigo,  cardiac  palpitation,  neu 
rotic  dyspepsia,  and  a  train  of  psychic  symptoms  which  not  sel 
dom  end  in  suicide. 

In  the  woman  there  is  the  like  blood  engorgement  and  a 
pouring  out  of  the  secretions  of  Bartholin's  and  the  other  glands, 
but  deplethorization  takes  place  later  in  the  woman  than  in  the 
man,  and  for  this  reason  the  woman  suffers  more  from  coitus 
interruptus  than  the  man  does.  In  onanism,  as  in  masturba 
tion,  after  the  diseased  conditions  have  beeen  established  it  is 
extremely  difficult  to  induce  the  patient  to  resist  the  almost 
overwhelming  irritation. 

The  canonists  have  interpreted  the  text  of  Sixtus  V.  to  the 
effect  that  the  eunuch  is  impotent  precisely  and  solely  because 
he  cannot  produce  semen  "elaboratum  in  testibus."  No  man 
produces  semen  elaboratum  in  testibus — more  than  93  per  cent, 
of  the  semen  is  produced  entirely  outside  the  testicle;  nothing 
but  the  spermatozoa  and  two  or  three  drops  of  a  lubricating  fluid 
are  produced  in  the  testicles.  The  eunuch  really  is  impotent 
because  the  removal  of  the  testicles  and  their  nervous  system 
so  breaks  the  genital  circuit,  which  consists  of  at  least  seven 
teen  distinct  parts,  that  erection  is  prevented,  the  formation  of 
spermatozoa  is  impossible,  the  secretion  of  the  essential  vehicle 


of  the  sperm  and  of  the  fluids  which  render  it  fertile  is  cut 
off.  The  eunuch  cannot  penetrate  and  he  cannot  form  any 
semen;  he  is  impotent;  the  vasectomized  man  can  penetrate, 
and  he  forms  a  semen  which  is  sterile. 

I  think  now  the  vasectomized  man  is  really  impotent  for  the 
reason  that  I  think  the  mulier  excim  is  impotent,  but  he  is  not 
impotent  because  of  the  constitution  of  Sixtus  V.,  which  is  not 
relevant  at  all  to  his  case. 

If  the  vasectomized  man  is  impotent,  the  following  cases 
are  also  impotent: 

1.  A  man  whose  germ-cells  have  been  destroyed  by  the 
action  of  the  X-ray. 

2.  A  man  with  double  permanent  occluding  epididymitis. 

3.  A  man  whose  vasa  deferentia  open  into  the  ureters  and 
not  into  the  urethra. 

4.  A  man  whose  vasa  are  shut  by  surgical  operations  for 
stone,  or  cysts  of  the  prostate,  or  seminal  vesicles. 

5.  A  man  whose  seminal  vesicles  are  shut  by  concretions, 
cysts,  or  tumors. 

6.  A  man  with  bilateral  cryptorchidism. 

7.  A  man  with  a  tuberculous  condition  of  the  testicles. 

8.  A  man  with  absolute  neurotic  aspermia. 

9.  A  man  with  congenital  lack  of  development  of  the  tes 
ticles  or  vasa. 

Sterility  in  the  male  would  exist  only  in  advanced  diabetes, 
general  tuberculosis,  senility,  or  in  cases  of  absent  or  diseased 
prostate  gland  or  seminal  vesicles. 

Here  it  is  worth  noting  that  since  the  copula  must  be  nat 
ural,  fit  for  generation  in  the  natural  manner,  artificial  im 
pregnation  by  the  use  of  instruments  is  immoral,  and  forbid 
den  by  a  decree  of  the  Holy  Office,  promulgated  March  24, 
1897.  Artificial  impregnation  does  not  effect  a  copula  which 
is  by  its  nature  proper  to  generation,  but  is  an  act  contrary 
to  nature,  one  from  which  generation  does  not  follow  in  a 
natural  manner,  secundum  communem  speciem  actus.  It  sup 
poses  deliberate  pollution  and  semination  outside  the  vagina, 
both  of  which  actions  are  intrinsically  evil. 

In  discussing  tho  morality  of  vasectomy  the  following  points 
must  be  considered: 

1.  In  what  degree  of  mutilation  is  vasectomy  ? 

2.  Vasectomy  may  be  done  either  at  the  request  or  by 
the  permission  of  the  vasectomized  person;  or  by  order  of  the 

(a)  If  done  by  the  request  or  permission  of  the  vasectom 
ized  person,  it  may  be  either  (1)  as  a  means  to  use 
the  debitum  without  the  inconvenience  of  having  chil 
dren;  or  (2)  as  a  therapeutic  measure  to  cure  some 

(&)  If  done  by  order  of  the  State,  it  may  be  (1)  a  pun 
ishment;  or  (2)  a  prophylactic  measure  to  avert 
physical  or  moral  evil  in  society. 

If  vasectomy  causes  canonical  impotence,  that  fact  adds  a 
special  moral  quality.  The  weight  of  authority  is  on  the  side 
that  it  does  cause  canonical  impotence,  as  has  already  been 

A  slight  mutilation,  in  the  sense  of  the  term  as  commonly 
used,  can  be  any  permanent  effect  of  a  wound,  bruise,  or  sim 
ilar  cause,  from  a  mere  scar  to  an  amputation  or  other  injury 
whereby  any  member  of  the  body  is  rendered  unfit  for  normal 
action.  That  the  causal  wound  or  injury  is  trivial  in  itself, 
apart  from  its  effect,  as  in  vasectomy,  has  little  or  no  direct 
bearing  on  the  morality  of  the  mutilation.  It  is  possible  to 
have  a  very  gross  mutilation  without  extensive  wounding.  We 
can  blind  a  man  permanently  by  putting  the  point  of  a  fine 
cambric  needle  one-twentieth  of  an  inch  within  the  pupil. 

Vasectomy  is  a  grave  mutilation  because  (1)  it  removes 
from  the  man  the  power  of  generation;  (2)  it  inhibits  the 
function  of  the  testicle,  which  is  an  important  organ  of  the 
body.  Although  they  are  not  the  entire  organ  of  generation, 
the  testicles  are  together  a  complete  organ  in  themselves,  the 
function  of  which  is  to  produce  the  spermatozoa  essential  to 
the  procreation  of  the  human  species.  If  by  a  wound  one 
inhibits  the  function  of  the  testicles,  he  gravely  mutilates  the 
human  body,  for  a  grave  mutilation  is  nothing  but  an  inhibi- 


tion  of  the  function  of  a  distinct  organ  through  a  wound. 

A  mutilation  of  this  kind,  since  it  frustrates  the  production 
and  action  of  the  human  generative  semen  and  prevents  gen 
eration,  is  what  is  technically  called  a  mortal  sin  against  na 
ture,  unless  there  is  sufficient  cause  to  necessitate  the  frustra 
tion,  such  as  to  save  life,  to  restore  as  a  sole  means  the  health 
of  the  whole  body,  to  protect  society,  or  a  similar  reason.  What 
is  said  here  of  vasectomy  is  true  for  fallectomy  or  other  methods 
of  sterilizing  the  woman.  Fallectomy,  however,  is  in  itself  a 
dangerous  operation,  and  oophorectomy  is  never  justifiable  as 
a  mere  method  of  sterilization  because  of  its  very  injurious 
effects  on  the  whole  body  and  mind  of  the  woman. 

Among  the  decretals  of  Gregory  in  Corpus  Juris  (lib.  v,  tit. 
xii,  c.  5)  is  the  following  canon:  "If  any  one,  for  the  sake  of 
indulging  lust,  or  through  revenge,  does  anything  to  a  man  or 
woman,  or  gives  them  anything  to  drink,  whereby  they  cannot 
generate,  or  conceive,  or  bear  children,  he  is  to  be  treated  as  a 
homicide."  Any  one  who  sterilizes  a  man  by  vasectomy  or  a 
woman  by  fallectomy  or  oophorectomy,  for  an  improper  mo 
tive,  ipso  facto  falls  under  this  decree,  and  is  before  the  canon 
law  classed  in  the  same  category  as  a  murderer;  that  is,  the 
agent  is  deemed  guilty  of  a  grave  crime  against  nature. 

If  a  man  has  vasectomy  done  upon  himself,  his  intention 
may  be  (1)  to  use  the  debitum  without  the  inconvenience  of 
having  children;  or  (2)  to  avert  from  a  wife  with  a  narrow 
pelvis  the  dangers  of  the  cesarean  section  or  other  obstetrical 
operation  to  herself  and  the  child ;  or  (3)  to  avoid  the  transmis 
sion  to  possible  offspring  of  a  hereditary  disease  like  Hunting- 
ton's  chorea  or  one  of  the  others  mentioned  at  the  beginning  of 
this  chapter ;  or  (4)  to  cure  himself  of  some  malady. 

1.  If  vasectomy  is  done  merely  to  be  able  to  use  the  de 
bitum  without  the  inconvenience  of  having  children,  it  is  evi 
dently  illicit.     It  is  in  that  condition  the  same  as  onanism;  it 
is  contrary  to  the  basic  justification  of  marriage;  it  is  a  frus 
tration  of  nature ;  and  so  on. 

2.  If  it  is  done  to  safeguard  a  wife  with  a  narrow  pelvis 
it  is  a  means,  evil  in  itself,  used  directly  to  effect  a  good  end ; 
and  a  good  end,  or  any  end  or  effect,  never  justifies  a  direct 

evil  means  or  cause.  There  is  in  reality  no  such  thing  as  a 
good  effect  from  an  evil  means  or  cause;  the  evil  means  or 
cause  essentially  and  substantially  vitiates  the  effect.  There  is 
no  question  here  of  a  double  effect,  one  good  and  one  evil, 
wherein  the  good  effect  is  intended  and  the  evil  permitted,  both 
coming  with  equal  directness  from  the  single  causal  act.  On  tho 
contrary,  from  the  vasectomy  here  there  is  the  single  direct 
effect  that  the  man  is  sterilized,  and  then  directly  from  this 
sterility  comes  the  desired  effect,  the  protection  of  the  wife. 
For  exactly  the  same  reason,  vasectomy  done  to  prevent  the 
transmission  of  a  hereditary  disease  is  illicit;  it  is  an  evil 
means  used  directly  to  effect  an  end  intended.  In  artificial 
abortion  when  the  fetus  is  inviable  the  act  done  is  to  empty  the 
uterus,  and  this  act  itself  kills  the  fetus,  which  is  not  an  unjust 
aggressor,  and  is  murder.  This  murder  may  save  the  mother's 
life,  but  the  end  does  not  justify  the  means.  The  vasectomy  to 
protect  the  mother's  life  or  to  avert  an  evil  heredity  is  a  parallel 

The  fourth  case  supposes  that  the  vasectomy  was  done  to 
cure  the  man  of  some  malady.  If  there  were  a  malady  that 
endangered  the  patient's  life,  or  destroyed  the  health  of  the 
body  and  it  could  be  cured  by  vasectomy,  the  operation  would 
of  course  be  licit  for  the  reasons  given  in  the  chapter  on  Gen 
eral  Principles  concerning  Mutilation.  Dr.  Carrington  tells 
us  31  that  he  did  vasectomy  on  an  epileptic  convict  and  cured 
him.  Such  a  cure  is  doubtful  as  to  permanence.  He  describes 
two  dangerous  insane  negro  homicides  who  were  rendered  harm 
less  by  vasectomy.  In  cases  like  those  of  the  homicides  any  one 
responsible  for  them  would  probably  be  justified  in  having  the 
operation  done,  although  these  two  cases  are  the  only  direct 
ones  on  record.  Epileptics  sometimes  show  a  homicidal  tend 
ency,  but  it  is  doubtful  that  vasectomy  would  help  them.  The 
operation  of  vasectomy  as  a  cure  for  bodily  ill  has  a  very  limited 
field.  There  are  very  many  conditions  in  women  where  it  is 
necessary  to  remove  the  ovaries  or  the  tubes  to  save  life,  or  to 

10  See  the  chapter  on  General  Principles  concerning  Mutilation 
for  an  explanation  of  the  act  with  a  double  effect. 
31  Virginia  Medical  Semi-monthly,  vols.  xiv,  xv. 


cure  chronic  invalidism  of  an  unbearable  nature.  These  con 
ditions  are  discussed  in  the  chapter  on  Gonorrhea.  There  is 
no  objection  to  the  removal  of  a  tube  or  an  ovary  when  such 
removal  is  absolutely  necessary,  but  the  necessity  must  be 
clearly  evident.  There  is  a  tendency  in  some  surgeons  to 
mutilate  women  in  this  manner  without  sufficient  reason  or  to 
follow  out  a  therapeutic  theory. 

Men,  like  Sharp,  who  have  done  hundreds  of  vasectomies, 
say  the  operation  commonly  removes  the  inclination  to  mas 
turbation.  Masturbation  is,  as  a  rule,  a  moral  condition,  but 
it  can,  like  alcoholism,  come  to  have  a  large  physical  element. 
Idiots  almost  unexceptionally  have  this  vice,  and  in  them  there 
is  no  morality  possible.  If  by  vasectomy  they  can  be  cured  of 
this  vice,  which  injures  their  health  and  is  a  social  indecency 
and  a  source  of  sin  in  observers,  the  operation  would  be  licit  in 
their  case.  When  the  patient  is  morally  responsible  vasectomy 
would  not  be  licit,  as  there  is  no  adequation  between  a  physical 
evil  like  sterilization  and  a  moral  vice.  There  are  cases  of 
pathological  sexual  erethism  which  are  so  violent  that  the  pa 
tients  must  be  put  into  strait-jackets  to  prevent  constant  mas 
turbation.  The  semen  of  such  patients  is  usually  devoid  of  sper 
matozoa.  If  the  patient  is  confined  in  a  strait-jacket  he  will 
die,  and  vasectomy,  according  to  Sharp,  will  quiet  such  a  man. 
Vasectomy  would  be  permissible  in  these  circumstances. 

The  question  has  arisen  in  the  case  of  a  sane  masturbator 
who  is  neurotic,  weak-willed,  and  a  confirmed  addict  to  his 
vice,  whether  or  not  his  vasa  might  be  tied  off  by  ligatures, 
temporarily,  with  the  intention  of  removing  the  ligature  later 
and  restoring  function.  I  think  not.  Even  temporary  sterili 
zation  is  sterilization,  a  grave  mutilation,  while  it  lasts,  and 
the  condition  is  really  moral  fundamentally,  and  therefore  not 
a  fitting  object  for  physical  remedies. 

When  vasectomy  is  done  by  the  State,  it  is  done  either  as  a 
penal  or  as  a  prophylactic  measure.  As  a  general  statement  we 
can  say  the  State  in  certain  conditions  has  the  right  to  kill  or 
mutilate  a  criminal  in  defence  of  the  social  order;  but  even 
then  any  punishment,  to  be  justifiable,  must  be  effective  and 
necessary,  and  it  has  to  be  either  reformative,  exemplary,  or 


reparative  'in  regard  to  the  crime  for  which  it  is  inflicted. 
Capital  punishment  and  mutilation  are  effective  usually,  and 
are  necessary  for  the  preservation  of  society.  The  natural  law 
permits  the  State  to  preserve  itself  against  the  unjust  encroach 
ments  of  individuals  by  curtailing  their  rights  in  so  far  as 
that  curtailment  is  effective  and  necessary:  since  the  natural 
law  requires  the  existence  of  civil  society,  it  must  allow  what 
is  necessary  for  the  preservation  of  that  society.  There  is  no 
question  here  of  a  good  end  justifying  evil  means;  the  means 
which  otherwise  would  be  evil  in  these  conditions  become  good. 
Homicide  and  mutilation  are  not  mere  killing  or  mere  maiming, 
but  unjust  killing  or  unjust  maiming.  Killing  or  maiming  is 
not  intrinsically  wrong  under  all  circumstances,  as  lying, 
blasphemy,  and  some  other  crimes  are;  nevertheless,  as  a  pun 
ishment  by  maiming,  vasectomy  is  ordinarily  wrong,  and  there 
fore  a  law  making  it  an  ordinary  mode  of  punishment  for  cer 
tain  whole  classes  of  criminals,  or  all  criminals,  is  unjust. 

It  is  wrong  because  as  a  punishment  it  is  neither  effective 
nor  necessary  nor  reformatory  nor  exemplary  nor  reparative — 
it  lacks  every  quality  of  a  justifiable  punishment.  In  Dr. 
Sharp's  list  of  vasectomies  done  in  Indiana  prisons,  176  opera 
tions  were  done  on  men  who  voluntarily  asked  for  vasectomy. 
There  is  no  pain,  no  inconvenience  caused  by  the  operation,  no 
sexual  change  perceptible,  but  a  fitting  of  the  criminal  to  in 
dulge  his  lust  without  the  various  inconveniences  of  impreg 
nation.  Instead  of  being  reformatory,  it  is  conducive  to  crime. 
I  find  only  one  man  who  objected  to  vasectomy.32  In  this  man 
vasectomy  was  added  to  life  imprisonment  as  a  punishment  for 

The  legislators  in  the  States  which  have  passed  the  vasec 
tomy  law  all  seem  to  have  been  influenced  by  the  pseudoscien- 
tific  notion  that  criminality  is  a  hereditary  condition,  a  physical 
disease,  and  not  a  matter  of  volition.  This  Lombrosan  absurd 
ity  is  now  held  by  no  physical  scientist,  and  from  an  ethical 
point  of  view  it  is  nonsense.  Moreover,  if  the  State  vasectom- 
ized  all  the  criminals  in  the  jails,  this  method  would  not  ap 
preciably  affect  the  supply  of  criminals,  nor  reach  an  appre- 

85  State  of  Washington  vs.  Feilen,  126  Pac.  R.  75. 


ciable  minority  of  the  criminal  class,  as  the  most  dangerous 
criminals  are  not  in  jails. 

The  operation  is  not  a  punishment  to  the  men  upon  whom 
it  is  done,  but  it  is  an  unnecessary  deprivation  of  an  essential 
right  of  these  men,  an  excessive,  ill-ordered  attack  on  a  primary 
right  of  man,  and  an  act  of  violence  against  human  nature 
and  its  Author  without  adequate  reason.  The  law  is  against 
the  natural  order  because  it  directly  deprives  a  man,  and  that 
against  his  will,  of  functions  which  are  at  times  a  moral  neces 
sity  to  him,  and  puts  him  into  the  occasion  of  sin.  Vasectomy 
does  not  remove  his  venereal  desires,  but  gives  opportunity  to 
lust;  it  turns  the  conjugal  relation  into  mere  onanism  and  de 
grades  marriage  into  a  crime.  Other  conditions,  like  military 
service,  in  which  necessity  obliges  the  State  to  place  its  citi 
zens  and  thus  prevent  the  conjugal  relation,  cause  an  indirect 
temporary  prevention,  reluctantly  permitted,  not  directly  in 
tended.  Vasectomy  is  an  evil  directly  intended. 

It  is  to  the  interest  of  the  State  to  prevent  the  transmission 
of  hereditary  disease,  and  in  doing  so  it  may  to  a  certain  de 
gree  curtail  the  natural  liberty  of  its  citizens.  When  the  peril 
is  great,  as  in  a  plague,  the  State  may  isolate  infected  individ 
uals,  and  thus  indirectly,  but  temporarily,  prevent  a  natural 
right — namely,  the  conjugal  relation.  It  may  even  perpetually 
isolate,  as  in  leprosy.  Vasectomy,  however,  is  a  direct  pre 
vention  without  reason,  and  it  is  done  as  a  direct  evil  means 
to  effect  a  so-called  end  which  it  never  attains. 

A  man  with  Huntington's  chorea,  if  married  and  if  he  has 
children,  will  surely  transmit  the  disease  to  some  of  these  chil 
dren,  and  they  to  their  children.  Vasectomy  on  him  will  pre 
vent  a  propagation  of  his  kind  but  will  cure  no  disease.  More 
over,  he  is  not  a  criminal  and  not  amenable  to  punishment. 
The  bad  effect,  sterilization,  must  be  perpetual  in  his  case  or 
it  is  foolish,  but  the  sterilization  is  not  a  punishment,  nor  a 
means  of  saving  the  health  of  the  patient.  Whatever  good 
comes  of  the  act  comes  out  of  an  evil  cause.  If  such  a  man 
persists  in  marrying,  his  marriage  might  be  prevented,  but  that 
is  different  from  mutilating  him. 

The  State  has  no  direct  dominion  over  the  lives  or  members 


of  its  citizens,  nor  are  citizens  naturally  mere  instruments  for 
the  good  of  the  government;  on  the  contrary,  the  government 
exists  solely  for  the  good  and  utility  of  the  citizen.  The  State 
may  not  take  the  life  of  an  innocent  person,  nor  mutilate  him, 
unless  these  acts  are  necessary  either  (1)  to  protect  the  life 
or  rights  of  individuals;  or  (2)  to  preserve  the  social  life  of 
the  commonwealth.  Now,  neither  of  these  two  requisites  is 
present  when  there  is  question  of  vasectomizing  a  man. 

The  right  or  life  of  no  individual  is  at  stake.  The  rights 
of  the  possible  children,  yet  unborn,  are  not  injured,  because, 
as  these  children  are  not  in  existence,  they  have  no  rights. 
Should  they  come  into  being,  it  is  always  better  to  be,  even 
though  diseased,  than  not  to  be.  The  methods  of  cattle-breed 
ers  in  dealing  with  human  beings  is  not  a  virtue  in  the  State, 
but  an  outrage  and  a  degradation  of  human  nature. 

The  rights  of  the  wife  are  not  injured,  because  she  per 
sonally  receives  no  injury;  and  if  her  possible  children  have 
chorea,  for  example,  she  either  voluntarily  took  that  risk  when 
she  married,  or  if  she  did  not,  through  ignorance,  there  are  other 
means  to  avoid  the  trouble  than  the  evil  of  sterilization,  which 
in  itself  would  render  the  use  of  marriage  onanistic.  If  the 
husband  has  syphilis,  gonorrhea,  leprosy,  tuberculosis,  or  any 
other  infectious  disease,  vasectomy  is  no  protection  for  the 

May  a  physician  employed  by  the  State  in  a  prison,  an  insti 
tution  for  the  feeble-minded,  or  a  like  place,  do  vasectomy 
at  the  command  of  the  law?  Certainly  he  may  not,  except  in 
those  rare  cases  where  vasectomy  is  permissible  as  described 

The  advocates  of  freakish  legislation  harp  on  the  asser 
tion  that  insanity  and  imbecility  are  increasing  alarmingly,  and 
as  a  consequence  the  entire  nation  is  degenerating.  To  cure  this 
evil  we  are  to  mutilate  certain  criminals  and  the  mentally  de^ 
fective.  It  is  not  true  that  insanity  and  mental  imbecility 
are  increasing  in  a  very  marked  degree  in  the  TJnited  States. 
The  number  of  inhabitants  in  this  country  is  increasing  rapidly, 
and  as  there  are  more  people  here  than  there  were  a  few  years 
ago,  the  number  of  the  insane  and  the  mentally  defective  has 


increased  purl  passu,  but  the  percentage  does  not  increase  to 
any  degree  that  calls  for  immoral  and  ineffective  legislation. 
Only  of  late  years  have  the  State  governments  begun  to  clas 
sify,  diagnose,  and  gather  up  the  insane  and  the  imbecile, 
whom  we  always  have  had  with  us,  and  these  processes  have 
brought  the  defectives  into  the  light. 

Our  late  immigrants  are  not  equal  in  race,  in  mental  and 
moral  strength,  to  the  old  northern  European  immigrants.  In 
Philadelphia  the  foreign-born  population  is  24.7  per  cent  of 
the  whole,  but  that  foreign-born  population  gives  us  44  per  cent, 
of  the  indigent  insane.  In  New  York  State  27  per  cent,  of 
the  registered  insane  are  not  American  citizens.  What  we  need 
here  is  not  sterilization,  but  a  better  control  of  the  immigrant, 
a  keeping  out  of  the  unfit.  Again,  our  insanity  percentage  is 
increased  avoidably  by  the  undoubted  increase  of  insanity 
among  negroes.  We  are  accountable  for  this  because  we  do  not 
care  for  our  helpless  negroes.  These  people  are  prevented  by 
trades-unions  from  learning  and  working  at  elevating  trades, 
and  they  are  thus  forced  unjustly  into  a  poverty  and  degrada 
tion  which  lead  to  vice  and  mental  deterioration.  The  cure  is 
not  a  jail  surgeon's  scalpel,  evidently. 

A  system  of  education  that  ignores  the  will,  upon  which 
morality  and  virtue  are  based,  and  substitutes  a  sham  intellec 
tuality  as  elaborated  by  ignorant  boards  of  education  and  ad 
ministered  by  emotional,  half-educated  women,  together  with  a 
lack  of  genuine  religion,  is  a  prolific  source  of  mental  and 
moral  deterioration  and  consequent  degeneracy  in  the  physical 
and  moral  orders.  0ur  American  public-school  system  is  such, 
and  its  deity  is  the  unwashed  and  crassly  depraved  god  Demos, 
whose  bible  is  the  evening  newspaper.  If  we  could  civilize  our 
schools,  we  should  have  no  mention  of  legislation  by  vagary. 


Ecclesiastical  Review,  vols.  xlii,  xliii,  xliv,  xlvi,  xlvii,  xlviii, 

passim.    Philadelphia. 

Gemelli.     La  Scuola  Cattolica,  November,  1911.     Milan. 
Stucchi.    Ibid. 


Eschbach.  Ibid.,  February,  1912 ;  Analecta  Ecclesiastica,  Sep 
tember  and  October,  1911. 

Capello.     La  Scuola  Cattolica,  February,  1912. 

Michaud.     Nouvelle  Revue  Theologique.     Paris,  1914. 

Schmidt.  Zeitschrift  fiir  katholische  Theologie,  nn.  1  and  4, 

Ferreres.  De  Vasectomia  Duplici  necnon  de  Matrimonio 
Mulieris  Excisae.  Madrid,  1913. 

De  Smet.     Collationes  Brugenses,  December,  1910. 

Wouters.  Nederlandische  kathol.  Stemmen,  January  15, 

Waffelaert.  De  Virtutibus  Cardinalibus,  vol.  ii.  Bruges, 

Sharp.  Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association,  Decem 
ber  4,  1909.  This  is  the  article  which  started  the  entire 
vasectomy  controversy. 

Barker.    Maryland  Medical  Journal,  April,  1910. 

Bell.  Hereditary  Criminality.  Medico-Legal  Journal,  vol. 
xvii.  New  York. 

Desfosses.    Presse  Med.,  vol.  xviii. 

Rentoul.     St.  Thomas  Hospital  Gazette,  vol.  xx.     London. 

Swift.     Maine  Medical  Association  Journal,  December,  1914. 

Lydston.     Medical  Record,  November  8,  1913.     New  York. 


A  COROLLARY  of  the  doctrine  which  treats  of  the 
destruction  in  medical  practice  of  existent  human  life, 
is  a  consideration  of  what  is  called  Birth  Control,  or  the  crim 
inal  prevention  of  possible  human  life  by  onanistic  contracep 
tive  methods.  There  has  been  an  agitation  for  several  years 
past  in  western  and  northwestern  Europe  and  in  the  United 
States  to  bring  about  the  repeal  of  laws  which  forbid  the 
spreading  of  information  on  the  methods  of  preventing  con 
ception.  The  laws  which  the  agitators  wish  to  have  abrogated 
declare  that  contraceptive  information  is  indecent  and  should 
be  classed  with  the  circulation  of  obscene  literature,  porno 
graphic  pictures,  and  instruction  in  abortion.  The  birth  con 
trol  advocates  pay  no  attention  to  accusations  like  those 
expressed  in  the  laws,  or  to  those  made  by  persons  who  have 
accurate  notions  of  morality  and  common  decency,  but  assert 
that  the  spread  of  contraceptive  information  tends  to  benefit 
the  individual  and  human  society. 

Birth  control  as  advocated  by  its  perpetrators  is  intrin 
sically  contrary  to  the  natural  law,  and  therefore  immoral;  it 
mentally  and  physically  debases  those  that  are  guilty  of  the 
practice;  it  does  not  benefit  the  poor  as  its  advocates  claim 
it  does;  the  arguments  urged  by  its  supporters  are  foolish  and 
frequently  deliberate  untruths ;  and  it  is  destructive  of  society 
and  the  state.  Broadly  speaking  the  natural  law  rests  on  the 
principle  that  order,  reason,  justice,  what  is  congruous  with 
the  nature  of  a  being  or  faculty  and  tends  to  its  perfection  in 
being  or  action,  should  prevail,  and  that  disorder,  unreason, 
injustice,  the  unnatural,  must  be  avoided.  The  right  order 
of  nature  as  established  by  the  Supreme  Creator  of  nature  is 
the  standard  of  action;  what  is  contrary  to  that  order  is  evil, 



wrong,  destructive,  criminal,  injurious,  or  the  like,  in  different 
circumstances,  but  altogether  these  deordinate  conditions  must 
be  removed,  not  accepted.  Morality  also  depends  on  these 
facts.  Morality  is  merely  the  observance  of  the  natural  law, 
and  immorality  is  revolt  against  that  law. 

Since  the  natural  law  evidently  prescribes  that  man  must 
live  in  society  and  that  the  human  race  which  constitutes  this 
society,  is  to  be  preserved  by  the  generation  of  new  human 
beings  who  will  replace  those  that  die,  or  are  made  useless  by 
disease  or  other  accident,  whatever  tends  to  this  sustention  of 
humanity  according  to  the  natural  law,  and  in  the  proper  con 
ditions,  is  good,  and  whatever  tends  to  the  destruction  of 
humanity  is  evil  and  to  be  avoided. 

The  generation  of  new  replacing  human  beings  must  take 
place  only  in  the  state  of  marriage,  because  thus  solely  the 
wife  and  the  child  are  protected,  the  children  are  educated 
physically,  mentally  and  morally,  and  the  degradation  and 
bestiality  of  promiscuous  sexual  relationship  are  averted.  The 
first  and  principal  end  of  marriage  is  the  procreation  of  chil 
dren.  That  end  of  marriage  must  be  the  end  on  which  is 
founded  primarily  the  natural  necessity  for  this  contract,  but 
the  natural  necessity  for  the  contract  is  the  propagation  of 
the  human  kind  through  lawful  generation  and  education.  Mar 
riage,  too,  in  its  very  nature  is  fitted  for  that  chief  end,  and 
for  that  end  it  was  instituted  by  the  Author  of  nature — a 
stable,  perpetual  association  of  the  sexes  for  the  attainment  of 
what  is  requisite  for  the  propagation  of  mankind.  There  are 
secondary  ends  of  marriage,  such  as  a  reciprocal  love  and  help 
of  the  husband  and  wife,  and  also  that  aspect  of  marriage 
which  makes  it  a  restraint  upon  promiscuous  lust.  These  last, 
however,  are  not  enough  to  justify  marriage  in  themselves  with 
out  the  first  or  chief  end,  which  is  the  procreation  of  children. 

Whatever  is  subversive  of  the  end  of  marriage,  and  that  is 
the  propagation  of  mankind,  is  subversive  of  the  very  founda 
tion  of  human  society,  is  contrary  to  the  nature  of  man,  frus 
trates  the  primal  function  of  nature,  and  is  therefore  essentially 
and  always  evil,  as  bestiality,  sodomy,  or  incest  are  evil.  Such 
is  birth  control  as  ordinarily  practised.  Birth  control  if  it  is 


effective  through  a  reciprocal  consent  of  a  wedded  couple,  for 
grave  reason,  and  solely  by  mutual  abstention  from  the  debitum 
may  be  in  certain  conditions  an  indifferent  act  morally.  If, 
however,  birth  control  is  effected  by  contraceptive  drugs,  or 
like  methods,  it  is  a  crime  against  nature,  and  always  a  crime 
which  no  circumstance  can  excuse,  no  more  than  no  circumstance 
can  excuse  bestiality,  sodomy,  or  incest.  Secondly,  marriage, 
which  was  instituted  primarily  to  perpetuate  the  creative  act 
of  God,  when  such  practices  prevail  degenerates  to  mere  con 
cubinage,  a  gratification  of  lust  protected  from  the  police. 
Such  practices,  moreover,  lower  man  and  woman  below  the 
brutes,  because  brutes  do  not  frustrate  the  natural  law  except 
in  the  case  of  the  male  rat  and  a  few  other  low  grade  rodents 
and  boar  pigs.  Onan  is  the  patron  of  Birth  Control  advocates. 
The  Book  of  Genesis  said  Onan,  the  son  of  Judah,  "did  a 
detestable  thing,  therefore  the  Lord  slew  him." 

These  are  the  fundamental  reasons  those  of  us  recognize 
who  do  not  wish  that  the  ignorant  and  vicious  should  be  taught 
to  act  contrary  to  the  natural  law.  Furthermore,  there  is 
always  another  way  out  of  the  difficulties,  mostly  imaginary, 
the  birth  control  advocates  conjure  up.  Granting  that  all  the 
difficulties  from  multiple  births  are  real,  no  end  justifies  essen 
tially  evil  means,  and  a  subversion  of  the  natural  law  is  always 
essentially  evil.  War,  homicide,  and  like  acts  are  not  always 
evil ;  under  certain  circumstances  both  war  and  homicide  may 
be  holy  deeds;  but  to  act  contrary  to  nature  is  never  justifiable 
in  any  condition.  If  I  owe  a  man  a  large  sum  of  money  it 
may  be  to  the  advantage  of  myself  or  my  children  that  this 
man  be  removed,  but  that  good  end  does  not  justify  murder; 
no  more  does  any  condition  of  poverty  justify  a  contraceptive 
act  against  nature,  especially  when  such  an  act  is  never  the 
sole  means  of  evasion.  We  must  protect  the  married  state, 
but  in  America  we  are  destroying  it.  Human  society  had  its 
origin  in  marriage,  and  it  depends  on  marriage  for  its  preserva 
tion,  but  our  American  divorce  laws  have  made  marriage  a 
travesty.  In  New  York  alone  in  1016  there  were  74,893 
women  divorced,  nearly  twenty-eight  times  as  many  as  were 


divorced  in  England  and  Wales  in  that  year,  and  over  forty- 
nine  per  cent,  of  these  women  were  childless,  very  significantly. 
Probably  ninety-five  per  cent,  of  the  childless  women  had  used 
contraceptive  methods,  yet  there  are  few  forces  better  able  to 
hold  the  marriage  knot  tied  as  it  should  be  tied  than  a  child's 
fingers.  In  England  and  Wales,  too,  in  1916,  forty  per  cent, 
of  the  divorced  couples  were  also  birth  controllers,  at  least  they 
had  no  children.  Pennsylvania  is  much  more  shameless  than 
New  York  in  granting  divorces  for  no  reason  at  all. 

Among  the  arguments  used  by  those  in  favor  of  spreading 
contraceptive  information  is  that  large  families  keep  the  labor 
ing  classes  down  to  low  living  standards,  and  it  would  be  bet 
ter  for  those  families  and  the  state  that  these  children  were 
not  born.  Large  families  as  such  do  not  keep  the  laboring 
classes  down  to  low  standards  of  living;  bad  legislation  which 
allows  profiteering,  which  criminally  permits  extortion  in  the 
prices  of  food,  clothing,  in  taxes,  rents,  the  cost  of  coal,  and  the 
like,  which  does  not  force  employers  to  give  laborers  an  honest 
price  for  labor,  or  check  the  extortions  of  monopolists,  and  a 
hundred  similar  economic  deeds  of  injustice,  together  with  a 
parental  shiftlessness,  unthrift,  alcoholism,  lack  of  education 
through  neglect,  and  so  on  indefinitely,  are  the  causes.  Big 
families  have  more  wages  than  small  families,  and  as  a  rule 
they  do  better  than  the  small  families  when  the  children  are 
old  enough  to  work.  Society  is  at  fault,  not  the  size  of  the 
family;  the  active  and  the  passive  selfish  are  at  fault,  not  the 
babies ;  the  liars,  hypocrites,  and  the  buttoned  pockets  are  at 
fault,  not  the  holy  innocents ;  the  professional  meddlers  in  the 
business  of  better  folk  are  the  nuisance,  not  the  blessed  children, 
who  are  the  brightest  things  in  this  darkened  world  until  we 
spoil  them,  and  make  them  like  ourselves  instead  of  better. 
One  decent  mother  is  worth  a  hundred  shirkers  who  raise  noth 
ing  but  lap  dogs. 

The  children  of  large  families,  the  birth  controllers  say, 
are  more  aiflicted  by  infectious  diseases  than  those  of  small 
families.  I  was  for  years  in  charge  of  the  infectious  diseases 
Bureau  of  the  Washington  Health  Department,  and  I  have  had 
ample  opportunity  here  and  in  Europe  to  study  this  matter. 


Large  families  in  proper  economic  positions  are  not  different 
from  small  families  as  regards  the  infectious  diseases.  These 
diseases  spread  among  the  poor  because  the  houses  of  the  poor 
are  commonly  owned  by  land  sharks  and  politicians  who  laugh 
at  health  regulations ;  our  health  departments  can  not  get  enough 
money  away  from  the  political  ringleaders  in  power  to  employ 
capable  sanitary  experts;  our  laws  for  the  regulation  of  medi 
cal  practice  and  education  are  a  disgrace  to  our  civilization, 
and  every  town  is  swarming  with  quacks  who  can  not  recognize 
even  smallpox  when  they  see  it.  The  fault  here  is  in  our 
selves  not  in  the  large  families.  Control  the  professional  poli 
ticians  and  quacks  and  there  will  be  no  occasion  for  foolish  talk 
about  birth  control. 

Again,  the  children  of  poor  but  large  families,  we  are  told, 
have  slight  or  no  chance  to  rise  in  the  social  order.  Benjamin 
Franklin,  however,  one  of  the  greatest  men  America  has  pro 
duced,  was  the  youngest  of  seventeen  children  in  a  poor  family ; 
Lyman  Beecher,  a  poor  man,  had  eleven  children,  and  every 
man  and  woman  among  them  became  famous;  Theodore 
Schwann,  the  father  of  the  cell  doctrine  and  of  all  modern 
biology,  was  one  of  thirteen  poor  children;  John  Mueller,  one 
of  the  greatest  of  modern  scientists,  and  the  Father  of  German 
medicine,  was  one  of  five  children  of  a  very  poor  family; 
Emerson  was  one  of  five  sons,  so  was  Farragut;  John  Wesley 
the  founder  of  Methodism,  was  the  eighteenth  child  of  his 
parents;  Ignatius  Loyola  was  the  eighth;  Saint  Catherine  of 
Sienna,  among  the  greatest  women  intellectually  and  morally 
that  Europe  ever  produced,  was  the  twenty-fourth  child  of  her 
parents.  This  list  can  be  extended  indefinitely  from  the 
biographical  dictionaries.  Every  enormous  fortune  made  in 
America  was  built  up  originally  by  a  man  who  arose  from  the 
depths — Rockefeller,  Carnegie,  Vanderbilt,  Astor,  Ryan,  Have- 
meyer,  Schwab,  Ford,  Gould,  and  so  on.  Poverty  is  a  necessary 
foundation  for  a  great  fortune.  The  great  soldiers  of  the  world 
almost  without  exception  rose  from  the  ranks  of  poverty — 
Napoleon,  Washington,  Sheridan,  Grant,  Sherman,  Pershing, 
De  Lacy  in  Russia,  Prim  in  Spain,  O'Higgins  in  Chili,  Stone 
wall  Jackson,  and  others.  The  powerful  Dukes  of  Tetuan  in 


Spain  came  from  an  Irish  adventurer,  the  fifth  of  eight  sons 
of  a  poor  man.  Big  families  make  for  strength  of  character 
in  the  struggle  for  existence;  the  solitary  child  in  a  family  is 
pampered,  spoiled. 

Advocates  of  birth  control  say  that  Holland  has  had  a 
Neornalthusian  League  openly  operative  since  1881,  with  fifty- 
two  clinics  where  contraceptive  information  is  publicly  given. 
As  a  direct  consequence,  and  solely  from  the  work  of  this 
League,  Holland  has  a  dropping  death  rate  and  an  increase 
in  population,  and  even  the  stature  of  the  Dutch  has  increased 
four  inches  since  1881.  The  main  objection  to  these  state 
ments  about  Holland  is  that  they  are  absolutely  false  in  every 
particular  except  that  the  population  of  Holland  has  increased 
— from  other  causes.  Before  the  great  war  every  civilized 
nation  had  a  dropping  death  rate  and  an  increase  in  population 
except  France  where  birth  control  worked  against  the  increase 
made  by  the  progress  of  preventive  medicine  and  a  diffusion  of 
sanitary  methods.  The  assertion  about  the  fifty-two  clinics  in 
Holland  wras  investigated.  An  army  officer  sent  out  by  the 
committee  searched  fourteen  days  before  he  could  find  even 
one  secret  birth  control  propaganda  station.  The  present  prime 
minister  of  Holland,  de  Beerenbrouk,  is  an  earnest  Catholic 
man,  and  if  anyone  talks  birth  control  in  Holland  during  his 
administration  he  guarantees  them  a  long  term  in  jail.  There 
was  really  a  Neomalthusian  League  with  6,704  members,  now 
greatly  decreased  in  number,  in  the  northern  Protestant  prov 
inces  of  Holland.  As  a  matter  of  fact  just  where  this  league 
exists  the  birth  rate  decreased  and  the  death  rate  increased 
and  where  it  did  not  exist  the  direct  opposite  is  true.  As  to 
the  increase  of  four  inches  in  stature — since  this  is  a  physical 
impossibility  the  spinner  of  the  original  yarn  was  an  ignorant 
romancer,  lacking  plausibility  in  his  untruth.  "Where  there  is 
birth  control  there  are  no  children  to  increase  or  maintain  the 
population,  but  the  New  York  birth  controller  who  invented  the 
Dutch  story  says  that  in  Holland  where  there  are  no  children 
born  through  birth  control  the  population  increases  through 
birth  control. 

The  birth  control  movement  assumes  that  the  world  suffers 


from  overpopulation.  It  does  not;  it  suffers  from  incorrect 
distribution  of  populations,  and  no  doctrine  of  birth  control 
will  ever  affect  this  fact.  All  the  authorities  on  the  statistics 
of  population  tell  us  it  requires  an  average  of  four  children 
to  each  family  to  keep  the  population  even  stationary,  not  to 
talk  of  overcrowding.  Two  children  reaching  maturity  replace 
their  parents,  and  because  of  the  high  mortality  in  infancy,  and 
the  large  number  of  the  unmarried  and  the  birth  controllers 
and  abortionists,  four  children  are  needed  to  a  family  to  make 
a  new  generation  as  large  as  the  old.  An  average  of  one,  two, 
or  even  three  children  to  a  family  means  a  loss  in  population, 
unless  the  loss  is  supplied,  as  in  the  United  States,  by  immi 
gration.  An  average  of  five  or  six  children  means  an  increase 
in  the  population.  Having  none  or  two  children  to  a  family 
and  relying  on  immigration  to  preserve  the  nations  means 
political  annihilation,  as  can  be  readily  shown.  In  New  York 
State  in  1919  instead  of  the  required  four  children  to  keep 
the  population  stationary,  as  far  as  the  native  Americans  are 
concerned,  there  was  one  child  to  every  ten  families. 

The  American  nation  was  founded  and  built  up  wholly 
by  Nordic  races,  immigrants  from  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
Germany,  and  a  few  from  France,  Holland  and  Sweden.  All 
our  national  traditions  are  from  these  Nordic  immigrants,  our 
notions  of  self  government,  our  peculiar  democracy,  our  con 
stitution,  our  language  and  literature.  These  Nordic  peoples 
are  dying  out  here  in  appalling  numbers  for  two  chief  reasons, 
one  of  wThich  is  birth  control  and  the  other  is  the  American 
climate.  The  civilization  which  affects  us  has  always  existed 
along  a  geographical  belt  reaching  from  the  British  Isles  to 
above  Home,  and  covering  Great  Britain,  Ireland,  France, 
Spain,  middle  and  western  Germany,  and  Italy  to  below  Flor 
ence.  The  Grecian  civilization  was  not  indigenous,  but  the 
result  of  a  Nordic  occupation,  and  it  ceased  centuries  before 
Christ.  Huntington  of  Yale  and  several  others  have  shown, 
by  studying  the  production  of  thousands  of  piece  workers  and 
students  over  a  long  time,  that  man  does  his  best  work  physic 
ally  and  mentally  under  four  climatic  conditions :  a  mean  tern- 


perature  of  about  sixty-two  degrees  Fahrenheit  for  physical 
work  and  about  forty  degrees  for  mental  work ;  secondly,  there 
must  be  a  humidity  of  about  seventy-five  per  cent. ;  thirdly,  the 
climate  must  be  variable,  be  that  of  the  belt  of  cyclonic  storms ; 
fourthly,  there  must  be  a  quantity  of  sunlight  such  as  that 
found  in  the  European  racial  habitat  of  the  person  considered. 
These  conditions  are  found  curiously  in  exactly  these  degrees 
in  the  civilized  parts  of  Europe  and  not  elsewhere.  Above 
and  below  that  area  they  are  lacking  and  there  has  never  been 
any  civilization  where  they  are  wanting.  The  reason  physical 
and  mental  productivity  lessen  annually  with  us  in  December, 
January,  and  February  is  because  these  climatic  conditions  are 
absent  during  these  three  months. 

Again,  men  are  differentiated  into  races,  thrive,  develop, 
and  reach  and  maintain  mental  and  physical  perfection  w-ithin 
well  defined  climatic  areas.  Nature  preserves  the  race  that 
has  acquired  through  countless  ages  acclimatization  in  a  given 
environment,  and  kills  off  very  quickly  immigrants  coming 
from  far  north  or  south  of  the  given  latitudes.  The  natural 
geographical  position  for  the  black  man  is  from  the  equator 
to  the  thirtieth  parallel  of  north  or  south  latitude.  The  thirtieth 
parallel  in  America  runs  through  upper  Florida,  southern  Louis 
iana,  and  the  lowest  third  of  Texas.  From  the  thirtieth  to 
the  thirty-fifth  parallel  is  the  zone  of  the  brown  man,  like  the 
Malay.  The  thirty-fifth  parallel  runs  along  the  southern  border 
of  North  Carolina  and  Tennessee,  through  the  middle  of 
Arkansas,  New  Mexico,  Arizona,  and  the  lowest  third  of  Cali 
fornia.  From  the  thirty-fifth  to  the  forty-fifth  parallel  is  the 
zone  of  the  brune  Mediterranean  races.  The  forty-fifth  paral 
lel  passes  near  Halifax,  Bangor  in  Maine,  Ogdensburg,  Ottawa, 
and  St.  Paul.  In  Europe  it  runs  near  Bordeaux,  Turin,  Bosnia, 
and  the  Crimea.  New  York  is  as  far  south  as  Naples,  Phila 
delphia  is  sixty  miles  south  of  Naples,  and  has  the  sun  of 
southern  Italy.  The  Nordic  races  that  we  are  interested  in  as 
our  origins  all  live  above  the  United  States,  and  the  summer 
temperatures  they  have  been  accustomed  to  are  above  the 
United  States.  An  immigrant  coming  from  northern  Ireland  to 
Philadelphia  moves  southward  a  thousand  miles;  a  Norwegian 


going  to  Texas  moves  southward  two  thousand  miles,  and  his 
family  disappears  as  a  rule  in  two  generations. 

In  historic  times  there  have  been  sudden  movements  south 
ward  of  European  races  for  about  seven  hundred  miles  and 
all  ended  disastrously.  The  Lombards  went  south  from  upper 
Prussia  to  middle  Italy  at  the  level  of  Boston  and  disappeared 
in  two  hundred  years.  The  Teutonic  Goths  went  from  the 
Baltic  to  Italy  and  Spain.  They  lasted  sixty-two  years  in 
Italy.  Eighty  thousand  Vandals  with  their  families  went  down 
from  Brandenburg  to  North  Africa  at  the  level  of  Virginia. 
They  were  annihilated  by  the  climate  in  one  hundred  and  eight 
years.  The  Burgundians  disappeared  in  sixty  years  from 
Greece,  as  the  Celts  who  had  carried  the  Homeric  sagas  to 
Greece  also  disappeared.  Rome  was  great  while  the  Nordic 
Cisalpine  Celt  ruled  it,  and  died  forever  with  the  Celt.  Italian 
art  ended  at  Florence,  the  southern  boundary  of  Cisalpine  Gaul. 
The  Slav  disappeared  the  same  way  from  southeastern  Europe 
and  left  only  language  traces  to  the  Turanian  and  Semite  there. 
No  European  race  of  pure  blood  has  ever  had  grandchildren 
in  the  tropics. 

The  northern  races  of  Europe  die  out  with  amazing  rapidity 
in  the  northern  United  States.  The  Irish  death  rate  at  the 
level  of  New  York  is  double  the  death  rate  in  Ireland  under 
much  worse  economic  conditions ;  the  death  rate  of  the  southern 
Italian  and  the  southern  Russian  is  much  better  in  New  York 
than  it  is  in  their  European  racial  habitats. 

In  1910  our  English  immigration  was  only  six  per  cent, 
of  the  whole,  and  the  Irish  immigration  is  now  negligible 
because  there  are  no  more  people  in  Ireland  to  leave  it,  but  we 
have  seven  million  Slavs  who  came  in  during  the  ten  years  before 
the  war.  We  have  three  million  southern  Italians,  three  mil 
lion  Poles,  and  hundreds  of  thousands  of  nondescript  folk  from 
all  the  back  alleys  of  the  old  world.  At  an  army  camp  in 
Massachusetts  during  the  late  war  there  were  thirty  languages 
other  than  English  spoken,  and  seven  thousand  men  there 
never  had  heard  the  term  Anglo-Saxon.  The  extreme  southern, 
eastern,  and  southeastern  European  hordes  are  overwhelming  us, 
and  these  hordes  never  knew  a  single  political  principle  that 


even  remotely  resembles  what  we  understand  as  American  prin 
ciples.  They  come  of  races  who  were  ruled,  if  they  had  any 
rule  at  all,  by  despots,  but  we  shall  make  "Anglo-Saxons," 
Americans,  or  whatever  you  like  to  call  the  final  metamorphosis 
we  effect,  out  of  these  barbarians.  Never !  Even  in  a  millenium. 
Centuries  from  today  the  Slav  here  will  be  a  Slav,  the  Sicilian  a 
Sicilian,  the  Russian  a  Russian,  all  with  a  veneer  of  American 
slang  on  the  tongue  of  an  eternal  racial  character.  Whole 
counties  of  Pennsylvania  are  filled  with  Germans  who  have 
been  here  since  before  the  Revolution  and  they  have  not  so  much 
as  learned  English  yet.  The  Nordic  peoples  die  out  here.  Only 
the  dark-skinned  southern  Germans  last  with  us ;  the  sun  kills 
out  the  red  and  blond  in  two  or  three  generations.  I  recently 
went  over  fifty  Irish  families  which  I  knew  perfectly,  and  they 
have  degenerated  eighty-six  per  cent,  numerically  and  otherwise 
in  my  own  lifetime:  killed  off  by  the  climate  which  keeps  our 
southern  states  empty  of  white  men.  By  two  American  censuses 
and  one  English  we  know  that  fifty  per  cent,  of  Washington's 
army  was  born  in  Ireland,  but  there  are  no  Irish  in  the  revolu 
tionary  societies  because  the  Revolutionary  Irish  have  disap 

If  there  is  any  chance  at  all  for  our  civilization,  flimsy  as 
it  is,  this  world  must  be  ruled  by  the  Nordic  European  races, 
not  by  the  southern,  eastern  and  southeastern  European  bar 
barian  Semite.  We  must  rule  for  our  own  sake  and  for  their 
sake ;  they  can  not  rule  anything.  If  we  do  not  rule  them,  then 
welcome  the  final  curtain  as  soon  as  possible.  How  can  we 
rule  America,  not  to  think  of  the  rest  of  the  world,  unless  we 
have  Nordic  children  to  take  our  place,  and  how  can  we  have 
such  children  if  we  let  sex-brained  misfits  run  about  spread 
ing  contraceptive  drivel  ?  The  rascal  that  preaches  such 
doctrine  is  a  traitor  to  America,  the  worst  enemy  our  country 
ever  has  had,  more  treacherous  than  any  spy  that  sneaked  in 
among  us  during  the  war  just  past.  The  French  have  had  their 
lesson  in  birth  control,  and  we  should  learn  from  their  mis 
fortune.  In  the  first  six  months  of  1914  when  Europe  was 
still  at  peace  the  total  number  of  births  in  France  was  381,- 
398 ;  a  decrease  of  4,000  on  the  year  1913.  At  the  same  time 


the  deaths  increased  20,845.  Thus  the  population  of  France 
during  the  first  six  months  of  1914  decreased  24,816.  For  the 
past  thirty  years  the  birth  rate  of  that  country  has  steadily 
decreased  by  contraceptive  methods,  while  the  death  rate  has 
increased  proportionately  to  the  number  of  inhabitants.  Jan 
uary,  1916,  found  France  with  about  seven  hundred  thousand 
less  people  than  she  had  in  January,  1914,  and  then  came  the 
horrible  carnage  of  the  great  war.  No  matter  what  change  of 
heart  war  may  bring  to  France  no  increase  in  her  population 
can  be  expected  for  many  years  yet  to  come.  She  is  daily  crying 
out  to  the  world  for  treaties  to  protect  her  from  Germany,  de 
spite  the  prostration  of  Germany,  because  she  knows  Germany 
had  a  birth  rate  of  two  males  for  her  one,  and  for  twenty 
years  to  come  Germany  probably  can  put  twice  as  many  men 
into  the  field  as  France  can.  If  France  will  give  over  her 
unclean  birth  control  she  will  not  need  to  whine  for  protection. 
The  advocates  of  birth  control  assert  that  it  lessens  venereal 
diseases.  It  does  not;  it  increases  the  spread  of  venereal 
disease.  The  more  reasonable  among  the  birth  control  propa 
gandists  are  anxious  lest  their  public  talks  suggest  temptation 
to  the  young.  There  is  at  present  for  youth  the  deterrent  of 
the  natural  consequences  of  lust;  with  birth  control  knowledge 
spread  broadcast  that  check  is  removed  and  promiscuity  will 
become  more  general,  because  safer  socially.  Venereal  dis 
eases  will  spread  also  as  incontinence  spreads.  Nowhere  in 
the  world  has  the  crime  of  birth  control  been  practised  as  in 
France  nor  for  a  longer  time,  and  in  that  country  together 
with  the  lowest  birth  rate  in  the  world  there  is  the  highest 
death  rate  from  venereal  diseases  according  to  Dr.  Dublin  the 
statistician  of  the  New  York  Metropolitan  Life  Insurance 
Company.  Not  long  ago  one  of  the  leading  medical  writers 
of  France,  Doyen,  said  in  the  Academy  of  Medicine  in  Paris 
that  syphilis  is  the  chief  cause  of  death  in  France.  France 
now  asserts  she  has  given  over  birth  control,  but  that  is  a  hard 
disease  to  cure  after  it  has  been  established.  Unchastity  is  its 
own  punishment,  and  if  France  goes  the  way  of  those  nations 
that  have  died  along  the  pathway  of  civilization,  and  great 


•would  be  the  pity,  she  has  nothing  to  blame  for  it  but  this 
abominal  moral  leprosy,  birth  control.  She  is  as  striking  an 
example  of  the  insanity  of  birth  control  as  Kussia  is  of  the 
insanity  of  communism. 


Abnormal  pelves,  133,  134  135 
Abortion,  91 

after  fifth  month,  102 

agents  of,  117 

American  law  on,  119 

causes   of,   92 

civil  law  on,  121 

Council  of  Lerida  on,  115 

Council  of  Worms  on,  115 

decretal  of  Gregory  on,  115 

direct,  109 

excommunication  for,  116,  117 

Gregory  XIV  on,  116 

habitual,  98 

Holy  Office  decrees  on,  118 

homicide  in,  110 

incomplete,  101 

inevitable,  101 

irregularity  and,  117 

morality  of,  109-114 

morphine  in,  101 

paternal  causes  of,  95 

Pius  IX  on,  116 

precautions  against,  105,  106 

prognosis  after,  100 

sepsis  after,  105 

SLxtus  V  on,  115 

statistics  of,  97,  98 

symptoms  of,  99 

syphilis   and,   107 

tampon,  use  of,  103 

therapeutic,  107,  109 

threatened,  99 

treatment  of,  102 

violence  and,  94 
Abruptio  placentae,  144 

causes  of,  144 

effects  of,  144 
Acute  yellow  atrophy  of  the  liver, 


Aggressor,  17,  19 
Amnion,  52 
Amphiaster,  44 
Anaesthesia  and  the  fetus,  93 
Analgine,  240 

Animal  heat,  71 
Animal  life,  48 
Animation,  33,  39 

Aristotle  on,  39 

biologists  on,  49 

Conklin  on,  73 

Fienus  on,  35 

Greek  fathers  on,  33 

Greek  philosophers  on,  33 

St.  Alphonsus  on,  39 

St.  Anselm  on,  35 

St.  Augustine  on,  34 

St.  Gregory  of  Nyssa  on,  35 

St.  Thomas  on,  35 

Zacchias  on,  36 

Aortic  stenosis  in  pregnancy,  175 
Apparent  death,  82 
Appendicitis  in  pregnancy,  152 
Archenteron,  50 
Artificial  impregnation,  258 
Attraction  sphere,  40 

Baer  on  twilight  sleep,  240 
Baptism  of  monsters,  80 
Beginning  of  life,  33 
Blameless  defence,  18 
Blastocyst,  50 
Blastulas,  50 

Braxton-Hicks  version,  143 
Bright's  disease  in  pregnancy,  157 
Broad  ligament,  124 

Cancers  in  pregnancy,  149 

morality  of  operation,  150 
Canonical  irregularity,  23,  24,  25 
Capital  punishment,  31 
Carrington's  vasectomies,  248 
Catalepsy,  85 

in  pregnancy,  160 
Cell,  40 

bridges,  60 

differentiation,  67,  68 

division,  41,  42 

heredity,  45 

life,  48 




Cell,  motion,  70 

reduction,  45 

union,  65,  66 
Centrosome,  40 
Cesarean  delivery,  132 

amputation  of  the  uterus  after, 

indications  for,  132 

morality  of,  136,  137 

repeated  sections,  140 

sterilizations  and,  139,  140,  141 
Chemico-vital  changes,  70,  71 
Cholera  in  pregnancy,  195 
Chorea  gravidarum,  181 
Chorion,  51 
Chromosome,  42 

numbers  of,  43 
Chromatin,  41 
Circumstances,  3 

Citizen  as  member  of  the  State,  31 
Coelom,  51 

Coition  in  gestation,  95,  96,  97 
Congenital  tuberculosis,  189 
Conscience,  12 

Constitution  Effraenatam,  115 
Contingent  being,  1 
Contracted  pelves,  133 
Craniotomy  and  excommunication, 

DammerscJilaf,  231 
Death,  signs  of,  89,  90 
De  Lugo  on  the  State,  31 
Development  of  the  body,  56 
Diagnosis,   percentage  of  correct, 


Diabetes  in  pregnancy,  229 
Differentiation  by  position,  68,  69 
Division,  direct  and  indirect,  42 
Double  effects,  18,  26 
Double  monsters,  78,  79 
Dry  labor,  109 

Eclampsia  parturientium,  161 

abortion  in,  165 

expectant  treatment  of,  166 

forced  delivery  in,  165 

mortality,  163,  168 

Lichtenstein's  method  in,  166 

precautions  against,  164 

symptoms  of,  161 

veratrum  viride  in,  167 
Ectoderm,  50 

derivatives  of,  51 

Ectopic  gestation,  123 

decrees  of  the  Holy  Office  on, 
128,  129 

diagnosis  of,  126,  127 

morality  of  operations,  129,  130 
Effects  of  an  action,  6 
Egg  shell,  47 
Embryo,  33 

growth  of,  50 

stages  of,  52 
End  of  an  action,  4 
End  of  life,  82 
Endoderm,  50 
Endomclritis,  93 
Eutelechy,  60 

Erysipelas  in  pregnancy,  196 
Eunuchs,  255,  256 
Euthanasia,  1 

Fallopian  tubes,  123 
Fecundation,  124 
Fetus,  33 

and  the  dead  mother,  87 

at  term,  54 

months,  53,  54,  55 

stages,  53 
Fibrillation,  174 
Fibroids,  146 
Fission  theory,  77 
Form,  60 

Gemmule  theory,  58 
Germ  cells,  44 
God's  existence,  2 
Gonorrhoea  in  marriage,  211 

abortion  and,  224 

blindness  and,  226 

conservative  surgery  for,  217 

effects,  212,  213,  215,  216,  225, 

operations  for,  216 

professional  secret  and,  212 

tests  of  cure,  211 

treatment  by  heat,  228 
Good,  3 
Grippe,  194 

Happiness,  2 

Hastening  of  death,  111 

Hebosteotomy,  135 

Heart  beat,  83 

Heart  block,  173 

Heart  diseases  in  labor,  172, 174 

Heart  diseases  in  pregnancy,  169 


Heart     diseases     in     pregnancy, 

Mayo  clinic  on,  173 
Heart,  origin  of,  52 
Homicide,  13 

accidental,  19 

arguments  against,  14, 15, 16, 17 

bibliography  of,  22 

direct  and  indirect,  13 

self-defence  and,  17,  18,  19 
Human  terata,  78 
Hyperemesis  gravidarum,  176 

imitative,  183 

major  and  minor,  184 

marriage  and,  185 

in  pregnancy,  181,  182,  183 

Icterus  gravis,  186 
Impotence,  258 

opinions  on,  252 
Infectious  diseases  in  pregnancy, 


Influenza  in  pregnancy,  194 

puerperal,  154 

spread  of,  266 

Kant  on  morality,  29 
Karyokinesis,  41 

La  grippe  in  pregnancy,  194 

Law,  definition  of,  28 

Life  in  separated  tissues,  73,  74 

Malaria  in  pregnancy,  196 

Male  generative  system,  248 

Male  pronucleus,  49 

Maniacal  chorea,  182 

Marriage,  end  of,  254 

Mayhem,  23 

Means  of  an  action,  5 

Measles  in  pregnancy,  195 

Mesoderm,  50 

Metabolism  of  the  cell,  69,  70,  72 

Metaphases  of  mitosis,  44 

Midwives,  138 

Mignonette  case,  113 

Mitosis,  41 

Miscarriage,  91 

Mitral  regurgitation  in  pregnancy, 

Monsters,  75 

by  displacement,  78 

multiple,  76 

Morality,  3 

determinants  of,  3 

effects  on  fetus,  234 

effects  in  labor,  234,  235 
Morula,  50 
Mutilation,  23 

argument  against,  26,  27 

argument  for,  27 

civil  law  on,  23 

direct  and  indirect,  26 

Molina  on,  24 

St.  Alphonsus  on,  25 

State  and,  28,  29,  30,  31,  32 

self-mutilation,  26 

Suarez  on,  24 
Myomata  in  pregnancy,  146 

effects  of,  147 

fetus  and,  148 

mortality  of,  147 

Natural  law,  2,  12 
Necessary  being,  1 
Nephritis  in  pregnancy,  157 

treatment  of,  158 

varieties  of,  158 
Nervous  system,  51 
Nucleus,  40,  46 

Object  of  an  action,  3 
Onanism,  256 

Operations  during  pregnancy,  94 
Operative  risk  in  cardiopaths,  173 
Ophthalmia  neonatorum,  226,  227, 

Organs,  origin  of,  51 

of  the  body,  64 

removal  of,  218,  223 

resection  of,  221 

Ovarian  tumors  in  pregnancy,  148 
Ovarian,  247 

decrees  of  the  Holy  Office  on, 
252,  253 

effects  of,  219 

impotence  and,  252,  254,  255 

psychoses  after,  219,  220,  221 
Ovum,  33,  47 
Oxidation,  72 

Pangens,  68 
Paresis,  204 
Parturition,  169,  231,  232,  233 



Partus  cesamis,  132 
Pathogenesis,  48,  49 
Pelvic  diameters,  132 
Penal  law,  31 

Pernicious    vomit    of    pregnancy, 

abortion  for,  180 

causes  and  symptoms,  177 

diagnosis  of,  179 

treatment,  179 
Pituitrin,  170 
Placental  infection,  188 
Placental  osmosis,  189 
Placenta  praevia,  142 
Plastid,  40 

Pneumonia  in  pregnancy,  192,  192 
Polak's  operation  on  the  tubes,  222 
Polar  body,  46 
Porro's  operation,  136 
Preformationists,  56 
Premature  infants,  55 
Premature  labor,  98,  108 
Probabilism,  6 
Prophases  of  mitosis,  44 
Protoplasmic  bridges,  67 
Puerperal  insanity,  154 

prognosis,  155 

sterilization  and,  154 
Pyelitis  in  pregnancy,  160 

Quacks,  22 

Resuscitation,  83,  84 

methods  of,  88 
Right  and  wrong,  3 
Rupture  of  Fallopian  tube,  125 

Sacraments  in  apparent  death,  82 
Salpingectomy,  217 
Salpingostomy,  217 
Salpingotomy,  217 
Scarlatina  in  pregnancy,  195 
Scopolamine,  233 
Secrets,  206,  207 
Segmentation  cavity,  50 
Segmentation  nucleus,  49 
Self-defence,  17,  18 
Semen,  247 
Sixtus  V,  bull  of,  255 
Smallpox  in  pregnancy,  191 
Soul,  60 

Spaltungstheorie,  76 
Spermatozoon,  46,  47,  48 
Spermin,  247 

Spindle,  44 
Spireme,  43 

citizen  and,  30 

dominion  of,  28,  29 

end  of,  29 

Sterilization  of  women,  251 
Substantial  form,  60,  62,  75 
Suicide,  7 

arguments  against,  7-12 
Suspended  animation,  85 
Syncytium,  52,  66 
Symphyseotomy,  135 

abortion  in,  200 

curability  of,  203 

fetal,  201 

incurability  of,  204 

marriage  and,  205 

nervous  system  affections,  204 

pregnancy  in,  200,  202 

professional  secret  in,  206 

Tabes,  204 

Telophases  in  mitosis,  44 

Terata,  75 

Tetrads,  46 

Tocanalgine,  240 

Tonics,  48 

Traducianism,  34 

Trophoblast,  50 

Tubal  abortion,  125 

Tuberculosis    in    pregnancy,    196, 
197,  198 

Tumors  in  pregnancy,  146 

Tumors  and  premature  labor,  109 

Twilight  sleep,  231 

authorities  opposed  to,  238,  239 
effects  of,  240,  241,  242,  243 
methods  used,  235,  236,  237 

Twins,  76 

Two-celled  stage  of  the  embryo,  65 

Typhoid  in  the  fetus,  190 

Typhoid  in  pregnancy,  196 

Typhus  in  pregnancy,  196 

Unity  of  the  soul,  65 
Uterine  adnexa,  123 
Uterus,  abnormalities  of,  124 
anatomy  of,  123 

Vaccination,  191 

Vas  defercns,  restoration  of,  249, 



Vasectomy,  244 

arguments  against,  260-265 

bibliography,  266,  267 

bull    of    Sixtus    V    and,    255, 


effects  of,  248,  249 
grave  mutilation,  259 
hereditary  disease  and,  264 
impotence  and,  251 
morality  of,  259 
not  a  punishment,  263,  264 
operation  for,  247 
reasons  for  the  operation,  245, 


Vasectomy,  State  and,  244 
State  surgeon  and,  265 

Venereal  diseases, 

prevalence  of,  213,  214,  215 

Verwachsungstheorie,  76 

Viability  of  the  fetus,  54,  114 

Vital  principle,  58,  61 

Vital  processes,  69 

Weak  pains,  171 
Weismann's  theories,  49,  56 

Yellow  atrophy  of  the  liver,  186 
Yolk  sac,  52 

— =(«Think")— 

"Thoughts  are  the  Masters  and  the  Thinkers 
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