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Ottawa and New York 






Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year of our Lord 
one thousand nine hundred and four, by ANSON A. GARD, in the Office 
of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. 





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For centuries, Scotland has been looked to, to furnish to the 
rest of the world, men who can do men who can lead in enter 
prise. And never yet has the land of Burns failed, when called 
upon in any line, in every line to send the man of worth the 
man of deeds. He comes, he sees, he conquers. Fail, is a word 
he never knew, and is too busy succeeding to stop long enough 
to learn. Mountains may needs be crossed or penetrated, and if 
of iron, turned into libraries and schools for the universe; hos 
pitals built for suffering poor ; torrents spanned or turned aside ; 
oceans fathomed and made the medium for speech of Empire 
tis all the same to him. If once he set his hand to do, the work 
in hand is done. 

Bacon asked and answered, " What makes a Nation great ? 
For centuries Canada had but one of the requisites " A Fertile 
Soil." Scotland, without any one of them save in her stalwart 
sons gave to Canada the other two. It was that bonnie land 
that gave to Canada the men who furnished " Easy Conveyance 
to Man and Goods, From Place to Place," and "Place to Place " 
might here be read, "Ocean to Ocean" and with the second must 
come has come, the third, for even now is heard the whirr of 
wheels in " Busy Workshops." Nor were her stalwart sons con 
tent to bind together the farther shores of a great Continent, but 
must go on went on, till now are bound in speech the Continents 
of the world. 

Of all the men from Scotia s rocky shores, no two, have been 
more to the land of their adoption, than have they to whom I so 
gladly dedicate this work, in praise of that land. Nor need I 
speak their names, since they are known by deeds, and yet I fain 
would speak, that they themselves may know ; and thus I would 
dedicate this work of pleasure, to two of " Nature s Gentlemen" : 


From the Beaten Track. 

Introductory words to books have long followed a set rule. 
In publishing " The Hub and The Spokes," that rule will be 
broken possibly for the first time. In casting about for writers 
of this Introduction, the men who have so kindly responded and 
furnished that which follows, need, themselves, no introduction, 
since each in his line is too well known to require it. It is most 
heart pleasing to feel that such men should consent to write, and 
write so generously of an author, whose one great aim is to bring 
into more kindly relationship the two great peoples of the Ameri 
can Continent. 

While to the author it is to a high degree gratifying, to have 
these words of kindness written, it is not the personal gratifica 
tion so much as the pleasure it gives him to feel that his work in 
Canada has not been in vain, and that his hope may be realized, in 
seeing a lasting friendship grow up between the peoples he loves. 

Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. 

It is pleasing to me to hear that you are continuing the good 
work in which you have occupied yourself for some years, of mak 
ing the people of Canada and those of the United States better 
acquainted with each other, and of pointing out to them why they 
should be in every respect the best of friends. 

There is no reason in the world why Canada as a Dominion, 
in the closest relationship to the United Kingdom, and the United 
States, a. Republic, should not each, in its own way, go on "pros- 

x Introduction. 

pering and to prosper," and your efforts have certainly been most 
useful and valuable in this direction. 

Signed, STRATH CON A. 

London, Eng., Nov. 3rd, 1904. 

The foregoing from Canada s first citizen, is met in kind by 
one of the foremost Senators in the United States Senate. Each 
breathes a neighborly spirit toward the other s country, which 
shows the trend of the times. 

Senator Redfield Proctor. 

Proctor, Vermont, September 13, 1904. 

Canada is a great country. Our people south of that unfor 
tunate boundary know too little about it, but we are learning more 
and more of it and the more we learn the higher will be our ap 
preciation of her wonderful resources and great natural advant 
ages. Ever since my boyhood days, when I lived on the line of 
the Eastern Townships, I have made frequent trips to different 
parts of the Dominion. Every time I go within her borders I 
am so charmed with her beauty that the temptation is strong to 
break the commandment which forbids us to covet that which be 
longs to our neighbor. 

I have found your former works most useful, and am sure 
" The Hub and The Spokes " will give a wide circle of readers 
much valuable information about Canada, and tend to strengthen 
the friendly relations which should and must be maintained be 
tween our people and hers. 

You should have the largest possible success in this praise 
worthy undertaking of making better known a land so full of 
beauty, whose people are our brothers. 


Sir Sandford Fleming, " Father of The Pacific Cable." 

Few writers are doing more to make Canada known and 
Canadians appreciated in the outside world, than Mr. Anson A. 

Introduction. xi 

Card. The books he has written have a peculiar flavor, they are 
never dull. It requires no effort to read them ; the reader always 
feels that he is learning from one who has something to say in 
a pleasant way. The author is not a Canadian himself, he comes 
with a fresh and open mind, and being a close observer, has lived 
long enough amongst us to take a just and kindly view 
of Canadians, their aims and aspirations. Mr. Gard 
seems to take a genuine delight in looking at the best 
and brightest side of the mass of information he has gathered 
from every source. The array of facts he presents to the reader 
is so intermingled with humor that one does not note the time 
spent in their perusal. 

On train to Peterboro, July 9th, 1904. 

Wm. Wilfrid Campbell, Poet, Author. 

I have read several of Mr. Anson A. Card s books, and I 
find in them a quality of human humor akin to that of the famous 
Mark Twain. 

By reason of his clever style of quaint description allied to 
kindly satire, and human insight, Mr. Gard is well equipped with 
the requisite ability, to write a readable and interesting volume 
about any community he may visit. I believe that his new book 
will be the best of its kind ever produced in this country. 

Ottawa, Nov. I5th, 1904. 

George M. Fairchild, jr., Poet, Author, Artist. 

With Mr. Anson A. Gard to think is to act, and 
to write, and as a result our literature has been en 
riched by several books that have enjoyed wide circula 
tion wherever the English language is read, for not 
only his fellow Yankees fell under the spell of the charm of his 
works, but Englishmen, Australians, New Zealanders and others, 
who enjoy a well told story. And this story of our Dominion be 
comes fascinating under the magic of Mr. Card s pen. He is 
possessed of that imagination which is so essential to the des- 

xii Introduction. 

criptive writer. His style is lucid and forceful, while his sense of 
humor and of pathos is so delicate and well poised that the read 
er s sense of proportion is never offended. One of the New York 
magazines said of his novel " MV Friend Bill." " It is as inter 
esting as " David Harum " in droll humor, as pure in tone as 
Holmes Breakfast Table Series, and as tender as the choicest 
parts of Charles Dickens writings. It is one of the best books of 
light fiction that we have ever read." He sees the human side 
of life through glasses undimmed with gall. Nothing escapes 
his notice that bears upon the kindlier side of human motive. He 
tells a story well from start to climax, often in a page, yet a vol 
ume could not tell it better. Possibly his most effective work lies 


in his droll humor. He never resorts to overstrained effort that 
taxes the reader s credulity, yet this humor is so much a part of 
his work, so interwoven throughout it, that, as a New York editor 
said, in commenting upon one of his Canadian books, " you are so 
entertained by his humor that you get his cold facts without 
knowing it or growing tired reading them." 

Sam Slick" (Judge Haliburton) drew the attention of the 
world to the lower Provinces. This later " Sam Slick " is point 
ing out to the world the whole of Canada, her people, her magni 
ficent resources, her beauty ! Not one of his countless of thous 
ands of readers but will exclaim : Truly this Ohio Yankee has 
seen with eyes that comprehend." 


Quebec, Oct. I5th, 1904. 

George Johnson, LL.D., Dominion Statistician. 

I knew well, even intimately, the first, and in many respects 
the best of American humorists the Nova Scotian, Judge Thos. 
C. Haliburton, author of the immortal " Sam Slick." Mr. Gard 
reminds me of the Judge in many of his turns of thought and 
terms of expresion. 

If Haliburton was the " father of American humor, as he has 
been named, Anson A. Gard may well be called "Sam Slick, jr." 

The great Nova Scotian had a purpose in all his writings; 
his humor often covered a deep laid thought for his country s 
good and vast benefit resulted from his droll stories. That Mr. 

Introduction. xiii 

Card has a purpose in all he has written of Canada, no one who 
has followed " Rube and the Colonel " during their three years 
sojourn amongst us, can for a moment doubt. He came to our 
country and found an unknown land or as he says : 
To myself unknown a land so full of beauty and 
resources so vast, that I felt a desire to let my people and the 
world know of this great Northland." 

He knew that to tell of it in the ordinary matter of fact way of 
the matter of fact writers he would have his story read by the few 
and his object would fail of its purpose. Instead he has called 
into play the whole gamut (to borrow a music term). His 
pathos is that of a Dickens ; his descriptive powers remind us of 
Ouida; his accuracy of dates and figures would be a credit to a 
trained statistician; and running throughout his writings is that 
droll humor which will yet place his name amongst the famous 
humorists of his time. 

Kipling wrote " The Lady of the Snows " and all Canada, 
in one voice, cried out against him. Mr. Card is undoing the 
harm that poem and our Ice Palaces have done, by telling of the 
charms of our country. If we are consistent we will send his 
works to all parts of the reading world and thus prove our ap 
preciation of what he is doing toward placing Canada in its true 


Ottawa, November loth, 1904. 


Henry J. Morgan, LL.D., Biographer. 

Mr. Anson A. Card has read to me, from time to time, por 
tions of his new work : " The Hub and The Spokes," which is 
designed to give a history of the Canadian Capital and its people, 
together with some account of the Ottawa Valley, with touches 
here and there of many other parts of the Dominion. 

Although numerous works, in this class of literature, have 
been published in the English language in Canada, I can recall 
but three of them which remain of permanent interest. These are 
Hawkins Picture of Quebec," published in 1834; Bosworth s 
" Hochelaga Depicta," published in 1839, of which a new edi 
tion has recently appeared ; and, last, and best of all, dear old Dr. 
Scadding s " Toronto of Old," published in 1873. All three 

xiv Introduction. 

were prepared with scrupulous care, and, besides, being models 
of literary excellence, are accurate and just in their statement of 
occurrences. To say that Mr. Card s forthcoming publication will 
merit a place alongside these time honored classics is to pay its 
author the highest compliment that can be bestowed upon him. In 
deed, I am not quite sure, but that, in some respects, the work 
of " The Yankee in Canada " will surpass in value all preceding 
local histories issued within the Dominion. To achieve so dis 
tinguished a position as a literary man, is an accomplishment of 
which he may feel no little pride especially so, because of his 
being almost a stranger in our midst, with no previous knowledge 
of the people and country he is describing. What has excited my 
chief surprise is the mass of interesting material he has succeeded 
in accumulating, in so short a time, no amount of labor being 
considered too great for him to undertake in his quest for infor 
mation. His book cannot fail of being of permanent interest and 
value, and such as no library, either great or small, should be 
without. Parkman, in his day, did a great work for Canada, as 
it existed under the " Old Regime ;" Mr. Card in the new field of 
investigation which he has opened up, is following in the footsteps 
of his illustrious countryman, and merits a due share of public 



Ottawa, November 14, 1904. 

Benjamin Suite, President of the Royal Society of Canada, 


In books of the nature of which Mr. Gard is writing, accuracy 
in history is hardly to be looked for in all instances, but I find 
a correctness in his statements historical, that shows a remarkable 
degree of research on his part, proving him to be a writer of many 
qualifications. He may not always give the results of his research 
in the staid language of the historian, but the facts, given in a style 
peculiarly his own, may be relied upon as accurate. 

Ottawa, November ist, 1904. 


How Rube and the Colonel Saw Ottawa, 

the Beautiful Capital of the Dominion, 

the Washington of Canada. 


For several days after we reached Ottawa, I noticed the 
Colonel going about town like a horse with a " broken gait " I 
asked, "What s the matter, Colonel? You go around with your 
ieet m the air like a horse with the halt ." 

And little wonder, Rube, little wonder. For over a year 
L ve been living in a city where one must step high or stub one s 
toes against the board sidewalks, or get into the mud where there 
are no walks at all. Little wonder I step high, even here on 
Ottawa s smooth, well-kept walks. One cannot break the habit 
a year m a day or two. But say, Rube, ain t these streets and 
walks delightful to see after what we ve had ?" 

. hey certainly are ; and, Colonel, of what does this bright 
clean, well kept city remind you ?" 

. "Washington City, shortly after Boss Shepherd began beauti 
fying it. 

" Correct again, and the more I see of it, the more I wonder 
why our people have not found it out. A few of them have, but 
tew that mean to impress upon them what they miss in corn- 
to Canada and not seeing Ottawa and its delightful surround- 

That s right, Rube, that s right. Why, just this morning I 
was looking over a hotel register, and out of seventy-four nanfes 
four of them were from the States, and this, too, in the very 
:entre of the tourist season, and with Parliament sitting as a special 

Parliament! Why, little they know of Parliament 1 
tfj 1 y"> Colonel, why our people don t know this city as they 
ihould They have not been invited to come to visit it You know- 
how, that Montreal and Quebec have given us a standing invita- 
lon and in a thousand ways renew that invitation each year until 
we nave gotten into such a habit of visiting those old towns, and 
thinking of them as all of Canada, that we forget the rest of this 
Dominion forget that there are other places well worth a 
visit, and chief among those other places is the Capital itself 

2 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" Now while I have no right to send them an invitation, I 
mean to let them know the claims of Ottawa, and what they are 
passing on the way to those two older towns. I will tell them not 
only of the- Hub, but of the Spokes. Spokes of natural unpolishe< 
beauty that emanate in all directions from this Hub. will t 
them feeling confident that once they know of the beauties of the 
Ottawa Valley, that the wheels that next time bring them to 
Canada will turn toward Canada s Capital for Canada s Capital 
is a charming city, and its people are delightful to know. 

The Colonel was right; Ottawa reminds one of Washington 
City. Its Potomac is the Ottawa River, a river, however, as wild 
and picturesque as the Potomac is dull and sluggish. Far above 
the very water s edge, on a high, rocky, tree-covered bluff, stands 
the Capitol Buildings three in number and from the tower of 
the main or Parliament House, one may behold a panorama more 
pleasing in natural beauty than may be seen from the great dome 
on our own Capitol. , And here is 

The Panorama. 

To the west, reaching beyond vision, is the island-dotted river, 
narrowing down from Lake Deschenes into a channel only a few 
hundred feet wide, where, at the very edge of the city, it rushes 
over the 

Chaudiere Falls, 

so wild in their swift rush that the waters are whirled into rapids 
that reach clear past the city to the east beyond. 

Near the Falls, and using their power, are the great mills of 
J. R. Booth, in the city, and those of the E. B. Eddy Co., on the 
Hull side of the river, not to mention other great works. 

Looking across the river to the north, or Province of Quebec 
side, to the far-away Laurentian Mountains, we see in the fore 
ground the fire-devasted city of Hull, with its 14,000 people, its 
churches, schools, mills, and fields of lumber (too large to call them 
"yards"), and between Hull and the foothills, a grove-covered 
country extending far to the east that reminds one of the Valley of 
Beauport, across from the city of Quebec a valley so beautiful 
I never tired looking over it. In the centre of this northern view 
is seen the Gatineau River, of whose wonders I shall tell you later, 
reaching back past Chelsea, on its way to the mountains. Cross 
ing the river, immediately below where we sit on the tower, is the 
Interprovincial Bridge one of the largest cantilever bridges^ on 
the continent. Turning the eye toward the east, we see, just 
across the famous Rideau Canal, that skirts the eastern limits of 
the Capitol grounds, as it enters the river, a pretty little park 
called Major s Hill. It is one of those little spots of beauty^ which 
only the Park attendants fully enjoy. It is one of the Don t 
Parks." The very air seems to bear a placard, " Don t breathe." 

Rube Gets Locked in the Tower. 3 

By way of a digression, I will say that the day is coming, is now 
here, in many cities, where " Keep off the grass " is never seen 
and parks are paid for by a city for the enjoyment of its citizens, 
rather than for the park attendants. 

To the east is the Rideau River, beyond which, at the limit of 
the city, is Rideau Hall, the home of the Governor General, and 
near by is the large Rocklirle Park, on the heights above the river. 
Far in the distance is seen again the Ottawa, which for a space has 
been hidden from view by the tree-covered hills. This eastern 
portion of the city is what was once called Bytown. For that 
matter, " Bytown " was Ottawa s name until 1855. "Oh! no; 
you re wrong; it don t mean that at all. By " was in honor of 
Colonel By, the builder of the Rideau Canal. I knew you thought 
I meant "by" off to one side. Everbody who don t know thinks 
that is its derivation, but instead it was named for a man of great 
deeds, and the city was honored by the name." 

In this portion are the markets, many churches, hospitals, 
some beautiful residences, and far in the distance, the cemeteries. 

Follow with your eye the canal, and you will see it turn at an 
obtuse angle in the southern part of the city. 

A mile away, there to the south, you see it passing a large 
white buiding, with a high dome. There are the spacious grounds 

The Central Canada Exhibition, 

of which I may tell you later on, for it is worthy a chapter to itself. 
The panorama is completed with the 

Experimental Farm, 

there in the south-western distance. It, too, will require a chap 
ter, as it is one of Ottawa s many attractions. This is but a hurried 
glance over a beautiful city. One might sit and analyse each part 
of the panorama, and not grow tired of the scene. And to the 
tourist there is no better way of getting a correct notion of Ottawa 
than this view from the tower. 

I trust, however, that you will not be so unfortunate on your 
visit to the tower as I was the day I went up those 208 steps. Will 
I tell you the experience? 

Rube gets Locked in the Tower by some Pretty School- 

Marms from Iowa. 

Well, you see, it was late one Saturday afternoon. I feared 
I might be locked up, and so left my card, on which I wrote : 
" Don t lock the door, I m upstairs." Ah ! that card was my un 
doing, for shortly after I had gone up, Joe McGuire came along 
with three school-marms from Iowa. The minute they saw that 
card (Joe tells the story), all three, with one accord, said: "We 

4 Ottawa, The Hub. 

have him at last! We will show him how to talk about us, and 
say we don t know anything about Canada, as he did in his Wan 
dering Yankee. Iowa school-marms don t know anything ! Don t 
we ?" And at that they locked the door, and bribed good-natured 
Joe to go back to No. 16 and leave me, until nearly dark, when his 
conscience came to my rescue and let me out. His only excuse was 
that " the dear girls were so pretty/ but I shall never forgive him 
for allowing an Iowa teacher to so neatly turn the key on me for 
my little pleasantry but, " on the quiet," I now think far more of 
the Iowa school-marms than I did. They are a pretty fair lot of 
girls, after all I ve said of them. 

Parliament Corner Stone Laid by the Prince of Wales. 

I forgave Joe, however, when he took me to see the corner 
stone of the Parliament Buildings. It is immediately beneath the 
Senate Chamber. We go down one flight of steps, turn to the 
left, and read on a marble slab: "This Corner Stone of the 
Building intended to receive the Legislature of Canada was laid 
by Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, on the first day of Septem 
ber, 1860." 

Large Minds and Small Bodies. 

As we stood looking at it, Joe casually remarked : " I have 
never seen the Prince, but he must have had a very large elbow 
with him the day he laid that stone." 

" Why do you think so, Joe ?" 

" Well, if all of the old men to whom I have shown that stone 
stood next his elbow when he laid it, as they say they did, he 
would have had to have an elbow of far-reaching dimensions for 
them all to have stood next. 

" You may not look at it in the right light, Joe," said J 
" there are a lot of people who are always standing next who 
are so small that an army of them might occupy a very narrow 
space in their effort to touch elbows with the great." 

Apropos of the stone. The date is in Roman numerals, and 
some one has marked beneath them, in large figures, " 1860." _ It 
is the only instance about the Building where one may feel like 
forgiving the " marker." 

Fools Names are like their Faces. 

I have never seen a part of a public building so vandalized as 
is the tower of this one. Even the iron structure has been cut 
into, while the wood is so full of fools names that one cannot but 
wonder where they all grew. The very board sign : Do not 
mark," is so full of names that one can scarcely read the sign, 
have often wondered what sort of a moral ( ?) nature these vandals 
have anyhow, to want to mar beauty with their ugly names. They 

How to See Ottawa. 5 

must be of that species of men spoken of by Chesterfield, who boast 
of things of which they should be most heartily ashamed. 

From the stone Joe took me to see the " nether capitol," and 
with the engineer pointed out how the air of the building is kept 
pure, and by means of miles of tubing how it is heated. The air 
is drawn through tunnels that reach out hundreds of feet to the 
Lover s Walk," in the bluff near the river. It should be indeed 
pure, drawn from such a source (parenthetically, the Colonel asks 
which " source " I mean, the " walk " or the " bluff." You see 
how critical he is on my wording.) 

The engineer remarked that he did not furnish all the " hot " 
air of the capitol. I did not understand just what he meant, but 
smiled anyhow, as he looked as though he expected a " smile." 


Some cities may be seen to the best advantage by driving, but 
the wise head that designed Ottawa s car system made it possible 
to best reach all points of interest by means of the many lines of 
trolley cars, and it must have been the same head who chose the 
conductors, for a better informed or more courteous lot of men I 
have never found in any city. The conductor knows everything of 
interest, and no guide was ever more obliging in pointing it out to 
the tourist. The Colonel and I have often asked of him questions 
we could hardly have expected him to answer, but we have yet to 
ask one he could not answer, and, usually, most intelligently. This 
same comment might apply to Ottawa policemen. They are 
courteous, obliging, intelligent, and never give one the impression 
that they think they own the city. But for that matter, Ottawa is 
such a moral town that the police force has little else to do than to 
look after civil-ities. 

Parliament Buildings. 

Before starting to see the city in general, one naturally goes 
to Parliament Hill, on Wellington Street, one block north of 
Sparks Street, the main street of Ottawa. It is so near to all of 
the hotels that one can walk to it in a few minutes, from any of 
them. The Buildings are three in number. The Capitol sets far 
back, while the other two, the " Eastern " and " Western " depart 
ments, are nearer Wellington Street, and equally distant from the 
Capitol, with a great lawn in front and between. They are built 
of Ottawa grey sandstone, and trimmed with Ohio stone of lighter 
color which, to us Ohio men, adds much to their beauty. The 
architecture is Gothic, and beautiful in design; especially so Uie 
Library, which is a part of the main building. The Eastern and 
Western blocks are used for the various departments of Govern 
ment, and are admirably designed. 

6 Ottawa, The Hub. 

There are other departmental buildings in various parts of the 
city which we will see as we go about, as it will be confusing to 
speak of them here. 

As we can start at no place of more interest, we will begin 
with the trip to the 


We took a car on Sparks Street, marked " Britannia Park," 
the one marked " Somerset Street " would have taken us just as 
well. At Holland Avenue, or Britannia Junction, we got a trans 
fer, and stayed on the car, to which we changed, until it stopped, 
passing on the way Victoria Park, a pretty wooded grove where 
they sometimes have picnics. At the end of the line, not far from 
the Park, the conductor points out a turnstile, across the road, and 
says, "Take that path leading through the field, and it will bring 
you to the office and other buildings of the Experimental Farm." 

The Path Through the Corn. 

We took the path. It led us through a field of growing corn, 
the first one I had been through since long years ago, when of an 
early morning, basket in hand, I followed over the path leading to 
the " Blackberry patch " back by the woods. Many the changes 
since then. The woods are gone, and corn must now be growing 
where stood the trees, every one of which I can yet see in 
memory. In memory, too, are brought back, by this " path through 
the corn," many a one who, like the old trees, are gone, and few of 
us are left to take their places on the old farm once home. What 
memories a common-place path can bring back ! 

The Colonel and the Bees. 

We leave the corn on reaching a little farm wagon road, which 
runs alongside of growing crops oats, peas, barley. To the right 
is an orchard, with fruit of many kinds. A cherry tree, laden and 
ripe, tempts the Colonel, but he resists the temptation, and we pass 
on, leaving untouched the luscious fruit. The Colonel is naturally 
honest, and his honesty is ever enhanced if a high barb-wire fence 
stands between him and the cherries. We soon leave the growing 
grain and orchard, and find ourselves in a beautiful park-like 
ground, with fine buildings scattered here and there along well- 
kept roadways and smooth walks. We pass by where John Fixter, 
the farm foreman, is hiving bees two swarms into one. The 
Colonel, like myself, has memories, on seeing Fixter and the bees. 
He now has some more memories, and things on his mind, but they 
will go " down " in a day or two. 

Experimental Farm. 7 

Like " Happy Hooligan," he wants to help, and climbs over 
the fence to offer assistance, and tell John the best way to do it. 
He didn t stay long, however, and got back bver quicker than he 
went. In his haste he brought a whole lot of John s bees with 
him, which he wanted to share with me, but I didn t need any bees 
that day, and ran away, leaving them all to him. 

He said he would not have minded it so much " if the pesky 
things hadn t got inside." 

Fixter, later on, told him that salt and vinegar, well rubbed in, 
was very good to take down aggravated cases, and the Colonel is 
doing quite well this morning. And, again, what is a proof of the 
lately suggested theory on rheumatism, the Colonel has been quite 
cured of his " twinges " by those numerous hypodermic adminis 
trations of John s bees. I did hear him say, however, that he was 
no Alopath, and preferred homeopathic treatment, as the doses are 
so much smaller. 

" There is the office, the one with the flag pole," answers a 
courteous workman, as we stopped running and inquired, and we 
are soon talking with one of the most charming gentlemen we 
have met in Canada, Wm. Saunders, LL.D., F.R.S.C., F.L.S., 
F.C.S., the Director of the Dominion Experimental Farms. 
He was so delightful that I don t believe that all those 
many letters following his name would have scared us, even had 
we known of them at the time, which we did not, and we talked 
to him as simple " Mister Saunders." 

I wonder if the Dominion of Canada fully appreciates what 
this man has done for it during the past sixteen years. This Cen 
tral farm is but one of five under his supervision. The others are 
at Nappan, N.S. ; Brandon, Manitoba ; Indian Head, N.W.T. ; and 
Agassiz, B.C. 

When I looked over that park-like farm of nearly five hvmdred 
acres, and saw its botanical beauty, well-kept fields, fine improved 
stocks of cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, and saw its acres of lawns 
and miles of well-rounded roadways, and was shown the books 
and intricacy of office work there was to do, I could scarce believe 
that far less than one hundred men were employed to do it. 

Every milking of every cow is weighed as long as that cow 
is kept on the farm, and a record is strictly entered. All varieties 
of grain are tested, and their productiveness noted. Last year over 
35,000 samples of grain for seed were sent out, and what is re 
markable, one-third of the farmers receiving those samples report 
ed back the result of their sowing or planting. This is the very 
best indication that the farmers of Canada are interested in this 
work. I am sorry to say that our own fanners take no such in 
terest, as is proven by what for years has not been returned to <:he 
Smithsonian Institute at Washington. 

The divisions of work on the Farm are : Agriculture, under J. 
H. Grisdale, B. Agr. ; Horticulture, under W. T. Macoun, son of 

8 Ottawa, The Hub. 

the famous Prof. Macoun; Chemistry, under F. T. Shutt, M.A. ; 
Entomologist and Botanist, James Fletcher, LL.D. ; Poultry 
Manager, A. G. Gilbert. 

Dr. Charles Saunders, son of Director Wm. Saunders, is now 
connected with the farm, being in charge of one of the most inter 
esting branches of all, that of producing, by crossing, new varieties 
of grain, and fruit. 

How New Varieties of Fruit and Grain are produced. 

As an illustration, here is what to me is very wonderful. Crab 
apple trees from far up in Siberia are crossed by pollenizing with 
some hardy northern apple, and a new one produced, which may 
be grown profitably in the Northwest. The blossom of the apple 
is opened just before it blooms, and the pollen of the crab apple 
bloom is applied to it; then the branch of the tree so treated is 
bound up or covered for a few days with a paper bag, to keep out 
all other pollen. The product is a much larger apple than the 
Siberian crab. The seed from this is in turn planted, and the tree 
produced is used for either grafting or budding on to the root of 
the Siberian crab, or any other hardy apple root. 

Another branch of Dr. Charles Saunders work is the produc 
ing of new varieties of grain. This is done by crossing, and choice 
selections made from the result. Some very valuable varieties of 
grain have been thus produced; nearly 100 varieties of oats alone 
have been on trial for the past two years. The Doctor is trying to 
produce wheat (119 varieties of spring, and 20 of fall wheat are 
under trial) that will ripen early, in order that the harvest of the 
great fields of the West may be extended by sowing different kinds 
of wheat, the early, the medium, and the late. In barley, 74 dif 
ferent sorts have been tested during 1902. 

Rube Talks "Farm" to the Farmers. 

All the other branches are of interest, as they are developed 
here, but space will not permit of giving them. If only the farmer 
can be induced to farm intelligently, then this work of the Govern 
ment will be of vast value, not only to the individual, but to the 
nation as well ; but somehow the farmer plods along, using only 
his hands, while his brain is asleep. I know what I m saying, for 
I was a farmer myself. " Any old way " suits the majority, while 
if they would use half the brain power that it takes to run a corner 
grocery store, they would not be the plodders that they are. They 
must think as well as plow, and when farming is conducted as al 
most any mercantile business is conducted, it will not be nearly 
such hard work, and the profits far greater. How few farmers 
get out of their, lands what they should receive, and would receive 
if they had sense enough to do it right, but they have not. I had 
not myself, and quit so that I might go to writing books, to tell 
the rest how it should be done. 

Rube s Lecture on Farming. 9 

One branch of profit which so few take advantage of is that 
of poultry raising, which, by the incubator, is now so easy. 

Come around, my brother " Hayseeds," and sit down while I 
talk to you three minutes on 

Poultry and Things. 

You have sons and daughters, most of you. Give the children 
a chance. Get them incubators, and give them half the profits. 
Your half will be that much gained, and you may keep the boys at 
home by giving them a " show." The boy hates farming because 
he does not see any of the money coming his way : and again, when 

" The Calf Hat its Blame Head off Long Ago!" 

you promise him a share see that he gets it. I knew a farmer who 
used to give his boy a calf as an encouragement for extra work, 
but, bless you, when the calf grew up the farmer would sell it and 
keep the money. And if the boy protested, the father would say : 
" Why, the thing has eaten its blame head off long ago !" And the 
boy never got even the price of the original calf. Result : he left 
the old farm and drifted out into the world, and to this day hates 
the very thought of farming. Treat the boys as though they were 
business men not as children. It will instill into them the business 
principles which too often are instilled too late, if at all. Again, 
be fair with the boys, for even a child appreciates fairness, and he 
will love vou far more, and remember you far longer, than if you 
sold the grown up calf because it had " eat its blame head off long 

I have said " boys " in talking to you ; I didn t mention the 
dear girls, as they are patient and loving, and not so liable to drift. 
But for all that, don t impose upon their patience ; be fair to them, 
and if you promise to give them half the poultry, give it to them ; 
but whatever you do, start the youngsters into poultry raising, and 
the profits will take the place of many a dollar that otherwise must 
come from the crib or the granary. 

" Daddy " and his Little World. 

Farmers, keep posted in your farming, as the mercantile busi 
ness men keep posted. Don t be content with what you see around 
home, and think your little circle is the world, for it is not. I shall 
never forget one day when I was sowing oats. A neighbor pass 
ing along the road called over : " Rube, what-cher sowin ?" 

" Oats," said I. 

You re foolish," said he, " why, everbody is sowin oats this 
year, an oats won t be worth nawthin !" 

Yes, but, Daddy/ you must not count on what is being 
sowed right here around home ; take in the whole country in your 

io Ottawa, The Hub. 

I do, I do; why a way out ter Dialton they re soivin naw- 
thin but oats!" 

Diaiton was five miles west of " our house," but " Turm " 
thought it was the limit. It was the " limit," but not the one 
Baughman " meant. This neighbor had many names, the above 
are only a few of them. He has since grown wiser and extended 
his horizon, but there are yet many " Turms " among the farmers, 
whose little world ends where the sun sets. 

But let s get back to the Experimental Farm; I ve talked too 
long already on farming; but somehow, sometimes we do love to 
talk on things we dislike, and I do dislike the slipshod way in which 
farming is too often conducted, and to see how smoothly the 
various branches, are run on this park-like farm is a real joy, when 
compared with the old. No, not the " old," for even the Greek 
Thales who lived 630 B.C., did what the Chemist, Prof. F. T. 
Shutt, is now doing. He examined every object that came within 
his reach, the soil, the waters, and everything that he could get at. 
He was the first to want to know "why ?" and, of course, his con 
clusions were very crude, but had those conclusions, crude though 
they were, been followed up intelligently, we would be far in ad 
vance of where we are to-day; but science, like the farmer, has 
been asleep most of the cycles since then. Now that it is awaken 
ed, try, my brothers, to open your eyes, and see that your crops are 
grown from the best seed, and in the best way ; your animals and 
fowls the most profitable breed you can get; the fruits the best 
varieties ; and then farming will not only be profitable, but a plea 
sure. Now that my " lecture " is over, we will go out with the 
botanist, to the 

Arboretum and Botanic Garden 

departments of the farm, which give to it its rare beauty. " We 
have here," said he, as we got among the " Arboretums," " over 
3,000 varieties of trees and shrubs from all parts of the world, and 
more than three-fourths of them are suitable for this climate." He 
was very kind, and pointed out to us many of the varieties. " This 
is a fine specimen of Ulmus Glabra Scampstoniensis," said he, 
pointing to a tree that all my life I had innocently looked upon as 
an Elm, and never until that day did I dream that I had been call 
ing it the wrong name ever since my boyhood. And a little fur 
ther on he stopped and said : "This is one of our specimens of 
Salix Babylonica Annularis," and there stood a tree from whose 
branches I had often taken twigs upon which to string fish, but I 
had never called it that awful name; if I had I m sure it would 
have taken too long to string the fish. I always had thought it a 
water willow, but I had again found I had made a whole life s mis 
take and so it was with all the trees of my early youth. He even 
called the noble oak a " Quercus " -which was hardly fair to the 
oak. I have ever wondered why those apple limbs father used to 
use hurt so, but now see, they were not apple limbs at all, but 

Britannia Trip. n 

" Pyrus Malus Floribunda Atra-Sanguinea " especially " San- 
guinea," as they did so make the blood tingle. 

These are but a few samples of the three thousands or more 
varieties in that Arboretum. I don t now wonder why, that over 
three-fourths of them can stand this climate; their names should 
keep them alive in any climate. 

We left the Arboretum and returned to the office, from which 
Mr. Saunders took us to see some of the drives and walks, and 
pointed out far across to the east and south-east some magnificent 
views. The Farm is ideally located to the south-west of the city, 
and just beyond the city limits. In time a great driveway is to be 
completed; it is now begun by the Commission. It is to start at 
Rideau Hall, run up to the Rideau Canal, along which it is to fol 
low out, and end at the Farm. Here and there beside its course 
is to be little park-like beauty spots, with trees and flowers. Oh, 
how delightful when completed ! I just can t help thinking Ottawa 
does not fully appreciate all of its possibilities and beauties. They 
told us of the Farm, but we got from them the impression that it 
was a place to raise the best kinds of grain, while in reality Mr. 
Saunders, besides finding the best in grain and stock, has made of 
it a beauty spot worthy a visit of all lovers of the possibilities in 
floral nature. 

No visitor to Ottawa should think of leaving the city without 
seeing the Central Experimental Park as Park it surely is. 

There is now being erected here a large building for the wea 
ther bureau. " Joe," who drove us back to the city in the Park 
wagon, pointed out another large structure which is being built. 
He said it is to be a "Lavitory for chimical expiriments." 

Yes, by all means go to see the "Experimental Farm." 

We later found that the car marked " Gladstone Ave." would 
have taken us by a shorter route. It is also taken from either 
Sparks or Bank St. 


The Britannia trip is one of the most enjoyable outings about 
Ottawa. It reminds one of the run out from Brooklyn, passing 
down the Bay to Coney Island, only that it is more in the country, 
and again it is west instead of south. As usual, you take the car 
on Sparks Street, going west; take either the one marked "Britan 
nia," or the one marked "Somerset Street." You turn south on 
Bank, and thence to and out Somerset. Somerset is well paved, 
and its pretty rows of shade trees and neat detached houses, with 
their well-kept lawns, is a pleasant sight. We pass nothing of 
note till we reach Bay Street, after which, at 578, we see the house 
of The Victorian Order of Nurses, and at the corner of Bell, we 
see the quaint little Church of St. Luke s, Rev. Thos. Garrett, 
rector. At Division Street, we begin to see the effects of the re- 

12 Ottawa, The Hub. 

cent fire that swept almost everything clear to the ground for a 
long and wide scope, running to the bridge which crosses the 
C. P. R. tracks. 


Begins at Fourth Avenue, where Somerset ends as it merges into 
the Richmond Road. The Capucian Fathers church and school 
are seen to the left, after which we pass the tree-embowered home 
of Judge Ross, and a little further along toward Queen Street, we 
see to the right The Boys Home. We are soon in the country 
after passing Queen Street. Two turns and we are going up the 
Britannia Road, along which the conductor (43) points out pro 
minent places : " Here s the Holland property. There s Fred. 
Heney s fine house. Fred is Reeve of Nepean." I didn t stop to 
ask him what " Reeve " meant. I had never heard the word be 
fore. No, I didnt stop him. There to the left is the St. 
Hubert s Gun Club grounds. This is now 


That s J. E. Cole s house. Cole owns all this land along here, 
lands worth $200 and upward an acre. Yes, very cheap, so near 
town. That s John McKellar s fine place to the right. That rail 
road paralleling our track? That is the C.P.R. Yes, the C.P.R. 
comes into Ottawa from all directions. Great road that, but it 
looks as though the Liberals are going to get " sociable " in an 
other direction . Yes, here s Britannia/ and so he ran on. He 
knew everything. It s a pleasure to meet with conductors who 
know, and who are so courteous in telling it as are these Ottawa 
boys. At Britannia the trolley company have gone to much ex 
pense in beautifying the place. They have built a wide pier 1,000 
feet long out into the river, which here is Deschenes Lake, 
of which I shall make frequent mention. It forms here 
a half circle, along the east side of which are many pretty 
cottages, and a boat club house. Along the south part 
of the circle, the land between the road and the 
lake has been turned into a park, with pavilions, bath houses, &c. 
The beach is an ideal one for bathing, especially for children. The 
little ones may wade out almost to the end of the pier without 
danger. This land where Britannia stands was once a part of a 
large estate, that of the noted Captain LeBreton, and the Lake was 
called Chaudiere Lake, by Lieut-Colonel Joseph Bouchette, who 
wrote of it in 1832. 

The village, with its two churches and neat cottages, is one 
of Ottawa s most fashionable suburbs. Much is due to Mr. John 
Jamieson, who, like Bradley at Asbury Park, has made a pretty 
resort out of what was once but a sand beach. 

Some people of national note reside here. I might say inter 
national, or even world-wide, as vou shall see. Afew of them are : 

Britannia Trip. 13 

Mr. W. J. Lynch, head of the Patent Office Department, under 
Minister of Agriculture Sidney Fisher, Ottawa; ex-Mayor Fred. 
Cook; Charles Morse, LL.D., of the Exchequer Court; Mr. E. 
Taschereau, son of the Chief Justice of Canada; Mr. Errol Bou- 
chette, a well-known author; Messrs. Arthur and Henry Tache, 
of the famous seigniorial Tache family; the Rosenthals, the lead 
ing jewellers of Ottawa Samuel, one of the sons, an Alderman, 
has done much for athletics, and is ever looking after the interests 
of its young men in general ; Mr. Fred. C. Capreol Mrs. Capreol 
is a niece of the late Sir James Edgar ; Mr. Fred. Graham, of the 
great firm of Bryson, Graham & Co., on Sparks Street; Mrs. Willis 
Wainwright; Mr. Robert Burland, manager of the British Bank 
Note Company; Mr. Robert Masson, merchant, Mr. Wm. Howe, 
manufacturer; Mr. Edward Brittain, of the Finance Department; 
Mr. T. S. Kirby, Mr. T. Blythe and Mr. J. Watson, merchants ; 
and well, you had better get the directory, as everybody seems to 
be prominent in Britannia Bay. 

I said : " International or even world-wide." What will you 
think down home when I tell you that in this pretty little suburb 
of Ottawa, I found the famous scientist, Prof. E. Stone Wiggins, 
M.A., B.A., LL.D., M.D. Yes, I found in Britannia the man 
whose name is better known, and known over a wider range, than 
possibly any other Canadian, for I am sure there is not a nook or 
corner in our own country where the famous Doctor s name is 
not household. I shall never forget how, in 1883, we did all watch 
for that storm he predicted for March 5th. None of us believed 
that such a thing was possible for any living man to say in Sept 
ember that on the following March six months away one of the 
greatest storms ever known would occur, and when it came exactly 
to the day as he had said, our surprise was unbounded, and the 
name of Wiggins was fixed indelibly in our minds, and when we 
were told that Prof. E. Stone Wiggins resided in Britannia, we 
felt that we had found an old friend of our boyhood. 

It will be a surprise to many to know that it was this scientist 
who first suggested wireless telegraphy. The Doctor, in 1884, in 
an interview which appeared in the Brooklyn Union, September 
6th, quite clearly outlined telegraphing without the use of wires. 

Scarcely less famous is his wife, especially so in Canada and 
in England, where the " Gunhilda Letters " had so far-reachicig 
influence in making it lawful in Canada to marry your deceased 
wife s sister. I have seldom if ever read words more powerful 
than are contained in these letters, and never from the pen of a 
woman have I read their equal for strength of expression. The 
research indicates years of study, while the construction is unap 
proachable and unanswerable for the purpose for which they are 

It was our pleasure to meet these two cultured people, and a 
rare pleasure it was. Their home, " Arbor House," is a literary 

T 4 Ottawa, The Hub. 

centre where gather a coterie of the very choicest of Ottawa s 
brilliant minds. 

Later : Just as my book is going to press, Ottawa is shaken 
by the earthquake predicted by the Professor as far back as 1886 
and again in 1894. In the latter year in an interview for the New 
York Herald, he said : An earthquake will appear in Canada in 
the fall of 1904." This quake came on schedule time, and the 
shoulder shrugging critic simply shrugs an extra shrug and says : 
It was only another of the Doctor s correct guesses." 

The Britannia Boat Club 

has a fine club house at the village. It is famous for its many 

Its officers are: Hon. President, Wm. Wyld; Hon. Vice- 
Presidents, Thos. Ahearn and F. J. Graham; President, Robert 
Masson; Vice-President, W. L. Donnelly; Hon. Secretary, Louis 
J. Kehoe; Hon. Treasurer, E. L. Brittain; Directors, A. Tache 
E. R. McNeill, D. Burns, W. Healy, R. Burland, and Harry 
Rosenthal ; Librarian, E. E. Stockton. 

Among the successes of this club was the winning, in 1902, 
of the war canoe championship of Canada, under the auspices of 
the Canadian Canoe Association. 

The club has a membership of 200, consisting of resident and 
non-resident members. Its fortnightly dances are very popular. 
And its regattas are events of great interest. 


As usual, start on Sparks Street, but be careful this time to see 
that your car is marked " Chaudiere Falls." It leaves Sparks at 
Bank, and goes one block north to Wellington, and then west. 
Around Bank and Wellington are some points of prominence. On 
Bank, across Wellington, in the Parliament grounds, are the 
Supreme Court buildings, in which are the Supreme Court, 
Supreme Court library, Exchequer Court, and at the south-west 
corner, the Metropolitan Business College. 

From Bank west, Wellington is a business street. At 220 
is the fine home of the American Bank Note Company ; beyond is 
the large ruins of the Hotel Cecil, now being rebuilt, and near by 
the British American Bank Note Company, and at the corner of 
Kent Street, St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church; the pastor is 
Rev. W. T. Herridge, of whose rare ability we had heard much 
said, and later, often listened to with delight. He is one of 
Canada s greatest preachers. 

Chaudiere Falls Trip. 1 5. 

Perley Home. 

That large residential-looking house to the right or north side 
was once the home of Mr. William Goodhue Perley. It was given 
by the heirs as a Home for Incurables, and on January 2ist, 1897, 
formally opened by His Excellency the Governor General and 
Lady Aberdeen. 

Its founders are among the most prominent people of Ottawa. 
Mr. John M. Garland, a leading merchant, is President. Secretary, 
G. A. Burgess, B.A., LL.B. Treasurer, John H. Dewar. Miss 
Crawford is superintendent. 

Ottawa Water Works. 

Where the car turns off on to Queen Street West are the 
really up-to-date waterworks of the city, with its 25 million capa 
city, now pumping, by water power (4,000 horse power), u mil 
lions gallons per day. It is always a pleasure to find "something 
from home," if it be but a bit of machinery or manufacture. Here 
we found three water wheels, the Leffel, made in our home town 
Springfield, Ohio thirty years ago, and they are still at work. 
Ottawans are sensible in using large mains. From 24-inch mains 
the pipes run 1 to 5 inches in the most distant parts of the city, with 
12 and 15 inch pipes in the business portion. The surroundings 
of the pumping plant are park-like and very pretty. 

We find but little of interest until we reach the great mills of 
J. R. Booth, possibly the greatest saw mills in the world. Here 
are cut 125,000,000 feet per year, not to mention millions of lath, 
shingles, etc. I have told elsewhere of the phenomenal rise of this 
remarkable man, who from a poor farmer boy has reached the top 
in a number of lines; how that he now owns timber limits that 
would make nearly five such states as Rhode Island, and the most 
of a railway extending from Vermont to Georgian Bay, with a well 
started city of his own at the end of the line Depot Harbor and 
a line of grain steamships, with a chain of elevators of millions 
capacity. I wanted to meet and know such a man, 

Rube Gets Acquainted. 

but had no excuse, and had to make one. " Mr. Booth," said I, on 
meeting him, " a man once went to see Barnum, Don t want a 
thing, said the man, don t want a thing ; I only wanted to see you. 
Same here; just wanted to meet the man who had done things 
good day." Hold on," said he, as I started to go, and then I 
found the great J. R. Booth as genial as he is successful, and the 

1 6 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Colonel and I were shown through the mills, where 1,000 men and 
boys were at work in the various departments, the most interesting 
of which was the making of shingles. My eyes ! The rapidity 
with which those boys turned out shingles went beyond anything 
I had ever seen in wood working. 

Immediately beyond the Booth mills are 

i The Chaudiere Falls. 

I cannot describe them ; you must turn over to my picture gallery 
and see for yourselves. We had wondered from whence came the 
power that ran the 43 miles of Ottawa s trolley lines, but found it 
in the immense electrical works near the Falls. They are most 
complete. Beyond the bridge, just at the Falls, we come to the 
City of Hull, which will require a separate sketch. Just here you 
must ask the conductor to point out to you 

The Devil s Hole. 

He may tell you that a horse and cart once dropped into it, and that 
nothing but the cart was ever seen, and it came out a mile or two 
below. " The horse, no doubt, served as food for the cat fish." It 
seems that there must be a subterraneous passage of nearly two 
miles long. 

The Ottazva Cave. 

Ottawa, of course, once had its cave, but the retaining wall of 
Wellington Street, at the east side of Pooley s Bridge, at the Water 
works, shut its mouth, so the old citizens must speak for it. The 
venturesome ones will tell you how " when we were boys we often 
used to go into the cave, which runs east under the great bluff to 
Concession Street, and we don t 1 know how much further." 


Elgin Street is the first street west of the Russell House. It 
has much of interest, and is one of the important streets of 

Walk down a block while waiting for a car. To the right 
corner of Sparks is the Canadian Pacific ticket office and the ex 
press department of the same company to the left. Next, to the 
right, is the office of the Evening Journal. 

Central Chambers, extending to Queen Street, is possibly the 
most prominent office building in Ottawa. Here are the offices of 
the Board of Trade. Two great and well known companies of 
Boston and New York City have here their Canadian offices : the 
Shepherd & Morse Lumber, and the Export Lumber Companies. 

Elgin Street Trip. ^ 

N. A Belcourt, member of Parliament for Ottawa, and 
Speaker of the House; the Canada Atlantic Railway Company 
and many others prominent, are in the Central. 

Across to the north side of the street we find the Ottawa 
tree Press; next, to the left, across Queen Street, is the beautiful 
iall in front of which is a fine Soldiers Monument, erected 
by the gifts of 30,000 children of Ottawa and adjoining counties 
it was erected in memory of the brave boys who fell in South 
Africa in the late Boer War. 

Just to the rear of the City Hall, on Queen Street, is the 
Police Station. At the south-west corner of Elgin and Queen is 
the Grand Union Hotel, one of the best in Ottawa. 

At the south-east corner of Albert (the next) Street is the 
Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. D. M. Ramsay, pastor On the 
opposite (west) corner is the Congregational Church, Rev. Wm 
Mclntosh, pastor. East, on Slater Street, are the offices of the 
Militia Department. Here also we find Jas. W. Woods with the 
largest wholesale store in the city. On the north-west corner of 
Maria Street is the Ottawa Amateur Athletic Club G S Mav 
President; T. R Munro, Secretary-Treasurer; G. N. Norwood! 
Auditor. The church opposite is the First Baptist, Rev A A 
Cameron, pastor. This is an important locality. East on Maria 
Street, toward the Laurier Bridge (a block away), we see to the 
left the fine club house of the Knights of Columbus, and a little 
further along, St. Patrick s Hall. It is here at Elgin Street that 

The Commission Driveway 

begins. It goes east to the canal, then turning south, runs up 
along the north bank of this water way, out to the Experimental 
Farm. Here Maria Street is a double driveway, with grass plot 
and double rows of trees in the centre. 

The Great Drill Hall 

for all the city regiments is at the end of Cartier Square, seen here 
along the south side of the Driveway. The Emmanuel Reformed 
Episcopal Church, Rev. T. Hubert, pastor, is at the next corner, 
on Elgin. 

West, on Gloucester, a half block, is a large school, the Con 
gregation de Notre Dame. On Elgin Street, next beyond Em 
manuel Church, was the home of the late J. W. McRae, brother 
of Sir Hector McRae. To the left, beyond Cartier Square, is the 
Model School, and on the east end of the same block is the Col 
legiate Institute, dating back to 1843. Up to 1875, Elgin Street 
only ran to Lisgar. That year it was continued out to Lansdowne 
Park. Mr. A. S. Woodburn, then Secretary of the Agri 
cultural Fair, was ^instrumental in bringing about this improve 
ment. Up to that time Bank Street was the only means of reach- 

1 8 Ottawa, The Hub. 

ing the Park, or Fair ground. Beyond Lisgar Street, on the west 
side, is the Protestant Orphans Home. To the left, on the cor 
ner, is the beautiful home of Mr. Levi Crannel, of the firm of 
Bronson & Crannell, prominent manufacturers. On the south 
east corner of Somerset Street is the Anglican Grace Church, 
Rev. J. F. Gorman, rector. (Rev. Mr. Gorman is said to be a 
most effective writer as well as preacher.) At the north-east 
corner of Maclaren Street is the 2Opular young ladies school of 
Miss A. N. Harmon, and at the south-west corner, the residence 
of Mr. J. F. Booth, son of J. R. Booth. 

Minto Square 

is seen here. It occupies the block between Maclaren and Gil- 
mour Streets, and runs from Elgin to- Cartier Streets. Just across 
from the square is the Elgin Street Kindergarten School. At 
the south-east corner of Gilmour Street is the only Unitarian 
Church in Ottawa, Rev. R. J . Hutcheon, M.A., pastor. We come 
to a large hospital at the south-east corner of Lochiel Street, St. 
Luke s General Hospital, connected with which are some of the 
most prominent physicians and surgeons in the city. On the wide 
block to the right, between McLeod and Argyle, and running 
west nearly to Bank Street, is to be located the great National 
Museum. It will be one of the finest of the Government build 
ings, and an ornament to the city. 

At Argyle the car turns, and the line ends at the canal bridge, 
one block to the east. The Commission Driveway is here seen 
again along the canal, passing through the subway under the 
Canada Atlantic, a block to the south. 

" Colonel," said I, " let s cross the bridge and see what is on 
the other side." We go over, to what the guide book calls " Road 
Concession," but the people we ask call it " Main Street, Ottawa 
East." We follow it east a few blocks and find 

The Priests Farm, 

or St. Joseph s Scholasticate, with Rev. Father Duvis as Superior. 
It is a large stone building, with beautifully kept grounds in front 
and all about. 


This is the line by which the Union Station, on Rochester 
Street, is reached, and, as elsewhere stated, from this station you 
take the train " up the Gatineau." The Pontiac road, and some 
of the C. P. R. trains to Montreal and Toronto, start from here. 
Take the car on Sparks or Bank Streets the one marked "Union 

As usual, we ask the conductor to point out any places of in 
terest, or the homes of those prominent, as we go along. " That s 

Sussex Street Trip. ig 

the Catholic Apostolic Church at Lyon Street. Here at Bay 
Street, occupying a block, is the Presbyterian Ladies College of 
Ottawa, with the Conservatory of Music in the same grounds. 
Across the street, on the corner of Bay, is the home of Daniel 
O Connor, lawyer, of a very old Bytown family. At 443 is the 
residence of Mr. Wm. Hutchison, Canadian Commissioner, Presi 
dent of the Central Exhibition Association, and now in charge of 
the St. Louis Fair exhibit. He was once member of Parliament 
for Ottawa. At 451 resides James D. Fraser, treasurer of our 
car lines. There, at 470, lives Charles Bryson, a member of one 
of the largest departmental stores, Bryson & Graham, and here,, 
at Concession, is Morley Donaldson, General Superintendent of 
the Canada Atlantic Railway. Up there to the left, on the hill, on 
Victoria Avenue, you see, a large church ; that is St. Jean Baptiste 
Church of the Dominican Fathers, a convent and a separate 

Shortly after this we reach Rochester Street, a short distance 
to the right we come to the station. This locality was near the 
centre of the 1900 fire that swept across from Hull. That fire 
burned about everything in this part of its path, including the 
station building. The large stone ruin you see to the south was 
the palatial home of J. R. Booth. The extensive building now 
under construction to the left as you turn to the station is to be 
the mill of Davidson & Thackray, whose immense mills on Sparks, 
running through to Queen Street, were entirely consumed in the 
June fire of this year. This firm is one of the most extensive sash 
and door manufacturers on the continent, their trade extending to 
all parts of the world. 



How little interest the average citizen takes in the things 
around him ! This I could not but note, one day when the Colonel 
and I stood waiting to take the car marked "Rockliffe." We 
were on the Sparks Street bridge, there by the Post Office, where 
two bridges cross the Rideau Canal, running so nearly into one, 
at the east end, that they might have been named the " V " 

What bridge is this ?" I asked. 

The Rideau Canal bridge," said the man, who had all the 
appearance^ of having an intellect. 

What bridge is that ? " pointing to another, leading across 
at Wellington Street on the north side of the Post Office. 

That is the Rideau Canal bridge too." I gave him up 
and after asking a number of others we finally met the " old 
citizen " and then we had to listen. 

2O Ottawa, The Hub. 

" This one on Sparks Street is the old Sappers bridge built 
at the time of the canal was dug, 1827, it used to run solid up 
to the water but when the railway ran through it had to be blasted 
out, there beyond, for the tracks. It as originally very narrow 
notice under there and you will see how it was widened. That 
new bridge crossing to Wellington Street is Dufferin Bridge, 
built under the mayoralty of Eugene Martineau in 1873. Samuel 
Keefer, brother of our present great civil engineer, T. C. Keefer, 
was the designer, and the builder was James Goodwin, father of 
George Goodwin. 

"This is the Post Office here on the West bank of the canal, 
see underneath is the Custom House, reached by wagons from 
across the street where the ground falls away, there through that 
pretty little park. Say you ought to have seen that park three 
years ago. It was John Heney s wood yard. You wouldn t have 
thought our Improvement Commission could have brought so 
much of beauty out of that old yard but say strangers, we ve 
got the best Improvement Commission in Canada. Have you 
seen what they ve done for this town ? Beats anything I ever saw 
inside of ten years they will make Ottawa a little Paradise. 
That ? Oh, that s the Canada Atlantic Railway station ; we re 
going to have a new one in 1954 the picture and plans are all 
ready to start. Oh, yes; they ve been ready for years. It s too 
fine for this generation, so it s been put off. The Canadian Paci 
fic Railway use it too. You just ought to have seen that ground 
before J. R. Booth started to build the Canada Atlantic. (Met 
Booth yet? He s a great man.) It used to be a basin, and the 
canal ran all over it. No, I don t mean the station, I mean it ran 
over where it stands. That bridge over there, four blocks south ? 
Oh, that s Laurier Bridge, across at Maria Street. Of course, 
you know that Colonel John By started to build this canal in 1826. 
No? Yes, he began in 1826, and finished it in 1832. Sir John 
Franklin laid the corner stone in 1827. What? Oh, yes; it 
was before he was lost in his attempt to find the North Pole. It 
has eight locks between here and the river one right after the 
other with an 82 feet drop. That house on the east side, the one 
cut in two by the trolley, was Colonel Coffin s house. Some say 
it is haunted, but that s because its empty. Colonel By lived in 
a rubble stone house, one story, with verandahs. It stood over 
there in what is now Major Hill Park named after Major 

" Walk across to the other end of this bridge, past the en 
trance to the station. Yes, down those steps to the right for the 
Central railway station. Look, there s the Major Hill Park! It 
used to be an ugly-looking ground before the Park was made. 
That monument there in front? It is the monument built by the 
citizens of Ottawa for Wm. B. Osgoode and John Rogers, who 
were killed in the Northwest, during the Riel Rebellion, in 1885. 

The Old Citizen Talks. 21 

Nice men, I knew em both well. I was in that rebellion, and 
might have had my name carved on that monument too! You 
see, it was like this. One night we had gone into camp, not 

thinking What? Yes, that is the car to Rockliffe. You see, 

it was like this. One night, we had- -," but we hadn t time to 
wait, and may never know what he had that night. It was pos 
sibly a dream. 

; You found one that time, Rube ; I guess he beats, our Mont 
real old citizen/ " said the Colonel, just as we left Rideau Street. 
(Sparks Street stops at the bridges, and becomes Rideau Street.) 
and turned in to Sussex, to the left, just east of the bridges. 

On this car was another of those obliging conductors (79.) 
When he saw that we were strangers, he began to point out 
places. That s St. John s Church to the left, Rev. Canon Pol 
lard, rector. That s the Geological Museum to the right; you 
must visit this, specially, as it is full of things worth seeing. This 
very wide street is York, where the market is located. That s 
the Basilica Church to the right; back there to the left, a block/is 
the Government Printing Bureau ; yes, that big red brick build 
ing. Here, at Water Street, down half a block, is the Catholic 
General Hospital. Thence, as we turn to run along the river is 
Queen s Wharf, where the Ottawa River Navigation Company s 
steamer Empress starts down to Montreal, or rather to Gren- 
ville, where you have to change. Great trip that ! Ever take it ? 
Everybody takes it. You can go down to Grenville and back for 
50 cents. There to the left, on the river bank, is the Ottawa 
Rowing Club, 37 years old. Lord Minto is patron. Hon. presi 
dent is John Manuel. The President is W. F. Boardman ; vice- 
presidents, C. W. Badgeley and F. Grierson; captain, W. A. 
Cameron, the great canoeist, and hon. secretary, R. W. Nichols. 
This little park to the right? It s Bingham s Park, named for 
one of our big citizens, and there a little further along to the right 
is his residence. Back there at the end of Dalhousie Street is 
where Sir John Macdonald lived. Here, on both sides of the 
Rideau River are the lumber mills of the W. C. Edwards Com 
pany. Edwards is another of our great mill men. Here s another 
branch of the Rideau. Yes, these are all the Edwards mills. 
They have a lot of others, at Rockland, down the Ottawa, 28 
miles. That s W. C. Edwards house to the left; yes, that big 
stone house among the trees. And here to the right, with the big 
red gate, is Rideau Hall. 

The Governor General s House. 

1 The grounds run far back to the south and east. We pass 
alongside of them to Rockliffe Park, which begins right here on 
the left. Oh, yes; this is a beautiful park. Thousands come 
out here of a Saturday and Sunday, and many picnics are held 
here family picnics. You notice, it is all natural, and you don t 

22 Ottawa, The Hub. 

have to keep off the grass ; so the children can romp and tumble 
over it all they) please. Up there is the band stand, where the band 
often comes to play. Did you ever see such an ideal spot? It 
has rocks that s why its " Rockcliffe " and trees, and look 
down, there s the river, and over there is Gatineau Point. Yes, 
over there where you see the big church and the little houses ; 
that s the Gatineau River. Finest trip anybody ever took, and 
but here we are at the end of the run. That path ? It leads up 
to Lornado, W. Y. Soper s beautiful summer home. Wait a few 
minutes and a car will come to take you on to 

The Rifle Range. 

Two miles down the river. What ? Oh, don t mention it ; we 
boys like to tell tourists what to see along our lines. Good day. 
Oh, thanks; I can t smoke now, but I will save it until I m off 

We got out, went into the pavillion waiting room, and were 
delighted with the view to be had from there, across the river. 
Here we found a Boston artist friend, sketching that big church 
at Gatineau Point, and backing it with the beautiful Laurentians, 
far to the north-west. 

" Rube, there s our car !" And I had to stop admiring that 
view and get aboard the trolley. We found No. 47 no exception. 
When he saw that we wanted to know, doncher known, he began 
telling us of each place of interest, as we passed along. He was 
not in a hurry, as he only had to make a trip every 15 minutes. 

" There is the Ottawa Canoe Club on the river bank." 

" No," said the Colonel, " we passed that just this side of 
Queen s Wharf!" 

" Wrong, mister ; that was the Ottawa Rowing Club." 

" Say, 47, you must excuse my friend here ; he was raised in 
a country where they only have water for agricultural, washing, 
and drinking purposes, and he don t know the difference between 
rowing a boat and paddling a canoe." 

" Say, Rube, you are not so numerous. Did you ever count 

The conductor went on to tell us about the club, paying no 
heed to our ignorance of things aquatic. " His Excellency, Lord 
Minto, is Patron. Vice-Patron is Lord Aylmer, another very 
popular man. David Maclaren is Commodore ; G. P. Brophy, Vice- 
Commodore; W. F. Boardman, Captain, and Walter Rowan, 
Secretary-Treasurer. They have over 200 membership. 

" To the right, up there on the high cliff, through the trees, 
is the property of our civil engineer, T. C. Keefer." 

Just a little further ahead, we came to a turn in both the 
river and the road, which up to here, had run high above the 
water. At this turn he stopped the car and let us look at the 
magnificent view. 

Wouldn t Let Rube Shoot. 23 

That is. Kettle Island. See how the river divides, leaving it 
in the centre. It is three miles long and very pretty. That mill 
in the far distance down the river, on the Quebec side, belongs to 
the Maclaren Company. It is at Templeton. You can, from 
here, see 7 miles down the river." A short distance further we 
pass a number of tents on the river bank. " This is Camp Pre 
toria. Druggist McCormick and other Ottawans come here every 
summer to camp out. That first big house to the right is 
Mathewman s. The second, that one over there near McKay s 
Lake, is Colonel Richard Cartwright s. Yes, he s the son of the 
great Richard. He has charge of the 

Canadian School of Musketry, 

there where you see the tents. And further on, where we stop, are 
the officers quarters, near the Rifle Range. See all this country 
around here? Well, there is talk of making a National Park out 
this way, beginning somewhere near Rideau Hall, and running out 
far beyond the Range. My, but it would be a great system. You 
could go from here through the city to the Experimental Farm 
beyond but here we are at the officers quarters." 

For a while we felt that we might not have any business 
around where there was rifle practice going on; then, besides I 
never feel easy where volunteer soldiers are. They always im 
press me that they feel their great importance. But when once I 
get to know them, I find they are a fine set of boys. Of course, 
some of the little officers from the country never let you forget 
their vast dignity, but they can t help it, and as it seems to make 
their life happier, I just let it go at that. It is better that way, 
as it saves time. 

We found the Colonel in charge, and a large number of other 
officers and men at the 200 yards range. We presented our cards 
to the Colonel, so that if we got shot there would be no doubt as 
to who we had been. The Colonel himself is a fine shot. I don t 
mean my Colonel, Horatius he couldn t hit a barn but the 
Colonel Commanding. I was surprised to see with what facility 
he could detect a poor gun. He would shoot, and if he missed 
the target two or three times, he would say : " Send this gun back 
to the store ; it s not accurate." 

" Colonel," said I, " let me try a shot." 

No, we d have to send them all back." I didn t know just 
what he meant, but he didn t let me shoot. I got even, however, 
by aiming my camera at them. But I m beginning to think I could 
use a gun better. There could not be fewer " hits," but Topley 
says this is a better one than he gave me on the last outing, -md 
I may possibly have taken the Colonel and his marksmen. 

We went back to the officers quarters, where we had to take 
pictures as long as we had any films left. 

2 4 Ottawa, The Hub. 

The one where the boys are all standing at attention, they 
told us, is The Major s Hugging Brigade." There is a question 
between me and the Colonel as to the name of this brigade He 
says it is the " Major Huggins." What s a " g," more or less, 
anyhow ! The Colonel is so particular as to my spelling. 

As I said, this is the Canadian School of Musketry. It meets 
m <J uly and Se P tember of each year. Officers, non-commissioned 
officers and men come from all parts of the Dominion to practice 
shooting. Three men from each company of the Royal Canadian 
Regiments are detailed for duty to act as instructors. 

We start back. At the waiting pavilion at Rockliffe Park 
we find our Boston artist, with her sketch of Gatineau Point com 

We walk along through the park until we find a path to the 
left, marked " Cornwall Avenue," and ever hunting for the New, 
follow it. It led around to a low, broad cabin, which we, later 
on, found to be 

The Royal Cabin, 

in which the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York ate pork 
and beans when in Ottawa in 1901. 

Queer, what notions one has of places they read about, in the 
ordinary newspaper reports ! I had thought of this Cabin as in a 
far away location, while here it is in the city. It stands 
among high pine trees, and looks very picturesque. 

This is a delightful outing trip, and taken leisurely, only re 
quires a short time. 

After that we went often to the Rifle Range, but never gained 
any reputation as marksmen. The targets were always too far 
off 50 feet being our limit. 


Bank, next after Sparks-Rideau, is the most prominent busi 
ness street in Ottawa. On Bank at Wellington are the Supreme 
Court Buildings in which, besides this court, are the Supreme Court 
Library and the Exchequer Court. On the south-western corner 
is the Metropolitan Business College, founded in 1896. Sparks 
and Bank are well termed "The Busy Corner." Here is the beau 
tiful Sun Life building to the south east; the leading Clothier, 
Stewart McClenaghan "Two Macs" across the street; and 
Ketchum and Company on the north west corner. 

The Sun Life, under the Ottawa management of Mr. John 
R. and W. L. Reid (the former the president of the Board of 
Trade), is one of the great life insurance companies of Canada. 
Mr. Reid has had the management of this branch since 1893, dur 
ing which time he has seen his company grow from insurance in 

Bank Street Trip. 25 

force of less than twenty-eight millions to nearly seventy-six mil 
lions, and increasing annually by leaps and bounds. 

Mr. John McD. Hains, Jr., acountant, late of Montreal, with 
office in this building, is fast gaining a position among the rising 
young business men of Ottawa. 

Mr. J. L. Rochester, a clerk of a few years ago, is now the 
proprietor of the Sun Life drug store, one of the best equipped in 
the city. 

In this building is also an old friend of other days, well 
known in many countries "Bradstreets" a man needing no 
words of comment. 

Mr. Stewart McClenaghan, school trustee, and prominently 
identified with public interests, has built up a great business on 
this "Busy Corner". When the University burned, in December 
(1903), and the students had lost their all, it was to Mr. Mc 
Clenaghan that hundreds of them were sent to be clothed. The 
University paying the bills out of the insurance, were surprised to 
find these bills discounted to a very large extent by this generous 
young business man. 

I have spoken elsewhere of the Ketchums, how they started 
with all their goods in one window, and in a few years have 
become the leading sporting goods dealers of the Dominion, and 
even just now seem little more than boys. 

Here also is another proof of what a clear head and push will 
do. Mr. Matthew Esdale, from a single hand press, has added one 
after another until in a very short time he has a well equipped 
printing establishment all from his own unaided efforts. 

It Pays to be Kind. 

Just here I must run in a little story, illustrative of the kind 
ness of manner of the big business men of Ottawa. Young Esdale 
had almost decided to go into business for himself, He went first 
to one of the great firms to ask for some of their work. The head 
of the firm received him kindly, and although he gave him no 
order at the time, he was so agreeable in his manner that "Matt" 
started the same week. "Had Mr. H. B. said one unkind word to 
me just then, I would have lost heart and given up, and if I have 
succeeded I give all the credit to him." One never knows the 
effect ones words may have on his fellows a single sentence, may 
make or mar the whole life of -another. It is a pleasure to say of 
Ottawa It s business and professional men are very delightful 
and courteous in their manner in fact this may be said of all 
classes here. One is seldom greeted in Ottawa by that harsh ques 
tion : "Well, what can I do for you ?" 

2* Ottazva, The Hub. 


Odd Fellows Hall. 

The great Order of Oddfellows has its fine hall and meeting 
rooms in the Sun Life Building. It has a local membership of 
about 800. 

Yes, the corner at Sparks and Bank is indeed a "Busy Cor 


At Slater is the Bank Street Presbyterian church, Pastor Rev. 
J. H. Turnbull, M.A. Other churches on this street are the 
Stevvarton Presbyterian, Rev. Robt. Herbison, M.A., pastor, at the 
head of Archibald street, and the McLeod Street Methodist 
church. This is a very fine stone edifice, Rev. F. G. Lett, pastor. 

At the north west corner of Bank and Gilmour street is the 
commodious Gilmour, the most popular family hotel in Ottawa. It 
is under the courteous management of Mr. T. Babin. 

At 483 resides a man of much prominence by reason of hav 
ing given prominence to others. I refer to Mr. Henry J. Morgan, 
barrister, author of "Morgan s Canadian Men and Women of the 
time", "Canadian Parliamentary Companion", and many other 
works, almost a library of themselves. He is well called "The 
Burke of Canada". The inlet crossed, beyond Paterson Avenue 
is Paterson Creek connected with the canal to the east. It has 
been filled in from Bank street west. Just beyond is Ottawa Elec 
tric Park to become a part of the Driveway Park system. Atj 941 
is the beautiful residence of Mrs. Russell Spaulding of Boston 
and at 937 are the extensive grounds and home of James A. 
Smart, Deputy Minister of the Interior. 

The Protestant Home for the Aged, 

or better known as "The Old Men s Home" is at 954. This is one 
of the most prominent charitable institutions in the city by reason 
of the men to whosei benevolence is due its maintenance. It s offi 
cers are : C. McNab, President ; John Kane, Secretary ; J. H. 
Dewar, Treasurer ; W. E. De Rinzy, Steward ; Mrs. E. De Rinzy, 
Matron. Among its life members are the most prominent men in 
Ottawa. The Bronsons, the Bates, (all of the family, father and 
sons), John M. Garland, J. R. Armstrong, W. Y. Soper, Chas. 
McNab, Thos. Birkett, M.P., Thos. Keefer, G.C.M.G., David Mc 
Laren, George Orme, Edward Seybold, G. B. Pattee, Abram 
Pratt. There are now thirty-four old men at the home. This was 
originally the old Mutchmore homestead. 

Central Canada Exhibition Grounds, 
are immediately opposite the Old Men s Home. 

Growth of Ottawa. 

The growth of Ottawa may be seen in a marked way by the 
many new store rooms being built on Bank street. 

Theodore Street Trip. 27 


Prime Minister, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, has his residence on 
Theodore, which fact alone would bring many a visitor to see this 
street, but when it is remembered that parts of it are among the 
most beautiful in Ottawa, none should miss taking the trip, which 
is taken in loop-fashion. Several lines of cars go over this route, 
but the best way we found to see it was to take the Somerset car 
going east get on anywhere along Sparks street going toward 
the Russell House. From Sparks which (as before said) is 
Rideau street, east of the bridges, the car turns south five blocks 
through Nicholas to Theodore, which is Maria street west of the 
Bridge, which on this street, crosses the canal. "Rube" said the 
Colonel that day, apropos of this double naming of streets and 
things, in Canada, "I wonder why they do it anyhow?" 

"I don t know, Colonel, unless they are afraid they will lose 
the names if they don t use them, so when they find a name they 
like real well, they just hang it up on one end of an already named 
street until they need it elsewhere, and as they like a good many 
real well, they have the good many hung up for further use." 

"There s one thing, Rube, about Ottawa, it can use all its 
streets as well as the names. Now take , I ve seen streets 
that town with as many as four names stuck up, and if one were 
going through with a load one would get stuck too. before one 
reached the further end. My eyes, Rube, wa nt them streets 
awful !" 

"Yes, Colonel, but you must remember that the Aldermen in 
that town could not afford to givq good streets. By the time they 
had what they needed for themselves there wasn t anything left for 
dirty ole streets. I wonder, Colonel, what would cure all this, 
make honest men out of the Alderman and streets in that town 
passable ?" 

"The Court House and Jail!" broke in the conductor, as he 
pointed out a large stone building at the corner of Daly and 
Nicholas, up which latter street we had just turned from Rideau. 
As we looked at this large structure the Colonel s only comment 
was, "Apropos !" I neglected to ask him at the time, what he 
meant, and by the time I did remember, he had forgotten. 

These buildings, with the prison yard, extend two blocks to 
Wilbrod street. The Registry Office is to the right across from 
the Court House. The University of Ottawa, with its mam 
building to the right and museum and Science hall to the left, is 
well worthy a visit. It is the school of the Oblate Fathers, with Rev. 
Father Emery as Rector or President. A statue of the founder 
(1848) of the University, stands in the yard of the main building, 
Rev. Father J. H. Tabaret. 

28 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Next, a block east on Wilbrod, at Cumberland, is St. Joseph 
church, Rev. Father Murphy, priest, in charge. This church has 
a most magnificent electric altar lighting system. 

We go back to Nicholas, turn south one block to Theodore. 
If the day is fine I would advise you to get off the car and leisure 
ly stroll along east, for a few blocks as there are so many places of 
note, that you should take your time. The old Rideau skating rink 
the fashionable skating rink of the city, is to the right, after 
passing Waller, and at the south-west corner of Cumberland is the 
Juniorate of the Sacred Heart, connected wih the University. It 
is a boys school, with our old friend Father Jeanette, formerly 
of Lachine, as Superior. Many good stories are told of this gen 
ial Father, apropos of his youthful appearance. I once made an 
extended railway journey with him a more delightful companion 
one could not ask. 

Next across Cumberland is Sacred Heart church, a fine stone 
building. It is also under the Oblate Fathers, with Rev. Father 
X. Portelance as priest We soon come to King street, which just 
here, looking north, is very pretty. 

On the north east corner of King is seen the cannon-guarded 
residence of Colonel L. F. Pinault, Deputy Minister of Militia 
and Defence. 

At 221 Theodore resides the popular commander of the 43rd 
Regiment, Colonel S. M. Rogers ; at 245 lives Major Alphonse Be- 
noit, Secretary of the Militia Department, and in the same block 
265, is the home and spacious grounds of the Chief Justice of 
Canada, Sir Elzear Taschereau. At Russell street is one of the 
finest residences in Ottawa, that of Mr. George Goodwin, a large 

That beautiful stone church to the right at the next street 
Chapel is All Saints, Anglican, Rev. A. W., Mackey, rector. To 
Mr. H. N. Bate, a leading Ottawan, is largely due this fine 
temple. The late Mr. Kingsford, the noted, historian, lived on the 
southwest corner of Chapel and Theodore. Opposite on the north 
east corner is the home of the Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, next 
east, is the fine residence of Mr. J. C. Edwards, of the W. C. 
Edwards Lumber Company. The large square house, setting far 
back, is the Japanese Consulate. Mr. Tatsz-Goro Nosse is the 
Consul-General. He is a very able man^ and especially pppular in 
Canada. Beyond the Consulate comes Stadacona Hall, the park 
encircled stone residence of Sir Frederick W. Borden, Minister of 
Militia and Defence. Following on the same side of the street are 
the homes of Mrs. Margaret Christie, Major Edw. T. H. Heward ; 
Louis A. Audette, Registrar of the Exchequer Court of Canada; 
Hon. Louis P. Brodeur, Minister of Inland Revenue; Joseph 
Pope, C.M.G., Under Secretary of State and Deputy Registrar 

Theodore Street Trip. 29 

General ; next is seen the flower grounds of the beautiful home of 
John Mather, capitalist; B. M. Armstrong, Controller Railway 
Mail Service; and last, on this street resides Colonel R. W. 
Rutherford, Asst. Adj-Genl. for Artillery of the Department of 
Militia and Defence. 

To the right beyond All Saints church we pass the home of 
W. H. Fraser, lumberman, the next on the corner of Goulborune 
Ave., we do not pass without stopping to admire the beautiful 
flower grounds of Chas. C. Cunningham, one of the winners of the 
Lady Minto flower garden prizes for, 1903. The last house, occu 
pying a block, is the tree-embowered residence of Wm. H. Davis, 
one of Ottawa s great contractors. Looking south on Chapel, 
Blackburn and Goulbourne, we see the homes of other prominent 
citizens. Here we find Jas. W. Woods, of whose beautiful art 
gallery I have spoken ; George Brophy of the Public Works De 
partment, Major Robert Brown, of the Princess Louise Dragoons, 
D. M. Finnic, manager of the Bank of Ottawa ; John W. Borden, 
brother of Sir Frederick William Borden, Edw. C. Grant, son of 
Sir James Grant ; A. G. Tagge, a talented young American engin 
eer. On Blackburn Avenue resides Mr. P. E. Bucke, relative of 
Lord Kitchener, Mrs. Bucke, being a sister of Ladv La Touche, 
wife of Sir Joseph Diggs La Touche, a Governor of India. She is 
also _ connected with the famous "Strickland Sisters" to whose 
writings Canada is so much indebted. 

Colonel Sydney C. D. Roper, of the Governor-General s Foot 
Guards, is also a resident on Theodore. 

We have now reached the turn at Charlotte street. The loca 
tion is here rather an elevation with pretty views to east and south. 
You look to the south over Strathcona Park, but little more than a 
name yet marks it. The Driveway Commission are soon to turn 
it into a beauty spot, well worthy its great name. 

You turn north to Rideau street through Charlotte, the first 
house to the left, No. 286, is the residence of a member of the 
Dominion Ministry, the Hon. Sydney Fisher, minister of Agricul 
ture. Next is the home of a former; Montreal merchant, F. King 
ston. Within a block or two on Wilbrod east and west from Char 
lotte are the homes of very many of Ottawa s prominents. Here 
to the east, we find the magnificent residence of Mr. A W Fleck^ 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Canada Atlantic. Immediately oppo 
site at the point where Wilbrod abruptly ends a view from 
which, looking to the east across the Rideau, flowing far beneath 

viewpoint is very pleasing stands another charming home 
that of J. St. Denis Lemoine, Sergeant-at-arms and clerk of 
French journals in the Senate. 

Mr. Lemoine is a relative of our dear old friend Sir 
James M. Lemoine of Spencer Grange, Quebec , whose very 
name ever brings delight in the memory of an ideal summer to 

30 Ottawa, The Hub. 

which he added so much of joy. Nearby are the homes of the 
Right Reverend Charles Hamilton, Bishop of Ottawa, and Mr- 
F. A. McCord, law clerk of the House of Commons. On either 
corner of Wilbrod and Charlotte, reside Napoleon Belcourt, 
Speaker of the House, to the north, and Edward R. Cameron, Re 
gistrar of the Supreme Court, to the south. 

Here reside so many prominents, that to give them all 
would be like handing you a directory to read. In this locality 
of Wilbrod, Stewart and Daly Avenue are the homes of Sir Sand- 
ford Fleming, "The Father of the Pacific Cable"; Philip D. 
Ross, editor and president of the Evening Journal, a number of 
the well-known Bate family, to whom a great deal is due for the 
beauty of this portion of Ottawa; Archibald Blue, Census Com 
missioner; Professor Jas. W. Robertson, Commissioner of the 
Agriculture and Dairying Department; A. B. Brodrick, manager 
of the Molson s Bank ; Martin I. Griffin, Librarian of Parliament ; 
Judge Desire Girouard, of the Supreme Court; the Hon. Wm. 
MacDougall, C.B., K.C., P.C., the oldest one of the surviving 
"Fathers of Confederation", of whom there are so few remaining ; 
J. Mortimer Courtney, Deputy Minister of Finance ; Rev. Father 
J. E. Emery, rector (president) of the University of Ottawa: 
James White, the most noted geographer in Canada ; R. B. Whyte, 
president of the Horticultural Society; Benjamin Suite, lyrical 
poet and noted historian; Hugh and S. H. Fleming, sons of Sir 
Sandford ; Hal. B. McGivern, a rising young barrister ; Sir Adolph 
Caron, barrister; the Hon. R. W. Scott, Secretary of State; Major 
Charles Elliot, of P.L.D.G. ; Dr. Geo. Johnson, Dominion statisti 
cian; Colonel Frederick White, Comptroller of the North West 
Mounted Police ; John McGee, Clerk of the Privy Council ; Col. 
Louis W. Coutlee, of Supreme Court; A. D. de Celles, librarian 
of Parliament; Colonel Victor B. Rivers, of Militia and Defence; 
Dr. Provost, a well-known surgeon; the Misses Hay, daughters 
of the late Sir James Hay; A. Taillon, manager of the Banque 
Nationale ; Prof. Grey, professor of elocution in the Ottawa Uni 
versity, a cousin of the next governor-general, Earl Grey; J. J. 
Gormully, K.C. ; Colonel F. Gourdeau Deputy Minister of Marine 
and Fisheries ; John Thorburn, M.A., LL.D., Librarian of the Geo 
logical Survey ; Col. John Macpherson ; Col. B. H. Vidal, of Mili 
tia Department ; Col. A. L. Jarvis, of G.G.F.G. Looking east on 
Stewart street is seen the beautiful house of Wm. M. Southam, 
director of the Citizen, and on Daly Avenue, the residence of the 
late Charles E. Moss, an artist of whose work, both Canada as 
well as ourselves, are justly proud; Jas. Gibson, a prominent 
manufacturer lives nearby and Henri G. Lamothe of 
Crown Chancery. Still we find others of general inter 
est in the Sandy Hill section. At 161 Daly was the former home 
of the famous Colonel Thos. Evans,i C.B., of Manitoba. It is now 

Theodore Street Trip. 31 

occupied by his sisters, the Misses Evans; the venerable Jas. J. 
Bogert; Colonel Eugene Fiset, Surgeon-General of the Canadian 
Militia ; Harvey C. H. Pulford, the famous all round athlete, who 
was once a member of three teams in different branches of sports 
that one year held the world s championships ; G. W. Seguin, city 
collector ; Thos. G. Rothwell of the Interior Department ; Colonel 
Frederick Toller, of the Finance Department; Wm. L. Scott, 
Master of Chancery; Alex. Simpson, manager of the Ontario 
Bank; M. J. Gorman; Rev. Wm. Armstrong, Ph.D., D.D., pastor 
of St. Paul s Presbyterian church; Colonel S. H. P. Graves, late 
of the British Army; Major C. P. Meredith; Rev. J. T. Pitcher, 
pastor of the Eastern Methodist church ; Lawrence J. Burpee, the 
well-known writer, and but why continue, when to give all of 
note would be to hand- you the Sandy Hill directory. 

I have never before seen, in any city, in any land, more people 
of prominence living in so small an area. I may have seen far 
more of wealth, but I care very little for wealth, when it belongs to 
the other man. Among the people here given, while there is indi 
cation of wealth in some really magnificent houses, there is more 
indication of comfort. As Fitz would say in looking at some 
people of millions: "They may have a million, but they are not 
worth it." Here are people of worth, as the positions they have 
earned will indicate. There is little of the "shoddy" and much 
of the real. 

I have gone more into personal detail than I should, possibly, 
but I wish to show to my American readers, who think of Ottawa, 
as indeed a "by" town, that they have much to learn of this charm 
ing city of the north ; "The Washington of Canada." 

Where Charlotte reaches Rideau is seen the spacious General 
Protestant Hospital. Its officers are : Hon. W. C. Edwards, presi 
dent; Geo.,L. Orme, vice-president; T. W. Kenny, secretary; Jas. 
Manuel, treasurer; Donald McD. Robertson, medical superin 
tendent. East on Rideau, a short distance, is The Lady 
Stanley Institute, for trained nurses. It is under the same man 
agement as the hospital, of which it is practically a part. The long 
Brigham or Cummings Bridge crosses the Rideau river two blocks 
to the east of Charlotte. At Rideau we turn west, back toward the 
city, but as it is a business street, we pass little of note. Before 
reaching Cumberland, on the south side of Rideau, is seen the 
large Convent of the Sacred Heart. It is well worthy a visit. See 
"Higher Education," elsewhere. 

We are now back to our starting point. In some ways this is 
one o| the most important of all the trips in the city. 

32 Ottazva, The Hub. 


"Have you been out Metcalfe Street?" asked the cheerful 

" No, not any further than the Dominion Church," said I, to 
impress upon his mind that we had found a church as soon as we 
had reached the city. 

" Oh, yes," said the cheerful/ by way of a bit of pleasantry, 
" the church of the rose robe/ which robe has since fallen upon 
another, or rather, would have fallen had it not been relegated." 

" Well, I don t think the man we have been hearing there 
needs a robe, much less anybody else s, and the Colonel here says 
he hasn t yet seen any others in Canada quite large enough to fit 
but you were speaking about the street." 

" Well, we think Metcalfe hard to beat when it comes to fine 
residences, and you will do well to see it." 

We took his advice that very afternoon, and strolled leisurely 
along, taking a camera with us, thinking to get a house or two 
worth " taking." It was fortunate that we had seen Topley, and 
laid in a good supply of films, else we would have had to send back 
for more before we had gone three blocks. Say, if ever you come 
to Ottawa, go out Fifth Avenue no, I mean Metcalfe Street 
and see as many really beautiful homes as you will find in the same 
length in any city that I know. 

At the corner of Gloucester we stepped in to see the " Pro 
fessor," thinking that he, if anyone, would know " who s who/ 
asked: "Professor, what prominents live on Metcalfe Street?" 
Well, sir, he just reached over, picked up the directory, turned to 
" Metcalfe," and quietly said : " Just copy these three columns, 
please. Why, man, it s not worth naming them !" And we after 
wards found that he was right, and not only Metcalfe, but ^about 
every street leading out from it were full of " prominents," and 
pretty homes. The beautiful home the Young Women s Christian 
Association and Domestic Science are at 133, and at the next cor 
ner, at Gloucester, is the St. George s Anglican Church, Rev, J. 
M. Snowden, rector. 

On Metcalfe are many of national prominence. Hon. Clifford 
Sifton, Minister of the Interior, and Superintendent-General of 
Indian Affairs, resides here, as do Hon. Wm. S. Fielding, Minister 
of Finance, R. L. Borden, M.P., Leader of the Opposition, Hon. 
Joseph I. Tarte, M.P., Thomas Birkett, M.P., D. Murphy, M.P.P., 
C. Berkeley Powell, M.P.P., Lady Ritchie and others. There 
are here the beautiful residences of many lumbermen, which is 
Ottawa s term for " millionaire." They don t speak of wealth as 
we do ; they simply say : " He is a lumberman," and I know what 
they mean. I wish this had applied in my country, for I was 
once a lumberman myself. Yes, go out Metcalfe. In some of 
the pictures taken on this street that is, if they turn out to be 

Lord Strathcona. 33 

pictures you will see a number of little girls. They wanted to 
" get in the book," and I wanted to have them. I love little girls, 
and never can get too many of them in my books. I may forget 
the houses, but the little girls never, for they are very verv dear. 


On which once lived one of Canada s greatest statesmen 
Sir John A. Macdonald has some beautiful homes, and many 
men of national prominence. Sir John s home is occupied by the 
Wheeler sisters, relatives of one of our Vice-Presidents, Wheeler, 
and also of our well-known poet and popular writer, Mrs. Ella 
Wheeler Wilcox, whose works we all so delight in. Sir John s 
later home was " Earnscliffe," on McKay Street, at the foot of 
Dalhousie Street, which overlooks the Ottawa, not far from one 
branch of the Rideau River, where it enters the Ottawa. It may 
be seen from the steamer " Empress," shortly before the landing 
at Queen s Wharf. 

Frederick Cook, Ottawa s popular ex-Mayor, has his resi 
dence on O Connor. Here is the home of the Honorable Andrew 
G. Blair, late Minister of Railways and Canals ; Honorable Sir 
Richard J. Cartwright, K.C.M.G., Minister of Trade and Com 
merce lives on O Connor. Here we find " the gentleman from 
Vancouver," R. G. Macpherson, M.P., Richard Blain, M.P., and 
A. T. Thompson, M.P. 

Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. 

Next to the Bank of Montreal, corner of O Connor and Wel 
lington, we find another one of the many homes of Lord Strath 
cona, a man whose peers are few. It was my pleasure, while in 
Ottawa, to be granted an interview with this truly great man- 
great in the vast works he has done, not only for Canada, but the 
British Empire. His manner is so cordial that while you may 
know his greatness, he does not make you feel, for one moment, 
your own humility, as so many little "Nothings" or "Accidentals" 
would try to make you feel. 

Victoria Chambers stands opposite, at the South-east corner of 
O Connor and Wellington Streets. It was here that King Ed 
ward, when Prince of Wales, 1 stopped in 1860. 

At Sparks and O Connor are four important corners. Here 
to the east is the Bank of Nova Scotia, to the west the Dominion 
Census Office. Across Sparks to the east is one of the most 
prominent department stores in Ottawa, Bryson & Graham s, and 
to the west L. N. Poulin s store. 

The Young Men s Christian Association is at 37 O Connor, 
at the corner of Queen. R. J. Farrell is its efficient secretary. At 

34 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Queen and O Connor, to the right, is another important corner. 
Here is one of the places the tourist should not fail to visit. It is 

The National Art Gallery. 

There is here a large collection of fine oil paintings, well worth 
seeing. In the same building is the Dominion Fisheries Exhibit, 
but possibly what will most interest the many is 

The Ottawa Fish Hatchery, 

especially if the " many " come while the millions of little fish are 
busy getting ready for the rivers, brooks and lakes of the Do 
minion, to which they are to be sent as soon as large enough. This 
is but one of the fourteen hatcheries in the Dominion. John 
Walker is in charge. It is interesting to hear John tell of how 
the eggs procured at Wiarton, on Georgian Bay, are put into the 
" troughs " in November and hatched in May. 

On the opposite corner is the large wholesale dry goods house 
of John M. Garland Son and Company. Mr. Garland, as before 
mentioned, is President and Director of The Perley Home on 
Wellington Street. He is also a Director of The Old Men s Home. 
In his business ability, and the good he does " on the side," we 
cannot but think of him as another A. T. Gault, whose memory is 
a pleasure, and whose loss to Montreal is a sorrow, for he was a 
man beloved for his goodness of heart and real worth to the city 
and Dominion, a sort of man of which the world has too few, and 
I love to note the few as I pass. " Tis not the gold a man leaves, 
that perpetuates his name, nor what gold has bought, but the 
goodness of heart that prompted the gifts during life, or bequests 
when the end comes." 


Cartier Street from Lisgar it starts at Lisgar to Minto 
Park, is one of the finest residential streets in Ottawa. There are 
here some really beautiful houses, with large well-kept grounds. 
Like Metcalfe Street, one needs but to take the directory and read 
consecutively the names of the men of prominence. Here we find 
Charles Magee, ex-President of the Bank of Ottawa, and Vice- 
President of the new Crown Bank of Canada ; John Coates, civil 
engineer; Edward Seybold, whose castle of red sandstone is DOS- 
sibly the finest house in Ottawa ; Dr. J. Sweetland, the Sheriff of 
Carleton County; Edward Moore, lumberman; Fred. Avery, the 
Treasurer of Hull Lumber Company ; Newell Bate, of Bate & Co. ; 
H. K. Egan, capitalist ; J. R. Booth, several times lumberman," 
railway and steamship magnate ; Walter C. Mackay ; Fred. W. 
Powell, manager of the Rideau Lumber Co. ; Dr. Frederick Monti- 
zambert; and but, see for yourself. 

Improvement Commission. 



Reached by the Albert line of cars, is another street with 
Beauty Spots/ These are especially seen at the extreme north 
end, where are the really beautiful homes of the Bronsons 
Erskme H., Frank P., and Walter G. This is one of the most 
prominent families in the Ottawa Valley. They are large manu 
facturers. Mr. Ward C. Hughson, lumberman, has here a beauti 
ful home, with one of the finest situations in the city. It occupies 
the block north of Queen Street. Charles Macnab, clerk of Car- 
leton County, has his home in this locality. 

At Concession, north-east corner of Maria, are the pretty 
grounds and residence of the family of the late Hon. Francis 
Jemow, and on the south side of Maria, at Concession, are the 
pretty homes of Harold K. Pinhey, capitalist, and Thomas Ahearn, 
President of the Ottawa street car system. His is the large stone 
mansion on the corner, with the spacious well-kept grounds the 
highest point in Ottawa. At the north-west corner is the resi 
dence of Alexander Fleck, a large manufacturer. 

At Lisgar and Concession is the McPhail Baptist Church 
Rev. Ira Smith, pastor. 

These are but illustrations. The city is full of pretty resi 
dence streets, but that of which Ottawa has reason to be most 
proud and which pride must grow with the years is the 


What with the pretty walks, tree embowered Ottawa is be 
coming a veritable beauty spot, and I would have my people 
know it. This will be especially worthy a visit, when the Drive 
way, of frequent mention, is completed. Only to-day have I fully 
appreciated its beauty. I leisurely walked along through its miles 
of flower borders, here a miniature park, there a lakelet spanned 
by a rustic bridge with ever and anon new forms of park and 
lakelet, and all so pleasing that I forgot distance in the ever 
changing scenes around me. The rustic work of bridges, ban- 
mstered steps and various forms into which small cedar stems 
were worked, was so marvellous in design that I hunted out the 
man who had executed it all. I found him at work on the) Drive 
way in front of the Papal Delegate s mansion to the west of Bank 
Street, where he was putting up some steps of a design more artis 
tic than I had ever before seen in rustic work. I had expected 
to find a man living on his reputation, and overseeing others 
as they did the labor, but instead I found Thomas Craig a day 
carpenter, working out with his hands the intricate and beautiful 
designs of his brain. He said he was shortly to begin a rustic 
summer house, thirty feet square, a little further along beyond the 
Papal Delegate s grounds. It is all to be of small round pieces 

36 Ottawa, The Hub. 

of cedar, in its natural form, and from his description it will be 
very pretty. Later It is completed and is even more artistically 
beautiful than I could tell you for I know of nothing at home 
with which to liken it. 

This is but a running talk on the artistic Driveway. I might 
say, that while eventually it will start from Rideau Hall, it is now 
in driving condition from Elgin Street east along Maria Street 
to the canal, which it practically follows clear around to Dow s 
Lake, thence north along this widening of the canal to a bridge 
or causeway, across which is reached the roadways of the Experi 
mental Farm. 

If ever you hear an Ottawan saying pretty things of this 
Driveway, take my word he cannot do it justice you must see it 

This work is under 

The Ottawa Improvement Commission, 

a body of men chosen by the Dominion Government for their ripe 
judgment, honesty of purpose, and artistic tastes, chosen from 
among the most prominent business and professional men of the 
city, supplemented by such great Canadians as Sir William King 
ston, the Hon. J. P. B. Casgrain, Montreal; and Hon. F. T. Frost, 
Smith s Falls. 

The Ottawa members of the Commission are: Henry N. 
Bate, Chairman, Joseph Riopelle, Esq., Chartres R. Cunningham, 
Esq., The Mayor of Ottawa, George O Keefe, Esq., Charles 
Murphy, Esq., Solicitor, Robert Surtees, Esq., Consulting En 
gineer, Stephen E. O Brien, Esq., Secretary. 

" Rube, did you notice the ingenious way by which the lawns 
and flowers along the Driveway are to be sprinkled?" asked the 
Colonel, who is ever seeing things new. 

" Oh, yes ; I noticed it. It s the invention of J. L. Flanders, 
a local iron fence manufacturer, who started four years ago on 
nothing but energy, and the way he has gotten up head is a won 
der, but then he s a born genius. The invention is ingenious, yet 
very simple. The fence along the canal is made of iron tubes, the 
top one of which is a water pipe, with here and there places to 
attach the sprinkling hose, and there you are ; simple, eh ?" 


A very? pretty carriage drive is out the Commission Driveway 
to Dow s Lake. Cross over the turn bridge, and go up the south 
side of the Rideau Canal to the second lock, where the canal and 
the Rideau River separate. Owing to a rock formation, resembl 
ing the back of a hog which formation no one whose imagin 
ation is at all defective can detect the place is called " Hog s 

Pretty Streets. 37 

Back." There is here too 1 much of beauty for so common a name. 
" Piggyback " would be much prettier, and would carry us back 
to childhood days. To the west, the Rideau widens into a lakelet. 
A natural rock dam, supplemented by sluice gates, turns part of 
the river into the canal, while the rest of it goes tumbling over a 
series of small but very beautiful falls or cascades, leaving :he 
canal, and roadway alongside, high above the river, which for a 
mile or more below is very pretty. There are at the falls a num 
ber of bridges, the views from which, looking down over the rocks, 
is very pleasing. The roadway clings close to the canal all the 
way along to the city. We pass Dow s Lake near the C. P. R. 
bridge, beyond which, coming down to the canal and lake, is seen 
the beautiful grounds of the Experimental Farm. This is indeed 
a pretty drive, and should be taken. The river near the falls is a 
summer resort for many Ottawans, who spend weeks of the hot 
months in tents, whiling the time in fishing and boating, living a 
veritable gipsy life happy and careless. 


I have made frequent mention of Ottawa s well paved streets. 
The miles upon miles of granolithic sidewalks are especially note 
worthy and do vast credit to the city. It now has 105 miles of 
the granolithic, 15 miles of it having been laid this year. On en 
quiry, I learned, that streets and sidewalks are made by days 
work, seldom by contract. This is possible if a city can find a 
man capable of superintending labor, and Ottawa has such 
a man. 

Rapid Removal of Snow. 

There is possibly no city in the world in which the handling 
of snow is under so fine a system as in Ottawa. Each section of 
the city has its foreman, who at a given telephone signal from the 
Street Commissioner starts men with snow plows, or sleds, and in 
four hours every mile of sidewalk in Ottawa is cleaned ready for 
the most daintily shod lady to walk upon. 

The snow of the streets upon which the cars run must be re 
moved by the company, not only from their own tracks, but 
that thrown from the sidewalks as well must be carted away by 
them. When one sees the size of the load the horses draw away 
and then contrasts that load with the one drawn in a city where 
" boodle " reigns, the difference can hardly be thought possible. 
Look for yourselves, the " bed " here holds over six yards of 
snow, while in the boodle towns the carts hold one yard. The 
" beds " have sides that swing out from hinges and are quickly 
unloaded. The city fathers who drew up the contract with the 

38 Ottawa, The Hub. 

trolley company certainly looked well after the city s interest. 
On many of the side streets the snow is drawn to the centre by 
ordinary road making machines and then rolled by a wide heavy 
roller, making most excellent road beds for sleighing. Frank 
Leamy has invented a number of snow handling devices. Es 
pecially the " Leamy razor," which shaves down an ice sidewalk 
to the level. 

No Over-Hanging Signs. 

" Colonel," I asked one day, " what do you notice as peculiar 
in looking up or down an Ottawa business street ? " You 
mean what do I not notice. The absence of the over-hanging 
sign is what helps to give the streets of the Capital the bright, 
clear appearance we have so often remarked." 

The Colonel had guessed it. Not an over-hanging sign is to 
be seen in Ottawa, and if you have never seen a city without them 
you would not believe the pretty effect it gives to a street. 


The Colonel and I had not been in Ottawa two days before we 
remarked the many pretty flower gardens we saw everywhere, not 
alone about the homes of the rich, but some of the most beautiful 
of them were the gardens of the cottage. Elsewhere I have told 
you of the miles of beautiful Driveway the embryo of a system 
which eventually will make this one of the most charming cities 
on the continent. 

We at once sought the why, as we knew there must be a rea 
son for it all. We soon were let into the secret. ; A few years 
ago," began the ever obliging citizen, " a very few years ago, 
Ottawa was no more beautiful than many another Canadian city. 

Lady Minto s Prizes. 

Lady Minto, with her quick eye for the artistic, or its lack rather, 
began in her quiet, unostentatious way to create an interest in 
beautifying the homes, and in three years has brought about the 

" How did she go about it? This is interesting. Tell us 
how, in so short a time, so much of beauty could be wrought ?" 

" Well, she offered prizes, both of money and medals, for the 
best flower gardens about the homes. There were many com 
petitors, and each competitor in a neighbourhood soon had emula 
tors, and in three years the whole city has taken up the raising of 
flowers, some more and some less, but all parts of the city are in 
terested, and the interest is growing. You will scarcely see, in 
any part of Ottawa, an unkempt lawn. They do not all grow 

Lady Minto Prises. 39 

flowers, but they do keep busy the lawn mower, as you must have 

" Yes," said the Colonel, " they certainly do keep the lawn 
mower running wherever there is any grass. Why, I do believe 
they would run it in the school-house yards if there was any grass 
there to mow." 

Grassless School Yards. 

Now, see here, Mr. (he was a stranger, and called the 
Colonel " Mr."), don t you go to poking your fun at our barren 
school-house grounds; we feel bad enough about them without 
strangers making it any worse. Our School Board pays so much 
attention to the ear, that they have no time for the eye, and think 
if the children are taught the practical, that they can learn of the 
beautiful at their homes. 

We know all that, that is, all of us but the School Board, 
who don t believe in making one blade of grass grow where there 
was nothing before, as Shakespeare would say, or was it Shakes 
peare ?" 

Yes, it must have been," said the Colonel, " as in his days 
school boards believed in grass and trees and flowers and things 
beautiful, and would have been ashamed of anything so disreput 
able as an Ottawa school yard, with its piles of cord-wood and 

Hold on with criticism, unless you have a remedy. Our 
Board say they have no money to spend on grass and flowers." 

The Colonel was quite as ready with a remedy as with his 
criticism, and proceeded to give it. They dont have to have 
money. Why, I know a school yard down at Bronxville, New 
York which is only a little hamlet where the teachers got up a 
festival or something of the sort, and raised money enough, not 
only to fix up the grounds, but to keep them in order during the 
summer vacation, and it never cost the Board a dollar. This is 
but an instance." 

I don t know how long they might have run on, had I not 
stopped them to ask of the old citizen more about the Lady Minto 
plan for beautifying Ottawa, which, in a few words was this : A 
committee of three of the most capable horticulturists was select 
ed. They were R. B. Whyte, President of the Horticultural 
Society, and most eminent in floriculture ; Professor W.T. Macoun, 
Dominion Horticulturist; and Alderman (elected Mayor while we 
were in the city) J. A. Ellis. Four surprise visits to the gardens 
of the competitors are made, in June, July, August and Septem 
ber, in order to see the flowers in their proper season. A system 
of marking has been adopted, 60 points is the highest possible (20 
for floral display, 20 for artistic arrangement, 20 for general 
effect), and the winners are those who receive the highest number 
of points over a given percentage. This year ten will receive 

40 Ottawa, The Hub. 

prizes. They are, in their order: W. G. Black, Alex. Lumsden, 
Lady Aylmer, Tas. Hagan, Mrs. Peter Whelen, G. A. White, Jas. 
Thome, J. E. Northwood, C. C. Cummings, and Samuel Short. 
Many people who read of this competition will picture to them 
selves large gardens, with plenty of room for effect, and will be 
surprised, like the Colonel and I were, to learn that the garden of 
Mr. Black who came within 24 points of the possible is 34 feet 
wide, and 128 feet deep, but every foot has been utilized in such 
a way that the effect is marvellously beautiful. Some of them are 
far smaller even than Mr. Black s. The variety seen in some of 
these gardens is surprising for numbers, and diversity. In that 
of Mrs. Peter Whelen, besides roses and flowers innumerable for 
kinds, were fruits from apples to oranges growing, and 

A Canadian Orange Grove 

maturing. It was a sight to see little orange trees in Canada, 
laden with blossoms up to the ripe orange, and near by peanuts 
growing. Why, we could almost believe ourselves " Way down 
in Alabama!" instead of away up in the Capital of a country we 
once thought of as " Icy Canada." The orange trees are taken in 
during the winter. I tell this that those of you who are not aware 
of my strict regard for truth, might not believe my story of the 
" Orange Grove." Hereafter let me remark I will not explain 
things, so remember this : " I never state a fact that is not so." 

I have written of this good work of Lady Minto s at more 
length then I had space to spare, but, like Black, I ve crowded it 
a little, that my readers, in far away cities, may see how they may 
beautify their grounds, however small those grounds. 

If Lady Minto had never done a thing in Canada than create 
as she has, a desire to beautify the homes, and thereby the city, 
she has done a good work; but when we think of this being only 
one of the many works of this active lady, we cannot but feel what 
Canada will lose on the retirement of Their Excellencies. 

Horticultural Society. 

I have not space to tell you that there is another reason for 
Ottawa becoming a floral city. If I had, I would say that the 
Horticultural Society, under the wise guidance of such men as 
Mr. R. B. Whyte, is doing a great work. It had really prepared 
the ground and sown many seeds for the deft hand of Lady Minto 
to start cultivation. This Society has outgrown those of all other 
Canadian cities, and has not only increased in numbers, but the 
interest of its members. In interest, I know of no like Society in 
our own country to equal it. If we do not stir up, the " Land of 
Snows " will become " The Flower Garden of America," and put 
us in the shade of their floriculture. 

Lady Minto Prizes. 41 

Personally, Mr. White has offered prizes to the school chil 
dren, furnished seeds, and in many ways stimulated them to grow 
flowers, with the result that 80 children brought flowers, of their 
own growing, to a flower show held in a large hall, in September. 
Lovers of the beauty in nature, come and learn of Ottawa. 

The Ottawa Field Naturalist Club 

Is also doing a good work, more especially with the young, in 
creating in them the love of all nature, not alone flower love, but 
interest is created in geology, ornithology, zoology and archaeology. 
To hear some of the Ottawa children talk " Ologies," you d think 
this was our " Hub," Boston. 

This club is under the patronage of Lord Minto, who, like 
Lady Minto, takes much interest in the finer sentiments of the 
city. Professor W. T. Macoun is President. Its membership 
comprises many of the best minds in Ottawa. The club issues a 
very readable publication along the lines of its work. 

Only a Suggestion. 

The competitor for the Lady Minto prizes should not be per 
mitted to take first prize more than one time. He or she would 
then step off into a class even more honorable than that of a com 
petitor. It would encourage all to strive to get into this class 
and remove any jealousy that naturally might arise in seeing one 
or two getting the first prize year after year. Again, it would 
put all in this first prize class upon their honor, to keep up the 
beauty of their gardens, and these gardens would be object lessons 
for the rest. As it now is conducted, those failing to win, will in 
time become discouraged and drop out and the competitors be 
come fewer instead of the number being added to, which growth 
is the real object of the competition. 


Since Champlain s first trip up the Ottawa, past where now 
stands the beautiful Capital of the Dominion, nearly three cen 
turies have come and gone. It was in 1613, five years after he 
had founded Quebec, that this intrepid voyageur passed up the 
river. With his name are those of Etienne Brule, Nicolas Du 
Vignau, and Father Le Caron, and following on to 1650, in regu 
lar order, are Fathers Viel, Poulin, Sagard, and 24 others, who 
established missions and preached to the Indians throughout the 
Upper Ottawa and the Great Lakes countries. There came dur- 
mg this period many voyageurs, such as Jean Nicolet, Duplessis 
Bochart, Medard Chouart, Pierre Boucher, and Charles Lemoine. 

In 1650 Nicola Gatineau, a clerk in the " 100 Company," gave 
his name to the wildly-beautiful river that enters the Ottawa at 
the Capital. 

Bishop Laval was the first to receive land on the Ottawa. He 
was given a large grant near where Papineauville now stands. 

In 1761 Alex. Henry visited the Chaudiere Falls. He was, 
no doubt, the first English speaker who ever came up the river. 
HTe was the great grandfather of Mr. N. W. Bethune, telegraph 
manager, and even a more distant relative of Cecil Bethune, 
Secretary of the Board of Trade. 

This brings us hurriedly down to 


Of necessity I can but give a point here and there along the 
way, as links in the chain binding the eighteenth with the twen 
tieth centuries, the one with its primitive hardships, the other with 
its ease, comforts and politics. 
1 799- Philemon Wright comes, to town, to spy out the land from 

the tree tops. He came to settle, with a small colony 

from Woburn, Mass. Came in 1800. 
1800. Indian war dance on Parliament Hill, another one looked 

for when " that " Bill passes. 

Some Old Ones. 43 

1803. Philemon Wright began cutting raft of timber, and in 

1806 took it down the river to Quebec. He was the first rafter 
in town. 

1807. Philemon Wright grafted some wild apple trees on Parlia 
ment Hill. They do say that there has been considerable 
wild " grafting " done in that same locality, but none of 
late years. 

1809. Captain LeBreton builds first grist mill. 

1811. One Honeywell built a house above Chaudiere Falls. New 
names added to the directory : Thompson, Moore, Mc- 
Connell, Holt, Fellowes. 

1814. The British Government began this year to talk of a canal, 
which became the Rideau, and also of a canal that will be 
the Georgian Bay when built, and that will not be very 
long in the future, if Canada is wise. 

1814. August I4th. A noted French traveller, Gabriel Fran- 
chere, passed the falls, Chaudier and Rideau. He spoke 
of the Rideau as " 25 by 30 feet high." I had seen so 
many estimates of the height of this waterfall that I set 
about learning the actual measurement. On inquiry I 
could find none who knew, all being content with esti 
mates from 25 feet to 60 feet. To determine, I measur 
ed them (Sept. 7th) by means of a weight tied to the 
end of a tape line. I played boy, unshod, and waded out 
to the very edge of the rock, where but little water was 
falling. Here I dropped the weight until it touched the 
surface of the water of the Ottawa. It was just 41 feet. 
When the Rideau is swollen, as much as seven to ten 
feet might be added to the measurement. 

1816. Nicholas Sparks came over from Ireland. He was not 
met at the Central Station by the Governor General s 
Foot Guards band, as he should have been, and no doubt 
would have been had Joe Brown known of it in time, but 
Nicholas being of a retiring nature, had not telegraphed 
Joe he was coming a bit a negligence on Sparks part. 

1819. Ralph Smith was the first to settle in town. The historian 
does not state at which hotel he stopped, the Russell or 
the Grand Union, but in either case it is pleasant to know 
that he settled. It speaks well for Smith. P.S. " No, 
this is not Ralph, the member for British Columbia; he 
would not have settled in Ottawa. 

1819. " The Union," first steamer up the Ottawa. 

1821. In 1900, Mr. Francis N. A. Garry, the grandson of Nich 
olas Garry after whom Fort Garry, at Winnipeg, was 
named found his grandsire s diary of his trip, by canoe, 
from Montreal to Winnipeg, in 1821. On June I4th, he 
reached the Rideau Falls, of which he wrote : " A beauti- 

44 Ottawa, The Hub. 

ful waterfall, the appearance of a curtain. They are the 
Rideau Falls, 60 feet high and 50 yards across." 

Of the Chaudiere, he said : " The imagination can 
not picture anything so romantic. The beauty of the 
scene is perhaps a little destroyed by the appearance of 
civilization. A Mr. Wright (Philemon), an American, 
has built a little town (Hull), near the Falls, and deal 

I ^ 2 5- Civil Engineer Clowes surveys for Rideau Canal. 

1826. This was an eventful year. Philemon Wright owed 
Nicholas Sparks $400, and not having the money about 
him, made Nicholas take Ottawa in full payment Sparks 
didn t want it, said he really had no use for it, but Phil 
was obstinate, and said "Take it or wait." As he 
Sparks, had already waited a year or two, he unwillingly 
even weepingly, tis said took the town. He after 
ward told one of his neighbors that it was the best real 
estate deal he had ever made. 

As soon as the Duke of Wellington recommended 
that the Rideau Canal be built, Phil ran round to the 
Ottawa Bank and borrowed $400, which he proffered to 
Sparks, but Sparks, being Irish, refused on principle, and 
kept the town. That same year the canal was started, and 
town lots rose, and ere long Sparks Street was " right in 

The above is the commonly accepted story of Ot 
tawa s purchase by Sparks, but the facts of the case are 
these. John Burrows, who came here in 1813, or as 
some say, 1817, acquired much land where now stands the 
most valuable part of the city. He sold to Sparks the 
land lying between Wellington and Maria Streets, and 
between Concession and what is now known as Waller 
Street, once Ottawa Street. 

The Clerk, in recording the transfer, being devoid 
of any sentiment, and having heard Mrs. Burrows call 
John " Honey," added that to his name, and so the re 
cord showed "John Burrows Honey." This has since 
caused the record searchers much trouble, but that they 
may no longer let this bother them, I can say positively 
that his name was simply John Burrows, and that 
"Honey" was only one of Mrs. Burrows pet names for 
John. Moral Good wives should never use pet names 
in the presence of non-sentimental Clerks. 

The sale was made and deed passed on June 26th, 
1826, and for some reason was ratified by another deed 
on July 1 4th, 1830. It appears that Mrs. Burrows never 
joined in the deed; the only explanation is that the wife 

Some Old Ones. 45 

did not need to join in the transfer of " wild lands." 
Sparks, a number of years after, fearing lest Ottawa 
might some day not be considered as " wild lands," deed 
ed to Mrs. Burrows that lot on the south-west corner of 
Sparks and Kent Streets now occupied by the Massey 
Harris people for her release of a possible dower. 

John Burrows. 

It may be of interest to know that John Burrows, 
the first settler of Ottawa, was born at Plymouth, Eng 
land, on May ist, 1789, and died in By town (Ottawa), 
July 27th, 1848, was buried in Hull, and afterwards re 
moved to Beechwood. He came to Canada in 1813, or 
1817, and built a house near the corner of Vittoria and 
Lyon Streets. His house was the home of Methodism, 
as he was the Father of Methodism in the Ottawa Val 
ley. Mrs. Sifton, the wife of Honorable Clifford Sifton, 
Minister of the Interior, is a grand-daughter of John 
Burrows, and one of the few remaining members of this 
famous first settler, of whom too little is known. 

First Suspension Bridge built across the Ottawa 
River at Chaudiere Falls, as a result of joint deliberation 
of Lord Dalhousie, Philemon Wright, Colonel Dunford 
and Colonel By. This bridge was blown down in 1836, 
and the present one is the third. 

1827. Town named for Colonel By, " Bytown." The Colonel 
had come out to build the canal. 

Two contingents of the Sappers and Miners now 
called Royal Engineers came to town to build bridges, 
and other canal work. 

Joseph Coombs, a sapper and miner, built the first 
frame house, 351 Rideau Street, which was torn down 
only a year or two since. Before that time the barracks for 
the soldiers, and log cabins and tents for the workers, 
were the domiciles of those then here. Joseph Coombs 
was the first druggist in Bytown. 

Sir John Franklin, in August, laid the corner stone 
of the Rideau Canal locks. P.S. " Yes, this was be 
fore Sir John got lost hunting for the North Pole." He 
should have stayed in Ottawa. This should be a lesson 
for Captain Bernier. Ottawa is all right; at any rate, 
the Captain will always know " where he s at." 

The Methodists built a church on Rideau, between 
Friel and Chapel Streets, said to have been the first 
church built. The Catholics built a small one, in 1828, 
at the corner of Sussex and St. Patrick Streets, on the 
site of the present Basilica. Father Haron was the first 
priest, and lived near the church on Sussex, south of St. 

4 6 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Patrick. The Methodist Church was used by other de 
nominations for a number of years. 

John Chitty built the first hotel, corner of Welling 
ton and Kent Streets. 

This was an important year for Miss Mary Ann 
) Connor. She was the first white girl born in Ottawa. 
It was a good omen to be thus first, for all through life 
she held that position, doing a world of good up to her 
death in June, 1903. She was married to Henry James 
Fnel, mayor in i854- 63- 68 and 69, which latter year he 
died. He at one time was editor of the Packet, now the 
Citizen, and was a very popular man. 

1827. Capt. Thos. J. Jones came to Ottawa this year with his 
father, a member of) the 7th Company of the Sappers and 
Miners (now called the Royal Engineers), who came to 
build the canal bridges. He was born on the Island of 
Barbados, in 1821, now (1904) 83 years old. He went 
up the ^Rideau on the first passenger boat, " The 
Pumper," Colonel By and his officers going up ahead on 
the " Union." That was in 1833. His last trip was 
made with Lord Minto, 1903, 70 years afterward. He 
says that Lord Minto is the first Governor General to 
make the trip to Kingston. He can read without glasses, 
and says he was never in better health. He began 
steamboating in 1840, when 19 years old, and for 56 
years never lost a year. He makes occasional trips in 
yachts from here to Montreal via Kingston. 

1828. Bytown grown to 150 houses. First graveyard (Metho 
dist) started on Sparks Street, at rear of Parker s iye 
works very appropriate location. 
St. Andrew s Church built. 

1830. Blaisdels & Perkins, first manufacturers of iron imple 
ments in town. 

1832. Rideau Canal finished. Fortunately, its purpose has never 
been needed, and never will be. 

1833. Street fair held to celebrate the opening of canal. On this 
occasion there was a fight between the Canalers (original 
Shiners, who were afterwards joined by the Shantymen) 
and the farmers from Carleton. The fight like the fair 
was a " street," and " free " to all, and yet both sides 
said it wasn t fair. Colonel By, being present, said: 
This is the last exhibition to be held in my time," and 
so it was, as the next one was not held until in the to s. 
Miss Catherine Coombs, now Mrs. Tracey, of 221 
Stewart Street, born this year. She is the oldest woman 
living in Ottawa, who was born here. 

Byto^vn Incorporated. 47 

1836. Geo. Franklin came to Bytown. Still living in Ottawa, 
and ninety years old. 

1837. Rideau Hall built by Hon. Thos. McKay, who, with John 
Redpath, built the Rideau Canal locks. He built the 
Hall as a private residence, having purchased 1,000 acres 
of land east of the Rideau River. He founded New 
Edinburgh, now a part of the city. 

1838. Bible Society started. Office then as now north-west cor 
ner of Sparks and Elgin Streets. 

Bytown seems to have gone out of history-making 
after 1838, as the next date we find is 

1842 when the first lawyer came to town, and then trouble be 
gan, and has kept up ever since. They had to organize 
a fire company that year, first on record. 

J843- Charles Waterston came from Tipperary direct to Ottawa. 
At ninety, still here (1904). 

Ottawa Collegiate Institute started by Rev. Dr. 
Wardrope still living, hale and hearty. 

The Institute, in September, 1903, held its 6oth 
anniversary. It was called : " The Old Boys Re-union." 
P.S.- (< Oh, yes; it s a girls school too, but the dear girls 
bless em never grow old, so they had to be guests. 
The Colonel and I were guests too. We were given 
seats in front, so that it was impossible to get out when 
the Chairman arose and said: "We will have to begin 
at once, as we have 29 speakers on the programme." 
However, as the " Old Boys " were good talkers, we 
were glad we could not get out. 

The Institute is one of the best in Canada possibly 
the best one of its kind. 
First Knox Church built on Sandy Hill. 

1844. April i7th. St. George s Society organized, and held first 
meeting in Royal Exchange Hotel, Wellington Street. 

H. J. Friel, with Wm. Harris, started a "Packet" 
of news, which, after going from Bell to Bell (Freeland 

to Robert), reformed and became a very good 
" Citizen," in 1851 and is yet in evidence, morning and 
afternoon, with weekly visits. 

Honest " John Heney came to town this year. 

Union Suspension Bridge opened Sept. I7th. 

Colonel George Hay, President of the Ottawa Bank, 
came to Bytown in June, from Montreal. He was for 
a considerable time confidential clerk to the Hon. Thos. 
McKay, and has ever since been a prominent figure in 
the growth of village to city of the Capital. When he 
came, Parliament Hill was Barrack s Hill." He re 
members Isaac McTaggart (nephew or brother of John 

4-8 Ottawa, The Hub. 

McTaggart, who was Colonel By s private secretary), 
taking him around to see the sights. 

In my research I found that one Hay had suggested 
the Seal of Ottawa, and in fact the name of Ottawa for 
the city. On a chance I asked Mr. Hay if he was the 
man, and he modestly admitted that he designed the Seal, 
and had also suggested the name. The " find " was so 
good that I must give it. Being at the time possessed 
of artistic gifts, he was asked by one of the members of 
the city council to design a seal, which he did, and it was 
accepted. Its points were (i) the Canal Locks, (2) 
Lumber Industry, (3) the Union Suspension Bridge, 
uniting the two Provinces, (4) the Ottawa and Prescott 
Railway. The Crest was a broad axe, and the motto : 
" Advance." 

" How did you come to suggest Ottawa as a name 
for the Capital?" 

" Before coming here I clerked in a wholesale ;>tore 
in Montreal. The Hon. Alex. Grant, who then had a 
store at L Original, would always have his goods marked 
Ottawa, so when the question of dropping Bytown and 
taking up another name came up, this old mark came to 
my mind. I suggested it to Hon. Thos. McKay, and it 
was adopted." 

Mr. Hay tells a good story of a new arrival from 
Scotland. In conversation with an Ottawan (who was 
much interested in him when he learned that the new 
comer was from his own part of Scutlan ), he was ask 
ed : " Did ye ken a mon by the name o - -?" " Aye," 
said Sandy, " I kenned him weel. He was a muckle 
mon, but or fond o drenk. Ded ye ken him ?" " Aye, 
aye, he was me fayther!" I purposely changed the 
name into a dash, as it the name is a familiar one 

To talk to these pioneers is a rare pleasure, and I 
would that I might give more space to reminiscences of 
old times. 

1846. Samuel Bingham born. 

1847. Bytown incorporated, and John Scott, a prominent lawyer, 
was elected first Mayor. Town Council : Thos. Cor 
coran, Nicholas Sparks, N. S. Blaisdel, John Bedard and 
H. J. Friel. First Member of Parliament, Stewart 
Derbyshire, who defeated William Stewart, who suc 
ceeded Derbyshire. 

1848. Ottawa University established by the Right Rev. J. E. 
Guigues, first Bishop of Ottawa. First President, Rev. 
Father Tabaret, O.M.I., D.D. 

1851. First City Directory appeared this year . 

Bytown Becomes Ottawa. 49 

1853. The Ottawa and St. Lawrence Railway was built. Up to 
this time all actors had to walk to town. 

Henry Franklin Bronson and sons came here from 
Moreau, N.Y. They soon became leading factors in the 
lumber trade. They were the pioneers in shipping sawn 
lumber to the States. The sons are still in active busi 
ness, the Hon. Erskine H. (President of a number of 
Ottawa s great businesses), Frank P. and Walter G. 
(born in Ottawa). Mr. Bronson came first in 1848 to 
" spy out the land." He saw the great possibilities of the 
Ottawa as a means of floating logs, and the Chaudiere 
as a power for mill sites. Engineers told him, however, 
that the river could never be used practically.. "Its 
falls are too wild," they said, "and to make it practical 
would require a fortune." Mr. Bronson, in those early 
days, had not the fortune, but he had what proved far 
better, grit, courage, and excellent judgment, which he 
exchanged for the fortune. No, not exchanged, for in 
the end he had still all three, and the fortune besides. 
He built the first saw mill on the Ontario side. He was 
the first to use the iron frame for gang saws. He died 
in 1889. Mrs. Bronson, a lady of rare benevolence, is 
still living. To her suggestion (and much "else") the 
city owes the Protestant Orphans Home on Elgin St. 
This family is always foremost in good works. 

1854. City was first lighted by gas. 

1854. Bytown assigned to the city of Ottawa, and went out of 
business. E. B. Eddy, " the Industrial King of the Ot 
tawa Valley," came to Hull from Vermont. Besides 
many other things, he has become the greatest " Match 
maker " in the world. P.S. "No, I don t mean that 
at all! 1 This last remark was made to a spinster, who 
said she guessed she would go over to Hull while visit 
ing the city. 

I 855- Ottawa incorporated as a city. John Bower Lewis, Q.C., 
first Mayor. 

1856. D. Murphy, now M.P.P., worked his way to town. As lie 
came up the river, he noticed that it wasn t being over 
worked, so he set about getting some barges and steam 
ers together, until he is now with a fleet of barges carry 
ing/ down a large part of the lumber sawed hereabouts. 

1857. J. R. Booth hand-sawed his way to Ottawa from Waterloo, 
Province of Quebec, and has been sawing a little ever 
since. This was a remarkable year. The greatest lum 
berman of his time John Egan died at 47, just as the 
greatest one of all time in Canada came in at 31. 

1857. Board of Trade organized, with a membership of 50. 
Little was done, however, until in 1891, since which time 

50 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Ottawa has, with reason, felt proud of possibly the best 
Board of Trade in Canada. They are live, up-to-date 
men, as the development of the city can well attest. 

December 3ist H. Labouchere communicated to 
Sir Edmund Head, Governor General of Canada, that 
Queen Victoria had selected Ottawa for the Capital of 
the country. 

1858. On March i6th, the Governor General communicated this 
to the Legislative Council. This was not ratified by the 
Canadian Parliament until 1859. 

1859. Architects for Parliament Buildings, Fuller and Jones, for 
departmental buildings, Stent and Lavers. Builder for 
Parliament Buildings, Thomas McGreevy, (contract 
price, $348,500). For the departmental blocks, the con 
tract was taken by Jones and Haycock, for $278,810. 
The contracts were taken much too low, and had to be 
largely increased. Mr. R. H. Haycock, manager of the 
Canada Life Insurance Co., is a son of the builder. He 
remembers when the Prince of Wales was here in 1860. 
Miss Emily Haycock, his sister, laid the corner stone of 
the eastern block. She still retains the little silver trowel 
and level used on that occasion. 

1860. The Prince of Wales now King Edward VII laid the 
corner stone of the present magnificent Parliament 
Buildings, in which, on June 8th, 1866, was opened the 
first session. 

Ottawans rode on their first horse car. 
Agricultural Society acquires Lansdowne Park for 
exhibition purposes. 

1869. Agricultural Society holds first exhibition. 

1875. Society holds Provincial Exhibition. In 1879 it took the 
form of a Dominion Exhibition; also in 1884. J. B. 
Lewis, barrister, was the first President, and Mr. A. S. 
Woodburn, Secretary. The latter always took much in 
terest in the Society, being for many years its Secretary. 

1869. Ottawa Free Press began its efficient work on December 
27th. C. W. Mitchell was editor and proprietor until 
1903, when the plant, grown very valuable, was sold to 
a company, with Alfred Wood as managing director. 

1875. City Hall built 

Normal School opened its doors for the first time. 

1882. On October 23rd, the Canada Atlantic Railway ran its 
first train from Ottawa west. 

The Langevin Block built by Mr. A. Charlebois and 
Mr. F. Mallette. Thomas Fuller was the architect. 

By town Incorporated. 51 

1885. The Ottawa Journal was started by A, S. Woodburn, as 
an independent newspaper, and has continued so ever 
since. It is now the Journal Printing Company, with 
P. D. Ross as managing director and editor. Mr. Wood- 
burn was connected with the paper up to the time of his 
death in 1904. 

1891. Up the Gatineau by rail was made possible by the building 
of the Ottawa Northern. 

Horse cars replaced by the electric system. 

1895. Ottawa held its great winter carnival, and ever since has 
been explaining that " It s not so - - cold after all !" 
But one carnival was enough. 

1898. Ex-Mayor Bingham presented Bingham s Park to the city. 
The same year this generous man made available a block 
for a children s play ground, where the little ones, from 
the richest to the poorest, may come and find every form 
of game for their enjoyment. Such citizens as Ex-Mayor 
Bingham are the real benefactors of a city. Long after 
he has gone will the little Ottavvans throw up their hats 
and shout : " Three cheers and a tiger for good Mister 
Bingham," and if I were there I d cheer with them! I 
love any man who loves children. 

1900. This was the year of the great Hull fire, which swept 
across the river (Ottawa), and burned the whole south 
ern part of the city. 

Mile Stones of a Century. 

The foregoing are but mile stones here and there. There 
are many other mile stones, but the words and figures are so dim 
that even with the aid of all the historical glasses I could find, I 
could not make out the graven records. A new people think of 
" how we shall live " rather than giving any time to recording the 
" how." 

Bytown Incorporated Mayors. 

In 1847 Bytown had grown to a population large enough for 
incorporation, which was brought about by Wm. Stewart, then 
M. P., having a resolution passed granting the right. 

Following are the mayors of Bytown, wtih their terms of 
office :- 

John Scott, 1847; J onn Bower Lewis, 1848; Robert Hervey, 
1849; J nn Scott, 1850; Charles Sparrow, 1851; R. W. Scott 
(now Secy, of State), 1852; Joseph B. Turgeon, 1853; Henry J. 
Friel, 1854. 

At the close of this year Bytown stopped and 

5 2 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Ottaawa born Jan. ist, 1855 Mayors. 

Ottawa started Jan. ist, 1855. John Bower Lewis became the 
first mayor, serving during i885- 56 and 57; Edw. McGillivray, 
1858 and 59; Alexander Workman, 1860, 61 and 62. It was 
during his first term that the Prince of Wales visited Ottawa. In 
honor of _this visit the "Mayor s Chain" was started, and received 
its first link. It has grown to many links. Henry J. Friel was 
again elected in 1863, and again in 1868 and 1869, during 
which last year he died. The next one to take the Mayor s chair 
was M. K. Dickinson, 1864, 65 and 66. He was a remarkable 
man, and one of the great figures of his time. Robert Lyon 
served the city in 1867; then as above Friel, held the office for two 
years; John Rochester, 1870 and 71 ; E. Martineau, 1872 and 73. 
It was during his term that Goodwin built the Wellington Street 
bridge across the canal. J. P. Featherston served two terms, 1874 
and 75; G. B. Lyon-Fellowes, 1876; W. H. Waller, 1877; C. W. 
Bangs, 1878; C. H. Mackintosh, 1879, 80 and 81 ; P. St. Jean, 
M.D., i882- 83; C. T. Bate, 1884; Francis McDougall, i885- 86; 
McLeod Stewart, i887- 88; Jacob Erratt, i889- 9o; Thos. Birkett, 
the present M.P., 1891 ; Oliver Durocher, i8g2-*93 : Geo. Cox, 
1894; Wm. Borthwick, i895- 96; next came, possibly the most 
unique mayor Ottawa ever had, by reason of his charity and the 
work accomplished during his term, Samuel Bingham, i897- 98; 
T. Payment, 18991900; W. D. Morris, mayor up to n o clock, 
1901 ; Jas. Davidson serving the rest of 1901 ; Fred Cook, 1902- 
03, and the office is now, 1904, held by J. A. Ellis. 


That is the first question asked about a country, " how is it 
governed? Canada runs along so smoothly that one almost 
wonders that it is governed at all you thought, I thought, we all 
thought, that the Queen and then King Edward, ran the affairs 
of this great Dominion, when, as you shall see, the rulers of the 
Home Government only know of the laws made here as they read 
about them as we would read about them. 

King Edward is represented here by a Governor General, 
while the real work of the country is in the hands of the repre 
sentatives of the people themselves, at the head of which repre 
sentation is the Ministry, which at present is as follows, 
headed by : 

The Governor General. 

Governor General. His Excellency the Right Honourable 
Sir Gilbert John Elliot, Earl of Minto and Viscount 
Melgund of Melgund, County of Forfar, in the Peerage 
of the United Kingdom, Baron Minto of Minto, County of Rox 
burgh, in the Peerage of Great Britain, one of His Majesty s most 
Honourable Privy Council, Baronet of Nova Scotia, Knight 
Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael 
and Saint George, Governor General of Canada. 


Governor General s Secretary and Military Secretary. Major 
F. S. Maude, C.M.G., D.S.O., Coldstream Guards. 

Aides-de-Camp. Captain A. C. Bell, Scots Guards ; Captain 
J. H. C. Graham, Coldstream Guards. 

Comptroller of the Household. Arthur Guise, Esq. 

Private Secretary. Arthur F. Sladen, Esq. 

54 Ottawa; The Hub. 

The Ministry. 
(According to Precedence.) 

The Right Honourable Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C., G.C.M.G., 
K.C., D.C.L. (Oxon.), President of the King s Privy Council 
for Canada. First Minister. 

Minister of Trade and Commerce? 

The Honourable Richard William Scott, K.C., LL.D., Secre 
tary of State. 

The Honourable Sir Frederick William Borden, K.C.M.G., 
B.A., M.D., Minister of Militia and Defence. 

The Honourable Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G., K.C., M.A. 
LL.D., Postmaster General and Minister of Labour. 

The Honourable Sidney Arthur Fisher, B.A., Minister of 

The Honourable William Stevens Fielding, Minister of 

The Honourable Clifford Sifton. K.C., Minister of the 

The Honourable William Paterson, Minister of Customs. 

The Honourable James Sutherland, Minister of Public 

The Honourable Charles Fitzpatrick, K.C., B.C.L., Minister 
of Justice. 

The Honourable William Templeman (without portfolio}. 

The Honourable Joseph Raymond Fournier Prefontaine, 
K.C., B.C.L., Minister of Marine and Fisheries. 

The Honourable Henry Robert Emmerson, K.C., Minister of 
Railways and Canals. 

The Honourable Louis Philippe Brodeur, K.C.. LL.B., Min 
ister of Inland Revenue. 

(The above form the Cabinet.) 

The Honourable Henry George Carroll, K.C., LL.B., 

High Commissioner for Canada in London, The Right Hon 
ourable Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal, G.C.M.G., LL.D. 

This list will shortly, be changed, but the powers that be were 
reticent as to the changes so I must leave it as it now stands. 

Office Holders and How They Get There. 55 


Clerk of the Privy Council, John Joseph McGee. 

Clerk of the Senate, Samuel Edmour St. Onge Chapleau. 

Clerk of the House of Commons, Thomas Barnard Flint, 
M.A., LL.B. 

Governor General s Secretary, Major F. S. Maude, C.M.G., 

Auditor General, John Lorn McDougall, C.M.G.. M.A. 

Deputy Heads of Departments. 

Deputy of the Minister of Finance, John Mortimer Courtney, 
C.M.G., I.S.O. 

Deputy of the Minister of Public Works, Antoine Gobeil. 

King s Printer and Controller of Stationery, Samuel Edward 
Dawson, Lit. D., F.R.S.C. 

Deputy of the Minister of Trade and Commerce, William 
Granis Parmelee, I.S.O. 

Deputy of the Minister of Railways and Canals, Collingwood 
Schreiber, C.M.G., C.E. 

Deputy of the Minister of Justice, Edmund Leslie New- 
combe. K.C., M.A., LL.B. 

Comptroller of the North-west Mounted Police Force, 
Frederick White, C.M.G. 

Under-Secretary of State and Deputy Registrar General, 
Joseph Pope, C.M.G. 

Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Francois Frederic 

Commissioner of Customs, John McDougald. 

Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, James A. Smart. 

Deputy Postmaster-General, Robert Miller Coulter, M.D. 

Deputy of the Minister of Militia and Defence, Colonel Louis 
Felix Pinault, C.M.G. 

Deputy of the Minister of Labour, William Lyon Mac 
kenzie King, M.A., LL.B. 

Deputy of the Minister of Inland Revenue, William John 

Deputy of the Minister of Agriculture and Statistics, and 
Deputy Commissioner of Patents, George Finley O Halloran. 

Deputy of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 
Francis Pedley. 

Director of the Geological Survey Vacant. 

56 Ottawa, The Hub. 

The following officers have by Statute the rank of Deputy Head. 

General Librarian of Parliament, A. D. DeCelles, LL.D. 
Parliamentary Librarian, M. J. Griffin, LL.D. 
Registrar of the Supreme Court, R. E. Cameron, K.C. 

It may be interesting to know something about how officers of 
the country are chosen. 


In our country we elect most of our office holders. The most 
popular man among the people gets the " plum." As is too often 
the case, his only ability is that of " jollying." He can jolly him 
self into office, and do nothing after he gets there ; and aga in, coo 
often the worst element runs our affairs of Government, especially 
our cities, where the saloon-keeper has far more to say than have 
the best law-abiding citizens. Judges are often selected from this 
class, and they in turn sit in judgment over our better element. 
Ours is indeed a " free country," especially for those who, in 
many cases, should not be given so much freedom. Up here the 
better element are the people who are free, and the " hoodlums " 
have far less to say than with us. We pride ourselves too much 
on the word. Wq roll it (especially the " R ") as a sweet morsel. 
FR-R-R-EEDOM ! I used to roll it too, often, when I came 
up here, and for as much as a whole week boasted of our free in 
stitutions, and felt sorry for these poor Canadians who were ruled 
by a King, but at the beginning of the second week I found that 
all the facts that I had been acquiring about Canada during a num 
ber of years were not so at all. Then, I .looked into their form 
of Government, and learned some more facts, which, in the second 
learning, I found to be correct. 

In speaking thus plainly does not mean that I love my coun 
try less ; it only means that I have less conceit of our institutions, 
as I find a whole lot of things up here very, verv commendable, 
and after which we would not lose by following. I used to think, 
and many of you down home still think, that the King arbitrarily 
governs Canada, making or dictating its laws while, in fact, he 
does not even suggest a law, and in no way governs, as we know 
the word. 

See below how the offices are filled. From an office seeker s 
point of view, Canada is very, very badly run, but for the people, 
Canada has a beautiful system. 

All Judges, from Supreme Court down to County Court, are 
appointed by the Federal Government, and cannot be removed ex 
cept by Parliament. Police magistrates, notaries and justices of 
the peace, are appointed by the Provincial Governments. Sheriffs, 

$3,800 for Livery Hire. 57 

and all Clerks of the Court (except Supreme and Exchequer 
Courts, appointed by the Federal), are also appointed by the Pro 
vincial Government. 

All city and county officials are appointed by the municipal 
aldermen and councillors, and do not go out of office on a change 
of aldermen or councillors, but may remain in during good be 
haviour, so that very few changes, are made in civic officials. 

The Federal and Provincial appointments are made during 
good behavior, which up here means a life sentence to office. 
Those elected are the members of the Federal Parliament, the 
Provincial Legislatures, city, county and township; aldermen (for 
cities) and councillors (for county and township) ; also school 

The election of municipal aldermen is governed by the laws 
of each province, but the election is usually held once a year. The 
election for Federal members of Parliament is supposed to be held 
every five years, and for the Provincial Parliament every four 
years, but it often happens that the elections are held more fre 
quently, for various reasons. The Senate or Upper House of the 
Federal Government is composed of Senators, appointed for life 
by the Governor General in Council. Lieutenant Governors (one 
for each province) are also appointed by the Governor in Council, 
for a term of five years, and may be re-appointed. The Governor 
General himself is appointed by the British Government for a term 
of five years, and is paid by the Dominion of Canada, 10,000 a 
year. He is the only official connection between Canada and the 
British Government, and his salary is all that it costs Canada to 
have the full protection of the Mother Country, which country has 
even to pay a duty on all dutiable goods sent here. The tie that 
binds the two is one more of sentiment than of anything stronger. 
If Canada should become independent to-day, Great Britain, from 
a financial point, would not lose a dollar. You didn t know this, 
eh? Neither did I when I used to feel sorry for poor Canada, 
when I thought of her. as being under a monarchy. It is to smile 
when I now think of her as, in many ways, more of a free govern 
ment than we are. I am sure that we are more governed by (late) 
Europeans than is Canada, and especially so by those Europeans 
who have so little governing rights at home, none, in fact, at 
home, and all with us they choose to take, and that is " everv- 
thing in sight." Vide New York City. Yea, verily, ours is a 
free country for the newcomers and yet we should feel thank 
ful that they can t take our Presidency. They would have had 
that long ago, but for the wisdom of the Fathers. 

Canadian Elections. 

Elections are not always held at stated times, as with us. 
Election day is often set arbitrarily. Sometimes these elections 
create great interest. Just now one is on for this week, in a 

5& Ottawa, The Hub. 

county a few miles to the west. It is for a single member of the 
Ontario Legislature. No other office is to be filled, but there is 
more excitement over that one than we would often see over the 
election of a President. " You re another." " You d burn your 
grandmother s barn." " You stole that money, and you can t deny 
it." And many such terms of affectionate regard are bandied as 
freely as compliments at an old ladies quilting party. One man 
says on the platform: "I m afraid my life will be the forfeit." 
He s answered by the next speaker: "Don t worry, or lose any 
sleep, as there isn t one of your friends the enemy who would 
waste a penny on ammunition." Oh, yes; you must not think 
that we have all the platform fireworks, for we have not. Some 
of the pyrotechnics are very brilliant up here, rivalling at times 
the aurora-borealis. Down home a member may be accused of 
accepting a bribe, and he will deny it, and do his best to prove his 
innocence. I have in mind a case in this province where a mem 
ber accused himself of accepting a bribe, and a long and very ex 
pensive trial was held to prove that he was a 1 - I mean a man 
economical of the truth. They proved it, but the ex-member nas 
taken the " stump " to try to convince the public that the trial was 
not fair. What do you think of that? He seems determined to 
find himself guilty. 

Later. The successful candidate spent over $7,000 for 
legitimate expenses over $3,800 of it for livery hire. Livery 
business is very good up here. 

Still Later. The young man resigned after being elected. 
A long election trial was held in which facts (?) were brought 
out that showed that nearly, or quite, $100,000 were used by or 
for the two candidates, and nobody gained a thing but the livery 
stable men and the voters, many of whom up in that county, sell 
their votes as they would sheep pelts. No wonder it is said on 
good authority that there was "something decayed in Denmark. " 

Imagine Clark County, with nearly double the population 
in Springfield, (the county town), nearly twice as many voters in 
one town as there are in this half county in question! Imagine 
I say, Clark County spending $100,000 .simply to send one man 
to the State Legislature, and then have that one resign rather 
than have all the , facts brought out ! 

Boss Tweed, in his palmiest days, was a thumb sucking baby 
in politics in comparison to the variety they have up the river. 

If the printer keeps the press open much longer there may 
be still further "later," as two men are about to run for a higher 
office in that county, and both have several "barrels"- the two 
boys, of whose campaign I have told you, only had a few small 
"kegs" of money. 

It is fortunate that this county is the exception, so don t get 
the impression that corruption is the rule in Canada, and many of 

He Wasn t a Pillar. 59 

the better element in this county, sorely regret the conditions 
brought about by the dealers in pelts. 

Cabinet Ministers the Real Workers. 

Speaking of office holders. There are many offices, as with 
us, mere sinecures, but there are others again which to fill is hard 
work. Of this number are the positions of the Cabinet Ministers. 
I have never seen men up here in any line of business or profes 
sion who have to work more hours than the Cabinet Minister. 
He is at his office early and late, and when Parliament is in ses 
sion, he has to fill the position of member as well. He is paid but 
$7,000 a year, which must be inadequate for all that is expected 
of him. The Prime Minister gets but $8,000. In Australia, the 
Prime Minister receives in all $12,500, with much less to do than 
here. With Canada s vast improvement, and annually increasing 
wealth, these salaries, no doubt, will be increased. 

I am much indebted to Ottawa s officers at the City Hall for 
many courtesies. These officers are: City Clerk, Mr. John Hen 
derson ; City Engineer, Mr. Newton Ker ; Assessment Commis 
sioner, Mr. A. Pratt; Treasurer, Mr. James Lindsay; City Col 
lector, Mr. Geo. W. Seguin ; Fire Chief, Mr. Provost ; Superinten 
dent of Fire Alarm, Mr. Geo. F. Macdonald. Some of these men 
have been in office a long while, Mr. Pratt for 28 years, and Mr. 
McDonald for nearly the same length of time. This system is 
far better than ours, as the officers are not dependant upon votes. 
Human nature is the same the world over. This fact is seen by 
another set of officers who are dependent upon votes and well, 
New York has no patent on its Tamany Hall methods so the 
Colonel says. 

Canadian Justice. 

They claim that their judges mete out a different brand of 
justice, and cite the " bad man " of the States who becomes a law 
fearing citizen when he gets to Canada. " See that man ? " was 
asked. Well he don t dare, to return to your country. He was 
there known as a desperate character. Your Idaho (from there 
he came) either feared him or for some reason allowed him to 
run things until the people ran him out of the country. We 
have made of him a new man. He knows that our judges have 
a little way of dispensing justice which will not brook any wink 
ing at the law. We may be no better, and I am sure that our 
laws are no better, but you must admit that there is far less 
crime in Canada than in the States." 

" To what do you attribute this fact ? " I asked, and then he 
became critical and a bit sarcastic, saying by way of reply. 

" Your judges have something more important to employ 
their time than the dispensing of justice (?)" 

60 Ottawa, The Hub. 

"More important ! " I exclaimed, " what could be to them 
more important than doing their duty ? " 

Their next election! Now in our country our judges are 
in for life, and are not worried as to how they can please the man 
who controls the votes ; they therefore do very little pigeon hole- 
ing of cases, for ward heelers, as I know is done in your cities. 
Do not think I would place all your judges on this low plane, but 
the temptation for re-election is certainly too strong for some of 
them. Again, our system is better; with you a man of any kind 
of character can become a judge, if he can get the votes of the 
people, while with us he is selected by men of judgment and must 
be of good character (and ability." 

His last remark brought to mind a good story apropos of 
a recent judicial appointment for one of the Provinces. 

Was afraid one of those lawyers was going to get the job." 

Who got the place ?" asked one neighbor of another speak 
ing of a vacancy on the bench in their judicial district. 

Who? Why , and a good judge 

he will make." 

Indeed he will a wise judge, a just judge. I m delight 
ed to hear he got it. Do you know that I was awfully afraid that 
one of those - - lawyers was going to get the job !" 

It so happens that the appointee was himself a lawyer, but 
had been so long identified with national politics that even this 
neighbor had forgotten it. 

He wasn t a Pillar. 

Speaking of law, judges and justice, I am inclined to think 
that there is far more of justice in Canada than in the States. 
Here is a case in point that has just caught my eye. In an Ohio 
county, a young man stole $13. He got ten years in the State 
prison. I can well remember how, in the same county, an official 
stole $90,000, and was! given one year. His bondsman, one of the 
finest men in the county, was empoverished for life, as he never 
recovered from the blow. Why this difference? No one can 
tell, but some did say, at the time, that " the official being such 
an exemplary man, and a pillar in the church, saved him!" It 
does seem too bad this difference ! I might moralize and advise 
Ohio s young men to become " Pillars " if they are determined to 
steal, and while they are at it, to make the amount thousands in 
stead of a paltry $13 13 is so unlucky unless you are a " Pillar." 

Two years for a hog One for a man. 

Here is another case that came under my personal notice, I 
was once in jail in Richmond, Kentucky, "What! Oh dear no! 
Of course not that am surprised you d ask, knowing me so well." 

Tim Couldn t Pass a Bar. 61 

"That s why I ask ! " but I m very patient and did no harm 
to the Colonel for this. But to tell you of the time I visited that 
Richmond jail. Passing a cell, I noticed a man busily engaged 
in saying things. He was quite emphatic in his remarks, and 
used language that would be too strong even for my Colonel. 
And yet I didn t blame him. He had just been given a two-years 
sentence for stealing a hog, while the man in the next cell had 
been given one year for killing his neighbor. People at a distance 
may wonder why capital punishment had been practically abolish 
ed in that State, but it is a plain case. They never hang Colonels 
in Kentucky. 

He s Just the Same. 

You always find the man who would keep you supplied with 
his brand of political idols. You find him at home where his 
Democrat is the only Democrat whq has ever come down the pike 
or his Republican is the only one left who ever ran for an 
office. Well, it s the same up here. You meet him on all occas 
ions and he is sure if you re in a hurry to stop and tell you all 
about it. I met him last year when his idol was a Liberal. X 
this Liberal was : "The finest speaker, greatest statesman ah, look 
at that dome of thought ! most profound man in all Canada, a 
man whose name will go howling down the ages." 

Rather a noisy name ! " I ventured. 

Well, I don t exactly mean that you know what I mean, 
and who I mean." 

No, I must confess, I have no means of knowing. You 
change your idol so often." 

"I change! never! my principles would not allow it!" 
and he was so offended that he would not speak 
to me for a twelve-month I met him the other day he 
was very cordial in his greeting, and seemed not to remember his 
anger of a year ago. 

I will not offend this year, was my first thought, and that I 
might start right, I began : " Well, I ve been studying that man 
of yours, I ve listened to his speeches, have watched his every 
movement, and I must commend your good opinion. He is indeed 
a great man ! " 

:< Great ! why, he is the smallest potatoes in all Canada, the 

most insignificant, the well I can t tell you how very small he 

is. It makes me half wild to even think of him. Why, his head 
is so small that it would get lost in a ten year old boy s hat, while 
his principles are well the man is devoid of principles ! He has 
none whatever Kingston s boarding house is over-flowing with 
better and greater men." 

" Why," said I, as soon as I could break into his tirade "I 
thought this man was your ideal you remember what a great 
one he was last year? " 

62 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Last year ! last year, do you say ? " 

Yes, last year. Don t you remember how great he was 
then? The head that now would rattle in a ten year old boy s 
hat/ was twelve months ago, a great dome of thought/ what has 
caused this change ? " 

"Oh, I see! Last year why man, last year I was a Liberal !" 

" What are you now ? " 

" I m a ConservativeConservative of the most Conservative 
kind, and with reason with reason I say do you know that man 
did me a great wrong? " 

"No," said I condolingly. "I had not heard of it, I m very 
sorry. Has he waylaid and robbed you?" I asked. 

" Robbed me ? worse than that. You remember my brother 
Tim? well Tim was on my hands and I could not get a thing 
for him to do, hunt the town over as I could, so T up and saw this 
man I d always voted for, and asked him for a place for the lad, 
and t o you b-elieve me what do think he said Let him pass a 
Civil Service examination and then come and see me. Turned 
me down cold! me who had always voted for him. Ah, isn t that 
enough to turn one agin a man ? " 

" I can t see that you were wronged. Did he not say, let him 
pass a Civil ex. and then come to see me ? 

Yes, he did, and that s what riled me ! He knew well 
enough that Tim couldn t pass anything./ Why the lad couldn t 
pass the bar, and that s easier than a Civil ex." 

" Knowing Tim so well I d say it was impossible ! " 

"What s impossible?" 

Why, for Tim to pass a bar \ " 

" Now, see here, don t get humorous. Its no laughing matter. 
Here I have the lad on my hands and he wouldn t give him a 
place. I tell you he s no good." 

W r ho, Tim?" 

" See here, don t get personal ! No, I mean the insignificant 
who refused to give the lad a place, and I a workin for him and a 
votin for him year in and year out. I tell you he s no good and 
I m agin him." 

# * * * * * 

Later. It s once more the great Dome of Thought for 
Tim s got a "job." 


The schools of Ottawa stand high in a province whose school 
system is claimed to be one of the best in the world. 

The widely known mathematician, Dr. J. C. Glashan, is In 
spector of all city schools. Mr. Geo. H. Bowie is Chairman, and 
Mr. Wm. Rea is Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board, com 
posed of three members from each ward. 

There are 18 schools in the city, with 92 teachers, or with the 
principals, 118. 

As elsewhere mentioned, in Ontario the Catholic schools are 
called Separate. 

Mr. Terence McGuire is Chairman, and Mr. A. McNicoll is 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Board. Of the number of separate 
schools, seven are taught by 31 lay teachers and 12 Brothers, and 
seven are taught by 59 Sisters. 

The school year is ten months. 

Normal and Model School and the Collegiate Institute 

occupy a large block just beyond Carder Square, running from 
Elgin to the Canal. 

The Collegiate Institute is under the management of a Board 
of Trustees other than the Public School Board. They are John 
Thorburn, LL.D., Chairman, G. B. Green, Thomas Birkett, M.P., 
Henry Robillard, J. I. MacCraken, D. Murphy, M.P.P., R. J. 
Sims, R. J. Small ; Cecil Bethune, Secretary-Treasurer. The 
Collegiate is between the High School and College. The pupils 
have to pay $20 of the actual cost a year ($55) of education per 
pupil, the city paying the balance. 

Pretty School Children. 

That the school children of Ottawa are bright and intelligent, 
I need but refer you to the two pictures in the " Gallery," where 
you may see in " Pinafore " costume a number of them, boys and 
girls of the city schools. 

64 Ottawa, The Hub. 


Had the Englishman who said that as soon as his children 
were educated he meant to go over to Canada, been uncon 
sciously dropped down into Ottawa, and waked up to see this 
famous educational centre, he would have questioned the state 
ment that he was not in one of his own educational centres. I 
had often heard of Ottawa s advantages, but had formed no real 
conception of the extent to which higher learning is carried here, 
until I visited the various colleges and schools. It is quite amus 
ing, or would be if it were not so serious a matter, to think of the 
dense ignorance of. both the United States and England regarding 
Canada. Many people who should know better, even wonder if 
Canada lias ordinary school advantages, when really it is far ad 
vanced in public schools, universities and colleges. Next to 
Toronto and Montreal, Ottawa has the most complete and exten 
sive system of education in Canada. There is here everything, 
from the kindergarten to the university and colleges, with their 
faculties in every branch of learning, and with business colleges 
that would do credit to any of our own great business centre?, 


There is here a branch convent of the famous Notre Dame 
Congregation founded in the I7th century, by a number of de 
voted women from old France. This is the Convent on Glouces 
ter Street, of which I have spoken elsewhere. It is under the 
charge of Sister Eugenia, Lady Superior, of Boston. While 
teaching all branches it excels in French and in music. As an 
illustration of its excellent system of French, I heard on Com 
mencement Day, a beautiful little girl recite a long French poem. 
Her accent was most excellent, I wanted to commend her, but was 
afraid she might not understand English. Later on I ventured 
to tell her how well she had recited. Imagine my surprise to 
have her reply in even better English, and to find she was a little 
American girl from my own county, down home, and had never 
even heard French spoken before she came to Ottawa to school. 

The Sacred Heart Convent, under the Grey Nuns, a 
like institution, is conducted on an elaborate scale. 
This latter school, known as the Rideau Street Convent, 
is famous not only in Canada, but throughout the 
States, where there are hundreds of an alumnae, as the insti 
tution is old (founded in 1849), an d very popular. This alumnae 
have given a library, and fitted it up with rare taste. They have 
also furnished (in old colonial) the great reception room, a pic 
ture of which you will see in the gallery. The chapel (designed 
by Rev. Canon Bouillon) is after the Henry VII style fan ceil 
ing in Westminster Abbey. It was in this chapel where we 

University of Ottawa. 65 

heard the congregational singing of the pupils. More pleasing 
voices we had never heard soft, gentle, and yet so strong, sweet 
and clear, that we were all but transported to where such singing 
is the rule. The famous writer known far and wide as plain 
"M. C." is a sister in this Convent, and is greatly beloved by all 
classes and creeds. 

The Church of England has a ladies school, under the charge 
of the Kilburn Sisters. It is growing to be one of the important 
schools of the city. There are a large number of private schools, 
probably the most important and best known is that of Miss Har 
mon s for young ladies, much after the style of the famous Ely 
Sisters school in New York. 

There is here a college, or rather a Conservatory of Music, 
of so high an order that it would do credit to any of our great 
cities. It is under Mr. H. Puddicombe, and a very able corps of 

I once called to see the head of a great institution of learn 
ing. He was cold in manner. "What can I do for you?" he 
asked, as though " doing " people were in his line. I did not stay 
long, and never after thought kindly toward that " institution of 
learning." Oh, the contrast when I called at 


and met Father J. Edward Emery. O.M.I., D.D. He was so cor 
dial in manner, and put me so at ease, that I shall ever think kind 
ly, not only toward him, but toward the great University of which 
he is the head. It was the evening before our own 

Thanksgiving Day. 

Said Father Emery : " We have a large number of students 
from the States, and to-morrow, as is our custom, we give a dinner 
to them in honor of the day ; will you come and join the boys?" 

The Colonel and I were there, and we have ever since been 
trying to think of a day in our lives in which was crowded more 
real heart-pleasure. From the moment we sat down to dinner at 
mid-day, until darkness found us on our way home, there was not 
a thing to mar the enjoyment. The boys greeted us, in the great 
dining hall, with the most perfect college yell we had ever heard. 
The hundreds of voices were as one, so accurate the timing of each 

As at all dinners, there was the amusing. This day it was 
in the adjectives used by the chairman and the boys. I don t re 
member ever having heard so many in my old college days, at 
Delaware, Ohio, and no one of them (the adjectives) there had 
ever been used on the same subject as on this occasion. While 

66 Ottawa, The Hub. 

the " subject " knew how deluded were the users, yet he could not 
but appreciate and enjoy every one of them, and if during lifei any 
boy in that great hall gets "broke" and wants a "quarter," he 
needs but to ask, if " Rube " and the " Colonel " are in asking dis 

After the dinner, Rev. Dr. O Boyle, professor of Physics and 
History; Father Fulham, Prefect of Discipline; and Professor 
Grey, of Elocution, showed us over a part of the great institution. 
To have gone through the various departments would have re 
quired far more hours than we had in the afternoon. The various 
departments are Theology, Philosophy, Arts, Science, Collegiate, 
Commercial, etc. 

We most enjoyed Dr. O Boyle s scientific work room, in the 
great Science Hall. It took me back years ago to Professor Sea- 
mans department at Delaware, O. Jolly-loved-by-everybody 
Professor Seaman! As Dr. O Boyle showed us the many new 
appliances, and told us of the many discoveries made during re 
cent years, I could not but think that what I knew of science was 
very, very little indeed. So fast are new discoveries crowding in, 
that one must keep in touch with the progress, else one must feel 
very far behind, on entering the Science Hall of to-day. 

The University of Ottawa, under Father Emery, is surely 
keeping abreast of the times. The new scientific appliances of 
New York are found here ; the discoveries of the world are yet new 
when they reach this progressive institution. 

The Philosophical Course is both the crowning of the Col 
legiate course, and basis of all professional studies." This claim 
one cannot but see carried out, if one but look over the writings of 
some of the young men. I have read articles in the " Review," 
the College magazine, which seemed so mature that I could not 
but think that they had emanated from minds with years of train 
ing ; and afterwards met the writers, whom I found to be beardless 
boys. Nor are they alone trained to write, but under the guid 
ance of Professor Grey (himself a writer of note), a famous Eng 
lish elocution instructor, they are learning to speak as well. 

* * * * * * 

And but, strange to say, just as I had finished the above 
sentence, the fire bells rang out, and to-night (Dec. 2nd, 1903). 
the Art Building of this great institution is in ashes. It started 
this morning, and has burned all day, and nothing but a few of ihe 
bare stone walls stand, where yesterday stood an institution I had, 
in one short week, grown to love. 

Father Fulham, who was chairman at that Thanksgiving 
dinner, young, strong, and with a brilliant career before him, is 
dead, and I mourn him as a dear friend, though I had known him 
so short a time. In his effort to rescue others, he gave up his 
own life. 

Laying of the Corner Stone. 67 

We think, at home, that we are quick to act in emergency, 
and rise out of disaster most readily, but when we think of the 
rapidity with which the mind of Rector Emery worked, not only 
that morning but since, we can but wonder at the marvellous 
energy of the man, and the wisdom he has displayed in the dis 
aster. Even yet, while the fire was burning fiercest, he thought 
of the parents of the pupils, and knewi of their anxiety, and before 
nine o clock had telegrams sent broadcast, that the pupils were all 
safe, and by 10 o clock had arranged for their transportation home. 
He seemed to think of everything, and while the ruins of the great 
building yet smoked, he had laid his plans for re-opening the 
schools on January 7th, 1904, with all classes running along as 

A movement was set on foot to have the city vote $50,000 
towards the rebuilding, but he said " No. Some might oppose, 
and for the sake of the harmony which has ever existed here, and 
which it is our great desire to maintain, I do not think it best. We 
will not ask the city s aid, but will welcome all individual acts." 

The University will build at once,/ separate buildings, modern 
and with every improvement. The Science Hall, the Juniorate 
College, and some of the other buildings escaped the flames, and 
in these, with other rooms secured, the classes will go right on 
as before. 

To show the kindness manifested by others of different faith, 
Henry J. Morgan, an Episcopalian, has undertaken to collect the 
nucleus of a library to replace the one burned, and from all de 
nominations are pouring in offers to donate books. It looks as 
though it would require a large library building to contain this 

The people of Canada are broadminded and generous. 

Sir Sandford Fleming, Chancellor of Queen s University at 
Kingston, is Chairman, and Sir James A. Grant, is Assistant, in 
the Committee for the collection of funds. Both of these great 
citizens are Protestants. All classes feel that this University, 
which has long been the pride of Ottawa, should be rebuilt, and 
that as speedily as possible. 


We meet at one gate when all s over, 
The ways they are many and wide, 
And seldom are two ways the same. Side by side 
May we stand at the same little door, when all s done ! 
The ways they are many, the end it is one." 

On May 24th, 1904, the corner stone of the new Arts Build 
ing was laid. One feature of the day s programme I cannot pass 

68 Ottawa, The Hub. 

over. It was the luncheon in Ricleau Rink, near by, to which 
nearly 1,000 sat down. As I looked over the great audience, I 
could not but think how times are changed, and how the world 
moves toward that day 

When men shall love their fellow-men, 
Far more than man-made creed. 

On the platform, which extended across the width of the 
great rink, sat His Grace Archbishop Duhamel, the Chairman of 
the occasion ; to his right sat His Excellency Lord Minto, beside 
whom was His Excellency Monsignor Sbarretti, Apostolic De 
legate to Canada; to the Archbishop s left was a man whose 
liberal mind has done so much to help bring about the very thing 
of which I write, a man whom we all love for his kindness of 
heart, his personal and mental worth, His Eminence Cardinal 
Gibbons, of Baltimore; and all along on either side of the tables 
of the platform, as well as those of the main body of the rink, 
were Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and those of many 
other creeds. Catholic and Protestant sat side by side in kindly 

Not alone in the association of the sects, but in the many 
most excellent speeches, was this kindness toward each other 
shown. Nor were the speeches entirely national. The Canadian 
is broad-minded, and takes in his brothers of all lands. He loves 
his own flag, and yet has a place for those of other lands. On 
this occasion, besides many small English and Canadian flags, 
there were two large ones, the Union Jack and the Stars and 
Stripes, and among the toasts was " The United States," propos 
ed by Dr. W. T. Herridge, " The Beecher of Canada," and ably 
responded to by our Consul General at Ottawa, Mr. J. G. Foster, 
a man whose worth does honor to our country. 

As I listened to the able speakers of our great northern 
neighbor, I could not but feel the deep pleasure it is and I trust 
the pleasure will long continue to write of them, and to tell of 
their excellence, that my people at home may know them better. 

I was particularly pleased with the speech of Judge Curran, 
of Montreal. It was able and eloquent, and cannot but do great 
good for the University. 

All day long I could not but think of the one man who has 
silently brought about the phcenix-like movement of the Univer 
sity. Scarce had the fire begun eating away the great buildings, 
when this man was sending out telegrams broadcast, to the homes 
of the students, to allay the anxiety of those homes, and before 
noon he had arranged to replace the lost clothing of the boys, 
and had secured them transportation. While yet the great pile 
was burning hot, he was planning how that school might resume 
its work, one month away and school resumed on time. Since 
then he has travelled thousands of miles, visiting other colleges, 

Unique Dinner. 69 

in order that he might select the best features of each, and that 
he has selected well, the magnificent structure, whose corner stone 
to-day was laid, can speak. So silently has he worked, that only 
the few have seen the guiding hand, and that the world may 
know, I gladly pay this feeble tribute to Rev. Father Emery. 

It was with just pride that we of the States listened to Car 
dinal Gibbons, at the laying of the corner stone. His address 
was eloquent and beautiful, and his sweet manner but intensified 
the love of all who heard him on this occasion. When he said: 
" Although, my dear friends, I am personally a stranger among 
you, your great kindness and hospitality have made me feel my 
self at home," when, I repeat, he said that, the cheers that went 
up from the assembled thousands must have made him know how 
welcome he was. 

He spoke of the builders of Canada, the English, the Irish, 
the French. He would also have spoken of the most important 
of all, but he knew full well that we Scotch could speak for our 

Lord Minto, in his address of welcome, struck a keynote 
when he said : " I join, I am sure, with all of you, in welcoming 
His Eminence to Ottawa, and in recognizing in him one who has, 
not only for many years occupied the position of a great dignitary 
of the Church of Rome on the continent of America, but who has 
done much by his distinguished influence to direct and control the 
modern thought and perhaps somewhat speculative religious ten 
dencies of a new world." 

Dr. Herridge, Presbyterian clergyman, in his eloquent speech 
at the luncheon, said two things which are very gems." It ought 
never to be a difficult thing to join firmness of personal convic 
tion with respect for the views of others," and, " If there was not 
to be liberality and charity, hope for the future of the country 
would be given up." 

Possibly the most eloquent speaker of the day was the Hon. 
Richard Harcourt, Provincial Minister of Education. One of 
his pretty sentences was: "The work of the universities are as 
stars of the night, to dispel darkness and ignorance." Some one 
sitting beside me remarked, as Harcourt arose : " Now you will 
hear one of our best provincial, if not Dominion, orators," and I 
had to commend the " remarker." 

Another pretty feature of the luncheon was to see the repre 
sentatives of an English and French University (Sir Sandford 
Fleming, for Queen s, Presbyterian, of Kineston, and Monsignor 
Mathieu, for Laval, Catholic, of Quebec) sitting at the same table, 
and to hear their kind words spoken for an English-French 
Catholic institution. 

Unique Dinner. 

In the evening, Speaker of the Dominion House, N. A. Bel- 
court, gave the most unique dinner possibly ever given in Canada. 

70 Ottawa, The Hub. 

It was given in honor of Cardinal Gibbons. Included among the 
guests were the Catholic Archbishop, Cardinal and Delegate, the 
Bishop of Ottawa, Church of England, Ministers of the Metho 
dist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Congregational, etc., churches, with 
Cabinet Ministers, leaders of the Government and the Opposition, 
Politics and creeds were forgotten, and for the time they sat as 
brothers of one great family, in a heart to heart communion. 

It was not only unique, but beautiful, and pressaged the time : 

When Jew and Gentile, sect with sect, 
As brothers, hand in hand, march by, 
And all the world shall love. 

I spoke of the Belcourt dinner as being " unique," but for 
that matter, the Cardinal s whole visit has been unique. Ottawa, 
regardless of creeds or sects, has entertained him royally, and 
being, in a way an international event, I have given it much space. 
Anything showing a kindly spirit between Canada and my own 
country is a joy to me to chronicle, for I love them both, and I 
shall ever say that which will in any way deepen the cordiality be 
tween the two. 


If one may judge by the prominence of its shareholders, and 
the high standing of its pupils, there are few colleges in Canada 
that will equal Ashbury, on Argyle Avenue, which, under the 
able Head Master, Rev. Geo. P. Woolcombe, and his competent 
assistants, is growing, or rather has grown to the limit of its 

It may well be called "The Rugby of Canada." To say : "I 
was a pupil at Ashbury " is at once an honor and a pride, for 
among its attendants are some of the best names in the Dominion. 


The only Presbyterian Ladies College in Canada (the pro 
perty of the Church) is located in Ottawa. 

It is on Bay and Albert 5 Streets, running through to Slater. 
It is a large stone structure, with spacious grounds. 

It has been built with a view to the health and comfort of the 
inmates. It is ideally located, high and with a, commanding view. 
While it is Presbyterian, there is no interference whatever with 
the religious preferences of its pupils. When " Helen " or 
" Pauline " begins to think of putting on " long dresses " again, 
the one serious question is, " Where shall we send her to school ?" 
Too many think of mere culture of manner, rather than the men- 

Colleges and Schools. 71 

tal of " Helen ; " the light and trivial, rather than the real ; the 
social, rather than what " Helen " may learn that may be useful. 
On much investigation, I find that the Ottawa Ladies College has 
culture, social standing, and teaches so much of the useful, that 
were " Helen s " parents to know of it, the question of "where" 
would be easily answered. 

All branches are taught, and by teachers specially fitted for 
their departments. 

Music is given much attention in the College, and with the 
arrangement it has with the famous Canadian Conservatory of 
Music, near by, the pupils may have the benefit of as good musi 
cal instruction, as may be had in the Dominion. 

The Board of Trustees contains the names of some of the 
best known ministers and laymen in Canada. This is especially 
true of the President of the Board and the Regent of the Staff. 
Rev. W. T. Herridge, D.D., and Rev. W. D. Armstrong, M.A., 
Ph. D. 

The Principal is Mrs. J. Grant Needham, a lady of rare cul 
ture, a graduate of the Toronto Conservatory of Music Mrs. 
Needham is a member of one of the most prominent Presbyterian 
families in Canada, her father being a minister, while her grand 
father, Rev. Donald McKenzie, was the pioneer Presbyterian 
minister of " Canada West." She is a neice of Rev. A. Cameron 
McKenzie, D.D., President of the Elmira, N.Y., Ladies College. 
She is a lady of rare executive ability. 

Miss Harmon s School 

Mentioned elsewhere, is probably of interest to more Ottawa 
families than any other in the city. Since the grandchildren of the 
first pupils are now attending this famous school. 

The sad drowning of Miss Harmon occurred while we were 
here, and the whole city seemed to feel it a personal loss, as she 
was greatly beloved, by all, regardless of class or creed. 


I used to wonder why it was that the Canadian boys could 
come to New York and step right into good paying positions, ind 
in many instances soon take up our banking, railroading and other 
important branches ; but when I see the high standard of the Cana 
dian business colleges, I do not wonder at it. Take, for instance, 
the Metropolitan College, which, under the management of Mr. 
R. A. Farquharson, B.A., is reaching and meriting a fame that is 
going out and beyond the city of its location. What strikes one 
as a bit in advance of our own business colleges is, that if an appli- 

72 Ottawa, The Hub. 

cant cannot speak the English language, he is placed under the 
instruction of a special teacher of language, and ere long acquires 
a proficiency that is remarkable. At this school the very latest in 
books, both the best of our own as well as Canadian, are to be 
found, and a staff of teachers that know well each their particular 
branch, and how to teach it. Mr. Farquharson is a graduate of 
Queen s University, and was long Principal at the Richmond 
Hill School, so that he is capable not only as a teacher of business 
methods, but one capable of giving liberal instruction on other 
educational lines as well. The young Canadians are taking up a 
thorough business education more and more each year. They are 
beginning to appreciate the fact that they must have business 
training, else they cannot hope for other than a hard, manual plod 
ding existence. The Metropolitan was founded in 1896. Two 
years ago it was taken over by the Federated Business Colleges of 
Ontario, which now controls thirteen of the most progressive 
schools in the province. 

The influence of this Federation is far-reaching, business men 
look to it for capable bookkeepers, stenographers, typewriters and 
for thorough general business assistants, and what is a very im 
portant matter for the graduates, the schools do all they can to 
secure places for them many now occupying lucrative positions. 

Ottawa may well be proud of the Metropolitan Business 


While the national game, lacrosse, is played here by a team 
that even beat the Shamrocks of Montreal, other games have their 
devotees. Baseball is not as popular as in the States and in some 
of the other Canadian cities, and yet, it is played by the school 
boys. Cricket and Association football are played, too, but create 
but little interest. The greatest game of all, that which will make 
an Ottawan forget his dinner, is 

Rugby Football. 

Football is the game that has made Ottawa famous all over 
Canada. Father Michael Fallen, formerly of the Ottawa Univer 
sity, but now of Buffalo, New York, was possibly the greatest 
coach Canada has ever known. He brought the " Ottawas of the 
University " up to such high perfection in Rugby that they for 
years have been invincible, this year they won the championship 
of the Quebec Union. 

The very air of the University is to this day permeated with 
Rugby, and the training seems not alone to have had its influence 
on the teams that play, but on every one of the hundreds of 
students in attendance at this great temple of learning ; shake hands 
with one of the boys, and you will find your hand in a vise. Their 
muscles seem like bands of steel, so intense has been the training. 
It is said that when Father Fallon was here he had the team in 
such control, that every player was a perfect machine with brains, 
and when he set them going they worked together as work the 
wheels of a perfect watch. There has been no game ever : n- 
vented which so tries the manhood of a student as does Rugby. 
Brain must fit with muscle, decision must be quickly followed by 
action, and tenacity of purpose bind the whole. 


Next to football comes hockey, and it begins to look as though 
there might be a reversal of the two. In hockey, Ottawa is not 

74 Ottawa, The Hub. 

only famous at home, but her prowess is known throughout the 
States, wherever the game is played, and this winter, new laurels 
will doubtless be won by the All-Ottawa team that is to meet the 
great players of Pittsburg and other cities, where enough Cana 
dians have been induced to come down to form teams. 
The Ottawas won the Stanley Cup for 1903. 

Basket Ball. 

Nor are the men alone proficient in athletics. At some of the 
schools basket ball is played with such skill that our college girls 
might be taught many a new trick. It is played especially well at 
the Girl s Model School on Elgin Street. In some places the girls 
play hockey ; this is more particularly so at Kingston, and the line 
of towns along the lake. If the reports of some of the matches 
between girl teams be correct, then one might well tremble to 
meet them on the ice. 

Later. The boys have taken up basket ball, and already 
many teams are competiting for trophies offered by the Journal, 
and other enthusiasts of honest sport. 

This leads up to 

Skating in Ottawa. 

There is no city on the continent where more attention is paid 
to skating than in Ottawa, and thanks to the interest taken in it 
by Lord and Lady Minto, it has been brought up to such a high 
degree of perfection, that it has become the very rythm of beauty 
in motion. Rideau Hall is the centre of Ottawa s winter sports. 
Here we find skating and tobogganing, under the auspices of 
their Excellencies, brought up to a marvellous degree of beauty. 
" Beauty," for the arrangement of the slides and rinks, with their 
innumerable lights, make the Hall at night a very bit of fairyland. 
Looking at it from afar, with its beautifully-laid grounds vastly 
improved by the artistic taste of Her Excellencythe lights 
twinkling among the evergreens and shrubbery, glinting a minad 
of diamonds on their snow-laden branches, the gaily dressed 
skaters flitting here and there in the merry waltz, or mazing into 
the march or labyrinth, to music that charms away the night, is a 
scene of beauty rarely found in any land. Here the elite of the 
city are wont to gather, when the ice is smooth and the air brac 
ing, and while away the hours of night, and come again and again, 
never growing weary of pleasure so exhilarating. 

We do not wonder at the popularity of the present occupants 
of the Hall, since to them Ottawa owes so much of enjoyment, 
and we can but think how they will be missed when they return 
to their home in far-away England. 

Nor is it alone at the Hall where skating has reached so high 
an art but all throughout the city are rinks, nightly filled by 

Skating. 75 

beautiful women and gallant men. The figure skating is possibly 
unequalled anywhere for intricacy and real beauty, and the skill 
with which those figures are gone through is simply delightful to 
look upon. I would that I might describe to you, who are wont 
to see skating where there is no order, where everyone skates or 
falls at will, and all is chaos, the rare sight of possibly one hun 
dred couples going through figures so intricate that it would turn 
dizzy the untrained skater. Take, for illustration, 

The March. 

The skaters line up on either side of the centre of a long rink, 
one hundred gentlemen on one side facing one hundred ladies on 
the other, as in. Sir Roger de Coverley, with His Excellency facing 
his partner, and Lady Minto facing her partner, at the head. On 
the music starting up, the ladies counter march to the right of the 
ice until they meet at the lower end of the rink; then they join 
hands, the gentlemen giving his right hand to his partner, and 
skating to the place of starting, where they counter-march to the 
right and left in alternate pairs to the end again ; here two couples 
join hands and skate back in fours; round again, then up in rows 
of eight. From eights they reduce back to single pairs by the 
same process ; they then break off into alternate pairs again, right 
and left, and on meeting at the lower end of the rink, the pairs 
turning to the right let go hands, and the pairs turning to the left 
pass through between the gentlemen and ladies they thus meet. 
The same proceeding is repeated on the opposing pairs meeting 
at the other (or upper) end of the rink, the only difference is that 
the pairs that went through first now open out and let the others 
pass through. The entire number of skaters in pairs now come up 
the centre of the ice, until they arrive at the middle of the rink, 
then they let go hands, the ladies turning to the extreme right cor 
ner of the rink, and the men to the opposite corner ; then both turn 
inward to the middle of the ice (forming thus the figure of a 
heart), and join hands and skate straight down until they arrive 
at the middle and have passed the last couple in the march, and 
then break off again, letting go hands, and again forming the 
heart as before, after which they follow the leading couple wher 
ever they may lead, into other figures, generally into the one called 
the labyrinth, a wide circle round and round, ever growing 
smaller to the centre, then turning, reverse the circle outward 
again, after which the leaders skate the figure " S " down the rink, 
and as a grand finale, skate back down the middle. Can you fol 
low this description ? No." Well, then, you will have to take 
many a lesson before you can follow the leaders through the 
march, as it is, if possible, more intricate than my attempted de 

Imagine this march gone through with the skaters each bear 
ing a lighted torch, the rink being darkened, and then think of 

7 6 Ottawa, The Hub. 

how beautiful it must be to sit and watch it. I have rarely seen a 
sight so grand to look upon. Some of the ladies here skate more 
gracefully than any I have ever seen, Lady Minto being without 
doubt the best skater in Canada. Others skate marvellously well, 
Ladies Eileen and Ruby Elliot being of the number. 


Few cities have so many who have excelled in sports and 
games as Ottawa. So many indeed that were I to give a list, 
the names alone would make a volume. I must needs select a 
few of the older champions. 


Dr. Haider S. Kirby, President of the Ottawa Hockey Club, 
was an old-time player, and has done much to promote this great 
winter game. J. P. Dickson, Vice-President of the Canadian 
Athletic Union, ex-President of Ottawa Hockey Club, Vice-Presi- 
dent of Ottawa Amateur Athletic Association, Secretary of the 
43rd Regiment, &c., has been prominent in hockey. 


The first game of lacrosse was played in Ottawa by two 
teams of Indians from Caughnawaga and Cornwall, on the occa 
sion of the celebration of the laying of the first Atlantic cable in 
1859. The boys picked up the game at once, and its popularity 
has never waned. Some of those who were among the early 
players have since become Ottawa s most substantial men. Among 
the number are, and were (as many are now gone) such well 
known citizens as Thomas Birkett, M.P., Edward duff, Michael 
Cavanagh, J. G. Cullen, James Birkett, E. K. McGillivray, James 
Thompson, Geo. Varin, Thomas Russell, &c. And later Arthur 
Seybold, A. G. Pittaway, D. B. Mulligan, &c. The last named 
played here in 1890 and 1891. He and his brother, W. J. Mulli 
gan, left Ottawa shortly after to go to the States, the latter to 
Louisville, Ky., while D. B., for the past few years, has been clerk 
in the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. Their Yankee friends 
will be pleased to know that they have taken the Russell, the 
principal hotel in this city, and are fitting up in fine style. 

Harry Ketchum, a lover and promoter of sports, was one of 
the most famous of his day in lacrosse. He is to Canada what 
A. G. Spaulding is to the United States. After graduating in 
active sports, he and his brother Zeb set up in a little way the 
handling of sporting goods, with all their stock in one window. 
That was but a few years ago, but so successful have they been 

Champions in Sports. 77 

that they have added store after store and line after line 
from a ball to an automobile. So popular have their goods be 
come that the Ottawa boy don t think an implement of sport 
worth playing with unless it has on it " Ketchum & Co." Adoiph 
Rosenthal was one of the 87 city championship team. Hugh 
Carson, of the old Capitals, from 1890 to 1897, was one of the 
best defences in Canada. 

Alderman James Davidson is another famous ex-lacrosse 
man. When he was president of the Capitals the club held the 
championship of the world. I might have included " Jim " in the 
Literary Ottawa," as he " throws " a very humorous pen. 

Here is another unique Ottawan. He was for six years 
president of the Stars, out of which grew the Capitals of which 
he was president for five years. Like most champion athletes, 
" Jim " has always been very popular. He has for seven years 
represented Wellington Ward in the City council, during all of 
which time he has been Chairman of the Board of Works, atid 
when Mayor Morris neglected to watch the time, and let eleven 
o clock slip by unnoted, and thereby "lost his job," Davidson was 
chosen to fill out the term. 

There is one thing very noticeable in Ottawa, and that is, the 
best athletes become the most successful business and professional 
men vide Ross, McGiverin, Ketchum, Carson, &c., each at the 
very head of his profession or business. Nor is Davidson an ex 
ception. Starting to work for 30 cents a day, he and his brothers 
have earned and lost nearly a quarter of a million dollars by fire 
(in 10,03), and are just now starting the wheels of the largest and 
best equipped door and moulding mill in Canada. Besides this 
they have timber limits and mills up the Ottawa, all through their 
own efforts, and all three comparatively young men. Great coun 
try Canada for its young business men ! They run the serious 
affairs of life with quite the same vim which won them champion 
ships in games in their earlier days. 

Mr. James White, President of the Liberal Club, was once 
famous in lacrosse, having been for years president of the 


The " roarin game " dates back to the fifties, but Ottawa did 
not begin to " soop er up " to any extent until 1860, when Wm. 
Hutchinson and his four sons came from Montreal to locate in 
Ottawa. They were instrumental in reorganizing the game. 
George, the youngest of the sons now dead was unique in all 
Canada as " the wooden-legged curler." At the age of 7 he lost 
his leg in the Gavazzi riots in 1853, but for all that he was one of 
the best curlers in the country. He even played lacrosse as goal 
keeper. The Hutchinsons have here and in Montreal ten curlers 
in the first class. 

78 Ottawa, The Hub. 

The Ottawa team have taken more Branch and Governor Gen 
eral s cups than any other in the Dominion. 

In looking over the list of curlers from 1860 to 1875, few re 
main. Among those who are left are such famous ones as John 
Manuel, the president of the Ottawas since 1895, W. M. Hutchi 
son, Chas Magee, Neil Robertson, John Thorburn, D. Murphy, 
M.P.P., Sir Sandford Fleming, Jas. Skinner, C. Satchell, W. 
Young, J. P. Macpherson, N. Morrison, C. S, Scott, better known 
as " Charlie " Scott, who has been one of the best curlers in Can 
ada. Colonel McPherson, J. D. Wallis, J. D. Paterson, E. Miles, 
C. Esplin, John Gilmour, J. H. Thompson, Dr. Bentley, Rev. D. 
M. Gordon, J. G. Whyte, Adam Dunlop, now of Winnipeg, H. 
Robillard, the famous poet, W. H. Fuller, now of New York City, 
R. C. Douglas, Dr. Sweetland, Sheriff of Carleton County, G. 
Stockand, Thomas Birkett, M.P., Capt. A. H. Todd and James 

The first rink was a brick yard shed, near where the Drill 
Hall now stands. That was in 1862. The next was at the corner 
of Kent and Vittoria Streets, in a lumber shed of the late Allan 
Gilmour. In 1867 the club built a rink on Slater, running through 
to Albert, just east of the Opera House. After that they came 
back to Vittoria Street, where their rink now stands. 

Curling is the sport never, or seldom, played by the sports. 
The Colonel says it s too slow, and yet if he had his choice he d 
rather have a curler s name attached to a cheque than a player of 
any game he knows of. 

In the winter of 1902 and 1903, a Scottish team toured Can 
ada and the United States. They had such a " good time " that 
it took the Rev. John Kerr, the chaplain of the team, 787 pages to 
tell about it, and if he can curl as well as he can write, the Scottish 
team should be miickle prude a thare pracher. 

The Governor General s Club. 

Lords Dufferin. Lansdowne, Lome and Aberdeen took great 
interest in curling. The open air rink at the " Cabin," near Rideau 
Hall, was laid out by Princess Louise. 

The Old Curler s Story. 

" I think it was in Lord Dufferin s time when there was held 
in Ottawa, a great curling tournament. Teams were here from 
all parts of Canada. The one from Halifax won the champion 
ship, and we gave the visitors a banquet, at which there was much 
of good cheer. When it came time for the Halifax skip to speak, 
he arose and began explaining the secret of his team s success. 
" You ask us " said he " to give you the secret, well, gentlemen, as 
we have beaten you, and may never again have occasion to meet 

Champions in Sports. 79 

you on the ice, I will tell you. We have a mascot yes, gentle 
men, a mascot he it is who brings us good fortune. When we 
were ready to start on this trip, we looked about for a spare man- 
one who could bring luck to us he is with us to-night." Here 
he stopped, and we all looked to see where they had their mascot 
hidden, for no spare (thin, boney, lean) man was to be seen. 
Yes," he continued, " we brought with us a spare man, he will 
now address you." Then he sat down while we all looked to 
ward the door to see him enter. Did you ever see D. C. Fraser, 
now; Judge Fraser? If you have, I need not tell you our surprise 
at seeing, D. C. begin to risd in his seat. When he and his six feet 
two, and broad according, was all up, the skip said, " Behold our 
spare man." Well, the Judge was never before or since, greeted 
with a heartier round of applause and laughter, than when playing 
the part of the spare man that night at the Russell House." 


Dr. E. B. Echlin, ex-president of the O.A.A.C., a champion 
of Canada, is known wherever this world game is played. P. W. 
Murphy, of the Bank of Ottawa, alsd excels in tennis, having been 
champion of the Valley. Ottawa has many lady tennis players of 
note, especially so Mrs. Sidney Smith. 


Ottawa has golf grounds and a club house equal to any in 
Canada, and possibly on the continent. Among those who excel 
are A. Z. Palmer, secretary of the Rideau Club ; J. Roberts Allan, 
the Gormullys, father and son, Alexander Simpson, manager of 
the Ontario Bank. A. B. Brodrick, of the Molson s Bank, H. II. 
liansard, J. A. D. Holbrook, P. D. Ross, G. H. Perley, Lt.-Col. 
Irwin, T. Mackerell, N. C. Sparks, E. C. Grant, etc. 


John Gilmour, of frequent mention, is the champion racquet 
player of the Capital. He is also a famous fisher, and known by 
every " Walton " of note in America. 

Hunting of Big Game. 

Hon. John Costigan holds the unique record of " the greatest 
moose hunter in the world." He has in that record over TOO 

Colonel S. Maynard Rogers comes along with his fourteen, 
while our own late Consul General, Colonel Charles E. Turner, 
will return to the States with a record of much big game. 

Dr. J. F. Kidd has, in his pretty home on CVConnor Street, 
some beautiful specimens of moose heads and deer antlers. The 
doctor cares less for numbers than for beauty of specimen. 

8o Ottawa, The Hub. 


In a city of canoeists who excel, it would be hard to select 
the best. J. A. D. Holbrook has been one of the great enthusiasts, 
and has done much in promoting this sport, as he has in other 
things athletic. 

Mr. R. H. Haycock was champion of Canada in single sculls, 
outrigged shell, for three years, 1868, 1869 and 1870. D Arcy 
Scott was international champion for two years. 

Ex-Mayor Samuel Bingham was once famous with the 
paddle. A good story is told of a race in which he took part in 
1867. It was on the Ottawa River, near Rockliffe. A four- 
paddle crew were racing with four Caughnawaga Indians. The 
Ottawans were a little ahead, when Bingham s paddle broke t>hort 
in two. Knowing that he was now of no use, and that he would 
be only dead weight, he jumped into the water and swam ashore. 
nearly half a mile away. The other three men won the race. 


Ottawa is noted for its great number of football players who 
excel. No one ever did more for the game than Father Fallen, 
formerly of the University, but now of Buffalo, N.Y. He made 
the Ottawa College almost invincible. " Eddie " Gleason was one 
of his many pupils. 

Few have been so widely known, however, as Hal B. Mc- 
Giverin, President of the Rough Riders, and yet, if possible, he 
was more widely known (as captain of the Canadian team) in 


Especially so in Philadelphia, and other of the cities in the States. 
The names " Hal B. McGiverin, " and " Cricket " are very often 
associated by the old players of this " gentlemen s game." Like 
many another famous athlete, " Hal B." is fast climbing to the top 
in his chosen profession that of the law (railway and parlia 
mentary law specialist.) There are few young men in Canada 
with so promising a future. This last sentence is for the eyes cf 
the old cricket players in my own country. 

Others who played this game with credit are V. Steele, W. C. 
Little, A. B. Brodrick, and the late B. T. A. Bell. Original 
cricketers: Geo. Cox, Edward Bufton, Wm. H. Aumond, Judge 
Robert Lyon, Edward Sherwood (father of Colonel A. P. Sher 
wood), Campbell McNab, Godfrey Baker, the father of cricket 
(once postmaster of Bytown), Wm. duff, now City Auditor, and 
R. W. Cruice. 

Skeeing and Snowshoeing. 

C. Jackson Booth would possibly lead in those sports, ihe 
former of which is especially popular this winter. Captain W. T. 

Sports and Games. 81 

Lawless, now of South Africa, was the most fearless exponent of 
skeeing in Canada, and did much to popularize it here. He was 
also the most expert swimmer in Canada. J. A. D. Holbrook was 
another of the original skeers, but for that matter he was one of 
the " all arounds," as he was prominent in many of the old games 
and sports. Hugh Carson, in snowshoeing as in other sports, 
won many medals. 

M. Kavanagh was once a famous snow shoe expert. In the 
early days (in the sixties) he even led the Indians in this as in 
other sports. 

Clay Pigeon Shooting. 

Fred Heney, the Reeve of Nepean, president of the St. 
Hubert s Gun Club, might be named as the champion shot of the 
Ottawa Valley. W. J. Johnstone is also a noted " pigeon " shot 
and true sportsman. 

The St. Hubert s grounds are seen on the way up to Britannia 
Park. They are near Mr. Heney s magnificent residence one 
of the finest specimens of old colonial in the country. 

Dr. Horsey is another of Ottawa s good shots. The doctor 
should also be included among the old time experts in skating. 


Once a famous sport, but now confined to Rideau Hall. The 
slide here, when lighted by its thousands of electric bulbs and 
Chinese lanterns, is one of the prettiest sights I have seen. 


This is one of the oldest sports, and from which grew hockey. 
It is our " shinny on your own side " which we used to play 
on the " crick " down there by the old bridge. 

Again I run across ex-Mayor Bingham s name. No wonder 
he loves children SQ much. I find he was one of the boys himself. 
In shinny he was an expert, with a goodly following of many old 
Ottawans, in which I find the names of the late Alexander Lums- 
den, Jas. Mulroney, Terrence O Neill ("Trickey Terry"), John 
Bulger, James McLaughlin, Hugh Masson and many another, 
now gone. 

Medal of 1852 A Find in Shinny. 

Months after writing the foregoing, while looking up data 
a la Bytown, I ran right into a real " find " in shinny. It was a 
silver medal given in 1852. Mr. Hugh Masson, the last one of 
those who played in the match between New Edinburgh and Ot 
tawa, is the holder. Who were the players ?" was my first ques 
tion on seeing the relic of 52 years ago. " Of the Ottawa twelve 
I remember but one name," said Mr. Masson, " as I was then a 

8z Ottawa, The Hub. 

stranger, having just arrived. That one was James Peacock, the 
hatter. My friends being in New Edinburgh I played on their 
team. We were dressed in our Scotch costume, the Ottawas were 
plain clothes men. Of our team I remember seven of the 
players : John Lumsden, father of Alex., D. M. Grant, Allen 
Cameron, Peter Fraser, Wm. McDonald, my brother Donald and 
myself. It was Christmas Day. The game was refereed by 
Captain John McKinnon, son-in-law of the Hon. Thos. McKay. 
We beat two to one. The medal was passed on to me ; I am the 
last ; all the rest have gone on ahead. I wonder will we have any 
shinny there?" 

" Does it always require ice ?" I asked, but he sat silently 
looking at the medal. 


Ottawa has been famous for its foot runners. It once had 
in " Johnnie " Raine the champion of all America, for a one mile 
race. Then there was " Bobby " Raine, " Pete " Duffy, Don 
Robertson, " Billie " Lepine, Clarence Martin, F. C. Chittick and 
James Nutting, while many an Ottawan will remember the fleet 
" Deerfoot " and the flying " White Eagle," the two Indian run 
ners, whose swiftness was proverbial. 

Hugh Carson, in the early nineties, won over thirty medals. 
His best distance was one-quarter mile. 

George Carson and Harry Carleton were of the good ones. 


Among those who have excelled in bowling are J. B. Watson, 
secretary of the Consolidated Electric Company, Dr. J. D. Court 
ney, a leading physician, D. E. Johnson, of Beament & Johnson 
and D. Turnbull. Most of these have been on the champion 

Among the "All Arounds." 

The Ross family may be put into a class by themselves, with 
P. D. Ross at the top. It is said that his father s home in Mont 
real at one time had much the appearance of a great jewelry 
store, from the many medals and trophies won by the three 

P. D. Ross, editor and owner of the Ottawa Journal, was, in 
his college days at Montreal, the best mile runner at McGill Uni 
versity, and captain of the University football team. In 1883, he 
rowed stroke in the Toronto Rowing Club four-oared crew, win 
ning the championship of the Canadian Association of Amateur 
Oarsmen, and in 1886 occupied a similar position in the Lachine 
crew, the best of that year. Later, coming to Ottawa, he was 
captain of the Ottawa Hockey team, the best of its day. He was 
one of the founders and the first president of, the Ottawa Amateur 
Athletic Association. 

John Flick, or the Difference. 83 

It is a probably unique fact, that in one year three brothers 
were the best men in their country in three different lines of 
athletic sport. In 1883, P- D. Ross was stroke of the champion 
four-oared crew; W. G. Ross (now managing director of the 
Montreal Street Railway Co.) was champion at all distances of 
the Canadian Wheelmen s Association, and J. G. Ross (now head 
of the largest accounting firm in Montreal) was the champion 
snowshoe runner at all distances. 

Among those of the old-time athletes, I find W. L. Marler, 
manager of the Merchants Bank of Canada. He excelled in 
lacrosse, curling, skating, hunting; and fishing. He was a member 
of the Montreal Lacrosse Club, the first in that city. 

R. T. Shillington, one of the leading druggists in the city, 
holds the unique record of having been on the three winning teams 
(in 1899) of hockey, lacrosse and football. Ottawa that year 
held the championships for these three games, something never 
known before or since. 

W. F. Powell, " the Beauty of Carleton," was an expert in 
many lines, as was also Robert Sparks. 

" Have you seen Tom Birkett ?" asked a former Model School 
boy, " Why, Tom was the all roundest in the whole school. I 
remember once he took five firsts and two seconds, and all the 
junior and open events, and when he got into High School, he took 
everything they allowed him to compete for. One day he took 
six firsts and one second. Why, I saw Tom stand and high jump 
4.11 one day, and as for running, he could run the 100 yards dash 
in 10^2 seconds, and he only a boy. 

" In the relay bicycle race between Windsor and Montreal, 
he and three others, Adolphe Rosenthal, J. Hinton and George 
Harvey were the four selected from Ottawa, and I tell you they 
did us proud. Tom did the run from River Beaudet to Coteau, 
over a rough road, in a three minute clip. 

Yes, I tell you Tom Birkett used, to be one of the athletes 
of this town, and even yet takes an interest in sports and games. 
He s a director of the O.A.A.C. Tom came well by his athletic 
trend, as his father, in his early days, was famous in sports, es 
pecially lacrosse. 

" And speaking of school boys," he continued, " the late Will 
Kehoe, brother of Barrister Louis J. Kehoe. was possibly the best 
all-round athlete in the Ottawa College. He excelled in every 
thing, all the way along through lacrosse, baseball, football, run 
ning, jumping in short, in games and sports he was a marvel 
and at the same time was a good student." 

John Flick, or the Difference. 

How well I remember when John Flick used to be the envy 
of all the rest of " us boys." John was the " champion " skater, 

84 Ottawa, The Hub. 

year after year. In winter none of the rest of us had any " show" 
with the little girls when " Tim " was on the ice, but when the 
spring thaws came and John s skates were laid away, John s pro 
minence was at an end, for that was all he could do. Here in 
Ottawa the skater of winter is the lacrosse player or the canoeist 
of summer, or the football man of autumn. Here an athlete ex 
cels in many things, some of them in nearly everything. Orme 
Haycock, the best skater in the Ottawa Valley, and one of the 
best in Canada, has won the O.A.A.C. medal for all-round athletic 

Apropos of skating, we often had the pleasure, this past 
winter, of seeing Mr. George A. Meagher, the world s champion 
figure skater. He won the amateur skating championship of the 
world in Ottawa, on March 4th, 1891. The medal was presented 
by the Governor General, then Lord Stanley. Since that time 
Mr. Meagher has made two lengthy tours of Europe, winning 
many laurels, in Russia, Hungary, Austria and other countries. 
His medals seem countless. These have been presented by prac 
tically every skating club of any prominence in the world, while 
beautiful ones have been presented by H.R.H. Princess Louise, 
the Earl of Derby, the Marquis of Dufferin, the Countess of Tur- 
enne, and many other notables. His skating at Government 
House is a great feature. The very acme of beauty in motion is 
the skating of Lady Minto (one of the best lady skaters in the 
world), with Mr. Meagher as a partner. 

Skating Carnival. 

One of the prettiest sights I have seen in Canada was an ice 
carnival in the Aberdeen Rink. Some of the costumes worn were 
very beautiful, and all of them were pleasing. Lord and Lady 
Minto led in the figure skating, which for beauty and intricate 
motion was beyond description. 

There was one skater at this carnival who did considerable 
falling. This was 


The wit from Toronto suggested as the reason that " Meph . 
don t seem to be used to ice." 

In concluding this running talk on sports and athletics, I feel 
that I have but touched the subjects, and yet I may well ask to be 
pardoned when you take into consideration that not one of the 
games mentioned but might be subject for a volume. 

Golf. 85 


" Colonel," said I, one day when we were, talking about games 
and sports, " what game can be played by the fewest people, and 
yet is always played by the greatest number?" 

" Rube, you ve been drinking again ! Why, man, how can 
the fewest in any instance be the greatest number ? Give it 
up, what game is it?" 

" Golf, Colonel, golf !" 

"Golf ? I see how it may be played by two, or even one, but 
how the greatest number?" 

" Easy enough, Colonel, easy enough. It may, as you say, 
be played by two, or even one, but it is always played by The 
400 ! : It was fortunate for me that the Colonel was no golf 
player, else his aim at this point might not have been a miss. 

The Ottawa Golf Club is no exception. It does not contain 
all of that mystic number, but it certainly is a very prominent part 
of it, and among the part are some very expert players, both ladies 
and gentlemen. To say this, however, of the Ottawans, where 
sports and games are in question, is merely to state a truism, as 
I have never seen a city where excellence in athletics was so 

History of Golf in Ottawa. 

In 1891 Mr. Hugh Renwick, of Lanark, Scotland, a golf en 
thusiast, came to the Capital. He was soon playing with an en 
thusiastic following, among whom were the late Mr. J. Lloyd 
Pierce, Lt.-Col. D. T. Irwin, Mr. A. Simpson, Dr. John Thorborn, 
Mr. S. H. Fleming, Mr. J. W. de C. O Grady, and about 50 others. 

The first site was a 5O-acre tract along the River, 
south-easterly from the city. It was a nine-hole course. Many 
interesting matches were played on these links. The one in 1895, 
for the championship of Canada, being the most important. This 
was won by T. M. Harley, of Kingston. 

In 1896 the growth of the city sent the club to their io8-acre 
12-hole grounds, on the Chelsea Road, north of Hull, and when 
the great International Cement Company found them playing 
above invaluable material, they were again compelled to move, 
this time to their own beautiful grounds of 125 acres, on the 
Aylmer Road, along the Ottawa River, about three miles west of 
the city. These grounds are ideal. They seem to have been laid 
out by nature for such a purpose. The hazzards are sand bunkers. 
A little brook winds in around along the whole course. The view 
from the magnificent club house, just now completed, is very 

An i8-hole course has been laid out, forming a circuit of al 
most 334 miles. 

86 Ottawa, The Hub. 

The membership, limited to 250 ordinary and 150 lady asso 
ciate members, is now full, and a number of candidates on the 
waiting list. 

The officers are : President, George H. Perley ; vice-presi 
dent, E. J. Chamberlain; captain, A. B. Brodrick; secretary-trea 
surer, J. A. Jackson; committee, J. A. D. Holbrook, J. Roberts- 
Allan, Geo. F. Henderson, J. F. Orde and Lt.-Col. D. T. Irwin, 
C.M.G., A.D.C 


What with " Venetian Nights," " Parisian Nights," Arabian 
no, I mean " Persian " Nights entertainments, at the various 
Parks around the city, and with the band concerts given weekly, 
the Ottawans who have to stay in town find much enjoyment. 
They don t have a hilarious time, as it is remarkable how little 
noise it takes to give real pleasure. It sometimes takes a good 
while to, get through with these pleasures, however. The Colonel 
and I have been out already to some distant Park, and not got 
back until after 12 o clock, and yet left large numbers there. 
(This last sentence will be better appreciated by the " large num 

Apropos of the " hilarious," I must commend the perfect 
order of a Canadian crowd. It is never boisterous, and consider 
ation! for others is the rule. You see an occasional policeman, but 
he is usually there to be around in case of accident, or because it 
is his night off. 

" Persian Night " at Rockliffe Park was an illustration of a 
summer night s amusement in Ottawa. 

The trolley company had that beautiful pleasure park lighted 
up with so many thousands of Chinese lanterns that night seemed 
to be turned into day. Look in any direction you might, and the 
trees bore lights like fruit of all conceivable colors. The band 
furnished a programme of music that would have done credit to 
any of our best city bands. As I stood in that crowd of perhaps ten 
thousand people, I might shut my eyes and easily imagine that 
there were but few around me, so little the noise, and yet the 
cheerful faces all about showed that pleasure was general. I 
have come to know that even children can have " a whole lot o 
fun " without annoyance to others by their boisterousness. 

Just here will fit in a criticism. The Canadians say we 
Yankees speak too loud. The criticism is a just one, but while 
we may speak too loud, they in turn do not speak loud enough, 
and as a result it is usual that a question is answered bv another, 
and that other is "7 beg your pardon?" which means "I did not 
understand your question, will you be so kind as to repeat it?" 
Then, again, it seems to be a custom. One morning I enquired 

Moving Pictures. 87 

of a maid, for the residence of one in that vicinity. She stopped 
sweeping, and began her answer : " He lives oh, I beg your 
pardon?" She had heard the question and began her answer, 
then forgot that she had not first " begged pardon." I repeated 
the question in a much lower tone, when she readilv pointed out 
the residence. This is not unpleasant, as they do ask : " I beg your 
pardon?" in so pleasant a voice and so courteous a manner, that 
I never mind having to repeat. 

" Moving Pictures" 

Is the order of the night, this (1904) summer. So many 
thousands go nightly to Britannia that the road is taxed to its 
limit, but so well are the crowds handled, that none need remain 
out until breakfast, as was the case on " Venetian Nights " last 


At the opening of the Rideau Canal, Ottawa or then By- 
townbecame a military station. Two, and at times three com 
panies of regulars were stationed here, on Barracks Hill, now Par 
liament Hill. They had little to do but, "Drill, Drill, Drill, ye 
Tarriers Drill ! " On such occasions as " Stony Monday "Sept 
1 7th, 1849 they had to quell small riots. 

The Provincial Militia made Bytown life worth living, when 
the "Captains" and "Colonels" marched into town with their 
"troops," for annual "muster." 

In 1854, two companies of volunteers were organized, one 
English speaking, under Captain George Patterson, a loyal mer 
chant. The other company was made up of French speaking 
citizens, under Joseph B. Turgeon, with Dr. Beaubien assistant 
These were known as No. i and No. 2 Rifles, but called by che 
expressive names of "The Sleepies" and "Dwyer s Divils." The 
Drill Sergeant for both companies, was one Tim Dwyer, a retired 
Sergeant of the Line. Tim had no trouble with the "Sleepies," 
but the other company played the very well its own name, with 
his patience. While Tim knew tactics, he didn t know French. 
The French knew neither tactics nor Tim s English, but they 
finally mastered one command, and as Tim soon lost all hope of 
making them understand another, he used that one on all oc- 
sasions. That one was, " stip round ye divils " and they 
"stipped." ; ; 

The Ottawa Field Battery was organized September 2/th, 
1855, with Major John Bailey Turner in command. This battery 
is still in existence 48 years without a break. Jas. Forsyth was 
made drill master. His place was taken, years after, by Captain 
Forest Captain Workman and Lieut. Chas. Aumond were con 
nected with the Battery. The command has been under Captains 
Forsyth, Stewart, Hurdman, (now Lieut-Colonel on the Regi 
mental Staff) and E. C. Arnoldi, now in command as Major. 

Military. 89 

At Deseronto Camp, in 1903, this Battery carried off the 
highest honors in the Dominion for general efficiency. This was 
not unusual as it has done the same so long, that it has become 

As a further bit of military history, the original members 
of the " old guard " living, are the first Paymaster, Richard 
Bishop, (later: died since these words were written) of Hinton- 
burgh, his successor, a well known and active worker in many 
literary lines, A. S. Woodburn,* whose fund of knowledge re 
miniscent, is little short of marvellous (I cannot but speak of 
him thus. When in search of data on any subject of the long 
ago, I was always referred to " A. S. Woodburn, see him, he can 
tell you," and he never failed to make good the confidence. He 
retired with the rank of Major) and one other, Lieut. Campbell 
Macnab, who is at present in the lower St. Lawrence. During 
the season he puts in his time hunting the porpoise, with all the 
vigor of youth. 

Since 1855, a number of other organizations have come up 
and again disappeared. No less than seven companies of " Garri 
son Artillery" were at one time in active practice in Ottawa. They 
disappeared, and then, the 43rd Regiment took the place of the old 
Rifles and Garrison Artillery. In 1861, the late Judge Chris 
topher Armstrong and W. F. Powell, M.P., were instrumental 
in working up an interest in things military in Carleton County. 
One company especially, formed at Bell s Corners, was the nucleus 
of The Old ^yd Regiment, better known as the " Carleton 
Blazers." But a simple mention of this regiment can be made. 
It took a whole book for Captain Ernest J. Chambers, R.O., to tell 
the history of it, and for me to say he has told it well and enter 
tainingly, goes without saying to those who know this charmnig 

The Princess Louise Dragoon Guards. 

This fine body of cavalry was organized May 23rd, 1872, 
and named for the popular daughter of the Queen, Princess 
Louise. It consists of two squadrons. 

The Governor General s Foot Guards. 

This, regiment was organized June 7th, 1872, two weeks after 
the Princess Louise Dragoon companies. As its name indicates, 
it is the guard of honor to the Governor General of Canada. 

Following is the order in which the various Ottawa Regi 
ments of the militia, appear in "The Quarterly Militia List of die 
Dominion of Canada," for July 1st, 1904. 

* I wrota thi* just before Mr. Woodburn s death. I will leave it with kind mem 
ories of the man and all he did for me. 

90 Ottawa, The Hub. 


The Princess Louise Dragoon Guards. 
(Organized 23rd May, 1872.) 

Hon. Lieut-Colonel. F. F. Gourdeau. 

Lieut-Colonel. Robert Brown. 

Majors. C. A. Eliot, R. M. Courtney, G. A. Ryan. 

Captains. A. H. H. Powell, H. B. Borbridge, E. E. Clarke, 
J. A. Cameron. 

Lieutenants. H. P. Fleming, J. R. Munro, J. W. Bush, C. 
J. Burritt, J. R. Routh, W. R. Greene, J. P. Boyle, A. Ryan, J. J. 
Danby, L. S. Macoun, D. J. McDougal, P. C. McGillivray, R. O. 
Croll, T. R. Brown, D. W. Moore, D. C. Merkley, G. A. Noonan, 
J. D. Robertson. 

Paymaster. W. H. Cole, 

Adjutant. J. R. Routh (lieut) 

Quartermaster. J. St. D. Lemoine. 


Ottawa Field Battery. 
(Organized 2/th Sept., 1855.) 

Major. E. C. Arnoldi. 

Captains. A. H. Bertschinger, E. W. B. Morrison, D.S.O. 

Lieutenants. C. H. Maclaren, E. R. Tooley, H. H. Cameron. 

Medical Officer. E. B. Echlin. 

Veterinary Officer. Alex. W. Harris, D.V.S. 

Ottawa Company (Organized 1st July, 1902.) 

Major. C. P. Meredith. 

Lieutenants. A. P. Deroche, E. P. Fetherstonhaugh, O. 
Higman, jr., R. S. Smart. 

Medical Officer. W. I. Bradley. 


The Governor General s Foot Guards. 
(Organized 7th June, 1872.) 

Honorary Colonel. His Ex. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Minto, 
G.C.M.G., P.C., Governor General. 

Lieut. -Colonel. Sydney C. D. Roper. 

Majors. E. E. F. Taylor, Henry A. Bate. 

Captains. Douglas R. Street, C. F. Winter, William T. 
Lawless, Donald H. McLean, Agar S. A. M. Adamson, F. A. 
Magee, G. D. Graham, J. F. Cunningham, F. C. T. O Hara, J. G. 

Military. 91 

Lieutenants. E. E. Prince, E. J. W. Mosgrove, J. F. Gil- 
mour, J. F. Watson, F. D. Hogg, G. McG. Maclaren, J. M. Bate, 
T. W. Alexander, A. C. Ross, J. A. Mackenzie, G. G. Chrysler. 

Paymaster. R. Gill. 

Adjutant. C. F. Winter. 

Quarter-Master. T. G. Rothwell. 

Medical Officers. J. F. Kidd, G. S. MacCarthy. 

Chaplain. Rev. H. Kittson. 

43rd Regiment, "The Duke of Cornwall s Own Rifles." 
(Organized 5th August, 1881.) 

Honorary Colonel. General H. R. H. George, Prince of 
Wales, Duke of Cornwall, K.G., etc. 

Honorary Lieut-Colonel. W. White, C.M.G. 

Lieut.-Colonel. S. Maynard Rogers. 

Major. Richard A. Helmer. 

Captains. Stuart E. de la Ronde, J. H. Bollard, D. W. 
Cameron, J. H. Dewar, A. de Mowbray Bell, R. G. Stewart, J. A. 
Ewart, R. Blackburn, R. G. Cameron. 

Lieutenants. J. A. Armstrong, G. L. Blatch, A. J. Matthews, 
R. J. Birdwhistle, H. A. Folkins, J. P. Dickson, G. A. Bell, A. A. 
Pinard, C. M. Edwards, E. R. McNeil, W. S. Wood, E. A. Olver, 
G. P. Matthewman, T. F. Elmitt, S. J. Stevenson, A. L. Ogilvie, 
R. S. Simpson, O., K. Gibson, E. C. Woolsey, J. E. Snowball. 

Paymaster. E. D. Sutherland. 

Adjutant. D. W. Cameron. 

Quarter-Master. J. E. Hutcheson. 

Medical Officers. J. D. Courtney, F. W. Birkett. 

Chaplain. Rev. J. M. Snowdon. 

Army Medical Corps.. 
(Authorized ist July, 1899.) 

Officer Commanding. A. T. Shillington. 
Subaltern. J. W. Shillington. 

Unattached List. 

Colonel. L. F. Pinault. 

Lieut.-Colonels. Hon. E. G. Prior, L. W. Coutlee, F. G. 
Stone, F. White, C.M.G. 

Hon. Major. A. Benoit. 

Majors. H. J. Woodside, E. H. T. Heward, W. T. Neill, 
E. C. Cole. 

Captains. F. A. O Farrel, H. F. Wyatt, H. G. Bate, W. R. 
Ecclestone, W. Price, J. R. Miller, S. H. Capper. 

Lieutenants. G. B. Cameron, H. W. Frink, G. I. McAHster. 

92 Ottawa; The Hub. 

The soldiery of Ottawa are a fine body of men. The popu 
larity of military matters has drawn into the various organizations 
the very best element of the city. I was about to say : " The rough 
element have nothing to do with military affairs," then I stopped 
for a moment to think, why say that when Ottawa prides herself 
on not having a " rough element," and after months of a sojourn 
among this people, I am pleased to say she has all reason for the 
pride. I have never seen a city so free from this class, and Ot 
tawa is to be congratulated. 

Incidents and Humor of Things Military. 

It was our pleasure to meet and know genial Colonel Wm. 
White, Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of the 43rd. For twenty- 
seven years he was Secretary of the Canadian Post Office Depart 
ment, and for nine years Deputy Postmaster General of Canada. 

I had heard that he had command of the first Guards in Ot 
tawa during the Fenian Raid in 1866, and knew he must have 
some good stories apropos of those stirring times. My guess was 

We were stationed in the Skead building," began the Col 
onel. It stood on Wellington Street, where now stands 
the British American Bank Note Company s fine structure. 
As we had no notion of the extent of the raid, 
we were suspicious of every stranger, and at night 
we were ordered to make all persons, we did not know, give an 
account of themselves. Some were too indignant and others too 
"full" to answer questions, so we "ran" them in. 

I shall never forget one man who did not get over his m- 
dignation all night, for next morning when one of the guards, an 
awkward wag of a country boy, went to take him before Colonel 
Wiley, the fellow would not move, so the guard prodded him 
with his bayonet. When he was arraigned before the Colonel, he 
began at once, " Colonel," said he, boiling with rage, " I prefer 
charges against this lout of a fellow." The Colonel, who en 
joyed a joke, could hardly keep up the dignity of the bench, but 
turning asked the guard very seriously, even sternly, " Here, my 
good fellow what have you to say to this man s charges ? He says 
you prodded him." 

" Jedge, ef yer don t mind, I guess he s right about it," said 
the guard, scared like. 

( Yes, and you admit that you really prodded the man? " 

Yeas, Jedge, I cain t lie, I cain t lie if yer put me up for it. 
I prodded im." 

Why did you prod him?" 

Wull, Jedge, yer see when I was a startin to bring him 
to yer I told im to travel." 

"Then what did he do?" 
" He jest wouldn t travel." 

Jack and His Funeral. 93 

" And then what did you do ? " 

" Wull, honest, Jedge, I prodded 5 im." 

"Well, and what did he do?" 

" He travelled." 

A Travelling Arsenal. 

"N. W. Bethune, was then 37 years ago as now, in charge 
of the telegraph office, now the G.N.W., then the Montreal Tele 
graph Co. He feared that Fenian spies might get possession of 
the office, and use it to send dispatches, so he hunted around for 
arms to protect himself. After hunting the town over, he found 
two dilapidated horse pistols and a shot gun. The pistols 
were too large to get into his pockets, so you might see Bethune 
any day going back and forth to his house, looking more like a 
travelling arsenal than anything I can think of. I am sure had he 
been attacked, and he had fired any gun of his battery, there 
would have been far more danger of there being one Bethune less 
than any fewer Fenians." 

I told the Colonel the story of the reporter and his icicle, and 
the real reason of the sudden termination of that Fenian raid, and 
he thanked me, for said he, " I never knew before why it came to 
such an abrupt stop, but I see now." (You will find the Re 
porter s Story under " Newspapers.") 

The Old Cavalry Colonel s Story. 

" Oh, yes ; it must have been more than a quarter of a century 
ago," said the old Colonel, when asked to tell the story of Jack 
, one of his troopers, a brave Irish lad, who lay dying of con 
sumption. " We had gone up to see him a number of the boys 
and myself and as we sat talking, trying to chirk him up, the Dr. 
(a member of the regiment), came in with a cheery, Brace up, old 
man ; we re going to have our annual mounted drill, and we want 
you to be out with us. 

No, Doc. dear ; Jack s nixt roide will be out over the hill to 
the graveyard beyant the Rideau. But, till me, Doc, do ye think 
the byes wull turn out at me funeral ? 

Certainly, Jack ; if it comes to the worst, they will, but we 
hope it will be a long time till that day. 

Now, till me, Doc. ; wull they hall me on the cannon, loike I 
was a warrior? 

Yes, Jack ; with the old flag wound round you, and your 
helmet and sword placed on top. 

An Doc. dear ; wull they have me ould harse Wraggles lid 
behoind, wuth me boots turned wrong furninst, an toide wuih 
crape, the same as they did at Charlie s funeral ? 

Yes, Jack ; old Wraggles will be there. He has been with 
you too long not to be with you at the last. 

Wull they have the band followin , and playin the march, 
the same as at Charlie s? 

94 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Yes, Jack ; and the band will be there, for all the boys love 
you very much. 

Oh, won t that be foine ! An , Doc. dear, till me ony this 
wan more quistion. Whin the byes raich the yard, wull they foire 
three volumes over me grave the same as at Charlie s ? 

1 Yes, Jack ; they will fire three volumes over your grave. 

My, my, Doc., won t that be foine ! Won t that be foine ! 

"An , Doc., dear; ye ll foind me purse thare in the cubbard. 
Take out suthin for the pall-bearers, as it may be a cowld day." 

Jack, will I treat them going or coming ? " 

" Going, Doc., going fer Tie not be wuth em whin tha 
come back." 

" And the poor fellow seemed really delighted with the pros 
pect. It was to us most pathetic, for we all loved Jack dearly. 
He had been a faithful trooper never missing a drill, and ever 
ready to do his duty without question. He lay still for a long 
while, then all at once tried to raise himself up in the bed, and 
began again to talk this time more to himself and to his old 
horse than to us. 

Wraggles, Wraggles, me faithful harse, an ye ll be wid me 
to the last. Ha, ha, manny s the long day we have bin togither, ye 
and I, Wraggles. It was a colt I found ye. I knew thin that 
ye d some day be a grate harse an , whist, Wraggles, do ye moind 
the staple chasing we ve had togither? At this he seemed almost 
transformed with delirium. Whist, Wraggles, come, bye, now 
they re off! Hurray! Hurray! Ah, ha; ho, ho! Ye tuk that 
wan will, Wraggles! Now, brace for the nixt. Whoop, we re 
over ! Whare s thare thurrobrids now ! Ahn, ahn, me faithful 
bye! Ho, ho, now for the wather jump. See, see, Wraggles, the 
oies of the thousands ar ahn us! Make the jump o yer loife, an 
make that jump the ricord. Whoop, we re floing, Wraggles. 
Whoop, we re over an ye ve made the ricord! 

" It was poor Jack s last effort. After that we could only get 
from him meagre words. We all knew the reason of his tem 
porary delirium. He was riding over again a steeplechase he had 
once ridden, when both he and old Wraggles were young. He 
spoke truly, they had indeed made a record, which to this day 
stands unbroken. I forget exactly, but the water jump was 
over 30 feet, some say 35. 

" Poor Jack died within the week, and we carried out his 
request to the very letter, for we all loved him." and the old Col 
onel wiped his glasses, for they were very dim. 

Courtesies Exchanged. 

When the first contingent was in South Africa, the boys were 
stationed next to the famous Royal Gordon Highlanders, between 
whom and the Canadians there began a friendship that death alone 
will sever. The Gordons have, since the war, sent a beautiful 

Winners of the Victoria Cross. 95 

trophy to be shot for at the Rifle Range, and just now the boys are 
getting ready two moose heads mounted on maple leaf shields, to 
send over to the Gordons. Thanks to Major Rogers, I saw the 
heads and the inscription on the shields : " Presented to the First 
Battalion, Royal Gordon Highlanders, by the Second S.S. Batta 
lion, Royal Canadian Regiment, as a memento of their association 
in the Nineteenth Brigade, South African Field Force, 1899- 

Historic Gun. 

There is, in the Ottawa Drill Hall, a gun that is unique in 
that it was the means of making three Victoria Cross men in one 
engagement. On a brass plate on the gun carriage is the simple 
story, " For the saving of this Gun in the Rear-guard Action at 
Lilliefontein, Transvaal, November 7th, 1900, the following 
honors were granted : 

Victoria Cross. 

Lieut. Cockburn, Royal Canadian Dragoons; Lieut. Turner, 
Royal Canadian Dragoons; Sergeant Holland, Royal Canadian 

Distinguished Services Order. 

Lieut. Morrison, " D." Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery. 
To a man up a tree, the wonder is that there were not four V.C. s, 
with the one left out at the head of the list. (This is not on that 
plate on the gun carriage.) The following were the non-com 
missioned officers and men of No. 5 gun, Subdivision " D " Bat 
tery, R.C.A., in charge of the gun on that day : 

Sergeant Curzon, Gunners Ketcheman, Thorne, Lane, 
Bramak, Gamble; Drivers Henry, Sullivan, Lafleur; Trooper 
Haycock, R.C.D. (attached). 

The men under Lieut, (now Captain) Morrison saved the 
gun from being taken by the Boers, notwithstanding- the fact that 
they had done well to have escaped capture with no encumbrances, 
as they were all but surrounded by overwhelming numbers. In 
the face of this they fought their way out, and brought with them 
old No. 5. 

Captain E. W. B. Morrison is editor-in-chief of the Ottawa 
Citizen. Lord Roberts, in speaking of this, said : " I have no 
praise too high for the devoted gallantry they all showed in keep 
ing the enemy off the infantry and convoy." 

Saw Service on Both Sides. 

In the officers mess of the 43rd, where the Colonel and I had 
much hospitality shown us, we saw another " gun " with a history. 
This gun is a musket. It was captured by the Boers from the 

9^ Ottawa, The Hub. 

Seaforth Highlanders at Magersfontein, and recaptured at Paar- 
deberg, February 27th, 1900, by the Canadian troops, and pre 
sented to the 43rd Regiment officers by Major S. M. Rogers (now 
Colonel Rogers). In this mess room are seen several things of 
special and pleasing interest to Americans. The first is 

Kiel s Prayer, or Proclamation. 

The original proclamation of war against the Dominion of 
Canada, written personally by Louis Riel, in 1885, (preceding the 
North-west Rebellion) on the back of a holy church picture, was 
captured by " Gat." Howard at Batoche, and afterwards presented 
by him to this regiment, who treasure it very highly among their 
many interesting souvenirs. 

In the mess they also have a large oil painting of Major A. 
L. (" Gat.") Howard, which he ordered before his leaving for 
South Africa, where he so nobly fell. This picture is one of three 
which he had Col. A. P. Sherwood have painted for presentation 
to the 9Oth Regiment of Winnipeg, the loth Royal Grenadiers of 
Toronto, and this one for the 43rd, as a souvenir of his association 
with these corps during the North-west Rebellion of 1885. He 
also gave a valuable sterling silver Cup for an inter-company com 
petition in the 43rd. 

Major A. L. Howard. 

This name is of international fame. Beginning his career 
with us, he ended it with his life in Canada s honor. 

It has been so long since he left New Haven that I will give 
a few refreshing lines biographical. 

Arthur L. Howard, of New Haven, served in the First U. S. 
Cavalry during our Civil War. Later he was with General Ord 
in the Indian Wars in the far west, mostly in New Mexico. He 
is said to have had command of the first machine gun battery in 
the United States. 

When the Riel Rebellion began in the North-west, in 1885, 
the Canadian Government sent to Connecticut for some machine 
(Gatling) guns. Word came back, " The guns will be of little 
use unless you have a man who understands handling them." 

" Send us the best man you can find," replied Canada, and 
Captain Howard was sent, having obtained permission from the 
Governor of Connecticut to leave the State. 

The work he did in that war is history. He became so 
famous from the way he handled the Gatling gun that he was at 
once and ever after lovingly called " Gat." Howard. 

At the close of the Rebellion, he saw an opening for a cart 
ridge factory, and the Dominion Cartridge Company at Browns- 
burg, P.Q., was the result. He later opened a factory at Capell- 
ton, near Sherbrooke, P.Q., which is still managed by his son. 

One Hundreth Regiment. 97 

When the South African, or Boer, war began, he came at 
once to Ottawa, and not only offered his services to the Governor 
General, but would have equipped a battery of machine guns at 
his own expense; but the Governor could not accept the latter, 
however much he appreciated the noble offer. He did accept his 
personal services, and " Gat." went with the first contingent of 
artillery. He was given charee of the quick-firing guns attached 
to the First Canadian Mounted Rifles. 

Brave even to recklessness, " Gat." Howard knew no fear in 
the line of duty. This daring led him to his death, on February 
1 7th, 1901, at Swaziland. Those with him at the time tell how 
that when the Boers had slain most of his men, they called out to 
Howard, " Throw up your hands," and then shot him down, when 
they might have made him a prisoner. 

The boys say, " No braver or one more loved than he fell in 
that war." 

The work he did for Canada made his name an honored one. 
He became a hero, and to-day holds a place in the affections of 
this people, who often speak lovingly of " Dear old Gat. Howard." 

A large silk flag the Stars and Stripes hangs in this mess 
room. It is the gift of the people of Burlington, Vermont, on the 
occasion of a visit of the regiment to that hospitable city. My 
authority for the " hospitable " is not personal, as the pleasure of 
a visit has not yet been mine. The authority is the boys them 
selves, who never tire of telling how " Burlington has entertain 
ment down to the very point of nerfection." 

One Hundredth Regiment. 


In 1858, during Governor General Head s term in Canada, 
much of interest transpired. The two most important events 
being the changing of the Capital to Ottawa, and the organization 
of the looth, or Prince of Wales, Royal Canadian Regiment. It 
was recruited from Quebec and Ontario, with the object of taking 
part in the Indian Mutiny, or Sepoy Rebellion, but reaching Eng 
land too late to take part in helping to quell the mutiny, it was 
sent to Gibraltar. 

Of the 16 commissioned officers but few are alive. Of these, 
two are now living in Ottawa, Lieut. (Capt.) Brown- Wallis, ori 
ginally from Port Hope, and Lieut. Charles Henry Carriere, of 
this City. 

Of the others still living, there are Lieut. Ex.-Deputy Adj. 
Genl. T. J. Duchesne, of Quebec, Ensign John G. Ridout, of Tor 
onto, Ensign H. E. Davidson, of Hamilton. Those now in Eng 
land are, Capt. Henry Cook (now Major-General), Capt. Henry 
G. Brown (now Colonel), Capt. T. W. W. Smyth (now Colonel), 
and Capt. R. B. Ingram (now Major). The regiment is now the 

98 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Prince of Wales Leinster, (Royal Canadians). The Recruiting 
Depot is Birr, Ireland. 

Mrs. Thomas Ahearn has written, for the Historical Society, 
a very able and comprehensive paper on this famous regiment. 
The original colors may be seen in the Parliament Library. 
There is little but the staff left, but that " little " speaks volumes 
for the gallant men who followed it. 

Can t Kill Him. 

Ottawa has a well-known military man, who has died or been 
killed more times than any living man on the continent. One of 
his greatest pleasures now is to read the beautiful and touching 
obituary notices that he has received from time to time. If he 
grow despondent and out of conceit with himself and the world, 
all he needs to do is to turn to these notices, and read how much 
he is mourned every time he dies, or is killed. Here is a bit of 
" machine work " that I give, even at risk of another obituary 
not his : 

He was drowned in the wreck of the Asia, 

He was scalped by Poor Lo at Cut Knife 

Was missed when they called when found he was bald, 

And bald he will be all his life. 

The fates were against him again, 
In the war with the Boers in S. A., 
He was slain and left dead on the field, 
Though not near the battle that day. 

My story might here have an end, 
Were it not that he died once again, 
This time twas the fever that carried away 
My hero at Magersfontein. 

The Major, now Colonel, has died many times, 
Yet after each death gained renown 
Though dead in a wreck in battle twice slain, 
He is still the livest in the town. 


Ottawa is a musical city. This does not alone mean that it 
loves music all cities do that but Ottawa loves music of a high 
order, which must indicate that it is musically cultured. The 
stranger has little opportunity of knowing the accomplishments 
of the individuals, and must gain a knowledge of a city s worth, 
in any line, by what he may causally observe. We praise that 
which we understand and appreciate. The audience cheers that 
which pleases it, and if that audience be a representative one, we 
need but listen to the class of music (if at a concert it cheers, to 
know its degree of musical culture, and not only what it cheers, 
but how it responds when really good music is rendered well. 

I am writing under the inspiration of the concerts given by 

The Coldstream Guards Band, 

on Sept 25th, 1903. The selections were of a high order, the exe 
cution rarely equalled, and the enthusiasm of an Ottawa audi 
ence was a revelation. We had been told of Ottawa s musical 
culture that afternoon and evening, we knew it for ouselves. 
Every good selection was so enthusiastically encored, that we 
could scarce believe that we were in a Canadian audience. We 
were carried back home where demonstration is the rule. How I 
did wish for that man who said Canada was not patriotic. Why, 
bless you, when the band struck up patriotic airs, it had to respond 
at times to four and five encores, and, this, too, before an audience 
composed of the best people of Canada, and joined in by all, from 
the Premier to the page. 

This band made a tour of Eastern Canada. The banquets 
and public ovations given it everywhere it went, should have made 
the boys carry back a most pleasant memory of this country. 
They were so pleased with their Ottawa reception, that they re 
turned three weeks later for a second visit. The largest rink in 
the city was engaged, and yet hundreds were turned away ; as not 
even standing room was to be had. 

ioo Ottawa, The Hub. 

Mr. J. Mackenzie Rogan is an ideal bandmaster. He never 
detracts from the music by unnecessary gesture; his slightest 
wave of the baton being caught by the men quite as readily as 
though he made of himself an armed "windmill." 

In speaking of his tour through Canada he said : " We have 
been received everywhere with great hospitality. We have played 
to one half a million of people, and I have been surprised to find 
the Canadians cultivated up to a hearty appreciation of Wagner, 
Tschaikowsky, Grieg, and the symphonies of the older masters." 

Ottawa has a fine Choral Society, under the directorship of 
Mr. J. E. Birch. It was organized in 1897, and recently reor 
ganized. It has one hundred and fifty selected singers, and this 
winter will give Dvorak s " The Spectre s Bride," and Elgar s 
The Banner of St. George." 

That Ottawa is musical may be indicated by its having almost 
one hundred music teachers. 


There are in the various churches most proficient organists, 
a few of whom we have heard, and can speak their excellence. 
Messrs. J. E. Birch, J. A. Winter (late of St. James Methodist, 
Montreal), whose bi-monthly recitals in All Saint s Church are 
musical features ; C. E. B. Price, F. M. S. Jenkins, Mrs. F. M. S. 
Jenkins, Arthur Dorey, Mr. and Mrs. Tasse, A. Cramer, Jas. A. 
Smith, Miss Alice Belanger, Mr. M. E. Dionne, Mr. A. Tremb- 
lay, a talented composer as well. 


Mr. H. Puddicombe, Mrs. F. M. S. Jenkins (sister of the 
late Poet Lampman). Mrs. Arthur McConnell, Mr. Ernest 
Whyte (Composer), Dr. T. Gibson and Mrs. G. Lampman 
(mother of the poet). 


William Herbert and George Alfred Peate, probably the best 
mandolin players in America, are now Ottawans. 


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heins, Miss Honor Clayton and Mr. 
A. Tasse, Musical Director of Russell Theatre. 


Ottawa has so many singers that a list would be mistaken 
for a musical directory. In the church choirs there are some very 
pleasing voices. A few of the Sopranos are : Miss G. Mainguy, 

Ottawa Musical. 101 

Miss Sanford, Mrs. J. Angus McKenzie, Miss Wilson (this name 
being that of so many musically talented, that each may prefix 
her own initials), Miss Edith Stephens and Mrs. Robt. Hupp. 

Contraltos. Miss Lillian Ostrom, Mrs. Godwin, Mrs. D. 
K. Mclntosh, Mrs. R. S. MacPherson, Mrs. W. Surtees and Mrs. 
W. Noofke. 

Tenors. Mr. W. H. Thicke, Mr. G. de V. O Hara, Mr. E. 
L. Horwood, Mr. A. E. Ecclestone, Mr. J. MacCormac Clarke, 
Mr. Robt. Hupp. 

Bass and Baritone. Mr. Cecil Bethune (possibly the best 
baritone in the city), Mr. H. E. A. Hawken, Mr. Gordon Shep- 
hard, Mr. T. Cuthbertson, Mr. S. E. de la Ronde, Mr. Chas. 

As in most of the Canadian cities the Catholic churches of 
Ottawa give great attention to music. Following is a list of solo 
ists of the more prominent choirs of this church. 

Sopranos. Mrs. A. Arcand, Mrs. N. M. Mathe, Mrs. Car 
dinal, Mrs. Joseph Mahon, Mrs. Chevrier, Miss Belanger, Miss 
Alice -Belanger, Miss Agnes Duhamel, Miss Doyon, Miss Barthe, 
Mrs. L. Laframboise, Mrs. J. Roberge, Mrs. Lemaire, Mrs. Alex. 
Spenard, Mrs. R. Carter, Misses E. Chouinard, F. Lavoie, A. 

Contraltos. Misses A. Martin, A. Lefebre, A. Bigns, A. 
Trudel, L. Leblanc, L. Carter, R. Poulin, Langlois, Leprohon, 
N. Richardson, C. Cadieux, Nannie Girouard (daughter of Judge 
Girouard), Mrs. J. A. Faulkner. 

To the list, among Contraltos, I must needs add the names of 
Mdlle. de Jaffa, of Government House, and Mrs. A. M. 
Davis, of Rideau Convent And just here the Col. 
onel says : " Don t forget, among Sopranos, that sweet voice of 
little Miss Babin, we heard at the Convent." 

Tenors. Prof. Casey, Messrs. L. P. Desviens, A. Lafon- 
taine, N. M. Mathe, A. Leclerc, A. McNickoll, F. X. Talbot, G. 
Emond, E. Cardinal, A. Dubois, Gauthier, T. Dubois, Nap. 
Taylor, Joseph Diguer, I. Champagne, J. Morin, J. B. Rioux, 
A. Belanger, R. Carter, J. Blois. 

Bass. Messrs. Eugene Belleau, A. Dronin, E. A. Bourcier, 
Rev. Father P. Granger (leader), Wm. Carter, J. Langlois, F. 
Roberge, R. Devlin, P. Pelletier, J. E. Marion, I. Proulx (son 
of the member for Prescott), J. Proulx, M. Dugnay, Edm. Cus- 
son, F. X. Saucier, M. Dupoint, D. Dion, G. Vincent, D. P. Der- 
mette, T. Aumond, J. Conway. 

A Great Musical Leader. 

The man who has done more to develop the latent musical 
talent of Canada than any other is a resident of Ottawa. He is 
Charles A. E. Harriss, of " Earnscliffe," (the late Sir John A. 
Macdonald s magnificent old home.) 

io2 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Mr. Harriss undertook the herculean task of bringing to 
gether, not alone the singers of any one city, but at enormous ex 
pense of money and energy, organized choruses in nearly every 
city in Canada, and in two years had 4,000 trained voices singing 
in the various places. He brought Sir Alex. Mackenzie to con 
duct the concerts of a line of cities clear across the continent. His 
work will be continued. Ottawa should be proud to be thus the 
centre of so great a musical field. As indicating the interest mani 
fested in Mr. Harriss work, at Winnipeg, at one of his afternoon 
symphony concerts, parents brought their children, to the number 
of 1,000, to listen to classical music, starting them thus early to 
love music of high order. This speaks a volume for Winnipeg. 
Mr. Harriss has just begun his great work. He should have the 
hearty co-operation of all musical Canada. In the Syllabus of the 
Royal Academy of Music, and the Royal College of Music, of 
London, England, of which His Majesty the King is Patron, and 
the Prince of Wales is the President, we find that Mr. Harriss is 
the Hon. Director of examinations in Canada, which fact tells 
more than anything I might say of his ability as a musical director. 
Mr. Harriss is also a composer of ability. 

Guy Main guy, 

whose music name is Sopra, is no prophet, if we may judge from 
the honor paid him in Ottawa, his boyhood home. But, then, that 
voice of his would command " honor " among the most critical m 
any country. It is a pure soprano, with high register, and so de 
lightfully pleasing (it requires both words to express it) that we 
sat spellbound in the Russell Theatre, through a programme of no 
less than twenty-four songs, mostly classical. 

He is the son of Le F. A. Mainguy, chief draughtsman of the 
Post Office Department. He has been under the management of 
the great Raphael Roche, in London, under whom are such artists 
as Ludwig Wullner, Madame Jean Rannay, Senor Rubio, celloist 
to the late Queen of Spain, and Senor Guetary, formerly of the 
Royal Italian Opera. His stage manner, or rather its lack, is most 
pleasing. " How like Colonel Wm. De H. Washington, when he 
was a boy of twenty," said my Colonel, who is always pointing out 
similarities when he sees anyone especially pleasing in manner. 

I might fill pages about this wonderful Ottawan, and yet no 
one could know, from any words, the marvel of his voice. One 
must hear him, then one will feel its charm. 

There is another boy soprano with a fine voice Grant Powell, 
son of Dr. R. W. Powell. He is but fourteen, and yet has a voice 
of natural sweetness and rare culture. 

* * * * * . * 

Before manuscript had grown to book, I had found enoueh 
of " Music," to have filled a volume all to itself. This was writ 
ten in 1903. 

First Bytown Brass Band. 103 

Many changes might be made in it, no, not changes, but addi 
tions. In the Catholic churches the voices of the ladies are no 
longer heard in the choirs, to the weakening of the choirs. There 
were many musical events during the winter, which quite convinc 
ed me that I had not been too emphatic. What was most surpris 
ing was to hear children from six or seven to fourteen years ren 
dering classical music, and so well that it was pleasing to listen to. 

Apropos of music in Ottawa^ here is something that may sur 
prise those who think of Ottawa as a " by town." I have never 
seen, either in Boston or New York our centres of music a 
more beautiful or so well appointed music store as one on Sparks 
Street. It is that of J. L. Orme and Son. It is double width and 
four stories high, the third story being used as a hall in which are 
held select musical recitals. On each Saturday afternoon during 
the winter a pianola recital is held, at which are seen many of the 
music lovers of the city. 

The real beauty of this great music house is seen in the second 
floor, a short description of which will convey some notion of the 
taste shown by the Ormes. It has four exquisite art rooms, each 
brilliantly ornamented and decorated with furniture of the Empire 
style ; in old gold of mauresque type ; also a la Marie Antoinette. 

This store is one of Ottawa s points of interest, especially so 
for tourists of a musical turn. 

In searching for names of old Bytown times, I found that 
in 1844 Paul Favreau still living organized a brass band. The 
old clipping which contains the names, has no date, but that mat 
ters not, tis Favreau s brass band we re after, and here it is: 
Bill Burney was leader (this is wrong, it was Wm. Billbournie, 
as I find in another record that he was once a bandmaster in the 
British army; then again I have found those who know him well. 
One says, "people who did not know, thought his last name was 
two, Bill Burney. 5 I knew Billbournie to be a band man.") 
The other members, were J. B. Turgeon, Paul Favreau, Ned 
Dehorsy, Ned McCarthy, James Johnson, Agapit Lesperance, 
Joseph Lesperance and Louis Tasse. 


Ottawa, like Montreal, has few public Art Galleries, but 
many private collections. I have spoken elsewhere of the National 
Art Gallery at Queen and O Connor Streets. 

Among the private collections the following have possibly 
the most choice in the City : Government House Rideau Hall 
Sir Sandford Fleming, Hon. A. G. Blair, John Manuel, C. A. H. 
Harriss, James Woods, Rev. Geo. F. Salton, Berkeley Powell, 
M.P.P., Alex. Lumsden, G. H. Perley, W. Y. Soper, J. J. Gor- 
mully, W. H. Davis, H. A. Bate, J. P. Featherston, John 
Christie, and David Maclaren. 

At the Exposition held in September, in Lansdowne Park, 
there was a fine loan collection of paintings. Among the number 
were two from the brush of Ireland, President of the Royal 
Society of London, loaned by Peter Whelen. 


Ottawa has few professional oil painters, but of the number 
is Franklin Brownell, of world wide reputation. We saw, whi]e 
in Ottawa, an exhibition of his work in the Wilson Gallery cti 
Sparks Street ; its beauty is its freedom from " pose." Every 
picture is just as one would see it in life. Aside from this great 
artist are the Misses Stratton, Miss Patti Jack, Miss Lockwood 
and Miss Currie, of the Ottawa Ladies College. Ottawa has an 
other artist, one whose work just now is attracting much attention 
in the United States, where it is being hung side and side with 
the best. I refer to H. H. Vickers. 

The Woman s Art Association 

hold annually an exhibition of paintings in oil and water color. 
in the Art rooms of Mr. James Wilson, 123 Sparks Street. This 
Association extends over the whole of Canada, with branches in 
the chief cities. At their exhibition this year were specimens of 
the work of many of Canada s foremost women artists ; of the 

Artistic Ottawa. 105 

number were Mrs. Dignam, of Toronto, the President of the 
Association, Mrs. Walter H. Clemes, of Toronto. Others from 
Toronto: Mrs. Uniache Bayley, Miss Alberta Bowers, Miss M. 
E. Good, Miss Edna Hutchison, Miss Agnes Johnson, Miss 
Minnie Kallineyer, Miss Estelle Kerr, Miss Fanny L. Lindsay, 
Miss Elsie Loudon, Miss M. Logan, Miss Hattie McCurdy, Miss 
Carrie Sinclair, Miss Florence E. Sigs worth, Miss M. Scroggie. 

Ottawa: Miss Cartwright, the talented daughter of Sir 
Richard Cartwright, Miss May Stratton, Miss Lily Stratton, 
Miss Patti Jack, Miss Parris, Miss Lockwood, Miss L. Moir. 

Hamilton : Miss Rose A. Baine, Miss Clara E. Galbraith, 
Miss Mary Hore, Miss Emma Knott 

Kingston: Miss McDonald. 

Belleville : Miss Emma Clarke. 

St. John, N.B. : Miss E. A. Woodburn, Miss E. S. Tilley, 
Miss C. O. McGiverin, Mrs. Silas Alward, Miss H. M. Holly, 
Mrs. Alward. 

One, in looking over this list, will naturally wonder 
why the largest city in Canada is not represented, and 
again will naturally remark that Toronto leads with sixteen 
artists, with St. John and Hamilton well represented. A number 
of our own ladies had some fine work at the Exhibition here. 
Mrs. Scott and Miss McConnell, of New York, and Miss Ida 
Mitchell, of California, had beautiful rose pictures. Lady 
Wuytiers, of Holland, and Mrs. Holmsted, of England, also had 

This Association is doing a great work, not only in advanc 
ing the Arts of Canada, but are reviving and fostering Indian 
work, and the work of the various strange peoples who are coin 
ing to the country. There was a large display of Doukhobor and 
other handicraft. 

The women of Canada are most progressive in every line for 
the higher advancement of the people. 

Charles Eugene Moss. 

Speaking of Art and Artists, it will be of interest to many 
an Orange (N.J.), citizen to have me speak of Mr. Charles 
Eugene Moss, who was once a resident of that beautiful suburb. 
He came to Ottawa, in 1891, as master of the Art School, married 
an Ottawa lady, Miss Annie Hunton, returned to Orange in 1894, 
where he remained three years, returning to Ottawa in 180*7. He 
died in 1899. He was a portrait and landscape, artist, excelling in 
landscape. He worked both in oil and water colors, some of his 
work in the latter, I have rarely seen equalled. 

Mr. Moss was reared on a Nebraska farm, but worked more 
on the barn doors than in the fields. A wealthy uncle, seeing his 

106 Ottawa, The Hub. 

work on those doors, said " Charlie s place is not on a farm ; he 
shall go to Paris," and " Charlie " went to Paris, and became a 
pupil of the great Bougereau, in genre pictures, and of Bonnat, 
in portraiture. Some of his work was accepted and hung in the 
American Society of Water Colors. I often see his home here, 
now occupied by another talented young American. It is just 
as he left it ; pictures hang all about the walls in different stages of 
completion, as though he had but just gone out for a little stroll, 
gone out for a sketch for further work, but he will not come again, 
his work is done. I predict that it will grow in value as the years 
go by, for it is work that appeals to the lover of the beautiful in 
nature. It appeals to the heart 

Mr. Moss and Mr. Brownell (both Americans, the latter born 
at New Bedford, Mass.) were much together in life, both in 
Paris, under the same great masters. When Mr. Moss returned 
to the States, Mr. Brownell came to Ottawa, to take his place as 
head master of the old Art School. 

Mr. Brownell has exhibited his pictures in many of the large 
American cities, where his work is greatly admired. " At the 
Spring " is on exhibition at the St. Louis Fair. It is a most com 
mendable work. 

Apropos of this Fair, Canada has there a large collection of 
the work of Canadian artists. The Agricultural Department, 
under Minister Fisher, has : The Development of Canada in 
Picture." I bespeak for the Canadian Building my American 
readers, attention : See it and you will find that my pen work is 
not overdrawn. 

Growth of Art in Ottawa. 

Until within the last score of years but little attention has 
been paid to Art in Canada. The artist had been given scant en 
couragement by the men of means, and for the reason that these 
men were too intent on " hewing " out their fortunes, to think of 
luxuries. A new generation is growing up, men who see a some 
thing behind the dollar, and that something is bringing out the 
artistic side of this grand country. 

There is in Ottawa a good representation of this new gen 
eration, a man who, while his wealth grew, never allowed the 
dollar to hide the something behind it. And in 

James W. Woods, 

the true artist has a most liberal patron. I said, " true artist," 
and with reason. I have never seen a private gallery so free from 
inferior pictures as that of Mr. Woods. 

Among the Canadian artists, who have contributed to his 
choice collection, I noted the names of Vickers, Brownell, Moss, 
Spurr, Miss Patti Jack, McConnell, Bell Smith, Kreigoff, Verner, 

A Rubens Picture. 107 

Atkinson, Forester and Knowles. Of the Dutch school of paint 
ers, he has pictures of Pieters, Israel, Weissenbruch, DeBock, 
Deweeile, Steelink, Naakin, Kuyprus and Artz. Among the 
English artists are the names of Hughes, Tom Field, Bishop, 
Kinnaird and Stewart L. Forbes. Of the French, painters, he has 
works of Delarey, Corot, Beaudin and Cote. And last and 
greatest of all, he has 

A Rubens. 

It is that of "Aenias Saving His Father," I have never before 
seen a more beautiful Rubens. Like the Murillo, in the Arch 
bishop s Palace, mentioned elsewhere, the coloring is marvelously 

I have stolen space, to give an example of an Ottawa Art 
Gallery that my far away reader may know the artistic taste of 
this beautiful city of the North. 

H. A. Bate. 

One of the true patrons of Canadian art is, Mr. H. A. Bate, 
or as he is familiarly known, " Harry Bate." In his beautiful 
home on Wilbrod Street, may be seen some of the best work of 
such well known Canadian artists as, Brownell, Vickers, Bell 
Smith, Jacobi. Paul Peal, Brymner, Miss Spurr, Sherwood, Law- 
son, Henry Smith, Cote, Chaloner and Verner. 

Besides his large collection of paintings, Mr. Bate has gather 
ed from all parts of the world rare specimens of coins, medals, 
Indian curios, arms, etc. One medal is especially rare, that struck 
for the taking of Detroit in 1812. He has one of each of the 
English muskets, from the old flint lock to the present magazine 
gun. Mr. Bate has long taken great interest in things military, 
being at present a Major in the famous Governor General s Foot 
Guards Regiment. 

Possibly the rarest collection in Ottawa of curios from India, 
is that of Colonel Graves, on Besserer Street. The Colonel had 
long been stationed in India, and while there gathered specimens 
of the works of that wonderful people. No two localities," 
said the Colonel, " make the same kind of work. Often a single 
curio will be made by one man, and when he dies, the art dies with 
him. That is why the Indian curio will ever remain rare." 

In the Parliament Building, there are numerous galleries well 
worth visiting for those who like portrait art. Here are to be 
seen the Governor Generals from Monk to the present ; Speakers 
of the Senate and House ; also excellent portraits of three of the 
Premiers, Sir John Thompson, Sir John A. Macdonald, and the 
Hon. Alexander McKenzie. 

An Art Critic. 

Doubtless the best art critic in Ottawa, and one of the best 
in Canada, is the Rev. Dr. Geo. F. Salton, of the Dominion Metho- 

io8 Ottawa, The Hub. 

dist. His lectures are rare treats to the lover of the beautiful in 
picture, while his sermons on Art are crowding his large church 
almost to the very aisles. In his extensive tours throughout Eng 
land and the Continent, he has collected many fine works. He 
has also the work of Canadian artists, as well as some of our own 
best painters pictures. 

The Chestnut Grove," by Homer Watson, whom Dr. Salton 
kindly terms, "The Landscape Artist of Canada," was reproduced 
in the London Art Journal. King Edward has one of Watson s 
paintings. The Doctor has several of W. St. Thomas Smith s 
Marines. This artist is considered the marine painter of Canada. 
He has a very fine reproduction of one of Rosa Bonheur s 
" Catties," done by Dominte, a well known Parisian painter. 

In his collection of water colors he has some exceedingly fine 
specimens. Lady W^uytier s " Poppies " is considered to be one 
of the best ever sent to this country by this talented lady. The 
coloring is marvelous for its richness. " The Rendezvous," by 
A. T. Van Laer, a New York artist, was said to be the best water 
color in the recent Pennsylvania Art Exhibition, and was re 
produced as such by the New York Tribune. It is 1 pleasing to find 
the picture in Ottawa, and to hear the learned Doctor sneak in 
such kindly terms of praise of this rising young American artist. 

Ottawa, however, is not the exception, there are those here 
who see only the practical. Art or picture to them means nothing. 
I had occasion to ask of one the loan of an old photograph, in 
which he himself figured prominently, I wished to reproduce it 
as of general interest. Yes, I have it," said he, not kindly, 
" but what is in it for me ? " 

" Nothing, not even yourself, as now I do not wish it ! " 
And you will have to be content without the group, with him as 
the central figure. He was the rare exception, as nearly every 
body else has been so delightfully kind that I shall ever think of 
Ottawa and art, together. 

Thirty Cent Chromo. 

Speaking of artistic taste, and knowledge of art, I am re 
minded of its lack. A lady, once pointing to a picture in her 
beautiful parlor, said : " Do you see that painting, well I once 
attended an auction sale of household goods, and just before the 
things were put up the auctioneer, seeing me looking at chis 
painting, remarked, in an undertone : That s a little gem. Now, 
there are few here who know its value, and if you are wise yo-i 
will get it. I bid, and it was mine at less than ten dollars," and 
she smiled her pleasure. I did not tell her how true the auc 
tioneer spoke when he said : " There are few here who know its 
value." It was a 15 cent chromo in a 30 cent frame. This was 
not in Ottawa. 

A Noted Artist. 109 

The Chiaro-Scura Club. 

Some of the young artists of the city have formed an Art 
Club the Chiaro-Scura and are doing very commendable 
work. It has a membership of twenty-four. Its President is 
Mr. L. F. Taylor, of the Public Works Department, and Mr. 
Frank Hazell, of the Citizen, is Secretary-Treasurer. 

It was Reginald Gaisford, a member of this club, who de 
signed the cover of The Strathcona Edition of this book, The 
Hub and the Spokes. He is a talented young Englishman, with 
the Georgian Bay Canal Company. 

Henry Harold Vickers Artist. 

Ottawa will some day wake up to the fact, that she has with 
in her borders, an artist, whose fame will yet add honors to his 
adopted city. 

In visiting the various Art Galleries, private and public, I 
occasionally saw pictures marked "Vickers." I asked of the 
many " who is Vickers ? " The " many " replied, " we do not 
know ! " I asked of the few, and their enthusiasm would have 
compensated the artist for the disregard of the many, could he 
have heard their kindly praise. 

Henry H. Vickers is an Englishman, born at Dudley, in 
Worcestershire. He studied in the Birmingham and Midland 
Institute, under Henshaw. His works were exhibited in the 
Royal Worchester School, and received merited commendation. 

He inherits his artistic talent from both his father s and his 
mother s families, his grandfather being the well known land 
scape painter, Alfred Vickers, and his uncle, Alfred Henry 
Vickers, of almost equal note. 

He came to Canada more than a score of years ago, but not 
until Mr. George B. Hamilton, of Washington City, and Mr. 
Eugene D. Howell, of Detroit, Michigan, saw his work, was he 
known outside of a small circle. But, through these two gentlemen, 
his paintings have found a place alongside of those of some of 
the greatest artists in America, nor does his work lose by the 
contrast, as there is a beauty about it which marks it as the work 
of a master. 

His pictures are growing in demand since the wise collectors 
are quietly adding " Vickers " to their list. 

His fame as an artist has grown more from his small paint 
ings than from his larger work. There is a delicacy of finish, 
which gives to these gems a rare beauty, and is wholly pleasing. 

There is ever to me, a delight in predicting good, for those 
whose ability warrants the good. It is, therefore, a pleasure to 
predict that the time will come, when the work of this artist will 
command prices which would now be looked upon as beyond 

no Ottawa, The Hub. 

That talent is inherited is seen in the sketches of Mr. 
Vickers ten year old son, Reginald, who is already doing work 
far beyond his years. This boy has always been 

A Pushing Artist, 

and in saying this I speak advisedly. When but five years old 
he used to paint little pictures for his friends, and lest his friends 
would not accept them, he gave them no choice, but, like Whittier, 
with his early poems, was want to carry them around and push 
them under the doors of the friends, and then run away lest he 
be detected. Reginald is a pushing artist, and will yet make his 
mark, and that will be the mark of generations, for it will be 
" Vickers." 


Ottawa Lecturers. 

Winter Ottawa far surpasses Summer Ottawa in pleasures, 
both intellectual and physical. This is natural, but is more marked 
here than in .any Canadian city we have visited. Socially there is 
possibly more gayety in Montreal, Ottawa runs more to the in 
tellectual. Throughout the winter, many lectures are given be 
fore churches, societies and clubs. In this, Ottawa is wonder 
fully favored in having enough home talent, of a hieh order, not 
to have to depend upon outside sources. Our great Stoddart is 
scarcely more entertaining in his lectures of travel than is the Rev. 
Dr. George F. Salton, who is giving semi-monthly illustrated 
lectures, in the Dominion Methodist Church, on his travels. His 
word pictures are marvels of beauty, while some of his canvas 
views are unsurpassed. This is especially true of his Paris 
views which are said to be among the finest ever brought to 

Before the Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society were de 
livered lectures by such well known men, mostly Ottawans, as Sir 
Louis Davies, Rev. Geo. F. Salton, Dr. Robert Bell, Mr. J. S. 
Plaiskett, Prof. John McNaughton, of McGill University, Dr. 
Leonard Vaux, Rev. Robt. Hutcheon, and Mr. Thomas McFar- 
lane. One subject is of special interest to all of Canada, and that 

" Our Forest and Its Preservation," 

by Dr. Robert Bell, F.R.S. Canada cannot too soon become 
" wise " on this matter. We once thought our forests were in 
exhaustible, but when too late we saw our mistake. Canada 
should learn from our error, and not delay preserving this, one 
of her great resources of wealth. I have spoken elsewhere of 
the semi-monthly lectures before the Canadian Club. All this 
tends to the intellectual advancement of the city, and accounts for 
Ottawa, possibly standing second to none of its size on the con 
tinent, so that if any of you down home, think that Canada s 

ii2 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Washington is not up-to-date, you want to come up and spend 
a month among these " Northern Lights." 

Ottawa has numerous other lecturers of note : Rev. Dr. W. 
T. Herridge, " the Beecher of Canada," Prof. Prince, of the 
Marine and Fisheries Department, Mackenzie King, Deputy 
Minister of Labor, Rev. Norman McLeod, Dr. J. G. Rutherford, 
Rev. T. W. Gladstone, Mr. Geo. A. S. Gillespie and others. Mr. 
Benjamin Suite, of frequent mention, is one of the most remark 
able speakers in Canada. He has delivered over three hundred 
lectures, and has never written out one of them beforehand. His 
very conversation is a delight, for he always says something. He 
is a lmost a counterpart of the late Max O Rell the photograph 
of one might well serve for the other. 

Many of the other writers are entertaining lecturers as 
well as writers. Among the authors we find such names as 
Wm. Wilfrid Campbell, Lawrence Burpee, Canon Low, Dr. 
Charles Morse, A. C. Campbell. Prof. Jas. Macoun, and his son, 
J. M. Macoun, and J. H. Brown. Then, in various branches of 
the Government, and in other callings, are men who would have 
made their mark on the lecture platform. Among these are Dr. 
Haanel, Ph. D., Col. W. P. Anderson, C.E., J. F. White, J. 
Francis Waters, M.A., A. J. Jolliffe, Otto J. Klotz. Wm. T. 
Topley, an entertaining talker on Art, Anthony McGill, Canon 
Kittson, Capt. C. F. Winter. Besides these there are numerous 
others, for to entertain by mind-effort seems first nature with 
the educated Ottawan 

I have never heard a more beautiful lecture on Lincoln, than 
" Log Cabin to White House," by a former Ottawan, Rev. Robt. 
E. Knowles. It is delightful to hear, in a foreign land, one s 
home idol so charmingly spoken of as Rev. Mr. Knowles spoke 
of dear " Old Abe." 

Which One Lectured? 

On leaving a hall, one evening where we had been attending 
a lecture, the Colonel asked. ^ Rube, which one of those men 
lectured, the first or the last?" 

" Why, the first one, of course ; the last one was only pro 
posing a vote of thanks. Colonel, you are very, very verdant at 


" Well, how could I tell, when the last man spoke far longci 
than the first one, and seemed to know so much more about the 
subject than the other fellow? I thought the first one was a sort 
of an introducer." 

" Oh, I see ; well one might look at it that way ! said 1. 

I have spoken of the winter sports, skating, skeeing, to- 
tobogganing and hockey, but after seeing the great game of hockey 
played between the Winnipeg Rowing Club and the 
Hockey Club for 

The Stanley Cup. 113 

I feel that I know more about this lightning express game 
than ever before. I have never seen war, but I have seen Rugby 
football, and judging from that I must conclude that war is only 
play compared with hockey when the Stanley Cup is the stake. 
Both teams claimed that the other was rough, the first game of 
the three, but it was so hard to determine which was right, that 
the stitches taken in the heads of the players had to be counted. 
Winnipeg won on the contention by three stitches, but when the 
Ottawas showed up the cut feet it came out a tie. Just here 
would be the place to say " but joking aside," but he of ihe 
broken thumb says, " it s no joke." 

It was in the new Aberdeen Rink, in Lansdowne Park, 
where the games were played. Two out of three, and Ottawa 
won the first and last, Winnipeg winning the second by 6 to 2. 

I used to wonder why Canadian men were so strenuous, and 
now I find that the women of Canada, are quite as full of endur 
ance as her men. On the nieht of the last game the thermometer 
stood lower than any night since 1896, and yet in that great cold 
storage the ladies sat, watched and cheered, until nearly midnight, 
with nothing but wraps and enthusiasm to keep them warm. No 
wonder that Canada is such a country of strenuous men and fair 

Hockey is immensely popular. Their Excellencies, Lord and 
Lady Minto, and many of the elite of the city, were in attendance 
at these games. The Ottawa team is composed of young men 
of the highest circle in the city, and are very popular. 

Lady Minto, who is withal a clever writer, in an article in 
" The Badminton Magazine," on skating, says in part : " The 
reason of this wonderful proficiency is not far to seek. The 
Canadian boy can skate as soon as he can walk. It matters noth 
ing to him if he skates on ice, or snow on the frozen sidewalk 
or road ; it becomes second nature ; his balance is perfect, and nis 
confidence complete." A visit to any of the many rinks will 
make one very naturally exclaim. " Lady Minto might have said 
Canadian boy and girl : for the proficiency of some of these 
dear little girls is nothing short of marvellous. They remind one 
of the swallows on the wing, so easy they flit about over the ice 
and seem never to tire. 

While on " ice " and winter pleasures, I may say, that a very 
pretty feature of entertainment, is the occasional 

Monday Afternoons at Rideau Rink. 

One or more of the society ladies will send out invitations 
for a skating reception and supper at Rideau the fashionable 
Rink. The rink is engaged for the afternoon (always Monday) 

ii4 Ottawa, The Hub. 

and evening, and the ladies entertain as if giving a dance at their 
own houses. 

At Homes 

are very conventional in Ottawa, or I might say in Canada. The 
hostess seldom introduces her guests. To the stranger calling, 
this is embarassing, but for the callers of the city, it is taken for 
granted that they know each other. 

New Year s Calling. 

Calling on New Year s Day is confined almost exclusively 
to official circles. The Governor General holds a reception in 
the Eastern Block, which is attended by a large number of gentle 
men from 700 to IOQO paying their respects, as the Governor is 
very popular. Lady Minto s popularity is shown not only on 
New Year s Day, but at all functions at Rideau Hall. Her cordial 
manner at her home is proverbial. 

Most of the wives of the Cabinet Ministers are at home on 
New Year s Day to their friends. 


Ottawa has many poets and writers, some of them of not 
only national, but even of world-wide fame; so many are there 
that in a work of this nature, I can but give a list of them, as to 
give details of their works would require a volume, nor am I able 
to give a list in proper order of prominence. Out of courtesy, 
however, to him who has donq so much in giving to the world the 
biographies of the great men, and noble women, of Canada, I will 
head the list with Mr. Henry J. Morgan, LL.D. Mr. Morgan 
has written more books on biographical subjects than any other 
Canadian writer. 

He was pioneer in two branches of literature in Canada 
Canadian biography and Canadian bibliography. These publica 
tions are to be found in all the principal libraries of the world. 
No Canadian has done more to make known the intellectual re 
sources of this country. His works would form a small library 
in themselves. His three latest publications : " Canadian Men 
and Women of the Time," Types of Canadian Women, Past and 
Present," and " Canada, its People and its Institutions," have 
greatly added to his much deserved literary reputation. 

Many of the readers of Harper s, the Atlantic Monthly, the 
Century, and other high-class magazines, will be surprised to hear 
that Mr. William Wilfrid Campbell, whose poems have so delight 
ed them, is an Ottawa man. He is not only a true poet of nature, 
but a strong prose writer as well. In strength of expression he is 
not unlike his great relative, Thomas Campbell, whose " Plea 
sures of Hope " has long delighted the world. 

Mr. Benjamin Suite, President of the Royal Society of 
Canada, might well head any list of Canadian writers of prose 
and French lyrical verse. He is Canada s best informed histor 
ian, or as Mr. Suite himself would say : " A Historical Book 
keeper." He has the rare faculty of making every word count. 

There is a book which I found invaluable when writing of 
Montreal and the country adjacent to Lake St. Louis. It is full of 
data pertaining to the settlers of early days, when Canada was 

i 16 Ottawa, The Hub. 

a wilderness. That book is " Lake St. Louis and Cavaliere de 
la Salle," by the Hon. Desire Girouard, D.C.L., LL.D., (and son 
D. H., now deceased), Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. 
It was written in French and translated by the Judge. He has 
recently published a Supplement, translated into English by Mr. 
Augustus Power, K.C. It is a valuable work showing years of 
research. Both volumes are beautifully, and most profusely 
illustrated with full page pictures, ancient plans, maps, etc. The 
book is highly appreciated by connoisseurs. 

The publishers are Poirier, Bissette & Co., of Montreal. 

The hundreds of thousands of readers of the " Youth s Com 
panion " will be glad to see the name of Mr. E. W. Thompson, 
whilom revising editor of that great favorite among our young 
people. He will be better known, however, as the author of 
" Old Man Savarin," and other tales, as the " editor " is too often 
swallowed up by the publication. 

W. D. LeSueur, LL.D., essayist of a high order. 

Lawrence J. Burpee, essayist and magazine writer of much 
ability. His style is so mature that on meeting him one almost 
involuntarily exclaims, " Why, you re only a boy, when I thought 
you might have been gran pa." His style is " mature," not old ; 
and withal very pleasing. 

There are two stories which have for years held a firm place 
in my memory, stories whose author I had never known until to 
day. " The Dodge Club," and " A Manuscript Found in a Cop 
per Cillender " are the stories. They created world-wide interest 
when they came out in Harper s years ago. They were anony 
mously written. To-day I learned that they were both by the late 
Jas. De Mille, an uncle of Mr. Burpee. 

Mrs. Anna Howells Frechette, prose. Mrs. Frechette is a 
sister of our own great author, William Dean Howells, and wife of 
Achille Frechette, brother of the poet, Louis who is himself a 
poet, but better known as an artist. This is indeed a literary and 
scientific family on both sides, so that it is no surprise to find their 
daughter, Miss Viva, an artist oi, much promise. 

J. H. Ritchie, County Crown Attorney for Carleton, writer 
of society plays, well known in the United States. He won a $300 
prize for the best society play offered by a Philadelphia stock com 
pany. He is a son of the late Sir William Ritchie, Chief Justice 
of Canada. 

A. D. DeCelles, Litt. D., F.R.S.C., General Librarian of Par 
liament, historical writer, was given a prize by the Academic des 
Sciences, Morales et Politiques, Paris, in 1897, for his " Les Etats 
Unis " (The United States). M. DeCelles is a relative of Oliver 
Wendell Holmes. 

Ottawa Literary. 117 

Errol Bouchette, member of a very noted family, running 
back through to the early* days of the New France. Mr. Bouchette 
is a well known writer of economics, which he illustrates through 
the form of a novel. 

Duncan C. Scott, poet and prose writer, famous as one of the 
best short story writers of the day. 

W. Chapman, poet. A book of this famous poet is now in 
the press in Paris, and will be issued early in 1904. It is looked 
forward to with much interest. 

Leon Gerin, F.R.S., prose writer, political economy, and social 

John Henry Brown, poet. 

Frank Waters, poet, essayist and lecturer. 

J. E. Caldwell, poet. 

Gordon Rogers, private secretary of Mr. G. F. O Halloran, 
Deputy Minister of Agriculture, prose and poetry. Many a reader 
of American magazines will recognize this name as that of a 
writer of short stories of great strength and charm. Mr. Rogers 
inherited, from his father, the late Christopher Rogers, of Mercer 
County, Pennsylvania, the faculty of story-telling, as tis said that 
the senior was unexcelled as a racconteur. 

Remi Tremblay, prose writer and poet. 

Alfred Garneau, poet and prose writer. 

George Johnson, Dominion Statistician, and a very able 
essayist and author. Mr. Johnson is a versatile writer. He 
started in by proving the exception among preachers sons, and 
not proving the exception among Nova Scotians. He was a 
newspaper man as far back as the sixties, was a militia captain in 
1866, and would have seen service had not the Fenians so quickly 
grown tired of Canadian climate. He travelled extensively in 
Europe in 1876 to 1880. Fortunately for Canada, he did not ac 
cept flattering offers and remain, as they wanted him to do. In 
1881 he was Chief Census Commissioner. In 1886 he went to 
British Columbia with Sir John Macdonald. In 1887 and 1888 he 
was with Sir Charles Tupper in Washington, at which time he 
met and saw much of Hon. Joseph Chamberlain. He was once 
the President of the Press Gallery, and attended the first Parlia 
ment in 1867. He is the father of the Year Book. He is the 
author of many works valuable to Canada. He is now getting 
out a work for " Canada at the St. Louis Fair." 

All writers should pat the heads of small children; then, if 
by rare chance they become great, it will be a life-long joy to the 
patties. Now one of the pleasures of Mr. Johnson is to re 
member having been patted by "The Father of American Humor," 
Judge Haliburton, of " Sam Slick " fame. " This does not al- 

n8 Ottawa, The Hub. 

ways hold good," said the Colonel, at this point. " I once had a 
teacher, who has since become a famous writer, but I just can t 
work up any sentiment about the patting he was wont to give 
me in the early days of my career. He did not use his hand, 
however, which may have made the difference. He used a small 
limb of a tree, which struck me at the time as being a club." 

" And doubtless should have been, but that s another story. 
Colonel, was he the teacher-author who wrote that touching story, 
How to raise boys ? " but he only gave me a sort of an Oh-don t- 
get-funny look, as he changed the subject to the war in the far 

" Col. D. Streamer " is a familiar nom de plume to many Eng 
lish and American readers, who have enjoyed " Ruthless Rhymes 
for Heartless Homes," and other books of verse by this clever 

It will be pleasing to those readers to know that Harry 
Graham, A.D.C. to His Excellency, Lord Minto, is quite as de 
lightful a Captain as he is a " Col." Nor is the Captain a book 
writer alone. During our stay in the Capital, it was our pleasure 
to see and hear his " Bluebeard A Musical-Mellow-Farce," at 
Rideau Hall. After three hours of smiles, we could not think of 
a single minute of the time in which we wished to make excuse 
for lack of excellence by reason of " only amateur acting." I 
have rarely met one so clever, so versatile, as he. 

Ottawa has many able writers on special subjects. Some 
of them have written largely in their various lines, and are widely 

Sir James A. Grant, M.D., is a prolific writer on medical 

Sir Sandford Fleming, K.C.M.G., one of the greatest civil 
engineers of his time (he it was who surveyed the Intercolonial 
and the Canadian Pacific Railway across the continent), besides 
writing on engineering, has written on many political subjects 
pertaining to Canada and the Empire. Sir Sandford is called 
" The Father of the Pacific Cable." 

E. R. Cameron, Registrar of the Supreme Court, is an able 

Dr. Robert Bell, D.Sc., Contab. LL.D., F.R.S.C., Deputy Head 
and Director of the Geological Survey Department, is a most able 
scientific writer and lecturer. 

A. Colin Campbell is the author of a valuable work : " In 
surance and Crime." 

Dr. J. C. Glashan, writer on mathematical subjects. The 
Doctor stands at the head among mathematicians in Canada, and 
has few equals in America. 

M. J. Gorman, K.C., legal writer. 

Ottawa Literary. 119 

Chas. A. Morse., LL.D., B.C.L., D.C.L., Deputy Registrar 
of the Exchequer Court, essayist. Contributor of the Boston 
Green Bag and American Law Review. Assitant editor of the 
Canadian Law Journal. The doctor, although but a young man, 
has earned all of his degrees. 

C. H. Masters, K.C., official reporter of the Supreme Court, 
legal subjects; editor of the Canadian Law Journal. 

I have often wondered what would be the sensation of pleasure 
to the author, who could write a book, that would make the students 
of the world s doings, with one accord, rise and exclaim, " Great! 
The result of marvelous research ! Unique of its class ! The 3ne 
full, precise, and definite authority in existence ! " That sensa 
tion of pleasure must have been Dr. A. G. Doughty s, and his col 
laborator, G. W. Parmelee s, for in their 

"Seige of Quebec, and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham," 

recently published, they have produced that which stands alone, 
the wonder of research. 

For nearly one and a half centuries have the writers of many 
lands written of that world-famous siege and battle, but most cf 
them have been content to write of hackneyed facts, the later de 
pending for their information upon the earlier historians, but 
these authors have gone to the very source, and found so much 
that is new and valuable, that their six volumes seem new history 
of those stirring times. 

Dr. Doughty has recently been appointed Dominion Archi 
vist. He has now in hand the collecting and arranging in system 
of the valuable archives of the Dominion. That these archives 
are rare and valuable is evidenced by the fact, that even our own 
searchers for the old in Western American history, come to Ottawa 
rather than Washington for the earliest data. 

The Doctor is the author of other works of note, especially 
that of "The Citadel and the Fortifications of Quebec," and in 
collaboration with N. E. Dionne, " Quebec Under Two Flags." 

There may be, and no doubt are, a number of other writers, 
but the stranger can scarcely hope to be wholly accurate in all 
lines, especially the "stranger" who is wholly accurate in none. 
And if I have failed to give a list complete and left out any, who 
are " just as good as him," I beg humble pardon of that " any." 

Truly Ottawa is literary! 

It will naturally follow that the Capital is a city of readers. 
Ottawa is as much up to the times in " what s worth reading " 
as any of our own cities. All the magazines of any note are to 
be had at the bookseller s stand, and the Ottawan is not only 
quick to know " what s to read," but is prompt to secure it. For 

120 Ottawa, The Hub. 

this reason there are a number of very much up-to-date book 
stores here. 

Curiosity led me to ask of the various dealers the six best 
selling magazines or periodicals, with the following result. I 
began at the Russell House, where C. M. Jolicoeur has one of his 
three places, the other two being a bookstore on Rideau Street, 
and a stand at the Grand Union Hotel. His six were Munsey, 
Argosy, Strand, Pearson, McClure and Smart Set. 

James Hope & Son : Ladies Home Journal, Munsey, Strand, 
McClure, Harper s Monthly and Pearson. 

C. Thorburn : Strand, Ladies Home Journal, Munsey, Mc 
Clure, Argosy, and Pearson, with Everybodys coming up as a 
good seller. 

Fotheringham & Popham : Strand, Everybodys, Ladies 
Home Journal, McClure, Munsey and Argosy. 

James Ogilvy (who has just moved into one of the best ap 
pointed stores in Canada) : Strand, Pearson, Munsey, Ladies 
Home Journal, Argosy and McClure. 

When I asked J. G. Kilt, he replied : " It would be hard to 
tell. I sell, all told, 265 different magazines and periodicals." 

A. H. Jarvis, of "The Bookstore" : Ladies Home Journal, 
Munsey, Pearson, Woman s Home Companion, McClure and 
Frank Leslie s. I was pleased to find in his list the 

Woman s Home Companion, 

which, he says, " is fast taking a place alongside of the Ladies 
Home Journal." I say " pleased," for it comes from my old 
home, Springfield, Ohio, and apropos of which city, it may not be 
known, but it is a fact, that more copies of daily, weekly and 

Springfield, Ohio, a Periodical Centre. 

monthly publications go out from its presses than from those of 
any city of its size in the world. 

Large numbers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other 
newspapers are received here daily. From New York they reach 
here early in the evening of the day of publication. Among them 
are The World, American, Herald, Telegraph, Post and Tribune. 
The Boston Herald and the Globe are very popular. From 
Chicago are the American, News, Tribune, Inter-Ocean and Re 
cord-Herald. Possibly the two most popular American weeklies are 
the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post and the Utica Saturday 
Globe. Of the latter one newsdealer sells 400 copies each week. 

The Press. 121 


The newspapers and other publications of the city are well 
conducted and enterprising. 

The Citizen, morning-, evening and semi-weekly (Conserva 
tive). It is published by a limited company, with Mr. Wm. M. 
Southam, managing director, Mr. Harry S. Southam, Secretary- 
Treasurer. Managing editor, Mr. E. W. B. Morrison; night 
editor, Mr. B. B. Keefer and Mr. T. W. Quayle, news editor. 

The Ottawa Journal, evening and semi-weekly, (Indepen 
dent), by a limited company with Mr. Philip D. Ross as presi 
dent. The company also publishes the Ottawa Valley Journal. 
Editor-in-chief, Mr. Philip D. Ross ; managing editor, Mr. George 
H. Wilson; city editor, Mr. W. H. Macdonald; news editor, Mr. 
C. H. E. Askwith. Robt. B. Faith is editor of the Ottawa Valley 

The Ottawa Free Press, evening and semi-weekly, (Liberal.) 
Mr. Alfred Wood, managing director ; editor-in-chief, Mr. Hadden 
Taylor, our old friend of the Montreal Herald. 

Le Temps, (Liberal), is the only French daily published in 
the Province of Ontario. F. V. Moffet, manager. 

The weekly newspapers are :- 

The Canadian Farmer, Rideau Press Publishers. 

Danebrog, editor C. C. Myer. 

Dominion Presbyterian. Publisher, J. T. Pattison. 

Events, Mr. A. J. Magurn, editor. Mr. Magurn also pub 
lishes The Canadian Parliamentary Guide, giving the names and 
biographical sketches of the members and officials of the Govern 
ment, a most valuable work. 

Hull City Advance. Editor J. T. Pattison. 

L Ontario Francais (Liberal). 

United Canada (Independent.) 

Semi-Monthly, Der Kanadische Kolonist. 

Holiness Era. 

Young People s Guide. 

Monthly : The Canadian Mining Review. 

The Gatineau Beacon. Editor, J. T. Pattison. 

Patent Review. 

Annually: Mr. Henry J. Morgan of frequent mention, pub 
lishes his "Canadian Men and Women of the Time" and "Cana 
dian Parliamentary Companion," two very noted publications with 
a circulation bounded alone by the English language. The form 
er book is to be found in almost every library of any note in the 
world. His next volume will be "Canada, it s people and it s 

122 Ottawa, The Hub. 

University of Ottawa Review. 

There is a publication here worthy of more than a passing 
note, worthy in this, that it is conducted by young men, some of 
whom, scarce out of their teens, and yet so ably is it conducted 
and so full of well written matter that one might look upon it as 
that of men trained to the work. I refer to The University of 
Ottawa Review. 

The editorial staff contains students of the University from 
not only many parts of Canada, but from the United States as 
well from our own country are many students in attendance, 
more particularly from the Eastern States. 

Editorial Staff: J. E. Burke, 05, W. Cavanagh, 06, P. 
Byrnes, 05, J. Downey, 05, G. Bushey, 06, J. Freeland, 05, 
J. Torseney, 06, W. P. Derham, 06, J. Tobin, 06, T. Sloan, 06, 
A. McDonald, 06, G. O Toole, 06. Business managers: J. C. 
Walsh, 05, J. George, 06. 

The young business managers are clever writers as well as 
managers. I judge from some of their productions. 

Ottawa being the capital, the newspapers of the Dominion send 
some of their brightest young men to represent them during the 
session of Parliament. The "boys" in many instances represent a 
number of papers besides their own, as their capacity for work 
seems almost limitless. Their motto is to "get what you re sent 
for," which makes apropos 

A Good Reporter s Story. 
(The "Good" refers to the story.) 

In 1866 during the Fenian Raid a reporter then young but 
still on active duty here in Ottawa, was sent to get a report of a 
secret meeting to be held by a Fenian Committee. But then let him 
tell it for himself : " You see it was this way. I had heard of this 
meeting and told the old man get the story was all he said. 
Well, I found that the committee was to meet in the top floor of 
a three story building. I found the place, but all the doors were 
locked tight and no possible way of getting in. Looking found, 
I spied a large icicle that hung from the roof to the ground. I did 
not hesitate a moment as the old man had said get the story. 
Well sir, I climbed that icicle and for two hours hung just outside 
the window of the committee room, and next morning our paper 
had a three column verbatum report of that meeting. It was a 
bomb shell thrown into the Fenian camp. It was a sensation to 
the public. It broke up the raid and the war closed. The old 
man raised my salary $1.37, but I have never since felt kindly to 
ward the Canadian Government. You see the militia who had 
started to drive the Fenians back, have all been medaled and 

The Press Gallery. 123 

quarter-sectioned, for doing nothing but watch the Fenians run, 
while I, who really broke up the whole business, have not, to this 
day, gotten even honorable mention/ Rube," said he, in closing, 
" could your Yankee reporters beat this ? 

"Great Scott, no! Our icicles grow too small ! : 

Boys of the Press Gallery. 

Arthur Beauchesne, Le Journal, Montreal ; P. E. Bilkey, Tele 
gram, Toronto ; J. A. Brousseau, Le Temps, Ottawa ; Gerald H. 
Brown, The Witness, Montreal; Fred. Cook, T. Passingham, A. 
D. Ramage, Mail and Empire, Toronto; W. H. Dickson, M. O. 
Hammond, Charles A. Mathews, The Globe, Toronto; James 
Dunlop, A. B. Hanney, The Herald, Montreal ; J. A. Fortier and 
H. F. Fortier, La Patrie, Montreal ; H. F. Gadsby, Star, Toronto ; 
John A. Garvin, Bernard Mullin, The News, Toronto; W. H. 
Greenwood, The World, Toronto; C. H. E. Askwith, Journal, 
Ottawa; H. R. Holmden, (president of the press gallery), Frank 
MacNamarra, F. H. Turnock, Star, Montreal; S. L. Kidd, John 
Scott, Gazette, Montreal; Rodolphe Leferriere, (secretary of the 
press gallery), La Presse, Montreal; Wm. Mackenzie, Free Press, 
Winnipeg ; J. M. McLeod, Citizen, Ottawa ; A. J. Magurn, Events, 
Ottawa ; Marc Sauville, Le Canada, Montreal ; M. O. Scott, Spec 
tator, Hamilton. 

In the "Art Gallery" you will see a group of the "boys" taken 
around the Queen s Monument. 

Moral Tone of the Canadian Press. 

There is a marked difference between the newspapers of 
Canada and those of the States ; most of the dailies of the Domin 
ion are semi-religious. There is a greater difference in the sen 
sationalism of those of the two countries. Here, like the New 
York Times, they print "all the news that is fit to read." They are 
more careful about their facts. The Colonel says that he nas 
noticed that most of their facts are true, and that they seldom have 
to correct on Saturday what they said on Thursday. 

At first one finds oneself missing the sensational, but later 
on life is far more content without it. 

Sunday newspapers, with few exceptions, must be brought 
from our American cities. 

Les Majeste. 

Taking the Canadian press as a whole, I am much pleased 
with it; and yet I must confess that in Germany there is more 

124 Ottawa, The Hub. 

careful editing than is occasionally found here. If the following 
instance were to occur in that country, the paper would run some 
risk of being "up" for Les Majeste. In a good Liberal paper ap 
peared this: "Sir Wilfrid Laurier and were presented medals 
commemorative of ". Immediately above this item was, "To the 
feeble and weak, take Scouts Disolution it is sustaining and 
good for the nerves." And speaking of "nerves." the very next 
item beneath the "medal" presentation was about somebody s 
brand of tobacco being "hard to get". Of course this had no re 
ference to the lost cigarette bill, which had just been up before 
the House. But to continue, the next item below was "Three 
murderers hanged : -I hardly need say that this was a States 
item, as they have so few occasions of this nature in Canada that 
they must depend upon us to furnish them. In the column to the 
left and almost beside the "medal" item, you are given the valu 
able information that "Somebody s Food is three times better than 
anybody else s, while the "Liniment ad", just below, is followed 
immediately by another tragedy, "A love tragedy," in which the 
lover slays his sweetheart and shoots himself. Of course this too, 
was in the States, as they don t love to that extent up here. I 
might continue, but these, which are exactly as I give them will 
illustrate the Les Majeste point I raised. 

Nor is Canada alone moral as to her press. One day I heard 
a member of Parliament in a casual conversation say : "Canada 
should never become a part of the United States. It would lower 
our standard of morals too much." 

"Yes, Colonel, I said, an M.P." 
" Well, he ought to know." 

"That s the worst of it, Colonel, he did know. Big as he was 
I took him to task about the assertion, and found that he was all 
ready and waiting for just such a patriotic country s defender as 
your brother Rube. Next time I will go and look up data before 
I start in on that line of defence. Why, he handled figures equal 
to a Glashan, especially on 

Divorce and Divorce Laws. 

"Take," said he, "your divorce, laws. They are simply abom 
inably wicked. In some of your States there is hardly a semblance 
of marriage. They simply herd together." 

"Look here," said I, "that s pretty strong." 

Facts warrant it," and would you believe me, Colonel, that 
M.P. just reached into his other pocket and drew out such data as 
this, and said, "Read for yourself." (I wont name the town in 
California as it s a friend of mine) . "One divorce to five marriages. 
Rhode Island, one divorce to eight marriages. Massachusetts, 

Divorce Laws of the United States. 125 

one to 1 8, while taking the United States as a whole, there is 
one divorce to every one hundred and eighty-five marriages." 

"Well, how does that compare with Canada," asked the 

"That s where the M.P. proved his point. Now would, or 
could you, believe it possible, Colonel, that side and side could 
stand two countries with such a horrible difference in that human 
condition, which should be looked upon as the most sacred of all 
conditions. Now, listen : while we have in the States one divorce 
to 185 marriages, Canada has only one divorce to 63,000 mar 

"What do you think of that, Colonel ?" 

It s Damnable and in writing that down, don t fail to put 
in a large "D". It is enough Rube, to make one ashamed of one s 
country, and to 1 think that our gullible voters will keep on sending 
lawyers to make our laws, who for gain, will continue to frame 
divorce laws with such big holes in the frames that a home may be 
pulled through and broken into bits on the rocks, while the law 
making lawyers complacently stand and rub their hands while 
their victims are counting out their fees. Fees, fees. All for 
fees. Yes, Rube, be sure you put in a big D ." 

"When I got through reading this, I bethought me of an en 
gagement I had in Hull, but the M.P. said, "Hold on, I m not 
through with you yet, I want to tell you that you Yankees have 
too little respect for Sunday for us. You don t respect that day as 
much as the heathen Chinee respects his day of rest." 

Yes, but my dear man I have an engagement in Hull." 

"And I want to tell you that in many of your cities and in all 
of your great cities, your saloon element runs your municipal af 
fairs absolutely. And moreover " 

"Colonel, at this point I bolted for Hull, to keep my engage 
ment. That M.P. will never see me again if I see him first, but 
really, Colonel, if what he said was true about divorce, it was a 
long shot." 

" Yes, with another "D," said he emphatically. 

Some might call the laws up here "Blue," but I have noted 
very carefully that more people are made happy by reason of their 
enforcement than are inconvenienced thereby. Take this city for 

NOTE. This number, though given as accurate, is an error. The facts, however 
are nearly as strong, and the facts are these: In 83 years there have heen but 315 
divorces, granted in all Canada, New Brunswick leading with 111, while Prince Edward 
Island has not one to her discredit. There were 661 divorced people living in Ca nada in 
1901, but, to show that most, of them were divorced elsewhere. Ontario is credited with 
229, while there hayej)een in 33 ycarsjnjt 51_divorces granted in this Province. 

""~The~reasor>8 are plain : The Catholic Church~will not allow it its members not 
wishing itand the Protestants are ashamed to so dishonor themselves. Have we 
become degenerate in thinking so lightly of the disgrace ? It looks it ! But I must stop 
talking of the subject lest it be that I will not ned the Colonel to do the strong language 
part for m. 

126 Ottawa, The Hub. 

instance, stores close at 6 P.M., except on Saturday. All saloons 
close at 7 P.M. on Saturday. All cigar stores and saloons are 
closed on Sunday. One saloon supplies drinks to each 844 of 
population; New York City requires one to each 250. Ottawa 
just now is agitating one saloon to each 1000 population, and has 
almost enough Aldermen convinced that their heads will drop, 
next election, if the ratio is other than i to 1,000. Ottawa is a 
great city for "long shots" when morality is the stake, and a great 
deal of this is due to the healthy moral tone of the newspapers. 

Later. The " heads " will not drop as it is now " i to 1,000." 

Bytown Press. 

The Independent, a Liberal paper, was started in 1834, by 
Jas. Johnson. It was the first. It was followed in 1836 by the By- 
town Gazette, Conservative, conducted by the famous Dr. A. J. 
Christie. Dawson Kerr started the Advocate in 1842. In 1843 a 
Mr. Harris launched the Packet, which became the Citizen in 
1851. It went through many hands before it finally reached it s 
present high position among Canadian newspapers. In 1849 T ne 
Orange Lily budded out, for Dawson Kerr and Wm. P. Lett. It 
bloomed into the Railway Times, then faded and died, as have so 
many other Bytown and early Ottawa newspaper "buds." Henry 
J. Friel was in various ways connected with the early papers. 

Importance of the Press. 

Few people take into consideration the vast benefits of the 
press, to a new country. They too often think that they have 
fully compensated their newspaper, when they have paid 
their bills for advertising, or brought in a bushel of 
turnips on account of their subscription. They seem not to think, 
that but for their struggling weekly," their very existence 
would often not be known to the outside world. I have learned 
more of the great North-western Country, through the "weeklies," 
on file in the Senate Reading Room, then I could possibly have 
learned in any other way. Village after village, town after town, 
are there read, and known of for the first time. 

If I were thinking of emigrating to a new country, I would 
first seek out the files of the newspapers of that country, and from 
the support given them, would judge where best to go, to find a 
people of enterprise, and a locality with progressive notions. 

Growth of the Press. 

Many who read these lines will be surprised to learn of the 
rapid growth of the Canadian press. In 1864 there were, all told, 
but 286 newspapers in Canada; in 1874, 456; 1881, 567; in 1891, 

Growth of the Press. 127 

829; in 1902, 1236; and now (1904) the number is reaching be 
yond 1,300. It is not a wonder that a knowledge of Canada is 
rapidly spreading to all quarters of the world, and too much 
credit cannot be given to the progressive press of the Dominion. 


Ottawa is so full of " Old Boys " and " Sons " galore, but in 
looking over the list I find the "Old Girls" as scarce as in any other 
city I ve seen. As elsewhere stated, there are no " old girls " in 
Ottawa. If it were not general the world over, I d think it was 
owing to the youth microbes in the atmosphere. Not only 
Ottawa, but all Canada is full of Bonnie Scots. Ten generations 
ago I was one myself of the Wallace and Ross clan and to -his 
day I have a kindly feeling toward the auld hame of my forbears. 
Stevenson, in his Silverado Squatters, said : " The happiest lot on 
earth is to be born a Scotchman," and " life is warmer there and 
closer; the hearth burns more redly; the light of home shines 
softer on the rainy street; the very names endeared in verse and 
music cling nearer round our hearts." No music will quicker 
touch my heart to-day ten generations removed than do the 
simple ballads of that land of rocks and gallant sons, and so you 
will have to pardon me for giving precedence to 

The Sons of Scotland, 

who have in Ottawa a large Camp, with George Gibson as Chief, 
and John, Gordon as Secretary. 

St. Andrew s Society 

too, are sons of the land of Burns. It is the great social society, 
and is composed of some of the most prominent people, business 
and professional in the city. It was established in Ottawa in 
1845 fifty-nine years ago. J. G. Turiff is President, H. H. 
Rowatt, recording secretary, and John McLachlin, corresponding 

Sons of England. 

This is a large society, with many branches or lodge.s. Luke 
Williams is the Deputy Chairman of the district. As I said, it 
has many branches, such as Bowood, Derby, Queen s Own, Rus 
sell, Stanley, Tennyson, Lion (Boys of England), and the Ivy. 

Societies and Orders. 


Just here the Colonel remarked "What an appropriate name 
Ivy, something that clings." 

And," said I, " see, Colonel, this particular branch is 
Daughters and Maids of England. 

Yes," said he, " that is why I said the name is appropriate." 
"Oh, I see, you refer to the "clinging" feature. Yes, 
Colonel, it is appropriate, their memories cling to Old England " 
[ didn t ^catch his remark at this, but I heard " dense " and 
_ stupid," and such words in it. Of the Ivy, Miss Anna Norris 
is president, and Miss Caroline C. Orton is secretary. 

St. George s Society 

is the great English society. It has branches in all parts of the 
world, wherever enough of the sons of that wonderful Island can 
get together for a nucleus. It is here very strong. Its president 
is J. P. Featherston, Clerk of the Court, and secretary, R. Patch 
ing, of the Department of the Interior. 

St. Patrick s Society. 

Part of the time during the " ten generation " sojourn, was 
spent in Ireland, and the songs of Moore are ever sweet songs to 

The Great Orders of Masons and Oddfellows 
are very strong in Canada, and have large membership in Ottawa. 

The Free Masons 

have no less than twelve different branches of the order here. The 
District Deputy for Ottawa district is Rt. Wor. Bro. N. W. Cleary, 
Renfrew. The Board of Relief are George Ross, John Robert 
son, Rev. T. W. Garrett, J. C. Kearns, secretary-treasurer ; F. C. 
Lightfpot, D. J. McCuaig and W. Northwood. Masonic Hall 
Committee : S. A. Luke and Wm. Rea, the secretary-treasurer of 
the Public School Board. 

Independent Order of Oddfellows. 

This order also has numerous branches in the. Capital, includ 
ing a female branch. The Board of Trustees are George Bell, 
chairman; J. M. Baldwin, treasurer; H. J. Guppy, secretary; J. 
Smith, E. B. Butterworth (now Grand Master of the Order in 
Ontario), H. Chapman, F. H. Gallagher, A. E. Ripley and T. H. 

One of the societies of great prominence throughout the Pro 
vinces of Quebec and Ontario is 

130 Ottawa The Hub. 

St. Jean Baptiste. 

J. U. Vincent, president; E. Lafontaine, first vice-president; 
G. O. Lizotte, second vice-president; J. M. Briand, secretary ; 
Charles Bettez, treasurer. 

Ancient Order of United Workmen 

has ten lodges in Ottawa, and is very strong here. D.D.G.M.W. 
Dr. A. A. Weagant, and Grand Organizer, James Drew. 

Catholic Mutual Benefit Association 

has seven branches. Deputies for Ottawa district: J. A. Doyon 
and T. Smith. Advisory Council for Ottawa: M. J. O Farrell, 
president ; A. Bedard, secretary ; R. Devlin, treasurer. 

There are so many branches of Foresters, and so many mem 
bers of them, that it is no wonder General Roberts thought that 
there wasn t any cleared land out here for " manoeuvring pur 
poses." (If you catch this, just drop a card.) 

Ancient Order of Foresters. 
D.C.R., Thos Jones. 

Canadian Order of Foresters. 
D.D.H.C.R., Geo. Barwell. 

Catholic Order of Foresters 

has eleven Courts. Provincial Chief Ranger, C.S.O. Boudreault; 
Provincial Vice-Chief Ranger, Rev. D. A. Macdonald, Crysler, 
Ont. ; Provincial Secretary, V. Webb ; Provincial Treasurer, Geo. 
W. Seguin. 

Independent Order of Foresters. 

This is the largest of all. It has in Ottawa thirteen Courts. 
H.C.R., Prof. John Herald, M.D., B.A., Kingston ; A. W. Fraser, 
K.C., P.H.C.R.; W. E. Grain, M.D., Crysler, H.V.C.R. ; G. L. 
Dickinson, High Secretary, Manotick ; J. S. R. McCann, H. Trea 
surer ; J. T. Basken, M.D., H. P. ; I. N. Marshall, Brockville, H.C. 

Knights of the Maccabees. 

Angus C. Whittier, record keeper of Capital Tent, and H. 
H. Bailey, record keeper of Ottawa Tent. 

Loyal Orange Association 
has eight lodges. W. R. Smith is secretary of the Ottawa district 

The Canadian Club. 131 

Loyal True Blue Association 
has two lodges. Henry Meech is secretary of Enniskillen. 

St. Vincent de Paul Society. 

John Gorman, president; E. P. Stanton, vice-president; E. 
L,. Sanders, secretary ; and W. L. Scott, treasurer. 

Of the French Council of St. Louis, F. R. E. Campeau, presi 
dent; J. P. M. Lecourt, vice-president; E. Laverdure, secretary; 
Joseph Vincent, treasurer. 

There are a number of temperance societies, and from the 
rare sight of a drunken man on the street, they do much good. 

The W. C. T. U. 

is very strong in Ottawa. The building on Metcalfe Street is 
large and very pretty. It has the support of the best people in 
the city, many of them being active workers. Mrs. S. W. Bor- 
bridge, president; Mrs. Walter Rowan, corresponding secretary; 
Mrs. W. A. Warne, recording secretary; Mrs. Walter Odell, 

There are, besides the " Sons " and " Old Boys " from across 
the water, a number of associations from various places through 
out Canada. From the counties of 

Leeds and Grenville 

there are several hundreds now in Ottawa; some of them are 
amongst the most prominent in the city. ;< Its object is to pro 
mote good fellowship and to revive old recollections." It was or 
ganized about a year ago, and has already a very large member 

Possibly of all the Societies, clubs or associations in Ottawa, 
the one whose influence could be made to be felt more widely for 
the city s good than all others is 

The Canadian Club f 

organized but a few months. It has already a membership of over 
700, and growing to the limit. Its object, while decidedly social, 
can be made of far-reaching good. Every fortnight is held, 
either a mid-day luncheon of a half hour, with a half hour address 
from some one of its brilliant membership, or an evening dinner, 
with a more extended address on subjects of interest to Canada. 
The Colonel and I had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Benjamin 
Suite at one of the luncheons. Mr. Suite is Canada s most 
capable historian. He is withal so charming a speaker that his 
half hour seemed but a few minutes. 

132 Ottawa The Hub. 

The following from the constitution will better give the ob 
ject of the club than I could tell you: " It is the purpose of the 
club to foster patriotism by encouraging the study of the institu 
tions, history, arts, literature and resources of Canada, and by en 
deavoring to win Canadians in such work for the welfare and pro 
gress of the Dominion as may be desirable and expedient." 

The officers are: President, Lieut-Col. A. Percy Sherwood, 
C.M.G., A.D.C., Commisisoner ; first vice-president, W. L.^ Mc- 
Kenzie King, Deputy Minister of Labor; second vice-president, 
D. Joseph McDougal, barrister; secretary, Hamnett P. Hill, bar 
rister; treasurer, Plunket B. Taylor, banker; literary correspond 
ent, Arthur F. Legatt, journalist; committee, John R. Reid, J. D. 
Courtenay, M.D., Jas. W. Woods, Fred Colson, Rev. W. M. 
Loucks, John F. Waters, Stewart McClenaghan, Auguste Le- 
mieux. \ 

Canada has a great future, and seems to be just now waking 
up to the fact. These clubs are springing up all over the Do 
minion, and will go further toward cementing the good sentiments 
for Canada s upbuilding than anything that might possibly be 
done. Party politics and sect religion are unknown within its 
halls. A Conservative may make a motion and a Liberal second 
it, or a Presbyterian minister propose a measure, and as likely as 
not it will be furthered by a Catholic priest. Such kindly feeling 
must, of necessity, bear good wholesome fruit for 

The New Canada 

which I have seen growing by leaps and bounds during our three 
years sojourn in the country. 

L Institut Canadien. 

This society is possibly the oldest of its kind in the city. It 
was organized in 1852. It has in its membership very many 
prominent among the French citizens. Its purpose is to promote 
loyalty and kindly sentiment, and has done much good, 
president is A. T. Charron; secretary, A. A. Lapointe; librarian, 
T. L. Richard ; treasurer, J. E. Marion. 

The Elks. 

Canada will have the good things of life (social). For a 
long while we selfishly held from the Canadian the rite I mean 
the right of Elkdom, but within the past few months, the bars 
have been dropped and the way the young men of snap and go are 
taking up the order here is good to see. 

One, uninitiated, can only know an Order by the men it at 
tracts. In the States it is the man of snap, push, enterprise, life, 
who becomes an Elk. The very initials of the Order indicate the 

The Elks. 133 

membership C.B.P.O.E., "Can t Be Passed or Excelled." "Best 
People on Earth." They are the men who are first to help their 
fellows, unquestioning and never for policy. 

My impression of the Order may be biased by the boys down 
home (Springfield, Ohio), and if you knew them, you would par 
don anything I might say of the Elks. Well I remember the 
stereotyped expression speaking of some new enterprise which 
they took up : " It will go for the Elks are behind it and it did 
go with emphasis on the G. 

The dropping of the bars indicates a forward movement to 
ward cementing a friendship between our two countries that must 
last for all time. We need not and never will be politically one, 
but in neighborly fellowship and love I shall hail with joy the day 
when one banner, inscribed "Brothers," shall float over our two 

There is possibly no one order so free from drones, as the 
Order of Elks. The very word means "an animal that is ever on 
the alert and moving." A word of advice to the "Dead Ones" 
Don t join the Elks. This advice seems to have been followed in 
No. 4 Lodge, even before I gave it, if I may judge from the offi 
cers chosen, a list of whom I give. 

A. Taillon, P.E.R., manager Banque Nationale; R. G. Code, 
E.R., barrister; C. B. Pratt, E. Lee. K., barrister; Walter Mc- 
Dougall, chaplain, law clerk; W. C. McCarthy, Secretary, baris- 
ter; Russell Blackburn, Treasurer, financier; Chas. M. Wright, 

E. Lead, K., Sheriff of Wright County; A. L. Ogilvy, W 

W. F. Powell, G., chief of police; Harry C. Ketchum, Aide, 

leading sporting goods dealer of Canada; Dr. D. H. Baird, 
Esquire; H. Rosenthal, T., jeweler; Dr. O. K. Gibson, W. J. 
Chapleau, musicians for the Order. 

Trustees : H. I. Beament, J. H. Lewis, B. Slattery. 

Assistants: Arthur Brophv, N. Champagne, M. Lapointe, 
Alex. McDougall, J. F. Gobeil, D. G. Gilmour, Geo. J. Bryson, Jr., 
P. Baskerville. 

Reception Committee: Stewart McClenaghan, Dr. Matthew- 
man, R. G. Cameron, Newton J. Ker, E. A. Olver and T. Cald- 


What cities did you visit ? What did you see in this or 
that one while in Canada?" 

These questions are the first asked when the tourist returns 
home after a delightful summer s outing. To depend upon one s 
memory at such a time will result in little, of pleasure to tourist or 

134 Ottawa, The Hub. 

listener, but when one can sit down with a book of views, he can 
not only tell what he saw, but each picture will call up a memory, 
and he can live over again the pleasures of his visit. 

Canadian cities are now being illustrated in so many forms 
that the stranger is at a loss to know what book to buy or what 
souvenir to carry home. As I wish " The Hub and Spokes " 
to contain just what the tourist should know before coming to 
Ottawa^ I cannot do better than to tell him what I found to be the 
very best form in which to get the most interesting sights illus 
trated in the best way, and that is 

Ottawa, the Capital of Canada, illustrated. 

The pictures are not. only beautiful in themselves as works of art, 
but they are so well chosen that no point worth seeing is left oat. 
The Parliament and all of the public buildings, the parks, river 
views, statues, street scenes, bridges, water falls, views of the 
Experimental Farm near the city, &c. In short, what would 
cost very many dollars as separate pictures are to be had for a 
trifle, and in a form easily handled. 

This advice is far more of interest to the tourist than to 
Messrs. A. H. and S. J. Jarvis, the publishers, and tis a pleasure 
to give it. 


The York County Loan and Savings Company is a unique 
corporation, with main offices in Toronto, and branch offices in 
other Canadian cities. The Ottawa branch is in the Bank Street 
Chambers, under the superintendence of Mr. F. J. Goodchild, as 
sisted by Mr. J. M. Skead, grand-son of Robt. Skead, an old-time 
Ottawan of much prominence. 

I said it was unique. Mr. Joseph Phillips a man of great 
executive ability, but with little capital, started it in 1891. _ From 
the small beginning it has grown not only as a savings institution, 
but has branched into many lines. It publishes "The National 
Monthly," which in two years has outgrown all other magazines 
published in Canada. And just here, I must stop to say that it is 
bound to succeed since it has discovered the key. It pays its con 
tributors enough to keep in Canada the ivork of Canada s best 
writers. It will go far to encourage and bring out the best. 

This company have recently gone into life insurance, and with 
the largest agency force in Canada, " wrote " over one million in 
surance in four months, up to January, 1904. Again, it has hit 
upon a new idea. Although " old line," it collects weekly, mak 
ing it possible for the poorest to carry insurance. 

Ottawa a Convention City. 135 

Within a few weeks it has added the manufacture of pianos, 
and by April will be turning out 50 Liszt instruments per week. It 
purposes selling, through its great corps of agents, direct to die 
buyers, at a large saving to its purchasers. 

The York County has other lines. It deals in real estate, 
building and selling houses. In this it has the right principle. It 
develops rough farm land into park-like beauty; then building 
thereon, makes a profit, not only on the buildings themselves, but 
on the great enhancement of the value of the land itself. 

It is no surprise to be told that the company has never lost a 
dollar for its investors. 

Yes, the " York County " is unique. 


Ottawa is called " The Convention City," and why should it 
not be such? As Mayor Cook very happily put it, in one of his 
many addresses of welcome : " This is your city as well as ours. It 
is the Capital of this great Dominion, and all the people should 
feel that they have a right to use it." Yes, but my dear Mayor, 
what about the Yankee conventions that are growing wise and 
coming to Ottawa to do their conventioning ? You make them, 
every one, feel that they, too, own the city. Honestly, and on the 
quiet (this to my home people, looking for an ideal city for hold 
ing a convention in Canada), I never saw so unselfish a people ?s 
these Ottawans. Why, bless you, when a convention comes to 
town they treat it as though it was " dead broke," and hadn t a 
dollar to spend. I ve seen places where the citizens stood around 
as though the visitors were so much money, and each one ready 
to get his share ; while, as for entertainment, the convention paid 
for all it got. Now, here, from the minute a convention gets in 
side the corporation until it says a regretful good-bye, it hasn t 
a blamed thing to do but have a good time. Result, every con 
vention that comes to Ottawa spreads the news, and that s what I 
would like to do, for these people are so delightful in their enter 
tainment that it is really a pleasure to say pretty things about 

Ottawa is in truth a Convention City. 


As referred to elsewhere, we find the Ottawa policeman a man 
far beyond the ordinary city protector. He is a man who thinks 
as well as protects, and in courtesy might well be taken as a model 
by many a man whose only claim of gentleman is the one he him- 

i3 6 Ottawa, The Hub. 

self so strenuously makes. Ottawa is justly proud of its police 

I have spoken of the high degree of morality which I have 
found general in Canada. You will better appreciate this when I 
tell you that 58 men have little to do in the way of making arrests 
in this city of nearly 70,000 one man to 1,200. At this rate 
New York City should be protected by 3,000 policemen, while in 
stead it has now about 10,000. Of the 58 on the force, all but 14 
are Canadian born, and nearly all members of some church. 

The few arrests made during the year are mostly for small 
offences. The men are nearly all six feet tall and well propor 
tioned. A number of them are fine athletes, Mortimer Culver 
being the champion shot thrower of Canada, as well as excelling 
in many other athletics. 

Wm. F. Powell is the Chief of the force, and a most capable 
one he is. 


There is a Dominion Police force of 37 selected men, under 
Lieut-Col. A. Percy Sherwood, C.M.G., A.D.C., Commissioner, 
whose prowess as a curler I told you in " The Wandering Yankee." 
The duties of these men are to protect the Capitol buildings, and 
to go as detectives into any part of the Dominion on Government 
business. They are a bright body of stalwart men. Kennedy, 
the famous " Rough Rider " football player, is a member of this 
force . 

Colonel A. Percy Sherwood 

is worthy of a more than casual note. He was until recently the 
Colonel of the 43rd Regiment, President of the Canadian Military 
League, Vice-President of the Canadian branch of the Royal 
Caledonian Curlers Club, and a member of the Executive of the 
Dominion Rifle Association. He commanded the Canadian Rifle 
Team that competed in 1903 at Bisley, England, and when the 
Canadian Club was recently formed, the Colonel was chosen its 
President. When I say that he is immensely popular, I say it 
with reason. 


One of the most prominent bodies of men in Canada are the 
North-west Mounted Police, under Colonel Fred. White, Comp 
troller. This force is made up of 500 men in the North-west 
Territories, and 300 in the Yukon. There is no body of men in 

Mounted Police of the N. W . Territories. 137 

the world whose duties are so varied as those of this force, and no 
force in the world where so few protect so vast an area as do the 
North-west Mounted Police one man to 500 square miles of 
territory. If the result of their work was not being seen in the 
perfect government of that great area of country, one might smile 
at the thought of such a thing being possible. 

Apropos of their duties. They act in the capacity of police, 
lawyer, prosecutor, advisor to the new settlers, and sometimes act 
as Indian agents. In short, they are emergency men, capable of 
doing anything that may need to be done in their territory, where 
there may not be any other, properly commissioned, to do it. They 
are a fine body of capables, many of them college graduates. 

Colonel White has been at the head of the force since its 
organization in 1873, before which time he was private secretary 
to Sir John A. Macdonald. Like Colonel Sherwood, he is a most 
charming gentleman, and again like him, most popular through 
out the Dominion. 


Ottawa, as I have said, has some pretty churches, but there 
is one worthy of more than passing note. For two reasons worthy, 
first for its interior finish, but more for the wonderful mind that 
designed and carried it out. I refer to the Basilica, the Roman 
Catholic Cathedral, on Sussex and St. Patrick Streets, and the 
man who designed the interior work was 

Rev. Canon G. Bouillon. 

It is so natural for the distant reader who sees mention of a 
man s name in a book of this kind, to look upon that man as of 
local interest, and of local interest only, but I felt to-day, when I 
met and conversed with Canon Bouillon, much as I know I should 
have felt had I been accorded the rare privilege of meeting and 
conversing with Michael Angelo. And why not, when he has 
designed a greater than St. Peter s in Rome. Have you yet heard 
of the design for 

Nova Sancto Sophia? 

A church of such marvellous magnificence that its cost will 
reach thirty-five millions of dollars. You have not? Well, the 
designer of this marvel of the world is a Canadian, born in Que 
bec, and now an Ottawan. You begin to be interested now, don t 
you? The local interest widens, and the eyes of the world turn 
towards Ottawa, for here lives the man whose brain is to give to 
the world a more beautiful church than St. Sophia in Constan- 

138 Ottawa, The Hub. 

tinople, and a larger one than St. Peter s in Rome; larger as to 
capacity, and more costly by ten millions of dollars. 

St. Peter s is 400 feet wide, 700 feet long, and 400 feet high, 
and holds 50,000 people. Nova Sancto Sophia is to be 400 feet 
wide, 500 feet long, and 450 feet high, but so designed that its 
capacity will be 60,000 people. The beauty of St. Peter s is in 
the detail; that of the Nova Sancto will burst upon the beholder 
the moment he enters the door, as the design is such that the whole 
interior, even to the great dome, is seen at once. And that dome ! 
St. Peter s is 120 feet across at the base, this one is to be 200 
feet across. 

[ spent hours looking over the details of the plans, and yet I 
could not grasp their magnitude, and the beauty of the whole 
seems but a marvellous dream. You would not want me to mar 
your conception of the beauty by a description, even had I the 
many pages it would require for a bare outline. 

Tell you of the man himself ?" How natural ; we all want 
to know " the man." He is tall, six feet, well pronortioned, and 
stands straight as an arrow. His face and eye are kindly, and his 
manner is so modest and retiring that you must know his worth 
from seeing his work, and not from the man himself, as he makes 
no effort to impress you, as many another would do who had de 
signed a simple dwelling. He is quite grey, but his face is not 
old. He was born a genius, as Michael Angelo was born. No 
amount of study or research could have enabled him to have de 
signed Nova Sancto Sophia; it was an inspiration. 

Where will it be placed ?" It is not yet determined, but 
the city on the American continent that is chosen will hold an ob 
ject of interest unsurpassed by any other in the world. 

It was in the entrance hall of the Archbishop s Palace, ad 
jacent to the Basilica, where I saw the most beautiful 


I have ever seen. It must be at least two and a half centuries old 
(Murillo was born 1618, died 1682). and yet its colors are as clear 
and beautiful as though but of recent origin. It is only the half 
of the original picture, the other half being in the British Museum. 
It was buried in France during the French Revolution in 1793, 
and years after found by two workmen, who cut it in two, the 
figures allowing the division. This part, which seems so com 
plete that you must be told that it is not the whole, is that of 
Joseph on his way to Egypt, the other half shows Mary and the 
Child Jesus. Joseph in this part is reaching out a cup getting water 
from a cleft in a rock, while beside him is seen the head of the 
docile ass. This part is a picture 4^ by 6 feet. If ever you come 
to Ottawa, go to see it; you will find no more beautiful in Canada, 
and few on the continent, equalling it in richness of coloring. 

Under Patronage. 139 

Here are copies of some of the celebrated paintings of the 
world, especially those of the Transfiguration by Raphael, and The 
Communion of St. Jerome, by Dominicin. The originals of these 
two are in the Vatican at Rome, and are priceless in value. It has 
been said that these two pictures are of greater value than all the 
other paintings of Europe. They occupy a large gallery to them 

The contents of this sketch are the " finds " which make glad 
the heart of a writer. 


I used to think and you, no doubt, still think that " under 
patronage of " or " maker to " some high dignitary, means that 
any one who, by chance, had done work for the said high digni 
tary, might make those claims. Not so; one must not only have 
proven ones worth, but must have the consent of the person or 
persons who are claimed as patrons. 

The honor is often confirmed " By Appointment." As an 
instance, the Topleys, the famous photographers, whose work 
will add so much to this volume, are : Photographers by ap 
pointment to His Excellency, the Marquis of Lome, and Her 
Royal Highness, the Princess Louise." It was rather an odd coin 
cidence that when the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York 
Prince and Princess of Wales were here in 1901, that Mr. Wm. 
Topley and Mr. Wm. Notman, of Montreal, were selected to tour 
the continent with their Royal Highnesses, odd in that these two 
firms were once together. 

The pictures taken on that Royal tour are works of Art. In 
my " gallery," you will see a few of the pictures taken by them 
at that time, and I may, in later editions, give the Topleys 
Across the Continent, with the Duke and Duchess." In two 
groups may be seen all the Governor Generals and their wives 
since Confederation. This was a veritable find, but " finds " are 
the rule. Mr. Wm. Topley has been here, I was about to say for 
generations, photographing everything and everbody of interest, 
or of note, and to him I am indebted for many of the pictures of 
people long gone. They sat for him as now their grand-children 
are sitting for him. 

It has long been the custom of Royalty, when visiting in 
Ottawa, to visit this famous gallery. The Duke of Albany, Prince 
Leopold, is probably the onlv one who broke the rule, and he is 
said to have regretted that his three hours stay in the city would 
not allowi him time to follow the precedent. 

140 Ottawa, The Hub. 


Again, " this is but a little world after all ! " One day at 
the Bank Street Chambers, I ran across Mr. W. B. Edminster. I 
had lost all track of him since long- ago, in New York City, when 
he was on his way from Japan to St. Louis, with the body of his 
friend, the great newspaper man, Colonel John Cockerill. 

Hello, W. B. What are you doing in Ottawa ? " I asked. 

Why, I ve been here a year." 

" Last man I expected to see, and yet I might have known 
that you would find your way to the Washington of Canada. 
What are you doing here ? " 

" I m with the 

International School of Correspondence, 

Assistant Superintendent I have charge of Eastern Ontario, 
and part of Quebec." 

I ran back, in mind, to one day in Scranton, Penn., in the 
early nineties, when I heard them talking abont this school 
how that some day it would have pupils in all the adjoining 
States, but I did not then think to ever find one, office in a foreign 
country, which had enrolled 2,500 students, (as has been done in 
Ottawa), nor do I think they did either. 

" Come upstairs to our office and I ll tell you some things 
that will surprise you," said W. B. 

I went up and was greeted by a phonograph in French 
" Coma vou portay vou Missure? " 

" Tray be a and how s yourself ! " said I. 

" Who taught that thing to talk so well ? " I asked. 

" That thing, as you call it, is one of our greatest teachers. It 
is the most perfect linguist in the world. It talks all languages, 
and what s more it speaks each accurately. Sit down and listen." 
I sat down, W. B. gave me a book, and as I read or followed the 
words, the thing pronounced each syllable slow and distinct. 

" Why," said I, " I could learn French without even going 
to Hull. What s it for anyhow ? " 

: To teach, as I told you. In Scranton we have Professors 
of all languages. Books from primer to readers are prepared in 
lessons. The Professor reads each lesson into the phonograph, 
and the cylinders are sent out to pupils in all parts of the world. 
The languages are thus learned much more readily and accurately 
than by any other means." 

" Great teacher is the phonograph but tell us something 
about your school. I ve often heard about it, but only in a gen 
eral way." 

" In 1891, Thomas J. Foster invented the system of instruct 
ing by means of text books, sent to students, no matter how far 

Cemeteries. 141 

distant. The student prepares his lessons as though to recite 
orally, and right here is the difference and advantage. He 
writes them, and it is a well known fact that nothing so firmly 
fastens in the mind a truth as to write it. These written lessons 
are sent to Scran ton, corrected if need be advice given, and the 
subject made plain, and returned. All branches are taught by 
a corps of 2,500 competent teachers. Young men who have not 
the time or 1 means for a college course, may go right on with their 
work, studying at night and at leisure moments, and in a few 
months time are capable of taking a position far above the one 
they might have been compelled by incompetency to follow, the 
rest of life." 

Tell me about the growth of the School. That is the best 
proof of its proper system." 

" Here are a few things. It employs 3,200 people. It sends 
out over 15,000 pieces by mail ever day. Using as it does $500 
in stamps daily, it has made Scranton a first-class post office, 
along with New York, Philadelphia, Boston, etc. Thirteen years 
ago it had one course of instruction, and enrolled its first student. 
It now has 152 courses and over 700,000 names on the roll. It 
has some of the finest buildings in Scranton; one just completed 
cost $500,000. It has more young men filling high salaried posi 
tions than any other school in the world. This last fact is Mr. 
Foster s proudest claim. He has made the world happier by his 
being, and happier himself for it ! " 

Mr. G. A. Weese, of Bancroft, Ont., has charge of the Ot 
tawa office. 

Mr. F. T. Rawley, of Montreal, looks after the Quebec towns 
along the Ottawa River. 

Many a member of the New York Press Club will be pleased 
to hear this about "W. B.," and not only the Press Club, but all 
throughout the States, where he was well known, when with 
Major Pond and the Redpath Lyceum Bureau, of Boston, as 
assistant manager. He was with Bill Nye, James Whitcome 
Riely, Remenyi, Ian McLaren (Dr. Watson), Ovide Musin, and 
many others of world note. 

He is very pleased with Ottawa, in fact, with all Canada, but 
then W. B. always was a man quick to appreciate beauty in coun 
try and worth in people. 


Ottawa has two beautiful cemeteries Beechwood and Notre 
Dame. They lie to the east of the city. In both there are some 
very beautiful monuments and vaults. Some of the fine monu 
ments and vaults in Notre Dame are the Rogers, Mackay, Good 
win, Warnock, Macdonald, Major, Brophy and Davis. Among 

142 Ottawa, The Hub. 

those in Beechwood are the Masonic Plot, J. R. Booth, Philip 
Thompson, Nicholas Flood Davin, Thos. Birkett, M.P., Colonel 
Allan Gilmotir, Senator Clemow, Nicholas Slater, Hon. Thos. 
McKay, S. Howell, D. Ralph Bell, John C. Edwards. The last 
four are vaults. 


Ottawa has eleven hospitals, and nearly as many asylums and 
homes of all kinds, for children and old men and women. It is 
most commendable to see the care that is taken of those who need 
kindly attention. It makes one feel that Ottawa is not only a 
beautiful, but a most benevolent city ; nor is this kindly care each 
for the other of its people peculiarly Ottawan ; even small Cana 
dian towns look to the care of its citizens. Our " poorhouses " 
are unknown here. The unfortunate one is not made to feel that 
he or she is the ward of the country or city. In heart sympathy 
Canada is far in advance of our country. 

Benevolent and fraternal societies are very numerous in the 
cities. Their Excellencies, Lord and Lady Minto take great in 
terest in charities and good works in Ottawa. The Aberdeen 
Association, of which the Countess of Minto is Honorary Presi 
dent, has for its object the supplying of good literature to the new 
settlers in Canada, especially in the North-west Territories. Then, 
there are literary, scientific, medical, and all kinds of associations 
and societies. 

The Humane Society, after our Bergh system, is doing much 
good. I have seen here what I have never seen elsewhere, little 
drinking troughs along the sidewalks for thirsty dogs. This one 
thing marks Ottawa as a most humane city, and I would that the 
custom were general. It costs so little, and would be a boon to 
" man s truest friend," of which " friend " Ottawa and Constan 
tinople promise to become rivals. 

The care shown by the Ottawans, not only toward each other, 
but toward the lower animals, places them far up on the plane of 
excellence, and makes the casual stranger admire them, and the 
rest of us love them, for their kindness of heart. 

I find myself becoming quite enthusiastic over these citizens 
of Canada s Washington, and you would not wonder at it if you 
knew them. 

Dr. H. Beaumont Small recently read before the Ottawa 
Medical-Chirurgical Society, as the President s address, a most 
admirable paper on 

Bytown Doctors. 143 


in which paper I find the names of men, for whom a tablet of re- 
memberance should be placed in the new Carnegie Library, as 
none are so worthy as they, who during the hardships of those 
early times, did so much for the builders of the future Capital. 

Monuments are reared for the warriors, who leave suffering 
in their wake, while men whose lives are spent in relieving suf 
fering, are all too soon forgotten, when the grave hides them 
from sight. 

The Doctor told of the epidemics of Asiatic cholera in 1832, 
34, 49 and 1854; the typhus fever of 1847; an d the ague since 
changed in name to malaria, but the "shakes" remain the same 
which shook the builders of the canal until their bones seemed 
all but out of joint 

In that paper, which the Doctor kindly loaned me, I gleaned 
much of general interest, and found many names some familiar, 
others now unknown, save to the few, and by them almost for 

In the following order I find the Doctors, who lived and prac 
ticed in Bytown, from its origin in 1826, to its demise on Jan. ist, 

There were a number who were transitory, at the military 
barracks, and then were off to other stations, but the first regular 
practicioner was the famous 

Dr. Alexander Jos. Christie, 

who came in 1826, and died in 1843, aged 53 years. He was an 
other of "the first to secure a town lot in Upper Town," at the 
North-West corner of Wellington and Lyon Streets. It was 
known as Wm. Stewart s house. He afterwards built a large 
stone house, nearly opposite Christ Church Cathedral, in the rear 
of 399 Sparks Street. In the war of 1812 he was an army sur 
geon, and was wounded in the thigh while on duty, which resulted 
in a limp for the rest of his life. He established the Bytown 
Gazette in 1836. It was the first paper in town, but one Jas. 
Johnson s Independent, of 1834. 

Dr. James Stewart 

came next, in 1827, and remained until his. death in 1848. He re 
sided on Rideau Street, almost opposite Nicholas Street. He 
was very successful and very popular, holding during his life 
many prominent offices. He was a member of the first Board of 
Health. He was Coroner in 1845. Dr. Small says that Stewart 
Street was named for him others claim that it was named for 
the well known Wm. Stewart, M.P. by whose resolution Bytown 
was incorporated in 1847. Dr. Stewart married the widow of 
Captain Lett, father of Wm. P. Lett. His daughter became Mrs. 
MacCraken, mother of Mr. J. I. MacCraken, a leading Ottawa 

144 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Prior to 1830, there were other doctors in By town, but of 
whom Dr. Small could find little mention. They were Drs. 
Tuthill, Rankin, Gillie and McQueen. 

Dr. Tuthill 

came with Col. By in 1826, as an Assistant-Ordnance Surgeon. 
He remained in charge of the Military Hospital until 1832. 

Dr. John Hdw. Rankin 

was in charge of the workmen on the canal. He was not here 
long returning to England. He was an Army Surgeon in the 
Crimean war in 1854 which same year he returned to Canada, 
and settled in Picton, Ontario, where he died in 1878, aged 81. 

Dr. f. D. Gillie 

resided near the south-west corner of Sparks and Lyon Streets, 
at 342 Sparks. He was an intimate friend of Dr. Christie, whose 
son, Mr. John Christie, has a quaint old silver snuff box, present 
ed to his father, by " his friend Dr. Gillie." He died in the late 

Dr. Thomas Fraser McQueen, 

came in 1827. During the Cholera Epidemic in 1832, he with 
Dr. Scott, of Prescott, had charge of the cholera sheds from 
Cornwall to Brockville, in which latter city he died in 1860. He 
married a daughter of Colonel Fraser, M.P., of Fraserville, who 
is now living in Ottawa. 

Next we find one of the most eccentric characters, who ever 
lived in Bytown, 

Dr. Hdw. VanCourtlandt. 

He came in 1832. 394 Wellington Street was his residence, and 
was looked upon at that time as a mansion. He died in 1875. 

If we may take Wm. P. Lett s word for it, the old Dr. must 
have had a lonesome time on the " other side " when he got there, 
unless he depended for a welcome upon the late patients of other 
doctors, for see: 

"When to that distant coast he ll steer, 
No crowd of ghosts will hover near, 
And cry out Van, you sent us here ! 

Viewing the situation from the distance of over a quarter of 
a century: 

Twould be, I d think, a dangerous guess, 

For Will-i-um to make, 

To e en suggest that Van could " steer " 

To "coasts" 

Where "ghosts" 

In "hosts" 

Would know and make outcries of fear. 

Bytown Doctors. 145 

Dr. Hamnett Hill 

first came to the township of March, in 1837, where he practiced 
until 1841, when he came to Bytown, and resided first at what 
is now 425 Wellington Street, and later at the corner of Broad and 
Wellington, which home was destroyed by the fire of 1900. From 
the data given and the interesting features of Dr. Hill s life and 
works, I cannot but look upon him as one of the great physicians 
and surgeons of all this country of able men. 

Dr. Samuel John Stratford 

came to Bytown in 1831. In 1833 he was placed in charge of the 
Military Hospital, during the cholera epidemic. He left in 1836, 
went first to Woodstock and later to Toronto. He was writer, 
lecturer, and editor, as well as physician. He died in New 

Dr. Alfred Monson. 

followed Stratford in 1836, and was given charge of the Garrison 
in Bytown, which position he held until 1852, when he left for 
Montreal, and later went to Hamilton and Toronto. 

Dr. Frederick Monson, 

brother of Alfred, came here in 1839, remained until 1845, then 
went to Montreal, and later settled in Niagara. 

Dr. Stephen Charles Sewell, 

a McGill College lecturer, came to Bytown in 1852, and remained 
until his death in 1865. He was Consulting Surgeon to the Pro 
testant and General Hospital. His residence was the house next 
to the Perley Home on Wellington Street, formerly occupied bv 
Dr. Hill. 

Besides the above, Dr. Small mentions by name, Drs. Barry, 
Robinson, St. Jean, O Hare, Holmes, Lecroix, Robillchand and 
Beaubien, but says, that of them there was little to be learned. 

Of the first named, if I were asked to speak, a la Lett from 
facts gained from that old time versifier, I might say : 

Edward Barry gets one full page 

Of story, suited quite for modern stage. 

Now Ed., you see, was J.P. M.D. 

Both titles now, too oft M T 

And for himself put both to use 

In fact he d often both abuse, 

When J.P. d get "dry" M.D. d prescribe, 

When M.D. was "full" J.P. d proscribe, 

And read to all the law would he, 

And send all three to Coventry. 

146 Ottawa, The Hub, 

" If you were asked," said the Colonel, " I don t think after 
that, that you will be." He is so critical. 

The foregoing is but a hurried glance over a paper, that does 
great credit to Dr. Small a paper that should be seen by every 
one, who has any interest in the old town and its people. 

Besides the Doctors, he wrote also of the Early Hospitals, 
the incorporators, the Boards of Health, bringing in names indel 
ibly engraven into the history of those days. The Doctor in 
speaking of the Hospitals said : " Bytown was favored from its 
very foundation." Colonel By, on his arrival with his little army 
of workmen, at once erected a Military Hospital, on the site where 
now stands the Statue of Queen Victoria, on Parliament 
then Barracks Hill. In 1845, the General Hospital was estab 
lished by the Grey Nuns, from Hotel Dieu, Montreal. The first 
Hospital was a frame building on St. Patrick Street, near Sussex. 
The building is still to be seen as numbers 163 to 169. This was 
used until 1847, when the epidemic of typhus fever, necessitated 
greater accommodation. The new building was erected on the site 
of the present Hospital on Water Street. 

Read over these grand old names and see the men of affairs, 
who lived here, almost at the very inception of the town. They 
are the 

First Board of Health. 

Reverends S. S. Strong (father of the Judge), Wm. Durie, 
Thos. Wardrobe and Mr. Telmon; Doctors Hill, Monson, 
Van Courtlandt and Barry; Simon Fraser (Sheriff), Daniel 
O Connor, Joseph Aumond, Edw. Smith, John Burrows, Andrew 
Drummond, Geo. Patterson and Geo. Sumner. Sheriff Fraser 
was Chairman, and Rev. S. S. Strong was Secretary. 

Incorporators of the Carleton County General Hospital. 

John McKinnon (son-in-law of Hon. Thos. McKay), Geo. 
Patterson, Wm. Stewart, M.P., Dr. Hamnett Hill, Archibald 
Foster, Roderick Ross ("Roderick of the Sword") Robert Heney, 
jr., Jas. MacCraken, sr., Francis Abbott, Thos. Langrell, MIOS. 
Hunton, Richard Stethem, Geo. B. Lyon, Wm. Harte Thompson, 
Hon. Thos. McKay, John Thompson, Edw. Malloch, Jas. Pea 
cock, Geo. Hay (present President of the Bank of Ottawa) * Alex. 
M. Grant, Wm. Porter, Henry McCormac, John Forgie, Edw. 
Armstrong (The Judge), Jas. Rochester, Carter A. Burpee, Edw. 
Sherwood (father of the Col), Dawson Kerr and Thos. G. Burns. 

Rube Learns About Styles. 147 


" Colonel, what have you noted as unique in Ottawa ?" I ask 
ed, one beautiful day, on Sparks Street. 

" What ? A number of points, but none so marked as that 
Ottawa Step." 

"Ottawa Step. Give it up. What is that? 

" Why, have you not noted the walk of the ladies ? Did you 
ever see such grace and firmness of step? They move as though 
they had an aim in life, and few there be who glide along pur 
poseless. I have never seen in any city more grace of movement 
than in Ottawa. That, to me, is what I note as most unique." 

" Colonel, now that you mention it, I must confess that I, too, 
have noticed it. To what do you attribute it?" 

" Skating. Skating, Rube, gives a grace and firmness of step, 
acquired in no other way, and since all Ottawans skate as in no 
other Canadian City is it so general it follows that the Ottawa 
Step is unique, and I like it. Especially is it remarked among 
those who play hockey, curling and golf. And note, too, Rube, 
the excellent taste shown in the dressing of the ladies." 

When the ladies are in question I always bow to the Colonel s 
opinion, and in this case to bow was most natural. 

I have seen few cities where the correct in dress is more 
noticeable than in Ottawa. This is especially remarked at Gov 
ernment House functions, or in Parliament, on State occasions, 
where may be seen gowns which only " Parisian dreams " will 
justly describe. But what, however, is possibly a better guide to 
the correct is the millinery, since gowns are becoming individual 

" creations." 

Joe," I asked of J. O. Bourcier, " Joe, I want to know how 
the millinery styles of Canada in general, and Ottawa in par 
ticular, compare with those of New York?" 

They are practically the same. Were you to be dropped 
into either city, and not know to which you were coming, you 
could tell no difference from the millinery of the ladies. 

" Why, the fact is, that most of our fashions come directly 
from New York, the extreme styles of both cities come from Paris. 
You have doubtless noted that Ottawa is remarkable for the cor 
rectness in dress, of both the ladies and gentlemen ?" 

" Odd, but that is almost the exact thought that was in my 
mind when I called in for your opinion." 

Yes, it is often remarked by those who visit the various 
cities of the continent, that Ottawans are good dressers; there is 
much wealth here, and the concomitant good taste makes of the 
Capital a very pleasing city to visit. But for that matter most of 
our cities have of recent years kept pace with our neighbors across 
the line. In all our Canadian branches we carry practically the 
same line of goods, the styles being the same in each." 

148 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" One thing, Rube," broke in " Chick " Gordon, who had been 
listening to Joe expatiate on fashions in millinery, " the Canadian 
girl looks more to taste than to the extremes in style ; you seldom 
see poor dressing while good taste is the rule." 

" Chick is right," said the Colonel, " good taste is the rule ; 
even Bulwer would have had but little criticism to make in 

Why Bulwer?" asked Joe. 

" Don t you remember what he said in Pelham ? The cor 
rect in dress pleases without attracting attention/ and that we have 
often remarked in Ottawa." 

From dress, taste and fashion, the conversation ran along 
until it had reached " the one thing necessary " : 

" Wealth Money" 

I soon learned what I had not known before. 

" Do you know," asked Joe, " that Ottawa has more rich 
young men than any place of its size on the continent? Well, it 
has," and then he began naming young men who in their own right 
have from "plenty of money" up to one half to a million, "and/ 
he continued, " while some of them are unnecessarily " near," most 
of them are free with their means, and none of them are spend 
thrifts. Again, we have no leisure class. The young men. are 
nearly all actively engaged in business." 

I could not help thinking of another Ottawan who, when talk 
ing on the same subject, said : " We have in the valley a few whom 
W. H. Fuller, a former well-known Ottawa poet, must have had 
in mind when he wrote that prize poem in Munsey s for February, 
one verse of which ran thus : 

Up in Mars. 

" It really makes them stare, 

When they see a millionaire, 
Who devotes himself to hoarding up his pelf; 

He works himself to death, 
With scarce time to catch his breath, 

And gets mighty little pleasure from his wealth. 
They manage those things better up in Mars, 

And probably the same in other Stars ; 
They hold money s only use is 

For the good that it produces 
That s what they think about it, up in Mars." 

He might have gone further, and said of him who looks upon 
wealth simply as so much money to buy selfish necessities and no 
luxuries : 

Young Men in Business. 149 

In that which smacks of art, 

He takes mighty little part, 
And looks down upon the man whose aims are high. 

If you d ask for art a lift, 
You would find his only gift, 

Would be a heavy, long-drawn, tired sigh. 
This man would not be It, up in Mars, 

And probably fare worse in other Stars, 
It would seem to them too funny, 

To make a god of money, 
So he ll have to migrate elsewhere than to Mars. 

Young Men in Business. 

Apropos of young men in business, Ottawa has, in Mr. S. 
McDougall, the youngest city bank manager in Canada. He is 
the son of Mr. J. L. McDougall, Auditor General of the Dominion, 
and thus, by inheritance, competent. 

The Sovereign Bank, of which he is local manager, is prac 
tically conducted by young men, the General Manager, Mr, D. M. 
Stewart, is himself but thirty-three years of age. The marvelous 
strides which this young institution has made, and is making, 
proves what the Canadian boys may do. It is but a little over two 
years old, and with a capital of $1,300,000, and a reserve of 
$325,000, it had assets of over eight million dollars at the end of 
the second year. 

I used to wonder why it was that the Canadian boys never 
had any trouble in getting a situation in New York. It was like 
this. Boy enters office, store, or warehouse, " Good-morning. 
I m looking for a situation ! " 

Nothing for you to-c^y," boy starts away, when employer 
calls : " where are you from ? " 

" ( Canada ! " 

" Oh, well, wait a minute, I ll see," and the boy goes to work 
next day. I asked a big employer once. "Why this preference?" 
He gave a wise look, as he said : " The Canadian boy likes to keep 
at it! He is absolutely honest; then he has a whole lot of good 
sense, and soon learns and becomes valuable. , W r hile other boys 
too many of them are busy having a good time, the young 
Canuck is busy thinking out the best way of becoming useful to 
us. That s why the preference! Do you know," he continued, 
" that some of our most successful business men are Canadian 
born? You see they come down here with their good constitu 
tions (you know they are nearly all athletic and tough, can stand 
anything) and our swift ways of doing business don t tire them 
out, result, in two or three years time they are in the maelstrom, 
the great scathing whirl of business, and can stand it, while the 
boys who were looking for the " good time " have found it, and 
are still having it." He was an enthusiast on the Canadian boy, 
and said many other good things about him. 

150 Ottawa, The Hub. 

From Messenger Boys to Capitalists! 

The "boys," however, from whose good works Ottawa has 
perhaps benefitted more than any others, are Mr. Thomas Ahearn 
and Mr. W. Y. Soper. From telegraph messengers, they have, 
by their own unaided efforts, not only gained unique success ior 
themselves, but have done incalculable good for the Capital. Be 
ginning as messenger boys, they became expert telegraphers and 
then developed into electricians without peers in the Dominion. 

In speaking of his start in life, Mr. Ahearn once said : " I 
started as a messenger boy, and am proud of it! I tried to do 
my work well I never loitered by the way I did not have time, 
as I needed every minute to perfect myself in telegraphy. The 
boy who loiters by the way, when sent on an errand, too often re 
mains the errand boy throughout life." There s a whole sermon 
in that sentence! 

When but a youth of i8 5i he went to New York City, went as 
an expert with the Western Union. He was there on the memor 
able " Black Friday," when fortunes melted away in an hour, aye 
as frost in a breath. In 1881, with Mr. Soper, he started an 
electrical business. Started in a very small way, but the boys 
with a purpose became the men of success. 

First to Cope With Snow. 

Ottawa s snail line of cars attracted their attention, as it had 
attracted the attention of others but the others had seen the snow 
of winter, and looked upon the running of cars by electricity, dur 
ing the winter months, as an impossibility. No place in the world 
had successfully cooed with snow of any depth. In fact it was 
only in Richmond, Virginia, and possibly a few other places, 
where the trolley had proved a success, even under the most fav 
orable climatic conditions. But what to the others was an im 
possible barrier, was to Messrs. Ahearn & Soper, a solvable prob 
lem. They became the pioneers in running cars successfully in 
countries of heavy snow-fall. Montreal, with its tinkling horse 
cars, stood critically waiting to see their efforts fail but gladly 
saw them succeed, and with many another snow city quickly fol 
lowed their lead. By that one stroke, Ottawa was carried, in 
latitude, far to the South, as the snow barrier of other days is no 
more a barrier than are the snows of Virginia. No part of the 
50 miles of Ottawa s trolley system but may be traversed during 
the heaviest snow storm. 

To this car system, to-day, the Capital owes much of Us 
beauty, where at its inception were fields, are now seen fine 
avenues, lined by pretty homes, brought near to the heart of the 
city by reason of it. And not only have new avenues been made 
possible and accessible, but many of the other parts of Ottawa 
have been greatly improved by it. 



In " The Hub and The Spokes," the author has taken a new 
departure. It will be published under Patronage Patronage by 
Approval of his other Canadian books. 

Of those who have paid him so high a compliment, he will 
ever think kindly, and strive to merit their confidence. 

In selecting Patrons, he sought not alone Canadians, but some 
of the great men of his own country were chosen. One from the 
East one from the Center, and a third from the far West. 

He has been asked why he has chosen Patrons from his own 
land, for a Canadian work. A great man himself a Canadian 
by adoption recently wrote this sentence to the author, which 
may well be used as the answer to the query : " It is gratifying 
to know that you are continuing the good work, in which you 
have occupied yourself for some years, of making the people of 
Canada and the people of the United States better acquainted 
with each other." 

This is the one all absorbing desire of the author, to bring 
the two peoples in closer sympathy not politically, but neigh 
borly. We are one in sentiment, one in language, and should go 
hand in hand for good. In selecting Patrons from either side of 
the line, it will do some good be that never so little toward en 
gendering a kindly feeling between the two countries. 

If it is gratifying to the great man, whose sentence has been 
quoted above, how much more so is it to the author, to know tnat 
his efforts have been appreciated by one whom his nation delights 
in honoring. It is moreover most gratifying to the author, to 
hear from some remote corner of his own country, the words: 
" Your story of Canada is a revelation we had thought of it as 
a cold barren land, when instead, you show us a land of marvel 
ous beauty, where mountain rivals lake, river and plain, where 
flowers grow in rich profusion, and where the horn of plenty is 
ever o erflowing for a happy contented people." Should that 
writer see the names of the great men of his own country, who 
have approved the author s works, he would think even more of 
the story of this North land. That is why the Patrons were 
chosen from the two sides of the line. That is why the author asked 
the approval of men of eminence of the two countries. 




Canada has been singularly fortunate in the men sent out 
from England to represent the Crown. These Governors General 
have been, with rare exceptions, most pleasing to Canada, few 
being so much so as the present Governor, Lord Minto, whose 
term is so shortly to end. 

The Earl of Minto, Gilbert John Murray Kynynmond Elliot, 
G.C.M.G., D.L., J.P., was born July 9th, 1845. He is the son of 
the third Earl, whom he succeeded in 1891. 

He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A.), and 
entered the Scots Guards in 1867, retiring in 1870 with the rank 
of lieutenant. He was for ten years Brigadier-General in com 
mand of the South of Scotland Infantry (1888 to 1898.) He has 
had a military experience extending over many parts of the Bri 
tish Empire. In 1877 we find him in the Turkish army; in 1879 
taking part in the Afghan war; in 1881 as private secretary to 
General Lord Roberts at the Cape; and in 1883 to 1885, military 
secretary to the Governor General of Canada, Marquis of Lans- 
downe. He was chief of staff in the Riel Rebellion in the North 
west (1885). 

In 1898 he was appointed to succeed the Earl of Aberdeen as 
Governor General of Canada. This was a difficult task, follow 
ing as he did the Aberdeens, who were immensely popular, but so 
well have the Mintos succeeded, that they will leave Canada uni 
versally beloved by the people of all the Dominion. 

Mary Caroline is the fourth daughter of the late General, 
the Hon. Charles Grey, son of the second Earl Grey, K.G., private 
secretary to Queen Victoria, and his wife Caroline Eliza, eldest 
daughter of Sir T. H. Farquhar, Bart." Thus Morgan intro- 

154 Ottawa, The Hub. 

duces the Countess of Minto, wife of the Governor General of 
Canada. While " Countess " is her title, democratic Canada 
knows and lovingly calls her 

Lady Minto. 

I have no means of knowing the popularity of other incumbents 
of Rideau Hall, but I have never seen a woman, in any station, 
more generally esteemed than is this charming lady, and her 
going away seems to be a universal regret. 

Lady Minto,, as may be seen in other portions of this volume, 
has taken an active part in all that interests her people, both in 
pleasure and for good. Her work in the erection of Cottage Hos 
pitals in remote districts (to the fund for which she subscribed 
liberally) ; the fund she instituted for the location, protection and 
decoration of the graves of Canadians who fell in the service of 
the Empire in South Africa, during the Boer war; the help she 
gave to the Minto wing of the Maternity Hospital in Ottawa ; 
her medals and prizes given for the ornamentation of the flo-wer 
garden of this city; the encouragement she has given to art gen 
erally, all tend to show what she has been to Canada. 

The part she has taken may be further seen by the numerous 
offices she has honored by accepting. She is Honorary President 
of the Aberdeen Association, Honorary President of trie Victorian 
Order of Nurses, Honorary President of the National Council of 
Women, and Honorary President of the Canadian League of 
Civic Improvement. 

Lady Minto is well known to our own people, among whom 
she has, and will ever, receive a cordial welcome. She has been 
received in audience by President McKinley, and since, by Presi 
dent Roosevelt. 

No one has ever done so much for skating in Canada as have 
Lord and Lady Minto. Of this I have written at length else 

Their home in England, to which they will soon return, is 
Minto House, one and a half miles from Hawick, in Roxburgh 
shire. It is near to the border of Scotland, and of the locality 
chosen by Scott for his " Lay of the Last Minstrel," if one may 
judge by: 

" In Hawick twinkled many a light, 
Behind them soon they set in night; 
And soon he spurr d his courser keen 
Beneath the tower of Hazeldean." 

This of Deloraine s night ride on his mission to the monk " In 
Melrose s holy pile." Then, again : 

" Elliots and Armstrongs never fail." 

Lord and Lady Minto. 155 


" Young Gilbert, let our beacon blaze, 
Our kin, and clan, and friends to raise." 

Both Lord and Lady Minto have literary ability, His Excellency 
having contributed largely to magazines, on military matters, while 
Her Excellency has contributed to English magazines on Cana 
dian life, more especially on outdoor sports, skating, toboggan- 
ning, &c. 

Rideau Hall, during the winter months, has been the centre 
of life in Ottawa, and one cannot but think that whoever follows 
these charming people will have a precedent of pleasure giving 
most difficult to follow. 

Just before the proroguing gf Parliament, an official farewell 
took place. The kindly sentiment toward their Excellencies may 
be seen by the speeches of the two leaders of the House. 

The Premier, in speaking of His Excellency, said: 

" He is a man most unflinching in the performance of his 
duty. Nothing can move him from what he conceives to be right. 
In all things he has been a model constitutional Governor, 
maintaining at all times the dignity of the Crown, and never for 
getting the rights of the people. He was not satisfied only to 
perform his duties in a merely perfunctory manner, but he took 
the trouble to go out and to get in close touch with the people. 
He visited different sections of the country. He was approached 
by all classes, and I am not speaking too strongly when I say that 
if it was possible to do so, he has drawn the Crown even nearer 
to the hearts of the people than it was before. 

Gracious Virtues. 

" Neither should we, upon such an occasion as this, forget 
Her Excellency, the Countess of Minto. The Countess of Minto 
has brought to Government House all the virtues which have 
adorned the Court of the late Queen Victoria, and which ar^ now 
maintained so worthily by Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. (Ap 
plause.) It is true that all these virtues have ever been conspi 
cuous at Government House, but it is only true to say also that in 
the Countess of Minto, in the present incumbent of that position, 
those virtues shine with a special grace and charm. Her Excel 
lency did not confine herself to fulfilling the duties of the social 
side of her station, but she went amongst the people and endea 
vored to alleviate suffering, and to bring the comforts of life and 
home to those who were homeless and comfortless. The fact that 
she has established the institution of cottage hospitals, which have 
been scattered all over the country, is in itself enough to endear 
her memory forever to the Canadian people." (Loud applause.) 

156 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Mr. R. L. Borden, the Opposition leader, heartily concurred 
in all the Premier had said, saying Lord and Lady Minto had en 
tered into the life of the Canadian people in all its details. 

Unalterable Loyalty. 

The address, in part, said : 

" We beg that when you deliver up to the King the charge 
committed to your hands by our late revered sovereign lady, 
Queen Victoria, you will not fail to assure His Majesty of the un 
alterable loyalty and devotion of the people of Canada to the 
throne, and their abiding affection for the motherland." 


Did you ever think what a strange thing is reputation ? It_ is 
one s character, either good or bad. If bad, it is soon known far 
and wide; but when good, it travels very slowly. There is so 
much of jealousy in the world that it takes a great force to drive 
one man past his fellows. This is both sad and discouraging, and 
yet, in a way, it is just and proper. The world must have lead 
ers, and it should have the best leaders. If it were easy for the 
mediocre to get past his fellows, there would be few really great 
men at the front. 

It is said that : " Some men are born great, others have great 
ness thrust upon them." He who said this, said in part only 
words, if he meant that the act of thrusting greatness upon a man 
made him, by the act, great. If it were true, then the beggar 
might be made a king, while in fact in heart and manner he 
would be the beggar still, a mere thing of flesh wearing a crown. 
The other part of the sentence is true. Great men are born so. 
They may be born poor they very often are but there is within 
them that which drives them to the front, past all obstacles. Op 
portunity, or its lack, may hold them back for a time, but when it 
comes they are ready. When opportunity came, Grant stepped 
into position, and relegated pigmies in uniform to the rear. What 
was impossible for them was easy for him. He was born with 

Lord Strathcona. 157 

All lands have their leaders. England has its great men, 
the United States its men of worth, Canada has its men of power. 

Were you ever in Mexico, and did you stand on some high 
elevation and look over a vast forest, and did you ever note some 
giant mahogany towering far above its mates? There was no 
question, for though many of those mates were tall and stately, 
that one tree stood above them all, and in their way they must 
have paid sylvan homage to the giant. 

As this is true of the forest, so it is true of men. We close 
our eyes, and in mental vision see the giants of every nation loom 
ing up. 

I have often visited art galleries, and looked upon row after 
row of pictures of men whose past prominence had merited them 
a place upon those walls of fame, and yet, as I looked, I could see 
only an occasional name even remotely familiar, while all others 
were forgotten. He who would live with his portrait through 
time must work for the happiness, rather than for the momentary 
applause of his fellows. 


I wrote the above long ago. I wondered then would I ever 
meet and know a man that preface would fit. I read them to -he 
rich. I read them to the poor. I read them to the hio-h in state. 
I read them to those of low degree. I asked in Canada : " Have 
you such an one?" There was but a single answer, for all said: 
We have such an one, and 

Lord Strathcona 

is the man." And when I met and knew him, it was a joy to say : 
The answer is a true one." 

The Duke of Argyle once said of him : " No man of Canada 
ever did so much, as a private citizen, for the making of the 
Dominion into a nation." He might well have left o"t of die 
sentence those words : " as a private citizen." Some men are true 
to narty first country second. With this great citizen it is coun 
try first and always. 

The years have been many since 1821, when Donald A. 
Smith began life in Morayshire, Scotland, but the mind of the 
man, now Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal is as clear as ever, 
while his judgment is more mature, and both are still at work for 

A famous man once said of him : "I knew him as Donald A. 
Smith, I knew him as Sir Donald, I have known him as Lord 
Strathcona, and in all the years he has ever been the same genial 
character titles and honors not changing him in the least." 

In my book on Montreal, I told bits here and there of his 
busy life. To have told it fully would have required a large 
volume which volume I may some day write, as an incentive to 

158 Ottawa, The Hub. 

young men, to show them the possibilities of what man may do 
endowed with an indomitable will, and a heart that beats for his 

In our country millionaires are giving away fortunes every 
year, and our country but smiles at the gifts, with no love for the 
givers for love prompts not the gifts ; whilst all over Canada, 
prayers go up nightly for the benefaction of this great man, for 
heart alone prompts his gifts, both great and small, gifts hun 
dreds of which will never be known, save to them whose hearts 
he has made happier. 

To the millions who know the man or his worth, I need say 
no more ; to those who know him not, I will but say : " Here is one 
whose name will be fresh in the hearts of his people, long after 
his portrait shall have faded from its canvas." 

In the largeness of his liberality, Lord Strathcona is like unto 
Peabody, and in the spirit of his giving, much like the late Geo. 
W. Childs, and holds the place, in the hearts of Canadians, that 
Helen Gould holds in the affections of all Americans. 

With many the highest order of man is the hospitable. This 
attribute embodies so much kindness of heart, love for human 
ity, and liberality of entertainment. Lord Strathcona is the very 
personification of Highland hospitality stronger words would be 
hard to find, and words less expressive would not fit the man. 


If all men were born equal, this would be a world of giants or 
pigmies, if either extremes were taken as the standard. I often 
wonder how it is that in one little world there can be differences 
so vast. Creatures there are, so small in mental capacity that 
thousands, aye millions, might drop out of being and yet the world 
not note their going. Then again, we see a single other creature, 
whose years are so full of that which advances the world s good, 
that his works will live long ages after he has gone. When I 
find such a man as this, a man whose years are replete with ac 
complishment, I have a great desire to steal space and tell of him, 
that perchance there may be those who have not known of him 
before. He whose name heads my sketch is stranger to few 
Canadians, nor is he unknown to him who has followed the 

Sir Sand ford Fleming. 159 

world men of deeds. I write not of Father Time, but the Father 
of Time of 

Standard Time. 

Many who read these lines will be surprised to know that in 
Ottawa dwells the man whose persistency changed the clocks of 
the world. It was Sir Sandford Fleming, who first saw the 
need of a time system, that would be general the world over. At 
first he was given scant courtesy, but oh, mark the change. The 
men, in England, who refused to listen to his words, when he had 
travelled across the ocean to speak to them, afterwards crossed 
to America to hear him talk, and they listened, for he talked to a 
purpose, and to-day the clock that strikes the hour at Greenwich, 
sounds round the globe. 

The Pacific Cable 

is another child of the Scotch genius, in whose indomitable will 
was conceived, and through whose persistent purpose was born 
this mighty accomplishment, and possibly before his sun shall have 
set he may read, " Tis done," flashed round the world on cables 
of the British Empire. 

It was Sir Sandford Fleming who ran the line of the Inter 
colonial Railway from Halifax to Montreal. It was Sir Sand- 
ford Fleming whose chain marked the way for the great Cana 
dian Pacific, thus completing the belt across the Continent. 

Sir Sandford Fleming was born at Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire, 
Scotland, January 7th, 1827. He came to Canada in 1845. ^ n 
1857 he was Chief Engineer of the Northern Railway. In 1863 
the people of the Red River country, (now Manitoba), sent him 
to England to urge a connection with Eastern Canada. On his 
return he was appointed to conduct the survey of the Intercol 
onial Railway, with which he remained until the last spike was 
driven. In 1871 he was made Chief Engineer of the Pacific 
Railway, and the initial work on the transcontinental line was done 
by him. The highest engineering authority of the day Pallisier 
pronounced the idea of securing a route through the Rocky 
Mountains, an impossible task. The master mind of Sir Sandford 
solved the problem, and found a way proving him even greater 
than a Pallisier. In 1872 he laid out the line across Newfound 
land for the railway from St. John s to St. George. 

Honors for Worth. 

He was made a C.M.G. in 1877 and in 1897 a K.C.M.G. In 
1880 he was made Chancellor of Queen s University, Kingston, 
and has held the honor ever since. In 1882 he was given the free 
dom of Kirkcaldy Burghs. In 1884 he was given the degree of 
LL.D. by St. Andrews University, and in 1887 was similary hon- 

160 Ottawa, The Hub. 

ored by Columbia College, New York City. In 1886 he was 
awarded the Confederation Medal by the Governor General. In 
1888 he was made President of the Royal Society of 
Canada. He is a member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 
England. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of Victoria 
Institute and numerous other societies. 


He was sent to Venice in 1881 to represent the Canadian In 
stitute and American Meteorological Society at the International 
Congress. In 1884 he represented the Dominion at the Inter 
national Prime Meridian Conference at Washington. In 1887 
he represented Canada at the Colonial Confederation in London. 
In 1893 he went to Australia and England re the Pacific Cable. 
In 1894 he was a member of the Colonial Conference in Ottawa 
a gathering first suggested by him. 

Writings. t 

Sir Sandford is a prolific and most able writer. Among his 
many works are " The Intercolonial A Historical Sketch," 
" Short Sunday Service for Travellers," " Daily Prayers for Busy 
Households," " Uniform Standard Time," " A Cable across the 
Pacific," "The Prime Meridian Question," "England and Can 
ada ; Old to New Westminster," " Expedition to the Pacific," 
" Parliamentary vs. Party Government," &c., &c. 

Saving of The Queen s Picture. 

If, while in Ottawa, you should visit the House of Commons, 
you will see there a beautiful painting of Queen Victoria, and 
thereby hangs a story of deep interest. More than one half cen 
tury ago or to be exact, April 25th, 1849 this picture hung in 
the Parliament Buildings in Montreal. On the morning of that 
ill-fated day those buildings stood intact the morning after they 
lay in ruins. It was burned by an enraged mob. As the fire lick 
ed up the great building, four men might have been seen beating; 
their way through the flames to the Legislative Hall, where hung 
the picture of the Queen, which had but shortly before been re 
ceived from England, where it had been painted by John Part 
ridge, portrait painter to Her Majesty. At sight of the portrait 
of their beloved Queen, the four men with one impulse, rushed 
to save it. The massive frame being firmly bolted to the wall, it 
was with great difficulty detached. When at last it fell, the 
stretching frame was quickly torn out, and each man under a cor 
ner, they carried it out into the air, and thus it was saved. On 
the morning after these four brave men had risked their lives to 
save the portrait, they were surprised to see, in a newspaper, 

Sir Sandford Fleming. 161 

giving an account of the fare, this item : " It is stated that the 
valuable oil painting of the Queen was torn down and carried off 
by four scoundrels." Sir Sandford Fleming was one of the four 
and in this instance was proud of the subroquet. Not for many 
years did he learn the names of the other three, all of whom are 
now dead. They were Colonel Wiley, a Mr. McGilleray, of the 
Eastern Townships, and the fourth an uncle of Colonel A. H. 
Todd, of the Parliamentary Library. 


Like all great men, Sir Sandford is broadminded. When the 
Ottawa University, in December last, met with its terrible dis 
aster by fire, he, although a Presbyterian and it Roman Catholic, 
was first to respond, not only by kindly sympathy, but graciously 
accepted the chairmanship of the general relief committee, and 
when again we may look upon this great institution of learning, 
risen phoenix-like from its ashes, no small part of its prompt re 
building will be due to this man of heart and action. 

Sir Sandford Fleming, like Lord Strathcona, is proverbial for 
the beautiful wording of short notes and letters. Their reading 
always gives good feeling, and they remain a pleasant memory. 
Other letters may on reading be cast aside into the waste paper 
basket, or burned on accumulation, but those of these two men 
are laid away and kept for future pleasure. 

Great men are ever kind to those beneath them. Said one 
who served under this leader in the long survey across the con 
tinent : " It was ever a pleasure to do our best for one so kind as 
Sir Sandford Fleming." 

^The London Morning Post well classed him " In the first rank 
of Colonial statesmen." And in concluding this necessarily brief 
outline of a busy life of great deeds, I cannot do so in more fitting 
words than were used by Canada s great citizen, Lord Strathcona, 
in speaking of Sir Sandford : " His name, that of a man who has 
done great and good work, not alone for Canada, but for the Em 
pire as a whole." He might well have said : " Canada, the Em 
pire, and the world as a whole," for true worth has no locality. 

1 62 Ottawa, The Hub. 


We had not been in Canada long before we had come to the 
conclusion that the principal product of Nova Scotia and New 
Brunswick was big men, and when we reached Ottasva, 
and had one after another of the great ones of the Dominion 
pointed out as " another from the Lower Provinces," we asked : 
" Why is this ? " 

" Oh, it s a habit grown chronic with that country. They 
can t help it. What ? Oh, I see, yes, it must be that you 
ought to go down some time ; fine fishing ground there !" Then 
he pointed out several others of the product. 

" See that tall, fine-looking gentleman to the right, near the 
front?" Of course I saw him, as he was one you would see and 
remark among many. " Well, that is Sir Frederick William 
Borden, Minister of Militia and Defence. He is from Nova 

Then, the old citizen, who knows everybody worth knowing, 
told us so much about Sir Frederick that we became greatly in 
terested, and asked Morgan for data biographical. 

" He is the son of the late Dr. Jonathan Borden, and was 
born at Cornwallis, N.S., May I4th, 1847. Was educated at 
King s College, Windsor (B.A. 1867). He afterward attended 
Harvard Medical School, receiving his M.D. in 1868. Returning 
to Nova Scotia, he practiced his profession at Canning, at the same 
time acting as agent for the Halifax Banking Company. In 
1893 he was appointed a member of the Provincial Board of 
Health. In 1895 he was elected Vice-President of the Liberal 
Association for the Maritime Provinces. 

" While in College he entered the Volunteer Militia Service, 
and in 1869 was appointed Assistant Surgeon of the 68th King s 
Company Battalion, was promoted Surgeon Major in 1883, and 
in 1893 became Hon. Surgeon Lt-Colonel. 

" From 1874 to 1882 he sat in the Dominion House of Com 
mons for King s County. He was defeated at the next general 
election, but in 1887 was returned, and has been re-elected each 
general election since. When his party (Liberal) came into 
power in 1896, he was appointed Minister of Militia and Defence." 

Some men in office seem to be misfits. They can fill the 
position in a way, but they can never bring out the possibilities 
of the place. Others seem born to the position, and could quickly 
bring order out of chaos. Sir Frederick is one of these men. It 
is agreed by all parties that the militia of Canada was never in so 
good a condition as it is to-day. Every branch of this department 
is fitted and running as smoothly as a finely-constructed piece of 
machinery, and if to-morrow the 40,000 force of the Dominion 
militia were called to war, every part could be ready to step into 

The Canadian a Natural Born Soldier. 163 

place. The Engineering Corps to mark the way, the Service 
Corps to bring up the supplies, the Intelligence Branch with 
classified information, with its corps of Guides, and the Medical 
Corps of competent young men to look after sick and wounded. 
All elements of an army, and each element most admirably chosen 
for the purpose of its being. 

When the First Contingent was called for to go to South 
Africa, it was enlisted fully equipped and on ship at Quebec for 
South Africa, 10,000 miles away, in just 14 days after the first 
man was enrolled. 

To appreciate what this means one must take into account 
that : " The contingent was enrolled, its units scattered over terri 
tory stretching 4,000 miles from ocean to ocean, were mobilized,, 
clothed, equipped, armed and concentrated and sailed for South 
Africa." (C. A. Mathews, in Canadian Magazine.) 

Nor does the above fully convey the marvellous feat of this 
young country. Read this from the report of Colonel D. A. Mac- 
donald, Chief Superintendent of Militia Stores : 

With the exception of the arms and Oliver equipment, there 
was little in store charge to meet the special requirements of such 
a force. 

" A statement of articles to be provided was made out, and 
the contractors for clothing, and merchants likely to be in a posi 
tion to meet the demands, were communicated with. 

" The material for the clothing had to be made the contrac 
tors had none on hand. Everyone concerned, however, started to 
work with a will, and the equipment, as per the following list, was 
issued to the regiment. The actual date of sailing was October 
3Oth, 1899, one day within the limit given. The work was con 
sequently accomplished in 14 days by the staff of the Branch, 
without extra help." 

Then follows a list of thousands of articles, which were manu 
factured and collected all in so short a time. Yes, " marvellous " 
is the word. 

Sir Frederick has collected about him a staff of men well cal 
culated to second his efforts, and to do each his part in perfecting 
the system that is bringing up the citizen soldiery of the Dominion 
to a very high degree of proficiency. The Canadian is a natural- 
born soldier. This was proven in the South African war, where 
many a boy from office, field or workshop won his V.C. or D.S.O. 
for deeds of daring that would have done honor to a Spartan of 

The Staff. 

The Staff or heads of the various branches of the great de 
partment are a fine body of men, many of them with records 
worthy of extended notice. 

164 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Deputy Minister Colonel L. F. Pinault. 

Adjutant-General and Officer Commanding the Canadian 
Militia Colonel the Right Honourable Matthew Lord Aylmer. 

Aide-de-Camp Major E. M. T. Reward. 

Military Secretary Lieut.-Col. H. Smith. 

Deputy Adjutant-General Col. B. H. Vidal. 

Assistant Adjutant General for Artillery Lieut.-Col. R. W. 

Inspector for Musketry Lieut.-Col. Robert Cartwright, 

Director General of Intelligence Col. W. A. C. Denny. 

Intelligence Staff Officers Lieut.-Col. V. B. Rivers, Major 
A. Clyde Caldwell, and, Capt. W. B. Anderson. 

Railway Intelligence Col. Samuel Hughes, M.P. 

Quartermaster General Col. Wm. H. Cotton. 

Assistant Quartermaster General Lieut-Col. A. Lyons 

Director General Engineer Services Lieut.-Col. P. Wea- 
therbe . 

Assistant Director General of Engineer Services Major G. 
S. Maunsell. 

Director General of Ordnance Col. D. A. Macdonald, I.S.O. 

Assistant Director General of Ordnance Lieut.-Col. J. B. 

Director General Medical Services Lieut.-Col. E. Fiset, 

Royal Military College. 

The West Point of Canada is located at Kingston. It is the 
Royal Military College, started when Wm. Ross, M.P., was Min 
ister of Militia. It ranks very high, quite up to the standard, it 
is claimed, of the Military Colleges of the Empire. There was a 
time when it was difficult to get young men now applicants are 
far beyond the capacity of the College, and a fine lot of boys they 
are, too. Many of them are from Ottawa from some of the 
best families. 

Sir Frederick s aim has not been to increase the force of the 
militia so much as to increase its efficiency, and to make it self- 

There was a time when the militia of Canada had to depend 
upon outside countries for its supplies. Now all ammunition, 
rifles, army supplies of every kind, are made in this country in 
short, everything but large ordnance is " made in Canada " as 
they are pleased to say. 

The Militia Force. 

There are 12 Military Districts, which I give herewith, with 
the commanding officers : 

Schools of Military Instruction. 165 

No. i, London, Ont. Col. James Peters, A.D.C., (Aide-de- 
Camp to His Excellency the Governor General.) 

No. 2, Toronto, Ont. Col. Wm. Dillon Otter. C.B., (Com 
panion of the Order of the Bath), A.D.C. 

No. 3, Kingston, Ont Col. L. Btichan, C.M.G., A.D.C. 

No. 4, Ottawa, Ont. Lieut-Col. W. E. Hodgins. 

No. 5, Montreal, P.Q. Col. Wm. D. Gordon. 

No. 6, St. John s, P.Q. Lieut-Col. Alexandre Roy. 

No. 7, Quebec, P.Q. Lieut-Col. O. C. C. Pelletier. 

No. 8, St. John, N.B. Lieut-Col. G. Rolt White. 

No. 9, Halifax, N. S. Col. Jas. Douglas Irving. 

No. 10, Winnipeg Man. Col. T. D. B. Evans. 

No. n, Victoria, B.C. Col. J. G. Holmes. 

No. 12, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Lieut-Col. Fred. Strong. 

Schools of Instruction. 

There are five Depots or Divisions where are located Schools 
of Instruction. These are at (i) London, (2) Toronto, (3) St. 
John s, P.O., (4) Fredericton, (5) Quebec. At these depots are 
stationed Canada s " Standing Army," which, unlike any other in 
the world, the 1,000 men who compose it are not so much to do 
fighting as to train others to fight. During the year instructors 
are sent to the various camps in the Dominion to " teach young 
ideas to " no, I mean to instruct the militia how to shoot. From 
the way, however, the boys shot last fall down on the Rifle Range, 
the Colonel and I came to the conclusion that it would be a very 
skilful instructor indeed who could give them any points on shoot 
ing. Why, he who could not make a series of bull s eyes at 1,000 
yards "wasn t in it." The Colonel and I tried it one day, and 
the markers haven t yet found where we hit. 

Sir Frederick is of old Colonial connection. " His great 
grandfather, Samuel Borden, of Tiverton, Mass., was sent to 
Acadia by the Governor of Rhode Island, to survey the lands 
vacated at the expulsion of the Acadians." He returned to Tiver 
ton, but left his son, Percy Borden, and the family have ever 
since resided there. 

Sir Frederick s family consists of Lady Borden who was 
Miss Bessie Clarke, of Canning, N.S. Miss Borden, and Miss 
Maud Borden. 

_ Major Harold, his only son, met his death in the South 
African war while gallantly leading a company of the Canadian 
Mounted Rifles, at the battle of Witpoort, in the Transvaal, where 
an Irish Regiment was being sorely pressed by the Boers. His gal 
lant action merited and received words of commendation from 
Lord Roberts and others of high rank. 

The Ottawa residence of the Minister is Stadacona Hall, on 
Theodore Street, once the home of Sir John A. Macdonald. 

1 66 Ottawa, The Hub. 


Robert Laird Borden, leader of the Opposition (Conserva 
tive) Party of Canada, was born at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia, 
June 26th, 1854. He is the son of the late Andrew Borden, 
and was educated at Accasia Villa Academy, Horton. He began 
the study of law in 1874, and was called to the bar in 1878, be 
coming a Queen s Counsel in 1891. His legal abilities soon 
placed him prominent among the pleaders before the Supreme 
Court of Canada, and he has been engaged in many cases before 
the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 

He has always been a leader, first among the boys at school, 
then among men. In 1893, he became President of the Nova 
Scotia Barristers Society, which position of honor he held up 
to the present year, when he declined re-election. 

Entering politics in 1896, he was elected to the House of 
Commons, and re-elected in 1900. When Sir Charles Tupper, 
in 1901, resigned as leader of the Conservative Party, Mr. 
Borden was chosen to fill that honorable position. 

It has been said that " with the possible exception of Sir 
John Thompson, Canada has never seen another public man rise 
so rapidly to a foremost place in her affairs as Mr. R. L. Borden/ 
This same writer said again. " The coming of Mr. Borden has 
been a miracle of swift achievement. He emerged from the 
twilight fame of a successful local law practice in 1896, by mod 
estly taking his seat as a member for Halifax, in the House of 
Commons. Very soon it was felt that the new Opposition had 
in its legal recruit a powerful critic, an incisive student of politi 
cal matters, and an effective debater." 

Mr. Borden s ability as a Parliamentarian would indeed have 
to be of a very fine order to cope with the members of the Gov 
ernment, who for years had been trained in all the intricasies 
of political debate. 

He is a deep thinker, putting his arguments in a pleasant 
and convincing manner. He impresses the listener as being 
scrupulously honest in all he says. The truth of his argument 
may irritate, but his manner is so courteous, that he seldom 
angers his opponent, while convincing the "jury." 

Unlike the Stump Orator, whose "speech 3 is pleasing ^to 
hear, but forgotten before dinner, Mr. Borden s is heard with 
pleasure, and afterwards read with delight from one end of the 
Dominion to the other. 

It is a strong character, whom friends praise for ability, and 
opponents for fairness. R. L. Borden is such a character, 
nature he is fair, by natural endowment and training he is able, 
and when we think of his comparative youth, we cannot but won 
der what he will attain with age, but neither age nor position 

Robert Laird B or den. 167 

will change the man his genial nature, ungoverned by policy, 
will make and hold friends regardless of party affiliation. His 
popularity is attested by the many cities throughout Canada, 
vicing with each other in confering honors and presenting gifts 
to himself and Mrs. Borden scarcely less a favorite than her 
husband. And apropos of this brilliant lady. Not long since, 
Speaker Belcourt, who has the rare gift of always grace 
fully doing the proper thing at the proper time, officially recog 
nized the right of the wife of the Opposition leader to a seat in 
that part of the gallery reserved for the wives of Cabinet Minis 
ters. In speaking of Mrs. Borden, one of these ladies said, of 
her excellent qualities : " She has ideas, lots of them ; she under 
stands public questions, is a Woman s Council worker, is keenly 
alive to all matters of interest or importance to women, is a splen 
did hostess, a devoted wife and a charming woman what 
more would you have ? " I have never heard given, a better an 
swer than hers, to the question : " Do you believe in Woman 
Suffrage? which answer was given in a recent interview with 
a Society writer. Mrs Borden replied : " I do not, to my mind 
a wife is, or should be, a helpmeet, and the wife of a politician can, 
and ought to be, a help to her husband in a thousand ways, with 
out actually entering the political arena herself. To have some 
knowledge of public questions of the day, to understand the politi 
cal issues with which her husband is concerned, make his interests 
hers intelligently and sympathetically is not this possible with 
out a vote? Not every one knows how exacting and how wear 
ing is an active public life. Now if a wife understands her hus 
band s capacity for work, studies his comfort and guards nis 
health, is she not doing something as important as if she herself 
made speeches or voted?" Yes, and no "Yes," if all wives 
were as capable as the one who could give so brilliant an answer 
as the above and "no," if the politician were of the ordinary 
variety. In the latter case, she might be doing the country a ser 
vice, by taking the stump herself. 

Illustrative of Mr. Borden s happy faculty of impromptu 
speaking, and saying pleasing things at the right time, and fur 
ther, as showing Mrs. Borden s popularity, not long since they 
were being presented with a case of silver, in the House. In 
response to the presentation speech, in which the speaker paid 
especial compliment to Mrs. Borden, the Leader said, among 
many other happy things, " I was out playing golf one even 
ing last week, in coming up to where some ladies were making slow 
headway, I heard one of them remark, we must hurry, we are 
obstructing the play of the Leader of the Opposition. Said one 
of the others, without turning around, Oh, I didn t know that 
Mrs. Borden was out this evening. 

1 68 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Asks an Extension. 

And speaking of "wife," I am reminded of a good story of 
Borden s young manhood, a story that will bring up pleasant 
memories of the days when he, at nineteen, taught school in the 
Glenwood Institute at Mattawan, not far from my New Jersey 
home. Then ( 1874) as now, there was in the town a Literary So 
ciety, one of the features of which is to read a book and prepare and 
deliver a criticism on it. Now, be it remembered, that in those 
days R. L., was not the finished speaker we know him to-day, but 
instead a timid, almost bashful boy. Some of the old maids on 
the Committee on books, appreciating this fact, and thinking to 
have a bit of fun at the young Canadian teacher s expense, selected 
for him Harriat Beecher Stowe s book : "My Wife and I." You 
will remember that in this story are, " My Child Wife," " My 
Dream Wife " and " My Real Wife." The night came for him 
to deliver his criticism he had no trouble with "My Child Wife" 
and "My Dream Wife" was criticised so charmingly that many 
of the younger maidens sighed : " Oh, that I were that Dream ! " 
But the Committee, in fact all, sat waiting for the last of the three. 
When he had finished with the two, he stopped, turned to the 
Committee and timidly said : " Our By-laws, I believe, give the 
right of extension of time if one is not prepared with one s criti 
cism ladies, I must claim that right I am not prepared to criti 
cise " My Real Wife," and must ask an extension." 

How long a time do you wish ? " coyly asked the Chair 

Well, from present prospects I think I shall require about 
520 weeks," and amid smiles, that have not even yet ceased to 
ripple along the sea girt shores of Mattawan, the young Nova 
Scotian sat down. 

Could Not Jolly Him. 

In 1888, he with another " down Easter," was traveling from 
Liverpool to London. On the way, they fell in with a number of 
jolly young Englishmen, who on learning that the two were 
"Colonials," thought to have a "shy" at them. On the way the 
engine took up water from a trough between the rails. The 
Englishmen remarked this, and one of them began boasting of 
their wonderful improvements "Why, dontcher know, we have 
every convenience in this country you saw the engine taking 
watah back there? That s nothing, why on some of our roads, 
they take up coal the same way, at 50 miles an hour." Borden 
catching the spirit of the " jolly " said, with due solemnity : 
"That is nothing, gentlemen, to what we have in Canada. Ah, 
there s the country for you ! You people are slow over 
here ! You should see the way we do on our roads 
we not only take up water and coal, but just before 
we left, one of the roads had put on a device to take on passengei s, 

The Boy and the Bald-headed Preacher. 169 

in the same way we had to do it, as our roads are so long that 
we can t waste time stopping." There was no more jollying of 
" Colonials " on that trip. 

Seats for Six. 

Once a Judge in Nova Scotia, questioned the letter of the law, 
which said, * All Seven Judges must sit to form a quorum." 

Why," said the questioning Judge, who was anxious to get 
off from sitting, on an election appeal, in which Mr. Borden was 
interested, " Why, see, there are but six seats." 

Doubtless your Honor," said Mr. Borden, with a twinkle, 
"the carpenter who framed those seats considered that six Judges 
were all that was necessary, but the men who framed, the law took 
a different view." The Judge sat on the extra chair provided 
for him. 

The Boy and the Bald-headed Preacher. 

Mr. Borden is a born investigator. In Nova Scotia, it is a 
proven fact that bald-heads do not contain the preponderence 
of brains. Up to four years of age, the Leader of the Opposition, 
had never seen a "front row" man. One day a good old preacher 
called, bringing with him a head of the billiard ball variety. It 
was a revelation to the boy, who hung around the corners of the 
room, trying to analyse the mystery at a distance, but failing to 
statisfy his curiosity, and taking advantage of the temporary ab 
sence of his mother, he pushed a chair up behind the good man, 
and on the mother s return, to her consternation^ she found young 
Robert standing up behind the old gentleman, most intently ex 
amining the phenomenon at close quarters. 

It is said, that he has since learned a great deal on this sub 
ject, and found many heads bald on both sides in as well as out. 
It is also said, by those who are well informed, that he has no 
fear whatever of either variety, or even both combined in one 
instances of which combination being on record. 

Secret of His Success. 

What is the secret of Mr. Borden s success ? " I asked of 
a writer from the Lower Provinces. 

Thoroughness, gained by a good head and hard work. You 
may not be aware of the fact, but Mr. Borden has few equals arid 
no superiors in the Dominion when it comes to intricate cases at 
the bar. Why, do you know that there was never, or at least 
seldom, to be a contested case of note, that R. L. Borden was not 
on one side or the other? Yes, and so thorough is he, that when 
he states a thing, or cites an authority, even the Judges learned 
that it was not necessary to turn it up and compare the citation 
with the text ; when he states a matter of evidence, they know chat 

Ottawa, The Hub. 

he has taken the pains to ascertain the absolute correctness of his 

" Genius has been defined to be the power to take infinite 
pains with little things. To this may be largely ascribed Mr. 
Borden s success." 

" And again," he continued, " Mr. Borden relies more upon 
his head than upon his tongue. He may not tickle the fancy of 
the idle listener by his flowery flights of pyrotechnic oratory Jiat 
mean nothing, but his words stay in the minds of his hearers, and 
they believe in his sincerity. He does nothing for momentary 
effect, but always speaks for a lasting purpose. That is why 
he wins confidence, that is why people believe in him I may be 
prejudiced in his favor, but down home it has grown to be a 
habit, and we cannot help it." He said much else, but it is no 
part of my purpose to touch political matters. It is the man and 
not his political trend, the man and not his creed, that interests 
me. R. L. Borden, aside from trend or creed, has a personality 
greatly to be admired.* 


" The right man in the right place !" This might well be said 
of the Dominion Minister of Agriculture. From the year he took 
office (1896) to the present, his department has shown one con 
tinued increase in all its many branches. Mr. Fisher has con 
ducted the affairs of his department as a careful, wise business 
man would conduct his private business, if one may judge from the 
marked improvement in every branch of it, as I will show fur 
ther on . 

He was the son of Arthur Fisher, M.D., L.R.C.S., and was 
born in Montreal in 1850. Educated in the High School, McGill 
University, and Trinity College, Cambridge, England (B.A. 1871). 

After leaving college he devoted himself to the scientific prin 
ciples of farming, including dairying, stock raising, fruit grovV- 

* The day this book went to pre^s Mr. Borden was defeated in the landslide of 
Nov. 3, 1904. Even the Liberals themselves seem now to regret it, as ho is so generally 
liked and his statesmanship recognized before party feeling. He will doubtless be 
chosen at a bye election. 

The Colonel asks at this point: "H >w do 5-011 spell that word?" and I spell it 
very slowly and carefully for him: " B-y-e, not B-ii-y." 

Sidney Fisher. 171 

ing, &c., and to-day stands possibly without a peer in scientific 
farming on the continent. The Province of Quebec (he is from 
Brome County, in that province) very soon recognized his abili 
ties. He founded the Provincial Fruit Growers Association ; he 
was President of the Ensilage and Stock Feeding Association of 
Montreal ; Vice-President of the Provincial Dairy Association, and 
Director of the Brome Agricultural Society. 

In 1880 he entered Dominion politics, and in 1882, and again 
in 1887, was elected for Brome in the House of Commons. tie 
was defeated by one vote in 1891. He took an active interest 
throughout Canada, and when his party (Liberal) came into 
power in 1896, he was made Minister of Agriculture. In 1900 
he was re-elected by a large majority. 

If a Huron were asked to give Air. Fisher a name, that name 
would be one meaning "The-Man-Who-Does-Things." He had 
been in office but a short time when he secured from the United 
States the removal of quarantine restrictions to the trade in 
cattle, with the result that the trade with us rose from $195,814, 
from 1890 to 1896, to $6,419,385, from 1896 to 1903. Before he 
assumed office, stock cattle were at such a low price that it did not 
pay to raise them, and calves were killed for their hides; but in 
1903 stock values had increased five fold. 

In 1897 he adopted measures that added millions of dollars 
to the farmers of Canada, in connection with refrigeration on ocean 
steamships by mechanical and chemical means, and the establish 
ment of a far-reaching machinery for the marketing abroad of 
Canada s perishable products. In the same year (1897) he secur 
ed the passage of a Bill for registering cheese factories and cream 
eries, and the branding of dairy products, thus preventing mis 
representation as to date of manufacture. 

In 1898 the " San Jose Scale " was doing great damage to 
the fruit trees of the Western States. Mr. Fisher introduced a 
Bill to protect Canada against the pest, with the result that it was 
practically kept out. This led up to a wide systematic extension 
of the scientific spraying of fruit trees and so forth, that has done, 
is doing, and will do incalculable good to the fruit-growing in 
dustry of the Dominion. 

In 1899 he appointed a Dominion Live Stock Commissioner 
(F. W. Hodson,) and also an Agriculturist (J. H. Grisdale,) at 
the Central Experimental Farm, and has brought up, the live stock 
interest of Canada to a high degree of excellence. Not only is it 
being improved, but the business has greatly increased under his 
wise supervision. The export trade has grown, and the general 
business of cattle raising greatly increased. The exports of cattle 
grew from $6,816,000 in 1896, to $10,842,438 in 1903. In 1900 
less than $5,000 were paid for stock cattle sent from the Eastern 
Provinces to British Columbia, while $50,000 were paid in 1901. 

172 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Mr. Fisher has worked up an active, intelligent interest in 
every branch of his department. He has established Farmers 
Institutes in all provinces where they had not already been estab 
lished, and given a healthy impetus to the whole; he has done 
much to improve the working of Agricultural Societies; he has 
established provincial auction sales of live stock ; he has extended 
interprovincial trade in live stock; has established or extended 
provincial live stock associations, and done much toward educat 
ing the people by means of agricultural shows ; and has, through 
press and bulletins, created a desire among the farmers to know 
and follow the best in all lines of agriculture. 

He has done a great work in the interest of fruit growers, 
and if Canada is to-day one of the great fruit countries of che 
world, much is due to his efforts. In 1901 he secured the pas 
sage of the " Fruit Marks Act," which provides for an accurate 
inspection of fruit, and the correct marking of packages, with the 
result that Canadian fruit has taken its place at the very head of 
the list. 

In the dairying interest, he has added millions of dollars to the 
wealth of Canada. In 1890 the exports in this line were $9,712,- 
343; in 1903 they were $31,667,561. In 1890 there were 1,565 
cheese factories and 170 creameries; in 1900 there were 2,398 
cheese factories, 629 creameries, and 554 combined cheese and 
butter factories. The exports of cheese in 1896 were $i395 6 ,57 T 
in 1903 they were $24,712,943; and not only in quantity, but .he 
quality had been greatly improved by proper curing, which was 
brought about by Mr. Fisher. In the interest of the butter makers, 
it is unlawful to make or to sell oleomargine or other fake butter 
in Canada. 

The experiments carried on under the supervision of his de 
partment are showing great results in the feeding and proper 
treatment of bacon and ham producers, and getting the best re 
sults from poultry raising. 

Figures and not assertions count. Taking the seven years 
prior to Mr. Fisher s entrance into office, and comparing them 
with the following seven years of his management of the affairs 
of his department, I find that in the matter of eggs, butter, cheese, 
bacon, ham and pork, the increased sales are $i33>45 1 >59 1 > or $^ 2 5 
gain for each one of the 471,833 Canadian farmers. And to 1 make 
another seven years comparison : while the United States exports 
of cheese decreased $20,665,637, Canada s exports increased 
$46,339,618, and during that time, while the exports of butter from 
the United States increased $6,706,923, Canada s exports increas 
ed $22,729,379. 

Not content with building up his department at home, Mr. 
Fisher has ever taken a lively interest in extending the trade of 
his country into all parts of the world. He has spent months at 

Charles Fitzpatrick. 173 

a time looking over the European field, and during the winter of 
1903 visited the Fifth National Exhibition at Osaka, Japan, and 
already Canadian trade is largely benefiting as the result of these 

Mr. Fisher also has in his Department the Patents and Copy 
rights of Canada, under the charge of that genial gentleman, 
Mr. W. J. Lynch. 

Apropos of copyright; Mr. Fisher, in 1900, had an Act passed 
of great interest to both authors and publishers, as well as to the 
Imperial authors. 

The above are but the cullings from a great volume. Were 
I to present in detail what this man has accomplished, it might 
give you a better conception of the developments of Canada as, 
like the Interior Department, the Agriculture shows the rapid 
growth of the country more than any others. 

Mr. Fisher s able staff, are T. K. Doherty, Private Secretary ; 
G. T. O Halloran, Deputy Minister ; Dr. F. Montizambert, Public 
Health Branch; Animal Health Branch, Dr. J. G. Rutherford; 
Archivist, A. G. Doughty; Copyrights, J. B. Jackson; Statisti 
cian, Geo. Johnson ; Accountant s Office, F. C. Chittick ; Agricul 
ture and Dairying, Prof. J. W. Robertson; Exhibition Branch, 
Colonel Wm. Hutchison; others mentioned elsewhere. 


Charles Fitzpatrick was born at Sillery, December I9th, 1853. 
" He was born at Sillery." To you this may be only words, but 
to those who have trod the historic grounds of this ancient village 
a quaint suburb of dear old Quebec it brings up pleasant 
memories. The very name makes glad my heart. 

Mr. Fitzpatrick is the son of the late John Fitzpatrick, a mem 
ber of a family who for generations have lived in County Water- 
ford, Ireland. His grandfather also John was a lifelong friend 
of the great Irish leader, Daniel O Connell, and was present on 

A Famous Speech. 

the occasion when O Connell made the famous Irish speech, 
which the London Times had sent its best representative to report, 
sent him all the way from London. It was in the hope that the 
speaker might say something treasonable, and the Times would 
gain fame by first reporting it. When O Connell was ready to 

174 Ottawa, The Hub. 

begin, the reporter stood waiting, pencil in hand, to take down the 
words. The crowd, taking in the situation, began a demonstra 
tion that boded ill to the man from " Lunnun," but O Connell, 
seeing the danger, invited the reporter to come upon the stage, 
gave him a chair, even had a table brought that he might not be 
inconvenienced in his writing. 

"Are you comfortable?" asked O Connell. 

" Yes, and many thanks for your kindness." 

" Are you ready ?" 

" Yes, I m quite ready." 

" Now, if I speak too fast, don t hesitate to tell me. I some 
times talk rapidly when I get warmed up to my subject." 

Then, as if another thing had occurred to him, he said : " Oh, 
by the way, my friend, seeing as I have treated you fairly, I want 
you to promise me to treat me the same. I don t mind your re 
porting what I say, but I want you to promise not to put words 
into my mouth I have not uttered. Do you promise?" 

" I do, I do ; upon my honor I do !" 

" Now, follow as I begin." And turning to the vast crowd, 
the great orator commenced his speech in Irish. 

The old grandfather, in describing this, told how O Connell 
would turn around every few moments and ask : " Are you quite 
comfortable? Do I speak too rapidly? You are reporting me 
fairly?" Finally, the reporter beat a retreat, not being able to 
stand the ridiculous position in which he was placed by the great 
Irish leader. That was one of O Connell s speeches never printed. 

Mr. Fitzpatrick was educated in the Quebec High School, at 
St. Anne s College, and finished at Laval University, taking his 
B.C.L. with the highest honors, winning the Governor General s 
(Lome) medal. 

For fourteen years Mr. Fitzpatrick kept out of active parti 
cipation in affairs of state, but finally, in 1890, he consented to re 
present Quebec County in the Assembly. In 1896 he resigned, 
and was returned for the same county to the House of Commons. 
He was appointed, that same year, Solicitor General, an office 
created in 1887, but which was not brought into force by pro 
clamation until in 1892. And in 1902, when David Mills resigned 
as Minister of Justice to take a position on the Supreme Court 
Bench, he was appointed to this high place in the Dominion 
Cabinet. The portfolio of Minister of Justice is of recent origin. 
The Minister is the official advisor of the Governor General, and 
legal member of His Majesty s Privy Council for Canada. In 
short, he is Canada s legal head with us he is the Attorney Gen 
eral. The Minister of Justice is also here the Attorney General. 

From the very first Mr. Fitzpatrick was a successful lawyer, 
and rapidly rose to one of the first in his profession. He formed 
a partnership with Sir Adolphe Caron shortly after entering the 

A Famous Orator. 175 

bar, the firm now being Fitzpatrick, Parent, Taschereau, Roy and 
Caron, second to none in the Dominion. 

He has conducted some of the most famous cases in Canada. 
The United States employed him in the John Eno extradition 
case; the Belgian Government in the Canon-Bernard case; and 
in 1885 he was chief counsel for Louis Riel, of Rebellion fame or 
notoriety. Then, in 1892, he defended the late Hon. H. Mercier. 
These are but illustrations of the many cases of national and in 
ternational note in which this illustrious lawyer has taken part. 
In 1893 he was created a Queen s Counsel, and was called to the 
Ontario bar in 1896. In 1897 he represented the Dominion Gov 
ernment before the Privy Council in England in the Fisheries 

He was married in 1879 to Miss Corinne, daughter of the 
late Hon. R. E. Caron. Five children, four daughters and one 
son, have blessed the union. 

Mr. Fitzpatrick s private secretaries are Mr. J. Mullin and 
Mr. J. D. Clarke. The Deputy Minister of Justice is Mr. E. L. 
Newcombe, M.A., LL.B., K.C., who was appointed by Sir John 
Thompson in 1893, and has held the position up to the present 


On July 5th, 1846, there was born, on a hilly farm in High 
land County, Ohio, near the village of Rainsford, one of the 
greatest orators of his time, Joseph B. Foraker. When but little 
more than a mere boy he enlisted in the 8gth Ohio Volunteer In 
fantry, and served throughout the war of the Rebellion. He went 
in as a private, became a First Lientenant, and at the close was a 
brevet Captain. Returning he attended College at Delaware, Ohio, 
and later, in 1869, graduated with honors, at Cornell University, 
and that same year was admitted to the bar, and began at once 
to practice law in Cincinnati, where he very soon took a position 
at the very head of his profession. In 1870, he married Miss 
Julia, the talented daughter of the Honorable H. S. Bundy, of 
Jackson County, Ohio. Their sons and daughters hold the very 
highest social position in America. 

In 1879, he was elected Judge of the Superior Court, and 
held the position until 1882 when he resigned, on account of ill 

176 Ottawa, The Hub. 

In 1883, he was defeated for Governor of the State, but was 
elected for that office in 1885, and again in 1887, but in 1889 he 
was defeated. 

In 1897, he was made a United States Senator, to which 
position he was returned, in 1903, to serve until 1909. In this 
our highest branch of representative government, he has few 
equals and no superiors. 

I spoke of him as an orator I have never heard his eoual. 
There is a fascination in his voice and manner, that holds his lis 
teners spell-bound, as long as he chooses to speak, and when ae 
closes, his audience would fain cry for more. I shall never for 
get, such a scene at Cooper Union, in New York City, during a 
Presidential election. The Senator had spoken for an hour and 
a half, and knowing that other speakers were to follow, sat down, 
amid thunders of applause. The next speaker tried to be heard, 
but the vast audience would not listen but kept up the calls for 
" Foraker Foraker ! ! " until he consented to continue, which he 
did, occupying the time of all the, others. 

The Senator was once asked the secret of oratory. Hard 
stu dy hard study, and knowing what to say. Too many think 
of it wholly as a gift and wonder why they fail. There are none 
so gifted as to succeed without work and a whole lot of hard 

It will soon be Ohio s turn for the Presidency. Almost two 
whole terms will have passed with another State holding that hign 
position. This to an Ohioan, seems a long time. When our turn 
comes again, I am very certain that the scene at Cooper Union, 
will be reenacted, and the same call will be heard, Foraker! 
Foraker ! ! " 


"Results" seem to be the watchword of the men who are 
guiding and directing the affairs of " The New Canada. l\or 
dees that watchword more brilliantly illumine the banner of any 
other of the " guides " than that of Sir William Mulock the 
Postmaster General, who found a very large deficit, reduced 
postage rates by one-third, and at the end of seven years saw the 
vast deficit wiped out, and a surplus of hundreds of thousands of 
dollars coming into the treasury. 

Sir Wm. Mulock. 177 

Some one once asked : " Does a college education make or 
mar a man for a business career? I forget the answer, but it 
should have been : "It s all owing to the man." Sir William is a 
pronounced type of college man, and results show that a naturally 
brilliant intellect has not been made less capable in business by rea 
son of an education of a very high order, but quickened rather 
than marred that intellect. 

William Mulock was born January igth, 1843, at Bond Head, 
Ont. He was the son of Thomas H. Mulock, of the Royal Col 
lege of Surgeons. He was educated at Newmarket Grammar 
School, and at the Toronto University, graduating a B.A. in 1863, 
taking the gold medal for modern languages. He was an M.A. 
in 1871, and in 1894 received the degree of LL.D. from the To 
ronto University, of which he has been a Senator since 1873. In 
1881 he was elected Vice-Chancellor, which office he resigned in 
1900. He founded a scholarship in mathematics in this Uni 

Going into Dominion politics he was elected for North York 
in 1882, and when his party (Liberal) came into power in 1896, 
he was promptly made Postmaster General. The wisdom of the 
selection I have already indicated. 

In 1898, on his suggestion, an Imperial Postal Conference 
was held and on his resolution, postage was reduced to 2 cts. per 
half ounce, so that he may be called the 

Father of Cheap Postage. 

This took effect on Christmas Day of that year. One week later, 
on January ist, 1899, owing to his efforts, a 2c. rate was made to 
the United States, and again, to him is due the fact that news 
papers may now be sent into nearly every country in the world, 
as cheaply as you may send them around the corner. The im 
mediate result of reduced postage was a greatly increased 

In June, of 1901, he was sent to Australia, as a delegate to 
represent Canada at the inauguration of the first Parliament of 
the Commonwealth. 

In 1902 he was one of the Canadian representatives at the 
Coronation of King Edward. 

That same year he was made a K.C.M.G. The high honor 
has in no way changed his cordial manner, for as that clever 
writer, H. Franklin Gadsby said, in the Canadian Magazine, of 
December, 1903 : " His bluff, hearty manner, which strangers 
mistake for brusquerie, his simple tastes, his characteristic love 
of soil he has a beautiful country seat at Newmarket are all 
summed up in his nick-name " Farmer Bill," and again, " Sir 
William is a man of the classes, if we have classes in Canada. 

178 Ottawa, The Hub. 

He has gentle blood in his veins, but man of the classes as he is, 
he has always been on the side of the masses. In this respect, 
he approaches very nearly the late William Ewart Gladstone." 

Speaking of his integrity, this writer says : " Sir William 
is ever true to his promises. It is conceded that his word once 
given is as good as his bond." From this, one must infer that 
Sir William is not a politician. 

His fairness has made him an ideal head of another depart 
ment of Government that of Minister of Labour. He studied 
New Zealand system that of arbitration and conciliation and 
has applied it to Canada in a modified form. He took our Labor 
Gazette and we find, in the Labor Gazette of Canada, a paper 
suited to the conditions of this country. 

Sir William has an able staff of assistants, who aside from 
his courteous private secretary, Mr. E. H. Laschinger, are as 
follows : 

1. Deputy Postmaster General, R. M. Coulter. 

2. Secretary, Wm. Smith. 

3. Accountant, W. J. Johnstone. 

4. Supt. Money Order Branch, Walter Rowan. 

5. Supt. Savings Branch, W. H. Harrington. 

6. Controller of Postal Stores, Sidney Smith. 

7. Chief Supt. Dead Letter Office, Major J. Walsh. 

8. Supt. Postage Stamp Branch, E. P. Stanton. 

9. Supt. Mail Service Branch, G. C. Anderson. 

10. Controller of the Railway Mail Service, B. M. Arm 

As mentioned above, Sir William has another department in 
his portfolios, that of Labour. Here we find our friend of fre 
quent mention, W. L. Mackenzie King, as Deputy Minister and 
Editor of the Labor Gazette, with Robt. H. Coats as Associate 

Growth of the Post Office Department. 

The Post Office Department has kept pace with the growth of 
the country, as may be seen by its transactions. In 1896, these 
were, in money orders, $13,081,860; in 1903, $28,904,096, an in 
crease of $15,822,236. In 1896, in money orders and postal notes, 
there were 242,610 transactions in the Savings Banks; in 1903, 
336,012, an increase of 93,393. It may be of interest to know that 
in 1896 there were in Canada, 9,103 post offices, and in 1903, 
10,149, an increase of 1,046. Of these, in 1896, 755 were savings 
bank offices ; in 1903, 934, an increase of 179. The greatest gain 
are the money order and postal note offices. In 1896, there were 
but 1,310; in 1903, 6,184, the enormous increase of 4,874 offices. 

The increase in the business done may be seen by the num 
ber of articles carried by mail, not including newspapers. In 

Postal Savings and Postal Rates. 179 

1896, 177,178,136; in 1903, 312,221,740, an increase of 135,043,- 
604. These figures show the vast strides Canada has been mak 
ing during the past few years, and yet it has just started, as the 
very air is full of a new national life. One cannot but see it on 
every hand. 

Postal Savings Banks. 

Canada has a system of postal savings banks which we have 
not. From an article in the Canadian Bankers Journal, by Mr. 
R, Gill, Manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, I am in 
debted for much valuable data apropos of the system, but space 
will only permit of a few of the salient points. 

They were started in 1867, under Postmaster General Sir 
Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., but the workings of the plan 
were due to Mr. J. Cunningham Stewart and Mr. D. Matheson 
to the latter especially, whose computation of interest was so ad 
mirable that it has been adopted by most of the regular savings 
banks of the country. At first no one depositor might carry a 
balance of over $1,000. It has been raised to $3,000. 

The rate of interest started at 4%. This has been lowered 
to 3%. 

In 1869 there were 213 post office banks, or banks which 
could accept deposits, and $16,653 were deposited. In 1903, 
there were 934 offices, and $12,060,825 were deposited. The 
balance due depositors, on June 3oth, 1903, was $44,255,326.03. 

(1) The unit of deposit is $1.00 and interest is added once 
a year (3Oth June). 

(2) The depositor must make declaration that he has no in 
terest in any other account than his own this to prevent any one 
going beyond the limit. 

(3) The postmaster marks it in the pass-book, reports it to 
Ottawa, from whence a receipt is sent the depositor. 

(4) All accounts are kept in Ottawa. 

(5) Applications for withdrawal is made direct to Ottawa. 

(6) The depositor must send his pass-book to be balanced 
on the anniversary of the opening of his account. 

Postal Note. 

Sir William, in 1898 (August 4th), inaugurated the Postal 
Note System, a cheap and convenient form of remittance for 
small sums of money, ranging from 20 cents to $5.00. The 
system has met with public favor, as is shown by the growth of 
the transactions. From the date of inception to June 3Oth, 1899 
II months 471,407 notes were issued to the value of $771,- 
490.20, while during the fiscal year ending June 3Oth, 1903, the 
paid notes numbered 1,196,563, and in value $2,046.094.54. In 
August, 1903, a $10 note was added. 

i8o Ottawa, The Hub. 


Vermont, " the Ohio of the East," is remarkable for many 
rare qualities, but none of them are so prominent as are her great 
sons. From the very birth of Vermont as a State, and all ihe 
way along through the years, these gallant sons held their own in 
war and in peace. The land of Ethan Allen has produced moie 
statesmen counting its area than any other in the Union. 
From Vermont came our Edmunds, Morrill, Colamer, and man) 7 
another, whose voices have been heard in the national halls as 
leaders among our greatest men. It was Vermont gave birth to 
one of our Presidents (Arthur), a Vice-President ( Morton), and 
our present able Secretary of the Treasury (Shaw) first opened 
his eyes among the green hills of this noble State. Nor to the past 
alone need we turn for statesmen. The subject of my sketch 
stands in the front rank of the great of the nation, and when in 
years to come the history of Vermont shall have been written, no 
greater name will be found accredited to that State than the name 
of Proctor. 

Redfield Proctor was born at Proctorville (named for his 
family), Windsor County, June ist, 1831, and now resides at 
Proctor (named for him) north of and near Rutland. He was 
educated at Dartmouth College, from which he went to the Al 
bany Law School. The war breaking out shortly after his gradu 
ation, he entered the Third Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, en 
tered as a lieutenant on the staff of Major-General Wm. F. Smith 
affectionately known as " Baldy " Smith. Next we find him a 
Major of the Fifth, and a little later, a Colonel in the Fifteenth 
Volunteer Regiment. Entering politics after the war, we find 
him in 1867-68, and again in 1888, a member of the Vermont 
House of Representatives; and in 1874 and 1875, in the State 
Senate, of which he was, during that time, President pro tern. 
From 1876 to 1878 he was Lieutenant-Governor of Vermont, and 
from 1878 to 1880, Governor of the State. 

He went as a delegate to the Republican National Convention 
in 1884, in 1888, and again in 1896. In the two latter he was 
Chairman of the delegation. 

In March, 1889, he was chosen Secretary of War in Harri 
son s Cabinet. This position he resigned to accept the appoint 
ment, in November, 1891, as United States Senator to succeed 
the great Geo. F. Edmunds ; and on October i8th, 1892, was 
elected to fill both the unexpired and full terms. Again, he was 
elected to succeed himself, in 1898. His term as Senator ex 
pires in 1905. Owing to the fact that when Vermont gets a good 
man, she is wise enough to keep him in office, we may expect 
to find the Senator in Washington for many years, to come. 

Senator Proctor stands well toward the front rank among our 
American statesmen, and but for the handicap of location, would 

Hon. Sir Charles Tup per, Bart. 181 

long since have been President. Had his ancestors chosen the 
real Ohio, it would have been so different with this great son, as 
tis such as he whom we make Presidents down there. 

That General Benjamin Harrison was chosen in 1888, was 
much owing to Mr. Proctor. In the Convention, from first to 
last, he and his delegation stood solid, and Vermont was the only 
State that did so on every ballot. He not only voted, but worked 
for the General until the final vote. 

Shortly before the Cuban war, Senator Proctor went to 
Cuba to carefully investigate the real conditions that existed, and 
in his report to Congress, our country learned that which won for 
the Islanders a friendship which, in the end, gave them the long- 
sought freedom from the galling yoke of Spain. 

The Senator is the largest marble quarry owner in the world. 


It would be like writing Hamlet with Hamlet left out, to 
write of Canada with Sir Charles Tupper left out. I would give 
his many titles were it not that in writing them all would leave 
little space for the man himself, as he has more LL.D. s, Bt. s, 
G.C.M.G. s, and, well think of all that could possibly be given to 
one man, and it will save me telling you of them, as I do think 
that about every honor that Canada could confer has been given 
not to mention those bestowed by the mother country. 

Sir Charles was born July 2nd, 1821, at Aylesford, Nova 
Scotia. He was the son of Rev. Charles Tupper, D.D. He was 
educated at Horton Academy, Acadia College (MA., D.C.L.,) 
and afterward studied medicine at Edinburgh University, from 
which he received his M.D. He long practiced his profession in 
his native province. 

His first experience in politics was in 1855, when he became 
a member of the provincial legislature. In 1856 he was made 
Provincial Secretary. In 1858 he went to England in the interest 
of the Intercolonial Railway. In 1864 he was Premier of Nova 

He took a very leading part in the Confederation of Canada, 
and is the eldest of the four remaining " Fathers of Confedera 

182 Ottawa, The Hub. 

He was elected to the House of Commons, and sat in the 
first Federal Parliament (1867). He represented Cumberland up 
to 1884, when he was appointed High Commissioner for Canada 
to London. He was first Minister of Railways and Canals. 

Like his titles, his official honors were " too numerous to men 
tion." In 1887 and 1888 he was a prominent figure in Washing 
ton, when he became known to us for the active part he took in 
the Fisheries Conference held those years. In 1893 he went to 
France in the interest of Canada. 

In 1895 he took great interest in the fast Atlantic steamship 
service. In 1896 he was Secretary of State in the Bowell Admin 
istration, and on the resignation of Sir Mackenzie he became 
Premier, and formed the seventh Ministry of the Dominion, and 
afterward (1896) was leader of the Opposition up to 1900, when 

he resigned. 

Incidents and Anecdotes. 

During all the years he was an earnest and powerful worker 
in the interests of Canada. Unlike Sir John A. Macdonald, he 
was a serious worker, and seldom was given to humor. And yet, 
at times he was known to almost abandon the serious, and when 
he did he made telling points that would have done credit to Sir 
John himself. One of these occasions was at a banquet where 
speakers were limited to five minute speeches. This was a_ rather 
poor condition for a man who could readily and entertainingly 
talk for five hours, using sentences hardly second in length to our 
own great Wm. Evarts, but he complied by saying :, " I see we are 
limited to five minutes; I must, ^theref ore, bring into play my we 
known powers of condensation." 

Castell Hopkins said of Sir Charles, in writing of the part he 
took in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway : Opimc 
was divided in the Cabinet, and had it not been for Sir Frank 
Smith, backed up by the ever-cheerful optimism of Sir John A. 
Macdonald, and the sturdy determination of Sir < Jiarles J 
it is hard to say what the result might have been. A loan was 
asked, granted and repaid inside of two years, 
themselves had everything in order, to proceed with and 
the work, and in doing so saved the railway from collapse, thei 
selves from ruin, and the country from a setback 
have retarded its prosperity and growth by a quarter of a c 
tury." This shows what judgment, backed by 
mination," may do for a country. 

G Mercer Adams said of him : " His connection with the 
CPR is in every one s mind. To him more than to any_othei 
statesman in Canada is due the success, of that great enterpr 

By Sir Charles very many important measures were suggest 
ed and carried through while he was in the Nova Scoti 
ture, measures which are even now bearing good fruit. 

They Couldn t Fool the Doctor. 183 

He Looks It!" 

One day Sir John A. Macdonald and he were listening to the 
speech of a new member, a Mr. Homer from British Columbia. 
Now, Mr. Homer happened to be the ugliest man in the House. 
He was almost painfully homely, but very brilliant. Sir John 
was struck by the new member s powers of oratory, and turning 
to Sir Charles, he asked : " Who is that man ? I must know him. 
He s a wonder !" Sir Charles straightened up, and said proudly : 
" He comes from British Columbia, but is a native of my country, 
Nova Scotia." " Well," said Sir John, with a twinkle, " he cer 
tainly looks it !" 

It Nearly Kilt Him. 

Sir Charles at 83 is yet active, and enjoys a game of golf. 
Last summer, at Glenquaich, in the Highlands of Scotland, he 
played too strenuously and was " laid up " from the effects. Sir 
Sandford Fleming, calling to see him, said, in his genial way, "I m 
afraid, Sir Charles, you were wearing the garb of old Gaul and 
caught cold." 

Yes," said Tupper, serio-humorously, " and it nearly kilt 


They Couldn t Fool the Doctor. 

In 1894, while Sir Charles was High Commissioner, word 
came to him at London that some Canadian cattle which had just 
been landed at Liverpool had pneumonia. He called a cab, was 
driven to a book store, got a book on " Cattle and Their Ailments," 
and taking train, by the time he reached Liverpool had thoroughly 
mastered the subject of pneumonia. He waited for no prelimin 
aries, but was driven direct to the stock yards, and having found 
the veterinary, asked : " What is this I hear about our Canadian 
cattle ? where are they ? " 

Where? I ll show them to you at once." And with much 
ado, the vet. led the way to the yards. 

; Now, point out the animals." 

There," pointing to one that looked worn out by the long 
ocean voyage. That is a very bad case." 

" Are you sure ?" asked Tupper. 

Sure ? I guess I ought to know my business. It has all 
the symptoms. Never saw a worse case. That one animal is 
enough to inoculate the Islands" 

Kill it kill it, and we shall see ! " 

"Yes but say, there is no occasion. I know that it has 

" Kill it " was Sir Charles command. It was killed and 
right there in mud over shoe top deep the doctor held the oddest 
post mortem he had ever held. Reaching the organ where the 

1 84 Ottawa, The Hub. 

disease should have been, he found it absolutely healthy and 

Those who know him can well imagine the tone of voice in 
which he said: , 

Man, you have been bribed ! " 

Canadian cattle thereafter were very healthy animals as 
long as that " vet " had charge. 

This story illustrates the man. Canada s interests were 
ever his interests, and in defending them he prepared himself, 
so that no one knew the subject in question better than he did, 
and no man in Canada has ever been a more able defender of 
the great Dominion, or looks more to its welfare, than Sir Charles 
Tupper, of Nova Scotia. 


was born in Lexington, Kentucky, March 28th, 1828. When at 
the age of 18, he went to the Mexican War as a volunteer. In 
February of 1847 n ^ took part in the battle of Buena Vista, under 
General Zachary Taylor, and was highly praised for acts of 
bravery ; the young Kentuckian seeming to be devoid of all fear. 

In 1850, after the war, he went to California, via the Panama 
route. He settled at San Jose, at that time the Capital of the 
State. He began at once the practice of the law, and in two years 
was elected District Attorney. This for a young man of 24 was 
a trying position, not alone from the fact that his practice of ne 
cessity brought him in contact with the criminal class, but his 
district, covering as it did, many counties, necessitated long rides 
on horseback, through wild and dangerous sections but the boy 
who had so valliantly fought under Taylor, was now as fearless 
as a prosecutor. 

At 28 he became) Attorney General of the State, and filled the 
position with honor. In 1870 he was elected to the Supreme 
Court, and in two years, rose to Chief Justice of that Court, which 
office he held for eight years to 1880 when he declined to serve 
again, but in 1886 he was induced to take office once more, and 
was elected Judge of the Superior Court in San Francisco, his 
home. Twelve years he served in this position. Since that time 
he has been a member of the State Legislature and a Police Com 
missioner for the city. 

Judge Wm. T. Wallace. 185 

At 76 he has retired full of honors, no Judge, on the Pacific 
Coast, ever having ranked so high as a Jurist. He has been a 
life-long Democrat, but rarely or never has he been opposed by 
reason of his party affiiliation. 

The Judge is of sturdy Scotch origin, of the Clan Wallace, to 
which belonged the hero of " The Scottish Chiefs." His father, 
Dr. Joseph Wallace, removed from Kentucky to Ohio, settling at 
Springfield in an early day. 

He was a cousin of the poet, William Ross Wallace, (a con 
temporary and friend of Edgar Allan Poe), who wrote the fam 
ous poem, " The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Moves the World." 



This famous Canadian poet was born in Western Ontario. 
He is of Scotch and English ancestry. His father the Rev. 
Thomas Swainton Campbell, is the only son of the late Rev. 
Thomas Campbell, M.A., of Glasgow University, of a Cadet 
family of the house of Argyll, which settled in the North of Ire 

Mr. Cambpell was educated at Toronto University. He is a 
prominent Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and has done 
much toward placing it in the front rank among the great So 
cieties of the Continent. 

He is a poet of great strength of thought, and depth of ex 
pression. As the Athenaeum, has so well said, " The world will 
stand and listen to him some day." The Toronto Globe in speak 
ing of him, wrote a fact, " In strength and depth scarcely match 
ed by any of his contemporaries." While a well known Canadian 
classes him as " One of the real living poets to-day in the Eng 
lish language." 

A noted reviewer has told so well the poet, that I will break 
my rule and quote at length his words. 

Mr. W. Wilfrid Campbell is ranked as the foremost Cana 
dian poet and one of the leading writers of verse on the American 
continent. He has made his reputation as a poet during the last 
decade, by frequent and notable contributions to many leading 
American and British periodicals, including, The Atlantic 
Monthly, The Century, Harper s, Scribners, Cosmopolitan, Out 
look, The Spectator and Literature. 

" Much of his verse, which has been lately collected in a vol 
ume, " Beyond the Hills of Dream " (published by Houghton, 
MifTlin & Co., Boston), has shown him to be, as the Toronto 
Globe has said, " in strength and depth scarcely matched by any 
of his contemporaries on this side of the water." He has written 
several blank verse tragedies, one of which, " Mordred," while 
published several years prior to Mr. Stephen Phillips " Paolo 
and Francesca," challenges comparison with that much-praised 

" We have no room in this short sketch to deal with the body 
of Mr. Campbell s work. Largely dramatic and human, it con- 

Wm. Wilfrid Campbell. 187 

tains verse notably patriotic and imperialistic in tone. Putting 
thought as well as power and spirit into his verse, he makes him 
self the foremost poetical voice of the colonial element in that 
vast, if slow, work of empire-building, and strikes the keynote 
as when he says in the poem " England," addressing the " Little 
Englander," thus : 

Not yours alone the glory of old, 

Of the splendid thousand years, 
Of Britain s might and Britain s right, 

And the brunt of British spears ; 
Not yours alone, for the, great world round, 

Ready to dare and do. 
Scot and Celt and Norman and Dane, 

With the Norman s sinew and heart and brain, 
And the Northman s courage for blessing or bane, 

Are England s heroes, too." 

Contrast that verse of a patriotic poem, with what England s 
poet Laureat is want to give that patient country! Contrast, I 
say the work of these two men, and you will see why I have so 
often said that England might do well to look to her Colonies 
for her Laureats where she now must endure verses of a weak 
and most insipid nature, she might have strength! 

To my mind one of the strongest poems Mr. Campbell has 
ever written, was on the drowning of H. A. Harper, the brave 
young man, who lost his life in the Ottawa, in attempting to res 
cue the daughter of the Hon Andrew G. Blair. True the heroic 
subject was most inspiring a youth, with all the world before 
him, and a bright prospect for the future, giving his life for 
another, and yet we look not for great poems from local incident, 
be it never so tragic. For this reason Mr. Campbell has 
shown in this poem his true genius. Taking verses at random, 
the spirit of the whole may be seen, in these selections : 

Men in rare hours great actions may perform, 

Heroic, lofty, whereof earth will ring, 

A world onlooking, and the Spirit strung 

To high achievement, at the cannon s mouth, 

Or where fierce ranks of maddened men go down. 

But this was godlier, in the common round 
Of life s slow action, stumbling on the brink 
Of sudden opportunity he chose, 
The only noble, godlike, splendid way, 
And made his exit, as earth s great have gone, 
By that vast doorway looking out on death. 

1 88 Ottawa, The Hub. 

But he has taught us by this splendid deed, 
That under all the brutish mask of life, 
And dulled intention of ignoble ends, 
Man s soul is not all sordid ; that behind 
This tragedy of ills and hates that seem, 
There lurks a godlike impulse in the world, 
And men are greater than they idly dream. 

G. M. FAIRCHILD, JR., Poet, Author, Artist, 

Was born in the city of Quebec in 1854. At the age of eighteen, 
he engaged in commercial pursuits in New York, and when 
thirty-six years of age, he had amassed a handsome fortune, he 
retired from business and removed to Cap Rouge, near Quebec, 
to occupy himself with literature and art. His published works 
are, " Canadian Leaves," " Oritani Souvenir," " Notes on Some 
Jesuit Mss.," " A Winter Carnival," " Rod and Canoe, Rifle and 
Snowshoe," " A Ridiculous Courting," and. a considerable number 
of short stories and poems, contributed to magazines in the 
United States. He is a landscape painter of unusual ability, but 
follows this art simply as a diversion. His numerous poems have 
yet to be gathered into a volume. " Ravenscliffe," the residence 
of Mr. Fairchild, is one of the most picturesque places on the St. 
Lawrence. Its hospitality is unbounded, and its guests are among 
those most distinguished in literature and art. "Ravenscliffe" 
is the ideal home of a poet, artist, author Art seems to be in the 
very air that surrounds the home of this genial man of letters. 
It was at Mr. Fairchild s where Sir Gilbert Parker, wrote " The 
Seats of the Mighty." 

Among the most pleasant memories of the months I spent in 
and around dear old Quebec, in 1901, are of the visits to "Ravens 
cliffe." Situated as it is on the north bank and far above the 
beautiful St. Lawrence,, the view for miles around is a very in 
spiration, which added to the perfection of entertainment, leaves 
a lasting impresion upon the mind of the visitor. 

Mr. Fairchild is a lover of outdoor sports being a skilled 
hunter of big game. He is an expert snowshoer of which win 
ter pastime he is very fond. 

The subject of my sketch is quite as weir known in the States 
as in Canada, as it was there where he formed many of his most 

The Preacher s Son. 189 

lasing frienships. He has that rare faculty of making and re 
taining friends, and as they are always wisely chosen his list is 
a most enviable one. 

It is such men as Mr. Fairchild who are bringing about In 
ternational good-fellowship, that tends all for good to both our 

GEORGE JOHNSON, D.C.L., Statistician. 

The proverbial " preacher s son " is seldom chosen for a bio 
graphical sketch save in the daily papers the morning after, 
and then not always very commendably graphic. Mr. Johnson 
is a worthy exception coming, however, as he does from Nova 
Scotia, where exception in may ways, is the rule, he may not 
be worthy of exception. Some go so far as to say that he couldn t 
help it, that to be other than worthy would not be Nova Scotian. 
One does hear so much praise of that Province, that one somehow 
gets to thinking very kindly of it. The truth is, that, like Toronto, 
I have met so many delightful people from there, that I like both 
Province and City, without ever having seen either. 

But this is not telling you of one of the greatest Statisticians 
in the world. 

George Johnson is the son of a Methodist clergyman, an 
Englishman. His mother was of a French family, members of 
which came to England with William the Conqueror. 

Mr. Johnson was educated at Annapolis Royal (his birth 
place), in Chatham, Miramichi, and at Mount Allison Academy, 
Sackville, N. B., but possibly his best schooling began in 1857, 
in Halifax, when he became a wielder of the editorial scissors. 
That he did not depend upon this too much used implement is 
shown by the position he finally won along toward the top of his 
chosen profession. His first editorial was in favor of the union 
of all the separate parts of British North America. He has seen 
the consumation of his desire, or nearly so Newfoundland being 
the only portion of this great country, not in the Union of the 
Provinces the politicians of the Island not wishing to loss ze 
job still hold out, and as usual the people for whom the politicians 
do the thinking, allow those interested to run a separate little 
government of their own. 

190 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Mr. Johnson in 1867, became editor of the Halifax Reporter. 
He at once began the advocacy of a National Policy for Canada, 
with protection as the main principle. He continued his con 
nection with the Reporter until 1879, with the exception of 1876, 
which year he spent in England, and on the Continent of Europe. 
He became a member of the Nova Scotia Bar in 1877. 

In 1881 he was appointed Census Chief Commissioner of 
Nova Scotia, and that same year was also appointed to investi 
gate the so-called exodus from that Province. I never saw his 
report of the why of 

" The Flight of the Bluenoses," 

but judging from the high position always held by them in other 
countries, I must conclude that other countries needed them more 
than they were needed at home. I have often heard it said of a 
man : " He left his country for his country s good," this could not 
be said of a Nova Scotian as some other country always gets the 
"good." Be all this as it may, Mr. Johnson himself left his 
Province for Toronto, where he joined the editorial staff of the 
Toronto Mail, later becoming editor of the Toronto News. In 
1882, he came to Ottawa, on the opening of Parliament, as edi 
torial correspondent of the former paper, which position he held 
till 1886. 

His accuracy of statement was of far more use in 
another field, and he was appointed Canadian Government 
Statistician, which position he has held since in the later 8os. In 
1891, he had charge of the Census of Canada and that he did 
his work well, I can only judge by the silence of those critics, 
who sit round waiting for others mistakes. 

It is possible that it was well for us that the Trent Affair 
reached only the State of " Affair," as Mr. Johnson was at that 
time a Captain in the 6th Halifax Regiment of Infantry. 

His lectures before Colleges, Associations and Societies, have 
always attracted more than ordinary attention, as it is ever a con 
clusion that what he has to say will be bright and to the point 
Some of these lectures were : " Place Names," : The Modern 
Truth Hunter," "Patriotism," " Impresions of England," The 
Story of Port Royal," " Canada s Northern Fringe," and " Place 
Names in the Arctic Region of the Dominion." 

He has been a large contributor to the magazines, his work 
being sought after and never returned with these two fatal words : 
" Not available," the bete noir of so many writers. 

His works written for the Government, have done a vast 
amount of good for Canada, as they reach into every part of the 
civilized world. Some of them have gone through many large 
editions. His fund of knowledge pertaining to the resources of 
other countries, especially in statistical lines, is nothing short of 

The "Burke" of Canada. 191 

marvelous, and so obliging is he known to be, that often our own 
people write him for information that they could obtain in Wash 
ington, if they had sufficient patience to wait for the necessary 
red tape to be unrolled. 

Personally he is well, I cannot better make him known 
to you than by simply saying, The Children all love him. In chat 
sentence, is a whole volume. The man who is able to accomplish 
great things and is loved by children is a man to be envied. 

HENRY J. MORGAN, LL.D., F.R.S.C., Biographer. 

If the Englishman would know " Who s Who " in England, 
there would be no question, he would simply take from his shelf 
his "Burke;" if one in any part of the world would know 
" Who s Who " in Canada, he would refer to his " Morgan " with 
the same assurance as the Englishman refers to his Burke. Some 
one has said that " Morgan is the Burke of Canada." It might 
nearly as well be said that " Burke is the Morgan of England." 
Be that as it may, Canada owes much to Henry J. Morgan, for 
without doubt he has contributed far more to the world s know 
ledge of the people of worth, in this beautiful country of able men 
and fair women than has any other writer. 

Dr. Morgan was born in Old Quebec in 1842, and received 
his education at Morrin College, of that city, under the celebrated 
Dr. Edwin Hatch of Oxford. 

He entered the Public Service, when a lad, during the ad 
ministration of Lord Elgin, and from the position of a page work 
ed himself up through the various grades of service, to that of 
Chief Clerk in the Department of the Secretary of State. For a 
number of years he held the office of Keeper of State Records, 
and was its first occupant. 

In 1873 he was called to the bar, of both Ontario and Que 
bec. That same year he married the daughter of the late Hon. 
A. N. Richards, Q.C., Lieut-Governor of British Columbia, and a 
brother of Sir W. B. Richards, the first Chief Justice of Canada. 

As already stated, Dr. Morgan is a prolific writer. His re 
cord has been so varied, and his work so praiseworthy, that it 
is not easy to do justice to his merits, in so limited a space as can 
be given. 

1 92 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Some of his early works have become exceedingly rare, es 
pecially so " The Tour of the Prince of Wales " now King 
Edward through Canada and the United States, written when 
he was a very young man. His " Sketches of Celebrated Cana 
dians " and his " Bibliothica Canadensis," have been quoted as 
authorities, both in and out of Canada, more frequently than any 
other Canadian books of their class. 

A famous writer (Mr. John Reade), speaking of his works, 
said : " As an experienced public officer, Dr. Morgan was admir 
ably fitted for the preparation of such publications as Parlia 
mentary Companion and the Dominion Annual Register. The 
latter has had no successor, and it is a cause of regret, for many 
reasons that it was not continued." This same writer in com 
menting upon his " Men and Women of the Times" and : Types 
of Canadian Women," said : " It is enough to say that the for 
mer has become essential, wherever knowledge of Canada and 
her people is neccessary and that is the world over." Of the 
latter John Wanamaker. the great merchant said : " It is the most 
beautifully executed work that has ever emanated from the Cana 
dian press," an opinion shared by many other high authorities on 
both sides of the Atlantic. 

Among his minor works is "A Summary of the Canadian 
Constitution," prepared for submission to the English House of 
Commons, by the Secretary of State for the Colonies. This work 
was attributed to another, although it is said that the " other 
never wrote a line of it. 

Saturday Night said of him: "Dr. Morgan is more than a 
mere delver, he is a rare historical scholar, and a master of liter 
ary expression." 

It was reasonable to expect that the son of one of Welling 
ton s veterans, should take an interest in matters military. To 
his initiative was due the Long Service Medal for the Canadian 
Militia, and he has given the first impulse to much other patriotic 
agitation, including the founding of the " Canada First Party 
at the time of the Union in 1867. 

What Dr. Morgan 1 has done for his friends, has not been con 
fined to the work of his pen alone. Too often the man and all he 
has done for his country have been forgotten, even by his contem 
poraries. The beautiful monument that marks the spot in Beech- 
wood Cemetery, Ottawa, where lies all that was mortal of the 
brilliant Nicholas Flood Davin, is due to the remembrance of 
Henry J. Morgan, while the names of Father Dawson, P. S. 
Hamilton, G. T. Lanigan and Thomas D Arcy McGee, will ever 
be associated with the devotion and constancy of one, who re 
members his friends, when many have begun to forget them. It 
is, however, to the credit of Canada, that Dr. Morgan found so 
many to support his, pleas for honor to departed worth. 

Benjamin Suite. 193 

Even literary labors are sometimes recognized during- the life 
time of a writer. Such has been the good fortune of the subject 
of this sketch, for we find the great University of Ottawa confer 
ring upon him a well merited LL.D. His Royal Society Fel 
lowship; his honorary membership of the Royal Colonial Insti 
tute; his medal from Pope Leo XIII., sent to him (a Protestanc), 
by the hand of the late Mgr. Tanguay, accompanied by a blessing, 
all bespeak an appreciation of what he has done for his country. 

Very early in his career, he was made a member of the Royal 
Society of Northern Antiquaries, of which the King of Denmark 
is President. He was elected an honorary member of the New 
York Historical Society at the time George Bancroft, the his 
torian, was President of this noted organization. 

At the time that Lord Dufferin was elected an honorary 
member of the American Geographical Society, Dr. Morgan s 
name was included as a corresponding member. Like honors 
have been conferred upon him by the Society of American Auth 
ors, and the Historical Societies of Quebec, Buffalo and Mani 
toba, as well as by the Society of Historical Studies of Montreal. 

BENJAMIN SULTE, Poet, Historian. 

Benjamin Suite, historian, lyrical poet and essayist, is doubt 
less the most prolific writer in Canada, and few in all America, 
have written more than he for the public. A list of his magazine 
articles and pamphlets alone take up four pages of fine type 
while his books run far beyond a score, some of them very large 
volumes. He is regarded as an authority on the history of 
Canada. "Suite says," always closes the argument if the question 
be things pertaining to the early days of this country. His re 
search is nothing short of marvellous. No point in history or bio 
graphy, but he has well covered from every source. It is said that 
he has fully a quarter of a million of clippings and all classified. 
No wonder he terms himself " a historical bookkeeper." 

Many, or most writers on prosy subjects write in a prosy 
way, but Mr. Suite, is never dull however dull his subject. 

Some one has well said of him : "Personally, Mr. Suite is 
a charming companion. His friends laughingly declare, that he 
is full of fire; ready to laugh, ready to fight," of the last state- 

194 Ottawa, The Hub. 

ment, I have never seen indication, while noting as correct the 
others. To me his charm lies in his conversation he never hes 
itates for beautifully expressed thoughts. He has the rare 
faculty of always talking on the subjects you like best. Being 
prepared, almost equally well on every subject, you need but to 
indicate the trend of conversation, and then sit and enjoy his 
words. This is doubtless why he never writes out a lecture. His 
mind seems to be a great reservoir, so accurately compartmented 
(to coin), that he needs but to open the gate of the one required 
and there lies stored in perfect order, the accumulation of years 
of study and research. 

His Canadian ancestry runs back to 1756, when Jean Suite 
came out from France with, or to join, Montcalm at Quebec, 
afterward coming up the St. Lawrence to Three Rivers, where 
Benjamin was born in 1841. His father was the owner and 
captain of a schooner which plied between Quebec and Halifax. 

Like many another famous man his school teacher was the 
world, the door of the little red school house having closed for 
him when he was ten years old another proof that a College 
education is not required, to bring out the best in a boy of good 
mind and application. He fought his way up through a clerk 
ship in a dry goods store, to an important position in the Depart 
ment of Militia and Defence, in the Canadian Government. He 
has been soldier, editor, translator, as well as author and historian, 
and has excelled in all but best of all as the writer. 

He is the President of the Royal Society of Canada, the 
most important Society in the Dominion. He has long been a 
prominent figure in this organization no member doing more 
than he to bring it up to its present high standard. 

He is no doubt the best informed man living, on the North 
American Indian, many of our own North Western State So 
cieties relying upon him to furnish data on the early customs 
of our red men. 

To write of Mr. Suite, in the meagre space possible to give 
in a book of this nature, I must of necessity but barely touch, here 
and there, upon the life of him, who has done so much of worth 
to preserve the records of his country, and yet I would say 
enough to fasten in the minds of distant readers the name of this 
remarkable man of letters. I say " distant readers," for here in 
Canada, and in many other parts of America, Suite is a house 
hold word. 


Photo by Topley 

Pages 153-194- 

Lord Mi n to. 

i 9 7 

Pages 153-194. 

Lady Minto. 

Photo by Topley 










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Pages j 53- 194. 

Sir Frederick Win. Borden. R. L. Borden. 

Hon. Sydney Fisher. 
Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick. U. S. Senator J. B. Foraker. 


T T . S. Senator Rerlfielcl Proctor. 
Sir Charles Tupper. 

Pa^es T53-I94- 
Ex-Chief Justice of California, 

\Vm. T. \\ allace. 
Postmaster-General of Canada, 

Sir VVm. Mulock. 




Reading matter was very scarce that week we went out fish 
ing^ and we had soon finished everything readable in sight, and 
as Z. might say : "In the wurds of Mr. Pickwick, in Huggo s 
Merchant of Venus, we cried for more more," and the landladv 
gave us a holiday number of The Central Canadian, of Carleion 
.lace. It was a veritable find. In it were the expressions of 
many of Canada s foremost men of letters and affairs, under the 
above heading. These " expressions " must have been collected 
months or mayhap years ago, as several of the familiar names and 
faces (it was an illustrated number, and in the " Gallery " mav 
be seen the faces), are those of writers now gone from earth 
making it all the more a valuable " find." 

They had replied to the question : " What do you consid-r 
the most dramatic episodes in Canadian history?" If any one 
think that this young country has not a history, and a very drama 
tic one at that let him run through these " expressions," culled 
from the words of the great men who wrote them. 

The Hon. Geo. W. Ross 

thought that " the following events might be considered worthy 
Of {lustration ( I) The Origin of Confederation; (2) D Arcv 
McGee s last speech, in April 1868 made the very night of his 
assassination; (3) The Queen placing a wreath on Sir John 
Lhompson s coffin, in Windsor Castle; (4) Laura Secord on her 
march to Beaverdam; and (5) The burning of the Parliament 
Buildings in 1849. 

204 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Colonel Geo. T. Denison, 

of Toronto, thought these the most dramatic: "(i) The landing of 
Jacques Cartier at Quebec, the commencement of a movemeat 
which has changed the whole face of the northern half of this 
continent, and replaced the Savage with European Civilization; 
(2) The death of Wolfe, and the victory on the Plains of Abra 
ham, which brought Canada into the British Empire; (3) Mont 
gomery s night attack on Quebec; (4) General Brock s appeal 
to the York Militia in 1812 to follow him anywhere, in, defence 
of the Province; (5) Brock proroguing the House of Assembly 
and proclaiming Martial Law Aug. 5th, 1812; (6) The scene 
in front of the City Hall, Toronto, on the night of Dec. 4th, 1837, 
when Sir Francis Bond Head, saw the citizens sworn m to up 
hold the Queen s authority; (7) The scene in the Canadian Par 
liament when Sir John Macdonald and Hon. Geo. Brown clasped 
hands, and agreed to unite on bringing about Confederation ; and 
(8) The departure of the first Canadian Contingent from Quebec 
in 1899." 

Sir John Bourinot 

looked upon Wolfe s victory, as the most dramatic, while he gave 
prominence to " two great battles in the war of 1812-14. 
were The Chateauguay and Lundy s Lane. 

fames Bain, Jr., 

gave precedence to the death of Wolfe and Montcalm, while he 
saw much of the dramatic in minor incidents, such as .hamplam s 
first sight of Lake Huron ; Frontenac s reception of the Iroquois 
Chiefs; destruction of the Hurons; death of Bollard at the Long 
Sault (Carrillon) in 1660; death of Montgomery; Mackenzie s 
first sight of the Pacific ; Scene at defeat of Sir John A. Mac 
donald in House of Commons^; and the departure of the Cana 
dian troops for South Africa." 

Prof. Goldwin Smith, 

saw most of the dramatic in : " The landing of Cartier ; preaching 
of the Jesuits to the Indians; Siege of Quebec; Deaths of Woite 
and Montcalm; Arrival of the United Empire Loyalists; holding 
of the First Assembly by Simcoe at Niagara ; founding of 1 or- 
onto; Simcoe at Castle Frank; Capture of Detroit representing 
allied Indians ; Death of Brock; Burning of the Caroline; Signing 
of Confederation." 

Sir Charles Tupper 

heads his list of great events with the Confederation, but very 
close to that comes the driving of the last spike of the great trans 
continental line of railway, by Lord Strathcona. It is worthy of 

Dramatic Episodes. 205 

remark, that this spike was driven five years before the expira 
tion of the time allowed for the completion of the road. But 
there arises to my mind," writes Sir Charles, " a more dramatic 
incident than that, and that is that on the 3Oth day of October, 
1899, in the city of Quebec, was witnessed the great event of a 
Contingent, over a thousand strong, embarking to lend their aid 
to Her Majesty s Arms in South Africa," and concluding he said: 
" 1 can imagine no act that has ever transpired that was of greater 
importance to the Empire, than the action that Canada took on 
that occasion." 

Rev. Principal Grant, 

called up many events of vast importance to Canada: "(0 Car- 
tier s discovery of Quebec; (2) The founding of Montreal by 
Maisoneuve; (3) The founding of Quebec by Champlain; (4) 
Wolfe s death and the inauguration, on Dufferin Terrace, of the 
common monument to him and Montcalm ; ( 5 ) The Assembling of 
the First Legislature of Upper Canada in 1791 at Niagara; (6) 
Brock and Tecumseh crossing the river to capture Detroit in 
1812; (7) The Quebec Conference (1866), at which the Consti 
tution of the Dominion was drawn up; (8) The great Inter 
colonial Conference held in Ottawa, at the suggestion of Sir Sand- 
ford Fleming; (9) The sailing of the first Contingent for South 

Louis Frechette, 

chooses, what, to my mind, is the greatest event of all. There 
have been many incidents of interest to, and including greater 
numbers, but none so dramatic, as the one he gives in these few 
words : : In my opinion the great deed of Dollard and his com 
panions, is the most dramatic episode of Canadian history. It 
throws in the shade Leonidas and his three hundred at 

Hon. J. N. Longley 

thinks the battle on the Plains of Abraham, the most drama 
tic incident, and but little less dramatic, the forcible expulsion of 
the French from Grande Pre in 1755. If Canada should be 
properly regarded from the date of the Union, the most dramatic 
incident was the announcement by Sir John Macdonald of the 
resignation of his Government on the 5th day of November, 1873." 

Rev. Dr. John Potts. 

"A dramatic incident worthy of illustration, was when in 
1760, Murray, within the walla of Quebec, and de Levis, from Lhe 
French camp outside, watched for the coming of the ship, that 
would bring food and arms to either besieged or besiegers. An 
other dramatic incident was the surrender of Detroit to Brock, on 
the i6th day of August, 1812." 

206 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Nicholas Flood Davin, 

thought that : " The departure of the first Contingent to fight for 
the integrity of the Empire had every feature of a first-class 
dramatic incident. It was a great national deed, by which 
Canada took her place definitely as an active force, side by side 
with England. It expressed a great and widely diffused emotion. 
It excited admiration, enthusiasm, hope, fear, anticipation of 
triumph. It was in the highest degree spectacular." 

Dr. George Stewart, 

of Quebec, speaks truly, when he says : " Canada is so rich in 
dramatic incidents, that it would be difficult to single out one as 
the most dramatic in our history. I would mention the repulse 
of Phips, before the walls of Quebec by Count Frontenac, and the 
heroic defence of her father s fort and block-house:, against a band 
of Iroquois, by Madeleine, the young heroine of Vercheres, as sub 
jects eminently strong in dramatic episodes, and capable of spirit 
ed treatment." 

Dr. Geo. R. Parkin and Mr. W. L. Grant. 

Dr Parkin sent, as his contribution to the discussion, a paper 
prepared by Mr. W. L. Grant, son of the late beloved Principal 
Grant of Queen s University. This paper is so excellent in both 
the stories told, and the beautiful manner of their telling, that 
will give it complete. 

" A distinction must be made between a dramatic incident 
and a dramatic moment. The most dramatic moment in th 
history of Canada, was certainly when, on the 8th of September, 
1760, Vaudreuil capitulated at Montreal, and the whole of 
passed into the hands of Britain. 

" Some would doubtless decide in favor of the defense of the 
Long Sault (Carrillon), when Daulac (Bollard), and his i sixteen 
companions took the last sacrament, and then went forth t 
Canada s Thermopylae. Others would prefer the defense of Ve 
cheres, when a girl of fourteen, with a garrison of four, ot wh 
two were her younger brothers, held out for a week against a 
strong force of Indians, and then with girlish grace, handed over 
her charge to the young officer who came with relief from Mon 

"But perhaps the palm must be awarded to Madame 
Tour s defense of her husband s fort against his rival 
So fierce was the resistance, such the spirit which this heroic 
woman inspired in her scanty garrison, that Charnisay was fain 
to come to terms. Then (from Roberts history of Canada date 
1645) came the act which has brought Charnisay s name down 

Dramatic Episodes. 207 

in a blaze of infamy. His end once gained and the fort in his 
hands he mocked the woman whom he could not conquer in fair 
fight, and tore up the capitulation before her face The brave 
garrison he took man by man and hung them in the open yard of 
the fort; while their mistress, sinking with horror, was held to 
watch their struggles, with a halter about her neck. Charnisay 
carried her to Port Royal; and there, within three weeks of the 
ruin of her husband, the destruction of her home, the butchery 
of her loved and loyal followers, the heroine of Acadie died of a 
broken heart. 

" Nothing in history cart exceed the power of this story. It is 
more dramatic than that of Madeleine, because more pathetic; 
more moving than that of Daulac (Dollard, because over it is cast 
the tender grace of a woman s love, the pitiful tradgedy of a wo 
man s despair. Daulac at laast fell fighting, with his clubbed mus 
ket in his grasp, and in his heart the consciousness of duty done, of 
honor redeemed, and of his country rescued; Madeleine survived 
to be petted and perhaps spoiled by adoring parents ; but Madame 
la Tour died, her life a failure, her heart broken by defeat and 
shame ; yet her story is perhaps more glorious, and is certainly 
more dramatic, than that of the heroine of Vercheres or ihe 
Martyrs of the Long Sault." 

His Grace Archbishop Longevin. 

The Secretary of His Grace Archbishop Longevin, of St. 
Boniface, Winnipeg, wrote : " In reply to the inquiry, I am 
authorized to say that in His Grace s opinion, the most dramatic 
incident in the history of Canada, is the almost simultaneous 
death, on September I3th-I4th, 1759, of Wolfe and Montcalm, 
because of the chivalric character of both Generals, and of ihe 
momentous issue involved in that battle." 

Sir Sandford Fleming. 

Later. One day, long after reading the foregoing, I asked 
the question of Sir Sandford Fleming : What incident do you 
consider of the greatest import to Canada ? 

" The most important event, to my mind ; the one that has 
been more to Canada, than any other, is the arrival of the United 
Empire Loyalists in the several parts of the country, where they 
first settled. There have been other incidents more dramatic, but 
none so far reaching for good. Since the date of their arrival 
their spirit has had an uplifting influence at every stage in our 
history. It now permeates every class in all sections of the Dom 
inion and will be felt as long as time shall last. 

208 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" These men were of the very cream of the country they left 
behind them . 

" In looking over the list you have shown me ; a list, by the 
way, in which I find some of the great men of our country, it is 
noteworthy the large number of them from the Lower Provinces, 
and especially so from Nova Scotia almost one half of the num 
ber. And again the greater number of them are men, in whose 
veins runs the blood of United Empire Loyalists." 

Doctor George Johnson. 

To be certain just what was the most dramatic incident of 
Canadian history, I asked Doctor George Johnson. Without a 
moment s hesitation, he replied, as though he had expected my 
coming : " The most spectacular event in our country s history, 
was the appearance of General Wolfe before the Gibralter of 
Canada, with 20 ships of the line, 10 frigates, 18 smaller vessels 
and many transports and store ships, with 18,000 men, for the 
Siege of Quebec, culminating in the deaths of Generals Wolfe and 
Montcalm. Nothing more spectacular ever occurred in the 
world s history. It was not only dramatic, but the result changed, 
for all time, the political features of half a continent" 

Rev. Doctor W. T. Herridge. 

For much in a few words is this, from the great Presbyterian 
minister, Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge, of this city : 

" In the drama of sentiment, the most dramatic event in _ the 
history of Canada, is the federation of the several Provinces into 
one great Dominion." 

Rev. Doctor Geo. F. Salton. 

When the Rev. Dr. Geo. F .Salton, of Dominion Methodist 
Church, of Ottawa, was asked the question, he unhesitatingly 
gave this answer: 

"In a country so full of the dramatic, so replete with the spec 
tacular, so abounding in episodes worthy a place in history, it 
would be difficult to select one that stands out and above all, were 
it not for the fact, that Wolfe, on the Plains of Abraham, gave 
to the world a page, which stands, and must forever stand alone. 
In itself it was dramatic ; in its results it was far reaching. Dra 
matic in that on the very moment when Wolfe heard the glad cry 
of victory, he learned how true were the words of his favorite 
verse, The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Dramatic and 
far reaching in results, in that both Wolfe, the beseiger, and Mont- 
calm, the beseiged, fell in the battle that changed the conditions 
of the American Continent." 

Dramatic Episodes. 209 

Benjamin Suite, F.R.S.C. 

There are two ways to look at the question/ said Mr. 
Benjamin Suite, the famous Canadian historian. " The incident 
which had the furthest reaching influence in the history of 
Canada, was in 1775, when Montgomery was repulsed at Quebec. 
It was the turning point had he won at that time the whole 
American Continent would have been under one flag. 

Looking at the dramatic side of the question, I can think 
of no incident more dramatic, than this. In 1687, the 
Governor, being unable to cope with the Indians in war 
called together at Kingston 80 or 90 of their Chiefs, to 
hold a peace conference. The Chiefs came as honorable men to 
meet an honorable enemy, who instead of treating with them, 
took them all prisoners and sent them to France, where they were 
thrown into the galleys as slaves taken in honorable warfare. In 
deed, the Governor, gave the King to understand that they 
had been captured in fair battle, and thus gained the temporary 
praise of his King and country... 

Later, Frontenac learning the truth, did all he could to re 
pair the wrong, but it was 1 too late, for all but a very few, possibly 
less than ten, had died as slaves. This to me was the most dra 
matic the most tragic the most infamous. 

" From no other one cause did the French suffer so much as 
from this act of Denonville. It brought on a most disastrous war, 
which lasted for nearly 14 years, causing untold suffering among 
the inhabitants." 

Mr. Suite in speaking of the Iroquois they it were who 
waged the war said : " Even in that day this tribe was half 
civilized, and had America not been discovered until now, the 
Columbus would have found a people rivaling the Greeks in 
their most enlightened age." 

aio Ottawa, The Hub. 


There is an unpretentious stone building down on Sussex 
Street, a few doors north of Rideau. It was once the Military 
Barracks, built very long ago. When compared to the great gov 
ernment buildings to be seen in other parts of the city, it seems 
insignificant, and you might pass it unnoticed, but from this busy 
hive go out a small army of workers, into every nook and corner 
of this vast Dominion, and gather in more of that which will 
build up is building up, is making known the marvellous re 
sources of Canada, than any other of the many departments. 
" Build up ?" I should have said rather " discover," for that is 
what this army of the Hon. Clifford Sifton, Minister of the In 
terior, is doing. I can better tell you of this work by asking you 
to visit with us this old Museum and as we stroll through, calk 
about it. 

Museums to me have but little interest ; I cannot say that " All 
bones look alike to me," but the Museum, with its fossils of ages 
gone by, lying in rows of cases, or strung on wires, appeals so 
little, that I was in Ottawa several months before I even stepped 
inside the Geological Museum, and then only by chance, when, to 
my great surprise, I saw that I had missed the greatest attraction 
of the city, and at once contracted the Museum habit, and if ever 
you come to Ottawa, don t fail to visit it. Here you will see very 
few bones and shells. Canada is not a land of fossils, but so much 
of the rare and beautiful, that I found more real pleasure than J 
could have found in a gallery of art. 

As each department would and does require many books to 
tell of the work done, I cannot but glance at the whole in so short 
a space, and that glance a very quick one, if glance could be other 
than quick. Pick up a book at random. Let s see : Summary 
Report of the Geological Survey Department (detailed report 
later), by Robert Bell, Acting Deputy-Head and Director" a bo ol 
of 269 pages, with ten colored maps. This is but one. 
the work done, I would not be wrong if I said that it took 5,000 
pages just to tell of it 5,000 pages boiled down from possibly 
10,000 pages of field notes, so you may know the vastness of it all. 
Survey parties go into all parts of the Dominion, throughput 
summer ; they examine section after section, the soil, the minerals, 
the forests, the elevations, grasses, flowers, birds, animals. 
short, there is a department for everything, and m this Museur 
may be found classified, each in its own section. Have in mind 
any county in any of the provinces, and you will find the resources 
of that county, in minerals, vegetable growth, birds, animals -all 
each classified, so that if you are wanting to know if there is 
gold or other valuable minerals in any locality, find the case, for 
that locality, and there you will see the specimens, if there are 
minerals to be found in that county. 

Something Happened to the Boston Man. 211 

One soon gets the impression that one knows very little, ev2n 
about the most simple thing. Suppose you were asked how many 
species of moss there are in Canada. I will wager you would not 
come as near as the Colonel did, when Prof. John Macoun, the 
world-famous botanist, asked us that question. The Colonel re 
membered the time he counted 17 distinct species, so he took a full 
breath, and adding 100, said : " 117." The Professor smiled, "You 
are just 1,079 too short, I have found 1,196 species." It was the 
same with birds. " I have classified 650 species, or forms of 
birds ; we have about all the birds that you have, save those in the 
Gulf section in your Southern States. Your birds come to us in 
the summer, hatch their young, and go back in the winter." 

Something Happened to the Boston Man. 

We were passing the seal case, where there were some very 
beautiful specimens. We got on the subject of the Canadians tak 
ing seals in the sea. There was a Boston man standing by, who 
spoke up and said : " Professor, you have no right to our seals, 
we own those islands where they breed, and in your peleagic de 
struction, you take our property." I could see the Professor s 
eyes twinkle, and I knew that something was going to happen to 
that Boston man; I didn t know just what was going to happen, 
but I knew that that twinkle wasn t twinkled for nothing. The 
Professor didn t reply, to my surprise, but seemed to change the 

" I beg pardon, but do you ever hunt down in your country ?" 

" Oh, yes ; and our hunting is good." 

What do you hunt mostly ?" 

Well, in the autumn, our ponds and lakes are full of geese 
and ducks ; oh, it is rare sport." 

Yes, but," said the Professor, " you should not shoot those 
ducks and geese; you have no right to them." 

" And why not, pray ?" asked Mr. Boston, in open-eyed sur 

You have no right to a single goose ; they were all hatched 
up here, and we own the land." 

Say, you ought to have seen Mr. Boston. He never said an 
other word, but walked over to see that big buffalo in the glass 

The Professor s son, Jas. M., also of this department, has just 
returned from an extended examination of the Peace River coin- 
try, about which he has made an extended report. 

And this leads up to Dr. Henry Ami, who has complet 
ed the compiling of a book of nearly 200 pages (boil 
ed down from 10,000 of field notes), with colored maps 
showing the resources of the country between Quebec and Winni 
peg, along the proposed line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. 

212 Ottawa The Hub. 

When I see all the possibilities of this country, and note the 
strides now being made toward developing it, I cannot but wonder 
what it will be when the vast works projected shall have been com 
pleted. The building of this new road to the Pacific is but a start ; 
before the first train passes over its full length, a net work of cross 
lines will have been begun, and many of them completed, as feed 
ers to the great trunk line. I once thought that the Canadians 
did not fully realize the greatness of their country, but they are 
beginning to show to the world that they are waking up to the 
fact that theirs is a land of " vast resources " (as Senator Proctor 
calls it), and those resources must be developed. 

As I started to tell you that this work of Dr. Ami s shows that 
what is now all but useless to Canada, if developed would add _ un 
told millions of wealth, and furnish work and homes for millions 
of new citizens. I was greatly surprised, as you will be, to hear 
of the real Hudson Bay. I had always thought of it as a frozen 
sea; not so. 

Hudson Bay an Open Sea. 

Here is a body of water over eighteen times larger than Lake 
Superior, which never freezes over, and owing to the isothermal 
lines running here so far north, the same crops that grow in Scot 
land are grown at Fort George, 200 miles up the east coast of the 
Bay. How I would like to tell you more of this marvellous, local 
ity, but I have not the space ; and then to think that this road to 

Winnipeg the Coming Babylon of the North 

Winnipeg that coming Babylon of the North is but the little 
pathway leading up to the mighty railway on to the Pacific, open 
ing up a country of such marvellous wealth that the most far-see 
ing Canadian but views it as in a vague dream. 

Marvellous Resources of the Northwest Territory. 

This little I ve told you is but a sentence in a book, of thou 
sands of pages, and yet tis all I can give. I might go on and tell 
you of coal deposits so far beyond comprehension that you would 
not believe the story. I would not dare tell you that in the Crow s 
Nest Basin alone, in British Columbia, there is a deposit so great 
that a million tons per year might be mined for thousands of years, 
and if I told you that the enormous wheat crop of Manitoba is 
raised by 38,000 farmers, while there is land enough in that one 
province for over 200,000 farmers, each with a good farm, you 
would think I had figured wrong. And Manitoba is the smallest of 
all the wheat-growing provinces and territories of the west 
would tell you of how we go to Switzerland to see glaciers which 
are but miniatures compared to the Canadian Selkirks in the 
Rocky Mountains, where, from the summit of the Albert Canyon, 

What is Canada? 213 

117 glaciers may be counted at one time. "Why have we not 
heard of all this wonderland before?" you ask. I reply, because 
the Canadians themselves are just finding it out. Thirty years 
ago our Consul at Winnipeg, " Saskatuwan " Taylor, wrote, that 
three-fourths of the wheat lands of America was in the Canadian 
North-west, but no one up here believed the story, and it has taken 
them years to find it out, but under the able Minister of the T n- 
tenor, they are now making wonderful progress. 

This one branch, the Department under Robert Bell, LL.D , 
F.R.S., Acting Deputy, with Dr. J. F. Whiteaves, Dr. M. C. Hoff 
man, others mentioned and 52 able assistants, is doing a work that 
will open the eyes of the world. When we think of this being 
but one branch of the Hon. Clifford Sifton s work, we can ,ut 
wonder at what one man can do. Besides this Department, he has 
that of Indian Affairs, deputy, Mr. Frank Pedley; Immigration 
Dominion Lands and Crown Timber, under Mr. Jas. A Smart as 


(The Author, in 1902, visited a large number of the cities in 
the States, where he asked the school children many questions 
about Canada, and told them of their great neighbor to the North.) 

" Class in Geography, stand up ! What do you know about 
Canada ?" 

What ! you don t know anything about it ? Well, just stand 
there until I tell you a few things." And I kept them on the 
floor till I told them that : 

Canada s area is 3,745,574 square miles, and had in 1901. 
537 I 3 I 5 f a population. 

It has seven Provinces (which are States with us) and nine 

It has 2,397,167,292 acres of land, of which 80,483,222 acres 
are water. Great lake country is Canada. In fact, it has so many 
lakes that in some places there is not room for them on land, and 
you_ find them right in the rivers. The Ottawa River, for illus 
tration, might be described as a chain of lakes connected by water. 
Many of the lakes of Canada are surpassingly beautiful, and 
abound with fish, making it a very paradise for the lovers of the 
rod and reel. 

Comparative Area of Provinces. 

Prince Edward Island is the smallest province, and has but 
2,184 square miles, not quite half the size of Connecticut; while 
British Columbia, with 372,630 square miles, is a little larger than 

214 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Texas, Illinois and Ohio, or nearly as large as France, England, 
Scotland and Ireland. 

" Nova Scotia (21,428 square miles) is a little smaller than 
West Virginia. New Brunswick (27,985 square miles) is a little 
less than Maine. Manitoba (73,732 square miles) is a little 
larger than Ohio and the Indian Territory. Ontario f 260,862 
square miles) is as large as all that part of our country from the 
Illinois line of the Mississippi to the Atlantic Ocean, including 
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and 
all the New England States, except New Hampshire and Maine. 
What ! Don t believe it ? Well, count for yourselves. 

" Quebec (351,000 square miles) is a little larger than all of 
these States, with Kentucky, West Virginia and Maryland thrown 
in for good measure. 

" Now, class, you will get some notion of what Canada is 
when you count up and find that the Provinces I have been telling 
you about, only take up a little more than 1,100,000 square miles 
of Canada, leaving over 2,600,000 square miles for the Territories, 
and many of these Territories are so rich in soil and mineral wealth 
that before many years they must become populous Provinces." 


" Children, you would be surprised to see the great rivers 
they have up there. How many in the class know how many 
rivers in Canada are navigable?" 

" One !" says the boy with the freckles. 

" Class, is that right?" I ask. 

" Yes," they all say, proud to know one question. 

" What river is it ?" I continue. 

" The St. Lawrence !" in loud chorus. 

" You re all wrong. It has a large number of navigable 
streams. It has one river which you hardly know in name, away 
up north, where a steamboat runs more miles than you could >:un 
on the Mississippi River, not counting the Missouri as part of r .he 
Mississippi. It is the great Mackenzie River, which flows from 
Athabaska Territory to the Arctic Ocean. Besides this, there are 
very many others navigable for hundreds of miles. Canada is 
full of great rivers that you can hardly find on the poor maps your 
teachers make you study. Take, for instance, Lake St. John, in 
the Province of Quebec, until recently only a spot on the map 
and even yet not noticed in some geographies well, there are a 
number of large rivers running into this Lake St. John, which, if 
placed end to end, would reach one-third of the way across the 
continent. This one fact will show you how little is known of this 
great country." 

Rube talks to Principal and Teachers about Things Canadian. 215 


" How many railroads are in Canada ?" 

" Two !" from the little girl who said she once visited Canada. 

" What are they ?" I asked. 

" The Canadian Pacific and the Quebec and Lake St. John." 

(This answer was really given, and I knew where she had 

" Now, listen ; Canada has a large number of railroads, or as 
the Canadians call them, railways. Nearly 20,000 miles of them, 
and are just now getting ready to build a great many more thou 
sands of miles. You see, their country is developing so fast that 
they are compelled to build them; why, inside of ten years our 
great neighbors will have 50,000 miles of railways. They will 
have to have them to keep pace with the progress of the country." 


" How many cities has Canada? " 

Three," from another travelled one. 

"What are they?" I just wanted to know where she had 

"Quebec, Toronto and Lachine." 

I smiled as I thought of the only impression Montreal had 
made upon the child s mind. She remembered the " Rapids." 
Then I told them of Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, King 
ston, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Winnipeg, Edmonton, 
Victoria and Vancouver. " Besides these there are very many 
little cities which will soon be big ones, as they are growing very 

Well, I kept that class on the floor until I had practically told 
them of Canada in a way as to make them want to know a great 
deal more about it. One of the teachers asked : " Why does not 
Canada get out books telling us about their country?" 

:l It does thousands of them." 

" Queer, I have never seen one, except railroad folders, which 
we only look at when we want to take a trip." 

" There is one reason, and a good one it is, why the outside 
world does not know of the real Canada, with its resources of 
everything that goes to make up a land of fabulous wealth, and 
that reason is that Canada is just now waking up to the fact her 
self. I know little of the political matters up there, but the party 
in power do seem to be doing much toward the proper development 
of the country." 

The teachers and children all said : " We will study about 
Canada," and among two hundred letters I afterwards received 
from the children, I saw plainly that they had kept their promises. 

216 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Rube talks to Principal and Teachers about things Canadian. 

In one of the schools, the Principal and teachers became so 
interested that I had to stay and tell them many things which the 
children could not so well have understood. 

" What proportion of the Dominion are foreigners ?" asked 
the Principal. 

As I had seen Mr. George Johnson before I had made my 
school tour, I readily answered. "British Columbia of the 
Provinces has the largest, 26% ; while Prince Edward Island has 
the smallest, 0.83% ; Manitoba, 15.7$% ; Ontario, 3.07% ; Quebec, 
2.50%; New Brunswick, 2.05%; Nova Scotia, 1.37%. Then, of 
the unorganized territories, 19.13%; and the Northwest Terri 
tories, 30.83%. 

" What proportion become naturalized ?" 

" 55-3 8 % become Canadian citizens. This per cent would be 
much larger but for the fact that so many have come too recently 
to take out their citizen s papers. The immigration just now is 
very large since the world is finding out that Canada has more 
sunshine than snow, as much freedom as a republic, and that mil 
lions of acres of land of unequalled richness are only waiting a 
free gift for the men willing to better their condition, by occupy 
ing and tilling these waiting acres." 

Educational Advantages of Canada. 

The Principal wanted to know : " What is Canada doing for 
education ?" 

" Everything possible." Just here I could not resist being a 
bit sarcastic. "It is not content with teaching Canada alone, it 
even teaches the children that there are other countries in the 
world besides Canada, with the result that the children know al 
most as much of the United States as do the children of the States 
know of their own country. Why, the Province of Ontario is said 
to have the best public school system in the world. Manitoba 
pays $28.50 per family for public education, while Quebec pays 
$7.12 per family." When I told them the salaries paid teachers 
in the Province of Quebec, they would scarce believe it possible 
$275 minimum, $440 maximum. 


" We have heard that Canada is all woods. What are the 

" If by woods you mean forests, it is not, by any means ; but 
of you mean woodland, including forests and land where are trees, 
I can give you the percentage of such lands. British Columbia 
leads with 80%; New Brunswick, 52.90%; Quebec, 51.22%; 

Ignorance in England about Canada. 217 

Ontario, 46.31% ; Manitoba, 36.50% ; Nova Scotia, 30.40%, while 
the North-west Territories have 33.64%. Of the valuable pine 
forests Ontario leads, and here the " limits " are the most valuable, 
but the way timber is being cut down, it will not last many years ; 
and in but few localities would General Roberts have any trouble 
finding manoeuvring space." 

Is it true that Canada is becoming a great cheese exporter ?" 
asked the teacher from up New York State. 

Not becoming, but long since become. In 36 years (1868 
to 1903), the United States exported $307,751,085 worth of cheese, 
while in 35 years (1869 to 1903), Canada exported $319,360,000 

Proportion of Land under Cultivation. 

" Is much of the land under cultivation ?" asked the teacher 
who had recently left the farm. 

Very little, so far. Here is the percentage in the seven 
Provinces. British Columbia, 0.20% ; Manitoba, 9.70% ; Ontario, 
9.40% ; Quebec, 3.40% ; New Brunswick, 8.00% ; Nova Scotia, 
9.30% ; Prince Edward Island, 52.00%. You will not believe that 
Manitoba, which is already producing many millions of bushels 
has less than 10% of its 41,000,000 acres under cultivation." 

I must have talked to them for an hour on Canada and its vast 
resources. They did not seem to grow tired of asking questions, 
and I was so delighted to have such attentive listeners, on a sub 
ject I have grown to love, that if my train had not been in such a 
hurry to leave that town, I would have gladly extended the time. 

It is ever a pleasure to me to teach teachers, and especially so 
if the subject is Canada, about which I found lamentable ignor 


In 1829 John Mactaggart, who was with Colonel By, wrote 
two very entertaining volumes on Canada in general, and this 
section in particular. John tried to start a Society for the Tro- 
motion of Natural History." He said : " I want to show honest 
John Bull the extent and importance of his vast domains on this 
side of the Atlantic. He shall not be kept blindfolded as he has 
been. He shall not be allowed to send water-butts to his fleets on 
the lakes, for he shall be told whether their waters are salt or 
fresh." Poor Mactaggart, his " Society " could not have accom 
plished its object, for General Roberts, in 1903, says that all he 
knows of Canada is that it is a country of vast forests, and he is 
at a loss to know if in the Dominion there is enough cleared 1 and 
to manoeuvre an army. I would commend to him Racey s " Eng- 

2i8 Ottawa The Hub. 

lishman in Canada." Such dense ignorance is hardly excusable 
in a peasant, much less in one so great in British affairs as General 
" Bobs." He could hardly have wanted to know of Canada and 
its "manoeuvring space," else he had asked General Wolseley, 
who could have told him, and could have told him, too, that he 
(Wolseley) found the Canadians " the best guides in intricate 
places I have ever met." 

The members of the British Chamber of Commerce, who 
visited Canada in 1903, no doubt carried back vast knowledge 
of this wonderful land. They were a fine body of men, wide 
awake, and were over here to learn of the resources of the 
Dominion. To many of them the vastness of the country was a 
revelation. It is to be hoped, however, that if they should come 
again that they will bring with them a newspaper reporter who 
will not get his rivers so badly mixed up as did the one they 
brought with them on that occasion. While here the party took 
the trip down the log slide at the Chaudiere. This writer was 
along, and in graphically describing it to his home paper, said : 
" We glided off into the broad waters of the St. Lawrence " (over 
100 miles way). 

My dear people of Canada, I beg of you to be patient. Don t 
try to hurry honest John Bull, for he is doing his best to get his 
people to know your country in its true light. You see, I 
John has a whole lot of schoolbook makers over there who mus 
have gone to school to Gulliver, or to Baron Munchausen mayhap, 
and in their idle moments exercised their imaginative faculties 
upon Canada. The school boards have begun on these books an c 
will gradually eliminate the Munchausen features. have it fror 
creditable authorities that the following things will be taken fror 
the school books this coming year. Of course you cant expect 
England to remove all errors at once; it would be too great a 
shock for them to have suddenly to unlearn all they know of this 
land of sunshine and flowers. But these are the things to be 
out next year : 

" Haymakers frozen to death in their tents. The In 
dians are now quite tame. There are places where 
making has all to be done at night-time, because the men dare 
not face the flies during the hot days. In the summer, milk 
is delivered in solid cakes to the customers When once the 
winter sets in, the people are frozen up till the spr 
When we had gotten hurriedly through these English geo 
graphy questions, I asked: 

"Colonel, what else does that wonder-finding geography 

say ?" 

" Niagara Suspension Bridge has two storys," he read. 

" And neither one of them true," said I. 

Fool Stories told of Canada. 219 


The storys. Next?" 

" Halifax has almost all the essentials of a successful harbor." 

I ll wager, Colonel, that I can guess what it lacks." 

What, Rube?" 

" A bay window." 

" I m afraid, Rube, you re inclined to make light of the geo 
graphy of Canada taught the little English children, but listen 
to this : The chief states at present are, Quebec, Maine and New 
Brunswick. What do you think of that?" 

That the last state of that geographer was worse than 
the first, or that he was in Rhode Island when he wrote it" 

"Why Rhode, Island?" 

" Because he must have been in a very bad state at the time. 


The Atlantic Coast is most useful at present for seveial 
reasons. It has splendid communication inland by railways, but 
it has one great drawback. Most of it is frozen up in winter." 

" That s the best of the lot. He is right. The Atlantic Coast 
is most useful. I really don t see what Canada could do without 
the coast. Just to think, suppose Canada had no coast on that 
side at all, what would she do? I really can t think. Again, he 
is right about that great drawback. I ve heard of a certain warm 
place freezing over, but never before heard of the Atlantic getting 
itself into that congealed condition. Any more, Colonel?" 

Yes, just one more. Ottawa, though quite a small town, 
is a suitable place for the Capital of the Dominion." 

That explains it all, Colonel. I see now ; yes, I see through 
it plainly." 

" What do you see ?" 

That geography was written nearly fifty years ago, and the 
people over there haven t yet heard that Ottawa has grown, so 
they just let it go at that. But, Colonel, I guess we have made 
capital enough out of those benighted geographers over there, 
then, on the quiet our people down home are not much better 
informed, but I ll not tell it up here." 

Facts, at first hard, are always more reliable. Here are a 
few from Mr. H. S. Taylor, late of the London Times, now in Ot 
tawa : " There were 2,500 people on the ship over. Of all the 
number not one knew a thing about Canada. One man, a brick 
layer, was going to Winnipeg. He had no notion, when he land 
ed at Quebec, how far it was to Winnipeg, and only had 60 cents 
left to carry him that long journey. Since I have been in Ottawa 
my sister has written me of the various people who have called 
to have her write me to visit friends of theirs. One has a friend 
in Newark, N.J. (500 miles away) ; another at Lakeside, Man., 

220 Ottawa, The Hub. 

(1,500 miles away) ; but the most anxious caller was one who has 
a dear friend in Redlands, California (3,000 miles away). 
" Have your brother to write and tell what kind of place is Red- 
lands, as I may go over next year !" These are but samples. 

Fool Stories. 

Mr. Jas. A. Smart, Deputy Minister of the Interior, has De 
cently returned from Europe, where he had gone in the interest 
of immigration. He found that the foreigners impressions of 
Canada were not entirely due to the ignorance of the geographers 
and writers of that country, but that some of the worst stories 
were sent over by Canadian correspondents of old country news 
papers. It is to be hoped that the correspondents are not native 
Canadians ; and again, one, cannot but think that the writers wrote 
in malice, for in truth I have found Canada so delightful a coun 
try that nothing short of dense ignorance or malice could cause 
a writer to speak other than well of this beautiful land. I sneak 
thus, and I am not a native. I know of no country not even my 
own where the chances are greater for the immigrant than right 
here in Canada. I have spent three winters here, and have found 
the weather quite to my liking. In speaking thus I have nothing 
either to lose or to gain. I state it as a simple fact, and in justice 
to a people whose kindness have made me love their country. 

Apropos of the chances here to the immigrant. He can now 
get land for a free gift, which, inside of ten years, will be worth 
a fortune to him, and during those ten years he may live pleasant 
ly, instead of barely existing in his own country. 

And a word to the European who may now be living under 
a monarchy. There is not a country on earth not excepting 
Switzerland that is freer to-day than is Canada. Many a one 
reading this may think, as I once thought, that because this coun 
try is under a king that it is ruled by a king. It is not. The 
people make their own laws, and the King has so little to do with 
it that, save in name, Canada is independent, and receives only 
benefit by being a part of the British Empire. 


" Colonel," said I, one day when I had to take a trip out on 
one of the " Spokes," " I will leave you in town to find out things. 
People in other countries will want to know of the business and 
other things practicable about Ottawa." When I returned I was 
surprised at his fund of information, and at once gave him credit 
for much work. The credit was not at all due him, for what do 
you think ; he had gone round to the Board of Trade, saw Cecil 

The Colonel Visits the Board of Trade. 221 

Bethune, the secretary; then visited the president, John R. Reid; 
John Coates, C.E., chairman of the Industrial Committee ; W. H. 
Dwyer, chairman of the Cheese and Butter Committee; and Geo. 
S. May, chairman of the Hide and Leather Committee. Yes, he 
had seen all those men, who were kind enough to furnish him with 
no end of data, and then turned the work over to me as his own ; 
but I learned in time to whom credit was due. Here are facts he 
learned from Cecil Bethune about Ottawa. He starts out by say 
ing that Ottawa is the Capital of Canada. I was delighted to 
know this, for I like Ottawa, and have always looked upon it as 
a Capital city, and am glad it is the Capital of a great country. I 
knew this fact before, but will give it for the benefit of those who 
are not aware of it. 

It had 60,689 inhabitants at the last city enumeration, but the 
town is growing so fast that this does not give one a notion of 
how many are here now. Counting the suburbs, as some other 
cities I ve heard of do, Ottawa has nearer 100,000 people than 
60,689. (This last is my own comment, not Cecil s). The as 
sessed valuation of Ottawa is $28,000,000. 

The Chaudiere Falls power is unequalled in any city on the 

continent. Besides the Ottawa River, the Rideau Canal gives a 

water communication with an extensive area of country. Railway 

lines run out from Ottawa in nine different directions. (Hence 

The Hub and the Spokes.") 

" Ottawa s electrical equipment is unsurpassed by any city of 
its size in the world." I ve told you that all along. 

He then tells of the newspapers, colleges, schools, libraries, 
art gallery, museum, &c., &c., which I have already given in de 

Mr. James W. Woods, one of the Vice-Presidents of the 
Board, and himself one of the big manufacturers of the city, fur 
nished the Colonel with a large amount of data on " The Advan 
tages of Ottawa as a Manufacturing Centre." He told of 
Ottawa s geographical position as regards securing at lowest ex 
pense the necessary raw material, and secondly, its position to the 
market for economically disposing of the product, cost of land, 
cheap power (possibly the cheapest on the continent), quantity and 
high intelligence of labor, moral qualities, insurance and taxation. 

" Ottawa enjoys the same privileges of freight rates as Mont 
real and Toronto." 

Land values are yet so reasonable that most excellent manu 
facturing sites may be had within less than 1,000 feet of the 
Custom House, Post Office and Banks." 

" There is no other city in Canada or the United States where 
such large and easily developed water powers exist in such close 
proximity to an important city." 

222 Ottawa, The Hub. 

When it is remembered that there is available 917,403 horse 
power, within a comparatively easy distance of Ottawa of which 
power but 58,400 is so far in use one may well wonder what ,.he 
city will be when this enormous natural force shall have been har 
nessed by the genius of men, and energized for his use. 

I have called Ottawa " The Washington of Canada " for its 
beauty. When this power is developed, it may well be called: 
1 The Manchester of the World." 

Again, when it is taken into account the fact that elsewhere 
the cost is $25.00 to $40.00 per horse power, while here it may be 
had at $15.00, then one can readily see the advantages that Ottawa 
has over all other cities as a manufacturing centre. 

Mr. Woods told of the quantity and quality of labor. " Our 
workers are sober, intelligent and willing. Living for the labor 
ing man is cheap, wages fair, work always to be had a fact which 
attracts labor and by means of the many electrical lines of cars 
running into the suburbs, the workmen may live in healthy uncon- 
gested districts, where they may live in detached houses, each with 
its own plot of ground. Thus are growing up a class of men in- 
surpassed anywhere. They are strong, healthy and happy, and 
freedom from strikes is an evidence of this." Mr. Woods spoke 
of the extent of increase in Canada s imports, in which Ottawa 
was in the van. While Canada, as a whole, increased 95 per cent, 
Ottawa, in the same period, grew to the enormous figure of 250 
per cent. Its population grew in nine years, from 1891 to 1900, 
15,764, an increase of 35 per cent. 

Ottawa has been called an exclusively lumber city, but other 
industries are now far surpassing that of lumber. The wages an 
nually paid stand thus: Lumber, $681,984; other industries, $2,- 
469,020; and while the former will hardly increase, the latter is 
growing annually to a great extent. 

Notwithstanding the fire of 1900, which swept away a large 
number of industries, these have already been rebuilt, on a much 
more extensive scale, and new ones have started up. There are 
now nearly 250 distinct industries in Ottawa, and the number is 
growing each year. 

From the committee of which the president, John R. Reid, is 
chairman, we gained more knowledge about the cheese and butter 
interests, not only of Ottawa, but of Canada, than we have learned 
since we came into the country. 

Butter and Cheese 

will not make a very exciting story, but still a very strong one, to 
people who are wanting to know the cold facts about a country, 
and what it produces. I always like to see things grow, and, 
apropos of growing, just look at this fact In 1894, there were 

Controversy of the Cities. 223 

shipped from Montreal to the British market, 32,055 packages of 
butter; in 1902 this had grown to 539,845 packages. The dairy 
ing industry is becoming a very large one in this district, with 
Ottawa as the centre. 

Ontario has invested $175,000,000 in it, and produces $60,000,- 
ooo annually. My eyes ! I never before had so much respect for 
the cow. The Colonel says that General " Bobs " will even be 
more surprised than we have been, on hearing of the vast area of 
pasture lands, when, if things come to the worst, he might use 
them for " manoeuvring purposes." I guess there are others who, 
like the General, think of Canada as a wood lot. This is the rea 
son why I give you so much of the butter and cheese side of Can 
ada, sandwiched among things not so practical. 

President Reid told us of the growth of Ottawa. Large areas 
of what are now some of the prettiest parts of the city, were, ten 
years ago, barren fields. This is especially true of " Sandy Hill," 
east of the canal, and south of Rideau Street. Of this section I 
told you in the " Theodore Street trip." Property has there so 
much increased in value that I would not dare give you the per 
cent, truthful as you know me to be. Mr. Reid said much of truth 
when he said that to Boards of Trade a very great deal is due the 
progress of a city, and especially is this true when there is the har 
mony found in the one of Ottawa, where the good of the city is 
the sole object of its being race, party lines, and all else is for 
gotten in this one object. And again, the City Council and the 
Board of Trade work together, hand in hand, each with the same 
aim, Ottawa s motto, " Advance." 

Another suggestion Mr. Reid makes, is pertinent to our own 
country, apropos of the late coal strike : " Arbitrate, and make an 
other such an impossible thing." From the city to the Dominion, 
he (Mr. Reid) called our attention to the banking. interests. " Our 
chartered banks have a paid up capital of $78,727,552 ; rest, $50,- 
892,024. Six millions of people have $450,000,000, an increase of 
$251,000,000 in seven years; and to further show the thrift of 
Canadians, our people carried life insurance in the regular com 
panies, at the end of 1902, $508,794,371." 


All this we learned of Ottawa, and wondered if any other 
Canadian city was so progressive. We wondered this aloud one 
night in the " Russell." 

" Progressive!" exclaimed the Toronto man. " Progressive! 
Why, you should see Toronto!" 

" Yes, Rube," said the Montrealer, " you should see Toronto. 
There s a town that wants everything in sight!" 

" And gets it too !" was Toronto s quick reply. Then I sat 
and listened to the two argue. It was a play ! 

224 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" Oh, you imagine that because you have the largest Baton 
House in the world that you re It," and Montreal winked, which 
made us wonder " where s the joke?" but Toronto came up smil 
ing with " Yes, we do imagine we re It, and better still, we know 
it." And he went right on proving all his claims. At last Mont 
real stopped and walked away, as Toronto was telling the Colonel 
and me how that his city had more than doubled its population in 
twenty years. " And we haven t got fully started yet." I could 
not but admire his enthusiasm. 

" What s the secret of your city s great success ?" I asked. 

" Secret? There s no secret about it. We don t allow it to 
be a secret. We tell it to the world, and we are proud of and loyal 
to our city, and that s the secret." Say, that Torontonian had the 
Colonel and me throwing up our hats for his town, when we had 
never been nearer that 263 miles of the place we just could not 
help being enthused! And every Toronto man we ve met since 
has been full of his city s good points. The Colonel, who met 
the Toronto schoolmarms when in Ottawa on their visit to the 
Capital, says that they were just as enthusiastic as the boys. From 
this I might moralize, and say : " Loyal citizens would make a pro 
gressive and successful city out of a village, whilst the continued 
apathy of the people of a Babylon would turn it into a wilderness." 


A bystander among a number who had heard the foregoing 
said to us afterwards : " Toronto told you how that his town had 
doubled in size in twenty years ; why, that s nothing at all. My 
town was a village twenty years ago or thereabouts, and look at 
Winnipeg to-day the Chicago of Canada, the coming Babylon 
of the North!" 


" They may all talk about their towns, but, Rube, listen to 
what I m telling you. Keep your eye on Edmonton, out there in 
Alberta, if you want to see a city grow out of a village. Why, 
man, when we get the new Grand Trunk Pacific, and the half 
dozen other roads which have to come to us, these other little 
towns they ve been telling you about will only be way stations. 
We are doubling our population so fast that we don t take any 

account of it, and " 


" Say, hold on, Edmonton ; don t let your loyalty lead you 
astray. You ll have Rube and the Colonel lost on your prairies 
along the Saskatchewan, and they will miss the train for Victoria, 
the coming city of British Columbia, and that would be 

Controversy of the Cities. 225 


" Now, look here, Vic," broke in the gentleman from Van 
couver/ what s the matter with your geography anyhow ? You 
can t fool these two Yankees ; they know that my town is in British 
Columbia, so don t be giving them any of your coming city air. 
Victoria! Why, man, your own village school children know 
better than that " 

Peace River Country. 

" Peace, peace, gentlemen," put in the man from up north. 
" As soon as I get a Bill through Parliament to change Macoun s 
climate, I ll show you a city as is a city a regular wheat city." 

" Now, see here," exclaimed 


You can t steal my name. It would take the hot air of a 
dozen Parliaments to raise the temperature half way up to my 
town, which, for its size, has no equal in Canada. Why, we re 
the liveliest place on the continent, and do more business in a month 
than some of your towns four times the size. And look at the 
kind of men we grow out there, look at what one of them is doing 
for Canada. Why, he s making it better known throughout the 
world than all his predecessors put together. If he keeps well he 
will make great cities out of all of our towns, and build up the 
country besides !" 

At this point 

Halifax and St. John, 

who were sitting in the corner near by, nodded to us to come over. 

" Rube," said Hal, " what were those little boys telling you ?" 

" About their great cities out west," said I. 

" I told you so," said Hal to Sinjon, then to us : " Did you be 
lieve it all?" 

" Yes, and why not?" They had been so enthusiastic for 
their towns and cities that it would have been easy to believe any 
thing they could say. 

Now, let us tell you a few things. Hal, here, and I have 
cities with so many attractions that your people come over by the 
tens of thousands every year just to look at them. These new 
towns are not in the same running with us. And as for big men, 
we don t have to mention them to you, unless you ve been asleep 
while in Ottawa and from all accounts I don t think you have. 
Why, we have to send our big ones up here yearly to keep the Gov 
ernment in smooth running order; both parties look to us for 
leaders, and we have them and to spare !" 

" Right you are Sinjon," broke in 

226 Ottawa, The Hub. 


who had been listening to the enthusiasts of the West, and to the 
staid Bluenoses of the East. " Right you are, but Hal here is 
so selfish with his leaders, that just the other day he decided to 
keep at home one of the best of the lot. A leader, by the way, 
who is such an admirable character as a man, as well as a leader, 
that such selfishness is nothing short of shameful Come, Hal, 
own up, why did you do it ? " 

Now see here Ham, don t rub it on too hard, I m sorry 
enough about it already, I don t believe I thought, at the time, just 
what I was doing. In fact, to tell the truth, I did not know what 
a great man he was and how much the country needed him, else 
I d sent him back unanimous." 

Too late now, Hal, too late, some of the rest of us will win 
him away from you and send him up and when the world gets 
to talking about the great Canadian Statesman, don t you up 
and claim any credit, for none is due you! You turned him 
down and being sorry don t help matters you ll yet learn that 
a true Statesman belongs to the country and not to the party 
Party is only the means of his reaching the country. You re all 
right Hal but you re too Conservative." 

Too Liberal you mean ! " langhed Sinjon, who seemed quite 
to enjoy Hal s discomforture at Ham s " roast." 

Colonel," said I, when we finally got away from the en 
thusiasts, " I do believe the Canadians could give us points on 
loyalty. Every one is loyal to his own city, and all of them loyal 
to their country. What will be the result ?" 

"A New Canada! 

The old Canada even now is being relegated, and a new nation, 
with more progressive notions and broader ideas, is taking the 
place of the old, and before we are aware of it, we will have a 
great rival to the north, but forever a friendly one, for both are 
as one in all that makes for good." And so ran on the Colonel, 
with almost as much enthusiasm as the men to whom we had just 
been listening. 


But to return to the Board of Trade, and the City s need. 
There are most excellent openings for the following industries : 
Cotton mills, shoe factories, manufactories for hats, collars and 
cuffs, shirts, gloves, neckwear, etc., and located as it is, in the 
very centre of the lumber industry, it is an ideal place for furni 
ture factories, and again surrounded as it is with a great fruit 
and farming country, a canning establishment would pay well, as 
would also a biscuit factory. With the sober, industrious labor, 
to which Mr. Woods referred, Ottawa can offer every induce 
ment for manufacturers to locate in and about the city. 

The Stars and Stripes. 227 


Is Canada s " Fourth of July." It is July ist. It com 
memorates the confederation of all the provinces, which occurred 
in 1867. 

It was celebrated in Ottawa (1904) by one of the finest mili 
tary parades and reviews I have ever witnessed, and the finest 
that Ottawa had ever held. 

Owing to the fact that the militia of the fourth district of 
Canada were holding their annual encampment at Rockliffe Park, 
many thousands of citizen soldiers took part in the review, which 
was the suggestion of Alderman Fred. Journeaux, who cannot be 
commended too highly for the great success of the day. 

The plan of the review was that of Major R. A. Helmer, and 
so well was it carried out that it was as the working of a perfect 
clock, and so beautiful, that two prominent officers from Vermont 
exclaimed : " We have never seen it excelled !" 

Besides those of the city of whom I made mention in the 
military chapter were : Colonel Hodgins, Colonel Cameron, D.S.O., 
5th Royal Scots, of Montreal ; Colonel H. A. Morgan, of the 59th ; 
Colonel Checkley, of the 56th Grenville regiment; Colonel T. H. 
Elliott, of the 97th, from Sault Ste. Marie. 

One pleasing feature of the review was the part taken by 
Company V., N. G., ist Regiment, from Burlington, Vermont, 
under Captain E. B. Woodbury, Lieuts. O. H. Parker and W. E. 
Williard ; and Company E. N.G., from Malone, New York, with 
officers : Captain Albert J. Miller, Lieuts. J. T. Huntington and 
Harold Lawrence; Lieuts.-Surgeon S. D. Williamson; Major Jas. 
S. Boye, of the 4th Battalion, N.G., N.Y., and Captain Peckham, 
of the Major s staff. 

The whole was under, the guidance of the most cordially liked 
officer in Canada, Colonel Wm. E. Hodgins, commander of ihe 
Militia of the Fourth District. 

The prettiest feature of the day and this was conceded by 
all was the visit of the lady contingents of Company E, from 
Malone, who gave a beautiful drill, in the evening, on a raised 
platform or stage on Cartier Square, which was witnessed by pos 
sibly 20,000 people. 

What most pleased the Colonel and me was the beautiful way 
our soldiers were treated. It was simply charming, the kindness 
shown to them every minute of the day ! And then the way 

Our Flag, the Stars and Stripes, 

was respected, and even honored, was nothing short of delight 
ful ! In all the long parade it was the only flag unfurled, while 

228 Ottawa, The Hub. 

on Sparks Street (the main street of Ottawa), I counted no less 
than 124 of our emblem, and in all the day there was not, among 

the tens of thousands, one fool to cry " Pull em down." 

(You should hear with what emphasis the Colonel filled that 
blank, and I said "Amen!") Nor is this because these people 
love their own flag less. No, they are as loyal to the Union Jack 
as we can possibly be to the Stars and Stripes ! 

You at home, cannot imagine the shame it gives us to read 
of the discourtesy shown to the flag of these people, who seem 
not to resent the acts of some of our " half -baked " patriots (?) 
Why, the Colonel is even growing 


over it. "What?" Oh, he says I m wrong. "No, Rube, it s 
only getting singed off by the coals of fire heaped on !" And I 
don t wonder. 

Now, don t say : " Ha, ha, Rube and the Colonel are forget 
ting their country! 3 Why, bless you, it s just because we love 
our country so dearly that we love these people for showing such 
kindness toward it, and are heartily ashamed of those in our coun 
try who would make them think that their kindness was lost upon 
us. Seek out, in all our broad area, from ocean to ocean, and you 
will not find among the above brood of idiots one man who has 
ever visited with the people of Canada! Ask the boys of Bur 
lington or Malone of the kindness they received in Ottawa. Ask 
the no, you need not. I was just going to say " ask the ladies 
of Malone." Say, you should have seen the royal way they were 
entertained ! I don t wonder that a number of them were left, 
and had to be sent home on a " special." I do believe had it been 
put to a vote that they d all been here yet ! 

I am thus emphatic in the hope that these lines may fall under 
the notice of those " stay at homes " who imagine that the sun 
rises and sets in their village boundary, and who think that to 
insult a neighbor s flag is proof positive of loyalty to their own. 

Said Captain C. M. Brownell, of the staff of Colonel Estey, 
of the First Vermont, and Lieut. A. N. Pickel, of the I5th Regt 
of the United States Army, both of whom were here as visitors, 
with nothing to do but look on, " This is, our first visit to Ottawa, 
and almost our first visit to Canada, and it is all a revelation to us. 
Such courtesy, such consideration, such entertainment! Why, it 
is all so delightful that words are inexpressive when speaking of 
Ottawans !" 

I give you this to show you what other Yankees think of 
Canada s Capital and its people. 

All this kindly feeling shows that while a line political divides 
us, the hearts of the people are fast dimming all other lines, and 
making us one in sentiment and in love, and I bid God speed to 
that condition. 

Money to Burn. 229 


" Rube," asked the Colonel, one day, " what do you know 
about Canadian banking?" 

" Nothing," said I, " why do you ask? Are you thinking of 
going into the business ?" This was one of the sort of questions 
the Colonel would never answer, so I had to continue : I only 
know banking in the abstract, and nothing in the concrete, nothing 
in the concrete." 

" I don t blame em." 

" Don t blame em. What do you mean by that ?" but he only 
went on talking as though to himself. 

" No, I don t blame em ; no, it would not be safe to let him 
into the concrete." Then to me : " Rube, have you noticed how 
strong they build the bank vaults up here? Why, they seem one 
mass of iron and concrete," and he looked for all the world like a 
man who had attempted an adamantine joke; not content with 
that, he wanted to know if I knew that the expression " Money to 
burn " started in Ottawa, but of course I had never thought of it. 
Yes," said he, " it started in Ottawa. A man was going up 
street one day to deposit some money in the Bank of Ottawa, 
when a friend met him: "Where are you going?" asked the 
friend. " I m taking this money to Burn," said the man. 

" Well," said I in blank, 

Taking it to Burn. Money to Burn. Oh, dear, Rube, 
you re too dense for any use," and he left me right there. I do 
wonder what he meant anyhow. " Money to Burn." (I later on 
met the genial Manager of the " Ottawa," and then I understood.) 
The Colonel s question set me thinking, and usually to think 
is to act ; so I looked into Canada s banking system, and was sur 
prised to find that the Canadian s claim of 

The Best in the World 

is true, and the mind or minds that conceived the plan should have 
monuments erected to their memory. 

In a book on everything, special subjects must needs be given 
little space, even though worthy a volume. In speaking on bank 
ing, a sentence must serve the place of pages. The term " Banks " 
always means Chartered Banks. 

The best features of the Canadian system is that of its branch 
banks. Some of them have branches in all of the cities, and in 
very many towns. 

Advantage over our Plan. 

One branch may be located in a town where little of new en 
terprise needing money is going forward. This branch accepts 

230 Ottawa, The Hub. 

deposits, which are sent either to the parent bank or to another 
branch in the west, where money is needed for new enterprises. 
The depositors are paid interest in the one, while in the other the 
money is loaned out, thus bringing in close touch the lender and 
the borrower, without as with us the needy borrower, in a far 
Western or Southern State, having to pay a commission to a 
broker in the east for securing a loan, often at high interest. This 
is the very perfection of money handling. The bank always knows 
where money is needed, and the borrower has his needs supplied 
right at home. The bank runs little risk in making loans, for the 
local manager knows intimately the ability and honesty of the 
borrower. It is better for the country as a whole, as its people in 
every part are enabled to get money at reasonable interest, to carry 
on enterprises which, but for the reasonable interest, would not be 
embarked in. Beautiful system. 

Some Points of the System. 

The Treasury Board (we have a Comptroller of Currency) 
gives consent to a certain number of individuals to start a bank, 
it having first secured a charter from the Dominion Government. 
These individuals having subscribed $500,000, paid up to the ex 
tent of $250,000, which one-half must be temporarily deposited 
with the Treasury Department. 

The stockholders of a bank are liable for double the amount 
of their holdings, thus making it so secure that loss to depositors 
and holders of the bank s paper is all but impossible. A bank 
cannot lend money on its own stock, or on that of any other Cana 
dian bank. In twenty years there was but one failure, and that 
one paid 99^ cents on the dollar. Charters are all renewed every 
ten years, i.e., at the even years, 1880-1890-1900. 

Fiat Money used first in Canada. 

Few know that fiat money was first used in Canada. In 1685 
the French Intendant (Governor) could not pay the soldiers, and 
France being nearly bankrupt, he (the Intendant) cut playing 
cards into small pieces, on which he wrote a promise to pay. These 
he sealed by the seal of France, and paid them out for money. 
This kind of money was used up to 1715. The volume of this 
currency rose to $20 per capita. From 1715 to I7 2 9> the Colony 
had no regular currency, but in the latter year the people again 
called for card money, and it was given them. Thus, we see that 
" cards " have played their part in the history of Canada. It is 
said that they are still used here, but not as legal tender. 

A year later, or in 1686, Massachusetts, following the Inten 
dant, issued fiat money, which soon became so useless that even 
to this day we refer to it, when speaking of things of little value, 

Canadian Banking. 231 

as " not worth a Continental." Some people have been known to 
make that sentence an expressive word longer; so the Colonel 
says, and he knows. 

A bank in Philadelphia, in 1781, and one in New York, in 
1784, issued bank notes, but when Canada tried it shortly after, 
it proved a failure. They tried again in 1807-8, and again failed, 
but during the war of 1812, the banks issued paper notes under 
British authority. They were paid, and this gave the people con 
fidence. Nova Scotia, then not a part of Canada, also issued 
Treasury notes in 1812. 

In 1817, the great Bank of Montreal, now one of the largest 
in wealth in the world, was created. It was the first joint stock 
bank in Canada. 

From 1817 to 1825 there were established three banks in 
Lower Canada (Quebec), one in Upper Canada, one in New 
Brunswick, and one in Nova Scotia, and are all still in existence 
but two. The Bank of Canada passed out of existence shortly 
after incorporation, and the Bank of Upper Canada failed in 1866. 

At the time of Canada s Confederation, in 1867, there were 
thirty-nine bank charters and twenty-seven banks doing business. 

In 1871 was passed the first general Bank Act of the 
Dominion. By this Act, the note holders had no greater security 
than other creditors, but in 1880 the notes became a prior lien. 

If a bank suspends, its notes bear 5% interest until it has its 
affairs in shape to pay in full. A bank may be fined from $1,000 
to $100,000 for an over issue of notes. 

A bank may not issue bills of less than $5.00, and all bills 
must be multiples of $5.00. Bills of lesser value are issued by 
the Dominion Government. (Only bills issued by the Govern 
ment are legal tender). The Government, unlike with us, does 
not guarantee the issue of the banks, but this issue is the first den 
on the banks assets. 

Each bank is obliged to redeem its notes in the commercial 
centres, thus avoiding discount for geographical reasons. 

As a matter of course, more money is needed in one part of a 

?ar than at other, times ; when the crops are moving, for instance, 
he output of a bank fluctuates ; when the demands of trade grow 
less, the notes of a bank flow back to its vaults, to be sent out as 
the needs of the country increase. Each bank redeems its own 
particular bills. With us, the moment a bill leaves the bank of 
issue it loses its identity, and only by chance will it ever afain re 
turn to its starting bank. Our national banks, when wishing to 
recover the bonds deposited as security for their notes, may do so 
with any lawful money, instead of with their own bills alone. 

Absolute Safety of a Canadaian Bank-note. 

To show the great security of the Canadian bank bill, I was 
surprised to find that behind every dollar were assets worth $10.19. 

232 Ottawa, The Hub. 

When I saw this, I could not but think how little reason we of 
the States have for fearing to take Canadian money. Towns and 
cities along- the border are now accepting it, and it will not be long 
until it will be accepted generally. 

General Banking Facility. 

There is possibly no country in the world with so good bank 
ing facilities as Canada. There is hardly a town of 1,000 inhabi 
tants but has a branch of one or more of the great banks. With 
us, if there be a bank in a town of that size, it is usually secured 
by local capital ; while here the security is often fifty times as great, 
and seldom less than twenty times. 

Few Savings Banks. 

There are very few savings banks in Canada, as we know 
them, and really no need for them, as nearly every one of the banks 
and their branches have a savings department, where interest is 
allowed. (There is also a postal savings bank, which see under 
Post Office.) 

The " kiting " of paper is never encouraged, and not per 
mitted when known. A borrower must give real security, and not 
the names of worthless men, as, is so often allowed by some of our 
banks. (I knew of one in New York City whose assets, when it 
failed, were made up mostly of the paper of men notorious for 
their poverty.) 

Banks here make a full report to the Government each month. 
Settlements at the Clearing Houses are made daily, in legal tenders 
or gold. The Government issues large notes for this purpose ; 
some of these notes are as large as $5,000. Forty per cent of a 
bank s cash reserve must be in Dominion legal tender. 

Other Points of Banking. 

Private individuals may do a banking business, but cannot 
issue paper currency. They must carefully avoid any name that 
would lead the ignorant to mistake their place of business as a 
chartered bank. 

Our banks cannot increase their currency without first de 
positing bonds at Washington with the Government; here thay 
can increase or decrease their currency as needs of business re 
quire, which goes far towards preventing a stringency at critical 
periods. Thus, we see the Canadian system is far more elastic 
than ours, and has proven to be far better. 

Memo, re Bank Circulation Fund. 

The protection afforded to the holder of a Canadian bank 
note, of any bank solvent in 1890, or incorporated since, is such, 

Winter in Canada. 233 

that a note is, to all intents and purposes, good for all time, until 

In addition to the circulation being the first charge upon the 
assets of a bank, which means that nearly $n.oo of assets is be 
hind each dollar in circulation, a special deposit is made with the 
Dominion Government, called the Circulation Security Fund, each 
bank being obliged to contribute $% of their highest average cir 
culation to this fund, which is adjusted yearly. 

Should a bank go into liquidation, or become unable, from any 
cause, to pay its debts on demand, the liquidator must give notice 
within 60 days, of his readiness to redeem the circulation, or 
otherwise the Dominion Government may intervene, and give 
notice that the circulation will be redeemed out of this security 
fund, which at present amounts to over $3,000,000. 

In the event of the assets of an insolvent bank not being suffi 
cient, when collected, to pay the amount of the circulation, the 
other banks are obliged to make good the amount pro rata to their 
^circulation, so that the fund shall at all times remain at 5% of the 
total note issue. 

Before the final distribution of the assets of a bank in liquida 
tion, the liquidator is obliged to deposit with the Dominion Gov 
ernment an amount equal to the total amount of the notes that are 
then outstanding. This money remains with the Government for 
all time, and should the notes never be .presented, the Government 
(that is, the people), get the benefit of their loss, not the share 
holders of the bank. 

By this method, coupled with the fact that the notes bear in 
terest at 5 % from the day of suspension of any bank, until the day 
named by proclamation for their redemption, it is contended that 
the Canadian bank note issuei is good everywhere, and at all times, 
no matter what may be the condition of the bank itself. In other 
words, a Canadian bank bill, even of an insolvent bank, and ac 
cepted, passes current, or is redeemed by any chartered bank. 


Rube," said the Colonel, one evening, " listen to this letter 
from down home : Don t say Canada to me ! 30 degrees below 
zero here ! What must it be there ! I shiver to think of it ! Why, 
we just can t keep the house warm! I really feel sorry for you 
two! Don t you just freeze? 5 

" Ha ! ha ! Colonel ; it s really too bad for those people down 
home, but, say, open that window and cool off this room a bit. 
I m too hot to talk about cold. There, that s better," and I leaned 
back in an easy chair, without even a coat on, as the Colonel went 

234 Ottawa, The Hub. 

on with the letter, telling of the severe winter and the awful cold. 
" I used to think that way myself. Canada ! Why, the very 
word sent shivers chasing each other. No matter how much ] 
heard say : Canada is delightful in winter, I set the saver down 

as a (fill it up for yourself, and make it strong), and 

now I wonder, Colonel, how I am to make people believe me when 
I say that the other sayer was truthful?" 

" Just tell the truth, and let it go at that. It will be hard for 
them to believe it with 30 below, as they sit shivering in houses 
so thin that the furnace must heat outside as well as indoors." 

"The Colonel was right. Houses here are built to keep out 
cold in winter, and heat in summer the very reverse of condi 
tions in many parts of our country. Houses here are comfortable, 
and outside they do not have to contend with our dampness, and 
with a few days exception, the weather is comfortable. I am say 
ing this in the coldest winter they have had for a generation. The 
winter is more than half over as I write, and there has been but 
one day when I looked out and then stayed in from choice, and 
you may readily guess the sort of day that was one of those cold 
sleety kind, of which we have so many every winter down home. 

Few carry umbrellas to keep off snow the men never and the 
women seldom. " We can nearly all tell a Yankee ; he is either 
carrying an umbrella, or wearing ear muffs," which reminds me 
of some of the men who come up from New York City. ihey 
wear high hats, with ear muffs sewed on. This is more frequent 
ly seen in Montreal than here, and is very amusing to the natives, 
who go prepared for the weather in a sensible way. 

" You will feel the cold more the second winter " is what they 
told me. This is my third winter in Canada, and I like it better 
than the first or second. Canadian winter is all right! 

The famous Mrs. Trail, one of the most charming writers, 
who ever wrote of this beautiful Northland, said this of winter, 
in her Backwoods of Canada. "Though the Canadian winter has 
its disadvantages, it has also its charms. After a day or two of 
heavy snow, the sky brightens, and the air becomes exquisitely 
clear and free from vapour; the smoke ascends in tall spiral 
umns till it is lost; seen against the saffron-tinted sky of an even 
ing or early of a clear morning, when the hoar-frost sparkles on 
the trees, the effect is singularly beautiful." Now there! wh 
could dare grow cold after that ! 

One day, the Colonel was criticising the slow mail delivery 
of Canada. " Why," said he, " it takes as long or longer to get 
a letter to, and answer back from Montreal, than to, get a letter to 
New York City and an answer back, and yet Montreal is but 
three hours away." 

A Million Dollar Plant. 235 

That s nothing Colonel," said I, " nothing at all, in com 
parison to our own service, why I remember once writing a letter 
to a man in Philadelphia wrote it and mailed it in New York 
special delivery at that. Now Philadelphia is only two hours 
away, and yet I didn t get an answer back for six months ! " 

Well, that was certainly slow, even for Philadelphia. Oh, 
yes, by the way Rube, what was in your letter ? " 

I almost forget, it s been so long ago, but I think I asked 
the man to send that ten dollars he owed me. Yes, I remember 
now, it was for a ten he borrowed till Saturday." 

" Oh, I see ! : He didn t say what he saw as he walked away, 
neither did he say any more about sending a letter, on Monday, to, 
Montreal and not getting a reply back until Wednesday 


That Canada is beginning to wake up to her possibilities is 
seen in the great manufacturing interests, that are being develoD- 
ed m every part of this vast Dominion. Once it was only the 
timber that could interest the capitalist, now he is seeking out in 
vestments in manufactories of all kinds; he builds the machinery 
that sows, tills and reaps the grain of the millions of acres that 
are yearly coming under cultivation; he builds and equips the 
thousands of miles of railways, that are penetrating into lands 
so recently the pastures of the buffalo; and now he is beginning 
to look beneath the surface for investment. 

Canada is full of earth wealth. In my wanderings I seldom 

return without having seen or heard of deposits of fabulous 

value. Here it is an iron mountain or a mica bed ; there a gold 

mine; a vast deposit of nickel; or asbestos enough to supply the 

markets of the world; and many other valuable minerals 

lying until recently unworked, waiting for an Irvin to develop 

It would seem that the man, and not the deposit was 

Canadians turned their attention so long to the forests 

their products, that they passed over, unnoted, earth wealth 
that might have made of them Monte Christos. 

Just across the river from the Capital, in the quaint old town 
rlull has been discovered a deposit so rich in material, that 
it can only be likened unto a gold mine and here is being erected 
a million dollar plant to develop this material, and to convert rock 
clay and sand into a merchantable product. I refer to the 

International Portland Cement Company, 
whose great buildings are so nearly completed. 

236 Ottawa, The Hub. 

When Philemon Wright came, only the timber was of value. 
He cut away the forests and left, seemingly useless, the rocky 
land, where now lie buried the fortunes of many yet unborn. Gen 
erations came and went, the land growing more sterile by disuse, 
until it was looked upon as suited only for the recreation of the 
golf player. When however the whilom farmer boy of Illinois, 

Joseph S. Irvin, 

came to Hull, and there saw this deposit of fabulous wealth, IIP 
set about organizing a company to develop it. A careful estimate 
showed that $1,000,000 would be required to make it a profitable 
enterprise. That amount to a Morgan would be but the intima 
tion of the need, but we who have tried to " float a good 
thing," requiring an one hundredth part of that sum, know what 
it meant to set about raising one million dollars, but to Joseph 
S. Irvin, the word " can t " is always written without the last 
letter, and in this instance, as in all he has ever tried to carry 
through, success was the result, the money was raised, and the 
wheels of the great plant are now almost ready to set going. This 
to him, means more than the raising of the million, and the erec 
tion of the great buildings. It means, that he who has done 
can do again, and capital, the chariest of fairies, will now trust 
him implicitly, and await his coming. 

Men have made fortunes by the turn of a wheel, and the 
wheel that produced it may lose it again, but the fortune won by 
judgment stays, and benefits not only the one who made it, but 
those who are wise in following the man of judgment, and here 
after Irvin s followers will be many, for he is a man of great judg 
ment and ability, and has carried to success a great enterprise. 

The man who talks has his listeners, the man who does, has 
his followers; the listeners go their way and forget, the followers 
continue to follow, knowing that he who does, for himself, in 
honest enterprise, will always do for: those who wisely fol 

Nor is the success Irvin s alone. Much credit is due to the 
inventive genius of the engineers, Robert D. Hasson and Arthur 
C Tagge who have laid out, and carried through every detail o 
the acres of machinery, necessary to complete the great works. 
and but for the Canadian Capitalists, whose money has flowed 
to carry through the enterprise, it had failed in accomplishment 
but all these, under the wise direction of a master mind wil 
have given to the city a plant that must bring to it great benefit. 

The location is ideal. The rock lies on one side and the clay 
lies on the other. The two are brought together at the mill, 
ground burned, mixed and ground again ready for shipment, 
by either water or rail, as the Company has both facilities at ; 
very doors. 

Hull s Great Future. 237 


Mountains of Iron Lying Idle. 

Hull seems destined to become more than a suburb of the 
Capital. For years it has been known that almost at its very doors 
were mountains of iron, only waiting a time when it could be 
mined and worked economically. That time seems now to have 
come. The Government Commission on the subject of the 
Electro-thermic manufacture of smelting iron ores, and for mak 
ing steel have just made their report. Dr. Haanel, chairman; 
C. E. Brown, C. E., electrician; and Prof. F. W. Harboard, all 
report favorably on the smelting of iron, and the making of 
steel, in this locality. Mr. Louis Simpson has also published a 
statement that electric power can be developed at $5 per horse 
power year. 

It would seem that nature had specially designed things for 
Hull. To the north, from the Ottawa to the Gatmeau and beyond, 
lies the iron ore, and at Chat s Falls, there is flowing to waste 
150,000 horsepower, only waiting to be harnessed and set to 
profitably smelting the ore into ingots, and again converting 
these into steel. 

Hull has found an Irvin for its great beds of rock and clay, 
and it now remains to be seen if others so wise, can be found to 
develop an industry, which must add thousands to her population 
and bring millions of dollars to the fortunate developers. 


We will soon have our innings," said the old citizen, as he 
picked up a fresh shingle to whittle. " You in the States have 
had all the manufacturing long enough. There was a time when 
machinery was driven by coal, and you had the coal. As coal is 
growing scarcer, another power must needs be called upon, and 
we have that other power electricity. All along the great St. 
Lawrence, for hundreds of miles to the north, are waterfalls which 
would turn the wheels of the world, and these falls are, one 
after the other, being harnessed, and before many years the hum 
of the spindle will be heard throughout Eastern Canada, while our 
western prairies are supplying bread for our own workingmen, 
with hundreds of millions of bushels of grain to share for" other 

Hold on, hold on," said I, " is this a Fourth o July speech !" 

^No, it s a First of July! I want you to know that you 
haven t all the July pyrotechnics. We are waking up to the fact 

238 Ottawa, The Hub. 

that our vast resources warrant all the flights we may choose to 
take, and we are getting ready to take em !" 
" Hear, hear !" 


There is possibly no country in the world that can equal our 
waterfalls, and since electricity is the coming power, it follows 
that here must be the manufacturing, and when our people are 
fully alive to that fact, we will have the skilled workmen to ad 
just and run the machinery." And then he said a strong thing 
that set me thinking. " Possibly," he continued, " the best skilled 
people in the world for fine fabrics are the French. The Hugue 
nots made England the manufacturing country that it is, and 
others, whose ancestors come from France, will do the same for 
Canada. Your eastern mills have for a long while been absorb 
ing and training our French population, and when we need them, 
they will return to us, as the children of Israel returned to Pales 
tine, bringing with them the knowledge gained in Egypt." 

The Telephone is Canadian. 

In speaking of electricity, he told me things I had not known. 
" The telephone," said he, " is our invention." 

"What!" I exclaimed, "can that be true? Was Graham 
Bell a Canadian ?" 

"By adoption, yes. He came here from Scotland in 1870. 
He came to Brantford The Telephone City -Brantford, Out. 
He invented the telephone in 1874, and in 1876 was speech first 
sent through a telegraph wire, and in 1871, in Hamilton, Ont., 
was the telephone first put to commercial use. 

Electric Cars. 

Then, as to use of electricity for street cars. While it was 
first made available in Richmond, Virginia, Canada soon took it 
up, and here in Ottawa, Ahearn & Soper, the Edisons of Canada, 
were first to prove it possible to run cars in winter by means of 
it. From this he branched of to the 


and I found he was a very mine of information on that line. 

" From forty miles Baltimore to Washington in 1844, it 
has grown into a land line of 1,025,700 miles, with 3,979.500 miles 
of wire, with 1,764 separate cable lines of 204,527 nautical miles 
of wire. All these have cost $500,000,000 for land lines, and 
$350,000,000 for cables." He even knew the number of telegrams 
sent per day (1,300,000), and also the cablegrams (36,000). 
you this may not be of interest, but to me it was most absorbing. 

State Ownership of the Telegraph. 239 

" Do you know," he asked, " that the United States and Can 
ada are the only countries in the world where the telegraph is not 
Government owned?" 

I certainly do not," I replied. 

" Yes, the only two, and such great men as Sir Sandford 
Fleming the Father of the Pacific Cable, are advocating state 
ownership in Canada, leaving your country the only one whose 
people must continue, to pay from double to several times as much 
for their telegrams as they would have to pay if the lines were 
run by the Government." 

" What would be the real advantage of State ownership ?" 
I asked. 

" Let Sir Sandford Fleming answer that question. Here is 
a little part of what he has said on the subject." And at that he 
handed me a pamphlet, in which I found " Some of the Reasons 
Why " : 

" i. In order that they may be wholly removed from the con 
trol of companies, whose chief object is to make profits by main 
taining as high rates as possible on messages." 

" 2. In order that the cost of telegraphing may be reduced 
to a minimum." 

There were many other reasons given, but these were the 
main ones. 

" Yes," said I, " but how do we know that messages would 
be cheaper? Could the Government run the telegraphs as 
cheaply as a company ? " I saw by the smile on the old citizen s 
face that I had asked a very foolish question. 

" I don t believe you meant to ask that," was his kind com 
ment. " It is not so much whether the Government could run 
them as cheaply as a company, but the cost to the people is the 
question, and as to that I refer you to the mail carrying of the 
Dominion. I hardly need argue so plain a question. Its bene 
fits are many, not only to the people, but to the operators, far more 
of whom would be required, and those receiving good salaries as 
managers would continue as managers. The only ones who 
might in any event lose by such a change would be the post-office- 
hunting-politician, as by this change the postmaster would have to 
be an expert telegrapher, and the above variety of politician, not 
being expert in anything but that of office hunting might pos 
sibly have to give up and go to work for his living." By this time 
the old citizen had finished his shingle, but it had held out long 
enough for me to gather many " shavings " of real worth. 

240 Ottaiva, The Hub. 


It is said, that until within a few years Canada was slow to 
take up the new being content with the old conservative ways 
of doing things. A visit to one of their exhibitions, will readily 
convince one that all this has been changed, that if there is a bet 
ter way, they want that way, and readily adopt it. 

One day in Montreal, I saw a new kind of paper. 
"Dixon," said I, "what s this?" 
" That " said he, " is the 

English Featherweight, 

which has recently come over, and the Canada Paper Company, 
of this city, will be making it in a very short time." 

" If they hurry it up, I shall use it on my next." And here 
it is as an illustration and proof of my assertion, that Canada 
is quick to take up the new, when the new is better, and in this 
instance there is no question. 

" Rube, are they all so quick as the C. P. C. ? If they were 
they d all have it ! " 

" I haven t thought o that, Colonel." 

" You re like a good many Rube, you pick out the best and 
give it as an illustration. But on the whole you are right, pro 
gress is the order of the day up here." 


The Carnegie Library is being built on Metcalfe, corner of 
Maria. I went around to get the dimensions one evening. It 
was very muddy about the building. All the men were gone 
save one : "Can you give me the dimensions of this ? I called 
across. "Yes, come over!" I "come over" through the mud. 

"How large is it?" 

" It runs from there to there ! " pointing. 

" I know that but how many feet long and wide ? 

" Oh, I don t know but I think the architect does," and he 

It fronts on Metcalfe 115-4 feet, and on Maria Street 
90-4 feet and 60 feet high. It is French Renaissance in style, 
and of light stone and brick. Besides the large library room, 
there are Committee and Reading Rooms. Mr. Carnegie has 
donated $100,000 for the building. 

Carnegie Library. 241 

The Architect is Mr. E. L. Horwood, who, although but a 
young man, already stands at the very top in old Colonial Archi 
tecture,, and yet his many public and business buildings show him 
to be most versatile in his styles, as may be seen in The Sun Life, 
the Gilmpur Hotel, the new St. George s Society Building, the 
St. Luke s Hospital, the Citizen and Cory blocks, and many 
others. He is the Official Architect for the Victorian Order of 

Mr. Carnegie has figured so extensively in Canada, of recent 
years, that I have made considerable inquiry among the people 
to learn their impressions of him, and his benefactions. Here as 
in our own country, the enormous sums with which he deals is 
too far beyond the ordinary mind. It is easy to say " a million 
dollars," and some few can conceive what it means, but most of 
us have had so little to do with the thing, except in dreams, that 
we do not really grasp the amount, fully however " grasping ;: 
a nature we may have, or however hard we may try. If a 
million dollars " is inconceivable, no wonder we fall down in the 
presence of " one hundred millions ! " the amount said to have 
been given away by this Croesus, who seems but to have started 
in on his work of giving. And yet, nearly everybody, I interview 
ed showed me how much better they could have handled the 
money, than has Mr. Carnegie himself. One man, especially, 
who took out his pencil and an old envelope, and showed me in 
plain figures, the mistake the great philanthropist was making. 
He was so entertaining in his criticism, that I shall never ask him 
for the quarter he borrowed at noon to get his breakfast. He may 
however return it. He even promised it " to-morrow." But 
as I was saying, they all had plans of their own so many in fact 
that I was bewildered by the number, and doubted my ability to 
appreciate them all. Some one has said, that " when in doubt 
play no, I mean " when in doubt ask George Johnson," for up 
here the impression is general, that the Doctor is authority on 
everything. I asked him, " Doctor " said I, " do you approve of 
the way Mr. Carnegie is squandering his money ? Have you any 
suggestion as to how he should spend it ? " 

" Of course I have," said the genial Doctor, " and why should 
I not have when every one else has several. As they are all pro 
posing that he should do something with his millions, that he has 
not indicated he himself proposes to do with them, I would sug 
gest that he set aside $5,000,000 or $50,000,000, (just as he 
wishes, I won t dictate the amount) to provide some safe way of 
dynamiting all war ships, so that the Angel of Peace, may flap 
her glad wings over the Nations of the Earth " when I woke 
out of the trance, I was interviewing an M.P., who said he would 
leave it all to Mr. Carnegie himself, as he seemed to be doing 
" furstrate." 

242 Ottawa, The Hub. 

But levity aside, I will tell you the result of much inter 
viewing. The many did not approve of Mr. Carnegie s plans, 
but the few, said that when the world, finally saw the far reaching 
purpose of this great man, and looked upon the end of his works, 
then the world would learn, that the Scotch boy had been born and 
lived for a purpose, and that the purpose had made better this old 

I have told you the disapproval of the many, and cannot bet 
ter show you the impressions of the few, than by reproducing 
the words of Canada s great poet, Wm. Wilfrid Campbell, who 
in writing of Carnegie said : 

Andrew Carnegie. 
An appreciation By W. Wilfrid Campbell. 

" When it is seen what his ideals really are, those who are 
attacking him and opposing his benefactions will realize their 
mistake. First as to his personality, he is a Scotch-American, 
Scotch by birth and stock ; he is an American in upbringing and 
environment. These facts explain the man. It has been well 
said that the man who is indifferent to his ancestral stock and the 
ideals they held, will never make a true citizen in any country. 
Andrew Carnegie has never forgotten Scotland and her great 
ideals of freedom and knowledge. His motto, " Let there be 
light," is emblematic of her history. The poor lad living in 
Pennsylvania, striving for knowledge and desiring wealth so that 
he might help others like himself, hampered for those books he 
found so necessary to his existence, was the typical Scotch boy. 
Realizing this we not only understand his dream of spreading in 
tellectual thought over the world, but we also understand the 
Scottish-American, who has a dream, and a lofty one, the bring 
ing together of the great Anglo-Celtic peoples. And these two 
ideals are the life dreams of Andrew Carnegie. When Cana 
dians understand this, they will give him the justice and respect 
due to him as a very remarkable and high-minded man." 

The many (this "many" refers not to Canadians, but to in 
dividuals of all countries) seem to see only libraries. They over 
look all else, while library building is but a part of his work. He 
should build schools, schools would do far more good," said the 
many, and some of them do not even yet know the great work he 
has inaugurated in school building. They have not heard of those 
at Pittsburg, 

The Carnegie Technical Schools, 

to be created and endowed by him, but 5,000 others have heard 
of them, and have already made written application for admittance 
5,000 from all parts of the world ! 

A Mighty Confederation. 243 

They doubtless know all about that other millionaire, by 
whose commendable benefaction, thirty young men are this month, 
on their way from Canada and the United States, to England, 
with scholarships in their pockets, earned by hard contest, but 
the vastness of Carnegie s other gifts becloud, not his thirty, but 
his scholarships limited only by the capacity of a vast institution, 
and that institution his own gift ; and it may be that this is but one 
of a chain of schools, for nobody can tell the end when once Car 
negie sets his hand to do. 

That the Technical-industrial Schools would do far more 
good than libraries, even the few must admit. In this age of 
hustle, for bread," the youth have no time to learn trades proper 
ly, and in their necessity often choose the wrong one, one for 
which they are not fitted, and the really efficient artisan is too often 
the accident, the inefficient eking out a discouraged existence, 
which even access to a free library cannot ameliorate. If Mr. 
Carnegie would give a small part of the money to found trades 
schools, in the various cities to which he is giving libraries, there 
would grow up from it a class of competent artisans, and it would 
be of far greater benefit, not only to the individual, but to the 
Nations, and the name " Carnegie " would be longer remembered 
and blest, than it will be carved upon the 1 walls of libraries. 

A Mighty Confederation. 

His library building, his endowment of schools, and all his 
other works, requiring millions of dollars, pale into insignificance, 
when compared to the real dream of his ambition to which Mr. 
Campbell so aptly refers in " the bringing together of the great 
Anglo-Celtic peoples." While I do not believe it wise, or ever 
probable that Canada should or will annex us, or we annex Canada, 
(from my "New Canada"), "I do believe that there is a possibility 
of Canada being the means of bringing about a Confederation of 
Anglo-Celtic Nations, that will change the condition of the world. 
Great Britain is Conservative, and clings to old conditions the 
United States is enthusiastically progressive, and there is danger 
of it s going too fast; while the Colonies especially so Canada 
are the happy medium the buffer of Nations and if the whole 
were joined in one protective Confederation for good that Con 
federation could dictate the policy of the world. And why not 
this Confederation? We are one in language and all else that 
makes for good, and joined, the rest of the world had as well beat 
their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning 
hooks/ Will this be? Who can tell?" It is Carnegie s dream, 
and the dreams of man are sometimes realized. 

That he has made a mistake in what he has said about Canada, 
I do not doubt, but what he has said of this magnificent country 
was more from a lack of knowledge of it, than from any inten- 

244 Ottawa, The Hub. 

tion of offending- its people. A man should be credited more for 
his acts than for his words, written or spoken. Many a one has 
spent his life saying pretty things, in praise of his home and coun 
try, and in the end left no proof of his words of praise, even 
though he could take not so much as a penny of his millions along 
with him. Good acts, not good words alone, count in the end, but 
how much better the life of him who is free with both ! 


Were I to leave out the name of Sir John A. Macdonald, in 
writing of the city where he so long was the central figure, I 
would be doing an injustice, both to the memory of the man, and 
to my own countrymen, among whom "Macdonald" has long 
been a household word. And yet I cannot but quickly sketch 
his life and character. Born in Scotland, Jan. nth, 1815, came 
to Canada (Kingston, Ont.) in 1820, died June 6th, 1891. With 
in that short sentence might be have been written volumes 
of vast interest, in which contemporaneously the growth, if not 
as well, the birth of a nation. In 1884 when he entered politics, 
he found Canada if Canada it might be called composed of 
many parts he left it a cemented nation. I have only space to 
briefly touch or name, some of the points which he did so much 
toward helping to turn into history. A few of these are : The 
Secularization of the Clergy reserves (1854) after thirty years 
of controversy, (up to that time, the churches had certain properly 
rights in all Counties) ; the adjusting (1855) of Seigneurial Tenure 
by buying out Seigneurs Claims ; the extension of the munici 
pal system ; reorganization of the militia ; the reorganization of 
the Civil Service; confederation of British North America; the 
construction of the Intercolonial Railway ; extension and consolid 
ation of the Dominion ; the National Policy ; and the construction 
of the Canadian Pacific. 

His greatness may be appreciated from the fact that for near 
ly fifty years he was the most prominent figure in Canada. He 
had the rare gift of attracting to himself all conditions of men. 
He seldom or never made friends for policy merely the man who 
does that is usually as warmly disliked by some as he is tempor 
arily liked by others, and never lives in the minds of his people 
beyond the funeral service. In style of man he was a Disraeli; 
in his manner of dealing with men and things he was a Lincoln. 
He reminds one very much of Lincoln neither was ever entered 
for prizes at a beauty show, and yet they had a beauty of char 
acter that will live through time ; each won some of his most diffi 
cult cases by story, and each was equal and yet unequalled in re 
partee. If either had been father to all the stories accredited to 
him, he would have had no time for the real things which made 

Anecdotes and Word Plays. 245 

them great, and yet that both were pastmasters in story-telling no 
one can possibly doubt. Of the two Sir John excelled in the turn 
ing or play of words. His double meanings have supplied Biggar 
with a fund for the most entertaining part of an entertaining 
volume, and to this writer am I indebted for these 

Anecdotes and Word Plays, 

He was a great pacifier, and would often turn a serious case into 
a jest, and thus bring about good feeling. One day two members 
were wrought up over a certain " system." Sir John came in 
with " Let us not have anything hostile between these two gen 
tlemen. We will not have a duel system." 

When asked about certain trains being put on the Inter 
colonial schedule, Sir John replied : " Night trains will be put on 
at an early day." 

Mr. Bowell was once criticising Mr. Mackenzie s immigra 
tion lectures for the way they reached the people. Said he : "I 
was told that some of them have adopted the mode of announcing 
a temperance lecture, and then dragging in the question of immi 
gration." " That," interposed Sir John, " is certainly throwing 
cold water on immigration. 1 " 

Apropos of temperance and its opposites, many good stories 
and repartees are accredited to Sir John. One day the question 
was up of a certain people giving beer to their children. " It is 
generally at the end of life rather than at the beginning that men 
want their bier." Once, speaking on protection, he said : " Those 
who want protection at all want all the protection they can get. 
They are like the squaw who said of whiskey, a little too much 
is just enough. 

Not being Reformers, we occasionally find something to re 
form," was one of his repartees in a debate. 

He was once taken to task for re-appointing a delinquent 
civil servant, who had promised to do better. He retorted. " The 
honorable gentlemen sneered when I said, Go and sin no more. 
I would not have given them advice I do not think they 
would have taken it." 

He even " played " on his own profession (law), speaking of 
lawyers as soldiers, he said : " They make the best of soldiers, be 
cause they are so ready for the charge." 

The above are but illustrations of his lighter vein. He was 
most versatile, and used the language which best suited the occa 
sion. He was brook and river all in one he flowed lightly, 
merrily along like the brook, but when need be he was the deep 
river, carrying along the weighty things of a nation. 

Like Lincoln, he was a man of the people, and though dead 
many years, there has scarce been a day of all the months of our 

246 Ottawa, The Hub. 

sojourn in Ottawa but we have heard his name, and most often 
used in endearing terms. It was his genial spirit that won for 
him the friendship of all parties. Illustrative of this, the late 
David Thompson, member for Haldimand, told of his reception 
on his return to Ottawa after a long illness. He said : " The first 
man I met was Mr. Blake; he passed me with a simple nod; the 
next was C., and his greeting was as cold as B. s. Hardly had he 
passed on when I met Sir John A. He didn t pass me by, but 
grasped my hand, gave me a slap on the shoulder, and said, Davy, 
old man, I m glad to see you back. I hope you ll soon be your 
self again, and live many a day to vote against me as you al- 
wavs have done. Now," continued Thompson, with genuine 
pathos : " I never gave the old man a vote in my life, but hang 
me if it doesn t go against the grain to follow the men who 
haven t a kind word of greeting for me, and oppose a man with 
a heart like Sir John s." 

All parties, as well, admitted his ability, and none more than 
his opponents. In a speech in 1882, Honest Joe " Rymal, 
member for South Wentworth, said of him : " He is a man of 
extraordinary ability, I admit, as a manager of men I have never 
seen his equal," etc., etc. Sir John had the right conception of 
the judiciary of a country. " Keep the bench free from politics." 
was his motto. He was often known to confer with Blake, his 
most bitter political opponent, in the matter of appointing judges, 
and he would always select a man for his fitness rather than for 
his politics. I would that this were the rule in our own country, 
were politics alone, govern in ihe choice of judges. 

His Ottawa houses are pointed out to the tourist and stranger. 


The United States is represented at Ottawa, as at Quebec, by 
a Vermonter, and it is one of those instances where honors are 
even, as both General Wm. Henry and Mr. John Gilman Foster 
are citizens whom we class among our foremost representatives in 
foreign countries. 

Mr. Foster was born at Derby Line, Vermont, March 9th, 
1859. He is a lineal descendant of Elder Brewster and Stephen 
Hopkins, who came over on the famous Mayflower in 1620. His 
ancester, Thomas Foster, came to America in 1634. 

He was educated at Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt, and at 
Tuft s College, Somerville, Mass. He was admitted to the Bar 
in 1881. In 1892 to 1894 he was a member of the Vermont Leg 
islature. He was Colonel on the staff of Governor Levi K. Fuller. 
Mr. Foster has been connected with banking, as vice-presi 
dent and director, in Vermont, and Canadian banking institutions 

Sir Percy Girouard. 247 

(the first American director in a Canadian bank), and also vice- 
president of Massawippi Valley Railway Company. 

He was appointed U. S. Consul to Halifax, N.S., in 1897, 
and was transferred to Ottawa (in 1903), the highest consulate m 

The estimate in which he was held by the people of Halifax 
was shown by one of the most elaborate banquets ever given in 
the Dominion for an American consul. 


In a book of this nature, where so much must be written in a 
small space, one must pass by man, very many things and many 
people worthy extended notice, and yet I cannot pass over die 
name of one of the most famous of Canada s sons, even though he 
is not to-day of Canada. I refer to Sir Percy Girouard, second 
son of Justice Desire Girouard, of the Supreme Court of Canada. 
He could hardly be less able with such a father, and yet too often 
it is " like father, zmlike son." I can but touch the life of this 
young man, who, at 36, has reached a fame for which millions seek 
in vain. 

He graduated at the Royal Military College at Kingston, for 
tunately without honors honor men are usually great only at 
school. He spent two years in a subordinate position at railway 
building on the " short lines " of the Canadian Pacific. In 1888 
he became a second lientenant in the Royal Engineers, and was 
sent to Chatham, England. From 1890 to 1895, he was Railway 
Traffic Manager at the Royal Arsenal, at Woolwich. In 1896, 
when General Kitchener was starting on his conquest of the Sou 
dan, he called to him Percy Girouard, and made him his chief 
over a full staff of able engineers, and that he chose wisely is 
proven by the results. 

In 1896, with the rank of Major in the Egyptian Army, he 
was made Director of Egyptian Railways, and what followed seems 
so wonderful that were it not a known fact it could scarcely be be 
lieved. He built a line of railway across the great Nubian desert, 
against obstacles which might have daunted the greatest engineer 
of the world. It is spoken of as " one of the greatest efforts of 
engineering science, human endurance and pluck." Think of run 
ning a line of 600 miles through hot shifting sands, no water, or 
anything necessary for road building save that which was brought 
up as the road progressed. For thousands of years this desert 
had been crossed with no water on the line to relieve the burning 
thirst of the caravans, save that which was carried by the camels. 
This young Canadian, in his wisdom, saw indications of water, 
and said to his men, " Dig," and a line of wells was established 

248 Ottawa, The Hub. 

where to-day the thirst of thousands may be relieved. He built 
the line of railway, and so accurately had he calculated, that it 
came very near his figures, but below them. And what is more 
remarkable, he did not have trained road builders, but ignorant 
Egyptian workmen and savage prisoners of war, in short, all 
kinds of help but the efficient. 

In 1899 Kitchener called him to South Africa, where his 
herculean work but excelled his task in Egypt. In his hands was 
placed the rebuilding of all burned bridges, and so well did he 
plan his work, that he not only knew the exact dimensions of 
every bridge in danger of being burned, but had a duplicate of 
every one ready, to throw across the span when needed. 

He did one of the most daring feats ever attempted in en 
gineering. At a place where a bridge had been burned, and where 
a crossing was absolutely needed quick, he ran a road down a 
gradient of 100 feet above the bed of the stream, crossed it over, 
and then up a like grade on the other side, and swung his trains 
down and up again without their leaving the track. This seems 
incredible, and yet it is true. No wonder, then, on April 2Oth, 
1901, the Government honored him with knighthood; it honored 
itself in honoring him. 

He was married to Miss Gwendolen, the beautiful daughter 
of Sir Richard Solomon, K.C., on September loth, 1903. Sir 
Richard is the legal advisor of all the South African Governments, 
No Englishman in the British Army was ever made, for merit, a 
K.C.M.G., and a lieutenant-colonel at 34. This honor was te 
served for a Canadian, and that Canadian the son of an Ottawan. 
Is it any wonder it is so great a pleasure to write of a young man 
like Sir Percy Girouard? 


Ottawa has some very fine statues. Another way of saying 
the same thing would be to tell you that Ottawa has a number of 
statues, many of them the work of Philippe Herbert, the noted 
Canadian sculptor. The one of Sir John Macdonald stands , in t 
Parliament grounds to the east of the Central Building, 
west of the same building are three, Carder s, Mackenzie s, and tne 
magnificent one to the Queen, unveiled by the Prince of Wales, 
when, as Duke of Cornwall and York, he, with the Duchess, was 
here in 1901. 

In front of the City Hall, on Elgin Street, is the statue to the 
thirteen soldiers from here who fell in South Africa m the late 
Boer war. It was " erected by 30,000 children of Ottawa and ad 
joining counties." It is the work of Hamilton McCarthy, a rising 
sculptor of the Capital. There is a statue to Joseph Eugene 

Ottawa s Statues. 


Guiges, first Bishop of Ottawa, on the lawn of the Basilica, on 
Sussex Street. He was Bishop from 1848 to 1874. 

In the Ottawa University grounds is a statue to "J. H. Taba- 
ret, founder of the University." 

As mentioned elsewhere, there is a statue in Major Hill Park 
to Wm. A. Osgoode and John Rogers, who fell in the Riel Rebel 
lion in 1885. 


The Colonel came in one day with a lot of " facts " which 
he said he had culled from an English Geography. 

" Colonel/ said I, are they as correct as the usual rim of 
English facts about Canada ? " 

Well, let s see, one says Manitoba is treeless " 

Hold on, Colonel, that s enough if that is a specimen you 
need not give the others." 

Now, while I knew that it was wrong, I did not know just 
how wrong, and as I want you all to be able to swear by (rather 
than at} " The Hub and The Spokes," I went at once to head 
quarters, again to one of Minister Sifton s many branches of his 
Department, this time to the Forestry, under the courteous Sup 
erintendent, Mr. E. Stewart. 

"Is Manitoba treeless?" I asked. Now, Mr. Stewart is a 
good Canadian, but for the moment he was a Yankee. He did 
not answer but asked a question. " Where did you get that, out 
of an English Geography ? " 

" Right the first guess." 

" I knew it. Let me give you a rule to go by, Rube, whenever 
you see anything in an English Geography about Canada, just 
take the opposite and you will be right. As to Manitoba, of its 
73,000 square miles about one half of it is timbered. All of the 
east and north, and along the rivers and around the lakes in the 
rest of the Province is more or less timbered." 

I soon grew so interested in Canadian forestry, that I must 
have stolen much of Mr. Stewart s time, but he was so nice about 
it, that I did not feel any hesitation in asking whatever I wanted 
to know, and if I did not know what to ask he told me, so it was 
all the same. Here are a few things this live tree branch is at 
work on : : 

Trees are raised from the seeds or from the cuttings, on 
some of the Experimental Farms, and given to the farmers to 
plant. Just see how things grow in Canada. Four years ago,. 

Timber Reserves and Fire Rangers. 251 

this branch may be said to have started, now follow: In 1901, 
18 settlers were supplied with 64,000 little trees; 1902, 415 settlers 
planted 457,000 trees ; 1903, 601 settlers planted 920,000 trees ; 
and this year, 2,000,000 trees are to be planted by 1050 settlers. 

Here is the plan : John Smith (John is now living in Canada) 
wants a timber lot planted, or a wind break about his home, or 
along certain parts of his land. The Government, at no expense 
to John, looks the ground over, and decide what kind to plant, and 
how best to plant them, furnishing a plan for John s guidance. 
John agrees to prepare the ground under instructions, plant the 
trees, furnished free, and to care for them, and to not cut away or 
remove any of them without consent of the Government Inspec 
tor. He agrees to protect them by fencing, if need be, from ani 
mals that might destroy them. Result : In a few years John can 
talk about " my timber " in a prairie country. 

Canada has begun to grow in so many ways that one meets 
nothing but surprises everywhere, even though going about with 
eyes wide open looking for new developments. 

The Dominion once looked upon its timber as something to 
give away, but the man at the head is now so careful of ; this valu 
able asset that he believes in planting, rather than cutting, and 
Canada is correcting the mistakes of other times. 

What is now being sold is judiciously selected and brings 
full value. 

Rube," said the Colonel, when I got back from the visit to 
the Forestry Branch, and had told about the tree planting, "what 
else did you hear? I didn t know that timber was so interesting 
a story." 

No, nor did I Its a long story, and I can only tell you a 
little bit of it" and I told him about 

Timber Reserves and Fire Rangers. 

There have been set aside in various parts of the West, Re 
serves of Timber. These are protected against fire, by a body of 
men call Fire Rangers. Their duty is to travel through the tim 
ber countries along creeks, rivers, lakes, railroads, trails or 
wherever there is danger of fire. Posters of warning are supplied 
by the Government, and are posted in conspicuous places by the 
Rangers, the 1 railroads, the Hudson Bay Company and the Mount 
ed Police. 

" What, another duty for the Mounted ? It strikes me, Rube, 
that there s not another body of the same number of men who do 
so much as they." 

" And so well, and so well, Colonel ; I like those men." 

?$2 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Some of the Timber Reserves and Limits. 

In Manitoba: Riding Mountain (larger than R. I.), 1,716 
sq. miles, 1,098,240 acres; "Spruce Wood," 297 sq. miles, 190,000 
acres; "Turtle Mountain," 108 sq. miles, 69,120 acres; "Duck 
Mountain," 1,109 sq. miles, 709,766 acres; "Porcupine," 2,160 
sq. miles, 1,382,400 acres. 

Northwest Territory: "Moose Mountain," 161 sq. miles, 
103,000 acres; B.C., "Glacier Forest Park," 29^4 sq. miles, 18,720 
acres ; " The Foot Hills," 3,672 sq. miles, 2,350,000 acres ; "Cook 
ing Lake," near Edmonton, 170 sq. miles, 109,000 acres; B.C., 
Long Lake, 118 sq. miles, 76,000 acres; B.C., "Yoho Park," 
828^ sq. miles, 530,240 acres ; N.W.T., "Rocky Mountain Park" 
(as large as Conn.) 4,500 sq. miles, 2,880,000 acres. 

Ontario: "Algonquin Park," on the Canada Atlantic Rail 
way, 1,109,383 acres; "Eastern," 80,000 acres; "Sibley," 45,000 
acres; "Temagami," about half as large as Conn., 1,400,000 acres. 
This tract has probably the greatest quantity of pine of any section 
of same size on the Continent, estimated at 5,000,000,000 feet. It 
is not under license, and will no doubt be held, as it grows in 
value all the time. "Rondeau Park," like Algonquin, is a game 

Quebec. Laurentides National Park, has an area of over 
2,500 square miles, or more than twice as large as the State of 
Rhode Island. "Trembling Mountain Park," no data. 

Other Provinces have Parks and Reserves, but the foregoing 
are the principal ones. 

When I had told this to the Colonel, he wanted to know "why 
has the Government and Provinces set aside so many reserves ? " 
" Is it for the timber alone? " 

" No, Colonel, I think it is more to protect the streams that 
head in these districts. Once cut away the timber and many 
streams would dry up ; and once dry up the streamy and the value 
of great sections of country would be destroyed." 

" I declare, Rube, the Canadians do know a lot I hadn t 
thought of that. Why, of course, I wouldn t be surprised if 
many rivers rise in some of these very reserves." 

"Many, well, I would say. Why, take for instance "Riding 
Mountain Reserve," Mr. Stewart said, that in that one district 
alone no less than eight considerable and many smaller streams 
head; among the number, the Assiniboine, the second river of 
importance in Manitoba, here receives most of its supply. No, 
Colonel, its not alone the timber but the water that is taken into 
account, in setting aside these great reserves. 

Marvellous Growth of Timber Values. 253 

The Canadian Forestry Association. 

of which Mr. Stewart is Secretary, has grown from this one en 
thusiastic gentleman as a necleus, in four years to a membership 
of several hundred, from all quarters of Canada, and not only 
from Canada, but among the number we find, such well known 
Forestry enthusiasts as Prof. J. W. Tourney, of Yale College, Mr. 
Daniel Smiley, of Lake Mohawk, N.Y., C A. Schenck, Ph. D., 
Biltmore, N.C., Fred Law Olmstead, (son of the late great land 
scape gardener), of Brookline, Mass., Edw. Mayhugh, of Eliza 
beth, N.J., Jas. Sturgis Pray, of Cambridge, Mass., H. Albert 
Moore, Dr. E. C. Jeffrey, Edw. S. Bryant, three latter also of Cam 
bridge. To complete the list there would of course have to be 
an Ohio man, and Prof. F. M. Comstock, Ph. D., of Cleveland, 
of the School of Applied Science, is the member. 

This Association is doing a very great deal of good. It is 
extending its work into every part of Canada. It is seconding 
the good work of the Government in preserving the old and 
working up an interest in planting new forests. 

" Manitoba is treeless ! " Don t believe it. 



The Colonel came in one day with a lot of figures about 
Canadian Timber Lands. He had been down to the Sun Life 
Building, corner of Sparks and Bank Streets, to see Mr. E. J. 
Darby, Crown Timber Agent, for Ontario, and after telling me, 
how that Darby had been for twenty-eight years in the office, and 
in charge since 1892, and ought to know, gave me the figures. 

I could not but think that the Colonel had gotten his figures 
mixed up with gold mines, so I went to see Mr. Darby myself, 
and found that gold mines were in another class from " Values 
as is values." Here is a story, or rather truth, illustrative of the 
marvellous growth of values in the, past 42 years. 

Bought for $400, Sold for $665,000. 

In 1861, the late Wm. Mackay, bought a timber limit of 100 
square miles for $4.00 per mile, $400.00. He began cutting rafts 
of timber out of it in 1869. He built on it a small mill and put 
on some other improvements, but nothing like in value what he 
had taken off in big timber, and in 1902, this tract was sold to 
J. R. Booth, for the enormous price of $665,000. 

Before 1827, timber brought nothing to Canada, from 1827 
to 1851, it brought into the treasury very little more. Up to 

254 Ottawa, The Hub. 

1868, all Canadian timber was under one set of fees, after that 
each Province made its own timber laws. I will speak more par 
ticularly of the Province of Ontario. In 1866, the minimum 
Government bonus was $4.00 per square mile, and provision was 
made for sales to be held half yearly. Up to 1852 Red Pine fees 
were three times those of White Pine, now they are the same. 

Timber lands are sold in this way. At the sales a bonus per 
square mile is bid, and after that the purchaser has to pay an 
annual tax or ground rent as it were. In 1851 this was 5oc. per 
square mile, it is now $5.00 per mile. As soon as he begins cut 
ting timber he must pay $2.00 per thousand feet board measure, 
for the lumber, and for square timber $50 per thousand cubic feet, 
which often brings the price for a square mile very high, as for 
illustration in the following sales, you will note that in 1903, the 
highest price paid was $31,500 per square mile. That was the 
bonus on first cost. This indicates a quantity of timber that will 
bring to the Government in fees alone $14,000 per square mile, 
or $45,500 per mile all told. When you think that once a mile 
could have been purchased for $4.00, you will see why I say that 
a gold mine is not in the same class. 

Ontario Timber Sales. 
Sq. miles sold. Highest price. Average price. 

1868 38 $ 5*9 $ 380.17 

1869 98 418 260.86 

1870 12 640 640.00 

1871 487 500 241.62 

1872 5031 1000 H7-79 

1877 375 5oo 201.97 

1881 1379 2300 53 2 - 00 

1885.... 1012 1250 3*4-87 

1887 459 6300 2859.00 

1890 376 2625 919.08 

1892 633 i75 36~57- 18 

1897 159 . 6600 1685.07 

1899 360 8500 2010.00 

1901 399 T /4 47oo 1835.40 

1903 826 31500 445- 

We saw the first book used to record Timber Sales. It was for 
the year 1830. Compare them with now. In 1827, timber sold 
$360; 1828. $3,184; 1829, $2,237. At a recent big sale of limits 
Thos. Mackie, M.P., of Pembroke, paid for three and one-half 
miles, $110,250, and with final fees, these three and one- 
half miles will bring to Canada over $150,000. At this same 
sale Mackie purchased in all 39^ miles, paying $436,475. 
Beck, of Penetang, bought 69^ miles for $545,925, and the 

Rube s Story of the Hogs. 255 

Hawkesbury Lumber Company, 2^/2 miles at $337,650. These 
were the three highest bidders. The sale amounted to $3,675,700 
as against $360 in 1827. This too at a singlet sale in a single Pro 
vince, as against all sales made in 1827. 

The success of Canada s growth in timber values may be at 
tributed to our own stupidity; we put a tariff on their logs, and 
they set their own mills to work. We gained nothing, and it 
made the fortune of many a mill man in Canada. One often has 
to get outside of one s own country to see the stupidity of one s 
own people. 

If we ever had a ghost of a chance of Annexation, Elaine 
killed that one chance, when he was more loyal than sensible, in 
refusing Reciprocity. 



Rube, you seem to think that our country is about all right." 
And the Old Citizen s bosom expanded to the full strength of his 
vest buttons. 

Yes, about, but not quite," said I, aching to tell him some 
very grave mistakes which I note in Canada. " About, but not 
quite! Listen, while I tell you a little story. 

Rube s Story of the Hogs. 

" Once upon a time, we in the States, felt that we were a free 
people. Free and independent, but that was a long while ago 
before the oil men, the hog men, and other hog men, got a notion 
that they could become multi-millionaires, by owning all the in 
dustries worth owning, so they set out to own our industries and 
succeeded. Most of us down there are now clerking for them, 
and boarding ourselves. But, what I started out to tell- you was 
about our hogs what? Oh, I see. No, you re wrong. Some poor 
young men went out to Chicago from the East, and went around 
town picking up a few animals, which they would kill and dispose 
of, and then buy more. Well, it was marvellous how quickly the} 
grew rich, until now they pay us just what they choose to pay, and 
charge us what they choose to charge for every pound of our 
hogs. Rich! why at the Tate they are climbing, they will soon 
own the land and raise their own hogs, their own cattle, sheep 
their own grain, and the railroads to haul them to market, and " 
but just here the Old Citizen broke in. 

Why did you allow them to get such a foothold ? " 
We were not wise, and had no near neighbor who had been 
done up by their kind, that we could know what to escape." 

356 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" I don t want to be rude, but I must say it served you right." 
Ah, me, I had the Old Citizen just where I wanted him. 

" My dear man, can t you see that your own country is in 
the same condition? You sit watching poor men grow rich in 
the same way so fast, that good manners and any degree of cul 
ture will not catch up to them for a generation, and yet you ask 
why did we allow them to get such a foothold? 

" In your cheese factories and creameries, you are very wise. 
Your farmers get the benefit. Now, my dear man, if the; farmers 
are wise enough to run their dairies, why are they not wise en 
ough to run their own pork packing establishments, in which the 
profits are far larger ? " 

" Yes, but how ? It would have to be done on a far larger 

" It would take too long to go into details." 

" You have interested me. I see vaguely how the farmers 
might do this, but only vaguely. I see also that there must be 
vast fortunes in pork packing, for as you say, men of small means 
and ordinary ability grow rapidly rich. What plan would you 
propose ? " 

" Something on the co-operative cheese factory and creamery 
plan, only difference in the details and as you say, to be run on 
a far larger scale, but what is that when many of the farmers of 
to-day have quite as much business ability as the pork packer 
and quick to catch intricate points of business. So what the 
managers would lack they would soon acquire. 

Establish Pork Packing Houses. 

" I would suggest the establishing at large central points- 
of packing houses, houses equipped with every modern armliance. 
To these packing houses the farmers could 1 ship their hogs direct." 

" But say," broke in the Old Citizen. " How would the 
price be determined at which they should be paid for their ship 
ments ? " 

" On receipt of their stock, it would at once be weighed, in 
spected and graded, and they would be paid the price which ihe 
prevailing market would warrent. They being the stock-holders 
of the Company need not change the form of a transaction. They 
could sell, as they now sell to a packing house or drover. But, 
as I said, the running of the business would only be a matter of 
detail, the main point being that it would be their own business, 
and the profits their own, instead of a company s, whose aim is to 
"cull" and pay just as little for hogs as possible. 

Rube Talks on Cattle and Bacon. 257 

Various Branches of the Business. 

" Some of the various branches would be the Improvement 
Branch, whose business would be to see that the very best animals 
were raised ; the Market Branch, whose part would be to look 
out for the best markets, foreign and domestic, and but again 
these are matters of detail." 

Rube Talks on Cattle. 

"What about the cattle business? This just now seems of 
more importance to Canada, than even that of hogs." 

" And of far more importance than Canada realizes. Did 
you ever think what would happen to, your cattle trade if England 
your great shipping point should get scared and shut out your 
cattle ? There is nothing so easy as to start a scare, where a food 
product is in question. It might be an idle fear one case of 
disease might shut out the trade for a year the effect of which 
would mean millions of a; loss to Canada." 

" And for this what would you suggest? " 

" Build Abattoirs." 

" Abattoirs, in connection with your packing houses. Even 
if there were no possible reason of fear of your live stock being 
shut out, it is poor economy to ship on foot, when the bi-products 
of cattle are the real profits. Think you that those Chicago multi 
millionaires had been such, had they depended upon the meat 
alone ? Why, the very hoofs are of value ! So scientifically is 
every part of the animal treated, that I feel safe in saying that not 
so much as a penny s worth is lost. The time is now ripe for 
such enterprise. You have a vast extent of pasture land ; you have 
the railroads, and soon to have added thousands of miles more; 
you have the steamships, with their mechanical and chemical 
means of refrigeration, for carrying to foreign markets the meat ; 
and best of all you have the men, who are capable of carrying to 
success the enterprise. You have the men, all that is needed is the v 
will to start, and once started, a business would grow that would 
go far toward placing Canada in the position which her resources 
so well warrant her taking. 

Rube Talks on Bacon. 

" I wonder if you know pardon me for going back to the 
first proposition the vast advance your country has made in its 
ham and bacon exports ? " 

" No, I had not given it a thought Do you know ? " 
" Yes, I was looking over the figures the other day. I had 
to read them over so many times that the}- got fastened in my 

258 Ottawa, The Hub. 

memory. I could not realize the possibility of such a growth. 
That s why I read them so many times but here they are : In 
1889, you exported 4,066,000 pounds of hams and bacon for which 
you received, $381,300; in 1903, you exported 142,000,000 pounds 
for which you received, $15,906,000. And yet, large as is this 
growth, you have but just made a beginning. Little Denmark is 
ahead of you, in both quantity and quality, but you are fast catch 
ing up in quantity, and are not far behind in quality especially 
in your bacon, which ere long will take the lead for excellence. 

" What you say, Rube, is all right, but the farmer is not a 
good co-operator. He can never agree with anyone but himself, 
and I am afraid your plan, which I must admit is a good one, 
will not be adopted until he becomes broader minded." 

" In that event he must be content to dig, and plow, and see 
others grow rich off his toil. If not too late, the men who now 
are boys will take up this plan, as it is the only one which will 
solve the problem of enriching a nation instead of the individual." 

Proper Way to Populate Canada. 

The next time I met the Old Citizen he wanted to know : 
"Rube, have you thought of any more Canadian mistakes ? " 

" Yes, I have, but seeing as how, far wiser than I have 
thought differently, it might seem bold in me to call it a mistake. 
My own country made the same one (I call it a "mistake" from 
my view point) with the result that it s choicest lands have been 
given away." 

" What are you talking about, bacon? 

" Oh, pardon me, I forgot that I had not introduced the 
" mistake." Well, you doubtless know of the great efforts being 
put forth to populate your country rich lands are being given 
away lands which inside of ten years will be worth untold for 

" Yes, I know, but how are we to get the immigrants with 
out offering them inducements to come? 

" By offering them other inducements than giving away your 
richest asset. Now listen, and I will tell you a plan that will 
not only bring them, but bring more and better immigrants than 
you are now getting, and at the same time get a good price for 
the very* lands you are now giving away." 

" Go on go on, that s what Canada has long been wanting 

"To Hat the Cake and Still have It!" 

"Oh, you may smile, but I can soon show you the feasibleness 
of my plan. Show you in a few sentences ! 

" What is the first thing your Government has to do to get 
the immigrant ? " 

How to Populate Canada. 259 

" Interest him in our country." 

" Correct, but what is the first question that comes into the 
mind of the man, when he is interested ? Is he not at first timid, 
and fears, to try even though thousands have gone before him and 
succeeded? I ll tell you, and to better illustrate both my plan, 
and the way to interest him, I will let you imagine me an immi 
grant agent in, say, Belgium, France or some other European coun 
try. Now follow, while I talk to him. I introduce the subject 
of his leaving his barren country for a new world. Of course, 
I tell him all about the milk and honey/ but he stops me right 
there. Yes, yes, he says, but how am I to get there? and what 
can I do when I get there? I have no money, or too little to do 
anything with, so it is out of the question." 

" Money ? why man, we have a ship, a line of them, we will 
agree to take you over, put you in a neat house on a farm, pay 
you fair wages, and you shall farm for us until you can get your 
self established. We have our land laid out in lots of 160 acres, 
you can plow, with teams furnished by us, and next season put 
in a crop, and with no risk to yourself, you will in a short time be 
securely established." 

" Yes," says he, " but it will be too lonesome for me and my 
family to live there alone ! " 

" Lonesome ! why man, we have it so laid out that you will 
have neighbors all about you, the same as here, with schools and 
churches not far away. We have men who oversee the whole 
community, look after the needs of all our farmers." 

" What and pay us wages ? " 
" Yes, and treat you fairly." 

" Hold on you need say no more I ve long wanted to go 
to Canada, but was afraid to risk it. I ll go, and just as soon as 
I can get ready and say I know fifty other families 
who will go along. It s the fear of not knowing what to do when 
we get there that has kept us from going. Wait till I tell my wife 
and" the children, and I ll go with you to the neighbors," and the 
wife and children are told. My such a family of hearty children ! 
Ideal citizens they will make ! 

" We start out. I don t have to say a word. He does all the 
talking, for he has caught every word I have told him. Result, 
I have my selection of his neighbors. We don t want them all, 
our examining physician finds some families not to our liking. 
We are as independent as an employer hiring a lot of workmen. 

" Now follow us across we bring them to the part of New 
Ontario, Manitoba, or some other section chosen for population, 
and in a short time we have them at work. The management of 
the community is again a matter of detail. 

26o Ottawa, The Hub. 

We do not locate them on every quarter section, but on 
alternate quarters rather than, as now, on alternate or even num 
ber sections, reserving the other for the double purpose of extend 
ing the community over a wider range, and the enhancing of value 
of the one reserved. Again follow me. In a year or two the 
immigrants now thoroughly settled and used to their new life, see 
that they are enhancing the value of your land, while they are 
getting no further benefit than a bare living, so they may say. 
We want to buy our home. The land grown, valuable by having 
been brought into good condition, you sell to him on terms which 
he can very easily meet. The crops if they have been good, will 
pay for his fare over and his wages, if not you get them back 
in the enhanced value of the land. Now, see your gain a lot of 
working citizens, and pay for that which you now give away, and 
enhanced price for the alternate quarter sections, which may be 
sold later to the settlers, or to other of their friends at home, who 
may not have been in a position to corne when they came. 
You can readily see how by this plan, immigrants could be induc 
ed to come. 

It would be absolutely safe for the Government, from a 
financial point of view, not to take into account the rapid growth 
in population of your great Northwest. 

This assisting of immigrants is not new, as of course you 
know how that in 1874, 75 and 76, your Government brought 
over 6,000 Mennonites (now grown to 31,000), and loaned to 
them, $95,000 ? " 

" No, or if I did, I have forgotten. Tell me about it." 

Yes, your Government loaned these people $95,000, all of 
which with interest they shortly after paid back. So you 
see your country has lost nothing in assisting immigrants, and my 
plan, would not only save the price of the lands, but would gain 
a better class of people, and far more of them." 

Not a Pipe Dream. 

" Rube, I did think that the brand of your pipe was well, 
no matter, I now believe that Canada would not make a mistake 
if it looked into your dreams. 

" Thanks," said I " thanks, but will Canada look into 

" One point more. What is the matter with our present plan 
of giving away land ? " 

" Nothing, if you can once get the immigrants here. This 
plan would get them here more readily than the present one, as 
somehow it s human nature to feel that a free gift, thousands of 
miles away, is not safe to go after, while by this way they start 
from their homes assured of, at least, their living. Once here, and 

Rapid Growth of Land Values in the Northzvest. 261 

they are willing to pay a few dollars per acre for lands, which 
their common sense will show them, must be worth many times 
the few and that in a short while. Why, have yon any notion 
how fast is the growth of your land values in the Northwest ? 

Rapid Growth of Land Values in the Northwest. 

" No, I must say, I have not followed them." 
" Well, let me tell you and I will not give as illustration 
any of your settled Provinces. I ll cite to you the Northwest 
Territory, beyond Manitoba along the line of the C.PR. Wild 
land is now as high in places as $9 per acre, and improved farms 
have sold for $35 per acre land that a very short time ago was 
worth but little, if there was any sale at all for it. This is but an 
instance and yet with all this fortune to offer the immigrant, 
he hesitates, because he cannot grasp the greatness of the gift- 
If he could you could not keep him away." 

I learned afterward that the Old Citizen doubted my word 
as to the values of land in the Territories, and asked Dr. D., mem 
ber for , who corroborated all I had told him. He did what 

I wanted him to do. Being careful to verify my statements, I am 
never so pleased as to have them looked into by the doubter, for 
then he is doubly convinced. 

Canada s Generous Offer. 

One cannot wonder that the people of an old settled country 
do not grasp the offer that Canada is so generously making if 
they could well, an armed force could not keep them away from 
the " Granary of the world," as the great Northwest is so justly 

It may not be uninteresting to you to know how fast the. 
lands are being taken up. Here is what Mr. Jas. A. Smart, the 
Deputy Minister of the Interior, says on the subject: Never 
has Canada commanded so much attention! in Great Britain, in the 
United States and abroad, as it does at the present moment, and 
while many favorable causes have no doubt contributed to bring 
its immense resources prominently before the world, none in this 
respect have had a more powerful effect than the wonderful rich 
ness of the western agricultural fields, and the opportunities af 
forded to those who have already settled in Canada, to materially 
improve their social condition. 

"Now that the tide of immigration to this country has assumed 
such large proportions and permanency of character, which fully 
justify Canadians in viewing the possibilities of the future with 
sentiments of national pride, it seems remarkable that this great 
agriculture wealth should have remained dormant and ignored for 
so many years, when millions of land-seekers from the old world 

262 Ottawa, The Hub. 

were over-crowding themselves in the neighboring republic to the 
south of us. 

Increase in Receipts, 

as shown by the report on lands, for 1903. The receipts from all 
sources during the year were $2,418,355, an increase of $699,- 
960, over the previous year. The homestead fees were $320,407, 
compared with $144,425, for the preceding year. 

The gross revenue in cash alone was $2,244,062.21, or an in 
crease of $702,346.26, over the previous year. 

Free Homesteads. 

" During the past fiscal year 31,383 entries for free homsteads 
were granted to the settlers locating in western Canada. It is 
the largest number of entries ever granted by the department. 
The land thus disposed of covered an area, taking the theoretical 
area of a homestead at 160 acres, of 5,021,280 acres. This, 
added to the 4,229,011 disposed of by companies, and the 137,270 
acres sold by the department, gives a grand total of 9,387,661, 
acquired for settlement during the year." 

On the subject of immigration, Mr. Smart says: 
" There can be no question that the most important branch 
of the Government service is that respecting immigration, as the 
increase in the population necessarily affects the consuming and 
productive forces of the country. The trade and commerce, the 
revenue, the development of the mine, of the fisheries, of the for 
est, of agriculture, are regulated by and largely dependent upon 
the number of citizens who compose the community. This is es 
pecially true of a country like Canada, whose boundless areas of 
arable land are its first and permanent source of wealth." 

By this report, we find that 5,021,280 acres were given away. 
Suppose that the immigrants to whom this vast area was given 
free, had been assisted on a basis of ten times that of the 6,000 
Mennonites or nearly $5,000,000 and again place the land at the 
nominal price of $5 per acre, and out of this $25,106,400, there 
would be net to the Government $20,000,000 not to mention the 
final return of the money advanced originally, and that too with 
a better class of immigrants secured, than those who made the free 

Advantages all on the Side of the Immigrant. 

When the Colonel read this over, he said : You are right 
from Canada s standpoint. For her own interest your plan) would 
be vastly to her benefit, but how about the immigrants who have 
money enough and pluck enough to come out and take up this 
land at a gift?" 

Hardships of the Early Settlers. 263 

"That is not the question, Colonel. I ve been talking about Can 
ada s mistakes. As for the immigrants, it s a gold mine with 
the shaft sunk and steam up ! " 

Hardships of the Early Settlers. 

"Did you ever contrast old times with now, when the builders 
of Canada came to settle in the woods of Nova Scotia, New 
Brunswick, Quebec or Ontario? Do you know that an immi 
grant then might work a whole life time and not be as far along 
as one of to-day, the first season he lands ? " 

" How s that possible? " 

" You should know without asking. The man who came here 
less than 100 years ago yes, less than 75 years ago found no 
conveniences, and many things to discourage him. The country 
was a wilderness unfit to till until the forests were cleared away, 
and that took years, to get ready a small farm, and far away 
markets, when anything was raised to sell. To-day the new 
comer s limit is bounded only by his means, and ability to plow, 
sow and reap. He does not have the forests to clear away, but 
may go to plowing the very day he lands, if he is ready. Now 
it all depends upon himself then everything depended upon con 
ditions, and if the stories of early settlers may be taken as true 
and no one doubts them these conditions were often almost 
heart-breaking, even to the hardy Scot, and to the plucky Irish 
man. Then it was years of hard work with little prospect at the 
end, now a fortune lies ready made ready, and waiting to be 
plowed up and garnered! And a market to take all that can be 
raised, with schools, churches and every convenience that modern 
civilization can devise, for the comfort and pleasure of the immi 

" No, Colonel, it s not the mistakes of the immigrant about 
which I am talking, and writing. If I wrote of his mistakes, I d 
show very readily and to his own mind how foolish he is to stay 
in a congested community, where his only hope can be but a bare 
existence for himself, and no better prospect for the children he 
may leave behind, when he may come to a land as free as the air, 
and as productive as an Eden. No, Colonel, it s not the immi 
grant s but Canada s mistakes I ve been talking about." 





rl/"*llC " nrli/-\ Io 4-^ T 1 - I iir 


The Man with the "Ditches" and "Trenches," who is to Take Washingt 

City in Three Months. 


Fire Protection and Other Things, of Lighter Vein. 




" Anything doing in town to-night ?" asked the Colonel, one 
evening at the table, shortly after we reached Ottawa. 

Nothing that I know of," replied the good landlady. 
"Nothing except the choir meeting around at our church." Now, if 
there is anything that the Colonel is not passionately fond of, it is 
choir meeting in a new town. 

One of the old boarders just then spoke up, and asked if we 
liked the circus. 

" Circus !" exclaimed the Colonel, brightening up from the 
pall thrown over him by the choir meeting. "Circus in town 
to-night ? Whose- where-when ?" 

" Growley s-Parliament-eight o clock," replied the .old 
boarder, in even fewer words than the Colonel had used in his 
brief inquiry. 

Who s Growley ? " and everybody around the table looked 
in wonderment at us, as though we had shown unpardonable ignor 
ance in not knowing Major Growley. 

Why, he is a man whom every one of you should know," 
said the O. B. " He is the man who is going to take Washington 
City in less than three months after he once gets started." 

" Oh, I see/ replied the Colonel, " we know that man well ; 
he is from our State, but then he has another name with us. We 
don t call him Growley, everybody down there calls him 

We didn t know then why, but it took those jolly boarders 
several minutes to finish up some smiles which they had started 

268 Ottawa, The Hub. 

at the name of " Coxey." Each smile was a laugh peculiarly per 
sonal and all at our expense. The O. B., however, kindly came 
to our rescue with : " You know that every nation has to have a 
regulator, a man who looms far above all others ; a man whose 
giant intellect dominates the age; a man whose greatness makes 
all other men seem but pigmies ; a man who, when other statesmen 
reach a period in the nation s welfare where they know not which 
way to turn, can lead them out and guide them into the right path. 
For such a man, the British Empire had long waited in vain, but 
finally, by the merest chance, he rose from the common people, and 
to-day he is the leader among the men of the Empire and that 
man s name is Major Growley, and to-night he is to speak. But 
a word of advice to you : don t let him know that you are there." 

To hear so great a man was indeed a bit of good fortune 
we had not counted upon. But why had the O. B. warned us not 
to let Major Growley know that we were among his listeners? 
That was the question. We learned, however, in due time, and 
sat trembling during his speech, lest he should know that t wo ^ poor 
lone Yankees sat within shooting distance of his " trenches." 

Drawn from a Saharian Thought Source. 

Would that I had the space to give you his speech. It was 
wonderfully constructed. I had never heard its like before, and 
may never hear such an one again. It was a Nile of words, 
drawn from a Saharian thought-source, as the " catch-phrase " 
maker might say in trying to describe it. 

The speech started at his own desk, but soon he^ began dis 
tributing it all along the aisle toward where sat the " Hansard 
man, vainly trying to keep up. This seemed to be his destina 
tion ; there he stood raining gestures and things over poor Mr. 
Simpson, and poor Mr. Simpson without an umbrella! The 
" Hansard " man did not deserve this, as he was not to blame for 
the ills at which the Major spake. 

He carefully avoided saying anything good of us Yankees, 
and I did not blame him. It would have pained me deeply to have 
seen his unclothed grandmamma jump up from her grave and 
pound him to death in our very presence for " one word in favor 
of the United States." We would far rather go without the 
" word " than hear it spoken at such a fearful cost to Major 
Growley. We poor misguided ones have, for generations, thought 
that we had a good constitution, but it is all a mistake ; even Algiers 
has a better one as ours is but " a jumble of tyrannies." Nor 
does he give us any hope, since it is to run on " eternally and for 
ever." Awful to contemplate! The Colonel whispered to me, 
at one period of the speech, " Rube, I don t believe Major Growley 
loves us." 

Major Growley s Great Speech. 269 

The only Good Englishman is a Dead One." 

No, Colonel ; but we will have to bear it all as best we can." 
Just when we were feeling the saddest, he turned his attention 
from us, and surprised us by saying that : " The only good English 
man is a dead one." Yes," said he, " I am an admirer of the 
English race of 50 years ago, not the pigmies of to-day." 

I could not but feel sad at this ; it broke up a lot of my idols. 
Since boyhood I had thought that Gladstone was great, that Lord 
Russell was a man of wonderful ability, that Lord Palmerston had a 
mind capable of worthy deeds, that Salisbury*, Rosebery, Balfour, 
and others among the present living statesmen of England, were 
men worthy of admiration ; but not so, for Major Growley can go 
out almost any morning before breakfast, and " pick up from the 
streets of Ottawa, mechanics who could give pointers to those 
stupid little jackasses in the ministry in London." 

Now, isn t this sad ! I will have to start all over and build 
up a new set of idols to worship ! 

At this point I thought that the Major had used up all of his 
material; he had consigned us poor misguided Americans to a 
climate even warmer than any point below the St. Lawrence, and 
had been more severe, if possible, with the British ; but he had not 
used all his material, he still flowed on, like the brook. He re 
turned to Canada, and demanded the instant resignation of one 
whom I had long looked upon as a man among the most capable 
in the Canadian ministry. Of course I had been mistaken, as I 
was in my admiration for the aforementioned English statesmen. 
I had been admiring a man whose place could be better filled by 
Major Growley s office boy that is, of course, taking it for grant 
ed that Major Growley s office boy had attended strictly to busi 
ness in picking up the stray bits of wisdom that had fallen from 
the brain-pan of his great master. 

Ah ! me. I wished then that I had gone to " choir meeting." 
[know that my feelings could not have been more harassed than 
they were at that moment, at sight of my fallen idols. 

Fortunately, Major Growley having no more idols to break, 
and having put all the Ontario newspapers out of business, chang 
ed and took up railroading, at $28 a minute. Ah, there s where he 
excelled ! I could not but think that in the making of a states 
man a good car conductor had been lost to Canada. 

To be Frozen to Death. 

We are to be frozen to death. I can think of no part of 
Major Growley s $3,360 (120 minutes at $28 per minute, the cost 
to the Dominion Government), speech that will make a more 
fitting close to my sketch than this from his " railroad buildino- " 
Hejvas wrought up to a high degree of oratory when he said : 

* Salisbury was then living-. 

270 Ottawa, The Hub 

" Build railroads, gentlemen ! Build railroads, build them in all 
parts of the Dominion. Railroads are vast civilizers; we need 
them in all portions of the country. We need them in the far 
North-west, we need them in my home town down east" 

" Hear, hear," and " Right you are," from all parts of the 

" Yes, I say, gentlemen, build railroads, 100,000 miles of rail 
roads ; parallel em and cross em they are better when crossed. 
Let us build one to the north pole, and with Captain Bernier as 
engineer, we could, in case of war, retreat " 

" Never ! never !" from some members. t 

" Yes, but victory is often gained by retreat!" 

" Always, but victory for the other fellows," from some 
more members, but the Major paid no heed as he swung along. 

" Then when the summer 

" Never retreat in hot weather ! " 

" Comes, we could retire 

" Never retire!" 

" To the north pole, run up our flag, and freeze the enemy to 
death, as did the Russians at Moscow. Yes, gentlemen, I repeat 
it, build railroads. There s milyuns in it! Milyuns in it! 

Curtain fell, as the great speech ended, and we all silently 
moved away. 

Some Capital Stories. 

There are various excuses for telling a story or a joke or giv 
ing a bit of humor. The story may be old in the city of its 
gin, yet new to the outside world. It may be old to both, ye 
origin unknown to the world. 

Ottawa has some excellent bits of humor and pleasantries so 
good in themselves, that though old to its people, I will risk t 
newness to the general reader. 

"Always to the frunt!"^ meeting was being held to take 
charge of a certain mayoralty election. The name of ] *r. X. was 
suggested for one of a committee. Mr. Y. arose and said 
Chairman, oi doan t think it advoiseabil to nammait a man who is 
nat prisint. He may not be wid us in sintemmt an go agin us ahn 
principal. I objict to the naim of Mr. X until we fomd 
wid us in boath." 

The Great and Only Mr. Z. s Historical Speech. 271 

Mr. X., who was " prisint," but had not been seen by Mr. Y., 
arose, and in great dignity of manner, said : " Af Misther Y. wad 
look behoind him as wull as furninst him, he wad see that John X. 
is always to the frunt!" 

" The half of yees." This same Mr. X. once called down 
into a sewer, which he was building, and asked of the men below, 
" How manny of yees ahr down thare ?" " Three," came back 
the answer. " Wull, the half of yees cum up !" 

" Ahr ye down thare?" At another time he called to his 
brother : " Pat, ahr ye down thare ? Pat, I say, ahr ye down 
thare ? Ah ! wad ye listhen to me, Pat, ahr ye down thare ? Af 
ye re nat thare, whoy the - doant ye say so, ahn not hov me 
waistin me brith bawlin out at yees ? 

The great and only Mr. Z. Mr. X. has furnished many good- 
natured smiles, but he is not in the same " running " with Mr. Z., 
who, for flow of words, has possibly no equal in the Dominion. 
His use of words in their flow has become proverbial. Mr. Z. has 
collected a large fund of information, and instead of arranging it 
in some order, has thrown it indiscriminately into the great reser 
voir under his hat, where it remains on tap. If he wants any of 
it, he simply opens the flood gate, and it pours out as free from 
order as it went in. He is severe in his invective, and few there 
be who care to become the subject of his " philipics." One day a 
" subject " became the object at which this was hurled, with all 
the power that could be given to it by Mr. Z. " There sits a mon 
who, like Pontchus Poilot, demands his pound of flesh, a mon that 
Judas Iskariot would be ashamed to know by day, and afraid to 
meet in the dark." 

Historical Speech. 

In one of his literary flights he worked himself up by easy 
stages to this : " In the words of the immoral Shakespeare, in his 
Paradise Lost, A mon s a mon for a that, or like the great Sir 
Walter Dickens, in his Lays Miserables, Full manny a flower is 
born to blush unseen/ and yet it s nothing agin the flower. No, 
gintlemen, my candidate is a mon for a that, and I blush, though 
not unseen, whin I think of those who oppose him. My candi 
date, gintlemen, is no ordinary candidate. He was wafted across 
the great ocean from the little isle where wan million freeman are 
foighting for their luberty. He came to save our fair city from 
the gulls and vultures He landed a poor, pinnyless boy, 
with only a dollar and a half to his name, and look at him to-day, 
a milyunare, wurth two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Vote, 
I say, in conclusion, vote for my candidate, and yu ll niver regret 
it." They voted and elected his candidate, but his candidate, pay- 

272 Ottatva, The Hub. 

ing more attention to the social side than to his watch, only served 
a part of his term. 

Footprints of the Hand of Providence. 

At another time, speaking of the prosperity of the country, 
he said: "The footprints of the hand of Providence is seen on 
every side. Prosperity is rampant in the land, and the horn of 
plenty was never distended over so wide an area way. All busi 
ness is good, for both consumer and consumed, for well you know 
that the greater the consumption the more there is consumed an 
nually each year." 

The Caves of Nepean Point, or the Captain of the 
Black Pirate Ship. 

Possibly his greatest flight of fancy occurred in another poli 
tical speech. This flight had in it marks of real ability, and we 
cannot but wonder what Mr. Z. would have been had he one-half 
the education of many another holding high position, or as a writer 
of fiction. Said he, in part, by way of simile : " Sur Wilfred 
Laurier, our great Premier, has planted the tree of prosperity on 
Parliament Hill, and its branches have spread over the length and 
breadth of Canada, bringing peace, happiness and prosperity to 
the entire country. There is no more happy or prosperous coun 
try to be found than Canada, from the rising of the sun to the 
going down thereof. But there was a black pirate ship, the cap 
tain of which was Sur Charles Tupper, came out from the caves 
around Nepean Point, floating a black flag, and endeavoured to 
pull up this tree of prosperity, but, gentlemen, I tell you, I tell 
you, that the country will not allow such a thing to be done !" He 
was right, and the tree is still casting its shadows " from the ris 
ing of the sun to the going down thereof." 

" The Scarlet Robes of the Golden Sunset." 

Later. During the campaign just closed there was no 
speaker who showed himself more the old time orator than Mr. 
Z. We were fortunate in hearing one of his great efforts. In 
telling of it, I can give but the words, the fire of his moving ora 
tory must be imagined. His similes rolled forth as a great vol 
ume from an organ of music. As usual, he was sounding the 
praises of a great candidate, and that candidate s chances for re 
election. Said he, in one of his loftiest flights : " They cannot 
defate him. It wad be as aisy to tare the crimson robes from the 
golden sunsit, as to pull from off his placidyus brow, the crown 
of maple leaves." At this writing, both the Sun and Mr. Z. s can 
didate are wearing their usual adornments, the one his "crimson 
robes," the other his "crown of maple leaves." 

" Ze Old Vun vaz ze Yung Vun." 273 

Market Morning. Ottawa has two markets, one on Lyon and 
Sparks Streets, the other in Lower Town, on York Street. To 
this latter the Colonel and I went one morning. It was quite en 
tertaining, and not unlike the old market at home, only that we 
heard more kinds of language. 

1 The Spring Chickens." One buyer was going up and down 
among the wagons, hunting for a brace of spring chickens. Spring 
chickens were scarce that morning. He could find but two, which 
he finally had to take at $1.10. They were dropped into his bas 
ket, and the $1.10 transferred to the farmer, who was still pro 
testing that they were cheap enough. " Cheap !" said the buyer. 
" Cheap ! I can t see it; $1.10 for two spring chickens! How 
can you say they are cheap?" They are very cheap; just think 
of the grain I ve had to feed them for the past three years !" But 
he had the $1.10. 

" Ze Old Vun vaz ze Yung Vun." 

A little further along, a grocer was pricing two dressed hogs, 
one large and the other small. The farmer was trying to explain 
that the little one was older than the big one. " Ze leetle vun vaz 
ze beeg vun, ze beeg vun vaz ze leetle vun, because " but he 
didn t get to the finish of his explanation, as his wife came to his 
rescue. " Go vay pack, ze chentleman could nevaire dell vat you 
zay " and turning to the grocer began : " He doan mean ze leetle 
vun is ze beeg vun, he mean zet ze old vun is ze peeg vun. He 
nevaire ze English vill spake. I have to ze mairkeet to cum 
evaire da to spik ze English to ze peeple, zay nevaire unerstan vat 
he zay to zem. Ze leetle vun vuz ze beeg vun ; bah !" as she 
threatened to throw at him a small red beet, but she did not throw 
it ; it might have spoiled the beet, and she was frugal. 

Edward got the Place. 

The Prime Minister is very popular. Some of the shanty- 
men, who seldom hear what is going on in the world, seem to feel 
content to let Laurier run it the world to suit himself. 

When Queen Victoria died, and the Prince of Wales was 
made King Edward, a shantvman, on hearing the news, and think 
ing that the Hon. W. C. was the " Edward," exclaimed, " Ze 
Queen vas ded. She vas vun gud Queen; evaire body love ze 
Queen. Who get ze place now ?" Edward he gets ze place." 
My, my, but she must have ze beeg pull vit ze Laurier ! " 

Follows the Medical Profession. When the Canadian boys 
were in London, just after the South African war, they were 
treated royally. Nothing was too good for the soldiers who nad 

274 Ottawa, The Hub. 

shown their, marvellous bravery on the field, and their good nature 
in camp. All doors and all hearts were open to them. There 
were some Ottawa boys among the number, one in particular whose 
charm of manner is proverbial, a young man whose address would 
at once be remarked. It was remarked by one of the nobility, 
who sought him out and engaged him in conversation. By way of 
preface, I will say that among other things, he was interested in 
the undertaker s business. 

" You ah a wonderful people, you Canidians ! You always 
have money. I suppose you are all enguiged in business and the 
profashions. I would judge you were a profashional. May I 
ahsk what profashion you follow ? " 

" Well," said the young Ottawan, in a dignified manner, I 
am engaged in a number of things, but I mostly follow the medical 
profession !" 

" Ah, and which school ? " 

" All of them all of them, my Lord !" 

" Off to a Better World." 

For downright, unconscious humor, commend me to the 
Ottawa business man. A druggist but even better known 
as a politician got out a calendar. It was a fine calendar. There 
was a large, full-grown angel carrying upward from the earth a 
beautiful young maiden. On one side of the picture was : " I sell 
drugs." Then beneath the picture was, " Off to a better world." 

" A Pull Hand." 

I told you how well informed the conductors and motormen 
are. They are quick at repartee as well. " One evening three 
gentleman and two ladies," says an "Old Saw" who saw it, all 
well-known Ottawans, entered a Bank Street car. The gentlemen 
were full of spirit (not the plural). The gallant doing the honors, 
produced five tickets, which he arranged like a hand at cards, and 
as the conductor approached, remarked: "A full hand! Yes, 
I see," said 42, "a full hand; three jacks and two queens." (The 
Colonel says the term is one used in a certain game of cards play 
ed in Renfrew). 

" We ll Toss for the Next!" 

Two Ottawans were out together. One was English, the 
other was Scotch. All day long one of the two had been paying 
the bills, and was allowed to pay without question until quite late, 
when conscience if he had one said, " My friend is most gensr- 
ous, and yet tis not fair that he should do all the paying," and 
then aloud to his friend : " I ve been thinking, you have paid every 
bill to-day. Now, tis not fair, so we ll toss for the next !" 

Rube and the Colonel Run to a Fire. 275 

The Colonel asked me : " Rube, did you find which was 

" Yes, Colonel, but I promised not to tell," and yet, I fear me 
that I will be accused of being too personal in my story. 

Well, den, oo det de dust-pan." 

Even the Ottawa babies could furnish some good ones for 
this chapter. Irene, aged three, had been going to Sunday School, 
and sitting with " mamma," who thought the little ones should 
go into a class, so one day " mamma " said : 

" Irene, if you go to Sunday school to-day, you must go into 
Mr. R. s class." 

" I don t want to do in Mister R. s tlass !" 

" Irene, mamma says you must, or you cannot go with her 

" Well, den, I will do in de tlass," she said, and the tears were 
very near the surface, as she continued : " Mamma, I dist don t see 
what Dod made Mister R. for anyhow," but she went. 

Another day, as she sat playing with her dolly, her mother 
said : " Irene, run and get the dust-pan for mamma." 

" No, I tant do; dolly wants me to play wif her! " 

" Oh ! Irene," said the mother, with a whole volume of sadness 
in her voice, "will my little girl refuse to do this for mamma? 
You know mamma always does things for you when you ask her." 

" Well, den, oo det de dust-pan !" 

Rube s Ottawa Sweetheart aged nine. 

My Ottawa sweetheart (aged 9) was making love to my rival 
(aged 65), when I protested, and wanted her to " save a little for 
me." I shall never forget her pretty brown eyes, as she asked: 
" Do you think a little would satisfy you ?" with a great deal of 
coquettish emphasis on the " little." Where children are in ques 
tion, I must admit that I like the love unlimited. 


On the basis that " Practice makes perfect," Ottawa should 
have good fire protection, and so it has, else there would not be so 
much of it left after its many great fires, the greatest of which was 
imported from Hull in 1900. This particular fire was so vast in 
extent, that the engines of all Canada might have played on it 
with about the same effect as a summer shower on a prairie fire, 
and yet Chief Prevost turned it, and kept it from the main part 

Ottawa, The Hub. 

of the city. The Colonel and I were desirous of seeing the work 
ing of the system, and mentioned to the Chief : " You see, Chief," 
said I, " we have heard so much about your fire men, that we 
would like to see them at work." 

Rube, as you are not a bad sort, even though a little well, 
no matter. As I was going to say, I will try and arrange to have 
you see what the boys can do." 

He did, but I never could have asked him to have a $50,000 
fire just to let us see how the boys worked; but there s nothing 
small about the Chief, except the number of his men (54), and 
inside of a week we had the finest fire I had seen since Jones 
brewery burned down, and as I had no furniture in the building 
or stock in the company, I enjoyed seeing it almost as much as the 
prohibitionists did that fire of Jones . What we did object to 
though, was to have the Chiefs alarm wake us at two o clock in 
the morning. We rise early, but there is a limit, and that limit is 
not two a.m. There was no help for it, and almost as soon as I m 
telling you, the Colonel and I were on our way to the fire, which, 
by this time (owing to the turpentine, oil and other things con 
ducive to a real good fire of the bright cheery sort), was making 
Ottawa s electric light system look like 29 cents on account. 

Now, as this is not for the morning papers, I will not go into 
detail, further than to say that I never before watched a fire that 
I did not feel it my duty to tell the Chief just how to conduct it. 
And yet, as I told Prevost next day, I conducted this fire by tele 
pathy. Why, every time I saw what should be done I thought, 
and the Chief had it done so promptly, that I was surprised to see 
how well my system (telepathy) worked, and his system was so 
perfect that the fire was confined to the one large building, and 
that, too, with frame houses around, and a good strong breeze 
blowing, with occasional explosions of the turpentine, which added 
greatly to the excitement of the occasion. 

Police so Nice and Kind up Here. 

The wonder to us was to see how the boys could work in 
smoke so dense that it might have been cut into slices and sold by 
the pound while we often had to run from it, from our position 
across the street. Yes, " across the street," for the police are so 
nice and kind up here, that they allow everybody to get right into 
the fire, if they have a mind to, and can stand the heat, and never 
say a word. So different down home, where one don t dare go 
near the building for a week after the fire; but, then, for that 
matter, the police here haven t come to feel that there is but one 
people, and that they are "It." They have, when occasion demands 
lots of " backbone," but are never " chesty," and you just can t 
help liking them. 

Fire Protection. 277 

" Rube," said the Colonel, when he had read this over, " I see 
that you haven t said a word about that other early alarm you re 
sponded to that morning so hastily." 

" What alarm ?" I asked. 

" That three, three, three, nine." 

That was before I had learned the different sounds of the 
bells, and the numbers of the alarm ; besides, it might be better for 
us all, if we responded more frequently to the " three, three, three, 
nine," as another sort of "fire protection." Which reminds me 
that in speaking of 

Fire Protection, 

I will give a few things along the fire line for the benefit of the 
Ottawans who do not even know what an excellent system they 
have. Ottawa has nine engine houses, equipped with every pos 
sible device, even down to the little things, and all of the latest in 
ventions. These are the important things : Three ladder trucks : 
one Gleason & Bailey 85-feet aerial truck, and two 56-feet portable 
extension ladders ; nine hose wagons, with 20,000 feet of hose ; one 
La France Company, Elmira, N.Y., and two Waterous, Brantford, 
Ont, fire engines; thirty-six "race" horses (you d think so if 
you saw them), twenty-six portable fire extinguishers; not to 
mention the hundreds of yards of salvage covers, and all other 
possible fire paraphernalia which would come under the head of 
"little things." Then, there are 900 fire hydrants on 1 5-inch 
(mostly) water mains, with a water pressure of 45 to I.DO pounds. 
The pressure is sufficient for most fires, so that the engines are 
seldom used. $75,000 is being spent this year on making the main 
system a perfect one. In 1902 there were 266 alarms responded 
to and right here is proof of the efficiency of the service. The 
total loss from all fires during the year was but $135,270. 

The long service of some of the firemen is quite remarkable. 
Chief Prevost has been in 21 years. First in Montreal, and 7 
years at the head of the service in Ottawa. Thomas Stanford, 
Senior Assistant Chief, has been a fireman here for 29 years, and 
James Latimer, Assistant Chief, 27 years. The two assistants 
have charge, one of the west, the other of the east, end of the city, 
while Chief Prevost lives in the centre, and responds to all calls. 

Yes, Ottawa has a better fire system than even its own people 

Ottawans Matter of Fact People. 

Then, they are so matter of fact about their fires. The post 
office burned one night, but as it started in the upper story s, they 
kept right on with their work on the first floor, and before 
" things " fell in, the work was all done, all mail matter and move- 
ables taken out not a single " make-up " for outgoing trains was 

278 Ottawa, The Hub. 

missed, while next morning one would not have known that there 
had been a fire, as the morning mail was on time as usual, the 
" post office " having been removed after midnight to the Parlia 
ment Buildings. I thought this quick work, but when less than 
four weeks later they were back in the old office, I felt that che 
Post Office Department might give us a number of points on 
speed. Why, the next morning a corps of workmen, like bees for 
numbers, were clearing out the hot debris; these were followed 
by carpenters, plumbers and other builders, and as I said, less than 
four weeks from the fire, that had left little but the bare stone 
walls, the mail was again being handled in its old quarters as 
usual. There is little red tape in the Post Office Department 
under Sir William Mulock. If things are to be done, there is little 
question about the doing with Sir William. This office is under 
Postmaster Mr. J. A. Gouin, with Mr. E. B. Bates as a most 
capable assistant, and a corps of helpers who know and do their 
duty. At the time of the fire, one man/ Mr. W. O. Mercer, work 
ed with no rest for thirty-six hours. 

Bytown Fire Brigades. 

Big difference, Colonel, between the old and the new way 
of fire fighting, here as well as elsewhere." 

" What do you know about the fire companies of old Bytown 
days?" asked the Colonel. 

" About all that Paul Favreau (the oldest fireman in Canada) 
ex-Chief Wm. Young, Fred. Proderick, and others of the old boys 
know," said I, and then I told him how that away back in 1842, 
the " Mutuals " was the first company. It was in Upper Town . 
The " Alliance " came next, in 1845, in Lower Town. Both, of 
course, were hand engines worked by volunteers. The water was 
supplied by the " puncheon men," who were paid the first one to 
reach the fire, $2.00 and 25 cents for subsequent barrels. The 
race to get there first often resulted in almost empty barrels, either 
by reason of little water at the start, or jolted out on the way. 
No matter, the first barrel drew the $2.00, even though the, engine 
drew but a pail of water from it at the end. 

In 1847, J onn Langford joined the Mutuals and became Chief. 
In 1853, the corporation purchased three engines the " Cha.i- 
diere," " Ottawa," and " Rideau." The first-named was given to 
the " Mutuals," which then took the name of the engine. The 
" Ottawa " and " Rideau " were manned by companies under their 

About this time two hook and ladder companies were formed 
in Upper and in Lower Town, and took the names of the two dis 

As the city grew, another engine, the " Queen," was pur 

The Colonel, the Tomatoes and the Dog. 279 

The " Rideau," " Queen," and Lower Town hook and ladder 
companies were composed exclusively of French residents, the 
other companies of English speakers. 

Up to 1867 the companies were managed on the go-as-you- 
please plan. That year the corporation assumed some authority 
over them, and appointed a chief and deputy chief, who were to 
have full command over all. John Langford was made chief, and 
Paul Favreau deputy. 

The various companies had, at that time, the following num 
ber of men : The " Chaudiere," 60 men ; " Ottawa," 60; " Rideau," 
40 ; " Queen," 40 ; Lower Town hooks and ladders, 25 ; Central 
hooks and ladders, 25. In all, 250. 

In 1872, John Langford resigned, and Wm. Young was made 
Chief, having been a member of the Upper Town hook and ladder 
company since 1859. 

Chief Young at once made a business matter of fire fighting, 
visiting cities in Canada, and the larger ones of the United States. 

The first steam fire engine the " Conqueror," from Merry- 
weather & Sons, London, England was the beginning of a new 
era for Ottawa. The engine reached the city after much delay, 
in January, 1874. Many an Ottawan will remember the " Con 
queror " and " anti-Conqueror " factions. " It is too heavy," 
said the antis. " Just right," said the others. 

Next the " Ottawas " were voted a Silsby engine, which was 
so trim and nice that it was called the "John Heney," after a very 
popular alderman, who, at 85, is quite as popular as ever. 

The " Chaudiere s " turn came next, and a Hislop & Roland, 
Chatham, Ont, steamer was given them. 


The Colonel and I have had many choice bits of experience 
in and around Ottawa during our wanderings, but just at the 
moment I cannot think of one other that took up so much of our 
time, not that we were particularly busy that afternoon, but we 
never like to actually give precious moments unless something is 
accomplished, and really, I can t, even yet, see what we gained 
by the wasted hours, and waste them we certainly did. Yes, just 
sat round in that tree from early afternoon until the moon was 
well up. We didn t have a thing to do but just sit there. If we 
had only gotten down and played a game of Mumblepeg, it would 
have been a restful change, but we did not think of it at least 
we did not get down to play the game. " What were we doing in 
the tree?" Pardon me, I had forgotten that you did not know. 
I knew so well that I thought you d know about it. " Tell you?" 

280 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Well, you see, it was the day the Colonel and I were over there 
back of Ottawa East. While going leisurely along viewing the 
beauties of the Rideau River, and taking in bits of scenery and 
other things that were not fastened down, we passed a tomato 
patch near a farm house. There being no wire fence that day, 
the Colonel began hunting for a " ripe one," but just as he found 
it, the farmer ran out, gesticulating and saying something in 
French, while unchaining a nice large dog which he had in the 

What is he saying, Rube," asked the Colonel, as we started 
for a wide branching tree, fortunately not too far away. 

I think, Horatius, that he is telling us that we can find riper 
tomatoes over where he is," but we didn t go over to see, as we 
were both busy, just then, seeing if we couldn t reach that tree 
before the dog. It was almost an even race, but we got there 
first. Not very much first, but enough to save having to wear 
patches. I don t know when I have seen a dog that could run like 
that one. He looked big and clumsy, but he wasn t; no, not even 
a little bit clumsy. He was, in fact, real fleet. It was only the 
handicap of distance which lost him the race. About half a foot 
less and he had been the winner. 

That farmer may have been French as to language, but he 
certainly had one of the best English laughs I ve heard in! Ottawa. 
I know, for as we looked back to where he was standing, he was 
busy using that laugh, just as though it were a real pleasure to 
him. We looked in all directions, but neither the Colonel nor I 
could see a single thing in sight to laugh at, but there that French 
farmer stood holding his sides and " haw-hawing " in excelleat 
English, without even an accent in the " haw-haw." He did look 
so foolish to us as we sat in that tree trying to make friends with 
his dog, but that dog wouldn t get sociable, no matter what we 
said to him. We learned afterwards that the beast was French, 
and we had wasted all our pet names on him. And yet, while 
he may not have been a sociable dog, he had some rare qualities, 
and not least among those qualities was his patience. I have 
known intimately many dogs in my life, but at the moment, I can 
not recall one that had more patience, one who seemed to really 
enjoy having patience, so much as that one. He never once got 
tired waiting. Several times during the afternoon we thought he 
was asleep, but he wasn t asleep at all : No, he was just a good 
patient watchdog, with pressing business to attend to, and never 
once neglected his duty for a minute during the hours he spent 
with us. We will furnish him with a "character" to this effect 
should his master ever come for one. We may furnish his master 
with other things, but that s not in this story. 

Our landlady said that evening, that next time we were so late 
to tea that we could just go to the restaurant We explained that 

Rube and the Colonel go to the Fair. 281 

we had 1 been to the restaurants, but that they were all closed. And 
to think, too, we had to eat those tomatoes without salt. 

" How did -we get away?" 

Oh, yes; I must tell you. It s the best part of the storv, at 
any rate the part we most enjoyed. Well, long about - - o clock 
p.m., we saw the whole police force of Ottawa East coming along, 
under full sail, our way. It was out on dress parade, or else look 
ing for something to arrest. It does so like to arrest things that 
it even goes out after dark looking for them. It is such 1 a fearless 
body! Just as it reached our tree, it saw the dog, and stopped- 
stopped short, did that whole police force of Ottawa East. " Ha, 
ha," it said, as it saw that moon-bathed dog, " ha, ha, oud widoud 
yer mussle ! Ve dinks ve vill arrest yu, und led yu to dur bound, 
vunce quvick!" It stopped, as if in a deep study, how best to 
make its " arresd." The Colonel saw its quandary, and called 
down in a sepulchral tone : " Surround him, Charlie ! Surround 
him !" It started to say " Ha, ha " again, but that patient dog 
started first, at the same time beginning to rise up. Now, while 
that dog was French by birth, he must have been English by ac 
cent, for in his "Ha, ha!" he dropped both hs and ran the aas to 
gether, with a peculiar nasal accent all his own, and the combin 
ation was too much for the " force." It started full speed out 
into the " somewhere," with the dog a good second. " I reckon," 
said the Colonel, as we got down out of the tree to watch the 
race, " I reckon Charlie dinks he is leading our dog to the 
pound to arresd him for not wearing his muzzle." We never 
learned which got there first, as we were too much occupied in 
reaching a point in the opposite direction. And that s how we got 
away from that tree in Ottawa East. 


They had a " Fair " in Ottawa while we were there. It was 
the regular old-fashioned " Fair," with its fine horses, cattle, 
hogs, sheep, hens and rain ; it s " hit-the-nigger-and-get-a-cigar " 
fair ; red lemonade, peanuts, and well, they had them all and a 
number of other things thrown in to give you the full value for 
your money ; but with them all they didn t call it a Fair. It was 
an " Exhibition." 

" Fairs," said I, have been relegated, with the " Jays " and 
" Jayesses " who used to attend them." 

" Rube," asked the Colonel, " don t you feel lonesome ?" I 
didn t reply, I could see no reason for his query. 

" Colonel," said I, " had you asked that question at the last 
Fair Exhibition I went to in Canada. I should have said yes. 
Did I ever tell you about it? No? Well, I was in a town one 

282 Ottawa, The Hub. 

day where was being held one of these exhibitions. I was alone, 
and whenever I am alone, I want to talk to someone around. That 
day I had to soliloquize, I tried to talk to everybody in sight, but 
no one could even tell me if the weather was good or bad, or if 
the crops needed rain; no, they all shrugged their shoulders, and 
referred me, with outstretched arms, to Sapon. I hunted the 
grounds over for Mr. Sapon, or any of his family, but none of 
them were there that day, and I wandered on among the big 
pumpkins, cabbages and beets, and felt lonesome. I did see a 
man who looked like he might be able to hold up one end of a con 
versation, and boldly asked : Can you talk ? 

"Yes, you why do you ask?" he replied, discourteously. 

"Just wanted to see if you could, that s all!" I wasn t 
going to talk with him ; he was so rude, and said emphatic things 
too emphatically. 

" Well, I finally went over to the poultry department, to get 
back my spirits and break up that lonesome feeling. I tell you, 
Colonel, I felt at home among those chickens." 

"What! At home amongst chickens! How s that?" 

"Of course, and why not? They were the only things on 
the ground that I could understand. They cackled their lays and 
crowed their crows in most excellent English! What was it, 
Colonel, you were saying about the Jays ?" 

No " Jays " at the Fair. 

Speaking of "Jays" and "Jayesses," if the funny magazine 
man had to depend for his pictures upon an Ottawa Fair for sub 
jects, he would have to go out of business the first season. Phis 
is no jolly, but a fact. The people, even from the backwoods 
country, were well dressed, and appeared at their ease amongst 
city folk. I made special enquiry as to the why, and was told that, 
dress and education have become so general that the remotest 
corner of the country has good schools, and the people well 
dressed. They even claim that the Province of Ontario has as 
fine a school system as there is in the world, and teachers, too, who 
are educated to teach ; and while they receive better oav than m 
the Province of Quebec, they do not receive pay enough, and the 
supply is falling away, the bright young Canadian girls seeking 
positions in other channels. 

" Made in Canada." 

Wherever we went, in any part of the grounds, from en 
trance to exit, we were met with the placard : " Made in Canada." 
There were more things at that Exhibition than I had once 
thought were made in all Canada. 

I wished that you people at home and in Europe who imagine 
that Canada is an icy wilderness, could have been here to see 

Rube Buys a Microscope. 283 

everything, from beautiful oil-paintings down, or up to, a plough, 
made right here in this land of natural beauty and manufactured 
necessities. Why, bless you, the Colonel and I are coming to 
think of it as the "wonderland" we used to read about. I may 
some day write you a story : " Rube in Wonderland." It would 
beat " Alice " herself if the land had anything to do with it. 

" Rube, come on ; this is not that other Fair. You don t need 
to stand round and soliloquize, or listen to the " lays " of the 

Rube Buys a Microscope. 

No, nor am I a Rube-come-on, even though that microscope 
man in the main building did, yesterday, sell me that valuable 
glass which made a living, moving ocean out of a drop of water, 
as long as he was there, and through which I couldn t have seen 
a cow when I got to the boarding house. Queer how things 
change after you buy them!" 

Yes, I saw him change that glass as soon as he got your 
money, but I thought it a good lesson to you, so did not speak of 
it at the time. Was it " Jays " you were soliloquizing about, and 
saying there were none on the ground?" I only looked at him, 
as we reached the main building, where we stopped to see the 
prettiest exhibit on the ground, just to the right of the entrance! 
It was 

Shurly and Dietrich s Saws. 

Rube, these are none of your old saws" as we stood in front 
of the beautiful display. 

I suppose, Colonel, you consider that a cutting remark, but 
it s a long Distons from being so." 

No," said the handsome young man from Gait, who only 
heard part of my remark, " these are not Diston s ; we beat Diston 

himself at the World s Fair in Chicago, and can beat the world 

and " Made in Canada " too, made in the Manchester of Canada, 

^ Where s Gait?" 

Where s Gait \ Where are you from, anyhow, not to know 
the most famous town in Canada! W r hy, it s 57 miles west of 
Toronto, on the Canadian Pacific. Oh, I see; you are Yankees, 
ain t you? Well, you are excusable; the smoke of your Pitts- 
burgs has been, up to now, clouding our smokestacks, but we re 
building them so high that we ll make you see them before long." 
As he promised to send us a picture of his display of saws, of 
every conceivable style, from one of a few inches to a " band " of 
50 feet long, we forgave him for his boast over us. He even 
showed us one he called the " Maple Leaf Greyhound," which 
cut through a two foot hardwood block in 28 seconds; when I saw 
that I could not but sigh for the wasted hours I had spent "ridin^ 
the old fashioned variety down on the Ohio farm, wherd I worked 

284 Ottawa, The Hub. 

for three a day. " Three what? " asks the Colonel. Meals, 
what do you suppose!" And even then the farmer said he lost 
money. Now, he never would have said that if S. and D. had 
invented the "Maple Leaf" earlier in life. 

Both Shurly and Dietrich were once with the Diston s, in 
Philadelphia, where they learned all they could, and then came to 
Canada to improve on that old firm s mode of business. They 
must have come near doing so, as vide Chicago Fair. 

Nearly everywhere the Colonel and I go about the country, 
we see on the fences 

" Karn is King." 

We had often wondered who Karn was, and why he was 
" King " we found out at the Fair. When we stood round the 
Karn section, and listened to the pianos and organs, from reed to 
pipe, we could then hear why " Karn is King." 

" Where are these made in Canada?" we asked of the stylish 

" At Woodstock." 

" Where s Woodstock ?" Say, I wish I had that young man s 
photograph, taken at that moment. Both look and pose would 
have made a picture for the family album, to be shown later on 
with : " This is my cousin, taken, one day in Ottawa when shocked 
by two ignorant Yankees yon jist otter hear him plav the pianner 
tho." He finally came to, and told us that it was on the Canadian 
Pacific, 88 miles west of Toronto. 

Canada has so many lakes and rivers that in no part of t 
world is boating and canoeing so popular. And in no part of 
world are the boat and canoe builders so proficient as up here. 
Even knowing this, we had no conception of the extent to which 
the business is carried until we went round to the Peterborough 
Canoe Company s exhibit, and talked with the one in charge bo 
familiar are this company s canoes that the very town itself has, 
through them, become known over the world and especially so 
to the hunters and fishers who come to Canada. A Peterborough 
boat or canoe is like a watch labelled " Waltham," it don t need 
any other commendation. 

We next went over and watched little Miss Deitz, a graduate 
of the Metropolitan, run off 100 words a minute on a typewriter, 
without looking at the keys, which for that matter were covered 
over. She was writing a very " touching " little story about how 
this machine is beating all others. 

The Oliver Typewriter Oliver Born in Canada. 

And speaking of " Made in Canada," and typewriters, the 

manufacture of the famous Oliver is becoming a great industry 

in this country, and just here I will say that all over Canada new 

factories are starting up, not only to manfacture the inventions 

" Made in Canada." 285 

of the Canadians themselves (and there are up here some world- 
famed inventors vide Bell, of the telephone, and Edison s parents 
were Nova Scotians), but the excellent things of other countries 
are now being made here. The Linotype, on which these words 
will be set, is now made in Canada. A large company went to 
the States to look over the typewriters, and chose the Oliver as 
the best in the field. And by the way, Oliver himself is a Canadian 
from Woodstock. 

Some of our great agricultural implement manufacturers are 
establishing immense plants in Canada. As we wandered around 
the grounds of this great Exposition, it was hard to believe that 
we were not looking over that in one of our own great cities. 

_ The foregoing are but a few of the hundreds of exhibits. 
I give them but as illustrations of what is " Made in Canada." 

An Old Page Turns Up. 

On the way over to Machinery Hall, I was carried, in mind, 
back to the old Ohio farm, by seeing the placard, the Page Wire 
Fence Company. " Oh," said I, " Colonel, here s something at 
last not made in Canada;" they had to send to us for the Page. 
with which the old farm is fenced and I don t blame them, for 
they can t beat it." But when W. E. Fairbairn handed me his 
card, bless you, there it was on one corner, " M.I.C." " What," 
said I, " this too ?" Fairbairn being a member of my family of 
readers saw the point, and replied : " Yes, Rube, this too. The 
demand for the best fence in the world was so great up here, that 
we had to build a factory over in Walkerville, Ont, where fences 
and other things strong are made. Have one ?" 

"Well, I don t care if I do!" said the Colonel, a little off his 
guard for the moment, and thinking that Fairbairn meant another 
strong Walkerville article. But he didn t mean that at all, no, 
he meant " Have a booklet," with which the Colonel was already 
loaded. From this particular booklet I learned that the Page is 
strung from Cape Breton to Vancouver. Well, no wonder it s 
a " M. I. C." 

Rube Finds Something Superior from Home. 

As we leisurely strolled through Machinery Hall, looking at 
patent churns and things, and talking at the upper end of our 
voices to be heard above the din of canines in the " Dog Show " 
in the next room, my eye caught " Superior." And again I went 
back to the old home, for that name is so attached to Springfield, 
Ohio, that I never see it without sending a wireless telegram. The 
message may not be received, as the one going away often holds 
the only working end of the " wireless/ or if there be one at the 
other end, it is seldom toned up to the receiving tension. 

But there was " Superior," and soon there was I, looking at 
the best drill grain drill in the world, for it was our own and 

286 Ottawa, The Hub. 

only. I exclaimed " M. I. O." (Made in Ohio). I was so de 
lighted to see it that even the unhappy times I had to " drill " for 
three meals per day seemed now very delightful days. 

It isn t the dog, but the memories that " even a dog from 
home " bring up. " Colonel, let s stop at Ohio, " and we did- 
stopped looking at the " M. I. C. s," and went to the show part 
of the Fair. I don t know how our fairs are now conducted, as 
it has been years since I attended one, but they are different up 
here. The racing is entirely separate, but then as a " continuous 
performance," with fireworks at night, are provided, no one ob 
jects to the " extra for Grand Stand." It is a feature that if not 
taken up by the management at home, it should be, as it adds both 
to the enjoyment of the people and to the balance sheet of the 

Hon. W. C. Edwards Exhibit of Cattle. 

To this Central Canada Exhibition much is due for the im 
proved live stock seen all throughout the Ottawa Valley. As facts 
count for more than assertions, it may be well to speak of actual 
values of some of the live stock. Hon. W. C. Edwards had a 
large number of shorthorn cattle at this Exhibition, from his Pine 
Grove Stock Farm, at Rockland, on the Ottawa. One cow alone 
is valued at $6,000: Missie, 153. Her full brother, Marquis of 
Benda, is equally, or more valuable. Her yearling heifer calf at 
$2,000; present, bull calf at same price. 

Hon. Mr. Edwards herd of 175 animals are all high grade 
in character and breeding. It is the best herd in this country, and 
equalled but by three others in the world. This is a fact worth 
making a note of by those who don t know of this wonderland. 

The New York Judge at the Dog Show. 

We were about to leave that part of the grounds, when we 
chanced to pass the dog show building. 

" Listen, Colonel," said I, stopping, " what is the awful com 
motion inside ? " 

" Let s go in and see" said he, and we threw two dimes 
" to the dogs," and went in. We hadn t got more than through 
the outer show room when we saw a poor innocent looking man 
cornered up trying his utmost to talk to a 1 room full of jesticulating 
women, who were talking in the same register, and all talking at 
the same time. Poor man, I wondered what he had done. I was 
sure he was a pickpocket or had tried to slay some one. Finally 
I could catch an occasional sentence, and then I learned the why of 
the riot. 

" What do you know about dogs, anyhow ? " said the Amazon 
with a Prince Charles. 

" You come here from New York to judge dogs when you 
don t know a bull pup from a Mantle China ! " 

The Colonel and the Baby Show. 287 

The man tried to say something, but I could only catch a 
few of his words, such as "more racket"- -" bull"- -"china" 
"shop !" I could not see the meaning of his stray words. 

A woman next me was saying to a real pretty little thing, 
but without any "points :" "Yes ittle one we ll do straight home 
that awful New York animal says that ugly cur inside is bet 
ter than oo. He don t know anything : -then she kissed the 
" ittle one." 

"Come on Rube, it s nothing. I see it all. The imported 
Judge has simply given a lot of wrong decisions, that s all! He 
will never dare to come here again." 

" How do you know he has given wrong decisions ? 

"How do I know? Why man, are you stone deaf? Can t 
you hear the women telling him that he has ? 

Why the Colonel Left Home. 

On the way back from the Fair the Colonel got confidential 
and said, " Rube, did I ever tell you why I left my native city ? 
No? Well, the judge s experience at the show brought it vividly 
back to my mind. I was at one time called the most popular man 
in my town. Now understand, Rube, I m not boasting, I m simply 
telling you what they called me during my most popular days. 
I dare not think of what they called me later on, but at the time 
I m telling you of, I could have had the town if I had asked for 
it. I could get any office I wanted, all the money from the bank 
I needed, nothing went on but I was at the head or close by, help 
ing run it. In short they gave me to understand that I was "It," 
and for a time I believed them. Well, some idiot in town had a 
baby, which he was sure was without the remotest doubt the pret 
tiest, the cunningest, the sweetest^ the plumpest, the fairest, the all 
roundest baby that ever happened in all Ohio, and this idiot was 
its father and it was his first and only. He proposed 

A Baby Show, 

and as the town and country were full of other idiots, and every 
one with the same hallucination, his proposition was received 
with general approbation, and the show was held. Babies poured 
in from every nook and corner of the town and country, fat babies, 
lean babies, tall babies, stout babies, red headed, white, red, and 
even black babies were cuddled, truddled into town for that show. 
It was on Thursday of the County Fair. You never saw such 
a crowd before or since in that town ! 

" All was in readiness when the question arose : Who will 
be the Judge? " If I had ever doubted my popularity before, all 
doubt was thrown to the wind when almost in one voice the fond 
parents called out " Colonel Horatius ! Colonel Horatius ! " 
Say. Rube, I felt for a few moments that : : This is the happiest 

288 Ottawa, The Hub. 

period of my life." It did prove to be a " period," but the short 
est and has extended the longest of my life. I consented and 
judged that baby show. I picked out a real genuine little 
beauty from the remote part of the County, but every other idiot 
on that ground, with a baby, set up such an ado, and called me 
so many odd names that before night I wondered who I was any 
how. Well, that was the end of my popular dreams in that 
County. I could not have been elected after that for pound keeper, 
and could not have borrowed a thing but trouble, and of that I had 
more already than I needed. I finally left town and have been 
back but once since. Take my advice, Rube, if ever you get to 
thinking you are It, remember my experience and refuse all offers 
of a Judgeship at a baby show." And the Colonel actually sighed 
in remembrance. 

Wouldn t Take the Tickets. 

Before the Fair was over the Colonel agreed to not mention 
my purchase of the microscope and this is why. One afternoon 
there was a great rush for the Grand Stand as a special attraction 
was "on." No one could get near the ticket office but those who 
were there already and they couldn t get away. " Tickets " 
"Tickets," called out a man standing near the entrance. " Here 
give me two and be quick about it ! " said the Colonel, and inside 
of a minute we were inside of the vortex, being pushed along to 
the ticket taker. "Here you there come back, this is no board 
ing tent ! : And then he held up the two tickets the Colonel had 
gone and purchased for a " hot dinner." As we fought our way 
out everybody stopped long enough to laugh. I would not so 
much have minded it, but the Colonel, when asked, by a news 
paper man, said he was from Hull. I didn t like it a bit as I am 
very partial to Hull. When finally we got our tickets and seats, 
and sort o "between the acts," whom should we see near us, en 
joying it all to the full, but the Old Citizen s brother, with his 
brother s information distributor in good working order. 

The Old Citizen s Brother, 

" I was just a thinkin of the furst Ex. the Dumminyun ever 
held in Ottawer," he began. " It was, by the way, the furst 
ever held in Canada, that is the furst by the Dumminyun, or as 
I m tryin to tell ye the furst Dumminyun Exhibishion, and 

"Yes, yes, go on, we understand. The show will be over before 
you get started if you don t. Look, Colonel, there s another 
balloon with two parachutes going up. Next year the whole family 
and the dog will have parachutes. Anything for excitement \ 
Oh, beg pardon"- to the O. C. s brother "you were about to tell 
us of 

The First Dominion Exhibition, 

you said, I believe, or started to say, that it was held here in 

The First Dominion Exhibition. 289 

"Yes, in the fall of 1879, m Septembur. I remember it well, 
my thurd darter wus born that yere. She s married now, an 
livin in Manitober I tell yer Manitober s the country ! " 

Let s have the Exhibition first," broke in the Colonel, "and 
then you may give us the daughter, Manitoba and the whole 
Northwest, if there s any time left." 

Well, it wus under the osspices of the Agriculture and Arts 
Assosighashun. It s President was Sam Wilmit, an it s Secker- 
tary was John R. Craig John s now out in Meadow Crick, Al 
berta. He s got the gratest cattle ranch out thare what du ye 
think John s got the ranch fenced with. Eh ? " 

" The Page wire? " asked the Colonel, who is "stuck" on the 
Page, or would be if it had barbs. 

" Naw bettern that ! " 

What then ? " again asked the Colonel. 

Why, John s gone and had a mountain strung almost clean 
round hes ranch to keep the wind out an the cattle in. It comes 
high but it s a grate fence ! " and then he stopped so long to laugh 
at his little joke, that he nearly forgot the First Dominion Ex 
hibition. We gave up trying to hold him to his subject, and just 
let him wander all over the Dominion, stopping in every Pro 
vince and Territory, and giving us a lot of really valuable infor 
mation about them all, but in the usual disconnected form. We 
culled, however, some interesting data on the first "Ex." 

C. H. Mclntosh was the Mayor Mayor for 79, 80 and 81. 
The "Fair" was opened by His Excellency the Marquis of Lome, 
and Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise. 

Some of the cattle exhibitors were, the Watts, J. & W., of 
Salem, John Snell and Sons, of Edmonton, F. W. Stone, of 
Guelph, and to our surprise he told us that W. C. Edwards was 
an exhibitor. We had thought the Senator too young to be a fair 
exhibitor a quarter of a century ago. Then there was Thos, 
Clarke, of Nepean, and to show 1 the nice calves in that day, he 
said that Hon. George Brown, of Bow Park, had his $12,000 
yearling there. 

" Estimated value ? " I asked. 
Naw, Brown paid $12,000 for it! " 

It s a wonder they let him out long enough to show his calf," 
said the Colonel. 

" Out of what ? " asked the old man. 
Why, out of the asylum, of course ! " 

If yud seen that calf an his pedagog that reached back ten 
generashuns to Duke something, yud not chaff at the ^rice! " and 
he seemed injured that the Colonel should think the Hon. Brown 
crazy for paying so much money in that day of cheap cattle. 

290 Ottawa, The Hub. 

Princess Louise presented the medals to the exhibitors, after 
the Fair, at a banquet held to spend some of the profits of the 
show. At that banquet were many whose names were great then 
and others who have since had titles added to their names. Here 
are some of those present: Sir John A. and Lady Macdonald, 
Sir Charles Tupper, Hon. D. Christie, (Sir) Mackenzie Bowell, 
Major and Mrs. De Winton, Dr. (Sir) James A. Grant, Mr. (Sir) 
Adolph Caron, Alonzo Wright, Hon v James Skead, J. W. Currier, 
Major Mclntosh, A. S. Woodburn, John R. Craig, Ira Morgan, 
President Wilmot and many others. 


Speaking of dog shows and things, I am reminded of one of 
my Ottawa investments. 

It was on a Bank Street car. It was evening, the little girl 
with the basket looked very sad. That she was in trouble I was 
certain. When little girls are, in trouble I too am sad. I watched 
her face. It was not a pretty face, but a wan pinched face- 
pinched by poverty. What was in the basket, that she gave it so 
much attention ? Ah, it moves ! What? Yes, it s a pup. Poor 
child, thought I, she is taking her one little pet away to sell it to 
buy bread, possibly to relieve the hunger of brothers and sisters 
at home. It must not be, she must not sell the dear little thing 
her playfellow ! No, I will prevent it. What have you in the 
basket ? " I asked, even though I already knew. 
" It s a pup," she said timidly. 

" Where are you taking it? " I asked in a gentle tone. 
" I m taking it to a man who wants to buy it," and her voice 
trembled. I knew it, I knew it, she has been sent to sell her one 
pet, and oh, how lonely will she be without it. No, I will prevent 
it. I ll buy the pup and then give it back to her and make her 
oh so happy. I do love to make children happy ! How much 
do you ask for the little thing? " said I, soft like really "softer" 
even than I thought. 

" My ma said I must ask a dollar and a half, but to take 
thirty cents rather than to bring it home." I looked at it. 
wasn t cheap in so full a market as Ottawa, but what matter, the 
money would buy bread and relieve hunger mayhap. I would buy 
it and then return it to her, and bring back the smiles to her sad 
little face. I was fairly bubbling with joy as I paid her full price. 
Ah, just as I thought, she smiled! She was almost pretty at that 
moment but she smiled too soon. I only expected to see the 
smile on the return of her pet why, she even laughed and that 
too before I had had time to return her little playfellow. Ah, 1 
know why she seemed so cheerful she thought of the bread my 

The Colonel Hears Something about Canadian Girls. 291 

money would buy and possibly a bit of cake for the little ones 
at home. I would not return it. at once, I would reserve the plea 
sure for a few blocks that is I thought I would reserve the plea 
sure, but just then she got up as though to leave the car, so I had 
to act quickly. "Here, take back your pet I don t want it you 
may keep the money too," and everybody looked his and her com 

" Oh, Oh I ll get licked if I bring it home !" she said, scared 

" Why so," I asked in surprise, and the car full looked surpris 
ed too. 

"Oh, cause we ve got fourteen more just like it, and they re 
eating their blamed heads off." And as she went away with my 
dollar and a half she was smiling, and so was everybody else in 
the car. 

P.S. If you should hear of anyone wanting a well bread pup 
send him around, I ll pay full commission, to any one who will 
sell the dear little thing " for me. I find now that I bought 
at the wrong time every family in town has a full supply, and 
the number is growing even faster than the population. 


not by votes, but by inclination. You see, everybody was talking 
about a great speech that was to be delivered. It had been talked 
about for days. "What will he say? What can he say?" were 
questions heard on all sides. His opponents said, " He can say 
nothing to the point," while his friends were confident that he could 
say a whole lot, and everything to the point. 

The Colonel and I went to hear it, as twas the proper thing to 
do. Everybody else had gone before, and no place was left us 
but a little standing room against the wall. The speech was so 
good, however, that we did not mind the inconvenience. We were 
well repaid. We knew not the merits of the case. Tis not for 
us to study the " why " of Canadian politics, but we did enjoy the 
manner of the speaker s delivery. 

The Colonel hears something about Canadian Girls. 

The great room was packed. There were those from many 
parts of the Dominion, and a most excellent opportunity it was for 
studying the different faces of the people. The Colonel, always 
interested in the ladies, frequently asked of the citizen with us: 
Who is the lady ?" indicating by various ways to designate the 
particular one meant. 

: She is from Toronto or Winnipeg, &c., as the case 
might be. 

292 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" Who is the haughty one who seems to think only of self?" 

" She is from , and is very rich." 

"Old or recent?" 

"Recent," says the citizen, "recent; the old know better 
how not to display it." 

" Who is that one whose repartee seems so to animate those 
of her party?" asked the Colonel, indicating a very bright-faced 
blonde near where we stood. 

" She is from Toronto, and is said to be very clever," said 
the citizen. 

" Who is that sweet-faced lady on the far side of the gallery ?" 

" The one with the tall brunette ? She is from Nova Scotia. 
Of course, you know the Nova Scotia ladies, like the men, are re 
markable for their brilliance. What? Oh, no; everybody seems 
to think that, but it is not by any means the case. Of course, they 
have much fish, but they d be more brilliant on vegetables than 
some people on whale, and what I say refers to all the Lower Pro 
vinces." The Colonel declared afterward that when the citizen 
said this about " whale diet " that he looked and winked a very 
peculiar wink in my direction. He need not have done that; I 
knew that what he was saying was true, and he need not have look 
ed at me for corroboration. No, some people " don t know 
nawthin " and couldn t learn, even on a whole school of whales. 

" Is there a delegation from Old Quebec to-day ?" 

" Why do you ask?" queried the citizen. 

" Well, look in all directions, and we can see so many pretty, 
bright-faced ladies that I can t think of any town outside of Que 
bec that could produce them, and 1 thought that Quebec must have 
a delegation over to-day to hear the speech." 

" Why, Colonel, you must have been going about Ottawa 
with your eyes shut. Quebec could not find a delegation to equal 
the girls of Ottawa; for proof of this, look about you," and the 
Colonel did, and smiled a very pleased smile. 

And so ran on the Colonel with his questions and the citizen 
with his replies. 

All this after the great speech, and sort o between the re 
marks that followed by other members. Yes, that speech was a 
masterpiece. It was one of many good ones we heard while in 
Ottawa. The Dominion has many men of ability, and has sent a 
number of them to Ottawa. If a criticism were to be made on the 
House, it would be that the repartee is seldom witty, as in the 
old days,, of which we are told, and too often is it of an order that 
reflects little credit on the members dealing in it. It is frequent 
ly no higher than : " You re another." This, of course, only refers 
to those members who are here by reason of influence in their 
little localities, and not because the country at large would have 
selected them. 

Rube s First Circus. 293 


" Rube did you get em ? " asked the Colonel, that day I 
went to the Orphan Asylum to borrow a few orphans to take 
to see the animals. 

No, a whole house full and no one to loan a single kid ! 
said I. We had made it up to take out some of the little tins, feed 
em on peanuts, candy, popcorn, and red lemonade, and watch 
em have fun at their first circus, but it was a failure. The auth 
ority is so divided up that nothing short of a board meeting 
could grant our request, so we compromised by having Reynolds 
pick out some of Ottawa s typical newsies. If the boys he sent 
were typical, then Ottawa newsies are " ded tins " for a fact. 
There was nothing new to them. They d seen em all and knew 
every animal by sight, while every act was old to them, in short, 
though young, they were blase and we were disappointed. 

" Colonel," said I, when we got back, " boys ain t boys any 
more, they begin seeing things so young that they re men in 
knickerbockers. Oh, how different in our day ! The nearest ap 
proach to a circus we saw were the flaming posters, telling of 
wonders that made our imagination almost too large for us to 
hold. Father was agin the circus, so we had to content us with 
posters and processions until we were thirteen or fourteen. 

I must tell you Colonel about 

Rube s First Circus. 

My first circus and how we got home from it. We boys had 
saved up all spring, and for a whole month before it was billed 
for, we had worked early and late in the hope that father would 
relent and let us go, but twas no use, for, as I said, he was agin 

" It was seven miles away, but we boys had it all planned 
to " run off." " Jack " Harney, the hired boy, had somehow 
become possessed of an old and very delapidated horse, " Nitff " 
Weaver hired a big, heavy spring wagon of a neighbor, arid 
Brother Frank and I were to pay for the tickets as our share. 

" We set out with Jack s seven-mile nag, and " 

Why seven-mile nag Rube ?" asked the Colonel. 

" Don t spoil the story, Colonel. You ll see in due time. 

" The way old Rosenante flew, with his stub tail high in the 
air, was a caution ! We reached Springfield in time to visit the pic 
tures on the outside of all the wonderful side shows, and deeply re 
gret that we hadn t the price to see inside, that we might look 
upon the fat lady, the skeleton man, the sword swallower, the 
great snakes, and watch the glassblower spin ships out of glass. 

294 Ottawa, The Hub. 

;Later in life we learned that very often the best part of more 
than a side show is on the outside canvas, and knew then how 
little we had missed in not having the price. 

" But now for the show itself ! The marvellous aggregation 
of which we had dreamed for years! That one-ring circus was 
more wonderful than any five-ring show we have ever since looked 
upon! I never saw tumblers tumble equal to those marvellous 
acrobats, or riders ride as those men who jumped through paper- 
covered hoops. Oh, how we did enjoy it! Then, that fierce 
Numidian lion, which we were certain would eat the daring man, 
who took his life in one hand and a club in the other, as he enter 
ed the cage! Oh, how we trembled for that brave lion tamer! 
We did not then know the age of the animal, or that his meat 
had to be Hambergered for him, else we had not trembled. 

" The Clowns were far funnier even than Dave Stoner at his 

" Oh, the joy of it all ! The tinsel of the actors to us was real 
gold; the man and woman on the trapeze seemed to be winged 
birds, flying through the air at the dizzy height of fifteen feet ; the 
chariot races at the end we have never seen equalled. All every 
thing in that one-ring circus \vas nothing short of marvellous ! 

" It came to an end all too soon, even though it was nearly 
midnight before it closed ! 

" And now for home. Jack s old grey gave out before 
we had gotten three miles. We coaxed, pushed on the lines, and 
finally beat him, but all to no purpose. He would not or could 
not pull us a foot further, and we had to unhitch and " play horse 
ourselves with that big spring wagon. Nuff " was a cripple, 
and could not even walk, much less help pull or push, so we had 
to let him ride, as we slowly moved along. The only easy part 
was the going down hill, but that was more than taken off by 
the pull up to the top. Hundreds of times have I gone over that 
road since, but those hills never seemed so near mountains as they 
did that night, or rather that morning, as we did not reach the 
farm until near breakfast." 

"Did you get "thrashed" for running off?" asked the 

" Noj father said he concluded we had been punished enough, 
and I have never doubted his conclusion. But even had he 
thrashed us soundly, that show was worth it, heavy wagon and 


How the Colonel Watered the Elephant. 

" You were more fortunate than I," said the Colonel, as he 
bit off the end of, a fresh cigar. 
"How s that?" I asked. 
" You had the price and I didn t !" 

How the Colonel Watered the Elephant. 


I could tell by the way the Colonel eyed his Havana that he 
had m mind his first circus, so I asked: " Tell us about it!" 

Well," he began, reminiscently, " I lived in a town hardly 
big enough for a show, but when I was about fourteen, one came 
along. For weeks it was the only subject talked of at the corner 
grocery store and the blacksmith shop. Early and late you might 
hear about Dan Rice and his great aggregation of clowns, bare 
back riders, and Jingo the elephant. Toward the last the greet 
ing, when the^ neighbors would meet, was not a how-dy, or a 
fine day this. No, cordiality, and even the weather, were for 
gotten^ m that one important question : Coin ter see the ele 
phant! I little thought how soon I was to become intimately 
acquainted with that same elephant Jingo. 

The _ day came at last. People for miles drove in with the 
whole family to see the show, even the preacher took the children 
to see Jingo. As I said, I hadn t the price. I had run off from 
the day before to visit the show grounds nothing to see 
but even the place had a fascination which I could not resist. For 
this truancy I was to be punished by seeing the rest of the family 
pass in, while I stood outside and gazed with longing eyes at the 
wonders painted upon the canvas, wonders, as you know which 
will never leave the mind. That I might at least get the full bene 
fit of these wonderful oil paintings, I was on the grounds early. 

I hadn t been there but a few minutes when a big man said 
to me, pleasant like : Say, boy, do you want to see the show ? 
What good fortune was coming my way, anyhow ! I could hardly 
believe my own ears, but ventured a timid Yesser ! Well take 
this bucket and bring pore Jingo a drink. He has been travelling 
1 night, and he is a little thirsty. By this time I had the bucket 
and hardly waited for the nice big man to tell me how thirsty bore 
Jingo was. 

I knew a well nearly a 1 quarter of a mile away, and as I ran 
1 said to myself : Easy ? Well rather ! Horatius, you re in luck V 
When I got back to the tent, the nice man said, as he set the bucket 
pore Jingo : You re a good runner, my boy! while 
Jingo said Soop/ and the bucket was empty. Get another 
said the nice man, and you shall see the greatest aggregation on 
earth! I got another, and Jingo said soop again. And bv the 
had carried twenty buckets, and nearly pumped that" well 
dry, he had acquired the soop habit, and kept it up, seemingly 
growing more thirsty as my trips to the well grew longer as I 
was becoming very tired. I shall never know how long it would 
have taken to fill that inland lake, as just before I had become ex 
hausted and ready to strike my job, Jingo was wanted in the 
-he big man picked me up in his arms as though I were 
a mere baby, and together we entered the tent. It is hard to tell 
which attracted more attention, Jingo or I, for as he came in" at 

296 Ottawa, The Hub. 

one side, the big man and I came in at the other. He carried me 
right past where our family sat in the cheap seats, and placed me 
in the very best part of the tent, next to the big Squire, in a kind 
of a box, with flags hanging all around the railing. 

" Oh, how I did enjoy that show ! And yet, as I look back to 
that long ago, it is hard to tell which I enjoyed more, the show, 
or seeing the envious eyes of our family and my school fellows, 
as they looked upon the box with the flag-covered railing." 


" Rube," asked the Colonel, one day, as we sat on the hill 
overlooking the beautiful Kingsmere. " Are you going to play 
good angel, and present to all the book makers a copy each of 
this Ottawa book, as youi did the book makers of Montreal ? 

" No, Colonel. No, it would not be safe. It would be too 
great a risk." 

" I don t follow you, Rube, what do you mean by risk? 

" Well, you see, I was then, to some extent, a novice. I had 
no conception of the number of people it took to make a book, so 
I promised each one a copy who in any way worked on it. It was 
printed at a large plant, and not only everyone in that plant, but 
some of their relations were run in. Everyone had taken a very 
prominent part in the making of that book. Why, before 
through with the matter I felt that I had not even been a small 
factor in it s making. I had only written it, the others (even tne 
elevator boy who had brought the paper up from the basement 
had his claims) were the principals. I carried out my promise to 
the letter. They all got their copy." 

" And yet I don t see the risk. You re so easy to work, that 
you must have really enjoyed giving those books away." 

" Oh yes Colonel, it was fun to watch that first edition melt 
away, but I was new then and did think that some one of 
them might have told me if they liked the book, but none of them 
did No not one even mentioned it. A week later 
Susie, one of the feeders the pretty soprano, with the glasses 
How did you like my book? said I. Oh I survived, said sne, 
with a drawl, in the Key of G. upper register, as she walked on 
without comment. Now, Colonel, you see why 
be too great a risk. Simnose for one moment that Susie had noi 
survived! It s awful to contemplate! Never again will 
a whole printing plant in such a perilous situation." 

The Last Tattoo. 297 


He had reached that age when each added year is reason of 
pride, so I did not hesitate to ask : " How old are you ?" It was 
on the Sappers Bridge; the sun, like the old man, was reaching 
its last stage. It was throwing long shadows across the little park 
where I had been attempting a picture. " How old am I ?" re 
peating my question, " I am ninety," he continued, and by asking 
and by repeating, I found that he was born in 1813, in Gloucester, 
England. He had been a soldier and a sailor. He fired the first 
gun in the salute on a warship, in London, in honor of Queen Vic 
toria s coronation in 1837. ^ ut f sentiment for the long ago, the 
military had him fire the first gun in the salute, in Ottawa, in honor 
of the coronation of the late Queen s illustrious son, King Edward. 
He was in the first Kaffir war in 1843, an d in India s wars in 1845. 
He first came to Ottawa in 1851. At the opening of the Crimea, 
his soldier heart again longed for the battlefield, but he reached 
England too late for duty, and returned to Canada. He is now 
waiting for the last tattoo. He has been twice married, and has 
been the father of eleven children, but wives and children are now 
all gone, and John W. Clifford is again alone. 

The "last tattoo" sounded to-day July I5th, 1904. I used 
often to wonder why I never met the old man any more, as not long 
after the meeting on the bridge, I would miss him for weeks at a 
time, and each time he was more frail his steps were growing 
feebler. I would try to engage him in conversation, but his 
memory was fast going. Then I missed him entirely, and knew 
not his whereabouts until I heard of his death in the Old Men s 
Home, where he had been taken and kindly cared for until the 
end. A pauper s grave would have been his last resting place 
as he had no relatives, and had outlived all his old-time friends 
had it not been for some of the military officers, who are ever 
keeping watch over the soldiers of long ago. These officers gave 
him kindly burial, Col. J. B. Donaldson, of the Militia Head 
quarters, officiating at the funeral. 

You who are far away have no conception of the real heart 
kindness of the people of this beautiful city. The above is but 
an instance. 

298 Ottawa, The Hub. 


A Sketch. 

She was possibly fourteen and delicately pretty. She was a 
little working girl. This I knew, for it was very early. She car 
ried her dinner done up in a little parcel. The car was crowded, 
rough workingmen occupied seats near her, and she would have 
shrunk away from them, but she could not. Oh! how pathetic 
the sight. She was not born to work, and had the instincts of a 
lady, young as she was. Her every movement showed that she 
felt her position. What intensified my sympathy was to see her 
little hands encased in what were once white kid gloves white be 
fore they became black from age and long wear. She seemed not 
to think of their present shade, but of their former whiteness. She 
stroked those gloves daintily as she looked down at them, as much 
as to say : " These are what make me different from other little 
workinp" girls, I am not like them with their big rough hands, and 
yet/ with a sigh, " like them I have to work." 

Not far away sat another girl of her own age, big, strong and 
ruddy. No gloves encased her hands, and I did not feel sorry 
for her, for she seemed glad on her way to work. 

The two will grow up, and may-hap both marry, marry each 
in the same sphere, for, dainty or rugged, the working girl, unlike 
the boy, has little hope of rising from her condition in life. 

Aye, it was pathetic to see that delicately pretty little working 
girl in the white kid gloves, that morning. 


That little girl was poor, this man is rich, very rich. He 
once was poor, very poor, but as his riches grew the heart never 
changed. It never grew hard with wealth, and he is the same 
genial spirit as of old, with a kindly care for those less fortunate. 
Years ago his little girls came in one day with : " Papa, we want 
a carriage." 

" You may have it on one condition," said he. 

" Oh, papa, what is it?" 

" That you will never drive alone, but will always take out 
other little girls who have no carriage." 

The little girls got the carriage, and many a poor child was 
made happy by the gift. 

What a world this would be if there were more rich men like 
this genial Ottawan. 

Popularity. " Canada Unsocial." 299 


" Rube," said the Colonel, one day on Wellington Street, 
" there in that sleigh is the most prominent man in all Ottawa, 
and I will wager you that I can prove it." 

" I ll take you, Colonel, for a V, " said I, as proving is 
harder than claiming. 

" Done. Now, I ll prove it." 


"I ll ask him." 

"The V is yours, Colonel, I know the man." This was SO 
easy that the Colonel did not get over referring to it for two whole 
days, when we saw the same man coming down Sparks Street 
with another Ottawan. I thought of my lost " V," and said : 
" Colonel," said I, " there are two men, one the most popular, the 
other the most generally disliked in the city, and I can prove it." 

"Another V, Rube?" 

Yes, for a V, and prove it as readily as you took mine the 
other day." 


" Easy enough, ask the first citizen we meet. I ll take the 
V/ Colonel," and he gave it, for he knew the men. 


The Colonel has often intimated that Canada is unsocial. He 
has even said, " It is cold," and brings to bear all the proof he can 
find. His latest is about a young Englishman who came over as 
a secretary for some one of prominence. " He was," said the 
Colonel, " an accomplished young man, and among his accom 
plishments, a fine singer. He joined a choir in Montreal. He 
soon complained to another member, I never saw such a cold lot 
of people. Here I ve been singing in this choir for a month, and 
not a soul has spoken to me. Why/ said the addressed member, 
that s nothing ; I ve been here for a year, and not one of the ladies 
has spoken to me yet. Is that so! Well, no wonder there s 
such a lot of old maids in the Montreal choirs. Canada is too 
cold for me; I m going back to England, and he went. Now, 
Rube, if an Englishman says Canada is cold, even you, if honest, 
would admit the fact." 

" Yes, but Colonel," said I, " you mistake the correct for 
the unsocial. These people think it is not correct to be effus 
ively enthusiastic, and you mistake that for coldness." 

300 Ottawa, The Hub. 

" Again, ask a man on the street a simple question, the way to 
a certain part of the city, and ten to one he will answer you over 
his shoulder. He will not even stop long enough to answer it, or 
if he does, it is in a by-what-right-Sir-do-you-speak-to-me- without 
an-introduction ? tone of voice" 

I know now, Colonel, the kind of men you mean. They are 
only cork tree men, and we have lots of them at home." 
" Cork tree! What sort of a man is that? " 

Very light, and whose outside covering is the only part of 
them of any worth." 

" Come now, Rube ; you re begging the question ! How 
about the big man you called on who, you said, treated you so un 
civilly that you hurried away as soon as you could get out." 

"Well, yes, Colonel ; I did say he had not the manners of one 
of our County Justices of the Peace, but he was the exception, and 
should not be instanced as the rule." But the Colonel would not 
give in ; said he was used to people who were not all the while try 
ing to impress one with the fact that the " other fellow " was be 
neath notice. The Colonel takes the wrong view. I have gained 
access to a few of the Canadian homes, and find, where once one 
gets to know them, that they are very charming people, and what 
the Colonel takes for " coldness " is simply reserve, which nothing 
short of merit can penetrate. It may be unfortunate, this " re 
serve," for one may not remain long enough to penetrate it, and 
go away, and with the Colonel say : " Canada is socially cold." 

Well, Rube," persisted the Colonel, determined to make me 
admit something, " you must agree with me that the churches are 
cold, that there is no cordiality towards strangers, or toward each 
other for that matter." 

Yes, Colonel, I must agree with you in that. But what dif 
ferent are they from our own churches? You seem to forget, 
Colonel, that church cordiality is entirely out of fashion in these 
days of the proper. 

:< Long prayers are offered up for the sinner to be brought in, 
and finally when he is brought in, he is not made welcome un 
less he will be a social acquisition to the church. No, Colonel, this 
coldness is confined to no country. It is becoming general, and 
Canadian churches are only following in the procession." 

Rube, we will not argue the question further, since you will 
not admit anything against Canada." > 

" I will admit nothing, and with reason, for I love Canada and 
its people. I have had an individual Canadian do for me that 
which no individual American has ever done, and for that indivi 
dual Act I shall ever love the whole Dominion, and shall never 
silently listen to anything said against it." 

Later on the Colonel agreed with me that : " Canada s all 
right ! Why, Rube, even the churches in Ottawa are cordial !" 

The Little Tin Dish. 301 

Cordiality in Ottawa Churches. 

This was quite true; the people here even smile toward each 
other on leaving- the " meeting house," and actually speak to stran 
gers, and ask them to " come again." And speakinf of Ottawa 
churches, they have some very pretty ones, as vide my picture 
gallery. And apropos of the congregations, they will compare 
favorably with those in any of our large cities, in intelligence, in 
the attire of the men and the dressing of the women. If one were 
unconsciously dropped into an Ottawa church, he would not know 
but what he were in a New York City church. Or if perchance 
he did know, it would be by the greater number of men present, as 
in Ottawa the men go to "meeting" too. 

Again, one might know from the better congregational sing 
ing the Canadians being naturally musical. 


I don t remember just how the subject came up. It was one 
the Colonel seldom broached so long as there was anything else 
to broach. Oh, yes I remember, we were talking about how much 
water in the form of rain fell on an acre of land that is how 
much in weight. To wonder is to find out, which brings forward 
the subject of the courtesy of the various departments of the Cana 
dian Government. We had often remarked how general it was 
this courtesy. We had come to think that there was no excep 
tion, forgetting that it takes one to make a rule. Well, the day 
I took the little tin dish over to the - - department, I ran 

square into the " exception." 

The One Exception of Departmental Courtesy. 

Who sent you here?" was the gruff greeting I received. I 
thought of some one easy, to blame if on, and said, 
"Mr. X." 
"Well, what do you want?" 

Want to find out what water weighs," said I, scared like. 

" What water ways ? This is not the department of canals. 
I m not interested in canals." 

No, I mean w-e-i-g-h-s. I know you re not interested in 
canals, nobody is, else they d been wise and had the one to the 
Georgian Bay built long ago. Begging your pardon I have a little 
tin dish which I want to have filled with water and carefully 
weighed as I want to make a calculation," and I told him the 
" calculation." 

3O2 Ottawa The Hub. 

" Any school boy ought to tell you that! " and for fifteen min 
utes I felt real inexpensive, in fact almost "cheap," as ^he^ sent 
me across the hall. " Go over there and he will weigh it ! " "He" 
proved to be a most obliging young man. Obliging, but not 
mathematical. He carefully weighed my little tin dish, filled it 
with distilled water, weighed both and started in to calculate. 
Unfortunately his scales were built entirely on the gram system, 
and he was so long reducing grams to ounces that the head of 
the department whom I had first seen came into that room like 
two men and both in a hurry. Again he asked : 

" Who sent you here to take up our time like this? 

" Mr. X." said I, timidly. "Mr. X., of the - - depart 

ment. He told me I would find you a very courteous gentleman." 
He left the room without a word further, while the young man 
kept on with his figuring trying to turn grams into ounces, 
while I stood ready to turn ounces into pounds. If that young man 
could only have ounced those grams I could have pounded the 
ounces, and we d both have known how much the little tin dish 
held. But he was again so long that the man with the dark mein re 
appearedthis time with a foot rule, with which he made care 
ful measurements of the little tin dish, and went back to his desk 
across the hall, to figure out what "any school boy ought to tell 

Growing tired I left them both figuring, while I went over 
to a school to ask " any school boy," what does a cubic foot of 
water weigh ? " 

The first one I met looked surprised, as he replied, off hand, 
without any figuring or weighing, "62^ pounds for a cubic foot 
of water. Ask me something hard ! " and to please him, I asked 
what it would weigh if it was froze but he only gave me a cold 
stare which I was used to, after my departmental experience of 
the morning, and did not mind. 

Yes, this was the only instance, and I have often since thought 
that on ordinary occasions, I would have been kindly received, but 
I had gone and asked too hard a proposition. 

To this day I have not got back my little tin dish I was ^ too 
afraid to go after it. It may remain as a reminder of the 
ception." It is odd, the very price of it is so in keeping with the 
experience, that I shall ever remember the two together- 
just Thirty Cents. 

" What did I learn as to the 

Weight of Water on an Acre? 

" What! you too interested? Well, I ll tell you. I wonder if 
it will surprise you as much as it did me! 

A Good Lincoln Story. 303 

which one inch of water falls, will weigh, for one acre of space 
ipirW tons of water, English tons of 2240 Ibs., and 113^ Cana 
dian and United States tons, of 2000 Ibs., or for a foot of water 
fall, i2i5fV<j English, and 1361 iVo Canadian tons." 

( My eyes what a load the old earth had to carry in Noah s 
time ! " exclaimed my enquirer. 

And I said " yes ! " by way of assent, I always like to agree 
with the man if not with his opinions. 


I had heard it before and so have you, but we did not know 
if it were true, since so many of the good Lincoln stories were 
never known to the great Commoner. 

This one was told while Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas 
were stumping together, during the Presidential campaign of 1859, 
when they were opponents for the Presidency. Mr. Erskine 
Douglas, of Bellefontaine, Ohio a cousin of Stephen A. a pro 
minent grain dealer and railroad man, who had formerly resided 
in Springfield, Illinois, where he was a personal friend of both 
candidates, accompanied them on their tour through Ohio. On 
one occasion, in a town where Erskine was well known, Stephen 
A. opened the debate. 

How Lincoln Sold Whiskey and Why. 

The candidates were occasionally given to "jollying " each 
other, but always in the kindest spirit. At one part of his speech 
Stephen A. asked : " Do you know who this man Lincoln is ? 
Do you know that he once ran a little corner grocery store? Do 
you know that in that store he used to sell whiskey ? Yes, fellow 
citizens, actually sold whiskey, sold it to his neighbors to steal 
away their brains. Will you vote for a man who could have so 
little care for his fellow beings? As to the truth of what I say, 
I need but leave it to your fellow citizen, Erskine Douglas." Ers 
kine with much nodding approves it all. 

When Lincoln arose he began very seriously to reply. When 
he reached the above charge, he said : " My opponent has told 
you that I ran a little grocery store. He was right, the store was 
a very small one, but it was the largest I had. He has told you 
that I sold whiskey. Again he was right. I sold whiskey very 
very poor whiskey. It was in a low community, and that was the 
kind my customers wanted. I had to keep it to hold their trade. 
My conscience often told me that I was wrong to be stealing away 
the brains what little they had of my fellows, but they de- 

304 Ottawa, The Hub. 

manded the whiskey and I had to sell it to them or lose their trade, 
and gentlemen," here he stopped, slowly turned round, and 
pointing at the two, continued, " and gentlemen, the two best cus 
tomers I had were Stephen A. and your fellow townsman Erskine 
Douglas, and as to the truth of what I say, I need but leave it to 
your fellow citizen, Erskine Douglas," but Erskine did no nodding 
this time. The fact that both were known to be temperate, if not 
teetotalers, did not save them from the shouts of laughter at their 

On learning that Mr. C. A. Douglas, a son of Erskine, and a 
well known financial man of Ottawa, was my old Ohio neighbor, 
tht story came to mind and I asked if it were true. 

"Yes," said he, "I remember it well. As a little boy I sat on the 
edge of the platform, at this particular meeting, almost at the 
very feet of the speakers. I can remember how proud I was to 
think that my cousin was running for President of the United 
States, but after that story I never dared to do any crowing 
over the other boys, for they were sure to refer to Lincoln s cor 
ner grocery." 



One has to get outside of one s own country to know how 
small and insignificant one s own country really is. The Colonel 
and I were made to realize this fact that day we met the man from 
Prince Edward Island. He had once been to the States, and had 
remained more than a month studying our characteristics, and 
knew so much more of our country and people than did either the 
Colonel or I about our customs, our ways of living in short our 
real insignificance. " So different," said he, " in every way to 
Prince Edward. Why, you could not think of the difference, it 
is so marked !" And the company seemed to feel sorry for us, as 
the young man expatiated upon the States. He made the case so 
plain that neither the Colonel nor I could think of anything to say, 
that is, anything apropos, but as usual the Colonel must? say some 
thing, so he asked the young man : " Where is this Prince Edward 
Island ?" Oh ! dear, there it was again ! The Colonel is forever 
" getting his foot in it," or having it stepped on. In this instance 
it was stepped on, as I said: Keep still," just loud enough for all 
to hear; "don t show your ignorance of geography here. Don t 
you know that Prince Edward is on the Bay of Quinte, in Lake 
Ontario, west of Kingston? Where s Prince Edward Island? 
Then, to the young man I said, apologetically, " You, must pardon 
my friend here, for not knowing your country. He lost his geo 
graphy when he was quite small, and never acquired a new one," 

It Isn t the Size of the Head that Counts. 305 

but the young man looked real hurt, and I did not blame him. 
Where is Prince Edward Island!" Some people never could 
learn geography, and the Colonel is one of the " some." 

When I got him alone I told him enough about the young 
man s country to make him remember it. I usually find a place 
he knows, then teach him the new place. 

You know New Jersey ? " I asked. 
" Of course I do !" 

Well, Prince Edward Island is about one-fourth the size. 
It is a very important country. Some great people came from 
there. One of the greatest judges, one of the most noted pian 
ists, newspaper men, a number, in short, from that little country 
have come so many prominents that they are near countless." 

" Have they all come away ?" 

.." All come away! Why, no; there are only 5,819 less 
people than were there ten years ago, and they have built 141 new 
nouses in that time. Why, bless you, it has more people left than 
Weehawken and Hackensack combined, and almost as many as 
Patterson after the fire. All come away! Colonel, in some 
ways you are a very dull man, at times almost stupid, when it 
comes to knowing about the location of people s country. Your 
ignorance embarrassed me very much this afternoon." I may 
have been a little severe on the Colonel, but he deserved it. 


" Rube, there is a smart man," said the Colonel, one day on 
Elgin Street, as he indicated a man who had the air of owning 
everything in sight. 

"Why so?" I asked. 

See what a large head he has ! : I saw, but knowing the 
man, I could not resist saying : " Colonel : 

It isn t the size of the head that counts, 

It isn t the size of the head, 
He may wear a hat with a number 8 mark, 

With a brain inside in color all dark, 
Oh it isn t the size of the head. 

Tis the grey therein though small it be 
That gives to the brain ca-pac-i-tee, 

And not the size of the head. 

306 Ottawa, The Hub. 

An elephant said to a flea one day, 

I m big you re small, get out o the way/ 
Oh it isn t the size of the head. 

The flea hopped on to the elephant s trunk 
And climbed aboard yust lika de monk, 

Oh it isn t the size of the head. 
The elephant then ran away with fear, 

For big as he was, he had a flea in his ear, 
Which said : It isn t the size of the head that counts, 

It isn t the size of the head. 


Everybody at the boarding house said that he had one of the 
very best of characters, while all the neighbors within four blocks, 
declared openly that a more disreputable dog never stole a bone 
than this same dearly beloved Paddy. 

Why this disparity of opinion I could never determine. To 
be sure he had a reputation of being a fighter. Some said that 
he would rather fight than eat, but during the whole time that we 
were there we never knew him to fight once. Possibly the neigh 
bors were right in saying that the reason of this was that he had 
killed all the dogs in the vicinity that could not get out of his way. 

Be that as it may, we never saw him fight, or in the least way 
attempt to annoy any other dog, save when occasionally one _who 
was not acquainted with him would quietly pass our door with a 
nice large bone which he had acquired somewhere up town and 
was carrying home to gnaw at his leisure. When, I say, a dog 
so ignorant of Paddy s reputation passed through our street, 
Paddy would bound out at him as though he wanted bone, dog and 
all, but he never fought, no, not once while I knew him, the other 
dogs would get away too quick, leaving Paddy the bone. What 
Paddy wanted with it, however, no one could tell, as the pretty 
Star Boarder looked after him so carefully that he could not pos 
sibly have wanted so common a morsel as a street bone. 

Why he was loved by one side and hated by the other was 
a mystery to us. He was not a beautiful dog I have never seen 
one less so, but he was beloved. It may have been that his very 
ugliness was his beauty. I have seen men about whom this 
might have been said, but do not know that it might be said of a 

But to cut short my sketch, on returning from one of our 
excursions we found the household deeply mourning the sudden 
death of poor Paddy. " He was well at noon and dead at night," 
was the common form in which we were given the news. Of 

"/ Wasn t Acquainted with the Dog." 307 

course there were variations in the recital of the affair, in fact so 
many that two weeks later I asked the Colonel : Why is it, 
Colonel, you never join in the table conversation? You used to 
take part, but of late I have scarcely heard you say a word." 

" What," exclaimed the Colonel; "I join in the conversation! 
How could I ? I wasn t acquainted with the dog ! " 


They buried poor Paddy in the northeast corner of the yard, 
and planted above his grave a twig of shamrock in memory, but 
the neighbors all declared that even so hardy a plant as the sham 
rock could not survive in the same soil. They were wrong; the 
plant is flourishing and a green flag harp-emblasoned, waves 
above his grave. 

That the neighbors hatred of Paddy was pure prejudice there 
is now no question, for analysing his character, we find that it 
will bear a scrutiny which many another on the block could not 

If there is one character that I dislike above all others, it is 
the. backbiter the man or the woman who has ill words_ to say 
about an absent one. He or she will backbite and the victim may 
never know from whence the source may never know who it 
was who did it. Not so with Paddy ; if he did any backbiting you 
knew it instantly, and needed no detective. Again, I dislike the 
one who promises and never fulfils. The boy with a large red 
apple, who used to promise a bite, and then ate it all himself was 
my detestation. Unlike the boy, if Paddy promised a little bite 
you always got it, and he had often been known to give it with 
out the promise. His generosity may have been a little surprising, 
but you got the bite just the same. 

There was a nobility about Paddy after which many another 
" cur " might well pattern. He might kill, as he had often been 
accused of doing, but he was always " in at the death " and never 
resorted to poison, as some of the other curs had been known to 
resort he himself being one of the victims. 

At the house is another dog the pup now grown. He still 
lives. No one loves, neither does any one hate him. He has not 
the force of character to fight, nor has he any qualities that are 
lovable. He is just a dog a dog because he can t be anything 
else. He hasn t the energy to be anything else. He would not 
|be even a dog if it required energy. His only aim in life is to 
eat, and no one will ever think enough on the subject to put poison 
in his food, for he don t count. It s only the dogs that have char 
acter that need have fear of the heavy villain. 

A dog is handicapped. He must be a fighter or nothing. 
Paddy chose the former. That s why the green flag, harp-em 
blazoned, waves over his grave, and the wind sighs through the 
shamrock in the corner of the yard. 

Poor* Paddy, you were a fighter, but you were beloved. 

308 Ottawa, The Hub. 


Canada) is remarkable for it s many old people. You have all 
heard the joke of a very old man referring to his grandfather. 
Here, that is no joke. One day I had occasion to call on an old 
lady for a bit of information. She was frail with age. 

" I really forget," she said, in reply to my inquiry. " I for 
get, but possibly mamma may know," and she went in to the next 
room to see if " mamma " remembered, but she too had forgotten. 
I m almost certain had I not gone at once " grandmamma " would 
have been asked. 

I did not always go after needed information. I sometimes 
sent the Colonel that is at first I sent the Colonel, later he refus 
ed to go. It all came about by my wanting to get some data, 
a la Bytown. I wanted to know if one of a name was related to 
an early settler, and so instructed the Colonel, I might say I sent 
him over to E - Street, but I won t. He had been gone an 
hour when he came in all disheveled and greatly excited : I 
wish you to understand, Rube, that the next time you want any 
old Bytown information, you ll get it yourself. You ll never again 
get me to go to a private lunatic asylum for data ! Just look at me ! 
Ain t I a sight!" 

" Well, yes, Colonel, you do look a bit done for," and he did. 
" How did it all happen ? " I asked. 

" I really don t know. I went over and asked, as you told 
me to, and see the result ! " 

" Yes, Colonel, but what did you say or do? " 

" Nothing at all, nothing in the world out of proper. I was 
as polite as possible, but almost at the very first question I asked 
the demented person, she jumped at me and well, here I am, look 
at me look at me. And I feel even worse than I look, and all 
for your insatiable desire to hunt out old things. I tell you there 
will be no more old things for me, after her." 

" Calm down, Colonel, calm down, and tell me what you 
asked her?" 

" I almost forget she scared it clear out of me Oh, yes, 
now I recall it. I didn t like to come right at the subject, so 1 
asked her, polite like, if she was born in old Bytown days and 
this is her answer look at me. I tell you, Rube, you can here 
after do your own private lunaticlish business, as I ll do no more 
of it, no more of it for me !" And he has kept his word. 

<c English as She is Spoke." 309 

An Ottawa lady, remarkable for her cleverness in depicting 
The Characters we meet," has kindly furnished this Laurentides 
sketch, of 

" Our Batiste." 

Our guide and man of all work, who helped around the shack 
during the four weeks spent in the Laurentian Mountains, was a 
typical " habitant." De fader of tirteen childer," none of 
whom could read or write, for as he himself said: "Be gosh, 
what s de use of dat? I m not read or write, and I m allus have 
planty for heat and wear, an sum tarn planty to drink too." 

We, as specimens from town interested him greatly. He was 
watching us closely one day as we gathered the beautiful wild 
flowers and carried them home, and then Baptiste could be silent 
no longer: 

Wai, for sure, you peoples dat come from de town ar de 
greenest tings I nevar see; you look at dis and dat and say: Oh, 
my ! Oh, my ! all de tarn like you nevar see notings before, but 
den (in an apologetic tone) your not so green as de people I work 
for las summar. Be gosh, dere crazy for sure, dey pick up de 
little stones from de crick and dem tings dat grow on de tree 
(fungus) and draw picters on dem for take home. Well for sure 
dem people from Boston de greenest tings I nevar see," and we 
Ottawans were satisfied. 


A French Canadian shantyman, whose name is William 
Whistle, made a speech at the entertainment given by the lumber 
men on the occasion of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York 
to Ottawa. The speech was a specimen that requires the pen of 
a Drummond, Bret Harte or Mark Twain to reproduce in such a 
way as to preserve its originality, force and simplicity, in the 
patois of the French Canadian bushmen. He began : 

Gentlemans : I am no use for talk on de membres of Parlia 
ment ; I am no use for talk on the shantymans, but aftare all I ll 
do the bes I can t. 

For tirty years I work for Messieu Edware, except tree year 
when I have been in bizzness for myself. On the first year I work 
for Messieu Edware I arn everything an able man she s want for 
herself and her familee. By an by I look roun and I see Messieu 
Edware do one big bizzness an gettin rich, an I tink I ll lac to 
do jus de same. I say to Messieu Edware I ll tak de contrac 
for mak saw-log. Well, I ll get de contrac . I ll mak shanty for 

310 Ottawa, The Hub. 

tree year, and at de en of tree year my farm she s gone; every- 
ting I have got is gone, an worse n dat, I owe Messieu Edware 
seventeen tousand dollare. I am gone broke, an am oblige to go 
to Messieu Edware an ask him for a job again, an I ll got it too. 
I m d_ n glad to get it too, for with de work I tink I ll earn a 
living for my wife an familee, but dat will not help me pay de 
seventeen tousand dollare, an dat seventeen tousand dollare debt 
will mak worry me very much, for when I m a young boy my 
modder will say onto me, " William, if you mak de debt an don t 
pay de debt in dis worl , you ll have to pay it in de nex ," an dat 
will wory me very much. By an by I ll mak up my min to go 
right at it. I ll go on de confess. I ll go tree times on de con 
fess, but de priest she ll not tak de confess for dat seventeen tou 
sand dollare. Den I ll mak up my min I ll go right to de Lord 
herself, an I ll say to de Lord, " Now, jus look here, dere hain t 
any use in talking ; you ll mak me wise enough to earn a farm an 
everyting a man she s want for herself an her familee, but aftare 
dat you ll mak me fool enough to lose it all. Now, I want you, 
Lord, for tak dat seventeen tousand dollare youself and jus fix it 
up de bes way you can t," an aftare dat I ll nevaire hear Messieu 
Edware talking of dat seventeen tousand dollare again. Aftare 
all Messieu Edware send me to build shanty for de King an de 
Queen, an I ll do it again if he want me, an by an by I m getting 
ole, perhaps too ole to do de work for Messieu Edware, an I ll go 
on Englan an perhaps de King she will give me a job dere." 
(Tremendous cheering.) 



Being an Account of Rube s and the Colonel s 
Wanderings Through the Beautiful Surroundings 

of the Capital. 




We had said "no" so often to the question : "Have you been 
up the Gatmeau ?" and had the questioner look as though he felt 
real sorry for us at that " no," that we determined to make it pos 
sible to say " yes." Now we can say -" we have been up the 
Gatmeau," and if we are not asked, we simply stop the man on 
the street and tell him about it. The Colonel and I are sort o 
proud of the fact that we are no longer the exceptions Some 
readers may not know of this delightful trip, and to them I mean 
to talk the rest already know of it. 

The Gatineau is a river nearly as wide as the Miami at Day 
ton, Ohio, and with far more water. It is 600, possibly 700, miles 
long, heading in the same portion of the country with the Ottawa 
It is not navigable except by canoes and logs, and for them but in 
one direction, as it has more rapids, cascades and falls than the 
Jttawa has lakes, and is more crooked than the Meander itself, 
is more picturesque than a park, and more worth seeing than 
many of the far-famed scenes our people go thousands of miles to 
look upon. 

There are two ways of seeing it one by the railway itself, 
the other, and better, is to stop off at some of" the more important 
stations, and leisurely wander along its tree-embowered banks 
and thus get it s full beauty. 

Gracefield being the objective point, I have not space for the 
many pretty fishing and camping places along the way. I must, 
however, " cast " a few lines at 

21^ The Spokes. 


21 miles out the prettiest village on the line. It is the summer 
home of many Ottawans. N. A. Belcourt, B.A., K.C., Speaker 
of the House, the M.P. of frequent mention, summers here, as uo 
W H Rowley, T. C. Bate, Rev. J. M. Snowdon, of St. George s, 
the much-loved chaplain of the " 43 r d," and many others of, note. 

Baltimore, Md., has her representative in that popular minis 
ter, Rev. Mr. Guthrie. Professor Macoun, the great botanist, is 
here for the third time, studying the flowers of the Gatmeau. 

" The Gatmeau Cave." 

Before leaving Ottawa I was asked : " Where is that noted 
cave along the river?" I had in turn asked it myself, 
could tell, but now I have found it for you. It is easterly, a 
pleasant drive," which means ten miles from Wakefield, 
ether side of the river." It has been explored only about one- 
fourth of a mile. 

At North Wakefield, three miles further along, is another 
place of note not for itself, but its surroundings. Chilcott Lake 
is three miles westerly; there a number of Ottawans are summer 
ing. "Mr. W. L. Marler, manager of The Merchants Bank, has 
his summer home at North Wakefield. 

" Gracefield." 

Gracefield is at present the end of the road. It is 59 miles 
from Ottawa. At the rapid rate, however, at which work i 
pushed by the Canadian Pacific, under Superintendent 
will soon reach Maniwaki, 23 miles further north. (It has been 
completed and opens up a grand fishing country.) 

I shall have more to say of Gracefield than of any other point 
along the line. There may be points of more interest, but 
Colonel and I failed to find them. It was at Gracefield where 
had our real fun. I say " fun," as that is what boys have ; 
for the time the Colonel and I were boys again. We fished an 
hunted no, I won t say " hunted," for we found the wild goose 
when we were not hunting for it. It was here we saw the country 
wedding in all its varied colors. " Colors," for they were 
main feature. 

Gracefield is not a, large town, yet covers much ground. We 
passed a house not far from the station, where was a jolly lot oi 
summer boarders. We asked how far it was to Gracefield, and 
a bevv of pretty girls laughingly told us that we were now in the 
town itself. We were driven to the hotel, not far away, where 
we found Captain Leech, Assistant Engineer of the C.P.R., who 
took us in charge, and to him we owe our fun. 

The Captain Throws Rube s Fish Back into the Lake. 315 

family had been there a week, and he knew what we should see 
and do, to get the most out of our stay. 

The next morning the Captain said : " We will go up to 
Castor Lake, four and a half miles above Gracefield, on the new 
line." " How will we go ?" asked the Colonel, who is always in 
terested in the " how." " Superintendent Dunn and Paymaster 
Heney board here, and they always have a way ; we will go with 
them," replied the Captain. "Ah ! that is good," said the Colonel, 
cheerfully, thinking of a special car. " Yes, Dunn and Heney al 
ways have a way." They walked that morning. This would 
not have been so bad had it not been that it began pouring rain 
shortly after we started. I like water, but I always prefer choos 
ing in what form to take it, and so complained. " Don t worry, 
Rube," said the Colonel ; " always remember that : Behind the 
clouds is the sun still shining/ and that : 

"Thy fate is the common fate of all, 
On to each back some rain must fall. 

Now, that was just like the Colonel. There he trudged 
along, encased in a rubber coat, advising me, without either a 
rain coat or umbrella, not to worry. It is remarkable the amount 
of philosophy a man in a rubber coat can indulge in, on the sub 
ject of water on a rainy day. 

At the " Camp " we waited until the rain stopped, in the 
meantime making friends with the cook from Carp, who let us 
partake of some nice pies he had just made. It was the first time 
I had enjoyed the hospitality of a railroad camp, since back in 
1 8 , out in Kansas. I could not but notice the difference in the 
morale of the men. In Kansas the revolver was a very necessary 
implement ; here, the only " revolver " I saw was the great steam 
scoop which was loading a car every two minutes. 

Bass Fishing on Castor Lake. 

We got a boat, crossed the beautiful lake to " the good fish 
ing hole," of which the Captain knew. 

I will not detail this day further than to say that it was one 
of the most delightful outings I had had in Canada. I caught 
fish until I was tired casting. I was surprised to see what a fine 
fisherman I was. I really thought that I was a wonder, and was 
making up a long stretch of "Rube as a Walton," but imagine my 
feelings when, as we were ready to pull in the lines to return to 
camp, the Captain quietly remarked : " Now, Rube, of course you 
know it is against the law to keep fish under a certain size. If we 
do, and Game Warden Boyer sees us at the Vicotria Hotel, he will 
have us fined," and at that he threw nearly every blamed one of my 
fish back into the lake, and as they sank, my feelings went down too. 
But what could X do. I didn t want to be fined by Game Warden 

3 l6 The Spokes. 

Boyer, he was too good a fellow for me to thus embarrass ; so, I 
let the Captain keep on throwing until I didn t have over a dozen 
left, which I gave to the cook at the camp to show that I appre 
ciated the pie he had given me in the morning. That was the rea 
son I gave, but the Colonel said I was ashamed to carry back to 
town my few little fish, when the Captain had so large a " string " 
of three pounders. It was so strange. There we sat with the 
same kind of tackle, and fishing at the same spot with the same 
kind of bait, and while I pulled out those of unlawful size, the 
Captain was " hauling " out fish to be proud of. Now, this is 
true. Explain it you who can. 

The Colonel, the Wild Goose, and the Widdy. 

The Captain had some letters to write next morning, so the 
Colonel and I went down the Pickanock (Indian for " black water 
river"), in a boat, to where it enters the Gatineau just below 
Gracefield. While we were rowing along, the Colonel spied a 
wild goose. He was, in a moment, even wilder than the goose 
itself. " Row to the shore quickly, Rube, till I run up to the 
hotel for a gun," with which he, soon returned. The Captain said 
he created much excitement, as a wild goose at this season of the 
year was indeed a rara avis. I had kept the goose in sight, and 
the Colonel brought him down with the first shot. Well, I don t 
believe Senator Proctor was prouder of that first moose than was 
the Colonel with his goose. He sat round the hotel piazza talk 
ing about it till dinner. Told over and over of how we stealthily 
rowed up to within shooting distance, and how that with the first 
shot he had brought it down. But imagine his surprise when 
Murphy came up after dinner, and said : " Colonel, there s a 
woman downstairs says she would like to see you." The Colonel 
said he didn t know any of the ladies of Gracefield, and " Go down 
Murphy, and see what the lady wants; there must be some mis 
take." But Murphy came back and said : " It s Mrs. Maloney, 
and she insists on seeing you." The Colonel went down, and 
soon I could hear loud talking: " Ye me or oi ll hav the lah 
ohn yees. Purty mon ye ahr to shoot a pore widdy s pet goose." 
" How much do you want?" the Colonel asked. " Oi wants foive 
dollars, or oi ll have the lah ohn yees before marnin." " What, 
five dollars for one grey goose that looked so much like a wild 
one, that an expert could not tell the difference!" exclaimed the 

" Oi can t hilp what the goose looked loik. Is it the foive 
or the lah, quick?" Then I heard her continue in quite another 
tone. " Ah ! it s a foine gintleman ye ahr. Oi hopes ye and your 
friend, the guy wid yees, may have a noice toime ; but yees had 
batther go fishin an wait till the huntin sason opens, ahnd it won t 
be so expinsive good noit, noice gintleman oi thanks yees." 

The Country Wedding. 317 

" Well, did you ever !" exclaimed the Colonel, as he came 
upstairs. Yes," said I, " once, but I killed five that time." The 
Colonel, however, didn t want to hear the story. Said he d lost 
all interest in geese. " Nothing personal, Colonel ?" but he paid 
no attention to my question, and I haven t dared speak of the matter 

The Country Wedding. 

I had often heard of these country weddings, and had seen a 
few, but everybody said I hadn t seen a real one yet. Well, I 
certainly saw a " real one " at Gracefield. It passed the hotel 
while the Colonel and I were there. It came from 15 miles away, 
from " back in the hills," as they told us at the hotel. There were 
sixty vehicles, from " trotting buggies " holding two, up to 
wagons with eight. The to-be bride and her father led the pro 
cession, the friends following, their vehicles stringing along about 
fifteen feet apart, and at the very end came the groom and his 
r< best man." After the ceremony, in the village church, the young 
men of the company ran ahead to the next corner, and as the bride 
came up, on her way to the hotel, she had to salute, with a kiss. 
(The Colonel declares that some of the boys took two), each one 
in turn. 

The gowns ?" Ah ! they were the features. The rainbow 
was not in the same class with the colors worn by the "ladies" of 
that wedding party. The bride wore a fiery-red waist, with a 
bright blue skirt, and the rest had chosen shades of all the other 
colors, and as the party moved in and out at that street corner, it 
was like an old-fashioned kaleidoscope with added mixtures of 
color. The procession now formed for the return, " back to the 
hills." Where they came from we could not tell, but at a given 
signal, a man sprang to the head of each horse of the long line and 
fastened a flag to the bridle. The flags, like the gowns of the 
" ladies," were of all colors, but without any design. The bride 
and bridegroom now led the procession. The flags at the horses 
heads fluttered in the breeze as the merry company moved away. 
In all the time, durine their stay in town, not one seemed to notice 
the "show" that they made for the onlookers. They acted as though 
they were utterly oblivions of the hundreds of eyes of critical 
Gracefield. Like animals on exhibition, they heeded not the on 
lookers. Two days later, word came back that the party was 
still dancing and making merry. 

The bride was possibly seventeen years old, and, the Colonel 
says, innocently pretty. 

We may smile at what once was general custom. Who 
knows, but this I know, happiness at a wedding is the aim of all, 
and that party, in its way, was as happy as any I have ever seen, 
so what need they have cared for critical eyes? 

318 The Spokes. 

The Big Trout Fish and Game Club. 

Late one night a company of gentlemen came to the hotel. 
We met them next morning at early breakfast. They had come 
to Gracefield on the train, and were to be driven back to the north 
west, 25 miles, to Pythongo Lake. They were members and their 
friends of the Big Trout Fish and Game Club, which has 137 
square miles, with many lakes. They were going out to fish. 

Hugh McLean, Secretary of the Club was in charge. Many 
of my readers will know genial Hugh McLean, member of the 
big lumber firm of McLean Bros., of Buffalo. Dr. Kemble, of 
Kingston, N.Y., was going along to look after their bodies, said 
Hugh, while Rev. Dr. Wm. Young Chapman, of Buffalo, was to 
-I forget what the Dr. was going along to look after, but he was 
good-natured enough to have kept the party in the best of 
" spirits " during the outing, and that s what most fishing parties 
up here seem to need. Frank Palen, of Kingston, and Wm. Kes- 
sler, of! Halstead, Penn., made up the rest of the party. Of course, 
John Gilmour is an honorary member of this club, as is also Hon. 
W. C. Edwards. 

Game Warden. 

There is an office which to the outside public is of much im 
portance, so I will give it a sketch to itself, from the fact that 
Gracefield is in the heart of a great hunting country. Deer are so 
plentiful, almost within the town limits, that in the fall, hundreds 
come here to shoot, and they must have to do with the game war 
den, P. D. Boyer, the genial host of the Victoria Hotel, one of die 
best kept hotels in the^Gatineau Valley. Mr. Boyer is very popu 
lar, and most obliging in furnishing information to those con 
templating coming for the fishing or hunting season. He knows 
the good fishing lakes, and the deer " runs," for miles around. 

Speaking of hotels, the surprise of our trip was the cheap 
rates at which one can live while having all the pleasures of an 
outing at Gracefield, and no matter the appetite one may acquire 
while roaming about midst pretty scenes, or rowing on the lakes, 
the menu is always sufficient for any occasion, and good and 
wholesome is the food. 

We did not get out to Blue Sea Lake, a few miles north of 
Gracefield. The extension of the railway will pass close by it. 
It is very large, and said to be a fine sheet of water. Castor, with 
its many pretty arms and inlets, is several miles in length, and yet 
it is said to be small in comparison to the great Blue Sea Lake. 

North-easterly from Gracefield about 12 miles is one of 
the most prominent clubs in Canada. It is 

A Famous Fish and Game Club. 319 

The Gatineau Fish and Game Club, or the Thirty-one Mile 

Lake Club. 

So called from a lake 31 miles in length. The other name of <:his 
lake is Lac du Commissionaire. Its beauty may be imagined from 
its having 126 islands, ranging from one of a half acre to the 
largest, containing 726 acres. It is separated from Lake Peme- 
changan 10 miles long by a very narrow strip of ground, and 
although so near, it is 40 feet higher. Wonderful formation ! 
The former lake is long, the latter is circular; the one has many 
islands, the other has but three, one of which is three miles long. 
This island contains a mountain almost 1,000 feet high. Again, 
Wonderful formation !" 

These lakes are very deep, water cold throughout the year, 
and are very famous for the fine quality of small-mouthed bass ; 
they are never allowed to be depleted. It would be very easy to 
average 50 bass per day, but the club limit the catch to 20 bass 
per rod. Trout fishing, which is a shorter season, is not limited. 

The club own the ground around both lakes for one mile 
back, in all, 105 miles, and the territory abounds with game, both 
large and small. 

The territory is guarded by several wardens in the employ of 
the club ; the land is heavily timbered over a large area, and this is 
protected by fire wardens in the employ of W. C. Edwards Lum 
ber Co. 

Owing to the splendid protection given to this territory, it 
stands much in the same relation to the province of Quebec that 
the Algonquin Park does to the province of Ontario, the game 
being carefully protected. 

The club preserves extend over four townships. The club 
house is a large, handsome frame building, containing" smoking- 
room, dining-room, and 25 bed-rooms; large galleries, 12 feet 
broad, extend around the club house on three sides. There are 
also two handsome cottages, one for the superintendent and em 
ployees, and the other for members who bring their wives or 
female members of the family. These buildings are all situated 
on the narrow neck of land separating the two lakes. 

This club have their own horses and equipment for the ac 
commodation of members. They have two steam launches on 
Thirty-one Mile Lake, several boat houses, and about 30 skiffs 
and canoes. 

The officers are : President, Mr. C. Ross, of the great depart 
ment stores of the C. Ross Company; Vice-President, W. Y. 
Soper ; Secretary and Treasurer, Jas. F. Cunningham. The other 
Directors are : Messrs. Russell Blackburn, Albert Maclaren, E. S. 
Leetham and W. Hughson. 

The American members of this club are : Dr. J. D. Bryant, 
W. A. Chipman, New York; E. C. Converse, New 
York; M. F. Cornwall, New York; R. Lindsay Colman, Red 

320 The Spokes. 

Bank, NJ. ; S. P. Franchot, Red Bank, N.J. ; W. P. Ritchey, 
Buffalo, N.Y. ; Guy E. Robinson, New York ; F. Weber, New 
York ; W. G. White, New York ; Gen. Wylie, New York. 

The Wright Fish and Game Club 

have their limits (some fifty square miles) between Thirty-one 
Mile Lake and the Lievre River. Its officers are : President, Mr. 
F. J. Graham, of the great firm of Bryson, Graham & Co., in Ot 
tawa ; Vice-President, Mr. D. E. Johnson, of Beament & Johnson, 
and Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. H. H. Williams. 

Like the Thirty-one Mile Lake Club, it has many American 
members, among whom are such well-known men as T. D. and 
T. H. Downing, Roland McClave, W. L. and W. L. S. Pierce, G. 
Fred. Hawkins, F. H. Page, S. Shibley, A. Crall, John D. Barrett 
and H. H. Adams, jr., nearly all of New York City. 

On meeting the last named, I was reminded of the meeting of 
Julius Chambers, the famous newspaper man, and Will Carleton, 
the poet. Julius was in Paris for the New York Herald, and one 
day, seeing among the hotel arrivals the name of Carleton, wrote 
him : " Don t you think it is about time you and I knew each 
other? I m your next door neighbour in Brooklyn." Mr. 
Adams office is at 149 Broadway, where I once had an office. It 
seemed odd that we should have had to meet, for the first time, in 
the back woods in far-off Canada. The world is often smaller 
than a city. 

" Up the Gatineau " will long be remembered as one of the 
most delightful of the Hub s Spokes. 

" King of the Gatineau." 

This was the title long borne by Alonzo, son of Tiberius, and 
grandson of the great Philemon Wright, who first settled near ;he 
mouth of this beautiful river. Alonzo Wright s home was along 
the east bank of the Gatineau, a few miles north of where it enters 
the Ottawa. It is beautiful even yet, although since his death ten 
years ago it has not been kept up in the kingly style of his day. 

The questions : " Who shall inherit the title ? Who shall be 
king of the Gatineau ?" have long been asked. One has even as 
sumed it, and thereby gained a fame that extends fully ten miles 
around his little village, near the bank of the stream, but to those 
eleven miles away he is but a " Pretender," with no claims other 
than that of presumption. 

To a stranger, looking at this wildlv beautiful cascaded 
stream, tearing it course down from the far-away north to the 
Grand at the Capital, it would seem that the title should belong 
to the man who has, and has had. most to do with the river. 

There is one who for years has been so identified with it, that 
when you think of the one you naturally think of the other. He 

"King of the Gatineau." 321 

has not had to do alone with a remote village upon its bank, but 
with the full length of it. He should be king of the Gatineau, 
and when you have read of him, I am sure you will agree with 
me. You will agree that the real king is 

Samuel Bingham. 

Intimately connected with the history of Ottawa during the 
years from 1880 to 1898 is the name of Samuel Bingham, for nine 
years an alderman who worked for the city s interest, and in 1897 
became possibly the most unique mayor in Canada, having been 
elected by a good majority in a three-cornered contest against two 
men whose popularity made Mr. Bingham s friends advise him to 
" wait till next year," but from boy to man he was not one of the 
kind to wait when once he decided to act. 

Mayor Bingham was unique in that he not only gave his 
salary to the orphanages and hospitals of the city, but gave of his 
own means for other benefits to Ottawa. To him is due the pretty 
park, named in his honor " Bingham s Park," on Sussex and Dal- 
housie Streets, and as I have spoken elsewhere, to him is due the 
children s playground on Dalhousie Street, complete in all its ap 
pointments. He is known and loved by all the boys, for they 
know him as their friend. 

Samuel Bingham was born in Ottawa in 1846, and has tl- 
ways resided here. He is, in fact, a self-made man. Starting 
poor, he has become one of the Capital s wealthiest citizens, and 
what counts for more than the making of money, he is liberal wich 
his means. His life is a good lesson for the youth of to-day. He 
began work at $1.00 a month, and boarded at home. It was lot 
the dollar for which he worked, but that he might gain experience 
which in after life would bring more dollars. It is said he was 
as faithful to his employer for that one hundred cents as though 
each cent had been a dollar. 

He learned the lumber business with Mr. James Maclaren, who 
had also started a poor boy, and became many times a millionaire. 

Years ago logs were brought down the Gatineau River with 
out any system ; sometimes a dozen sets of men ran them. Mr. 
Geo. Brophy, connected with the Public Works Department, sug 
gested that the contract be given to one man. Who to get was 
not long a question. He who when a boy had worked for one 
dollar a month was chosen, and has ever since handled the mil 
lions of logs, all the way along for 100 miles up this raging, 
tumbling stream. 

A Great Log Jam. 

You will see in the "Gallery" a picture of one of the greatest 
log jams ever known : 250,000 logs at the Cascades a few miles 
up the river! Some conception of this vast pile of wealth may 
be had if you will think of one hundred acres in places 20 feet 
deep covered with logs, some of which were worth $40 each. 

332 The Spokes. 

How to move them was not long a question, for with Mr. 
Bingham there is never a question. ; Find a way " is his motto. 
In this instance he invented a way, and that way is so graphically 
described by Charlie Askwith, who went up to see the sight, that 
I will give it, in part, as it will show some of the work of 

Logging on the Gatineau. 

" Time and time again the story has been told how brave 
river men take their lives in their hands, and leaping out on the 
front of the log jam loosen the key log, often only to be swept 
under the jam and crushed lifeless. 

But the ex-Mayor has changed all this, and even the pictur 
esque river men have to make way for the advance of the all-pre 
vailing machinery. 

The ex-Mayor has invented a plan which has never been tried 
before on the Gatineau. It wasj put in operation to-day. 

The machine is very simple. On a large raft or crib a 
stationery steam engine has been set up. Attached to this is a 
drum, on which a wire cable with a hook on the end of it, winds 
and unwinds. 

The engine and cribwood is towed up to the jam. The raft is 
tied to a pier in such a way that if the jam suddenly breaks, and 
fifty thousand logs come careering down the river, the crib is 
swept aside and no harm comes to it. 

The hook in the cable is attached to the logs on the top of the 
jam. They are pulled from the top one by one without strain or 
danger. The operation is very rapid, and with good work one 
log a second ought to be set sailing down the stream, to the 
seventy-five or eighty sorters that the ex-Mayor keeps at the 
mouth of the river to sort out logs belonging to the different 

The application of this new idea occurred to the ex-Mayor, 
who may be said to be the inventor of this new system of jam 

The French-Canadian river men that Mr. Bingham has work 
ing for him are all bright young fellows, who know the spirits of 
the river, and in the light of the camp fire at night can tell won 
derful stories of how the spirits of dead Indians haunt the hills 
beyond, of the Loup Garou and of the terrible Windigo. This is 
a great animal or spirit, and if you come across his tracks in the 
woods, and are fool-hardy enough to cross them, you will never 
more be seen by mortal eye. 

One man knew of a cook, Baptiste^ who once crossed the 
Windigo s track, and was never seen again." 

This river and " shanty lore " should be collected. It is full 
of interest, but with the crowding on of civilization ( ?), it is fast 
being lost. It is said by those who know, that there are no more 
entertaining men in the world than the river and shanty men, with 

The Yankee among the Shanties." 323 

their legends, songs, and rare stories. If ever I find the time, I 
shall spend a winter in the woods, and collect them for a book 
and should you ever see on some far-away book stand, 

The Yankee among the Shanties, 

you will know without looking at the title page that it is " Rube 
and the Colonel s " own experience in the forests of Canada. 

Mr. Bingham, it is claimed, has handled more logs than any 
other living man. 

This public spirited citizen, while Alderman and Mayor, 
worked as conscientiously as though conducting his own private 
affairs. He worked with judgment as well as liberality. When 
Chairman of the Board of Works, he repaired, at his own ex 
pense, the Rideau Bridge, which had become unfit for public use. 
His efforts brought to Ottawa the first steam roller. Sparks 
Street was paved also through his efforts. 

When elected Mayor, he showed his appreciation by giving 
a great banquet, not only to the representative men of the city, 
but of the nation as well, after which he gave a luncheon to ;he 
ladies, for be it known, the Mayor never forgets the ladies. 

During the year of his mayoralty, the Pope, Leo XIII, honor 
ed him by appointing him Chevalier of the Holy Sepulchre, one 
of the most distinguished honors that can be conferred by the 
Pope on any person outside of clerical circles. 

The city press has paid Mr. Bingham much deserved com 
pliment. The Ottawa Journal said : " Mayor Bingham is held by 
all to be a big-hearted man, a citizen of good character and clean 
record, who has won the honors." The Free Press said : " In the 
new Mayor the citizens have a man in whom they may justly have 
every confidence," while the Citizen said : " He is a shrewd, ener 
getic man, accustomed to handle large and important enterprises. 
He is thoroughly honest, a man of means, and of considerable in 
dependence of character, and is, moreover, a genial, whole-souled 
warm-hearted Irishman." 

I have given the " King " much space, for such as he count 
far more in the interest of a city s welfare than men of words 

324 The Spokes. 


It was a perfect morning in August. The Colonel and I had 
planned for a number of days to take this trip, but other things 
had taken our attention, and then came the perfect day. 

It was one of those mornings you feel the joy of each breath, 
you are content with yourself and everything about you ; the people 
around you look happy, for you yourself are happy. The " Em 
press " starts from the Queen s Wharf, on Sussex Street, at 7.45 
a.m. We are up early, and are at the boat with a half hour to wait. 
We sit and watch the happy excursionists come aboard. They 
come, from baby in arms to tottering age the little girls carrying 
their dolls, as the mother-love in their hearts makes them want 
dolly to have " a good time " too. The picture around us takes in 
the pinacles of the Parliament Buildings, above the tree-clothed 
bluff, upon which they proudly sit; the long Interprovincial Bridge 
spanning the Ottawa as it reaches across to Hull on the north or 
Quebec side : the Chaudiere Falls in the west distance, surrounded 
by the mills of industry ; the far-away hills to the north and to the 
east; the river flowing on through lakes and rapids, to join its 
companions on their journey to the sea. Here and there we see 
little boats plying in and out among the floating refuse from the 
saw mills above, and on inquiry find that the 

Wood Gleaners 

are an Ottawa feature. At early morning and after working hours 
in the evening, these gleaners are out with their boats, gathering 
wood for their winter store. They have a long rod, with an iron- 
pointed spear and hook, by which they draw to the boat pieces cf 
floating board or slab, and when they have a load, row to the bank 
and deposit it, to be drawn to their houses later on. There is a 
code of honor among them which makes their little piles of wood 
as safe as though in their own cellar at home. As I write, there 
is passing an Amazon, in a boat hardly large enough to hold her, 
yet she plies the spear and hook as dexterously as the men, and 
wholly oblivious of all danger of an upset ; yet, for that matter, she 
is quite safe, as by no possible chance could she sink if the boat did 

The whistle blows, the wheels turn, and we are off. To the 
right we pass the Ottawa Rowing Club, and far up the bluff we 
pass " Earnscliffe," the former home of the great Sir John A. 
Macdonald ; then the Ottawa mills of Hon. W. C. Edwards, and 
the Rideau Falls; after which we come in view of the beautiful 
Rockliffe Park. Just before rounding the turn of the river, we 
pass the Ottawa Canoe Club house at the end of the Park. To 

Down the Ottawa. 325 

the left, in mid-stream, is Kettle Island, extending three miles down 
the river ; to the right again we see, here and there, along the well- 
shaded banks, the tents of many campers and, apropos of outing, 
I have never been in a land where tent camping is so general as 
here. It is certainly an ideal way of fully enjoy ing the summer. I 
sometimes think that I would have made a good gipsy. A summer 
gipsy, I mean. Still to the right stands, in the distance, a tall flag 
staff. The bank is too high to see the tents and quarters at the 
Rifle Range, but we know they are there, for we have often en 
joyed the hospitality of the " boys " gathered here from all parts 
of the Dominion for rifle practice. 

The waters of the Ottawa are as smooth this morning as my 
" Shadow Picture " at Lake Bouquet shown in The Yankee in 

Five miles below the city we pass Duck Island, to the right as 
we come in view of East Templeton to the left. Here are the 
mills of the Maclarens. Bell rings for breakfast ; then we regret 
we had not known of this boat breakfast, but we had not known of 
it, and had to hunt out an open restaurant among the many closed 
ones, as Ottawa is not an early riser. 

The river widens below East Templeton, and narrows again 
before reaching the pretty grove-surrounded summer resort of 
Besserers, n miles below. From Besserers to Cumberland, 9 
miles farther on to the right (Ontario side). It is just river, river, 
beautifully banked with pretty farms, in places reaching to the 
water s edge, while at others the scenery is wild and picturesque. 

Cumberland is a pretty little village sitting on the hillside, 
framed in sylvan cosiness. A mile away, and on the Quebec side, 
we come to Buckingham, Prince s Wharf. The town of Bucking 
ham itself is four miles to the north, on the C. P. R. It is quite a 
considerable place 3,000 inhabitants. It was here that the late 
James Maclaren made many of his millions. He is the Maclaren 
about whom I told you, who as a boy, crossed Lake Deschenes, with 
all his few possessions in a canoe, on his way to Wakefield, on the 


This town of 2,000 inhabitants is one of the most important 
on the river. It might be called Hon. W. C. Edwards town, i his 
is literally true, for with his two great mills gone, Rock-land would 
be its name alone. These are but a part of his lumber interests. 

Four miles below, on the Quebec side, we reach Thurso, with 
its large church and small houses. It is a village of 700 inhabi 
tants. Our friend, J. A. Cameron, Crown Lands Agent, comes 
aboard for a trip down the river. This is the home of Captain 
Fred Elliott, captain of our boat, the " Empress," one of the best- 
liked men on the river. We shortlv pass the Thurso Islands, with 
their " animal " outlined trees. Look at them from a distance, 
and if your imagination is a vivid one, you may see many odd 

326 The Spokes. 

shapes of things. Wendover and Treadwell, 35 and 40 miles from 
Ottawa, are but stopping places. Along here come in the two 
rivers, the North Nation from the Quebec, and the South Nation 
from the Ontario side. They are considerable streams, and enter 
the Ottawa almost opposite to each other. 

Papineauville, on the North Nation, is a little town, but one 
full of enterprise. It has a number of mills. The Misses Chabots 
have here a very popular hotel, frequented by many Ottawans. 

We next reach the most famous village on the Ottawa River, 
made so by reason of its having been the home of the Hon. Louis 
J. Papineau, who, though called " The Rebel of 1837," did greater 
things, possibly, for Canada than any other one man of his time. 
Did greater things, or set in motion those things which were after 
wards consummated, by reason of which Canada vastly benefited. 

I cannot even touch upon his life, since it has taken many 
volumes to outline it, but I can advise you to read of this remark 
able man, who for so many years was intimately connected with 
the political affairs of this northern country. The village is 


46 miles down the river from Ottawa. On the north bank, there is 
the Chateau Montebello, on one of the very few old French seig 
niorial establishments existing at the present time, and the only 
one in the Province of Quebec. Its former extent was a square 
of 1 8 miles, reaching back and along the Ottawa. The Manor 
House, a large and solidly-built stone structure, may be seen from 
the steamer, a short distance west of the landing. Its site was 
ideally selected, on a high elevation overlooking the river. It is 
reached by a long detour through the town to the Manor entrance, 
thence along a densely shaded winding roadway, that calls to mind 
the entrance way to some old English castle. 

I had been told of the courtesy of its present owner, Louis J. 
A. Papineau, son of the great leader, but was not prepared for the 
charming manner in which this courtly gentleman received and 
entertained me. I am sorry to note it, but the : "Well, what can I 
do for you?" is the chilling reception too often given one. Oh, 
the contrast! The three hours I spent at the Manor will ever be 
remembered as happy ones. They flew away all too soon, for 
what with visiting, going through his library of 5,000 volumes, 
selected by his cultured father, looking over rare paintings, and 
going through his museum, listening to his entertaining: "This 
was picked up at Rome, that at Algiers, and these are some rare 
bits from Pompeii," the time for the boat s return came long before 
I wished for it. The famous painting of his father, from which 
most of the pictures seen have been copied, hangs in his parlor. 
It was painted by M- , of Quebec, who died a few years ago, 
a-ed over 80. He has another portrait of his father, at 50 ; from 

Caledonia Springs. 327 

this his present wife, a lady of much beauty and culture, has made 
a good copy, which was nresented to the province, and hangs in 
the Parliament Buildings in Quebec. The portrait of his mother 
shows a face of queenly beauty. The library is mostly of classical 
and historical books; there are only a few novels, and they of the 
best writers. It contains some rare volumes, such as Memoirs of 
Lafayette, and others of illustrious world men. He has had built 
a house separate for his collection of curios. I have never seen 
so fine a collection in a private museum as this. He has gathered 
from all countries in Europe except Russia. Algiers has contribut 
ed as well, and what is remarkable, he has few curios but are of 
interest. Many excursionists and tourists visit his museum, as on 
each Saturday afternoon he shows visitors through. This day 
there were many to see it, some from as far away as New Haven, 
Conn., and numbers from Ottawa. Mr. Papineau was among the 
political exiles after the Rebellion, along with his father, and spent 
two years in New York City in the practice of law. I remained 
long enough," he said, " to know and ever after think well of the 
Yankees." This was pleasing to hear. 

That visit will ever be a delightful memory. It was one of 
those which, in this busy age, are too rarely made, even when the 
opportunity is more rarely offered. 

On the way to the boat I stopped to see one of the prettiest 
churches I have seen in Canada not a large church, but a very 
unique one. It was planned by Napoleon Bourassa, the well- 
know architect, a relative of Air. Papineau. 

At Montebello is the Owens Lumber Company. Their mills 
are very extensive. Hon. Senator Owens, of Ottawa, is of the 
company. The points of interest beyond Montebello are L/Original, 
Grenville, and further on a short distance, though not on the steam 
boat line, is Hawkesbury, a town of 5,000, situated on islands and 
the south shore of the Ottawa. It is a very extensive lumbering 

L Original is the county seat of the Counties of Prescott and 
Russell. It is here that tourists leave the boat to go back a few 
miles to the south to 

Caledonia Springs, 

a famous resort as far back as in the forties, when Wm. Parker 
made them so famous as a resort for Americans. Their fame 
waned for years, but is now becoming even greater, as vast im 
provements are being made. 

Grenville is the end of the excursion, but many through pas 
sengers take the little cars and go over a unique railroad, 13 miles 
long and five feet six inches wide the only " Broad Gauge " rail 
road in America. They again take the boat, the " Sovereign," at 
Carillon, and go on to Montreal. Of this part of the trip I have 
told fully in The Wandering Yankee, and will not retell it here. 

328 The Spokes. 

There were on board many well known people, among them 
Mr. R. W. Shepherd, Senator J. D. McGregor, of New Glasgow, 
N.S. ; D. C. Fraser, the jovial M, P. (since made a judge), for 
Guysborough, N.S. ; C. F. Mclsaac, M.P. for Antigonish, N.S., 
seat of the late Sir John Thompson ; and Alex. Johnson, the youth 
ful member for Cape Breton, N.S. Among others were Hector 
Chauvin, a prominent attorney of Montebello, and Mr. B. B. 
Keefer, editor of the Ottawa Citizen. 

Here s the Colonel again, who, as usual, wants to know 
" why?" This time it s " why don t you mention the ladies?" I 
fear if he were writing this, you d think that Canada had no men. 
The Colonel remained on the boat, and had gone on to Grenviile, 
and I had much to tell him of the pleasant things he had missed 
by not stopping off with me at Montebello. 

We reached Ottawa about 6.30. This was the most pleasant 
day s outing I have had in Canada. I may have seen more of 
beauty, but for real pleasure, it was the most delightful of all. 

Later. The foregoing was written of a 1903 trip. Shortly 
after, Mr. Papineau s death occurred. I visited Montebello just 
in time. The old " country gentlemen " are fast passing, and their 
places are being taken by the men who know no leisure. The men 
of to-day are even in a hurry with their pleasure. 

Later. On Thursday night, Oct. 7th, 1904, Mr. David Rus 
sell, the proprietor of the Grand Hotel at the above mentioned 
Caledonia Springs, gave there a banquet to his friend, the Hon. 
Wm. Pugsley, Attorney-General of Nova Scotia, which has pos 
sibly never been surpassed in Canada, 

A $15,000 Banquet. 

for magnificence of entertainment. This hospital millionaire 
brought one hundred and fifty of his guests from far away St. 
Tohn the beautiful " city of the sea,"- -in a special train of eleven 
cars, to which three were added at Montreal. From Ottawa and 
other Canadian cities came many prominent friends of Mr. Rus 
sell m en who like himself have made their rank in the world of 
finance and of State, since they left their early home by the sea. 

This banquet, although far surpassing anything of its kind, 
in this old hostelry, brought back, in mind, " the other men and 
tht other days," when the Grand was the mecca of the thousands 
who sought perfection of entertainment, and in the hands of Mr. 
Russell, those old days will come again. 

Ottawa Transportation Company. 329 


That day we went down the Ottawa, we saw many long blue 
barges going up and down the river, in tows of six to twelve, 
drawn by powerful tugs practically steamboats. On inquiry, 
we learned that they belonged to the Ottawa Transportation Com 
pany, whose President is everybody s friend, genial D. Murphy, 
M.P.P. The fleet consists of 80 barges and 6 steamers, one of the 
largest on the continent for inland service. 

This company carry a large portion of the millions of lumber 
that is sawed in and about Ottawa. They take it to Montreal, 
Quebec, and as far as Whitehall the canals being too shallow to 
allow them to go farther. The immense size of one of these 
barges may be seen by the capacity. They carry as much as 
350,000 feet of lumber. 

Mr. Murphy came to Ottawa when a boy of twelve years, and 
worked his way up from cabin boy through all positions to captain, 
then part owner of a small fleet, finally principal owner of this 
great service. He is a director of the Bank of Ottawa, and of 
many other large mercantile establishments in the Capital. 

330 The Spokes. 


The Colonel came in one morning in great good humor. 
Rube," he began, " I ve heard of one of the finest half-day trips 
about Ottawa. Holmden told me about it, and Holmden is autho 
rity on the beautiful, when it comes to scenic pleasures. He savs 
that the 26 miles up the Deschenes lake from Queen s Park is full 
of interest, and that the falls at the west end of the lake are unique, 
owing to their number. Get ready, as the trolley car we have to 
take starts at 2 o clock. It starts from under the Dufferin Bridge." 

We caught the car, went out through Hull and Aylmer to 

Queen s Park, where the steamer " George B. Greene " was fast 

being filled by a merry company of excursionists and tourists, this 

being one of the trips the wise tourist takes when visiting Ottawa. 

Half a day for half a dollar." 

We are on and off without delay, as Captain Chartier is a 
prompt Captain. 

"Hello ! Kedey !" "Colonel, that is Mr. Kedey, who owns the 
Grand View Hotel at Fitzroy Harbor, where Major Brown, you 
know, told us to go if we wanted a good time and good treatment. 
I m _ going to get him to point out the places along the lake, as the 
Major says Kedey knows the lake like a book, as he used to run 
rafts down the Ottawa. Yes, I ll ask him to tell us all the points 
of interest." 

" No," desisted the Colonel, for once considerate, " he might 
not like to be bothered." 

What ! Why the Major says that Kedey is never hannier 
than when doing some favor for people." 

" All right." And it was. We found him and kept him busy 
all the way up. Brown was correct, he did know the Ottawa . and 
particularly the Deschenes Lake (a widening of the river), called, 
in 1832, Chaudiere Lake, vide Lieut-Colonel Joseph Bouchette. 

I cannot go into details. I ll give you what there is to be seen, 
and the obliging Captain will point out the places. 

Three miles across and up the lake, we stop at 

Berry s Wharf, 

with its old stone brewery, now out of commission. This is on 
the south, or Ontario side, on which side are most of the stops. 

A mile above Berry s,* Kedey asks : " See the little old stone 
church? There is 

Pinhey s Point, 

named for Captain Pinhey, an English officer who came out with 
others in the early part of the last century (about 1818). In lhat 
church are kept the names of the early settlers. That long stone 

Deschenes Lake Trip. 331 

house was the Captain s home. In front of it, on terraces, are 
some little cannon, or were the last time I was there." 

Smith s Point 
is next. Then comes 

Armitage s Wharf, 

from which we run toward the north or Quebec shore. Looking 
through the trees we see 

The Dominican Cottage, 

used as a summer home for young students of the Dominican 

12 Miles Island 

is seen in the middle distance 12 miles to Aylmer, and 12 miles to 
Quyon. Hence the name. 

Basken s Wharf 
is the next on the Ontario side. The lake widens into broad 

Constance Bay, 
a beautiful sheet of water. Ask the Captain to tell you the 

Indian Story 

in connection with this bay. No, he may be busy, so I ll let Kedey 
tell it. He calls attention to Sandy Point, a long point formed by 
narrow Buckham s Bay, running in almost parallel with the larger 

" This locality has a history," began Kedey. " In the early 
French days, the voyageurs only means of reaching the far west 
was by the Ottawa. 

Indian Massacre. 

" On one occasion a large number of these voyageurs were 
coming up the river from Montreal, for furs. They would have 
run into an Indian ambush, but for a warning given them by a 
friendly Indian. He pointed out the camp where the Iroquois 
were entrenched, waiting for them. They turned and made a 
wide detour, coming up Buckham s Bay, behind the camp of the 
savages, and after a short, sharp battle, killed all the Indians, and 
went on their way up the Ottawa." 

" Say, Kedey," I asked, " suppose the Indians had made that 
wide detour, and after that short, sharp battle had killed all the 
voyageurs, would it have been called a battle ?" 

" Oh, no ; no, indeed, Rube ; it would have, in that case, been 
a wicked massacre." 

33 2 The Spokes. 

Blueberry Country. 

This point between the bays is a great blueberry section. Four 
square miles is devoted almost exclusively to this berry. 

Beyond the next lighthouse, about a mile, you can see far up 
toward the east, Buckham s Bay, spoken of above. The scenery 
all about is very pretty. Across to the north is Mohr s Island Re 
serve, of the Upper Ottawa Improvement Company. 

On Mohr s Island, 
with the little houses on the Easterly End, there is a great boom. 

Haunted House. 

Across to the South, Kedey points out the " Haunted House." 
It is so queer how quickly an empty house becomes " haunted." 

Maclaren s Wharf. 

From the wharf, past a little clump of trees, is pointed out the 
birthplace of the late James Maclaren, many times a " lumberman 


The only considerable town on the way is reached shortly be 
fore coming to the Chats Falls. It is a summer resort for many 

" Oh, see," exclaimed a lady, shortly after passing Quyon, 
" there comes a town down the lake, drawn by a steamboat ! Say, 
Mr. Kedey," (all the ladies by this time knew Kedey), "is that 
the way you move your towns up here in Canada?" 

" My dear lady, that is not a town ; it is a timber raft." 

"A timber raft! Why, it looks like a lilliputian town, with 
all those tiny houses. Oh, isn t it too funny !" And she made a 
note of it. It did look like a lilliputian town, with its fifty houses 
for the men to sleep in. 

We now came in sight of 

Chats Falls. 

Be sure to call this " Shaw," else you will be taken for a foreigner 
or stranger in " these here parts." As I have said elsewhere, the 
river is here three miles across. The Falls are the dropping of 
the level of Chats to Deschenes Lake 41 feet. There are 14 sepa 
rate falls, some of them very beautiful. There is here a 150,000 
horse-power going to waste. 

The steamboat passes along in front of the finest of them, giv 
ing the passengers a good view from the deck. Imagine, if you 
will, a great dam of rock 41 feet high, three miles long, with here 

" The World is Small." 333 

and there openings through which the water passes in vast, tumbl 
ing, foaming volumes, and between the openings, tree-covered, 
rocky islands, which separate the water into the various falls. The 
large one ahead, as a matter of course, Kedey points out as 
" Mohr s Island/ Then he remarks : " Of course, you notice 
there are more of this name than all others," at which the Colonel 
decides Kedey shall be fined, but Sayer has nothing stronger than 
cream soda. This, the Colonel again decides, is cause enough for 
remitting the fine. 

Fitzroy Harbor 

is the end of the run. We came again on a Wednesday, when the 
boat starts at 9 a.m., instead of 2 p.m. On Saturday the boat 
does not stop at Fitzroy Harbor, but on Wednesday it stops for 
two or more hours, giving the passengers ample time to be ferried 
across to Kedey s Grand View House, where a good dinner is 
served for 25 cents. This is one of the favorite trips about 
Ottawa, and yet many an Ottawan has never taken it. Like the 
Bostonians, who live so near Bunker Hill monument, that they 
never visit it. If, however, the people here realized how delight 
ful an outing this is, they would surely take it. We liked it so 
well that we acquired the habit, and went often. 

" The World is Small." 

On coming back down the lake on one of these excursions, I 
could not but think, " What a little world this is after all !" I was 
attracted to a sweet-faced child a little girl. I talked with her. 
I found her very interesting, and soon learned that she was from 
near New York, and was greatly surprised to find in her the child 
of an old friend, a near-by neighbor of years ago. I had lost all 
account of them, and far away from the old home, here on Lake 
Deschenes, in Canada, little Ruth Young lisped the news : " My 
papa is dead; an I am at Dranpa s, in Ottawa." 

334 The Spokes. 


Colonel," said I, when we reached Kingston, " what do you 
think of it ?" 

" I think that the man who called this the Rideau Canal 
should have had another guess. Canal for so much of beauty is 
nothing short of libel." 

I will wager that every time you have heard of the Rideau 
Canal, you made a mental picture of a ditch, running from Ottawa 
to Kingston, 12634 miles long, with a little tow path on one side, 
with a sleepy mule at one end- of a long rope, pulling a long, rakey, 
white canal boat. Now, honest, didn t you? I did, and don t 
blame you. Well, never again think of one of the loveliest bits of 
beauty in all Canada as a ditch, for it is nothing of the kind. In 
stead it is a river resembling England s Thames, but wider, con 
necting a chain of magnificent lakes. In places cuts have been 
made, and these cuts aside from that part in and near Ottawa 
are, all told, not over ten miles long. They do not detract, but, 
add beauty by contrast with the river and lakes. The Rideau is 
historical. Along its banks were the first settlements of this part 
of the country. At Burritt s Rapids or its modern name, " Bur- 
ritts on the Rideau " -Stephen Burritt settled in 1793, and where 
his son, Colonel Edmund, was born the first white child in this 
portion of Canada. Later Bradish Billings settled on its eastern 
bank, near where now Ottawa stands. He was soon followed by 
many other pioneers, in Nepean, on the western side of the river. 

I am seldom at a loss for words to describe what is to be look 
ed upon in Canada, as the very beauty of the scenery enthuses one 
to easy expression, but for the Rideau Lakes, I fear that words 
would but detract from their real worth. It is one of those tours 
about which there is but one thought or spoken expression, "They 
are beautiful!" 

Starting from Ottawa, at 3 o clock, one clear August after 
noon, with Captain Noonan, in the " Rideau Queen," we passed 
leisurely along the park-like borders of the canal, where the Park 
Commissioner s best work may be looked upon. Never before 
had we fully realized the work this Commission is doing, for in no 
other way may its magnificence be so well viewed as from the third 
deck of the little steamer. And when we think that it has just 
begun, we need draw a mental picture of what the miles of park 
will be when the trees and rare plants and shrubbery are fully 
grown. And that Commission s work is done for love of City 
alone, for it gets no pay in money. 

Not until we have passed the locks beyond the Experimental 
Farm does the " Queen " show us her speed, but when we reach 
the river she becomes a thing of life, and the tree-bordered banks 
fly past as by a railway train. 

Kingston and the 1,000 Islands. 335 

I do not dare begin a description of what may be seen along 
or through the river and lakes to the summit (282 feet higher than 
Ottawa) at Newboro village, and on from thence through the lakes, 
enchained by the Cataraqui River, to Kingston (164 feet lower 
than Newboro village), on the St. Lawrence. Twould take a 
volume, while I have but space for a running sketch, and yet I 
fain would say enough to make you wish to see what we have seen, 
knowing that your thanks will be given for inducing you to be 
come a tourist through so much of beauty. 

To give you some conception of the lakes, the Big Rideau is 
21 miles long, and in places 7 to 8 miles wide. This great lake, 
with its hundreds of islands, is, as you may imagine, rarely beauti 
ful. It is like the Thousand Islands in Miniature. Many of 
these Islands contain cottages and are much beautified. 

There are numerous towns along the way, the most promin 
ent being Smith s Falls, 60 miles from Ottawa. It is an important 
railroad junction, and a very enterprising town. 

Kingston and the 1,000 Islands. 

I would tell you of Kingston, one of the well known cities 
of Canada, by reason of its being a great summer resort for 
Americans, but I find it of so great importance that I must re 
serve it for a book by itself, and not count it as but a "spoke" to 
this great " Hub." It is a "Hub" itself with its own "spokes," 
lying in the centre of so much beauty in lake and river scenery, 
that tens of thousands of our people annually find their way to 
this gateway to the Thousand Islands. And yet, I cannot pass 
it by without saying a word about its delighful people. They 
do make one love their City by their genial manner towards the 
stranger, and I do not wonder that the tourist comes and comes 
again, year after year, to spend the summer among them Every 
one with whom you come in contact seems to feel that it is his 
duty to make you like his city, and you go away, only to say nice 
things about Kingston, and to tell your friends if ever they go 
to Canada to stop off and partake of their hospitality, and then 
ever after have your friends thank you for it. 

Oh, I beg pardon, I came near forgetting to tell you how to 
feach Kingston from the States. This is an important feature, 
and in telling it will at the same time put you in the way of reach 
ing any part of Canada by the best route. You are, say, in New 
York City, Boston, Albany, or any of the great cities of the State 
of New York, or in Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago or other of 
the western cities, all you need to do is to take the New York 
Central train and come direct to either Clayton or Cape Vincent, 
New York. If by the former you are almost in the midst of the 
Thousand Islands, through which you pass on your way across 
the beautiful St. Lawrence to Kingston. From the moment you 
get on board the steamer at Clayton, the pleasure of the trip be 
gins. By this direct route you not only see the beauty of the 

The Spokes. 

Rideau trip, of which words fail me in describing, but you see 
as well as the Thousand Islands, of whose beauty all have heard 
And just here I must tell you, that which I had known before com 
ing to Canada, and which I warrant you do not know, i.e. the inex- 
pensiveness of seeing the Islands. I had often heard of the 
Thousand Islands, but had the impression that to see them pro 
perly would be a very expensive matter, but the Thousand Island 
Steamboat Company run regular steamers, and for a trifling cost 
you may see all parts of the Islands to the very best advantage. 
These trips are : ( I ) The fifty-mile tour by the fast observation 
steamer "New Island Wanderer." On this tour you see both 
the American and Canadian Channels, passing all the summer re 
sorts, beautiful residences, historical places, and picturesque spots. 
(2) The Club Ramble," in the steel plate steam yacht " Ram- 
ona." By this tour you pass in and out through the intricate 
channels, seen only by this narrow shallow-draught little vessel. 

These are daylight tours, but possibly the most delightful of 
all is (3) the tour by night in the palatial steamer " St. Lawrence." 
Nothing like it in all the world. It is spectacular and marvelous- 
ly fascinating. The steamer has a searchlight of 1,000,000 candle 
power. So intense is the light that it seems to turn night into 
day. It flits here and there, searching out the beauty spots, and 
framing them in darkness, intense by contrast, making pictures 
one can never forget. 

No wonder that this island region has been termed " The 
Venice of the Western Hemisphere !" And yet, thousands of our 
people have " raved " over the beauties of the distant scene, who 
have never looked upon this fairyland so near at home. 

These are but suggestions of trips, the details might run to 
any length, so much is there of worth to see, on the way from 
Clayton to the Capital. Many tourists stop over at Kingston, or 
leisurely tour the Rideau lakes, where fishing is so excellent. This 
latter fact I know, as the Colonel and I spent three days at one 
place, where we caught more bass than we had ever caught before 
in any waters. This is one of the tours where the fish stories and 
pictures of " one day s catch " may be relied upon. 

Do you enjoy a water trip ? Let me then tell you how that 
after you have visited the beautiful Capital City, you may go 
aboard the " Empress " to Grenvillc, and at Carillon take the 
" Sovereign " and go down the Ottawa the veritable Grand 
River to Montreal, where again you may take any one of the 
many floating palaces of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation 
Company, and go down the St. Lawrence to Quebec, and still 
again by the same line from Quebec to and up the wierd Saguenay, 
of which strange river I have so often told you. If you have the 
time, and take this inland tour from Clayton to Chicoutimi, it will 
be told, long years from now, to the happy group about your knee, 
who will never tire of hearing of when " dranpa and dranma was 
to Canada." 

I Always Kiss the Pretty Girls of Ten and Under." 337 


We have been told of the cordiality of the citizens of Hull, 
and especially were advised to " go to Hull on New Years Day, 
if you would see the hospitality of its people." The Colonel and 
I took the advice, and were fortunate in having as our cicerone, 
that genial notary, Mr. Henry Desjardins, who was known and 
welcomed wherever he went. We had never before met so many 
French-speaking people in their homes as on this occasion ; they 
were so delightful in their hospitality, and so genuine in their 
greeting, that we learned that day what we had missed in not 
knowing before, their home life. We shall ever remember with 
rare pleasure our New Years in Hull. 

An old citizen had told the Colonel that among the New 
Year s customs of Hull, he must expect the ladies to greet him 
with a kiss. Now, to you who know the Colonel, it will be no 
surprise to hear him say, on his way back to Ottawa that night : 
Rube, I m a bit disappointed. I m going to-morrow to hunt vp 
that old citizen, and tell him what I think. Greet us with a kiss ! 
Why, I only got one kiss all day, and that from a sweet little lady 
of thirteen summers, and no winters, if I may judge from her sun 
shine, and I had to take that I couldn t help it." 

This reminded me of once kissing a little girl of ten, saying 
at the time : " I always kiss the pretty girls of ten and under." 

She turned to a maiden aunt, who stood by, and asked : 
" Auntie, how old are you?" " Auntie " was over ten, and re 
fused to state her summers. 

L,a Guignolee. 

New to us, and will be to many of you, is the French custom, 
"La Guignolee" (pronounced Ginolee), and yet so old that 
Caesar must have known of it. I will first give you its origin, and 
then the pretty custom itself as seen here. 

In the time of the ancient Druid priests, in Chatres, in Beauce 
and Normandy, it was their (the Druids) custom to gather the 
mistletoe, along about the 21 st of December, for holiday decora 
tion. They would bless it, and give it out to the people, for their 
merry season. That everybody might be happy at this time, gifts 
were collected from the well-to-do, on the night before New Year, 
and distributed among the poor, amid much singing and jollity. 
As the mistletoe in French is " gui " (gee, " g," hard as in gorge), 
the French for " the Singing of the Mistletoe," is " La Guignolee," 
hence the custom became known as La Guignolee, and a quaint 
melody also bears the name, and this quaint melody is always sung 
by the band of merry gift distributors. 

338 The Spokes. 

Some weeks before the holiday season, preparations are made, 
often on a large scale ; food, clothing, or simple gifts are donated 
for the occasion by the generous people. These are collected into 
large sleighs, the band dress in a peculiar costume, with long 
white beards and tall odd-shaped hats, and when all is in readi 
ness, they start on their rounds, singing the quaint melody, from 
door to door, often keeping it up until morning. All doors are 
left unlocked, for no one knows just where the band may want to 
leave a gift, or drop into the house packages of the substantial. 
A list has been made out with great care, and the very needy are 
always on the list. " The ashamed poor," as the French say, may 
also be remembered, but so carefully are the donations made that 
even the next door neighbor will not know of it. 

Amongst the kind-hearted people of Hull the custom is kept 
up from year to year, and so well are all needs known, that few 
there be in the whole city but who may in fact have a " Happy 
New Year." 

Musical Santa Claus. 

To the children it is Santa Claus, on a numerous and musical 
scale ; they all look forward to it as a great event. A gentleman 
past middle life said to me, in describing it : " Even to this day I 
enjoy La Guignolee. The memory of when, as a child, I stood 
waiting at the door for the passing singers, is very dear to me. 
The first far-away note, heard on the still night air, was sweeter 
music to my child-heart than I have ever since heard, and as 
nearer and nearer swelled that note, until it broke into the quaint 
swinging chorus, I grew ever wilder with joy. Oh, yes, my 
Santa Claus was La Guignolee. He brought me naught but 
music, but, oh ! the joy of the music !" And he seemed a boy 
again, for very joy of memory. " Even now, old as I am," lie 
continued, " I cannot hear that melody without a throb of real 
heart pleasure," and his voice and face told me how truly he spoke. 

Purer French in Canada than in France. 

This old custom of Normandy seems so appropriate among 
the French of Canada, for from Normandy they both originally 
came. Few other parts ever contributed to the New France, and 
the French spoken in Canada is more free from dialects than 
France itself, for it is Normandic, and one language. Apropos 
of the language, but not the custom in question, I cannot but 
speak in passing of what a French writer once said of the many 
languages of France. " In the north-east, German and Flemish 
are spoken ; in Britanny, the Celt is the language in use ; in south 
west France, the Basque people know only Spanish; around 
Savoy, the Italian is in general use; while in southern France, 
about thirteen million French know only the provincial, a sort of 

Highest Offices Held by Frenchmen. 339 

Latin dialect, and only in Normandy, where originated the lan 
guage, is the true French spoken." 

Another point not generally known, is that the French spoken 
in Canada is freer from patois than that spoken in Paris, and fur 
ther, the French of Canada is free from all words of slang. 

The French in Canada. 

Little is known in the States or in England of the French 
people of Canada. It has been said that they are the happiest 
people in the world. Their home life is simple, and yet full of 
the joys unknown to the conventional. In a company of French 
each one can do something. It may be to play some musical in 
strument or to recite, while they can all sing, and many of them 
have beautiful voices. That day in Hull we heard classical 
music better rendered than we had listened to from any other 
women pianists since we came to the valley. 

The kindness shown in their home life is proverbial, and 
withal, the Colonel and I are delighted with them, and would say 
even more of these genial people. 

Highest Offices held by Frenchmen. 

Here is a remarkable fact. The highest offices in Canada are 
held by French Canadians They are : The Premier ; the Speaker 
of the House, Hon. N. A. Belcourt; and the Chief Justice, the 
Hon. Elzear Taschereau. The President of the most important 
society in Canada The Royal Society of Canada is Benjamin 
Suite, one of the ablest historians on the continent. He is of 
French origin. 

Descendants of the Famous. 

Hull has some descendants of families very famous in our his 
tory. Mr. E. B. Eddy is of the Miles Standish line, while Mr. 
S. S. Cushman, the Vice-President of the Eddy Company, is a 
descendant of Robert Cushman, who not only planned but carried 
out the sailing of the Mayflower (1620). Charlotte Cushman 
and very many of our foremost in various lines were of this. 

340 The Spokes. 


Population 4,400. 

We saw cattle and horses on our way to Arnprior that morn 
ing, that one might think were from the blue grass lands of Ken 
tucky. The Colonel, who is always boasting of Ohio farms, when 
he saw this Ottawa Valley, admitted that, "Although not in Ohio, 
it s pretty fair land ! " Now, as for myself, I never liked the Ohio 
farms, in fact I liked them less than in any other State. My ex 
perience with them was not at all a pleasant one. I had to work 
on them and it s a sad memory. 

We passed the grape lands of the Mosgroves, a few miles out. 
Grapes grow here in great abundance, the Mosgroves having 
thirty-five acres in bearing, not far from Britannia Park, on the 

We pass a number of small towns on the way none of them 
remarkable for " What is it Colonel ? " Oh yes, the Colonel 
says I must not forget to mention 


but now that I have mentioned it he forgets what it is remark 
able for, unless it be the pretty gum chewers who got on the train 
that morning. It seemed that all the pretty girls in town were at 
the station, and all chewing " wax." 

We had heard oft before of a " Carp," 
But thought it a critic with " harp," 

" Chewing " all the day long 
On the other man s wrong, 

Like a pretty gum chewer of Carp. 

We had ne re thought of it as a town, 

The home of a Jones or a Brown, 
A place with red houses and law, 

Where the girls and old maids work the jaw, 
Like the pretty girls work it in Carp. 

But levity aside (the above is levity) Carp s 600 people are 
all right. They have a pretty little town, a hotel that might well 
be taken as a model for many another place in the valley ; a 350 
barrel flouring mill ; a bank (Bank of Ottawa) ; two large general 
stores; the Moses and Sons cheese box manufactory (the largest 
manufacturers of cheese boxes in Ontario, with three mills) ; and 
a baseball team that can play ball 

Canadians do not Realize the Real Beauty of Their Country. 341 

At Galetta five miles east of Arnprior, we crossed the Miss 
issippi river. It is not so large as ours and resembles it only in 
muddiness and name. It is a pleasure to run across a river or a 
name that carries one back home, so will remember with pleasure 
Galetta, and it s "Mississippi." 

There is a stage line from Galetta to Fitzroy Harbor four 
miles to the north, where the Mississippi enters the Ottawa river 
or Lake Deschenes, as here called, where are the Falls. 

I may speak elsewhere of Chats (Shaw) Falls, and here 
will simply say that to miss seeing them will be your loss. They 
are immediately opposite Fitzroy Harbor. The Ottawa river 
here flows from Chats lake to Deschenes lake. The river is at 
thii point 3 miles wide and reaches the lower level 41 feet below, 
by 14 distinct falls. You may know how fine they are, when J 
tell you of the man who said to me : "They are far more beautiful 
than Niagara." He had not seen Niagara yet, but said he was 
going next summer if he got a raise in salary. They are beauti 
ful. Niagara is grand. 

So Much of Beauty that the Canadians don t Realize It. 

I cannot compare them for you, as there are possibly none 
others in the world like them. Up here where they have so many 
beautiful things all around them, and in all directions, these peo 
ple somehow don t appreciate what they have, and a stranger 
might come and go and not be told of things, near by, which at 
home he would take a long journey to look upon. 

The first thing we noticed in Arnprior were the muddy streets 
which recalled the lines of Williams. 

" Nan and her man went to Arnprior, 
Where they both got stuck in the mire, 
They pulled out the man but as for poor Nan 
Why on her they used an iron prier." 

Williams has quite recovered and has reformed, and as 
Arnprior, having just completed a fine system of sewers and water 
works, is shortly to build streets and sidewalks second to none 
in the valley, we will let the incident drop, and go up town to see 
Mayor Cranston, and ask him about his town. We found him to 
be quite the genial gentleman promised by our Ottawa friends. 
He takes a just pride in his town and people. He set out at once 
to show us around. 

A Lumber Town. 

There is here located one of the largest lumber firms in Can 
ada the McLachlin Brothers, whose yards are said to be the most 
extensive of any private company in the world. They are a half 
mile wide, and three miles long with thirty-five miles of railroad 

34 2 The Spokes. 

tracks. Seven hundred men are employed in the four great mills, 
which are run part by steam and part by water power from the 
Madawaska. From 80 to 100 millions of feet are cut annually. 
J. R. and A. Gillies, and the Gillies Brothers, are two other very 
extensive manufacturers of lumber. Among the other industries 
are : S. R. Rudd, sash and doors ; V. Barnette, sash and doors ; C. 
Merrick, boat builder ; Dontigny & Hughton, woollen mills ; Mc 
Lachlin Brothers, flouring mills; Arnprior Marble Works, and 

Arnprior is the largest shipping point in Eastern Ontario, 
outside of the cities. As many as three loaded trains leave in a 

The present King, made Arnprior a visit in 1860. He was 
entertained by Mr. Daniel McLachlin, the builder of Arnprior, 
the father of the McLachlin Brothers, in a beautiful home (a 
picture of which see in the "gallery"), on the hill at the edge of 
the town, now occupied by Mr. H. F. McLachlin. It overlooks 
the Chats lake. The grounds are parklike and possibly the pret 
tiest about Ottawa, being high above the lake and very carefully 
kept. The Prince planted an oak tree, which stands not far from 
the residence. 

The Indian Grave. A Memory. 

Arnprior prides herself on her pretty Tuque Blue Cemetery. 
It is a quiet restful place, not far from the lake. In the older part 
we saw a stone which marked the grave of a whole family of In 
dians, drowned in 1862. Their names, carved deep into the stone 
were most poetical. The Indian name and its translation were 
both given: "She who follows"- -Mang "Loon;" "She who 
climbs" "Morning Star," etc. I never see the word "Loon" 
but my mind flies far away to the beautiful lakes in Northern 
Quebec, where first I saw the strange bird of that name. It is 
a lonely feeling that steals over me, but oh such a restful happy 
one. I often live over that tour among the lakes with Phillip and 
George as my guides.* I may never again have so delightful a 
tour. It was all so new to me. I enjoyed each little part of it. 
I caught no fish ; I killed no animal. I did not want to fish, nor did 
I want to kill, I only wanted to float through lakes of primeval 
forest beauty and enjoy nature at its full, and I did. To-day as I 
looked at that grave, that one name stood out and alone. It took 
me far away to a day when I was happy. 


There are four newspapers here : The Arnprior Chronicle, Jeff- 
ery Brothers, proprietors, and W. J. Stiles, editor; The Weekly 
News, George E. Neilson, jr., editor; The Watchman, Jas. C. Will- 

* " The Yankee in Quebec." 

A Cordial Little City. 343 

iams, editor, and the German Post, Rev. R. P. Christiansen, editor. 
These newspapers are enterprising and well edited. We are in 
debted to each of them for many favors and courtesies. 

Men of Large Heart. 

Since writing the above an incident has occurred which must 
be recorded. It is one of those incidents for which I shall ever 
have a place even though I have to stop the press to tell it. 

I spoke of the great lumber firm of McLachlin Brothers, lo 
cated in this town. The incident shows that the rich are often 
men of large heart. These Brothers closed their mills and 
on special trains brought 1,800 of their employees and their fam 
ilies to Ottawa, for a day at the exhibition, paying every expense 
and counting full time for their men on pay day. Is it to be won 
dered that Arnprior is proud of such citizens ! If such as they 
were more numerous there would not be the strife between capi 
tal and labor that there is. By such as they the world will be 
made better! 

1 had scarcely chronicled this act of kindness when I noticed 
the death of Mr. C. McLachlin, the younger brother. I may for 
get that he had been worth millions of dollars, but I can not for 
get that with all his millions he was kind. 


Population 5,400. 
A Cordial Little City. 

" Colonel, what is the first thing you notice on reaching a 
new town ? " I asked one day, when the Colonel was in a particu 
larly good humor. " That s an easy one," he replied. It is not 
the place but the people. I have seen towns and cities so beauti 
ful that they might have been fenced in and labelled perfect, and 
yet I fairly hated their names, and would go out of my way to pass 
around them in going through a country. No, Rube, it s not the 
place but the people. I have seen the people of a town assume the 
air of vast importance, and seem to feel sorry for the stranger 
who chanced to be thrown among them, simply because the unfor 
tunate was not of their town, when in fact their town itself was 
of such insignificance that the only impression it ever made was 
the little black spot on the country map." 

I said " the Colonel was in a particularly good humor that 
day." Well, " that day " happened to find us in Pembroke, and 
I am sure the " good humor " was occasioned by the cordiality of 

344 The Spokes. 

its people. Kindness goes so far and costs so little, that I often 
wonder that it is not more general ; nor does it consist in great 
acts. It is often the little things that count most. I left the 
Colonel at the hotel one morning while I strolled out to see the 
town. Going too far, it began raining before I could get back. 
A man sitting in his porch hailed me and asked me to come in out 
of the rain, and the shower passing, loaned me his umbrella, lest 
it rain before I reached the hotel. That evening, on returning the 
umbrella, I asked the gentleman for the residence of one living 
in his vicinity. He did not point it out as he could have done, 
but went with me. I wondered at the time who he was, and was 
greatly surprised, later, to learn that he was one of the wealthiest 
men in Pembroke. I may never see him again, the chances are 
that I never shall, as I have not the time to retrace steps. Will 
I remember him as " one of the wealthiest men in Pembroke ? 
No, wealth counts but little to the passing stranger. He loaned 
me his umbrella and went with me to a neighbor s. These little 
things are what count. I shall ever love Pembroke for this kind 
ness of one of her citizens, and, now be honest, my reader, don t 
you too, think well of that town? The correct literary writer 
often finds fault with me for telling the little things, 
the common places of life, the human things, but I shall 
keep on telling them just the same. They are becoming too few 
in this age of the " correct," and I will note the few as I pass 

I wished some information, about a place we were passing, 
one day on a train. A man sat opposite me in the car, who could 
give the information, and I asked it. He gave it, and in another 
part of this volume you will find it, and be pleased to get it, for it 
is valuable, but ah, how coldly he gave it. I thanked him and he 
said I was welcome, but his manner belied his words. That man 
was doubtless " correct," but he was not human, if kindness to 
one s fellows counts for humanity. He was not a Canadian, save by 
adoption. Would that I might write that which could make the 
world happier, and I will try, even though I may but tell the little 
things. My "wealthy" friend was not the exception. Courtesy was 
general in Pembroke, and you will say the same when you visit that 
pretty little city on the southern shore of Lake Allumette. 

Pembroke is reached by the Canada Atlantic and the Can 
adian Pacific, 105 miles west of Ottawa. 

It has three banks : Bank of Ottawa, F. C. Mulkins, mana 
ger; The Quebec Bank, P. D. Strickland, manager; and Royal 
Bank of Canada, Wm. Kingsmill, manager. Two hospitals, three 
Public Schools, a High School, a Roman Catholic Separate 
School, and a large Convent. 

Rube and the Colonel go up to " Days Washin ." 345 


Pembroke has three large saw mills, a 250 barrel flouring mill, 
a woolen mill, a scale factory, a machine shop, two foundries and 
two sash and door mills. 

Three newspapers furnish the news for Pembroke. The 
Standard, W. H. Bone, editor ; the Advocate, M. Ringrose, editor ; 
the Observer, R. C. Miller, editor. They have the appearance 
of being well supported and prosperous. 

Mr. W. D. Cunneyworth, the courteous agent of the Canada 
Atlantic called at the Copeland, (a hotel by the way, which we can 
most heartily commend both for table and courtesy, from the good 
natured Daniel Burns, landlord, to the office boy), shortly after 
we reached town and said that we should take the trip 

Up the Allumette past Oiseau Rock, to "Days Washin ." 

Take it," said he, " it is one of the favorite trips of Canada," 
and when that is said one may count on something fine indeed, for 
a Canadian favorite " means a good deal, where there are so 
many beautiful trips. We had often heard of the Allumette, and 
of the Oiseau (" Weezah ") Rock, but had never known just 
where they were, or that they were together. The Allumette is 
another of those great lakes in the Ottawa. It is 8 miles wide, 
and 50 miles long, and in places very deep, especially " Deep 
River," where it is 400 feet in depth. Now don t forget that 
Allumette is a lake, in front of Pembroke. You may better re 
member it if I tell you that it is another Saguenay river, only 
that it is full of islands, and has ten or more creeks and rivers 
running into it. Among the latter are the Chalk and the Petewawa, 
two very large rivers. Most of the streams enter from the south or 
Ontario side, and what is remarkable, the mouth of nearly every 
one of them is turned west and enters toward the head of Lhe 
lake. Another Saguenay feature is Oiseau Rock, which is a mini 
ature Eternity Rock, so familiar to those who have had the good 
fortune to see that wierd river. 

With this introduction, I am going to turn you over to 

Captain Will Murphy, 

of the Victoria. Now let him talk and you will have nothing to 
do, but ask questions. No wonder the Captain is such a favorite 
among the ladies, he never tires of answering: "Oh, Captain, 
what s that over there ? " He may have answered it a thousand 
times before, but you would never know it from his eood naturcd 
reply. "The land you see across the lake to the nort^ i Allumette 
Island. It is 6 miles wide and 16 miles long. It has a popula 
tion of 1,200." Ten miles up he points out the Calbute Snye 

346 The Spokes. 

(Channel), and tells you that boats used to go through it before 
the locks were broken away. " In places it is so narrow that you 
could pick leaves from the trees on either side of the boat. See 
that white house at the head of the Island? That is the summer 
house of our good Mayor Delahaye. There is Gray s boom, and 
is one of the many booms of the Upper Ottawa Improvement Com 
pany, one of whose many steamboats we met a few minutes ago. 
There s Joe O Meara s island. That pretty island you see to the 
right belongs to our Pembroke Member of Parliament, Hon. 
Thomas Mackie. There to the left is the Petewawa river, and 
that beautiful grove on the point belongs to one of our lawyers, 
Mr. J. H. Metcalfe," said the Captain, just after pointing out the 
island of Mr. George Gordon. That is Edw. Dunlop s island, 
and What s that? Liveryman? No, why do you ask? * 
and the Captain looked surprised. 

Well, I certainly have heard that name in connection with 
something about livery, " said I, and the Captain s eyes twinkled 
as he replied : " Now, see here, Rube, I m a very Conservative 
man, and while not stingy I am not Liberal enough to give you 
anything about tires or other things livery, so don t ask me, but 
I was pointing out the islands. There s Darceys, used as a camp 
by the Darcey Club of Ottawa." "Hello Charlie ! " said he to a 
passing launch. 

That naptha launch we just passed belongs to Charlie Mc- 
Cool, Member for Nipissing. There is good fishing all along 
here. That? That s Windsor Island, Harding and Neopole own 
it. That fine island over there belongs to Mr. W. R. White, the 
President of this Steamboat Company. Over there to the left 
is King Edward s Island." 

" Oh, Captain, what is that funny little thing it has on it ? " 
asked the pretty girl from Baltimore. 

That funny little thing was once the cabin of the old 
Steamer Ottawa," replied Murphy, who went on pointing out the 
islands of Thomas Pink, just at the turn of the channel, C. Chap 
man, Robt. Delahaye, John McCormick, Kenning and Sutton, A. 
Archer, Jas. A. Thibadeau and C. L. McCool. At this time we 
were nearing 

Fort William, 

fourteen miles from Pembroke. This was one of the original 
Hudson Bay Forts. There is still standing the little old church 
and the Indian burying ground, with large oak trees growing 
over the graves. This is a popular picnic ground. There is here 
a large summer hotel, The Pontiac, kept by the McCools. Short 
ly after leaving Fort William we saw to the left, at the mouth of 
Chalk river, a long rocky island with a front almost perpendicu 
lar, too rough for anybody to claim. Now bear in mind I had not 
in any way tried to divide with the Captain the attention of the 

The Captain Names an Island. 347 

ladies, but when Miss New York asked, " Oh, Captain, whose 
island is that ? " 

That don t belong to anybody, but I am going to give it to 
Rube here, Rube hereafter that island will be 

" The Wandering Yankee/ 

" Oh, why do you call it that Captain ? " Miss Washington 
asked. " Because it is such a bluff! Rube, chalk that down 
on your chart ! " and I didn t speak to the Captain again for full 
ten minutes, at which time we all wanted to know, " what is that 
hill called over there to the left ? " " That is 

High View. 

It is 20 miles from Pembroke. Here are the summer homes of 
many prominent people. Amongst them W. H. Perrott, A. Foster, 
A. Johnson, F. Fenton, W. B. McAllister and D. C. Chamberlain, 
of Ottawa, Mrs. R. Dunlop, John Roberts and A. Wright. Near 
here is the Pontiac Game Club of New York City." 

Soon after this, the lake narrows into " Deep River." Up to 
the right we see 

Oiseau Rock. 

When nearing it, the boat swung in until we could look almost 
up its steep sides. "Oh, Captain, where is the Old Man s Face? 
asked Miss Brooklyn. :< Now look as we pass," and everybody 
looked up. "Oh there I see it," said Miss Cincinnati who was 
as usual the first to unravel things. Then when it was pointed 
out, all could distinguish the face of a long bearded old man. 

"On the very top of the rock and running back a half mile, 
there is a beautiful clear lake. Here picnic parties often come to 
spend the day. Tell me some of you how water gets up to that 
lake ? By capillary attraction, as water is drawn up into a 
cube of sugar," answered Miss Cincinnati again, offhand like. 

" I thought it came from a higher elevation," remarked Miss 
Iowa. Yes, so does almost everybody else, but tell me how does 
enough water get to that higher elevation to supply all these 
mountain lakes? No, it is drawn up as I said, by capillary at 
traction, and don t happen. 

Further up there is another rocky point, McQueschen s Rock, 
which to me is even prettier than Oiseau. " The Bronson s, of 
Ottawa, have a 100 mile Hunting Preserve, over there to the north 
on the Quebec side." We pass Schyan s Point to the right and 
Robert s wharf to the left nearly opposite, and then Des Joachims 
comes in sight, and Des Joachims is the limit, that is the end of 
the lake. I defy you to pronounce that name, I tried and the 
nearest I could come to it was 

348 The Spokes. 

"Days Washin," 

and some of the crowd we found there, looked like they needed it. 

Over to the south you see the falls with the old tumble down 
bridge, and the two new bridges further up across the beautiful 
rapids. Miles of logs fill the lake at the head, and the steamer has 
to pick its way through the stray "floaters." We do not stay 
long as the obliging Captain had stopped at too many wharves 
on the way up, to deliver a letter or take on some trifle for the 
settlers. The Captain, the Colonel and others of us, go up to the 
little hotel, "The White House," so called from having been paint- 
ec! that color in early days. The name is all that stuck. We meet 
here, among others, the Chief of Police and Game Warden, who 
tells us that game is so plentiful a few miles back, that moose, 
caribou and deer, are like cattle for number. I got his name, 
that I might tell my hunter friends, who can write him for parti 
culars. It is Thomas Costello, game warden, Des Joachims, P.Q. 

We met here Judge H. K. Downey. He is not the sober, 
sedate Judge we often meet with on the bench. What?" The 
Captain wants to know if I see a little old Indian man, and I say 
" yes," although he is almost too small to see. Well, he is 
Chief of the Algonquins !" says the Captain, and at once I feel sorry 
for the Algonquins. We turn round and start back. Father For 
get, a little priest, with his horse and buggy gets on the boat. He 
is one of the men whom I should remember. He had a personal 
ity that was most pleasing and could tell a capital story. 

The Captain Posted the Letter. 

I told how obliging a Captain we had. I was wondering if 
there was a limit. There was. We were late, and Murphy was 
making up all the time possible when far across the lake to the 
right he sighted a signal flag. The Captain said something to 
himself, but rang the bell to turn, possibly a mile out of his way. 
What could it be ! It must be important to call a boat so much 
out of its course! He ran along side, the hawser was made fast 
and the boat stopped. " What is it, quick, I m late ? Say, 
see here, Capn, I wantcher ter post this here letr," said a native. 
"I hain t got no stamp but He pay yer next time if I happen ter be 
down to ther warf when yer pass." 

Some of us had thought, up to that minute, that the Captain 
might be a Sunday School teacher, but he wasn t. No, the Cap 
tain is not a Sunday School teacher. I don t know just why I think 
so, but I am almost certain he is not. (This letter is a fact.) 

For the benefit of my fishing and hunting readers, I will say 
that with Pembroke as a starting point, there are few better dis 
tricts than the one up the Allumette. In all the many streams that 
enter the lake, trout are very plentiful, while the lake itself in 
places is full of bass. This is the 

Ther Family er Deers. 349 

Sportsman s Paradise. 

I need but refer to a few of the many hunting and fishing clubs, 
who have camps in this section : " The Pontiac," with many 
New York members; "The Wedgewood," Dr, J. E. Deacoi, 
President, Edw. Dunlop, Secy. ; " The Caribou," of Ottawa and 
Pembroke, President, James Leach; "The Indian Point," Dr. 
Josephs, President, Dr. Kenning, Secretary, Edw. Ryan, Treas. ; 
" The Oiseau," Robt. Strutt, President, Jas. Fraser, Secy., Joseph 
Summerville, Treas. ; " The Nekbong," W. R. White, K.C., Pre 
sident ; and just now is forming the " Idlewild Hunting and Fish 
ing Club," limited to 25 members. They have a 30 mile limit on 
the Quebec side, on the Ottawa, northerly from Pembroke. They 
purpose building one of the finest hunting and fishing club houses 
in Canada. Its President is B. H. Blakeslee, Sec y-Treas., Mrs. 
F. A. Wegner, and Mr. F. A. Wegner, Managing Director. 

We leave Pembroke for Golden Lake, where we take the train 
for Algonquin Park. 


We stopped off to fish, at Barry s Bay. Some one spoke of 
duck hunting one day when a native said : " Ducks ain t looked 
on as game, but if yer talkin about deers then you are talkin. 

" Ther Familiar Deer." 

Ther deer howsever are too tame. Why," said he, as he took 
a fresh chaw, " ther deers hereabouts gits too familyer, alterge- 
ther too familver. Why, strangers, up ter Medderwasky, wher 
ther train stops ter eat, ther deers have got ter know it as an eaten 
place, an they come an eat beranners, an apples right out er ther 
passengers hans, fact strangers, oh, yes, ther deers in them parts 
is altergether too familyer. Git any fish? Why," said he look- 
at some four pound trout we had caught that morning, " them s 
nuthin but minners, we throws such is them back in the water ter 
grow. It s a shame ter take sich pore little fish," and that too, 
when the Colonel and I, had been calling ourselves " the mighty 
fishers of Barry s Bay." After the native had told us about how 
numerous and "familyer" the deer were at Madawaska, (22 miles 
west of Barry s Bay) where the train stops for refreshments, we 
were quite anxious to be going on, after a week of delightful wan 
dering. Yes, we were anxious to see "them familver deers at Med 
derwasky," and hurried away so that we could feed " them ber- 
nanners an apples outer yer hand." We had seen many deer 
around the Bay, and although not in hunting season, yet thev were 

350 The Spokes. 

too wild " ter eat bernanners outer yer hand," and I could not get 
a snap shot of the Colonel in the feeding act. Now we were go 
ing to see deer, that could be snap-shotted at close range. I had 
a number of captions selected for the picture; "the Colonel feeds 
the deer at Madawaska," Fifty minutes for refreshments," "The 
familyer deer," " Not afraid," and a number of other suitable 

When we reached 

M adawaska, 

130 miles west of Ottawa, and the half way point to Depot Har 
bor, we hurriedly finished our dinners, laid in a supply of "bern- 
nanners" and apples and started to find the " familyer." We 
had hardly hoped to find them, but we would try. The Colonel 
went in one direction, I went in another. I was the first to find them, 
and called to him. When he came running up, I was feeding two 
pretty animals, a buck and a doe. I won t tell you what the Col 
onel said, when he saw me in front of a wire pen feeding " ber 
nanners to them familyer deers," but from his remarks I don t 
think it would have been pleasant for the native of Barry s Bay 
to have been there. 

Madawaska is the end of the Division. Here ends the east 
and begins the west, to Depot Harbor, (pronounce this Dep-o). 
Before the railway opened this country, Madawaska was the end 
of civilization. This is in the centre of a great lumbering dis 
trict. Not far from here is where the now famous J. R. Booth, 
builder and principle owner of the Canada Atlantic, purchased 
his first timber limit. " Colonel, did I ever tell you about Booth s 
start ? You know of his marvellous rise in the lumber, steamboat 
and railway works, but I don t believe I ever told you of his start. 
It reads like another 

Aladin Story. 

" J. R. Booth was a farmer boy in the Eastern Townships, 
Province of Quebec. His father wished him to become a fanner. 
J. R. had other notions. Just what those notions were he did 
not then know ; but anything rather than to follow the plow. He 
left his home. His first work was to help on the building of the 
old fashioned railway covered bridges. He did not then have 
enough even to pay for a few tools, and had to borrow them until 
pay day. When he reached Ottawa, he found work in a mill, 
where he remained for a few years. In the meantime a monied 
man had seen in young Booth, a peculiar abilitv. There was a 
timber limit to be sold the one near here a limit of 150 square 
miles. The capitalist told Booth, buy this limit and I will put 
up the money for you. He meant that he would furnish the 
money if the limit was bought within a reasonable price. Mr. 
Booth sent out men to estimate the quantity of timber on the 

Booth s First Limit. 351 

land. The day before the sale was to be held, was an anxious 
day for him. His prospectors had not returned, and he feared 
they might not reach Ottawa, in time, but at 2 o clock on the very 
morning of the sale, they came in. Their report was that the 
timber was almost without limit. Trees standing like grass for 
number, and in quality unexcelled. 

The Sale. 

" Buyers were there from far and near. Others too had sent 
prospectors and knew the wonderful growth of that 150 square 
miles. The bidding became brisk. Capital met capital, and the 
price rose higher and higher. No price was bid but what 
it met a raise. Soon all the bidders were known to the excited 
crowd. All? No, not all. There was a silent bidder who 
winked his bid. Who was he ? The face of each man 
in the room was closely scanned, but the silent one was not 
detected nor suspected. Fraud, cried an anxious bidder. No 
fraud ! answered back the auctioneer, all bids are honest. One 
after another of the bidders dropped out, for the price was going 
far beyond reason, as they thought. $30,000, who says $35- 
ooo? Thirty-five I have. Thirty-six, slowly came a bid. 
Who makes it forty thousand? Scarce was it asked till he ran 
on forty I have ; forty-one, followed the slow bidder ; forty-two, 
forty-three, forty-four, going, going. Forty-four. $45,000, last 
call. Sold to J. R. Booth. Had a thunder clap from a clear sky 
sounded at that moment, it would not have struck that crowd with 
the same consternation as did that, Sold to J. R. Booth ! He 
cannot pay for it ! We have been defrauded of our rights ! The 
auctioneer in slow measured words replied : The limit is sold to 
J. R. Booth, and he can pay for it ! 

"When his capitalist who was at the sale, and had wondered 
why Booth made no bid, as he thought found that he was in 
for the $45,000, he said many things. Among others, I will give 
you $10,000 cash, if you will throw up the sale and let me off. 
No, came the wise answer of the future lumber king. No, you 
could not buy me off for all you are worth ! That limit is a fortune/ 
and so it has proved. For forty years Mr. Booth has been cut 
ting from it, and to-day it is valued at more than one million and 
a half dollars. It was the start, to-day, J. R. Booth, who left 
home for something better than farming, has 6,000 square 
miles of timber limits, nearly five times the size of our 
Rhode Island, larger than Connecticut, and almost as large as the 
State of Massachusetts. He has a line of steamers carrying mil 
lions of bushels of grain, with elevators scattered over hundreds of 
miles to hold that grain, and lumber mills where an army of men 
are employed in sawing over TOO million feet per annum. All 
these, not to mention a railroad of over 500 miles long (since sold 

35 2 The Spokes. 

to the Grand Trunk, for $14,000,000), and many other industries, 
and the whole running under a system marvellous for its perfec 
tion- His wisdom is shown in the selection of the young men of 
ability with whom he is surrounding himself. Each knows well 
his part arid does it. There now, Colonel, you have in part the 
life story of one of the most remarkable business men on the con 

The Colonel gives his last apple to the " familyer deer," and 
we go back to the station, to interview any Madawaskan we may 
find with a bit of information to impart. We find one and ask : 
What do you know that we don t ? " 

From your question I would hope, I knew a good many 
things." There, we gave him the advantage and put him at his ease. 
Then he told us the fish and game resources of his district. Said 
that in the hunting season there were many black bear, deer, 
and much small game, especially partridge, while as for fishing 
like all other places Madawaska is the best. Pointing over to 
the Opeongo Hills, a little north west, he said that Gov. E. C. 
Smith, of Vermont, had a hunting lodge on Victoria lake, a beau 
tiful bit of clear water, three by five miles in extent, " and," said 
he, straightening up, " this country must be all right to draw a 
Governor, and a Vermont Governor at that." He seemed to 
think that " the Ohio of the east," was quite a State, and it is, if 
stalwart men and bright women can make it so. This may seem 
a long talk, but did you ever think how much can be said in "fifty 
minutes for refreshments?" 

Beyond Madawaska, the Madawaska river is in sight most 
of the way, to 


fifteen miles beyond. If we had that river it would be utilized, 
and it would be invaluable for mills, along its whole course, as it 
is a series of rapids, with here and there a lake. Whitney is at 
the outlet of Long Lake. The St. Anthony Lumber Company, lo 
cated here has built up a considerable town. It was named for 
the millionaire brother of the leader of the Conservative party in 

Here is another excellent trout fishing section, but why men 
tion this when one might cast a "fly" into almost any stream or 
lake along the Canada Atlantic, throughout the whole 200 miles 
of Lakeland, and go home with proof of any " fish story " one 
might wish to tell ! It is indeed a land conducive of truth, for 
there would be no reason for the fisher s imagination. 

A Bio graph Picture. 

When you went to the Biograph Picture Show, what did you 
most enjoy? Were I asked this question I would readily reply: 

Algonquin National Park. 353 

That railway scene, showing a section of a beautiful country." 
Were that scene to be photographed on this road it would require 
a film reaching from Madawaska to the Georgian Bay, as it is all 
so beautiful that no part of it could be left out, and one would 
not grow tired. The scenes are ever changing, like as in a kalei 
doscope. One, who has never seen the like can form no concep 
tion of the beauty through which this road runs. It is not cul 
tivated, it is just wild and beautiful ! 

One more station, Rock Lake, and then we are in the little 

Algonquin National Park, 

so little known, that we are going to stop off at Algonquin Station, 
and take you over one of the numerous tours that can be made 
through this wondrous land of changing beauty, and if you can 
conceive from a pen picture, just a little of the real, then I will 
feel amply repaid for trying to tell you what here may be seen. 


" Rube," said the Colonel, one night as we sat in camp on 
the banks of Burnt lake, the prettiest bit of water we have yet 
seen in Canada, " you are certainly the most fortunate traveller 
I ever knew. You always meet the right man in the right place." 
Now I ll tell you just how it all happened and to what the Col 
onel referred. 

" The right man," was Donald Ross, and " the right place," 
was on the train just as we started from Madawaska after the 
"50 minutes for refreshments." All morning I had been asking 
Conductor Robertson " what more do you know of Algonquin 
Park?" until the poor man grew tired of telling me of the things 
that he had heard. So when Donald Ross, one of the ten Park 
Rangers, got on the train, at Madawaska, the Conductor took me 
to him and said : " Here is a man who knows all about it. I 
know nothing, but Ross knows the Park as a book," and so it 
proved. Ross was on his vacation and I met him "in the right 
place," for by the time we had reached the Algonquin Station he 
had excited my curiosity to see "The most unique Park in Canada 
if not on the continent." 

" I am just through my vacation and I can go with you or 
rather you can go with me on my rounds, and as my next tour 
is by far the best one of them all, you will be fortunate in seeing 

354 The Spokes. 


Where and What is Algonquin Park? 

I will tell you a few things about the Park, before starting" to 
see it. It is a vast tract of lakeland set apart by the wise men of 
Ontario for all time, "for the benefit and enjoyment of the people." 
It is a reserve nearly 2,000 square miles in extent. Nearly half 
the size of Connecticut. It lies east of Georgian Bay, about 75 
miles (to the western limit of the Park) and the southern limit 
is nearly 100 miles north of Lake Ontario. Its eastern limit is 
156 miles west of Ottawa, and its northern limit is a few 
miles south of the Ottawa river. There you have the location. 
Its elevation at the station is 1,837 

The Birthplace of Rivers. 

Here begin their meanderings, many rivers, some of them con 
siderable in size. I know of no section of country where are 
found so large a number of streams as start in Algonquin Park. 
Here head the North river and the East river. I ve since told this 
to a New York man, one whose geography is readily mixed. "Is 
that so? I never knew just where our two rivers started. I 
knew it was up north or down east somewhere, but I never before 
knew it was in Algonquin Park in Canada, but say hold on Rube," 
as an idea percolated, " how do they get across the Mississippi ? 
" By viaducts, Knicky, viaducts ! " and he went on making 
money as though he had not been stopped by so insignificant a 
thing as geography. 

The Muskoka, Severn, Madawaska, Bonnechere, Amable du 
Fond, Petewawa, Magnetawan, South, and other rivers, have their 
birth in Algonquin Park. They run east and north to the Ottawa, 
and south and west to the Georgian Bay. We cross the divide on the 
railway. The waters part, one to the east, the other to the west. 

The Land Half Water. 

Had I visited Algonquin Park, when I was an Irishman, I 
certainly should have said : The land up here is half water." 
Besides the many brooks, creeks and rivers, there are countless 
lakes, small and nameless up to the great Opeongo, the Cedar and 
the Tea. 1,000 lakes and some of them not yet counted. 

The Opeongo is nearly 20 miles long and lies in four town 
ships. Here was the burial place of the once great tribe of the 
Algonquins, now almost unknown, save by name. 

A Paradise for Wild Animals. 

No one is permitted to shoot any game. This fact has been 
sent broadcast with the result that the animals having read an 
account of it simply laugh at man, who must needs see, but not 

Rube and the Colonel Tour the Algonquin. 355 

molest them in their lazy abundance as he passes from lake to 
portage and portage to lake again. They are increasing in num 
ber very fast. 

The Start. 

It was a bright July morning. You, who live far to the south 
cannot realize that up here the sun rises only a few minutes after 
4 o clock, and it is light at 3. 

To write of 

The Tour of Algonquin 

in detail, would require a large book, and yet in that book there 
need be no dull pages. But in this I must vaguely touch here and 
there, giving you the barest outline of the way. 

The Outline. 

Look at that map and follow the course we took. Even though 
it be a good map it will show but few of the thousand or more 
lakes therein. To give them all would hardly leave room on the 
map for the land. Algonquin Park Station, is the headquarters 
for the ten rangers. Here are three fairly good houses (new). 

We drop the canoes into Cache lake, near the Station, leave 
it at its westerly side, through a small stream to White lake, short 
portage to a nameless lake, another portage to Little Island lake, 
so called from a pretty island that stands in the centre. From 
here to Smock (sometimes called Smoke) lake is a portage of 
three quarters of a mile. This is a long lake and nearly a mile 
wide to where you cross to a branch (North River) of the Mus- 
koka river, down which we canoe to South Tea lake. From here 
go almost directly north passing Mink lake to Canoe lake, fairly 
good size. Here is Gilmour s log camp. Next up another branch 
of the Muskoka to the Joe lakes, Big and Little. Portage half 
mile to a small lake, next to Island lake. This is another 
large lake. It is very beautiful having in places along the edge, 
sand beaches. By this tour we have formed two sides of a tri 
angle, and are almost directly north (10 miles) of Cache lake our 
starting point. From Island lake we canoe through to the two 
(Big and Little) Otter Slide lakes. Will tell you in another 
place of the otter seen here. Near by, where we pass out of Is 
land lake, there is a Ranger s hut, a shelter for both the rangers 
and the travelling public. I had better say the fishing, sightsee 
ing public. In the Park, there are near 50 of these huts. Here 
abouts is where the waters divide, the Muskoka to Georgian Bay, 
the Petewawa to the east to the Ottawa river. From the second 
and larger Otter Slide lake we reach White Trout lake, by Otter 
slide creek, on which there are five portages, owing to the rapids 
or falls along it s course. White Trout lake is large and beauti 
ful. By a short portage from its north end we reach the Pete- 

356 The Spokes. 

wawa river, which is more a lake than a river, and is called Lon 
ger lake, though not named on the map. Before reaching Red 
Pine lake, we make two short portages around two considerable 
falls. We canoe through Red into Burnt lake, the two seeming out 
one, so wide the passage. I didn t intend to stop in this outline, 
but the beauty of Burnt lake is too great not to more than men 
tion it. I must emphasize its beauty. Do you remember my 
description of Lake Bouquet or Shadow lake as I called it in "The 
Yankee in Quebec ? Up to now, Shadow lake had no equal, but 
with its many islands, Burnt lake is more beautiful. We reach 
another shelter hut at the northerly outlet of Burnt Island, and 
by a short portage go on to Perley s lakes, thence down the river 
(the Petewawa) on which there are three portages around falls 
or rapids, to Catfish lake, so called because there are no catfish 
in it, so Ross said. 

Turtle Rock. 

Don t let me forget to tell you of the strange rock seen on 
the easterly side of this lake. A rock weighing possibly 35 tons, 
raised up about one foot, and suoported by three rock pedestals. Did 
the Algonquins do it or was this once the home of pre-historic 
man? By man this rock most certainly was placed where it is. 
It looks at a distance not unlike an enormous turtle, hence the 

From the north-easterly outlet of Catfish we pass by a short 
portage to Narrow lake, from which by a portage of over 
a mile, we reach Twin or Spectacle lakes. The 
river at this point is full of cataracts, some of them falls of 50 
or 60 feet, and surpassingly beautiful. Trout fishing is here as 
good as we found. It is almost a succession of falls for five miles 
The fall from one to the other of the Twin lakes is especially 
fine. After passing the lower Twin, we go a mile in canoe, where 
we come to a portage of half a mile, to Cedar lake. Where the 
river enters the lake, there is another 50 feet fall and pretty 
rapids. Here Ross caught a speckled trout, that measured 24 
inches long and 13^ inches girth. I would not tell this here, 
even though I am remarkable for my truthfulness, were it not for 
the fact that W. F. Thompson has the skin of this fish tacked up 
on his boat house at his beautiful Rose Point Resort near Parry 
Sound. Thompson may try to make you believe it s one of his 
big salmon trout caught in the Sound, but I hardly think he will 
as I have called his resort " beautiful." I have again been truth 
ful on purpose that he will bear me out on Ross s big fish. 

Cedar lake is nearly 12 miles long and possibly 2 miles wide. 

Turn in the Tour. 

According to the map scale we are now 24 miles north and 
15 miles east of starting point. We begin to return. There is 

" Oh well, Seein its You we won t Count this Time." 357 

another tour, going up Cedar lake and far across to Big Tea lake 
in the north-western part of the Park, but we have not the time 
to take it. I may in another place give you some extracts from 
the pen of an able writer who took the tour last year. But to 
continue, we leave Cedar lake by its south-easterly end where 
we find a shelter hut going down the Petewawa, by several short 
portages to Trout lake. (Shelter hut near entrance to lake.) 
All along these portages the trout fishing is excellent. From 
Trout lake we turn westerly up the Little Madawaska river by 
several portages to Phlilip s lake, next to Hogan s lake, another 
of the larger lakes, at the easterly end of which we turn south and 
take the longest portage of the tour (over 3 miles) to Crow lake. 
From Crow lake there are two routes to get back to the railway ; 
one easterly, down the Crow river, to Lake Lavieille and from 
there through other lakes, streams and portages, but the portages 
are longer. We chose the one from Crow lake to Proulx lake, 
from which by two portages we reach the Great Opeongo, the 
largest of all the lakes in the Park. It is really three lakes 
though called but one. It might seem to some to be like an in 
land sea, it is so large. As before stated it lies in four townships. 
It ic deep and has fine sandy beaches, here and there, for bathing. 

From the extreme (south) end there is a portage of one and 
a half miles to the first of five little nameless lakes, through 
which, by the several portages to Lake of Two Rivers where 
we reached the railway. 

The trip has taken us two weeks, but so full of the delight 
ful that we can scarce believe the passing of time. When one 
thinks of the wasted weeks often months, spent at some fashion 
able sea shore resort, where one sees but the rivalry of wealth, 
and then in contrast comes to enjoy a bit of inexpensive pleasure 
like a tour of The Algonquin, it makes one wonder how great will 
be the number of happy pleasure seekers coming here, when once 
they learn of the beauties of The Algonquin. I said "inexpensive," 
why the whole cost of the outing is not much more than living at 

The Little Cost of Outing. 

Here is what we took for four of us. in our two canoes. Ross 
and I in one, the Colonel and Bob Balfour in the other. Four 
pairs of blankets, I frying pan, i tea pail, I boiling pot. 4 drink 
ing cups, 4 plates, knives, forks and spoons, I bag of bread, i box 
of biscuits, 10 Ibs. of chesse, 5 Ibs. of tea, 2 Ibs. of coffee, 20 Ibs. 
of breakfast bacon, 2 Ibs. of corn meal, to roll the fish in before 
fryine, I bag of salt and pepper, 6 cans of condensed milk, 6 cans 
of tomatoes and liquid refreshments for Ross, Bob and the Col 
onel. "What ! Oh well, seein it s you we won t count this time." 
These, with the delicious trout, which we take from the water at 
almost any point throughout the tour, supply with an appetite, 

358 The Spokes. 

that one always finds in the woods a menu that a Newport chef 
could not surpass. 

Incidents of the Tour. 

Go back to the Otter Slide lakes, and if you are very still you 
may see the otter, like playful children, " sliding down hill belly- 
buster. These slides are along the banks of the lake. They 
are sometimes fifteen or more feet high, and worn as smooth as 
ice. The otter crawl up the bank one after another, and take 
turns sliding down, until the little grooves, from oft use, by the wet 
bodies, become very " slick." No children could enjoy the 
sport more than do these otter. Being protected by law, these 
valuable fur bearers are becoming very numerous. 

Beaver Dams. 

Between Otter Slide and White Trout lakes, we saw two 
beaver dams three to four feet high. They are built with sticks 
and stones, cemented together with mud, and so well have these 
little architects done their work that no water can "seap" through. 
The beaver, like the otter, are increasing fast. There are many 
other dams throughout the Park. 

Moose and Red Deer 

are seen so often, especially the deer, that one soon takes little 
note of them passing. 

Rube Wants to Shoot. 

I shall not forget my excitement when I saw my first deer. 
I had taken a gun along. I don t know why, but I took it. "Oh 
let me shoot at that deer," said I. 

" No, it s against the law ! said Ross. "It s against the law 
to kill any animal inside the Park limits." 

"Kill? I didn t ask to kill it. I only asked to shoot, at it. 
I wouldn t hurt the poor thing." But Ross never having seen 
me shoot would not consent. I was so sorry as I should have 
liked so much a shot, that morning. Later on the deer became 
so plentiful that to shoot at them would have seemed like going 
out to a farm barnyard and shooting at the cows. It would not 
have been even the semblance of sport. 

The Lost Medical Students. 

At Catfish lake we found five medical students from Toronto. 
I say "found," for they had been lost for two days. They had 
started out without guides and gotten as far as "Turtle Rock," when 
we found them sitting round, singing and seemingly as happy 

That Night at Shelter Hut. . . The Scotch Preacher s Story. 359 

and content as though on their own camping- ground. They told 
us that they had just solved the mystery of Turtle Rock, and pro 
ceeded to give us their solution. It must be correct as medical 
students, especially in their first year, are remarkable for their 
gift of solution. 

" Once upon a time a million or two years ago " the red 
headed student was saying, " there lived in Algonquin Park a 
tribe of giants, who, by way of pastime, used to go about placing 
these rocks upon pedestals. This we know for here we see one 
of the rocks, which is proof positive of our solution." Then they 
sang : " For he s a jolly good fellow," and forgot all about being 
lost. We set them on their course, gave them a map and some 
bacon, and would have given them some of the liquid refreshments 
but by this time Ross, Bob and the Colonel had made that quite 

Possibly the jolliest night of our tour was spent at the shel 
ter hut at Burnt lake, the beauty of which lake I have already 
briefly told you. For miles around its banks are a dense mass 
of virgin pine, with here and there islands standing boldly out 
of the water, beautiful in their green. To see this one lake were 
worth the trip, but then as to 

That Night at Shelter Hut. 

Just here, I will say, that the shelter huts are built of logs 
and are 14 x 16 feet. They contain a stove, a table and bunks 
for six people with room on the floor for a number of spruce twig 
beds, if needs be and that night there was need. 

We met here a party of six tourists, two Canadians, a Scotch 
preacher, an Ohio man, one from Kentucky and the Doctor from 
Vermont. We sat out in the open until far in the night telling 
stories, singing songs and talking of the delights of The Algon 
quin. The stories of the Yankees were nearly all old ones, but 
those of the Canadians and the Scotch preacher were new, at least 
new to me. 

" Would hev Added Ten Yere ter My Life." 

" Apropos of the great healthfulness of Canada," began the 
Canadian Doctor, " there was a man who had long lived in New 
York State, near the Canadian line. That is he thought he lived 
in New York State, but along came the International surveyors, 
straightening the line between the States and Canada. The re 
sult threw our old farmer over a mile into Canada, convert 
ing him from a Yankee into a Canuck. A year later, one of his 
former New York neighbors meeting him asked: Well how do 
you like the change ? How do you like living in Canada ? Like 
it? Like it fine! I had alays herd thet it were a healthy coun 
try, and now I know. Why me en my fambly were never so 

360 The Spokes. 

helthy as we hev bin in the past yere. Why I do think ef thet ar 
line hed bin run et first it would hev added ten yeres to my life." 

He was nay Sic a Pule, or Sandy the Bonesetter. 

"Doctor," began the Scotch preacher*, "that s a pretty fair 
story, pretty fair, but let me tell you one about the old Scotch 
woman, who did nay believe in you high-fa-lutin doctors. One 
day her little boy, Donald, fell from a tree and broke his leg. She 
found that a doctor must be had quick, no time to lose, so she had 
to send for one of you. The leg was set, but the poor woman 
just knew that it would never get weel. Oh dear, she moaned, 
ef ony we cud have had Sandy the bonesetter, Donald wad shure 
racover, but tham ha-fa-lutin doctors are nay gud, and Donald 
may dee. But Donald did nay dee, and was soon able to be put 
into a wagon with a goodly supply of bedding and driven over 
the mountain to Sandy, the bonesetter. 

"All the way over she told Donald what a wonderful man 
was Sandy. How that he knew all about bonesetting. My, ha 
con til by tha luk o the sken aul aboot the fracture! Ah, sarry 
the dee ha war nay thare whun et was bruk. 

" Along about noon they reached Sandy s the bonesetter. 
Donald was carefully lifted out, taken in and laid upon a cot. 
The old lady told Sandy how sorry she was that he had not been 
near enough to be called when the accident happened, then told 
him to examine the laig while she held the horse. In due time 
Sandy reported that the laig was in a fair way of recovery, and 
Donald was placed back into the wagon and the happy mother 
started home, loud in her praise of the wonderful knowledge of 
Sandy. All the while she kept asking Donald, ded a examine 
it weel? Aye mither! Ded a press on hard? Aye mitherF 

"And so they ran on, she inquiring into all the details of the 
examination, and Donald answering to each question, Aye 
mither. When they reached home, poor Donald had to answer 
all the questions over for the benefit of the family. Finally some 
one said, oh poor Donnie huw it must have hurt to hav Sandy, 
the bonesetter, press say hard on tha poor lem! 

" Hurt! Hurt! said Donald with a smile, It did nay hurt at 
all. I was nay sic fule to shaw heem th sair laig. 

We all accorded to this story telling Scotch preacher the hon 
ors of the evening. He was moreover a singer, almost as good 


A Wade or a Fraser, the Warblers of No. 16. 

Those who have heard these warblers, can fully appreciate the 
qualities of his wonderful voice. It was full of technique. I think 
that that was what it was full of. I don t know just what it 
means, that s why I use the word, in the hope that it may be cor- 

* The dear old nmn has since died. 

Burnt Lake. The Pembroke Hunter s Story. 361 

rect, as none of the set phrases will fit the style of voice belonging 
to those singers, and did I use them you might guess that I do not 
know anything about music and guess rightly. It finally came 
my turn to "sing, tell a story or treat." As I could not do the 
first, and as Ross, Bob and the Colonel, had made the last impos 
sible, I had to tell a story, so I told 

The Pembroke Hunter s Story. 

One that had been told me only a few days before. It was 
one I could not have believed myself had I not had each part of 
it verified to my own eyes. It is but a sample of story often ie- 
lated in this land of great fishers and hunters. 

We had not been having very good luck fishing that morn 
ing," said the Pembroker, "but we moved the canoe down about 
one hundred yards and started in to whip, well sir, you never 
saw trout snap the fly like them trout snapped it at that new hole. 
In less than ten minutes we had thirty as fine five pounders as 
you ever saw. Here s one of them I had mounted," and there 
on the wall of his dining room he showed me the fish. It was 
a fine specimen. " The rest," said he, " were even finer." He 
took another drink of water and continued, as he started to 
ward the parlor. " By this time I had grown tired of fishing and 
paddled the canoe out to the bank. Picking up my rifle here s 
the rifle," said he, showing me a most Savage looking gun, still 
verifying his story as he went along. "We started up the bank, 
when I saw two fine bucks in exact range. I am very quick and 
up went my gun like a flash. I fired and brought them both down, 
shooting both through the head, and here are the heads." And 
there were the heads, one on either side of the large hall. : But 
a strange thing occurred when I fired that shot. There were two 
partridges sitting on a limb almost in exact range with the bucks, 
well, sir, you may imagine my surprise, when I saw both of them 
drop. I picked them up, put them into my game bag and went 
on to the bucks. I did not think about the birds any more until 
I reached home, when I found both alive, they only having been 
stunned by the passing bullet. Here are the two birds. Now, 
honest, ain t they fine?" I had to admit that they were beauties. 
Well, after we had hung up the two bucks," he continued, " the 
old guide said, say, I have a bear trap set over here to the left 
near a little creek, let s go over and see what may be in it. We 
went over, and bless you there was as fine a bear as you ever saw, 
fat and full of fight, but I soon fixed him. I was by this time 
tired out with good luck, but the old guide said, I have another 
bear trap down by the big pine, let s go see what s in it. W r e 
went and sure enough there was another bear, and here are the 
two skins. I had em both tanned for parlor rugs." And there 
sure enough were the two bear rugs on his large parlor floor. It 

362 The Spokes. 

was very hard for me to believe his story, but what was I to do, 
when, as I said before, he verified each part of it, by the proof to 
my very eyes.* 

Nobody said a word, but one after another filed off to the hut, 
and left me sitting alone. I have since often wondered why that 
little gathering on the banks of Burnt lake, came to such a sud 
den silent ending, but I shall never forget the pleasures of that 
night. I shall never hear any of those songs sung, or the stories 
told, but what they will carry me back, in sweet memory to Al 
gonquin Park in Canada. 


Were you ever in a town and felt all the while that you were 
in a city ? Well that s the feeling one has when in Parry Sound. 
There is something in the place that makes one feel that this 
town of 3,000 people is a thriving city. Everybody seems pro 
sperous, and there is an air of business about their manner that 
is pleasing. 

Fair Wages Will Keep the Boys at Home. 

I sought the reason and found it, and can you guess what I 
found ? It is one, that might be well for many another Canadian 
city to look into, and stop its young men from seeking homes in 
a foreign country, rather than staying to help build up their own 
land. Parry Sound pays fair wages, that is why it has the air of 
prosperity. I was told that it pays better wages than is paid in 
any place of its size in Canada. This may not be true, but it does 
pay good wages, and is in a fair way to become a city of large 
proportions. It has the location, both as to railroads and ship 
ping. Situated in a shelter harbor with lines of steamers plying 
in all directions, it cannot but in due time command a vast trade. 

" Where is Parry Sound? " As usual I began talking about 
it rather than first telling you where it is. Well, in the first place 
it is on a sound of the same name running in from Georgian Bay, 
some 18 or 20 miles. It is at the mouth of the Seguin river, a 
considerable stream that furnishes a large power for mills, besides 
being used for bringing in vast quantities of logs from a wide 
range of country along and tributary to it. It is 260 miles almost 
due west of Ottawa, and 140 a little west of north of Toronto. 
It is the County seat of the County of the same name. It is about 
40 years since it was started. The Gibsons first owned the land, 

* This story almost as I have told it. was related to me in Pembroke as true, and 
the man had not been drinking- anything but water either. 

The Parry Sound " Wink." 363 

but Wm. Beatty known as "The Governor," purchased all that por 
tion west of Seguin river, and laid out the town, as it is. 

Dry Deeds and " the Parry Sound Wink." 

Wm. Beatty was a very good man. There is only one lot in 
the whole town on which he left it possible to have a saloon, and 
that was by a mistake. It is at present occupied by the Bank of 
Ottawa. The managers of that bank were wise, in choosing this 
lot. If banking don t pay in Parry Sound they can turn it into 
a saloon. I did not at first know of this restriction in the deeds 
of "The Governor," and couldn t understand why that every time 
I missed the Colonel and made inquiry of a citizen any one of 
em he would invariably tell me : " Guess the Colonel must have 
gone across the river ! " and sure enough in a short time I d see 
him coming back across the bridge smiling. It wasn t long how 
ever until he got " on to " the " Parry Sound wink," when order 
ing soda water. That " wink " saved him many a step. 

Tourist Town. 

On account of the magnificent scenery for miles around 
Parry Sound, many tourists find their way here each summer, and 
on returning next year bring their friends. There are a number 
of hotels, some of them models of excellence in table and courtesy. 
This is especially so in Paisley s Belvidere, on the high hill over 
looking the Sound. If you have travelled in Western 
Ontario, you must know of Jim Paisley. He is mine host 
of the San Souci, at Moon River, as well as of the 
Belvidere, and only recently has begun making the Grand Union 
of Ottawa, a model house. He makes all his guests his friends, 
and they go but to come again. 

A Fisher and a Hunter s Resort. 

The fishing and hunting all around Parry Sound is most ex 
cellent. Just near by, across the Sound, is Parry Island, an Indian 
Reservation. Peter Megis, the Chief, can always furnish guides 
who know all the good hunting grounds, and ideal brooks where 
may be taken the " wily," in abundance. It is claimed that no 
better deer hunting can be found in the Dominion than within a 
short distance of this little city. 

Timber and Lumber District. 

Parry Sound is a great timber and lumber centre. The first 
day we reached there I was surprised to meet at the hotel one of 
the Shephards, of Boston, firm of Shephard Morse Lumber Com 
pany, whom I knew years ago in New York. He said that our 
timber is becoming so scarce they had to seek new fields, and that 

The Spokes. 

Canada just now is the best. Mr. Peter Whelen, of Ottawa, their 
Canadian representative, was with him. We found Mr. Whelen 
one of those genials whom to know is one of life s pleasures. 
But to return to timber. Vast forests of hardwoods, are all about 
Parry Sound. Maple, birch, white oak of very fine quality, are 
all here in abundance, while hemlock, bass wood and pine, keep 
a number of mills going, some of them night and day. 

Rube s Watch too Slow for the Saw. 

I never saw lumber made so fast before. I tried one day to time 
the sawing of a log, but put my watch back into my pocket. It ran 
too slow. Why, bless you, they had band saws with the teeth on 
both sides. It cut coming and going. And by the way, the original 
inventor of this saw now lives in Parry Sound. He was for 
merly of Dubois, Penna. There are here three enormous saw 
mills. The Parry Sound Lumber Company, J. B. Miller, Presi 
dent, Secretary, M. McClelland; The Conger Lumber Company, 
W r . H. Pratt, President, Wm. McClean, Secretary; The Wm. 
Peters Estate Lumber Company, Alvin Peters, Manager. 

Parry Sound Jail. 

I nearly forgot the jail, which to forget would be to leave 
out one of the institutions of Parry Sound. To be sure it is 
nearly always empty, but it is yet a feature. It is claimed that 
it sets one of the best tables of any boarding house in town. Pri 
soners however are a rarity and when they do get one they aim 
to treat him so well that he will want to stay, but somehow these 
mer are of a roving nature, never satisfied in one place. That 
is possibly why they can t hold him for any length of 
time, even with good board. The very day he takes a notion to 
go on the road again he simply picks up his clothes and goes. If 
he have no suitable wardrobe of his own he just walks off with 
the Judge s suit, and the Judge lays in a new supply for the next 
one and don t seem to mind it. There is so little doing, however, 
in law, that I guess the Judge is always glad of a new suit. Yes, 
the jail is a feature of Parry Sound. Its empty condition speaks 
well for its Ministers and 


of which there are a number. Some of the churches are really 
beautiful edifices. 


The town has two newspapers. The North Star, Liberal, and 
The Canadian, Conservative. Wm. Ireland is editor and proprie 
tor of the former, and Charles Sarvey editor and proprietor of 
the latter. They are live papers and appear to be well supported 
by the town. 

" August Night on Georgian Bay." 365 

The Bank of Ottawa has a branch here. Its building is pos 
sibly the finest business block in the place. Mr. H. Y. Complin 
is manager. 

Municipal Success. 

They have municipal electric lighting and water works, and 
the Mayor, Mr. J. A. Johnson, informed us that the plan is work 
ing most admirably. 


One evening as the Colonel and I sat out on the piazza of the 
Belvidere, which overlooks the island dotted Sound, we could not 
but enjoy the prospect before us. As far as the eye could reach, 
to the west, was nought but a placid sheet of water, broken in 
the far distance by an arm of highlands (shutting off the Sound 
from the Bay), above whose edge the great red sun was going 
to his rest among the 70,000 islands of the beautiful Georgian Bay 

" Rube, of what are you thinking ? " asked the Colonel, who 
noted my pleased silence. 

" Thinking of that sweet poem of Wm. Wilfrid Campbell s. 
You know he is called the "Lake Poet," from the many gems he has 
written of this very country, or rather of the lakes to the near 
west of here. In looking over this magnificent scene, I could not 
but recall this one of his which seems so fitting to this time and 
place," and then I told him these lines of the gem : 

"August Night on Georgian Bay." 

The day dreams out, the night is brooding in, 
Across this world of vapor, wood and wave, 
Things blur and dim. Cool silvery ripples lave 
The sands and rustling reed-beds. Now begin 
Night s dreamy choruses, the numerous din 
Of sleepy voices. Tremulous, one by one, 
The stars blink in. The dusk drives out the sun, 
And all the world the hosts of darkness win. 

Anon through mists, the harvest moon will come, 
With breathing flames, above the forest edge; 
Flooding the silence in a silvern dream; 
Conquering the night and all its voices dumb, 
With unheard melodies. While all agleam 
Low flutes the lake along the lustrous sedge." 

" Colonel, I shall never see nor hear those lines but I shall 
think of this night in Parry Sound." And I spoke truly. We left 
next day to return to the Capital, but often and often again have 
I lived over that night ; and enjoyed in memory the delightful tour 
through "Lakeland." 

366 The Spokes 


Rube, what village was that we passed on the way to Queen s 
Park? asked the Colonel one day when we were talking- over 
the places about Ottawa. 

That was Aylmer, the Deserted Village of the North. " 

Why so called?" 

From the fact of it s having been the home of so many pro 
minent men, now gone to other parts. It was the birthplace of 
the world-known 

Christian Endeavor Clark*. 

Rev. Francis E. Clark born Symmes a man of far reaching in 
fluence, whose followers will reach into millions, even during his 
life time." 

What, do you mean to say that the man who originated the 
Christian Endeavor Society was born in Aylmer? This is inter 

Yes, the same. He was the son of Charles Carey Symmes. 
When his father and mother died he was adopted by his maternal 
uncle and took his name, Clark." 

When the Colonel heard this, nothing would do but that we 
should visit the birth place of this famous man, and next day we 
went out to Aylmer, taking the Hull electric trolley, starting from 
the station under the Dufferin bridge near the post office. 

We got off the car at Aylmer and walked out Broad St., so 
called from its narrowness, directly north from the Court House, 
past the shaded square walked out to where town blends into 
country, and there we found 

Cherry Cottage, 

(now occupied by T. W. E. Sowter, a geologist of more than 
national note), so named from the many trees of that fruit which 
once surrounded it. " Yes," we were told, " this is where Francis 
Clark was born in that room !" Then we looked at "that room," 
and felt almost as though looking upon sacred walls. We left 
Cherry Cottage, and the first person we met informed us that we 
had seen but one of the birth places of this illustrious man, and 
then he kindly directed us to the other, on the corner of Main St., 
and the shaded square opposite the Court House. " Yes, this is 
the birth place of the great Christian Endeavor Clark ! " at this 
we ceased to wonder that poor old Homer had seven cities claim- 

* It is a remarkable fact that Rev. Francis E. Clark now of Boston the head of 
the Chritian Endeavor Society, should come from Aylmer, Province of Quebec, and 
Bishop J F. Berry now of Buffalo, N.Y. the head of the Epworth League, should 
come from Aylmer, Province of Ontario. Both from Canada and both from the only 
two towns of that name towns with but a difference of 87 in their 2,000 inhabitants. 

Madame Albani s First Piano. 367 

ing him. The house is a dark, gloomy looking stone building, 
and not at all ideal as a birth place. When we looked at the two, 
we did not wonder that Rev. Clark should choose to celebrate at 
the cottage, which, with the Christian Endeavorers, he did, dur 
ing the Convention held in Ottawa in 1896, and yet all sorts of 
proof is advanced to show that the Symmes Prentiss house, on 
Main St., is the place. A very old lady told us she knew it was, 
for once she took her little girl there to see the baby and both 
she and her daughter are positive that Francis was that "baby." 
Another citizen said he knew that the stone house was the place, 
for his grandfather had heard that Cherry Cottage was not built 
until after "Frank s" arrival. They all lovingly call him "Frank," 
in Aylmer. It is hard to say which faction is right. I give you 
the two, take your choice. Be all this as it may the Cottage was 
the only Aylmer home " Frank " Clark ever knew. His father 
was a lumberman, and died on his way back from Quebec in 1854, 
died on the boat before reaching Three Rivers, where he was 
buried. He contracted cholera from the poor immigrants, whose 
suffering he risked his own life to relieve. His mother was a 
very remarkable woman; highly educated, and of great strength 
of character, as may be known from her talented son. "Like 
mother like son." She taught school in Cherry Cottage almost 
up to her death,which occurred March 26th, 1859, when Francis 
was but seven years old. (See illustrations of Rev. Clark and the 
Cottage. ) 

Madame Albani 

lived in Aylmer when a little girl. She was born Lajennesse, 
at Chambley, Province of Quebec. Some say in Montreal. A 
newspaper man said he was positive of it, and for five months 
promised each time I met him to furnish me the facts but I 
couldn t hold the press open any longer and must needs give the 
accepted Chambley. We saw her first piano. It was made by 
John Broadwood and Sons, makers to His Majesty and Princess, 
Great Poulteney and Golden Square, London. It is very small, 
27 inches wide by 64 long. 

There is a Member of Parliament in London who does not 
fear to cross swords with the greatest of the Empire. He is a 
Canadian. He was the Member for Ottawa County before it was 
divided, and afterward represented Wright County. He resign 
ed in 1897, when he was sent as Dominion Commissioner to Dub 
lin, Ireland. When Colonel Lynch s seat, in Galway City, be 
came vacant, this Canadian was chosen to fill it chosen by ac 
clamation. It was our pleasure to hear him speak, one night in 
Ottawa. He is an orator of rare ability. That Canadian is 
Charles R. Devlin, son of Charles Devlin, of Aylmer. 

Many of Ottawa s prominent business and professional men 
are from this town. Among the number are, T. Lindsay, one of 

368 The Spokes. 

the most successful merchants in Ottawa, the Davis Brothers, 
large contractors, H. K. Egan, capitalist, Henry Aylen, one of the 
best known lawyers in the city, J. C. Brown, broker, and many 

Mayor Symmes, of " The Lilacs," has six sons, two are in 
Chili, South America, one in Johannesberg, South Africa, one in 
Montana, and two in Chicago, and all prominent in their various 

The Klock Brothers, of Mattawa, and Montreal, sons of the 
great old time lumberman, R. H. Klock, were once of Aylmer. If 
father was like sons he must have been a grand old man, for more 
genial men, than the two brothers, I have not met in all Canada. 

Agricultural Fair. 

The Colonel and I happened in town on Fair Day. Up here 
in Canada the " Fair Ground " is an institution. Towns or vil 
lages with less than 500 people will often have a most creditable 
exhibition. The country people go into it with the right spirit, 
and you would be surprised at the success, even one of their vil 
lages makes. 

Rube Takes First Premium. 

Seeing that there were no photographs in competition, and 
having a large number with me, I fixed up a card of them and 
took " first premium." The Colonel, however, declares that I 
took it when the committee wasn t looking. 

The Colonel Pays Two Fares to See the Fair. 

He says this to get even for my causing him to pay two ad 
missions. You see he had climbed up on the high enclosure to 
take a snap shot of the grounds. Just as he was getting down, 
the President of the Fair happened along. " Here, we don t allow 
people to climb over the fence, into the grounds ; you must pay 
your fare. Out with it ! " 

" I didn t climb over ! " protested the Colonel. 
" Didn t climb over ! Why man I saw you ! " 

"Yes," said I, " make him pay Mr. President. I wouldn t 
allow people to come over the fence, you can t run your show on 
dead heads. Then to the Colonel, as though I didn t know 
him : " Mr., you ought to be ashamed of yourself to try to 
beat your way into peoples fairs, come pay the man." Say, I 
wish I could have taken the Colonel s picture at that moment, but 
I couldn t, he had the camera. That is why he says I took that first 
premium," when the committee wasn t looking. 

Courtesy to the Stars and Stripes. ^69 

The Hull Electric Company 

has its offices here. Wm. R. Taylor, for years connected with 
the Missouri Pacific, at St. Louis, is the efficient manager, under 
whose supervision the road is becoming a most valuable asset. It 
has 26 miles of track, and is well equipped. It runs from Hull 
to Queen s Park, along the north shore of the Ottawa, passing on 
the way Tetreauville, Deschenes (at which place is located the 
company s power house), and Aylmer. 

Queen s Park contains 80 acres, and is a small Coney Island, 
without the objections of that famous resort. It is well shaded 
by pretty cedars and pines. It is rolling and picturesque. Here 
you can shoot the chutes, listen to the laughter of children in the 
merry-go-round, or lose yourself in the Mystic Moorish Maze, 
with its 124 trick doors. The Park lies on Lake Deschenes 
(meaning, the lake of the oaks), a body of water of which the fam 
ous oarsman Hanlan once said : " It is the finest stretch of water 
I ever saw for a regatta." 

Victoria Yacht Club 

has its club house at the Park. Its officers are: President, E. A. 
Diver; Vice-President, Geo. H. Rogers; Secretary, E. T. B. Gill- 
more; Treasurer, D. E. Johnson; Hon. Commodore, Geo. H. 
Miller; Commodore, the once famous oarsman, R. H. Haycock; 
Vice-Commodore, C. W. Spencer; and Rear Commodore, A. H. 
Taylor. Directors: E. A. Olver, Geo. Burn, S. H. Rogers, D. 
E. Johnson, P. McGillivray, M. W. Merrill, W. H. Thicke, O. 
Haycock, P. D. Bentley, T. Leavie and Geo. H. Ross. 

Stars and Stripes. 

It was in the ball room of the Victoria Club House where 
we counted 21 of our own flags. They hung side and side with 
the Union Jack. It made me feel ashamed of some of my own 
country who lose their heads when they see a British flag 
in our cities. The fact that these heads are empty, is the only 
excuse I can give, and yet I am heartily ashamed of them when 
I see how kind these people are toward our flag. We owe this 
club for many courtesies. It has a membership of about 300. 

Apropos of Aylmer. It is remarkable for its pretty girls 
as the Colonel discovered and for their musical accomplish 
ments as I discovered. Some of them having remarkable voices. 

It was once a Court town but the "seat" was removed to 
Hull. The old citizen in speaking of this removal said : It 
nearly broke up our hotels. You know, strangers, take the members 
of the bar (here he winked) away from a town and that town 
is agoing to feel the blow." 

37 The Spokes. 

The Black Story. 

"Ever hear the story about Black?" "No? well one day 
when the Judge was aholding a Court here in Court House No. I, 
which was built in 1852, burned and rebuilt in 1865 this Black 
I m a tellin you about, made a small disturbance. The Judge had 
dispepsy, and was just a bit more crabbed that day than usual 
Here, put that man out! said he, sharp like. Two constables 
grabbed Black and led him to the door, but he was too quick for 
them. He pushed them out, shut the door, turned the key, then 
saluted, polite like : Your Honor, they re both out. " 


A delightful days outing is to Chelsea, 9 miles out on the 
Gatineau Road. Start at 9.30 from the Union Station. There is 
not so much to see at the station, but hours may be spent along the 
river, a short distance to the east of the station. 

Here is the " deserted village," once the busy site of the Allan 
Gilmour mills. The mills and workmen s cottages are fast going 
to ruin, but ruins always have a charm for the tourist, even though 
they be but of wood. There are pretty falls and rapids, and cosey 
nooks along the shady banks of the Gatineau, an ideal place for a 
day s outing. You may fish or wander far up the river, with its 
ever changing scenery. 

Some of the old houses show new life, as Ottawans take them 
for the summer months, and get far more restful pleasure than at 
some fashionable resort. Among these cottagers are John Sharpe, 
the Sculptor, John Chisholm, of the Justice Department, Rev. Mr. 
Turnbull, of the Bank Street Presbyterian Church, Rev. Mr. 
Mitchell, of the Erskine Church, Geo. H. Wilson, editor of the 
Evening Journal, Mr. Harris, Gerald Brown, the popular and 
well known representative of the Montreal Witness, and many 
others. Doctor George Johnson, Dominion Statistician, of fre 
quent mention, has one of his numerous bee farms at Chelsea, 
where he amuses himself at odd moments. The amusement 
however is often for the other fellow, especially, when the Doctor 
has a bit of " hiving to do." ii . 

The real pleasure of a day in the country is to 
" run across " new places. At the station we saw a man 
with a wagon. Where are you going ?" said he. Now, we had 
heard of Kingsmere, and had the mountain (?) of that name 
pointed out to us from Parliament House to the north, but like 
many another place, it was only a name. It was something new 
to see, so we said : " We re going with you/ and to Kingsmere 

The End. 371 

we went. " Five miles to the south of the station." That s what 
the driver said, to make even change at 5 cents per mile ; but four 
and one-half is the distance, and a delightful drive, passing Old 
Chelsea, a mile and a half away, with its quaint country church 
and graveyard. Nothing of note to see, unless it was to watch 
the bevy of pretty girls as they paraded the main street, outchew- 
ing even " The pretty gum chewers of Carp." The Colonel says 
the village girl of Canada can beat our typical factory girl wh2n 
it comes to wax-chewing. At Old Chelsea it was general. There 
may be exceptions, but if so, they were not on Main Street the day 
we passed. 

Kingsmere is a beautiful lake, small, but situated as it is, at 
the foot of the mountain (?) on one side and hills all around, it is 
simply a charming sheet of water. 

It is a very select spot. The cottages of some of the best 
people of Ottawa are all about, some nestling among the well- 
shaded banks, whilst others occupy high elevations, commanding 
views of surpassing beauty. Here are the summer homes of Mr. 
A. Fleck, of the Canada Atlantic ; Mr. Levi Crannell, of frequent 
mention ; Mr. Gilbert Allan ; Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge, of St. An 
drew s Church; Mr. James; Lady Bourinot; Messrs. Charles ind 
John Bryson, of Bryson & Graham ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins, 
both of " musical Ottawa " ; Mackenzie King, the talented young 
Deputy Minister of Labor, well known at Harvard, where he was 
for a time connected as an instructor, which place he resigned to 
take his present position; R. A. Bradley, barrister, and many 
others. We visited 

Brown s Mica Mines, 

the first we had ever seen. This is a great mica section. It is 
mined in a very primitive way, and yet thousands of dollars worth 
is taken out annually. If handled in a business-like way, a for 
tune might be dug out each year. 

We returned to the station, and thence to the city, after a most 
delightful day s pleasure. 

The Colonel and I often remark the good fortune that brought 
us to Ottawa, for we have never before found so charming a city, 
with surroundings (saving Quebec) so heart pleasing. We can 
not forget our "first love," hence the parenthesis, and yet we often 
fear that if we stay in and about Ottawa much longer, there 
will be danger of a " breach of promise suit." 




Whilst searching for data for the foregoing, 
and whilst writing out that data, I began no less 
than three chapters each one of which has grown 
into what will make a book of itself. The first 
will be " The Bytown Pioneers." This will in 
clude all the names that could be found in early 
records, lists from every source, including the 
memory of " The oldest inhabitant." 

It will cover not only Bytown but all of Car- 
leton County, and portions of the country to the 
north of the Ottawa. 

CARD S 1955. 

The second book will be " Card s 1955." It 
will be a graphic account of what " Rube and the 
Colonel " find on return to the "New Ottawa" 
fifty years from date, at which time Ottawa has 
grown to a city of 999,999. 

As communication then is very rapid they 
visit Quebec, Winnipeg, "The Babylon of the 
North"- -via. Toronto, and other great cities. 
The rate being 

20 Miles a Minute, 

very little time is wasted in travel, so that they 
have much time to spend, visiting in the various 
destinations, about which they have much to say. 

It will be somewhat after the 

Jules Verne Style, 

although I might say in passing that a critic in 
looking over the manuscript said that "Jules is not 
in the race with some of the Colonel s stories, 
whilst Rube is traveling in the same cannon ball" 
The book is not intended to relieve insomnia, 
and facts in no way retard the running of the 


plot of which there is none to speak, unless it 
be in the telling of 

The Marvellous Growth of Canada, 

and the vast development of the Dominion. 
While local, in a way, it is intended to keep the 
Kamskatkin as wide awake as the native of the 
great city of Hull which has extended its bor 
ders to the north, taking in Chelsea. 

The two attend a number of public meetings, 
one of which was called to devise plans for 

Building the Central Station. 

In this, Rube makes a great hit by delivering a 
speech as original, which he had heard "The Sena 
tor" deliver when he (Rube) was here before. 
The speech will be given in full, merely to show 
what a memory he has. Original at the start it 
will have lost, in time, none of its originality. 

The third book grew out of the second and 
takes the form of a novel for that matter, how 
ever, both are in a way novel, and tis hoped will 
not prove uninteresting, especially in Quebec, 
or rather under Quebec, where the plot is laid. 
It may contain some wild fancies, but wild fan 
cies will be the order in 1955, so it will be apro 
pos. This book will be 


The name don t mean anything but may in time. 

The two books will be profusely illustrated 
by numerous pictures, which have been promised 
for " The Hub and The Spokes," and which by 
then will have been received by the author, in 
cluding one of a very popular regiment who had 
promised, up to the last moment, that " we will 
get you that group if you just hold the press 
open long enough." 

There will be some mention of 


The Great Men of 1905. 

found in a list engraved on brass, dug up by some 
workmen. It creates a sensation on account of 
its length. Rube and the Colonel create another 
sensation by telling in what way they were great, 
as unfortunately history had missed some of them 
in the shuffle of time. 

But to return to seriousness and The 
Bytown Pioneers." It is desirable that all apathy 
be thrown off and family data be furnished me 
as soon as possible, and the data needed will be 
simply the name of your first ancestor who came 
to Bytown, up to January ist, 1855. I want his 
full name, the date of his arrival and the name 
of his sons. I may have much of this already, 
as I have as many as 1,500 names. Your family 
may be in the list but don t take that for granted 
This is the form in which I want it: "Chas. B. 
Woodhead came to Bytown (or as the case may 
be any other place in Carleton or Wright Coun 
ties) in 1829. Sons names," (here give their 
names in order of birth). You need not give 
the daughters names, as the dear girls, then as 
now, had a way of changing their names on slight 
provocation and duplicate families would appear 
in the records. 

Honor to Have Been of Bytown Origin. 

The day is coming when to have been of old 
Bytown origin will be a special honor and as 
they of the first to have pioneered a country de 
serve remembering, it is desirable that you will 
all help preserve the Bytown names. Ten years 
from now this work will be impossible, as much 
of it is already lost, and the memory of the old 
is going fast. They too are going fast. As I 
look over my notes, I find name after name gone, 
of those who gave me kindly assistance, and ere 
long there will be none left to prove that Bytown 
ever existed save proof by record. 



Ottawa, Canada. 


JJan,? 4 In 23 bg W. if. larllrlt (1S39) 
shnuitn^ Bieutfi frnm Halifax tn lytniun 

24 In 31 by W. g. iuutpr, 3r. (1B55) 
in attii annntn lEarly (Ottawa 

ii Uicuia nf tlje iEarly 0aya nf tlj 
(Capital, inrluntttij ISpwrnniirltnufi nf mime 
ann Baluabl? (lh 




Fot/f4ed ." fl?6 ^- 

First Plan of Bytown. 

ThevChaudiere Falls, sketched by Colonel John By 1826. 

Barracks (now Parliament) Hill, from Wellington Street 1842. 

First picture of the Ricleau Locks at Bytown. Drawn by G. T. Vigne in 1832. 

































































The Chasm, " The Seven Falls," which Philemon Wright saw in 1798. 

View from the Interior of the Chasm. 


Chaudiere from the North. 

Ottawa River at Gatineau Point. 

Timber Slide, Hull Side. 

The Big Kettle, Chaudiere Falls. 


Rideau Falls, falling into Ottawa River. 

Locks at Bytown-Major s Hill to left, Barracks Hill to right. 

Suspension Bridge over Chaudiere Falls. 

Approach to Suspension Bridge, Chaudiere. 

View from Barracks Hill. 

"The Wells, two miles above Chaudiere Falls, Hull Side. 




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The Walkley First Brick House. 
Nicholas Sparks First Stone House. 
Joseph Coombs First Frame House. 
















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0\ : lEffliT S5HEER6, ALtlLKT 31, 1SOO, 


ri . /.(f.tJ/rx and a 

, > -J. 


But two of all the number living Hon. R. W. Scott and S. Haycock. 



Ottawa Ladies who danced with the Prince of \Vales-iS6o. 
6. Mrs. George Taylor. 4. Mrs Henry A. F. McLeod. 5- I.adv Ritchie. 

Medals Won in 1832 " Shinnie on your own siie." 


Views of Ottawa 1860. 

8. Rideau Falls. 9 Old City Hall. 

10. Chaudiere Falls and Bridge. i i. Booth s Mills. 

First Lacrosse Team in Ottawa 1 86s. 
Thomas Birkett, M. P., third player from the left. 

fllMscellaneous Section. 

This is not a Los Angeles Scene. It is MacGrady s Gatineau Point Rose Garden. 
Canada may have snows, but it has flowers too. 

Bank Managers of Ottawa. 














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Ottawa Fire Department Photo by Lancefield. 

Chaudiere at the present day. 


The Canadian Bank of Commerce in Dawson Citv. The furthest north bank in the world. 

[0 ar? iiaking it 00 

att& HX^UJH in (Ettij 


Trie followin: 

were added to Hie Commission 
ince 1992 __ 



























Photos bn JWt ss Hyndman, 
Views in Rockliffe and Major s Hill Park. 





































4t Buena Vista," home of Mr. Thomas Ahearn, President of the Ottawa Street Ry. Co. 
" Echo Bank," home of Mr. Geo. Hay, President of the Ottawa Bank. 


Metcalfe Street. Interprovincial Bridge. 

Residence of D. Murphy, M.P.P. 

The Papineau Manor at Montebello Scene on the Gatineau. 

Shadows of the Ottawa. 





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E. B. Eddy. 
Mrs. John Scott. 

Judge L. N. Champagne. 
Edw. Skead. 
































6 4 














Specimens of E. I,. Norwood s Colonial Architecture. 

E. L Horwood. Fred. Heney. 

George Goo Iwin. \V. M. i- oat .:am. 

6 7 



1. " Grandma" Kennedy, nearly loo years old. 

2. Typical Home of a Peche Valley Farmer. 

3. ivfasham Church, Mayor Bra/.eau in foreground. 

4. Valley of tfce P iche, looking East. 

5. Valley of the / eche, looking West. 

6 9 


John M. Garland. 

Wholesale Dry Goo:ls House of John M. Garland, Son & Co. 
Dominion Immigration Offices. 






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Martin-Orme Piano Factory. 

Slater-Orme Block. The old stone house joining was built 

Metropolitan Insurance by Nicholas Sparks. It is one of the old landmarks. 
Building. L. N. Pouliu s Departmental Store. 




7 6 

T. Lindsay & Co., Departmental Store. 

Central Chambers. 

Offices of the International Cement Co. 
K. H. Whyte. 

McKinley & Northwood. 


Jas. W. Woods Manufactory, and Offices of Dominion Militia Dept. 

















, r 











Son and daughter of W. T. Stead to the right in group. 



Rev. Thomas Wardrope, D.D. 
John MacMillan, B.A. John Thorburn, M.A.., U,.D. 

John C. Glashan, LL.D., Inspector of Public Schools. 
A. H. McDougall, B.A. Cecil Bethune, Sec.-Treas. Collegiate Institute. 











Federal Engraving Co. 

Interior views of the new Arts Building of the University of Ottawa. Absolutely 
fireproof. Built wholly of Portland Cement. A new departure in construc 
tion in college buildings, wholly due to the care of Father Kmery, President 
of the University. He built for safety and to stand for ages. 

8 4 

Cardinal Gibbons. 

Apostolic Delegate (in centre). 

Bishop (First 1X48) Gui^ues 

Archbishop (Present 1904) Duhamel. 

Father Taharet. First Rector of Ottawa University, 1848. 

Present Rector. 

Father Emery, 


Gloucester Street Convent group. 

Ashbury College group. 




Ottawa Ladies College Group. 

"Sweet girl graduates," Rideau Street Convent. 

8 9 


Rideau Convent I,a\vn John and his Friends. 

Metropolitan Business College. 


Miles of distance, and dangers and hardships at the destination, never 
daunt the soldiery of Ottawa when duty calls, be that duty the collecting 
of taxes in Low or fighting for the Empire in South Africa. 

12 345 

Both picture and men were through the Kiel Rebellion of 1885. 
Engraving found on the outside of a copper cylinder. 

1. Color-Sgt. Chas. Winter, G.G.F.G., now Major, G.G.F.G. 

2. Staff-Sgt. Frank Newby, G.G.F.G. 

3. Sgt. Plunkett Taylor, G.G.F.G., now Major, G.G.F.G. 

4. Staff-Sgt. Maynard Rogers, 43rd, now Lt.-Col. U.C.O. R. 

5. Sgt. H. L. B. Ross, G.G.F.G. 



Col. The Right Hon. Lord Aylmer, Chief of Staff. 2. Lt.-Col. \V. E. Hodgins, 
D.O.C., M.D. No. 4. 3. Lt.-Col. S. C. D. Roper, G.G.K.G. 4. Lt.-Col. Robt. 
Brown, P. L. D.G. 5. Major E. C. Arno di, 2nd Battery C.A. 6. Lt.-Col. 
Maynard Rogers, 43rd D. C. O. R. 7. Major C. P. Meredith, Ottawa Co. 
Engineers. 8. Li^ut. Xewton Ker, Corps of Guides. 9. Lieut. J. F. Watson, 
Signal Corps. 10. Major A. T. Shillington, A.M.C. 





























Headquarters of the Commissary Field Force at Winnipeg during Riel 

Rebellion, 1885. 

At the Rifle Range The School of Musketry- Lt.-Col. Robert Cartwright in 

centre foreground. 

9 6 

"? ( 


The Hugging or Huggins Brigade. Rube says, " What s the difference of 

a g more or less, anyhow! " 




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From James Ash field s ] 

The Nile Voyageurs of 1884. 

famous picture. 

WAR IN Low. 

Photo by Reardon. 

Preparing for the Engagement Time 12 o clock, 1895. Captain s order : 
" Bring on them chickens the boys stole last night! " 


Federal Engraving Co. 
The Malone Ladies Corps, who visited Ottawa Dominion Day, 1904. 

Federal Engraving Co. 

The Duke of Cornwall s Own Rifles visit Burlington, Vt. 
Helping to celebrate Dewey s victory at Manila, 



A new variety of Grapes Grown in S. J. Jarvis s Vineyard. 

Noon hour at Booth s Carrying Papa his dinner. 





Ottawa in Pinafore. 



Representatives of the North American Fish and Game Protective Association 
to Convention in Ottawa, Jan. 22nd, 1903. 


I.angley goes " piggy-back." 

-un ing ) ^ Canadian Monogram. 
F-ishing / 


























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Ottawa Curling Club " Soop em up! " 

Capital Lacrosse Team Taken in Toronto after Capital-Tecumseh game, 

July 1 5th, 1904. 

<f National 3lntmat. 


Sir Edmund Head. Capt. Grey. Col. Bruce. Duke of Newcastle. 
H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. 

Rosemount, Montreal, 1860. 

The Duke of Cornwall and York and his Staff, 1901. 







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Photo by Topley. 

Right Hon. Sir Elzear Taschereau, Chief Justice (in centre). 
Hon. R. Sedgewick. Hon. D. Girouard. 

Hon. Sir Louis Davies. Hon. A. C. Killam. 

Hon. W. Nesbitt. 










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1 1 










Photot, by Topley. 

The Right Hon. Viscount Monck, G.C.M.G July 

. The Right Hon. Lord Lisgar, G.C.M.G. (Sir John Young) Feb. 

. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dufferin, K. \> , K.C.B., G.C.M.G June 

1 867 


4 . The Right Hon. the Marquess of Lome, K.T., G.C.M.G., P.C., &c. Nov. 25, 1878 


Photo by Toplcy. 

5. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Lansdowne, G.C.M.G., &c Oct. 23, 1883 

6. The Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Preston,* G.C.B June 1 1, 1888 

7. The Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, K.T., G.C.M.G Sept. 18, 1893 

8. The Right Hon. the Earl of Minto, G.C.M.G Nov. 12, 1898 

* Succeeded to the Earldom of Derby on the death of his brother, April 21, 1893. 







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" Possibly the greatest public demonstration of welcome ever give 
Lansdowne in 1888, when thousands of school children gathered on Carl 

This is one of the only two photographs of that occasion extant, at 
The other is in the possession of Lord Lansdowne himself. The plates 1 


t Governor-General in Canada ! " 
juare to sing their welcome. 

s kindly loaned by McLeod Stewart, who was then Mayor of Ottawa 
ne mishap were broken before more could be taken. 

Ph vto Tcpley. 

This was given to Lord and Lady 






























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Government House Party - The Vikings. Photo by Topley. 

Photo In/ Topley. 
Mrs. Macintosh s Party Cabot starting on his Voyage of Discovery. 


Photo by Topley. 
Mrs. T. M. Daly s Part} Jacques Cartier leaving France. 

Photo by S J. Jarcis. 
Lady Laurier s Party Canada in the time of Maissoneuve. 


This and the following Gr(.upn by Toplcy. 
Mrs. Dickey s Party The Early Settlers of Acadia. 

Mrs. Bourinot s Party Canada in the time of Montcalm and Wolfe. 

Mrs. White s Party- -Acadia in the time of Evangeline. 

Mrs R. W. Scott s Party The United Empire Loyalists. 

I 3 2 

General Group of Savages. 

Mrs. Gwynne s Party New France. 


Thos. Birkett, M.P. 
D. Murphy, M.P. P. 

C. Berkeley Powell, M.P.P. 

N. A. Belcourt, M.P., Speaker of the 
Dominion House of Parliament. 




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portrait <Ml?rg. 

Here s a health to them who are dead and gone, 

A health to those who are living on, 

A health to all who built Bytown, 

With many a smile with never a frown. 

But speak those words, that magic phrase, 

And the other men, and the other days, 

In memory sweet will come again, 

Will come again, 

Will come again. 


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i. R. H. Klock. 2. Col. Joseph Aumond. 3. Dan l McLachlin. 
4. John Egan. 5. John Poupore. 


i. Robt. Hamilton. 2. Andrew Leamey. 3. Hon. Jas. Skead. 

4. David Moore. 5. Isaac Moore. 



A. H. Baldwin. 2. Robt. Blackburn. 3. H. F. Bronson. 

4. J. M. Currier. 5. John A. Cameron. 


i. Wm. Mackey. 2. Alex. Fraser. 3. W. H. Hurdman. 

4. Jas. Maclaren. 

5. Wm. G. Perley. 

. ^.,, nmtl ? ? j 

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The delay of the engraver has left a number of the best for the last. 


General W. W. Henry, U.S. 
Consul in Quebec. 

U. S. Consul-General J. G. Foster, 
in Ottawa. 

Robt. Watchorn, U. S. Commissioner 
of Immigration for Canada. 

| 4 6 


1. First Vice- President, D. Murphy, M.P. P. 3. President John R. Reid. 

2. Second Vice- President J. W. Woods. 4. Treasurer C. A. Douglas. 


T. Ahearn. Warren Y. Soper. 

Page 150. 
















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Ottawa Rowing. 
" A. B. C." 

Ottawa Canoe. 
Victoria Yacht. 
Rideau Canoe. 




Some of those who answered, " What was the most dramatic episode in 
Canadian history? " Pages 203-209. 

1. Dr. W. T. Hcrridge. 6. Prof. Goldwin Smith. 11. Col. Geo. T 

2. Archbishop Lang-evin. 7 Nicholas Flood Davin. 12. Jaw. Bain, Jr. 

3. Rev. Geo. F. Salton. 8. Principal Grant. 13. Sir John Bourinot. 

4. Louis Frechette 9. Hon. J. VV Longley. 14. Hon. Geo. W. Kosg. 

5. Dr. Geo. R. Parkin. 10. Dr. Geo. Stewart. 


Prominent in their day in city and county. 

1. \Vm. Kidd. 

2. Edw. Sherwood. 

3. C. W. Bangs. 

4. Judge Armstrong. 

5. Jos. Hinton. 

6. Jas. Goodwin. 


Grand Union Hotel, at the fatuous Caledonia Springs, where was held the 

noted banquet. No. 6 is the Ottawa home of the Chairman of 

the dinner, Hon. A. G. Blair.- Page 328. 






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Prof. E. Stone Wiggins, whose marvelous predictions have created world interest. 


1. Home of Lt -Col. L. F. Pinault, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of Militia. 

2. John McDougald, Commissioner of Customs. 

3. W. L. Marler, Manager of the Merchants Bank of Canada. 


Senator David Wark, of Fredericton, X. R. The oldest Legislator in the world. 

Still on duty at 101 years of age. 

Twenty-fifth anniversary of St. Paul s Lutheran Church. 


Where " The Hub and the Spokes " became a Book. 


Numbers refer to the pages for the various headings and sub 




The Panorama (2); Chaudiere Falls (2); The Central 
Canada Exhibition (3); Experimental Farm (3); Rube 
Gets Locked in the Tower by some Pretty School Marms 
from Iowa (3); Parliament Corner Stone laid by the 
Prince of Wales (4); Large Minds and Small BodiesU); 
Fools Names are like their Faces (4). 


Parliament Buildings (5). 


The Path Through the Corn (6); The Colonel and the 
Bees (6); How New Varieties of Fruit and Grain are Pro 
duced (8); Rube Talks "Farm" to the Farmers (8); 
Poultry and Things (9); "The Calf eat its Blame Head 
off Long ago" (9); "Daddy" and His Little World (9); 
Arboretum and Botanic Garden (10). 


Hintonburg (12); Westboro (12); Britannia Boat 
Club (14). 


Perley Home (15); Ottawa Water Works (15); Rube gets 
Acquainted with a Big Man (15); The Falls (16); The 
Devil s Hole (16); The Ottawa Cave (16). 


The Commission Driveway (17); The Great Drill Hall 
(17); Minto Square (18); The Priests Farm (18). 




The Governor General s House (21); The Rifle Ranfe 
(22); Canadian School of Musketry (23); Wouldn t let 
Rube Shoot (23); The Royal Cabin (24). 


It Pays to be Kind (25); Odd Fellows Hall (26); Protest 
ant Home for the Aged (26); Exhibition Grounds (26); 
Growth of Ottawa (26). 



1 62 



Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal (33); The National 
Art Gallery (34); Ottawa Fish Hatchery (34). 




Ottawa Improvement Commission (36). 



Rapid Removal of Snow (37); No Overhanging Signs (37). 


Lady Minto s Prizes (38); Gra^sless School Yards (39); 
A Canadian Orange Grove (40); Horticultural Society 
(40); Field Naturalist Club (41); Only a Suggestion (41). 



John Burrows (45); Mile Stones of a Century (51); Bytown 

Incorporated Mayors (51); Ottawa born Jan. ist, 1855 

Mayors (52). 

The Governor General (53) ; Staff (53) ; The Ministry (54). 


Deputy Heads of Departments (55). 


Canadian Elections (57); Cabinet Ministers the Real 
Workers (59); Canadian Justice (59); He Wasn t a 
"Pillar" (50); Two Years for a Hog One for a Man 
(60); Tim Couldn t Pass the Bar (61); He s Just the 
Same (61). 


Normal and Model School and Collegiate Institute (63); 
Pretty School Children (63). 


Convents (64). 

Thanksgiving Day (65). 


Unique Dinner (69). 



Miss Harmon s School (71). 


Rugby Football (73); Basket Ball (74); Skating in Ottawa 
(74); The March (75)- 



Hockey (76); Lacrosse (76); Curling (77); The Govern 
or Generals Club (78); The Old Curler s Story (78); 
Tenms (79); Golf (79); Racquets (79); Hunting of Big 
Game (79) ; Canoeists (80); Football (80); Cricket (80); 
7<K ein u" d Sn0ws hoeing (80); Clay Pigeon Shooting 
1 } .Tobogganing (81); Shinny (81;; Medal of 1852 a 
< AH p nny ( 8l , ) , % u ? ne ( 82 )-> Bowling (82); Among 

4 f U r dS ( ? 2 A ; Ji" Flick or the D^renee 
, bkatmg Carnival (84); Mephistopheles (84). 


History of Golf in Ottawa (85). 

Moving Pictures (87). 

Cavalry The Princess Louise Dragoon Guards (90); 
Artillery Ottawa Field Battery (oo) ; Engineers Otta 
wa Company (90); Infantry The Governor General s 
*oot Guards (90); 43rd Regiment The Duke of Cornwall s 
Own Rifle (91); Army Medical Corps (91); Unattached 
List (91); Incidents and Humor of Things Military (92)- 
A Travelling Arsenal (93); The Old Cavalry Colonel s 
btory (93) (the best story in the book); Courtesies Ex 
changed (94); Historic Gun (95); Victoria Cross (95); 
Distinguished Service Order (95); Saw Service on Both 
7^ eS f i 9S i ; ? iel j Prayer or Proclamation (96); Major 
C Gat ) A L Howard (96); One Hundredth Regiment 
(97); Cant Kill Him, with Some Alleged Poetry (08) 

The Coldstream Guards Band (99); Organists (TOO); 

Pianists (too): Mandolinists (100); Violinists (too): 

Vocalists (100); A Great Musical Leader (101); Guy 
Mamguy (102). 


Artists (104); The Woman s Art Association (104); 
Chas. E. Moss (105); Growth of Art in Ottawa (106): 
Jas. W. Woods (106); A Rubens Picture (107); H A 
Bate (107); An Art Critic (Rev. Geo. F. Salton) (107); 
Thirty Cent Chromo (108); The Chiaro-Scura Club (109)- 
Henry Harold Vickers, Artist (109); A Pushing Artist 


Lecturers (in); "Our Forest and it s Preservation" (ill); 
Which One Lectured? (112); Monday Afternoons in 
Rideau Rmk (113); At Homes (114); New Year s Calling 


Woman s Home Companion (120); Springfield Ohio, a 
Periodical Center (120). 


A Good Reporter s Story (122); Boys of the Press Gallery 
Names of the Newspapers Representatives in the Capital 
(123); Moral Tone of the Canadian Press (123); Les 
Majeste (123); Divorce and Divorce Laws (124); Bytown 



Press (126); Importance of the Press (126); Growth of 
the Press (126). 

OLD BOYS AND THE OLD SONS ....................... 128 

(All of the various societies, with their officers given un 
der this head.) 

A BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR .............................. 133 

"Ottawa, The Capital of Canada, Illustrated" (134). 


OTTAWA, A CONVENTION CITY ........................ 135 

POLICE FORCE ......................................... 135 

DOMINION POLICE ...................................... 136 

Colonel Percy A. Sherwood (136). 
THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE ................. 136 

FAMOUS CANADIAN ARCHITECT ....................... 137 

Rev. Canon G. Bouillon (137); Nova Sancto Sophia (137) ; 
A Murillo Picture (138). 

UNDER PATRONAGE ................................... 139 


OF CORRESPONDENCE ........................ 140 

CEMETERIES ............................................ 

HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS ............................. 142 

THE DOCTORS OF OLD BYTOWN DAYS ................ 142 

Drs. Christie and Stewart (143); Drs. Tuthill, Rankin. 
Gillie, McQueen, Van Courtlandt (144); Drs Hill. Strat 
ford, A. Monson, F. Monson, Sewell (145); First Board 
of Health (146); Incorporators of Protestant Hospital 

OTTAWA STEP ........................................... H7 

Wealth Money (148); "Up in Mars" (148); Young Men 
in Business (149); From Messenger Boys to Capitalists 
(150); First to Cope with Snow (150). 




Lady Minto (154); Gracious Virtues (iSS); Unalterable 
Loyalty (156). 


Lord Strathcona (157)- 


Standard Time (159); The Pacific Cable (159); Honors of 
Worth (159); Commissions (160); Writings (160); Sav 
ing of the Queen s Picture (160); Broadminded (161). 


Staff (163); Royal Military College (164); The Militia 
Force (164); Schools of Instruction (165). 



Asks an Extension (168"): Could not Jolly Him (168); 
Seats for Six (169); The Boy and the Baldheaded Preacher 
(169); Secret of His Success (169). 



A Famous Speech (173). 

JOSEPH BENSON FORAKER, a Famous Orator 175 


Father of Cheap Postage d77); Growth of the Post 
Office Department (178); Postal Savings Banks (179); 
Postal Note (179). 



Incidents and Anecdotes (182); "He Looks it!" (183); It 
Nearly Kilt Him (183); They Couldn t Fool the Doctor 




G. M. FAIRCHILD, JR., Poet, Author, Artist 188 

GEORGE JOHNSON, D.C.L., Statistician 189 

The Flight of the Bluenoses (190). 

HENRY J. MORGAN, LL.D., Biographer 191 

BENJAMIN SULTE, F.R.S.C.. Poet, Historian 193 



What are the Most Dramatic Episodes in Canadian His 
tory? (195); Answered by the Hon. Geo. W. Ross (195); 
Colonel George T. Denison, Sir John Burnoit, James 
Bain, jr., Prof. Goldwin Smith, Sir Charles Tupper (204); 
Rev. Principal Grant, Louis Frechette, Hon. J. W. Long- 
ley, Rev Dr. John Potts (205); Nicholas Flood Davin, Dr. 
George Stewart, Dr. Geo. R. Parkin and W. L. Grant 
(206); His Grace Archbishop Longevin, Sir Sandford 
Fleming (207); Doctor Geo. Johnson, Rev. Dr. W. T. 
Herridge, Rev. Geo. F. Salton (208); Benjamin Suite, 
F.R.S.C. (209). 


Something Happened to the Boston Man (211); Hudson 
Bay an Open Sea (212); Winnipeg the Coming Babylon 
of the North (212); Marvellous Growth of the Northwest 
Territories (212). 


Comparative Area of Provinces (213); Rivers (214); Rail 
roads (215); Cities (215); Rube Talks to Principal and 
Teachers About Things Canadian (216) ; Educational Ad- 



vantages of Canada (216); Woodland (216); Proportion 
of Land under Cultivation (217). 

This is a very interesting chapter by reason of the things 

about which England is ignorant 217 

Fool Stories (218). 


Butter and Cheese (222); Rube Wonders if all Canadian 
Towns and Cities are Progressive, and is answered by 
Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Victoria, Vancouver, 
Brandon, Halifax, St. John, Hamilton, etc. (223 to 226); 
"A New Canada" (226). 


Great Respect Shown to the Stars and Stripes (227); this 
will prove a very interesting chapter to the idiots who 
imagine they are patriotic if they insult the flag of some 
other nation. " Canada loves her own and treats kindly 
the flags of other nations." 


that " Money to Burn " came from Ottawa 229 

Best in the World (229); Advantage over our Plan by 
Reason of the Branch System (229); Some Points of the 
System (230); Fiat Money first used in Canada (230); 
Absolute Safety of a Canadian Bank Note (231); General 
Banking Facility (232); Few Savings Banks (232); Other 
Points of Banking (232); This will prove of great inter 
est in the United States, where little or nothing is known 
of Canada s admirable banking system. Memo re Bank 
Circulation Fund (232). 




International Portland Cement Company (235); Joseph 
S. Irvin (236). 


Mountains of Iron Lying Idle (237). 


Waterfalls (238); The Te ephone is Canadian (238); Elec 
tric Cars (238); Telegraph (238); This chapter shows 
the great electric future of Canada. 


English Featherweight Paper (240). 


"Andrew Carregie an Appreciation," by Wm. Wilfrid 
Campbell (212); Carnegie Technical Schools (242); A 
Mighty Confederation (243). 


Anecdotes and Word Plays of Sir John (245). 




i6 7 



Timber Reserves and Fire Rangers (251); Some Timber 
Reserves and Limits (252); Canadian Forestry Association 



Bought for $400 in 1861, Sold in 1902 for $665 ooo (253) 
Ontario Timber Sales from 1868 to 1903 (254). 



Rube s Story of the Hogs (255); Establish Pork Packing 
Houses (256); Various Branches of the Business (257); 
Rube Talks on Cattle (257); "Build Abattoirs" (257; 
Rube Talks on Bacon (257); Proper Way to Populate 
Canada (258); "To Eat the Cake and Still Have it" 
258); Not a "Pipe Dream" (260); Rapid Growth of Land 
Values m the Northwest (261); Canada s Generous Offer 
Increase in Receipts (262); Free Homesteads 
(262); Advantages all on the Side of the Immigrant 
(262); Hardships of the Early Settlers (263). 




The only Good Englishman " says the Major "is a 
Dead One" (269); The Major Would Freeze us to Death 


Some Capital Stories (270); Always to the Front (270); 
The Half of Yees Come up" (271); "Ahr ye down 
Thare?" (271); The Great and only Mr. Z and his His 
torical Speech (271); "The Footprints of the Hand of 
Providence" (272); The Caves of Nepean Point or the 
Captain of the Black Pirate Ship (272); "The Scarlet 
Robes of the Golden Sunset" (272); Spring Chickens 
273); "Ze Old Vun vaz ze Yung Vun " (273); Edward 
got the Place (273); He follows the Medical Profession 
(273); "Off to a Better World" (274); "A Full Hand" 
(274); "Well Toss for the Next" (274); "Well den oo dit 
de dust pan" (275); Rube s Ottawa Sweetheart, aged 
nine (275). 


Police so Nice and Kind vip here (276); Fire Protection 
(277); Ottawans Matter of Fact People (277); Bytown 
Fire Brigades (278). 


Which shows that, to a man up a tree, " Honesty is the 
best policy," and may bring him an earlier dinner. 


Central Canada Exhibition (281); No Jays at the Fair 
(282); "Made in Canada" (282); Rube Buys a Microscope 
(283); Shurly and Detrich s Saws (283); " Karn is King" 



(284); Oliver Typewriter Oliver Born in Canada (284); 
An old Page Turns up (285); Rube Finds Something 
Superior from Home (285); W. C. Edward s Exhibition 
of Cattle (286); The New York Judge at the Dog Show 
(286); (A bit severe on some one.) Why the Colonel 
Left Home (287); A Baby Show (287); Wouldn t take the 
Tickets (288); The Old Citizen s Brother tells about the 
Furst Duminyun Exerbishun (288). 


The same now grown to a yellow dog may be had at a 


The Colonel Hears Something about Canadian Girls (291). 


Rube Tells about his First Circus (293); How the Colonel 
Watered the Elephant (294). 




Sketch 298 




Cordiality in Ottawa Churches (301). 


The One Exception of Departmental Courtesy (301); 
i( Who Sent you Here to Take up our Time like This?" 
(302); Weight of Water on an Acre (302). 


How Lincoln Sold Whiskey and Why (303). 








William Whistle s Famous Address to the Duke and 
Duchess of Cornwall and York at the Royal Cabin in 1901. 



Wakefield (314); "The Gatineau Cave" (314); Gracefield 
(314); Bass Fishing on Castor Lake (315); The Colonel, 
the Wild Goose and the Widdy (316); The Country Wed- 


ding (317): The big Trout Fish and Game Club (318); 
Game Warden (318); The Thirty-one Mile Lake Club 
(319); Wright Fish and Game Club (320); "King of the 
Gatineau " (320); Samuel Bingham (321); A Great Log 
Jam (321); Logging on the Gatineau (322); The Yankee 
Among the Shanties (323). 


Wood Gleaners (324); Rockland (325); Montebello (326); 
Caledonia Springs (327); A $15,000 Banquet (328). 



Sub-headings are the many stops on the way to Chats 


Kingston and the Thousand Islands (335). 

La Guignolee (337); "I Always Kiss the Pretty Girls of 
Ten and under" or "Auntie How Old are You?" (337); 
Musical Santa Claus (338); Purer French in Canada than 
in France (338); The French in Canada (339); Highest 
Offices in Canada Held by Frenchmen (339); Descendants 
of the Famous (339). 


Carp (340); Canada so full of Beauty that Canadians don t 
Realize it (341); An Indian Grave. A Memory (342); 
Men of Large Heart (343). 


Rube and the Colonel go up to "Days Washin" or the 
Pleasures of Lake Allumette (345-349). 


"The Familiar Deer" (349); Aladin Story or How J. R. 
Booth got Started How he Bought his First Limit (350- 
352); Whitney (352); A Biograph Picture (352). 


With an account of how Rube and the Colonel made 
the tour with Ross and Balfour, in which chapter are some 
good stories by the Scotch preacher and others. 


Fair Wages will Keep the Boys at Home (362); "The 
Parry Sound Wink" (363); A Fisher and Hunter s Re 
sort (363); Timber and Lumber District (363); Rube s 
Watch too Slow for the Saw (364) ; Parry Sound Jail 
(364); Municipal Success (365); "August Night on Geor 
gian Bay" (365). 

Christian Endeavor Clark (366); Cherry Cottage (366); 
Madame Albani and her First Piano (367); Rube and the 
Colonel go to the Aylmer Fair where Rube takes First 
Premium (368); The Colonel Pays Two Fares to see the 
Fair (368); The Hull Electric Company (369); 
Victoria Yacht Club (369); More Courtesy to the Stars 
and Stripes (369); The Black Story (370). 



The page number at bottom of illustrations refer to the printed 
portion of the book. 

Patrons Portraits 196 to 201 in printed portion. 


First Plan of Bytown and Chaudiere Falls by Colonel By.. 2 

Rideau Locks first picture 3 

Barracks Hill, 1842 

From page 4 to 23 are copies of W. H. Bartlett s famous steel 4 to 23 
engravings done in 1839. Originals loaned by Judge D. 
Girouard. The pictures are of the following cities and 
places: Halifax, N.S. (4); Windsor, N. S. (5); St. John, 
N.B. (6); Fredricton, N.B. (7); Quebec (8-9-10-11); Sher- 
brooke (12); Lake Memphramagog (13); Montreal (14); 
Prescott (15); Kingston (16); Coburg (17); Toronto (l8); 
Bytown (Ottawa) (19-20-21-22); Scene up the Ottawa (23). 
In 1855, Wm. S. Hunter, jr., was sent to Boston by a number 
of Ottawa s wealthy citizens with thirteen sketches of 
Ottawa and vicinity. These were lithographed and a 
very few sets printed, so that these pictures are even more 
rare than the " Bartletts." They run from page 24 to 

30. These were loaned by Mr. Francis McDou^all 241030 

The one on page 31 is also a " Hunter," done two years be- 31 

fore. I found the picture at the Archbishop s Palace. 
Canon Bouillon kindly presented it to me. In searching 
for the story of the incident pictured, I found the one 
man of the nine still living. I took his photograph and re 
produce the two on the same cut, making it unique in 
picture the incident and the man fifty-one years in 

Some of the first houses in Bytown 32 

Birdseye View of Ottawa, 1855 33 

Loaned by the Archbishop. 

Ottawa, 1855; Whitefield s No. 34 34 

Ottawa, 1855 ; Whitefield s No. 35 35 

These two were loaned by Mr. L. M. Fortier, of the 
Interior Department. 

Invitation to Bridge Opening, 1844 36 

Loaned by Mr. Robert Burland. 

Ticket to Prince of W ales Ball, 1860 36 

Loaned by Mr. J. Bangs. 

Ottawa in 1860 37 

Loaned by Mr. Walter Fleming. 

Three Ladies who danced with the Prince of Wales, 1860. . 38 

Loaned by the Citizen. 

Medal won in 1852 38 

Loaned by Mr. Hugh Masson. 


Views of Ottawa, 1860 39 

Loaned by the Citizen. 

First Lacrosse Team, 1865 39 

Loaned by Mr. J. Thompson. 


Rose Garden , 40 

Bank Managers of Ottawa 41 

Prominent Musical Directors of Canada 42 

Passenger Agents at the Royal Cabin 43 

Rev. Francis Clark and Cherry Cottage 44 

Ottawa Fire Department 45 

Chaudiere Falls .at the Present 45 

A Page from the Ottawa Fair 46 

Farthest North Bank in the World 47 

Georgian Bay Canal 47 


Driveway Commission 50 

Views on Driveway 51-52-53 

Park Views 54 

Pretty Streets 55 

Warren Y. Soper s Country Home 56 

Evening on the Gatineau. from an oil painting by H. H. 

Vickers 57 

Homes of T. Ahearn and Geo. Hay 58 

Home of D. Murphy, M.P.P., and Ottawa River Scenes 59 

Pretty Homes 60 

Hull and Aylmer Road Homes , 61 

More Residences 62 

" Mayfair " and Scenes up through Aylmer to Chats Falls.. 63 
Tree Planted by the Prince of Wales in 1860 and Homes and 

Scenes in Ottawa Valley 64 

King of the Gatineau and His Domain 65 

Specimens of E. L. Horwood s Colonial Architecture to 

Views of the Gatineau and along the Ottawa 67 

" Up the Gatineau " near the Wakefields 69 


John M. Garland 69 

Carnegie Library, by E. L. Horwood 70 

Henry J. Sims & Co., Ro^enthal & Sons, and Diamond Maple 

Leaf presented to. Lady Minto by the Citizens of Ottawa 71 

Business Blocks 72-73-74-75-76 

Jas. W. Woods Manufactory and Offices of the Dominion 

Militia Department 

Joseph S. Irvin and Hull Cement Works 78 


Ottawa Ladies College 79 

Educationists 8 

Normal School 

Arts Building of University, Interior View 32-83 

Cardinal Gibbons $4 

Apostolic Delagate Group 85 


Ottawa Ladies College Group.. 

Sweet Girl Graduates Rideau Street Convent" 

Ottawa Business College Group 

John and his Friends ... ............ <S 9 

Metropolitan Business College" 9 

................... go 


nhs the . UtSide f 
Princess Louise Dragoons Group.. 
Duke of Cornwall s Own Rifles Group" 
Commissary Headquarters in Winnipeg. 
School of Musketry ........... 

At the i ,000 yards ......... ............ 

The Hugging or Huggins Brigade . ! 

Ottawa Sharpshooters Group 9 

Officers of the First Contingent inSouth" Africa. 
Heroes of the Ottawa Valley in South Africa. Group ar- 
ranged and loaned by the Citizen., 

Pktur a e geUrS f l884 fr m JamCS As hneid s" Famous 
War in Low ......... . ............... 

nnw n % L r dieS C ?v P X h ?l te< * awa Dominion Day, iyo 4 im 
Duke of Cornwall s Own Rifles in Burlington, Vt ..... ... ji 


New Variety of Grapes.. 

Noon Hour at Booth s ............ . . ." 

Children s Day at Britannia. Group loaned by the Free press 


Ottawa in Pinafore ...... ..!!!. . . . . . . . ...... 

Representatives to Fish and Game "Protective" Association 

Convention ........................ 5 

A Canadian Monogram ........... .... . , ., 

Opening Day at the New Golf Club House!! 
A Trio of Champions... 

Capitals of 1894 .................. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ii5 

War Canoe Champions Group.... TTI 

Ottawa Junior Basket Ball Club ....... .... x , 

Ottawa Curling Club ......................... 

Capitals of 1904 ...................... !!!!!!!!. 


Prince of Wales and his Suite, 1860 .......... n-5 

The Duke of Cornwall and York and Staff, 1901 ..... 116 

Founders of the Dominion ........................... ^3 

Dominion Buildings ......................... ! 1T n 

The Supreme Court of Canada ................. ...!..!. . 120 

Some of the Homes of Cabinet Ministers .............. !.. .. 121 

Governors General of Canada since Confederation . . 122-123 

Dufxi i in Fancy Dress Ball ................................. r _;4 

Ice Carnival in Lord Stanley s Time .............. !.!!!!! 126 

Tobogganing in Princess Louhe s Time ............ ". . . 

The Historical Ball of the Aberdeen s. Flashlight by S J 


Jarvis 127 

Prom page 128 to 132 are shown the Ten Parties of this 
famous ball, who represented the various periods from the 
Vikings " to "New France," all but one of these were 
from photos by Topley. 

Members of Parliament during the Time this Book was writ 
ten J33 

The Old Guard Dinner 134 

Sir John A. Macdonald and his Ottawa Homes 135 

Scenes in Calgary and Other Points in the N.W.T 136 


A Historical Group of Remarkable Men 138 

The Oldest Inhabitants 139 

Early Lumbermen of the Ottawa. Mr. Kent the famous 140 

young English artist, who has done most of the grouping 
for the illustrations in this work, has shown in the back 
grounds of these four groups, the growth of the lumber 
industry of the Ottawa Valley. First the lone cabin in 
the woods; next a single log; third the moonlit river, 
cleared of its obstructions, and ready for the fourth, the 
millionaire lumbermen, who filled the river with the end 
less flow of logs. 

(And just here I must call attention in justice to Mr. Kent 
with the Dennisons you will notice that in all his 
groups there are no two alike, and all apropos while the 
engravings would do credit to the best in the art.) 
The Old Bytown Doctors 144 


Three Very Popular Americans in Canada 145 

Officers of the Ottawa Board of Trade ^46 

The Rise of two well known Ottawans (to fully appreciate 

this picture, read page 150) 147 

Bryson, Graham & Co. s Store 148 

Jas. K. Paisley s Hotels 149 

More Pretty Homes 151 

Canoe and Boat Club Houses 151 

Some of Ottawa s Churches 152-153 

Some of those who answered: "What was the Most Dramatic 

Episode in Canadian History" 154 

Prominent in Their Day in City and County a group 155 

Caledonia Springs, illustrated 156 

Yukon Pictures 157 

Prof. E. Stone Wiggins 158 

Some Pretty Landmarks of King Edward Ave 158 

Senator David Wark 159 

Twenty-fifth Anniversary of St. Paul s Lutheran Church.... 159 

Where " The Hub and the Spokes" became a book 160 

For pictures and photographs, besides those named, I am indebt 
ed to Mrs. W. H. Tracey, Miss M. H. Robertson, Druggist John S. 
Brown, Dr. H. Beaumont Small, Captain H. G. Bate, and most of all 
to Topley & Son, S. J. Jarvis and to Lancefield leaders in their 




I said to the Colonel, one day, when speaking of the nearly 
1,500 separate pictures and photographs required to make up the 
groups in the book, "Colonel," said I, " most of the fine ones are my 
own work. (I meant the small ones.) 

"And it should be a very heavy one!" said he. 

"What should be heavy?" I asked in surprise. 

Why, the fine!" The Colonel is never happier than when say 
ing such things. And as I love to give happiness I do not mind. 



Earl Grey, the new Governor General of Canada, arrived in Ot 
tawa after the last "form" was off too late to tell you that on every 
side is heard naught but praise for himself and his charming family. 
They have already won the hearts of all the people, irrespective of 
class or creed, and I am sure the coming years will but increase this 
kindly feeling that is already seen to exist, between the Governor 
and his people. 



In first editions errors will creep in and remain invisible until the 
forms have left the press, then the little girl in the second reader, 
could pick them out as she would cherries from a basket. 

This however is not an excuse for the proof reader, who was 
so busy looking for the commas that she tore off forty years of 
Sir John A Macdonald s usefulness on page 244, and yet her ability 
to do the impossible may be reason of excuse, as on page 238 she 
has Bell s telephone practically installed in Hamilton, three years 
before he had invented it instead of seven years after. It is only 
the proof reader who is capable of such marvels! 

We would call attention to other errata were it not that we know 
the great pleasure it will give others to call our attention to them 
and we do love to give pleasure, so we will leave these errors un 
noted and take them out in the next edition, which is already under 

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