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(Quarterly Series) 


(Double Issue) 
No. 1—April, 1945 
No. 2—November, 1945 


Foreword to the Forum on Kentucky Education _........... 

Forever In the Forties? 

Walang Sel avlOrs2 2s. 2 ieee Soe oe 

Education In Kentucky 

NREE ines 2) eke, A eee 

Elementary Education In Kentucky 

Puichardeh na SSers, see oho eee ee 

Secondary Education In Kentucky 

ohn red . Williams tees eo a ee (: 

Problems of Higher Education In Kentucky 

fd an OPP CMMCIMIC? f=. ae er et ee Aor ee 

The Density of Ether 

Dlarele SLeWal te ose a eh 

Leaf Glands in Ailanthus altissima 

et NOce) NCS ere ag ir ag eee ee ee ; 

Lawrence Baker___.. Berea College.._..Psychology and Philosophy 

Be Wee Cooke. Centre::College ua. tse Bacteriology 
He Bs Lovell University .om Wousville ieee Biology 
A, C. McFarlan.____. Universityob Kentucky.) 22 es Geology 
Ward C. Sumpter...Western State Teachers College....Chemistry 
Jarvis; Todd) Universitysor Kentucky. eee Physics 

Harlow Bishop......-- University of Louisville, Managing Editor 

MANUuscrIPTS. The Transactions must be limited to the pro- 
ceedings of the annual meetings of the Kentucky Academy of 
Science and to original manuscripts pertaining to science. Manu- 
scripts are subject to the approval of the Editorial Staff and 
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Managing Editor. 

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BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. Remittances and correspondence 
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except reprints should be addressed to Harlow Bishop, University 
of Louisville, Louisville, kentucky. AXQONIAN INST EL 

j “ArionatA MUS sEUe 



Due to wartime restrictions, the regular meet- 
ing of the Kentucky Academy of Science for the 
spring of 1945 could not be held. Among the 
events planned for that occasion was a forum on 
Kentucky education. The scheduled speakers for 
this forum were invited to publish their papers in 
the Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of 
Science. The editorial board expresses its pleasure 
with the manner in which the authors have re- 
sponded. We hope that the Academy has contrib- 
uted in this way to the cause of good education 
in Kentucky. 

We wish to affirm our editorial policy of accept- 
ing papers at any time, in addition to accepting 
those papers which are submitted as part of the 
programs of the annual meetings. We feel that in 
this way only can the Transactions be considered 
truly a quarterly journal. Authors may send their 
papers to the appropriate assistant editor or to 
the managing editor. 

The papers contributed to the Forum on Ken- 
tucky Education follow immediately. Each paper 
in this series is so designated. Mr. Charles 
Farnsley was the chairman of the Forum and 
to him we are indebted for its initial stimulus. 


The Kentucky Academy of Science 



Dean, College of Education, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

Kentucky is still in the forties! Since the first rating of the 
states educationally, in 1918, Kentucky has been apologizing for 
its position. At first many persons maintained that the rating 
was unfair; that Kentucky had a better school system than the 
evaluation indicated. Other rating scales have been developed 
since that ‘time and Kentucky has been scored on these. By every 
test Kentucky has been rated in the forties. 

Great progress has been made in Kentucky in the past quar- 
ter of a century—but other states have made progress too. We 
are still in the forties and we cannot get out by pointing to our 
educational accomplishments or by feeling sorry for ourselves. 
If we want to improve our educational rank we must recognize 
our deficiencies and improve our program where it is weak. 

Under present conditions to be born in Kentucky is to be born 
with a potential educational handicap. It is true that some of our 
cities and counties have excellent school systems but in far too 
many school districts of the state teachers are poorly qualified, 
buildings are inferior, teaching materials and equipment are in- 
adequate, school terms are short, attendance is low, and learning 
is meager. Children attending such schools never have a chance 
to learn what education should do for ‘them and for the communi- 
ties in which they live. As citizens they will lack vision because 
they now lack opportunity to learn the things that contribute to 
effective ciizenship. We are in a vicious circle. Poor schools make 
poor citizens; poor citizens are content with poor schools. 

What are some of our handicaps in Kentucky? Why do we 
receive an embarrassingly low rating every time the states in 
the Union are ranked as to educational efficiency? Some of the 
most difficult problems we have to overcome are the result of 
constitutional limitations. Under a provision of the constitution 
the superintendent of public instruction must be selected on a 
political rather than a professional basis and his term of office is 
limited to four years. No intelligent person would think of re- 
quiring the president of the University and the presidents of the 
teachers colleges to seek their offices on a political basis. The 
position of state superintendent of schools in any state should be 

* Received for publication May 11, 1945. 
Contribution to the Forum On Kentucky Education. 

Ar" 1 * 1047 

Forever in the Forties? 3 

free from political influences and should be comparable in im- 
portance to the presidency of the state university. And not one 
reason can be found for limiting the term of office of the state 
superintendent to four years. It should be possible for a super- 
intendent of public instruction to stay in office as long as he is 
giving efficient service. No superintendent, however strong and 
efficient, can project and carry through a constructive state pro- 
gram of education in a period of four years. 

An additional handicap is the constitutional limitation of 
$5,000 on the salary that can be paid to any person in public 
education, including the state teachers colleges and the Univer- 
sity. The Legislature has added a further restriction in that it 
has authorized a salary of only $4,000 for the state superin- 
tendent of public instruction. The salary for this office is so 
small that few men can afford to offer themselves for the 
position. It takes a brave man to resign from a good school 
position in Kentucky, run for office on a political ticket, without 
prospect of a position when his four-year term of office is over. 

Another great handicap to the development of a strong educa- 
tional program in Kentucky is the meager financial support 
which has been given by the Legislature to the State Department 
of Education. It has been difficult for the Department to pro- 
cure men and women with the highest qualifications for leader- 
ship because of the low salaries paid and the uncertainty of 
tenure which results from the election of the superintendent on 
a party ballot. There has never been the security of office in 
the State Department of Education that has existed in the public- 
school systems of the state, in the teachers colleges, or in the 

A long-recognized need in Kentucky is a coordinated system of 
education from the elementary school through college or univer- 
sity. Great strides have been made in recent years in coordinat- 
ing the programs of elementary and secondary education. These 
programs are still not so well articulated with the program of 
higher education as they should be. Most authorities in the field 
of school administration agree that there are in Kentucky too 
many different boards administering the program of publicly 
supported education. This question needs serious study to dis- 
cover the steps that could be taken to strengthen Kentucky’s 
educational program. 

Closely related, if not actually a part of the question of a better 
coordinated system is the problem of reducing the number of 
school administrative units in the state. We have at present too 

4 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

many small districts which are in most cases weak. There are 
many reasons for combining city and county programs of educa- 
tion. Around our larger cities are great suburban areas that have 
all the problems of city school systems; in many instances, how- 
ever, these areas are parts of county systems. The concentration 
of wealth within cities makes it easier for urban centers than 
for rural areas to support their programs of education. If larger 
school units could be established, the burden of support would 
be more nearly equalized and a more effective program would 
be realized. 

Not only must the tax laws be revised but property assess- 
ments must be increased to more nearly their actual value. But at 
best, Kentucky would not be able to compete with the wealthiest 
states or even with the average state of the nation. Federal sup- 
port for education must be provided if Kentucky is to approxi- 
mate the national average in the provision of educational oppor- 
tunity for its citizens. Kentucky does not have wealth to produce 
the income necessary for an educational program comparable to 
those of the upper 50 per cent of the states of the nation. 

Kentucky ranks lowest of all of the states in the Union in the 
percentage of its children between the ages of fourteen and 
seventeen who are enrolled in high school. Our secondary schools 
in America have frequently been called the peoples’ colleges. 
These are the schools in which the children of America should be 
given the kinds of education that will make possible richer lives 
and better work. Kentucky has not been able, in many areas, to 
provide transportation to high school for rural children. While 
there is a high school in every county in Kentucky, in a great 
number of counties the enrollments are exceptionally low. 
Elementary education is not enough for Kentucky’s children. 
Some means must be found of making secondary education 
available to all of the children of the state. 

All of us are agreed that longer terms must be made available 
in rural elementary schools. A rural child cannot learn as much 
in seven months in a poor school under an inadequately prepared 
teacher as a city child learns in nine months in a good school 
under a well-educated teacher. 

Public school programs in every state are affected by the col- 
leges and universities of that state. The institutions of higher 
learning in Kentucky have served well with the limited resources 
available. To insure adequate help from her state supported insti- 
tutions of higher education, Kentucky must provide a larger 
measure of support for these schools. The teachers colleges and 

Forever in the Forties? 5 

the University need greatly increased funds if they are to give 
to the state the best possible service. The University should not 
only offer programs for the high school graduates who come to 
the campus for education, but it should also provide in-service 
education on the adult level for many groups of people who need 
training for the work they are doing or will do. Newly elected 
city and county officials should be able to come to the University 
for short courses before they take office; such public officials as 
county cierks, city clerks, county judges, city judges, and sheriffs 
should find at the University the help they need to enable them 
to give effective service. Business executives should have an op- 
portunity to come to the University for training which would 
help them to improve their organization and management. EKm- 
ployees of business and industry should receive services through 
the Extension Division of the University that would enable them 
to improve their earning power and to give better service to the 
organizations that employ them. There has been in existence for 
a long time an unusually effective in-service education program 
for farmers and for homemakers. Similar services should be ex- 
tended to people in other occupations. 

These are only a few of the many things that need to be done 
to give Kentucky an educational program that will meet the 
needs of her people. We must stir ourselves to vigorous effort. 
We are not a pauper state. We can finance better schools than 
we now have, but we cannot provide schools as good as our chil- 
dren deserve from money raised in Kentucky alone. We must pro- 
cure for our state the help necessary to give to children and 
adults an adequate educational program. 

6 The Kentucky Academy of Science 


Executive Secretary, 
Kentucky Education Association 

There are in Kentucky 120 county school systems and 137 
independent systems, or a total of 257 school units each adminis- 
tered by a board of education and a superintendent. The schools 
are financially supported by local tax and appropriations from 
the state. The latter consists of (1) a fund which is distributed 
on a per capita basis, and (2) an equalization fund which is dis- 
tributed on the basis of need. Districts which cannot raise from 
their local tax plus their per capita allotment from the state an 
amount equal to $40.00 for each pupil may participate in the 
equalization fund. 

Kentucky has struggled for a number of years under a tax sys- 
tem for schools which differentiated between districts. For ex- 
ample, a county could levy a maximum of 75 cents on each $100 
of assessible property while independent districts could levy 
within a range from $1.00 to $1.50 for the same purpose. This 
inequality has been removed during the current session of the 
Legislature by the passage of a law which permits $1.50 tax in 
all districts. This law will become operative July 1, 1946. 

Under the tax system which has prevailed, 55 counties have 
only 7 months of school while most of the other 65 counties have 
8 or 9 months as do nearly all independent districts. The new tax 
program will remedy this condition. 

There are slightly under 4,000 one-teacher schools in Ken- 
tucky. These are rural schools and are chiefly in the seven-month 
counties. Most of these counties are levying all the tax permitted 
by law. Many of them would be willing to raise their tax for 
schools if it were not for legal restrictions. 

Another retarding factor for the schools and other depart- 
ments of the state government is the great inequality in the as- 
sessment of property. The range of assessments runs all the way 
from approximately 35 per cent of the fair cash value as indi- 
cated by sales, to approximately 85 per cent in some of the high- 
est counties. On the other hand there is much potential wealth 
in the state owned and operated by corporations out of the state, 
which does not bear its part of the educational load. 

The circumstances set out above result in the very low ranking 

* Received for publication May 14, 1945. 
Contribution to the Forum On Kentucky Education. 

Education In Kentucky ] 

of Kentucky in so many categories. For example, among the 49 
states including the District of Columbia, according to the latest 
data, Kentucky ranks 48th in number of days of school taught, 
43rd in school attendance, 39th in per cent of persons 25 years 
of age and above who have completed less than five years of 
school, 40th in median school years completed by persons 25 
years of age and older, 42nd in current expenditures for educa- 
tion per child in average daily attendance, 41st in average salary 
per teacher and 45th in the value of school property per child. 
Latest data also shows that Kentucky ranks as follows in items 
measuring the well being of her people: 45th in per capita in- 
come, 44th in per capita retail sales, 42nd in per capita output 
of industries, 39th in per capita life insurance in effect, 38th in 
per cent of homes having mechanical refrigeration, 40th in per 
cent of homes with running water and 43rd in per capita circula- 
tion of 18 national magazines. 

A question which logically arises is whether or not Kentucky 
is able to support a system of public education. Let us examine 
the facts. 

Three measures are frequently used to determine the economic 
ability of a state to support education and other governmental 
services by taxation. They are per capita economic income, per 
capita output of industry, including farming and mining, and per 
capita retail sales. 

In 1940, according to the Survey of Current Business, August, 
1941, the per capita economic income in Kentucky was $298 and 
the average for the U. S. was $532. Judged by this measure, Ken- 
tucky therefore has only 56 per cent of the ability to support 
taxation of the average for the entire country. 

The U. S. Bureau of the Census reported in a special study in 
September, 1942, that the per capita value of the output of in- 
dustries, including farming and mining, was $161 in Kentucky 
and $277 in the U. S. for the year 1939. On this basis Kentucky 
has 58 per cent of the ability of the U.S. as a whole. 

In 1939, according to the same study by the U. S. Bureau of 
the Census the per capita retail sales was $185 in Kentucky 
whereas the average for the nation was $322. Using this cri- 
terion, Kentucky’s ability to support taxation is 57 per cent of 
the nation’s average. 

Combining these three measures we find that the state of Ken- 
tucky has 57 per cent of the economic ability of the U.S. asa 
whole, to support a program of taxation to pay the cost of edu- 
cation and other governmental services. 

8 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

Let us now take a look at the tax burden carried by Ken- 
tuckians and compare it with the tax load of the average citizen 
of the United States. In 1941, according to the special study of 
the U. S. Bureau of the Census, the per capita tax burden for 
local purposes amounted to $39.89 in the United States as a 
whole and only $13.97 or 35 per cent of that amount for the 
state of Kentucky. Thus Kentuckians have 57 per cent of the 
tax paying ability of the average for the United States and they 
carry a local tax burden equal to only 35 per cent of the average 
for the nation. 

On the basis of these facts taxation for local purposes could 
be increased by 63 per cent before reaching the ratio of per 
capita local taxes to per capita taxpaying ability which now 
exists for the entire country. 

The facts recited here make a drab picture with very few 
high-lights. What it shall be in the future depends upon the 
recognition of the fact that the deficiencies in our program of 
education constitute a problem for all the people. 


Chief Bureau of Instruction 
Frankfort, Kentucky 

One of the chief functions of elementary education is to help 
the child take the first steps in becoming a practicing citizen of 
the social group in which he finds himself. This means that the 
elementary school must, if it serves this purpose, help him to 
learn the languages common to the group: he must learn the 
language of communication, oral and written; he must learn the 
language of numbers; he must learn the language of health and 
physical fitness; he must learn the language of human relation- 
ship; he must learn the language of space relations; and he must 
learn every language which will help him to become a part of 
the social, civic, economic and spiritual life of the group. He 
must be made to act, in a great measure, like the other members 
of the group in which he lives and works and plays. 

The other major function of elementary education is to dis- 
cover in each child the ways in which he differs from other 
members of the social group. This means that from the time the 
child enters school until he leaves special effort must be made 
to find his chief interest and chief aptitude. It is generally recog- 
nized that the thing for which a child has the greatest aptitude 
is generally the thing in which he is most interested. It is gener- 
ally believed that when the chief interest-aptitude is found the 
strength of the child is likely to be within that area. It means, 
then, that the elementary school program of living and learning 
should offer opportunity for discovering these strengths, i.e., 
interest-aptitudes. It follows that there must be means of 
developing the total child with due respect for his interest- 
aptitude. The effective achievement of this function lays the 
foundation for personal happiness and for vocational efficiency. 

It is believed that all the functions of elementary education 
may be grouped under the two functions mentioned, i.e., integra- 
tion of the child into the group in which his life is lived, and dif- 
ferentiation to discover and develop his individual aptitude. If 
this view is taken, then it is economy to provide the type 
of elementary school in which this kind of program operates. 

1. There must be an educated teacher who believes that an 

individual human being is of immense worth, who believes 
that all children can learn, who understands how children 

* Received for publication May 10, 1945. 
Contribution to the Forum On Kentucky Education. 

10 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

learn, and who is able to lead them in learning. Her edu- 
cation should be anchored in the biological sciences, psy- 
chologies, child growth and development and human prob- 
lems of living. It is only in rare instances that a person can 
become this kind of a teacher unless she has had a good 
elementary schoo! experience, has attended a good secon- 
dary school, and has followed this with four or five years in 
a teacher-educating institution which bases its programs 
upon the functions as suggested in this statement. This 
must be followed by continued study on the job. 

2. The elementary school must be housed in a plant suited to 
the needs of the program undertaken. The place where 
children live-and-learn must be as good as or better than 
the home. This means that it must be as attractive and 
livable, not like but as the home. As much attention must 
be given to the health and happiness of a child in school 
as is given his health and happiness in the home by his 
parents whose beloved child he is. There should be absolute 
certainty that nothing in ‘the physical environment of the 
school shall in any way prevent a child from developing at 
his best rate. 

3. Then the elementary school if it is to perform its function 
must be equipped with whatever is needed to provide the 
best learning conditions. Supplies suited to the needs of 
pupils at the elementary age level must be provided. 

Kentucky has, during all her life as a state, treated the ele- 
mentary school as her educational step-child. We, by law will 
employ a teacher for the elementary school who has only two 
years of college preparation, while we refuse by law to permit a 
person to teach in secondary schools until and unless he has at 
least four years of preparation in college. In 45 of our counties, 
we permit the operation of a minimum term of seven months for 
elementary children and require 9 months for secondary schools. 
We, therefore, give the child in the elementary grades a short 
term and a teacher with the low minimum level of training. The 
pupil cost is much larger in secondary schools than in the ele- 
mentary schools. The maximum teacher load is approximately 
30 pupils in secondary schools while there is no limit to the 
number of pupils that may be assigned an elementary teacher. 
The secondary school is generally better housed. 

To sum up, the elementary child may have a poorly trained 
teacher, employed for the shortest term, with no load limit. The 

Elementary Education in Kentucky 11 

result is that pupils become retarded. The number of children 
who have to repeat the first grade is appalling! 

To place the elementary school in a position where it will cease 
to be the educational step-child, the following appear to be 

1. There should be a uniform school term throughout the 

state for grades 1 to 12. 

2. Elementary as well as secondary teachers should be re- 
quired to have at least four years of training which will 
fit them for the job they are to fill. 

3. The number of pupils per teacher should be limited to not 
more than 20 for the first grade and increased grade by 
grade with possible maximum number per teacher in the 
twelfth grade limited to 40. The principle followed should 
be: The younger the pupils, the smaller number to be 
assigned per teacher. 

4. There should be at least as much money spent per teacher 
unit in the elementary grades as in the secondary grades. 

5. All salaries should be calculated on an annual basis. 

When the war came the average elementary teacher in Ken- 
tucky had less than three years of college preparation while the 
average teacher in the secondary school had slightly more than 
four years of college preparation. The salary policy of the state 
as a whole is based upon the principle of the single salary sched- 
ule. This is a good principle. It means that a teacher in the eie- 
mentary grades will be paid as much as the secondary teacher 
if she has as much training and experience. The fallacy in the 
application of the principle lies in the fact that it is applied on 
a monthly basis. For example, the salary of a teacher who has 
a bachelor’s degree is $120 per month. This applies to the ele- 
mentary teacher who has a degree just as it does to the secon- 
dary teacher, but when we give the elementary teacher this 
salary for 7 months and the secondary teacher the salary for 9 
months, it means that the annual salaries are $840 for the 
elementary teacher and $1,080 for the secondary teacher. One is 
without a job for five months and the other for three months. 

The curricula for the education of elementary teachers now 
required for the standard certificate meet the needs with reason- 
able effectiveness. As soon as conditions of salary, term, and 
teacher load in the elementary grades are equitably adjusted 
there will be no reason why any person should be admitted to 
teaching in the elementary school until she has been graduated 
from a four year teacher training curriculum. 

12 The Kentucky Academy of Science 



Superintendent of Public Instruction 
Frankfort, Kentucky 

The chief function of secondary education is to develop young 
people so that they may become individually and socially useful 
members of society as it is constituted in a democracy such 
as ours. This means that secondary education must provide for 
(1) the maximum development of the individual as a person, 
(2) opportunity for the individual to develop wholesome human 
relations, (3) opportunity to develop the ability to attain 
economic security, and (4) to accept the responsibilities of 
citizenship. It means that the secondary school must so be 
planned, organized, staffed and financed that these ends may be 
achieved by pupils of secondary school age. 

To carry out its chief function, the secondary school must be 
a citizenship leadership laboratory. This means that it must 
meet the needs of all young people of secondary school age who 
are to become functioning citizens. It is not a school devoted 
exclusively to preparing young people for college; nor is it a 
school devoted only to those who would prepare for the pro- 
fessions; nor is it devoted only to the needs of those who live in 
favored areas. The secondary school must meet the needs of all 
its prospective citizens, regardless of what they will choose to 
do, regardless of where they live, regardless of race, regardless 
of what their needs may be. 

The secondary school is the people’s school, and this means 
all the people. This means that the people in a community served 
by a secondary school should have a voice in planning the pro- 
gram to be offered in their school. It means that the program 
offered in the secondary schools must grow out of the needs 
which are to be served by the program. The interests and 
aptitudes of the young people in each area, as well as the 
opportunities and needs for their services should determine to 
a large degree what kind of a secondary school should be estab- 
lished. These problems as they affect the locality, the county, 
the state, the nation and the world-at-large should be a part of 
the planning for secondary schools. 

The secondary schools in Kentucky are not serving the needs 
of all young people of secondary school age. There were in 

* Received for publication May 17, 1945. 
Contribution to the Forum On Kentucky Education. 


Secondary Education in Kentucky 13 

1943-44 in Kentucky 239,515 young people of secondary school 
age (14-17) but only 81,068 were enrolled in public high schools. 
For every young person of secondary school age in secondary 
school there were two of secondary school age not in school. Said 
in another way it means that of every 100 young people of 
secondary school age, there were 34 in school and 66 out of 
school. This means that the needs of 66 out of every 100 young 
people of secondary school age were not met by the secondary 
school. They did not go to school. 

There are 546 public secondary schools in Kentucky. During 
peace time the enrollment reached approximately 100,000 but 
that constituted only about 36 per cent of young people of 
secondary school age. The number of secondary schools in 
counties is 352 and in independent cities and villages 194. 
Approximately 4 in 10 secondary schools have 100 or fewer 
pupils, and 3 out of 4 have 200 or fewer. Forty per cent have 
from three to five teachers, and another 35 per cent have from 
six to ten teachers. It follows that small schools have few 
teachers and are unable to offer other than the most restricted 
program, usually the college preparatory program. 

There are excellent programs in most of the large secondary 
schools, and in a few of the small schools. There are 200 or 300 
small secondary schools which have added agriculture, home 
economics or commerce, while a smaller number have all three 

A large secondary school does not necessarily mean there will 
follow an effective secondary school program. There is, however, 
very little chance to have an effective secondary school program 
until a large school is provided. Most of the small secondary 
schools are in rural areas. It means that if we are to lay the 
foundation for an improved secondary school program, the 
attendance unit must be enlarged through consolidation. This 
must be accompanied by an effective and economical plan of 
county highway construction. Much has been done during the 
past ten years toward increasing the size of the secondary school 
through the consolidation of very small schools. 

If the secondary schools are to serve the function stated in 
the opening statement of this paper the people must take 
education seriously. We have never effectively done this. The 
people of the state must have faith that education is an invest- 
ment for all the children and not a luxury to be shared by only 
one-third of the children. They must not permit all the people 
to maintain a secondary school program which meets the needs 

14 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

of only one-third of the children. They must invest enough in 
the enterprise to make it useful for everybody. Two-thirds of the 
people must be taught that they are investing their money and 
getting no return. 

All arms of the government at the state and local level should 
work cooperatively in making the schools effective. They 
should get the correct, truthful, statesmen’s answers to such 
questions as: 

1. Should all children of secondary school age have a school 
which will help them to achieve their life purposes? If 
not, who should be left out? 

2. What should the secondary school do for a young person 
to make him an effective citizen? 

3. What will it cost to provide such a school? 

a. What kind of teachers must be employed and what 
will it cost to employ them ? 

b. What kind of a school plant will be needed to house 
the kind of program young people need? What will 
it cost? 

c. How can we procure the money with which to finance 
such a school? 

4, What will be the penalty if such a program is not provided? 

5. Can we afford not to offer a secondary school for our 
young people? 

The correct answers to these questions must be found! We can 
provide such a program but it will involve complete cooperation. 
There must be maximum of local effort in planning and financing 
the program, maximum efforts on the part of the state in 
planning and financing, and there must be a sane plan of federal 
aid to schools without federal control of education in any way. 
In this way only, it seems, can we change the secondary school 
from a minority institution to one which serves the majority or 
even all of the children. 



Dean, College of Liberal Arts, University of Louisville 
Louisville, Kentucky 

Problems of the Colleges in Kentucky. No one can prophesy 
with any degree of assurity about the specific nature of higher 
education in the postwar period. However, general trends seein 
to be shaping up at the present time. The prophets of gloom, 
who predicted that most American colleges would close up 
during the war, have failed in their dire prediction. The colleges 
of Kentucky have weathered the war period much better than 
anyone would have predicted. The recent Roper poll (Fortune, 
April, 1945) on higher education indicates that the American 
public has greater faith in our higher education program than 
ever before. This poll gives the strongest sort of approval to the 
continuation of higher education and the desirability for both 
public and private support. 

The veterans are returning to the colleges, not in great 
numbers at the present time, but there is every indication that 
the colleges will have a greatly increased enrollment in the 
very near future. Most public institutions in Kentucky, and some 
of the private institutions, have had some kind of military 
program. These have been of great assistance in keeping colleges 

It is probably true that the world is in the greatest revolution 
it has ever experienced and no world-wide change can take place 
without affecting higher education. Undoubtedly, higher educa- 
tion will change, and should change, but the change will be 
gradual and certainly one can make this statement with a great 
deal of assurance: The general outlines which we now have will 
carry over for many years to come. 

The Returning Veteran and the College. The prospect of good 
wages at the present time is holding back the enrollment of 
veterans in colleges in Kentucky. A relatively small number has 
returned, but that is a good thing for the colleges inasmuch as 
it gives the colleges a better chance to understand the returning 
veterans and to attempt to adjust programs to their needs 
and do a better job of counseling. Up to date the veteran has 
fit into the present program in an unusually satisfactory pattern. 

* Received for publication June 18, 1945. 
Contribution to the Forum On Kentucky Education. 

16 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

They have been interested in pre-professional study, business 
administration, teaching, journalism, etc. It is true that they 
are looking forward to vocational adjustment when they with- 
draw from college, but they certainly have not expressed 
antagonism to liberal arts education. In fact, many of them are 
getting a distinct reward in studying the more general subjects. 
In regard to the vocational objective of the college, the afore- 
mentioned Roper survey indicated that the public thought that 
colleges should prepare students for vocational competence. That 
was the first objective; the second objective was that of 

The adjustment of the veteran to college life has been better 
than some of the college administrators thought it would be. 
The colleges have already found that the returning veterans 
must be given a period of adjustment. Usually this takes two 
or three months. It is likewise true that a great deal of guidance 
and social contacts with both students and faculty are basic 
requirements. No great demand has been made on the colleges 
for short courses or any other type of short vocational training. 
This may be due to the counseling which has been given 
by the Veterans Administration and the fact that when men 
want technical training in short order they are put under 

Interest in General Education. For many years the colleges 
have been deeply concerned with the problem of providing basic 
aids for all citizens. It is important for society to have a common 
cultural background. The older organizations followed the fixed 
requirements of freshman and sophomore years. These were 
usually group requirements. They included first courses in a 
number of departments. In more recent days colleges have been ~ 
interested in providing specific courses of general character 
which would reorganize not only much of the older knowledge, 
but newer knowledge needed for common understanding and 
appreciation of modern living. In Kentucky considerable interest 
has been indicated in this problem. Centre College and the 
College of Liberal Arts of the University of Louisville have 
done considerable reorganization to meet this need. The problem 
is a persistent one. Many critics, professional and lay people 
believe that there should be a greater unity in the education 
on the college level. Colleges should help modern men and 
women comprehend a great unity in living. How to provide this 
unity in subject matter, in ideals and methodology is a most 
serious problem. Survey courses, independent study, compre- 

Problems of Higher Education in Kentucky 7 

hensive examinations and integrating courses for majors or 
divisions are some of the ways in which greater integration 
has been attempted. More and more pre-professional study in 
the fields of medicine, dentistry, law, engineering, and teaching 
requires fundamental training in general education. People are 
not satisfied with the simple problem of arithmetic, of adding 
together one hundred and twenty semester hours and calling it 
a college education. 

Vitalizing the College Curriculum. In addition to a greater 
unity in the curriculum offerings of the college and a genuine 
integration of understanding in the student himself, the problem 
of values is probably the most persistent one. In the early 
American college, there was much concern with the problem of 
values. Most of the institutions were denominational. The 
education of the ministry was an important function. This 
interest in religion and moral philosophy has faded out of the 
modern college to an alarming degree. The fact that higher 
education is so highly compartmentalized, our recent experience 
with totalitarian countries in which science has been used to 
such destructive human ends, and the little regard for moral 
values in modern living have all intensified the question of 
whether or not the college must not concern itself with some 
kind of moral undergirding in the education of youth. Modern 
science is too dangerous without moral direction. Modern eco- 
nomic practices are too tied into national welfare to be self- 
directive. The study of human goals should be the common 
concern of all college students. How is this to be done? A second 
problem in vitalizing the college is that of selection of content 
which is more modern and functional. There is much dead wood 
in courses, textbooks and curriculum. Students, whether they be 
veterans or civilians, will be more critical of college offerings 
in the future. The same complacency of taking what the 
professor “hands out” will be questioned. 

Referring again to the Roper survey, the non-college educated 
public is more sympathetic to higher education than the college 
graduate. What does this mean? Certainly this is a danger 
signal to the colleges themselves. If college administrators and 
professors are wise, they will seriously consider their offerings. 

Work-study. There is some reason to believe that interest in 
work-study programs on the college level will become more 
important in the future. Berea College has been a pioneer among 
the colleges of Kentucky. Its experience certainly should be of 
great value to the other colleges. The Speed Scientific School 

18 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

of the University of Louisville has had a cooperative plan 
of education since its inception. The clinical years in the 
Medical School of the University of Louisville have shown the 
tremendous importance of connecting theory and good practice. 

Cooperative Study in Teacher Education. Under the leadership 
of the State Department of Education, all of the state institu- 
tions and two non-state colleges have worked in a cooperative 
plan to improve teacher education. Workshops have been held, 
county educational systems and a few separate schools have 
been sponsored by seven colleges of the state. This is a “grass 
roots” program inasmuch as the sponsoring institutions have 
gone back to local schools to see what could be done to improve 
the quality of living in the communities in which the schools 
exist. In actually attempting to improve the lives of people, the 
colleges undoubtedly will learn much which will influence general 
education and technical teacher education. This plan of coopera- 
tive study suggests wider uses of the general plan of higher 
education. One of the great needs in this state, as well as in 
other states, is for the colleges to study their mutual problems 
in a cooperative manner. They would do well to carry this 
type of program into their own constituent communities. Adult 
education lags far behind. 

Utilization of Natural Resources. Under the joint sponsorship 
of the Department of Conservation and the State Department of 
Education, a project is now under way to study better utilization 
of the natural and human resources of this state. Many separate 
studies have been made of utilization of natural and human 
resources by institutions and individuals. This material has been 
widely scattered and many times has been in a form which is 
not understandable to the citizens nor to the school child. Before 
much improvement can be made in this area these materials 
must be made available to all. The colleges of Kentucky have a 
genuine contribution to make, not only in furnishing maierials 
but also in seeing to it that these materials are made available 
to students, adult citizens and pupils in our schools. This brings 
up the larger question of state planning. 

State Planning. The three agencies now concerned with post- 
war plans for Kentucky indicates the wide interest that the state 
is taking in its future. There must be some over-all planning 
in which education has a prominent part, but without economical 
planning so that the basic wealth of the state can be increased 
there is little hope for any improvement in education in the state, 
higher, secondary or elementary. To improve the quality of 

Problems of Higher Education in Kentucky 19 

living in Kentucky will require a great deal of expenditure of 
money and energy in fundamental research, Kentucky institu- 
tions have not had the opportunity to promote research. They 
have done well to maintain their instructional programs. Inci- 
dentally, a major problem is to get more young people to go 
to high school and then get the proper ones to go on to college. 
Our state is notably low in percentage of youth going to high 
school and college. The state and individual citizens have not 
supported research programs and yet any long-time policy of 
fundamental improvement of living is dependent upon scientific 
research. Of course, this research must not only concern itself 
with physical problems, but also with the human ones. The late 
President Roosevelt was eminently right in suggesting that we 
had much to do in the field of the science of social relations. 
The logical place for research is in the universities and colleges. 
When the people see the fundamental need of research, undoubt- 
edly support will be forthcoming. But the research must be 
tied in with the total program of education of men and women. 
In other words, there must be an integration of what the 
research scientists find and the study of values and the other 
liberal studies which make for all-round living. 

20 The Kentucky Academy of Science 


The Wave Length of Photons Effecting Atomic Motion 

The Gas Constant—An Anomalous Doppler Shift 


Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Ky. 


An earlier paper (1) sought to create a unitary system of 
matter and energy by invoking a new kind of ether. This unique 
ether is not static, but is conceived to flow at the velocity of 
light along the time axis of the space-time continuum, a property 
which defies detection by the Michelson-Morley experiment. 
This paper, the third in the series, proposes to estimate the 
density of ether. To do this we recall that the first paper (1) 
accounted for gravitation by declaring it to be the result of 
the operation of the Bernoulli principle. To be more specific, 
two bodies in the ether stream constitute, in effect, a Venturi 
tube, or a constriction. This is thought to be true because one 
would expect matter to exclude the ether, at least partially, from 
the region in which the matter is located. The velocity of the 
stream along the far sides of the two bodies should then be 
less than that along the near; consequently the pressures 
created by the flow would be greater along the far sides than 
along the near; hence the two bodies would be forced together. 
The argument will now be developed further by studying the 
Bernoulli effect as the ether stream flows past two selected 
portions of matter. 

Consider the proton, an atomic building block of great density. 
Its diameter is of the order, 1 x 10°°cm. The smallest cube that 
will contain the proton has a volume of 1 x 10°*° cm.*; and a 
spherical pile consisting of 6.06 x 10°° of these cubes will weigh 
a gram, and have a radius of 4.88 x 10°° cm. Place two such one 
gram masses of protons adjacent to one another, the centers 
of the two spherical piles, a and b, Fig. 1, being one cm. apart. 
The two parallel planes, c and d, introduced to simplify the 
discussion, bisect these spheres; and the small cylinder, indicated 
by the dotted lines, extending from plane to plane, contains one 

* Received for publication November 8, 1945. 

The Density of the Ether 2] 

Fig. 1 

half of each sphere. In other words, the free space in the cylinder 
has been reduced by an amount equal to the volume of a one 
gram spherical pile of protons. As a consequence, the ether fluid 
flowing between the two bodies is accelerated by these obstruc- 
tions proportionate to the lessened free space in the cylinder. 
Likewise the ether’s velocity increases proportionate to the 
shortening of the free space across the throat of the constriction, 
the shortening of the distance being from 1 cm to (1-2 x 4.88 x 
10°), or 0.99999024 cm. 

This number is slightly in error because the two piles of 
protons are not solid masses of matter, but are composed of 
particles which we here assume to be spherical. The ether will 
therefore freely penetrate the piles in proportion to their 
porosity. Since the protons themselves, if spherical and solid, 
occupy only two thirds of the space in their immediate region, 
recalculation shows that the effective width at the constriction 
is roughly 0.999994 cm., and the velocity of the ether stream 
at the throat is 2.9978 x 10° / 0.999994 = 2.99782 x 10°° 
em./sec. This figure is still somewhat in error for, according 
to the theory proposed in the first paper, all ultimate particles 
are vortices in the ether, and the charges which such particles 
carry are due to the flow of the ether stream through the 
properly oriented vortices. However, the uncertainties of the 
problem force us to neglect the correction for this type of 

Nevertheless, there is another correction that requires atten- 
tion. If the measurements under consideration were made on 

22 The Kentucky Academy of Science 
this planet, the two masses of protons would be in motion 
relative to the ether because of the earth’s spin, orbital motion 
about the sun, and migration toward the northern constellation 
of Cygnus (2), as is brought out in the second section of this 
paper. This motion would reduce the relative velocity of the 
ether past the two bodies, and lessen the “force of attraction” 
between them. With this in mind, we deduct 3.5 x 10’ cm/sec., the 
velocity of the two bodies due to the earth’s spin, orbital motion, 
and drift toward Cygnus, from 2.998 x 10’ em/sec., the theory’s 
assumed velocity of the ether stream, obtaining 2.9945 x 10'° 
em/sec. as the velocity of the ether stream relative to the two 
bodies. Then the velocity of the ether stream at the throat of 
the constriction will be 2.9945 x 10'°/0.999994 cm/sec. 

The Bernoulli equation may take the form, p - P = (1 - 
v?/V7) pV?/2, or, p - P = (V’-v’)»/2, where P and V represent 
respectively the pressure and velocity of the fluid at some 
distance, p and v the pressure and velocity at some other point 
on the same stream-line, say at the throat, and p is the density 
of the fluid. However, in the absence of other objects, there will 
be no important constrictions on the far sides of the two bodies, 
and P will then be also the pressure on the far sides tending to 
force the bodies together. Now it is our contention that, after 
multiplying both sides of the Bernoulli equation by (unit cm?) 
to change the dimensions to that of force, the p - P term should 
equal the gravitation constant, 6.66 x 10“dyne. However, since 
P > p, the p - P term is negative in sign. So by substituting 
the required quantities in the equation, and solving for p, we 
have, p — - 6.66 x 10;°x 27 (2/9945 x 10)? - (2.99452 x10? )e 
Lal se Os en ere 



It is well known that atomic and molecular motion, wherein 
heat makes itself manifest, is initiated most characteristically 
by radiation from the infrared band, but the mechanism by 
which radiant energy brings about this motion has escaped 
discovery. Recently, however, the author of this paper succeeded 
in visualizing a mechanism to account for atomic motion (3), 
and he proposes now to test the validity of his theory of heat 
and motion by observing whether a study, closely adhering to 
the tenets of the theory, leads to the conclusion that it is 

The Density of the Ether 23 

infrared radiation that produces the atomic motion. It is quite 
true that atomic motion may result from the absorbtion of 
radiation other than infrared, especially in black body absorbers. 
Nevertheless infrared radiation is definitely to be classed 
primarily as a source of heat. 

In order to estimate the wave length of the radiation which 
causes atomic motion, the temperature, mean free path and mean 
velocity of the atom under consideration being known, we resort 
to the use of the concept, “parasite drag’’, an aerodynamic term 
which one might say loosely designates the force of the wind 
against a bluff body, tending to carry it down-wind. Quantita- 
tively the term is defined by the equation (4), D, = 0.5xC, x 
p X V’ x A, where C, is the dimensionless coefficient of parasite 
drag, p is the density of the medium (air in aerodynamic 
studies), V is the velocity of the dragged body relative to the 
medium, and A is the body’s cross-sectional area projected on a 
plane orthogonal to the stream. In this paper the postulated 
ether replaces the atmospheric medium of aerodynamics, and 
we assume that the laws of aerodynamics also apply in “etho- 
dynamics’, to coin a new term. 

The theory proposed by the author asserts that vortices in 
the ether stream are to be identified by their frequencies of 
rotation as photons, i.e., corpuscles of radiation, electrons, 
neutrons, etc. Also, the stream is conceived to have the ability 
to accelerate quickly, and drag along with itself at its own 
constant velocity c, the relatively voluminous and almost mass- 
less photons, in somewhat the same fashion as autumn leaves 
are blown by the wind. But denser bodies, such as atoms, do 
not accelerate rapidly. However, if there are photons attached 
to the atoms, or combined with them in a loose chemical fashion, 
(this is equivalent, in conventional language, to saying the 
atoms possess energy), they accelerate more rapidly. Thus, all 
atoms whose temperatures are above O°K have attached to 
themselves one or more photons, and in consequence of this, 
are in ceaseless motion. 

A military illustration of an effect not unlike the one related, 
is that of a paratrooper landing in a breeze. Unless the parachute 
collapses promptly, it may drag the trooper and his heavy 
equipment violently over the rough terrain, and be a serious 
hazard to life and limb. But once the chute has collapsed, and its 
dragging force vanished, the trooper suffers no ill effect of the 
wind’s drag on his own person, for his mass is considerable 

24 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

compared with the projected area of his body. In this fashion 
the theory seeks to account for the motion of material bodies. 

To apply the concept of parasite drag to the problem, we 
consider the behavior, at standard conditions, of a helium atom 
to which photons are attached. When the atom-photon assem- 
blage accelerates from a state of rest to one of motion, it does 
so because of the action of some force, F = ma, whose magnitude 
is measured by the acceleration and mass of the helium atom. 
Equating F and D,, one writes, C, x p x V? x A/2 = m xa, and 
A = 2xm x a/(C, x p x V’). Hence by evaluating the right 
hand terms, the area of the photons will be known. 

In aerodynamics, the value of C, for bluff bodies, in contrast 
with those having streamline contours, may be approximately 
unity (4). In heu of better information, we shall adopt this 
figure. The mass of the helium atom is found in the usual way, 
4/(6.06 x 10°*) g. The velocity of the helium atom at 273.1°K 
relative to the ether stream is estimated as follows: 

Ble 44000 cm./sec., velocity of the helium atom, at rest 
relative to the earth, due to earth’s spin 
on axis. 

b. 2960000 cm./sec., velocity of helium atom, at rest relative 
to earth, due to earth’s orbital motion 
around the sun. 

ce. 32000000 cm./sec., velocity of helium atom, at rest relative 
to earth, due to solar system’s drift 
toward the northern constellation of 
Cygnus (2). 

d. 120000 cm./sec., velocity of helium atom relative to earth 
at 273.1°K. This is the atom’s mean 

e. 35120000 cm./sec., velocity of helium atom at 273.1°K, rela- 
tive to a three dimensional axis system, 
origin at Cygnus. 

fi @=v — Vi —= 2.998 x 102° = Silo x 109 — 2.9945) 1029 ema secs 

velocity of helium atom at 273.1°K, relative to the ether stream, 

or reciprocally, the velocity of the ether stream relative to the 
helium atom. For the present we shall consider the northern 
constellation of Cygnus fixed in space. 

Item (a) in the preceding paragraph, depends on the latitude; 
but maximum latitude change would affect the final results only 

The Density of the Ether 25 

to the extent of one in 10°. Item (b) is a variable quantity, and 
affects the results only 1:10000. Item (c) may lack precision, 
but to omit it altogether would affect the results to the extent 
of only 1:1000. Item (d), the mean velocity of the helium atom 
at 273.1°K, even if doubled to represent a possible maximum 
velocity, can affect the final result only 1 : 300000. If then, those 
enumerated are the only types of motion to be considered, the 
value, V = 2.9945 x 10° cm./sec., is to be regarded as the 
velocity of the ether stream relative to the helium atom. 

In order to estimate the acceleration, a, of the helium atom, 
we discard kinetic theory’s pure assumption that the collisions 
are perfectly elastic, and instead, assume that they are perfectly 
inelastic. Thus we assume that when a helium atom collides with 
another body, it stops; and it regains velocity chiefly by virtue 
of the drag of the ether stream on the photons attached to the 
atom. This description is believed to be in accord with known 
fact. For example, at 0°K, the atom, lacking photons, fails to 

The magnitude of a helium atom’s kinetic energy in one direc- 
tion may be stated in the terms, E = mv’?/2 = kT/2. It is 
immaterial whether the velocity, v, is constant, or is merely 
a momentary value reached during acceleration. That is, E — 
mie) 2) — in (1./t2) 41/2 — malL/2 = kT/2. Hence, its acceleration 
is, a = kT/mL, where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the 
temperature, and m and L, for our purposes, are respectively the 
mass and the mean free path of the helium atom at standard 
conditions. Substitution of numerical values yields, a — 1.37 x 
Meee iol x 6.06.x9 1022 x 44 x 2:51- x 10° = °2:26. x 
10* cm./sec’. 

It is necessary to comment briefly on the use here made of 
the term, L = 2.51 x 10° cm., the mean free path of the helium 
atom. It is assumed that the atom, starting from a state of rest, 
accelerates constantly along the mean free path until, at the end 
of this path, the instantaneous velocity, v = 1.2 x 10° cm./sec., 
or the mean velocity, has been reached. At this point the atom 
normally collides, and the cycle starts again. In other words, 
whereas classical kinetic theory assumes that the atom, traveling 
at constant velocity, v. collides, stops, rebounds, and immediately 
is again traveling at the same constant velocity, v, this theory 
assumes that the atom, after being stopped in a collision, 
constantly accelerates until it again collides; and it never 
acquires a constant velocity until it has accelerated to the 
velocity of light. This latter state cannot be realized except in the 

26 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

Wig. 2 1 

absence of all interference, as in the perfect vacuum of inter- 
nebular space, where such a speed, as suggested earlier (3), 
heralds the birth of a cosmic ray. 

Now, since all the terms are known, the value of A can be 
calculated thus: A = 2 x 4/(6.06 x 107%) x 2.26 x 10“ x 1/ 
[2s xn On? xe 10229945) 2 x 11020] — 25 x On emi aredsoteailil 
photons. Let A’ = area of one photon. Then nA’ = A. Let 
Ns;3, — 273.1. By this we mean the following: let us simply 
guess that the distribution of photons is one photon per atom 
per degree change of temperature. This arrangement leaves the 
atom devoid of photons at 0° K. Then A/n = 2.75 x 10°°/273.1 = 
A’ = 1.007 x 10° cm.’, the area of one photon. 

In estimating the wave length of this photon whose area we 
have just calculated, we recall the assumption made by the 
author (1) that a photon, like sub-atomic particles, is an ethereal 
vortex whose force impulse, as the photon is dragged through 
space at velocity c, traces a wave-like path, as illustrated in 
Fig. 2, wherein the force-impulse, a, of the disk-like photon, b, 
traces the wave-like path, c, of wave-length, \. By the time the 
ether stream has dragged the photon from x to y, the point, a, 
will have reached the point, a’, and the overall result will be 
equivalent to rolling the disk one revolution along the line, d - e. 
Hence the circumference of the photon equals the wave-length 
Neen AY = 717) — OO xO rr) — (OO Cx 1On x7 camel 
Dim Mi Nor LOOM xe 1 On? x 752) 2) — ded 3 xe Oss ende yor eres 

Since the infrared, or heat rays, are said to extend in the 
electromagnetic spectrum from 0.8 » to 420 wu, the result just 
found indicate that our surmise as to the distribution of photons, 
i.e., one photon per atom per degree change in temperature, was 

The Density of the Ether 27 

probably correct, for the value, 1.13 », lies within this band. In 
this connection it is also worth observing that the area of the 
puoton, 1-007 x 10° em?., where ) = 1.13 x 10-*em., is 1.3 x 10%” 
times as large as the cross-sectional area of the helium nucleus. 
Hence the drag of the ether on the attached photons will be 
enormously greater than that on the nucleus alone. It is also an 
essential part of the theory that the ether stream flows freely 
through the outer part of the atom where the electrons are 
located. For this reason, the cross-sectional area of the atom as 
a whole is not to be regarded as a measure of the drag of the 
ether stream on the atom stripped of photons, but rather the 
projected area of the much smaller nucleus, together possibly 
with the cross-sectional area of all the electrons. 


The classical derivation of the gas constant was guided by 
kinetic theory, and consequently employed constant molecular 
velocities. Since the author of this paper has reason to doubt 
that atoms and molecules have constant velocities, and suspects 
that they have changing velocities and constant acceleration, it 
is desirable to derive R through the use of atomic acceleration. 
This will be done by employing the language and logic of the 
two preceding sections. 

Consider one mole of helium at standard conditions, and, 
anywhere within its bulk, select a small cubical portion, L cm. 
on the edge, containing N, x L*/22400 atoms, where L is the 
mean free path, and N, is the Avogadro number. Attached to 
each atom are 273.1 photons (See Part 2) which accelerate the 
atom through ether drag, and the force applied by the ether 
stream equals that which the accelerating atom, because of 
inertia, exerts in the opposite direction. To avoid confusion, this 
article will hereafter confine its attention to the force of the 
atom, even though the ether is to be regarded as the prime 
mover. With this in mind, we fix our attention first on the 
gas in the small cube. 

The mean acceleration, a, of the atoms in space may be 
resolved into three component accelerations, a,, a, and 4a,, 
referred to a three dimensional co-ordinate system with axes 
menyoand.z: this a? i— a2. = a7, q-.a7;.,As the:number of mole- 
cules is very large, one may say without sensible error, a*, = 
a’, = a?, = a?/3, and the acceleration of atoms parallel to the 

28 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

x-axis, a,, equals a/3”. Then the force exerted by one helium 
atom toward one side is, 4/N, x a/3”, and the force exerted by 
1/6 th. the total number of atoms toward the same side is, 
4/N, x a/3% x L’/22400 x N,/6 dyne. Dividing by L’, the area of 
the’ side, gives, 4/N, x a/3* x 13?/22400 x N,/6 x li — ip 
dyne/cm’. Now multiply by L/L, or unity, and have, 4/N, x 
d/o? xl) 22400 x N,/6x le x L/L — p. Since 7 <a — ayaa 
volume of the small cube, we may multiply both sides by v, and 
obtain 4/N, x a/3” x L’/22400 x N, x L/6 = pv. This operation 
leaves on the left the mass of 1/6 th. the helium atoms in the 
cube, multiplied by the acceleration of each atom, times the 
distance each atom travels between collisions, i.e., the mean free 
path, yielding ergs, or work, and equals pv. On multiplying both 
sides by 6, we have, 4/N, x a/3”" x L*/22400 x N./6 x L x 6 = 
6pv — p’v’, the work done by all the atoms in the cube during 
the time they travel the mean free path. But the main bulk of 
gas contains 22400/L* small subes. Hence, 4/N, x a/3% x 
L?/22400 x N,/6 x L x 6 x 22400/L* = 22400/L* x p’v’ = PV 
ergs, the work done by a mole. Canceling, 4aL/3% — PV. But 
experimentally, PV is proportional to T. Hence PV = cT, where e 
is: a,constant. Then 4al/32)— PV) — ch and 4a) —"32e¢ne— ae 
where 3%c = R. Hence, 4aL/T = R. Now, from Part 2, a = 
2.26 x 10'* cm./sec.”, and L has the value 2.51 x 10° ecm. There- 
forest 4s x 2/26 5X MOM x 22 bil x On / 203 al 9 — a ornare 
ergs/mole/degree. Closer agreement with the accepted value, 
8.31 x 10’, awaits more precise knowledge of atomic mean 
velocity, and mean free path. 

Naturally, R divided by N,, yields 1.37 x 10° erg/atom/ 
degree, the Boltzmann constant. However, the figure, 1.37 x 10°"°, 
may have another significant interpretation. We may write, 
476.06 x 10-% x)2.26 x 10** x Zot x 1077/2734 = 1320 
erg/atom/photon. Here we have multiplied the mass of one 
helium atom by its acceleration, and its mean free path, to 
obtain erg/atom. If each atom has 273.1 photons attached to 
itself at 273.1° K. then the quotient gives ergs per atom accom- 
plished by the dragging effect of the ether on one photon. 

Questions occur when contemplating the problems under 
discussion. For example: what becomes of the atom’s energy 
at the time of collision? This paper does not insist that abso- 
lutely all atomic collisions are entirely inelastic. Occasionally 
some energy may be passed on to the struck atoms. However, it 
appears that most of the energy built up by the acceleration 
of the atoms is completely destroyed when the atom stops. How 

The Density of the Ether 29 

then can this view be made to harmonize with the common belief 
that energy is conserved? The answer is that photons are con- 
served; then, after collision, the ether stream again accelerates 
the atom-photon assemblage to replace the lost energy. But, 
while the atoms accelerate, the ether decelerates. However, the 
rate of deceleration is slow. Taking the radius of the observable 
universe to be 500 million light years (5), a distance undoubt- 
edly far short of the unobservable limits, the mass of ether 
filling the corresponding sphere is 5 x 10°° grams, a quantity 
10°° times that of the earth. Since the velocity of the ether is c, 
its kinetic energy is of the order, 10** ergs. Little matter stands 
in the way to oppose the ether’s progress. Although the ether’s 
own momentum, plus that of photons in flight, is sufficient to 
keep it going for a great period of time, nevertheless, a slow 
retardation is inevitable. If this is true, light reaching us now 
from the outer boundaries of space, is traveling slower now than 
it did when setting out. 

The deduction just reached, that the speed of light may be 
less now than it formerly was, has a bearing on an important 
problem in astronomy. The Doppler effect is counted on to detect 
the approach or recession of heavenly bodies. It is disturbing 
then to discover with the newer instruments that the most 
distant nebulae show only the red shift, increasing directly with 
distance, indicating that these bodies are receding without 
exception. Do these Doppler effects represent, in fact, recession 
of the nebulae, “or the action of some hitherto unrecognized 
principle in nature’? (5). The deductions to follow tend to 
discredit Doppler shifts if the radiation investigated originated 
in the most distant regions. 

Let the wave length of a photon, » = mc’/h at the time of 
emission, be measured when the light reaches the earth at the 
termination of the photon’s journey from the outer regions of 
observable space, a distance of some 500 million light years (5). 
The measurement showed, v, = mc?,/h, where c,, the velocity of 
light at the present time, is less than c, the velocity of light at 
the time the photon set out, because of the deceleration of light. 
The wave length of another photon is examined at the same time. 
The second photon, emitted during an atomic energy change 
identical with that which occurred when the first photon was 
emitted 5 x 10° years earlier, arrived after only an eight minute 
journey from the sun. The frequency of the second photon is, 
vy = m,c?,/h; that is, its frequency is identical with that which 
the first photon had when it was emitted, but greater than that 
which the first photon had when it was measured at the end of 

30 The Kentucky Academy of Science 

its long journey. Of necessity, the mass, m, of the first photon 
is less than m,, the mass of the second, because, at the time of 
emission, both had the same frequency, and c > ¢,. Hence 1, 
the frequency of the ancient photon at the time of its arrival 
on this planet, is found to be less than 1, the frequency of the 
8-minute-old photon, even though the two frequencies were 
equal at the time of emission. 

The argument just presented accounts then for a red shift 
which is not due to a receding emitter. The value of the con- 
clusions, of course, depends on whether the speculations, relative 
to the ether and the deceleration of light, have their foundations 
in truth. Indeed, it is the purpose of this paper to investigate 
the verity of the ether theory; and the fact that the theory, in 
Part 2, finds that atomic motion is initiated by infrared radia- 
tion, and now, in Part 3, discovers a fairly satisfactory explana- 
tion of an anomalous red shift, is an accomplishment which, in a 
small way, helps to establish the truth of the ether theory. 

Note. The use, in Part 3, of the quantity, a = 2.26 x 10** 
em./sec.’, as found in Part 2, is illogical because k, the Boltz- 
mann constant, which is related to R through N,, entered into 
the calculation of a. However, the estimation of R, as carried 
out in Part 3, is not without value, for it indicates that a, 
discovered by any other method not involving k, would yield a 
figure for R identical with that found. A rather rough approxi- 
mation of a, but one avoiding the use of k altogether, follows. 

One may write, a — L/t’, for accelerating particles, and 
t — L/v, for non-accelerating particles. Kinetic theory regards 
the quantity, v = 1.2 x 10° cm./sec., as the mean velocity of : 

helium atoms at standard conditions. Then t = 2.51/(10° x 1.2 x - 
10°) sec. is the mean time required for the atom to travel the . 
mean free path L at constant velocity. But whether the atom 
moves at constant velocity, or starts from rest and reaches the 
velocity v by acceleration, the time required for either journey 
over the mean free path will be of the same order of magnitude. 
Hence one may substitute this value of t into the first equation 
and have without great error, a — 6 x 10“ cm./sec.’. This rough 
value of a, obtained without using k, compares quite favorably 
with the more precise figure obtained in Part 2. 

(1) Stewart, Ky. Acad. Sci., Transactions, 7, 92-106 (1938). 
(2) Shapley, Sigma Xi Quarterly, 30, 1-15 (1942). 
(3) Stewart, Ky. Acad. Sci., Transactions, 9, 5-9 (1941). 
(4) von Mises, Theory of Flight, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1945, 
pages 95-96. 
(5) Hubble, Sigma Xi Quarterly, 30, 99-115 (1942). 



Department of Biology, University of Louisville 
Louisville, Ky. 

Two types of leaf glands are present in Ailanthus altissima: 
(1) simple glands that are scattered over the surface of young 
leaflets and are the outgrowths of epidermal cells, and (2) more 
specialized glands found along the basal margins of the leaflets. 

Although the epidermal glands are dispersed over the surface 
of the leaflets, they are more abundant along the veins. These 
simple glands are either one-celled hair-like projections of epi- 
dermal cells, or many-celled knob-like growths which arise by 
the division of epidermal cells. 

The first indication of a simple gland, regardless of type, is 
the outward arching of an epidermal cell. This takes place when 
the young leaflets are from 0.10 to 0.130 millimeters long. The 
initial arching shows that a gland is in the process of formation 
but does not indicate the kind. The nucleus which is large and 
stains heavily appears to have this controlling influence. If the 
nucleus does not divide, the cell continues to elongate and pro- 
duces the simple single-celled tubulary trichome, but if division 
of the nucleus occurs, a many celled knob-shaped gland develops. 

In the hair-like glands, illustrated in figure 1, the outward 
growth continues until at maturity they vary from 0.07 to 0.32 
millimeters in length. The young gland possesses a thin wall and 
a single large nucleus, but at maturity the wall thickens (0.0012- 
0.0015 millimeters) and the nucleus disappears. 

The planes of the first cellular divisions of the many-celled 
epidermal glands are parallel and form the stalk (2-6 cells) while 
the remaining divisions which occur in different planes form the 
knob-like head. The growth of this type of gland is shown in 
figures 2, 3, 4, and 5. These glands vary from 0.020 to 0.192 milli- 
meters in length and contain 4 to 56 cells. Both kinds of epi- 
dermal glands lack a vascular system, so the growth materials 
are obtained from the surrounding leaf cells. The secretion filters 
through the wall of the gland and evaporates from the surface. 
This method of secreting has been observed in three species of 
Pelargonium by Hannig.' 

Specialized leaf glands appear as small visual masses of secre- 
tory tissue on the auriculiform teeth at the base of the leaflets 

* Received for publication January 15, 1946. 

32 The Kentucky Academy of Science . 

(figure 6). Statistical studies of one thousand leaflets show that 
the glands vary from 1 to 8 for each leaflet, with an average of 

The shape and external features of the marginal gland are 
illustrated in figure 7. The outer surface is spherical with a small 
depressed opening near the center. Each gland is supplied by 
one or more veins that pass into the tooth. 

Microscopic examinations of expanding leaf buds show that 
marginal glands first appear on the tenth unit. Twelve per cent 
of these leaves show glands, while all leaves developing after the 
tenth possess glands (figures 8, 9,10, and 11). 

In studying the position and structure of glands in members of 
the family Simarubaceae, Solereder states: ‘So far as I know, 
the marginal leaf glands in Ailanthus have not as yet been ex- 
amined in detail.” * Figure 12 is a drawing of an auriculiform 
tooth made from a series of photomicrographs which shows a 
cross-section of a normal mature marginal gland. The glandular 
area is large and distinct from the remaining tissues of the tooth. 
The epidermal cells of the glandular portion of the tooth are 
elongated and lack uniformity in shape that are characteristic 
of normal cells. The opening in the center of the gland is pro- 
duced by the breaking of the epidermal layer in this area. The 
short cavity which is present below the opening is formed by the 
parting of secreting cells. 

The actively secreting cells are spindle-shaped, polygonal and 
rather uniform, and in mass appear to converge toward the 
cavity. The marginal cells of the gland are more granular and 
deeply stained than the surrounding non-glandular cells. 

The vascular system which extends into the tooth passes 
along the margins of the secreting area but does not enter it. 
The secretion passes from cell to cell until the border cells secrete 
it into the cavity. 

1 Hannig, E. Uber den mechanismus der Sekretausscheidung bei den 
Drusenhaaren von Pelargonium. Zeitschr. Bot. 23: 1004-1014, 1930. 

2 Solereder, Hans. Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Vol. I, 
p. 184, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1908. 

Tig. 1. A small section of the surface tissue of a young leaflet showing 
the pesition and manner of growth of a hair-like gland. 

Figs. 2-5. Illustrating four stages in the development of a many-celled 

epidermal gland. 

Tig. 6. Two leaflets from a mature leaf showing the position of the mar- 
ginal glands on the basal portion of the ieaflet. 

Fig. 7. Enlarged section of the basal part of a leaflet showing the posi- 
tion of the marginal glands and the distribution of the vascular 
systems to them. 

Figs. 8-11. Showing the 9, 10, 11, and 12 units in the budscale-leaf series 

and indicating the stage at which the marginal glands appear. 

Fig, 12. Section through a marginal Jeaf gland showing the vascular dis- 

tribution, secretory tissues, secretory cavity, and the ostiole. 


of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 
Kentucky Academy of Science 

| A more active Academy. Alfred Brauer _. 2 
Serenes in Society. Paul Kolachov = 3 SS eee 

Studies on flavone-like substances isolated from tobacco. 
Anna Shoulties Naff and Simon H. Wender ___._.. 10 

Effect of glucose upon the viability of Lactobacillus casei. 
Mary, WMiuedekin gp) =. ee es a ee 14 

Research Notes: 
A note on the elimination of Endamoeba coli in the human host. 

David Richard Lincicome and Robert Arthur Gold __._.... 17 
| Occurrence of Neoechinorhynchus emydis (Acanthocephala) 
in Snails. David Richard Lincicome and Allie Whitt, Jr. __...-.... 19 
i and Noten ey ee 20 

> Abstracted Minutes of 1944 and 1946 meeting of the Kentucky 
es POR GOITe. Ol. mintence. 22 <0. 3. fe a 22 

Printed Quarterly by 
Lexington, Kentucky 



ss of the a 
Nigh comer: nny”, ee 

Editors ed 

Jos. E. SEAGRAM AND SONS. Department of Zoology 
7th. Street Road University of Kentucky 

Louisville 1, Kentucky Lexington 29, Kentucky 


President Vice President Secretary 

University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Jos. E. Seagram and Sons | 
eee Louisville, Kentucky 

Counselor to Junior Representative to Council | 

Treasurer Academy of the A. A. A. S. — 


University of Kentucky Eastern State Teachers University of Louisville 


Morris SCHERAGO, University of Kentucky, to 1951 

PAUL KoLAcHoV, Jos. E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., to 1950 
GEORGE V. PAGE, Western State Teachers College, to 1950 
J. S. BANGSON, Berea College, to 1950 : 
ROBERT T. HINTON, Georgetown College, to 1949 

H. B. LovELL, University of Louisville, to 1949 

L. Y. LANCASTER, Western State Teachers College, to 1948 
Ai ! AustTIN R. MIDDLETON, University of Louisville, to 1948 

The Transactions are issued quarterly. The four issues constitute an an- — 
nual volume. Domestic subscription, $2.00 per volume, foreign, $2.50. 

Manuscripts, advertising and all other material for publication should — 
be addressed to the editors. Correspondence concerning membership in the 
Academy, subscriptions or other business matters should be addressed to the | 

3 2 ea 

President, Kentucky Academy of Science, 1947-48 



The Kentucky Academy of Sci- 
ence, one of about thirty-five such 
state or regional societies, endeavors 
to carry the torch of scientific en- 
lightenment within its environs. Its 
purpose is to advance science by in- 
vestigation and by the dissemination 
of discovered knowledge. It has a 
membership of slightly over 300, and 
among these are a_ representative 
number of the State’s outstanding re- 

search men and scholars. Among its 
members are also a_ considerable 
number who advance its cause as 

teachers, or as community, or as in- 
dustrial leaders. The Academy’s sci- 
entific accomplishments are present- 
ed, and its business largely transact- 
ed at the one annual meeting. Also 
at this meeting, its new business for 
the coming year is initiated, and, in 
the brief period of about one hour, 
this is presented, discussed, and leg- 
islated. Whatever legislation is en- 
acted is turned over to the Executive 
Committee for execution. 

Although most of its members 
thoroughly believe in the Academy 
and its purposes, this is no indica- 
tion that they think the Academy is 
all it should be. Almost all of them 
can see its shortcomings. Individual- 
ly its members believe in it to the 
extent that they can help to make it 
the kind of organization they most 

In this column I wish to point out 
some failings which can be correct- 
ed, but first, as one who has been a 
member of the Executive Committee 

for several years let me come to the 
defense of that body and thereby at- 
tempt to disqualify one of the criti- 
cisms most often directed at it and 
at the Academy as a whole. 

It is not entirely correct for ex- 
ample, that we go to the annual 
meeting, hear some papers present- 
ed, initiate some business, and then 
proceed to forget about it till the 
next annual meeting. The members 
of the committee have their work to 
do, and as your representatives feel 
their responsibilities and do their ut- 
most to do the work with which they 
are charged. On numerous occasions, 
and especially during the war years, 
the committee not only executed 
duties, but initiated and set tasks 
for itself. Briefly this work consisted 
of letters to congressmen and sena- 
tors first, in regard to the scientific 
manpower bill, and second, in re- 
gard to the eternal question of 
opening national preserves to ex- 
ploitation. It initiated a new meas- 
ure in regard to conservation 
within the state and contributed 
to the work of the Committee for 
Kentucky. It initiated and set in mo- 
tion a study on the conditions under 
which science is taught in secondary 
schools, with the motive of improv- 
ing them. To go into further detail 
here regarding these movements 
would be missing the real point o1 
this communication, so, let me also 
point out wherein we have failed and, 
if possible, how we can make im- 

AUG 1 2 19. 

A More Active Academy 

First: we have not yet scratched 
the surface of possibilities in ob- 
taining sustaining memberships which 
are so necessary for carrying out 
the work of the Academy. These are 
open to educational and industrial 
institutions, to their departments, or 
to their libraries. In return for each 
membership of this kind all the priv- 
ileges of the society are granted 
namely, a voting membership and 
subscription to the Transactions. 

The possibilities in this direction 
are endless, and the ease of obtaining 
them makes us wonder why we have 
not ten times the present number. 
The only thing lacking here is a 
little effort, not only on the part 
of the salesman, but also on the 
part of those who present research 
and do not make it available for 
publication, on the part of those who 
have research but do not present it, 
and finally on the part of those who 
have charge of the publication of the 
Transactions. In other words when 
we sell such a membership, it is posi- 
tively necessary that we fulfill our 
obligations in the contract, and give 
something in return for the mem- 
bership. P 

Second: bring into the Academy a 
greater number of workers from in- 
dustrial research laboratories, where 
so much is done in the application of 
science, as well as in making real 
fundamental discoveries. In obtain- 
ing these memberships we could ap- 
proximately double our present mem- 

Third: bring into affiliation with 
the Academy other scientific associa- 
tions. We do not have adequate rep- 
resentation from several engineering 
societies, for example. 

Semiscientifiec societies are often 
interested in, and worthy of member- 
ship. In this category are natural 

history groups, astronomical study 
groups, groups for the study of phys- 
ical sciences. The Academy can aid 
such organizations in much the same 
manner it does the Junior Academy, 
and in so doing, can advance science 
by the dissemination of knowledge. 

Fourth: do a great deal more than 
we are doing toward conservation of 
resources generally. This is a broad 
term, and we are sometimes not in 
harmony with one another as to its 
real meaning. Here we have refer- 
ence to mineral, land, and biological 
conservation. In connection with the 
latter, there are many representa- 
tives of fish and game societies who 
have learned what constitutes the 
fundamentals of their chief interests, 
and would be interested members of 
the society. 

Fifth: greater productiveness on 
the part of all members is highly de- 
sirable. Lack of this is now reflected 
in the number, if not in the quality 
of papers presented at the annual 
meeting. In the past, from 1938 to 
1942, between 40 and 60 papers 
were read at meetings at Morehead, 
Richmond, Lexington, and Louisville. 
These were divided among six divi- 
sional meetings. At Louisville and at 
Morehead, demonstrational meetings 
were also successful. Since that time 
and especially since the war, there 
has been a dearth of papers. At the 
last annual meeting at Bowling 
Green, only three divisional meetings 
were held, and 15 papers were read. 
The Biology division arranged a pro- 
gram only during the last week be- 
fore the meeting when it was dis- 
covered that an insufficient number 
of papers were forthcoming from its 
membership to hold a meeting of 
the division. This was the only time 
in over fifteen years that this division 
had even approximated failure. 

A More Active Academy 

Otherwise the meeting might have 
been very successful, since about 140 
members and their guests from out- 
side the host city participated in the 
meetings. Productiveness on the part 
of the younger members would be 
especially encouraging and stimulat- 
ing. If you have something worth 
while, get it on the program and 
present it. 

Finally, if you would like to see 
the Academy function as it should 
between annual meetings, and if 
you have ideas for making it more 
vigorous, bring those ideas to the 
business sessions and present them 
either in the form of motions, or in 

the form of resolutions which can 
be legislated in the same manner as 
motions. If carried, they will be 
executed during the year if at all 
possible. Herein all members can 
take a part whether or not they ever 
present a research paper. Resolu- 
tions may be presented by any mem- 
ber even though he is not on the 
resolutions committee, and in the 
past some of the most worth-while 
actions of the Academy have resulted 
from them. 

President, Kentucky 
Academy of Science 



Technical Counselor 
Jos. E. Seagram & Sons 

No doubt this eminent Society of 
Kentucky scientists did not know 
what they were letting themselves in 
for, when they elected this “crazy Rus- 
sian’”’ to be their president—not only 
a “crazy Russian’ but a fermentol- 
ogist at that! So if I trouble you 
with problems and keep you in a 
state of ‘‘suspended fermentation” 
do not blame me—but blame your- 

Since August of last summer 
when atom bombs fell on two Jap- 
anese cities, science has been forced 
to face social and political respons- 
ibilities of staggering proportion. 
In many places and on many levels, 
men of science who think in terms 
of humanity are searching their 
minds and are coming to certain 
conclusions with regard to this his- 
toric challenge; among such men is 
Dr. A. J. Carlson, distinguished Pro- 
fessor of Physiology at the Univer- 
sity of Chicago. In his address as 
the retiring president of the Amer- 

ican Association for the Advance- _ 

ment of Science delivered at St. 
Louis on March 27th of this year, 
Dr. Carlson made these solemn re- 

“On the basis of my under- 
standing of man and acquaint- 
ance with human history, I have 

. . advocated in the past that 
a man’s social responsibility is 
commensurate with his under- 
standing of man and nature 
.-- Men of science are urged to 
‘knock at the door of politics’ 

. . I think that our social re- 
sponsibility compels us to knock 
at this door not only as individ- 
uals but as organized profes- 
sional people.” 

*Address of the retiring president, Kentucky 
Academy of Science, April, 1946 

But Dr. Carlson is not alone in his 
opinion. Indeed scientific societies 
in many centers are stepping upon 
the economic, the industrial, and the 
political scene. As you no doubt 
know there is ‘fermentation’ for 
a National Science Foundation whose 
duty would be to promote fund- 
amental and basic sciences for na- 
tional defense, for public health, for 
better use of national resources. 

In the past, science has been the 
pioneer in society and economics and 
politics have followed. But I ven- 
ture to predict that since the re- 
lease of nuclear energy, science will 
examine very carefully the social 
consequences of its inventions. It 
will ask itself continuously WHAT 

Now I am proud to say that in 
cur own state of Kentucky, science 
is not alone in social progress. Two 
organizations which are not afraid 

to face facts have been started 
within the past two years: one is 
the Postwar Advisory Planning 

Commission of Kentucky, created by 
Executive Order of our Governor; 
the other is the Committee for Ken- 
tucky, a voluntary fact-finding com- 

The Postwar Advisory Planning 
Commission of Kentucky was 
created to study and investigate the 
Physical and human resources of 
the state and make plans and recom- 
mendations for the full develop- 
ment of such resources for the aid 
of agriculture, labor, manufacture, 
mining, transportation, conservation, 
and all other interests of the state. 

Here in our commonwealth the 

Science in Society 

very door of government is open- 
ing to science and certainly it is our 
duty and opportunity to walk in and 
offer our services. This hour con- 
tains a challenge of great good; if 
we let the hour pass, we do not de- 
serve the name either of scientist or 

Now what are the jobs to be done 
as set forth by the two fact-finding 
groups of aroused citizens; let me 
note but a few—the rehabilitation of 
veterans through training, education, 
and jobs. There is the complex of 
public interest programs, as health, 
conservation of natural resources of 
all kinds, water supply, natural gas, 
electricity, forests, and mines. There 
is the challenge of inadequate edu- 
cation! Lastly because I like ‘to 
press home the point—the many 
unsolved problems of agriculture. 

Even if we had no social con- 
science, still long-view selfishness 
would demand that soil conditions be 
improved, that new crops be de- 
veloped, that old crops be brought 
into balance, that surplus crops be 
processed and saved, not wasted. 

As we all know, Kentucky is a 
state of contrasts: in the Bluegrass 
region the product value per acre 
is about twice that of the national 
average per acre. Yet on the basis 
of value PER PERSON engaged in 
farming, Kentucky falls near the 
bottom of the list of states. In 
other words, we have some of the 
most valuable farm land in the 
whole United States, yet we have 
some of the most impoverished 
farmers. Since in a democracy, the 
HUMAN element counts most, it is 
the work of science to improve agri- 
culture so that the standard of liv- 
ing for farm families can be raised. 

We cannot delay this kind of job; 
improvement must be made and 

made right World famine 
would never have come about if in- 
ternationally, men of science had 
given their energies to the welfare 
of mankind instead of being forced 
to invent methods of destruction. So 
then, while there is yet time, let us 
make Kentucky a commonwealth 
laboratory where science and gov- 
ernment work hand in hand for the 
betterment of all. 

In the past, society expected a 
great lag between scientific discov- 
ery and practical application. In 
this regard, I like to recall my own 
experience with the Russian dande- 
lion named KOK-SAGYZ from which 
rubber can be produced. When I 
started to talk about this back in 
1941, I was laughed at by official 
agriculture. Now in February of 
1946, in the first draft of the Inter- 
Agency Policy Rubber Report the 
following appears on pages 40-41: 
“Seeds of the Russian dandelion, a 
plant used as a rubber source by the 
U.S. S. R., were flown here in 1942. 
The Department of Agriculture has 
not yet had the time fully to ex- 
plore the potentialities of this plant. 
Such research as has been conducted 
with experimental plantings indi- 
cates that rubber from Russian 
dandelion is of better quality than 
guayule ... Government research on 
plant improvement and cultivation 
of guayule and Russian dandelion 
should continue.” I merely men- 
tion this official apathy in getting 
started on such needed research and 
utilization as the sort of thing we 
should avoid in Kentucky. Slowness 
in making use of scientific improve- 
ments is an offense against our 
economy and welfare. We failed to 
develop native sources of much- 
needed quinine — another example 
of national waste. During the war 


Science in Society 

especially in the mechanical field, 
science was translated very quick- 
ly into practical application. What 
was done in war for the purpose of 
destruction surely can be done in 
peace-time in order for men to live 
—and live better. The world is too 
sick, too critically explosive for us 
to go to sleep—scientifically. 
Perhaps you have been aware, 
ladies and gentlemen, that under- 
neath my thoughts as expressed here 
today, there runs a theme: concern 
for the HUMAN element in society. 
Just what can science do to raise the 
HUMAN element? How can we, as 
men of science, help develop high- 
type individuals, the very base of 
our commonwealth? Since we are 
a democracy, that is the most fund- 
amental of all our problems. I be- 
lieve democracy is only workable 
where the citizens are secure eco- 
nomically and well-informed polit- 
ically. Hungry people do not think 
straight; despair leads to tyranny! 
How then can the Kentucky Acad- 
emy of Science help raise the intel- 
lectual level of its fellow citizens? 
Let me quote again from the 
speech of Dr. Carlson with regard 
to the function of science in the 
training of men’s minds. He said: 

“Men in science have or should 
have greater experience, train- 
ing, and conditioning than the 
rest of mankind because the 
scientific method and scientific 
research demand absolute in- 
tegrity, the absolute sticking to 
the facts as known or discov- 
As we must admit, men of science 

are not born more honest than other 
men, but by virtue of their training, 
they must face facts and draw con- 
clusions from them. INSIDE the 
laboratory, at least, the man of 
science must be honest or his exper- 
iment will fail. This is the type of 

mental training which is one of the 
most valuable contributions of 
science to society. It is the kind of 
thinking needed most urgently in 
state, and national, yes, and even in 
international fields. Wishful think- 
ing will not built a new world; but 
science can start a sound framework. 
Let me add here, I believe that 
science without social conscience 
ends in destruction of society—as 
witness Germany. But social con- 
science without science is also a 
grave danger. Our democracy is 
very subject to the troubles rising 
from a conscience without know- 
ledge of HOW to implement that 
conscience. Only confusion can re- 
sult from this, as we Americans 
know bitterly. 

Implementing social conscience is 
not always easy. The man of 
science, when knocking at the door 
of politics, often finds himself 
speaking a different language from 
the administrator and the statesman. 
The statesman and the politician 
may look upon us as ‘‘odd ducks” or 
“old fogies’’. 

Why this gulf between us? 

Let us examine our education and 
try to discover if there is some lack 
that explains this lack of under- 
standing. After examining the cur- 
ricula of many colleges, I am forced 
to the unhappy conclusion that the 
training of the scientist, even in the 
best schools, includes little or no 
awareness of the social consequences 
of his work. On the other hand, the 
education of the administrator and 
the politician is without sufficient 
information and adjustment as to 
the rapid changes taking place in 
our society because of scientific and 
technical discoveries and inventions. 
Here is a very serious inability of 
two vital parts of our society to 

Science in Society 

understand each other. For instance, 
read the arguments pro and con for 
giving or not giving out information 
on the atomic bomb. 

But here, in the Commonwealth 
of Kentucky, we are in a very for- 
tunate position. Our politicians, our 
industrialists, our economists have 
reached out the hands of co-oper- 
ation to us. They have in their re- 
ports pointed out the jobs that are 
unfinished and that cry out to be 
done. We cannot hold back. We 
DARE NOT shun the challenge. 
Here, at least in Kentucky, we talk 
the same language—the language of 
social betterment for all our citizens. 
When we look abroad, we see the 
world standing on the threshold of a 
new era: progress untold, or utter 
destruction. Internationally, men of 
science must lead humanity into the 
good light of decency and progress; 
nationally, we must find the paths 
of health and stability; and inside 
our own state, we cannot rest until 
all “unfinished business” is taken 
care of—and in good measure. 

My friends, the historians tell me 
that the word KENTUCKY means 
the “dark and bloody ground.” That 
name was given to this region of 
ours because, being rich with natural 
resources, men gave their lives, 
shedding their blood to possess that 

Much was lost in that battle. 
Man’s greed was short-sighted. It 
is up to us, as the Kentucky Acad- 
emy of Science, to lead the way in 
restoring their resources, and _ to 
increasing our wealth in order to 
raise the level of our state’s stand- 
ard of living. We cannot rest until 
Kentucky takes her place among the 
leading progressive states of the 
Union. Let us then change the 
name KENTUCKY from “dark and 

bloody ground” to the rich and 
ruddy ground. This, then, must be 
our goal, function, our duty, in the 
society of Kentucky. 

There is always the danger at 
meetings of this kind, particularly 
at meetings which come together but 
once a year, to ventilate noble sent- 
iments, exchange opinions — and 
then afterwards to go home and for- 
get all about it until next time. I 
do not want you to do this. As I 
said in the opening of my address, 
I should like to put you, my col- 
leagues, into a ferment of activity 
with regard to Kentucky’s problems 
and their solution. 

To examine, to investigate, and 
to inform ourselves about statewide 
problems is not enough. We can- 
not be content to be mere paper 
scientists, with elegant plans in- 
scribed on books and pamphlets. We 
want to get into action. So then, 
that is my program of ‘continuous 
cooking’”’, if I may borrow a phrase 
from the institution where I have 
the honor of earning my bread—and 
sometimes a little refreshment on 
the side. 

My opinion is that our Academy 
should come together oftener than 
once a year. At a time like this, 
when the world finds itself in a 
new era—The Atomic Age—cer- 
tainly people like ourselves have to 
get together often enough to keep 
informed as to what is happening in 
science and society. Therefore, I 
suggest we consider how often we 
can meet, where we can meet, and 
if we should met by sections, or by 

I feel our state should be divided 
into various ‘problem areas’? so we 
can apply ourselves to those prob- 
lems and help get the jobs done. 
We should get to know the various 

Science in Society 

members on the Postwar Advisory 
Planning Commission of Kentucky 
and the Committee for Kentucky 
and get busy with these men—so 
their postwar plans and their re- 
ports use the spark-plug of science. 
Thus we all can move forward faster 
together than any one group could, 

Another suggestion: I should like 
to see the Divisions of our Society 
be increased in number to include 
engineers of all types, sociologists 
especially those interested in rural 
problems, and experts in city plan- 
ning and improvement. 

Still another thought: industry 
should be stimulated to co-operate 
with science so that educational 
facilities in research and training 
can be stepped up greatly. Better 
education, more education is basic 
to all Kentucky problems. Industry 
will help science if it sees clearly 
that only in this way can it obtain 
the high-type personnel which _ it 
needs. No matter what product is 
made, its quality depends in large 
part on the integrity and skill of 
the men who make it. Our state is 
in great need of technically trained 
men to help solve our problems— 
yet the very men we need most go 
OUTSIDE the state for jobs. This is 
economic nonsense and we can’t af- 
ford it! It is sound investment, not 
charity, for industry to help estab- 
lish scholarships, fellowships, aid 
education in every way possible. The 
rewards will come back to industry 
—and in good measure. In a highly 
developed society, technical men 

hold the key. If we are foolish 
enough to let public machinery get 
into the hands of dishonest or in- 
competent men—vwe are giving over 
the future into the hands of children 
—or worse. 

Our Society then should have 
continuous vital contact with the in- 
dustries of the state and make plans 
and programs to encourage new in- 
dustries to come here and settle. 
This will enrich the state and in 
turn aid education. 

To sum up: Let us meet more 
often; let us so organize our mem- 
bership that we keep in touch with 
community problems in order to co- 
operate in their solution; let us re- 
port more often to the Society as a 
whole with regard to local and re- 
gional problems; let us work with 
industry in order to step up educa- 
tion within the Commonwealth. If 
we do follow a vital program such 
as this, I am certain we shall begin 
to feel new blood coursing in our 
veins; we shall sense the excitement 
and satisfaction of creating a Ken- 
tucky even better than the old. We 
should certainy keep the best of the 
old but let us infuse into it the finest 
of the new. As men of science we 
are well-equipped to help Kentucky 
make that transition—without dis- 
location, without class hate, without 
disaster. As I see it, to help lead 
the way into a better life for all, to 
epen the doors to a more just future 
—these are the functions of science 
in society! Let us now apply these 
principles at home—in our own 
Commonwealth of Kentucky! 

Cc NOC) 



Department of Chemistry 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Kentucky 

A method for the separation of cer- 
tain flavone-like substances from to- 
bacco has been described elsewhere by 
the authors (1). In this paper, the 
authors report the results of the 
chemical and physical analyses con- 
ducted on these water-soluble pig- 
ments separated from tobacco. 

The pigments studied were: (a) a 
pigment called 'W’, which was ad- 
sorbed on tale from 95% ethyl alcohol, 
but was eluted by water; (b) a pig- 
ment called ‘I’, which was not ad- 
sorbed on tale nor on activated alum- 
ina from 95% ethyl alcohol solution; 
(c) a pigment called '2’, which was 
not adsorbed on tale, but was ad- 
sorbed on activated alumina from 
95% ethyl aleohol solution; it was 
eluted from the alumina by water; 
(d) and a pigment called ‘3’, which 
was not adsorbed on tale, was adsorb- 
ed on activated alumina from 95% 
ethyl alcohol solution, but was not 
eluted by water; it was eluted, how- 
ever, with very dilute hydrochloric 
acid solution. 

The following methods were used 
in the qualitative analysis of the 
samples: (Each test was carried out 

1. Two milliliters of each solu- 

tion | were saturated with am- 

monia gas. 

2. Three drops of a 10 per cent 

sodium hydroxide solution were 

added to two milliliters of each 

3. Three drops of alkali carbon- 

ate were added to 2 milliliters of 

each solution. 


1Present address Department of Chemistry, 
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. 

A drop of concentrated sul- 


furic acid was added to two milli- 
liters of each solution. 
5. Two drops of ferric chloride 
solution were added to 2 milli- 
liters of each solution. 
6. Two drops of lead acetate 
solution were added to two mil- 
liliters of each solution. 
7. Two drops of basic lead ace- 
tate solution were added to two 
milliliters of each solution. 
8. Four drops of Tollen’s re- 
agent were added to two milli- 
liters of all the solutions except 
the hydrochloric acid solution. 
The chloride ion would interfere 
with the test. 
9. One milliliter of concentrated 
hydrochloric acid, then small 
quantities of magnesium pow- 
der were added to 5 milliliters of 
the water solutions. Reduction 
takes place with a change in 
color. The mixture was shaken 
from time to time. Amyl alcohol 
was added, and the mixture shak- 
en. Amyl alcohol should extract 
the color. Aor) 

The results of these qualitative 
tests are listed in Table 1. 

When a base such as ammonia, 
sodium carbonate, or 10% sodium hy- 
droxide was added to the pigment sol- 
ution, the color of each of the pig- 
ments under study deepened to form 
an intense yellow to brown solution. 
Flavone solutions react with am- 
monia, sodium carbonate, and 10% 
sodium hydroxide solution to form a 
deeper yellow solution (2). 

With sulfuric acid, an intensifica- 
tion of the yellow color of the pigment 
solutions being tested, resulted. Flav- 
one solutions treated with concentrat- 
ed sulfuric acid become deeper in yel- 
low color, and in some cases the solu- 

fon exhibits a fluorescence. 

Studies on Flavone-like Substances Isolated from Tobacco 

Three pigment solutions, on investi- 
gation, exhibited a green coloration 
when treated with ferric chloride, 
while the solution of pigment ‘2’ turn- 
ed brown with this reagent. A green 
to brown coloration is observed when 

flavone solutions are treated with fer- 
rie chloride. 

A yellow to orange precipitate 
formed when the pigment solutions 
under test were treated with lead ace- 
tate and basic lead acetate. Flavones 

Pigment Pigment W Pigment 1 Pigment 2 Pigment 3 
Ammonia Color of Yellow Solution A deep 
NH, solution color turned yellowish 
deepened. deepened. bright brown 
Medium No precipi- yellow. solution 
yellow tate ob- A floeculent resulted 
precipitate served. precipitate 
formed formed 
Sodium Yellow A light Intensifica- Solution 
Hydroxide color yellow tion of became 
10% changed to amber yellow bright 
amber color color of yellow in 
produced solution color 
Alkali Color Very little The color Bright 
Carbonate changed if any of the yellow 
from intensifica- solution solution 
pale to tion of deepened resulted 
lemon yellow from a 
yellow color pale to an 
Sulfuric In all cases a slight intensification of color was produced. 
Acid The final color contained traces of orange 
Alcoholic Green Yellowish Greenish Deep olive 
Ferric | solution green brown green 
Chloride solution solution solution 
Lead Orangish Yellow Yellow Yellow 
Acetate Yellow precipitate precipitate precipitate 
precipitate contained a 
trace of 
Basic Orange Yellow Yellow Orangish 
Lead yellow precipitate brown yellow 
Acetate precipitate precipitate precipitate 
Mg plus HCl Yellow color deepened in all cases. The yellow color was 
Extract extracted with amyl alcohoi except in the case of pigment 1. 
Ammoniacal ° 
Silver Blackish deposit formed 


Studies on Flavone-like Substances Isolated from Tobacco 

also form yellow to orange-red per- 
cipitates with lead acetate and with 
basic lead acetate. 

Thus, the qualitative tests described 
indicated flavone-like properties for 
the pigments under investigation. 


A Cenco-Sheard ‘Spectrophotolo- 
meter’ was used in making absorption 
spectral measurements of the pig- 
ments being studied. A blue filter was 
used for determinations below 385 
millimicrons. In the procedure used 
to make the determination, a blank of 
pure solvent was placed in cell 1, and 
cell 2 was filled with the pigment solu- 
tions. For the curves of pigments 'W’ 
and ‘2’, distilled water was used 
as the solvent; for the curve of 
pigment ‘1’, 95% ethyl aleohol; and 
for the curve of pigment '3’, 1% hy- 
drochlorie acid solution was used. 

Sets of readings 5 millimicrons 
apart were taken over the range 335- 
620 millimicrons. A curve was plot- 
ted using wave length in millimicrons 
as abscissa and the ratio of incident 
light to transmitted, Io/I, as the or- 
dinate. The curves for the pigments 
are shown in the accompanying fig- 

The absorption spectral curve for 
pigment ‘'W’ in water shows a sharp 
maximum absorption at 380 millimi- 
crons, and no minimum for the range 
mentioned above. The curves for the 
pigments ‘1’, '2’, and ’3’ showed 
only one sharp maximum and no 
minimum for each in the range tested. 
The values for the maxima were 385 
millimicrons for ‘1’; 375 millimicrons 
for ‘2’; and 418 millimicrons for 

Samples of pigments ‘'W’, ‘1’, and 
‘2’ were sent to Mr. Dirk Verhagen, 
Chemist, Lyle Branchflower Company, 


Seattle, Washington for absorption 
spectral studies in the 240-330 millimi- 
cron range. The authors are very 
grateful to him for his co-operation. 
In order to obtain significant read- 
ings, he made up his solutions at dif- 
ferent dilutions from those obtained 
above. He found that pigment ‘'W’ 
had a maximum at 262-266 millimi- 
crons, with a minimum in the 310- 
330 millimicron region; that pigment 
‘1’ has a maximum at 262 millimicrons 
with a minimum in the 330-335 milli- 
micron region, and that pigment ‘2’ 
has a maximum at 246-248 millimi- 
crons, with a minimum in the 320-335 
millimicron region. 

Flavones show maximum absorption 
usually between 340 and 390 millimi- 
crons with a second maximum in the 
235-300 millimicron region. Pigments 
'W’', ‘1’ and ‘2’ definitely show the 
characteristic type of absorption spec- 
tral curves exhibited by flavones. 

Since both the qualitative tests and 
the transmission curves for pigments 
'W' ‘1’, and '2’ indicated the pres- 
ence of flavones, these three pigments 
have been fentatively placed in the 
flavone group. Further studies are 
now ,in progress. 


1. Qualitative tests and absorp- 

tion spectral curves have been 

run on four pigments separated 
from tobacco. 

2. The results of these studies 

indicate that at least three of 

these pigments, called 'W’, si 
and ‘2’, are flavone-like in prop- 


1. Schoulties, Anna L. and Wen- 

der, Simon H. 1947 

Proc. Okla. Acad. of Science 

2. Klein, G. 19382 

Handbuch der Pflanzenanalyse, 

J. W. Edwards, Ann Arbor, Mich- 

igan. Vol. V, Part 1. 

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Effect of Glucose Upon the Viability of Lactobacil- 
lus Casei 


Department of Bacteriology University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Ky. 

In discussing the bacterial growth 
curve with respect to the viable 
count, it is often stated that the 
population begins to decrease soon 
after reaching a maximum, and a 

logarithmic death phase _ ensues 
(Porter, 1946). Evidence that, un- 
der certain conditions, the viable 

count may remain close to the maxi- 
mum for a considerable time rela- 
tive to the preceding phases of the 
growth curve, was obtained in .con- 
nection with a study of the lactic 
acid fermentation. Evidence was 
also found that this was not due to 
balanced multiplication and death 
rates, but rather to the maintenance 
of a stationary population. It is be- 
lieved that the results are of suf- 
ficient interest to warrant publica- 
tion as a preliminary note. 

The organism used was Lactobacil- 
lus) casez, A. T. C. C: 7649.) It was 
grown in yeast extract-glucose broth 
cultures, with excess calcium carbon- 
ate added as a buffer. The media 
were made up in a 1-200 dilution of 
salt solution B of the Snell-Strong 
(1939) riboflavin assay medium; 
0.04% (final concentration) dibasic 
potassium phosphate was added aiter 
autoclaving. Cultures were incu- 
bated at 37°C. The viable counts 
were determined by plating the cul- 
tures upon a medium containing 2% 
yeast extract, 0.5% glucose, and 
1.5%agar. Usually six plates per 
culture were made; two at each of 
three critical dilutions, or three at 

It was observed that the viable 
count decreased several fold between 


48 and 72 hours in a culture in 
which the glucose (2% initial con- 
centration) was exhausted at about 
24 hours. Addition of glucose to 
such a culture resulted in utilization 
of the glucose and an increase in the 
viable count. 

In a culture with an initial glu- 
cose concentration of 12% the count 
at 86 hours was 4.8 x 10» cells per 
ml., as compared to the maximum of 
5.9 x 109 cells per ml. at 40 hours. 
At 32 hours the population was 5.4 
x 10°; thus this culture had an ap- 
parently nearly stationary popula- 
tion during the 32-86 hour period. 
During this time glucose analyses 
showed that the fermentation pro- 
ceeded at a constant rate, and at 86 
hours 1.2% glucose remained. 

To study further the effect of 
glucose upon maintenance of the vi- 
able count the following experiment 
was done. Three cultures of L. casei, 
similar except that two had an in- 
itial glucose concentration of 2%, 
and one had 12%, were plated out at 
24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. To one of 
the cultures with 2% glucose at 24 
hours, and subsequently every 24 
hours, enough sterile glucose solution 
was added to bring the concentration 
to 1%. Data obtained are given in 
Table 1. 

According to these results, in the 
presence of fermentable sugar, the 
population stays close to the maxi- 
mum until the culture is at least 96 
hours old, whereas it falls off mark- 
edly in the same time if the sugar is 

To determine if the stationary vi- 

Effect of Glucose Upon the Viability of Lactobacillus Caset 

able count was due to balanced mul- 
tiplication and death rates a similar 
experiment using direct counts was 
done. Two cultures, containing 2% 
and 12% glucose, were prepared. 
The salts concentrations, slightly dif- 
ferent from Solution B, were as fol- 
lows: 10 g. Mg. SO4:7H20; 0.5 g. 
Na Cl; 1.0 g. (Fe)2(SO4)3 (anhyd- 
rous), and 0.5 g. Mg. SO4:H20 in 

were chosen at random and counted. 
Every cell distinguishable in a chain 
was counted. Two,three, and four 
cells in a chain were common. The 
average number of individual cells 
per field was determined, and from 
this the total number of cells per ml. 
culture was computed. Results are 
given in Table 2. 

The discrepancy between the to- 

250 ml. glass-distilled water. Final tal and viable counts may possibly 
Plate Counts—cells per ml. 
1 2 
Time 2% glucose 2% glucose 12% 
Hours none added bee. 24% glucose 
glucose solution 
added every 24 
; 24 3.2 x 10° 5.7 x 10° 1.7 x 102 
48 3.8 x 10° @)-3} o< Je Hows 2¢ IE 
72 6.6 x 10s 7.9 x 102 8.7 x 102 
96 3.4 x 10s 8.3 x 102 6.4 x 102 

concentrations were equivalent to a 
1-200 dilution of this solution. After 
sterilization enough K2HPO4 to 
make a final concentration of 0.01% 
was added. Cultures were plated at 
24 and 120 hours, and direct counts 
were done at 24, 50, 72 and 96 

be because short chains of cells, 
counted as several individuals in the 
direct count, produced only one col- 
ony on a plate. Since both plate and 
direct counts were not done at 96 
and 120 hours the results are not ab- 
solutely comparable; yet they indi- 

hours. Technique of the direct cate very clearly the effect of glu- 
Plate counts and Direct Count of L .casei Cultures 
Time 2% 12% 
Hours Glucose Glucose 
Direct Count Plate Count Direct Count Plate Count 
24 6.7 x 109 2.3 x 109 5.1 x 10° 2.6 x 102 
50 Daiexe Os — 5.4 x 109 = 
he, eslepxcnlli() 2 — 6.9 x 109 — 
96 ot x IOs — 4.0 x 10 — 
120 — Boo oe De — 2.3 x 102 
counts was as follows: 0.01 ml. of a cose in maintaining the viable count, 

1-10 dilution of the culture was 
smeared as evenly as possible over 
an area of 6 sq. cm. in two loopfuls of 
nigrosin. The smear was allowed to 
air-dry, and from 13 to 20 fields 


and show that the total count is no 
greater in the medium containing 
12% glucose. Therefore, the con- 
stant viable count must be the result 
of a truly stationary population and 

Effect of Glucose Upon the Viability of Lactobacillus Casei 

not equal multiplication and death 
rates. Autolysis of dead cells can be 
discounted since in the 2% culture 
the viable count had decreased near- 
ly 100 fold; yet the direct count re- 
mained the same within experimental 
error at 96 hours. Thus many of the 
cells visible on the slide were actual- 
ly dead. Glucose probably remained 
in the culture containing 12%; in a 
similar experiment glucose analysis 
showed 1.6 mg. per ml. remaining at 
135 hours. 


Apparently the presence of a fer- 
mentable sugar, with the energy 
available from the fermentation, is 
sufficient to keep the great majority 
of cells of Lactobacillus casei alive 
(capable of growth when transferred 
to a fresh medium) for a period of 
96 to 120 hours. If the energy 
source is exhausted, however, the 
cells begin to die in 48 to 72 hours. 
The death of the cells cannot be as- 

to the exhaustion of essential growth 
factors or nitrogen, since these fac- 
tors would, if they were influencing 
the viability of the cells, tend to be 
more injurious in the culture with 
12% initial glucose. The presence of 
an adequate energy source is appar- 
ently the only important difference 
between a culture having a viable 
count of 2.3x10° cells per ml. at 
120 hours, and one with 3.3 x 107 
cells per ml. End products of metab- 
olism, in this case calcium lactate, do 
not adversely affect viability or fer- 

The time of occurrence of the log- 
arithmic death phase in relation to 
the rest of the bacterial growth 
cycle, in the case of Lactobacillus 
casei, is dependent upon certain en- 
vironmental conditions. 

(1) Porter, J. R. 1946. Bacterial 
Chemistry and Physiology, p. 
102. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 
(2) Snell, E. E. and Strong, F. M. 

cribed to a low pH, to the accumula- 1939. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. 
tion of toxic metabolic products, or Ed, 11: 346. 
(Se OO 



A Note on the Elimination of Endamoeba coli Cysts in the Human 

The irregularity in occurrence of 
Endamoeba histolytica and Enda- 
moeba coli cysts and trophozoites in 
human stools has been observed by 
several investigators. Quantitative 
studies on the elimination of these 
parasites from the human body have 
been carried out by only a _ few. 
Cropper (1918-1919. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
Med. 12 Marcus Beck Lab Reports 
No. 8: 1-14) concluded from his work 
on EF. coli that no “periodicity” was 
indicated “either in the number of 
cysts per gramme of stool or in the 
number excreted per day”. Von Brand 
(1982: Zentralbl. f. Bakt. Abt. 1. 
Orig. 128: 358-365) also was unable 
to describe any “periodic” elimination 
of cysts in his study of E. histolytica 
from a.human case. Tsuchiya (1982. 
Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 29: 
930-932) observed an ‘“encystment 
cycle” in a study of the same or- 

Lincicome (1942. Amer. J. Hyg. 36: 
821-337) reported cysts of Endamoeba 
histolytica and Endamoeba coli were 
eliminated with a certain frequency 
in the stools of rhesus monkeys under 
prescribed standard and controlled 
conditions. Maximum numbers of 
cysts were discharged on the average 
of every 7 days with a range of 4 
to 10 days, occasionally as long as 14 
days. The numbers of cysts present 
in the stool usually declined rapidly 
after a maximum output, and remain- 
ed at a lower level until the next rise 
occurred. Such frequencies were 
found in animals maintained on a high 
carbohydrate diet. 

Using a method previously develop- 
ed (Lincicome, 1942) observations 
have been made on the elimination of 
Endamoeba coli cysts in the stools of a 
male human volunteer. 

On October 6, 1942, a human volun- 
teer naturally infected with Enda- 
moeba coli and passing cysts of this 
organism, was placed on a low-residue 
diet. An adequate amount of meta- 
mucil was included for soft, non-fib- 
rous bulk. ““Embo” was added to furn- 
ish sufficient vitamin-B complex in- 
take (Thanks are expressed here to 
Dr. Statie Erikson, Professor of Home 
Economics, University of Kentucky, 
who has kindly helped in arranging 
the diet). The dietary carbohydrate 
level was maintained high while the 
protein level was kept at a point as 
low as was commensurate with health. 

Beginning October 16, 1942, twenty- 
four-hour stool specimens were col- 
lected and the cysts of H. coli enumer- 
ated. Since it was physically impos- 
sible to analyze quantitatively each 
daily specimen, twenty - four - hour 
stools on alternate days were prepar- 
ed for cyst counts. Alternate daily 
counts continued through November 
23, 1942. No trophozoites were en- 

The text figure is a graph showing 
the number of E. coli cysts eliminated 
per twenty-four-hour period per milli- 
liter of a one-in-ten saline suspension 
of the fecal sample from October 16 
through November 23, 1942. Presenta- 
tion of the numerical fluctuation of 
cysts in this manner eliminates the 
factor of stool-volume variation which 

Research Notes 

f 7 Hu 
un Gere ESE RSE 

might in itself account for increases 
or decreases in numbers of cysts. 
No cysts were observed in the stools 
until October 24. After this there oc- 
curred three maximum rises in num- 
bers of cysts. Following each maxi- 
mum output the number of cysts de- 
clined to a minimum whence they 
arose again. One one day, November 
17, no stool was deposited. 

There is here evidence of an orderly 
fluctuation in numbers of E. coli cysts 


not wholly unlike that already de- 
scribed for the same organism in the 
rhesus monkey. Fourteen days elapsed 
between the first two maximum rises 
while ten days elapsed between the 
second and third. Further study of 
the discharge of E. coli cysts in the 
stools of human volunteers is in pro- 
gress.—David Richard Lincicome and 
Robert Arthur Gold, Parasitology 
Laboratory, Department of Zoology, 
University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

Occurrence of Neoechinorhynchus emydis (Acanthocephala) 



In June 1942 an acanthocephalan 
was found in the foot of the snail 
Campeloma rufum (Haldeman) col- 
lected from a point on the North Elk- 
horn Creek known as Johnson’s Mill, 
about 12 miles northwest of Lexing- 
ton, Kentucky. Numerous collections 
have been made subsequently and the 
snails found infected indicating that 
the infection is probably not accident- 
al. Ceriphasia semicarinata (Say) 
collected from the same locality has 
also been infected but less consistent- 
ly than C. rufum. (The snails in this 
report have been identified by Dr. J. 
P. E. Morrison, Division of Mollusks, 
U. S. National Museum, Washington, 

1D); (G5) 
The worms have been identified as 
Neoechinorhynchus emydis  (Leidy 

1851) a common parasite of turtles, 
although they possess certain charact- 
eristics apparently heretofore unre- 
ported. These are being reported in 
a separate communication. 

All worms were in a post-larval or 
juvenile stage of development, en- 
closed in a cystic membrane. Usually 
but one worm was found within a cyst 
wall. Cysts ordinarily were situated 
superficially in the foot tissue, oc- 
casionally at the base of tentacles or 
in the tissue around the mouth or in 
the mantle. 


This is apparently the third pub- 
lished record of acanthocephala from 
snails, and constitutes the first record 
for C. rufum and C. semicarinata. The 
first published record was by Meyer in 
his monograph (1932-1933. Acantho- 
cephala. Bronn’s Klassen and Ord- 
nungen des Tierreichs 4 Abt. 2, Buch 
2) in which he says regarding Neo- 
echinorhynchus rutili “und experi- 
mentell im Lymnaea .. .” This is 
without bibliographical citation, and 
is therefore assumed to be the result 
of Meyer’s work (personal communi- 
cation from H. J. Van Cleave, Janu- 
ary 1947). However, on p. 2938 of his 
monograph Meyer makes no mention 
of Lymnaea in discussing the life 
cycle of N. rutili. 

Whitlock (1939. Snails as Inter- 
mediate Hosts of Acanthocephala. J. 
Parasit. 25: 443) records a species of 
Neoechinorhynchus from Campeloma 
decisum and Pleurocera acuta in 
Grand River near Lansing, Michigan. 

Cable (January, 1947) in a person- 
al communication indicated that Hopp 
working in his laboratory had found 
a Neoechinorhynchus in snails.— 
David Richard Lincicome and Allie 
Whitt, Jr. Parasitology Laboratory, 
Department of Zoology, University of 
Kentucky, Lexington. 

Dr. Paul O. Ritcher has been elect- 
ed Vice-President of the North Cen- 
tral States Branch of the American 
Association of Economic Entomol- 

Dr. Ravid Richard Lincicome has 

been elected Fellow of the Royal 
Society of Tropical Medicine and Hy- 
giene in London, England. 

Dr. Frank Pattie of the Rice In- 
stitute, Houston, Texas, will become 
Head of the Department of Psy- 
chology, University of Kentucky on 
1 July 1947. Dr. Pattie holds the 
A. B. from Vanderbilt University and 
the Ph. D. from Princeton. 

It is with regret that the death of 
Dr. Henry Beaumont, Professor of 
Psychology, University of Kentucky, 
in March 1947 is noted. 

Drweaul Ps Boyd retires on 16 

June 1947 as Dean of the College of 
Arts and Sciences, University of 

Dr. M. M. White, Professor of 
Psychology and Associate Dean of 
Arts and Sciences, University of 

Kentucky, will become Dean of the 
college upon retirement of Dr. Boyd. 
Mr. Elisha B. Lewis, Assistant 
Chemist, Experiment Station, Uni- 
versity of Kentucky, has resigned to 
become Research Chemist with En- 
gineering Company of Ohio in Day- 
ton, Ohio, effective 16 June 1947. 
The Department of Bacteriology, 
University of Kentucky announces 
the institution of the Ph. D. degree 
in the following fields: morphology 
and physiology of microorganisms, 
immunology and serology and public 
health bacteriology. 
Dr. Robert N. 

Jeffrey, Plant 



Physiologist, Department of Agron- 
omy, Experiment Station, Univer- 
sity of Kentucky, is now Plant Physi- 
ologist with the Firestone Planta- 
tions Corporation in Harbel, Liberia. 

Dr. James W. Archdeacon has 
been promoted to Associate Profes- 
sor of Anatomy and Physiology, 
University of Kentucky. 

Dr. Joe Kendall Neel will become 
Assistant Professor of Zoology, Uni- 
versity of Kentucky, on 1 September 
1947. Dr. Neel holds the B. S. in 
1937 and M. S. in 1988 from the 
University of Kentucky and the Ph. 
D. from the University of Michigan 
in’ 194'7. 

Dr. William R. Brown has been 
promoted to Associate Professor of 
Geology, University of Kentucky. 

The Department of Psychology, 
University of Kentucky, is one of the 
first in the United States to be select- 
ed by the American Psychological 
Association to give the Ph. D. in 
Psychology with a major in clinical 

Mr. A. S. Bradshaw, Assistant 
Professor of Biology, Transylvania 
College, will spend the summer quar- 
ter at the Franz Theodore Stone 
Laboratory at Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie. 

The Keeneland Foundation has 
placed an electron microscope in the 
laboratories of the Department of 
Bacteriology, University of Ken- 
tucky. Dr. O. F. Edwards, in charge 
of the microscope, has completed a 
special study of techniques for the 
microscope at the National Institute 
of Health. 

Dr. David Richard Lincicome, As- 
sistant Professor of Zoology, Univer- 

News and Notes 

sity of Kentucky, has resigned to 
become Assistant Professor of Para- 
sitology, School of Medicine, Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin, on 1 July 1947. 

Dr. Morris Scherago has been 
awarded a _ research grant of 
$1,500.00 from the American Col- 
lege of Allergists for work on the 
standardization of allergens. 

The Department of Bacteriology, 
University of Kentucky, announces 
the following promotions: Dr. Mar- 
garet Hotchkiss to full Professor; 
Dr. O. F. Edwards to Associate Pro- 
fessor and Dr. Mary Muedeking to 
Assistant Professor. 

Dr. L. A. Brown, Professor of Bi- 
ology at Transylvania College spent 
the winter quarter at Harvard Uni- 
versity preparing a curriculum in bi- 
ology in the field of General Educa- 
tion to be instituted at Transylvania. 


Dr. L. K. Wood, Assistant Soil 
Scientist, Oregon State College at 
Corvallis, Oregon, has become Chem- 
ist and spectroscopist, Department of 
Chemistry, Experiment Station, Uni- 
versity of Kentucky. 

Dr. H. B. Lovell, Associate Pro- 
fessor of Zoology, University of 
Louisville, will spend part of the 
summer in study of birds in the 
Allegheny Mountains of Eastern 
Kentucky and Tennessee. 

Drs. P. A. Davies and H. B. Lovell, 
University of Louisville, represented 
the Academy at the Field Day of the 
Indiana Academy of Science in May. 

Dr. William M. Clay, instructor in 
Biology, University of Louisville, will 
be a member of the party studying 
the herpetofauna of Southern Ari- 
zona under the auspices of the Chi- 
cago Academy of Sciences. 

Abstracted Minutes of 1944 and 1946 Meetings of the 
Kentucky Academy of Science 

University of Kentucky April 28 and 29, 1944 
PRESIDENT—L. A. Brown, Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky. 
PAST PRESIDENT—J. T. Skinner, W. S. T. C., Bowling Green, Ky. 
VICE ee ee ate Kolachov, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Louis- 
ville, K 
SECRETARY—Alfred Brauer, University of ee terrae Lexington, Ky. 
TREASURER—William J. Moore, E. K. S. T. C. 
REPRESENTATIVE TO A. A. A. any oe R. Middleton, University 
of Louisville. 

Local Committee on Arrangements: 

H. P. Riley 
D. G. Steele 
A. J. Bradshaw (Transylvania) 
Dave Young 

Reports were read by the Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the A. A. 
A. S. and the Counselor to the Junior Academy. 
Elected to Membership were: 

David Armstrong, Manual High School, Louisville 

Glenn Dooley, Dept. of Chemistry, W. K. S. T. C., Bowling Green 

Paul Maizlick, Dept. of Physics, E. K. S. T. C., Richmond 

Vernon S. Gentry, Georgetown College, Georgetown 

A constitutional amendment providing for sustaining memberships was 
passed. A by-law fixing the annual dues of sustaining members at ten dollars 
was passed. 

Officers for a following year were elected. 


University of Louisville April 26 and 27, 1946 
PRESIDENT—Paul Kolachov, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville 
PAST PRESIDENT—L. A. Brown, Transylvania College, Lexington 
VICE PRESIDENT—Ward Sumpter, W. K. S. T. C., Bowling Green, Ky. 
SECRETARY—Alfred Bauer, U. of Ky., Lexington, Ky. 
TREASURER—W. J. Moore, E. K. S. T. C., Richmond, Ky. 
REP. ON COUNCIL OF A. A. A. S.—Austin R. Middleton, U. of 



Reports were read by the Treasurer, Representative to the Council of the 
A. A. A. S. and the Counselor to the Ky. Jr. Acad. 
New Members Elected to Academy: 

Adams, Carl E. Grossman, James A. Roberts, V. D. 

Balen, Virgil A. Houchins, John Sloan, Earl] P. 
Bennett, E. M. Hutter, Harry K. Roth, George 

Carey, Henry Jeffery, Robert N. Schwendeman, Jos. R. 
Cole, Mrs. Constance L, Lewis, Elisha Betts Snyder, Marion 

Coy, Fred MacLaury, Donald W. Steen, Russell 
Crawley, Clyde B. Mayo, Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens, Russell 
Dawson, Lyle R. McErlean, George Sutherland, William R. 
Erickson, R. J. Nelson, Vincent E. Townsend, Lee Hill 
Gardner, Jos. H. Ormsby, Robert L. Westad, J. W. 
Hotchkiss, Margaret Pauls, Franklin B. Wetzel, Harold F. 
Heimerdinger, Jane Wharton, Mary E. 

No new business was forthcoming. Officers for the following year were 




SCIENCE is a medium for the publication of original investigations in science. 
As the official organ of the Kentucky Academy of Science it publishes in addi- 
tion programs of the annual meetings of the society, abstracts of papers 
presented before the annual meetings, reports of the society’s officers and com- 
mittees, as well as news and announcements of interest to the membership. 5 

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time to the co-editors: 

Jos. E. Seagram and Sons Department of Zoology 

7th Street Road University of Kentucky 
Louisville, Kentucky Lexington 29, Kentucky 

Papers should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced, with wide mar- 
gins, in an original and 1 carbon copy, on substantial quality paper. Articles 
are accepted for publication with the understanding that they are to be 
published exclusively in the TRANSACTIONS. Each paper will be reviewed - 
by one or more persons qualified in the field covered by the article in addition 
to the editors before a contribution is accepted for publication. 

Bibliographic citations should follow textual material (except in Research 
Notes, see later). Abbreviations for the names of periodicals should follow the 
current system employed by either Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. 

Biblographie citations in Research Notes should be in the same form as for _ 

longer papers but enclosed in parentheses within the text of the note. 

Footnotes should be avoided. Titles must be clear and concise, and provide 
for precise and accurate catologuing. 

Tables and illustrations are expensive, and should be included in an article 
only to give effective presentation of the data. Articles with an excessive 
number of tables or illustrations, or with poorly arranged or executed tables or 
illustrations may be returned to the author for modification. 

Textual material should be in clear, brief and condensed form in order 
for a maximum amount of material to be published. bs 

Reprints may be obtained from the publisher and must be ordered at the 
time galley proof is returned. 

- Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their papers when galley 
proof is returned. This abstract must be no longer than 250 words, nor to ex- 
ceed in any case 3% of the length of the original article. Abstracts will be 
submitted to Biological Abstracts for publication. 


Volume 12 October, 1947 Number 4 

of the KENTUCKY 

Offiicial Organ 


Power and, ‘Paneh:\\ The) Bditors. oy NN _ 55 
Physiological variation in isolates of Polyporus schweinitzti Fr. 

(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). William D. Gray... 59 
Pollination in Asclepias, H. H. La Fuze and V. A. Greulach_..__ 79 
A comprehensive survey of controlled grain alcohol production methods 

they eer War eae N SN ee NG NEA ZS ty oh a MSZ 
A planned economy for Kentucky’s waters. W. R. Allen. 89 
Alcoholic fermentation under reduced pressure. 

MG; Brockmann.and T.\J);B.Stier oo Mn A Oe 19 
Report of the committee for the Kentucky Junior Academy. 

Para riaa) Ac Cin Re eA Phy Nout Sy ha) NE Ay AE 101 
Report of the representative of the Kentucky Academy of Science on the _ 

Council of the A.A.A.S. Austin R. Middleton... 105 

Printed Quarterly by 
Lexington, Kentucky 

of the | 

JOS. KE. SEAGRAM AND SONS School of Medicine 
7th Street Road University of Wisconsin 
Louisville 1, Kentucky Madison, Wisconsin 


President Vice President Secretary 
University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Jos. E. Seagram and Sons 
Louisville, Kentucky 

Counselor to Junior Representative to Council 

Treasurer Academy of the A. ALA. S. 
University of Kentucky Eastern State Teachers University of Louisville 

A Morris SCHERAGO, University of Kentucky, to 1951 

U/ . PauL KoLacnuoy, Jos. E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., to 1950 
GEORGE V. PAGE, Western State Teachers College, to 1950 
J. S. BANGSON, Berea College, to 1950 | 
Rozert T. HINTON, Georgetown College, to 1949 
H. B. Lovett, University of Louisville, to 1949 
L. Y. LANCASTER, Western State Teachers College, to 1948 
AUSTIN R. MIDDLETON, University of Louisville, to 1948 

The Transactions are issued quarterly. The four issues constitute an an- 
nual volume. Domestic subscription, $2.00 per volume, foreign, $2.50. 

Manuscripts, advertising and all other material for publication should 

be addressed to the editors. Correspondence concerning membership in the 
Academy, subscriptions or other business matters should be addressed to the 




ey a 




At nine o’clock on the morning of 
May 8, 1914, a group of about 
twenty-five persons assembled in the 
Physics Building, the University of 
Kentucky, to organize the Kentucky 
Academy of Science. Forty-six per- 
sons had earlier indicated in a signed 
statement their sympathy with and 
their approval for an Academy of 
Science in the State. 

The secretary’s report read at the 
second annual meeting of the Acad- 
emy on May 15, 1915, showed that 
the roll of members had increased 
to some sixty individuals who had 
either signed the organizational state- 
ment or who otherwise had indicatea 
they wished to become members. A 
balance of two dollars was on hand 
in the treasury. 

By the next year 81 names were 
on the membership list, and by 1917 
there were 91, of whom 39 were ac- 
tive members in good standing and 
39 whose dues were in arrears. 

The membership in the Kentucky 
Academy of Science since the early 
organizational days in 1914, 1915 
and 1916 has grown slowly by small 
yearly increments to the present 
membership of about 330 for 1947. 

Stated thus it might be said that 
the Academy has done well in view 
of the many obstacles encountered 
during the thirty odd years of its 
life. Not only has there been an an- 
nual growth in membership, how- 
ever small, but a journal, the 
TRANSACTIONS, has been launched 
since 1924 under circumstances that 


have been a little more than diffi- 
cult and discouraging and is now 
completing its twelfth volume. With 
this volume a new policy has been 
inaugurated which provides for a 
broader editorial horizon than was 
possible at any time previously. 

The Academy has weathered World 
War I, the great depression of the 
thirties, World War II and so far has 
maintained fair balance in post World 
War II inflation, although how much 
longer seems a matter of conjecture 
in view of the tremendous rise in 
cost of everything including printing 
of the journal. 

The Academy has now advanced 
to an age of maturity in a powerful 
new world with vast new horizons 
stretching out before her. They 
bring new and greater responsibili- 
ties and emphasize old problems that 
have never been solved. 

Dr. Paul P. Boyd in the presiden- 
tial address of 1920 viewing the fu- 
ture of the Kentucky Academy of 
Science, laid before the members a 
series of goals that are still today 
short of attainment. In 1947 as in 
1920 the Academy is still ineffective 
as the representative organization of 
Science in the State. Our member- 
ship still does not encompass all fields 
of scientific thought, and largely be- 
cause of this the roster roll remains 
at a relatively low figure. We have 
yet to cooperate to the fullest extent 
with educational and industrial lead- 
ers and businesses, the public still 
looms as a vast uninformed mass and 


Power and Punch 

our fundamental excuse for birth, the 
zealous advancement of knowledge 
and the dissemination thereof, still 
lies abandoned for want of sufficient 

In order to have a _ vigorous, 
healthy society new horizons in at- 
tainable objectives must ever be be- 
for us, and all efrort must be di- 
rected toward accomplishment of 
these objectives. The Academy has 
too long been content to remain a 
mediocre organization, impotent in 
attainments and offering nothing to 
prospective members, sustaining or 
otherwise, for their participation. 

The time has now come, the cross- 
roads are before us, for us to re-ex- 
amine ourselves to discover what the 
reasons are for thirty-three years of 
coasting along. We must then over- 
haul our organization to give it 
power and punch. 

It is the opinion of the writers 
that one of the fundamental causes 
of our disease is a species of stagna- 
tion resulting from an attitude of 
general indifference. It is an atti- 
tude that has permeated through 
many levels of society in the State. 
The Academy collectively is but re- 
flecting this state of mind of the 
population, and is taking what seems 
to be the path of least resistance as 
the guide to conduct. 

This stagnation now and then 
raises its dark countenance in many 
forms, for example: the indignant 
letters of citizens to newspaper edi- 
tors protesting the paying of respec- 
table and adequate salaries to the 
faculty of our institutions of higher 
learning, the orations of political 
candidates for high office demanding 
that the University deny the right of 
freedom of speech, investigation and 
publication to its faculty members. 
This educational decay is reflected in 
the shameful salaries paid to teach- 


ers in our schools, and it reflects in 
the amount of money available in 
our colleges for research, facilities 
and salaries. Everywhere the forces 
of ignorance, intolerance and indif- 
ference resist progress. 

The Academy is doubly guilty of 
neglect of duty when it fails in its 
mission to promote truth and its dis- 
semination, for after all ignorance, 
intolerance, indifference, and inaction 
as well, are attributes that follow in 
the absence of truth. 

Stagnation immediately within the 
Academy is marked in many ways, 
but principally in our lack of critical, 
constructive and progressive action. 
The membership is content with a 
single general meeting once in every 
year at which time it repeats many 
words of fine and noble sentiment 
and then promptly forgets the whole 
thing. The general attitude does not 
encourage or breed enthusiasm and 
a deep desire to render service or to 
pursue research, and it does not 
serve as a stimulus for others who 
are not members to join with us. We 
offer nothing in return for partici- 
pation in the Academy. We take no 
bold or aggressive action in the name 
of Science. On this basis there seems 
little excuse to warrant the Acad- 
emy’s existence. 

The Academy has no alternative, 
no choice or selection from which to 
choose success but through enthusi- 
astic, hard sacrifice to work. We 
have got to sell ourselves first on the 
worthwhileness of the Academy. 
Then we have got to sell it to others. 

The immediate necessity is to en- 
large the membership to all fields of 
scientific endeavor in the State 
whether educational or industrial. 
Increase in membership per se is not 
a notable objective for the Academy, 
but it is as necessary as the very 

Power and Punch 

food we eat to our metabolic proc- 

The aftermath of World War II 
has brought important sequelae di- 
rectly concerned with Academy mem- 
bers both as individuals in a frus- 
trated society and as responsible sci- 
entists. As informed and enlightened 
citizens in a democracy we owe it to 
ourselves and fellow statemen and 
countrymen to contribute to the 
sane and wise deliberations on the 
establishment and keeping of just 
peace in the world. Again as _ in- 
formed and enlightened citizens, 
Academy members are responsible 
for disseminating truth as a means 
of conquering fear and_ distrust. 
Public education then is a continu- 
ing and necessary objective that this 
society has too long ignored. It is 
now past time that the Academy for- 
mulate and execute plans for public 
education on matters that pertain to 
its dominion. 

The broad general function of any 
Academy of Science incorporates the 
injunction to promote and foster re- 
search or the acquisition and dis- 
semination of truth. Research and 
the search for truth in the old days 
was a matter of a room with a bench, 
a shelf for books, perhaps a micro- 
scope, and a keen, burning, passion- 
ate desire for knowledge. The cost 
was not more than the simple imple- 
ments that it required. The thirst 
for truth lay deep and powerful with- 
in the individual. In the course of 
years research has undergone change, 
it has evolved or undergone evolu- 
tion, and the old way has passed into 
the great beyond. 

Research today is spelled with a 
capital “R.” It requires the coopera- 
tion of many persons, institutions, 
and considerable physical assets. Con- 
siderable sums of money are neces- 
sary to pay the hire of assistants, 

for purchasing instruments and ma- 
terial. Travel abroad from one’s im- 
mediate environment is often a sine 
Research today has meta- 
morphosed from the general store era 
to the age of streamlined specialties. 

quo non. 

Has the Kentucky Academy kept 
pace with this evolution in Research? 
The answer is not difficult to find. 

There are many Academy mem- 
bers who have had the enthusiasm to 
be “companions in zealous research” 
only to have it wither and die away 
as the years have gone by because 
research was and is not supported 
well, either morally or financially, 
either by the state government or by 
industry at large. Many of the news- 
papers throughout the State have de- 
cried the fact that teachers in col- 
leges of Kentucky have been leaving 
for more lucrative positions in other 
states, and all have uniformly as- 
signed “low salaries’ as the main 
reason for doing so. While it cannot 
be denied that higher salaries else- 
where do in many instances account 
for resignations, lack of facilities for, 
financial support of, and philosophic 
sympathy with, research has played 
no small part in the decision of a 
faculty man to go elsewhere. The 
statement that Kentucky’s institu- 
tions of higher learning are serving 
“as the happy hunting ground” for 
other institutions is rightly and just- 
ly made, but the question why has 
not been correctly answered in full. 
There seems little doubt that stagna- 
tion in philosophy and provision for 
research play a mighty important 
role in the decision of an individual 
to go elsewhere. There has been an 
adage somewhere down the line that 
one gets in return as much as one is 
willing to put into a thing. This may 
be applied to support for research. 
As long as the people of the State 
are content to spend very little to- 


Power and Punch 

ward support of research, their bene- 
fits, their rewards, their return on 
such will be proportionately small. 

The individual Academy member 
has been cognizant of this situation 
for many years, there can be little 
doubt; and the Academy as a whole 
has been aware of the general atti- 
tude, but has taken few if any steps 
to remedy the condition. 

The only research fund available 
to the Academy has been supplied 
from the national offices of the 
A.A.A.S., and that has rarely ex- 
ceeded fifty or sixty dollars a year! 

Can there be, therefore, any doubt 
or hesitation as to the course of ac- 
tion this Academy ought to take to 
fulfill so important an injunction as 
that of the promotion of research? 
We must at once consider the estab- 
lishment of a fund for the develop- 
ment, encouragement and execution 
of research at all levels in the State. 
This fund must come from the peo- 
ple and it must be wisely and justly 
administered in the interests of those 
who have supported it. 




Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus 
schweinitzii Fr. (Fungi; Basidiomycetes). * 


Department of Botany 
Ohio State University 

Of the many forest tree diseases 
caused by wood-rotting fungi, one of 
the most widespread and most destruc- 
tive is that caused by Polyporus 
schweinitzit Fries. Commonly called 
brown cubical rot, red-brown butt rot, 
brown rot, butt rot, red rot, or stump 
rot, this disease is known to foresters 
of both Europe and North America. 
Hartig (1900) reported that in 
Europe this fungus attacks only pine, 
but in the United States its host list 
includes most conifers. The disease 
has been reported as occurring on 
nine species of Abies, four species of 
Larix, eight species of Picea, thirty 
species of Pinus, two species of Tsuga, 
two species of Thuja, Chamaecyparis 
thyoides Britt., Libocedrus decurrens 
Torr., Taxus brevifolia Nutt., and 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Lam.) Britt.— 
a total of fifty-nine coniferous hosts. 
In addition to this large number of 
conifers, several broadleaf species 
have also been reported as hosts of 
P. schweinitzii; Hubert (1931, p. 356) 
reported its occurrence on Quercus 
spp. and Liquidambar styraciflua L., 
and Rhoads (1921) reported Eculayp- 
tus globulus Labill. as another hard- 
wood host. In the United States the 
disease is most prevalent in the north- 
ern forests but is found to some extent 
wherever conifers occur. Apparently 
the fungus may attack young trees as 
well as older ones, entering the tree 
through the root system and growing 
up into the trunk (von Schrenk, 1900). 

*Paper No. 504 from the Department of Botany, 
Ohio State University. 

Childs (1937), working with isolates 
of Polyporus schweinitzii from numer- 
ous, and, in some instances, widely 
separated sources, has shown that 
there exist certain cultural types 
within the species. In culture upon 
artificial media these isolates all had 
a few characters in common, but with 
the exception of isolates which were 
taken from within a few feet of each 
other, no two were identical. His 
conclusion was that this species of 
fungus is made up of many indi- 
viduals which differ rather widely 
from each other. This investigator 
also reported a difference in wood-de- 
caying ability between different iso- 
lates; however, only a small number 
of samples was used, and only two 
isolates were involved in this study. 
It is the purpose of the present in- 
vestigation to ascertain whether such 
physiological differences, as evidenced 
by (1) variability in wood-decaying 
ability, (2) variations in appearance 
when cultured on wood blocks or arti- 
ficial media, and (3) variations in 
growth rate, do exist among isolates 
of this fungus. 

The concept of physiological spe- 
cialization in fungi may be considered 
as relatively new, since the majority 
of the work in this field has been con- 
ducted since 1880. In this regard the 
rusts have received particular atten- 
tion as it evidenced by the work of 
Eriksson (1894, 1902), Dietel (1889), 
Stakman (1914) and Hungerford and 
Owens (1923). There are also ac- 
counts of physiological variation in 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) . 

species of such fungi as Erysiphe, 
Glomerella, Sphaeropsis, Rhizoctonia, 
Septoria and others, but strangely 
enough, little work has been done with 
regard to the problem of physiological 
variation in wood-destroying basidi- 
omycetes. Since the character and 
general properties of the host plant 
are thought by some to exert certain 
influences upon the fungi infecting it, 
tending to produce physiological spe- 
cialization, a study of the various 
wood-destroying fungi should prove 
a most fruitful investigation. These 
fungi remain in close proximity with 
their hosts for a considerable period 
of time, and if they are susceptible 
to any type of host influence should 
prove to be excellent material for the 
detection of an influence of this na- 
ture. Boyce (1920) has determined 
_ that Polyporus amarus may vegetate 
in the trunk of the incense cedar 
(Libocedrus decurrens) for a period 
of three hundred years; it would seem 
quite reasonable to postulate that un- 
der such conditions the chances 
would be very good for the produc- 
tion of specialized forms or varieties 
among the wood-destroying basidiomy- 
cetes. Several references to investi- 
gations concerning this particular 
problem have been encountered; such 
references will be discussed in con- 
junction with the results herein pre- 


Ten different isolates of Polyporus 
schweinitzti were used throughout the 
present study.* These isolates were 
from rather widely separate localities 
and were obtained from several dif- 
ferent coniferous hosts. The follow- 
ing list gives the isolate number, 
host and locality from which each 
isolate was obtained: 

*Supplied to the writer by Dr. Thomas Childs. 


No. 1—Pinus strobus, 

No. 10—Pinus strobus, Springwater, 
No. 19—Pinus strobus, Springwater, 
No. 31—Pinus strobus, Honeoye, N. 

No. 32—Pinus strobus, Weston, Ont. 
No. 38—Pinus sylvestris, Great Brit- 

No. 89—Pinus rigida, Medford, N. J. 
No. 40—Pinus mughus, Central Ex- 

perimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario. 
No. 40e—Fifth monosporus genera- 

tion from No. 40. 

No. 40j—-Tenth monosporus genera- 

tion from No. 40. 

Stock cultures were maintained on 
2% Fleischman’s Malt agar, and 
this same medium was employed in 
the studies which involved observa- 
tions on the characteristics of single 
colonies of the various isolates as well 
as the behavior of paired ESOIEN ES on 
the same petri plate. 

For studies concerned with determi- 
nation of the capacities of the various 
isolates for decaying wood (as meas- 
ured by weight loss of the wood), 
white pine sapwood was used. Several 
hundred blocks were cut from sap- 
wood of white pine (Pinus stobus L.) 
obtained by Dr. Harlan H. York at 
Springwater, N. Y., during the sum- 
mer of 1936. These blocks were cut 
to approximately the same _ size 
(%4 x % x 4 inches) and were care- 
fully selected: any showing a trace 
of heartwood or incipient decay be- 
ing discarded. The resultant num- 
ber of sound blocks selected for use 
was two hundred; these blocks were 
then numbered consecutively, air- 
dried, and weighed at intervals to the 
nearest O.1 gm. until the weight of 
each block was constant. After their 
air-dry weights had been obtained, the 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) 

blocks were placed in distilled water 
and allowed to absorb as much as 
possible. Each block was then placed 
in a 38x200 mm. test tube, 10 ml. 
of two per cent malt was added, the 
tube stoppered with a tightly rolled 
cotton plug and then autoclaved. In- 
oculations were made on Dee. 12, 1936 
by dropping a small piece of agar, 
upon which mycelium was growing, 
into the liquid medium in each tube; 
twenty wood-block cultures were pre- 
pared for each of the isolates under 
consideration. Since these cultures 
were maintained for a period of ten 
months, considerable loss of moisture 
through evaporation occurred, and 
it was necessary to add water to the 
tubes at intervals: 15 ml. of sterile, 
distilled water were added to each 
tube on January 15, 1987; 25 ml. 
were added on May 15, 1937; 20 ml. 
were added on July 30, 1937. Air-dry, 
the blocks used in this experiment 
varied in weight from 11.0 to 14.5 
gms.; initial weight data for the en- 
tire series of blocks are presented in 

to remove surface mycelia and spore- 
bearing structures, air-dried, and fi- 
nal weights determined. 

In order to determine if growth 
rate was correlated with destructive- 
ness to wood blocks, one experiment 
was designed to determine growth 
rates of the various isolates on arti- 
ficial medium. In this experiment the 
medium employed was a modification 
of Reitsma’s nutrient medium and 
was prepared as follows: 

2% Bacto peptone - 250.00 ml. 
M/2 dextrose - - - 300.00 ml. 
M/2 sucrose - - - - 200.00 ml. 
0.4% MgS0:.H20 - - 49.00 ml. 
1.0% ferric citrate - 1.00 ml. 
N/2 HePOt - - - - 9.00 ml. 
N/2 K2HPO: - - - - 3p22 mile 

Cultures were made in 388x200 

mm. test tubes by inoculating exactly 
75 ml. of the above medium (which 
had been found satisfactory for all 
isolates) with a single loopful of 
hyphae from ten-day old stock cul- 
tures growing in 2% Fleischman’s 
Malt. Ten replicate tubes were pre- 
pared for each isolate; these were 

TABLE 1.—Weights and numbers of white pine sapwood blocks used in 
experiments involving the determination of weight losses of wood 

by different 

isolates of P. schweinitzii. 

Isolate Block Total Average 
No. Nos. Weight Weight 
ie eee Se SE eee _ 1— 20 DAQEA 12.460 
TEC) <8 ak Ss SS eae Rae are 21— 40 236.3 11.815 
Tug) OS ee en eee 41— 60 247.0 12.350 
S50”) ie ieee ee er 61— 80 251.0 12.510 
So. Ns kde 5 SS Ae eel ae aes aera 81—100 247.4 12.370 
SiS)” St a nea eee 101—120 251-9 12.595 
So) 22 ee ee eae .121—140 250.1 12.505 
i IM Be yr el IS A 141—160 243.5 12.175 
07. ol a eS 161—180 246.8 12.340 
LI) 2 (ee) Oe ey ae i os ae 181—200 259.4 12.970 
Table I. then placed in the dark at a tempera- 

Observation on woodblock cultures 
were recorded at intervals during the 
ten month incubation period and at 
the end of this time the experiment 
was terminated. The blocks were re- 
moved from the tubes, washed lightly 

ture of 23 degrees—25 degrees C. and 
incubated for 35 days. At the end 
of the incubation period a _ large 
mycelial mat had formed in each 
tube. The mats were filtered on num- 
bered, dried, weighed filter papers, 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweimtzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 

dried in an oven at 105 degrees C. and 
placed in a desiccator. The dry 
weight of each mat was then obtained 
and average weights were calculated 
for each series. 


Appearance of single colonies on 
petri plates.—In culture on artificial 
medium, the isolates varied widely in 
such characters as color, density of 
growth, presence or absence of con- 
centric zonation, and rapidity of 
spread. A summary of the observed 
growth characters of each isolate is 
presented in Table II, while photo- 
graphs of representative cultures of 
each of the various isolates are shown 
in Figures 1-10, Plate I. 

Behavior of isolates in paired cul- 
tures. — Several workers have de- 
scribed the line of demarcation that 

~ generally develops when two different 

fungal mycelia are grown on the same 
substratum; Schmitz (1925) and 
Mounce (1929) have described this 
phenomenon for Fomes pinicola (Sw.) 
Cooke, and Childs (1987) described 
the same reaction for P. schweinitzti. 
Accordingly, paired cultures were 
prepared using the ten isolates being 
studied; the cultures were arranged 
so that all possible combinations of 
two isolates per petri dish were ob- 
tained. In every instance a line of 
demarcation appeared when the two 
colonies met except in those petri 
dishes in which there had been placed 
two pieces of inoculum from the 
same isolates. This was found to be 
true even for pairings involving Nos. 
40, 40e and 40j, which is rather sur- 
prising in view of the fact that Nos. 
40e and 40j are monospore cultures 
derived from No. 40. 

Three different types of reactions 
were observed when two different 
isolates were grown on the same sub- 
stratum. The first, and most strik- 


ing type was that in which a definite 
line of avoidance about 1 mm. wide 
occurred between the two colonies, 
and the agar in this line became very 
dark brown; this type of reaction is 
illustrated in Figure 11, Plate I 
(paired culture of Nos. 1 and 32) and 
Figure 12, Plate I (paired culture 
of Nos. 1 and 39). The second type 
of reaction was similar to the first 
with the exception that the agar be- 
tween the colonies did not change 
color; this is interpreted as being 
a reaction in which the antagonism 
between the two mycelia is not as 
great as that shown by isolate pair- 
ings exhibiting the first type of re- 
action. In the third type the region 
between the two colonies was not dis- 
colored, was quite narrow, and one 
of the two mycelia formed a solid 
line of fluffy aerial hyphae imme- 
diately adjacent to the line of de- 
marcation. This third type of. reac- 
tion occurred only in pairings involv- 
ing Isolate No. 38, and it was always 
this isolate which formed the line 
of aerial hyphae. In practically all 
pairings there was an enhancement 
of color of both isolates. The types 
of reactions (1, 2 or 8) occurring 
with all possible combinations of two 
isolates are indicated in Table III; 
in this table “N’”’ indicates that no 
line of demarcation was formed. 

Appearance of five month old wood 
block cultures.—Within each series 
the cultures were remarkably uniform 
in so far as color, amount of growth, 
wood discoloration, and wood crack- 
ing were concerned. That cultures of 
different series differed widely from 
each other is shown by the following 
summation of the general appearance 
of each series of cultures five months 
after inoculation. 

Isolate 1 (Blocks 1-20): Surface growth slight, 
mycelium appressed, somewhat powdery in 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 

(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 

-f£,esoTo {ao TTa4 [Ing 

aAoTTos-G8 tT dang 

esuop {moTToA-Ys FUMOIG 

Near aa 


eTtyd esusp tact ted zo soyoged aoz wv UATA ‘ORTT A UZAOIF BT99TT AOA a 

dosp taoTTes 4qF Tag 

pesserdde-sTex0TS fe, UA celia 

desp {aot {sys tppey 

-f{esoTo ty4aom osrede Az0oa tao,tTos eTteg 

pos serdde-f,esoto 
fosreds {o4Tum 


ettd esuep {morTek eTeg ils 


eTTd deep taot{os eTeg 

asuep {mottos 4u#t1g | pesserddu-fjes0To fe Teg 

AOTTOA-18 FUAOIG esieds ‘aoT{os-cowey 

134 O4UT 

Sup pels “ys pUAOIg 

posserdde- fs, os80TO 
*qu@tT Ar0A fosredg 

esuep faoTTes 4OqeTIg 

MOTTOA BUST Ig AOTTOL YyBtuACIg *AIeG fTesoTO ‘asreds ssavt| "| 


TABLE II.—Growth characters of isolates of P. schweinitzii. 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) . 

appearance, white - brown where dry. 
Blocks showing a dark pink discoloration. 
Figure 1, Plate II. 

Isolate 10 (Blocks 21-40): Surface growth 
slight except for the occurrence of occasional 
large clumps of bright yellow, fluffy hyphae. 
Wood block discoloration darker than in 

Series 1. Figure 2, Plate II. 

Isolate 19 (Blocks 41-60); Surface growth 
slight; mycelium appressed, pale cream- 
colored; no clumping of hyphae. Wood 

blocks with reddish-brown discoloration, and 
almost every block exhibited one or more 
large areas which had been eroded by the 
fungus. Figure 3, Plate II. 

Isolate 31 (Blocks 61-80) Surface growth for 
the most part slight but there were occa- 
sional fluffy masses of hyphae which were 
almost white in color. Wood block dis- 
coloration was reddish-brown and_ rather 
evenly distributed. A few small eroded 
areas, similar to those of the preceding 
series, were found. Figure 1, Plate III. 

Isolate 32 (Blocks 81-100): Mycelium bright 
yellow, covering the surfaces of the blocks, 
and forming both fluffy and compact masses 
of hyphae; very little mycelial growth on 
tops of blocks. Reddish discoloration un- 
evenly distributed over the blocks. Figure 

2 2, Plate III. 

Isolate 38 (Blocks 101-120): Mycelium yellow 
in color, sparsely and reticulately covering 
the sides of the blocks but concentrating 
in dense, compact, darker masses at the 
tops. Block discoloration in the form of 
reddish streaks. Figure 3, Plate III. 

Isolate 39 (Blocks 121-140): Even growth over 
surfaces of blocks; the few clumpings of 
hyphae that occurred were small and were 
fluffy rather than compact. Mycelium very 

pale yellow. Reddish-orange discoloration 
occurring irregularly through the wood 
blocks. Figure 1, Plate IV. 

Isolate 40 (Blocks 141-160): Mycelium bright 
yellow, forming large fluffy masses which oc- 
curred largely near the bases of the blocks. 
Wood block discoloration was orange and 
was distributed irregularly. Figure 2, Plate 

Isolate 40e (Blocks 181-200): Surface growth 
of bright yellow, fluffy hyphae. Growth 
rather dense near the tops of the blocks. 
Very dark, irregularly distributed, discolora- 
tion of wood blocks. Figure 1, Plate V. 

Isolate 40j (Blocks 161-180): Mycelium yellow, 
showing a tendency to form small, rather 
compact masses near the bases and along 
the sides of the wood blocks. Discoloration 
of blocks reddish, distributed irregularly. 
Figure 3, Plate IV. 

Production of fruiting bodies in 
weod block cultures.—After the five 
months observations were made, the 
wood block cultures were observed at 
intervals until the end of the incuba- 
tion period (ten months) in order to 
determine if fruiting bodies were pro- 
duced, and, if so, if there were any 
observable differences between isolates 
with regard to this characteristic. Of 
the ten isolates, five produced spore- 
bearing structures on wood blocks. 
Childs (1937) mentioned the produc- 
tion of sporophores by P. schweinitzit 
on agar medium, but this was not ob- 
served in the present study. 

The isolates varied widely in the 
total number of spore-bearing struc- 
tures they produced as well as in 
lengths of time required for their pro- 
duction. The series inoculated with 
tsolate 40 produced the most fruit- 
ing bodies (nineteen of the twenty 
tubes contained such structures), a 
total of fifty-four being produced; 
Isolate 39 produced the next greatest 

TABLE III.—Types of reactions obtained in paired cultures of isolates of 

of P. schweinitzit. 

(Type of reaction is indicated by number of ex- 

planation in text). “N” indicates that there was no line of demarcation. 

Now: il 10 19 jl 

° oe 




: aL 

32 : if 
: 3 






32 38 39 40 40e 40j 

5) N 

1 3 N 

2 3 il N 

2 3 ak 2 N 

2 3 IL 2 2 N 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 

number, No. 40e was next, then No. 
40j, and No. 32 produced the least. 
Isolates 1, 10, 19, 31 and 88 produced 
no fruiting bodies during the ten 
months incubation period. 

None of the fruiting bodies that 
were produced in culture resembled 
the normal sporophores of P schwein- 
ited either in shape or size, but nearly 
all of them produced spores in great 
abundance. Isolates 32, 40, 40e and 
40j produced fruiting bodies which 
were largely of a cerebroid or lamell- 
ate type with a tendency in some in- 
stances toward a porose condition; 
Isolate 39, however, produced fruit- 
ing bodies which macroscopically were 
clavaria-like in their appearance. Al- 
though Nos. 40e and 40j, which were 
monospore cultures from No. 40, did 
not correlate with the parent isolate in 
the number of fruiting bodies pro- 
duced, they did produce structures of 
the same type. Fruiting bodies varied 
in diameter from 2 mm. to 2 cm.; 
most of them being roughly hemi- 
spherical except when produced on the 
corner or edge of a wood block. Figure 
2, Plate V and Figure 3, Plate VI, 
show the type of fruiting bodies pro- 
duced by Isolates 32, 40, 40e, and 40j; 
Figure 3, Plate V, shows the clavaria- 
like type produced by Isolate 39; 
Figure 2, Plate VI, shows a normal 
sporophore of P. schweinitzii. The or- 
der of appearance and number of 
spore-bearing structures produced by 
each of the five isolates are shown in 
Table IV. 

Appearance of wood blocks after 
ten months.—Cultures were discon- 
tinued on October 12, 1937, after 
having been maintained for a period 
of ten months. The wood blosks were 
removed from their tubes, wiped care- 
fully with a moist cloth to remove all 
surface mycelia and fruiting bodies, 
and were then air-dried. The appear- 

ance of the air-dry wood blocks were 
as follows: 

Blocks 1-20 (inoculated with No. 1): Dark, 
reddish-brown discoloration in spots; cubical 
cracking occurring in the discolored areas. 
Discolored spots occurring largely near the 
middle portions of the wood blocks, in 
which regions the moisture content of the 

wood was probably more nearly optimum 
for the mycelium. 
Blocks 21-40 (inoculated with No. 10): Brown 

discoloration as in the first series, but the 
discolored areas were greatly depressed and 

cubical cracking was much more pro- 
Blocks 41-60 (inoculated with No. 19): Dis- 

colored spots reddish-brown, small, and in 
every instance confined to the middle por- 
tions of the blocks. Cubical cracking was 
very obvious; depression in discolored 
areas was slight. 

Blocks 61-80 (inoculated with No. 31): In- 
fected blocks were only slightly darker than 
uninfected ones. Eroded, dark red areas 
very scarce and quite small. Cubical crack- 
ing only in one or two instances and then 
it was confined to the dark red, eroded 

Blocks 81-100 (inoculated with No. 32): Brown 
discolored areas occupying approximately the 

middle two-thirds of each block. Shrinkage 
slight; cubical cracking evident in every 

Blocks 101-120 (inoculated with No. 38): Slight 
discoloration; cubical cracking apparent; 
slight shrinkage at the middle regions of the 

Blocks 121-140 (inoculated with No. 39): Tan 
discoloration; large eroded areas evident in 
a few instances; shrinkage evident in the 
lower portions of most blocks. 

Blocks 141-160 (inoculated with No. 40): Mid- 
dle two-thirds of all blocks greatly shrunk; 
dark brown discoloration; cubical cracking 
quite evident. 

Blocks 161-180 (inoculated with No. 40j): 
discoloration, occurring mostly in small de- 
pressed areas where cubical cracking was 

Blocks 181-200 (inoculated with No. 40e): Cen- 
tral portions of blocks brown, slightly 
shrunk; cubical cracking very obvious in 
these areas. 

From the above summation of the 
appearance of the various wood block 
series, it is evident that the isolates 
behave somewhat differently when cul- 
tured in this manner. In most blocks, 
wherever destruction reached any con- 
siderable degree, the cubical cracking, 
so characteristic of attack by P. 
schweinitzti, was quite evident. As 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitztt Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) . 

TABLE IV.—Fruiting body production in wood culture by isolates of 

of P. schweinitzii. 

No. of cultures 
ing bodies 

No. of cultures 
with fruit ing bodies 

No. of 

fruiting bodies 
No. of cultures 
with fruiting bodies 

No. of 
fruiting bodies 
| Hoe of cultures 
_with fruiting bodies 

No. of 

bodies _| 

No. of cultures 
with fruiting 

No. of 

fruiting bodies 

| No. of cultures 
| With fruiting bodies 

No. of 
fruiting bodies 

noted above, in some series the blocks 
were greatly discolored, whereas in 
others there was almost no discolora- 
tion. Figure 1, Plate VI, shows a 
group of attacked blocks selected to 
show differences in amount of crack- 
ing, degree of discoloration, and 
ef shrinkage. 

Weight losses from infected wood 
blocks.—When the infected wood 

bodies | 


blocks were completely air-dry, each 
was weighed and its percentage of 
weight loss was calculated. Average 
percentage weight losses were then 
calculated for each series; these aver- 
age percentage weight losses and their 
probable errors are presented in 
Table V. : 

From the results shown in Table 
V it may be seen that the isolates 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) 

‘aried considerably in their wood-de- 
aying abilities when grown in pure 
ulture on wood blocks. In a com- 
varison of the percentage weight 
osses caused by any two isolates, two 
yrobable errors must be taken into 
.ecount, and the probable error of the 
lifference is always greater than 
ither of the two probable errors in- 
‘olved; however, the probable error 
f the difference is so small in a num- 
ver of instances that the difference 
s a significant figure. Isolate No. 40 
nay be said to be the most destruc- 
ive and Isolate No. 19 the least de- 
tructive of the isolate studied, with 
rarious intergradations occurring be- 
ween these two extremes. On the 
Masis of percentage weight losses the 
en isolates may be arranged accord- 
ng to the following series: 40>40e> 
107 >38>32>10>39>1>31>19. 

ent lengths of time, and perhaps their 
differences may be explained on this 
basis; however, the possibility exists 
that, even under natural  condi- 
tions, subsequent monospore genera- 
tions may have a tendency to become 
attenuated in degree of destructive- 

In Table VI, the differences in per- 
centage weight losses induced by the 
various isolates are presented; the 
table is so arranged that the difference 
in percentage weight loss caused by 
any two isolates may be found at the 
intersections of the horizontal and 
vertical rows of the isolates being 
compared. Standard deviation was 
calculated by means of the formula: 

Se D.=Vv Probable error of ay- 

by the 

was calculated 
P. B—2:6745_S. D. 
-E=— Ny 


TABLE V.—Differences in percentage of weight losses from white pine 
sapwood blocks induced by isolates of P. schweinitzii. 


It has already been pointed out that 
Isolate No. 40j varied more widely 
than No. 40e from the parent isolate 
(No. 40) both in culture on artificial 
medium and on wood blocks as well as 
in the number of fruiting bodies pro- 
duced. It is interesting to note also 
that both Nos. 40e and 40j were less 
destructive than No. 40, and that No. 
40j was less destructive than No. 40e. 
Naturally, these mycelia have been 
cultured on artificial media for differ- 

Block Percentage 
Nos. Weight Losses 
1— 20 9,.25+ (or-) 0.38 
21— 40 12.994 (or-) 0.52 
41— 60 7.29+ (or-) 0.38 
61— 80 8.52-+-(or-) 0.33 
81—100 13.30-+ (or-) 0.60 
101—120 14.12+ (or-) 0.50 
121—140 11.75+ (or-) 0.55 
141—160 20.28-+ (or-) 1.28 
161—180 14.424 (or-) 0.90 
181—200 18.10+ (or-) 0.66 
able error of difference by the 

formula: P.E.(d)=\VP.E. 2 +P.E. 2 


Statisticians are not in complete 
agreement as to which should be 
considered significant in analyses 

of this type; however, many will agree 
that the figure is probably a sig- 
nificant one if the difference is three 
times as great as the probable error 
of the difference, and, if the difference 
is six times as great as the probable 
error of the difference, it is agreed 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) 

TABLE VI.—Differences in percentage of weight losses from white pine 
sapwood blocks induced by isolates of P. schweinitzzi. The isolates, 
on the basis of their destructivenessmay be arranged as follows: 
40>40e>40j>-88>32 >10539 51531519. 





1 &> 
e e 
Dm IO 





5. 08+ 


. 5.198 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) 

that the difference is a certainty. In 
Table VI, the differences which are 
at least three times as great as their 
probable error are underlined once; 
those which are at least six times as 
great as their probable error are un- 
derlined twice. Out of a _ possible 
forty-five comparisons, thirty-three 
may be considered to represent sig- 
nificant differences. 

In a series of similar wood-decay 
studies, Schmitz (1925) found simi- 
lar variations among different isolates 
of Fomes pinicola Fr. This author, 
working with four isolates from 
Douglas fir, western hemlock, west- 
ern white pine, and white fir, found 
differences in percentage weight 
losses caused by the action of the dif- 
ferent isolates on various woods; he 
also reported differences in enzy- 
matic activities of the different iso- 
lates. Percival (1933), working with 
mycelia of Fomes pint (Thore) 
Lloyd, which had been isolated from 
specific hosts, found no differences 
such as those described by Schmitz 
for F. pinicola or by the present 
writer for P. schweinitzu. Percival 
stated of P. pini: “The extent of 
decay in spruce judged by loss in 
specific gravity and crushing strength 
showed as great variation when pro- 
duced by cultures from the same host 
as that produced by cultures from 
different hosts. . .”’ On the basis of 
Percival’s results it must be admitted 
that physiological specialization with- 
in the species need not necessarily 
occur in all wood-destroying fungi. 
This would scarcely be expected, 
however, because in all groups of or- 
ganisms there are some species in 
which individuals occur which are 
subject to variation over a rather 
wide range in their activities, where- 
as there are other species in which 
the individuals are confined to more 

narrow limits. It is to be expected 
that further investiagtion of the ac- 
tivities of 

many wood-destroying 
iungi will reveal species of both 

Growth rates of isolates in liquid 
medium. Since the results of the 
weight loss measurement experiment 
showed definitely that differences be- 
tween isolates do exist, the question 
concerning the cause for such dif- 
ferences naturally arises. The sim- 
plest explanation might be that the 
cifferences were due to differential 
growth rates and for that reason an 
attempt was made to measure the 
growth rates of the different isolates 
in liquid medium. Growth rates 
(based upon weight of mycelium pro- 
duced in five weeks) were determin- 
ed; the average weights (based on 
ten replicates) of the mycelial mats 

produced by each isolate were as fol- 


.5 mg. 
Isolate 10 128.5 mg. 
Isolate 19 : 130.0 mg. 
Isolate 31 153.0 mg. 
Isolatewe2. 2 ees 118.0 mg. 
AGH SVG os se ee ee eh 110.0 mg. 
Isolaten 30) ee ee 169.5 mg. 
isolates 0, =.= ees 104.0 mg. 
isolates, 0 ewer oa sa 88.0 mg. 
lig@lennge. diy) a jo 116.5 mg. 

As may be seen from the above 

figures, No. 40e produced the small- 
est amount of mycelium (88 milli- 
grams per culture), whereas No. 39 
produced the greatest amount (169.5 
milligrams per culture). This does 
not correlate in any way with the 
wood-destroying activity of the iso- 
lates, since No. 19, not No. 40e, was 
least destructive to wood blocks, and 
No. 40, not No. 39 caused the great- 
est destruction. This lack of corre- 
lation is well-illustrated in Text Fig- 
ure 1. 


Ten different isolates of Polyporus 

‘Soinj[nd pinbi] ue, UL peoonpoad szyeuw 
[eljooAU 944 FO JYSIOM OSvIBAV OY} SJUDSOIdaa Ieq poxjop Yoaeo {syao0[q 
ayeorjded AJUeM} WoOaAy SSO] JYUSIOM JO aseyUsoIed oSeIOAe oY} S}UESET 
-dei 1eq pljos yoey “poomdes ourd o1yM 0} SsousATJONAYSOp SuUIsvertoUT 
ALOY} JO LOp1O OY} UL JYSII 0} JJZo] WOIJ posuvslIe 91¥8 SozBOSI oY, ‘amd 
-[hd Yoo[q poom UI Sorjloeded oATJONAJSOp ALeY} YIM Wipe prnbiy ut 
UzjULANYIS *"q FO Sozyeplost Jo YAMOAS oy JO uostedwio0ds W— | eanS1y 1x0], 


On 407 LOR, 18s eS 0), 6£ / [= 6/ 

e% e° e° e° 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes) 
e @ 




og+ o/ 
o2z/+ Sy 
09/+ 02 



Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 

schweinitew Fr., which were derived 
from different sources and were 
shown to differ in color, gross co- 
lonial appearance, and rate of spread 
on agar medium, were tested in order 
to determine their growth rates in 
liquid medium and also to determine 
their relative capacities for destruc- 
tion of white pine sapwood. This de- 

structive capacity was judged by 
weight loss of inoculated wood 
blocks. From these studies the fol- 

lowing conclusions may be drawn: 

1. Isolates vary as widely from 
each other in appearance in 
wood-block culture as they do 
upon artificial medium. 

2. Isolates of this species differ 
in fruiting body production 
not only as to number and 
rate of production, but also 
as to form. Of the ten iso- 
lates examined only five pro- 
duced fruiting bodies’ on 
wood-blocks during a _ ten 
month incubation period. Iso- 
late No. 89 produced struc- 
tures which were clavaria- 
like in appearance; the other 
four produced cerebroid or 
lameilate fruiting bodies. The 
number of fruiting bodies 
(per twenty cultures) de- 
veloped by such isolate was 
as follows: No. 40-54, No. 
39-53, No. 40e-46, No. 40j-25, 

. Further 

lates varied widely. Average 
percentage weight losses from 
twenty replicate blocks varied 
from 7.29+(or-)0.88 per cent 
in wood blocks inocolated with 
Isolate 19 to 20.26+ (or-) 1.23 
per cent in blocks inoculated 
with Isolate 40. With regard to 
Isolate 40 and the two mon- 
ospore generations derived 
from it, it is obvious that the 
destructive capacity of No. 
40>No. 40e>Ne. 40j. Under 
the conditions of the experi- 
ment, subsequent monospore 
generations show a tendency 
to become attenuated in de- 
gree of destructiveness. 
evidence as to the 
existence of differences be- 
tween the ten isolates is ob- 
tained by comparing the dif- 
ferences in weight losses in- 
duced by the isolates. In such 
a comparison, there exist 
forty-five possible combina- 
tions using two isolates for 
each; of these forty-five pos- 
sibilities, thirty-three yielded 
differences, which on the ba- 
sis of standard statistical 
methods may be considered 

. Studies made on the growth 

rates of isolates show clearly 
that there is no correlation 
between capacity for destruc- 
tion of wood and growth in 
liquid medium. 

and No. 32-2. It should be 
noted that No. 40 produced 
a greater number than No. 
40e (fifth monosporous gen- 
eration from No. 40), and 
that No. 40e in turn pro- 
duced a greater a greater 
number than No. 40j (tenth 
monosporous generation from 
No. 40). These data seem to 
indicate the loss of capacity 
for fruiting body production 
in succeeding monospore gen- 
erations; however, this point 
will need further investiga- 
tion before a definite state- 
ment may be made. 

. When the destructive capac- 
ity of the isolates on white 
pine sapwood was measured 
it was again found that iso- 

The general conclusion which may 
be drawn from the above studies is 
in agreement with the opinion of 
Childs (1937) who concluded that 
Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. is a spe- 
cies composed of many widely dif- 
fering individuals. Subjection of the 
various individuals to critical bio- 
chemical studies would undoubtedly 
reveal still further differences. 

Boyce, J. s- 192050 Lhe dry rot of 
incense cedar. U. S. Dept. Agr. 
Bur. Plant Ind. Bull. 871: 1-58. 
Childs, T. W. 1987. Variability of 

Polyporus’ schweinitzii culture. 
Phytopath. 27: 29-50. 
Dietel, P. 1889. War~en die Rost- 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 

pilze in fruheren Zeitan plurivor? 
Bot. Centralbl. 79: 81-118. 

Eriksson, J. 1894. Ueber die Spe- 
cialisierung des Parasitimus bei 
den Getreiderostpilzen. Ber. 
Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 12: 292-331. 

— 1902. Ueber die 
Specialisierung des Getreide- 
schwartzrostes in Schwenden un 
anderen Landen. Centralbl. Bakt. 
II, 9:654-658. 

Hartig, R. 1900. Lehrbuch der 
Pflanzenkrankheiten. Dritte vollig 
neu bearbeitete Auflag des Lehr- 
buch de Baumkrankhe'ten. Ju- 
lius Springer, Berlin. 

Hubert, E. E. 1931. An outline of 
forest pathology. John Wiley and 
Sons, Inc., New York. 

Hungerford, C. W. and C. E. Owens. 
1923. Specialized varieties of Puc- 
cinia glumarum and hosts for va- 
riety tritici. Jour. Agr. Res. 25: 

Mounce, I. 1929. 

Studies in forest 

pathology. II. The biology of 
Fomes pinicola (Sw.) Cooke, Can- 
ada Dept. Agr. Bull. (n. s.) III. 

Percival, W. C. 19383. A contribution 
to the biology of Fomes pini 
(Thore) Lloyd [Trametes pini 
(Thor) Fries]. Bull. N. Y. State 
Coll. Forestry Tech. Bull. No. 40. 

Rhoads, A. S. 1921. Some new or 
little known hosts for wood-de- 
stroying fungi. 8. Phytopath. 11: 

Schmitz, H. 1925. Studies in wood 
decay. V. Physiological speciali- 
zation in Fomes pinicolo. Fr. Amer. 
Jour. Bot. 12: 1638-177. 

Schrenk, H. von. 1900. Some dis- 
eases of New England conifers: a 
preliminary report. U. S. Dept. 
Agr., Div. of Vegetable Physiol. 
and Path. Bull. 25. 

Stakman, E. C. 1914. A study in 
cereal rusts; physiological races. 
Minn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull: 138: 




Fig. 1. Culture of Isolate 1, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 2. Culture of Isolate 10, two weeks after inoculation 
tig. 3. Culture of Isolate 19, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 4. Culture of Isolate 31, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 5. Culture of Isolate 32, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 6. Culture of Isolate 38, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 7. Culture of Isolate 39, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 8, Culture of Isolate 40, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 9. Culture of Isolate 40e, two weeks after inoculation 
Fig. 10. Culture of Isolate 40j, two weeks after inoculation 

Paired culture of Isolates 1 and 32 showing line of demarcation. 
Fig. 12. Paired culture of Isolates 1 and 39 showing line of demarcation. 



Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweimtzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 



Fig. 1. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 1. (Magnification x 2/3). 
Fig. 2. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 10. (Magnification x 2/3). 
Fig. 8. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 19. (Magnification x 2/3). 


Physiological Variation m Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 


Fig. 1. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 31. (x 2/8). 

Fig. 2. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 32. (x 2/38). 
Fig. 3. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 38. (x 2/3). 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzi Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 



Fig. 1. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 39. (x 2/8). 
Fig. 2. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 40. (x 2/3). 
Fig. 8. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 40j. (x 2/8). 

Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 


Fig. 1. Five month old wood block culture of Isolate 40e. (x 2/3). 
Fig. 2. Fruiting body of the type developed by Isolates 32, 40, 40e and 40j in wood block 
culture. (x 4). 
Fig. 3. Clavaria-like fruiting body developed by Isolate 39 in wood block culture. (x Zao) 


Physiological Variation in Isolates of Polyporus schweinitzu Fr. 
(Fungi; Basidiomycetes). 




Fig. 1. White pine sapwood blocks showing destruction caused by P. schweinitzii, block at 
extreme left uninfected. (x 1). 

Fig. 2. Normal sporophore of P. schweinitzii growing on needle-duff of forest floor. (x 1/2). 

Fig. 3. Fruiting bodies of the type developed by Isolates 32, 40, 40e and 40j in wood block 
culture. (x 2). 


Department of Biology, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, 
Richmond, Ky. 


Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, 

Introduction parts. Distinction was drawn _ be- 

Possible commercial uses of milk- tween milkweed visiting insects 

week (2, 17) suggest the value of 
knowing how milkweeds propagate. 
The production of fruits and seeds 
in angiosperms usually depends on 
the process of pollination. That this 
is accomplished only by insects in 
milkweeds has long been assumed but 
never clearly demonstrated. 

In the Asclepiadaceae are found 
species in which the pollen grains 
are not separate as in other families 
but are bound into waxy masses or 
pollinia. In the formation of a pol- 
linium pollen masses from two 
neighboring stamens become joined 
by stalks and a disc-shaped corpuscu- 
lum. Between the pollinia is a slit 
which is open from below and leads 
upward to a point near the corpuscu- 
lum. When the insect alights on a 
flower its legs slip down into the 
flower and as the leg is moved a 
hair, claw or other part is caught in 
the slit below the corpusculum. As 
the insect leaves the corpusculum the 
two attached pollinia are pulled out 
of the flower. The pollinia are thus 
carried to other flowers in the process 
of pollination. 

The problem of milkweed pollina- 
tion seems to have been approached 
indirectly by several investigators (3- 
16) who reported trapping different 
kinds of insects in milkweed flowers. 
Those insects usually included in 
these reports were of the orders Hy- 
menoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and 
Coleoptera. In most cases, the in- 
sects were examined to determine if 
pollinia were carried on their leg 

carrying pollinia and those not carry- 
ing pollinia or corpuscula. 

The manner in which pollinia are 
removed from one flower and intro- 
duced into another has been ob- 
served (14). Within a few seconds 
after removal of the pollinia and cor- 
pusculum from a flower the stalks 
supporting the pollinia were reported 
to twist in such a way as to bring 
the pollinia into a new plane, thus 
enabling them to be more easily in- 
troduced through the corpuscular 
slit into the stigmatic chamber of the 
next flower. Knuth (8) stated that 
flowers on a milkweed plant are self- 
sterile and an anonymous author (1) 
commented without scientific evi- 
dence that syriaca Was 
never self-pollinating. Several -bot- 
anists have expressed opinions to one 
of the authors that the elaborate ap- 
paratus of the milkweed flower may 
have been greatly overrated and that 
it may be worthless, or even a handi- 
cap (1). The purpose of this study 
was to determine if milkweeds may 
pollinate themselves without the aid 
of insects. 



General observations showed that 
on twenty purple inflorescences of 
Asclepias syriaca there was an aver- 
age of 90.6 flowers per inflorescence 
as compared with Nordham’s (11) 
count of 60 for purple flowers and 95 
for white flowers. The average num- 
ber of fruits initiating from these in- 
florescences was 7.8 pair or 8.6 per- 
cent of the number of flowers in an 


Pollination In Asclepias 

inflorescence. As the fruits mature, 
however, all but a few die. On ten 
plants observed there was an aver- 
age of five inflorescences per plant 
and only three, or six percent of the 
53 inflorescences, failed to develop 
fruit. These figures suggest a higher 
percentage of fruit development in 
milkweed than has been generally 

The pollinia on the legs of several 
insects were examined to determine 
their relative position following re- 
moval from the flower. The pollen 
masses were found to be oriented 
face to face, even after a period of 
several days, which appears to con- 
tradict the earlier report (14) that 
the pollinia stalks twist soon after 
being removed from the flower. Bees 
were observed to be by far the most 
common pollinating agent—every 
bee trapped in the neighborhood 
having pollinia or corpuscula on its 

To study the role of insects in 
pollination, inflorescences were cov- 
ered with bags to exclude the insects. 
At first paper bags were used but the 
flowers appeared to mature abnor- 
mally in these cases. In later experi- 
ments when light weight muslin bags 
were used the flowers developed nor- 
mally and the visitation of insects 
to the flowers was prevented. Ex- 
treme care was taken to make cer- 
tain no flowers had been partially 
opened and that the inflorescence did 
not conceal any hidden insects at the 
time of bagging. The bagged in- 
floresences were inspected after one 
week when the flowers had opened 
and again two weeks later to deter- 
mine if fruit had set. In most cases, 
the bags were allowed to remain in 
place until the fruits on uncovered 
plants had fully developed. All bags 
were inspected for holes and their 
contents were examined for bodies or 


parts of insects which may have 
penetrated the bags. 

In July, 19389, at Columbus, Ohio, 
28 inflorescen:es of Asclepias syriaca 
covered with paper bags failed to set 
fruit. The flowers within the bags 
were observed to be pale and some- 
what ‘‘cooked’’ looking. 

In June, 1943, near Richmond, 
Ky., 48 inflorescences of Asclepias 
syriaca were bagged with paper and 
muslin bags. Twelve of these ini- 
tiated fruit but in each case the bag 
had been penetrated by an insect 
(usually a bee) and parts of the in- 
sects were found within the bag. It 
thus appeared that insect pollination 
had occurred. The fruit, however, 
aborted early and never matured, 
only attaining a length of one and 
one-quarter inches. The inflorescence 
stalk seemed uninjured at the con- 
clusion of the experiment and the 
flowers appeared normal one week 
after bagging. No explanation for 
the failure of continued development 
following pollination was evident. 
However, it is possible that in milk- 
weed any fruit initiated as the re- 
sult of self-fertilization may fail to 
mature due to self-sterility. The re- 
maining 36 inflorescences did not in- 
itiate fruit of any kind. Ten mature 
inflorescences on the same plants ex- 
posed to insects before bagging de- 
veloped normally. 

Fifty-five inflorescences of As- 
clepias purpurescens were bagged in 
muslin near Richmond, Ky., in June, 
1944. None of these initiated fruit. 
The peduncles of 28 of these remain- 
ed firm and green, while the remain- 
ing 27 dried up and turned brown as 
if injured. 

These observations and _ experi- 
ments indicate that pollination by in- 
sects is essential for the normal de- 
velopment of milkweed fruit. 

Literature Cited 
1. Anon. 1917. The too-perfect 

Pollination In 

milkweed. Jour. 

. Beckett, R- R: and Stitt, R. S. 
1935. The desert milkweed. 
(Asclepias subalata) as a pos- 
sible source of rubber. USDA 
Tech. Bull. No. 472. 20 pp. 

. Brown, W. 18382. On the organs 
and mode of fecundation in 
Orchidaceae and Asclepiadeae. 

Heredity 8: 

Mlora 15: 353-366, 378-382, 
mCoryvneel. eH 1883. On) the 

structure and mode of fertiliza- 
tion of the flower Asclepias cor- 
nuti Decne. Trans. Lin. Soc., 
Bot. Ser. II, vol. 2, part 8, 186- 

. Delpino, F. 1865. Relazione sull 
apparecchio della fecondazione 
nelle Asclepiadeae, etc. Torino. 
. Harlow, W. M. 1930. The pinch- 
trap flowers in milkweeds. Am. 
Bee Jour. 70: 432. 

. Hildebrand, F. 1866. Ueber die 
Befruchtung von Asclepias cor- 
nuti Dec. Bot. Zeit. 24: 376. 

. Knuth, P. 1906. Handbook of 
flower pollination. 3 vols. Ox- 
ford Press. 










Legget, W. H. 1872. Fertiliza- 
tion of Asclepias. Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club. 3: 34. 

. Muller, Hermann. 1883. The 
fertilization of flowers. Mac- 

Nordholm, L. M. 1926. The 
common milkweed. Am. Bee. 
Jour. 66: 597. 

Payson, Edwin. 1916. The pol- 

lination of Asclepias cryotoce- 
ras. Bot. Gaz. 61: 72-74. 

Potts, Ed. 1878 and 1879. Sen- 
sitive organs in Asclepias. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 
30:293-296, and 31: 205-207. 
Robertson, C. 1886. Notes on 
the mode of pollination of As- 
clepias. Bot. Gaz. 11: 262-269. 
Robertson, C. 1918. Pollination 

of Asclepias cryptoceras. Bot. 
Gaz, 66: 177: 

Robertson, C. 1928. Flowers 
and insects. Sci. Press. 
Whiting, A. G. 1948. A sum- 
mary of literature on milk- 
weeds (Asclepias spp.) and 
their utilization. USDA _ Bib- 

liog. Bull. No. 2. 


A. I. ZARow: 



Scientific control of production de- 
pends upon the application of rapid, 
reliablez, and valid: methods of an- 
alyses of variables and their effect 
upon unit operations. 

The time requirements of a con- 
trol method should not exceed the 
time of the unit operation being con- 

The distilling industry is undergo- 
ing an evolutionary change of pro- 
duction methods—from an art to a 
science. The former is a result of 
post-mortem analyses, utilizing un- 
reliable and invalid control methods. 

It is the purpose of this paper to 
identify rapid, reliable, and valid 
methods suitable for distillery con- 

Starch Determination 

Corn, rye, milo, wheat, and malt 
are the chief sources of starch for 
grain alcohol productien. The con- 
version of grain starch to ethyl alco- 
hol is nearly quantitative; therefore, 

iThe writer wishes to thank Dr. E. H. 
Scofield, Director of Research & Control of 
Jos. E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., for valuable 
guidance and W. R. Gonevia, Superintendent 
of Fleischmann Distilleries, for his suggestions. 

eReliability indicates a high degree of corre- 
lation between two sets of independent results 
obtained under theoretical identical conditions. 

3Validity is the correlation between opera- 
tional data and the criterion which serves as the 
point of departure. 

aFermentation Efficiency equals Actual Proof 

gallons/56++ of grain over Theoretical Proof 
gallons/56++ of grain. 
Theoretical grain 

Proof  gallons/56+} of 
equals % starch x 1.725. 

5S. Em equals 
equals © over N-1l. 
S. Em equals 2.3 ", or 95% of the cases con- 
™ equals Standard deviation 
N equals Number of cases 
N-l equals Number of cases less than 25 

Standard error of the mean 

a theoretical amount of alcohol can 
be calculated from the known amount 
of starch. The amount of starch in 
the grain varies with the grades and 
type of grain, and since distilleries 
use varlous grades and types of 
grain, the only method for the de- 
termination of fermentation effi- 
ciency, anticipated yield, and econo- 
ical operations, is based on starch 
determination. The grain is processed 
in the following manner: (A) The 
grain is ground on roller, hammer, 
or attrition mills, (B) To the 
ground grain, water and _ stillage 
(screened residue from distillation) 
are added, and this mixture is cook- 
ed either under pressure or atmos- 
pheric conditions. (C) The cooked 
mixture is cooled to 148-150°F and 
then converted to sugar (primary 
conversion) by the addition of either 
a water slurry of ground malt or 
dried ground malt that contains 
amylases. (D) The resulting sugar 
from the initial, converted starch plus 
residual starch and various intermed- 
iate starch-sugar molecules is cooled 
to 70-86°F and fermented to ethyl 
alcohol and by-products by the addi- 
tion of yeast. 

The polarimetric method for the 
determination of fermentable starch 
in grain is more rapid and reliable, 
and contains fewer sources for errors 
than other methods, such as numer- 
ous transfers of material, tempera- 
ture control, and the skill of the 
analyst. Seagram’s results (1) on 
wheat when using cold hydrochloric 
acid for the solubilization of starch 
previously washed with ether, alco- 


A Comprehensive Survey of Controlled Grain Alcohol Production 

hol, and water, produced results 
which had a S. Em’ of 0.28. The 
amount of starch in the wheat deter- 
mined by the polarimetric method 
was correlated with fermentation ef- 
ficiencies. The actual proof gallons 
per 56 lb. bushel of grain was ob- 
tained by laboratory fermentations. 

Canadian method (2, 2a), which uses 
CaCl’ in place of HCl has therefore 
been tentatively accepted by the A. 
O. A. C. as the method of choice. 
Based on the correlation obtained be- 
tween the amount of starch in grain 
and fermentation efficiency using the 
A. O. A. C. method minus pentosans, 
the validity of the polarimetric 
method without a factor is not ef- 


Ae Os A. C. (Diastase-HCl) 

#09 BO ps 

Polarimetric (No Factor) 
M equals 2.3 plus minus. 

The wheat starch was determined by 
pies A: ©: A. C. (Diastase—HCl) 
(10) and Polarimetric methods. The 
results are illustrated in Table I. 

Metzner’s work (3b) indicates the 
pentosans in grain, especially in 
wheat, give high results in starch de- 
terminations by the A. O. A. C. meth- 
od, and thus low fermentation effi- 

In order to correct for the amount 
of pentosans, the pentosans were de- 
termined by the A. O. A. C. method, 
and the resulting amount was sub- 
tracted from the total starch deter- 
mined by the A. O. A. C. method. 
Often a factor is used to convert 
starch equivalents from the _ polari- 
metric method to the A. O. A. C. 
method. The angle of rotation used 
is 200. 

The A. O. A. C. method measures 
starch and other material such as 
pentosans and hemicelluloses (3, 3a). 
Methods 2 or 3 in Table I appear 
more reasonable. This is based on 
95 percent conversion of starch to re- 
ducing sugar, and 2-3 percent sugar 
utilization for yeast growth, and 2- 
8 percent converted to non-ferment- 
able material such as dextrins. How- 

A. O. A. C. (Diastase-HCl minus Pentosans) 63 

69 83.8— 87.6 
91.6— 95.9 

59.5 90.9—100.4 

ever, cold concentrated hydrochloric 
acid may cause partial hydolysis of 
hemicelluloses and pentosans. The 
fected. In addition the polarimetric 
method is more rapid, reliable, and 
practical than the colorimetric (4), 
Rask (5), or the A. O. A. C. (diastase 
HCl) method (10). 
Percent Conversion of Mash— 
Maltose-Dextrin Ratio 

The conversion of starch to fer- 
mentable sugar is a function of the 
following factors: (A) conversion 
temperature; (B) conversion power 
of malt; (C) holding time; (D) pH. 
Thus the percent conversion of starch 
to sugar reveals whether variables 
that govern the conversion of starch 
are within the limits of good opera- 
tions, and if not, what variable or 
combination of variables are causing 
low results, 

The procedure consists of the fol- 
lowing steps: (A) The converted 
grain solution is filtered; (B) a mea- 
sured amount of the filtrate is placed 
into a flask containing (sp. gr. 1.125) 
hydrochloric acid and refluxed 2 1-2 
hours. (C) the refluxed solution is 
cooled and neutralized with sodium 
hydroxide to pH 7; (D) The neutral- 


A Comprehensive Survey of Controlled Grain Alcohol Production 

ized solution is made up to a known 
volume which is used to titrate a 
known amount of standard Fehling’s 
solution according to the Lane-Eynon 
procedure (10)—this result indicates 
the total possible amount of reducing 
sugar in the cooked grain solution. 
The initial or primary amount of 
sugar in the grain cook is determined 
by titrating a measured amount of 
standard Fehling’s solution before 
acid hydolysis. 

%Conversion equals initial reducing sugar as 
glucose x 100% over total reducing sugar as 

A modification of the above meth- 

od decreases the total time from 
three hours to one hour. The relia- 
bility is not altered. This is accomp- 
lished by the use of concentrated in- 
stead of (sp. gr. 1.125) hydrochloric 
acid for the hydrolysis of the dex- 
trins. As a result, the reflux time is 
reduced from two and one half hours 
to one-half hour. The effect of the 
concentrated acid on the pentosan or 
hemicelluloses is minimized by the 
partial insolubility of these sub- 

The initial conversion of the grain 
starch to reducing sugar by the ad- 
dition of ground malt or a malt 
slurry containing the amylases is ap- 
proximately 70-85%; therefore, there 
is 10-25% starch present at the 
start of fermentation, and this re- 
sidual starch must be converted to 
sugar, to large extent, by the residual 
amylase in malt for the production of 
the maximum amount of alcohol. 
Thus, the amount of active amylases 
present in the fermenter is essential. 
The amount of active residual amyl- 
ase present during fermentation is a 
function of pH, alcohol concentra- 
tion, concentration of sugar, and 

The determination of amylase in 

grain alcohol fermentation mash can 
be completed within six minutes, and 
with a minimum of equipment; 
whereas, the modified Wohlgemuth 
method (7) takes one and one-half 
hours and uses comparatively large, 
precision equipment. In addition, the 
latter method has many possible 
sources of errors such as prepara- 
tion of the starch solution and water 
bath temperature control. 

The test for residual amylase ac- 
tivity is conducted by the addition of 
tincture of guaiac (7a) to 5 milli- 
liters of filtered mash. A blue colored 
compound is formed. The retention 
and extinction point of this color ap- 
pears to be a function of the con- 
centration of the amylase in the 

The method appears specific for 
amylase. Starch, protein hydroly- 
zates, inorganic or organic nitrogen, 
and glucose do not interfere with the 
test; ethyl alcohol tends to dissolve 
the precipitate but does not influence 
the formation and intensity of color 
other than the tolerance of alcohol 
on amylase. The reliability of this 
determination is signified by a S. Em 
equal 0.50 minute. The validity of 
this method is based on the correla- 
tion of the guaiac time of malt and 
the amount of reducing sugar formed 
trom starch by the addition of var- 
ious alcoholic malt slurries to 2% 
starch solution. It appears’ that 
guaiac time of four minutes signifies 
that there is sufficient amylase to 
convert 5-10% starch, 10 minutes— 
25% starch, and 15 minutes—35% 
starch, or in Wohlgemuth units 110- 
330 is equivalent 4-8 minutes guaiac 

Contamination Determination 

For maximum alcohol production, 
milling, cooking, conversion, and fer- 
mentation operations must conform — 


A Comprehensive Survey of Controlled Grain Alcohol Production 

to a high level of sanitary practices. 
If contaminants are present in the 
plant mash the amount of alcohol 
produced will be low. These con- 
taminants will utilize the sugars and 
starch for the production of products 
other than ethyl alcohol. Therefore, 
in the control of production it is es- 
sential that the amount of contam- 
ination (and the level of contamina- 
* tion) in a plant be known. 

An acid rise-bacteria count-yield 
curve, (Figure 1) can be established 
in each distillery. This curve will 

50] Figure at 
44 3 

48]| ¥ 

4 ¥ 



reveal immediately that amount of 
contamination in the plant. The 
method of approach is illustrated in 
Figure 2. In this second figure, each 
total acid, from the set time (the 
time when a fermenter containing 
yeast is filled to a designated vol- 
ume) to the time the fermenter is 
ready for distillation has a corres- 
ponding increase at x hours after 

set. Therefore, once the acid rise 
at x hours is known, the correspond- 
ing acid rise at the time the ferment- 
er is distilled can be determined from 
the chart, figure 2. 

The media used for these studies 
were thioglycollate and _ tryptone, 
both of which were prepared by 
Difco. Besides producing rapid re- 
sults, the method eliminates a great 
deal of time in preparation of ma- 
terial for the bacteriological test. 
However, any specific part of the 
system which contains bacteria that 

Reid Rise ~ Bacteria Cout - Yield Cuaeve 

Upper Vint 

Lowe. eee Upper fit 

Lowgr lest 

Mean Ling 

: O 
ileacee rent Treranse 

(c.<. 01% NaGt) 

act as a seed can only be found by 
the use of bacteriological media. 
Bacteria counts were determined by 
the use of the Halverson and Zieg- 
ler’s (11) Probability table. 
Crude Fiber 

The residue from alcohol distilla- 
tion is further processed for the 
production of animal feed. This pro- 
cess produces two types of feed (A) 


A Comprehensive Survey of Controlled Grain Alcohol Production 
. Methods 

light or dark dried grain, and (B) 
distillers’ solubles. Light grain is pro- 
duced by screening the alcohol-free 
distillation residue; the coarse ma- 
terial which is retained on the screen 
is pressed, and finally dried to 8-10% 
moisture in a rotary drier. If syrup 
is added to this material before it is 
fed to a rotary drier, the product is 
known as dark dried grain. The 
syrup is produced by evaporating to a 
solids content of 25-30%, the fluid 
portion of the alcohol-free distilla- 
tion residue in multiple effect evapor- 
ators. In production of distillers’ sol- 
ubles this syrup is dried on drum 
dryers. Distillers’ solubles is a high 
nutritive animal feed, and since it 
is usually used in various mixed 
feeds, its chemical composition (ni- 
trogen, fats, fibers, mineral salts, and 
vitamins) is important. In the mar- 
keting of by-products grain residues 
a statement of moisture, protein, fat, 
and fiber is required. Since the de- 
termination of the crude fiber con- 
tent of grain products requires more 
time than any other analyses it is 
essential that a rapid, reliable, and 
valid method for determining the 
amount of crude fiber be employed. 

Whitehouse’s (8) method for the 
determination of crude fiber in dried 
grain is twice as rapid as the A. O. A. 
C. method. The inherent errors are 
reduced by the decrease in the num- 
ber of transfers of the material. The 
above determination had a S. Em 
equal 0.03 compared to 0.08 for the 
A. O. A. C. procedure (10). There- 
fore, the distribution of the data is 
significantly greater in case of the 
A. O. A. C. method as compared to 
the Whitehouse’s procedure. 

The new method eliminates sep- 
arate digestions with caustic and 
acid, and instead uses one digestion 
with a mixture of glacial acetic, ni- 

tric, and trichloracetic. The White- 
house method markedly accelerates 
filtration time after treatment com- 
pared to extended periods with the 
A. O. A. C. procedure. 

Protein Determination 

The determination of the amount 
of protein in grain aids in establish- 
ing the cooking procedure, as pro- 
teins indirectly effect the percentage 
starch converted to sugar (9); also, 
the protein content of dried grain 
and dried solubles (products of alco- 
bol-free residue after distillation) is 
required for marketing. 

The method for determining the 
amount of protein in grain, dried 
grain, and solubles developed by 
Whitehouse (6) can be completed 
within an hour and has a reliablity of 
S. Em equal 0.04 compared to a 
minimum of 38 hours and S. Em. 
equal 0.12 for the A. O. A. C. (10) 
method. The Whitehouse method uses 
H202, and P205 as oxidizing agents, 
HgO as catalyst, and K2S04 to ele- 
vate the boiling point of the mixture. 
Based on values obtained with the 
A. O. A. C. method the validity is 
not affected by the use of the above 


The application of these methods 
in distilleries has aided to a great 
extent in producing high efficiencies, 
economical operations, and simultan- 
eously, uniformity and quality of 
product. These fundamental objec- 
tives can be realized by the estab- 
lishment of operational limits based 
on reliable and valid analytical meth- 
ods. All phases of operations can be 
measured. Reliable and valid meth- 
ods correlated with normal operations 
will produce economical operations, 
uniformity and quality of product. 
Normal operations are defined as 


A Comprehensive Survey of Controlled Grain Alcohol Production 

x hours 

phases of productions of constant 
variability within fixed limits. 

The methods discussed above all 
meet the time requirements for con- 
trolled operations; in addition neither 
skilled technicians nor _ elaborate 
equipment is necessary; in other 
words, these methods give the pro- 
duction man the tools essential for 
the attainment of the principles men- 
tioned here. 


1. Seagram’s Research and Control 
Dept. 1944 Unpublished. 

2. Hopkins, C. 1935. Polarimetric de- 
termination of starch. Canad. J. 
Res. 11: 757-758. 

2a. Etheredge, M. P. 1944. Report 
on the Determination of Starch in 
Raw and Baked Cereals. J. Assoc. 
Off. Agr. Chem. 29: 404-412. 

3. Baker, J. D:, Parker, H. K.. and 
Mize, M. D. 1943. Pentosans of 
Wheat Flour. Cereal Chem. 20: 


Figucr sf ees Acid Rise Curve 


3a. Mirils, D. I., Gorokhlolinskaya, U. 
S. 19385. Mechanisms of the Step- 
wise Hydrolysis in Prepartion of 
Furfural from Substances contain- 
ing Pentosans. J. Chem. Ind. 
(Moscow) 12: 156 through C. A. 
29: 5838. 

3b. Vernon, C. C. and Metzner, M. A. 
1941. The determination of fur- 
furalyielding substances and fer- 
mentable carbohydrates in grain. 
Cereal Chem. 18: 572-584. 

4. Simeral, J. E. and Browning, B. L. 
1939. Photocolorimetric Determin- 
ation of Starch, Anal. Ed. 11: 121. 

5. Rash, O. S. 1929. Rapid Method 
for the Determination of Starch. 
J. Assoc. Agri. Chem. 10: 108-120. 

6. Whitehouse, K. Unpublished. 

7. Wohlgemuth, J. 1908. A new 
Method for the Quantitative De- 
termination of Amylolytic Fer- 
ment. Biochem. Z. 9: 1-9. 

Ta. Wender, 1903. Diastase Test. 


A Comprehensive Survey of Controlled Grain Aleohol Production 

Apoth. Ztg. 471 through Merck In- 10. A. O. A. C. Official and Tentative 
dex. Methods of the Association of Of- 
8. Whitehouse, K., Zarow, A. I., Shay: ficial Agricultural Chemists. Wash- 
H.,1945. A Rapid Method for the ington, D. €. 1940, 1945. 
Determinating Crude Fiber in Dis- 11. Halverson, H. O. and Ziegler, N. 

tillers Dried Grain. J. Assoc. Agr. R. 1934. Quantitative Bacteriol- 
Chem. 29: 147. ogy, Burgess Publishing Co., Min- 
9. Gortner, R. A. and Hamalainen, C. neapolis. 

1941. Protein films and the Sus- 12. Lindquist, E. F. ‘‘Course in Sta- 
ceptibility of Raw Starch to Dia- tistics” 1942. Houghton Mifflin Co. 
static attack. Cereal Chem. 17: 




A Planned Economy For Kentucky’s Waters* 

Department of Zoology 

University of Kentucky 

If all Kentucky’s rainfall should 
happen to be precipitated in an in- 
stant, it might be considered her 
greatest crop, standing, as it would, 
some forty inches deep over lands, 
rooftops and roads. If it should fall 
in the form of snow, it would average 
more than thirty feet upon field, forest 
and town. This crop is one produced 
without labor, without expenditure 
for seed, rentals, or overhead of any 
kind. It falls almost equally upon 
all of the lands of the state, without 
regard to fertility or other variable. 
The total production of some 120 bil- 
lion tons at the domestic rate of 8.4 
cents per ton, delivered at the kitchen 
sink, would amount to more than ten 
billion dollars. At this so-called 
cheap rate Kentucky’s rainfall should 
pay off the national debt within the 
lifetime of many persons here present. 

The above calculations are without 
value except to emphasize the magni- 
tude of a natural resource, which to- 
gether with the sunshine and air, 
claim little attention. Possibly no po- 
litical division of the United States 
gives less consideration to water-sup- 
ply and what might be done about it. 

Ideally this resource should be 
evenly distributed at perhaps weekly 
intervals throughout the year, just 
enough to mature crops and replenish 
ground-water, with none left. over. 
But actually it is uneven as between 
one year and another, one season and 
another, and between the weeks of 
the same season. The range is be- 
tween total failure and great excess 
at any time of the year. Of course 
mankind can do nothing about it—or 

*Presented before the annual meeting of the Ken- 
tucky Academy of Science, April, 1947. 

can we? The tradition is now and 
has always been THAT MAN IS 
RELENTLESS FATE—that neither 
the individual nor the State may 
hope to control so great a force of 
Nature. We either believe that or 
behave as though we do. In some of 
the more level lands of the prairie 
states, the farm owner has more or 
less successfully controlled the ex- 
cess rainfall through artificial sub- 
surface drainage and systems of pub- 
lic ditches. But in Kentucky most of 
the land lies on a decided slope and 
is closely underlain by its parent 
rock, so drain-tile is no answer to 
excessive rainfall here. The more 
than one-hundred billion tons of water 
therefore dashes precipitously toward 
the streams, except as restrained by 
the porosity of the soil, the rock, and 
the root-systems of vegetation. 

The fate of the cargo of soil swept 
down into the streams has begun but 
recently to be a matter of general pub- 
lic coneern, and one about which it 
was believed that united action might 
be taken. Yet to this moment little 
planning has related directly to the 
water itself, or otherwise than as the 
agent of erosion. 

From the point of view of those 
citizens whose theory of government 
is strongly on the side of state- 
sovereignty and state responsibility, 
it may appear unfortunate that Ken- 
tucky has done so little on her own 
initiative. She has awaited the na- 
tion-wide program of conservation so 
belatedly handed down to her in re- 
cent years from higher up. Being the 
oldest of the mid-western states, she 
has suffered from this neglect longer 


A Planned Economy For Kentucky’s Waters 

than most of her neighbor-states. Not 
only that, but Kentucky has failed to 
this moment to assume the leading 
part in her own restoration. As the 
situation may be summarized today, 
Kentucky is playing only the support- 
ing role in the soil and forest con- 
servation, while neither the federal 
nor state government is attacking the 
problems of water-control and aquatic 
resources through any equitable and 
all-round plan. 

In the early history of the state, 
while there was sufficient forested 
land to restrain the turbulence of 
rainfall on hillsides, streamflow was 
sufficiently constant to contribute to 
the industry of many communities, 
especially in transportation and in 
the operation of flour-mills. Records 
well attest their further usefulness 
to the inhabitants in the matters of 
food and water-supply. Since the 
passing of the primitive social and 
economic organization of that day, the 
water-resources, then largely a small- 
scale, private concern, have been lost 
in our preoccupation with greater 
matters—lumbering, mining, railroad- 
ing, etc. Interest in our streams has 
lagged for generations and a new 
population has grown up which knows 
them not. It is not to be wondered 
at, then, that the Federal Government 
found our people ready to welcome 
the flood-control project without sus- 
picion, especially as it came upon us 
during the stress of the Depression 
and that of the 1937 Flood—a period 
of anxiety, deprivation, and uncer- 
tainty. Public work—made work of 
any kind were the accepted panacea 

In the experience of a decade, what 
is Kentucky gaining and what is she 
losing in the transaction? 

We entered the New Deal period 
with one of the most magnificent 


systems of streams to be found on 
the map. Encircling the great arch 
of the Blue Grass country the 120 
billions of tons of annual precipitation 
of the state had sculptured out the 
sweeping arcs of the wide Tennessee, 
the scarcely less impressive Cumber- 
land, Green River, the Tradewater 
and the Kentucky—and flanking the 
other side, the Licking and the Big 
Sandy. One by one these assets are 
being traded in on a system of storage 
reservoirs, sold to the public under 
the name of Lakes, which is more 
euphonious and unintentionally phony 
as well. Lakes they are not, nor any 
longer rivers—only so much water. 
Their necessary system of operation 
precludes the development of estab- 
lished stages, of fixed shore-lines, sta- 
tionary boat-docks, littoral planting 
of feeding-grounds for wildlife. A 
further exchange has been that of 
temporary floods downstream for per- 
manent floods up-river—at least until 
the not remote time when they are 
silted up full and revert to alluvial 
land. The engineer’s dream has be- 
come the valley-farmer’s nightmare 
and a disappointment to the vaca- 
tioner and sportsman. 

Meanwhile the smaller streams sug- 
gest a second line of defense—a re- 
fuge from the encroachment of the 
flood-control engineer and his one- 
track program—a refuge where other 
interests may still be much better 
represented. A wealth of such tribu- 
tary waters is available, most of them 
masterpieces of beauty and adapti- 
bility. The roll-call of these streams 
in itself evokes mental images of 
what Kentucky’s outdoors with its 
wildlife might come to be: Rock- 
castle river, Nolin river, Rough river, 
Barren river, Salt river; such creeks 
as Troublesome and Quicksand, Kinni- 
connick, Elkhorn, Bluebird, Rolling 
Fork, Fishing creek, Beaver creek, — 

A Planned Economy For Kentucky’s Waters 

Muddy fork, Station Camp creek, and 
a hundred more. 

Shall Kentucky’s master-planners 
now begin the strategy of acquiring 
some of those streams for the use of 
the public? What are some of the 
arguments for and against? 

For: A common-sense reason is 
that water areas have been shown to 
be capable of producing more food 
than equal areas of land. On top of 
that count the income from hunters 
and fishermen — sale of ammunition, 
boat-hire, cabin rentals. Thus more 
or less waste land can be, and often 
has been, made to produce revenue. 
Thus all the recreation, and health- 
giving activity, all the intellectual 
and spiritual advantages which Na- 
ture affords, and the aesthetic ad- 
vancement of which Kentucky is ca- 
pable, come gratis, or at least within 
the bounds of reason. 

Against: 1. The backwaters from 
the impoundments of main rivers 
have already drowned, and will drown 
more, of the lower courses of the 
secondary streams. 2. Power-interests 
and flood-control engineers not only 
have their eyes upon our minor 
streams, but have already driven 
stakes along their courses, in some 
instances. Thus there is something 
of an emergency about the acquisition 
of these waters, if the Commonwealth 
of Kentucky cares to administer any 
of them for the benefit of its citizens. 

Should the state go out for conser- 
vation of all natural resources in a 
big way, there are numerous fields 
into which it might enter. To name 
a few only: the increase of the fur- 
bearing aquatic-mammal population, 
of commercial fisheries, of button- 
shell resources, in addition to the 
hunting and fishing usually thought 
of in this connection. In the aggregate 
these have never been considered a 
matter of first importance to the busi- 

ness of the state, comparable, if not 
of equal magnitude, with a road- 
building program, for example. 

Meanwhile we have assigned im- 
possible responsibilities to the various 
conservation agencies of the state. We 
have made them attempt the produc- 
tion of large amounts of timber and 
of wildlife on small tracts of land 
and with few men and tools to do 
the work. But large populations of 
living organisms require large areas, 
and thus on the present scale of opera- 
tion, we are doomed to be disappointed 
in the results, so long as we expect 
adequate output. The timber require- 
ments and the recreational possibili- 
ties within a population of three mil- 
lion people should be very high. We 
have the people, but not the acreage 
of publicly owned land, in a situation 
of superabundant land suitable for 
such exploitation. 

In addition to the hundreds of 
thousands of people who could get 
profit and enjoyment from frequent 
excursions into Kentucky’s outdoors 
and the other thousands who would 
break the long drive to Florida or 
Michigan if Kentucky had facilities 
to offer, we have made no signi- 
ficant gestures in behalf of numerous 
groups of citizens and young people. 

Among these so very inadequately 
provided for are: the 4H _ clubs, 
sportsmen’s clubs, the youth-hostel 

movement, Boy Scouts and Girl 
Scouts, Natural History Clubs, school 
clubs and classes in Biology and Na- 
ture Study. All these groups are 
carrying on, but they are missing 
valuable experiences from which our 
urban civilization is isolating them. 
The situation has only one right solu- 
tion: state parks greatly amplified, 
hunting preserves and fish and game 
refuges, much more extensive state 
forests, hiking trails and trailside 
museums, so-called, trained personnel. 


A Planned Economy For Kentucky's Waters 

They should be matched by smaller 
regional and municipal facilities, both 
terrestrial and aquatic. 

What does all this have to do with 
Science and with an Academy of 
Science? As a matter of fact all 
that I have said is only a preface to 
a paragraph or two which deal with 
matters pertaining to Science. Paren- 
thetically I may be permitted to re- 
peat here what I have said on an- 
other occasion: that I myself believe 
that the peculiar function which a 
state academy of science should 
assume should be that of counsellor in 
matters scientific, to the state—bring- 
ing science into the service of the 
state, in much the same manner as 
the National Academy of Science in 
its relation to the Federal Govern- 

Kentucky’s 120 billion tons of water 
should be ample for all public and 
private necessities, including its 
function of chief sculptor of the land- 
scape, and even though so much as 
one-third of it be lost by evaporation. 
That would still leave some 25,000 
tons or more for each man, woman, 
and child, and I should like to vote 
my share and those of my family as 
wisely as possible. There are, how- 
ever, many agencies now in sharp 
competition for this major resource, 
some of which are: 

1) Flood-control 4) Sanitation 

2) Navigation 5) Fisheries 

38) Water-supply 6) Recreation 

As many additional lesser demands, 
actual and potential, might be named. 
Among these rivalries, both open and 
covert, some well entrenched, the pub- 
lic interest is not well represented. 
Although it is now later than we 
think, the State of Kentucky owes it 
to herself and to her citizens that the 
machinery be set up to handle the 
matter. Possibly two agencies of the 

state government not now in existence 
could do so. 

The first of these agencies should 
include those functions usually associ- 
ated with state tourist or travel 
bureaus, together with the all phases 
of conservation and public recreation. 
It should therefore be composed in 
part of persons representing recrea- 
tional activities, conservation, hotel, 
tourist camp, transportation and other 
interests. This group should get to- 
gether and lay out a workable pro- 
gram for the location and acquisition 
of lands for state parks, state forests, 
camps, ete., in accordance with the 
needs of three million people, a pro- 
gram to be submitted to the legisla- 
ture for action. 

A second, more specialized body 
might be considered essential—to have 
the functions, whether or not the 
name of, Water Control Board. Its 
membership chosen from among 
power, flood-control, water-supply, 
sanitation, and biological resources, 
including forestry, personnel, should 
work out an over-all state program for 
administering the public waters of 
Kentucky. Thus the various interests 
of Kentuckians might have a more 
equitable representation in dealing 
with internal affairs than is now the 
case, with all the emphasis on flooding 
Kentucky valleys to withhold flood- 
waters from down-river. This paper 
is intended not so much a criticism of 
the flood-control program as a defen- 
sive gesture in favor of other equally 
important aspects of the water-supply 
program, not getting much public 

The water-control board would re- 
quire a technical staff, of course, con- 
sisting of engineers, geologists, sani- 
tarians, biologists, and no doubt 
others, who would initiate and carry 
out the necessary preliminary re- 


A Planned Economy For Kentucky's Waters 

search on which action by the main 
body could be based under sound prin- 
ciples—principles of equity and law 

This is where Science comes in, 
then, in any sweeping public program 
by which Kentucky might see fit to 
assay her remaining natural _ re- 
sources, and to salvage all that she can. 
I have emphasized the matter of the 
waters rather than the land because 
that is far more neglected. In an en- 
hanced conservation program I can 
visualize the Academy of Science 

assuming some share in either a gen- 
eral advisory way, or in some frac- 
tional part of the enterprise which 
may be assigned to it. The job needs 
the academy; perhaps the academy 
needs certain concrete objectives. Cer- 
tainly various members of the biolo- 
gical section should have an impor- 
tant share in the survey, or advisory 
phases of such a program; in the 
custodianship of certain activities 
such as a guide service for parks; in 
the training of personnel. 



Department of Physiology, Indiana University, 
Bloomington, Indiana 

The experiments here presented 
are related to the fermentative be- 
havior of yeast cultures maintained 
at 30°C. under an absolute pressure 
of water while being vigorously 
sparged with water vapor. The pri- 
mary objective of the experimental 
approach, which represents virtually 
a steam distillation under vacuum, 
was to study the effect on the pro- 
duction of glycerol of the partial re- 
moval of acetaldehyde formed in the 
course of fermentation. 

Several authors, e.g. Joslyn (1940) 
and Wallerstein and Stern (1945), 
have stated without reference to spe- 
cific data that fermentation under 
reduced pressure or under strong 
aeration during the so-called induc- 
tion period materially increases the 
rate of glycerol production, presum- 
ably, by removing the acetaldehyde. 
From the classical work of Neuberg 
and co-workers (Kobel and Neuberg, 
1933), it is known that a marked in- 
crease in the formation of glycerol 
is produced by the addition to a fer- 
menting medium of chemical agents 
interfering with the ultimate reduc- 
tion of acetaldehyde to alcohol. 

A secondary objective of this in- 
vestigation was concerned with the 
frequently discussed problem of the 
inhibitory effect of alcohol on cell 
multiplication and on the rate of fer- 

I Presented before the Kentucky-T ennessee 
Branch of the Society of American Bacteri- 
ologists at the thirty-third annual meeting 
of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Bowl- 
ing Green, April 26, 1947. 

2 Seagram Research Associate at the Laboratory 
of Cell Physiology, Indiana University, 
1944-1946; on special assignment from Jo- 
seph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, 

mentation. The experimental method 
employed, steam distillation under 
vacuum, made it possible to main- 
tain the ethyl alcohol concentration 
of the cultures at relatively low 
values throughout the observation 
periods. In such an experimental en- 
vironment, rates of growth and sugar 
utilization should be higher than in 
the control cultures in which “‘inhibi- 
tory’? metabolic products, such as al- 

cohol, can accumulate, see Gause 
(1934) and Rahn (19382). 

Yeast strain. <A _ distillery type 

yeast designated as Saccharomyces 
cerevisiae, strain DCL, in the stock 
culture collection of Joseph E. Sea- 
gram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Ken- 
tucky, was used for all experiments. 
Medium. The medium used in all 
experiments contained 10 g. glucose, 
0.7 g. dehydrated yeast extract (Dif- 
co, and 0.56 g KH2P04 per 100 mi. 
This medium was autoclaved at 120° 
C. for 10 minutes. 
Preparation of inoculum and inocula- 
tion. In the development of inocu- 
lum, yeast was transferred at 24- 
hour intervals through the following 
steps: (a) from the stock slant to 10 
ml. of medium, (b) 1 ml. from (a) 
to each of two tubes containing 10 
ml. of medium apiece, (c) the con- 
tents of each tube from (b) to 150 
ml. of medium in a 250 ml. centrif- 
uge bottle. Cultures were incubated 
at 30 C. At the time of incubation, 
yeast cells were centrifuged from the 
cultures of step (c), washed twice 
with KH2P04 solution (0.5 g. per 
100 ml.) and transferred to 1300 ml. 
of experimental medium. 


Alcoholic Fermentation 

Management of fermentation, 
After a thorough mixing, 160 ml. 
portions of inoculated medium were 
transferred to seven 500 ml. round 
bottom flasks. Each flask received 
two drops of cottonseed oil to con- 
trol foaming. Six of these flasks 
were attached to the apparatus illus- 
trated in Fig. 1; the seventh flask 
was plugged with cotton and carried 
as a control. The remaining medium 
was analyzed as the initial (zero 
time) sample. As shown in Fig. 1, 
the fermentation vessel was closed 
with a rubber stopper through which 
passed two tubes: one extending al- 
most to the bottom of the flask, the 
other terminating a short distance 
below the stopper. The shorter tube 
was attached through a 0.75 mm. 
capillary to a manifold which was 
connected through a condenser to a 
mechanical vacuum pump. Also at- 
tached to this exhaust manifold were 
a manostat, a mercury manometer 
and water vapor manifold. The con- 
nection with the water vapor mani- 
fold was made through a 0.25 mm. 
capillary. This connection caused a 
flow of water vapor through the 
length of the manifold and thus 
helped to eliminate the accumulation 
of condensate. The external end of 
the tube extending to the bottom of 
the fermentation vessel was con- 
nected through a 0.25 or a 0.75 mm. 
capillary with the water vapor mani- 
fold. This latter manifold had its 
origin in a one liter suction flask par- 
tially filled with water and held over 
a variable temperature electric hot 

In this system the temperature of 
the medium in the low pressure flasks 
was maintained very close to the 
temperature of the bath (30 C.). 
Heat was supplied to the flasks by 
the water vapor (temperature of va- 
por in steam generator, 41-44 C.) to 

Under Reduced Pressure 


balance approximately the heat loss 
through evaporation. Since the vac- 
uum pump attached to the system 
had a capacity far in excess of that 
required to maintain the system at 
the required pressures, the rate of 
gas flow into and out of the flasks 
was regulated by the diameter of the 
capillary tubes inserted in the lines 
leading into and out of the flasks. 

The fermentation flasks together 
with their manifolds were attached 
to a frame supported by coil springs 
over a water bath. During the fer- 
mentation period, the flasks were 
held partially immersed in the water 
bath and subjected to continuous agi- 
tation. At intervals throughout the 
observation period a flask was re- 
moved from the vacuum system for 
analysis. Before analysis the initial 
volume in each flash was restored by 
the addition of distilled water. 

The setting up of a suitable con- 
trol for the vacuum fermentations 
presented a major problem. The ex- 
perimental medium was under not 
only a lower absolute pressure but 
also under a lower oxygen tension 
than prevailed in that portion of the 
inoculated medium which was held at 
atmospheric pressure in a_ cotton 
plugged flask. On the basis of earlier 
experiments (Brockman and Stier, 
unpublished) it was established that 
the oxygen tension of the medium, 
particularly during the first few 
hours following inoculation has a 
marked influence on the ultimate 
yeast population, on the rate of glu- 
close utilization and, to a lesser ex- 
tent, on the yield of glycerol. Con- 
sequently, two types of control fer- 
mentations were employed. For Type 
I control, a portion of inoculated 
medium was held in a cotton-plugged 
flask in the same water bath as the 
low pressure fermentations. Here no 
attempt was made to alter the oxy- 

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Alcoholic Fermentation Under Reduced Pressure 

gen tension of the control culture. 
For the Type II control, 1200 ml. of 
medium was sparged with tank CO2 
for a short period following inocula- 
tion in order to reduce the oxygen 
tension of the medium to a level com- 
parable to that in the low pressure 
cultures. The total volume of CO2 
blown through the medium was 
roughly equivalent to the volume of 
the free space in the flask above the 
medium. This medium was then fer- 
mented in rubber-stoppered flasks 
which were vented through water 
seals. Both types of control cultures 
were held under continuous agita- 
tion in a 380 C. water bath. 

Analytical Glucose 
concentration and yeast population 
were determined according to the 
procedure described by Brockmann 
and Stier (1947). 

Glycerol concentration was deter- 
mined according to the procedure 
described by Amerine and Dietrich 
(1943) for use in the determination 
of the glycerol concentration of wine 
containing less than 5 g. of sugar per 
ml. Because the yeast extract pres- 
ent in the medium contributed to the 
observed glycerol concentration, the 
apparent glycerol concentration of 
the medium immediately after inocu- 
lation was subtracted from the ob- 
served concentration of subsequent 
samples; this difference was recorded 
as “glycerol formed.”’ 

In the determination of alcohol 
concentration, 50 ml. of fermentation 
medium was subjected to distillation. 
The alcohol concentration in the dis- 
tillate was evaluated with an immer- 
sion refractometer according to the 
procedure of the A. O. A. C.. (1940). 

For the determination of alde- 
hyde concentration, another 50 ml. 
portion of the fermentation medium 
was distilled. The aldehyde present 
in the distillate was determined ac- 


cording to the A. O. A. G. (1940) 
procedure for the aldehyde content 
of distilled spirits, 

Results and Discussions 

In Fig. 2 representative date are 
summarized for fermentations held 
under greatly reduced pressure while 
being sparged with water vapor; also 
included in this figure are single 
points (open squares and triangles) 
or curves (open circles) illustrating 
the two types of control cultures. 

An examination of the curves char- 
acterizing glucose utilization as a 
function of time indicates that under 
reduced pressure the rate of glucose 
utilization may be slightly higher 
than at atmospheric pressure. How- 
ever, a study of the curves for yeast 
population shows a direct relation- 
ship between yeast populations and 
rates of glucose utilization. Thus the 
apparent differences in rates of glu- 
cose utilization can be accounted for 
by corresponding differences in yeast 

From an examination of the curves 
showing the concentration of alcohol 
in the fermenting medium there can 
be no doubt that the low pressure 
steam distillation was effective in 
maintaining a low concentration of 
aleohol in the experimental medium: 
the alcohol concentration of the cul- 
tures maintained under reduced pres- 
sure never exceeded 0.65 g. per 100 
ml. In view of the parallelism be- 
tween the yeast populations and the 
rates of glucose utilization in cul- 
tures of similar oxygen tension, the 
evidence here presented suggests that 
6 reduced alcohol concentration tends 
to favor yeast growth. The higher 
year population in turn elevates the 
rate of glucose utilization of the cul- 
ture. With the relatively low concen- 
trations of alcohol here involved, 
there is no evidence of a direct con- 
nection between alcohol concentra- 


Alcoholic Fermentation Under Reduced Pressure 

represent final data for controls 
(Type I) in cotton plugged 

Figure 2. Representative data for 

fermentations maintained under 

reduced pressure. 

Solid triangles and squares rep- 
resent periodic observations on 
fermentations conducted with ex- 
haust manifold pressures of 40- 
41 and 20-21 mm Hg. respective- 
ly. Open triangles and squares 

Way | SS 
3| 2 

500 MG/100 ML 




| O 

lO G/I00 ML 


flasks which correspond to low 
pressure runs represented by 
solid triangles and squares. Cir- 
cles represent average data for 
5 runs conducted at atmospheric 
pressure (Type II control) with 
medium of reduced oxygen ten- 

sion (sparged with tank CO2). 









Fig. 2 

Alcoholic Fermentation Under Reduced Pressure 

tion and the rate of glucose utiliza- 

As seen from the data of Fig. 2, 
cultures held under reduced pressure 

have significantly higher rates of 
glycerol production than cultures 
held under atmospheric pressure. 

After about eight hours the rate of 
glycerol producion in low pressure 
cultures appears to diminish as evi- 
denced by a reduced slope in the 
glycerol formed-time curves. A some- 
what parallel rate decrease is seen in 
the glucose used-time curves for the 
same cultures. From the curves char- 
acterizing glycerol formation as a 
function of glucose consumed it is 
evident that throughout the obser- 
vation periods, glycerol is formed in 
a relatively stable relationship to 
glucose consumed. 

While there can be no doubt that 
the production of glycero! was sig- 
nificantly increased under reduced 
pressure, it should be pointed out 
that the theoretical yield of glycerol 
has been increased only from 7 to 12 
percent, calculated on the basis of 
the equation for Neuberg’s second 
type of fermentation: 

glucose glycerol + actalde- 
lhyde+carbon dioxide. 

The concept that glycerol forma- 
tion is controlled by the availability 
of acetaldehyde, which in the course 
of normal alcoholic fermentmation is 
reduced to alcohol, is difficult to 
align with the data here reported. 
The aldehyde concentration of the 
medium maintained under reduced 
pressure averaged approximately one- 
half of that of the CO2 sparged con- 
trol. Nevertheless, the rate of glu- 
cose utilization in the low pressure 
cultures was approximately the same 
as the CO2 sparged control. Conse- 
quently, the concentration of acetal- 
dehyde in the low pressure cultures 
cannot be regarded as limiting the 


rate of glucose utilization. More- 
over, even in the control culture, the 
aldehyde content of the medium 
showed a marked tendency to de- 
crease after fermentation became 
well established. This decrease ap- 
pears to be without influence either 
on the rate of glucose utilization for 
the culture as a whole or on the 
amount of glycerol formed per unit 
of glucose metaboiized. Further- 
more, according to the previously 
mentioned Neuberg equation, gly- 
cerol and acetaldehyde should be 
formed in equal molar ratios, 92 g. of 
glycerol and 44 g. of acetaldehyde. 
However, on the basis of the ob- 
served glycerol, only a very small 
part of the theoretically formed al- 
dehyde appears in the medium, and 
instead of increasing along with the 
formed glycerol, the aldehyde con- 
tent of the culture diminishes during 
the greater part of the observation 
period. Moreover, the authors have 
observed a marked increase in the al- 
dehyde content of yeast cultures fol- 
lowing the addition of various sur- 
face active agent, which depress 
yeast multiplication. This increase is 
not attended by an alteration in the 
amount of glycerol produced per unit 
of glucose metabolized. These ob- 
servations present an _ interesting 
problem, namely, what is the dispo- 
sition of the 2 or 3 carbon oxidation 
compound which must be formed si- 
multaneously with the reduction of 
a portion of the glucose molecule to 
glycerol under the conditions of nor- 
mal alcoholic fermentation. 

Under the conditions of the experi- 
ments here reported no significance 
can be attached to the aldehyde con- 
tent of the culture. A possible ex- 
planation for the observed relation- 
ship between acetaldehyde and gly- 
cerol is suggested by the disclosure 
of Negelein and Bromel (1939) 

Alcoholic Fermentation Under Reduced Pressure 

that acetaldehyde is much more 
readily reduced by a reduced yeast 
pyridine nucleotide than dihydroxy- 
acetone. It appears quite possible 
that in the low pressure cultures the 
depressed aldehyde concentration fa- 
vored the reduction of slightly great- 
er amounts of dihydroxyacetone. 

Data have been presented for glu- 
cose utilization, yeast population, 
glycerol formation and the concen- 
trations of alcohol and acetaldehyde 
’ in cultures continuously sparged with 
water vapor while held at a pressure 
close to the vapor pressure of water. 
In comparison with cultures having 
a similar oxygen tension and main- 
tained at atmospheric pressure, the 
slight elevation in rate of glucose 
utilization seen in the low pressure 
cultures is accounted for on the basis 
of the somewhat higher yeast popu- 
lations. It appears probable that the 
low alcohol concentration of the cul- 
tures maintained under reduced pres- 
sure favored a somewhat greater 
yeast population and thus, indirectly, 
an increased over-all rate of glucose 

In cultures maintained under re- 
duced pressure glycerol formation is 
definitely elevated. No conclusion is 
forthcoming regarding the relation- 
ship between the increased glycerol 

tormation and the lowered aldehyde 
concentration of the cultures. 

Literature Cited 

Amerine, Maynard A. and Dietrich, 
William C. 1948. lycerol in 
wines. J. Assoc. Official Agr. 
Chem., 26, 408-413. 

Assoc. Official Agr. Chem. 1940. Of- 
ficial and tentative methods of 
analysis. Official Agricultural 
Chemists, Washington, D. C. 

Brockman, M. C. and Stier, T. J. B. 
1947. The use of solium azide 
for determining the fermenta- 
tive ability of yeast developed 
under different oxygen tensions. 
J. Bact., 53, 621-629. 

Gause, G. F. 1934. The struggle for 
existence. Williams and Wilkins 
Co., Baltimore. 

Joslyn, M. A. 1940. The by-products 
of alcoholic fermentation. Wal- 
as Labs. Commun., 3, 30- 

Kobel, Maria and Neuberg, Carl 
1933. Handbuch der Pflanzen- 
analyse (G. Klein, Editor) Vol. 
4 part 3, 1253-1344. 

Negelein, Erwin and Bromel, Heinz 
1939. Uber die Entstehung von 
Glycerin bei der Garung. Bio- 
chem, 303, 231-233. 

Rahn, Otto 1932. Physiology of Bac- 
teria. P. Blakiston’s Son and 
Co., Philadelphia. 

Wallerstein, James and Stern, Kurt 
G. 1945. On bisulfite as an in- 
hibitor of carboxylase and the 
mechanism of glycerol fermen- 
pation: J. Biol. Chem., 158, 1- 


for the 


The Committee, H. B. Lovell, W. 
R. Sebastian, Tandy Chenault, 
Austin Durham, Hazel Nollau, and 
Anna A. Schnieb, submits the fol- 
lowing report: 

I. Work of the Committee 

1. Conferences held with indi- 
dividual members of the committee 
and much additional business trans- 
acted through correspondence with 
high school science teachers. 

2. The third Sponsor-Delegate 
conference held in October, Eastern 
Teachers College, with seventy-six 
present. The officers were installed. 
List of problems previously sent to 
the clubs were discussed and plans 
for the year’s work were made. 

3. Directed the Christmas Bird 
Census for the Junior Academy. 

4. Assisted in securing financial 

5. Assisted in organizing five new 

6. Appointed the honorary mem- 
bers to A.A.A.S.: 

Mrs. Alice Summers, Atherton, 
Mr. Jimmy Garritson, Tilghman, 

7. Answered many letters. 

II. Junior Academy Activities: 

1. Five issues of Junior Science 
Bulletin, two eight page and three 
six page issues, published. 

2. Definite efforts taken to im- 
prove the articles in the Bulletin. 

38. A decided increase noted in 
the number and the size of the 
Special Financial contributions. 

4. Formulated a_ standard for 
conferring honors: 

a. Quality and number of ar- 
ticles contributed to Bulle- 

b. Sustained 

interest in sci- 

ence and in the Academy. 

ce. Cooperation on the part of 
members and sponsors. 

d. Effort and interest shown in 
organizing new clubs. 

e. Some financial contribution 

5. Much effort put forth to or- 
ganize new clubs, especially on the 
part of the members. 

III. Annual Convention: 

The thirteenth annual convention 
was held Friday and Saturday, March 
18 and 19 at Maysville High School 
with the Maysville science clubs as 
hosts. Mr. Tandy Chenault and Supt. 
Laukhuf were in charge of the con- 
vention assisted by Dr. Schnieb, state 
counselor. The Friday evening pro- 
gram was entirely social and was 
planned by the Maysville High School 
1 phd ae 

About three hundred attended the 
Saturday meeting which was presided 
over by the president, Burt Monroe. 
The program consisted of addresses, 
exhibits, demonstrations, a trip to the 
Carnation Plant, music, and confer- 
ring the honors and the awards. 
Considering the deep snow which fell 
on Thursday, the attendance was 
considered good. 

IV. Highlights of the Convention: 

1. The quality and the wide 
range of interests shown in the ex- 
hibits and demonstrations. Each ex- 
hibit as well as demonstration in- 
cluded a clear statement of the prob- 
lem, and what was learned. 

2. The interest shown by the 
members and the sponsors in the ex- 
hibits and in the demonstrations. 
They wanted to see just what made 
them good. Many took close notes. 

3. The interest of the judges who 
were rather critical. ‘Some sloppy 


Report of the Committee for the Kentucky Junior Academy 

work.” “Yes, this is good, but they 
must be taught to do better,” were 
statements frequently made by the 

4, The interest of Maysville in 
science and in the convention. Not 
only the newspapers, but the mayor, 
the churches, and the citizens in gen- 
eral showed much interest by attend- 
ing the sessions and by making favor- 
able comments, as well as giving in- 
valuable assistanec in making the 
meeting a success. 

V. Affiliation: 

The Junior Academy today has a 
membership of 950 representing 16 
Class A and 18 Class B Clubs. 

VI. Outstanding Accomplishments: 

1. Five new clubs organized and 
only two fatalities. 

2. Decided increase in the num- 
ber of Christmas Bird Census. 

3. Improvement in the quality 
and arragnement of exhibits. 
4. Decided improvement 


in the 

5. The Junior Science Bulletin 
maintaining the rating as an out- 
standing publication issued regularly 
by the members. 

6. Decided increase in the Special 
Financial Contributions. 

7. Decided improvement 
Sponsor-Delegate Conference. 

8. Better judgment noted in 
making the nominations for officers. 

VII. Honors Received: 

1. Recognition by The Kentucky 
Academy of Science in offering hon- 
orary memberships to four club spon- 
sors and to four junior members. 

2. The Library at Havana, Cuba, 
requesting to be placed on the mail- 
ing list for the Junior Science Bulle- 
tin and sending a check to meet the 
expenses of mailing the Bulletin. 

38. Citation received from the 
Michigan Junior Academy of Science 
quote: “For excellent set-up of the 
Kentucky Junior Academy and for 
the outstanding publication—The 
Junior Science Bulletin.” 

in the 


1. New Clubs 

Breathitt County High —._ SNe Bee ie 
ie Ss VOOGLes Sponsors aren: 
Mrs. Dickerson, Sponsor ____ 
Robert Sentz, Sponsor_________- 
Ormsby Village, Mrs. Searles. bates 
Valley Station, Mrs. H. B. Lovell ____ 

he i NBO) IWlertnloeres 

56 Members 
49 Members 
25 Members 
16 Members 
50 Members 

2a hinancials Contributions frome Clubsie==—ssse Be ORION By pce. $201.00 

Total Expenses 
K.A.S. Affiliation 


Postage, Long Distance, Telegrams 
Sponsor-Delegate Conference 
Dues, contributions from interested friends, and sponsorship of the 

Kentucky Academy of Science give a balance to be carried for 1947-1948. 
3. Clubs with Distinction: 

Cane Run, Jefferson County 

Kingston, Madison County 


Model High, Richmond 


Report of the Committee for the Kentucky Junior Academy 

4. Honorary Members to A.A.A.S.: 
Miss Rlice Summers, Atherton, Louisville 
Mr. Jimmy Garritson, Tilghman, Paducah 
5. Honorary Members to Kentucky Academy of Science: 
Mr. Tandy Chenault, Maysville 
Mrs. M. S. Dickerson, Jackson 
Miss Hazel Nollau, Morehead 
Miss Elizabeth Maupin, Kingston 
Junior Members: 
Burt Monroe, Anchorage 
Proctor Riggins, Harrodsburg 
Susanne Newell, Maysville 
Geraldine Maupin, Waco 
6. Officers Elected: 
President: Turner Burns, Owensboro 
Vice President: Harold Cox, Model High, Richmond 
Secretary: Mary Buetel, Atherton, Louisville 
Treasurer: Chad Christine, Maysville 
7. Club Affiliation 

PCH GT ASC, en ees, ee er ee et eee eet ee 27 
FAtnercon! 9 22.2 2. ARE SND eee aa ae Oe OES mE Re ee 48 
Teyellikesyae, kee ee I a a ee 40 
rer Gintiee ountyen( ho SreulOOre i= «kt ee 56 
Brean @ounty (Mrs: Dickerson) == 29 ota: 
Becaunittt County "(RGbert  Oembz 4. a2 2 ee » BE 
CSTE SEU 0 gee eee ee RN res ors ik nk aie oe Bes Ney eee EGR 35 
(Cyasantirranll cs eat ee or ee ee ee 16 
Shader, We ian iis ee A ee ae ee ee On Wes Se ee a ASRS 29 
PERS) ae ee se ee SEALE Wie a Lae ee 25 
PEE Ye eaNTal cali 1 ee ann oI oc ree ea ae ea ee ee 19 
(Bireczyeran aS ae ie te ED A ee ee ee es 10 
ingmntie S ih nee eee ee ee 13 
Pimeiieeida te nONINS = 2 ee ee ee ee 30 
eoimeston a RE Sey ce ge te ee A 32 
(cdkey Soa ee eee 14 
Termes (Cea ee Se ee ee ae eas Sed oe RAE 33 
[LT LEE BUT Shy IL 09 A eS se eae ps 2a fete ens 20 
BenchLea SemtO re = he ee es ee ee 20 
Terie ee ce 2 ae Se BEE ee ee 15 
eroswillothOr. We a ee ADs Ser ee ee ee Eli 
Maysville Senior —.-_____. Fe ie) ok. SER ©! OE Ee Ea eee anton 38 
Wray eax cD Sy ip a Seg ls a ee 25 
VGC Cl eee ee ee NMaeM ErD P  B ee ee 26 
IMCamnalingvagl GARR: a ee 20 

Report of the Committee for the Kentucky Junior Academy 

IMOreEHe Ads SOMUON? 225. Be) Rael ed eee CN Os Ree 13 
INT TV esi ieee BS NATO ee a a 10 
Ormsby: Villages 6 ee 16 
CS TAS TT Or a gee a SI Ale a oe ai Ae Wess 1 33 
Paducalas Tile bnyma ny 22 sles ie ae os oe ea ee SS lade 45 
Aerts es CT ie a ae SS ee EP, cael ec 15 
IVER Mey ED a ge A PSI Ota A nee ee 50 
WiC Ol ees Pe TS PI Le ae eae EP ee GEN ERMAN eet a ne a pac aemne, 26 

SSP OVS OWS ea ae ee eee Al aie et Gee ee 31 

Respectfully submitted, 
April 25, 1947 Counselor 

GSS) CEs) 


Report of the Representative 
of the 
Kentucky Academy of Science on the Council 
of the 
Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 
Boston, Dee. 1946 
Minutes of the A.A.A.S. Academy Conference 

The first meeting of the Council of 
the A.A.A.S. was concerned with rou- 
tine business, i.e., the report of the 
Administrative Secretary, election of 
emeritus members, the operating bud- 
get, etc. 

It was explained that under its new 
constitution the A.A.A.S. now will 
have, each year, a Retiring President, 
a President and a President Elect. 
The President Elect serves one year 
in that capacity, the succeeding year 
as President, and the third year as 
Retiring President, who delivers the 
Annual Address. 

The Second Council Meeting was 
concerned with the presidential elec- 
tions. It was necessary to elect a 
President and a President Elect to 
meet the provisions of the new consti- 
tution. Dr. Shapley was elected Pres- 
ident and Dr. Sinnot was elected Pres- 
ident Elect. 

Dr. Baitsell and Dr. Martin were 
elected to the Executive Committee. 

There followed a long discussion of 
the proposed National Science Foun- 
dation at the conclusion of which the 
President was instructed to designate 
representatives of the A.A.A.S. on 
an Inter-Society Committee on the 
National Science Foundation and to 
invite all scientific societies of na- 
tional scope to do so. This was done 
because of the failure of adoption of 
past national legislation was largely 
due to lack of agreement among 
scientists as to its provisions. 
Report of the Proceedings of the 

Conference of State Academies 

of Science 

The minutes of the meeting of the 

Conference of State Academies is ap- 
pended hereto, together with the paper 
presented by Dr. E. C. L. Miller of the 
Virginia Academy. 

Dr. Degering, Indiana Academy, 
Chairman, had prepared an agenda 
for the conference which centered 
about three problems, to wit, improve- 
ment of the services to and its rela- 
tions with its own state by the state 
academy. The development of valu- 
able additional scientific personnel. 
How can the academy supplement its 
research funds? 

Your representative wishes to bring 
to the critical attention of the Ken- 
tucky Academy of Science certain sug- 
gestions that were presented at the 
Conference. (1) That the academy 
form a special committee to contact 
industrial firms to initiate a study of 
problems of mutual interest and of 
means of funneling funds to research 
workers. (2) That the Academy use 
its influence toward the promotion of 
research in the smaller institutions of 
higher education in the state. (38) 
The participation of the Academy in 
the administration of national and 
other grants for research in the state. 
(4) The guidance of young people of 
ability into research, and (5) the de- 
vising of some means for the educa- 
tion of the layman in the advances of 
science and its needs. This last car- 
ried the further suggestion that the 
academy organize a speakers’ bureau 
among the public speakers of its mem- 
bership and also bring in occasionally 
some scientist of national repute. 
These five suggestions were incorpor- 
ated in the address of Dr. Miller. 


Report of the Representative of the Kentucky Academy of Science 
on the Council of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 

A great deal of the discussion fol- 
lowing that address centered on the 
importance of the Junior Academy in 
developing young scientists. The Ten- 
nessee Academy conducts a Science 
Talent Search in its state which gives 
awards to young people who were not 
selected in the National Science Tal- 
ent Search. 

It was pointed out that more atten- 
tion should be given to high school 
teachers of science to encourage them 
and to demand high quality teaching 
by them. There is a need for abstracts 
of new developments in science for use 
by these high school teachers of 
science in their work in the science 

Your representative wishes to urge 
upon the Academy the serious con- 
sideration of these proposals, with 
‘especial attention to the matter of in- 
forming the layman about science and 
its needs, the committee on cooperative 
study with industry, the matter of the 
administration of grants from all 
sources, and the matter of the en- 
couragement of the high school science 
teacher, since the high school is the 
ultimate source from which will come 
the scientists of the future. Dr. 
Michaud of Purdue was elected Chair- 
man of the Conference and Dr. Mid- 
dleton, of Kentucky, Secretary. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Austin R. Middleton 
Representative of the 
Academy on Council of A.A.A.S. 
Minutes of the A.A.A.S. Academy 


The A.A.A.S. Academy Conference 
was called to order at 4:00 P. M., 
Friday, December 27, 1946, in Parlor 
C of the Statler Hotel, Boston, Massa- 
chusetts, by the Chairman, Dr. Ed. F. 
Degering of Purdue University. There 
were 28 delegates present represent- 
ing 24 Academies of Science. Dr. F. 

R. Moulton, Permanent Secretary and 
Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, General Secre- 
tary were present, representing the 
American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science. 

Previous to the opening of the meet- 
ing, Dr. Degering appointed a nomi- 
nating committee composed of the fol- 
lowing persons: 

Dr. Arthur H. Bragg, Chairman, 
Oklahoma Academy of Science. 

Dr. Austin R. Middleton, Kentucky 
Academy of Science. 

Dr. Glenn W. Blaydes, Ohio Acad- 
emy of Science. 

The Committee nominated Dr. 
Howard H. Michaud, Purdue Univer- 
sity as Chairman of the Academy Con- 
ference for 1947; and Dr. Austin R. 
Middleton, University of Louisville, as 
Secretary. Both the nominees were 
unanimously elected by the Academy 
Conference group. 

Chairman Degering introduced Dr. 
Otis Caldwell, who presented greet- 
ings from the A.A.A.S. to the Acad- 
emy delegates. He spoke of the great 
responsibility borne by the affiliated 
Academies for improvement of serv- 
ices and relations to state educational 
and industrial enterprises, the prep- 
aration of scientific personnel, the 
sponsoring of Science Clubs and de- 
velopment of the Junior Academy as 
a valuable educational procedure and 
channels for directing interested and 
competent young people into the field 
of science. He spoke briefly on federal 
research subsidies. 

This led to consideration of the 
agenda prepared by Dr. Degering as 

1. In what ways may a State 

Academy improve its serv- 
ices and relations with its 

own state educational and 
industrial enterprises? 

2. What can be done by the 
State Academy toward de- 


Report of the Representative of the Kentucky Academy of Science 
on the Council of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 

veloping valuable additional 
scientific personnel? 

3. How may the services of 
the Junior Academy be in- 

4. Should the State Academies 
supplement their research 

funds? If so, how and for 
what specific purposes? 
Mr. Glenn O. Carter, representing 

the American Institute of the City 
of New York suggested that the 
Academies could make _ substantial 
contributions to education and indus- 
try by sponsoring lecture programs 
on human relationships throughout 
the year. He indicated that industry 
has much to offer education and that 
closer cooperation should be secured 
between the Academies of Science and 
industrial organizations. 

From New Hampshire, Professor 
H. D. Carle described their mountain 
experiment station which was spon- 
sored by that Academy. Cooperation 
and financial aid has been obtained 
from industry and the Federal Govy- 
ernment in its development. Studies 
in meterology, and the effects of 
severe weather condition on various 
materials of industry are _ being 
studied. Also biological surveys are 
being conducted. 

Dr. Otis W. Caldwell spoke of the 
many grants being made from the 
Federal Government, particularly 
under the auspices of the Army and 
Navy, made to relatively isolated 
groups. The grants are of such a 
number that they affect the assign- 
ment of research funds from the 

Dr. Ed. F. Degering of Purdue Uni- 
versity suggested that the State Acad- 
emies of Science have the responsi- 
bility of sponsoring research in the 
smaller institutions, where the larger 
Federal funds will likely not be avail- 

Dr. G. W. Prescott, Michigan State 

College, believes that the State Acad- 
emies of Science should have commit- 
tees who have the duties of contacting 
industrial concerns for research aid. 

Dr. Austin R. Middleton of Ken- 
tucky pointed out that the Kentucky 
Academy has made valuable industrial 
contacts, and that the past President 
is head of research in one of Louis- 
ville’s large industrial organizations. 

Dr. Joseph C. Gilman, Iowa State 
College, suggested that the A.A.A.S. 
research grants should be directed to 
the smaller institutions. He indicated 
that there is some difficulty in placing 
research funds at present because of 
the excessive teaching and administra- 
tive burdens being carried by the per- 
sonnel of the smaller schools. 

Dr. C. L. Porter of the Colorado- 
Wyoming Academy of Science, sug- 
gested that the Academies should in- 
vite industrialists to take part in the 
Academy meetings, and in this way 
cultivate a better understanding be- 
tween the Academies and industry. 

Dr. Waldo Schmidt, of the Wash- 
ington, D. C. Academy said that the 
small grants of the A.A.A.S. are of 
importance and may mean a great 
deal to many investigators. 

Dr. E. C. L. Miller of the Virginia 
Academy of Science, presented a 
paper on the responsibilities of the 
State Academies of Science. A copy 
of this paper is attached to these 

Dr. H. A. Webb of the Tennessee 
Academy, spoke of the importance of 
continuing and developing the Science 
Talent Search. Tennessee has in addi- 
tion developed a State Science Talent 
Search. He suggested that this may 
be of great importance in guiding the 
most talented young people into the 
field of science. 

From Wisconsin, Dr. L. E. Noland 
expressed himself concerning the in- 


Report of the Representative of the Kentucky Academy of Science 
on the Council of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 

spiration they had received because of 
the development of the Junior Acad- 
emy of Science in Virginia and Ten- 
nessee. In Wisconsin, the Junior 
Academy has a program of meetings 
at several centers in the State. Papers 
are presented by the Junior scientists. 
The best from each center are selected 
and sent to the Senior Academy meet- 
ing. This appears to be of much im- 
portance in guiding talented young 
people into further science studies. He 
enthusiastically told of the work of 
Dr. John Thompson of Wisconsin, who 
has the duty of traveling about the 
State aiding in science teaching in the 
secondary schools. 

From the American Institute of the 
City of New York, Mr. Glenn O. Car- 
ter, suggested that we do something 
for the Junior scientists through in- 
dustry. Industry does not know about 
these needs. Closer cooperation of the 
Academies with industry is very de- 

Dr. Otis W. Caldwell pointed out 
that there are 10,500 Science Clubs 
in the United States, with an average 
enrollment of 25 per club. A new fea- 
ture of the A.A.A.S. meeting this year 
is the Junior Scientific Assembly, an- 
nounced by Dr. Morris Meister, presi- 
dent of N.S.T.A. It is expected that 
this will be an annual feature of the 
A.A.A.S. meetings. 

From Minnesota, Dr. John W. 
Moore indicated that in his Academy 
each member acts as a committee of 
one to contact new members. Small 
grants are made to the Junior Acad- 
emy. Considerable care is taken in 
selecting a sponsor of the Junior 

Dr. Howard H. Michaud from In- 
diana, spoke of the 52 Science Clubs in 
Indiana. Representatives from these 
clubs meet with the Senior Academy 
at their regular autumn meeting. The 

assembling of ‘youngsters at meetings 
is a considerable problem. In about 
50% of the schools, teachers lose sal- 
ary for days away on Junior Academy 
trips. Teachers are so over-burdened 
that it is difficult to get them to 
stimulate students to enter contests. 

Dr. Joseph C. Gilman of Iowa, sug- 
gested that there is the difficulty in 
interesting and _ stimulating high 
school teachers to organize and direct 
the activities of Science Clubs. In 
Iowa a high school teacher acts as a 
permanent secretary of the Junior 
Academy. This is regarded as an im- 
portant feature of their success. 

Dr. Martin D. Young of South 
Carolina indicated that there are 151 
Science Clubs in that State, which are 
affiliated with the S. C. Academy of 
Science. A Junior Academy congress 
is planned and will be held in conjunc- 
tion with the Senior Academy meet- 
ing. Several of the Clubs have entered 
the Westinghouse Science Talent 
Search Examination. 

Mr. Glenn O. Carter of New York, 
presented a motion which was am- 
mended by Dr. Ditmer of New Mexico. 
The motion as ammended is as fol- 

We request the officers and direc- 
tors of the A.A.A.S. to consider pos- 
sible measures of working through the 
Academies of Science for the encour- 
agement of Junior Academies, or Jun- 
ior Science Activities, and prepare a 
report for publication on the present 
status of Junior Academies of Science 
in the United States, with recommen- 

The motion was seconded and ac- 
cepted by the Academy Conference. 

Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, while speak- 
ing of the fourth item of the agenda, 
pointed out that in order to obtain 
research funds from the A.A.A.S., ap- 
plication must be made by each acad- 


Report of the Representative of the Kentucky Academy of Science 
on the Council of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 

emy for these funds. Such funds can- funds for the sole use of the Academy 
not be used for publication purposes. of Science for research. 
As to supplementing these grants 

from the A.A.A.S., he suggested that Respectfully submitted, 

a resolution might be made to state GLENN W. BLAYDES, The 

some kind of principle of obtaining Ohio State University 

ways of setting up and underwriting Acting Secretary. 



Editors’ Note: Pagination for Number 3, Vol. 12 of the Transactions was not 

made continuous with the preceding journal number through error. The 

nages of this issue (Number 4) are numbered in sequence from Number 3 

had the latter been correctly paged. Page numbers for Number 3 will be 

considered from 34 to and including 54 in the volume index. 

The Springfield conference of the 
Kentucky Geological Society was 
held on May 2, 3, and 4, 1947. Ap- 
proximately seventy-five geologists 
assembled at Tazewell, Tennessee, 
and examined sections of the Knox 
dolomite under the direction of Dr. 
Charles R. L. Oder of the American 
Zinc Company. The party was con- 
ducted over the Thorn Hill, Halls 
Mill, and Jockey Creek sections. Dr. 
Oder spoke on the paleogeographic, 
stratisgraphic and lithologic features 
of the Knox dolomite. 

The annual business meeting of 
the Kentucky Geological Society was 
held Saturday 4 May, 1947. The fol- 
lowing papers were presented: 

1. The Geology of Pickett County, 
Tennessee, by Willard R. Jill- 

2. The Warwick Abandoned Chan- 
nel of the Kentucky River by 
Willard R. Jillson. 

3. Paleogeographic Elements Dur- 
ing Knox Deposition by Dan K. 

Dr. Frank Fisher, Ashland Oil and 
Refining Co., Ashland, Kentucky, has 
been elected President of the Ken- 
tucky Geological Society at its an- 
nual meeting in May 1947. 

Dr. David Richard Lincicome in 
collaboration with the Manitoba Mu- 

seum, Winnipeg, Manitoba, spent two 
weeks in August making extensive 
collections of parasites from birds in 
the spruce forests of upper Mani- 

The annual meeting of the Ken- 
tucky section of the Mathematical 
Association of America was held at 
the University of Kentucky on Sat- 
urday, May 10, 1947. 

The following papers were pre- 

1. Trisection of an angle by 

means of higher plane curves, 
by Paul P. Boyd. 

2. Development of the Frenet For- 
mulas for N-dimensions, by S. 
J. Jasper. 

3. Contrasting two solutions of a 
certain problem in Modern Ge- 
ometry, by W. R. Hutcherson. 

4. Application of mathematics in 
Meteorology, by McClellan 
Cook, Jr. 

5. The Graphic Construction of a 
Human Eclipse, by F. V. Rohde. 

Prof. D. W. Pugsley, Berea Col- 
lege, has been elected chairman of 
the Kentucky Section of the Mathe- 
matical Association of America. 

Dr. Sallie Pence, University of 
Kentucky, has been elected Secretary 
of the Kentucky Geological Society. 

Mr. W. M. Insko, University of 
Kentucky, has been elected 2nd Vice- 


News and Notes 

president of the Poultry Science As- 
sociation at the annual meeting at 
Clemson College, South Carolina, 25- 
28 August. 

Dr. Dan K. Hamilton, University 
of Kentucky, has been elected Secre- 

tary of the Kentucky Geological So- 

Dr. W. D. Gray is now associate 
professor of Botany at the Ohio 
State University, Columbus, Ohio. 




Academy : - Greulach}VicA ns a2o= Seb e ie eee 79 
EN TAOS COIN. Uensyerrsy Laie neve) Dy ee 9 
Kentucky, Science, minutes of 1944 and Kentucky 
1946 annual meetings ~---------------~-- Academy representative to A.A.A.S. 

: Councilgreport 2 ee eee eee 105 

Ailanthus altissima, leaf glands in ~-------- 31 3 

Academy, minutes of 1944 and 1946 

Alcohol annual ;mectingsi 2 — ose sees 54 
Survey of production methods ~--~-----~-~ 82 Biication Gnu hae ie 6 
Fermentation under reduced pressure ~--~~ 94 Elementary Education in _________-_-____ 9 

PAD Te ea WV ea ce eee eee al ie Se eles 89 Forum) on) Education: 2222222222) ee 1 

Alsclepias;apollinationsiny sees ees see 79 Higher Education in -___-_____________- 15 

Bee CATE Sao eae hy AU mene ae 34 Junior Academy, committee report ~_--___ 101 

Planned Economy of Waters ~_---------~- 89 
LORIE | coecaee see e eo 33 Secondary, Education in, 2222222) 12 

Brockanan, eV ie Org eae 94 Kang Wick ie te ae oon 6 

Committee reports Lactobacillus casei, effect of glucose on _____ 46 
Kentucky Junior Academy ~-_----------_-_ 101 Tea Ra ee EO 79 
Representative to A.A.A.S. Council —-~_- 105 Leaf Glands in Ailanthus altissima  _—----- 31 

) DRAUSS a ee eS 31 incicomes| sR ee 49, 51 

Density soi tb then ie cons as wee Leal 20 Middleton;s AustingR y= === === a =a 105 

Editorial Milkweed. Rollinationy anes en 79 
A more active academy —______-_________ 34 Minutes, Kentucky Academy, 1944 and 
2 Apenen =e 1946, meetings) 2=—--— 22 eee 54 

BM een ty tye te Oras GOs ta Trae Muedéking, “Mary .-/22- 5 eae 46 

Editors wNoteyeos.22- 22 Sepia eee 109 Naf Ane (Si ce oe 42 

Education i a Neoechinorhynchus emydis, occurrence 
IORI He IIOHIES cote 2 Sit Stats eee es cea EO ee 51 
InsKentuckyge 2 kee ee Se es 6 INewsmand = Note sie 52, 110 
Elementary in Kentucky ___..____________ 9 Oppenheimer, J. J. -----_----------------- 15 

Spins A weed. or 79 
Secondary: ARGH Eich oe Ree oe ort 12 Pollination, in milkweed 
Polyporus schweinitzii, physiological 
roblemsmofmlrliig he reese eee 15 Variations! of 222-225 22 eee 59 

Endamoeba coli, elimination of ~___________ 49 Power and Punch ~—----___-_______-_______ 55 

Ether density gees ane ees anew eee 20 PS ect cilia) Sia Re eae 37 

Fermentation, alcoholic under reduced Science inuSocietya se 37 
PRESS UNC yee ee Dee Sere ee 94 

Research notes ; 

Forum on Kentucky Education Elimination of Endamoeba coli in man ___ 49 
VORWORG) eee ane eS eee 1 Neoechinorhynchus emydis, occurrence in 
Rorevensinethe stortiess = soe annem 2 snails §~---~---------------------------- 51 

i Ks pa heft a Se SS 101 

Education in Kentucky _________________ 6 SOMETEDy ADINO 2 
Science: in’) Society) —2-_--—_-—- 37 
Elementary Education in Kentucky ______ 9 stoiware Ole It ee 20 
Secondary Education in Kentucky ~_______ 12 Stier DIB ee ae 2 94 
Exoblems of Higher Education in Taylor;-William’S, -=2--2) 2 
entuck yi eee ee eee 1S iabacco aflavoneslikeeubstances ink === 42 
Flavone-like substances in tobacco _________ 42 Waters, planned economy for Kentucky’s _--- 89 
Srcoe es effect on viability on Wender, Simon Hi 22-22 =s ss =e eee 42 

: s 

actobactlltsmcase: maaan ea 46 Whitt Allies rit -- Se 51 
CO ARON S NG ee Se 49" Williams: JohnvR) 22-2 eee 12 
Grays Winns D) eyes cere UR este HEARN 59. Zarow; An ls coe ee 82 


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SCIENCE is a medium for the publication of original investigations in science. 
As the official organ of the Kentucky Academy of Science it publishes in addi- 
tion programs of the annual meetings of the society, abstracts of papers 
presented before the annual meetings, reports of the society’s officers and com- 
mittees, as well as news and announcements of interest to the membership. 

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time to the co-editors: 

Jos. E. Seagram and Sons School of Medicine 

7th Street Road University of Wisconsin 
Louisville, Kentucky Madison, Wisconsin 

Papers should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced, with wide mar- 
gins, in an original and 1 carbon copy, on substantial quality paper. Articles 
are accepted for publication with the understanding that they are to be 
published exclusively in the TRANSACTIONS. Each paper will be reviewed 
by one or more persons qualified in the field covered by the article in addition 
to the editors before a contribution is accepted for publication. 

Bibliographic citations should follow textual material (except in Research 
Notes, see later). Abbreviations for the names of periodicals should follow the 
current system employed by either Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. 
Biblographic citations in Research Notes should be in the same form as for 
longer papers but enclosed in parentheses within the text of the note. 

Footnotes should be avoided. Titles must be clear and concise, and provide 
for precise and accurate catologuing. 

Tables and illustrations are expensive, and should be ineluded in an article 
only to give effective presentation of the data. Articles with an excessive 
number of tables or illustrations, or with poorly arranged or executed tables or 
illustrations may be returned to the author for modification. 

Textual material should be in clear, brief and condensed form in order 
for a maximum amount of material to be published. 

Reprints may be obtained from the publisher and must be ordered at the 
time galley proof is returned. 

Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their papers when galley 
proof is returned. This abstract must be no longer than 250 words, nor to ex- 
ceed in any case 3% of the length of the original article. Abstracts will be 
submitted to Biological Abstracts for publication. 

= | 

Volume 13 | 
1949-1952 ff aay 4 


aye Le VIDS Sle) SEs Ry 0 0 (oy (ga 

A Bacteriological Survey of Well Waeters From Central Ken- 
tucky Counties. Rafael A. Cartin and R. H. Weaver .....__.. 

Comparison of the Sherman Tests With the Chapman Plate 
for Identification of the Streptococci From Teeth. C. B. 
Maman andar ranicy JsGruchallay 2.) 

A Modified Procedure for the Formol Titration. A. A. Rosen 
and B. S. Andrews 

A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae (Homoptera). 
Dye Am YOUNG sic ce cacao 

Academy Holds Spring Meeting 

Effect of Commercial Malt Sprouts on the Anaerobic Growth of 
Disilersmevrcastavh ere ocaky andl. J. Oller. 

Preparation of Ketones by the Sommelet Reaction. M. I. Bow- 
man, Irving B. Joffe, W. W. Rinne and James C. Wilkes ........ 

Economic Status of Lespedeza Seed Oil. Richard H. Wiley —.............. 

Performance of an Earth Heat Pump on Intermittent Operation. 
E. B. Penrod, E. L. Dunning, and H. H. Thompson ._.......... 

The Effects of Small Amounts of Glycine and Ethyl Glycine on 
Food Ingestion in the Dog. J. W. Archdeacon and A. B. 
CHEW ASSN (0) | SSS APE oe re a ee oe en ee Reve eee 
The Precision and Accuracy of Meter Sticks. Sigfred Peterson _..... 
The Effects of Composition on the Specific Gravity of Binary 
Wax Mixtures. John R. Koch and Sister M. Concetta _........ 
Chromosome Behavior in a Second Gasteria-Aloe Hybrid. Her- 
lovebes VeRErS FOES GEO eee ee aero 
(20 EEO STRES TSE aS ogee Re eee 

No. 3 

Bibliography of Sarah F. Price, Kentucky Naturalist. 
ET el Nav, Cyan a 0 150, UL ce te ere ee I ee a eee 
The Electrical Conductance of Solutions of Ferric Chloride in 
Acetone at 20° and 40° C. Lyle R. Dawson and Ralph 
SNC ES Lh Corea ae as eS Pe eae shee none 
The Distribution of Alkali Iodides Between Ethylene Glycol 
and Ethyl Acetate. Lyle R. Dawson and Edward J. 
SEER an J Ag aL eR le oe RS se Set on MN 

The Free Energy of Copper Chromate. Sigfred Peterson and 
Rr re i ONE go aa re ee cates sod Seg Rencesmncecctonacbaasne 

Emissivities of Protective Coatings. W. R. Barnes and N. P. Shah.... 149 
Performance of an Earth Heat Pump Operating Intermittently on 
the Cooling Cycle. E. B. Penrod and R. C. Thornton ............ 156 
Effects of Staphylococcus aureus Infections on Blood and_ Liver 
Catalase in Mice. I. Titrimetric Method. Sister Mary 
Adeline O'Leary, S.C.N., Sister Virginia Heines, S.C.N., 
Sister Roderick Juhasz, S.C.N., Sister Rose Agnes Green- 
well, S.C.N., and Corenlius W. Kreke _......000000002 173 
Effects of Staphylococcus aureus Infections on Blood and _ Liver 
Catalase in Mice. II. Gasometric Method. Sister Mary 
Adeline O’Leary, S.C.N., Sister Virginia Heines, S.C.N., 
Sister Roderick Juhasz, S.C.N., Sister Hose Agnes Green- 

well, S.C.N., and Corenlius W. Kreke 178 
Antibotic-Producing Species of Bacillus from Well Water. 

R. H. Weaver and Theodore Bolter _............00..-..220-.-s eee 183 
Subsurface Earth Exploration By Electrical Resistivity Method. 

Ter C2 Pend ey iss eae oie ae ene oe Fe ee Nees 3c, 189 
Matling Bist. a eS rete re 201 
Weademy:Atharrs: 2.20. ch ks Sono Ses aly ell esse ee 208 

No. 4 
Preparation of Acylaminoacid Esters. Richard H. Wiley and 

OlinvH. :Borum: 215 248 es es aes ee ee 213 
Animal Habitats on Big Black Mountain in Kentucky. Roger 

We Biarbo ur. siceii ek eee at ed re ne ce 215 

Electrical Conductances of Moderately Concentrated Solutions of 
Several Salts in Dimethylformamide. L. R. Dawson, M. 

Golben, G. R. Leader, and H. K. Zimmerman __.................... 221 
Structure and Function of the Mature Glands on the Petals of 
Frasera. carolinensis) Ps AS Davies) = eee 228 

Performance of a Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater. E. B. 
POnrod's 2232) 2 05 eek eG SU eer IU Sa 9 es GD eae 235 

Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrcgraphs of a Cop- 
per-berylium Alloy. H. W. Maynor, Jr., C. J. McHargue, 

and::@ii-Fe Edwards) 20525 es se a 248 
Structural Settlement Computations. John E. Heer, Jr. _.................. 258 
Preparation of 1-xylyl-1, 3-butanediones using Diketene. Reedus 

Ray Estes and Albert:Tockman 2.0000 .42) 2 ae eee 265 
A Look at Kentucky Woodlands. Eugene Cypert, Jr. _....................... 270 
Geological Sketch of the Jackson Purchase. E. B. Wood ___........ 275 
Adsorption of Aliphatic Acids on a Weak Base Anion Exchanger. 

Sigfred Peterson and Robert W. Jeffers 277 
Research Notes: 

An Albino Snake (Elaphe obsoleta). William M, Clay .......... 285 
Academy HA ffaars icy p08 = kn nds eb y Vogtle My Sell CN cS nd Senor oe 286 



ths ho 

Volume 13 ! November, 1949 Number 1 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 


Pee AR PIER EDS.) jaa ee TAEOVER 0 01 scctss covetacuvconebeal su vale udeas sate vanisns cducces gers de pau atventesievaadetarisccassuiet 1 

A Bacteriological Survey of Well Waters From Four Central 
Kentucky Counties. Rafael A. Cartin and R. H. Weaver ...............00 38 

Comparison of the Sherman Tests With the Chapman Plate for Identifica- 
tion of the Streptococci From Teeth. C. B. Hamann and Frank 
SPU OMIMMG RNA DESE Reset Mei bihe em nU re ccbhie uedthanh: wus cists tbaudl ssp attiee tio nas eeadleuc aaeeamededteuse adele 45 

A Modified Procedure for the Formol Titration. A. A. Rosen and B. S. 
PR SACST EWU eect iC TIOSe one cies el rac ose tabica Save Cheh dnd sy vies tune y Kcachaches be dacdudpmecedcogiddasseuateus 48 

A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae (Homoptera). David A. 

PCIE GY ELOIOS ESTILO OLIN siifonty vcs nuasccestaneakQeuce dorstesydbsovvbewssepeycessivebcuanduduaacsiseeaen cen 68 




University of Kentucky, 



Asbury College, 

Representative to the Council 

of the A. A. A.S. 


University of Louisville, 


University of Louisville, 

Vice President 
M. L. BrILLinss, 
Western State College, 
Bowling Green 

University of Kentucky, 
Counselor to the Junior 
Academy of Science 


Eastern State College, 


Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 

Louisville Louisville 
Warp C. Sumpter, Western State College, Bowling Green. foe to 1952 
W. D. VaLLEAu, University of eee Keying Gh ee 1952 
Morris SCHERAGO, aR ID ive Renty ck J re 1951 
PauL Kotacuov, Joseph i f GR ecrarn 342 a dui oy en 
GeorcE V. Pace, Western; State College) ost 1950 
J. S. Bancson, Berea oe BCL OH as tacarn share es alchore eto a tage 1950 
ALFRED BRAUER, University 0 Ghitneky, Je singten\ 1949 
H. B. Lovext, University of Louies Ate yee ete 1949 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued quarterly. Four numbers constitute a volume. 
Domestic subscription, $2.00 per volume, foreign, $2.50 per volume. 

Correspondence concerning membership in the Academy, subscriptions or other 
business matters should be addressed to the secretary. Manuscripts and other 
material for publication should be addressed to the editors, 

E. B. PENRop 

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky 
Lexington 29, Kentucky 


Three distinct types of heat pumps which may be used 
for continuous air conditioning are considered in this 
paper; namely, the Peltier heat pump, the absorption heat 
pump, and the compression heat pump. Commercial heat pumps 
of the last type have been developed to a high state of per- 
fection and can be recommended whenever a good application 
presents itself (1). The domestic heat pump systems are in 
the experimental stage at the present time and considerable 
research must be done before the most economical heat ex~ 
changer can be designed for extracting the heat from its 
source. At the present time there are over three hundred 
domestic heat pump systems (pilot-plants) in operation in 
the United States. 

In this paper attention will be given primarily to 
heat pumps for continuous air conditioning and some con= 
sideration will be given to fundamental principles. A heat 
pump may be defined as a device arranged so that heat is 
absorbed from one medium at a low temperature level and 
delivered to another medium at a higher temperature level. 
A heat pump system is a heat pump plus the auxiliary equip- 
ment such as fans, pumps, and automatic controls. This 
distinction is made primarily for the purpose of determining 
the performance characteristics of different heat pump 


In 182) Sadi Carnot described an engine that could 
transform heat into mechanical work with the minimum unavoiu- 
able waste. He pointed out also that the efficiency of his 
reversible engine depends on the absolute temperatures of 
the source and sink, and that the efficiency is independent 
of the nature of the working substance. Twenty-four years 
later Kelvin, after making a careful study of the Carnot 
cycle, introduced the thermodynamic scale of temperature. 
According to this temperature scale, any two temperatures 
on it are proportional to the quantities of heat absorbed 
and rejected by a reversible Carnot engine working between 

APR 17 1969 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

these temperatures. That is 

Qn oy Qe - - —(() 

Th Te 
where Ty, Te are the absolute temperatures of the source 
and sink respectively, and Q are the quantities of heat 
absorbed and rejected. t can be seen that the ratio of 
the heat taken in (or given out) to the absolute temperature 
at which it is taken in (or given out) is the same for ail 
isothermal changes between any two adiabatics, This sug- 
gested to Clausius, in 1651, that the quantity 2. is the 
change in &@ certain property of the working T 
substance which remains constant during any reversible 
adiabatic process, but changes when the substance passes 
from one adiabatic to another, Clausius named this prop- 
erty entropy. If the Carnot cycle is plotted on the 
temperature-entropy plane, Fig. 1, it has the form of the 
rectangle ABCD. The area ABFE represents the quantity of 
heat taken from the source, in a reversible way, at the 
absolute temperature T,, and the area DCFE represents the 
unavoidable waste or the heat discharged, in a4 reversible 
way, to the sink at the absolute temperature T, (2). The 
area ABCD represents the maximum amount of useful mechani- 
cal work that can be obtained from the Carnot engine. The 
ee of a Carnot engine is given by the equation 

uly tha... by ye 2 Se ee 
Mie (C£S)) 9 rn Qn 

ise af varnot engine were reversed it would absorb a 
quantity of heat, in a reversible way, represented by the 
area DCFE from a cold body at the absolute temperature T,, 
and discharge an amount of heat, in a reversible way, 
represented by the area ABFE to a hot body at the absolute 
vemperature T,. The area ABCD now represents the minimum 
amount of oa berelertl work that must be supplied to the 
reversed Carnot engine, If the function of the reversed 
Carnot engine is to cool a given space, its efficiency is 
called the coefficient of performance and is given by the 

q Te 

C 0 P as a cooling machine = =) 7 Ale 
Ta- Te 
If the purpose of the reversed Carnot engine is to heat a 
given space, or medium, then 

"That 7 em 

C O P as a heating machine = 


Heat Pump 

Carnot never suggested that his reversed engine be 
used as a heating machine. Now it is impossible to make 
an actual engine that will operate on the Carnot cycle and 
therefore no refrigeration machine has ever been constructed 
that operates on the reversed Carnot cycle. The actual com- 
pression refrigeration cycle used today is a cycle in its 
own right and should not be considered as a reversed engine 
of any type. If a compression refrigeration plant is used 
for continuous air conditioning, for example, the events 
of the refrigeration cycle are not altered in any way what- 
soever when the machine is changed from heating to cooling, 
or vice versa. If the refrigeration machine is to have a 
special name it is preferable to call it a heat pump instead 
of "the reversed cycle". A heat pump may be changed from 
a heating to a cooling machine either by the use of a system 
of dampers (3), or by the use of several valves (li). In 
the former the functions of the two heat exchangers are 
unchanged, while in the latter the functions of the two 
heat exchangers are interchanged although the various events 

of the refrigeration cycle are unaltered .+#+ 

In 1852 Kelvin suggested that a building could be 
heated or cooled with the same equipment (5). A year later, 
in order to determine the size of his heating and cooling 
machines, Kelvin showed that it would require 0.286 horse- 
power for changing the temperature of one pound of air per 
second from 50 F to 80 F and that the volume of the com- 
pression cylinder should be 15.63 cubic feet, requiring a 
diameter of 2.23 feet and a length of ) feet (6). Kelvin's 
proposed machine had to be modified considerably in changing 
over from heating to cooling, and consequently was never 
built. However, refrigeration machines operating on the 
Kelvin air cycle came into common use. 

# The events of an ordinary compression refrigeration 
machine are: (a) the compression of a vapor at low tempera- 
ture and pressure to a higher temperature and pressure; 

(b) the condensation of the vapor; (c) the expansion of the 
liquid through a valve or capillary tube; and (d) the 
evaporation of the liquid. These events are always followed 
in the same cyclic order no matter whether the plant is 

used for heating or cooling a given space or medium. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


0) S 

Fig. 1.— The Carnot cycle on the temperature-entrophy plane. 





Q,2 MIT 
P =(71,-Tl, ) I 

JUNCTION~s-] || 7.2 


Fig. 2.— A simple Peltier heat pump. 


Heat Pump 


In 1821 Seebeck discovered that electric charges flow 
in a circuit composed of two metallic conductors of differ- 
ent materials if the temperatures of the two junctions are 
different (7)(8). The combination of two such conductors 
is generally referred to as a thermocouple. The energy 
expended as the electric charges flow in the circuit is 
supplied by the absorption of heat from external sources, 
assuming the temperature at every point in the circuit is 
maintained unchanged since there is no other means of 
supply. In 183) Peltier found that when electric charges 
flow across the junction of two dissimilar metals it gives 
rise to an absorption or liberation of heat. If electric 
charges flow across the junction in one direction, heat is 
absorbed, while if they flow in the opposite direction heat 
is liberated. The Peltier heat liberated or absorbed at 
either junction of the thermocouple is given by 

Qh mae. 
where Q represents the quantity of heat, tf the Peltier 
eom.f., I the electric current, and Y the time (9). 

In 185) Kelvin noticed that when electric charges flow 
through a wire of homogeneous material and cross-section, 
but of non-uniform temperature, heat must be supplied in 
order to maintain the temperature gradient. The amount of 
heat imparted for a temperature rise dt in time 7 is given 

h uation 
aes dAQ= ch cedt, 
where dQ is the quantity of heat absorbed in time 7% , l 
the electric current, and. @ the specific heat of elec- 
tricity.* This phenomenon is known as the Thomson effect 
and is perfectly reversible. 

% The specific heat of electricity is defined by the 

ae ta dt } where g” is the specific heat 
of electricity, dQ the hcat absorbed by an elemental lengtn 
of a conductor, IT the quantity of electricity, and dt is 
the temperature difference between the two ends of the 
elemental length of the conductor. 

LS) ¢ 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

A simple Peltier heat pump is shown schematically in 
Fig. 2. The arm "a" of a thermocouple is connected to a 
D. C. power line. If P is the power input the energy 
supplied in time y is P@ , the heat absorbed at the cold 
junction at temperature Tg is Q,=™1L@Y_ , and the heat 
liberated at the hot junction at temperature T, is = 

+. Thus it can be seen that when electric energy 
is supplied to a thermocouple as shown in Fig. 2 itis 
essentially a heat pump capable of absorbing heat from one 
medium at a low temperature level and delivering heat to 
another at a higher temperature level. 

If the Peltier heat pump is considered as a Carnot 
engine, the reversible Thomson heat and the irreversible 
Joule heat being neglected, it can be seen from (1) that 

ap lig 

hs os oy ie We, oe 

ero te Te lig ; ire tle Th-Te 

The efficiency of the Peltier heat pump is = Tho Te 

and the energy supplied is Th 

Pr= @— Qtr —mlit, P=(t,-Me)I, 242. 
A Se j TL 

The coefficients of performance of the Peltier heat 
nump are given by 

/ ; Te 6) 
C O PtKcooling) = —~ - =i( J 
; Tipe ile 
and CO P(heating) = A = || aI pA IESE (6) . 

Th, - We My-TMe 

The Peltier refrigerator has been discussed by Alten- 
kirsch (10), and patents on this type of refrigerator were 
obtained as far back as 1889. If a pile is made of a large 
number of thermocouples the capacity of the Peltier heat 
pump will be increased in proportion to the number used. 
Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram of one thermocouple in the 
pile of a Peltier heat pump. The arms "a" and "b" of the 
thermocouple are thermally insulated. For an elemental 
section, length dx, of one arm of the thermocouple the 
irreversible Joule heat absorbed per second is 

Heat Pump 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

uu Ht o 
dQ, = Tar * = (i 4)? Es 3 82) dv. 
i A 
The reversible Thomson heat developed per second i.~ 
Qn Soo kat = cate ate ie ate ay 
g dx dx 

The irreversible Fourier heat (heat conducted along the 
element of the couple) per second is 

dQp = Qpn - Qer > (for steady state heat flow, 

Qen = Qpr + OF ax Orr — k A Seti On, = eel 
dx dx2 
Hence, dQp =-k a dv 
ae E's dat ciate. dt 
Also dQ, = dQy + dQns then Sy ee PO tA 
Cte yin dt 42 = (8) 

where Q; = Joule heat 
Qp = Thomson heat 
Qp- Fourier heat 

I = electric current 


electric current per unit area 
R = electric resistance 

* According to Joule's law, the heat produced in a con- 
ductor is proportional to the product of the square of the 
current, the electrical resistance, and the time. 

#%* The electrical resistivity of a conductor, p , is the 
resistance of a bar of the substance one centimeter long 
and one square centimeter cross-section. 

Heat Pump 

electrical resistivity 


@ =- specific heat of electricity 
k = thermal conductivity 

t - temperature 

dt = drop in temperature along dx 
oe ‘ 
— = temperature gradient 
L = length of an arm of the 
av -A dx or elemental volume 

Equation (8) is a linear differential equation of the 
second order and first degree. Introducing the dimension- 
less ratios 

S t x : 
= = Bier and a= aoe equation (8) transforms 

to dae¢G d¢ - 0 (9) 
ay ix dn S p 
where 2 Loe (Th = Te) 
seaenie (ip = ine « 

a total Thomson heat per unit area 
4 ’ 

Fourier heat per unit area 
and - pie Ate May ; 
P = x(n, - 1) 
p = Joule heat per unit area per arm 

Fourier heat per unit area 

Rearranging the terms in equation (9), 

d , : 
ay ( oe +xXS) = -B » integrating 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

ae +S = A-BN. 

The solution of this linear differential equation of the 
first order is 

Integrating by parts it is seen that 

@=1(a-pu)+4+B¢ 5 Ov 

t=(hr TA (ab a)4 4% pee =e 

where A and B are constants of integration. 

Equation (10) is a general solution of (8); anda 
particular solution is obtained by applying the boundary 

WS Be 15 2keho 2 




t=-0, Ones = 

Hence B nee a 
t=(h- Te)fi— Seal =6 °° )- Bxt- (11). 

Equation (11) shows the variation of the temperature along 
the arm of the thermocouple. Expanding the exponential 
terms, equation (11) transforms to 

- ! B B 2 eo ees (())) 
t=(The Te) $1 -(o hae T 4 
Differentiating equation (12) to obtain the temperature 
gradient along an arm of the thermocouple, it is seen that 

dt - is Be val - 
ae ne HOO 4-8.) 

At the hot junction, x = 0, then 




dx x 

ae) ae. 


Heat Pump 

Boi iets, 
eae ry i, ) a= 25 ee c) 
= == Qr (13) 
At the cold junction, x = L, then 
dt MP a: 
dx, Stee (57 t= Cleese leds 
And 1,8 
LS + CT aD Ce 
So Go Bia, Cn te) 
SA oye 
Bee (1h) 
The heat absorbed per unit area, Qabs? from the sink, or 
external medium, is equal to the difference between 
the Peltier heat, Q,, and Q, _ ;+ Hence 
‘ nay I 
Qr. eae YE) - but = = 
abs Te 2 Qp fp Qn 3 
- Bes 2 
so that Qe ee = (Qe+ 5 i ie L) 
’ ke (fs =, TT) 
Sat Oe ee 53° pL, or 
2 gece -~ i; p L} (15) 
ale é 

To obtain the maximum value for the heat absorbed at the cold 
junction differentiate equation (15) with respect to il and 
set the result equal to zero. The value of iL which mares 
Qabs a maximum is 






Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

pate ee K(Ta- Te) _ Ap /zKGH Te 

an ears aki) +4 ? 
abs ae pare == (iiaiie 

ow _ a pilot al ° 
: P= eRe) 

Substituting the pres of iL from (16) it is readily seen 
that 8 = 2. Thus it is seen that for maximum refrigera- 
tion, the length and cross-sectional area of the arms of 
the thermocouple should be constructed so that the Joule 
heat will be equal to twice the Fourier heat. Flacing 

8 = 2 in equation (13) it is seen that Q, _ , = 0, which 
shows that Peltier heat only is transferred” to the external 
medium at the hot junction. 

From equation (17) it is seen that 

Qabs t fme—Valiet) VKP $ » (for one arm) 
fre VF LV kaprVkig] } co 

When the Joule and Thomson heats were neglected it was 
shown that the power supplied to the Peltier heat pump was 

given by the equation 
he (a, — 112) 16 . 

When the irreversible Joule heat is taken into con- 
sideration the power supplied per unit area is given by 
the equation 


| | or 
See ee Cabs i 

pz fare +12 Gate) [ (haa + Vk] $ couple. 

If the cross-sectional area of the arms of the thermo— 
couple is sufficiently large so that the current density is 
relatively small the Feltier heat pump cycle approximates 
a Carnot refrigerator, and it can be seen that 


Heat Pump 

5 (es 
M,— Te = HoT Tle 

Hence, the above equation becomes 
=) dna y | 
p=if — Tet 2 (TT) h Kaf + ral 

For substances that obey the Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz law 

Hence Rafa — Kipp = Bales 
P= if tel, Tr 8 (T,-T) y KP } ie 

The coefficients of performance of the Peltier heat pump 
are given by the equations 



CO P(cooling) -. -~- (19) 
TL Te 
A Te +Y8(Th Tey KP 

SRme (lest ine) yates es a (90) 

For alloys that obey the Wiedemann-Franz—Lorenz law, 
the heat absorbed at the cold junction is given by the 

equation : 
Cabs = i $Me ¥8(T,- Te} \/K P | 
is positive it follows that 

(tte - YF (Th Te) kp) ies 
then ae eran Vip 
squaring, a? > 8 Gea Kp 
transposing, ( Msetake ) 

Since abs 

lars COUR 
BK Pp 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


NY, 5 36,000 BTU PER HR. 


mis \<@ BYPASS 
DS p< 
: mM 
wr AIR SUPPLY | 5 | 8 95,500 BTU PER HR. 
UNIT 5 1] 
a Dol [= 
2 aio (8 
° =~ 8 
° a 18 a 
o® @) (v9) 2) 
> mM = a 
Pan) Z yo) 
on x vU co) 
cz > m @ 
ve =~ a d 
m 4 9 x je 
; ; 

Fig. 4.— A schematic diagram of an absorption refrigeration heat pump system. 


Heat Pump 

The efficiency of the Peltier heat pump (or that of 
the Peltier generator) is relatively low when calculated 
from data on existing metals and alloys (12).* The effi- 
ciency may be improved if alloys having higher Peltier co- 
efficients can be found through research. The Peltier heat 
pump has no maving parts, and if its efficiency can be im 
proved may have application for continuous air conditioning 
and in industries that require both warm and cold water for 


From tests it has been shown that a 3-ton absorption 
refrigeration plant, having an efficiency of 5.7 per cent 
requires 66,000 Btu per hour, produces refrigeration at the 
rate of 36,000 Btu per hour (13). If a 3-ton absorption 
refrigeration plant is arranged as shown schematically in 
Fig. 4, it can be used as a heat pump system capable of 
delivering approximately 95,500 Btu per hour for heating a 
given space. The C 0 P's of the absorption refrigeration 
heat pump will be about 1.) and 0.55 respectively for heat- 
ing and cooling. There will be a saving in the consumption 
of gas during the heating season which will reduce the 
annual operating cost for continuous air conditioning as 
compared to the gas-fired air conditioner that does not 
function as a heat pump. By the use of a bypass valve 
enough heat can be absorbed from the flue-gas during the 
heating period to prevent frosting the evaporator coils when 
outdoor air drops below 38 F. Applied to domestic air con- 
ditioning the absorption heat pump would smooth out the gas- 
sending-out curve and make a good load factor for the Gas 
Utility. On the other hand, the absorption heat pump would 
be a little more complicated than the gas-fired package air 
conditioner and therefore would have a higher installation 
cost. (1),) ’ (15) © 

* Cullity reports an efficiency of about 6% for a thermo- 
electric generator in which a bismuth-selenium alloy was used 
as one arm of the thermocouple and a zinc-antimony alloy as 
the other. This value compres favorably with the effi- 
ciency of a non-compound steam engine which varies from ) to 
8%. "The Thermoelectric Properties and Electrical Comiuc- 
tivity of Bismuth-selenium Alloys" by B. D. Cullity, Metals 
Technology -— A.I.M.E. Vol. 15, No. 1, January 1948, Tech. 
Publ. No. 2313. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


An air-to-air heat pump system is shown in Fig. 5 
when the plant is used for heating. The fan that forces 
air into the rooms to be air conditioned is called the cir- 
culating fan, and that which discharges air to the outside 
after it gives up heat to the evaporator is referred to as 
the discard fan. The refrigeration cycle and the air-flow 
for the same heat pump instellation are shown in Fig. 6 
when the plant is used for cooling. 

The performance characteristics of an air-to-air heat 
pump system were calculated for a well insulated six-room 
house in Lexington, Ky. where the outside design tempera- 
ture is 0 F. The inside dry-—bulb temperature was assumed 
to be kept at 70 F. The building heat losses for differ- 
ent outside mean air temperatures are given in Table I. 

In making these calculations the following assumptions 
were made: 

1. Specific heat of air = 0.2) Btu per lb per OF. 
2. Freon-l2 evaporates at -20 F. 
3. Evaporator terminal temperature difference = 10 F. 
4. Condenser terminal temperature difference = 10 F. 
5. Total static pressure iin the air circulating 
system = 1.25 inches water. 
6. Interior volume of the house = 15,000 cu.ft. 
7s One air change per hr., outside air introduced 
- 250 cfm at OF. 
8. Circulating fan to supply air at the rate of 1,500 
9. Fan efficiency = 50%. 
10. Fan-motor efficiency = 80%. 
ll. Refrigeration compressor efficiency - 85%. 
12. Compressor-motor efficiency = 90%. 
13. Expansion at constant enthalpy. 
- Isentropic compression. 
15. Atmospheric pressure = 29.92 inches Hg. 

Calculation for the heating period on a 0° F: 
0.2 wx 1500t = 0.2) (wx 250 x 0 + 0.075 x 1250 x 70) 

Moty= Li si5 


Heat Pump 


eee FAN 











Fig. 5.— A schematic diagram of an air-to-air heat pump system showing the 
refrigeration cycle and the air flow during the heating period. The circulating fan 
operates continuously while the discard fan operates only when the heat pump is in 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

DRIVE —||<MOTOR | aere 
FAN Ih | 



Fig. 6.—A schematic diagram of an air-to-air heat pump system showing the 
refrigeration cycle and the air flow during the cooling period. 

Table 1. 

Mean outside air 
temperature, F 

Se eee es 
(Ss) 1S (i a(S) XS) jo) 

Heat Pump 

Air conditioning a well-insulated six-room house 
using either an air heat pump or an earth heat pump system 

Building heat loss, 

Btu per hr 



Daily heat lost from 

building, Btu 

1, 320,000 
8,0, 000 




Operation of heat pump 

hrs per day 

Energy supplied to 
circulating fan per 

day, kwhr 

Heat delivered by heat 

pump system per day 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Assume t = 57 F, then 57 w = 4.375 

w - 0.0767 1b per cu ft, where w is the sp.wt. 
of dry air at 57 F and 29.92 in. Hg. 

Temperature of the air leaving the condenser 
0.2ly x 0.0767 x 1500 x 60 x (t-57) = 65,000 
t = 96.3 F 

The following values were obtained from Freon-12 Table_ 
and Charts: 

hy, = 32.7 Btu per lb h3 = 93.2 Btu per lb 

P), = 143-4 psia S3 = 0.17275 Btu per lb per OR 
%9 = 15.3 psia 3, slau 

Ay = 75.9 Btu per lb 

Coefficient of performance of a reversible heat pump as a 
heating machine operating between the temperature limits 
of -20 F and + 132 F 
Carnot © 0) P(heating) = _ 2 = 1 5920 6p 

Refrigeration effect lel lob 
= 75.9 - 32.7, since hy -h 

3.2 Btu per lb. 

Heat equivalent of compression 

Be = hy = Bre = 75.9 

L723 Bru per dibs. 

Heat discharged from condenser —- h - hy, = 932 — 32m 

60.5 Btu per lb. 

Theoretical coefficient of performance for the refriger?- 
tion cycle considered 

The>. C O P(heating) - sig ak _ 90-9 - 3.5 
lens | Wee 


Heal Pump 



106.3°F = 1-106. 30F 






Fig. 7.— A schematic diagram showing the temperatures of the air and the re- 
frigerant on passing through the heat exchangers of an air-to-air heat pump on a 
day when the outside mean air temperature is 0 F. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 



143.4 PSIA 








Fig. 8.— The refrigeration cycle shown on the pressure-enthalpy plane and on the 
temperature-entropy plane on a day when the outside mean air temperature Is 0 F. 


Heat Pump 

geo. ce. O-P(cooling) =) 26-4 == 43-2 _ ais 
=] = 
F-12 circulated = en _ 65,000 Btu hr 

- h) Btu ipbet | s« O58 Beu Ib 

1075 1b hr7L 

43.2 Btu b+ x 1075 1b hr 

Capacity of the compressor 
12,000 Btu hr7+ ton71 

= 3.87 tons 

cal} -1 
Capacity of compressor-motor - ENE SOL ast ermal 
0.85 x 0.90 x 3413 Btu kwhr7L 

Tele kw, or-9253) hp. 

Energy supplied to heat pump - 2h hr x 7.12 kw = 171.0 kwhr. 

Compression ratio = 143.4 9.34 
0.000157 x 1500 x 1.25 
0250 se 0580 
0.736 hp or 0.55 kw. 

Power input to circulating fan-motor - 

Energy supplied to circulating fan-motor = 2 hr x 0.55 kw 
13.2 kwhr. 

Use discard fan-motor with the same rating as the circulating 

Power output - POU hee - 19.0 kw 

313 Btu kwhr7+ 
19.0, kw 

= 2.67 
712 kw 

Actual C O P(heating) for the heat pump - 

Total power input to the heat pump system 
- 7.12 kw + 0.55 kw + 0.55 kw = 8.22 kw 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Actual C O P(heating) for heat pump system = = - 2.32 

The daily heat loss from the house on a O F day, or the hea 
delivered by the heat pump system 

2, hr day7) x 65,000 Btu hr7t 
1,560,000 Btu per day - 57.1 kwhr per day. 

Energy supplied to heat pump = 2) hr x 7.12 kw = 171.0 kwhr. 

2 hr x 8.22 kw 
197.4 kwhr. 

Energy supplied to heat pump system 

Similar calculations were made for various outside mean 
air temperatures. The results of these calculations are 
recorded in Tables I and II, and are shown graphically in 
Fig. 9. This heat pump system was designed to operate con- 
tinuously when the outside mean temperature was O F. The 
effect of the increase in the mean temperature of the fresh 
air admitted (and the decrease in the specific weight) upon 
the head pressure was considered in these calculations. The 
actual C 0 P's of the heat pump system at O F and 60 F were 
found to be 2.3 and 1.2 respectively (16). It should be 
pointed out that the heat pump operates only 1.85 hours per 
day, and at its lowest efficiency, when the outside mean 
temperature is 60 F. 

An earth-to-air heat pump system is shown schematically 
in Figs. 10 and 11. Calculations were made to determine the 
performance charecteristics of this heat pump system when 
used to heat a well insulated six-room house under exactly 
the same conditions as for the above air-to-air heat pump 
system. The results of these calculations are recorded in 
Table III and are shown graphically in Fig. 12. In making 
these calculations the effect of the increase of temperature 
(and decrease in specific weight) in the 250 cfm fresh air 
admitted on the increase in the condensing temperature of the 
refrigerant was considered. The actual C O P's of the earth- 
to-air heat pump system at O F and 60 F were found to be 3.@ 
and 1.5 respectively. When this effect was neglected the 
corresponding C O P's were found to be 3.52 and 1.57 respec- 
tively (17). 

Heat Pump 

Table JI. Performance characteristics of an air-to-air heat 
pump system for various outside mean air temperatures. 
Freon-l12 evaporates at -20 F. The heat pump was designed to 
operate continuously at O F outside air temperature and inter 
mittently at higher air temperatures. The circulating fan 
operates continuously and the discard fan intermittently. 

Mean outside air 
temps. F (@) 10 20 30 0 50 60 

Temp. of air enter- 
Pre codeiscr F 57.0 59.0 60.9 62.9 64.8 66.7 68.2 

emp. of air leav- 
ine condenser, F 96.3 98. 100.) 102.6 104.7 106.6 108.2 

emp. of F-12 enter- 
Be eo cicnser Roe eo Ly 38 OY 3 hs 
Temp. of F-12 leav- FSi be 

ing condenser, F 106.3 108.4 110.4 112.6 114.7 116.6 116.2 

C. ity of 
ace, cee Be9 Be 38 368308 3 AT 

Oo al 
ge i Peo see 9.9) Oc? 10.5: 1068. 1.0 

Capacity of com SubweOO 69.9. 10.2 > 10.3 -10.5,.. 10.6 
ressor-motor, h 

nergy to heat pump 

Tee ae ay NU elo We BN (ee 43 15 
Energy to discard 

day, kwhr 
Energy to circu- 

lating fan-motor ipcneloee eis .e lace! lee eee age 
er da kwhr 

Eserey to heat 

pump system per 197 py DS 2B) 89 60 29 

day kwhr 

Heat delivered by 

heat pump system 57 513 yf mame a Ii 26° “176 106 35 

per day, kwhr 

Carnot C O P aro seo meaeo) asco. 340 i FY es i 
es COP of the 315 Salta ese 3363 S23 Bee) See 
Actual C O P of 

the heat pum el pen teuaa a ine anaes 

Actual C O P of the 
‘eat pump system 2.3 2 ittew bees eel) 2.0 a False PR 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 







120 —£ 30 
100 — 
80-5 20 
60 — 
40-3 10 
20 — 
ee 0 “10 20 30 es 50 60 


Fig. 9.— Performance characteristics of an air-to-air heat pump system during the 
heating period. The circulating fan operates continuously. The heat pump and 
discard fan operate continuously for an outside temperature of O F and inter- 
mittently for higher temperatures. The refrigerant evaporates at —20 F. 


Heat Pump 



4- WAY 


AIR bx 

AIR AT 70°F 



>: TEMP. 30°F 


Fig. 10.— A schematic diagram of an ecarth-to-air heat pump system for heating 
a building. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

(YY AT orive 

\b>— HEAT 

iM MS 


\ \Y, \y \Y, Ly \yy/ CANVAS 
(2 ; 2 ios MOTOR COMPRESSOR acahitn sl 
Fig. 11.—A schematic diagram of an earth-to-air heat pump system used for 

cooling a building. 

Heat Pump 

Table III. Performance characteristics of an earth-to-air 
heat pump system for various outside mean air temperatures, 
Freon-12 evaporates at + 20 F. The heat pump was designed 
to operate continuously at O F outside air temperature and 
intermittently at higher air temperatures. The circulating 
fan operates continuously. 

Mean outside air 
es @) 10 20 30 ho SO 60 

ia MOEA Ronchi li A ee in Me oe al bom 
ing condenser, F B70) 59.0 GOL9 62.9 6h.6- 65.7 68.2 

femp Of air Teav= 96.3 98.1, 100.) 102.6 101.7 106.6 108.2 
ing condenser, F 

Temp. of F-l2 enter- 
ing condenser, F Gy 22 25" 127 329. 132 Bh 

Temp. of F-12 leav- 196,3 108.4 110.4 112.6 114.7 116.6 118.2 
ing condenser, F 

SS eS. ee ee 
pee a ee Oe 

Compression ae 
eed Meteo en he2. lish oh 5. lsorelie 

Capacity of com- 

pressor-motor, hp Oem eS eerie to eOln ect oo) Oso 
Energy to heat 

wane Senge Tene 108 96 81 oie NY 29,10 
Energy to circu= 

lating fan-motor I) Sele ats ea ei casas be ede ada ce a ce beg 
per day, kwhr 

Energy to heat eae Te Fi 

pump system per i2i= | 109 OPT COs sham 23 
day, kwhr 

Heat delivered by 

heat pump system 457 387 317 26 176 106 35 
per day, kwhr 

Carmo: O Po 5.9 Bird Be) 55 Delt 5.8 ae 

Theo. CO P, of the 5,6 5,3 5.1 5.0 TIE Nels es, ey UE 
heat pump 
Paintatearota Celi at aes oo eee a en ee 
eee Seae Mesna tele 73260 eorGee 20 okt. 366 
Baar@ceent role thcuns ©... 1 +. lee oes 
heat pump system 3.0 3.6 Sele ei Setpeege coco, les 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 




ieee sy 

(+2) @ Oo 
(eo) fo) (eo) 
| | | 

40 - 




o Oo 
| | 

O io 20 30 40 50 60 

Fig. 12.— Performance characteristics of an earth-to-air heat pump system during 
the heating period. The circulating fan operates continuously. The heat pump 
operates continuously for a mean outside temperature of 0 F and intermittently 
for higher temperatures. The refrigerant evaporates at + 20 F. 


Heat Pump 

Comparative results are shown in Table IV for an air- 
to-air and an earth-to-air heat pump system designed to heat 
the same well insulated six-room house in a locality where 
the outside temperature is 0 F. From this table it can be 
seen that the operating cost is less for the earth-to-air 
than that for the air-to-air heat pump system since less 
energy is required to operate the former. The earth-to-air 
heat pump requires a much smaller compressor-motor than the 
air-to-air type and there is no danger of ice collecting on 
the evaporator coils. However, the earth coil is much more 
expensive to install and will be less accessible if and when 
repairs are required. 


The following calculations were made to show that the 
compression type heat pump system must have a C O P greater 
than 3.33 before it can be used to conserve our natural fuel 
supply: One pound of eastern Kentucky coal (14,500 Btu per 
lb) burned in a boiler of a modern steam power plant and con- 
verted into electric energy at an efficiency of 2.4% would 
result in 3537 Btu (0.828 kwhr) available at the terminal of 
the electric generator. Assume a 20% loss between the genera- 
tor and a house, 2830 Btu would be available for direct 
electrical heating for each pound of coal burned. On the 
other hand, the 2830 Btu (0.828 kwhr) of electric energy 
supplied to a domestic heat pump system having a C OP of 
3.33 would result in 9420 Btu (3.33 x 2830) per pound of 
coal burned at the power plant available for heating the 
house. One pound of the same coal burned in a good stoker- 
fired furnace at an efficiency of 65% in a house, would 
result in 9420 Btu (0.65 x 14,500) available for heating. 

On this basis of comparison, the domestic heat pump system’ 
Will only deliver just as much heat per pound of coal burned 
as the stoker-fired furnace. 


There are twenty-four commercial heat pump installations 
in the Americas which provide continuous air conditioning, 
seven of which are not in offices of electric utilities. Of 
the latter, three were installed on the Pacific coast in 197, 
one of which has a nominal capacity of 225 tons and one 50 
tons. A 550-ton heat pump system has been installed in the 
+welve-story Equitable Building in Portland, Oregon. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Table IV Comparison of an earth-to-air and an air-to-air 
heat pump system 

Type of System 
Earth-to-Air Air-to-Air 

Outside mean air temperature OVE OF 
Inside dry-bulb temperature 70 F 70 F 
Evaporator temperature +20 F -20 F 
Carnot C O PL Bo) 3.9 
Theoretical C O P, of heat pump B56 365 
Actual C O P, of heat pump has} Zod 
Actual C O P, of heat pump system 3.8 253} 
Compressor capacity, tons 4.0 B69) 
Compression ratio 4.0 9.3 
Compressor-motor, hp Soll 705 
Energy supplied to system, kwhr 120.7 Mall 
Operating time, hrs per day 2h 2h 

Heat Pump 

The General Engineering and Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, 
Mo. manufactured a limited number of domestic heat pump units 
in 1948 and installed them as pilot-plants in various parts 
of the United States to obtain performance data. This Com 
pany has had one domestic heat pump in operation for several 

The Webber Engineering Company, Indianapolis, Ind. made 
experimental heat pump units for electric utilities. Three 
earth-to-air heat pumps of the direct expansion type are now 
in operation in the Indianapolis area and two more are now in 
the process of construction. 

In 1938 C. E, Boggs designed and installed a heat pump 
system to provide panel heating in his new house in Boise, 
Idaho. During 197 he designed two domestic heat pumps, water- 
to-water type, for the Boise area. One of these was installed 
in a new house to provide panel heating and the other replaced 
a hot air furnace in a house already constructed. In addition 
to these, he designed a 3-ton package heat pump system which 
was installed in the Idaho Power Company System Dispatcher's 
office where the heat source is waste cooling water from feeder 
regulators. The Northwestern Heat Pump Company of Boise 
planned to make about six domestic heat pumps last year. 

This Company is interested particularly in designing heat 

pump systems with hot water storage tanks of sufficient size 

to make off-peak house heating with the heat pump mre economi- 

Drayer-Hanson, Inc., of Los Angeles, has approximately 
300 heat pump units in operation, most of which are semi- 
commercial installations. Recently the Gay Engineering Com- 
pany of Los Angeles installed a heat pump system in the ware- 
house of the Spector Produce Co. of Phoenix, Arizone to ripen 
bananas, Here the heat pump rinciple is used very efficiently 
since both heat exchangers are used simultaneously, one ex- 
tracting heat from the frozen food rooms at a low temperature 
level and the other discharging heat to three banana lockers 
at a higher temperature level. 


1. The Peltier heat pump was proposed nearly sixty years 
ago. However, a heat pump constructed from alloys available 
at that time was known to have a low efficiency. Recently 
research has been done to develop new alloys which obey the 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Wiedemann-Franz—Lorenz law and at the same time have a much 
higher thermoelectric power, in order to improve the effi- 
ciency of the thermocouple when used as either a direct 
current generator or a Peltier heat pump (12). It is hoped 
that the review of the theory of the Peltier heat pump given 
here will stimulate research in metallurgy in order to pro- 
duce alloys which will be malleable, have a very high thermo- 
electric power, and at the same time obey the Wiedemann- 
Franz-Lorenz relation. 

2. Although the absorption heat pump may have a low 
COP, if perfected it would lower the annual operating cost 
as compared to the gas-fired package air conditioner when 
used for continuous air conditioning, by reducing the gas 
consumption during the heating season. hesearch is recom 

3. The commercial heat pump of the compression type has 
been applied successfully in industries for processing and 
for continuous air conditioning. When used for air condi- 
tioning, the maintenance cost is comparable with that of the 
ordinary refrigeration plant. The refrigeration engineer may 
also find many good applications of the heat pump by making 
a careful survey of industries other than air conditioning. 

h. The domestic heat pump is in the experimental state 
at the present time. aA theoretical analysis has been given 
here to determine the performance characteristics of an 
earth-to-air and an air-to-air heat pump system. A water- 
to-air heat pump system will have performance characteristics 
similar to that of the earth-to-air type. From Table IV it 
can be seen that the air-to-air heat pump requires a motor 
whose capacity is about 50 per cent greater than an earth- 
to-air heat pump for heating the same house under the same 
conditions. The condensing temperature of the refrigerant 
could be lowered if panel heating were provided. This in 
turn would increase the C O P, decrease the compression ratio, 
and thereby decrease the horsepower of the compressor-motor. 

5. At the present time very little engineering data are 
available on the transient flow of heat through the earth.# 

* Data on the strength of a earth heat source will be pub- 
lished in a bulletin by the Engineering Experiment Station 
of the University of Kentucky. 


Heat Pump 

In case the time rate of heat flow through the earth is very 
low the heat transfer surface per ton of refrigeration, in 
the evaporator, will be larger unless the moisture around 

the coil is frozen. Considerable research will be necessary 
before it can be decided whether the earth is a suitable 

heat source. The cost of digging trenches to install an 
earth coil at the present time will make this type of heat 
pump system more expensive than the air-to-air type. However, 
a machine might be developed for digging deep holes for 
placing hair-pin coils in the earth. 

6. It has been shown that solar house heating may be 
possible with relatively short-term heat storage (18). It 
might be possible to supplement an earth heat pump in the 
northern states and the air heat pump in the southern states 
with solar heat. However, it should be pointed out that by 
combining two different types of heating systems the initial 
installation cost will be increased but the annual operating 
cost may be reduced. 

7. There will be practically no saving of our natural 
fuels if the heat pump is employed unless the C O P for 
heating is above 3.33. 

8. In general it is not easy to predict the cost of a 
commodity until it has been made. It is therefore rather 
difficult to estimate the initial cost of a domestic heat 
pump system until the manufacturers have produced it. The 
economics of the heat pump has been discussed recently (19). 

9. A domestic heat pump system should be completely 
automatic and entirely reliable. The reliability of the 
domestic heat pump system should be determined by installing 
a large number of pilot plants before it is placed on the 



‘The author had the privilege of reading an unpublished report on 
“Thermo-Electric Refrigeration” by Dr. David B. Smith of the Philco 

Corporation and wishes to thank him specially for permission to use 
some of his material. He also wishes to thank George A. Stetsen, 
Editor, Mechanical Engineering; Dean D. V. Terrell, Director of the 
Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Kentucky; and 
Dr. George A. Baitsell, Editor of the American Scientist for permission 

to use some material that appears in this paper. 



1. “A Review of Some Heat Pump Installations”, by E. B. Penrod, Mechanical 
Engineering, Vol. 69, No. 8, August 1947, pp. 639-647. 

2. “Entropy”, by Karl K. Darrow, The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 21, 
MNES ISSA pp. ol-o4: 

3. “Practical Aspects of the Heat Pump”, by F. W. Jordan, Electrical West, 
Vol. 94, April 1945, pp. 65-69. 

f. “The Heat Pump: An Ail Electric Year Round Air Conditioning System”, 
by Philip Sporn and E. R. Ambrose, Heating & Ventilating, Vol. 41, January 1944, 
pp. 68-78. 

5. “On the Economy of Heating and Cooling of Buildings by Means of Air”, 
by Sir William Thomson (Kelvin), Proceedings of the Philosophical Society, Glas- 
gow, Scotland, Vol. 3, December 1852, pp. 269-272; Collected Papers of Lord Kelvin, 

6. “The Power Required for the Thermodynamic Heating of Buildings’, by 
Sir William Thomson (Kelvin), Mathematical and Physical Papers of Kelvin, Vol. 
5 reprint 1910, pp. 125-133. (This set was published in 1882, 1883, and 1890.) 

7. “Elements of Electricity and Magnetism”, by Sir J. J. Thomson, p. 377 
(Cambridge University Press 1921). 

8. “Principles of Electricity”, by Page and Adams, p. 218 (D. Van Nostrand 
Co., Inc., 1931). 

9. “Vextbook of Thermodynamics”, by Epstein, p. 363 (John Wiley and Sons, 
Inc., 1937). 

10. “Elektrothermische Kalteerzengung und Reversible Elektrische Heitzung”, 
by Edmund Altenkirch, Zeitschrift fur die gezamte Kalte—Industrie, Vol. 19, pp. 
1-95 (1912): 

Il. “Heat and Thermodynamics”, by J. K. Roberts, p. 233 (Blackie and Sons, 
Ltd., 1933). 

12. “The Efficiency of ‘Phermoelectric Generators”, by Maria ‘Velkes, Journal 
of Applied Physics, Vol. 18, No. 12, December 1947, pp. 1116-1127. 

13. American Gas Association “Summer Air Conditioning Research Bulletin 
No. 18", (American Gas Association ‘Vesting Laboratories, Cleveland, O., or Los 
Angeles, Calif.). 

I4. “Gas for Summer Air Conditioning”, Heating and Ventilating, Vol. 41, 
February 1944, pp. 56-78. 

15. “An All-Year Gas Air-Conditioning Unit", by H. C. Pierce, Mechanical 
Engineering, Vol. 67, March 1945, pp. 171-174. 

16. “Continuous Air Conditioning with the Heat Pump”, by E. B. Penrod, 
American Scientist, Vol. 35, No. 4, October 1947, pp. 515-516, 

17. “Development of the Heat Pump”, by E. B. Penrod, Engineering Experi- 
ment Station Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4, June 1947, pp. 47-56, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

18. “Solar House Heating—A Problem of Heat Storage”, by Maria Telkes, 
Heating and Ventilating, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1947, pp. 68-75. 

19. “Economic and Technical Aspects of the Heat Pump”, by W. E. Johnson, 
Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 19, No. 12, December, 1947, pp. 119-126. 



Bacteriology Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

In the Drinking Water Standards adopted by the Public Health 
Service in 1942 ts the statement: “A brief summary of the pertinent 
facts relating to the sanitary condition of the water supply, as revealed 
by the field survey, should be submitted.” Among the pertinent facts 
are listed, “Nature of soil and underlying strata; depth to water table” 
and “Nature of rock penetrated, noting especially existence of porous 

In the Sanitation Manual for Ground Water Supplies, 1944, is the 
statement: “Formations such as limestone, broken lava rock, coarse 
eravel, and brittle rocks whose interstices are in the form of channels, 
joints, and fissures, provide little filtering action to prevent contamina- 
tion from reaching the water-bearing stratum.” 

In spite of these statements, a search of the literature will reveal a 
deficiency in studies of the effect of soil and rock types on the sanitary 
quality of water supplies. 

Through the cooperation of the U. S. Geological Survey and the 
Department of Geology of the University of Kentucky, who have been 
making a survey of the water supplies of four Central Kentucky coun- 
ties, Bourbon, Fayette, Jessamine and Scott, it has been possible to 
obtain samples of water from 73 wells in this area, together with geolog- 
ical data concerning the locations of the wells. 

Along with studies to correlate the bacteriological quality of the 
water with the geological surroundings of the well, studies have been 
made of the effect of storage of the water samples for 24 and 48 hour 
periods at room temperature on the results of tests for members of the 
coliform group in the water. Although the Standard Methods for the 
Examination of water and Sewage (Ninth edition, 1946) specifies that 
samples of relatively pure waters shall not be held for more than 12 
hours (impure waters waters 6 hours) at 6 to 10 C, the majority of 
water samples from rural regions in Kentucky are examined only after 
prolonged storage at room temperature. Many of them are mailed to 
the laboratories where the examinations are made. ‘The work of 
Hutchison, 1943, on the influence of the presence of antagonists for 
Escherichia coli in water samples on the results of tests for coliform 
organisms has suggested that results obtained after such handling of 
samples may be very unreliable. 


A Bacteriological Survey of Well Waters 


The samples were taken by members of the Geology Department 
of the University of Kentucky. ‘Three samples were taken from each 
well, all at the same time, in sterile glass-stoppered bottles of approxi- 
mately 100 ml capacity. “hey were brought to the laboratory, uniced. 
In most cases, the time between sampling and commencement of ana- 
lysis was less than one hour, and in no case was it greater than two 

One of three samples from each well was examined immediately 
upon receipt in the labortary for bacterial content by means of the 
standard 37 C plate count and for density of coliform organisms, the 
most probable number (M. P. N.) being determined. “The procedures 
of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, 
1946, were followed. For the coliform determination five 10-ml por- 
tions, five I-ml portions and five 0.1-ml portions were planted in lac- 
tose broth. All positive presumptives were confirmed in brilliant green 
lactose bile broth. 

The remaining two samples from each well were stored at room 
temperature. At the end of 24 hours, one of the two stored samples 
was exzmined for density of coliform organisms, and at the end of 48 
hours, the other sample was examined. 


The results are included in table 1. Information on depth of wells 
and rock formations in which the wells are located is also included 
in the table. In some cases such information was not available. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 



Well Depth Formation at 
No. feet bottom of well 
I 120 Curdsville 
2 165 Hermitage 
3 65 Jessamine 
{ 2000 
5 17 
6 75 
7 195 Hermitage 
8 185 ‘Tyrone 
10 185 ‘Tyrone 
11 180 Curdsville 
12 85 Jessamine 
13 65 Hermitage 
14 90 Jessamine 
15 28 Jessamine 
16 42 Jessamine 
17 78 Hermitage 
18 135 Jessamine 
20 75 Curdsville 
2) 100 Hermitage 
22 70 
24. 60 ‘Tyrone 
26 70 

Standard plate 







M. P. N. coliforms* 



2 3 
17 6.1 
0 0 
350 540 
0 0 
130 240 
350 *1600 
920, 920 
540 540 
2 4.5 
0 2 
23 45 
130 49 
33 4.5 
4.5 6.8 
1600 *1600 
0 0 
0 0 
33 170 
0 0 
220 170 
23 11 
2) 0 
7.8 2 
*1600 49 
79 14 
2 0) 

A Bacteriological Survey of Well Waters 

Well Depth Formation at Standard plate M. P. N. coliforms? 

No. feet bottom of well count Sample 
| 2 3 
27 350 130 79 17 
28 500 110 130 
29 14 9,600 *1600 *1600 *1600 
30 86 35 4 1 0 
31 30 700 81 *1600 220 
32 75 *30,000 19 33 17 
33 170 2,900 64 540 240 
34 65 6 4.5 0 0 
35 85 10 19 33 17 

56 135 Jessamine 130 ail 4.5 0 
37 60 Woodburn { 14 16 23 
38 190 ‘Tyrone 75 19 17 22 
39 80 150 6.8 0 0 
40 500 Tyrone 110 4.5 0 0 
11 100 Curdsville 95 23 4.5 4:5 
+2 A4 Jessamine 85 4] 7.8 a) 
43 60-75 Jessamine 1 0 0 0 
44 25 Benson 30 240 41 17 
45 65 Benson 38 39 140 33 
46 30 27 33 33 
47 55 15 17 21 13 
48 100 2900 7.8 4.5 0 
49 140 920 920 33 
50 123 ‘Tyrone 15 0 2 1.8 
51 76 Jessamine 80 Z 2 0 
52 75 Benson 85 19 040) 
53 80 Curdsville 110 110 79 130 
Df 50 Benson 190 540 240 920 
55 132 Hermitage 3 0 0 0 
56 55 ‘Tyrone i) 2 0 0 
oY 90) Curdsville 250 *1600 *1600 *1600 
58 78 Jessamine 60 350 95 33 
59 100 Jessamine 170 0 0 0 
60 90-100 Jessamine 85 49 19 1.5 
61 84 Tyrone 32 11 1] 13 
62 150 ‘Tyrone 325 22 23 14 
63 135 Jessamine 7 0 0 0 
64 135 Jessamine 16 540 7.8 5 
65 200 Tyrone 31 350 31 49 
66 200 Jessamine 240 540). 920: 4920 
67 18 21 2 4.5 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Well Depth Formation at Standard plate M. P. N. coliformst 
No. feet bottom of well count Sample 
1 2 3 


68 73 30 79 70 33 
69 65 240, 240 350 
70 350 240 *1600 2 
71 31 33 1.8 0 0 
72 30 5 0 0 0 
73 140 85 0 0 0 

7 Sample 1 examined immediately after arrival at laboratory. 
Sample 2 stored 24 hours at room temperature before examination. 
Sample 3 stored 48 hours at room temperature before examination. 

* Greater than. 

In accordance with the usual results of water surveys little correla- 
tion can be found between the standard plate count results and the 
results of the tests for members of the coliform group. Judgment of 
the sanitary quality of the waters should be based primarily upon the 
coliform results. 

Of the 73 wells examined, 62 (84.99) were positive for coliforms. 
Standard plate counts of samples from these wells varied from 1 to 
greater than 50,000; the median was 80. Of the 62 coliform positive 
samples, 50 had M. P. N. values of over 10 and the wells may be con- 
sidered zs heavily polluted. Standard plate counts on these samples 
varied between 4 and greater than 30,000; the median was 85. Stand- 
ard plate counts on the samples from the 12 lightly polluted wells 
varied between | and 2,900; the median was 33. Standard plate counts 
on the Il samples that were negative for coliforms varied between 1 
and 375; the median was between 5 and 6. While the wells from 
which these samples were taken should not be considered as polluted, 
at least 2, with plate counts of 325 and 375, should be viewed with 

Rock formations in the region studied are Ordovician, and are pri- 
marily limestone formations. No correlation could be found between 
the specific formations in which the wells were located and the sanitary 
quality of the water; nor could any correlation be found between the 
depths of the wells and the sanitary quality of the water. Likewise 
no correlation could be found with the soil types in which the wells 
were located. For the sake of brevity, data on soil types have not been 
included in the table of results. 

Samples from 61 of the 62 wells that yielded coliform oryanisms 
when the samples were examined immediately were studied for the 
complete storage period of 48 hours. 


A Bacteriological Survey of Well Waters 

Of the 61 stored samples, 43° (70.5°,) showed decreases in the coli- 
form content during the storage period. Fifteen (24.69%) showed 
increases. Of the remaining 3 samples, one showed no change in 
coliform content in the 48 hour period and the other 2 had M. P. N. 
values greater than 1600, so that the serial dilutions used did not give 
accurate results. 

Of the 62 samples from sources that yielded coliform organisms 
from the samples that were examined without storage, 6 yielded no 
coliform organisms after they had been stored for 24 hours at room 
temperature. Of these, only one was from a source that had a M. PLN. 
of over 6.8 as determined from the unstored sample. ‘Uhis well had a 
M. P. N. of 49 from the unstored sample, a M. P. N. of 0 from the 
sample that was stored for 24 hours, and a M.P.N. of 2 from the 
sample that was stored for 48 hours. 

Of 61 samples from sources that yielded coliform organisms from 
the samples that were examined without storage, 11 yielded no coli- 
form organisms after they had been stored for 48 hours at room 
temperature. Of these only one was from a source that had a M. P.N. 
of over 27 as determined from the unstored sample. ‘This well had a 
M. P. N. of 540 from the unstored sample, a M. P. N. of 7.8 from the 
sample that was stored for 24 hours, and a M. P. N. of 0 from the 
sample that was stored for 48 hours. 


Little information was available concerning the construction of 
the wells from which the samples were obtained. It is probable that 
some of the wells are not so constructed as to avoid the entrance of 
surface pollution. Allowing for the presence of some wells of this 
type in the test group, it is still evident that much of the pollution 
can only be ascribed to the geological features of the region. 

It may be concluded that comparatively few unpolluted wells exist 
in the area studied. Only 15 per cent of the wells studied were un- 
polluted on the basis of the coliform test as judged by a single sampIl- 
ing. High plate counts indicate that some of these wells might be 
found to be polluted at certain times if a series of samples were to be 

The results obtained with the stored samples emphasize the im- 
portance of the Standard Methods limitations on the storage of 
samples. Quantitative results to indicate the extent of pollution are 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

almost worthless on samples that have been stored for 24 hours or 
more at room temperature. Qualitatively, pollution can usually be 
detected with samples that have been stored under these conditions, 
provided the extent of the pollution is comparatively great. Positive 
results on stored samples may be trusted but negative results should be 
looked upon with suspicion. 


Samples of water from 73 wells in four Central Kentucky counties 
have been examined. Of these wells 50 were found to be heavily 
polluted, and 12 to be lightly polluted, as judged by tests for coliform 
organisms. High plate counts indicate that some of the remaining 11 
wells should be viewed with suspicion pending further investigation. 
The high degree of pollution of well waters in Central Kentucky is 
associated with the predominantly limestone formation of the region. 
No correlation could be established, however, between the quality of 
the well water and the depth of the well or the formation in which the 
well was located. 

Studies on the effect of storage of samples of well water at room 
temperature before examination emphasizes the importance of follow- 

ing Standard Methods provisions on the handling of samples if corrcet 
results are to be obtained. 


Hutchison, D. 1943. The incidence and significance of antagonists to Escherichia 
coli in water with respect to Standard Methods procedures. Thesis, Univ. of Ky. 

Public health service drinking water standards and manual of recommended water 
sanitation practice. 1943. Public Health Reports 58. 69-111. 

Sanitation manual for ground water supplies. 1944. Public Health Reports 59: 
U3 9E Wile 

Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage. Ninth edition, 1946. 
American Public Health Association, New York, N. Y. 



Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky. St. Louis University, School of Dentistry. 

The present paper is a part of a larger study involving the flora 
of infected root canals of teeth.’ In the course of the study it became 
apparent that in over 90°) of the cases, streptococci were present, 
usually in pure culture. The clinical men soon observed that not all 
teeth responded equally well to treatment and as one of the variables 
was the bacteria, an attempt was made to differentiate the various 
species of streptococci. 

Isolations were made by inserting sterile cotton points into the 
root canal, dropping into Brewer’s Fluid ‘Thioglycollate medium 
(Bacto), and incubating 24-96 hours. Growth’ was usually apparent 
in 24 hours. Blood agar plates were streaked as soon as growth became 
visible. From these plates pure cultures were started using serum 
tryptose broth. 

As a majority of the cocci isolated gave either an alpha or gamma 
reaction on blood agar, further identification became a_ necessity. 
While the author was aware of Chapman’s medium? for isolation of 
the streptococci, it seemed advisable to check the results of this plating 
medium against the fermentation test and the Sherman series of tests.* 

Accordingly 44 pure cultures of streptococci isolated from the root 
canals as well as stock strains of streptococci were subjected to the 
three techniques. 

The substances for fermentation included: adonitol, cellobiose, 
dextrin, dextrose, dulcitol, maltose, mannitol, mannose, melezitose, 
raffinose, rhamnose, salacin, sorbitol, sucrose, and xylose. All were 
sterilized by filtration and tubed in 2 ml. amounts in serological tubes. 
Phenol red was used as the indicator and was added before sterilization. 
The pH was adjusted to 7.8. All innoculated tubes were incubated 
at 37° C. for 96 hours, and read at 24 hour intervals. In addition to 
the fermentation tests, liquifaction of gelatin was noted. 

The Sherman tests included: Growth in litmus milk at 45° C., final 
pH of dextrose broth, growth in 0.19 methylene blue, production of 
ammonia, growth in 6.5°% salt broth and growth in serum tryptose 

ata pH of 9.6. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

The Chapman technique was carried out as described by him.? 
The results of the fermentation tests may be summarized as follows: 
All strains fermented dextrin, dextrose, galactose, lactose, maltose, 
mannose and sucrose. None of the strains fermented dulcitol or 
inositol. Strains varied in their fermentation of adonitol, cellobiose, 
esculin, glycerol, inulin, mannitol, melezitose, raffinose, rhamnose, 
salicin, sorbitol and xylose. 

‘The results of the Sherman tests were interpreted as follows: 

No growth in the 0.1% methylene blue, 6.5% salt broth, or in the 
high pH medium and no production of ammonia, were considered 
to be Streptococcus salwarius. 

No growth in the 0.1% methylene blue, but growth in the other 
media and production of ammonia, were considered to be Strepto- 

coccus mitts. 

Growth in all media and production of ammonia were considered 
to be Streptococcus felcalis, or liquifaciens. “Vhose liquifying gelatin 
were designated liquifaciens. 

According to this classification of the 44 unknown strains: 

16 were Streptococcus salivarius 
6 were Streptococcus mitis 

17 were Streptococcus fecalis 

5 were Streptococcus liquifaciens 

Chapman’s description of the colonies on the plate was used as 
the basis of classification. 

Pale blue opaque colonies 2-5 mm. in diameter and giving a “gum 
drop” appearance, (a few were rugose), were considered to be Strepto- 
coccus salivarius. 

Small blue colonies about 0.2 mm. in diameter were called 
Streptococcus mitts. 

Dark brown to black, smooth, slightly raised colonies 0.5-1.5 mm. 
in diameter were considered enterococci and later differentiated on 
the basis of gelatin liquification. ‘This gave from the 44 strains: 

13 Streptococcus salivarius 

9 Streptococcus mitis 

15 Streptococcus fecalis 

5 Streptococcus liquifaciens 

2 no growth (salivarius by Sherman’s tests) 


Comparison of the Sherman Tests With the Chapman Plate 

By the way of correlation: Of three strains determined by the 
Sherman tests to be salivarius, two refused to grow on the Chapman 
medium and one was considered to be mitis by the appearance of the 
colony. No strains identified as salivarius on the plates differed from 
the determination by the Sherman tests. None of these determined 
by the Sherman tests to be sal:varius fermented cellobiose or esculin. 
While only six strains were determined by the Sherman tests to be 
mitis, five of these six checked with the plate and one gave the black 
colony of fecalis. In addition, three considered to be enterococci by the 
Sherman test, gave mitis colonies, and as noted above, one mitis 
colonial type was salivarius. “Those considered to be mitis by the 
Sherman test did not ferment cellobiose or esculin, except with one 
strain and it gave a typical mitis colony. 

‘Twenty-two strains were identified as enterococci by the Sherman 
tests. Three of these gave typical mitis colonies and one black colony 
gave a mitis reaction as noted above. Otherwise they correlated in 
determining this species. “Two of the mitis colonies were liquifaciens 
and one fecalis, according to gelatin liquifaction. All of the strains 
except one identified as enterococci. by the Sherman test, fermented 
cellobiose and esculin. 

As every worker on the streptococci has discovered, the fermenta- 
tion reaction of these organisms is in general too variable to be of 
value. However, the very high number of strains of enterococci fer- 
menting cellobiose and esculin may be of some use. “The Chapman 
plate appears to be a rapid and fairly reliable means of identifying 
Streptococcus salivarius, though less reliable in differentiating between 
Streptococcus mitis and the enterococci. 


'Gruchalla, F. J., and C. B. Hamann, J. Mo. State Dental Assoc. 27: 230-231. 
Chapman, G. H:, J. Bact., 1944, 48, 113-114. 

* Sherman, J. M., Bact. Rev., 1937, I. 



Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky 

The formol titration, described in 1907 by Sorensen (6), has been 
a most valuable tool in the study of protein hydrolysis and for the 
determination of amino acids. “The method is based on the reaction 
be.ween tormaldehyde and amino compounds to produce Schiff 
compounds (5). When formaldehyde is added to a solution of an 
amino acid, the end-point of the titration with alkali is displaced from 
a pH value over 12 to a pH value about 9. Not only is it possible to 
select an indicator for the lower pH, but the titration curve breaks 
more sharply under this condition, and the end-point can be deter- 
mined more precisely. 

The nature of the reaction between amino acids and formalde- 
hyde has been the subject of intensive investigation by Levy and 
others (2) (3). The following conclusions may be drawn from the 
work of these investigators: (a) the formol titration is essentially a 
determination of the amino groups, not the carboxyl, of an amino 
acid; (b) the formaldehyde forms methylol as well as methylene 
derivatives of the amino group. 

‘The titration can be carried out both electrometrically and colori- 
metrically, using suitable indicators. Dunn and Loshakoff (1) have 
described the use of the glass electrode in the formol titration. ‘Their 
procedure gave greater accuracy and precision than can be obtained 
by the use of indicators. However, the procedure is tedious and re- 
quires apparatus not readily available in many laboratories. 

Phenolphthalein is an indicator of suitable pH range for the 
formol titration. ‘The first appearance of color, however, occurs at 
a pH somewhat below the stoichiometric end-point for most amino 
acids, which is pH 9.0 to 9.1 (2). Northrop (4) has devised a pro- 
cedure which takes advantage of the property of a one-color indicator 
to fix the end-point more exactly. In his method, the amino acid 
solution is first adjusted to pH 7 with neutral red indicator, then 
formalin is added and the titration is completed with phenolphthalein. 

* Presented before the Section on Chemistry, Kentucky Academy of Science 
April, 1947. 

A Modified Procedure for the Formol Titration 

Color standards for each indicator are prepared from the sample under 
conditions identical to those in the determination. By using half as 
much phenolphthalein in the color standard as in the titration and 
developing the maximum color intensity in the standard, this color is 
matched in the titration of the sample when the pH is in the middle 
of the range for phenolphthalein. 

Two advantages of this method are evident: (a) the volumes of 
the color standards are automatically equal to the volumes of the 
sample at the corresponding stages of the titration; (b) the color 
standards automatically adjust for moderate amounts of color in the 
sample to be titrated, thus enabling the method to be applied to many 
protein hydrolyzates. 

Several trials of Northrop’s method did not produce a desirable 
degree of accuracy, in the titration of pure amino acids. ‘This pro- 
cedure is a semi-micro one, using 5 ml. of a 0.01 molar solution of the 
amino acid sample. “The formaldehyde concentration at the end of 
the titration is about 3.5%. The work of Levy (2) suggests an ex- 
planation for the inaccuracy of this method. He has shown that 
increased accuracy is obtained in the formol titration when the con- 
centration of the amino acid 1s increased, the dilution during titration 
is held at a minimum, and the formaldehyde concentration at the end- 
point is 6 to 9%. 

In order to modify the Northrop method to obtain greater accuracy 
in the Hight of the factors described above, the concentration of the 
sample and the standard alkali were increased tenfold and the volumes 
used were doubled to avoid the use of semi-micro equipment. ‘The 
optimum proportions of formaldehyde and indicator for the titration 
were selected. “The resulting modification of the formol titration is 
described in the following Experimental section. 


Four 10 ml. aliquots at 0.1 molar concentration are transterred to 
separate Erlenmeyer titration flasks. 

NerurrRAL Rep STANDARD.—To thé first flask is added 2 ml. of 0.05 M. 
sodium phosphate and 2 drops of 19% neutral red. The solution is 
titrated to the point of sharp color change. 

ALKALINE STANDARD.—To the second flask is added 2 drops of the 

neutral red indicator and the sample is titrated to neutrality. Then 
6 ml. of 37% formalin and 3 drops of 0.29% phenolphthalein are added 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

and the standard is titrated with the 0.1 N. alkali to a maximum color, 
adding a small excess of the alkali. 

Tirration.—The two remaining flasks contain the aliquots to be 
titrated. ‘To the sample is added 2 drops of neutral red, then the 
solution is adjusted roughly to neutrality with strong alkali or acid, 
as required, to avoid excessive dilution of the sample. The neutraliza- 
tion is completed with 0.1 N. reagent, to match the color of the neutral 
red standard. Six ml. of formalin and 6 drops of the phenolphthalein 
are added, then the sample is titrated with the standard alkali to match 
the color of the alkaiine standard. ‘The end-point is thus controlled 
at pH 9.0 to 9.1. The amount of alkali required to bring the solution 
from the neutral red standard to the alkaline standard provides the 
titration figure. 

FORMALDEHYDE BLANK.—To 6 ml. of formalin in 10 ml. of distilled 
water is added 3 drops of the phenolphthalein and the solution is 
titrated wwith the standard alkali. ‘This blank is subsracted from the 
titration value. 


Accuracy in the formol method requires a 6 to 9% formaldehyde 
concentration at the end of the titration (2). A 0.1 molar solution of 
DL-alanine was titrated according to the modified method described 
above, verying the amount of formalin added from 2 to 10 ml. The 
results, graphical.y presented in Figure I, showed that a maximum 
recovery of the amino acid was obtained with the use of 6 ml. of forma- 
lin and that additional formalin did not affect the recovery. “The con- 
centration of formaldghyde at the end of the titration was 8.4%, which 
is within the required range. Therefore 6 ml. of formalin was selected 
for use in this method. 


A variation in the ratio of phenolphthalein used in the titration to 
the amount used in the alkaline standard will affect the completeness 
of the titration. In Northrop’s procedure (4) the ratio was 6 to 1, 
which does not agree with the theoretical basis for using the alkaline 
color standard—a ratio of 2 to 1. A series of titrations were performed 
to determine the effect of varying the phenolphthalein concentration 
in the alkaline standard. ‘The variation was from | to 4 drops, while 
in each case 6 drops were used in the sample being titrated. At the 
end of each titration, the end-point pH was determined by means of 
a glass electrode. Figure II illustrates the relation between alkaline 





A Modified Procedure for the Formol Titration 

34 6/ 8/ 10.3 19 

2 a i ir 








Qo / 2 = F Si 6 7 8 9 10 


: 8.75 9/ 







/ 2) a 4 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

standard, recovery of titrated amino acid, and end-point pH. It is 
noteworthy that when the alkaline standard contained 3 drops of 
phenolphthalein (half the amount used in the titrated sample) the 
end-point occurred at pH 9.1. This is the proper value for the 
stoichiometric end-point. 


The modified procedure for the formol titration described above 
was applied to a number of different amino acids, each at 0.1 molar 
concentration. When the amino acid was difficultly soluble in water, 
a small amount of HCl was used in preparing the solution. ‘The re- 
sults are contained in Table I (simple amino acids) and Table II 
(polyfunctional amino acids). In most cases the results were within 
2% of the theoretical, a deviation 4 times the theoretical minimum cal- 
culated by Levy (2). 


Amino Acid Recovery, % 
JANIE Ov TOV Sy aust ene an at a ts MT rlnnae coe ots Git OE 102.6 
GIVGin esau itiiy xlactntonst cian eae Ornate atone ere 102.6 
Isoleucine nt se See Be ee Dee saat 97.3 
1 LS BYGil oq ehemmaRRee Nes AD eae nna eye eer lite ail uar a RUN ELLA 96.0 
MS ETO MTN EH tees ees aie lin Wee Wet eae ie aT eet 100.4 
INMoye) (SU VeaVes We erattia re obs win Gata nS bis hie ee 99.7 
Phenylalamimed een yes ar meee iaenrer attra 100.2 
PrOlINe ri eet aee CAC Magic Ins ae cMtic nme TREC 84.6 
SYS G0 Taare ve li leone ay Soa elbaay es A weet 99.7 
ASHE EONINVE Re Aer arpa aaa REl epi eL ON 105.1 
Tiryptophane ane cs eee eee eens 84.8 
Wallies Basin Ginx che Aenea arate sh Oe, SNE nm eA ae 99.8 


Amino Acid Recovery, % Equivalents ‘Titrated 
ZN STDIN Ccyepieyaieyelean ocekeent Gh ene 100.6 1 
INS PAU GWACIG! yack penei ya ce oe 99.3 1 
(CGI OTOL SA aint sina staoeeshone A entaei ea 98.1 2 
ClumavicnAcidr eres uate 97.0 ] 
Histidine s See i yoacsari ek acnask cee 101.8 1 
I EVES OVC emt Cosh rece tne mae une een 99.1 2 
PE OST CUTE Mian sey ay sue au tan a 76.9 2 

Van Slyke and Kirk (7) have shown that under the conditions of 
this method the titration is a measure of the reactive amino and imino 
groups. Accordingly, all the amino acids in Table I titrated as one 
equivalent per mole of amino acid. Of the amino acids listed in Table 


A Modified Procedure for the Formol Titration 

il, the two dicarboxylic amino acids reacted with only one equivalent 
of alkali, corresponding to their single amino groups. In the case of 
cystine and lysine, both amino groups of each amino acid were titrated. 
Because of the very slight solubility of cystine the reaction with alkali 
was slow. It was necessary to allow the flask to stand several minutes 
before determining when the end-point was reached. Only one nitro- 
gen atom in the arginine and histidine molecules is sufficiently basic 
to be determined by the formol method. In the case of histidine, the 
value obtained was unexpectedly close to the theoretical. This fact 
may be explained as a compensation of errors in the two end-points 
in this method, inasmuch as the adjustment to pH 7 with this amino 
acid involves a large error (2). ‘he stoichiometric end-points for 
proline and tryptophan occur at pH values more alkaline than is ob- 
tained with phenolphthalein in this method (3) (7), thus accounting 
for the low values obtained. Under the conditions of this method, the 
phenolic group of tyrosine is incompletely titrated. The titration 
procedure has been applied with similar convenience to protein hy- 
drolyzates and mixtures of amino acids. 


A modification of the Northrop procedure for the formol titration 
is described in which increased accuracy and convenience is obtained 
through the use of larger and more concentrated samples. “The condi- 
tions for establishing the indicator end-point have been shown to re- 
sult in an optimum degree of accuracy. “The determination of a large 
number of amino acids is reported. 


1. M. Dunn and A. Loshakoff; J. Biol: Chem. 113: 359 (1936) 
2 Me Levy; J. Biol. Chem. 99: 767° (1933) 

de Biol @hem: 103: 157 (1934) 

J. Biol. Chem. 109: 365 (1935) 
3. M. Levy and D. E. Silverman; J. Biol. Chem. 118: 723 (1937) 
4. J. Northrop; J. Gen. Physiol. 9: 767 (1926) 
5. H. Schiff; Ann. Chem. 319: 59 (1901) 

Ann. Chem. 325: 348 (1902) 
6S. P. L. Sorensen; Biochem. Z.; 7: 45 (1907) 
7. D. D. Van Slyke and E. Kirk; J: Biol. Chem. 102: 651 (1933) 


Davip A. YOUNG, JR. 

University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

Since the first World War, many new species of leafhoppers have 
been described from the United States, and several studies have been 
carried on to determine the distribution of these insects, many species 
of which are economically important. Noteworthy among such studies 
are those of DeLong for ‘Tennessee, Osborn and Johnson for Ohio, 
Medler for Minnesota, Buys for New York, Lathrop for South Carolina 
and DeLong for Illinois. 

The present study was begun while the writer was a candidate for 
the degree of M.S. at Cor nell University, and continued, with a con- 
siderable interruption during the years of World War II, to the pres- 
ent. The present list will receive many additions in the future, for 
the family is one of the largest in North America. DeLong recently 
estimated that the Illinois list will exceed 600 forms when complete, 
and it ‘s probable that the Kentucky fauna will present no fewer forms, 
when more completely known. 

Credit is due Dr. J. S. Bangson (J.S.B.) of Berea College, Miss 
Liza Spann (L.S.) of Murray State Teachers College, Mr. F. H. Bunce 
(F.H.B.) formerly at the Otter Creek Recreational Area, all of whom 
operated trap lights to assist in the project, and to Dr. William M. 
Clay (W.M.C.) of the University of Louisville who helped during a 
particularly profitable collecting trip near Henderson. Records of the 
above collectors are indicated below by the initials employed above. 
Mr. D. L. Harmon and Miss Genrose Haselwood, students at the 
University of Louisville, contributed records obtained on the Univer- 
sity campus. ‘These are indicated below (D.L.H. & G.H.) also. Rec- 
ords not credited to other collectors were obtained by the author. 

Dr. P. W. Oman of the National Museum identified some trouble- 
some specimens and made corrections on a portion of the manuscript. 

The writer is greatly indebted to the late Prof. P. A. Readio of 
Cornell University under whose kind guidance the problem was begun. 

The arrangement of genera into subfamilies is essentially that of 
the recent Evans classification.! 2 

‘Evans, J. W., A Natural Classification of Leafhoppers. ‘Trans. Roy, Ent. Soc. 
Lond. 96 (part 3): 47-60. 1946; 97 (part 2): 39-54. 1946; 98 (part 6): 105-271. 1947. 

~A more recent reclassification appeared while this paper was in the hands of 

the printer: Oman, P. W. The Nearctic Leafhoppers. A Generic Classification and 
Index. Mem. Ent. Soc. Wash. No. 3, 253 pp., 1949. 


A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 

The distribution cited is, in most cases, that listed by DeLong and 
Knull, in “Check List of the Cicadellidae of America North of 
Mexico.”! Where the distribution was taken from another source, the 
author’s name is cited in parentheses after the citation. 

Genus Xerophloeca Germar 
majesta Lawson. Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Louisville, Oct. 14, 1942. 
DISTRIBUTION: Kans., Miss., S. C., Tex. 
major Baker. Louisville, May 20, 1948 (G. E. Sproatt); May 2, 1948. (J. McGuire). 
DisTRIBUTTION: Kans., N. J., N. Y., Tenn., Va. 

Genus Parabolacralus Fieber 
flavidus Signoret. Louisville, Aug. 4, 1940, July 17, 1940; Berea, Sept. 7, 1941 
(J-S:B.); Murray, Aug. 15, 1941 (L.S.): Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
Distrinution: Southeastern states and Ark., Kans. 
Genus Spangbergiella Signoret 
quadripunctata Lawson. Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; 
Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DISTRIBUTION: Ala., Ark., D. C., Fla., Kans., Ill., La., Minn. 


Genus Carneocephala Ball 
flaviceps (Riley). Murray, July 18, 1941 (L.S.), July 29, 1941, July 31, 1941, 
Aug. I, 1941, Aug. 11, 1941, Aug. 13, 1941, Aug. 14, 1941, Aug. 15, 1941 all 
[-S:); Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940. 
DisTRIBUTION: Ala., Ariz., Ark., Calif., Fla., Ga., Kans., Ky., La., Miss., Mo., 
NED NaiViex: sOkila-; Ss iG) Wenn. lex... Va, Wis: 

Genus Acopsis Amyot and Serville 
mollipes (Say). Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1918; Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; Middlesboro, 
Aug. 3, 1948. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Eastern and Ariz., Br. Col., Calif., Colo., Kans., Mo., N. Mex. 
antica (Walker). Princeton, July 25, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern. states. 
constricta (Davidson and DeLong). Berea, May 29, 1941 (J.S.B.); Louisville, 
June 7, 1940; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
Disrripution: Alberta, Fla., Ill., Ta., Kans., Ky., Me., Mich., Minn., Mo., Nebr., 
Nee ODO mOkKla.. Pas Oue... Whex.. Wis. 
producta (Walker). Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Murray, Aug. II, 1941 (L.S.); Hen- 
derson, July 10, 1918; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 

Genus Graphocephala Van Duzee 
coccinea (Forster). Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941, Feb. 
29, 1948, Nov. 1, 1942; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Berea, Sept. 20, 1941 (J.S.B); 
Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DistRiBUTION: Eastern and Kans., Mo., Okla., ‘Vex. 
versula (Say). Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941, Sept. 14, 1941; Louisville, Sept. 19, 
1941, Oct. 14,-1941, Nov. 1, 1942; Berea, July 3, 1941 (J.S.B.); Rock Haven, 
Sept. 27, 1941; Murray, Aug. 13, 1941 (L.S.); Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1948; Kuttawa, 
July 25, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisrriguTION: Southern states and Mo., Tex. 

‘Ohio State University Press, 1945. 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Genus Helochara Fitch 
communis Fitch. Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DistRIBUTION: Eastern states and Ariz., Calif.; Colo., N. Mex., Tex. 

Genus Kolla Distant 
bifida (Say). Berea, Sept. 7, 1941 (J.S.B.); Louisville, Aug. 21, 1941, Sept. 9, 
1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; 
Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948; Mid- 
dlesboro, July 3, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DisrrRiBUTION: Eastern and Kans., Mo., Nebr. 
geometrica (Signoret). Louisville, May 8, 1941, May 15, 1941, May 22, 1941; 
Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948. 
DistripuTion: Ark., D. C., Fla., Ill., Ky., La., Mo., Ohio, Tenn. 

Genus Neokolla Melichar 
gothica (Signoret). Louisville, May 16, 1948 (H. C. Soehner). 
DISTRIBUTION: Eastern and Kans., Mo. 

Genus Plesiommata Provancher 
tripunctata (Fitch). Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, 
Sept Zip Oalr 
DISTRIBUTION: Eastern and Mo. 
Genus Aulacizes Amyot and Serville 
irrorata (Fab.). Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DIstRIBUTION: Eastern and Mo., Tex. 
Genus Cuerna Melichar 
costalis (Fab.). Brandenburg, June 9, 1938, Aug. 21, 1941; Louisville, Oct. 14, 
1942; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern and Mo., Tex. 
Genus Oncometopia Stal 
undata (Fab.). Louisville, Oct. 14, 1942, Nov. 11, 1942; Rock Haven, June 8, 
1941; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DISTRIBUTION: Fla., Ga., Mass., N. J., N. Mex., N. C., Pa., Que., Tex. 

Genus Oncopsis Burmeister 
verticis (Say). Louisville, May 21, 1948, June 7, 1948. Taken on Juglans. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Colo., Ia., Me., Tenn. 
Genus Nionia Ball 
palmeri (Van Duzee). Middlesboro, July 3, 1948; Louisville, May 10, 1948 
(J. Arnold), 
DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern states. 


Genus Aceratagallia Kirkaldy 
sanguinolenta (Provancher). Brandenburg, June:l, 1941, June 9, 1941, Aug. 21, 
1941; Rock Haven, June 8, 1941; Murray, Apr. 18, 1941 (L.S.); Louisville, Sept. 
9, 1941; Princeton, July 25, 1948 Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; Henderson, 
July 10, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. an) 
DISTRIBUTION: Canada and Eastern states to Ariz., Utah. 

Genus Agallia Curtis 
constricta Van Duzee. Louisville, Apr. 24, 1941, May 1, 1941, May 9, 1947, May 
10, 1941, July 17, 1940, July 22, 1940, July 23, 1940, July 24, 1940, July 27, 1940, 
July 30 1941, Aug. 2, 1940, Aug. 20, 1940; Berea, June 28, 1941 (J.S.B.), July 1, 
1941 (J.S.B.); Brandenburg, Apr. 17, 1941, June 1, 1941, Aug. 21, 1941; Murray, 
Aug. 11, 1941 (L.S.), Aug. 18, 1941 (L.S.) Aug. 19, 1941 (L.S.); Jefferson Co., May 
10, 1941; Madison Co., Apr. 26. 1941; Boyle Co., Apr. 26, 1941; Rock Haven, 
June 8, 1941, Sept. 21, 1948; Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; Princeton, July 25, 
1948; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1948; Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; 
Henderson, July 10, 1948; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 


A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 

DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern states, Ill., Ind., Ia., Nebr., Ohio, Okla., Tex. 
quadripunctata (Provancher). Louisville, May 8, 1941, May 9, 1947, May 10, 
1941 (all females). y ‘ 
DisTRIBUTION: Br. Col., Calif., Canada, Colo., Ida., Northeastern States, Ore.. 
Se ID We ites 

Genus Agalliopsis Kirkaldy 
novella (Say). Louisville, Apr. 24, 1941, Apr. 26, 1941, May 1, 1941, May 8, 1941, 
July 22, 1940, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Madison 
Co., Apr. 26, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern. states. et 

Genus Idiocerus Lewis 
fitchii Van Duzee. Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940; Louisville, Aug. 4, 1940. 
DIsrRIBUTION: Eastern states and Ta. 
alternatus Fitch. Louisville, July 22, 1940. 
DISTRIBUTION: Eastern states and Calif., Colo., Utah. 
scurrus (Germar). Louisville, Aug. 20, 1947. On Lombardy poplar. 


Genus dAlebra Fieber 
albostriella var. agresta McA.* Louisville, June 19, 1948, June 25, 1948 
(D.L.H. & G.H.), June 29, 1948, June 10, 1947. ‘Taken on elm and sycamore. 
DisrripuTion: Md., Kans., Va. 
albostriella var. fulveola (Her.-Sch.). Murray, July 18, 1941 (L.S.); Louisville, 
June 7, 1941, June 10, 1947 on elm; Berea, June 30, 1941 (J.S.B.); Henderson, 
July 10, 1948. 
DIstTRIBUTION: D. C., Ill., Kans., Md., Minn., N. Y. 
albostriella var. pallidula (Walsh).* Louisville, June 10, 1947, July 9, 1948 
(DEE cGs): 
DisTRiBUTION: Il]., Kans., Mass., Mo., N. Y. 
albostriella var. rubrafrons DeL. Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940. 
DisrRiBuTION: Ill., Tenn. 
fumida Gillette. Louisville, Aug. 6, 1940, June 19, 1948, July 24, 1941. 
DisrripuTION: Ill., Kans., Minn., ‘Venn. 

Genus Alconeura Ball and DeLong 
unipuncta (Gillette). Murray, July 28, 1941, July 29, 1941, Aug. 7, 1941, Aug. 
S941) Vall cs:): 
DistRIBUTION: Ala., Ariz., Calif., Fla., Miss., Ore. 

Genus Dikraneura Hardy 
abnormis (Walsh). Louisville, Apr. 24, 1941, May 15, 1941, May 22, 1941, Sept. 
9, 1941; Rock Haven, June &, 1941. 
DistRisuTION: Conn., D. C., Ga., Tl., Ia., Kans., Mo., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., Wis., Tex. 
angustata Ball and DeL. Louisville, May 9, 1947, May 22, 1941, Sept. 9, 1941, 
Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, June 8, 1941, Sept. 27, 1941; Brandenburg, June 1, 
1941, Aug. 21, 1941, Sept. 14, 1941; Jefferson Co., May 10, 1941; Murray, Aug. 
13, 1941 (L.S.); Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Kans., S. C., Tenn., Tex. 
cruentata Gillette. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, July 30, 1940, Sept. 
9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 
1948 (W.M.C.), 
DisTRIBUTION: B. C., Calif., Colo., Kans., Me., Md., N. Y., Ohio, Tenn., Va. 
maculata Gillette. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Berea, Oct. 6, 1941] 
(J.S.B.); Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941. 

* Previously reported in Ky. Nat. 3: 19. 1948. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

DisTRIBUTION: La., Eastern U. S. (DeL. and Caldwell). 

Genus Empoasca Walsh 
bifurcata DeL. Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DistripuTION: Ala., Del., D.C., Fla., Kans., Mass., Miss., N. J., Pa., Wis. 
convergens DeL. and Davidson. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Can., Ohio. 
decurvata Dav. and DeL. Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Kans., Tenn. 
fabae Harris. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.); Berea, June 25, 1941 (J.S.B.), 
Aug. 30, 1941 (J.S.B.); Louisville, July 25, 1940, July 24, 1940, Aug. 5, 1941, 
Aug. 20, 1940; Murray, July 31, 1941, Aug. 11, 194], Aug. 14, 1941, Aug. 18, 
1941 (all L:sS:). 
DistRIBUTION: Ala., Ark., D.C., Fla., Ill., La., Mass., Mich., Pa., Va. 
patula DeL. Louisville, June 7, 1941. 
DisTRIBUTION: Me., Pa., Venn. 
pergandei Gillette. Rock Haven, May 24, 1941, July 17, 1940. 
DistripuTion: Colo., Conn., Mass., Pa. 
trifasciata Gillette. Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940. 
DISTRIBUTION: II]l., Ia., Kans., Mass., Mo. 

Genus Erythroneura Fitch 
aclys McA.* Louisville, May 22, 1947, June 21, 1948, July 1, 1948; Brandenburg, 
Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. Several of the records from Cercis. 
DIsTRIBUTION: ‘Throughout U. S., east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 
acuticephala Rob. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DIsTRIBUTION: Kans., Minn. (Beamer). 
affinis Fitch. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DIstRIBUTION: Kans., Ohio. 
albescens Beamer. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941. 
DistripuTion: Ill., Kans., Okla., Ohio (Beamer and DeL.) 
atra Johnson. Murray, July 28, 1941 (L.S.); Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Hender- 
son, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
beameri Rob. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 
1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DistripuTion: U. S. east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 
bella McA. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; 
Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941. 
DIstRIBUTION: Md., Ohio. 
bicornis Beamer. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 
Disrripution: Ill, Md. 
bidens McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DistripuTion: Md., Va. 
bistrata var. stricta McA.* Louisville, June 21, 1948 from Cercis; Henderson, 
July 10, 1948. 
DISTRIBUTION: Colo., Ind., Ja., Kans., Md., Pa. 
brundusa Rob. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DistriputTion: Kans. (DeL. and Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 
calycula McA. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Murray, July 31, 1941 (L.S.), Aug. 7, 
1941 (L.S.); Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941, Feb. 17, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DistRiBUTION: Throughout the eastern half of U. S. and Canada (Beamer). 
campora Rob.* Louisville, Aug. 16, 1948 (D.L.H. and G.H.). 
DistripuTion: Ark., Kans., Nebr., N. Y., Ohio, Ont. 

* Previously reported in Ky. Nat. 3: 19. 1948. 


A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 

comes (Say). Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

DistRiBuUTION: Throughout U. S. east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 
compta McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (author and W.M.C.). 

DisrrinuTiON: Ala., Ill., Ind., Kans., Mich., Miss., Ohio, Ont. 

cornt Rob.* Louisville, July 7, 1948, July 9, 1948 (both D.L.H. & G.H.), 
July 1, 1948. 

DistRIBUTION: Kans., Nebr., Ohio. 

cuneata Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 


cymbium McA. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, July 17, 1940; Hender- 
son, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

DistRIBUTION: Eastern half of the U.S. (Beamer). 

cymbium var. disjuncta McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DistRiBuTION: Kans., Pa. (DeL. and Knull), La., Ill. (Beamer). 

delictata McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrripuTion: U. S. east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 

delicata var. accepta McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrRiBUTION: As in delicata (Beamer). 

diffisa Beamer, Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrriputTion: Kans., Ohio, Okla., Tenn. 

diva McA. Louisville, Aug. 4, 1940. 

DistRIBUTION: Eastern half of U. S. (Beamer). 

elegans McA.* Louisville, June 23, 1948 (D.L.H. & G.H.). 

DisrriButtion: ‘Phroughout most of U. S. (Beamer). 

eluta McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrrimuTion: Tl., Ind., Va. 

festiva Beamer. Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisrripuTion: Ill., La., Kans., Ark., Tenn. (Beamer). 

fraxa Rob. Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

Disrripution: Kans., Ark., Ill. (Beamer). 

fulmina McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

Disrripution: Md., Ill., Kans. 

fulvocephala Rob.* Louisville, Aug. 16, 1948 (D.L.H. & G.H.). 

DistRIBUTION: Kans. (DeL. and Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 

gleditsia Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DistRIBUTION: Ohio, Okla. 

harpax Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

DisrRiBUTION: D. C., Ohio, ‘Venn. 

illinoiensis var. illinoiensis (Gillette). Louisville, Feb. 17, 1948, Sept. 8, 1941, 
Oct. 12, 1940; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 


illinoiensis var. spectra McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

Disrripution: Md., Ohio, Va. 

infuscata (Gillette). Berea, June 27, 1941 (J.S.B.), June 30, 1941 (J.S.B.), Sept. 
18, 1941 (J.S.B.); Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisTRIBUTION: Throughout U. S. east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 
integra McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

Disrripution: ‘Throughout eastern half of U. S. (Beamer). 

kansana var. kansana Baker.* Louisville, Aug. 16, 1948 (D.L.H. & G.H.), Sept. 
19, 1941, Oct. 12, 1940; Brandenburg, Apr. 14, 1941. 

Distripution: Conn., Kans., Md., Mo., Ohio, ‘Venn., Va. 

* Previously reported in Ky. Nat. 3: 19. 1948. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

kanza Rob. Louisville, May 22, 1941, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, 
Septepedny osde 

DisrriputTioN: Kans., Nebr., Ohio. 

lawsoni Rob.* Louisville, June 29, 1948 (D.L.H. & G. H.), July 15, 1948, July 
26, 1948 (both D.L.H. & G.H.); Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisrriputTion: Ark., D. C., TL, Ta., Kans., Md., Ohio, Okla. 

lawsoniana Baker. July 24, 1940, Aug. 2, 1940, Sept. 30, 1940. 

DisrriBuTION: Calif., Conn., Tl., Kans., Md., Minn., Mo., Nebr., N. C., Ont., 
Tenn., Va. 

morgani DeL.* Louisville, June 29, 1948, July 15, 1948 (both D.L.H. & G.H.), 
Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 
1948 (W.M.C,). 

DisTRIBUTION: Ohio, Tenn. 

nigra Gillette. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Hen- 
derson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

DistRIBUTION: Colo., Conn., Ill., la., Kans., Md., Nebr., N. Y., Va., (DeL. and 
Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 

nigra var. decora McA. Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 

DistripuTION: Md. (DeL. and Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 

nigerrima McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

Distripution: Colo., Conn., Ill., Ia., Kans., Md., Nebr., N. Y., Va., (DeL. and 
Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 

noeva (Gillette). Louisville, Apr. 24, 1941, July 17, 1940, July 22, 1940, Sept. 9, 

DisrrRiBuTION: Calif., Colo., Conn., Ill., Ind., Kans., Md., Nebr.. Ont., ‘Tenn. 
(DeL. and Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 

nudata McA. Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisrRIRUTION: ‘Throughout the eastern half of the U. S. (Beamer). 

obliqua (Say). Louisville, July 28, 1940, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Boyle Co., 
Apr. 26, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 

DistRIBUTION: Can., United States. 

omaska Rob. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DistripuTion: ‘Throughout U. S. east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 
osborni (DeL.). Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrriButTion: Ark., Hl., Ohio, ‘Tenn. 

quadraia Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

DisrripuTion: Ill., Kans. (DeL. and Knull), Okla. (Beamer). 

rubens Beamer.* Louisville, June 25, 1948 (D.L.H. & G.H.); Brandenburg, 
Sept. 14, 1941. 


rubra (Gillette). Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Hen- 
derson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrRiBUTION: Throughout the eastern two-thirds of U. §. and Canada (Beamer). 
rufostigmosa var. subnubila Beamer. Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941. 
Disrripution: Tl., Kans. (DeL. and Knull), Ohio (Johnson). 

scissa Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C,). 

DisrRIBUTION: Ark., I. 

stolata McA. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 

DistRIBUTION: Kans., Ia., Md. (Beamer), Ohio (Johnson). 

tenuispica Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisTRIBUTION: Kans. (Beamer), Ohio (Johnson). 

* Previously reported in Ky. Nat. 3: 19. 1948. 


A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 

lricincla Fitch. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, Feb. 17, 
burg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
Disrrinurtion: Throughout the eastern half of U.S. and Canada (Beamer). 
unicus pidis Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 

DisrRiBUTION: Kans., Ill. (Beamer), Ohio (Johnson). 

1948; Branden- 

vaga Johnson. Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DisrriputioN: Ohio (Johnson), La., Ark., Ill., Kans. (Beamer). 
vitis (Harris).* Berea, July 3, 1941, Sept. 3, 1941, Sept. 28, 1941, Oct. 1, 1941, 
Oct. 6, 1941 (All J.S.B.); Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941, June 23, 1948 (D.L.H. & 
G.H.), May 22, 1947; Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 
DistrRiputton: Throughout U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains (Beamer). 
vitis var. corona McA.* Louisville, June 23, 1948 (D.L.H. & G.H.), Sept. 9, 
1941; Berea, Oct. 4, 1941 (J.S.B.); Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DisrriBuTION: As in vitis. 
vulnerata Fitch.* Louisville, June 23, 1948 (D.L.H. & G.H.), July 17, 1940, 
July 22, 1940, July 28, 1940, July 30, 1940, Aug. 6, 1940, Sept. 9, 1941; Berea, 
mers Loa june 0 OL Miuly 3, LOL july 7 194 Sept 75 L9LIl Sept. 15; 
1941; Sept. 20; 1941, Oct. 1, 1941, Oct. 6, 1941, Oct. 8, 1941, Oct. 28,1941 (all 
J.S.B.); Murray, July 18, 1941 (L.S.); Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941; Henderson, 
July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DistRIBUTION: Canada and United States. 
ziczac Walsh. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisrrRipuTion: Ill., Calif., Colo., Ia., Kans., Md., Mich., Miss, Nebr., Ont. 
Genus Forcipata DeLong and Caldwell 
loca DeL. and Caldwell. Louisville, May 15, 1941, May 16, 1941, May 22, 1941, 
Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941, July 17, 1940; Jefferson Co., May 10, 1941, Berea, 
June 27, 1941, July 7, 1941, Oct. 6, 1941 (all J.S:B.); Brandenburg, Aug: 21, 
1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948; Henderson, July 
10, 1948 (W.M.C. and author). 
DisrRIBUTION: Eastern states and Canada. 
Genus Hymetla McAtee 
balteata var. balteala McA.* Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, June 23, - 
1948, July 9, 1948 (both D.L.H. & G.H.)* Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DISTRIBUTION: D. C., Kans., Md., Tex., Va. 
balteata var. anthisma McA. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 
DistRIBUTION: Md., ‘Tex. 
distincta Fairbairn. Henderson, July 10, 1918. 
DistRIBUTION: United States. 
Genus Typhlocyba Germar 
arisnoe McA. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
danae McA. Berea, June 28, 1941, July 3, 1941, June 14, 1941 (all J.S.B.); 
DisrRIBUTION: N. Y., Va. 
gillettei var. apicata McA. Louisville, June 10, 1947. 
DisTRIBUTION: D. C..,. Ill., Ia.. Kans., Md., Ont., Va., Wisc. (McA.), Ohio 
gillettei var. casta McA. Berea, May 31, 1941, June 19, 1941, June 27, 1941 
(all J.S.B.). 
DistTRiBUTION: Ill., Ia., Kans., Md., Mass., Mich., N. Y., Ont., Wis., Va. (McAtee), 
Ohio (Johnson). 
hockingensis Knull. Louisville, June 7, 1941, July 28, 1940. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Ohio, ‘Tenn. 

* Previously reported in Ky. Nat. 3: 19. 1948. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

modes'a Gibson. Louisville, June 27, 1940. 

DisrrrButION: HL, Ia., La., Mo., Va. (McAtee), Ohio (Johnson). 
piscator McA. Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941. 

DisrrizuTIon: Ill., Ia. (McAtee). 

pomaria McAtee. Louisville, Oct. 12, 1940. 

DisTRIBUTION: Eastern states and Ark., Colo., Kans. 

Genus Coelidia Germar 
olitoria (Say). Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941; Sept. 19, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 
1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisTRIBUTION: Ariz., Eastern and Kans., Mo. 

Genus Gyponana Ball 
octolineata (Say). Louisville, July 24, 1940. 
vincula DeL. Henderson, July 10, 1948; Louisville, July 22, 1940. 
DiIsrRIBUTION: Conn., Kans., Nebr., Pa., Tex., Utah, Wis. 
Genus Ponana Ball 
limonea Ball and Reeves. Berea, May 31, 1941 (J.S.B.). 
quadralaba DeL. Louisville, Aug. 22, 1947. 
DistBipuTIoN: Ariz., Nebr., N. J., Ohio, Tenn., ‘Tex. 
Genus Rugosana DeLong 
querci DeL. Berea, Sept. 21, 1941 (J.S.B.). 
DIstRIBUTION: Ariz., Fla., Md., Mich., Miss., Ohio, Pa., ‘Tex., Utah. 

Genus Aligia Ball 
modesta (Osborn and Ball). Murray, July 18, 1941 (L.S.), July 21, 1941 (L.S.). 
DISTRIBUTION: D:C., Ia., N. C., Pa. 
Genus Amodlysellus Sleesman 
curtisit (Fitch). Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Brandenburg, June 1, 1941. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Northeastern states and Ia., Mo., Tenn. 
Genus Amplicephalus DeLong 
estacadus (Ball). Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941. 
DistTRIBUTION: ‘Tenn., Tex. 
Genus Chlorotettix Van Duzee 
borealis Sanders and DeL. Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
tunicatus Ball. Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940. 
DisTRIBUTION: Ark., Fla., Kans., La., Mo., N. C., Tenn., Tex. 
viridius Van Duzee. Murray, July 18, 1941, July 29, 1941, Aug. 7, 1941, (all L.S.); 
Louisville, Aug. 4, 1940; Berea, Oct. 1, 1941 (J.S.B.); Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 
1941; Rock Haven, June 8, 1941, Sept. 21, 1940. 
DistRIBUTION: Ark., Mich., and N. Y. to Fla., and west to Kans. and Tex. 
vacunus Crumb. Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940. 
lusorius (Osb. and Ball). Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941. 
DisrRiBUTION: Northeastern states and Colo., Ia., Utah. 
necopinus Van Duzee. Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 
DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern states, 

A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 


rugicollis Ball. Louisville, July 27, 1940. 

DIsTRIBUTION: Fla., N. J., Tex. 

galbanatus Van Duzee. Brandenburg, June 1, 1941, Aug. 21, 1941; Berea, Oct. 6 
1941 (J.S.B.); Louisville, July 22, 1940, July 27, 1940, sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 
1941, Sept. 30, 1940, Oct. 14, 1942; Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940, Sept. 27, 1941; 
Kuttawa, July 25, 1948: Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1948; Hen- 
derson, July 10, 1948; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 

DisTRIBUTION: Eastern and Ta., Mont., N. D. 

balli Osborn. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941. 
DisrRiBUTION: Ia., Ohio, Tenn. 

Genus Colladonus Ball 
clitellarius (Say). Berea, May 20, 1941, Aug. 30, 1941, Oct. 8, 1941, Oct. 22, 
1941 (all J.S.B.); Louisville, May 22, 1941, June 7, 1941, July 24, 1940, July 30, 
1940, Aug. 4, 1940, Aug. 20, 1940; Rock Haven Sept. 21, 1940. ee 
DistrRiBUuTION: Colo., Kans., eastern, Mo. 

Genus Deltocephalus Burmeister 
balli Van Duzee. Murray, Aug. 11-13 incl., 1941, Aug. 15, 1941 (all L.S.); Louis- 
ville; June 7, 1941, July 22- of incl., 1940, Aug. 4, 1940, Aug. 20, 1940, Aug. 27, 
1940; Rock Haven, May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.), Sept. 21, 1940; Brandenburg, Aug. 
21, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DistRIBUTION: Ia., Ohio, Pa., Wis. 
flavicosta Stal. Murray, July 28, 1941 (L.S.), Aug. 19, 1941 (L.S.); Brandenburg, 
Aug. 21, 1941; Louisville, June 7, 1941, July 97, 1940, July 30, 1940; Berea, 
June 28, 1941 (J.S.B.): Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; 
Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1948; Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948 
(W.M.C.); Maddlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DisrripuTION: Eastern and Ia., southern and Kans., Mo. 
melsheimerii (Fitch). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941. 
DisTRIBUTION: Colo., Ia., Kans., and Me. to Gulf Coast. 
sonorus Ball. Murray, July 31, 1941, Aug. 4, 1941, Aug. 6, 1941, Aug. 8, 1941, 
Aug. 14, 1941, Aug. 15, 1941 (all L.S.); Brandenburg Aug. 21, 1941; Rock 
Haven, June 8, 1941, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DISTRIBUTION: Ariz., Calif., Fla., Kans., Miss., N. Mex., N. C., S. D., Tenn., Tex. 
sylvestris Osborn and Ball. (Determined in part by Dr. P. W. Oman). Bran- 
denburg, June 1, 1941, Aug. 21, 1941; Rock Haven, May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.); 
Louisville, May 22, 1941, May 30, 1941, Sept. 9, 1941; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DisrrinuTiON: la., Me., and Gr. Lakes to Gulf Coast. 
uhleri Oman, Louisville, May 15, 1941. 
DISTRIBUTION: Colo:, Ta., Kans., Me., Mo., N. Y., N. H., Ont., Pa., Tenn. 

Genus Doleranus Ball 
vividus (Crumb). Berea, June 30, 1941 (J.S.B.), July 7, 1941 (J.S.B.); Murray, 
July si, 1941 (L:S:): 
DistRIBUTION: Kans., Ohio, S. C., Tenn. 
longulus (Gill. and Baker). Jefferson Co., May 10, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 
1941; Louisville, May 22, 1941. 
DistTRIBUTION: Colo., Ta., Kans., Pa., Tenn. 

Genus Driotura Osb. and Ball 
gammaroides (Van D.). Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DisrrinuTion: East of Rockies. 
gammaroides var. fulva Ball. Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; Pineville, July 
3, 1948. 
DisrriputTion: Colo., Tl., Kans., Tenn., Tex., Utah. 

Genus Exitianus Ball 
obscurinervis (Stal.). Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940; Berea, June 27, 1941 (J.S.B.), 
June 30, 1941 (J.S.B.), July 7, 1941 (J.S.B.); Murray, July 30, 1941 (L.S.), July 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Sciénce 

31, 1941, Aug. 1, 1941, Aug] 4, 1941, Aug. 11, 1941, Aug. 18, 1941, Aug. 19, 1941 
(all L.S.); Louisville, Aug. 6, 1940; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941. 
DistRiBUTION: Throughout U. S., Haiti, Mex. 

Genus Ficberiella Signoret 
florii (Stal.). Louisville, July 24, 1940, Aug. 20, 1947. 
DisTRIBUTION: Conn., Il. 

Genus Flexamia DeLong 
areolata Ball. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941. 
DistRIBUTION: Ariz., Kans., Mo., N. Y., S. C., to Miss. 
sandersi. (Osborn). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DIstRIBUTION: Conn., Miss. to Gulf, Ohio, -Pa., ‘Penn. 
stylata (Ball). Brandenburg, June I, 1941. 
picta (Osborn). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941; Brandenburg, June 9, 1938; Daw- 
son Springs, July 24, 1948. 
DIsrRIBUTION: Kans., Md., Miss., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., Tenn., Va. 

Genus Graminella DeLong 
fitchii (Van D.). Pactolus, Aug. 14, 19148; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern and Ia., Kans. 
nigrifrons (Forbes) (determined in part by Dr. P. W. Oman). Murray, Aug. II, 
1941, Aug. 12, 1941, Aug. 15, 1941 (all L.S.); Louisville, July 17, 1940, July 24, 
1940, Aug. 4, 1940, Aug. 20, 1940; Brandenburg, June I, 1941; Berea, June 25, 
1941 (J.S.B.); Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1948; Henderson, July 
10, 1948 (W.M.C.); Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
DistRiBUTION: Eastern and Colo., Ia. 
pallidula (Osborn). Louisville, July 22, 1940. 

Genus Idiodonus Ball 
subcupraeus (Provancher). Louisville, June 7, 1941. 
DISTRIBUTION: East coast. 
kennicottii (Uhler). Rock Haven, May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.). 
DistRIBUTION: Eastern states and Br. Col., Colo. 

Genus lowanus Ball 
majestus (Osb. and Ball). Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941. 
DIstRIBUTION: Ia., N. J., N. C., Ohio, Tex. 

Genus Latalus DeLong and Sleesman 
sayi (Fitch). Louisville, May 15, 1941, May 30, 1941, Sept. 9, 1941 Brandenburg, 
June 1, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DistripuTion: Colo., Dak., Ia., Kans., Ky., Me., Mass., Miss., Mo., N. H., N. J., 
N. G., Ohio, Ont., Pa., Que., ‘Venn. 

Genus Alenosoma Ball 
cincta (Osb. and Ball). Louisville, Aug. 4, 1940, Sept. 20, 1940, July 6, 1948; 
Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940; Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DistRIBUTION: Eastern and Colo., Ta., ‘Vex. 

Genus Norvellina Ball 
helenae Ball. Louisville, June 7, 1941, July 24, 1940; Rock Haven, May 22, 
1941 (F.H.B.), May 24, 1941. 
DisTRIBUTION: Fla., Ky., Mo., Tex. 
seminuda (Say). Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940; Louisville, July 24, 1940, July 30, 
1940, Aug. 6, 1940, Aug. 20, 1940, Sept. 30, 1940, Oct. 12, 1940; Rock Haven, 
May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.); Berea, May 29, 1941 (J.S.B.), June 12, 1941, Oct. 6, 
1941 (both J.S.B.); Brandenburg, May 26, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Eastern and Ia., Kans., Mo., Tex. 

Genus Opsius Fieber 

stactogalus Fieber. Louisville, May 5, 1941, June 7, 1941, Oct. 12, 1940. 
DIstRIBUTION: Coast to coast. : 


A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 

Genus Paraphlepsius Baker 

slossonae (Ball). Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940. 


fuscipennis (Van D.). Louisville, July 24, 1940, July 30, 1940. 

DistripuTION: N. Y., eastern to Fla. 

humidus (Van D.). Louisville, July 17, 1940; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Conn., Me., Md., N. H., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., Tenn. 

collitus (Ball). Louisville, June 7, 1941, July 24, 1940, July 30, 1940, Aug. 20, 
1940; Berea, May 20, 1941. (J.S.B.), May 28, 1941, June 21, 1941 (both J.S.B.); 
Rock Haven, May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.), Sept. 21, 1940; Brandenburg, June 1, 
1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DisrripuTion: Me. to Fla. and west to Ia. 

irroratus (Say). Berea, May 20, 1941, May 23, 1941, May 29, 1941, June 25, 1941, 
June 27, 1941, Sept. 7, 1941 (all J.S.B.); Murray, Aug. 1, 1941, Aug. 6, 1941 
(both L.S.); Louisville, May 15, 1941, July 22, 1940, July 24, 1940, Aug. 4, 1940; 
Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Princeton, July 25, 
1948; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948. 

DistRIBUTION: Coast to coast. 

pusillus (Baker). Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948. 


rossi (?) (DeL.). Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941. 

DistRiBUTION: Conn., IIL. 

tenessus (DeL.). Henderson, July 10, 1948 (\W.M.C.). 

DistRIBUTION: D.C., N. C., Ohio. 

Genus Polyamia DeLong 

interrupta DeL. Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940. 

DISTRIBUTION: Ill., Mass., N. Y., N. C., Ohio, Pa., ‘Tenn. 

inimica (Say). Louisville, July 24, 1940; Berea, May 31, 1941, June 27, 1941 
(both J.S.B.); Murray, July 30, 1941, July 31, 1941, Aug. 14, 1941, Aug. 19, 1941 
(all L.S.); Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 

DISTRIBUTION: Coast to coast. 

apicalis (Osb.). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern and Md., Vt. 

compacta (Osb. and Ball). Brandenburg, June 1, 1941; Rock Haven, June 8, 
1941; Grayson, Aug. 14, 1948; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948. 

DisrRIBUTION: Eastern and Ta., Kans., Wis. 

oblecta (Osb. and Ball), Brandenburg, June 1, 1941, Aug. 21, 1941; Murray, 
July 18, 1941, Aug. 11, 1941, Aug. 15, 1941 (all L.S.); Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DistRIBUTION: Eastern and Ta., Kans., Mo. 

similaris Del. and Davidson. Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948. 

DistRipuTion: Tll., Lenn. 

weedi (Van Duzee). Murray, July 18, 1941, July 28, 1941, July 29, 1941, July 30, 
1941, Aug. 1, 1941, Aue. 4-8 incl., 1941, Aug. I1, 1941, Aug. 13, 
1941, Aug. 19, 1941 (all L.S.); Brandenburg, June 1, 1941, Aug. 21, 1941; Rock 
Haven, June 8, 1941; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; 
Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 

DisrriputTion: Eastern and Ta., Kans., Miss. 

Genus Psammotettix Haupt 

striatus (L.). Louisville, May 22, 1941; Berea, June 27, 1941 (J.S.B.); Rock 
Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DISTRIBUTION: Coast to coast. 

Genus Scleroracus Van Duzee 

anthracina (Van Duzee). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Northeastern states and Colo., Ia., Kans. 

Genus Stirellus Osborn and Ball 

bicolor (Van Duzee). Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Murray, Aug. 11, 1941 (L.S.), 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Aug. 15, 1941 (L.S.); Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Kans., Miss., N. J., and Md. to Ia. and Nebr. and south. 
dixianus var. acutus Thomas. Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941. 
DistripuTION: Ala., Fla., Miss. 
obtutus (Van Duzee). Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941, Sept. 14, 1941; Louisville, 
May 15, 1941, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 19, 1941; Jefferson Co., May 10, 1941; Rock 
Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DistRIBUTION: Miss., throughout the South and Southwest. 
Genus Texananus Ball 
decorus (Osb. and Ball). Pineville, July 3, 1948: 
DISTRIBUTION: Fla., Ill., Ia., Me., N. C., Ohio, Tenn. 
Genus Unerus DeLong 
colonus (Uhler). Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Murray, 
July 18, 1941 (L.S.): Aug. 6, 1941, Aug. 7, 1941, Aug. 11, 1941 (all L.S.); Berea, 
Sept. 7. 1941 (J.S.B.): Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941. 
DIstRIBUTION: Fla., Tenn. 
Genus Acurhinus Osborn 
pyrops (Crumb). Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948. 
DisrRIBUTION: Md., N. C., Ohio, Pa., Tenn., Va. 
Genus Cloanthanus Ball 
scriptus (Ball). Berea, May 27, 1941 (J.S.B.). 
DistRIBUTION: Kans., Tenn. 
fulvus (2) (Osborn). Brandenburg, June 1, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1940. 
DistRIBUTION: N.Y., Ohio, Pa. 
acutus (Say). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941, Sept. 21, 1940; Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern states and Br. Col., Calif., Colo., Mo., Kans., Utah. 
cuprescens (Osborn). Rock Haven, Sept. 21, 1941, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Colo., Me., N. Y., N. G., Ont., Que., Tenn. 
frontalis (Van Duzee). Rock Haven, May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.), June 8, 1941, Sept. 
21, 1940° Brandenburg, June 1, 1941, Aug. 21, 1941; Berea, Sept. 14, 1941 
(J.S.B.); Louisville, June 7, 1941; Kuttawa, July 25, 1948; Grayson, Aug. 14, 
1948; Pactolus, Aug. 14, 1948: Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DISTRIBUTION: Eastern and Calif., Ta., Kans., Mo. 
cinereus (Osborn and Ball). Murray, July 29, 1941 (L.S.); Louisville, June 7, 
1941; Princeton, July 25, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DIsPRIBUTION: Ariz., Fla., Ta., Kans., Nebr., N. €., Tenn. 
Genus Japananus Ball c 
hyalinus Osborn. Murray, July 28, 1941, July 30, 1941, July 31, 1941, Aug. II, 
1941, Aug. 14, 1941, Aug. 18, 1941 (all L.S.); Louisville, June 25, 1940, July 17, 
1940; July 22) 1940; July 24, 1942° July 27, 1940, Sept. 30, 11940: 
Distripution: D. C., Tl., Ohio, Pa. 
Genus Afesamia Osborn 
nigridorsum Ball. Louisville, June 2, 1948 (H. L. Bockman). 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern states and Colo., Dak., Ia., Kans., Utah. 
Genus Osbornellus Ball 
auronitens (Uhler). Louisville, Sept. 19, 1941; Henderson, July 10, 1948 
(W.M.C.). Cidee 
DistRiBuTION: Eastern states only. 
consors (Uhler). Berea, July 4, 1941 (J.S.B.); Louisville, May 20, 1940; Hender- 
son, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C)). 
DIstRIBUTION: Eastern and Colo., Il., Tex., Utah. 
clarus Beamer. Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DisrrrBuTION: Ala., Ariz., D. C., Fla., Ga., Kans.. Ky., La., Md., Miss., S. C. 
rotundus Beamer. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DsITRIBUTION: Ala., Conn., D. C., Fla., Ga., Miss., S. CG. 


A Preliminary List of Kentucky Cicadellidae 

Genus Sanclanus Ball 
sanctus (Say). Previously reported from Ky., but not seen by author. 
Genus Scaphoideus Uhler 
dilatus DeL. and Mohr. Louisville, July 22, 1940, July 23, 1940, July 24, 1940, 
July 27, 1940, July 28, 1940, July 30, 1940. 
diutius DeL. and Mohr. Henderson, July 10, 1948 (W.M.C.). 
DisrRiBUTION: T1L., Pa. 
immistus (Say). Louisville, June 17, 1940, July 23, 1940; Berea, June 25, 1941 
(J-8-B.); Brandenburg, Sept. 14, 1941. 
DistRiBUTION: Eastern and Calif., Colo., la., Kans., Mo., Tex. 
productus Osborn. Previously taken in Ky. Not seen by author. 
Genus Xeslocephalus Van Duzee 
pulicarius Van D. Rock Haven, Sept. 9, 1941, Sept. 27, 1941; Louisville, Jan. 22, 
1940, July 17, 1940, Sept. 9, 1941; Murray, Aug. 14, 1941, Aug. 15, 1941 (both 
L.S.); Berea, June 27, 1941, July 3, 1941, Oct. 28, 1941 (ail J.S.B.); Henderson, 
July 10, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Eastern and fa., Kans., Mo., Utah. 
Genus Balclutha Kirkaldy 
punctata (Thunberg). Rock Haven, June 8, 1941; Louisville, Sept. 9, 1941; 
Boyle Co., Apr. 26, 1941. 
DistRIRUTION: Br. Col., Colo., Eastern, Mo. 
impicta (Van Duzee). Boyle Co., Apr. 26, 1941; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941; 
Pactolus, Aug, 14, 1948; Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948. 
DistRIBUTION: Eastern and Calif., Kans., Mo., Wash. 
impicta var. maculata DeL. and Davidson. Brandenburg, Apr. 17, 1941; Madi- 
son Co., Apr. 26, 1941: Boyle Co., Apr. 26, 1941. 
DISTRIBUTION: Conn., D. C., Pa.,. Tenn., Wis. 
abdominalis (Van Duzee). Madison Co., Apr. 26, 1941; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 
1941; Boyle Co., Apr. 26, 1941; Louisville, Apr. 24, 1941, May 9, 1947, May 15, 
1941; July 24, 1940, Aug. 4, 1940, Aug. 5, 1940, Sept. 9, 1941; Pactolus, Aug. 14, 
1948; Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948; Pineville, July 3, 1948. 
DistRiBUTION: Br. Col., Eastern and Calif., Colo. 
neglecta (DeL. and Dav.). Murray, July 30, 1941, July 31, 1941, Aug. 7, 1941, 
Aug. 8, 1941, Aug. 11, 1941, Aug. 15, 1941, Aug. 19, 1941 (all L.S.); Louisville, 
July 30, 1940; Brandenburg, Aug. 21, 1941; Middlesboro, July 3, 1948. 
Genus Davisonia Dorst 
delongi Dorst. Louisville, June 7, 1941; Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940. 
DISTRIBUTION: Canada, IIJ., Ia., Md., Mass., N. Mex., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., Va., Wis. 
Genus Macrosteles Fieber 
lepidus (Van Duzee). Jefferson Co., June 25, 1940; Rock Haven, Sept. 27, 1941. 
DISTRIBUTION: Kans., N. Y., Ohio, Tenn., Wis. 
divisus (Uhler). Rock Haven, May 24, 1941 (F.H.B.), Sept. 21, 1940; Louisville, 
May 10, 1941, July 17, 1940, July 24, 1940, Aug. 4, 1940, Aug. 5, 1940; Murray, 
July 29, 1941 (L.S.), July 30, 1941 (L.S.), throughout August 1941 (L.S.); Berea, 
May 23, 1941 (J.S.B.); Brandenburg, Apr. 17, 1941; Princeton, July 25, 1948; 
Dawson Springs, July 24, 1948. 
DisrriputTion: Alaska, Can., Calif., to Me., Minn. to Tex. 
variatus (Fall.). Henderson, July 10, 1948. 
DisTRIBUTION: Colo., Conn., Kans., Me., Man., N. H., N. J., N. Mex., N. Y., 
Ohio, Pa., Que., Tenn. 
wilburi Dorst. Louisville, July 17, 1940, July 30, 1940, Aug. 21, 1941. 


The Kentucky Academy of Science held its Spring meeting at 
Cumberland Falls State Park on Friday afternoon and Saturday morn- 
ing, April 29 and 30, 1949. Main feature of the Friday afternoon 
program was a symposium on “Fish and Streams”. ‘The following 
speakers participated in the program: 

Mr. Hudson Biery, Chairman of the Ohio River Valley Water 
Sanitation Commission. Subject: “Ohio Valley States Undertake 
Pollution Abatement”. 

Dr. Peter Doudorff, Environmental Health Center, Cincinnati. 
Subject: “Standardization of ‘Toxicity Bio-assays in Relation to Waste 
Disposal Control”. 

Mr. Earl Wallace, Director of the Division of Fish and Game, 
Frankfort. Subject: “How You Can Use Wildlife Resources”. 

Mr. Glen Gentry, Aquatic Biologist, Paris, ‘Tennessee. Subject: 
“The Fisheries Program of the ‘Tennessee Department of Con- 

Dr. A. H. Wiebe, Chief of the Fish and Game Branch, Division of 
Forestry Relations, T. V. A. Subject: “Density Currents in Norris 

Following the dinner meeting Friday evening, Mr. Ben East, Field 
Editor of Outdcor Life, spoke on the subject of “Conservation Educa- 
tion”. A short business meeting was held following Mr. East’s address. 

The schedule for Saturday morning included an early morning bird 
hike, mid-morning field trips to points of interest in Cumberland Falls 
State Park and a late morning trip to the fish hatcheries a short dis- 
tance from the Falls. Main feature of this latter trip was a demonstra- 
tion of an electric seine by Mr. Minor Clark, Superintendent of 

‘The outdoor meeting at Cumberland Falls was an experiment in 
response to a long felt need for ‘a type of Academy meeting which pro- 
vided our biologists and geologists with greater opportunity for field 
trips. ‘The number and enthusiasm of those participating in this 
meeting provide ample evidence that the experiment was a success. 
It must be remembered, however, that this outdoor meeting was under- 
taken to complement, not to replace, our annual meeting which this 
year will be held on the Campus of Eastern State College, Richmond, 
Kentucky, October 21 and 22. 



medium for the publication of original investigations in science. In addition, as 
the official organ of the Kentucky Academy of Science, it publishes programs of the 
meetings of the Academy, abstracts of papers presented before the annual meetings, 
reports of the Academy’s officers and committees, as well as news and announce- 
ments of interest to the membership. 

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time to the co-editors: 

Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Department of Biology, 
Seventh Street Road, University of Louisville, 

Louisville, Kentucky. Louisville, Kentucky. 

Papers should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced, with wide margins, 
in an original and | carbon copy, on substantial quality paper. Articles are ac- 
cepted for publication with the understanding that they are to be published 
exclusively in the TRANSACTIONS. Each paper will be reviewed by one or more 
persons qualified in the field covered by the article in addition to the editors before 
a contribution is accepted for publication. 

Bibliographic citations should follow textual material (except in Research 
Notes, see later). Abbreviations for the names of periodicals should follow the 
current system employed by either Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. 
Bibliographic citations in Research Notes should be in the same form as for longer 
papers but enclosed in parentheses within the text of the note. 

Footnotes should be avoided. ‘Titles must be clear and concise, and provide 
for precise and accurate cataloguing. 

Tables and illustrations are expensive, and should be included in an article 
only to give effective presentation of the data. Articles with an excessive number 
of tables or illustrations, or with poorly arranged or executed tables or illustrations 
may be returned to the author for modification. 

Textual material should be in clear, brief and condensed form in order for a 
maximum amount of material to be published. 

Reprints must be ordered at the time galley proof is returned. 

The following individuals, educational institutions and industrial organiza- 

tions have subscribed to one or more sustaining memberships in the KENTUCKY 

Berea College, Berea, Kentucky. 
Blankmeyer, H. C., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisvilie, Kentucky. 

Borgerding, Walter L., General Distillers Corporation of Kentucky, Louis- 
ville, Kentucky. 

Cedar Bluff Stone Company, Inc., Princeton, Kentucky. 

Centre College, Danville, Kentucky. 

Corhart Refractories Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Devoe and Raynolds Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

DeSpain, T. H., Southern Textile Machinery Company, Paducah, Kentucky. 
B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 
Kentucky Brewers Association (10), Louisville, Kentucky. 

_Kolachov, Paul, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentuckw 
Lanham Hardwood Flooring Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Lee Clay Products Company, Inc. (2), Clearfield, Kentucky. 

Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Medley Distilling Company, Owensboro, Kentucky. 

Mileti, Otto J., The Mileti Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Moser, Harold C., Gamble Brothers, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

Old Joe Distillery Company, Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. 

Peerless Manufacturing Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Perkins, George, Reynolds Metals Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 
Scofield, E. H., Joseph E, Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Skirvin, J. B., General Refractories Company, Olive Hill, Kentucky. 
Smith, L. A., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Spanyer, William, Brown-Forman Distillers Corp., Louisville, Kentucky. 

Willkie, H. F., Joseph E, Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

A special grant from the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PRESS made possible 

the publication of a part of this number of the TRANSACTIONS. 

ics ts?" 

Volume 13 October, 1950 Number 2 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 



Effect of Commercial Malt Sprouts on the Anaerobic Growth of 

of Distillers’ Yeast. R. E. Scalf and T. J. B. Stier —.......00000...... 69 
Preparation of Ketones by the Sommelet Reaction. M. I. Bowman, 

Irving B. Joffe, W. W. Rinne and James C. Wilkes _............... 78 
Economic Status of Lespedeza Seed Oil. Richard H. WHO Y, te See 80 

Performance of an Earth Heat Pump on. Intermittent Operation. 
E. B. Penrod, E. L. Dunning, and H. H. Thompson .................. 82 

The Effects of Small Amounts of Glycine and Ethyl Glycine on Food 
Ingestion in the Dog. J. W. Archdeacon and A. B. Carreiro .... 100 

The Precision and Accuracy of Meter Sticks. Sigfred Peterson ............ 102 

The Effects of Composition on the Specific Gravity of Binary Wax 
Mixtures. John R. Koch and Sister M. Concetta _..................... 104 

Chromosome Behavior in a Second Gasteria-Aloe Hybrid. 
In IR ETA NOD ae ee ae 111 
IO seh acs emucndaigucnvecctwadeesaduneneartaanenct 116 



President Vice President 
W. E. BLackBuRN, E. B. PENROD, 
Murray State College, University of Kentucky, 
Murray Lexington 
Secretary Treasurer 
Asbury College, University of Kentucky, 
Wilmore Lexington 
Representative to the Council Counselor to the Junior 
of the A.A.A.S. Academy of Science 
Austin R. MIDDLETON, Anna A, SCHNEIB, — 
University of Louisville, Eastern State College 
Louisville Richmond 

Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 


astern State College, Richmond: ..0..).0 ce to 1953 
Mary E. Wuarton, Georgetown College, Georgetown..........-.-.-.-::-11-e0- to 1953 
ALFRED BRAUER, University of Kentucky, Lexington..............-.222-------+ to 1952 
Warp C. Sumpter, Western State College, Bowling Green.......................- to 1952 
W. D. Vatieau, University of Kentucky, Lexington ..........-...2.....--..-----0: to 1951 
Morris ScHERAGO, University of Kentucky, Lexington...................2..222---+- to 1951 
Pau. Koiacuov, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville.................-.... to 1950 
J. S. Bancson,’ Berea ‘College; Berea:.. cee tse ee ee to 1950 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued quarterly. Four numbers constitute a volume. 
Domestic subscription, $2.00 per volume, foreign, $2.50 per volume. 

Correspondence concerning membership in the Academy, subscriptions or other 
business matters should be addressed to the secretary. Manuscripts and other 
material for publication should be addressed to the editors. 


R. E. Scalf? and T. J. B. Stier 
Department of Physiology, Indiana University 
Bloomington, Indiana 

Acceleration of lactic acid fermentation in a glucose or molasses 
medium by the addition of commercial malt sprouts was attributed 
to the presence of accessory substances for growth as well as fer- 
mention in this material (Pan, et al, 1940). Euler (1924) found 
that water extracts of malt sprouts stimulated cell multiplication and 
COz production of yeast and that water extracts of fresh barley 
sprouts gave higher rates of COz production than water extracts of the 
dried material. We will present evidence showing that, when the 
anaerobic growth of a distillery type of yeast is increased by the ad- 
dition of malt sprouts to a medium which is apparently complete 
with respect to the water soluble growth factors, lipid substances 
in the malt sprouts themselves account for the larger crops. 


Yeast strain. All experiments were conducted with a distillery 
type yeast obtained from Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louis- 
ville, Kentucky, under the identification, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 
strain DCL. This strain is included in the culture collection of the 
Northern Regional Research Laboratory, Peoria, Illinois. ; 

Medium. A medium containing 10 gm glucose, 0.5 gm KH2PO,4 
and various amounts of Difco yeast extract (see below) per 100 ml 
was used throughout these experiments. 

Seed yeast. The yeast for the inocula were grown under initially 
aerobic conditions, according to the method of Brockmann and 
Stier (1947) and, after dilution to 10 million cells/ml with the 
growth medium, were rendered oxygen-free by purging with Linde 
High Purity Nitrogen. The purging was carried out in a flask of 
special design from which an inoculating syringe could be loaded 
under strict anaerobic conditions. 

This syringe loading unit consisted of a 50 ml boiling flask 
(Corning 4100) with a special side tube assembly for inserting the 
1 This work was aided by a grant from Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. 

2 Formerly Seagram Research Associate at the Laboratory of Cell Physology, 

Indiana University. Present address: Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc,, Louis- 
ville 1, Kentucky. 

NOV 2 0 1950 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


3 inch needle of the syringe and a ground glass head carrying 
both a center gas inlet tube (7 mm OD) extending to the bottom 
of the flask and a 1 mm capillary vent tube sealed into the dome 
of the head. The syringe loading sidearm consisted of a 25x5 mm 
tube sealed at a 60° angle near the neck of the flask, a short piece of 
rubber tubing for inserting the hypodermic needle and ended with 
a piece of 1 mm capillary tubing for the escape of nitrogen gas, 
thus ensuring the removal of any oxygen brought into the sidearm 
with the needle. The 3 inch needle of the 10 ml Luer-Lok syringe 
was inserted into the flask above the liquid level by perforating 
the rubber tubing of the sidearm connection, and nitrogen was 
alternately drawn into the syringe and discharged back into the 
flask several times in order to remove any entraped oxygen. The 
nitrogen purge rate through the inoculum was maintained at 80 
ml/min for 30 minutes before the syringe was loaded for inocula- 
tion of the all-glass culture flasks described below. 

Experimental culture flasks. The growth studies were conduc- 
ted in all-glass units similar in design to those described by Stier, 
Scalf and Brockmann (1950, Fig. 1) except that they were fabricated 
from 250 ml wash bottles with standard taper stopper (Corning 
1660). A straight bore stopcock was attached to the original water 
outlet tube of the stopper, and a mercury trap was attached to the 
original air inlet tube. A short length of heavy walled rubber tub- 
ing connected the stopcock of the center tube of each flask to a 
manifold which was attached by copper tubing to the cylinder of 
purified nitrogen. Anaerobic conditions were established by purg- 
ing the rubber tubing and the attached flasks, with their experi- 
mental growth medium (25 ml), with Linde High Purity Nitrogen 
at a rate of 80 ml/min for 40 minutes. The flasks were then inoculated 
with 1 ml of seed yeast, which had been treated as described above, 
by inserting the needle of the syringe through the rubber tubing 
and allowing the stream of nitrogen to carry the volume of inoculum 
into the flask. Purging with nitrogen was continued for an additional 
20 minutes in order to remove any oxygen which may have been 
introduced during the inoculating procedure. The trap on the gas 
outlet tube was then filled with mercury to a height of 2 cm and 
the stopcock was closed. 

Malt sprouts. The malt sprouts employed in these studies were 
obtained from Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., and were ground 


Lipid Anaerobic Growth Factors In Malt Sprouts 

fine in a Wiley mill before being used. In the experiments reported 
below, the dry malt sprouts were added to the basal growth medium 
(see legend, Fig. 2) and autoclaved together at 120°C for 12 

Yeast population. The number of yeast cells in a known dilu- 
tion of medium was determined, after cessation of cell multiplication 
(circa 40 hours at 30°C), by direct count in a Neubauer counting 
chamber. Interference with the counting of the yeast cells by par- 
ticles of malt sprouts was eliminated by filtering the entire contents 
of each flask at the end of the growth period through four thicknesses 
of cheese cloth and washing the residue free of yeast cells with 

sufficient water to make a final volume of 200 ml. 

Various extraction procedures employed for determining the 
gross nature of the anaerobic growth stimulating material in the 

malt sprouts will be given in the following section. 


In order to set up nutritional conditions which would reveal 
the presence of any unusual growth factors in the added malt sprouts, 
we first studied the relation between the Difco yeast extract con- 
centration of the medium and the resultant crops produced under 
anaerobic conditions. Figure 1 shows that the final crops increased 
in cell number as the yeast concentration was increased in the 
range 0 to 7% and that no further increase in crop production re- 

sulted beyond the 7% yeast extract concentration. 

The final crops reported in these experiments were obtained 
after 42 hours at 30°C. Periodic sampling at low and high yeast 
extract concentrations established this period of time as being suf- 
ficient for the complete development of maximum crop. Additional ex- 
periments, not reported, showed that the dextrose concentration of 

the medium did not limit the development of the maximum crops. 

On the basis of the findings reported in Fig. 1, a basal medium 
consisting of 7% yeast extract, 0.5% KH2PO, and 10% dextrose 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

was chosen for subsequent studies of the relation between malt 
sprouts concentration and magnitude of the final crop. These re- 
sults are given in Fig. 2. Note that the addition of malt sprouts to 
the basal medium resulted in an increase in the size of the final 
crop. It was found that 5% malt sprouts was the maximum concen- 
tration which could be handled satisfactorily for these growth studies. 

To determine the nature of the stimulatory substance in the 
added malt sprouts, we first made extracts of the water-soluble 
materials and the fat solvent soluble substances. An outline of the 
fractionation Bucci and results from a typical experiment are 
given in Figure 3. The procedure employed was as follows: 10 gm 
a malt sprouts in 100 ml of distilled water, adjusted to pH 4.8, was 
autoclaved in a 200 ml centrifuge bottle at 120°C for 12 minutes, 
and the solids were removed and washed with three 100 ml portions 
of distilled water by centrifugation. The combined liquids contain- 
ing the water extractable substances were evaporated under reduced 
pressure at 50°C to a final volume of 100 ml and assayed in the 7% 
yeast extract medium. 

The washed solids, obtained above, were dried at 60°C in a 
vacuum oven for 24 hours and their weight determined. Triplicate 
portions of this residue, each equivalent to 1.25 gm of the original 
sprouts material, were assayed under sterile edie in 25) aoltot 
basal medium for their anaerobic growth promoting activity. The 
remainder of the solids was extracted with three 100 ml portions of 
absolute alcohol by refluxing for 30 minutes over a steam bath. 
This treatment of the solids was followed by a similar extraction with 
absolute ethyl ether. The two extracts were then combined by eva- 
porating the ether and redissolving the residue from the ether 
extract in the alcohol extract. This fraction called the “alcohol-ether ex- 
tract’, was assayed in triplicate by measuring an aliquot, representing 
the fat solvent soluble material in 1.25 gm of the original malt sprouts, 
into a sterile culture flask and evaporating the alcohol under re- 
duced pressure at 60° C. Sterile medium was then added to the ma- 
terial deposited on the bottom of the flask, and the whole culture 
unit was prepared for inoculation with oxygen-free seed yeast as de- 
scribed above. The alcohol-ether extracted solids were dryed at 
60° C in a vacuum oven for 24 hours, weighed and assayed in the 
same manner as the water extracted solids. 


Lipid Anaerobic Growth Factors In Malt Sprouts 

The results given in Figure 3 indicate that it was the lipid 
materials in the malt sprouts which had induced the extra anaerobic 
growth. The material in the alcohol-ether extract was then fraction- 
ated by saponification. An aliquot of the alcohol-ether extract was sap- 
onified by refluxing 4 hours with KOH on a steam bath, followed by 
extraction with ethyl ether and washing the ether extract with water. 
The final washed ether fraction which Sede a the non-saponifiable 
substances was then tested for its anaerobic growth promoting pro- 
perties by the same procedure described above for the alcohol- 
ether extractives. 

Additions of the non-saponifiable material (11.2 mg), obtained 
from 1.25 gm malt sprouts, to 25 ml of basal yeast extract medium 
gave yeast crops with values within + 10 per cent of those obtained 
with the alcohol-ether extracts. Therefore, it is concluded that the 
lipid anaerobic growth stimulating material of malt sprouts belongs 
to the non-saponifiable class of substances. We have reported a si- 
milar finding for the lipids extracted from distillers’ dried solubles 
(Stier and Scalf, 1949). The work of Devloo (1938), on the stimu- 
lation of cell multiplication of yeast by various sterols, suggests that 
the sterol fraction of malt sprouts might contain the material which 
stimulates the anaerobic growth of our distillers’ yeast. 

The manner in which the lipid growth stimulating substances .of 
malt sprouts are absorbed and metabolically utilized by the yeast 
cell has not been investigated as yet. In some recent experiments 
(unpublished) with oils from plants and animals, we have found that 
these oils will form stable emulsions in the yeast extract medium 
itself. The possibility that this process also takes in the case of the 
lipids of finely ground malt sprouts, or that some process of solubili- 
zation takes place whereby the growth stimulating fat-soluble sub- 
stances couple with certain water-soluble substances in the medium 
(for example, see Wald, 1949), will be considered in future in- 

3 The average yields of the various extractives from the malt sprouts were as 
follows: water-soluble substances, 27%; alcohol-ether extractives, 8.4%; non- 
saponifiable substances, 0.9%. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 









fe) ] Bi Sse ae4 5 625 7 8) S89 10 

Figure 1. Relation of concentration of Difco yeast extract to magnitude of the 
final anaerobic yeast crop. 
The growth medium consisted of 0.5% KH,PO, (Merk, reagent), 10% 
dextrose (Merck, reagent) and varying concentrations of Difco yeast 
extract (Control # 395778). The Difco yeast extract employed in this 
laboratory has generally given final anaerobic crops of 90-100 x 106 
cells/ml at a concentration of 7%. However, some shipments of Difco 
yeast extract gave maximum crops in the range 15-25x 106 cells/ml 
and therefore were not suitable for the experiments reported in this 



Lipid Anaerobic Growth Factors In Malt Sprouts 




= 200 


QO 160 


ae 120 

= ag 




0 1 2 3 4 5 

Figure 2. Relation of concentration of malt sprouts to magnitude of the final 
anaerobic yeast crop. 
The basal medium consisted of 7% Difco yeast extract, 0.5% KH>- 
PO, and 10% dextrose and produced anaerobic crops of 90 x 106 
cells/ml. The basal medium was apparently complete with respect 
to water-soluble growth factors since additions of water extracts of 
malt sprouts (Fig. 3), or of liver (unpublished) or higher concentra- 
tions of yeast extract (Fig. 1) did not increase the final yeast crops. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 





i ee 













80!:] 7% YEAST 



eit a 


0 Es ; : ° 

Figure 3. Anaerobic growth promoting activity of the water and fat solvent solu- 
ble fractions of malt sprouts. 
Note that the water extracted residue gave approximately the same 
anaerobic yeast crop as the untreated malt sprouts. Extraction with 
absolute alcohol followed by ethyl ether gave a residue producing no 
extra anaerobic growth when added to the basal 7% yeast extract me- 
dium. Addition of the materials in the water extract also gave no 
significant increase in anaerobic growth; addition of the alcohol-ether 
extractives from 5 gm of malt sprouts per 100 ml of basal medium, 
however, gave an average crop of 175x 106 cells/ml. We have not 
been able, so far, to produce larger crops by extracting the lipid ma- 
terial with other fat solvents. 


Lipid Anaerobic Growth Factors In Malt Sprouts 


The production of anaerobic crops of a distillery type of yeast 
was increased from 100 to 195 x 10® cells/ml by the addition of com- 
mercial malt sprouts to a basal medium which was apparently complete 
with respect to the water-soluble growth factors. Water extracts of 
the malt sprouts were shown not to contain the substances which 
produced the larger anaerobic yeast crops. The anaerobic growth 
stimulating material was extracted by alcohol and ether and all of the 
active lipid substance (or substances) was shown to be present in 
the unsaponifiable fraction. 


Brockmann, M. C. and Stier, T. J. B. 1947. Cellular mechanisms 
controlling rates of glucose consumption by yeast. J. Cell. and 
Comp. Physiol., 29: 159-178. 

Devloo, R. 1938. Un Sterol Indispensable a la Levure W. Arch. Int. 
de Physiol., 46, 157-188. 

Euler, H. V. and Swartz, Olof. 1924. Uber den Zusammenhang der 
wasserloslichen Wachstumsfaktoren mit Aktivatoren des Zuck- 
erabbaues and uber einen thermostabilen Biokatalyzator in der 
Hefe. Z. Physiol. Chem., 140, 146-163. 

Pan, S. C., Peterson, W. H. and Johnson, M. J. 1940. Acceleration of 
lactic acid fermentation by heat labile substances. Ind. Eng. 
Chem., 32, 709-714. 

Stier, T. J. B. and Scalf, R. E. 1949. Nutrient limited anaerobic growth 

of yeast at high temperatures. J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., 33: 

Stier, T. J. B., Scalf, R. E. and Brockmann, M. C. 1950. An all-glass 
apparatus for the continuous cultivation of yeast under anaerobic 
conditions. J. Bact., 59: 45-49. 

Wald, George. 1949. The enzymatic reduction of the retinenes to the 
vitamins A. Science, 109, 482-483. 


M. I. Bowman, Irving B. Joffe, W. W. Rinne and James C. Wilkes* 

University of Louisville 

The Sommelet reaction involves reacting a halogen compound 
with hexamethylene tetramine to give a salt of the quaternary amine 
type. This is then decomposed by steam distillation to give the 
aldehyde. Little or no work has been done in preparing ketones 
by this method and it appears likely that secondary halides do not 
ordinarily undergo this reaction to any great extent. In the cases 
discussed here, it is possible that the fact that the halogen is adjacent 
to the double bond activates this reaction. 

A possible mechanism for the Sommelet reaction has been 

suggested by Graymore and Davis (1945). 

Two procedures are commonly used, one involving actual isola- 
tion of the quaternary salt and the other steam distillation of the 
reaction mixture without isolating the salt. We have found the 
latter to give better results in the cases studied. 


2-Methyl-2-cyclohexen-l-one. 1-Methylcyclohexene (30 g.) was bro- 
minated with N-bromosuccinimide in carbon tetrachloride in the us- 
ual manner (Ziegler, 1942). Two fractions were obtained (A) b.p. 
53-60/10mm (20 g.) and (B) b.p. 60-90/10mm. (11 g.). Both 
fractions were subject to the Sommelet procedure as described by 
Weygand (1945). 

Both of these products were analyzed by treatment of aliquot 
portions with dinitrophenylhydrazine. The dinitrphenylhydrazones were 
not pure but could be recrystallized from benzene-ethanol and gla- 
cial acetic acid to bring the melting point up to 204-6°. Chromato- 
graphy gave somewhat better results. Two bands were formed with 
either chloroform or benzene on alumina, a top band about 1/5 of the 
total, m.p. above 300°, and a lower band m.p. 208°, about 4/5 of 
the total. According to Butz (1947) the dinitrophenyl hydrazone of 
* This work was carried out under contract N8onr76201 between the Navy 
Department, Office of Naval Research, and the University of Louisville. 


Preparation Of Ketones By The Sommelet Reaction 

2-methyl-2-cyclohexen-l-one melts at 207-10°. From the quantities 
obtained it appeared that the yield of ketone from (A) was only 
3% wrereas from (B) it was 18% 

The identity of the 208° m.p. derivative was checked by mixed 
melting point with that from several samples of 2-methyl-2-cyclo- 
hexen-l-one prepared by other methods. Also mixed chromatograms 
‘were run using many different solvents and no separation of bands 
could be produced. 

An attempt to prepare this ketone from the bromo derivative 
by the oxidative hydrolysis method of Mousseron (1947) gave only 
traces of the desired product. However, refluxing with potassium 
carbonate gave a 15% yield of 2-methyl-2-cyclohexen-l-ol, (Urion, 
1934) readily converted to the phenyl urethane m. p. 209-10°. 
6-Methyl-2- -cyclohexen- -I-one. Starting with 4-methylceyclohexene + and 
subjecting it to the same procedure as above, there was obtained 
a small amount of ketone yielding a dinitrophenylhydrazone m.p. 
158°. This corresponds to the 6-methyl derivative as indicated by 
Birch (1946) rather than the 5-methyl which Mousseron obtained by 
oxidative hydrolysis of the bromo compound obtained in the same 
manner as ours. Our bromo derivative differs slightly from Mousseron’s 
in physical properties. Further investigation of this reaction is being 


Birch, A. J., J. Chem. Soc., 1945, 595 

Butz, L. W., Benjamin L. Davis and Adam M. Gaddis, J. Org. Chem. 
EAD ( VO4T ). 

Graymore, John, and David R. Davies, J. Chem. Soc., 1945, 293 
Mousseron, Max, Francois Winternitz and Robert Jacquier, Compt. 
rend. 224 1062-4 (1947). 

Urion, Edmond, Compt. rend., 199, 363-5 (1934). 

Weygand, C. “Organic Preparations”, Interscience Publishers, New 
York, 1945, p. 156. 

Ziegler, K., E. Schauf, W. Schumann and E. Winkelmann, Ann. 551, 
80-122 (1942). 

+ Kindly supplied by the Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Okla. 


Richard H. Wiley 

Department of Chemistry 
University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 

A preliminary report on the isolation and characterization of 
lespedeza seed oil has occasioned a general interest in the economic 
Bos ciblties involved in the progluetlon and utilization of lespedeza 
seed oil. This discussion summarizes some of the pertinent informa- 
tion on this topic. 

Lespedeza is rapidly becoming a major agricultural crop in 
Southern states. It is widely and readily accepted as a forage crop 
of the legume family. Its acceptance is due to its excellent growth 
during hot months (July and August) when other forage crops do 
not provide good pastures and to its value as a legume in rebuilding 
exhausted soils. Lespedeza seed is harvested for replanting on a 
fairly large scale. An estimated (2) 250,000,000 pounds was harvested 
in the United States in 1948. The oil from the seed has not been 
studied prior to our work. Neither has the possibility of cultivating 
the plant as a seed crop other than for replanting been examined. 

Preliminary studies (1) of its unsaturation and drying pro- 
petries indicate that the oil has properties that will make it of 
value as a drying oil for the paint and varnish industry. If the oil 
is of commercial value, the Southern farmers have available, without 
now realizing it, an oil seed crop which may be as valuable to 
them as the soy bean crop has been to Middle Western farmers. Such 
use of lespedeza as a seed crop is of obvious value in developing a 
diversification of Southern agriculture. 

The potential cost of lespedeza seed oil is determined by the 
yield per acre of seed. Current yields of the Korean strain average 
200 pounds per acre but “yields of 500 pounds of cleaned Korean 
seed per acre are not unusual.” (3) Yields of Sericea seed of up to 
1200 pounds per acre have been reported (4). Using 500 pounds 
as an average yield of seed, $10 per acre as minimum costs for 
harvesting by combine, and a 10% yield of oil from seed, the 
estimated cost of the oil not including costs of extraction is $0.20 per 


Economic Status Of Lespedeza Seed Oil 

pound. This might well be halved by developments in increasing seed 
yield per acre. Current quotations on linseed oil are $0.18 per 
pound and reflect a decrease of 30% in the last year. This is re- 
garted as unusually favorable for this development when it is remem- 
bered that current oil prices are low and that lespedeza culture as 
a seed crop has received little if any development. 

If Southern lespedeza seed oil, based on a crop readily ac- 
cepted by the Southern farmer, can replace Northern linseed oil, 
based on a crop which must be subsidized to find acceptance by 
farmers who are loath to grow it, the Southern agricultural leaders 
should know about it and plan and work accordingly for the benefit 
of the region. Such developments take many years during which 
short range economic factors—particularly market values—will un- 
doubtedly go through many fluctuations in the $0.10 to $0.40 range. 

The most important problems facing this development at present 
are: (1) to relate oil yields from seed to seed production particularly 
with strains giving high seed yields and (2) to complete a thorough 
characterization of the oil. Both are receiving active, although limited, 
attention in our laboratories. 


fh HH. Wiley and A. W. Cagle. Paper presented at the Richmond 
meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science, October 22, 1949. 
J. Am. Oil Chemists’ Soc. 27, 34 (1950). 

2. December 1, 1948, General Farm Report, U. S. Department of 
Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Raleigh, North 

a “Lespedeza in Kentucky,” University of Kentucky, Agriculture 
Extension Division, Circular 407, page 9. 

4, “Lespedeza Culture and Utilization,” U. S. Department of Agricul- 
ture, Farmers Bulletin, No. 1852. 



E. B. Penrod, E. L. Dunning*, and H. H. Thompson** 

Department of Mechanical Engineering, 

University of Kentucky, Lexingion, Kentucky 


From October 31, 1949 to May 1, 1950 the earth heat pump at 
the University of Kentucky operated intermittently on the heat- 
ing cycle (1)!. By the use of an electric clock, the plant was set in 
operation at 6 p.m. and stopped at 6 a.m. daily. While the plant was 
in operation heat was extracted from the earth, thereby lowering the 
temperature of the soil surrounding the earth heat exchanger (2,3,4)?. 
The heat absorbed from the earth at a low temperature level was dis- 
charged at a higher temperature level to the air stream going to the 
space to be air conditioned. During the twelve hour period in which 
the heat pump was idle, heat flowed from the more remote soil into 
that surrounding the earth heat exchanger, thereby restoring its tem- 
perature wholly, or partially to its original value. 


The earth heat pump system installed in the mechanical engineer- 
ing laboratory consists of a Marvair package unit manufactured by 
the Muncie Gear Works, Muncie, Indiana, an instrument panel, 
and an earth heat exchanger (Fig. 1) buried at an average depth of 

Now Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Evansville College, Evansville, 

** Now Research Engineer, Refrigeration Division, International Harvester 

Company, Evansville, Indiana. 

i Numbers in parentheses refer to references in the Bibliography. 


For a description of an earth heat pump and how it functions, see pages 
47-58, reference (2); pages 506-513, reference (3); and pages 24-30, 
reference (4). 

Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 

z|9 = 
o wo 
m = 
v0 t 
r = 
dd z 
<A y 
' by 7 
DEPTH-5.8 oO 
©) 2 ° A D 
w Su mo) (s) (eo) 
= = os Cc 
x t a 
U Oo 
2 2 = 
2 j a 
oO. = j fo) 
5 = = 
at 2) 
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t vU Oo i 
o 2 a. 
ro} a) 
=, ' 
Cc | 
—] = 
on P ro) 
a wn 2 4 
> mM : 
a 2a) 0) DEPTH-4.2 y 
| (@) ae 
to ie 
> / 
0 x = % 
oO = 4 WY 
S a LY N 
SS x i 
eae Le 
ee eee ae 

Figure 1. The earth heat exchanger or ground coil. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

about 4.5 ft. in the soil nearby (1, 5). The essential parts of the 
package unit are two heat exchangers; a 4-cylinder, single stage, air- 
cooled, refrigeration compressor manufactured by Servel, Inc., Evans- 
ville, Indiana; a 5-hp, single phase, electric motor used to drive the 
compressor!; a fan driven by a %%-hp, single phase, electric motor; 
and a circulating pump driven by a '%-hp, single phase, electric motor. 

The earth heat exchanger (Fig. 1) consists of an effective 
length of 489 ft. of one inch copper tubing through which an anti- 
freeze solution is circulated. Thermocouples were installed so tem- 
peratures could be measured at the center of the antifreeze line at 
Stations’ 1 to 37 inclusive. The line) heat source is) L797 t slong 
and consists of the portion of the earth heat exchanger from stations 
2 to 5, and from stations 7 to 8, except the length of tubing which 
is thermally insulated as shown in Fig 1. The grid has a length 
of 317.1 ft., and is that portion of the earth heat exchanger be- 
tween stations 5 and 7°. Thermocouples (Fig. 2) were installed so 
that the temperature of the soil at stations 3 and 6 could be measured. 


It has been shown that a heat pump system should have a 
heating energy ratio of about 3.33 to deliver as much heat energy 
as a pound of coal burned in stoker-fired furnace*. If the 
heat pump is to replace conventional heating equipment for the sake 
of economy its efficiency must be improved considerably. 

The French use the term coefficient of amplification as a 
measure of the efficiency of a refrigeration plant, while Davies and 
Watts use the term performance energy ratio (6, 7). In the United 

1 For the tests during the heating season of 1949-1950 a 5-hp motor was 
used instead of the 3-hp motor which was originally installed in the 
Marvair package unit. 

2 For a description of the heat pump installation used in this research, 

see pages 8-21, reference (1). 

In this paper the heat source will be considered as the entire effective 

length of copper tubing in the earth heat exchanger, namely 489 ft. In 

a future Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin a more detailed analysis 

will be given in which the earth heat exchanger will be considered as a 

line heat source of 171.9 ft. and a srid heat source of SI7l ttmor 

copper tubing. 

4 See page 58, reference (2); and page 521, reference (3), 



Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 





le 6a eas 6 
13 5 



Figure 2. Schematic diagram showing the location of thermocouples 
used to determine the soil temperatures at stations 3 and 6. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

States the term coefficient of performance (COP) is generally used 
as a measure of the efficiency of a refrigeration plant!. In heat 
pump engineering these terms are somewhat misleading since the 
energy ratio for heating exceeds, theoretically, that for cooling by 
unity?. In this paper the term coefficient of performance will be 
replaced by the term heating energy ratio. 

The object of this research is to determine the factors responsible 

for the low performance energy ratios, and to find out if the earth 
is a suitable heat source. In order to make a careful analysis of 
data taken, the following definitions were used: 





A Carnot heat pump is a highly idealized machine which re- 
moves heat reversibly from a cold body at a constant tem- 
perature, and discharges heat reversibly to a hot body at a 
constant temperature, it operates on a cycle consisting of 
two isothermal and two isentropic processes. 

A vapor compression refrigeration plant is a system consisting 
of an evaporator, condenser, precooler, expansion valve (or 
capillary tube), and a compressor. 

A heat pump is a refrigeration plant and the electric motor 
used to drive the compressor. 

A heat pump system is defined as a heat pump plus the 
necessary auxiliary equipment (which consumes electric energy ) 
needed for air conditioning. 

The heating energy ratio (HER) of a Carnot heat pump is the 
ratio of the heat absorbed by the hot body to the heat 
equivalent of the net work of the cycle. 

The heating energy ratio (HER) of a refrigeration plant is 
the ratio of the heat absorbed by the condenser to the 
heat equivalent of the work of compression. 

The heating energy ratio (HER) of a heat pump is the 
heat absorbed by the fluid which removes heat from the 
condenser to the heat equivalent of the electric energy sup- 
plied to the motor used to drive the refrigeration compressor. 
The heating energy ratio (HER) of a heat pump system is 

For two years the senior author has been using the team heating energy 

ratio (HER), in his classes in thermodynamics and refrigeration, as a 
measure of the efficiency of the heat pump when it operates on the 

heating cycle, and the term cooling energy ratio (CER) when it operates 

on the cooling cycle. 
2 See page 506, reference (3); and page 2, reference (4). 


Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 

the ratio of the heat absorbed by the fluid which removes 
heat from the condenser to the heat equivalent of the electric 
energy supplied to the entire system!. 


During the summer of 1949, four heating tests ot short dura- 
tion were made to determine the efficiency of the Marvair package 
heat pump unit, and the general operating performance of the 
entire installation?. For the sake of comparison with the six-month 
heating test considered here, the average values obtained from 
these four tests are listed in Table IS. Items 19 and 20, clearly indi- 
cate that a very inefficient refrigeration compressor was installed 
in the Marvair package unit4. From item 5, it can be seen that 25,650 
B of heat were discharged to the air stream per hour. In reference 
(2), it was shown in an 8-hour heating test made on June 24, 1949, 
that 6,670 B of heat were absorbed from the air stream by the 
evaporator and connecting pipes each hour, thereby reducing the 
useful heat power to the air stream from 31,420 to 24,750 B/hr. This 
shows clearly that the evaporator (and pipes leading to and from it) 
should have been either more thoroughly insulated, or should have 
been placed in a separate compartment through which the air steam 
did not pass during the heating cycle. As shown in item 14, 14,630 B 
of heat per hour were absorbed by the antifreeze from the earth, 
which is one indication that the evaporator in the package unit is 
an inefficient heat exchanger. From items 21 and 22 it can be seen 
that the heating energy ratio of the refrigeration cycle is 5.6 or 
87.5% of that for the Carnot heat pump. The actual HER for the 
heat pump is 2.3 or 41% of that for the refrigeration plant; this re- 
duction in the heating energy ratio is due to taking the single phase 
compressor motor into consideration, and to insufficient insulation 
on the evaporator and connecting pipes. By including the single phase 
fan and pump motors, there is a further reduction in the HER, 
and it can be seen that the heating energy ratio of the heat pump 
system is 1.7, or about 74% of that for the heat pump. This fur- 

See reference (5). 
See pages 35-46, reference (1) and 24-30, reference (4). 
Pages 55-64, reference (1). 
By reducing the compressor speed from about 1130 to 700 rpm, the 
capacity of the refrigeration plant was reduced from 2.0 to 1.6 tons although 
the volumetric efficiency increased from about 52.7 to about 71.5% 

Bm OO py 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

ther reduction is due to the additional energy consumed by the 
fan motor and circulating pump motor. From the above it can 
be seen that the package heat pump under consideration is very 


1. Air-temp. in Mech. Engr. Lab., OF 85.9 
2. Inlet temp. of air stream, OF 85.8 
3. Outlet temp. of air stream, OF 104.9 
4. Increase in temp, of air stream, OF 19.1 
5. Heat power to air stream, B/hr. 25,650 
6. Inlet temp. of antifreeze, OF 36.0 
7. Outlet temp. of antifreeze, OF 39.6 
8. Increase in temp. of antifreeze, OF 3.6 
9. Temp. of antifreeze in earth heat exchanger, OF Biot 
10. Soil temp. 6 in. below center of antifreeze line, OF 60.2 
11, Soil temp. 12 in. below center of antifreeze line, OF 61.0 
12. Soil temp. 18 in. below center of antifreeze line, OF 61.5 
3. Strength of heat source (entire earth heat exchanger ), B/hr/ft. 974A 
14. Heat power from soil, B/hr 14,630 
15. Electric power input to compressor motor, kw 3.632 
16. Electric power input to fan motor, kw 0.484 
17. Electric power input to pump motor, kw 0.810 
18. Total electric power to heat pump system, kw 4.926 
19. Volumetric efficiency of refrigeration compressor, % Bol 
20. Compression efficiency of refrigeration compressor, .% 66.7 
21. HER for Carnot heat pump 6.4 
22. HER for refrigeration plant 5.6 
23. HER for heat pump (actual) 8) 
24. HER for heat pump system (actual ) 1.7 
25. Heating cost, kwhr/therm 18.1 
26. Actual capacity of refrigeration plant, tons 2.0 

The heating energy ratios determined in the tests of short 
duration are in line with those calculated from a hypothetical earth- 
to-air heat pump installation!. It is hoped that designers of new 
heat pump installations will take cognizance of the various factors 
which are responsible for the reduction in the heating energy ratio 
(i. e., from 5.6 to 1.7 in the case under consideration ). 

I Page 29; reference (4): 


Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 

Heatinc Test From Ocroser 31, 1949 To May 1, 1950 

A great deal of information concerning the performance of an 
earth heat pump system has been obtained through tests of short 
‘duration. However, such tests give little or no information as to 
the actual quantity of heat that is available, in the earth, for heat- 
ing a building during the entire season. A long-term heating test 
in which the heat pump operates continuously throughout the entire 
season will not give the true performance because actual plants 
generally operate on a demand basis. 

During the heating test of 1949-1950, the heat pump system 
operated intermittently, extracting heat from the earth daily from 
6 p.m. to 6 a.m. It was recognized, however, that by operating the 
plant in this manner, more heat would be absorbed from the earth 
during the first and last parts of the heating season than would be 
required normally to heat a house on the demand basis. Nevertheless, 
this procedure simulates actual operation much better than where 
the heat pump system is kept operating continuously. 

The chief results obtained from the test made during the heat- 
ing season of 1949—1950 are listed in Table Hl. The total degree- 
days! during the test period were about 92% of normal for 48 
seasons. From Table HI, however, it can be seen that the average 
outdoor temperature for the season? was 42°F and the normal 
temperature for the same period was 41.1°F. The rain fall was 


36.48 inches as compared with 22.33 inches which is the normal 
for the same _ period. 

The average heat power supplied to the air stream for the season 
considered was 92.36 therms per month, and the average electric 
power input to the heat pump system was 1893 kwhr per month. 
Hence the average monthly heating cost 

1 The degree-day is a term based on the idea that heat is not required i 

a building maintained at 700F when the aver: age outdoor air Benet 9 
represented by the mean of the maximum and minimum outdoor air tem- 
peratures for the day, does not fall below 65°F (8). If the average outdoor 
air temperature is 64°F, there is one degree-day, and if the average outdoor 
air temperature is 400F, there are 25 degree-days. 

The actual average outdoor air temperatures reported in this paper are 
the average hourly temperatures instead of averages of the maximum and 
minimum temperatures. 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

1893. kwhr/month 
92.36 nerinev anon. 

= 20.5 kwhr/therm. 

Whence, the average heating cost from October 31, 1949 to May 1, 
1950 was found to be 20.5 kwhr/therm for cold wet soil! (average 
soil temperature 6” below the center of the antifreeze line for the 
season was 43°F). For the four tests of short duration, the average 
heating cost was found to be 18.1 kwhr/therm for warm dry soil 

(average soil temperature 6” below the center of the antifreeze line 
was 60.2°F ). 

By the strength of the heat source is meant the heat absorbed 
per unit time per unit length of the earth heat exchanger. The average 
strength of the heat source (Table III) was 27.5 B/hr/ft for the 
season of 1949-1950, and that obtained from the four tests of short 
duration was 27.4 B/hr/ft for the summer of 1949. Curve E, Fig- 
ure 3b shows the variation of the strength of the total heat source 
(489 ft of pipe) versus time. From Fig. 8a and 3b it can be seen 
that the maximum value of the strength of the heat source occurs 
at the time of maximum rainfall. 

For the season under consideration the average temperature of 
antifreeze solution in the earth heat exchanger was 28.1°F for Novem- 
ber and 17.5°F in April. The average temperature of the antifreeze 
in the earth heat exchanger was 23.3°F for the entire season. 

A.M., MAY 1, 1950. 

Nov. -"Dee, Jan: “Heb: Marsemeapr 

1. Outdoor air temp., OF 43.4 40.0 40.0 387.9 406 499 
2. Normal outdoor air temp., O9F 44.8 35.8 329 35.4 43.7 543 
3. Air temp. in Mech. 

Engr, Lab., OF Ue OOS) ks 70 VQ THe 
4. Inlet temp. of air 

stream, OF (ae Wel Wer We WO B04 
5. Outlet temp. of air 

stream, OF 97.9 95.2 97.4 94.7 966 99.9 

| In Fig. 3(a) the actual and normal monthly rainfalls are shown graphically 
for the season. 




Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 

Increase in temp. of 

air stream, OF 21.4 
Heat power to air 

stream, B/hr 27,265 
Total heat power to 

air stream, therms/mo. 98.15* 

Temp, of antifreeze 

entering line, OF 28.1 
Temp. of antifreeze 
leaving line, OF 31.4 

Increase in temp. 
of antifreeze, OF 3.3 
Temp. at center of 

antifreeze line, OF 28.7 
Soil temp. 6 in. below 

center of antifreeze line, OF 51.9 
Soil temp. 12 in. below 

center of antifreeze line, OF 56.4 
Soil temp. 18 in. below 

center of antifreeze line, OF 55.4 
Strength of heat source 

(for 489 ft), B/hr/ft 27.8 
Heat power from earth to 

antifreeze, B/hr 13,560 

Total heat power from 
earth to antifreeze, therms/mo 48.80* 
Elect. power to 

compressor motor, kw 4391 
Elect. power to fan 

motor, kw 0.503 
Elect. power to 

pump motor, kw 0.832 
Elect. power to heat 

pump system, kw 5.726 
Elect energy supplied 

to heat pump system, kwhr 2061* 
HER for heat pump 1.82 
HER for heat pump 

system 1.39 
Rainfall, inches Beal ge 
Normal rainfall, 

inches 318) 
Degree days 625 
Normal degree days 601* 

Total values—not average values. 


20.1 20.7 
25,620 26,590 
95.31* 98.91* 

26.4 23.7 

29:4 29:4 

3.0 3.7 

27.6 25.7 

45.1 40.2 

49.2 41.0 

48.6 43.2 

23.8 30,5 
11,840 14,890 
44.15" 54.39% 

4.430 3.780 

0.500 0.502 

0.842 0.875 

5.772 95.157 
2147* 1918* 

1.82 2.06 

1.30 1.50 

1.25" 15.63" 
S.01, -<4eko* 
iio... Go4* 

916") (964* 







24,440 § 















Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

FROM NOV.1,1I949 TO MAY1I,1950 




Figure 3. Graphs showing the variation of rainfall and strength of the heat 
source with respect to time. 


Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 


1. Outdoor air temperature, OF 42.9 
2. Normal outdoor air temperature, OF 41] 
3. Inlet air temperature, OF 76.8 
4. Outlet air temperature, OF 97.0 
5. Heat power to air stream, B/hr! 25,510 
6. Heat power to air stream, therm/mo2 92.36 
7. Heat power from earth, B/hr 13,490 
8. Heat power from earth, therm/mo 48.66 
9. Temperature at center of antifreeze line, OF DBS) 
10. Soil temperature 6 in. below center of antifreeze line, OF 43.0 
11. Soil temperature 12 in. below center of antifreeze line, OF 46.1 
12. Soil temperature 18 in. below center of antifreeze line, OF 46.0 
13. Strength of heat source (489 ft.), B/hr/ft Piles 
14. Electric energy to heat pump system, kwhr 1893 
15. HER for heat pump 1.96 
16. HER for heat pump system 1.43 
17. Heating cost, kwhr/therm 20.5 

The average value of the soil temperature 6 in. below the center 
of the antifreeze line was 43°F for the season’. The average soil 
temperatures for the season were 46.1°F and 46.0°F at distances 
of 12 and 18 inches below the center of the antifreeze line, respec- 

The average heating energy ratios for the heat pump and the 
heat pump system are 1.96 and 1.43, respectively, while those re- 
ported for the four tests of short duration were 2.3 and 1.7, re- 

The performance of the actual earth-to-air heat pump system for 
the test season is shown graphically in Fig. 4. The effect of heavy 
rainfall upon the temperature of the antifreeze in the earth heat 
exchanger, the soil temperatures, and the rate of absorbing heat is 
quite apparent. It should be pointed out that the intermittent opera- 

1 B/hr means British thermal units per hour. 
2 Therms/mo means 100,000 British thermal units per month. 

3 It may be more than passing interest to not that the average outdoor air 
temperature for the season was 42° F. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

a ———— 

9000 p> 








Figure 4. Graphical presentation of hee 

Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 






ita during the heating season of 1949-1950. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 



EEZe { 

2 | P| ma Vi 
45 65 

nO ian AP : 

te 20 60 | i { 

x . 2 

r 55 IL | 

8 50 j u _|| ee || 

: ai 

.—— | 
fe / 
lu 35 A) 
ty 30 | i 
mt | 
S ° 
25 i 


: f \ PNY 
—= es | ' 
; | — S 10,000 

MAY | 



NOV. = a 

es igure 4. Graphical presentation of heat pump data during the heating season of 1949-1950. 
4 95 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

tion, also, is responsible for the irregularities in the graphs. From 
curve F, Fig. 4, and item 17 of Vable I it can be seen that the 
time rate of absorbing heat from the earth is nearly constant for the 
test season!. Professor Coogan reports a gradual decrease in the 
strength of the heat source and the heat absorbed for continuous 
operation of 700 and 900 hours (9, 10). It should be pointed out that 
on comparing curves F and A (Fig. 4), that apparently there is no 
correlation between the variation in the outdoor air temperature 
and the rate of absorbing heat from the earth. According to Ingersoll 
and Plass (Problem 6, page 121) there should be a periodic varia- 
tion of the soil temperature in the vicinity of the earth heat ex- 
changer due to the variation in the solar energy absorbed at the 
earth's surface (11, 12). Neglecting the effect produced on the soil 
by extracting heat from it and that due to rainfall, the soil tempera- 
ture should have decreased (somewhat in a sinusoidal manner) 
from, say, the middle of October to the middle of April. The decrease 
in the soil temperatures (items 13, 14, 15 in Table IL) from October 
31, 1949 to May 1, 1950 is partly due to the extraction of heat from 
the soil and partly due to the periodic reception of solar radiation. 
Graphs A, B, C, and D show that considerable heat was carried to 
the soil in the vicinity of the earth heat exchanger (due to moisture 
migration ) on December 10-14 and 18, January 3-6, 10-14 and 29-31, 
February 1, and March 11-13. 

1. Some of the average results from the six-month heating test 
compare favorably with those obtained from tests of short duration 
using the same installation; namely, 


Outlet air temp., °F 97.0 104.9 
Heat power to air stream, B/hr 25,510 25,650 
Heat power from earth, B/hr 13,910 14,630 
Elect. input to entire system, kw 5.259 4.926 
Strength of heat source (489 ft), B/hr/ft OSS 274 
HER for heat pump 1.96 23 
HER for heat pump system 1.48 Ie 
Heating cost, kwhr/therm 20.5 18.1 

1 The time rate of absorbing heat from the soil probably would have decreased 
from November to May if the ratio of the refrigeration capacity to ground 
coil length had been 5 tons to 489 ft. instead of about 2 tons to 489 ft, 


Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 

2. The heating energy ratios obtained from tests of short 
duration show clearly Ww Here the reduction in efficiency takes place; 
to wit, 

HER for the Carnot heat pump 6.4 
HER for the refrigeration plant 5.6 
HER for the heat pump ZS 
HER for the heat pump system 1 Leh 

3. The heating energy ratio of the refrigeration plant can be 
increased by producing better heat exchangers and_ refrigeration 
compressors. A more efficient heat exchanger can be manufactured 
by decreasing the pressure drop through it and its connecting pipes, 
and by increasing the amount of heat transfer surface. Professor 
Budenholzer has shown that the HER of a refrigeration plant can 
be improved by decreasing compressor losses, low side pressure 
drop losses, and high side pressure drop losses (13). Through re- 
search and development it ought to be possible to produce an 
axial-flow vapor refrigeration compressor with a volumetric effici- 
ency of 88% (or better) and with a very high mechanical efficiency. 
In using the axial-flow vapor compressor, the above high and low 
side pressure drops will be reduced greatly. It has been observed 
that there was very little loss in efficiency due to departure from 
isentropic compression in the four tests of short duration!. Also, 
the HER of the refrigeration plant can be increased by using a 
heat pump of the direct expansion type, thereby eliminating one 
heat exchanger, the circulating pump and its driving motor. By doing 
this, the initial cost of the earth heat pump system could be decreased 
considerably, and the operating cost would be decreased by about 

4. It is probably possible to manufacture electric motors in 
the low capacity bracket having an efficiency of about 85%. with- 
out increasing the cost of production, assuming wages and the cost 
of raw materials remain the same. 

5. The evaporator of the package unit should not be in the 
air stream during the heating cycle, and the condenser should not 
be in the air stream during the cooling cycle. 

1 The average increase in entropy during compression for the four heating 
tests was 0.0043 B/Ib/deg. Rankine. In two cooling tests of short duration, 

the entropy increased by 0.0089 in one test, and decreased by 0.0007 
B/lb/deg. Rankine in the other. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

6. From October 31, 1949 to May 1, 1950, the rainfall was in 
excess of the normal for that period by 64.4%. Therefore, the per- 
formance of the earth heat exchanger should be interpreted ac- 
cordingly. Additional heat was carried to the ground coil by moisture 
migration so that the time rate of absorbing heat from the soil did 
not decrease appreciably with time. If the rainfall had been normal. 
the soil temperature in the vicinity of the earth heat exchanger 
would have decreased with time as the heating test progressed, there- 
by reducing the capacity of the refrigeration plant?. 

7. The demand, particularly, for domestic heat pumps will 
probably increase in direct proportion to improvements in the design 
and methods of manufacturing refrigeration equipment. The cost 
of production will naturally decrease as the volume of sales is 


1. “Earth Heat Pump Research—Part I”, by E. B. Penrod, O. W. 
Gard, C. D. Jones, H. E. Collier, and R. N. Patey, University 
of Kentucky Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin, Vol. 4. 
No. 14, December, 1949, pp. 1-64. 

2. “Development Of The Heat Pump”, by E. B. Penrod, University 
of Kentucky Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin, Vol. 1. 
No. 4, June, 1947, pp. 1-78. 

3. “Continuous Air Conditioning With The Heat Pump’, by E. B. 
Penrod, American Scientist, Vol. 35, No. 4, October, 1947, pp. 

4, “Heat Pumps’, by E. B. Penrod, Transactions of the Kentucky 
Academy of Science, Vol. 13, No. 1, November, 1949, pp. 1-37. 

5. “Earth Heat Pump Research”, by E. B. Penrod, Proceedings of 
the Midwest Power Conference, Vol. 12, April, 1950, pp. 394-398. 

6. “Fuel and Power Economy, with Special Reference to Heat 
Pumps’, by S. J. Davies and F. G. Watts, Engineering, Vol. 166. 

1 During the six-month heating test the rotameter readings were not reliable 
due to flashing of the refrigerant in passing through the rotameter. There- 
fore, the capacity of the refrigeration plant was not measured. 







Earth Heat Pump On Intermittent Operation 

No. 4312, September 17, 1948, pp. 268-287; Ibid, No. 4318, 
September 24, 1948,pp. 309-312. 

“Heat Pumps And Thermal Compressors”, by S. J. Davies, 1950 
(Constable and Company, Ltd., London), pp. 1-126 

“Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Fundamentals”, by 
W. H. Severns and J. R. Fellows, 1949 (John Wiley and Sons, 
Inc.,) page 118. 

“The Residential Heat Pump In New England”, by C. H. Coogan, 
Jr., Bulletin published by The Connecticut Light and Power Co., 
Watterbury. Conn., August 1948, pp 1-48. 

“Heat-Transfer Rates”, by C. H. Coogan, Jr., Mechanical Engineer- 
ing, Vol. 71, No. 6, June, 1949, pp. 495-498. 

“Theory of the Ground Pipe Heat Source for the Heat Pump’, 
by L. R. Ingersoll and H. J. Plass, Heating, Piping, and Air 
Conditioning, Vol. 20 No. 7, July, 1948, pp. 119-122. 

. “Heat Conduction With Engineering And Geological Applica- 

tions”, by L. R. Ingersoll, O. J. Zobel, and A. C. Ingersoll, 1948 
(McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,), pp. 151-154. 

“Losses In The Cycle Of A Heat Pump Using A Ground Coil”, by 
R. A. Budenholzer, Proceedings of the Midwest Power Conference, 
Vol. 9, March, 1947, pp. 67-78. 



J. W. Archdeacon and A. B. Carreiro 

Department of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Kentucky 

One of the unsolved problems in the physiology of the mammal 
is the urge to eat. In general investigators have attempted to eluci- 
date the role of mechanical and/or metabolic factors in the regula- 
tion of food ingestion. The rat and the dog have been used often 
as experimental subjects. Brobeck (1) has reported data to sub- 
stantiate the importance of the metabolic factor in food ingestion 
regulation. In this study with rats he concluded that food intake 
appears to be controlled is if it is a mechanism of temperature 
regulation, and that the amount of food eaten appears to be de- 
termined partly by the organism's ability to dissipate the heat of 
food metabolism (Rubner’s “Specific Dynamic Action” ). 

It is known that certain amino acids exert the specific dynamic 
action effect more than others. One of these amino acids is glycine. 
In the following experiments glycine and its ethyl derivative were 
injected intraperitoneally into the dog. The assumption was that if 
body heat production was raised the ingestion of food might be 
inhibited. The experiments in which one and two grams of glycine 
and ethyl glycine were injected are reported here. 

Data were collected on three adult dogs and are presented 
in Table I. The figures represent average values, and each was 
obtained from at least three days’ experiments. The days were 
“scattered” in order that eating cycles be avoided. The amino 
acid was injected in a 0.3% sodium chloride solution, and the 
total volume injected was twenty milliliters. As a control, a similar 
volume of .9% sodium chloride solution was injected. The animals 
were exposed to food (block Purina) forty-five minutes after the 
injection of the amino acid. They were then allowed to eat as much 
food as they desired in a half hour interval. The quanity of food 
eaten was determined. The animals received food at no other time 
during the day. They were kept separately in metabolism cages 
each of which was large enough for the animal to move about 



The Effects of Glycine and Ethyl Glycine On Food Ingestion 

It may be seen from Table I that glycine in the amounts of one 
and two grams exerted no constant inhibitory effect on food ingestion. 
In fact, dog 5 ate more food when two grams of glycine were in- 
jected than when the animal received the control saline solution. 
However, an interesting effect was obtained with the ethyl deriva- 
tive of glycine. It may be seen from Table I that there was an 
inhibition of food ingestion both with one and with two grams of 
ethyl glycine. Dogs 4, 5, and 6 ate only 41%, 10%, and 23% 
respectively of the food eaten in the saline interval when one gram 
of ethyl glycine was injected. With two grams of ethyl glycine the 
inhibition was quite marked. Only dogs 4 and 6 ate, the. former 
18 grams and latter 1 gram. + 

The data in these experiments seem to indicate that the ethyl 
group on the glycine molecule exerted an inhibitory effect on. food 
ingestion, at least when the compound was used in the quanity of 
two grams. The mechanism of probable inhibition is not. clear. 
Meites (2) has reported on the effects of adminsitration of natural 
and artificial estrogens on the food intakes of rats. It was concluded 
that diethylistilbestrol decreases growth and food and water intakes. 
The substance was administered in comparatively small amounts. 
Again the presence of an ethyl group in a food intake depressing 
compound is to be noted. This, in conjunction with the present ex- 
periment, indicates that the ethyl group may have been the respon- 
sible factor of food intake inhibition which occurred in these ex- 

Average Quantity of Food Ingested (Grams ) 
1 Gram 2 Grams 
NaCl 1 Gram 2 Grams Ethyl Glycine 
Glycine Glycine Glycine Ethyl 
Dog 4 148 113 81 61 18 
Dog 5 135 108 196 13 0 
Dog 6 207 LF 17 47 i 

(1) “Food Intake as a Mechanism of Temperature Regulation’, 
John R. Brobeck, The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 
vol. 20, No. 6, July, 1948, pp. 545-552. 

(2) “Regulation of Food Intake to Growth-Depressing Action of 
Natural and Artificial Estrogens”, Joseph Meites, American Jour- 
nal of Physiology, vol. 159, No. 2, November, 1949, pp. 281-286. 


Sigfred Peterson 

Chemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences 
University of Louisville, Louisville §, Ky. 

It seems unusual to think of an ordinary laboratory meter stick 
as a precise or accurate instrument. Yet a successful student ex- 
periment illustrating the statistical laws governing precision has been 
based on the meter stick as an instrument (1). By application of stati- 
stical formulas to 100 measurements of the same length with ran- 
domly chosen portions of the same meter stick, the probable error 
of a single measurement is frequently found to be as low as 0.01cem. 
or less, and seldom greater than 0.02 cm. This means that the average 
of 100 measurements with the same meter stick is precise to 0.01 

A sufficiently large number of classes have now performed this 
experiment measuring the same specimens so that it now becomes 
possible to compare measurements of the same length with several 
different meter sticks. Table I gives typical sets of results, each 
result the average of about 100 measurements with the same meter 
stick. Since there were about 12 meter sticks available for the ex- 
periment, it is possible that some pairs of results on the same 
specimen used the same stick, but the variations must be due to 
differences between different meter sticks. 

For each specimen studied at least five times, Table II gives 
the average of the average lengths, the difference between the high- 
est and the lowest values, and the average deviation from the average. 
It appears that different meter sticks can differ by as much as 0.10 
cm. when used very carefully to measure the same length. However, 
if one can assume that the errors of different meter sticks are random, 
it can be concluded that the average of several measurements with 
the same meter stick is certainly accurate to within a few hundredths 
of a centimeter and is probably within 0.02 cm. of the truth. 


The Precision and Accuracy of Meter Sticks 

Table I 

Typical Average Measurements of Rods 

38.80 cm. 

Number of 

~I Ol 

“10 Ol 

~1 Ol oO 

60.23 cm. 

Table II 

Spread of Values 




46.725 cm. 








Maximum Average 
Spread Deviation 
0.03 cm. 0.014 cm. 
0.09 0.03 
0.10 0.03 
0.09 0.025 
0.05 0.02 
0.08 0.02 
0.09 0.04 
0.07 0.02 

(1) Peterson, J. Chem. Ed., 26, 408 (1949). 



John R. Koch, Ph. D. 
Marquette University 

Sister M. Concetta, M.S. 
Ursuline College, Louisville, Kentucky 

Commercial waxes when used in binary mixtures show some in- 
teresting expansion results with increase of temperature. In the pre- 
sent study these results were observed over a temperature range of 
25° C to 80° C. In some mixtures this expansion proved to be regular 
no matter what the percentages of the binary composition. With some 
other mixtures this was definitely not the case. 

Because of the very many theoretical and practical applications 
~ and because of the accuracy with which the values can be deter- 
mined, it was thought best to work out the problem by specific 
gravity or density determinations. The density of the wax mixtures 
at 25° was determined by the pycnometer method using a Hubbard 
pycnometer, and at higher temperatures it was determined by the 
dilatometer method. 

The density of the commercial waxes at 25°C was determined 
in the following manner. Twenty grams of the wax were placed in 
a 50 milliliter beaker and heated on a steam bath until the wax melted. 
The melted wax was carefully poured in a petri dish to cool. This 
required from two to three hours for complete shrinkage. Small 
slabs of approximately one and a half by three centimeters were 
cut; the edges were smoothed, and the corners rounded. These were 
weighed. The Hubbard pycnometer was cleaned, dried, and weighed. 
It was filled with recently boiled and cooled distilled water, and 
again dried and weighed. The pycnometer stopper was removed. A 
weighed wax slab was lowered into the distilled water as carefully 
as possible to avoid the adherence of air bubbles. The stopper was 
replaced and the pynometer and contents were weighed. The density 
or specific gravity could be calculated at 25/25°C from the follow- 
ing equation. 


Specific Gravity Of Binary Wax Mixtures 

Weight of the wax 
Specific Gravity = — - — 
A — B + Weight of the wax 
where A =weight of the pycnometer filled with water, and B= the 
weight of the pycnometer, water, and wax sample. Results were re- 
producible to 0.001. 

The specific gravity of the waxes at higher temperatures was 
determined by the dilatometer method. Ten milliliter graduated cylin- 
ders were cut off at the four milliliter mark, and the’ edges were 
fire polished. One milliliter Mohr pipettes graduated in hundredths 
were cut off, polished, and placed in rubber stoppers so that the 
ends were just even with the ends of the stoppers. The empty dilato- 
meter was weighed, then the dilatometer and wax, and finally, the 
dilatometer, wax, and water were weighed. After these we‘ghings 
were made the cut off Mohr pipette was inserted carefully so as 
not to trap any air bubbles, and the water rose to some constant 
level. This was taken as the initial reading. The dilatometer was 
placed in the water bath and the temperature was increased about 
ene degree per minute. Readings on the pipette were made at the 
desired temperatures. (Fig. 1). 



ure l. 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 




Figure 2. 



1) 4 1 
75 280 2-85 298 


The volume of the wax was determined by dividing the weight 
of the wax sample by the specific gravity as calculated at 250 C. The 
volume of the water used was determined by dividing the weight 
of the water by the specific gravity of water at 25°C, which value 
can be obtained from a hand book. The total volume of wax and 
water used was obtained by adding these two volumes together. 

The volume of water at the elevated temperatures was calculated. 
The total volume minus the volume of water equaled the volume of 
wax at the higher temperatures. 

The specific gravity of the wax sample at the desired tempera- 
ture was obtained from the equation 

Weight of wax 
Specific Gravity = 

Volume of wax 

The values at the higher temperatures agree to 0.01 or 0.02. In 
some cases the agreement is less than this. The volume of the dilato- 
meter was read to the third place. but this third place was neces- 
sarily an estimation. A difference of 0.001 milliliters in volume makes 
a difference of about 0.01 in the specific gravity value, depending up- 
on the wax used. 

From the calculated specific gavity values at 25°C to 80°C 
the volume increase of the waxes were as follows: 

Mineral Waxes 

Paraffin Wax 20.7 % 
Ozocerite Wax 25.9% 
Montan Wax 11.8% 


Specific Gravity Of Binary Wax Mixtures 

Vegetable Waxes 

Carnauba Wax 12.0% 
Candelilla Wax 18.7% 
Japan Wax 15.1% 
Ouricury Wax 11.0% 
Animal Waxes 
Refined Beeswax 15.8 % 
Yellow Beeswax 15.1% 
Chinese Insect Wax 8.9% 

It will be seen that the mineral waxes expand the most and 
animal waxes the least. The hard, microcrystalline, tough, high melt- 
ing waxes show less expansion than those which are soft and have 
low melting points, and Chinese Insect Wax, which is a fairly hard, 
crystalline wax, shows the least expansion. 

It was found that there is an interesting relation of the melting 
point to the extent of expansion. Usually where the melting point 
curve follows the normal pattern the expansion curve will likewise 
do so. 

When the beeswax curves are studied certain similarities are 
noticed. The expansion between 25°C and 30°C is very slight. 
The greatest amount of expansion is between 50°C and 60°C. 
Mixtures of waxes with melting points lower than 70°C show very 
little expansion between 70°C and 80° C. 

The most striking graph in this group is presented by the mix- 
ture of refined beeswax with yellow beeswax. (Fig. 2). Refined 
beeswax has a specific gravity at 25° C of 0.957 and yellow beeswax 
one of 0.953. Mixtures of these two waxes show an average value 
of 0.974 which means that the two waxes shrink in mixtures at 25° C. 
This change is equally observable at 30° C, less so at 40° C, still less 
at 50°C, and at 60°C, 70°C, and 80°C the average value is the 
same for the mixtures as it is for the individual waxes. 

The greatest amount of expansion in the beeswax occurs with 
the largest percentages of beeswax except in the case of paraffin and 
ozocerite (Fig. 3). The 25°C and 30°C curves are regular. We 
see the increase of expansion toward the middle of the curve in the 
40° C, 50° C, and 60° C curves. 

The candelilla wax mixtures at 25°C give normal curves and 
the individual specific gravity values could be calculated from 
the values of the original waxes within the limits of experimental 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

error. The candelilla mixtures with vegetable waxes, with refined 
beeswax and with ozocerite wax show a decreased volume at 30° C. 
In most of the candelilla mixtures we see that between 30% and 
70% of candelilla there is almost no increase in the amount of 

The most interesting sets of curves are obtained with the car- 
nauba mixture. The greatest amount of expansion with increase of 
temperature occurs where the percentage of carnauba is small. The 
specific gravity values of the wax mixture at 25°C can be calculated 
within the limits of experimental error from the values of the original 
waxes. A study of the carnauba wax—montan wax curves will point 
out this regularity in the 25°C curve. (Fig. 4). 

This same graph can be used to point out that the 50-50% 
mixtures with carnauba call for special attention. The greatest per- 
centage of expansion is found in these mixtures when carnauba is 
studied with refined beeswax, yellow beeswax, candelilla, Japan 
wax, montan, paraffin, and ozocerite. On the other hand, the great- 
est amount of shrinkage is found when equal amounts of carnauba 
and Chinese Insect wax are mixed. (Fig. 5). 

The most regular sets of curves are obtained with the paraffin 
wax mixtures. The paraffin wax—montan wax curves serve as an 
example. (Fig. 6). The 25°, 30°, and 40° curves are very regular. 
There are only slight deviations in the 50°, 60°, and 70° curves. The 
80° curve again follows the regular pattern. The experimental specific 
gravity values for the mixtures at 25° C agree very accurately with the 
calculated values in all the mixtures except those with carnauba (where 
the difference is more marked). The greatest amount of expansion 
occurs between 40° C and 50°C. In most cases the amount of expan- 
sion increases with the increase of the percentage of paraffin. 

A careful study of the graphs and a check with mathematical 
calculations show that in most cases the values for the specific gravity 
of the wax mixtures at 25°C can be calculated from the values 
of the components and that the experimental values agree very well 
with the calculated values, except in the cases pointed out. Most 
of the calculated values for higher temperatures have been found to 
agree with the experimental values by 0.01, and rarely have the 
differences been more than 0.02. 




ALIAWYD 21519305 

ALIAWHD 914519390dS 






Specific Gravity Of Binary Wax Mixtures 

So © ° ° fo 2 o a ~ 
: > is} °o 
a 3 
> mm 
oo *° 
> 7 
| : S 
° oO 
50' 35 
2 2 
40° SiS 
rh = 
39 x 



o ° fo} [e} ° a 



- KYM 





Figure 3, top left 
Figure 4, top right 
Figure 5, bottom left 
Figure 6, bottom right 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

One other set of observations may be made. The mixture of 
a soft low melting wax with another soft low melting wax exhibits 
a very normal expansion between the 30° and 40° curves. Past this 
temperature the mixtures show more expansion than do the original 

The mixture of a soft low melting wax with a hard micro cry- 
stalline high melting wax or with a hard crystalline wax also give 
normal curves. 

When hard high melting waxes are mixed together their curves 
exhibit marked abnormalities as was pointed out in the carnauba— 
montan mixtures. When these same waxes are mixed with hard 
crystalline waxes marked volume changes are noticed at the different 
temperatures. The carnauba—Chinese Insect wax mixtures illustrate 
this point. 

We may summarize our conclusions as follows: 

1. Various waxes exert different effects upon the expansion of 
any individual wax. 

2. The greatest amount of expansion occurs just before the melt- 
ing point of the wax mixture. 

3. Paraffin wax mixtures give the most normal sets of curves. 
4. Carnauba wax exerts the most marked effect in expansion values. 
The 50-50 mixtures show the greatest deviations. 

5. Candelilla wax mixtures tend to shrink most in the neighbor- 
hood of 30° C. 

6. Hard, microcrystalline, high melting waxes show less expansion 
in the 80° range. 

7. Chinese Insect wax which is a fairly hard, crystalline, high 
melting wax shows the least expansion. 

8. Mixtures of soft low melting waxes with each other or with other 
waxes, at temperatures higher than 40°C expand more than do 
the original wax components. 

9. When hard high melting waxes are mixed together, or are 
mixed with high melting crystalline waxes their curves show 
marked abnormalities. Examples: carnauba—montan, carnauba— 
Chinese Insect wax. 

10. Care should be taken in calculating the specific gravity of a 
wax mixture unless the specific gravity versus composition curve 
at the desired temperature is known to be a straight line. 



Herbert Parkes Riley 
University of Kentucky 

The author (Riley, 1948) has recently described the behavior of 
the chromosomes in a putative hybrid between Gasteria and Aloe, 
found among a collection of succulents growing at the University 
of Kentucky. More recently, a second putative hybrid has been studi- 
ed from the same collection. Both plants had been obtained from 

Figure | 

Mr. Charles Cass of Pacific Grove, California, but are considerably 
different in general appearance. 

The second plant is herbaceous and has a very short stem. 
The leaves form a rosette but lack the prominent spines so often pre- 
sent on the margins of Aloe leaves (Fig. 1). The leaves are pale 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

green, approximately the color of those of Gasteria sulcata and they 
are not covered with white dots. The flowers resemble those of Aloe, 
being straight at the end and not swollen at the base, but the ra- 
cemes are lax and not dense and, except for a tendency to be not 
secund, are like those of Gasteria (Fig. 2). The inflorescences and 
flowers of the two putative hybrids are much alike. 

Observations — Pairing at the first meiotic metaphase was much 
more frequent than it was in the hybrid reported previously, al- 

Chromosome Behavior In A Second Gasteria-Aloe Hybrid. 

though not so frequent as has been observed in plants of either 
genus. As Table I shows, there was a large proportion of cells with 
three or four bivalents among the eight long chromosomes. The 
chiasma frequency was 1.40 per bivalent and 0.51 per chromosome, 
and about 45 per cent of the chiasmata were terminalized. The six 
short chromosomes showed a greater tendency to pair than did the 
long ones, and no cell showed a complete failure of pairing among 
the short chromosomes. The chiasma frequency was apparently 1.00 
per bivalent and 0.43 per chromosome, and all the chiasmata were 

Table I 
Frequency of bivalents at first meiotic metaphase in a 
Gasteria-Aloe hybrid. 

No. of Eight long chromosomes Six short chromosomes 
bivalents No. of cells Per cent No. of cells Per cent 
+ 30 28.93 
3 55 45.45 74 G27 
2 18 14.88 29 26.36 
i 10 §.26 i 6.36 
0 3 2.48 0 0.00 
et 100.00 110 99.99 

There were a number of irregularities at first anaphase and only 
48 of the 87 cells which were examined showed a 4-4 distribution 
of the long chromosomes. In four cells the distribution was 4-3 with 
one chromosome lagging on the equator and in one cell was 4-2 
with two laggards. In 24 cells there was an equational separation of 
one or more chromosomes at the first division. In nine cells the 
distribution was 5-3 and in one cell it was 6-2. Six cells had chromatid 
bridges with fragments. For the short chromosomes, 90 per cent of 
the cells were normal. In one cell there was a 4-2 distribution and a 
few cells had lagging chromosomes or the equational separation of 
chromatids. A chromatid bridge between the short chromosomes was 

present in one cell. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Of 320 cells in first telophase, 190 appeared normal. In 115 
cells there was one micronucleus and in 15 cells two micronuclei 
were found. 

Thirty-eight cells were examined in anaphase of the second meio- 
tic division. In 26, four long chromosomes were going to each pole 
on both spindles, but the other twelve cells showed various ab- 
normalities including lagging chromosomes. The loss of chromosomes 
or of chromatids at the first meiotic division was clearly reflected in 
some of the cells at second anaphase. In two figures chromatid 
bridges connected the two daughter nuclei on one spindle, and in 
one figure a bridge appeared to connect one nucleus of each spindle. 

Second telophase did not appear so abnormal as in the hybrid 
previously reported. The tetrad consisted of four daughter cells in 
about 74 per cent of the figures, and all four nuclei always appeared 
to be about the same size. “Tetrads” of five cells were found in 
about 24 per cent of the figures, groups of six cells in two per 
cent, and a group of seven cells was found once. When the “tetrad” 

Table II 
Stages of successive buds on the main raceme of a Gasteria-Aloe 
plant. The buds with the lowest numbers are the smallest. 

Bud Stage 
i Early prophase of first meiotic division (leptotene 
and zygotene ). 
2 Zygotene through diplotene. 
3 First metaphase through second telophase. 
4-8 Tetrads; microspores together. 
9-16 Microspores separated; nuclei generally central; in 

later buds some nuclei towards one side of cells which 
are somewhat more elliptical; in buds 15 and 16, 
some cells shrunken. 

17 Same but an occasional prophase of the microspore 

18 Some cells empty; cytoplasm becoming very oily in 
most cells; an occasional dividing cell, chiefly in 

19-20 More cells appear empty; only a few have nuclei. 
21-40 All but a very small per cent empty and shriveled; 

none with two nuclei. 


Chromosome Behavior In A Second Gasteria-Aloe Hybrid. 

consisted of more than four cells, one or two were frequently smal- 
ler than the others. 

In spite of the normal appearance of well over half the te- 
trads, the mature pollen appeared to be 100 per cent inviable. 
As Table II shows, development proceeds normally until the tetrad 
stage. The microspores separate from one another normally and be- 
gin to take on a mature shape and to develop a pollen grain wall, 
but very few develop so far as the nuclear division. Most of them 
remain in interkinesis. Their cytoplasm becomes very oily and sooner 
or later the nucleus and cytoplasm disappear and the cells appear 
to be merely shrunken pollen grain walls. No microspore metaphases 
or anaphases were observed, but a few cells were found in prophase. 
When cells were studied from buds of various sizes, about four per 
cent appeared to be shrunken and empty shortely after meiosis. 
About one per cent was unusually large and probably was a diploid 
microspore, and about two per cent were unusually small but ap- 
parently contained cytoplasm and a nucleus. About four per cent of 
the cells that seemed to be otherwise normal contained one or two 
micronuclei: On the other hand, in one of the largest unopened 
buds there were 497 shrunken and empty cells, four large cells 
without nuclei, and 27 cells that were unusually small but which ap- 
peared to contain cytoplasm but no visible nucleus; no cell appeared 
to be normal in the largest buds. 

Meiotic pairing in this plant was considerably more frequent 
than in the plant previously described, which would indicate a 
greater homology between the genomes of its parents. However, 
both plants appear to be 100 per cent pollen sterile. The high per- 
centage of bivalents would suggest that some mature pollen grains 
would be found. It is possible that the failure to find any fertile 
grains is in part due to a disharmony between chromosomes and 
cytoplasm in an intergeneric cross. 


Riley, H. P. 1948. Chromosome studies in a hybrid between 
Gasteria and Aloe. Amer. J. Bot. 35: 645-650. 



The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science was 
held at Eastern State College, Richmond, Kentucky on Friday afternoon and 
Saturday morning, October 21 and 22, 1949. 

Main feature of the Friday afternoon program was a symposium on “Recent 
Scientific Developments.” Participating in this program were: 

Dr. J. M. Schreyer, University of Kentucky. “Recent Developments: in 

Dr. D. M. Bennett, University of Louisville. “Recent Developments in 

Dr. W. R. Jillson, Transylvania College, “Recent Developments in 

Dr. J. S. Bangson, Berea College. “Recent Developments in Biology.” 

Mr. J. Stephen Watkins, President of the Kentucky Chamber of Com- 
merce. “Recent Industrial Development in Kentucky.” 

Following the annual dinner of the Academy Friday evening there was 
held a symposium on “Research Facilities in Kentucky”. Speaking on_ this 
symposium were: 

Dean R. C. Ernest, Dean of the Speed Scientific School, University 
of Louisville. “Research Facilities at the University of Louisville.” 

Dr. Leo Chamberlain, Vice-President of the University of Kentucky. 
“Research Facilities at the University of Kentucky.” 

Mr. Ervin Kaufman, Chief-Chemist, Hirsch Bro. & Co., Louisville. 
“Research Facilities in Kentucky Industries.” 

At the business meeting Saturday morning officers were elected for the 
Academy year, 1949-1950. 

President: W. E. Blackburn, Murray State College, Murray 

Vice-President: E. B. Penrod, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

Secretary: C. B. Hamann, Asbury College, Wilmore. 

Treasurer: KR. H. Weaver, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

Representitive to the Council of the A.A.A.S.: Austin R. Middleton, 
University of Louisville, Louisville. 

William Moore and Mary E. Wharton were elected to serve on the Board 
of Directors until 1953. 

Following the Saturday morning business meeting the various Divisions 
of the Academy met for the presentation of specialized papers and for the 

transaction of divisional business. The programs of the various Divisions are 
recorded as follows: 


Academy Affairs 

Medical Technology and Bacteriology 
Miss Mary Benedict Clark, Presiding. 
“A comparison of methods of giving blood transfusions”. L. C. Harrison, 
Good Samaritan Hospital and University of Kentucky, Lexington. 
“Rh-Hr classification and antibody determination”. Mary Benedict Clark, 
“Techniques of Huggins thermal coagulation test for carcinoma”. Oscar 
M. Alton, Norton Infirmary, Louisville. 
“Quick microtenchniques for bacteriological work”. R. H. Weever, Univer- 
sity of Kentucky, Lexington. 
“Mycological techniques in clinical diagnosis”. Margaret Hotchkiss, Univer- 
sity of Kentucky, Lexington. 
“A weekly mold survey of air and dust in Lexington”. M. Elizabeth Wal- 
lace, R. H. Weaver and M, Scherago, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 
“Problems in the standardization of allergenic extracts”. Morris Scherago, 
University of Kentucky, Lexington. 
“The laboratory production of penicillin”. Robert Blair, University of Ken- 
tucky, Lexington. 

Marcus Allen, Howard Clinic, Glasgow, Kentucky, was elected Chairman 
of the Division of Medical Technology and Bacteriology for the coming year. 
Biology Division 
Dr. Joe Neel, Presiding. 

“Observations on the life history of Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi”’. Gerald 
A. Cole, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“Biographical data on the life of Sadie F. Price, Kentucky naturalist.” 
Harvey B. Lovell, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

William M. Clay, University of Louisville was elected Chairman of the 
Biology Division for the coming year. 

Prof. E. B. Penrod, Presiding. 

“Finishing steels for decorative and corrosion resistance purposes’. Reid 
Kenyon, Armco Steel Co. 

“Research in highway engineering”. William B. Drake, Kentucky Department 
of Highways. 

“The heat pump from a home owner’s viewpoint”. O. G. Petersen, Somer- 
set, Kentucky. 

“Teaching electronics at the junior college level”. H. Alex Romanowitz, 
University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

“Physiological aspects of flight”. W. F. Savage, University of Kentucky, 

“Hydrogen manufacture”. Robert Reed, Girdler Corporation, Louisville. 

“Chemical colors”. J. D. Todd, Kentucky Color and Chemical Co., Louisville. 

“Aluminum in the petroleum industry”. William B. Moore, Reynolds Metals 
Co., Louisville. 

“Manufactured tobacco products”. Jesse Simpson, Brown and Williamson 
Tobacco Corp., Louisville. 

E. B. Penrod, University of Kentucky was reelected Chairman of the En- 
gineering Division for the coming year. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Dr. G. L. Corley, Presiding. 

“The banding of silver chromate and silicic acid gel”. Miss Cooper, Centre 
College, Danville. 

“Increase in dissolved solids and acidic components during the aging of 
whisky”. M. C. Brockmann, Joesph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville. 

“A preliminary characterization of lespedeza seed oil”. Richard H. Wiley 
and A. W. Cagle, University of Louisville. 

“Soil iodine”. Forrest G. Houston, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta- 
tion, Lexington. 

“Determining sugars in plant material”. J. H. Hamilton, Ivan Stewart and 
M. E. Weeks, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. 

“Comparative rates of growth and calcification of the humeri of male and 
female New Hampshire chickens having crooked keels”. G. Davis Buckner, 
W. M. Insko, Amanda H. Henry and Elizabeth F. Wachs, Kentucky Agricultural 
Experiment Station, Lexington. 

“Comparative rates of growth and calcification of the femur, tibia and 
metatarsus bones of male and female New Hampshire chickens having crooked 
keels”. G. Davis Buckner, W. M. Insko, Amanda H. Henry and Elizabeth F. 
Wachs, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. 

“The catalase activity of normal tissues”. Sister Mary Julitta, Donna keller 
and Richard Klare, Villa Madonna College, Covington. 

“Effects of Staphylococcus aureus on blood and liver catalase in mice”. 
Sister Rose Agnes, Sister Mary Adeline and Cornelius W. Kreke, Nazareth 
College Unit of Institutum Divi Thomas, Louisville. 

“Some observations on tidal disturbances. in the atmosphere”. G. C. Mance, 
Union College, Barbourville. 

“The effect of composition on the specific gravity of binary wax mixtures”. 
John R. Koch, Marquette University, and Sister M. Concetta, Ursuline College, 

“Pigment derived from dioximes”. Max I. Bowman, Carl E. Moore, Leonard 
Viola and Shelden Weinstein, University of Louisville. 

“Cyclo octa tetraine”. Norman O. Long, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

Dr. T. C. Herndon, Eastern State College was elected Chairman of the 
Chemistry Division for the coming year. 

The final event of the Richmond meeting was an address by the Hon. 
Charles Farnsley, Mayor of Louisville. Mayor F arnsley spoke on “The Role of 
Scientists in City Government” at a Saturday luncheon in the Student Union 

The following faculty members of Eastern State College served as the 
Committee on Arrangements for the Richmond meeting: Anna A. Schnieb 
(Chairman), T. C. Herndon, Meredity Cox J. G. Black, L. G. Kennamer and 
Smith Park. 


Academy Affairs 


Murray State College was host to the Kentucky Academy of Science at its 
spring meeting held on Friday and Saturday, April 28 and 29, 1950. It is the 
intent of the Academy that these spring meetings, which were inaugarated last 
year at Cumberland Falls State Park, should provide the maximum opportunity 
for field trips in regions of the Commonwealth which are of special interest 
to outdoor scientists. 

Following registration Friday afternoon provision was made for an in- 
spection of the new science building at Murray State College. President of the 
Academy, W. E. Blackburn of Murray State College presided at the Friday 
afternoon program. The following papers were presented: 

“Geological sketch of the Jackson Purchase”. E. B. Wood, Kentucky Geolo- 
gical Survey. 

“A look at Kentucky Woodlands”. Eugene Cypert, U. S. Fish and Wildlife 

“Wild turkey in Kentucky Woodlands”. John DeLime, Kentucky Division of 
Fish and Game. 

At the dinner Saturday evening, Dr. R. H. Woods, President of Murray 
State College gave a short address of welcome. Following dinner, members and 
guests reconyv ae for a general program consisting of addresses on: 

“Research and development activities at the T.V.A. chemical works, Wilson 
Dam, Ala.”, Ralph Stitzer, Tennessee Valley Authority. 

“Recent advances in medical science”. Hugh L. Houston, Kentucky State 
Medical Association. 

“Indian corn in Old America”. Paul Weatherwax, Indiana University, Bloom- 

The program for Saturday was intended to provide members an opportunity 
to participate in a variety of field trips or to pursue special outdoor interests. 
The schedule provided for a trip to Kentucky Woodlands, a sightseeing tour 
of Kentucky Lake, an inspection of the Kentucky Dam and Generating Station 
and a conducted tour through the plant of the Pennsylvania Salt & Manufactur- 
ing Co. which produces hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids. Facilities were provided 
for small fishing parties. 

Arrangements were made for a Saturday noon luncheon. In the evening 
the membership of the Academy was inv ited to a social and informal dance 
sponsored jointly by the honory ‘biological sciences fraternity and the American 
Chemical Society student affiliate chapter of Murray State College. 

Preparations for the meeting were in the hands of the following committees 
which were drawn from the faculty of Murray State College: 

Program—A. M. Wolfson (Chairman), Grace Wyatt and Peter Panzera. 

Dinner—Mrs. A. M. Wolfson. 

Arrangements—C. W. Kemper (Chairman), Collus Johnson, William G. 
Reed, Paul Bryant and R. A. Johnston. 

Registration—Liza Spann (Chairman), Roberta Whitnah, A. G. Canon, 
and R. E. Goodgion. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the Academy will be held at the Univer- 
sity of Louisville on October 27 and 28, 1950. All sessions will meet in the 
main building of the Speed Scientific School, located on the south side of 

Eastern Parkway near South Third Street. 

The program of Friday afternoon will consist of conducted tours to certain 
industrial plants in Louisville. These tours will leave the University of Louis- 
ville at 2:30 p.m., and will return in time for the annual dinner at the Seelbach 
Hotel at 5:30. The guest speaker at the dinner is to be Dr. Anton J. Carlson, 
of the University of Chicago, who will address the Acacemy on “Science and 
Society”. It is necessary to meet promptly for the dinner, inasmuch as Dr. 
Carlson must leave Louisville at 8:00 o'clock for another engagement. A business 

session will conclude Friday's activities. 

Saturday morning will be allotted to scientific sessions, held in the Speed 

Scientific School, and to any remaining matters of business. 

A third number of the TRANSACTIONS can be published before the end 

of the present calendar year if a sufficient number of manuscripts are submitted 

to the editors in the near future. 



medium for publication of original investigations in science. In addition, as 
the official organ of the Kentucky Academy of Science, it publishes programs of the 
meetings of the Academy, abstracts of papers presented before the annual meetings, 
reports of the Academy’s officers and committees, as well as news and announce- 
ments of interest to the membership. 

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time to the co-editors: 

M. C. BrockMANN, WILLIAM M. Cray, 
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Department of Biology, 

Seventh Street Road, University of Louisville 

Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky 

Papers should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced, with wide margins, 
in an original and 1 carbon copy, on substantial quality paper. Articles are ac- 
cepted for publication with the understanding that they are to be published 
exclusively in the TRANSACTIONS, Each paper will be reviewed by one or more 
persons qualified in the field covered by article in addition to the editors before 
a contribution is accepted for publication. 

Bibliographic citations should follow textual material (except in Research 
Notes, see later). Abbreviations for the names of periodicals should follow the 
current system employed by either Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. 
Bibliographic citations in Research Notes should be in the same form as for longer 
papers but enclosed in parentheses within the text of the note. 

Footnotes should be avoided. Titles must be clear and concise, and provide 
for precise and accurate cataloguing. 

Tables and illustrations are expensive, and should be included in an article 
only to give effective presentation of the data. Articles with an excessive number 
of tables or illustrations, or with poorly arranged or executed tables or illustrations 
may be returned to the author for modification. 

Textual material should be in clear, brief and condensed form in order for a 
maximum amount of material to be published. 

Reprints must be ordered at the time galley proof is returned. 

The following individuals, educational institutions and industrial organiza- 
tions have subscribed to one or more sustaining memberships in the KENTUCKY 

Berea College, Berea, Kentucky. 
Blankmeyer, H. C., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

Borgerding, Walter L., General Distillers Corporation of Kentucky, Louis- 
ville, Kentucky. 

Cedar Bluff Stone Company, Inc., Princeton, Kentucky. 

Centre College, Danville, Kentucky. 

Corhart Refractories Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Devoe and Raynolds Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

DeSpain, T. H., Southern Textile Machinery Company, Paducah, Kentucky. 
B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Kentucky Brewers Association (10), Louisville, Kentucky. 

Kolachov, Paul, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Lanham Hardwood Flooring Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Lee Clay Products Company, Inc. (2), Clearfield, Kentucky. 
Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, Kentucky, 

Medley Distilling Company, Owensboro, Kentucky. 

Mileti, Otto J., The Mileti Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Moser, Harold C., Gamble Brothers, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

Old Joe Distillery Company, Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. 

Peerless Manufacturing Company, Louisville, Kentucky . 

Perkins, George, Reynolds Metals Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 
Scofield, E. H. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Skirvin, J. B., General Refractories Company, Olive Hill, Kentucky. 
Smith, L. A., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Spanyer, William, Brown-Forman Distillers Corp., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Willkie, H. F., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

A special grant from the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PRESS made pos- 
sible the publication of a part of this number of the TRANSACTIONS. 

al » = he 
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| Volume 18 August, 1951 ccs" Number 3 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 


Bibliography of Sarah F. Price, Kentucky Naturalist. 

RN I I eee en ee Soccbasagaece 121 
The Electrical Conductance of Solutions of Ferric Chloride in 

Acetone at 20° and 40°C. Lyle R, Dawson and Ralph 

VEE Tees hed ney NOM Su aug A as EAN RR a ee 129 
The Distribution of Alkali Iodides Between Ethylene Glycol 

and Ethyl Acetate. Lyle R. Dawson and Edward J. 

LL MARRIES SECS Teac ASA Na ate 0 EE SCOR a 137 
The Free Energy of Copper Chromate. Sigfred Peterson and 
pS IM Oe 2 oso a A RS UE RAR a ay ee 146 

Emissivities of Protective Coatings. W. R. Barnes and N. P. Shah... 149 
Performance of an Earth Heat Pump Operating Intermittently on 
the Cooling Cycle. E. B, Penrod and R. C. Thornion ............ 156 

Effects of Staphylococcus aureus Infections on Blood and Liver 
Catalase in Mice. I. Titrimetric Method. Sister Mary 
Adeline O’Leary, S.C.N., Sister Virginia Heines, §.C.N., 

Sister Roderick Juhasz, S.C.N., Sister Rose Agnes Green- 
well, S.C.N., and Corenlius W. Kreke ....... 173 

Effects of Staphylococcus aureus Infections on Blood and Liver 
Catalase in Mice. II. Gasometric Method. Sister Mary 
Adeline O’Leary, S.C.N., Sister Virginia Heines, S.C.N., 
Sister Roderick Juhasz, S.C.N., Sister Rose Agnes Green- 

ae ey ee zs 

2 aa 


well, S.C.N., and Corenlius W, Kreke .................. ote 
Antibotic-Producing Species of Bacillus from Well Water. 

R. H. Weaver and Theodore Boiter .......02.2.22..2.0..20-22-eeceeceeesee 183 
Subsurface Earth ee By Electrical Resistivity Method. 

L. C. Pendley .. TELA CTU RR Gea tly MSN RAR ROE CSRS RRR, | 
a SSL couade nea ddectueectecdeccecceeece 201 
ERR RN) Se oe asic eanecueteacecesscunaceadeucvnsesenece 208 

OE a EE oe Fe 


ioe aa 



President Vice President } 
E. B. Penrop, M. C. BrockMANN, : 
University of Kentucky, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 
Lexington Louisville 
Secretary Treasurer 
C. B. Hamann, R. H. WEAVER, 
Asbury College, University of Kentucky, 
Wilmore Lexington 
Representative to the Council Counselor to the Junior 
of the A.A.A.S. Academy of Science 
University of Louisville, Eastern Kentucky State College, : 
Louisville Richmond ‘ 
WituiaM M. Cray, 
University of Louisville, 
W. E. Biackpurn, Murray EState College, Murray...) Se ae to 1954 
Pau. Ko.acnovy, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville... to 1954. 
Witt1aAM Moore, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond................ to 1953 
Mary E. Wuarron, Georgetown College, Georgetown....:0. Gc ages to 1953 
ALFRED BRAUER, University of Kentucky, Lexington3.00). 2 2 ee to 1952 
Warp C. Sumpter, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green........ to 1952 
W. D. VaLiEav, University of Kentucky, Gexihgton.. i. 3 ae ee to 1951 

Morris ScHERAGO, University of Kentucky, Lexmpton:...:) 2 3 ey to 1951 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued semiannually. Four numbers constitute a 
volume. Domestic subscription, $2.00 per volume, foreign, $2.50 per volume. — 

Correspondence concerning membership in the Academy, subscriptions or 
other business matters should be addressed to the secretary. Manuscripts and — 
other material for publication should be addressed to the editors. 

By Harvey B. Lovell 

Biology Department, University of Louisville 
Louisville, Kentucky 


Sarah Frances Price was born in Evansville, Indiana, in 1849, 
the daughter of Alexander and Maria Morehouse Price. The family 
moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky, while she was still quite young. 
She was educated at a church school in Terra Haute, Indiana. An 
injury to her back invalided her for many years but after six months’ 
treatment by Dr. Weir Mitchell of Philadelphia, she was sufficiently 
improved to follow her interests in natural history. Miss Price first 
taught a class painting but later gave a course in nature study. From 
1889 to 1893 she prepared an exhibit of water-color sketches of the 
native plants and birds of Warren County, Kentucky, for an exhibit 
at the Chicago World’s Fair; this exhibit took first place in it class. 
She had previously published two compilations, Songs from the South- 
land in 1890, and Shakespeare's Twilights in 1892. The list of plants 
which she had made while preparing her plant exhibit for the fair 
she privately published as the Flora of Warren County, Kentucky in 
1893. It contained 714 species of vascular plants. In several copies 
of this list which I have seen, Miss Price has written in 255 additional 
species, the number which she found during the next ten years. 

Miss Price now began to subscribe to several botanical journals 
and published many short articles on her discoveries. Many of these 
are quotations from letters which she wrote to the editors. Several 
contain questions which are answered then or later. Her earliest 
contributions were to GARDEN AND FOREST, the ASA GRAY 
led the FERN BULLETIN). She also wrote for the PLANT 
WORLD. Her most extensive botanical work was The Fern Col- 
lectors Handbook published by Henry Holt and Co. in 1897, which 
contained drawings of the ferns of northeastern United States. In 
1898 she printed privately the Trees and Shrubs of Kentucky, which 

contained a list of 255 species of woody plants. 

Miss Sadie was an all round naturalist and made observations 

in several other fields. Many of these were published, such as her 

SEP 141951 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

articles on A Peculiar Stone Mound, Kentucky Folk Lore, and the 
Mollusca of Southern Kentucky, the latter containing a list of 151 
species of mollusks which she wrote that she had collected “while 
engaged in botanical work.” She also wrote several articles on 
birds, although most of her bird observations were never published. 
Her drawings of birds are mounted in a large book which was de- 
posited in the library of the Missouri Botanic Garden by her sister 
in 1908. There is also a portfolio of water-color sketches of moths 
and butterflies in the same library. The majority of these include 
the caterpillar on the host plant, the chrysalis, and the mature in- 
sect. She had evidently reared these from caterpillars to the adult 

Her sudden death (from dysentery) on July 8, 1903, at the 
age of 54 left much unpublished material and many projects un- 
finished. Several of her unpublished manuscripts were submitted 
for publication by her sister and life long companion, Mary Price. 
Miss Sadie had been earlier commissioned by Willard N. Clute, 
editor of the FERN BULLETIN, to prepare an article on the fern 
flora of Kentucky. This appeared in the July, 1904, issue with the 
comment that it had been complied from her notes. Other posthu- 
mous contributions were her illustrated manuscript on Kentucky 
Oaks published in the PLANT WORLD in February, 1904, and two 
bird articles in the AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGIST also in 1904. 
An autobiographicai article describing in detail one of her longer 
field trips was entitled “Perusin” the “Pennyrile’ County. It ap- 
peared in two parts in the AMERICAN BOTANIST for December, 
1906, and January, 1907. In this paper Miss Price describes her 
visits with one companion to the back country along the Green and 
Nolin rivers in search of rare plants. 

Much of Miss Price’s fame rests on her discovery of several new 
species of plants, five of which were named in her honor. These 
were Cornus Priceae Small, Ovxalis Priceae Small, Viola Priceana 
Pollard, Apios Priceana Robinson, and Aster Priceae Britton. Other 
species discovered by her include Clematis flaccida Small, Ly- 
copodium porophilum Lloyd and Underwood, Polyporus juniperus 
Schrenk, and Ganoderma sessile Schrenk. A sketch of her life ap- 
peared in Who's Who in America (1903-1905). The FERN BUL- 


Bibliography of Sarah F. Price, Kentucky Naturalist 

LETIN published a brief biography of her life in the January, 1904, 

issue which contains the only known picture of Miss Sadie. 

Miss Price’s nature class at Bowling Green continued to meet 
regularly for nearly thirty years after her death. The members 
called themselves the Sadie Price Nature Class and continued to 
explore and collect in Warren County, the locale of her labors. 


1890. Songs from the Southland, selected by S. F. Price. D. Lo- 

throp and Company, Boston. 32 pages, illus. 

1892. Shakespeare’s Twilights. D. Lothrop and Company, Bos- 
ton. Illus. Part I. Shakespeare’s mornings. Part II. Shake- 

speare’s sunsets. 

1893a. Flora of Warren County, Kentucky. C. F. Carr, 
New London, Wisconsin. 31 pages. 

A list of 714 species of vascular plants. In addition to 
the scientific name and common name, a local name 
occasionally added. The copies in the Missiouri Botanic 
Garden, the Filson Club, and the Louisville Public Library 
have 255 additional species written in, bringing the list to 969. 

1893b. Cave plants. Garden and Forest, vol. 6, no. 292, p. 

“A different growth of plants is to be found in the cave 

entrances and large sink holes than along the banks of 

streams. She describes Wolfs Sink and Lost River. 

1893c. A rare fern. Garden and Forest, vol. 6, no. 262, pp. 99-100. 

Asplenium Bradleyi was found September 10, 1892 in 

a very wild spot 13 miles from Bowling Green. 

1894a. The buck bush. Garden and Forest, vol. 7, no. 438, p. 429. 

Deer formerly fed on the bush. 

1894b. The ferns of Warren County, Kentucky, Part I. Illustrated 

Kentuckian, vol. 2, no. 11, March. 

1894c. The ferns of Warren County, Kentucky, Part II. Illustrated 

Kentuckian, vol. 2, no. 12, p. 277, April. 







Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

The ferns of Warren County, Kentucky, Part III. Illustrated 
Kentuckian, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 291 and pp. 294-295. May. 
Queer misfortunes of birds. American Naturalist, vol. 29, 
p. 341. 

A crow blackbird died from entanglement in string and 

a hairy woodpecker was found dead with its bill stuck in 
a tree. 

A plea for the trees. Bowling Green Courier, March 6, 

She states that trees are being trimmmed so badly that 
many die. Article is signed P. F. S. (In scrapbook). 
Kentucky birds. Bowling Green Courier, May 31, Sunday. 

“I have frequently been asked to give a list of Ken- 
tucky song birds.” She then lists by families the species 

which she considers songsters. 

Two rare ferns—Asplenium Bradleyi and Trichomanes radi- 
cans. Garden and Forest, vol. 9, no. 451, p. 418. 

In a letter to editor she describes the finding of these 
ferns on a trip to Edmonson County. She noted many 

changes in the flora since Professor Shaler had camped there 
ma JESS), 

A few Kentucky plants. Asa Gray Bulletin, vol. 4, no. 6, p. 66. 
Miscellaneous notes on albino blackberries, Solanum 

rostratum, and the spider lily (“the most fragrant flower” ). 

Trichomanes radicans. The Linnaean Fern Bulletin, vol. 4, 
no. 4, pp. 57-59. 

Ophioglossum vulgatum. The Linnaean Fern Bulletin, vol. 4, 
no. 4, pp. 61-62. 

(No title; in: Our Miscellany). The Linnaean Fern Bulle- 
tiny vol) 4) no, 405: 66: “A \note son a worked) imondijon 
Trichomanes radicans. 

The fern-collector’s handbook and herbarium. Henry Holt 










Bibliography of Sarah F. Price, Kentucky Naturalist 

and Company, New York. 72 drawings. 

Opposite each drawing there is a blank page to be used 
for mounting ferns. There are no descriptions but a guide 
in front is arranged in part as a key. 

Albino plants. Asa Gray Bulletin, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 47. 

Signed S. F. Rice but was pasted in her scrapbook. 

A peculiar stone mound. The Antiquarian, vol. 1, p. 107. 

An oblong knob named “Indian Fort” in Warren County 
has a group of limestone slabs, set endwise at regular dis- 

Trees and shrubs of Kentucky. Privately printed. 6 pages. 

A list of 255 woody plants based on work of several 
botanists including her own. The list contains 145 trees and 
110 shrubs and woody climbers. Seven additional species have 
been added in writing to the copy in the Filson Club library. 

(No title; in: Our Miscellany). The Fern Bulletin, vol. 6, 
no. 2, p. 30. 

She describes the growing of ferns indoors in winter. 
(No title; in: Our Miscellany). The Fern Bulletin, vol. 6, 
no. 2, p. 3l. 

She asks about a crested form of Aspidium marginale. 
(No title; in: Notes and News). Plant World, vol. 2, No. 
10, p. 175. 

Miscellaneous notes on a gentian, the poisonous ber- 

ries of Solanum Carolinense and the irritating properties of 
Tragia macrocarpa. 

Our state flower. Illustrated Kentuckian, vol. 8, no. 7, 
Includes a drawing by Miss Price of the trumpet 
creeper, the Kentucky state flower at that time. 
The poisonous plants of Kentucky. In: Western Farmers 
Almanac, pp. 43-48. John P. Morton and Company, Louisville. 
Water hemlock causes the death of more people than 

any other native plant. 











Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

(No title; in: Notes and News), Plant World, vol. 3, no. 
3, p. 47. 

Large trees of Kentucky are the tulip tree (the largest), 
the American elm, silver poplar, sycamore and chestnut. 

Abnormal leaves and flowers. Plant World, vol. 3, no. 
4, p. 53. 1 figure. 

She describes abnormal leaves of clover, Bignonia, 
English ivy, and buckeye and abnormal flowers of zephyr 
lily and wild rocket. 

(No title; in: Notes and News). Plant World, vol. 3, no. 
6, pp. 94-95. 

She describes variations in persimmons, and states that 
6 or more varieties occur in southern Kentucky. 

A fern enemy. The Fern Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 86-87. 
A podurid insect destroyed ferns. 

(No title, in: Our Miscellany). The Fern Bulletin, vol. 8, 
MOK as, jon wl 

The country people call Botrichium virginianum a 
‘sang-sign and say it points to a ginseng plant. 

Mollusca of Southern Kentucky. The Nautilus, vol. 15, no. 
i] ppsato-19: 

A list of 151 species with data on locality and abund- 

(No title; in: Our Miscellany). The Fern Bulletin, vol. 
oh 00h Wh job wk, 

She lists Botrichium virginianum, B. ternatum, Phegop- 
teris hexagonoptera and ginseng from Warren County. 

Kentucky folk-lore. Journal of American Folk-lore, vol. 14, 
no. 52, pp. 30-38. 

She lists the superstitions of the country people in south- 
ern Kentucky, which she has learned on her “numerous bo- 
tanical collecting trips.” 

(No; ttle) The Fern Bulletin, vol. 9) no. 1.ep. 15; 
A specimen of Dryopteris spinulosa intermedia from 
Tennesee with a majority of the pinnae forked. 


190 1c. 








Bibliography of Sarah F. Price, Kentucky Naturalist 

Poison hemlock. In: Western Farmers’ Almanac, page 39. 
John P. Morton and Company, Louisville. 

She describes a case of hemlock poisoning in Warren 
County in which a 7-year-old child died and the mother 
and two older children were very sick. 

Notes from Western Kentucky. Plant World, vol. 4, no. 8, 
pp: 143-144. 

At Airdrie, the home of General Buell, she found many 
interesting plants in a Green River marsh. 

(No title; in: Notes on Current Literature). Plant World, 
vol. 4, no. 9, p. 177. 

She writes that Styrax americana should have been S. 
pulverulenta, and adds some additional species to her list 
from Ohio County. 

(No title; in: General Notes). Plant World, vol. 4 no. 11, 
p- 215. 

Heuchera macrorhiza cured a sore on a horse. 
Kentucky Oaks. Plant World, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 32-36. 

Contains 8 drawings showing both the leaves and acorns 
of 17 species of oaks. 
Contributions toward the fern flora of Kentucky. The Fern 
Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 65-70. 

This article complied from notes left by Sadie Price 
contains data on forty-two species. 
Wild plants of Warren Co. Bowling Green Times-Journal, 

She describes the buttercups, poppies and violets of 
the area. 
Bird sketches from southern Kentucky. American Orni- 
thology, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 146-150. 

Contains drawings of the Wood Pewee and Bobolink 
by Miss Price and observations and anecdotes on the birds 

of southern Kentucky. 




Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Kentucky birds. American Ornithology, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 

An annotated list of 36 species of unusual occurrence. 
The Passenger Pigeon is “Exceedingly rare in southern Ken- 
tucky, where forty years ago there used to be any number 
of ‘pigeon roosts.’ ” 

“Perusin’ the “Pennyrile” County. American Botanist, vol. 
11, no. 4, pp. 76-81. 

“Perusin” the “Pennyrile” Country (cont.). American Bo- 
tanist, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 105-112. 

A spirited description af a collecting trip to the Green 
and Nolin Rivers accompanied by one companion. She tells 
of finding many new or rare plants and describes the coun- 

try and the people. 

The following newspaper articles have been found in 
the scrapbook, which is now in the library of the Missouri 
Botanical Garden. 

The Wildflower Preservation Society of America. Louis- 
ville Post. 

This is a plea for the protection of the plants of the 
eastern mountains. 

The heaven tree. Louisville Times 

Miss Price states that if the tree is prevented from flower- 
ing by cutting back the branches every second year, the bad 
odors are eliminated. 

No title. Louisville Post. Not signed but S. F. Price 

An article about the need for bird protection. 
written at the bottom of the copy in the scrapbook. 



Lyle R. Dawson and Ralph L. Belcher? 

Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

A study of the conductance of solutions of ferric chloride in 
acetone was undertaken with a view toward obtaining evidence con- 
cerning the nature and extent of dissociation of a tri-univalent salt 
in a solvent having a relatively low dielectric constant. Generally, 
it is assumed that no strong electrolytes exist in non-aqueous solu- 
tions where the dielectric constant of the solvent is less than 40 (1). 
Therefore it seemed of interest to study the influence of tempera- 
ture on the primary dissociation of a 3-1 electrolyte and investigate 

the extent to which secondary dissociation occurs. 

Anhydrous ferric chloride dissolves readily in acetone with 
the liberation of considerable heat. In dilute solutions, the heat 
effect may be caused by solvation or it may result from neutraliza- 
tion in the Lewis sense. Timmermans (2) reported that in more 
concentrated solutions the yellow color produced at first deepens 
rapidly and evidence of extensive reaction appears; however, _de 
Coninck (3) found that dilute solutions of ferric chloride in ace- 

tone are stable. 

Rabinowitch and Stockmayer (4) have reported evidence that 
aqueous solutions of ferric chloride contain a variety of forms of 
ions including Fe (OH)++, Fe (OH)2*, FeCl*++*, and FeCl:*. No 
report of extensive studies of the molecular or ionic species occurr- 

ing in solutions of ferric chloride in acetone has appeared. 


Commercial anhydrous ferric chloride, which analysis by the 

Mohr method and titration with standard dichromate showed to 

Present address: Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

be better than 99.5% pure, was used without further purification. 

Samples of acetone having a specific conductance as low as 
4 x 10-8 ohm~! cm.—! were prepared by successive distillations 
from argentic oxide, sodium hydroxide, and anhydrous calcium 
oxide collecting only the middle fractions each time. However, sol- 
vent of this purity was very hygroscopic and seemed to offer no 
particular advantage. Every sample used in this investigation had 

a specific conductance of 3.8 x 10-7 chm! cm.~! or less. 

A shielded bridge similar to that described by Shedlovsky (5) 
was used for the resistance measurements, the null-point being 
determined by use of headphones. The conductivity cell was of 
the Freas type having a constant of approximately 0.4, which was 
determined by the method of Jones and Bradshaw (6). Between 
20° and 40° the change in cell constant was negligible. 

A water-bath which maintained the temperature constant to 
within *0.01° held the conductivity cell and the viscometer. Vis- 
cosity data obtained for the solvent used were in good agreement 
with the values reported in the literature (7). 

All dilutions were made in a dry atmosphere and the solutions 
were prepared on a volumetric basis directly in the conductivity 
cell. In these dilute solutions, the molar concentrations were as- 
sumed to be equal to the product of the density of the solvent and 
the molal concentration. 

The conductances of solutions of ferric chloride in acetone 
were determined over the concentration range 0.00266 M to 0.00025 M 
at 20° and 40°, with some additional values being obtained at higher 
concentrations. Averages of duplicate or triplicate determinations 
comprise the data presented. 


Electrical Conductance of Solutions of Ferric Chloride 


(Molar; x 108) 



(Molar; x 10°) 







Solutions of Ferric Chloride in Acetone at 20°C 

Mean Dissociation Degree of Dissociation 
Equivalent Activity Function Dissociation Constant 
Conductance Coofficient (Ostwald; x 10°) ( Fuoss) (x10) 
95.2 0.877 1.49 0.934 1.15 
84.2 0.812 1.80 ().864 1.19 
82.7 0.801 1.88 0.856 1.20 
82.3 0.795 1.98 0.856 1.25 
80.0 0.790 1.88 0.836 M317/ 
79.2 0.782 1.95 0.832 1.19 
78.0 0.77 2.01 0.826 1.20 
67.3 0.706 2129, 0.755 all 

Solutions of Ferric Chloride in Acetone at 40°C 


Mean Dissociation Degree of Dissociation 
Equivalent Activity Function Dissociation Constant 
Conductance Coefficient (Ostwald; x 10°) (Fuoss) (x10?) 


102.1 0.829 3.01 0.982 PAOIT( 
100.8 0.815 8.21 0.980 Za, 
99.6 0.802 3.42 0.977 2.19 
96.4 0.788 3.22 0.960 1.99 
90.4 OE 7/Alal 4,33 0.963 2.19 
82.1 0.644 4.55 0.937 1.89 


Conductance Data for Higher 
Concentrations of Ferric Chloride in Acetone 

20° 40° 
Equivalent Concentration Equivalent 
Conductance (Molar) Conductance 
49.2 0.0145 56.1 
48.2 0.0719 53.9 
48.7 0.0753 52.9 
46.5 0.2060 50.9 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Ferric chloride in acetone was treated as a uni-univalent elec- 
trolyte which dissociates as follows: FeCl; s FeCl,* + Cl— 

Application of the Ostwald dilution law results in the following 

/A = AC/K1A.2+ I/A, [1] 

This is the equation for a straight line in which 1/K‘A.” 
is the slope and 1/A., is the intercept. From conductance 
data, values of 1/A and AC were plotted, and by the method 
of least squares the intercept and slop of the line were 


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 

C ; 
Fig.l. Conductance as a_ function of C* 
for solutions of ferric chloride in acetone. 


In order to obtain more nearly accurate values for the limiting 
equivalent conductances and to permit calculation of the thermo- 
dynamic dissociation constants in which corrections for interionic 
effects were introduced, the Fuoss method of calculation was em- 
ployed. Using the value of A. obtained as described above, a 


Electrical Conductance of Solutions of Ferric Chloride 

variable Z was calculated from the equations, 
7 Ghat o)/ K-77) (LOL)*/2 7 [2] 
Oe 0.147 x 10°/ (DT 8/2 
go = 81.86/y (DT)1/? 

The value of the function of Z, F(Z) as defined in the Fuoss 
treatment, was obtained from the Fuoss table (8). The apparent 
degree of dissociation, which was calculated from the relation 
a = A/A,F(Z), was substituted in the following equation to obtain 
the molar activity coefficient: -log f? = 2A(Ca)*/*/3] where 
A = (1.812 x 10*)/(DT)#/2. 

These values permitted use of the Fuoss equation 
Hak —(V/KAS*) (CALVE(Z) + 1/A,|4]. Plots of FEZAA 
versus CAf*/F(Z) resulted in straight lines with, in each 
case, the intercept equal to 1/A., and the slope equal to 
1/KA.” By the method of least squares a value for the 
limiting equivalent conductance was obtained. Then this 
value was improved by substituting in equation [2] and 
calculating another value for the limiting conductance. 
This process was repeated until a constant value was 





0.05 0.10 OAS 0.20 0.25 

Fig.2. Plots of equation [11 for solutions of ferric 
chloride in acetone. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

0027 0041 0106 | 0108) Olof oO l2aons 
CAT /E(2) 

Fig. 3. Plots of equation [4] for solutions of ferric 
chloride in acetone. 

slong Oe 


0.01 OO2T O03 jos ©:05 +) 0106 
Fig.4. The concentration dependence of the logarithm 
of the activity coeffecient of ferric chloride in acetone. 
Dashed lines are theoretical according to the limiting law. 


Electrical Conductance of Solutions of Ferric Chloride 


The plots of conductance versus the square root of concentra- 
tion and of equation |1| are typical of those obtained for weak 

Cryoscopic data (2) for this system furnish additional evidence 
that the solute behaves as a weak uni-univalent electrolyte for at 
no concentration is the molecular weight found to be as low as 81, 
which would be the case if the first ionization were complete. 

According to Murray-Rust and Hartley (9) the limiting ionic 
conductance of the chloride ion is about 25 in ethanol having a 
viscosity of approximately 1.2 centipoises. In acetone, with a viscosity 
of 0.3 centipoise, the value would be expected to be three or four 
times as large. The conductance of the large FeCl.* ion would 
be much smaller than that of the chloride. Therefore a value of 

109 for ferric chloride in acetone seems to be reasonable on the as- 
sumption that it behaves as a uni-univalent electrolyte. No break 
appears in the plot of equation |1| which seems to indicate that 
the second dissociation does not occur at obtainable concentrations: 
or if it does occur in dilute solutions at these temepratures, its 
effects must be almost entirely counterbalenced by interionic effects. 

The degree of dissociation increases with temperature in going 
from 20° to 40°. This produces a greater number of ions per unit 
volume resulting in a decrease in the mean activity coefficient. As 
would be expected, the molar activity coefficient increases with a 

decrease in concentration at both temperatures. 

In Fig. 4, the broken lines are plots in which the slopes have 

the theoretical values of the constant “A” in the equation for the 

Debye-Hiickel limiting law (equation [8 
that at both temperatures the limiting law is obeyed at lower con- 

). It may be observed 

centrations. Deviations from ideality become more pronounced at 
higher concentrations at 90° than at 40°. 

Conductance data for several higher concentrations are pre- 
sented in Table III, although at present there is available no satis- 

factory theoretical treatment for such solutions. 


de) fe) een Sk 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


Conductances of solutions of ferric chloride in acetone have 
been determined at 20° and 40° over the concentration range 
0.26 x 10-3M to 200 x 10—-3M. 

The Fuoss method has been used to calculate the thermodynamic 
degree of dissociation and this has been compared to the Ostwald 
dissociation function over the concentration range studied. 

It has been shown that ferric chloride in acetone behaves as an 
incompletely dissociated uni-univalent electrolyte at attainable 
concentrations at 20° and 40°. 

Conformity of the solutions to the Debye-Hiickel limiting law 
at low concentrations has been demonstrated. 

Fuoss, R. M., and Shedlovsky, T., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71, 1496 

Timmermans, J., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 20, 21 (1906). 
de Coninck, W. F. O., Compt. rend., 130, 1551 (1900). 

Rabinowitch, E., and Stockmayer, W. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 
64, 335 (1942). 

Shedlovsky, T., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 1793 (1930). 

- Jones, G., and Bradshaw, B. C., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 1780 (1933). 

{.-C. T., VII, 214 (1930). 
Fuoss, R. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 488 (1935). 

Murray-Rust, D.M., and Hartley, H., Proc. Roy. Soc., A126, 84 



Lyle R. Dawson and Edward J. Griffith 
Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky 

Lexington, Kentucky 

It is well known that the distribution rato for a solute between 
two immiscible solvents remains constant for varying concentra- 
tions only where it represents the ratio between the activities ot 
the solute in the two phases (1). The activity may be considered 
as the product of the activity coefficient and the concentration, 
or q@=yerC. Therefore, for a solution which exists in the same 
state of aggregation in both phases, the exact form of the equation 
for the distribution ratio is 


a, [| 
ec *C 
: Cc, =K 2] 
CR res 

Where y. refers to the stoichiometrical activity coefficient as de- 
fined by Bronsted (2). If the state of aggregation of the solute 
is different in the two phases, a suitable exponent must be used 
with one of the terms in equation [2] (3). 

In sufficiently dilute solution where the activity coefficients 
approach unity, the ratio of the concentrations becomes practically 
constant. Similarly, if two relatively immiscible solvents are chosen 
so that the solute to be studied is sparingly soluble in one giving a 

solution of low concentration in which the activity coefficient may 
be considered to be unity, equation [2] may be used to calculate 
the activity coefficients of the solute in the more concentrated phase 
at various concentrations (4). 

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the dis- 
tribution ratio for the iodides of ammonium, sodium, potassium, 
and lithium between the two slightly miscible solvents ethylene 

glycol and ethyl acetate. It was desired also to determine the 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

variations in activity coefficients of the pure iodides in ethylene 
glycol solution with changes in concentration and to study the 
resulting effects when mixtures of these salts were used. 


Best grade, “anhydrous,” salts which were carried through a 
final re-drying operation immediately prior to use, were employed 
throughout the investigation. The cthylene glycol was dried over 
anhydrous sodium sulfate and distilled under reduced pressure. 
The ethyl acetate was tested for water with anhydrous copper sul- 
fate and its purity confirmed by measurement of its refractive index. 


One hundred ml. of glycol solution of the salt and_ three 
hundred ml. of pure ethyl acetate were mixed in a one-liter flask 
and stoppered with paraffin-sealed corks. The flask was supported 
in a thermostat at 30°C. and thoroughly agitated for twenty hours. 
Upon being removed from the thermostat, the greater part of the 
acetate solution was poured off and a 10-ml. sample of the glycol 

layer was removed by means of a pipet. 

Then the two solutions were analyzed for iodide by the Mohr 
method. Titration of the glycol solution directly with a water solu- 
tion of silver nitrate gave consistently satisfactory results, but 
analysis of the acetate layer was more difficult. The ethyl acetate 
was removed by carefully controlled high temperature evaporation, 
and the iodide redissolved in about 10 ml. of water. The iodide 
concentration was then determined by titration with standard silver 
nitrate solution. 


The results are presented in Tables I to VII and in Figures 
1 to 3. All data were obtained at 30°C. The activity coefficient, 
yo is a relative value based on the activity coefficient of ammonium 
iodide taken as a unity. 


The Distribution of Alkali Iodides 


Distribution Ratios of Ammonium Iodide Between 

Ethylene Glycol and Ethyl Acetate at 30°C. 

Moles/1. Moles/1. x 102 
NHglI in NHgI in 
Glycol Ethyl Acetate 
0.1483 0.0506 
0.2779 0.0954 
0.3232 0.1106 
0.3260 0.1115 
0.3955 0.1349 295 
0.4903 0.1688 292 
s 500 Lil 
75 6) 
R O 
| pee 
B 400 
| NH 
S 300 © @ @> O 
O S O 0 Nal 
i ee a KI 
7 O—-O0-0 0 

0. Or2 OLS: 0.4 



Fig.l. The distribution ratios 
iodides between’ ethyl acetate 
ethylene = glycol. 


of alkali 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


Distribution Ratios and Activity Coefficients of 
Sodium Iodide 

Moles/1. Moles/1. x 10? Kk ye 
Nal in Nal in 
Glycol Ethyl Acetate 
0.0683 0.0246 278 1.04 
0.1082 0.0390 2 1.05 
0.1466 0.0557 265 1.10 
0.2406 0.0935 258 12 
0.3059 0.1201 254 1.13 
0.3629 0.1430 253 1.14 
De | 
NH4l + Lil 
S 400 e 
B 300 NHal +Nal 
NHqal + KL 

Oi 20 530.40) 5©, 60,70) 80 90 


Fig.2. The distribution ratios of mixtures 
of ammonium iodide and alkali iodides 

between ethyl acetate and ethylene glycol. 


The Distribution of Alkali lodides 

Distribution Ratios and Activity Coefficients of 
Potassium Iodide 

Moles/1. Moles/1l. x 10? K Ye 
KI in KI in 
Glycol Ethyl Acetate 
0.0694 0.0358 194 1.02 
O51 0.0822 184 1.08 
0.1870 0.1020 183 1.08 
0.2123 0.1172 182 1.09 
0.2770 0.1590 174 1.14 
Distribution Ratios and Activity Coefficients of 
Lithium Iodide 
Moles/1. Moles/l. x 107 kK ye 
Lil in Lil in 
Glycol Ethyl Acetate 
0.1336 0.0320 417 0.93 
0.1859 0.0430 430 0.90 
0.2496 0.0568 439 0.89 
0.3681 0.0782 470 0.83 
0.4759 0.0975 489 0.80 
Distribution Ratios and Activity Coefficients of Sodium 
Iodide-Ammonium Iodide Mixtures 
Series One 
Mole % Nal Moles I-—/1. Moles I—/1. x 10? Kk ye 
to in in 
NHgI Glycol Ethyl Acetate 
5 0.2683 0.0885 304 0.96 
25 0.2739 0.0909 301 0.96 
40 0.2621 0.0910 288 1.02 
Sp 0.2681 0.0945 283 1.03 
70 (0.2668 0.0987 270 1.08 
Series Two 
10 0.4138 0.1316 0.93 
20 0.4244 0.1366 0.94 
30 0.4231 0.1473 1.02 
50 0.4148 0.15380 1.07 
70 0.4125 0.1538 1.09 



1.0 | 





Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

a 6 ~ NH4I+Lil 
®@ © 
NHal + Nal 
6 © Cmarran Cane 
NHgl + KI 

os ae 

coe @ 

lO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 

Fig.3. Effect on activity coeffecient of 

solute of substituting alkali ions for part of 
the ammonium ions in ethylene glycol. 

Distribution Ratios and Activity Coefficients of Potassium 
Iodide-Ammonium Iodide Mixtures 

Moles I-/1. x 102 

Mole % KI 


Distribution Ratios and Activity Coefficients of Lithium 
Iodide-Ammonium Iodide Mixtures 

Mole % 



The Distribution of Alkali Iodides 

Moles I-—/l1. 




Moles I-/1. Moles I-/1. x 10? 
in in 
Glycol Ethyl Acetate 
0.2296 0.0760 
0.2315 0.0713 
0.2261 0.0654 
0.2095 0.1595 
0.2176 0.1528 
0.2261 (0.1620 


Ethyl Acetate 









Activity coefficients of solutes may be influenced by solvation 
or other solvent effects or, in the case of electrolytes in solvents 
having low dielectric constants, by changes in the degree of dis- 

sociation as the concentration is varied. 

In the distribution of ammonium iodide between ethyl acetate 

and ethylene glycol it was found that the ratio did not vary with 

changes in concentration in the range from 0.1 M to 0.5 M with 

respect to the glycol layer (Fig. 1). This indicates that ammonium 

iodide exists in the same molecular form in both solvents, and that 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

its activity coefficient is not altered appreciably by concentration 

The activity coefficients, Yo listed in the tables given above 
and shown in Fig. 3 are calculated from equation [2] and are 
stoichiometrical in nature in that they are based on the total iodide 
concentration in the two phases irrespective of its relationship to 
the cations. It may be assumed that the solute exists essentially as 
“molecules” or “ion-pairs’ in ethyl acetate which has a low dielec- 
tric constant. Therefore, the activity coefficients calculated from 
the data obtained in this investigation, represent in each the ratio 
of the number of “molecules” or “ion-pairs” of a given solute in 
the glycol layer to the number of “ion-pairs” of ammonium iodide 
in the acetate layer at a given total electrolyte concentration. 

The decrease in the distribution ratio as the concentration of 
sodium iodide or potassium iodide is increased is probably caused 
by an increase in the relative number of “jon-pairs in the glycol 

layer, hence, a greater tendency to pass into the acetate layer. As 

would be expected, the equilibrium between “ion-pairs” and “free” 
ions is shifted to the left as the concentration is increased. 

The opposite effect observed with pure lithium iodide, that 
is, an increase in the distribution ratio resulting from a decreased 
tendency to pass into the acetate layer, indicates that at higher con- 
centrations there are relatively fewer of the species that cross the 
interface. It is difficult to conceive of increased dissociation at 
higher concentrations. However, it seems probable that, owing to 
the high charge density on the lithium ion, complex ions or “triple” 
ions of the type Lil>, or possibly others containing more iodide, 
would form in ever increasing numbers at higher concentrations. 
If these do not cross the interface, the distribution ratio would 

Graphs illustrating the effects of substituting varying quanti- 
ties of foreign salts on the distribution of ammonium iodide are 
shown in Figure 2. Small amounts of sodium or potassium 
salts increase the partition ratio by shifting the equilibrium, 
“ion-pair’ < “free” ion, to the right as the result of a decrease of the 


The Dis'ribution of Alkali lodides 

actual “ionic” activity of the free ions. At higher concentrations, 
greater solvation of the foreign cation in comparison to the am- 
monium ion causes the equilibrium to shift to the left, which re- 
sults in a smaller distribution ratio. Potassium ion appears to exert 

a greater influence in this respect than does sodiurn ion. 

Substitution of lithium ion for ammonium ion leads continually 
to larger distribution ratios, presumably because of complex ion 

formation, as mentioned above. 


1. Distribution ratios for lithium, sodium, potassium and am- 
monium iodides and mixtures of each lithium, sodium, and_potas- 
sium iodides with ammon‘um iodide between ethylene glycol and 
ethyl acetate have been determined at 30°C. 

2. Stoichiometrical activity coefficients for the alkali iodides 
and for solutes in solutions of mixed iodides have been calculated 
using the constant distribution ratio of pure ammonium iodide as 

a basis of reference. 

1. Lewis, G. N., and Randall, M., “Thermodynamics and Free 
Energies of Chemical Substances,” McGraw-Hill Book Co., New 
Work, IN: Y:, 1923: 

Bronsted, J. N., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 42, 761 (1920). 
Nernst, W., Z. physik. Chem., 8, 110 (1891). 

4. Hildebrand, J. H. “Solubilities of Non-Electrolytes,’ McGraw- 
Hill Book Co., New York N. Y., (1936). 

5. lewis, G. N., Proc. Am. Acad., 43, 259 (1907). 

6. Berthelot, M. P., and Jungfleisch, E. C., Ann. Chim. et Phys. 
26, 400 (1872). 

7. Landau, M., Z. physik. Chem., 73, 200 (1910). 
8. Cavanagh, B., Proc. Roy. Soc., 106A, 243 (1924). 



Sigfred Peterson and Orland W. Cooper 
College of Arts and Sciences, University of Louisville 

Louisville 8, Kentucky 

As an aid in predicting the behavior of argentic oxide, AgO, 
it was desired to know the extent of conversion of copper oxide 
to chromate by reaction with dichromate: 

(a) CuO +-Cr,O,— = CuCrO,= + CrO,— 

While a direct measurement of the equilibrium probably could be 
made by a series of spectrophotometric observations, it was decided 
to calculate the equilibrium constant from existing thermodynamic 
data and the solubility of copper chromate. 

The early literature on copper chromate (4) reports a number 
of preparations of both normal and basic salts but little study of 
their properties. Basic salts usually result from precipitation at 
elevated temperatures or from alkaline solutions. The normal di- 
hydrate was precipitated by Briggs (1) by adding sodium chromate 
to a copper dichromate solution; Pelletier, Cloutier, and Gagnon 
(5) find the normal salt precipitates when potassium chromate is 
added to cupric solutions. 

The validity of our calculations requires that the copper chromate 
formed by reaction (a) be the same as that in equilibrium with 
solutions containing Cut * and CrO,>~ and little else. This is reason- 
able since both conditions should give the normal salt and since the 
degree of hydration of copper chromate should not be appreciably 
affected by dichromate ion in the solution. Our calculations are 
based on the anhydrous formula CuCrO, although the chromate 
is probably hydrated as found by Briggs. In that case, the free 
energy of formation of hydrated copper chromate is our value 
plus the proper multiple of the free energy of formation of water; 
the equilibrum constant for reaction (a) will be unaffected. 

An aqueous solution of reagent quality cupric chloride was 
added to a solution of sodium chromate (also of reagent quality). 
The precipitate was filtered, washed with water and with methanol 

* Presented before the Chemistry Section of the Kentucky Academy of Science, 

October 28, 1950. 


Free Energy of Copper Chromate 

(C. P. special acetone free), and dried in the air at room temperature. 

The copper chromate obtained was left in contact with distilled 
water and the mixture occasionally shaken. No effort was made to 
thermostat the mixture; the experiment was performed at laboratory 
temperatures not far from 25°C. The close agreement between 
measurements in two seasons (August, October) show the tempera- 
ture dependence of the solubility is not great. 

Samples of the saturated solution were removed after 3 and 9 
weeks of equilibration and analyzed by a standard method for 
chromate (6). Since both ions of copper chromate oxidize iodide, 
equivalence was determined from the equation 
Sacro, 5 l- - 6 Ht = Cul + Crt+++ 4+ 4400 + 
The molarity found (x 10*) and average deviation were after three 
weeks, 3.47 + 0.06 (2 samples); after nine weeks, 3.42 + 0.03 
(3 samples); average, 3.44 + 0.04. 


Solubility Product of CuCrO,: To calculate a solubility pro- 
duct from the measured solubility requires an estimate of the mean 
activity coefficient of copper chromate. The only available activity 
data for 2-2 electrolytes are for a number of sulfates—these data 
indicate that the activity coefficients depend far less upon the 
identity of the cation than those of other charge types (2), in fact, 
the extreme variation in values for different salts at the same con- 
centration is only a few percent. Accordingly, it seems reasonable 
that chromates should not differ very greatly from sulfates. Thus 
we take as the mean activity coefficient of 0.00344 M copper chro- 
mate the value 0.55 graphically interpolated from the values (3) 
for copper, cadmium and zinc sulfates at molalities of 0.001, 0.002 
and 0.005, neglecting the small differences between molality and 
molarity. This gives as the solubility product of copper chromate 
3.6 x 10~-® and the standard free energy of solution 7440 cal./mole. 

Free Energy of Copper Chromate: For the dissolution of cop- 
per chromate we have 

Piero .2— Cus —— CrOie AES Fo Oe Ee Se-F* 
@uaea CrO, CuCrO, 

Putting in the above value for the free energy of solution and litera- 
ture values (3) of 15,910 and -171,400 for the standard free energies 
of copper ion and chromate ion respectively we find for copper 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

chromate a standard free energy of -162,930 cal./mole. 

Copper Oxide-Dichromate Reaction: For reaction (a) we have 

L\ F° — F° 7 F° —F°? == ]9'0 
CuCrO, CrO,= CuO Cr,0,—- 

Putting in the above values for copper chromate and chromate ion 
and the values -30,400 for copper oxide and -306,000 for dichromate 
ion (3) gives as the standard free energy of the reaction 2,070 cal. 
This corresponds to an equilibrium constant of 0.030. This is the 
ratio at equilibrium of the activities of chromate ion and dichromate 
ion in a solution saturated with both copper oxide and copper chro- 
mate. This corresponds to reaction (a) proceeding until the dichro- 
mate is about 3% converted to chromate, since the activity coef- 
ficients of two similarly charged ions in the same solution should 
not be greatly different. 


The solubility in water of copper chromate is found to be 
3.44 x 10-3 M at about 25°C. From this it is calculated that the 
thermodynamic solubility product is 3.6 x 10~°, the free energy of 
copper chromate is -162,930 cal./mole, and the equilibrium con- 
stant is 0.030 for 

CuO + Cr,O;— = CuCrO,+ CrO,4=. 


1. Briggs, Samuel H. C., J. Chem. Soc. 1929, 242-5. 

Harned, H. S. and Owen, B. B., The Physical Chemistry of Elec- 
trolytic Solutions, pp. 425-6, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New 
York, 1943. 

3. Latimer, W. M., The Oxidation State of the Elements and their 
Potentials in Aqueous Solution, Appendix II and IV, Prentice- 
Hall Inc., New York, 1938. 

4. Mellor, J. W., A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theo- 
retical Chemistry, Volume XI, pp. 260-2, Longmans, Green and 
Co., London, 1981. 

5. Pelletier, P. E., Cloutier, L., and Gagnon, Paul E., Can. J. Research 
16, B, #2, 37-45 (1938), C. A. 32, 4096 (1938). 

6. Treadwell, F. P., and Hall, W. T., Analytical Chemistry, Volume 
II, Quantitative, eighth edition, p. 620, 1935. John Wiley and 


W. R. Barnes 

University of Louisville Institute of Industrial Research 

N22. Shah? 

Chemical Engineering Department, University of Louisville 


A thermometer technique for the determination of surface emissivities of paints is described. 
The procedure involves the use of 1/10 degree thermometers coated with a paint and one reference 
thermometer to which has been applied a bright silver coating. Theoretical considerations, and ex- 
perimental values of five differently colored paints, lamp black, and a mercury-glass thermometer are 

Heat transfer is one of the important considerations in all 
branches of engineering and science. Traditionally, heat transfer 
mechanisms have been considered to be convenction, conduction 
and radiation. The mathematical and theoretical treatment of these 
mechanisms has been verified by thousands of experiments and in 
many Cases the heat transfer may be anticipated without recourse to 
experimental investigation. 

So frequently is heat transfer considered in many industrial 
operations that convection, conduction, radiation and appropriate 
combinations may be considered of major importance and the parti- 
cular operation of secondary significance by comparison. On the 
other hand, there are many instances wherein there are several 
fundamental processes occurring simultaneously, e.g., heat and mass 
transfer together with fluid flow. 

The continuing use of radiant heating in industrial and do- 
mestic installations has emphasized the importance of this mechanism. 
Many uses of radiant heating are such that it is difficult, if not 
impossible, to completely isolate the radiation from other phenomena. 
Nevertheless, the radiation is important, and appropriate constants 
and data for radiation calculations are required. 

One application of radiant heat transmission which has been 
of interest is the so-called radiant drying or baking of protective 
coatings on various objects. The baking of finishes or protective 
coatings on automobile body parts is an example of this type of 

* Present Address: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

The conventional relationship (1) for calculating the net trans- 
fer of heat by radiation from a hot body to a cooler body separated 
by a nonabsorbing medium is, 

1 G5)" “Go | 

ae = OG) 38 19 

where gq, ~ net heat transfer by radiation, BTU/hr. 

F_ ~ emissivity factor relating the emissivities of the surfaces 
of the two bodies. 

F, ~ geometric factor relating the areas of the surfaces of the 
two bodies. 

T, ~— temperature of the surface of the hot body, °R. 
T, — temperature of the surface of the colder body, °R. 

An inspection of the above equation clearly indicates the need 

of emissivity values for the surfaces of objects to be subjected to 

radiant heat transmission if heat requinrements are to be calculated. 

The emissivity of a surface is the ratio of the emissive power 
of the surface to that of a “black body”. The “black body” has zero 
reflectivity, an absorptivity of unity, and is a perfect radiator, i.e., 
its emissivity is unity. Accordingly, the theoretical range of values 
of emissivity would be slightly above zero to unity. Then the closer 
the emissivity value is to unity the better the radiator, and the poor- 
er the reflectivity. 

In the following discussions and presentations the surface emis- 
sivities of several protective coatings are reported to illustrate the 

variations in values, and the experimental technique used in obtain- 

ing these emissivity values is described. 

The technique employed in these measurements has been termed 
a static thermometer technique and requires little specialized ap- 
paratus. Essentially, the apparatus consisted of tenth-degree thermo- 
meters, a duct fabricated from 8 inch diameter galvanized sheet iron 
pipe, a blower for moving warm air through the duct, an anemometer 

for measuring the air velocity within the duct, and a portable poten- 


Emissivities of Protective Coatings 

tiometer for obtaining thermocouple readings of the pipe tempera- 
ture. The simplicity of the apparatus is shown in the sketch of 
Figure 1 where thermometers are shown inserted through the pipe 
wall into the warm air stream. 









In operation, warm air was passed through the duct with ther- 
mometers extending into the duct at right angles to the direction 
of air flow, and thermocouple in place as shown. When constant 
thermometer and thermocouple readings were obtained, the values 
were recorded and the air velocity determined with the anemometer. 

One thermometer was designated as a reference thermometer 
and was coated with silver by Brashear’s method (2). The second 
thermometer having dimensions substantially the same as those of 
the reference thermometer was coated with the paint and dried. 
This latter thermometer was called the materia! thermometer. Both 
thermometers were coated over the entire surface exposed to the 

warm air stream. 

When constant temperature readings were obtained, an ap- 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

proximate heat balance was permissible, 

where q, ~ heat transfer by convection from warm air to thermo- 
meter, BTU/hr. 

Qe met heat transfer by radiation between thermometer and 

surfaces in sight of thermometer, BTU/hr. 

The simple heat transfer case of an air stream, with true air 
temperature t, flowing through a duct of a diameter large compared 
to that of the reference thermometer at temperature t, and the inner 
duct surface at temperature t, can be described by the heat balance, 

Gp sage or hWA (tet) a h_A (t,-t,) 

where h, ~ convection heat transfer coefficient, BTU/(hr) (sq.ft. ) 


h, = radiation heat transfer coefficient, BTU/(hr) (sq-ft.) 

A > thermometer area, sq.ft. 

The heat balance may be written, 
vAN(t -t.)) se a0 sre AG | e100) (7/100) 5 

where e ~ emissivity of the reference thermometer. 

In this case of a small object, the thermometer, very nearly totally 
inclosed by the larger object, the duct, F, ~ e, the emissivity of the 
small object. Similarly, F, — A, the area of the small object, the 

The heat balance may be arranged to 
(Gai) aia) lige) 

and a similar expression may be written for the coated material 

eu) = (a) se) 

Under nearly identical conditions h. ~ h.” since the two thermometers 


Emissivities of Protective Coatings 

have identical demensions and 
Ct, : ee) (h, /h, ) Ct : f) 
where h, and h,’ refer to the material thermometer. 
The value of h, can be calculated from the air velocity and 

equations for convection transfer from. air flowing at right angles 
to single cylinders (3), 

h D/k, — 0.32 + 0.43 ( DG/u, 0.52 
for ranges of (DG/,,) from 0.1 to 1000 and 
h_D/k, 7 aQi24 ( DG/y, )0.6 

for ranges of (DG/y, ) from 100 to 56000. In this case D is the 
thermometer diameter in feet, G is the mass velocity—the product 
of the linear velocity and air density—in lb/(hr) (sq.ft.), k. is the 
thermal conductiiiy of the air at the film conditions in BTU/(hr.) 
(sq.ft.) (°F/ft.), and 4, is the air viscosity at the film conditions 

mayelps/Gtits,) Car:.). 

Values of h,’ may then be obtained since the true air temperature 
can be calculated from the equation given above, 

(eet) = Chive) (t= ) 
by solving for t, 
as (h,/h, ) (tee) Sats 
Obviously lie for the silver coated reference thermometer must 
be obtained in order to solve for t, This evaluation of h, is made 
using the equality, 
AWE=t ) = Ol7sce ACT 7/100)4= (7 /100)*| 
For polished silver the emissivity, e, is 0.02 (1). 
With a value of t, the heat balance for the coated material ther- 

mometer can be used to calculate he 
Ge 7 ea ™ (h,’/h, ) Gee 7 &) 
and Mes Se hi) CU =a }/ (E.=) 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

The numerical value of h,’ is then used to calculate the emissivity 
as follows, 

Ihe ( tt ) 

"013 [(T.,/100)+ - (T_/100)4] 

Using the apparatus and calculation procedure described above, 
emissivities of six colored paints, lamp black and the uncoated 
thermometer were determined (4). The average numerical values 
of these emissivities are listed blow: 


For The Temperature Range 90°F to 140° 

Finish Emissivity 
Lamp-Black 0.95 
Yellow 0.46 
Orange 0.60 
Red 0.70 
Green 0.74 
Phythalocyanine Blue 0.91 
Milori Blue 0.88 
Glass-Mercury Thermometer 0.95 

Obviously, the exact color and characteristic of the paint will 
influence the emissivity value. This fact is demonstrated in the 
range of values contributing to the averages listed above. The 
number of different paints of each color and the range of emissivity 
values are given in Table II. 


Rance OF Emissiviry VALUES For Various COLORS 
Number of 

Colored Paints Color Emissivity Range 
5 Yellow 0.32 - 0.66 
5 Orange 0.32 - 0.74 
5 Red 0.30 - 0.87 
5) Green 0.66 - 0.78 
5 Phthalocyanine Blue 0.89 - 0.94 
5 Milori Blue 0.70 - 0.98 


Emissivities of Protective Coatings 

An inspection of the data of Table Il shows the overlapping of 
emissivity values for the several colors even though repeated deter- 
minations with a given paint rarely gave deviations as great as 3.5 
percent and in many cases less than 1.0 percent. 

These ranges of emissivities for a given color strongly empha- 
size the need for an evalution of the emissivity of the particular 
surface if precise radiant heat transmission calculations are import- 
ant. Frequently the determination of the emissivity cf the coated 
surface has been considered such a time-consuming task that the 
measurement of the property has been neglected or average values 
estimated. However, this thermometer technique is straight for- 
ward and requires little or no equipment not in common use in the 
industrial laboratory. Accordingly, it is felt that the appropriate 
use of the procedure can provide information of immediate use in a 
number of radiant heating operations. 


(1) Perry, John H., “Chemical Egineers’ Handbook”, 3rd Edition, 
pp. 483-487. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 

(2) Hodgman, Charles D., “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics”, 
30th Edition, pp. 2537-39. Cleveland, Chemical Rubber Pub- 
lishing Company, 1948. 

(3) McAdams, W. H., ‘Heat Transmission”, 2nd Edition, pp. 220-24. 
New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1946. 

(4) Shah, N. P., M.Ch.E. Thesis in Chemical Egineering, University 
of Louisville, 1949. 


E. B. Penrod and R. C. Thornton 
Department of Mechanical Engineering 

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 


The rate at which heat can be absorbed from, or discharged 
to the earth with a heat pump depends on the size and configuration 
of the ground coil as well as the physical properties of the soil. 
Some of the physical properties of the soil surrounding the earth heat 
exchanger are affected by rainfall, solar radiation and by altering 
the quantity of heat energy in the ground by artificial means. There- 
fore a brief history of the operation of the heat pump will be given 

From October 31, 1949 to May 1, 1950, the heat pump operated 
intermittently on the heating cycle extracting heat from the earth 
from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily (1)!. During this period the rainfall was 
in excess of its normal value by 64.4%. The heat pump remained 
idle from May 1, 1950 to May 16, 1950 inorder to permit the tempera- 
ture of the soil surrounding the earth heat exchanger to recover 
its normal value. The plant operated continuously* on the heat- 
ing cycle from May 16, 1950 to July 1, 1950 in order to obtain data 
from which the thermal diffusivity of the soil could be calculated if 
desired (2,3). On June 9, 1950, data were taken, at two-hour in- 
tervals from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. so that the calculated results from a 
heating test of short duration could be compared with the average 
results of seven cooling tests of short duration. 

The earth heat exchanger, Fig. 1, was buried in soil at an 
average depth of about 4.5 ft. It consists of an effective length of 
489 ft. of one inch copper tubing through which an antifreeze solu- 
tion is circulated. Thermocouples were installed at the center of the 
antifreeze line at stations | to 8 inclusive. By use of thermocouples, 
1 Numbers in parenthesis refer to the Bibliogray hy 

From June 19 to July 1, the plant was stopped several times for making 
minor changes. 


Performance of An Earth Heat Pump 

‘ = 
ae J? ae) 
Vv z = a. 
A S) 
¥% S : 
rt ©) cc = 
2'b-Hid 3d ee 6 
ba © 
Od + 
ce) ae 
2 qa 
= eal 
ul ) 
: = Te) 
in : 
wo Oo wo 
_ == 
: Ww pe 
Te) wo a Oo 
= r 
@ | & a 
a \8°S-Hid3ad \\\—_ 
a a 
z Co) 
Oo \ 
= ak; 
< & te 
er lu [A 
=) a 
(7p) = oS 
Zz S| Ee 
Figure 1. The earth heat exchanger or eround coil. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

soil temperatures can be measured at depths of 6, 12, and 18 inches 
below the center of the antifreeze line at station 3, and also at 6 and 
18 inches below the line at station 6. 

The line heat sink is 171.9 ft. long and consists of the portion 
of the earth heat exchanger from station 2 to 5, and from station 7 
to 8, except the length of tubing which is thermally insulated as 
shown in Fig. 1. The grid heat sink has a length of 317.1 ft. and 
is that portion of the earth heat exchanger between stations 5 and 
7. The distances between the center of the grid pipes are 4.75 ft. 
The total heat sink includes the line and grid sections of the earth 
heat exchanger. 

The soil surrounding the earth heat exchanger falls in the general 
Casagrande classification of lean clay. Analysis of a sample of the 
soil at station 3 showed that about 60% of its grains are in the size 
generally termed clay, and less than 30% of the sample is silt. The 
liquid limit of the sample is 43.4% and its corresponding plasticity 
index is 16.1%. The bulk density of the dry soil is 103.4 Ib/cu. ft. (1). 


From July 1, 1950 to October 1, 1950 the heat pump operated 
intermittently on the cooling cycle from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. When 
the plant was in operation, heat was absorbed from the air circulated 
throught the package unit (also from the compressor-motor and the 
fan-motor combinations), and discharged to the soil. The rainfall 

was 30.1% in excess of the normal rainfall for the same period. 

In addition to the three month test, seven tests of short dura- 
tion were made during the cooling season. In the tests of short 
duration, data were taken at two-hour intervals from 10 a.m. to 
6 p.m., at the beginning and middle of each month. The results of 
the tests of short duration are listed in Table 1, and their average 
values are given in Table 2 

During the heating test of June 9, 1950, the refrigeration com- 
pressor was driven at a speed cf 1180 rpm by a 5-hp, single phase, 
electric motor. Previous ccoling tests clearly indicated that the heat 


Performance of An Earth Heat Pump 

pump could not be operated at this speed during the entire cooling 
season under controlled conditions. Therefore, the plant was changed 
so that the compressor was driven at an average speed of about 680 
rpm by a 3-hp, single phase, electric motor during the cooling sea- 
son of 1950. By operating the refrigeration compressor at a speed 
much below its normal rating, its volumeric efficiency was increased 
from 61.2% for the heating test to 72.8% on the cooling tests. 

Coouinc Tests Or SHORT DuRATION 

From Table | it can be seen that the suction pressure remained 
nearly constant, (at about 35.6), but the discharge pressure increased 
from 143.1 to about 190 psia during three months of intermittent 
operation. The strength of the total heat sink (489 ft.) was practic- 
ally constant, and its average value for the seven tests was 34.8 
B/hr/ft. The temperature of the antifreeze entering the soil increased 
from 91.7°F to 124.5°F, and then decreased to 120.5°F. At station 
3, the soil temperature 6 in. below a center of the antifreeze line 
increased from 56.2°F on July 1 to 73.4°F on September 30, while 
that at station 6 increased from 53.8° = to 77.7°F. The cooling cost 
remained nearly constant from July 15 to September 30*. The soil 
temperatures 18 in. below the center of the antifreeze line increased 
slightly from July 1 to September 30. These increases in soil tem- 
perature are due, in part, to the effect of solar radiation (4). 

Table 1. Results obtained from seven cooling tests of eight hour duration. 

7/1/50 7/15/50 8/1/50 8/15/50 9/1/50 9/15/50 9/30/50 

Room temp., °F (HAS 79.0 85.5 79.2 80.5 72.8 74.2 
Air temp. at entrance, saint 77.6 81.1 87.9 79.1 80.8 73.0 ost 
Air temp. at exit, °F 69.3 76.2 82.4 74.9 ioe OOO e men Ons 
R.H. of Room Air,% SO a OOn moses GEO “7A SSN) TRAY, 
Air circulated, lb/hr 5.320 5.240 5,125 5,840 5,060 5,840 5,180 
Air circulated, cfm [ROTA WeIS8) 20a) EIS8O SO) E2208 ETO 
Heat power from air, B/hr 5,320 7,280 7,720 7,850 6,990 6,669 7,550 
Heat power to evaporator, 

B/hr 20.250 18.949 18,76) 18,650 18,600 18,600 18,710 
Heat power to condenser, 

B/hr 18.890 16,509 16,400 16,020 15,880 16,010 16,220 

In reference (1) it was shown that the package unit heat pump was very 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

7/1/50 7/15/50 8/1/50 

Suction press, psia 34.0 
Discharge press, psia 143.1 
F-12 circulated, lb/hr 315.2 
Capacity of refrig. plant, 

tons 1.69 
Vol. eff., % ales 
Comp. eff., % 74.8 
Comp. speed, rpm 704 
Comp. motor, kw D5) 
Fan motor, kw 0.50 
Pump motor, kw 0.93 













8/15/50 9/1/50 9/15/50 9/30/50 





299.6 300.0 303.0 302.0 






Heat power to earth, B/hr 17,000 16,550 16,780 16,510 16,120 16,000 16,510 

Total strength of heat 

sink, B/hr/ft 34.8 
Antifreeze circulated, lb/hr 5,880 
Temp. of antifreeze 

entering soil, °F 91.7 
Temp. of antifreeze 

leaving soil, °F 88.6 
Temp. of antifreeze, °F 93.0 
Soil temp. 6 in. below center 

of line, °F 56.2 
Soil temp. 12 in. below center 

of line, °F 59.9 
Soil temp. 18 in. below center 

of line, °F 56.1 
Approximate temp. grad., 

°F /ft 73.6 
Temp. of antifreeze, °F 90.1 
Soil temp. 6 in. below center 

of line, °F 53.8 
Soil temp. 18 in. below center 

of line, °F 51.6 
Approximate temp. grad., 

/it 72.6 
CER, Carnot 5.38 
CER, refrig. plant 4.89 
CER, Heat pump 0.62 
CER, Heat pump sys. 0.40 

Cooling cost, kwhr/therm 74.0 

SAO eo bel 
5,890 5,910 
116.5 119.7 
IB Se 

Station 3 
TONG eX.” EIU) S55 

682 Re '> 

65.2 69.2 

64.0 68.1 

96.2 94.0 

Station 6 
114.4 117.6 

(70) > -78i83 

60.7 67.9 

94.2 88.6 

5.02 4.43 
AN9) 865 
0.83 0.86 
0.54 0.56 
py EL bpd} 









1:55 5 5ie aES6 
6S) 15 687 eeeiont 
TOL = (Sco. Winter 

675 680 651 

2.66 2.65 2.63 

0.47 049 0.49 

ON, Oommen One 
33.0 38.0 33.8 

5,850 5,690 5,600 
124.5 122.6 120.5 
UPA AUIS ro} = IIL G5) 
124.0" 12205 Peo 
73.7 74.4 73.4 
Ce errata: ©) 7/110) 
69.5 68.4 66.7 
100.6 96.2 89.4 
122.6 121.2 119.8 
Tl eS OMmenien 
89.8 864 84.2 

4.35 444 4.46 

3.84 3.92 3.98 

0.77 0.74 0.84 

0.53 0.50. 0.57 
59.0 58.4 51.0 

Performance of An Earth Heat Pump 

Table 2. Average results obtained from seven cooling tests while the heat 

pump operated intermittently from July 1, 1950 to October 1, 1950. 

Air temp. at entrance, °F 

Air temp. at exit, °F 

Heat power from air, B/hr 

Heat power to earth, B/hr 

Suction press., psia 

Discharge press., psia 

Capacity of refrigeration plant, tons 

Compressor speed, rpm 

Volumetric efficiency, % 

Compression efficiency, % 

Input to heat pump system, kw 

Total strength of heat sink (489 ft), B/hr/ft 

Temp. of antifreeze entering soil, °F 

Temp. of antifreeze leaving soil, °F 

Temp. of antifreeze at station 3, °F 

Soil temp. 6 in. below center of line at station 3, °F 
Soil temp. 12 in. below center of line at station 3, °F 
Soil temp. 18 in. below center of line at station 3, °F 
Temp. of antifreeze at station 6, °F 

Soil temp. 6 in. below center of line at station 6, °F 
Soil temp. 18 in. below center of line at station 6, °F 

CER, Carnot 
CER, refrigeration plant 

CER, heat pump 
CER, heat pump system 

Cooling cost, (sensible) kwhr/therm 


Fig. 2a is a diagram which shows the relation between the tem- 

perature of the antifreeze and soil 6 in. below (at station 3), as the 

antifreeze passes through the earth heat exchanger, and Fig. 2b 

shows the average temperature difference between the antifreeze 

and the condensing temperature of the Freon-12 in the condenser. 

Fig. 3 shows the change in temperature of the antifreeze as it passes 

through the earth heat exchanger for three cooling tests of short 

duration, and for the six-hour heating test. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 



At =46.7°F 

-=—-—— 488 FT. ——_—_____» 


Figure 2. (a) Graph showing the temperature difference between the anti- 
freeze in the earth heat exchanger and the soil 6 in. below. (b) Graph showing 
the temperature difference between the antifreeze and the Freon-12 in the 


arth Heat Pump 


Performance of An E 


peels 7 
hae! ed 
LS a as ae io y rs 
chases fol 

I lie 9 
ee ee see eile 
\ Eo 
Tie telas Mega. 
Y Za] aaa f 
ae nese flea a else 
le Shale al see el ellen 
IR, ) 
{EP SMD M: Bawa: 
Baia es eae Se pas a 
7 eee ey A a) oy 
Gs = 
An Oe ee, 
i eae gc a Ee ae 
[sl 20 a ere, ge [135 bee 
WmGsGet ooh em eae 

‘ie — Pee qaly deat See 

Antifreeze temperature versus length of earth heat exchanger. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


The results of the heating test made on June 9 are listed in Table 
3. During this test the refrigeration compressor was driven at a speed 
of 1180 rpm by a 5-hp motor. However, the compressor was driven 
at an average speed of 680 rpm by a 3-hp motor during all cooling 
tests reported in this paper. All tests were made during the summer 

of 1950. 

Comparative results of the cooling and heating tests of short 
duration are listed in Table 4. From Fig. 2a and 4a it can be seen 
that the difference in temperature between the antifreeze in the 
earth heat exchanger and the soil 6 in. below for the cooling and 
heating tests are 46.7°F and 17.2°F respectively. Similarly, from 
Fig. 2b and 4b the difference between the temperature of the anti- 
freeze and Freon-12 for the cooling and heating tests are 9.4°F and 
25.5°F respectively. 

Coouinc Tests Or Lonc DurATION 

The average of the daily results obtained from the cooling tests 
made during July, August, and September of 1950 are listed for each 
month in Table 5. On August 13, the antifreeze line connecting the 
expansion tank and the heat pump broke, so that nearly all of the 
antifreeze was lost. The line was repaired and the earth heat ex- 
changer was filled with water. From September 15th to the 30th, 
the water was circulated counter clockwise instead of clockwise 
through the earth heat exchanger. 

Table 3. Results obtained from an eight hour heating test made on June 
9, 1950. 

Air temp. at entrance, °F 76.8 
AiG temp. ateexit. oF 99.6 
Heat power to air, B/hr 28,600 
Heat power from earth, B/hr 15,870 
Suction press., psia 26.0 
Discharge press., psia 142.0 
Capacity of refrigeration plant, tons Nee, 
Compressor speed, rpm 1180 
Volumetric efficiency, % 61.2 
Compression efficiency, % 64.6 


Performance of An Earth Heat Pump 

Input to heat pump system, kw 5.17 
Total strength of heat source (489 ft), B/hr/ft 32.5 
Temp. of antifreeze entering soil, °F 97.5 
Temp. of antifreeze leaving soil, °F 31.4 
Temp. of antifreeze at station 3, °F 28.0 
Soil temp. 6 in. below center of line at station 3, °F 46.7 
Soil temp. 12 in. below center of line at Station 3, °F 49.8 
Soil temp. 18 in. below center of line at Station 3, °F BED 
Temp. of antifreeze at station 6, °F 29.5 
Soil temp. 6 in. below center of line at station 6, °F 42.7 
Soil temp. 18 in. below center of line at Station 6, °F 47.0 
HER, Carnot Hal 
HER, refrigeration plant 4.99 
HER, heat pump 2.19 
HER, heat pump system 1.59 
Heating cost, kwhr/therm 18.41 

Table 4. | Average results of seven cooling tests versus those for a single heating 

——Summer of 1950. 

Cooling Heating 
Room temp., °F 78.4 78.3 
Air temp. at entrance, °F 79.3 76.8 
Air temp. at exit, °F 74.3 99.6 
Suction press., psia 35.6 26.0 
Discharge press., psia 183.4 142.0 
Nominal power of comp. motor, hp 3 5 
Compressor speed, rpm 680 1180 
Volumetric efficiency, % 72.8 61.2 
Compression efficiency, % 78.7 64.6 
Power input to system skw 3.91 oly 
Total strength heat sink or source, B/hr/ft 34.8 32.5 
Temp. of antifreeze entering soil, °F 116.7 Diep 
Temp. of antifreeze leaving soil, °F 113.6 31.4 
Temp. of antifreeze at station 3, °F 116.3 28.0 
Soil temp. 6 in. below line at station 3, °F 70.1 46.7 
Soil temp. 12 in. below line at station 3, °F 67.6 49.8 
Soil temp. 18 in. below line at station 3, °F 65.8 51S 
Carnot GER,- 4:64, HERS “o:o7 
Refrigeration plant CER, 4.06 HER, 4.99 
Heat pump CERee 2089) EIB Res eke 
Heat pump system GEReY 105Se HER 1.59 
Operating cost, kwhr/therm 56.3 18.41 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 





EEE 489 FT. ———+ | © 

FREON -12 


Figure 4. (a) Graph showing the temperature difference between the antifreeze 
in the earth heat exchanger and the soil 6 in. below. (b) Graph showing the 

temperature difference between the antifreeze and the Freon-12 in the evaporator. 


Performance of An Earth Heat Pump 

Table 5. Monthly average of daily results obtained from cooling tests made 

in July, August, and September, 1950. The heat pump operated intermittently 

from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 

Rainfall, 43 year average, inches 
Rainfall, 1950, inches 

*Outdoor air temp., °F 

Room, temp., °F 

R. H. at entrance, % 

R. H. at exit, % 

Inlet air temp., °F 

Outlet air temp., °F 

Air circulated, lb/hr 

Sensible heat absorbed from air, B/hr 
Total heat absorbed from air, B/hr 
Temp. of antifreeze entering soil, °F 
Temp. of antifreeze leaving soil, °F 
Antifreeze circulated, lb/hr 

Heat power to the earth, B/hr 

Strength of grid heat sink 
Collett) = B/hr/tt 

Total strength of heat sink 

(489 ft), B/hr/ft 

Temp. of antifreeze at station 3, °F 
Soil temp. 6 in. below center of line 
at station 3, °F 

Soil temp. 12 in. below center of line 
at station 3, °F 

Soil temp. 18 in. below center of line 
at station 3, °F 

Temp. of antifreeze at station 6, °F 
Soil temp. 6 in. below center of line 
at station 6, °F 

Power input to heat pump system, kw 
CER, heat pump (sensible ) 

CER, heat pump (total ) 

CER, heat pump system (sensible ) 
CER, heat pump system (total ) 

Cooling cost, kwhr/therm 

*Average of hourly readings. 






















September 1950 
Ist-15th 16th-30th 
50) 7,800 
6 PALE? 
i) 118.0 
0 5,660 
850 22,760 

39.5 28.1 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

The results of the three-month intermittent cooling test are 
shown graphically in Fig. 5. From curve A it can be seen that the 
temperature of the antifreeze in the earth heat exchanger increased 
from 104°F on July 1 to 124°F on September 1, after which it de- 
creased as shown. The rise in antifreeze temperature would probably 
have been greater for a cooling season with normal rainfall, since 
wet soil has a high thermal conductivity as compared with dry soil. 

Curves B, C, and D show soil temperatures at distances of 6, 
12, and 18 inches below the center of the antifreeze line at station 3. 
The effect of heavy rainfalls on soil temperatures as well as the anti- 
freeze temperature in the ground coil is quite apparent. It can also 
be seen that the soil temperatures beneath the ground coil increased 
slightly from July 1 to the latter part of September, after which they 
decreased. This drop in soil temperature is partly due to the ex- 
cessive rainfall during the first three weeks of the month, and also 
to the decreasing effect of solar radiation on soil temperature at the 
depth under consideration, for this period of the year (4). 
| It is to be expected that the rate at which heat can be dis- 
charged to the earth would decrease with time. However with in- 
termittent operation during July the rate of discharge increased due 
to execessive rainfall. The precipitation in August was below normal, 
and it can be seen from curve F that the rate of discharging heat to 
the soil decreased until September 1, after which it increased. 


1. Valuable data for designing an earth heat pump are reported 
in this paper. These data, however, should be interpreted with the 
understanding that the rainfall was 30.1% in excess of the normal 
rainfall for the test period. In studying these data, it should be 
kept in mind that as previously reported, the heat pump package 
unit which is being used in this research, is not very efficient (1). 
The cooling comfort produced and the rate at which the soil dis- 
sipated the heat transferred to it depends upon the efficiency of 
the heat pump. 

2. The performance of a heat pump is different when it is 
used for space heating than when used for space cooling. For this 
reason data from a three month cooling test and a six-month heating 

test are listed in Table 6. During the heating period the heat given 


arth Heat Pump 


Performance of An I 

~ © 
° ° 








TO OCTOBER !, 1950 

Boni: al ee a a 
| ar ee 
1207 | 4a — 

wi a a 
> - | 
5 avi | 
E | 
= | 
ci | 
RL | 
} | 







Graphical presentation of heat pump data during the cooling season 


Figure 5. 

of 1950. The earth heat pump operated daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

up by the compressor-motor and the fan-motor combinations is used 
to advantage to warm the air stream. However, during the cooling 
season the heat given up by the compressor-motor and the fan-motor 
combinations must be transferred to the earth, together with the 
heat removed from the air stream. This accounts for the small 
value (8,000 B/hr) of heat power taken from the air stream during 
the cooling cycle. The low value (25,510 B/hr of heat power to 
the air stream during the heating season is due to poor engineering 
practice in building the package unit (1). The heat power to the air 
stream is too low even though it includes the heat given to the 
air stream by the compressor-motor and the fan-motor combinations. 

3. Low values are reported for the heat power to or from the 
earth (16,690 B/hr and 13,910 B/hr). These low results are due 
to the operation of an inefficient plant and are probably lower than 
they would have been under normal conditions as to rainfall. 

4. The strength of the heat sink (35.6 B/hr/ft) was greater 
than the strength of the heat source as anticipated, and is due to 
the fact that the difference in temperature between the antifreeze 
in the ground coil and the soil was much greater during the cool- 
ing season than that during the heating period. 

Table 6. Average results of a three month cooling test made dur- 
ing the summer of 1950 versus the average results of a six month 
heating test made from October 31, 1949 to May 1, 1950. 

3-month 6-month 

cooling test heating test 

Outlet temp. of air stream, °F 72.8 97.0 
Suction press., psia 35.6 33.1 
Discharge press., psia 183.4 149.9 
Heat power from or to air stream, B/hr 8,000 25,510 
Heat power to or from the earth, B/hr 16,690 13,910 
Power input to heat pump system, kw 393% De Ge 
Total strength of heat sink or source, B/hr/ft 35.6 Dhl 5) 
Antifreeze temp. at station 3, °F 119.6 OR IL 
Soil temp. 6 in. below line at station 3, °F Te 43.1 
Energy ratios, heat pump 0.90 1.96 
Energy ratios, heat pump system 0.60 1.43 
Operating cost, kwhr/therm 62.9 20.5 

* 3-hp compressor motor 
**5-hp compressor motor 


Performance of An Earth Heat Pump 

5. The suction pressures during the cooling and heating periods 
are all right for good operating performance, but the discharge pres- 
sures are too high, particularly during the cooling period. The high 
discharge pressure are due to excessive pressure drops through the 

heat exchangers in the package unit. 

6. From Table 5 it can be seen that the CER was much lower 
when the sensible heat only was taken into account, than when 

the removal of moisture from the air stream was considered. 

7. There was no appreciable increase in the heat transfer from 
the ground coil to the soil when water replaced the prestone solution 

as the heat transfer medium. 

8. During the last half of September the direction of flow 
through the earth heat exchanger was reversed so that the warm 
water entered the grid before passing through very much of the 
line. It was expected that the strength of the grid heat sink would 
be increased, since there was an increase in the difference between 
the temperature of the water in the ground coil and the soil. The 
strength of the grid heat sink was observed to drop from about 39.5 
to 28.1 B/hr/ft. This apparent anomaly has not been fully accounted 
for. It may be due, in parts to the error resulting from taking the 
differences of temperatures of about the same value. The effect of 
reversing the direction of fluid flow through the ground coil will 

be investigated in the near future. 

9. From this research it is believed that the earth is a suitable 

heat sink as well as a suitable heat source. 

10. A more complete account of this investigation will be 
given in a future Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin of the 

University of Kentucky. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


“Performance of an Earth Heat Pump on Intermittent Operation’, 
by E. B. Penrod, E. L. Dunning, and H. H. Thompson. Trans- 
actions of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 13, No. 2, 
October, 1950, pp. 82-99. 

“Measurement of the Thermal Diffusivity of a Soil by the Use 
of a Heat Pump”, by E. B. Penrod. American Journal of Applied 
Physics, Vol. 21, No. 5, May, 1950, pp. 425-427. 

“Earth Heat Pump Research—Part I”, by E. B. Penrod, O. W. 
Gard, C. D. Jones, H. E. Collier, and R. N. Patey. University 
of Kentucky Egineering Experiment Station Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 
14, December, 1949, pp. 1-64. 

“Theory of the Ground Pipe Heat Source for the Heat Pump’, 
by WW) R. Ingersolland 11. J, Plass, H-PALC | Vol 2053Nowane 
July, 1948 pp. 119-122. 


Sister Mary Adeline O'Leary, S.C.N., Sister Virginia Heines, S.C.N., 
Sister Roderick Juhasz, S.C.N., Sister Rose Agnes Greenwell, S.C.N., 
and Corenlius W. Kreke ® 

Nazareth College Unit of Institutum Divi Thomae, Louisville, Kentucky 

In one of the earliest reports, Brahn observed low liver catalase 
activity in human beings who had died with different forms of 
cancer tumors. Later work revealed that the liver catalase of tumor- 
bearing rats and mice is considerably more affected than many other 
individual enzyme systems studied (1). Within the last decade, 
intensive studies (2 3,4,5,6) have shown that this peroxide-splitting 
enzyme activity is considerably reduced in both the liver and kidney 
of these animals but not in the blood. The mechanism of action of 
catalase in these neoplastic conditions is not well understood, but 
as anemia generally accompanies tumor growth, it has been sug- 
gested that the progress of the tumor in some way interferes with the 
synthesis of the hemo-prosthetic group, which is possessed both by 
the hemoglobin and catalase (1). 

It was the purpose of the present investigation to compare the 
enzymatic pattern of the catalase activity in the blood and liver of 
mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus, with that reported for 
mice bearing tumors, two quite different types of pathology. 


Normal female mice from Rockland Farm, N. Y., and a patho- 
genic strain of S. aureus from the General Biological Supply House, 
Chicago, Ill., were used in these determinations. The virulency of 
the microorganism was kept up by transfers to a blood agar medium. 
All reagents used were of the c.p. grade or of the highest purity 

About two dozen determinations were run to establish con- 

Assistant Research Professor of Chemistry, Institutum Divi Thomae, Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

stant values for the enzyme activity, fahigkeit, of the blood and 
liver of normal animals. The permanganate titrimetric procedure, 
essentially the same as previously reported (7), showing the rate 

of decomposition of HzO2 by catalase, was employed. This method 
was used in determining the fahigkeit of blood and liver of normal 

and infected animals. 

In the preparation of the blood enzyme, the blood from the slit 
throat of the mouse was collected in a graduated certifuge tube 
and diluted. This dilution was made so as to contain the same 
weight of enzyme-containing material per ml. of blood to be used 
in the calculation of the fahigkeit from the kK values at zero time. 

The liver enzyme was prepared by placing the minced liver 
in 10 ml. of distilled water and allowing it to stand in the ice chest 
for 24 hours. Then it was diluted according to the original tissue- 
weight and filtered. From these dilutions, samples were taken for 
analysis and further diluted according to the activity of the enzyme. 
After an equilibrium period of 10 minutes, which allowed the solu- 
tion to come to 0°, 35 ml. of HzO, (0.9 ml. of 35% diluted to 1000 
ml.) were mixed with 10 ml. of phosphate buffer (M/5 approxi- 
mately pH 6.8) containing 1 ml. of the diluted enzyme. At three 
5 minute intervals, 5 ml. of the reaction mixture were pipetted into 
20 ml. of HzSO4 (1:8) in order to stop the reaction, and the un- 
decomposed peroxide titrated with 0.0140 N KMnO,. Blanks run 
for reaction of KMnO, with blood and liver enzyme activity showed 

almost negligible results. 


The analyses of the blood and liver catalase of 18 out of 24 
normal mice are shown in Table I. The mean value for blood enzyme 
was found to be 99+ 3.4 and the liver enzyme to 195+ 3.2. Ratios 
of blood fahigkeit values to liver fahigkeit is 1:1.8 showing the 
liver enzyme activity average about twice that of the blood activity. 

Forty-eight animals were used in preliminary experiments to 


Effects of Staphylococcus Aureus Infections In Mice 1 

determine the day best suitable for the analysis of the blood and 
liver of mice infected with Staphlococcus aureus. The 9th day showed 
the enzyme values to be the most consistent, and the day when the 
lesions had reached the peak of severity. Analyses were then made 
on 37 more infected mice to determine the fahigkeit of the blood 
and liver catalase. The mean value for blood catalase is 81+ 4.7 
and 216+ 18 for the liver enzyme. The ratio of blood catalase to 
liver catalase in the infected animals varies from approximately 0.5 
to 8, while in the normal animals the variation is from 1 to 2. From 
the data in Table IH it can be seen that there is a wide variability 
in the enzyme values, particularly for liver, and no consistent 

yattern in the relationship between blood and _ liver catalase. 
I I 


Det. Mouse Wt. Blood Catzlase Liver Catalase 7 Kat. f. (liver) 
No. ¢ Zero time K at Kat.f. Zero time K at Kat.f. Kat.f. (blood) 
Blank O time Blank O time 
ile 22, 5.96 0.051 108 5.97 0.135 292 27 
2. 21 “0.083 —— 7 0.104 226 +5 
3. 21 ra 0.035 —— a 0.100 210 =. 
4. Gal 5-03— 0.047 97 5.93 0.048 126 1.5 
D. 24.5 en OL03 SS as = 0.068 176 2.3 
6. 24.5 4 0.055 86 ds 0.059 166 1.9 
Ue 20.9 6.00 0.050 124 5.80 0.062 167 1.3 
8. 23.8 > 40085". 586 rf 0.088 223 2.5 
2). 24.6 “0.046 108 zo 0.064 166 1.5 
10. 23.0 Bis) AO OzNE 10) 2:00 0.074 224 2.48 
ne 24.3 im OLOS6 ES rz 0.037 168 1.4 
12. 21.3 (OOK Is) * 0.084 271 2.76 
15. 26.0 ONL ONO)s yh Mala 5.90 0.050 22:7 2.04 
14. 23.7 Op eae lelts >: 0.048 180 1.6 
15. 20.9 SOLO SSM'S 4 0.058 222, 1.9 
16. 21.0 5.93 0.037 81 5.95 0.039 130 1.6 
ies 23.8 (OM SIS SIs ny 0.070 166 1.75 
18. 21.2 0.032 80 i; 0.062 167 2.02 

AVE. 99+3.4 AVE. 1953.2 AVE. 1.80 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


Det. Day of Mouse Wt. Blood Kat.f. Liver Kat.f. Kat.f. (liver) 
No. Analysis g. Kat.f. (blood ) 
Ie 6 19.6 128 308 2.4 
2: 6 23.6 38 286 7.5 
8. 7 18.2 91 398 4.37 
4, 7 18.2 91 185 2.05 
5. df 20.4 96 196 2.04 
6. 7 18.7 89 82 0.92 
ie 9 18.0 32 110 3.4 
8. 9 20.0 160 380 2.38 
9. 9 18.4 106 284 2.68 
10. 9 19.0 114 310 Deo, 
Li. 9 18.2 114 270 2.37 
12, 9 26.6 54 179 3.31 
13. 9 22:2) 113 63 0.557 
14. 9 Zell 117 83 0.709 
BY, 9 24.0 55 444 8.07 
16. 9 27.4 86 276 3.2 
17. 9 22.4 69 245 3.50 
18. 9 21.0 Si 368 6.43 
19. 9 pd) 52 271 5.2 
20. 9 22.9 65 232 3.07 
21 9 20.0 88 232 2.63 
22 9 23.9 66 411 6.23 
23. 9 SIO) 87 42 0.48 
24, 9 24.8 82 lio 2.13 
Dy, 9 19.9 61 D2 0.85 
26. 9 2255 118 173 1.47 
ile ) NY oe 35 191 5.45 
28. 9 22.0 70 128 1.8 
29. 9 29.0 85 84 0.99 
30. 9 19.5 67 210 3.18 
31 9 20.0 116 116 I, 
32. 10 21.0 67 192 2.86 
33. 10 21.0 87 411 4.72 
34. 10 19.8 45 188 4.18 
85. 10 19.8 62 98 1.58 
36. 10 24.4 84 142 1.69 
37. 15 18.5 63 163 2.58 

AVE Oise 477, AVE. 21618 AVE. 2.6 


Effects of Staphylococcus Aureus Infections In Mice I 


The data from the analyses of the infected animals indicates 
considerable variability in the catalase values of blood and _ particul- 
arly in the liver. The mean values of 81 and 216 for blood and liver 
catalase, respectively, point to the fact that on the average the blood 
enzyme in the infected animals was below normal, whereas the liver 
catalase, while slightly above normal, is less significantly so. Cal- 
culating the ratio of the normally distributed variant to its estimated 
Pederd error, (t) for blood is 15; for liver is 4.8. From these con- 
siderations it seems warranted to conclude that there tends to be a 
lowering of the blood catalase at the height of infection as revealed 
by the data on the 9th day. 

This work is at present being repeated by other methods to 
attempt to eliminate some of the variations due to method in the 
blood and liver catalase of the infected animals. 

1. Normal blood catalase activity (Kat. fahigkeit) in mice was 
found to be 99+ 3.4, and normal liver catalase 195+ 3.2. 
Mean values of blood and liver catalase of infected animals are 
81+ 4.7 and 216+ 18, respectively. The greatest variation was 
encountered in the liver catalase of infected animals. 


3. Blood catalase tends to drop below the normal value at the height 
of infection without a consistent change in the liver catalase. 

1. Biochemistry of Cancer, J. P. Greenstein, 
pp. 321, Academic Press, Inc., N.Y. (1947). 
Greenstem, ||. —.; jenrette, ie a and 
White: J., J. Biol. Chem. £47, 5 (L941). 
o» Greenstein, J, P., Jenrette, oe and 
White, J., J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 2, 283, (1941). 
4. Greenstein, J. P., and Andervont, H. B., 
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2, 345, (1942). 
jo. soreenstem, — P., J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2, 
525, 589, (1942); 3, 397, (1943). 
6. Greenstein, J. P., and Andervont, H. B., 
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 4, 283, (1943). 
7. Kreke, C. W., and Sister Paulette Maloney, 
J. Biol. Chem. 172, 317-324, (1948). 



Sister Mary Adeline O'Leary, S.C.N., Sister Virginia Heines, S.C.N., 
Sister Roderick Juhasz, S.C.N., Sister Rose Agnes Greenwell, S.C.N., 
and Cornelius W. Kreke * 

Nazareth College Unit of Institutum Divi Thomae, Louisville, Kentucky 

* Assistant Research Professor of Chemistry, Institutum Divi Thomae, Cin- 

cinnati, Ohio. 

Studies in this laboratory of the enzymatic pattern of the cata- 
lase activity in the blood and liver of mice infected with Micrococcus 
pyogenes var aureus have shown values of considerable variability. 
In a previous report (1) it was noted that on the average the blood 
enzyme in the infected animals was below normal, whereas the liver 
catalase, while slightly above normal, was less significantly so. 

In order to attempt to reduce some of the variations possibly 
due to technique of the titrimetric method (2), the work was re- 
peated using the gasometric procedure. 


The procedure of White and Winternitz (3), extensively used 
by Greenstein in catalase studies in relation to cancer, is based 
upon the rapid evolution of oxygen after addition of H2,O, to the 
enzyme mixture (Figure 1). The i00 ml. widemouth bottle moved 
through a distance of 10 cm. at the rate of 4 oscillations per second. 
The oxygen output was measured at constant pressure by the rate 
of displacement of a dilute solution of methylene blue from an in- 
verted buret attached to the reaction bottle by means of a rubber 
tubing. Readings were taken at 5-second intervals over a period of 
30 seconds. 

In control experiments the wide-mouth bottle contained 5 ml. 
of M/5 prosphate buffer (pH 6.8), 2 ml. of distilled water, and 
1 ml. of properly diluted enzyme, all kept at approximately 5°C. 
These were allowed to stand in contact 10 minutes at 5°C., at the 
end of which time a 1 ml. beaker containing 0.5 ml. of 30% H2O2 
was placed upright in the wide-mouth bottle before putting the 
bottle in the shaking machine. As shaking began, the beaker tipped 


Effects of Staphylococcus Aureus Infections In Mice II 

over, allowing the H2O2 to come in contact with the enzyme-buffer- 

en | 

Figure 1. 

A mouse liver is thoroughly ground in a glass mortar, diluted 
with cold distilled water, filtered through four thicknesses of chees- 
cloth, and placed in an ice bath until ready for use. One ml. of 
the dilution added to the reaction mixture should give about 10 - 15 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

ml. Oz in 10 sec. Dry weights are determined and the ml. Og per 
mg. dry weight is obtained. 

The blood from the slit throat of the mouse is collected in a 
graduated centrifuge tube, diluted and kept in ice bath. As it is 
not possible to maintain a constant temperature in the reaction 
mixture during the course of the experiment, all ingredients are 
kept in an ice bath until ready for use. Under these conditions the 
enzyme does not deteriorate very rapidly and many experiments 
can be run with one preparation. Readings taken at the 10 second 
period are reported. 


Analyses of the blood and liver catalase of 12 control animais 
are shown in Table I. The mean value for the blood enzyme was 
found to be 1.57 0.37 and for the liver enzyme to be 3.44 0.55. 
The ratio of the blood values to liver values is 1:2.1 showing the 
liver enzyme activity averages twice that of the blood activity. 

Of the thirty-six animals infected with the organism, twenty- 
- five animals gave mean values of 1.37+ 0.32 and 3.882 1.18 for 
blood and liver catalase respectively (Table II). The ratio of blood 
to liver enzyme is 1:2.8 or about 3 times that of the blood activity. 
Table HI shows the comparison between the values obtained by 
the titrimetric and gasometric methods for both normal and infected 



Determination Blood Liver 
Number ml/O, mg. dry wt. extract 
le eS 4.49 
on 1.36 3.46 
3 eh, 3.22 
4, 1.78 3.63 
Be 1.34 3.33 
6. 1.68 8.01 
Lo 2.54 4.00 
8. 1.26 4.11 
9. Lal 4.14 
10. Lae RT 
BIE ILA TK@ 2.36 
1, 1.30 2.82 
Average aise s8i7/ 3.44+ 0.55 


Effects of Staphylococcus Aureus Infections In Mice II 



Days Blood Liver 
Infected ml/O,mg dry wt. extract 
8 1.50 1.75 
8 1.42 2.90 
8 1.45 P13 
8 ESS 2.63 
9 1.43 4.00 
9 1.26 8.72 
9 1.36 1EnS 
9 1.39 3.87 
9 0.82 1.02 
9 1.47 1.96 
9 152, 1.40 
9 1.90 3.33 
9 1.23 5.43 
9 1RO3 3.61 
9 1.54 3.86 
9 1.73 4.22 
) gay 4.93 
9 1.29 5.52 
11 MG 3.22 
11 .90 4.03 
13 1.02 3.47 
13 R25 3.40 
13 1.89 3.90 
13 1.30 3.87 
13 1.48 2.38 
Average eis OLY Bela IE: 


Blood Liver 
Titrimetric Gasometric Titrimetric Gasometric 
ml. O./mg. ) ml. O,/mg. 
Reatents dry wt. extract Kate he dry wt. extract 
Controls 99+ 3.4 Wael 195+ 3.2 3.44—=- 0.55 
Infected SMlar 4h7/ 137+ 0.32 PNGE== NS 3.88+ 18 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


The mean values of the blood and liver enzyme appear to show 

the same trend of activity by the gasometric as by the titrimetric 
method. Both procedures reveal a drop in the blood catalase and a 
rise in liver catalase of the infected animals. This increase of the 
liver enzyme activity shown by both methods may not be significant 
due to considerable variation in the liver values; however, calculat- 
ing the ratio of the normally distributed variant to its estimated 
error, (t) for blood is 7.1 and 5.6 for the liver. From Fisher's table 
of t, P is 0.01 for a t value of 2.797. A t of 7.1 or of 5.6 is definitely 


Catalase activity of blood and liver in normal mice by the gaso- 
metric method was found to be 1.57+ 0.37 and 3.44+ 0.53 respec- 
tively. The blood and liver values of animals infected by Staphy- 
lococcus aureus were found to be 1.87+0.32 and 3.88+1.18 

Both procedures (titrimetric and gasometric) revealed a drop 
in blood catalase during infection and an increase in the liver 

As there exists a wide variability in the enzyme values, particularly 
for the liver, no consistent pattern seems to exist between the 
relationship of the blood and liver catalase for individual animals, 

but the t and P values show that the results are significant for 
the groups. 


1. Proc. Kentucky Acad. of Science. In Press.* 


Kreke, C. W., and Sister Paulette Maloney, J. Biol. 
Chem. 172: 317-324, (1948). 

325 White, |) and) Winternitz, M.-@.) Am, |) (‘CanceraaG: 
269, (1989). 

= Volel3> noo, pp. lise 



R. H. Weaver and Theodore Boiter 

Department of Bacteriology 
University of Kentucky 

Lexington, Kentucky 

The studies reported upon were carried out on triplicate samples 
that were collected from each of 32 Fayette County Kentucky wells. 
Of each set of samples, one was examined within two hours of the 
time of collection, another after storage for 24 hours at room tem- 
perature, and the third after storage for 48 hours. Plate counts, coli- 
form determinations, and attempts to isolate antagonists for Escheri- 
chia coli were made on each sample. Attempts have been made to 
correlate the presence of antagonists with the presence of coliforms 
and with the decrease in number of coliforms during storage of the 
water samples. Antagonists isolated consisted chiefly of members of 
the actinomycetes, Bacillus and Pseudomonas groups. This paper 
deals only with the Bacillus strains. 

The method used for the isoluation of the antagonists was es- 
sentially that of Kelner, 1948. Plates were prepared containing ap- 
proximately 15 ml quantities of sterile nutrient agar. After the agar 
had solidified, a layer of 5 ml of nutrient agar containing an appro- 
priate dilution of the water sample was spread over the surface of 
the plate. Quintuplicate plates for each of three dilutions were 
made from each water sample. After one week's incubation at room 
temperature ali plates which contained a satisfactory number of 
colonies were tested for the presence of antagonists. For this pur- 
pose a 5 ml layer of nutrient agar containing 1:750,000 crystal 
violet and 1 ml per 50 ml of agar of a 24 hour nutrient broth cul- 
ture of a freshly isolated strain of E. coli was poured over the sur- 
face of each plate. The plates were then incubated over night at 
37 C and examination was made for zones of inhibition of growth 
of the E. coli above and around colonies of organisms that produced 

diffusable antibiotic substances. Attempts were made to isolate 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

cultures from all types of colonies of antagonists that were found on 
the plates. 

As the antibiotic substances produced by the Bacillus strains 
were apparently sufficiently bactericidal in almost all cases to kill 
the E. coli in the layer of agar above the colonies no difficulty was 
experienced in the isolation of pure cultures of these organisms. 

Species of Bacillus that were antagonistic for the strain of E. 
coli used were isolated from 24 of the 32 sets of samples. In about 
two thirds of the cases only one or two colonies of the antagonists 
were present on the plates but in the other third of the cases the 
numbers of antagonists amounted to from several hundred to several 
thousand per ml of sample. Several types of antagonists were some- 
times present on the same plate. 

The Bacillus isolates were identitied according to the procedure 

of Smith, Gordon and Clark, 1946. A total of 15 isolates of B. sub- 
tilis, 2 of B. subtilis var. aterrimus, 3 of B. pumilis, 13 of B. cereus, 
i of a B: megatherium - B. cereus intermediate, 1 of B. circulans, 
1 of B. macerans, | of B. brevis, and 2 of B. laterosporus were identi- 


After the purity of the cultures was established, they were stor- 
ed in tubes of semi-solid agar in the refrigerator. Approximately 12 
to 18 months later their antibiotic activities were studied. For this 
purpose a cross streak method similar to that used by Cervagal, 1947, 
Gilliver, 1949, and others, was employed. Each culture was streak- 
ed across one diameter of a nutrient agar plate. The plates were in- 
cubated at 32C for 48 hours before cross streaking the other dia- 
meter of the plate with the test organisms. Test organisms used were 
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella paratyphi, Salmonella typhosa, 
Shigella flexneri, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Aerobacter aerogenes, 3 
strains of Escherichia coli including the one used in the isolations, 
a strain of Paracolobactrum, Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus, My- 
cobacterium hominis, Mycobacterium phlei, Mycobacterium smeg- 
matis, and Candida albicans. After a 24-hour period of incubation 
the zones of inhibition were measured. The plates were incubated 
for another 24-hour period and the zones of inhibition were re- 
checked. In no case did the zones increase or decrease during the 
second 24-hour period. All isolates were tested at least once against 


Antibiotic-Producing Species of Bacillus from Well Water 

each of the test organisms. Selected representative isolates were 
tested as many as six times. 

As his been shown by many workers, Bacillus strains tend to 
lose their antibiotic activity upon cultivation on laboratory media. 
Many of the cultures were found to have lost their antibiotic ability 
against the strain of E. coli which had been used for their original 
detection, and many of the other isolates produced a smaller antibiotic 
zone than had been produced on the original plate. 

It is evident that variations both in the antibiotic-producing 
abilities of the various isolates and in the resistance of the various 
test organisms occurred during the course of the tests. As examples 
of the former; On August 8, isolate 16 (B. subtilis) was antibiotic 
only to S. typhosa and M. pyogenes, although on July 26 it had also 
been antibiotic to S. paratyphi, S. flexneri, all 3 strains of E. coli, and 
the paracolon strain; On August 8, isolate 72 (B. subtilis) was 
antibiotic to S. flexneri, S. typhosa, one strain of E. coli, and M. pyo- 
genes, although on July 26 it had been antibiotic only to S. flexneri. 
As an example of the latter, S. paratyphi gradually became resistant 
to all antibiotic action during the period of approximately four 
months during which the tests were being performed so that on 
August 8 none of 10 isolates showed any antibiotic action toward it 
although 9 of the 10 had showed such action on previous tests. 

None of the Bacillus isolates showed antibiotic action against 
P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, A. aerogenes, C. albicans, M. phlei, 
or M. smegmatis. The strongest meiotic action was shown against 
S. flexneri, S. typhosa and M. pyogenes. 

The best antibiotic action was produced by the B. subtilis iso- 
lates. On the original plates they had produced antibiotic zones of 
from 2 to 15 mm. In general, no loss in potency appears to have oc- 
curred during storage of the pure cultures before their antibiotic 
activities were tested. Some of the isolates produced larger zones 
than those on the original plates. Almost all the 15 isolates were 
antagonistic to S. paratyphi, S. typhosa, S. flexneri, the 3 strains of 
E. coli, and M. pyogenes. Four were antagonistic to the paracolon 
strain. Zones of inhibition varied from 2 to 18 mm, the largest being 
with S. flexneri (average 10 mm) and M. pyogenes (average 11 mm). 

The isolates of B. subtilis var. aterrimus were slightly less active. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

The 3 isolates of B. pumilis produced zones of 8, 8, and 5 mm 
respectively against E. coli on the original plates. The ability to 
antagonize E. coli was lost completely during storage of the cul- 
tures. One of the isolates produced no antagonistic effects, one an- 
tagonized S. flexneri and M. pyogenes, and the third antagonized 
S. flexneri, S. typhosa and M. pyogenes when it was first tested but 
was entirely negative when it was retested 3 times from one to two 
months later. 

The B. cereus isolates producted at least as large zones of in- 
hibition against E. coli as did the B. subtilis isolates at the time of 
isolation but they almost completely lost their antibiotic powers 
before the tests for antibiotic activity were made. Eight of the 138 
isolates had no antibiotic action, 2 produced a slight inhibition of 
M. hominis on one test, 1 produced a slight inhibition of the para- 
colon strain, and the other 2 inhibited S. flexneri, S, typhosa, one of 
the strains of E. coli, and M. pyogenes when they were first tested 
but were negative when they were retested a few days later. 

The isolates of B. brevis, B. macerans, B. circulans and B. latero- 
sporus produced zones of inhibition against E. coli of 15 mm, 20 mm, 
2 mm, and 5 mm, respectively when they were isolated. All these iso- 
lates produced spreading types of growth so that reliable tests could 
not be made with the method that was employed in this study. 


The data available thus far from this study are not adequate 
to determine the significance of Bacillus species in connection with 
the longevity of coliforms in water. Previous work has presented 
strong evidence that antagonistic organisms in water may signifi- 
cantly decrease the longevity of coliforms that are present along with 
them. Hutchison, Weaver and Scherago, 1943, isolated antagonists 
for E. coli from water samples and showed that if they were ino- 
culated in fairly large numbers into water samples they would cause 
a rapid decrease in the number of coliforms present in the samples. 
Vaccaro, Briggs, Carey and Ketchum, 1950, have reviewed the ques- 
tion of viability of E. coli in sea water and have presented convinc- 
ing evidence that microorganisms produce bactericidal substances 
in the water which affect the viability of the E. coli. The detection 


Antibiotic-Producing Species of Bacillus from Well Water 

of Bacillus strains in samples from 24 of 32 wells in this study is 
indicative that these organisms may have some signifiance. Samples 
from 29 of the wells yielded positive tests for coliform organisms. 
No direct correlation is evident between the number of coliforms 
and the number of antagonists present. Large numbers of Bacillus 
antagonists were found, however, only in heavily polluted water 

The most significant groups of Bacillus antagonists appear to 
be the B. subtilis and B. cereus groups. It is not surprising that the 
B. subtilis group should be one of the dominant ones in view of the 
large number of antibiotic substances that have been shown to be 
produced by members of this group. It should be noted, however, 
that the B. cereus isolates, on the average, produced slightly broader 
zones of antibiosis at the time of isolation than did the B. subtilis 
isolates. This antibiotic ability was largely lost upon cultivation. 
From these results, the possibility should be considered that the 
B. cereus strains are better suited to antibiotic formation under na- 
tural conditions whereas the B. subtilis strains are better suited to 
antibiotic formation on artificial media, and that the presence of 
B. cereus strains, in the water, therefore, may have greater signifi 


Members of the genus Bacillus that are antagonistic for Escheri- 
chia coli were isolated from samples of water from 24 of 32 Fayette 
County, Kentucky, wells. Of 39 isolates that were identified, 15 
were B. subtilis and 13 were B. cereus. The B. cereus isolates had 
slightly broader zones of inhibition for E. coli than did the B. subtilis 
isolates at the time of isolation. When they were tested 12 to 18 
months later, however, they had almost completely lost their anti- 
biotic-producing ability while the B. subtilis isolates had retained 
theirs. Almost all the B. subtilis isolates also produced antibiotic 
action against Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella para- 
typhi and Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. Although the data 
presented are inadequate to determine the significance of Bacillus 
species in connection with the longevity of coliforms in water, the 
demonstrated prevelence of potentially antagonistic strains indicates 

that they may have some significance. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Cervajal, Fernando. 1947. Screening test for antibiotics. Mycologia, 
Gilliver, K. 1949. The antibacterial properties of some species of 

aerobic spore-forming bacilli. Br. J. Exp. Path., 30:214-220. 
Hutchison, Dorris, R. H. Weaver, and M. Scherago. 1943. The 

incidence and significance of microorganisms antagonistic to Escheri- 
chia coli in water. J. Bact., 45:29. 

Kelner, Albert. 1948. A method for investigating large microbial 
populations for antibiotic activity. J. Bact., 56:157-162. 

Smith, N. R., R. E. Gordon, and F. E. Clark. 1946. Aerobic mesophi- 
lic spore-forming bacteria. U. S. Dept. Agric. Misc. Pub. 559. 

Vaccaro, Ralph F., Margaret P. Briggs, Cornelia L. Carey, and Bost- 
wick H. Ketchum. 1950. Viability of Escherichia coli in sea water. 

Am. J. Pub. Health, 40: 1257-1266. 



by L. C. Pendley 

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Throughout the ages men have erected innumerable structures 
and have performed a multitude of engineering feats directly upon 
the earth’s crust or outer layer. In the planning for most of these 
projects, there has arisen the need for knowledge of the character 
and depth of the materials immediately below the surface at the 
site. On such occasions it has, until recently, been necessary to at- 
tack the problem by the direct, time-consuming, costly, and laborious 
method of digg’ng b >y some means a pit or a hole in order to examine 
the underlying material. Even with up-to-date methods, this pro- 
cedure is costly both in time and money. In recent years, how- 
ever, two geophysical methods for securing information regarding 
subsurface conditions have attracted considerable attention. They 
are known as the Refraction Seismic method and Electrical Re- 
sistivity method. Both of these methods have been used exten- 
sively in recent years by geologists, mining, and petroleum engineers 
for subsurface reconnaissance. In this paper, a brief discussion of 
the Electrical Resistivity method will be given. In addition, some 
results of a study now being made to attempt an_ evaluation 
of this method will be presented. 

The basic theory underiying measurements of the earth's re- 
sistance to the flow of an electric current was set forth in 1915 
by Wenner.‘)* The method employed in this study is known as 
the four-electrode type. A schematic diagram of the four-electrode 
equipment as it is set up for use in the field is shown in Figure 
1. In brief, the equipment used consists of a source of power such 
as “B” batteries, a milliameter to measure current passed, two 
current electrodes, two non-polarizing electrodes, a potentiometer 
to measure the drop in potential between the potential electrodes, 
and the necessary wiring to connect all parts of the equipment. 
This material is assembled in two independent circuits. The first 
or outer circuit includes the current source, the milliameter, and 

Numbers in parentheses refer to items in bibliography. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

the two current electrodes. The current electrodes which are two 
copper-coated steel rods are driven into the ground a distance of 
“3a” apart. The power source is equipped with a reversible switch 
which allows the current to be transmitted in either direction along 
the circuit. The second or inner circuit consists of the potentio- 
meter and the two non-polarizing electrodes. The non-polarizing 
electrodes consist essentially of a transparent plastic cartridge filled 
with a solution of copper sulfate and having a porous plug in one 
end to permit the solution to seep through in order to insure good 
electrical contact with the earth’s surface. The non-polarizing elec- 
trodes are placed on a line between the two current electrodes 
dividing the distance 3a into three equal parts “a”. A current “I” is 
then passed through the outer circuit and flows through the earth 
from one current electrode to the other. The drop in potential “E” 
between the intermediate potential electrodes is then measured. 
Current will flow from the current electrode in the usual pattern. 
Equipotential lines or equipotential surfaces normal to the current 
lines are also formed. Current is passed in one direction in the 
outer circuit and the drop E and voltage I are measured. In order 





ee a ieee : 
"AE HA TE) Tal TA AEE ae: 
Se a Cleese 
~ — SS SS ee a_i 
SAS USE iat a ra eel rater TN ec haere 
—— => EN Sy ts a = 
= Pai Fear — 

— —— 

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Equipment Used for Finding Resistivity of Soils 
by the Four-Electrode System. 

Subsurface Earth Exploration By Electrical Resistivity Method 

to prevent polarization of the current electrodes and to eliminate 
or minimize the effect of stray currents present in the earth, the 
current direction is then reversed and the readings taken as be- 
fore. The resistivity of the material between the potential electrodes 
may then be foud by use of the formula 

APY, Se 
Pe nea 

in which a is the electrode spacing in feet 

E is the drop in potential, in millivolts 

I is the current in milliamps flowing through the circuit 
and p= the resistivity of the soil between the potential elec- 
trodes in ohms-feet. 

If the material is homogeneous, the resistivity found by this for- 
mula can be assumed to be the specific resistivity of the material 
between the equipotential lines or surfaces passing through the 
potential electrodes. If the material is not homogeneous and _ soil 
seldom is, then the resistivity found is called the apparent resistivity 
and represents the average specific resistivity of the material in 
the area between the potential electrodes. 

Various investigators have found that the value of resistivity 
is influenced largly by the material in the above area to 


a depth “a” and that materials at a depth greater than “a” 
apparently have a negligible effect on the flow of the current lines 
and therefore on rota 

If the value of the electrode spacing “a” is increased through 
given increments, the current flow lines extend to deeper layers in 
the earth’s crust and the resistivity found reflects the apparent re- 
sistivity of the material to greater depths corresponding to the in- 
creased electrode interval 

The resistivity of materials of the earth's surface has been 
found to depend largely upon the amount of moisture and ionized 
salts present in the material. Since the amount of these electrolytic 
salts will vary greatly with different types of material, the resistivi- 

ties of layers of different materials may also be expected to vary 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

greatly. For example, moist clay deposits may have a fair amount 
of these salts in their structure and as a result clays usually show 
very low resistivity value. Rock, on the other hand, is usually re- 
latively dense and has few pores for the electrolytic solution to oc- 
cupy and therefore shows correspondingly high resistivity values. 

Several different methods of interpreting resistivity data have 
been used or proposed. The method of interpretation used in this 
study is known as the Gish-Rooney method.“ By this system the 
resistivities found at each electrode spacing are plotted as ordi- 
nates against the electrode spacing as abscissae. If the curve plotted 
by this system is studied, it will usually show changes in slope at 
electrode spacings which correspond approximately with the depth 
at which changes in types of material occur. 

For the electrical resistivity method to be of much value to 
the Highway Engineer, it is obvious that some quick method such 
as this must be used which will enable the readings to be placed 
in usable form as soon as possible. 

One of the large problems of this study has been, therefore, 
to determine if depths of soil layers obtained by this method can 
be correlated with actual depths or thicknesses as obtained by 
direct methods. Also, if the correlation exists, is it close enough to 
allow the use of the data obtained in ordinary Highway work? 

Several sites were selected where records of borings were 
available and resistivity measurements were made at these sites. 
Results from four of the principal sites investigated are presented 
here with typical resistivity curves obtained shown along with a 
plot of the drill borings at the same site. 


One of our most detailed investigations was made at Tyrone 
Bridge on the Kentucky River near Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. Resis- 
tivity readings were taken in the flat space on the Versailles side of 
the river ecween piers four and five. The resistivity measure- 
ments were made along a line parallel to and seventy-five feet 
toward the river from the face of pier five and 149 feet from pier 
four. The right hand drill log shown in Figure 2 is from a boring 
at pier five and the left drill log is from a boring made at pier four. 

Measurements were made on July 12 and 14. The weather 


Subsurface Earth Exploration By Electrical Resistivity Method 

410 450 490 530 



co Rts) 

& Cr 

7 oO 



Figure 2. Resistivity Measurements and Drill Cores along Line D at Tyrone 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

was clear and ground was moist from previous rains. 

The drill logs at this location show the upper layer of material 
to be a sandy clay. At pier five the log shows the sandy clay to 
be underlain at a depth of about twenty-five feet by sandy gravel 
which extends to bedrock (limestone) at a depth of about thirty- 
two feet. At pier four the borings show sandy clay to a depth of 
twenty-one feet and sandy gravel extending to bedrock at a depth 
of 39.5 feet. 

The resistivity curve at this location shows a marked increase 
in apparent resistivity at an electrode spacing corresponding to a 
depth of twenty-two feet. This increase would indicate the pre- 
sence of a more resistant material such as a sand or gravel. The 
decrease in the rate of increase of the apparent resistivity of the 
sandy gravel between twenty-two feet and thirty-four feet prob- 
ably reflects the increase in moisture content with depth as bed- 
rock is approached. The next significant change in slope of the 
resistivity curve occurs at a spacing of thirty-four feet. The in- 
crease in slope at this point would point to the presence of a more 
dense material such as bedrock. This depth of thirty-four feet 
_ corresponds to a depth cf about 34.5 feet to bedrock as predicted 
from the drill logs shown in Figure 2. 


Studies at this site were made in the vicinity of the Monticello, 
Pitman Creek and U. S. 27 Highway bridges. Data for resistivity 
Line A shown in Figure 3, were taken at the site of the new high- 
way bridge on the Monticello-Burnside road. Measurements were 
taken on the north bank of the Cumberland River parallel to and 
53.7 feet toward the river from pier five. 

The drill logs shown in Figure 3 are located on the same line 
that the resistivity data were taken on and were spaced twenty-five 
feet each way from the center line of the bridge. 

Data at this location were taken July 6, 1950. Adverse weather 
conditions consisting of intermittent showers were encountered. 

As shown in Figure 3, the drill logs here show sandy loam to 
a depth of about four feet. This is underlain by a firm yellow 

clay to a depth of about thirty-seven feet. Below this is found a 


Subsurface Earth Exploration By Electrical Resistivity Method 

Ge k130 170 210 250 






Figure 3. Resistivity Measurements and Drill Cores along Line A at Burnside, 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

layer of loose sand and gravel and bedrock is encountered at depths 
of forty-two to forty-four feet. 

The low value for resistivity shown at four feet spacing un- 
doubtedly was caused by the completely saturated condition of the 
topsoil at the time the readings were taken. With the above ex- 
ception, this curve is practically ideal for the materials present at 
this location. 

The ideal curve for the soil layers found here would start with 
high resistivity values in the loam strata and the resistivity values 
would decrease as the electrode spacings were increased, permitting 
a greater percentage of current lines to flow through the clay strata. 

The resistivity values should decrease until an electrode spac- 
ing is reached which permits the major portion of the current lines 
to be flowing through the clay strata. At this point, the resistivity 
values should show a gradual increase with depth due to the com- 
bined effect of the overlying materials. This is the condition illu- 
_ strated by Line A at Burnside as shown in Figure 3. 

The first deviation from the above pattern may be noted at a 
spacing corresponding to a depth of thirty-six feet. The increase 
at this point is caused by the presence of the sandy gravel which 
is a more resistant material. Another change in slope is noted at 
forty-four feet indicating the possibility of a more resistant material 
at this depth. That this is the condition actually existing is shown 
by the drill logs which indicate bedrock at a depth from forty-two 
to forty-four feet. 


Another location investigated was at Boonesboro Bridge on the 
Kentucky River. Resistivity readings were taken on the west bank 
of the river between piers eight and nine. The data were taken 
along a line parallel to and fifteen feet toward the river from pier 
nine. The right hand drill log shown in Figure 4a is from a boring 
at pier nine and the left hand drill log is from a boring made at 
pier eight. 

The readings were taken June 26. Weather was clear and 
very warm. The river was falling. 

Since the resistivity data were taken near the face of pier nine, 
it is believed that the drill log for the boring there presents a better 


Subsurface Earth Exploration By Electrical Resistivity Method 

picture than would the drill log at pier eight of the conditions to 
be expected at the point where the resistivity data were taken. 

This drill log shows a firm clay to a depth of eighteen feet. 
This is underlain by a soft yellow clay stratum to a depth of twenty- 
six feet. At this point, the material changes to a very soft blue clay 
which continues to a depth of forty-two feet. Below this is found 
gravel extending to bedrock at a depth of forty-six feet. 

Down to a depth of twenty-six feet, the curve fotlows closely 
the ideal curve for a clay material. It is thought possible that the 
break in the curve at the electrode spacing corresponding to this 
depth can be attributed to a possible difference between the con- 
ductivity of the soft yellow clay and the very soft blue clay. The 
increase in the slope of the curve at thirty-six feet is believed to 
be caused by an extension of the sand strata into this area. A de- 
crease in the slope of the curve is noted at forty to aoa feet. 
This condition is contrary to what would normally be expected for 
the gravelly material shown on the drill log. Observations made 
at the time the resistivity data were taken indicate that this depth 
corresponded closely to the elevation of the water level of the 
river. In other words, it is thought probable that the decrease in 
resistivity values at this point was caused by a saturated condition 
cf the sand and gravel strata. Forty feet could then be taken as the 
upper limit of the water table at this point. The increase in slope 
at fifty feet and beyond clearly indicates that the current flow 
lines have entered a more resistant material such as bedrock. This 
corresponds closely with the depth to bedrock shown on the drill 


A number of different investigations were made on the Lexing- 
ton side of the Kentucky River at Clays Ferry Bridge. The line 
shown in Figure 4b was plotted from data taken between piers 
six and seven, twenty feet toward Lexington from the face of pier 
six, and along the line passing through the points where the cores 
shown in Figure 4b were taken. 

Measurements were made May 16, 1950. Weather was clear 
and soil moist. 

The center cores shown in the Figure were taken thirty feet 
apart. The outer cores were located fifteen feet on either side of 
the two center cores. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 










OO AAA Bee ee = 






ae ae 

Figure 4a Figure 4b 
Cc Cc 

Figure 4a. Resistivity Measurements and Drill Core along Line A at Boones- 
boro Bridge, Ky. 

Figure 4b. Resistivity Measurements and Drill Core along Line A at Clays 
Ferry Bridge. 

The outer cores show eight to nine feet of sandy loam under- 
lain by brown sand and yellow clay to a depth of twenty-four to 
thirty-six feet below which there is sand and blue clay to a depth 
of forty-six feet. A sandy gravel is then noted which gives way 
to bedrock at about forty-eight to forty-nine feet. 

The center cores in F igure 4b show sixteen to eighteen feet of 


Subsurface Earth Exploration By Electrical Resistivity Method 

sandy loam turning to a brown sand at about twenty-eight feet. 
This is underlain by blue clay and sand to about forty feet. Below 
this is coarse sand giving way to bedrock at forty-seven to forty- 
nine feet. 

This curve has been included to show some of the many pro- 
blems that may be encountered in a study of this type. First, it 
should be noted that there is a pocket of sand in the area covered 
by the center drill holes. The exact size and shape of this deposit 
are unknown. It is believed possible that this deposit of sand could 
have caused the peak in apparent resistivity values shown at an 
electrode spacing corresponding to a depth of sixteen feet. 

The erratic shape of this curve for electrode spacings from 
twenty-six to forty-two feet can possibly be attributed to the poor 
contact obtained with the current electrodes. At these electrode 
spacings, it was necessary to drive the current electrodes in an 
area which had been covered with rocky rubble used in backfilling 
around the pier. 

Between forty-two and fifty feet, the curve follows the pattern 
expected for a granular material underlain by bedrock. The de- 
crease in apparent resistivity values at this point is believed due to 
a solution channel. The presence of this channel is indicated by 
data from a core taken twenty feet toward the river on a line mid- 
way between the center cores shown in Figure 4b. The channel at 
that point was encountered at a depth of sixty-one feet. Drilling 
was discontinued at fifty feet on the cores shown on this figure 

which could explain why the channel is not shown. 

An extensive study is being made at this location in an at- 
tempt to obtain better correlation between the resistivity data and 

the usual conditions shown by the drill logs. 


Inasmuch as this study is not yet complete and the data taken 
has been only partially analyzed, no broad or sweeping conclusions 

can be attempted. More field data are being taken and some of the 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

other methods available for analyzing these data are being investi- 

On the basis of the results to date, though, it is felt that the 
following conclusions are justified: 

1. The amount of moisture present in the various soil strata 
encountered in this investigation was found to be the major factor 
influencing the resistivity of these materials. 

2. The depth to bedrock can be ascertained with sufficient 
accuracy for general highway work. 

3. By using this method in conjunction with properly located 
drill holes, it is possible to map the subsurface conditions of large 
areas at a saving of both time and money. 

4. In the case of such a condition as illustrated in Figure 4b, 
this method can be used to direct core drilling operation in a man- 
ner that would insure drill holes being placed in the proper position 
to obtain the best survey of actual site conditions. For example, 
the resistivity data shown in Figure 4b indicate that another core 
should be taken midway between the two center cores in order to 
obtain a better idea of the shape of the sand pocket. Our data 
would also indicate that this core should be carried to a depth of 
at least sixty feet in order to investigate the possibility of a solution 
channel at this point. 


(1) Wenner, Frank, “Method of Measuring Earth Resistivity”, De- 
partment of Commerce Bureau of Standards, Scientific Paper 
pacar, JUGS), 

(2) Shepard, E. R., “Subsurface Exploration by Geophysical Me- 
thods”, 1949, ASTM Preprint. 

(3) Shepard, E. R., “Subsurface Exploration by the Earth Resis- 
tivity and Seismic Methods”, Public Roads, Vol. 16, +4, June 

(4) O. H. Gish and W. J. Rooney, Terrestrial Magnestism and 
Atmospheric Electricity, Vol. 30, pp. 161-187, December 1925, 
“Measurements of Resistivity of Large Masses of Undisturbed 




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Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

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The University of Louisville was host to the thirty-sixth annual meeting 
of the KENTUCKY ACADEMY OF SCIENCE on Friday afternoon and Satur- 
day morning, October 27 and 28, 1950. 

The program for Friday afternoon, October 27, provided for conducted 
tours through various industrial plants in the Louisville area. Arrangments for 
the tours were handled by Dr. M. I. Bowman of the University of Louisville. 

The annual dinner of the ACADEMY was held Friday evening in the 
Seelbach hotel. High light of the dinner was an address delivered by Pro- 
fessor Anton J. Carleen of the University of Chicago on the subject, “Science 
and Society”. Professor Carlson was introducted ie Dr. Warren Rehm of the 
University of Louisville School of Medicine. Arrangments for the dinner and 
for the speaker were made by a committee, consisting of Dr. William Clay 
(Chairman), Dr. Paul Kolachoy and Dr. Richard Wiley. 

At the business meeting Saturday morning, October 28, officers were 
elected for the Academy year, 1950-1951. 

President: E. B. Penrod, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

Vice President: M. C. Brockmann, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louis- 

Secretary: C. B. Hamann, Asbury College, Wilmore. 

Treasurer: R. H. Weaver, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 
Representative to the Council of the A.A.A.S.: Austin R. Middleton, Uni- 
versity of Louisville, Louisville. 

W. E. Blackburn of Murray State College and Paul Kolachov of Joseph 
E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., were elected to serve on the Board of Directors until 

Following the Saturday morning business meeting the various Divisions 
of the Academy met for the presentation of specialized papers and for the 
transaction of divisional business. The programs of the various Divisions are 
recorded as follows: 


Mrs. Rose Conner, Presiding. 

“Metabolism of sodium in health and disease with a photometric method 
for its determination in biological fluids”. Mary Simonette, Nazareth College, 

“The use of the flame photometer”. Jean Segar, Nichols General Hospital, 

“A mycological study of a case of histoplasmosis in a three month old in- 


Academy Affairs 

fant from Jessamine County Kentucky”. James T. McClellan, George H. Scherr 
and Margaret Hotchkiss, Lexington. 

“Standardization of dust extracts by biological methods”. Morton Reitman 
and Morris Scherago, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

Role of vitamins in the oxidation of glucose and glycerol by Lactobacillus 

casei’. Mary M. Hardin, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

“Antibiotic producing species of bacillus from water’. Theodore Bacter 
and R. H. Weaver, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

“Comparison of the bacterial count on home and commercially packed 
frozen foods”. Leona Quigg and C. B. Hamann, Asbury College, Wilmore. 

The following were elected as officers of the Division of Medical Technology 
and Bacteriology for the year 1950-1951: 
Chairman: Dr. S. L. Adams, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville. 

Secretary: Sister M. Simonette Savage, Nazareth College, Louisville. 

William M. Clay, Presiding. 

“Report from the Seventh International Botanical Congress in Stockholn”. 
Arland Hotchkiss, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“An ecological study of the microbenthic fauna of two Minnesota lakes”. 
Gerald A. Cole, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“Notes on the vertical distribution of organ’sms in the profundal sediments 
of Douglas Lake, Michigan”. Gerald A. Cole, University of Louisville. Louisville. 

“An old case of gynandromorphism in Boros discicollis”. T. J]. Spilman, 
University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“Reptiles of Bullitt County, Kentucky”. Richard W. Allen, Louisville. 

“Amphibians of Bullett County, Kentucky”. Robert C. Cunningham, Louis- 
“Multiplication of Bacterium tabacum in leaves of Nicoticna longiflora”. 

Stephen Diachum and Joseph Troutman, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment 
Station, Lexington. 

“Some X- and Gamma-radiation effects on peanuts”. J. S. Bangson, Berea 
College, Berea. 
The following were elected as officers of the Division of Biology for the 

year 1950-1951. 

Chairman: Dr. Gerald A. Cole, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

Secretary: Dr. Arland Hotchkiss, University of Louisville, Louisville. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

E. B. Penrod, Presiding. 

“The relation of composition to the properties of hydraulic cement”. 
Eugene J. Wechter, Louisville Cement Company. 

“Performance of an earth heat pump operating intermittently on the cool- 
ing cycle”. R. C. Thorton and E. B. Penrod, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

“New tools for processing vegetable oils”. Allen Bond, Votator Division, The 
Girdler Corporation, Louisville. 

“New techniques in the study of soils for engineering purposes”. James H. 
Havens, Kentucky Department of Highways, Lexington. 

“Emissivities of protective coatings’. W. R. Barnes, University of Louis- 
ville Institute of Industrial Research, Louisville. 

“Subsurface earth exploration by electrical resistivity method”. L. C. 
Pendley, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

“Instruments and progress”. G. E. Smith, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

The following were elected as officers of the Division of Engineering for 
the year 1950-1951: 

Chairman: Mr. L. X. Gregg, Department of Highways, Lexington. 

Secretary: Prof. Merl Baker, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

T. C. Herndon, Presiding. 

“3-Methyl-2-Cyclohexene-l-one and derivatives”. M. I. Bowman and C. 
C. Ketterer, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“Chromatography of amino acids on cellulose columns”. Forest G. Hous- 
ton, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. 

“The mechanism of action of certain sulfhydryl reagents on the cytochrome 
oxidase system”. M. Angelice Seibert, Ursuline College, Louisville and Cornelius 
W. Kreke, Institutium Divi Thomae, Cincinnati. 

“Effects of Staphlococcus aureus infections on blood and liver catalase in 
mice. I. Gasometric method”. Mary Adeline O'Leary, Virginia Heines, Rode- 
rick Juhasz, Rose Agnes Greenwell and Cornelius W. Kreke, Nazareth College 
Unit of Institutium Divi Thomae, Louisville. 

“The electrical conductance of solutions of ferric chloride in acetone at 
XN) araval ZO Ge Lyle R. Dawson and Ralph L. Belcher, University of Kentucky, 

“The distribution of alkali iodides between ethylene glycol and ethyl acetate”. 
Lyle R. Dawson and Edward J. Griffith, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

The tetra-hydroxy cobalt (II) ion as a qualitative test for cobalt”. Saul 
Gordon and James M. Schreyer, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

The decomposition pH of the thio-anions of arsenic, antimony and iin”. 


Academy Affairs 

G. L. Corley and Norma M. Woodward, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“The free energy of copper chromate”. Sigfred Peterson and Orland W. 
Cooper, University of Louisville, Louisville. 

“Spectrophotometric studies of the composition of Lespedeza seed oil”. 
Richard H. Wiley, A. W. Cagle and Phil H. Wilken, University of Louisville, 

“Improvement of soaps for GR-S polymerization. Retarding influence of 
multiple unsaturated acid soaps on the butadiene-styrene polymerization”.  C. 
S. Marvel, University, of Illinois, Urbana; W. E. Blackburn, Murry State College, 
Murray; D. A. Shepherd, The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan; and J. A. 
Dammann, American Safety Razor Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y. 

The following were elected as officers of the Division of Chemistry for 
the year 1950-1951. 
Chairman: Sister M. Virginia Heines, Nazareth College & Academy, Nazareth. 

Secretary: Mr. Gerrit Levey, Berea College, Berea. 

The spring meeting of the Academy was initiated several years ago 
to provide field trips in regions of the Commonwealth which are of special 
interest to botanists, zoologists, geologists and others. The 1951 spring meet- 
ing was held at Morehead State College, Morehead, Kentucky, Friday and 
Saturday, April 27: and 28. The Friday afternoon program provided for re- 
gistration, refreshments served by the Home Economics Department, a con- 
ducted tour through the Lee Clay Products Company, and a short general 
meeting at which various field trips for Saturday were described. : 
At the dinner Friday evening, Dr. Warren C. Lappin, Dean and Acting 
President of Morehead State College gave a short address of welcome. Follow- 
ing dinner there were two addresses, “Related problems of water supply and 
sewage disposal” by Herman F. Dundberg, Chester Engineers, Pittsburgh, 
Pennsylvania and “The science of color as seen by the physicist and the artist” 
by Tom Young of the Morehead State College Art Department. After the ad- 
dresses members of the Academy were invited to a dance in the college 
The Saturday schedule provided for the following conducted tours and 
field trips: 
Bird walk, tour of Lee Clay Products Company, tour of General Re- 
fractories at Olive Hill, trip to Carter Caves State Park, Forestry-Soil 
Conservation trip, scenic trip through Cumberland National Forest, trip 
to the Knob Licks area and a trip to Lochege. 
Arrangements for the meeting at Morehead State College were directed by 
Professor Fenton T. West of the Division of Science and Mathematics. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


The regular fall meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science will be held 
on Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27, 1951, at the University of Kentucky. 


Dr. M. C. Brockmann has resigned from the editorial staff of the TRANS- 
ACTIONS. He assisted, however, in editing the present issue and prepared 
the preceding portion of the “Academy Affairs” section. The Academy is 
deeply indebted to Dr. Brockmann for his excellent services as editor. 

William F. Savage, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the 
University of Kentucky, has been appointed Associate Editor of the TRANS- 
ACTIONS. Manuscripts may be submitted either to Mr. Savage or to William 
M. Clay. 

The printing of the present issue of the TRANSACTIONS was delayed 
by mechanical difficulties which could not be avoided. These are not expected 
to recur, and papers which are received now should receive prompt publication. 
It is our intention to publish two numbers per year, each volume to consist of 
four numbers. Number 4 of the present volume will go to press as soon as 
a few more manuscripts are received. If you are preparing a paper for the 
fall meeting, let us have the manuscript as soon as possible. 

* oo 
Dr. Arland Hotchkiss, Secretary of the Biology Section, will spend the 

Academic year of 1951-52 on the staff of Robert College, Instanbul, Turkey. 


medium for publication of original investigations in science. In addition, as 
the official organ of the Kentucky Academy of Science, it publishes programs of the 
meetings of the Academy, abstracts of papers presented before the annual meetings, 
reports of the Academy’s officers and committees, as well as news and announce- 
ments of interest to the membership. 

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time to the editor: 

WiLuiaM M. Cray. 

Department of Biology, 
University of Louisville, 

Louisville, Kentucky 

Papers should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced, with wide margins, 
in an original and 1 carbon copy, on substantial quality paper. Articles are ac- 
cepted for publication with the understanding that they are to be published 
exclusively in the TRANSACTIONS. Each paper will be reviewed by one or more 
persons qualified in the field covered by article in addition to the editors before 
a contribution is accepted for publication. 

Bibliographic citations should follow textual material (except in Research 
Notes, see later). Abbreviations for the names of periodicals should follow the 
current system employed by either Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. 
Bibliographic citations in Research Notes should be in the same form as for longer 
papers but enclosed in parentheses within the text of the note. 

Footnotes should be avoided. Titles must be clear and concise, and provide 
for precise and accurate cataloging. 

Tables and illustrations are expensive, and should be included in an article 
only to give effective presentation of the data. Articles with an excessive number 
of tables or illustrations, or with poorly arranged or executed tables or illustrations 
may be returned to the author for modification. 

‘Textual material should be in clear, brief and condensed form in order for a 
maximum amount of material to be published. 

Reprints must be ordered at the time galley proof is returned. 

The following individuals, educational institutions and industrial organiza- 
tions have subscribed to one or more sustaining memberships in the KENTUCKY 

Borgerding, Walter L., General Distillers Corporation of Kentucky, Louis- 
ville, Kentucky. 

Cedar Bluff Stone Company, Inc., Princetia: Kentucky. 

Centre College, Danville, Kentucky. 

Corhart Refractories Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Eastern Kentucky State College Library, Richmond, Kentucky. 

Devoe and Raynolds Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

DeSpain, T. H., Southern Textile Machinery Company, Paducah, Kentucky. 
Eve Printing Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 

B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Kentucky Brewers Association (10), Louisville, Kentucky. 

Kolachoy, Paul, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Lee Clay Products Company, Inc. (2), Clearfield, Kentucky. 

Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, Kentucky. 

Medley Distilling Company, Owensboro, Kentucky. 

Mileti, Otto J., The Mileti Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Morehead State College, Johnson Camden Library, Morehead, Kentucky. 
Murray State College, Murray, Kentucky. 

Old Joe Distillery Company, Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. 

Perkins, George, Reynolds Metals Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 
Scofield, E. H. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Skirvin, J. B., General Refractories Company, Olive Hill, Kentucky. 

Smith, L. A., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Spanyer, William, Brown-Forman Distillers Corp., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Stallings, E. M. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky. 
Union College, Abigal E. Weeks Memorial Library, Barbourville, Kentucky. 

F506. 73 
meres K-37 ~ 

Volume 13 August, 19 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 


Preparation of Acylaminoacid Esters. Richard H. Wiley and 
wo aS 8 INN SS GI oa Ne RE 213 

Di SD ev nate Ee ROO ee) CDSs BG a ON GT ER ES thay eg A ee eo ce 215 

Electrical Conductances of Moderately Concentrated Solutions of 
Several Salts in Dimethylformamide. L. R. Dawson, M, 
Golben, G. R. Leader, and H. K. Zimmerman ........................ 221 

Structure and Function of the Mature Glands on the Petals of 
Frasera carolinensis. P. A. Davies 228 

Performance of a Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater. E, B. 
ER EG ac a alO) ICE Sao eo Sa CRE Cl Pe 235 

Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrographs of a Cop- 
per-beryllium Alloy. H. W. Maynor, Jr., C. J. McHargue, 

RR MURAI ie ar ica nance boro SPY teh. teen tnscmecenseanenesoweesecwnes 248 
Structural Settlement Computations. John E. Heer, Jr. ...00002000020...... 258 
Preparation of 1-xylyl-1, 3-butanediones using Diketene. Reedus 

may, betes and Albert. Tockman’ ~2...2.-.......2..-....220:....ccccccccenseeees 265 
A Look at Kentucky Woodlands. Eugene Cypert, Jr. -..000.000020220002..... 270 
Geological Sketch of the Jackson Purchase. E. B. Wood .................... 275 
Adsorption of Aliphatic Acids on a Weak Base Anion Exchanger. 

Sigfred Peterson and Robert W. Jeffers —........000000000000 ue. 277 
Research Notes: 

An Albino Snake (Elaphe obsoleta), William M, Clay .......... 285 
BT ES 8 ESC ST SAE A EN Sa a 286 

PPT YE TS PIER ESR 8 a Sa ag a 288 


President _ President-Elect 
H. B. Lovett, 4 THoMAS HERNDON, 
University of Louisville, Eastern Kentucky State College, 
Louisville Richmond 
Past President Vice-President 
E. B. PENROD, Won. B. OwsLey, 
University of Kentucky, Morehead State College, 
Lexington Morehead 
Secretary Treasurer 
Asbury College, University of Kentucky, 
Wilmore Lexington 
Reresentative to the Council Counselor to the Junior 
of the AAAS, Academy of Science 
Austin R. MImpLeTon, ANNA A. SCHNEIB, 
University of Louisville, Eastern Kentucky State College, 
Louisville Richmond 

Wn. M. Cray, 
University of Louisville, 

Associate Editors 

Bacteriology and Medical Technology Chemistry 
Nazareth College, University of Louisville, 
Louisville Louisville 
Biology Engineering 
H. H. LaFuze, *Wm. R. SAVAGE, 
Eastern Kentucky State College, University of Kentucky, 
Richmond Lexington 
Jos S-SBANGSON SS 52 cet Se a eile cere ee eee to 1955 
Msc Ds VD ART AAR ie PAN ey A et SOT a eR I Voge aN a to 1955 
Wits BUACKBURN 62 au sale Rae S80 oes ith 5e HA a ere ee a en a to 1954 
BAUT KOUAGCH OVE er ots CS ete ee ote ge EL tees Oe en a fe to 1954 
Wire RAINE NIO ORR oo eh ees cts tee ese vatete Si A tu cg oe aa to 1953 
MARY Hc WHARTON: 200 bi he ORR aie cco AEN RSE faces Neaaaiia cane neta aaa am to 19538 
ALFRED‘ BRAUER] 2462550 AB Ue ENG ia CLES UR eae a rE Dnt a oa | Se a to 1952 
Wianb Br. “SUMPTER Aon Soe ibaa Ais ie, St Bi a di alpen to 1952 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued semiannually. Four numbers constitute a 
volume. Domestic subscription, $2.00 per volume, foreign, $2.50 per volume. 
Correspondence concerning membership in the Academy, subscriptions or 
other business matters should be addressed to the secretary. Manuscripts and 

other material for publication should be addressed to the editors. 

* Resigned 


Richard H. Wiley® and Olin H. Borum 

Ethyl esters of acetylglyci:e and acetylleucine are prepared by azeotropic distillation procedure 

There are a variety of methods available for the preparation of 
a-acylaminoacid esters, RCONHCHR’CO.R”. This report is based 
on a study of relative advantages of these methods and describes a 
preferred procedure for preparation of these esters. 

A review of the literature has shown that acetylglycine ethyl 
ester has been prepared by the action of ethyl iodide on the silver 
salt of acetylglycine (1); by passing dry hydrogen chloride into an 
alcholic suspension of acetylglycine (2); by heating glycine ethyl 
ester hydrochloride on the water bath with acetic anhydride and 
sodium acetate with (3) or without (4) copper sulfate; by the ac- 
tion of acetyl chloride on a suspension of glycine ethyl ester hydro- 
chloride in boiling benzene on the water bath (3); and by the ac- 
tion of ketene on glycine ethyl ester (5). Esters of other acylamino 
acids have been prepared by a simultaneous acetylation-esterifica- 
tion which takes place on treating the sodium salt of the amino acid 
in ethyl alcohol with acetic anhydride (6,7). 

The method described in this report is an adaptation of the 
azeotropic distillation procedure used for other esterifications (8,9). 
It is preferred to esterification by the ethanol-hydrogen chloride me- 
thod (2) which must be carefully controlled to prevent removal of 
the N-acyl radical. 

Preparation of Acetylglycine ethyl ester (Aceturic acid ethyl ester). In a 
1-]. round-bottomed flask are placed 58.5 g. (0.5 moles) of acetylglycine (10), 
200 cc. of carbon tetrachloride (319 g., 2.08 moles), 200 cc. (157.8 g., 3.42 
moles) of absolute alcohol and 2g. of sulfosalicylic acid. Ordinary commercial 
absolute alcohol testing by specific gravity to be between 99.5 and 100% is 
used. During refluxing and distillation the system is protected from the atmos- 
phere by means of a calcium chloride tube. The mixture is refluxed slowly for 
one hour and thirty minutes over an open-coil resistance heater. At the end 
of this time about 200 cc. of solvent are distilled slowly from the mixture through 
a 36-inch vertical column. 

An apparatus similar to one previously described (9) is used, except that 
the arm provided for return of condensate to the reaction flask is omitted. A 
* Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, 

Kentucky. This report is a contribution from the Venable Chemical Labora- 
tory of the University of North Carolina. Inquiries may be addressed to 
this author. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

36-inch condenser serves as a reflux condenser at first and later as a fractionat- 
ing column. A thermometer at the top of the column shows that the mixture 
starts to distill at about 63° and the temperature then rises slowly to 78°. The 
round-bottomed flask is placed about one to two inches above the heating coil 
which is regulated by a variable transformer for the slow refluxing and distilla- 

One hundred cc. each of carbon tetrachloride and absolute alcohol are 
added and the mixture refluxed again for one hour, after which about 175 cc. 
are slowly removed by distillation through the column as above. The same 
amount of solvent mixture is added again, refluxed, and finally distilled until 
about 200 cc. of solution remain. During this period all of the acetylglycine 
dissolves. Until this time the acetylglycine is suspended in the reaction mixture. 

The clear remaining solution is then transferred to a 250-cc. Claisen distill- 
ing flask. The carbon tetrachloride and alcohol are removed at reduced pres- 
sure and then 62g. (85%) of acetylglycine ethyl ester of b.p. 124°-130° at 
2-4imm are collected with the oil bath at 150°-180°. Toward the end of the 
distillation the bath is kept below 180° to prevent volatization of the catalyst. 
No attempt is made to remove the catalyst by washing prior to distillation be- 
-cause of difficulty in isolating the water soluble ester. The ester solidifies to 
hygroscopic solid, m.p. 47°-49°. 

Preparation of Acetylleucine ethyl ester. This ester is prepared by a 
similar procedure except that the heating period is lengthened to seven hours. 
From 60.3 g. of acetylleucine, prepared by the method of Karrer, Escher, and 
Widmer (11), there is obtained 61.5 g., 87.5%, of acetylleucine ethyl ester, 
b.p. 113°-120° at 2.5-3.5 mm. with the bath at 135°-145°. The ester solidifies 
to a solid, m.p. 55.5°-57.5°. 


J. Curtis, Ber 17, 1672 (1884). 

2. Radenhausen, J. Prakt. Chem. [2] 52, 4388 (1895). 

3. Curtius, J. Prakt. Chem. [2] 94, 116 (1916). 

4. Cherbuliez and Plattner, Helv. Chim. Acta 12, 322 (1929). 

5. Bergmann, Chem. Zentr. 1928, I, 2663; German Patent 453,577; Frdl. 16, 237. 
6. Ashley and Harington Biochem. J., 23, 1178 (1929). 

7. DuVigneaud and Meyer, J. Biol. Chem. 99, 143 (1932-33). 

8. Kendall and McKenzie, Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. I, 247 (1941). 
9. Clarke and Davis, Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. I, 262 (1941). 
10. Herbst and Shemin, Organic Syntheses, Coll. Vol. II, 11 (1943). 

ll. Karrer, Escher, and Widmer, Helv. Chim. Acta 9, 322 (1926). 


Roger W. Barbour 

Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Between 1939 and 1948 I camped over four months in Harlan 
County, Kentucky, making a study of the mammals, reptiles, and 
amphibians of Big Black Mountain. This mountain, the highest point 
in Kentucky, reaches a maximum elevation of 4150 feet above sea 
level. It lies largely in Harlan County, Kentucky, but occupies a 
portion of adjacent Wise County, Virginia. 

The majority of data were collected within a four-mile radius 
of the summit of the mountain, centering at a point designated 
“Grassy Gap” on the United States Geological Survey Estillville sheet. 
Collections made elsewhere in the region are so indicated. 

It is my purpose to herein present a classification of the animal 
habitats of the mountain, with notes on the occurrence of mammalian, 
reptilian, and amphibian species therein. 

The area under consideration has been, and still is, subjected 
to intensive logging operations. The trees are being cut indiscrimi- 
nately, with little apparent regard for young timber. In removing the 
timber, expediency rather than wise use seems to be the dominating 
factor. Such logging operations undoubtedly influence the fauna 
of the area and will continue to influence the animal population for 
years to come as the normal succession following logging operations 

takes place. 

No intensive study of the habitats was undertaken, except as 
they influenced animal distribution. Braun (1940) made a thorough 
ecological study (from a botanical standpoint) of a transect of 

Black Mountain in adjacent Letcher County, Kentucky. 

For my purposes, I have grouped the animal habitats of Big 
Black Mountain into six general categories, each with numerous sub- 
divisions. A clear-cut delineation of the habitats of the area is im- 
possible; frequently one habitat grades imperceptibly into another. 

More often a single habitat may be classified under two or more 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

divisions, depending on the individual point of view. These divisions 
and subdivisions are discussed below. 

1. Aquatic. Aquatic habitats of the area are divisible into two 
Inajor groups: standing water, as rain pools, and running water. The 
latter may be further divided into springs and streams. The streams, 
on the basis of size, may be divided into brooks and creeks. The 
latter two classifications grade insensibly into each other. 

Rain pools are common about the summit of the mountain: one 
puddle in a logging road was known to contain water continuously 
from June 4 to September 1, 1948. These puddles were extensively 
used as breeding pools by Bufo americanus americanus, Bufo wood- 
housii fowleri, Hyla v. versicolor, and Pseudacris brachyphona. A 
snapping turtle (Chelydra s. serpentina) was taken from one of them. 

At least seven springs occur within a radius of two miles of the 
summit of the mountain; each of them that formed a pool support- 
ed one or more Rana clamitans. One could always find Desmogna- 
thus fuscus welteri about the springs. Pseudacris brachyphona was 
known to breed in the largest spring. 

Nearly every cove about the summit of the mountain gave rise 
to a small but apparently permanent stream. These small, swift 
streams supported an abundance of salamanders, largely Desmogna- 
thus fuscus welteri, along their margins. 

The creeks in the lower valleys were not so rich in salamanders 
as the brooks, but supported a considerable population of frogs and 
toads, largely Rana catesbeiana, Rana clamitans, Bufo woodhousii 
fowleri, and Hyla v. versicolor. Natrix sipedon was abundant in the 
larger streams, but rare in the smaller tributaries. 

2. Low Vecetation. This habitat comprises fields covered mostly 
with herbaceous vegetation. Extensive areas of this sort are found 
about the summit of the mountain. Some of these are largely in 
grass; others clothed with a mixture of Lysimachia quadrifolia, Fra- 

garia virginiana, and Potentilla simplex; still others support practically 
pure stands of ferns, largely Osmunda cinnamomea, Dryopteris nove- 
boracensis, and Dennstaedtia punctilobula. 

The origin of these fields is obscure. They have been cultivated 


Animal Habitats On Big Black Mountain In Kentucky 

in past years when the mountain top was inhabited by man. Old res- 
idents informed me the fields had been there when they were chil- 
dren. At the present time, trees are beginning to appear, although 
most are still small. Possibly, these areas are comparable to the “balds” 
in the Great Smokies. 

As far as small mammals are concerned, these fields are practi- 
cally deserts. The edges are fairly rich in species, largely of the 
genera Peromyscus, Clethrionomys, Blarina, and Sorex, but only Synap- 
tomys was caught near the middle of the fields. Of the amphibians 
and reptiles, Bufo americanus americanus, Bufo woodhousii fowleri, 
Diadophis punctatus edwardsii, Coluber c. constrictor, and Thamno- 
phis s. sirtalis occurred frequently in the fields. 

In fields at lower elevations (obviously cleared), Carphophis a. 
amoena, Diadophis punctatus edwardsii, Lampropeltis t. triangulum, 
Storeria occipitomaculata, and Thamnophis s. sirtalis were taken as 
well as Pseudotriton montanus diastictus, Bufo americanus americanus, 
and Bufo woodhousii fowleri. All were taken from beneath stones 
with the exception of a large milk snake which was found in a weed 
patch near a pile of stones. 

3. BRUSHLAND. This general habitat comprises areas in which 
the dominant species are shrubby. Areas of small individuals - of 
tree species are treated under the subsequent divisions. 

The brushland habitat, as defined above, may be subdivided 
into three groups, on the basis of the dominant species. 

a. Crataegus - Vaccinium - Rhododendron cumberlandense. These 
three genera are dominant in several once-open areas about the sum- 
mit of the mountain. These areas support a curious admixture of 
species from the beech - birch - maple and oak - hickory - chestnut as- 
sociations treated below. This habitat is perhaps the least well de- 
fined on the mountain. Sorex cinereus, Sorex fumeus, Peromyscus 
maniculatus nubiterrae, Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, and 
Clethrionomys gapperi maurus, among others, were taken from this 
habitat. Amphibians and reptiles are scarce in this habitat, although 
one Hyla crucifer was taken here. 

b. Rhododendron maximum. This species occupies extensive 

areas along the lower reaches of the mountain streams. In places, the 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

growth extends upward along the stream to an elevation of about 
3600 feet. 

c. Kalmia - Vaccinium. Some areas, where logging has been 
heavy, support practically pure stands of these two genera. In such 
areas, a few dead chestnuts remain standing; the ground is littered 
with decaying tree tops. According to natives, a little “red rabbit” 
is found only in such areas. A specimen of this “red rabbit” proved 
to be Sylvilagus transitionalis. 

4. WoopLanp. Included in this habitat are those areas clothed 
with tree species; three subtypes are recognized, as follows: 

a. Beech - birch- maple. This association is apparently the cli- 
max forest of the upper, more humid, slopes of the mountain. Al- 
though occupying extensive areas above 3000 feet on the northern 
exposures, on the south slopes this habitat extends no lower than 
_ 8500 feet, and reaches this elevation only in densely shaded valleys. 

Few stands of virgin timber are left, and these seldom occupy 
more than a few acres. Here, the forest floor is relatively clean; 
there are few low woody plants, and the herbaceous plants are for 
the most part low. Humus ranges up to eight inches in depth, and 
is continually moist. even in the dryest seasons. Here is to be found 
perhaps a greater assemblage of mammalian species than in any 
other area of the mountain. 

When logged over, most of this area grew up again to the same 
woody species, with less beech and an admixture of oak and hickory. 
In places, these species, along with Rubus canadensis, Smilax rotundi- 
folia, and Pyrularia pubera form an almost impenetrable thicket. With 
continuous logging operations over the years, practically every stage 
of growth is represented. 

b. Oak - hickory - chestnut. This association clothes most of the 
lower slopes and extends up the drier areas to the very summit of 
the mountain. All the larger chestnuts have long since died, while 
most of the larger oaks have been removed. For a number of years, 
logging operations in the area were largely confined to removal of 
the dead chestnuts for mine timbers, but the remaining naked boles 
are still a conspicuous part of the landscape. In such areas, the 

woody species that have established themselves after logging are 


Animal Habitats On Big Black Mountain In Kentucky 

predominantly oaks, hickories, and chestnut stump sprouts. Many 
other plants are abundant, among them Acer, Tilia, Rubus, Smilax, 
Kalmia, Vitis, and Vaccinium. These thickets form dense tangles. 
In some areas, logging has been remote enough for sufficient growth 
of the trees to occur to eliminate much of the rank undergrowth. 
In such areas, particularly at the lower elevations, there is a well 
marked growth of Liriodendron, Oxydendron, Robinia, and Cornus. 
From about 2400 to 3000 feet, particularly on southern exposures, 
a large part of this association supports a rank growth of Vitis. Along 
the highway on the Virginia (south) side of the mountain, these 
plants have vined vigorously into the tops of the trees and form a 
veritable canopy over the forest floor. Natives report that the opos- 
sum (Didelphis v. virginiana) is largely confined to this “grape belt.” 
However, I took one specimen near the summit of the mountain, 
considerably above this region. In other areas at lower elevations, 
Smilax enters as a conspicuous part of the flora, vining 30 to 40 
feet into the trees. In this habitat alone was Peromyscus nuttalli found. 

c. Liriodendron. About the base of the mountain, at elevations 
ranging from 1800 to 2500 feet, regardless of exposure, are isolated 
areas consisting of practically pure stands of Liriodendron tulipifera. 
These areas have been logged over in the past, and the majority of 
the trees in the present stand vary from six to 14 inches in diameter 
breast high. Here the forest floor is relatively free of undergrowth. 
Blarina and Peromyscus are the most abundant mammalian genera 
in these areas. 

5. Rocxianp. Herein are grouped those regions where exten- 
sive areas of bedrock are exposed, and jumbles of rock occur. Such 
places are rare on Black Mountain; those that do occur support 
Neotoma, Peromyscus, Clethrionomys, Sceloporus, and Crotalus. On 
Pine Mountain, however, exposed bedrock is a very conspicuous 
part of the terrain. The little collecting done there, just north of 
Cumberland, Harlan County, Kentucky, revealed only Neotoma and 


6. Man-MapE. In this category are grouped such works of man 
as buildings, roads, fences, orchards, and the like. Buildings shelter- 
ed Rattus and Mus, as well as various species of bats. Roads, especi- 

ally little used ones, proved an extremely fertile field for collection 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

of amphibians and reptiles. Fences harbored Sceloporus and Eumeces. 
A single old orchard, located at the summit of the mountain, was 
examined briefly in 1939; at that time it proved to be a veritable 
desert, as far as amphibians, reptiles, and mammals were concerned. 


The two most extensive habitats on the mountain are the beech - 
birch - maple and oak - hickory - chestnut subdivisions of the woodland 
group. The majority of mammalian species occurring on the moun- 
tain may be found most abundantly in these two habitats. Qualita- 
tively, there is little difference in the mammals of the two areas, 
but extensive trapping revealed that individuals were approximately 
three times as abundant in the beech - birch - maple regions as in 
the oak - hickory - chestnut habitat. 

Reptiles were most abundant, both in number of species and 
number of individuals in habitats herein classed as man-made. The 
edges of litile-used logging roads were the most fruitful collecting 
areas. This situation was undoubtedly due to several factors, among 
which might well be the exposing of rocks suitable for cover; the 
creation of woodland edges, affording two adjacent types of hunt- 
ing territory; and the drying out of a narrow strip through an other- 
wise moist woodland. 

Amphibians were most abundant, from the standpoint of in- 
dividuals, along streams and about springs and puddles. However, 
as many species were found in the beech - birch - maple subdivision 
of the woodland habitat, as in areas classed as aquatic. Several species 
found only in wooded areas are known to breed in water, hence 
the occurrence of a given species in a certain habitat is dependent, 
among other things, upon the time of year. 

At the present time, mining operations on the mountain are 
exposing extensive areas of bare soil. The effects of this wholesale 
destruction of the present-day habitats in the area are undoubtedly 
profound. Whether or not the operations will continue to the point 
of destroying the only known habitats in Kentucky for such animals 
as Sorex c. cinereus, Blarina brevicauda churchi, Mustela v. vision, 
Clethrionomys gapperi maurus, and Napaeozapus insignis roanensis, 
is a matter for the future. 


1. Braun, E. Lucy. 1940. An ecological transect of Black Mountain, Kentucky. 
Ecol. Monogr., 10 (2): 193-241. 



L. R. Dawson, M. Golben, G. R. Leader and H. K. Zimmerman, Jr. 

Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Dimethylformamide combines the properties of a wide liquid 
range (1), good solvent power for inorganic salts, and fairly high 
dielectric constant (measurements in this labor: atory have shown the 
dielectric constant to be 36.7 at 25°). Consequently, it appears to 
have considerable promise as a solvent which may be used for elec- 
trolytic studies in the nonaqueous field. Reported here are the 
results of a study of the conducting properties of some solutions of 

magnesium and zinc iodides, magnesium, zinc and cadmium bromides, 
and silver perchlorate, all of which were found to be quite soluble 

in this solvent even at low temperatures. 


Dimethylformamide supplied by the du Pont company was used after puri- 
fication by fractional distillation under reduced pressure (specific conductance, 
1.83 x 10-6 at 25°). The salts used were the best available commercial an- 
hydrous grade with the exception of the silver perchlorate, which was prepared 
from silver oxide and perchloric acid according to the method described by 
Hill (2) and dried at 110°C. Weighed amounts of each salt were added to 
weighed quantities of solvent, all transfers being made in a dry box. The 
final concentration of the perchlorate was confirmed by titration with standard 

thiocyanate solution. 

Conductance measurements were made with a standard Wheatstone Bridge 
assembly, with temperatures being adjusted by means of a manually controlled 
bath consisting of a dry ice-acetone mixture contained in a one-gallon Dewar 
flask. Two Washburn-type conductance cells, having constants of 0.072 and 
0.012 were used. The cell constants were determined by the Jones and Brad- 
shaw (3) method. Because of the low specific conductance of the dimethylfor- 

mamide no solvent correction was necessary. 

* Based on research performed under contract No. w36-039-sc-32265 for the 

U. S. Army Signa! Corps. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


Table 1. Conductance of Solutions of Various Salts in Dimethylformamide 
Conductancest at the Temperatures: 

Molality 20° 0° == ()2 —40° —50° 

Magnesium Bromide 
0.00725 2.86 (326) 1.78 (246) 1.29 (178) 0.727 
0.0434 6.56 (151) 4.40 (102) 2.86 (65.9) 1.40 
0.104 7.27 (69.8) 4.26 (40.9) 2.19 (21.0) 0.800 
0.132 6:67 (50:5) 3.25 (246) 1.57 (10.9) 0.450 

(100) 0.572 (79.1) 
(32.2) 0.976 (22.6) 
(7.68) 0.334 (3.20) 
(3.41) 0.183 (1.01) 

Magnesium Iodide 

OONOSH A371 Se nC S62) e285; (276) 2.025 (196)) 29 i C125) ee nORSGremtoce op) 
OLOAOO P2904 C226) 6:54 (GES 4255) (CLOG) 2224 (5610) lea aan C3 aE49) 
OOS CQ. (00) VB MOUS) OL2S GIs). 
OMG 2 eta (2626) OLGA (ALONE = a Z 
03020 pie OO (2552)) ey 189 39n(6:39))aaee * # 
Zinc Bromide 
0.0146 1.00 (68.5) 1.01 (69.1) 0.871 (59.7) 0.599 (41.0) 0.472 (82.4) 
O:0588i338" 7(o7125)) 32298) (498) 2-20) (37-4) 120) (20:4) ee OLS a Glsss)) 
OMOM RA ASibs (418) ECLOSm (So Ete (215) 1209) 5 C1022) Oss 9S Garaas) 
ONAAI Al OSke (82:5 yio eat le) ST CSO) -O:667 14:68) ee Oe2 Glam Gla sop) 
Zinc Iodide 
CO OHEAO Es Tigo (abet IBS OO) ae Cie ieat  Oaxe) ILS}. (TULL) 
0:0440) 3:64 (82:9) 3:28 (74.6) 2:72 (61.9). 1.95 (44:4) Ab G33:0)) 
0.0789)" 276. (60:4) (3:81 (48:3) 2:72) (84:5), | 1525-1923) 20:9 la Glele sy) 
O10) 35:00 (45:4) 3:84" (34.9) 25385) C214) 002 39:09) O74 Ol ecto) 

Cadmium Bromide 
125) 01532" (GEA Ol367 1 (63:0) 
SN) AGS (L083) hey! = 0) 
54.8) 3.54 (87.9) 1.99 (21.3) 0.880 
39.9) 3.19 ce AL Mase, CDS) 

0.00583 0.727 

( 8) 0.148 (25.4) 
0.0408 3.32 ( 



19.6) 0.625 (15.3) 
9.42) 0.506 (5.41) 
4.65) 0.304 (2.52) 

0.0934 5.12 
0.121 4.83 

Silver Perchlorate 

0.208 16" (55.8) Ser. (407) 5.57 (2618). 3.6 (5.0) onSamalors) 
0580" 20:5 (38.7) 14.4 (272) 853 (161) 454 (856) 93.28) (Garo) 
01945 7° 241 (5.5) 15.6 (165) 853 (9.01) 361 (3.82) soe 0p) 
VIO) 2Sou (ote). * # ® 8 

tSpecific conductances (x 10?) are given followed by “molal” conductances in 

*Conductance not measured either because part of the solute precipitated or 
because of extremely high viscosity. 


Electrical Conductances of Moderately Concentrated Solutions 

0.02 0.04 0.06 0:08 0.10 O12 0.14 









0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 010 012 0.14 











pontine ETE TS 

“0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 010 01 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

2 0.14 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 010 O12 0.14 


Electrical Conductances of Moderately Concentrated Solutions 

Of O4706 Car io Viz 

0.02 0.04 0:06 0.08 0.10 O12 0.14 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Since the nature of the dissociation of unsymmetrical salts in di- 
methylformamide is uncertain, “molal” conductances have been cal- 
culated and the conductance isotherms plotted in Figures 1 to 6. It 
may be observed that for magnesium bromide and silver perchlorate 
the conductance decreases uniformly with increasing concentration, 
the data showing no particular irregularities. The data for zinc iodide 
show similar behavior, but, in addition, there occurs a pronounced 
maximum in the conductance isosyst at 0.012 molal; thus there is a 
negative temperature coefficient of conductance over a part of the 
range studied. Evidence of the same type of behavior may be ob- 
served in the 0.0146 molal isosyst for zinc bromide also. 

The molal conductance isotherms for magnesium iodide, zinc 
iodide and cadmium bromide all display departures from the smoothly 
dropping curves which were obtained for the first two salts. For 
magnesium iodide this break occurs at about 0.11 molal and is pro- 
‘nounced. Probably this phenomenon is due to a viscosity effect, since 
although magnesium iodide was found to be the most soluble of the 
salts in the halide group, its more concentrated solutions were ex- 
tremely viscous. It is to be noted that for this salt, the effect appears 
to persist at all the temperatures studied, and therefore may be the 
result of a marked change in the nature of the particles participating 
in viscous flow. The irregularity for the zinc bromide solutions oc- 
curs at a much lower concentration (about 0.04 molal) and appears 
only at the higher temperatures. Thus, it would seem that its primary 
cause is not to be found in the viscosity influence. Similar behavior 
has been reported from this laboratory (4) for solutions for zine chlo- 
ride and bromide in methanol, which appears most likely to be the 
result of changes in the degree of complex formation between zinc 
and halide ions. 

It should be remarked also that silver perchlorate in dimethylfor- 
mamide apparently is not a stable system as is shown by the ap- 
pearance of a dark deposit in the solutions upon standing. The reac- 
tion was slow, however, and appeared not to influence appreciably 
the results of the measurements. 


1. Conductances of solutions of silver perchlorate, magnesium, zinc 
and cadmium bromides, and magnesium and zine iodides in dime- 


Electrical Conductances of Moderately Concentrated Solutions 

thylformamide have been determined at concentrations ranging from 
0.005 to 0.50 molal over the temperature range -50° to 20°. 

2. Evidences of unexpected changes in the nature of the solute par- 
ticles at low concentrations and of behavior probably resulting from 
various solvent effects have been obtained. 

Ruhoff, J. R. and Reid, E. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 59, 401 (1937). 
Hill, A. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 43, 254 (1921). 
Jones, G. and Bradshow, B. C., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 55, 1780 (1933). 

ee Oe ae 

Dawson, L. R., Tockman, A., Zimmerman, H. K. Jr., and Leader, G. R., 
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 4327 (1951). 


P. A. Davies 

Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville 8, Ky. 

On numerous occasions while on botanical field excursions, the 
writer has observed bumble bees actively working on the flowers of 
American Columbo, Frasera (Swertia) carolinensis. Although other 
insects were occasionally observed clinging to or resting upon the 
flowers, the bumble bee appears to be the only insect obtaining nec- 
tar from the flowers. 

Frasera carolinensis is widely distributed in Kentucky. This 
biennial or triennial is usually found in oak-hickory habitats on dry 
hillsides. It can be easily identified during the winter by a basal 
rosette of large leaves. During the spring and early summer a 
single stem 9-21 dm. (3-7 ft.) high develops and produces at the 
apex during July and August a paniculate, many-flowered inflores- 
cence from 1.5 to 6 dm. long. The flowers range from 1.5 to 3 cm. 
broad and the floral parts, except for the two-carpillate ovary, are 
arranged in fours (fig. 1). On the mid-vein of each yellowish- 
white petal, about one-third the distance from its base, is a large 
oval, fringed nectariferous gland 3.3-3.9 mm. long, 3.0-3.3 mm. wide, 
and, including the wall processes, 3.2-4.2 mm. high. This is the 
gland visited by the bumble bees and is the subject of this paper. 

A search through the literature has yielded but one reference 
on the floral morphology of Frasera carolinensis. McCoy (1940), in 
his studies on the floral organogenesis of this plant, has considered 
in detail the early structural development of the gland. He found 

that the glandular tissue arose in the adaxial subepidermal layer at 
the base of the petal. Periclinal divisions continue in this area until 
seven or eight cell layers are formed. This disk of adaxial derivatives 
forms the secretory tissue. Periclinal divisions in the glandular disk 
continue at its periphery to form the wall of the glandular cup. With 
periclinal divisions in the lower wall ceasing, and with divisions in 
different planes continuing in the upper part of the wall, the nume- 
rous wall processes are produced. These form the top of the gland 


Mature Glands On The Petals of Frasera Carolinensis 

and cover the apical opening. Mature glands, which McCoy did 
not describe in detail, exhibit structures different from those us- 
ually found in entomophilous glands and so should be of interest 
to students of floral morphology. 


Figure 1. Floral arrangement and the position of the glands. 

External features of a gland (fig. 2) show that the basal por- 
tion of the gland wall is solid and extends 0.3-0.4 mm. above the sur- 
face of the petals. Above the solid portion the gland wall splits into 
numerous sections. Each section divides and re-divides frequently 
several times resulting in a mat of hair-like processes which plug 
the apical opening. The wall processes, as they mature, become 
sclerified and rigid. Bumble bees work along the sides of the glands, 
indicating that it is easier for the tongue to be pushed through the 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

wall crevices than to penetrate the closely matted sclerenchymous 
_ wall processes which plug the apical opening. 

Each gland is supplied by branches from the mid-vein and 

several small lateral ones. Vascular tissue extends into the base and 

walls of the gland but does not penetrate into the secreting area. 

\ \ | 



FIG. 2 

Figure 2. External features of a gland and the vascular supply to it. 


Mature Glands On The Petals of Frasera Carolinensis 

Observations on the inner part of a gland (fig. 3) show that 
the solid lower walls and the nearly flat floor formed by the modi- 
fied upper surface of the petal produce a large cavity or well. That 
part of the petal beneath the gland floor is slightly thickened and 
the secreting area is composed of modified epidermis and paren- 
chyma tissue. 

Shon 7 ree Ge (3 


FIG. 3 

Figure 3. View of the cavity or well of a gland showing its size, thickness 
of the secretory area and the extent of cell stretching. 

The entire floor of the gland and the inner surface of the un- 
divided wall area possesses secreting cells. Fig. 4 depicts a section 
through the floor of the gland and the upper part of the petal. 

It shows that in the upper seven layers of cells the cytoplasm is more 
dense, indicating greater cell activity. The maximum amount of cell 
activity is in the upper three layers. The basal tissue on which the 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 




FIG. 4 

Figure 4. Section through the floor of a gland and the upper part of the 
petal showing the depth of the secretory area. 

secreting cells rest is composed of the normal parenchyma cells of 
the petal. Covering the exposed surface of the upper layer of secret- 
ing cells and forming the floor layer of the gland is a medium- 
thick cuticle. Since no ducts or pores are present to carry the secre- 
tion through the surface layers and cuticle, the nectar must diffuse 
from cell to cell and then through the cuticle. Numerous mature 
glands were examined, and in each one only a thin film of liquid 
was present on the surface of the cuticle. Although the cuticle nor- 
mally retards the flow of nectar, it does not inhibit it. Behrens (1879) 
and Bonnier (1879) found the same to be true for many other plant 
secretory surfaces. 

While the flowers are in the bud, the walls of the glands are 
much reduced and the apical openings are large. As the buds open 
the floral parts expand, the walls extend upward and inward, form- 
ing conical-shaped glands. This reduces the size of the apical open- 
ing and brings the wall processes into a matted arrangement. A micro- 


Mature Glands On The Petals of Frasera Carolinensis 

section through the lower part of the wall is shown in fig. 5. The 
secreting area, as indicated by cytoplasmic density, is confined to 

the two innermost layers of cells. The elongation of the walls, except 

: 4 

» \GE 
: er 


FIG: 5 

Figure 5. Section through the lower wall of a gland illustrating the depth 
of the secretory area and the extent of cell stretching. 

in the innermost layer and to some extent the next layer, is due to 
the stretching of the cells rather than to an increase in the number 

of cells. In the innermost layer the cells were able to divide rapidly 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

enough to keep pace with the stretching. The amount of stretching 
of the cells is indicated by the extent to which the nuclei are 


1. Behrens, W. J. 1879. Die Nectarens de Bluthen. Flora, pp. 374-375. 

2. Bonnier, Gaston 1879 Les Nectaires. Libraire ce |) academie de Medicine, 
Paris, pp. 1-212. 
3. McCoy, R. W. 1940. Floral organo~enesis in Fracera carolinensis. Amer. Jour. 

Bot., 27:600-609 


E. B. Penrod 

Department of Mechanical Engineering 
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 


A study of a Master Kraft heat pump water heater was made 
during the last two weeks of June, 1951.* Data were taken each 
day to obtain the operating performance of the hot water heat pump 
and the effect produced on the relative humidity of the air in the 
room containing the unit. The heating energy ratio of the plant was 
determined through tests of short duration. 

PRINCIPLE OF THE Hor Water Heat Pump 

The Master Kraft** heat pump is designed to take heat, at a 
low temperature level, from the air in the basement (or utility room), 
containing the unit, and transfer the heat to the water in the tank 
at a higher temperature level (Fig. 1). When the heat pump is in 
operation the refrigerant (Freon-12) changes from the liquid phase 
to the vapor phase in the evaporator located in the air stream. In 
changing phase the refrigerant absorbs heat from the air reducing 
its temperature from, say, 76°F to 70°F. The temperature and pres- 
sure of the vapor are increased from about 62°F and 75 Ibs. per sq. 
in. abs. to approximately 322°F and 177 lbs. per sq. in. abs. in pass- 
ing through the refrigeration compressor. 

The Freon-12 vapor is superheated during compression. As it 
passes through the condenser, located in the tank, it gives up heat 
to the water in cooling to the saturation temperature at the existing 
pressure, and then gives up additional heat while condensing. The 
liquid refrigerant then passes through the expansion valve, thus 
completing the refrigeration cycle. The primary purpose of the 
refrigeration compressor is to circulate the refrigerant and to main- 

*The Kentucky Utilities Company purchased a Master Kraft heat pump water 
heater and installed it together with the necessary instruments in the author's 
house. He is indebted to the Heat Pump Committee of this Company who 
sponsored the investigation. 

*°The Master Kraft Heat Pump Water Heater is manufactured by Harvey- 
Whipple, Inc., Springfield, Mass. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

tain a difference in pressure on the opposite sides of the expansion 

The heat given up by the refrigerant in cooling and condensing 





125°F AND 177 PS.LA. 

AT 80°F 



AT 62°F AND 75 PSIL.A. 



< AIR AT 76 F 
=— FROM 




AT 62°F AND 75 PS.LA. 

Figure 1. A schematic diagram showing how a heat pump produces hot water 
for domestic purposes. 

is absorbed by the water surrounding the condenser. The heat 
absorbed by the water while cooling the superheated Freon-12 va- 
por from 322°F to 125°F is about 40% of that required to raise the 
temperature of the water from 80°F to 155°F. The remainder of 
the heat transferred to the water is supplied while the refrigerant con- 
denses at 125°F. 


Performance of A Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater 

Heat Pump Water HEATER 

The Master Kraft heat pump water heater shown in Fig. 2, is 
2634 inches in diameter and 70 inches high. It has a water capa- 
city of 53 gallons and weights 680 lbs. empty. The circulating fan 
and refrigeration compressor are driven by 1/20-hp. and 1/3-hp., 
single phase motors. The circulating fan draws air through the evap- 
orator coils and forces it out at the top of the unit. Fig. 3 is a 
photograph of the upper half of the unit showing the thermostat, 
refrigeration compressor, expansion valve, and the air coil or evap- 

When the heat pump is in operation the refrigeration compres- 
sor circulates the refrigerant (Freon-12), through the condenser, ex- 
pansion valve, and the evaporator. During the test period, the 
compressor maintained discharge and suction pressures of about 
163 and 63 lbs. per sq. in. gage while the plant was in operation. 
The air temperature in the basement determines the suction pres- 
sure; and the thermostat setting, the rate of water consumption, and 
compressor capacity determine the discharge pressure. 


A Bailey recording meter was used to measure the quantity of 
hot water used, and the inlet and outlet water temperatures. The 
thermometers were of the platinum resistance type, one being placed 
where the water enters and the other where it leaves the tank. 

The relative humidity of the basement air was obtained by the 
use of a Bristol's wet and dry bulb recording thermometer and 
Taylors relative humidity tables. The moisture taken from the 
air dropped in a trough beneath the evaporator coils. Provisions 
were made so that the condensed moisture could be piped to a 
suitable container and measured. 

An Esterline-Angus recording meter was used to determine the 
operating time of the heat pump water heater and the power input 
to the fan and compressor motors. A General Electric single phase 
watthour demand meter was also used to determine the power in- 
put to the heat pump as well as the demand. A similar General 
Electric single phase watthour meter was used to determine the 
electric energy supplied to the house exclusive of that supplied to 
the hot water heat pump. 

During the test period the house was occupied by a family 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Figure 2. A photograph of the Master Kraft heat pump water heater. 

Performance of A Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater 

Figure 3. A photograph of the upper half of the heat pump water heater 

showing the thermostat, refrigeration compressor, and air coil or evaporator. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

consisting of two adult persons. The following electrical appliances 
were in the house and were used when desired: electric lights, iron, 
refrigerator, washing machine, percolator, toaster, two clocks, radio, 
and a hot water heat pump. Performance data are listed in Table I. 
The daily average electric energy supplied to the hot water heat 
pump was about 54% of that supplied to the entire house. The 
hot water used per day varied from 30 to 55 gallons. The average 
cost of producing hot water was about 0.117 kwhr per gallon. The 
temperature of the water entering and leaving the tank were ap- 
proximately 80°F and 155°F respectively. 

The quantity of moisture removed from the basement air was, 
on the average, 24% pints per day. The maximum amount of mois- 
ture was removed from the air on June 18th, 22nd, and 25th, the 
days that the washing machine was in operation, and laundry was 
hung in the basement to dry. 

The average daily operating time of the hot water heat pump 
was 8.1 hours. 

Table 1. Normal daily performance of a hot water heat pump from June 15, 1951 
to July 1, 1951. 

Electric Energy Mositure 
Supplied Removed 
Date Opera- Total To To Hot Heat Hot From Discharge Suction 
ting House Water Pump Water Basement Pressure Pressure 
Time And Heat Demand Used Air 
Heat Pump 
Hrs/Day kwhr. — kwhr. kw. Gallons Pints _ Psig. Psig. 
6-16 IU 9 5 0.58 50 2 148 60 
G7 6.2 9 5 58 AO 1% 152 63 - 
6-18 8.6 10 5 8 40 3% 163 63 
6-19 6.8 8 4 .60 35 2 160 62 
6-20 T9) 8 4 .60 30 20 163 62 
6-21 leo 9 5 Gl 35 24 161 63 
6-22 8.3 9 5 ‘Gil 45 3h 158 62 
6-23 9.3 10 6 61 50 3 155 62 
6-24 6.2 8 4 .60 35 245 162 62 
6-25 10.6 10 6 61 1) 64 162 62 
6-26 6.8 8 4 09 30 2% 162 62 
Coie ri 4 .60 AO 245 163 63 
6-28 8 4 .60 SS 2% 157 63 
6-29 8 4 .60 35 2 159 63 
6-30 rf 4 .60 35 2% 163 63 
Averages 8.1 8.53 4.2 0.598 39.3 21 159.2 62.3 

* Difficulty with recording meter. 

Performance of A Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater 

The actual operating time is shown graphically in Fig. 4, and the 
average electric power demand was approximately 0.60 kw. From 


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Figure 4. Graphical representation of the operation of the heat pump water 
heater, and the effect produced on the temperature and relative humidity of 
the basement air. Curve A gives the dry bulb temperatures. The plateaus of 
Curve B indicates the maximum electric power demand, and shows when the 
plant was in operation. Curve C gives the value of the relative humidity of 
the basement air. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Fig. 4 it can be seen that in general there was a slight decrease in 
the dry bulb temperature and a corresponding increase in the rel- 
ative humidity of the basement air when the plant was in operation. 
On the whole the heat taken from the basement air did not reduce 
the dry bulb temperature to a great extent. 

Fig. 5 is a photograph of the record of the wet and dry bulb 
temperature readings for a period of one week. The wet and dry 
bulb temperatures decreased simultaneously after the heat pump was 
set in operation. Shortly after the plant stopped the wet and dry 
bulb temperature readings returned to their previous values. The 
depressions in the two temperature graphs indicate clearly when 
the plant was in operation. 


During the normal intermittent operation of the domestic heat 
-pump water heater it is virtually impossible to determine the heating 
energy ratio of the system because the water does not flow in a 
steady stream in and out of the tank. Hot water may be drawn out 
of the storage tank a great deal of the time when the unit is not in 
operation, and the cold water which enters merely mixes with the 
hot water, thereby reducing its temperature. In addition to this, hot 
water is generally drawn off at such a high rate that the heat pump 
did not have the capacity to maintain a constant temperature differ- 
ential between the water at entrance to and exit from the storage 

During a short test of 52 minutes duration, hot water was drawn 
off at a steady rate of 0.37 gallons per minute. Test data are listed 
in Table 2. The air temperature dropped from 76°F to 71°F on 
passing through the evaporator coil. From the table it can be seen 
that the temperature of the air leaving the evaporator coil was 1°F 
below that of the wet bulb temperature. 

Table 2. Results of a steady flow test of 52 minutes duration. 

Duration of test, hour 0.866 
Temp. of air entering evaporator coil, °F 76 
Temp. of air leaving evaporator coil, °F val 
Dry bulb temp. of basement air, °F 76 
Wet bulb temp. of basement air, °F 72 
Relative humidity of basement air, % 83 
Avg. hot water temp., of 116.8 






Figure 5. A photograph of a weekly record made by Bristol’s recording wet 
and dry bulb thermometers. (A) With the heat pump water heater and (B) 

without the heat pump water heater. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Avg. cold water temp., °F 88 
Increase in temp. of water, °F 28.8 
Water heated, *gallons 19.2 
Discharge press., psig. 136 
Suction press., psig. 61 
Theoretical H.E.R. 10.5 
Actual H.E.R. 2.6 

*The hot water was discharged into a small tank and then weighed. 
Energy supplied to heat pump system — 0.596 kw x 0.866 hr. 
— 0.516 kwhr. 

Energy delivered to water 98°8 x 19.9 -x 813 


4580 Btu. 


— 1.341 kwhr. 

energy delivered to the water 

Actually SHEERS R= 
energy supplied to the 

heat pump system 
1.341 kwhr 
0.516 kwhr 

= 2.6 

The refrigeration cycle for the test of short duration is shown 
in Fig. 6. The theoretical heating energy ratio of the refrigeration 
cycle is given by the equation 

lay ol 
TENG ret cals Eun ees 
hit bs 

90.6 — 33.7 
~ 90.6 — 85.2 

==. 06 

The actual H.E.R. is just about one fourth of that for the re- 
frigeration cycle. The reduction in the heating energy ratio from 
10.5 to 2.6 is due to the inefficient single phase motors together 
with compressor and radiation losses. 

From Fig. 6 it can be seen that the discharge and suction pres- 
sures are 150.7 and 75.7 lbs. per sq. in. abs., and the Freon-12 vapor 





337 852 90.6 

t (b) 



Figure 6. Refrigeration cycle of the heat pump water heater for a 52 minute 
test in which water flowed into and out of the storage tank at a constant rate. 
Isentropic compression was assumed. (a) Refrigeration cycle shown on the 
I I : g ) 
pressure-enthalpy plane. (b) Refrigeration cycle shown on the temperature- 
entropy plane. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

was superheated only 7°F. In comparison, from Fig. 1 it can be 
seen that the discharge and suction pressures are 177 and 75 Ibs. per 
sq. in abs.; and that the Freon-12 vapor was superheated 197°F 
(322° — 125°). From an analysis of these data it can be shown that 
the actual heating energy ratio obtained from the test of short dura- 
tion will exceed the heating energy ratio obtained if the plant could 
be tested under normal operating conditions as shown in Fig. 1. 


The following results give a good idea concerning the perfor- 
mance of the domestic heat pump water heater under actual operat- 
ing conditions: 

Test period, days 15 
Operating time, hours/day 8.1 
Elect. energy supplied to all appliances, kwhr. 128 
- Elect. energy supplied to heat pump water, kwhr. 69 
Demand, watts 598 
Hot water used, gallons 590 
Hot water used, gallons/day 39.3 
Hot water, gallons/kwhr 8.54 
Moisture removed from basement air, pints/day PAL) 
Average basement air temps he 76.3 
Average discharge press., psig. 159.2 
Average suction press., psig. 62.3 

Freyder* gives the following results from a similar study on a 
Harvey-Whipple pilot model: 

Test period, days 91 
Water Consumption, gal. Bile 
Power Consumption, kwhr 427.0 
Gal/kwhr 12.0 
Gal/day, avg. 56.3 
Demand, watts 560 
Basement air temperature, °F, avg. 70 
Water inlet temperature, °F, avg. 67.9 
Water outlet temperature, °F, avg. 140 
Load factor, % 34.7 
Performance factor | 2.14 

ie : é ; : 
References are given in the Literature Cited 


Performance of A Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater 

The results from the two studies compare favorably. For the 

test reported in this paper, hot water was supplied to a family of 
two, and for Freyder’s test, to a family of four. 

The following are some of the chief advantages of the heat 

pump water heater: 



Provides a high load factor for the electric utility. 

Operating costs at the regular residential rates are much lower for the 
heat pump water heater than for the electric resistance water heater operat- 
ing under the same conditions. 

Dehumidifies the air in the basement or utility room. 

Laundry dries much faster in a room where the heat pump water heater 

It is not necessary to carry heavy wet laundry out of the house to dry. 

Laundry hung out of doors to dry is subject to weather changes and dirt 
in the atmosphere. 

The heat pump water heater can supply all the hot water needed and at 
the temperature desired. 

Freyder, G. G., 1951. Domestic water heaters employing the heat pump 
principle. Proc. Midwest Power Conference, 13, 470-476. 

____________ 1951. Heat pump domestic water heater. Heating & V entilat- 
ing, 48 (7) (July), 77-80. 


H. W. Maynor, Jr. and C. J. McHargue 
Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering 


O. F. Edwards 

Department of Bacteriology 

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 


It is conceivable that, (1) greater resolving power, (2) the pro- 
cess of replication of the surface and, (3) the shadowcasting tech- 
nique may constitute factors which will be reflected in the appearance 
of electron photomicrographs, and differentiate them from optical 
photomicrographs. Also, it is possible that variations, by large 
amounts, in the magnification of electron photomicrographs may be 
accompanied by changes in the appearance of microstructures dif- 
ficult to correlate. The objectives of this investigation (immediately 
following) were largely evolved from considerations of these possi- 

a. To effect a visual comparison of photomicrographs of selected 
areas of polished and etched specimens of a copper-beryllium alloy 
(2.5% Be, 1.1% Ni, balance Cu) at magnifications within the range 
of both the electron and optical microscopes. 

b. To further study the selected areas with the electron micros- 
cope: (1) by maintaining a nearly common geometric center of field 
as an orientation point for each individual series of photomicrographs 

and, (2) by varying the magnification in increments of approximately 

c. To ascertain if certain structural features can be distinguished 
with the electron microscope that cannot be distinguished with the 
optical microscope. 


The specimens were cut from copper-beryllium bar stock. All were solution 
treated at 800°C for one-half hour and quenched in water. Specimens A, B, 
and C were subsequently aged at 316-330°C for zero, one, and two hours re- 


Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrographs 

spectively. The surface of each was polished and lightly etched after aging. 
The production of a negative replica (1) of each specimen surface was 

carried out by dipping the specimen in ethylene dichloride containing one per 
cent by weight of Formvar. When the film had dried and hardened, a 250- 
mesh wire screen was placed in contact with the desired area and encircled by 
a scribed line. Then the replica was stripped by breathing upon it, covering 
it immediately with scotch tape, and gently pulling the tape with the at- 
tached replica away from the surface of the specimen. The time that elapsed 
between etching and stripping was never more than five minutes. This period 
of time appeared to be critical, and if exceeded, difficulty in stripping was 

Shadow-casting of the specimens was carried out at a grazing angle of nine 
to eleven degrees with chromium. A thin alumium film was deposited verti- 
cally to strengthen the replica. 

The electron photomicrographs were made with an EMU-2A, RCA electron 
microscope. The optical photomicrographs were made with a Bausch and 
Lomb research metallograph in the customary manner. 

1. Optical photomicrographs. 

The light and dark areas in the optical photomicrographs cor- 
responded directly with the apparently light and dark areas of the 
specimen surface which was illuminated by reflected light. 

Figure 1 was an optical photomicrograph of specimen A (zero 
aging time) at a magnification of 3,000X. The appearance was typi- 
cal of other areas of the same specimen. This photomicrograph 
showed annealing twins which characterize copper base alloys and 
which represent differences in orientation within grains. The small, 
white particles of a somewhat spheroidal shape comprised a_preci- 
pitate generally thought to be of the formula CuBe (2). The pre- 
sence of these particles in the specimen was due to the incomplete 
solution of the CuBe phase during the course of the solution treat- 
ment. Because this magnification was within the range of the opti- 
cal microscope, the absence of very fine detail in this photomicro- 
graph should be attributed to a lack of adequate resolving power 
rather than to insufficient magnification. 

This fact was confirmed when the area within the circle was 
enlarged to give a magnification of 15,000X, Figure 2. The appear- 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 


Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrographs 

ance of the surface showed that although the magnification had been 
increased here by photographic enlargement, no new detail was re- 

Figure 3 was an optical photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at 3,000X. As was shown in the optical photo- 
micrographs of specimen A (zero aging time), Figure 1, the anneal- 
ing twins and undissolved CuBe phase were readily revealed. The 
background presented a mottled appearance in which very little de- 
tail could be seen. This mottled appearance is common in age-hard- 
enable alloys during the relatively early stages of precipitation and 
is probably due to very fine particles of unresolved precipitate. The 
presence of extensive areas of this unresolved structure indicated that 
precipitation occurred during heat treatment. 

2. Electron photomicrographs. 

The method used in preparing the replicas produced nega- 
tives of the surface, that is, depressions in the electron photomicro- 
graphs corresponded to raised places in the specimen surface. The 
black line in the various figures indicates a distance of one micron 
in the original specimen. 

Figure 4 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen A (zero 
aging time) at a magnification of 3,000X. The variations in top- 
ography were more evident than in Figure 1, the optical photomicro- 
graph of the same specimen at the same magnification, and were 
perhaps due to the use of the technique of shadow casting, which 
introduces artificial shadows, thus emphasizing contour differences. 
The apparent lack of depth and height in the optical photomicro- 
graph was probably due to the method of preparation, or to the 
means of examination of the specimen, or to the absence of shadows, 
rather than to an actual lack of depth and height in the specimen sur- 
face. The wealth of detail contained in the photomicrograph was 
to a great extent hidden because of the use of the relatively low 
order of magnification. Inspection of the small, ringed area (con- 
taining the particle with the constricted central portion) at a higher 
magnification (see Figure 5), substantiated this statement. However, 
the resolution was better than that in Figure 1 as was evident when 
higher magnifications of each, Figure 5 and 2, respectively, were 
compared. New detail, in the form of small particles (smaller bits 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

of precipitate not dissolved during the solution treatment), were now 
seen (Figure 5) to accompany the larger particles of precipitate which 
were not dissolved during the solution treatment. No new smaller 
detail appeared in Figure 2. 

Figure 5 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen A (zero 
aging time) at a magnification of 18,000X. Measurements indicated 
that the large, dark areas corresponded in size with the large, light, 
spheroidal particles such as were easily discernible in Figure 1. The 
size, shape and distribution of the smaller particles could now be 
ascertained for the first time in this series of electron photomicro- 
graphs, because here, both magnification and resolving power were 
sufficiently great. 

The limit of resolution of the best optical microscopes is ap- 
proximately equal to one-fifth of a micron. Consequently, any particle 
in this photomicrograph which is less than about one-fifth of the 
micron line cannot be resolved and hence cannot be seen with an op- 
tical microscope. Some of the structural features were less than one- 
fifth micron and ranged in size from 30 to 60 millimicrons. 

It should be pointed out that it is extremely difficult, if not 
impossible, to interpret many electron photomicrographs solely up- 
on the basis of their appearance. Among these difficulties is the 
optical illusion effect (3), which is apparent in this figure, inasmuch 
as the same portion of an image will sometimes appear as a raised 
area, and again as a depression. Only when the object-shadow 
relationship is known does it become possible to determine 
the true elevations of the different areas of the image. Since, 
logically, shadows are contained within depressions, but lie out- 
side of raised areas, the orientation of the shadow with respect to the 
object serves to distinguish the hills from the valleys. 

The crack-like lines were probably due to the deterioration of 
the Formvar membrane under the unavoidable handling to which 
the replica was subjected. 

The presence of white particles in this photomicrograph was 
explained by any of the following reasons: 

1. They may have been replicas of holes or depressions in 
the original specimen surface. 


Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrographs 

2. They may have been pseudo structures produced by the 
stripping process and unintentionally implanted on the 
Formvar replica. 

3. They may have been foreign matter deposited after strip- 
ping and prior to shadowing. 

4. They may have been foreign matter (chromium) deposited 
during the shadow-casting operation. 

Regardless of the reason for their existence in the photomicro- 
graph, the white particles do not represent a part of what was be- 
lieved to be the characteristic microstructure. In partial support of 
this contention, it could be stated that if they were indeed replicas of 
holes or depressions in the original specimen surface, then for each 
particle there must have been a hole in the original. 

The presence of such a large number of depresssions in the ori- 
ginal would have been detected, since many of the particles were 
within the limit of resolution of the optical microscope, during micro- 
scopic examination of the specimen at the various stages of its pre- 
paration. Because such an examination failed to reveal the presence 
of holes, the first reason was untenable. 

Evidence obtained by many workers in electron microscopy has 
indicated that Formvar is capable of producing faithful replicas. In 
view of this knowledge, the second possibility was believed to be 

The storage environment of the replicas, after preparation and 
prior to examination with the electron microscope, was so free of 
dust that it was relatively certain that such a great number of particles 
could not be attributed to dust which had settled on the replica 

It was possible that they were introduced during the shadow- 
casting process because rather concentrated quantities of metal have 
been observed over restricted areas of replicas (due to uneven in- 
crease of power input to heater filament) in other types of microscope 
preparations. The shapes and sizes of these particles were compati- 
ble with this viewpoint and not with the idea that they represented 

true structure, as they did not resemble any known structure of cop- 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

per-beryllium alloys detectable in either optical or electron photo- 
micrographs (3). 

Figure 6 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at a magnification of 9,000X. It is considered at 
this point because of the large numbers of white particles that form- 
ed a pseudo structure and tended to mask the true structural fea- 
tures present. The interpretation of these particles was the same 
as for those in Figure 5. In addition, a careful examination of the 
shadows of the particles revealed that their orientation was incom- 
patible with the shadows of the grain boundary, if it was assumed 
that the grain boundary was raised. Only when the assumption was 
made that a one sided, v-shaped boundary existed, could the orienta- 
tion of the shadows of the particles be made compatible with the 
shadows of the grain boundary. 

The depressions in this photomicrograph did correspond to 
precipitated particles on the copper-beryllium specimen surface. 

Figure 7 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen A (zero 
aging time) at a magnification of 36,000X. The wrinkled area was 
produced by deterioration and collapse of the membrane. Since this 
photomicrograph did not contain any new, fine detail of structure 
heretofore unseen at lower magnifications, and since this magnifi- 
cation was concomitant with a reduced area of field, the working 
magnification for studies of this alloy should probably correspond 
more nearly to 18,000X than to 36,000X. 

Figure 8 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen A (zero 
aging time) at a magnification of 50,000X. No new, structural de- 
tail could be seen in this photomicrograph, which indicated that 
lower magnifications were appropriate for this specimen. 

Figure 9 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at a magnification of 3000X. The large, dark 
areas corresponded to the undissolved precipitate seen in Figure 3. 
However, the magnification used did not permit revelation of the 
finest details, which higher magnification proved to be present in 
the specimen. 

Figure 10 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at a magnification of 9,000X. The undissolved 
precipitate exhibited no new detail at this magnification, but the in- 


Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrographs 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

dividual particles of the newly formed precipitate were easily de- 
tected. They are not recognizable, as such, in optical photomicro- 
graphs after the elapse of periods of time of the order employed in 
this investigation. The doughnut-like appearance of some of these 
particles was explained on the basis of depressions resembling troughs, 
surrounding, and in contact with the precipitate. It was believed 
that this structure resulted from an accelerated rate of attack by 
the etchant at the CuBe-matrix interface. 

Figure 11 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at a magnification of 18,000X. The precipitate, 
which was more plentiful in this photomicrograph than in Figure 5, 
showed the effect of aging on the process of precipitation in Cu-Be 

Figure 12 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at a magnification of 36,000X. The doughnut- 
shaped configuration of the precipitate was revealed in greater de- 
tail, here. Shadows with orientation both inside and outside con- 

firmed the existence of the precipitate in this form. 

Figure 13 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen C (two 
hours aging time) at a magnification of 50,000X. The increase in 
magnification definitely revealed no new, fine detail, which indicat- 
ed the likelihood that all structural detail was large enough so that 
magnifications of a lesser degree were sufficient. 

Figure 14 was an electron photomicrograph of specimen B (one 
hour aging time) at a magnification of 9,000X. The dark spots 
were not interpreted as being characteristic of the microstructure. 
Quite probably they were holes in the Formvar, negative replica. 
The white areas immediately surrounding the dark areas were just 
as probably due to the folding back of the replica around the holes. 
Since it was reasonable for the replica to deteriorate at points where 
it was relatively thin, it seemed probable that the holes were made 
by projections of precipitate on the original surface. As such, the 
holes did not describe the form of the precipitate, but did indicate 
that precipitation occurred rather extensively. 


Comparison of Electron and Optical Photomicrographs 


Optical and electron photomicrographs of nonidentical, but similar 

areas of sections of a Cu-Be alloy aged for zero, one, and two hours 
were compared, and the following conclusions drawn: 





Electron photomicrographs of Formvar, negative revlicas, shadow- 
ed with chromium, revealed topographic variations to a greater 
degree than reflection-type, optical photomicrographs. 

The resolving power of the optical microscope did not permit 
the revelation of all detail present in the microstructure of the 
Cu-Be alloy. 

It was possible to follow, with assurance, the changes in appear- 
ance of the microstructure of the specimens during the transition 
in magnification from the upper optical range to 50,000X, with 
electron photomicrographs of intermediate magnifications. 

Certain structures which appeared in the electron photomicro- 
graphs were observed to be from 30 to 60 millimicrons in size. 
Obviously these were too small to be resolved with the optical 

The presence of certain particles, foreign to the true microstruc- 
ture, were attributed to defective shadowing. 


Harker, D. and M. J]. Murphy. 1945. A study of age-hardening using the 
electron microscope and Formvar replicas. Trans... Amer. Inst. Mining and 
Metallurgical Engineers, 161, 75-89. 

Metals Handbook. 1948, 1176. 

Barnes, R. Bowling, Charles J. Burton, and Robert G. Scott. 1945. Electron 
microscopical replica techniques of the study of organic substances. Journ. 

Applied Physics, 16 (11), 730-739. 

John E. Heer, Jr. 

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 

The Science of Soil Mechanics is one of the youngest of the 
Sciences, its entire history being within the past three decades. 

Shortly before World War I, Civil Engineers had rather dis- 
astrous experiences with soils in three countries almost simultaneously. 
In Sweden there were catastrophic slides, resulting in the loss of 
many lives, on the State Railways. The German engineers were sur- 
prised many times with slides of the banks of the Kiel Canal. At 
the same time our own engineers were experiencing some of their 
most trying times with failures in the cuts of the Panama canal. 
Previously the study of the soil and its properties was a distasteful 
task, undertaken only as a last resort after all other experimenta- 
~ tion with changes in the structural elements had failed to correct 
the difficulties encountered. With this attitude toward the problem 
it is small wonder that the data accummulated were hardly worthy 
of the term science. 

Intensified experimentation from 1910 to 1930 led to the discovery 
of a whole series ef vitally important physical factors which had 
escaped the attention of the investigators of the previous generations. 
Among these new found facts was one pertaining to the continued 
settlement, for many months, of structural foundations at a constant 
load. From the discovery of this and other just as important facts 
came a desire to rebuild the existing theories to conform with the 
increased knowledge of the physical properties of the soil. 

As happens with the research program in many of the sciences, 
it is not always the oldest problem nor the one which is causing 
the maximum amount of real damage that receives the first atten- 
tion of the scientist; it is usually that problem which is causing the 
most spectacular and newsworthy concern that gets first call on 
the time of those in the field. In soil mechanics, in spite of the 
fact that settlements had been causing structural damage and finan- 
cial loss for many years, it was the lateral stability of earth slopes 
that received the primary consideration. This was probably as it 

*Presented at Kentucky Academy of Science annual meeting at Lexington, Kentucky, October 27, 1951 


Structural Settlement Computations 

should have been since seldom had settlements caused loss of life: 
and while settlements were probably causing more extensive damage, 
they were occurring in too many places with a correspondingly 
smaller loss per occurrence. 

There is no complete theory of the settlement of foundations 
and probably there never will be, because of the non-homogeneity of 
the medium transmitting the forces. We have only theories which 
inform us by crude approximations of one or more of the aspects of 
the phenomena of soil behavior. At the present time, however, the 
theories that are available, while not exact, are adequate for a ma- 
jority of the more serious cases, yet they are seldom given study un- 
til after the structure is built and the settlement begins to occur. 

In view of the fact that the space allotted to this discussion is 
rather limited it would hardly be practicable to attempt to cover 
the settlement problem in its fullest details. I should like, there- 

fore, to confine my discussion to just one phase of the problem, 
this phase being that which I consider one of the most important: 

the theory of the distribution of stress in the loaded soil mass. 

In almost any recent text on Soil Mechanics can be found 
the development of an equation relating the physical properties of 
the soil mass, the loads on the soil, and the state of stress in the 

soil with the predicted settlement. 

The equation will take a form somewhat as follows: 

c i Ap 
S — H fap bee 
l+e P 
fe} (@) 

In this equation S is the predicted settlement, H is the thickness of 
the compressible layer, e. the void ratio of the compressible layer, Py 
and p the initial stress and increase in stress due to the superimposed 

load, and C., is the coefficient of consolidation of the soil. 

This equation has been developed from laboratory consolidation 
tests on both disturbed and undisturbed samples. The results of 
these tests have been extrapolated to give an equation which is pro- 

posed for use in computations involving virgin soil in a completely 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

undisturbed state. 

This paper is primarily concerned with the calculation of a 
reasonable value for Ap, or the increase in pressure on the com- 
pressible layer caused by the load of the structure. Since the com- 
pressible layer hardly ever is in direct contact with the footing, 
and may be many feet below the surface, the problem is presented 
in evaluating the amount by which the footing load is spread over 
adjoining area, thus reducting the unit stress as the load is trans- 
ferred vertically into the ground. 

The analysis of stresses in a loaded soil mass is a complex pro- 
blem, the solution of which would be difficult even if we had a 
complete knowledge of the physical properties of the soil. The 
problem may be simplified by making various assumptions and ac- 
cepting certain approximations. 

If Soil Mechanics is to be applicable to engineering problems, 
it must be considered a part of the mathematical theory of elasticity 
and resistance of materials. The approach to solutions must be taken 
as special cases of that general theory. 

The solution of any design problem can be broadly divided in- 
to three general steps: 

1. The determination of the forces acting in terms of the basic 


The basic properties of the materials under average conditions 

8. The variation of the basic properties due to differences in 
assumption or non-homogeneity of the material. 

Considering step one, if we assume that the stresses in the soil 
are the same as in an elastic, homogeneous and isotropic material, 
then the theory of elasticity can be applied to the solution. It is 
well known that this assumption is not valid; perhaps the only 
real excuse that can be offered for its use is that it leads to a con- 
venient and generally a reasonable value for the stresses, and that 
the results, if accepted at their face value, are useful in estimating 
the probable settlement of a structure. 

One of the first methods used to compute the increase in pres- 
sure on a compressible layer due to a building load was to break 


Structural Settlement Computations 

the loaded area into small parts, considering the load on each 
piece to be concentrated at its center. On this basis, if we accept 
the theory of elasticity, the increase in stress due to each concen- 
trated load could be computed. Then by the principle of super- 
position the results added to approximate the total increase in stress 
on the soil. This procedure, of course, amounts to a mechanical in- 
tegration of the stress due to a differential force on a differential area. 

If an external force acts on a very small area of a horizontal 
solid of semi-infinite dimensions, that is, one infinite in breadth only, 
the point load produces a state of stress with circular symmetry 
about a vertical line through the point of application of the load. 

On account of the symmetrical nature of the stress the shear- 
ing stresses on vertical radial planes are zero. The intensity of the 
other stresses has been computed, by Bousenseq in 1885, by means 
of a stress function which strictly satisfies the boundary conditions. 

The vertical stress at a point on a horizontal plane at depth 
z is expressed as 

as 3q 1 5/2 
wr Bae | I+ Gy si 


In this equation q is the point load on the differential area and r 
is the radial distance between the load and the point being stressed. 

We can see from this equation and the variety of sizes and 
shapes of footings under a modern structure with combinations of 
individual, combined and continuous footings, and the further pos- 
sibility of different unit loads on different footings, that a mechani- 
cal integration as such would require a tremendous amount of time 
and labor for a complete solution. 

In order to reduce the amount of time involved in these cal- 
culations several alternate methods have been proposed for a solu- 
tion of the problem. 

One of the first proposed is a solution using the same differential 
load and area but using the calculus for the integration or summa- 
tion. This method is satisfactory as long as the shape of the footing 

and hence the limits of integration are relatively simple, such as a 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

circular footing. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case in the prac- 

tical structure. 

A second method that has been suggested for use when the 

foundation consists of a large number of footings or footings of an 
irregular shape is a graphical solution developed by Newmark at 
the University of Illinois. If we take the basic equation and integrate 
it to find the pressure on a point at depth z and immediately below 

the center of the loaded area circular in shape with a radius R, we get 

P, = 4] (a5 )| 

This can be rewritten in the form 

p 1 3/2 
oA Fy s 
q I Se nz) 

A study of this equation shows that when r equals infinity 

peste 1. Carrying this process further we can find values for the 
, ; é Py 
ratio of radius of loaded area to depth z for which the term —— 

will be equal to 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ete. As an example for —— equal to 

0.2 the ratio ~ will be equal to 0.401. This means in effect that if 

a loaded circular area has a radius equal to 0.401 times the depth z, the 
unit pressure at depth z will be 0.2 of that pressure being applied on 
the surface. If we proceed in this manner we can construct a chart 
showing the various circles to be loaded to give 0.7q, 0.8q, 0.9q as 
pressures at depth z. The first problem in the actual construction of 
the chart is to select a suitable scale. If we take any arbitrary length 
AB and let it be equal to the depth z we can use as radii of the 


Structural Settlement Computations 

circles the proper fractional lengths 

of this scale to construct the chart. 
From this chart we see that if 
proagthe area in the circle marked p = 0.5q 
p°5Zis loaded the pressure at depth z 
is one half the applied load. Similar- 
ily if the circle marked p = 0.4q is 
loaded, the pressure is four tenths 
the applied load; then from the prin- 
ciple of superposition if only the an- 
nular ring between the two circles is 
loaded, the increase in pressure is 
0.5q minus 0.4q or 0.lq. We can further divide this annular ring in- 
to smaller areas by n equally spaced radial lines the smaller areas 
being included between two radii and the two circles, as shown 
cross-sectioned on the chart, the increase in pressure due to a load 

on this area being ———. Since all the areas are symmetrical about 

the center each will eeu equal influence on the stresses in the soil; 
if n is equal to ten, the influence of each area is 0.01 q. This proce- 
dure was followed by Newmark in the construction of his charts 
published in 1942 by the University of Illinois Engineering Experi- 
ment Station Bulletin No. 338. 

The method for using the chart is as follows: after the soil pro- 
file is throughly investigated, the depth to the center of the com- 
pressible layer is used as the depth z. Then to a scale such that 
z — AB from the chart a foundation plan is drawn showing the indi- 
vidual footings and their unit loads. This tracing is then laid over 
the chart in such a manner that the point on the foundation under 
which the stress is to be computed is directly over the center of 
the chart. The number of influence blocks covered is then counted, 
the increase in stress being equal to the product of the number of 
blocks, the influence stress per block, and the unit load on the foot- 
ing area. If all the footings have the same unit load one calculation 
is sufficient; however, if there are footings of different unit loads, 
each unit load must be handled independently and the final stresses 
added to give the total increase in stress in the soil. 

We have a notable example of the use of this theory in an 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

article published by Dr. Karl Trezaghi in his text. In this article 
he compares the predicted settlements with the actual measured 
settlements on the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. It is remark- 
able that in spite of the complexity of the problem the predicted 

and measured contours of equal settlement virtually coincide. 

In closing I should like to call to your attention that while we 
are far from a complete solution, the problem is not as hopeless 
as some would lead us to believe. One of our most pressing needs 
today is to have more complete records from those people in the 
field who are having settlement problems. We must not only be 
told that the settlement is occurring, we must be given a complete 
description of the rate of its occurrence and the pattern of its 
occurrence throughout the building. Above all, it is necessary to 
have a detailed description of the soil profile and the results of 
laboratory tests of the soil. 



Reedus Ray Estes and Albert Tockman 

Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Hurd and Kelso (1) used diketene to prepare benzoyl acetone 
by three different methods in 11-25% yields. The preparation of 
benzoyl acetone in 73% yield by He reaction of diketene and ex- 
cess benzene at 50° in the presence of aluminum chloride was re- 
ported by Boese (2). This appeared to be an attractive method 
for the preparation of the xyloyl acetones and for observation of the 
directive effects in the ring during this Friedel-Crafts type of re- 

During preliminary experiments at 50° with diketene, excess 
p-xylene, and aluminum chloride it was noted that isomerization 
of p-xylene occurred. Re-use of the recovered p-xylene with dike- 
tene and aluminum chloride produced a non-separable mixture of 
d'ketones derived from m-xylene, p-xylene, and other substances 
which were not identified. (Isomerization of p-xylene to m-xylene 
at 100° by aluminum chloride (3) and at 55° by aluminum chlo- 
ride and hydrogen chloride (4,5) has been reported.) Reaction of 
diketene and p-xylene in the presence of the milder catalysts, 
stannic chloride and boron trifluoride, did not produce any of the 
desired product. Boese found that the best yields of benzoyl ace- 
tone were obtained by using two moles of aluminum chloride for 
each mole of diketene, because the diketone formed during the re- 
action complexes the aluminum chloride, making it less available for 
catalysis. The use of a lower reaction temperature made possible by 
the relatively greater ease of substitution of the xylenes, practically 
eliminated isomerization by aluminum chloride. The p-xylene re- 
covered from a typical run at 20° showed no appreciable change 
in index of refraction or freezing point. The viscous red complex 
formed by aluminum chloride and xylene (6) so decreased the ef- 
ficiency of stirring that the yield was appreciably lowered unless 
xylene was present in large excess. This necessitated combination 
of the products of several batches to obtain enough material for 
purification by fractional distillation. The structure of each dike- 
* From the M.S. dissertation of Albert Tockman, University of Kentucky, 

April, 1950. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

tone was determined by hypochlorite oxidation to the dimethyl ben- 

zoic acid, and conversion of the acid to the amide. 
Only one monosubstitution product is possible from p-xylene (1). 

This gave upon hypochlorite oxidation 2, 5-dimethyl benzoic acid, 
corresponding to 1—(2, 5-dimethylphenyl)—1, 3-butanedione (II). 

CH; ae 
(1) (1) 
~ f a —CHo- a CH3 
, HG-6- ae AlGls, 
0-G=0 20° 
(1) 7 2 a 
CH; 3 
di a 

Three monosubtitution products are possible from m-xylene 
(III). The most probable position for the substituent is ortho- to 
one methyl group and para- to the other. A second possibility, ortho- 
to both methyl groups, is less probable because of the relatively 
weak ortho-directive influence of a methyl group and the likeli- 
hood of steric hindrance. The least probable position is meta- to 
both methyl groups. Hypochlorite oxidation of the product gave 
2, 4-dimethyl benzoic acid, corresponding to 1—(2, 4-dimethylpheny] ) 
—I, 3-butanedione (IV). Two monosubstitution products are pos- 


H3C CH3 H30\. 7 

4 H2C=G-GHp AlClz. | : & 
0-6-0 720" u ae 
ie a) 
Ii Iv 


Preparation of 1—xylyl—1, 3—Butanediones Using Diketene 

sible from o-xylene (V). The more probable position for the 
substituent is para- to one methyl group and meta- to the other. A 
slightly less probable position is ortho- to one methyl group and 
meta- to the other. The product which was obtained could not be 
purified by fractional distillation; the major component crystallized 
upon cooling. Hypochlorite oxidation gave 3,4-dimethyl benzoic acid, 
pe peedine to 1-(3,4-dimethylphenyl )-1,3-butanedione (VI). Suf- 
ficient quantity for identification of the minor component (presum- 
ed to be 1-(2, 3-dimethylphenyl )-1, 3-butanedione (VII) could not be 

9 9 
ke /2) 
=~ 2 ! 2 
0-¢=0 ny 
(2)7 Nay didhgs 6 
lI fl 
AF H30\ 7 C—CHp—G—CH3 
aig —< 


obtained. The 1-xylyl-1,3-butamediones gave a deep red coloration 
with ferric chloride. The copper complexes of the “para’ * and “meta” 
are useful derivatives of the diketones. 


Melting points and boiling points are corrected. Analyses were made by 
the Clark Microanalytical Laboratory, Urbana, Illinois. 

MATERIALS. Ortho-, meta-, and para-xylenes were obtained from The 
Matheson Co. Anhydrous aluminum chloride was Merck reagent grade. Dike- 
tene was kindly supplied by Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co., at the South 
Charleston, West Virginia plant. It was purified by fractional distillation at 40 
mm. pressure through a 48-inch helices-packed vacuum-jacketed column mount- 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

ed in a hood. The fraction boiling at 50° was collected and stored at 
—20° until needed. 

1—(2, 5-Dimethylphenyl)—1, 3-butanedione (II). 

Using a three-necked flask equiped with Walter dropping funnel, reflux con- 
donee and Hershberg stirrer, 16.8 g. (0.2 mole) of diketene dissolved in 63.7 g. 
(0.6 mole) of p-xylene was added dropwise over a period of 40 minutes to a 
stirred suspension of 54 g. (0.4 mole) of anhydrous aluminum chloride in 
63.7 g. (0.6 mole) of p-xylene. The reaction temperature was 20°; stirring 
was continued to give a total reaction time of one hour. The reaction mixture 
was decomposed by pouring onto 300 g. of ice and water containing 25 ml. 
of concentrated hydrochloric acid and was then gently refluxed for one hour. 
The unreacted p-xylene was recovered by steam distillation. About 100 ml. of 
acetone was added to the cool residue, the organic layer separated, and the 
acetone and any remaining p-xylene removed by distillation at 20 mm. pres- 
sure. The viscous red residue was then rapidly distilled at a pressure of 3 mm., 
leaving a considerable quantity of tars. Twenty-six grams of a pale yellow 
oil boiling at about 129° was obtained; the yield based on diketene was 68%. 
This material was combined with the products of other similiar runs and was 
fractionally distilled at a pressure of 10 mm. through a 10-inch helices-packed 
column, yielding a colorless oil boiling at 150.9-151.4°. Dielectric constant at 
25.0° and 10 megacycles 14.15; d,?5 1.0512, nie? I aiO2: 

Anal, Galed. for ©)5H7,05: GC, 75:76; Hes7-42. ‘hound: €@) 76:50-3eawe5o 

Two milliliters of the purified material was suspended in 10 ml. of 10% 
aqueous sodium hydroxide and added with stirring to 100 ml. of 5.2% so- 
dium hypochlorite (Clorox) (7). After gentle warming for five minutes, 10 
ml. of acetone was added cautiously and the mixture heated for 10 minutes. 
The solution was filtered and acidified with acetic acid. When cool, the 
precipitated white solid was separated by filtration and recrystallized twice 
from water-methanol mixture. The dried solid melted at 130.0-130.5° (litera- 
ture for 2, 5-dimethyl benzoic acid, 132°). One gram of the dry acid was 
converted to the amide by treating with thionyl chloride and adding the 
resulting acid chloride to cold concentrated ammonia water. The amide was 
decolorized with charcoal and recrystallized twice from water-methanol mix- 
ture. The dry amide melted at 184-185° (literature (8) for 2, 5-dimethy] 
benzamide, 186°). A freshly filtered solution of 12 g. of copper acetate 
monohydrate in 150 ml. of hot water was added with stirring to 2 g. of the 
purified diketone. When the precipitate had crystallized (about two hours), 
it was collected by filtration and recrystallized from methanol. After three 
recrystallizations, the gray-green copper complex melted sharply at 122.0° 

1—(2, 4-Dimethylphenyl)—1, 3-butanedione (IV). 
The apparatus and general procedure were the same as above except for the 
substitution of m-xylene for p-xylene. Twenty-four grams of a pale yellow oil, 

boiling at about 135° at 3 mm. was obtained; the yield based on diketene was 
63%. The products of several runs were combined and purified as above, 


Preparation of 1—xylyl—1, 3—Butanediones Using Diketene 

giving a colorless oil boiling at 146.4-147.2° at 10 mm; dielectric constant 
at 25.0° and 10 megacycles 14.88; d,?° 1.0522; me 1.5754. 
Anal, Caled. for C,H, ,O5: C,; 75.76; H, 7.42.. Found: C, 75.91; H, 7.19. 

Hypochlorite oxidation as described above gave an acid which melted 
at 125° (literature (8) for 2, 4-dimethyl benzoic acid, 126°). The amide 
melted at 179° (literature (8): 179-181°). The blue-gray copper complex 
melted at 156°. 

1—(3, 4-Dimethylphenyl)—1, 3-butanedione (V1). 
The apparatus and general procedure were the same as above except that 
o-xylene was used. Twenty grams of a pale yellow oil, boiling at about 160° 
at a pressure of 7 mm. was obtained. The yield based on diketene was 79%. 
The products of three runs were combined and subjected to fractional dis- 
tillation. No pure component could be isolated in this manner. Upon cooling, 
however, a solid separated and was recrystallized from Skellysolve B until its 
melting point became constant at 48.8-49.0°; 
Anal. Caled: for C,H, ,05: ©, 75.76; H, 7.42. Found: C, 75.96; H, 7.25. 

Hypochlorite oxidation gave an acid which melted at 166° (literature (8) 
for 3, 4-dimethyl benzoic acid, 165-166°). The amide melted at 130° (lit- 
erature (8): 131°). The green copper complex decomposed without melt- 
ing when heated. 


Grateful acknowledgement is made of a grant-in-aid from The 
Research Corporation. The dielectric constants were determined by 
Mr. Frederick Gormley, using apparatus which has been described (9). 


1-(2, 5-dimethylphenyl )-1, 3-butanedione, 1-(2, 4-dimethylpheny] )- 
1, 3-butanedione, and 1-(3, 4-dimethylphenyl )-1, 3-butanedione have 
been prepared from diketene and para—, meta—, and ortho-xylene 
respectively. Copper complexes of the first two compounds are 
useful derivatives. 

1. Hurd and Kelso, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 1548 (1940). 

2. Boese, Ind. Eng. Chem., 32, 21 (1940). 

3. Heise and Tohl, Ann., 270, 169 (1892). 

4. Norris and Rubenstein, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 1163 (1939). 

5. Norris and Vaala, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 213 (1939). 

6. Dilke, Eley, and Perry, Research, 2, 538 (1949). 

7. Fuson and Bull, Chem. Rev., 15, 275 (1934). 

8. Heilbron, Dictionary of Organic Compounds, Oxtord University Press, New 
York, (1943). 

9. Leader, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 856 (1951). 


Eugene Cypert, Jr. 

Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Paris, Tennessee 

Kentucky Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge is one of the 
system of some 280 Wildlife Refuges administered by the United 
States Fish and Wildlife Service. It is the only National Wildlife 
Refuge in Kentucky. It was established for the preservation and 
propagation of all forms of native wildlife, particularly the wild 
turkey, the white-tailed deer, and waterfowl. 


The refuge, which contains approximately 65,000 acres, is located 
in Lyon and Trigg Counties between the Cumberland River and 
Kentucky Lake. This area, which was made a national wildlife refuge 
in 1938, has an interesting history. Most of the land included in it 
was formerly owned by ihe Hillman Land and Iron Company. Iron 
was mined and smelted here, intermittently, between 1841 and 1912. 
The ruins of one of the three iron furnaces, known as Center furnace, 
still stand. It was on this area, in 1845 or 1846, that the first Chinese 
labor was used on this continent. It was here, during the decade fol- 
lowing the Civil War, that the so-called Bessemer process for mak- 
ing steel was developed. Here, also the famous Golden Pond moon- 
shine whiskey was produced during, and just following, the prohibi- 
tion era. 

The area is, largely, rough hilly woodlands interspersed with 
cleared hollows which have been used, more or less, for some form 
of agriculture since an early day. The Cumberland River and Ken- 
tucky Lake extend parallel to each other about eight or nine miles 
apart along the east and west sides of the refuge. The Dividing Ridge, 
running between the two streams, has an elevation of about 520 feet. 
On the west side, the land slopes off rather sharply to Kentucky Lake. 
The general slope on the Cumberland river side is less abrupt and 
the hills gradually play out into the flat fertile Cumberland river 
bottom which aver ages about a mile across. 

The timber on the wooded area has been cut heavily in the 
past. During the iron smelting day, it was clear cut. Everything 


A Look At Kentucky Woodlands 

down to small trees, two inches in diameter, was used for making 
charcoal for smelting. Fortunately for the native wildlife, not more 
than 300 acres were clear cut in this way in any one year. After the 
cessation of iron mining and smelting, heavy timber cutting was car- 
ried on for the production of cross ties, until the land was purchased 
by the United States, through the Resettlement Administration, in 
1936. During this long period, there was no attempt to control fires 
and the woods were burned over almost annually. Also, this coun- 
try was without a stock law and free ranging livestock often severely 
stripped the woodlands of palatable vegetation and mast. 


Since the refuge was established, substantial progress has been 
made toward developing the area as wildlife habitat. Poaching, 
woods fires, and uncontrolled grazing have been practically eliminat- 
ed through the vigilance of the refuge personnel. Three small lakes, 
Hematite Lake with an area of about 125 acres, Honker Lake with 
an area of about 130 acres, and Empire Lake with an area of about 
60 acres, have been created on the eastern side of the refuge and 
waterfowl food plants have been established in them. Field crops, 
suitable for wildlife food, are planted and tended each year by re- 
fuge personnel and by neighboring farmers. When farmers tend this 
land, a share of the crop is left unharvested for wildlife as rent 
payment. Some of the land is rented as pasture for cattle. This is 
not incidental to wildlife management but is, rather, a part of it. 
While rental of pasture land fits in desirably with the local economy, 
I wish to emphasize that grazing is permitted primarily with the 
view of maintaining wildlife habitat. It is desirable, from the stand- 
point of certain species, to maintain clearings and the grazing of 
livestock is simply an economical way of doing this. In fact it ap- 
pears that grazed clearings are actually more attractive to wild 
turkeys than clearings maintained in other ways. 


Probably the most interesting form of wildlife on this refuge is 
the Eastern Wild Turkey. These birds are of the orignial wild stock 
and show no sign of being contaminated by domestic turkeys. Their 
spindle shaped bodies, small blue heads with practically no wattles, 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

brown tipped tails and their nervous ever-alert manner all are char- 
acteristics peculiar to the pure strain wild turkey. 

The wild turkey is truly a wary and resourceful bird. During 
the iron working days, and afterward, the area between the rivers 
was fairly thickly populated and the turkeys were hunted the year 
around, The fact that they were able to survive in spite of this 
uncurbed hunting and the disturbance and habitat destruction result- 
ing from timber operations, fire, and uncontrolled grazing, speaks 
well for their adaptability. 

These birds increased very satisfactorily for the first few years 
after the refuge was established and then there was a sharp decline 
in their numbers. This decrease was not due to-poaching since the 
turkeys have been afforded good protection and the attitude of the 
local people toward turkey hunting has improved steadily. Apparent- 
ly there is some factor, or factors, in the turkey’s environment which 
tends to limit their density, that we have not yet determined. There 
are several factors which may contribute to this limitation of popula- 

1. The amount and availability of proper food and water at 
critical periods during the year. 


. The accessibility of the various types of conditions required 
by the turkey for feeding, nesting, and escape. 

3. Competition with, and depredations by, other species of 
4, Disease and parasites. 

It is the work of those concerned with wildlife management to 
discover the factors and inter-relations of factors that govern wild- 
life populations and to make practical applications of such findings. 


The management of the white-tailed deer, on Kentucky Wood- 
lands, has been simpler than the management of the turkey, and 
more successful. Given brushy growth, adequate water supply, and 
salt, the deer will ordinarily increase satisfactorily when protected. 
In 1915, the last of the native white-tailed deer were killed by 


A Look At Kentucky Woodlands 

hunters. In 1919, Mr. J. N. Esselstyn, superintendent of the Hill- 
man Land Company, introduced thirty white-tailed deer. These deer 
persisted through the years, in spite of a considerable amount of 
hunting, until the refuge was established. By 1948 the population 
appeared to be approaching the carrying capacity of the refuge. 
More than 350 deer were live trapped between 1946 and 1949 to 
restock wildlife areas managed by the state of Kentucky. In 1949, 
disease decimated the population so that trapping was discontinued. 
The remaining deer appear to be in good shape and it is expected 
that the population will build up again to its former density. 


In the future, Kentucky Woodlands may be looked upon as, 
primarily, a waterfowl refuge. The success of waterfowl manage- 
ment here has surpassed expectations and the refuge promises to be 
an important unit in the management of waterfowl of the Mississippi 
flyway. Prior to the establishment of the lakes, ducks and geese 
were almost unknown in this vicinity. Within four years after their 
flooding, as many as 10,000 ducks of several species could be seen 
on these lakes during the winter. The mallard and the black duck 
are the principal species. Pintails, ringnecks, lesser scaups, wood 
ducks, baldpates, gadwalls, goldeneyes, ruddy ducks, buffleheads, 
and mergansers are common. 

The response of Canada geese to the refuge was not as im- 
mediate as that of the ducks but it is even more satisfactory. Large 
fields adjacent to Empire and Honker Lakes and to Kentucky Lake 
on the west side of the refuge have been cleared of brush and crops 
of small grain for winter green food and corn and milomaize are 

planted and are ready for the geese when they arrive in the fall. 

In 1940, eight crippled geese from Horseshoe Lake in Illinois 
were placed on Hematite Lake as decoys. It was encouraging to 
refuge personnel that six Canada geese stopped and spent a day on 
Empire Lake. During the fall and winter of 1941 and 1942 three 
flocks of 28, 48, and 50 were observed on the refuge. And so each 
year there was a gradual increase in the number of Canada geese us- 

ing the area. By the fall of 1945 there was a winter resident popu- 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

lation of about 250 geese. In the following spring 56 pinioned de- 
coys from Carolina Sandhills Refuge were penned at Empire Lake. 
The following fall and winter there was a resident population of 
475 geese. The following years showed a continued increase. Dur- 
ing the winter of 1949-50, a peak of about 3,000 geese used the 
refuge and spent the winter there and nearby on Kentucky Lake 
and in neighboring grain fields. 

Kentucky Woodlands is not considered as merely a kind of 
museum of native wildlife, but rather as a unit in a system of refuges 
and wildlife mangement areas whose object is the restoration of North 
American wildlife. It works in conjunction with a series of federal 
and state waterfowl refuges and managed hunting areas, extending 
along the system of T.V.A. lakes in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ala- 
bama. This has resulted in a desirable eastward extension of the 
Mississippi waterfowl flyway. 


Since 1946, the state of Kentucky has conducted a live trapping 
project for the purpose of restocking wildlife refuges and manage- 
ment areas throughout the state with turkeys, deer, and raccoons 
taken from Kentucky Woodlands Refuge. 

Hunting and trapping are not entirely and forever excluded 
from this refuge. In fact, when a species becomes over-abundant, 
it may be good management to remove the surplus in this way. In 
years of a heavy squirrel crop, squirrel hunts, supervised by per- 
sonnel of the refuge and the Kentucky Department of Conservation, 
are held. In the fall of 1949, a supervised coon hunt was conducted. 
The trapping of fur animals under permit is allowed at times when 
it is deemed desirable to reduce the fur animal population. It is 
entirely possible that, in the future, some regulated hunting of deer 
and turkeys may be conducted if these species build up a popula- 
tion that can safely stand such removal. 

EK Wood 

Kentucky Geological Survey 

Kentucky is divided into several physiographic provinces each 
with its own rather distinctive characteristics. The Cumberland Pla- 
teau of eastern Kentucky, with its rugged mountains, scenic beauty, 
widespread forests and vast coal deposits, is one example of these 
provinces. Another is the Bluegrass Region, famous the world over 
for its fertile farm and pasture land which supports the very impor- 
tant tobacco and horse industries. Still others are the Pennyroyal 
famous for the great Mammoth and associated caverns, good farm 
land and high calcium limestones, and the western Kentucky Coal 
Basin which produces most of Kentucky's petroleum and a consid- 
erable amount of coal. The Jackson Purchase is another province 
with its own peculiar characteristics. 

The types of rocks present in outcrop and the influence of the 
elements (weathering) on them is an important factor in the forma- 
tion of these various provinces. The outcrop pattern of the different 
systems of rocks shown in colors on the geologic map of Kentucky 
corresponds very closely to the physiographic provinces. 

In the Jackson Purchase region some of the older rocks which 
outcrop in other parts of the state have been covered by younger 
formations consisting mainly of sands, gravels, and clays. This was 
accomplished by submergence of the area and the formation of a 
sort of glorified Gulf of Mexico which extended northward over 
what is now the Jackson Purchase region. These waters were re- 
sponsible for the deposition of these younger sediments. Thus we 
find a different type of formation in the Jackson Purchase from that 
in any other section of the state. 

It should be apparent from an east-west cross section through 
the state that one would not expect to find in the Purchase Region 
the coals of the western Kentucky Coal Basin or eastern Kentucky 
Coal Fields or the high calcium limestones of the Pennyroyal. Like- 
wise, the Mississippian oil bearing formations of the western Ken- 
tucky Coal Basin which account for perhaps 75% _ of Kentucky's oil 
production would not be present. 

So, while the Purchase lacks certain minerals found in other 

® Condensation of a talk presented at the 1950 Spring Meeting of the Kentucky 
Academy of Science at Murray State College. 


Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

parts of the state, it in turn possesses its own characteristic minerals. 
Probably the most important of these is its ball, sagger, wad and 
other high grade types of ceramic clay. In 1946 the value of ball 
clay alone totaled about one million dollars. 

Other mineral resources include ground water, sand and gravel, 
chert and the possibility of oil or gas. Not a great deal is known 
concerning these mineral resources and more information must be 
compiled if they are to be efficiently developed. 

At present, the Agricultural and Industrial Development Board 
through the Kentucky Geological Survey is carrying on mineral re- 
source investigations in the vicinity of Henderson, Hopkinsville and 
Paintsville. Ground water investigations are also being carried on 
in close cooperation with the above program and in Louisville and 
Covington. Four inner Bluegrass counties have already been survey- 
ed and water maps issued. 

Also of vital importance to many state industries and agencies 
is the topographic mapping program under the sponsorship of the 
Agricultural and Industrial Development Board in cooperation with 
the U.S. Geological Survey. The goal of this program is to provide 
statewide coverage of modern up-to-date topographic maps on a 
scale of 1 inch = 2600 feet. 

It is hoped that the mineral resource investigation will also 
be put on a statewide basis so that every section of Kentucky will 
know what mineral resources are present and how to develop 
them efficiently. 



Sigfred Peterson and Robert W. Jeffers 

Chemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences, 
University of Louisville, Louisville 8, Ky. 
Equilibrium isotherms have been measured at 30.3°C. for the reaciion be- 
tween Amberlite IR-4B and the acids chloracetic, formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, 
and isobutyric. Formic and chloracetic are more strongly taken up than the others 

from dilute solutions. A strong adsorption from high concentrations of butyric and 
isobutyric is probably due to true adsorption. 

While considerable attention has been given in recent years to 
the factors influencing cation exchange equilibrium, little attention 
has been given to equilibria involving anion exchange resins. Kunin 
and Meyers (1) show graphically a variety of equilibria involving 
a weak-base resin, Bishop has correlated adsorption of a wide variety 
of acids by both weak base (2) and strong base (3) resins, and 
Robinson and Mills (4) show the adsorption by another weak base 
resin of normal aliphatic acids from water, acetone, and hydrocar- 
bon solvent. Cleaver and Cassidy (5) show adsorption of glutamic 
acid by both anion and cation exchangers. 

It is the purpose of this work to give a quantitative description 
of the adsorption of carboxylic acids by a weak base resin and to 
correlate the adsorption with other properties of the acids. 


Materials. — Amberlite IR-4B anion exchange resin (we are indebted to the Res- 
inous Products Division, Rohm and Haas Company, for a generous supply of 
the resin) in 500 g. batches was left in contact with distilled water for a week, 
with water changed once or twice daily. The resin was then placed in a 
large Buchner funnel, washed with one liter of distilled water using gentle 
suction, and treated with a 5% solution of hydrochloric acid without suction 
until sufficient acid had been run through to convert the resin to the chloride 
form. The resin was then similarly treated with three one-liter portions of 5% 
sodium hydroxide, and washed with water. This washing with sodium hydroxide 
followed by washing with water was continued until the pH of the washings was the 
same as that of the water used. Full suction was then applied for one hour. 
The resin was then removed from the funnel and dried in vacuo over calcium 

‘This work was performed under a contract with the Atomic Energy Commission and also 

received some support from the College of Arts and Sciences Research Fund, The paper is based 
on the M.S. Thesis research of Mr. R. W_ Jeffers. 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

chloride for three days. Resin was used soon after processing to avoid decom- 

Laboratory distilled water was further demineralized by a mixed-bed ion 
exchange column. : 

C. P. Baker’s analyzed formic and acetic acid, Coleman and Bell C. P. 

butyric acid and Dow specially purified chloracetic acid were used. Eimer 
and Amend C. P. propionic acid and Sapon Laboratories isobutyric acid were 
distilled, the fractions used boiling respectively at 141.0°C. (750 mm.) and 
158.4°C. (760 mm.). 
Procedure. — To weighed samples of resin (usually about 2 g.) in Pyrex glass 
stoppered bottles were added 100 ml. portions of acid of known concentration. 
The bottle was then agitated gently, sealed with paraffin wax and placed in 
a constant temperature bath at 30.3°C. for seventy-two hours, a time found to 
be quite sufficient for the system to reach equilibrium. The bottles were then 
removed and the concentration of the acid in the solution measured. 

Acid concentrations were measured by titration with standardized sodium 
hydroxide. For acid concentrations below 0.02 M conductometric titrations (6) 
-were used. 

RESULTS AND Discussion 

From the decrease in acid concentration in the solution the con- 
centration, y, of acid in the resin phase is calculated in millimoles 
per gram of dry resin. A number of graphical representations of the 
equilibrium data were plotted in order to find clues as to a suitable 
mathematical interpretation of the data. As illustrated in Fig. 1 for 
two of the acids, plots of y as a function of the equilibrium concen- 
tration, c, of the solution, as in typical adsorption isotherms, show 
slopes continuously decreasing from large values at low concentrations. 
While adsorption of strong mineral acids on a similar resin was 
found by Meyers, Eastes and Urquhart (7) to follow the Freundlich 
isotherm, graphs of log y versus log c for aliphatic acids on another 
similar resin were found by Robinson and Mills (4) to show slopes 
decreasing with increasing concentration, suggesting a saturation 
effect. Our data, as illustrated in Fig. 2 for chloracetic and acetic 
acids, show the same decreasing slope. This suggests fitting the 
data with the Langmuir isotherm which is derived for adsorbents of 
limited capacity, unquestionably a property of ion exchange resins if 
the “adsorption” is confined to the basic groups of the resin. In his 
report on the reaction between acids and weak base anion exchangers, 
Bishop (2) has derived the Langmuir isotherm in a form applicable 
to both weak and strong acids. 


Anion Exchanger 

Adsorption of Aliphatic Acids On A Weak Base 

TP -2f/ Aisojuy uo spray ru4oy puo aW3wKh4NGOS/ 4O surseyzosy ‘1 BI ¥ 
(7/szjou) 2 

b'o Zo 

oW BO 9'O 

UISE/ P/O Sh OF “JWwuE, 
UIS8s P/O Ee ee ‘asussoy @ 

of CE ‘Olu4o4 0 

USO P/O pps “QIIX~Nqos! @ 
DEOE 40 PIob DBUkyNYGos! O 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

SPIO 242204047 pub r/far[py yo sutsYyfos/ 2WYy,IJ0607 ‘2 6/4 

ce 92 Boz 2oUee ey ov _ $0 

24390 O : 
D/Y4ao040/49 ag: |20 




‘Adsorption of Aliphatic Acids On A Weak Base Anion Exchanger 
} } g 

The Langmuir isotherm can be reduced to the linear form 
Cf Ae By Cl) 
in which A is theoretically the reciprocal of the capacity of the resin 
and B is inversely proportional to the “affinity” of the resin for the 
acid. Fig. 3 shows a test of this equation for propionic acid and 
butyric acid. Formic, acetic and chloracetic fit equation (1) as well 


0. 8 




O propionic acid 

O butyric acid 



C (Moles) 

Frg.3. /sotherms at 30.3° plotted to test the Langmuir /sotherm. 
Straight lines are eg.) with least squares values of Aand B 



Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

as propionic, giving fair agreement with the data to about 0.7 M. 
Isobutyric, like butyric, does not fit very well, showing important de- 
viations above 0.25 M. 

A careful examination of Fig. 3 shows also deviations from the 
straight lines at low concentrations, possibly indicating a difference in 
the nature of the “adsorbed” state at low concentrations. No other 
interpretation has occurred to us which permits the calculation of 
numerical quantities giving a measure of the equilibrium. 

Lacking a satisfactory analytical comparison betwen the acids, 
we have read from smooth curves values of y for round concentra- 
tions. These are given in Table I along with the ionization constants 
compiled by Dippy (8). It can be seen that the stronger acids are 
more strongly adsorbed from dilute solutions, while the longer-chain 
acids are more strongly adsorbed from more concentrated solutions. 
Crossing of the isotherms in Fig. 1 also illustrates this. 

Table I. Adsorption (millimoles/g.) at round equilibrium molarities. 

Acid K x 105 Ges WIL @ S08 (eS OS 6s Lv 
Chloracetic 137.8 5.9 6.8 7.5 
Formic TA 6.0 7.0 38 8.4 
Acetic 1.754 4.3 5.2 5.6 6.3 
Propionic 1.34 4.2 Ball 6.0 7.3 
Butyric 1.50 4.6 6.5 9.3 
Isobutyric 1.38 4.1 5.9 8.2 

The increased adsorption at high concentrations (shown by the 
continued rise in Fig. 1 and the decreasing slope in Fig. 3) can be 
explained in a number of ways. Studies of cation-exchange (9) and 
strong base anion-exchange (10) equilibria have found that in some 
cases water taken up by the resin cannot be neglected in calculating 
compositions. If appreciable water is absorbed by the resin in our 
experiments, it can be shown that the error in y is proportional to 
the equilibrium acid concentration. This, however, is in the wrong 
direction unless we make the rather implausible assumption that the 


Adsorption of Aliphatic Acids On A Weak Base Anion Exchanger 

resin carboxylate has a smaller affinity for water than does the 
resin base. There is no reason to believe that the resin phase is an 
ideal solution. Since one component of this phase is ionic, the other 
not, the activity coefficients should differ significantly from unity. 
This has been found (9, 11) to be true even when both components 
of the resin are ionic. 

The process studied here is called adsorption only because it is 
measured and described like adsorption; it is in truth an acid-base 
reaction, the resin being a high molecular weight polyamine which 
is converted by the acid to a polycation resin which somewhere in 
its structure contains anions in quantity sufficient to keep the phase 
electrically neutral. That adsorption at high concentration is far great- 
er for butyric acid and isobutyric suggests, however, that true adsorp- 
tion is taking place in addition to neutralization of the resin base, 
since (12) increasing chain length increases adsorption of fatty acids 
on charcoal from aqueous solution. Also, the total concentration in 
the resin phase in equilibrium with high concentrations in solution is 
in the case of butyric acid greater than that calculated from the re- 
ported (1) nitrogen content of the resin with the assumption that 
all the nitrogen is in active amino groups. True adsorption has for 
some time been considered (2, 13) a source of error in equilibrium 
studies of this type. Recently evidence for true adsorption has been 
presented in studies of carboxylic acids with a strong base anion ex- 
changer (14) and of weak bases with cation exchangers (15). Car- 
boxylic acids are also apparently adsorbed by cation exchange resins 
(15) and by salt forms of strong base anion exchangers (16), and 
adsorption even of salts has recently been found (9) an important 
factor in cation exchange equilibrium. 

To determine the temperature dependence of the equilibrium, 
parallel series of equilibrium measurements were made with the series 
of six acids at 24.4° and 30.4°C. The resin was older at the time of 
these experiments, and apparently less stable, since the solutions show- 
ed a yellow color due to resin decomposition products. 

Nevertheless the equilibria found at either temperature fit the 
30.3° isotherms about as well as do the points upon which the iso- 
therms are based. This is illustrated for two of the acids in Fig. 1. 

From this we can conclude that the equilibrium does not depend 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

greatly upon temperature or upon age of the resin. The latter is 

reassuring to us since it was impossible to determine all petats on 

six isotherms simultaneously. 

R. Kunin and R. J. Meyers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 69, 2874 (1947). 
J. A. Bishop, J. Phys. Chem. 50, 6 (1946). 
J. A. Bishop, J. Phys. & Colloid Chem. 54, 697 (1950). 
D. A. Robinson and G. F. Mills, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2221 (1949). 
C. S. Cleaver and H. G. Cassidy, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 72, 1147 (1950). 

H. H. Willard, L. L. Merritt, and J. A. Dean, Instrumental Methods of 
Analysis, 2nd Ed., D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1951, p. 235. 

R. J. Meyers, J. W. Eastes, and D. Urquhart, Ind. Eng. Chem. 33, 1270 

J. F. J. Dippy, Chem. Rev. 25, 204 (1939) 

W. K. Lowen, R. W. Stoenner, W. J. Argersinger, Jr., A. W. Davidson and 
D. N. Hume, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 2666 (1951). 

C. W. Davies and T. G. Jones, J. Chem. Soc. 1951, 2615. 

W. J. Argersinger, Jr., A. W. Davidson and O. D. Bonner, Trans. Kansas 
Acad. Sci. 53, 404 (1950). 

KE. R. Liner and R. A. Gortner, J. Phys. Chem. 39, 35 (1935). 

M. C. Schwartz, W. R. Edwards, Jr. and G. Boudreaux, Ind. Eng. Chem. 32, 
1462 (1940). 

S. Peterson and R. W. Jeffers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74, 1605 (1952). 
C. W. Davies and G. Garrod Thomas, J. Chem. Soc. 1951, 2624. 

S. Peterson and H. Footerman, unpublished results. 




Inasmuch as reported instances of albinism in snakes are somewhat un- 
common, it seems desirable to record that an albino Elaphe obsoleta (Say) 
was taken in Oldham County, Kentucky about the 12th of September, 1951. 
The living specimen was presented to the writer by Perry Farmer, a teacher 
at Anchorage, Kentucky, who in turn had received it from one of his students. 

Description of specimen: This snake, a female 656 mm. in length, is es- 
sentially a “pure” albino in appearance. The general color is a light cream. The 
iris is of this same color, while the pupil is dark red and the tongue pink. 

The skin is not entirely without pigment, however, and the blotched pat- 
tern characteristic of Elaphe obsoleta confinis (Cope) and of immature E. o. 
obsoleta (Say) is faintly discernible. Examination under a lens reveals the 
presence of small amounts of red and yellow pigments in most of the body 
scales. The unequal distribution of these pigments, particularly the erythrin, 
is responsible for the appearance, faint though it be, of the coloration pat- 
tern. A third pigment, a melanin, is present as small punctations on most of 
the head shields and on a few of the body scales. There is one obvious dif- 
ference between the coloration of this snake and that of newly-born water- 
snakes (Natrix sipedon sipedon L.) described some years ago!. In the latter 
the areas corresponding to the dark blotches of normal individuals were of 
deep flesh or pink color, a condition which resulted from the visibility of 
cutaneous blood. In the Elaphe, however, these areas as well as the spaces 
between are pervaded by the opaque cream which seemingly is due to struc- 
ture rather than pigment. 

The scutellation and size appear to be not unusual for this species: dorsal 
scale rows 25-24- ea ventrals 236 plus divided anal; caudals 74; suprala- 
bials 11; oculars 1, 2; temporals (left) 2 + 3 and (right) 2(+1)+3; total 
length 656 mm; tail length 102 mm; ratio of tail to total length 0.155. 

Remarks: The present specimen _ provides further evidence (see 
loc. cit.) that albinism in snakes frequently or even generally is not com- 
plete but consists rather of the absence of a melanin which is abundant in 
normal individuals, while pigments normally present in small quantities are 
still present in albinos. It is logical to assume, therefore, that the different 
pigments are under the control of different genes. Albinism in its usual form 
(near or complete absence of melanin) appears to be inherited as a single factor 
Mendelian recessive, but little or nothing seems to have been published about 
the inheritance of the minor pigments. 

A problem in the application of common names arises in connection with 
the albino discussed in this paper, since one cannot determine whether it is 
referable to E. 0. obsoleta (the Pilot Black Snake) or E. 0. confinis (sometimes 
called the Gray Rat Snake). These two forms are generally distinguished, 
of course, by the amount of pigmentation (particularly melanin) present in 

1 Clay, Copeia, 1935: 115-118 


Research Notes 

normally-colored individuals. Geography does not provide the answer, for ob- 
soleta and confinis intergrade in this region. 

Since individuals frequently cannot be determined reliably to subspecies, 
particularly among highly polymorphic species or in areas of intergradation, 
it is desirable to extend the practice of applying one common name to the 
entire population of such species with the addition of adjectives for the re- 
spective subspecies. 

In this particular case, since the name “rat snake” is more firmly estab- 
lished for certain other species of Elaphe, and the term “black” is not descrip- 
tive of E. 0. confinis, it would be appropriate to apply to the species E. obsoleta 
the common name of “Pilot Snake”. The two forms under discussion may 
then be known as the Black Pilot (E. 0. obsoleta) and the Gray Pilot Snake 
(E. o. confinis). 

LouisviLLE 8, KENTUCKY. 

HAC fe 1D) Udy UE NES fee I as IE IG, S 


The 1952 spring meeting of the KENTUCKY ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 
was held at Mammoth Cave National Park, May 9 and 10, 1952. The com- 
mittee on arrangements consisted of L. Y. Lancaster (Chairman), Ward Sump- 
ter and Gordon Wilson. The program follows: 

Friday afternoon, May 9 

A symposium on Mammoth Cave and Mammoth Cave National Park. 

“The history of Mammoth Cave and the Mammoth Cave Park.” H. B. 

“The geology of Mammoth Cave and the Park.” C. T. Reid, Park Naturalist. 

“The anatomy of the eyes of some cave animals.” W. B. Owsley. 

“The birds of Mammoth Cave National Park.” Gordon Wilson. 

“The flora of Mammoth Cave National Park.” P. A. Davies. 

Friday evening, May 9 
“The National Parks.” (illustrated) T. C. Miller, Superintendent of Mam- 
moth Cave National Park. 

Saturday morning, May 10 
Field Trips: 
Plants. Mary Wharton and P. A. Davies, leaders. 
. Birds. Gordon Wilson and Harvey Lovell, leaders. 

. Amphibians and reptiles. Roger Barbour, leader. 
. Geology. C. T. Reid, leader. 

BO lS 


Academy Affairs 

Due to rain, only a few members attended the field trips. Many members, 
however, enjoyed going through the caves and noting the beautiful formations. 
In spite of the weather, a successful meeting was held. 


The next Conference of Academies of Science will be held on December 
28, 1952, in St. Louis, Mo., as a part of the program of the A.A.A.S. The 
morning session will be a business meeting devoted to a number of vitally 
important questions concerning academy functions. Committees will report on 
“Cooperation among Academies of Science,” “Cooperation of the Academies 
with the Academy Conference,* and “The Committee to Sponsor the Junior 
Scientists’ Assembly.” Dr. C. L. Baker will give a brief history of the 
Academy Conference. The Resolutions Committee will make recommendations 
as to what action the Conference should take in reference to the above reports. 
The morning session will conclude with a roundtable discussion on “The 
Responsibilities of Academies of Science in Promoting Improvement of Science 
Teaching in the Public Schools.” 

The afternoon will be devoted to a second roundtable discussion of aca- 
demy opportunities and should be of primary interest to all academy mem- 
bers. There topics will be discussed: “Relations of Academies to College Stu- 
dents,” “Relations of Academies to the Public,” and “Relations of Academies 
to the Press.” The evening meeting will be a dinner for members of the 
Conference and their guests. At this time Dr. Paul Klopsteg will speak on 
“What, from the Standpoint of Geographic Distribution, the National Science 
Foundation is Doing in the Allocation of Awards.” 

Conference of State Academies of Science. 
—Austin Ralph Middleton, President 

It is with regret that we report the resignation of two associate editors, 
both of whom have accepted positions outside the state of Kentucky. Dr. 
Sigfred Peterson has joined the staff of the Atomic Energy Commission at 
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Mr. William R. Savage now is with an engineer- 
ing firm in Cincinnati. Each assisted materially in the preparation of this 
issue. The Academy is grateful for their services. 

Manuscripts for the next issue are now being processed. Additional papers 
received in the near future should obtain prompt publication. Short papers, 
of generally not more than two pages, will appear under “Research Notes.” 

Distribution of the TRANSACTIONS to other libraries and _ societies 
is now being handled by the University of Louisville General Library. Under 
an agreement with the ‘Academy, materials received in exc change become the 
property of the University, but will be available to KAS members upon re- 
quest. A list of these publications will be printed in a future issue of the 
TRANSACTIONS. For this exchange privilege, the University of Louisville 
contributes $300 annually to the Academy. 



Academy affairs, 68, 116, 208, 286 

Acetone, conductance of ferric chloride solutions in, 129 
Acylaminoacid esters, preparation of, 213 

Air conditioners, heat pumps for, 1, 156 

Albinism in snakes, 285 

Aliphatic acids, adsorption on a weak base anion exchanger, 277 
Alkali iodides: distribution between ethylene glycol and ethyl acetate, 137 
Alloy, copper-beryllium, electron and optical photomicrographs of, 248 
Aloe, 111 

Andrews, B. S., 48 

Archdeacon, J. W., 100 

Barbour, Roger, 215 
Barnes, W. R., 149 
Belcher, Ralph L., 129 
Borum, Olin H., 213 
Bowman, M. I., 78 

Carreiro, A. B., 100 
Cartin, Rafael A., 38 
Chapman Plate, comparison with Sherman ‘Test for streptococci, 45 
Chromosome behaviour in a Gasteria-Aloe hybrid, 111 
Cicadellidae of Kentucky, 54 
Clay, William M., 285 
Concetta, Sister M., 104 
Conductance, electrical 
ferric chloride solutions in acetone, 129 
salts in dimethylformamide, 221 
Copper, Orland W., 146 
Copper-beryllium alloy, photomicrographs of, 248 
Copper chromate, free energy of, 146 
Cypert, Eugene, ites 20 

Davies, P. A., 228 

Dawson, L. R., 129, 187, 221 

Deer, White-tailed, 272 

Diketene: use in preparation of 1-xylyl-1, 3-butanediones, 265 
Dimethylformamide, electrical conductances of solutions of salts in, 221 
Distribution ratios of alkali iodides between ethylene glycol and ethyl acetate, 137 
Dunning, E. L., 82 

Edwards, O. F., 248 

Electron photomicrographs, comparison with optical, 248 
Emissivites of paints, 149 

Esters, acylaminoacid, preparation of, 213 



Estes, Reedus Ray, 265 

Ethyl acetate, 137 

Ethyl glycine: effects on food ingestion, 100 
Ethylene glycol, 137 

Ferric chloride, conductance in acetone, 129 

Formol titration, 48 

Frasera carolinensis, structure and function of glands on the petals of, 228 
Free energy, of copper chromate, 146 

Gasteria, 111 

Glands, of Frasera carolinensis, 228 
Glycine: effects on food ingestion, 100 
Golben, M., 221 

Greenwell, Sister Rose Agnes, 173, 178 
Griffith, Edward J., 137 

Gruchalla, Frank J., 45 

Habitats, animal, on Big Black Mountain in Kentucky, 215 
Hamann. G. B:, 45 
Heat pump 

absorption type, 15 

compression type, 16 

earth: performance on cooling cycle, 156 

earth: performance on heating cycle, 82 

for air conditioning, 1 

Peltier, 5 

water heater, 235 

Heat transfer: paints, 149 

Heat transmission, radiant, 149 

Heer, John E., Jr., 258 

Heines, Sister Virginia, 173, 178 
Homoptera: Cicadellidae of Kentucky, 54 

Ingestion, food, 100 

Jackson Purchase, geological sketch of, 275 
Jeffers, Robert W., 277 

Joffe, Irving B., 78 

Juhasz, Sister Roderick, 173, 178 

Kentucky Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge, 270 
Ketones: preparation by the Sommelet reaction, 78 
Koch, John R., 104 

Kreke, Corenilus W., 173, 178 

Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 

Leader, G. Rs 221 

Leaf hoppers, 54 

Lespedeza seed oil, economic status of, 80 
Lovell, Harvey B., 121 

Mailing list, 201 

Malt sprouts: effect on anaerobic growth of distillers’ yeast, 69 
Maynor, H. W., Jr., 248 

McHargue, C. J., 248 

Meter sticks, precision and accuracy of, 102 

Middleton, A. R., 287 

O'Leary, Sister Mary Adeline, 173, 178 

Pendley, L. C., 189 

Penrod EB ole Oo alo On 23. 

Peterson, Sigfred, 102, 146, 377 

Photomicrographs, comparison of electron and optical, 248 
Price, Sarah F., bibliography of, 121 

Resistivity, electrical, in subsurface earth exploration, 189 
Riley, Herbert Parkes, 111 

Rinne, W. W., 78 

Rosen, A. A., 48 

Scalf, R. E., 69 

Shah, N. P., 149 

Sherman Test, comparison with Chapman Plate, 45 

Snake, Albino, 285 

Snakes (see “Habitats, animal’) 

Sommelet reaction in preparation of ketones, 78 

Specific gravity of binary wax mixtures, 104 

Staphylococcus aureus, effects on blood and liver catalase in mice, 173, 178 

Stier alee. 109 

Streptococci from teeth, comparison of Sherman tests with Chapman plate for 
identification, 45 

Structural settlement computations, 258 

Subsurface earth exploration, 189 

Thompson, H. H., 82 
Thornton, R. C., 156 
Tockman, Albert, 265 

Waterfowl: in Kentucky Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge, 271 
Water heater, performance of a domestic heat pump, 235 
Waters, bacteriological survey of well, 38 



Waxes, binary: effects of composition on density, 104 

Weaver, R. H., 38 

Wiley, Richard H., 80, 213 

Wild turkey in Kentucky Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge, 273 
Wilkes, James C., 78 

Wood, E. B., 275 

Yeast, distillers, effect of malt sprouts on anaerobic growth of, 69 
Young, D. A., Jr., 54 

Zimmerman, H. K., Jr., 221 



medium for publication of original investigations in science. In addition, as 
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Department of Biology, 
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The following individuals, educational institutions and industrial organiza- 
tions have subscribed to one or more sustaining memberships in the KENTUCKY 

Anderson, S. V., Kentucky Utilities Co., P.O, Box 191, Central City, Ky. 
Beard, Joe, Kentucky Utilities Co., P.O. Box 48, Versailles, Ky. 
Bechanan, W. B., Kentucky Utilities Co., Lexington, Ky. 

Borgerding, Walter L., General Distillers Corp. of Ky., Louisville, Ky. 
Borgerding, Walter L., Kentucky Utilities Co., Lexington, Ky. 

Botts, Seth, Kentucky Utilities Co., P.O. Box 48, Versailles, Ky. 
Buchanan, D. E., Kentucky Utilities Co., Lexington, Ky. 

Carloss, H. M., Kentucky Utilities Co., Lexington, Ky. 

Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Inc., Princeton, Ky. 

Centre College, Danville, Ky. 

Cohart Refractories Co., Louisville, Ky. 

Devoe and Reynolds Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky. 

DeSpain, T. H., Southern Textile Machinery Co., Paducah, Ky. 
Eastern Kentucky State College Library, Richmond, Ky. 

Eve Printing Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky. 

B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co., Louisville, Ky. 

Johnson, Henry, P.O. Box 191, Central City, Ky. 

Lee Clay Products Co., Inc. (2), Clearfield, Ky. 

Lewis, Milton H., Kentucky Utilities Co., Pineville, Ky. 

Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, Ky. 

Medley Distilling Co., Owensboro, Ky. 

Mileti, Otto J., The Mileti Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky. 

Morehead State College, Johnson Camden Library, Morehead, Ky. 
Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

Old Joe Distillery Co., Lawrenceburg, Ky. 

Perkins, George, Reynolds Metals Co., Louisville, Ky. 

Scofield, E. H., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Ky. 
Skinner, W. H., Kentucky Utilities Co., Lexington, Ky. 4 Pv 
Skirvin, J. B., General Refractories Co., Olive Hill, Ky. @ ea 
Smith, L. A., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Ky. G 
Spanyer, William, Brown-Forman Distillers Corp., Louisville, Ky. 

Stallings, E. M., Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., Louisville, Ky. 

Union College, Abigal E. Weeks Memorial Library, Barbourville, Ky. 
Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 


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