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Volume 21 — 1960 

Published by 





Rocrer W. Barsour 

Associate Editors 

JoHn M. Carpenter, Zoology 
Barsara M. Conxin, Geology 
SETH GILKERSON, Bacteriology and Medical Technology 
Warp SuMPTER, Chemistry 

Mary E.. Wuarton, Botany 

Editorial Office 

Department of Zoology 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Kentucky 


No. 1-2 

A Search for Long-Lived Ca®° and Cr56 
WILLIAM D. EHMANN and JOHN R. HUIZENGA ...........cceseeeceeee 

Materials, Techniques and Methods in Teaching Psychology 
in 34 Secondary Schools 
Pee Nira mA CANIS oe mrt Mace deh ucts! Va ckttsiuascceuenadsuawatenenoiivaidaukedesseueee 

A Study of the Worm Snake, Carphophis amoenus Say, 
in Kentucky 
RRONGERY WV), SARBOU Ric csyastndvsavcersussuisnstandesacusoessensconssnduedtigartessszee 

The Chromosome Number of Helianthus decapetalus 
BD aaa es NAMM EN arc cere ce crc s ca caee dances sais cou'vdaceusazngusstatesemser seed 

Sugars in the Nectar of the Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima 
OLE LAT Ey SP al NSE ge As 9 ONAN a tg Ce 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 
N. W. Hati, W. D. WitxiiaMs and J. R. MEADOW............0006 

The Cave Snail, Carychium stygium Call 
PES Ee Ube EMU ERU CEU I xe cs anGvce=\ oases nsdsev soSeee eiscanenestscseesdsanecnetecesss¢sies 

Applications of Solar Energy 
Ma Vic HERA SAININIAG cc's cous enncot eves eds car coaduhcenasaCuuestnvetrenesscsscsaoesceetapazbae 

EMME A A EERBT SS aces cere ce eee pass even cea aah es nodes aneacaee vane cchnetenancscaanconsonnsonct 

No. 3-4 

Soil Temperature Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky, 
from 1952 to 1956 
E. B. PEnrop, J. M. ELuiotr, and W. K. BROWN ...............0008 

Cyclic Entry-Exit for Subroutines 
ere SMES ccinicl slr Jie PIGNUAIN 5 ©, isc acecsaceesdtesscoucsce-anccucvearssavts 

The Salting Effect of Sodium Chloride on the Extraction of 
Erbium Acetylacetonate and 8-quinolinol 
Y. G. IsHma, J. F. STEINBACH, and W. F. WAGNER ..........00000 

A North American Leafhopper Previously Confused with 
Typhlocyba andromache McAtee (Homoptera, 
Cicadellidae ) 

[PAL ag] FOr 027 oe Me ea 

Studies of Overwintering Potential of Certain Drosophila 
IN AITO CID. LPANU SON: sce saaceccestushtencaceosuiuaestuencacseaucnevaevvucsssceaso¥e 

Pape MINNA HEIN Siete cates cci4ia cu 4 <a; Cazes ecee tes ook scale shacwese cues cecaakbasbaaseceackscnune 

PR eee TERN) CRNNN ES ohn os oon as aha ee cok os cz su aate eu candace seas tketencavaseucendcnacces 

* Rik 
eet 2 

1960 Numbers 1-2 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 

A Search for Long-Lived Ca®® and Cr®é 

i Wiiu1aM D. EHRMANN and JouN R. HUIZENGA ..........0:ccceeeees 1 
Materials, Techniques and Methods in Teaching Psychology 

; in 34 Secondary Schools 

PA ESMOW AN OM SENDA Ney. Aosta cunevs dot unsailss teu snaddsh aaoPacasudsevckas kat eetoensbaronseods 

if A Study of the Worm Snake, Carphophis amoenus Say, 

= in Kentucky 

3 MAM WV, EA PHRIE YE 2006 Led alahcstdncns anes deecoategoGives coasabuanet shiapentns 


The Chromosome Number of Helianthus decapetalus 

Sugars in the Nectar of the Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima 
SisTER VirciniA HEINEs and SisTeER MAry ADELINE 
A SPCAT UU ee yen ea Nica ERTL AL eg oe en i 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 
N. W. Hatz, W. D. WitiiaMs and J. R. MEADow................. 23 

The Cave Snail, Carychium stygium Call 
RSS: EIA UB EICEIN IY 600 anhiv as seas tresdancoegsecie dbus vyedabicanusdehacrbasdsdedsdunas 35 

Applications of Solar Energy 
eh V AGAININA(\. 3522,005505s26)s0ssaquen Beit nivasesicbinticngddctasideuscaveas 39 

Academy Affairs ............+0096 ch agains 

The Kentucky Academy of Science 
Founded May 8, 1914 ' 

OFFICERS 1959-60 

President: PETE PANZERA, Murray State College 

President-elect: H. H. LaFuzxr, Eastern State College 

Vice President: CHarnLEs WuaitTLe, Western State College 

Secretary: Gernrir LEvEy, Berea College 

Treasurer; RicHarp A. CHAPMAN, University of Kentucky 

Representative to AAAS Council: Many E. Wanton, Georgetown College 
Counselor to Junior Academy: R. M. Boyer, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: O. F. Epwaxps, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: GENEVIEVE CuLArk, Georgetown College 

Chairman: Liza Spann, Murray State College 
Secretary: Luoyp ALEXANDER, Kentucky State College 

Chairman: WALTER SmiTH, JR., University of Kentucky 
Secretary: Cant Hussune, Murray State College 

Chairman: Karxi O. LANGE, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: OLtvER W. Garp, University of Kentucky 

Chairman: Ciara CHasseL1t, Cooper, Berea College 
Secretary: Lourtne Cave, University of Kentucky 


IW.) BLACKBURN ess ieccesesecssneccobecters to 1960 WILLIAM B. OWSLEY ......ccccseescceennsees to 1962 
RW Ws BARBOUR teen coke siceocndenwersces to 1960 GOB HAMANN Joo csccls seeheiencemocnsscoemeeane to 1962 
Tee Ns AINGASTIR  Siiusecccerecssewesetraseuie to 1961 IAZET, INOLDAU i .coskccncscesesses eee to 1962 
EPs ARI By pee aee ior see alr teescrausseunace to 1961 IWILEANO CLAY eid.ccdesdedectecccessvoushaeee to 1963 


Editor: RocerR W. Barsour, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

Associate Editors: 
(Bacteriology and Medical Technology) Sera Giuxerson, Berea College, Berea. 
(Biology) Joun M. CarnrENTER, University of Kentucky, Lexington 
(Botany) Mary E. Wxuarrton, Georgetown College. 
(Chemistry) Warp Sumpter, Western State College, Bowling Green. 

Membership in the Kentucky Academy of Science is open to interested persons upon nomi- 
nation, payments of dues, and election. Application forms for membership may be obtained 
from the Secretary. The TRANSACTIONS are sent free to all members in good standing. 

; Subscription rates for non-members are: domestic, $2.00 per volume; foreign, $2.50 per 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued semi-annually. Four numbers comprise a volume. 

Correspondence concerning memberships or subscriptions should be addressed to the 
Secretary. Exchanges and correspondence relating to exchanges should be addressed, The 
Librarian, University of Louisville, who is the exchange agent for the Academy. Manuscripts 
and other material for publication should be addressed to the Editor. 




Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 
and Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois 


The existence of an extinct natural radioactivity would have con- 
siderable significance in the fields of geochemistry and cosmology 
(Kohman, 1956). An extinct natural radionuclide would be one whose 
lifetime is too short for detectable amounts to be present from the time 
of nucleogenesis, yet long enough, to produce through radioactive 
decay, effects in nature that may be identified at present. A radio- 
nuclide whose half-life falls in the range from ~ 3 & 107 to ~ 3 & 108 
years would fall into this class. At present, three known radionuclides, 
Eee (~ 3 >< 10" years); Pue** (~ 8 10° years), and Cm?* 
(> 4 xX 10% years) appear to have half-lives in this range. Of these, 
only Pb?® which has a stable decay product, Tl°°°, would be important 
for isotopic dating. The other two radionuclides may have had, how- 
ever, important thermal effects in the history of the earth. 

A number of radionuclides that might be produced by two succes- 
sive neutron captures on the highest mass number stable isotope of a 
given element are still unknown. In this work a search was made for 
the two nuclides Ca°® and Cr°®. Previous work by Jones (1956) has 
established exclusion limits for the half-life of Cr°® of from 2 hours to 
200 years. He believed it to be long-lived. Roy and Yaffe (1957) 

cat8 n cat? cones (Ema cal0 
Stable Ms 
8.8 min ? 
Ca a a Se 
57.2 min P 1.7 min Bie 
p49 450 
Stable Stable 

Fig. 1. Production and decay of Ca50 

* Based on work performed partly under the auspices of the U.S. Atomic 

Energy Commission. 
eT oct 10 08 

2 William D. Ehmann and John R. Huizenga 

using a long pile irradiation of enriched chromium established that: 
tye Cr®®/c Cr®> = 270 years/barn 

if it is not very short. No published data is available on Ca®®. 

Both Ca®® and Cr®® were searched for in this work by use of the 
active daughter extraction technique. The production and parent 
daughter relationships for these nuclides are given in Figures | and 2. 

el Ma ee) ul ee 

3.52 min | 2 

Mino? oe nee 

2.58 hr RY 

Fig. 2. Production and decay of Cr®6 

Experimental Procedures and Results 


Experimental—A 28.97 mg sample of CaCO; containing calcium 
enriched at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Ca*® to 51.4% was 
irradiated in a high flux position at the Materials Testing Reactor at 
Idaho Falls, Idaho for approximately nine months. The total nvt 
received was 4.66 < 107! neutrons-cm—?. The irradiated sample was 
allowed to cool for one month before starting the chemistry. 

The radiochemical procedures consisted of solution of the sample 
in dilute HCl and extration of the Sc°® active daughter, using Sct? 
carrier, into a 0.5M TTA solution in benzene. The efficiency of the 
extraction as determined with Sc*® tracer was 97.5%. Since the half- 
life of Sc®® is only 1.7 minutes, rapid chemistry was required. The 
elapsed time from the start of the extraction to the start of the count- 
ing was always less than four minutes. 

The benzene layer containing the Sc-TTA complex was quickly 
separated and placed in a 7 ml volume plastic vial mounted in front 
of a 214” & 214” Nal crystal scintillation detector. The gamma spec- 
trum of the sample was examined for the 1.17 and 1.59 Mey gamma 
ray photo-peaks of Sc®° using a 256 channel pulse-height analyzer. 

A Search for Long-Lived Ca*® and Cr*® 3 

The physical geometry of the counting set-up was approximately 20%. 
The initial gamma spectrum obtained for a sample was compared to 
a “background” spectrum taken 15 minutes after the initial count in 
order to detect any activity in the region of the two Sc°® gamma ray 

Results—A series of five Sc extractions were made on the irradiated 
calcium sample in an attempt to detect the Sc°*® active daughter of 
Ca®°. In no case were peaks observed at 1.17 or 1.59 Mev and no 
difference outside of the statistical standard deviation was observed 
between the first count and the final count on a given extraction. The 
background counting rate in the vicinity of the 1.17 Mev photo-peak 
was ~ 8 counts/minute/channel and in the vicinity of the 1.59 Mev 
photo-peak was ~ 1 count/minute/channel. 

Assuming a counting rate for Sc®® less than or equal to the stand- 
ard deviation of the initial counting rate in the area bracketing the 
1.59 Mev peak, the following ratio is obtained: 

tio Gall /o Ca? == £ SC 10? years/ barn 

If the cross section of Ca*® is estimated to be approximately 0.1b, a 
lower limit to the half-life of Ca°° of approximately 1 x 10° years is 
obtained. The possibility that Ca®® might be very short lived is, of 
course, not excluded. 


Experimental—A 36.695 mg sample of Cr.O3 containing chromium 
enriched at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Cr°* to 83.1% was 
irradiated in a high flux position at the MTR reactor for approxi- 
mately nine months. The total nvt was also 4.66 10?! neutrons-cm—?. 
The sample was allowed to cool for 2 months before the start of the 

The radiochemical procedures consisted of fusion of the sample 
in Naz,Ovz followed by solution in dilute HCl. The acid solution was 
treated with a few drops of HzO. and evaporated to near dryness. 
The residue was then made up to 15 ml with H:O and scavenged 
with CuS. 

Cr(OH)s; was separated by precipitation with NH,OH and dis- 
solved in 15 ml of concentrated HNO3. Mn? carrier was added and 
solid KCI]O3 added slowly with heating to affect oxidation of Mnt? 
to MnO, and Crt? to CroO;—?. The MnO. was filtered off and dis- 
carded. This MnO, precipitation step was repeated several times 
using Ir carrier to remove Ir!” contamination, which follows this Mn 
chemistry. The Cr,0;—* was reduced to Crt+® between MnOz pre- 
cipitations by addition of concentrated HCl and a few drops of H2O, 


4 William D. Ehmann and John R. Huizenga 

followed by heating. Zr®® contamination was removed by scavenging 
with BaZrF.. 

The purified Cr sample at this point showed only Cr°! activity in 
a gross gamma ray pulse-height analysis. This sample was then used 
to attempt the extraction of the Mn*® active daughter of Cr°®. The 
method used was addition of a known amount of Mn? carrier to the 
purified Cr+* solution followed by oxidation to MnOs, as before. This 
MnO, which carried any Mn°® present was reprecipitated several 
times as above with inactive chromium carrier to remove traces of 
Cr®!. Solution of the MnO, between precipitations was affected by 
use of concentrated HNO3 and a few drops of H2,Oz. The final MnO, 
precipitate was filtered on a weighed paper disk, weighed to deter- 
mine chemical yield, and mounted on a card for beta counting of 
the 2.58 hour half-life Mn°°. The time required for the chemistry was 
about two hours. 

Counting was done on the first shelf of a standard end-window 
proportional counter having a background of 10.8 c/m. A 85.5 mg/cm? 
Al absorber was used to eliminate a high background of unidentified 
low energy betas. 

Results—A series of four MnO, samples were prepared as above. 
The samples were counted at short intervals for approximately six 
hours. In no case was any decrease in the counting rate observed 
corresponding to the 2.58 hour decay of Mn°*. In the best run the 
background corrected counting rate of the MnO» sample through the 
absorber was 35 c/m. No variation in this counting rate outside of 
the statistical standard deviation was observed over a period of more 
than five hours. 

If the counting rate of Mn*® at the time of the initial count is taken 
to be less than or equal to the standard deviation of the counting rate 
for the initial ten minute count, the following ratio is obtained: 

tijo Cr®®/o Cr®> = 1100 years/barn 

If the « Cr® is estimated to be approximately 10 barns, then the lower 
limit for ty/2 Cr°® is approximately 1.1 x 10+ years, if it is not very 
short lived. Since Jones (1956) has found that the half-life of Cr** is 
not in the range of 2 hours to 200 years, the exclusion limits for the 
half-life of Cr°® may now be extended to from 2 hours to approxi- 
mately 1.1 x 10* years. 

The possibility that Ca®®° and Cr°® might have half-lives in the 
range specified for extinct natural radionuclides is, therefore, not ex- 
cluded by this work. In order to finally extend the exclusion limits 
through this half-life range, much longer irradiation times and larger, 
highly enriched samples will have to be used. 

A Search for Long-Lived Ca** and Cr’® 5 

Literature Cited 

Kohman, T. P., 1956. Extinct natural radioactivity: Possibilities and potentialities. 
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 62:503. 

Jones, J. W., 1956. Spallation yields from chlorine with 45-430 Mev. protons; A 
search for unknown medium-light even-even nuclides; and beta lifetime sta- 
tistics. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Document NYO-6627. 

Roy, L. P. and Yaffe, L., 1957. Search for successive neutron capture reactions on 
Mg?6, Si80, and Cr54. Can. J. Chem. 35:176. 

Accepted for publication December 4, 1959. 


Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky 


After a brief introduction, this article will present the reactions of 
students and teachers to practices in current use in psychology classes 
in Indiana secondary schools. The procedure and major findings of 
the author’s doctoral thesis relative to materials, techniques and meth- 
ods will be given with some implications that they may have for Ken- 
tucky high schools. 

According to T. L. Engle! Kentucky and Arkansas are the only 
two states in which 25 percent of the secondary schools offer a course 
in psychology. A letter from the Department of Education of Ken- 
tucky? states that of the 420 public high schools, 101 offer a course 
labeled Social Psychology. Of the 68 non-public schools, 6 offer a 
course with the above title. 

Dr. Halice Wiggs? found in his doctoral study that 82.7 percent of 
the principals of Indiana are in favor of the course. Actually 14 per- 
cent of the schools of this state offer the course. Nationally, from the 
article by Engle referred to above it was learned that over 1,082 high 
schools offer the course. This is 8.4 percent of the total of 12,939 high 
schools reported by officials in 34 states. 

The American Psychological Association has a special committee 
working on the problem at the secondary level. Since one fourth of 
the high schools of Kentucky offer a psychology course it would seem 
of interest and value to present the major findings of the Indiana study 
conducted in 34 high schools. It is hoped that some of the findings 
will be helpful to those in Kentucky who are concerned with teaching 
or curriculum construction. 

The writer's study* was conducted during the spring of 1956. A 
stratified sampling of 34 Indiana high schools in a 30 mile strip north 
and south and east and west was made. Personal visits were made to 
schools and tests given to 1,236 students (715 females and 521 males) 
who were enrolled in psychology courses. The 88 teachers in the 34 
schools visited were mailed questionnaires before visitation. These 
were collected at visitation and later analyzed. One teacher did not 
return his questionnaire making a 97.4 percent return. 

Materials, Techniques and Methods in Teaching Psychology 7 

Major Findings of the Thesis 

By confining our discussion to the data presented in this thesis, it 
is possible to summarize as follows: 

Major findings related to problems of students. Most students of 
high school psychology thought the course had been helpful, but they 
did not feel free to discuss their personal problems with their teacher. 
One reason for this could have been that most psychology teachers 
had only five hours or less of free time per week for personal counsel- 
ing. Teachers tended to overestimate the degree of help students re- 
ceived on their problems. Students checked Reader's Digest, Life, and 
Colliers as the magazines most valuable in solving their personal prob- 
lems. The outstanding problem on which the students desired help 
but did not obtain it was choosing a career. Not only were more 
females enrolled in the psychology course, but they also apparently 
received more help from the course. 

Major findings related to topics. The topic liked least by students 
was how to study. The largest percentage of students indicated that 
the topics misconceptions about psychology, and how to study, should 
be used less than at present. On the other hand, students desired more 
use of such topics as courtship and marriage, prevention of mental 
disease, and emotions and their control. The favorite topic of students 
was personality. A higher percentage of students indicated that this 
topic had helped them more than any other topic. Topics of highest 
interest were distributed throughout the course. 

Major findings related to materials. The text most frequently used 
was by Engle, Psychology: Its Principles and Applications, second edi- 
tion, in a course which was almost always labeled Psychology. Teach- 
ers rarely used a syllabus, but almost half of them used supplemental 
reading in addition to the text. The least frequently used materials 
were recorders, slides, World Book, television, health charts, and 
mimeographed outlines while the most frequently used materials were 
filmstrips, reference books, study questions, newspapers, and maga- 
zines. Students desired more use of films and filmstrips, and less use 
of World Book, health charts, and mimeographed outlines. 

Major findings related to methods. The most unpopular method ac- 
cording to students was the writing of an autobiography. Dramatiza- 
tion and skits were not very popular. Both teachers and students 
agreed that by far the most frequently and best used methods were 
lecture and discussion. When outside speakers were used, they were 
more frequently a psychologist or a social worker. Some teachers did 
not use any speakers but one used as many as 10 different persons. 

8 Paul McNeely 

Both teachers and students agreed that more outside speakers should 
be used in the course. 

Experiments performed as demonstrations and those performed by 
individual students were power of observation, reaction time, learning 
time, mental telepathy, and conditioned response. 

The tests most frequently explained to students by teachers were 
Rorschach, Kuder Preference Record, Draw a Picture Test, and Cali- 
fornia Test of Mental Maturity. Tests most frequently administered 
to students were Kuder Preference Record and California Test of 
Mental Maturity. 

Major findings related to the evaluation of the course. Most teach- 
ers gave a combination of objective and essay tests. An opportunity 
was given for discussion of examinations. Both teachers and students 
preferred announced written quizzes and chapter tests. Teachers gave 
these types of examinations. Unannounced quizzes were not popular 
with either teachers or students. Teachers thought the psychology 
course was average in difficulty; students tended to think it was easy. 

Major findings related to the high school psychology teacher. Psy- 
chology teachers tended to be enthusiastic about their work. They 
desired summer workshops, magazine articles, seminars, and other 
aids that would help them in presenting psychology at the secondary 
level. Those teachers who used a variety of teaching methods seemed 
to have better rapport with their students as judged by their students’ 
willingness to discuss personal problems with their teacher. The size 
of the school, class, number of years psychology had been taught did 
not seem to be as important as the relationship that existed between 
the student and the teacher. Even the type of materials and methods 
used seemed to be secondary to the personality of the teacher. Very 
few psychology teachers were rated below average in their ability to 
present materials and methods in high school psychology. 


If it can be inferred that Indiana and Kentucky present analagous 
situations as far as psychology at the secondary level is concerned, 
then it would seem that more attention should be given to the prepa- 
ration of high school psychology teachers. This seems to indicate that 
more free time should be given for personal counseling, more use of 
outside speakers, and an increased volume of psychological informa- 
tion that is scientific yet adapted to the use of high school psychology 

Materials, Techniques and Methods in Teaching Psychology 9 


Results from a survey of the teaching of psychology in 34 high 
schools are presented, together with some of the possible practical 
applications of the findings for Kentucky high schools offering a course 
in psychology. 

Literature Cited 
l. Engle, T. L., 1952. “Teaching of Psychology in High Schools,” Amer. Psych., 

Department of Ed., Frankfort, Ky., dated Oct. 19, 1959. 

3. Wiggs, H., The Status of Psychology in Indiana Secondary Schools. Indiana 
University, Bloomington, 1952. 

4. McNeely, P. Materials, Techniques, and Methods in Teaching Psychology. In- 

diana University, Bloomington, 1958. 


Accepted for publication November 27, 1959. 


Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

The worm snake, Carphophis amoenus Say, ranges from southern 
New England south to central Georgia and Alabama and west to east- 
ern Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. In the Mississippi val- 
ley, it extends southward to the Gulf. Three subspecies are currently 
recognized, C. a. amoenus, C. a. helenae, and C. a. vermis. The latter 
is essentially confined to the area west of the Mississippi river, while 
the preceding two are found east of the Mississippi. Carphophis a. 
helenae ranges from the Mississippi eastward to the Appalachians; 
C. a. amoenus ranges in the Appalachians and eastward to the coast. 
(Conant, 1958). The three subspecies may be separated by the fol- 
lowing key: 

A. Pink of belly extending up sides onto third scale row; color 
aboverusually.punplisiinlacka senecue eee C. a. vermis 
(Western Worm Snake) 
AA. Pink of belly extending up sides onto only first or second scale 
row; color above usually plain brown. 

B. Internasals and prefrontals distinct .............. C. a. amoenus 
(Eastern Worm Snake ) 

BB. Each prefrontal fused to the corresponding 
internasal ........ C. a. helenae (Midwest Worm Snake) 

The species ranges throughout the state of Kentucky. Schmidt 
(1953) stated that C. a. amoenus occurs “. . . east of the Appala- 
chians,” which implies that only one subspecies, Carphophis a. helenae 
Kennicott, occurs in Kentucky. 

The 116 specimens of Carphophis amoenus from Kentucky in the 
zoological collections of the University of Kentucky have been ex- 
amined. Measurements, scale counts, condition of head plates, overall 
dorsal coloration, sex, number and size of eggs, if present, date and 
locality collected, and habitat, where known, were recorded for each 
specimen. These data are summarized in this paper. 

The specimens were largely collected by the author during the 
past eight years. The Research Fund Committee of the University of 
Kentucky provided financial assistance incident to the collection of 
many of the specimens. ! 

A Study of the Worm Snake 11 

Distribution in Kentucky 
Previous literature records, substantiated by specimens I have ex- 
amined, leave no doubt that both C. a. amoenus and C. a. helenae, as 
currently understood, occur in Kentucky. Fig. 1. 

Fig. 1. The distribution of Carphophis amoenus in Kentucky. Hexagons represent records 
of C. a. helenae; circles, C. a. amoenus; triangles, intergrades. Solid symbols represent 
specimens examined; hollow symbols, litrature records. 

Carphophis amoenus amoenus Say. Literature records are: 
“throughout Kentucky”—( Garman, 1894); Breathitt county (Dury and 
Williams, 1933); Bell, Harlan, and Letcher counties (Barbour, 1950b); 
Harlan and Letcher counties (Barbour, 1950a); Breathitt county 
(Bush, 1959). 

I examined 44 worm snakes that are referred to C. A. amoenus. 
They were collected from the following counties: Bell, 1; Breathitt, 
21; Harlan, 21; and Lee, 1. Thirty-four of the specimens have the 
internasals and prefrontals separate, 6 have them fused, and 4 are 
intermediate in this characteristic. 

Carphophis amoenus helenae Kennicott. Literature records are: 
“throughout Kentucky”"—(Garman, op. cit.); Anderson and Fayette 
counties—( Funkhouser, 1925); Edmonson, Hardin, and Jefferson coun- 
ties—( Burt, 1933); Edmonson county—( Bailey, 1933); Carter county 
(Dury and Williams, op. cit.); Edmonson county (Hibbard, 1936); 
Fulton county (Parker, 1939); Rowan county (Welter and Carr, 
1939); Oldham, Larue, and Warren counties (Barbour, 1950b). 

Thirty-four of the specimens examined are referable to C. a. 
helenae. They were taken from the following counties: Anderson, 1; 
Clark, 1; Edmonson, 6; Garrard, 4; Green, 2; Jessamine, 9; Menifee, 2; 
Nelson, 3; Russell, 1; Todd, 4; and Warren, 1. Twenty-six of the speci- 
mens have the internasals and prefrontals fused; five have them separ- 
ate, and four are intermediate. 

IB, Roger W. Barbour 

Although here considered C. a. helenae, the four specimens from 
Todd County (the westernmost specimens examined) are unlike any 
other Carphophis examined in the degree of contrast between the back 
and belly color, strongly resembling C. a. vermis. They differ from 
vermis, however, in the fact that the belly color extends only onto the 
second scale row. The specimens from Edmonson County show this 
marked contrast between back and belly color to a lesser degree. 
Additional collecting in western Kentucky will possibly reveal the 
Carphophis population there to be intermediate between C. a. helenae 
and C. a. vermis. 

Fig. 2. Photographs of a series of heads of Carphophis amoenus from Kentucky. A typical 
C. a. amoenus; B-H, intergrades between C. a. amoenus and C. a. helenae; |, typical 
C. a. helenae; J, individual with partly fused internasals; K, individual with partly fused — 
prefrontals; L, individual with internasals and prefrontals fused into a single large plate. 

A Study of the Worm Snake 13 

B C 


Fig. 3. Tracings from the photographs shown in Fig. 2. 

Carphophis amoenus amoenus Say X Carphophis amoenus helenae 
Kennicott. Barbour (1950b) has pointed out that “along the western 
edge of the mountains a tendency toward intergradation appears.” 
Dury and Williams (1933) mentioned a specimen, under the name 
helenae, from near Barbourville, Knox county, that has “the internasals 
and prefrontals fused on the left and separate on the right.” 

Thirty-eight specimens have been examined that are considered 
intergrades. They were collected from the following counties: Bath, 
6; Carter, 9; Fleming, 10; McCreary, 9; Rowan, 1; and Whitley, 3. 
Fourteen of these have the internasals and prefrontals separate; 19 
have them fused; and 5 are intermediate. 

Apparently a change is occurring in the Carphophis population of 
Rowan and adjacent counties. Welter and Carr (1939) stated “among 

14 Roger W. Barbour 

all Carphophis examined in eastern Kentucky no typical amoena were 
found.” Barbour (1950b) pointed out the presence of typical amoena 
and intergrades in the area. In this study, 26 specimens from the ad- 
joining counties of Carter, Rowan, Bath, and Fleming, collected since 
the appearance of the paper of Welter and Carr, were examined. Six- 
teen of them exhibit fused internasals and prefrontals; in 7 they are 
separate, and 3 are intermediate. These data indicate that these coun- 
ties are in the range of intergradation between the two subspecies. 

Intergrades between the two subspecies are quite variable, repre- 
senting practically all possible stages in the degree of fusion of the 
internasals and prefrontals. Occasional specimens are found with fused 
internasals or prefrontals. In one case, the internasals and prefrontals 
were fused into one large plate. Some of these degrees of fusion are 
shown in Figs. 2 and 3. 


Worm snakes in Kentucky are almost invariably found beneath 
some object, generally a rock or a log. They may be found in a great 
variety of habitats, ranging from virgin timber through brushy areas 
to weed-grown fields, and even open pastures. They are, however, 
rarely found far from a wooded area. 


Of the 116 specimens examined, only 22 contained food. In every 
case, only earthworms, along with the detritus from the alimentary 
canal of the worms were found. Barbour (1950a) reported only earth- 
worms from the stomachs of 10 of 22 individuals collected in Harlan 
county, Kentucky. 


A total of 20 egg-bearing females was examined, all taken between 
February 4 and June 18. Average egg number per female was 2.6, 
varying from 2 to 5. Average egg length in February (4 eggs) and 
March (2 eggs), was 5mm.; in April (19 eggs), 7.3mm.; in May (18 
eggs), 15mm.; and in June (10 eggs), 18.6mm. Blanchard (1925) re- 
ported that 5 captive individuals laid eggs between July 4 and 11. 
Bush (1959) reported that in Breathitt county, Kentucky, “Egg laying 
seemed to take place about mid-June. Seven females having deposi- 
tional-sized eggs had an average clutch of 3.2; the average egg length 
was 24.2mm. Ten females taken between June 19 and July 2 had no 
eggs.” Funkhouser (1945) stated that Carphophis amoenus “lays eggs 
in late summer.” Data herein presented indicates that in Kentucky, 
egg-laying occurs about the middle of June. All females of egg-laying 
size (herein indicated to be a minimum of about 185mm. in total 

A Study of the Worm Snake 15 

length) taken prior to June 10 contained enlarged eggs. No adult 
female taken after June 18 contained enlarged eggs. Thirty-three adult 
females averaged 233.4mm. in total length, ranging from 185 to 
282mm. The average of those with eggs (20 specimens) was 233.4; 
those without eggs (13 specimens) averaged the same. Table 1. 

Table 1.—Number and Size of Eggs in Carphophis amoenus from Kentucky 
(Measurements are in mm.) 

Number Females Length Length of Length of eggs 
fe) with of egg- non-egg- Number (mean and 

Date females eggs bearers bearers of eggs extremes ) 
Feb. 4 2 2 948,948... 2.2 5 (5-5) 
March 14 1 1 PREVA GT Ser 2, 5 
April 8 2 2 1651090 i. 2.3 8.5 (7-10) 
April is * 2 2 DAS ORIEN Naess 2.5 2.5 (2-8) 
April 23 1 1 PAPA GH” tN rian een 2, 13 
April 24 1 1 DAC Wee 2 13 
Apml 28 2 2) BINGL OMS Ys  eapeers TE, 9 (8-10) 
May 3 1 1 DAS fi a wiassevres 3 12 
May 9 3 3 228,236,255 ........ 2.92.3 16.6 (14-19) 
May 10 2, 2 ZAIBIAG er: 3,4 15.5 (14-17) 
June 10 1 1 DAO all eg assSece 3 13 
June 18 1 OW” 2 Ze DED TO TE Nee NS Recess 
June 18 3 2 237,260 270 3,4 21 (20-22) 
June 20 1 Ong a katas DOO Ewa VTA O DEEeRT seeks 
June 25 1 Ole ume ests. 283i) — sue De ake. ete 
June 28 4 ees ssacese QOGQUAIB8OQOG) seecesti to emicenceneeence 
July 2 2 OPE fsa DOO206) ye GF eeesd .. tacos 
Aug. 5 Ht Of a sce: WET ip PE). “hw cbcecdyuly pili desevsaeeees 
Aug. 18 1 Crmy es DSA oy Gu een cee ae 
Aug. 24 1 On es 3 ese3 DAT. i | aasescin -nssteseeeets 

Sexual Dimorphism 

Measurement of the total length and tail length of 48 females and 
65 males revealed that the males have a proportionally longer tail 
than the females. Relative tail length (tail length ~ total length) was 
calculated for the specimens. There was no appreciable change with 
increase in total length. In the females, the tail averaged 14.4 percent 
of the total length, with extremes of 12.9 to 16.1 percent. In males, 
the percentage ranged from 16.4 to 20.5, averaging 19.1. This differ- 
ence is sufficiently great to be readily discernible to the experienced 


One hundred sixteen specimens of Carphophis amoenus from Ken- 
tucky were examined. Food consisted entirely of earthworms. Egg- 
laying occurred in the middle of June, and the average number of 
eggs was 2.6, varying from 2 to 5. Measurements of the tail and total 

16 Roger W. Barbour 

length of 48 females and 65 males revealed that the tail of the females 
averaged 14.4 percent of the total length, whereas that of the male 
averaged 19.1 percent. The worm snake of the southeastern moun- 
tains of Kentucky is C. a. amoenus; that of central and western Ken- 
tucky is C. a. helenae. Intergradation between the two subspecies 
occurs along the western border of the mountains of eastern Kentucky. 
There is some evidence that worm snake of western Kentucky is inter- 
mediate between C. a. helenae and C. a. vermis. 

Literature Cited 

Bailey, Vernon. 1933. Cave Life of Kentucky. Am. Midl. Nat. 14(5): 383-635. 
Barbour, Roger W. 1950a. The reptiles of Big Black Mountain, Harlan County, 
Kentucky. Copeia (2):100-107. 
& 3 1950b. The distribution of Carphophis amoena in Kentucky. Copeia 
3) :287. 
Blanchard, Frank N. 1925. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from southern 
pigiana ced adjacent Kentucky. Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters. 

Burt, Charles E. 1933. A contribution to the herpetology of Kentucky. Am. Midl. 
Nat. 14(6) :669-679. 

Bush, Francis M. 1959. The herpetofauna of Clemons Fork, Breathitt County, Ken- 
tucky. Trans. Ky. Acad. Sci. 20:11-18. 

Conant, Roger. 1958. A Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles. Houghton Miffin 
Co., Boston XV + 366 pp. 

Dury, Ralph and Raymond S. Williams. 1933. Notes on some Kentucky amphibians 
and reptiles. Bul. Baker-Hunt Foundation Mus. 1:1-22. 

Funkhouser, William D. 1925. Wildlife in Kentucky. Ky. Geol. Surv., Frankfort, 
Kentucky 1-385. 

. 1945. Kentucky Snakes. Dept. Uni. Ext., Uni. Ky., Lexington. 1-31. 

Garman, Harrison. 1894. A preliminary list of the vertebrate animals of Kentucky. 
Bul. Essex Inst. 26:1-63. 

Hibbard, Claude W. 1936. The amphibians and reptiles of Mammoth Cave Na- 
tional Park Proposed. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 39:277-281. 

Parker, Malcolm V. 1939. The amphibians and reptiles of Reelfoot Lake and 
vicinity, with a key for the separation of species and subspecies. Jour. Tenn. 
Acad. Sci. 14(1):72-101. 

Schmidt, Karl P. 1953. A checklist of North American amphibians and reptiles. 
Am. Soc. Ichth. and Herps. VIII + 280 pp. 

Welter, Wilfred A. and Katherine Carr. 1939. Amphibians and reptiles of north- 
eastern Kentucky. Copeia (3):128-130. 

Accepted for publication December 15, 1959. 


Department of Botany, University of Kentucky, Lexington 

In an earlier paper (Heiser & Smith, 1955) on chromosome num- 
bers in Helianthus, it was reported that H. decapetalus L., was an 
apparent tetraploid with a chromosome number of N=34. This report 
was based upon material collected in the vicinity of Bloomington, 
Monroe Co., Indiana. Subsequently, new cultures of H. decapetalus 
were obtained from other localities which proved to be diploid 
CN==17 ). 

Methods and Materials 

Plants from which chromosome counts were obtained grew in ex- 
perimental areas at Indiana University and the University of Ken- 
tucky, as well as natural habitats. Counts were obtained from micro- 
spore mother cells in each case, and in a few plants additional deter- 
minations were made using root-tips. Buds for meiotic studies were 
obtained at the proper age and fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol and glacial 
acetic acid (3:1) for approximately 24 hours and then transferred to 
70% ethyl alcohol for storage. Most observations were made using 
temporary aceto-carmine squashes, but a few slides were made perma- 
nent for future reference and record. Root-tip material was obtained 
from potted plants in the green house. A pre-treatment was found to 
be necessary to study adequately the mitotic chromosomes. Best re- 
sults were obtained using 0.1% aqueous colchicine for four hours at 
approximately 4°C., or a mixture of 0.1% colchine and 0.02M 8-quino- 
linol (1:1) also for four hours at 4°C. The former treatment was some- 
what better for mere counting, but the latter was superior for studies 
of chromosome morphology. Staining was by the Feulgen technique 
and aceto-carmine. Voucher herbarium specimens are on deposit at 
Indiana University and the University of Kentucky. The chromosome 
counts obtained are listed in Table 1. 


The widespread occurrence of both diploid and tetraploid popula- 
tions of H. decapetalus is clearly indicated by the results presented in 
Table 1. Comparable situations have been reported in a number of 
other plant genera, but this is the first instance of this type in the 
genus Helianthus. It is rather unusual that similar situations have not 

1 Supported in part by NSF grant G-6380. 

18 Dale M. Smith 

Table 1.— Chromosome Numbers of Helianthus decapetalus L. 


State and County number Collector and number 


Somerset County Ly, Smith C-5 

Bennington County 172 Eaton 565 
New York 

Chautauqua County 84 Heiser P-190 

Crawford County 84 Heiser 4558 

Rockingham County 17 Smith P-412 

Smyth County 17 Martin s.n. 
West Virginia 

Randolph County 17 Smith P-406 

Brown County 34 Heiser P-299 

Lawrence County 84 Smith 1050 

Monroe County 842 Heiser 3005 

Monroe County 342 Heiser 3017 

Monroe County 84 Smith P-272 

Monroe County 84 Smith 1071 

Breathitt County 34 Smith K-115 

Martin County 17 Smith C-1 

Wolfe County 84 Smith K-122 

been discovered in other species of Helianthus in light of the high 
degree of polyploidy which has been previously reported (Heiser & 
Smith, 1955). The closest approach is seen in the complex presently 
treated as H. strumosus L., in which both tetraploids (N=84) and 
hexaploids (N=51) are known. 

As yet, I have not been able to separate the two cytodemes of 
H. decapetalus morphologically. If differences exist, they seem to be 
largely quantitative, with the tetraploids being somewhat more robust 
than the diploids. Studies are also in progress dealing with the prob- 
lem of autopolyploidy vs. allopolyploidy in this and related species of 
Helianthus. The available evidence strongly suggests that tetraploid 
H. decapetalus may be a true autopolyploid, but the final determina- 
tion must be based upon more data than is presently available. 

A perennial sunflower, Helianthus decapetalus L., originally re- 
ported to be a tetraploid (N=384), is shown to include diploids 

2JT am indebted to Dr. C. B. Heiser, Jr., of Indiana University, for these 

The Chromosome Number of Helianthus decapetalus 19 

(N17) as well. Tetraploids are reported from ten localities, while 
diploids are now known from six stations. The two cytological types 
are closely similar morphologically, and it seems possible that this 
may be a case of true autopolyploidy. 

Literature Cited 
Heiser, C. B. Jr., and D. M. Smith. 1955. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 64:250-253. 

Accepted for publication December 15, 1959. 


Nazareth College, Louisville, Kentucky 

Very few determinations on the individual sugars in flower nectars 
have been carried out. The older analytical methods required large 
volumes, which were not available in the nectars investigated. By 
using the technique of paper chromatography, it is now possible to 
determine the sugars present in micro-amounts of material. Previous 
work done on nectars by Wykes (1) has shown that sucrose, glucose 
and fructose are not equally attractive to bees. He analyzed (2) the 
nectars from twelve species of flowers by paper chromatography and 
found that the proportions of glucose and fructose varied greatly in 
different species. The present study investigates the total sugar con- 
tent of the fresh nectar of the Poinsettia, and the separation of the 
individual sugars by paper chromatography. 

Total Sugars by the Anthrone Method (3) 

Four hundredths of a milliliter of the clear, viscous nectar were 
drawn from the yellow gland of the cyanthium and diluted with dis- 
tilled water to 2 ml. Three milliliters of the anthrone reagent were 
pipetted into each of three test tubes, followed by 0.2 ml. of a stand- 
ard glucose solution (0.02 mg./ml.) into the first tube, 0.2 ml. of dis- 
tilled water into the second tube as a blank, and 0.2 ml. of the diluted 
nectar into the third tube. The solutions were mixed by tapping and 
tubes placed in a thermostatically controlled water bath at 80°C for 
10 minutes, then cooled under tap. By using Beckman B and Cole- 
man (6C) spectrophotometers the optical density was read at 640 mu. 

Individual Sugars 

1. Circular Chromatograms. The circles of Whatman No. 1 paper 
(32 cm.) were spotted with known sugars and nectar solutions, placed 
in desiccators with strings for wicks, and let run for 18 hours in 
n-butanol-pyridine-water, 6:4:3, solvent. They were removed, air- 
dried, and dipped into an aniline phthalate reagent. After drying for 
several hours at room temperature the chromatograms were heated 
for 5 minutes at 105°C and then 10 minutes longer at 120°C to bring 
out the sucrose (4). Examination under ultraviolet light helped to 
identify the sugars. 

* Supported in part by grant from National Institutes of Health. 

Sugars in the Nectar of the Poinsettia 21 

2. Sheet Chromatograms. Sheets of Whatman No. | paper, 23 « 23 
cm., were spotted with known sugars and nectar samples using 0.01 
ml. volumes. After 24 hours in the solvent, the silver nitrate method 
was used to determine the sugars (5). Quantitative analysis of the 
nectar was made by the Pridham method (6). Standard solutions of 
pure glucose and fructose were spotted in 0.01 ml. volumes so as to 
extend over a range of 50y to 175y by weight. The chromatograms 
were developed with the 6:4:3 solvent for 24 hours, air-dried, dipped 
into the p-anisidine hydrochloride reagent, and heated at 180°C. for 
10 minutes. The colored spots and blanks were cut from the paper 
and eluted by shaking 5 minutes with 3 ml. of the methanolstannic 
reagent. Optical density values read at 640m» were plotted against 
the weight of standard glucose and fructose solutions. The standard 
curves were used to determine the amount of glucose and fructose in 
the nectar sample. 

Several drops of the viscous nectar were expelled from the yellow 
gland onto a watch glass and kept in an airtight box in a warm room 
for a period of six months. The sugars crylstallized out and became 
embedded in a clear solid. Chromatograms were run on these crystals 
and the ratio of glucose to fructose calculated. 

Results and Discussion 
The total sugar content of the nectar determined by the anthrone 
method was found to be 50% calculated as glucose: 

0.26 O.D. (nectar) 

0.56 O.D. (Std. glucose) 

The original sample (0.04 ml.) was diluted to 2 ml.; 0.5 ml. of this 
was made up to 10 ml. and 0.2 ml. of this last dilution was used to 
determine the total sugar content. 

Circular chromatograms made on samples of the fresh nectar 
showed presence of glucose, fructose and sucrose. The crystalline 
product indicated glucose and fructose only. Zimmerman (7) found 
small amounts of the enzyme, invertase, in the nectar of the Poinsettia, 
Euphorbia pulcherrima, which could account for the absence of su- 
crose in the crystalline sample. Calculated values of these from the 
standard curves gave 46y of glucose and 35y of fructose, out of a 
spotting of 82y sample. The crystals were of the orthorhombie type 
(8). These results are summarized in Table 1. The ratio of glucose 
to fructose (G/F) was found to be 1.39, which corresponds closely 
to that of one species of another plant investigated by Wykes. 

| 10 
< 0.02 mg.(Std.) x —— —=5 mg./10 ml. 

22, Sister Virginia Heines and Sister Mary Adeline O’Leary 

Table 1.— Sugars in Crystallized Nectar of the Poinsettia 

Sugars Volume applied to Optical Weight sugar found 
Chromatogram Density OF 

Glucose (1) 10 zl 0.210 47 
(2) 10 zl 0.200 45 

Average 46 
Fructose (1) 10 zl 0.090 34 
(2) 10 wl 0.095 36 

Average 85 

Total sugars in crystalline nectar 81 

Total sugar calculated from sample weight 82 

Literature Cited 

Wykes, G. R., J. Exp. Biol. 29, 511, 1952. 

Wykes, G. R., Biochem. J. 53, 294, 1953. 

Roe, J. H., J. Biol. Chem., 212, 355, 1955. 

Block, R. J. et al., “Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis”, 2nd 

ed., Academic Press, N. Y. 1958. 

5. Green, S. R., and Stone, I., Wallerstein Laboratories Communications, 15, 
850, 1952. 

6. Pridham, J. B., Anal. Chem., 28, 1967, 1956. 

7. Zimmermann, M., Ber. schweiz. botan. Ges. 63, 402, 1953. Chem. abst., 48, 
11575», 1954. 

8. Wycoff, R. W. G., “Structure of Crystals”, 2nd ed., Chemical Catalog Co., 

N. Y. 1931. 

Cfo i) 

Accepted for publication October 27, 1959. 


Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

Reactions in an internal combustion engine are varied, complex 
and uncertain. Lubricating oil temperatures may range from 120°C 
to 250°C. Oil is whipped around as a mist in the crankcase and ab- 
sorbs considerable quantities of air. Under these conditions, lubri- 
cating oil is subject to increased oxidation and breakdown. The break- 
down processes are necessarily very complex. The order of events 
and the intermediate reaction products depend on such factors as 
structure of oil molecules, temperature, pressure, presence of air, 
inhibitors, metallic catalysts, and others. Such a combination of fac- 
tors introduces a considerable element of uncertainty into any specu- 
lation about the nature of breakdown products (1). 

The formation of lacquers and sludges as well as the corrosion of 
bearings is usually attributed in part at least to the attack of the oil 
by oxygen (2). Metals are not usually corroded by the hydrocarbon 
components per se which make up a very large portion of any lubri- 
cating oil, but corrosion does occur under certain conditions as the 
result of the presence of impurities or “catalysts” in lubricants and as 
a result of the development of oil oxidation products. Lubricants can 
vary as much as a hundredfold in their bearing corrosion tendencies. 
Bearings themselves differ greatly as to their resistance to corrosion 
in oils. Copper-lead and cadium-base bearings have greater me- 
chanical strength than babbit bearings, but unfortunately they are 
more subject to chemical attack at elevated temperatures by oxidation 
products of the oil. Thus much work has been devoted to the problem 
of finding so-called additives which will suppress the oxidation of the 
oil and thereby decrease the harmful effects on the engine and bear- 
ings as well as increase the life of the oil. 

The literature on the breakdown of lubricants reveals many differ- 
ent viewpoints regarding the mechanism of oil oxidation and the role 
of antioxidants or inhibitors present in an oil (3). Numerous investi- 
gators have studied the effects of various types of compounds on the 
stability of oils when they are subjected to oxidative conditions (2-15). 
In most instances the extent of oil oxidation, with or without inhibi- 
tors, has been reported in terms of oxygen absorbed, acidity developed, 
the amount of sludge formed in the oil after a given time, and to some 
extent the corrosion of a metal surface. 

1 Present address, Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas. 
2 Present address, Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas. 

24 N. W. Hall, W. D. Williams, and J. R. Meadow 

The only completely satisfactory test on a lubricant is necessarily 
long, tedious and expensive. Such a test would be a long engine test, 
and this would be followed by a thorough road test and examination 
of engine parts thereafter. Obviously, many shorter screening tests 
have been devised to help arrive at some conclusions about the stabil- 
ity of oils and what inhibitors should be used in them. 

It is known that lubricating oils contain many naturally occurring 
sulfur compounds which may function as oxidation inhibitors (6). 
Depending on the source of the oil, the amount of sulfur compounds 
present may vary from a trace to as much as twenty percent (6). 
Since lubricating oils are so complex, it is impossible to determine the 
exact structure of the sulfur compounds present. As suggested by 
Denison and Condit (7) it is perhaps better to study the problem of 
sulfur inhibition of oils by the use of known sulfur additives and not- 
ing their effect on the oxidation of a base stock oil of known sulfur 
content. These authors studied the inhibiting effects of several kinds 
of sulfur compounds on the oxidation of completely desulfurized oils. 
They concluded that thioethers, having at least on aliphatic or cycloali- 
phatic group, were the most effective inhibitors tried. Their findings 
were based on oxidation rates using a Dornte type of apparatus (8) 
for measuring the volume of oxygen absorbed by a given sample of oil. 

The purpose of our investigation was to study organic sulfur com- 
pounds as corrosion inhibitors, or possibly corrosion catalysts, and note 
the actual effects produced on a bearing strip. The choice of bearing 
strip was that of a cadmium silver metal surface.? The test used was 
similar to the one described by Moran, Evers and Fuller (17) which 
is an air blowing test for indicating the corrosive effect of oils on 
cadmium silver bearing surfaces. This type of short test is used in 
some laboratories as a preliminary screening test for studying oil addi- 
tives. Because of the very complex nature of metal corrosion which 
takes place during the oxidation of a lubricating oil at elevated tem- 
peratures, especially in the presence of organic sulfur compounds, one 
should recognize that totally different results might be expected when 
the same compounds are used with other bearing metal surfaces, or 
when experimental conditions are appreciably changed. 

Materials Employed 

Many of the sulfur compounds listed in Table II were obtained 
directly from vendors in a high degree of purity. This would include 

3 Private communication, E. W. Fuller, Socony-Mobil Oil Co., Paulsboro 
New Jersey. 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 25 

such compounds as those numbered | to 8 incl., 10 to 15 incl., 22 and 
32 in Table II. No. 6, however, contained a mixture of isomers. 

The sulfides numbered from 23 to 29 incl. were synthesized from 
alcoholic sodium sulfide and the necessary alkyl bromide in each case. 
No. 30 and No. 31 were prepared from ethylene oxide and the corre- 
sponding mercaptan. All of the disulfides listed in Table I, with the 
exception of compound No. 39, were made according to the method of 
Noller and Gordon (18) in which the alkyl bromide was allowed to re- 
act with an alcoholic solution of sodium disulfide. Tert-dodecy] disulfide 
(No. 39), however, was prepared from the sodium salt of tert-dodecyl 
mercaptan and iodine dissolved in CCl,. The sulfones, No. 16 to 21 
incl., were prepared directly from the sulfides by oxidation with acid 
permanganate solution. The three sulfide polymers in the miscel- 
laneous group (Nos. 43, 45 and 46) were prepared from the necessary 
polymethylene dibromide in each case and alcoholic sodium sulfide 
solution. Ethylene disulfide polymer (No. 44) resulted from the 
reaction between ethylene bromide and sodium disulfide solution. 
1,4-Dithiane (No. 47) was obtained as a by-product in the prepara- 
tion of ethylene sulfide polymer (No. 42) from ethylene bromide and 
sodium sulfide. Methyl-n-amyl-1,3-dithiane (No. 48) was the con- 
densation product from 1,3-propanedithiol and methyl-n-amyl ketone 
in the presence of dry hydrogen chloride. 

The blank oil used as a base in all of the corrosion tests was a 
solvent refined, S.A.E. 20 grade, paraffinic type of oil generously fur- 
nished for our purpose by the Socony-Mobil Oil Company. Some of 
the physical characteristics and analytical properties of this oil are 
listed below. 

Table 1.— Properties of Base Oil 

Rea ALPATE csc. coesesensnsees 81.0 WVascosity: Index >...) 5..208 110 
Specific Gravity, 60°F. ........ 0.8708 Sulftir, (iat fs eae 0.08 
IPYOUPS SO) De! Sosre eens ape earns 20 Refr. Index (D line 
TRG is SORE eee 450 DOSGA) ee aeecee eee eres 1.4801 
Eunice seat ats eay cake tecesesreetccees: 490 Aniline Pomt, 1G, xccc.detes Je 
Kinematic Viscosity Waterman Ring Analysis 
Bip MIO? Oe escosccoseseocreosasa eee 66.99 Aromatic Rings, % ........ 5.9 
Fi ALG (0 anna merle ee neieaes 32.76 Naphthenic Rings, % .... 19.7 
GE OAC) 2) CUR te oo ee 8.69 Parraffinic Chains, % .... 74.4 
Rings/Molecule ................ 2.0 

Details of an apparatus designed to measure the extent of bearing 
corrosion in a lubricating oil in the presence of air at 175°C. are shown 
in Figure 1. It is similar to the cadmium silver bearing corrosion test 
used in some lube oil laboratories and previously described in the pat- 

26 N. W. Hall, W. D. Williams, and J. R. Meadow 

ent literature (15, 16). Except for a few modifications the conditions 
used in our work were very similar. Air at the rate of two liters per 
hour, controlled by the pressure regulator system at C in Fig. 1, was 

Fig. 1. Diagram of corrosion test apparatus. 

blown into a 25-gram sample of oil at H for a period of twenty-two 
hours. Temperature of the oil samples was kept at 175°C. by means 
of a well-insulated constant temperature bath (A), equipped with a 
stirrer, 250-watt heater, thermometer, and thermoregulator (+0.5°C.). 
Extra heavy lubricating oil served as a heat transfer medium. A sep- 
arate air supply for each sample entered the system at J, passed 
through a pressure regulator, D, a drying tube at L, thence to the test 
cell at E, and escaped through exit tube G and a glass jet at N. By 
means of a stopcock M the air current from the test cell E could be 
diverted through O to a flowmeter P. 

The standard test piece used was one quarter of a Pontiac connect- 
ing rod bearing, 4 x 1.4 cm., weighing approximately 6 grams and 
having a surface of cadmium silver alloy. A clean, weighed strip 
(I in Fig. 1) was removed after completion of a run, washed with 
petroleum ether, dried at 120° C., and reweighed. The loss in weight 
before and after a determination was reported in milligrams (see 
Table II). 

Experimental Results 

Under the experimental conditions noted above, the blank oil 
whose properties are recorded in Table I gave an average bearing 
weight loss of about 18 mg. when no inhibitor was added. Table II 
summarizes the results obtained with the various sulfur compounds 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 27 


Sulfur Compound Used Average Bearing Sulfur Compound Used Average Bearing 
as Inhibitor Weight Loss as Inhibitor Weight Loss 
in Mg. b in Mg.> 
BLANK OIL (No inhibitor added) 18,0 SULFIDES 
MERCAPTANS 22, n-Heptyl sulfide, B.p, 143-145°/8 mm, 21.8 
1, n-Heptyl mercaptan, B.p. 174-6° 46.4 ; 
OL a i a 23, n-Octyl sulfide, B,p. 131-134°/1.8 mm, ‘21.7 
2, n-Octyl mercaptan, B.p, 201-3° 10, 2 : 
a Es " M4 3 9 2h, 2-Octyl sulfide, B.p. 100-102°/1.7 mm, 8,5 
3, mn-Nonyl mercaptan 23.0 
25, n-Decyl sulfide, M.p. 24-25° 14,3 
4, n-Undecyl mercaptan 5.9 
26, n-Dodecyl sulfide, M.p. 38-40° 17.5 
» NeDodecyl mercaptan, B.p. 146-8°/15 mm, 38 : 
2 * See ie 3 2 27. n-Tetradecyl sulfide, M,p, 51-52° 11,6 
6, tert-Dodecyl mercaptan, B.p, 78-87°/5 m, 0,2 
rs ne Dla, 28. n-Hexadecyl eulfide, M.p, 54-56° 14 
» mneTetradecyl mercaptan, B,p, 177-181°/21 mm; au 
7 sa: OAs 3 29. n-Octadecyl sulfide, M.p. 66-68° 4,6 
8. n-Octadecyl mercaptan, B.p; 212-4°/15 mm, 0.3 
a 30. Phenyl £-hydroxy ethyl sulfide,M,p.56-58°77.7_ 
9. Trimethylene dimercaptan, B.p, 66-8°/18 mm, 4, ‘ 
F ony ‘ gh 9 31, n-Amyl f-hydroxy ethyl sulfide,B.p. 125- 
THIOPHENOLS 126°/10 mm, 45.5 
10, Thiophenol, B.p, 62-3°/15 mm, 57.2 32, Phenyl sulfide, B.p, 151-153°/15 m, 17.7 
11, p-Thiocresol, M.p, 41-43° 58.6 DISULFIDES 
12, o-Thiocresol, M.p, 10-12° 48,9 33, n-Butyl disulfide, B.p. 110-113°/15 mm, 26.5 
13, m-Thiocresol, B.p. 75-7°/10 m, 65.5 34, n-Heptyl disulfide,B.p,198-210°/22 mm, 2,1 
1h, p-Octadecyl thiophenol, Mp. 55°55.5° 0.2 © 35. n-Octyl disulfide,B,p.180-166°/5 mm, 5.9 
15, £-Thionaphthol, M.p, 80-82° 45,1 36.°2-Octyl disulfide,B.p, 125-129°/1.7 mm, 4,5 
37. n-Decyl disulfide, B.p, 15-16° 2.7 
38, n-Dodecyl disulfide, M.p. 26-27°C 2.8 
SULFONES 39, tert-Dodecyl disulfide, B.p. 60-90°/0.2- A 
= ee 0.3 m 0.3 
16, n-Heptyl sulfone, M.p, 79-79,5° 23.3 
. 40, n-Tetradecyl disulfide, M.p. 44,5-45° 2.0 
17. n-Octyl sulfone, M.p. 75-76° 12.0 
7 Fs : 41, n-Octadecyl disulfide, M.p. 48-48.5° One 
18, n-Decyl sulfone, M.p. 83-84° 21.5 
19, n-Dodecyl sulfone, Mp. 93.5-94° 20.6 
42, Elemental sulfur 0,0 
20, n-Tetradecyl sulfone, M.p. 98-98.5° 24.7 
: 43, Ethylene sulfide polymer, M.r, 148- 
21, n-Octadacyl sulfone, M.p. 105-106° 16.0 159° 0.4e 

4h, Ethylene disulfide polymer,M.r.98-115° 0.8° 

45, Hexamethylene sulfide polymer, M.r,54- 

46, Decamethylene sulfide polymer, M.r,71l- 
76° 7.0 
47, 1,4-Dithiane, M,p, 112° 21.4 
48, Methyl-n-amyl-1,3-dithiane, B.p, 
1h0-142/15 mm, 9.9 

8£ach oil sample contained 0,2% sulfur from added inhibitor. é 
bresulting from the average of two or more determinations after running for 22 hours at 175° C. 
CAll temperatures reported are Centigrade readings, uncorrected, 

dcontained a mixture of isomers, 

Bearing showed a gain in weight, 

frhis sample contained only 0.1% sulfur instead of 0,2% as in others, 

Spoiling range not listed by vendor's catalogue (Columbia Organic Chemicals Co,), 

when they were used as inhibitors in amounts sufficient to give oil 
samples containing 0.2% sulfur on a weight basis. These quantities 
were equivalent to 0.0062 mole per 100-gram oil sample for compounds 
containing only one sulfur atom per mole, or 0.0031 mole for com- 
pounds with two sulfur atoms, etc. 

28 N. W. Hall, W. D. Williams, and J. R. Meadow 

For some of those compounds which caused little or no bearing 
weight loss, as indicated by results in Table I, a few additional cor- 
rosion tests were made with oil containing smaller amounts of the 
sulfur inhibitor. These results are indicated in Table III, and as in the 
previous tests they represent the loss in weight, in milligrams, of the 
cadmium silver bearing strip after contact with a 25-gramm oil sample 
for 22 hours at 175°C. 


_———————————— eee eee 
b Bearing Weight losses in Mg. for different concentrations of inhibitor© 

Sulfur Inhibitor 0.2% 0.1% - 0.05% 0.037% 0.025% 
Ethylene sulfide polymer (No. 439) o.4& 0.2° 3.6 11.6 19.2 
Hexamethylene sulfide polymer (no, 45) 1h 0.2 16.3 seen RES 
Decamethylene sulfide polymer (No. 46) 7.0 12.5 -oee ecee cans 
Ethylene disulfide polymer (No. }) onee 0.8 7.2 eooe onnn 
tert-Dodecyl mercaptan (No, 6) 0.2% 2h 1 cane ecoo mae 
p-Octadecyl thiophenol (No. 14) 0.0 0.2 eons cose ance 

Elemental sulfur (No. 42) 0.0 0.2 O.1 1.0 eens 


aResults expressed as average weight loss in mg, for each different concentration of inhibitor used with 
conditions of time and temperature similar to those in Table II, 

badded to 25.g sample of base oil, 

°Expressed in terms of weight percent of elemental sulfur, 

dyumbers refer to compounds listed in Table I. s 

factually this represents a slight gain in weight of the bearing strip, 

Some oil inhibitors may appear to be satisfactory from the stand- 
point of preventing or reducing the amount of corrosion of a cadmium 
silver bearing surface for a limited time, but they may be quite un- 
desirable because they tarnish copper. Because of this, inhibitors are 
usually subjected to the copper strip test as a preliminary screening 
operation before other tests are actually carried out. A simple quali- 
tative test is to permit a small sample of oil to remain in contact with 
a strip of copper for 24 hours at 100°C. without agitation by air or 
stirring. Such a copper tarnish test was made on some of the better 
sulfur-containing inhibitors shown in Tables II and III. The results 
of the copper strip test are listed in Table IV, giving the concentration 
of inhibitor expressed in terms of percent sulfur, and the extent to 
which the added substance attacked the surface of the copper strip. 


A systematic study has been made of the corrosion inhibiting 
effect of several different kinds of organic sulfur compounds when 
added to oil samples in quantities to give 0.2% or less sulfur by weight. 
The compounds listed in Table II can be divided roughly into three 
types: (1) those compounds which had no effect; (2) those which 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 29 


Per Cent Effect | Per Cent Effect 
Sulfur Inhibitor Sulfur in on Sulfur Inhibitor Sulfur in on 
E Oil Sample Copper - Oil Sample Copper 
tert-Dodecyl mercaptan (No, 6°) 0.2 Severe” n-Tetradecyl sulfide (No, 27) 0.2 Extremely slight 
n-Tetradecyl mercaptan (No. 7) 0,2, Slight n-Hexadecyl sulfide (No. 28) 0.2 Extremely slight 
n-Octadecyl mercaptan (No, 8) 0.2 Considerable n-Octadecyl sulfide (No, 29) 0.2 Extremely slight 
n-Heptyl disulfide (No, 3h) 0.2 Severe Elemental sulfur (No, 42) 0,05 Severe 
n-Octyl disulfide (No. 35) 0.2  Severa Ethyleme sulfide polymer (No. 43) 0.05 None 
2-Octyl disulfide (No, 36) 0.2 Slight Ethylene disulfide polymer (No, 44) 0,1 Considerable 
n-Dodecyl disulfide (No, 38) 0,2 Considerable Hexamethylene sulfide polymer (No,45)0.1 Slight 
n-Tetradecyl disulfide (No, 40) 0,2 Slight Decenstip tore sulfide polymer (No.46)0.2 None 
n-Octadecyl disulfide (No, 41) 0.2 Severe p-Octadecylthiophenol (No. 1}) 0.2 None 

Numbers in parenthesis refer to compounds listed in Table Ir. 
bextent of tarnish on copper strip indicated in following order: None, extremely slight, slight, considerable, and severe. 

had a catalytic effect; ie. caused a weight loss of more than 18 mg,; 
and (3) those which produced an inhibiting effect on the oil. 

A few generalizations as follows can be made from this study: 

(1) The corrosion inhibition effect of a particular type of com- 
pound usually became more pronounced with an increase in molecular 
weight; this was more noticeable with the sulfides, the mercaptans 
and the disulfides than with some of the other sulfur derivatives em- 
ployed (see Figures 2-A and 2-B). 

(2) All compounds tested which contained the octadecyl radical, 
with the possible exception of the sulfone, were quite effective as 
inhibitors of corrosion on cadmium silver surfaces; this was not neces- 
sarily true on copper, however. 

(3) The mercaptans and disulfides which contained twelve or 
more carbon atoms per mole were found to be surprisingly good in- 
hibitors of corrosion on cadmium silver but unfortunately they tar- 
nished copper surfaces very badly. 

(4) Our work, in general, supports some of the observations of 
Denison and Condit (7), namely that alkyl sulfides as a group are 
probably the best all-around inhibitors among the sulfur compounds 
tested; this is especially true if one includes the oil-soluble polymeric 
sulfides, such as ethylene sulfide polymer (No. 43 in Table II). 

Figures 2-A and 2-B show the comparative inhibiting effect on 
cadmium silver surfaces of straight chain aliphatic sulfides, mercap- 
tans and disulfides when the chain length, and hence the molecular 
weight, is increased. The polymethylene sulfide and disulfide polymers 
were not included in the graph. Those compounds which caused a 

380 N. W. Hall, W. D. Williams, and J. R. Meadow 


MTS Sy 8 HY ao sh ws a BBG mag ae 

Fig. 2. Comparative inhibiting effect of straight chain sulfur compounds. A—Alkyl sul- 
fides; B—Alkyl mercaptans and disulfides. 

bearing loss above 18 mg. might be considered as catalysts for bear- 
ing corrosion. Figure 3 gives the corrosion rate curves from 0 to 22 
hours for the straight chain aliphatic mercaptans. It is admitted that 
results might vary somewhat with different stocks of base oil used, 
but due to its low sulfur content it doubtless served our purpose very 

It can be observed that the alkyl sulfides containing over twenty 
carbons per mole, the mercaptains and disulfides with at least twelve 
carbons per mole, the polymeric sulfur compounds, and a single 
thiophenol with an octadecyl group were fairly effective as inhibitors 
on cadmium silver. The sharp increase in the inhibiting effect of the 
higher molecular weight mercaptans was unexpected. 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 31 



Oar: ST eas 8 12 16 20 24 

Fig. 3. Rate of corrosion curves for straight chain aliphatic mercaptans. 

The alkyl sulfones were generally ineffective either as inhibitors 
or as catalysts for this type of corrosion test. This observation is in 
agreement with some of the results reported by Denson and Con- 
dit’ (7). 

Although some results were obtainable for studying the effct of 
chain branching on inhibitor action in this particular base oil, one must 
exercise caution in making conclusions from the limited data which 
are available. There is some indication that branched alkyl chains 
were slightly more effective than the corresponding straight chain 

Compounds listed in Table III were added to oil samples in quan- 
tities to give less than 0.2% sulfur. It can be observed that elemental 
sulfur was very effective at concentrations as low as 0.037%, and 
ethylene sulfide polymer (No. 43) was quite effective at 0.05% or 
even lower. p-Octadecylthiophenol (No. 14) gave favorable results 
at 0.1% concentration; unfortunately lower concentrations of this com- 
pound were not tried during the period of experimentation. De- 
camethylene sulfide polymer (No. 46) and tert-dodecyl mercaptan 
(No. 6) were not very effective when reduced from 0.2% to 0.1%. 
Hexamethylene sulfide polymer (No. 45) and ethylene disulfide poly- 
mer (No. 44) were effective at 0.1% but much less so at 0.50% con- 

If compounds classed as inhibitors based on the Cd-Ag corrosion 
test are ruled out because they tarnish copper (copper strip test, 
Table IV), the number of satisfactory inhibitors listed in Table II 

32 N. W. Hall, W. D. Williams, and J. R. Meadow 

would be reduced considerably. In fact, this would eliminate all but 
the alkyl sulfides, the polymethylene sulfide polymers, and p-octade- 
cylthiophenol. The latter compound probably deserves more study as 
an oxidation inhibitor for oils and is a type of compound which was 
mentioned in the work of Reid and Hamilton (16). 

The mechanism of corrosion inhibition may be due to any one or 
a combination of various factors. The most probable are the following: 

(1) Formation of a protective coating on the bearing surface.* 

(2) Reduction of acid formation in the oil by furnishing basicity. 

(3) Retard oil oxidation possibly by preventing the formation of 

(4) Reduction of peroxides, i.e. destroy the peroxides formed. 

It has been demonstrated that the attack of oxygen on a hydro- 

carbon is a free radical chain reaction (19, 20). Denison (6, 7) has 
suggested that corrosion is a result of the ability of peroxides to con- 
vert metal into metal oxides which are subsequently removed by 
reaction with acidic constituents developed during oxidation. By a 
combination of these concepts, the mechanism of bearing corrosion 
may be illustrated by the following series of reactions: 

A. Formation of peroxides through chain reaction 
RH (activation) — R. + H. 
R. + O2 — ROO. 
ROO. -+- RH — ROOH -+ R. 
B. Corrosive action 
ROOH + M — ROH + MO 
MO + 2HA — MA, + H:O 
where M = Metal, ROOH = peroxide, and 
HA = organic acid. 

Several authors (7, 21) have suggested that the best corrosion 
inhibitors are probably those which readily reduce hydroperoxides. 
Thus, a sulfide inhibitor might destroy a peroxide by reduction as 

ROOH + R-S-R — R-SO-R + ROH 
ROOH + R-SO-R > R-SO.-R + ROH 

The oxidation products of the sulfide might be either a sulfoxide 
or a sulfone. 

Our work has demonstrated that the sulfones as a group are quite 
inert as corrosion inhibitors for cadmium silver surfaces (see Table 

4 This might explain the slight increase in bearing weight noticed in a few 
instances and recorded in Table II. 

Sulfur Compounds as Inhibitors in Oil Bearing Corrosion 33 

Il). This particular observation of ours lends much support to the 
Denison-Condit mechanism described above. 


Alkyl sulfides, disulfides and mercaptans were more effective as 
oxidation inhibitors than sulfones as determined by the cadmium sil- 
ver bearing corrosion test. Their effectiveness as inhibitors increased 
with molecular weight. Polymethylene sulfide polymers were most 
effective. With the exception of p-octadecylthiophenol, the thio- 
phenols appeared to be more corrosive than the mercaptans. The tar- 
nish effect on copper increased in the following order: polymethylene 
sulfide polymers, alkyl sulfides, alkyl disulfides and mercaptans. Some 
of our results lend support to the Denison-Condit idea of peroxide 
reduction in oils. 


The authors wish to thank E. W. Fuller of the Research and De- 
velopment Laboratories, Socony-Mobil Oil Company, for his valuable 
suggestions relating to corrosion tests, and also for the base oil which 
he supplied for this work. 

Literature Cited 

1. Weiland, W. F., 1950. Sci. Mo., 71:121. 
Larsen, H. G., Armfield, F. A., and Whitney, G. M., 1943. S.A.E. Jour., 

8. Zuidema, H. H., 1946. Chem. Rev., 38:197. ° 
4. Byers, J. H., 1936. Natl. Petroleum News, 28:78-84 (No. 51). 

5. Davis, L. L., Lincoln, B. H., Byrkit, G. D., and Jones, W. A., 1941. Ind. and 
Eng. Chem. 33:339. 

6. Denison, G. H., Jr., 1944. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 36:477. 

7. Denison, G. H., Jr., and Condit, P. C., 1945. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 37:1102. 



. Dornte, R. W., 1936. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 28:26. 

. Fenske, M. R., Stevenson, C. E., Lawson, N. D., Herbolsheimer, G., and Koch, 
E. F., 1941. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 33:516. 
10. Haslam, R. T., and Frolich, P. K., 1927. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 19:292. 
11. Lamb, G. G., Loane, C. M., and Gaynor, J. W., 1941. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 
Anal. Ed. 18:317. 
12. Larsen, R. G., Armfield, F. A., and Whitney, G. M., 1943. S.A.E. Journal 

13. Larson, R. G., Thorpe, R. E., and Armfield, F. A., 1942. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 

14. Loane, C. M., and Gaynor, J. W., 1945. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 

15. Mead, B., 1927. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 19:1240. 
16. Reid, E. E., and Hamilton, L. A., 1941. U.S. Patent No. 2, 230, 966. 

34 N. W. Hall, W. D. Williams, and J. R. Meadow 

17. Moran, R. C., Evers, W. L., and Fuller, E. W., 1936. U.S. Patent No. 2, 
058, 342. 

18. Noller, C., and Gordon, J., 1933. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55:1090. 

19. Frank, C. E., 1950. Chem. Rev., 46:155. 

20. Waters, W. A., 1948. “Chemistry of Free Radicals”, 2nd Ed., Oxford Press, 
London, England. (p. 232-234). 

21. Gruse, W. A., and Stevens, D. R., 1942. “Chemical Technology of Petroleum”, 
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 

Accepted for publication January 4, 1960. 


1285 Willow Avenue, Louisville 4, Kentucky 

Carychium stygium Call, was described from specimens collected 
in Mammoth Dome, Mammoth Cave, Edmonson County, Kentucky. 
(Call, 1897) Giovannoli (Bailey, 1933) found it in Buzzard’s Cave 
and White’s Cave, near Mammoth Cave. This remained the known 
range of the species until the present author found it to be widely 
distributed in the caves of central Kentucky. It was found in an area 
about 60 miles long, and about half as wide, extending from near 
Upton, Kentucky on the north to near Portland, Tennessee on the 
south. In this area it was found in most of the caves in which there 
was sufficient food and moisture. Efforts to find it outside of caves 
were unsuccessful; it was found only in the total darkness of caves. 


Fig. 1. Carychium stygium Call. Whites Cave. A. head of animal with round eyes and 
rounded tentacles. B. head of animal with degenerate eyes and pointed tentacles. C. 
three shells opened to show lamellae. Scale line equals 1 mm. 


KENTUCKY: Hart County: Copelin Cave, 2 miles east of Millerstown; 
Puckett Cave, 1 mile west-southwest of Priceville; Chattin Cave, 2 miles west of 
Priceville; Cooch Webb Cave, 2.2 miles west of Priceville; Buckner Hollow Cave, 
7 miles east-northeast of Munfordville (Thomas C. Barr, Jr., Coll. ); Cub Run Cave, 
2 miles west of Cub Run; Ronalds Cave, 2.6 miles north of Cave City; Hogan 
Cave, 3 miles north of Cave City; cave, 2 miles southwest of Northtown. Edmon- 
son County: near river in Great Onxy Cave; Cathedral (Buzzards) Cave, near 
Floyd Collins Crystal Cave. Mammoth Cave National Park: Pogoda Cave; Salts 

36 Leslie Hubricht 

Cave, near old Pike Chapman Entrance; Whites Cave; Little Whites Cave; Dixon 
Cave; Proctors Cave; Martins Cave; Running Branch Cave; Blowing Spring Cave; 
small cave near Longs Cave; Mammoth Cave: Bunker Hill, end of Audubons Ave- 
nue; Mammoth Dome; near Richardson Spring; River Hall; Violet City; Cathedral 
Domes; New Entrance; Frozen Niagara. Barren County: Indian Cave, 4 miles 
west of Cave City; Railroad Cave, Cave City; Burnett Cave, 0.6 mile west of Park 
City; Vance Cave, 0.8 mile northwest of Park City; Brushy Knob Cave, 2 miles 
northwest of Park City; Diamond Cavern, 2 miles north of Park City (fossil only); 
Short Cave, 2.2 miles northwest of Park City; Beckton Cave, 0.5 mile northwest 
of Beckton; Duval Saltpeter Cave, 0.7 mile northwest of Beckton; Cave Spring 
Cave, 1 mile south-southwest of Red Cross. Warren County: Bypass Cave, Bowl- 
ing Green; Vails Cave, 2 miles west of Bowling Green. Simpson County: Hoy 
Cave, 2 miles north of Franklin; Steeles Cave, 4 miles southeast of Franklin. 
TENNESSEE: Sumner County: small cave in sink above White Oak Cave, 2.2 
miles east-northeast of Mitchellville. 

Considering the isolation of the colonies, there is remarkably little 
variation. In shell size, the over-all variation is only slightly greater 
than that to be found in a single colony. (Fig. 2). The largest shells 
were found in Mammoth Cave and other caves in the vicinity. They 
become slightly smaller at the northern and southern limits of the 
range. In the shells opened there was very little variation in the 
internal lamellae. The principal lamella has an even spiral edge and 
is rather small. The columellar lamella is obsolete (Fig. 1C). 

In the animals examined the tentacles were either bluntly pointed 
(Fig. 1B) or lobed (Fig. 1A), the latter being in the majority. The 
eyes are situated in the base of the tentacles and are usually round 
(Fig. 1A), but sometimes are reduced to an irregular mass of dark 
pigment (Fig. 1B). 

The question of how Carychium stygium became distributed in the 
caves in which it is found is as yet unanswered. That this snail, whose 
movement is so slow as to be barely perceptible, could crawl from a 
single point of origin through subterranean passageways into the many 
caves in which it is now found seems improbable. It seems more 
probable that it was originally a surface species which moved inde- 
pently into each of the cave systems in which it is now found. The 
absence of variation and the presence of eyes would indicate that 
either the migration into the caves has been rather recent or that the 
snails have an unusually stable gene system. 

Much has been written about the uniformity of the cave habitat. 
While it is true that temperatures and the absence of light are con- 
stant, other important factors, such as moisture, food supply, and the 
prevalence of competitors and predators, may vary widely. Some caves 
are quite wet, with dripping walls and ceilings, often with stalactites 
and stalagmites. These usually have an abundant fauna if food is 
available. Others are subject to flooding after heavy rains; these caves 
usually do not have as abundant terrestrial fauna as the first type. 

The Cave Snail, Carychium Stygium Call 


Fig. 2. Carychium stygium Call. A. Copelin Cave. B. Cooch Webb Cave. C. Buckner 
Hollow Cave. D. Cub Run Cave. E. Ronalds Cave. F. Hogans ave. G. Mammoth Dome, 
Mammoth Cave. H. River Hall, Mammoth Cave. |. Brushy Knob Cave. J. Duval Saltpeter 
Cave. K. Bypass Cave. L. Steeles Cave. Scale line equals 1 mm. 

Still others may be relatively dry, and usually have a meager fauna. 
There are two principal sources of food supply; debris washed in by 
streams; and the guano of bats, cave rats (Neotoma), and cave crickets 

My observations indicate that while Carychium stygium will feed 
on leaves and wood where it is available, the principal food is the 

38 Leslie Hubricht 

guano of the cave cricket (Hadenoecus subterraneus Schudder ). They 
have not been observed feeding on either bat or cave rat guano. In 
most caves there is a direct correlation between the number of cave 
crickets and the abundance of Carychium stygium. Since the cave 
crickets usually must go outside of the caves at night to feed, they are 
not found in abundance very far from an opening. Carychium stygium 
is usually found near the entrance (but in total darkness), or in the 
vicinity of breakdowns. In Mammoth Cave they are found in the 
deeper parts of the cave only in River Hall, where they appear to feed 
on mud and slime brought in by the annual floods. 

Usually associated with Carychium stygium, in addition to Hade- 
noecus subterraneus, are the cave millipede Scoterapes copei (Pack- 
ard), the bristle-tail Campodea cookei Packard, and the beetle Ptoma- 
phagus hirtus (Tellkampf). These are guano feeders and compete 
with Carychium stygium for food. The harvestman Phalangodes ar- 
mate Tellkampf, the spider Antrobia mammouthia Tellkampf, and the 
beetles Neophaenops tellkampfi (Erichson), and Pseudanophthalmus 
spp. are predators. Whether any of these prey upon Carychium sty- 
gium is doubtful. None was seen to show any interest in the snails. 

Carychium stygium requires a very moist habitat and drought is 
fatal. On the other hand, it seems to be able to stand submergence in 
water for long periods. It was found crawling about on the wet mud 
after a flood in River Hall, Mammoth Cave. In White’s Cave it was 
seen crawling about on the bottom of a pool where there had been 
water for several months. 

Literature Cited 

Call, R. E., 1897. Some notes on the flora and fauna of Mammoth Cave, Ken- 
tucky. Amer. Nat. 31: 377-392. 
Bailey, Vernon, 1933. Cave Life in Kentucky. Amer. Midl. Nat. 14: 385-636. 


Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 

The amount of energy radiated at the sun’s surface is about twenty 
million B.T.U. per square foot per hour. Of this, the energy received 
at the outer edge of the earth’s atmosphere amounts approximately 
to two thousandths of one per cent (0.002%). A maximum of forty 
percent of this energy intercepted could be collected at the earth’s 
surface, the remainder being absorbed and scattered in the atmos- 
phere. All the deposits of coal and oil comprise a very small fraction 
of this energy stored over millions of years. Water situated at high 
potential is another form of the sun’s energy. Fuel alcohol obtained 
from certain vegetable matter is yet another form of stored energy. 

If all the stored energy that could be recovered from the earth 
were stock piled, it would amount only to a three-day period of solar 
energy intercepted by the earth. It has been estimated that the energy 
consumed during the past fifty years corresponds nearly to eighty 
percent of all the energy ever consumed by Man. According to very 
reasonable estimates of the future power requirements, all the present 
energy, including atomic energy, will last for only 245 years. By 2200 
A.D. Man must be able to harness one percent of the solar energy re- 
ceived by the earth to cope with his power requirements. 

Even the most modern equipment operating on present fuels cor- 
responds to sixteen hundredth of one percent of the energy received. 
It is needless to mention the efficiency of the equipment used by our 
predecessors. Let us consider the familiar example of the domestic 
animal the bull, which is still a chief source of motive power used by 
the agriculturists of India. An average Indian bull can exert a force 
of sixteen hundredth (0.16) of a ton for eight hours, the power of the 
bull being 720 watts for that period. The average power utilized is 
only a third of this, that is 240 watts for eight hour period. The aver- 
age for a twenty-four hour day is only eighty (80) watts per hour. 
On the other hand, the average minimum consumption of food is nine- 
teen pounds of dry hay per day, a heat equivalent of 1500 watts. A 
steam engine operating on the same fuel can develop one hundred 
and eighty (180) watts. These figures show how inefficiently we are 
utilizing our resources. 

If a power plant were to be built utilizing the solar energy re- 
ceived on 750 square miles of desert land in the United States, it could 
cater to the present power requirements. A power plant covering one- 

40 K. V. Prasanna 

fifth of the area of the state of New Mexico can supply thirty times 
the present power requirements of the United States. 

If the harnessing of solar energy is broken into its elements, it falls 
into four branches: collection, transportation, storage and utilization. 
Let us consider the influence of each of these factors. 

The amount of solar energy received on any part of the earth’s 
surface depends on: 

(1) the hour angle of the sun 

(2) the declination 

(3) the latitude of the place 

(4) the solar altitude above the horizon 

(5) the azimuth of the sun . 

(6) atmospheric conditions like air mass factor, cloud, and haze 
factor, diffuse radiation factor 

(7) the position of the energy receiving surface. 

It is observed that, at the outer edge of the earth’s atmosphere a 
maximum of 4300 B.T.U. per square foot of normal area for a day of 
ten hour sunshine, can be received. The average amount of solar 
energy at any place is given by 4300 multiplied by all the above said 
factors. According to U.S. Weather Bureau reports, near the Boston 
area, minimum average incident solar energy is 1000 B.T.U. per square 
foot of south wall area per day. This figure is greater as we go 
towards the equator. The threshold value of incident solar energy 
below which it cannot be collected is thirty B.T.U. per square foot 
per hour which corresponds to 4.3% of daily total energy received. 

The amount of solar energy that could be collected depends on the 
efficiency of collectors and the temperature of collecting surface above 
that of the environment. The type of collector depends on the par- 
ticular application. For water and space heating, a flat plate collector 
can be used in which a temperature as high as 195°F has been at- 
tained. For conversion of solar energy into power a higher tempera- 
ture difference is necessary. For this a mirror type collector is used 
in which a temperature as high as 8500°F has been attained. How- 
ever, to keep the radiation losses to a minimum, a smaller temperature 
difference is advisable. 

A blackened flat copper plate, when used as a collector, has an 
absorption efficiency of ninety-five percent, but external radiation 
losses bring down the net collection efficiency to a low value. Intro- 
duction of a glass cover plate reduces the incident solar energy by a 
small amount, but it reduces radiation losses to a great extent, thus 
increasing the collector efficiency. Experimental investigation has 
shown that up to a maximum of three glass cover plates with air 

Applications of Solar Energy 41 

spaces in between, improves collector efficiency considerably, the value 
of the efficiency in this case being fifty-seven percent. 

For concentration of solar energy by mirrors a concave or a para- 
bolic mirror can be used. However, from the cost consideration it is 
economical to build the collector using pieces of flat mirrors with 
proper orientation. 

It is needless to say that the transportation and storage losses 
should be kept at a minimum by the use of proper insulation so that 
overall efficiency of solar equipment can be kept at a high value. 

Utilization of Solar Energy 

The term utilization factor is defined as the ratio of energy avail- 
able in the required form, to the amount of solar energy incident on 
the collector. Experimental investigations have shown that utilization 
of solar energy as heat, is far more efficient than other forms of energy 
like mechanical and electrical energy, since the latter usually involves 
heat as an intermediate stage. The utilization factor is as low as five 
tenths of one percent (.5%) in photonynthesis. It has reached a peak 
of thirty-two percent (32%) for space heating, which figure is con- 
siderably greater than that obtainable from other forms of energy 
whose ultimate source is solar energy. 

Egyptians were one of the pioneers in utilizing solar energy for 
heating water and operating irrigation pumps. In the year 1818, the 
first steam engine operated completely by solar energy was built in 
France. It produced one horse power utilizing twenty square yards 
of collector area. A modified solar steam engine was built in 1878 
which operated a complete printing press. In 1868, a solar furnace 
for melting copper was built. A solar steam engine built at South 
Pasadena, California operated a water pump, with a discharge capac- 
ity of 1000 gallons per minute. 

In more recent years several devices harnessing solar energy have 
been built all over the world. In Algiers a solar furnace equipped with 
twenty-seven and a half foot diameter parabolic mirror, synthesizes 
nitric acid directly from air, water, chalk and sunshine. In Pyrnees, 
France a forty foot mirror produces refractory ceramics such as fused 
quartz and titanium oxide on a commercial scale. Convair’s at San 
Diego, have built a solar furnace using one fourth inch aluminum 
plate bent into parabolic shape. The ten foot diameter mirror focuses 
the sun’s rays to a hot spot five sixteenths of an inch in diameter at 
thirty-four inches from the center of the mirror. 

The temperature attained is 8500°F as compared with a maximum 
temperature of 5800°F attained by oxy-acetylene torch. Dr. C. F. 

42, K. V. Prasanna 

Kettering has developed a photo-electric cell converting directly light 
into D.C. current which runs a small electric motor. Solar batteries 
developed by Bell laboratories, use ultra-pure silicon strips one inch 
by four inches (1” x 4”) impregnated with one ten thousandth of an 
inch (0.0001”) boron. It is between these two surfaces transistor 
action takes place which results in flow of current. When several such 
elements are electrically connected, the battery is capable of giving 
a high current at a high voltage. The utilization factor for these bat- 
teries is eight percent. Now these batteries are commercially used for 
battery charging and in telephone circuits. The National Physical 
Laboratory of New Delhi, India has built an engine completely oper- 
ated by solar energy. The same laboratory has built a solar cooker 
using a mirror type collector. Another type of cooker that can be used 
indoors uses heat absorbed by the fluid. Similar cookers have been 
developed at M.I.T., Massachusetts, and Japan. According to Russian 
claims, giant reflectors operate textile factories; high pressure solar 
heaters cook fruits and vegetables in canneries; distill water, make ice 
and heat laboratories. Yet another application is the use of solar 
energy for hot-water heating. Hot-water heaters have been success- 
fully built both in California and Florida. A temperature as high as 
140°F has been attained. 

Solar Energy for Space Heating 

One of the most feasible and economical application of solar energy 
for the present day, is its utilization for home heating. Experimental 
houses have been built in several parts of the United States to get an 
idea as to the various factors that influence space heating. The U.S. 
Weather Bureau over several parts of the country is regularly collect- 
ing data as to the amount of energy received by the earth. 

Maximum energy can be collected when the collectors are normal 
to the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays. It is almost impossible to 
achieve in practice since the angle of incidence is always changing. 
The best possible location of the collector for winter months, is at the 
south facing the roof inclined at sixty degrees to the horizontal. This 
has a disadvantage because of the accumulation of snow. To overcome 
the above disadvantage, collectors can be located at the south facing 
the vertical wall. This reduces the incident energy by ten percent but 
has the added advantage of collecting reflected solar energy during 
bright snowy days. 

Purdue University at Lafayette, Indiana, was the first to build an 
experimental solar house to investigate the possibility of using solar 
energy for space heating. The house built had the upper two thirds 

Applications of Solar Energy 43 

of the entire south wall covered with glass. The roof overhang was so 
adjusted that it allowed maximum exposure to sunlight during winter 
and completely cut-off the sunlight during summer. The experimental 
facts showed that excess loss through the added glass area during the 
dark period was more than the energy gained during bright sunny 
day. The drawbacks were: (1) not covering the glass area by an 
insulated partition during the period when there was no solar energy 
gain, (2) not providing a means of storage when the energy received 
was in excess of the requirement. 

Dr. Maria Telkes at M.I.T. made an exhaustive investigation of 
several methods of storing systems with a view to building a success- 
ful solar house. The chief properties used were specific heat and 
latent heat of substances. Of all the substances, water has maximum 
specific heat, which permits maximum storage of heat for a given 
weight. On equal volume basis, it has a slight advantage since its 
specific weight is low. Experiments showed that due to excessive heat 
losses, it is not economical to store heat at a temperature higher than 
100°F. Latent heats of melting of several chemical salts which lie in 
the range of 80 to 100°F can be used to a great advantage since a large 
amount of heat can be stored at constant temperature. One such salt 
is sodium sulphate, or commercially known as salt cake. The melting 
point of sodium sulphate is 90°F and the latent heat is 104 B.T.U. per 
pound. At the melting point most of the sodium sulphate melts in its 
own water of crystalization leaving only a small part of anhydrous 
salt. For instance, between 80°F and 100°F sodium sulphate can store 
11,000 B.T.U. per cubic foot. To store the same amount of heat eight 
and a half cubic foot of water is necessary, which means larger space 
requirements. The impure sodium sulphate is quite cheap and cost 
of installation compares favorably with other types of specific heat 
storage. Possibility of storing a large quantity of heat at a constant 
temperature is of very great advantage for space heating. Inner cor- 
rosion can be prevented by the use of corrosion resistant materials. 
The heat receiving coil can be designed to prevent the settling of solid 
to the bottom by providing temperature stratification. Catalyst may 
be added to promote melting and recrystalization. The slight increase 
in volume during melting may be taken care of by partially filling the 
container. Salt packed in small containers is more economical and 

Figure 1 shows the cross section of a house having a large south 
wall glass area which almost corresponds to one built at Purdue Uni- 
versity. In the vicinity of the Boston area during the winter months, 
on an average, the incident solar energy is 1000 B.T.U. per square foot 

44 K. V. Prasanna 



NET GAIN - 220 

Loss - $00 LFFICIENCY - 22 Y, 

figures ARE IN BTU PeR S0.Fr PER DAY 

Pic. 1 -So.rae Hous&é Witw LARGE Winoows 

of south vertical wall area per day. Energy transmitted through the 
double glass wall with air space is 720 B.T.U. per square foot per day. 
The outward heat loss is 500 B.T.U. per square foot per day leaving 
a net gain of 220 B.T.U. per square foot per day. On clear days there 
will be more gain of energy, overheating the house, and on cloudy 
days there will be more external loss which necessitates auxiliary 

Figure 2 shows a similar house equipped with a chemical heat 
storage, using sodium sulphate as the chemical. The house is equipped 
with an insulating partition which is lowered during nights and dull 
days, reducing outward losses. The insulating partition at the inner 
end controls the room temperature at 70°F. For the same incident 
conditions the outward loss is 400 B.T.U. per square foot per day, and 
the net gain is 320 B.T.U. per square foot per day. Eight and a half 
inches represents the width of storage wall necessary to heat a four 
room house, the entire south wall being covered by the collector. By 
the figure it is apparent that this arrangement has the advantage of 
controlling the room temperature, added to increased utilization effi- 
ciency attained. 

Figure 3 indicates improvement over the ordinary type of storage 
wall. The insulation wall in between collector and storage reduces 
the outward loss. The hot air circulation system ensures a better way 
of transmission of energy absorbed. The outward loss in this case is 
reduced to 350 B.T.U. per square foot per day ee the net gain 
to 370 B.T.U. per square foot per day. 

Applications of Solar Energy 45 

Utilizing these principles of storage systems, M.I.T. built a solar 
house which was completely heated by solar energy. The excess heat 
collected during clear winter days was stored in large storage bins to 
provide heat for intermediate spans of cloudy days when there was 
no gain of solar energy. Experimental investigations showed that it 
is economical to build storage bins as an integral part of the house, 


git Ar NicHT 
f i | ONTROL 

Room TEMP. - TOF 




Fisures ARE IN BTU FER Sa. fr FER Day 
276.2 - SUN Want Wirn CHemical HEAT STORAGE 



Air Duct _»- HEAT CONTROL 

Sun 1000 
Room TEMP. ~ TOF 

ColtEcror TEMP. 

Less THaAn 110°F 
FAN, ix Bs Fi00R 

pel a EEE 
Fisures ARE INBTU PER Sa.Fr. PER Day 

46 K. V. Prasanna 

situated in between two rooms to be heated. With this the radiation 
losses of the bins can be used to heat the rooms, raising the utilization 
efficiency. It was felt that, to equip the house with a complete solar 
heating system, to take care of long, infrequent, no sunshine days, 
necessitates the building of large storage bins. To overcome this dis- 
advantage, it was felt that the house should be provided with any of 
the present day equipment as an auxiliary unit. 

Several advantages can be attained by the installation of an auxil- 
iary heat pump using air water or earth as a heat source, along with 
solar collectors. Provision of a higher heat source improves the effi- 
ciency of the heat pump. The temperature of collection need not be 
as high as any of the previously described systems since the heat pump 
acts as a booster and raises the collector’s efficiency. The excess heat 
collected can be stored in the earth (in the case of an earth heat 
pump), saving the cost of storage equipment. There is no necessity 
to build the collectors as an integral part of the house. During sum- 
mer the solar collectors can be used for hot water heating and the heat 
pump can be operated on the cooling cycle for summer air-condition- 
ing. In the future, if all the American homes were equipped with 
solar heating systems, the energy saved would be more than fifty per- 
cent of the total American fuel consumption. 

Today it is not impractical to think of a solar engine even up to a 
capacity of five horsepower which is quite a handy piece of equipment 
in an American farm home. Figure 4 shows a typical solar engine that 
can be built for such purposes. The solid line shows a freon-12 cycle 
and the dotted line shows a water cycle. The water cycle is equipped 




bm <--— 

FREON -12 
—--— WATER 


Applications of Solar Energy 47 

with a pump to circulate, and a flat plate absorber to heat the water. 
The hot water passes through a heat exchanger evaporating freon in 
the evaporator. The freon vaper passes through a super heater 
equipped with mirror concentration. The super-heated vapor expands 
through an engine generating useful power. The exhaust vapor passes 
through a condenser and a circulating pump back to the evaporator. 

Another possible application is the use of solar energy for summer 
air conditioning. Figure 5 shows a typical solar air-conditioner. At- 




mospheric air is drawn into a compressor and compressed to a high 
pressure. A small part of this high pressure air passes through a solar 
heater equipped with mirror concentration. The air at high pressure 
and temperature, passes through a turbine, which provides motive 
power for the compressor. The major part passes through a conven- 
tional water cooler. The cool high pressure air passes through an 
expansion turbine, with a further drop in temperature. The expansion 
turbine provides additional power for the compressor. The cold air 
coming out of the expansion turbine is available for air conditioning 
and human comfort. 

The ever increasing power requirements of the modern man and 
the limited power resources at his disposal will certainly provide a 
great incentive to the already curious scientific investigator to explore 
successfully the possibility of harnessing the everlasting sun’s energy 
for his power requirements. Before long, the economical barrier that 
is still enshrouding the development will break down and we will see 
man utilizing solar energy for his power requirements, not to mention 
the small innumerable household appliances. Very soon historians will 

48 K. V. Prasanna 

have to change the statement that, the prosperity of a nation depends 
on its coal deposits, to the prosperity of a nation depends on the extent 
to which it can harness the mighty and inexhaustible solar energy. 


1. Hutchinson, F. W., “Solar House: A Full Scale Experimental Study,” Heating 

and Ventilating, Vol. 42, No. 9, September ’45, Page 96. 

Hutchinson, F. W., “Solar House: Research Progress Report,” Heating and 

Ventilating, Vol. 43, No. 8, March ’46, Page 53. 

3. Hutchinson, F. W., “Solar House: A Second Research Progress Report,” Heat- 
ing and Ventilating, Vol 44, No. 3, March ’47, Page 55. 

4. Telkes, Maria, “Solar House Heating: A Problem of Heat Storage,” Heating 
and Ventilating, Vol. 44, No. 5, May ’47, Page 68. 

5. Telkes, Maria, “A Review of Solar House Heating,” Heating and Ventilating, 
Vol. 46, No. 9, September 749, Page 68. 

6. “Utilization of Solar Energy,” Engineering, Vol. 174, Nov. 7, 1952, Pages 
607-8, Engineering, Vol. 174, Nov. 14, 1952, Pages 656-6, Engineering, Vol. 
174, Nov. 21, 1952, Page 679. 

7. Heywood, H., “Solar Energy: Past, Present and Future Applications,” Engi- 
neering, Vol. 176, Sept. 18, 1953, Pages 377-80, Engineering, Vol. 176, Sept. 
25, 1953, Pages 409-11. 

8. Jordan, R. C., and Threlkeld, J. L., “Design and Economics of Solar Energy 
Heat Pump,” Heating Piping and Air Conditioning, ASHVE Journal Section, 
Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. ’54, Pages 122-30. 

9. “Bell Makes Battery Powered by Sun,” Electrical World News, Vol. 141, May 
10, 1954, Pages 47-8. 



The fall meeting will be held at the University of Louisville on 
November 4 and 5. Titles of papers to be presented at the sectional 
meetings will be accepted by the section secretaries at any time prior 
to mid-October. 



| publication for original investigations in science. Also as the official organ of the 

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Coleman Instruments and Matheson, Coleman 
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Bausch and Lomb, Leitz 
American Optical and Princo and Weston 
Zeiss Microscopes Thermometers 

plus many others 

“Everything For the Modern Laboratory” 


949 S. Third Street 900 MacCorkle Ave. S.W. 
Louisville 2, Ky. Charleston, W. Va. 
Telephone JU 3-0666 Telephone DI 3-5515 

Volume 21 1960 Numbers 3-4 


Official Organ 



Soil Temperature Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky, 
from 1952 to 1956 

E. B. Penrop, J. M. Exxiott, and W. K. Brown 

Cyclic Entry-Exit for Subroutines 
J. C. Eaves and T. J. PicNANI 

The Salting Effect of Sodium Chloride on the Extraction of 
Erbium Acetylacetonate and 8-quinolinol 

Y. G. Isoipa, J. F. Srernspacu, and W. F. WAGNER 

A North American Leafhopper Previously Confused with 
Typhlocyba andromache McAtee (Homoptera, 
Cicadellidae ) 


Studies of Overwintering Potential of Certain Drosophila 
WALLACE D. Dawson 

Academy Affairs 

Index to Volume 21 

The Kentucky Academy of Science 
Founded May 8, 1914 

OFFICERS 1960-61 . 

President: H. H. LaFuzer, Eastern State College 

President-elect: CHARLES WHITTLE, Western State College 

Vice President: LyL= Dawson, University of Kentucky 

Secretary: Grennir LEvrEy, Berea College 

Treasurer: RicHarp A. CHAPMAN, University of Kentucky 

Representative to AAAS Council: Mary E. WHarton, Georgetown College 
Counselor to Junior Academy: Maurice CuristorHER, Murray State College 



Chairman: GENEVIEVE CLark, Georgetown College 
Secretary: MARGARET Hotcukiss, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: Cart. HENRICKSON, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: ARLAND Horcuxiss, University of Louisville 


Chairman: Cari. Hussune, Murray State College 
Secretary: AnTHUR W. Fort, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: JaMrEs E. Conxr1n, University of Louisville 
Secretary: Marion STALLARD, Louisville 


Chairman: Bruce B. VANCE, Louisville Public Schools 
Secretary: RicHarD Hanau, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: Ray H. Bixier, University of Louisville 
Secretary: Paut McNEEty, Asbury College 


Chairman: RoBERT KUEHNE, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: Dwicur Linpsay, Georgetown College 


a. YAUGANGASTER) 0; ii cscocsscetssectencaes .-to 1961 HAZEL NOLLAU .........cccccccscenscnss 1962 
eG RIE yy ke Nd telat aalvadenes ave to 1961 WHET TANS. (CrAS © ii. 00L ea eee to 1963 
WILLIAM B. OWSLEY ......cccscesecsecoccees to 1962 CART GANGS (ule. iestukee cose aca uue aay to 1964 
Gu Bu FIAMANN) 2552 A eociesese eeee teens to 1962 NOU CPN SAS 0 9a CR Ser pS A EN to 1964 

Editor: RoGER W. Barsour, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

Associate Editors: t 
(Bacteriology and Medical Technology) SrrH Gi_krrson, Berea College, Berea. 
(Botany) Mary E. WuHarron, Georgetown College. 

(Chemistry ) Warp SuMptTER, Western State College, Bowling Green. 
(Geology) Barspara M. Conxtn, Louisville : 
(Zoology) Joun M. Carpenter, University of Kentucky, Lexington aw, 

Membership in the Kentucky Academy of Science is open to interested persons upon nomi- 
nation, payments of dues, and election. Application forms for membership may be obtained 
from the Secretary. The TRANSACTIONS are sent free to all members in good standing. 

Subscription rates for non-members are: domestic, $2.00 per volume; foreign, $2.50 per * 
volume. z 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued semi-annually. Four numbers comprise a volume. ‘A 
Correspondence concerning memberships or subscriptions should be addressed to the oi | 
Secretary. Exchanges and correspondence relating to exchanges should be addressed, The 3 

Librarian, University of Louisville, who is the exchange agent: for the Academy. Manuscripts 
and other material tor publication should be addressed to the Editor. 

FROM 1952 TO 1956 

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

Soil temperature variation with time and depth is of interest to 
the design and maintenance engineer and agronomists. The annual 
variation of ground temperature must be taken into consideration by 
engineers in designing buildings, dams, highways, airport runways, 
water mains, pipelines, underground high voltage cables, and ground 
coils for earth heat pump installations. The extent of interest in soil 
science in recent years can be obtained readily by referring to the 
publications listed in the Bibliography. 

Research In Geophysics 

Research in geophysics was started at the University of Kentucky 
in 1949 when an earth heat pump system was employed to determine 
the thermal diffusivity of a clayey soil immediately west of Anderson 
Hall [4, 5].1 The soil is covered with sod and has a general Casa- 
grande classification of lean clay with low plasticity characteristics. 
The experimentally determined values of the thermal diffusivity and 
density of the soil are 0.019 ft? hr and 120 lb. ft-* respectively, and 
the calculated values of the specific heat and thermal conductivity of 
the soil are 3.37 B Ib-1 F—1 and 0.84 B hr~ ft-1 F—! respectively. The 
specific heat of a sample of dried clay, taken from the earth near the 
ground coil of the heat pump system, was determined by the use of 
a special calorimeter [13]; the specific heat and density of the dried 
clay were found to be 0.196 B Ib-! F~- and 95 lb ft-? respectively. 
From these values, the specific heat of the wet clay was calculated to 
pe 0.37 Blb-* F-1, 

Thermal properties of a sample of fine clay were determined in a 
single transient heat flow laboratory experiment [16]. The clay was 
taken at a depth of about six feet, east of Anderson Hall during an 
excavation for a new building, and was dried in an oven at 230° F. 
The physical properties, of a portion of the dried clay that passed 
through a No. 10 sieve, are: 

thermal diffusivity 0.0075 ft? hr-! 
thermal conductivity O23 Bears tt 

1 The numbers in brackets refer to research papers and reports listed in the 

= PSV) ev » ; 
Perrine yw JAR 2 


y Pee 
heaves t 

50 E. B. Penrod, J. M. Elliot, and W. K. Brown 

specific heat 0.204 B Ib- F-1 
density (dry) 80.5 Ib ft-%. 

Geophysical studies at the University of Kentucky, also, include 
soil temperature measurements and the determination of solar energy 
received on a horizontal surface [19, 24]. The empirical equations, 
developed for calculating soil temperatures at any time and depth, are 
based on soil temperatures taken at depths of 0, 2, 4,7 5, 6, 8 and 10 
ft. west of Anderson Hall. The thermocouple used to determine the 
surface temperature was buried beneath the sod at a depth of about 
one-half of an inch. Soil temperatures have been recorded at two- 
hour intervals since 1952. 

Empirical Equations 

The surface temperature of the earth undergoes an annual tem- 
perature change that is nearly simple harmonic. It is often desirable 
to have an equation that can be used in calculating soil temperatures 
at any depth for a particular time. To derive an equation, it is as- 
sumed that the soil at a given locality is uniform, its surface is flat; 
and that heat flows in a direction perpendicular to the surface [19]. 
It is then only necessary to solve the Fourier heat equation 

C) att 
Ot Ox= 

subject to the boundary condition 

t=t, sin Sv > (2) 
where t — temperature, t,; — temperature amplitude, 7 = time, 

P — period, a — thermal diffusivity, and x = distance from the sur- 
face. A particular solution of Eq. (1) is given by the equation 

ty=tm + to rate Tr /ex P sin a (T—-Te) —xX =P | ; 

where t, — temperature at any distance x from the surface, tn = mean 
surface temperature and/or mean soil temperature, 7, = the time in- 
terval between the middle of a designated month and the date that 
the surface temperature is equal to the mean temperature [19]. 
The following equations were developed, from recorded tempera- 

2 The thermocouple used to obtain temperatures at a depth of 4 ft. ceased to 
function in November, 1953. 

Soil Temperature Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky 51 

ture data, for calculating soil temperature, in °F, for any chosen time 
and depth for the five year period under consideration: 

(T=58.08 +20.54 e 71°°* sin(SO°T-10.65°-6.25°x), 

T=58.28 + 18.83 e099 sin(30°T-26,.23°-5.21°x), 


t=59.01+ 23.50 e°°?"* sin(Z0°T -10.38°-7.28°x), 

t=56.86+26.25e°°'™ sin(Z0°t-16.71°-7.73°x), 

t=56.48+21.88e~°!2™ sin(30°T-12.78°-6.92° x), 

and the 1952-1956 norm 
t=S57.75 421.356 0 sin(30°T-15.72°-6.4.9°x), 

where 7 = 0, 1, 2, . . ., on April 15, May 15, June 15, . . ., and x is the 
numerical value of the depth of soil. 

Example.- As an application of the above equation for the five 
year norm, the soil temperature, say, at a depth of 13 ft. is desired 
on September 30, 1961. For this depth and time, x = 18 and 7 = 5.5. 
Substituting 13 and 5.5 for x and 7; in the equation, the soil tempera- 
ture is found to be 62.2° F. This value, of course, is for the type of 
soil in question, and will be approximately the same for a similar 
clayey soils, providing the latitude and climatic conditions do not vary 
greatly from those at Lexington. 


Using methods similar to those given in Reference 19, values of 
the mean soil temperature, surface soil temperature amplitude, and 
average thermal diffusivity were determined and are recorded in 
Table 1. Calculations were made also, to determine the variation of 

‘ay E. B. Penrod, J. M. Elliot, and W. K. Brown 

Table 1— Summary of Data for the Five Year Period at Lexington, Kentucky. 

Total precipitation, inches/year f - 42. 
Average solar energy, Btu/ft*/doy | 1534.58 | 1584.66 | 1617.84 | 1595.69) (567.51 | 1580.05 | 

Average thermal diffusivity, ft*/hr | 0.0301 | 0.0433 | 0.0222 | 0.0197 | 0.0245 

“Dota supplied by the U.S. Weather Bureau, Blue Grass Airport, Lexington, Kentucky. 

soil temperatures with time and depth. These results are presented 
graphically in Figures 1 to 9. 

By the method of trial and error, the following equation was de- 
veloped, using observed air temperatures taken and recorded at the 
U.S. Weather Station at the Biue Grass Airport, Lexington, Kentucky, 
for the five year period, 1952-1956: 

tair= 56.55 +2183 sin(Z30°T-2°52'), °F, 

where 7 = 0, 1, 2, s.., on April 15, May 15, June 15,.... Calculated 
and observed air temperatures are listed in Table 2. The agreement 
of the air temperatures calculated by the use of the above equation 
and the observed values is very good. 

In Table 3 are listed calculated and observed soil temperatures. 
The agreement between the calculated and observed soil temperatures 
are excellent, except near the earth’s surface which is subjected to sud- 
den changes in weather. In developing the empirical equation the 
assumption, that the surface soil temperature varied in a sinusoidal 
manner, is approximately true. The area between the arch of the 
sine-surface temperature curve (Fig. 1) and the mean temperature 
axis from May to November is, of course, equal to that for the follow- 
ing six months. Of the total annual solar energy received by the 
earth's surface at lexington, 66 per cent is received from May to No- 
vember and only 34 per cent during the following six months. As a 
result of this, and probably other conditions, the area between the 
mean temperature axis and the curve (not shown in Fig. 1), for the 
observed surface soil temperatures for tne period, November to May, 
is less than the area corresponding to the period, May to November. 

Soil Temperature Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky 53 

Table 2.— Observed and Calculated Air Temperatures for the Five Year Norm, 
1952-1956, at Lexington, Kentucky 

Date Time | Observed* | Calculated | Difference be- 
air temp.°F | air temp.°F. | tween obs. and 

cal. temp°F 

*Data taken at the Blue Grass Airport, Leneatun, 
Kentucky by the U.S. Weather Bureau. 

Table 3.— Calculated and Observed Soil Temperatures for Lexington, Kentucky for 1952* 

Temperatures in degrees F.. at depths of 

Oft Zift S tt 6 ft 10 ft 
Calc Obs | Calc Obs Calc Obs Calc Obs Calc ‘Obs 
3789) 41.41 | 42.90) 44.56 5 : ! ; 53.87 |52.44 
38.70/40.16 F : : fs Q 4 50.70] 51.04 
44.70} 49.79 i : : ; A d 49.50| 49.86 

53.71 | 52.84 
57.98] 57.97 
62.29] 62.26 
65.46] 65.43 
66.66) 67.04 
65.56] 66.16 
62.45] 62.46 
58.18 | 58.07 

*Similor tables were made for the other four years, but are not included in this report. 

54 E. B. Penrod, J. M. Elliot, and W. K. Brown 

The temperature curves, shown in Figures 7-9, for May and No- 
vember cross the mean temperature axis, 57.75° F, at 2 ft. and 30 ft. 
Therefore, the half wave length and wave-length are 28 ft. and 56 ft. 
respectively. Similarly, the temperature curves for August and Feb- 
ruary cross the mean temperature axis at depths of 16 ft. and 44 ft. 
respectively, showing that the half wave-length and wave-length for 
these months are also 28 ft. and 56 ft. respectively. 

Conclusions and Remarks 

Soil temperatures have been measured and recorded, at two-hour 
intervals, from 1952 to 1956 inclusive. From the measured or observed 
data empirical equations were developed for calculating soil tempera- 
tures for a specified time and depth for each year and also for a five 
year norm. 

The variation of soil temperatures with the time are presented 
graphically for different depths. From these graphs it can be seen 
readily the temperature amplitudes decrease with depth, and that 
maxima and minima of temperature shift from left to right as the soil 
depth increases. 

The calculated value of the thermal diffusivity of the soil, for all 
depths, is 0.0279 ft? hr-1 for the five year period. 

From the graphs showing soil temperature versus depth, the wave- 
length of the temperature waves was found to be 56 ft. The tempera- 
ture graphs for each month of the year converge, in a sinusoidal man- 
ner, to the mean soil temperature of 57.75° F at a depth of about 
100 ft. : 

An empirical equation was developed for calculating the mean air 
temperature at Lexington for any specified time. The mean air tem- 
perature and mean surface soil temperatures are 56.55° F and 57.75° 
F for the five year norm. 

The graphs in Fig. 6 show clearly the manner in which the air 
temperature and the surface soil temperature vary with the quantity 
of solar energy that is received at the earths surface, 


Soil Temperature Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky 55 

> 6, ] ro) 



(<= a a 
| ata an CG 

Fig. 1. Variation of soil temperature versus time at different depths. Soil temperatures 
were calculated by the use of the empirical equation deyeloped for 1952. 

"4 Bad ‘ (xG2°9-S9'01-2,0E)uIS, 2 >S'0Z+80'8S =} 


al Zi) 

in ee 





DAN he ee Ee a Lae "4 

[Eli as Se SN Gs mS 


cs (Oa ee 

5) ~ | 
(eo) nN > (ep) 

Fig. 2. Variation of soil temperature versus time at different depths. Soil temperatures 
were calculated by the use of the empirical equation developed for 1953. 


4620 ‘(XJ2'S— €2°9ZS- 2 OL)UIS yeog9:9-928'SI+82'9S="} 


56 E. B. Penrod, J. M. Elliot, and W. K. Brown 

a UBS sei Ne = le, 

cj ed 
(os zs 
lm 5m 
3 > 
=v As 
mo cm 
1 D> 
= m2 
ro) | 

= | 




Fig. 3.— Variation of soil temperature versus time at different depths. Soil temperatures 
were calculated by the use of the empirical equation developed for 1954. 


Sa See 




"4 $68Q ‘(K,€2 LIZ 91-2 OLMIS yo¢j9-2S2'92498'9S= "3 



Fig. 4. Variation of soil temperature versus time at different depths. Soil temperatures 
were calculated by the use of the empirical equation developed for 1955. 

ene Tung Tr 

O oO 

See A Lae | | 
e Din a 
LiMn eee ee m2 
a m2 
= < 
Aras 35 
> mi o 
25 Smee ys al | || a= 
=m em 
mo DP 
u = melee mz 
=" (ial Sees el --> ae) 
eo | Lee) 

: | 
St NA 

oO S fo) 

Fig. 5. Variation of soil temperature versus time at different depths. Soil temperatures 
were calculated by the use of the empirical equation developed for 1956. 

oO — N Oo > ui 
3 & : 
Po 3 
=) SSS SSS SS = 
=e es a 4 
5 aa Se m 
x alae 
2 ao) 
<u ct 
CG n" 
= ne 
iz gy) tS 
eee a 
ro, ~< 
= Oi er 
= + Nh oS 
hiss Si ee 
¢ Zz 
= a Ee 
22 eos) 
+2 =i @ 
= = a 
Ea) OS Oo 
oy Oo 
o W ff 
= 4 9° 1 
2 L. Sides 
Ny ee See 
om & 
z NN 
> = 
saan 7 
“= a 
‘ “il oe 2 


Fig. 6. Variation of soil temperature and mean air temperature versus time at different 
depths. Soil temperatures were calculated from the empirical equations developed for 
the five year norm. Similarly, mean air temperatures were calculated from the empirical 
equation developed for the five year norm. The mean soil temperature and mean air tem- 
perature for the norm are 57.75° F and 56.55° F. 

58 E. B. Penrod, J. M. Elliot, and W. K. Brown 

; Baie | 

AG: 8 AN RE 


Fig. 7. Variation of soil temperature versus depth for the five year norm for 1952-1956. 
Rrange, from the surface to a depth of 22 ft. 

72, ‘76 





560 aa 576 58.0 584 °&588 : 59.6 

Fig. 8. Variation of soil temperature versus depth for the five year norm for 1952-1956. 
Range, from 20 ft. to a depth of 46 ft. 



Soil Temperature Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky 59 







5760 3768 5776 57.84 S792 

9. Variation of soil temperature versus depth for the five year norm for 1952-1956. 

Range, from 44 ft. to a depth of 68 ft. 





The Residential Heat Pump In New England by C. H. Coogan, Jr. Connecti- 
cut Light and Power Bulletin, August, 1948,’ Waterbury, Conn. 

Ground Temperatures as Affected by Weather Conditions by A. B. Algren. 
Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 21, No. 6, June, 1949, pp. 

Thermal Properties of Soils by M. S. Kersten. University of Minnesota 
Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 28, June, 1949, pp. 1-225. 
Earth Heat Pump Research—Part I by E. B. Penrod, O. W. Gard, C. D. 
Jones, H. E. Collier and R. E. Patey. University of Kentucky Engineering 
Experiment Station Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 14, December, 1949, pp. 1-64. 
Measurement of the Thermal Diffusivity of a Soil by the Use of a Heat Pump 
by E. B. Penrod. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 21, No. 5, May, 1950, 
pp. 425-427. 

Thermal Conductivity of Soils for Design of Heat Pump Installations by G. S 
Smith and Thomas Yamauchi. Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 22, 
No. 7, July, 1950, pp. 129-135. 

Factors Useful in Ground Grid Design for Heat Pumps by G. S. Smith. Heat- 
ing, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 23, No. 1, January, 1951, pp. 169-176. 
Climatology as an Aid in Heat Pump Design by G. S. Smith. Heating, Pip- 
ing, and Air Conditioning, Vol. 23, No. 6, June, 1951, pp. 101-107. 

Soil Temperature, Moisture Content, and Thermal Content, and Thermal 
Properties by C. L. Carter. University of Tennessee Engineering Experiment 
Station Bulletin No. 15, June, 1951, pp. 1-85. 



E. B. Penrod, J. M. Elliot, and W. K. Brown 

Soil Temperatures In Water Works Practice by R. F. Legget and C. B. Craw- 
ford. Journal of American Water Works Association, Vol. 44, No. 10, Oc- 
tober, 1952, pp. 923-939. 

Frost Action in Soils—A Symposium. Highway Research Board Special Re- 
port No. 2, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council Publi- 
cation 213, 1952, Washington, D. C. 

Frost Action in Roads and Airfields, A Review of the Literature, 1765 to 
1951. Highway Research Board Special Report No. 1, National Academy of 
Science, National Research Council Publication 211, 1952, Washington, D. C. 
Specific Heat Measurement by E. B. Penrod and F. M. Wells. Transactions 
of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 14, No. 1, February, 1953, pp. 

Sizing Earth Heat Pumps by E. B. Penrod. Refrigerating Engineering, Vol. 
62, No. 4, April, 1954, pp. 57-61, 108, 112. 

Frost Penetration Studies in Canada as an Aid to Construction by C. B. Craw- 
ford. Roads and Engineering Construction, Vol. 93, No. 2, February, 1955. 
An Experimental Determination of the Thermal Properties of Clay by E. B. 
Penrod, G. T. Privon and K. V. Prasanna. University of Kentucky Engineer- 
ing Experiment Station Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 39, March, 1956, pp. 1-76. 
Ground Temperature Investigation In Canada by C. B. Crawford and R. F. 
Legget. Engineering Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3, March, 1957. 

Geotechnical Properties of Leda Clay In the Ottawa Area by W. J. Eden 
and C. B. Crawford. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on 
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, London, 1957. See also, Re- 
search Paper No. 37 of the Division of Building Research, Ottowa, Canada. 
A Method To Describe Soil Temperature Variation by E. B. Penrod, W. W. 
Walton and D. V. Terrell. Proceedings of A.S.C.E., Vol. 84, Part I, No. 
SM-1, February, 1958, pp. 1537-1 to 1537-21. 

Evaluation of Vehicle Sinkage in Off the Road Locomotion by M. G. Bekker. 
Report No. 35, June, 1958, pp. 1-49. Ordnance Corps, Land Locomotion 
Research Branch, Research & Development Division, OTAC, Detroit Arsenal, 
28251 Van Dyke Avenue, Center Line, Mich. 

Soil Temperatures by B. J. Fluker. Soil Science, Vol. 86, No. 1, July, 1958, 
pp. 35-46. 

Preliminary Study on Jumping and Running Types of Locomotion by R. K. 
Bernhard. Report No. 438, July, 1958, pp. 1-46, Ordnance Corps, Land 
Locomotion Research Branch, Research & Development Division, OTAC. 

. A Soil Value System for Land Locomotion Mechanics by W. L. Harrison 

et al. Research Report No. 5, December, 1958, pp. 1-94. Army Ordnance 
Tank-Automotive Command, Center Line, Mich. 

Solar Energy Measurements at Lexington, Kentucky For 1951 by E. B. Pen- 
rod, W. W. Walton and H. O. Knight. Transactions of the Kentucky Acad- 
emy of Science, Vol. 20 (1-2), 1959, pp. 4-10. 

Solar Energy at Lexington, Kentucky for 1952 by E. B. Penrod and Cho-Yen 
Ho. Accepted for publication, Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of 

Soil Temperature Variation at Lexington, Kentucky From 1952-1956 by E. B. 
Penrod, J. M. Elliott and W. K. Brown. Available for publication. 

Accepted for publication 15 January 1960. 



Department of Mathematics and Astronomy 
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 


The purpose of this paper is to call attention to the Cyclic Entry- 
Exit Method for subroutines used with high speed computers. We 
shall point out some of the advantages in using available subroutines. 
We shall outline the general principle followed in making a subroutine 
an integral part of one’s own particular program. The merits of the 
Cyclic Entry-Exit Method will be discussed. For contrast with the 
usual treatment of this problem, the reader may wish to refer to the 
papers of Livesley (1957), McCracken (1957), and Wrubel (1959). 

Whenever it is necessary to refer or make use of a computer 
instruction in this work we shall confine ourselves to the basic machine 
language, that is, the absolute codes, used for programming the IBM 
type 650 Magnetic Drum Data-Processing Machine. 

Subroutines are actually prepackaged special purpose programs. 
Subroutines are becoming more in demand since the number of 
computer patrons has increased almost beyond reasonable expectation. 
Users represent virtually every field of study found on a university 
campus in addition to a variety of business and industrial activities. 
Inexperienced programmers, as well as the experts, have brought 
about a crutial demand for effective, efficient subroutines. Justification 
for the use of existing subroutines seems to be well founded in the 
following advantages: 

1. Time saving. By avoiding duplication of program writing time 
a better utilization of programmer efforts is achieved. 

2. Better program. A subroutine which has been carefully worked 
out and used is likely to be more nearly optimized than the usual 
program given its first run This saves computer time. 

3. Debugged. Subroutines available for use have been run and 
checked. The programmer may save considerable debugging time. 

4. Acceptability. Most subroutines are supplied with established 
computational limitations and the user knows, through the error 
analysis studies of this particular subroutine, the acceptability and 
goodness of computed results. 

62 J. C. Eaves and T. J. Pignani 

Subroutine Entry-Exit Principle 

A subroutine may be a correction routine needed for the correction 
of a program already underway or it may be a routine which causes 
the computer to perform a supplementary computation. In using a 
subroutine one attempts to make the subroutine an integral part of 
the main program. Thus the computer uses instructions from the main 
program until such time as those instructions contained in the sub- 
routine are needed. The main program instruction just prior to entry 
into the subroutine must contain three items of information; namely, 
the operation to be carried out just prior to the use of the subroutine, 
the cell location affected by this operation, and the location of the 
first instruction of the subroutine. The final instruction of the sub- 
routine usually directs the computer to leave the subroutine. The 
instruction address of this last subroutine instruction usually gives the 
cell location of the desired main program instruction to be executed 
immediately following completion of the subroutine. 

The Cyclic Entry-Exit Method 

For purposes of illustration we shall assume that our main program 
is to be stored in cells 0200 through 0499. We shall assume that the 
subroutine to be used is punched to be stored in cells 1800 through 
1847. Furthermore, we shal] assume that this subroutine is to replace 
instructions located in cells 0400 through 0478. The Cyclic Entry-Exit 
Method then requires the following modifications of instructions. 

1. Replace the main program instruction xx yyyy 0400 of cell 0399 
with the instruction. xx yyyy 1800. This directs the computer to cell 
1800 for its next instruction after the completion of operation xx. 

2. The first instruction of the subroutine, located in cell 1800, is 
69 0479 1801 which causes the computer to load the distributor with 
the instruction located in cell 0479. It should be noted that this is the 
first main program instruction to be used following the completion of 
the subroutine. 

3. The second instruction of the subroutine is 24 1800 1802. This 
causes the computer to place the instruction, formerly in cell 0479, 
which is to be used immediately following completion of the sub- 
routine, in the first cell used for the subroutine. The computer is then 
directed to ce!l 1802 where it obtains the first computational instruction 
of the subioutine. The computer procedes through the subroutine 
computations in the prescribed manner until it encounters the last 
instruction of the subroutine (which may not be in cell 1847 due to 
optimization ). 

Cyclic Entry-Exit for Subroutines 63 

4. The last instruction of the subroutine, written at the time the 
subroutine is prepared, directs the computer to get its next instruction 
from cell 1800. Thus the computer actually returns to the beginning 
of the subroutine only to find that the first instruction of the subroutine 
has been replaced by the de-ired instruction of the main program. 
This exit instruction is of the form xx yyyy 1800. 

It should be noted that the insertion of a set of instructions is 
achieved by exactly the same procedure used for the replacement 

of a set of instructions. One merely has the first instruction of the 

subroutine direct the computer to the desired instruction to be per- 
formed immediately following the execution of the subroutine. Using 
the above illustration the first instruction of the subroutine would be 
xx yyyy 0400 in case we wish to insert the subroutine between the 
main program instructions carried in cells 0399 and 0400. 

Generalized Use of Cyclic-Entry-Exit Method 

Multiple use of the Cyclic-Entry-Exit Method for the insertion of 
several subroutines and the replacement of parts of the original pro- 
gram is ‘'emonstrated by the brief program below. In this skeleton 
program ;resented, we insert the subroutine in three places and 
furthermore the subroutine replaces those instructions in cells 0400 
through 0478, of the program used in the former section. 

Main Program Revisions 
Cell Instruction Replacement Instruction 
0257 xx yyyy 0258 xx yyyy 0400 
0290 xx yyyy 0291 xx yyyy 0401 
0350 xx yyyy 0351 xx yyyy 0402 
0399 xx yyyy 0400 xx yyyy 0403 
0400 xx yyyy 0401 69 0258 1801 
0401 xx yyyy 0402 69 0291 1801 
0402 xx yyyy 0403 69 0351 1801 
0403 xx yyyy 0404 69 0479 1801 
0404 Delete Replaced 
cath hee by 
0478 Delete Subroutine 


64 J.C. Eaves and T. J. Pignani 

Cell Instruction 
1800 00 0000 0000, exit cell to be used as needed 
1801 24 1800 1802 
1802 First instruction of subroutine 
1847 xx yyyy 1800 

A study of the above revised program shows that each time the 
program refers to the subroutine the operation to follow subroutine 
activity is stored in cell 1800. Also, part of that bank of cells deleted 
from the program is utilized for subroutine entry. 

The insertion of several different subroutines is made by a very 
similar adjustment in the program. 

Advantages of the Cyclic Entry-Exit Method 

1. The replacement and insertion of instructions are carried out 
in the same way. 

2. The programmer need not concern himself with the where- 
abouts of the last instruction of the subroutine since the exit is made 
through the entry cell. 

3. Cyclic Entry-Exit Method requires only one alteration of the 
subroutine deck whereas other subroutine entry-exit techniques require 
the alteration of two or more of the subroutine instructions. 

4, This method requires the use of only two extra operations and 
two extra cells of storage in the subroutine whereas many modified 
entry-exit programs make additional demands on storage and opera- 
tion time. Especially is this true with those methods requiring accum- 
ulative additive features or instruction modification. 

Literature Cited 
Livesley, R. K. 1957. DIGITAL COMPUTERS. Cambridge University Press: 
27, 40. 
Wiley and Sons: 111, 128, 230. 
McGraw-Hill Book Company: 86, 151, 212. 

Accepted for publication 23 March 1960, 


Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

The use of salting agents has proved to be very effective in the 
solvent extraction of some metal salts, such as, the nitrates by 
tributylphosphate (Hesford and McKay, 1958), uranyl nitrate (Fur- 
man, Mundy, and Morrison), thorium nitrate (Bock and Bock, 1950), 
and ferric chloride (Morrison, 1950) by ether. Morrison and Freiser 
(1957) have summarized the effect of salting agents on the extraction 
of inorganic salt systems. Diamond (1957) has derived general 
equations for the solvent extraction of inorganic compounds and 
studied the effects of salting agents on the extraction of indium (IIT) 
chloride from aqueous hydrochloric acid by various organic solvents 
(Diamond, 1959). Very little work on the effect of salting agents on 
the extraction of chelates has been reported. Recent studies (Brown, 
Steinbach, and Wagner, 1960), on the solvent extraction of rare earth 
acetylacetonates by acetylacetone led to this study of the effect of 
salting agents on the system. 

In addition, the extraction of 8-quinolinol (oxine) in a water- 
chloroform system was studied to compare the effect of salting agents 
on the neutral oxine, oxinate ion, and oxinium ion at different acidities. 
Lacroix (1947) has studied the properties and extraction of oxine by 
chloroform from aqueous solutions as a function of pH from 0 to 14. 
From potentiometric titration curves he showed that the oxinium ion 
(protonated oxine) exists in strongly acidic solutions, the neutral 
oxine is formed almost exclusively in the pH range of 6 to 9 and the 
oxinate ion is formed in more basic solutions. Extraction data showed 
an increase in extraction from 0.599, at a pH of 0 to quantitative 
extraction in the range of 5 to 6, then a decrease to 5°% at a pH of 14. 

Apparatus and Materials 

A Beckman Model DK-2 recording spectrophotometer was used 
for all absorption spectra. A Beckman Model G pH meter was used 
for all pH measurements. Eastman 8-quinolinol was recrystallized 
twice from alcohol-water solution to give a product that melted at 
74-75°. Acetylacetone obtained commercially was washed once with 
10° ammonia solution, twice with water, and distilled; the fraction 

boiling between 135-138° was used. Erbium acetylacetonate was pre- 

66 Y. G. Ishida, J. F. Steinbach, and W. K. Wagner 

pared by the method of Stites, McCarty, and Quill (1948) and was 
recrystallized twice from 95°% ethanol. All other chemicals met A.C.S. 
specifications for reagent grade. 


Solubility of Acetylacetone in aqueous solutions of potassium chlo- 
ride and sodium chloride. Solutions containing varying amounts of 
the salts were prepared by dissolving the salt in water saturated with 
acetylacetone in 25-ml. volumetric flasks. The solutions were shaken 
and permitted to stand overnight at 25° and the excess acetylacetone 
which separated was removed. The concentration of acetylacetone in 
the solution was determined spectrophotometrically as iron acetylace- 
tonate (Steinbach, 1953). One ml. of the solution was added to a 
25-ml. flask containing 5 ml. of a solution of ferric sulfate (20 mg./ml.) 
and 10 ml. of a sulfuric acid-sodium sulfate buffer (pH = 0.5) and 
diluted to volume. The absorbance minimum of iron acetylacetonate 
at 700 my was used to plot a working curve for the concentration of 
acetylacetone. Alternatively, a 1:50 dilution of the sample was 
prepared and the absorbance of one to five ml. of the diluted sample 
was used to determine the concentration of the acetylacetone from a 
working curve prepared at the maximum absorbance of iron acetylace- 
tone at 482 mp. 

Distribution of erbium acetylacetonate between acetylacetone and 
aqueous solutions of sodium chloride. Ten ml. of a solution of erbium 
acetylacetonate in water-saturated acetylacetone was shaken with 10 
ml. of the acetylacetone-saturated water containing the salting agent. 
The phases were allowed to come to equilibrium overnight in a 25° 
bath. The erbium present in the organic phase was determined 
spectrophotometrically by measuring the absorbance of erbium acetyl- 
acetone at 378 mp. The erbium present in the aqueous phase was 
determined spectrophotometrically by the arsenazo method of Fritz, 
Richard, and Lane (1958). Volumetrically the erbium in the aqueous 
phase was determined by adding an excess of standard 10°? M EDTA 
and back titrating with standard 10° M zinc solution using PAN 

Distribution of oxine between chloroform and water. Ten ml. of 
0.1 M oxine in chloroform was shaken for an hour with 10 ml. of the 
solution of sodium chloride in water and placed in a bath at 25° for 
24 hours to reach equilibrium. The concentration of oxine in the 
aqueous phase was determined by acidifying the solution to a pH of 1 
and measuring the absorbance at 251 mp. The concentration of oxine 
in the organic phase was obtained by difference. 

The Salting Effect of Sodium Chloride 67 
Results and Discussion 
Solubility of Acetylacetone. Data for the solubility of acetylace- 

tone in aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and potassium chloride 
at 25° are shown in Table I and Figure 1. The solubility of acetyl- 



9/ mi. 







[oxe,e) 10 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 
Salt concentration MOU/i +6, 

Fig. 1. Solubility of Acetylacetone in solutions of NaCl and KCI at 25°. 

Table I.— Solubility of Acetylacttone in Solutions of NaCl and KCI at 25 

NaCl KCl 
NaCl CsHsO:z KCl CsHsOz 
Mol/1. pH g/ml mol/1. pH g/ml 
0.000 4.68 0.173 0.000 4.68 0.173 
0.034 4.67 0.169 0.032 4.65 0.169 
0.206 4.60 0.159 0.215 4.63 0.160 
0.684 4.49 0.138 0.698 4.61 0.142 
2.05 4,34 0.094 1.81 4.59 0.110 
3.64 4.25 0.065 3.388 4.57 0.075 

4.87 4,23 0.052 

68 Y. G. Ishida, J. F. Steinbach, and W. K. Wagner 

acetone in solutions of sodium chloride is slightly lower than in solu- 
tions of potassium chloride, probably due to the lower activity of the 
water containing the more highly hydrated sodium ion. 

In the spectrophotometric determination of acetylacetone it was 
found that the absorbance minimum for iron acetylacetone at 700 mp 
shifts to higher wave lengths with an increase in concentration and 
Beer's Law is not obeyed. Consequently, the absorbance maximum 
for iron acetylacetonate at 482 mp» where Beer’s Law is followed was 
used for most analyses. 

Distribution of erbium acetylacetonate. The data for the extraction » 
of erbium acetylacetonate from aqueous solutions of 0.1 M and 1.0 M 
sodium chloride as a function of pH are shown in Table II and Figure 
2. The extraction curve in 0.1 M NaCl was practically identical to 
that without any salt present, while in 1.0 NaCl the curve was shifted 




Fig. 2. Extraction of Erbium Acetylacetonate as a function of pH. 

The Salting Effect of Sodium Chloride 69 

Table Il._— Extraction of 5.48 x 10-8M Eribium Acetylacetonate as a Function of 
pH from 0.IM and IM NaCl at 25° 

Water 0.1IM NaCl 1.0M NaCl 
pH GE pH TE pH Jo 
4.62 22.6 4.61 22.6 4.61 24.3 
4.75 27.9 4.77 28.3 4.69 28.5 
4.85 36.4 4.85 34.7 4.79 34.3 
4,97 39.8 4.96 38.9 4.89 46.0 
5.14 44.9 oelul 45.6 4,99 51.4 
5.30 52.0 525 2a 5.09 57.0 
5.40 Pptd. 

to lower pH values by about 0.10 units at a pH of 4.61 and by about 
0.25 units at a pH of 5.30. A decrease in solubility of acetylacetone 
in the aqueous phase with increasing concentration of sodium chloride 
should cause the extraction curves to shift to higher pH values. The 
shift may be calculated from the equation 
Kp. Kk [HR]? 
D = ———_ 

where D is the distribution coefficient, K; is the formation constant 
of the chelate, p. is the partition coefficient of the chelate, K; is the 
dissociation constant of the acetylacetone, and [HR] is the concentra- 
tion of acetylacetone in the aqueous phase. In 0.1 NaCl, with other 
factors constant, the change in concentration of acetylacetone would 
raise the pH of extraction approximately 0.02 units between a pH of 
4.61 and 5.30; in 1.0 M NaCl the shift would be +0.12 units at a pH 
of 4.61 and +0.14 units at a pH of 5.30. Since the experimental curve 
showed little if any shift in 0.1 M NaCl it is apparent that 0.1 M NaCl 
had very little effect on the distribution coefficient. However, in 1.0 M 
NaCl the experimental curve was shifted to lower pH values. An 
increase in ionic strength causes a decrease in the formation constants 
of chelates and an increase in the dissociation constants of weak acids. 
The presence of sodium chloride in the water makes that phase much 
less attractive for the chelate, increasing the partition coefficient in 
favor of the organic phase. 

Thus, in 1.0 M NaCl the changes in the partition coefficient and the 
dissociation constant of acetylacetone cause a shift to lower pH values 
which more than compensates to the shift to higher values by the 
change in the formation constant of the chelate and decreased 
solubility of acetylacetone in the aqueous phase. 

Because buffered solutions are required in counter-current separa- 
tions the effect of buffers on the extraction of erbium acetylacetonate 
was investigated. The addition of a sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer 

70 Y. G. Ishida, J. F. Steinbach, and W. K. Wagner 

lowered the per cent of erbium extracted at a given pH. It has been 
suggested (Brown, 1959) that this shift of the extraction curve to 
higher pH values is due to the decrease in reagent concentration in 
the aqueous phase by increasing the ionic strength of the solution. 
However, the addition of 0.05 M NaCl to the buffered solution raised 
the per cent of erbium extracted. The shift of the extraction curves 
to higher pH values in buffered solutions is probably caused mainly 
by the association of acetate ion with some of the erbium to reduce 
its extraction into the organic phase. When potassium acid phthalate- 
sodium hydroxide buffer was substituted for the acetate buffer at the 
same pH and ionic strength, the per cent erbium extracted at a pH of 
5.1 was 32% as compared to 47% for the acetate buffer, and 50% for 
an unbuffered solution. The lower extraction in the phthalate buffer 
probably is caused by the greater extent of complex formation 
between the phthalate ion and erbium. The addition of 0.05 M NaCl 
to the phthalate buffered system improved the extraction. 
Distribution of oxine. Data for the extraction of oxine by chloro- 
form from acidic, approximately neutral, and basic solutions of sodium 
chloride are shown in Table III. The addition of sodium chloride had 

Table IIl._— Extraction of 10-2 M Oxine by Chloroform From Acidic, Neutral, 
and Basic Solutions of Sodium Chloride 
pH NaCl, m/1. %E 
Dis) 0.00 20.0 
2.5 0.05 31.3 
2.6 0.50 35.0 
2.6 1.00 39.0 
DNAS) 2.70 61.9 
6.5 0.00 99.5 
6.7 0.05 99.6 
6.6 0.50 99.6 
6.8 1.00 99.6 
6.9 2.70 99.7 
9.8 0.00 62.2 
9.8 0.05 60.1 
10.2 0.50 61.9 
10.6 1.00 62.6 
10.8 2.70 65.4 

the greatest effect on the extraction of oxine from an acidic solution 
where the oxinium ion predominates; the per cent extracted increases 
from 30% to 60% upon the addition of 2.7 M NaCl. In the pH range 
6.5 to 6.9 where the oxine exists essentially as the neutral molecule, the 
addition of sodium chloride has very little effect since the oxine is 
almost quantitatively extracted in this range. In the basic solutions 

The Salting Effect of Sodium Chloride 7a 

the addition of sodium chloride in concentrations of 0.05 to 0.5 caused 
a small decrease in extraction of the oxine which, however, increased 
with an increased in concentration of sodium chloride. 

The distribution of oxine may be calculated from the equation (11): 

D = ———_——_- 
[H+] Ky 
Ky [H*] 

where D is the distribution ratio, K, is the partition coefficient of the 
oxine, K, is the dissociation constant of the oxinium ion, HsOxt = 
H+ + HOx and Kz is the dissociation constant of oxine HOx — Ht 
-+- Ox-. In acidic solutions where the H.,Ox* ion predominates, the 
third term in the denominator is negligible and the distribution is 
dependent on K,. An increase in ionic strength increases the value of 
K, causing an increase in D which, with an increase in Kp by the 
salting effect of the sodium chloride, causes a marked increase in the 
extraction of oxine. In basic solutions where the oxinate ion pre- 
dominates, the first term in the denominator is negligible and the 
distribution is dependent on K». An increase in ionic strength increases 
the value of K:, causing a decrease in D at lower concentrations of 
sodium chloride. As the concentration of sodium chloride is increased 
the salting effect, by increasing Ky, more than compensates for the 
increased K», and the extraction of oxine increases. 


The solubility of acetylacetone in solutions of sodium chloride and 
potassium chloride was determined. 

Extraction of erbium acetylacetonate by acetylacetone from the 
aqueous phase was shifted to lower pH values by the addition of 
sodium chloride. The increases in the partition coefficient of the 
chelate and dissociation constant of acetylacetone by increasing ionic 
strength more than compensates for the shift to higher pH values 
by the decrease in concentration of acetylacetone and decrease in 
formation constant of the chelate. 

The addition of sodium chloride improves the extraction of oxine 
from water by chloroform in acidic solutions, has a small effect in basic 
solution, and has very little effect in neutral solutions. The influence 
of ionic strength on the dissociation constants of oxine and on the 
partition coefficient was used to explain the results. 

72 Y. G. Ishida, J. F. Steinbach, and W. K. Wagner 


The authors thank the Atomic Energy Commission for generous 
financial support of this work on Contract No. AT (40-1) 2124. 

Literature Cited 

Bock, R. and Bock, E., 1950. Z. anorg. Chem., 263: 146. 

Brown, W. B., 1959. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

Brown, W. B., Steinbach, J. F., and Wagner, W. F., 1960. J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 
Isie WIS), 

Diamond, R. M., 1957. J. Phys. Chem., 61: 69. 

Diamond, R. M., 1959. J. Phys. Chem., 63: 659 

Fritz, J. S., Richard, M. J., and Lane, W. J., 1958. Anal. Chem., 30: 1776. 

Furman, N. H., Mundy, R. J., and Morrison, G. H., U. S. Atomic Energy 
Commission Report: AEC D-2938. 

Hesford, E. and McKay, H. A. C., 1958. Trans. Faraday Soc., 54: 578. 

Lacroix, S., 1947. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1: 260. 

Morrison, G. H., 1950. Anal. Chem., 22: 1388. 

Morrison, G. H. and Freiser, H., 1957. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. 
New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p. 43. __....... 

Steinbach, J. F., 1953. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, 

Stites, J. G., McCarty, C. N., and Quill, L. L., 1948. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 70: 3142. 

Accepted for publication 27 August 1960. 


Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 

Contribution No. 30 (New Series) from the Department of Biology, University 
of Louisville. 


In 1926 W. L. McAtee revised the North American species of the 
genus Typhlocyba and described in this revision a new species which 
he named Typhlocyba andromache, from one male specimen collected 
in Salem, New York, June 27, 1924. In 1942 J. T. Medler redescribed 
this species and recorded it from Minnesota specimens. 

When McAtee described the species his method of preserving the 
cleared dissection was to fasten it to the same point to which the 
rest of the insect was glued, with a mixture of glycerin and shellac 
(McAtee 1926, p. 3). At the time he indicated uncertainty as to how 
suitable this method of preservation would be. The author found on 
reexamining McAtee types that this material was difficult to remove. 
In working on the type of T. andromache it was possible to clean the 
pygofer sufficiently to draw the posterior margin, but the aedeagus 
being much smaller and more delicate could not be cleaned suitably for 
observation. The specimens Medler used were in good condition, and 
since no other specimens of this species could be found in North 
American collections the author used one of these in his description 
of this species in his revision of the genus Typhlocyba (Christian, 

The posterior margin of the pygofer of the type was not exactly 
like that of Medler’s specimens, but the degree of difference was such 
as might be attributed to individual variability. The aedeagus of 
Medler’s specimens also differed from the description of the aedeagus 
of the type which was described as being bifid at the apex, although 
Medler had described his specimens as being bifid, because the 
sclerotized portion of the shaft appeared bifid and the transparent 
portion was overlooked. Since McAtee had overlooked the transparent 
portion of the aedeagus in other species of Typhlocyba (rubriocellata, 
niobe) the author assumed that he had done the same in this case and 
that Medler’s specimens were Typhlocyba andromache. 

74 Paul J. Christian 

In the spring of 1957 the author collected from Carpinus a large 
series of specimens which appeared to be an undescribed species of 
Typhlocyba resembling T. andromache in the author's revision but 
differing in the shape of the aedeagus and posterior dorsal angle of 
the pygofer. On comparing the pygofer with a drawing of the type of 
T. andromache and the original description of the species it was con- 
cluded that these were specimens of T. andromache and what had 
been described as andromache was an unnamed species. The following 
descriptions of these two species should help workers in identifying 

I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. G. W. Byers for the loan 
of specimens from the Snow Entomological Museum of the University 
of Kansas, and to Dr. F. F. Cook for loan of specimens from the 
University of Minnesota collection. 

. To beameri 

Figs. 1-2.— Male genitalia of Typhlocyba andromache and T. beameri. a. Left side of 
pygofer. b. Left side of aedeagus. c. Posterior aspect of aedeagus. d. Ventral aspect of 
right style. 

A New North American Leafhopper 1) 

Typhlocyba beameri n. sp. 
(Figs. 2a,b,c,d.) 

Typhlocyba andromache, Medler, 1942, Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. 
Bull., 155:144-5. (in error) 

Typhlocyba andromache, Christian, 1953, Bull. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 
39( 11,9) :1176, pl. 83, fig. 4a,b,c,d. (in error) 

Resembling Typhlocyba andromache McAtee in shape of pygofer 
but with dorsal posterior angle acute forming less than a right angle, 
and with apex of aedeagal shaft acute as in Typhlocyba surcula De- 
Long and Johnson. 

Length.—3.0-3.25 mm. 

Color.—Dorsum pale yellowish-white; fore wings subhyaline to 
cross-veins, apical cells hyaline, slightly fumose, without distinctive 

Genitalia.—_Male pygofer: in lateral aspect with posterior margin 
nearly straight, dorsal angle acute, slightly less than a right angle, 
ventral angle slightly more than a right angle and forming a small 
ventrally-directed hook. Aedeagus: with atril processes broad, 
elongate, exceeding shaft in length, arising from base close to shaft, 
gradually diverging laterodorsad from base, slightly sinuate, reduced 
to acute apices on outer fourth; shaft arising from base slightly above 
bases of processes, laterally broadened, margins foliaceous, broadest 
at gonopore, nearly transparent and extending beyond gonopore as a 
thin plate with acute apex. Styles: broadly tapering to near apex, 
abruptly reduced to sharp apices. 

Types.—Holotype male and five paratype males, Itasca County, 
Minnesota, July 26, 1939, J. T. Medler, in the Snow Entomological 
Museum of the University of Kansas; two paratype males, July 26, 
1939, and one paratype male July 28, 1939, Itasca County, Minnesota, 
J. T. Medler, in the collection of the University of Minnesota; one male 
paratype, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, July 29, 1951, D. A. Dever, in the 
collection of the author. 

Typhlocyba andromache McAtee 
(Figs. 1a,b,c,d.) 

Typhlocyba andromache McAtee, 1926, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 68(18): 
82., fig. 67. 

Resembling Typhlocyba beameri in the shape of the posterior 
margin of the pygofer, but differing in having the dorsal posterior 

76 Paul J. Christian 

angle slightly rounded, forming not less than a right angle, and having 
apex of aedeagal shaft bifid. 

Length.—3.5 mm. 

Color._Head, pronotum and _ scutellum white to pale yellow, 
tegmina lemon yellow, subhyaline to cross veins, apices hyaline, 
slightly fumose, without distinctive markings. 

Genitalia._Male pygofer: in lateral aspect, with posterior margin 
nearly straight, dorsal angle slightly rounded, forming a right angle, 
ventral angle slightly more than a right angle and forming a small 
ventrally-directed hook. Aedeagus: with atrial processes slender, 
slightly enlarged near apical third, gradually tapering to sharply acute 
apices, slightly diverging dorso-laterad from base, apices slightly 
sinuate in lateral aspect, exceeding shaft in length, distinctly separate 
from shaft from base, shaft of nearly uniform width, gradually tapering 
to slightly inflated bifid apex, gonopore apical. Styles: slender, grad- 
ually tapering to needlelike apices. 

Material studied._Holotype male, Salem, New York, June 27, 1924, 
E. D. Ball; a large series of male and female specimens, Louisville, 
Kentucky, May 1957, collected on Carpinus sp. by the author. A female 
specimen taken in copula with the male used in making the drawings 
of the male genitalia of this species in this paper, collected May 30, 
1957, Louisville, Kentucky, here designated Neallotype, is deposited 
in the Snow Entomological Museum of the University of Kansas. 

Literature Cited 

Christian, P. J., 1953. A Revision of the North American Species of Typhlocyba 
and its Allies (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Bull. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 
35(IL9):1103-1277, pls. 73-92. 

McAtee, W. L., 1926. Revision of the American Leaf Hoppers of the Jassid Genus 
Typhlocyba. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 68(18):1-47, pls. 1-6. 

Medler, J. T., 1942. The Leafhoppers of Minnesota (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). 
Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 155:1-196, pls. 9. 

Accepted for publication 6 February 1960. 


Present address: Dept. Zoology, Ohio State University 

This research was supported in part by grants from the University of Kentucky 
Faculty Research Fund and The National Science Foundation. 


Many investigators, both in this country and abroad, have found 
that Drosophila populations tend to exhibit a characteristic seasonal 
population frequency cycle. Patterson (1943) in collections at the 
Aldrich farm near Austin, Texas, over a three year period showed that 
D. melanogaster reached a peak population in September, while 
D. affinis-algonquin frequencies were high during the cooler months 
of the year, but extremely low during the mid-summer months. 
D. putrida populations tended to vary with rainfall, being high during 
periods of high precipitation. Williams and Miller (1952) in Nebraska 
and Carpenter and Giordano (1955) in Tennessee demonstrated 
similar seasonal fluctuations. Mather (1956) showed high summer 
frequencies for D. melanogaster in Queensland, Australia, as did 
Takada (1957) in Japan. 

The various possible causal factors of these seasonal changes have 
elicited interest from several investigators. Most attention has been 
given to climatological, nutritional and genetic factors. Patterson 
(1943), Speiss (1949), Levitan (1954), Jones (1958) and others 
found that high frequencies of D. melanogaster and putrida can be 
correlated with temperature and precipitation increases, respectively. 
Studies by Komatsu (1959) indicate that food selectivity is not a major 
factor in controlling the size of Drosophila populations. Dubinin and 
Tiniakov (1946), Dobzhansky (1956), Carson and Stalker (1949) and 
Levitan (1951) have studied seasonal changes in inversion frequencies 
of several species of Drosophila, but whether they are of any sig- 
nificance in the determination of population density has not been 
determined. The availability of suitable breeding sites, as suggested 
by Carson and Stalker (1951) and Carson, Knapp and Phaff (1956) 
may be a limiting factor. 

The various seasonal studies have suggested that there may be 
differences in the ability of the various flies to survive the winter, 
which largely determine the subsequent behavior of the population 
during the remainder of the year. The high frequency of D. affinis- 

78 Wallace D. Dawson 

algonquin in the spring and late autumn indicates that this fly may 
be better adapted to cooler temperatures than other native and 
domestic species. D. affinis-algonquin may survive the winter in 
greater numbers than other species and, therefore, have a greater 
initial reproducing population during the first warm days of spring. 
On the other hand, such species as D. melanogaster, which are rare 
in the spring but attain a high population in August and September, 
may not survive the winter in natural habitats, or else may survive in 
extremely low numbers, and thus may have to reestablish their 
populations annually from domestic situations, or, alternatively, require 
several months to attain sufficient numbers of reproducing flies to 
establish a peak population. 

In this study two approaches to the overwintering problem were 
undertaken. First, field collections for adult Drosophila in natural 
wooded habitats were made during the winter, particularly during 
brief mild spells. Materials which might contain overwintering eggs, 
larvae or pupae were also collected in the field. Second, various 
species were directly tested in the laboratory under controlled condi- 
tions by exposure to low temperatures for given periods of time. Such 
investigations should provide information on the comparative toler- 
ances of these species to cold, which could then be correlated with 
the seasonal population fluctuations observed during warmer periods 
of the year. 

Materials and Methods 

Collecting Methods. A wooded area seventeen miles southeast of 
Lexington, Kentucky, near the Kentucky River was selected as a 
favorable location for the winter collection of flies. The area was 
designated Dry Branch Field Station. This location is remote from 
any urban influences, with human habitation in the area being limited 
to two small farm tenant houses. Collecting was not done in the 
immediate vicinity of these dwellings. There are no considerable 
garbage disposals, orchards, gardens or other similar factors which 
might affect Drosophila populations in the area. Deciduous trees and 
red cedar, together with a wide variety of undergrowth compose the 
vegetative cover. 

For collecting, a modification of the bottle method outlined by 
Dobzhansky (1936) was utilized. One-half pint milk bottles baited 
with a slant of banana-malt-agar mixture were inserted in the forks 
of trees and other suitable locations at a number of separate points 
within the area. After a week or ten days flies were collected by 
inserting a gauze covered cotton stopper in the neck of the bottle. 
The entrapped flies were returned to the laboratory for identification. 

Studies of the Overwintering of Certain Drosophila Species 79 

Collection records included number of flies of each species collected, 
climatological data and miscellaneous other information, including 
observations on the condition of the flies. 

Collection of materials which could possibly contain overwintering 
eggs, larvae, or pupae consisted of selecting a variety of likely ma- 
terials, such as decaying material from tree stumps, walnut hulls, 
fruits, etc., and placing these in a carton with a small amount of 
culture medium and holding them at optimum temperatures for two 
or three weeks, then observing whether adult Drosophila were present. 

Techniques for Low Temperature Studies. Drosphila stocks of 
the species affinis, robusta, melanogaster, immigrans, hydei, cardini 
and tripunctata were maintained in culture for use in low temperature 
studies. All stocks except hydei and cardini were derived originally 
from wild flies taken in collections at Dry Branch during the summer 
of 1958. The hydei culture was obtained from domestic flies in the 
laboratory. The cardini stock was derived from several flies taken from 
a swamp near Orlando, Florida. Most of the low temperature experi- 
ments involved affinis, robusta and melanogaster, therefore, only these 
species were cultured extensively. Flies were all cultured on a medium 
of corn meal agar fortified with sugar and dried yeast with occasional 

For many of the low temperature tests it was desirable to have flies 
of a known age range in order to standardize the experiments as much 
as possible and to minimize errors in the results due to natural death. 
Aged flies were obtained by clearing thriving culture bottles, in which 
adults were ecluding from the pupae in large numbers, of all adult 
flies. These bottles were then held separately for thirty-four hours 
and all adults which had emerged in the interval fell within the 
desired age range. These flies were lightly etherized and examined 
prior to placing in testing bottles. Flies which showed structural 
defects and which were very recently emerged were rejected. Flies 
were chosen randomly from the remainder keeping sex ratio approxi- 
mately equal. 

For the purpose of exposure to low temperature flies were placed 
into half-pint milk bottles which had been specially prepared. Each 
bottle had at the bottom a moist square of bibulous paper thoroughly 
innoculated with a yeast suspension upon which the flies could feed 
prior to testing. Any excess moisture was removed prior to placing the 
flies in the bottles. A dry elongated folded strip of bibulous paper 
was inserted along one side of the bottle. The bottle was positioned 
with this side down, and the flies while yet under etherization were 
placed upon this folded strip in the desired numbers. The bottles 

80 Wallace D. Dawson 

were closed with a gauze covered cotton stopper. The flies were then 
permitted to revive in the bottle and fed for a period of two hours. 

Prior to exposure a period of acclimatization at +7° C. (1°) was 
allotted for a period of time, generally overnight. 

For the low temperature experiments the freezer chest of a standard 
commercial eight cubic foot refrigerator was used. This equipment 
had certain limitations, the principal one of which was difficulty in 
maintaining an exact constant temperature, especially at the lower 
ranges used, thus the resultant data lists temperatures in ranges, for 
example “—5° C. range” is equivalent to —5° C. (2°). 

Following the acclimatization period flies in the testing bottles were 
placed in the freezer chest for the desired time. During this time 
occasional random readings were made from a thermometer in the 
chest to insure that the temperature did not vary from the desired 

After a given period in the freezer the flies were removed and a 
four hour period at +7° C. was allotted for deacclimatization since 
rapid warming appeared to reduce survival. Following this the bottles 
were removed to room temperature and permitted to stand for one 
hour. The flies were then emptied into a 10 x 16 x 2 inch white 
enamel pan for checking. 

Flies were examined and categorized into four rather well defined 
major groups based upon the degree of damage to the fly: 

Complete survival: Flies which behaved normally and displayed 
regular flight when stimulated. The criteria used for defining this 
category was the ability of the insect to fly from the floor of the 
pan with a sustained flight. 

Crippled: Flies which were capable of any degree of walking, but 
which were unable to maintain a sustained flight sufficient to 
escape from the pan. 

Stunned: Flies which were not capable of locomotion, but dis- 
played movements and twitchings when observed closely with a 
binocular microscope. 

Dead: Flies which displayed no movements or other signs of life 
when observed closely under a binocular scope. 

Since at least some of the flies in the crippled category as well as 
those which completely survived exhibited reproductive capability 
following cold treatment, both of these categories were considered as 
survival. The stunned flies inevitably died within a few hours without 
any degree of recovery, and therefore, these together with the dead 
were considered as non-survivals. | 

Studies of the Overwintering of Certain Drosophila Species 81 


Overwinter Collections. In the course of the two year overwinter 
studies 1193 Drosophila flies representing ten species were collected 
at the Dry Branch area. Of this number 308, representing six species, 
were taken during the critical months, December through March. The 
remainder of the flies were collected during the latter half of November 
and during the first half of April. A summary of collections is presented 
in Table I. 

Table | 



Number of 

Last half 




First half 


Of the six species taken during the December-March period two, 
D. transversa and nigromelanica, were represented by single specimens 
taken during December 1958. The other species were D. affinis- 
algonquin (180 flies), putrida (82 flies), robusta (26 flies), and 
tripunctata (13 flies). Five flies, dried beyond recognition, were not 
identified. They were apparently either affinis or the dark form of 
putrida. Species which were not taken during the critical period, but 
which were collected in November and/or April were the cosmo- 
politan species melanogaster, immigrans, hydei and busckii. All of 
these occurred in numbers of fifteen or less. 

The number of flies taken during the critical period of the two 
winters was disproportionate. In the winter 1957-58 only twenty flies 
were taken in thirteen collections from December through March. 

82 Wallace D. Dawson 

During the same period of 1958-59 288 flies were taken in eighteen 
collections. The difference is probably due to the severity of the 
1957-58 winter which was 3.8° F. colder per month than the mean 
average for Kentucky. 

A correlation was shown to exist both winters between the number 
of live flies collected and the temperature at the time of collection. 
Live flies were seldom obtained at temperatures below 40° F. In one 
instance a live D. putrida was in a trap taken at 18° F. No other live 
flies were taken at temperatures below 34° F. Occasionally dead flies 
were found in the traps and these were tabulated in the totals. In the 
winter 1957-58 fifteen of the twenty flies taken during the December- 
March period were alive. In the same period of 1958-59 241 of the 
288 flies taken were living. 

During March and April 1958 twenty-eight flies of the D. affinis- 
algonquin sibling species were examined for sex. Twenty-one of these 
were females and six were males. In January through April 1959 sex 
ratio was determined in 334 affinis-algonquin. There were a total of 
144 females and 190 males. Males outnumbered the females by ap- 
proximately twenty-five per cent during each of the four months. 

No significant correlation could be established between the number 
of flies or the relative abundance of any species obtained and precipita- 
tion or relative humidity. 

Collection of various types of material which were incubated in 
the laboratory to discern whether they served as suitable media for 
overwintering Drosophila eggs, pupae or larvae did not prove fruitful, 
although more than two hundred samples were collected in the 
course of the two winters. Special attention was given to decaying 
fruits, bark around slime fluxes, fleshy fungi, and similar materials 
which might be likely hibernacula. 

Direct Response Tests. A comprehensive series of experiments was 
conducted to determine the direct response of adult Drosophila after 
exposure to freezing and below freezing temperatures for various 
lengths of time. Including a period for feeding and acclimatization, all 
flies fell within an age range of ten to fifty-four hours from eclosion 
at the time they were placed into the freezer for testing. Relatively 
few of the flies were at the extremes of this age range. 

In these experiments the species D. affinis, robusta and melanogaster 
were used. These species were selected primarily because their 
seasonal population cycles are well known and they can be readily 
maintained in the laboratory. These species also presented the oppor- 
tunity to contrast two common native species with an abundant 
domestic species in a comparative temperature tolerance study. 

Studies of the Overwintering of Certain Drosophila Species 83 

In each experiment of this series, except one, ten flies of each of 
three species were used. Each experiment was repeated once. In one 
test a total of seventy flies were used. 

Temperature ranges used were 0°, —5°, —10°, —15°, and —20° C. 
all +2°. Time exposures selected were one, four, eight, twelve, 
eighteen, twenty-four, thirty-six, forty-eight and sixty hours. These 
times and temperatures were selected because they best demonstrated 
the differences in survival capabilities of the species used. At the 0° C. 
range it was not necessary to use the shorter time exposures, since all 

Table II 
poUSU Species oe =5° -10° = =15° -20° 
affinis - 100 100 100 10 
| robusta - 100 100 55 lor 
melanogaster - 100 95 55 10 
affinis - 100 100 25 fe) 
4 robusta ~ 100 90 O 6) 
melanogaster ~ 100 30 O re) 
affinis - 100 100 ¢) fe) 
8 robusta - 100 60 e) - 
melanogaster - 90 5 8) = 
affinis - 95 90 0) - 
12 robusta - Ons 50 ie) - 
melanogaster - fe) 5 6) - 
affinis 100 99 85 fe) = 
18 robusta 100 100 fe) fe) = 
melanogaster 100 O 6) 0 - 
affinis - 90 10 O - 
24 robusta = 60 @) - = 
melanogaster - 5 0 - - 
affinis - 95 ) - - 
36 robusta - 50 ie) - - 
melanogaster - ie) 10) - = 
affinis 100 85 = - - 
48 robusta 100 60 - - = 
melanogaster 40 6) - - - 
affinis 90 90 - - ~ 
60 robusta 100 1S - - - 

melanogaster 5 0 - - = 

§4 Wallace D. Dawson 

species showed good survival at these levels. On the contrary at the 
lower temperature ranges, only short exposures were required since 
no flies survived beyond these limits. The results of this series of 
experiments are summarized in Table II. 

When a lethal dosage of fifty per cent for each species, as nearly 
as it could be determined from the results, is plotted against tempera- 
ture and time, the differential in survival at low temperature can be 
clearly demonstrated graphically (Fig. 1). D. affinis shows better 

D. affinis 
56 \ 
y \ eenemcenames Ds Fobtista 




Time tn Hours 




o° a -|0° =[5° =20° 

Temperature Centigrade 

Fig. 1. Lethal dosage fifty percent of Drosophila species exposed to low temperatures. 

survival at all levels indicated, with robusta somewhat intermediate 
between affinis and melanogaster. D. melanogaster shows only neg- 
ligible survival below —5° C for periods greater than twenty-four 

Another experiment was conducted to determine approximately 
the nature of the survival response to freezing of several other species. 
In two separate experiments a total of fifty flies each of the species 
D. affinis, robusta, melanogaster, hydei, immigrans and cardini were 
used. D. hydei and immigrans are both cosmopolitan domestic species 
presumably of tropical or sub-tropical origin. D. cardini is a wild sub- 
tropical species of Florida and the West Indies. Thriving unaged 
flies were exposed to —5° C. for a period of eighteen hours. The results 
of this experiment indicate that hydei, immigrans and cardini are 

Studies of the Overwintering of Certain Drosophila Species 85 

slightly less cold hardy than melanogaster and considerably less than 
affinis or robusta (Table III). 

Table Ill 

Actual Survival 

3 Survival Crippled Stunned Dead Survived Pertshed 

D. robusta 
De hydei tes ater <r oe 

D. immigrans 

cages whieh ema RE Sey Sia Ae 

An experiment using the species D. tripunctata, a native species, 
tested for five days at 1°C in contrast with affinis, robusta and 
melanogaster indicated that this species has roughly the same survival 
potential as robusta. 

Another test was designed to determine the possible hibernation 
potential of adult Drosophila. One hundred flies each of the species 
affinis, robusta and melanogaster, which had been selected so that sex 
ratios were equal, were aged for two to thirty-six hours past eclosion, 
permitted to feed on yeast for two additional hours, then were placed 
in a constant temperature refrigerator at +4° C. for a period of thirty 
days. At the close of this time the flies were examined. Approximately 
one-fourth of the affinis survived, although only 36 per cent of this 
number were undamaged, whereas only a single robusta and none of 
the melanogaster lived. 

Degree of Survival 

D. melanogaster 


The perplexing problem of overwintering of Drosophila has been 
the primary theme of this study. In winter collections during both 
1957-58 and 1958-59 during the December through March period D. 
affinis-algonquin (sibling species) was the most commonly obtained 
fly. On some occasions these flies were taken shortly after spells of 
cold considerably below freezing. These flies almost invariably were 
shiny colored, showed no broken bristles or appendages and were well 

86 Wallace D. Dawson 

fed. It is conceivable that such flies had recently emerged from the 
pupae with rising temperatures. On the basis of winter collections 
it is evident that affinis-algonquin is the most cold hardy of the 
Drosophila commonly found in Kentucky. This evidence is confirmed 
by laboratory cold survival tests with affinis. 

If D. affinis is capable of surviving the winter in greater numbers 
than other species, this may account for the initial dominance of this 
species in Drosophila collections made early in the spring. The scarcity 
of the species during mid-summer may be due to competition with 
better adapted species for food or breeding sites. These summer 
competitors may not, however, have the benefit of cold resistance, 
and with early fall frosts affinis renews its dominance. The cold 
hardiness of affinis probably also accounts for its prevalence over other 
native species at higher altitudes as was shown by Carpenter and 
Giordano (1955). 

No attempt was made to distinguish between the sibling species 
D. affinis and algonquin until the last eight collections of 1959. On the 
basis of the evidence available it seems that algonquin makes up a 
greater part of the combined population during the colder months 
and is more cold hardy than affinis. This is in agreement with Miller 
(1958) who has recognized that algonquin is the more northern of 
the two species, Kentucky being near the southern limits of its range. 
D. affinis, however, disregarding algonquin, is still more coldhardy 
than D. robusta with which it shares its range. D. affinis is probably 
also slightly more resistant to cold than putrida as is indicated by field 
data. . 

Carson (1958) states that D. robusta overwinters as an adult, as is 
evidenced by the dark color of the flies found in collections early in 
the spring, and that such overwinter flies frequently show broken 
wings or bristles. The robusta obtained at Dry Branch during the 
months of March and April 1959 were carefully examined. All flies 
appeared to be undamaged. The flies appeared to be neither excep- 
tionally dark or light in color as compared with flies obtained at 
other seasons of the year. If robusta overwinters as an adult, it must 
necessarily be well insulated against cold. Thirty days at +4° C. 
was sufficient to kill all except one of 100 robusta in the laboratory. 
Freezing or sub-freezing temperatures are lethal to these flies in a 
much shorter time. The presence or nature of hibernacula sufficient 
to offer protection to adult robusta in the Dry Branch area is not 
known. The presence of overwintering pupae offers itself as perhaps 
a more plausible possibility, although evidence on this point is not 
yet available. 

Studies of the Overwintering of Certain Drosophila Species 87 

D. putrida was the second most abundant fly in winter collections. 
Unfortunately this species is not readily adapted to laboratory culture 
and direct cold response was not tested. This species is apparently 
cold hardy, and by mid-April becomes the dominant fly in Drosophila 

Laboratory experiments demonstrate that D. melanogaster is more 
sensitive to cold than the native species. The survival of this species 
shown in this work is in essential agreement with similar studies by 
Novitski and Rush (1949). It appears doubtful that melanogaster, 
which probably has a tropical origin, is capable of overwintering in 
the wild in temperate forests of eastern North America. Populations 
of this fly which become established in forested areas are probably 
completely eradicated by a winter of any appreciable severity. Popula- 
tions can then be reestablished only by reintroduction through the 
agency of man from the domestic situations where it survives. 

In studies at Dry Branch and elsewhere large populations of 
D. melanogaster are usually shown to be present by August and 
September. Studies by Jones (1958) showed that in September 1957 
melanogaster constituted approximately sixty per cent of the Dry 
Branch Drosophila population. In two years previous to this similar 
peaks were noted in other unpublished studies. These three years 
were preceded by moderate winters. We found, however, that in the 
summer of 1958 melanogaster did not establish a population peak and 
constituted but a small portion of the total population. As has been 
previously noted the winter of 1957-58 was more severe than average 
in Kentucky and may account for a reduction in numbers of 
melanogaster to the extent that it was unable to establish a dense 
population during the year. In addition, during the latter year, 
collections in areas frequented by humans were avoided. This evidence 
is further support for the hypothesis that melanogaster does not usually 
survive a severe winter in natural situations. 

Two other domestic species, D. immigrans and hydei, which were 
treated by exposure to low temperature, were shown to be more 
sensitive to cold than melanogaster. Spencer (1941) has stated that 
hydei overwinters in buildings and other man-made habitats. It is 
doubtful whether either species can survive rigorous winters in the 
wild, and, like melanogaster, are reintroduced annually by man. In 
unmolested areas they do not occur. Both species have essentially the 
same cold resistance as the wild sub-tropical species, cardini. 

The nature of hibernacula of overwintering Drosophila was not 
determined not withstanding extensive collections for materials which 
might contain overwintering pupae or eggs. If Drosophila overwinter 


Wallace D. Dawson 

as adults, the only conceivable locations suitably protected would be 
hollow trees or stumps, or deep ground litter. Numerous samples of 
both of these types of materials did not produce any Drosophila. 
Needless to say, but a minute portion of the total hibernacula could 
be sampled, and the probability of obtaining overwintering flies was 
slight. Hardy overwinter pupae of Drosophila, if such exist, may be 
attached beneath bark or in crevices in dead wood. More detailed 
information concerning their summer breeding sites would provide 
valuable clues for locating possible overwintering eggs or pupae. 



Adult Drosophila were obtained in winter collections at Dry 
Branch, Fayette County, Kentucky, in 1957-58 and 1958-58. Live 
flies feeding in the traps seldom occurred at temperatures below 
40° F. D. affinis-algonquin, D. putrida, D. robusta and D. tri- 
punctata, in this order, were the most common species taken. Of 
these D. affinis-algonquin was the most abundant by a considerable 
Sample collections of material which might contain overwintering 
eggs, larvae or pupae did not prove fruitful. 
A series of direct temperature response experiments was conducted 
in the laboratory by exposing adult flies to constant temperature 
ranges for various lengths of time. In these experiments D. affinis 
was the most coldhardy, and D. melanogaster was the most sensi- 
tive. D .robusta was intermediate. 
Comparative tests of other domestic and native species indicated 
that D. hydei and D. immigrans are less cold hardy than native 
species and are comparable to the sub-tropical species D. cardini. 
D. tripunctata has approximately the same cold resistance as D. 
D. affinis showed better hibernation potential than either D. robusta 
or D. melanogaster when held thirty days at +4° C. 
Experimental and field data demonstrate that D. affinis is better 
adapted to cooler temperatures than other species present in Ken- 
tucky. This may explain the high frequency of this species in the 
spring and late autumn. 
The manner in which D. robusta overwinters was not determined. 
Evidence from the laboratory tests suggests that exposure of. 
adults to freezing temperatures over prolonged periods of more 
than two or three days is virtually lethal. Some few adults may 
survive in extremely protected situations, or overwintering pupae 
may exist. 

Studies of the Overwintering of Certain Drosophila Species 89 

8. D. melanogaster and other domestic species of tropical or sub- 
tropical origin probably do not survive winters of any appreciable 
severity in the temperate forests of eastern North America. These 
species are probably reintroduced into natural habitats annually 
by man, and upon becoming established compete successfully with 
native species during the warmer months. 

Literature Cited 

Carpenter, J. M. and Giordano, J. F. 1955. Populations of the genus Drosophila 
in the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee. Amer. Mid. Nat., 54:104-118 

Carson, H. L. 1958. The population genetics of Drosophila robusta. Advances in 
Genetics, 9:1-40. 

Carson, H. L., Knapp, E. P. and Phaff, H. J. 1956. The yeast flora of the natural 
breeding sites of some species of Drosophila. Ecology, 37:538-544. 

Carson, H. L. and Stalker, H. D. 1949. Variation in chromosomes of Drosophila 
robusta. Evolution, 3:322-329. 

Carson, H. L. and Stalker, H. D. 1951. Natural breeding sites for some wild 
species of Drosophila in the eastern United States. Ecology, 32:317-330. 
Dobzhansky, Th. 1936. Collecting, transporting and shipping wild species of 

Drosophila. Dros. Info. Serv., 6:28-29. 

Dobzhansky, Th. 1956. Genetics of natural populations. XXV. Genetic changes 
in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis in some locaities 
in California. Evolution, 10:82-92. 

Dubinin, N. P. and Tiniakov, G. G. 1946. Natural selection and chromosomal 
variability in populations of Drosophila funebris. Journ. Hered., 37:39-44. 

Jones, J. F. 1958. Master’s thesis. Univ. Ky. 

Komatsu, J. K. 1959. Master’s thesis. Univ. Ky. 

Levitan, M. 1951. Response of the chromosomal variability in Drosophila robusta 
to seasonal factors in a southwest Virginia woods. Genetics, 36:561-562. 
Levitan, M. 1954. Drosophilidae in New York and New Jersey. Amer. Mid. Nat., 


Mather, W. B. 1956. The genus Drosophila (Diptera) in eastern Queensland. II. 
Seasonal changes in natural populations 1952-1953. Australian Journ. Zool., 

Miller, D. D. 1958. Geographical distribution of the American Drosophila affinis 
subgroup species. Amer. Mid. Nat., 60:52-70. 

Novitski, E. and Rush, G. 1949. Viability and fertility of Drosophila exposed to 
sub-zero temperature. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 97:150-157. 

Patterson, J. T. 1943. Studies in the genetics of Drosophila. III. The Droso- 
philidae of the Southwest. Univ. Texas Publ., 4313. 

Speiss, E. B. 1949. Drosophila in New England. Journ. N.Y. Ent. Soc., 57:117- 

Spencer, W. P. 1941. Ecological factors in Drosophila speciation. Ohio Journ. 
Sci., 41:190-200. 

Williams, D. D. and Miller, D. D. 1952. A report on Drosophila collections in 
Nebraska. Bull. Univ. Nebr. State Museum. 3:(7) 1-19. 

Accepted for publication 20 September 1960. 

1960 Fall Meeting 

The forty-sixth annual meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science opened 
with a visit to the Potamalogical Institute in Louisville from 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. 
on November 4. 

Approximately 85 Academy members and guests attended the dinner that 
evening and heard Dr. Richard L. Barber speak on the subject, “Modern Science 
and Modern Philosophy”. 

The business meeting was opened on Saturday morning by P. Panzera at — 
8:00 a.m. 

The minutes of the 1959 meeting were read and approved. 

The treasurer’s report prepared by R. A. Chapman, was read by R. Barbour. 
It was moved that the report, previously audited by P. Sears and W. Wagner, be 
accepted. The motion carried. 

R. Barbour then reported that $1.70 of the membership dues of $2.00 are 
being spent for publication of the “Transactions” leaving an insufficient amount 
for other Academy activities. He moved that regular membership dues be 
increased to $3.50, that domestic subscription rates for the “Transactions” be 
increased from $2.00 to $3.50 and that the foreign subscription rate be increased 
from $2.50 to $4.00. The motion was seconded by J. Carpenter. The motion 
carried unanimously. W. Wagner suggested that some of the income from 
increased dues should be used to support the Junior Academy. 

R. Boyer reported that there are over 38 Junior Academy clubs in Kentucky. 
He reported that the science fair had been held in the east exhibition wing at the 
fairgrounds. There were over 300 exhibits in the two divisions, one including 
Jefferson County and another including the rest of the state. He reported that 
about $700. was used for prizes and expenses and that this nioney was raised by 
donations from the Kentucky Research Foundation (for publishing the bulletin), 
N.E.A., Jefferson County Medical Society, Brown and Williamson, and several 
chemical companies. He suggested that a Junior Science Bulletin editor be 
appointed and that a Junior Academy money raiser be appointed in addition to 
the advisers to replace him. P. Panzera reported the appointment of M. Christopher 
as the Junior Academy director and that assistants would be appointed. 

M. Wharton reported on the A.A.A.S. meeting held the previous December. 
She also reported that the treasurer would be happy to receive contributions for 
furnishing the Thomas Hunt Morgan room. 

The resolutions committee (J. Carpenter, D. Lindsay, and A. Whitt) presented 
three resolutions: 

1. Whereas, the Junior Academy of the K.A.S., as an integral part of this 
Academy, has always performed at a high level and brought credit to the 
K.A.S. under its counselor, Mr. Robert Boyer, and Whereas Mr. Boyer is 
retiring from this position after several years of outstanding service, be it 
therefore resolved that the K.A.S. extend to Mr. Boyer a vote of thanks for his 
excellent record as a leader of potential scientists. 
Whereas, the University of Louisville under the guidance of a committee 
composed of Drs. Clay, Jackson, Vance, and Shoemaker has performed 
efficiently and effectively in arranging for the annual meeting of the K.A.S. 
at the University of Louisville, be it therefore resolved that the K.A.S. extend 
to this committee, and to the host institution, the University of Louisville, its 
sincerest thanks for a well planned and executed annual meeting. 
3, Whereas, the K.A.S. heartily endorses the growing interest in the state and 
nation toward the encouragement of strong subject matter courses in our 


Academy Affairs 91 

schools and colleges, especially in the training of teachers, be it therefore 
resolved that the K.A.S. attempt to assist, in every way possible, the improve- 
ment of the teaching of science in the schools and colleges of Kentucky. 

The resolutions were adopted. J. Black presented an additional resolution, en- 
dorsing the proposed constitutional revision, which was also adopted. 

The research committee (R. Wiley and H. Hancock) reported consideration 
of two proposals and recommended that $60. be granted to each. After some 
discussion it was decided that the committee should confer with H. Hahn and 
T. Kargl before making a final decision on the sizes of the grants. Following the 
conferences (after the business meeting) it was announced that each would 
receive $60. T. Kargl’s project is entitled “Carotenoids: Structure Determination 
by Light and Infrared Absorption Analyses.” H. Hahn’s project is entitled “Mirror 
Drawings Techniques in Evaluating Behavior Reactions in Frustrating Situations”. 

A list of new members was submitted for approval by the Academy. Lucia 
Arderson, William O. Atlinson, Luther W. Baxter, Thomas R. Beebe, John J. 
Begin, Fred Boercker, Ellis V. Brown, Lourine Cave, James R. Charles, M. P. 
Christopher, Alfred E. Coleman, Graham B. Dimmick, William G. Downs, Jr., 
W. G. Duncan, Hartley Eckstrom, Carl F. Essig, Jr., Harold G. Planary, Ralph 
Forney, Joseph E. Hanegan, Fannie R. Harmon, Carlton Heckrotte, James P. 
Henley, Sumner Hayward, Donald G. Hicks, Ronald Higdon, Harris E. Hill, Anna 
L. Hoffman, Karl F. Hussung, Daniel F. Jackson, Thomas H. Johnson, Ernst Jokl, 
Frank Kodman, Jr., Robert A. Kuehne, James F. Lafferty, Travis J. Leach, 
William R. McNeely, William R. Martin, Mrs. E. E. Mayo, Louis B. Miller, 
Richard Newcomer, William Norris, Thomas G. Nye, William Owens, William TH. 
Pell, Charles Reidlinger, R. B. Renda, Gertrude Ridgel, Dan Schreiber, Riley S. 
Smith, Jr., Charles Sowards, Kenneth J. Starks, G. W. Stokes, arion F. Tabb, Ralph 
A. Tesseneer, Jack R. Todd, Allen M. Wallace, John B. Wells, Otis Wolfe were 
accepted as members of the Academy. 

The nominating committee (W. Owsley and W. Sumpter) gave the following 

President Elect: C. Whittle 
Vice-President: L. Dawson 

Secretary: G. Levey 

Treasurer: R. Chapman 

A.A.A.S. Representative: M. Wharton 
Board of Directors: C. Lange, A. Whitt 

R. Weaver moved that the slate be elected unanimously. The motion was 
seconded and carried. 

H. La Fuze suggested that the Academy try to encourage research in 
member colleges. J. Carpenter suggested that the Academy take steps which 
might result in reducing teaching loads so that research would be more possible. 
A. Cole suggested that the Academy do some recruitment in high schools for the 
sciences so that more students might end up in graduate schools and in medicine. 

Dr. Philip G. Davidson, President of the University of Louisville, welcomed 
the Academy to Louisville. 

The business meeting adjourned at 9:20. 

Meetings of the sections were then held with contributed papers in 
Bacteriology and Medical Technology, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Psychology, 
Physics, and Geology. 

The officers of the sections who were elected at the sectional meetings are 
as follows: 

Bacteriology and Medical Technology 

Genevieve Clark, Chairman 
Margaret Hotchkiss, Secretary 

92 Academy Affairs 


Carl Henrickson, Chairman 
Arland Hotchkiss, Secretary 


Carl Hussung, Chairman 
Arthur W. Fort, Secretary 


Bruce B. Vance, President 

Richard Hanau, Secretary, Treasurer 

Ray H. Bixler, Chairman 

Paul McNeely, Secretary 

Robert Kuehne, Chairman 
Dwight Lindsay, Secretary 

Report of the Treasurer for the Year 1959-1960 

BalancerOctober él 1959) cds esha. cesseres cs case ee senna tse $845.14 
Income October 1, 1959-October 1, 1960 
Regular membership Ques. cisaseecsroreuse ts coeseeusesscoserceccees $ 642.40 
Sustaining) membership Ques, f2:cceces-c-ceeecsecesses cee sncsssecsees 210.00 
University of Louisville—Transactions ..............::c0e0000 200.00 
INAS wRescarchy Grants wersanece ese caeeesatetsccnas cee eseecesacee 80.00 
Beabreiser \Co:—adviertisin®: sescs.secccsses-oesceecsecteetan soovecenes 50.00 
Reprints—Transactiony articles’ 32.44 
Subscriptions—iramsactioms) seen arsceeececeeseeccsee eters 12.00 
Morgan bnnd—contribution cscs te ee eee 10.00 

$1,236.84 $9081.98 
Expenses October 1, 1959-October 1, 1960 

Transactions—Publication of Volumes 20 .............0008 $1,157.74 
Secretary—printing, postage, CtC. .......ccccccccccessscccesseeeees 141.82 
Junior Academy—travel, (Ct, sir.cossscesssoctereecccsceneotoceees 89.98 
Research Grants: ocicrccesitea ter aan eee 80.00 
Treasurer—mimeographing, postage .........cccccsscceesreeens 15.82 
AAAS Academy Conference due ...........c:scceeseseseeeees 6.40 
$1,491 $ 590.22 
BalancerOctobergl lO GO meses cere ieee eee ene cea $590.22 
Status of savings account in Lexington Federal Savings and Loan Association 
BalancetOctober wh W959) seco: ance. acer osceee cena eset $583.24 
Interest=LO59=19GO eos eeccecacciescces successes sosovesues conevbavtoeeertees 22.08 
Balances Octoberp ey LOGO ee cs secsssseea ao raee seoee cea cnestaneeen cues $605.32 

Respectfully submitted, 
Ricuarp A. CHAPMAN, Treasurer 
Approved by: 
Paul G. Sears 10/28/60 
William F. Wagner 10/28/60 

Academy Affairs 93 

Sectional Meetings 


Natural Science Building Room 300 
9:10 A.M. 

O. F. Edwards, Chairman 
Genevieve Clark, Secretary 

Comparison of membrane filter and Most Probable Number methods on Ohio 
River Water. W. L. Williams, Superintendent of Purification of water, Kentucky 
Testing Laboratory, Louisville, Kentucky. 

A simplified method for counting anaerobic rumen bacteria using sealed glass 
tubing. D. W. Claypool, D. R. Jacobson, and R. F. Wiseman, Departments of 
Dairy Science and Microbiology, University of Kentucky. 

Studies on the relationships of bacterial cell walls, antigenic structures and 
bacteriophage absorption sites. Sidney Crouch and James C. Humphries, Depart- 
ment of Microbiology, University of Kentucky. 


Natural Science Building Room 110 
9:10 A.M. 

Liza Spann, Chairman 
Lloyd Alexander, Secretary 

Initial Orientation of Myotis austoriparius. Ambrose, Harrison W., III, De- 
partment of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

Equipment and Techniques in Photographing Amphibians and Reptiles. Bar- 
bour, Roger W., Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

A Preliminary List of the Mammals of Lewis County, Kentucky. Barkley, 
William Byrd. Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

A Preliminary List of the Mammals of Robinson Forest, Breathitt County, 
Kentucky. Hardjasasmita, Hidajat Sjarief. Department of Zoology, University of 

Fascioliasis in Indonesian Livestock. Edney, James Marion. Department of 
Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

Population size and Growth Rate in the Fairy Shrimp, Eubranchipus vernalis. 
Kuehne, Robert Andrew. Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

Cold Tolerance in Drosophila. Moore, William’ Joseph and Carpenter, John 
Melvin. Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

Recent Lethals from Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Frank 
Seto. Department of Biology, Berea College. 

Investigations into the Status of Gyrinophilus lutescens (Refinesque). New- 
comer, Richard Joseph. Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

Electrocardiograms of the Embryonic and Fetal Rat Heart. Hall, E. kK. 
Department of Anatomy, University of Louisville School of Medicine. 

Studies in the Biological Control of the House Fly Using Microchelid Mites. 
Rodriguez, Juan Guadalupe and Wade, Claude F. Department of Entomology, 
University of Kentucky. 

The Role of Oribatid Mites in the Forest Soil Ecosystem. Wallwork, John 
Anthony. Department of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 

94 Academy Affairs 


Natural Science Building Room 108 
9:10 A.M. 

Lizo Spann, Chairman 
Lloyd Alexander, Secretary 

A proposal for a flora of Kentucky. Browne, Edwards T., Jr. Department of 
Botany, University of Kentucky. 

The Influence of Sucrose on the Root and Shoot growth of Aseptic explants of 
Helianthus annuus. Henrickson, Carl E. Department of Botany, University of 

Colonies and Populations of May-apple (Podophyllum peltatum L.) Warden, 
John C. Department of Botany, University of Kentucky. 

Chromosomes in Agapanthus. Mukerjee, Debdas. Department of Botany, 
University of Kentucky. 

Chromatographic methods for studying the genus Haworthia. Hopkins, 
Jerome D. Department of Botany, University of Kentucky. 

Chromatographic studies in the Coarctatae Section of the genus Haworthia. 
Isbell, Charles J. Department of Botany, University of Kentucky. 

Biological Assay of Water. Jackson, Daniel F. The Potamological Institute, 
University of Louisville. 

Preliminary Studies on Primary and Secondary Fluorescence of Phytoplankton. 
Parr, Wordie. The Potamological Institute, University of Louisville. 

A Comparison of the Gorwth of Algae in Chambers exposed and unexposed 
to sunlight. Seilheimer, Jack. The Potamological Institute, University of Louis- 

A proposed System for Plant Identification. Gunn, Charles R., Ross Seed 
Company and University of Louisville. 

Respiration Rates of Various Aquatic Invertebrates. Smith, Charles Jr., The 
Potamological Institute, University of Louisville. 

A Quantitative Critique of Gomori’s Histochemical Method for Phos- 
phamidase. Atkinson, William B. and Herbener, George H., Department of 
Anatomy, University of Louisville School of Medicine. 

A Study of Soil Fertility by Microbial Activity. Gilkerson, Seth W., Hull, 
H. L. and Gentry, C. E. Kettering Soils Research Project. Berea College. 

Natural Science Building Room 7 
9:10 A.M. 

Walter T. Smith, Chairman 
Karl F. Hussung, Secretary 

“Synthesis of Some Substituted Alkoxybenzoic Acids” by Walter T. Smith 
and Myron H. Bengson (University of Kentucky ). 

“Molecular Weight and Vapor Pressure Studies of the Solvates of Transision 
Metal Acetylacetonates.” By Donald R. Rogers, J. F. Steinbach and W. F. Wagner 
(University of Kentucky ). 

“Preparation and Carcinogenic Activity of Alkylated Butter Yellows.” Ellis 
V. Brown (University of Kentucky ). 

“The Reactive Intermediate of the Favorskii Rearrangement.” By Arthur W. 
Fort (University of Kentucky ). 

“Copolymerization Characteristics of Some Divinyl Monomers.” By G. L. 
Mayberry and Richard H. Wiley (University of Louisville). 

Academy Affairs 95 

“Effect of EDTA on the Solvent Extraction of Erbium and Holmium 
Acetylacetonates.” By E. Jarvis, J. F. Steinbach and W. F. Wagner ( University of 
Kentucky ). 

“Monomer Reactivity Ratios for the Styreneisoprene Copolymerization.” By 
Burns Davis and Richard H. Wiley (University of Louisville). 

“Tungsten and Iridium in Stone Meteorites by Neutron Activation Analysis’. 
By A. Amiruddin, J. R. Rushbrook and W. D. Ehmann ( University of Kentucky ). 

“A New Stereoisomer of 3-Methyl-5-Phenyl-2, 4-Pentadienoic Acid.” By C. S. 
Staples and Richard H. Wiley (University of Louisville). 

“Halomethane Solvates of Tervalent Metal Acetylacetonates.” By Francis 
Clarke, J. F. Steinbach and W. F. Wagner ( University of Kentucky ). 

“Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characteristics of the 3-Methyl-5-Phenyl2-, 
4-Pentadienoic Acids.” By T. H. Crawford and Richard H. Wiley (University of 
Louisville ). 

In each case, the speaker's name is in italic. 


Natural Science Building Room 107 
9:10 A.M. 

Clara Chassell Cooper, President 
Lourine Cave, Secretary 

The Relationship Between Extent of Self-Disclosure Output and Group 
Cohesiveness. William T. Query, VA Hospital, Lexington. Discussant: Richard 
M. Griffith. 

Reactions of College Students to Their Course in High School Psychology. 
Paul McNeely, Asbury College. Discussant: James S. Calvin. 

Patterns of Religious Ideas and Personality Traits in Berea College Students: 
Replication of an Earlier Study. Clara Chassell Cooper, Berea College. Discussant: 
W. Gordon Ross. 

Indifference to Prestige and Attitudes Regarding Segregation. Ray H. Bixler, 
University of Louisville. Discussant: Raymond A. Wilkie. 

Analysis and Synthesis of Judgment. Joan Lee, University of Kentucky. Dis- 
cussant: Lawrence C. Grebstein. 

Systematic Application of Tachistoscopic Techniques for an Objective Ap- 
proach to Personality etermination. Hans Hahn, Transylvania College. Discussant: 
Clara Chassell Cooper. 

Natural Science Building Room 109 
9:10 A.M. 

An Observation on the Non-linear Propagation of Sound in Water.—Carl E. 
Adams, University of Louisville. 

The Influence of Thin Films on Sound Absorption in Flexible Foams.—M. 
Schwartz and D. Janzen, University of Louisville. 

The Activation Energy of Thin Germanium Films.—B. Nichols and N, 
Mostovych, University of Louisville. 

The Effect of an Aluminum Oxide Undercoating on the Electrical Properties 
of Thin Metallic Films.—C. Naber and N. Mostovych, University of Louisville. 

Expansion of the Point Charge Rock Salt Lattice Potential in Kubic Har- 
monics.—C,. S. Riley and E. F. Sieckmann, University of Kentucky. 

ee eeeeerre——e—on Sava aL 

96 Academy Affairs 

Preliminary Calculations of Wave Functions and Energy Eigenvalues for 
Het in a Rock Salt Lattice.—E. F. Sieckmann, University of Kentucky. 

Discrimination between Neutron and Gramma Ray Pulses in an Anthracene 
Scintillator—M. Hadi and M. T. McEllistrem, University of Kentucky. 


Menges Hall Room 106 
9:30 A.M. 

James E. Conkin, Acting Chairman 

Fossil Land Snails from the Loess at Vicksburg, Mississippi. By James E. 
Conkin and Barbara M. Conkin,* University of Louisville. 

Interpretation of Self Potential Maps. By Marion Stallard, Independent 
Geologist, Fern Creek, Ky. 

Coral Zones in the Richmond Beds in Kentucky, west of the Cincinnati Arch. 
By Ruth Browne, Research Associate, University of Louisville. 

PreNiagaran Arch in Kentucky. By Harvey C. Young, Geologist, Geological 
Consultants, Inc. 

Mississippian Foraminifera of Michigan. By James E. Conkin and Philip 
Malone, University of Louisville. 

Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Louisiana Limestone (Mississippian) of 
Missouri. By James E. Conkin, University of Louisville. 

Geology of the Monroe Dam Area, Monroe County, Indiana. By Harry 
Thomas, Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville. 

1:30 - 4:00 P.M. 

Organizational meeting of the geology section, Kentucky Academy of Science. 
Election of officers for 1961. 
Formation of Committee on Geologic Education to study school curricula in 
Formation of Committee on Geologic Research in Kentucky. 

* Indicates speaker. 


Acetylacetone, solubility of, 66, 67 

Barbour, Roger W., 10 
Brown, W. K., 49 

Calcium®9, 1 

amoenus amoenus, 10 
amoenus helenae, 10 
amoenus vermis, 10 

Carpinus, 74, 76 

Carychium stygium Call, 35 

Cave snail, 35 

Christian, Paul J., 73 

Chromium®®, 1 

Chromosome number, Helianthus de- 
capetalus, 17 

Computers, 61 

Corrosion, oil bearing, 23 

Dawson, Wallace D., 77 
affinis, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88 
affinis-algonquin, 77, 78, 81, 82, 
86, 88 
busckii, 81 
cardini, 79, 84, 85, 87, 88 
hydei, 79, 84, 85, 87, 88 
immigrans, 79, 84, 85, 87, 88 
melanogaster, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 
85, 87, 88 
nigromelanica, 81 
putrida, 77, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88 
robusta, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88 
transversa, 81 
tripunctata, 79, 85, 88 

Eaves, J. C., 61 

Ehmann, William D., 1 
Elliott, J. B., 49 

Erbium actylacetonate, 65, 66 
Euphorbia pulcherrima, 20 

Fourier heat equation, 50 
Hall, N. W., 23 

Heines, Sister Virginia, 20 
Helianthus decapetalus, 17 

Hubricht, Leslie, 35 
Huizenga, John R., 1 

Ishida, Y. G., 65 
Leafhopper, 73, 74, 75, 76 

McNeely, Paul, 6 
Meadow, J. R., 23 

Nectars, 20 

O'Leary, Sister Mary Adeline, 20 
Oxine, distribution between chloro- 
form and water, 66 

Penrod, E. B., 49 

Pignany TI. ja 61 
Poinsettia, 20 

Prasanna, K. V., 39 
Psychology, teaching of, 6 

Radionuclides, 1 

Smith, Dale M., 17 
Sodium chloride, salting effect of, 65 
Soil temperature, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 
54. 55, 96; 51..90; 00 
Solar energy, 39 
Solar energy for air conditioning, 47 
Solar energy for heating, 42 
Solar energy utilization, 41 
Steinbach, J. F., 65 
Subroutines, 61, 62 
Cyclic Entry-Exit Method, 61, 62, 
63, 64 
Sugars, 20 
Sulfur containing compounds, 23, 27 
Sulfur compounds, 23 

andromache, 78, 74, 75 
beameri, 74, 75 
niobe, 73 
rubriocellata, 73 
surcula, 75 

Wagner, W. F., 65 

Williams, W. D., 23 
Worm snake, 10 

3 ‘ 
_ U4) Pos eter 
yi kee eee 


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Volume 22 — 1961 

Published by 






Associate Editors 

SETH GILKERSON, Bacteriology and Medical Technology 
Mary E. Wuarton, Botany 
Warp Sumpter, Chemistry 
BarsBaRraA M. Conxin, Geology 

Joun M. Carpenter, Zoology 

Editorial Office 

Department of Zoology 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Kentucky 


No. 1-2 
The Response of Adrenal Cortex to Stress in Rats 
GENE C. PALMER and WM. G. DOWNS, JR. ........sssssceceseeees 1 
Fossil Land Snails from the Loess at Vicksburg, 
JaMEs E. ConkIN and BARBARA M. CONKIN ...........csscsseseees 11 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 
AEURED BRAUER ANG: ALBERT EJUSENG <ésdecisscsesnéessasecovtersoossuees 16 

Quantum Theory and Psychotherapy 
PE TZANBEEET: An) POEINSON, 2222:0.cceedevecdesestanssavexuonsntwoveeececcabsovoreseessd 28 

Change of Independent Variable in Differential Equations 

SAV VEEEIES ACs Peon EP RONAND fc ueves tunyacxcas ctesvasdaecasvsenanesenatesas 29 
Peed AIAN Pa IEE Spy cease canes eh encanto ede ace rhea civatseds oveudehotaise aceseas 33 
Membership List, Kentucky Academy of Science ..............:::00 34 

No. 3-4 

The Kirtley Site, A Mississippian Village in McLean 
County, Kentucky 

IIE OAL ROTENGSOING cof: f.coc. cus vc sesesec cone locneee™t et Ser RN DN a Re 4] 

Preparation of Several Symmetrical Bisphenolic Mannich 
Derivatives of Biological Interest 

C. J. Korpics, W. T. Smiru, and J. R. MEADOW .............0+ 60 

A Cannel Coal Tension Rupture 
PITe Dee R a  lpue Me ARABS, Vaasa cuca 2c cu sta vehowcheenasca watt euact aoetesctaetieoncyesdsseoens 69 

Quinaldine as an Anesthetic on Siredon mexicanum (Shaw) 
VOCE IV ROR IZ, oe secs Sees sci assnes nnsikess ne caccsnonmesqnsstdena vasincatersseoses 71 

A Footnote on Horse Race Betting 
AERC AEA) Ng GRE BEEN 5-0 ot otc de saan tv scscaosca vs oae seis aaa sarvasests Suds 78 

A Key to Prehistoric Kentucky Pottery 
OC TENSI Wit SCHWARZ eerste. cee estoy axenaeens nagseeitbexsssensansasersteesece 82 

PSCC | NGUAMEGE, cs snteacs cess seu caes aot canesnacunkcxs2sas- ansuccadaawusebac stoasundeos 86 
ERTS @ ys V UNIAN N20 Caf se acc nas da tucson acts tends souwe Saescoashetvencatex 92 

a i 1961 Wa ey, Numbers 1-2 
K42X Aart SON jas 

Lf Cr» iN 
To We / 
NH Mra vw \ 
H | 
: . 1 ts 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 


The Response of Adrenal Cortex to Stress in Rats 
GENE C, PaLMER and Wm. G. Downs, JR. .........:esccesseeees 1 

Fossil Land Snails from the Loess at Vicksburg, 
James E. Conkin and Barsara M. ConxkIN 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 

Quantum Theory and Psychotherapy 

Change of Independent Variable in Differential Equations 
S. WerHE and T. J. PicNANr 

Academy Affairs 

Membership List, Kentucky Academy of Science 

The Kentucky Academy of Science’ 
Founded May 8, 1914 

OFFICERS 1960-61 

President: H. H. LaFuzz, Eastern State College 

President-elect: CHanLEs WHITTLE, Western State College 

Vice President: LyLe Dawson, University of Kentucky 

Secretary: Gerrit LEVEY, Berea College 

Treasurer: RicHarp A. CHAPMAN, University of Kentucky 

Representative to AAAS Council: Mary E. WxHarton, Georgetown College 
Counselor to Junior Academy: Maurice CuristopHEeR, Murray State College | 



Chairman: GENEVIEVE CLARK, Georgetown College 
Secretary: Marcaretr Hotcuxiss, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: Cart Henrickson, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: ARLAND Horcnukxiss, University of Louisville 


Chairman: Cart Hussunc, Murray State College 
Secretary: AnrHuR W. Fort, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: James E. Conxin, University of Louisville 
Secretary: MARION STALLARD, Louisville 


Chairman: Bruce B. VANcE, Louisville Public Schools 
Secretary: RicHARrD Hanau, University of Kentucky 


Chairman: Ray H. Brxiter, University of Louisville 
Secretary: Paut McNerry, Asbury College 


Chairman: Ropert KuEHNE, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: Dwicur Liypsay, Georgetown College 

Gry SUANCASTIORY Got ce teee cn Geetha to 1961 HAZE NOL AU! sie cccvecesuscceetuereeee 1962 

PREP REGEN: sg, csevahersseatueraaduccesseusuarase to 1961 Winer (Cray sce .to 1963 
Wiiu1aM B. OwsL.ey ........ Sdaddesecteseace to 1962 GART WIVANGE Sih esc, 

CYB OHAMANN Siinccccecsesssous ie Pe to 1962 AC GS SUITE oo 2, dawecccncosuccde suet oeaten «to 1964 


Editor: RoGeER W. Barsnour, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

Associate Editors: 
(Bacteriology and Medical Technology) SerH GriLKERSON, Berea ica Berea. 
(Botany) Mary E. WuHarron, Georgetown College. 
(Chemistry) Wanp Sumpter, Western State College, Bowling Green. 
(Geology) BarBara M. Conxtiy, Louisville 
(Zoology) Joun M. Carpenter, University of Kentucky, Lexington 

Membership in the Kentucky Academy of Science is open to interested persons upon nomi- 
nation, payments of dues, and election. Application forms for membership may be obtained 
from the Secretary. The TRANSACTIONS are sent free to all members in good standing. 

Subscription rates for non-members are: domestic, $3.50 per volume; foreign, $4.00 per 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued semi-annually. Four numbers comprise a volume. 

Correspondence concerning memberships or subscriptions. should be addressed to the 
Secretary. Exchanges and correspondence relating to exchanges should be addressed, The 
Librarian, University of Louisville, who is the exchange agent for the Academy. Manuscripts 
and other material for publication should be addressed to the Editor. 


Biology Research Center, Department of Biology, Tennessee Polytechnic Institute 

Anatomy of the Adrenal 

The adrenal gland is composed of two separate structures, the 
cortex and the medulla. The medulla is part of the sympathetic 
nervous system and will be excluded from this paper. The purpose of 
these experiments, the effects of physiological stress on the three zones 
of the adrenal cortex, is achieved by histological methods. Background 
data on some of the functions of the three adreno-cortical zones are 
presented in part from the literature, and in part from current 
research in this laboratory, while the response of the adrenal cortex 
to insulin stress, is from our own studies. 

The outer portion of the adrenal is the cortex, which is divided 
into the zona glomerulosa, consisting of cuboidal clusters of cells. 
Beneath this is a thick layer, the zona fasciculata in which the cells 
are arranged in fairly straight cords and run at right angles to the 
surface. The last is the zona reticularis, which is a thin layer, with the 
cells varying in appearance and the cords of the cells dispersed in all 
directions (Ham, 1959). 

Functions of the Zones 

The zona glomerulosa secretes minerals and corticoids which con- 
trol the electrolyte balances of NaCl and Potassium. A primary func- 
tion of these mineral-corticoids is to cause the distal tubules of the 
kidneys to reabsorb increased quantities of sodium ions. An important 
hormone in this zone is aldosterone (Fulton, 1955). A deficiency of 
aldosterone causes Addison’s disease in which sodium is lost from the 
body into the urine and potassium accumulates in the blood. 
Eisenstein (1957) showed that rats fed a sodium deficient diet gained 
weight slowly and that a marked adrenal hypertrophy occured in 
sodium restricted rats, while the potassium level became elevated and 
the other steroid secretions occurred at a relatively low rate, with an 
increased amount of aldosteroids being secreted on this sodium 
deficient diet. 

The zona fasciculata secretes the gluco-corticoids, whose function 
is not entirely understood. However, it is known that they affect 
protein, fat and glucose metabolism. Metabolic systems become 
greatly deranged when gluco-corticoids are absent from the body, 
and one becomes unable to resist almost any traumatic or diseased 

SNsTiTUTION JUL 1 8 1961 

2 Gene V. Palmer and Wm. G. Downs, Jr. - 

condition that tends to destroy tissues. An administration of gluco- 
corticoids causes an increased amount of amino acids in the extra- 
cellular fluid and an increased utilization of these acids. These hor- 
mones which include hydrocortisone, the principal one, increase the 
rate of utilization of amino acids to provide energy or to repair 
damaged tissue. (Gray, 1950) Gluco-corticoids also mobilize fat 
from fat cells, which along with amino acids in the blood stream, 
cause the liver to convert this fat into glucose. This function maintains 
the blood glucose concentration high during starvation and provides 
adequate nutrition for neuronal cells which can only use glucose for 
energy. Hydrocortisons also exerts an inhibitory effect on allergic 
phenonema. Pantothenic acid has been found to be necessary for the 
function of the adrenal cortex (Fulton, 1955). 

The third group of steroid hormones secreted by the zona reticularis 
are the sex hormones. These cells secrete the hormones necessary for 
lactation and increased sexual activity. The class of secreted hormones 
belong to the 17-ketosteroids which include the principal ones estrone 
and progesterone (Selye, 1951; 1954a). 

Since this paper deals with effects of stress on the other two zones, 
the zona reticularis will be touched on only in passing. 


According to Chah Hao Li (1951) ACTH is a protein hormone, 
which has a molecular weight of 20,000, a pH of 4.7, consists of a 
polypeptide chain with an alanine residue as the end group, is 
resistant to heat, remains active after pepsin or acid digestion, and is 
soluble in water. ACTH is secreted by the anterior lobe of the 
pituitary and causes the adrenal gland to secrete its hormones. It 
produces glycosuria in normal rats which are fed a high carbohydrate 
diet, it inhibits the action of insulin, and promotes glycogen storage. 
As to the manner of the secretion of the adrenal cortex there is no 
certain knowledge. It is known that an increased rate of secretion 
of at least the 11-oxy-adrenal cortical steroids is only possible following 
a release of ACTH. There is evidence that ACTH is highly effective 
in alleviating a number of clinical disorders, such as rheumatic fever, 
arthriits, and allergies. Long (1951) states that probably adrenalin 
stimulates the anterior pituitary to release ACTH. This is generally 
accepted to be true. 

Deane (1951) suggests that the zona glomerulose is not under 
the influence of the anterior pituitary, but is under humoral control. 
As his experiments were carried out on rats it is still believed that the 
zona glomerulosa in the human is stimulated by ACTH. We are 
inclined to believe that the same mechanism exists in the rat. 

Response of the Adrenal Cortex to Stress in Rats 3 

Effect of Steroids in Relation to Stress 

In a variety of infections a depletion of lipoid or a change in the 
lipoid pattern of the adrenal cortex is common (Anderson, 1957). The 
cells of the glomerulosa and the fasciculata multiply and enlarge when 
stimulated. The fat droplets become small and during moderate stress 
they increase in number. If the infection is very severe the fat 
droplets disappear. The secretory reserve may be impaired by a 
sudden maximal infection (Deane, 1951). There are also histological 
changes when there is severe shock. These changes are paralleled by 
a lipoid exhaustion of the gland, which has been stimulated to meet 
excessive immediate requirements of the body tissue for cortical 
secretion (Anderson, 1957). 

Gray (1950) found that ACTH is always produced by an organism 
in response to stress or injury and that it plays a master role in the 
body’s defense mechanism. It is also known that mental or emotional 
upset is just as truly an injury to the body as a fracture or disease. 
If ACTH is administered to patients without adrenals, it has no effect 
on stress, it acts only through the adrenal cortex. 

Pregnant women who have arthritis will cease to have this ailment 
until after delivery when it will reappear. The same holds true for 
jaundice. Knowing that under other conditions of stress, such as 
those imposed by anesthesia, surgical operations and bacterial in- 
vasions, the adrenals would hapidly increase their secretions, the 
Mayo Clinic tested the effect of ACTH on rheumatic patients and 
found that it relieved them as long as the injections continued, but 
the patient returned to his prior state as soon as the injections were 
stopped. It has also been found to alleviate symptoms of pneumonia, 
chronic alcoholism, rheumatic fever and tuberculosis. 

Selye (1954a, 1954b) found that the body responds in the same 
general way to a variety of injuries, cold exposure, burns, fractures, 
infections, poison, terror, and other emotional traumas. The phy- 
siological response of a healthy animal is marked by three stages. 
(Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome). 1. Alarm reaction (changes 
in blood pressure and leucocyte count). 2. Resistance stage (the 
symptoms decline but the body is extraordinarily sensitive to other 
damage). If stage 2 is successful the animal recovers, if not, then 
stage 3 appears. 3. Exhaustion stage (body loses its capacity for 
defensive reaction and dies). When the cortex is defective the alarm 
reaction is feeble, when the adrenals are removed resistence to stress 
stops and the animal soon dies, thus the adrenal cortex can both cause 
and cure a disease. 

In a new-born infant the adrenals do not mature for five days (or 


4 Gene V. Palmer and Wm. G. Downs, Jr. 

longer) and thus the newborn child is extremely susceptible to 

ACTH will remove the symptoms of tuberculosis and pneumonia, 
but the microorganisms may still remain in the patient, and some 
forms of cancer will yield, at least temporarily, to the influence of 

Duodenal ulcers were thought to be caused by an abnormal 
hypersecretion of gastric juice of nervous origin, but Dragstedt found 
that physical and mental stress increased the liberation of ACTH, 
which effected the liberation of cortisone, stimulating gastric secretion, 
and this in turn caused duodenal ulcers. This is an example of the 
harmful effects displayed by mental activity on ACTH. 

Some specific stress may influence synthetic mechanisms concerned 
with the elaboration of the adrenal center in such a way that the 
gland will secrete increased quantities of an individual hormone 
(Evans, Simpson, and Evers, 1958). 

Selye demonstrated that ACTH or cortisone, and other gluco- 
corticoids when given at highly toxic levels, will usually cause death 
as a direct result of uncurbed bacterial proliferation. Thus, injections 
may re-activate dormant pulmonary tuberculosis. We have found that 
it is difficult to cause shock with even very large doses of ACTH. 

ACTH is also effective in conditions such as glaucoma, hepatitis, 
and liver cirrhosis, but may produce harmful effects in conditions 
which include acne, diabetes, and heart failure (Selye, 1954b). 
ACTH can also cause muscle hypertrophy and local damage when 
administered to combat systemic stress. 

Salt loading is also considered a type of stress, and can cause 
renal and cardiovascular damages. This may be true even when both 
kidneys are in a healthy state. Adrenal cortical insufficiency will 
ameliorate this damage even when the intake of salt is constant. 
Pathology and elevation of blood pressure were found to occur among 
adrenalectomized, salt-loaded rats. The zona glomerulosa was found 
to be depleted of its lipoids in response to the heavy NaCl load. The 
cells of the zona fasciculate were completely filled with lipoid 
material, while those of the zona reticularis contained rather less 
lipid material. Adrenal cortical hormones were found by Crane and 
Ingle (1959) to play a supporting role in the etiology of most experi- 
mental and clinical cardiovascular diseases. One principal mechanism 
whereby adrenal steroids support the toxicity of high salt loads is 
by Na retaining action and related actions causing electrolyte im- 
balances. 2 

Share (1958) demonstrated that potassium loss and sodium 

Response of the Adrenal Cortex to Stress in Rats 5 

retention follow severe injury (in the rat) in the absence of the cortex. 
Following bone fracture in the rat there is an increased adrenocortical 
activity. It has been shown that the catabolic effect of ACTH can 
be inhibited by a diet rich in KCL. Also, the diabetes promoting 
action of ACTH is similarly suppressed by an excessive potassium 
intake (Selye, 1954b). 

ACTH has a rather clear-cut effect on the leucocytes, during or 
after stress. Polak (1958) indicated that after administration of ACTH 
there was an increase in human leukocyte motility. Dougherty (1951) 
showed that adrenalectomy exposed an unknown stress effect, resulting 
in an enlargement of the lymphatic organs after administration of 
histamine, anaphylaxis, and starvation. We, also, have found this to 
be true. There was an increased number of circulating lymphocytes 
in the blood 8-12 hours after stress was applied. Lymphocytes, accord- 
ing to Dougherty and White (1944), are under the control of the 
anterior pituitary, but granulocytes are not. These granulocytes are 
controlled, or affected, by the adrenal cortex. Experiments by Porter 
(1953) showed that lymphocyte responses in mice indicated that 
lesions in the posterior hypothalamus abolish the ACTH response to 
stress. Lymphopenia was shown to exist as a result of hyperactivity 
of adrenocortical hormones, exposure to heat and cold extremes, 
starvation and epinephrine. Ones these effects are reversed there is an 
increase in lymphocytes. It is believed that cortical hormones cause 
a lymphocytolysis in tissues and inhibit mitosis. Most of these effects 
have been verified in this laboratory (Benson and Downs, 1960, Downs 
and Benson, 1960a, 1960b). 

If an overwhelming stress is applied, the lymphopenic response 
may be abolished. Dougherty and White (1944) believe that lym- 
phopenia is a specific function of the anterior pituitary mediated 
through the cortex. 

ACTH also has a marked effect on eosinophils and other granulo- 
cytes (Cowie et al, 1954; Loutch and Emlen, 1951). Injections of 
ACTH and glyconeogenic cortical extract showed that there was an 
increase in granulocytes. Jakolison (1954) showed that eosinopenia 
was present after the injection of 11-Oxycorticosteroids. In adrenal- 
ectomized animals only an insignificant rise in eosinophil count was 
found. Also prolonged cold stress resulted in a significant eosinophilia, 
but Loutch et. al (1951) showed that prolonged cold stress showed 
a consistently lower cell count than normal. Experiments by Cowie 
(1954) with adrenalectomized dogs showed that following administra- 
tion of ACTH, the eosinophil count was lowered. Henneman (1949), 
advancing the work of Cowie, showed that the decrease in eosinophil 

6 Gene V. Palmer and Wm. G. Downs, Jr. 

count occured 3-5 hours after ACTH injections. This was confirmed by 
Randolph (1944). We have noted the same phenomenon. In hypo- 
physectomized animals, stress and epinephrine produced a decrease 
of 40-50% in circulating eosinophils (Randolph, op. cit.) An anesthetic 
dose of sodium pentabarbital significantly decreased the ACTH blood 
level causing the animals to return to normal more quickly. Van Dyke 
(1954) from their experiments, believed that bone-marrow activity is 
under direct control of the anterior pituitary and not mediated through 
the adrenal cortex. Sawyer and Perkerson (1953) showed that 
formalin causes eosinopenia in 4 hours. 

Smith and Bern (1958) discovered that the zona reticularis of 
ovariectomized mice will secrete sufficient quantities of estrogen and 
progesterone to account for noticeable lobuloalveolar development. 
The reticularis also secretes enough hormone for maintenance of hy- 
perplastic alveolar nodules of the mammary gland. 

High blood levels of the adrenal cortical hormones act to inhibit 
the secretion of ACTH. The hypothalamus, acting on the pituitary, 
may be the site of steroid inhibition. The steroid feedback mechanism 
regulating ACTH release is, in part at least, due to blocking the 
production of a cerebral structure, presumably the hypothalamus of 
the pituitary stimulating material (Benson and Downs, 1960). 

Experimental Methods 

Animals used were inbred albino rats of the “Tec 1” strain, origi- 
nally hybrid between Wistar and Sprague-Dawley strains. All animals 
were young (12-15 weeks), of both sexes, but largely females. All were 
fasted a full 24 hours before experimentation but had an adequate 
supply of water. In similar diurnal periods, initial total and differential 
leucocyte counts were made, blood being taken from the tail-vein, 
with the first drop discarded. The method of blood-counting was the 
same consistently used in the laboratory with excellent results. In it 
the total and differential count is made on the same specimen, and 
the propylene-glycol methylene-blue and phloxine method is followed. 
Immediately after this initial count, the animal is injected with the 
desired dosage (in this case graded doses of protamine zinc insulin 
or ACTH). At regular intervals—hourly or two-hour—counts are again 
made until time of sacrifice. Animals are sacrificed at regular two 
hour intervals after injection. 

At sacrifice, a total and differential leoucocyte count is made on 
heart-blood, the animals are autopsied, any variations from normal 
being noted, and pituitary, adrenals, spleen, thymus, and femurs are 
immediately fixed in formol-Zenkers for 24 hours. Soft tissues are 

Response of the Adrenal Cortex to Stress in Rats fi 

then carried through the usual embedding techniques and _ stained 
by a variety of cytological methods for study. Femurs are decalcified 
before embedding and staining. For details of these techniques the 
reader is referred to the work of Ashburn and Downs (1961) on the 
pituitary and to Downs and Benson (1960a) on the leucocytogenic 
organs. The adrenals, the basis of the present report, were stained 
with hematoxylin and eosin and with Harris’ hematoxylin and Gomori’s 
trichrome stain. 

Adrenals from 14 female and nine male rats were included in the 
present study, although more than a hundred are included in the 
overall study. Data on the effects of age, sex, weight, dosage, etc. are 
on file, and have been reported elsewhere (Downs and Benson, 1960a 
and 1960b) as have the studies of the effects of insulin-stress on the 
pituitary (Ashburn and Downs 1961). 


Consistently, with even quite small doses of insulin, there are 
characteristic changes in the cells of the adrenal cortex. These are 
progressively more clear-cut with increasing dosage. With even quite 
small doses, i.e. 0.2 to 0.4 units/100 gms. body weight, interstitial 
spaces may be seen between columns of cells, and even adjoining 
cells. This condition is more positive as dosage is increased, and is 
most apparent in the zona reticularis, zona fasiculata less so, and 
glomerulosa rarely so, and then slightly, even with large doses (1 unit 
to 1.4 units/100 gms). It is also more apparent as the time-interval 
after injection increases. In approximately the same degrees, the 
individual cells of the zona reticularis appear larger and “swollen” 
looking and nearly or completely devoid of cytoplasm, except for a 
spidery reticular structure. This appearance is interpreted as being 
due to a comparative or complete loss of lipids (in proportion to 

The response of the cortical cells to ACTH was somewhat similar 
to, but not identical with that of insulin. One notable difference lies 
in the lessened response to increased dosage. It was very nearly 
impossible to throw our animals into shock with even very large doses 
of ACTH, while many animals will go into shock with as little as 
0.6 units of insulin/100gms. The same changes occurred in the 
reticularis as with insulin, though in lesser degree, while cells of the 
zona glomerulosa did not seem to respond at all to even quite large 
doses of ACTH. This would seem to confirm the findings of Chah Hao 
Li that this zone is not affected by ACTH in rats. The zona fasciculata 
still did not respond to as great a degree as the reticularis, but did 

8 Gene V. Palmer and Wm. G. Downs, Jr. 

show proportionately more change than was true in the insulin injected 

In both types of treatment the leucocytes showed a fairly char- 
acteristic response, more marked with insulin than with ACTH, as the 
stress agent. There is usually an initial sharp fall in the total count, 
followed at varying periods by a slow or rapid increase, frequently 
well above normal levels, with a gradual return to normal, requiring 
perhaps 24 hours or more. Immediately the lymphocyte count falls, 
in larger dosages to a very low level, while there is a coincident 
rise in the heterophil (neutorphil) count. This is usually an absolute 
as well as a relative change (Ashburn and Downs, 1961; Downs and 
Benson, 1960a, 1960b). 

Additional work on the effects of hypothalamic lesions and stimula- 
tion by one of our group (Benson and Downs, 1960) indicates that 
the entire series of changes is mediated through the hypothalamic- 
hypophyseal-adrenocortical axis. Consistently, there is a close correla- 
tion between reactions in the leucocyte count, and observable his- 
tological changes in the adrenal cortex. In this same series of animals, 
we have found parallel changes in, at least the three types of basophils 
in the anterior pituitary. 


When the normal albino rat is injected with insulin or ACTH, 
there are characteristic changes in the adrenal cortex, primarily being 
depletion of the lipid (and hormone) content of the cells of the zona 
fasciculata and reticularis, frequently in larger doses, to the point of 
complete exhaustion. Coincident with these changes are consistent 
and characteristic changes, in the differential leucocyte count, in which 
lymphopenia and heterophilia are most marked. Parallel changes in 
the anterior pituitary accompany these phenomena (Ashburn and 
Downs, 1961). This series of effects is interpreted as a part of the 
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) of Selye, and are believed to 
be mediated by the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adrenocortical axis. 

These studies are still in progress, and similar methods are being 
utilized for a study of the effects of radiation stress on rats. 

Literature Cited 

Anderson, W. A. D., 1957. Pathology, C. V. Mosby Co. 8rd ed., p. 1019. 

Ashburn, Allen D. and Downs, Wm. G. Jr. ,1961. “An analysis of the basophil 
cells of the anterior pituitary in the rat, and their response to insulin stress.” 
Jour. Tenn. Acad. Sci., vol. 36 (1) (In press). 

Benson, Bryant and Downs, Wm. G. Jr., 1960. “The influence of hypothalamic 
lesions and electrical stimulations on the total and differential leukocyte 
count.” Anat. Rec. 137:851. 

Response of the Adrenal Cortex to Stress in Rats 9 

Chah Hao Li, 1951. “Recent knowledge on the nature of hypophyseal ACTH.” 
Pituitary and Adrenal Functions (Symposium ed. by Ruth C. Christman) 
AAAS, p. 5. 

Cowie, A. T., et. al. 1954. “The eosinophile response to graded doses of 
hydrocortisone in adrenalectomized dogs, with and without surgical trauma.” 
Endocrinology 55:745. 

Crane, W. A. and Ingle, D. J. “Pathogenic effects of salt loading in the presence 
and absence of adrenal glands.” Endocrinology 65:693. 

Deane, Helen W. 1951. “Physiological regulation of the zona glomerulosa of the 
rat’s adrenal cortex as revealed by cytochemical observations.” Pituitary and 
Adrenal Functions (Symposium ed. by Ruth Christman) AAAS, p. 31. 

. 1951. “Influence of stress stimuli on lymphatic tissue of adrenalectom- 
ized mice.” Endocrinology 45:691. 
and White, A., 1944. “Influence of hormones on lymphoid tissue 
structure and function: the role of the pituitary adrenotrophic hormone on 
the regulation of the lymphocytes and other cellular elements of the blood.” 
Endocrinology 35:1. 

Downs, Wm. G. Jr., and Benson, Bryant. 1960a. “A study of the leucocytes in 
rats under insulin stress.” Jour. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 35:186. 

——_—____ and —_______,_ 1960b. “Effects of insulin on leucocytogenesis.” 
Anat. Rec. 137:351. 

Eisenstein, Albert B. 1957. “Effects of dietary factors on production of adrenal 
steroid hormones.” Am. Jour. Clin. Nutrition 5:369. 

Evans, Edward S., Simpson, Miriam E. and Evans, Herbert M. 1958. “The role 
of the growth hormone in colonigenesis.” Endocrinology 63:794. 

Fulton, John F. 1955. A text-book of physiology, 17th ed. W. B. Saunders Co. 
p. 1166 (Section by Jane A. Russell) 

Gray, G. W. 1950. “Cortisone and ACTH.” Scientific American, 182:30. 

Ham, Arthur C. 1959. “The adrenal glands.” Histology, 3rd ed. Lippincott Co., 
p. 780. 

Henneman, P. H. et. al. 1949. “A comparison of eosin-acetone and phloxine- 
propylene glycol solvents in eosinophil counts.” Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med. 

Jakolison, T. 1954. “Studies on the endocrine regulation of the number of 
circulating eosinophil cells in the rat.” Acta Endocrinologica. 15:265. 

Long, C. N. H., 1951. “Factors regulating the adrenal cortical secretion.” 
Pituitary and Adrenal Functions (ed. by Ruth Christman), p. 24. 

Loutch, C. Meyer, R. K. and Emlen, J. F. 1951. “Effect of stress on diurnal 
fluctuations in eosinophils of the laboratory mouse.” Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. 
and Med. 82:668. 

Porter, R. W. 1953. “Hypothalamic involvement in the pituitary-adrenocortical 
response to stress-stimuli.” Amer. Jour. Physiol. 172:515. 

Randolph, R. G. 1944. “Eosinophil observations in ACTH.” Jour. Allergy. 

Sawyer, Charles H. and Parkerson, G. R. Jr. 1953. “Mechanisms of partial 
blockage of stress response in rats by dibernamine analogues.” Stress 52:346. 

Selye, Hans. 1951. “The influence of STH, ACTH and cortisone on resistance to 
infection.” Jour. Canada Med. Ass’n. 64:459. 

1954a. “Conditioning versus ‘permissive’ actions of hormones.” Jour. 
Clin. Endocrin. and Metab. 14:122. 

1954b. “Sketch for a unified theory of medicine.” Internat. Rec. 
Med. 167:181. 

10 Gene V. Palmer and Wm. G. Downs, Jr. 

Share, Leonard. 1958. “Alternations in sodium and potassium metabolism 
following hind leg fracture in the rat; role of adrenal cortex.” Endocrinology. 

Smith, Howard and Bern, Howard. 1958. “Effect of age at ovariectomy on 
mammary gland development in caged mice.” Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and 
Med. 99:95. 

Van Dyke, D. C. 1954. “Hormonal factors influencing erythropoiesis.” Acta 
Haemat. 11:208. 


University of Louisville 

Two species of land snails, Gastrocopta corticaria and Hawaiia 
minuscula, along with a fragmentary specimen of a third species, 
PPraticolella berlandieriana, are reported for the first time from the 
loess at Vicksburg. The snail fauna of the upper 30 feet of the loess 
permits an age assignment within the post-Bradyan portion of the 
Wisconsinan Stage of the Pleistocone. 

The upper part of the loess at Vicksburg, Mississippi was masured 
at the southeast side of the road cut at the intersection of U.S. High- 
ways 80 and Bypass 80, two miles east of Confederate Avenue (Fig. 1). 

eo, POSSE 

Or ea. tne eS 

Fig. 1.— Map of the Vicksburg region. 

New information obtained from a study of this section of the Vicks- 
burg loess and its associated snail fauna is herein presented. 


12 James E. Conkin and Barbara M. Conkin 

Measured Section 

Sample Thickness 
Feet Inches 

1. Soil, dark orange, formed from loess; leached; siltstone casts of 

TOOtlets:snoOutOssilesmalls 25. ocsoc coreee cece ea teeee ee eee cae ee 1 (0) 
2. Loess, gray-buff, some darker; leached; siltstone casts of rootlets; 
THOM POSSI SMALLS pr aneete soci ee sect neces cae tone Meee ee aN Tanai Te eaanetes AC ear ERE 4 0 
8. Loess, gray-buff; leached; siltstone casts of rootlets; no fossil snails ....5 0 
4. Loess, gray-buff; leached; rare quartz sand; siltstone casts of root- 
LEtSs: mOMEOSSHLsSrrailS iso: gcc! oe acaetacaeas oot notes eared eases nae HC earn caer DB @ 
5. Loess, gray-buff; calcium carbonate present; rare quartz sand; silt- 
stone Casts ior rootlets-stossilulamcsmails)cssccrctncesteersceeescseeesescensece tenes i @ 
6. Loess as in Sample 5, but snail fauna not identical ...............:ccsscceseceere 3 40 
“ie \coess’ as) above, but. snail cauna’ not teense pole eeeeee iO 
8. loess as! above, but snail fauna not identical ¢..............c...0ccc..se0ceeeesecee Bs 0) 
9. Loess as above, but snail fauna not identical ................::..cccccsesscceeseeeee A 6 
10. Float derived from overlying loess; calcium carbonate present; silt- 

stone casts of rootlets; fossil land snails. 
Base of section in loess at road level. 
otalethicknessvof measured sectiomiers ctr eee eee 8X0) BS 

Snail Fauna 

Table 1 shows the occurrence of the snails in samples 5 through 10. 
Samples 1 through 4 contained no fossil land snails inasmuch as all 
carbonates are leached out of the loess to a depth of 12 feet. This 
great depth of leaching of the carbonates is characteristic of the south- 
ern loess sections. 

Two species of fossil land snails, Gastrocopta corticaria and Ha- 
waiia minuscula, and a fragmentary specimen of a third species, 
PPraticolella berlandieriana, are recorded for the first time from the 
loess at Vicksburg; however, Shimek (1902) listed G. corticaria and 

Table 1.— Fossil land snails found in samples 5 through 10. 

ITO ZOMG PIOPUN GI ce iercscsonecncreereece eee oncetasesreees 
AMUSING NOLECEN ALG Westen conces oe caecee teen nse xX 
DESCUSI CP CEULUS asecccete setae Sreneeee sone tse crtts xX 
EVaplOtneMGNCONCAUININ ctaccesncctereeencescessecstee ee: 
ELQUWAiiG ANIMUSCULG Memo aeeesecna sees nbesescesccceuccen x 
EV CLICIN GOT DICUIALD seereces sree eee rese eee eee 
PPraticolella berlandieriand  .........:.ccscccsseceeee 

RCH NELOMNGENtALGe ee eee reenter X X X 
PRETEEN SID are accesses eoterencecuecesseacecacsiee ses tecesers xX 

SEENOLTEMa VSLENOUNEING) pirassess-cescaseceseneceeseeese ee XxX 

STACTUOUIRELILE. GS] OB | dancoonocececoccacasnoe ee cQON QC oO CODED XxX 

Triodopsis (Neohelix) albolabris .........:.c0:00++ 

MrtOG OPSISIA | ACUICMLG esacscetecscescestecotersorearcaces 

DTGOA ODSIS {SP ev bsceecccsec ee cceic ae eee seen eea ceevenve ees 





Fossil Land Snails from the Loess at Vicksburg 13 

H. minuscula from the loess at Natchez (a correlative of the Vicks- 
burg loess). 

Species of Land Snails Significant in Age Determination 

Table 2 shows the occurrence of several species of fossil land 
snails in four southern loess sections (Vicksburg and Natchez, Mis- 
sissippi; Helena, Arkansas; and Tunica, Louisiana). The similarity be- 
tween the faunas at these localities indicates that they may be of the 
same, or nearly the same, age. 

Of the species herein listed from the loess at Vicksburg (Table 1), 
a few are of importance in ascertaining the age of the deposit. These 
species are known from the Recent, but only their Pleistocene ranges 
are considered here. 

Allogona profunda is widespread in the Wisconsinan deposits of 
the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Valleys, and has been reported 
from the loess in the Florida Parishes of Louisiana at Tunica (Rich- 
ards, 1938). 

Anguispira alternata is reported from the Aftonian to the Recent 
(Pilsbry, 1940); however, this species is known in the classic Pleisto- 
cene sections of Kansas from only the Wisconsinan Bignell loess (Frye 
and Leonard, 1952); in Kentucky, the species is known from only the 
Wisconsinan Tazewell deposits (Browne and McDonald, 1960). 

Table 2.— Occurence of 13 species of fossil land snails in four of the most extensively 
studied southern loess sections. 

Helena, Natchez, Vicksburg, Tunica, 
Arkansas Miss. Miss. (Shimek, Ta’. 
(Shimek, (Shimek, 1902, and (Richards, 
1917) 1902 ) Richards, 1938 ) 1938 ) 
PU GZONE PLOFUNG weccsinczoseo-vssacezeseee X X X X 
Anguispira alternata .............scse0ccee X X X Xx 
PESCIES DALULUS” Seoecscteccvstecasonessensidenac X X X 
CGastrocopta COTECGTIO fec.csece---2eese-- Xx xX 
Haplotrema concaum ..........c000008 xX Xx X xX 
Hawaiia minusculd .........01c0seee X X 
Helicina orbictilata ..........00cc000s000000 X X x 
H. orbiculata tropicd .........00ce0cceses x 
Retinella indentata paucilirata ...... xX X xX X 
Stenotrema stenotreMa ......ccceceeee xX xX xX 
Triodopsis (Neohelix) albolabris ..... X X X X 
DP ATOUETIDO. sneracccsccxsesaxsscorsaseaevseese X X X 
Zonitoides ArDOTEUS .........sccceeseceneees xX Xx x X 

Triodopsis (Neohelix) albolabris is reported in Kansas from only 
the Wisconsinan Bignell loess (Frye and Leonard, 1952). 

Helicina orbiculata has been reported from the loess at Natchez, 
Mississippi by Richards (1938), Vicksburg (Shimek, 1902), and Tuni- 

14 James E. Conkin and Barbara M. Conkin 

ca, Louisiana (Richards, 1938); this southern loess snail is apparently 
restricted to the Wisconsinan. A variety, H. orbiculata tropica, has 
been reported from Helena, Arkansas (Shimek, 1917). 

Retinella indentata paucilirata has been listed from all four of the 
southern loess sections on Table 2; this species is also of late Pleisto- 
cene age. 

Helicina orbiculata tropica and Retinella indentata, as well as 
Praticolella berlandieriana, are known from only Wisconsinan de- 
posits. The senior author has collected these species from the Wis- 
consinan terrace along the Medio Creek in Bee County, Texas. The 
terrace of the Medio Creek probably correlates with the late Wis- 
consinan Ingleside Terrace of San Patricio County, Texas (Sellards, 
1940). H. orbiculata tropica and P. berlandieriana were also found by 
the senior author in the late Wisconsinan deposits overlying the 
“Uvalde gravels” at the old Fordyce gravel quarry at Old San Pa- 
tricio, San Patricio County, Texas. 

Age of the Vicksburg Loess 
Leighton and Willman (1950) correlated the loess at Vicksburg 
with the Peorian loess in this manner: 

“It [the loess at Vicksburg and Natchez] is essentially the same 
as the Peorian loess in the upper Mississippi Valley in composition, 
topographic position, stratigraphic relations, and general appear- 

The age and stratigraphic relationship of the Peorian loess was 
discussed by Leighton and Willman (1950) as follows: 

“The Peorian loess is definitely of Wisconsinan age. It is a mul- 
tiple loess in western and southern Illinois and undoubtedly else- 
where, being composed primarily of Iowan and Tazewell loesses, 
with probably some Cary and possibly some Mankato loess.” 

In discussing the age of the Pleistocene deposits in the lower Mis- 
sissippi Valley region, Richards (1938) noted in regard to the Tunica 
fauna of the Florida Parishes of Louisiana: 

“It is very probable that the loess of the lower Mississippi Valley 
is of more than one age, possibly having been deposited at various 
times from the early Pleistocene to the present; some of the loess 
deposits, then, may be quite recent. . . . It does not appear advis- 
able to attempt to definitely date the loess deposits of Louisiana 
at this time without further study of the fossils from the loess in 
Mississippi, Arkansas, and adjacent regions. However, because of 

Fossil Land Snails from the Loess at Vicksburg 15 

the similarity of its fauna to that of the region today and because 
of its position overlying the freshwater fossiliferous silts (Port Hud- 
son?), it is probable that the loess in the vicinity of Tunica is of 
late Pleistocene age.” 


Allogona profunda and Triodopsis (Neohelix) albolabris are known 
to occurr only in post-Bradyan deposits (Caryan-Mankatoan) in the 
northern loess sections. The senior author knows of no Pleistocene 
deposits older than Wisconsinan in which Helicina orbiculata tropica, 
Practicolella berlandieriana, and Retinella indentata occur. H. orbi- 
culata tropica and P. berlandieriana are of course restricted to the 
southern loess. Although Anguispira alternata has been assigned a 
long Pleistocene range by Pilsbry (1940), this species is characteris- 
tically a rather late Wisconsinan snail. 

Certainly the snail fauna of the upper 30 feet of the Vicksburg loess 
as reported here must be late Wisconsinan in age, and most likely 
post-Bradyan (Caryan-Mankatoan). 


Two species of land snails, Gastrocopta corticaria and Hawaiia 
minuscula, along with a possible third species, Practicolella berlandier- 
iana, are recorded for the first time from the loess at Vicksburg. 

A section of the upper part of the loess shows that the zone of car- 
bonate leaching extends downward at least 12 feet. 

The snail fauna of the upper 30 feet of the loess at Vicksburg has 
closest affinities to the late Wisconsinan (post-Bradyan, Caryan-Man- 
katoan ) faunas in the classic Pleistocene sections to the north. 

Literature Cited 

Browne, R. G. and D. E. McDonald. 1960. Wisconson Molluscan Faunas from 
Jefferson County, Kentucky. Bull. Amer. Paleont. 41:165-183. 

Frye, J. C. and A. B. Leonard. 1952. Pleistocene Geology of Kansas. Kansas State 
Geol. Survey, Bull. 99:144-185. 

Leighton, M. N. and H. B. Willman. 1950. Loess formations of the Mississippi 
Valley. Jour. Geol. 58:599-623. 

Pilsbry, H. A. 1940. Land Snails of North America (North of Mexico). Monograph 
No. 3, The Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 1 and 2. 

Richards, H. G. 1938. Mollusks from the loess at Tunica, Louisiana. Louisiana 
Geol. Surv. Bull. 12:47-58. 

Sellards, E. H. 1940. Pleistocene Artifacts and Associated Fossils from Bee Coun- 
ty, Texas. Geol. Soc. America, Bull. 51:1627-1658. 

Shimek, B. 1902. The loess of Natchez, Mississippi. American Geol. 30:279-299. 

. 1917. The loess of Crowley’s Bridge, Arkansas, Iowa Acad. Sci., Proc. 


Accepted for publication 20 October 1960. 


University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 
Park College, Parksville, Mo. 

The gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin, the predominant 
squirrel of the southeastern states, presents several problems which 
bear investigation. First, there occur biannual breeding cycles which 
if observed as to behavior alone appear to be only roughly delineated, 
and, which if correlated with anatomical evidence may be more 
sharply bounded than they appear. Second, observations that the 
adult male, like the female, runs cycles, have been made principally 
on the fox squirrel of the North Central States, and should be verified. 
Third, the anatomical changes in the male reproductive tract may re- 
veal events not yet reported, and fourth, the male and female cycles 
require correlation as to stages, and these in turn with pregnancy and 
lactation periods. 

A limited number of papers bearing on some of the points enumer- 
ated are at hand. Dealing with population behavior are the follow- 
ing: Chapman, 1929; Brown and Yeager, 1945; Bertram and Gault, 
1952. Of these that of Bertram and Gault was made in South Central 
Kentucky and deals with the gray squirrel. By trapping and _re- 
trapping wild squirrels, questioning hunters and sometimes examining 
their takes, a good sample of the population and its behavior was 
established. They examined females by vaginal smear and males for 
scrotal indication of cyclical periodicity. The studies of Mossman et 
al, 1933; Deanesly and Parks, 1933; Allanson, 1983; Mossman, Hoff- 
man and Kirkpatrick, 1955, and those of Kirkpatrick, 1955, deal with 
histology of reproductive, and accessory reproductive organs through- 
out the entire year and therefore through two complete breeding 

The problem had its inception here on the university campus in 
1951 when Gault live-trapped an examined squirrels throughout the 
year for information concerning breeding behavior. It was continued 
in 1954-1955 when others became interested and remained in progress 
till 1958. 

Live trapping was practiced in several sites of the campus and then 
became centered in a woodlot of the Experiment Station farm, oper- 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 7, 

ated and set aside by the Dept. of Horticulture and Forestry. Trapped 
animals were examined at the site of trapping, toe indexed, and 
assigned serial numbers. Notations were made of any marks that 
might prove useful for establishing identity of the animal when ob- 
served with glasses in the wild, or for individuals when retrapped. 
Systematic observation of squirrels in the wild was regular procedure. 

Materials for histological study were obtained by sacrificing ani- 
mals from time to time as judiciously as possible. A considerable num- 
ber of squirrels obtained in the earlier part of the study were used and 
a number were shot for the purpose in wooded areas other than the 
trapping sites. A final portion was autopsy material from caged ani- 
mals which were sometimes found in trap or cage in a state of shock. 

While the trapping technique was considered most feasible origi- 
nally, it was also expected that caged animals could be utilized for 
limited experimentation. This proved futuile. Squirrels caged in small 
animal cages lived only from 24 to 48 hours. In large cages, 6’ x 6’ x 4’, 
built for the purpose and set up in the woods, equipped with facilities 
for play and exercise, they lived for a week to 12 days. Such animals 
at first seemed to accept confinement, ate and played, then passed into 
a state of shock and died. 

Handling of animals after capture for making vaginal smears or 
other examination was accomplished by frightening the animal from 
the rectangular trap into a chicken wire cone placed over its entrance. 
At the small end of the cone a sizable wad of cotton was placed. As 
the animal scurried from the trap into the cone and buried its head in 
the cotton the cone was constricted behind it to give but little room 
for the animal to squirm. After examination it was released near the 
site of capture. 

The experience of entering a trap and subsequent treatment did 
not seem to deter squirrels from entering a trap again and again. While 
a considerable number were caught but once, others became regular 
visitors. Two were taken seven times each. 

Many animals captured were juvenile. These were distinguished 
by criteria given in Table 1. All male juveniles had abdominal testes 
and females gave anoestrus smears. 

Adult male squirrels were examined with attention given to scro- 
tum and testicular position. A darkly pigmented scrotum relatively 
free from hair and containing testes is indicative of sexual maturity 
and breeding condition. One covered by abdominal hair and shrunk- 
en, indicates sexual quiescence. Testes are described as being ab- 
dominal, inguinal, or scrotal in position. 

In the female, a red, turgid vulva is indicative of oestrus. Mam- 

18 Alfred Brauer and Albert Dusing 

Table 1.— Criteria for distinguishing between adult and juvenile gray squirrels by external 
examination (adapted from Brown and Yeager, 1945). 


Ventral surface and posterior Posterior end of scrotum with 
end of scrotum blackened smooth skin, brown to black, 
and generally free fro hair free from hair 

Mammary glands _ enlarged Teats inconspicuous, more or 
and prominent; not hidden less hidden by hair 
by hair 

Males and Females 

Tail nearly rectangular, block Tail pointed, triangular; sides 
shaped; sides parallel or not parallel 
nearly so 

In addition to the criteria given above the juveniles of both sexes were smaller 
in size and the tails appeared less bushy. 

mary glands with well developed nipples and sometimes covered by 
surrounding hair indicate late pregnancy or lactation. Milk can be 
squeezed from the teats of a lactating female by gently kneading them. 
In late term pregnant females the foetuses may be palpated. Vaginal 
smears were made from each female by introducing, and then with- 
drawing, approximately 1 ml. of normal saline from the vagina with 
a pipette. This was spread on slides and dried at the trapping site. 
The slides were taken to the laboratory for staining and examination. 

This study was made possible by a grant (S-52-2) from the Na- 
tional Academy of Science, National Research Council to whom we 
express gratitude. 

We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of former students, 
William L. Gault, Edwin Dale, and William Valleau; to Dr. O. F. 
Edwards, Dept. of Bacteriology for photomicrographs, and recognize 
our indebtedness to the late Professor A. J. Olney and Dr. C. M. 
Davenport of the Department of Horticulture and Forestry for mak- 
ing the Experiment Station woods available to us. 

Examination of Males 

During the course of study 42 adult males were trapped and 
examined a total of 144 times. Table 2 shows the percent of examina- 
tions made per month for each of three testicular positions, abdominal, 
inguinal, and scrotal. It may be noted that some of the examinations 
made during September, October, or November, showed testes in 
scrotal position. There was a decline in the ratio of scrotal testes dur- 
ing March, and August, and an increase in the months of May and 
December. Curve peaks for scrotal testes were reached in January 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 19 

Table 2.— Number and percentage of examinations per month showing various 
testicular positions. 

Position of Testes 

Month Abdominal % Inguinal Jo Scrotal %o Total 
Jan. 2 18 tS) 82 fal 
Feb. 3 23 10 77 13 
Mar. tf 44 6 87.5 3 19 16 
Apr. 8 73 2 18 1 9 Il 
May 8 50 6 87.5 2 12.5 16 
June 4 MIDAS) 15 47 13 42 32 
July 3 Ti 3 Pat 5 55 Wat 
Aug. 2 40 2 40 U 20 5 
Sept. 7 100 i 
Oct. if 87.5 1 LOS 8 
Nov. 5 83 i 7/ 6 
Dec. 8 42 4 57 7 
Total 51 47 45 143 

and July. A further demonstration of this is exhibited in Fig. 2, where 
the percentages of examinations per month are charted. 

Additional evidence of this cyclic change of the male was demon- 
strated by the trapping history of two individuals recaptured three 
times during February and in all three examinations testicular position 
was scrotal. On March 25, the testes of this squirrel were inguinal, 
and by April 14, had ascended into the abdominal cavity, and were 
also abdominal on April 28. On June 22 the testes were again scrotal. 

Male No. 36 had scrotal testes, on June 5, and 15, inguinal, on July 
10, abdominal, on August 13, and Sept. 16, scrotal, Dec. 26, 1956, and 
abdominal again on March 15, 1957. 

From the protocol records squirrels taken and sacrificed for his- 
tological study the following data were obtained: Testes in scrotal 
position came from squirrels sacrificed Jan. 16, March 21, June 25, 
Nov. 19 and 28, Dec. 10 and 31. The seminiferous tubules were well 
developed and large; germ cells of all categories including spermatozoa 
in abundance were present; maturation was in progress; interstitial 
cells were large, closely packed and in all respects the glands were 
those of rodents in breeding condition Fig. 1-1). 

A scrotal testis showing different histologic form was one taken 
March 21, or near the close of the breeding season. Subsequently an- 
other in the same condition was obtained from an animal sacrificed 
July 28. The testis was less turgid than one in breeding condition and 
the scrotum not as heavily pigmented. The tubules contained the 
debris of degenerating germinal epithelium, namely speratids and 
secondary spermatocytes. Spermatozoa were no longer identifiable. 
Primary spermatocytes were still present in the attached epithelium 
but obviously in degeneration (Fig. 3). 

20 Alfred Brauer and Albert Dusing 

Squirrels with abdominal testes were sacrificed Oct. 16 (2 speci- 
ments), Sept. 1, Nov. 19, and Dec. 10. 

The seminiferous tubules of these ranged from large, containing 
proliferating spermatogonia (1 specimen), to small, shrunken, cord- 
like structures with almost no lumina. Within the interstitial cell ag- 


Figure 1. 

Section of scrotal, breeding, testis. 

Section of scrotal testis post-breeding condition. 

Abdominal, cryptorchid testis. 

Section of abdominal testis in recovery. 

Inguinal testis, ascending, following section 2. — 

Inguinal testis, descending, following section 4, showing recovery 
of germinal epithelium. 

Cony SS CoS) 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 21 

Abdominal) (=). ==2—5, 

inguinal ‘adele ea, a atek ia 
loo Scrota! a ee 

Jor eM OA Mo od OA SD ON UDUlUd 

Figure 2.— Seasonal trends of testicular positions from numbers given in Table 2. 

gregations individual cells were smaller than those of scrotal testes. 
The cords stained predominantly with eosin due to much connective 
tissue present and lack of DNA in the nuclei (Fig. 1-3). 

One specimen brought to the laboratory Nov. 22, appeared typical 
for a squirrel of October or early November in sexual quiescence. The 
scrotum was shrunken, wrinkled, and covered by abdominal hair. The 
animal, sacrificed while in a virtual state of coma from nothing more 
than 14 hours confinement apparently, had abdominal testes in which 
abundant repair was in progress. The tubules were about two thirds 
enlarged, spermatogonial division was taking place and Sertoli cells 
were plentiful and enlarged. Interstitial cells were practically normal 
and staining was sharply differential. All of this repair was in progress 
before the testes had begun their descent (Fig. 1-4). 

Inguinal Testes:—Obviously two opposing pictures were presented 
by these, namely, those with descending testes developing progres- 
sively, and those with receding testicles undergoing regressive change 
toward cryptorchism. With descent of the glands to the scrotum the 

22 Alfred Brauer and Albert Dusing 
Stages other than 
dioestrus ———————_—_ 
100 Dioestrusec > oe ice 
Pregnancy ——-——-—-— 
90 05, 





. 30 


J Fo M<Ai Md od AS” OUND Ome 


Figure 3.— Seasonal trends of females from analyses of vaginal smears, solid black line 
showing female breeding potential. 

latter showed simultaneous changes in that it became rounded out 
from its former wrinkled state, showed progressive pigmentation and 
was shiny. Surrounding abdominal hair no longer covered it com- 
pletely; its caudal end became somewhat pendent. The testes while 
still in the inguina became enlarged almost to the size of scrotal, breed- 
ing testes; seminiferous tubules contained germ cells of all categories 
including a few spermatozoa and maturation of spermatocytes was in 
progress (Fig. 1-5). 

Inguinal testes in early recession were enlarged over scrotal testes 
of mid breeding season but were flaccid. The tubular lumina were 
large and contained mucous-like substance and debris of spermatozoa, 
spermatids, secondary and primary spermatocytes. The tubular walls 
were thin containing only spermatogonia, some pyknotic primary sper- 
matocytes and Sertoli cells. Advancing nuclear breakdown was re- 
flected in the lack of staining capacity and differential contrast in pho- 
tomicrographs. Regressive testes sectioned were made from squirrels 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 23 

taken March 24 and 28, April 4, Aug. 1 and 16. Progressive testes sec- 
tioned were taken from animals taken May 3, and 28, Oct. 21, Nov. 
29 (Fig. 1-6). 

Examination of Females 
Forty-one females were examined 142 times. Vaginal smears made 
in these examinations showed two activity periods in the female cycle. 
Table 8 lists the results of the examinations. The first column of Table 
3 gives the number of smears showing stages other than dioestrus. A 

Table 3.— Number and percentage of examinations per month showing females in 
various stages of the breeding cycle. 

Month Diostrus % Others Jo Pregnant To Lactating % Total 
Jan. 3 18 9 82 12 
Feb. 5 36 8 ‘Syl 1 i 14 
Mar. 2, 15 2 15 6 46 3 23 13 
Apr. 3 3 1 8 rk 54 2 15 13 
May NW) Dil 83 14 3 14 3 14 PAL 
June iat 52 9 42,5 1 5 21 
July 3 37.5 D 62.5 8 
Aug. 1 25 3 (5) 4 
Sept. 1 ily if 17 4 67 6 
Oct. 10 Wal 2, 14 22 14 14 
Nov. 5 100 5 
Dec. 9 82 2 18 ey 
Total 65 39 23 15 142 

female in proestrus was regarded as approaching breeding stage, and 
one in metoestrus as just having passed it. 

It may be noted that peaks of the female breading season were 
attained in January, and July (Fig. 3, and Table 3). Pregnancy peaks 
were attained in April and August, and lactation peaks in March and 
September. Females listed as pregnant were in mid, or late stages of 
gestation in which foetuses could be palpated. Fig. 3, shows the per- 
centages per month for breeding, non-breeding, pregnancy, and lac- 

Data concerning the duration of stages of the oestrus cycle are 
available from only one animal (Fig. 1-8). She was captured June 19 
in oestrus, June 21 in metoestrus, and June 23 in dioestrus. 

Information regarding the length of gestation comes from one 
female also. On June 17 the animal was in oestrus. She was released 
and presumably was the pursued squirrel of a chase in that area which 
lasted through the following day. Taken again August 4, she was in 
lactation while the nipples and hair around the mammae indicated 
recent parturition. The elapsed time was 45 days. 

24 Alfred Brauer and Albert Dusing 

One female is known to have given birth to two litters within a 
year. She was taken on March 1, in oestrus, was recaptured April 22 
and was lactating. The same animal was taken Sept. 20, and was 
again lactating. 

Histological examinations were made of the ovaries of 13 adult 
females. Many “egg-nests” and primary follicles appeared in all. 
Oddly, mature or maturing follicles were found in ovaries of all ex- 
amined except one each for January and December. The larger num- 
bers of mature follicles were found in individuals taken during March 
and November. Corpora lutea of recent formation were found in all 
mature ovaries examined except those of March, November, and late 
December. Corpora lutea of advanced development, some showing 
early stages of atresia were likewise found in a large number of ovaries 
examined but data showed no definite pattern of frequency. Speci- 
mens showing advanced follicles in considerable numbers were those 
of February and September. 

Mallemicyicl@ se uee perso 
90 Female cycle 
Mating chas€é 0 0 © o 



SR OM a Ned i AS) 0: Nie 

Figure 4.— Seasonal cycles of males and females superinmposed on chart of breeding 
performance as indicated by mating chases observed by the month, 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel 25 

Breeding Seasons 

The most practicable method of determining actual breeding sea- 
sons is by observation of mating chases and noting their frequency 
and occurence. This prenuptial exhibit precedes copulation by 114 
to three days and occurs when a particular female is approaching 
oestrus and males are in breeding condition. Care must be exercised 
in distinguishing true chases from simulated ones of short duration 
practiced by maturing animals. 

Chases recorded here were separate ones and each was undoubtedly 
genuine. They occurred as follows: Dec. 15, 26; Jan. 1, 8, 12, 14, 26 
(two chases); Feb. 14, 26; Mar. 28; June 16, 26; July 4, 10, 16, 26 
(Fig. 4). 

Development of Young 

A pregnant female frequenting her presumed den in a walnut tree 
was kept under observation and was known to have undergone par- 
turition between March 17 and 19. She and den were kept under 
surveillance. On May 1, two young were seen in the den entrance 
and on May 5 the two young were observed on a limb near the den 
entrance. Each of their movements seemed carefully measured and 
their grasps on the limb very secure. The following week, May 14, 
the young were accompanied by a third, which apparently had re- 
mained in the nest longer than the two, and which undoubtedly was 
a third litter mate. On that occasion they had developed considerable 
alacrity in running out on the limb and back to the nest. They were 
first seen on the ground May 29, or 45 days after birth. They con- 
tinued to remain near the tree until late in July, after which they 
remained together but no longer returned to the den. Their identiy 
was lost after the following February. 

Another litter of four was kept under observation from the time 
they were first seen on the ground, May 25, till December of that year. 
They were observed on numerous occasions in sexual play throughout 
November and early December. They were not identified after De- 
cember 16. 


Factors taken into account in the determination of sexual cycles 
are: a) In the male, testicular positions with reference to abdomen 
and scrotum between which the testes descend and ascend seasonally; 
b) condition or appearance of scrotum; and c) histological pictures 
of testes during progression and regression. In the female the factors 
are: a) Vaginal smears; b) histological sections of the ovary; c) 
pregnancy and lactation periods. 

26 Alfred Brauer and Albert Dusing 

The correlation of these factors determine the breeding seasons 
as two, annually. The first of these is the winter season, December 
and January, the second, from mid June through July. They are about 
eqaul in length and percentage of population involved. 

Other workers, Allen, Brown & Yeager, and Bertram & Gault (op. 
cit.) have also observed two such annual seasons corresponding closely 
to those established here. Possibly the cycles of squirrels in Michigan, 
Ohio, and Illinois, made predominantly from records of fox squirrels, 
attained their seasonal peaks slightly later. The determinations by 
Bertram and Gault, for gray squirrels, are almost identical with those 
established here excepting that their higher peak was that of the sum- 
mer while here the winter peak is insignificantly higher. 

Seasonal overlap is especially marked from February through 
April. Some workers, Deanesly and Parks (1933), and Allanson 
(1933), recognized only one annual season for gray squirrels of Eng- 
land, namely spring-summer. Their works were almost entirely his- 
tological in which captured animals were brought to the laboratory 
were sacrificed forthwith and the material prepared. Thus the ma- 
terial from an individual gave but one view of an isolated case. In 
observations on females they failed to see the sharply delineated 
stages of the oestrus cycle shown by vaginal smears and which are but 
feebly indicated by the ovary alone. Vaginal smears and ovarian sec- 
tions taken together however interpret each other. The coincidence 
of the seasonal dioestrum of the female and the long period of 
cryptorchism of the male make the very nature of sexual activity 
biannually periodic. . 

For the male the seasonal cycle is dramatic in that it is manifested 
by testicular descent from abdomen to scrotum and thence back to 
the abdomen within a period of six to eight weeks with all of the 
histo-anatomical changes of experimental or spontaneous cryptorchism 
and recovery. Mossman and Kirkpatrick (op. cit.) expressed amaze- 
ment at the capacity for recovery shown by the organs of the male 
tract after so complete degeneration. It must be iterated here that 
degeneration of testis begins while the latter is still scrotal, is well 
under way in the inguinum, and almost complete in the abdomen. 
Recovery takes place while the testis is abdominal and considerably 
prior to recovery of the scrotum itself. Recovery of strotum begins 
while the testes are inguinal. Kirkpatrick (op. cit.) noted this and 
emphasized the point that the changes of regression and recovery are 
physiologic, and specifically endocrinal rather than the result of me- 
chanical, or climatic change. | 

As herein determined the gestation period of one female was 44-45 

Sexual Cycles of the Gray Squirrel oi, 

days which is within 1 day of the 48-day period usually given for 
the gray squirrel. Von Eibel-Eibesfeldt, 1951, found it to be 39 days 
for one female of an European squirrel reared in captivity. The 
suckling period in the nest is another 45-day period. Thus the animals 
are usually about two months old before they can first be spotted on 
the ground. At the first breeding period after their birth they are 
quite immature but by the time of the second mating period are ma- 
ture enough to participate in sexual play among themselves. They 
mature fully between this and the third mating periods. It may be 
precisely these individuals which are largely responsible for the inter- 
seasonal activity from March to May and again from November to 
the winter activity period. 

Literature Cited 

Allanson, Marjorie. 1933. Changes in the Reproductive Organs of the Male Gray 
Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London. Series B, 
222 pp. 79-96. 

Allen, Durward I. 1942. Populations and Habits of the Fox Squirrel in Allegany 
County, Michigan. Am. Midl. Nat., 21(2); 338-379. 

Bertram, E. Cooper and William L. Gault. 1952. Kentucky Squirrels. Report of 
6th Annual Convention S.E. Assn. of Game and Fish Commission. 

Brown, Lewis C. and Lee E. Yeager. 1945. Fox Squirrels and Gray Squirrels in 
Illinois. Bull. 111, Nat. Hist. Survey, 23(5): 449-536. 

Chapman, Floyd B. 1939. A Summary of the Gray Squirrel Investigation in south- 
eastern Ohio, U.S. Dept. Ag. Wild Life Restitution and Met. Leaflet BS-134. 

Deanesly, Ruth and A. S. Parks. 1933. Changes in the Reproductive tract of the 
Female Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, 
Series B, 222. pp. 47-78. 

Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Iranaus von. 1951. Zeitschr. f. Tierpsychol., 8(3): 370-400. 

Gault, William Leslie. 1952. A survey of recent mammals of the inner Blue Grass 
region of Kentucky. Master’s thesis, University of Kentucky. 

Kirkpatrick, Chas. M. 1955. The testes of the fox squirrel in relation to age and 
season. Am. Jour. Anat., 97(2): 229-256. 

Mossman, H. W., Roger A. Hoffman and Charles M. Kirkpatrick. 1955. The acces- 
sory genital glands of the male gray and fox squirrels correlated with age and 
reproductive cycles. Am. Jour. Anat., 87: 247-302. 

Mossman, H. W., A. M. Katz and L. H. Rubnity. 1923. Changes in the testes and 
accessory glands of the gray and fox squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis and S. 
niger). Anat. Rec., 55 (4’th Suppl. ). 

Packard, Robert L. 1956. The squirrels of Kansas. State Biol. Surv. and Museum 
of Natural History, Univ. Kans. Misc. Publ. 11. 

Accepted for publication 13 December 1960. 

Quantum Theory and Psychotherapy 

ELIZABETH Z. JOHNSON, VA Hospital, Lexington, Ky. 

Quantum theory, originating in physics in 1900, has been recog- 
nized in chemistry, biology, and, lately, in psychology. Quantum prin- 
ciples should also be relevant to personality theory and psychotherapy. 

Quantum deals with discontinuous “changes of state” in stable 
molecular configurations. Reconfigurations (e.g., mutations) are “quan- 
tum jumps’: (1) they take place only over intermediate configurations 
requiring higher energy levels than the final state; (2) they occur, 
rarely, when heat-energy accumulates beyond that generally dissipated 
in wave phenomena or resonance; (3) they are single localized events, 
initiating what Langmuir calls “divergency phenomena—the effect of 
a single quantum transition becoming magnified throughout the bound- 
ing matrix, so that the behavior of the aggregate is altered from con- 
vergent expectations.’ London says an idea is a “divergency” and that 
insight is the “end process” of a series of fluctuations (resonances) 
eventuating in “restructure of the whole . . . which can involve the 
total personality, as in religious conversion.” 

Alexander and French use “conversion” as one criterion of success- 
ful psychotherapy. Mowrer has pointed out “discontinuity” between 
attitudes of neurotic and normal people. (Cf. Kirkegaard’s “leap”.) 
Social learning illustrates a “divergent phenomenon”; acculturation 
itself, the incorporation of social authority and expectations, represents 
the reconfiguration of a changed state in personality. 

A crucial question is why some people fail to attain these requisite 
levels and thus require hospital treatment; and what should this 
treatment be? Quantum theory suggests that insufficient energy was 
originally available for the “quantum leap’—insufficient “love” to 
achieve the crucial identification with authority—which demands more 
effort than is apparent, since higher levels of energy must be attained 
than are stabilized in the final state. Psychotherapy ideally should 
supply: (1) a matrix of “loving authority”, to encourage identification 
—i.e., the therapeutic climate of a good mental hospital; (2) “reso- 
nance’ affects in many individually rewarding experiences; and (8) 
introduction of “divergency expectations’ in directive interpretations. 
Psychotherapy should focus on consolidation of the “quantum leap” to 
which patients often attain in advance of insight. 

Accepted for publication 2 February 1960. 



Department of Mathematics and Astronomy 
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

When attempting to solve a differential equation which is not 
solvable by elementary methods much time is wasted in either trying 
to guess at a solution of the equation in question or to search the 
literature for material which may throw some light on the solution of 
this equation. One approach, which if not loverlooked it is given an 
unfair trial, is to make a change in variable to reduce the equation to 
one of familiar form—see (Rainville 1951) in the case of the second 
order linear differential equation. This approach involves just three 
possibilities; these are to change the dependent variable, to change 
the independent variable, or to change the dependent and independent 
variable. Furthermore, efforts can be organized and observations of 
these results may lead to definite information about the differential 
equation in question. 

In a recent unpublished study (by Wiehe) ordinary linear differen- 
tian equations of the third and fourth order with general variable co- 
efficients were transformed to differential equations whose solutions 
are known, as given in Kamke (1948), by making a change of inde- 
pendent variable alone. The results of this investigation are too lengthy 
and too detailed to reproduce herein. In summary, the interesting fact 
was that in many cases the conditions to be imposed on the coefficients 
of the given differential equation to affect such a transformation were 
not severe. 

To illustrate the procedure that was used by Weihe, the third 
order linear differential equation, namely 

(1) Ly) = y'*. + p(x)y" + q(xjy' + r(x)y = 0 

is considered, where r(x) — 0 and primes denote differentiation with 
respect to the independent variable x. In particular, the problem on 
hand is to determine the conditions placed on the coefficients of (1) 
so that a transformation of independent variable will produce a differ- 
ential equation which in particular has constant coefficients. Stated 
formally, Theorem. Necessary and sufficient conditions that (1) be 
transformed to an equation with constant coefficients by a change of 
independent variable are that the expressions 

30 S. White and J. Pignani 

be constants. 
Proof: Under a change of independent variable from x to z, the 
derivatives take the following forms 

yiiz sty, y= aM) 4 (ety?y , and 
e ee 3 ce 
yt! = gitly + 3z'zty + (zt) y 

where dots indicate differentiation with respect to the new inde- 
pendent variable z. With these results, equation (1) becomes 

(2) ee + [3z'2"! + aS Se tky try <0, 

where k = L(z) — rz; alternately with r — 0, follows that 


“e ke 
(3) cory" y + Sp 3eta + pl2t) ly tie Ye ty =0. 

Necessity: If equation (3) is assumed to have constant coecfficients, 

(Ee aya vAllas sox(val) jt) SS. eM 5 

(6) b, 

i et Dd 

where c, a, and b are constants. 
Expression (4) is rewritten as 

ee — ane 

which by differentiation takes the forms 

Change of Independent Variable in Differential Equations 31 

and by integration as 

0) 2 = (lee dss. 

The substitution of (7), (8), (9), and (10) in (5) and (6) yield 

1 Biden 
eek sai 2he-t p(2t) = cE + pjr 

|e 3 


Tees. (= 5 Be nee 

The members on the left are assumed to be constants by hypothesis, 
hence the members on the right are constants, but for except a con- 
stant factor, these are expressions (A) and (B), constants as required. 
Sufficiency: Through the use of (10), the change of the independent 
variable transforms (3) to 

w |e 

2 eS e [rs 
ey, Fe fer en y¥ +3 |r aoe a kag 

From this equation the fact that the reduction of (A) and (B) to be 
constants is sufficient to insure that the resultant equation has constant 
coefficients under the suggested change of independent variable given 
by (10). 

To serve as an application of the above theory and also to unveil 
a mystery which appears in most first courses in differential equations, 
the classical Euler Equation is now considered. For convenience the 
following form of this equation is chosen, 

=] ==hZ ee 
(ll) y'"' + f(ax + b)y" + g(ax +b) y' + h(ax +b) ae = 0, 

where a, b, f, g, and h are constants such that ax + b = 0 and h = 0. 
In this case expression (A) becomes 

32 S. White and J. Pignani 

(f= Sala 
and (B) reduces to 2 

sian eat ie qh 

each being a constant as required. The transformation which reduces 
(11) to an equation with constant coefficients is obtained from (10) 
to be 


3 - dx 
ZS lee J ax+b 1 

m log (ax +b) where m = (ch ) Ye 4 

With the choice of m — a — 1 and b = 0 equation (11) becomes the 
simplest Euler Equation along with its transformation x = e? usually 
studied in a first course in differential equations. 

Theorems similar to the one given above could be developed for 
differential equations of higher order. 

Literature Cited 

Rainville, E. D. 1951 Intermediate Differential Equations. John Wiley and Sons, 
Inc., New York. 

Weihe, S. Unpublished. Transforming Linear Differential Equations to Standard 
Types Through a Change of Independent Variable. University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Kentucky. 

Kamke, E. 1948. Differentialgleichungen Losungsmethoden und Losungen. Chel- 
sea Publishing Company, New York. 

Accepted for publication 29 September 1960. 


1961 Spring Meeting 

The 1961 spring meeting of the Academy was held at Morehead State Col- 
lege, Morehead, Kentucky, on May 6, 1961. The program follows. 

8:30-9:15 a.m.—Registration, Lobby of Lappin Hall. 
9:20-9:30 a.m.—Orientation for Field Trips—Room 105, Lappin Hall. 

9:30-12:00 a.m.—Bird Hike—Leader, Mr. Toney Phillips. 

10:00-12:00 a.m.—Visit to A.E.C. Project on Irradiation of Seeds of Native Tree 
Species (with illustrated explanation)—Dr. Margaret B. Heaslip. 

9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.—Geology trip of the Morehead Region. Leaders: Dr. James E. 
Conkin and Mr. Jackson A. Taylor. Items of interest: Lee Clay Products, 
Clack Mountain, Lockegee, Eastern Kentucky Peneplain, Farmers Glacial 
Erratic, Knob Licks, Blue Stone Quarry. Field trip covers the Paleozoic from 
Silurian to Pennsylvanian plus the Pleistocene—a 350,000 year span. 

1:00-4:00 p.m.—Wild Flower Walk—Leader, Dr. Mary E. Wharton. 

1:00-4:00 p.m.—Amphibian and Reptile Hike—Leader, Dr. Roger Barbour. 
If a sufficient number should be interested, a trip to Bat Cave, of the Carter 
Caves Region, will be planned for Sunday morning, May 7. If you are inter- 
ested, please check the appropriate place on the dinner reservation so that 
arrangements can be made in advance for the trip. 


12:00-1:00 p.m.—No special arrangements will be made for lunch. Lunch may be 
had at the cafeteria in Doran Student House or at downtown restaurants. 
Those going on the all day geology trip should plan to take lunch to eat at 

4:00-5:00 p.m.—Slide Viewing. Audio-Visual Room of Doran Student House. 
“Views of Interest of the Morehead Region”. Mr. Allen Lake. 

5:00-6:00 p.m.—Social Hour—Faculty Lounge, Doran Student House. 

6:00 p.m.—Dinner—Dining room of Doran Student House. Dr. Loren D. Carlson, 
Chairman and Professor, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky, will 
be the after dinner speaker, with the topic “Physiology and Space Flight”. 

1961 Fall Meeting 

The 1961 fall meeting will be held at the University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Kentucky. 


DR. CARL ADAMS, Physics Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

MR. CHESTER A. ALEXANDER, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky. 

MR. LLOYD E. ALEXANDER, Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. 

SISTER ALICE MARIA GOODE, Nazareth College, 851 South 4th Street, Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

LUCIA ANDERSON, Biology Department, Western Kentucky State College, 
Bowling Green, Ky. 

SISTER ANGELICE SEIBERT, Ursuline College, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. J. W. ARCHDEACON, Dept. of Anatomy and Physiology, Unvcae of 
Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

MR. WILLIAM B. ATKINSON, Dept. Of Anatomy, University of Louisville 
Louisville, Ky. 

WILLIAM O. ATKINSON, Agronomy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

DR. MERL BAKER, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

ALBERT BALOWS, Lexington Clinic, Harrodsburg Rd., Lexington, Ky. 

S. B. BANDEEN, 3617 Lexington Rd., Louisville, Ky. 

DR. ROGER W. BAROUR, Dept. of Zoology, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

WILLIAM BYRD BARKLEY, 234 W. Third Street, Maysville, Ky. 

THOMAS R. BEBEE, College Box 20, Berea, Ky. 

JOHN J. BEGIN, Poultry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

ROBERT P. BELILES, 3515 Nanz Ave., Low, Ky. 

DR. D. M. BENNETT, Dept. of Physics, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. HARLOW BISHOP, Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, N. Y. 

RAY H. BIXLER, Psychology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. J. G. BLACK, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 

MR. eee E. BLACK, Chemistry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexing- 

DR. W. E BLACKBURN, Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

FRED BOERCHER, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 

REV. CHESTER B. BOWLING, 1801 Harvard Drive, Louisville, Ky. 

REV. JOSEPH R. BOWLING, Bellarmine College, Louisville, Ky. 

LOUIS L. BOYARSKY, Anatomy and Physiology Dept., University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

MISS RUTH BOYDEN, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

MR. ROBERT M. BOYER, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

MRS. JOHN BRAKE, 150 Oakland Park Ave., Columbus, O 

ELLIS V. BROWN, Chemistry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

JAMES B. BROWN, Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. 

WILLIAM K. BROWN JR., Engineering, 915 McClain Drive, Lexington, Ky. 

EDWARD T. BROWNE JR., Botany Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

ROBERT R. BRYDEN, Biology Dept., High Point College, High Point, N. C. 

WILBUR G. BURROUGHS, Box 1008, Chautauqua, N. Y. 

PAUL CALLAHAN, Biochem. Dept., Medical School, University of California, 
San Francisco, Calif. 

JAMES S. CALVIN, Dept. of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

Membership List 35 

PROF. A. G. CANON, Physical Science Dept., Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

WILLIAM F. CANTRELL, 9909 Dickens, Bethesda, Md. 

PROF. JULIAN H. CAPPS, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

DR. JOHN M. CARPENTER, Dept. of Zoology, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

MISS VADA CHUMLEY, 1601 Exeter Ave., Middlesboro, Ky. 

GENEVIEVE CLARK, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky. 

MARY BENEDICT CLARK, 301 McCready Ave., Louisville, Ky. 

DR. WILLIAM M. CLAY, Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, 

ARCH E. COLE, 101 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. 

EVELYN COLE, Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

DR. GERALD A. COLE, Division of Life Science, Arizona State College, Tempe, 

BARBARA M. CONKIN, Geology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

JAMES E. CONKIN, Geology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

ELLIS R. CARTER, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfort, Ky. 

MISS LAURINE CAVE, Box 5437 University Station, Lexington, Ky. 

RICHARD A. CHAPMAN, Dept. of Agronomy, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

JAMES R. CHARLES, Capital Heights, Frankfort, Ky. 

MISS NELL SUE CHEATHAM, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

JOHN A. CHEEK, Lambeth College, Jackson, Tenn. 

DR. PAUL CHRISTIAN, Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

MAURICE CHRISTOPHER, Chemistry Dept., Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

CARL COOK, Crailhope, Ky. 

E. WILBUR COOK, Box 42 Centre College, Danville, Ky. 

DR. CLARA C, COOPER, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

C. S. CROUSE, Engineering College, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

ANNE P. CUNNINGHAM, 737 South Limestone, Lexington, Ky. 


DR. P. A. DAVIES, Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

TYRUS R. DAVIS, Banker’s Bond Company, Kentucky Home Life Bildg., Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

DR. LYLE R. DAWSON, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

MR. FRANKLIN DAY, Pikeville College, Pikeville, Ky. 

DR. STEPHEN DIACHUN, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

MISS MARY L. DIDLAKE, 248 Market Street, Lexington, Ky. 

GRAHAM B. DIMMICK, B-202 Shawneetown, Lexington, Ky. 

DONALD A. DISTLER, Dyche Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. 

MR. WILLIAM L. DIXON, Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. 

JOHN W. DONAHUE, Psychology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

RICHARD F. DOOLEY, Kentucky Reptile Garden, Park City, Ky. 

R. M. DOUGHTY, College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

WILLIAM G. DOWNS, JR., 212-E-6W, Cookeville, Tenn. 

G. LUTHER DRAFFEN, Calvert City, Ky. 

W. G. DUNCAN, 325 Glendover Road, Lexington, Ky. 

J. C. EAVES, Dept. of Math. and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 

ton, Ky. 

HARTLEY C. ECKSTROM, Chemistry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

DR. O. F. EDWARDS, Dept. of Bacteriology, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

DR. WILLIAM D. EHMANN, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

36 Kentucky Academy of Science 

A. E. ELKAYER, Mech. Engineering Dept., Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. 

JAMES McCLELLAND ELLIOTT, Dept. Mech. Engineering, University of Ken- 
tucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. STATIE ERICKSON, Dept. of Home Economics, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

DR. R. C. ERNST, University of Louisville, Speed Scientific School, Louisville, 

CARL F. ESSIG, 1455 Forbes Road, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. BETSEY WORTH ESTES, Neville Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

LOUIS M. EYERMANN, Box 13 Station E., Louisville, Ky. 

HAROLD H. FENWICK, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. E. N. FERGUS, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. T. E. FIELD, 1554 Cardinal Drive, Louisville, Ky. 

HAROLD G. FLANARY, Addiction Research Center, Public Health Service, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

RALPH FORNEY, 305 Horton St., Columbia, Ky. 

ARTHUR W. FORT, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

MR. J. F. FREEMAN, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. WILLIAM F. FURNISH, Biology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, 

FRANKLIN B. GAILEY, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

LARRY R. GALE, 1204 Winston Drive, Jefferson City, Mo. 

JASPER H. B. GARNER, Botany Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

LEE W. GILDART, Dept. of Physics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

SETH GILKERSON, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

DR. L. C. GLENN, Geology Dept. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. 

PROF. R. E. GOODGION, Murray Training School, Murray State College, Mur- 
ray, Ky. 

MISS ELVA GOODHUE, Lindsey Wilson Junior College, Columbia, Ky. 

JOHN D. GOODLETTE, 2338 Howard Drive, Orlando, Fla. 

DR. R. B. GRIFFITH, 2104 Strathmoor Blvd., Louisville, Ky. 

RICHARD M. GRIFFITH, Clinical Psychology, Veterans Hospital, Lexington, Ky. 

MR. JAMES GROSSMAN, Foundation School, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

MR. CHARLES R. GUNN, Ross Seed Company, P.O. Box 1712, Louisville, Ky. 

CHARLES S. GUTHRIE, Burkesville, Ky. 

MR. ROBERT L. HADLEY, 201 Ashland Road, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. HANS HAHN, Psychology Dept., Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky. 

EDMOND K. HALL, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

C. B. HAMANN, Asbury College, Wilmore, Ky. 

PROF. E. M. HAMMAKER, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

RAYMOND E. HAMPTON, Agronomy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

MR. HUNTER M. HANCOCK, 1107 Elm Street Ext., Murray, Ky. 

JOSEPH E. HANEGAN, Biology Dept., Bellarmine College, Louisville, Ky. 

FANNIE R. HARMON, Sue Bennett College, London, Ky. 

ALTON M. HARVILL JR., Biology Dept., Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

DR. MARGARET B. HEASLIP, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

CARLTON HECKROTTE, Biology Dept., Eastern Kentucky State College, Rich- 
mond, Ky. 

GEORGE H. HEMBREE, 58 Salem Lane, Little Silver, N. J. 

JAMES P. HENLEY, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Division of Fisheries, Frank- 
fort, Ky. 

DR. CARL E. HENRICKSON, Dept. of Botany, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

Membership List 37 

J. EDWARDO HERNANDEZ, Romance Languages Dept., University of Ken- 
tucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. THOMAS C. HERNDON, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 

DONALD G. HICKS, Chemistry Dept., College Box 1167, Murray, Ky. 

HARRIS E. HILL, Nat. Inst. of Mental Health, Public Health Service, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

FREDERICK kK. HILLE, 410 Rose Lane, Lexington, Ky. 

MISS ANNA L. HOFFMAN, 8 Ft. Mitchell Avenue, Ft. Mitchell, Ky. 

ANTHONY A. HOHNHORST, 3010 Dixie Highway, Covington, Ky. 

DR. J. P. HOLT, University of Louisville, 101 West Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky. 

HOWARD HOPKINS, Pharmacy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

ARLAND HOTCHKISS, Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. MARGARET HOTCHKISS, Dept. of Bacteriology, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

MR. JOHN HOUCHENS, Registrar, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

H. L. HULL, Box 723, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

DR. JAMES C. HUMPHRIES, Bacteriology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

KARL F. HUSSUNG, Chemistry Dept., Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

MR. W. M. INSKO, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, y. 

CHARLES JOSEPH ISBELL, Botany Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

CRAYTON T. JACKSON, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

DANIEL F. JACKSON, Biology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

E. M. JOHNSON, Agronomy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

ELIZABETH Z. JOHNSON, Vet. Admin. Hospital, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. SYDNEY E. JOHNSON, St. Joseph Infirmary, Louisville, Ky. 

THOMAS H. JOHNSON, Poultry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

FRANCIS J. JOHNSTON, Chemistry Dept., University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. 

ERNST JOKL. Physiology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DAN JONES, Miller Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

P. R. JONES, Cumberland College, Williamsburg, Ky. 

ARNOLD J. KAHN, Biology Dept.. Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 

THOMAS E. KARGL, Chemistry Dept., Ursuline College, Louisville, Ky. 

PROF. P. E. KARRAKER, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. J. A. KENNEDY, 101 W. Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky. 

CHARLES KEYS, Robert Wesleyan College, North Chili, N. Y. 

FRANK KODMAN, Psychology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

EMIL KOTCHER, 101 West Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky. 

L. A. KRUMHOLZ. Biology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

ROBERT A. KUEHNE, Zoology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

JAMES F. LAFFERTY, General Engineering Dept., University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

PROF. H. H. LAFUZE, Eastern State College, Richmond, Ky. 

ALLEN L. LAKE, College Box 782, Morehead, Ky. 

DR. L. Y. LANCASTER, 930 Nutwood, Bowling Green, Ky. 

DR. KARL O. LANGE, Aeronautical Research Lab., University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

ROBERT LARANCE, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 

JAMES K. LATHAM, 533 So. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky. 

J. TRAVIS LEACH. 6995 Beechland Ave., Pleasure Ridge Park, Ky. 

WILLIAM M. LEACH, 1005 N. Broadway Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. 

JOAN C. LEE; Psychology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

JOHN J. LEHRBERGER, 705 S. Mason St., Harrisonburg, Va. 

ROY C. LESTER, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

38 Kentucky Academy of Science 

GERRIT LEVEY, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

DWIGHT M. LINDSAY, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky. 

DR. HARVEY B. LOVELL, Biology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

ETHEL W. LOVELL, 2424 Dundee Rd., Louisville, Ky. 

BEN H. LYND, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

DR. JAMES T. McCLELLAN, 506 Spring Hill Drive, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. A. C. McFARLAN, Geology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

PRESTON McGRAIN, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

EVANS C. McGRAW, 684 Loudon Avenue, Lexington, Ky. 

DONALD W. MACLAURY, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

PAUL R. McNEELY, Psychology Dept., Asbury College, Wilmore, Ky. 

MR. MAURICE K. MARSHALL, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of 
Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

WILLIAM R. MARTIN, 1753 Blue Licks Road, Lexington, Ky. 

HARRY LOUIS MASON, Dept. Mech. Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

MR. HAL W. MAYNOR, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Alabama Polytechnic 
Institute, Auburn, Ala. 

MRS. E. E. MAYO, Science and Math Dept., Morehead State College, Morehead, 

SISTER M. CONCETTA, Ursuline College, Louisville, Ky. 

SISTER M. ANTONIA KLAPHEKE, St. Joseph Infirmary, Louisville, Ky. 

SISTER MARY ADELINE, Nazareth College, Louisville, Ky. 

HARRY LOUIS MASON, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ken- 
tucky, Lexington, Ky. 

JACOB MEADOW, Chemistry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

J. P. MILES, JR., 2787 Daviess St., Owensboro, Ky. 

MRS. MILDRED MILES, 2737 Daviess St., Owensboro, Ky. 

LOUISE B. MILLER, Psychology Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

JOSEPH G. MONTGOMERY, Chairman, Science Dept., Manatee Junior College, 
Bayshore Gardens, Bradenton, Fla. 

DR. WALTER L. MOORE, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Louisville, Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

DEAN WILLIAM J. MOORE, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 

DR. F. B. MOOSNICK, 184 North Mill Street, Lexington, Ky. 

MONROE MOOSNICK, Versailles, Ky. 

MISS MARGARET MORTON, 340 Columbia Avenue, Lexington, Ky. 

KENNETH N. MUSE, 2320 N. Main., Findlay, Ohio 

DR. VINCENT E. NELSON, Dept. of Geology, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

RICHARD NEWCOMER, Zoology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

MISS HAZEL NOLLAU, 500 College Avenue, Morehead, Ky. 

WILLIAM NORRIS, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 

THOMAS G. NYE, Botany Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

VICTOR G. OSBORNE, 343 East College Street, Georgetown, Ky. 

WILLIAM OWENS, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 

DR. WILLIAM B. OWSLEY, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

MR. GEORGE H. PAINE, JR., 446 Ludlow Highway, Ludlow, Ky. 

PETE PANZERA, Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

SUSIE ANA PARKER, Harlan County Schools, Loyall, Ky. 

JOHN M. PATTERSON, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

SIGFRED PETERSON, 332 East Fairview Road, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 

MISS MARY PETTUS, Union College, Barbourville, Ky. 

MRS. HELEN J. PFOHL, 4412 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, Ky. 

Membership List 39 

JOHN C. PHILLEY, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

DR. J. P. PHILLIPS, Chemistry Dept., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

TONEY PHILLIPS, Morehead State College, Morehead, Ky. 

TULLIO J. PIGNANI, Mathematics Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky 

H. C. PIRKLE, Rt. 1 Box 505, Anchorage, Ky. 

WILLIAM K. PLUCKNETT, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lex- 
ington, Ky. 

JUDITH D. PRATT, 234 Reed Lane, Lexington, Ky. 

HUGH PUCKETT, Allen County High School, Scottsville, Ky. 

WILLIAM T. QUERY, Veterans Administration Hospital, Lexington, Ky. 

WILLIAM G. READ, Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

CHARLES REIDLINGER, Biology Dept., Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

R. B. RENDA, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

GERTRUDE C. RIDGEL, Biology Dept., Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. 

J. W. RIDGWAY, 5300 Alpine Way, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. H. P. RILEY, Botany Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. EARLAND RITCHIE, Centre College, Danville, Ky. 

THOMAS G. ROBERTS, Geology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

SISTER RODERICK, Nazareth College, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. J. G. RODRIGUEZ, Dept. of Entomology and Botany, Ky. Agricultural Ex- 
periment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

AARON A. ROSEN, 2667 Cedarbrook Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 

W. GORDON ROSS, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

R. I. RUSH, Chemistry Dept., Centre College, Danville, Ky. 

MRS. ELLEN A. SANDERS, 620 W. Main St., Campbellsville, Ky. 

R. J. SCALF, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Louisville, Ky. 

DR. MORRIS SCHERAGO, Bacteriology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

DAN SCHREIBER, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 

DR. JOSEPH R. SCHWENDEMAN, Geography Dept., University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

PAUL G. SEARS, Chemistry Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. WILLIAM A. SEAY, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

FRANK SETO, Box 1624, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

HANSFORD T. SHACKLETTE, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky. 

DR. FRANK M. SHIPMAN, Brown Forman Distillery, 1908 Howard Street, Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

DR. G. L. SHOEMAKER, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

DEAN CHARLES N. SHUTT, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

EARL P. SLOANE, College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

CHARLES E. SMITH, JR., 109 S. Fifth Street, Bardstown, Ky. 

FREDERICK R. SMITH, Ashland Center, University of Kentucky, Ashland, Ky. 

NEWTON J. SMITH JR., P.O. Box 193, Orangeburg, S. C. 

RILEY S. SMITH, Box 1625, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

WALTER T. SMITH JR., Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

CHARLES SOWARDS, Zoology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 
H. A. SPALDING, Hazard, Ky . 
J. WILLIAM SPANYER, Brown Forman Distillers Corp., Louisville, Ky. 
KENNETH J. STARKS, Entomology and Botany Dept., University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 
DR. DEWEY G. STEELE, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 
G. W. STEWART, Agronomy Dept., University of entucky, Lexington, Ky. 
ORVILLE W. STEWART, Engineering, 125 Johnston Blvd., Lexington, Ky. 
DR. G. W. STOKES, Agronomy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 
JOHN A. STOKLEY, 318 Blueberry Lane, Lexington, Ky. 

40 Kentucky Academy of Science 

DR. THOMAS D. STRICKLER, Berea College, Berea, Ky. 

DR. WARD C. SUMPTER, Dept. of Chemistry, Western State College, Bowling 
Green, Ky. 

MARION F. TABB, R. F. D. No. 4, Hillsboro, Ohio 

RALPH A. TESSENEER, Psychology Dept., Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

HERBERT H. THOMPSON, 213 Armstrong St., Fairfax, Va. 

JAMES F. THORPE, 535 Decatur Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 

JACK R. TODD, Agronomy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

ROBERT E. TODD, 1538 E. Indian Trail, Louisville, Ky. 

LEE HILL TOWNSEND, Ky. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. 

JOHN W. TRUE, 1925 So. Third Street, Louisville, Ky. 

H. D. TYNER, 18 McCormick Blvd., Normal, Ill. 

SISTER VIRGINIA HEINES, Nazareth College, Louisville, Ky. 

WILLIAM F. WAGNER, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 

ALLEN M. WALLACE, Agronomy Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

WARREN W. WALTON, JR., Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of Ken- 
tucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. R. H. WEAVER, Dept. of Bacteriology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, 

EDWARD H. WEBER, Bellarmine College, Louisville, Ky. 

J. ELMER WELDON, Box 531, Georgetown, Ky. 

JOHN BOND WELLS, JR., Math Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

DR. MARY E. WHARTON, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky. 

MR. ELLIS D. WHEDBEE, JR., 2832 West Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. 

DEAN M. M. WHITE, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

NEVA VINES WHITE, Morehead High School, Morehead, Ky. 

JOHN B. WHITLOW, 1711 Fairway Dr., Lexington, Ky. 

MISS ROBERTA WHITNAH, College Station, Murray, Ky. 

MR. ALLIE L. WHITT, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 

CHARLES E. WHITTLE, Dept. of Physics, Western Kentucky State College, 
Bowling Green, Ky. 

DR. ABRAHAM WICKLER, U. S. P. H. S. Hospital, Lexington, Ky. 

R. H. WILEY, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

CHARLES W. WILLIAMS, 600 Wataga Drive, Louisville, Ky. 

GORDON C. WILLIAMS, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Louis- 
ville, Louisville, Ky. 

W. L. WILLIAMS, Louisville Water Co., 435 So. Third St., Louisville, Ky. 

GORDON WILSON, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 

RALPH F. WISEMAN, Ph.D., Dept. of Bacteriology, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Ky. 

C. O. G. WITTING, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 

OTIS WOLFE, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 

HAROLD L. ZIMMACK, Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Ky. 


THOMAS GRAHAM, Banker’s Bond Co., Kentucky Home Life Building, Louis- 
ville, Ky. 

DR. WILLIAM S. WILSON, Box 13, College, Alaska 

DR. LIZA SPANN, Murray State College, Murray, Ky. 

DR. G. B. PENNEBAKER, Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, Cookeville, Tenn. 

W. R. JILLSON, 301 West Third Street, Frankfort, Ky. 

HENRY V. HEUSER, Henry Voght Machine Company, Louisville, Ky. 


PROF. E. B. PENROD, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, 
Urbana, Illinois 

S. L. ADAMS, Julius Kessler Distilling Co., Manf. Exec. Offices, Seventh St. Road, 
Louisville, Ky. 


DR. ALFRED BRAUER, Zoology Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 

F. J. FOHS, 1077 San Jacinto Building, Houston, Texas 



LEE CLAY PRODUCTS, Clearfield, Ky. 

MR. PHIL M. MILES, 229 Barrow Road, Lexington, Ky. 

OTTO J. MILETTI, 1401 South 15th Street, Louisville, Ky: 


DR. W. D. VALLEAU, Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 


ALFRED M. WOLFSON, 310 North 14th Street, Murray, Ky. 

PHILIP MORRIS, INC., Louisville, Ky. 


NEW CENTURY PUBLISHERS, US 0181 NC 101, 832 Broadway, New York, 
New York 

DUKE UNIVERSITY, Library Order L 13955, Durham, N. C. 



LIBRARY, Eastern Kentucky State College, Purchase Order 754, Richmond, Ky. 

CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY, 325 Superior Avenue (Order Division), Cleve- 
land, Ohio 

LIBRARY, Western Kentucky State College, Bowling Green, Ky. 

LIBRARY, Order No. 2834, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. 


CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 

LIBRARY SERIALS DEPT., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Il. 

Laboratory Equipment, Supplies, Furniture 

and Reagent Chemicals 


Corning and Kimble Glassware Buehler and Leco 

Coors Porcelain Ware 

Beckman Instruments 

Metallurgical Supplies 


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Zeiss Microscopes 

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and Matheson, Coleman 
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“Everything For the Modern Laboratory” 


949 S. Third Street 
Louisville 2, Ky. 
Telephone JU 3-0666 

900 MacCorkle Ave. S.W. 
Charleston, W. Va. 
Telephone DI 3-5515, 

Volume 22 1961 Number 3-4. 

of the KENTUCKY 

Official Organ 


The Kirtley Site, A Mississippian Village in McLean 
County, Kentucky 
Preparation of Several Symmetrical Bisphenolic Mannich 
Derivatives of Biological Interest: 
C. J. Korrics, W. T. Smiru, and J. R. MEADOw 

A Cannel Coal Tension Rupture 

Quinaldine as an Anesthetic on Siredon mexicanum (Shaw) 
Rocer M. Katz 

A Key to Prehistoric Kentucky Pottery 
Dovucias W. ScHWARTZ 

Academy Affairs 
Index to Volume 22 

The Kentucky Academy of Science 
Founded May 8, 1914 

OFFICERS 1961-62 

President: Caantes WairrtLE, Western State College 

President-elect: Lyte Dawson, University of Kentucky 

Vice President: James Conxin, University of Louisville 

Secretary: Gennit LEVEY, Berea College 

Treasurer: Paut. Ray, Asbury College 

Representative to AAAS Council: Maxx Waanron, Georgetown College 

Counselors fo Junior Academy: Maurice CuristorHER, Murray State College, and Taomas A, 
Hovrro, Eastern State College 


Chairman: Mancarer HorcHxiss, taal’ of ee. 
Secretary: Emu Korcuer, Louisvi 


Chairman: Marx Wxaarton, Georgetown College 
Secretary: EDwARD BROWNE, University of Kentucky 

Chairman: Anraur W. Fort, University of Kentucky 
Secretary: THomas Kanct, Ursuline College 


Chairman: James Conxin, University of Louisville 
Secretary: Joun PHiriEey, Morehead State College 

Chairman: Cuirrron A. BaAsye, Eastern State College y 
Secretary: Orrs K. Wore, Western State College 

. Chairman: LovisE Mi.Ler, University of Louisville 
Secretary: Pau McNrexy, Asbury College 

Chairman: C. B. pee Asbury College 
Secretary: Aruzez L. Wuurt, Eastern State College 


WILLIAM B. OWSLEY ...ccccccessssscecereees to 1962 1» GARE, HANGE) o.cdecbateccevecseeesascssecessese Oy LOGS 
C. B. HAMANN oecccceccccesee SelveceacdacacessectO) LOGs AS EOUNVGRE ET 2 Cis vcccssceuoucsvoncacaces weet 1964 
IAz er, VNOLTIAU) iccssscnssccsscstsocenanescerose to 1962 WiertaAM G. READ ciceccccccrccsccesereeeeestO LOBS 

WILLIAM CLAY 6...cccccencccecsssncepeasrere to 1963 R. H. WInkY sess Rance ven atest nteaeaee to 1965 


‘Editor: RocGer W. Bansour, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 
“Associate Editors: : 
(Bacteriology and Medical Technology) SzrmH Grxexson; Berea College, Berea. 
(Botany) Mary E. WHarron, Georgetown College. 
(Chemistry) Warp SumrtTER, Western State College, Bowling Green, 
(Geology) Barsparna M. Conxxin, Louisville 
(Zoology) Jonn M. CarpentTeER, University of Kentucky, Lexington 

Membership in the Kee Academy of Science is open to interested Persons upon nomi- 
nation, Lig foal of dues, and election. Application forms for membership may be obtained 
from the Secretary. The TRANSACTIONS are sent free to all members in good standing. 

: Subscription rates for non-members are: domestic, $3.50 per volume; foreign, $4.00 per 

The TRANSACTIONS are issued semi-annually. Four numbers comprise a volume. 

foarres pena ence concerning memberships or subscriptions should be addressed to the 
ae [ ae eae Pustiec datangie relanss to excbandtes iene! oe sadeeaen The 

rarian, University o uisville, who e@ exc’ e agent for the emy. Manuseri 
and other material for publication should be sdaresied to the Editor. if Ba iy 

A Mississippian Village in McLean County, Kentucky 

Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington 


During the 1930's extensive archaeological excavations were under- 
taken in Kentucky through the auspices of the Works Progress Ad- 
ministration. Numerous prehistoric sites were excavated and the arti- 
facts catalogued by WPA crews but sufficient personnel was not 
available to analyze and report on all of the material. This paper is 
aimed at reducing the backlog of unpublished sites by reporting on the 
Kirtley site, a small Mississippian village in southeastern McLean 
County. The main objectives are to describe the features and artifacts 
recovered from the Kirtley village; tentatively establish its chrono- 
logical position within the prehistory of the area, relate it to other 
Mississippian sites in the state, and to draw some other conclusions 
from this information. 


McLean County is centrally located in the Kentucky Western Coal 
Fields which are the southeastern portion of the Eastern Interior Coal 
Field extending northward into southern Indiana and Illinois. The 
general surface is gently rolling to hilly uplands dissected by streams 
which have flat swampy bottomlands with deposits of Pleistocene and 
Recent sand, gravel and silt (Burroughs, 1924 :1-19). The county is 
bisected by the Green River and bordered on the west by the Pond 
River and on the East by the Green and Rough Rivers. 

Soils in the area include yellow silt loam from sandstone and sandy 
shales, bright yellow clay subsoil and gray or yellowish silt loam in the 
bottomlands (Burroughs, 1924 : 29-32). 

Location of Site 

The Kirtley site was located in the southeastern section of McLean 
County (see Figures 1 and 2) on the farm of Mr. Henderson Kirtley 
and his son, John Kirtley, one and one-half miles west of Island, 
Kentucky. This area is one of rolling to hilly ridges separated by the 
Green River and Cypress Creek. McL 19 is located on the western 
edge of one of these ridges, overlooking Cypress Creek to the west and 
south. The junction of the Green and Rough Rivers is three and one 
half miles to the north-northeast. The ridge on which the site is located 
is four hundred eighty feet above sea level, while the surrounding 
bottomlands are at an elevation of three hundred eighty feet. 


49, M. A. Rolingson 
e) | 2 o// 
[ca x / 
Scale in Miles Sy 
cymes Upland 100" - Lys ‘i 
bolus. above creek : ‘LIVERMORE 


. ee ee .. —_ I 


Fig. 1.—Detail map of region surrounding the Kirtley site, McL 19. 


@ Single Component 
Mississippian Sites 

A Multiple Component Sites 
Including Mississippian 


€> Area in Detail Map— 
Figure | 

Oo a 
BS ‘+ Louisville 

: Ze 
‘ : ec 
/ =F 

Fig. 2—Map of western Kentucky locating single component Mississippian sites and 
multiple component sites with both Mississippian and earlier cultural manifestations. 

The Kirtley Site 43 

Excavation Procedure 

During the winter of 1937, excavations were being conducted at 
McL 6 (see Figure 1). At that time, test pits at McL 19 indicated a 
shallow midden which did not appear to warrant excavation. However, 
flood conditions in the spring of 1939 forced the abandonment of 
bottomland sites in western McLean County and Ohio County, so 
work was begun at McL 5, 7, and 19 (see Figure 1). Work began at 
McL 19 on March 18, 1939, with John B. Elliott as supervisor. Per- 
mission was granted for an excavation period of ten days, as the land 
was to be planted in pasture. When the extent of the site was realized, 
the period was extended to May 5. This relatively short time did not 
allow for complete excavation of all features, especially midden pits, 
but the extent of the village was defined and all house patterns were 

In excavation the site was crossed by a preliminary north-south 
trench to sample midden, detect structures and record depth and 
extent of midden. From this preliminary trench, the site was staked in 
ten foot squares, oriented north-south. A datum level was established, 
but unfortunately its location was not recorded in the notes. The 
actual excavation consisted of shaving through the midden deposit 
with shovels until the yellow subsurface clay was exposed. As features 
were uncovered they were noted and outlined on the surface of the 
subsoil and the trenches of the house walls were then excavated 
vertically, as can be seen in Figure 4. The area of excavation measured 
330 feet by 90 feet. As the midden, though extensive, was extremely 
superficial, averaging only .8 feet in depth, the main items of interest 
were the house patterns and midden pits. 

House Patterns 

The midden was so shallow that all house floors had been destroyed 
by cultivation and erosion; however, wall patterns indicated the 
presence of two house types. The predominant type, with thirteen 
houses, was constructed by placing wall posts in trenches with house 
corners left open or with corner posts set directly into the ground. 
These trenches extended into the subsoil. In the second type, totaling 
two houses, the wall posts were set directly into the ground, extending 
into the subsoil. All houses were rectangular structures. The three 
southernmost house locations (Features 9, 7, and 13) had been used 
for the construction of a single house each (see Figure 3). The three 
northernmost house locations (Features 4-6, 3, and 2) had been 
used in the construction of four houses each. All houses except the 
four located in Features 2 and 9 were oriented with their long walls 

"y204 Aysoy 0} YOU! DUO AjayDUNIXOIddD Ss} B]DD¢ ("g) S]DIUNq puD (4) SesNyDo} HulyOI0; UOIWDADIXe yO DaID O}IS Ad]JIIJ—¢ “B14 

M. A. Rolingson 



The Kirtley Site 45 

Fig. 4.—Excavation of the Kirtley site. 

on a north-south or north northeast-south southwest line. Those in 
Features 2 and 9 were oriented east-west. Due to destruction of the 
site, all measurements were taken from the surface of the subsoil. 

The two houses with posts set directly into the ground were 
centrally located in the village and are a part of Feature 4-6. Both are 
similar, except for size. House 4a measured 20 by 20.5 feet while house 
4b measured 16 by 16.5 feet. Wall posts extended one foot into the 
subsoil and were rather small, ranging from .2 to .7 feet in diameter 
and averaged .4 feet. The west wall of house 4a could not be defined 
but is probably in the same location as the west wall of house 4. It 
cannot now be determined whether or not these two post wall houses 
were precedent to the two wall trench houses in the Feature. 

Wall trench houses varied in size from 12 by 14 feet to 25.5 by 29.5 
feet; however, twice as many had walls over twenty feet than were 
under twenty feet. The trenches for these walls ranged from 7.4 feet 
to 22.8 feet in length; from .4 feet to 1.4 feet in width and from .2 
feet to 1.6 feet in depth. The number of posts within the trenches 
varied from twenty in house 6 to ninety-eight in house 8d. The 
diameter of the posts ranged from .2 feet to .7 feet, with an average of 
.8 feet. Seven of these houses had posts set in the ground at the corner; 
the maximum number of posts in one corner being three. 

46 M. A. Rolingson 

Two houses (18 and 4a) had partition walls extending out 4.4 and 
5 feet from the west wall. These were located 5 feet down from the 
northwest corner of the houses. House 9 was the only one with pos- 
sible indications of repair where more than one-third of the posts did 
not reach the floor of the trench, as they would have done had they 
been placed during the original construction. Time factors are ap- 
parent in only three instances. House 13 was built over a trench 
which apparently has no other association with any feature in the 
village. House 6 was built before house 4, as the south wall of house 
4 crossed over the east wall of house 6: Houses 9 and 3 were built over 
midden pits. 

Two factors suggesting house structure and time are present in 
the four houses of Feature 3. First, the depth of the trenches into the 
subsoil becomes shallower from the inside trenches to the outside 
trenches. Had a new house been constructed each time, the floor level 
of each would be raised by the debris of the old house, and a trench 
of equal depth would not have extended as far into the subsoil. 
Second, the inner trenches appear to be much more disturbed than 
the outer trenches which are clearly defined. Had the largest house 
been constructed first, it could be expected that there would be some 
destruction of the trenches of this house, with the inner trenches more 
clearly defined. Therefore, the earliest house was probably the smallest 
house and later houses were increasingly larger. 

Discussion: Very few generalizations can be made about the Mis- 
sissippian houses at the Kirtley village due to the destruction of the 
site; however, a few things appear to stand out and are worth noting. | 
1) The majority of the house posts touched the bottom or extended 
below the trench floor. 2) Only house 9 indicated that much repair 
had taken place, by the shallowness and interspersing of many of the 
postmolds. 3) Two houses had small interior partitions. 4) There 
was more house construction on the north end of the site. 5) Houses 
3a, 8b and 9 postdate midden pits. 6) Houses 4a and 4b were of a 
different type construction than the rest of the village. 7) The builders 
of the houses in Features 2 and 3 must have had some knowledge of 
previous houses at that spot, because they are all oriented. This is not 
true of the houses in Feature 4-6. 8) There were no fireplaces within 
the houses. 

Isolated Walls 

Three isolated trenches located in the village do not appear to be 
associated with houses (see Figure 3). Two of these did not have 
postmolds in them and their use is conjectural. One was located five 

The Kirtley Site 47 

feet south of house 7; the other was fifteen feet north of the houses in 
Feature 2. The third trench contained postmolds and is precedent to 
house 13. In addition to these isolated trenches, a row of postmolds 
was located one and a half feet north of house 9. This structure sug- 
gests some type of fence or pallisade, or a lean-to attached to the house. 

Refuse Pits 

The seven midden or refuse pits located in the village (Figure 3) 
can be separated into three types for purposes of discussion. Three 
large, shallow pits were not entirely excavated and defined due to 
lack of time; three were small, deep pits and one pit contained arti- 
facts of historic origin. 

The first type of midden pit was large, extending up to twenty-two 
feet in length, and shallow, reaching an interior depth of .8 feet. These 
were all located near houses and may have originally been dug to 
obtain clay for plastering the house walls and later used for refuse. 

The second type of pit was small, not over ten feet in length, with 
an interior depth extending to two feet. Two of these, Features 15 and 
11, were precedent to the houses in Features 3 and 9. 

The seventh pit, Feature 14, was located sixty feet north of the 
main village area. It contained refuse of historic origin including a 
broken dish, glass fragments, sheet tin, half of a bone handle from a 
modern knife or fork, and artifacts of possible Indian origin including 
a small, smooth sandstone ball, a smooth, triangular piece of sandstone, 
and two lumps of clay, one coated with a lime wash. This refuse pit 
may not be the same age as the rest of the village. 

Areas of Irregular Rocks 

Feature 5 was an area 3.5 by 3.0 feet of irregular sandstone rocks 
within the habitation level, over and therefore postdating the south 
end of the west wall of House 3c. It could have been placed during 
the use of house 8d or after the abandonment of the houses in Feature 
3. It had a vertical thickness of .2 feet. 

Feature 16 was an area of irregular sandstone and limestone rocks, 
3.0 by 2.5 feet, in the habitation level of the site, thirty feet north of 
Feature 3. None of the rocks in these two areas appear to have been 
fired or burned and their use is conjectural. 

Only two burials were located during excavation, both on the 
eastern side of the village area and relatively isolated from the houses 
(Figure 3). In Burial 1 there was no evidence of either a stone box 

48 M. A. Rolingson 

or a pit grave. The bone was poorly preserved; however, it appears 
to have been an extended, flesh burial of one adult, sex unknown. The 
head was oriented toward the west. 

The second burial was a stone box grave which contained only one 
fragment of a child’s rib. The stone box was oriented northwest- 
southeast and measured 2.5 by 1.0 feet. It contained a thin slab floor 
surrounded by a single upright slab on the northwest end, two upright 
slabs on the southeast end, and a single upright slab in the northeast 
wall. The southwest wall and roof had been destroyed by cultivation 
and were scattered in the grave and to the southwest. The box was 
made of sandstone rather than limestone as is more common in Mis- 
sissippian burials, but the area in which the Kirtley village is located 
contains outcrops of Pennsylvanian sandstone. 


A total of two hundred forty artifacts, other than pottery, was 
recovered from McL 19. The majority are chipped and ground stone 
artifacts, while bone and shell are relatively scarce, possibly due to 
soil acids. No depth distribution of the artifact types was possible 
because of the shallowness of the site. Table 1 lists the artifacts, total 
number present and percentage. 

Table 1.—Artifacts from the Kirtley Site 

Number Percentage Percentage 
Artifact Present of Total of Type 
Projectile points) ecescee.s eee cece eee 83 84.58 
Side=notched@ eee eee 81 87.34 
Mrrangular) Peck eescsctsecteseevasteteet ees 16 19.27 
Stemmed cs eie tee oi ctek eee 11 13.37 
Shallow side-notched ..............c..0006 9 10.84 
@orner-notchediy eee ee 6 7.10 
Tanceolateny yao ee eaeeeiraecaes 6 7.10 
Serrated ais kl vata! eee eau ee nue ens 1 1.20 
(UWinclassifie cles eer ee eneeceeeeeee 3 8.61 
SGERADENS! etree cei eeu eee seens se ccteu cae eae 62 25.83 
Side=notchedwes ee ee 25 40.32 
Shallow side-notched .............. 2 B20 
Stemmeddi sen eaa mea los a recaees 1 1.61 
@orner-notched eee 8 4.83 
Trianguloid, end scraper ........ 11 17.74 
Rectanguloid, side scraper .... 7 11.29 
SL AKES ee ene eae ar Seu aNs a 11.29 
Ovoid eee LE 4 6.28 
Side-notched: :s-seeeeccoseece coos 1 1.61 

Stemimecdinrerccccten eke ee ees eae 1 1.61 

The Kirtley Site 49 

Table 1.—Continued 

Number Percentage Percentage 

Artifact Present of Total of Type 
D)yil Speers eae eR CN re eee UT eI) 15 6.25 

ERAN INE» SHORE 1x0. 0 cs casccttt scastin sesseseeesacs tf 46.66 

IN@ECEC MD ASC teccierene ec seeenee eaineas 5 83.33 

BeepAnGed (DASE \ a.s<cccc-sscscasadesoansdsacases 8 20.00 
ARGV GS pare aan Sees eee ek Nae eee eet os 8 3.33 
18) acl ey aR cece Re RP nn 8 8.88 
CTA er nttett aceasta ec eetat cae. stn Semen aes i Al 
In\S SS a ee ARL A Aa A I OR RO as a 3 1.25 
(CLL ea FA Sept os NSS a Oe 9 en il Al 
WinGEStOMeS ier ietsecs cone raeeceaes ceceastetersescses 3 1225 
Sanclstome stalets: resscsscscesconsssssacctscesseussccs 8 1.25 
IRCSELOS eee os creer encase teee esis cdeiatossatest toes 6 2.50 
(iors ieee stereo tes eee et a Oa 1 Al 
CSAS CORA Si aes eas ose ces ee taeses este acdeasoeescecuss 3 1.25 
FlamMMIMERSEOMES! ccscccssonsseseceecoesencocs sasoucsces 8 1.25 
Gane lWeCOa he ises cess ccccesseccsooeess eeatos jiseseweens 3 125 
Sandstone pendant {../.c2c.5..c<cscsescconasncevesee 1 Al 
Aba NANMEES ATG) ae. ckee eeenar cess ceces assess Uassevee 2 .83 
Sandstone) ballipcssete eters cvgcce koe 1 Al 
PmiestOne ODjECE jcccccscevcsccccssoesacossensseaces 1 Al 
Triangular sandstone object ...........:.:00+ 1 Al 
Unidentified ‘objects ...............<sosssssersesese 2 83 
Fragments of ground stone ..............:+++ 16 6.67 
Sie lee iets Tees tacecicss cotter tauresasesesseenee 7 2.92 
IMetall amr eerie. oh ett hl pret Bane esi i 41 
Mince pees es ce Seager) cca oe 240 99.93 

Projectile points: The Kirtley site contained eighty-three chipped stone tools 
tools which can be considered projectile points. These pieces were either whole 
or broken bases. No tip sections were found during analysis and it seems probable 
that these were discarded following excavation, as it would be unusual not to have 
found any tip sections at the site. There were seven major types of projectile 
points, five of which are illustrated in Figure 5A-E, with slight variations within 
these types in the form of the base and shoulders. The two predominant types 
were side-notched projectile points and triangular projectile points. Only three 
artifacts were too broken to classify. 

Scrapers: The sixty-two scrapers can be separated into two basic types— 
bifacial and unifacial. The bifacial scrapers, illustrated in Figure 5J, were either 
notched or stemmed and many appear to have been made by utilizing the bases 
of broken projectile points. The unifacial scrapers, illustrated in Figure 5H-I, are 
well chipped and shaped into both end and side scrapers. 

Drills: There were three types of drills, totaling fifteen artifacts, used by the 
occupants of the Kirtley site. The most common form was the straight-shaft drill, 
illustrated in Figure 5F; however, expanded base and notched, expanded base 
drills were also used. 

Knives: The knives varied from irregularly chipped and rough blades to the 
thin, triangular knife illustrated in Figure 5G. 

Graver: One graver has been made from a broken, side-notched projectile 



M. A. Rolingson 

Fig. 5.—Kirtley site chipped stone artifacts. A. side-notched projectile point. B. triangular 

‘projectile point. C. stemmed projectile point. 

D. long, shallow, side-notched projectile 

point. E. corner notched projectile point. F. drill. G. knife. H-l. unifacial scrapers. 

J. bifacial scraper. Ea eae 

ore i a - 

The Kirtley Site 51 

Axes: All three axes (Figure 6D) were full-grooved with the bit polished to a 
sharp edge. 

Celt: The polished stone celt shows some polish by use on the bit end. 

Whetstones: The whetstones were irregular pieces of sandstone with shallow 
grooves work into the flat surface. 

Standstone tablets: These objects were thin fragments of sandstone worked 
smooth with convex edges and rounded corners. 

Pestles: Pestles were of two types, four were cylindrical with one end worked 
flat, while two were bell-shaped. 

Mortar: The mortar was an irregular block of sandstone with depressions on 
both faces. 

Cupstones: Two large, irregular pieces of standstone had been pitted into 
several small cups on each face. The third was rectangular, and smoothed with 
both faces lightly pitted. 

Hammerstones: Three stone tools were small, roughly cylindrical, with sides 
and proximal end smooth and one end roughened by hammering. 

Cannel coal: Three worked pieces of cannel coal had been smoothed on the 
edges and faces. They were thin and ovoid in shape. 

Sandstone pendant: A thin, nearly circular sandstone pendant with edges 
smoothed had been drilled at the edge for suspension. 

Atlatl weights: Two atlatl weight fragments of polished slate were uncovered. 
The broken edges had been slightly smoothed. One of these, illustrated in Figure 
6E, had been drilled for suspension with a transverse hole. 

Limestone object: A small piece of limestone had been worked smooth into 
an ovoid shape. One end was straight and blunt, while the other sides curved 
into one continuous edge and had been ground to a sharp edge. Its use is 

Triangular object of sandstone: A piece of sandstone had been ground to 
form a thick triangle. Its use is conjectural. This object is from the pit with 
mixed historic and prehistoric artifacts. 

Unidentified objects: Two stone objects had one and squared off, and the 
other end beveled. One of these was convex. The use of such objects is con- 

Bone: Five bone tools were recovered from the Kirtley site. There are two 
possibilities as to the scarcity of bone objects: 1) they may not have been used 
to any extent by the occupants of the village, or 2) they may not have been 
preserved in the soil. The latter seems most likely, considering the condition of the 
human bone in the burials. 

Flakers: Two sections of deer antler showed use as flakers. 

Turtle shell pendant: A small section of turtle carapace had been cut into a 
rectangle and drilled for suspension. 

Bone cylinder: A long, narrow, smooth, cylindrical piece of bone had been 
broken at both ends. Its use is conjectural. 

Bone handle: Feature 14 contained, among other things, half of a bone handle, 
illustrated in Figure 6A, from some modern utensil such as a knife or fork. The 
edges were cut smooth, the inner surface was flattened and the outer surface 
convex. One end was slightly wider than the other. Two holes were drilled for 
attachment and one of these contained the remnants of an iron pin. 

Shell: Shell objects were almost as scarce as bone tools. Seven pieces of 
worked shell were recovered. 

Marine shell columella: One piece of marine shell had been cut away leaving 
the central columella, illustrated in Figure 6B. It was probably intended as an 

52 M. A. Rolingson 

Fig. 6.—Kirtley site artifacts. A. bone handle. B. Marine shell columella. C. Perforated 
mussel shell. D. full-grooved axe. E. drilled atlatl weight. F. pottery effigy pipe. 

The Kirtley Site 53 

Worked fragments: Four fragments of shell indicated varying degrees of use. 
Three had been drilled, but did not show signs of shaping. One had been 
smoothed on the edges and sides but not drilled. 

Perforated mussell shells: Two large mussel shells (see Figure 6C) had been 
drilled through the center, but did not appear to be otherwise worked. 

Metal: One small, irregular fragment of sheet copper had been perforated in 
the center. It did not appear to have been made into a bead but may be part of 
a larger object which had corroded away. 

Discussion: Five noteworthy facts stand out from the analysis of the artifacts. 
First, considering the size of the village, the artifacts are not too numerous. Second, 
ground stone tools make up less than one fourth of the artifact assemblage and 
half of these are only partially worked or are too broken to consider as recog- 
nizable tools. For a small village of a culture whose economy is based on 
agriculture, one would expect to find more agricultural tools. The lack of this 
type of tool may be explained by postulating a use of wooden tools which would 
have decayed. Fourth, is the lack of artifacts which would be considered 
ceremonial items, especially for a culture characterized by its ceremonialism. 
Fifth, is the similarity of artifact types with those present at the Ward site (Webb 
and Haag, 1940) two miles west of the Kirtley site across Cypress Creek. This site 
is predominately Archaic with a small Mississippian occupation evident in the 
upper levels. 


The pottery at Kirtley, totaling 5507 sherds, is predominately of 
four types—Neeley’s Ferry Plain, Bell Plain, Kimmswick Fabric Im- 
pressed and Kimmswick Plain. There was no grit-tempered pottery 
present although the paste of many of the sherds contained particles 
of grit and sand which was either part of the tempering material or a 
characteristic of the clay used in making pottery. Table 2 lists the 
pottery types present, number of sherds and percentage of the total. 
As the pottery types conform to published descriptions, only unusual 
features will be discussed within the pottery types. 

Table 2.—Pottery Types from Kirtley Site 

Type Number of Sherds Percentage 

Peel eyas p Merny Eales cock vateee an stcst cessStcasvenesaceassse 4723 85.763 
Neeley’s Ferry slipped or painted ................. 29 526 
este beatae ee eee ane = Bree 4d AI Ee 8 ee ea 543 9.860 
SPENT Orin) Zoo Ree Pee ee ee 19 345 
Kimmswick Fabric Impressed ...............:::0::000+ 98 1.761 
Ketan ry Swi Ces ali rateeeee seetesse sete esas ocr tec ctocee occ csctecs 42 .762 
Beehowatinebacised: (Pv csentee detec. Sess Seisecazbcedeceaans 1 .018 
Shell tempered, net impressed ...............::c0s000 9 .163 
Shell tempered, cord-marked ..............ccssceeseees 101 .199 
Shell tempered, check-stamped ..............:::0000 4 .072 
ROG smite ye Se rs ee ee ree 5d a i 29 526 

FR Otal ian ieees eset. Gu. con tbo, eles 5507 99.960 

Neeley’s Ferry Plain: Three globular jars could be partially reconstructed 
from Neeley’s Ferry Plain potsherds. Five appendages were present: a lug with 
incised edge which was possibly part of an effigy vessel; a rim sherd with three 

54 M. A. Rolingson 

large nodes projecting out from the rim; a rim sherd with two small nodes 
projecting; and two sherds with single nodes. Seventeen handles were present; 
two loop handles had a single and a double node above the handle on the rim; 
of the fifteen strap handles, six had two nodes above the handle and three had 
incising on the rim above the handle. There were two pottery pedestals both of 
which were flat bottomed and flaring out to the base. A red paint had been 
applied to the exterior surface of thirteen sherds. In addition, a thin red slip 
had been applied over all or part of the exterior of sixteen sherds, with slip only 
occasionally applied to the interior surface. 

Bell Plain: Two flat-bottomed bowls could be partially reconstructed with 
rim diameters of ten and eleven inches. Appendages consisted of a rim sherd 
with node and one effigy lug which may be the tail piece of an effigy bowl. Five 
potsherds from one vessel indicated part of an effigy vessel. 

Trowel: One fragment of a pottery trowel was convex on the bottom with the 
upper surface concave. 

Pipes: Fragments of three pottery pipes indicated the use of small bi-conoidal 
pipes. A fourth pottery pipe fragment, illustrated in Figure 6F, is the bowl of a 
human effigy head pipe. It included such features as the eyes, ears, nose, mouth 
and tongue. 

Discussion: The potsherd types and jar forms conform to the common Mis- 
sissippian pottery. The only evidences of ceremonialism present at the site are 
fragments of four possible effigy vessels and an effigy head pipe. 

Temporal Placement 

There is little evidence at Kirtley on which to base valid con- 
clusions concerning the temporal placement of its occupation. No 
material was recovered or saved from which a radiocarbon date could 
be obtained. However, house construction, pottery types and the 
presence of a midden pit containing historic artifacts, give some indi- 
cation. Once more is known about the Mississippian culture in Ken-. 
tucky other factors may be utilized to establish its temporal placement. 

The report on Jonathan Creek village (Webb, 1952) in Marshall 
County is the only recent description of excavations at a Mississippian 
village site in Kentucky. At this site, the wall trench type houses 
appeared to precede those constructed with wall posts set individually. 
In this report, Webb (1952:112-138 ) hypothesized that the wall trench 
house was Chickasaw and the individual wall post house was Natchez. 
The precedence of these two house types could not be determined at 
Kirtley. If Webb's hypothesis is valid, then the Kirtley site may also 
have been occupied late in the Mississippian period and into historic 
times, that is after 1500. The Green River is, however, outside that 
area usually considered to have been Chickasaw territory. 

All of the pottery at Kirtley was shell tempered; however, a tenta- 
tive temporal placement within the general Mississippian culture 
can be hypothesized from the type of handles attached to these vessels. 
Of seventeen handles, two were loop handles and fifteen were strap 
handles. According to Phillips, Ford and Griffin (1951: 151-158), the 

The Kirtley Site 55 

greatest frequency of strap handles in the lower Mississippi River 
valley occurs in the St. Francis sub-area with the Memphis sub-area 
following. Toward the south they are rare. These authors theorize 
that the handle is a northern feature, with a tentative chronological 
sequence of loop-strap-decorative handles. At the Kincaid site in 
southern Illinois, the loop handle is present in the early shell tempered 
levels, and then progressively shifts to the strap type. In the Fort 
Ancient area loop handles are interpreted as a part of early Missis- 
sippian influences. Strap handles are also found in late cultural units 
continuing into historic times, such as in the Fort Ancient and Oneota 
Aspects. Therefore, the presence of a high percentage of strap handles 
at the Kirtley village would indicate a late Mississippian time relation- 

The final piece of evidence for dating lies in the presence of historic 
artifacts in Feature 14. This midden pit contained refuse of historic 
origin such as broken dishes, glass fragments, sheet tin, half of a bone 
handle from a knife or fork, and artifacts of Indian origin such as 
pottery, a sandstone ball and lumps of clay and sandstone. Unfortu- 
nately, the only historic artifact saved was the bone handle. This pit 
lay some sixty feet north of Feature 2. If it represents contact between 
Indian and explorer or settler, the village postdates 1550. It is probable 
that this pit was made after the Indian village had been abandoned. 
Midden pits with a mixture of Indian and historic artifacts are present 
on at least two other Kentucky Mississippian sites, Ly 18 and Bt 1 
and Schwartz (1961:78) postulated that. the pit at Ly 18 was used 
following the abandonment of the area by the Indians. 

Relation to Other Excavated Mississippian Sites in Kentucky 

A total of thirty-one excavated sites in Kentucky have artifacts 
indicating the presence of Mississippian peoples. These sites are 
located in Figure 2. Fifteen of these appear to be single component 
sites. These include: Butler 21; Christian 2; Crittenden 1; Hickman 1; 
Logan 1; Lyon 18; McLean 19; Marshall 4, 11, and 14; Russell 10, 17, 
and 27; and Trigg 4 and 12. Reports on seven of these sites have been 

Christian 2, the Williams site (Webb and Funkhouser, 1929) con- 
sisted of a mound with a structure on top and a cemetery containing 
seventeen graves. 

Crittenden 1, the Tolu site (Webb and Funkhouser, 1931) con- 
sisted of three mounds, one of which was ceremonial and one of which 
was a burial mound. 

56 M. A. Rolingson 

Hickman 7, the McLeod Bluff site (Webb and Funkhouser, 1933) 
consisted of a temple mound, cemetery and village. Parts of the village 
were excavated. 

Logan 1, the Page site, (Webb and Funkhouser, 1980) contained 
sixty-seven crematory or burial mounds and the remnant of an earth- 

Lyon 18, the Tinsley Hill site (Schwartz, 1961) was a stone grave 
cemetery with related village and temple mound. 

Marshall 4, the Jonathan Creek site (Webb, 1952) was a rather 
extensive village with stockades and temple mounds. 

Trigg 4, the Duncan site (Funkhouser and Webb, 1931) consisted 
of a cemetery of sixty-two graves. 

There is little evidence on which to base a comparison between 
these seven sites and the Kirtley village. The house patterns are similar 
to those at Jonathan Creek. Burial 2 at Kirtley is similar to the burials 
at Williams, Duncan and Tinsley Hill. The chipped stone artifacts 
show similarities to those illustrated for Tolu. 

The best comparisons can be made with the Jonathan Creek 
village, M1 4 (Webb, 1952), located on the bank of Jonathan Creek, 
one mile above its junction with the Tennessee River in Marshall 
County. But the comparison of traits in Table 3 indicate that the 
Kirtley people did not have quite the variety or development of Mis- 
sissippian culture as that present at Jonathan Creek. 

Table 3.—Comparison of Traits at Kirtley and Jonathan Creek 

Trait Kirtley Jonathan Creek 

HZOCatlOmM OL SILEWCas ices. tee. vectuones cost octe ee nee seen ees on bluff above on precipitous 
Cypress Creek bank above 
bottomlands Jonathan Creek 

StockaG@es withubastiOmsiee eee eee caterers se not enough 
excavation? Xx 

House types 

Rostsisetiini wallutremchesi ue.) sce scceees esas 13 houses 38 houses 

Jrivent wallipoostsuce-cesteseec a cceesucceereseete coe 2 15 

Giver ar eee ee INNA ON ae 4 
INTC aT avoeeesaseesces es casas case soeewasce see ces eereeamtiesats 6 70 
Storagelpitspersecceee ate ears ce cena bel ane n ues 2 
TSI PLACES eee sees ee ence ca etna cee nunc vac taunealene rte bee 11 
1 BBS ORT TS a Bese Ce ee ee aN MarR ea Dal 
Clay basins with raised clay rims ......................-. 2 
leay ersOfaChert Aa SIMEMeS ecco eect eee eee eee cee 1 

Layer of limestone and/or sandstone .................. 
Very few burials, no cemetery ..............::csecceseeeees 
Shallow burials in stone boxes ..............:066 
Aibsenceror stoner bOxuce tse eerie 


PA PA bo 

The Kirtley Site 57 

Table 3.— Continued 

Trait Kirtley Jonathan Creek 

JORG RET6 (2.0 hy a een eee a el 

UE (creya yee OE boa: Sa iit oe 
Projectile points 


“ApretEa eS ah ob ey a Vet DN ae ee 

Long, shallow side-notched .................0..00e00 

| LieOnVerevo) Et ies sae case AE 5 een ere eee 

iS) ELeTa) CSG eee Aare ok eae rere 

SWEETS EET Sc lpia Ais tb eA a IP oe an rea eas A 

Eom projectile POUES) <sis....0e<siseseseseooeiesseeses 

Unifacial, plano-Convex. ...:...::0:.seisssscasscseesses 

Stra la Eire tee ee eee es aerees sectaceeteeeeeec 

LES gaye (at 0 of Gy otaedra ee Beane RRR a ne 
( COTE ALE Aas eens ee or RECS EEE ee ee 
TRXERISTYEIR | sGxapobodsooscdSarces00 eee COLON RE EE eee SECO 
Blpped | StONE (CEMSs socsresacacssseecacoseeaeeentteede once aoe 
VIN IN GLESICOTI YES stant aan eal basa SB Reeser ea a BSCo AES 
LEIETaNE OVEtS. cee oe abe op aCREE ESSE AEE ee DoE SEE 
| ESASE J BES) SS th At 8 to chan RP 
PMS TOIT USEONES OF au. csetates cesncs sates ance eta cdewat neath scons 
SAS ae oe Pe er ne eee awe er see ee a 
WMG PEGOMEG ARES” <25.55cc/55.ccessshscewonshesvaaandsaseaceeures 
[DUTSCUG eu CPS 8 SIRE Ai ate SFR Be ete a we Au a eS 




eliammirine rStOMe Sivas cooncesc caer cee ences ee heee mene nee aa cece 
Stome MD CAG Sererae eeree eisariee a ees 
est esi eee wee wh x ayes Be Pad He a 9 Obl eisai 


( CUOPO IS WO) OYE eo re cease cree cree eee eee TE 

Ablatlewwetsht ragmments ees s-2--..-sed-cescsscesccbasees seek 

Slippediar pated) cc. 4.2. .b2ect sce aeceseebecck ocezenense 
HOOP nes! Ae chs BO as eee. Sedsn ene 
Sac hamelesh -:2ul su sy oe eer eo, 
Wecorateds Handles. t2..5.s..cscacescczer-nseet oatcsncess 
ANU ES pe atone ees neee shee Nea aanset Poadeenegesceawaeties 
Ratteryrcisks itt) fae eed et cadets 
fire pwaternmoteles) o:.to20.t ce eevaten. cscs catiees 
BEM MISS) fons ab is ncenmatsckwansce sakes av as cases cevaaxanwce 
1 Pee | S65 Ip 0) path 2 ci nina ni a oe deat 
| Dari ye gtr (ol | MRA eee antisense eon me 
Fal OWES ere .cstesccte rae ee ess 
DEST a gy UNO ots weseshtecea eas ancraee Medan ss oecacceccuntees 


Sixteen other excavated sites in Kentucky contain artifacts repre- 
sentative of both Mississippian and earlier cultural manifestations. 
These sites and the cultural occupations present are listed in Table 4. 
The location of these sites is indicated in Figure 2. 

58 M. A. Rolingson 

Table 4. Multiple Component Mississippian Sites in Kentucky 

Paleo- Early Middle Late 
Site Indian Archaic Woodland Woodland Woodland Mississippian 

Butler 1 XxX X 
house patterns 

Butler 2-20 
house patterns 

Butler 5 Xx X 

Grayson 12 

Hopkins 49 X x 
house patterns 

McLean 4 X 

McLean 5 

McLean 6 
one house 

McLean 7 Xx 

McLean 11 
one house 

Marshall 8 

house patterns 
Ohio 1 
Ohio 2 xX 
Ohio 19 XxX 

Trigg 10 x xX 
one house 

wm OM 
mre MM OM 

X( Late? ) 

a a os a a 
aa a a 

This listing points out several significant facts. (1) That some areas 
were more suited to a variety of economic needs is evident by the use 
of a site by more than one culture. (2) That some sites were more’ 
intensively used by Mississippian peoples is indicated by the presence 
of house patterns. The use of other sites, indicated mainly by the 
presence of Mississippian pottery, was apparently rather temporary 
or superficial. (3) Late Woodland and Mississippian appears to be 
fundamentally related in the Green River drainage and may represent 
the continuation of a basic cultural pattern with the gradual addition 
of some Mississippian traits. (4) Clusters of Mississippian occupations 
occur on the lower Tennessee and Cumberland, the central Green and 
the upper Cumberland Rivers. However, this clustering may represent 
insufficient or selected survey and excavation. The sites on the Mis- 
sissippi, lower Tennessee and lower Cumberland Rivers are close to 
the center of Mississippian development. Those on the upper Cumber- 
land River can be accounted for by a spread of Mississippian culture 
up that river through Tennessee. The more isolated sites on the Ohio 
River can be accounted for by the spread of Mississippian culture up 
that river. The sites on the Green River may be due either to spread 
upstream along the Ohio and Green Rivers or to diffusion overland. 

The Kirtley Site 59 


The Kirtley site was a small Mississippian village, probably a farm- 
ing community. It may have been occupied rather late in Mississippian 
times. The most outstanding Mississippian features were the house 
patterns and shell tempered pottery. It did not contain some of the 
more usual Mississippian traits, especially any indication of ceremonial- 
ism, except for fragments of four effigy vessels and one effigy pipe. It 
was located in what appears at present to have been a rather isolated 
cluster of Mississippian villages on the Green River. 

It would seem that more problems have been raised than have been 
answered in the description of this village, yet it is hoped that the 
analysis of the material here will help to develop a picture of Missis- 
sippian culture in Kentucky which will in turn solve some of the prob- 
lems left unanswered at this site. 

Literature Cited 
Burroughs, W. G. 1924. The Geography of the Western Kentucky Coal Field. 
Kentucky Geological Survey, Series 6. 24. 

Funkhouser, W. D. and W. S. Webb 1931. The Duncan Site on the Kentucky- 
Tennessee Line. University of Kentucky Reports in Archaeo. and Anthro. 

Phillips, P., J. A. Ford, J. B. Griffin 1951. Archaeological Survey in the Lower 
Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1940-1947. PPMAAE. 25. 

Schwartz, D. W. 1961. The Tinsley Hill Site. Studies in Anthropology, No. 1. 

Webb, W. S. 1952. The Jonathan Creek Village, Site 4, Marshall County, Ken- 
tucky, University of Kentucky Reports in Anthro. 9:(1). 

Webb, W. S. and W. D. Funkhouser, 1929. The Williams Site in Christian County, 
Ky. University of Kentucky Reports in Archaeo. and Anthro. 1:(1). 

Webb, W. S. and W. D. Funkhouser, The Page Site in Logan Co., Kentucky, 
University of Kentucky Reports in Archaeo, and Anthro. 1:(3). 

Webb, W. S. and W. D. Funkhouser, 1931. The Tolu Site in Crittenden County, 
Kentucky, University of Kentucky Reports in Archaeo. and Anthro. 1:(5). 
Webb, W. S. and W. D. Funkhouser, The McLeod Bluff Site in Hickman County, 

Kentucky, University of Kentucky Reports in Archaeo. and Anthro. 3:(1). 

Webb, W. S. and W. B. Haag, 1940. Cypress Creek Villages, Sites 11 and 12, 
McLean County, Kentucky, Pub. of the Dept. of Anthro. and Archaeo. 4:(2). 

Accepted for publication 15 October, 1961. 


Chemistry Department, University of Kentucky 

Considerable interest in the application of chemotherapy and the 
inhibition of cancer has been evident during the past two decades. 
One approach has centered about the study of antimetabolites. For 
example, Geschickter, Copeland and Scholler (1951) were interested 
in finding amino acid antagonists which would be expected ultimately 
to affect nucleic acid synthesis. Accordingly, they synthesized and 
studied a number of symmetrical bisphenolic compounds containing 
amino groups (I, II). 

‘H) 2NCHo, CHLN(CH3)_ 
HO x OH 

I 4,4'Dihydroxy-3,3', 5, 5'+tetrakis(dimethylaminomethyl)diphenylketone, 


- where X = =C=0 ; 
IT 4,4! Dihydroxy=3,3', 5, 5'=tetrakis(dimethylaminomethyl)diphenyl ether, 
where Xe —O=, 
Their investigation no doubt was prompted by the work of Boyland . 
(1946) who reported the carcinolytic properties of 4,4’-diaminodi- 
phenylether (III) and 4,4’-diaminodiphenylsulfoxide (IV). 

rad Px pm 

aes) ov. 
III Where X = -0-, IV Where XS -S=, 

Interest in symmetrical phenolic type compounds was further sub- 
stantiated by the well known carcinolytic agent, diethylstilbestrol (V). 

Derivatives of Biological Interest 61 

Meadow and Reid (1954) continued the work of Geschickter and 
co-workers in attempting to prepare new antimetabolites for further 
study. Among those which showed some promise in this direction 
were two amino derivatives of 4,4’-sulfonyl-bis-(2-acetamidophenol ) 
(VI, VI). 

(NHCOCH3) (uECocH,) 
R R 

VI Where R = -CH,N(C2Hs5)2 VII Where R = -CHjN(CH3) 

The latter compound (VII) was reported by O’Brien and Meadow 
(1958). Encouraging results from physiological tests on VI and VII 
have prompted further study along these lines. The present investiga- 
tion reports the preparation of some analogous compounds from bis- 
acetamidophenols wherein the central atom or group has been varied 
and is either an oxygen atom (VIII), a carbonyl group (IX), or an 
isopropylidene group (X). 

(wECOCE.) (wHCOCH,) 
HO x OH 
VirL, If) ¥ 
R, = dimethyl or morpholine group VIII Where X = -0~., 
T Where X= C=O X Where X = CH,-C-CH, 

Six new Mannich derivatives from bis-acetamidophenols have been 
prepared (Table III) and they will undergo further study later as to 
their specific physiological properties. The overall synthesis of each 
compound involved careful nitration of the corresponding bis-phenol, 
reduction of both nitro groups to amino groups, acetylation of the 
diamino compound, and finally the introduction of a Mannich group 
(dimethylaminomethyl and/or morpholinomethyl) in the position 
ortho to the hydroxy group in each ring. The nitro compounds, the 
amines, and the resulting bis-acetamidophenols used as intermediates 
are listed in Table Il. The di-Mannich derivatives of all the bis- 
acetamidophenols having open ortho positions were prepared with the 
exception of the dimorpholinomethyl derivative of 4,4’-isopropylidene- 
bis-(2-acetamidophenol). In this case only the monomorpholinome- 
thyl derivative was obtained. 

62 C. J. Korpics, W. T. Smith, Jr., and J. R. Meadow 

During the isolation procedures of all Mannich products from bis- 
acetamidophenols it was observed that these compounds appeared to 
be rather unstable in heated solvents and highly colored solutions 
usually resulted. This fact was further verified when any of the 
derivatives were placed on a melting point block and heated to 
temperatures above 150°. All of the compounds slowly turned to a 
brick red color. 

These highly colored products suggest the formation of a quinoid 
structure somewhere in the compound, especially when one of the 
decomposition products is known to be a volatile amine. Preliminary 
studies on the heat degradation of Mannich compounds from _bis- 
acetamidophenols, using 3,3’-diacetamido-4,4’-dihydroxy-5,5’-bis-( di- 
methylaminomethy] )-diphenylsulfone ( VII), have shown that dimethy- 
amine is evolved when the compound is heated to 200° or above in a 
stream of nitrogen gas. The red or orange-red residue is believed to 
have a mono- or a diquinoid structure depending on conditions of 
heating. Analysis points to the diquinoid compound (XI or XII) after 
exhaustive deamination has taken place. 

(wucocH,) (wecocH) —  (cocH,), ,NCOCE, 

pe pee 
Gi sa, ee GN ea aR 

The ease with which these Mannich derivatives form quinones — 
suggests a possible mode of biological action. Lehmann (1947) found 
diethylstilbestrol, which readily forms a quinone, to be capable of 
inhibiting the mitosis of Tubifex eggs in exceedingly low concentra- 
tions. Benzoquinone, napthoquinone and phenanthraquinone were 
even more active than diethylstilbestrol. A number of other quinones 
were shown to possess antimitotic action by Reed (1949), and com- 
pounds capable of forming quinones such as diamino, dihydroxy and 
hydroxy-amino compounds were shown to be active by Parmentier 
(1948, 1949). Phenols and amines not easily oxidized to quinones 
were shown not to be active in this respect. 


3,3’-Dinitro-4,4’-dihydroxydiphenyl ether. To a stirred solution of 
10.1 g. (0.05 mole) of 4,4’-dihydroxydipheny] ether in 160 ml. of glacial 
acetic acid and 100 ml. of benzene was added 9.08 g. (0.10 mole) of 
concentrated nitric acid over a 2-hour period while the temperature 
was kept at 0.5°. The reaction was continued for 1-hour and then the 

Derivatives of Biological Interest 63 

mixture was poured into 2 1. of cracked ice, filtered, and washed with 
cold water to give 10.9 g. (75%) of crude product, m.p. 145--155°. 
Five recrystallizations from 95% ethanol gave an analytical sample 
which softened at 153° and melted at 159--161°. Analysis indicated 
that the sample was solvated. 

Anal. Caled. for CyzN20;Hs.C2H;OH: N, 8.28. Found: N, 8.49. 

3,3’-Dinitro-4,4’-dihydroxybenzophenone. To a stirred solution of 
21.4 g. (0.10 mole) of 4,4’-dihydroxybenzophenone in 300 ml. of glacial 
acetic acid was added a solution of 13.9 ml. (0.22 mole) of concen- 
trated nitric acid in 300 ml. of glacial acetic acid over a 2.5 hour period 
while the temperature was kept at 20-25°. The mixture was stirred 
for an additional hour, cooled, filtered and washed with cold water to 
give 20.2 g. (66%) of product, m.p. 192-7°. Four recrystallizations 
from glacial acetic acid raised the m.p. to 199-200°. 

Anal. Caled. for Cy3N20;Hs: N, 9.21. Found: N, 9.50. 

Since Consonno (1904) reported a m.p. of 172° for this compound, 
we have further established the nature of our product by converting it 
to 3,3’-dinitro-4,4’-diethoxybenzophenone, m.p. 155-156°. 

Anal. Caled. for C,;H;sN207: N, 7.78. Found: N, 7.75. 

Bis-aminophenols. The following procedure illustrates the general 
method used for the preparation of the aminophenols listed in Table I. 

To a suspension of 13.6 g. (0.04 mole) of 3,3’-dinitro-4,4’-dihydroxy- 
diphenylsulfone in 130 ml. of 95% ethanol and 75 ml. of water was 
added 6.8 g. (0.21 mole) of 95% hydrazine and 1 g. of Raney nickel 
catalyst. The deep red solution was refluxed gently for 0.5 hour after 
which time an additional 6.8 g. of hydrazine was added and refluxing 
was continued for another 0.5 hour. Completion of the reaction was 
indicated by a color change from deep red to pale yellow. In some 
cases it was necessary to add an additional portion of hydrazine to 
complete the reduction. The hot solution was filtered to remove nickel 
and the filtrate was evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure to 
give 10.9 g. of brown solid. Recrystallization from 1.5 1. of water gave 
7.9 g. (71%) of 8,3’-diamino-4,4’-dihydroxydiphenylsulfone, m.p. 233- 
235° (decomp. ). 

Anal. Caled. for CyzHizN2SO,4: N, 9.96. Found: N, 10.00. 

Bis-acetamidophenols. The following procedure illustrates the 
general method used for the preparation of the compounds listed in 
Table II. 

To a suspension of 7.74 g. (0.03 mole) of 4,4’-isopropylidene-bis- 
(2-aminophenol) in 150 ml. of glacial acetic acid was added 6.4 g. 

C. J. Korpics, W. T. Smith, Jr., and J. R. Meadow 


‘punoduioo oy} JO Aj[Iquysur oy} JO asnevoaq SATJOayHoUL sv UOTEZT Te SAIOOY x 

SS aS a ES eee 

SP IL LYIT ENF ot HED 9g jour ‘oop ouousydozueq AxorpAyIp 

LEG-SEG - pp-oulueiq-,6°§ 

FE IL 90'ST Ni taal = has) 6 acc eccccvecesese ‘Jap royjo,AuoydipAxospAyip 

v881-S8T - p‘p-oururiqd-,¢°¢ 

60'S SI's NFO? Ho 78 97e}00V ‘oop (jousydyAdosdos}-g-ourute-Z ) 

a O61-L8T -s1q-ouepyAdosdosy- °F 

6S'6 8L'6 6NSo" HD 66 euezuog GOrt-O7T (jousydAyAyjour-g-ourue-Z ) 

-jouryyeW -siq-oueprAdoidos] - 77 

TOL ~ -SCi0L ono" HD sg ‘oop (jousydourue-Z ) 

jouryia %S6 QPG-SPG -siq-ouepy[Adoidos]- 7p 

000 966 °ns’o"'H*'D IL Toe M GES-SSS auoj[ns;Auoy dip AxorpAy 

-Ip- fp‘ p-oulweiq-,8°¢ 

See SS Se 
puno,, ‘preg e[NULIO,T % JUSATOS TANG punodwo9 
% PIetA BUIZI[[eISAIOIY yulog 
uaZ01IN sunpPn 


sjousydourmipig ay} 404 Saskjpuy PUD Spjal, ‘S}UlOd Bunyjoaw—| 24901 


Derivatives of Biological Interest 








G N°Q? Tyty £6 
va N20? HD cg 
G NO" Ho $6 
Ni 0 ad © ag) 6S 
ves N’0% He Z6 

sjousydopiwipjyaoDIG 9y} 4104 


jouryi A 



saskjpuy puD spjoiy ‘sjulog 

*sy[e@s umrsse}0d ay} JO uoNeYdos1de1 Aq paying v 

166-066 aguousydozueq Axo1pAyIp 
“PP -opruejoorid-,6°¢ 
OTG-806 Joye, AueydipAxospAytp 

- }‘p-Oplurjzooriq-,6¢ 
81-91 (jousyd Adoidost-g-oprutej}o0e-Z ) 
-siq-oueprAdoidos]- pF 

SLPL (jousydyAyjour-g-oprurezooe-Z ) 
-siq-aueprAdoidos] - FF 
G'S9S-S'C9G (jousydoprurejs0r-z ) 
-siq-ouepyAdoidos]- FF 
‘Do punodutoy 

BuiyjoWw—'Il 21901 

C. J. Korpics, W. T. Smith, Jr., and J. R. Meadow 



SeM onjeA poeyeno[es ogy, “G'gOg seM yusyeAMbe uoryezyeqnou syy, “wns poet ySstq B 0} poyEu pue ,OGs # Ad yutod Surzjeu oy} uo pede{d x 

sem onjeA poeyepnoyes oy, “L Lop seas quaeamMba uoneziyerneu eyy, “ums pot WSNq & 0} pooul pue CTs i Yoo[q yrod Suyjout oy UO posed o 

‘C'HLG Sem anjva poyenovo ey, ‘9°8ggG sem quapeamnbe uorTyezyeqneu oy], “‘PMbI] snoosta per & OF PerPW p 

‘C'OSP SVM aN[LA poz[No[eo aq} ‘g°Egp sem quaTeAINbe uUOolezyVyNeu oy], “pmb, snoosra uUMoIq & 0} pee o 

‘uns Iwao & 0} PezPN a 

‘c'OCP SEM ON[VA poze~Moeo ey, “P'O9P JO yuoyeaAmba uorjezyegneu e pey pue wns MOT[eA & 0} pez v 

eP0l F901 NEO) 18 0) 08 OpTUIeULIoF 3696-89% suousydozusq 
-[AyQouIG -( [Aqjowouroydrour ) 



OSZI 99'S *nN 20°F H®9 iG 9u0}20V 20BS-80G auousydozue4q 
- ( [AyouourueAY}OUNIp-N 

‘N )-82q-,G°G-AxorpAy Ip 

- 7 p-Opruleyoriq-,6°S 

ILOT 68°01 IN OH” 9 &6 quezuog pS'Z61-16T yoyo Aueydrp 
- ( [Ayqowouroydiout ) 


- Pp p-oplulvyoovld-,6°S 

Tce ae COIS VINE S22) 8 256) ik 9u0}0V oT LI-69T roto, Auoydip 
- ({AyowourureAqourlp-N 

~‘N )-819-,G°¢-Ax01pAYIp 

- pp-oprurejzeoeviq-,G°§ 

oV'6 6¢'6 ®N"o HH" 86 auezueg aG'0GI-S'8IT (jousydoprue320e-Z ) 
-s1q-[Ayoutourpoy dour 

-g-ouepryAdoidos]- 77 

IGIL LGBT aNd ohaa + ice) 09 Qu0yoIV 2G LET-98T ( TeseHaTAuacwounaeT sey 
-Ip- N‘N-9-Optute}ooe-Z ) 

: e[NULIO or yUaATOS aie punoduio; 
eee: Eee) : 4 Blox SUIZI[[eIsAIOIY yulog 

sjousydopiwipyaoDiq a4} 4O SeAIWDAHEG yoiuubyy ey} 104 saskjDuy PUD SPja!) ‘syuiog Suiyjow— TI] P1901 

Derivatives of Biological Interest 67 

(0.06 mole ) of acetic anhydride and the mixture was heated on a steam 
bath for 5 hours. The mixture was cooled and filtered and the 
precipitate was washed with dilute hydrochloric acid and water to give 
9.4 g. (92%) of 4,4’-isopropylidene-bis-2-acetamidophenol, m.p. 262- 

Mannich derivatives of the bis-acetamidophenols. The following 
procedure is typical of that used to prepare the compounds listed in 
Table III. 

To a suspension of 3.4 g. (0.01 mole) of 4,4’-isopropylidene-bis- (2- 
acetamidophenol ) in 6.2 g. (0.035 mole) of an aqueous 25% dimethy]l- 
amine solution and 5 ml. of ethanol was added 2 g. of 87% aqueous 
formaldehyde over a 45 minute period with swirling and cooling. The 
mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature 4 hours, was heated 
on a steam bath for 4 hours, and was then diluted with 200 ml. of 
acetone. The acetone was removed on a steam bath, more acetone was 
added and this process was repeated until the strong odor of amine 
was removed. Finally, the acetone solution was allowed to stand at 
room temperature while the walls of the flask were scratched fre- 
quently with a glass rod. The orange powder which eventually 
separated weighed 2.75 g. (60%), m.p. 124-131°. Two recrystalliza- 
tions from acetone gave an analytical sample, m.p. 186-137.5°. 


A number of Mannich derivatives of some bis-phenols have been 
prepared for testing of their carcinolytic activity. These bis-phenols 
have different central groups, such as an isopropylidene group, a 
carbonyl group, or an oxygen. 


The authors wish to thank the Geschickter Fund for Medical 
Research, Washington, D. C., for help and cooperation in carrying out 
the present research program. Especially do they appreciate the help- 
ful suggestions of Dr. C. F. Geschickter of the Georgetown Medical 
School, and also Dr. E. Emmet Reid, Professor Emeritus of Johns 
Hopkins University. 


Boyland, E. 1946. Biochem. J. 40:55 
Consonno, F. 1904. Gazz. Chem. Ital. 34:385 

Geschickter, C. F., Copeland, M. M. and Scholler, J. 1951. Bulletin of The George- 
town University Medical Center 2:67 

Lehmann, F. E, 1947. Experientia 3:223 

68 C. J. Korpics, W. T. Smith, Jr., and J. R. Meadow 

Meadow, J. R. and Reid, E. E. 1954. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 76:3479 
O’Brien, G. and Meadow, J. R. 1958. Trans. Ky Acad Sci. 19:1 
Parmentier, R. and Dustin, P., Jr. 1948. Nature 161:527 
Parmentier, R. 1949. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 143:585 

Reed, H. S. 1949. Experientia 5:237 

Accepted for publication 4 October 1961. 


Morehead State College, Morehead, Kentucky 

On September 12, 1960, an anticline-like fold began forming in a 
stratum of cannel coal in the Breathitt formation on the Rush Branch 
area of Morgan County, Kentucky (Lennox quadrangle). The one 
meter thick seam of coal had been prepared for strip mining by the 
removal of an overburden of sandy shale ranging in thickness from 
two to six meters. The actual fold ran longitudinally for a distance of 
twelve meters, and had a width of four meters at the widest point. 
The fold extended from the working face of the mine with a gradu- 
ally tapering shape to the plunging end of its anticlinal aspect. 

Cannel Coal in Eastern Kentucky typically appears showing three 
somewhat different grades of coal in each stratum. These are called, 
in order from the upper surface downward, top curly, table block, 
and bottom curly. The upper and lower parts of the sandwich display 
a characteristic conchoidal fracture when broken, hence the term, 
curly. The middle portion of the stratum retains a rectangular ap- 
pearance reminiscent of the cuboidal nature of the standard grades 
of bituminous coal from which it derives its description, table block. 

In the fold, the table block proved less yielding to tension pres- 
sures and either fractured openly or retained its original shape. The 
top curly underwent considerable bending for a material that is so 

Mining operations were going on when the deformation began. 
Loud snapping noises were reported, and the rising stratum could 
be perceived. Workers on the section ran from the area. Local 
miners, many of whom have had considerable experience with cannel 
coal, indicated that they had never seen anything like this before. 
The miners postulated that the heat from the sun had caused an 
expansion of the exposed surface and caused the rupture. However, 
such strata are often exposed to direct sunlight without similar results. 

The major difference between this area and other strip mines was 
its location in respect to the natural drainage pattern. The cannel coal 
stratum had held a position directly under a small intermittent creek 
bed. In preparing the area for mining, bulldozers had pushed rock 
and soil upstream forming a dam across the natural drainage trough. 
Since the season was relatively dry, no enpondment was maintained. 
Nevertheless, there was evidence that water had collected at some 
time and had either evaporated or percolated downward through 
the soil and rock. Below at the site of the rupture, a steady trickle 

70 Allen L. Lake 

Fig. 1.—A cannel coal tension rupture. 

of water was emerging from under the cannel coal stratum. The non- 
affected portion of the stratum was dry. 

It is possible that heat may have been a contributing factor to 
the total tension within the stratum, but a determining factor seems 
to have been the presence of a continuous supply of water at the 
actual site of the bulge. Absorption of water by cannel coal may 
be the distinguishing feature of such an occurrence. 

Accepted for publication 20 June, 1961 



Contribution No. 45 (New Series) from the Biology Department, 
University of Louisville, Louisville 8, Kentucky 

Experimenters dealing with aquatic heterothermous animals are 
confronted with the problems of how to keep the animals non-sensitive 
and inactive during surgical and postsurgical stages. Insensitivity 
is desirable not only for humane reasons but also to facilitate handling 
of normally slippery animals and to reduce the chances of accidental 

Chemical anesthesia is more acceptable than physical anesthesia 
through chilling or electrical shock because the latter may cause severe 
stress leading to physiological shock syndromes (Pickford and Atz, 
1957). Among the chemical anesthetics, qinaldine (2-methylquin- 
oline) provides the inactive and insensitive state that decreases the 
chances of physiological shock and mishaps (Muench, 1958). Mc- 
Farland (1960) presented a good review of anesthetics used in fish- 
eries, their effective concentrations, and their advantages and disad- 
vantages. He does not discuss the uses of quinaldine, but he states 
that through anesthesia the loss of motility and muscle tone along with 
the loss of equilibrium and reflex activity are desirable for operating 
and handling. Quinaldine has also been used as an anesthetic on 
the guppy for radiation experiments (Balling and Scott, in press). 
This report is on the usefulness of quinaldine as an anesthetic on the 
axolotl, Siredon mexicanum Shaw. 

According to Newth (1960) this salamander was first noted by 
Francisco Hernandez about 1520, and was first described in zoological 
literature as Gyrinus mexicanus by Shaw in 1789 (Smith and Taylor, 
1948). The common name “axolotl” is the original Aztec designation. 
All individuals used in this experiment were obtained from stock of 
Dr. R. R. Humphrey, Department of Zoology, Indiana University. 
Both albinistic and normally pigmented animals were used; the 
former stemmed from individuals brought from Poland in the 1930’s, 
and the normally pigmented stock were bred in Germany for some 
time before being brought to the United States. Albino axolotls ap- 
parently descended from crosses made in Paris by Dumeril at the 
Jardin des Plantes in 1868 of spotted and black axolotls (Newth, 1960). 
The albinism is inherited as an autosomal recessive and was achieved 
atfer several backcrossings. 

Quinaldine has the formula CH3 Cy Cs N, a molecular weight of 

143.18, and specific gravity of 1.059 — ° . It is a colorless, oily liquid 

12 Roger M. Katz 

that turns brown on exposure to air. It occurs in coal tar, is slightly 
soluble in water, has a quinoline odor, and is made from aniline, 
acetaldehyde, and hydrochloric acid (Stecher, 1960). The quin- 
aldine used in this experiment was manufactured by Matheson, Cole- 
man, and Bell, practical grade, batch number 394126. 

The anesthetic was stirred vigorously in four liters of water in a 
five-liter battery jar until it became finely suspended. The time re- 
quired for each of 9 concentrations, ranging 82 to 528 mg/l, to pro- 
duce deleterious effects was measured in order to determine the 
optimal concentration for prolonged anesthesia. 

After the suspensions were prepared, one animal was placed in 
each battery jar. Removal of the animal from the quinaldine sus- 
pension involved rinsing with cold tap water and then placing it in 
fresh aerated water for recovery. Controls maintained in city tap 
water showed no harmful effects from purification additives which 
were presumably present. Experimentation and recovery procedures 
were carried out at room temperatures. Thirteen different animals 
were used for a total of 38 experimental runs. The average weight 
of the animals used was 81.4 grams with only one animal below 80 
grams (70.1 grams) and none above 90.6 grams. All animals were 
fed 36 to 48 hours before experimentation. 


There is a direct relationship between the concentration of quin- 
aldine used to induce anesthesia and the time required for total 
anesthesia (Figure 1). Results were obtained in the range of 80 to 
528 mg/l but concentrations greater than 528 mg/l proved lethal 
in all experiments. No adverse effects were noted in 260 to 400 
mg/l range if the animals were promptly transferred to a lower con- 
centration of 96 mg/] after total anesthesia was achieved, whereas 
those kept in 264 mg/I for an exposure of five hours and then trans- 
ferred to fresh water suffered a swelling of the mandibular region 
and an apparent tetanus of the muscles in that region. Animals in 
this condition had typical reactions to stimuli, but the mandibular 
muscles were insuch pronounced tetany that even when pressure was 
applied the mouth could not be opened. If forced fed, the food was 
regurgitated within a few hours. After about two weeks of “starva- 
tion” the animal died. This indicates damage to the branchial region 
or innervation thereof, and/or to the gastrointestinal tract. Other 
indications of gastrointestinal disturbance were that 45 percent of 
the animals placed in varied concentrations of quinaldine for dif- 
ferent lengths of time regurgitated, whereas only 30 percent regur- 
gitated when recovery was effected immediately after being induced 

Quinaldine as an Anesthetic 73 

with anesthesia; no significant correlation appears between the re- 
gurgitation and death. It seemed to be an individual characteristic, 
with a greater incidence at lower concentrations than at higher 








60 50 40 30 20 10 0 

Fig. 1.—Concentration of quinaldine vs time required for total anesthesia (Quinaldine 
concentration as mg/1 of water) 

74 Roger M. Katz 

The high concentrations, 264 to 396 mg/l, were lethal after five 
hours of exposure. However, the transferring of the ainmals from this 
range to lower concentration after 4 hours was not attempted. Below 
80 mg/I anesthesia was only partial with activity and sensitivity re- 
tained, and if the animals were left at this level for 4 or 5 hours, 
death sometimes occurred. 

A concentration of 96 mg/] of quinaldine appeared to give the most 
desirable, prolonged anesthesia. In some cases the axolotls were 


14 q 
f2 U 
n e 
x 10- Uv 
< d 
o 8 e 
za [ ) 
a / 
FF 4 2) 
2 e} 
(0) O 
fe) | a 


Fig. 2.—Time under anesthesia ys time required for recovery. (Quinaldine concentration 
96 mg/l. See text for further explanation.) 

Quinaldine as an Anesthetic 75 

initially anesthetized at a higher concentration of 896 mg/] and then 
transferred to the 96 mg/l concentration immediately after anesthesia 
was induced. This reduced the experimental time by 40 minutes and 
there were no apparent differences between those initially placed in 
higher concentrations and those which were induced in the 96 mg/l 
concentration. Consequently the 396 and 95 mg/] data are combined 
in Figure 2. This figure shows an increase in recovery time with 
increase in exposure time until about two hours. Recovery remains 
at this “plateau” until exposure was increased to lethal time of 16 
hours (Figure 2). Individuals kept 16 hours under anesthesia died 
a short time after transfer to fresh water. After sustained anesthesia 
it was observed that recovery usually occurred first on one side of 
the body and then on the other. This occurred in no particular 
sequence. One side of the body appeared to be temporarily paralyzed. 
No permanent effects on the sensory nervous system were noticed. 

Recovery time after immediate removal of the animal from various 
concentrations of quinaldine to fresh water is related to the con- 
centrations of quinaldine used, but there were individual differences 
(Figure 3). The greatest difference is between 132 and 264 mg/l 
concentration. The others appear to follow a more or less direct 
relationship. Some of the axolotls in this experiment were subjected 
several times to various doses of anesthetic and in no case were ad- 
verse effects observed. Reproduction occurred one month after ex- 
periments ceased; hence, this capacity was not affected. 

500 = 








10 20 30 50 70 100 200 

Fig. 3—Concentration of quinaldine vs time required for recovery. (Animals were removed 
to fresh aerated water immediately after anesthesia induction). 

76 Roger M. Katz 

Discussion and Conclusions 

Quinaldine has an effective use at relatively wide range of con- 
centrations, has little adverse effects if used properly, and may be 
used to maintain anesthesia over a relatively long period of time. 
In this experiment 96 mg/I at 15 hours was the most desirable con- 
centration and the longest duration under anesthesia. The undesir- 
able effects of quinaldine on the axolotls correspond with those of 
chloretone on Ambystoma punctatum embryos, as reported by Car- 
michael (1926). Carmichael found that defects due to a stronger 
than tolerable dose of chloretone resulted in bloating of the whole 
body which either ended in death or seriously interferred with later 
movements. The present results resemble also those of McFarland 
(1960), if higher concentrations of various anesthetics were used for 
anesthesia in fishes the specimens had to be removed promptly 
after induction; however, these results of axolotls differ with Mc- 
Farland’s findings that fishes were able to be held under sustained 
anesthesia (12 hours) without fatality if dosages slightly below the 
lethal concentration were used. The time of about ten minutes to 
induce deep anesthesia in axolotls at high concentrations of quin- 
aldine is in agreement with that of other anesthetics used on large 
fish. McFarland (1960) and Muench (1958) both found that recovery 
time was proportional to the length of exposure and to the con- 
centrations of the anesthetic. They along with others found that 
recovery after anesthesia of one or more exposures appears to be 
complete and without adverse, long term effects. These agree with 
the present experiment. 

If used in proper concentrations, quinaldine is found to possess 
the following useful anesthetic properties: 1) it is low in cost and 
can be either synthesized or obtained as a by-product of coal tar; 
2) it is slightly soluble in water but if mixed vigorously, a fine sus- 
pension will form that is ideal for inducing anesthesia; 3) it can be 
used over a wide latitude, 80 to 528 mg/l with axolotls; 4) it can 
induce anesthesia in nine to ten minutes at high concentrations from 
396 to 528 mg/I, and in fifty minutes at 96 mg/l; and, 5) anesthesia 
in axolotls can be maintained up to 15 hours at 96 mg/l, or at higher 
concentrations anesthesia could be maintained up to four hours with 
no apparent permanent, adverse effects. After knowing the quin- 
aldine characteristics and its desirable concentrations, it is recom- 
mended for use. 

The author wishes to thank the following members of the Uni- 
versity of Louisville, Biology Department for their criticisms and 
valuable suggestions: Drs. W. M. Clay, L. A. Krumholz, and D. Jack- 

Quinaldine as an Anesthetic ‘hae 

son for reviewing the manuscript; Dr. L. A. Krumholz for his aid in 
drawing the graphs; Mr. W. L. Minckley for his criticism and sug- 
gestions with the experiment and manuscript; and Mr. J. B. Kirk- 
wood for his help in the experimental work. 

Literature Cited 
Carmichael, L. 1926. The development of behavior in vertebrates experimentally 
removed from the influence of external stimulation. Psychol. Re., 33:51-58. 

McFarland, W. N., 1960. The use of anesthetics for handling and transportation 
of fish. Calif. Fish and Game, 46 (4): 407-432. 

Muench, A., 1958. Quinaldine, a new anesthetic for fish. Prog. Fish Cult., 20 
(1) :42-44. 
Newth, D. R., 1960. Black axolotl and white. Am. Scientist, 48 (3):300-310. 

Pickford, G. E., and J. S. Atz, 1957. “The Physiology of the Pituitary Gland of 
Fishes.” N. Y. Zool. Soc., xxiii: 613 pp. 

Smith, and E. H. Taylor, 1948. An annotated checklist and key to the amphibia 
of Mexico. Smithsonian Institute, Bull. 194, U. S. Nat. Museum:108pp. 

Stecher, P. G., 1960. “The Merck Index” 7th edition, Merck and Co., Rahway, 
N. J.:1641 pp. 

Accepted for publication 1 July, 1961 


Veterans Administration Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky 

In an early note Griffith (1949) showed that horse race bettors put 
too much money on horses which have little chance of winning and 
too little on those most likely to win. McGlothlin (1956) repeated the 
study, confirming the results and revealing many further potentialities 
in the data by considering the position of the race in the day’s program. 
An obvious extension of the analysis—one which McGlothlin picked up 
but brushed over lightly—is to turn from win betting to “show” betting. 
The person who would like to bet on a surer thing than even the 
heavy favorite to win the race may bet that he will “place,” that is, 
finish first or second, or, what is more likely yet, that he will “show,” 
finish third or better. The tendency to under-bet the most probable 
event should appear in its most marked degree in show betting. 

The reader who does not have a fundamental conception of the 
mechanics of pari mutuel betting may refer to one of the above 
references for sources. The bettor pits his skill against that of the 
crowd, for the pattern of their bets determines the odds. All bettors 
suffer under the handicap, however, that taxes and the track “take” 
13-15 percent of the pool before it is divided among those with 
winning tickets and the amount is further reduced through “break- 
age, the loose change of pennies and nickels with which the track 
cant be bothered and which it therefore keeps. Opinions vary as to 
whether anyone can overcome such handicaps and win consistently. 

In show betting the amounts of money bet into the show pool on 
the various horses also determines the amount to be returned to those 
bettors who win. However, the division is more complicated. Whereas 
the totalisator keeps the patrons informed at 45 second intervals as to 
the approximate amount to be returned on a horse to win, the pay-off 
to show cannot be easily computed because it depends on the other 
two horses which finish with him. After the race is run, the amount 
bet on each of the first three horses is removed from the total show 
pool, the pool first having been reduced, of course, by the take. These 
amounts will return to the winning bettors their original investments. 
The profit to the bettors on each horse is determined in a debatable 
way: by splitting what is left in the pool evenly three ways, irrespective 
of how likely or unlikely each horse had been to qualify. Furthermore, 
it may be realized, loss through breakage is proportionately greater at 
the smaller pay-offs. All of which is to say that the show bettor can 

Footnote on Horse Race Betting 79 

have no clear notion of how much he stands to win.1 He knows that 
he will generally collect less for a show bet on the favorite than on 
a long shot but he can only have a vague idea of how much less. His 
betting on horses to show, and particularly on the horses with short 
odds-to-win to show, can reflect only his desire to bet on the surest 
thing around. The present note, in the nature of a footnote to the pre- 
vious paper, is aimed at measuring the extent to which bettors do this. 

All horses which went to the post at odds-to-win of less than 2 to 1 
(returning less than $3 for $1) for two separate months of American 
racing, May, 1949 and August, 1960, were considered—some 4543 of 
them.? The number which did not show was tabulated as was the 
pay-off to show for those which did. 

As would be expected from the above discussion, the pay-off to 
show is quite variable; for instance, in the odds-to-win group of 
1.80-1.95 to 1, the profit from a dollar bet on horses which did show 
ranged from .10 to $1.40. In other groups there were instances in 
which a horse which won the race paid more on a show ticket than 
he did to win. 

There are two ways to compute the post facto “odds-to-show”: one, 
depending on how the horses did, is the percent which did not show; 
the other, depending on what the bettors did, is the average profit 
(allowing for the horses which did not show). Fig. 1 presents the 
results. Below odds-to-win of 1.40 to 1, there is systematic under- 
betting, even to the extent of overcoming the loss to breakage and 
take, for which these data were not corrected.* The lines cross sharply 
in the 1.40-1.55 to 1 range due to a dip in profits in this range. Since 
the point of crossing was consistent between the years (and the dip, 
also, which may or may not mean something), only the combined 
results need be shown. A rough statistical test of the reliability of the 
results was a comparison between the two years of the directions of 
the differences between the two odds-to-show within each class inter- 
val: the binomial probability (7 of the 8 being in the same direction ) 
was less than .05. 

1 From the viewpoint of the bettors as a whole, there is such a thing as a good 
bet at the race course—one which returns more money to them than they put in; 
oddly enough, under unusual circumstances the track can lose money. The 
minimum pay-off permitted by law in most states gives 10 cents profit on the 
dollar, the winning bettor thus being assured at least $1.10 for his $1. With only 
a few horses entered in a race and with one of them likely to be established as an 
overwhelming favorite, the track may suspend show betting to protect itself against 
a negative pool. 

2 As reported in the Daily Racing Form Chart Book, 54, No. 5, 1949 and 45 
(sic.), No. 8, 1960, Triangle Publications, Inc., Chicago. 

3 Cf. McGlothlin, op. cit., and Griffith, op. cit. 

80 Richard M. Griffith 

22 et 

= 20; r) hie ge 
op) @ fo) 

2 3 A ee DID NOT SHOW 
1) . 

.20- .60- .80- 1.00- 1.20- 1.40- 1.60- 1.80- 
Aske) atfe) -95 mite) 1.35 155 1.75 1.95 
Fig. 1.—Post facto “odds” to finish first, second, or third in relation to odds to win. 

To interpret the results in other language, a bettor would have 
shown a net profit had he bet on all horses to show which went to the 
post at odds-to-win of less than 1.40 to 1 during the periods of this 
study. Had it been practical to bet on every horse at the proper odds- 
to-win (546 of them) in May, 1949, he would have netted a profit of 
6.15 cents per dollar bet; in August, 1960, his profit would have been 
2.4 cents on the dollar (1496 bets). 

The difference between the rates of profit in the two years was 
due to an increase in the number of horses which did not show in 
1960. The proportion of losers in the two years differed significantly 
by the chi square test beyond the .01 level of confidence. The rate of 
return for those which did show rose by 2.6 cents, otherwise there 
would have been a net loss in 1960. (It would not be prudent with 
the data at hand to account for these shifts between the two years, 
accepting them as genuine.) Profits could be improved by other con- 
siderations, of course: the careful reader will be able to estimate that 
McGlothlin (1956, p. 611) found a net profit of around 10 or I1 
percent on horses whose odds-to-win were less than 2 to 1 in the 
eighth race of the day. 

Thus, as was to be expected, the tendency, which had been demon- 
strated with win betting, for horse race bettors to place too little 

Footnote on Horse Race Betting 81 

money on the horses most likely to win is magnified in their even more 
conservative bets on the same horses to show.* 

Literature Cited 

Griffith, R. M. 1949. “Odds adjustments by American horse-race bettors.” Amer. 
J. Psychol. 62:290-294. 

McGlothlin, W. H. 1956. “Stability of choices among uncertain alternatives.” 
Amer. J. Psychol. 69:604-615. 

Accepted for publication 26 September 1961. 

4 We have hesitated to report the findings on the 1949 races and their con- 
firmation in 1960. When his results are in real life, the scientist must pause to 
consider that some may think them practical, use or misuse them. Before one 
plays the fiddle he should know who will dance. (There was a strange malady 
epidemic in the Middle Ages (tarantism) which compelled the victim to dance, 
and he could not stop.) We do not court the distinction of demonstrating a 
method to “beat the races,” even though our home in Kentucky is surrounded by 
the thorobred industry. As a psychologist we are gratified, however, that the 
discovery came about from a psychological presupposition—that the spirit of 
gambling is to risk little to gain much. 


Museum of Anthropology, University of Kentucky 


Prehistoric Kentucky ceramics have received only slight attention 
from the archaeologist. This situation has resulted mainly from the 
fact that the early archaeological work in the state by Funkhouser and 
Webb was concentrated on non-pottery Archaic and Woodland sites 
where pottery was not important to the analysis. Recent archaeo- 
logical work on late prehistoric occupations where pottery was of 
major importance has necessitated a re-examination of our knowledge 
of prehistoric ceramics in Kentucky. One result of this work has been 
the development of a key for the identification of the pottery types 
used in archaeological analysis. This key is designed for use by pro- 
fessional or amateur archaeologists working in the state or areas im- 
mediately adjacent to it, who are attempting to identify the type of 
pottery found at a particular site or group of sites. The publication 
of this key is meant to stimulate interest in pottery bearing sites of 
Kentucky, give the amateur collectors a greater understanding of their 
own collections, and to make the key available for corrections, check- 
ing, and revision. A future publication is planned which will include 
detailed pottery type descriptions, distribution maps, drawings, more 
exact time and cultural assignments for each type, as well as a key. 
Needless to say, the present key is meant only as a beginning and a 
guide to those interested in the subject who might be able to fill in 
details from private or public collections. 

Following the name of each pottery type, a cultural period has 
been inserted in parentheses. The approximate temporal and spacial 
relationship of these four periods can be seen in Figure 1. Although 
in some cases, fairly definite dates are known for pottery types, in most 
instances this is not the case. Therefore, no dates have been added to 
any types. Keys for the identification of pottery types are not common 
in archaeology. Harold S. Colton began using the technique in north- 
ern Arizona in the early 1930’s. His interest in keys undoubtedly stems 
from his background as a zoologist. As far as the author is aware, 
however, there are no keys for pottery identification in the eastern 
United States. The development of this outline introduction to Ken- 
tucky pottery types, however, has brought to the attention of the 
author several problems. Foremost is the double naming of pottery 
types. It will be noted that some can be identified only by knowing 
the location, either north or south Kentucky. This would imply that a 

Prehistoric Kentucky Pottery 83 




1650 AD 


900 AD 

B00 BC! WoopLAND a = rae Ser a5 it 45 ~~" WOOULAND eect 
1000 BC 1000 BC 

6000 uc : @000 BC 
13000 8C 13000 8c 

Fig. 1—Chart presenting the presumed temporal and spatial relationships of archaeo- 
logical and ethnological cultures in Kentucky. 

pottery type originaly named in Ohio and one originally named in 
Tennessee are in essence the same type. The decision as to whether 
both of these names should be retained, or only one, it is hoped will 
be one of the outcomes of the general study of prehistoric pottery now 
being conducted at the University of Kentucky Museum of Anthro- 


A. Not shell tempered—C 

B. Shell tempered—J 

C. Grit tempered 
1. some limestone temper—D 
2. clay temper—E 
3. other grit tempering—F 

D. Limestone temper 
1. surface altered—G 
2. surface not altered—H 

E. Clay tempered 
1. surface altered 
a. cordmarking 
1. micaceous surface—Levissa Cordmarked (Adena) 
2. non-micaceous surface—Mulberry Creek Cordmarked (Woodland) 
b. cord wrapped dowel impressed—Baumer Fabric Impressed (Woodland) 

c. Individual cord impressed in rectilinear designs—Baumer Cordmarked 
(Woodland ) 




Douglas W. Schwartz 

d. zone incised—Yankeetown Incised (Woodland ) 

e. addition of narrow notched strips of clay below rim—Yankeetown Fillet 
( Woodland ) 

f. lines at parallel ticks joined by center line—Yankeetown Pseudo Filiet 
(Woodland ) 

surface unaltered—Baytown Plain (Woodland ) 

Grit tempered other than limestone and clay 




flint tempered—Fayette Thick (Adena) 

quartz sand 

a. plain surface—O’Neal Plain—( Woodland ) 

b. simple stamped and neck punctations—Paintsville Simple stamped 

c. punctations in cordmarked surface—Zorn Punctate (Adena) 


a. micaceous surface—Johnson Plain (Adena) 

b. non-micaceous surface—Rudder Cordmarked (Woodland ) 

Surface altered limestone temper 


incised—Montgomery Incised (Adena) 

check stamped—Wright Check Stamped (Woodland) 

fabric impressed—Baumer Fabric Impressed (Woodland ) 
simple stamped—Rough River Simple Stamped (Woodland) 

Unaltered surface, limestone temper 


ee smoothed, tool marks frequently visible, average less than 10 mm. 

a. northern and central distribution—Adena Plain (Adena) 

b. southern distribution—Mulberry Creek Plain (Woodland) 

interior not smooth, average more than 10 mm. thick—Fayette Thick 
( Adena) 

interior not smooth, average less than 10 mm. thick—Rough River Plain 
(Woodland ) 

Cordmarked, limestone tempered 



cordmarking random 

a. thick, over 10 mm.—Fayette Thick (Adena) 

b. thin, under 10 mm.—Rough River Cordmarked (may be same as Flint 
River Cordmarked) (Woodland) 

cord wrapped dowel impressed—Baumer Fabric Impressed (Woodland ) 

individual cord impressed in rectilnear designs—Baumer Cordmarked 
(Woodland ) 

Shell tempered 


surface not altered—K 
surface altered—N 

Shell tempered, surface unaltered 


thick over 10 mm.—L 
thin, under 10 MM.—M 

Shell tempered, unaltered surface, thick 


(coarse shell temper) tool marks on the interior—Wickliffe Plain ( Missis- 
sippian ) 

Prehistoric Kentucky Pottery 85 

2. (coarse shell) no tool marks on interior 

a. northern distribution—Fox Farm Salt Pan (Fort Ancient) 
b. southwestern distribution—Kimmswick Plain (Mississippian ) 

M. Shell tempered, surface unaltered, thin 

rough surface, heavy temper—Neeley’s Ferry Plain (Mississippian ) 
medium rough surface, medium temper—Madisonville Plain (Fort Ancient) 
smooth surface 

a. frequently polished, sometimes black—Bell Plain ( Mississippian ) 
b. not polished—Fox Farm Bowl (Fort Ancient) 

N. Shell tempered, surface altered 

eo: hS. 



11. parallel groove paddle impressions—Madisonville Grooved Paddled (Fort 
Ancient ) 

incised or engraved—O 


negative painted—Angel Negative Painted ( Mississippian ) 
net impressed 

a. northern distribution—Madisonville Net-Impressed (Fort Ancient) 
b. southwestern distribution—Kincaid Net-Impressed (Mississippian ) 
punctated on rim—Manly Punctated ( Mississippian ) 
perforated—Fox Farm Colander (Fort Ancient) 
check stamped—Fox Farm Check Stamped (Fort Ancient) 
groove-paddle decoration—Madisonville Grooved Paddled (Fort Ancient) 
fabric impressed 
a. on exterior 

1. coarse shell—Kimmswick Fabric Impressed (Mississippian ) 

2. fine shell—Fox Farm Salt Pan (Fort Ancient ) 
b. on interior—Tolu Interior Fabric Impressed ( Missisisppian ) 
red paint on one surface—Old Town Red ( Mississippian ) 

Shell tempered, incised or engraved 

1. thick incision—Wickliffe Incised (Mississippian ) 

2. polished, with parallel horizontal incised lines on rim—Mound Place In- 
cised (Mississippian ) 

8. overlapping incisions in diamond shape—Beckwith Incised (Mississippian ) 

4. engraved line filled triangular designs—O’Byam Engraved (Mississippian ) 

5. incised line filled triangular designs—O’Byam Incised ( Mississippian ) 

6. incised curvilinear gillouche on rim—Matthews Incised (Mississippian ) 

7. incised lines diagonal to rim with outlining lines—Feurt Incised (Fort 

Ancient ) 

8. incised spiraling swastikas—Rhodes Incised ( Mississippian ) 

9. engraved bands of cross-hatching—Walls Engraved ( Mississippian ) 

P. Shell tempered, cordmarked 
1. northern distribution 


a. cordmarkings clear—Madisonville Cordmarked (Fort Ancient) 
b. cordmarkings not clear, some smoothing—Fox Farm Cordmarked (Fort 
Ancient ) 

southern distribution—McKee Island Cordmarked (Mississippian ) 

Accepted for publication 28 October 1961. 


1961 Fall Meeting 

The forty-seventh annual meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science was 
held on the campus of the University of Kentucky on October 21, 1961. 

The first item of business was a report from the President outlining his 
activities and those of the Academy during the past year. A copy of the report 
is appended hereto. W. Jillson moved that the report be accepted. The motion 
was seconded and carried. 

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. 

The treasurer’s report, previously audited by R. Boyer, C. Isbell, and C. 
Henrickson, was read by R. Chapman. It was moved and seconded that the 
report be accepted. The motion carried. 

M. Wharton reported on the AAAS meeting and emphasized the interest of 
AAAS in the histories of the various state academies of science. She pointed out 
that 22 of the 50 states have completed their studies and that Kentucky is one 
of 16 states that has done nothing. R. Barbour pointed out that in 1963 the 
Academy will be 50 years old and he suggeested that an issue of the Transactions 
might well be devoted to the history of science in the state and a history of the 
Academy. W. Jillson felt this to be an excellent idea. He pointed out that he 
edited and financed the Transactions from 1914-1924. He then moved that the 
chairman select a committee to convey to the executive committee the discussion 
regarding the 50th anniversary and have them suggest an appropriate course of 
action. The motion was seconded and carried. 

R. Weaver pointed out that many academies have a History of Science section 
and that they feel a study of history to be a function of the Academy. 

M. Christopher reported on the activities of the Junior Academy of Science. 
The Junior Academy held a meeting in Louisville during the fall of 1960. No 
spring meeting was held and no fair was held because of a conflict of dates for 
use of the fairgrounds. The Junior Academy grew, especially in Western Kentucky, 
in spite of a definite lack of activity. He pointed out that the Academy constitu- 
tion calls for three directors and suggested that the Academy appoint two others. 
The several people suggested as possible help for him during the 1960-1961 year 
were not able to give him any assistance. 

G. Levey reported for the executive committee. Only one item of discussion 
at the executive committee was brought to the attention of the Academy. The 
president’s report included an item with regard to encouraging scientific research 
in the state. The committee felt that the Academy might recommend to College 
presidents that substantial reductions of teaching loads should be made for those 
faculty qualified and interested in doing research. W. Jillson moved that the 
Academy approve the recommendation from the executive committee. R. Barbour 
amended the statement to read—who have demonstrated an ability for and show 
an interest—. The amended motion carried. 

L. Dawson reported for the research grant committee (L. Dawson, C. Whittle, 
M. Wharton) that one proposal had been received and recommended that the 
$100 grant be given. Dr. T. Kargl of Ursuline College received the grant for an 
extension of his study of carotenoids. 

A list of new members was read for approval by the Academy. The names 
read were Woodrow W. Barber, Robert Bivins, Edward T. Browne, James R. 
Chaplin, Barbara Conkin, James Conkin, Evelyn Cole, Anne Cunningham, Mary 
Ellen Curtin, Tyrus Davis, James E. Douglass, A. E. Elkayar, Louis Eyermam, 
Wallace W. Hagan, Raymond Hampton, Rosemary Hartman, Alton Harvill, Jr., 
Howard Hopkins, Thomas A. Hutto, Charles Isbill, Arthur L. Jackson, Sanford 

Academy Affairs 87 

Jones, Thomas Kargl, Roger Katz, William Leach, Roy C. Lester, Preston McGrain, 
Zona B. McGuirt, John C. Philley, Dan Pittillo, William T. Query, Thomas G. 
Roberts, Carolyn Schottland, Herbert E. Shadowen, Claude Wade, and Mrs. Har- 
riet Williams. W. Jillson moved that they be accepted. The motion was seconded 
and carried. 

H. H. LaFuze asked about the status of the Thomas Hunt Morgan room. 
M. Wharton pointed out that the Academy agreed to furnish a room several years 
ago and that money is needed before more can be done. W. Jillson felt that a room 
on the U. K. campus honoring him might be more meaningful and to the point 
rather than in the Morgan house where he would be overpowered by the large 
number of rooms for other dignitaries. H. Hancock moved that the Academy 
contribute $50 toward furnishing the room. Some discussion followed in which it 
was pointed out that Thomas Hunt Morgan is Kentucky’s only Nobel prize winner. 
The motion was seconded and carried. 

R. Barbour suggested that the new president and executive committee might 
consider the establishment of a Thomas Hunt Morgan scholarship of some kind. 

The question was raised about the possibility of having an open section of the 
Academy for papers not logically falling under any of the present section headings. 
The answer given was that any section could be started that had enough interest 
to have a program. 

The nominating committee (P. Panzera, W. Owsley, W. Clay) reported the 
following nominees: 

President Elect: L. Dawson 
Vice-President: J. Conkin 

Secretary: G. Levey 

Treasurer: P. Ray 

AAAS Rep.: M. Wharton 

Board of Directors: W. Read, R. Wiley 

The report was accepted and the nominees elected unanimously. 

C. Whittle moved that there be recorded in the minutes the Academy’s 
appreciation to R. Chapman for his eight years of service as treasurer of the 
Academy. The motion was seconded and carried. 

H. H. LaFuze then gave the gavel to C. Whittle. C. Whittle appointed M. 
Christopher and T. Hutto as Junior councillors and promised to appoint an 
additional. He appointed H. LaFuze and C. Jackson to be in charge of the 
Science Talent search. He appointed M. Wharton, R. Barbour, and W. Jillson to 
begin work on the study of the history of the Academy and of science in Kentucky. 

An invitation to meet at Western Kentucky State College in the fall of 1962 
was issued. An invitation was issued by M. Wharton for the 1962 spring meeting. 
These were left for consideration by the executive committee. 

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. 

Approximately 90 members and guests attended the annual dinner, where 
Dr. Richard P. Goldthwait gave an illustrated lecture “Underneath Antarctic Ice.” 


Academy Affairs 

Report of the Treasurer for the Year 1960-61 

Balance in checking account on October 1, 1961 ........00........ 

Income October 1, 1960-October 1, 1961 

Regular: membership, dues) 2e.-cer.c- sees reece ee $ 945.00 
Sustaining memibership)) Guesie25..skecceecoce toc scee seston cee 230.00 
Industrial! memlbershipy Ques) Wea cseesce cee scuae eee cence 500.00 
AWAGAUS Sr eESCATCHIBST ANIL paneer ete eis ieee Sante ts eee 120.00 
Subscriptions, Transactions of the K.A.S. ........cesceseeeees 34.00 
Sale Offre prints ee Mee seeks eT A AN eR ee ne 152.69 
University of Louisville, 200 copies Transactions .......... 200.00 
Salevof advertising ics esi se ally tes eae eneL nee ae aU Mr 100.00 

A oy aail isttiovexoraaveyi tenes a Wieeh™ Mame eA Ne =e ae a eas $2,281.69 

Expenditures October 1, 1960-October 1, 1961 

Appropriation to Kentucky Research Foundation 
(Account # 2425) for publication of Volume 21 
and Numbers I and 2 of Volume 22 of the Trans- 

actions of the Kentucky Academy of Science .............. $ 1,856.75 
Secretary’s expenses, postage, printing, etc. ...............666 114.47 
Editor of Transactions expenses, postage, etc. ............... 53.77 
Mreasurers Expenses, POStage, ELC. .issecccsssscscsssssecteoonseees 30.02 
Junior Academy expenses, councilor travel, ete. ............ 25.46 
INWARD AR Soe EESCAT CMON ATItS ir secestez eee ctecrerea ten saceeoene suey sents 120.00 
Academy, Gonterences Ques ee 6.40 


Balance in checking account on October 1, 1961 ................ 

Balance in account with Kentucky Research Foundation 

for publication of the Transactions of the K.A.S. 1959-1960 carryover 
1960-1961 excess 

Savings account 
Balance October le COCO ees eee eee eee ne en UCEE een 

Interest’ October, I, 1960-October, UT, VOGW ieee ieee ce seca ccs atecesernnee 

BalancenOctoberr La OGM ye ss ee Sa eee ete ogee cee 

Respectfully submitted, 

$ 590.22 


$ 665.04 
$ 665.04 

$ 200.00 
$ 193478 
$ 393.78 

$ 605.32 

$ 629.78 

RicHarp A. CHAPMAN, Treasurer 

Approved by: 

C. Isbell 
R. Boyer 
C. Henrickson 

Academy Affairs 89 

Sectional Meetings 


Genevieve Clark, Chairman 
Margaret Hotchkiss, Secretary 

The use of uricase in the assay of uric acid. Larry N. Bare* and R. F. 
Wiseman, Department of Microbiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 

An inexpensive method of performing a test for 17 ketosteroids. Frank 
Adams* and I. F. Canner, Good Samaritan Hospital, Lexington. 

Facts about blood banking. Gordon Bell, Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington. 

Quality control in the laboratory, Denver Robertson, Medical Center, University 

of Kentucky, Lexington. 

A comparison of erythrocyte counts by various methods (15 minutes). Ben 
Turpin, Lexington Clinic. 

The isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foods. Herbert 
E. Hall* and R. Angelotti, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, 

Favus in Kentucky. A. B. Loveman and Emil Kotcher*, School of Medicine, 
University of Louisville. 


Robert Kuehne, Chairman 
Dwight Lindsay, Secretary 

Edney, J. M. and Huntsman, Harry. The Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on 
Schistosomation douthitti Cercariae. Dept. of Zoology, University of Kentucky. 
(10 min. ) 

Sowards, Charles F. An Experimental Study of the Development of the 
Dorsal and Ventral Pancreatic Buds in the Chick Embryo. Dept. of Zoology, 
Univ. of Ky. 

Reidlinger, C. R. The Influence the Differentiation of the Small Intestine of 
Chick Embryos Has on the Uptake of Ca-45 Sr89 and P-32. Biology Dept. Mur- 
ray State College. 

Davidson, Ursula. A Report on the University’s Summer Institute for Science 
(and Mathematics) Teachers. Napier High School, Hazard, Ky. 

Barbour, R. W. On the Behavior of Plethodon glutinosus as Influenced by 
Light. Zoology Dept. Univ. of Ky. (15 min.) 

Lipscomb, William. Some Meteorological Factors Affecting the Activity of 
Microtus. Zoology Dept. Univ. of Ky. (15 min.) 

Carpenter, J. M. Studies on Reproductive Potential in Drosophila. Zoology 
Dept. Univ. of Ky. (15 min.) 

Lindsay, Dwight. A Report on the Developmental Biology Institute at 
Brevard College. Biology Department, Georgetown College. 


Carl Henrickson, Chairman 
Arland Hotchkiss, Secretary 

Altered Metobolism of Carrot Slices Infected by Thielaviopsis basicola. Ray- 
mond E. Hampton, Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky. 2” x 2” 
slides. 15 min. 

Flora of Jefferson and Seven Adjacent Counties, Kentucky. Charles R. Gunn, 
Ross Seed Co. & University of Louisville. 15 min. 

90 Academy Affairs 

A Preliminary Report on the Flora of the Scottsburg Lowland: A Division of 
the Outer Bluegrass Province. Charles R. Gunn, Ross Seed Co. & University of 
Louisville. Slides. 15 min. 

Seasonal Variations in the Populations of Certain Nematodes in Turf. Richard 
A. Chapman. Agronomy Department, University of Kentucky. 2” x 2” slides. 
15 min. 

Reports of Liliaceae New to Kentucky. Edward T. Browne, Jr. Department 
of Botany, University of Kentucky. 


Karl Hussung, Chairman 
Arthur Fort, Secretary 

“Some Aspects of the Use of Amides as Combined Dehydrating and Am- 
moniating Agents.” Paul G. Sears. 20 mins. 

“Studies on the Mills Reaction.” Ellis V. Brown. 15 mins. 

“Formation of Boronium Ions by the Reaction of Iodine with Amine Boranes.” 
James E. Douglass. 15 mins. 


“Precipitation of Lead Sulfate from Homogeneous Solution by Hydrolysis of 
Sulfamic Acid.” Lora A. Shirley and William F. Wagner. 15 mins. 

“The Effect of a Second Chelating Agent on the Distribution of Copper (II) 
Acetylacetonate Between Benzene and Water.” Mary F. Richardson and William 
F. Wagner. 15 mins. 

“Determination of Submicrogram Amounts of Tantalum and Iridium in 
Meteorites by Activation Analysis.” Wm. D. Ehmann. 15 min. 


Ray H. Bixler, Chairman 
Paul McNeeley, Secretary 

Fulkerson, Samuel C., University of Louisville. “Behavioral Change and 

Wilkie, Raymond A., University of Louisville. “The Analysis of Variance 
with Unequal and with Disproportional Subcell N’S.” 

Foulke, Emerson, University of Louisville. “Comprehension of Rapid Speech 
by the Blind.” 

Hahn, Hans, Transylvania College. “Report About New European Testing 

Jokl, Ernst, University of Kentucky. “The Psychology of Athletic Record 
Donahoe, John, University of Kentucky: “Visual Exploration in the Hooded 

Estes, Betsy W. and Griffith, Richard, University of Kentucky: “Tested Intel- 
ligence in Schizophrenics.” 

Vandenberg, Steven G., University of Louisville; Social Preception in 
Schizophrenics and Normal Adults and Children. 

Cole, James, University of Kentucky: “A Multidimensional Analysis of the 
Picture Identification Test.” 

McNeeley, Paul, Asbury College. “Knowledge and Attitudes About Psy- 
chology as Recorded by Asbury College Freshmen, Fall Quarter, 1961.” 

Academy Affairs 91 


James E. Conkin, Chairman 
Marion D. Stallard, Secretary 

Pleistocene Snails from Hickman, Kentucky. Ruth Browne, to be read by title, 
1407 Elfin, Louisville, Ky. 

Microfossils of the Pennsylvanian ( Virgilian) Deer Creek formation of south- 
ern Kansas and northern Oklahoma. Barbara M. Conkin, 15 minutes; 35 mm 
slides, University of Louisville. 

A new species of the bryozoan genus Archimedes from the Mississippian 
(Floyd Knob formation) of Kentucky. James E. Conkin, 15 minutes; 35 mm slides, 
University of Louisville. 

Paleoecology of a Pleistocene deposit in the Louisville area. Donald Mc- 
Donald to be read by title, University of Louisville. 

New digitate sponge from the Middle Ordivician of Franklin County, Ken- 
tucky—by Dr. Willard R. Jillson. 15 Minutes 


Clifton A. Basye, President 
Otis K. Wolfe, Jr., Secretary 

The Physics My Grandfather Studied in 1849-50. P. C. Overstreet, Morehead 
State College. 

Coulomb Distorted Stripping Amplitudes for Be9 (d,p) BelO Reactions. 
Allison and Biggerstaff, University of Kentucky 

Scintillation Response of Cesium Iodide (T1) to Heavy Particles. H. Scott, 
University of Kentucky 

Comparison of Be9 (d,p) BelO and Be9 (t,d) BelO Reactions. J. A. Bigger- 
staff, R. S. Hood, and H. Scott, University of Kentucky. 

Track Density Characteristics of Liquid Hydrogen Chambers. W. Sims, Uni- 
versity of Kentucky 

Solid Ionization Detectors for Charged Particle Spectroscopy. R. S. Hood, 
University of Kentucky 

Calibration of a Plastic Scintillator for Counting 14.2 Mev Neutrons. F. Gab- 
bard, University of Kentucky. 

Panel Discussion of the Denver Conference on Undergraduate Curricula for 
Physics Majors. 

Panel Members: C. A. Basye, Eastern Kentucky State College 
D. M. Bennett, University of Louisville 

F. D. Boercker, Western Kentucky State College 

W. G. Read, Murray State College 


ACTH, 2 

Adrenal cortex, response to stress in 
rats, 1 

Aldosterone, 1 
Allogona profunda, 12, 13 
Anguispira alternata, 12, 18 

Betting, horse race, 78 
Brauer, Alfred, 16 

Ceramics, prehistoric Kentucky, 82 
Coal, tension rupture, 69 

Conkin, Barbara M., 11 

Conkin, James E., 11 

Differential equations, 29 
Independent variable in, 29 

Discus patulus, 12, 13 
Downs, Wm. G., Jr., 1 
Dusing, Albert A., 16 

Gastrocopta corticaria, 11, 12, 18 
Gluco-corticoids, 1 
Gray squirrel, 16 

Breeding seasons, 16 

Sexual cycles, 16 

Griffith, Richard M., 78 

Haplotrema concavum, 12, 18 
Hawaiia minuscula, 11, 12, 13 
Helicina orbiculata, 12, 13 
Hydrocortisone, 2 

Johnson, Elizabeth Z., 28 

Katz, Roger M., 71 
Kirtley site, 41 
Korpics, C. J., 60 

Lake, Allen L., 69 

Mannich derivatives, 60 
McLean Co., Ky., 41 
Meadow, J. R., 60 

Palmer, Gene V., 1 
Pottery, key to Kentucky prehistoric, 

Praticolella berlandieriana, 11, 12, 13 
Psychotherapy, 28 

Quantum theory and Psychotherapy, 

Quinaldine, as anesthetic, 71 

Rats, stress in, 1 
Retinella indentata, 12, 13 

Retinella sp., 12 
Rolingson, Martha A., 41 

Schwartz, Douglas W., 82 
Siredon mexicanum (Shaw), 71 
Smith, W. T., 60 

Snails, fossil land, 11 
Stenotrema stenotrema, 12, 13 
Stenotrema sp., 12 

Triodopsis (Neohelix) albolabris, 12, 13 
Triodopsis fradulenta, 12, 13 
Triodopsis sp., 12 

Village, prehistoric Mississippian; 41 
Artifacts, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 56, 
Burials, 47 
Pottery, 53 
Refuse pits, 47 
Walls, isolated, 46, 47 

Weihe, S., 29 

Zonitoides aboreus, 12, 18 


publication for original investigations in science. Also as the official organ of the 
Kentucky Academy of Science, news and announcements of interest to the member- 
ship are published therein. These include programs of meetings, titles, abstracts of 
papers presented at meetings, and condensations of reports by the Academy’s officers 
and committees. 

Papers may be submitted at any time to the editor. Each manuscript will be 
reviewed by one or more editors before it is accepted for publication, and an at- 
tempt will be made to publish papers in the order of their acceptance. Papers are 
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Titles must be clear and concise, and provide for precise cataloging. Textual 
material should be in clear, brief, condensed form. Footnotes should be avoided. 
Tables and illustrations are.expensive and should be included only to give effective 
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tions, or with poorly executed tables or illustrations, may be returned to the author 
for modification. 

Line drawings and. half-tones will appear as text-figures. Drafting should be 
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The aim of the paper should be made clear in the introductory portion. If the 
paper is of more than a few pages it should contain a brief “Summary,” which 
should be lucid without recourse to the rest of the article. In the interest of biblio- 
graphic uniformity, arrange all references under a “Literature Cited” heading, 
alphabetically by author and date, unnumbered, with textual citation by parenthetic 
insertion of author and date, as (Jones, 1940), or Jones (1940). Use initials for given 
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