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Full text of "Transactions of the Entomological Society of London"

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Aurrep R. Wauuacr, Esq., F.Z.8., &. . . . . President. 

H. W. Batzs, Esq., F.Z.8., &c. eal cree 

Major F. J. Sipnry Parry, F.L.8.,&. . . . 4 Vice-Presidents. 
F. P. Pascor, Esq., F.L.S., &c. ae 

Samuren Stevens, Esq., F.L.S. . . . . . Treasurer. 

J. W. Dunnine, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.8., &. 
Rozsert Machacutuan, Esq., F.L.S. 

ee Secretaries. 
NVR RD AGUAS. GG cH aS. 6 sa a) oe se) 
AurEx. Fry, Esq., F.L.S. 2604) 
Frerpinanp Gro, Esq. . : Other Members 
OsBERT Saxyin, Esq., M.A., F. L. S., F. Z. S ane r of Council. 
Epwarp Saunpers, Hsq., F.L.8. spas 3 

Purcy C. Worma.p, Esq. 




os —#—-— 

To the Public. To Members. 

First Series, 5 volumes (1834-1849)......... Price £6 0 0 £410 O 
Second Series, 5 volumes (1850-1861)...... 8 0 0 6.10" 10 
Third Series, 5 volumes (1862-1869)........ 14 Die 8 5 0 
The Transactions for the year 1868......... #00 015 0 
” ys 1869 ...0cee0 L. 2? 6 016 6 

i 1870 ......+08. 1 8.0 ee 

Volume 5 of the First Series can no longer be obtained separately ; the 
yolumes of the First, Second, or Third Series may. 

Longicornia Malayana may be obtained 

separately eee b . Price £2 12 O £119 O 
Phytophaga Malayana, Pt. 1, Apostasicera 
may be obtained separately . . . . 016 0 012 0 

The Journal of Proceedings is bound up with the Transactions, but 
may be obtained separately, by members gratis, by the public, price Ong 
Shilling per Sheet. 

Members and Subscribers resident more than fifteen miles from London| 
who have paid the subscription for the current year, are entitled to receiv 
a copy of the Transactions for the year without further payment, an 
they will be forwarded free, by post, to any address within the Unite 
Kingdom. ‘ 

Members and Subscribers resident in or within fifteen miles from Lon- : 
don, are entitled to a copy of the Transactions for the current year at nit ; 
the price to the public, which copy may be obtained on application to the ; 
Librarian. | 

( vu ) 



Explanation of the Plates . Z : : : ; 5 . 

Errata - . : : : ’ : 5 Fi ° 
Bye-Laws . : 5 5 
List of Members . ; 
I. On some new British species of ieoiaen By the 
Rev. A. E. Haron z : 5 : c 
II. Descriptions of six new species of Caldas, By A. 
G. BUTLER . . E 2 : . : 
IlI. A Revision of the genus nen ae By F. P. Pascor 
IV. The genera of Coleoptera studied Ree Wee ae 
1801). By G. R. Crorcu 
V. A Revised Catalogue of the pete Coloapedek with 
Remarks on the Nomenclature, and Descriptions of new 
species. By Major F. J. 8S. Parry ; 5 5 
VI. Notes on the species of Charaxes described in the ‘ Reise 
der Novara;’ with eee of two new species. By 
A. G. BurLer - : = : = - 
VII. On Butterflies recently aed by Mr. Swanzy from 
West Africa. By A.G. Burtzr . 2 : 
VIII. Descriptions of twelve new Exotic species of the Coleop- 
terous Family Pselaphide. By Prof. J.O. WEstwoop . 
IX. Notes on the Butterflies described by Linneus. By W. 
F. Kirsy : : - : : 5 : 
X. Descriptions of twenty-two new species of Tenstasias 
Lepidoptera. By W. C. Hewirson : 5 
XI. Descriptions of a new genus and four new species of 
Calopterygide, and of a new genus and species of 
Gomphide. By R. McLacunan  . : 4 : 5 
XII. On a new genus and some new species of Copride. By 
H. W. Bates - - P 5 - 3 4 - 
XIII. Descriptions of some genera and species of Australian 
Curculionide. By F. P. Pascoz . : ‘ 
XIV. Further descriptions of Australian Curculionide. By F. 

P. Pascor 












vill MEMOIRS (continued) . 

XV. The genera of Coleoptera studied oat a tad asic " 
By G. R. Crorcu : 213 
XVI. Contributions to an Insect Fauna ot the Seren Valley 
(Cerambycide). By H. W. Bares ‘ . «243 
XVII. Further observations on the Relation between the Oaiaie 
and the Edibility of est and their Larve. * 
J.J. WEIR : 337 
XVIII. Notes on Butterflies aS ee J. H. eee mee Ms. 
Basuto-land; with descriptions of some new species. 
By Rotanp Triven = : ‘ . . 341 
XIX. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley 
(Cerambycide, concluded). By H. W. Bates ~ ool 
XX. Descriptions of some Genera and Species of Australian 
Curculionidae. By F.P. Pascor . . . - 445 
XXI. Descriptions of some new Diurnal Lepidoptor, ae: 
Hesperiide. By A.G. Butter . P 485 
XXII. Notes on a Collection of Insects sent by Mr. rae Sane 
South-West Africa. By J. W. Dunnine ‘ ; Oa 
Proceedings for 1870 . 3 3 hn : : . iy 
Index - : lxxi. 
Plates I-III. < A ; : - s 3 : . See page 118 
Plate IV. : - ; ss. la 
Plate V- » 2 
Plate VI. . ” 390 
Plate VII. . 484 


Page 14, line 3, for basal read apical. 
Page 175, line 19 from bottom, for metathoraw read mesothorax. 

Pago 524, line 14 from bottom, for Junonia Crebrene read J. Cebrene. 

Proceedings, p. xvi., paragraph 5, for Cledowa read Cleodowa. 

( ix ) 




25TH JANUARY, 1864. 

Cuarp. I. Object. 

Tus Entomonocioat Society or Lonpon is instituted for the 
improvement and diffusion of Entomological Science. 

Cuar II. Constitution. 

The Society shall consist of Honorary Members, Corres- 
ponding Members, Foreign Members, Ordinary Members, 
and Annual Subscribers. 

Cuap. III. Management. 

The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council 
consisting of thirteen Members, to be chosen annually, four 
of whom shall not be re-eligible for the following year. Five 
shall be a quorum. 

Cuar. IV. Officers. 

The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President ; 
three Vice-Presidents ; a Treasurer; two Secretaries; and a 
Librarian. The Officers shall be chosen annually. The 
President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Secretaries shall 
be elected from amongst the Members of the Council. No 
Member shall be President, or a Vice-President, more than 
two years successively. 


Cuar. V. Removal or Resignation of Officers. 

1. For any cause which shall appear sufficient to a majority 
thereof the Council shall have power to suspend any Officer 
of the Society from the exercise of his office, or to remove 
him and declare such Office vacant. 

2. In the event of any vacancy occurring in the Council or 
Officers of the Society, at the next meeting of Council after 
such vacancy has been made known, the Council shall recom- 
mend to the Society the name of some person duly qualified 
to be elected to the vacant situation ; and the next Ordinary 
Meeting of the Society shall be made a Special Meeting and 
the Members summoned accordingly, and the Election shall 
take place as provided for at the Annual Meeting, Chap. XX. 

Cuap. VI. President. 

1. The duty of the President shall be to preside at the Meet- 
ings of the Society and Council, and regulate all the discus- 
sioys and proceedings therein, and to execute, or see to the 
execution of, the Bye-laws and orders of the Society. 

2. In case of an equality of Votes, the President shall have 
a double or casting Vote. 

Cuap. VII. Vice-Presidents. 

1. The Vice-Presidents shall be nominated by the President. 
Such nomination shall be declared at the Ordinary Meeting 
next after the election of the President in every year. 

2. In the absence of the President, a Vice-President shall 
fill his place, and shall for the time being have all the authority, 
power and privilege of the President. 

8. In the absence of all the Vice-Presidents, a Member of 
the Council shall preside; and if no Member of the Council 
shall be present at any Ordinary Meeting, the Members pre- 
sent shall appoint by a majority to be Chairman such Member 
as they shall think fit; and the Member of Council so presid- 
ing, or the Member so appointed, shall for the time being have 
all the authority, power and privilege of the President. 

Cuap. VIII. Treasurer. 

1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to demand and 
receive for the use of the Society all sums of money due or 


payable to the Society, and to disburse all sums payable by 
the Society out of the funds in his hands. 

2. No payment exceeding £5, excepting for rent or taxes, 
shall be made by the Treasurer without the consent of the 

8. The Treasurer shall keep a book of Cheque Receipts for 
admission fees and annual payments; each Receipt shall be 
signed by himself, the date of payment and name of Member 
or Subscriber paying being written both on the receipt and 
on the part of the cheque which is left in the book. 

4, The Treasurer shall demand all arrears of annual pay- 
ment, after such payment shall have been due three months. 

5. The accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited annually, 
previously to the Annual Meeting, by a Committee of three 
Members of the Council and three Members of the Society, 
to be appointed by the President at the Ordinary Meeting 
in January, of which Committee three shall be a quorum. 
The Treasurer shall furnish the Auditors with a detailed 
account of all receipts and disbursements down to the 31st 

Cuap. IX. Secretaries. 

1. It shall be the duty of the Secretaries to keep a list of 
all the Members of and Subscribers to the Society, together 
with their addresses ; to summon Meetings (when necessary) 
of the Society and the Council ; to conduct and produce to the 
Council all correspondence in any way connected with the 
Society at the next Meeting after such correspondence shall 
have been received or taken place; to take Minutes of the 
Proceedings at Meetings of the Society and the Council; to 
edit the Transactions and Journal of Proceedings; and ge- 
nerally, to act under the direction of the Council in all matters 
connected with the welfare of the Society. 

2. In the absence from any Meeting of the Society or the 
Council of both the Secretaries, Minutes of the Proceedings 
shall be taken by a Member, whom the President shall appoint 
for the occasion. 

Cuar. X. Librarian. 

1. The Librarian shall not necessarily be a Member of or 
Subscriber to the Society. He shall not be a Member of the 


2. The Librarian shall receive such remuneration as the 
Council shall from time to time determine, and shall be sub- 
ject to such Rules and Orders as shall from time to time be 
given to him by the Council. 

8. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to take care of the 
Library and MSS., and keep a Catalogue thereof, with the 
names of the Donors; to call in all Books borrowed, and see 
that the Library Regulations are carried into effect; to distri- 
bute the Transactions and Journal of Proceedings to the 
learned Societies, Members and Subscribers entitled thereto, 
and to take care of the stock of the same, and of the other 
property on the Society’s premises; and generally, when re- 
quired, to assist the Secretaries in the performance of their 

Cuap. XI. Library Regulations. 

1. No Member or Subscriber shall, without special per- 
mission of the Council, be allowed to borrow from the Library 
more than four volumes at one time, or, without leave of the 
Librarian, to retain any volume longer than one Month. 

2. If any book be torn, injured, lost, or not forthcoming 
when demanded by the Librarian, full compensation shall be 
made for the same by the borrower. 

3. The Librarian shall call in all books borrowed from the 
Library on the 5th day of January and 5th day of July in 
every year: and in case the same be not returned on or before 
the Ordinary Meeting of the Society in the following month, 
notice thereof shall be given by him to the Council, who shall 
then direct a second notice to be sent to the Member or Sub- 
scriber retaining any book, and in case the same be not re- 
turned within the further space of four weeks from the date of 
such second notice so sent, such Member or Subscriber shall 
in future be disqualified from borrowing books from the Library 
without the special permission of the Council. 

4, All Members of and Subscribers to the Society shall 
have free access to the Library at the time specified in the Bye- 

5. No Stranger shall be allowed access to the Library unless 
introduced by a Member or Subscriber; but a note addressed 

* The Librarian is in attendance at the Rooms of the Society every 
Monday from Two to Seyen o’clock, p.m. 


to the Librarian or Secretary shall be deemed a sufficient 

Cuar. XII. Election of Members and Subseribers. 

1. Every Candidate for admission into the Society shall be 
proposed by three or more Members, who must sign a Certifi- 
cate in recommendation of him. The Certificate shall specify 
the name and usual place of residence of the Candidate. 

2. The Certificate for a Member, having been read at one 
of the Ordinary Meetings, shall be suspended in the room, read 
again at the following Ordinary Meeting, and the person 
therein recommended shall be ballotted for at the next Ordinary 

8. The Certificate for a Subscriber, having been read at one 
of the Ordinary Meetings, shall be suspended in the room, and 
the person therein recommended shall be ballotted for at the 
next Ordinary Meeting. 

4. The method of voting for the election of Members and 
Subscribers shall be by ballot, and two-thirds of the Members 
ballotting shall elect. 

5. The Election of any Ordinary Member shall be void 

unless the admission fee shall be paid within twelve months 
after the date of his Election; the Council shall, however, 
possess a discretionary power to extend the time of payment. 
- 6. Members and Subscribers shall sign the Obligation Book 
of the Society at the first Ordinary Meeting of the Society at 
which they are present, and shall then be admitted by the 

Cuar. XIII. Admission Fee and Annual Contribution. 

1. The Admission Fee for a Member shall be £2: 2s., the 
Annual Contribution £1: 1s. 

2. The Annual Contribution for a Subscriber shall be £1: 1s., 
without Admission Fee. 

8. The composition in lieu of the Annual Contribution shall 
be £15:15s.; the composition for a Member or Subscriber 
elected before 1852 is £10 : 10s. 

4. The Annual Contribution shall become due on the 1st 
day of January in every year in advance; but any Member 
or Subscriber elected after the 30th of September will not be 
called upon for his Contribution for the remaining portion of 
that year. 


Cuar. XIV. Withdrawing and Removal of Members and 

1. Every Member or Subscriber, having paid all sums due 
to the Society, shall be at liberty to withdraw therefrom upon 
giving notice in writing to the Secretary. 

2. Whenever written notice of a motion for removing any 
Member or Subscriber shall be delivered to the Secretary, 
signed by the President or Chairman for the time being on 
the part of the Council or by five or more Members, such 
notice shall be read from the chair at the two Ordinary Meet- 
ings immediately following the delivery thereof, and the next 
following Ordinary Meeting shall be made a Special Meeting 
and the Members summoned accordingly, when such motion 
shall be taken into consideration and decided by ballot ; 
whereat if a majority of the Members ballotting shall vote 
that such Member or Subscriber be removed, he shall be 
removed from the Society. 

3. Whenever any Ordinary Member of the Society shall be 
in arrear for three years in the payment of his Annual Con- 
tribution, notice thereof in writing shall be given or sent to 
him by the Treasurer, together with a copy of this section ; 
and in case the same shall still remain unpaid, the Treasurer 
shall give notice thereof to the Council, who shall cause the 
name of such Member, together with a statement of the sum 
due by him for arrears, to be read at the three following 
Ordinary Meetings of the Society, after the last of which a 
second similar notice shall be sent to him, and at the fourth 
Ordinary Meeting such Member of the Society shall be re- 
moved, and the President shall erase his name from the list 
of Members. 

4. Whenever the Annual Contribution of a Subscriber shall 
be in arrear one year, such Subscriber shall have his name 
erased from the list of Subscribers and cease to belong to the 

Cuap. XV. Privileges of Members and Subscribers. 

1. Members have the right to be present, to state their 
opinions, and to vote, at all General Meetings ; to propose 
Candidates for admission into the Society; to introduce 
Visitors at General Meetings of the Society ; to have personal 
access, and to introduce scientific strangers, to the Library ; 
and to purchase the Transactions of the Society at reduced 


2. No Member shall introduce more than one visitor at any 
one Meeting. 

8. Ordinary Members of and Subscribers to the Society 
resident more than fifteen miles from London, and who shall 
have paid the Annual Contribution for the year, shall be en- 
titled to receive a copy of the Transactions published during 
the year without further payment. 

4, Ordinary Members shall be eligible to any office in the 
Society, provided they are not more than one year in arrear 
in the payment of the Annual Contribution. 

5. A Member shall not be entitled to vote on any occasion 
until he shall have paid his Contribution for the year last past. 

6. Subscribers enjoy all the privileges of Members excepting 
those of voting at the Meetings, holding office in the Society, 
and proposing Candidates. Subscribers have no claim upon 
or interest in the property of the Society. 

Cuar. XVI. Foreign and Corresponding Members. 

1. Any Foreigner, not resident in the United Kingdom, who 
has distinguished himself as an Entomologist, or who has 
shown himself able and willing to promote the ends for which 
the Society is founded, may be elected a Foreign Member ; his 
Annual Contribution shall be £1:1s., and he shall be entitled 
to the same privileges as an Ordinary Member. Foreign 
Members shall be exempt from the payment of any Admission 
fee; and shall not be required to sign the Obligation Book 
until present at an Ordinary Meeting of the Society, and when 
so present shall be admitted as other Members. 

2. Foreigners and others not resident in the United King- 
dom may be elected as Corresponding Members, who shall not 
be subject to the payment of any Admission fee or Annual 
Contribution, and who shall be entitled to a copy of the Jour- 
nal of Proceedings of the Society, but not to the Transactions ; 
which, however, may be purchased by them at the reduced 
price paid by the Ordinary Members. The Membership and 
Privileges of Corresponding Members shall however cease in 
case they shall at any future time be continuously resident in 
the United Kingdom for the space of twelve months, unless 
sanctioned, in the case of any particular Member, by a special 
vote of the Council. 


Cuar. XVII. Honorary Members. 

1. Every person proposed as an Honorary Member shall be 
recommended by the Council; and shall be ballotted for, and 
if elected, be liable to be removed in the like form and manner, 
and be subject to the same rules and restrictions, as an Ordi- 
nary Member. 

2. Honorary Members shall be exempt from the payment 
of Fees and Contributions ; and shall possess all the privileges 
of Ordinary Members. 

8. No resident in the United Kingdom shall be an Honorary 

4, The number of Honorary Members shall not exceed ten. 

Cuar. XVIII. Ordinary Meetings of the Society. 

1. The Ordinary Meetings of the Society shall be held on 
the first Monday in each month in the year, beginning at seven 
o’clock precisely in the evening, or at such other time as the 
Council shall from time to time direct.* 

2. At the Ordinary Meetings the order of business shall be 
as follows :— 

(1.) The names of the Visitors present at the Meeting 
shall be read aloud by the President. 

(2.) The Minutes of the last Meeting shall be read aloud 
by one of the Secretaries, proposed for confirma- 
tion by the Meeting, and signed by the President. 

(3.) The Presents made to the Society since the last 
Meeting shall be announced and exhibited. 

(4.) Certificates in favour of Candidates for admission 
into the Society shall be read, and Candidates 
shall be ballotted for. 

(5.) Members and Subscribers shall sign their names in 
the Obligation Book, and be admitted. 

(6.) Exhibitions of specimens, &c., shall be made. 

(7.) Entomological communications shall be announced 
and read either by the Author or one of the Secre- 

(8.) When the other business has been completed, the 
persons present shall be invited by the President 
to make their observations on the communications 
which have been read, and on the specimens or 
drawings which have been exhibited at the Meeting. 

* The Meetings are now held on the first Monday in each month from 
November to July inclusive, and on the third Monday in November, 
February, and March. 


3. All Memoirs which shall be read at any Meeting of the 
Society shall become the property of the Society, unless 
otherwise stipulated for previous to the reading thereof. 

4. No Motion relating to the government of the Society, its 
Bye-laws, the management of its concerns, or the election, 
appointment or removal of its officers, shall be made at any 
Ordinary Meeting. 

Cuap. XIX. Special Meeting. 

1. Upon the requisition of any six or more Members, pre- 
sented to the President and Council, a Special General Meeting 
of the Society shall be convened ; a notice thereof shall be sent 
to every Member whose last known residence shall be in the 
United Kingdom, at least seven days before such Meeting shall 
take place; and the nature of any proposition to be submitted 
to such Meeting shall be stated in such Notice. 

2. No vote shall be taken at any Special Meeting unless 
nine or more Members shall be present. 

Cuarp. XX. Annual Meeting. 

1. The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on the 
fourth Monday in January of every year. 

2. The objects of the Meeting shall be to receive from the 
Council, and hear read, their Annual Report on the general 
concerns of the Society ; and to choose the Council and Officers 
for the then ensuing year. 

3. The Council for the time being shall annually cause to 
be prepared two Lists, one of which (No. 1 in the Schedule 
hereto) shall contain the names of Members whom they shall 
recommend to be re-elected and of other Members to be elected 
into the Council; and the other List (No. 2) shall contain the 
names of such persons as they shall recommend to fill the offices 
of President, Treasurer, Secretaries and Librarian for the year 
ensuing ; which Lists shall be read at the Ordinary Meeting 
in January, and shall then be fixed up in the Meeting-room 
until the day of election. And copies of such Lists shall be 
transmitted to every Member whose last known residence shall 
be in London, or within twenty miles thereof, at least seven 
days before the Annual Meeting shall take place. 



4. The President shall appoint two or more Scrutineers 
from the Members present, not being Members of the Council, 
to superintend the ballots and report the results to the Meeting. 

5. The Secretaries, assisted by the Treasurer, shall prepare 
a List of the Members entitled to vote, and each Member 
voting shall give his name to the Scrutineers to be marked on 
the said List, and shall then put his ballotting lists into the 
respective glasses to be provided for such occasion. 

6. Any ballotting List containing a greater number of names 
proposed for any office than the number to be elected to such 
office, shall be wholly void, and be rejected by the Scrutineers. 

7. The Ballot for the Council shall remain open for one 
quarter of an hour, at the least ; and the Ballot for the Officers 
for one quarter of an hour, at the least, after the result of the 
Ballot for the Council shall have been declared. 

8. No Ballot shall be taken unless nine or more Members 
shall be present. 

9. If from any cause an election shall not take place of 
persons to fill the Council, or any of the offices aforesaid, then 
the election of the Council and Officers, or the election of 
Officers, as the case may be, shall be adjourned until the next 
convenient day, of which notice shall be given in like manner 
as is directed for the Annual Meeting. 

Cuar. XXI. Transactions and Journal of Proceedings. 

1. The Transactions shall consist of such Papers commu- 
nicated to the Meetings of the Society as the Council shall 
order to be published therein. 

2. The Transactions shall be published quarterly, and at 
such prices as the Council shall direct for each Part or Volume ; 
but the price of each Part or Volume to any Member or 
Subscriber who shall not be in arrear in the payment of his 
Annual Contribution, shall not exceed three-fourths of the 
price charged to the public. 

8. Authors of Memoirs published in the Transactions shall 
be allowed twenty-five copies of their communications gratis. 
If any additional number be required, the entire expense 
thereof shall be paid for by the Authors. 

4. A Journal of Proceedings of the Society shall also be 
published, containing Abstracts of the Papers read and 
Notices of other Matters communicated at the Ordinary Meet- 
ings of the Society. 

—— “hr 

BYE-LAWS. xix 

5. The Journal of Proceedings shall be ready for delivery 
to Members and Subscribers within six months after the entry 
of such Proceedings in the Minute Book has been confirmed, 
and shall also be bound up and sold with the Transactions. 

Cuap. XXII. Alteration of the Bye-Laws. 

Any of the Bye-Laws of the Society may at any time be 
repealed or altered, or others adopted in lieu thereof, at a 
Special Meeting of the Society, to be held after a Notice, given 
to the President and Council, signed by six Members at least 
and specifying the intended repeal or alteration, has been read 
at three Ordinary Meetings of the Society. 

No. 1. 
Form of List for the Councit. 

List of Members of the present Council recommended to be re- 
elected at the Election on the day of January,18 .* 

A. B. 
re El, 

Ou P. 
Q. R. 

List of Members recommended to be elected into the Council. 
Ws ee 
a er 
* If any of the Names -in this List be objected to, they must be struck 

out before the Ballot, and other names may be substituted in the blank 
spaces left for that purpose. 9 


No. 2. 
Form of List for the Officers. 

List of Persons recommended by the present Council to be ap- 
pointed to the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretaries 
and Librarian, at the Election on the day of January, 
18. 7E% 

President...... Leas AS 

TP OASURC Ric: wit segen tectl VoD: 
Secretaries ......... 
Librarian...... Reinecke ee 

* If any of the Names in this List be objected to, they must be struck 

out before the Ballot, and other names may be substituted in the 
blank spaces left for that purpose. 

Aist of Members 




31st DECEMBER, 1870. 

( xxn ) 





Honorary BWembers. 

Guérin-Méneville, F. E., Paris. 
Hagen, H. A., Cambridge, U.S.A. 
Leconte, John L., Philadelphia. 
Milne-Edwards, H., Paris. 

Pictet, J. C., Geneva. 

Schiddte, J. C., Copenhagen. 
Siebold, C. T. E. von, Munich. 
Zeller, P. C., Stettin. 

Zetterstedt, J. W., Lund. 

(One vacancy.) 




Marked * are Original Members. 
Marked + have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions. 
Marked 8 are Annual Subscribers. 

Date of 
1866 Adams, Henry, F.L.S., 19, Hanover Villas, Notting Hill, W. 
1867 §. Archer, F., 3, Brunswick Street, Liverpool. 
1856 Armitage, Edward, A.R.A., 3, Hall Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. 
1857 Atkinson, W. S., M.A., F.L.S., Calcutta. 

* +  Babington, Professor C. C., M.A., F.R.S., &c., Cambridge. 
1850 Baly, J. S., F.L.8., The Butts, Warwick. 
1865 Barton, Stephen, 32, St. Michael’s Hill, Bristol. 
1867 8. Bates, Frederick, 15, Northampton Street, Leicester. 
1861 Bates, Henry Walter, F.Z.S., 40, Bartholomew Road, N.W. 
1851 Beaumont, Alfred, Steps Mills, Huddersfield. 
1866 Bicknell, Perey, Beckenham, 8.E. 
1854 Birt, Jacob, 830, Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, W. 
1864 Blackmore, Trovey, The Hollies, Wandsworth, S.W. 
1849 + Bladon, J., Albion House, Pont-y-pool. 
1841 Bond, Fred., F.Z.S., 203, Adelaide Road, N.W. 
1860 Bonvouloir, Vicomte Henri de, 15, Rue de Université, Paris. 
1865 Borthwick, Richard, Alloa, N.B. 

* Bowerbank, J. S., LL.D., F.R.S., &., 2, Hast Ascent, St. 


1852 + Boyd, Thomas, 17, Clapton Square, N.E. 
1867 Boyd, W. C., Cheshunt, Herts. 
1856 Braikenridge, Rev. G. W., M.A., F.L.S., Clevedon, Bristol. 
1870 Briggs, Thos. Hy., B.A., 6, Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. 

1849 §. Brown, Edwin, Burton-on-Trent. 
1869 §. Brown, N. B., Reigate. 

1862 Browne, Rey. T. H., M.A., F.G.S., High Wycombe, Bucks. 
1855 Burnell, E. H., 32, Bedford Row, W.C. 

1868 + Butler, A. G., F.L.S., F.Z.S., 17, Oxford Road, Ealing, W. 
1860 Candéze, Dr. E. Glain, Liége. 

1865 Carey, A. D., Ahmedabad, India. 

1868 Carrington, Charles, Westwood Park, Forest Hill, 8.H. 
1867 Clarke, Alex. H., 16, Furnival’s Inn, E.C. 

1865 S. Clarke, C. B., M.A., F.L.S., Calcutta. 


Date of 












Colquhoun, Hugh, M.D., Anchorage, Bothwell, N.B. 

Cooke, Benj., 119, Stockport Road, Manchester. 

Cox, Colonel C. J., Fordwich House, Canterbury. 

Cox, Herbert E., Rosenheim, Reigate. 

Crotch, G. R., M.A., University Library, Cambridge. 

Cumming, Linneus, B.A., The College, Cheltenham. 

Curzon, E. P. R., Shortlands, Bridgend. 

Dallas, W.S., F.L.S., Geological Society, Somerset House, W.C. 

Darwin, Charles, M.A., F.R.S., &c., Down, Beckenham, 8.E. 

Davies, A. E., Ph. D., F.C.S., Victoria Chambers, St. Mary’s 
Gate, Manchester. 

Dawson, John, Carron, Falkirk, Stirlingshire. 

De Grey and Ripon, Earl, K.G., F.R.S., &¢., 1, Carlton 
Gardens, S.W 

De Grey, Hon. Thomas, M.A., M.P., 23, Arlington Street, W. 

Devonshire, Duke of, K.G:, F.R.S., &c., 78, Piccadilly, W. 

Dohrn, Dr. C. A., Pres. Ent. Verein, Stettin. 

Dorville, H., Alphington, Exeter. 

Doubleday, Henry, Epping. 

Druce, Herbert, 1, Circus Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. 

Duer, Yeend, Cleygate House, Esher. 

Dunning, J. W., M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.8., Secretary, 24, Old 
Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. 

D’Urban, W. 8. M., F.L.S., 4, Queen’s Terrace, Mount Rad- 
ford, Exeter. 

Dutton, James, 2, Theresa Place, Hammersmith, W. 

Eaton, Rey. A. E., B.A., Ashbourne. 

Emich, Gustave d’, Pesth. 

Farren, W., 10, Rose Crescent, Cambridge. 

Fenning, George, Lloyds, E.C, 

Fletcher, J. E., Pitmaston Road, St. John’s, Worcester. 

Foot, A. W., M.D., 21, Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin. 

Freeland, H. W., M.A., Chichester. 

French, D. J., F.L.S., &c., Chatham. 

Fry, Alexander, F.L.S., Thornhill House, Dulwich Wood 
Park, S.E. 

Fust, H. Jenner, jun., M.A., Hill Court, Berkeley. 

Gloyne, C. P., Jamaica. 

Godman, F. D., M.A., F.L.8., &c., Park Hatch, Godalming. 
Gorham, Rey. H. 8., M.A., Bearsted, Maidstone. 

Gould, J., F.R.S., &e., 26, Charlotte Street, Bedford Sq., W.C. 
Gray, John, Wheatfield House, Bolton, Lancashire. 

Gray, John Edw., Ph. D., F.R.S., British Museum, W.C. 
Green, Philip, 11, Finsbury Circus, E.C. 

Greene, Rey. J., M.A., Apsley Road, Redland, Bristol. 

Grut, Ferdinand, 9, King Street, Southwark, S.E. 

Guyon, George, Southcliff Cottage, Ventnor. 

Harold, Baron Edgar von, 23, Carlstrasse, Munich. 

Harper, P. H., 30, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Square, W. 

Date of 







* 1865 

R~-MD ++ 7 


Hewitson, W. C., F.L.S., F.Z.8., Oatlands, Weybridge. 

Higgins, H. T., M.R.C.S., 24, Bloomsbury Street, W.C. 

Holdsworth, Edward, Shanghai. 

Horne, Charles, Innisfail, Beulah Hill, S.E. 

Howitt, Godfrey, M.D., Collins Street Hast, Melbourne. 

Hudd, A. H., Stapleton Lodge, Stapleton Road, Bristol. 

Hume, William H. 

Hunter, John, 5, Eaton Rise, Ealing, W. 

Jacques, F. V., Chertsey Road, Redland, Bristol. 

Janson, H. M., Las Lajas, Chontales, Nicaragua. 

Janson, E. W., Librarian, 21, Fonthill Road, Tollington 
Park, N. 

Janson, O. E., 21, Fonthill Road, Tollington Park, N. 

Jekel, Henri, 13, Rue de Lille, Paris. 

Jenyns, Rev. L., M.A., F.L.S., &c., 19, Belmont, Bath. 

John, Evan, Llantrisant, Pontypridd. 

Jones, W. Stavenhagen, 2, Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, W.C. 

Kirby, W. F., Royal Dublin Society, Kildare Street, Dublin. 

Knox, H. Blake, 2, Ulverton Place, Dalkey, Dublin. 

Kuper, Rev. C. A. F., M.A., The Vicarage, Trelleck, Chepstow. 

Lacerda, Antonio de, Bahia. 

Lang, Capt. A. M., R.E. 

Latham, A. G., Weaste Hall, Pendleton, Manchester. 

Lebour, G. A. L., F.R.G.S., Geological Survey Office, Jermyn 
Street, S.W. 

Lendy, Capt. A. F., F.L.S., Sunbury House, Sunbury, 8.W. 

Lewis, W. Arnold, 4, Crown Office Row, Temple, H.C. 

Lighton, Rev. Sir C. R., Bart., Ellastone, Ashbourne. 

Lingwood, R. M., M.A., F.L.S., Cowley House, Exeter. 

Llewelyn, J. T. D., M.A., F.L.8., Ynisygerwn, Neath. 

Logan, R. F., Hawthornbrae, Duddingstone, Edinburgh. 

Lowe, W. H., M.D., Balgreen, Murrayfield, Edinburgh. 

Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., &c., High Elms, Farn- 

Lucas, B. J., Upper Tooting, 8.W. 

M‘Caul, 8., B.C.L., Rectory House, London Bridge, E.C. 

M‘Intosh, J. 

M‘Lachlan, Robert, F.L.8., Secretary, 39, Limes Grove, Lewis- 
ham, §.E. 

Marseul, L’Abbé §. A. de, 24, Rue Demours aux Ternes, Paris. 

Marshall, Rev. T. A., M.A., F.L.S., Barnstaple. 

Marshall, William, Elm Lodge, Clay Hill, Enfield. 

Mathew, G. F., R.N., F.L.8., Raleigh House, Barnstaple. 

May, J. W., 9, Victoria Road, Finchley Road, N.W. 

Meek, Edward G., 4, Old Ford Road, E. 

Melvill, J. Cosmo, B.A., 16, Back Square, Manchester. 

Mercer, Albert, 38, Richmond Road, Islington, N. 

Milnes, Rev. Herbert, M.A., Winster, Matlock-Bath. 

Mniszech, Comte G. de, 22, Rue Balzac, Paris. 


Date of 




mun - wp 

mmm tp 


+ DO-+- +--+ 



Moore, Frederic, 51, Oakfield Road, Penge, S.E. 
Mosse, G. Staley, 12, Eldon Road, Kensington, W. 

Miiller, Albert, Eaton Cottage, Sunny Bank Road, South Nor- 
wood, S.E. 

Murray, Rev. R. P., Mount Murray, Isle of Man. 

Newman, Edward, F.L.S., F.Z.S., M. Imp. L.C. Acad.,7, York 
Grove, Queen’s Road, Peckham, 8.E. 

Oberthur, Charles (fils), Rennes. 

Owen, Richard, M.D., F.R.S., &c., British Museum, W.C. 

Parry, Major F. J. Sidney, F.L.S., 18, Onslow Square, 8.W. 

Pascoe, Francis P., F.L.8S., 1, Burlington Road, Westbourne 
Park, W. 

Pearson, W. H., Ivy Hall, Solihull, Birmingham. 

Pickersgill, J. C., Hooley House, Coulsdon, Croydon. 

Porritt, G. T., Clare Hill, Huddersfield. 

Preston, Rev. T. A., M.A., The College, Marlborough. 

Pryer, H. J. 8., 10, Holly Village, Highgate, N. 

Pryer, W. B., Shanghai. 

Puls, J. C., Place de la Calandre, Ghent. 

Ransome, Robert James, Ipswich. 

Robinson, E. W., 3, Bartholomew Road, N.W. 

Robinson, W. Douglas, Kirkennan, Dalbeattie, N.B. 

Rogers, W., 42, Old Town, Clapham, S.W. 

Rothney, G. A. J., Addiscombe. 

Ruspini, F. O., Fulshaw Farm, Wilmslow, Cheshire. 

Rylands, T. G., F.L.S., F.G.S., Heath House, Warrington. 

Salvin, Osbert, M.A., F.L.S., &c., 32, The Grove, Boltons, 8.W. 

Saunders, Edward, F.L.S., Hill Field, Reigate. 

Saunders, G. S., Hill Field, Reigate. 

Saunders, 8. S. 

Saunders, W. F., F.L.S., Hill Field, Reigate. 

Saunders, W. Wilson, F.R.S., Tr. & V.P.L.8., &c., Hill Field, 

Schaufuss, L. W., Ph. D., M. Imp. L. C. Acad., &c., Dresden. 
Schrader, H. L., Shanghai. 

Seaton, EH. M., 28, Belsize Park, N.W. 

Semper, Georg, Altona. 

Sharp, David, M.B., Eccles, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire. 
Shearwood, G. P., Cedar Lodge, Stockwell Park, S.W. 
Shepherd, Edwin, 8, Cressingham Grove, Sutton, Surrey. 
Sheppard, Augustus F., Rose Bank, Eltham Road, Lee, 8.E. 
Sheppard, Edward, F.L.S., 18, Durham Villas, Kensington, W. 
Sidebotham, J., 19, George Street, Manchester. 

Signoret, Dr. Victor, 51, Rue de Seine, Paris. 

Smith, E. A., 27, Richmond Crescent, Islington, N. 

Smith, Frederick, 27, Richmond Crescent, Islington, N. 
Smith, Henley G., Surbiton. 

Spence, W. B. 

1848 + Stainton, H. T., F.R.S., Sec. L.S., &c., Mountsfield, Lewis- 

ham, 8.E. 

Date of 









Stevens, John S., 38, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 

Stevens, Samuel, F.L.S., Treaswrer, 28, King Street, Covent 
Garden, W.C. 

Swanzy, Andrew, 122, Cannon Street, E.C. 

Thompson, Miss Sophia, Barn Hill, Stamford. 

Thompson, Thomas, 14, Parliament Street, Hull. 

Thomson, James, 23, Rue de Université, Paris. 

Thornborrow, W., 4, Provost Road, Haverstock Hill, N.W. 

Thwaites, G.H. K., Ph. D., F.RB.S., F.L.8., Ceylon. 

Tompkins, H., 3, Colonnade, Worthing. 

Trimen, Roland, Colonial Office, Cape Town. 

Vaughan, Howard, 54, Chancery Lane, W.C. 

Vaughan, P. H., Redland, Bristol. 

Verrall, G. H., The Mulberries, Denmark Hill, 8.E. 

Walker, Francis, F.L.S., Elm Hall, Wanstead, N.E. 

Walker, Rev. F. A., M.A., Elm Hall, Wanstead, N.H. 

Wallace, Alexander, M.D., Trinity House, Colchester. 

Wallace, Alfred R., F.Z.8., F.R.G.S., President, Holly House, 
Barking, E. 

Ward, Christopher, Halifax. 

Waring, S. L., The Oaks, Norwood, 8.H. 

Waterhouse, C. O., British Museum, W.C. 

Waterhouse, G. R., F.Z.S., &c., British Museum, W.C. 

Websdale, C. G., 78, High Street, Barnstaple. 

Weir, J. Jenner, F.L.S., 6, Haddo Villas, Blackheath, S.E. 

Were, R. B., 35, Osborne Terrace, Clapham Road, S.W. 

Westwood, Professor J. O., M.A., F.L.S., &c., Oxford. 

White, F. Buchanan, M.D., Perth. 

White, Rev. W. Farren, Stonehouse Vicarage, Gloucestershire. 

Wilkinson, 8. J., 16, Austin Friars, E.C. 

Wix, William, Isbells, Reigate. 

Wollaston, T. Vernon, M.A., F.L.S., 1, Barnepark Terrace, 
Teignmouth, Devon. 

Wormald, Percy C., 2, Clifton Villas, Highgate Hill, N. 

Wright, Professor E. Perceval, M.A., M.D., F.L.8., &c., 10, 
Clare Street, Dublin. 

1865 §. Young, Morris, Free Museum, Paisley. 


Tar Council offers Two Prizes of the value of Five 
Guineas each, to the authors (whether Members of the 
Society or not) of Hssays, of sufficient merit and drawn 
up from personal observation, on the anatomy or economy 
of any insect or group of insects. 

The Essays must be sent to the Secretary at 12, Bedford 
Row, indorsed with mottoes, on or before the 30th No- 
vember, 1870, when they will be referred to a Committee 
to decide upon their merits; each must be accompanied 
by a sealed letter, indorsed with the motto adopted by 
its author, and enclosing his name and address. 

The Prize Hssays shall be the property of, and will be 
published by, the Society. 

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SoM eg nk 

I. On some new British species of Ephemeride. By the 
Rev. A. EH. Harton. 

{Read 3rd January, 1870.) 

In the course of the last year or two, I have met with the 
following species of our native Ephemeride, most of which 
have been undescribed until now. 

With the exception of Siphlonurus armatus, which was 
found in the collections of Messrs. R. McLachlan and P. 
C. Wormald, I have seen living specimens of the imago 
of each of the species described. 

The measurements are given in millimetres; and in 
the lengths of the caudal sete, the notation “set. 30 and 
35—30 and 36” indicates that the length of the lateral 
seta is 830mm., of the median seta 35—36 mm. 


Byphemera Danica, Pictet, Ephem. 130, pl. vu (nec 

4. Eyes sooty umber. Thorax above fusco-piceous. 
Abdomen greenish-gray, tinged with fuscous, at the apex 
luteous; each of the hinder segments has six longitudinal 
black dorsal streaks, and two ventral lines: of those there 
are one short and two long streaks on each side, excepting 
in the more forward segments where the short middle 
pair is wanting, and only four streaks remain. Sete 
fuscous with black joinings; forceps yellowish. 

TRANS. ENT, Soc, 1870,—ParT I. (MARCH.) B 

2 Rey. A. E. Eaton on New 

? . Prothorax greenish-gray above, with a black streak 
on each side; the rest of the thorax yellow, with two dark 
streaks between the wings. Head ochraceous, yellow 
around the ocelli. 

Length of body, ¢ 15-20, 2? 21-25; fore-wing, ¢ 16, 
Q 20-21; set. ¢ 30 and 35-30 and 36, 9 24 and 26-25 
and 24 mm. 

Habitat —The Thames and the Kennet above Reading, 
and Genthod near Geneva. In June and July. It flies 
higher than our other two species, but may be caught 
without difficulty towards sunset, or when fitful gusts of 
wind sweep down the river. -The terminal joint of the 
forceps is subequal to the penultimate (as in #2. vulgata) 
and not shorter than it (as in H. Danica, Miill.). 

2. CLOEON SIMILE, 0. sp. 

3. Turbinate eyes olivaceous or dark greenish sul- 
phureous. Thorax black or fuscous above, polished. 
Apical veinlets of marginal area numerous, sparingly 
united. Legs olivaceous; hinder tarsi darker; foremost 
tibie greenish-gray, or blackish-green, the tarsi gray or 
black. Abdomen piceo-fuscous above ; beneath cinereous, 
scarcely yellowish towards the tip. Setz rusty white, 
with reddish joinings. 

9. Eyes black. Abdomen above, luteo-fuscous, with 
testaceous joinings, and dark subcutaneous trachee ; 
beneath, olivaceous, with the last two segments strami- 
neous. Legs green olivaceous; the tibize and tarsi darker. 

Length of body, ¢ 9, ¢ 10; fore-wing, ¢ 8, ? 10-11; 
set. ¢ 14-15, 9 10-14 mm. 

Hab.—Abundant at Clumber Park, Notts: it also 
occurs at Quy Fen, near Cambridge. September and 

The male and female are much alike in colour; and 
this similarity has suggested the specific name. 


dé. Turbinate eyes carnelian red. Thorax fuscous, 
or bran-coloured above. Legs white, with the tips of the 
femora cretaceous, and the last tarsal joints slightly fawn 

@. Legs grayish«white, with the femora sub-creta- 

British Ephemeride. 3 

This differs from O. luteolum in having no point pro- 
jecting from the last segment in the middle, just above 
the base of the forceps; the terminal joints of the legs of 
the forceps are comparatively smaller, pyriform with a 
narrower neck, and are slightly incurved (not straight). 
The posterior wing also is ligulate, with the apex ellip- 
tical (not acute or acuminate). 

Length of body, ¢ 8-9, ? 8; fore-wing, ¢ 2 8; set. 
$ 14-17, 2 llmm. About twice as large as CO. luteolum. 

Hab.—The Manifold, Ilam, Derbyshire; and Grazely 
near Reading. August to October. 

4, BakrvIs SCAMBUS, Nn. sp. 

6. Turbinate eyes clove-coloured. Thorax black or 
piceous above. Legs cretaceous or greenish-gray; the 
foremost tarsi fumose ; hinder tibiz and tarsi greenish- 
white, with slightly darker joinings and claws. Abdomen 
fuscous, belted with white or greenish-white. Sete 
white. Forceps rather like those of B. bioculatus; but 
their limbs are more slender, and their bases closer 

9. Eyes dark olivaceous. Body olivaceo-fuscous. 
Legs olivaceous, with dark fumose tibie and tarsi. Sete 
fumose, with slightly darker joinings. 

The hind-wings are very similar to those of B. biocula- 
tus, having the first and the second longitudinal nervures 
undivided ; but there is no trace of the third nervure. 

Length of body, ¢ 6, 2 6°5; fore-wing, ¢ 6, 2 7; 
set. ¢ 12, 2 9-10 mm. 

Hab.—The Dove and Henmoor Brook, near Ashbourne, 
Derbyshire. June and September. 

The specific name is taken from the crooked legs of 
the forceps. 

The next four species are not easily distinguished, with- 
out figures, from B. Rhodani, Pict., which has turbinate 
eyes more or less sooty; thorax black above, polished ; 
abdomen more or less fuscous, not belted with white, but 
sometimes slightly paler in the middle than at the tip; 
femora somewhat olivaceous or greenish-gray; hind- 
wing oblong, oblique at the base, obtuse at the tip, with 
a short costal process, the first two longitudinal nervures 
undivided, the third shorter than the others and also 


4 Rev. A. E. Eaton on New 

undivided; each limb of the forceps has the apical joint 
small, globular, second joint about four-fifths as long as 
the first, nearly half as long as the third, rounded off 
obtusely towards the tip. (N.B. The proportionate lengths 
of the forcipal joints are slightly variable in every species.) 

5. Bartis ATREBATINUS, 0. sp. 

¢. Hind-wing narrow, destitute of the costal process, 
with only the first two longitudinal nervures; the third 
nervure is irregularly marked out by granulations. Limb 
of the forceps with a large and globular apical joint ; second 
joint nearly as long as the first, gradually lessening in 
breadth towards the tip, and about half as long as the 
third joint. The limbs of the forceps are inserted rather 
closely together ; and in the middle of the protuberance 
of the last segment, and above them, is a shallow pit con- 
taining a prominent short dark point. 

Length of body, 6 7, 2 8; fore-wing, ¢ 6-7, 2 8; 
set. ¢ 11-13, 2? 8-10 mm. 

Hab.—The Kennet near Burghfield Bridge, Reading. 

I have given to this species a geographical name. The 
Atrebatii occupied the neighbourhood of Silchester. 

6. Barris pHmOPS. 
Baetis pheopa, Ste. Cat. 336, n. 3394 (% sub-imago). 

Hind-wing broad, with a well marked costal process, 
and three undivided longitudinal nervures, between the 
first two of which are some irregular delicate veinlets 
from the terminal margin; the third nervure attains to 
the middle of the inner margin at the least. First joint 
of the limb of the forceps with an oval apex, large; second 
joint gradually lessening in thickness from the base to 
the tip, nearly as long as the first, half as long as the 
third; third joint slightly contracted near the second 

Length of body, ¢ 9? 6-8; fore-wing, ¢ 6-7, 2 7-9; 
set. ¢ 14-16, @ 10-12 mm. 

Hab.—Great Britain (common at Babworth near Ret- 
ford, Notts.); Norway (Hammerfest and Alten). May, 
June ; September and October. . 

British Ephemeride. 5 

7. Bakrvis TENAX, n. sp. 

6. Hind-wing broad, with the three longitudinal 
nervures undivided, the third extending beyond the 
middle of the inner margin: of the irregular veinlets 
from the terminal margin, two between the second and 
third nervures are the most distinct. Apical joint of the 
limb of the forceps large and oval; the second not quite 
so long as the first, gradually lessening in thickness from 
just beyond the base to the tip, nearly half as long as the 
third joint, which is slightly contracted near the second 
joining: sometimes there is a triangular toothlike pro- 
_ jection just before the tip of the third joint on the inside ; 
and an apical tuberosity on the inside of the first joint is 
slightly roughened, as if with a view to lending an un- 
usual tenacity to the gripe of the forceps (whence the 

Length of body, ¢ 8; fore-wing, 7; set. 16 mm. 
Hab.—Ashbourne Green, Derbyshire. June. 


é. Huind-wing broad, with a well marked costal pro- 
cess: the three longitudinal nervures are usually undi- 
vided, but sometimes the second is forked; the third 
nervure hardly reaches the middle of the inner margin. 
Limb of forceps with a large obovate apical joint, the 
second about two-thirds as long as the first, and one third 
as long as the third joint: the first joint is large, swollen 
on the inside at the tip; the second joint is rounded off 
obtusely (something like the dome of a locomotive) 
towards the third joint; the third joint is contracted near 
the base, and then suddenly curves inwards and down- 
wards obliquely. 

Length of body, ¢ 8-9; fore-wing, 8; set. 10-16 mm. 

Hab.—The Kennet above Reading. April and May. 

Holding a specimen back downwards, with the setz 
away from the eye, the forceps so far resemble the horns 
of a bullock as to suggest the appellation buceratus. 

The next species resembles in colour B. pumilus, having 
the turbinate eyes( ¢') sooty; thorax black above, polished ; 
legs whitish; abdomen somewhat fuscous or piceous, in 
the male belted with white; and the second longitudinal 

6 Rev. A. E. Eaton on New 

nervure of the hind-wing forked. B. pumilus has the 
apical joint of the limb of the forceps ovate or globular ; 
the second joint nearly two-thirds as long as the third, 
and slightly longer than the first. The fork of the second 
nervure of the hind-wing encloses one simple veinlet 
from the terminal margin ; and the third nervure extends 
beyond the middle of the wing. 

Ephemera nigra, Linn. F. 8. 377 (sub-imago). 

3. Limb of the forceps with the apical joint subcy- | 
lindrical with rounded tip, and almost equal in dimensions 
to the third joint; the second is nearly twice as long as 
the first joint, and is as long as the third. The fork of 
the second nervure of the hind-wing usually encloses a 
forked veinlet from the terminal margin; and the third 
nervure is absent. 

Length of body, ¢ 9? 6-7:5; fore-wing, d ¢ 6-7; 
set. ¢ 10-11, 2 6-8°5 mm. 

Hab.—The Kennet above Reading, &c. May, June and 

In the Linnean diagnosis, there is nothing to disprove 
the identity of my insect with his Hphemera nigra; there- 
fore I have utilised the name. 


3g. Thorax luteo-piceous above. Wings suffused with 
greenish-gray; nervures piceous. Fore-legs piceous; 
hinder legs luteous or furfurose. Abdomen fuscous 
above, with the sides and joinings paler; beneath luteous 
or ochraceous, with a dark U-shaped streak under each 
segment which is incomplete in the more forward seg- 
ments: the last segment is produced into a flattened 
spine on each side at the outward base of the forceps (as 
in S. flavidus, Ed. Pict.). 

Length of body, ¢ 14-15; fore-wing, 16; set. 24-25 

Hab.— Killarney (Coll. McLachlan, captured by 
Bouchard) ; Bishop’s Wood, Hampstead (Wormald). 

Of this species I have seen only dried specimens. 

British Ephemeride. 7 


3. Hyessooty-black. Thorax black above, polished. 
Wings clear, with piceous venation; the tips of the mar- 
ginal and submarginal areas slightly discoloured. Fore- 
femora blackish green, tibize and tarsi corvinous; hinder- 
legs dark greenish-gray. Abdomen coloured much the 
same as that of S. armatus; the last segment however is 

Length of body, 3 15; fore-wing, 14; set. 20 mm. 

Hab.—Llyn Liydaw, Snowdon. August. 

12. HEpracEenia VOLITANS, Nn. sp. 

6. Hyes fusco-piceous above. Thorax above atro- 
fuscous. Wings clear, with blackish venation ; the tip 
of the marginal area slightly discoloured. Fore-tarsus 
and tibia fuscous, the femur has two faint rings; hinder 
femora dull testaceous, with two carneous rings, tibiee 
sometimes testaceous, tarsi fuscous. Abdomen fuscous 
above, with the tips of the segments darker; beneath 
dark greenish-gray, usually spotless. Setze pale greenish- 
gray, with darker joinings. 

Length of body, ¢ 12-15; fore-wing, 13-14; set. 25- 

8 mm. 

Hab—The Thames just above Pangbourne, and the 
Holy-brook near Coley Park, Reading. May. 

It differs abundantly from the ¢ imago of H. flavi- 
pennis, which has green eyes, and the thorax furfurose 

The Heptagenice tower like a hawk when there is a 
slight breeze blowing. In allusion to this habit I have 
named this species volitans. 

Baétis montana, Hag. Ent. Ann. 1863, p. 26 (nee Pict.). 

3 and @. Hyes sub-olivaceous, intersected by a hori- 
zontal fuscous streak. Thorax above fuscous or sub-oli- 
vaceous (piceous in dried specimens). Wings clear, with 
piceous nervures: bases of the marginal and submarginal 
areas slightly discoloured, their tips blackish. Fore-legs 
atro-piceous or corvinous; hinder legs sub-olivaceous or 

8 Rey. A. E. Eaton on New British Ephemeride. 

greenish-olive, with blackish tarsi. Abdomen sub-oliva- 
ceous, with dark oblique lateral streaks; beneath, each 
segment has in the middle of the base a short black acute 
isosceles triangle, whose extreme apex is remotely flanked 
by a short diverging line on either side, which lines are 
followed each by a dot, and in a line both with these two 
dots and two lines respectively is a short line on each 
side close to the edges of the ventral region of the seg- 
ment. Sete black, piceous towards their tips. 

Length of body, ¢ 11-12, ? 12-14; fore-wing, ¢ 13- 
17, ¢ 18-15; set. ¢ 22-33, 9 20 mm. 

Hab.—The Dart, the Kennet, and the Trent. May to 

This species closely resembles the Alpine H. montana, 
Pict., which, however, has blue eyes. The name which 
I have given it has reference to the neat ventral markings. 

Tam preparing for publication figures of the special 
structures of these and of many other British and foreign 
species of Hphemeride. 


II. Descriptions of six new Species of Callidryas. By A. 
G. Bururr, F.L.S., F.Z.8. 

[Read 3rd January, 1870.] 
1. Callidryas virgo, sp. nov. 

3. Ale supra flavissime, iis C. Cipridis simillime at 
majores et plerumque pallidiores; caudis alarum posti- 
carum magis elongatis: subtus pallidiores, fasciis tenui- 
oribus : corpus, capite fusco, thorace cinereo, flavo-piloso, 
abdomine flavo. 

Exp. alar. unc. 3, lin. 2. 

?. Ale supra roseo-albz, macula permagna disco- 
cellulari, apice punctisque venas terminantibus nigro- 
fuscis; subtus albidze minime virescentes, fusco-rorate, 
marginibus minime ochraceis: antice macula superna 
disco-cellulari rosea, serieque discali biangulata macula- 
rum octo argentearum extus roseo-cinctarum; postica 
maculis duabus ineequalibus disco-cellularibus argenteis 
roseo-cinctis; maculis septem in serie irregulariter 
arcuata inter venas positis, argenteis roseo extrorsum 
hmitatis: venis nigro-acuminatis et in marginem argen- 
teo circumdatis, linea subbasali, puncto apud basin sub- 
costali, maculaque basali roseis. 

Exp. alar. unc. 3. 

36, ¢ Mexico (Coll. Saunders): ¢ Mountains of 
Oaxaca (H. Side); San Geronimo (Vera Paz); 3 (? id.) 
Apolobamba (3 specimens, Coll. Salvin). 

Chiefly differs from C. Cipris in its greater size, longer 
tails, and paler colouring; the female is white (not yellow 
as in (. Oipris*) and has a larger brown spot on the front 
wings, &c. 

2. Callidryas irrigata, sp. nov. 

d . Alee supra roseo-ochracez; anticz macula disco-cel- 
lulari a vena inferiore interrupta, alteraque apicali fuscis : 
posticze margine externo in venas roseo-rorato: corpus 
thorace nigro cinereo-piloso, abdomine flavescente: sub- 
tus fundo ochraceo ferrugineo irrorato: antice fascia 
lata biangulata discali interrupta diffuse argentea, macula 

* The female of C. Cipris is the insect described and figured in Proc. 
Zool. Soc, 1865, p. 458, pl. xxvi. fig. 6, under the name of C. bracteolata. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—Part I. (MARCH.) 

10 Mr. A. G. Butler on New 

geminata disco-cellulari argentea fusco-cincta: postice 
maculis duabus nitidis disco-cellularibus argenteis, pla- 
gisque subseptem discalibus in serie arcuata positis diffuse 

Exp. alar. une. 2, lin. 8. 

Brazil. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to O. Neocypris (the male of which is in the 
Kaden Collection in Coll. Druce, and the female in 
that of Mr. Hewitson), but smaller and more deeply 
coloured than any tailed Callidryas, the outer margin 
of the front-wings more curved, and not margined with 
brown points; the hind-wings with short and suddenly 
pointed tail; the under surface deeply coloured, densely 
irrorated with ferruginous, and with the usual silvery 
spots broad and diffused. 

3. Callidryas Hartonia, sp. nov. 

Affinis O. Godartiane, minor autem et costis magis 
rotundatis brevioribus, margine externo alarum anticarum 
magis undato; apice posticarum rotundiore et margine 
interno breviore: ale 4 supra area basali flavissima ad 
medium marginis interioris attingente; nervulis subcos- 
talibus haud nigro-acuminatis ; posticee area basali diffuse 
flavissima, ad basin aureo-flava, area externa latiore quam 
in C. Godartiana: corpus abdomine subochraceo. Ale 
subtus omnino pallidiores, @ supra flavee (haud ochra- 
ce), fascia marginali multo tenuiore, ad apicem anti- 
carum haud angulata. 

Exp. alar. ¢ unc. 2, lin. 10; ¢ une. 2, lin. 8. 

Jamaica. ¢, 9. Coll. Hewitson and B. M. 

Closely allied to C. Godartiana, but perfectly distinct. 

4, Callidryas Editha, sp. nov. 

3. Ale supra flavissime, margine externo et apice 
anticarum squamis elatioribus pallidis: corpus capite 
rufescente, thorace nigro cinereo-piloso, abdomine pal- 
lide ochreo: ale subtus aureo-flave ferrugineo-rorate, 
area interna anticarum albicante; anticz: maculis duabus 
disco-cellularibus nigris rufo-cinctis argenteoque squa- 
mosis; serie biangulata submarginali macularum octo 
rufo-squamosarum: posticee maculis duabus disco-cellu- 
laribus argenteis nigro-cinctis et rufo-circumcinctis, fas- 

Species of Callidryas. 11 

ciolaque adjuncta lunulari inter venas subcostalem et 
disco-cellularem primam posita, maculis aliis velut in 
C. Larra, at rufo-squamosis et indistinctis. 

Q. Ale antice supra fulve, macula disco-cellulari, 
maculis novem in serie biangulata digestis submargina- 
libus aliisque marginalibus nigro-fuscis: postice rosez, 
area abdominali pallidiore, lineola. brevissima disco-cellu- 
lari maculisque subquinque marginalibus nigro-fuscis: 
corpus capite fusco, thorace cinerascente, abdomine 
ochraceo cinereo-dorsato ; ale subtus rufo-fulve, atomis 
rubris sparsatee, maculis velut ¢ positis. 

Exp. alar. ¢ une. 3, lin. 2; ? une. 2, lin. 11. 
Haiti. - Coll. Salvin. 

This is a very beautiful and perfectly distinct species, 
belonging to the Neleis group. 

5. Callidryas Jada, sp. nov. 

3. Simillima C. Alemeoni, at alis omnino flavissimis, 
area basali aureo-flava; alis anticis haud nigro-margina- 
tis, posticis fascia marginali in medio latiore. 

?. Simillima C. Alemeoni, at major, alis omnino flavis- 
simis, ad basin aureo-tinctis; alis anticis macula disco- 
cellulari multo majore, fascia marginali angulis alternis 
dentata et ad apicem maculam ovalem flavam includente : 
subtus maculis omnibus majoribus et distinctioribus. 

Hxp.alar. d unc. 2, lim. 8;.9 une. 3. 
Guatemala (Central Valleys). ¢&, 9 Coll. Salvin. 

This species, though allied to OC. Alemeone and C. 
Boisduvalii,* is much more deeply coloured in both 
sexes than either of them, the marginal banding of the 
female is also quite different, so that I have no hesita- 
tion in considering it a distinct species. 

6. Callidryas Evangelina, sp. nov. 

3. Ale supra albz ; antice striola minutissima disco- 
cellulari, costee dimidio apicali, apice, margine externo, 
et venarum apicibus, nigris; postice margine fusco- 

* These appear to be extreme variations of the same species. 

12 Mr. A. G. Butler on Callidryas. 

squamoso. Alz subtus fere velut in C. Pyranthe (Minna, 
Hiibn.) striolate, fundo autem multo pallidiore, maculis 
squamosis discalibus latioribus. 

Exp. alar. une. 2, lin. 6. 
Flores. Coll. Wallace. 

This species differs from C. Pyranthe in its more robust 
form; above in the smaller disco-cellular striole, the 
apical half of the nervures black in the front-wings, and 
the outer margin dusted with brown scales in the hind- 
wings; below the ground colour is of a pale sulphur 
yellow tint streaked with pale brown, and with a discal 
series of diffused pale brown spots in both wings. 


III, A Revision of the genus Catasarcus. By Francis 
P. Pascoz, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. 

{Read 3rd January, 1870.] 

In the fine collection of Coleoptera lately brought by 
Mr. Du Boulay from Western Australia, chiefly from the 
neighbourhood of Champion Bay, no genus received so 
great an accession of new species as Catasarcus. By 
this gentleman’s kindness, I have been able to obtain the 
greater number of them, and, in comparing them with 
those of the National Collection, and the undescribed 
Species in my own, and with the descriptions of 
Schénherr, I thought it would be desirable to attempt a 
revision of the genus so far as my materials would 

The first two species were noticed by Boisduval in 
1835, who referred them to Oneorhinus. In 1840 
Schonherr proposed his genus Catasarcus for four species, 
described by Fahreus, of which (. bilineatus was the 
type; to these he appended, but as unknown to him, 
Boisduval’s two species; and in 1845 Boheman added 
another. Germar, three years later, described his (C. 
transversalis, and I am not aware that, except in Lacor- 
daire’s ‘‘ Genera,” the genus has been in any way noticed 

But it is in the last-mentioned work that we find the 
true characters of the genus, and as it is one that must 
be in every Entomologist’s hands, I need not repeat 
them here. It will only be necessary for me to point 
out the structure of those parts the modifications of 
which are supposed to differentiate the species. 

The first character which Lacordaire gives “‘ Head de- 
pressed in front,” although true, is much more marked in 
some species than in others, a decided convexity being ap- 
parent in a few, while others have it almost perfectly flat. 
The front is always more or less scored by three vertical 
grooves, bounded by four lines, or carine, often very 
strongly elevated; the outer ones, however, in a few 
species, are obsolete, or nearly so, and in many the 
caring, with their corresponding grooves, are confined 
to the lower part of the front, where they are continued 
into the deep transverse sulcus separating the head from 
the rostrum; whilst in two or three species a slight line 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRTI. (MARCH.) 

14 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

is apparent, dividing the middle groove into two parts. * 
The rostrum has always three carinz on its dorsal sur- 
face, the middle one terminating in the triangular basal 
plate ; the scrobes also are bounded beneath by a carina, 
but none of the characters of the rostrum afford anything 
peculiar. The only exception to the general form of the 
eyes occurs in Catasareus carbo, where, instead of bemg 
“oval, subdepressed, and acuminate inferiorly,” they are 
perfectly round and prominent. The only part of the 
antenne requiring notice is the funicle. In this the first 
joint is generally by far the longest, but in some species 
the second is nearly as long; the third and following joints 
are usually only about half as long again as their breadth, 
but in two or three species this proportion is very consi- 
derably exceeded. 

The prothorax is always transverse, and marked by two 
transverse grooves, which generally divide it into three 
equal parts; the grooves are, however, in some cases very 

But the best characters of the species are afforded 
by the elytra, only, though these are obvious enough 
to the eye when compared with one another, they 
are extremely difficult to define; the sculpture is 
nearly always of the same type, seriate- or sulcate- 
punctate, with tubercular elevations between; its pecu- 
liarities often masked by a covering of scales, the 
absence of which, in worn individuals, serves to throw a 
doubt on their identity. More than half the species 
have the elytra armed with spines, comparatively of very 
large size; these are generally four in number, exclusive 
of the “‘spiniform tubercle” (post-humeral spine), 
placed a short distance behind the shoulder, which is 
common to the whole genus. The first pair (median) are 
generally near the middle of the elytra, calculating the 
middle from a line extending over the length of the 
back, the second (posterior) a little behind them, and 
invariably nearer the suture. Another set of species has 
an additional pair of spines near the base, these have 
always a smaller pair placed a little outside the median 
(medilateral). But in Catasarcus concretus, we find these 
medilateral spines without the basal. 

The legs and under surface of the body are very 
homogeneous ; the former are most commonly of a reddish 

* I doubt, however, whether this line is always present in the same 

of the genus Catasarcus. 15 

colour, clothed with scattered scales, mixed with setze 
on the lower portions of the tibiee and on the tarsi. 

A very peculiar substance, which the French call 
*enduit,” probably from the Latin “ indumentum,” for 
which we have no corresponding term, but which I have 
mentioned as ‘‘a sort of exudation” is found in a few 
species. Two have it in the form of small grains as if 
sprinkled with sand, and two others-have a waxy varnish, 
which, however, appears to bea part of the true integument. 

The greater part of the species of Catasarcus are 
found in Western Australia. I only know of one (C. 
transversalis) from South Australia, one (C. memnonius) 
from Victoria, and two (C. ovinus and OC. concretus) from 
Queensland. Probably a longer list could be given by 
the Australian Entomologists, and I hope they will not 
long delay todo so. Mr. Du Boulay tells me that each 
Species appears to affect a particular shrub or tree. I 
believe nothing is known of their earlier stages. 

There are thirty-four new species described in these 
pages; some individuals which I have placed as varieties 
might no doubt be considered “good species,” but this 
is one of those genera which prove how much more diffi- 
cult it is to determine the limits of species than the limits 
of genera. 

The sexual differences appear to be very slight. The 
male is a little smaller, and is narrower behind than the 
female, the elytra curving inwards very perceptibly to- 
wards the apex. It is only a few of the species, how- 
ever, that we are able to pair. 

I have divided the genus into three sections, and have 
given a table of the species under each. 

Gen. Catasarcus, Schénherr, Curcul. v. 812. 
Section 1. 
Elytra without dorsal spines. 

a Suture with a line of condensed scales. 

b Front convex 6 = - : C. bilineatus, Fahr. 
bb Front flat. . é 5 5 - ; C. suturalis, n. sp. 
aa Suture concolorous. 

e Oval, and more or less oblong. 

d Spaces between the punctures on the elytra 
ridged or tuberculate. 

e Moderately convex above. 

f Ridges. on the ase as and closely 
tuberculate : 5 C. opimus, n. sp. 

16 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

f f Ridges on the elytra not closely tuberculate. 
g Ridges very irregular or zig-zag . ; C. vufipes, Fahr. 
gg Ridges transverse. 
h First and second joints of funicle subequal C. griseus, n. sp. 
hh First joint of the funicle much longer than 
the second. 
4 Prothorax at the base more than twice as 

broad as long . ‘ - = C. Hopii, Fahr. 
ii Prothorax at the base eat than twice as 
broad as long . 7 ‘ - - C. longicornis, 0. sp. 

ee Strongly convex above. 
j Punctures on the sar divided Ha ee 

ridges : C, effloratus, n. sp. 
jj Punctures on the elytra divided by flattish 
ridges : C. vinosus, 0. sp. 
dd Spaces between the CanBteee on the elytra 
not ridged. 

k Elytra sulcate-punctate. 

1 Four well-marked frontal carine . 5 C. pollinosus, n. sp. 
11 Two intermediate carinz obsolete . C. ceratus, n. sp. 
kk Elytra seriate-punctate. 

m Punctures on the elytra glabrous . C. foveatus, n. sp. 

mm Punctures on the elytra filled with yellow 
scales : : : : 2 ; C. maculatus, n. sp. 

cc Shortly ovate. 
n Front of the head short. 

o Carina near the eye distinct 2 - C. transversalis, Germ. 

oo Carina near the eye obsolete 5 ° C. memnonius, n. sp. 
nm Front of the head longer . : . C. ovinus, n. sp. 

Section 2. 

Elytra with four dorsal and two post-hwmeral spines. 

a Median spines placed nearer the base than 

the apex. 

b More or less scaly. 

c Carina near the eye obsolete. : C. araneus, n. sp. 
cc Carina near the eye well-marked. 

d Head and rostrum broad C. bellicosus, n. sp. 
dd Head and restrum narrower ° : C. echidna, n. sp. 
bb Glairy above, asif varnished. Cc 
a a Median spines placed nearer the apex. 

e Median spine reduced to a small conical 

point ‘ ; : _ 
ee Median spine large. 
f Prothorax narrower at its base than at its 

C. intermedius, n. sp. 

g- Elytra in parts without scales. 
h Eyes round, prominent : ; : C. carbo, n. sp. 
hh Eyes narrowed, flat’ . : : : C. albisparsus, 0D. sp. 

- albuminosus, D. sp. 


of the Genus Catasareus. 17 

yg Elytra densely scaly. 
« Elytra short, subcordiform . < : C. marginispinis, n. sp. 
i7 Hlytra longer, ovate. 
j Rostrum shorter than the head. 
k Seales on the elytra mingled with a sand- 
like exudation, and with few very small 
setz posteriorly 0 ek : : C. capito, n. sp. 
_kk Scales on the elytra adpressed, with thick 
black setz posteriorly, issuing from small 
naked points. ; : ‘ C. ochradceus, n. Sp. 
' jj Rostrum as long as the been : ; C. cicatricosus, 1. sp. 
* ff Prothorax as broad at the base or broader 
than at the middle. 
l Posterior spines stout, broad at the base. 
m Head bounded at the sides between the eye 

and the transverse sulcus by a well-marked 

n” EHlytra scaly. 

_o Prothorax more than twice as broad as long C. brevicollis, n. sp. 
oo Prothorax less than twice as broad as long. 

p Elytra with rows of glossy tubercles . C. nitidulus, n. sp. 
pp HKlytra with transverse ridges. ; C. humeyrosus, 0. sp. 
am Hlytra with a few straggling scales only  C. funereus, n. sp. 
m mv Head with scarcely any carine infront C. spinipennis, Fahr. 

11 Posterior spines more slender, not so broad 
at the base. 
q With whitish scales, more or less condensed C. ericius, n. sp. 
qq Withvery minute Bgurecnc scales, generally 
distributed é ; ‘ ‘ : C. scordalus, n. sp. 

Section 3. 

Hlytra with more than four dorsal spines, exclusive of the 

a With two sub-basal spines, four median, 
and two posterior. 

b A line of tubercles between the suture and 
first row of punctures : 3 C. tribulus, n. sp. 

b b No line of tubercles between the satis and 
-first-row of punctures. 

c Scales on the elytra unicolorous : C. trapa, n. sp. 

* ec Scales on the elytra forming whitish lines 
on the sides. 

d Scales mixed with a sand-like exudation C. furfwraceus, n. sp. 

dd Scales unmixed with any exudation . C. lepidus, n. sp. 
~ aa Without sub-basal spines . : . C. concretus, 1. sp. 
TRANS, ENT. soc. 1870.—PART I. (MARCH.) C 

18 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

The two following are unknown to me, and do not 
occur in the above list of species. 

Catasarcus stigmatipennis. 

Oneorhinus stygmatipennis, Boisduval, Voy. de l’Astrol. 
i. 349. 

A narrower species than On. impressipennis* of the 
same author, which is the same as Cat. rufipes, accord- 
ing to Lacordaire. It is entirely ashy above, with nine 
rows of large distinct punctures on each elytron. It is 
from “ Port Western.” 

Catasarcus rugulosus. 
Boheman, in Schonh. Curcul. VIII. 1. 380. 

This species is said to be the size of Hypera punctata, 
with the front not canaliculate, but it is afterwards stated 
to be briefly canaliculate at the apex. It is differen- 
tiated from C. Hopii by the rostrum “ otherwise sculp- 
tured,” but its description conveys no definite idea of 
anything apart from the general characters of the genus, 
and I am unable to arrive at any conclusion as to the 
real distinction between them. I fancy almost every 
collection contains something standing under this name, 

Section 1, 
Elytra without dorsal spines, 
1. Catasarcus bilineatus. 
Fahreeus, in Schénh. Curecul. v. 813. 

An easily recognized species, on account of the dense 
broad line of scales along the suture. 

2. Catasarcus suturalis. 

Ovate, black, nitid, nearly glabrous; head quite flat in 
front, the lateral carinze narrow and prominent, the inter- 
mediate nearly obsolete, with a slight groove between 
them; rostrum shorter than in OC. bilineatus, the median 

* Boisduval, lib. cit. p. 350, pl. vii. fig. 9. This figure shows a much 
longer prothorax than any Catasarcus I have seen. 

of the Genus Catasarcus. 19 

carine arched in the middle, the spaces between the 
carine, especially on the head, covered with pale yellow- 
ish-gray scales; prothorax apparently glabrous, but 
under a lens, a few minute obliquely placed hairs are 
visible, above finely and irregularly granulate, its length 
more than half its breadth at the base ; scutellum minute, 
glabrous; elytra sulcate-punctate, the punctures approxi- 
- mate, well-marked, the intervals forming regular tuber- 
culate elevations, entirely glabrous, except a narrow line 
of pale yellowish-gray scales along the suture; body 
beneath, black with small scattered scales, here and there 
a little more condensed; legs bright brownish-red, a 
few fine hairs at the ends of the tibie, and on the 
tarsi; antenne dark ferruginous, the funicle moderately 

Length 5 lines. 
Hab.—Western Australia (Perth). 

This is a nearly glabrous species, on the upper part at 
least, except the narrow line along the suture, and with 
the front of the head perfectly flat; im C. bilineatus, the 
front rises towards the central groove on each side. 

-3. Catasarcus opimus. 

Very broadly oval, dark brown or black, covered with 
pale yellow or yellowish-gray scales; head distantly, 
almost obsoletely, punctured above, a narrow longitudinal 
triangular elevation between the eyes, terminating below 
in a short groove, the groove near the eye on each side 
as well as the two rostral ones broader than usual; eyes 
narrow, very decidedly pointed below; prothorax small, 
short, deeply emarginate at the apex, finely and trans- 
versely tuberculate above; scutellum small, triangular ; 
elytra rather lightly seriate-punctate, the intervals broad, 
finely and irregularly tuberculate, the punctures round, 
shallow, filled up with scales nearly to the level of the 
surrounding parts, and closely approximate in the longi- 
tudinal direction; beneath more or less scaly, the first 
two abdominal segments finely granulate; legs reddish, 
or reddish-ferruginous, with minute dispersed scales, 
knees black, tarsi brown ; antennz slender, all the joints 
of the funicle elongate, the second only a little shorter 
than the first. 


20 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

Length 5-8 lines. 
Hab.—Western Australia. 

A broad handsome species, varying considerably in 
size; the elytra covered with numerous fine tubercles, 
amongst which the shallow punctures filled with pale 
lemon or grayish scales are very marked, notwithstand- 
ing that the punctures themselves, in rubbed specimens, 
are very indefinite, 

4. Oatasarcus longicornis. 

Oblong ovate, moderately convex, glossy black, with 
grayish scales limited to the impressed parts; head with 
a vertical prominence in front, divided below into two 
caring, the outer carina on each side, as well as those 
on the rostrum, well-marked; the grooves, except the 
median one on the front, filled with scales; prothorax 
rather long, well rounded at the sides, and shghtly con- 
tracted at the base, which is, however, much broader 
than the apex, rather finely and somewhat transversely 
corrugate above; scutellum very distinct; elytra closely 
striate-punctate, the punctures large, mostly much 
broader than long, filled with grayish-white scales, the 
intervals forming narrow glossy transverse ridges, post- 
humeral tubercle obsolete; body beneath black, rather 
closely covered with oblong grayish scales, but darker 
on the last three segments; legs reddish-ferruginous, 
glossy, with few scales, the knees and tarsi blackish; 
antenne slender, glossy ferruginous, more or less covered 
with minute whitish scales, funicle with all the joints 
elongate, but so far as the penultimate gradually shorter, 
club rather short, dark brown, pubescent. 

Length 5-53 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

This species bears a close resemblance to C. Hopii, but 
it is much more elongate, the prothorax considerably 
longer in proportion, much more rugose, and, above all, 
the antenne are differently modified ; in C. 1 opti the funi- 
cle is short, with the last five joints not much longer than 
broad, although a very gradual shortening may be traced 
to the last, and the third joint scarcely half as long as 
the second; while in this species, all the joints from 
the third inclusive, are nearly twice as long as the cor- 
responding ones in CU. Hopii. | 

of the Genus OCatasarcus. 21 

5. Catasarcus vinosus. 

Moderately ovate, very convex, black, subnitid, with 
roseate or pinkish scales, more or less scattered ex- 
cept in the impressed parts; head slightly convex in 
front, four strongly marked carine, the two intermediate 
stouter than the lateral, and without scales between 
them; prothorax short, moderately transverse, minutely 
punctured, the intervals delicately granulate, scales 
minute, and very much scattered; scutellum very dis- 
tinct, small, triangular ; elytra extending slightly beyond 
the prothorax at the base, sulcate-punctate, the punc- 
tures large, shallow, filled with rose-coloured scales, the 
intervals slightly elevated, flattish, post-humeral spine 
short, obtuse; beneath blackish, partially scaly; legs 
reddish, clothed with small whitish scales and sete; 
antenne brownish-ferruginous, minutely scaly, second 
joint of the funicle considerably shorter than the first. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A more than usually convex species, and from the 
colour of its scales, a somewhat remarkable one. 

6. Cuatasarcus effloratus. 

Rather broadly oval, strongly convex, black, shining, 
with golden yellow scales confined to the impressed 
parts; head rather convex in front, four strongly-marked 
carinz, the two intermediate much stouter than the 
lateral, the narrow groove between them not scaly, the 
outer grooves and the two on the rostrum filled with 
golden yellow scales; prothorax short, not very trans- 
verse, finely punctured and nearly naked above, the in- 
tervals irregularly and slightly raised; scutellum small ; 
elytra projecting beyond the prothorax at the base, sulcate- 
punctate, punctures somewhat and here and there dis- 
tinctly hexagonal and transverse, the intervals narrow, 
and, in the transverse direction forming regular strongly 
elevated polished ridges, post-humeral spine large, slightly 
recurved; beneath black, scales much dispersed; legs 
dark reddish, with minute scattered scales and sete ; 
antenne dark brownish-ferruginous, the funicle with the 
joints gradually and regularly shorter to the seventh. 

- Length 6 lines. 

22 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

The prothorax in this species is not so finely punc- 
tured as in the last, and is much exceeded at the base by 
the elytra; the latter are also very convex, and much 
more strongly sculptured. 

7. Catasarcus rufipes. 

Fahreeus, in Schénh. Curcul. vy. 814. 

A somewhat depressed, oblong ovate species, which 
M. Lacordaire thinks should be referred to Cneorhinus 
impressipennis, Boisd. Voy. Astrol. 11. 350. 

8. Cutasareus Hopii. 
C. Hopei, Fahrzeus, in Schénh. Curcul. v. 815. 

In this species, the head has, in front, four well- 
marked equidistant carine, although the central groove 
is much narrower than the lateral ones, owing to the 
sloping towards each other of the two intermediate 
carine. Fahreus’s diagnosis in Schonherr is a little 
ambiguous ; the rostrum is said to have three grooves at 
the base, and two at the apex; the former of these state- 
ments applies, apparently, to the front of the head, and 
the description, after giving the frontal grooves, seems 
to have gone back to them in treating of the rostrum. 

9. Catasarcus griseus. 

Oblong oval, black, covered with grayish scales, having, 
under the lens, a slight rosy hue, and more condensed in 
parts; head with four well-marked carine in front, the 
two intermediate parallel and rather approximate, the 
grooves, except the middle one, filled with scales, 
rostrum narrower than the front, the middle carina 
narrow throughout; prothorax rather short, finely granu- 
late, on each side a broad distinct stripe of closely set 
scales, separated by a narrow median line of scattered 
scales; scutellum small, triangular; elytra sulcate-punc- 
tate, punctures broad, more or less coalescing at the 
sides, the transverse intervals forming rather narrow 
elevated ridges, post-humeral spine shortly conical ; body 


of the Genus Oatusarcus. 23 

beneath closely scaly; legs reddish, with rather close-set 
grayish scales; antenne brownish-ferruginous; the first 
joint of the funicle very little longer than the second, from 
the second to the sixth comparatively long, but gra- 
dually diminishing, club oblong-ovate. 

Length 4 lines. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

A small, rather narrowly oval, almost elliptic, species : 
unusually scaly, but with the prothorax striped, owing to 
the paucity of the scales along the median line. In one 
of my specimens, the last joint of the funicle is decidedly 
pyriform; in the other, which is probably the female, 
it is shortly obconic. 

10. Catasarcus pollinosus. 

Moderately oval, more convex posteriorly, black, par- 
tially scaly, having an ashy waxy appearance above ; 
head convex in front, four very stout prominent carine, 
all of equal length, the two intermediate incurved and 
meeting directly above the transverse sulcus; rostrum 
strongly grooved, the grooves, as well as those on the 
head, slightly scaly; prothorax moderately transverse, 
slightly rounded at the sides, the base slightly contracted, 
but much broader than the apex, irregularly punctured 
above, the punctures small, each with a single grayish 
hair-like scale at its base, the intervals having a slightly 
granulate character; scutellum indistinct; elytra sub- 
striate-punctate, the punctures round, small, remote, and 
including a patch of minute yellowish scales, the inter- 
vals of the punctures apparently flattish, but shghtly 
tuberculate under a strong lens, with small very distinct 
glossy black spots apparently embedded in the waxy 
surface; beneath blackish, legs dark ferruginous, both 
sprinkled with small hair-like yellowish scales; antennz 
moderate, the three penultimate joints of the funicle tur- 
binate, the last triangular, club dark brown, the rest of 
the antenne ferruginous. 

Length 64 lines. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

This species is very distinct. The peculiar waxy 
appearance is not an exudation to be rubbed off, but is a 
part of the tegument itself. 

24 Mr. Pascoe’s Fevision 

ll. Catasarcus ceratus. 

Broadly oval, moderately convex, black, nearly gla- 
brous, except a few hair-like scales at the sides and be- 
neath, having a leaden waxy appearance above and on the 
legs; head convex in front, a strong carina on each side 
near the eye, and two intermediate shorter ones directly 
above the transverse sulcus; rostrum longer than the 
head; prothorax short, nearly twice as broad at the base 
as long, the sides strongly rounded, the base very con- 
siderably broader than the apex, transversely and finely 
corrugate except anteriorly; scutellum small, triangu- 
lar; elytra substriate-punctate, the intervals very broad, 
flattish, finely and very irregularly tuberculate, the punc- 
tures small, round, shallow, and remote; legs dark leaden 
furruginous, knees black, tarsi nearly black; antenne 
slender, all the joints of the funicle unusually elongate, 
the second as long as the first, club narrow, elongate. 

Leneth 8 lines. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

The greater part of the above characters mark this 
species off as one of the most distinct of the genus. 

12. Catasarcus foveatus. 

Narrowly ovate, moderately convex, glossy brownish- 
black, nearly without scales; head slightly convex in 
front, four strongly-marked carinz, all a little incurved 
at the transverse sulcus, the two intermediate nearer. the 
lateral ones than to each other, but approximate below, 
the carinz on the rostrum also well-marked, the interme- 
diate one glabrous, narrower below, their grooves with 
a few longer punctures; prothorax not very short, the 
apex nearly as broad as the base, finely and regularly 
granulate above; scutellum small, triangular; elytra 
seriate-punctate, punctures large, round, with a very few 
whitish scales at the bottom; the fourth and following 
outer rows with the fovez considerably larger than the 
three inner rows, the intervals flattish, rather broad, 
with small nearly obsolete punctures, post-humeral spine 
short, thick; beneath black, with a few hair-like scales 
regularly dispersed; legs reddish-ferruginous, tarsi 
blackish; antennze brownish-ferruginous, the last four 
joints of the funicle longer than broad, turbinate, the 
last joint the longest. 


of the Genus Catasarcus. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.-—-Champion Bay. 

The punctures on the elytra of this species are large 
enough to be called fovee, and this peculiarity, with the 
broader intervals between them, or, in other words, 
their fewness, make this one of the best marked species 
of the genus. 

138. Catasarcus maculatus. 

Oblong oval, or nearly elliptic, black, scarcely shining ; 
head between the eyes, and rostrum, of equal breadth, the 
former with four strongly-marked carinze in front, the 
two intermediate stouter, the outer groove on each side, 
and those on the rostrum, filled with yellow scales; pro- 
thorax moderately transverse, rather long, gradually 
broader to the middle at the sides, then straight to the 
base, the two transverse grooves nearly obsolete, very 
regularly and minutely granulate above, and speckled 
with small yellow. scales and sete; scutellum very small ; 
elytra shghtly convex, seriate-punctate, the punctures 
pentagonal, largest at the sides, filled with close-set 
yellow scales, the intervals apparently flat and glabrous, 
under a powerful lens they are seen to be slightly rugose, 
and closely covered with a fine tomentose pubescence, 
post-humeral spine very small; body beneath black, with 
yellow scales; legs brownish-red, with very small scat- 
tered yellow hairs; antennz reddish-brown, with black 
sete, the first joint of the funicle not much longer than 
the second. 

Length 6 lines. 

Hab.—Kaing George’s Sound. 

This is an exceedingly well-marked species, and not 
uncommon in collections. 

14. Catasarcus transversalis. 
Germar, Linn. Entom. in. 212. 

Shortly ovate, black, with a few grayish-white scales 
in the impressed portions ; prothorax nearly glabrous, a 
few very nearly obsolete punctures only, lying between 
the broadly impressed transverse grooves. 

Length 4 lines. 

Hab.—Adelaide, and Champion Bay. 

26 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 
15. Catasarcus memnonius. 

Shortly ovate, black, nitid, without any scales; front 
short, obscurely marked with five grooves, a median, 
and two approximate ones. on each side, the carina near 
the eye obsolete; rostrum with a somewhat circular im- 
pression on the basal half; prothorax short, transversely 
tuberculate, the tubercles flat, smooth, much broader 
than long, no punctures, and scarcely grooved, or the 
anterior transverse groove very faintly marked; scutel- 
lum equilaterally triangular; elytra transversely grooved 
at the sides, but somewhat seriate-punctate towards 
the suture, the punctures very indeterminate, the imter- 
vals irregularly tuberculate, the tubercles arranged in 
longitudinal’ rows, post-humeral spine stout, conical; 
body beneath, dark pitchy, a patch of white scales on 
each side of the metasternum; abdomen finely granulate ; 
legs and antenne reddish-pitchy, with blackish setaceous 

Length 4 lines. 

Germar’s description of his CO. transversalis, in regard 
to the prothorax ‘‘ Vage et rugoso-punctatus,” scarcely 
agrees with what I take for it, unless we suppose that 
the roughness applies to the irregular surface of the pro- 
thorax caused by the transverse grooves; in OC. memmno- 
nius, the direction of the impressions on the elytra 
appears to vary according to the position in which it is 
viewed, but the tubercles have less of the longitudinal 
arrangement, and there are no scales whatever in the 

16. Catasarcus ovinus. 

Shortly ovate, black, covered with grayish scales; 
front above the transverse sulcus elongate, with four long 
well-marked carine; rostrum with the central carina 
gradually broader beneath, gradually passing into the 
triangular apical plate; prothorax rather short, the scales 
slightly condensed at the sides; scutellum very small, 
equilaterally trangular; elytra seriate-punctate, the 
punctures large, shallow, and distinctly limited, the in- 
tervals transversely tuberculate ; body beneath, and legs, 

of the Genus Catasarcus. 27 

closely scaly, the latter reddish-brown; antenne ferru- 
ginous-brown, the first jomt of the funicle considerably 
longer than the second, the remainder, to the sixth, 
gradually shorter, the last longer and broader. 

Length 43 lines. 
Hab.— Queensland. 

This species has a considerable resemblance to C. 
griseus, but, inter alia, the larger punctuation of the 
elytra affords a ready differentiation. 

Section 2. 

Elytra with four dorsal spines. 

17. Catasarcus intermedius. 

Rather shortly ovate, black, with a few scales chiefly 
confined to the impressed portions ; head flat in front, but 
with three well-marked carinz, the median the longest, 
the others near the eye on each side ; prothorax rather 
short, scarcely rounded at the sides, irregularly tubercu- 
late, the posterior transverse groove nearly median ; scu- 
tellum indeterminate; elytra transversely grooved, the 
intervals coarsely tuberculate with shallow longitudinal 
impressions dividing them, post-humeral spine short, 
obtuse, posterior pair of spines rather small, slightly 
incurved, the median very small, conical, and more at 
the side than in front of the posterior, both pairs placed 
unusually far from the base ; body beneath, antenne, and 
legs, dark ferruginous-brown, the last with rather longer 
setaceous black hairs. 

Length 34-4 lines. 
Hab.—Champion Bay. 

The transverse grooves on the elytra are only a modi- 
fied form of punctuation, the punctures being broadly 
impressed and uniting at the sides. This species, in the 
smallness of its median and posterior spines, and their 
remoteness from the base of the elytra, may be consi- 
dered as forming a passage between the normal and the 
spine-bearing members of the genus. 

28 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 
ll. Catasarcus bellicosus. 

Ovate, black, nitid, with scattered grayish scales, chiefly 
in the impressed parts ; head flat in front, with four well- 
marked carine, and another, short but very distinct above, 
slightly descending into the middle groove, the grooves, 
as well as those on the rostrum, nearly without ‘scales: 
prothorax rather short, moderately rounded at the sides, 
not broader at the base than in the middle, irregularly 
tuberculate, the two transverse grooves very distinct; 
scutellum small, triangular ; elytra seriate-punctate, the 
punctures shallow, but here and there deeper at the sides, 
occasionally partially confluent, the intervals irregularly 
raised, but only shghtly tuberculate, post-humeral spme 
rather prolonged, conical, the median pair before the 
middle, and the posterior well developed ; body beneath 
black, with long hair-like, mostly scattered, scales; legs 
and antenne ferruginous, with dispersed setaceous hairs, 
the first joint of the funicle nearly twice as long as the 
second, the latter a little longer than the third. 

Length 3-44 lines. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

I have several specimens of this species, all with very 
few scales, or to the eye perfectly glabrous ; such is pro- 
bably, therefore, its normal condition. 

19. Catasareus echidna. 

Ovate, black, with grayish scales principally in the 
impressed parts; head and rostrum narrower than in 0. 
bellicosus, the carma near the eye well-marked, the 
intermediate broadly rounded; prothorax short, mo- 
derately transverse, obtusely tuberculate ; scutellum 
small, triangular; elytra subseriate-punctate, many of 
the punctures confluent, the spaces between them here 
and there raised in a transverse direction, others slightly 
tuberculate, post-humeral spine rather stout, black, the 
median and posterior glossy reddish ferruginous, the 
former preemedian, the latter more than twice as long and 
slightly recurved; body beneath black, with grayish 
scales ; legs pale reddish-brown, with a few minute scales 
only on the tibiz and tarsi, and with scattered sete ; an- 
tenn brownish, fumicle with the first joint twice as long 
as the second, which is not much longer than the third. 

Length 3{ lines. 

of the Genus Catasarcus. 29 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

Closely allied to C. bellicosus, but, owing to the more 
numerous scales, apparently very different. The head 
and rostrum are, however, narrower, and the grooves are 
well filled with rounded scales. 

20. Catasarcus araneus. 

Ovate, pitchy-brown, covered with numerous pale gray 
scales; head flat in front, two well-marked intermediate 
carinz, those at the sides commencing below the eyes; 
prothorax short, slightly rounded at the sides, broadest 
at the base, not tuberculate above, the two transverse 
grooves very distinct ; scutellum small, triangular ; elytra 
seriate-punctate, the punctures small, shallow and indis- 
tinctly limited, the intervals not tuberculate, post-humeral 
spine rather short, median and posterior spines moderate, 
the former preemedian ; body beneath closely covered with 
grayish scales; legs ferruginous, the scales more dis- 
persed, and mixed with blackish sete on the tibix; 
antenne ferruginous, the funicle, especially the first joint, 
shorter than usual. 

Length 34 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

There is no carina bordering the inner margin of the 
eye in this species. 

21. Catasarcus albuminosus. 

Oblong-ovate, yellowish-brown, the upper surface 
having a glairy appearance of a paler hue; head flattish 
in front, four oblong protuberances above the transverse 
sulcus, and in the cavity formed by the two central ones, a 
narrow well-marked carina, an oblong curved impression 
beneath the eye, the latter nearly round; prothorax 
short, moderately transverse, opaque, marked with two 
indistinct transverse grooves, the intervals impunctate 
and without tubercles; scutellum triangular, indetermi- 
nate; elytra striate-punctate, the punctures strongly 
impressed and gradually larger to between the posterior 
spines, those at the sides also larger and more or less 
Subquadrate, post-humeral spine sharply conical, the 
median and posterior longer and stouter than usual, 
the latter pair slightly recurved ; body beneath, blackish ; 
legs ferruginous, but clothed with dispersed grayish hair- 
hke scales; antenne glossy ferruginous, the club dull 
brownish, last five joints of the funicle ofnearly equal length. 

30 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

Length 3% lines. 
Hab.—Champion Bay. 

There is no appearance of scales on the upper surface 
of this species, which is a very remarkable one, on 
account of its smooth, somewhat varnished look, includ- 
ing also the spines. 

22. Catasarcus nitidulus. 

Moderately ovate, black, with scattered grayish scales ; 
head flat in front, three tolerably well-marked grooves 
above the transverse sulcus, bounded by four stout pro- 
minent carine, all covered, as well as the rostral grooves 
and carinee, with yellowish-gray scales; prothorax short, 
moderately transverse, well rounded at the sides, the 
apex much narrower than the base, obtusely tuberculate 
and partially glossy above, the sides and the two trans- 
verse grooves scaly; scutellum larger than usual, very 
distinct, triangular; elytra sulcate-punctate, the punc- 
tures small, filled with scales, the intervals raised, and 
forming close-set rows of glossy granuliform tubercles, 
post-humeral spine black, the median and _ posterior 
glossy brownish-red, the former scarcely a third so long 
as the latter, sides along the outer margin densely scaly, 
shoulders not broader than the base of the prothorax, 
produced into a stout obtuse conical tubercle; body be- 
neath, black, partially scaly; legs brownish-red, with 
much-scattered hair-like scales and sets; antenne red- 
dish-ferruginous, finely scaly, with a few black sete, 
club short, black, pubescent. 

Length 4 lines. 

Hab.—Swan River. 

This species may be considered as most allied to 
O. spinipennis, from which it will, however, be at once 
distinguished by its carinate front. 

23. Catasarcus humerosus. 

Stoutly ovate, black, with thinly set dull grayish scales ; 
head flattish in front, with four short moderately promi- 
nent carine, covered as well as the rostrum with small 
dispersed scales, among which are mixed long flattish 
setze ; rostrum narrower than the front; prothorax short, 

of the Genus Catasarcus. 31 

slightly rounded at the apex, the sides anteriorly moder- 
ately rounded, then straight to the base, the two trans- 
verse sulci broad and distinct, the rest not tuberculate ; 
scutellum indistinct ; elytra sulcate-punctate, the intervals 
transversely ridged, posteriorly the scales mixed with 
numerous small projecting sete, post-humeral spine large, 
median and posterior rather short, stout, shoulders much 
broader than the prothorax at the base, produced into a 
short sharp conical point; beneath, dull black, with small 
scales; legs reddish-brown or dark brown, with long 
scattered sete, some of them black, especially on the tibiz 
and tarsi; antenne dark ferruginous, the club darker, 
funicle moderately long, with a few black sete. 

Length 4-5 lines. 
Hab.—Western Australia. 

This appears to be a common species and pretty gene- 
rally distributed in Western Australia. It is in general 
appearance like CO. funereus, but more scaly, and with 
elytra that may almost be said to be transversely sulcate. 

24. Catasarcus funereus. 

Moderately ovate, black, with minute scattered grayish 
scales; head not longer than the rostrum, rather narrow 
and flattish in front, with four short tolerably well- 
marked carine directly above the transverse sulcus; 
prothorax twice as broad at the base as long, moderately 
rounded at the sides, sub-reticulately tubercled above; 
scutellum very small; elytra sulcate-punctate, the inter- 
vals strongly tuberculiform and slightly connected trans- 
versely, post-humeral spine elongate and acute, median 
spines rather remote from the suture, the posterior stout 
at the base and scarcely elongate, the shoulders pro- 
duced into a short porrect tubercle; body beneath, black, 
legs and antennz ferruginous, a few regularly arranged 
ochraceous scales on the femora. 

Length 5 lines. 
Hab.—Champion Bay. 
A dull blackish species like O. humerosus, but with a 

narrower head, a more rugose prothorax, and the tuber- 
culation of the elytra less, or only slightly, transverse. 


Mr. Pascoe’s Fevision 

25. Catasarcus spinipennis. 
Fahreeus, in Schénh. Curcul. v. 817. 

I have only been able to find one specimen to which I 
think the following of Fahreeus’s characters will apply— 
“ fronte depressa, rugosa, griseo-squamosa, v1x carinata,” 
as to the sides of the prothorax “ pone medium fere paral- 
lelis,’” and as to the elytra “striis in disco flexuosis ;” 
all the rest are characters either common to many species, 
or which may be expected to vary. 

26. COatasareus brevicollis. 

Oblong oval, glossy black, mostly covered with grayish- 
white scales; head flat in front, three well-marked grooves 
above, the outermost bounded by a slender carina between 
the eye and the transverse sulcus, the eyes oblong, some- 
what prominent; prothorax short, gradually broader to- 
wards the base, where it is twice or more as broad as 
long, granulately tuberculate above, the anterior trans- 
verse groove and sides densely covered with whitish 
scales ; scutellum indistinct; elytra sulcate-punctate, the 
intervals tuberculiform, and more glossy and prominent 
towards the base, the shoulders with a short tubercle, 
otherwise scarcely projecting beyond the prothorax, post- 
humeral spine stout, black, median and posterior glossy 
reddish-brown, stoutly conical, clothed with a few scat- 
tered black bristles ; body beneath, mostly covered with 
yellowish-gray scales; legs ferruginous, with small dis- 
persed scales, those on the femora hair-like; antennee 
slender, ferruginous, scaly, the club blackish, pubescent, 
funicle with the second joint much longer than the third. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

The outline of this species is more elliptic or oval than 
ovate, partly owing to the breadth of the prothorax near 
the base. 

27. Catasarcus marginispinis. 

Shortly ovate, pitchy, covered with approximate pale 
ashy scales; head broad and moderately convex in front, 
everywhere closely scaly, many of the scales fawn- 
coloured, with black recurved setz at intervals, no 

of the Genus Catasarcus. oo 

carine, but a short narrow median impression above the 
transverse sulcus; rostrum much narrower than the 
head, covered with scales; eyes rather large, narrow; 
prothorax moderately transverse, rounded at the sides, 
not tuberculate above, the two transverse grooves well 
marked at the sides, but nearly interrupted along the 
median line; scutellum very small, broadly triangular ; 
elytra subcordiform, subsulcate-punctate, the punctures 
round, with their interspaces elevated and somewhat 
tuberculiform, two minute tubercles on each side of the 
scutellum at the base, post-humeral spines small, slender, 
acute, the posterior. comparatively short, the median 
about half their size, all black, but partially covered with 
scales and with black sete; body beneath, pitchy, legs 
reddish, both pretty closely covered with ashy scales; 
antenne dark ferruginous, the scape and funicle very 
scaly, with a few long black sete here and there, the 
club dark brown, pubescent. 
Length 34 lies. 
Hab.—Champion Bay. 

This is a short thick species, like C. concretus, but with 
the elytra more cordiform. My specimen has two broad 
dark stripes on each side the median line of the pro- 
thorax, owing to the scales being very much scattered. 
The disposition of the scales on the spines gives the 
latter the appearance, when viewed under an ordinary 
lens, of being margined (with black) ; they are, how- 
ever, pretty regularly distributed. 

28. Catasareus capito. 

Oblong ovate, black, with scattered grayish scales, 
and partial lines and bars of chalky-white scales (under 
a strong lens of a pearly hue) ; head broad, convex in 
front, the vertex and a stripe in front of dark fawn- 
coloured scales, a narrow median groove above the trans- 
verse sulcus, no carina; rostrum shorter than the head ; 
prothorax moderately transverse, the sides slightly 
rounded, the base and apex of nearly equal breadth, 
a stripe in the middle and sides of chalky scales, the two 
transverse grooves distinct, the intervals not tubercu- 
late; scutellum narrowly triangular towards the apex; 
elytra more or less covered with sand-like exudations, 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—partT I. (MARCH.) D 

34 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

sulcate-punctate, the punctures rather large and shallow, 
the intervals tuberculiform, the suture and base marked 
with short chalky stripes becoming more patchy at 
the sides, the shoulders not produced and scarcely ex- 
tending beyond the base of the prothorax, post-humeral 
spine thick, obtuse, median and posterior short, stout, 
clothed with sparse grayish hairs, the posterior nearly 
twice the size of the median; body beneath, and legs, 
covered with white scales, but more sparingly on the 
legs, which are of a reddish colour; antennze dull ferru- 
ginous, funicle slender, club small and dark brown. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. ; 

This species has the elytra, especially posteriorly, 
sprinkled over with very small granules resembling fine 
sand, which gives them a roughish appearance. 

29. Catasarcus ochraceus. 

Moderately ovate, black, closely covered with small 
scales, mostly of a silvery gray, except on the elytra; 
head convex in front, with three shallow grooves con- 
verging at the transverse sulcus, and without any carina, 
rostrum with a narrow central carina, those at the sides 
rounded, both head and rostrum clothed with yellowish- 
gray scales, except the vertex and median stripe in front 
which are grayish-black; prothorax moderately trans- 
verse, equally rounded at the sides, the apex not much 
narrower than the base, short stiff sete scattered amongst 
the scales, which are mostly pale grayish when viewed 
under the lens, with a central stripe and a band in 
the anterior transverse groove at the sides, ochraceous ; 
scutellum transversely triangular; elytra rather strongly 
sulcate-punctate, the intervals tuberculate, densely covered 
with ochraceous scales, the sides from the post-humeral 
spine pale ashy, the median and posterior spines glossy 
reddish, the post-humeral long and black ; body beneath 
black, with pale scales having small punctiform spaces 
amongst them, in each of which is a longish seta; legs 
reddish, with pale grayish scales, accompanied with nu- 
merous black sete on the tibiz and tarsi; antenne slen- 
der, dark brown, with pale scales and black scattered 

Length 5 lines. 

of the Genus Catasarcus. 30 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

The elytra of this species are closely covered with scales 
of a clear ochre-yellow, except a broad abbreviated stripe 
of pale ashy at the side. The frontal grooves in this and 
some of the following species are almost obsolete, the 
middle one only showing itself as a sort of notch directly 
above the transverse sulcus. 

30. Catasarcus albisparsus. 

Moderately ovate, glossy black, with condensed patches 
of pure white scales; rostrum with four short stoutish 
ridges above the transverse sulcus; eyes oblong, pointed 
below, the lower border, and the cheeks, white; prothorax 
narrowly transverse, two broad irregular grooves on each 
side, the anterior one at the base filled in with a line of 
snowy scales, a similar line extending behind it; scutel- 
lum broadly triangular, depressed ; elytra seriate-punctate, 
the punctures large, more or less confluent transversely, 
the interspaces forming well-marked transverse ridges, 
which, however, disappear posteriorly, a short line on the 
suture, patches at the sides, and some of the punctures 
behind scaly white, the rest of the elytra glabrous, post- 
humeral spine straight, black, median and posterior pairs 
glossy reddish, the latter nearly as large and as long again 
as the former ; body beneath black, with pure white scales 
more or less interrupted, sides of the first abdominal seg- 
ment marked with a few black granules; legs reddish, 
femora with scattered hair-like scales, tibize and tarsi with 
dispersed white scales; antenne slender, ferruginous, 
nearly without scales, club dark brown. 

Length 4 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A pretty little species, well distinguished by its patches 
of chalky-white scales, contrasted, especially on the elytra, 
with the glabrous glossy black. 

31. Catasarcus carbo. 

Oblong ovate, black, subnitid, with whitish minute 
scales in the cavities; head convex in front, without 
carine, a short deep groove above the transverse sulcus, 
bounded on each side by a prominent tuberculiform 

pd 2 

36 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

process; eye perfectly round and prominent; prothorax 
rather narrow, rounded at the sides, contracted at the 
base, which is very little broader than the apex, irregu- 
larly ‘tuberculate above; scutellum small, triangular ; 
elytra sulcate-punctate, the punctures large, crowded, 
the intervals strongly tuberculiform, post-humeral spine 
short, obtuse, the posterior twice as large as the median, 
stout, straight, both pairs pitchy-brown ; body beneath, 
black, the two basal segments granulate ; legs dark fer- 
ruginous, clothed with a few grayish hairs; antenne 
ferruginous, the second joint of the funicle considerably 
longer than the third. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

The round prominent eye and the form of the pro- 
thorax afford a very trenchent diagnosis of this species. 
My specimen is probably somewhat worn, as the scales 
are unsymmetrically scattered on the two sides; except 
under a powerful lens, it appears to be almost glabrous. 

32. Catasarcus cicatricosus. 

Moderately ovate, black, with minute, more or less ap- 
proximate, gray scales; head rather narrow, moderately 
convex in front, a small central carina only, followed below 
by a narrow groove; rostrum as long as the head, scarcely 
narrower than the front between the eyes; prothorax 
slightly transverse, the sides rounded, the base scarcely 
broader than the apex, not tuberculate, nearly glabrous 
and glossy above, the two transverse sulci nearly equi- 
distant from each other and from the base and apex; 
scutellum indistinct; elytra covered above with gray 
or fawn-coloured scales, the side with a large oblong snowy 
white patch, above which and between the post-humeral 
and median spines is a large raised glabrous bifid scar-like 
mark, punctures above very small, those at the sides 
much larger, post-humeral spine black, long and slender, 
the median and posterior elongate, glossy reddish-ferru- 
ginous, the latter abouta third longer; body beneath, dark 
brown ; legs reddish, with whitish or silvery scales, more 
or less dispersed; antenne pitchy, moderately scaly, 
the second joint of the funicle two thirds as long as the 
basal, club dark brown, pubescent. 

Length 3} lines. 

of the Genus Catasarcus. 37 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

With the specimen from which the above description 
is taken, I associate, somewhat doubtfully, another more 
broadly ovate, with shorter rostrum, broader head, and 
posterior spines much shorter. They have both the raised _ 
blotch or mark which does not seem to occur again in 
any other species. 

30. Oatasarcus scordalus. 

Moderately ovate, black, thinly covered with very 
minute whitish scales; front of the head flat, longer than 
the rostrum, with five short but very distinct carne, the 
outermost between the eye and the transverse sulcus; 
prothorax nearly twice as broad at the base as long, 
rather remotely foveate, the intervals slightly irregular 
and finely punctured, the scales very few; scutellum 
very small; elytra sulcate-punctate, the intervals tuber- 
culiform, post-humeral spine reduced to a short thick 
tubercle, median and posterior rather small, widely apart 
on each side; body beneath, and legs, with few scales, 
the legs dull ferruginous; antenne dark ferruginous, 
the funicle slender. 

Length 44 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A black dullish-looking species, like C. funereus, but, 
inter alia, with more slender posterior spines, and the 
post-humeral a mere tubercle. 

34. Catasarcus ericius. 

Narrowly ovate, black, with whitish scales principally 
confined to the impressed parts; head flat in front, with 
four carine, and with the rostrum densely covered with 
whitish scales; prothorax short, the sides slightly 
rounded, nearly straight from the middle to the base, 
not tuberculate above; elytra sulcate-punctate, the in- 
tervals distinctly tuberculate, post-humeral spine small, 
black, the median and posterior pitchy, the former 
acutely conical and about half the size of the latter; 
body beneath, black, covered with elongate whitish 
scales mixed with others which are round and much 
smaller; legs andantenne brownish-ferruginous, thinly 
covered with whitish scales, the funicle with a few black- 
ish sete, club dark brown, pubescent. 

38 Mr. Pascoe’s Revision 

Length 34 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A small, rather narrow species, with comparatively 
slender posterior spines, and a prothorax without 

Section 3. 

Elytra with six or eight dorsal spines.* 

385. Catasarcus concretus. 

Shortly ovate, very convex, black, rather closely co- 
vered with fawn-coloured, mixed with white scales ; head 
a little prominent in front but flattish above, a narrow 
median groove below a slight depression beneath the eye, 
but deeper and distinctly triangular below the transverse 
sulcus; prothorax small, rounded at the sides anteriorly, 
transverse grooves nearly obsolete, a darkish stripe on 
each side, a paler intermediate one; scutellum small, 
triangular; elytra seriate-punctate, the intervals here and 
there tuberculate, post-humeral spine stoutly conical, 
median and posterior spines rather short and stout, the 
latter not much larger than the former, in a longitudinal 
line with the median, and a little anterior to it, is another 
short thick spine; body beneath, with closely set scales ; 
lees ferruginous, with the scales more dispersed and 
mingled with numerous black setaceous hairs; antennz 
ferruginous, scaly, club dark brown. 

Length 4 lines. 


A short convex species, readily known by its addi- 
tional pair of medilateral spines, and by the absence of 
the basal spines (2, ?), which all the following possess. 

36. Catasarcus trapa. 

Pitchy-brown, rather thinly covered with pale grayish 
scales, but under the lens of a pale roseate hue; head 
nearly as in OC. tribulus (post, p. 40); prothorax about 
a fourth broader than long, tolerably well rounded at 
the sides, very rugosely tuberculate ; scutellum small, 
distinct, nearly equilaterally triangular; elytra rather 

* Perhaps this applies to the male sex only. Mr. Fry has a female 

specimen, evidently belonging to one of the species of this section, which 
is without the basal spines. 


of the Genus Catasarcus. 39 

more convex, sulcate-punctate, the two rows out- 
side the median and posterior spines with much smaller 
but with well-limited punctures, the mterspaces above 
conically tuberculate, the tubercules, in general, small, 
post-humeral and basal spines nearly equal, the medi- 
lateral much the smallest of any; body beneath, legs, and 
antenne reddish-pitchy, funicle elongate, the four penul- 
timate joints gradually shorter, club unicolorous. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A rather dull-looking species, with smaller spines and 
the elytra more convex than usual. 

37. Catasarcus furfuraceus. 

Oblong ovate, pitchy, rather closely covered with opa- 
que umber-brown scales, relieved on the elytra by paler 
or whitish lines, and thickly sprinkled above with an 
exudation of small sand-like grains; head as in C. tribulus 
(post, p. 40); prothorax slightly transverse, a little 
rounded at the sides, subtuberculate, but densely scaly 
above; scutellum indistinct; elytra subsulcate-punctate, 
the punctures more determinate at the sides, the second 
interspace from the suture with a row of conical tubercles, 
two or three only (but which are much larger) on the 
third interspace, a few also of small size in front of the 
basal spine, the basal post-humeral and medilateral spines 
of nearly equal size, the posterior much larger than the 
median, two or three short indeterminate white lines at 
the sides anteriorly; body beneath, and legs, closely 
covered with fawn-coloured scales, sprinkled with white ; 
antennze with scattered whitish scales, the funicle slender, 
club dark brown. 

Length 5} lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

Under a good lens, this species looks as if it had been 
sprinkled with a fine sand; which does not appear to be 
soluble in water, but breaks up readily under a little 

38. Oatasareus lepidus. 

Oblong ovate, black, closely covered on the raised 
portions with fawn-coloured scales, intermingled with 

4.0 Mr. Pascoe on Cutasareus. 

whitish on the head and prothorax, and on the elytra with 
lines of pearly white, having a slightly roseate tint; head 
nearly as in C. tribulus ; prothorax moderately transverse, 
the sides slightly rounded, deeply scored above by short 
irregular lines, having a reticulate appearance; scutellum 
small, triangular; elytra strongly sulcate-punctate, the 
third and fourth interspace on the anterior half with eight 
or ten conical tubercles, some deeply bifid, no tubercle at 
the shoulders, the base not broader than the base of the 
prothorax, post-humeral spine moderately conical, basal 
and medilateral equal, the posterior twice as large as the 
median, all dark glossy brown; body beneath, and legs, 
closely covered with white scales, sprinkled with fawn, 
the legs with numerous black sete ; antennee dark brown, 
scaly and setiferous, club dark brown, pubescent. 

Length 5 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A pretty species, the black rows of punctures on the ely- 
tra contrasting agreeably with the lighter lines of scales. 

39. Oatasarcus tribulus. 

Black, with somewhat dispersed scales, smoke-coloured 
and white, the latter condensed in lines on the elytra; 
front of the head convex, shorter than the rostrum, a 
narrow deep central groove; prothorax moderately trans- 
verse, rounded at the sides, roughly tuberculate above ; 
scutellum small, covered with white scales; elytra rather 
more convex, strongly sulcate-punctate, the intervals 
between the dorsal spines with several stout conical 
tubercles, as well as a line of smaller tubercles between 
the suture and first row of punctures, the post-humeral me- 
dilateral and basal spines nearly of equal size, the me- 
dian and posterior pair larger and nearly equal, the 
shoulder produced into a short conical porrect tubercle, 
the white lines confined to the anterior half, and princi- 
pally at the sides; body beneath, and legs, with whitish 
scales; antenne reddish-pitchy, funicle long, the basal 
joint nearly twice as long as the second. 

Length 54 lines. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

This is the only species known to me with a line of 
tubercles close to the suture. 


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(41 ) 

IV. The genera of Coleoptera studied chronologically 
(1735-1801). By G. R. Crorcu, M.A. 

[Read 3rd January, 1870.] 

Havine been engaged for some time in the preparation of 
a complete list of the genera proposed in Zoology, com- 
mencing naturally with the Entomological ones, I was 
very glad to see in the “‘ Proceedings,” a report of the 
interesting discussion on Mr. Kirby’s paper (Proc. Ent. 
Soc. 1868, p. xlii). With Mr. Dunning’s note (pp. xlv- 
xlviii) I agree entirely, and it has been suggested to me, 
that a brief sketch of my work, so far as relates to the 
Coleoptera, might not be uninteresting. All exact refer- 
ences, etc., are omitted, to appear in the work itself. 

A genus appears to me to consist of but one species neces- 
sarily, viz. its type; round which we arbitrarily group any 
number of others, which may be removed at pleasure ; it 
is therefore defined, not so much by characters, which vary 
with our knowledge, but by the selection ofa type-species ; 
from which I argue, that genera proposed in Catalogues, 
on previously described species, are entitled to priority. 
Itis certainly far less productive of confusion, that a num- 
ber of genera should be published, as in Dejean’s Cata- 
logue, with their species, than as in Latreille’s ‘‘ Précis,” 
with their characters only. 

In tracing the types of the various genera, I find that 
Linnzeus apparently had no idea of types, and that his 
genera varied considerably in their extent. I have traced 
them from the first edition of the Systema Nature in 1735, | 
which is, I think, the only consistent starting point, 
though possibly not the most desirable one; but certainly 
Linneus and his contemporaries -date the introduction 
of genera from that work, and in the tenth edition he 
mentions expressly, as a novel feature, that he now intro- 
duces trivial names also; (they had, however, been em- 
ployed for five or six years in his various dissertations, 
etc.). It is, nevertheless, unfortunate that he should 
have changed his opinions as he did. Geoffroy, in 1762, 
seems to have had a clear conception of types, figuring 
the typical species always, as did also Scheeffer four years 
later, adding rough dissections; these authors, therefore, 
settle most of the Linnean genera. Fabricius never 

TRANS. ENT. soc, 1870.—PaRT I. - (MARCH.) 

42 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

gave any types (except a few in the Lntomologia Syste- 
matica emendata) till his final work; where he generally 
gives the dissection of some one species. Olivier 
figures the typical species, with its details, in all cases, 
thus defining many Fabrician genera; unfortunately, he 
has two or three types in the larger genera. Latreille, 
however, with that breadth of view which distinguished 
him, at once saw that the mere multiplication of species 
had gone far enough, and in 1802 re-defined the existing 
genera, and added the typical species; this was still 
more marked in his fourth revision, or “ Considérations 
Générales,’ in which he gives a simple list of genera, 
with the type species added. I would only mention 
further, that the utmost laxity prevails in the citations 
of genera, the references being singularly inexact im 
point of date; Agassiz’s Nomenclator, perhaps the most 
careful work of the kind, has several hundred inaccu- 
racies in the Ooleoptera alone, the various works of 
Latreille being an especial stumbling-block. 

1735. lLinneeus in the first edition of his Systema 
Nature, gives twenty-three genera of Coleoptera, one other 
(Lampyris) being placed in the Hemiptera. 

The principal species is generally indicated, but that 
this is not to be relied on, is shown by the list of Swedish 
species published in the following year, in the “ Acta 
Upsaliensia,” where their complete heterogeneity is mani- 
fest. The genera now founded are, Blatta (Blaps morti- 
saga), Dytiscus, Meloe, Forficula (including Staphylinus) = 
Notopeda (Alaus oculatus), Mordella, Cureulio (no type), 
Buceros (Oryctes nasicornis) , Lucanus, Scarabeeus (includ- 
ing Dermestes), Dermestes (Necrophorus vespillo) , Cassida, 
Chrysomela, Coccionella, Gyrinus, (including Haltiea), Ne- 
eydalis (Clerus formicarius) , Attelabus (Tenebrio molitor) , 
Cantharis (C. vesicatoria), Carabus, Cicindela (Buprestis 
mariana), Leptura, Cerambyx, Buprestis. 

Now on elucidating these further by the Hlenchus ani- — 
malium, we find Dermestes including D. lardarius, as it 
clearly ought to do, being an old name of Goedart’s for 
that species. Necydalis is a magazine, including Rhagium, 
Clerus, Panugeus and Attelabus coryli. Attelabus is almost 
worse, since besides J'enebrio it includes Spondylis, one 
Hlater, and three Chrysomele. Cicindela includes the 
modern Cicindela and Buprestis. Buprestis consists of 
Carabus and Callidiwin. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 43 

1740. In the second edition the order of the genera 
is entirely altered; Lucanus and Buceros are merged in 
Scarabeus; in the Henviptera, Staphylinus is used for the 
modern Blatia, despite the fact that Ray’s Staphylinus 
was our Ocypus olens. 

1747. In the sixth edition, Gyrinus and Lampyris are 
further suppressed, Hlater supplants Notopeda, and T'ene- 
briois proposed for the original Blatta (the modern Blaps) , 
a signification it long retained. Necydalis is now used 
for N. minor; Buprestis is transferred to the modern 
genus, plus Spondylis buprestoides ; Staphylinus is used 
in the original sense of Ray. 

1758. In the tenth edition only two genera are added, 
Hister and Silpha. 

1762. Geoffroy, in his Histoire abrégée, divides the 
Coleoptera into fifty genera, displaying a degree of acu- 
men far in advance of his age, which was but little 
appreciated by his contemporaries; the ill-concealed 
jealousy of Linnzeus is only too evident in his twelfth 
edition. Olivier and Latreille succeeded in restoring 
the majority of Geoffroy’s names, but there are still 
several which must be adopted. The new genera are— 

Platycerus (Lucanus cervus), Ptilinus, Copris, Attelabus 
(=Hister, L.), Byrrhus (Anobium domesticum), Anthre- 
nus, Cistela (Byrrhus pilula), Peltis (=Silpha), Cucujus 
(=Buprestis, L.), || Buprestis (=Carabus, L.), Bruchus 
(Ptinus fur), || Crieindela (Telephorus fuscus), Omalisus, 
Aydrophilus (H. piceus), Melolontha (Clytra 4-puncta- 
ta), Prionus, Stenocorus (Leptura meridiana), Luperus 
[Lyperus|, Oryptocephalus, Crioceris (CO. 12-punctata), 
Altica (Podagrica fuscipes), Galeruca (G. tanaceti), My- 
labris (Bruchus pisi), Rhinomacer, Bostrichus (B. capu- 
cinus), Clerus (OC. apiarius), Anthribus (Brach. scabrosus) , 
Scolytus, Anaspis, Tritoma (Mycetophagus 4-pustulatus) , 
Diaperis, Pyrochroa, Notoxus, Cerocoma. 

He also defines certain Linnean genera as follows :— 
Tenebrio (Asida rugosa), Cureulio* (Oleonus nebulosus) , 
Staphylinus (Ocypus olens) , Cerambya (C. alpinus), Peltis 
(Stlpha 4-punctata), Cucujus (Buprestis rustica), Hlater 
(Ludius ferrugineus), Buprestis (Carabus auratus) , Chry- 

* This was kept for Cleonws by Fabricius and Germar, and ought to be 

A Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

somela (O. sanguinolenta), Cantharis (C. vesicatoria), 
Necydalis (Malthodes sanguinolentus). These are all cor- 
rect except T'enebrio (where Geoffroy’s type was unknown 
to Linnzeus), and Necydalis. Platycerus and Peltis, often 
attributed to Geofiroy, must either be rejected as syno- 
nyms, or, if allowed to remain, be quoted from Latreille 
and Illiger, who revived them. ‘The others ought to be 
all retained. 

1763. Scopoli proposes the genus Laria for Bruchus 
pst and Pria dulcamare. 

1766. Scheeffer, in his Hlementa, proposes Telephorus 
for Cicindela of Geoffroy. 

1767. Linneus, in his twelfth edition, proposes one 
new genus, Hispa (H. atra). He also revives Lucanus, 
Gyrinus and Lampyris from the first edition, and selects 
three of Geoffroy’s 28 new genera to be retained, 
carefully altering the names even of these,viz., Ptinus, 
which includes Byrrhus and Bruchus of Geoffroy (Byrrhus 
being the type, as is apparent from the characters given) ; 
Byrrhus, which includes Anthrenus and Oistela of Geoffroy 
(Anthrenus being the type); and Bruchus, which is equal 
to Mylabris of Geoffroy. It would be difficult to imagme 
a more complete confusion than was caused by this pro- 

cedure, and it only required Fabricius to give a third | 

meaning to Byrrhus and Ptinus to render it perfect. 

1772. Pallas, in his Spicilegia, proposed the genus Lig- 
niperda, to include Bostrichus capucinus and typographus. 

1774. De Geer, in his Mémoires (vol. iv.), proposed two 
new genera, both of which were rejected by Fabricius, 
and then re-created under other names. Attempts have 
been made to restore De Geer’s names, but, as yet, with- 
out success. The two are, Colliwris (Casnonia pennsyl- 
vanica), and Ips (Tomicus typographus). Brullé restored 
the first, and Marsham the last. 

1775. Linneus, in his last publication, the Biga In- 
sectorum, founded the genus Paussus. 

Fabricius, in the Systema Entomologie, raised the 
number of genera to eighty-three, but if he had attended 
more to the labours of his predecessors, the nomenclature 
would not now be in an almost hopeless state of em- 
barrassment. He rarely gives types, which are chosen 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. AS 

here from Olivier and Latreille. For example, he takes 
up the name Byrrhus from Geoffroy, and applies it 
to Cistela, Geoff., the Byrrhus of Linnzus being an 
Anthrenus. One could imagine he had never seen 
Geoffroy’s work, since he cites his description and figure 
of Mycetophagus 4-pustulatus as a synonym to T'rigoma 
bipustulata, F., and his description of Byrrhus pilula to 
Dascylus cervinus. In all, he adds 39 genera— 

Trox, || Melolontha [nec Geoff.], Trichius, Cetonia, 
Apate (A. ‘muricata), Melyris, Anobium [= Byrrhus, 
Geoff., Ptinus, Linn.], || Byrrhus [nee Geofi.; = Cistela, 
Geoff. ], t Ptinus [nec Linn., = Bruchus, Geoff.] , Hlophorus, 
Spheridium, ¢ Tritoma [nec Geoff.], Nicrophorus, Opa- 
trum, Nitidula, Alurnus, || Cistela [nec Geoff.], Hrotylus 
(#. fasciatus, F., 1801), Lagria, Zygia, Zonitis, Apalus, 
| Spondylis, Lamia (L. textor, Oliv.), Calopus, Rhagiwm, 
Saperda (S. populnea, Oliv.), Callidium (C. sanguineum, 
Oliv.), Donacia, Lymexylon, || Cucujus [nec Geoff.], 
Malachius, + Necydalis [nec Linn., =Cidemera, Oliv.], 
Elaphrus, Scarites, Sepidium, Pimelia, Scaurus, Blaps, 
Helops, Hrodius, Lytta [=Cantharis, Linn.], || Mylabris 

[nec Geoff.], Oxyporus, Pcederus. 

1777. Scheffer, in his Appendix, adds four genera, 
Buprestoides [= Melasis, Oliv.], Cleroides (Clerus formi- 
carius), Dermestoides (Orthopleura sanguinicollis), Elater- 
oides [ =Hylocoetus|. Of these, the first is inadmissible ; 
the others should be retained. 

Fabricius, in his Genera Insectorwm, adds no new genera, 
but adopting the name + Ips from De Geer, proceeds to 
apply it to a curious mixture of Nitidula, Hingis, etc. The 
generic character given is still more embarrassing, as he 
says that they live in carcases. 

Scopoli, in his Introductio, adds the genus Lethrus for 
Scarabeeus cephalotes, and in the Appendix he also adds 
Gibbium for a new species of Ptinus, Fab. 

1778. Czempinski, in his Dissertatio inauguralis, also 
forms the last mentioned genus, under the name Scotias. 

De Geer, in the seventh volume of his Mémoires, forms 
the genus Antipus, now regarded as a Clytra. 

1781. Fabricius, in the Species Insectorum, adds the 
genus Manticora. 

46 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

Pallas, in the first fasciculus of the Icones, proposes 
Mylaris for Tenebrio gigas, L.; and Silphoides for Scara- 
beus sabulosus [= Tow, Fab.]. 

Laicharting, in the first volume of the Verzeichniss, 
re-names three genera, Ostoma [= Nitidula, Fab.], Cly- 
tra [= Melolontha, Geoff.], Adimonia [= Galeruca,Geoff. }. 
It is the custom to use this last name for Galeruca ta- 
naceti, etc., but that is the type of Geoffroy’s genus, of 
which Adimonia is a mere synonym. 

Acharius, in the Acta Holmiensia, founds the genus 
Bulbocerus [= Lethrus, Scop.]. 

1783. Herbst, in his Verzeichniss, proposes two new 
genera, but the names of both were pre-occupied, || Der- 
mestoides [=Lyctus, Fab.], and || Silphoides |= Myceto- 
phagus, Hellw., Tritoma, Geoff. ]. 

Piller, in the Iter per Poseganam, indicates four genera, 
three of which should be employed: Meloides [ = Cerocoma, 
Geoff.], Denticollis [=Campylus, Fisch.], Corticeus, 
[ = Hypophleus, Fabr. |, Tenebrioides (T’. mauritanica, Lin., 
complanata, Pill.). This last is very useful, as T’rogosita, 
Oliv., is always used wrongly, his type being 7’. cerulea, 
and consequently being co-extensive with Temnochila, 

1784. lLaicharting, in his second volume, adds the 
genus Clytus for Callidiwm arcuatum, etc. 

Hellenius, in the Acta Holmiensia, proposes anew genus, 
Serropalpus (S. striatus) . 

Herbst, in his Mantissa, proposes Lepturoides { = Denti- 
collis, Pill., Campylus, Fisch.], and Pterophorus [ = Lym- 

Hochenwarth, in his Beitriige, indicates by name only 
the genus Olunipes [= Lethrus, Scop.]. 

1787. Fabricius, in the Mantissa, proposes three new 
genera, Brentus, Lycus (L. latissima, ete.), and Horia. 
Olivier, in characterizing Lycus, took Dictyoptera san- 
guinea for the type, a species not in the Fabrician genus, 
which should be kept for L. latissima. He also (and in 
this he was followed by Fabricius) re-modelled Horia 
upon H. maculata, a species likewise unknown at the 
date of the foundation of the genus, which must have for 
its type H. testacea, and thus = Cissites, Latr. 

Thunberg, in the Musewm Upsaliense, proposes Hydrous 
for H. piceus [= Hydrophilus, Geoff.]. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 47 

1788. Swederus, in the Acta, Holmiensia, defines the 
genus Cerapterus. 

1789. Thunberg, in his Periculum EHntomologicum, 
describes three genera, Auchenia [= Crioceris, Geoff.], 
Hurychora (EH. ciliata), and Calolymus [= Lymeaylon, 
Fab. ]. 

Olivier, in the fourth volume of the Hncyclopédie, 
describes Brachycerus and Macrocephalus. He also, in 

the first volume of his Hntomologie, describes the genus 

1790. Fabricius, in the first volume of the Danish 
Skrivter, describes six so-called new genera, of which 
two are merely appropriated from Geoffroy : || Ligniperda 
[nee Pallas, =Sinodendron, Hellw.|, Tetratoma, Diaperis 
[Geoffroy], Anthribus [Geoffroy], || Scolytus [nec Geof- 
froy, = Hpactius, Schn., Omophron, Latr.|, Hypophleus 
[= Corticeus, Pill.]. He selects A. albinus as a type of 
Anthribus, but it was not known at all by Geoffroy. 

Preyssler, in his Verzeichniss, figures the genus 

Olivier, in the second volume of his Hntomologie, adds 
six genera: T’rogossita (T'. cerulea), Scaphidium, Tillus, 
Drilus, Melasis, Cebrio. t+ Ips is here used for the family 

Scriba, in his Jowrnal, forms the genus Valgus. 

1791. Olivier, in the sixth volume of the Encyclopédie, 
describes the genus Dryops (type D. auriculatus) , being 
thus a clear year in advance of Fabricius. 

Schneider, in his Magazin, proposes several genera in 
the notes. Platystomus (Curculio albinus and latirostris) , 
Epactius [Scolytus, Fab., nec Geoff.], Rhynchites (R. 
Bacchus, etc.). 

1792. Bosc,in the Journal d’Histoire Naturelle, forms 
the genus Ripiphorus on R. subdipterus. Why this name 
has been transferred to R. paradoxus or R. flabellatus it 
is difficult to see; those species must retain the names 
Meteecus and Emmenadia respectively, and Myodites will 

Olivier, in the third volume of his Entomologie, adds 
only two genera, Cossyphus and Gidemera. The type of 

48 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

(@demera is unquestionably O. femorata, and the modern 
(demera of Schmidt should be re-named. Serropalpus 
is here described from Melandrya canaliculata. 

Fabricius, in the Actes dela Societé d’ Histoire Naturelle 
de Paris, describes several genera, some of which are 
quoted from his previous paper; many misprints appear 
to occur ; the two new ones are Cylonium and Lygdus, 
afterwards altered to Colydiwm and Lyctus. 

Fabricius, in the first volume of his Pntomologia systema- 
tica, adds the genera Parnus [=Dryops, Oliv.], and 
Heterocerus. The latter is quoted from Bosc, who how- 
ever has nowhere described it. 

Hellwig, in Schneider’s Magazin, characterizes Myceto- 
phagus and Synchyta, the last bemg a name given to 
include three genera which he had formerly separated, 
and hence having no type. 

Kugelann, in the same work, proposes the genus Ser- 
rocerus [= Dorcatoma, Herbst]. 

Schneider, also in the same work, proposes || Hlater- 
oides for Hallomenus humeralis, and || Pentatoma for Liodes 
humeralis ; both names were, however, pre-occupied. 

Herbst, in the fourth volume of his Natwrsystem, des- 
cribes seven new genera: Megatoma, Dorkatoma (D. dres- 
densis), Pselaphus, Korynetes (K. violaceus), T'richodes 
[=Clerus, Geoff.], Kryptophagus (Triplax cenea), and 
|| Strongylus. Of these Strongylus was pre-occupied ; 
Megatoma was founded on a male character only, and 
had no type; Latreille accepted it, and changed the 
name to Attagenus (type A. undatus), then (1810) he 
formed it into a separate genus (type M. serra). Corynetes 
is identical with Necrobia, and does not include the C. ceru- 
leus, De Geer. Cryptophagus is clearly formed on T'riplaw 
cenea, and has only two of the modern genus Cryptopha- 
gus in it, together with other forms; Paykull, who next 
defined the genus, gives the dissections from T’riphyllus 

1793. Herbst, in the fifth volume, continues to esta- 
blish eight new genera. Latridius (L. longicornis), 
Kateretes (K. ater), Ryzophagus, Monotoma (M. striata), 
Bitoma (B. unipunctata), LPecoptogaster [= Scolytus, 
Geoff.], Platypus, and Triplaw. Latridius is certainly 

ae le” oo 

| Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 49 

formed on a Oorticaria, Cateretes on an Atomaria, Mono- 
toma is our modern Synchyta as is clear from Hellwig’s 
paper, and Bitoma = Lyctus. 

_ Fabricius, in the second volume of his Entomologia, 
adds five genera: Sagra, t Dryops [nec Oliv.], Passalus, 
Molorchus (M. major), and Upis. Colydiwm and Lyctus 
are only alterations from Cylonium aud Lygdus, The type 
of Colydium is, however, Aulonium suleatum, and not 
CO. elongatum,  Lyctus is heterogeneous, and has. no 

1794, Fabricius, in the Appendix to the same work, 
gives a new genus Cychrus, with erroneous characters. 

Panzer, in his Fauna, briefly describes the genus Hal- 
lomenus (H. humeralis) . 

Kugelann, in Schneider’s Magazin, describes seven new 
genera: Triaagus, || Volvowis, Cychramus, Scymnus, 
Brachypterus, Hydrena, and Bryaxis. The first of these 
has been used for Vhroscus, but a comparison of his 
description will show that he rather meant PByturus. 
Bryaxis is rather Bythinus, Leach, than anything else. 

1795. Herbst, in his sixth volume, describes Rhynco- 
phorus (R. palmarum). 

Olivier, in the fourth volume of his Hntomologie, de- 
scribes Necrobia (type N. violacea = coerulea, De G.). 
Hence Corynetes and Necrobia have been just reversed. 

Hellwig, in his edition of the Fauna Htrusca, defines 
Endomychus, Rhynchites, Ptomaphagus (P. sericeus) , Boli- 
tophagus (B. agricola). Thus Ptomaphagus is the earliest 
of the four names applied to Catops. 

1796. Latreille, in the first of his works, the Précis des 
Caracteres Génériques, enumerates 148 genera, twenty-one 
being new: Geotrupes, Proteinus, Dacne (Hngis humeralis) , 
Choleva [= Ptomaphagus, Hellw.], Orthocerus, Lle- 
dona |= Bolitophagus, Hellw.], Pedinus, Letodes (Anis. 
picea, Ill.), Cnodalon, Pytho, Throscus, Dascillus, Hlodes 
(EH. pallidus), Uleiota, Cis, Phloiotribus, Cereus [ = Brach- 
ypterus, Kugel.], Byturus [Trivagus, Kugel.], Lesteva, 
Drypta, and Stenus. Dacne ought to be kept for Hingis ; 
Pedinus is founded on Crypticus quisquilius, which is left 
as the type in his two succeeding works; Bytwrus is at 
least as bad as Kugelann’s genus, for he includes Meli- 
gethes in it. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—PaRTI. (MARCH.) E 

50 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

1797. Andersch, in Hoppe’s Taschenbuch, proposes 
the name Boleticola for Silpha grossa, etc., which must 
be accepted. 

Herbst, in his seventh volume, adds Apion, Psoa, Kolon, 
and Boros. 

Thunberg, in the Acta Holmiensia, characterizes Cordyle 
[ = Rhynchophorus, Herbst]. 

1798. Clairville, in the Hntomologie Helvétique, pro- 
ceeds to subdivide Cwrculio into several genera, viz., 
Cossonus, Calandra (C. granaria), Cionus (C. blattarie) , 
Rhynchenus (R. xylostei), Ramphus, Platyrhinus, Mye- 
terus. Of these, all are retained except Rhynchenus, 
which, however, must be, if priority is to be observed. 
Rhinomacer he defines from Apion frwmentarium, and 
Anthribus from Salpingus ruficollis. 

Fabricius, in his Supplementum, adds four genera, t Geo- 
trupes [nec Latreille], Onitis (O. clinias, Sturm), Lema 
(L. merdigera, F., 1801), and Dircea (L. barbatum, F., 
1801). Healso givesas his own, Hndomychus (Hellwig) 
and Clytra (Laicharting). Lema is co-extensive with 
Crioceris, Geoff., and Dirccea identical with Serropalpus, 

Illiger, in the Verzeichniss der Kifer Preussens, gives 
really tangible generic characters. The new genera are 
Oryctes [= Buceros, L.], Aphodius (A. fossor) , Anisotoma 
(A. glabra and humeralis) , Agathidium (= Volvowis, Kug.), 
Sarrotrium { = Orthocerus, Latr.],and Spercheus (Kugel.). 
Anisotoma and Leiodes are interchanged by Erichson, 
and should be reversed. He proposed to use Peltis for 
Silpha grossa ; Latreille (1803) objecting to this, pro- 
posed T’hymalus. Kugelann appears to have had clearer 
ideas about the Melandryade than most people of his 
time, and proposed Brontes for Serropalpus levigatus 
[| =Dircea, Muls., Hypulus, Payk.] and Mystawis for S. 
dubius and bifasciatus [= Hypulus, Muls.]. 

Paykull, in the first volume of his Fauna, forms five 
new genera, the types being carefully indicated: Oda- 
cantha, Xylita (X. buprestoides, Fab.), Hypulus (H. 
4-quttatus), Anthicus (A. monoceros), Catops (C. sericea). 
Hypulus is evidently Direeea, Muls. (nec Fabr.) and 
Brontes, Kugel., hence Hypulus, Muls., might take 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 51 

Kugelann’s name Mystaxis. Anthicus = Notoxus, Geoff., 
and Catops=Ptomaphagus, Hellw. 

Schrank, in his Fauna Boica, proposes four genera, 
Pilularius [= Copris], Involvulus |= Rhynchites], Salius 
[= Rhynchenus = Orchestes], Gymnopterion [= Mo- 
lorchus ]. 

1799. Creutzer, in the Lntomologische Versuche, char- 
acterizes Actinophorus from A. sacer, etc., in which he was 
followed by Sturm, and has two years priority over 
Weber. He also proposes Orchestes for Ryncheenus, Clairv., 
and states that the MS. name Pedetes was likewise in 
use for it. 

Cuvier, in his Tableau Elémentaire, proposes the genus 
Platycephalus [| = Aphodius]. 

Herbst, in his eighth volume, adds three genera, Akis, 
Machla and Stenosis. 

Frohlich, in the Naturforscher, defines five generaas new, 
but his paper not being published for some years, he was 
preceded by others: Leistus, Lithophilus, Agyrtes, || Lupe- 
rus [=Ptomaphagus|, || Adimonia [=Dascylus, Latr.]. 

Paykull, in his second volume, adds || Helodes [nec 
Latreille], Atopa [=Dascylus, Latr.], Cyphon [ =LHlodes, 
Latr.], and Dasytes (D. niger). 

1800. Paykull, in his third volume, further adds Engis 
[=Dacne, Latr.], and Phalacrus (P. coruscus) . 

1801. Fabricius, in his final work, the Systema Eleuth- 
eratorum, adds a number of new genera, for the most 
part with their types indicated: Chelonariwm, Platynotus, 
Melandrya, Galerita, Agra, || Hydrachna, Imatidium, 
Adorium [= Oides, Weber], Colaspis, Aegithus, Allecula, 
Cupes, || Brontes [= Uleiota, Latr.], Trachys, Msalus, 
Gnoma, Megalopus, Hylesinus, Lixus. He also uses 
+ Rhyncheenus (nee Clairv.) and t Collyris (nec De Geer). 

Weber, in his Observationes, characterizes at length 
eight genera: Atewchus [= Actinophorus], Anthia, Tachy- 
pus [=Carabus], Calosoma, Brachinus, Oides, Humolpus, 
Humorphus. Fabricius changed Ozdes into Adoriwm, but 
without giving any reason. 

Lamarck, in his Systeme, proposes Coliathus for Scara- 
beus Goliathus [= Hegemon, Harris]. 

E 2 

52 Mr. G. R. Crotch on Coleoptera. 

Knoch, in his Newe Beytrige, defines three new genera, 
Cremastocheilus, Chlamys, and Sandalus. 

Brongniart, in the Bulletin de la Société Philomathique, 
describes the genus Dasycerus. 

Palisot de Beauvois, in the Magasin Encyclopédique, 
describes the genus Atractocerus. 

In accordance with the practice of Dr. Leconte, the 
sign || is prefixed to the names of genera previously 
occupied, and the sign + to names quoted erroneously 
from earlier authors, 

Nore.—I may refer here to a recent work of Mr. 
Thorell’s on European spiders (Nov. Act. Ups. vii. 1.), in 
which he examines the question of nomenclature at some 
length. He shows that the trivial name was instituted by 
Linneeus in his Philosophia Botanica (1751), which date he 
accordingly recognizes; and for genera he adopts Sunde- 
vall’s view, that the first edition of the Systema Nature 
(1735) must be recognized, “as being that in which for 
the first time real genera are arranged and defined con- 
sistently throughout the animal kingdom.” In discuss- 
ing the minor points, he considers that a name, if sunk 
as a synonym, does not become therefore free, but may 
only be used for a subdivision of the same genus. He 
admits also certain degrees of emendation of badly formed 
names, protesting altogether against hybrids and ana- 
grams. Altogether the paper shows that a real study of 
nomenclature is gradually being inaugurated, 

( 53 ) 

V. A Revised Catalogue of the Lucanoid Coleoptera ; 
with Remarks on the Nomenclature, and Descrip- 
tions of New Species. 

By Major F. J. Sipney Parry, F.L.8., V.-P. Ent. Soc. 

{Read 7th. June, 1869, and 7th February, 1870.] 

Sincz the publication, nearly six years ago, in the Society’s 
Transactions (third series, vol. 11. p. 1) of my Catalogue 
of this interesting group, fresh material has become avail- 
able for correcting certain errors contained therein, and 
affords the opportunity of offering a few remarks upon 
those new species which have up to the present period 
fallen under my notice, and of recording those changes 
which it now appears to me expedient to carry out. 

Certain of these proposed alterations, especially in the 
nomenclature of species, have already been recently pub- 
lished by Dr. Gemminger and Baron H. von Harold 
(Catalogus Coleopterorum, vol. ii, 1869), to whom I had 
much pleasure in imparting such information as was in 
my power to offer. I think, however, that a fuller state- 
ment, and more diffuse remarks respecting these altera- 
tions, will not be inappropriate; leading, as I trust they 
may hereafter, to more valuable results in regard to the 
systematic arrangement, both of genera and species. 

It may be advantageous briefly to particularise the 
statistical differences existing between my publication in 
1864, and the “Catalogus Coleopterorum,” for the pro- 
duction of which HEntomologists are much indebted; I 
think, however, it is to be regretted, that the alphabetical 
arrangement of species was adopted; and moreover, a 
concentration of genera has in some instances been made, 
which is not in my opinion quite warranted. 

The following is a list of thirty-three names, not in- 
cluded as species in my former Catalogue, which are 
enumerated by Gemminger and Von Harold as distinct ; 
and of seven species included in my former Catalogue, 
but considered by them as synonyms. 

1. Lamprima cultridens, Burm. 4. Lucanus cwrtulws, Motsch. 
: Pe nigricollis, Hope. 5. Odontolabis Duivenbodei, Deyr. 
3. Streptocerus eustictus, Philippi. | 6. gracilis, Kaup. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—PaRT I. (MARCH.) F 

54 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

7. Odontolabis inequalis, Kaup. | 26. Agus ogivus, Deyr. 
8. is Swinhoei, Bates. 27. 3, philippinensis, Deyr. 
9. Neolucanus lama, Oliv. 28. Sclerognathus Spinole, Solier. 
10. Cladognathus Batesi, Parry. 29. Nigidius formosanus, Bates. 
itis a dentifer, Deyr. 30. %. Parryi; Bates. 
12. e Lorquini, Deyr. | 31. Amneidus Godefroyi, Coq. 
13s x Motschulskyi, 32. Ceratognathus alboguttatus, 
Parry. Bates. 
14, 5 vittatus, Deyr. 33. + sexpustulatus, 
15. Cyclophthalmus Kaupi, Deyr. Bates. 
16. Dorcus Alcides, Voll. 
ily »  Castelnaui, Deyr. Synonyms. 
18. ;,  costatus, Lec. 
19. >  eurycephalus, Burm. 1. Lamprima varians, Burm. 
20. >»  punctatostriatus, Redt. 2. Lucanus turcicus, Sturm. 
21. »,  vubrofemoratus, Voll. 3. 2 Hopei, Parry. 
22. Gnaphaloryx miles, Voll. 4. fe sericams, Voll. 
23. Algus amictus, Deyr. 5. Hevxarthrius Chaudoiri, Deyr. 
94. »  Formose, Bates. 6. Platycerwsoregonensis, Westw. 
25, » gracilis, Deyr. 7. Lissotes cwrvicornis, Boisd. 

I proceed to make a few remarks upon each of the 
forty above-mentioned. 

Lamprima ecultridens, Burm. 

Upon again carefully reading Dr. Burmeister’s de- 
scription, and examining numerous specimens of L. 
Micardi, the above cannot, I think, be considered as 
distinct, and I must adhere to my already expressed 
opinion, that it is only a variety of L, Micardi. 

Lamprima varians, Burm. 

This species has been united by Gemminger and Von 
Harold with L. Micardi, but evidently in error, although 
it is very similar in general appearance. J. varians 
belongs to the first section of the genus, characterized, 
as “calcare maris antico late trigono,” whereas DL. Mi- 
cardi belongs to the second section, “ calcare maris 
antico angusto.” In my former publication LD. varians 
was inadvertently placed in the second section. 

Lamprima nigricollis, Hope. 

This insect is not included among the six species of 
the genus recorded by Mr. Hope in his Catalogue of 
Iucanide (p, 1.), but the description is given at p. 28. 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 55 

In my former publication this appears to have escaped 
my notice, as I did not allude to it. Dr. Burmeister’s 
description of LZ. Micardi so readily answers to the above, 
that it appeared to me evident that the two were iden- 
tical; and having recently had the opportunity of 
examining the type specimen of nigricollis in the Hopeian 

Museum at Oxford, this opinion has been fully con- 

Streptocerus eustictus, 
Philippi, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1864, p. 316. 

I am acquainted by description only with this second 
species of the genus Streptocerus. In Count Mniszech’s 
collection, there exists a species under the name of 8. 
nitidipennis, which probably may prove identical with 
the above. 

Tuecanus curtulus. 
Motsch. Bull. Mosc. 1845, p. 60. 

The difficulty of recognizing this as a distinct species 
appears to be considerable, seeing the diversity of 
opinion expressed by several entomologists, in reference 
to it and other allied imsects, namely, L. orientalis, 
Kraatz, L. tbericus, Motsch., and LD. tetraodon, Thunb. 

Kraatz, in his elaborate paper on the European species 
of Iucanide (Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1860), establishes the new 
species Li. orientalis, including therewith L. ibericus ?, 
and L. curtulus?. Reiche places L. ibericus with L. 
tetraodon; and Burmeister locates both ibericus and 
curtulus with DL. Barbarossa, Fab. (This most certainly 
appears to be erroneous). Gemminger and Von Harold 
have added considerably to the confusion by having first 
recognized L. curtulus as distinct, and then suppressed 
L. orientalis as identical with L. ibericus. But for the 
present, I do not deem it advisable to alter the arrange- 
ment made in my former Catalogue. 

Lucanus turcicus, Sturm. 

Gemminger and Von Harold give this as a synonym 
of L. cervus, agreeing in this respect with Kraatz (Stett. 

56 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Ert. Zeit. 1860, p. 273), but differing from Lacordaire 
and Reiche. Under these circumstances, I feel disposed 
to maintain it for the present as a distinct species. 

LTucanus Hopei, Parry. 
Iucanus sericans, Voll. 

These two have been satisfactorily shown to be iden- 
tical with LL. maculifemoratus, which has priority of 
publication. In my former Catalogue allusion was made 
to the affinity between L. sericans and Hopei, but L. 
maculifemoratus was therein mentioned as distinct. 

Hexarthrius Chaudoiri. 
Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1864, p. 312, pl. iv. fig. 1. 

Whether this insect from Sumatra is to be considered 
as distinct, or only as a geographical variety of H. 
rhinoceros, from Java, is, perhaps, somewhat question- 
able. Mons. H. Deyrolle in his description, alludes to 
the close alliance between the two. In my former Cata- 
logue, H. Chaudoiri, then unpublished, was noticed 
upon Mons. Deyrolle’s authority; but from his now 
published description, I feel imclined to believe that it 
represents only a geographical variety; in this view I 
am supported by Mons. Snellen van Vollenhoven, 
(Tid. v. Ent. 1865, p. 148), who states, that the Leyden 
Museum possesses several individuals from Sumatra, not 
quite agreeing with H. Chaudoiri, but forming the pas- 
sage between that and H. rhinoceros. 

Odontolabis Dwivenbodet. 
Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1865, p. 25, pl. i. fig. 1 (o). 

This magnificent new species, stated by the author to 
be allied to O. Stevensii, was discovered in the Island of 
Celebes, and is unique, I believe, in the collection of 
Count Mniszech. I may add, that according to a com- 
munication recently received from Mons. Snellen van 
Vollenhoven, the true habitat of O. Stevensii is the Sangir 
Islands, situate near the extreme northern point of 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 57 

Odontolabis gracilis, Kaup. 
Odontolabis inequalis, Kaup. 

These two insects, described by Dr. Kaup (Col. Heft. 
iv. 7, 1868) as new species, were captured by Herr v. 
Rosenberg in the Island of Nias, situate on the Western 
Coast of Sumatra, and are stated by the author to be 
allied, the first to O. dux, Westwood, and O. bellicosus, 
Laporte; the second to QO, Stevensii, Thomson, and O. 
Dejeanii, Reiche. Dr. Kaup having kindly added to my 
collection specimens of both insects, I am in a position 
to state, that O. gracilis must be considered as the var. 
max. of O. bellicosus, having fully developed mandibles 
(this being the only instance of such development which 
has hitherto fallen under my notice), and that O. in- 
equalis must be referred to O. bicolor, Olivier, of which 
it appears to be a singular geographical variety, having 
the coloration on the elytra of a very dark chesnut, 
whereas in QO. bicolor it is of a pale fulvous; im all other 
respects, however, the two insects appear to assimilate. 
Upon submitting my views with regard to the species 
in question to Dr. Kaup, on his late visit to England, 
he unhesitatingly coincided with my opinion. 

Neolucanus Swinhoei. 
Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 346, fig. 

An interesting addition to the genus Neolucanus, dis- 
covered by Mr. Swinhoe in the island of Formosa, and 
described by Mr. H. W. Bates (loc. cit.) with other 
interesting new species. Gemminger and von Harold 
locate it m Odontolabis, but it is evidently more appro- 
priately placed in Neolwcanus, the mandibles of which 
seldom exceed the length of the head, and are arcuate, 
and in the species pertaining to the first section are (in 
the var. max.) armed with either one or two strong sub- 
erect teeth placed near the apex. Although closely 
resembling N. castanopterus from Northern India, the 
author in his description points out the various differ- 
ences; and the sub-erect tooth near the apex of the 
mandibles of N. Swinhoet appears to be entirely wanting 
in the numerous specimens of N. castanopterus which 
have fallen under my notice. 

58 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Neolucanus lama, Oliv. 

Having on a former occasion (Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, 
i. 43) expressed an opinion as to the identity of Olivier’s 
insect with that described by Mr. Hope, in Trans. Linn. 
Soc. xix. 105, under the name of Odontolabis Baladeva, 
and of which O. angulatus, subsequently described by 
the same author, in his Catalogue of the Lucanide, must 
be considered as the var. min., I cannot concur with 
Gemminger and von Harold in retaining the two insects 
as specifically distinct; and upon again examining 
Olivier’s description and figure, I feel convinced that 
the short curved form of the mandibles exhibited in pl. 11. 
fig. 8, renders it impossible to refer this figure to the 
male, in which sex the mandibles are described by Mr. 
Hope as being porrect and arcuate. I therefore suppress 
Hope’s name in favour of Olivier’s. 

Cladognathus Batesi. 

In Gemminger and Von Harold’s “ Catalogus” this 
species, from North India, has been recorded as having 
been or as being about to be described by myself, whereas 
it has been described by Mr. C. O. Waterhouse, who has 
created a new genus for it, and has recorded the insect as 
Aulacostethus Archeri (Trans. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 14). With 
reference to the “ prophetic utterances” note of our ex- 
cellent Secretary (/. ¢.), the fault cannot be attributed to 
Gemminger and Von Harold. Mr. C. O. Waterhouse, 
on showing me this interesting new species, suggested 
that I should describe itin my present publication, (which 
I then hoped to have ready in 1869), and it was accord- 
ingly included in the list of new species which I sent to 
the Baron von Harold, under the name of Cladognathus 
Batesi. It was afterwards suggested that the species 
might appropriately be named in honour of Mr. Archer, 
by whom it was presented to the British Museum; but 
unfortunately the notice of this alteration was too late for 
the “ Catalogus Coleopterorum.” 

Cladognathus dentifer. 
Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1865, p. 29, pl. i. fig. 5. 

This new East Indian species, from the collection of 

Count Mniszech, is most probably a var. minor, and the — 


LInucanoid Coleoptera. 59 

author considers it should be located near C. Spencii, C. 
bulbosus, and O. crenicollis; he points out, however, the 
essential difference in the character of the mandibles. 

Cladognathus Lorquinit. 

Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1865, p. 26, pl. i. fig. 2. 

This species from Celebes (Menado) is allied to C. late- 
ralis, Hope, but the author describesit as being abundantly 
distinct, not only in form, but also in the disposal of its 
coloration. Both the 4 and ? are, I believe, in Count 
Mniszech’s collection. 

Cladognathus Motschulskit. 
C. O. Waterh., Trans. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 14. 

The error already mentioned under Cladognathus Batest 
arose also with regard to this new species from Japan. 

Cladognathus vittatus. 
Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1865, p. 28, pl. i. fig. 4. 

Several specimens of this species from tne Philippine 
Islands were brought to this country by the late Mr. Hugh 
Cuming; it has hitherto been considered a variety of CO. 
lateralis, Hope. Mr. Hope and Dr. Burmeister do not 
appear to have noticed it in their respective publications, 
although, probably well acquainted with it. The two 
Species are evidently closely allied. Mons. H. Deyrolle 
however, in his description, points out various differences. 

Oyclophthalmus Kaupi, G. & H. Cat. Col. ii. 953. 

Cyclommatus Kaupti, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Beig. 1865, 
p- 30, pl. u. fig. 2. 

This new species, dedicated by the author to Dr. Kaup 
of Darmstadt, is from the island of Celebes. 

We have here an instance of the great inconvenience 
arising from the unsettled state of the nomenclature of 
genera. My attention has been called to this subject, 
by the restitution of Mr. Hope’s name. Cyclophthalius ; 
this appropriate designation was recorded both by Dr. 
Burmeister and Professor Lacordaire in their respective 

50 Major I, J. Sidney Parry on 

publications, but Mr. Thomson in his “ Catalogue des 
Lucanides,” stating the name to have been already 
preoccupied by Sternberg for a genus of Arachnida, 
substituted Megaloprepes for Cyclophthalmus ; upon the 
same principle I was forced (Tr. Ent. Soc. 3rd series, 
i. 9) again to alter the name, and proposed Cyclomma- 
tus. Gemminger and Von Harold appear once more 
to have decided in favour of Mr. Hope’s name, perhaps 
through an oversight. JI must again express my 
opinion, that no great inconvenience can arise from the 
double employment of a name when it does not occur in 
the same Order; although such employment should, of 
course, as far as practicable be avoided. 

Dorcus Alcides, G. & H. Cat. Col. 11. 956. 
Hurytrachelus Alcides, Voll. Tijd. Ent. 1865, p. 150, pl. x. 
1 ae Bo RR ig a 

This is from Sumatra. From the excellent figures of 
the g and ? accompanying the description of this new 
species, and looking at the character of the imternal 
armature of the mandibles, the form of the clypeus, to- 
gether with that of the sides of the prothorax, | am inclined 
to place it near Durytrachelus ceramensis and concolor ; the 
fore-tibiz (in the figure) are clothed internally with a 
strong golden pubescence, a character which I do not 
remark in other species of this genus. 

Gemminger and Von Harold appear to have included 
in Dorcus several distinct genera; and as regards the 
reference to “‘ Metopodontus (pars) Hope,’ I cannot, 
among the forty-three species of Dorcus recorded, detect 
a single one which belongs to Metopodontus. 

Dorcus Castelnaui, G. & H. Cat. Col. iti. 956. 

Eurytrachelus Castelnaudii, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 
1865, p. 31, pl. ui. fig. 3. 

This new species from Bengal is in the collection of 
Count Mniszech. Mons. Henri Deyrolle states it to be 
allied to a medium development of H. Reichei, Hope; 
he further maintains in a note, that Castelnaudii is ortho- 
graphically correct. The 9? is not known. 

LIucanoid Coleoptera. 61 

Dorcus costatus. 
Leconte, Proc. Ac. Philad. 1866, p. 380. 

This species is stated to be only an extreme var. ? of 
D. parallelus (see Coleopt. United States List, add. 

Dorcus eurycephalus, Burm. 

When my former Catalogue was published, but little 
information was available for the exact determination of 
this species of Dr. Burmeister (Handb. v. 387) ; accord- 
ingly, I then followed in the footsteps of Mons. Reiche 
and Professor Lacordaire, by placing it as a synonym 
of H. bubalus, Perty, notifying at the same time the 
possibility of its being distinct. This view has now proved 
to be correct, according to Mons. v. Vollenhoven, who (in 
the Tyd. v. Ent. 1865, p. 151) has described a specimen 
from the Leyden Museum. I have recently seen another 
specimen in the Berlin Museum, corresponding with the 
figure given, and having Dr. Burmeister’s name attached ; 
possibly it may be the type specimen. LH. eurycephalus 
appears to be allied to H. Saiga and H. purpurascens, 
differing considerably in the form of the clypeus, as well 
as in many other respects pointed out by the author; 
with H. Saiga and HL. purpurascens, this makes the third 
species of the genus which has the interior of the man- 
dibles partially clothed with silken pubescence. 

Dorcus punctatostriatus, Redt. 

The author, in his notice of this insect, alludes to the 
probability of its being identical with D. lineatopunctatus, 
Hope, Zool. Misc. p. 22, a species recorded in my former 
publication as being the ¢ of Hurytrachelus Tityus. The 
description of the two insects corresponds so entirely, that 
I have little hesitation in adhering to my former opinion, 
that D. punctatostriatus cannot be considered as a dis- 
tinct. species, but be referred to D. lineatopunctatus. 

Dorcus rubrofemoratus, G. & H. Cat. Col. iti. 958. 

Hurytrachelus rubrofemoratus, Vollenh. Tijd. Ent. 1865, 
DoloZ, pl. Xi. to. 1,2) 5, O., 

This new species, discovered by Siebold and Bur- 
ger, in Japan, ought to be located near Hurytrache- 

62 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

lus niponensis, Voll., which it resembles in general cha- 
racter, but differs more particularly by the internal 
armature of the mandibles, consisting of three teeth 
irregularly placed near their apex; and by the femora 
being partially of a bright rufous colour. The ¢ speci- 
men with which Mons. v. Vollenhoven was kind enough 
to enrich my collection, represents, I think, a var. max. 
It is very possible that hereafter both species may prove 
to belong to the genus Macrodorcas, of Motschulsky; 
that author described five species in ‘‘ Htudes Entomolo- 
giques,” all from Japan, but at present I am totally 
unacquainted with any of them. 

Gnaphaloryx miles. 
Vollenh,. Tijd. Ent. 1865, p. 155, pl. xi. fig. 5 (¢). 

I am indebted to M. Snellen van Vollenhoven for a 
specimen of this remarkable new species, discovered by 
Mr. Bernstein, and indigenous to Halmaheira and Gebeh ; 
in an elaborate description of both ¢ and ?, the author 
alludes to the extraordinary cephalic horn as being 
peculiar to this species alone among the Lucanoid Coleop- 
tera; this, however, is a slight error, as the same cha- 
racter is exhibited in a species of Ceratognathus from New 
Holland, described by Professor Westwood, under the 
name of C. mentiferus. 

Agus philippinensis. 
Adgus ogivus. 

Agus gracilis. 
igus amictus. 

Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1865, pp. 32-35, pl. 1. 
fig. 4-7. 

These four species have been described and figured by 
Mons. H. Deyrolle, and although closely allied to others 
already well-known, they exhibit according to the author’s 
descriptions various material differences. A?gus philip- 
pinensis and ogivus are both mentioned as allied to J. 
acuminatus, Fabr.; A?. gracilis to Af. serratus, Parry ; 
and A?. amictus, a small species, to 4?. Myrmidon and 
adelphus, Thomson. 


Lucanoid Coleoptera. 63 

Agus Formose. 
Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 347. 

Several specimens, with various gradations of form, 
were received by Mr. Bates, and having had the oppor- 
tunity of examining a numerous series, I am able to 
coincide with the author in his view as to their close 
affinity to Afgus levicollis, Saunders (from China), of 
which species 4/. Formoscee may perhaps be considered 
only as a geographical variety. The punctuation, how- 
ever, as exhibited both above and below in the female, 
appears to be considerably coarser and stronger in dA. 
Formose than in A?. levicollis. The var. max. ¢@ ex- 
hibits a nodose tubercle on the head. adjacent to the base 
of each mandible, which in the var. med. is but rudimen- 
tary, and in specimens of the var. min. is entirely wanting ; 
the same will, I have no doubt, prove to be the case with 
AY. levicollis, but I am not acquainted with the var. 
max. of the latter species. 

Platycerus oregonensis, Westw. 

This insect described by Professor Westwood (Tr. Ent. 
Soc. iv. 277) and alluded to as being probably identical 
with P. quercus (a well-known species from North Ame- 
rica), has been located as such by Gemminger and Von 
Harold. In my former Catalogue it was noticed as being a 
doubtful species. Dr. Leconte in his ‘‘ List of Coleoptera 
of North America” (published 1863-1866) doesnotappear 
to consider P. oregonensis as a distinct species, but refers 
it (with doubt, however) to Platycerus depressus ; in this 
however, I do not feel disposed to agree, considering it, 
from description, to be more closely allied to P. quercus. 

Sclerognathus Spinole, Solier. 

In this case, Gemminger and Von Harold appear some- 
what inconsiderately to have changed the generic name 
Sclerostomus, Burmeister, to Sclerognathus (Burm. MS§.), 
Hope, Cat. Luc. 1845. Dr. Burmeister in establishing the 
genus Sclerostomus in his ‘‘ Handbuch der Entomologie,” 
1847, p. 423, states that at the period he proposed the 
name of Sclerognathus it had not been employed, but that 
in the interim it had been used by Mons. Valenciennes 
to designate a group of fishes. 

64 Major I’. J. Sidney Parry on 

f With regard to S. Spinole, originally described in Gay’s 
Hist. Chi, Gemminger and Von Harold are correct im 
assuming it to be distinct; it very closely resembles the 
var. minor of S. femoralis, Guérin, to which species (for 
want of a knowledge of other specimens than the one in 
my own collection, which is somewhat mutilated) I had 
in my former Catalogue assigned it; but I have recently 
seen other specimens, in the collections of the Jardin des 
Plantes and of Count Mniszech, received from Mons. 
Solier, and I agree that the species is distinct. 

Lissotes curvicornis, Boisd. 

As Gemminger and Von Harold have erroneously 
placed L. curvicornis as a synonym of I, cancroides, Fabr., 
it may be advisable to offer the following observations in 
reference to the two insects, more especially as in many 
collections they are noted as being identical; indeed it 
was not until recently, upon obtaining a knowledge of 
the type specimens, that my own doubts on the subject 
have been removed. 

Dorcus curvicornis was recorded in Count Dejean’s 
Catalogue, but whether identical with the imsect de- 
scribed by Boisduval (Voy. de lAstrol. p. 2535) I am 
not in a position to affirm. Dr. Burmeister (Handb. v. 
402) refers curvicornis, Dej., to Agus obtusatus, Westw., 
but this is evidently incorrect. Having recently examined 
the type specimen of Li. cwrvicornis in the Museum at the 
Jardin des Plantes, which was received from Dr. Bois- 
duval, I feel satisfied of its being perfectly distinct from 
any of the allied species, L. cuncroides, Fab., L. tubercu- 
tus, Westw., and LL. obtusatus, Westw., with one or other 
of which it appears to have been frequently confounded ; 
indeed, Prof. Westwood has recently received from Dr. 
Howitt of Melbourne, specimens both ¢ and 2? of L. 
curvicornis, Boisd., under the name LD. cancroides, Fab., 
Dr. Howitt stating in his letter that the insect sent as 
L. caneroides appeared to him to be identical with L. 
curvicornis, grounding his opinion on an insect he had 
seen so labelled in Count de Castelnau’s collection. This 
view proves to be correct, upon comparison of the type 
specimen with the insect sent to Prof. Westwood, who 
will shortly publish descriptions of some interesting 
new species of the genus Lissotes, and will probably 
give a more minute description of L. ewrvicornis than that 
in the “ Voyage de ]’Astrolabe.” Upon the present 


Lucanoid Coleoptera. 65 

occasion, I will merely refer, as distinguishing it from 
other allied species, to the punctuation, which is much 
less defined, to the form of the prothorax, which is wider 
and more depressed, with the anterior angles more round- 
ed, and the posterior more emarginate, and finally to the 
total absence of the minute central tubercle of its anterior 
margin, as exhibited in L. cancroides and?L.Ftuberculatus. 

With regard to DL. caneroides of Fab. and Oliv., the 
type specimen is in the British Museum (Banksian Col- 
lection) and of this Prof. Westwood published a full 
description accompanied by a figure (Ent. Mag. v. 267) ; 
this species is unquestionably very closely allied to L. 
subtuberculatus, Westw. (Tr. Ent. Soc.,n. s., im. 216, 
pl. xu. f. 2), and to this the author himself alludes; but 
upon a rigid comparison of the two insects, I find that 
I. caneroides is narrower and longer, with the punctua- 
tion, especially on the head and prothorax, considerably 
sparser, the latter with the posterior angles less emargi- 
nate, the small tubercle of the centre of the anterior 
margin simple, instead of being slightly bifid as in LD. 
tuberculatus, the head somewhat broader, and less exca- 
vated in front, with the base of the mandibles internally 
shghtly more emarginate. Whether these characters will 
prove to be constant in a long series of specimens I can- 
not conjecture ; for the present, at all events, it may be 
advisable, to maintain L. subtuberculatus as a distinct 
species. Dr. Boisduval, referring both to Fabricius and 
Olivier, with a brief description, gives the habitat of New 
Guinea; there must, I think, be some error, either as 
to identity of species or as to the habitat; in describing 
the prothorax, he says, “ thorace transverso, angulis pos- 
ticis obliquis, punctis crebris, foveolisque duabus im- 
pressis ;” this latter character is certainly not to be 
found in the type specimen, still less does New Guinea 
accord with its habitat, which I believe unquestionably to 
be New Holland; I am at a loss to conceive, therefore, 
to what species Boisduval’s insect is to be referred. 

Nigidius formosanus. 
Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 347. 

This new species, from the Island of Formosa, comes 
_ nearest to N. levicollis, on comparing it with specimens 
of the same development: but it is evidently distinct, its 
general appearance being considerably less shining, and 

66 Major F, J. Sidney Parry on 

the punctuation of the thorax is of a totally different 
character, being much more diffuse, and sparsely scat- 
tered over the entire surface, whereas in N. levicollis, it 
is close, and confined entirely to the sides; moreover, 
the punctuation of the striz in the interstices of the sul- 
cate elytra is much less apparent. An unique specimen 
is in the collection of Mr. Bates. 

Nigidius Parryi. 
Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 347. 

The largest species of Nigidius (?) with which I am 
acquainted, measuring 13 lines ; it forms a most interest- 
ing link between Nigidius and Figulus, assimilating per- 
haps more to the latter than to the former. The sub-erect 
tooth, invariably exhibited on the mandibles of the several 
species of Nigidius, is in the present instance wanting ; 
the character of the mandibles resembles those of Figulus, 
being porrect, recurved near the apex, excavated inte- 
riorly and strongly rugose-punctate ; the sides of the head 
before the eyes are rounded, and not angulate, as is usual 
in Nigidius; the sides of the thorax are, however, similar, 
being emarginate, and the anterior margin is furnished 
with a small obtuse spine in its centre ; the body varies 
also in character, being considerably more depressed and 
more elongate. Were it not for the character exhibited 
in the sides of the thorax, which is so peculiar to the 
genus Nigidius, there could be no hesitation in placing 
this species in the genus Figulus; for the present, how- 
ever, it may, perhaps, be located with Nigidius, section- 
ally forming the passage to Migulus. This unique speci- 
men from Formosa is in the collection of Mr. Bates, and 
was collected with other interesting specimens by R. 
Swinhoe, Hsq., H. B. M. Consul at that island. 

Amneidus Godefroyt. 

Coquerel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1866, p. 326, pl. vii. 
fig. 1 (3, ¢). 

This new and interesting insect is from the Island of 
Bourbon, and for the specimen existing in my own col- 
lection I am indebted to Count Mniszech. <A remark- 
able sexual difference occurs both in the formation of the 
prothorax as well as in the structure of the anterior tibia, 
thus characterized by the author :— 

LInucanoid Coleoptera. 67 

‘‘ Mas: prothorace transversali, tibiis anticis valde 

“Femina: prothorace subquadrato, tibiis anticis fere 

Ceratognathus alboguttatus, Bates. 
Ceratognathus sexpustulatus, G. & H. Cat. Col. mi. 967. 

An elaborate description of C. alboguttatus is given 
by Mr. Bates (Ent. Mo. Mag. iv. 54), in which he truly 
mentions it as one of the smallest species of the Lucanoid 
Coleoptera, pointing out its affinity to C. helotoides, 

The second name, C. seapustulatus, has erroneously 
been recorded by Gemminger and von Harold as being 
that of a distinct species; the error appears to have 
_arisen from the name seapustulatus having been origin- 
ally suggested, and afterwards changed by the author to 
alboguttatus. The habitat given in the “ Catalogus,” 
Moreton Bay, is also incorrect; the species was dis- 
covered in the province of Canterbury, New Zealand, by 
R. W. Fereday, Esq., and at the period of its description 
was, I believe, unique in Mr. Bates’ collection; a second 
specimen from the same locality has recently been added 
to my own. 

I now proceed to make some observations upon other 
interesting species, notifying several which are new. For 
convenience, a list of the novelties is prefixed. 

New Genera. 

Pseudolucanus, Metadorcus, Pseudodorcus, Lissapterus. 

New Species. 

1. Chiasognathus impubis, Parry. 9. Lissotes opacus, Deyr. 

2. Metopodontus (?) torresensis, 10, »,  Launcestoni, : 
Deyr. Westw. | 3 

3. “; (?) Swanzianus, | 11. »  latidens, Westw. | 2 
Parry. 12. », forcipula,Westw. | 3 

4. Prosopocoilus mysticus, Parry. | 18. »  furcicornis, 3 

5. Eurytrachelus Candezii, Parry. Howitt. | 5 

6. Sclerostomus tristis, Deyr. 14. »  subcrenatus, Zz 

Te as marginipennis, Westw. 
Deyr. 15. Cardanus cribratus, Parry. 

8. a elongatus, Deyr. | 16. Ceratognathus abdominalis, 



Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Remarks will also be found on the following : 

if Chasogeas heen Mniszechii, 22. Homoderus Mellyi, Parry. 
Thoms. 23. Cyclommatusfawnicolor, Hope. 
2 Sohoncquethis albofuscus, 24. Prismognathus subeneus, 
Blan. Motsch. 
3. Rhyssonotus foveolatus, 35. Metadorcus rotundatus, Parry. 
Thunb. 26. Leptinopterus Fryi, Parry. 
4. Lamprima sumptuosa, Hope. 27. Eurytrachelus Bubalus, Perty. 
5. Colophon Westwoodti, Gray. 28. i ceramensis, 
6. Pseudolucanus Mazama, Lee. Thoms. 
7. Dorcus brevis, Say. 29. 2 ternatensis, 
8. Odontolabis Burmeisteri, Hope. Thoms. 
9. Odontolabis Castelnaudi, 30. 55 opacus, Waterh. 
Parry. 31. ne fulvonotatus, 
10. Gen. Chalcodes, Westwood. Parry. 
ll. Heterochthes brachypterus, 32. elegams, Parry. 
Westw. 33. Dorcus der elictus, Parry. 
12. Cladognathus politus, Parry. 34. Agus kandiensis, Parry. 
13. Metopodontus cinnamomeus, 35. Gnaphaloryex dilaticollis, 
Guér. Parry. 
14, > impressus, 36. Pseudodorcus carbonarius, 
Waterh. Westw. 
15. ‘ Maclellandi, 37. Sclerostomus cruentus, Burm. 
Hope. 38. Ceratognathus Westwoodii, 
16. Prosopocoilus Wallacet, Parry. Thoms. 
yf 5 perplevus, Parry. | 39. 7 helotoides, 
18. Pe Archeri, Waterh. Thoms. 
19. 5 bulbosus, Hope. 40. Sinodendron americanum, 
20. Ae Spencii, Hope. Palisot. 
21. - antilopus, Swed. 

Chiasognathus Mniszechii, Thomson. 

Although this insect was recorded in my former Cata- 
logue (but with some hesitation, see. p. 6) as being 
distinct, I have now little doubt as to the propriety of 
uniting it with C. Jousselinii, Reiche (which name has 
priority). In this opinion I am confirmed both by Mons. 
Reiche and Count Mniszech. OC. Jousselinii must still be 
considered a very rare species in our collections; the 
female is, I believe, unique in the collection of Count 
Mniszech, and, like the ¢ in its normal condition, 
is densely covered with a silky pubescence. 

Chiasognathus impubis, sp. nov. (Pl. I. fig. 5). 

3. Viridi-zneus, purpureo-micans nitidus, levissi- 
mus; mandibulis, gracilibus inclinatis, capite thoraceque 
parum longioribus apicibus curvatis, irregulariter fere ad 
medium denticulatis, basi supra spina minuta instructa; 
capite quadrato, antice leviter emarginato et bitubercu- 


LIucanoid Coleoptera. 69 

lato, angulis ante oculos acutis; prothorace lateribus 
antice obliquis, rectis, angulis posticis valde emargi- 
natis, prope angulos profunde foveato, in medio antice 
canaliculato et irregulariter impresso, sub lente crebre 
et minutissime punctulato; elytris levissimis, brunneo- 
eeneo-tinctis, confertissime et tenuissime granulatis, pone 
humeros impressis, linea suturali vix distincta; scutello 
transverso, rotundato, viridi-metallico, dense punctato ; 
corpore subtus viridi-metallico, valde et dense griseo- 
piloso ; pedibus brunneis, femoribus purpureo-viridibus, 
tibiis anticis elongatis, curvatis, intus et extus serrato- 
dentatis, intermediis et posticis extus minutissime tuber- 
culatis, et prope apicem spina acuta instructis. 

Long. corp. (mandib. incl.) unc. 1, lin. 1. 
Hab.—Chili. Coll. Brit. Mus., Saunders et Parry. 

C. impubis is allied to C. Latreillii, Solier, 2 (described 
also by Mr. Thomson under the name of CO. Reichiit, 3) 
and of which a figure is given in the present publication 
(Pl. I. fig. 6) differing, however, in its uniform glabrous 
appearance, its smooth and shining prothorax, with the 
mandibles considerably more elongate and deflexed. It 
is very possible, however, that in a series of specimens 
of various developments, this insect may ultimately prove 
~ to be only the var. max. of C. Latreillii. The latter 
differs in the head being smaller, the mandibles consi- 
derably shorter and porrect, the sides of the prothorax 
more rounded, and slightly subserrate, with the disc 
exhibiting numerous irregular impressions, the elytra, 
moreover, being further somewhat rugulose; the anterior 
legs are also considerably shorter, their tibize less curved, 
and less denticulate internally, and finally, the under 
surface of the insect is conspicuously less pubescent. 
These differences may possibly be only abnormal, and 
produced by the undeveloped condition of the insect; 
for the present, however, I think it necessary to regard 
CO. impubis as a distinct species. The various specimens 
hitherto received, were captured at Mendoza, on the 
eastern side of the Cordillera. 

Sphenognathus albofuscus, ¢ , Blanchard. 

The author, in his description of this insect (Voyage 
de D’Orbigny, p. 193), appears to be in some doubt as 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—parT I. (MARCH.) G 

70 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

to its being a well defined species,and alludes to its 
close affinity with C. prionoides 9, as well as to the sin- 
gular coloration of the apex, and a portion of the external 
margin of the elytra, which are of a dusky white, adding 
that this may be attributable to the bad condition of 
the specimen. This latter character appears to me, upon 
a recent examination of the insect in question, to be de- 
cidedly abnormal, and its cause doubtful; upon compar- 
ing the insect with a 2? specimen of C. prionoides of an 
exactly similar development, from my own collection, I 
can detect no difference, with the exception of a slight 
variation in the punctuation of the mandibles, and the ab- 
normal colour alluded to; I therefore feel little hesitation 
im uniting the two insects as one species, the name prio- 
noides having priority. 

Rhyssonotus foveolatus, Thunberg. 
R. nebulosus, Karby. 

I cannot find any description of L. foveolatus in the 
Mém. Ac. Petr. i. 1806, p. 199, as quoted by Gemminger 
and von Harold, but I have met with it in the Mém. Soe. 
Imp. de Moscou, i. 166, accompanied by descriptions of 
other well-known species by the same author. ‘Thun- 
berg’s description of I. foveolatus is as follows :— 
“Corpus totum ferrugineum, seu brunneum. Thorax 
angulatus, convexus, medio stria et foveola obsoleta sub- 
punctatus impressus, lateribus utrinque in disco foveis 
quatuor impressis. Elytra convexa, levissima. Femora 
inermia, tibiis spinosis.” 

From the above brief description, and the fact that 
neither the habitat nor a figure of the species is given, I 
do not think the authors of the ‘‘ Catalogus ” are war- 
ranted in suppressing Kirby’s name for Thunberg’s; and 
until stronger evidence is afforded of the identity of 
the two insects, I think it right to maintain Kirby’s well- 
known designation of R. nebulosus, with foveolatus as a 
doubtful synonym; in this view I am supported by Dr. 
Burmeister (Handb. v. 336). 

Lamprima sumptuosa, Hope. 

The great variation in colour exhibited by all the 
species of this genus, was a difficulty with which describers 
of species had to contend in former years, from the 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 71 

lack of sufficient material to guide them, and we can- 
not be surprised that errors in the definition of species 
have so frequently occurred; upwards of twenty dif- 
ferent forms have been characterized as pertaining to 
this genus by various authors, five of which can, I 
think, alone be retained. LD. sumptuosa, belonging to the 
second section of the genus, was alluded to in my former 
Catalogue as being a distinct species; the brilliant 
coppery coloration of the insect, differing so essentially 
from that of the specimens of L. Micardi with which I 
was then acquainted, caused me, after examining the 
type specimen in the Hopeian collection, to consider it 
as distinct; since then, numerous examples of L. Micardi 
have fallen under my notice, exhibiting the diversity of 
development and colour to which I have above alluded. 
On comparing recently, at Oxford, a specimen of L. 
Micardi with the type of L. swmptuosa, Professor West- 
wood and myself coincided in opinion as to the propriety 
of uniting the two. The name Micardi has priority. In 
reducing the number of species composing the genus 
Lamprima to five, I am supported by Count Mniszech, 
in whose rich collection the finest series of specimens, 
illustrating the different varieties of each species, may 
be seen. 

Colophon Westwoodiu, Gray. 

The Berlin Museum possesses both the ¢ and 9 of 
this very scarce insect, six specimens of which have now 
fallen under my notice; these are distributed as fol- 
lows:—in the British Museum (the type specimen), the 
Hopeian collection at Oxford, the Museum at Halle, my 
own collection, and the two specimens at Berlin alluded 
to above. The second species of this genus, described 
by Professor Westwood, under the name Colophon Thun- 
bergit, remains unique in the Oxford Museum; it is stated 
to have been received from Caffraria. 

Fam. Lucanip#. 

The family Lucanide as constituted in the present 
Catalogue, and restricted to the genera Mesotopus, Lu- 
canus, Pseudolucanus, Rhetus, and Hevarthrius, 1 charac- 
terize as follows :— 


72 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Eyes (with the exception of the genus Mesotopus) not 
divided by a canthus. 

Clava of antennee variable (4, 5, or 6-jointed), the cha- 
racter of the leaflets variable, but strongly produced in 
Lucanus and the allied genera, moderately so in Hexar- 

Clypeus prominent, and diversiform. 

Anterior tibie straight, the four posterior tibie of the 
females invariably armed, and in Mesotopus, Lucanus, 
and Pseudolucanus, the tibiz are in both sexes exter- 
nally pluri-dentate, in Rheetus and Hexarthrius the imter- 
mediate tibiee of the males are always unidentate, but in 
the posterior this character is most inconstant, never 
exhibitmg more than a very minute tubercle, which is 
often found to be both visible and invisible, in the same 

In their normal condition (var. max.) they attain a 
considerable size, and with the exception of two species 
(Hexarthrius Parryi and H. Deyrollii) are unicolorous. 

Pseudolucanus Mazama. (PI. I. fig. 1.) 

Doreus Mazama, Leconte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 
1861, p. 8345; Parry, Tr. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. 1. 51. 

The distinguished American Entomologist Dr. Leconte, 
on his recent visit to London, very kindly placed in my 
hands for examination, two very interesting insects 
indigenous to North America, described under the names 
of D. Mazama, Leconte, and D. brevis, Say, the former 
from Northern Mexico, and the latter from New Jersey. 
Both species were in my former Catalogue included in 
the genus Dorcus, but the first of the two proves un- 
doubtedly upon examination to be a Lucanus, as hitherto 
accepted. The form of the prothorax, and the character 
of the mandibles, which are short, strongly curved, and 
unidentate, resemble the rare European species L. "Bar- 
barossa, Fab.; in the latter respect it equally assimilates 
to Lucanus atratus, Hope, from Nepaul, and L. capreolus, 
Linn., from North America. 

The late Mr. Hope has, in. his Catalogue, imposed 
on the two species capreolus and atratus, the generic 
name Pseudolucanus, and would, without doubt, have 
included L. Barbarossa, Fab., had he been acquainted 
with it (the insect mentioned in his Catalogue as be- 
longing to his collection not being the true Fabrician 
species) , and he thus characterizes Pseudolucanus, “ Caput 

Tucanoid Coleoptera. 73 

maris supra haud angulatum,” in contradistinction to 
Iucanus, which he restricts to those species in which 
* Caput maris supra angulato-elevatum.” While accept- 
ing the genus Pseudolucanus proposed by Mr. Hope for 
atratus and capreolus, in which I include the insect under 
consideration, as well as Barbarossa, I attribute but shght 
importance to the character given by Mr. Hope (since 
in the var. minor of the males of many species of Lucanus, 
it is altogether absent) ; but characters may be mentioned, 
which so far as my experience extends, are subject to 
little or no variation, viz., the size and form of the man- 
dibles. With regard to size, I find on a careful exami- 
nation of numerous specimens of the several species in- 
dicated, that the mandibles seldom exceed the length 
of the head; and with regard to form, that they are always 
strongly curved, and never present on their inner edge 
more than one tooth. Iam therefore strongly inclined to 
believe that these characters will prove to be constant, 
and that they represent the normal condition of these 
organs, whereas, in those specimens representing the var. 
minor of their respective species, their mandibles are 
porrect, and their internal armature invariably multi- 
dentate. The number of the joints in the clava of the 
antenne varies in Pseudolucanus as it does in Lucanus, 
P. Barbarossa exhibiting six, while each:of the other three 
species, P. atratus, P. capreolus, and P. Mazama exhibits 
only four. eke: 

P. Mazama differs from the allied species of the genus 
in its broad and exceedingly short clypeus, which is 
slightly concave, in the angles of the head behind the 
eyes being more prominent, in the anterior angles of the 
prothorax being very much produced, and finally in its 
punctuation, which is uniform on the entire surface, and 
although diffuse, is strong and very apparent; the colour 
of the insect is dull rufous; it is, I believe, unique in 
Dr. Leconte’s collection. The ¢ is still unknown. 

Dorcus brevis, Say. 

With respect to the insect noted as Doreus brevis of 
Say, I have, after most careful examination and compari- 
son with numerous specimens of Dorcus parallelus, Say, 
a not uncommon North American species, arrived at the 
conclusion, that the specimen in question must be con- 
sidered as only an old worn state of D. parallelus in which 

74 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

the striz of the elytra have become obsolete, the apex of 
the mandibles blunt, and the teeth of the tibize consider- 
nes worn down, thus modifying its usual appearance ; and 

Say’s description appears to me to afford nothing opposed 
to this view. 


The genera Odontolabis, Chaleodes, Heterochthes and 
Neolucanus , hitherto located in the Lucanide, present the 
following characters in common which distinguish them 
generally from the Lucanide and Cladognathide, and are 
sufficient, in my opinion, to entitle them to rank as a 
distinct family. 

Clava of antenne tri-articulate, the leaflets being but 
moderately produced. 

Clypeus remarkably small, considering the size of the 

Byes divided in both sexes by a canthus. 

Tibi: anterior tibize in the males often considerably 
curved, their external armature very variable. Four 
posterior tibize in both sexes invariably unarmed. 

The majority of the species are of large size, and 
chiefly bicolorous. 

Odontolabis Burmeisteri, Hope. 

At the time of preparing my former Catalogue a single 
specimen only (g var. max.), in the Hopeian collection 
at Oxford, was known, and I ventured the suggestion 
that the insect might possibly prove to be only an extreme 
variety of O. Cuvera, Hope. Count Mniszech has recently 
received from the Mysore, a specimen of the var. minor, 
and assures me that O. Burmeisteri should be accepted as 
a distinct species. 

Odontolabis Castelnaudi, Parry. (Pl. II. figs. 4, 5, 6.) 

When notifying this very rare species from Sumatra, 
two specimens only were known to me, one in my 
own collection (var. med.) and the other (var. minor) in 
that of M. Laporte de Castelnau. Recently Count 
Mniszech has obtained a specimen of the var. max. from 
the same locality. Figures are now given showing the 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 75 

varied development of the mandibles to which these 
gigantic insects are subject. The form and character of 
these organs of the var. max. in their normal condition, 
as shown in the figure, lead me now to place this species 
in the section of Odontolabis to which O. Stevensi be- 
longs. The female is as yet unknown. 


Culcodes, Westw. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 2, i. 118 (1834) ; 
and in Hope, Cat. Luc. 

In my former Catalogue I included this genus in Odon- 
tolubis as a section comprising four species, eratus, cin- 
galensis, nigrita, and intermedius. As it now appears 
desirable to reinstate the genus Chalcodes, it is necessary 
to modify and amplify the short characters assigned to it 
(corpus metallicum, tibiz et tarsi subtus setosi) by Pro- 
fessor Westwood, in Mr. Hope’s Catalogue :— 

Corpus metallicum, vel nigrum, nitidum; caput antice 
angustatum, pone oculos modice inflatum, inarmatum ; 
tibiz antice ut in Oduntolabe seepe curvatee, he intus 
et tarsi subtus setosi. 

Heterochthes brachypterus, Westwood. 

This rare species, discovered by the late Mons. Mouhot, 
in Siam, has recently again been received by Dr. Kaup, 
of Darmstadt, and distributed in various collections; the 
specimens in question are stated to have been received 
from the Island of Nias, on the Coast of Sumatra, but 
the habitat thus assigned is, I believe, erroneous. 


Admitting the difficulty I experienced in proposing a 
more satisfactory arrangement of the insects pertaming 
to the genus Cladognathus of my former Catalogue (see 
p. 21), l was then compelled to content myself with a 
mere sectional arrangement. Since that period much 
valuable information has become available, which induces 
me on the present occasion, to propose a fresh grouping 
of the numerous species contained in it, and the allied 
genera, Homoderus, Cyclommatus, Prismognathus, Can- 

76 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

tharolethrus, Leptinopterus, and Macrocrates ; these, alto- 
gether, amount to about a quarter of the entire Lucanoid 
Coleoptera, and I propose to raise them into a distinct 
family Cladognathide, differing as they do in so many 
respects from the Lucanide and Odontolabide. , 

The family may be characterized as follows :— 

Clava of antennee tri-articulate, leaflets moderately pro- 

Clypeus small, indistinct. 

Eyes never entirely divided by a canthus. * 

Anterior tibie mm the males straight; armature of the 
four posterior tibiz variable in the males, unidentate in 
the females (with the exception of two species, Prosopo- 
cotlus cavifrons and P. approximatus) . 

The species in comparison with the Lucanide and 
Odontolabide are of moderate size, and variable in colour. 

The numerous species contained in the old genus Clu- 
dognathus, I now propose to group in the following 
genera :— 

1. Cladognathus, Burm. ; now limited to three species 

2. Psalidoremus, Mots. (substituted by the author for 
Psalidognathus, see Etudes Entom. 1862); only two 
species from Japan are at present known, assimilating 
in general form to many of the species of Metopodontus, 
differmg, however, in their mandibles being considerably 
more deflexed, in the total absence of tubercles on the 
head, with a flat process (lamina) between the mandibles, 
and immediately above the clypeus, and finally in their 
colour, which is of a rich dark chesnut. 

3. Metopodontus, Hope; insects exhibiting great di- 
versity of form and sculpture in the various stages of 
development; the upper surface of the head in the var. 
max. is invariably tuberculate, but in the var. minor this 
latter character is most inconstant; the species compos- 
ing this genus are unicolorous and bicolorous. 

4. Prosopocoilus, Hope; by far the greater number 
of the species composing the family are contained in this 
genus, and will, I have no doubt, hereafter be subjected 
to further subdivision; for the present, I must con- 

* An exception occurs in two species, Prosopocoilus Archeri and Pro- 
sopocoilus forceps. 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 77 

tent myself with a sectional arrangement, which, how- 
ever, is not quite satisfactory as regards certain of the 
species ; few of them attain any very considerable size, 
they exhibit great similarity in general form, differ consi- 
derably in the armature of the tibiz as well as in the 
dentition of their mandibles, and, with the exception of 
a somewhat anomalous species from Borneo (P. passa- 
loides) in which the elytra in both sexes are punctate- 
striate, their surface 1s generally glabrous and shining, 
and their coloration variable. 

The Cladognathide appear to assimilate more closely 
to the Dorcidw, more especially to the genera Hurytrache- 
lus and Dorcus; besides the differences already poimted 
out by Dr. Burmeister’ and Professor Lacordaire, I may 
mention that the females of the Cladognathide are in- 
variably destitute of the tubercles on the head, a character 
so constantly exhibited in the females of Hurytrachelus 
and Dorcus. 

Cladognathus politus, Parry. 

Among the species presenting difficulty as to their 
proper location is C. politus, of which I received a single 
specimen (probably only the var. minor, the mandibles 
being scarcely longer than the head) from Mr. Bowring’s 
collection. Although the habitat India was assigned 
to it n my former Catalogue, I have now some reason to 
suppose that either China or the Indian Archipelago may 
ultimately prove to be correct. Unfortunately the ab- 
normal condition of the mandibles, as shown by their size 
in comparison with the total length of the insect, as well 
as our ignorance of the female, renders its true position 
very problematical. Taking into consideration, however, 
the deeply emarginate front of the head, of which the 
anterior angles are bisinuate, the armature of the pos- 
terior angles of the prothorax, and the smooth and polished 
appearance of the insect, and its strongly armed tibie, I 
have deemed it advisable to locate it temporarily in 
the genus Cladognathus as at present restricted. 

Metopodontus cinnamomeus, Guérin. 

A form somewhat aberrant from the Javanese specimens 
of this insect, and representing the var. max., is contained 

78 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

in the National collection, received from Hong Kong; it 
differs from the ordinary larger males in having the man- 
dibles somewhat flexuous, being bent inwards near the 
base, and with the tooth which is usually found there 
placed midway between the basal bend and the apex, the 
three apical teeth retain their usual position. The head 
is very broad, the cavity between the mandibles and that 
behind the tubercles on the disc are deeper. The thorax 
has the central portion unusually shining. The elytra are 
proportionally broader at the base, the suture being black. 
The coloration of the insect is that of cinnamomeus, 
mandibles reddish-brown, head and thorax chesnut-brown, 
elytra fusco-testaceous, with the lower portions of the 
femora and the base and apex of the tibiz and tarsi 

I may mention that I have recently seen specimens in 
the collection of the Jardin des Plantes, sent from Pekin 
by the Missionary Pére David, closely approximating to 
M. cinnamomeus, but still more so to M. castaneus, Hope, 
from Northern India, and considered as distinct both by 
Count Mniszech and Mons. Blanchard. I was informed 
that the latter gentleman has undertaken to describe this 
insect, as also a new species of Doreus (? Gnaphaloryx) 
from the same locality, allied to Doreus velutinus, Thom- 
son. Anxious to include them in my synopsis, I wrote 
some time back to Mons. Blanchard requesting that he 
would kindly furnish me with the names under which 
he intended to describe them, but up to the present 
period I have received no answer to my communication. 

Metopodontus impressus. (PI. III. fig. 1.) 

Cladognathus impressus, Waterh. Tr. Ent. Soc, 1869, 

Since the publication of Mr. C. Waterhouse’s descrip- 
tion of this species, of which single specimens only then 
existed in my own cabinet and in the National Collec- 
tion, two other specimens have fallen under my notice, com- 
municated through the kindness of Mr. E. Brown, which 
enable me to locate this species with greater certainty in 
the genus Metopodontus. Notwithstanding that these 
specimens do not represent a maximum development of 
the insect, still the existence of tubercles (from which 
the genus is characterized) on the anterior margin of the 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 79 

head is fully apparent; in the var. minor of the species 
this character is often wanting. M. impressus assimilates 
in general form to the allied species M. castaneus and 
M. foveatus, its coloration, however, is not uniform, a 
somewhat indistinct black plaga existing on the centre 
of the prothorax and elytra. The fossa noticed on the 
head between the eyes in the var. minor, does not appear 
to exist in the specimen in question. 

Metopodontus Maclellandt. 
Lucanus McLellandi, 3, Hope (var. minor) Tr. Ent. Soc. 
iv. 74, 

Cladognathus quadrinodosus, ¢, Parry (var. max.) Tr. 
Ent. Soc. ser. 3, 11. 22, pl. vii. fig. 4. 

We have here another instance of the difficulty in 
appreciating species unless the author has before his eyes 
a series of specimens exhibiting the various gradations 
of growth in the mandibles. I have already stated that 
the entire sculpture of a species alters with the condition 
of these organs ; not so, however, its size; the outward 
form of species both with developed and non-developed 
mandibles being generally found identical, although the 
sculpture may vary considerably. The present insect 
affords an excellent illustration of these facts, elucidated 
from a series of specimens now in my possession, in 
which the mandibles exhibit four different gradations of 
development, and had I possessed these specimens when 
describing C. quadrinodosus, the error alluded to could 
not have occurred. The very peculiar character of C. 
quadrinodosus, which is not to be met with in any other 
insect belonging to the Lucanoid Coleoptera, viz., the 
being furnished on its vertex with fowr distinct tubercles, 
led me naturally to consider it as a distinct species, dif- 
fering as it does so greatly in this, as in several other 
respects, from C. Maclellandi, the latter being totally de- 
void even of the faintest trace of tubercles. C. Maclellandi 
may be considered as the lowest development of the 
species, and be represented as No. 4. In No. 3, the 
next stage in growth of the mandibles, a trace of the 
tubercles already exists, which in No. 2 becomes stronger, 
and in No. 1, represented by OC. quadrinodosus, they are 
exceedingly prominent, and, as I believe, the imsect 
then attains the maximum of growth. 

The female of C. Maclellandi‘has not yet fallen under 
my notice. 

80 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Metopodontus (2) torresensis, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 392, 4 3.) 
Cladognathus torresensis (H. Deyr. M. 8.).* 

“In form resembling CO. bison, but only half its size, 
and of a different colour. Somewhat shining, of a deep 
brown, with a narrow, ill-defined, shghtly paler stripe 
along the sides of the elytra, more apparent towards the 
shoulders, often obliterated posteriorly; a spot of the 
same colour towards the middle of the sides of the pro- 
thorax. Mandibles shghtly arcuate, each armed inter- 
nally at the base with a large depressed tubercle as m 
C. bison. 

Head strongly excavated in front, the excavation 
limited by a horizontal ridge, which surmounts it and is 
slightly semicircularly emarginate, and formed by the 
anterior margin of the forehead. 

Prothorax a trifle wider in front than behind, its an- 
terior margin strongly bisinuate; anterior angles pro- 
minent, the posterior obliquely truncate, the truncature 
dentiform at its anterior angle; sides broadly rounded 
in front, sinuously contracted behind. 

Elytra parallel, conjointly rounded behind, humeral 
angles dentiform. 

Punctuation of the male somewhat dense, and rather 
obsolete on the disc of the elytra; that of the head and 
prothorax somewhat sparse, conspicuous on the sides 
only, on the disc merging into a very fine granulation 
which imparts to the head, and a trifle less to the pro- 
thorax, a duller aspect than that of the rest of the body. 

Beneath blackish, very shining. 

@. Asin the other species of the genus, more shining, 
and more strongly punctate than the male; easily recog- 
nized by its wide prothorax, parallel at the sides, and 
with its anterior angles broadly rounded. 

Hab.—Torres Straits. &, 2. Coll. Mniszech. 

Obs. The only female at present received is of a 
lighter colour than the male, but I consider this to be 
an individual peculiarity, and not a general character.” 

(H. Deyrolle.) 

* For the description of this new and interesting species, and like- 
wise for others hereafter given, I am indebted to Monsieur Henri 
Deyrolle, the well-known French Entomologist, and able Curator of 
Count de Mniszech’s rich collection of Coleoptera, wherein are preserved 
the types of the several species described. It is probable that this insect 
represents the var. minor, and that in the var. max. the head will prove 
to be bituberculate, as in Metopodontus bison. I have, therefore, located 
it in the genus Metopodontus; its true habitat, Count Mniszech informs 
me, is the extreme northern part of Australia. 

Tnicanoid Coleoptera. 81 

Meétopodontus (?) Swanzianus, n. sp. (Pl. II. fig. 2.) 

Parum nitidus, castaneus ; thorace ferrugineo-brunneo, 
disco punctoque in medio prope latera nigris; elytris 
ferrugineo-brunneis, sutura marginibusque anguste nigri- 
cantibus ; mandibulis capite brevioribus, intus irregulariter 
quinque-dentatis ; clypeo parvo, binodoso; capite antice 
angustato, pone oculos inflato, crebre punctulato; pro- 
thorace transverso, lateribus rotundatis, confertissime 
punctulato, punctis majoribus sparsis; elytris paulo con- 
vexis, punctatis; corpore infra castaneo, metathorace 
plagis duabus flavis ornato; pedibus nigro-castaneis, tibiis 

Long. corp. (mandib. incl.) lin. 9. 

Hab.—Afric. occ. Coll. Parry. 

This elegant little species has on a cursory inspection 
a very strong resemblance to Metopodontus Savagii (var. 
minor, Pl. Il. fig. 4); its armed mandibles, the form of its 
head and clypeus, and the colour of its legs, afford, however, 
ample distinguishing characters. Acquainted with the g 
var. minor only, I refer it provisionally to the genus Meto- 
podontus, the minor development in several of the species 
of this genus being destitute of the tubercles in front of 
the head so conspicuous in the var. max. as already 
stated. I have great pleasure in naming this insect after 
my friend Mr. Swanzy, from whose interesting collection 
of West African Lucanoidea I have obtained much valu- 
able information, and to whom I am indebted for the 
addition of this unique insect to my collection. 

Prosopocoilus Wallacii, Parry. 

I am indebted to M. Van Vollenhoven for the addition 
of this rare species to my collection. An unique speci- 
men of the g captured by Mr. Wallace, was described 
in my former publication. The following brief diagnosis 
may be sufficient to characterize the female. 

9. Niger, supra nitidissimus, subparallelus; elytris 
dorso fusco-castaneis, linea angusta fulva ab humero fere 
ad apicem ducta notatis, marginibus nigris. 

Long. corp. unc. 1, lin. 2 

Hab.—Halmaheira (Gilolo). - 

Shghtly convex, above very shining. Head subquad- 
rate, in front and at the sides with large shallow and often 
confluent punctures, behind smooth, rounded in front of 
the eyes; mandibles short, strongly punctate, slightly 
grooved on the upper surface, and armed with a short 

82 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

obtuse tooth, situate internally near the apex; prothorax 
with the anterior and posterior angles rounded, very 
minutely and sparsely punctate on the disc, but coarsely 
so at the anterior angles; scutellum obsoletely punctate ; 
elytra smooth on the disc, the lateral margins thickly 
punctate; the four posterior tibie armed with a strong 

Prosopocoilus perplexus, Parry. 
P. natalensis, Parry (Pl. II. figs. 6, 9). 
P. approximatus, Parry (Pl. III. figs. 2, 7). 

The specimen from which the description at p. 26 of my 
former Catalogue was derived belonged to Mr. Bowring’s 
collection and was noted with the habitat ‘Ind. or. ;” 
the name perplexus was assigned to it, to denote some 
hesitation in my mind as to its affinity with other allied 
Indian species of the genus, with none of which it appeared 
exactly to coincide. Since then, I have in the British 
Museum met with another male specimen (also a var. 
minor) as wellas two females; of the latter, one specimen 
was presented by Captain Boys from Northern India, and 
the other two were obtained from the collection of the 
East India Company. The habitat of India is, therefore, 
I think, perfectly correct. 

Recently on a visit to Paris, both Count Mniszech and 
Mons. H. Deyrolle having expressed a strong opinion as 
to P. perpleaus being only a variety of P. natalensis (to 
which it certainly bears a very great similarity), I have, 
conjointly with Mr. C. Waterhouse, carefully compared 
the various specimens of P. perplexus with those of C. 
natalensis, and find that P. perplexus is of a somewhat 
lighter colour, has comparatively narrower and _ less 
quadrate elytra, its clypeus is simple, its head closely 
granulate, and with a few large punctures at the sides 
behind the eyes, its thorax thickly granulate all over, and 
presenting no trace whatever of punctures, and the punc- 
tuation of the elytra is much finer and sparser. 

Figures are now given also of the var. max. and var. 
med, of P. approximatus. 

Prosopocoilus mysticus, n. sp. 

d. Castaneo-piceus, nitidus, depressus, supra et sub- 
tus confertissime granulosus; mandibulis capitis longi- 


Lucanoid Coleoptera. 83 

tudine, apicibus curvatis, acutis, intus irregulariter den- 
ticulatis, basi emarginatis; capite subquadrato, fronte 
antice depressa, emarginata, lateribus fortiter et grosse 
punctatis, angulis ante oculos obtusis, pone oculos leviter 
inflatis; clypeo parvo, binodoso; thorace transverso, an- 
gulis posticis obliquis, margine antico fulvo-ciliato; ely- 
tris crebre punctatis, ad suturam sublevibus; scutello 
triangulari, sparsim punctulato; pedibus_ rufo-piceis, 
tibiis extus inermibus, intus ciliatis, tarsis subtus fulvo- 

Long. corp. lin. 10; mandib. lin. 23. 

Hab.—Malacca. Mus. Parry et Mniszech. 

This new species is closely allied to P. cilipes, Thom- 
son, from Assam; but is at once distinguished by the 
structure of its mandibles, the smooth lateral margins of 
its prothorax, its unarmed tibiz, and the normal length 
of its tarsi; whereas, in P. cilipes, the mandibles are 
provided internally, at their base, with a large bifid tooth 
(whereof no trace exists in P. mysticus), the lateral 
margins of the prothorax are strongly crenulate, the four 
posterior tibiz are armed with a single spine, and the 
tarsi attain extraordinary proportions, being about one- 
third longer than their respective tibiz. 

Prosopocoilus Archeri. 

Aulacostethus Archeri, C. Waterh. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, 
p- 14, pl. mi. fig. 1. 

_ I am somewhat perplexed in locating the insect for 
which Mr. C. Waterhouse has proposed a new genus, 
and of which the characters given are as follows :— 

“Ist. The form of the mentum varying from all other 
species belonging to the Lucanide. 

*‘2ndly. The eyes being entirely divided by a 

“ 3rdly. The prosternum being narrow and longitu- 
dinally canaliculate. 

“Athly. The four posterior tibie being most conspi- 
cuously enlarged at their extreme apex, with the tarsi 
remarkably short.” 

The author’s first idea of referring this insect to the 
Cladognathide appears to me to be correct, exhibiting as 

84 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

it does, in general form and character, a very marked 
resemblance to several species now included in the genus 
Prosopocoilus, and more especially to P. Spencii, Hope, 
of which a figure is now given (PI. II. fig. 1). Whether 
the characters adduced by Mr. Waterhouse are sufficient 

to warrant the creation of a new genus, may, perhaps, 

admit of some doubt, as in reference to three of the cha- 
racters, viz., the form of the mentum, the canaliculate 
prosternum, and the eyes divided by a canthus, these 

are also present in Prosocopoilus forceps from Sumatra, 

which species, on account of the peculiar character of the 
armature of the mandibles, has been located in the same 
section as P. Spencii, P. bulbosus, and others, and might, 
possibly, with equal propriety be raised to generic rank, 
looking at the very great difference this insect exhibits 
from any other of the species of the family, in the singu- 
lar formation of the mandibles, so conspicuously forcipi- 
form, in the eyes being divided by a canthus, and 
finally, in the peculiarly sinuate sides of the prothorax. 
In reference to the apical dilatation of the four pos- 
terior tibie, as remarked in P. Archeri, this character 
(although somewhat modified) is very conspicuous in 
Psalidoremus Motschulskii, and still more so in two species 
belonging to the Dorcide, viz., Pseudodorcus carbonarius, 
West., and Sclerostumus Bacchus, Hope. The extreme 
brevity of the tarsi is certainly most peculiar in this 
species, and not to be met with in any other belonging 
to this family, but is, I think, scarcely of generic value. 
Taking, therefore, into consideration these facts, I deem 
it preferable, for the present, to place this species in the 
genus Prosopocoilus. The female is at present unknown. 

Prosopocoilus Spencii. 
Prosopocoilus bulbosus. 

Tucanus bulbosus, Hope, Cat. Lue. p. 20 (clypeo bituber- 
culato); nec L. bulbosus, Hope, Tr. Linn. Soc. xviii. 
589, pl. xl. fig. 2 (elypeo unituberculato). 

Having recently remarked the discrepancy in the 
form of the clypeus described by Mr. Hope in ‘his Cata- 
logue of Iucanide, and the figure given of L. bulbosus 
in the Trans. Linn. Soc., that organ being described in 
the former as bituberculate, whereas in the latter it is in- 
dubitably wnituberculate, it becomes apparent that two 

a ee ee 

Inucanoid Coleoptera. 85 

distinct species were confounded by Mr. Hope under the 
name of J. bulbosus. As regards Mr. Thomson’s Proso- 
pocoilus crenicollis, there exists no doubt in my mind, 
that, misled by the description given by Mr. Hope in his 
Catalogue, and without consulting the figure anteriorly 
published in the Linnean Transactions, and cited by Mr. 
Hope, he erroneously considered the insect before him 
as a nondescript, whereas it now proves to be identical 
with L. bulbosus, Hope, of the Trans. Lin. Soc., and of 
which I consider L. Spencii to be the var. max.; the de- 
scriptions of the several insects alluded to amply confirm 
the opinion I have expressed. 

The synonymy will therefore stand thus:— 
Prosopocoilus Spencii. (PIA. II. fig. 1.) 

Iucanus Spencii, g (var. max.) Hope, Tr. Linn, Soc. 
xvii. 589. 

Macrognathus Spencii, Hope, Cat. Luc. p. 6 and p. 19. 
Cladognathus Spencii, Parry, Cat. p. 37. 
TIucanus bulbosus, S (var. min.) Hope, Tr. Linn. Soc. 
xvii. 589, pl. xl. fig. 2 (clypeo unituberculato). 

Doreus punctiger, 9, Hope, Tr. Linn. Soc. xvii. 592. 
Prosopocoilus crenicollis, 8 ¢ , Thomson, Cat. Luc. p. 418. 

Mr. Thomson suggests the possibility of the two insects 
representing only a difference in race, or hereditary or 
local varieties of the same species, but I think that the 
diversity exhibited in the clypeus, as well as in the dif- 
ferent armature of the mandibles, and the more attenuate 
form of the elytra so conspicuous in C. bulbosus, fully 
warrant the conclusion, that C. bulbosus, Hope, Cat., and 
C. Spencit, Hope, Tr. Linn. Soc. are distinct species. 

Prosopocoilus antilopus, Swed. 
Cladognathus quadridens, Hope. 

Both the figure and description of the mandibles “ ex- 
sertz, capite vix longiores,” show that the insect described 
by Swederus (Act. Holm. 1787, p. 186, pl. vii. fig. 3) is the 
var. minor of the species; it is stated to have formed part 
of the then celebrated Drury collection, dispersed, I be- 
heve, afterwards by public auction. Allusion was made in 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.-—PART I. (MARCH.) H 

86 Major I. J. Sidney Parry on 

my former Catalogue (p. 35) as to the probable identity 
of antilopus and the quadridens of Hope (Cat. Lue. p. 4), 
and this view has been confirmed, from having had the 
opportunity of examining a larger number of specimens 
of the insect in all its developments. In the present 
Catalogue, I unite them as one species. 

Homoderus Mellyi. 

3 (var. min.) Parry, Tr. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, 1. 38. 

6 (var. max.) H. Deyrolle, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1864, 
p. 316, pl. iv. fig. 2. 

Gen. Homoderus. Clypeus with its anterior angles pro- 
duced into a more or less acute slightly recurved tooth, 
broadly emarginate in front; antenne elongate; man- 
dibles falcate, toothed internally; head (in var. max.) 
strongly raised in front. 

The characters of the genus Homoderus originally given 
were taken from a specimen then unique in my collection, 
which now proves to be the var. minor. Since that period 
many specimens have been received, among them a gi- 
gantic insect representing the var. max.; it is in Count 
Mmiszech’s collection, was captured by Dr. Moufflet on 
the Gaboon, West Africa, and a short notice of it accom- 
panied by a figure has been given by M. H. Deyrolle. 
The remarkable head of the var. max. necessitates some 
modification of the characters at first attributed to this 
interesting genus, which approximates to Cyclommatus in 
the structure of the head, as well as in the elongate an- 
tenne, a ready transition being afforded through Oy- 
clommatus Kaupii from Celebes, a new species recently 
described by M. H. Deyrolle, from Count Mniszech’s 

Cyclommatus faunicolor, Hope. 
C. Maitlandi, Parry. 

The specimen in the Museum at Amsterdam (since 
presented to that of Leyden) which was described and 
figured in my former Catalogue under the name of C. 
Maitlandi must now, upon the authority of M. Snellen 
van Vollenhoven and Count Mniszech, be considered as 
representing only the var. max. of C. fawnicolor, Hope: 

Tucanoid Coleoptera. 87 

allusion was there made to the affinity of the two insects, 
and the rich dark purple colour of the elytra of C. Mait- 
landi was adduced as the distinguishing character between 
it and the other allied species; this character has, how- 
ever, now proved to be abnormal, Count Mniszech having 
lately received specimens of the same development which 
have the elytra covered with the silken pubescence of 
the var. minor (C. fuunicolor, Hope). The name Mait- 
landi is therefore to be sunk as a synonym. | 

Prismognathus subceneus, 3, Motsch. m Schrenck. Reis. 
Col. 138, pl. ix. fig. 12 (1860). 
Metopodontus dauricus, 2 , Motsch. lib. cit. p. 137, pl. ix. 
fis AT. 

Prismognathus dauricus, 3 and 2, Motsch. Ht. Hnt. 
1861, p. 10. 

Cladognathus dauricus, Parry, Cat. p. 81. 
Cyclorasis Jekelit, Parry, Tr. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, 1. 41. 

Hub.—Chowsan, Corea, Mantchouria, Pekin. 

Prismognathus subceneus and Metopodontus dauricus 
were originally described as distinct species, and sub- 
sequently indicated by the author as identical, and to be 
united under the name of P. dauricus. In 1864, I received 
from Mr. Bowring the ¢ and ¢ of an insect from Chow- 
san, which I considered new, and described under the 
name of Cyclorasis Jekelii;; having since examined other 
specimens in Count Mniszech’s collection, and also in 
that of the Jardin des Plantes, received from Pekin and 
Mantchouria, my attention has been drawn to the descrip- 
tions and figures given by Col. Motschulsky, and I have 
every reason to believe that the two are really identical. 
One of the chief characters of the genus in which I had 
placed it, “ oculi rotundati, integri” is unnoticed by Mots- 
chulsky, who characterizes it as being remarkable for the 
prismatic colouring of the mandibles, which are also 
strongly grooved on their upper surface, and furnished. 
with a sub-erect tooth near theapex. Although Mr. Thom- 
son’s name of Cyclorasis is undoubtedly more appropriate, 
it must nevertheless, m right of priority, yield to Pris- 
mognathus of Motschulsky ; the specific name of subeeneus, 
representing the male, ought however to be retained. 


88 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

MeTADORCUS, n. g. 

Head broad, strongly tuberculate behind the eyes, an- 
teriorly emarginate. 

Antenne short. 

Clypeus broad, shghtly emarginate. 

Mandibles slightly longer than the head, robust, arcuate, 
internally furrowed, with a strong sub-erect tooth near 
the centre, apex bifurcate. 

Prothoraz somewhat broader than the head, posterior 
angles oblique and emarginate, sides slightly sinuate. 

Elytra narrower than the thorax, very short and 

Tibie, four anterior indistinctly denticulate, posterior 

Metadorecus rotundatus. 
Leptinopterus rotundatus, Parry, Cat. Luc. p. 43. 

This South American species somewhat resembles 
Macrocrates Bucephalus, Burm., aud might be mistaken 
for the var. minor of that species. The latter differs in 
the mandibles being considerably longer, equally robust, 
but straight instead of circumflexed, in the clypeus being 
considerably more apparent, broad, and slightly emargi- 
nate, with the lateral angles acute; the head also is much 
broader, with the anterior margin nearly straight, and 
the antennz are much more elongate. 

The insects composing the genus Leptinopterus, in 
which genus M. rotundatus was formerly located, differ 
in having the mandibles less robust, more porrect, and 
but shghtly arcuate, the armature more variable, the 
head unarmed behind the eyes, the elytra considerably 
more elongate and depressed. 

The great difference in the form of the prothorax, and 
in the character of the mandibles, the very slight arma- 
ture of the tibiz, the posterior being totally unarmed, 
separate it, I think, from those species of the Dorcide 
pertaining to the South American genus Sclerostomus, to 
which it somewhat assimilates, and I place it as the 
link between Macrocrates and Leptinopterus. Judging 
from the specimens with which I am aquainted, I am 
under the impression that they are referable to the var. 

Inucanoid Coleoptera. 89 
Leptinopterus Fryi, Parry. 

A second specimen of this rare insect, hitherto unique 
in my own collection, exists in the Berlin Museum; it 
differs as to the size of the mandibles, these being consi- 
derably shorter, and consequently denoting a var. minor, 
The female appears still to remain unknown. 

Fam. Dorcip2. 

It appears to me advisable, with a view of facilitating 
the general arrangement of the insects belonging to this 
family, to separate them into two distinct divisions ; and 
to include in the first division the genera containing 
species of a large or moderate size, in which, in their 
normal condition, the mandibles attain a maximum deve- 
lopment, and are porrect, and often considerably exceed 
the length of the head; moreover, the several species 
exhibit a certain marked uniformity both of form and 
colour. Their habitat, too, with four exceptions (Dorcus 
parallelus, D. parallelipipedus, D. Musimon, and D. 
Peyronis), is confined to the Continent of India, China, 
and to the Islands of the Indian Archipelago. 

In the second division, I locate the genera composed of 
insects usually presenting a very minor development of 
mandibles; these are often recurved, seldom exceed 
the length of the head, and exhibit a greater diversity 
of form, sculpture, and colour; their habitat, moreover, 
is exclusively confined to Europe, Africa, the American 
Continent, and Australia. 

Eurytrachelus Bubalus, Perty. 

In my former Catalogue, this was recorded as a distinct 
Species, a suggestion being made that it would, per- 
haps, ultimately prove to be a var. min. of either 
H. Titan or EB. Bucephalus; having since obtained speci- 
mens showing the various gradations of form exhibited 
in 2. Bucephalus, one of which, a var. minor, corresponds 
exactly with Perty’s description of Bubalus, I no longer 
entertain any doubt as to their specific identity. It has 
I believe, been suggested by some entomologists, that 
H. Bucephalus (of which an excellent figure is given by 
Perty) and H. Titan are identical; in this view I cannot 
participate, seeing the very marked differences exhibited 
by these insects in the clypeus, and in the form of the 

90 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

mandibles. A considerable difference is also to be 
observed in the females of the two species; the punctua- 
tion in 2. Bucephalus, 9 , is much stronger, and the elytra 
are partially covered with a short sub-erect golden pubes- 
cence, and are more strongly lineate. The following 
three species, #. Titan, chiefly from the islands of the 
Eastern Archipelago, H. Westermani, from India, and 
Ei. platymelus from China and Formosa, appear to me to 
be more closely allied, and might, perhaps, be considered 
as geographical varieties. I may add, that on my at- 
tention being called to the habitats of H. Bucephalus 
given in my former Catalogue, viz., ‘ India, Archip. 
Ind.,” I have examined numerous specimens, contained 
in various collections, and find that the habitat is exclu- 
sively Java. I now give figures of L. Tityus, Hope 
(Pl. TH igs. 3, 8) . 

Lurytrachelus ceramensis, Thomson, 

In my former Catalogue I referred this insect to BP. 
concolor, Blanchard ; Count Mniszech and M. H. Deyrolle 
have, however, expressed to me their opinion that it is 
distinct, and as I do not possess authentic specimens of 
Mr. Thomson’s insect, it is, perhaps, advisable to retain 
it as such until further information is obtained. 

Eurytrachelus ternatensis, Thomson. 

EL. Thomsoni, Parry. 

The insect described at page 47 of my previous Cata- 
logue under the name of H. Thomsoni, has proved to be 
identical with Mr. Thomson’s species, ‘‘ Catalogue des 
Lucanides,” p. 423; the name must, therefore, be sup- 
pressed in favour of H. ternatensis. 

Lurytrachelus Candezti, n. sp. (Pl. I. fig. 2.) 

E. niger, nitidissimus, totus unicolor, politus ; protho- 
race utrinque impressionibus duabus singulariter auricu- 
liformibus indentato. (¢ var. min.). 

fi. ternatensi affinis, at nitidior; capite prothorace 
paulo angustiore, antice depresso, in medio et postice 
parce, lateribus crebre et fortiter punctato; mandibulis 
capite paulo brevioribus, punctulatis, prope basin bino- 
dosis, interneque excisis; clypeo emarginato, transverso, 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 91 

angulis obtusis; prothorace nitido, lateribus antice et 
postice sinuatis, disco subtilissime punctulato, in medio 
tenuissime canaliculato, lateribus grosse punctatis; ely- 
tris disco sub lente sparsim punctulato, lateribus et ad 
basin fortiter punctatis; scutello sparsim punctulato; 
corpore subtus crebre punctulato et tenuissime villoso ; 
pedibus ciliatis, tibiis anticis fortiter et irregulariter ser- 
ratis, posticis quatuor unispinosis. (? imcogn.). 

Long. corp. (mandib. incl.) lin. 144. 


This species was kindly added to my collection by Dr. 
Candéze, the well-known entomologist of Liege ; a know- 
ledge of the var. max. would be highly mteresting, in 
regard especially to the singular impressions on the pro- 
thorax, no other instance of the same kind occurring in 
any of the allied species of this genus. 

Hurytrachelus opacus. 
Macrodorcas opacus, C. Waterh. Ent. Mo. Mag. vi. 208. 

A single specimen (var. min.) from Japan, is in the 
British Museum. It appears to be closely allied to nipo- 
nensis, Voll., now placed in the genus Eurytrachelus. EH. 
niponensis may, I think, with great probability prove 
hereafter to be identical with Macrodorcas rectus of Mots- 
chulsky, but for the present it is, I think, advisable to 
retain it in the position it has hitherto occupied; and I 
am further of opinion that, should niponensis prove to be 
identical with rectus, upon which the genus Macrodorcas 
was founded, if is not entitled to generic rank. 

Hurytrachelus fulvonotatus. 

Cladognathus fulvonotatus, g (var. max.), Parry, 
Cat. p. 81. 

Cladugnathus bisignatus, @ (var. min.) ?, Parry, l. ¢. 

Having now examined numerous specimens of C. bisig- 
natus, 1 am fully satisfied that it and fulvonotatus ought 
to be united, bisignatus $ representing the var. minor, 
in which the fulvous marginal line of the elytra present 
in BH. fulvonotatus is reduced to a mere apical dash, and 
the fulvous spots of the thorax are entirely obliterated. 

92 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

My modified views respecting the limits of the genus 
Cladognathus render it necessary to remove this species, 
and I now locate it in Hurytrachelus, with certain species 
to which it assimilates in the form of the mandibles, in 
the structure of the head and clypeus, and especially in 
the tuberculate head of the female (this last character 
never occurring in the females of the genera composing 
the Cladognathide). Its nearest ally m form is LH. nipo- 
nensis, Voll.,and these two, with H. rubrofemoratus, Voll., 
from Japan, form a section of Huwrytrachelus, possibly 
representing the genus Macrodorcas of Motschulsky, and 
I have almost arrived at the conclusion that Macrodorcas 
rectus is identical with HL. niponensis. Mr. C. Waterhouse 
in his recent description of Macrodorcas opacus (vide 
ante, p. 91) evidently indicates the same conclusion. 

Burytrachelus elegans. 
Cladognathus elegans, Parry, Cat. p. 27, ¢ (¢ imcogn.). 

Unfortunately I am not in a position to state whether 
the female has or has not the vertex of the head bituber- 
culate, but in other respects it assimilates so closely with 
the preceding as to lead me to refer it without hesitation 
to the genus Hurytrachelus, and to remove it from Clu- 
dognathus where I formerly located it, but from which it 
differs widely in the structure of the head, clypeus, and 
mandibles. This insect formed part of Mr. Bowring’s 
collection, and although the habitat of India was assigned 
to it, I think it not unlikely that either China, Siam, or 
one of the Islands in the Hastern Archipelago may event- 
ually prove to be more correct. With respect to colour, 
however, this species and the foregoing form an exception, 
all the other members of this division of the family being 
of a dusky brown or black hue. 

Dorcus (2) derelictus, Parry. (Pl. Il. fig. 3.) 

Since the publication of my description of this singular 
insect, of which the sex appeared to me doubtful, I have 
been enabled by dissection to ascertain beyond doubt 
that it is a female. The strongly bituberculate head 
induced me formerly (with some hesitation) to place it 
with the Dorcide, but I am now inclined, on account of 
its uniform glossy and comparatively impunctate surface, 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 93 

coupled with the form and slender character of its legs, 
and its unarmed posterior tibiz, to consider that this 
species is perhaps more closely allied to the Cladognathide, 
or to the Odontolabide, the latter having the posterior 
tibiz in both sexes unarmed. The singular anomaly of 
having the posterior tibie unarmed in this sex of the 
Cladognathide, has fallen under my notice only in two 
species, Prosopocoilus cavifrons and P. approximatus ; 
nevertheless as a knowledge of the male sex can alone 
declare its true position, I prefer for the present to 
locate it temporarily in the fourth section of the genus 
Dorcus, together with two other imsects, the males of 
which are at present unknown. 

Migus kandiensis, Hope. (Pl. II. figs. 5, 8.) 

Under some reservation, two insects from Borneo and 
the Philippines were united (Cat. p. 53) with Agus kan- 
diensis ; they have, since an acquaintance with a larger 
series of specimens, been considered as distinct, and de- 
scribed by M. H. Deyrolle in the Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 
(vide ante, p. 62) under the names of Agus ogivus and 
Aigus philippinensis, from Malacca and the Philippimes 
(the former is also a native of Borneo). Agus kandien- 
sis was represented in Mr. Hope’s collection by a var. 
minor, and was placed in his Catalogue as a synonym of 
Afgus cicatricosus, Wiedemann ; the latter now proves to 
be the Agus acuminatus, Fab. The following is a more 
extended description of 4. kandiensis :— 

$. (var. max.) Nigro-brunneus, obscurus, parum 
nitidus; mandibulis robustis, arcuatis, ad medium dente 
obtuso instructis; capite antice excavato, in medio tuber- 
culo obtuso armato, lateraliter pone oculos angulatim 
lobato, vertice plano, lateribus utrinque fortiter et 
rugose punctatis; prothorace transverso, lateribus rectis, 
angulis anticis paulo emarginatis, posticis oblique trun- 
catis; elytris brevibus, nitidis, parum convexis. 

The male (var. max.) is distinguished from that of A. 
philippinensis, to which this species is very closely allied, 
by the truncation of the posterior angles of the thorax, 
which are scarcely emarginate, by its more convex form 
in all its developments, by its coarser punctuation, and 
the brevity of the elytra. The female is also conspicuously 
shorter and more convex, with the punctuation of the 

94 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

upper surface and thorax stronger and sparser. The 
differences here described are clearly indicated in the 
somewhat extensive series of examples of both Av. kan- 
diensis and AY. philippinensis in my own collection, but 
whether they are of specific value, or merely local varia- 
tion, is doubtful. 

Gnaphaloryx dilaticollis, Parry. 

A single g¢ specimen was described at p. 51 of my 
former Catalogue; in examining recently the Hopeian 
collection at Oxford, | detected an insect which I have 
every reason to believe is the 9 of the same species. 
There being no locality stated, I can only reiterate the 
opinion that its habitat will prove to be the Indian Ar- 

Pseudodorcus (n. g.) hydrophiloides. 
Dorcus hydrophiloides, 8, Hope, Cat. Lucan, p. 23. 

Dorcus carbonarius, 2, Westw. Tr. Ent. Soe. ser. 3, 1. 
515, pl. xxi. fig. 3. 

Of this interesting insect single specimens exist in the 
Hopeian collection at Oxford (d¢ from Melville Island), 
in the British Museum (¢?), and in my own collection 
(2). Having recently compared my own specimen 
with that in the Hopeian collection, I am fully convinced 
of the propriety of uniting them as the same species. I 
may further add, that by a typographical error, D. hydro- 
philoides was stated in my former Catalogue to be a 9, 
whereas it is indubitably a ¢, and is described as such 
by the author. 

Professor Westwood in his description of D, carbona- 
rius, Q (loc. cit.), fully appreciating the difficulty of 
properly locating the insect, concludes thus: 

“The general structure of this female insect removes 
it generically from all the other groups with the females 
of which we are acquainted. The rounded prothorax and 
spinose tibia separate it from the true Lucani. In Odon- 
tolabis (Alces, etc.) the hind tibiz are simple. In LJ. 
Rafilesii, nepalensis, and Chevrolatii, the form of the pro- 
thorax and broad fore-tibia of this new insect are not 
found. It is, however, much closer to some of the larger 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 95 

species of Dorcus, especially in the toothing of the legs, 
and in the produced clypeus, but its broader form and 
rounded thorax remove it from all of these.” 

I fully coincide with the author, as to this species 
being nearer in affinity with the Dorcide than with either 
the Lucanide, Odontolabide, or OCladognathide. Taking 
into consideration the several characters above-men- 
tioned, and the small head and mandibles, in the only 
male specimen known to me, which is probably the var. 
max., I am induced to place this species at the head of 
the second division of the Dorcide, under the generic 
name of Pseudodorcus. 

Sclerostomus tristis, Deyr., n. sp. 

** Alhied to S. Bacchus, as regards size and form, but 
more depressed, and more opaque. 

Mandibles somewhat similar, but presenting a kind of 
inclined plane from the external margin to the interior 
teeth, with a rounded tubercle in the middle of this 
plane in lieu of the ridge which exists in S. Bacchus. 

Head nearly similar, except the post-ocular tubercles 
which are less developed laterally, and much more so 
posteriorly. — 

Prothorax with its sides more parallel, especially be- 
hind; its posterior angles, although likewise truncate, 
are much more pronounced. 

Scutellum half the size of that of its congener. 

Hlytra flatter, more opaque, punctuation similar to 
that of S. Bacchus. Beneath much more opaque. 

Finally, this species is distinguished by its general 
form, its more quadrate prothorax, its very small scutel- 
lum, and its generally more opaque aspect. 


Coll. Mniszech.” (HH. Deyrolle.) 

Sclerostomus marginipennis, Deyr., n. sp. 

** Alhed to S. Lessonii, Buq., and Philippi, Westw.; 
more nearly related to the latter by the squamose lateral 
bands of the elytra, which reach the margin. Of the 
same form as S. Philippi, but a trifle smaller, and more 

96 Major F, J. Sidney Parry on 

parallel; the prothorax in the var. max. of the present 
species being scarcely perceptibly widened in front. 

The punctuation is analogous, although shghtly stronger 
and less regular, especially in the female, the general 
aspect also is much duller. 

The squamose border of the prothorax and elytra is 
nearly twice as wide as in 8. Philippi, and finally, the 
legs in the present species are always red, whilst in its 
congener they are black. 

In short, this species is easily recognised by the fol- 
lowing principal characters:—form more parallel; large 
size; stronger punctuation; duller aspect; squamose 
band much wider; red legs. 


Coll. Mniszech.” (H. Deyrolle.) 

Sclerostomus elongatus, Deyr., n. sp. 

«¢ Allied to S. Philippi, but much more elongate in pro- 
portion, and more parallel; punctuation conspicuously 
stronger, almost forming striz and ridges, the latter 
character very apparent and well marked in the female. 

Prothorax with its lateral margins quite straight from 
one angle to the other, very slightly widened in front, 
its angles prominent. 

Squamose border of the prothorax and elytra analogous 
to that of S. Philippi, but a little narrower. 

This species is especially recognisable by its elongate 
and parallel form. 

Coll. Mniszech.” (H. Deyrolle.) 

Sclerostomus cruentus, Burm. 

S. cruentus, 6, Burm. Handb. v. 425. 
S. neotragus, 6, Westw. Tr. Ent. Soc. N. 8. mi. 208, 
pl. xi. fig. 3. 
S. ditomoides, 3, Westw. loc. cit. fig. 4. 
S. cribratus, 2 , Thoms. Cat. Luc. 429. 

The insect described by Dr. Burmeister appears to have 
been in an abnormal condition, the rufous coloration of 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 97 

the elytra being evidently that of an immature specimen, 
such as I now possess, and which corresponds exactly 
with Dr. Burmeister’s description of S. cruentus, and 
furthermore with that of S. neotragus, Westw. The no- 
menclature of this species will thus stand as above given. 
The same habitat, Brasil, is given in each of the several 

Liissotes opacus, Deyr., n. sp. 

** Alhed to L. obtusatus, Westw., a trifle smaller, more 
opaque; having a very distinct pruimose aspect; punc- 
tuation perceptibly finer and more regular. 

Mandibles of the same form, but a little less elongate, 
the vacant space which they circumscribe at the base 
being smaller. Head a trifle more parallel, its punctua- 
tion finer and closer, armed on the middle of the fore- 
head with two little shining tubercles, but slightly 
separate from each other. 

Prothorax flatter, with the anterior angles more rounded. 

Elytra with the pruinose appearance more pronounced, 
clothed with erect ferruginous hairs, sparsely dispersed 
on the disc but denser at the sides; this vestiture is much 
more apparent than in J. obtusatus. This species is 
readily distinguished by its punctuation and especially 
by its frontal tubercles. 

Hab.—Van Diemen’s Land. Coll. Mniszech.” 
(H. Deyrolle.) 

In addition to this species, I have to enumerate the 
following species of Lissotes, of which drawings were 
exhibited by Professor Westwood at the Meeting of our 
Society, on the 3rd of January, 1870, and for the remarks 
on which here given, I am indebted to him. 

No. 1. Lissotes Launcestoni, Westw., MS. Very nearly 
allied to L. obtusatus, but comparatively longer and more 
depressed.* Hab.—North of Tasmania. 

No. 2. Lissotes latidens, Westw. MS. Female unknown. 
Hab.—Maria Island, east coast of Tasmania. 

No. 3. Lissotes forcipula, Westw.,.MS. Allied to L. 
crenatus, Westw., in the structure of its mandibles, but 

* It is the opinion of certain Entomologists that this may ultimately 
prove to be a mere local form of L. obtusatus. 

98 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

sufficiently distinct in form, not being so ovate or convex, 
with a much smaller head, and more strongly punctured. 
A single male in Coll. Parry, and another in the collection 
at the Jardin des Plantes. Hab.—Tasmania. 

Obs. Thereis extantin the Oxford Museuma specimen, 
of which the habitat is unknown, which may prove to be 
the female of this species. 

No. 4. Lissotes furcicornis, Howitt, MS. An excellent 
species, ¢ ¢. Mus. Oxon.; g Mus. Parry. Hab.— 
Mountains 60 miles N.E. of Melbourne. 

No. 5. I have a specimen of a 9? insect, from Tas- 
mania, assimilating considerably to, but much smaller 
than the ? of L. crenatus, to which Prof. Westwood has 
assigned the MS. name of J. subcrenatus, but not being 
acquainted with the g, he does not think it advisable 
for the present to characterize it. 

Genus Lissaprervs, Deyr., n. g. 

“Genus established on the Lissotes Howittanus, Westw., 
characterized by :— 

The antennz, which are entirely destitute of leaflets, 
these being represented by articulations simply flattened 
on the whole of their upper and lower surfaces, and of 
which the villose portion is limited to the extremities, a 
remarkable character, present only on the terminal arti- 
culation, which is straightly truncate, and, as it were, 
abruptly cut off at its extremity. 

The anterior tibiz, which are considerably produced 
beyond the insertion of the tarsi into a bidentate process, 
as in Anoplocnenvus, and some other genera of Lucanide. 

Lastly, the monstrous head and very small eyes, the 
latter completely divided by the ocular canthus.” 

(H. Deyrolle.) 

Cardanus cribratus, n. sp. (3 .) 

C. parvus, cylindricus, niger, subopacus, fortiter et 
grosse punctatus; mandibulis brevibus, simplicibus; 
capite angulis ante oculos rotundatis; prothorace disco 
impresso, antice tuberculato; elytris foveolato-striatis, 
interstitiis elevatis, planis; tibus quatuor irregulariter 
tri- aut quadri-nodoso-spinosis; corpore subtus rugoso- 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 99 

Hab.—Ins. Philip. 
Long. 43 lin. In Mus. Brit. 

Considerably smaller than Cardanus sulcatus, West., 
but closely allied to it; the head more strongly punc- 
tured, less emarginate in front, the angles in front of the 
eyes rounded, instead of bemg rectangular as in C. sul- 
catus, the prothorax less closely punctate, the interstices 
of the elytra, moreover, are smooth, and the external 
denticulation of the tibize not so strong. 

Ceratognathus Westwoodii, Thomson. 

The @ of this species, hitherto unknown to our collec- 
tions, has recently been received at the Hopeian Museum, 
Oxford; it was sent by Dr. Howitt, from Melbourne, as 
distinct, and under the MS. name of C. setiger. The 9 
is readily distinguished from the ¢ by its very short and 
more strongly punctured mandibles. 

Ceratognathus helotoides, Thomson. 

Specimens, both ¢ and 9, of this hitherto rare species 
have recently been received both by Mr. Bates and my- 
self, from the province of Canterbury, New Zealand, 
collected by Mr. Fereday. C. helotvides has, I believe 
erroneously, been stated as belonging to the Australian 

Ceratognathus abdominalis, n. sp. (¢). 

C. parvulus, cylindricus, punctatissimus, brunneo- 
obscurus ; elytris costis nonnullis obsoletioribus longitu- 
dinalibus, interstitiis irregulariter maculis cinereis notatis ; 
abdomine subtus rufo-piceo; tibiis posterioribus iner- 

Hab.—Moreton Bay. 

Long. corp. 5 lin. 

A single specimen only has fallen under my notice; it 
assimilates in form and general character of sculpture to 
O. niger, 2 , but is considerably smaller, and of an obscure 
brownish colour; the elytra are furnished with several 
small irregularly formed squamulose patches of grayish 
colour, of which traces are visible on the prothorax; the 
latter has a narrow polished longitudinal line extending 


100 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

down its centre, the antennz are pale rufous, the clava 
somewhat more obscure, with the leaflets short; the 
abdomen is of a pitchy-red, and strongly punctate; the 
anterior and intermediate tibiz are armed with a small 
acute spine near the centre, and the former are destitute 
of the internal apical tooth which is conspicuous in (C. 
niger. C.abdominalis is one of the smallest species of 
the Lucanoid Coleoptera with which I am acquainted. 

Sinodendron americanum, Palisot. 

A specimen of an insect thus named, sent by Professor 
Agassiz, has been recently added to my collection, through 
the kindness of my friend Dr. Kaup of Darmstadt. On 
comparing it with the European species S. cylindricum, 
I have no reason to alter the opinion already expressed 
(Cat. p. 65) as to the identity of the two insects. Dr. 
Leconte confirms me in this view, having recently informed 
me that S. americanum has never fallen under his notice, 
and that he thinks it must be considered as a very ques- 
tionable species. 

The following eight species appeared in my Catalogue 
of 1864, but were then undescribed. They have since 
been described as follows :— 

1. Lucanus laticornis, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1864, p. 312. 
2. Hexarthrius Chaudoiri, Deyr. af p. 312, pl. iv. fig. 1. 
3. Odontolabis striatus, Deyr. i p- 313, pl. iv. fig. 3. 
4, ‘3 nigritus (sic), Deyr. * p. 315. 
5. me intermedius, Deyr. “ p. 315. 
6. Platycerus ebeninus, Deyr. 7 p. 317, pl. iv. fig. 4. 
7. Sclerostomus signatipennis, Deyr. = p- 319. 
8. PS lineatus, Deyr. 5 p. 319. 

As to Hewvarthrius Chaudoiri, vide ante, p. 56. 

bt oe 

2 Ss Ove Os 


Inucanoid Coleoptera. 


The following twenty-five, appearing as species in my 
Catalogue of 1864, are now suppressed. 

Chiasognathus Mniszechii, 

a albofuscus, 
Lamprima splendens, Erichs. 
=f rutilans, Krichs. 
3 sumptuosa, Hope. 

Lucanus Hopei, Parry. 
»  sericans, Voll. 

Hexarthrius Chaudoiri, Deyr. 

Cladognathus quadrinodosus, 
. bisignatus, 
x crenicollis, 
a quadridens, 





Cyclorasis Jekelii, Parry. 
Cyclommatus Maitland, 
Eurytrachelus Bubalus, Perty. 
Dorcus submolaris, Hope. 
»  orevis, Say. 
5,  scaritides, Hope. 
3  carbonarius, Westw. 
Agus lunatus, Weber. 
»  labilis, Westw. 
Sclerostomus Lessonii, 


op neotragus, 
3 cditomoides, 

The following changes of nomenclature are now made :— 

Catalogue, 1864. 

Genus 1. Cyclorasis, Thoms. 
1. Neolucanus Baladeva, Hope 

2. Cladognathus dauricus, Motsch. 

Catalogue, 1870. 

Prismognathus, Motseh. 

Neolucanus lama, Oliv. 

Prismognathus subeneus, Motsch. 

The following seven did not appear as genera in my 
Catalogue of 1864 :— 

New Genera. 

OP Syn 

Pseudolucanus, Hope, Cat. Lucan. p. 30. 

Chalcodes, Westwood, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1834, p. 118. 
Metadorcus, Parry, ante, p. 88. 

Pseudodorcus, Parry, ante, p. 94. 

Lissapterus, Deyrolle, ante, p. 98. 

Amneidus, Coquerel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1866, p. 325. 
Hevaphyllum, Gray, in Grif. An. Kined. xv. 536. 

102 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

New Species. 

The following fifty did not appear as species in my 
Catalogue of 1864:— 

1. Chiasognathus impubis, Parry, ante, p. 68. 
2. : peruvianus, Waterh. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 18, pl. 
iii. figs. 2, 3. 
3. Streptocerus eustictus, Philippi, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1864, p. 316. 
4. Lucanus pentaphyllus, Reiche, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1853, p. 71 
(olim syn.). 
5. Odontolabis Duivenbodei, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1866, p. 25, 
pl. i. fig. 1. 
6. Neolucanus Swinhoei, Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 346, fig. 2. 
7. Psalidoremus Motschulskii, Waterh. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 16. 
8. Metopodontus, n. sp. in Mus. Paris (ined.), vide ante, p. 78. 

E is impressus, Waterh. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 17. 
10. ~ (?) torresensis, Deyr., ante, p. 80. 
ike +: (2) Swanzianus, Parry, ante, p. 81. 
12. Prosopocoilus vittatus, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1866, p. 28, pl. i. 
fig. 4. 
13. i Lorquinii, Deyr., lib. cit., p. 26, pl. i. fig. 2. 
14. 3 mysticus, Parry, ante, p. 82. 
15. 7 Archeri, Waterh. Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 13, pl. iii. 
fig. 1. 
16. bulbosus, Hope, Cat. Lucan. p. 20 (nec Tr. Lin. | 
Soe. xviii. 589, pl. xl. fig. 2). 
de + dentifer, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1866, p. 29, 
pl. i. fig. 5. 
18. os (?) Sayersii, Hope, Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 494 (olim syn.). 
19. Cyclommatus Kawpii, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1866, p. 30, pl. ii. 
fig. 2. 
20. Eurytrachelus ewrycephalus, Burm. Handb. v. 387 (olim syn.). 
21. Alcides, Voll. Tijd. Ent. 1865, p. 150, pl. x. fig. 3. 
22. . Candezii, Parry, ante, p. 90. 
23. 95 Castelnaudii, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1866, p. 31, 
pl. ii. fig. 3. 
24, - ceramensis, Thoms. Cat. Lucan. 424 (olim syn.). 
25. " rubrofemoratus, Voll. Tijd. Ent. 1865, p. 152, pl. xi. 
fig. 1, 2. 
26. s opacus, Waterh. Ent. Mo. Mag. vi. 208. 

27. Mgus Formose, Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 347. 

28. »  philippinensis, Deyr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 1866, p. 32, pl. ii. 
fig. 4. 
29. »  ogivus, Deyr. lib. cit., p. 33, pl. ii. fig. 5. 








Lucanoid Coleoptera. 108 

Algus gracilis, Deyr. lib. cit., p, 34, pl. ii. fig. 6. 
»,  amictus, Deyr. lib. cit., p. 35, pl. ii. fig. 7. 
Gnaphaloryx miles, Voll. Tijd. Ent. 1865, p. 155, pl. xi. fig. 5. 

re n. sp. (ined.), vide ante, p. 78. 
Sclerostomus tristis, Deyr., ante, p. 95. 
95 Spinole, Solier, in Gay. Hist. Chili. v. 52 (olim syn.). 
Sclerostomus mandibularis, Solier, lib. cit., 56, pl. xv. fig, 5 (olim 
5 marginipennis, Deyr., ante, p. 95. 
af elongatus, Deyr., ante, p. 96. 

Lissotes opacus, Deyr., ante, p. 97. 
»  Lawncestoni, Westw. MS., vide ante, p. 97. 

»,  latidens, Westw. MB8., be yi Mfc 
»  forcipula, Westw. MS., a p. 97. 
»  Jurcicornis, Howitt, MS., < p. 98. 

5,  subcrenatus, Westw. MS.., 7 p- 98. 
Nigidius formosanus, Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 347. 

os Parryi, Bates, o: p. 347. 
Amneidus Godefroyi, Coquerel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1866, p. 326, 
pl. vii. fig. 1. 

Cardanus cribatus, Parry, ante, p. 98. 
Ceratognathus abdominalis, Parry, ante, p. 99. 
as alboguttatus, Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. iv. 54. 

I proceed to give, on the next page, a Revised Cata- 
logue of the Lucanoid Coleoptera. 

104 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Coleoptera Pectinicornia; Div. Lucanoidea. 

For the Synonymy, see my Catalogue of 1864, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., 
ii. 67. 
The species marked + are known to me by description only, and those 
marked * are not in my collection. 

Fam. I. Chiasognathide. 
Gen. i. PHOLIDOTUS, McLeay. 

Sp. 1. P. Humpoupti, Schénherr . : - ; Brazil. 
2. P. Sprxm, Perty . : . ; : : Brazil. 
Gen. ii. CHIASOGNATHUS, Stephens. 
Sp. 1. C.Grantu, Stephens . < - Chili, Chiloe Isl. 
2. OC. Joussetini, Reiche . : ; - r Chili. 
Mniszechii, Thomson. 
3. OC. Larrerui, Solier . : : : : Chili, 
4. C. mpvusis, Parry ; ; 7 : : Chili. 
* 5. C. peRuyiAnus, C. Waterhous ; ; Peru. 
Gen. iii. SPHENOGNATHUS, Buquet. | 
Sp. 1. §S. FrisrnHameni, Guérin . Colombia, New Grenada. | 
2. §. prronormpes, Buquet . Colombia, New Grenada. 
albofuscus, Blanchard. . 
3. §$. Linpenu, Murray . : : - Peru, Quito. . 
4. §. Murray, Thomson . : - Venezuela. 
Gen. iv. DENDROBLAX, White. : 
Sp. 1. D. Haru, White _ js : . New Zealand. 
Gen. y. RHYSSONOTUS, McLeay. j 
Sp. 1. R. nesuxosus, Kirby . - - - New Holland. ; 
2. KR. svueutaris, Westwood . New Holland, Melbourne. : 
Gen. vi. CACOSTOMUS, Newman. | 
Sp. 1. C.squamosus, Newman  . = A New Holland. 

Gen. vii. LAMPRIMA, Latreille. 

Section 1. 
Sp. 1. L. Larreruiu, McLeay ; ; . New Holland. 

2. LL. aurata, Latreille . : ‘ . New Holland. 

Sp. 1. 


Sp. 1. 


SP 90. So) Ga-Ore Ce be 

L. vapians, Germar . : - . New Holland. 


S. speciosus, Fairmaire : , : ; Chili. 
8. Eusticrus, Philippi i : 0 : Chili. 
Gen. ix. COLOPHON, Westwood. 
C. Westwoopil, Gray . ; : - South Africa. 
C. THunBERGII, Westwood . : 5 . Caffraria. 
Fam. II. Lucanide. 
Gen. x. MESOTOPUS, Burmeister. 
M. TaRanpus, Swederus h E : West Africa. 
Gen. xi. LUCANUS, Scopoli. 
L. cervus, Linné : : - C 5 Europe. 
L. PENTAPHYLLUS, Reiche . : - South Europe. 
L. turcicus, Sturm Turkey, Greece, Asia Minor. 
L. caticornis, Deyrolle : : . Smyrna, Ararat. 
L. onrentauis, Kraatz . F - Turkey, Asia Minor. 
L. rxapuus, Fabricius 3 ‘ -» North America. 
L. Lentus, Castelnau . , - . North America. 
L. tunirer, Hope : : : Himalayan India. 
L. Mzaresit, Hope : Himalaya, Silhet. 
L. Cantror1, Hope : : . North India, Assam. 
L. vittosus, Hope : ‘ . : : Nepaul. 
L. Suirai, Parry - . 5 Kast India. 
L. WESTERMANNI, Hope é : , Assam. 
L. vicinus, Hope é : : East India, Poonah. 
L. Fortunm, Saunders ; . . China. 
L. MACULIFEMORATUS, Motsehulany : : Japan. 


. Barparossa, Fabricius 

LInucanoid Coleoptera. 


splendens, Erichson. 
rutilans, Krichson. 

Section 2. 

NEA, Fabricius . New Holland, Norfolk Island. 
- New Holland, Swan River. 

Micarpt1, Reiché 
nigricollis, Hope. 
sumptuosa, Hope. 

Gen, viii. STREPTOCERUS, Fairmaire. 

Hopei, Parry. 
sericans, Vollenhoven. 

Gen. xii. PSHUDOLUCANUS, Hope. 

. ATRATUS, Hope ; : : : : Nepaul. 
. CAPREOLUS, Linné . ; : . North America. 
. Mazama, Leconte . : ; . North Mexico. 

Spain, North Africa. 



Sp. 1. 


Sd Te 

Sie ECAC Ma a a 

Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Gen. xiii. RHATUS, Parry. 
R. Westwoontr, Parry 

Gen. xiv. HEXARTHRIUS, Hope. 

Section 1. 
H. Forstert, Hope 2 . ° a : Assam. 
H. Bownrineu, Parry India, or Indian Archip. 
H. rurnoceros, Olivier : “ . Java, Sumatra. 
Chaudoiri, Deyrolle. 
H. Buqueri, Hope - P F é 3 Java. 
H. Mniszecuu, Thomson . : - Silhet. 
Section 2. 
H. Parryi, Hope - : : : : Silhet. 
H. Deyrouuu, Parry . “3 = = < Siam. 

Fam. II. Odontolabide. 
Gen. xy. ODONTOLABIS, Hope. 

Section 1. 
O. VouLennovitl, Parry 5 : - Borneo. 
O. LuprExiner, Vollenhoyen é : . Sumatra. 
O. Wouuastoni, Parry . - é - Malacca. 
O. Movunori, Parry . : : Cambodia, Siam. 
O. Lacorparri, Vollenhoven ‘ . Sumatra. 
O. BurmetstEeRi, Hope . : ; Mysore. 
O. DetesserRTII, 9, Guérin . . India, Neilgherries. 
O. Cuvera, Hope : 4 : . Assam, Silhet. 
Delessertii, , Guérin. 
O. GAZELLA, Olivier ; F 2 . Siam, China. 
Section 2. 
O. pux, Westwood : ; : - Philippine Is. 
O. cantnatus, Linné . : : India, Formosa. 
O. BELLICOsUS, Castelnau. ; ‘ 3 Java. 
gracilis, Kaup. 
O. Daumanni, Hope . Malacca, Borneo, Sumatra. 
O. pLAtyNotus, Hope . : : China. 
Section 3. 
. CASTELNAUDI, Parry . ; : : . Sumatra. 
. Durvensopi, Deyrolle  . : .  Celebes. 

. Stevensu, Thomson 


India, or Indian Archip. 

Celebes, Sangir Is. 
. Deseann, Reiche : ‘ Malacca, Borneo. 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 107 

Section 4. 

19. O. BIcotor, Olivier : - Malacca, Indian Archip. 
inequalis, Kaup. 

20. O. Brooxranus, Vollenhoven é é - Borneo. 

* 21. O. Somment, Parry : é : : - Manilla. 
Section 5. 

* 22. O.stRiatus, Deyrolle . : : : - Malacca. 

Gen. xvi. CHALCODES, Westwood. 

Sp. 1. C. crneauensis, Parry . A : ‘ 3 Ceylon. 
2. C.nierita, Deyrolle . . : - - Ceylon. 
* 3. C. intERMEDIUS, Deyrolle - Ceylon. 
4. (CC. mratus, Hope. : : . Tenasserim, Malacca. 
Gen. xvii. HETEROCHTHES, Westwood. 
Sp. 1. H. pracnyprerus, Westwood ; Cambodia, Siam. 
Gen. xviii. NEOLUCANUS, Thomson. 
Section 1. 
Sp. 1. N. nama, Olivier . - 7 ; : 5 Silhet. 
Baladeva, Hope. 
2. N.Saunpersi, Parry . : ; : East India. 
3. N.wnitipus, Saunders . : ‘ : 5 China. 
4. N.waricotuis, Thunberg . } ‘ : Java. 
5. N.Cwampioni, Parry . : : : : China. 
Section 2. 
6. N. SwinHoet, Bates - - ; . Formosa. 
7. N. casTanoptErus, Hope - 3 : -  Nepaul. 
8. N. cineunatus, Parry . 4 ¢ : - Malacea. 
9. N. stnicus, Saunders . - ‘ ‘ : China. 
Fam. IV. Cladognathide. 
Gen. xix. CLADOGNATHUS, Burmeister. 
Sp. 1. C. arrarra, Fabricius . : : East India, Java. 
2. C.Conrucitus, Hope . : - China, East India. 
3. C. ? poxitus, Parry ; . China, or Indian Archip. 

Gen. xx. PSALIDOREMUS, Motschulsky. 

Sp. 1. P. rmvcurnatus, Motschulsky : ‘ : Japan. 
2. P. MotscHunsxi, C. Waterhouse . : . Japan. 



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ro tS to re ID bo ry bd tO 

ro Aas) 


Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Gen. xxi. METOPODONTUS, Hope. 

Section 1. 
CINNAMOMEUS, Guérin . : . 5 Java. 
CASTANEUS, Hope. - - - : India. 
FOVEAtTUS, Hope : , : Assam. 
(n. sp. inedit.), vide itis, p- 78 . China, Pekin. 
impressus, C. Waterhouse 2 : India. 
BISON, Fabricius. - Aes Celebes. 
cinctus, Montrousier Woodlarik Is., New Guinea. 
? TORRESENSIS, Deyrolle . : : Cape York. 
Section 2. 
MActeLuanp1, Hope : : ; East India. 
quadrinodosus, Parry. 
JENKINSI, Westwood : : : 4 Assam. 
Section 3. 
. Downest1, Hope. ; : . Fernando Po. 
Savaair, Hope - : : . West Africa. 
.? Swanzianvs, Parry. : - . West Africa. 

Gen. xxii. PROSOPOCOILUS, Hope. 

Section 1. 

Watuacu, Parry é : x : Halmaheira, 
. DECIPIENS, Parry . - - Malabar. 
. Larertz#t, Reiche Naw Howes New Caledonia. 

TRAGULUS, Mallanhaver ; ; A Ternate. 

ASSIMILIS, Parry : : ; : . Waigiou. 

LATERALIS, Hope. : : . Philippine Is. 
. virratus, Deyrolle . : : . Philippine Is. 

Lorquinit, Deyrolle é ; ; 4, Celebes. 

ZEBRA, Olivier : = - ; - Birmah. 
. FLAviIpus, Parry : } ; : East India. 

Section 2. 
. SUTURALIS, Olivier . . - Siam or Malacca. 

ATTENUATUS, Parry . : - ; - Malacca. 

Section 3. 
. OwENnI, Hope . : , : . Assam. 
. SERICEUS, Westwood Jat Borneo, Malacca. 
- occrprtaLis, Hope . Philippines, Celebes, Borneo. 
. BIPLAGIATUS, Westwood . Nepaul, Thibet, Siam. 
- INQUINATUS, Westwood . : y East India. 
Section 4. 
. DorsALIS, Erichson . : - . Philippine Is. 
. PERPLEXUS, Parry . : 2 : East India. 


Sp. * 


Se Se 


Lucanoid Coleoptera. 

P. cavrrrons, Hope - Philippine Is. 
P. APPROXIMATUS, Parry - . Cochin China, Siam. 
P. BuppHa, Hope. . : : - North India. 
P. sQUAMILATERIS, Parry - . Borneo, Malacca. 
P. rorFicuta, Thomson 5 5 - China. 
P. crnipEs, Thomson . “ - ; East India. 
P. mysticus, Parry 2 : : - - Malacca, 
P.? PASSALOIDES, Hope Java, Borneo, 
Section 5. 
P. roncers, Vollenhoven - x 5 . Sumatra. 
P. ArcHenrt, C. Waterhouse . * ; North India. 
P. Spenci1, Hope : : - Assam. 
bulbosus Hope (Tr. Linn. BGs). 
crenicollis, Thomson. 
P. suLBosus, Hope (Cat. Lucan.) . East India, 
P. pentirer, Deyrolle <5 East India. 
P. curvires, Hope 5 c - East India. 
Section 6. 
P. seRRIcoRNIsS, Latreille Madagascar, Mozambique. 
P. sENEGALENSIS, Klug : < Senegal, Guinea. 
P. antiLopus, Swederus : - - West Africa, 
quadridens, Hope. 
P. SayvEersi1, Hope (var. preced. ?) - West Africa. 
P. Eximius, Parry A - - West Africa. 
Section 7. 
P. NATALENSIS, Parry . : : : : Natal. 
P. mopEstus, Parry : ; P 5 West Africa. 
P. FABER, Thomson . > 7 . West Africa. 
Gen. xxiii. HOMODERUS, Parry. 
H. Metuyt, Parry . : . Guinea, Gaboon, Calabar. 
Gen. xxiv. CYCLOMMATUS, Parry. 
Section 1. 
C. Kauptt, Deyrolle : - - SBatchian, Celebes. 
C. Mniszecui, Thomson . 5 ~ Pe China. 
C. METALLIFER, Boisduval Batchian, Celebes. 
C. Traranpus, Thunberg ; - Borneo. 
C. AFFINIS, Parry . Ss Gehalig pine Borneo. 
C. stricicers, Westwood . ; : Kast India. 
Section 2. 
C. Drnaantr, Westwood : : 3 : Java. 
C. insianis, Parry . - 3 : - Borneo. 
C. FAUNICOLOR, Westwood . : . Java, Nias Is. 

Maitlandi, Parry. 



Sp. 1. 

Sp. 1. 

Sp. 1. 



Sp. + 1. 

Sp. 1. 

IS ERo = 



Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Gen. xxv. PRISMOGNATHUS, Motschulsky. 

P. supzNEvs, Motschulsky . Dauria, Pekin, Corea. 
dauricus, Motschulsky. 
Jekelii, Parry. 
P. SUBNITENS, Parry . ‘ 4 ; East India. 
P. pLaTycePHALus, Hope : - = . Assam. 

Gen. xxvi. CANTHAROLETHRUS, Thomson. 

C. Luxert, ¢, Buquet : . ; . Columbia. 
C. Reicuu, Hope (2 preced.?) . - - Columbia. 

Gen. xxvii. MACROCRATES, Burmeister, 

M. BucEPHALUS, Burmeister . - . Brazil. 

Gen. xxviii. METADORCUS, Parry. 

M. rorunpatus, Parry . A “ . South America. 

Gen. xxix. LEPTINOPTERUS, Hope. 

Section 1, 
[a HRT se arry |i. - “ ; : Brazil. 
L. FEMORATUS, Fabricius F . : : Brazil. 
L. ERYTHROCNEMUS, Burmeister . : p Brazil. 
L. tipratis, Eschscholtz - A A : Brazil. 
Section 2. 
L. V-nicEer, Hope . . C : Brazil. 
L. putcHEtLus, MS. Mus. Berol ~ Bota America. 
L. potyopontus, Burmeister : = ; Brazil. 
L. rex, Bilberg . - : : : : Brazil. 
L. MELANARIUS, Hope . : : : Brazil. 

Fam. V. Dorcide. 
Division I. 

Gen. xxx. HEMISODORCUS, Thomson. 

H. NEPALENSIS, Hope . “ . East India. 

H. Macteayir, Hope . ~ : Z 2 Assam. 
H. eraciuis, Saunders . A 3 c : China. 

H. pIceIPENNIS, Westwood . : - North China. 

Gen. xxxi. + SERROGNATHUS, Motschulsky. 

S. castanicotor, Motschulsky . Tsousima Is., Corea. 

Gen. xxxii. DITOMODERUS, Parry. 
D. mrraBiuis, Parry é ‘ ; . E Borneo. 

Sp. 1. 

Lucanoid Coleoptera. 

Gen. xxxiii. 

Section 1. 

E. pucerHayus, Perty 
Bubalus, Perty. 

HK. Trran, Boisduval Indian Archipelago. 
E. AucipEs, Vollenhoven 3 Sumatra. 
EK. WESTERMANNI, Hope ; . Silhet. 
E, pLatyME vs, Saunders China. 
Section 2. 
E. Trryus, Hope . Silhet. 
E. cERAMENSIS, Thomson Ceram. 
EH. concotor, Blanchard . Amboyna. 
E. TERNATENSIS, Thomson - Moluccas. 
Thomsoni, Parry. 
EK. Canpezit, Parry “ Java. 
Section 3. 
E. EURYCEPHALUS, Burmeister Java. 
KE. Sar@a, Olivier . sist Java, Sumatra. 
E. cripricers, Chevrolat Philippine Is. 
E. PURPURASCENS, Vollenhoven Malacca, Sumatra. 
Section 4. 
EK. Retcu, Hope ¢ Silhet. 
submolaris, Hope. 
E. Castennavpi, Deyrolle Bengal. 
E. vicrnus, Saunders China. 
Section 5. 
EK. nrponensis, Vollenhoven Japan. 
E. opacus, C. Waterhouse Japan. 
EK. eLvEeGanNs, Parry = East India. 
E. runvonoratus, Parry East India. 
bisignatus, Parry. 
Gen. xxxiv. + MACRODORCAS, Motschulsky. _ 
M. rectus, Motschulsky Japan. 
M. rvuerpennis, Motschulsky Japan. 
M. stRiatipeNNis, Motschulsky Japan. 
M. cripeLtiatus, Motschulsky Japan. 
Gen. xxxv. DORCUS, McLeay. 
Section 1, 
D. Anrxus, Hope Assam. 

Scaritides, 2 , Hope. 





Sp. 1. 




So CON ONS) Oo? 


sich ls, 



Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 


Section 2. 
. Dewaantt, Hope 

. Hopi, Saunders 

. Parryr, Thomson 

Section. 3. 
. PARALLELUS, Burmeister . 

brevis, Say. 
costatus, Leconte. 

. Mustmon, Géné 
. Peyronis, Reiche 


. North America. 

Europe, South Africa. 
Syria, Caramania. 

Section 4. (Sp. incerti generis.) 

. BINERVIS, § , Motschulsky 
- RUDIS, 2, Westwood 
- DERELICTUS, 2 , Parry 


India, or Indian Archip. 
- Himalaya. 

Gen. xxxvi. AIGUS, McLeay. 

Section 1. 

CAPITATUS, Westwood 

labilis, Westwood. 
Formos, Bates 
EscuscHoutrzi, Hope 
ADELPHUS, Thomson 
MALACCUS, Thomson 
MyRMIDON, Thomson 
Amictus, Deyrolle 
GLABER, Parry 

Section 2. 

eractuis, Deyrolle . 
? INERMIS, Fabricius 


. Potirus, Montrousier 

Section 3. 

ACUMINATUS, Fabricius 
lunatus, Weber. 
oatvus, Deyrolle 

Malacca, Indian Archip. 
North India, P. of Wales Is. 

Tenasserim, Malacca, 

Malacca, Sumatra. 
Mount Ophir, Sumatra. 
F ; Malacca. 
New Guinea. 


. Celebes. 
Salwatty, New Guinea. 

. . Morty. 

. Amboyna. 

- Malacca. 


= India. 

Woodlark Isl. 

. Jaya, Sumatra. 

- Ceylon. 
Philippine Isl. 

; Borneo. 

. Cambodia, Malacca. 




* : 


Sp. 1. 

E ary 



LIucanoid Coleoptera. 
Gen. xxxvii. GNAPHALORYX, Burmeister. 
G. taurus, Fabricius . ‘ ; . Indian Archip. 
G. squatipus, Hope. . ‘ : - Java. 
G. DILATICOLLIS, Parry . : : Indian Archip. ? 
G. mizEs, Vollenhoven . A ‘ Gebeh Isl. 
G. PARVULUS, Hope : . : . Philippine Isl. 
G. (n. sp. inedit.) vide ante, p. 78 . : . Pekin. 
G. VELUTINUS, Thomson 5 : : East India. 
G. cyLInDRIcUS, Thomson . ‘ : East India. 
G. SCULPTIPENNIS, Parry . - . New Guinea. 
G. TRILOBATUS, Parry . : - - - Borneo. 
Gen. xxxviili. ADLCIMUS, Fairmaire. 
A. DitaTatus, Fairmaire , - : Wallis Isl. 

Division II. 
Gen. xxxix. PSHUDODORCUS, Parry. 

P. HYDROPHILOIDES, Hope N. W. Australia, Melville Is. 
carbonarius, Westwood. 

Gen. xl. SCLEROSTOMUS, Burmeister. 

Section 1. 
8. Baccuus, Hope - : é : : Chili. 
8. rristis, Deyrolle  . : fs : : Chili. 
S. FEMORALIS, Guérin . é é p 3 Chili. 
S. Sprnoutm, Solier . F : é : Chili. 
S. Farrmareit, Parry . : 3 ; - Chili. 
S. Rovutett, Solier : P ‘ ‘ é Chili. 
S. cmuatus, Blanchard . 3 5 4 Chili. 
8. Fasciatus, Germain : F : : Chili. 
8. tingatus, Deyrolle . ‘ : - : Peru. 
Section 2. 
S. phaciatus, Burmeister . i : f Brazil. 
S. MANDIBULARIS, Solier , : : ; Chili. 
S. virratus, Eschscholtz . F é : Chili. 
Lessonii, Buquet. 
S. Puinipp1, Westwood : ; i . Chili. 
S. MARGINIPENNIS, Deyrolle . : : : Chili. 
8. ELonGatuS, Deyrolle : 3 . : Chili. 
8. PALLIpociIncTUs, Fairmaire : . 5 Chili. 
Section 3. 
S. costatus, Burmeister “ ‘ : - Brazil. 
S. cruENtuS, Burmeister . : : : Brazil. 
neotragus, Westwood. 
ditomoides, Westwood. 
8. SIGNATIPENNIS, Deyrolle . : , : Brazil. 

.. §. TUBERCULATUS, Solier ~ . : ; é Chili. 




* * * * 

* * 






sah Gaeta A a se 

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Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Gen. xli. SCORTIZUS, Westwood. 

8S. macutatus, Klug. . - . - Brazil. 
8S. cucunuatus, Blanchard . é - ; Chili. 
Gen. xlii. PLATYCERUS, Geoffroy. 
P. cArnaporpeEs, Linné . - * - .  Kurope. 
P. cavcasicus, Parry . ° . 3 . Caucasus. 
P. qguercus, Weber “ - fe . North America. 
P. pepressus, Leconte - . North America. 
P. oREGONENSIS, Westwood (sp. distincta?) . | Oregon. 
P. cHRULESCENS, Leconte . 5 5 California. 
P. Acassizi1, Leconte . , : . California. 
P. ? eBENINUS, Deyrolle ; . - - Brazil. 
Gen. xliii. OONOTUS, Parry. 
. O. apspERsus, Boheman “ . ; : Natal. 
Gen. xliy. LISSOTES, Westwood. 
L. RETIcCULATUS, Westwood . “ . New Zealand. 
L. Novm-Zrauanpi&, Hope . : . New Zealand. 
L. cANcrorpEs, Fabricius 5 - Tasmania. 
L. sustuBERcuLATUS, Westwood . . Tasmania. 
L. curvicornis, Boisduval . A . Victoria. 
L. optusatus, Westwood . New Heliant Tasmania. 
L. Launcestonr, Westwood, MS. . : . Victoria. 
L. opacus, Deyrolle . 5 : . Tasmania. 
L. Latipens, Westwood, MS. - A . Tasmania. 
L. crenatus, Westwood - ‘ - New Holland. 
L. suBcRENATUS, Westwood, MS. . : . Tasmania. 
L. ruRcicorNIs, Howitt, MS. P é . Melbourne. 
L. rorcrpuLta, Westwood, MS. . : . Tasmania. 
L. Menatcas, Westwood . ‘ . New Zealand. 
Gen. xlv. LISSAPTERUS, Deyrolle. 
L. Howirranus, Westwood . E Melbourne. 
L. ? peLoRIDES, Westwood . : . Moreton Bay. 

Fam. VI. Figulide. 
Gen. xlvi. NIGIDIUS, McLeay. 

Section 1. 
GRANDIS, Hope . = : 4 . West Africa. 
BUBALUS, Swederus . F - . West Africa. 
. Detcorcum, Thomson . : r - Natal. 

. AURICULATUS, Guérin . , ; West Africa. 


Sp. 1. 

Sp. 1. 

Sp. * 1. 

N. nitipus, Thomson . : ; . West Africa. 
N. cornutus, McLeay . Cambodia, Malacca. 
N. opesus, Parry . - c : - - Malacca. 
N. LZvicouuis, Westwood . S . Philippine Is. 
N. rorcrpatus, Burmeister . 5 . Philippine Is. 
N. ForMosANus, Bates . : F 6 . Formosa. 
Section 2. 
N. Parryi, Bates . < : . : . Formosa. 
Section 3. 
N. MADAGASCARIENSIS, Castelnau . : Madagascar. 
Gen. xlvii. AMNEIDUS, Coquerel. 
A. GopEFRoy1, Coquerel : - A - Bourbon. 
Gen. xlviii. AGNUS, Burmeister. 
A. EGENUS, Burmeister : ; " Mauritius. 

LIucanoid Coleoptera. 


Gen. xlix. PENICHROLUCANUS, Deyrolle. 

P. copRicEPHALUS, Deyrolle . 6 C - Malacca. 

bey Ay Ay Ry 

ra Pd a Pap Pf ad taf tf Pat af Fad 

Gen. 1. FIGULUS, McLeay. 

Section 1. 
. SUBLEVIS, Palisot . ; : . West Africa. 
. ANTHRACINUS, Klug . : : : Madagascar. 
- NIGRITA, Westwood . : : : - Senegal. 
. LEVIPENNIS, Montrousier : . New Caledonia. 

Section 2. 
TRILOBUS, Westwood 2 5 . New Holland. 
INTEGRICOLLIS, Thomson . “ . Marianne Isl. 
REGULARIS, Westwood . 5 . New Holland. 
SULCICOLLIS, Hope . Port Essington. 
FOVEICOLLIS, Boisduval . 5 South Pacific Is. 
STRIATUS, Olivier . : : . - Bourbon. 
CONFUSUS, Westwood East India, Cambodia ? 
LATICOLLIS, Thomson : 3 . Philippine Is. 
SUBCASTANEUS, Westwood . P : - _ Java. 
Manruuarvum, Hope . : ; . Philippine Is. 
SCARITIFORMIS, Parry : : : .» Malacca. 
MODESTUS, Parry . : ‘ . New Zealand ? 
. LILLIPUTANUS, Westwood . , . New Holland. 

. FISSICOLLIS, Fairmaire. Tonga Tabou, Philippine Is. ? 
. CAPENSIS, Thunberg 

Cape of Good Hope. 








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ep r 

Major F. J. Sidney Parry on 

Gen. li. CARDANUS, Westwood. 

C. suucatus, Westwood ‘ : . Java, Timor. 
C. crrpratus, Parry . : - - Philippine Is. 
Gen. lii. XIPHODONTUS, Westwood. 
X. ANTILOPE, Westwood < : . South Africa. 
Fam. VII. Sinodendride. 
Gen. lili. SINODENDRON, Hellwig. 
S. cyninpricum, Linné ‘ 2 : . Europe. 
8. rucosum, Mannerheim : : Oregon. 
8. AMERICANUM, Palisot (var. sp. 1, ?) North America. 

Fam. VII. Adsalide. 
Gen. liv. AZSALUS, Fabricius. 

. Al. SCARABHOIDES, Fabricius . 5 : . Europe. 

Gen. lv. CERATOGNATHUS, Westwood. 




» CANCELLATUS, Montrousier 

NIGER, Westwood New Holland, Tasmania. 
. MENTIFERUS, Westwood . 5 Goulburn River. 
. Westwoopir, Thomson . ‘ : Melbourne. 
. HELOTOIDES, Thomson . ‘ . New Zealand. 
. ABDOMINALIS, Parry . - : - Moreton Bay. 

Gen. lvi. MITOPHYLLUS, Parry. 

IRRORATUS, Parry . 2 . . New Zealand. 
. Parrianus, Westwood . : . New Zealand. 
? ALBOGUTTATUS, Bates . F . New Zealand. 

Gen. lyii. CERUCHUS, McLeay. 

. TENEBRIOIDES, Fabricius . : . Europe. 
- PICEUS, Weber - : . North America. 
- STRIATUS, Leconte . . Oregon, Vancouver's Isl. 
Fam. IX. Syndeside. 
Gen. lviii. SYNDESUS, McLeay. 
. CORNUTUS, McLeay . : - « New Holland. 

. New Caledonia. 

Gen. lix. HEXAPHYLLUM, Gray. 

BRASILIENSE, Gray . : ; . . Brazil. 

» ZQUINOCTIALE, Buquet . f - New Granada. 

Ineanoid Coleoptera. 117 

Number of Number of 
Genera. Species. 
Fam. I. CHIASOGNATHIDH........-. 9 24 
Mi TU GANTED Altes dcnroca/avacweseetere« 5 29 
DUT VODONTORABID AN oc ccesceseecsss 4 36 
IV. CLaApoGNATHIDZE...... 11 85 
Wisi = DOROED AG jer cce es sielcncvesisewess 16 127 
VES SP TG UTED ate ccccsene eeacetccesaee ve 37 
VIL. SINODENDRIDE ......scccceeeee 1 3 
VALET AN GAT TDM vaccseisesvcodecseseseeees 4 12 
BXE SVN DESIDAG siwesicensossccsceesees 2 4 
59 357 
1. Chiasognathid:., 
Oe” a 
Ra Xe, 
os %,. 
iy 8 
Genera 59. 
g e) 
= g 
mR oo 
qi B 
ioe Coleoptera. Lucanoidea. = 
% & 
% Species 357. & 
%, & 
uae ee 

“Pins, ae 4 gprrt 

118 Major F. J. Sidney Parry on Lucanide. 

Explanation of the Plates. 

Prats I. 

Fig. 1. Pseudolucanus Mazama, Leconte, 2. 
2. Eurytrachelus Candexi, Parry, 3. 
3. Metopodontus (?) torresensis, Deyrolle, ? . 
4. ” ”? é- 
5. Chiasognathus impubis, Parry, 2. 
6 a Latreillii, Solier, g. 

Puate II. 

Fig. Prosopocoilus Spencii, Hope, go. 
Metopodontus (?) Swanzianus, Parry, go. 
Dorcus (?) derelictus, Parry, ¢.« 
Metopodontus Savagii, Hope, g var. min. 
Agus kandiensis, Hope, g var. min. 
Prosopocoilus natalensis, Parry, ¢ var. min. 
Metopodontus Savagii, Hope, g var. max. 
igus kandiensis, Hope, g var. max. 

Prosopocoilus natalensis, Parry, g var. max. 

Son anf Sh 

Puare III. 

Fig. Metopodontus impressus, Waterhouse, g var. med. 
Prosopocoilus approwimatus, Parry, g var. max. 
Eurytrachelus Tityus, Hope, o var. max. 
Odontolabis Castelnaudi, Parry, d var. med. 

., as ¢ var. min. 

aS +9 dé var. max. 
Prosopocoilus approwimatus, Parry, g var. med. 
Eurytrachelus Tityus, Hope, ¢ var. min. 

eAIaanr ew hr 

( 119 ) 

VI. Notes on the Species of Charaxes described in the 
‘ Reise der Novara;’ with descriptions of two new 
species. By A. G. Buruzr, F.L.S8., &c. 

[Read 7th February, 1870.] 

Arter carefully plodding through Dr. Felder’s descrip- 
tions of new species of Charazes described in the second 
volume of the ‘‘ Voyage of the Novara,” I have come to 
the following conclusions respecting them. 

1. Charaxes Mandarinus (p. 437). 

I have carefully compared three specimens of this form 
with C. Narceeus, and it seems to me very doubtful 
whether it can be considered a distinct species; if it 
is so, we have a third still darker form in the British 
Museum, from the same part of China, which ought to be 
described. I have seen both sexes of C. Narcceus, but 
only males of OC. Mandarinus. 

2. Charaxes Attalus (p. 438). 

The characters given to distinguish this from C. Atha- 
mas (considering that the two insects are from the same 
locality, and that the latter is a variable species), seem 
very insufficient: the width of the band seems the best 
character, the others are very inconstant. 

3. Charaxes Bharata (p. 438). 

This species is perhaps distinct from CO. Athamas ; the 
British Museum has it from Nepal, and white varieties 
from Northern India; the typical form is also in the col- 
lection of Capt. Lang. 

4. Charawxis Arja (p. 438). 

I think there can be little doubt of this being a variety 
of the preceding; Capt. Lang has several specimens 
agreeing pretty closely with Dr. Felder’s description, 
but specimens in the British Museum from Silhet differ 
in having a second subapical spot in the front-wings. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—PARTI. (MARCH.) 

120 Mr. A. G. Butler on 

5. Charaves Jalysus (p. 438). 

I possess an example of this species taken at Penang 
by W. L. Distant, Esq.; it seems a well-marked species, 
the band of the front-wings being remarkably square, 
and the lunules of the underside placed close to the outer 

6. Charaxes Brennus (p. 439). 

I am inclined to doubt the identity of this Charawes 
with my O. Latona, though the two insects appear to be 
nearly allied; the banding of the hind-wings is very 
different, and if the colouring in Dr. Felder’s figure is 
natural, as I should think it might be, C. Latona isa 
much duller and paler insect: CO. Brennus appears to me 
more likely to be the female of my C. affinis. 

7. Charaxes Cimon (p. 439). 

This is a well-defined species, both sexes of which I 
have seen in Mr. Wallace’s Collection. 

8. Charaxes Parmenion (p. 439). 
9. Charaxes Demonax (p. 440). 
10. Charawes Amycus (p. 441). 

These three forms, or, at any rate, the first two of 
them, appear to me to be simple variations of OC. affinis, 
three specimens of which I have seen, and all different ; 
all four insects are from the Celebes; it is extremely 
unlikely that four species so very closely allied should 
occur together. 

11. Charazes Scylawx (p. 442). 

This seems to be nothing more than O. Baya, the 
types of which are in the Horsfield Cabinet in the British 

12. Charaxes Hierax (p. 442). 
13. Charazes Hipponawx (p. 443). 

These are merely the normal forms of the male C0. 
Bernardus, from India. Dr. Felder seems to think that 
the typical form from China may be distinct from the 
Indian one; but 1 find an Indian male agreeing more 
closely with a Chinese female than do two females from 
China, or two males from India. 

Species of Charaxes. — 121 

14. Charazxes Pleistoanax (p. 443). 

A white-banded race of C. Bernardus, the female of 
which is in most collections: Capt. Lang has a series 
of the males, but only one female, 

15. Charawxes Corax (p. 444). 

If Ihave rightly determined this species, it is nearly 
allied to C. Baya, though, apparently, quite distinct; the 
British Museum has it from Silhet. 

16. Charaxes Harpax (p. 444). 

There are both sexes of a species allied to the preced- 
ing, and agreeing very fairly with Dr. Felder’s description 
of OC. Harpax, in the British Museum, from Moulmein: 
the female of the latter is scarcely distinguishable from 
OC. Bernardus 9 , the male is very like C. Baya. 

17. Charaxes Harmodius (p. 445). 

One specimen, slightly damaged, in the British Mu- 
seum; the pattern is very similar above to that of (0. 
Marmax; in the form of its wings it exactly agrees with 
the ¢ of C. Baya; I can, however, hardly bring myself 
to believe it a variety of the latter. 

88. Charaxes Aristogiton (p. 445). 

I think that this may be distinct from C. Marmaa; the 
latter, however, appears to be a variable species, and 
is represented by two very different-looking forms in 
Silhet: C. Aristogiton is in the collection of Capt. Lang, 
who also has both forms of C. Marmaz, all from Sikkim, 

19. Charawes Hansalii (p. 446). 

This is a beautifully distinct species, allied to C. Sa- 

20. Charawes Acheemenes (p. 446). 
This is the male of C. Jocaste. - 

122 Mr. A. G. Butler on Charazes. 

The two following species of the Bernardus group may 
be described as new :— 

Charaxes Imna, sp. nov. (Pl. IV. fig 2). 

3. O. Cimoni affinis, area autem apicali alarum anti- 
carum ad costam haud introrsum directa et magis den- 
tata; posticarum velut in C. OCorace, dimidio anali in 
maculas decrescentes reducta; ale subtus fere velut in 
C. Corace. 

Exp. alar. unc. 3, lin. 9. 

Hab.—India. Coll. W. W. Saunders. 

Intermediate in character between C. Cimon and C. 
Corax, the front-wings being very similar to those of the 
former, the hind-wings more like those of the latter 

‘Charaves Hemana, sp. nov. (Pl. IV. fig. 1). 

3. OC. Aristogitoni affinis, ale supra dilutiores ; litura 
duplici ad angulum superiorem celle virgulaque quadri- 
lunata aream basalem limitante, fundo pone eam anguste 
pallidiore, limbo externo ut in O. Harpace, margine 
autem fulvo-rorato, striaque lunulari magis distincta 
fere velut in CU. Aristogitone: postice virgula trilunata 
aream basalem limitante, area postmedia velut in O. Ber- 
nardo, pallidiore; aliter velut in C. Aristogitone: subtus 
ut in OC. Corace. 

Exp. alar. unc. 3, lin. 7. 

Hab.—Nepal (Wright). Brit. Mus. 

Closely allied to C. Aristogiton of Felder, but quite 

( 128 ) 

VII. On Butterflies recently received by Mr. Swanzy from 
West Africa. By A. G. Burumr, F.L.S., &c. 

[Read 21st February, 1870.] 

I wave derived much pleasure from the examination of a 
small collection of Butterflies recently sent from West 
Africa by Mr. Ussher to my friend Mr. Andrew Swanzy. 

Amongst the interesting species in this collection may 
be mentioned a very fine example of Papilio Zalmozis of 
Hewitson, and two well-preserved specimens of Harma 
Jodutta of Westwood. There are also five species which 
appear to be new, belonging to the genera Laéra, Aterica, 
Romaleosoma, Philognoma, and Mycalesis; the first two 
species will require further comparison, the others I 
describe as follows. 

Genus Romatzosoma, Blanchard. 
Romaleosoma Lakuma, n. sp. 

9. Wings above, olive-brown : the front-wings tipped 
with white, and witha narrow, oblique, subapical ochreous 
band, beginning upon the costa, and terminating upon 
the third median branch; the costa deep blue; a narrow 
squamose blue stria beginning upon the inner margin, 
near the anal angle, and terminating just below the first 
median branch: hind-wings with a discal blue streak, 
running parallel to the outer margin, beginning upon 
the abdominal margin and tapering to the first subcostal 

Wings below, golden-green: front-wings tipped with 
white; a pale whitish oblique bar, answering to the ochre- 
ous band of the upper surface; black discoidal spots and 
submarginal chain-band, as in f. Hupalus: hind-wings 
with a broad angulate whitish band beyond the cell, be- 
ginning upon the costa and tapering to the third median 
branch; otherwise as in R. Hupalus. 

Expanse of wings, 3 inches, 9 lines. 
Hab.—Gold Coast. Coll. Swanzy. 

Allied to R. Hupalus of Fabricius, and R. Harpalyce 
of Cramer, but agreeing with neither. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—PaRT I. (MARCH.) 

124 Mr. A. G. Butler on Butterflies. 

Genus Paitoagnoma, Westwood. 
Philognoma Ussheri, n. sp. 

3. Wings above, jet black; the base tinted with 
brown: front-wings with a nearly straight silky-white 
central transverse band, tinted below the median nervure 
with golden: hind-wings, except at the base and apex, 
bright fulvous, with black violet-pupilled ocelli, as in 
P. Decius, but smaller. 

Wings below, nearly as in P. Decius, but more richly 
coloured, the central white band narrower, and much 
more regular; the subapical pink streak wanting in the 
hind-wings, the ocelli larger, and more clearly encircled 
with a black lunate streak at the anal angle. 

Expanse of wings, 3 inches, | line. 

Hab.—Gold Coast. Coll. Swanzy. 

A beautiful novelty, allied to P. Decius of Fabricius. 

Genus Mycatzsis, Hiibner. 
Mycalesis ignobilis, n. sp. 

9. Wings above, dusky-brown: the front-wings with 
two obsolete ocelli, as in M. Fusirus, a distinct oblique © 
subapical white band, somewhat in the form of the figure 
8; the apical and costal margins pale; a fine undulate 
submarginal line: hind-wings paler upon the outer 
margin, and with a dark submarginal waved line. 

Wings below, dusky-brown, with three oblique pinky- 
white bands; margin brownish-white, enclosing a waved 
black line: front-wings with the white band of the upper 
surface broken up, uniting with the pale central band 
upon the costa, and forming part of the zones to the 
ocelli; two large ocelli, as in M. Mineus, Gotama, and 
others: hind-wings with two very large ocelli, one apical, 
and the other (which is the larger) sub-anal, also two 
small submarginal ocelli near the apex, and three at the 
anal angle. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 10 lines. 

Hab.—Gold Coast. Coll. Swanzy. 
Allied to M. Xeneas and Lusirus. 

( 195 ) 

VIII. Descriptions of twelve new exotic species of the 
Coleopterous family Pselaphide. By J. O. 
Westwoop, M.A., F.L.S., &c, 

[Read 7th March, 1870,} 

Tux following descriptions of new genera and species of 
Pselaphide are offered to the Entomological Society by 
way of supplement to papers on other species of the same 
family, published by me in the Transactions of our 
Society. All the insects here described are exotic, the 
major part of them having been collected by Messrs. 
Wallace and Bates. They are of considerable interest, 
and several of the new genera will render a modification 
of the existing classification of the family necessary. The 
singular antennez of Goniastes, the nearly obsolete palpi 
of Rhytus, the spinose palpi of Sintectes, the Pselaphoid 
palpi of Phalepsus, the rostrate head of Owreulionellus, 
and the curious coronate heads of the two species which 
I have assigned to the old genus Bryawis, especially 
merit attention. 

GONIASTES, gen: nov. 

Corpus breve, subglobosum, opacum. Caput protho- 
race paullo majus, ovale, oculis magnis, impressione 
magna frontali sulcoque inter antennas notatum. Antenne 
crasse, geniculate, 5-articulate, articulo lmo longo, 
2ndo parvo, 3tio oblongo, versus basin constricto, 4to 
precedente minore, 5to oblongo-ovali. Labium trans- 
versum, margine antico denticulato, seta elongata ad 
angulos anticos laterales armatum. Mandibule apice 
acute, denticulis tribus marginis interni sub apicem 
armate. Palpi maxillares breves, crassi, articulo 2ndo 
cyathiformi, ultimo breviter ovato et ut videtur tuber- 
culo apicali instructo. Mentum et palpi labiales forma 
ordinariz. Prothorax subconicus. Hlytra ‘subglobosa, 
striola elevata prope suturam alteraque dorsali mediana, 
notata. Pedes longitudine mediocres, tarsis 3-articulatis, 
ungue unico terminati. Abdomen brevissimum, immargi- 

Obs.—Hoc genus novum antennis 5-articulatis et geni- 
culatis primo intuitu distinguitur. 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT I. (JUNE.) L 

126 Prof. Westwood on new 

Goniastes sulcifrons. 

Totus obscure piceo-castaneus, opacus ; capite in medio 
sulcato; pronoto in medio sulco longitudinali in fossulam 
ovalem postice dilatatam, lateribus areolatis ; elytris leviter 
coriaceis, setosis, abdomen fere totum obtegentibus. 

Long. corp. lin. 4 (mill. fere 2). 

Hab.—In Amazonia (Ega). Dom. H. W. Bates. 

In Mus. Hopeiano, Oxon. 

Ruytvs, gen. nov. 

Corpus oblongo-ovale, dense setosum. Antennz 4 cor- 
pus totum longitudine zequantes, 2 breviores, articulis 11, 
tribus apicalibus elongatis et vix incrassatis. Caput 
antice in rostrum breve sulcatum productum. Mandibulz 
apice in spinam acutam terminato, margine interno 6-den- 
ticulato. Maxille bilobate, lobo supero setis longis 
curvatis terminato, infero spinulis curvatis armato; palpi 
maxillares fere obsoleti, articulo unico constantes, apice 
seta rigida instructo. Mentum crateriforme, in medio 
marginis antici emarginatum. Labium lobis duobus 
elongatis, intus setis longis inflexis; palpi labiales minu- 
tissimi, articulo basali fere rotundato, apice setula longa 
et ut videtur 2- vel 3-articulata instructo. Prothorax 
subconicus, dorso carina mediana instructus, lateribus in 
medio subangulatis. Elytra sulco suturali carinisque 
duabus villosis dorsalibus ; apice ipso villoso. Abdomen 
villosum, in medio conyexum utrinque sulcatum. Pedes 
longi, femoribus anticis in medio autice paullo angulatis, 
tibus longis, tarsis articulo 2ndo magno clavato, apicali 
minuto, ungue unico terminato. 

Obs.—Hoc genus singulare cum Clavigero palpis fere 
obsoletis congruit. 

Rhytus vestitus. 

Castaneus, nitidus, supra dense luteo-setosus: capite 
inter oculos profunde impresso; prothorace utrinque 
versus angulos posticos impressione transversa notato ; 
abdomine obscuriore. 

Long. corp. fere lin. 1} (mill. 3), ¢ paullo major. 

Hab.—In Brasilia (Constantia, Dom. J. Gray, mense 
Januario, et Petropolis, Februario, 1857, Rev. H. Clark). 

In Muss. Hop. Oxon. et Dom. W. W. Saunders. 

Species of Pselaphide. 127 


Facies Pselaphi, capite antice elongato, palpis multo 
brevioribus, abdomine marginato, pedibus et antennis 

Corpus sub-elongatum. Caput pone oculos contractum, 
obconicum, antice in rostrum canaliculatum productum. 
Antenne long, articulo basali crasso, apicalibus elongatis 
sed preecedentibus vix crassioribus. Mandibule apice in 
dentem longum acutum producto, margine interno den- 
ticulis 7 vel 8 armato. Palpi maxillares parum elongati, 
articulo ultimo magno, ovali vel elongato-ovali. Mentum 
oblongum, antice paullo latius. Labium lobis duobus 
elongatis, intus setis longis inflexis instructis ; palpis 
labialibus gracilibus, l-articulatis, apice seta longa termi- 
natis. Prothorax ovalis vel subovalis. Hlytra semi-ovalia, 
striola suturali alteraque profundiore discoidali notata. 
Abdomen marginatum. Pedes longi, coxis et trochante- 
ribus elongatis, his in pedibus intermedius spina armatis, 
tarsis ungue unico instructis. 

Sp. 1. Ourculionellus glabricollis. 

Totus castaneus, nitidissimus, fere impunctatus ; capite 
punctato et fossulato, fossulain medio inter oculos tuber- 
culo instructa ; antennis longis, articulis 4 apicalibus pre- 
cedentibus paullo longioribus et parum crassioribus ; pro- 
thorace sub-ovali, in medio latiore, fossula curvata postica 
utringue in punctum magnum terminante, jugulo dense 
villoso ; elytris glaberrimis. 

Long. corp. lin. 1} (cire. 3 mill.). 

Hab—In Nova Guinea. Dom. Wallace. In Mus. 
Hop. Oxon. 

Sp. 2. Cureulionellus angulicollis. 

Castaneus, capite et pronoto nigricantibus, palpis 
testaceis ; pronoto subquadrato, angulis anticis lateralibus 
late emarginato-truncatis, postice sensim angustato, 
dorso toto granulis minutissimis obtecto fossulaque cur- 
vata postica in puncta duo lateralia terminante; elytris 
glabris, singulis striola suturali alteraque discoidali, ad 
basin profundioribus, instructis; trochanteribus interme- 
diis spinula postice armatis. 

Long. corp. lin. 13 (mill. 34). 

Hab.—In Nova Hollandia (Cape York). Dom. Schmeltz. 
In Mus. Hop. Oxon. L 2 

128 Prof. Westwood on new 

Sp. 3. Curculionellus Doreianus. 

O. angulicolli proximus, sed paullo minor et angustior, 
paullo magis rufus, capitis parte antica magis prominente 
et ad apicem in lobos duos rotundos terminante, sulco 
profundo centrali, inter oculos angulariter ampliato ; pro- 
thorace sub-hexagono, granulato, angulis lateralibus paullo 
ante medium sub-obtusis, marginibus ante angulos parum 
emarginatis, linea curvata impressa versus marginem 
posticum, in medio et utrinque ad apicem magis impressa ; 
elytris glaberrimis, striola suturali alteraque discoidali, 
angulis humeralibus acute elevatis; mesosterno carina 
forte et acuta-armato ; metasterno valde convexo, utrinque 
tuberculo magno ovali elevato instructo; trochanteribus 
intermediis elongatis, subclavatis, spina parva acuta sub- 
apicali postice subtus armatis. 

Long. corp. cire. lin. 1$ (mill. 3). 

Hab.—In Nova Guinea (Dorey). Dom. Wallace. In 
Mus. Hopeiano, Oxon, 

SATHYTES, gen. nov. 

Corpus breve, valde convexum, immarginatum, opacum, 
Caput subglobosum. Antenne crassz, longitudine capitis 
cum prothorace, articulis 9no et ultimo magnis, 10mo parvo. 
Maxille bilobate, palpis mediocribus, articulo ultimo 
maximo ovali. Mentum subcordatum, basi truncatum. 
Labium lobis duobus tenuibus membranaceis setosis ; 
palpis labialibus l-articulatis, longis, gracilibus, apice seta 
longa (basi incrassata, articulum 2dum palporum referente) 
instructo. Prothorax subglobosus. LHlytra valde con- 
vexa, subglobosa. Pedes mediocres, tarsis 3-articulatis, 
ungue unico instructis. 

Sathytes punctiger. 

Totus piceo-badius, undique punctatissimus punctis 
minutis ; capite postice in collum breve contracto; pro- 
noto utrinque tuberculo minuto depresso in medio mar- 
ginis lateralis; elytris ad basin serie punctorum impres- 
sis; abdomine convexo, immarginato, rotundato, ad basin 
serie transversa punctorum magnorum notato. 

Long. corp. lin. 1 (cire. 24 mill.). 

Hab.—Borneo (Sarawak). Dom. Wallace. In Mus. 
Hop. Oxon. 

Species of Pselaphide. 129 


Ourculionello similis; differt tamen corpore supra vil- 
loso, capite convexo inter oculos bi-impresso, rostro in 
medio antice canaliculato, palpis mediocribus, maxillaribus 
articulo 2ndo clavato, 3tio fere globoso, 4to ovali apice 
acuto; antennarum articulis tribus apicalibus incrassatis ; 
prothorace sulco tenui e medio marginis antici ad medium 
extenso; femoribus magis clavatis, tarsisque bi-unguicu- 

Pselaphodes villosus. 

Piceus, minute punctatus, supra luteo-villosus, palpis 
subtestaceis; pronoto in medio angulato, elevato; elytris 
striola suturah alteraque discoidali instructis ; abdomine 
late marginato ; pedibus longis, trochanteribus intermediis 
subtus acute angulatis, tibiisque mtermediis paullo cur- 
vatis, femoribus anticis in medio antice spimula in- 

Long. corp. lin. 14 (mill. fere 3). 

Hab.—Borneo (Sarawak). Dom. Wallace. In Mus. 
Hop. Oxon. 

SINTECTES, gen. nov. 

Corpus oblongo-ovale, antice attenuatum. Caput 
antice productum, margine antico truncato, sulco antico 
mediano, fossulis duabus verticalibus inter oculos, lateri- 
bus capitis sub oculos in spinam parvam productis. An- 
tenne crasse, articulis 2-8 subsequalibus, tribus ultimis 
magnis, 10mo precedente paullo minori. Palpi maxillares 
articulis tribus ultimis inflatis, 2ndo et 3tio extus spina 
obtusa armatis, 4to angulo interno in dentem conicum 
producto. Prothorax sub-hexagonus, antice capite multo 
angustior, granulatus, haud sulcatus. Elytra striola su- 
turali, carina mediana e basi ultra medium extensa, 
angulisque humeralibus carinatis. Abdomen fortiter 
marginatum, segmentis duobus basalibus carina utrinque 
instructis. Pedes longi, tibiis curvatis, in medio parum 
dilatatis, tarsis bi-unguiculatis. Mesosternum simplex ; 
metasternum haud bituberculatum. Trochanteres pedum 
’ intermediorum sub-longi, clavati, haud spinosi. 

130 Prof. Westwood on new 

Sintectes carinatus. 

Castaneo-piceus, elytris magis castaneis ; capite et pro- 
noto delicate granulatis, elytris punctis minutis oblongis, 
abdomine punctatissimo. 

Long. corp. lin. 14 (mill. cire. 3). 

Hab.—In Australasia. Dom. Schmeltz. In Mus. Hope- 
iano, Oxon. 

Gen. Bryaxis. 
Bryavis coronatus. 

Totus glaber, levis, nitidus, sanguineo-castaneus, elytris 
antennis et pedibus magis rufis; capite ante oculos tuber- 
culo transverso trifido erecto, pone oculos etiam carina 
transversa, utrinque in punctum profundum terminante, 
instructo; palpis maxillaribus brevibus, articulo ultimo 
magno ovali, apice sub-acuto; antennis satis elongatis, 
articulis 9no et 10mo precedente paullo majoribus, ultimo 
majore ovali apice sub-acuto ; prothorace cordato-truncato, 
valde convexo, fossula curvata postica in punctum 
utrinque terminante ; elytris glaberrimis, convexis, striola 
suturali tantum notatis; abdominis segmento basali 
tenue marginato; pedibus longis, femoribus in medio 
clavatis, tarsis bi-unguiculatis, unguibus magnitudine 
paullo diversis. 

Long. corp. lin. 14 (mill. fere 24). 

Hab.—In Brasilia. Dom. Squiers. In Mus. Hopeiano, 

Bryaxis auritulus. 

Totus rufo-castaneus, leevissimus, nitidus, impunctatus; 

capite prothorace majore, oculis prominulis, lenticulis 
magnis, vertice antice rugoso, postice inter oculos in 
lobum magnum elevatum tenuem, supra truncatum, 
auriformem utrinque elevato; antennis parum crassis, 
articulis 9no et 10mo preecedente parum majoribus, 11mo 
magno ovali; palpis maxillaribus parvis, articulo 3tio mi- 
nuto, 4to maximo oblongo-ovato setoso; prothorace sub- 
cordato-truncato, capite angustiori, angulis lateralibus 
anticis subprominulis et e disco striola longitudinali 
separatis, fossula tenui transversa fere recta ante mar- 



Species of Pselaphide. 131 

ginem posticum ; elytris cum abdomine ovalibus convexis, 
striola suturali impressa tuberculoque parvo humerali 
notatis ; pedibus satis gracilibus, tarsis bi-unguiculatis, 
unguibus inter se magnitudine diversis, majore sub 
apicem fisso. 

Long. corp. lin. 1} (mill. 23). 

Hab.—In Brasilia. Dom. Squiers. In Mus. Hopeiano, 

PHALEPSUS, gen. nov. 

Corpus breve, glabrum, abdomen et elytra subglobosa. | 
Caput sub-ovale, vertice ante oculos bituberculato, fos- 
sula furcata e medio capitis ad angulos posticos oculorum 
divergente. Antenne satis long, articulis tribus ultimis 
gradatim incrassatis, ultimo maximo. Mandibule falcate, 
apice acute, sub apicem 4- vel 5-denticulate. Maxille 
bilobatz, lobis setigeris ; palpi maxillares longissimi, arti- 
culo Imo brevi, 2ndo longo curvato ante apicem tumido, 
3tio brevi sub-ovali, 4to longissimo et in medio inflato. 
Mentum crateriforme; labii lacinize duz intus setis in- 
structze; palpi labiales graciles (longitudini laciniarum 
zequales), bi-articulati, articulo basali, ut videtur, 2ndo 
dimidio breviore. Prothorax conicus, postice fossula 
curvata in impressionem lateralem utrinque desinente. 
Elytra valde convexa, glabra. Abdomen brevissimum, 
immarginatum. Pedes longi, graciles, inermes, tarsis 
bi-unguiculatis, unguibus inzequalibus. 

Phalepsus subglobosus. 

Rufo-castaneus, glaber, nitidus, palpis et tarsis testaceis. 

Long. corp. fere lin. 1 (mill. 2). 

Hab.—In Amazonia. Dom. Bates. In Mus. Hopeiano, 

Individuum dimidio minus et magis rufum distinguitur 
antennis brevioribus, articulis apicalibus preesertim cras- 
sioribus, et prothoracis lateribus paullo magis angulatis. 
An sexus alter? an species nova, Phalepsus Batesellus 
nominanda ?. 

Ryxasis, gen. nov. 

Corpus oblongum, ovale, opacum, setulosum, Caput 
transverso-quadratum, in collum breve contractum ; 

132 Prof. Westwood on Pselaphide. 

oculis mediocribus ad angulos anticos capitis locatis, mar- 
gine antico parum producto, verticis medio bi-impresso. 
Antenne 4 longitudini elytrorum et abdominis fere 
equales, 9 paullo breviores; articulis 7 basalibus mi- 
nutis, 4 ultimis longis crassis, magnitudine inter se 
fere equalibus. Mandibule subfalcate, apice acute, 
margine interno simplici; maxille bilobate, palpi maxil- 
lares satis breves et crassi, articulo 3tio breviore, 4to 
oblongo-ovali. Mentum transversum, lateribus in medio 
constrictis; labi laciniz imtus setigere, setis mcum- 
bentibus; palpi labiales exarticulatz, apice bissetigere. 
Prothorax subcordatus, postice truncatus, disco absque 
fossula postica. Elytra semi-ovalia, striola suturali, cos- 
taque tenui basali ante medium evanescente. Abdomen 
ovale, convexum, segmento basali tenue marginato. 
Pedes mediocres, femoribus in medio subclavatis, tarsis 
3-articulatis et bi-unguiculatis. 

Ryxabis anthicoides. 

Totus piceus, obscurus, leviter punctatissimus, breviter 

Long. corp. lin. 23 (mill. 5). 
Hab.—Singapore. In Mus. Saunders. 

( 133 ) 

IX. Notes on the Butterflies described by Linneus. By 
W. F. Kirsy. 

[Read 21st March, 1870.] 

THE appearance of Mr. Butler’s valuable and long-expected 
‘Catalogue of Lepidoptera described by Fabricius, in the 
Collection of the British Museum,” has suggested to me 
that a list of the species described by Linnzus, with notes 
on the typical figures, would also be useful. 

The works of Linnzus which I intend to quote, are 
the 11th edition of the Systema Naturze (1760), which is 
a reprint of the 10th edition (1758); the Fauna Suecica, 
ed. 2 (1761) ; the Museum Ulrice (1764); the Systema 
Nature, ed. 12, part 2 (1767), the lawful commencement 
of our nomenclature; andthe Mantissa Plantarum (1771), 
the appendix to which contains some insects. I shall 
also quote the species described by Johanssen and 
Sparrman in the Amcenitates Academice, most of which 
were taken up by Linnzeus in his subsequent works. For 
the sake of brevity, special reference will not always be 
given in full to each successive work. 

I must remark, that the value of the figures quoted by 
Linneus as illustrating his species, is usually very slight; 
and that much discrimination and great care is requisite 
to apply them properly, or they will lead us astray in 
almost every instance, excepting only those in which the 
Linnean description itself is taken from the figure quoted. 
In the following notes, figures quoted with doubt by 
Linneeus will generally not be noticed; figures verified 
by myself will be marked with an asterisk; and the 
modern genus will be added to the name of each species, 
except to those of the typical Papilio. 

When I have been unable to verify doubtful references 
for myself, or if differences of opinion exist, the authorities 
for the references are pointed out. References are 
not quoted for European species, except in special 

The Linnean descriptions, as a rule, are not hard to 
comprehend, when you have the insect to which they refer 
before you; and I have no doubt that, with a little trouble, 
any Entomologist with a good collection before him, could 
easily identify most of those which I have been unable to 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870,—ParT 0, (JUNE.) 

134. Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

* Hqurres TROEs. 

1. P. Priamus (OrnirHoprerA). Linneeus quotes two 
figures, * Amoen. Acad. v. t. 3, f. 203 (1760) and Clerck, 
t.17. Ihave not Clerck at hand; but the figure in Am. 
Ac. seems to agree with the description, and ought, per- 
haps, to be considered the most typical. Even allowing 
for the roughness of the figure, it differs materially from 
Cramer’s figures 23 A.B., which are usually referred to 
Priamus, especially in the spots on the underside of the 
hind-wing, which Linnzus describes as “round,” and 
which are represented as scarcely larger than on the 
upperside, and as widely separated, while in Cramer’s 
figure they are very large, irregularly oval in shape, 
and almost confluent. The green markings on both 
surfaces of the fore-wings also differ considerably from 
Cramer’s figure; but as this may possibly be owing, more 
or less, to some inaccuracy in the drawing in the Am. 
Ac., I do not consider this of equal importance to the 
size and shape of the spots. 

2. P. Hector. Reference, Clerck, t. 33, f. 1. 

3. P. Paris. Linneus quotes Knorr, Delic. t. C 3, f. 
1, for this insect in 1760; and subsequently Clerck, t. 13, 
f. 1. Knorr’s should probably be regarded as the typical 
figure, if it agrees with the Linnean description. 

4, P.Helenus. Refs. Clerck, t. 13, f. 2; Ehret, Pict. 
t. 10; * Edwards, Birds, t. 342. Edwards’ figure repre- 
sents P. Polytes, Linn., and does not agree with the 
Linnean description. 

5. WP. Polytes. Ref. Clerck, t. 14, f. 1. 

6. P. Troilus. 

7. P. Deiphobus. Refs. Clerck, t. 25; Ehret, t. 25, f. 
1; * Edw. t. 346; *Petiver, Gaz. t. 11, f. 8. Petiver’s 
figure more probably represents one of the forms of P. 

8. P. Pammon. Refs. Clerck, t. 14, f. 2; *Reesel, 
Ins, 1. t. 2, f. 2,3. Clerck’s is the typical figure, as it is 
quoted in Mus. Ulr. 

9. P. Glaucus. Ref. Cl. t. 24, f. 1. 

Linnean Butterflies. 135 

10. P. Polydorus, Joh. Amoen. Acad. vi. p. 401. Ref. 
Clot. .30, f. 2. 

11. P. Anchises. Refs. *Merian, Ins. Sur. t. 17; 
* Sloane, Jamaica, ii. t. 239, f. 19, 20; * Edw. t. 207; 
Ehret, t. 10; Cl. t. 29, f. 1. Here Clerck is apparently not 
typical, as all the other figures were quoted in 1760, before 
his book was published. Merian’s and Edwards’ neither 
agree with each other, nor with the Linnean description. 
Sloane’s figure represents P. Polydamas (n. 12). Mr, 
Butler regards P. Anchises as P. Arbates, Cram., with 
which the description seems to agree very well (Cat. Fab. 
pp- 235, 236). 

12. P. Polydamas. Typ. ref. *Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 31. 
The Linnean description applies to the Polydamas of our 
cabinets ; but Merian’s figure represents P. Androgeos, 
Cram. 9 (P. Polycaon, Cr. 203, A. B.) 

13. P. Memnon. Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 11, f. 8. Linnzeus 
also quotes this figure under Deiphobus (n. 7). 

14. P.Agenor. Ref. Cl. t. 15. A local form of P. 

15. P. Sarpedon. 
16. P. Aneas. Ref. * Rees. Ins. iv. t. 2, f. 2. 

17. P. Panthous (OrnitHoptTeRA). Refs. Cl. t. 18, 19 
(=P. Priamus, 9 ,and P. Remus); * Pet. Gaz. t. 2, f. 2. 
The reference to Petiver is incorrect; the insect is -the 
same as that already quoted by Linnzus under P. Dei- 
phobus and P. Memnon, viz., * Pet. Gaz. t. 11, f. 8. 

18. P. Pandarus (DiapEma). 
19. P. Helena (OnnitHoPTERA). Refs. Cl. t. 22, f. 1; 

* Mer. Ins. Sur. t.72. Merian’s figure seems to represent 
O. Pompeus, Cram. 

20. P. Philenor. Mant. Plant. p. 535. 

21. P. Phorbanta. Mant. Plant. p. 535. Ref. Auben- 
ton, Misc. t. 43, f. 1, 2. 

22. P. Ascanius, Sparrm. Ameen. Acad. vii. p. 500, 
note (d). JI was not able to match this insect by the 
description, when looking through Mr. Hewitson’s col- 
lection last year. 

136 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

* * Hauires AcuHIvI. 

23. P. Menelaus (Morpuo). Refs. *Mer. Ins. Sur. 
t. 53; Knorr, Delic. t. C 4, f.2; Cl. t.21,f. 1. Merian’s 
figure differs from Cramer’s figure 21 A. B. in the number 
and arrangement of the spots of the underside of the 

24. P. Ulysses. Ref. Cl. t. 23, f. 1. 

25. P. Agamemnon. 

26. P. Diomedes. The ? of P. Ulysses (n. 24). 

27. P. Patroclus (Nycratumon: Heterocera). Ref. Cl. 
i371; tL. 

28. P. Pyrrhus (Nympnatis). Ref. Cl. t. 25, f. 2. 
29. P. Jason (NympuHauis). S. N. 1767, p. 749. 
30. LP. Orontes(Nycratemon). Ref. Cl. t. 26, f. 1. 
81. P. Nireus. Ref. Cl. t. 30, f. 1. 

32. P. Philoctetes (Hmrera). Ref. Cl. t. 30, f. 3. 

30. LP. Stelenes (Victortna). Refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 13, 
f.1; * Mer. Ins. Sur. t.11; *Sloane, Jam. ii. t. 239, 
f. 9,10. Merian’s figure represents Colenis Dido. 

34. P. Leilus (Urania). Typical refs. *Mer. Ins. 
Sur. t. 29; *Sloane, Jam. ii. t. 239, f. 11, 12; Knorr, t. 
C,f.1; later refs. Cl. t. 27,f.1; *Roes. t.2,f. 1. Sloane’s 
figure, of course, represents U. Sloanus ; and the figures ~ 
of Merian and Reesel do not quite agree with each other. 

35. P. Ajax. Ref. * Edw. t. 34. This figure is con- 
siderably larger than Marcellus, Cram., which is usually 
referred to P. Ajax as a variety, and the bands are yel- 
lowish instead of white. 

36. P, Machaon. 

o7. P. Xuthus. 

38. P. Antilochus (vel Anthilochus). Ref. * Catesby, 
Carolina, ii. t. 83. 

39. P. Turnus. Mant. Plant. p. 536. There is no 
doubt that T’wrnus is a mere synonym of Antilochus. 

40, P. Podalirius. Refs. Mer. Ins. Eur. 1638, t. 44; 
Reaum. Ins. i. t.11, f. 8,4; * Roos. i. cl. ti. t. 2, f. 8, 
4, &c. Linneus was at first inclined to regard this in- 
sect as a variety of P. Protesilaus. ‘The orange stripe 

a i i 

Linnean Butterflies. 137 

which he describes somewhat inaccurately thus :—“ pos- 
ticis subtus linea sanguinea,” varies a good deal in inten- 
sity of colour in different specimens. 

41. P. Phidippus (Amatuusta), Joh. Amoen. Acad. vi. 
p. 402. Lin. 8. N. 1767, p. 752. 

42. P. Jason. In the last edition of the Systema, 
Linneeus describes another species under the same name 
(n. 29, above). 

43. P. Protesilaus. Typ. refs. *Sloane, Jam. ii. t. 
239, f. 1, 2; *Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 43; * Catesby, Car. ii. 
rou; later rets. Cl. t. 27, f..2, 8; Seba, Mus..i. 6.11, 
f.2; *Hdw. t. 34. Catesby’s figure represents a species 
allied to Marcellus, Cram.; Edwards’ is the same quoted 
by Linneeus for P. Ajax (n. 35); Sloane’s figure repre- 
sents a species of J'imetes. 

44, P. Nestor (MorrHo). Ref. * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 9. 
This is considered to be the ¢ of Morpho Menelaus (n. 
23). Some separate Cramer’s Nestor; but it hardly 
seems to differ materially from Merian’s figure, except in 
wanting one of the eyes of the underside of the hind- 
wings, Merian representing 5, and Cramer 4 only. 

45, P. Telemachus (Morro). Ref. * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 
68. Westwood (Gen. D. L. i. p. 339) refers this species, 
which is very badly figured by Merian, to Morpho 
Anazxibia, Esp. 9, with doubt. Cramer’s Telemachus is 
totally different. 

46. P. Achilles (MorprHo). Typ. refs. * Mer. Ins. Sur. 
ies; Kuorr, : Delic.. t..0: 2;.f. 1,25 later. ref. Cly. t, 
24, f.2. Merian’s figure does not agree with Linneus’ 
description, or Cramer’s figures ; but it almost exactly 
corresponds with a Morpho from Nicaragua in the Royal 
Dublin Society’s collection. 

47. P. Medon (RomatEosoma), Clerck and Johanssen, 
Typ. ref. Cl. +. 28, f. 1. (See Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc, 
1865, pp. 672, 673). 

48. P.Teucer (Catiao). Typ. ref. * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 23, 

49. P. Demoleus. Typ.ref. Ehret, t.5; later ref. * Res, 
add. t. 1, f. 2,3. The locality given by Linneus (Cape 
of Good Hope) fixes this species. 

50. P. Idomeneus (Catico). Typ. refs. * Pet. Gaz. t, 
28, f. 1; *Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 60; later ref. Cl. t. 20, f. 1, 
Petiver’s figure represents C. Teucer (n. 48). 

138 Mr. W. F. Karby on 

51. P. Demophon (Prevona). Typ. ref. Cl. t. 29, f. 2. 

52. P. Aigisthus (vel Algistus), Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 
401. Lin. 8. N. 1767, p. 754. 

53. P. Burypylus (vel Luripylus). Ref. Cl. t. 28, f. 2, 
A variety of P. Jason, n. 42, above. 

54. P. Thoas, Mant. Plant. p. 536. Refs. * Drury, i. 
t. 22,f1,2; Auben. Misc. t. 69; Seba, t, 38, tng. 
Drury’s figure differs a little from Cramer’s, showing a 
slight divergence in the direction of P. Cinyras, Mén, 

* HELiconil. 

55. P. Apollo (Parnasstus). 
56. P. Mnemosyne (Parnasstivs). 

57, P. Piera (Hazrera). Typ. ref. Cl. t. 36, f. 4; 
later refs. * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 16, f. 1; *Roes. add. t. 6. 
The two last figures do not perfectly agree, and may 
represent different species. 

58. P. Aglaia (Pieris). 8, N. 1760, p, 460 50ere 
Pasithoe, 8. N. 1767, p. 755. 

59. P. Horta (Acrza). Mus. Ulr. p. 234; 8. N. 
1767, p. 755. 

60. P. Cepheus (Acrma). 8. N. 1760, p. 487; Mus. 
Ulr. p. 252; P. Horta, B, S. N. 1767, p. 755. Ref. Cl. 
t. 43, f. 4. 

61. P. Terpsichore (vel Terpsicore) (Acrma). Ref. 
*Pet. Gaz. t. 40, f. 4. I believe this figure is intended 
for A. viole, which does not agree with the Linnean 
description: Mr. Butler refers the figure to Horta, and 
the description to Rahira. If he is right, Rahira must 
be sunk under T'erpsichore, Linn. 

62. P. Antiochus (HeEticontus). 8. N. 1767, p. 1068. 
Ref. Ehret, t. 1. Mr. Butler says this figure represents 
H. Clytia (Cat. Fabr. p. 121). 

63. P. Calliope (Svatacutis). Ref. Cl. t. 41, f. 4. 

64. P. Melite (Leprauis), Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 403. 
Ref. Cl. t. 44, f. 5. 

65. P. Polymnia (Mecuanitis). Refs. *Pet. Gaz. 
t. 12, f.8; *Hdw. t. 175; * Ross. iv. t. 5, f. 2. 

Linnean Butterflies. 139 

66. P. Mneme (Metinma), Joh. Amoen. Acad. vi. p. 
403. Lin. S. N. 1767, p. 756. 

67. P. Mopsus (vel Mopsa). S. N. 1760, p. 487; 
Mus. Ulr. p. 235; P. Mneme, B, 8S. N. 1767, p. 756. 
This is a variety of Polymnia, n. 65, according to Butler, 
Cat. Fabr. p. 126. 

68. P. Urania (Drusttua). 

69. P. Huterpe (Statacutis). Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 4, f. 
2. Petiver’s figure represents a Heliconius. 

70. P. Thallo (Cuaucosta: Heterocera). S. N. 1767, 
p- 756. Ref. * Kdw. t. 226. This is a Bombyx of the 
genus Chalcosia, subsequently redescribed by Linnzus 
himself as Sphinw pectinicornis (lib. cit. p. 807). 

71. P.ricint (Huticontus). Refs. Ehret,t.1; * Mer. 
tng, Dor. 6. 530; .* Ros. Ing, ty, ti 5, £1, 

72. P. psidti (Tayri1a). Refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 40, f. 3; 
* Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 19; *Reoes. iv. t. 2, f. 3. Petiver’s 
figure represents a moth. 

73. P. Charitonia (Heticontus). Refs. * Edw. t. 80; 
* Sloane, Jam. ii. t. 239, f. 15, 16. 

74, P.Clio (Iraomta, Eresta, Doubl., Lepratis, Butl.). 
Ref. *Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 35. The figure does not at all 
agree with the Linnean description; Cramer’s Clio (257 
D. E.), however, does so fairly. 

75. P. Thalia (Acrma). Ref. Cl. t. 48, f. 2. 
76. P.Iwilion. S. N. 1760, p. 488; described by Lin- 

nzeus in subsequent works as P. Thalia, 8. Not identified, 
perhaps a mere synonym of the last. 

77. P. Aidea(Hetervusta: Heterocera), Clerck & Joh- 
anssen. Ref. Cl. t. 4, f. 2. 

78. P. Burytus (vel Luryta). Ref. Cl. t.31,f.4. The 
description is usually applied to an Acrea, and the figure 
to a Diadema; Mr. Butler (Cat. Fabr. p. 95) refers both 
to the latter. 

79. P. Hrato (Heuiconius). Ref. Cl. t. 40, f. 1. 

80. P. Melpomene (Heticonius). Refs. * Edw. t. 38; 
* Sloane, Jam. 11. t. 239, f. 25, 26; * Pet. Gaz. t. 6, f. 7; 
*Reoes. Ins. iv. t. 3, f.6. Petiver’s figure does not belong 
here ; and lam very doubtful if Edwards’ figure represents 
the true Melpomene, and Sloane’s is also very uncertain, 

140 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

81. P. eratcegi (Prmris). 

82. P. Doris (Heticontus). Mant. Plant. p. 536. Ref. 
Auben. Misc. t. 71, f. 1,2. A variety of H. Hrato (n. 79). 


83. P. Idea (vel Itea) (Hxestta), Clerck & Johanssen. 
Typ. ref. Cl. t. 38, f. 1; later ref. * Edw. t.340. Edwards’ 
figure represents Colias Hdusa, 9°. 

84. P. anacardii (Satamis). Typ. ref. * Mer. Ins. Sur. 
t. 16; later ref. Cl. t. 28, f. 3. Merian’s figure does not 
agree with the Linnean description, and represents He- 
tera Piera (n. 57, above). 

85. P. Cyrene. S. N. 1760, p.474. The description 
of this species will not agree with Salamis anacardii, 
to which it is referred, S. N. 1767, p. 758. 

86. P. brassice (Prerts). 

87. P. rape (PrrrRis). 

88. P. napi (Prmrts). 

89, LP. Helice (vel Hellica) (Pixrts). 

90, P. sinapis (Leucopmasta). 

91. P. Monuste (Preis). Stated to occur in Barbary. 

Has this species been satisfactorily determined? The 
P. Monuste of authors is an American species. 

92. P, Daplidice (Pieris). Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 1; f. 7. 

93. P. Demophile (Pioris), Clerck & Johanssen. Ref. 
Cl. t. 28, f. 4. 

94, P. Acastus (vel Acaste, vel Acasta) (Pieris), 

95. P. Belia (Anrnocuaris). 8. N. 1767,.p, 760. 
Linneeus gives the locality of this insect as Barbary, 
which would make it A. Dowei, 9, with which the de- 
scription also agrees, as remarked by Mr. Butler, H. M. 
M. v. p. 271, Cat. Fabr. p. 214. 

96. LP. cardamines (ANTHOCHARIS) . 
97. P. Pyrene (TuHesttas). 

98. P. Evippe (Anrnocnaris). Typ. ref. * Pet. Gaz. 
t, 9, f. 10; later ref. Cl. t. 50, f. 5. 

Tinnean Butterflies. 141 

99. P. Hupheno (Antuocuaris). S. N. 1767, p. 762. 
The ¢ of A. Belia, No. 95. 

100. P. Glaueippe (Husomora). Typ. ref. * Edw. t. 
128 ; later ref. Cl. t. 35, f. 1. 

101. P. Hneedonia (vel Encedon). Undetermined. 
Described in Mus. Ulr. p. 244. 

P 102. P. Arsalte (vel Ersalie) (Pyraus). Ref. Cl. t. 28, 
2 2. 

103. P. Hyparete (vel Hyperate). Ref. Cl. t. 38, f. 2, 
3. Figure 3 represents P. Ceneus (n. 125). Linneus 
describes it, Mus. Ulr. p. 247, as a variety. 

104. P. Damone. Unrecognizable from the descrip- 

105. P. Helcita (Auetis: Heterocera), Clerck & Joh. 
Ref. Cl. t. 39, f. 4; later ref. * Edw. t.340. Edwards’s 
figure, which Linneeus previously referred to Hestia Idea 
(n. 83), represents Colias Hdusa, 2. 

106. P. Scylla (Caturpryas), Johanssen. 

107. P. Hecabe (Trertas). Typ. ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 28, 
f.9; later ref. *Edw. t. 253, f. 2. Mr. Butler consi- 
ders Petiver’s figure to represent Trias candida ; it is 
certainly distinct from the species figured by Edwards, 
which is the true 7’. Hecabe of authors. The Linnean 
description would probably apply equally well to several 
species ; it agrees better with Petiver’s figure than with 
Edwards’; but only a reference to the type in Queen 
Ulrica’s collection at Upsala can decide the point. 

108. P. Trite (Caumpryas). 
109. P. Pyranthe (vel Pyrante) (Cauiipryas). 

110. P. Paleno {Cottas). Attributed to C. Hyale by 
some of the old authors, but apparently correctly identified 
at present. 

111. P. Hyale (Cotas). Linneeus gives eight refer- 
ences for this insect, five of which I have been able to 
consult, and all, without exception, refer indubitably to 
OC. Edusa, Fabr., and all the figures represent the ?. 
Many of the old authors considéred the Linnean Hyale 
to be our Hdusa; and the description is not so clear as to 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.-—PaRT 11. (JUNE.) M 

142 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

decide the question beyond dispute. Prof. Westwood 
states (Brit. Butt. ed. 2, which I quote here and elsewhere 
from memory) that he has found specimens of our Hdusa 
labelled P. pteridis in the Linnean collection; and at p. 
248 of Mus. Ulr., I find a reference to such an insect, 
which, however, is not described in any work of Linnzeus 
known to me. 

112. P. Electra (vel Hlecto) (Cottas), Joh. & Linn. 
Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 9, f. 11. Petiver’s figure represents 
O. Edusa, 3 ; but the locality, “‘ Cape of Good Hope,” 
at once fixes the Linnean species. 

113. P. Hubule (Catiipryas). Ref. * Edw. t. 304. 
Edwards’ figure, though rough, agrees with one of 
Cramer’s figures of his P. Marcellina (t. 163 C.) which 
Mr. Bates considers to be the ¢ of Cramer’s Hubule 
(t. 120, E. F.). 

114. P. senne (Catimryas). Refs. * Sloane, Jam. ii. t. 
236, f. 11,12; *Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 58. Does not appear 
to be distinct from C. Hubule (n. 113), with which it 
is usually associated by authors. 

115. P. Philea (Catipryas), Joh. & Linn. Ref. 
* Roos. iv. t. 3, f. 5. 

116. P. Cleopatra (GonrprERyx) . 

117. P. rhamni (GonrpTeERyx). 

118. P. Helipsis (Gonupreryx), Joh. & Linn. Ref. 
* Pet. Gaz. t. 10, f. 6. A fictitious species, manufactured 
of specimens of G. rhammni. 

119. P. Java (Pieris), Sparrm. Amoen. Acad. vii. 
p- 504, note (1); Lin. 8. N. iii. p. 225. Appears to be 
identical with P. Coronea, Cram., which name it will 

120. P.Canidia (Pieris), Sparrm. Amoen. Acad. vii. 
p- 504, note (m). I have little doubt that this species 
is identical with P. Gliciria, Cram., which name it 


121. P. Midamus (Eurt@a). Typ. refs. Act. Holm. 
1748, t.6,f. 1,2; Ehret, t.3,f.11; later ref. * Roes. i. t. 9. 
The first figure is doubtless typical; Mr. Butler states that 
it represents a slight variety, and that the description 
agrees with it. 

Linnean Butterflies. 143 

122. P. Niavius (Danaus). Ref. Cl. t. 32, f. 2. 
123. P. Zetes (Acrma). Ref. Cl. t. 43, f. 1. 

124. P. Strilidore, Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p.405. Linnzeus 
overlooked this species, and I have not been able to 
identify it. 

125. P. Ceneus (vel Ceneus) (Pieris). Identified 
by Mr. Butler, Cat. Fabr. p. 206, with P. Plexaris, Don. 

126. P. Enceladus. Apparently a species of Huplea. 
127. P. Obrinus (Eercawia). Ref. Cl. t. 31, f. 2,3. 

128, P. Pintheus (vel Pinthous) (Lepraus). See 
Butl. Cat. Fabr. t. 2, f. 1. 

129. P. Hribote (vel Hribotes). Not identified. There 
are some discrepancies in the description in Mus. Ulr. 
which I cannot reconcile. 

130. P. Pierius (vel Perius). Not identified. It ap- 
pears to be allied to Athyma Asura, Moore, but the 
description will not quite suit that species. 

131. P. Plexippus (Danavs). Linneeus quotes only 
figures of the North American species, to which his 
description is not altogether imapplicable, though it will 
better apply to the Asiatic species for which it is usually 
taken. He also gives N. America as the locality, but 
adds (Mus. Ulr. p. 262) ““P. Kalm meuse China.” It 
is very doubtful whether the name does not rightly be- 
long to the American species. 

132. P. Misippus (DtapEMa). 

133. P.Chrysippus (Danaus). Typ. ref. * Edw. t. 189; 
later ref. Schreber, t. 9, f. 11, 12. 

134. P. cassie (OpstpHanes). Typ. ref. * Mer. Ins. 
Sur. t. 32; later ref. Cl. t. 29, f.3. Clerck’s figure is 
quoted for Drusilla Urania (n. 68). 

135. P. sophore (Brassouis). Typ. ref. *Mer. Ins. 
Sur. t. 35; later refs. Cl. t. 35, f.3; * Rees. i, t. 4, f. 1, 
2. Reesel’s figure more probably represents a species of 

136. P. Xanthus (OpstpHanss). Ref. Cl. t. 34, f. 1, 2. 

137. P. Philomela (vel Philomelus) (Ypraima). But 
not Y. Philomela of Hiibner. The description seems to 
me to agree better with Y. Baldus, Fabr., than with any 
other species. 

M 2 

144 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

138. P. Clytus (Erepta). 

139.- P. Cassus (EREBIA). 

140. P. Mineus (Myca.gsis). 

141. P. Hyperanthus (vel Hyperantus) (Hipparcuta). 

142. P. Aeropa (vel Aropus) (Sympumpra). Ref. Cl. 
t°S9;- ft, 4. 

143. P.Hurydice (Satyrus), Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 406. 
P. Canthus, Linn. 8. N. 1767, p. 768. 

144. P. Hyperbius (Resta). 
145. P. Acontius (Eptcatta). Mant. Plant. p. 587. 
Ref. Auben. Misc. t. 68, f. 3, 4. 


146. P. Io (Vanessa). 
147. P. Asterie (JuNontAs). 
148. P. Almana (Junonia). Typ. ref. * Edw. t. 84; 

later ref. * Rees. i. t. 5, f.3, 4. Reesel’s figure represents 
J. Asterie (n. 147). 

149, P. Aonis (JuNONIA). 

150. P. none (Junonia). Typ. refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 4, 
f.3; *Edw. t. 37; later refs. Ehret, t.6; * Rees. i. t. 3, 
ae ae 

151. P. Lemonias (Junonta). Linneeus quotes Clerck, 
who, however, does not seem to have figured this insect. 

152. P. Orithya (vel Oritya) (Junonta). Typ. ref. 
* dw. t. 26; later ref. * Roes. Ins. iv. t. 6, f. 2. 

153. P. Fidia (Hrpparcuta). 8S. N. 1767, p. 770. 
*‘ Habitat in Barbaria.” This locality, when given by 

Linneeus, is generally correct. Has this species been 
identified beyond dispute ?. 

OE ——————- 

154. P. Briseis (Hrpparcuta). 

155. P. Feronia (Acgeronta). Ref. Cl. t. 31, f. 1. 

156. P. Mera (Satyrvs). 

157. P. Megera (Satyrvs). 

158. P. Algeria (Satyrvs). 

159. P. Iigea (Erusta). Ref. Alb. t. 5, f. 1. This | 

reference is probably incorrect. 

Linnean Butterflies. 145 

160. P. Atlites (Junonta), Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 407. 
Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 273; P. Laomedia, S. N. 1767, p. 

161. P. Libye (Huptycuta). 

162. P. Galathea (MELANareta). 

163. P. Semele (Hipparcuta) . 

164. P. Hermione (Hipparcuta). Refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 
7, f.5; *Roes. iv. t. 27, f. 3, 4. Mr. Butler refers Peti- 
ver’s figure to H. Fidiuw; Reesel’s certainly represents 
H. Circe; but the description does not agree with either. 

165. P.Phedra (Hieparcuta). Ref. Sepp, t. 3. 

166. P. Leda (Mutanitis). Ref. * Edw. t. 297. 

167. P. Helie (Paruia). Ref. Cl. t. 34, f. 3. 

168. P. Hedonia (Junonta). Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 39, f. 4. 

169. P. Dejanira (vel Deianira) (Saryrus). Ref. 
ites. 1v, t. 33, f. 1, 2. 

170. P. Jurtina (EPrNnePHELe). 

171. P.Janira (EPINEPHELE). 

172. P. cardui (PyRamets) . 

173. P. Tulbaghia (Munerts). 

174. P. Pipleis (Diavema). Ref. Cl. t. 26, f. 2. The 
? of D. Pandarus (n. 18, above). 

175. P. Lampetia (Cirrocuroa, ?). Ref. Cl. t. 39, f. 2. 

176. YP. Iris (Aparura). Typ. refs. * Rees. 11. t. 42; 
Wilkes, t. la, 2; later refs. Harris, Aurel. vu. t. 3, 
f. a—d; Sulz. t. 14, f. 86. Reesel figures Ilia; but 
Linnezus describes Iris. I can find no such insect figured 
in Reemer’s edition of Sulzer, and there are only 5 figures 
on plate 14. Two represent a Prepona, which Linnzeus 
perhaps intended to quote. 


177. P. populi (Limenitis). Refs. Cl. Act. Holm. 
1753, t. 7; * Rees. Ins. i. t. 33, f. 1, 2. 

178. P. Cydippe (Cursosia), Clerck & Johanssen. 
Ref. Cl. t. 36, f. 1. 

179. P. Tiphus (vel Tipha) (Pyrruocyra). Typ. 
ref. Cl. t. 32, f. 3; later ref. * Edw. t. 33. 

180. P. Antiopa (Vanessa). 

146 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

181. P. polychloros (Vanessa). 

182. P. urtice (VANESSA). 

183. P. C.-album (Vanessa). 

184. P. C.-awrewm (VANESSA). 

185. P. Ariadne (Ereous), Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 407. 
186. P. Dirce (Gynxcta). 

187. P. Butes. 8S. N. 1760, p.485, and Cl. t. 36, f. 3; 

given in Mus. Ulr. and 8. N. 1767 as P. Dir 62, 9. 

188. P. jatrophe (Anartia). Ref. * Mer. Ins. Sur, 
t. 4. 

189. P. Canace (Vanessa). Joh. & Lin. This species 
is evidently identical with Charonia, Drury, which it will 

190. P. Amalthea (vel Amathea) (Anartia). Ref. 
Cl. t. 40, f. 3. 

191. P. Atalanta (PyRamEts). 

192. P. Amphinome (Acmronta). Ref. * Roes. i. t. 10, 
f. 1,2; *Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 8. 

198. P. Venilia (Atayma). Ref. Cl. t. 32, f. 4. 
194. P. Alimena (Diapema). Ref. Cl. t. 382, f. 1. 
195. P. Leucothoe (ATHYMA). 

196. P. Hylas (Cyrustis). 8. N. 1760, p. 486. Ref. 
Cl. t. 40, f. 4. Erroneously confounded by Linnzeus with 
Leucothoe (n. 195) in his later works. 

197. P. Pheerusa (vel Phaethusa) (Cutnosta). Ref. 
* Roes. iv. t. 2, f. 1 

198. LP. Iphiclus (vel Iphicla) (Hurerocuroa). Ref. 
Cl. t. 41, f. 3. 

199. P. Idmon (vel Idmone). Undetermined. 
200. P. Hleus (vel Blea) (HetTERocHROA). 
201. P. Anceus (vel Anceea) (Hpica.ta). 

202. P.Janassa (RomMALEosoma). 

203. P 

. Sibilla (Limenitis). S. N. 1767, p. 781. Ref. 
* Roes. Ins. in. t. 33, f. 1-3 (f.1 & 2represent LD. populi). 
This is the P. Prorsa of the Mus. Ulr. p. 303. 

204. P. Camilla (Limenttis). Mus. Ulr. p. 304; 
S. N. 1767, p. 781. Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 12, f. 10; later 
ref. *Ros. ni. t, 33, f. 3, 4. The 9 of DL. Sibilla. 
Petiver’s figure represents a totally different species. 

Linnean Butterflies. 147 

205. P.Amphion. S. N. 1760, p. 486; P. Camilla, 
8, 8. N. 1767, p. 781. This has nothing to do with L. 
Stbilla, and is perhaps a Neptis. 

206. P. Bolina (Diapema). Ref. Cl. t. 21,f.2. Mr. 
Butler has recently identified this species with D. Lasi- 
massa of authors. It was formerly considered to be the 
3 of the Linnean Misippus (n. 132). 

207. P. Clytia. 

208. DP. Necrea (Pyrruocyra). Ref. * Edw. t. 33. This 
figure has already been quoted under P. Tiphus (n. 179), 
to which it apparently belongs. 

209. P. Aceste (vel Acesta) (Cauiizona). Ref. Cl. 
t. 43, f. 3. 

210. P. Dido (Co.znis), Clerck & Johanssen. Refs. 
Cl. t. 30, f. 2; * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 3. 

211. P. similis (Danaus). Typ. ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 92, 
f. 13; later ref. Cl. t. 16, f.3. Petiver’s figure does 
00 agree with the description: it represents D. Limniace, 


212. P. assimilis (Hustina). Ref. Cl. t. 16, f. 1. 

213. P. dissimilis. Typ. ref. Ehret, t. 17; later ref. 
Gls. 16; f.°3. 

214. P. Panope. Ref. Rheed. mal. 9, t. 1,?. Itis 
still uncertain whether this and the last species are forms 
of P. Clytia (n. 207, above) or not. 

215. P. Nauplius (vel Nauplia) (Hresta). Ref. Cl. 
t. 46, f. 1, 2. 

216. P. Hypermnestra, Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 407 ; Lin. 
S. N. 1767, p. 783. Apparently a variety of the male of 
Elymnias undularis, Dru., from which the marginal mark- 
ings of the fore-wings are absent. 

217. P. Nesea (vel Nesea). Mus. Ulr. p. 302. This 
is probably identical with Hlymnias Lais, Fabr. 

218. P. Rumina (Tuats). Ref. * Catesby, Car. i. t. 
95. Linnzeus quotes a description from Osbeck, which 
apparently applies to Argynnis Selene, but his own de- 
scription, assisted by Catesby’s figure, is perfectly clear. 
Drury figures Zeritis Thero (n. 237 below) under the 
name of P. Rwnina. 

219. P. Levana (Arascunta). S.N. 1760, 1767. Ref. 
pesos t. 9. 1.05,'6. 

148 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

220. P. Prorsa (Anascunta). S. N. 1760, 1767. Ref. 
* Roes. i..t. 8, f. 6, 7; Mer. Ins. Eur. t. 88, f. 1. “The 
spring brood of A. Levana (n. 219). 

221. P. Lucina (Nemeosius). Ref. * Pet. Gaz. t. 16, 
f. 10. A very rough figure. 

222. P. Maturna (Metirma). F. S. p. 280. Refs. 
* Pet. Gaz. t. i. f. 8; Wilkes, 58, t. 2, s.9. The de- 
scription certainly applies to a species belonging to the 
Artemis group of Melitea, and Wallengren does not 
question its current application. Petiver’s figure repre- 
sents Thais Rumina (n. 218, above); but an insect 
described as very rare in Sweden, “habitat in Corylo, 
Erica, Scabiosa,” will not do for a Thais. 

223. P. Cinzia (Metirma). F.S. p. 280. Refs. * Pet. 
Gaz. t. 18, f. 10; * Roes. iv. t. 18; Reaum. Ins. 0.6. 9; 
Wilkes, t. 3,a, b. Wallengren does not consider the 
identification of this species fully established (Lep. Rhop. 
Scand. p. 73); and the description (F. 8. p. 280) is 
not sufficiently precise; but as both Petiver and Reesel 
figure insects belonging to the Cinzia group of Melitea, 
of which group this is the only Swedish representative, 
I see no reason for doubting the correct application of 
the name. 

224. P. Lena (HxTera). Ref. *Rees. i. t. 10, f. 3, 4. 

225. P. Dia (Araynnis). S. N. 1767, p. 785. 

226. P. Niphe (Araynnis). S. N. 1767, p. 785. P. 
Hyperbius, Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 408; og, P. Argyrius, 
Sparrm. t Am. Ac. vii. p. 502, note (f). 

227. P. Paphia (Araynnis). 

228. P. Cytherea (Huterocuroa). Ref. Cl. t. 39, f. 3. 

229. P. Aglaia (vel Aglaja) (Araynnis). 

230. P. Adippe (Araynnis). S. N. 1767, p. 786. P. 
Cydippe, F. 8. p. 281. Some consider this species a var. 
of Niobe (n. 233, below). Stefanelli quotes these refer- 
ences under that species. 

231. P. Lathonia (ArayYNNIs). 

232. P. Huphrosyne (Are@ynnis). 

233. P. Niobe (ARGYNNIS). 

+ P. Argyrios, Gmel. 8. N. ed. 13, p. 2248, is a species of Nyctalemon, 
near Orontes, and is figured by Zschach, Mus. Lesk. t. 2. f. 6 (Comp. Tr. 
Ent. Soc. Lond. 1869, p. 356). 

Linnean Butterflies. 149 

234. P.vanille (Agrautis). Typ. refs. *Mer. Ins. 
Sur. t. 25; *Sloane, Jam. u. t. 239, f. 23, 24; later ref. 
Cl. t. 40, f. 2. 

235. P. Cupido (Heuicoris). Refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 10, 
f. 9; * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 10, f. 1; * Ross. iv. t. 3, f. 7. 

236. P. Polybe (Tuucia), Joh. & Lin. 
237. 2. Thero (Zunitis). 
238. LP. betulcee (THecta). 
259. FP. prun. (Tuecta). ‘ Typ. ‘ref. “* Res, v. 2, 

240. P. quercus (THucLA). 

241. P. Marsyas (Tectia). Typ. ref. Cl. t. 41, f. 1; 
* Kdw. t. 81; later ref. * Rees. i. t. 5. f. 1, 2. 

242. P.Hchion (Tuucta, ?). S.N. 1767, p. 788. Ref. 
* Ros. i. t. 7, f. 3, 4. Mr. Butler (Cat. Fabr. p. 188) 
gives a different reference, but it is correctly quoted by 
Linnzeus, according to our copy of Reesel. 

243. P. Telamon. Undetermined. 

244. P. Beticus (Potyommatos). 

245. P. Thyra (Zerit). 

246. P. Thysbe (Zurtrt1s) . 

247. P. Thamyras. Undetermined. 

248. P. Arion (Potyommatrus). Typ. ref. * Rees. iii. 
t. 45, f. 3, 4; later refs. Sulz. t. 14, f. 87; Poda, t. 2, 
f. 4. Reesel’s figure seems to represent P. Diomedes ; 
but this is not a Swedish insect, nor does the description 
(F. S. p. 833) appear to point to it. Some Polyommati 
are figured on plate 18 of Roemer’s edition of Sulzer, 
but Arion is not among them. 

249. P. Zeuxo (Zuritis). 

250. P. Argus and P. Idas (Potyommatus). F. S. 
p- 283, united in S. N. 1767, p. 783. Wallengren is 
probably correct (Rhop. Scand. p. 206) in referring this 
species to Avgon, for the other critical species is a great 
rarity in Sweden. Linneus says in F. §. that Argus is 
“* caudatis,” evidently a misprint, as it is corrected in 
later works. 

251. P. Philiasus. I suspect this insect may prove 
to be identical with Polyommatus Amyntas, Fabr., but I 
am not quite sure, having only short descriptions to 
compare. ' 

150 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 

252. P. Argiolus (Potyommatus). Considered by 
some of the old writers to represent P. Semiargus, Rott. 
(Acis, W. V.). 

253. P. Pirithous (Potyommatus). Not improbably 
the ¢ of P. Philiasus (n. 251, above). It is Papilio 
Barbarus, Gmel. 8. N. p. 2352, (see Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 
1869,.p. 360), and is fully described by Godart as Poly- 
ommatus Pirithous, Enc. Méth. ix. p. 682. 

254. P. Thespis (vel Tespis) (PoLYoMMATUs). 

255. P. rubi (Tuecta). 

256. P. Lara (Hyrotycmna ?). 

257. P. Pamphilus (CanonyMpHA). 

258. P. Philocles (Mesosemta). Ref. Cl. t. 45, f. 3. 

259. P. Timantes. Undetermined. 

260. P. Arcanius (vel Arcania) (C@NONYMPHA). 

261. P. Athemon (Eupacis). Ref. Cl. t. 37, f. 2, t. 
46, f. 3. 

262. P.carice (Nympeuipium). Typ. ref. * Mer. Ins. 
Sur. t. 40, f. 1; later ref. Cl. t. 20, f. 2. Merian’s figure 
is very doubtful. 

263. P. Metis (Cyctorrpgs). 

264. P. Neleus (PHarzus). Ref. Cl. t. 45, f. 2. 

265. P. Talaus (PHarevus), Clerck & Johanssen. Ref. 
Cl. t. 45, f. 1. 

266. P. Phereclus (Panara). Ref. Cl. t. 45, f. 4. 

267. P. Peleus (Puarnus), Clerck & Johanssen. Ref. 
Cl. t. 45, f. 5. 

268. P. Lysippus (Erycina). Ref. Cl. t. 22, f. 2. 

269. P. Priassus (Puargus). Given by Mr. Butler 
(Cat. Fabr. p. 283) as the ¢ of P. Talaus, n. 265, above. 

270. P. Phloas (Lycmna). 

271. P. virgauree (LycmnNa). 

272. P. Hippothoe (Lycmna). F. 8. p. 274. Wal- 
lengren (Lep. Rhop. Scand. p. 193) thinks that this 
description applies to Hurydice, Rott., which Esper 
figures as the Linnean Hippothoe, and not to Hippothoe, 
W.YV.and later authors. Prof. Westwood confirms this 
opinion, by stating (Brit. Butt. ed. 2) that he has found 
specimens of Hurydice ticketted Hippothoe im Linneus’ 
handwriting, in the Linnean cabinet. 


Ininnean Butterflies. 151 

273. P. Hero (Cenonympua). F.S. p. 274. Linneus 
seems to have confounded this species with C. Tiphon, 
Rott. (Davus, Fabr.) as his description in the first 
edition of F. 8. seems to apply to Tiphon; and he 
would hardly say of P. Hero ** Corpus preecedenti Gs @. 
P. Hippothoe) paullo majus.” 

274, P. Hryx. Mant. Plant. p.537. Ref. Auben. Misc. 
t. 71, f. 4,5. Mr. Butler (Cat. Fabr. p. 180) gives this 
insect as identical with Deudoriz Amyntor, Herbst. 

275. P. Tithonus (HpinerHece). Mant. Plant. p. 537. 
De Villers writes the name T'iithonius, which is copied by 
Staudinger and others. 


276. P. Comma (Pampuita). 
277. P. Augias (Pampuita), Joh. Am. Ac. vi. p. 410. 
278. P. Protumnus (Zuritis). 

279. P. Proteus. Linneeus confounded all the species 
of the genus or subgenus Goniwrus under this name. 
Typ. ref. * Mer. Ins. Sur. t. 63 (one of the worst figures in 
the book) ; later ref. Cl. t. 42, f. 1-3. Linnezeus after- 
wards referred t. 42, f. 2 to the following species, but 
incorrectly (see P. Thraz). 

280. P. Thrax (Hespuria). 8. N. 1767, p. 794. Ref. 
Cl. t. 42, f.2. Mr. Butler states (Cat. Fabr. p. 262) 
that Clerck’s figure does not belong to this species. 
Donovan’s figure (Ins. Ind. t. 49, f. 2) is quoted for it 
by both Westwood and Butler. 

281. P. Butes (Hrycrna), Cl. & Linn. Ref. Cl. t. 
46, f. 6. This species is P. Arcius, Joh. Am. Ac. vi. 
t. 36, p. 409. 

282. P. Actorion (Bia), Clerck & Johanssen. Ref. Cl. 
t. 36, f. 2 

283. P.Phidias (Pyrruoryea). Typ. ref. * Pet. Gaz. 
t. 43, f. 15; later ref. Cl. t. 44, f. 1-4. Petiver’s figure 
represents a moth. Clerck figured two species as the 
sexes of one, and Linnzeus copied the error in his subse- 
quent works. (See Buil. Cat. Fabr. p. 268.) 

152 Mr. W. F. Kirby on Linnean Butterflies. 

284. P. Bixee. Typ. refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 32, f.5; * Mer. 
Ins. Sur. t. 44; later ref. Cl. t. 42, f.4. There is much 
confusion about this species also. Petiver’s figure does 
not agree with the description, and Linnzus ceased to 
regard it as typical in his later works. Merian’s figure 
looks over-coloured, and perhaps represents an Hudamus 
or a Pyrrhopyga. Clerck has figured an African species 
as Bixe, which resembles Merian’s species on the under 
surface ; but the name must be restored to Merian’s in- 
sect, as soon as it has been properly identified. 

285. P.Polycletus (Hypocurysors). Ref. Cl. t. 17, f. 2. 

286. P. Pitho (Potyommatus). The 2 of P. Thespis 
(n. 254, above). 

287. P. malve (Pyrevus). Typ. refs. * Pet. Gaz. t. 
36, f.6; Mer. Ins. Eur. i. t. 88; Reaum. i. t. 11, f. 6, 7; 
* Roes. 1. 2, t. 10; Wilkes, t. 2, c. 1; later refs. Hufin. 
4,t.2,f. ult.; Scheff. Elem. t. 94,f.9. There is no doubt 
that this species is the same as alveolus, Hiibn. Petiver’s 
figure represents this species; Rcesel figures two dif- 
ferent species, apparently malvarum and alveus, at the 
page cited. Not only does alveolus agree with the 
Linnean description, but it stands so named in the Lin- 
nean collection. (See Westw. and Humphr. Brit. Butt. 
p- 121). Wallengren (Lep. Rhop. Scand. pp. 275, 276) 
regards the question as settled, and makes special refer- 
ence to all the allied Swedish species. 

288. P. Tages (NIsonrIADES). 

289. P. Oileus (Pyraus). I have no reason to doubt 
that this insect is, as Linnzeus states, an Algerian species ; 
and I hope soon to have an opportunity of verifying this 
and the other doubtful species described by Linneeus 
from Algeria, as 1 am expecting a collection from that 

290. P. Niso (NISONIADES). 

291. P. Spio (Pyrravs). 

292. P.Phaleros (THxcta). 

293. P. Caneus (NyMpurpivm). 

294. P. Idas. 8. N. 1760, p. 488. The description 
is very poor, and I cannot discover that the species is 
taken up in Linneus’ subsequent works. Possibly 
Budamus Brino, Cram., but unrecognizable from the 

( 153 ) 

X. Descriptions of twenty-two new species of Equatorial 
Lepidoptera. By W. C. Hewirson, F.L.S. 

{Read 2nd May, 1870. ] 

I wave recently described in a separate publication, 
entitled ‘‘ Equatorial Lepidoptera collected by Mr. 
Buckley,” the new species of butterflies brought home 
by that gentleman from Ecuador. Before Mr. Buckley 
left Guayaquil, on his return to England, he sent out as 
a collector a native boy, who had been his faithful 
attendant in his travels. This boy, Manuel Villagomes, 
has proved himself an apt scholar, and has sent us a very 
fine collection of butterflies, in beautiful condition, and 
containing, as will be seen by the following descriptions, 
many new species, some of peculiar interest, from their 
strange form and colour, others from their size, usually 
surpassing the same species brought by Mr. Buckley. 
Mr. Villagomes went, as Mr. Buckley did, from Gua- 
yaquil to Riobamba, whence he proceeded to Guala- 
quisa, his head quarters, crossing the high mountain 
range of St. Rosario, where the several species of 
Pronophila were taken. These, and Mesosemice, some of 
which are very beautiful, furnish the largest number of 
new species. The collection contains, besides those 
here described, species of great rarity; Papilio Hpenetus, 
until now unique in the collection of Mr. Saunders; 
several specimens, male and female, of the very rare 
Leptalis Orise ; asecond example of Hrycina formosissima ; 
and the remarkable Taygetis albinotata, hitherto only in 
the collection of the British Museum. 

Leptalis Prazxidice. 

Male. Upperside. Dark lilac-blue. Anterior wing 
crossed from the middle of the inner margin to beyond 
the middle of the wing by a broad semi-transparent band 
of brown, divided by the median nervures into four 
parts: two white spots (one bifid) at the middle of the 
costal margin, and three similar spots (one bifid) before 
the apex. Posterior wing crossed from near the middle 
of the inner margin to the outer margin near the apex 
by a band and spot of white, the band divided into four 
parts by the nervures, the spot near the apex. 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT Il. (JUNE.) 

154 Mr. W. C. Hewitson on 

Underside. Blue-pearly-gray, clouded with darker 
colour: the outer margins yellow: a submarginal black 
line broken into spots near the apex. Anterior wing 
with the white spots as above: brown from the base to 
the subapical spots, white where the wings meet. Pos- 
terior wing with two spots of yellow at the base, and 
some irrorations of the same colour on the subcostal 
nervure: the band of white as above, and four spots (one 
in the cell) between it and the middle of the costal 

Exp. 2+; inches. 


Singularly distinct from any known species. 

Euterpe Epimene. 

Female. Upperside. Dark brown. Anterior wing 
crossed obliquely at the middle by a broad band of scarlet, 
divided into three parts (one in the cell) by the nervures. 
Posterior wing paler brown towards the inner margin. 

Underside, As above, except that the anterior wing 
has two yellow spots before the apex, and a marginal 
series of spots of the same colour; that the posterior 
wing has two carmine spots at the base: four spots near 
the base of the costal margin, two linear spots near the 
inner margin, and a submarginal and marginal series of 
spots, all yellow. 

Exp. 24 inches. 

Hab.—St. Joaquim. 

I think that this is probably the female of 2, Teutamis. 
The undersides are the same. 

Ithomia Pulcheria. 

Male. Upperside. Semi-transparent. Anterior wing 
with the margins and nervures and a band at the end of 
the cell dark brown: the cell near the base orange; a 
triangular pale brown spot, and a pale yellow spot within 
the cell: a bifid spot of yellow on the costal margin 
beyond the cell: crossed by a series of yellow spots beyond 
the middle: Posterior wing tinted with orange ; the ner- 
vures and a broad submarginal band opaque orange; the 
outer margin brown. 

Underside. As above, except that there are three 
minute white spots at the apex of the anterior wing ; 

Equatorial Lepidoptera. 155 

that there are two similar spots at the apex of the 
posterior wing, and four from the middle of the outer 
margin to the anal angle. 

Female like the male, except that the wings are of 
different form: that there is a larger space of yellow on 
the anterior wing: that the inner margin, except near 
the base, is orange; that the posterior wing is all opaque 
orange, and that the outer margin is very narrow. 

Exp. 2,5, inches. 


Belongs to the Dircenna group. Both sexes have the 
neuration of I. Hpidero. 

Ithomia Prazilla. 

Female. Upperside. Transparent white: the nervures 
black: the margins (except at the anal angle of the 
posterior wing, which is rufous orange) dark brown, 
broad ; the outer margins traversed by a series of white 
spots. Anterior wing with an oblong transparent spot 
on the costal margin at the end of the cell. 

Underside. As above, except that there is a blue- 
white spot at the base of the posterior wing. 

Exp. 2,%, inches. 


This large and beautiful species has the neuration of 
I. Ceeno, but differs both in form and the position of the 
nervures from those species, IJ. Apulia and Adelinda, 
which have the anal angle rufous. 

Ithomia Ozia. 

Male. Upperside. Transparent yellow-white; the 
margins and nervures (which are slender) black. An- 
terior wing with a triangular band at the end of the cell ; 
a small oblong spot on the costal margin. 

Underside.: As above, except that the outer margins 
are traversed by a rufous band forming sagittate spots 
at the ends of the nervures of the posterior wing. An- 
terior wing with three minute apical white spots. Pos- 
terior wing with a marginal series of five white spots. 

Exp. 2 inches. : 


Neuration, form, and size of I. Zerlina, (‘Exotic 
Butterflies,” Ithomia, fig. 96), but of very different 

156 Mr. W. C. Hewitson on 

Ithomia Pronuba. 

Male. Upperside. Transparent: the margins broad, 
dark brown, especially on the posterior wing; the ner- 
vures black. Anterior wing with the costal margin near 
the base rufous: the band at the end of the cell trian- 
gular, broad: a large white spot beyond it reaching the 
second median nervule, the nervures crossing it white. 

Underside. Rufous where brown above. Anterior 
wing with three apical white spots. Posterior wing 
with a marginal series of five triangular white spots, 
bordered with black. 

Female like the male, except that it is suffused with 
black, bordering the median nervure and the white spot, 
and that the white spot is extended (but less distinct) 
to the inner margin. 

Exp. 2,4, inches. 


This has the neuration of I. Zerlina, and is probably 
only a variety of that species. 

Agrias Zenodorus. 

Male. Upperside. Black. Anterior wing crossed at 
the middle from the costal margin to near the apex by a 
very broad oblique band of orange, divided into seven 
parts by the nervures: two subapical spots (one clouded) 
of pale yellow. Posterior wing with a large spot of bril- 
liant Morpho-like blue near the outer margin. 

Underside. Anterior wing as above, except that there 
are two black spots within the cell: a spot near the cos- 
tal margin, and a band near the apex, pale yellow. 
Posterior wing black, crossed by five bands of pale yellow ; 
the first near the base from the costal margin to the 
middle of the first median nervure, the second shorter, 
the third angular, the fourth linear and clouded, the fifth 
submarginal: a linear yellow spot within the cell, and a 
series of blue spots between the fourth and fifth bands: 
the costal and outer margins and anal angle yellow. 

Exp. 3-2, inches. 


This is most hkely only a variety of A. Adon, although 
I have been tempted by its great beauty to distinguish 
it by aname. On the underside they are identical. On 
the upperside the transverse band, which is in A. A?don 

Hquatorial Lepidoptera. 157 

carmine, is here orange. The blue spot of the posterior 
wing, which in A. Adon varies much, and is absent 
altogether from one of my specimens, is in A. Zenodorus 
much larger, and of a briluant Morpho blue. 

Pronophila Praxithea. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown; outer margin den- 
tate, slightly on the anterior, strongly on the posterior 
wing. Anterior wing crossed from beyond the middle of 
the costal margin to the anal angle by a very broad band 
of orange, widest at the middle, slightly dentate on both 
sides. Posterior wing with an orange spot at the apex. 

Underside as above, except that the costal margin is 
marked with lines of white, and that it is undulate near 
the apex with lilac, and marked with three minute white 
spots. Posterior wing undulate near the costal margin 
from its middle to the apex with rufous-brown and lhilac- 
white, and marked with three minute white spots; 
crossed beyond the middle by an irregular band undulate 
with brown and white: slightly and indistinctly undulate 
between this band and the outer margin and near the 
inner margin with paler colour. 

Exp. 24% inches. 

Hab.—St. Rosario. 

A beautiful species, marked hke P. Phila on the 
upperside, but twice the size. 

Pronophila Pelinna. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown, the outer margins 
slightly indented. Anterior wing crossed from the costal 
margin beyond its middle to very near the anal angle by 
a broad band of orange, slightly indented on its inner 
border. Posterior wing crossed beyond the middle from 
the costal margin to the anal angle by a broad band of 
orange, very irregular and zig-zag on its outer border. 

Underside as above, except that the anterior wing is 
undulate with yellow near the apex, and crossed by a 
series of four minute white spots, and that the orange 
band of the posterior wing is much paler, is undulate and 
clouded with brown, is marked near the apex with a spot 
of lilac, and crossed by three or four minute white spots. 

Exp. 2,4, inches. 

Hab.—St. Rosario. 

Nearly allied to P. Phcea, more nearly to P. Alusana. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—ParRT II. (JUNE.) N 

158 Mr. W. C. Hewitson on 
Pronophila Phedra. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown, the outer margins 
shghtly dentate, the fringe marked with pale yellow 
lunules. Anterior wing crossed at the middle by a broad 
band of yellow, which extends towards the anal angle a 
very little beyond the first branch of the median nervure. 
Posterior wing with a large central spot of yellow, in- 
dented on its outer border. 

Underside. Anterior wing as above, except that it is 
undulate with ochreous-brown near the apex, and is 
crossed by a submarginal band of black. Posterior wing 
rufous, beautifully undulate with ochreous yellow, lilac, 
and dark brown: a large cordate dark brown spot near 
the middle of the costal margin bordered with yellow: 
the yellow central spot as above, except that it is un- 
dulate with brown, and extends to the anal angle: a 
submarginal series of pyramidal black spots. 

Exp. 2,/; inches. 

Hab.—St. Rosario. 

On the underside, this species nearly resembles P. 
Pallantis. A variety of this species has the band of the 
anterior wing and the spot of the posterior wing white. 

Pronophila Peania. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown: the outer margins 
dentate, chiefly on the posterior wing. Posterior wing 
with a large brick-red space (occupying one-third of the 
wing) at the anal angle, marked with two triangular 
brown spots. 

Underside. Rufous-brown. Anterior wing crossed 
towards the apex by three oblong spots of ochreous-yellow: 
two spots of the same colour between the nervures, a lilac 
triangular spot on the costal margin near the apex. 
Posterior wing with an angular band near the base, and 
a broken band at the middle, irrorate with rufous-brown 
and lilac: a spot of lilac at the apex traversed by a 
curved black line: a small spot, a larger lunular spot, 
and three spots forming a triangle near the outer margin, 
all white. 

Exp. 2$ inches. 

Hab.—St. Rosario. 

In form, and in the marking of the underside, like 
P. Prochyta and P. Irmina. 

Equatorial Lepidoptera. 159 

Lymanopoda Labineta. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown. Anterior wing crossed 
before the middle by a broad irregular band of white, 
divided by the nervures into four parts: a subapical band 
of three minute white spots. 

Underside. Anterior wing as above, except that the 
base, apex, and nervures are ochreous-yellow. Pos- 
terior wing ochreous, with the base, a band at the middle, 
and a linear submarginal band, rufous-brown; crossed 
between the bands by a series of minute black spots, 
forming a semicircle, not as usual parallel to the outer 
margin, but in the opposite direction. 

Exp. 1,5 inches. 


Form and size of L. Samius. 

Lymanopoda trimaculata. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown, rufous towards the 
outer margins. Anterior wing with a small black spot, 
marked with white, between the median nervules: Pos- 
terior wing with a series of similar spots, the two largest 
of which, between the median nervures, have a rufous 

Underside. As above, except that both wings have a 
submarginal undulate line of black, and are irrorate with 
gray on the outer margin: that the black spots of the 
posterior wing are smaller, or absent, and that there are 
three white spots near the anal angle. 

Exp. 14 inch. 

Hab.—St. Rosario. 

Form and size of L. Lecena. 

Mesosemia Mancia. 

Female. Upperside. Dark brown. Anterior wing blue 
from the base (except the costal margin, which is brown) 
to a large central quadrate white sput: the discal spot 
indistinct, marked with three minute white spots. Pos- 
terior wing much produced at the middle of the outer 
margin, blue, broadly bordered with brown. 

Underside. Paler brown. Anterior wing with a short 
band before the discal spot. Posterior wing with a discal 
spot, marked with two minute white spots, with an indis- 
tinct brown band on each side of it bordered with 

paler colour. 
nw 2 

160 Mr. W. C. Hewitson on 

Exp. 2 inches. 


This, and the three following species, have the posterior 
wings of the same angular form as M. Telegone and 
M, Mevania. 

Mesosemia Mamitlia. 

Male. Upperside. Dark brown. Anterior wing (except 
the costal margin, which is brown) blue, from the base 
to the middle: a short line before the discal spot, the 
discal spot, which is marked with two minute white spots, 
and a line beyond it (which is not separate from the 
brown of the rest of the wing till near the submedian 
nervure), all black: crossed by a curved band of blue 
beyond the middle. Posterior wing with the basal half 
blue, the outer half dark brown, traversed by a linear 
blue band. 

Underside. Gray-brown. Anterior wing with the 
discal spot (which is marked with three minute white 
spots), and a spot below it, bordered with orange: 
the line between it and the base longer than above: 
crossed beyond the middle by a clouded band of white. 
Posterior wing with the discal spot marked with two 
minute white spots, and bordered with orange, with 
bands of orange bordered with brown on each side of it: 
crossed by a central brown band, and by a submarginal 
series of brown spots, both bordered inwardly with dull 
white: the outer margin angular. 

Female like the male, except that instead of the blue 
band of the anterior wing, it is crossed by a broad pyri- 
form band of white, and that the posterior wing is 
crossed before the middle by a linear band of black. 

Exp. 155 inch. 

aa ©) 


Mesosemia Mycene. 

Male. Upperside. Green. Anterior wing with a short 
line before the discal spot: the discal spot (which is 
marked with one minute spot) ,a linear band beyond it, and 
the rest of the wing (more than half), black. Posterior 
wing with the outer margin and nervures near it black. 

Underside. Both wings with a discal spot marked with 
one minute white spot, bordered with orange and crossed 
on both sides of them by two brown bands: both crossed 

Equatorial Lepidoptera. 161 

beyond the middle by a broad band of brown. Anterior 
wing with a small black spot, below the discal spot, 
bordered with orange: the broad band of brown followed 
by a band of paler colour. Posterior wing with the outer 
margin angular. 

Exp. 1,8, inch. 

Hab. Hee Sree: 

Mesosemia Mustela. 

Female. Upperside. Rufous-brown. Anterior wing with 
the discal spot black, marked with three minute white 
spots: crossed on each side of it by two linear brown 
bands: crossed beyond the middle by a band of white 
from the costal margin to the anal angle, where it is 
narrow, and bordered inwardly with brown: the wing 
beyond it dark brown. Posterior wing angular at the 
outer margin, crossed near the base by two linear bands, 
and beyond the middle by four bands of brown, the two 
inner bands nearly straight, the outer ones parallel to the 
margin, which is also brown. 

- Underside as above, except that the Pine wing has 

‘a discal spot, that there are three linear bands beyond 
the middle, and that the two bands parallel to the outer 
margin are broken into spots. 

Exp. 1,4, inch. 

Hab. MEG uAleguind: 

Nearly allied to M. Adida. 

Mesosemia Messala. 

Female. Upperside. Dark brown. Both wings crossed 
beyond the middle by a common band of white, broad at 
the costal margin of the anterior wing, narrow near the 
anal angle: clouded and indistinct on the posterior wing, 
where it does not extend to the first branch of the median 
nervure. Anterior wing with an undefined discal black 
spot marked with three minute white spots. 

Underside as above, except that the discal spot of the 
anterior wing is blue, that the band of the posterior wing 
is pale brown, and that there is a small black indistinct 
discal spot. 

Exp. 1,§ inch. 

Hab Pe alacuiee 

162 Mr. W. C. Hewitson on 

Very nearly allied to M. latifasciata, from which it 
differs in having a discal spot on the underside of the 
posterior wing. In this collection, there are examples 
of M. latifasciata, in which the band of the posterior wing 
is narrow and indistinct, as in the species now described. 

Compsoteria Callixena. 

Female. Upperside. Dark brown. Anterior wing with 
several spots of white: three in the cell, one below these, 
large and divided by the second median nervule, an 
oblique band of two spots (one trifid) and two minute 
subapical spots: the inner margin gray. Posterior wing 
gray, crossed obliquely by an equal band of white, 
bordered on each side with brown, and divided into four 
parts by the nervures: the outer margin brown, angular. 

Underside as above, except that both wings have a 
submarginal series of white spots, and that the posterior 
wing is white at the base, spotted with brown. 

Exp. 1} inch. 


Although greatly differmg in aspect from the two 
transparent species which | have described, and indeed 
from all the Lrycinide, its neuration is identical with this 

Compsoteria Celtilla. 

Male. Upperside. Black. Anterior wing transparent 
hilac-white from the base to beyond the middle (the 
margins excepted), divided into five parts by the ner- 
vures and a band which crosses the cell: a broad oblique 
subapical band of the same colour divided into four parts 
by the nervures. Posterior wing lilac-white, transparent, 
the nervures and outer margin black. 

Underside. As above, except that the costal margin 
of the posterior wing is white at its base, and that there 
is a short linear spot of orange at the anal angle. 

Exp. 1,%, inch. 


Emesis angularis. 

Male. Upperside. Dark rufous-brown. Both wings of 
unusual form, crossed by several bands of brown from the 

Equatorial Lepidoptera. 163 

base to the middle: both with a submarginal band of 
brown. Anterior wing with a short band of brown from 
the costal margin beyond the middle: costal margin 
sinuate in the middle, arched near the apex, apex pointed, 
outer margin convex. Posterior wing very angular at 
the middle. 

Underside as above, except that it is orange-rufous, 
and that there is a submarginal series of brown spots. 

Exp. 1,3, inch. 


The species of this genus are generally very uninterest- 
ing, and so much alike, that it is quite a novelty to 
receive one so different from all the rest as this is. 

Chamelimnas Villagomes. 

Male. Upperside. Black. Anterior wing with a cen- 
tral cordate spot of brilliant yellow. Posterior wing with 
the basal half of the same colour. 

Underside. As above. 

Exp. 1,4, inch. 


I have named this species after Mr. Buckley’s friend 
and companion, Mr. Manuel Villagomes, a compliment 
which he has well merited. 

Summary of New Species. 

Genus Leptalis 1 Species. 
Euterpe 1 
Ithomia 4, 
Agrias 1 
Pronophila 4 
Lymanopoda 9 é 2 
Mesosemia . ; : : 5 
Compsoteria 2 
Emesis if 
Chamezlimnas 1 


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xT Descriptions of a new genus and four new species of 
Calopterygidz, and of a new genus and species of 
Gomphide. By R. McLacutay, F.L.S., Sec. Ent. 

[ Read 2nd May, 1870.]} 

In the course of an arrangement, which I have recently 
completed, of the Odonata belonging to the family Calop- 
terygide in the collection of the British Museum (with 
which is incorporated that of Mr. Wilson Saunders), I 
found, among others, the four new species herein de- 
scribed, one of which forms the type of a new genus. 
And I have added a remarkable new form of Gomphide, 
from my own collection, pertaining to the singular genus 
Petalia, taken in its broad sense. The species described 
are as under :— 

Psolodesmus (n. g.) mandarinus —. ; Amoy. 
Huphea compar. : : : : Amoy. 
Micromerus bisignatus  . : ; . Celebes. 
Chalcopteryx scintillans . : Upper Amazors. 
Hypopetalia (nu. g.) pestilens . : : Chil. 



Belonging to the “ Legion” Calopterye (De Selys). 
Form of Calopteryx (sens. strict.). All the wings pro- 
vided with a large, subquadrate, dilated pterostigma ; 
quadrilateral slightly convex on its upper margin, and 
slightly dilated at its extremity; basal space empty ; 
arculus angulate; inferior branch of the second sector 
of the triangle running obliquely into the inner margin 
in an unbroken line; all the sectors much ramified and 
curved at their extremities (in other words, there are 
5-6 supplementary sectors between each leading one). 
First jomt of antenne very short. Legs with very long 
spines. (<.) 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—rarT 11. (JUNE.) 

166 Mr. R. McLachlan on new 

I have founded this genus upon a large undescribed 
insect from China, which will not arrange itself in any 
existing group, In the form of the quadrilateral (a 
character which is probably eminently artificial) it ap- 
proaches Vestalis, yet not more so than does Neurobasis, but 
differs in its angulate arculus, in the presence of a very 
strongly marked inferior branch of the second sector of 
the triangle (the form and direction of which is peculiar) , 
and in the possession of a large pterostigma. On the 
other hand, it differs from any group of De Selys’ 
“premitre cohorte.” Thus, from Calopteryx (sens. 
strict.) it is separated by the possession of a well-formed 
pterostigma, even in the g, and from Matrona by the 
same character, combined with the free basal space ; from 
Cleis, Sapho, Mais, and Hcho, it differs in its angulate 
arculus (from Hcho also in its free basal space) , approach- 
ing the first (Cleis) in the curved ramifications of the 
sectors; from Phaon and Neurobasis it is separated by 
the form of the antennz, and presence of a pterostigma 
(from Neurobasis also by the free basal space). 

After a consideration of all these characters, I am in- 
clined to place Psolodesmus near COalopteryx (sens. 
strict.), on account of its general form, notwithstanding 
that in the form of the quadrilateral it approaches 

Psolodesmus mandarinus, n. sp. 

Dark bronzy-green. Head: labrum shining black ; 
clypeus metallic blue-green ; second joint of the antenne 
pale yellow in front. Prothorax with the hinder margin 
blackish. Yhoraz proper with the dorsal and lateral 
sutures black; sides metallic golden-green beneath the 
posterior wings. Legs black, with black spines; coxe, 
trochanters, and base of femora, beneath, yellow. Abdo- 
men brownish-black; the first and second segments 
bronzy-green (segments 7-10 wanting). 

Wings similar in form and coloration; the basal half 
(or rather more) sub-hyaline, smoky; afterwards there 
is a broad, oblique, semi-opaque, white band; apical 
portion (one-fourth of the entire length) blackish- brown 
with brassy reflections ; neuration blackish ; nodus placed 
nearer to the base than to the pterostigma; pterostigma 
brown, surrounded by strong black veins, surmounting 

a i i 

Neuroptera Odonata. 167 

10-12 cellules, the lower side longer than the upper, 
inner side very oblique, apical side angular, owing to 
the insertion of a broken vein, which divides the post- 
stigmatical costal cellules into two rows. Forty ante- 
cubital nervules, and about ninety post-cubital, in the 
anterior wings. 

Length of body? (27 lines =57 mill., to end of sixth 
segment). HExpanse of wings, 45 lines (=94 mill.). 

Hab.—Amoy, in China. 

This fine insect somewhat reminds one of Hecho mar- 
garita in its coloration, but is nearly half as large again. 

Luphea compar, n. sp. 

6. Head and thorax black; ocelli yellow. Prothorax 
with a large raised round red spot on each side. Thoraw 
proper with red lines arranged thus:—one at the lateral 
suture, continued round in front halfway down the dorsum, 
giving the idea of this line being connected with a short 
humeral one; below this are three lines, each of which is 
continued round at its lower end, forming a hook ; inter- 
alar space spotted with red. Legs black, the tibie dark 
piceous externally. Abdomen pale brown; second seg- 
ment not armed with a tooth on each side of the genitals ; 
sutures of segments, and the longitudinal ventral suture, 
narrowly blackish (terminal segments wanting). 

Anterior wings narrow, hyaline, slightly discoloured, the 
costal margin tinted with brownish-yellow up to the 
nodus; pterostigma long, black, surmounting nine cel- 
lules. Posterior wings strongly dilated in the middle; 
basal portion hyaline up to slightly within the nodus; 
the costal margin brownish; extreme apex, from about 
the middle of the pterostigma, also hyaline; the rest of 
the wing occupied by a very broad blackish fuscous band, 
with golden reflections, this band commencing slightly 
nearer the base than the nodus, its inner margin nearly 
straight, the outer slightly convex. 

2. Head: labrum with two large yellow spots, and a 
similar spot on each side of it on the cheeks; front with 
a triangular yellow spot on the margin of each eye. Pro- 
thorax with two very large, round, raised yellow spots. 
Thorax proper with the markings reddish-yellow, similar 
to those of the ¢, but the humeral and first lateral stripe 

168 Mr. R. McLachlan on new 

form a nearly complete oval, which is interrupted only 
at its lower end. Legs black, the base of the femora with 
a cuneiform yellow lne externally. Abdomen black ; 
first segment with a very small lozenge-shaped yellow 
spot above, and a large triangular spot on each side; the 
rest with three yellow lines interrupted at the sutures; the 
dorsal one fine, almost obliterated on the sixth and seventh 
segments, afterwards reappearing on the eighth and ninth 
as a yellow lanceolate spot; lateral lines broader, also 
interrupted at the sutures, and on each segment, by a fine 
black transverse space near the anterior end, this line 
obliterated on the seventh, being there visible only as a 
small spot at each end, eighth and ninth with a large spot 
at the posterior end, tenth broadly margined with yellow ; 
appendices longer than the tenth segment, acute, shghtly 
curved, denticulate externally at the apex. 

Anterior wings hyaline, and tinged with brownish-yel- 
low up to the nodus, but less distinctly on the inner 
margin. Posterior wings hyaline, strongly tinged with 
yellowish-brown nearly up to the pterostigma, leaving 
only the apex purely hyaline. 24-26 ante-cubital nervures, 
28-31 post-cubital, in the anterior wings. 

Length of body, ¢?; ? 20 lines (=42 mill.). Expanse 
of wings, ¢, 2, 33 lines (=69 mill.). 

Hab.—Amoy, in China. 

Appears to have some affinity with H. decorata, but 
much larger, and the dark band of the posterior wings 
much broader. Both the ¢ and ¢ above described seem 
to be perfectly adult. 

Micromerus bisignatus, n. sp. 

Head and thorax black. Head above with four yellow 
spots in front of the antenne, placed close together, 
and six reddish spots on the crown (one on each of the 
ocelli, and four placed in a row posteriorly). Prothorax 
margined with reddish-yellow in front, and with spots of 
the same colour on each side. Thorax proper: above 
with two narrow reddish lines on each side, and beneath 
them, on the sides, two broad yellowish bands, the upper 
of which is divided transversely into two portions: breast 
witlr a longitudinal central row of four large transverse 
yellow spots. Legs black, the interior of the femora 
whitish-yellow. Abdomen red, the sixth segment paler, 
slightly greenish, the succeeding segments deeper red ; 

Neuroptera Odonata. 169 
first segment with a large quadrate black spot, not 
reaching the posterior margin; second segment blackish 
in the middle; sutures of all the segments broadly black ; 
ninth and tenth black at the sides; ventral longitudinal 
suture broadly black: superior appendices curved, black, 
somewhat clavate at the tips; inferior appendices trian- 

Anterior wings hyaline, semicircular at the apex; no 
pterostigma; costal vein thickened and reddish just be- 
fore the nodus; a broad, brown, somewhat quadrate 
band below the nodus, reaching across the wing, slightly 
fenestrate with clearer spaces; apex broadly dark 
brown, this space being about as broad as long, and 
straight internally. Posterior wings hyaline, tinged with 
yellow, the apex narrowly smoky ; pterostigma surmount- 
ing 3-4 cellules, dilated, black. Nine ante-cubital ner- 
vules and about twenty-two post-cubital nervules, in the 
anterior wings. (<.) 

Length of body, 145 lines (=31 mill.). 
wings, 27 lines (=56 mall - 

Hab.—Tondano, in the Island of Celebes (Wallace). 

This, one of the largest of the genus, is the only de- 
scribed species in which the anterior wing's have a median, 
as well as an apical, dark band. 

Expanse of 

Chaleopterya scintillans, n. sp. 

Closely allied to 0. rutilans, Ramb., and of the same 
‘size; it differs as follows :— 

C. scintillans (g). C. rutilans (3). 

Head : crown with two very small 
and indistinct reddish spots; front 
entirely unspotted. 

Prothorax unspotted. 

Thorax proper, with no median 
red bands ; a very slender humeral 
line on each side, and three similar 
lateral ones, yellow. 

Abdomen entirely black, without 

Legs entirely black. 

Anterior wings slightly broader ; 
pterostigma shorter. 

Posterior wings: upperside en- 
tirely brassy, without any blue at 
the base: underside brown, with 
brilliant metallic purple reflections, 
changing to bluish on the margins. 

Head: crown, front, and labrum 
with many large orange-red spots. 

Prothorax with two red spots. 

Thorae: with two broad sub- 
median bands, and a humeral line 
on each side, orange-red; below 
these are three yellow lines. 

Abdomen: first segment with yel- 
low spots. 

Legs: interior of femora brown- 

Posterior wings: upperside bras- 
sy, the apex coppery, the base me- 
tallic blue: underside uniformly of 
a brilliant fiery copper-colour. 

170 Mr. R. McLachlan on new 

I have examined six males of CO. scintillans, collected 
by Mr. Bates at St. Paulo, on the Upper Amazons. The 
female, probably, has the base of the posterior wings 
hyaline, as in rutilans. 

The almost total suppression of red markings on the 
body, the short pterostigma, and the difference in the 
coloration of the posterior wing's, both above and beneath, 
establish this as a good and distinct species. Besides, 
Mr. Bates informs me, that he found C. rutilans only at 
Para,* and C. scintillans only at St. Paulo, the distance 
between these places being 20° of longitude, or 1800 
miles by the river. 


I propose to describe here an insect pertaining to the 
genus Petalia, of Hagen, in its broad sense, the species 
of which are still most rare in collections. De Selys 
(Mon. Gomph.) divides Petalia into two sub-genera, 
Petalia and Phyllopetalia, formed on certain differences 
in neuration and markings; these latter are, in all the 
three described species, of a nature almost unique in 
the Odonata, and the insects possess general characters so 
very remarkable, that one is almost inclined to doubt 
whether it would not be better to consider all the species 
as members of one genus, varying specifically in minor 
details. My insect will not fit itself into either of the 
two divisions, and, following the authors of the ‘“‘ Mono- 
graphie,” 1 have constituted a third for its reception, 
under the term 


It differs from Petalia and Phyllopetalia in having 
three cellules in the discoidal triangles of all the wings, 
instead of two only, and the internal triangles have three 
cellules in the anterior wings and two in the posterior, 
(see wood-cut; a, anterior, b, posterior wing) whereas in 

the other divisions these triangles are alto- 

LY gether free in all the wings; furthermore, 
@ there are five cellules in the anal triangle of 

the posterior wings; the space surmounting 

ey j, __ the triangles is divided by a nervule in all the 
wings. ‘The nodal sector is waved, as in 

* M. de Selys Longchamps recorded (‘*Secondes additions aux Calopt.’’) 

C. rutilans from Santarem, as he now thinks in error. Mr. Bates has no 
recollection of haying found either form between Para and St. Paulo. 

Neuroptera Odonata. 171 

Phyllopetalia (it is not waved in Petalia). The mem- 
branule is scarcely present, as in Phyllopetalia. In the 
abdominal characters it also approaches Phyllopetalia 
rather than Petalia; thus the apex of the abdomen is 
dilated from the seventh segment, but there are no sen- 
sible lateral wing-like productions of the eighth, or these 
are scarcely evident; the appendices partake of the same 
form, the inferior with the middle lobe extending slightly 
beyond the apex of the superiors; these inferior appendices 
are convex beneath, and deeply concave above, the 
middle lobe being broad and rounded, the lateral lobe 
small and sub-acute. In the markings of the wings it 
also more resembles Phyllopetalia than Petalia in the 
number of the marginal spots, and the presence of an 
apical one, though these spots are more numerous 
than in either. The females of all these insects are yet 

Hypopetalia pestilens, n. sp. 

Head: face uniformly dirty greenish-yellow ; the labrum 
margined in front with clearer yellow; the lower lip and 
palpi, and the posterior declivity of the front, also clear 
yellow; summit of front, and back of the head behind 
the eyes, with a thick crest of long black hairs. 

Prothorax clothed with long hoary hairs. Thoraw proper 
greenish-fuscous above, clothed with hoary hairs; the 
metathorax black posteriorly above, and with a deep black 
space in the centre of the dorsal crest, the surface finely 
rugose, the rugosity caused by the presence of a number 
of little tubercles, closely arranged in transverse rows ; 
sides yellowish, on the anterior portion on each side is a 
large round whitish spot, broadly encircled with black, 
and beneath this a short oblique whitish line, margined 
with black ; inter-alar space densely clothed with hoary 

Legs black; the lower side of all the femora reddish. 

Abdomen fuscous (colours probably changed), the mid- 
dle of the second segment above, the sides of this 
segment, and the ventral margins of segments 3-6, 
testaceous, the suture blackish beneath; segments 7-10 
yellowish beneath; superior appendices short (not so long 
as the tenth segment), rather narrow at the base, after- 
wards somewhat flattened, obtuse, black, yellowish at the 
extreme base; inferior appendage scarcely longer than 
the superior, yellow, the two lateral apical lobes, black. 

172 Mr. R. McLachlan on new Odonata. 

Wings hyaline, scarcely tinged with yellowish; veins 
all black, excepting the first and fourth ante-cubital, and 
the costal vein over the pterostigma ; pterostigma yellow, 
surmounting 24 cellules, dusky at its inner end. Anterior 
wings with seven livid reddish-brown costal spots, arranged 
as follows:—(l) a long space at the base, extending 
nearly to the second ante-cubital, occupying the width 
of the costal and subcostal areas, and continued obliquely 
into the basal area, where it changes to blackish; (2) a 
spot between the fifth and seventh ante-cubitals, rounded 
above, but occupying the breadth of the subcostal area 
beneath, giving off a second spot united to it, and smaller, 
placed below it more towards the base; (3) a very small 
spot in the sub-costal area, rather more than halfway 
between the base and nodus, and continued as a triangular 
point into the cellule in the costal area above (in one 
wing there is a still smaller spot below this) ; (4) a very 
large quadrate spot enclosing the nodus, and extending 
from the costa to the subnodal sector; (5) a smaller 
quadrate spot half-way from the nodus to the pterostigma, 
extending to the nodal sector, but only continued as the 
point of a triangle to the costa; (6) an irregular spot on 
the inner side of the pterostigma; (7) an elongate spot 
from the outer side of the pterostigma to the apex, where 
it is abrupt, not continued round the margin (these two 
last spots may be considered as one, divided by the 
pterostigma), and scarcely extending beneath the principal 
sector. Posterior wings with spots similar to those on 
the anterior, only that the small spot, No. 3, is altogether 
absent. (¢.) 

Anterior wings—16 ante-cubitals, 14 post-cubitals ; 
posterior wings—11 ante-cubitals, 14 post-cubitals. Dis- 
coidal cellules commencing in 3, continued in 2, again in 
3, and finally in 4-5, rows. 

Length of body, 38 lines (=80 mill.). Expanse of 
wings, 47 lines (=98 mill.). 

Hab.—Chili (Reade). 

My single example has evidently been placed between 
the leaves of a book, or in a letter, and both the form 
and colours of the body are somewhat injured. 

( £73.) 

XIT. Ona new genus and some new species of Copride 
(Coleoptera-Lamellicornia). By H. W. Barss, 
F.Z.8., V.-P. Ent. Soc. 

[Read 2nd May, 1870. ] 

A REMARKABLE Coprophagous Lamellicorn from Peru, 
which has long been known in the larger collections of 
London and Paris under the manuscript name of Orus- 
catus rugicollis of Reiche, has recently been the subject 
of some remarks by M. de Harold, who is known for his 
great special knowledge of this group of insects. The 
insect had previously been ascertained to be the Phaneus 
Davus of Hrichson, who placed it in a distinct section of 
the genus, and noted the elongate fore-legs of the male. 
In fact, its facies differs considerably from that of 
Phanceeus, and I was not a little surprised when so able 
an observer as M. de Harold, on examining specimens, 
came to the conclusion that it should not be separated 
from that homogeneous and well-defined genus. He 
cited in support of his view, the funnel-shaped club of 
the antenne, and the absence of claws from the hinder 
tarsi, both of which are characteristic of Phaneus. The 
elongation of the anterior legs of the male he does not 
notice, but this feature is significant, taken with other 
characters, and shows that we have here to deal with a 
form quite foreign to Phancus, and of the greatest pos- 
sible interest, as supplying another link between that 
representative genus of the New World, and Onitis, an 
equally characteristic genus of the Old. 

On an examination of four fresh specimens, I find that 
the antennal club of Oruscatus is not funnel-shaped in the 
sense understood when applied to Phancus: the apical 
joint is as perfectly formed as the penultimate, is convex 
on its upper and concave on it lower surface, and the 
two are not immersed in the concavity of the first joint 
of the club. The club, in fact, is less funnel-shaped than 
in Onitis. The observation regarding the tarsal claws 
is correct. Oruscatus has no tarsal claws to the hinder 
legs, and the tarsi are wholly wanting in the fore-legs. 
A character of great value, as distinguishing the genus 
from Phanceus, is the shape and armature of the middle 
tibiz ; these are gradually dilated from base to apex, 
straight and dentate on the outer edge, similiar to the 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—ParT 11. (JUNE.) ) 

174 Mr. H. W. Bates on 

same members in Onitis, and totally different from 
Phaneus, where these tibize are narrow at the base, greatly 
dilated towards the apex, with the outer edge strongly in- 
curved, and not toothed. The differencein the form of the 
anterior legs of the male would not strike an observer, 
perhaps, as very remarkable in O. Davus, but in a second 
and new species I have received from Equador (where it 
was captured by Mr. Buckley’s collector), it is striking 
and conclusive. In this species the anterior tibiz are as 
much elongate as in Bolbites onitoides, and, like that 
species, have a tooth on their inner side about the 

I propose, then, to preserve, or rather (as no descrip- 
tion has yet appeared) to institute, the genus Oruscatus, 
with the following characters :— 

Oruscatus (Reiche, MS), nov. gen. 

Corpus oblongum, robustum. Caput in utroque sexu 
transversim carinatum, genis ante oculos angulatis. An- 
tenne clava distincte triphylla, haud infundibuliforme. 
Pedes antici absque tarsis; tibiis anticis quadridentatis, 
3 valde elongatis intus ciliatis; tibiis imtermediis 
extus rectis, dentatis ; tarsis posterioribus quinque-articu- 
latis, exunguiculatis. 

1. Oruscatus Davus. 

Phanceus Davus, Erichs. Consp. Ins. Coleop. Peru, 
p. 107 
Nigro-subcyaneus ; thorace passim vermiculato-rugoso ; 
elytris striatis, interstitiis alternis elevatioribus. 

g. Tibiis anticis elongatis, intus ciliatis: thorace 
antice leviter transversim carinato. 

2. Thorace antice valde transversim carinato. 
Long. 7-10 lin. 

2. Oruscatus opalescens, n. sp. 

Niger, suprd nitore glauco-ceruleo indutus; clypeo 


obtuse bidentato; thorace medio levi, lateribus minute 

granulatis ; elytris sulcatis. 


Coleoptera-Lamellicornia. 175 

3d. Tibiis anticis valde elongatis, intus ciliatis, ante 
medium dente acuto armatis, intermediis calcare ex- 
teriore dilatato-hamato; thorace antice carina curvata. 

Long. 11 lin. 

Hab.—Hquador: prope Cuencam. 

I append descriptions of several new species of Co- 
pride in my collection, chiefly from the Amazons. 

Gromphas amazonicus, n. sp. 

Niger, ceruleo vel viridi-tinctus, nitidus ; capite crebre 
subtiliter rugoso-punctato, clypeo obtuse sex-dentato, 
fronte carina curvata medio magis elevato; thorace 
medio antice leviter elevato, subtiliter granulato, medio 
levi, margine ante scutellum foveolis duobus obsoletis ; 
elytris subtiliter punctato-striatis, interstitiis vix distincte 
punctulatis, basi haud depressis. 

Long. 74 lin. Lat. elytr. 44 lin. 

Hab.—Upper Amazons, Ega, St. Paulo, and Pebas. 

Differs from G. inermis (Harold) in the more rounded 
outline, the elytra especially bulging towards the middle 
and narrowing thence to the apex, differently from G. 
inermis, 11 Which they are nearly parallel. It is also 
distinguished by the distinctly marked striz of the 
elytra, the smoother disc of the thorax, and more polished 
surface altogether. I do not find any sexual difference 
in the four specimens I possess; all have the spur of 
the anterior tibiz obliquely truncate, and produced at 
the inner apex. 

Obs.—Lacordaire describes Gromphas as having minute 
claws to the four hinder tarsi. I do not find in any of 
the three species I have examined any trace of claws; 
the terminal joint ends in a curved spine, but there are 
no true claws. The allied South American genus Bolbites 
has distinct claws. 


1. Deltochilum tessellatum, n. sp. 

Oblongum, viridi-cyaneum, vix nitidum ; capite lato, 
clypeo medio dentibus duobus acutis modice inter se 

176 Mr. H. W. Bates on 

distantibus, et latere utrinque unidentato ; thorace lateri- 
bus valde angulatis, ante angulum profunde sinuatis, supra 
inz quali, punctato-rugoso; elytris carina forte humeral, 
lateribus solum unicarinatis, callo apicali valde quinque- 
tuberculato, supra rugosis, opacis, grosse striato-punc- 
tatis, spatiis inter puncta elevatis, politis. 

?. Metasterno polito, excavato; tibiis anticis extus 
serrulatis, posticis vix curvatis. 

Long. 8 lin. Lat. elytr. 54 lin. 

Hab.—Gualaquiza, Equador (Buckley). 

Allied to D. Hyppona (Buquet). The head is of very 
similar shape, and the two species agree in the outline 
of the elytra and form of the carine, but the wholly 
different colour and sculpture amply distinguish them. 
The curious notch in the edge of the thorax behind the 
anterior angle also distinguishes our species. In this 
feature, it seems to agree with D. Burmeisteri (Harold) 
which also inhabits Equador, but this latter species does 
not possess the glossy tessellate patches of the elytra, and 
is much larger (11-13 lin.). 

2. Deltochilum calcaratum, n. sp. 

Rotundato-ovatum, cupreo-fuscum, sub-opacum, supra 
creberrime granulatum; capite parvo, rotundato, clypeo 
dentibus duobus paulo distantibus; thorace lateribus 
angulato ; elytris minus convexis, carina humerali brevi 
acuta, laterali prope basin duplici, callo apicali distincte 
quinque-carinato, supra punctato-striatis ; corpore sub- 
tus nitido viridi-eneo. 

3. Pedibus anticis brevibus, simplicibus, tibiis cur- 
vatis, tibiis posticis gracilibus, curvatis, intus apice valde 
prolongatis, processu apice dilatato, obtuso; metasterno 
medio tuberculato. 

Long. 7 lin. Lat. elytr. 42 lin. 

Hab.—Bahia. Collected by Mr. Reade. 

Distinguished from all other species by the prolongation 
of the inner apex of the hind tibizw, which forms a sub- 
spatulate process nearly as long as the tarsus, and is 
therefore more developed than the similar structure in D. 
dentipes, 8. In general appearance it approaches D. 
morbillosum, but it is much broader in outline, the elytra 
being of very broad rounded form. The upper surface 
is Opaque, owing to the minute and dense sculpture; on 
the head, this takes the form of very regular punctures, 

Coleoptera-Lamellicornia. 177 

on the thorax and elytra of minute oblong granules, with 
shallow circular pits in the interstices; the striz are 
nearly as distinct as in D. morbillosum, and have large 
shallow distinct punctures. 

3. Deltochilum barbipes, n. sp. 

Oblongum, fusco-zeneum, sub-opacum; capite rotun- 
dato, clypeo bidentato; thorace antice sub-angulatim 
dilatato, creberrime punctato et granulis nonnullis ele- 
vatis nitidis consperso, dorso postice longitudinaliter 
impresso; elytris humeris bicarinulatis, callo apical 
quadricarinulato, lateribus bicarinatis, supra foveolato- 
striatis, interstitiis multipunctatis ; pygidio zneo sparsim 
punctato; corpore subtus nigro, nitido. 

6. Trochanteribus et femoribus subtus fulvo-barbatis, 
tibiis posticis haud elongatis, sensim dilatatis. 

Long. 6 lim. Lat. elytr. 3% lin. 
Hab.—Upper Amazons. 

Similar to D. submetallicum in shape of body and head, 
but differmg in the rows of large shallow foveolz on the 
elytra, in the colour of the under-surface of the body, 
&c. The surface of the body is throughout minutely 
shagreened, and the foveole of the elytra have each in 
the centre an umbilicate prominence, which is the form 
also of all the other punctures; between the punctures 
are a number of shining spots, or granules, similar to 
those of the thorax. The thorax does not form a sharp 
angle at its dilatation, but is rounded. Seven examples, 
6 and @. A common species. 

4. Deltochilum aspericolle, n. sp. 

Sub-ovatum, fusco-cupreum, sub-opacum ; capite rotun- 
dato, antice bidentato; thorace antice angulatim dila- 
tato, supra crebre rugoso-punctato: elytris lateribus 
regulariter rotundatis, humeris indistincte bicarinulatis, 
callo apicali 4-tuberculato, lateribus bicarinatis, supra 
distincte foveolato-striatis, interstitus dense punctatis ; 
mesosterno cupreo, nitido. 

3. Femoribus posticis prope basin subtus abrupte 
dilatatis ; tibiis apicem versus curvatis et dilatatis. 

178 Mr. H. W. Bates on 

Long. 5 ln. Lat. elytr. 3 lin. 
Hab.—Kga, Amazons. 

The dilated sides of the thorax form a distinct angle, 
but the space between that and the anterior angle is 
quite straight; the surface is thickly and coarsely punc- 
tured, the punctures tending to confluence, without ~ 
glossy granules in the interspaces. The rows of foveolz 
of the elytra are very distinct, and lie in shallow furrows, 
A single male. 

5. Deltochilum femorale, n. sp. 

Ovatum, fusco-eneum; capite rotundato, bidentato ; 
thorace angulatim dilatato, lateribus ante angulum sinua- 
tis, supra creberrime punctato, punctis annulos nitidos 
formantibus, interstitiis opacis: elytris humeris bicarinu- 
latis, lateribus bicarinatis, callo apicali tri-tuberculato, 
supra striatis haud foveatis, interstitiis multipunctatis ; 
corpore subtus punctato, nigro, metasterno nitido. 

$. Femoribus posticis compressis, prope basin abrupte 
dilatatis, subdentatis; tibiis curvatis, apicem versus sensim 

Long. 44 lin. Lat. elytr. 23 lin. F 

Hab.—Amazons; rather common. 

Distinguished by its small size, the even surface of its 
thorax and elytra, without foveole or depressions, and 
especially by the sculpture, which consists of the usually 
shallow circular punctures, but each forms a shining ring, 
contrasted with the opacity of the rest of the surface. 
The inner carina of the elytra ends abruptly before the 
middle; in this respect it agrees with D. aspericolle, D. 
fuscocupreum, and D, submetallicum., 

6. Deltochilum fuscocupreum, n. sp. 

Oblongum, fusco-cupreum, yix nitidum; capite rotun- 
dato, clypeo dentibus duobus approximatis ; thorace antice 
valde angulatim dilatato, ante dilatationem sinuato, 
supra crebre punctato, interstitiis dense nitide granu- 
latis; elytris lateribus vix rotundatis, callo humerali 
bicarinulato, apicali quadrituberculato, lateribus bicari- 
natis, supra striatis et distincte lineatim foveatis, inter- 
stitiis punctatis; corpore subtus nigro-eneo, punctato, 

Coleoptera-Lamellicornia. 179 

3. Pedibus robustis; femoribus posticis prope basin 
subtus dentatis; tibiis intermediis et posticis valde cur- 
vatis ; tarsis crassis. 

Long. 5} lin. Lat. elytr. 3 lin. 
Hab.—Upper Amazons. 

Similar in its oblong form, colour, and sculpture to 
D. barbipes, but differs in the armature of the hind 
femora of the males, which have also no trace of the 
hairs which distinguish that species. Two males and one 

7. Deltochilum granulatum, n. sp. 

Oblongo-ovatum, fusco-cupreum ; capite rotundato, an- 
tice bidentato ; thorace antice modice dilatato, non angu- 
lato, lateribus ante dilatationem subrectis, supra creber- 
rime granulato, granulis linearibus nitidis, interstitis 
opacis, punctis annularibus indistinctis ; elytris lineatim 
foveolatis, interstitiis inzequalibus punctatis et granulatis, 
callo humerali bicarinulato, apicali quadricarinulato, 
lateribus carini interiori usque ad apicem continuata ; 
metasterno impunctato, nitido. 

Long. 53 lin. Lat. elytr. 34 lin. (9). 
Hab.—Ega, Amazons. 

Distinguished by the usual short inner carina of the 
elytra being continued, although less elevated, in com- 
pany with a well-marked stria to the apex of the elytra. 
The elytra are uneven, with shallow wrinkles, besides 
the rows of foveze which are much larger and more vague 
than in the common Brazilian D. morbillosum. I do not 
find a male example in my collection; two females 
agree exactly in their specific characters. 

8. Deltochilum sextuberculatum, n. sp. 

Ovatum, nigro-eneum: capite rotundato, antice biden- 
dato: thorace antice valde angulatim dilatato, supra 
creberrime punctato, interstitiis opacis, sparsim nitide 
eranulatis, linea dorsali impressa distincta: elytris lateri- 
bus rotundatis,.callo humerali bicarinulato, apicali sex- 
tuberculato, lateribus bicarinatis, supra valde punctato- 

180 Mr. H. W. Bates on Copride. 

striatis, interstitiis punctatis et nitide granulatis ; corpore 
subtus metallico, punctato. 

6 (?). Pedibus simplicibus. 

Long. 44 lin. Lat. elytr. vix 3 lin. 


I am not sure of the sex of my single example of this 
well-marked species. Judging, however, from the absence 
of the curved spine which distinguishes the inner apex 
of the anterior tibize of all the females of this group, I 
believe it to be a male. 

9. Deltochilum letiusculwm, n. sp. 

Ovatum, obscuro-cupreum, elytris viridescentibus ; 
capite angulatim subrotundato, antice bidentato, supra 
nitido; thorace creberrime nitide granulato, interstitiis 
punctulatis, linea longitudinali levi, lateribus angulatim 
dilatatis ; elytris rotundatis, callo humerali obtuse bicari- 
nulato, apicali quadrituberculato, lateribus bicarinatis, 
supra subsericeo-opacis, lineatim punctatis, interstitiis 
punctatis et granulatis; corpore subtus gneo, nitido, 

Long. 6 lin. Lat. elytr. 4 lin. 

Hab.—Kga, Amazons. 
One example, ?. 


XIII. Descriptions of some Genera and Species of Aus- 
tralian Curculionide. By Francis P. Pasco, 
F.L.8., V.-P. Ent. Soc. 

[Read 2nd May, 1870.] 

List of new Genera and Species. 

BRraAcCHYDERINE. 20. Hmplesis (n. g.) scolopaw. 
1. Eutinophea (n. g.) nana. oi 2 lineigera. 
2. Hvas (n. g.) crassirostris. aS » simplex. 
3. nA argenteiventris. ai Erytenna (n. g.) piauieds. 
Ua . ; 5 ispersa. 
a 4 oes 25. Meriphus umbrinus. 
26. ttatus. 
EK : > gu 
: oa eae 3 27. Orpha (n. g.) flavicornis. 
5. Pephricus (n. g.) echimys. 28. Myossita melanocephala. 
reed 29. 55 cirrifera. 
6. Leptops reductus. AMALACTINE. 
e »  Jerus. ; 30. Tranes monopticus. 
8. »  subfasciatus. 3l. $s internatus. 
3h Baryopadus (n. g-) corrugatus. | 32. Inamine (n. g.) atomaria. 
10. Chaodius (n. g.) nigrescens. 33. Brexius (n. g.) murinus. 
: 34, hb angusticollis. 
CYLINDRORHININE, 35. ik diversipes. 
11. Peripagis (n. g.) rufipes. 36. Aphela phalerioides. 
37. a algarum. 
MoLenN2 . Bene 
12. Psaldus (n. g.) Wosomoides. 98.) Betis wothstins: 
13. Prophesia (n. g.) albilatera. 39. Hurhynchus scapularis. 
14. A cretata. 
HYLosninz. 40. Diapelmus ventralis. 
15. Alphitopis (n. g.) nivea. Al. 9 Erichsoni. 
16. Lewithia (n. g.) rufipennis. - 
17. Orthorhinus meleagris. CRYPTORHYNCHINE. 
42. Decilaus (n. g.) sqwamosus. 
ERIRHININE. 43. Ewithius (n. g.) capucinus. 
18. Desiantha (n. g.) silacea. 44, Bepharus (un. g.) ellipticus. 
19. se caudata. 45. Ampagia (n. g.) erinacea. 


Caput fronte latum, convexum. Rostrum capite brevius, 
robustum ; scrobes rect transverse, ab oculis distantes. 
Oculi parvi, rotundati. Antenne mediocres ; scapus mar- 
ginem posteriorem oculiattingens ; funiculus 7-articulatus, 

TRANS. ENT, Soc. 1870.—PaRT 1. (JUNE.) 

182 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

articulis duobus basalibus ceteris longioribus ; clava dis- 
tincta, breviter ovata. Prothoraz modice elongatus, sub- 
cylindricus, basi apiceque rotundatus. Seutellum parvum, 
distinctum. Hlytra prothorace latiora, breviter ovata, 
humeris vix rotundata. Pedes sat validi; femora paullo 
incrassata; tibice rectee, posticee corbulis apertis; tarsi 
breves ; wnguiculi connati. Metasternwm sat elongatum. 
Abdomen segmentis 3-4 brevibus. 

This genus may be placed near Foucartia, Duy. It is 
remarkable for its straight transverse scrobe, lying be- 
tween the eye and the mouth, but rather nearer the 

Rutinophea nana. 

E. breviter ob-ovata, dense pallide griseo-squamulosa ; 
capitis fronte valde convexa, rostro sensim angustiore, 
brevissimo, scrobibus antice parum approximatis ; protho- 
race longiore quam lato, apice paulo angustiore, haud 
lobato, confertim punctato; elytris striatis, interstitis 
deplanatis ; corpore infra fuscescente, segmento ultimo 
abdominis pedibusque testaceis, griseo-squamulosis. 

Long. 3-1 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Evas, n. g. 

Rostrum validum, supra bisulcatum; scrobes apicales 
flexuosee, ab oculisdistantes. Antenne sublineares; scapus 
oculum postice attingens: funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis 
duobus basalibus obconicis, ceteris brevibus; clava an- 
guste ovata, adnata. Prothorax cylindricus, basi apiceque 
truncatus. Hlytra sub-ovata, humeris obliquis, apicibus 
divaricatis. Pedes mediocres; femora fusiformia; tibice 
recte, antic intus denticulate, apice mucronate; tarsi 
modice dilatati; wngwiculi liber. Metasternuwm elonga- 
tum. Abdomen segmentis duobus basalibus ampliatis ; 
sutura prima arcuata. 

Differs from Prosayleus only in the form of the pro- 
thorax, which is strongly rounded at the sides in that 
genus, and in the fore-legs being scarcely longer than 
the others. As in some species of that genus, the elytra 
become, at a short distance from the base, much broader 
than the prothorax, a character which tends to render the 


Australian Curculionde. 183 

differentiation of some of M. Lacordaire’s groups in this 
subfamily less trenchant. The species described below 
form a very natural group ; they have the underparts and 
sides densely covered with silvery-white scales, and are 
best distinguished, inter se, by the form and sculpture of 
the rostrum. 

Hvas crassirostris. 

K. supra dense griseo-squamulosa, lateribus et corpore 
infra sub-argenteis ; rostro crasso, basi haud capite angus- 
tiore, supra linea elevata angusta medio munito, sulcis 
latis, sat profundis; scapo squamoso, funiculo clavaque 
parce pilosis; prothorace longiore quam lato, confertim 
tuberculato; elytris sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis paulo 
convexis, humeris postice unidentatis, apicibus parum 
divaricatis, paulo rotundatis: pedibus grisescente-squa- 
mulosis, setulis tenuibus dispersis. 

Long. 4-44 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Evas argenteiventris. 

E. supra dense cervino-squamulosa, lateribus et corpore 
infra argenteis ; rostro modice elongato, capite angustiore, 
in medio longitudinaliter elevato; antennis squamulis 
albidis griseisque interjectis tectis; prothorace longitu- 
dine latitudini equali, irregulariter punctato; elytris 
sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis paulo convexis, punctis 
rotundatis, distinctissimis, humeris haud dentatis, apici- 
bus manifeste divaricatis, acuminatis; pedibus cervino- 
squamulosis, setulis tenuibus dispersis. 

Long. 4 lin. 


Resembles the last in habit, but at once differentiated 
by its much narrower rostrum, It appears to be com- 
mon at Rockhampton. 

Evas acuminata. 

H. preecedenti affinis, sed rostro multo breviore; elytris 
humeris calloso-productis, interstitiis striarum setulis 
squamiformibus curvatis in seriebus tribus instructis, et 
apicibus magis acuminatis. 3 

184 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

Long. 4 lin. 
Hab.—King George’s Sound. 

A very distinct species, although bearing a close 
resemblance to the preceding. 



Caput latum, fronte convexa; rostrum crassum, capite 
brevius, apice integrum, infra (gula) transversim sulca- 
tum; scrobes superne subapicales cavernosz, oculos 
versus sensim exeuntes. Oculi mediocres, infra paulo 
acuminati, supra distantes. Antenne sat robuste ; scapus 
sensim incrassatus, prothoracem attingens ; funiculus 7-ar- 
ticulatus, articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, ceteris 
breviter obconicis ; clava hbera, ovata. Prothoraa: utrin- 
que rotundatus, paulo depressus, lobis ocularibus dis- 
tinctis, ciliatis. Scutellum nullum. LHlytra prothorace 
vix latiora, breviter ovata, basi late emarginata, bumeris 
rotundatis. Pedes validi; femora incrassata ; tibie rectee, 
apice leviter dilatate, sub-uncinatze, corbulis posticis 
apertis; tarsi articulo tertio late bilobo, quarto longius- 
culo, wnguiculo unico munito. Metasternum brevissimum. 
Abdomen segmento secundo duobus sequentibus con- 
junctim equali; sutwra prima arcuata. Processus inter- 
coxalis angulatus. Corpus depressum, setulosum. 

The principal characters of this genus place it with the 
BHremnine, with none of whose genera, however, does it 
seem to have any affinity. Mandalotus, Er., unknown to 
me, may beallied ; but the single claw at once distinguishes 
this genus. One of my specimens has a coppery-metallic 

Pephricus echimys. 

P. fuscus, squamis fulvo-griseis fusco-variis tectus, 
supra longe setulosus; rostro squamoso, lateribus albidis ; 
prothorace reticulato-ruguloso, pone apicem transversim 
impresso; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis convexis ; 
corpore infra pedibusque griseo-squamosis; antennis 
adpresse pilosis. 

Long. 24-3 ln. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

Australian Cureulionide. 185 

Lerrops, Schénherr, Curcul. 1. 297. 

Leptops reductus. 

L. sub-ovatus, niger, squamis minutis grisescentibus sat 
densiter indutus; rostro breviusculo, supra carinis duabus 
validis haud approximatis; scrobe foveiformi; antennis 
valde incrassatis; prothorace longitudine haud latiore, 
utrinque fortiter rotundato, basi apice latitudine quali, 
supra subtuberculato-rugoso, in medio late longitudinaliter 
impresso; scutello non observando; elytris breviter ob- 
ovatis, apice anguste rotundatis, singulatim quadriseriatim 
tuberculatis, serie suturali tuberculis tribus, duobus ultimis 
majoribus, seriebus duabus intermediis tuberculis tribus 
maximis, serie externa tuberculis duobus paulo minori- 
bus; tibiis apicem versus longe pilosis. 

Long. 4 lin. 

Like L. polyacanthus, but smaller, with a more rounded 
prothorax, not granulate above, the elytra much shorter, 
the tubercles less conical, &c. 

Leptops ferus. 

L. ob-ovatus, niger, squamositate terrea indutus; rostro 
sat elongato, supra carinis duabus validis approximatis ; 
scrobe flexuosa; antennis modice incrassatis ; prothorace 
longitudine hand latiore, utrinque rotundato, supra 
rugoso-tuberculato, in medio late sulcato ; scutello dis- 
tincto, parvo; elytris breviter ovatis, apice rotundatis, 
singulatim triseriatim tuberculatis, serie suturali tuber- 
culis parvis sed ultimo majore, seriebus duabus intermediis 
tuberculis (primo excepto) validissimis, obtusis, regione 
humerali tuberculis tribus minoribus; corpore infra pedi- 
busque squamosis, squamis elongatis pallidioribus inter- 

Long. 7 lin. 


A large coarse species belonging to the polyacanthus 
group, the prothorax not granulate, and the squamosity 
of a different character. 

Leptops subfasciatus. 

L. oblongo-ovatus, fuscus, squamis griseis plus minusve 
sparse tectus ; rostro sat valido, medio carinulato, utrin- 

186 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

que sulco basali impresso, plaga triangulari elongata; 
scrobibus arcuatis, ab oculis remotis; antennis haud 
crassis, articulo secundo funiculi ceteris longiore, primo 
tertioque equalibus, clava anguste ovata, basi excepta 
fusca; prothorace subtransverso, antice rotundato, deinde 
ad basin fere parallelo, apice modice angusto, supra parum 
ruguloso; scutello parvo; elytris ovatis, striato-punctatis, 
stria secunda abbreviata, punctis approximatis, suturali- 
bus majoribus, interstitiis angustis, in singulo elytro nodis 
duobus, uno in interstitio quarto, altero in septimo sito, 
maculisque albidis ad summum declivitatis fasciam for- 
mantibus; corpore infra pedibusque griseo-squamosis, 
punctis nigris adspersis. 

Long. 5-6 lin. 


A well-marked species, whose connection with Leptops 
is not at the first glance very obvious; in regard, how- 
ever, to the differences of the antennz and rostrum which 
obtain in this genus, there is nothing to justify its separa- 
tion. The interstices of the elytra are counted at the 
base and from the suture; they are sometimes counted 
from the first stria, but in that case, what are we to call 
the space from the suture to the first stria? Owing, 
however, to the abbreviation of the second stria, there is 
one less behind the middle. 

BarYOPADUS, n. g&. 

Rostrum supra tricarinatum, plaga apicali forma ferri 
equini, margine suo elevato ; scrobes arcuate, infra oculos 
exeuntes. Scapus breviusculus, oculum haud attingens ; 
funiculus attenuatus, articulis duobus basalibus longius- 
eulis, ceteris brevioribus, obconicis; clava late ovata, 
obsolete articulata. Cetera ut in Leptope, sed tarsi infra 
ciliati, aut setulosi, articulis (ultimo excepto) latitudine 
fere eequalibus. 

The characters of the tarsi, which are very exceptional, 
render this genus peculiarly easy of recognition ; the cilia 
beneath are mixed with short hairs, and the penultimate 
joint has narrow lobes, especially the posterior. 

Baryopadus corrugatus. (Pl. V. fig. 5.) 

B. late ovatus, supra subdepressus, fuscus, squamulis 
griseis vel fuscescentibus sat dense tectus: capite inter 

Australian Curculionide.. 187 

oculos profunde foveato ; rostro crasso, sulco laterali pro- 
fundo; scapo sensim incrassato; prothorace transverso, 
medio versus apicem excavato, supra irregulariter tuber- 
culato-corrugato ; scutello profunde sito ; elytris lateribus 
subparallelis, seriatim lineato-punctatis, interstitiis mter- 
rupte subcarinatis, postice singulatim tuberculis tribus 
instructis ; corpore infra pedibusque griseo-variis ; seg- 
mentis 3-4 brevissimis. 

Long. 43 lin. 


CHAODIUS, n. g. 

A Polyphrade differt coxvis anticis haud contiguis et 
tarsis articulo ultimo uni-unguiculato. 

The first character is, with the exception of Leptostethus, 
Waterh., peculiar to this genus of all the Oxyopthalmous 
subfamilies ; the other character is found in /Fssolithna 
(Pascoe, Proc. Lin. Soc. Zool. 1870, vol. x. p. 457), and 
in an allied genus not yet published. 

Chaodius nigrescens. 

C.sub-ovatus, paulo depressus, obscure fuscus, sat dense 
squamulosus, squamulis griseis rarissimis maculatus; 
fronte linea impressa notata; rostro capite breviore, supra 
planato; antennis crassis, clava angusta, vix libera; oculis 
late ovatis, infra paulo acuminatis: prothorace transverso, 
utrinque valde rotundato, basi apiceque latitudine 2 quali- 
bus, supra reticulato-rugoso; scutello carente; elytris 
breviusculis, lateribus subparellelis, apicem versus sat 
subito rotundatis, apice seipso paulo producto et rotun- 
dato, striato-punctatis, punctis approximatis, squamigeris, 
interstitiis latis, modice convexis; corpore infra omnino, 
pedibus plagiatim, griseo-squamulosis. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 


Rostrum validum, capite fere duplo longius, supra 
carinatum, apice triangulari-plagiatum ; scrobes profunde, 

188 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

flexuose, infra oculos currentes. Antenne tenues ; 
scapus sensim incrassatus, medium oculi attingens ; funi- 
culus 7-articulatus, articulis omnibus longiusculis, longi- 
tudine equalibus; clava distincta. Oculi ovati. Pro- 
thorax sub-oblongus, basi apiceque truncatus, lobis 
ocularibus fere obsoletis, dense ciliatis. Scutellwm ob- 
longum. Hlytra prothorace latiora, humeris obliquis, 
lateraliter subparallela, apicem versus rotundata. Pedes 
et abdomen ut in Perpero. Corpus squamosum. 

Allied to Perperus and Pantopeus, but distinguished 
from both by its well-marked scrobes extending to the 
eyes, and by the base of the elytra beimg broader than 
the prothorax. 

Peripagis rufipes. 

P. obscure nigrescens, squamulis minutis setulisque 
tenuibus niveis vestita; capite rostroque fuscis, hoc in 
medio tenuiter carinulato, sulco laterali sat profundo ; 
oculis niveo-marginatis; prothorace subtuberculato-ru- 
goso, antrorsum parum angustiori; elytris fortiter punc- 
tato-striatis, punctis approximatis, in omni puncto squama 
oblonga, interstitiis convexis, setulis elongatis curvatis 
plerumque uniseriatim dispositis munitis, vitta marginali 
nivea ornatis; corpore infra fusco, leviter albo-squamoso 
et setuloso; pedibus rufis, fere obsolete squamulosis, 
setulis tenuissimis dispersis ; corbulis posticis dense sub- 

Long. 43 lin. 


PSALDUS, 0. g. 

Rostrum validum, paulo arcuatum, infra scrobem sul- 
catum, capite longius ; scrobes subterminales, laterales, 
antice profundz, ante oculos desinentes. Oculi parvuli, 
subrotundati. Scapus sensim incrassatus, medium oculi 
attingens; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulo basali longius- 
culo, secundo obconico, ceteris transversis, gradatim 
latioribus, ultimo ad clavam adnato; cluva breviter ovata, 
obsolete articulata. Prothoraz rotundatus, apice angusto 
truncato. Seutellum haud observandum. Elytra ovata, 

0 Ga a ee ee ee ee eee 

Australian Curculionide. 189 

modice convexa, basi incurvata, prothorace paulo latiora, 
humeris obsoletis. Femora incrassata ; tibie rectz, intus 
bisulcatze, apice mucronate; tarsi breves, articulis tribus 
basalibus transversis, infra leviter pilosis, articulo tertio 
sub-bilobo, ultimo elongato; wnguiculi liberi. Propectus in 
medio longitudinaliter excavatum. Metasternum brevis- 
simum. Abdomen segmentis duobus basalibus connatis, 
amphiatis, tertio quartoque brevissimis. 

The sole exponent of this genus bears a close resem- 
blance to Liosoma ovatula, only it is less glossy and much 
more coarsely punctured. But it differs essentially from 
Liosoma, and from all the other genera of its subfamily, 
in its lateral scrobes not meeting beneath, but, on the 
contrary, terminating in front of each eye, while directly 
beneath the scrobe, and parallel to it, is a well-marked 
groove which joins the basal portion of the scrobe; or 
the scrobe might be described as being very broad, and 
divided beneath by a narrow septum, and terminating 
obliquely partly in front and partly below the eye; it 
may be added, that this groove does not receive the 
funicle in repose, the scape passing to a line drawn 
through the middle of the eye. Mr. Masters, from whom 
I have also received this species, tells me, that it is found 
burrowing in sand, generally above, but often below high 
water mark. 

Psaldus liosomoides. 

P. sub-ovatus, niger, vix nitidus; rostro apicem versus 
latiore, sulcato-punctato, apice antennisque pallide ferru- 
gineis; prothorace latitudine longitudine fere equali, 
utrinque valde rotundato, supra crebre punctato, punctis 
in medio setulosis; elytris profunde sulcato-punctatis, 
punctis glabris, approximatis, interstitlis angustis con- 
vexis, uniseriatim punctulatis, punctulis setulosis ; meta- 
sterno abdomineque crebre punctatis; pedibus sub-ferru- 
gineis, setulis dispersis. 

Long. 14 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound. 


Rostrum capite duplo vel triplo longius, subtenue, 
cylindricum, paulo arcuatum ; scrohbes preemediane, infra 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT Il. (JUNE.) y 

190 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

oculos currentes. Oculi fere rotundati, tenuiter granulati. 
Antenne mediocres ; scapus sensim incrassatus, oculum 
attingens; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis quatuor basa- 
hibus sat longiusculis, ceteris brevibus; clava distincta. 
Prothorax transversus, antice angustior, lateraliter rotun- 
datus, basi bisinuatus, lobo mediano emarginato. Hlytra 
prothorace latiora, lateribus leviter rotundata et sensim 
angustata. Pedes validi; femora modice incrassata; 
tibice rect, apice mucronate, antice intus denticulate ; 
tarsi sat lati; unguiculi liberi. Mesosternum antice pro- 
ductum. Metasternum breve. Abdomen segmento secundo 
amplo; sutwra prima arcuata. Corpus oblongo-ovatum, 
convexum, squamosum. 

This genus appears to come very near Hypera and 
Pantoreites (Pascoe, Proc. Lin. Soc. Zool. 1870, vol. x. p. 
462), but is distinguished from both, inter alia, by its 
mesosternum, and from the former also by the last three 
joints only of the funicle being short. I owe all my spe- 
cimens to the kindness of Mr. Odewahn, of Gawler, and 
they were taken, I believe, in that locality. 

Prophesia albilatera. 

P. silacea, squamulis elongatis brunneis aliisque niveis 
tecta, his multo majoribus et magis rotundatis, capite 
prothoraceque minus, scutello cum plaga oblonga lateri- 
bus elytrorum valde condensatis; elytris fere obsolete 
striatis; corpore infra pedibusque niveo-squamulosis. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

In one of my specimens the part round the scutellum 
is also white; the scales on the prothorax are a little 
condensed along the middle and sides, so as to give, toa 
certain extent, the appearance of stripes. 

Prophesia cretata. 

P. brunnea, squamulis oblongis cretaceis aliisque fulves- 
centibus tecta, scilicet prothorace antice utrinque, elytris 
basi et pone medium apiceque fulvescentibus; elytris 
minus obsolete striatis ; corpore infra pedibusque niveo- 

Long. 2 ln. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

, ee 

Australian Ourculionde. 191 

The white scales are so arranged ’as to give the species 
a spotted appearance to the naked eye; on the elytra 
they appear to form four larger patches, three across the 
middle, and one towards the apex which takes the form 
of a band. 


OCaput subdeflexum, pone oculos sat elongatum. 
Rostrum validum, breviusculum, capite paulo angustius, 
apice leviteremarginatum; scrobes premediane, lineares, 
infra oculos desimentes. Oculi rotundati. Antenne 
breviuscule, in medio rostri inserte; scapus clavatus, 
medium oculi tangens ; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis 
duobus basalibus longiusculis, 3-6 sequalibus, turbi- 
natis, septimo triangulari, ad clavam adnato; clava elon- 
gato-ovata. Prothorax subconicus, utrinque paulo rotun- 
datus, basi sub-bisinuatus. Hlytra oblongo-ovata, pro- 
thorace latiora. Pedes mediocres; femora in medio 
incrassata ; tibice arcuatee, apice unco transverso armate ; 
tarsi sat dilatati, articulo ultimo modice elongato; wngui- 
culi liberi. Metasternum elongatum. Abdomen segmento 
secundo duobus sequentibus conjunctim longiore. 

The form of the head and rostruam—the one passing 
gradually into the other—is sufficiently distinctive of this 
genus; the only exponent of it at present is, from its 
general appearance, one of the most remarkable, although 
not the most singular or beautiful, of the Australian 

Alphitopis nivea. 

A. fusca, squamulis albis fere omnino dense vestita, 
supra punctis nudis sparsis maculata; rostro capite 
dimidio longiore, in medio carinula abbreviata munito ; 
clava antennaram fusca; prothoraceé leviter granulato ; 
scutello rotundato; elytris basi granulis minutis nitidis 
nigris adspersis, allisque magis confertis in humeris sitis. 

Long. 7 lin. (rostr. incl.) 

Hab.—Champion Bay. . 

192 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

LEXxITHIA, n. g. 

Caput rotundatum, verticale. Rostrwm cylindricum, 
parum arcuatum, sat elongatum, capite multo angustius ; 
serobes praeemediane, infra rostrum exeuntes. Oculi 
subtransversi. Scapus elongatus, clavatus; funiculus 
6-articulatus, articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, 
reliquis breviter obconicis ; clava late ovata, libera, arti- 
culata. Prothoraz subtransversus, utrinque rotundatus, 
apice angustus, basi fere rectus. Scutell/uwm distinctum, 
minutum. Jlytra lata, breviuscula, lateribus subparallela, 
basi paulo incurvata. Pedes mediocres; femora clavata, 
mutica; tibie vix compress, intus bisinuate, apice 
breviter unguiculate, antice flexuose; tarsi modice 
dilatati; wnguiculi liberi. Abdomen segmentis tertio 
quartoque conjunctim haud secundo longioribus. 

The sole exponent of this genus is, comparatively, of 
very small size, resembling Acalyptus rufipennis, only with 
much broader elytra, and is altogether different from 
anything in the Hylobvine, but I do not see where else it 
can be placed. It is the only genus in the subfamily 
with a six-jointed funicle. 

Lexithia rufipennis. 

L. breviter ovata, rufa, capite prothoraceque nigris, 
supra subtilissime sparse squamulosa; rostro prothorace 
haud longiore, rufo; antennis rufis, funiculo (articulo 
basali excepto) clavaque nigris, pubescentibus; pro- 
thorace apice rufescente; elytris parce setulosis, pro- 
thorace duplo latioribus, striato-punctatis, punctis par- 
vis, elongatis, interstitiis latis; corpore infra _pedi- 
busque silaceis, illo sat dense albido-squamoso. 

Long. 1 lin. 


The scales on the head and prothorax are only visible 
under the microscope, they appear like grains of white 
sand imbedded in the derm, a few being more hair-like 
and partly erect. 

OrtHoruines, Schénherr, Cure. Disp. p. 223. 
Orthorhinus meleagris. 

O. breviusculus, subcylindricus, niger, in cavitatibus 
maculatim albo-squamosus; rostro longitudine protho- 
racis, omnino crebre punctato; antennis ferrugineis, 

Australian Curculionidae. 193 
articulo basali funiculi secundo duplo longiore ; prothorace 
transverso, antice tubulato, deinde utrinque rotundato, 
supra granulato, lateraliter subvittato; scutello sub- 
quadrato; elytris brevibus, medio valde convexis, haud 
fasciculatis vel cristatis, fortiter sulcatis, sulcis subfove- 
atis, interstitiis carinatis, ad basin dentato-tuberculatis, 
reliquis minus vel fere obsolete tuberculatis, confuse 
albo-maculatis ; corpore infra pedibusque sparse albo- 

Long. 5 lin. 


A short species like O. letws, Saund. and Jek., but 
neither crested nor fasciculate, and otherwise very 



Rostrum validiusculum, cylindricum, parum arcuatum, 
supra striolatum, apice paulo latiore; scrobes laterales, 
terminales, infra oculos evanescentes. Oculi ovat. 
Scapus sensim clavatus, oculum impingens; funiculus 
7-articulatus, articulis longiusculis, duobus basalibus 
longioribus ; clava oblongo-ovata, distincta. Prothorax 
rotundatus, subdepressus. Scutellwm parvum, rotunda- 
tum. Hlytra oblonga, basi incurvata. Pedes mediocres, 
postici longiores; femora incrassata, mutica; tibie 
flexuosz, apice unco horizontali armatze; tarsi angusti, 
articulis tribus basalibus brevibus, ultimo elongato ; wn- 
guiculi divaricati. Abdomen segmentis duobus basalibus 
ampliatis, medio depressis. 

This genus is akin to Aoplocnemis, Schin., but has 
terminal scrobes not uniting beneath, and a claw-joint 
as long as the three preceding joints together; the 
latter are narrow, and of nearly equal breadth throughout. 
The rostral striole, of which there are six, are crossed at 
regular intervals by slender grayish setule. 

Desiantha silacea. 

D. oblonga, silacea, subtilissime et remote griseo- 
squamulosa, setulis nigris dispersis; rostro subnitido ; 
clava antennarum fusca; prothorace oblongo, confertim 
punctato; elytris striato-punctatis, punctis subquadratis, 

194 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

vix approximantibus, interstitiis latis, convexis, uniseria- 
tim nigro-setulosis, apicibus conjunctim rotundatis; cor- 
pore infra lete silaceo, punctato, punctis setuligeris ; 
femoribus modice, tibiis tarsisque longe pilosis. 

Long. 34 ln. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Desiantha caudata. 

D. oblonga, pallide ferruginea, squamulis griseis minus 

subtilissime vestita, setulisque nigris interjectis; rostro— 

preecedenti simillimo; prothorace confertim punctato, 
supra lineis tribus longitudinalibus subnotato; elytris 
striato- punctatis, punctis paulo elongatis, im omni 
puncto setula grisea, apice in singulo elytro in proces- 
sum conicum producto; corpore subtus pedibusque ut in 

Long. 34-4 lin. 


EMpLEsis, n. g. 

Rostrum tenue, parum arcuatum ; scrobes submediane, 
lineares, recte, fere infra rostrum site, haud conniventes. 
Scapus gracilis, clavatus, oculum attingens; funiculus 
7-articulatus, articulis duobus basalibus longioribus, primo 
gracili, ceteris breviusculis, ultimis transversis, sensim 
latioribus ; clava ovata, nuda. Prothorax subcylindricus, 
antice angustior, basi paulo bisinuatus. Sewtellwm minu- 
tum. lytra oblongo-ovata, prothorace paulo latiora, 
humeris leviter rotundatis. Pedes validi; femora crassa, 
mutica; tibie breves, rectz, apice inermes ; tarsi breves, 
lati, articulo quarto breviusculo, valido; uwnguiculi liberi, 
divaricati. Metasternuwm longiusculum. Abdomen seg- 
mento secundo duobus sequentibus breviore. Corpus 
modice squamosum, 

Alhed to Cryptoplus, Er., but with claw-joint, femora, 
prothorax, &c., different ; the species have the habit of 
Hrirhinus Nereis, but are smaller, 

Lmplesis scolopaz. 

E. ferruginea, squamis griseis vestita; capite inter 
oculos fasciculato-squamoso ; rostro dimidii corporis longi- 

Australian Curculionide. 195 

tudine, parte apicali nudo, subtilissime punctato; an- 
tennis pallide ferrugineis, funiculo clavaque sparse 
griseo-setulosis ; prothorace apice valde angustato, antice 
rotundato, deinde utrinque modice rotundato, supra leviter 
convexo, basi perparum bisinuato ; elytris sulcato-punc- 
tatis, interstitis planatis, lateribus modice rotundatis. 

Long. 14 lin. 

Emplesis lineigera. 

E. pallide ferruginea, squamis albidis silaceo-variis 
sat dense vestita; capite inter oculos abrupte calloso ; 
rostro ¢ prothorace cum capite haud longiore, ? multo 
longiore, antennis ¢ ante, ? pone medium, insertis; 
prothorace angustiore, pone apicem utrinque fere recto ; 
elytris magis ovatis, sulcato-punctatis, lineato-tessellatis. 

Long. 13 lin. 
Hab.—New South Wales. 

Emplesis simplew. 

K. silacea, squamis griseis tecta; capite inter oculos 
haud calloso; rostro magis arcuato, basi squamis dis- 
persis ; antennis gracilioribus ; prothorace modice rotun- 
dato; elytris oblongo-ovatis, sulcato-punctatis, squamis 
paulo dispersis, concoloribus. 

Long. 1} ln. 
Hab.—South Australia. 

ERYTENNA, 0. g. 

Rostrum tenuiter cylindricum, arcuatum ; scrobes pree- 
mediane, laterales. Scapus sensim incrassatus, oculum 
attingens ; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis duobus basali- 
bus longiusculis, ceteris brevioribus, ultimis transversis ; 
clava ovata, distincta. Oculi sub-ovales. Prothorax sub- 
conicus, convexus, utrinque leviter rotundatus, basi 
bisinuatus, lobis ocularibus parum productis. Scutellum 
distinctum. Llytra prothorace paulo latiora, breviter 
ovata, humeris rotundatis. Pedes breves; femora incras- 
sata, mutica; tibie flexuose, intus bisinuate, apice 

196 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

mucronate ; farsi breves; unguiculi liberi. Abdomen 
segmentis 3-4 brevissimis. Processus intercoxalis antice 

A short convex form allied to Hrirhinus, but very dif- 
ferent in habit; and differentiated, inter alia, by its trun- 
cate intercoxal process. From Storeus it may be known 
by its unarmed femora. There are other species, which, 
as they want the lateral groove on the rostrum which 
characterizes the two here described, I hesitate at present 
to place in the genus. 

Erytenna consputa. 

E. late ovata, squamulis elongatis rufo-silaceis nigrisque 
varus vestita; rostro nigro, prothorace haud longiore, 
lateribus sulcato; prothorace subtransverso, maculis 
4-6, quarum tres basales, nigro-notatis; scutello nigro, 
transverso; elytris sulcatis, interstitiis modice convexis, 
plus minusve nigro-maculatis, aliquando maculis griseis 
intermixtis ; corpore infra albido-squamuloso ; tarsis nigris, 
parce griseo-setulosis. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Brytenna dispersa. 

E. late ovata, squamulis elongatis silaceis griseisque 
variis vestita; rostro ut in precedenti; prothorace sat 
transverso, vage griseo- variegato ; scutello nigro, oblongo ; 
elytris sulcatis, interstitiis planatis, confuse griseo-macu- 
latis, medio marginis externi plaga alba notatis; corpore 
infra albo-squamoso ; pedibus ferrugineis, squamulis albis 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—W est Australia (Nicol Bay). 

Meriruvs, Erichson, Wiegm. Arch. 1842, ii. 199. 
Meriphus umbrinus. 

M. fuscus, corpore subtus pedibusque ferrugineis, squa- 
mulis setiformibus griseis parce vestitus ; rostro ferru- 
gineo, fere dimidii corporis longitudine; prothorace sub- 
transverso, antice angustiore, utrinque rotundato ; scutello 

Australian Curculionide. 197 

triangulari; elytris breviusculis, modice convexis, basi 
amphatis, fortiter striatis, interstitiis uniseriatim granu- 
latis; antennis pallide ferrugineis, articulis duobus basa- 
libus modice elongatis. 

Long. 13 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Rockhampton). 

Not so robust as the following, and uniformly coloured. 

Meriphus guttatus. 

M. rufo-ferrugineus, nitidus, subnudus, squamulis 
albidis vel flavescentibus condensatis, maculas formanti- 
bus, scilicet duas ad basin prothoracis, et circa sex in sin- 
gulo elytro ; rostro dimidii corporis longitudine vel paulo 
longiore ; prothorace latitudine longitudine zequali, squa- 
mulis elongatis rarissimis induto; scutello scutiformi ; 
elytris fortiter striato-punctatis, interstitiis uniseriatim 
tuberculatis, tuberculis singulatim setula basi instructis ; 
corpore subtus sat dense albido-squamoso ; pedibus fere 
nudis; femoribus valde incrassatis, fortiter dentatis ; 
articulo secundo funiculi primo longiore. 

Long. 2-24 lin. 


The spots are variable in number, and are sometimes 
absent from the prothorax ; on the elytra, counting from 
the base, they run 1, 2, 3 (or 2). 

OrpPHA, 0. g. 

A Meripho differt scrobe infra rostrum connivente ; 
clava antennarum ovata, articulo primo ampliato; cowis 
anticis globosis, haud contiguis; et ¢arsis articulo basali 
breviusculo, dilatato. 

The upper surface of the only species of this genus 
known at present, is entirely free from scales or pubes- 
cence, and is more depressed than in the species of 

Orpha flavicornis. 

O. subdepressa, picea, nitida; rostro cum capite 
fere duplo prothorace longiore et subtiliter punctato ; 
prothorace subconico, lateribus leviter rotundatis, sat 

198 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

parce punctato, pone apicem transversim sulcato; scu- 
tello nigro, late et curvilineatim triangulari; elytris 
breviusculis, lateribus subparallelis, sulcato-punctatis, 
interstitiis modice convexis, subtilissime punctulatis ; 
corpore infra subzneo-fusco, nitido, leviter punctato ; 
pedibus fusco-ferrugineis; antennis scapo funiculoque 
flavis, hoc extus infuscato, clava fusca. 

Long. 14-2 lin. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

Myossita, Pascoe, Journ. Entom. ii. 418. 

Myossita melanocephala. 

M. oblonga, convexiuscula, ferruginea, squamulis pili- 
formibus griseis adspersa; capite rostroque nigris, hoc 
eequilato, prothorace longiore ; antennis testaceo-ferru- 
gineis, pilis subtilissimis sparse tectis; prothorace sub- 
transverso, antice valde angustato, utrinque fortiter 
rotundato; scutello transverso, nigro, nitido; elytris 
sub-ovatis, pone medium sensim angustioribus, striato- 
punctatis, punctis oblongis approximatis, interstitiis in- 
terrupte pilosis; corpore infra griseo-piloso; pedibus 
ferrugineis, parce griseo-pilosis, femoribus aliquando 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

Owing to the absence of pilosity here and there on 
the interstices of the elytra, the latter have a spotted 

Myossita cirrifera. (Pl. V. fig. 4.) 

M. oblonga, depressiuscula, silacea, nitida; rostro pro- 
thorace longiore, apicem versus sensim latiore, cum 
capite nudo; antennis subtestaceis, parce pilosis, clava 
elongata, pube sericea tecta ; prothorace latitudine longi- 
tudine equali, utrinque modice rotundato, apice basi 
angustiore, supra nudo, subtiliter punctato; scutello 
subscutiformi, punctulato ; elytris sub-ovatis, lateribus 
leviter rotundatis, striato-punctatis, punctis approxi- 
matis, interstitiis levissimis, maculis flavo-pilosis deco- 
ratis ; corpore infra silaceo, parce flavo-pilosis ; pedibus 
fere nudis. 

Long. 3-4 lin. 



Australian Curculionide. 199 

Myossita rufula, the type of the genus, has much the 
appearance ofa starved specimen of T’ranes Vigorsii, Boh. ; 
it is, however, allied to Meriphus and Orpha, differing 
from the former in the short basal joint of the tarsi, and 
from the latter in the contiguity of its anterior coxe. 

Tranes, Schénherr, Cure. vii. 2, p. 129. 

Tranes monopticus. 

T. elongatus, niger, subnitidus, setulis minutis rarissi- 
mis adspersus; capite parvo; oculis infra conjunctis ; 
rostro mediocri, scrobibus apicem versus incipientibus ; 
scapo antennarum oculum vix attingente, funiculo brevius- 
culo; prothorace parvo, subtiliter sat remote punctato, 
lateribus rotundato; scutello minuto, rotundato; elytris 
fuscis, prothorace multo latioribus, striato-punctatis, 
punctis parvis, approximatis, interstitiis planatis, valde 
remote et subtilissime punctulatis ; corpore infra nitido, 
confertim punctato; pedibus fuscis; coxis anticis con- 
tiguis ; femoribus subdentatis. 

Long. 5 lin. 


The eyes in this species are not only contiguous beneath, 
but there is no break in the continuity, the facets being 
freely interposed on both sides. 

Tranes internatus. 

T. oblongo-ovatus, paulo depressus, niger, subnitidus ; 
capite rostroque basi sat fortiter et confertim punctatis ; 
oculis infra contiguis; prothorace utrinque antice valde 
postice minus rotundato, in medio linea angusta sub-ob- 
soleta notato, supra crebre sat fortiter punctato, punctis 
setuliferis; scutello subrotundato, basi constricto ; elytris 
fuscis, prothorace basi paulo latioribus, sulcatis, sulcis 
catenato-punctatis, interstitiis latis, convexis, corrugato- 
punctatis, setulis minutis valde adspersis; propectore 
emarginato, margine aureo-ciliato; corpore infra nitido, 
remote punctato, punctis setuliferis ; femoribus crassis, 
infra excisis, non dentatis. 

Long. 5 ln. 


200 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

I do not see how the Australian species of Iphipus are 
to be distinguished from Yranes. The Brazilian repre- 
sentative of the former is, as has been pointed out by M. 
Lacordaire, differentiated by the eyes not being con- 
tiguous beneath. I refer, therefore, Iphipus Roei, Boh., 
to Tranes, and from this, the present species differs, inter 
alia, in its much more strongly punctured prothorax, 
and the corrugate interstices of the elytra. 

IXAMINE, 0. g. 

Rostrum tenue, cylindricum, subarcuatum, capite triplo 
longius, apicem versus paulo gradatim latius; serobes 
premediane, laterales. Oculi mediocres, ovales. Scapus 
subclavatus, oculum vix attingens; funiculus 7-articu- 
latus, articulo primo obconico, sub-incrassato, secundo 
longiore, ceteris sensim brevioribus et latioribus; clava 
parva, adnata. Prothoraw conicus, apice truncatus, basi 
leviter bisinuatus, lobis ocularibus nullis. Scutellum 
oblongum. Hlytra prothorace multo latiora, brevia, con- 
vexa, lateraliter rotundata. Pedes breviusculi; femora 
incrassata, mutica; tibie flexuose, apice transversim 
uncinatee, posticee corbulis cavernosis ; tarsi articulis 1-2 
triangularibus, 3 late bilobo, 4 sat parvo; uwnguiculi sim- 
plices. Abdomen segmento secundo amplo; sutwra prima 

The cavernous corbels of the posterior tibize place this 
genus in the Amalactine ; in habit, however, it agrees 
better with the Hrirhinine. 

Ixzamine atomaria. (Pl. V. fig. 3.) 

I. nigra, supra pedibusque squamulis albescentibus 
sat dense tecta, basi et medio elytrorum ochracea, 
punctis nigris minutis adspersa, infra dense cretato- 
squamulosa ; rostro fusco, nitido, confertim punctato ; 
antennis ferrugineis, funiculo clavaque griseo-pubescen- 
tibus et parce setulosis; prothorace latitudine parum 
longiori, utrinque leviter rotundato ; elytris latitudine 
sesquilongioribus, impunctatis, humeris  subcallosis ; 
tibiis intermediis posticisque minus flexuosis. 

Long. 3{ lin. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

Australian Cureulionide. 201 

BREXxIvS, n. g. 

Rostrum sat elongatum, cylindricum, paulo arcuatum, 
supra lineis elevatis longitudinalibus instructum ; scrobes 
premediane, laterales, oculos attingentes. Oculi trans- 
versi, infra distantes. Antenne attenuate ; scapus clava- 
tus ; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis 1-2 modice elongatis, 
3-7 breviter obconicis ; clava ovata, adnata. Prothoraa 
depressus, lateraliter rotundatus, basi leviter rotundatus, 
infra emarginatus. Scutellum parvum. Hlytra oblonga, 
depressa, subparallela, humeris obliquis, interstitiis stria- 
rum 4-5-que apicem versus tuberculato-elevatis. Pedes 
breviusculi; core antice contigue, exserte; femora 
medio incrassata, mutica; tibiew flexuose, apice trans- 
versim mucronate ; farsi paulo angustati, articulo ultimo 
elongato ; wnguiculi liberi, divaricati. Abdomen segmento 
secundo ampliato; sutwra prima arcuata. 

The exserted anterior coxe differentiate this from the 
other genera of the limited group to which it belongs. 
The type resembles a large Bagous, and is a semi-aquatic 
species, according to Dr. Howitt, to whom I am indebted 
for my specimens. 

Brexius murinus. 

B. oblongus, depressus, indumento murino-griseo den- 
sissime tectus, setulisque adpressis dispersis; capite 
rostroque ferrugineis, confertim punctatis, hoc supra 
trilineato; antennis pallide ferrugineis; prothorace sub- 
transverso, apice basi angustiore; elytris striatis, inter- 
stitiis paulo convexis, medio linea setularum instructis ; 
corpore infra pedibusque squamulosis; tibiis anticis intus 

Long. 4 lin. 


Some specimens have the middle of the prothorax and 
elytra much darker than the rest. 

Brexius angusticollis. 

B. precedente angustior, minus depressus, squamulis 
rufo-brunneis, griseis interjectis, tectus; rostro lineis 
septem distinctis instructo, sulcis inter se transversim 
setulosis ; prothorace oblongo, sat angustato, vittis tribus 

202 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

pallidis notato ; scutello oblongo ; elytris punctato-stria- 
tis, interstitiis 3-5 perparum elevatis, apicibus paulo diva- 
ricatis; corpore infra pedibusque fusco-castaneis, setulis 
griseis valde dispersis; tibiis anticis intus ciliatis. 

Long. 4 lin. 


The grayish scales form very indefinite and variable 

Brexius diversipes. 

B. forma preecedentis, fuscus, squamulis griseatis sub- 
vage vestitus, setulisque numerosis fuscis intermixtis ; 
rostro lineis quinque distinctis imstructo, interstitis 
transversim setulosis ; prothorace parum transverso, basi 
apiceque equali; scutello rotundato ; elytris punctato-stri- 
atis, interstitus planatis, latis, tertio quintoque perparum 
elevatis, apicibus conjunctim rotundatis; corpore infra 
pedibusque fuscis, vage griseo-setulosis, his longe setu- 
losis, annulis griseis manifestis subornatis. 

Long. 2-24 lin. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A dark looking species, the grayish scales scarcely 
influencing the colour of the derm. 

ApHELA, Pascoe, Journ. Entom, 11. 416. 
Aphela phalerioides. 

A. breviter ovata, convexa, rufo-testacea, nitida; 
oculis parvis; rostro breviusculo, valido, longitudinaliter 
substriato-punctato ; prothorace transverso, utrinque valde 
rotundato, apice angustato, supra vage subtiliter punc- 
tato; elytris brevibus, prothorace latioribus, lateraliter 
fortiter rotundatis, striatis, interstitiis latis, rude sed haud 
profunde punctato-impressis ; corpore infra pedibusque 
disperse setulosis, 

Long. 3 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland ?. 

Like A. helopoides, but with smaller eyes, a shorter and 
stouter rostrum, a small transverse prothorax, much 
narrower than the elytra at their broadest part, the latter 
short, broad, and strongly convex, with the intervals of 
the striz differently sculptured. The exact locality of 
my specimen is uncertain. 

Australian Cureulionide. 203 

Aphela algarum. 

A. ob-ovata, testacea, vix nitida, supra setulis numerosis 
albidis dispersis ; capite rostroque lineis perparum elevatis 
subreticulatis instructis, hoc valido, breviusculo; clava 
antennarum late ovata; prothorace subtransverso, utrin- 
que fortiter rotundato, apice valde angustato, supra rude 
et crebre punctato; elytris breviusculis, ovatis, grosse 
punctato-striatis, punctis approximatis, interstitiis an- 
gustis, convexis ; corpore infra pedibusque pallidis, setu- 

Long. 14 lin. 
Hab.—New South Wales (Botany Bay); Victoria; 
King George’s Sound. 

This species has the club of the antenne different from 
the other two species, it being very nearly distinct from 
the funicle, instead of being confounded with it. The 
specimens from King George’s Sound are smaller, and 
much less strongly sculptured, and if no intermediate 
forms occur, I should be inclined to give them a specific 
name. Dr. Howitt tells me that the species of this genus, 
as well as Sphargeris physodes, and others related to 
Phaleria, are taken under sea-weed, and also in dead fish 
on the sea-shore, and are-excellent burrowers in the sand ; 
with regard to the King George’s Sound specimens, Mr. 
Masters writes that they are often found below high- 
water mark. The posterior tibiz in Aphela have cavern- 
ous corbels, not open, as I inadvertently stated, and 
the genus therefore belongs to the Amalactine. It is in 
fact, nearly allied to Hmphiastes, Mannh., found originally 
under similar circumstances, in Edgecombe Island, Rus- 
sian (olim) America. 

Betus, Schonherr, Cure. Disp. p. 73. 
Belus vetustus. 

B. modice elongatus, niger, supra maculatim infra omni- 
no cervino-hirsutus ; fronte capitis convexa ; rostro protho- 
race paulo longiore, nigro, nudo, nitido ; antennis pubes- 
centibus ; prothorace latitudine haud longiore, utrinque 
rotundato, antice parum angustiore, in medio longitudi- 

204 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

naliter sulcato, sulco hirtis repleto, postice magis excavato, 
disco granulato, lateribus hirsutis ; scutello inconspicuo ; 
elytris prothorace haud latioribus, parallelis, apicem versus 
sensim angustatis, apice seipso haud producto, maculis 
cervinis, plerumque regione suturali, dispersis ; pedibus 
sat dense cervino-hirsutis, posticis breviusculis. 

Long. 53 lin. 

Hab.—Champion Bay. 

A moderately long narrow species, in colour nearly 
resembling B. pectoralis, Er., but with the elytra not 
broader behind, and with unusually short posterior legs. 

Evuruyncuus, Schonherr, Cure. i. 247. 
Lurhynchus scapularis. 

E. modice elongatus, nigrescens, fere nudus; capite 
transversim granulato, inter oculos profunde sulcato, sparse 
griseo-squamoso; rostro prothorace longiore, basi grosse 
apicem versus subtiliter punctato; prothorace capite haud 
latiore, cylindrico, postice angustiore, latitudine longiore, 
transversim granulato, setulis minutis dispersis, im medio 
linea fere obsoleta subtilissime transversim corrugata; 
scutello triangulari; elytris saturate vinosis, ob-ovatis, 
sulcato-punctatis, punctis preesertim exterioribus quad- 
ratis, interstitiis granulatis, exterioribus levigatis, om- 
nibus crista basali parum elevata granulata munitis, 
medio tuberculis duobus conicis dense granulatis oblique 
positis, basi litura alba obliqua e pube densiore notata; 
corpore infra pedibusque rude griseo-hirsutis ; antennis 
subferrugineis, ¢ articulo ultimo elongato. 

Long. 5-6 lin. 

Differs, inter alia, from the Tasmanian 27. quadridens, 
according to LHrichson’s description (Wiegm. Arch. 
1842, ii. 186) in the absence of the fawn-coloured pubes- 
cence, the corrugate median line of the prothorax, (which 
in that species is smooth, the prothorax itself being closely 
and roughly punctured), and the deep claret colour of 
the elytra. 

Australian Curculionide. 205 

Diaretmus, Hrichson, Wiegm. Arch. 1842, ii. 201. 
Diapelmus ventralis. 

D. oblongus, testaceus, nitidus, pilis griseis sparse 
vestitus ; rostro prothorace breviore, medio haud carinato ; 
clava antennarum dimidio apicali infuscata; prothorace 
subtransverso, lateribus modice rotundato, antice leviter 
constricto; scutello oblongo; elytris prothorace multo 
latioribus, punctato-striatis, interstitiis leviter convexis, 
subrugulosis ; corpore infra toto, vel pectore solo, nigro ; 
pedibus testaceis. : 

Long. 14 lin. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

Mapelmus Hrichsont. 

D. oblongus, lete fulvescens, pilis sub-aureis supra, 
egriseis infra, vestitus ; rostro prothordce breviore, medio 
haud carinato; clava antennarum articulis duobus ulti- 
mis nigris; prothorace latitudine haud longiore, modice 
rotundato, antice sat fortiter constricto; scutello rotun- 
dato, dense albo-piloso ; elytris prothorace multo latiori- 
bus, punctato-striatis, interstitiis convexis. 

Long. 14 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

With happy scientific instinct M. Lacordaire, to whom 
it was unknown, has placed Diapelmus immediately after 
Acalyptus, with which it would be directly allied, accord- 
ing to his views, owing to the non-emargination of the 
propectus, a character not noticed by Erichson. The 
two species here described differ from the type (D. mendaz, 
Er.) in their more prominent eyes, and the intermediate 
femora, as well as the posterior, being toothed, although 
in a much less degree. 

DEciLats, n. g. 

Caput rotundatum; rostrum validum, arcuatum, paulo 
depressum; scrobes submediane, laterales, oculos attin- 

TRANS. ENT. soc, 1870.—pParRT I. (JUNE.) Q 

206 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

gentes. Oculi grosse granulati.* Scapus gradatim in- 
crassatus; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulo primo longi- 
usculo, valido, secundo obconico, 3-7 brevibus, gradatim 
crassioribus, in clavam continuatis; clava breviter ovata, 
obsolete articulata. Prothorax transversus, antice angustus, 
basi subbisinuatus, lobis ocularibus distinctis. Scutel- 
luminvisum. Elytra breviter ovata, convexa, prothorace 
vix latiora. Femora subflexuosa, mutica; tibie breves, 
rectze ; tarsimediocres, articulo primo triangulari, secuando 
brevi, tertio sat fortiter bilobo, quarto modice elongato ; 
unguiculi tenues, divaricati. Rima pectoralis profunda. 
Mesosternum fornicatum.t EHpisterna metathoracis obso- 
leta. Abdomen segmentis duobus basalibus ampliatis ; 
sutura prima fere obsoleta. 

This genus comes into the same group as T’ragopus, 
but is very distinct in habit from it and its allies, and is 
remarkable for the peculiar squamosity in connexion 
with the regular convexity of the upper surface. The 
scales are comparatively large, and are sunk in deep round 
fovez, which position prevents their coming into contact 
with one another, and gives the surface a speckled ap- 
pearance, which is further increased by rows of small 
black granules on the elytra; these granules have a 
depressed point in the centre. 

Decilaus squamosus. 

D. ovalis, convexus, niger, squamis albis sat dense 
tectus ; rostro capite duplo longiore, confertim rugoso- 
punctato; antennis ferrugineis, sparse griseo-pilosis ; 
prothorace utrinque valde rotundato, lobis ocularibus 
albo-ciliatis; elytris striatis, interstitiis latis, convexis, 
uniseriatim et remote granulatis, granulis apice depressis ; 
corpore infra pedibusque sat remote squamosis. 

Long. 2 lin. 
Hab.—Port Augusta. 

* There are probably ten or twelve facets across the broadest diameter. 
There are about the same number in Analcis (@rews), a genus of this group, 
the eyes of which, M. Lacordaire characterizes as “assez finement gra- 
nulés.”” In Tragopus they undoubtedly are, as he says, finely granulate. 

+ Dr. Kirsch (Berlin. Ent. Zeits. 1869, p. 198, note) uses this word as 
the equivalent for M. Lacordaire’s ‘en véute,” 

Australian Curculionide. j 207 


Rostrum tenue ( ¢ minus), arcuatum; scrobes subme- 
diane, paulo oblique. Oculi rotundati, grosse granulati. 
Scapus gradatim incrassatus; funiculus 7-articulatus, 
articulo primo majore, secundo breviore, ceeteris successive 
brevioribus et latioribus ; clava oblongo-ovata. Protho- 
raz transversim subquadratus, depressus, apice in medio 
productus. Hlytra breviuscula, prothorace haud latiora, 
parum convexa, postice declivia, humeris vix productis. 
Femora medio incrassata, subtus unidentata; tibie 
flexuose, postice subrecte exceptee, apice oblique unci- 
nate; tarsi breviusculi, articulo tertio bilobo; wnguiculi 
liberi. Metasternum brevissimum. Abdomen segmentis 
duobus basalibus per-amplis. Hpisterna metathoracis 

Allied to Chetectetorus, notwithstanding that the latter 
has its metathoracic episterna very distinct, but with 
large facets to the eyes, and differently formed prothorax, 
elytra, and tibie. Cryptorhynchus cariosus, Er., which 
has, inter alia, deeply punctured elytra, appears to be 

Exithius capucinus. (Pl. V. fig. 2.) 

E. niger, squamositate fusca vel fusco-brunnea tectus ; 
capite inter oculos setuloso-cristato; rostro prothorace 
paulo breviore, confertim punctato, dimidio basali squamis 
erectis preedito; antennis ferrugineis, nitidis, parce pilo- 
sis ; prothorace subtransverso, apice bituberculato, antice 
transversim excavato-depresso, medio tuberculis duobus 
parvis notato, angulis posticis rotundatis; scutello in- 
conspicuo ; elytris seriatim punctatis, parte basali vage 
granulata et bituberculata, ante apicem angustioribus, 
apice ipso rotundato; abdomine confertim foveato ; pedi- 
bus squamosis. 

Long. 24 lin. 


BrEpHARUS, 0. g. 

Rostrum modice elongatum, arcuatum, lateraliter sul- 
catum; scrobes profunde, premediane, laterales, oculos 
qQ 2 

208 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

attingentes. Scapus elongatus, clavatus ; funiculus 7-ar- 
ticulatus, articulo primo longiusculo, valido, secundo 
minore, obconico, ceteris lenticularibus; clava magna, 
distincta, obsolete articulata. Oculi laterales, rotundati, 
subtenuiter granulati. Prothoraw parum convexus, antice 
breviter tubulatus, utrinque rotundatus, basi bisinuatus, 
lobisocularibusnullis. Scutellumparvum. Llytra oblonga, 
modice convexa, prothorace vix latiora. Pedes breves; 
femora valida, compressa, mutica; tibice rectee, inermes, 
angulo interno dentiforme; farsi sub-angusti, articulo 
ultimo longiusculo ; wnguiculi tenues, liberi. Mesosternum 
laminatum. Processus intercoxalis latus, antice truncatus. 
Abdomen segmento secundo duobus sequentibus conjunc- 
tim breviore. 

The pectoral canal is as in Syimpiezoscelus,* Waterh. 
(near which I have no hesitation in placing this genus) , 
only that the mesosternum at the end of the canal is raised 
into a short ridge or plate. 

Bepharus ellipticus. 

B. ellipticus, fusco-castaneus, glaber, nitidus; rostro 
prothorace breviore, impunctato, basi inter oculos trans- 
versim sulcato; prothorace antice vage punctato, postice 
medio trifoveolato, basi transversim excavato; elytris 
tenuiter sulcatis, sulcis punctis sat magnis impressis, 
apicem versus utrinque paulo excavato, apice ipso 

Long. 13 lin. 

Hab.— Queensland. 


Rostrum breviusculum, depressum; scrobes profunde, 
sub-basales, oculos attingentes. Scapus brevis, gradatim 
incrassatus ; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulo primo longi- 
usculo, valido, secundo multo minore, obconico, ceteris 
valde transversis, successive crassioribus; clava adnata, 
breviter ovata, obsolete articulata. Oculi rotundati, latera- 
les, grosse granulati. Prothorax conicus, longior quam 
latus, basi subtruncatus, lobis ocularibus nullis. Sew- 
tellum caret. lytra convexa, ovata, basi haud protho- 

* This insect is, without doubt, from Queensland ; Mr. Waterhouse was 
uncertain whether it was from Australia or New Zealand. 

Australian Curculionide. ; 209 

race latiora. Pedes mediocres; femora ampla, com- 
pressa, preesertim postica, mutica; tibice breves, rect, 
apice unco obliquo armatee; tus? modice dilatati, articulo 
ultimo elongato ; wnguiculi tenues, liberi. Mesosternum 
laminatum. Metasternum brevissimum. Abdomen seg- 
mentis tertio quartoque conjunctim secundo brevio- 

This genus also is to be placed near Sympiezoscelus, 
without being very closely allied either to it or to the 
preceding. ‘The plate formed by the mesosternum, and 
bounding posteriorly the pectoral canal, is large and 
deeply vertical, and shows no trace of the vaulted 

Ampagia erinacea. (Pl. V. fig. 1.) 

A. breviter elliptica, valde convexa, fusca, nitida, 
Squamis nigris opacis validis erectis vestita; rostro 
apicem versus latiore, subvage punctato; antennis pallide 
ferrugineis ; prothorace confertim squamoso; elytris 
minus squamosis, pone humeros latioribus, deinde gra- 
datim rotundatis, tenuiter sulcatis, interstitis latis, pla- 
natis; pedibus squamulosis, femoribus posticis valde 
compressis, margine superno acute producto. 

Long. 13 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound. 

XIV. further descriptions of Australian Curculionide. 
By Francis P. Pascoz, F.L.8., &e. 

[Read 6th June, 1870.] 

By way of supplement to the preceding paper, I beg to 
add the three following new species. 

1. Cherrus vestitus (LupTopin®). 
2. Mecopus tipularius (ZyYGorinz). 
3. Alcides heilipoides (ALcIDIN#). 

Cuerrvus, Schénherr, Cure. Disp. p. 89. 
Cherrus vestitus. 

C. oblongus, fuscus, squamulis aureo-fulvis dense 
tectus: fronte capitis perparum convexa ; rostro tricarl- 

210 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

nato, carina media attenuata ; oculis rotundatis, promi- 
nulis; prothorace transverso, subdepresso, utrinque for- 
titer rotundato, basi incurvato, supra subtiliter granulato, 
lobis ocularibus obsoletis ; scutello minuto, nigro, nitido ; 
elytris prothorace angustioribus, subovatis, in medio 
latioribus, striato-punctatis, punctis leviter impressis et 
singulis squama majore instructis, interstitiis modice con- 
vexis ; segmento secundo abdominis haud ampliato ; tibiis 
anticis valde curvatis, intus valide denticulatis; tarsis 
cinereo-pubescentibus, articulo secundo oblongo-trian- 

Long. 7 lin. 


The characters separating Cherrus from Polyphrades 
are very slight. M. Lacordaire differentiates them in 
his tabular arrangement by the scape freely attaining the 
prothorax in the former, while it scarcely reaches it in 
the latter; he also relies upon Polyphrades being very 
different in “ facies” from Cherrus. The species here de- 
scribed has, however, exactly the habit of Polyphrades 
paganus, Fahr., while it has the antennez, the more 
strongly carmate rostrum, the scrobes running out 
more beneath the eyes, and the larger size, of Cherrus. 
The large prominent eyes, and the absence of ocular 
lobes, are at variance with the descriptions of Schénherr 
and Lacordaire, and therefore it might probably be de- 
sirable to differentiate it generically. It is sometimes, 
however, a question how far modifications of structure 
with conceivable intermediate limits will justify generic 
separation, and this is a case in point. 

Mzcorvus, Schénherr, Cure. Disp. p. 304. 
Mecopus tipularius. 

M. (2) oblongo-ovatus, niger, squamositate grisea in- © 
terrupte vestitus; rostro longitudine dimidi corporis, 
subnitido, subtilter punctato, lateribus parce squamosis ; 
scapo antennarum elongato (pro hoc genere), articulo 
secundo funiculi primo parum longiore ; prothorace trans- 
verso, lateribus modice ampliato-rotundato, apice breviter 
tubulato, supra creberrime granulato-punctato, apice 
maculis parvis tribus, basi macula prescutellari plagaque 
laterali ochraceis notato; scutello squamis ochraceis 

Australian Cureulionide. 211 

tecto; elytris ovato-trigonis, prothorace angustioribus, 
striato-punctatis, interstitis tertio et quinto tuberculato- 
elevatis, ochraceo-variegatis, haud lanuginosis ; corpore 
infra aterrimo, maculis dense ochraceo-squamosis notato ; 
cornibus pectoralibus brevibus, porrectis: pedibus elon- 
gatis, annulatis; femoribus posticis sublinearibus, infra 
spinis tribus armatis, tibiis posticis intus valde bisinuatis, 
apicem versus late albo-annulatis; tarsis nigris, anticis 
fimbriatis, posticis articulo basali intus albo-squamoso. 
(2) differt rostro pedibusque brevioribus, tarsis anticis 
haud fimbriatis, pectore mutico. 

Long. 3 ln. 


This is the first species described from Australia of 
this genus, although it abounds in the Malayan Islands, 
and in India. Comparing this species with numerous 
examples of many others now before me, it differs in one 
or more of the following characters: the length of the 
antenne, the scape, however, still falling far short of the 
eyes, the nearly equal length of the two basal joints of 
the funicle, the three spines on the posterior femora (the 
first much the longest), and the strongly bisinuate inner 
edge of the tibiz of the same pair. M. Lacordaire’s 
genus Macrobamon, closely allied to Mecopus, was pre- 
viously described by me in the Journal of Entomology 
(vol. i. p. 427) under the name of Odoacis. 

Aucipes, Schénherr, Cure. Disp. p. 270. 
Alcides heilipoides. 

A. oblongus, modice convexus, niger, opacus, squamis 
fuliginosis griseisque variis vestitus ; rostro breviusculo, 
vix robusto, recto, cum capite crebre punctato; antennis 
ferrugineis, scapo brevi, articulo basali obconico, brevius- 
culo, quatuor ultimis transversis, clava breviter ovata ; 
prothorace transverso, utrinque valde rotundato, antice 
tubulato, basi vix bisinuato, supra confertim subtiliter 
granulato; scutello rotundato, elevato, dense griseo- 
squamoso ; elytris basi prothorace multo latioribus, hu- 
meris prominentibus, striato-punctatis, punctis approxi- 
matis, impressis, interstitiis angustis, tertio quintoque 
paulo elevatis, apicibus rotundatis, pone medium macula 
irregulari albida notatis; corpore infra nigro, sparse — 

212 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on Curculionidae. 

grisescenti-squamuloso; pedibus validis, breviusculis, 
femoribus (preesertim posticis) dente magno triangulari 
armatis, tibiis brevibus, compressis, intus bisinuatis. 

Long. 43 lin. 

The habit of this insect is more like that of some 
species of Heilipus than of any of the eighty odd species 
of Alcides now before me. It differs from most of them 
in the thickness of the posterior femora and the large 
size of the tooth, as well as in the absence of the median 
lobe of the prothorax, and is the first of its genus that 
has been described from Australia; but I have another, 
I believe from Cape York, which I am unable to distin- 
guish from the Indian A. bufo, Fab. 

Explanation of Plate V. 

Fig. 1. Ampagia erinacea; la, front view of the head; 1b, side view 
of the head; 1c, hind thigh and part of tibia. 
2. LHvithius capucinus; 2a, side view of the head. 
8. Ixamine atomaria; 8a, side view of the head. 
4. Myossita cirrifera; 4*, tip of the rostrum and mandibles. 
5. Baryopadus corrugatus; 5a, side view of the head (the scape 
should have been much larger); 5b, underside of the tarsus. 

6a, side view of the head of Eutinophea nana; 6b, front view of 
the same. 
7a, side view of the head of Pephricus echimys. 
8a, side view of the head of Bepharus ellipticus. 
9a, side view of the head of Erytenna consputa, 
10a, side view of the head of Peripagis rufipes. 
lla, side view of the head of Orpha flavicornis; 11b, fore-tarsus ; 
llc, club of the antenna and two joints of the funicle. 
12a, fore-tarsus of Meriphus wmbrinus; 12b, club and two joints of 
the funicle. 
13, tarsus of Chaodius nigrescens. 
14a, side view of the head of Alphitopis nivea; 14b, fore-tibia and 
tarsus; 14c, club and three joints of the funicle. 
15a, side view of the head of Brerius mwrinus; 15b, anterior coxe. 

Norre.—The specimen from which the figure of Ampagia erinacea was 
made is, I find, more abraded than I had supposed when it was placed 
in Mr. Robinson’s hands; it should have been, therefore, made to look 
much rougher. In regard to Ewithius capucinus, the head is not seen 
from above, and the figure is so far incorrect. 

. ~ 

( 213 ) 

XV. The Genera of Coleoptera studied chronologically 
(1802-21). By G. R. Crotcu, M.A 

[Read Sth June, 1870.) 

In this second portion of my task, embracing the period 
of Latreille, I have departed somewhat from the method 
of the first part (ante, p. 41). The compression there 
used was so great as to render reference a matter of 
dificulty, and to obscure the results intended to be 
arrived at. It has seemed advisable, therefore, at a 
shght increase of space, to give each genus a separate 
line, giving its type and synonym when required. Many 
changes will be seen to be necessary if the types are 
rigidly adhered to; and every fresh investigation shows 
me that no other principle will avoid ambiguity. The 
number of genera proposed up to the period of Dejean’s 
_Catalogue was about 700, and nearly 150 new ones were 
then established. From that point the advance was 
rapid; and I should like in a third part to carry this 
paper down to the commencement of the ‘‘ Berichte” in 
1836, from which point a continuous record of progress 
already exists. 

Vozr (Cat. Syst. Coleopt.) divides the Coleoptera into 
sixty-six genera. I cannot see that anything justifies our 
ignoring -these, which are well founded, and in advance of 
his time. It can hardly be urged that his specific names 
are bad, since we accept Geoffroy who had none.* The 
greatest difficulty is that of obtaining the dates of the 
various parts of his work published from 1766 to 1804. 
It is, however, clear that the first twenty-two genera were 
published before 1778. 

In the first volume he describes thirty genera. 

Currs=Passalus, Fabr., 1798. 

. || StrpH#a= Iucanus, Linn. 

Po.uinctor= Necrophorus, Fabr., 1775. 
Coprioipes = Spheeridium, Fabr., 1775. 
Histri0 = Cistela, Geoff., Byrrhus, Fabr. 


© CO OTB oO 

* Again, if it be urged that he uses the names of others at random, as 
Silpha for Lweanus, it needs only to glance at Linneus and Fabricius, to 
see numerous blunders equally wilful. 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—pParRT 11, (AUGUST.) R 

214 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

10. Psevuporgtta= Thanatophilus, Leach, 1815. . 
11. Assotus= Necrodes, Leach, 1815. 

12. Psnupocurpres=Scarites, Fabr., 1775. 

15. Arenartus=Ctcindela, Linn. 

17. Cytinprer= Tillus, Oliv.,-1790. 

18. Cy.inprioies. Type, Dasytes ceruleus, Fabr. 
19. PEnNIFER. 

21. Donacta=Telephorus, Scheeff., 1766. 

22. Buarrarra. Type, Cyphon lividus, Payk. 

28. Putsator= Anobiuwm, Fabr., 1775. 

29. Torquatus. 

30. IrrecuLaris= Ois, Latr., 1796. 

In the second volume he describes— 

n. 1. ArmiceER=Prionus, Geoff. 
4, Arunpinarius= Donacia, Fabr., 1775. 
6. Fuxncrax=Chlamys, Knoch, 1801. 
12. PsrupocHrysomELA= LHrotylus, Fabr., 1775. 
13. || RutNomAcer = Brachycerus, Oliv. 
14. AncHorirerA= Brentus, Fabr. 
18. PsEevpocterus. Type, Asemum striatum. 
20. GrpBirerR=Hrotylus, Fabr. 
21. Cuypratus. 
22. RicipantenNA=Hispa, Linn. 
26. Masatis=Byturus, Steph. 
28. BuprEstiorpEs. 
31. Creroipes= Rhinosimus, Latr., 1802. 
35. Umpraticus. 
36. Nocrurna=Pimelia, Fabr., etc. 


GravenHorst, in his Coleoptera Microptera, divides 
the genus Staphylinus into fourteen genera, twelve 
of which are new. Unfortunately he has not given 
any types to these, so that their application must be 
settled by the usage of later authors. Latreille (Hist. 
Nat. ix.) has made a careful study of them, figuring 
the typical species, and his view should be adopted. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 215 

. elongatum, Latr., 1810. 

. obscurus, n. sp. 
canaliculata, Latr., 1804. 
. piceus, Latr., 1804. 
rivulare, Latr., 1804. 

. caraboides, Ill., 1802. 

. hypnorum, Latr., 1804. 

. rufipes, Latr., 1804. 

. ulmi, Fabr. 

. latipes, n. sp. 

2. LatHropium 



6. OxyTELus 

7. Omatium [Hom.]. 

8. AntopHacus [Anth. } 
9. ‘Tacuyporus 

10. Tacurnus 


14, Prvopuiuus . 


Iuuicer (Mag. Ent. i.) enumerates the genera known 
to him, arranged according to the tarsal system, propos- 
ing at the same time several new ones. 

p. 295. Isocmrus ; Ten. brunneus, Fabr. 
296. Mastiaus : n. sp. 
297. Liuntus : Dyt. Volkmari. 
[Limnius, Hrichs., 1832, typ. L. tuberculatus, 
should be re-named. | 
297. CNEMIDOTUS . Dyt. impressus, etc. 
= Haliplus, Latr., 1802. 
[ Cnemidotus, Erichs., 1832, typ. Cn. ccesus. | 
299. HypHyprus . H. gibbus, Fabr. 
301. HusrropHus . M. dermestoides. 
301. SaLPineus . Anthr. roboris. 
= Rhinosimus, Latr., 1802. 
[Salpingus, Gyll., 1810, typ. S. ater, Payk.] 
303. CYLINDRA : for Platypus, Herbst. 

Latrei~tie (Hist. Nat. i.) gives a complete .synopsis, 
with characters of all the genera, forming many new 
ones, and inaugurating a new era in the study. The 
early names of Geoffroy are even in part revived. 

p. 77. Hatieius ‘ Dyt. impressus, Fabr. 
79. CoLLiuRis : for Collyris, Fabr., 1801. 
MEGACEPHALA . Cic. megacephala, Fabr. 
= Gnatho, Ill., 1807. 
82. BemBipION . Oar. 4-guttatus (C. guttula, 
Latr., 1810). 
83. GRAPHIPTERUS. G. 3-lineatus, Fabr. (G. va- 

riegatus, Latr., 1810). 
R 2 

Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 




Omoruron [{ Hom. } 




L. cyanocephala (Drom, 4- 
maculatus, Latr., 1810). 

P. spinibarbis, Fabr. 
= Leistus, Fréhl., 1798. 

Li. pilicornis, Fabr. 

N. complanata, Linn. (N. bre- 
vicollis, Latr., 1810). 

Scol. limbatus, Fabr. 
= Hpactius, Schn., 1792. 

P. crux-major, Fabr. 

L. emarginatus, Oliv., (DL. 
cassideus, Latr., 1810). 

H., gibbus, Fabr. (H. ruficor- 
nis, Latr., 1810). 

Sc. arenarius, Fabr. 

Till. serraticornis, Fabr. 

Not. mollis, Fabr. 

Psel. Hellwigit. 

EH. Maugetii, n. s. 

Der. trifasciatus, etc. 

= } Peltis, Fabr. 

[ Thymalus, Dufts., 1825, typ. Th. limbatus. | 


RvuteLA . 

Copris taurus. 

Melo. serratule, Fabr. (M. 
cardui, Latr., 1810). 

Cet. crysis, Latr., 1810. 

Att. glaber, De G. 

Ten. culinaris - (= Uloma, 

[Phaleria, Dej. 1821, typ. Ten. cadaverina. ] 




HH. fuscus, n. sp. 

Hr. testudinarius, Fabr. 

Opatr. griseum, Fabr. 

Pim. gibba, Fabr. (P. stri- 
ata, Latr., 1810). 

Akis orbiculata, Fabr. 

Ahkis filiformis, Fabr. 
= Stenosis, Hb. 

Blaps elongata, Oliv. 

1’. Richesianum, n. sp. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 217 

p- 179. Nuinion . 3 Coce. villosa, Fabr. 
186. Cinas . : Lytta atrata, Fabr. 
187. Srraris . ; Nec. humeralis, Fabr. 
192. Rurnosmmus . Anthr. planirostris, Fabr. 

(A. roboris, Latr., 1810). 
196, @Cytas.. : Br. brunneus, Oliv. 
198. Rua . : Liz. barbirostris, Fabr. 

200. BracHyryinus Cure. viridis, Latr., 1810. 
(= Chlorophanus, Schh.) . 
203. Tomicus : Hyl. piniperda, Fabr. (B. 
typographus, Latr., 1807). 
205. CERYLON Lyctus terebrans, Fabr. 
[ t Cerylon, Leach, 1815, typ. C. histeroides. | 
208. Muryx . : M. rugosa, n. sp. 

209. LaANGURIA : L. ruficollis, n. sp. (L. bi- 
color, Latr., 1810). 

223. ORSODACNE . Lema ruficollis, Fabr. (Cr. 
cerast, Latr., 1810). 
224, PRasocuris . Helo. phellandrii, Payk. 

Marsuam, in his Entomologia Britannica, returns to 
the Linnean classification, admitting only sixteen addi- 
tions of which two are new. 

10. Corticarta. 
13. Bo.erarim . = Mycetophagus. 

Corticaria was first used in its restricted sense by 
Stephens; if, however, we turn to Marsham’s Preface, 
we find that it was created for certain genera which live 
under bark (as Hellwig’s Synchyta, and Lamarck’s Xylo- 
plila) e.g. Rhizophagus, Silvanus, Lyctus, etc. 2 so that it 
can scarcely be used for the little vegetable-refuse-loving 
Corticarice of Stephens. Moreover Cort. longicornis is the 
type of Herbst’s genus Latridius. 

Iiricer (Mag. Ent. 11.) describes two new genera. 
p- 199. GyMNopLeuRts Scar. sinuatus, etc. 
226. Hopuia . ; Melo. argentea. 

Iuuicer (Mag. Ent. 11.) proposes the name— 
p. 120. Srenoprerus . for Neeydalis rufa, Linn., Latr. 

218 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

Lamarck (Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. i.) figures one new 
p. 261. CurroscELis . CO. bifenestra, n. sp. (pl. xxii). 

Larreitie (Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. xxiv.) gives a second 
synopsis of the genera of Coleoptera. 
n. 54. Hyariopra ‘ Dyt. Hermanni ( = Hyphy- 
, drus, Dum., 1806, = Pelo- 
bius, Schh., 1808). 

80. Sracona Our. rufipes, Fabr. 
135. NosopENDRON . Sph. fasciculare. 
162. Lampria : Tuc. ceneus. 

244, Numozoma [-soma.] N. elongata, Fabr. 
245. Ryzoruorus [ Rhiz.] = Lhizophagus, Herbst. 

249, SILVANUS : S. unidentatus. 
At p. 153, he indicates on two new species the genus 

Larreitte (Hist. Nat. x.) forms a new genus at the 
expense of Horia, Fabr. 
p. 364. Cissires . : Horia maculata, Fabr. 
Lacordaire has transposed these two generic names ; 
my previous remarks under Horia (ante, p. 46) must con- 
sequently be cancelled. 

Tuunzera (Vet. Akad. nya Handl. xxv.) figures a new 

p. 185. Triacus . : T. clavicornis, n. sp. 


Inticer remarks (Mag. Ent. iv. 128) that Tvrichodes 
cannot be retained, and proposes (in which he must be 
followed) — 

SPHONDYLA. for || Spondylis. 

Tuunpera (Gott. gel. Anz.) briefly enunciates four 
new genera. 

1. Macroaasrer : = Atractocerus, Beauv. 
2. ||Macrorus . : Cer. longimanus, Linn. 
= Acrocinus, Il., 1806. 
3. PAacHYMERUS . : Bruchus bactris, Linn. 
4, CHALEPUS . : Hispa sanguinicollis, Linn. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 219 

Dortscumip (Faun. Aust. i.) forms two genera. 

p. 205. Spumrites. Hist. glabratus, Fabr. 
304. PHILyDRUS . P. Megerlei, n. sp. 
= Himes, Latr., 1802. 


Cratrvitte (Ent. Helv. ii.) sub-divides the Linnean 
genera COarabus and Dytiscus, illustrating the typical 
Species, and giving the dissections. He does not, how- 
ever, indicate which species is dissected. 

p. 16. Ocypzromus . CO. modestus, Fabr. (= Pery- 
phus, Meg.). 
22. TRECHUS : C. rubens, Fabr. 
46. Sromis . : CO. pumicatus. 
80. ZaBRus . : CO. gibbus, Fabr. 
84. SpPHODRUS : C. planus, Fabr. 
90. Bavistzr : C. bipustulatus, Fabr. 
94. Tarus . ; CO. humeralis, Fabr. 
= Oymindis, Latr., 1806. 
132. Hyprororus . D. parvulus (=incequalis) . 
1388. CoLyYMBETES . D. striatus, Fabr. 
218. Hoptites F D. fulwus, Fabr. 
= Haliplus, Latr., 1802. 
222. Nortrrus . D. crassicornis, Fabr. 

Domerit (Zool. Anal.) gives also a synopsis of the 
genera of the order, adding two new genera. 
p. 194. Norutopnitus [Notio-] Hlaph. aquaticus, Linn. 
226. OxysToma : Att. viciw, Payk. 
= Apion, Herbst. 
[ Oxystoma, Steph., 1832, typ. A. geniste. | 
Hypoyprus . Hygriobia, Latr., 1804. 

Gravennorst (Mon. Col. Micr.)’ re-arranges the 

n. “7.° Lomecwusa . DL. emarginata, Latr., 1810. 
(= Atemeles, Steph.). 
9. Eva@sTHETUS . EH, scaber, n. sp. 

p. 174. Gymnusa (Karst.) Aleoch. excusa, Grav. 

Iuticzer (Mag. Ent. v. 297) proposes— 

AcRocInUS . for Cer. longimanus, Linn. 
(|| Macropus, Thunb.). 

220 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

Larrernte (Gen. Crust. et Ins. i.) commences his 
fifth revision of the order, enumerating 270 genera. 
p- 190. Cyminpis ; C. humeralis, Fabr. 

198. Zupnrum : Z. olens, Latr., 1810. 

261. Matrainus . Canth. biguttata, Fabr., Latr., 
1810. (= Malthodes, Kies.) 

266. Hytecerus . Canth. dermestoides. 
= Elateroides, Schiff. 
270. ‘THANASIMUS . Cl. formicarius, L. 

= Oleroides, Schiff. 

Mottrr (Ill. Mag. Ent. vi. 207) in a monograph of 

Limnius, forms one new genus. 

Macronycuus é M. 4-tuberculatus. 

Steven (Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. i. 166) figures a new 

STEROPES . ; S. caspicus, n. sp. 

Taunpera (Vet. Akad. nya Handl. xxvii.) proposes 
two new genera. 

p- 3. Pryocervus : Mel. mystacina, Fabr., = San- 
dalus, Knoch, pars. 
Ririwius [Rhi.] R. pectinicornis, n. sp. 

Inuicer (Mag. Ent. vi.) gives a resumé of the genera 
established since the last work of Fabricius, proposing 
at the same time several new ones, for the most part 
without characters. 

p. 319. Evurycervs . E. palmicornis, Ill., MS. 
320. Drroma . for Bitoma, Herbst. 
321. CoproGaAsTER . for Eccoptogaster, Herbst. 
322. CATHAMMISTES Pim. pygmea, Fabr. 
(Georissus, Latr., 1809). 
327. EvrHinus. EE. cupratus, n. sp. 
PSALLIDIUM.. Cure. mawillosus, Fabr. 

[Cryp.] Cure. pericarpius, Latr., 1810. 
331, DoryrHora . D. punctatissima, Latr., 1809. 

p. 333 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 221 

. || PELEcINA 

Canth. bipunctata, Fabr. 
(=Nothus, Oliv., 1811). 
Zon. vittata, Fabr. 
Anth. colon, n. sp. 
= Steropes, Stév., 1806. 
Hall. humeralis, Payk. 
= Hallomenus, Hellw. 
H. micans. 
= Orchesia, Latr., 1807. 
Nitid. punctata, Fabr. 
for Opilo, Latr. (nec Opilio, 

PueEnaoves (Hoff.) Lamp. plumosa, Fabr. 
Amyprtes (Hoff.) A. fastigiata, n. sp. 



J HaLLomentvs . 
341. EKurocus 
343. ScIRTES . 
348. Apotomus (Hoff:) 


vol. iu. p.58. 





Pt. elaterina, MS. (see La- 
cord. iv. 279). 

Cyph. hemisphericus. 

Clivina rufa, Fabr. 
for Megacephala, Latr. 
for ||Pelecina, Lll., olim. 

C. marginatus, n. sp. 

M. brunneus,n.sp.(= Colon, 
Hb., pars). 

Scar. Schefferi, Linn. 

Aph. globosus, Ill. 

Geot. didymus, Fabr. 

Melo. meles, Fabr. 

Melo. crinita, Fabr. 

M. Hoffmannseggii, nu. sp. 

Dire. micans, Fabr. 

Meland. fusca, Fabr. 

HH, ligniperda. 

CoccinELLomwEs Chrys. australasic. 


= Paropsis, Oliv., 1807. 
Endom. bovistee. 
Ch. bituberculatum, n. s. 

222 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

Ouivier (Entom. v.) figures three new genera. 
p. 12. Avopzrus Att. coryli, L. = Attelabus, L. 

283. || Liparus Cure. germanus, = Molytes, Schh. 
[nec Liparis, Artedi. | 
597. Paropsis P. atomaria, n. sp. 
Marsuam (Trans. Lin. Soc. ix. 283) describes— 
NorocLea . = Paropsis, Oliv., 1807. 

GyLLenHAL (Ins. Suec. i. 6) defines several genera with 
exactitude, adding one new one. 

PsaMMopIus . Aigialia sabuleti. 

He characterizes Triwagus, Kug., from Throseus der- 

Scuénnerr (Syn. Ins. ii. 27) proposes a third name 
for Dyt. Hermanni— 

Pxtosius [Pel.] = Hygriobia, Latr., 1804. 

Ottvier (Entom. vi. 779) describes the genus— 
CTENODES .. C. 10-maculatus, n. sp. 

Latrertte (Gen. Crust. iv.) adds a few novelties in 
the Addenda to his work. 
p. 375. Crropuyrum Mel. elateroides. 
376. Xyutetinus Pt. levis, Ill., Latr., 1810. 
(= Pseudochina, Muls.). 
377. Microrertus Staph. porcatus, Payk. 
GEORISSUS Pim. pygmeea, Fabr. 
= Cathammistes, Il., 1807. 
379. TracuysceLis J’. aphodioides, n. sp. 
380. Trrraonyx 1’. 8-maculata, n. sp. 

The voyage of MM. Humboldt and Bonpland bears 
date 1811, but is cited here by Latreille. 

Fiscuer pe Watpuemm (Mém. Soc. Nat. Mose. ii.) 
figures two genera as new. 
p. 297. Prtxcotoma . P. mosquense, n. sp. 
302. KyrorHINnus . K. Karasoni, n. sp. 
= Bruchus, p. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 223 

Inticger (Mag. Berl. Gesell. Nat. Fr. i.) forms the 

ScHONHERR (Vet. Akad. nya Handl. xxx. p. 50) forms 
the genus— 

DENDROPHAGUS Cuc. crenatus, Payk. 

GyLtEnHAL (Ins. Suec. ii.) describes four new genera, 
and defines and describes at length numerous others. 
p. 74. AmpiycHus . Lic. bipustulatus. 
= Badister, Clairv. 

77. SyNucHUS : Car. vivalis, Il. (=Taphria, 
541. || MyceTropHILa Cist. flavipes, Fabr. 
547. CONOPALPUS . C. flavicollis, n. sp. 

Phaleria is defined from P. culinaris, Salpingus from 
S. ater. At p. 12, he notes that Tachys, Knoch,= Bem- 
bidion, Latr.= Bembidiuwm, Il. 

Larrettte (Consid. Gén.) gives a sixth revision of the 
order, enumerating 297 genera. Five of these are new. 

p- 159. Morion . Harp. monilicornis. 
169. ApuHanisticus Bupr. emarginata. 
Hamwontus Cebrio brevicornis (= Cebrio, ? ). 
212. Denprowers JD. canadensis. 
217. Srenostoma Lept. rostrata, Fabr. 


Bonettr (Mém. Acad. Turin, xvii.) further sub- 
divides the difficult genus Carabus, recognizing fifty- 
five genera. The characters of these are indicated in a 
large table, often wanting in copies of the Mémoires. 
This paper was read in 1809, but was published in 1811, 
and I nowhere find it noticed before that year. In the 
close of 1810, he went on a tour through France, and 
probably distributed separate copies. No species are in- 
dicated for any of the genera, so that we are dependent 
on Panzer (1813), who corresponded with Bonelli on the 
subject, and Germar (1815), who gives a list of the 
genera, with their types. 

2. PRoOcRUSTES . ; O. coriaceus. 
6. ALPzuUS f . CO, Hellwigii. 

Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

17. Oops 

20. CALLIstTUs 
21. AGconum 

23. DotLicuus 

24. PLatysmMa 
26. Epomis 

27. Drnopvss. 

30. AMARA 

31. BurTHisa 


30. PaciLus 

36. ||Drromus [nec Ill. } 
39. Dyscuirius 
40. ABAX 

41. Pxrtor . 

42. Motors 

43. Prrcvus. 

44. || MELANIus 
45,  PrerosticHus 
46. PLatynus 

50. Lamprias 

52. Dromius 

55. Potysticuivs. 

CO. helopioides. 

C. lunatus. 

C. parumpunctatus, 6-punc- 

C. scrobiculatus. 

CO. prasinus, oblongus. 

C. picimanus, niger. 

C. vestitus, nigricornis. 

C. cinctus. 

C. fulvus, apricarius, &c. 
C. borealis. 
C. melanocephalus, fuscus. 
CO. dimidiatus, lepidus, ob- 
CO. cephalotes. 
= Broscus, Panz., 1813. 
C. calydonius, dama. 
Sc. thoracicus, gibbus. 
C. striola, ovalis. 
CO. blaptoides. 

C. elatus, terricola. 

C. cylindricus. 

C. fasciato-punctatus, aterri- 
mus, cethiops. 

O. angusticollis. 

Brach. mutilatus. 

CO. eyaneocephalus. 
= Lebia, Latr., 1802. 

C. truncatellus. 

O. atricapillus. 

Thus Dolichus is a section of Anchomenwms, in place of 

which it ought really to be used, as Latreille, in 1817, 
united Dolichus, Platynus, Anchomenus, under the title 


He selects Car. flavicornis as the type of Do- 

lichus, relegating O. prasinus and C. pallipes to Callistus ! 
so that there was very little uniformity. Taphria, a 
genus always referred to Bonelli, does not appear to 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 225 

occur in any of his works to which I have access, and is 
first cited to my knowledge by Latreille (1817). . Ble- 
thisa takes the place of the modern Pelophila, Blethisa 
of authors becoming Helobium, Leach, Platysma=Omas- 
eus, Dejean, Dromius must be confined to the section 
Metabletus ; the modern Dromii were referred to De- 
metrias by Panzer and others, and may be re-named 
Megalodromius. Lamprias is synonymous with Lebia, 
Latr.; if it be desirable to separate DL. cruw-minor, etc., 
they may be called Callilebia. 

Ouivier (Enc. Méth. vii.) characterises two genera. 

p. 383. Noruvs . ; Canth. bipunctata, Fabr. 
= Osphya, Il., 1807. 
617. Ozmna . : O. dentipes, n. sp. 

Although Olivier first indicates the characters of the 
genus Nothus, yet I think that Illger’s name is to be 
preferred, as he clearly indicated the typical species. 

Latrerttre (Enc. Méth. viii.) characterises one new 

p. 677. Pamporvs : P. alternans, n. sp. 

PAaYKULL (Mon. Hister.) separates— 

p. 1038. Hononzpra . Hister planus. 
Aunrens (Nov. Act. Halens. 11.) forms— 
Eucnemis : Hlater capucinus. 

GERMAR (op. cit.) proposes— 
PoTAMOPHILUS Parnus acuminatus. 

Fiscoer DE Watpuemm (Mém. Soc. Nat. Mosc. iii.) 
figures an entirely new genus. 

p- 281. Poconocerus . P. thoracicus, n. sp. 


Bonettt (Mém. Acad. Turin, xx.) in the second part 
of his paper adds five new genera. 

p. 466. Dica.vs. 

453. Hewiuvo . : HH. costatus, n. sp. 
460. ENcELADUS . EB. gigas, nu. sp. 
476. PastmacHts . Sc. depressus, marginatus. 

479, CARENUM : Se. ceyaneus, Oliv. 


Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

Panzer (Index Entom. p. 62) rejects Cephalotes, as 
being formed from the trivial name, and proposes— 

Tuunpera (Vet. Akad. Handl.) 


p- 47. 

48. Tavumacrera [Thau-] 


for Cephalotes, Bonelli. 

figures two new 

Gnatocerus [Gnatho-] G. ruber, n. sp. [=Ten. 

cornutus, Fabr.]. 
T’. deusta, n. sp. 


Leacu (Edinb. Enc. ix.) gives a synopsis of the genera 
of Coleoptera, establishing some new ones, and giving a 

new arrangement of families. 

n. 30. 
















He includes 352 genera. 

=Lebia, Latr., 1802. 

= Demetrias, Bon., 1811. 

Car. multipunctatus, Linn. 
(=fBlethisa, Latr., 1829). 

Dyt. minutus. 

Silpha littoralis. 
= Asbolus, Voet. 

S. thoracica. 

S. sinuata. 
= Pseudopelta, Voet. 

S. agaricina. 

Eloph. pygmeus, Payk. 

H. luridus (= Berosus, Leach, 

H. piscinus, Marsh, 

Scar. Typheeus, Linn. 
=Armideus, Ziegl., 1823. 

C. cacti, Fabr. 

The following genera are wrongly adopted, but are in 
some cases new. 

32. tLepia 

56. tBuprestis 

Car. meridianus, Linn, 
Drom. 4-maculata. 

O. bipustulatus. 

B. biguttata, Linn. 


Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 227 


tH yYpRopHiLus . 

+Dircma . 



Aleoch. bipunctata. 
H. caraboides. 

P. femoralis. 

P. cadaverina. 

D. micans. 

A. fusca, antherinus. 
O. erysimi. 

O. histeroides. 

DL. ceedilis. 

S. lineatocollis. 

G. nigricornis, alnt. 

Krrsy (Introd. Ent. i.) figures (pl. i.) a new genus. 


S. quadricorne, n. sp. 

Mutter (Germ. Mag. Ent. i. 266) describes a new 



L. testaceus, n. sp. 

Tuunserc (Nov. Act. Upsal. vii.) divides the Curcu- 
lionide imto nineteen genera. He was not, of course, 
aware of the recent progress made in the study of this 

p. 121. 
- 122. 



A. nebulosus, Fabr. 

Rh. betule, Fabr. 

A. planirostris, Fabr. 
= Rhinosimus, Latr. 

Cuypnus [Cyph-] A. ewreulionoides. 

(= Attelabus, Oliv.). 


RercHensacu (Mon. Psel.) adds only one genus. 



Germar (Mag. Ent. 11. 339-341) gives a list of fifty- 
two genera of Curculionide as a prodromus of that family. 
Several of these have been unnecessarily altered by 
Schénherr, — 

228 Mr. G. R. 

n. 8. RuayYNcOoLvUs 
9. Maapatis . 
10. Baris 
12. Hyprra 
18. Con1zatus 
14. 'TAanyspHyRus 
15. Bacous 
17. Orositis 
19. Tycuius 
20. SrBrnta 
25. GrRyYpPus 
26. Dorytomus 
27. Noraris 
28. Lepyrus 
29. HytLopits . 
30. PissopEs 
31.. PLiInruus . 
32.. BRONCHUS . 
34. APpsis 
36. || PactyGasTER 
37. BaryNnotus 
38. LiopHi@us 
40. Omtas 

Crotch’s Chronological 

Hyl. chloropus. 

Rh. pruni, violaceus (Schh. 1823), 

Rh. artemisic, chloris, cuprirostris. 

Rh. nigrirostris. (Leach, 1819), 
scanicus, polygoni, punctatus, 

C. tamariseci (Schh. 1828), re- 

Rh. lemne. 

C. binodulus, lunatus, alismatis, 
cylindrus, elegans. 

Att. globosus. 

Rh. 5-punctatus, venustus, pici- 

Rh. viscarice, bipunctatus. 

Rh. avarus, melanocephalus, 

Rh. nucum, salicivorus. 

Rh. equiseti, brunnirostris. 

Rh. vorax, inquisitor, indigena. 

Rh. bimaculatus, acridulus, dor- 

C. colon (Schh. 1823), binotatus, 
3-guttatus (Leach, 1819). 

Rh. pineti (Schh. 1823), abietis. 

Rh. bufo, notatus, pint. 

O. Megerlet (Schh. 1823), vario- 
losus, chrysops, caliginosus. 

C. capensis, crispatus. 

A. complicatus, n. sp. 

C. niger (Leach, 1819), gemmatus, 
ovatus, raucus, hirticornis, ligus- 
tict, sulphurifer, caudatus. 

C. obscurus (Schh. 1823), mer- 

C. nubilus. 

CO. scabriculus. 

CO. spheroides, albolineatus, rotun- 
datus (Schh. 1823). 


Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 229 

41. THyLacttes CO. incanus (Leach, 1819), fritil- 

lum, faber, muricatus, hirsutulus, 

42. Curcutto(Linn.) C. sulcirostris, albidus. 
44, || RuINoBATUS Rh. cynare, planus. 

=Tarinus, Schh. 

45. Rutnocyttus  C. thawmaturgus. 

46. Sirona _. C. gressorius, lineatus (Schh. 
1823), hispidulus. 

47, CurysoLtorus C. spectabilis (Schh. 1823), pro- 


48. Entmus . O. imperialis, splendidus. 

49, CHLORIMA . C. viridis, curculionoides. 

50. Husoma . C. ovulum. 

51. TanyMeEcus CO. palliatus (Schh. 1823), brun- 

52. PoLyprusvs CO. pyri (Schh. 1823), oblongus, 
viridicollis, undatus. 

Fiscozer (Mém. Soc. Nat. Mosc. v.) characterises 
four new genera. 

p- 463. Trrpacis : Harp. Adamsit. 
= Carabus (pars), Lacord. 
467. PrLopaTus . P. Sturmit, n. sp. 

=Zabrus (pars), Lacord. 
468. Scanes . : S. pilosus, n. sp. 
. =Ticinus (pars), Lacord. 
469. Drryius. ; D. helopioides, n. sp. 

Horrmannsece (Zool. Mag. i.) also proposes four new 

p. 14. Lagocume . Cet. trigona, Fabr. 
Drapasis . Trich. retusus, Fabr. 

28. ||Pryocerts . Ptil. mystacinus, Fabr. 
= fRhipicera, Latr., 1817. 

Latrem.te (Régne Anim. ii.) by the nature of the task 
he had undertaken, was forced to compress rather than 
expand, and hence forms but few new genera. 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—pPaRT UI. (AUGUST.) S 

230 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

p. 179. Tuerates F Cic. labiata, Fabr. 
190. Aristus (Ziegl.) for || Ditomus, Bon. 
191. Ferronta. 
[A collective name for five or six of Bonelli’s genera. | 
235. RuHIPICERA  . Hispa mystacina, Fabr. 

268. HypERA : Parnus acuminatus. 
= Potamophilus,Germ., 1812. 

298. Crypricus . Ped. glaber. 
= Pedinus, Latr., 1796. 

317. Hycievs : Myl. impunctata, Oliv. 
341. CALLICHROMA . C. moschatus, Latr., 1829. 

Taphria (Bon.) appears to me to be first used in this 
work. [=Synuchus, Gyll.] 

Lamarck (Hist. Nat. iv.) makes two alterations. 

p. 3083. XYLOPHILA. 
[Collective name for Ditoma, Lyctus, etc.] 

422, DENDROCERA . for Dendroides, Latr. 

Leacu (Zool. Misc. iii.) subdivides several genera. 

p. 72. Agabus . ; D. serricornis, Payk. 
AcILius . ‘ D. sulcatus, Lin. 
73. ||TRogus ; D. lateralis, Fabr. 
= Cybister, Curt. 
75. PHospuuca . Silpha atrata. 
76. ABRezUS ‘ Hister globosus, minutus. 
78. ONTHOPHILUS H. striatus, suleatus. 
DENDROPHILUS H. punctatus. 
80. Evuriectus - Ps. nanus. 
Byruinus ‘ Ps. securiger, Curtisii. 
AREOPAGUS , Ps. glabricollis, etc. 
81. TycHus . Ps. niger. 

Bryaxis (fKug.) Ps. sanguineus. 
91. Hyprocuus (Germ.) H. elongatus. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 231 

92. Berosus . : HH. luridus. 
= Hydrobius, Leach, 1815. 
Hyprostivs (tLeach) H. fuscipes. 
95. CERCYON . : Sph. unipunctatum, melano- 

Scu6nueRR (Syn. Ins. iii.) admits a few new genera, 

mostly uncharacterized. 
Anomata, Meg. 
Antsopiia, Meg. 
Lissonotus(Dalm.)  L. biguttatus, n. sp., etc. 
TracuyperEs (Dalm.) Cer. succinetus. 
Dorcapion(Dalm.) =D. glycyrrhize, etc. 
Terraores (Dalm.) Lamia tornator, ete. 

p. 146. Passanpra_. P, 6-striata, n. sp. 


Bonet (Mém. Acad. Turin, xxii.) proposes two new 
genera :— 
p- 240. EHurycHiLes . Oic. labiata, Fabr. 

= Therates, Latr., 1817. 

247. Prius. 

The characters of Ptilus (not Ptilius, as Motschulsky 
quotes) are indicated, but no species ; it was apparently 
close to Demetrias. 

Escuscnortz (Mem. Acad. Petrop. vi.) adds five genera. 
p. 454. Scoropzs : S. annulatus, n. sp. 
467. Mimetes : M. unicolor, n. sp. 
469, STENODERA . S. 6-punctata, n. sp. 
= Zonitis (pars) . 
472. ANTHYPNA . Melo. ursus, Fabr., etc. 
475. Awnticuetra[-chira] Cet. tetradactyla, Fabr. 
= Rutela (pars). 

Kunze (Schrift. Natur. Gesell. Halle. ii. 71) forms 
the genus 
ZEUGOPHORA . Crioc. subspinosa, Fabr. 

Grermar (Mag. Ent. ii. 255) characterises the genus 
Kucrnetus (Schiipp.) H. hemorrhoidalis, n. sp. 
He describes Notorus decoratus at length, referring it 
with doubt to Agnathus (Megerle). The genus was not 

characterized till Laferté’s monograph. 


Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

Kirsy (Trans. Linn. Soc. xii.) creates no less than 
twenty-four genera, figuring all the typical species, with 


p. 378. PrLEectum 
090. HKurypus 
392. PRI0CcERA 
411. Psammopes 
414, Oxura 
415. Scorrnus 
417. SpHmrotus . 
418. Srroneyiium . 
419. Kurynotus 
423. SrenocHIa 
427. Rurnotia 
428. || Hurninus 
431. Raryarta 
445. LamprosoMa 
459. Bonpocrras 

P. cyanipes. 
A. Drurei. 
EH. rubens. 
A. analis. 
P. variegata. 
G. barbatus. 

A. gemellatus. 

P. longicornis. 

O. setosa. 

S. crenicollis. 

S. curvipes. 

S. chaleonotum. 

EH. muricatus. 

A. calosomoides. 

S. erotyloides. 

. rufipes. 

G. Francilloni. 

Rh. heemoptera. 

Ei. scabrior. : 

Rh. cristata. 

L. bicolor. 

CO. Sheppardi. 

Se. quadridens, Fabr. 


DisticnocrraA (McL.) D. maculicollis. 

Leacu (Samouelle’s Comp.) describes a few genera, and 
indicates a large number of others. 

p. 21. CrLLEeNnus 
23. Epapruius 
24, Axpus 
204. Derproraus 
238. Harcium 
172. Creoputius (K.) 


CO. lateralis, n. sp. 

Car. secalis, Payk. 

A. fulvescens, n. sp. 
(=marinus, Strém.). 

Rh. betule, Lin. 

Rh. inquisitor, Lin. 

Staph. maaillosus, Lin, 

St. dilatatus, Payk. 


Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 

Emus. ; St. hirtus, Lin. 
Ocypus (K.) . St. cyaneus, Payk. 

Gyronypnus (K.) St. fulgidus, Fabr. 
[=Xantholinus, Hr. | 

ACHENIUM . Lath. depressum, Grav. 
173. Dtanous : Sten. ceerulescens, Gyll. 
RuaiLus ; Peed. orbiculatus, Grav. 
[=Stilicus, Er. | 
174. BuiEpius : Oxyr. armatus, Panz. 
Carpetimus (K.) (Y'rog. bilineatus, Steph. 
ERISTHETUS . err. for Hvesthetus]. 
175. Etonium é Omal. striatum. 
ANTHOBIUM . Omal. melanocephalum. 
[=Lathrimeum, Hr. ] 
176. Botrrosius . Tach. analis. 
||CypHa (K.) . Tach. granum. 
= Hypocyphtus, Man. 
177. Drostia : Aleoch. canaliculata. 
= Aleochara, Grav. 
FALAGRIA : Aleoch. sulcata. 
-AUTALIA : Aleoch. impressa. 
Drvarpa : Tom. dentata. 
180. Muzium ; Ptinus sulcatus. 

191. Amatorria [Hom-] Melo. ruricola. 

211. Macrorrua (Hoff.) Don. zostere, equiseti. 
[= Hemonia, Dej.] 

Aleochara is-here first used in its modern form for 
A. fuscipes. He appears to have used Leptosoma for 
Lizvus, Fabr. (p. 202). In the calendar at the end, the 
genus Spherosoma appears, though without any means 
of identifying it. 

Grermar (Ann. Wett. Gesell. iv.) characterises twenty- 
one genera of Curculionide at some length. 
p. 130. Epo ; ; Cure. pruni, Lin. 

Magdalis, Baris, Rhinobatus, Rhinocyllus, Plinthus, &c., 
are described for the first time. 

234 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological . 


Datman (Vet. Akad. Handl.) describes two new 
p- 117. TuHyrsta ; Th. lateralis, n. sp. 
119. Potytomus . Hispa mystacina, Fabr. 
=Rhipicera, Latr., 1817. 

MacLray (Hore Entom. i.) subdivides the great 
genera Scarabeus and Lucanus, retaining S. sacer as the 
type of the former, in which he cannot be followed. 

p- 22. Dywnastzs : Sc. Hercules. 
=Scarabeeus, Lin., Latr. 
29. Poprt1a (Leach) Melo. bipunctata, Oliv. 

97. Puonmorus . P. lepidosus, n. sp. 

98. CasicNnTUs . CO. geotrupoides, n. sp. 
99. Ryssonotus[ Rhy-] Luc. nebulosus, Kirby. 
104. SynprEsus " Sinod. cornutum, Fabr. 

105. Paxitius ‘ P. crenatus, n. sp. 

107. Cutron . ; Sinod, digitatum, Fabr. 
108. Nuierprius j N. cornutus, n. sp. 

109. Fiautus ; Lue. striatus, Fabr. 

111. Doxrcus . : L. parallelepipedus, Lin. 
112. Aeus . ‘ Ai, chelifer, n. sp. 

115. Crrucnus é Iue. tenebrioides, Fabr. 
119. OnrpHnus : Geot. bicolor, Fabr. 

120. Hyzosorus . Geot. arator, Fabr. 

121. Exernastomus Scar. proboscideus, Schreib. 

123. ArTHyREUS . A. bifurcatus, 0. sp. 
124, Puanaus. 

136. AcanTHocErus A, ceneus, 0. sp. 
137. Puoservus ' Trox horridus, Fabr. 
138. Crypropus . C. paradowus, n. sp. 
140. Macuipius . Trox spurius, Kirby. 
141. Dasyenatuus . D. Dejeanii, n. sp. 
142. AwmpLyTeRus . A, geminatus, n. sp. 
144, Repsmmus (Leach) R. dytiscoides, n. sp. 
145. Levcornyreus DL. Kirbyanus, n. sp. 
146. Serica . : Melo. brunnea, Lin. 

147. Eucuiora : Melo. viridis, Fabr. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 235 

p. 149. ||Caaterus . Melo. geminata, Fabr. 
= Cyclocephalus, Latr., 1825. 

151. PuatycGenia . Pl. zairica, n. sp. 
152. GyYMNETIS : Sc. nitidus, Lin. 
155. CHAsMopIA . CO. viridis, n. sp. 

156. Macraspis . Cet. 4-vittata, Oliv. 
157. Pr.ipnota Melo. punctata, Fabr. 

158. Arzopa (Leach) A. Leachii, n. sp. 

159. Optognataus (Kirby) O. Kirbii, n. sp. 
[Hopl-] 3 


Bittserc (Mem. Acad. Sci. Petrop. vii.) describes 
one new genus, and indicates by name one or two 
others in a scheme of Coleoptera. This list is disfigured 
by an inconceivable number of misprints. 

p. 388. TRicHipius . T. awrantiacus, n. sp. 

The new names (no types) are, Chrestomachilus, Ne- 
cropterus, Phosphoreus, Chloria, Sternoxus, and Crypto- 

Drariez (Ann. Sci. Phys. Brux. i.) figures a new 

p- 191. Ocroconorzs . O. Banoni, n. sp. 


Deyean (Cat. Col.) commences the modern theory 
of genera, and from this time their number con- 
tinues to rapidly increase. Most of Dejean’s are mere 
Catalogue names, as no definite species is selected for 
a type, so that I have appended a reference to the author 
who first characterized them; if he did not distinguish 
a type species, that is quoted from the next author who 
did so; when Dejean indicates the type in his Catalogue, 
as in all genera founded on a single species, I have given 
the date of its description in brackets. 

p. 5. PuLocuronus . : P. Bonfilsti, Dej., 1825. 
Trrrius, Leach é P. Megerlei, Dej., 1826. 
Procerus, Meg. P. gigas, etc., Dej., 1826. 

Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

p. 7. Pxrtopata 

9. Poconus, Ziegl. 

10. TrrraGonoperus. 
Patrosus, Meg. 

11. Arcuror, Meg. 

12. Omasgvs, Ziegl. 

13. Srerorus, Meg. 
Cornosus, Zieg). 
Paneus, Meg. 
Actnorus, Ziegl. 
Oruonus, Zieg. 

15. Srenotoruus, Meg. 
Masorevs, Zieg. 

16. BueEmvs, Zieg].* 
Tacuys, Ziegl. . 
Noraruus, Meg. 

17. Prryruus, Meg. 
|| Lesa, Meg. 
Lorna, Meg. 

18. ||Tacuypus, Mee. 

23. Xanruouinus, Dahl. 

24. Osorius, Leach 

25. Sranostuetus, Meg. 

34. Drarrtres, Meg. 
Dima, Zieg. 

35. PuHyLiocerus 
Kusria, Ziegl. . 
Nycrevs, Latr. 

37. Sis, Meg. 

P. borealis, Mannh. 
= Blethisa, Bon. 
P. chalceus, Curt. 
T. variegatus, Dej., 1829. 

P. rufipes, Steph., 1827. 
Steph., 1828. Type, C. ver- 
nalis, Curt. 

O. aterrimus, Curt., 1824. 
S. madidus, Curt., 1827. 
C. cylindricus, Dufts. 

A. megacephalus, etce., Dej., 

O. germanus, Curt., 1827. 

Steph., 1827. 

M. luxatus, Dej., 1828. 

Bl. areolatus, De}. | 

Steph., 1828. 

Steph., 1828. 

Steph., 1828. 

=Philuchthus, Steph., 1828. 

Steph., 1828. 

Steph., 1828. 

=Gyrohypnus, Leach, 1818. 

O. tardus, Dej. (Latr. 1829). 

S. Karstenii, Meg. 

El. equestris, Fabr. 

Ll. spinicornis, Fabr. (Latr. 

D. elateroides, Ziegl. 

P. flavipennis, Dej. (Serv. 

Ei. palustris, Germ. (Latr. 

N. heemorrhoum. 
=Fucinetus, Germ., 1818. 

S. spinicollis, Meg. (Latr. 

* Blemus, Steph., 1827—=Tvrechus, Clairv. 


Study of Gener 

Ocuina, Zieg). 

Heposta, Zieg).* © 
Meg. . 
Trinopes, Meg. 

Liunicuvs, Ziegl. 
OniTIcELLUS, Ziegl. 
Ocnopxus, Meg. 
Opontxus, Meg. 


Hirnornorus, Meg. 
Lana, Meg. 

Denparus, Meg.t 

Puyian, Meg.f 


Corticts . 
DropEsma, Meg. 

a of Coleoptera. 237 

Xyl. hedere, Germ. (Latr. 
1829). : 

Pt: pubescens, Fabr. 

Mye.nigricornis, Fabr. (Latr. 

T. hirtus, Fabr.{ Latr., 1829) . 

A. orbiculatus, Gyll. (Latr. 

LI. sericeus, Dufts. (Latr. 

O. flavipes, pallipes. (Serv. 

QO. chrysomelinus. (Serv. 

P. excavatus. (Serv. 1828). 

D. sericea, Mch., Serv. 1828. 

C. villosulus, Ill. (Serv. 1828). 

C. chrysochlora, Latr. (Serv. 

K,. collaris, Fabr. (Latr.1829) . 

Hel. pimelia, Fabr. (Latr. 

H. lusitanicus, etc. (Latr. 

D. tristis, Rossi. (Latr. 

P. ulyssiponensis. 

Blaps clathratus,  Fabr. 
(Latr. 1829). 

B. punctatus, Schh. (Latr. 

Trog. calear, Fabr. (Latr. 

CO. celtis, Dej. (Latr. 1829). 

D. subterranea, Tieg|., Latr. 

* Latreille (1829) forms this genus on Pt. imperialis, which was a 
Ptinus for Ziegler. 

+ In Dahl’s Catalogue (18238) these are spelt Pandarus and Phylax, 
which are certainly what Megerle meant. Phylax is clearly the Micro- 
situs, Muls. 






Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

‘Coxetus, Ziegl. . Bd. pictus, Sturm. (Latr. 


Utoma, Meg. . (Latr., 1829). (Ten. mauri- 
tanica, Curt., 1831). 

[ Uloma, Steph. 1832, type, Ten. cornuta. 

Redt. 1849, type, U. culinaris. | 
Puy.etuus, Meg. P. populi, Meg. 
PentapHytius, Meg. Myc. testaceus, Gyll. (Latr. 

Accantuorus, Meg. Helops oe Panz. (Latr. 
[ Acan- ] 1829). 
Spareprus, Meg.. Cal. testaceus, And. (Serv. 
Dicss, Latr. . Myl. Billbergi, Schh. 
(= Hycleus, Latr., 1829). 

DeEcATOMA . ~ Myl. lunata, Fabr. 

Lypus, Meg. . LL. trimaculatus, etc. (Latr. 
1829) . 

Brucueta, Meg. . B. suturalis, rufipes. 

TUBICENUS . . Rh. tubicen, Schh. (Latr. 
1829) . 
Meg. . Rh. austriacus, Oliv. 
Cizorus, Mee. 
Faucrcrr, Meg. 
CampyLiruyncuus, Meg. 
Comasinus, Meg. 
Eccorrus. . a °C. Biren 
Ameris, Schh. . <A. Dufresnii, Kirby. 
Exxescus, [-chus], Meg. 

PISSOCLES . . for Pissodes. 
Metevs, Meg. 

ANISUS : . A. articulatus, De}. 
Merionus, Meg. . =Barynotus, Germ. 
Gastrropus, Meg. . = Liophleus, Germ. 

Brivus, Meg. 

Smo, Meg. . SN. hirticornis, Herbst. 
PanaruiLis, Meg. P. perdiv, Oliv, 
Menerius, Schh. 

Navractus, Meg. 

po 95. 









Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 239 

Crencuroma, Germ. 
Cizonis, Meg. 
Rutnoves, Schh. 
Buzirer, Meg. 

Spuinpvus, Meg. 
TripHyLius, Meg. 

S. arachnoides. 
C. tereticollis. 
P. prodigus, Hb. 

=Cureulio, Lin. 

B. lymexylon, Fabr. 

Hyles. ceneipennis, Fabr. 
(Latr. 1829). 

Nitid. dubia, Gyll. 

(Latr. 1829). 

B. lunatus. 

Mueaenatuus, Meg. M. mandibularis. 



Monocuamvus, Meg. 
ParmEna, Meg. . 



Osrium, Meg. 

(Germ., 1824), typ. C. heros. 
=Cerambyx, Lin. 
Cer. barbatus, Oliv. (Germ. 
P. Koehleri, Fabr., Germ. 
Call. stigma, Fabr. (Germ. 
M. sutor, Curt., 1828. 

A. edilis, Latr., 1829. 

(Latr. 1829). 
A. luctuosus, Dej. (Latr. 
1829). : 
Lamia histrio, Schh. (Latr. 

L. unifasciata, Rossi. (Latr. 

(Serv. 1825). 

Cer. scripta, Fabr. (Latr. 

T. australis, Dej. (Latr. 

O. cantharinum, Curt., 1825. 

* Serville uses this for M. bellator, the first species in Dejean’s Cata- 


240 Mr. G. R. Crotch’s Chronological 

p- lll. Crrrattum, Meg. €. ruficolle, Fabr..(Latr. 

[Cart-]. 1829). 
VESPERUS - V. strepens, luridus (Latr. 
DersMocerus . Sten. cyaneus, Fabr. (Latr. 
Taha 1829). 
112. SvenopERus . Cer. abbreviatus,  Fabr. 

. (Serv. 1828). 
Toxorus, Meg. 
Pacuyta, Meg. 
114, Hzemonta, Meg. Don. equiseti, Fabr. (Latr. 
1829). : 
= Macroplea, Hoff. 
MrEGAscELIS . M. flavipes, Dej. (Latr. 
115, PetucorHora . Notow. Illigeri, Schh.. (Serv. 
122. Trmarcua, Meg. (Latr. 1829). 
132. CacipuLa, Meg. C. pectoralis, Curt., 1826. 
Darsa, Ziegl. . D. trimaculata, Meg. (Latr. 

The following names of Megerle’s appear as synonyms, 
and it is impossible to tell to what species they refer. 
He appears to have foreseen the great mass of modern 
genera, and if his catalogue had been printed entire by 
Dejean, we should have had a much more rapid advance. 

Raptor, Hamaxobiwm, Calydonus, Platysma, Timagera, 
Titra, Parallelon, Trachelus, Spherula, Ensifer, Pachylo- 
rhynchus, Aracnipus, Systolus, Archarias, Aplopus, Pilum- 
nus, Pallene, Emblemus, Corcyra, Piniphilus, Dirus, Elleg- - 
nus, Orygnus, Solenus, Donus, Ixus, Glanis, Cuphorhynchus, 
Macropelmus, Anlacus, Loborhynchus, Anlaxyrhynchus, 
Brachyrrhynchus, Tithonus, Festus, Platyrhynchus, Coni- 
ferus, Chlorolepis, Cerastus, Tricholus, Dascirus, Muranus, 
Mechistes, Cosmus, Badismus, Chrius, Grammenus, Hinu- 
lus, Hriophorus, Clytus, Chrysoloma, Otus, Platymetopon, 
Julodus, Tabithus, Choragus, Adrius, Aplastus, Bryssus, 
Gadus, Cometes, Lphradus, Drosillus, Eratus, Ophis, 
Achrus, Spartus, Odontus, Antiodontalgicus, Microrhynchus, 
Stenorhynchus, Heaaphyllus, Heptaphyllus, Nema, Amabola, 
Porrothus, Salacus, Rubeus. 

Study of Genera of Coleoptera. 241 

Germar (Mag. Ent. iv.) proposes two new genera of 
Curculionide, and describes Balaninus and Hypera. 

p- 297. Pactuma. 
015. Mucinus : Oure. pyraster, Hb. 
Datman (Vet. Akad. Handl.) adds one new genus. 

p. 373. ZrropHorus . Z. fronticorms, 0. sp. 
EscuscHoitz (Germ. Mag. Hnt. iv.) proposes 

p- 398. Copocrra ; Lethrus ferrugineus. 

Fiscuer (Hntom. Imp. Ross. i.) describes and figures 
several new genera. 

p. 19. Puxcres ; Car. Drescheri. 

84, CALLISTHENES . C. Panderi, n. sp. 
125. ANnoma@us 2 A. dorsalis, cruciatus. 
153. ADESMIA : A. anomala, n. sp. 
160. Puatryops. 

166. Dresia . é D, 6-dentata, n. sp. 
169. Ocnmra . ° Pim. cephalotes, etc. 
171. HepypHanzs . H. ceerulescens, n. sp. 
179. Tacona . ‘ T’. acuminata, n. sp. 
In the second part of the volume, he adds 
Pp. 290. Canis .. : O. trinotata, n. sp. 

In the “Tabula Synoptica,” he ue without 

CamMpyLuUs. (Fisch. 1824). 



Kuiue (Act. Leop. Nat. Cur. x.) forms three new 

p- 295. CaLoPHaENA . C. bifasciata, Oliv. 
298. OPHIONEA . O. pennsylvanica, Lin. 
302. CrEenosToMA . C. formicaria. 

MacLray (Hore Ent. 11.) adds two more genera. 
p. 506. Myematium . M,. Ritchit, n. sp. 
407. Pacuysoma(Kirby) Sc. Afsculapius, Oliv. 

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( 243 ) 

XVI. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon 
Valley (Coleoptera, Cerambycidee). By H. 
W. Bates, F.Z.8., late Pres. Ent. Soc. 

[Read 4th July, 1870. ] 

THE present memoir is a continuation of a former one on 
the Prionides (Trans. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 37), and the 
classification, with trifling modifications, is that esta- 
blished by Lacordaire in the eighth and ninth volumes of 
his “‘ Genera des Coléoptéres.” 


Section A, Eyes coarsely facetted. 
Sub-fam. Ciminz. 

Antenne without spines, anterior cox with their 
sockets lengthened externally, intermediate sockets 
open. * 

Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 28 (1867). 

(Charac. emend.). Corpus parvum, sublineare, depres- 
sum, pubescens. Caput rotundatum, thorace latius, 
genis brevissimis, fronte convexa, vertice tuberculo magno 
instructo; oculis magnis emarginatis, lobo inferiori ante 
tuberculos antennarum producto, superiori brevi; palpis 
articulo terminali conico, maxillaribus (?) elongatis, ¢ 
pendentibus. Antenne filiformes, hirsute, articulo basali 
apice infra dilatato. Thorax ovatus, depressus, mermis. 
Elytra linearia, apice rotundata. Pedes breves, lineares, 
tarsis posticis elongatis. Coxe antice et intermediz 
subconice, contigue, exserte, acetabula antica extus an- 
gulata, intermedia aperta; lamine sternales inter coxas 

This is one of the genera which M. Lacordaire was 
unable to place in the rigid system of classification 

* That is, the mesothoracic epimera are inserted between the meso- 
and meta-thorax so far as to reach the orbit of the sockets. 

TRANS, ENT, soc. 1870.—rarT In. (AUGUST.) 

244 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

adopted by him. On a careful examination, I have no 
doubt it belongs to his group Gmides, and that its place 
would be probably in Section I. of that group. The 
angulation of the anterior sockets is not so strongly 
pronounced as in Gime and the other genera of the 
group; but this may be attributable to the narrow form 
of the prothorax. The sternal processes between the 
anterior and middle coxee appear to be wholly wanting. 
The abdominal segments are normal, and not distorted 
as in the Obrionine. 

1. Atenizus laticeps, Bates, I. c. 

“‘ Sublinear, reddish-testaceous ; antenne from the 
third joint brown, bases of joints pale testaceous. Body 
and limbs finely setose ; head and thorax sparingly punc- 
tured ; elytra regularly and closely punctured.” 

Long. 23-45 lin. J Q. 

Hab.—Para and Santarem, Amazons; on dry twigs. 

Genus Niopuis. 
Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 27 (1867). 

(Charac. emend.). Corpus parvum, elongatum, lineare, 
depressum, pubescens. Caput postice haud angustatum, 
genis brevissimis, fronte concava; oculis magnis prae- 
cipue lobo inferiori, supra longe separatis; palpis apice 
truncatis; tuberculis antenniferis haud elevatis, vertice 
plano. Antenne (¢@) corpore multo longiores, longe 
pubescentes, articulis 3-5 longitudine subzequalibus. 
Thorax elongatus, inermis, i’ medio usque ad basin angus- 
tatus. Elytra postice attenuata, utrinque longe spinosa. 
Pedes elongati, femoribus valde elongatis, compressis, 
eradatim clavatis; tarsis articulo basali elongato. Cox 
antics exserte, conice, extus modice angulatz, processu 
sternali angustissimo ; acetabula intermedia extus aperta, 
processu sternali latiusculo plano. Abdomen (d¢) seg- 
mento basali ceteris haud longiori. 

This genus is evidently allied both to Atenizus and 
(me, and on this account, although unable to ascertain 
the texture of the ligula, I have no hesitation in placing 
it in the present group. The antennal joints are clothed 
all round with a long pubescence. The buccal aperture 
is close to the lower margin of the eyes, there being no 
muzzle. The eyes are emarginate, with well-developed 
upper lobe. . 

of the Amazon Valley. 245 

1. Niophis coptorrhina, Bates, l. c. 

Tawny reddish, opaque, clothed with fine erect hairs ; 
apices of antennal joints darker, tips of thighs black ; 
thorax with two broad and shallow longitudinal dorsal 
channels; elytra finely punctured, the apex of each with 
an acute spine. 

Long. 43 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Santarem, River Tapajos. 

Genus Cun. 
Newman, Entom. i. 8; Lacord. Gen. Col. vin. 222. 

In this genus, the thorax (unarmed) is abruptly nar- 
rowed near the base, and the prosternal process is reduced 
to an extremely narrow vertical partition. 

lL. Cme picticornis, n. sp. 

Elongata, linearis, depressa, pallido-fulva, antennarum 
articulis (a tertio) et tarsis nigris; capite et antennarum 
articulo basali crebre et grosse punctato; thorace sub- 
quadrato, basisubito constricto, dorso subtiliter creberrime 
punctato, sericeo; elytris pube erecta tectis, crebre punc- 
tulatis, apice conjunctim rotundatis; (abdomen deest). 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 

Apparently allied to @. annulicornis, Buq., which, how- 
ever, is described as having the head smooth, and the 
thorax “en ovale trés allongé.” In the present species, 
the thorax, except the constricted hind portion, forms a 
square, almost exactly as broad as long, with the angles 
rounded. Besides the black tips of the antennal joints 
and the tarsi, the tergum of the mesothorax, uncovered 
by the base of the thorax, has a distinct black spot. The 
antenne are regularly ciliate beneath, and have only a 
short pubescence above. 

One example, taken at Ega, evidently a male. 

Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 26; Lacord. Gen. Col. 
vill. 226. 
1. Phrynoeris notabilis, Bates, l. c. 

Body elongate, subdepressed. Head and thorax coarsely 
and scantily tomentose, the rest of the body clothed with 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—ParT 111. (AUGUST.) T 

246 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

short hairs. Thorax subquadrate, armed on each side 
with a spine, surface uneven, covered with small scattered 
tubercles, reddish-tawny, with the depressed parts black. 
Elytra reddish-tawny, ornamented with three strongly 
undulated black belts, the apex also black; surface 
shining, punctured and roughened with three or four 
rows of small tubercles. Legs reddish, tips of thighs and 
tibize black. 

Long. 10 lin. ¢. 



Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 26; Lacord. Gen. viii. 

In addition to the characters given in the places 
quoted, may be here mentioned the sockets of the anterior 
cox angulate externally, and those of the intermediate 
coxee open. These characters show that the genus is 
related to Gime. The markings of the elytra, however, 
are very similar to those of Ibidion, and allied genera. 
The thorax is subquadrate, narrowed behind and unarmed, 
shghtly uneven above, without transverse impressions, 
and opaque; the thighs are elongate, and strongly and 
abruptly clavate. 

1. Zuthecus graphites, Bates, l. c. 

Klongate, linear, depressed. Testaceous, head and 
thorax clothed with a silky tomentum; vertex dusky, 
basal joints of antennee blackish beneath. Thorax uneven, 
black, with a curved testaceous belt across the anterior 
part. Klytra near the base and suture marked with a 
black patch, followed behind by two curved black streaks ; 
the testaceous apical half with a brownish cloud in the 
middle; whole surface roughened with small scattered 
tubercles, and irregular but not large punctures. Legs 
and under-surface testaceous, sides of prothorax and 
breast and basal part of hind thighs blackish. 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 

of the Amazon Valley. 247 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 565; Lacord. Gen. 
vill. 227. 

1. Malacopterus lineatus, Guérin, Icon. Regne Anim. 
p. 222. 

Hlongatus, depressus, pallidus ; elytris utrinque brunneo 
bivittatis, thorace medio carinato, margine postico pro- 
ducto-lobato ; antcnnis fortissimis (d) apicem versus 

Long. 10 lin. 



This sub-family differs from the Gmine only in the 
anterior haunches being less angulate externally, with 
the sockets having a corresponding narrower and shorter 
opening on their outer side. 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 572; Lacord. Gen. 
vill. 232. 

1. Achryson surinamum. ~* 

Cerambyz surinamus, Lin. Syst. Nat. 11. 632. 

A widely-distributed and well-known insect, cylindrical 
in form, of pale reddish-testaceous colour, with a black 
circumflex mark on the posterior disc of each elytron, 
and a few smaller spots on the anterior part of the same. 

Common throughout the Amazons; the earlier states 
are passed in the interior of certain trees having wood of 
a light texture, and the insect is often found in the 
neighbourhood of houses. 

2.  <Achryson nanum, n. sp. 

Parvum, lineare, rufo-testaceum, unicolor, corpore toto 
longe piloso; thorace quam in A. surinamo longiori et 
magis cylindrico, creberrime subtiliter rugoso, tuberculis 

tT 2 

248 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

acutis subseriatis asperato, linea longitudinale et foveolis 
duabus disci anterioris impresso; elytris asperato-punc- 
tatis, apicibus in dente lato sub-obtuso productis. 

Long. 34 lin. ¢ (?). 


3. Achryson pictum, n. sp. 

Minus lineare, thorace suboyato, postice angustato, 
rufum, sparsim breviter pubescens, thorace disco plagis 
confluentibus nigris ; elytris apice aculeatis, pallide brun- 
neis, maculis magnis nigris, scilicet, una circa scutellum, 
altera obliqua elongata humerali, plaga triangulari discali 
pone medium, et una apicali; antennis pedibus et epi- 
sternis nigris. 

Long. 74 lin. 

Of shorter and less cylindrical form than A. surinamum : 
thorax shorter, more rounded on the sides, and attenuate 
from the middle to the base. Clothed with a moderate 
tawny pubescence, sub-erect on the elytra and legs ; colour 
red, varied with black patches, elytra yellower and 
shining, thorax opaque; antennz, legs, and side-pieces 
of the sterna black. Head very coarsely rugose, thorax 
minutely rugose, and with scattered elevated granules ; 
elytra punctured, more coarsely and densely so near the 
base. The black marks on the thorax are on the disc, 
and consist of a lateral vitta expanding on the front 
margin, and two central vittee extending only from base 
to middle, and there united by a cross belt; but these 
marks are sometimes more or less blended. On the 
elytra the base is spotted with black, and there is a 
squarish black spot in the scutellar region, an oblique 
stripe from the shoulder, a triangular discal patch behind 
the middle, and a spot at the apex, including the apical 

Hab.—Para; also found at Cayenne. 

4. Achryson hirsutulum, n. sp. 

Parvum, lneare, thorace medio paulo rotundato, elytris 
apice acutis, castaneum, fulvo-hirsutum; thorace et 
elytris pilis crassis decumbentibus, illo lineis tribus dor- 
‘salibus, his vittis irregularibus nudis; elytris coriaceis 
opacis, apice politis, basin versus sparse granulatis. 

of the Amazon Vulley. 249 

Long. 44 lin. 

Allied to A. ornatipenne (Perroud) from Guadeloupe ; 
but differing in the sculpture and apical armature of the 
elytra, besides the less regular arrangement of vitta on 
the latter. According to Perroud’s description, the 
elytra are “trés faiblement tronquées a leur extrémité,” 
whereas A. hirsutulum has the apex of each prolonged 
into an acute tooth, distinct enough, but not spiniform, 
as in A. surinamum. The pubescence is very coarse 
and decumbent on the body, but the elytra have besides 
erect sete springing from the few acute granules on their 


Sub-fam. TorRNEUTINA. 

Large robust insects with exserted and robust man- 
dibles in the males, and a broad apex to the abdomen 
in both sexes. 

Genus CoccopERvUs. 

Buquet, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 293; Lacord. Gen. vii. 243. 
1. Coccoderus amazonicus, n. sp. 

Elongatus, parallelogrammicus, rufo-testaceus, elytris 
(basi excepta) pallidis, maculis eburneis utrinque tribus : 
capite grosse punctato, genis infra oculos lobo sub- 
hamato productis, mandibulis magnis curvatis intus fortiter 
dentatis; thorace grosse rugoso-punctato, tuberculis 
atris nitidis, duobus dorsalibus, alteris duobus marginali- 
bus, prope margines anticum et posticum arcte constric- 
to; elytris glabris nitidis, macula eburnea basali, altera 
discoidali paulo ante medium, alteraque post medium: 
antennis Omnino inermibus. 

Long. 133 lin. g. 

Although a true Coccoderus, this species differs from 
the definition of the genus given by Lacordaire, in not 
having the 8-5 joints of the antennz spinose at the apex. 
It seems to approach nearest C. bisignatus, of Buquet, 
which, however, has only one ivory-like spot on each 
elytron. It differs from C. sewmaculatus of the same 
author, in the coarsely sculptured thorax. 

Hab.—Tapajos ; one example. 

250 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

Sub-fam. CrRAMBYCINA. 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 15; Lacord. 
Gen. viii. 255. 

l. Hammaticherus Batus. 

Cerambyx datus, Lin. Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg. p. 69; 
CO. Batus, Lin. Syst. Nat. 1. 625. 

Omnino fusco-niger, tarsis palpisque solum fulvis ; 
thorace rugis profundis non interruptis circiter decem 
transversis breviter cinereo-tomentosis; elytris pube 
brevissima cinerea vix punctulatis, apice recto truncato, 
utroque angulo longe spinoso; eorpore subtus et pedi- 
bus cinereo-tomentosis. Antenne d corpore triplo 
longiores, ? corpore paulo longiores; utroque sexu arti- 
culis 3-6 apice mucrone valido recurvo armatis, 

Long. 1 un. 4 lim.—l un. 7 lin. 3 9. 

The Linnean name is sometimes applied to an allied 
but distinct species, from South Brazil, which has ches- 
nut-coloured elytra, narrowly edged with black, and 
golden pubescence on the thorax.* The excellent original 
description of Linnzeus, in which both thorax and elytra 
are described as fuscous, leaves no doubt which form 
he described ; and besides, at the early date when his 
description was written, the Entomology of South Brazil 
was almost unknown in Europe, although large numbers 
of insects had been received from Surinam. 

Hab.—Obydos, Guiana side of Lower Amazons. 

The species was rare in the Amazons; found on the 
boughs of felled trees. 

2. Hammaticherus plicatus. 

Cerambizx plicatus, Olivier, Entom. No. 67, p. 40, 
pl. xvi. p. 136. 

Corpus nigrum, cinereo-argenteo-sericeum; thorace 
rugis profundis transversis paulo undulatis circiter de- 

* This species may be thus defined :— 
Hammaticherus castaneus. 

_H. Bato maxime affinis, corpore piceo, subtus cinereo-tomentoso, capite 
nigro, thorace_ aureo-tomentoso, rugis profundis circiter 10 transversis, 
elytris castaneis, cinereo-pubescentibus, vix nitidis, marginibus omnibus 
nigro-fuscis, apice truncatis utrinque bispinosis. 

Long. 1 un. 9lin. g. 

of the Amazon Valley. 251 

cem ; elytris rufo-castaneis opacis sericeis, nigro margi- 
natis. Antenne d corpore sesqui longiores, articulo 
basali apice infra tuberculo acuto armato, articulis 3-10 
apice spinosis, @ similes sed paulo breviores. 

Long. lun. 3 lin. ¢ 2. 

Hab.—Amazons; generally distributed. 

3. Hammaticherus glabricollis, n. sp. 

Brevior, niger, nitidus, subtus (cum pedibus) cinereo 
leviter tomentosus; capite glabro, grosse punctato; 
thorace rugis latioribus circiter 10 subinterruptis fando 
sparsim punctatis, omnino glabro; elytris apice angustiori- 
bus, truncatis, bispinosis, spina suturali multo breviori, 
supra crebre punctulatis punctis majoribus interspersis, 
fulvo-castaneis nigro-marginatis. Antenne d  cor- 
pore sesqui longiores, articulo 4to precedente dimidio 
breviori, articulis 5-10 apice infra productis, acutis haud 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 

Hub.—Kga; one example only. 

4. Hammaticherus macrus, 0. sp. 

Magnus, thorace parvo, spinis lateralibus obtusis ; ely- 
tris amplis, medio leviter dilatatis, apicem versus rotun- 
datis, prope suturam oblique truncatis et bidentatis ; 
omnino cinnamomeus fulvo-tomentosus ; oculis supra 
distantibus; tuberculis antenniferis supra dentatis, an- 
tennis (2 ) corpore multo brevioribus, articulis 3-10 apice 
infra mucronatis vel dentato-productis; thorace rugis 
medianis interruptis; elytris subopacis, subtiliter punc- 

thong. 2 un. 9 . 

Of much less cylindrical form than the other species ; 
head narrower than the thorax, and the latter only half the 
width of the elytra. The elytra are far from being parallel 
sided, and are somewhat dilated about the middle of their 
length, and broadly rounded towards the apex; in con- 
sequence of this form, the apical truncature is confined 
to a small portion of the apical margin near the suture, 
and the exterior spine is placed about the middle of the 
apex; the sutural spine is very small. The colour of the 

252. Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

entire insect is that of cinnamon, a little more ruddy 
(and rather shining) on the antennz and legs. Only 
those ruge of the thorax are regular which lie near the 
anterior margin, the rest are much interrupted, and the 
interstices are here and there thickened; the lateral 
spines are reduced to smallish conical tubercles. The 
antenne are much shorter than the body, the apices of 
all the joints from 3-10 are produced and acute, but only 
the third and fourth are really spmous. 

The species seems allied to H. bellator of Serville, which 
I have not seen; but it differs in colour and in several 
points of structure. The anterior haunches and their 
sockets are much angulate externally, as according to 
Lacordaire they are in H. bellator. 

Hab.—Villa Nova (now Villa Bella), Amazons; one 

Genus CriopI1on. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 571; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 270. 

1. Criodion torticolle, n. sp. 

Magnum, parallelogrammicum, depressum, castaneum, 
fulvo-griseo dense subtiliter tomentosum; capite vix 
punctato; antennis (?) tomentosis, infra ciliatis, supra 
basin versus setis raris vestitis, articulis apice nullomodo 
angulatis ; thorace quadrato, supra valde ineequali, sulcis 
brevibus flexuosis torto, lateribus foveolis nonnullis pro- 
fundis nigris; elytris coriaceis, apice rotundatis, sutura 
spinosis ; femoribus et tibiis intermediis et posticis apice 
valde spinosis. 

Long. 2 un. 4 lin. 9. 

Closely allied to the type of the genus, (. tomentosum, 
Serv., differing chiefly in the very irregular surface of 
the thorax, which resembles a cerebral surface in its con- 
voluted elevations and fissures. The antennal joints 5-8 
have not their apical inner angles produced, and the 
antenne are much less setose altogether than in most of 
the allied species. 



of the Amazon Valley. 
2. Criodion rhinoceros, n. sp. 

Magnum, parallelogrammicum, vix depressum, fuscum, 
fulvo - griseo-tomentosum ; mandibulis supra medio 
utrinque cornu valido acuto armatis; thorace transver- 
sim quadrato, supra inequali, plagis elevatis nonnullis 
politis sulcisque rectis et curvatis;-elytris subtilissime 
coriaceis, vermiculato-rugosis, apice truncatis et utrinque 
bispmosis; pedibus robustis,.femoribus intermedius et 
posticis apice bidentatis. 

Long. 2 un. ¢. 

Notwithstanding the very remarkable armature of the 
mandibles, this species is evidently a true Criodion, all 
other parts of structure agreeing with the typical species 
of the genus. The horn-like processes arise from the 
_ upper edge of the organs about the middle, are nearly as 
long as the mandibles themselves, and incline towards 
each other, crossing at the apices; together with the 
broad corrugate. cheeks, they give to the head of the in- 
sect, viewed in profile, a curious resemblance to that of 
a Rhinoceros. The thorax is relatively much broader 
than in other species, and the irregular surface is marked 
in the middle with grooves forming a large trilobed figure, 
with the lobes directed towards the head. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. I beat an example out of a tree 
in the forests near the mouth of the Tapajos, in 1852.* 

Genus SPHALLENUM, nov. gen. 

This genus is formed for the reception of certain 
species allied to Criodion, which differ from that group 
in having the sockets of the intermediate haunches 

* The following is an undescribed species of Criodion, differing in the 
nearly-smooth thorax from the more typical forms :— 

Criodion hirsutum. 

Elongatum, angustatum, fuscum, fulvo-griseo-hirsutum, pilis thoracis 
et elytrorum decumbentibus. Caput rugosum, vertice inter oculos tuber- 
culo elongato. Thorax quadratum, lateribus paulo rotundatis et rugoso- 
tuberculatis, dorso sublevi, punctis grossis et tuberculis levibus tribus 
notato. Elytra creberrine punctulata, apice rotundata, sutura solum 
spinosa, supra pilis sparsis decumbentibus vestita. Femora intermedia 
et postica apice unispinosa, tibiis apice extus valde spinosis. Acetabula 
intermedia extus paulo hiantia. 

Long. 1 un. 7 lin.; lat. elytr. 44 lin. 

~ Hab.—Bahia (a Dom. Reade captum). 

254. Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

closed exteriorly. The closure is not produced by the 
elongation of the outer branch of the mesosternum to 
meet the corresponding part of the metasternum, but by 
a small prominence or tubercle at the anterior edge of 
the latter. he form of body is more cylindrical, and the 
derm more naked than in Criodion, and there is a strik- 
ing difference in the antenniferous tubercles, which are 
contiguous to each other, and form, in fact, a short trans- 
verse bicuspid ridge between the roots of the antennx. 
The intermediate tibize have a spine externally at their 
apices, which character distinguishes the genus from 
Xestia, where the tibiz are unarmed. 

I believe Cer. setosus, of Germar, belongs to this 

1. Sphallenum puncticolle, n. sp. 

Elongatum, subcylindricum, nigro-fuscum, sparse seto- 
sum, antennis thorace scutello lateribusque pectoris 
fulvo-griseo-tomentosis ; thorace punctis magnis discretis 
impresso ; elytris castaneis, subtiliter punctulatis, apice 
utrinque bispinosis, femoribus medio rufo-castaneis. 

Long. 1 un. 2 lin.—1 un. 8lin. ¢ Q. 

Differs from the following species in the separated 
punctures of the thorax, and in the dense and fine to- 
mentose clothing of the same member. I should have 
taken it to be the Criodion castanopterum of Hrichson, if 
there had been any allusion in that author’s description 
to the tomentose thorax. It is also allied to Sph. setosus, 
of Germar; but differs in wanting the erect yellow hairs 
on the elytra, mentioned in that author’s description, 
and in the red femora. The elytra have only very 
minute, almost microscopic bristles in the punctures. 

Hab.—Upper and Lower Amazons; generally found 
in repose on the leaves of trees in the forest. 

2. Sphallenum femorale, n, sp. 

Criodion castanopterum, Erichson, in Schomburgk’s 
Reise, i. 572 (?). 

Elongatum, subcylindricum, nigro-fuscum, sparse seto- 
sum, antennis scutello lateribusque pectoris fulvo-griseo- 

of the Amazon Valley. 255 

tomentosis; thorace nudo, grosse et confuse rugoso- 
punctato ; elytris castaneis, subtiliter punctulatis, apice 
utrinque bispinosis; femoribus medio lete rufis. 

Long. 1 un. 2 lin.—lun.6lin. $ ¢. 

Agrees with Erichson’s description of Criodion cas- 
tanopterum in all points, except the broad clear red rig 
round the middle of all the femora. It is possible, 
therefore, that Erichson’s species may form a third and 
distinct one of this group. 

Hab.—Upper and Lower Amazons ; in the same situa- 
tions as S. puncticolle. 

3. Sphallenum tuberosum, n. sp. 

Minus elongatum et vix convexum, nigro-fuscum, gla- 
brum, nitidum, antennis scutello lateribusque pectoris 
leviter tomentosis; capite thoraceque impunctatis, hoc 
tuberibus magnis circa 13 notato, toto levi, polito; 
elytris vix punctulatis, apice utrinque bispinosis ; pedibus 
piceo-rufis, femoribus medio et apice tibiisque basi fuscis 

Long. 1 un. 2 lin. 

Genus XESTIA. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 16; Lacord. 
Gen. vin. 271. 

Restricted to those species which have the intermediate 
sockets quite closed, and the middle and posterior femora 
and tibize without spines at the apex. 

* Criodion erythropus (Lucas, in Voy. de Casteln. p. 187, pl. xi. f. 6), 
from South Brazil, will, according to the views of Lacordaire (Gen. viii. 
271, note), which I have here adopted, require to be separated from 
Criodion, on similar grounds to those on which Sphallenwm is instituted. 
The genus may be termed Butheriwm, with the following characters :— 

ButHERIUM, nov, gen. 

Corpus oblongum, nudum. Caput tuberculis antenniferis basi late 
separatis; antennis articulo 4to (utroque sexu) haud 5to breviori. Fe- 
mora apice simplicia, tibiis intermediis et posticis apice extus spinosis. 
Acetabula intermedia anguste hiantia. 

Type. B. erythropus, Lucas, loc. cit. 

256 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 
Xestia nigropicea, n. sp. 

X. spinipenmi (Serv.) proxime affinis; differt colore 
piceo-nigro polito; capite ut im X. spinipenne pone 
oculos constricto ; antennis (¢) corpore paulo breviori- 
bus, articulo primo apice intus producto-angulato, 5-11 
valde serratis, ultimo precedenti triente longiori et fere 
diviso apud divisionem angulatim producto; thorace 
grossissime sparsim punctato, dorso punctis in rugis 
transversis sitis, plaga mediana levi; elytris longe bi- 
Spinosis, supra piceo-nigris, unicoloribus nitidis, haud 
coriaceis, subtilissime sparsim punctulatis; femoribus 
pectore abdomineque (partim) rufo-piceis. 

Long. 11 lin. ¢. 


2. Xestia brevipennis, n. sp. 

X. spinipenni (Serv.) affinissima, corpore (preecipue 
elytris) distincte breviore robustiore ; nigro-picea, elytris 
obscure castaneis, distincte coriaceis, subsericeo-opacis, 
passim punctulatis; capite cum tuberibus antenniferis 
grosse punctatis ; thorace latiori, antice minus angustato, 
lateribus rectioribus, antice subito constrictis, supra 
grossissime irregulariter rungoso-punctatis ; pedibus rufo- 
piceis, femoribus apice fuscis; antennis ut in X. spini- 
penne (6) corpore multo brevioribus, articulo basali 
apice rotundato. 

Long. lun. dg ¢. 

3. Xestia glabripennis, n. sp. 

Subcylindrica, castanea, polita; capite parvo, oculis 
haud prominentibus ; thorace transversim strigoso, disco 
postice levi; elytris flavo-castaneis, vix punctulatis, gla- 
berrimis, apice bispinosis; femoribus clavatis; pectoris 
lateribus tenuiter fulvo-sericeis, mesosterno tuberculato. 

Long. 8 lin. 9. 

of the Amazon Valley. 257 

Distinguished from X. spinipennis, Serv., by the small 
size of the head, and the peculiarly flattened eyes, be- 
sides its glabrous integument. The sculpture of the 
thorax is also entirely different, consisting of a number 
of distinct and rather fine transverse furrows, which 
cover the whole surface, leaving only a small space on 
the hinder part of the disc smooth. 

4, Xestia ochrotenia, n. sp. 

Oblongo-linearis, vix convexa, nigra, elytris castaneis, 
vitta utrinque ochracea ab angulo humerali usque ad 
apicem extensa, antice intus solum angustata. 

Long. 1 un. 2 lin. 9. 

Belongs to a group of species of less cylindrical form 
than X. spinipennis and its allies, and having much less 
robust antennee without perceptible difference in length 
between the fourth and fifth joints. They agree, how- 
ever, in the closure of the intermediate sockets, and in 
the spineless apices of the hinder femora and tibie, and 
are, moreover, connected with the typical forms by 
species showing all the intermediate gradations. 

X. ochrotenia is closely allied to X. lateralis, Hrichs. ; 
judging from the description, there is no difference be- 
tween them, except the mode in which the yellow vitta 
is narrowed to the humeral angle. Hrichson’s words are 
“‘vitta laterali antice extus abrupte, intus sensim attenu- 
ata.” In X. ochrotenia the vitta shows the inner gradual 
narrowing, but the outer edge is perfectly straight. The 
head and thorax are coarsely punctate-rugose, or 
scabrous ; the elytra are finely coriaceous and punctulate, 
the apex is rounded, and there is a small spine only at 
the sutural angle. The ochreous vitta forms a well- 
defined moderately broad stripe, of equal width through- 
out, except the narrowing near the base, and not quite 
touching either the base or the apex; it is moderately 
distant from the lateral margin, and curves slightly to- 
wards the sutural angle. The sides of the elytra near 
the base have a depressed space rather more distinctly 
sculptured than the rest of the surface. 

Hab.—Upper Amazons. 

258 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus MrLaTrHemMa, gen. nov. 

Xestie affinis, sed antennis gracilibus, filiformibus, 
elongatis. Oculi magni, lobis inferioribus tubera anten- 
nifera superantibus, his valde obtusis sulcatis; collo 
haud constricto. Antenne graciles, filiformes, corpore 
(3) multo longiores, glabra, sparsim setose; articulo 
basali brevi, oblongo, tertio elongato, 4to et 6to prece- 
denti brevioribus subzequalibus, ceeteris equilongis, 11mo 
duplo longiori excepto. Thorax inermis, subquadratus. 
Elytra subcylindrica, apice nermia. Prosternum arcua- 
tum, acetabula extus angustissime emarginata; meso- 
sternum planum, acetabula intermedia anguste aperta. 
Abdomen glabrum, apicem versus attenuatum. Pedes 
breves, inermes, femora compressa subclavata, tarsi 
articulo primo 2ndo d3ioque conjunctim breviori. Corpus 
subcylindricum, politum, sparse hirsutum. 

This genus is formed for the reception of a species 
which is closely allied to Xestia in its principal characters, 
but differs greatly from it im facies, and in the long 
slender filiform and non-tomentose antennz, which, in 
the male (the only sex I know), are longer by one-half 
than the body, and have a short oblong (not conical) 
basal joint. The head is not constricted behind the eyes, 
the antenniferous tubercles are very obtuse, the upper 
edges being rounded; and they are separated from each 
other at their bases by a narrow portion of the forehead. 
The thorax is scarcely broader than the head, and of 
subquadrate outline, glabrous, with fine transverse striz. 
The elytra are quite unarmed at the apex. 

1. Melathemma polita, n. sp. 

Subcylindrica, nigra, polita, sparsim griseo-hirsuta ; 
elytris vittulis duabus ochreis vel omnino nigris punctatis ; 
scutello tomento griseo fimbriato; thorace transversim 
subconfluenter rugoso, disco tri-tuberculato, tuberculo 
mediano elongato, lateralibus rotundis. 

Long. 9} lin. ¢. 

Of the two male examples which I obtained of this 
species, one is wholly of a glossy deep black colour, and 
the other has on each elytron two short ochreous vitte, 
one very short and linear near the middle of the disc, 

of the Amazon Valley. 259 

and the other much longer on the posterior part of the 
elytron. ‘The antennz are of a shining black, or pitchy- 
black throughout, fringed beneath with longish hairs in 
their basal part, and rather more densely clothed with 
hairs in their apical portion. The elytra are naked and 
glossy, except near the base, where there are numerous 
very long, gray, erect hairs. The body beneath is very 
glossy, except the sides of the meso- and meta-sternum, 
which are finely tomentose. The elytra are rather 
thickly punctured throughout. 

Sub-fam. HespreropHAnIna. 

Genus HrsprropHANEs. 

Mulsant, Col. de France, Longic. p. 66; Lacord. 
Gen. vii. 275. 

1. Hesperophanes amazonicus. 

Obrium Amazonicum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. 
Mus. p. 240. 

Oblongo-linearis, fusco-castaneus, passim griseo-pu- 
bescens; capite exserto thoraceque subcylindrico rugoso- 
punctatis; elytris punctatis, linea indistincta elevata; 
antennis articulo 3io0 triente 4to longiori. 

Long. 53-8 lin. d ¢@. 

I do not know on what grounds Mr. White placed this 
species in the genus Obriuwm, to which it bears very little 
resemblance. All the characters are those of the typical 
Hesperophanes, with the exception that the head is more 
exserted, with a more convex neck, and the thorax more 
elongate. The thorax is, however, essentially of the 
same form as in Hesperophanes, being dilated and 
rounded at the sides anteriorly. The whole insect is of 
a reddish-brown colour, and covered with rather coarse 
erect grayish pubescence; the elytra are uniformly punc- 
tured, with a faint raised line from shoulder to apex; 
the head and thorax are coarsely rugose-punctate, or 
scabrous. The abdominal segments are normal in both 
sexes; the apical ventral plate being truncate in the 
6, and rounded in ¢. The antenne are of the length 
of the body in the ¢, and two-thirds the length in the 

?, with the third joint about one-third longer than the 
fourth, and much shorter than the fifth. 

Hab.—Santarem ; taken flying into houses at night. 

260 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 


Thomson, Classif. des Ceramb. p. 249; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 279. 

Anoplomerus gracilis, n. sp. 

Cylindricus, rufo-testaceus; thorace rotundato-ovato, 
linea abbreviata discoidali elevata nigra; elytris utrinque 
maculis eburneis duabus geminatis fusco-cinctis, una 
paulo ante medium, altera inter medium et apicem, 
-maculaqne fusca ad angulum suturalem ; pedibus preecipue 
femoribus elongatis. . 

Long. 6 lin. 6. 

Apparently closely allied to A. globulicollis (Buquet) , 
but very much smaller. Head opaque, sometimes with 
a black spot on the occiput; thorax ovate, with sides 
equally rounded, surface opaque, owing to the minute 
sculpture, centre with a short elevated line covered by a 
black spot. Scutellum black. Elytra linear, of same 
width as the thorax; apex narrowly sinuate-truncate, 
with each angle of the truncature briefly spinous; surface 
granulate-punctate, with an erect dark bristle arising 
from each puncture, the sculpture much weaker near the 
apex; each elytron has two geminate elevated ivory 
spots, one at one-third, the other at two-thirds the length, 
and both encircled by a dusky ring; each spot is divided 
into two by a line of coarse punctures, and the inner 
portion is shorter than the outer; the latter, also, is more 
elevated, forming part of an elevated line extending 
down the elytron. There is a dusky spot within the 
sutural apex, which is connected by means of an indis- 
tinct dusky line with the dark ring of the posterior 
ivory spot. The legs are elongate, especially the femora, 
the posterior pair extending much beyond the apex of 
the elytra; the knees are black. 

Hab.—River Tapajos ; also Cayenne. 

2. Anoplomerus brachypus, n. sp. 
Elongatus, testaceo-rufus ; thorace oblongo-ovato, 
grosse punctato, maculis quatuor nigris transversis 
alteraque utrinque ad marginem anticum; elytris apice 
unispinosis, maculis eburneis elongatis utrinque tribus, 

of the Amazon Valley. — - 261 

una basali, alteris duabus paulo post medium; pedibus 
brevibus, robustis. 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 

Of less cylindrical form than the preceding, the elytra 
tapering towards the apex, and each prolonged there 
into an elongate black spine; the thorax is oblong, 
rounded in the middle, and very closely covered with 
large punctures, or fovex, giving a reticulate appear- 
_ance; lying across the middle are four black spots, 
beside one on each side on the anterior margin. Ely- 
tra coarsely punctured, and with minute punctures on’ 
the interstices between the larger ones; setose, the apical 
third nearly smooth and shining; the basal eburneous 
spot is large and oblong, bordered with black behind ; 
the two posterior spots consist of a smaller inner one, 
and a much larger outer one, the smaller a little in ad- 
vance of the other, and separated distinctly from it; they 
are edged with black before and behind. The legs are 
short and stout, the hind femora not reaching, by a long 
way, the apex of the elytra; the knees are black. 

This very distinct species occurred only at Para. 

Genus OPADES. 

Lacordaire, Gen. vill. 288. ° 

1. Opades vittipennis, n. sp. 

- Elongatus, cinnamomeo-fuscus, pube subtili sericea 
vestitus; elytris oblongis, vix convexis, sutura et vittis 
utrinque tribus obscurioribus notatis. - 

Long. 1 un. 3 lin. ¢. 

Differs from OQ. costipennis, according to the descrip- 
tions of Buquet and Lacordaire, in its broader and less 
cylindrical form, and in the colour of its fine dense pu- 
bescence, which in OQ. costipennis is “ greenish-gray,” 
and in our species is of adingy brown, or cinnamon- 
brown hue. Both species have two elevated and almost 
spiniform black tubercles on the disc of the thorax. The 
dark vittee of the elytra lie along the interstices of the 
coste, and are distinctly seen only in certain lights. 


TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT 11. (AUGUST.) U 

262 Mr. H, W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus CHLoRIDA. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 31; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 289. 

1. Chlorida festiva. 
Cerambyx festivus, Lin. Syst. Nat. 1. 623. 

This common and well-known tropical American insect 
is generally distributed throughout the Amazons region. 
I found it frequently at night, especially at sugar smeared 
on palings to attract moths, 

2. Chlorida curta. 
Thomson, Archives Entomologiques, 1. 288. 

Similar to Chl. festiva; but different in the markings 
of the thorax, and in the distinct sharply-elevated costz 
of the elytra, especially the lateral one, which extends 
from the humeral callus to near the apex, where it joins 
the two inner ribs. The antenne are black, with the basal 
joint red. The upper surface of the head is black. The 
thorax is dark red, with a very broad vitta on each side, 
and a central spot or stripe, very much wider on the fore 
margin than on the hind, black; the surface of the thorax 
is uneven and coarsely sculptured, as in Chl. festiva. 
The elytra are somewhat shorter relatively than in Chi. 
festiva, and besides the strong elevation of the ribs, offer 
a differential character in the thick punctuation of all the 
basal portion, Body beneath and legs red, 

Long. 10 lin. 9. 

The species offers a very remarkable feature, unnoticed 
by its original describer, in the apex of the abdomen 
(in the 2 at least) being greatly dilated and swollen; 
the edge of the last ventral segment is straightly trun- 
cate, but the pygidium, or last. dorsal segment, 1s rounded, 
slightly sinuate in the middle and on each side. This 
feature forms the chief character of Lacordaire’s ‘‘ Groupe 
Torneutides ;” and it is a further instance of the insta- 
bility of diagnostic characters in the Longicornia, that an 
isolated member of a distinct group should show it in so 
high a degree of development, 


of the Amazon Valley. 263 

3. Chlorida fasciata, n. sp. 

Angustata, capite thoraceque supra fusco-olivaceis, 
grosse punctatis ; elytris viridibus, basi fasciaque dentata 
obliqua ante medium flavis. 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 

Narrower than Chl. festiva. Head and thorax above 
dark olive-brown, coarsely punctured. Antenne black,’ 
with joints one and two, and the base of the third, pitchy- 
red. Hlytra glaucous-green, witha spotin the middle of the 
base, and an oblique belt of spots, beginning in a long 
line from the shoulder and terminating on the suture 
before the middle, pale yellow; the costz are three in 
number on each elytron, the two inner alone united be- 
fore the apex. Body beneath, and legs, red; prothorax 
with a dusky belt before the coxe. 

Allied to Chl. denticulata, Buq., differmg in the situa- 
tion of the yellow marks of the elytra. 

Hab.—St. Paulo, Amazons. 

Sub-fam. Esuriin2. 

Genus SYTyLiceprs. 
Lacordaire, Gen. viii. 291. 

1. Styliceps sericatus. 

Ceragenia sericata, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc., 2 ser., v. 
16 (1858). 

Ceragenia amazonica, Thoms. Classif. des Ceramb. 

p. 210 (1860). 
Styliceps sericans, Lacord. Gen. viii. 292, note (1869). 

‘Leete rufo-fulvus, vix nitidus, prothoracis tuberculis 
disci, elytrorum apice summo, femorumque spinis apicali- 
bus nigris; pectore abdomine elytroque singulo vittis 
duabus longitudinalibus aureo-sericeis.” (Lacord.) 

Long. 1 un.—l un. 2 lin. g 9. 

Distinguished from the genus Ceragenia, to which it 
bears a great general resemblance, by the sectional cha- 
racter of the coarse granulation of the eyes. The thorax 
is glossy red, with deep transverse furrows in front and 


264 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

behind, and the intermediate space covered with rounded 
smooth tubercles, two of which, in the middle, are black. 
Both sexes have the elevated tubercle on the crown 
which has suggested the name of the genus. 

Hab.—Upper Amazons; also Cayenne. 

Genus Esurtia. 

Serville, Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 8; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 293. 

1. LEburia longicollis, n. sp. 

Elongata, angustata, fulvo-ochracea ; thorace angustato, 
lateribus acute spinosis (antice haud tuberculatis), disco 
tuberculis duobus elevatis conicis acutis nigris, supra 
haud profunde punctato-rugoso, rugis undulatis trans- 
versis; elytris fortiter punctatis, vitta prope suturam 
minute rugoso-punctata opaca, tertia parte apicali levi, 
subtiliter flavo-pubescentibus cum setis longioribus non- 
nullis ejusdem coloris, maculis eburneis duabus elongatis 
geminatis, una basali, altera apud medium, antice et pos- 
tice nigro-marginatis, apice bispinosis; pedibus elongatis, 
femoribus linearibus, apice nigris, intermediis et posticis 
longe unispinosis. 

Long. 10 lin. ¢. 

Resembles the species of Hburodacrys in form, and in 
the elongate femora, but has no trace of the groove along 
the third and fourth antennal joints, which is the chief 
character that distinguishes Hburodacrys from Hburia. 
The sculpture of the thorax consists of large shallow 
punctures, forming on the disc short very irregular trans- 
verse furrows. The elytra have the basal two-thirds 
thickly covered with circular punctures or foveoles, but 
near the suture these aré replaced by a minute sculpture, 
rendering that part opaque, the apical third is smooth, or 
with very slight punctuation; the pubescence is fine, and 
of a golden yellow, with a few scattered longish bristles 
of the same colour; the apex only is glossy; the ivory 
spots are somewhat elongate, and the pairs of which each 
consist do not differ notably in relative length. 

The species is evidently allied to the true HL. 4-macu- 
lata of Linnzeus, which, however, according to the de- 
scription in the “Systema Nature,” is destitute of the 
lateral thoracic spines. 


a a a 

of the Amazon Valley. 265. 

2. Hburia costulata. 

Elongata, depressa, fusco-cinnamomea, flavo-griseo to- 
mentosa ; thorace haud distincte punctato, transverso, de- 
presso, sex-tuberculato, tuberculis duobus utrinque later- 
alibus duobusque disci, omnibus nigris et subeeque conicis ; 
antennis rufescentibus, infra usque ad apicem densissime 
ciliatis ; elytris punctatis et utrinque bicostulatis, apice 
longe unispinosis, maculis eburneis duabus geminatis, 
una basali minus elongata et «quali, altera pone medium 
majori et Inzequali macula externa multo majori; pedibus 
rufo-flavis, femoribus apice fuscis, intermediis et posticis 
bispinosis, spinis interioribus paulo longioribus. 

Long. 11 lin. @. 

Distinguished by its depressed form, and the two 
distinct coste of the elytra, which pass through the 
ivory spots, but do not reach the apex; the latter with 
only one elongate spine. The colour is a light tawny- 
brown, with the antenne and legs rather yellower ; the 
antennee are remarkable for the long and dense fringe of 
hairs which extends nearly to the apex; the rest of the 
antennz has a shorter pile. The thorax is depressed, 
without punctures apparent through the rather close 
ashy tomentum; the two lateral tubercles, that of the 
middle and that near the anterior angle, and the two 
tubercles on the disc, are all black and nearly equally 
prominent. The twin spots composing the basal spot of 
the elytra are similar in form, the exterior a little the 
longer; but the middle spots are very unequal; they are 
level on their front edge, but behind, the exterior one 
passes the other by one-third its length, and they are 
edged with black at both ends. 


3. Hburia wnicolor, n. sp. 

Elongata, subcylindrica, rufescens, pube tenui fuiva 
vel aureo-fulva vestita; antennis articulo basali antice 
sulcato; vertice tuberculo obtuso erecto; thorace trans- 
verso, aureo-tomentoso, supra et infra foveolis grossis 
insculptis, dorso tubereulis obtusis duobus, lateribus 
utrinque bituberculatis, tuberculis omnibus concoloribus ; 
elytris passim punctulatis, absque maculis eburneis, lateri- 
bus anguste nigro-marginatis ; pedibus rufis, femoribus 
intermediis et posticis apice bispinosis. Antennis ¢ 
articulo 1l1mo.penultimo sesqui longiori. 

_Long. 1 un.—l un. 4lin. g Q. 

266 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Distinguished from all other Hburie as yet described 
by the total absence of ivory-like spots from the elytra. 
A small oblong smooth callus, which exists in the middle 
of the basal margin, may be taken as the sole vestige of 
these characteristic spots, but this is rufous, like the 
rest of the elytra. The insect is, nevertheless, a true 
Eburia, and is, in fact, very closely allied to the common 
Ei. octoguttata (Germ.) of South Brazil, having the same 
coarse punctuation or pitting of the surface of the 
thorax, and a similar but rather more elevated tubercle 
on the crown of the head, like the genus Styliceps.* The 

* Eburia octoguttata exists in some collections under the name of L. 
didyma of Olivier. This must be wrong, as Olivier’s insect, according to 
his description, has no lateral spines to the thorax, like EZ. 4-maculata of 
Linneus, and is probably a West Indian species. A fine undescribed 
species of the octoguttata group is the following :— 

Eburia maculicornis, n. sp. 

Robusta, elongata, postice attenuata, supra minus convexa. Caput 
nigricans, fulyo-tomentosum, vertice tuberculo eleyato obtuso. Antenne 
(3) corpore duplo longiores, dimidio basali infra griseo-ciliate; con- 
dylis rufis, articulo basali antice sulcato, nigro, apice extus macula rufa, 
2ndo nigro, ceteris testaceo-rufis, apice nigris. Thorax transyersus, nigri- 
cans, fulyo-tomentosus, supra grosse punctatus, tuberculis duobus minus 
elevatis, lateribus medio unispinosis. Elytra postice gradatim attenuata, 
apice truncata et bispinosa ; supra dorso deplanata, apud latera declivia, 
fere levia, fulvo breviter pubescentia, maculis parvis flavis vix elevatis, 
haud eburneis, utrinque quatuor, apud basin duabus discretis, externa 
minori, alteris duabus paulo pone medium etiam discretis, interna minori. 
Pedes rufo-testacei, validi, femora compressa, apice nigra, intermedia et 
postica bispinosa. 

Long. 1 un, 3lin. g. 

Hab.—Brazilia merid. 

Another undescribed species differs from all others known to me in the 
peculiarly short and thick basal joint of the antenne. I name it after 
the skilful Entomological traveller, Mr. Rogers, who has recently dis- 
covered it in South Brazil. 

Eburia Rogersi, n. sp. 

Elongato-oblonga, capite thoraceque vix elytris angustioribus; fulvo- 
rufa, elytris pallidioribus. Caput genis infra productis subspinosis ; tuberi- 
bus antenniferis apice extus acutis, productis. Antenne (¢) corpore 
duplo longiores, infra longe ciliate, articulo basali brevi, crasso, basi extus 
dilatato, subauriculato, antice concavo, articulo 3i0 supra subcanaliculato. 
Thorax transversus, grosse et dense punctatus, supra tuberculis nigris duo- 
bus elevatis, lateribus spina mediana rufa. Elytra opaca, passim pune- 
tata, breviter setosa, bicostulata, apice bispinosa, spinis nigris, externa 
multo longiori; supra macula flava eburnea elongata basali, haud elevata, 
extus et postice nigro-marginata, alteris duabus pone medium multo 
longioribus, linearibus et bene separatis, externa duplo interna longiore 
et hance antice superante, haud nitidis, antice et postice nigro-margi- 
natis. Pedes unicolores; femora intermedia et postica spinis duabus 
brevibus nigris, interna majori. 

Long. lun. 2 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Santa Fé, Minas Geraes. A Dom. Rogers capta. 

of the Amazon Valley. 267 

colour of the derm is tawny-rufous, and this is covered 
by a fine and close tawny pubescence, which is of a silky 
golden-yellow hue in fresh specimens. On the head and 
thorax this pubescence is tomentose, but on the elytra 
and the under-surface of the body, it consists of very 
fine short hairs. There are no long erect bristles, as in 
many other species, but the antenne have the usual 
fringe underneath the basal joints. The narrow black 
lateral margin to the elytra occupies the groove formed 
by the upturned lateral edge. It exists also in H. octo- 
guttata, but is here rendered more conspicuous by the 
light tawny-reddish hue of the surface. 

Hab.—Pebas, Upper Amazons; also Venezuela, where 
it was taken by Mr. Goering, in the neighbourhood of 
Lake Valencia. 

Genus HBurRopDACcRYS. 

Thomson, Classif. des Ceramb. p. 288; Lacord. Gen. 
vili. 296, 

Distinguished from Hburia by the more abruptly cla- 
vate form of the anterior femora, and especially by the 
grooved third and fourth joints of the antennw. The 
middle and hind femora are more elongate and slender, 
and always terminated by a single elongate spine. * 

* Lacordaire gives the glabrous surface of the body as one of the 
distinguishing characters of Ebwrodacrys, but E. sexmaculata, E. citreo- 
guttata (Thoms.), E. longipilis and others here described, are clothed 
above with very long hairs. The following fine large species also is thickly 
clothed with long erect hairs. 

Eburodacrys cacica (Dej. Cat.), n. sp. 

Hujus generis species maxima, fulvo-rufa, pilis elongatis fulvis erectis 
vestita. Caput grosse punctatum. Antenne articulo basali crasso ($ ), 
grosse punctato, antice concavo ; articulis 3io et 4to sulcis haud profundis. 
Thorax subquadratus, grosse densissime rugoso-punctatus, medio linea 
glabra, lateribus spina valida nigra antice linea nigra connexa, dorso 
tuberculis validis conicis nigris duobus instructus. Elytra dense punctata, 
postice leviora, nitida, apice oblique truncata et bispinosa, utrinque 
maculis eburneis elongato-ovalibus geminatis duabus, una basali macula 
externa dimidio minore, altera pone medium macula externa duplo 
majore, antice et postice internam superante, omnibus maculis nigris, 
lanceolato-terminatis. Pedes mimus elongati, femora apice nigra, inter- 
media et postica longe unispinosa. 

Long. 1 un. 2 lin. 2. 


268 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

1. LEburodacrys megaspilota. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 95, pl. iii. f. 4. 

Elongata, testaceo-rufa; thorace angustiori, supra 
leviter transversim rugoso, medio spatio elevato levi, 
spinis dorsalibus duabus validis, lateralibus duabus 
magnis, nigris; elytris apice transversim truncatis, spina 
suturali minima, marginali longissima, supra grosse 
punctatis, parce setosis, apice sublevibus, macula magna 
rotundata eburnea basali, alteris duabus magis elongatis 
pone medium antice contiguis postice divergentibus, 
interiori oblonga, exteriori duplo longiori leviter curvata ; 
pedibus valde ebongatis , gracilibus, femoribus apice nigris, 
intermediis et posticis unispinosis. 

Long. 9 lin. ¢. 

Mr. White suggested that this species might form a 
new subgenus near Holacanthus (Nyssicus, Pasc., Lacord.) ; 
it is, however , a true Hburodacrys, and, perhaps, the 
most typical of the genus. 


2. Eburodacrys longipilis, n. sp. 

Hlongata, subcylindrica, testaceo-rufa, pilis longissimis 
sparsis passim hirsuta; thorace grosse transversim punc- 
tato-rugoso, spina laterali acuta nigra, antice cum tuber- 
culo anteriore linea nigra indistincta connexa, dorso 
tuberculis nigris duobus, interdum in linea nigra postice 
continuatis ; elytris dense punctatis, postice sublevibus, 
macula elongato-ovata eburnea basali, alteris duabus pone 
medium magis elongatis, exteriori paulo longiori, antice 
conjunctis postice divergentibus, apice transverse trun- 
catis et extus unispinosis; pedibus minus elongatis, 
femoribus nigris unispinosis. 

Long. 7-8 lin. d ¢. 

Allied to EH. puella, Newman, but apparently distinct. 
In two of my specimens (from Cayenne) there are two 
indistinct black lines on the thorax, posterior to the black 
dorsal tubercles, but in the third (from Ega) these are 
absent. The two median ivory spots of the elytra com- 
mence exactly together at their anterior extremity; 
they have there a triangular black spot common to both ; 

of the Amazon Valley. 269 

at their hind extremity, each has a longer triangular 
black spot. There is a short fulvous pubescence on the 
elytra, besides the longer hairs. 

Hab.—Kga; also found at Cayenne. 

3. LHburodacrys hirsutula, n. sp. 

Hi. longipili valde affinis, differt maculis eburneis ely- 
trorum posticis paulo magis separatis, interiori antice 
exteriorem superanti; testaceo-rufa, pilis longissimis 
sparsis passim hirsuta; thorace grosse transversim punc- 
tato-rugoso, spina. laterali acuta nigra, dorso tuberculis 
duobus nigris; elytris dense punctatis, postice subleevi- 
bus, macula elongato-ovata eburnea basali, alteris duabus 
pone medium haud longioribus, exteriore paulo magis 
retrorsa; pedibus elongatis, femoribus apice haud nigris, 
intermediis et posticis unispinosis, 

Long. 63 lin. ¢. 

The elytra, as in L. longipilis, have a short fulvous 
pubescence, besides the longer hairs; the apices are 
unispinose, with a black streak proceeding from the 
spine. The thorax has no black lateral streak, and the legs 
are entirely unicolorous. The posterior spots of the elytra 
are not longer than the basal one, but are a little more 

Hab.—Santarem, Amazons. 

4, Hburodacrys rufispinis, n. sp. 

Elongata, sublinearis, fulvo-testacea; thorace subcy- 
lindrico, spinis lateralibus parvis vix conspicuis fulvis, 
tuberculo laterali antico nigro, supra transversim rugoso 
et tuberculis obtusis rotundatis nigris, medio plaga 
elongata elevata; elytris glabris, grosse punctatis, apice 
sublevibus, macula eburnea oblonga basali, alteris duabus 
contiguis pone medium, exteriori paulo longiori; spinis 
apicalibus, geniculis spinisque femorum nigris. 

Long. 7-8 lin. ¢ @. 

Also closely allied to H. longipilis; differs in its 
glabrous surface, having but very few long hairs, except 
on the antennz and legs, and wanting entirely the short 
pubescence. The lateral spines of the thorax are very 
small and acute, which gives the thorax a more cylin- 
drical appearance, The ivory spots are margined before 

270 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

and behind, as usual, with black spots; the basal spot is 
oval; the posterior ones are close together, very little 
more elongate than the basal one, and the exterior is 
distinctly posterior to its companion in front, but is much 
longer and broader behind. * 


5. Eburodacrys seamaculata. 

Cerambixz 6-maculatus, Oliv. Entom. No. 67, p. 47, pl. xv. 
f. 108; Stenocorus 6-maculatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. 11. 

Elongata, testaceo-fulva, pilis longis sparsis hirsuta et 
breviter pubescens; thorace spina laterali brevissima 
nigra cum linea nigra connexa, supra grosse punctato- 
rugoso, bituberculato lineisque duabus abbreviatis dor- 
salibus nigris; elytris dense punctatis, apice subleevibus, 
utrinque maculis ovatis tribus bene separatis flavo-ebur- 
neis; spinis et geniculis nigris. 

Long. 73-9 lin. d 9. 

Var. 1. Thorace supra tuberculis solum nigris et 
lateribus spina maculaque nigris haud nigro-lineatis. 
Hab.—Para, Amazon. sup. 

Var. 2. Elytrorum maculis duabus posticis eburneis 
magis minusve postice distantibus, interdum pro parte 
parallelis. Hab.—Amazon. sup., Venezuela. 

Var. 3. Geniculis concoloribus, spinis solum nigris. 

Var. 4. Spina laterali thoracis obsoleta. Hab.—Ega. 

In a large series of this species before me, there are 
no two specimens exactly alike. The posterior spots 

* A species closely allied to E. rufispinis is— 
Eburodacrys raripila, n. sp. 

Ab E. rufispini differt corpore pilis raris hirsuto, maculis duabus eburneis 
posticis late separatis divergentibus, exteriore magis retrorsa. Testaceo- 
rufa, vertice macula nigra; thorace spina laterali parva et tuberculo 
antico rufis, supra valde transversim rugoso, tuberculis duobus obtusis 
nigris, medio spatio elevato; elytris fortiter confluenter punctatis, apice 
levibus, macula oblonga eburnea basali, alteris duabus pone medium bene 
separatis, maculis elongatis nigro-terminatis, exteriore haud longiore, 
prope medium interioris incipiente; spinis geniculisque nigris. 

Long. 6} lin. g. 


of the Amazon Valley. 271 

especially vary much in relative position. In speci- 
mens which agree with the type of Olivier, the third spot 
is far from reaching the level of the apex of the second. 
I find this character only in specimens from Cayenne, 
Parad, and South Brazil; but the South Brazilian differ 
in other points, and perhaps merit specific separation. 
In other examples, the third spot at its base is nearly or 
quite level with the apex of the second. This form occurs 
with the type at Para, and is the prevalent form on the 
Upper Amazons. Lastly, examples occur in which the 
third spot is so much advanced, that it is parallel with 
the second for about one-fourth their respective lengths. 
Such examples are furnished by Venezuela and the 
Upper Amazons. These approach in the position of the 
spots H. longipilis and the allied species, but H. sew- 
maculata is a larger and more robust insect; and besides, 
I have not yet seen specimens in which the posterior 
spots are quite contiguous.* 

Sub-fam. SpH#RIUNZ. 
Genus Nyssicus. 

Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc., 2 ser., v. 17; Lacord. Gen. 
vii. 314. 

1. Nyssicus quadrinus, n. sp. 

Minus elongatus, depressus, testaceo-fulvus, nudus ; 
capite crebre punctato; thorace lateribus breviter obtuse 
tuberculato, supra inequali plagiatim punctulato, linea 
mediana elevata, macula nigra apud marginem anticum, 
altera ad marginem posticum; elytris apice unispinosis, 
angulo suturali nullo, supra sparsim setosis punctulatis 

* The following may be added to the now numerous list of species of 
this genus :— 
Eburodacrys arcifera, n. sp. 

Elongata, gracilis, depressa, fulvo-testacea ; thorace elongato, trans- 
versim punctato-rugoso, linea dorsali levi, spina minuta laterali; elytris 
apice truncatis, spina laterali elongata obliqua nigra, suturali minuta 
fulva, supra punctatis nitidis, sparsim longe pilosis, linea eburnea recta 
basali, alteris duabus longioribus pone medium, interiori recta, exteriori 
duplo longiori, arcuata ; femoribus elongatis gradatim incrassatis, inter- 
mediis et posticis spina longa nigra armatis. 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Santa Fé, Minas Geraes. A Dom. Rogers capta. 

272 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

nitidis, maculis eburneis utrinque duabus ovatis, una 
(antice nigro-marginata) paulo ante medium, altera (paulo 
exteriori) pone medium, macula humerali nigra; geni- 
culis fuscis. 

Long. 7 lin. ¢. 


Genus SrH#RIon, 
Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 68; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 315. 
1. Spheerion callidioides, n. sp. 

Depressum, ferrugineum, capite antice, antennis pedi- 
busque nigris ; elytris nigris vel ferrugineis, pube subtile 
cinerea indutis et sparsim nigro-setosis, punctulatis, apice 
unispinosis, inter spinam et suturam breviter sinuatis, 
angulo suturale acuto; capite dense punctato; thorace 
transverso, lateribus tuberculo lato conico alteroque an- 
tico, supra quinque-tuberculato, sparsim punctato; femo- 
ribus clavatis; antennis articulis 3-5 unispinosis, 

Long. 64-73 lin. ¢. 

Undoubtedly congeneric with the typical form S, 
cyanipenne, Serv. The species somewhat resembles in 
general form and range of colours Callidiwm (Phyma- 
todes) variabile, but is broader. It seems to be closely 
allied to Sph. rusticwm (Burmeister) , from Uruguay; but 
I cannot feel sure of the identity of the two from the 

Hab.—Santarem ; Tapajos. 

Found flying at night in and around houses, 

2. Spherion ducale, n. sp. 

Magnum, subdepressum, rufo-castaneum, antennis (ar- 
ticulo basali excepto), tibiis, maculis basalibus et margi- 
nalibus lineaque suturali nigris; capite inter antennas 
subplano ; thorace magno, lateribus medio tumido rotun- 
dato, supra tuberculis duobus obtusis alterisque linearibus 
levibus, interstitiis rugoso-punctatis, lateribus punctatis 
opacis; scutello fulvo-sericeo; elytris apice unispinosis, 
angulo suturale obtuso, supra punctatis, pube subtilis- 
sima cinerea indutis, macula basali, marginibus (apicalibus 
exceptis), sutura usque pone medium et ibidem fascia 

of the Amazon Valley. 273 

interrupta, nigris; femoribus robustis, clavatis ; corpore 
subtus pube sericea cinereo-fulva dense vestito, protho- 
race opaco lanuginoso punctato. 

Long. 1 un. llin. g. 

Allied to Sph. procerum, Erichs. (in Schomb. Reis. 
Brit. Guiana), differing chiefly in colour, and in the 
markings of the elytra... 

Hab.—Tapajos. I found it in repose on a leaf in the 

Genus Perin@um. 
Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 245; Lacord. Gen. viii. 318. 

According to Lacordaire, this genus is distinguished 
among the Spheriine, by the pedunculate femora, /.e., 
slender at the base and clavate beyond the middle, by 
their unarmed apices, and by the integument being 
glabrous or not clothed with fine pubescence as in 
Spherion proper. One of the species here described 
invalidates this definition, as it possesses the abruptly 
clavate form of the femora characteristic of Peribewm, 
and their bispinose apices, which is distinctive of the 
genus Nephalius. 

1. Peribeewm pubescens. 

Cerambix pubescens, Olivier, Ent. No. 67, p. 33, pl. xviii. 
f. 135. 

Minus elongatum, postice attenuatum, rufo-castaneum, 
nitidum, longe et sparsim griseo-hirsutum ; capite et 
dimidio apicale elytrorum nigris, interdum capite solum 
nigro; thorace tuberculo valido laterali alusque quatuor 
et carina mediana dorsalibus; elytris sparsim punctulatis, 
punctis piliferis asperatis, apice truncatis et unispinosis. 

Long. 4-84 lin. g Q. 

Common throughout the Amazon region. Varies from 
clear reddish-chesnut, with the head alone black, to dark 
chesnut, with the head, thorax, apical half of the elytra, 
and abdomen, black. The head, basal joint of the an- 
tennz, and underside of the prothorax, are clothed with 
grayish tomentum. 

274 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

2. Peribeeum ebeninum. 

P. pubescenti valde affinis ; differt corpore toto aterrimo, 
politissimo, capite, articulo basali antennarum, et protho- 
race subtus opacis griseo-tomentosis, sternis lateraliter 

Long. 9 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Pebas, Upper Amazons. 

3. Perihewm lissonotum, n. sp. 

Angustatum, castaneo-rubrum, nitidum, antennis pedi- 
busque nigris; thorace elongato subcylindrico, lateribus 
rotundatis, supra levi; elytris apice sinuato-truncatis, 
bispinosis, spina suturali brevi ; pedibus brevibus, femori- 
bus prope apicem clayatis, intermediis et posticis bi- 

Long. 5$ lin. ¢. 

A species belonging to Nephalius (Lacord.), by the 
form of the thorax and the bispinose femora, but to 
Peribeum by its abruptly clavate femora, and especially 
by its evidently close relationship to P. pubescens. The 
colour is reddish-chesnut, with the antennz and legs 
pitchy-black, the derm shining, but trunk and limbs 
clothed equally with very long and straight hairs. The 
head is strongly punctured, and naked; the thorax is 
elongate, rounded, and quite unarmed on the sides, 
polished on the disc, and with a very strong bi-arcuate 
transverse furrow near the hind margin; the sides are 
strongly punctured in patches, and the underside is 
evenly punctured. Scutellum naked. The elytra are 
not much wider than the thorax, and relatively not very 
elongate; the surface is coarsely punctured, except 
near the apex; the extreme tip, and the spines, are 
black. * 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

* Other species exist which supply still further connecting links between 
Peribewm and Nephalius, as defined by Lacordaire ; among them is— 

Nephalius fragilis, n. sp. 

Elongatus, subdepressus, nitidus, pilis sparsis erectis hirsutus, rufo- 
testaceus, antennis, elytris, femoribus basi, tibiis et tarsis pallidioribus. 
Caput plagiatim punctatum. Thorax elongatus, lateribus medio paulo 
rotundato-dilatatis, supra antice et postice constrictus et transversim 
sulcatulus, supra disco omnino Jewvi. Elytra postice attenuata, apice 
truncata et bispinosa, spina suturali brevi, ambabus nigris; supra levia, 
versus basin solum sparse punctata. Femora distincte clavata, apice 
bispinosa, spina interiori longiori. 

Long. 5} lin. 

Hab.—Rio Janeiro (E coll. Dom. Rev. Hamlet Clark). 

of the Amazon Valley. . 275 

Genus APOSPHERION, Nov. gen. 

Thorax elongatus, angustatus, cylindricus, omnino 
levis. Antenne articulis 3-11 sulcatis, carinatis, et 
(1lmo excepto) apice spinosis. Pedes breves ; femora 
abrupte clavata, inermia. 

Differs from all the other genera of Spheriine in the 
form of the thorax, which is greatly elongate, and 
almost perfectly cylindrical, without a trace of lateral 
spine or dorsal ineequalities or punctures; it has only a 
single transverse curved impression near the base. The 
elytra are nearly twice the width of the thorax at the 
base, and taper regularly thence to the apex, where they 
are truncate and bispinose, the sutural spine much the 
smaller ; the surface is nearly impunctate, except at the 
base, where, for a small space, they are very strongly 
punctured, and there are only a few long hairs. The 
chief peculiarity of the genus, however, is in the an- 
tenne, without which I should have hesitated to se- 
parate it from Peribeum. This consists in the grooves 
and carine, which in the allied genera are confined to 
the third, fifth, or sixth joints, but are here extended to 
the apex ; all these joints being spinose at the tips, ex- 
cept, of course, the eleventh. The legs are short, and 
the femora abruptly clavate, and quite unarmed at the 
tips. The palpi are extremely short, with the terminal 
joints triangular. The intermediate sockets are closed ; 
the anterior haunches are globular, with the narrow pro- 
sternum sunk between them. 

Notwithstanding the cylindrical form of the thorax, 
the genus has not at all the facies of Ibidion, a circum- 
stance which arises from the thorax not having the 
arched appearance characteristic of the I[bidion group. 

1. <Apospherion longicolle, n. sp. 

Angustatum, castaneum, politum ; capite antice sparse 
punctato ; thorace cylindrico, levi, prope marginem pos- 
ticum arcuatim sulcato; elytris postice attenuatis, apice 
bispinosis, supra levibus, prope basin aspere punctatis, 
postice prope suturam punctis nonnullis setiferis. 

Long. 44-74 lin. ¢ @. 

Hab.—Obydos, Lower Amazons ; on branches of dead 

276 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus PanTonyssvs, nov. gen. 

Allied to Nephalius, as defined by Lacordaire, but dif- 
fering essentially in the middle and hind femora being 
linear, or nearly linear, with a single long spine exter- 
nally at their apices, as in Hburodacrys. In Nephalius 
(with which I think Castiale, Pascoe, ought to be incor- 
porated, as it offers precisely the same generic charac- 
ters), the posterior femora are more or less fusiform, or 
gradually enlarged from the base, and the spines at 
their apices are always two in number; moreover, when 
there is an inequality in the length of these femoral 
spines, it is the interior one which is the longer ; quite 
the opposite of what is seen in Pantonyssus. The head, 
antennz, and sterna offer no differences. The antenni- 
ferous tubercles are united, and form an even elevation 
across the forehead ; the third to sixth or seventh an- 
tennal joints are spined, and the third and fourth are 
grooved and carinate ; the basal joint is concave in front. 

1. Pantonyssus Erichsont. 

Spherion Hrichsonii, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p- 108. 

Elongatus, angustatus, minus conyexus, pilis elongatis 
erectis griseis hirsutus; capite antice, antennis, pedibus, 
apiceque elytrorum nigris; thorace elongato, inerme, 
supra obsolete quinque-tuberculato et transversim ru- 
goso; elytris apice truncatis et bispinosis, spina suturali 
brevissima, suprairregulariter punctatis, apice sublzvibus, 
punctis nonnullis asperatis; femoribus valde elongatis, 

Long. 7-73 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Para. * 

* A second species of this genus is the following :— 
Pantonyssus nigriceps, n. sp. 

Elongatus, minus convexus, sparsim flavo-hirsutus, flavo-testacens, 
capite articuloque basale antennarum nigris. Caput plagiatim punctatum. 
Thorax oblongus, lateribus rotundatis, supra obsolete 5-tuberculatus, 
interstitiis et lateribus sparsim grosse punctatis. Elytra postice attenuata, 
apice truncata et bispinosa, spina suturali parva, marginali nigra, supra 
sparsim haud profunde punctata, nitida. JFemora linearia, leviter fusi- 
formia, spinis apicalibns fuscis, 

Long. 6} lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Rio Janeiro (a Dom. Rey. Hamlet Clark lectus, prope Tejuco). 

of the Amazon Valley. 277 


Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 25 (1867) ; Lacord. 
Gen. vii. 323. 

Lacordaire suggests that Burmeister’s Spherion rusti- 
cum may be closely allied to Atharsus; but I have no 
doubt, from Burmeister’s description, that his insect is 
a true Spherion, and near my Sph. callidioides. Atharsus 
differs in having a slight trace of the antennal grooves 
only on the third joint, and in the absence of spines at 
the apex of the elytra. The third to fifth joints of the 
antennz have a short spine at the apex. The great 
relative length of the maxillary palpi, and the depressed 
form of body, with its clothing of excessively fine ashy 
pile, show a close relationship to Spherion proper. The 
femora are very gradually clavate, and unarmed at the 
tips. There is only a feeble trace of carina on the hind 

1. Atharsus nigricauda, Bates, loc. cit. 

Brevis, depressus, rufo-testaceus, vix nitidus, pube 
subtili cinerea indutus, haud pilosus, elytris, capite 
antice, antennis, quinta parte apicali elytrorum, et pedi- 
bus nigris ; antennis sparsim subtus ciliatis. 

Long. 5 lin. ¢. 



Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 25 (1867); Lacord. 
Gen. vill. 324. 

Hlongata, sublinearis, opaca, sparsim hirsuta. Caput 
antice brevissimum, palpis maxillaribus valde elongatis: 
antennis setaceis, corpore dimidio longioribus, articulis 
3-5 unicarinatis, apice unispinosis. Thorax rotundato- 
ovatus, lateribus medio angulatis, supra convexus, paulo 
inequalis. Elytra linearia, ante apicem rotundata, deinde 
breviter truncata, angulo externo spinoso, suturali haud 
producto. Prosternum inter coxas angustissimum, coxis 
orbiculatis ; mesosternum latum, acetabula clausa. Pedes 
elongati, femoribus clavatis, pedunculatis, apice inermi- 
bus; tibiis compressis, vix perspicue intus sulcatis ; tarsis 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PART III. (AUGUST.) x 

278 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

The genus undoubtedly belongs to the Spheriine 
by the majority of its characters, although the facies is 
entirely different, owing to the sub-orbicular form of the 
thorax ; the tibiz are not perceptibly sulcate. 

1. Terpnissa listropterina, Bates, 1. c. 

Nigricans, pube tenui cinerea induta, et sparsim nigro- 
setosa; antennis (articulis quatuor basalibus exceptis) 
flavis ; capite postice thoraceque rufis, rufo-sericeis; ely- 
tris punctulatis, cinereis, basi, lateribus, vittaque mediana 
abbreviata, nigris. 

Long. 53 lin. ¢. 


Resembles certain species of Listroptera in the ashy 
clothing of the underside, and the markings of the 

Genus MALLocERA. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 567; Lacord. 
Gen. vii. 320. 

1. Mallocera amazonica, n. sp. 

Elongata, nigra, pube variante argenteo-sericea vestita, 
elytris passim breviter nigro-setosis, capite subtus et pec- 
tore longe hirsutis ; antennis subtus ciliatis, articulis 3-6 
carinatis et apice unispinosis; thorace elongato, lateribus 
medio tuberculo magno, dorso quadri-tuberculato et medio 
linea impressa; elytris apice oblique truncatis et unispi- 
nosis, argenteo-sericeis, fasciis duabus latis indistinctis 
nigris, una prope basin transversali dentata, altera ad 
medium obliqua, apice certo situ nigricante; pedibus 
valde elongatis, robustis, femoribus medio paulo incras- 
satis, apice inermibus. 

Long. 10 lin, g. 

Much resembling M. glauca, Serv., the type of the 
genus, but differing in the setose elytra, ‘andi in the apex of 
the same having one spine only instead of two. The 
sete of the elytra are rather short, black, and rigid, and 
cover the whole surface with the greatest regularity ; ; the 
punctures from which they spring are not visible, owing 

cit i a 

of the Amazon Valley. 279 

to the dense changeable silky pile with which the surface 
is clothed. This silvery or pale golden pile seems spread 
over the whole elytra, but black markings always appear, 
which vary according to the position in which the insect 
is held; their most constant form, however, appears to 
be that of an undulating belt near the base, and an 
oblique belt (from the suture rearwards towards the 
margin) about the middle. The under-surface of the 
body is clothed with a similar silky pile, but the throat 
and the centre of the breast have a very dense beard of 
long pale soft hairs. 

Hab.—Kga and Pebas, Upper Amazons ; two males. 

Genus APPULA. 

Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 245; Lacord. Gen. viii. 322. 
1. Appula nigripes,n. sp. 

A. laterali et undulante (White) differt corpore magis 
cylindrico elytrisque multo brevioribus; pube nigra 
argenteo-sericea vestita; thorace cylindrico, antice et 
postice constricto, medio paulo rotundato, supra equali, 
linea dorsali abbreviata glabra; elytris ante apicem ro- 
tundatis, recte truncatis, angulo exteriori spinoso, sutu- 
rali producto, supra sparsim hirsutis et punctatis, medio 
maculis et fasciis nigris, apice certo situ nigricantibus ; 
pedibus validis, setosis, femoribus paullo incrassatis. 

Long. 8 lin. 

Resembles much Mallocera glauca and amazonica, in 
the silky changeable pile with which it is clothed, and 
the vague black markings of the elytra, but differs in the 
long single exterior spine of the middle and hind femora, 
which in this group isa tolerably stable generic character. 
The thorax, too, has no trace of tubercies, either on the 
sides or disc, and in this respect the insect recedes more 
from the Mallocera type than do Appula lateralis and 
undulans. The elytra, instead of the short dense black 
bristles, have a more scanty clothing of fine long erect 


280 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

Sub-fam. PrezocerInz. 

Genus Harusrex. 
Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 221; Lacord. Gen. vin. 326. 

1. Haruspex lineolatus, n. sp. 

H. brevipedi (White) * simillimus, sed antennis elongatis 
filiformibus, haud serratis. Rufescens, subtus nitidus, 
supra opacus, breviter sparsim setosus ; capite dense punc- 
tato; thorace subcylindrico, angustato, lateribus vix ro- 
tundato, postice constricto, supra equali, eleganter reticu- 
lato-punctato; elytris truncatis et bispinosis, supra dense 
subrugose punctatis, medio vitta irregulari nigricante, 
lineolas duas flavas includente, una prope basin longiore, 
altera pone medium multo breviore, intus paulo dila- 
tata, lineolis supra lineam discoidalem elevatam sitis ; 
pedibus brevibus, femoribus clavatis. 

Long. 54 lin. ¢. 

Although the antennew have elongate linear joints, 
unlike the majority of the Piezocerine, which have the 
antenne flattened and serrate, they agree in being 
grooved and carinate to near the apex, and they are 
finely and sparsely hirsute above and beneath. The sur- 
face of the thorax is closely covered with shallow pits, 
and has a honeycombed appearance, without any impunc- 
tate interval; this character, together with the narrow 
form of the thorax, only half the width of the elytra, 
readily distinguishes the species from the common Bra- 
ailian H. brevipes. 

Hab.—Santarem, Amazons, 

2. Haruspex modestus. 
Phyton modestum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 259. 

Angustatus, cylindricus, testaceo-rufus, opacus, protho- 
race pectoreque subtus nigris; antennis corpore multo 
longioribus, filiformibus, vix pilosis; thorace oblongo- 
ovato, postice valde constricto, supra quadri-tuberculato, 
subtiliter rugoso et punctato, postice utrinque linea 
obliqua nigra; elytris apice sinuato-truncatis et breviter 
bidentatis, supra grossissime punctatis, linea longitudinali 

elevata, pone medium utrinque fascia obliqua et post 

hance macula communi triangulari fuscis. 

* Ozodes brevipes, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 218. 

of the Amazon Valley. 281 

Long. 2-3 lin. g. 

Belongs undoubtedly to the genus Haruspex, from the 
grooved and carinate antennal joints and tibia. 


3. Haruspex maculicornis, n. sp. 

Cylindricus, fulvo-testaceus ; thorace rotundato, vittis 
discoidalibus duabus; elytris macula triangulari humerali 
plagaque magna communi postica violaceo-fuscis, apice 
breviter emarginatis. 

Long. 4 lin. ¢. 

Of cylindrical form, the head and thorax narrower than 
the elytra. The head is opaque, yellowish; the antenne, 
a little longer than the body, are filiform, not at all ser- 
rate, pubescent, grooved and carimate to the tenth 
joint, the four basal joints chesnut-red, the rest testa- 
ceous yellow, with the tips of the joints brown. The 
thorax forms a somewhat regular oval, and is not much 
constricted behind, with the groove not strictly marked ; 
the surface is densely and confluently punctate, testaceous 
yellow or tawny, with a broad vitta on each side of the 
disc purplish-brown, not touching either front or hind 
margin. The elytra are rounded, and much narrowed 
close to the tips, the latter simply notched ; the surface 
is covered with large deep circular punctures ; the longi- 
tudinal elevated line of the disc becomes wavy near the 
middle, and then disappears; the colour is testaceous, 
with a large triangular humeral spot, and a spot occupy- 
ing the whole apical half, violet-brown, this spot being 
advanced and rounded on the suture. Beneath, entirely 
testaceous-yellow, shining; the legs the same, with the 
tips of the thighs and base of the tibize brown. 


4, Haruspex ornatus, n. sp. 

Brevis, cylindricus, fulvo-testaceus; thorace rotundato, 
crebre rugoso-punctato, postice profunde flexuoso sul- 
cato, supra utrinque vitta lata abbreviata fusco-violacea ; 
elytris apice oblique truncatis, extus breviter late den- 
tatis, supra crebre grosse punctatis, linea elevata mediana, 
maculis vel fasciis obliquis abbreviatis fusco-violaceis 

282 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

utrinque tribus, una subhumerali, secunda longiori pone 
medium, tertiaque transversa subapicali; antennis fili- 
formibus, breviter pilosis. 

Long. 4} lin. ¢. 

Rather shorter in form and more regularly cylindrical 
than the other species, wholly fulvo-testaceous in body 
and limbs, except two purplish-brown vitte on the 
thorax, and three belts or spots of the same colour on 
each elytron. The punctuation of the elytra is so large 
and dense, even to the apex, that the whole surface 
seems honeycombed. 

Hab.—Santarem, Amazons. 

5. Haruspex pusillus, n. sp. 

Parvus, linearis, sparse setosus, ferrugineo-testaceus, 
elytris vitta suturali indistincta et pone medium inter- 
rupta flavescenti; capite reticulato-punctato, antennis 
subfiliformibus, serratis, corpore (¢) paulo longioribus, 
(2) paulo brevioribus, articulo basali scabroso, reliquis 
usque ad apicem sulcato-carinatis; thorace subcupuli- 
formi, basi fortissime constricto, supra parum profunde 
reticulato-scabroso, opaco; elytris minus convexis, apice 
breviter sinuato-truncatis, extus longe dentatis, angulo 
suturali breviter spinoso, supra grosse punctatis opacis, 
suturam et apicem versus minus dense, subnitidis: pe- 
dibus validis, femoribus modice clayatis, tibiis omnibus 
apice extus spinoso-productis. 

Long. 23-23 lin. d 9. 

_ Accurious little species, approaching Piezocera in hay- 
ing the apices of the tibize externally produced and acute, 
but without the sharp exterior edge of these members, 
which is a distinguishing character of Piezocera. The 
thorax does not differ essentially in form from that of 
H. brevipes, but it has a peculiar appearance, owing to 
the sides not being rounded, and the usual constriction 
near the hind margin being unusually strong, with a cor- 
respondingly deep sulcus; this is, however, much more 
marked in the ¢ thanin the ¢. 

Hab.—Santarem, Amazons.* 

* There may be added to the above :— 
Haruspew simplicior, n. sp. 
_Elongatus, longe pilosus, testaceo-ferrnginens, elytris et corpore subtus 
nitidis. Caput, articulus basalis antennarum, et thorax, reticulato-scabrosi, 

of the Amazon Valley. 283 
Genus PyrcorEs. 

Bates,.Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 27 (1867). 

Corpus elongatum, angustum, capite thoraceque valde 
angustatis, levibus, nitidis. Antenne articulis3-11 valde 
explanatis, a basi abrupte dilatatis, apice utroque angulo 
zeque producto. Thorax angustus, cylindricus, postice 
constrictus, post medium tuberculo laterali. Pedes validi, 
tibiz mox pone basin compresso-dilatate. Reliqua ut in 
Piezocera (Serv., Lacord.). 

Lacordaire, judging from the description alone, con- 
cluded that the present genus was identical with Piezo- 
cera, and even that the species might be the same as 
Piezocera bivittata, Serv. The description of the antennz 
of Pyrgotes ought to have prevented him from falling 
into this error. In fact, the form of the antennal joints 
is entirely different; both the apical angles of the third 
to the tenth being equally produced and pointed. The 
genus, in fact, is much more distinct from Piezocera than 
are Haruspex and Gorybia. Between Pyrgotes cneus and 
Piezocera bivittata there is no resemblance of form, and 
but little of sculpture or colour. 

1. Pyrgotes eneus, Bates, 1. ¢. 

Leevis, nitidus, sparsim breviter fulvo-setosus, casta- 
neus, elytris (marginibus angustis exceptis) lete viridi- 
gneis; thorace nitido, impunctato, nigro-setoso, medio 
nigricanti sericeo; elytris sparsim punctulatis, apice 
oblique truncatis, angulis rotundatis. 

Long. 3} lin. 

opaci. Antenne articulis a 3io usque ad 10mum serratis, deplanatis, et 
cum llmo sulcato-carinatis, sparse ciliatis. Thorax oblongo-ovatus, 
postice constrictus. EHlytra sinuato-truncata, angulo externo longe den- 
tato, suturali acuto, supra grosse sed non dense punctata, nitida. Femora 
distincte clavata, nitida: tibie apice haud producte nec compresse, 

Hab.—Rio Janeiro (K coll. Dom. Rey. H. Clark): 

284 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 


Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc., 2 ser., iv. 238; Lacord. Gen. 
vil. 327. 
1. Hemilissa sulcicollis, n. sp. 

Elongata, subcylindrica, nigro-castanea, abdomine ru- 
fescenti, setis longis hirsuta, nitida; capite grosse sparsim 
punctato, nitido, tuberibus antenniferi is Intus vix perspicue 
productis ; antennis corpore longioribus, articulis haud di- 
latatis sed distincte serratis, basaliscabroso,a3ioad 1lmum 
carinatis; thorace oblongo, grossissime scabroso, sulco 
medio lato profundo, fundo politissimo ; elytris truncatis, 
extus longe spinosis, angulo suturali recto, supra basin 
versus asperato-punctatis, punctis seriatis, parte apicali 
subleevi polita’; femoribus abrupte clavatis. 

Long. 43 lin. ¢. 
Resembles in form and colouring Spherion (Peribewm) 

pubescens ; but clearly allied to Hemilissa gummosa, the 
type of the present genus, 


2. Hemilissa cornuta, n. sp. 

Elongata, breviter pilosa, fusco-violacea, supra opaca, 
infra nitida, abdomine rufescenti; capite opaco, grosse 
punctato, tuberibus antenniferis intus valde productis 
cornutis ; antennis opacis, compressis, serratis, articulo 
basali scabroso ; thorace oblongo, postice constricto, sine 
sulco, medio dilatato rotundato, opaco, reticulato-scabroso 
et asperato, medio supra nigricanti; elytris apice trun- 

catis, extus unispinosis, supra lineatim punctatis, postice 
punctis minoribus et magis confusis; pedibus validis, 
femoribus clavatis scabrosis. 

Long. 7 lin. (2 ?). 

A handsome and remarkable species ; differing from 
H. gummosa in the total absence of gloss from the elytra, 
but presenting in a still more marked degree the generic 
character of pointed inner angles of the antenniferous 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 
One example, found on a leaf in the forests of the Cupari. 

of the Amazon Valley. 285 

Sub-fam. Ipiprmn2. 

Genus Hrxopton. 
Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 219. 

Antenne with all the joints linear; femora elongate, 
linear, or very little incrassate, the intermediate with a 
long spine on the inner side of the apex, the posterior 
with a long spine on the outer side. 

Lacordaire unites Hexoplon with Gnomidolon. 

1. Hezxoplon flaveolum, un. sp. 

Angustatum, sublineare, flavo-testaceum, capite plus 
minusve infuscato vel nigro; elytris fasciis duabus tes- 
taceo-albis, prima suturam haud attingente ante medium, 
secunda integra pone medium, apicem versus interdum 
infuscatis, apice truncatis et extus unispinosis; toto in- 
secto longe sparsim setoso et nitido ; thorace impunctato ; 
elytris seriatim punctatis, apicem versus leevibus, supra 
medio vix depressis. 

Long. 43-5 lin. 
Hab.—Tapajos and Hga. 

2. Hexoplon quincune. 
Thomson, Physis, 1. 162. 

Lineare, elytris postice ut in genere Ctenostoma (Cicin- 
delidarum) valde convexis, longe sparsim griseo-setosum ; 
capite antice flavo, postice sericeo-nigro ; thorace testaceo- 
fulvo, dorso plaga magna postice trifida sericeo-nigra ; 
elytris dimidio basali flavido, figuram magnam X-formem 
includente, post hance partem brunneo-rufescentibus, 
deinde juxta apicem albis, parte antica seriatim punctata, 
postica subtilissime rugulosa, opaca; pedibus flavo fus- 
coque variegatis. 

Long. 4-54 lin. g ¢. 

Hab.—Kiga; found abundantly, concealed in folded 
leaves of trees in the day-time. 

286 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 219; Lacord. Gen. viii. 330. 

Antenne with all the joints linear; femora moderately 
elongate, and slightly thickened towards the middle, a 
long spine only at the apex of the hind femora, on the 
outer side. 

1. Gnomidolon Clymene. 
Thomson, Physis, i. 161. 

Angustum, lineare, testaceo-rufum, longe pilosum, 
nitidum; capite sparse punctato; antennis unicoloribus ; 
thorace medio modice convexo, polito, interdum plaga 
dorsali nigra, vel toto nigro-castaneo polito ; elytris medio 
vel dimidio basali nigro-castaneo, macula triangulari 
marginali et paulo post hanc vitta obliqua albis, margine 
laterali (prope basin excepto) et apice testaceo-albis ; 
elytris medio depressis. 

Long. 34-43 lin. $ 9. 

Common. The space between tha white triangular 
spot and the oblique fascia of the elytra is not wider than 
the white belt; it is sometimes of a darker hue than the 
rest of the elytra, and looks then like a distinct dark 


2. Gnomidolon rubricolor, n. sp. 

G. Clymeni valde affinis, differt colore ferrugineo 
obscuriori et spatio inter fascias elytrorum multo latiori; 
ferrugineum, tibiis tarsisque obscurioribus, sparsim hirsu- 
tum, politum ; elytris apud medium fasciis duabus obli- 
quis albo-testaceis, prima latiori suturam haud attingente, 
secunda angustiori integra, apice testaceo-albis. 

Long. 44 hn. 3. 
The two white marks of the elytra constitute two 

fascie, the first not being triangular. The distance be- 
tween the two is twice the width of the posterior fascia. 


of the Amazon Valley. 287 

3. Gnomidolon conjugatum. 

Ibidion conjugatum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 231. 

Hlongatum, lineare, sparse hirsutum, politum, nigrum, 
antennis femoribusque flavo-ferrugineis, tibiis articulis- 
que primis antennarum nigro-fuscis; elytris fasciis dua- 
bus abbreviatis obliquis albis, margine connexis, apice 

Long. 23-32 lin. 

Among the glossy black species with white belts, the 
present is distinguishable by both belts halting far from 
the suture ; the anterior is twice the width of the pos- 
terior, and is of the form of a triangular spot; the dark 
space between the two is also elongate-triangular. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

4, Gnomidolon eganum, nu. sp. 

G. conjugato affinissimum, differt fascia secunda ely- 
trorum integra et prima haud triangulari. 

Long. 4 lin. 

5. Gnomidolon picipes, n. sp. 

G. conjugato affine, sed minus, et pedibus piceo-rufis 
facile distinguendum; lineare, nigro-piceum, politum, 
sparse hirsutum ; antennis rufo-piceis, basi obscurioribus ; 
thorace levi; elytris striato-punctatis, apud medium fasciis 
duabus testaceo-albis, prima latiori suturam haud attin- 
gente, secunda angustiori integra, marginibus lateralibus 
apiceque testaceo-albis ; pectore rufo ; pedibus rufo-piceis, 
femoribus apice longe unispinosis. 

Long. 3 lin. 


6. Gnomidolon humerale, un. sp. 

Lineare, sparse hirsutum, politum, nigrum, antennis 
piceo-rufis, basi obscurioribus, femoribus rufo-ferrugineis ; 

288 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

thorace levi; elytris apud medium fasciis duabus albo- 
testaceis, prima latiori suturam haud attingente, maculaque 
elongata humerali rufo-ferruginea, apice albo-testaceis. 

Long. 4 lin. 

Closely allied to G. conjugatum, but having a rufous 
spot on the elytra, extending from the humeral angle to 
the first white belt; the second narrow white belt does 
not quite reach the suture; the femora and apical half of 
the tibiee are clear rufous. 


7. Gnomidolon melanosomum, n. sp. 

G. picipedi affine, multo majus, thorace medio inzequali 
subtuberculato facile distinguendum ; nigrum, ebeninum, 
politum, griseo-pilosum, antennis articulis 5 primis rufo- 
piceis, reliquis pallidis, pedibus rufo-piceis ; elytris apud 
medium fasciis duabus obliquis albo-testaceis, prima vix 
latiori suturam haud attingente, secunda integra, apice 
albo-testaceis, hoc truncato et extus unispinoso ; corpore 
subtus lateraliter argenteo-sericeo. 

Long. 6 ln. ¢. 

8. Gnomidolon subeburneum. 

Ibidion subeburnewm, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 234. 

Lineare, ferrugineo-fulvum, politum, griseo-setosum ; 
capite grosse sparsim punctato; antennis unicoloribus ; 
thorace levi, postice plaga magna fusca polita, vel toto 
fusco; elytris medio valde depressis, seriatim punctatis, 
maculis duabus paulo ante medium, fascia obliqua integra 
pone medium, et apice late albo-testaceis; femoribus 
posticis spina valde elongata. 

Long. 4-54 lin. d @. 

Hab.—Tapajos and Ega; common in folded leaves of 
trees, in repose in the day-time. 

The Ega specimens are bright rusty-tawny; those from 
the Tapajos are much darker, and are those in which the 

thorax is wholly blackish-brown above, the apices of the 
femora and the tibie are also of dark hue. ‘The species 

of the Amazon Valley. 289 

also occurs at Cayenne, and is there still darker in its 
colours, the upper-side being black, with rufous lines on 
the elytra, and the legs partly reddish. In all, the mark- 
ings are the same; the two whitish spots, which take the 
place of the anterior fascia, being elongate and nearly 
parallel, the outer one a little posterior, and near the 
lateral margin. 

9. Gnomidolon biarcuatum. 

Ibidion biarcuatum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 228 

Elongatum, sparse pilosum, politum; capite nigro; 
thorace levi, nigro antice et postice fulvo, vel fulvo macula 
postica antice trifida nigra; elytrisdepressis, melleo-flavis, 
apice late albo-testaceis, arcu longo nigro, utrinque a 
humero usque ad marginem pone medium, suturam 
haud attingente, maculas pallidas marginales includente, 
et postice fascia obliqua pallida marginata ; elytris lateri- 
bus impunctatis; pedibus rufo-fulvis, 

Long. 6-7 lin. 
Hab.—Tapajos and Ega. 

In Tapajos examples only, the thorax is black, with 
reddish margins. 

10. Gnomidolon simplez. 
Ibidion simplex, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 230. 

Angustissimum, lineare, politum, nigro-piceum, sparse 
pilosum ; elytris testaceo-fulvis, linea arcuata fusca, a 
* medio baseos prope ad marginem lateralem pone me- 
dium, suturam haud attingente, maculam marginalem 
pallidam includente, apice indeterminate albo-testaceis ; 
antennis (articulis 3 basalibus nigro-piceis exceptis) 
pallidis; pedibus elongatis, fulvo-testaceis, femoribus 
posticis dimidio apicali nigris. 

Long. 34-44 lin. ¢ @. 
Hab.—Forest of Altar do Cha6, Tapajos ; common. 

290 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

11. Gnomidolon dubium, n. sp. 

G. simplici valde affine, differt statura majore, linea 
fusca elytrorum postice apud discum terminante ; tibiis 
intermediis tarsisque nigris; elytris obscurioribus. 

Long. 5 lin. g. 


Genus OcToPLon. 
Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 218. 

Hinder thighs slightly and gradually thickened, neither 
linear nor clavate, both the intermediate and posterior 
with two short equal or subequal spines at the tip. 
Thorax tuberculate, clothed with silvery tomentum. 

I think this genus may be better limited to the second 
section, as characterized by Lacordaire, Gen. viii. 331, 

1. Octoplon Orpa. 
Ibidion Orpa, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 227. 

“Thoracis dorso monticuloso, antice nigerrimo, levi, 
postice argenteo sericeo; elytris flavescentibus, fascia 
subapicali ferruginea, apice albis, mucronatis, lineola 
[obliqua] media nigra et arcu nigro basali.’” (White.) 

Long. 54 lin. 

In the male, the third antennal joint is gradually 
thickened, and the fourth very much shorter than either 
the third or fifth. The thorax has five distinct large 
flattish tubercles. The elytra are polished, and without 
punctures, except the widely placed ones bearing long 
sete, and which run in lines; the basal two-thirds are 
fulvous, then follows a broad reddish belt, and the apical 
part is testaceous yellowish-white; the basal fulvous por- . 
tion is marked with a blackish curved line enclosing 
laterally a paler spot, behind this there is an oblique 
dark line, between which and the reddish belt is a paler 
fascia. ‘The femora are elongate, the hind ones rather 
longer than the elytra, and armed with two short, dis- 
tinct, nearly equal spines; the legs are pale testaceous- 
red, the tips of the hindmost thighs dusky. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 


of the Amazon Valley. 291 

2. Octoplon polyzonum, n. sp. 

Linear, head and thorax black, the latter very uneven, 
with the front and hind parts and sides very densely 
clothed with white tomentum, leaving an opaque por- 
tion in the middle, and two posterior tubercles black. 
Elytra pale tawny-brown, with five dark brown belts, 
the first very oblique near the shoulder, the second 
also oblique, much dilated towards the sutural end near 
the scutellum, the third straight, lmear, and entire be- 
hind the middle, the fourth a little posterior to the third, 
much broader, rather paler and slightly oblique, and 
the fifth transverse, near the tip; behind the fifth belt, 
the elytra are testaceous-white, and between the third 
and fourth pale tawny; the surface is shining and im- 
punctate, except a few setiferous punctures arranged in 
rows. Legs testaceous-tawny, hind thighs rather longer 
than the elytra, gradually but rather considerably thick- 
ened, the tips with two equal projecting broad spines. 

Long. 53 lin. (¢ ?, third joint of antenne not thick- 

Hab.—River Tapajos. The fourth antennal joint is 
much shorter than the preceding and following. 

3. Octoplon tetrops, n. sp. 

Angustatum, thorace antice attenuato et constricto, 
capite valde exserto, collo distincto, rufo-testaceum ; capite 
subtiliter ruguloso et sericeo, oculis divisis ; thorace supra 
ineequali, longitudinaliter elevato, subnitido, plagiatim 
sparse tomentoso; elytris postice attenuatis, supra seria- 
tim sparse punctatis, fascuis duabus medianis approxi- 
matis, prima prope suturam interrupta, et apice late 
albo-testaceis ; pedibus rufis, tarsis pallidioribus, femoribus 
sublinearibus, posticis apicem elytrorum attingentibus, 
breviter bidentatis ; antennis et tibiis posticis carinatis. 

Long. 44 lin. 2. 

The singular aberration in the form of the head amply 
distinguishes this species, as well as illustrates in a 
striking manner the instability of form of the most im- 
portant organs in a genus of Longicorns; for the species, 
notwithstanding the division of the eyes into two on each 

292 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

side, and the dilatation of the cheeks behind the eyes, offers 
all the other characters of the Ibidiinw. The thorax 
is more narrowed anteriorly than in most other species, 
and is constricted there, as well as near the hind margin. 
The antenniferous tubercles are obtus2, but the specimen 


4. Octoplon unoculum, n. sp. 

Cylindricum, longe pilosum, nigrum, nitidum; thorace 
flavo-griseo-pubescente, tuberculo discoidali nigro ni- 
tido; elytris postice valde convexis, ante medium fascia 
interrupta alba, dimidio apicali flavyo-griseo-pubescente, 
antice albo-marginato, sparse punctatis, apice truncatis, 
extus breviter spinosis, spina alba; femoribus piceo-rufis, 
posticis elytris longioribus, apice distincte bispinosis ; an- 
tennis piceo-rufis, articulis 2 basalibus nigris, reliquis 
apice fuscis. 

Long. 5} lin. 2. 

An elegant species, of cylindrical from, distinguished 
by the single glossy black tubercle on the disc of the 
pubescent griseous thorax, and also by the convex pos- 
terior part of the elytra. The basal half of the elytra 
is glossy black, with very few punctures, and ornamented 
at about the third of the elytral length by a whitish belt, 
broadest on the lateral margin, and disappearing before 
reaching the suture; the apical half is covered with a 
dense griseous pubescence like that of the thorax, the 
anterior margin of this is advanced and rounded on the 
suture, and is there edged with whitish, which forms an 
indistinct, oblique, and entire fascia. The antennee and 
tibize are carinate, and the hinder femora are nearly linear 
with distinct apical subequal spines. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

5. Octoplon striatocolle. 

Ibidion striatocolle, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 224, 

Elongatum, minus convexum, breviter sparse setosum, 
. 5 * . 4 . 4 . 
nigrum, nitidum ; thorace inzequali, transverse forte rugato, 

of the Amazon Valley. 293 

plagiatim argenteo-tomentoso; elytris utrinque ante 
medium macula discoidali et longe post medium fascia 
transversa marginem lateralem haud attingente fulvis, 
Sparsim punctatis ; femoribus paulo incrassatis, posticis 
elytris ¢ paulo longioribus, ¢ multo brevioribus, apice 
breviter bispinosis vel dentatis. 

Long. 5-64 lin. g ¢. : 

Distinguished by the numerous sharp transverse ridges 
across the disc and hinder part of the thorax. The basal 
joint of the antennz is remarkably short, and arcuate- 
clavate in form. In some specimens the femoral spines 
are very short, and do not project beyond the articula- 
tion of the tibie; the femora also approach the clavate 
form; the species stands, therefore, on the confines of 
the two groups Octoplon and Ibidion proper. 

Hab.—Para; also Cayenne, whence I have a specimen 
collected by M. Bar. 

6. Octoplon callispilum, n. sp. 

Hlongatum, piceo-nigrum, nitidum, sparsim pilosum ; 
thorace valde inequali, quadri-tuberculato, et dorso spatio 
elevato, plagiatim argenteo-sericeo, impunctato, nitido ; 
elytris basin versus plaga laterali magna intus rotundata 
et fascia lata pone medium antice ad suturam valde an- 
gulata testaceo-flavis, sparsim punctatis, apice longe uni- 
spinosis ; femoribus paulo incrassatis, distincte bispinosis ; 
antennis nigris, apicem versus sensim rufescentibus. 

Long. 73 lin. ?. 

The thorax is of similar elongate-cylindrical shape to 
the allied species, but is rendered unequal both on the 
sides and surface,.by the sharp tubercles; the centre of 
the disc has an elongate flattish elevation, the two anterior 
tubercles of the disc are very acute; the pale markings 
of the elytra are very large, and leave between them a 
black cross-like mark, or rather, the space between the 
anterior lateral spot and the posterior broad fascia, forms 
a distinct oblique belt of the ground-colour of the elytra, 
open to the equally black base by the concolorous suture ; 
the apex is black. The thighs are not at all clavate, and 
are distinctly bispinose, so that the species cannot come 
within the definition of [bidion. 


TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PART I. (AUGUST.) Y 

294 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

7. Octoplon calligrammum, n. sp. 

Magnum, elytris haud linearibus, latis, apicem versus ro- 
tundato-attenuatis, piceo-nigrum, vix nitidum ; thoracein- 
eequali, tuberculato, sericeo-opaco et argenteo-tomentoso; 
elytris basin versus macula magna laterali subquadrata, 
et longe post medium fascia lata postice ad suturam 
indentata fulvis, supra passim punctatis, apice uni- 
spinosis; femoribus incrassatis, haud clavatis, apice bi- 
dentatis ; antennis piceis, apicem versus pallidioribus. 

Long. 9 lin. ?. 

A large species, of much less linear figure than usual in 
this group. The elytra much wider, with the sides rounded, 
and tapering towards the apex; the thorax is very un- 
even, and projecting a little in the middle of the sides, 
but the tubercles are not distinct or acute; the whole 
surface is silky and sub-opaque. The elytra are thickly 
punctured throughout, and have short erect sete; the 
spots are of very large size and fulvous; the space of 
ground-colour left between the anterior spot and the 
posterior fascia, forms a straight belt, owing to the fascia 
not being advanced on the suture, and the anterior spot 
being narrowed on the sides instead of widened. 


8. Octoplon cinctulum, n. sp. 

Minus elongatum, cylindricum, nigro-piceum, griseo- 
pilosum, vix nitidum, antennis, pectore et pedibus ferru- 
gineis; thorace inzequali, medio paulo dilatato, tuberculo 
discoidali magno rotundato, sericeo-opaco ; elytris punctis 
setiferis seriatim ordinatis et inter hec punctulatis, basi 
rufescentibus, macula lineari transversa versus basin fas- 
ciaque angusta integra pone medium testaceo-flavis ; 
femoribus paulo incrassatis, apice bidentatis. 

Long. 3} lin. $. 

Of shorter form than its allies, linear or cylindrical. 
The thorax is silky and opaque, the elytra moderately 
shining, with very distinct setiferous punctures, and be- 
tween them punctulate ; the yellow marks are a trans- 
verse spot across the disc, not far from the base, and a 
narrow straight fascia considerably after the middle. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

M of the Amazon Valley. 295 
9. Octoplon polychromum, n. sp. 

Elongatum, minus convexum ; thorace valde inzequali, 
lateribus medio tumido et supra tuberculis quinque 
magnis, cum capite dense sericeo-tomentoso; elytris 
dimidio basali rufo, fascia obliqua versus basin (ad su- 
turam late interrupta) testaceo-flava nigro-neo-margi- 
nata, pone medium fascia testaceo-flava obliqua antice — 
nigro-zneo-marginata, spatio apicali nigro-zneo, apice 
ipso testaceo-flavo, supra nitidis, punctis parvis seti- 
feris ; antennis piceis; femoribus rufis, tibiis tarsisque 

Long. 63 lin. 9. 

The design and colours of the elytra are much varied. 
Near the base is an oblique, moderately wide, yellowish 
fascia, which is far from reaching the suture, and is mar- 
gined with brassy-black, this latter colour occupying the 
whole humeral space, leaving a spot of pale rufous only 
near the scutellum; behind the middle is an oblique 
and entire fascia, also of moderate but considerable width, 
margined anteriorly with brassy-black ; the whole space 
behind this is brassy-black, except the white tips; the 
whole surface is very glossy, and is roughened only by 
the setiferous punctures, which are very minute. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

10. Octoplon carissimum. 

Tbidion carissimum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 223, pl. v. f. 9. 

“ Pallide luteum levissimum; capite, antennarum ar- 
ticulis duobus primis aterrimis; elytris, parte basali 
pallide lutea, macula alba, et postice fascia transversa, 
ornata, parte postica aterrima, apice extremo cum spinis 

albis.” (White.) 
Long. 4 lin, 

This seems to be the position of this species, which, 
although taken by me, was not reserved for my own 

y 2 

296 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

11. Octoplon rugicolle, n. sp. 

Lineare, breviter setosum, nitidum; thorace medio 
elevato et grosse transversim rugato, rufescente, antice 
cum capite obscuriori, lateribus sericeo-tomentoso ; 
elytris apice unispimosis, angulo suturali producto, 
supra punctis setiferis sparsis, versus basin aspere tuber- 
culatis, rufescentibus, tertia parte apicali nigra, macula 
indistincta versus basin alteraque recta transversa suturali 
communi testaceo-fulvis ; pedibus rufis, femoribus incras- 
satis, apice bidentatis. 

Long. 44 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

12. Octoplon thoracicum. 

Ibidion thoraciewm, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 228. 

Cylindricum, opacum, sparse setosum, pallide ochreum ; 
thorace opaco, nigro,annulo magno per totam superficiem 
submarginalem rufo-testaceo et aureo-tomentoso ; elytris 
punctis setiferis asperatis, pallidis, fasciis angustis quinque 
pallide fuscis, duabus primis prope suturam conjunctis, 
spatio basali et inter fascias 4tam et Stam pedibusque 

Long. 4} lin. &. 

The third antennal joint in the ¢ is gradually thick- 
ened, and is carinate, without grooves. The femora are 
much thickened and almost clavate, at the apices dis- 
tinctly bidentate. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

13. Octoplon Rutha. 
Ibidion Rutha, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 227. 

Cylindricum, capite rufo-testaceo, cinereo-tomento- 
so; thorace inzquali, nigro, opaco, cinereo-tomentoso, 
punctis cinereis consperso, postice testaceo-rufo; elytris 
unispinosis, supra nitidis, sparsim longe fulvo-setosis, 
punctis setiferis asperatis, basi fulvo-brunneis, deinde 
fascia perobliqua a scutello ad medium marginis extensa 

of the Amazon Valley. 297 

testaceo-alba antice nigro-marginata, pone medium fascia 
testaceo-alba recta, et prope apicem fascia obscura fusca, 
spatio inter fascias primam et secundam nigro, inter 
hanc et fasciam tertiam fulvo-brunneo, spatio apicali tes- 
taceo-albo; antennis femoribusque fulvo-testaceis, his 
nigro-maculatis, femoribus posticis imcrassatis, quasi 
clavatis, apice bidentatis; antennis articulo 3to carinato 
et bisulcato; tibiis posticis vix perspicue carinatis. 

Long. 44 lin. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

14. Octoplon charile, n. sp. 

Elongatum, lineare, opacum ; capite testaceo-rufo, ver- 
tice nigro; thorace valde imequali, tuberculoso, disco 
tuberculis minoribus setiferis sparsis, testaceo-rufo, seri- 
ceo-tomentoso, margine antico et disco nigris; elytris 
sordide testaceo-albis, passim punctulatis, punctisque 
setiferis asperatis, plaga magna scutellari alteraque 
minore prope apicem castaneis, pone medium fascia obliqua 
et paulo infra macula communi suturali nigris ; antennis 
pallide rufescentibus, articulis 3-5 forte sulcatis et cari- 
natis; femoribus posticis paulo incrassatis, bidentatis, 
tibiis haud perspicue carinatis. 

tone. © lin. 9. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

Genus [sIpIon. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 103; Lacord. 
Gen. vil. 331. 

This genus is here restricted, following Lacordaire, to 
those species having the third antennal joint and posterior 
tibie carinate, and the hinder thighs distinctly or ab- 
ruptly clavate and simple at their apices. 

1. ILbidion monostigma, n. sp. 

Elongatum, elytris postice gradatim attenuatis, thorace 
antice constricto; castaneo-rufum, nitidum; thorace 
postice punctulato et sparsim tomentoso, medio dorsi 

298 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

transversim elevato et tri-tuberculato ; elytris basi in- 
zequalibus, apice unispinosis, punctis setiferis lineatim 
seriatis, macula magna oblonga ante medium, paulo 
obliqua, ochrea, fusco indeterminate marginata. 

Long. 63 ln. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

The legs are elongate, the hind femora (in the ¢) 
reaching a little beyond the apex of the elytra; they are 
distinctly clavate, 7. e., the base is slender, and towards 
the middle they become rapidly enlarged, so as to form 
an elongate club. 

2. ILbidion cedicneme, nu. sp. 

Elongatum, supra nigro-piceum ; thorace multi-tuber- 
culato, opaco, argenteo-sericeo ; elytris unispinosis, nitidis, 
punctis setiferis sparsis, macula rotundata utrinque versus 
basin, fascia obliqua pone medium alteraque recta apicali 
testaceo-albis ; corpore subtus pedibusque rufo-piceis ; 
antennis rufescentibus, basi nigris ; femoribus elongatis, 
abrupte tumide clavatis. 

Long. 6 lin. 3. 

The thorax is very unequal on its sides and surface, 
partly caused by the transverse elevation across the 
anterior part having seven irregular tubercles; anterior 
and posterior to this, the thorax is constricted, and there 
are other tubercular elevations behind; the whole surface 
is opaque, and clothed with silky tomentum. The white 
markings of the elytra are rather broad, and there is a 
wide space between the anterior rounded spot and the 
posterior fascia. The thighs are abruptly clavate, and 
the club tumid or dilated in the middle. 

Hab.—St. Paulo, Upper Amazons. 

3. Lbidion rubellum, n. sp. 

[. eedicnemi valde. affine, differt semper colore pallide 
fulvo-rufo, femoribus minus inflato-clavatis, elytris ma- 
culis flavis anticis majoribus antice versus basin extensis. 
Klongatum, fulvo-rufum ; thorace opaco, argenteo-sericeo 
tomentoso, medio transversim elevato et multi-tuber- 
culato; elytris macula ovata prope basin antice angus- 

of the Amazon Valley. 299 

tiori, fascia lata obliqua pone medium, apiceque testaceo- 
albis; femoribus clavatis. 

Long. 4-54 lin. ¢ 2. 

In the female, the antennal carine are with difficulty 
perceived, being visible only in certain lights, and un- 
accompanied by a groove. 

Hab.—River Tapajos, Para, Ega. 

A, Ibidion Leprieuri, n. sp. 

I. edicnemi affine. Hlongatum, capite thoraceque opa- 
cis, hoc argenteo-sericeo, antice transversim elevato et 
tuberculoso, disco postice bi-tuberculato; elytris apice 
extus unidentatis, supra politis, punctis setiferis paucis, 
obscure fulvo-brunneis, plus minusve fusco-plagiatis, ma- 
cula magna ovali fusco-marginata versus basin, vitta 
lata obliqua pone medium (ad suturam angustata), et 
apice testaceo-albis ; antennis pallide rufescentibus, ar- 
ticulo 310 lateraliter vix perspicue carinato; femoribus 
fortiter clavatis. 

Long. 53-6 lin. 9°. 
Hab.—Obydos, Lower Amazons ; also Cayenne. 
Received from Paris, under the MS. name here adopted. 

5. Ibidion dilectum, n. sp. 

Elongatum, testaceo-rufum, fulvo-setosum; capite 
piceo; thorace dorso quinque-tuberculato, argenteo-seri- 
ceo; elytris unispinosis, nitidis, parte basali ultra 
medium fulva, parte apicali nigra, maculé magna rotun- 
data versus basin, vitta obliqua pone medium, apiceque 
testaceo-albis; antennis (articulo basali piceo excepto) et 
pedibus pallide testaceo-rufis; pedibus elongatis, femo- 
ribus abrupte clavatis. 

Long. 43 lin. ¢. 


6. Ibidion digrammum, n. sp. 

Elongatum, rufo-castaneum, nitidum; thorace medio 
valde angustato, medio dorsi bispinoso, postice bituber- 
‘culato; elytris linea flava paulo obliqua discoidali ante 

300 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Long. 6} lin. ¢. 

One of the species which resemble the genus Gnoma in 
the curious form of the thorax narrowed in the middle. 
The whole surface is glossy, and of a reddish-chesnut 
hue. On the middle of the thorax are two small spines 
or very acute tubercles, and behind, near the hind mar- 
gin, are two obtuse rounded tubercles. The yellow lines 
on ‘the elytra are about one-fifth the length of the wing- 
cases, and he a little obliquely, the lower end being near 
the suture. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

7. Ibidion sulcicorne. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 232. 

Elongatum, robustum, ferrugineum ; thorace equali, 
nudo, opaco ; elytris nitidis, passim punctulatis, apice uni- 
spinosis, toto disco nigricante, linea longitudinali ante 
medium suture parallela, altera pone medium obliqua 
pallidis; pedibus robustis, femoribus grosse clavatis ; 
antennis (d) articulo 3io reliquis latiori et cum 4to et 
oto cariato et bisulcato. 

Long. 6 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

8. Ibidion spheriinum, n. sp. 

Facies Peribei (Spheriinarum), castaneo-fuscum, ni- 
tidum ; capite grosse confluenter punctato; thorace elon- 
gato, medio paulo latiori, subnitido, tenuiter tomentoso, 
punctulato et punctis nonnullis magnis setiferis; elytris 
apice sinuato-truncatis, bispinosis, spina suturali minori, 
supra politis, punctis setiferis seriatim ordinatis, interstitiis 
sparsim punctulatis; antennis sparsim setosis, articulis 
3io et 4to carinatis; pedibus curtis, femoribus valde 

Long. 44 lin. 2. 

In its shining concolorous dark chesnut hue, without 
pale markings, and its bispinous elytra, this resembles 
species of Peribeum in the sub-family Spheriine, but 
is readily distinguished by the unarmed antenna. The 

of the Amazon Valley. d0l 

elytra taper a little from the base to the extremity, the 
hind thighs are very much shorter than the apex of the 
elytra, but the specimen is most likely a female. 

Hab.—St. Paulo, Amazons. 

9. ILbidion unicolor. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 233. 

Parvum, angustum, lineare, castaneo-rufum, nitidum ; 
capite impunctato; thorace cylindrico, equali, levi; 
elytris apice bispinosis, spina exteriori valde elongata 
obliqua, supra passim punctulatis, haud setosis; femoribus 
modice elongatis, clavatis. 

Long. 22 lin. (¢ ?). 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

10. Ibidion lineolatum, n. sp. 

Elongatum, lineare, angustum, setis perpaucis vestitum, 
castaneum, politum ; capite et thorace sericeis, punctulatis, 
hoc cylindrico, zequali; elytris apice sinuato-truncatis et 
bispinosis, spina exterior1 majori recta, supra politis, 
punctulatis (apice levibus), medio utrinque lineola dis- 
coidali elevata alba, suture parallela, extus late nigro- 
marginata; antennis articulis 38-5 paullo incrassatis et 
infra longissime ciliatis ; femoribus abrupte clavatis. 

Long. 43 lin. (¢ ?). 


Genus Compsa. 
Perty, Del. An. Art. Bras. p. 92; Lacord. Gen. viii. 333. 

Characters of Ibidion, with the exception that the 
hinder tibiee have no trace of carinze. It seems to me 
preferable to limit the genus to those species in which 
the third joint of the antenne is carinate, leaving those 
in which there is no trace of carina either on the antenne 
or tibize in the genus Heterachthes. 

302 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerwmbycide 

1. Compsa basalis. 
Ibidion basale, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 229. 

Elongata, testaceo-ferruginea, fusco-variegata, griseo 
longe setosa; antennis pallidis, articulis 1-4 nigris, 3-4 
(4) incrassatis ; thorace dorso tuberculis quinque magnis 
rugosis nigris, interstitiis argenteo-tomentosis; elytris 
unispinosis, supra nitidis, tuberculis setiferis sparsim 
asperatis, disco longitudinaliter depressis, lateribus inde- 
terminate albo-testaceis, medio vitta irregulari obliqua a 
humeris ad suturam pone medium, maculisque subapica- 
libus nigris; femoribus clavatis et cum corpore subtus 
rufo- et nigro-variegatis. 

Long. 4-42 lin. g. 

Closely allied to Octoplon Rutha, charile, &c. (ante, p. 
297), in form and in the peculiar coloration. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

2. Compsa histrionica, n. sp. 

Elongata, pallide fulvo-rufa; thorace valde ineequali, 
multi-tuberculato et tuberculis setiferis consperso, nigro- 
variegato, opaco ; elytris pallide testaceo-fulvis, basi rufes- 
centibus, fascia curvata prope basin, alteris duabus tenui- 
bus undulatis pone medium, et quarta obliqua posteriori 
nigris, apice unispinosis ; antennis pallidis, articulis 4 
basalibus nigris ; femoribus clavatis, fusco-testaceis, tibiis 
tarsisque pallidis. 

Long. 5 lin. ¢. 

Belongs to the same natural group as C. basalis, Octo- 
plon Rutha, &c., but from the absence of tibial carinze, 
coming within the definition of the genus Compsa. The 
thorax is much shorter in comparison with the elytra 
than in the allied species. The dark markings of the 
elytra consist of an oblique belt, commencing at the 
shoulder, and bending down to the suture, not very far 
from the scutellum; then, beyond the middle follow two 
slender, parallel, undulate belts, oblique in an inverse 
direction to the basal belt, and immediately behind these 
is a fourth belt, oblique in the same direction as the 
basal one, namely, from the lateral margin backward to 
the suture ; this last belt gradually widens as it approaches 
the suture. The specimen is a female ; in the male the 
third and fourth antennal joints are probably thickened. 


of the Amazon Valley. 303 

3. Compsa quadriguttata. 
Ibidion quadriguttatum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 226. 

Angustata, linearis, fulvo-testacea, capite thoraceque 
griseo-tomentosis ; hoc cylindrico, paulo inequali, haud 
tuberculoso, levi; elytris sinuato-truncatis et bispinosis, 
nitidis, levibus, punctulis setiferis vix conspicuis, fulvis, 
macula obliqua lineari laterali prope basin, alteraque simili 
prope apicem nigris, testaceo-albo-marginatis. 

Long. 4 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 


Newman, Entom. i. 9. 
Compsa (part), Lacord. “Gen. viii. 333. 

Antenne and tibize free from carine; the femora are 
clavate, and destitute of spines at the tip. Notwith- 
standing these differences of structure, the species offer 
no peculiarity of facies to distinguish them from Ibidion, 
Gnomidolon, and other sub-divisions. 

1. Heterachthes decipiens, n. sp. 

Elongatus, nigro-piceus, nitidus, setosus, antennis fe- 
moribusque rufo-piceis ; thorace elongato, angusto, po- 
lito, levi, dorso medio tuberculo magno conico; elytris 
bispinosis, spina suturali minori, supra (punctulis setiferis 
exceptis) levibus, macula laterali ante medium fasciaque 
obliqua paulo post medium testaceo-flavis. 

Long. 4; lin. d 2. 

This species has a very close resemblance to Gnomidolon 
melanosomum (ante, p. 288) and the allied species, but 
differs in the antennal joints being entirely free from 
carinz in both sexes; the third joint is perfectly cylin- 
drical. Inthe ¢, the third to the sixth joints are a little 
stouter than in the ? ; in the femora, the club is dis- 
tinct, but not abruptly formed, and the slight projections 
at the apex are not sufficiently advanced or pointed to 
be termed spines or teeth. 


304 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

2. Heterachthes corallinus, n. sp. 

Elongatus, postice attenuatus, rufus, nitidus, elytris 
fascia lata basali alteraque simili apicali nigro-eneis ; 
antennis articulisa 3io ad 5tum et 6to basi paulo incrassatis ; 
thorace paulo inzequali, polito, levi; elytris apice utrinque 
in spinam prolongatis, supra punctis setiferis seriatim 
ordinatis ; femoribus clavatis. 

Long. 4 lin. ¢. 

A brilliantly-coloured and elegant species ; distinguish- 
ed besides by the elytra not being truncate at the apex, 
but tapering each into a spine. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

3. Heterachthes involutus, n. sp. 

Elongatus, minus cylindricus, castaneo-rufus, setosus, 
nitidus ; capite dense punctato ; thorace minus elongato, 
medio paulo dilatato, supra plagiatim punctato, linea 
dorsali abbreviata elevata, vittis duabus nigro-fuscis ; 
elytris apice breviter truncatis, extus unidentatis, supra 
levibus (punctis setiferis exceptis), usque ultra medium 
fulvis, mea arcuata a margine sub humero incipiente et 
ad marginem ultra medium terminante suturam vix’ 
attingente et parte anteriore incrassata fusco-castanea, 
triente apicali etiam fusco-castanea ; femoribus posticis 
(¢) apicem elytrorum haud attingentibus. 

Long. 4-64 lin. g 9. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

4, Heterachthes longipilis, nu. sp. 

Elongatus, longe griseo-pilosus, rufo-castaneus, niti- 
dus; thorace supra quinque-tuberculato, tenuiter plagia- 
tim griseo-tomentoso, haud opaco; elytris ante apicem 
rotundatis, apice sinuato-truncatis bispinosis, spinis sub- 
eequalibus, supra (punctulis setiferis exceptis) levibus, 
vitta sub-recta a basi prope ad medium, fascia valde 
obliqua pone medium, apiceque flavo-testaceis ; femori- 
bus utroque sexu apicem elytrorum longe haud attin- 
gentibus, clavatis ; antennis longe pilosis, articulis a 3io 
ad 5tum (¢) paulo crassioribus. 

Long. 44-54 lin. d @. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

of the Amazon Valley. 305 

5. Heterachthes cegrotus, un. sp. 

Angustatus, linearis, pallide testaceus, longe setosus ; 
thorace supra quinque-tuberculato, argenteo-griseo to- 
mentoso, nitidulo ; elytris apice oblique truncatis, angulis 
haud productis, supra nitidis, passim haud profunde 
punctatis et punctis setiferis conspersis, macula triangulari 
communi. basali alteraque simili subhumerali pallide 
rufescentibus, fascia obliqua pone medium, altera recta 
transversali prope apicem, apicibusque albo-testaceis ; 
femoribus elongatis, gradatim sed distincte clavatis. 

Long. 4 lin. g. 


6. Heterachthes sylphis, un. sp. 

Gracilis, linearis, capite thoraceque angustioribus, 
rufo-castaneus, nitidus ; capite fortiter punctato, tuberibus 
antenniferis obtusis; thorace angusto, elongato, vix in- 
equali, nitido, postice subtiliter punctulato ; elytris sub- 
planis, apice oblique truncatis, angulis haud productis, 
supra (punctulis paucis setiferis exceptis) levibus, fascia 
lata transversa recta ante medium alteraque simili apicali 
flavo-testaceis ; antennis pallide rufo-testaceis, articulo 
310 ¢ incrassato; pedibus elongatis, femoribus clavatis 
longissimis, posticis apicem elytrorum multo superan- 

Long. 34 lin. g. 

Differs wholly in facies from the majority of the genus 
which have short femora. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

7. Heterachthes deliciolus, n. sp. 

Gracilis, linearis ; capite piceo-rufo, subnitido; thorace 
valde inzequali, supra quinque-tuberoso, nigro-piceo, seri- 
ceo-opaco, argenteo-tomentoso; elytris apice sinuato- 
truncatis, angulis paulo productis, supra (punctulis seti- 
feris exceptis) levibus, nitidis, castaneis, macula magna 
utrinque basali, fascia lata pone medium ad suturam 
antice dilatata, apicibusque testaceo-albis, parte basali 
pallide fulva; pedibus antennisque fulvis, femoribus 
clavatis, modice elongatis. 

Long. 34 lin. (¢? ?). 

Hab.—Obydos, Lower Amazons. 

306 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus CycNIDOLON. 
Thomson, Syst. €eramb. p. 217; Lacord. Gen. vii. 333. 

The third and sometimes the fourth antennal joints in 
the ¢ are greatly thickened, fusiform or oval, and 
carinate in both sexes ; femora abruptly clavate, and the 
hind pair bidentate at the apex; tibiz carinate. 

1. Cycnidolon Batesianum. 

Ibidion Batesianum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 230, pl. vi. f. 6. 

Cylindricum, nigro-fuscum; elytris dimidio apicali 
cinereo-pubescenti, antice fascia tenui testaceo-alba mar- 
ginato, dimidio basali nitido, macula triangulari laterali 
ante medium, apice longe unispinosis; antennis pallide 
rufo-testaceis, articulo 310 a basi gradatim incrassato, 4to 
ovato (2%); pedibus testaceo-rufis. 

Long. 33 lin. g. 
I do not find a female example of this species among 
my series. 

Hab.—River Tapajos and Ega. 

2. Cyenidolon binodosum, un. sp. 

C. Batesiano valde affine; differt (¢) articulo 3io 
antennarum basi pedunculato abrupte clavato, 4to etiam 
clavato sed pedunculo breviori; elytrorum fascia obliqua 
albo-testacea a parte cinerea bene distante. 

Long. 23 lin. ¢. 

3. Cycnidolon approaimatum, 

Ibidion approximatum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus, 
p. 231; 

A O. Batesiano differt articulo 4to antennarum haud 
inflato, lineari, macula fasciaque elytrorum apud latera 
approximatis, a plaga postica cinerea distantibus. 

9. Articulis 3-4 antennarum linearibus. 

of the Amazon Valley. 307 

Long. 34 lin. o 2. 

Hab.— River Tapajos, Ega, St. Paulo, Upper 

Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 217; Lacord. Gen. viii. 335. 

Differs from all the preceding genera of Ibidionine in 
the short antennz, scarcely longer than the body in the 
$, shorter in the ?. The third and fourth antennal 
joints and the tibiz are carinate; the femora are clavate, 
shorter than the elytra, and bidentate at the apex. The 
carine of the antenne are sometimes very faint, and 
scarcely perceptible. The third antennal joint is fusi- 
form in the ¢. 

1. Phormesium melanodacrys. 

Ibidion melanodacrys, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p- 235. 

*Parvulum, flavo-testaceum, elytris singulis guttis 
duabus nigris marginalibus, prima pone humerum, se- 
cunda ad medium, antennis articulo tertio incrassato.” 

Long. 24 lin. d 2. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

All the antennal joints are carinate from the third to 
the tenth. The black “ gutte ” of the elytra are linear, 
lateral, and oblique; the surface is polished, and almost 

2. Phormesium albinum, n. sp. 

Elongatum, angustum, nitidum, longe setosum, flavo- 
testaceum ; elytris fasciis duabus obliquis testaceo-albis, 
una versus basin (suturam haud attingente), altera apud 
medium ; thorace medio tri-tuberculato, polito; elytris 
sinuato-truncatis, extus spinosis; antennis vix perspicue 

Long. 3 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos, 

308 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus APHATUM, nov. gen. 

Corpus lineare. Oculi laterales, supra valde distantes ; 
tubera antennifera rotundata, late separata. Antenne 
corpore breviores, filiformes, articulis nec incrassatis nec 
carinatis, quarto brevissimo. Thorax elongatus, supra 
subplanus, antice latior, haud constrictus, postice grada- 
tim attenuatus. EHlytra apice utrinque longe bispinosa. 
Pedes breves, femora clavata, apice bidentata, tibize haud 

Allied to Phormesium, but differing from it, as from 
all other genera of [bidionine, in the form of the thorax, 
which is wider in front than behind, and has no trace of 
constriction, except near the hind margin. The widely 
distant eyes, and short antennz, which are exactly fili- 
form, i.e. are as thick at the apex as at the base (except 
the first joint), also distinguish the genus. 

1. Aphatum rufulum. 
Ibidion rufulum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 234. 

Parvulum, rufo-testaceum, parce pilosum, nitidum ; 
thorace elytrisque (punctis setiferis exceptis) levibus. 

Long. 23 lin. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

Sub-fam. Oprin”. 

Genus Osrium. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 93; Lacord. Gen. 

vil. 361, 
1. Obriwm cordicolle, n. sp. 

Pallide flavo-testaceum, passim pilosum, nitidum ; 
capite subtiliter rugoso-punctato ; thorace lateribus antice 
valde dilatato vel tumido, postice constricto, supra polito, 
levi, dorso depresso; elytris apice rotundatis, supra 
(punctis piliferis exceptis) levibus, punctis, fascia tenui 
prope basin, secunda antice arcuata pone medium, terti- 
aque arcuata sensu inverso prope apicem, pallide fuscis ; 
femoribus clavatis. 

of the Amazon Valley. 309 

Long. 24 lin. 

Closely allied in form and colours to an undescribed 
species from Texas. The pale brown fasciz of the elytra 
form very slender lines, the second fascia is arcuate 
towards the base, the third towards the apex, so that the 
two together form a large ring on the apical half of the 
two elytra. The abdominal segments in the 9 are dis- 
torted in a similar way to the European types of the 

Hab.—Santarem, Amazons. 

Genus AROTIS. 

- Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 26 (1867) ; Lacord. 
Gen. vin. 398. 

(Charac. emend.). Corpus lineare, tenue. Caput supra 
inter antennas planum, ultra oculos paulo prolongatum, 
attenuatum ; oculi distantes; palpi breves, apice truncati; 
antenne (3) corpore dimidio longiores, tenues, fili- 
formes, breviter sparsim setosz, articulo basali elongato, 
leviter incrassato, articulis 3-11 longitudme subzequali- 
bus, simplicibus. Thorax angustus, elongatus, medio paulo 
dilatatus, lateribus subtuberculatus. Elytralinearia, plana, 
apice rotundata. Pedes elongati, graciles; femora abrupte 
clavata, postica longe ultra apicem elytrorum extensa. 
Coxee antice globulosz, exserte. Acetabula intermedia 
extus aperta, mesosterni epimera angusta. _Abdominis 
segmenta ¢ normalia, primo magis elongato. 

. This genus, the position of which Lacordaire considered 
doubtful, appears to belong to the group Obriine, with 
the species of which it also agrees in facies. 

1. Arceotis fragilis, Bates, 1. c. 

Flavo-testacea, opaca, supra nuda, articulis antennarum 
apice fuscis; capite thoraceque creberrime punctulatis ; 
elytris alutaceis et passim punctatis; pedibus breviter 

Long. 24 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—pPartT 111. (AUGUST.) Z 

310 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

Genus Dopecosis. 

Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 27 (1867); Lacord. 
Gen. viii. 398. 

(Charac. emend.). Corpus subcylindricum. Caput 
antice verticale, breve, tuberibus antenniferis elevatis, 
supra acutis; palpi brevissimi, apice truncati, vix securi- 
formes; antennee corpore duplo longiores, filiformes, 
robust, distincte 12-articulate, longe pilose, articulo 
Imo brevi claviformi, 3i0 paulo 4to breviori, a 4to ad 
12mum zequalibus, simplicibus. Thorax cylindricus, elytris 
multo angustior, inermis, antice et postice transyersim 
impressus. lytra linearia, apice breviter truncata. 
Pedes modice graciles, femoribus paulo incrassatis. Pro- 
sternum inter coxas angustum; coxis exserto-conicis, 
extus angulatis; acetabula intermedia extus aperta. 

This genus seems not to fit into any of the sub-families 
or “‘groupes” into which Lacordaire has divided the 
Cerambycide. In its completely 12-jointed and exces- 
sively short antenne, and perpendicular forehead, it 
is unlike any other genus known to me. In facies, 
however, it resembles somewhat the Obriine, and it 
seems less out of place in this sub-family than in any 

1. Dodecosis saperdina, Bates, l. c. 

Fulvo-testacea, sub-opaca, longe tenuiter pilosa; an- 
tennis (articulo primo excepto) fusco-nigris, articulis basi 
pallidis ; fronte convexa; thorace lateribus antice breviter 
tuberculato, disco paulo elevato; elytris dense punctula- 
tis, sutura margine laterali carinaque dorsali ante apicem 
desinente elevatis. 

Long. 34 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 
One example only. 

The insect resembles, in its general shape, and to some 
extent in the filiform antenne, certain slender species of 

of the Amazon Valley. 311 
Section B. Hyes finely facetted. 

Sub-fam. Leprurinz. 

Thomson, Archiv. Entom. i. 319; Lacord. Gen. viii. 451. 
1. Ophistomis bivittatus, n. sp. 

6. Gracilis, postice valde attenuatus, luteo-flavus, bre- 
viter setosus ; antennis longitudine corporis, a medio usque 
ad apicem incrassatis, nigris; capite thoraceque nigro- 
bivittatis, crebre punctatis, illo vertice etiam nigro; 
elytris humeris obtusis, postice incurvatim attenuatis, 
apice oblique truncatis et bidentatis, supra passim punc- 
tatis, punctis setiferis, setis incumbentibus, sutura, mar- 
gine basali, macula laterali apud medium, fasciisque 
duabus posticis (secunda apicali), nigris ; femoribus apice, 
tibiis tarsisque nigris; abdomine rufo, coxis posticis et 
metasterni episterno nigro-maculatis. 

@ a 6 valde differt. Robustior, humeris multo 
latioribus, fulvus; antennis dimidium corporis paulo 
superantibus, articulis 5 basalibus fulvis, reliquis nigris, 
incrassatis; capite thoraceque nigro-bivittatis, crebre 
punctatis, hoc linea dorsali levi; elytris humeris latis 
rotundatis, postice recte attenuatis, apice oblique trun- 
catis et bidentatis, supra punctulatis et setosis, utrinque 
sutura, maculis tribus discoidalibus, alterisque duabus 
minoribus juxta humeros, nigris; pedibus fulvo-rufis, 
apicibus femorum tibiarumque posticarum, et tarsis 

dione. 7 lin.. 4... 

Hab.—Kga; many examples. 

Like all other species of Ophistomis, it is found in the 
forest, slowly flying about the underwood in fine weather, 
and settling on the slender stems of climbing and other 
plants ; sometimes the species are seen on flowers. 

2. Ophistomis paraensis, n. sp. 

3S. O. bivittato valde affinis, differt colore magis 
fulvo, et elytris apice haud nigro-fasciatis. Gracilis, 
Zz 2 

312 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

fulvus, punctatus, setosus; capite thoraceque nigro-bi- 
vittatis; elytris valde attenuatis, sutura, margine basali, 
vitta laterali ante medium, fasciaque pone medium, nigris ; 
femoribus apice, tibiis, tarsis, maculisque pectoris nigris. 

9. Ignota. 

Long. 64 lin. 


3. Ophistomis ochropterus, n. sp. 

3. Gracilis, postice gradatim lateribus haud incurvatim 
attenuatus, fulvo-ochraceus, flayo-setosus, punctulatus, 
haud nitidus; antennis a medio modice incrassatis, nigris ; 
epistomate, vertice, maculaque magna antico-dorsali tho- 
racis nigris; elytris marginibus apicibusque nigris; 
pedibus nigris, femoribus antice subtus flavo-testaceis ; 
abdomine apice nigro, 

Long. 44-64 lin, 


4. Ophistomis melanostomus, n. sp. 

? . Robustior, postice minus attenuatus, fulvo-testaceus, 
subnitidus, epistomate, vertice, maculaque magna antico- 
dorsali thoracis nigris, hoc minus crebre, vertice creber- 
rime punctatis ; antennis a medio vix incrassatis, piceo- 
rufis, basi et apice fuscis; elytris vittis suturali et 
marginali (hac in fascia ante-apicali terminata) apicibus 
que nigris; pedibus nigris, femoribus dimidio basali 
fulvis ; abdomine apice nigro. 


Possibly the 9 of Oph. ochropterus. 

5. Ophistomis rubricollis, n. sp. 

?. Curtus, robustus, postice attenuatus, niger, tho- 
race lete rufo; antennis apicem versus paulo incras- 
satis; thorace creberrime punctato, opaco; scutello rufo; 
elytris margine basali rufescente, crebre punctatis, sub- 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—Kga. » 

of the Amazon Valley. 313 

6. Ophistomis semifulvus, n. sp. 

?. Minus elongatus, postice vix attenuatus, fulvo- 
rufus; elytris (margine basali maculaque humerali ex- 
ceptis) nigris; antennis vix incrassatis; thorace crebre 
punctato, linea dorsali levi; apicibus femorum, tibiarum 
et tarsorum nigris. 

Long. 44 lin, 

7. Ophistomis albicollis. 
Luryptera albicollis, Pascoe, Journ. Entom. i. 63. 

Elongatus, niger, thorace (vitta dorsali excepta) macu- 
laque elongata elytrorum testaceo-flavis; capite testaceo- 
flavo, epistomate nigro-plagiato ; antennis articulis basi, 
coxis femoribusque plus minusve testaceis. 

6. Gracilis; antennis longitudine corporis, apicem 
versus vix incrassatis; elytris medio paulo angustatis, 
ante apicem paululum iterum dilatatis. 

9. Robustior; antennis dimidium corporis paulo 
superantibus, medio (haud apicem versus) incrassatis ; 
elytris elongatis, parallelogrammicis, ante apicem paulu- 
lum rotundatis. ; 

Hab.—St. Paulo, Amazons. 

The form of the rostrum, and the terminal ventral seg- 
ment of the male, demonstrate that this species belongs 
to Ophistomis rather than to Huryptera. 


Serville, Encycl. Meth. x. 688; Lacord. Gen. viii. 454. 

1. Huryptera atripennis, n. sp. 

Curta, postice paululum dilatata, punctata, pubescens, 
subnitida, fulvo-rufa, elytris (macula humerali excepta) 
nigris, tibiis tarsisque posticis fuscis; antennis robustis, 
medio paulo incrassatis; capite antice satis elongato et 
angustato, epistomate punctato polito; thorace minus 
dense punctulato; elytris ante apicem paulo rotundato- 

314 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

dilatatis, apice late vix oblique truncatis, extus spinosis, 
supra linea elevata prope suturam, griseo-pubescentibus 
subnitidis; pedibus robustis, tarsis posticis curtis, tibus 
multo brevioribus; abdomine (segmento basali rufo ex- 
cepto) nigro, segmento ultimo ventrali apice truncato, 
angulis longe spinosis. 

. Long. 44 lin. (¢ ?). 

In the form of the terminal ventral segment, and the 
shortness and stoutness of the hind tarsi, this species 
agrees with H. latipennis, Serv. 


Sub-fam. NecypDaLinz. 


Newman, Entom. Mag. v. 396; Sphecogaster, Lacord. 
Gen. viii. 471. 

1. Sphecomorpha chalybea, Newman, l. c. 
Sphecogaster biplagiatus, Lacord., lib. cit. p. 472, n. (?). 

“‘Chalybeo-nigra ; antennis nigris, articulis 4to et 
5to subtus testaceis; elytris vitta subhumerali macu- 
laque dorsali albidis, hac fascia zenea transversa divisa.” 

Long. 13 lin. 


This bears the closest resemblance to a large wasp of the 
genus Hpipone, and was captured by me as such, flying 
in the forest at Ega; it was only after examination at 
the bottom of my net, that I found it was not a wasp. 
Subsequently I saw three examples at myrtle blossoms, 
but by an unlucky shaking of a branch, missed them all, 
as they took to flight instantly. 

Lacordaire appears entirely to have overlooked New- 
man’s genus. I am inclined to think the species he 
describes is the same as Newman’s. 

Sub-fam. MotorcuinZ. 
Genus STENOPTRELLUS, nov. gen. 

Merionede et Stenoptero affinis; differt antennis 
(2) longitudine corporis, setaceis. Corpus tenue, de- 

of the Amazon Valley. 315 

pressum. Caput exsertum, angustum, antice paulo pro- 
longatum et attenuatum; oculis paulo prominentibus ; 
palpis brevibus, articulis terminalibus apice attenuatis 
truncatis; antennis pilosis, apicem versus attenuatis, 
articulis tenuibus, apice intus paulo productis. Thorax 
tuberosus, antice valde angustatus et forte constrictus. 
Elytra plana, abdomine quarta parte breviora, apicem 
versus attenuata et dehiscentia, apice obtuse acuminata. 
Pedes pilosi, postici longiores et robustiores; femora 
omnia abrupte clavata; tarsi breves: Coxe antice 
conic, exserte. Abdomen (¢ ) segmento ventrali primo 
magno, integro, secundo paulo minori, postice semicircu- 
lariter emarginato et longe ciliato, reliquis profunde 

1. Stenoptrellus culicinus, n. sp. 

Niger, nitidus; thorace tuberibus octo imequalibus, 
duobus medianis linearibus; elytris pallide ochreis, pas- 
sim grosse punctatis, linea elevata laterali a medio usque 
ad apicem; abdomine segmentis duobus basalibus rufis. 

Long. 34 lin. 9. 

Hab.—Kga ; on flowers. 

Sub-fam. NecyDALOPSINZ. 


Buquet, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1859, p. 621; Lacord. Gen. 
vill, 494. 

1. Sthelenus braconinus, n. sp. 

S. ichneumoneo (Buquet) affinis, differt thorace antice 
nigro, pedibus anticis et intermediis totis rufis. Linearis, 
testaceo-rufus, capite, antennis, plaga antica thoracis, 
postpectore, femoribus posticis apice, tibiis tarsisque 
nigris ; elytris pallidis, fascia paulo post medium fusca. 

Long. 5-7 lin. gd 2. 

Hab.—St. Paulo, Amazons. 

Resembling to deception certain common species of 
Bracon, Fam. Ichnewmonide. Found flying at mid-day 
on low bushes ; the limbs, asin Ozodes and the Clyti, are 
extremely fragile, breaking off almost at a touch. 

316 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Sub-fam. ReinoTRAGINz. 

Genus OxyLYMMA. 
Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc., 2 ser., v. 21; Lacord. Gen. 
vii. 500. 
1. Oxylymma lepida. 
Pascoe, lib. cit. p. 22, pl. n. f. 3. 

Testaceo-flava, glabra, nitida, vertice, antennarum basi, 
fasciis duabus elytrorum, maculaque triangulari humerali, 
nigris; elytris acuminatis, fortiter punctatis. 

Long. 54 lin. 9°. 


2. Oaylymma telephorina, n. sp. 

Elongata, passim pallide setosa, flavo-testacea, capite 
supra maculisque humeralibus posticisque elytrorum 
nigris ; capite rostro valde abbreviato, antice et partibus 
oris flavis, supra cum collo nigro, grosse sparsim punctato ; 
antennis testaceo-flavis ; thorace ovato, postice constricto, 
supra antice grosse (? minus) punctato; elytris apice 
obtuse rotundatis, angulo suturali paulo producto, supra 
dense punctatis, macula humerali per marginem con- 
tinuata, alteraque transversa prope apicem (interdum 
obsoleta), nigris ; postpectore nigro. 

Long. 43-5 lin. $ 9. 

Differmg from O. lepida in the anterior part of the 
head not being prolonged into a muzzle, but moderately 
short. Notwithstanding this important difference, it can 
scarcely be placed in a separate genus, as almost every 
other character of the insect agrees with Oaylymma; 
it has the same peculiar form of the head, eyes, insertion 
of the antenne, thorax, and legs. 


Genus EryrHrop.atys. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 201; Lacord. Gen. 
vill. 511, 

Lacordaire doubts whether this genus can belong to the 
Rhinotragine; but in all essential points of structure it 

of the Amazon Valley. 317 

has the closest affinity with Rhinotragus. The middle 
sockets are widely open externally, and the mesosternum 
‘has elevated and acute lateral margins, and is vertical 
anteriorly. The metasternum is large and inflated. 

1. Hrythroplatys corallifer. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 202, pl. v. f. 2. 

The figure here quoted will give an accurate idea of 
this singular insect, which by reason of its widely-dilated 
elytra, coarse sculpture, and bright red and black colours, 
becomes the mimetic analogue of Cephalodonta spinipes, 
Fabr., of the family Hispide. It is not found, however, 
in company with that insect. At least, the few examples I 
met with were found on the flowers of a low tree, named 
Pitomba, in the neighbourhood of Santarem, whilst the 
Cephalodonta was seen only on the foliage of a climbing 
plant, generally in great numbers. 

Genus Ru#INoTRAGUS. 
Germar, Ins. Sp. Nov. p. 513; Lacord. Gen. vii. 500. 

1. Rhinotragus trilineatus. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 200. 

‘RR, flavus; antennis, capite, thoracis maculis duabus 
dorsalibus, lineis tribus elytrorum, una suturali, pedibus 
femorumque basi exceptis, abdomine apice, nigris.” 

Long. 5-5$ lin. 

Distinguished from the typical species of Rhinotragus 
by its more slender form, the elytra narrowing more to- 
wards the apex, and by its slender antennz ; but agree- 
ing with them in the glossy elevations of the thorax, the 
swollen lateral rim of the elytra, and the distinctly serrate 

Hab.—Villa Nova, Amazons ; on flowers. 

Genus AGAONE. 
Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc., 2 ser., v. 22. 

Lacordaire unites this genus to Ommata ; from which, 
it appears to me distinct in the short, slender, filiform an- 
tenn, the short cylindrical thorax, and the much shorter 

318 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

legs, especially the hind pair. It forms a very natural 
assemblage of small delicate species, all having the same 
style of colouring. The thorax is free from glossy eleva- 
tions, and is thickly punctured. 

1. Agaone notabilis. 

Rhinotragus notabilis, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 199. 

“‘R. luteus; antennis nigris, articulis 8 ultimis basi flavis ; 
thorace macula magna dorsali nigra; elytris nigris, sin- 
gulis vitta elongata basali et fascia transversali subapicali 
sulphureis; pedibus nigris, femoribus basi et apice intus 

flavis.’ (White.) 
Long. 3-43 lin. do 9. 

The elytra are broad at the apex, and truncate, with 
each angle briefly spinous; they are distinctly narrowed 
in the middle, a little widened behind, and narrowed 
again to the apex, more so in the ? than in the ¢. The 
basal sulphur-yellow vitta of the elytra is very variable in 
form, and is sometimes only a rounded spot. 

Hab.—Tapajos and Ega. 

Found sometimes at flowers, and sometimes hovering 
in numbers over the trunks of felled trees. 

2. Agaone molorchoides. 

Rhinotragus molorchoides, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 200. 

‘“‘R. gracilis, luteus ; capite, thoracis macula magna irre- 
gulari transversa, elytrorum marginibus nigris ; antennis 
nigris, segmentis 8 ultimis basi pallidis ; elytris vitreis.” 
(White. ) 

Long. 3} ln. d ?. 

The elytra are much narrowed, and are slightly de- 
hiscent; the apex obliquely truncate, with the angles 
scarcely produced; the form of the elytra, and their 
glassy discs, show an approach towards Odontocera. 

Hab.—River Tapajos ; on flowers. 

of the Amazon Valley. 319 

3. Agaone colon, n. sp. 

Gracilis, testaceo-fulva, antennis, maculis duabus tho- 
racis, et vitta laterali abbreviata elytrorum nigris ; an- 
tennis articulis basi testaceis ; thorace elongato, lateribus 
paululum rotundato, grosse reticulato-punctato; elytris 
angustatis, dehiscentibus, apice recte truncatis, supra 
lateribus dense et disco sparsim punctatis; femoribus 
supra (posticis apice), tibiisque apice nigris. 

Long. 4 lin. ¢. 


4. Agaone malthinordes, n. sp. 

Tenuis, linearis, testaceo-flava, aureo-tomentosa, ver- 
tice maculaque transversa thoracis nigris; hoc sparsim 
grosse punctato, spatio dorsali levi; elytris linearibus, 
haud attenuatis, grosse et dense punctatis, purpureo- 
fuscis, fascia ante-apicali testacea; antennis corpore multo 
brevioribus, fuscis, articulis basi testaceis ; pedibus annulo 
femorali, tibiisque apice fuscis; abdomine apice nigro. 

Hong. Ss lin. ¢ 9. 
Hab.—Ega ; on flowers. 

5. Agaone ruficollis, n. sp. 

Tenuis, linearis, nigra, thorace lete rufo, grosse 
Sparsim punctato; elytris medio angustatis, utrinque 
carina abbreviata laterali, passim grosse punctatis, apice 
oblique truncatis, basi fulvis; antennis articulis basi, 
femoribus basi, tibusque apice flavo-testaceis. 

Long. 3 lin. 
Hab.—Ega; on flowers. 

Genus OmMaATaA. 

White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 194; Lacord. Gen. 
vii. 502. 
Distinguished from the allied genera by the length 
(longer than the body in the @) and clavate form of the 

antenne, by the long cylindrical thorax, and elongate 
hind legs. 

320 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

l. Ommata aurata, n. sp. 

Viridi-aurata, metallica, dense fortiter (thorace rugose) 
punctata; elytris haud angustatis, basi excepta czeruleis ; 
abdomine segmentis 2-4 cupreo-aureis splendidis; an- 
tennis nigris ; pedibus chalybeis. 

Long. 5 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Villa Nova. 

I found one example only of this beautiful species. 

2. Ommata smaragdina, un. sp. 

Gracilis, lete viridi-cyanea, elytris macula magna hu- 
merali aurantiaca et vitta laterali violacea; capite rugoso- 
punctato; thorace antice angustato, supra transversim 
rugoso-punctato ; elytris apice oblique truncatis, angulo 
externo spinoso, supra passim dense punctatis ; antennis 
piceo-violaceis, basi pedibusque chalybeis. 

Long. 5 lin. ¢ 

A still more richly-coloured species than O. aurata. 
One example. 



Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 546; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 503. 

1. Odontocera chrysostetha, n. sp. 

Gracilis, melleo-flava, subtus aureo-pubescens; capite 
grosse crebre punctato; thorace cylindrico, dorso paulo 
longitudinaliter elevato, grosse et dense punctato, nigro 
4-maculato vel bi-vittato; elytris longitudine corporis, 
paulo attenuatis, apice recte truncatis, disco politissimis, 
lateribus dense punctatis, sutura marginibusque (apice 
excepto) nigris; antennis piceo-rufis, nigro-maculatis ; 
femoribus anticis supra nigro-lineatis, posticis medio 
nigro-annulatis ; abdomine vespiformi. 

Long. 6-64 lin. $ ¢. 
Hab.—Para and Ega. 

of the Amazon Valley. 321 

2. Odontocera paecilopoda. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 191. 

* Nigra, elytris vitreis pallidis nigro-marginatis; ab- 
dominis basi subtus et apice pallidis; pedibus nigris, 
femorum tibiarumque basi alba; tibiis posticis pilis 
nigris hirtis.” (White.) ; 

Long. 54 lin. ¢. - 

The above description applies only to the ¢. In the 
? the abdomen is wholly testaceous-red ; in both sexes 
it is much narrower than the metasternum, but in the ¢ 
it is exceedingly slender and linear in form. The hind 
tarsi in the @ are pale testaceous. In both sexes the 
head and thorax are black, and the elytra are one-third 
shorter than the abdomen. The long black hairs of the 
hind tibize form a brush all round the joint from the 
middle to the apex. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

3. Odontocera dispar, nu. sp. 

O. pecilopode valde affinis; ¢ differt solum vitta 
laterali elytrorum ante apicem desinente; 9 valde di- 
versa, thorace fulvo, macula dorsali postica nigra; ab- 
domine testaceo-fulvo, segmento 2ndo macula laterali 
nigra; tarsis omnibus flavis. 

Long. 43-54 lin. d 9. 

Hab.—Kga ; abundant. 

4. Odontocera cinctiventris, n. sp. 

Minus elongata, nigra; capite grosse punctato, nitido ; 
thorace breviori, postice angustiori, rotundato, zequaliter 
convexo, dense reticulato-punctato, marginibus antico et 
postico lineaque curvata laterali aureo-tomentosis ; scu- 
tello aureo-tomentoso ; elytris abdomine vix brevioribus, 
grosse et dense punctatis, medio utrinque flavo vitreo, 
vix punctulato; abdomine vespiformi, sezmento basali 
rufo, reliquis argenteo-marginatis; pedibus nigris, fe- 
moribus tibiisque basi testaceis, femoribus gradatim 

Long. 4 lin. (¢ ?). 

Hab.—Kga and Tapajos. 

322 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

5. Odontocera parallela. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 189. 

“ Pallide flava; antennis nigro-annulatis; thoracis 
dorso lineis duabus parallelis nigris; elytris apice an- 
gustatis, singulis linea marginali nigro-fusca; pedibus 
posticis subhirsutis, femoribus tibiisque apice fusco- 
nigris.” (White.) 

Long. 33 ln. d @. 

The sexes, which I took in copuld, do not differ in 
colour, and very little in the length of the antennez, or 
form of abdomen, The antennz are scarcely those of 
the typical Odontocere, being slender, with the 7th-11th 
joints shortened and thickened, and not at all serrate; 
they are, however, even in the 4’, decidedly shorter than 
the abdomen, which character separates the species from 
Ommata, while the thickened apices distinguish it from 
Agaone, to which the species bears some resemblance. 
The elytra, however, are shorter by one-fourth than the 
abdomen, and have vitreous discs. The hind femora 
are abruptly clavate. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

6. Odontocera mellea. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 188. 

** Melleo-flava, antennis nigro-annulatis; elytris cor- 
pore multo brevioribus, basi punctato, membranaceo, 
tune vitreo, apice attenuato nigro; abdomine subtus 
medio nigro.” {White.) 

Long. 5} lin. ¢. 

White’s description applies only to the & ; the Q is 
totally different in coloration, being sooty-black, with 
the head and antennz fulvous, spotted with black, the 
legs dusky, with the middle part of the femora pitchy- 
red, and the apex of the abdomen yellowish. The abdo- 
men, in most examples of the ¢,is black from the base, 
with the apex yellow, and the hind femora are black at 
the base. 

The antenne, in this species, are perfectly filiform, | 
being neither thickened nor serrate towards the apex. ' 

- “ 

/ 4 

of the Amazon Valley. 323 

The elytra are shorter by one-third than the abdomen, 
and widely dehiscent at the suture; the vitreous part 
does not reach to near the base, which is thickly punc- 
tured; the femora are gradually but strongly clavate. 

Generally distributed throughout the Amazons; flying 
about branches of newly-felled trees. 

7. Odontocera punctata. 

Stenopterus punctatus, Klug, Nov. Act. Ac. Ces. L. C. 
Nat. Cur. xii. 471, pl. xliv. f. 4. 

Nigra, thorace supra lete rufo-coccineo, crebre reticu- 
lato-punctato, femoribus posticis basi albo-testaceis ; 
antennis incrassatis et subserratis ; pedibus posticis valde 
elongatis, femoribus clavatis; elytris abdomine triente 
brevioribus, valde dehiscentibus, disco vitreo-flavis. 

Long. 44 lin. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

8. Odontocera ornaticollis, n. sp. 

Nigra, lete aureo-tomentosa, antennis pedibus abdo- 
mineque testaceo-rufis; thorace magno, ovato, postice 
multo angustato, supra reticulato-punctato, margine 
antico et vittis quatuor antice abbreviatis lete aureo- 
tomentosis; elytris abdomine paulo brevioribus, angustis, 
mox pone scutellum dehiscentibus, fulvis, vitreis prope 
basin, fascia obliqua et margine laterali nigris. 

Long. 6 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Santarem ; at flowers. A superb species; the 
hind femora are very gradually clavate. 

9. Odontocera fureifera, nu. sp. 

Robusta, flava, nigro-setosa, antennis abdomine pedi- 
busque testaceo-rufis; thorace transversim ovato, litura 
furcata basi annexa maculaque laterali nigris; elytris 
abdomine paulo brevioribus, a medio abrupte attenuatis, 
disco flavo-vitreis, marginibus rufis, basin versus nigris, 
prope scutellum macula obliqua nigra; antennis brevi- 
bus, ab articulo 3io incrassatis ; pedibus posticis robustis, 
longe hirsutis, femoribus valde haud abrupte clavatis. 

Long. 6 lin. 9. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

324 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

10. Odontocera trilitwrata, n. sp. 

Flava, vertice fascia nigra; antennis apicem versus 
incrassatis et serratis, testaceo-rufis ; thorace breviter 
cylindrico, crebre grossissime punctato, marginibus antico 
et postico, vitta dorsali et fascia mediana (vittam dorsalem 
haud attingente), nigris; elytris abdomine brevioribus, 
apicem versus dehiscentibus, flavis, dorso vitreis, sutura 
marginibusque fuscis, macula sub-basali prope humeros 
nigra; pedibus testaceo-rufis, femoribus basi albo-testaceis, 
abrupte clavatis. 

Long. 5 lin. 9. 

11. QOdontocera fasciata. 


Necydalis fasciata, Oliv. Ent. No. 74, p. 10, pl. i. f. 9. 

Odontocera chrysozone, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
pn 192, a! wet, .: 

White gives the reference to Olivier’s figure with a 
mark of doubt; but on comparing the description as 
well as the figure, there can be no uncertainty about 
his species being the same. 

It is generally distributed throughout the Amazons, 
and not uncommon in the dry season, at sweet-smelling 
flowers. Like all the other species of these beautifully 
varied and interesting little creatures, it flies nimbly from 
flower to flower, deceiving the eye of the beholder by 
its strong resemblance to a wasp. 

12. Odoutocera compressipes. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 191. 

“‘Lutea; capite flavo, gula mento et vertice nigris ; 
antennis ferrugineis articulis 1 et 2 intus nigro lineatis ; ; 
thoracis margine antica et annulo transverso, in dorso 
crassiores, nigris ; elytris vitreis luteis, basi scabris nigro 
variegatis, apice oblique truncatis ; tibiis posticis apice 
subdilatatis nigris hirtulis.” (White.) 

Long. 54 lin. $ @. 

of the Amazon Valley. 325 

White’s description is drawn up from a female spe- 
cimen. The 6g differs in’ having a narrow black 
margin to the vitreous central part, which is quite con- 
tinuous, except for a small space at the apex. The elytra 
are a little shorter than the abdomen, and dehiscent from 
the middle ; the femora are abruptly and strongly clavate ; 
the antennz are but very slightly thickened towards the 
apex, almost filiform. The species, however, is very 
closely allied to O. fasciata, in which the antennz are 
very strongly thickened. It is still more closely related 
to O. trilitwrata, in which the hind femora have no brush- 
like hairs. 

Hab.—EKga, flying about dead trees; also Tapajos. 

13. Odontocera simplex. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 189. 

“Nigra, punctata; elytris elongatis vitreis pallidis, 
margine late sutura anguste nigris; femoribus pedum 
duorum posticcrum basi pallidis; tibiis posticis gracilibus 
nudis; antennisnigris, articulis 5-8 basi pallidis.” (White.)- 

Long. 4 lin. ¢. 

The antenne from the fifth joint are dilated, com- 
pressed, and serrate. The elytra are shorter than the 
abdomen, dehiscent, and sublinear. 


14: Odontocera cercerina, n. sp. 

Postice, attenuata, nigra, opaca; capite dense punctato, 
fronte lineis duabus aureo-tomentosis ; antennis brevibus, 
rufo-piceis, versus apicem valde incrassatis; thorace 
elytris latiori, rotundato-quadrato, haud profunde sed 
dense punctato, nigro, opaco, marginibus antico et postico 
aureo-tomentosis ; elytris extus mox pone humeros valde 
attenuatis, sutura dehiscentibus, abdomine paulo breviori- 
bus, apice subacutis, supra vitta valde curvata abbreviata 
pallido-vitrea, pone hanc macula transversa alba, plaga 
“mnagna triangulari circum-scutellari nigra opaca grosse 
punctata, reliquis nigris opacis, margine basali aureo- 
tomentoso ; corpore subtus nigro opaco, pectore utrinque 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—pPartT i11. (avausT.) AA 

326 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

fasciis duabus et abdomine vittis quatuor albo-tomentosis ; 
pedibus rufo-piceis, posticis elongatis, femoribus gradatim 
clavatis, tibiis apicem versus incrassatis, pilosis. 

Long. 34 lin. @. 

Hab.—Para and Ega. 

15. Odontocera bisuleata, n. sp. 

Minus elongata, nigra, nitida; capite rufo-piceo, rostro 
elongatissimo; antennis brevibus, apicem versus incrassa- 
tis et serratis, rufo-piceis; thorace oblongo, lateribus ro- 
tundatis, supra late bisulcato, grossissime sub-confluenter 
passim punctato ; elytris abdomine paululum brevioribus, 
gradatim angustatis, apice oblique truncatis, toto disco a 
basin usque ad apicem levissimo, vitreo, vittam abbre- 
viatam testaceo-albam includente, marginibus grosse punc- 
tatis; pedibus omnibus breyvibus, robustis, femoribus 
fortiter clavatis, nigris, tibiis posticis incrassatis, haud 
pilosis, his tarsisque leete fulvis. 

Long. 5 lin. 

A remarkable species, which, from the inequalities of 
the thorax, might be considered to belong to Acyphoderes, 
but which differs from that genus in the elongate rostrum ; 
in the last-named feature it exceeds all other species of 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 166; Lacord. Gen. viii. 504. 

The striking resemblance which the species of this genus 
bear to species of Bracon (Fam. Ichnewmonide) is increased 
by the filiform prolongation of the abdomen in the ?, 
which imitates the ovipositor, and by the yellow and 
black wings, 

1. Isthmiade iehneumoniformis, n. sp. 

Nigra, nitida, elytris testaceo-flavis, pectore abdomine- 
que (apice excepto) rufis; pedibus testaceo-rufis, femori- 
bus posticis late fusco-annulatis, tibiis apice tarsisque 
fuscis ; alis flavis, fascia apiceque nigris. 

of the Amazon Valley. 327 

Long. 5-7 lin. g 2. 


The posterior coxee are black, and the breast spotted 
on the sides with black in some examples. The species 
has a most deceptive analogy to species of Bracon. It 
flies nimbly over decaying branches of felled trees. 

Stenopterus braconides (Perty) belongs te this genus. 
It has recently been sent home by Mr. Rogers from 
Minas Geraes. 

Genus Puycopopa. 
Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 164; Lacord. Gen. vii. 509. 

Distinguished by its long and slender form, short 
muzzle, and very elongate and clavate hind femora, the 
tibize tufted with long black hairs. The following species 
agree with the definition as given by Lacordaire, but 
I am unacquainted with the typical species, Phygopoda 
fuga of Thomson. 

1. Phygopoda allitarsis. 

Stenopterus albitarsis, Klug, Nov. Act. Ac. Ces. L. C. 
Nat. Cur. xii. 475, pl. xliv. f. 12. 

Nigro-chalybea, pectore et annulis abdominis argenteo- 
tomentosis ; thorace nudo, plagis tribus politis elevatis, 
interstitiis grosse punctatis; elytris apicem segmenti 

_ primi abdominis attingentibus, abrupte attenuatis, acumi- 
natis, plaga discoidali albo-testacea vitrea; pedibus pos- 
ticis longissimis, tibiis nigro-scopariis, tarsis posticis albis. 

Long. 45-7 lnm. $ Q. 

Hab.—Kga; also Tapajos. 

Sometimes in great abundance at sweet-smelling flowers, 
and looking like a large Oulex. 

2. Phygopoda subvestita. 

Odontocera subvestita, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p- 190 
Melleo-flava, aureo-tomentosa; capite nigro, dense 
punctato; antennis fuscis, basi flavo-testaceis; thorace 

328 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

dense aureo-tomentoso, plagis tribus parvis discoidalibus 
elevatis politis; elytris apicem segmenti primi abdominis 
attingentibus, abrupte attenuatis, obtuse acuminatis, mel- 
leo-flavis, disco vitreo concolori, marginibus prope basin 
fuscis; pedibus flavis, tarsis fuscis, femoribus posticis 
valde elongatis, gradatim clavatis, clavya melleo-flava, 
tibiis posticis apice nigro-scopariis. 

Long. 4-6 lin. d 2. 

Resembles Ph. albitarsis closely in form, in the small 
thorax and subulate elytra; but differs in the less 
abruptly clavate hind femora. It mimics a pale species 
of bee of the genus Melipona, even to the black hairy 
tufts of the hind tibie. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 549; Lacord. Gen. 
vill. 505. 

Y 1. Acyphoderes Olivieri. 

Necydalis abdominalis, Oliv. Ent. No. 74, p. 8, pl. ?- 
f. 5 (?). 

Niger, sericeo-tomentosus; thorace oblongo-ovato, dorso 
depresso, lineis elevatis tribus, interstitiis aureo-tomento- 
sis ; elytris apicem segmenti ventris secundi attingentibus, 
subulatis, flavo-testaceis, vitreis, macula suturali pone scu- 
tellum marginibusque punctatis nigris, his juxta humerum 
lineolam testaceam includentibus ; pectore argenteo, 
abdomine rufescente, sparsim griseo-piloso; pedibus an- 
ticis et intermediis nigris, femoribus crassis, basi et apice 
et tibiis lineis testaceis; pedibus posticis fulvo-rufis. 

Long. 84 lin. S 2. 

Closely allied to the common Brazilian A. auwrulentus; 
differs in its slenderer form, black head, thorax, breast, 
and four anterior legs, and in the red untomentose 
abdomen. It agrees well with Olivier’s description of 
N. abdeminalis, but differs from his figure in the much 
longer and subulate elytra. If we might assume that 
the figure is incorrect in this respect, the species would 
be the one described by him. 

Hab.—River Tapajos; also Cayenne, Peru, &e. 

of the Amazon Vulley. 329 
2. <Acyphoderes odyneroides. - 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 196, pl. v. f. 3. 

Angustatus, niger ; thorace oblongo-ovato, costis tribus 
elevatis grosse punctatis, interstitiis aureo-tomentosis ; 
elytris apicem seomenti ventris tertii attingentibus, atten-_ 
uatis, valde dehiscentibus, apice acuminatis, pallide tes- 
taceo-fulvis, vitreis, margine prope humeros fusco, haud 
profunde punctato; abdomine vespiformi, cinciubus 
quatuor flavis; pedibus gracilioribus, femoribus clavatis. 

Wenge lint gy 2). 

Found on the flowers of a low tree called Pitomba, 
and bears the most deceptive resemblance to a species 
of wasp seen on the same flowers. I was never sure 
whether I had captured the beetle or the wasp, until 
I had closely examined the insect in the bottom of the 


Genus ToMopTEerus. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1833, p. 544; Lacord. Gen. 
vii. 509. 

Distinguished from Odontocera by the short subquadrate 
elytra, which do not pass the level of the posterior coxe ; 
and from Acyphoderes by the same character, and by the 
convex closely punctured thorax. 

1. Tomopterus obliquus, n. sp. 

T. staphylino valde affinis, differt elytris prope suturam 
oblique truncatis. Niger, opacus ; antennis rufescentibus, 
fusco-maculatis; thorace grosse reticulato-punctato, mar- 
ginibus antico et postico fasciaque mediana medio inter- 
rupta aureo-tomentosis; elytris brevibus, extus et apice 
rotundatis, prope suturam oblique truncatis, basi fascia 
rufescente, disco linea obliqua flava; scutello nigro, apice 
aureo-tomentoso ; pectore utrinque aureo-bifasciato, ab- 
dominis segmento primo rufo, reliquis aureo-marginatis ; 
pedibus rufescentibus, femoribus basi albo-testaceis. 

Long. 34 ln. ¢@. 
Hab.-—River Tapajos. » 

330 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

2. Tomopterus bispeculifer. 

Odontocera bispeculifera, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p- 190. 

Niger; thorace rotundato, grosse reticulato-punctato, 
margine postico scutelloque aureo-tomentosis; elytris 
apice rotundatis nec truncatis, grosse punctatis, disco 
macula oblonga sub-obliqua flavo-testacea vitrea ; corpore 
subtus nigro, nitido, epimeris aureo-tomentosis, segmento 
ventris primo interdum ( ¢ ) rufo; pedibus nigris, femori- 
bus posticis interdum (¢) albo-testaceis. 

Long. 5-64 lin. d 9. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

3. Tomopterus larroides. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 177. 

Brevis, robustus; thorace valde transverso, convexo, 
lateribus rotundatis, piloso, punctato, opaco; elytris 
brevibus, apice recte truncatis, extus valde rotundatis, 
vitta obliqua obscure flava; abdominis segmentorum 
marginibus flayo-pilosis ; femoribus posticis gradatim 
incrassatis, supra valde arcuatis. 

6. Supra niger, alisque nigris. 

¢. Supra thorace medio flavescente, elytris lateribus 
castaneis, alis fulvis. 

Long. 3-4 lin. $ Q. 

Abundant once at flowers; closely resembles a small 
bee of the genus Megachile. 


EPIMELITTA, nov. gen. 

Tomoptero affinis, differt corpore toto piloso, elytris 
abdominis basin attingentibus, apice valde attenuatis, sub- 
acuminatis. Rostrum breve, latum. Antenne paullo in- 
crassatz, serrate. Thorax brevis, valde transversus, 
convexus, hirtus. Tibia postice longe pilose. 

The tapering apices of the elytra, widely dehiscent at 
the suture, and the pilose body and limbs, distinguish this 
genus from Y'omopterus. In facies the species bear very 

of the Amazon Valley. 331 

little resemblance to any of the other genera, and, in 
fact, remind one more of bees of the Melipona group. 

Molorchus scoparius, Klug, Nov. Act. Ac. Ces. Nat. 
Cur. xii. 469, pl. xliv. f. 2, belongs to this genus. It is 
stated to be found at Cametd, on the Tocantins, where I 
collected for two months, but did not meet with it. 

1. LEpimelitta meliponica, nu. sp. 

Obscure fulva, densissime fulvo-pilosa, abdomine fusco- 
testaceo, nudo, nitido, apice segmenti primi aureo-margi- 
nato; elytris fulvo-testaceis, nitidis, basi plaga communi 
nigra punctata, pilis rufis elongatis dense marginata ; 
femoribus et tibiis posticis pilosis, his intus ante medium 
et extus versus apicem dense nigro-hirsutis; thorace 
brevi, lato, dense grosse punctato, nigricante, dorso crista. 
pilorum nigricantium. 

Long 6 lin. ¢. 


Flying about decaying trees. Not distinguishable 
from a common species of Melipona when on the wing. 

2. Lpimelitta rufiventris, n. sp. 

Nigra, abdomine rufo, opaco, griseo- sericeo, segmento 
primo tomento griseo dense marginato; thorace sub- 
globuloso, postice constricto, grosse punctato, dorso spatio 
transverso levi nitido, nigro-hirsuto, dorso antico cano- 
pubescenti ; elytris vitta sub-obliqua a basi ad apicem 
albo-testacea vitrea, intus vitta nigro-velutina marginata, 
plaga scutellari nitida; pedibus piceo-rufis, griseo- 
pilosis, femoribus posticis infra barbatis, tibus intus et 
extus longe griseo-hirsutis. 

Long. 63 lin. 2. 

Hab.—Kga; on the trunk of a dead tree. 


Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 23 (1867) ; Lacord. 
Gen. vii. 511. 

(Charac. emend.). Facies Lycorwm (Fam. Lycidarum) . 
Corpus oblongum, depressum, postice dilatatum, elytris 

332 Mr. H. W. Bates on Ceraimbycide 

carinatis, nigris, ochreo-fasciatis. Caput Odontocere et 
Rhinotragi, rostro elongato. Thorax antice angustatus, 
eequalis, haud constrictus. Antenne breves, medio valde 
dilatatze, articulis subserratis, tertio brevissimo transverso. 
Pedes breves; femora gradatim clavata; tarsi breves. 
Coxze anticee subglobose, exserte, extus hand angulate ; 
acetabula intermedia late aperta; prosterno et mesosterno 
inter coxas arcuatis. 

A re-examination of my specimen of this curious insect 
confirms the supposition I formerly expressed, that it 
belongs to the Rhinotragine ; the structure of its sternal 
pieces agreeing with the definition of the group, as given 
by Lacordaire. 

ABchmutes lycoides, Bates, l. e. 

Depressus, nudus, opacus, testaceo-rufus, antennis 
nigris ; thorace strigis duabus utrinque nigris, usque ad 
oculos extensis ; elytris macula magna communi penta- 
gona prope basin quartaque parte apicali nigris; tarsis 
tibiisque nigris, femoribus testaceis, in medio nigris ; 
supra totus creberrime punctatus; elytris linea elevata 
ab humeris fere ad apicem extensa, hoc late undulatim 
truncato, angulis truncaturee ambobus spinosis. 

Long. 44 lin. 9. 

Genus Panprosos. 

Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 23 (1867); Lacord. 
Gen. vii. 510. 

Corpus gracile, tenue; rostro quam in I[hinotrago 
breviori et latiori. Antenne (9) longitudine corporis, 
apicem versus crassiores, serrate; articulus 3ius 4to 
duplo longior. Thorax elongatus, cylindricus. Elytra 
linearia, haud angustata, sed pygidium haud tegentia, 
apice oblique truncata, angulo externo dentato; supra 
plana, grosse punctata, carina laterali obtusa a medio ad 
apicem. Pedes elongati, tenues ; femora longe peduncu- 
lata et clavata; tarsi postici articulo primo reliquis 
conjunctis longiori. Coxee anticze conice, exserte, extus 
haud angulate; acetabula intermedia extus perparum 

of the Amazon Valley. 333 

1. Pandrosos ewilis. 

Rhinotragus exilis, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p- 201. 

Linearis, tenuis, fulvo-testacea; elytris passim punc- 
tatis; antennis fuscis; femoribus posticis apice, tibiis 
tarsisque mediis et posticis, nigro-fuscis. 

Long. 3 lin. ¢. 

The eyes are widely distant in front and on the crown, 
and prominent. 

Hab.—Villa Nova, Amazons ; on flowers. 



Latreille, Regne Anim. (ed. 1) im. 341; Lacord. Gen. 
ix, £5: 

1. Callichroma suturale. 

Cerambyzx suturalis, Fabricius, Sp. Ins. i. 212; Oliv. Ent. 
No. 67, p. 25, pl. vi. f. 40. 

Nigrum, subtus paulo virescens, supra velutinum, 
elytris vitta suturali alteraque discoidali (postice co-eunti- 
bus) cupreo-aureis ; pedibus nigris, tibiis posticis dilatatis 
et compressis. 

Long. 10-19 lin. ¢ Q. 
Hab.—Para and Tapajos. 

2. Callichroma porphyrogenitum, n. sp. 

Magnum, robustum, subtus viride, dense argenteo- 
velutinum ; supra capite thorace et scutello violaceis, hoc 
nigro-bivittato, elytris lete cyaneis, ad latera violaceis, 
utrinque vitta discoidali prope suturain nigro-velutina ; 
pedibus nigris, femoribus basi grosse punctatis, posticis 
sericeis, tibiis dilatatis et compressis. 

Long. 1 un. 9 lin. ¢. 

A magnificent species, with the hind tibiz dilated in 
the same manner as C. suturale. The legs, however, are 

Bie | Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

more robust, and the tarsi much broader. The head, 

thorax, and scutellum are of a beautiful violet colour, 

and the ground-colour of the elytra is of greenish-blue 

metallic lustre graduating into violet on the sides. 
Hab.—Manaos, Rio Negro. 

One example only. 

3. Callichroma brachiale, n. sp. 

C. vittato* (Fabr.) affine ; subtus viridi-zeneum, argen- 
teo-griseo-sericeum ; supra capite et thorace cyaneis 
splendidis, hoc maculis duabus velutinis violaceis ; scutello 
viridi-eeneo, splendido ; elytris nigro-velutinis, apice vio- 
laceis, sutura anguste vittaque discoidali a humero in- 
cipiente viridibus; pedibus nigris, femoribus quatuor 
anticis rufis, basi et apice fuscis, tibiis posticis ¢ ut in 
C. vittato compressis at minus dilatatis. 

Long. 13 lin. @. 

Hab.—River Japuré, near Ega. 

One example. 

4. Callichroma rugicolle. 

C. rugicollis, Guérin, Icon. R. A. iii. 220. 
C. assimilatum, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 158. 

I can perceive no difference between Paré specimens 
of White’s C. assimilatwm and Mexican examples of C. 
rugicolle. The species belongs to the group in which 
the hind tibiz are only very slightly and very gradually 
dilated from base to apex. The colour is a brilliant 
metallic-green, silvery-gray-tomentose on the under 
surface, marked on the thorax with two short velvetty- 
black vittee, and on the elytra by a similar vitta, extend- 
ing from the middle of the base very nearly to the apex ; 
the sides of the elytra become gradually darker green 
and velvetty. The thorax is crossed throughout by fine 
ruge, and the antenniferous tubers are longitudinally 
rugose. All the thighs are tawny-red. 

* C. vittatwm, described by Fabricius from Banks’ collection, is a 
common South Brazilian insect, having the thighs red, the under-surface 
clothed with golden tomentum, and the suture generally with a golden 
tinge: the hind tibiw are only slightly and gradually dilated from base to 


of the Amazon Valley. 33 

Long. 7-10 in. g @. 

Hab.—Para, Santarem, and Ega, on flowers; also 
Cayenne, Mexico, and probably widely distributed im 
Tropical America. 

5. Callichroma aureotinctum, n. sp. 

C. rugicolli valde affine, paulo robustius, magis aureo- 
viride, preecipue elytris apice lete aureis; capite viridi- 
aureo, splendido, sparsim punctato, tuberibus antenniferis 
haud strigosis; thorace multo minus striato. 

Long. 7-10 lin. ¢ Q. 

Hab.—Santarem, Amazons ; on flowers. 

Possibly only a variety of C. rugicolle, found on the 
same trees in company. 

6. Callichroma ocreatum, n. sp. 

C. rugicolli affine, majus, tarsis omnibus apiceque 
tibiarum pallide fulvis; robustum, lete viridi-zeneum, 
subtus argenteo-tomentosum ; thorace transversim sub- 
tiliter strigoso, nigro-velutino bivittato ; scutello splendido, 
aureo; elytris utrinque vitta dorsali nigro-velutina; 
femoribus rufis, tibiis (apice fulvo excepto) nigris, tarsis 

Mong, 15 lm. 6 9. 

Hab.—Lower Napo, near Pebas, Upper Amazons. 

A score examples, all alike. 


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( 337 ) 

XVII. Further observations on the Relation between the 
Colour and the Hdibility of Lepidoptera and 
their Larve. By J. Jenner Wutr, F.L.S. 

[ Read 4th July, 1870. ] 

I nue to exhibit some perfect specimens of Cucullia ver- 
basci, and with reference to my former communication 
(see Trans. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 21), I have to lay before 
the Society a few further observations on the Relation 
between the Colour and the Edibility of Lepidoptera and 
their Larvee, in which the history of these specimens of 
Cucullia verbasci will be narrated. 

Mr. H. D’Orville, in a communication to the Entomo- 
logist’s Monthly Magazine, vol. vi. p. 16, states that he 
has had some hundreds of the larve of Oucullia verbasei 
in his garden, but as soon as they began to show colour 
and size, and appear on the upper-side of the leaves 
and on the stems to partake. of the flowers, ‘‘down come 
the birds, and off go the larve.” He adds, that he there- 
fore cannot feel so satisfied as I express myself to be, 

that, as a general rule, birds refuse to eat gaily coloured 


Mr. D’Orville also suggests, that the birds on which I 
made my experiments reject in confinement food which 
they would partake of if at liberty. My own experience 
is quite opposed to this suggestion, and I am inclined to 
think that the contrary is the fact, and that birds in 
captivity, being deprived almost entirely of insect food, 
eat readily species that in a state of liberty they would 

After reading Mr. D’Orville’s communication, I became 
very desirous of obtaining a brood of Cucullia verbascr 
for experiment, and I was fortunate enough to find them 

in some plenty at Lewes on the Verbascum thapsus. 

I brought away a sufficient number for my purpose, 
leaving, however, some behind ; these, I am informed, 
grew and thrived so well, that the plant was utterly 
disfigured by their ravages, and was removed as unsightly 
from the garden. It may therefore, I think, be assumed, 
that the birds of Sussex did not eat the larvee of Cucullia 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—ParT tt. (AUGUST.) 

338 Mr. J. Jenner Weir on Colour 

Upon reaching Blackheath, my specimens were placed 
.on the Verbascum blattaria, in my own garden, and were 
carefully watched and counted daily, until they became 
nearly full-grown; at this period of their existence, they 
had almost destroyed every leaf of the food-plants, and 
had begun to gnaw holes in the bare stems; still not one 
was missing. ‘To make the experiment as conclusive as 
possible, I attracted birds to the plants, by strewing 
around them different kinds of food; this was eaten, but 
the larvee remained day after day consuming the flowering 
stems of the Verbasewm. 

I also gathered some stems of the plant, and placed 
them in water in my aviary (which contained most of the 
birds mentioned in my former paper), feeding on them 
for several days four large specimens of the larvee; these 
ate up every leaf, and completely defoliated the flowering 
stems, yet they remained quite unmolested. 

When the time arrived for the larve to assume the 
pupal state, I occasionally missed a specimen, but by 
digging around the stem of the plant, I found the straggler, 
and placed it in a breeding cage. This spring, they 
assumed the imago state, and the specimens I exhibit 
have passed with impunity through the dangers detailed 

Oucullia verbasci in the perfect state looks like a piece 
of dried wood, and if my theory is correct, the imago 
ought to be eaten by birds, because its coloration is pro- 
tective; and upon placing it in the aviary, it was at once 
seized and greedily devoured. 

The following observations are taken from my journal, 
in which the notes were entered at the time the experi- 
ments were made with the birds in my aviary. 

The larvee of Odonestis potatoria and Lasiocampa quereus 
were not eaten, but were quite disregarded even when 
moving. ‘These are both hairy larve. 

The larve of Lriogaster lanestris, even in the young 
state, before the hairs had assumed the brown colour 
and the specimens appeared almost smooth, were refused 

The gaily coloured larva of Diloba ceeruleocephala was 
examined when moving, but not eaten. 

and Hdibility of Larve. 339 

The black, white, and yellow larva of Abraxas grossula- 
riata was not even noticed. 

The brilliantly coloured and somewhat hairy larva of 
Porthesia auriflua, even when crawling, was not regarded. 

No notice was taken of the chocolate and yellow larva 
of Hibernia defoliaria. 

A thrush belonging to my brother, which I constantly 
fed with insects, rejected the gaily coloured slightly 
hairy larva of Clisiocampa neustria. 

The birds very hungry, but Clisiocampa neustria, Diloba 
ceruleocephala, and Abraxas grossulariata all crawling 
about the aviary untouched. 

The bright crimson and brown imago of Luchelia 
jacobeeee was allowed to move about the aviary for some 
time, but at last, after the removal of the wings, was 
swallowed, evidently with reluctance; this is a species 
which flies in the day time, with a very weak flight, and 
appears to make no attempt at concealment ; it would, 
probably, be unmolested by wild birds. 

I may add, that my belief in the protective use to 
insects of bright colours remains unshaken, but that I 
agree with Mr. D’Orville, that ‘‘some birds will eat 
certain larvee which may be distasteful to others.” 

It is quite possible, that one of the reasons why a 
species of insect is often so rare in places where its 
food plant is abundant, may be the presence of the bird 
that feeds upon it, while its abundance in other districts 
may be due to the absence of its special enemy, rather 
than to the abundance of its food. 

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( 341 ) 

XVIII. Notes on Butterflies collected by J. H. Bowker, 
Esq., in Basuto-land, South Africa; with de- 
scriptions of some New Species. By Roiann 

[ Read 7th November, 1870.} 

Her Majesty’s gracious declaration of the Basutos as 
British subjects, has proved of benefit to Entomology, 
imasmuch as one of the consequences of that proclamation 
was the stationing of a most devoted insect collector, 
Mr. J. H. Bowker, in Basuto-land, with his detachment 
of the frontier armed and mounted police. Mr. Bowker, 
who has recently received his well-earned promotion to 
the chief command of the corps, crossed the Orange 
River on the 22nd March, 1868, and remained in Basuto- 
land until towards the end of June, 1870. During this 
period, he had occasion to visit every part of the country, 
except the sources of the Caledon River, and has carefully 
collected all the species of Rhopalocera with which he 
met on his journeys, as well as those occurring near his 
principal stations, Koro-Koro and Maseru. 

Basuto-land may be said to extend over about two 
degrees of latitude, being situate between 28° 30’ and 
30° 30 §., according to the existing maps, and, as at 
present limited, lies almost entirely between the Caledon 
River (a considerable Northern tributary of the Orange 
River) on the West, and the head-waters of the Orange 
River on the East. Itis a high-lying region throughout, 
and mountainous all along its Hastern border. The 
following remarks by Mr. Bowker will give a general 
idea of the tract of country. He writes: “Near the 
Caledon there extend high flat-topped hills of white 
sandstone, with rocky summits, and between them wide 
levels much cut up with gullies and streams. With the 
exception of a few willows along the Caledon itself, there 
are no trees on the river-sides in this part. The streams 
fallme into the Caledon all take their rise in the Maluti 
mountains (a Southern continuation of the Drakensberg 
range), but do not penetrate far into the mountains, 
being mostly cut off by the first range, of which the 
Machecha (about 10,000 feet above the sea) and Thaba 


342 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Telli (about 8,000 feet) are the highest points. At the 
back of these, there rise a number of streams, all running 
westward, which form the heads of the Orange River. 
This region is but little known, being almost too cold 
for human habitation, except for a few months of the 
summer, and even then being much subject to violent 
rain-storms and heavy mists, which render travelling 
dangerous among the numerous swamps and patches of 
boggy ground. The rivers here are thickly fringed with 
fine willows, and run in deep narrow valleys; and the 
difficulty of following their course can only be understood 
by those who have attempted it. The range of mountains 
appears to have resulted from rapid upheaval, an igneous 
rock in many places covering the level strata of white 
sandstone, and forming spurs running down towards the 
Caledon River. This peculiar tract is almost devoid of 
animal life; and when there in December, 1868, I met 
with very few insects except in the valley of the Makaleng 
River or Kornet Spruit. The only persons inhabiting 
this part are a few wandering Bushmen, who occasionally, 
during severe weather, make a raid into more favoured 

The country of which the above gives an account, is 
very clearly by no means well adapted for butterfly life ; 
and, in fact, nearly the whole of Mr. Bowker’s specimens 
were captured in the lower-lying ground near the Caledon, 
where a comparatively milder climate prevails. But even 
at Maseru, the frosts in winter are keen; Mr. Bowker 
writing at the end of May, 1869, said—‘‘ The cold here 
now is something intense: the water brought to me the 
other morning, when the sun was shining brightly and 
had been up for half-an-hour, in about twenty minutes’ 
time was covered with a coat of ice of about the thickness 
of a dinner plate; and when, after throwing out the ice, 
I had washed, the soapy water was, in ten minutes’ time, 
again frozen over.” 

The number of species found in Basuto-land is 62, less 
than one-fourth of the total number which I have now 
recorded as natives of extra-tropical Southern Africa. 
Compared with the productiveness of the adjacent region 
of Natal, whence I have noted more than 200 species, 
this paucity appears the more remarkable; but it must 
be remembered that the bulk of Natalian butterflies are 
from the narrow belt of well-wooded country on the 

South African Butterflies. 343 

coast, the abundance of species most markedly decreasing 
in the higher districts inland. The richness of the coast- 
line in comparison with an elevated inland region like 
Basuto-land is even more striking, on looking to the very 
limited extent and southern position of British Kaffraria 
(now forming part of the Cape Colony), where ninety- 
four species were collected by Mr. D’Urban during a 
year’s stay (see Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., 1.398). Taking, 
however, the catalogue of species inhabiting the Cape 
Colony (including British Kaffraria), it will be seen that 
Basuto-land, considering its comparatively small size, is 
not so very much the poorer, the Colony at present 
mustering only about one hundred and fifty-two species. 
Among the sixty-two Basuto species, there are fourteen 
not known to occur in the Cape Colony, five of which 
(together with nine others) are not recorded from Natal ; 
but little value can be attached to these figures, owing to 
our very scanty information respecting the entomology 
of the northern border of the former Colony, and the 
western border of the latter; in which tracts of country 
it is most probable that the species wanting in the 
existing lists do mostly, if not all, occur. 

The following table shows the extent to which the 
various groups of South African Rhopalocera are re- 
presented in Basuto-land, in comparison with their 
known numbers south of the tropic. 

South-Africa. Basuto-land. 
Danaine ... ra 5 1 
Acreine .. os 18 4 
Satyrine .. aA 20 4 
Nymphaline a 49 9 
92 18 
ERycInip& * 1 0 
Lyca2nIDz 68 26 
Pierinz ay oe 46 7 
Papilionine ag 13 1 
' TESPERUIDA Se ee aes 48 10 
268 62 

* A species of Libytheinew. Mr. W. Morant has sent me a figure of a 
Libythea, captured by him on the coast of Natal, which appears to be a 
new species, allied to L. Lepita, Moore. 


344 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Generally the Families range in the following order, 
according to the number of species contained in each, 
viz., 1. Nymphalide; 2. Lycenide; 3. Papilionide ; 
4. Hesperiide, and 5. Erycinide;—in Basuto-land the 
order is as follows, viz., 1. Lyceenide; 2.. Nymphalide; 
3. Hesperiide, and 4. Papilionide. The scanty repre- 
sentation of the last-named family is very marked, only 
one species of Papilio (the most widely-prevalent in 
Africa), and respectively three and two species of the 
rich genera Pieris and Callosune,* having been met with 
in the Basuto country. 

Only two species, Lycena Letsea and L. Macalenga, 
appear to be peculiar to Basuto-land; the other new 
species (five) described in this paper, being known to 
occur in other parts of Southern Africa. Lycena is by 
far the largest South-African genus of butterflies, no less 
than thirty species being now recorded, in addition to 
several undescribed forms in collections. 

Family NYMPHALID/i. 

Sub-fam. Danarnz. 
Genus Danars, Latreille. 

Danais Chrysippus. 
Papilio Chrysippus, Linn. S. N. (ed. xii.) ii. 767. 

Mr. Bowker has sent specimens of this widely preva- 
lent species from Maseru, and notes the butterfly as 
being very numerous there in the autumn months. 

I have lately found, for the first time, the singular fasci- 
cled anal appendages, observable in several Huplew and 
(rarely) in Danais Echeria, occurring in a g D. Chry- 
syypus. These appendages seem peculiar to the ¢ sex, 
so far as I have noticed; and the rarity of their appear- 
ance leads me to imagine that they are either lost or 

* Mr. Bowker writes that the single example of C. Evenina sent to 
Cape Town, was the only “Red-Tip” (C. Agoye, the second species 
found, has a small ochreous apex) seen by him during two years’ stay in 

South African Butterflies. 345 

reduced to a state of uselessness soon after the butter- 
fly’s disclosure. The specimens of the genus Danais in 
which I have found them have invariably been very 
fresh individuals, with the abdomen still limp and 
swollen from the pupa case. 

Sub-fam. AcR#IN®. 

Genus Acr#a, Fabricius. 

Acrea Horta. 
Papilio Horta, Linn. 8. N. ii. 755. 

The specimens forwarded by Mr. Bowker do not differ 
from those found within the limits of the Cape Colony. 

Acreea Neobule. 
K. Doubl. Gen. Di. Lep. pl. xix. f. 3. 

These examples from Basuto-land (a g and two 2?) 
are smaller than the type specimens (two ¢?) from 
Congo, in the collection of the British Museum, and also 
those specimens from Natal and the Cape Colony, in my 
own collection and in that of the South African Museum. 
The species is closely allied to A. Horta, and may be 
said to occupy a position between that species and 4A. 
Mahela, of Madagascar. From the former insect, it 
constantly differs in having spots on the fore-wings in, 
beyond, and below the discoidal cell,* and in the com- 
plete black border of the hind-wings, which encloses the 
spots of the ground-colour; its abdomen, in both sexes, 
but especially in the ¢, being much paler than that of 
Horta, owing to the greater width (in some instances 
confluence) of the pale ochreous markings. From A. 
Mahela, judging from Boisduval’s figure and description 
in the Faune Entom. de Madagascar, p.31, pl. vi. fig. 1, the 
well-marked border of the hind-wings readily distinguishes 
it, the Madagascarene Acrea having only small fuscous 
spots at the extremities of the nervules; but the other 
markings are almost identical in the two butterflies, 

* It should here be noted that a g Horta, from Oudtshoorn, Cape 

Colony, in my collection, has both a cellular and three infra-cellular spots 
faintly marked; but it wants the small spots beyond the end of the cell. 

346 _ Mr. Roland Trimen on 

except that Neobule, like Horta, possesses some short 
reddish rays at the apex of the fore-wings, which appear 
to be wanting in Mahela. The fore-wing spots appear 
to be less constant in the ¢ Neobule than in the ¢?. 

Mr. Bowker’s specimens are from Maseru. I have exa- 
mined examples of Neobule taken in Damara-land by 
Mr. J. A. Bell, in the Cape Colony (Kenhart and Coles- 
berg) by Dr. Chittenden and Mr. A. F. Ortlepp respec- 
tively, in the Trans-Vaal (Potchefstroom) by Mr. V. E. 
Noren, and in Natal (D’Urban) by Mr. McKen and 

[At the British Museum, Neobule is now regarded as only a variety of 
Muhela. Probably Horta, Mahela, and Neobule are but one slightly 
variable species.—Sec. Ent. Soc.]. 

Acrea natalica. 

Boisduval, App. Voy. de Delegorgue dans | Afr. aust. 
p- 090 (1847). 

In my Rhopalocera Africe australis, pp. 97-98, I treated 
A. natalica as a variety of Hypatia, but at the same 
time pointed out numerous marks of distinction between 
the two forms. Subsequent investigations, and the 
observation of natalica in life, have convinced me that 
Boisduval’s species is well founded. 

A single ¢? specimen, sent by Mr. Bowker from 
Maseru, seems to be referable to this species. It is 
considerably smaller than usual, expanding only 1 in. 
6} lin.; the spots are smaller and less numerous, and the 
hind-marginal border of the hind-wings, as well as the 
apical one of the fore-wings, is not nearly so broad. In 
the fore-wings, the transverse costal stripe beyond the 
cell consists of but three small separate spots, instead of 
four rather large sub-confluent ones; the spot immedi- 
ately below these is scarcely perceptible; and the two 
minute submarginal spots, generally well-marked on 
either side of the first median nervule, are wanting. In 
the hind-wings, there is a conspicuous discal white suffu- 
sion * towards the inner margin, covering the outer third 
of the discoidal cell, and extending a little above and be- 
yond it; only four of the usual eight spots of the discal row 
are present, viz: the two next the imner margin (which 
are indistinct), a small one just beyond the end of the 

* This suffusion of white is present, in a less degree, in an indubitable 
3 of Natalica taken by Mr. Bowker on the Bashee River, Kaffraria. 

South African Butterflies. 347 

cell, and a good-sized one on the costa; and the minute 
spot immediately beyond the upper terminal angle of the 
cell is wanting. On the wnderside the colouring is 
brighter and redder. In the fore-wings, the spots noted 
as wanting on the upperside are present, with the excep- 
tion of the upper of the two submarginal ones, and 
though small are distinct ; in the hind-wings the discal 
row of spots is as above described, with the addition of 
a small spot on the inner margin; the inner spot in the cell 
is wanting, as well as the minute one immediately be- 
yond the upper terminal angle; the basal and inner 
marginal reddish-pink colouring is broader and brighter 
than usual; and the spots in the black hind-marginal 
border are much smaller than usual, more rounded, and 
white instead of yellowish. The spots of the head, 
collar, and abdomen are conspicuously white, and un- 
usually large. 

Acrea Anacreon. 
Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1868, p. 77, pl. vi. f.3, 5 (3), 

All the examples sent by Mr. Bowker from the ele- 
vated region at the heads of the Orange River, as well 
as those from the heads of the Umzimvoobo or St. John’s 
River, on the Kaffrarian side of the Drakensberg range, 
are very much smaller than those which I met with in 
Natal, and considerably paler in colour. They expand 
only from 1 in. 8 lin. to 1 in. 10 lin.; and the males ap- 
proach the two specimens taken by the same gentle- 
man towards the southern border of Kaffraria proper, 
in the character of an indistinct sub-apical bar, paler 
than the ground-colour, in the fore-wings. On the un- 
derside of the hind-wings the pink markings are very 
faint. Two of the ¢ examples have the same minute 
spot as in the ? between the median and submedian 
nervures of the fore-wings. 

Sub-fam. Saryrinz. 
Genus Lrpronevra, Wallengren. 

Leptoneura Bowkeri, n. sp. (Pl. VI. fig. 2.) 

A note of the principal distinguishing features of this 
butterfly is given in ‘ Rhopalocera Africe australis,” 

348 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

p. 194. I there treated it as a widely-aberrant variety 
(B) of L. Clytus; but a.wider knowledge of its range, 
and the opportunity of examining more numerous ex- 
amples, have led me to regard it as a good species. 

g. Exp. Lin. 10 lin.—2 in. } lin. 
Allied to L. Clytus, Linn. (S. N. ii. 768). 

Dark brown, with a rufous gloss. Fore-wing: a strongly 
curved row of six whitish irregularly shaped spots (of 
which the upper three are in contact with each other, 
but the lower three separate, sub-rhomboidal, and 
diminishing in size downward) running from the costa a 
little beyond the middle to just above the first median 
nervule, near hind margin; externally contiguous to the 
second spot of this row, near the apex, an indistinct small 
black ocellus, unipupillate with bluish-white. Hind- 
wing : a submarginal row of four or five moderately-sized 
white-unipupillate black ocelli, in narrow dull-rufous 

Unpversipe. Hind-wing and apex of fore-wing very 
slightly paler than the rest of the surface. Fore-wing: 
arow of spots as above, but the fifth and sixth spots 
more or less tinged with fulvous, and a faint trace of a 
seventh spot (also fulvous) below the first median ner- 
vule; a spot, and a curved stria beyond the spot, rather 
darker than the ground-colour, about the middle of the 
discoidal cell ; two parallel dark lines along hind-margin, 
the inner one becoming obsolete about the second dis- 
coidal nervule. Hind-wing: a short dark transverse 
streak in discoidal cell, near base; a dark line closing the 
cell ; two somewhat suffused dark stripes across the wing, 
one (edged with grayish scaling outwardly) before the 
middle, dentate, but continuous and tolerably regular, the 
other (edged with grayish scaling inwardly) irregular, 
more strongly dentate, and abruptly interrupted on the 
third median nervule ; ocelli seven (but that nearest the 
costa small and indistinct, or sometimes wanting) , usually 
ill-defined, in brownish-ochreous rings; two parallel mar- 
ginal lines distinct throughout. 

Besides the five Basuto examples (two from Koro- 
Koro) from which the foregoing description is made, I 
have before me three Kaffrarian specimens taken by Mr. 
Bowker on the Bashee River, and one captured by Mr. 

South African Butterflies. - 849 

Walter Morant, at Karkloof, Natal; as well as a draw- 
ing made by Mr. Mansel Weale, of an individual met 
with either in the Kagaberg or Winterberg, in the 
Bedford Division of the Cape Colony. In two examples, 
the small and imperfect ocellus of the fore-wings is 
accompanied, on the upper side only, by a minute black 
spot, below and separate from it, on the outer edge of 
the third spot in the whitish band. In one of the Bashee 
River specimens, all the spots (seven) of the band are 
unusually small, and completely separated, the three 
lower ones being minute and fulvous-tinged, both on 
upper and undersides of the wings. 

The insect may readily be distinguished from DL. Cly- 
tus by its smaller size; darker ground-colour; total want 
of narrow ochreous band beyond ocellus of fore-wings ; 
much narrower, paler, and more strongly-curved macular 
band, and almost obsolete ocellus of the fore-wings—both 
which markings are much further from the end of the 
discoidal cell, and nearer to the apex, than in Clytus; 
and the much wider distance apart (on the underside of 
the hind-wing) of the two transverse dark stripes at 
their costal origin. The antennz are rather paler than 
those of Clytus. 

I. Bowkeri is clearly a lover of high-lying localities, 
all the recorded specimens having occurred at a tolerable 
elevation. Mr. Bowker notes it as not rare in Basuto- 

Genus Eresia, Dalman. 

Erebia Sabacus. 

Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., ii. 176; Rhop. Afr. austr. 
p. 200, pl. iv. f. 1. 

A single worn specimen of the ? was taken in the 
Maluti Mountains. It resembled very closely the variety 
prevalent in Kaffraria and Natal, having the clouding of 
the hind-wings and the ocelli strongly marked and 
rather suffused. A much-worn ¢, from some part of 
the country not specially indicated, belonged to the same 

300 Mr. Roland Trimen on 
Erehia Hippia. 
Papilio Hippia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. 48, pl. cexxii. 


I have met with no example exactly corresponding 
with Cramer’s figures, which represents a ? in which 
the fulvous on the upperside is widely developed, in the 
fore-wings extending to the base, and the outermost of 
the two incomplete lines crossing the underside of the 
hind-wings is unusually distinct and dentate. The 
Basuto-land 2? specimens, however, are nearer to 
Cramer’s type than those which I have taken near Cape 
Town and Graham’s Town, as far as the upperside is 
concerned, though the underside of the hind-wings is 
less hoary, and inclinmg to ochreous. The marked 
feature in the examples sent by Mr. Bowker is the 
prominence of the apical ocellus on the underside of the 
hind-wings, which is obsolete in all the Colonial speci- 
mens that I have examined, except in the ¢ from King 
Willham’s Town, mentioned in my published Catalogue 
(p. 200). But even among the Basuto individuals this 
feature is most variable: among nineteen received, five 
(including two ? ) exhibit no trace of it; one has it very 
small; five present it small, but distinct; two (¢ and ?) 
possess it of a moderate size; five have it large; and 
one (a ¢) has it very large and conspicuous. The anal- 
angular ocellus is much less prominent, and only appears 
on the upperside, as in Cramer’s fig. C, in two specimens, 
which have the apical ocellus of the underside large; and 
one of these presents on the underside, in the right hind- 
wing only, an additional small ocellus adjoining that near 
the apex. 

Hab.—Maseru and Koro-Koro. 

The species is widely spread in South Africa, frequent- 
ing mountainous or hilly ground. 

Erebia Naryeia. . (Pl. VI. fig. 1.) 

Pseudonympha Narycia, Wallengren, Lep. Rhop. Caffr. 
p- 32 (in Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 1857). 

The Basuto-land specimens agree exactly with Wal- 
lengren’s description, with the trifling exception that the 

South African Butterflies. 351 

third ocellus in the row of five, on the underside of the 
hind-wings, is of medium size, and about as large as the 
fourth. They are considerably smaller and paler than 
the Kaffrarian examples received from Mr. Bowker (from 
which the description in Rhop. Afr. aust. p. 198 was 
made), and those taken by myself in Natal, expanding 
only (five ¢, three 9) from 1 in. 54 lin. to 1 in. 8 hn. 
In one 6, on the underside of the hind-wings there is a 
minute imperfect ocellus attached to the fifth ocellus on 
the side next the anal angle ; but, generally, the bipupillate 
character of ocellus in the Kaffrarian and Natalian indi- 
viduals is wanting in those from Basuto-land. The larger 
size, darker ground-colour, smaller upperside fore-wing 
fulvous, upperside hind-wing ocelli, and fulvous-tinged 
rings of all the ocelli, indicate the specimens found nearer 
the coast as probably constituting a distinct race from 
that mbhabiting Basuto-land. .It must, however, be 
noted; that a specimen taken as far north and inland as 
Potchefstroom, in the Trans- Vaal Country, by Mr. Walter 
Morant, belongs to the Kaffrarian form. It is further 
remarkable for having all the four ocelli of the hind- 
wings visible on the upperside. At the same time, one 
lately sent me from the Trans-Vaal Country by Mr. T. 
Ayres, agrees in all respects with the Basuto-land (or 
type) form. 

Mr. Bowker forwarded a good many examples of this 
butterfly from the Maluti Mountains (a southern con- 
tinuation of the Drakensberg range), and notes the 
species as occurring “ all over the country, on high hills 
and rocks.” 

Sub-fam. NympHatin». 

Genus Arutia, H. Doubleday. 

Atella Phalantha. 
Papilio Phalantha, Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist. 1. pl. xxi. f. 1, 2. 

Mr. Bowker notes this butterfly as common in Basuto- 
land about the begmning of March, 1870. The only 
specimen received from him is a very ‘fine and strongly- 
marked ¢?, expanding 2 in. 7 lin. He describes the 

302 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

species as frequenting the common willow (Salia garie- 
pensis ?), and states that the larve had almost destroyed 
some young willows planted in his garden, adding that 
the “St. Helena willow” remained untouched. 

The type-form of this species is figured by Drury from 
a large ? example from “China.” African specimens 
generally differ from the Oriental ones, by presenting 
only very faint traces of, or wholly wanting, on the 
upperside, a row of three or four spots continuous of the 
macular marking on costa of fore-wings beyond the 
middle, which row is prolonged across the hind-wings, 
from the costal streak of those wings, by some short 
disconnected blackish lines; and also by wanting, on 
the upperside of the hind-wings, certain small markings 
of the underside, viz., a dot in the discoidal cell near its 
upper angle, and an indistinct row of disconnected short 
lines near the base. It must be noted, however, that all 
these missing or vague markings, as far as the upperside 
of the African specimens is concerned, are always present 
as usual on the underside; and also that the distinction 
between African and Asiatic examples is not constant, 
as Cramer (Pap. Exot. pl. ccxxxvii. f. A), figures a 
specimen from ‘China” or the ‘Coromandel Coast,” 
which not only agrees with African individuals generally, 
in wanting all the upperside markings just enumerated, 
but even makes an approach to the Congo variation, 
named Hurytis by HE. Doubleday, in its defect of one 
(that nearest the base) of the three ordinary spots lying 
immediately below the median nervure of the fore-wings. 
As noted in my Rhop. Afr. aust. p. 117, the underside 
colouring and strength of marking varies much, as well 
in African as in Asiatic * specimens; and I am, on the 
whole, of opinion, that there is but one species, common 
to both continents. 

Genus Pyramets, Hiibner. 
Pyrameis cardut. 
Papilio cardui, Linn. 8. N, ii. 774. 
This is noted as numerous in Basuto-land. A ¢ 
example received from Mr. Bowker, is well-developed 
*A rather small ¢, from “Coromandel,” figured on Cramer’s pl. 

ecexxxvii. f. D. E., is a remarkable example of very strong marking on 
both surfaces of the wings. 

South African Butterflies. 300 

and richly coloured. Cramer remarks (Pap. Exot. 1. 41) 
that the specimen figured as P. carduelis on his pl. XXV1. 
f. H. F. (in text f. C. D.) was received from the Cape of 
Good Hope. If his figures are accurate, the specimen 
im question presented a peculiarity in the pale markings 
of the underside of the hind-wings, which are depicted 
as unusually broad and quite white. 

Genus Junonia, Hiibner. 
Junonia Cebrene, n. sp. 

Closely allied to J. Gnone, Fabr. (Syst. Ent. 490) .* 

Exp. 1 in. 103 lin.—2 in. 3 lin. 

8. Fore-wing: ochre-yellow marking much smaller 
than in @none, paler in its central portion, not covering 
basal part of wing, but commencing at about the middle 
of the cell, deeply indented by costal black beyond the 
middle, but not by any disco-cellular terminal streak. 
Hind-wing: basal blue spot more violaceous, larger, 
rounder, not flattened superiorly; the space between 
spot and ochre-yellow patch narrower; the patch itself 
much smaller, narrower on the inner margin, not extending 
so far in the direction of the costa; the dark hind-mar- 
ginal lunular striz, excepting that at the anal angle, 
scarcely traceable. 

UnpbrrsipE: universally of a less ochreous tint. ore- 
wing : terminal disco-cellular streak thinner and fainter. 
Hind-wing: the transverse striz faimter, sub-dentate 
instead of sharply crenulate, especially the sub-basal and 
sub-marginal ones. 

9. Generally similar to ¢, but duller. Fore-wing: 
the cell yellow-dusted in basal half, and containing a 
transverse ochreous streak a little before the patch of 
the same colour; the patch itself smaller, commencing 
rather further from the base, more deeply indented with 
black, both superiorly and inferiorly, and crossed by a 

* Linné’s brief diagnosis of Enone in the Systema, and his detailed 
description in the Museum Ludovice Ulrice, &¢., are unquestionably made 
from examples of the species figured by Cramer under the name Clelia, 
fifteen years after the publication of the latter work. In the Museum 
(p. 275) there is, however, described a ‘“ Varietas Enones,” which is 
evidently the Indian Gnone as now recognized. I suppose, therefore, that, 
in strictness, the name Cnone should attach to Cramer’s Clelia; but in 
that case Ginone, auct., would require a new nomination; and it will 
perhaps be better to let the recognized none stand as ‘‘ none, Fabr.,” 
the latter author’s description in Systema Entomologie (1775) being 
unmistakeably that of the butterfly generally known by that name. 

354 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

well-marked terminal disco-cellular black streak ; the two 
underside ocelli more or less apparent. Hind-wing: the 
blue spot much smaller and duller; ochre-yellow much 
larger, extending further towards the costa, enclosing 
two (sometimes blue-centred) black spots; a single, well- 
marked, hind-marginal lunulate streak, instead of the 
two (or sometimes three) parallel streaks found in Wnone: 

Unversipg. Markings more distinct than in ¢. Hind- 
wing: rather more brownish in tint. 

Prolonged observation of the constancy of the distine- 
tions above pointed out, has led me to separate the 
African race of (none from the Asiatic.* The much 
more limited area of ochre-yellow, and the different tint 
and totally different form of the blue spot, serve at a 
glance to distinguish the African form, and render it 
more readily separable from the Asiatic than is the case 
in the analogous relation of Papilio Demoleus and P. Bri- 
thonius. I am not aware that any figure of the African 
form has been published. Cramer (Pap. Exot. i. p. 55) 
gives both “China” and “Cape of Good Hope” as 
localities of Gnone, but his figures (A. B. C. pl. xxxv) 
are evidently made from Asiatic specimens.f Godart, 
however (Hncyc. Méth. ix. 318) records only the locality 
“Cap de Bonne Hspérance,” and, as he describes the 
blue spot as closely resembling that of J. Clelia in shape 
and size, probably drew up his diagnosis from South 
African examples. 

The Basuto-land specimens received do not differ from 
those taken in other parts of Southern Africa. 

Junonia Clelia. 
Papilio Clelia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. 33, pl. xxi. f. HE. F, 

Cramer’s figures are very roughly drawn, especially 
that representing the upperside (H). They depict a 

* (Mr. Butler had independently arrived at the same conclusion, and 
in a paper read before the Society on the 4th July, 1870, described the 
African form as distinct. See the Notes on a Collection of Insects sent 
by Mr. Ansell from Kinsembo, post.—Sec. Ent. Soc.]. 

+ There is great variability in the size of the Oriental specimens. The 
largest that I have seen are from China, one of these expanding 2 in. 7 
lin., while the North-Indian rarely exceed 2 in. 2 lin.; and those that I 
have received from Southern India (Bingalore), as well as two Cingalese 
examples taken by Mr. E. L. Layard, do not attain an expanse of two 
inches, one of the latter being only 1 in. 8} lin. across the wings. J. Ce- 
brene occupies an intermediate position as regards size, not reaching 
either of the extremes noted. 

South African Butterflies. 355 

“Sierra Leone” g specimen, and except in their smaller 
size, agree pretty nearly with an example from the Gold 
Coast, given me by Mr. Swanzy. 

A single example forwarded from Maseru, does not 
differ from South African specimens generally. The 
species varies but little in the southern portion of its 
range, the only aberrant individual that I have seen being 
a 9 (taken at St. Lucia Bay, by Col. Tower, of the 
Coldstream Guards) in which, on the underside, the 
hind-wings and the apices of the fore-wings are uniformly 
clayey-ochreous, with a slight ferruginous tinge, and the 
ordinary markings obliterated; the inner edge of the 
transverse band of the hind-wings being defined by a 
slightly paler line, and the five ocelli only indicated by a 
row of faint fuscous dots. Judging from Cramer’s 
figures; and the Gold Coast specimen in my collection, 
I am led to think it probable that, as far as the ¢ is 
concerned, the Southern Clelia differs from the Western 
type-form, on the upperside, in the greater width of the 
sub-apical white bar, and the less distinct cellular red 
strize of the fore-wings; and in the more violaceous blue 
spot, and more approximate marginal lunulate streaks 
of the hind-wings: while on the underside, the colouring 
of the hind-wings presents a slight inclination to a reddish 
tinge, the central fascia and the ocelli being very much 
fainter and duller. 

A ¢ from Madagascar (presented to me by Mr. J. 
Caldwell, of Mauritius) presents many characters in 
common with both Southern and Western Clelia, but 
differs from all the African specimens that I have 
examined, in the remarkable narrowness of the sub-apical 
bar of the fore-wings. 

Junonia Pelasgis. 
Vanessa Pelasgis, Godart, Enc. Méth. ix. 820. 

Mr. Bowker writes that he pursued, and all but cap- 
tured this species, on the summit of the Koesberg, near 
the southern boundary of Basuto-land, in February, 
1869. . 

356 . Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Junonia Cloantha. 

Papilio Cloantha, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. 93, pl. 
eccxxxviil. f. A. B. 

No example of this butterfly has been sent by Mr. 
Bowker, but he informs me that he met with the 
species in the Maluti Mountains, “not far from the 
heads of the St. John’s River, but within the watershed 
of the Orange River.” 

Genus Drapema, Boisduval. 

Diadema Misippus. 
Papilio Misippus, Linn. 8. N. 1. 767. 

It has not been without some hesitation that I have 
followed Hopffer, Wallace, and Butler in altering the 
name of this butterfly from its generally known title of 
Bolina; because it scarcely admits of a doubt that Linné 
included both this species and D. Auge, Cram., under 
his Bolina. As, however, it is indisputable (as pointed 
out by Hopffer, in Peters’ “‘ Reise nach Mossambique,” 
p- 385, published in 1862) that the only detailed descrip- 
tion of Bolina given by Linné (Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 295), 
applies to the butterfly named both Auge and Lasinassa 
by Cramer, and as, moreover, the only figure which 
Linné cites is that of Clerck’s Icones (pl. xxi. f. 2), 
which represents the latter insect; I suppose that ento- 
mologists are in strictness bound to abide by the great 
naturalist’s own fullest diagnosis of his species Bolina. 
In 1867, I referred to the Linnean Cabinet, in the hope 
of determining the question; but I found both species 
associated as one, though the only specimen bearing the 
label “ Bolina,” was one of D. Auge, Auct. Mr. Wallace 
(Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 279) is mistaken in stating that 
Cramer was the first to quote Linné and Clerck for the 
species Bolina, Auct., Drury having done so in the first 
volume of his “ Illustrations,’ published in 1770, nine 
years before the appearance of the “ Papillons Exoti- 
ques.” Cramer, indeed (i. 102), cites Drury’s figures 
as well as that in Clerck’s Icones. Hopffer (Joc. cit.) 

South African Butterflies. 357 

adopted the name Misippus for the till then received 
Bolina, as Messrs. Butler and Wallace have also done 
recently, observing that he did not consider the fact of 
the sexes having been treated as distinct species by all 
authors until Boisduval, as any objection to extending to 
the male the name bestowed upon the female. 

This appears to be a common species in Basuto-land. 
All grades of the ? occur there, from the ordinary type- 
form (= Diocippus, Cr.) with the strongly-marked white- 
spotted black apex of the fore-wings to examples of the 
variety Inaria, even more completely deprived of the 
characteristic apical markings than is shown in the speci- 
men delineated in Cramer’s pl. cexiv. f. A. B. Two of 
the intermediate specimens are much suffused with white 
in the hind-wings. 

In March, 1870, Mr. Bowker forwarded to me two 
living pup, one of which resulted in a ¢ of the ordi- 
nary appearance, and the other in a very fine ? of the 
Inaria variety. These pupz were found suspended by the 
tail in clefts of rocks. In general character and appear- 
ance they strongly resemble the figure (from a drawing 
of Mr. E. L. Layard’s) of the pupa of the Cingalese 
Bolina (Auge, Cramer), given on pl. v. f. 9a, of Horsfield 
and Moore’s Catalogue of Lepidoptera in the Hast India 
Museum (1857) ; but the wing-covers are proportionally 
larger, the dorso-thoracic prominence less elevated, the 
dorsal and lateral pointed tubercles of the abdomen 
much shorter and thinner, and the anal extremity (espe- 
cially in the ¢) more truncately rounded off. 

Mr. Wallace (Tr. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 280) observes 
that the form Inaria “is rare in the Hast, where there is 
no Danais it resembles.” It may, therefore, be worth 
noting that I have seen two Cingalese specimens, one in 
the British Museum, the other in Mr. Layard’s collec- 
tion, of which the latter has a white suffusion on the 
disc of the hind-wings, and, except for its slightly paler 
colouring, does not differ from African examples. <A 
specimen from Madras is recorded in Horsfield and 
Moore’s Catalogue ; and the individual figured by Cramer 
would appear from the text (i. 37) to have been 
brought from either Java or Amboyna. It would be very 
interesting to know if the Dorippus form of Danais 
Ohrysippus, to which Inaria so closely corresponds, is 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT Iv. (DECEMBER.) ae 

358 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

really unknown from the Asiatic localities where the 
latter occurs. Godart (Ene. Méth. ix. 188), after 
giving the Hast Indies, Java, Timor, Syria, and Naples 
as habitats of Chrysippus, makes this general remark, 
viz.: “Ces différens pays produisent des variétés dont 
le fond des ailes est entitrement d’un fauve-brun ou d’un 
brun-marron clair,”—evidently referring to the form 

Genus Menerts, E. Doubleday. 

Meneris Tulbaghia. 
Papilio Tulbaghia, Linn. 8. N. ii. 775. 

The specimens sent from Maseru are quite like the 
ordinary Colonial examples, except for their slightly 
smaller size. The most northern station of this species, 
of which I am aware, is Greytown, in Natal, where I 
took it in March, 1867. 

Genus Hypanis, Boisduval. 

I concur with Mr. Bates (Journal of Entomology, ii. 
178) in thinking that the family Lurytelide of Double- 
day (Biblides of Boisduval) is composed of genera that 
cannot satisfactorily be separated from the Nymphalidae, 
but which should, for the most part, be placed in the 
sub-family Nymphaline, in the neighbourhood of such 
genera as Crenis and Hunica. In my Rhop. Afr. 
aust. p. 144, I expressed the opinion that Myscelia 
(Crenis) natalensis, Boisd., showed considerable affinity 
to the Eurytelide butterflies. The remarkable length 
and downward inflection of the palpi is the chief distin- 
guishing character of the genera Hypanis, Purytela, &c., 
and in this feature they appear to be linked to Eunica 
by the singular genus Jhythina (see Bates, op. cit. p. 
200), of which the solitary species Cuvierii was described 
by Godart as a true Libythea. The dilatation which in 
Crenis, Bunica, and Libythina marks both costal and 
median nervures of the fore-wings, is in the Eurytelide 
genera confined to the costal nervure. 

ea ies ge oe 

South African Butterflies. 359 
Hypanis Llithyia. 
Papilio Ilithyia, Drury, Il. Nat. Hist. 1. pl. xvn. f. 1, 2. 

A & and 2, received from Maseru, areof rather small 
size, and have the black markings of the upperside much 
narrowed. In these respects, in the transverse row of 
black dots across the middle of the hind-wings on the 
upperside, and particularly in the colouring of the under- 
side, the ¢ differs from the generality of South-African 
specimens, and agrees almost precisely with a Cingalese 
3 in My. Layard’s collection, belonging to what appears 
to be the ordinary Indian form, of which the 9 is figured 
by Cramer (pl. ccclxxv. f. G. H.) under the name of 
Polinice.* Except for its much larger size, Drury’s 
“Senegal” type Ilithyia seems to be closer to the form 
Polinice, which prevails in India and Ceylon, than to the 
strongly-marked (yet most variable) race inhabiting 
Kaffraria and Natal; and it is certainly remarkable to 
find examples very near the type occurring in Basuto- 
land and the Trans-Vaal country, from which latter 
locality Mr. T. Ayres has lately sent mea ¢ quite like 
Mr. Bowker’s specimen, but larger, and only differing 
from Drury’s figure, on the upperside, in having the 
black marking near the apex of fore-wings rather narrower, 
and the base of hind-wings obscured with blackish. 

The species is stated by Mr. Bowker to be not uncom- 
mon in open country. 


Genus Lycmna, Fabricius. - 
Lycena betica. 

Papilio beticus, Linn. 8. N. 1. 789. 

Examples of this very widely spread species from 
Maseru, are of the ordinary size and appearance. 

* These figures have been copied by Herbst (Natur-Syst. bek. Ins. 
Schmett. ix. pl. cclviii. f. 1, 2) as his ‘‘ Gétzius, mas.’”’ The Polinice of 
Boisduyal (Sp. Gen. Lep. i. pl. ix. f. 6) is from ‘‘ Senegal,” and, judging 
from the underside (which alone is figured) nearly resembles certain males 
from Natal, but agrees with Mr. Bowker’s specimen in the narrowness of 
the black markings of the fore-wings. 


360 Mr. Roland Trimen on 
Lycena Telicanus. 

Papilio Telicanus, Herbst, Natur-Syst. bek. Ins., 
Schmett. pl. ccev. f. 6-9. 

Among the specimens sent from Maseru was a 9? of 
unusually large size. 

Lyceena Palemon. 

Papilio Palemon, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. 209, pl. eeexe, 
K. F. 

The males of this species received from Koro-Koro and 
Maseru are richly coloured on the upperside. Of each 
sex, there is a single example in which the short tails of 
the hind-wings are so completely wanting, that it scarcely 
appears as if the butterflies could have lost them. At 
the same time, I must add, that I have not met with any 
specimens of this Lyccena in which the tails varied from 
the usual size. 

Lycena Jobates. 

Hopffer, Monatsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, 1855, 
p- 642; Peters’ Reise nach Mossambique, Ins. 
p. 409, pl. xxvi. f. 9, 10: (¢). 

Three males of this rare species have been taken by Mr. 
Bowker near Maseru, two of them ‘‘ among grass by the 
Caledon River.” One of these specimens, now before 
me, agrees in all particulars with Hopffer’s figure re- 
presenting a Querimba example. 

Lycena asteris. 
Polyommatus asteris, Godart, Enc. Méth. ix. 657. 

In my Ihopalocera Africe australis (p. 247) I grouped 
together under Celwus, Cramer (= Parsimon, Fabr., which 
is the older name) several forms of Lyceena, which I was 
quite unable to separate satisfactorily. The accession of 
more specimens, and wider knowledge of the distribution 
of these forms, have by no means solved my difficulties ; 

South African Butterflies. 361 

but at the same time I find certain races that appear 
more pronounced than the others, and among them 
asteris, Godt., may safely be treated as one of the most 

The actual specimens on which this species was founded, 
are stated by Godart to have been taken by M. Jules 
Verreaux about Table Mountain, and the description 
given of them accords very nearly with numerous 
examples collected by myself in the same neighbourhood. 
From these natives of the Cape Promontory, about a 
dozen individuals sent from Basuto-land differ in having 
the cilia regularly varied with black at the extremities of 
the nervules, and the first (or costal) spot in the discal 
row on the underside of the hind-wings filled with black 
instead of brown; while in the g, the orange lunule 
adjoining the black spot near the anal angle of the hind- 
wing's is wanting on the upperside, and in neither sex do 
the very short tails appear to exist. In connection with 
these differences, I may note that I have received two 
specimens from the neighbourhood of Grahamstown 
(taken by Mrs. Barber and Mr. H. J. Atherstone), have 
captured two at Mossel Bay, and even met with a single 
6 at Wynberg (where the true asteris of Godart is most 
prevalent), all of which agree in markings with the 
Basuto examples. 

Mr. Bowker notes this butterfly as inhabiting the tops 
of hills at Koro-Koro and Maseru, and remarks that the 
females sit quietly among the grass, while the males course 
actively about. I have observed quite similar habits in 
the asteris taken near Cape Town. 

Lyceena Cissus. 
Polyommatus Cissus, Godart, Enc. Méth. ix. 683. 

A fine ¢ from Maseru agrees with the ordinary 
appearance of the species. 

This is a more widely distributed species than I had 
supposed. I found it abundantly in Natal; Colonel 
Tower brought it from St. Lucia Bay; there is a specimen 
from the Gaboon River in the British Museum; and the 
Hopeian Museum at Oxford contains a ¢ from Sierra 
Leone, remarkable for the whiteness of the disc of the 

362 Mr. Roland Trimen on 
Lycena Niobe. 

Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., i. 282; Rhop. Afr. austr. 
p. 253, pl. iv. f. 10. 

One of each sex was taken at Koro-Koro towards the 
end of 1868. The ¢ is unusually small, but with the 
underside markings very distinct; and the ¢ closely 
resembles that figured in my Catalogue. 

A very fine ?, expanding 1 in. 7 lin., was taken at 
Highlands, near Grahamstown, by Mr. H. Barber, during 
my stay there in February, 1870. 

Lycena Letsea,n. sp. (PI. VI. figs. 3, 4.) 

Allied to L. Asopus, Hopffer (Monatsb. d. k. Akad. 
Wiss. zu Berlin, 1855, p. 642; also in Peters’ Reise nach 
Mossamb. Ins. p. 410, pl. xxvi. f. 13-15;) and L. Parsi- 
mon, Fabr. (Syst. Ent. p. 526). 

Exp. 1 in. 34-74 lin. 

3. Shining brownish-gray; cilia slightly paler, not 
variegated. Hore-wing: a terminal disco-cellular streak, 
sometimes faintly visible. Hind-wing: on hind-margin, 
on each side of the first median nervule, a very faint 
yellowish lunule, of which the superior is large, and 
marked externally with a black dot. (The tendency is 
for these markings to be very faint and indistinct, and 
in two examples they are blurred and scarcely traceable.) 

Unpersipr. Gray: ordinary markings small and neatly 
defined, resembling those of DL. Messapus, Godt. (Ene. 
Méth. ix. 682). Fore-wing: lower portion of transverse 
row of white-ringed black spots beyond middle almost always 
wanting, the usual number of spots present being four 
(in one example there are but three, while in another 
there are five, with the faint trace of a sixth on one side 
only). Hind-wing: a faint pale-blueish suffusion over 
basal portion; yellow lunules more deeply coloured and 
much better marked than on upperside, the black dot of 
the superior one more or less dusted with silvery-blue. 

@. Similar, slightly darker; cilia whiter than in @. 
Fore-wing: disco-cellular lunule plainer than in g, but 

South African Butterflies. 363 

still indistinct. Hind-wing: yellow lunules broader and 
brighter, the black dot strongly marked; im one (the 
largest) example there is a double row of indistinct 
whitish acute lunular marks along hind-margin, becom- 
ing obsolete towards costa, but in the other two, the 
outer portion only of the row is indicated by the very 
faintest whitish scaling. 

Unversipe. All the markings better defined, and 
with wider white edgings than im the g. ore-wing: 
discal row composed of six spots in the largest example ; 
of six on one side and five on the other, in the smallest ; 
and of five in the third. 

In both sexes, when there are more than four spots in 
the discal row of the fore-wings, the fifth spot is smaller, 
and (as well as the sixth, when present) placed slightly 
before the line of the others. The row is but very 
shghtly curved, commencing at a little distance from the 
costa, immediately above the first discoidal nervule. 

From both Parsimon and Asopus, this Lyccena may 
be distinguished by the darker ground-colour, and 
smaller, darker, more narrowly white-edged spots of 
the underside, as well as by the want of any blue on 
the upperside of the female. From the former, Let- 
sea further differs in its smaller size, darker upperside, 
and much more elongate yellow lunules (when present) 
in the hind-wings; while it is larger than Asopus, and 
diverges widely in having no trace of hind-marginal white 
lunules on the upperside in the ¢, and only indistinct 
traces of them in the ?. 

Mr. Bowker found this dull-tinted species commonly 
about the waggon-roads near Rouxville and the Orange 
River, in January, 1869, and also in similar situations 
near Hland’s Bay and Klip Spruit, in the following 

Lyceena Jesous. 

Polyommatus Jesous, Guérin, Voy. en Abyss. p. 383, 
ple xt. fT. 3,4. Cd) 

A single example of each sex reached me from Maseru 
early in June, 1870. The ? is smaller than usual, and 
has much less whitish on the discs of the wings. 

364 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Since the publication (1866) of the second part of 
Rhopalocera Africee australis, I have received this exqui- 
site species from near Graham’s Town (Mrs. Barber), 
Murraysburg (J. J. Muskett), Natal (W. Morant), 
Motito, Bechuana-land (late Rev. J. Frédoux), and the 
Trans-Vaal (‘T. Ayres). There is a specimen from the 
White Nile in the British Museum, 

Lycena Macalenga, n. sp. (PE TY. tgs, 9, tr 

Allied to L. Jesous. 

Exp. ¢ 11$lin.; @ 11 lin. 

3. Pale, silky, violaceous-blue, with wide pale sandy- 
brown pink-tinged borders; bases tinged with deep 
purplish blue; cilia white throughout. ore-wing: blue 
space separate from basal dark blue, occupying the inner 
margin as far as the posterior angle, but leaving a hind- 
marginal border widening to the apex, and a costal border 
so greatly widening to the basal dark-blue as almost to 
touch the inner margin; inner edge of the discal blue 
strongly defined by a denticulate raised line of paler blue. 
Hind-wing : borders somewhat similar, but that of the 
hind-margin of even width; the inner edge of discal blue 
similarly defined about the origin of the subcostal ner- 
vules; two indistinct fuscous hind-marginal spots between 
the second median nervule and anal angle, the superior 
one the larger. 

Unpverrsipe. Much resembling that of L. Jesous. Fore- 
wing: the black and ferruginous subcostal stripe ending 
before the extremity of the cell; no spot in the cell; 
the short streak closing the cell straighter and narrower 
than in Jesous; the submacular transverse fascia com- 
mencing further from the costa and from the base, not so 
oblique, curved inwardly rather than outwardly, its 
terminal separate spot much closer to, and almost imme- 
diately below, the closing streak of cell; submarginal 
Iunulate streak more denticulate, obsolete inferiorly ; 
no hind-marginal black dots, but indistinct’ brownish 
marks; between the end of the subcostal stripe and the 
beginning of the submacular transverse fascia, a longitu- 
dinal row of three black white-ringed dots, of which the 
middle one is the largest. Hind-wing: basal stripe much 
thinner; third black spot of sub-basal row as large as 

South African Butterflies. 365 

the first and second, the fourth indistinct (the reverse 
being the case in Jesous) ; second spot of discal fascia 
elongate and oblique, instead of round; hind-marginal 
markings differing as in fore-wing ; the two hind-marginal 
black spots without any blueish scaling. 

2. Pale, glistening, sandy- brown, with a faint pinkish 
gloss, but without the blueish bases, whitish discs, or 
terminal cellular spots so well marked in Jesous. Hind- 
wing: two fuscous spots more apparent than in the g, 
or in Jesous 9. 

Unversipz. Asin ¢, but the ground-colour browner 
throughout. ore-wing: outermost of three subcostal 
dots wanting; sub-macular fascia prolonged to submedian 
nervure (asin ? Jesous) by an additional separate spot. 

The fore-wings are rather markedly elongate in both 
sexes, being produced apically. It is singular that the 
under-surface should show such decided resemblance to 
that of Jesous, while the upperside differs so widely in 
both gf and ?. I do not remember to have seen any 
Lyeceena in which the blue occupies quite the same posi- 
tion as in the ¢ Macalenga, or in which it is internally 
so curiously defined. 

My description is made from a single specimen of each 
sex, taken by Mr. Bowker “on flowers, near Olifant’s 
Been, on the Cornet Spruit (Makaleng River), in Febru- 
ary, 1869.” The captor states that he only observed 
these two individuals. 

Lycena Trochilus. 

Frivaldszky, “ H.-S. Schm. 224-226. Gerh. Lyczenen, 
t. 16, f. 3.” (sec. Walleng. Sv. Akad. Handl. 1857, p. 41). 

Several examples have been sent from Maseru. The 
species inhabits Turkey, and is noted by Mr. W. F. 
Kirby (Manual of Europ. Butt. p. 99) as “ the smallest 
butterfly known to occur in Europe.” It is widely 
spread in Southern Africa, as I met with it in the Noods- 
berg, Natal, and have received specimens from Kaffraria 

Proper (J. H. Bowker), Graham’s Town (Mrs. Barber), 

366 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Port Elizabeth (J. L. Fry), and the Trans-Vaal Country 
(TI. Ayres). The butterfly appears to be of larger size 
in these regions than in Turkey; Mr. Kirby giving its 
expanse of wings as only 7 lines, while of eight specimens 
now before me, the smallest expands nearly 8, and the 
largest fully 11 lines. 

Lyceena Messapus. 

Godart, Enc. Méth. ix. 682 (¢); Trimen, Rhop. Afr. 
Austr. 11. 254. 

Of seven examples of the ¢ collected near Maseru, 
one has no orange lunule on the hind-wings, two have it 
very faintly marked, and the others present it of the 
ordinary size. Two @ are rather darker than usual on 
the upperside, and have the orange lunule well marked. 

Lyceena Mahallokoena. (Pl. VI. figs. 7, 8.) 
Wallengren, Svensk. Akad. Handl. 1857, p. 41. 

It gives me great pleasure to be able to record this 
very curious form as one of Mr. Bowker’s captures in 
Basuto-land. Until I saw specimens from Maseru, Wal- 
lengren’s elaborate description was a perfect puzzle to 
me, for I knew of no Lycena with a fulvous-yellow suffu- 
sion on the discal region of the wings. This suffu- 
sion varies greatly in extent: of six ¢ specimens for- 
warded from near Maseru, one has only a faint trace of 
fulvous-yellow in the fore-wings about the middle of the 
costa ; another has a distinct suffusion in the same posi- 
tion, and a slight scaling of the same colour about the 
bases of the median nervules; two have it strongly deve- 
loped along the costa, median nervure and branches, and 
submedian nervure, witha slight tinge of the same hue in 
the hind-wings, crossing the subcostal nervure and the 
extremity of the cell (these two examples agree most 
closely with Wallengren’s diagnosis) ; and the two others 
present a broad field of the yellow occupying almost the 
whole of the fore-wings, except a narrow basal and wide 
hind-marginal space of blue, while in the hind-wings one 
of them has no suffusion whatever, and the other a 

South A frican Butterflies. 367 

tolerably distinct one, radiating on the subcostal and 
median nervules. In size, general appearance, and the 
identity of underside markings, this butterfly comes so 
very close to L. Messapus, that one hesitates to re- 
gard it as a distinct species, especially when the grada- 
tions in the extent and strength of the yellow suffusion 
are duly considered. The development of the other 
orange lunules on the upperside of the himd-wings is a 
feature of distinction; and as it prevails in certain dark- 
brown females found in the same spots, in other respects 
quite like ordinary Messapus, it would seem to be a fixed 
tendency of a race, though somewhat unstable in cha- 
racter. None of the yellow-suffused males—not even 
the individual with the slightest tinge—has less than two 
orange lunules, instead of the one Junule usually present 
in Messapus, while in one strongly-suffused example 
there are three, and in another four. 

In September, 1869, Mr. Walter Morant senta ¢ and 
2 Mahallokoena taken-within the bcundaries of the 
Free State, on the banks of the Vaal River. The ¢ 
agreed pretty closely with Wallengren’s description, but 
the hind-wings were almost devoid of any suffusion ; and 
of the three orange lunules present, had only the central 
one well-marked. The 92 possessed two lunules, and 
was remarkable for the unusual paleness of the under- 
side, in which most of the markings were very indis- 
tinct. * 

Lycceena Gaika. 
Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., 1. 403 (1862). 

In my Rhop. Afr. aust. p. 257, I provisionally referred 
this species to L. Lysimon, but have since determined 
it as perfectly distinct; the sect named L. Knysna 
in my Catalogue (p. 255) agreeing thoroughly with the 
species labelled “‘ Lysimon, Ochs.” in the British Museum, 
and with the recognized Lysimon from Mauritius and 

Two males of this remarkably slender and long-winged 
species have been sent from Maseru. These have 

* Both sexes of L. Messapus are liable to indistinctness, or almost 
obliteration, of the underside; but in such cases I have observed the 
general ground-colour to be darker than usual. 

368 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

amore general blue surface in the fore-wings than im 
the representation of a ¢ from Kaffraria Proper, given 
in hop. Afr. aust. (pl. iv. f. 7), and in this respect 
agree with examples found in other parts of South 
Africa, viz.: Kleinemond River, Bathurst (Mrs. Barber), 
many parts of Natal (M. J. McKen, W. Morant, and 
myself), and St. Lucia Bay (Col. H. Tower). 

Specimens not differing from the South-African 
examples are in Mr. Layard’s collection from Ceylon, 
and in the Hopeian Collection (Oxford Museum) from 
the Neilgherry Hills, Madras; but I have not been able 
to discover that any entomologist has described or named 

Lyceena Tsomo. 
Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1868, p. 91. 

Mr. Bowker originally discovered this very distinct 
Lycena in Kaffraria Proper, early in the year 1865. He 
then noted its abundance in swampy, reedy spots, near 
the River Tsomo, and in March, 1869, again met with it 
in the Drakensbergen, on a branch of the Orange River, 
frequenting similar spots, and ‘‘ very numerous on Mint 
flowers.” Other localities where Mr. Bowker has noticed 
the insect, are Tantjies Berg, and the R. C. Mission 
Station, near Thaba Bosigo. 

° Genus Apunzxus, Hiibner. 

Aphneus caffer. 
Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1868, p. 88. 

The large series forwarded from Maseru from September 
to December, 1869, consisted, in both sexes, of examples 
rather smaller than the Natalian ones on which I founded 
this species, and differing from the latter in having the 
transverse gold-streaked black-edged stripes, as well as 
the widened inner submarginal hind-wing streak, of the 
underside, pale creamy-ochreous with a slight ferruginous 
tinge, instead of orange-ochreous. They also present 

South African Butterflies. 369 

rather shorter tails on the hind-wings, and a smaller 
anal-angular orange-spot; which latter is almost wanting 
on the underside, being absorbed by the prolongation of 
the inner submarginal streak. 

Accompanying my description of this butterfly, was 
a note of its habit of settling on low plants among 
the grass, unlike its close ally A. natalensis, which 
prefers high shrubs or trees. Its ground-loving habits 
appear to be much more pronounced in the Basuto 
country, for Mr. Bowker writes: ‘‘These butterflies are 
usually found on stones or on the ground, and rarely on. 
flowers: and, beyond affecting a little state by shuffling 
backwards, they surpass the most grovelling Zeritis, in 
their love of dust and dirt. They keep much in pairs, 
and are easily caught, as they seldom fly for more than 
ten yards at a time, and often not half that.” 

Genus CurysopHanvs, Hiibner. 

Chrysophanus Orus. 

Papilio Orus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. 84, pl. ccexxxii. 
fhe Er. 

Cramer’s figures are very roughly and carelessly 
executed, the spotting of the hind-wings on the under- 
side being altogether unlike nature. 

The solitary representative of the typical group of this 
genus is common and widely distributed in South Africa. 
Though I did not observe it on the coast of Natal, it was 
numerous on the higher land near Maritzburg and Grey- 
town. Many examples have been sent by Mr. Bowker 
from Koro-Koro and Maseru, al] of them rather larger 
and of paler colouring than those met with in the Cape 
Colony and Natal, and with the blue-violaceous lustre of 
the males unusually faint. Orus and its congener Lara, 
with Pyrgus Diomus and P. Mafa, are described by Mr. 
Bowker as the only butterflies that seem able to bear the 
severe winter of Basuto-land, appearing on sunny days 
in such fine condition as to induce the belief that they 
are but just out of the pupa. Two large and richly- 
coloured males have lately been sent me from the Trans- 
Vaal Country by Mr. T. Ayres. 

370 Mr. Roland Trimen on 
Chrysophanus Lara. 
Papilio Lara, Lin. 8. N. ii. 791. 

The specimens of both sexes sent from Koro-Koro and 
Maseru, are of the ordinary blunt outline of wings, but 
are rather darker than usual, and with the underside 
markings strongly defined. In two examples (d and ¢) 
the ocelli of both wings are on the upperside ill-defined, 
the white rings being very imperfect; and in one of 
them (the ¢) the upper ocellus in the fore-wings is 
wanting. J met with this species in Natal,near D’ Urban, 
Maritzburg, and about the Great Noodsberg, but in no 
place found it numerous. The single example taken on 
the coast belonged to the variety Gorgias, Stoll (Suppl. 
Cram. Pap. Exot. p. 150, pl. xxx. f. 5, 5d). Mr. A.G. 
Butler, following the doubtful reference of Doubleday, 
has lately (Cat. Di. Lep. descr. by Fabr. in Coll. Brit. 
Mus. p. 178) located Lara in the genus Zeritis, with 
Zeuxo, Thysbe, and their allies; but with none of these, 
and still less with Boisduval’s type of the genus, Z. 
Neriene (judging from that author’s figure in pl. xxii. 
f. 6c, of the Species Général) does it at all agree in 
structure, its short slender palpi, and thin abruptly- 
clavate antenne, being completely different from those 
of Zeritis, and altogether like those of Chrysophanus. 

Genus Zerritis, Boisduval. 

Zeritis Chrysaor. 

Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., 1. 177 (1864); Rhop. Afr. 
austr. 11. 263. 

Several specimens have reached me from Koro-Koro 
and Maseru, where Mr. Bowker notes the species as 
occurring on hill-tops among small shrubs. These ex- 
amples are rather larger than the generality of specimens, 
one ¢ expanding as much as 1 in. 14 lin., and one 9 
not less than 1 in. 2 lin. Several of the males are 
remarkable for the smallness of their black spots (in the 
hind-wingss of one they are mere dots); and both sexes 

South African Butterflies. 3871 

for the small development of the steely centres to the 
spots on the underside of the fore-wings, which only 
mark somewhat faintly the five or six spots near the 
costa. A d¢ from Maseru has an unusually broad apical 
- black border to the fore-wings. 

This beautiful species keeps chiefly about high ground, 
the most elevated station at which I am aware of its 
having occurred being the summit of Gaika’s Kop, in the 
Amatola Mountains (at the Southern extremity of the 
Division of Queenstown), a peak estimated to rise 6,800 
feet above the sea, where Mr. Bowker took it on the 
19th January, 1867. I have taken Chrysaor at Malmes- 
bury, Port Elizabeth, and near Graham’s Town; and in 
Natal, near D’Urban; since the publication of Part IT. 
of my Catalogue in 1866. 

Zeritis Thysbe. 
Papilio Thysbe, Linn. S. N. ii. 789. 

The specimens, seven in number, received from 
Maseru, all belong to the race Palmus, Cram., (Pap. 
Hxot. iv. 100, pl. ecexh. f. F. G.), but are smaller than 
usual, having the bases of the wings more suffused with 
fuscous, the hind-marginal black bordering wider, and 
the cilia strongly alternated with black. One ¢ example 
has the costa of both wings (but especially that of the 
hind-wings) strongly clouded with fuscous; all the spots 
of the hind-wings singularly elongate posteriorly; and 
a total want of the external lunulate orange edging 
usually found between the hmd-marginal bordering and 
the cilia. 

Zeritis Thyra. 
Papilio Thyra, Linn. 8. N. u. 789. 

The single ¢ specimen, taken by Mr. Bowker at 
Koesberg, is of rather small size (expanding only 1 in. 
2 lin.), and its colouring is rather paler than usual. The 
costal and hind-marginal fuscous borders of the upper- 
side are in both wings rather narrow. On the underside, 

O72 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

the hind-wings, and the costal and apical borders of the fore- 
wings are pale sandy-brown; and the spots constituting 
the central row of the hind-wings are rather less irregular 
and confluent than usual; while, in the fore-wings, the 
two spots immediately below the median nervure are 
only indicated by some blackish scales. The colouring 
of the body is more ochreous, and the alternate markings 
of the cilia more conspicuous than usual. 

The description given by Wallengren (Sy. Akad, 
Handl. 1857, p. 44), under the name of Chrysorychia 
Thyra, Linn., does not at all agree with the Linnean 
diagnosis, noting a row of fuscous spots on the upper- 
side in both wings, which is wholly wanting in the Lin- 
nean species. Wallengren’s insect is probably a well- 
marked 9? of Z. Chrysaor. 

Zeritis Pierus. 

Papilio Pierus; Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. 84, pl. eexlin. 
f. H. F. 

Of this very variable species, the numerous examples 
sent from Koesberg, Maseru, and the Maluti Mountains be- 
long to the form Taikosama, Walleng. (Svensk. Ak. Handl. 
1857, p. 43), one 9 agreeing with Wallengren’s descrip- 
tion in every particular. Cramer’s figure of the under- 
side is very roughly executed, the important hind-wing 
markings being carelessly treated; but I have concluded, 
after much examination, that it represents a vinous-tinged 
9 of the “ Var. B,” described in my Catalogue as so 
abundant near Cape Town.* From the latter, the Ba- 
suto-land form seems constantly to differ in the smallness 
and separation of the glistening spots forming the third 
transverse row on the underside of the hind-wings, and 
in the distinctness and separation from that row of the 

* This being the case, the dark form of both sexes (in which the fuscous 
spots on the fulvous of hind-wings are united to the hind-marginal edging), 
described by me as the typical form, will have to rank as a variety of 
Cramer’s insect. Felder’s Nais Almeida (Reise der Novara, Lep., p. 264, 
pl. xxxii. f. 25, 26) is this dark form; and I cannot follow Mr. Butler 
(Cat. Fab. Lep. B. M., p. 176) in regarding Almeida as “a slight variety” 
of Nycetus, Cramer, the latter being totally different in the hind-wing 
markings of the underside. 

South African Butterflies. 373 

fourth transverse row of spots; and on the underside of 
the fore-wings in having the spots of the inner of the 
two submarginal rows more or less distinctly marked 
_interiorly with silvery-white. 

The description given by Fabricius (Ent. Syst. ii. 
320) of his H. Seutonius, agrees so well with Cramer’s 
figure E in the character “ postice margine postico 
nigro punctato,” that it is right to give Seutonius, Fab., 
as a synonym of the type-form, instead of treating it as 
a variety, which latter course was followed in Rhop. Afr. 
aust., p. 275. 

Zeritis Aranda, 
Wallengren, Svensk. Akad. Handl. 1857, p. 43. — 

A 6 and @ sent from Maseru do not differ from the 
Colonial specimens, excepting that the small black spot 
on the upperside of the hind-wings, near the anal angle, 
is almost obsolete in the 2, and quite so in the ¢. 

This was treated as a variety (A) of Z. Pierus, in Rhop. 
Afr. austr. p. 275; but its total want of the outer of the 
two submarginal rows of black spots on the underside of 
the fore-wings, seems a sufficiently important difference 
to warrant its being held a distinct species. 

Wallengren rightly notes that, although Aranda seems 
nearly related to Nycetus, Cramer (Pap. Ex. pl. ccclxxx. 
f. F. G.)in the colouring of the upperside, yet the under- 
side is widely different. Lentertain no doubt that Nycetus 
is the Thyra of Linnzeus, so well does the description 
in Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg. (p. 329) apply to it, especially 
as regards the markings of the underside of the hind- 
wings, ‘‘macule et liturze variz, sparse, albo-subargen- 
tee; quarum medic majores magis confluentes; postice 
vero strigam referunt.” 

Zeritis Molomo, n. sp. (PI. VI. fig. 9.) 

Q. Exp. 1 in. 4 lin. 

Allied to Z. Pierus. 

Bright fulvous-orange: upperside as in Pierus 9 , but 
the grayish-ochreous of the basal region in both wings re- 
placed by the fulvous-orange, which extends (even more 
completely than in Z, Aranda) over the basal half of 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—parTiIv. (DECEMBER.) DD 

old Mr. Roland Trimen on 

the costal edging of the fore-wing, and the mner- 
margin of the hind-wing; besides the row of inter-ner- 
vular black spots on the hind-margin of the hind-wing, 
a row of nervular spots immediately before the cilia, 
corresponding with the dark alternations of the cilia, in 
both wings, relieved by a very narrow edging of orange, 
Hind-wing : the downward projection of the apical fuscous 
patch indistinctly prolonged towards the inner margin 
by some indistinct fuscous marks. 

Unpversipe. Fore-wing: the spots as in Pierus in 
arrangement, but the inner submarginal row interiorly 
marked with silvery-white, as in the var. Taikosama, 
and anteriorly with orange; while the spots of the 
outer submarginal row are much smaller than usual, 
orange-red, each with a black dot. Hind-wing: all the 
spots larger, broader, more metallic ; the spots of the third 
and fourth row enclosing a darker, brownish space; an 
additional spot just above discoidal cell, almost touching 
the spot in cell, that at extremity of cell, and a spot a 
little above and before itself; submarginal row of dots 
minute, fuscous. Ground-colour of hind-wing, and costal, 
apical, and hind-marginal border of fore-wing, pale 
creamy-ochreous, with (in hind-wing) a paler space just 
beyond the outermost row of metallic spots. 

A single ¢ was forwarded from Koro-Koro, by Mr. 
Bowker, in December, 1868. Two specimens, of the 
same sex, sent by him from the neighbourhood of the 
Tsomo River, Kaffraria Proper, in October, 1864, differ 
shghtly from that described, having the orange of the 
upperside rather paler; in fore-wing, the hind-marginal 
border rather narrower, the oblique costal patch com- 
mencing a little nearer to base, and the upward projec- 
tion of the orange field at its outer extremity rather 
broader ; while in hind-wing the interrupted downward 
continuation of the apical fuscous patch is not traceable. 
A small example (exp. 1 in. 1 lin.), which is damaged, 
but looks like a ¢, was taken in the Orange Free State 
by Mr. Walter Morant, in November, 1868, and more re- 
sembles the Basuto-land 9 than those taken in Kaftfraria. 
It has the costal patch of fore-wing and the apical one 
of hind-wing smaller and more acutely narrowed inferi- 
orly; and in the hind-wing the inter-nervular spots form 
acute denticulations, and are united at their bases, so that 
the nervular spots are not to be distinguished ; while, on 


South African Butterflies. 375 

the underside, the spots of the outer submarginal row in 
the fore-wing are more distinctly black-dotted. 

Z, Molomo combines most of the characters of Z. 
Pierus and Z. Aranda, but may be readily distinguished 
from both by the large size and comparative brilliancy 
of the metallic spots on the underside of the hind-wings. 

Zeritis Leroma. (Pl. VI. fig. 10.) 

Arhopala (?) Leroma, Wallengren, Svensk. Akad. 
Handl. 1857, p. 42. 

With the exception of a single damaged specimen in 
the Hopeian Museum at Oxford* (which I did not in 
1867 identify with Wallengren’s species, but of which I 
made a description ), I had seen no examples of Leroma 
until May, 1869, when I received one taken in Natal by 
Mr. McKen. In December of the same year, Mr. Walter 
Morant forwarded for identification a specimen of each 
sex captured at Pine Town, Natal; and in January, 1870, 
Mr. Bowker sent me a perfect g, taken in the previous 
December, at Vogel Vley, Jammerberg. ‘his latter 
individual was taken ‘on the stony ground, among short 
grass and flowers.” 

Shortly after the receipt of these examples, I was so 
fortunate as to find the species commonly in the vicinity 
of Graham’s Town. It is a very obscure little species, 
and would readily be passed over for one of the duller 
Lycene. The first individual that 1 met with was sitting 
on a flower of Acacia horrida, and I pointed it out to Mr. 
H. Barber as a strange-looking Lycena. Numerous 
other specimens were taken flittmg about, near the 
ground, among herbage and low shrubs. These speci- 
mens vary in expanse of wing's from 9; lin. (the smallest 
¢) to 1 in. 2 lin. (the largest ¢?). 

The Basuto-land ¢ differs shghtly from the ¢ de- 
scribed by Wallengren, in the somewhat darker colour- 
ing, and more distinct markings of the hind-wings on the 
underside. As compared with males from Graham’s Town, 
Natal, and the Trans- Vaal (whence Mr. Thomas Ayres has 

* Tn the Burchell Collection. Professor Westwood, who has religiously 
preserved every fragment of this interesting but much-damaged collection, 
kindly showed me Burchell’s MS. Register of the same, in which this 
specimen is noted as having been taken at ‘‘ Kosi Fountain; 25th Decem- 
_ ber, 1812." This locality is marked on the map accompanying Vol. I. 

of Burchell’s Travels, ‘‘ Lat. 27-52-16,” and is situate in Long. 24°, about 
40 miles 8. W. of “ Lita(a)kun.” (Latakoo.) 


376 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

lately sent several specimens of both sexes), it is larger 
(exp. lin. 14 lin.), darker, and with more acutely-pointed 
fore-wings, while on the underside its ground-colour is 
of a more ochreous tint. Mr. Morant’s ¢ from Natal, 
though small (exp. 104 lin.), has the metallic spots of 
the underside unusually bright and numerous, especially 
im the hind-wings. The examples sent by Mr. Ayres 
from the Trans-Vaal Country are singularly pale, with 
almost obsolete metallic dotting, on the underside ; while 
the dull-ochreous spot at the anal angle of the hind-wings 
is unusually distinct. The three Trans-Vaal females are 
larger than usual, one attaining the exceptional expanse 
of 1 in. 5 lin. across the wings. 

Wallengren, with doubt, referred this insect to the 
genus Arhopala, Boisd., and it was, consequently, men- 
tioned by me asa possible species of Amblypodia (see 
Rhop. Afr. aust., pp. 227, 231); but, on examining 
numerous specimens, I am led to place it in Zeritis. 
With the type of this latter genus, Z. Neriene (as figured 
by Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i. pl. 22, 6. C, f. 6), Leroma 
presents a remarkable agreement in the underside mark- 
ings, which is, however, much more apparent in the 9 
than in the ¢. As regards neuration, much reliance is 
not to be placed on the figures illustrating Boisduval’s 
volume, but it should be observed that Leroma has only 
four sub-costal nervules in the fore-wings, while Neriene 
is represented as possessing five. In this particular 
point of neuration, Leruma agrees with Z. Alpheus, 
and with the otherwise aberrant Z. Protumnus; but 
the character seems to vary very much in the re- 
cognized members of the genus, the majority having 
five sub-costal nervules, while in Z. Harpaa, Fab., (Syst. 
Ent., App. p. 829, = Perion, Auct., nec Cram.) I can 
trace three only. In the metallic spotting of the under- 
side of the hind-wings, and the thin tails on the sub- 
median nervures of those wings, Leroma approaches Z. 
Harpax, and Z, Phosphor, Trimen (Rhop. Afr. aust. 
p- 269, pl. iv. f. 12) but wants the anal-angular lobe 
of those species; and in general make and robustness, 
gradual clavation and length of antenne, and formation 
and size of palpi, more nearly resembles Z. Malagrida, 
Walleng. (Sv. Ak. Handl. 1857, p. 43), than any other. 
Leroma differs from every known Zeritis in not present- 
ing the slightest fulyous colouring on the upperside in 
either sex, 

South African Butterflies. 377 
Zeritis Basuta. 
Wallengren, Svensk. Ak. Handl. 1857, p. 46. 

A fg andtwo ¢? from Maseru closely agree with 
Wallengren’s diagnosis. As stated in Rhop. Afr. aust. 
p- 279, this form is linked to Z. Protumnus, Linn. (Mus. 
Lud. Ulr. p. 340) by several intermediate varieties from 
various parts of South-Africa; but as Basuta appears in 
both sexes to be a constant race in Kaffraria Proper, 
Natal, and Basuto-land, it may fairly claim to be treated 
as distinct. Ina 9 sent me from Pine Town, Natal, by 
Mr. Morant, the white markings are unusually well de- 
veloped, especially in the hind-wings; but in two 9? 
from the Trans-Vaal Country (collected by Mr. TT’. Ayres) 
those markings are even broader in the fore-wings, while 
in the hind-wings, though also very wide, they are 

As in Z. Protumnus, there is a considerable difference in 
the antennz of the sexes, those of the ? being through- 
out rather thicker than those of the ¢, especially towards 
the base. 

Sub-fam. Prerinz. 

Mr. Bates (Journ. of Entom. i. 218) has explained the 
grounds which lead him to associate the Pieride and 
Papilionide of authors as sub-families of the common 
Family Papilionide ; a course which had been previously 
adopted by Mr. Stainton (Manual of Brit. Butt. and 
Moths, i. 12). There is undoubtedly a passage between 
the two (as suggested by Mr. Wallace, Tr. Ent. Soc., 
ord ser., iv. 314) afforded by the genera Thais and Zegris, 
the former wanting the interno-median nervule of the 
fore-wings, and the pre-discoidal cell of the hind-wings so 
characteristic of true Papilionide, and having, moreover, 
long porrect palpi, while the latter approaches Thais 
(and Parnassius) in its pupa stage. See Boisduval, Sp. 
Gen. Lep. 1. 552-3. 

378 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Genus Pieris, Schrank. 
Pieris Mesentina. 

Papilio Mesentina, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. 140, pl. eclxx. 
fib lS fie 

Several males from Koro-Koro and Maseru agree in all 
respects with specimens of the same sex from other parts 
of South Africa. African 3 specimens generally, as far 
as I have observed, differ from the Asiatic type-form in 
haying all the black markings narrower and fainter (in 
which respect they approach LP. Gidica) and also, as 
Hopffer has pointed out (Peters’ Reise nach Mossam- 
bique, Ins. p. 352), in having the underside of the hind- 
wings white, or whitish with some few yellow streaks, 
instead of uniformly yellow. In the ¢ also, the hind- 
wings though yellow on the underside, are not of so deep 
a tint as is general in Indian and Cingalese examples. 

Mr. Bowker notes this butterfly as ‘‘ very numerous all 
over the country, constantly flying to the Hastward.” 

Wallengren (Sv. Akad. Handl. 1857, p. 8), and Wallace 
(Tr. Ent. Soc., 3rd ser., iv. 329) have noted, that in 
Mesentina, Severina, and a few allied species, the first 
subcostal nervule anastomoses with the costal nervure 
in the fore-wings. 

Pieris Hellica. 
Papilio Hellica, Linn, 8. N. 11. 760. 

Specimens of this very constant and abundant species, 
which is a near relative of P. Daplidice, were sent by 
Mr. Bowker from Maseru. 

I found the species to be common in the higher lands 
of Natal, particularly near Pietermaritzburg and Grey- 
town. In the Malmesbury division, which adjoins that 
in which Cape Town is situate, Hellica was unusually 
plentiful in September, 1869; aud its abundance was 
still greater about Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown, 
be I visited those places in January and February, 


South African B utterflies. 379 

Mr. Butler mentions (Cat. Di. Lep. desc. Fabr. in Coll. 
Brit. Mus. p. 205) that, in the Banksian Collection, 
the P. Mesentina of Cramer is queried as Hellica, Linn. ; 
but the detailed description in Mus. Lud. Ulr. gives the 
characters of four white spots at the apex of the fore- 
wings, and the underside of the hind-wings, ‘venis 
reticulate /atis, cinerascentibus, desinentibus posterius in 
ramos 6 s. 7, lanceolatos,’ which do not at all apply to 
Mesentina. Linné’s omission tv mention the yellow 
margining of the gray-clouded nervures, may have arisen 
from his having a worn or faded example before him. 

Boisduval remarks, that P. Glawconome, Klug, from 
Egypt, Arabia, and Mount Sinai, “fait le passage d’ Hel- 
lica & Daplidice” (Sp. Gén. i. 546). On a cursory 
examination of Klug’s figures, I thought Glauconome to 
be probably a small variety of Hellica. 

Pieris Hriplia. 
Godart, Ene. Méth. ix. 157. 

A single example was received from Koro-Koro. 

I had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful species in 
life, for the first time, at Highlands, near Grahamstown, 
at the end of January, 1870, avd during the following 
month met with it not uncommonly. It frequented 
steep hill-sides on the edges of woods, but never entered 
the shade of the woods themselves, delighting in the 
Scabiosa flowers, which were abundant in such stations. 
It is very conspicuous on the wing, and is easily cap- 
tured, being rather slow of flight, and settling frequently. 
I afterwards saw the species on the wing, near Uiten- 

Mr. McKen has forwarded fine examples of this butter- 
fly from Natal, where Mr. Harford has also met with it. 
It appeared, also in a collection made at Potchefstroom, 
Trans-Vaal, by Mr. V. EH. Noren; and, in 1867, Mr. 
Hewitson showed me an example from the Zambesi. 

Ihave been unable to discover any characters to dis- 
tinguish the Vritogenia of Klug, (Symb. Phys. pl. vii. 
f. 18, 19), from Hriphia, and do not know what led 
Boisduval to separate the two in his “ Species Général” 

(i. 513). 

380 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Genus CaLLosung, BE. Doubleday. 

I have been led by a comparison of the Asiatic and 
African species usually grouped under Anthocharis, 
with the European typical forms of that genus, to 
follow Mr. F. Moore and Mr. Wallace in treating the 
se¢tion Callosune as generically distinct. The species 
composing that section differ constantly from the true 
Anthocharis in having the antenne less broadly clavate ; 
the palpi shorter, and not so hirsute; the sub-costal 
nervure of fore-wing with but four (instead of five) ner- 
vules; the upper-surface ef both wings (at least in the 
?, and usually in both sexes) more or less varied with 
black markings; and the under-surface of the hind- 
wings entirely devoid of the characteristic variegation 
with greenish. Hiibner separated Lvippe, Linn., and 
Eborea, Cram., (= Danae, Fab.), from his genus Huchloe 
(see Verz. Bek. Schmett, pp. 94, 95), but his generic 
name of Aphrodite is pre-occupied in the Annelide Class. 
Wallengren has instituted for the extra-European species 
his genus Anthopsyche (Sv. Akad. Handl. 1857, p. 10), 
but Doubleday’s Callosune has ten years’ priority. 

Callosune Hvenina. (Pl. VI. fig. 11.) 

Anthopsyche Evenina, Wallengren, Svensk. Akad. Handl. 
1857, p. 12. 

A single ? from Maseru expands 1 in. 8} lin., and 
quite agrees with Wallengren’s description, and with 
specimens collected in Damara-land by Mr. J. A. Bell, 
excepting that the large inner marginal spot of the fore- 
wings is distinctly united (on the first median nervule) 
with the basal fuscous. There were three examples of 
this species, taken near Potchefstroom, in the collection 
of Mr. V. E. Noren; and two other specimens, lately 
sent me from the Trans-Vaal Country by Mr. T. Ayres, 
agree closely with those from Damara-land. 

This species (of which the ¢ remains unknown, though 
there are certain individuals of that sex inhabiting the 
same regions as Hvenina, which I am strongly disposed to 
associate with it) differs from all the females of Callosune 
with which I am acquainted, in the peculiar distribution 
of the blackish markings on the upperside of the wings. 

South African Butterflies. 381 

The fore-wing cell filled with blackish (not reaching to 
costal edge) ; the coinciding of the inner marginal spot 
of fore-wing with the costal mark of hind-wing, and the 
downward ill-defined extension of the latter so as, with 
the former and the basal blackish of fore-wing, to enclose 
a very oblique whitish ray common to both wings; and 
the width and straightness of the lower part of the hind- 
marginal border of hind-wing; all present unmistakeable 
resemblance to the markings of Pieris Hriphia, and consti- 
tute Hvenina a most interesting link between the ordinary 
species of Callosune and the very isolated Hriphia. A 
specimen in Burchell’s collection is noted in his MS. 
Catalogue as having been taken at the ‘‘ Chue Spring, 
im the Maadje Mountains,” situate a little N. of Lataku, 
in “ Lat. 26° 18’ 11”,” according to Burchell’s Map. 

Callosune Agoye. 

Anthopsyche Agoye, Wallengren, Svensk. Akad. Handl. 
1857, p. 15. 

The only specimen received is a ¢, from Koro-Koro. 
It has the inner blackish edging of the apical ochreous 
patch of fore-wings rather wider than in the examples 
from Damara-land, and the nervures of the fore-wings 
only black-marked near that edging. An irrorated 
blackish marking (not mentioned by Wallengren, and 
only very indistinctly present in two of the Damara-land 
examples) extends along the outer half of the costa of 
the hind-wings. 

This remarkable butterfly has the apical patch of the 
fore-wings unusually small, in which character, and its 
general outline and more or less black-defined nervures, 
it shows alliance with the violet-tipped ¢ Anthocharis 
Phlegyas, Butler (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 431), from 
the White Nile. 

I noted a ¢ from Damara-land in the Collection of 
Mr. Hewitson, in December, 1867. One in Burchell’s 
Collection is noted, in his MS. Catalogue, as having been 
taken at his ‘‘ Terminalia Station,” which appears on the 
map accompanying his “ Travels” in the neighbourhood 
of Lataku, Bechuana-land. 

382 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Genus CaLuipryas, Boisduyal. 
: Callidryas Florella. 
Papilio Florella, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 479. 

I think that there can be no longer any reasonable doubt, 
that Fhadia, Boisd. (Sp. Gen. Lep.i. 617), is only the yel- 
lower form of Florella, ¢ . In 1862, Hopffer (Peters’ Reise 
nach Mossamb. Ins. p.365) pointed out that the colouring 
of the 2? Florella differed from that of the 3, varying from 
pale to gamboge-yellow on the upperside, but did not 
connect the deeper-hued examples with Rhadia. Mr. 
Butler (Cat. Di. Lep. desc. Fabr. in Coll. B. M. pp. 224-5) 
has recently published some remarks indicating a belief 
that the two constitute but one species; and I may add 
that not only does the constant occurrence of the two in 
the same localities favour that belief, but that on one 
occasion near D’Urban, Port Natal, I took a white d and 
yellow ? in copuld. Females of the paler colouring are 
certainly scarcer than the others; but Mr. Bowker 
writes that he has noticed them in Basuto-land, and Mr. 
Hewitson possesses one from Madagascar, which resembles 
the yellowish white specimen from Bourbon, figured in 
M. Maillard’s ‘‘ Notes sur ? Ile de la Réunion (Bourbon) ,” 
published in 1862. 

Hopffer notes (loc. cit.) the great difference in size 
that prevails in this Callidryas, observing that his smallest 
example expanded only 1 in. 9 lin., while the largest was 
over 2in.6 lin. While I have remarked no specimen 
less than 2 in. in expanse, I have measured a fine Basuto- 
land ¢ from Mr. Bowker,* and a Trans-Vaal 9 from 
Mr. Ayres, both of which expand 2 in. 93 hn. 

The genus Callidryas is celebrated in the warm regions 
of the earth, and notably in tropical South America, for 
vast assemblages of apparently migrating individuals. 
Darwin, Schomburgk, Bates, and Spruce are among those 
who have given us the most graphic accounts of these 
innumerable hosts, which progress steadily in a particular 
direction. Mr. Bates’ observations led him to believe 
that the migrating hordes were composed of males only, 

* This individual possesses in high perfection the row of radiating 
silky hairs on the inner margin of the fore-wings, noted in my Rhop. Afr. 
aust. p. 68, as occurring in two males from British Kaffraria. 

South African Butterflies. 383 

but Mr. Spruce (Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. ix. 357) gives 
an instance in which females also were undoubtedly 
present. It is interesting to find the same phenomenon 
presented by C. Florella in Basuto-land, Mr. Bowker 
describing it as follows, viz: ‘“ During my trip to No- 
Man’s-Land, in March, 1869, I crossed the Maluti Moun- 
tains at two different points, going and returning, and 
throughout the journey, whenever there was a gleam of 
sunshine between the prevalent showers, the exodus of 
Florella and Rhadia continued in one uninterrupted 
stream. These butterflies were to be seen in countless 
numbers, from the deepest and darkest valleys through 
which the Orange River forced its way, up to the highest 
peaks, 10,000 feet above the sea; and all were steadily 
moving on Hastward. Sometimes one of them would stop 
to take a sip from a tempting Gladiolus, or even turn 
back a few yards for that purpose, but it would be only 
for a minute, and then off he would hurry again, as if 
fearful of being left behind by his comrades. I have 
noticed the same swarms in the Trans-Keian Country, 
and also in the Cape Colony; in the latter, I believe, 
other members of the Pieridw were concerned.” It has 
never been my own good fortune to witness one of these 
wonderful moving hosts, and I can therefore express no 
opinion on the subject; but it may be worth while to 
note, in connection with it, the well-known habit of almost 
all Pierine of proceeding straight onward, with more or 
less directness and rapidity in their flight. Even the 
weak and fragile T'erias-species pursue this course, though 
their flight is slow and near the ground; and with Pieris, 
Callosune, &c., 1t seems to be the rule. I lately was 
much struck with this in the case of such robust species 
as Pieris Charina, P. Severina, and P. Gidica, which 
were very numerous near Grahamstown, and might be 
seen to a considerable height above the ground, on fine 
mornings, winging their way in one direction. Though 
Pierine visit flowers very freely, it is seldom that they 
hover about a particular plant trying each separate 
blossom after the manner of so many other butterflies; 
they very generally take a hurried sip of nectar and are 
off, not settling again for some little distance. This 
tendency seems to attain its maximum in such genera as 
Hrona and Callidryas which are the most robust and 
swift-flying of the group. 

384 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Genus Cortas, Fabricius. 

Oolias Electra. 
Papilio Electra, Linn. S. N. ii. 764. 

This species seems universally distributed throughout 
South Africa, and extends into the tropical region on 
the Western side, Mr. J. A. Bell having brought two 
specimens from Damara-land in 1862. It is very numer- 
ous in Basuto-land, and the pale form of the ? appears 
often to occur there. 

There is probably no genus of butterflies that ranges 
over all latitudes to such an extent as Colias, for even 
Pyrameis is not recorded from such extremes of North 
and South as Labrador (C. Pelidne) and Patagonia (C. 
Lesbia), Lapland (C. Boothii), and the Cape. Mr. Bates 
(Journ. Entom. i. 230) observes that in tropical America, 
the genus is confined to the highest plateaux of Colum- 
bia;* and I am not aware that any species occurs in 
tropical North-Africa, or tropical Asia, with the excep- 
tion, in the latter region, of C. Nilagiriensis, Felder, 
the Indian species generally being Himalayan. 

Sub-fam. PApmLioniInz. 

Genus Papiii0, Linn. 
Papilio Demoleus. 
Linn. 8. N. ii. 753. 

This is the most widely-spread Papilio in Southern 
Africa, and the only one of the genus that extends to 
Cape Town. Two ¢ sent from Maseru are unusually 
small, one expanding 3 in. 2 lin., and the other barely 
2 in. 9 lin., the bodies being of proportionate size. Mr. 
Bowker observes that individuals of this dwarfed stature 
are not uncommon in Basuto-land, but that specimens of 
various sizes, up to the ordinary one (exp. about 4in.), 
also occur there. 

* Colias Cesonia, Stoll, (which, however, constitutes an isolated section 
of the genus) is recorded from Mexico, as well as from several of the West 
Indian Islands. 

South African Butterflies. 385 

Among a number of specimens reared from larvee feed- 
ing on the common Fennel, near Cape Town, by Captain 
Sandford, R.H., was a female (kindly presented to me 
by that gentleman) in which most of the pale markings 
on the left-hand wings are ill-defined and suffused, the 
submarginal spots being wholly wanting in the hind- 
wing, and almost obsolete in the fore-wing, while the 
two disco-cellular spots in the fore-wing are completely 
confluent. These peculiarities extend to the underside; 
and the right-hand wings also have two or three spots 
either quite or nearly obliterated. 

The very nearly-allied Indian species, P. Hrithonivs, 
Cram. (Pap. Exot. ii. pl. cexxxi.f. A, B) is readily 
distinguished on the upperside by the broader and much 
broken-up band of the hind-wings, and the want of any 
blue ocellate mark in the red spot at the anal angle; 
and on the underside of the same wings, by the black 
sub-basal bar (so very broad in Demoleus) being merely 
a narrow black streak, and by the much narrower dark 
space bounded by lunules beyond the middle. 


Genus Pyrcus, Hiibner. 
Pyrgus Diomus. 

Hopffer, in Peters’ Reise nach Mossambique, Ins. p. 420, 
plixxvinst.:9;: 10: 

In my Rhop. Afr. aust., p. 288, I doubtfully placed 
Diomus as a variety of P. Vindea, but have since seen 
reason to think that its differences from that insect 
warrant its being held distinct. 

A single 3 from Maseru differs a little on the under- 
side from Hopffer’s figure, being paler and more inclined 
to yellowish in ground-colour, particularly on the hind- 
margin of hind-wings, where the transverse white line 
shades imperceptibly into the unvariegated pale ground 
beyond it; while the two transverse white stripes are 
rather narrower and more oblique. In these respects, 
the specimen closely resembles an example lately taken 
in the Trans-Vaal Country by Mr. Ayres. 

386 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Pyrgus Asterodia. 

Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., ii. 178; Rhop. Afr. aust. 
DP, 209" phy Wt..6. 

An example sent from Koro-Koro is rather larger than 
usual, expanding 11 lin., and the ground-colour of the 
underside is rather darker, and not so ochreous. A 
similar specimen, of even larger size (exp. 1 im,), was 
taken by Mr. W. Morant, in the Orange Free State, at a 
spot named “ Doorn Kopje.” This latter individual pre- 
sented an additional white dot just beyond the lowest 
spot of the discal row in the fore-wings. 

Pyrgus Mafa, un. sp. (Pl. VI. fig. 12.) 

Allied to P. Vindew, Cram. (Pap. Exot. iv. 122, pl. 
ecelai, f. G.,H),. 

Exp. 114 lin.—1 in. 

Black, spotted with white: the spots im number and 
arrangement quite as in P. Vindex, but mostly smaller, and 
very sharply defined. 

Unpverstpg. Hind-wing: the sub-basal and central 
white stripes rather narrow, not oblique, interrupted more 
or less markedly in two places; of the separate spots or 
portions of the stripes, the largest is the middle one of 
the central stripe, which is denticulate both inwardly and 
outwardly, but much more strongly outwardly; a sub- 
marginal row of distinet white dots, continuous of that in 
the fore-wing ; the inner-marginai fold wideiy white. 

The shareieet italicised above seem to be constant, 
and I have therefore treated the race as distinct. Mr. 
Bowker found this Pyrgus not uncommon, most of his 
specimens having been captured at Maseru, and one near 
Koro-Koro. An example in Mr. W. Morant’s collection 
was found at Potchefstroon, Trans- Vaal. d 

Genus Cyctoripes, Hiibner. 

Cyclopides Tsita,n. sp. (Pl. VI. fig. 13.) 

Allied to O. Lepeletierti, Godt. (Eng. Méth. ix. 777), 
and (. inornatus, Trimen, (Tr. Ent. Soe., 3 ser., 1. 179; 
Rhop. Afr. austr. p. 295, pl. v. f. 11). 

South African Butterflies. 387 

Exp. 1 in. 1-14 ln. 

Dark brown, spotless ; cilia paler. 

Unverstpe. Hind-wing, and costal and apical border 
of fore-wing, pale grayish-ochreous, sometimes with a 
shehtly rufous tinge. Fore-wing: the ground-colour 
rather paler than on the upperside. Hind-wing : discoi- 
dal and median nervules more or less defined with dull- 
whitish ; the inner-marginal fold dusky brown, like the 
field of the fore-wing. 

This inconspicuous insect occupies an intermediate 
position between the two species mentioned above, being 
smaller than Lepeletierti and larger than inornatus, and 
wanting alike the conspicuous white stripes on the under- 
side of the hind-wings of the former, and the somewhat 
ferruginous tint and indistinct spotting of the under- 
surface of the latter. 

Mr. Bowker forwarded several exampies from Koro- 
Koro in December, 1868, noting that the insect was local, 
flitting about long grass by the river sides in the valleys, 
and occurring in such spots up to a considerable eleva- 
tion. I took examples of this butterfly in Natal, on the 
Tongaati and Jutzutze Rivers, but at the time thought 
them to be CO. inornatus. Their habits quite agreed with 
those described by Mr. Bowker. 

Cyclopides Syrine. 
Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1868, p. 93, pl. v. f. 8, &. 

2. Exp. lin. 3 lin. Spots of a deeper yellow than 
inthe $. Jore-wing: the outermost spot of the discal 
row, forming in the ¢ the third or fourth of the oblique 
streak between the cell and apex, scarcely traceable. 
(Scarcely a trace is visible in either wing of the sub- 
marginal row of ill-defined spots.) 

Unversipe. Hind-wing: the ground-colour very much 
paler, inclining to grayish; both the longitudinal stripes 
broader, the superior being yellower, and the inferior 
whiter than in the ¢. 

Mr. Bowker only sent the ¢ of this species from the 
site of its discovery in the Amatola Mountains. The 9? 
from which the above description is made, was taken in 
the Maluti Mountains, where Mr. Bowker found the 
butterfly frequenting the same “‘ mountain bamboos” as 
on Gaika’s Kop. 

388 Mr. Roland Trimen on 

Cyclopides Malgacha. 

Steropes Malgacha, Boisduval, Faune Ent. de Madagas. 
&c., p. 67. 

Six Basuto-land examples, of which two are ?, have 
the underside colouring of the hind-wings and apices of 
fore-wings considerably paler than in Cape specimens, 
and approaching the hue above described in the ? of C. 
Syrinz. One of the females is remarkable for the well 
defined rows of submarginal spots on the upperside 
(especially in the hind-wings), and for the vivid orange 
of the spots on the underside. In March, 1869, Mr. 
Bowker met with this species near the heads of the 
Umzimvoobo, or St. John’s River, on the Kaffrarian side 
of the Drakensberg. 

Genus Pampuiia, Fabricius. 
Pamphila Letterstedti. 

Hesperia Letterstedti, Wallengren, Svensk. Akad. Handl. 
1857, p. 49. 

A ¢ received from Mr. Bowker is very strongly suf- 
fused with yellow, more so than the “var. ¢ ” described 
in Rhop. Afr. aust. p. 301, and with paler cilia than 
usual; while the yellow of the underside has a greenish 
tinge. A @ has all the markings strongly defined. The 
species was taken by Mr. Bowker near the heads of the 
Umzimvoobo, in March, 1869. 

Pamplhila (?) wiveostriga. 

Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., ii. 179; Rhop. Afr. austr. 
ps 298, pl. vad. 75 (Ss 

Mr. Bowker met with this curious Skipper at Koro- 
Koro, in the Maluti Mountains, and on the banks of the 
Makaleng River, and forwarded a ¢ and two ? to Cape 
Town. The male is smaller than the specimen sent from 
Kaffraria, expanding only | in., and has the fore-wings 
less pointed at the apex; while on the upperside of the 
fore-wings the first sub-apical, upper cellular, and lowest 
discal spots are wanting, and on the underside there is 
no cellular spot, and the two discal spots are very faint. 

South African Butterflies. 389 

@. Exp. 1in.3 lin. Duller and paler than J, but 
with a stronger yellow-ochreous gloss, particularly in 
fore-wing. Fore-wing: spots of a duller whitish, in one 
example asin <Q, in the other all but obsolete. 

UnpersivgE. Ground-colour duller and more ochreous. 
Fore-wing: the three spots very indistinct in one example, 
and obliterated altogether in the other; inner margmal 
fuscous (as in Basuto-land ¢) faint and narrow. 

Mr. Bowker notes this local species as occurring 
among long grass and rushes, near water. Near the 
Hermansburg Mission Station, in Natal, on the 10th 
March, 1867, I captured six examples on the summit of 
a lofty hill-ridge; they were flitting about the purple 
flowers of a leguminous shrub of moderate height, which 
was common in one spot, in company with Pyrgus Moho- 
zutza and many other butterflies. I have not access to 
these examples at present, but to the best of my recol- 
lection, they were closer to the Kaffrarian than to the 
Basuto-land specimens. Both sexes of the last-named 
have the snow-white stripe of the underside of the hind- 
wings narrower and less bright than it appears in the 
Kaffrarian type specimens. 

Genus Ismenr, Swainson. 

Mr. Butler has-recently (Cat. Di. Lep. descr. Fabr. in 
Coll. B. M., pp. 269-70) , identified with the much-debated 
Fabrician genus Hesperia, the generally received species 
of Ismene, such as I. Iphis, Pisistratus, and Helurius, but 
merely notes, ‘The description applies best to Hesperice 
Urbicole of Fabricius.” 

Tsmene Florestan. 

Papilio Florestan, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. 210, pl. cecxci. 


Mr. Bowker observes that this species was rather rare 
at Maseru: it visited the flowers in his garden, both 
morning and evening. A specimen received from Basuto- 
land presents no variation from the generality of examples. 
Both in Natal and near Grahamstown, I found this but- 
terfly visiting flowers a little after sunset, as well as during 
the heat of the day. 


390 Mr. R. Trimen on South African Butterflies. 

Ismene Pisistratus. 
Papilio Pisistratus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 345. 

This species is evidently identical with Wallengren’s 
Rhopalocampta Valmaran (Sv. Ak. Handl. 1857, p. 48), 
which was treated by me (Rhop. Afr. aust. p. 319) as a 
probable variety of I. Florestan, but which, I am now 
decidedly of opinion, is a distinct species. 

I have not seen any Basuto-land example, but Mr. 
Bowker writes that the butterfly was not uncommon at 
Maseru in the autumn, appearing about a fortnight 
after I. Florestan. 

Hzplanation of Plate VI. 


Fig. 1. Hrebia Narycia, 9. . : ‘ a : : 4 350 
2. Leptoneura Bowkeri, g. . : : : - - 347 
3&4, Lycena Letsea, o,f. . : : ; é : 362 
5&6. Lycena Macalenga, g, ¢. : ; : : 2 364 
7&8. Lycena Mahallokoena, o, P.. - : . - 366 
9. Zeritis Molomo, 2. . : < : “ ‘ : 373 

10. Zeritis Leroma, g. . c ; é : 4 875 

1l. Callosune Evenina, ?. 3 ~ : : : s 380 

12. Pyrgus Mafa, fg. . z - : - : 386 

13. Cyclopides Tsita, g . ; aia seems : : 386 

( 391 ) 

XIX. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon 
Valley (Coleoptera, Cerambycide). By H. W. 
Batss, F.Z.8., late Pres. Ent. Soc. 

[Read 7th November, 1870]. 

I suc now to lay before the Society the conclusion of my 
descriptions of Longicorn Beetles from the Amazons 
(continued from p. 335). 


Sub-fam. CompsocERINa. 


Thomson, Classif. des Ceramb. p. 561; Lacord. Gen. ix. 

Syn. Orthostoma, Serville (nom. pre-occe.). 

1. Orthoschema albicorne. 
Cerambyz albicornis, Fab. Syst. El. 11. 269. 

Elongatum, depressum, viridi-zeneum, supra opacum, 
subtus nitidius, griseo tenuiter pubescens; capite 
latitudine thoracis, hoc angulis posticis porrectis; an- 
tennis articulis tribus terminalibus testaceo-albis; elytris 
sub-cyaneis, apice anguste emarginatis, angulo suturali 

Long. 74-9 lin. 3 2. 

This species seems to have been overlooked by authors, 
although the description of Fabricius is tolerably good. 
He gives the four last joints of the antennz as white; 
showing that he had the male only before him, in which 
the eleventh joint is “‘appendiculate.” The species re- 
sembles O. abdominale of Serville, the type of the genus, 
but is rather narrower, has green abdomen, emarginate 
_apices to the elytra, &c. The antennal joints 3-8 have a 
short spine at the apex within, most prominent in the ¢. 


TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PART IV. (DECEMBER.) EE 2 

392 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

2. Orthoschema cyaneum. 
Orthostoma cyanea, Pascoe, Journ. Entom. i. 62. 

*‘Lete cerulea, thorace luteo; antennarum articulis 
tribus ultimis albis.” (Pasc.) 

Long. 7-83 lin. ¢ 2. 

Closely allied to O. albicorne ; the apex of the elytra 
is less deeply emarginate, the thorax above and beneath 
of a bright red colour, and the elytra blue. In all my 
examples (three), half of the eighth antennal joint is 
yellowish-white, as well as the remaining three. 

Hab.—Ega (not Para, as stated by Mr. Pascoe). 

3. Orthoschema Tarnieri, n. sp. 

O. albicorni affine; differt antennis totis nigris, haud 
spinosis, elytrisque apice integris. Viridi-zeneum, infra 
subnitidum, griseo-tomentosum ; supra capite thoraceque 
subnitidis, elytris opacis. 

Long. 7 lin. ¢. 


4. Orthoschema tenwicorne, n. sp. 

Parvum, paulo minus elongatum, depressum, lzete 
viridi-zeneum, abdomine rufo; antennis tenuibus, valde 
elongatis, haud ciliatis; thorace (¢ @) antice valde 
angustato, subtiliter confertissime transversim rugoso, 
nitido; elytris confertissime granulato-rugosis, apice 
leviter emarginatis, ad suturam dehiscentibus ; pedibus 

Long. 4-5 lin. g @. 

A small slender-limbed species, differing from O. 
rufiventre, Germ. (a common and small species of Rio 
Janeiro) in being much less linear in form, in the 
thorax in both sexes narrowing greatly to the front, 
in the long and very slender antennz, which in well- 
developed males are three times the length of the body, 
and also in its brighter brassy-green hue. 

Hab.—Ega. Very common on the branches of dead 
trees, in company with numerous species of Chrysoprasis 
of similar colour and size, from which it is readily dis- 
tinguishable by the very short hind tarsi. 

of the Amazon Valley. 393 

5. Orthoschema Chryseis, n. sp. 

O. tenwicorni simillimum ; differt solum thorace igneo- 
cupreo, elytrisque obscure nigro-zneis, apice viridi- 

Long. 4-5 lin. S 9. 

Of similar form to O. tenwicorne; antennew long, very 
slender, and nearly destitute of cilia; the thorax nar- 
rowed in front in both sexes, of a glowing purple-coppery 
hue; the elytra brassy-black, greenish and more shining 
near the apex. 

Hab.—Para, Cameta, and banks of the Tapajos; on 
dead trees. 

6. Orthoschema cardinale, n. sp. 

Curtum, depressum, postice paulo dilatatum, saturate 
ceruleum, nitens, elytris (apice nigro excepto) coc- 
cineis, “opacis; capite grosse rugoso-punctato; thorace 
ovato, lateribus grosse rugoso-punctatis, medio levi; 
scutello ferrugineo, polito; antennis purpureis, longe 
ciliatis, basin versus robustis, apice valde attenuatis. 

Long. 6 ln. ¢. 

A very beautiful species, unlike any other in colours, 
but undoubtedly belonging to this genus. 

. Hab.—HEga. One example only. * 

* The following undescribed species of Orthoschema are common in 
Collections :— 

Orthoschema ruficeps. 

O. viridipenni (Thoms.) proxime affine. Rufum, antennis articulis 
3-11 nigro-piceis, abdomine nigro-wneo, thorace infuscato, elytris viola- 
ceis vel obscure ceruleis. 

Long. 8 lin. g Q. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

Orthoschema nigricorne. 

O. viridipennt (Thoms.) proxime affine. Fulvum, antennis articulis 
3-11 pedibusque nigris, pectore infuscato, opaco, abdomine nigro, nitido, 
coxis femoribusque basi fulvis; elytris viridi- vel cyaneo-sericeis, apice 

Long. 8 lin. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

394 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 


Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 24 (1867); Lacord. 
Gen. vin. 398. 

Lacordaire, misled no doubt by the character given of 
“eyes coarsely facetted,” placed this genus among the 
doubtful forms of the first section of Ceramb yode. On 
re-examination, I find that the facets of the eyes would 
be more correctly described by Lacordaire’s term of 

“‘subfinement granulés.” They are very similar to 
the same organs in Orthoschema, near which I stated 
the genus should be placed. The genus, in fact, pos- 
sesses all the essential characters of Orthoschema except 
the antennz, which are short (very little longer than 
the body even in the @) and have the 3-5th joints 
thickened, and furnished with long cilia beneath. In 
general form the genus differs from Orthoschema in 
being cylindrical and not depressed; the thorax ‘is 
rounded, and without porrect hind angles. 

1. Ohlorethe inge. 
Bates, loc. cit. 

Parva, cylindrica, setosa, viridi-zenea, elytris suturate 
sericeo-viridibus, apice rufo-marginatis truncatis; thorace 
zqualiter reticulato-punctato ; antennis nigris, articulo 
basali viridi; pedibus nigrod-zeneis ; abdomine rufo; me- 
tasterno sparsim punctato, nitido. 

Long. 33-44 lin. g 9. 

Hab.—Ega ; on felled Inga trees. 

Genus CoREMIA. 
Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 22; Lacord. Gen. 

ix. 42 

This name clashes with one of Guénée’s genera of Lepi- 
doptera, over which, however, it has ten years’ priority. 

1. Coremia hirtipes. 
Saperda hirtipes, Oliv. Entom. No. 68, p. 14, pl. 1. 776. 
Linearis, g racilis, nigra; pedibus posticis valde elon- 

gatis, femoribus apice “clavatis, tibiis apice longe nigro- 

of the Amazon Valley. 395 

Long. 34-5 lin. 3 2. 
Found throughout the Amazons, flying slowly over 

dead timber in new clearings. It resembles a large 

Sub-fam. CLyTinz. 

Newman, Entom. i. 7; Lacord. Gen. ix. 62. 

1. Cyllene amazonica, n. sp. 

C. cayennensi (Lap. & Gory) proxime affinis; differt 
solum elytris prope apicem linea transversa alteraque su- 
turali griseis. Hlongata, postice attenuata, nigro-velu- 
tina; thorace fasciis tribus flavis; elytris fascia prope 
basin arcuata, alteris duabus ante medium versus scu- 
tellum abrupte recurvis, tertia postica arcuata ad suturam 
interrupta punctiformi, flavis, apice sutura et fascia brevi 
conjuncta obliqua griseis. 

Long. 5-73} lin. d ¢. 

Common throughout the Amazons, on branches of 
dead trees. It resembles in markings C. caraccasensis 
(Chevr.), but is decidedly broader and more robust in 
form, in which character it agrees more with C. cayen- 

Genus NroctytTvs. 

Thomson, Musée Scientifique, p. 67 ; Lacord. Gen. ix. 75. 

1. Neoclytus tapajonus, n. sp. 

N. guyanensi (Lap. & Gory) proxime affinis, vix pos- 
tice attenuatus, nigricans vel obscure piceus, partim 
griseo-tomentosus; thorace oblongo-ovato, lineis tribus 
elevatis tuberculatis; elytris apice truncatis et utrinque 
bispinosis, supra prope basin vitta lata obliqua et parte 
apicali griseo-tomentosis, fasciis tribus flavis, prima 
pone vittam basalem griseam valde obliqua ad scutellum 

396 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

ascendente, secunda (prime proxima) recta transversa, 
tertia longe distante versus apicem; pedibus piceo-rufis 
vel nigris, femoribus ut in N. rufo (Oliv.) gradatim crasse 

Long. 33-7 lin. $ 9. 

Hab.—Santarem, Tapajos, Ega. 

Abundant occasionally on wooden fences of gardens. 
The yellow belts of the elytra are all of nearly equal width, 

and form moderately wide fasciz, and not fine lines as 
in N. rufus and other allied species. 

Genus Mxcomertorvs. 
Thomson, Classif, des Ceramb. p. 222. 

Lacordaire unites this genus with Neoclytus, but it 
seems to me to form a distinct and very natural group, 
distinguished from Neoclytus by the very much shorter 
and less robust hind legs, which are in due proportion 
to the anterior and middle pair. The muzzle is in almost 
all the species longer and narrower than in Neoclytus. 
All the known species are from tropical America. 

1. Mecometopus Batesiv. 
Olytus Batesii, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 257. 

Robustus, niger, corpore subtus thoraceque tomento 
ochreo variegatis, elytris late croceo-flavis, macula elon- 
gata humerali, altera obliqua rhomboidea laterali pone 
medium, et apice nigris; thorace magno, elytris multo 
latiore, subgloboso, dorso linea lata elevata transversim 

Long. 6 lin. 

Hab.—Banks of the Iruré4, Santarem. On dead trees. 

2. Mecometopus festivus. 
Olytus festivus, Fab. Syst. El. ii. 348. 

Cylindricus, ater; thorace breviter oblongo-rotundato, 
elytris haud latiore, vage late cinereo fasciato; scutello, 
elytrorum vitta abbreviata obliqua prope basin, macula 

of the Amazon Valley. 397 

triangulari communi vittam approximante, et fascia an- 
gustiori versus apicem, lete flavis; subtus macula magna 
metasterni, ventrisque segmentis duobus basalibus, flavo- 
tomentosis; antennis subclavatis, nigris. 

Long. 44 lin. 
Hab.—Obydos, Guiana side of Lower Amazons. 

3. Mecometopus Wallacit. 
Clytus Wallacet, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 259. 

Cylindricus, ater ; thorace breviter oblongo-rotundato, 
elytris paulo angustiori, cinereo vage fasciato; scutello, 
elytrorum vitta abbreviata obliqua prope basin, et macula 
triangulari communi vittam approximante, lete flavis, 
vitta lata ante apicem grisea; subtus macula magna me- 
tasterni, ventrisque segmentis duobus bxsalibus, flavo- 
tomentosis; antennis tenuibus, apice subclavatis, piceo- 
rufis, clava pallida. 

Long. 44 lin. 


4, Mecometopus triangularis. 

Clytus triangularis, Lap. & Gory, Monogr. p. 31, pl. 
vii. f. 38. 

Gracilis, cylindricus, niger, capite rufo-piceo, antennis 
dimidio apicali pallido; thorace oblongo-ovato, obscure 
griseo, medio nigro; elytris margine basali, fascia valde 
obliqua abbreviata, macula triangulari communi ante 
medium, et triente apicali, griseis; metasterno fasciisque 
duabus ventris basalibus flavo-cinereis. 

Long. 4 lin. 

5. Mecometopus leetus. 
Clytus letus, Fabr. Syst. El. ii. 348. 

Cylindricus, niger, capite antennis et thorace fulvo- 
rufis; hoc oblongo, lateribus vix rotundato, postice 

398 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

utringue macula magna flava; scutello flavo; elytris 
humeris, regione scutellari, macula prope basin elongata 
obliqua triangulari, alteraque triangulari communi huic 
adjacente, et fascia abbreviata angusta versus apicem, 
lete flavis; pectore flavo-rufo, flavo-tomentoso; abdo- 
mine fasciis quatuor flavis; tarsis rufescentibus. 

Long. 6 lin. 


6. Mecometopus rubefactus, n. sp. 

Cylindricus, fulvo-piceus, capite antennis et thorace 
fulvo-rufis; hoc oblongo-ovato, postice utrinque macula 

magna flava; elytris fascia basali (scutellum includente) , 
litura sub- humerali, macula prope basin elongata obliqua 
triangulari, alteraque huic adjacente communi triangulari, 
et fascia postica ad suturam haud interrupta, leete flavis, 
parte apicali rufo-tincta; pectore et fasciis quateres ven- 
tralibus flavis; pedibus fulvo- -piceis. 

Long. 43-54 lin. 

Hab.—Ega; on branches of dead trees. 

Described from four examples. Allied to M. amabilis, 
Chevrolat, which wants the posterior fascia, and has the 
anterior oblique spot of a different form. 

7. Mecometopus latecinctus, n. sp. 

Cylindricus ; capite, antennis (clava nigra excepta) , et 
thorace fulvo-rufis ; hoc oblongo- -ovato, postice utrinque 
_ griseo-sericeo ; scutello flavo ; elytris nigris, macula prope 
basin elongata obliqua triangulari, alteraque adjacente 
communi triangulari, et fascia lata haud distante, late 
flavis, parte apicali flavo-cinerea; pectore et fasciis 
quatuor ventralibus flavis ; pedibus rufis. 

Long. 44 lin. 

Hab. mel Paulo, Upper Amazons. 

The black ground colour of the elytra in ens’ species 
forms bands much narrower than the yellow belts and 

8. Mecometopus purus, n. sp. 

M. leto valde aflinis ; differt eclytris basi nigerrimis, 
macula prima antice haud truncata, antennis clava nigra ; 


of the Amazon Valley. 399 

cylindricus, niger, capite thorace antennisque basi fulvo- 
rufis, his clava piceo-nigra; thorace postice utrinque 
macula magna cinereo-flava; scutello lete flavo; elytris 
humeris, macula obliqua triangulari basi angulata versus 
basin ascendente, macula communi triangulari, et fascia 
angusta biarcuata postica, lete flavis; prothorace subtus, 
pectore, fasciisque quatuor ventralibus flavis; pedibus 

Long. 44 lin. 


9. Mecometopus Flavius, n. sp. 

Cylindricus, niger, capite, thorace, antennisque basi 
fulvo-rufis, his clava piceo-nigra ; thorace postice utrinque 
macula cinerea; scutello lete flavo; elytris macula magna 
rotundata (prope humerum incisa), altera communi rhom- 
boidea, fasciaque (prope suturam valde dilatata), lete 
flavis; pectore segmentisque quatuor ventralibus flavis ; 
pedibus nigris. 

Long. 5 ln. 


10. Mecometopus troglodytes. 
Clytus troglodytes, Lap. & Gory, Monogr. p. 33, pl. vu. 
f. 41 

Breviter cylindricus, niger; thorace ovato; elytris 
linea angusta abbreviata obliqua prope basin, macula 
parva communi triangulari, linea transversa pone medium, 
albis; antennis brevibus, clavatis. 

Long. 34 lin. 

* The following is a new species allied to M. letus, but different from 
the preceding, and from all those described by MM. Chevrolat and 

Mecometopus Jansoni, n. sp. 

Cylindricus, niger, capite et thorace ferrugineo-rufis; hoe subgloboso, 
postice angustato; scutello flavo; elytris macula magna ovata prope 
humerum, altera parva communi obcordata, fasciaque postica lata recta, 
lete flavis; pectore segmentisque duobus ventralibus cinereo-flavis ; 
pedibus nigris. ; 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson fil.) 

400. Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

11. Mecometopus globicollis. 
Clytus globicollis, Lap. & Gory, Monogr. p. 82, pl. vii. 
f. 39. 

Cylindricus, niger; scutello albo; elytris linea prope 
basin obliqua curvata, macula communi triangulari, 
lineaque transversa postica, albis; antennis clavatis. 

Long. 44 lin. 


12. Mecometopus polygenus. 
Thomson, Classif. des Ceramb. p. 223. 

Breviter cylindricus, robustus, niger; antennis valde 
clavatis; thorace spherico, elytris latiori; pedibus ro- 
bustis, tibiis compressis; elytris linea abbreviata obliqua 
flexuosa maculaque communi triangulari flavis, triente 
apicali griseo-sericea. 

Long. 3-5 lin. 

Hab.—Ega. Abundant on dead trees. 

Genus Eproprres, nov. gen. 

Corpus lineare, longe pilosum. Caput supra planum, 
tubera antennifera obsoleta. Oculi renifurmes. An- 
tennz lineares, longe pilose; ¢ corpore multo longi- 
ores, articulo tertio elongato, ceeteris subzequalibus; 9? 
corpore breviores, articulis 8-11 multo abbreviatis. 
Thorax longissimus, elytris equalis, inermis, ante basin 
valde late constrictus, quasi pedunculatus, parte antica 
valde convexa. LElytra curta, depressa, apice obtuse 
rotundata. Pedes curti, longe pilosi; femora clavata; 
tarsi breves, articulo primo secundo et tertio conjunctis 
longiori. Acetabula intermedia extus clausa. 

The species on which this genus is founded was placed 
by White in the genus Ozodes, with which it has no near 
affinity whatever, and scarcely any external resemblance. 
It is evidently a member of the sub-fam. T'illomorphine, 
aud is allied to the Australian genus Jpomoria; differing 
chiefly in the extreme relative length of the thorax and 
in the length and proportions of the antennal joints. 

of the Amazon Valley. 401 

1. LEpropetes latifascia. 
Ozodes latifascia, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 218. 

Niger, longe hirsutus; antennis (basi excepta) pedi- 
busque rufo-piceis; capite thoraceque creberrime punc- 
tatis, hoc dorso reticulato; elytris argenteo-griseo pubes- 
centibus, medio fascia lata nigro-velutina, antice et 
postice albo-marginata. 

Long. 3-4 lin. g 2. 
Hab.—Dry forests of the Tapajos; on dead branches. ~ 

Sub-fam. CLEOMENIN2. 
Genus EvPEMPELvs, nov. gen. 

Genus Listroptere affine ; differt elytris linearibus, apice 
obtusis, truncatis. Corpus elongatum, lineare. Caput par- 
vum, thorace angustius, rostro paulo elongato. Antennz 
($) corpore longiores, tenues, sparsim ciliate, articulis 
subeequalibus. Elytra valde elongata, linearia, apice 
obtusa, truncata, angulis truncature distinctis, supra 
leviter recte bicostata. Pedes elongati; femora gra- 
datim incrassata. 

Closely allied to Listroptera, especially in the form of 
the head and thorax; but differmg, even from the 
elongate species of that genus (e. g. L. collaris) by the 
linear form, and abruptly rounded and trancate apex of 
the elytra, which, besides, are destitute of the gray tomen- 
tum and curved cost that distinguish all the Listroptere. 

1. Hupempelus olivaceus, n. sp. 

Elongatus, olivaceo-viridis, sub-opacus; thorace lete 
rufo-sericeo, dorso quinque-tuberculato; elyiris creber- 
rime rugoso-granulatis, et passim punctatis, costis rectis 
utrinque duabus vix distinctis, apice transversim trunca- 
tis; corpore subtus leviter cinereo-tomentoso. 

Long. 6 lin. ¢. 

At fragrant flowers in the forest, in company with 
species of Odontocera and Agaone. 

402 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus LisTRoprTera. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 71; Lacord. Gen. 
1x. 107. 

1. Listroptera tenebrosa. 
Callidiwm tenebrosum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. ii. 322. 

Brevis, depressa, nigra, opaca; thorace rufo, medio 
dorsi margineque antico nigris; elytris postice rotundatis, 
apice conjunctim acute rotundatis, margine serratis, 
dorso postice cano-tomentoso; abdomine  cinereo- 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

2. Listroptera aterrvma. 
Callichroma aterrimum, Germ. Ins. Sp. Nov. p. 497. 

L. tenebrose valde affinis; differt thorace nigro. 
Long. 5 lin. ¢ Q. 
Hab.—Ega. Common on dead branches. 

3. Listroptera angulata. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 208. 

“Nigerrima; thorace curtulo, quadrinodoso, angulis 
posticis prominulis rubro-notatis; elytris basi nigro 
oblique angulatis, parte cinereo-tomentosa basi solum 
punctata.” (White.) 

Long. 44 lin. 

Hab.—Pardé. In Coll. Brit. Mus. 

4. Listroptera collaris. 

Cerambyx collaris, Klug, Nov. Ac. Ces. L. C. Nat. Cur. 
xu. 459, pl. xiii. f. 8. 

A I. tenebrosa et aterrima differt corpore et antennis 
longioribus, gracilioribus; antennis ¢@ corpore multo 
longioribus, articulo quarto multo abbreviato; nigra, 
thorace antice et postice lete rufo; elytris ante apicem 
rotundatis, apice conjunctim acute rotundatis, prope 
suturam spina acuta armatis, marginibus haud serratis. 

Long. 5 lin. d ?. - 

Hab.—Caripi, near Para. On dead trees. 

ee ee 

of the Amazon Valley. 403 

Chevrolat, in Thoms. Arc. Nat. p. 50; Lacord. Gen. ix. 

1. Dihammophora nitidicollis, n. sp. 

Nigra, opaca; thorace lete rufo, sericeo-nitente, elon- 
gato, ineequali, medio dorsi convexo, postice bitubercu- 
lato ; elytris ante apicem dilatato-rotundatis, supra grosse 
lineatim punctatis, bicostatis; antennis corpore multo 
brevioribus, articulis 3-11 subzqualibus, leviter serratis ; 
abdomine argenteo-tomentoso. 

Long. 23 lin. 

Hab.—St. Paulo, Upper Amazons. 

2. Dihammophora pusilla, n. sp. 

Angustissima, linearis, nigro-picea, opaca; thorace 
angusto, cylindrico, haud tuberculato, rufo-opaco; elytris 
ante apicem gradatim rotundatis, grosse lineatim punc- 
tatis, bicostatis; antennis corpore multo brevioribus, 
decem-articulatis, articulo 10mo longiori, crassiori; ab- 
domine argenteo-sericeo. 

Long. 24 lin. 
Hab.—Villa Nova; on flowers. 

Allied to D. perforata, Klug, from which it differs, inter 
alia, in the head being entirely black. 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 100; Lacord. Gen. 

ix. 110. 

1. LRhopalophora atramentaria. 

Listroptera atramentaria, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. 
p. 208. 

Ehopalophora vidua, Chevrolat, in Thoms. Arc. Nat. p. 59. 

Elongata, plana, nigro-velutina, antennis pedibusque 
nitidis; elytris utrinque vitta latissima suturali griseo- 
tomentosa; corpore subtus argenteo-tomentoso. 

Long. 6-7 lin. d ¢. 

Hab.—Altar do Chaé, River Tapajos. Abundant. 

4.04. Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus CosMISOMA. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 19; Lacord. Gen. 
ix. 212, 

1. Cosmisoma Diana, n. sp. 
Cerambyx Ammiralis, Lin. Syst. Nat. (ed. xii) ii. 625 (?). 

Robustum, lineare, planum, nigrum; thorace antice et 
postice constricto, medio lateribus tumido, utrinque vitta 
lata leete argentea; elytris macula humerali clare fulvo, 
vitta lata pone medium lete argentea ; antennis articulis 
dio et 4to apice infra nigro-penicillatis, 5to scopa magna 
nigra, 6to scopa minore alba; corpore subtus argenteo- 

Long. 63-8 lin. d ¢. 

This superb insect was referred by White to the 0. 
Ammiralis of Linnezus; but the original description in 
the Systema Naturze does not at all agree with the Ama- 
zonian specimens. It is true that Linneus described it 
from a figure only, sent from Surinam by Dr. L’Ammiral, 
and this may not have been accurate. So palpable a 
difference, however, as “ Thoracis latera rufa” in 
L’Ammiral’s insect, cannot be assumed to bean inaccuraey, 
and in the absence of Surinam specimens, the present 
species must be regarded as distinct. The OC. formo- 
sum (Blanchard, in D’Orbigny’s Voyage), from Santa 
Cruz, in Bolivia, has also been assumed to belong to the 
same species, although both in the description and figure 
the sides of the thorax, and the humeral spots and belt 
of the elytra, are given as ‘‘ yellow.” 

Hab.—Ega. On flowers of Myrtacee ; a large number 
of examples offering no variation. 

2. Cosmisoma fasciculatum. 
Saperda fasciculata, Oliv. Ent. No. 68, p. 14, pl. i. f. 3. 
Cosmisoma Leprieurii, Buquet, Guér. Icon. R. A. p. 231. 

Minus robustum, elongatum, depressum, nigrum ; 
thorace nitido, antice et postice constricto, medio tumido 

of the Amazon Valley. 405 

et dorso trinodoso; scutello argenteo; elytris velutinis, 
pone medium utrinque prope suturam macula obliqua 
argentea; antennis articulo 3io apice infra nigro-peni- 
cillato, 5to scopa magna nigra, Oto scopa parva alba. 
Long. 6. lin. ¢. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

Olivier’s description is good, but his figure is very 


3. Cosmisoma argyreun, Nn. sp. 

Minus robustum, elongatum, depressum, nigrum ; tho- 
race subcylindrico, vix constricto, medio haud tumido, 
nitido, supra zquali, punctulato; scutello argenteo; ely- 
tris utrinque medio linea longitudinali argentea; antennis 
articulo 3io apice infra nigro-penicillato, 5to scopa magna 
nigra, 6to sparsim argenteo-pubescente; corpore subtus 
tenuiter argenteo-pubescente ; abdomine subglabro. 

Long. 4-53 lin. 
Hab.—Ega. Very abundant, occasionally, at flowers. 

“ 4. Oosmisoma speculiferum. 

Cerambyx speculifer, Gory, in Guér. Icon. R. A. p. 231. 

Elongatum, depressum, nigrum; thorace antice et 
postice constricto, medio tumido, dorso quadrinodoso ; 
scutello argenteo; elytris apud medium plaga magna 
communi subquadrata argentea; antennis articulis 1-4 
sparsim ciliatis, 5to scopa magna nigra, 6to scopa parva 
argentea; corpore subtus argenteo-tomentoso. 

Long. 6 lin. ¢. 


5. Cosmisoma lineellum, n. sp. 

Parvum, gracile, nigrum ; thorace subcylindrico, elon- 
gato, vix constricto, medio haud tumido, supra paulo 
Inequali, lateribus ineequaliter grosse punctatis, parte 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PART IV. (DECEMBER. ) FF 

406 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

antica impunctata; scutello argenteo; elytris utrinque 
medio linea longitudinali argentea; antennis rufo-piceis, 
articulis 1-4 pilis elongatis paucis, 5to scopa magna 
nigra ; corpore subtus argenteo. 

Long. 34 lin. 


Bears the closest resemblance to C. argyreum, but dis- 
tinguished by its smaller size, and by the absence of 
hair-pencil from the tip of the third antennal joint. 

6. Cosmisoma scopulicorne. 
Saperda scopulicornis, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xii. 442. 

Elongatum, postice attenuatum, fulvo-ferrugineum ; 
capite thoraceque densissime punctulatis, opacis; hoe 
elongato, haud constricto, lateribus paululum rotundato, 
utrinque vitta argentea; elytris tomentosis, opacis, linea 
flavo-argentea a basi usque ad apicem; antennis arti- 
culis 1-4 sparsissime pilosis, 5to apice scopa parva nigra, 
6-11 elongatis; corpore subtus argenteo, prothorace 
antice abdomineque glabris exceptis; pedibus rufis. 

Long. 44-5 lin. 
Hab.—River Tapajos. 

A common and well-known Brazilian insect, found as 
far south as Rio Janeiro. C. ochracewm (Perty), con- 
founded with it by some authors, is a very distinct 

7. Cosmisoma pulcherrimum, n. sp. 

Elongatum, postice attenuatum, nigrum ; thorace antice 
et postice valde constricto, medio lateribus haud tumidis, 
supra paulo inzquali, creberrime punctulato, pubescente, 
linea dorsali levi; elytris linea alba d basi usque ad 
apicem; antennis articulis 2-4 infra ciliatis, 5to scopa 
magna nigra; femoribus clavis lete rufis. 

Long. 64 lin. 
Hab.—St. Paulo, Upper Amazons. 

of the Amazon Valley. 407 
8. Cosmisoma. eneicolle. 

CO, eneicollis, Erichson, in Schomb. Reise Brit. Guy. iii. 

C. subvirescens, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 214. 

CO. semicupreum, Chevrolat, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1859, 
p- 28. . 

Parvum, postice attenuatum, viride; capite thoraceque 
supra auratis, nitidis; illo sparsim punctato; hoc medio 
dorsi crebre grosse rugoso-punctato, antice valde et postice 
paulo constricto, parte basali transversim strigosa ; ely- 
tris creberrime punctulato-rugosis, obscure viridi-sericeis, 
sub-opacis ; antennis articulo basali viridi-zeneo, scabroso, 
reliquis nigris, 2-4 dilatatis, 5to apice infra et lateribus 
nigro-penicillato ; corpore subtus griseo-sericeo ; pedibus 
nigris, nitidis. 

Long. 43 lin. g. 

Hab.—Para. * 

* The following new species of this beautiful tropical American genus 
may be added. 

Cosmisoma humerale. 

Parvum ; capite, antennis et pedibus fulvo-ferrugineis; antennis arti- 
culo basali scabroso, 2-4 sparsim ciliatis, 5to scopa magna nigra, 7-11 
curtis (2 2); thorace subcylindrico, antice et postice paulo constricto, 
medio paulo rotundato, crebre punctato, opaco, nigro-piceo, linea dorsali 
levi rufescente ; elytris nigro-piceis, sericeis, macula humerali fulvo-ferru- 
ginea ; corpore subtus (capite excepto) nigro, nitido, metasterno opaco. 

Long. 3} lin. 
Hab.—Brasilia. (Rev. Hamlet Clark). 

Cosmisoma Titania. 

Elongatum, gracile; capite nigro, subnitido; thorace elongato, fere 
cylindrico, perparum constricto, tomento fulvo-aureo dense vestito ; ely- 
tris lete fulvo-aureo-tomentosis, triente apicali nigro-velutina, parte 
nigra linea medio transversa alba; antennis nigris, articulo primo apice 
abrupte fortiter clavato, infra nigro-barbato, 2ndo et 4to infra apice 
nigro-penicillatis, 3io et 5to scopa magna nigra, 6to testaceo, scopa magna 
fulva, 7-11 paulo elongatis, albo-tomentosis ; pedibus nigris, nitidis, longe 
hirsutis ; corpore subtus nigro, subnitido, fusco-piloso. 

Long. 6 lin. 
Hab.—Chontales, Nicaragua. (Dom. Janson fil.) 

C. plumicorni (Drury) coloribus simile. 
FR 2 

408 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 


Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 24 (1867); Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 118. 

(Charac. emend.). Corpus sublineare, elytris depressis 
ut in Cosmisomate. Caput rostro modice elongato, lato; 
palpis lobis elongatis, exsertis. Antenne filiformes, 
simplices, longitudine corporis ( ? ), setose, articulo 3i0 
valde elongato, apice incrassato, 4to quam 5to vel 6to 
minore. ‘Thorax elongatus, elytris longitudine .fere 
eequalis, antice et postice fortissime constrictus, medio 
valde rotundatus. Elytra plana, medio angustata, apice 
obtuse rotundata. Pedes breves, setosi; femora apice 
clavata ; tibiz compress; tarsi curti. Mesosternum 
latum, planum; acetabula extus clausa. 

1. Argyrodines pulchella, Bates, l. ¢. 

Nigra, nitida; capite crebre punctato; thorace antice 
levi, medio reticulato-punctato, plaga utrinque levi, 
parte postica transversim strigosa; elytris creberrime 
punctatis, utrinque fasciis tribus argenteis impunctatis, 
duabus angustioribus ante et dia latiori post medium ; 
mesosterno utrinque argenteo-piloso ; tarsis posticis ar- 

Long. 4 lin. 


Genus LissozopEs, noy. gen. 

Genus Ozodi (Serv.) affine ; differt thorace cylindrico, 
eequali, et coloribus valde diversis. Caput plus quam in 
Ozode exsertum, rostro brevissimo, verticali. Palpi ar- 
ticulo ultimo ovato. Thorax elongatus, cylindricus, abs- 
que tuberculis. Elytra lmearia, plana, apice rotundata. 
Pedes modice elongati et robusti; femora gradatim et 
(preecipue ¢) grosse incrassata; tibie anguste; tarsi 
modice elongati. Antenne filiformes, robuste, hirsute, 
corpore ¢ duplo, ? sesqui longiores; articulo 1mo brevi, 
crasso, 3-11 longitudine subzequalibus, 4-6 vix perspicue 
sulcatis. Coxee antice globoso-conice, exserte; pro- 
et meso-sterna angusta; acetabula extus clausa. 

of the Amazon Valley. 409 

1. ILissozodes basalis. 

Cycnoderus basalis, White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 218, 
pl. vu. f. 5. 

Subtus viridi-zneus, griseo-pilosus, supra cyaneus; 
capite thoraceque dense transversim strigosis, vix nitidis ; 
elytris creberrime punctato-rugosis, opacis, macula hu- 
merali aurantiaca; pedibus viridi-zneis, femoribus basi 
coxisque posticis albo-testaceis. 

Long. 4-6 lm. d ¢. 

Hab.—Kga; common on dead trees. The legs break 
off almost at a touch, as in Ozodes. 

Genus OzopEs. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 98; Lacord. Gen. 
ix. 116. 

1. Ozodes infuscatus, n. sp. 

O. nodicolli (Serv.) simillimus; differt capite, thorace, 
corpore subtus, femorum dimidio basali, et antennarum 
articulis apice, nigro-fuscis. Robustus, nigro-fuscus, 
cinereo-sericeus ; elytris obscure ferrugineis, fascia lata 
postica antice obliqua obscuriori; antennis rufo-testaceis, 
articulis 3-11 apice fuscis; pedibus rufo-testaceis, femori- 
bus annulo lato nigro-fusco. 

Long. 74 lin. ?. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. * 

2. Ozodes ibidtinus, n. sp. 

Parvus, nigro-obscurus; capite thoraceque creberrime 
punctulato-scabrosis, hoc supra inzquali, tuberculis duo- 
bus antico-discoidalibus parvis; elytris fulvo-testaceis, 

* The following large species is also distinct from O. nodicollis. 

Ozodes multituberculatus, n. sp. 

Elongatus, supra planus, ferrugineo-fuscus, sericeus ; thorace quam in 
O. nodicolli longiore et angustiore, dorso utrinque tuberculis duobus altis 
valde compressis, quinto parvo medio acuto, et angulis tuberculiformibus ; 
elytris fasciis tribus angustis, valde undulatis, sericeo-griseis. 

Long. 8 lin. g. 

Hab,—Chontales, Nicaragua. 

410 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

vitta lata pone medium, maculis nonnullis angulatis an- 
terioribus nigris; coxis, femoribus basi, tarsis, et anten- 
narum articulis 2-11, rufo-testaceis. 

Long. 44 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

3. Ozodes malthinoides, n. sp. 

Angustatus, linearis, flavo-testaceus, tomentosus ; capite 
macula elongata frontali nigra; thorace postice gradatim 
angustato, prope basin constricto, supra haud tubercu- 
lato, sericeo, plaga postica nigra flavo-bilineata ; elytris 
sericeis, linea obliqua ante alteraque pone medium et 
apice late sericeo-albidis ; pedibus gracilibus. 

Long. 6 lin. 


Sub-fam. Hrreropsinz. 
Genus MaALLosoma. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 68; Lacord. Gen. 
ix. 123. 

1. Mallosoma scutellare. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 110. 

M. zonato minus, et magis depressum, fulvo-testaceum, 
macula pone oculos, thoracis vitta lata dorsali, antennis, 
pedibus, et elytrorum fasciis duabus latissimis, nigris; 
antennis articulis 3-6 nigro-ciliatis et apice unispinosis ; 
thorace lateribus late aureo-sericeis; elytris apice late 
rotundatis et unidentatis, vitta nigra basali, spatio 
elongato scutellari flavo interrupto. 

Long. 5} lin. 

Hab. sa A ra. 

2. Mallosoma rubricolle, n. sp. 

Subcylindricum, convexum, griseo-nigrum; thorace 
rotundato, lateribus medio breviter spioso, sanguineo, 
opaco; elytris haud costatis, dense nigro-setosis, apice 
breviter truncatis, et extus spinosis; antennis articulis 
3-6 apice spinosis, 7-11 rufescentibus. 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

of the Amazon Valley. All 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 5; ernie Gen. 
ix. LA; 

- 1. Chrysoprasis auronitens, n. sp. 

Minus elongata, robusta, late viridi-enea, thorace supra 
cupreo-aurato, abdomine rufo; capite grosse punctato- 
rugoso; thorace lato, supra creberrime punctato; elytris 
subdepressis, breviter decumbenti-setosis, apice truncatis ; 
prothorace subtus crebre punctato-rugoso, griseo-piloso ; 
metasterno grosse crebre foveolato-punctato, griseo- 
piloso ; pedibus robustis, dense punctatis, nigris, femori- 
bus viridi-zneis; antennis ¢ corpore paulo longioribus, 
robustis, nigris, articulo basali crebre foveolato-punctato, 
3-6 apice unispinosis. 

Long. 5-54 lin. 3 2. 

I have seen this species in some pol cutans named 
“ OQ. rufiventris, Dej. MS.” 

2. Chrysoprasis Sthenias, n. sp. 

C. auronitenti valde affinis, differt thorace concolori ; 
minus elongata, robusta, lete viridi-znea, abdomine 
rufo; capite grosse scabroso-punctato; thorace lato, 
supra creberrime reticulato- -punctato; elytris subde- 
pressis, breviter decumbenti-setosis, apice truncatis ; 
prothorace et mesothorace subtus crebre punctato-rugo- 
sis, griseo-pilosis ; metasterno grosse crebre foveolato- 
punctato, griseo-piloso; pedibus robustis, dense punc- 
tatis, nigris, femoribus viridi-geneis ; antennis 3 corpore 
paulo longioribus, crassis, apice attenuatis, nigTis , articulo 
Imo grosse punctato, viridi-zeneo, 3-6 apice unispinosis. 

Long. 4-64 lin. f ¢. 

Hab.—Kega and St. Paulo. Very abundant on branches 
of felled trees. 

3. Chrysoprasis rotundicollis, n. sp. 

Minus elongata, depressa, late viridi-enea, abdomine 
rufo, antennis pedibusque totis nigris, metasterno nigro, 

412 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

cinereo-tomentoso; capite grosse punctato; thorace 
brevi, transverso, lateribus fortiter et regulariter rotun- 
datis, supra crebre reticulato-punctato; elytris incum- 
benti-setosis, apice truncatis ; prothorace subtus crebre 
scabroso, metasterno et coxis posticis nigris, obscuris, 
grosse punctatis; antennis (?) longitudine corporis, 
robustis, nigris, articulo Imo grosse punctato, 3-6 apice 
breviter unispinosis. 

Long. 43 lin. ?. 
Hab.-—River Tapajos. 

4. Chrysoprasis ruficowis, n. sp. 

EHlongata, minus robusta, lete viridi-znea, capite 
thoraceque aureo-tinctis, abdomine et pedum posticorum 
coxis femorumque basi rufis; capite grosse subrugose 
punctato ; thorace sub-elongato, antice gradatim attenu- 
ato, lateribus vix rotundatis, basi perparum angustato, 
supra sericeo, haud profunde transversim strigoso ; elytris 
breviter sub-erecte setosis, apice truncatis, angulo exteriori 
dentiformi producto; prothorace subtus punctato- rugoso, 
metasterno grosse foveato-punctato, interstitiis nitidis 
punctulatis, sparsim cano-decumbenti-piloso; pedibus 
elongatis, subgracilibus, nigris, femoribus nigro-eeneis ; 
antennis tenuibus, ¢ corpore plusquam triplo longiori- 
bus, ? corpus paulo superantibus, nigris, articulo Imo 
punctato-scabroso, viridi-zeneo, 3-6 apice unispinosis. 

Long. 4-54 lin. d 2. 

Hab.—Obydos, Villa Nova, Ega, St. Paulo. Abundant 
on dead trees. 

5. Chrysoprasis longicornis, n. sp. 

C. ruficoxt proxime affinis, differt coxis posticis viridi- 
eeneis, femoribus basi nigris. Leete viridi-zenea ; thorace 
antice attenuato, supra haud profunde transversim stri- 
goso, sericeo; elytris truncatis, angulo externo dentato ; 
abdomine rufo ; ; metasterno levi, nitido, punctis magnis 
sparsis; antennis ¢ corpore quadruplo longioribus. 

Long. 5-53 lin. ¢ ¢. (anten. maris majoris, 19 lin.). 

Hab.—Kga and Villa Nova. 


of the Amazon Valley. 413 

6. Chrysoprasis auripes, n. sp. 

C. ruficoai affinis, differt femoribus lete cupro-aureis. 
Viridi-zenea, sericeo-nitens, elytris eque nitentibus ; 
thorace antice attenuato, lateribus rotundatis, dorso 
transversim flexuoso-strigato; elytris erecto-setosis, 
apice truncatis, angulo externo dentato; metasterno 
nitido, grosse discrete punctato; femoribus infra lete 
viridi-zneis, supra cupreo-aureis, posticis dimidio basali 
rufo; abdomine rufo; antennis ¢ corpore plusquam 
duplo longioribus, nigris, articulis 3-6 apice unispinosis. 

Long. 5-54 lm. g 2. 

Hab.—St. Paulo; rare. * 

7. Chrysoprasis nigriventris, n. sp. 

O. ignee affinis, differt abdomine nigro; capite et 
thorace viridi-aureis, sericeis, splendidis, illo crebre 
grosse punctato, hoc leviter transversim plicato; elytris 
viridibus, sericeis, certo situ nigrescentibus, setosis, apice 
truncatis, angulo exteriori dentato; sternis nitidis, me- 
tasterno grosse discrete foveato, interstitis punctulatis ; 
pedibus abdomineque nigris, femoribus supra viridi- 

Long. 4$ lin. ¢. 

8. Chrysoprasis punctulata, n. sp. 

Modice elongata, capite thoraceque cupreo-auratis, 
creberrime reticulato-punctulatis, hoc prope basin subiter 
dilatato, deinde usque ad apicem attenuato; elytris nigro- 

* The following belongs to this group :—- 
Chrysoprasis igned, 0. sp. 

C. ruficowi forma et sculptura simillima; capite et thorace supra cupreo- 
auratis splendidis, illo grosse crebre punctato, hoc leviter transversim 
plicato ; elytris nigro-viridibus, subsericeis, setosis, apice truncatis, an- 
gulo exteriori dentato; metasterno viridi-aurato, nitido, grosse foveato, 
interstitiis scabrosulis; abdomine rufo ; pedibus nigris, femoribus viridi- 
zneis; antennis g corpore plusquam duplo longioribus, articulo 1mo 
grosse punctato, eneo, 3-6 apice unispinosis. 

Long. 43 lin. g. 


414 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

viridibus, setosis, apice truncatis, angulo exteriori den- 
tato ; sternis nitidis, crebre punctulato-scabrosis ; abdo- 
mine rufo; pedibus nigris; antennis nigris, ¢ corpore 
sesqui longioribus, articulis apice haud spinosis. 

Long. 4-44 lin. 

Hab.—Cameta, Tocantins; abundant on dead trees. 

9. Chrysoprasis merens. 

White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 150. 

Angustior, subcylindrica, capite et thorace cupreo-aura- 
tis, supra crebre grosse reticulato-punctatis, hoc orbiculato ; 
elytris nigro-viridibus, sericeis, setosis, apice truncatis ; 
prothorace subtus cupreo-aurato-scabroso; metasterno 
viridi-zeneo, levi, grosse haud profunde discrete punctato ; 
abdomine piceo-nigro; pedibus nigris, femoribus viridi- 
tinctis; antennis brevibus, nigris, articulis 3-6 apice 

Long. 33 lin. 2. 


10. Chrysoprasis melanostetha, n. sp. 

Supra planata, viridi-enea, capite thoraceque sub- 
auratis, creberrime grosse reticulato-punctatis, hoe prope 
basin dilatato-rotundato; elytris truncatis, angulo ex- 
teriori dentato; prosterno minutissime scabroso, meso- 
et meta-sternis nigris, hoc cano-tomentoso, grosse punc- 
tato; abdomine rufo; pedibus nigris; antennis nigris, ¢ 
corpore plusquam duplo longioribus, articulis 3-6 apice 

Long. 5-53 lin. d @. 

Hab.—Upper and Lower Amazons. 

11. Chrysoprasis nana, n. sp. 

Parva, tenuis, capite thoraceque auratis, grosse punc- 
tato-reticulatis, hoc angusto, postice vix dilatato; elytris 
olivaceis, sericeis, longe setosis, apice oblique truncatis ; 
prosterno viridi-zeneo, opaco, scabroso; meso- et meta- 
sternis medio nigris, hoc punctulato; abdomine rufo; 
pedibus nigris, longe setosis ; antennis tenuibus, brevibus, 
nigris, articulis simplicibus. 

Long. 24 lin. (¢ ?). 

Hab.—River Tapajos; one example. 

of the Amazon Valley. 415 
12. Chrysoprasis aureicollis. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 149. 

Parva, capite thoraceque cupreo-aureis, creberrime 
reticulato-punctulatis, hoc prope basin subiter dilatato- 
rotundato, deinde usque ad apicem attenuato; elytris 
viridibus, lete sericeis, erecto-setosis, apice truncatis, 
angulo exteriori dentato; sternis viridi-zneis, nitidis, 
omnibus crebre minute punctulatis, fulvo-decumbenti- 
pilosis; abdomine rufo; pedibus nigris, longe setosis ; 
antennis utroque sexu haud corpore longioribus, nigris, 
articulis haud spinosis. 

fone. ddlin. gf 9. 

Hab.—Amazons ; generally distributed and common. 

13. Chrysoprasis floralis, n. sp. 

Nigra, capite supra et prothorace toto igneo-cupreis, 
vix nitidis, grosse reticulato-punctatis; hoc postice 
dilatato-rotundato; elytris sericeis, setosis, truncatis, 
angulo exteriori spinoso ; metasterno eneo-tincto, punc- 
tulato, insterstitiis levibus ; antennis nigris, utroque sexu 
vix corpore longioribus, articulis simplicibus. 

Long. 3-4 lin. 5 9. 

Hab.—Santarem, and River Tapajos; at flowers, occa- 
sionally in great numbers. 

14. Chrysoprasis brevicornis, n. sp. 

Leete viridi-znea, capite thoraceque auratis, crebre 
reticulato-punctatis, hoc juxta basin rotundato-ampliato, 
deinde usque ad apicem attenuato; elytris sericeo-nitidis, 
setosis, truncatis, angulo exteriori dentato; sternis 
nitidis, crebre punctulatis, sparsim fulvo-pilosis ; abdo- 
mine rufo; pedibus nigris; antennis nigris, utroque sexu 
vix corpore longioribus, articulis simplicibus. 

Long. 3-4 lin. g ¢@. 

Hab.—River Tapajos, Ega, St. Paulo; common. 

15. Chrysoprasis sobrina, n. sp. 

C. brevicorni proxime affinis; differt solum statura 
major1, antennis ¢ corpore sesqui longioribus. Leete 

416 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

viridi-zenea, capite thoraceque auratis: prosterno sub- 
tiliter rugoso et grosse punctato, metasterno punctulato, 
fulvo, sparsim piloso ; antennis pedibusque nigris; 
abdomine rufo. 
Long. 4-5 lin. ¢ ¢@. (anten. ¢ 6-7 lin.). 
Hab.—Upper Amazons. 

16. Chrysoprasis hispidula, nu. sp. 

C. brevicorni affinis; differt thorace medio rotundato- 
dilatato. Leete viridi-znea, elytris cyanescentibus ; : 
thorace grosse reticulato-punctato ; elytris truncatis, 
angulo exteriori haud producto ; sternis nitidis, punctatis ; 
abdomine rufo; pedibus nigris; antennis nigris, corpore 
haud longioribus, articulis simplicibus ; elytris, antennis 
pedibusque longe setosis. 

Long. 3? lin. 


* The following species, for the most part common in Collections, have 
not previously been described :— 

Chrysoprasis valida, n. sp. 

Magna, robusta, supra planata, viridi-wnea; capite thoraceque creber- 
rime reticulato-punctatis, hoc lateribus regulariter sed paululum rotun- 
datis ; elytris apice truncatis, angulo exteriori dentato; sternis nitidis, 
crebre subrugose punctulatis, fulvo-hirsutis ; abdomine aureo- vel eupreo- 
splendido ; antennis (Q ?) corpore brevioribus, nigris, articulis 3-7 apice 
unispinosis ; pedibus nigris. 

Long. 8 lin. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

Chrysoprasis chrysogastra, D. sp. 

Elongata, gracilis, lete viridi-mnea ; capite thoraceque creberrime haud 
profunde subrugose reticulato-punctatis, hoc subcylindrico ; elytris apice 
truncatis, angulo exteriori dentato; sternis nitidis, vix hirsutis, prosterno 
rugoso, metasterno sparsim punctulato; abdomine cupreo-aureo, splen- 
dido; pedibus valde elongatis (¢), nigris; antennis (¢) corpore duplo 
longioribus, nigris, articulis haud spinosis. 

Long. 7 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

Chrysoprasis enewventris, n. sp. 

Elongata, linearis, viridis, obscurior, interdum sub-olivacea; capite 
thoraceque creberrime punctato-reticulatis, hoe subquadrato, lateribus 
medio paulo rotundatis; elytris apice truncatis ; sternis grosse foveato- 
reticulatis, medio griseo-pilosis; abdomine neo; pedibus nigris, an- 
tennis g corpore paululum longioribus, 9 brevioribus, nigris, articulis 
3-7 apice unispinosis. + 

Long. 5-6 lin. f¢ @. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

——— a 


of the Amazon Valley. 417 

Chrysoprasis punctiventris, n. sp. 

Elongata, linearis, olivaceo-viridis ; capite thoraceque crebre grosse 
reticulato-punctatis, hoc medio dilatato-rotundato; elytris apice trun- 
catis; corpore subtus nigro, vix #neo-tincto, sternis creberrime grosse 
punctatis; abdomine crebre passim punctato; pedibus nigris, antennis 
nigris, haud spinosis. 

Long. 43 lin. 2. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

Chrysoprasis nymphula, n. sp. 

Elongata, lete viridi-enea, capite thoraceque reticulato-punctatis, hoc 
prope basin dilatato, deinde usque ad apicem rotundato-attenuato ; elytris 
apice truncatis, angulo exteriori longe dentato; sternis nitidis, prosterno 
scabroso, metasterno discrete grosse punctato, interstitiis levibus; abdo- 
mine rufo; pedibus elongatis, gracilibus, femoribus viridi-eneis ; antennis 
dé corpore duplo, 2 paulo longioribus, nigris, articulis 3-6 apice uni- 

Long. 5-6 lin. g @. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

Chrysoprasis rugulicollis, n. sp. 

Elongata, lete viridi-enea, capite thoraceque creberrime puuctulato- 
reticulatis, hoc dorso transversim ruguloso, antice angustato; elytris apice 
truncatis, angulo exteriori dentato; sternis nitidis, crebre punctulatis ; 
abdomine rufo; pedibus gracilibus, femoribus anticis «neis; antennis 
utroque sexu corpore paulo longioribus, haud spinosis, 

Long. 5lin. g @. 

Hab.—Brasilia merid. 

Chrysoprasis linearis, n. sp. 

Linearis, angustissima, lete viridi-szenea ; capite thoraceque creberrime 
reticulato-punctatis, hoc lateribus prope medium rotundatis ; elytris apice 
truneatis, angulo exteriori dentato ; metasterno nitido, irregulariter haud 
confertim punctato; pedibus gracilibus, nigris, femoribus viridi-eneis ; 
abdomine rufo ; antennis g corpore sesqui longioribus, 2 corpori equali- 
bus, articulis haud spinosis. 

Long. 33} lin. g 9. 

Bab Graciia merid. 

Chrysoprasis nigrinad, n. sp. 

Elongata, linearis, supra planata, nigra, opaca, elytris subceruleis ; 
capite thoraceque creberrime subtiliter haud profunde punctulato-reticu- 

‘latis, subrugosis; hoc subquadrato, lateribus rectis, juxta basin subiter 

angustato; elytris apice truncatis; sternis opacis, subtiliter creberrime 
punctulatis, breviter pallido-hirsutis; abdomine rufo; pedibus nigris ; 
antennis 2 Gorpore multo brevioribus, articulis hand spinosis. 

Long. 43 lin. ¢. 

Hab. —Brasilia merid. 

Chrysoprasis ignicollis, n. sp. 

Brevior, convexa, nigro-sericea, thorace igneo-aureo, medio dorsi plaga 
nigro-velutina ; capite thoraceque grosse punctato- reticulatis, hoe rotun- 
dato, antice paulo angustato; elytris apice truncatis, angulo exteriori 
dentato; pectore et abdomine nigro-nitidis, sparsim punctulatis; antennis 
(2 ?) corpori equalibus, robustis, articulis 3-6 apice brevissime uni- 
spinosis ; pedibus nigris, nitidis. 

Long. 4 lin. (@ ?). 


418 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus MicrospiILoma. 

Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 24 (1867) ; Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 129. 

Genus Pronube (Thoms.) proxime affine; differt an- 
tennis brevibus, articulis 3-6 crassioribus, infra longe 
dense ciliatis; capite rostro paulo elongato; thorace 
angustiore, subcylindrico, medio paulo dilatato et acute 
spinoso ; pedibus longis, gracilibus, posticis longioribus, 
femoribus linearibus, apice breviter dentatis; elytris 
cylindricis, maculis eburneis. 

1. Microspiloma Dorilis. 
Bates, lib. cit., p. 25. 

Fulvo-testacea, pubescens; capite rugoso; thorace 
medio’ dorsi transversim plicato, tuberculis duobus an- 
terioribus ; elytris truncatis, angulis haud productis, 
supra dense punctatis, utrinque maculis parvis eburneis 
tribus, una basali, alteris duabus conjunctis discoidalibus. 

Long. 5 lin. @. 

Hab.—Ega; on leaves of trees. 



Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 107; Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 136, 

1. Ancylocera Waterhouset. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 211. 

A. cardinaleangustior ; thorace antice magis angustato ; 
antennis ¢ dimidium corporis vix attingentibus, arti- 
culis brevibus, compressis, serratis. Nigra, grosse punc- 
tata, erecte fulvo-hirsuta ; elytris (apice excepto) , pectore 
et abdomine, rufis. 

Long. 5 ln. 


2. Ancylocera seticornis, n. sp. 

Angustissima, grosse punctata, fulvo-pilosa, rufa, 
thorace supra, antennis, peetore, elytris triente apicali, 

of the Amazon Valley. 419 

femoribus apice, et tibiis, nigris; antennis (¢?) cor- 
poris longitudine, setiformibus, articulis 4 3i0 paulo com- 
pressis; elytris apice truncatis, angulo exteriori late 
productis ; femoribus gracilibus, vix incrassatis. 

Long. 33 lin. (¢ ?). 


Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 212; Lacord. Gen. ix. 137. 

1. Callopisma rujicollis, n. sp. 

Linearis, minus elongata, nigra, thorace lete rufo; 
capite grossissime scabroso-punctato, collo transversim 
strigoso; thorace curto, sub-ovato, basi constricto et 
marginato, supra ineequali, grossissime crebre punctato, 
setoso, opaco; elytris depressis, apice late rotundatis et 
margine explanato, supra grosse creberrime sub-ordinate 
punctatis; pectore, abdomine et pedibus nigris, nitidis, 
femoribus intermedius et posticis haud clavatis, apice 
intus spinosis ; antennis corpore paulo longioribus, nigris, 
nitidis, articulis 3-10 subeequalibus, apice paulo tumidis, 
11mo longiori, apice curvato. 

Long. 44 lin. (¢ ?). 


I place this in the genus Callopisma on account of the 
short thorax,’ constricted at the base. In the curved 
apical joint of the antenne it does not agree with the 
definition given by Lacordaire. 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 95; Lacord. Gen. 

ix: 140, 

1. Stenygra angustata. 

Callidium angustatum, Oliv. Ent. No. 70, p. 82, pl. vi. 
f. 71 (1795). 
Clytus coarctatus, Fabr. Syst. El. 11. 49 (1801). 

Elongata, elytris medio coarctatis et depressis, nigro- 
castanea, sparsim longe hirsuta; thorace antice subglo- 

4.20 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

boso, postice contracto, dorso longitudinaliter rugoso- 
plicato ; elytris nitidis, apice arcuatim truncatis, supra 
lineola obliqua prope basin maculaque subtriangulari 
pone medium flavo-testaceis ; pectore et abdominis seg- 
mentis 1-2 argenteo-fasciatis; antennis grossis, com- 
pressis, utroque sexu dimidium corporis vix superantibus. 

Long. 9 lin. d 9. 

Hab.—Upper Amazons. Found motionless on leaves 
of trees in the day-time. - 

2. Stenygra contracta. 
Pascoe, Journ. of Entom. i. 355. 

Elongata, elytris medio coarctatis et depressis; aS. 
angustata differt macula unica elytrorum pone medium 
elongata obliqua; antennis d filiformibus, Jongitudine 
corporis; elytris truncatis, angulo exteriori longe 

Long. 8 lin. ¢. 


3. Stenygra cosmocera. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 221. 

Elongata, elytris medio haud coarctatis, supra vix 
depressis, castanea, polita; thorace ovato, basi constricto, 
dorso lewvi, binodoso; elytris apice truncatis, angulo 
exteriori dentato, supra macula elongata obliqua prope 
basin, altera triangulari marginali apud medium, flayo- 

Long. 74-8 lin. 


Genus Purmosta, nov. gen, 

Gen. Platyarthro (Guér.= Celarthron, Thoms., Lacord.) 
proxime affine; differt articulis antennarum quadrangu- 
latis, dilatato-compressis, subtus dense ciliatis. Caput 
pone oculos valde elongatum, antice incrassatum; man- 
dibulis utroque sexu fortibus, bidentatis, abrupte curvatis. 


of the Amazon Valley. 421 

Oculi supra longe distantes. Tubera antennifera vix 
elevata, distantia, lata, supra sulcata. Antenne ar- 
ticulo Imo-~ crasso, curvato, 3-10 elongatis, dilatatis, 
apice angulis productis, 3io ceteris singulis duplo longiori, 
3-7 supra et infra late sulcatis et infra longe ciliatis, g 
magis, Q minus elongatis. Thorax prope basin latera- 
liter profunde constrictus, demde usque ad apicem an- 
gustatus, ibique anguste lateraliter constrictus, supra 
levissimus. LHlytra elongata, apice obtuse truncata. 
Pedes breves, validi; femora paulo incrassata; tarsi 
breves, articulo primo triangulari. Mesosternum in 
medio tumidum. 

The difference in the form and clothing of the an- 
tennal joints of itself would scarcely warrant the separa- 
tion of this genus from Platyarthron; but the form of 
the anterior part of the head, the short and extremely thick- 
ened muzzle, the very strong and sharply curved man- 
dibles, and the wide flattened shape of the antenniferous 
tubercles, form a combination of characters which forbid 
the association of the form with the genus in question. 

1. Phimosia ebenina, n. sp. 

Hlongata, antice angustior, nigra, nitida, glabra; an- 
tennis, pedibus, et corpore subtus interdum piceis ; capite 
thoraceque vix punctulatis; elytris subtiliter coriaceis et 
punctulatis, utrinque linea angusta recta a basi usque 
ultra medium, lineolisque duabus exterioribus, albis. 

Long. 64-73 lin. d 9. 

Hab.—Parad. One pair taken in copuld. 


Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 23 (1867) ; Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 153. 

Oblonga, elytris oblongo-quadratis, postice dilatatis, 
glabra. Caput parvum, angustum, mandibulis horizon- 
-taliter porrectis et recurvis. Oculi haud prominentes, 
reniformes, supra longe distantes. Antenne robuste, 
glabree, articulo 3i0 ceteris paulo longiori, 3-10 subser- 
ratis, supra et infra sulcatis. Thorax transversus, antice 
rotundato-attenuatus, antice et postice sulco profundo 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—parT IV. (DECEMBER.) GG 

422 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

constrictus, supra levis. Elytra oblongo-quadrata, pos- 
tice rotundato-dilatata, apice late obtuse rotundata, prope 
suturam leviter truncata, supra grosse reticulata. Pedes 
breves, validi ; femora clavata, prope apicem subtus valide ~ 
spinosa; tarsi breves, articulo Imo breviter cordato. 
Prosternum apice acute tuberculatum. Mesosternum 
latum, paulo concavum. Acetabula antica extus angulata ; 
coxze anticee haud exsertz. Acetabula intermedia extus 
paululum aperta. 

The structure of the prothorax, with its sharp constric- 
tion near the fore and hind margins, similar to Phimosia 
and T'rachelia, joined to other minor characters, seem to 
indicate the place of this anomalous genus to be in the 
present sub-family, rather than in the Tvrachyderine, 
where I formerly was inclined to place it, or in the 
Tropidosomatine, where Lacordaire has preferred to 
leave it. 

1. Streptolabis hispoides. 
Bates, Entom. Monthly Mag. iv. 28. 

Subdepressa, corallino-rufa, antennis (articulo 1mo 
excepto) nigris; elytris nigris, subtiliter rugosis, opacis, 
lineis elevatis. levibus reticulatis, utrinque maculis 
magnis sex apiceque coccineis; capite et mandibulis 
rugoso-punctatis; thorace sparsim punctulato. 

Long. 74 lin. 

Hab.—Kga ; on the trunk of a dead tree. : 

Has a great resemblance to the Hispid, Cephalodonta 
spinipes, and also, in colour and form, to Prythroplatys 
corallifer (sub-fam. Rhinotragine). 

Sub-fam. PacitLorePLin». 

Genus PmciLopErLus. i 
Thomson, Classif. des Ceramb. p. 205; Lacord. Gen. ix. — 
147, ; 
1. Peecilopeplus Batesii. 4 

White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 56, pl. iii. f. 1, ¢. 

Niger, elytris late rufis, fasciis quatuor angustis nigris 
abrupte flexuosis, prima interrupta, quarta in medio 
dupla, annulum formante. 

of the Amazon Valley. 423 

' $. Thorace castaneo-rufo, supra fossato, punctulato- 
opaco, lateribus medio angulatis ; abdomine griseo-lanu- 

2. Thorace nigro, nitido, absque fossulis distinctis ; 
abdomine nigro, nudo, 

Long. 10-12 lin. 8 2. 

Hab.—Santarem; on bushes in the Campo or open 

Genus Guorcta. 
Thomson, Archiv. Entom. i. 21; Lacord. Gen. ix. 148. 

1. Georgia aanthomelas. 

Phedinus xanthomelas, White, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856, 
p. 408. 

Georgia citrina, Thoms. Arch. Ent. i. 21, pl. ix. f. 1, 2. 

Nigra, elytris stramineis, tertia parte apicali maculaque 
utrinque discoidali ante medium nigro-velutinis; ab- 
domine testaceo. 

Long. 8 lin. 
Hab.—Villa Nova. 

Found on one occasion, flying low across a pathway in 
the forest. Four examples only were taken. 

Sub-fam. TropIpOsOoMATIN#. 

Genus TRoPIDOsoMA. 
Perty, Del. An. Art. Bras. p. 85; Lacord. Gen. ix, 150. 

; 1. Tropidosoma penniferum, n. sp. 

_ T. dilaticornt (Gory) simile ; elongato-ovatum, valde 
convexum, fulvo- ochraceum, capitis vertice, thoracis 
‘maculis duabus magnis dorsalibus, elytrorum marginibus 
Jateralibus, macula post-humerali et tertia parte posteriori 
antice obliquata, nigris ; antennis brevissimis, articulis a 
310 compresso-dilatatis, imprimis latissimis, apicem versus 
cito angustatis, articulis duobus flavis basalibus exceptis, 


424, Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

densissime breviter nigro-hirsutis ; thorace transverso, 
quadrato, lateribus medio et prope angulum posticum 
profunde emarginatis, margine postico medio lobato, lobo 
emarginato, supra dorso modice convexo, costis tribus 
longitudinalibus, duabus lateralibus magis elevatis et 
antice abbreviatis; elytris subtiliter dense scabrosis, 
opacis, sutura et costa longitudinali glabris, nitidis; 
pectore et abdomine nigro-variegatis; pedibus nigris, 
femorum et tibiarum basibus ochraceis. 

Long. 12 lin. 9. 
Hab.—Ega. One example on foliage. 

It is possible, notwithstanding the great differences in 
the antenne, thorax and elytra, that this species is the 
2 of Ctenodes isabellina ; if so, Tropidosoma dilaticorne is 
the ¢ of some unknown species of Ctenodes. 


Olivier, Entom. No. 95 bis, vol. vi. p. 779. 

1. Ctenodes isabellina, n. sp. 

Paulo convexa, postice valde dilatato-rotundata, fulyo- 
ochracea, nigro-varia; capite macula frontali alteraque 
post oculos nigris; antennis omnino nigris, ab articulo 
3i0 regulariter pectinatis, opacis ; thorace quadrato, lateri- 
bus utrinque antice lobis magnis duobus obtusis, angulo- 
que postico in lobum acutum producto, margine postico 
bisinuato, supra dorso valde convexo et quinque-tuberoso, 
grosse punctato-scabroso, maculis duabus magnis nigris ; 
scutello valde elongato, triangulari, nigro; elytris lateri- 
bus explanatis, mox pone basin gradatim dilatatis, ante 
apicem angustatis, apicibus acute conjunctim rotundatis_ 
et paulo sinuatis, supra creberrime subtiliter rugosis, 
opacis, utrinque costis quatuor et margine laterali elevato 
glabris, costa prima juxta suturam, quarta minus dis- 
tincta et ante apicem cum tertia conjuncta, fulvo-ochraceis, 
triente posteriori nigra, nigredine antice ad suturam pro- 
funde sinuata; pectore, lateribus, pedibusque nigris. 

Long. 12 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—Ega. One example, flying in the forest. 

of the Amazon Valley. 425 

2. COtenodes zonata. 

Klug, Nov. Acta Ac. Cxs. L. C. Nat. Cur. xii. 454, 
pr xin £Y. 

Elongato-ovata, nigra, thoracis lobis lateralibus et ely- 
trorum fascia mediana obliqua luteis; elytris lateribus 
vix explanatis, apice oblique subtruncatis. 

Long. 104 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—Para. On foliage in the dense forest. 

3. Otenodes miniata. 
Klug, lib. cit., p. 455, pl. xl. f. 2. 

Oblonga, paulo convexa, lete corallina; elytris apice 
obtusissime rotundatis, supra costatis, interstitiis crebre 
grosse scabrosis, nigris, utrinque maculis magnis quin- 
que, margine laterali medio interrupto, suturaque ad 
apicem, corallinis; scutello nigro. 

Long. 9 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Villa Nova. One example, on foliage. 



Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1832, p. 172; Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 154, 

is Sternacanthus Batesti. 
Pascoe, Journ. of Entom. i. 355. 

Oblongus, niger, glaber, nitidus; elytris fasciis latis 
tribus haud dentatis coccineis, tertia interdum ad sutu- 
ram interrupta, callo humerali nigro; antennis omnino 
nigris. A S. undato (Oliv.) differt fasciis haud fortiter 

Long. 7-12 lin. 3 ?. 

Hab.—Pard; on foliage in the forest, at the end of 
the dry season. 

426 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

2. Sternacanthus seemaculatus, n. sp. 

S. Batesii proxime affinis, differt fasciis coccineis nec 
suturam nec marginem lateralem attingentibus, margine 
incrassato elytrorum nigro. 

Long. 12 lin. 9°. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

3. Sternacanthus picticornis. 
Pascoe, Trans. Ent, Soc., 2 ser., iv. 95. 

S. Batesvi forma simillimus, differt antennarum arti- 
culis 3-4 vel 3-5 flavis apice nigris, et elytrorum callo 
humerali haud nigro. Niger, glaber; elytris coccineis, 
fascus duabus et apice nigris. 

Variat. Fasciis nigris angustis, interruptis; fascia 
secunda latiori, cum nigredine apicali per suturam 
conjuncta ; denique fascia prima obliterata, fasciis apicali- 
bus conjunctis. 

Long. 9-12 lin. d 9. 

Hab.—Kga and St. Paulo. 

In the Andean Valleys of Equador the species was 
taken abundantly by Mr. Buckley offering no variation, 
the elytra having three belts of red and three of black. 

4. Sternacanthus Allstoni, n. sp. 

Oblongus, niger, glaber; antennarum articulis 3-6, 
thorace, tibiis et tarsis fulvis, elytris fasciis duabus latis 
curvatis fulvo-testaceis; thorace ut in S. Batesii, dorso 
valde convexo, 5-tuberculato, sed tuberibus tribus inter- 
mediis latis rotundatis, haud (ut in illo) compressis an- 
gustis; capite collo fulvo; i oat fascia prima intus 
ad scutellum extensa. 

Long. 10 lin. 92. 

Hab.—Montes Aureos, in the interior East of Para. 
Taken by Dr. Allston. , 

Genus LopHoNnoceRvs. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 33; Lacord. Gen. 
ix. 156. 

1.. Lophonocerus barbicornis. 
Cerambyzx barbicornis, Linn. Mus, Lud. Ulr. p. 68. 

Fulvus, thoracis Vitta lata laterali et elytrorum margine 
exteriori, sutura postice, fascia obliqua pone medium valde 

of the Amazon Valley. 427 

flexuosa, maculisque ‘tribus .basalibus interdum partim 
confluentibus, nigris; antennis articulis 1mo et 3-5 nigris, 
dense hirsutis, apice rufis glabris, 6-11 flavis. 

Long. 12-16 lin. g @. 

Hab.—Amazons ; general, but not common. Flying 
heavily along pathways in the forest. 

The description of Linnzus applies to the Amazons 
insect, which belongs to the darker Guiana form. The 
figure of Olivier (No. 67, pl. vii. f. 48) seems rather to 
apply to the distinct South Brazilian form (L. Latreillei, 


Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 32 ; Lacord. Gen. 
ix. 158. 

1. Ceragenia bicornis. 
Cerambyz bicornis, Fabr. Syst. El. 11. 274. 
Cerambix striatus, Oliv. Ent. No. 67, pl. v. f. 31. 

Fulva, tomento sericeo-aureo vestita ; antennis articulis 
2-6 apice et 7-11 totis fuscis; thorace tuberculis duobus 
disci compressis, linea mediana, tuberculisque lateralibus 
nigris; elytris apice breviter truncatis, supra vitta mar- 
ginali, altera discoidali, et maculis duabus interioribus, 

Long. 8-9 lin. g 9. 

Hab.—Amazons, general; at sweet sap on trunks of 
trees, common. Olivier confounded this species with C. 
(Trachyderes) striatus ; his description, however (No. 67, 
p- 27) applies exclusively to the Trachyderes. 

2. Ceragenia spinipennis, n. sp. 

C. bicorni simillima, minor, differt solum colore paulo 
pallidiori et elytris apice utrinque longe unispinosis. 

Long. 7 lin. go 9. 

The form, sculpture, and markings are the same as in 
C. bicornis, but the colour is decidedly paler, and the 
silky pubescence is paler golden. The apex of the elytra 
is briefly truncate, with the exterior angle prolonged 
into a rather long acute spine, which does not exist in 
any of the numerous specimens I have examined of C. 


428 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

Genus ATHETESIS, nov. gen. 

Paristemice (sensu Lacord.) proxime affinis; differt 
corpore valde elongato, cylindrico, scutello lato, semi- 
ovato, mesosterno lato plano, postice inciso, Antenne 
(¢) dimidium corporis paulo superantes, robustz, dis- 
tincte serrate. Thorax subquadratus, lateribus medio 
valide spinosis, prope marginem posticum constrictus. 
Elytra valde elongata, convexa, postice paululum rotun- 
dato-dilatata, apice obtuse rotundata, marginibus ciliatis. 

1. Athetesis prolixa, n. sp. 

Capite nigro, opaco, punctato, antennis nigris ; thorace 
ochraceo-fulvo, dorso vittis duabus nigris ; scutello fulvo ; 
elytris nigris, sericeo-opacis, macula suboblongo hume- 
rali, lateribus usque ultra medium, et fascia lata post 
medium, ochraceo-fulvis, prope suturam linea elevata, 
disco costis indistinctis duabus ; pedibus nigris; corpore 
subtus ochraceo-fulvo, pectore et abdomine fuscis, griseo- 
sericeis, ventris segmento ultimo latissimo truncato. 

Long. 84 lin. 2. 

Hab.—St. Paulo. One example. 

Genus PreRopLatus. 
Buquet, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 287; Lacord. Gen. ix. 164. 
1. Pteroplatus simulans, n. sp. 

Minus dilatatus, valde depressus, Lyci-formis; capite 
fulvo-ochraceo, lateribus postice nigris; antennis nigris, 
6 longioribus, versus apicem attenuatis, ¢ corpore 
multo brevioribus, ¢ articulis 3-5 et ¢ 3-6 crassioribus, 
infra dense ciliatis; thorace lato, lateribus rotundatis, 
paulo explanatis, fulvo-ochraceo, dorso utrinque vitta 
laterali nigra; elytris deplanatis, postice paululum dila- 
tatis, apice prope suturam breviter truncatis, supra medio 
obtuse unicostatis, opacis, nigris, macula triangulari 
humerali vittaque lata subdentata pone medium ochraceo- 
fulvis; pectore abdomineque cinereo-fuscis; pedibus 
fuscis, femoribus basi rufo-testaceis. 

Long. 7 ln. g ¢. 

Hab.—Ega; on foliage. 

of the Amazon Valley. 429 


Genus Hripuus. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 88; Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 190. 

1. Hriphus dimidiatus. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 293, pl. vi. f. 7, ¢. 

Elongatus, capite nigro, thorace et elytrorum dimidio 
basali croceo-fulvis opacis, illo vitta dorsali et scutello 
nigris; elytris dimidio apicali nigris, sericeis; pectore 
abdomineque nigris, cinereo-pubescentibus ; antennis 
pedibusque nigris. 

Long. 7 lin. 


2. LHriphus wanthoderus, nu. sp. 

Subcylindricus, niger, opacus, pectore et abdomine 
dense cinereo-pilosis; thorace croceo-rufo, grosse punc- 
tato, opaco, dorso medio leviter infuscato et nitido; 
scutello nigro; elytris apice obtuse truncatis, supra crebre 
punctatis; pedibus nigris, nitidis, femoribus posticis 
apice bispinosis, spina interiori longiori; antennis brevi- 
bus (?), articulis 5-10 subserratis. 

Long. 5 lin. ¢. ' 


Apparently closely allied to H. collaris, Krichs.(Schomb. 
Reise), which, however, has a yellow scutellum. 

3. Hriphus croceicollis. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 292. 

“Niger, crebre et rude punctatus; thorace croceo, 
elytris zenescenti-nigris.” 

** Prothorax beneath saffron, mesothorax the same, and 
marked with a \-like raised figure ; metathorax pitchy, 
with a light spot in the middle and behind; underside of 
abdomen pitchy-black, shining.” (White.) 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—Para. In Coll. Brit. Mus. 

Although taken by me, I do not find the species 

among my own reserved collection of Amazonian Longi- 

430 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

Sub-fam. Dorcacrerinz. 
Genus Dorcacerus. 
Latr. Régne Anim. (ed. ii.) v. 111; Lacord. Gen. ix. 193. 
1. Dorcacerus barbatus. 
Cerambia barbatus, Oliv. Ent. No. 67, p. 610, pl. xiii. f. 94. 

Magnus, purpureo-fuscus, opacus, thoracis marginibus, 
scutello, suturaque postice aureo-tomentosis; fronte et 
tuberibus magnis antenniferis longe rufo-hirsutis. 

Long. 12-15 lm. ¢ @. 

Hab.—Santarem ; not uncommon on trunks of trees 
from which sap is exuding. 

Sub-fam. TRacHYDERINE. 
Dalman, Schon. Syn. Ins. iii. 264; Lacord. Gen. ix. 201. 
1. Trachyderes succinctus. 
Cerambyzx succinctus, Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 72. 

Trachyderes cayennensis, Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1836, p. 34, 
pl. elvi. f. 1. 

Castaneus, glaber; elytris paulo ante medium fascia 
flavo-testacea, interdum fusco-marginata ; antennis nigris, 
articulis plurimis basi fulvis ; pectore abdomineque fulvo- 

¢ articulo basali antennarum clavato, haud dilatato. 

Long. 9-14 lin. $ @. 

Hab.—Amazons; generally distributed and common. 
The larva feeds in the interior wood of trees; the perfect 
insect is found at sap and on the trunks of felled trees. 

-Dupont applied the Linnzan name succinctus to the 
South Brazilian species, a local form which has a black 
abdomen ; although Linnzeus expressly says “ abdomen 
ferrugineum” and “ Habitat Surinami.” The true suceine- 
tus Dupont named cayennensis. 

I have specimens from Panama, which do not differ 
from those of the Amazons. 

of the Amazon Valley. 431 

2. Trachyderes Reicher. 
Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1836, p. 31, pl. clv. ¢. 

Castaneus, glaber ; elytris fascia paulo ante medium, et 
macula apicali triangulari ad angulum suturalem, flavo- 
testaceis ; thorace angulis posticis testaceis. 

3 articulo basali antennarum maxime dilatato, 
difformi; @? crasso, rotundato. 

Long. 10-16 hn. g Q. 

Also generally distributed throughout the Amazon 
region. The thorax is of the same form as in 7’. succine- 
tus, and the colours of body and limbs offer no constant 

3. Trachyderes cingulatus. 
Klug, Nov. Act. Ac. Ces. L. C. Nat. Cur. xii. 456. 

T’. Reichei proxime affinis, differt colore purpurascenti- 
nigro, elytrorum macula flava apicali elongata suturali 
per marginem apicalem haud extensa; corpore subtus 
omnino nigro-nitido. , 

Long. 9-14 lin. ?. 

Hab.—Paré. Four examples, all females ; quite dis- 
tinct from 7’. Reichei. 

4. Trachyderes rhodopus, un. sp. 

T’. succincto affinis, thorace elongatiori et angustiori, 
dorso postice plano, lateribus antice (angulo antico ex- 
cepto) haud tuberculatis; fascia elytrorum longe ante 
medium et antice in medio ad scutellum extensa; corpore 
subtus pedibusque rufis; elytris sparsim punctulatis, 
apice breviter sinuato-truncatis; antennis 2 articulis 
7-11 totis nigris, 7-10 valde abbreviatis, serratis. 

Long. 53 lin. ?. 

Apparently allied to 7’. rubripes (Dupont), but dif- 
fermg from the description in several essential points. 
_ By the form of the thorax it belongs to Dupont’s fifth 
division, and not to the first, in which 7. rubripes is placed. 

432 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

5. Trachyderes melas, n. sp. 

T'. succincto statura formaque thoracis simillimus, differt 
colore toto nigro, antennarum articulis 4-6 basi, 10-11 
totis rufis exceptis; antennis ? multo longioribus. 

Long. 10 lin. 2. 

The antenne in the female are half as long again as 
the body ; in the same sex of 7’. succinctus they are very 
little longer than the body. In the black colour of its 
legs, it resembles 7’. nigripes (Dupont), but it belongs to 
a different division of the genus from that species; the 
form of its thorax is precisely that of 7’. succinctus. * 

6. Trachyderes impunctipennis, n. sp. 

7. succineto similis, differt corpore (precipue elytris) 
multo longiori; thorace lateribus antice rotundato et 
prope angulum anticum haud tuberculato, dorso postico 
tri-tuberoso (haud plano et in medio depresso, ut in 7’. 
succincto); elytris omnino impunctatis, apice -sinuato- 
truncatis. Castaneus, elytris fascia ante medium flavo- 
testacea ; antennis ? articulis 3-5 basi rufis, 8-11 totis 
flavis ; corpore subtus rufo-castaneo. 

Long. 10 lin. ¢. 

Closely allied to Dupont’s 7’. Lacordairei, differing only 
in the colour of the antenne and under-surface of the 
body. It may perhaps be only a variety of that species. 

From the nearly allied 7’. Latreillet it differs in many 
essential respects, being a broader and more robust 
insect, and very distinct in its colours. 

* The following very distinct species of the succinctus group has not 
yet been described, although common in collections :— 

Trachyderes politus, (Chevr., MS.). 

Latior, levis, planatus, nigro-castaneus, capite, thorace supra, scutello, 
humeris, et mesosterni medio, rufo-castaneis; thoracis forma ut in T. suc- 
cincto; elytris apice latis, prope suturam obtuse truncatis ; antennis nigris, 
opacis, ¢ longissimis, articulis 10-11 basi fulvis, 9 articulis 10-11 rufis. 

Long. 10-13 lin. g ?. 


of the Amazon Valley. 433 

7. Trachyderes globicollis, n. sp. 

T’. succincto coloribus simillimus ; differt thorace magno, 
antice valde rotundato, convexo, confertim punctulato, 
dorso linea transversali levi medio incrassata apud ex- - 
tremitates tuberosa, antice et postice linea impressa mar- 
ginato. Castaneus, thorace magis rufo; elytris postice 
valde attenuatis, apice rotundatis, supra leevissimis, fascia 
ante medium flavo-testacea ; corpore subtus pedibusque 
rufis, femoribus apice nigro-piceis; antennis ¢ articulis 
1-2 nigris, 3 nigro medio rufo, 4-11 rufis apice nigris; 
prosterno lobis parvis obtusis. 

Long. 12 lin. ¢. 
Hab.—Ega. One example. 

8. Trachyderes bilineatus. 

Cerambia bilineatus, Oliv. Ent. No. 67, p. 17, pl. xxi. 

Trachyderes scabricollis, Dalman, Anal. Ent. p. 64, d. 

T. Dejeanii, Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1838, p. 15, pl. exciv. 
i eta 

T. Solieri, Dupont, lib. cit., p. 16, pl. exciv. f. 2, 2. 
T. Duponti, Dupont, lib. cit., p. 17, pl. exev. f. 1, ¢. 

Species variabilis, forma thoracis secundum sexum valde 
diversa. Angustior; capite, thorace, et scutello, castaneo- 
rufis; elytris nigris, basi plus minusve et lineis 2 vel 
3 (interdum obsoletis) rufis. 

g. Thorace crebre scabroso, opaco, nigro-maculato, 
lateribus bituberculato, dorso plaga pentagona depressa 
grossius scabrosa tumorem levem includente; elytris 
alutaceis, basi anguste rufis; antennis corpore sesqui 
longioribus, rufis, articulis 1-2 nigris, 3-8 apice nigris, 
9-11 piceis. 

6 (minor). Thorace minore, area scabrosa multo 
minus extensa, plaga dorsali irregulari, lineis et plagulis 
leevibus fracta, maculis nigris paucis, lateribus tri-tuber- 
culatis; elytris basi late rufis; antennis fulvo-rufis, 
articulis apice leviter infuscatis. 

434 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

?. Thorace toto rufo, lateribus tri-tuberculatis, dorso 
levi, polito, medio foveis tribus scabrosis, tuberibus 
levibus marginatis et separatis; elytris levissimis, basi 
late rufis ; antennis dimidium corporis paulo superantibus, 
’ fulvo- rufis, articulis apice leviter infuscatis. 

Long. 5-12 lin. go 9. 

Generally distributed throughout the Amazons region. 
In newly-burnt clearings in the forest, on dead trees, 
sometimes abundant. 

It is so variable that two individuals can scarcely be 
found nearly alike. Dupont failed to notice the sexual 
differences in form and colours, and hence described 
them as distinct species, besides giving each variety as 
distinct. Five or six other of his species are probably 
only varieties of this. 

9. Trachyderes conformis. 
Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1838, p. 49, pl. clxin. f. 2. 

Pngucins: flavo- -testaceus ; vertice thoraceque nigro- 
maculatis; elytris apice truncatis, angulo exteriori leviter 
dentato, supra tertia parte posteriori nigra, nigredine 
ramos per marginem fere ad humeros et per suturam usque 
ad scutellum emittente ; antennis et pedibus fulvo-testa- 
ceis, illis apice infuscatis, his femoribus apice nigris.° 

Long. 7-8} ln. $ 9. 


Closely allied to 7’. dinvidiatus, Fabr., the chief differ- 
ence (which is constant) being that the black colour of 
the apical portion of the elytra in dimidiatus does not 
emit a branch along the suture towards the scutellum. 
This speciality is mentioned in Fabricius’ description, 
and applies to the form from South Brazil. 7’. —_—s 
occurs also in Venezuela. 

Genus OxyMERUs. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1834, p. 50; Lacord. 
Gen. ix. 204. 

of the Amazon Valley. 435 

1. Oxymerus basalis. 

Trachyderes basalis, Dalman, Anal. Ent. p. 65. 

~ Oxymerus basalis, Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1838, p. 35, 
pi. cevui. f. 1. 

Rufo-castaneus, abdomine, elytris (basi excepta), et 
pedibus posticis, nigris; thorace immaculato; antennis 
medio fulvis, apice infuscatis. 

Pons../ lin. ¢. 2.. 


The Amazons specimens differ from the Brazilian typical 
form in the basal red of the elytra being much larger, 
extending beyond the scutellum, and in the fore and 
middle femora, and the basal half of the hind femora, 
being red. 

2. Oxymerus rivulosus. 
Trachyderes rivulosus, Germar, Ins. Sp. Nov. p. 512, 

Oxymerus lineatus, Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1838, p. 41, 
“SpE cet £2. 

Oxymerus rivulosus, Dup. lib. cit., p. 42, pl. cexi. f. 2. 

Castaneo-fulvus, interdum pallidior, thorace punctis 
11 nigris, elytris lineis quatuor et margine pallidis, lineis 
Ima prope scutellum et 3ia abbreviatis ; antennis pedi- 
busque immaculatis ; abdomine interdum basi infuscato. 

Long. 5-9 lin. d 9. 

Hab.—Pard. Sometimes abundant in new clearings. 

According to Dupont’s own description, there is no 
real difference between his O. lineatus and O. rivulosus. 
The size is of no importance in a group where it varies 
very greatly in almost every species. 

Sub-fam. Mrroroce@Lina. 

Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1832, p. 170; Lacord. Gen. 
viii. 244, 

The position of this genus is one of the few points in 
which I venture to depart from the arrangement of 

436 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycidee 

Lacordaire. It is clearly allied in all essential points to 
the T'rachyderine, and forms an unnecessary exception, 
in the fine granulation of the eyes, to the section in which 
the author of the “Genera” has placed it. 

1. Metopocelus Rojasi. 
Sallé, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1853, p. 650, pl. xx.f.1,2, @@. 

Magnus, valde elongatus, testaceo-fulvus, nudus, niti- 
dus, supra rugoso-punctatus ; thorace vittis duabus nigris ; 
elytris ¢ lineis posticis et margine apicali, ? dimidio 
apicali, nigris ; antennis nigris, brevibus, ¢ subserratis, 
? fortiter serratis. 

Long. 15-18 lin. gd ?. 


On flowers in open grassy districts, at the beginning of 
the wet season in December. Originally found near 

Sub-fam. LissonoTiIn»z. 

Genus Lissonorvs. 
Dalman, in Schénh. Syn. Ins. App. p. 364; Lacord. Gen. 
ix. 209. 

1. Lissonotus Shepherd. 

Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc., 2 ser., w 16. 

Nigerrimus, politus; elytris late recte truncatis, 
angulo exteriori spinoso, ante medium fascia lata coc- 
cinea, prope suturam angustata et abbreviata. 

Long. 63-7 lin. d @. 
Hab.—Altar do Chaé, River Tapajos. 

3. Inssonotus fallaw, n. sp. 

Nigerrimus, politus, scutello et macula ovali obliqua 
adjacente, metasterno, abdomine, femorumque basi, 
coccineis ; elytris apice acute conjunctim rotundatis. 

Long. 5 lin. 9. 


of the Amazon Valley. 437 

38. Lissonotus rubidus. 
White, Cat. Longic. Brit. Mus. p. 63. 

Rufus, politus, immaculatus, antennis et tarsis nigris, 
tibiis femorumque basi infuscatis ; elytris obtuse breviter 

Long. 8 lin. 2. 


4. Lissonotus unifasciatus. 
Gory, in Guér. Icon. Régne Anim. p. 217, pl. xliu. f. 1. 
L. abdominalis, Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1836, p. 12, pl. exlv. 

Latior, nigerrimus, politus, elytrorum macula obliqua 
ovata juxta scutellum, metasterno, abdomine, femoribus- 
que intermediis et posticis, coccineis; elytris breviter 
truncatis, angulo exteriori spinoso. 

Long. 8 lin. 

Hab.—River Tapajos. 

5. Lissonotus ephippiatus, n. sp. 

L. unifasciato valde affinis, differt corpore angustiori, 
antennis ¢ multo minus dilatatis; elytrorum macula coc- 
cinea minus obliqua, ovali, postice longe ultra apicem 
scutelli extensa ; femoribus intermediis prope basin sub- 
tus piceis; elytris apice late recte truncatis, angulo 
exteriori longe spinoso. 

-Long. 64-7 lin. @. 

Hab.—Kga and St. Paulo, Upper Amazons. 

6. Inssonotus biguttatus. 
Dalman, in Schénh. Syn. Ins. App. p. 159, pl. vi. f. 4. 

Rufo-ferrugineus, politus, antennis (articulo basali ex- 
cepto) tibiis et tarsis nigris; elytris disco vel totis 
nigris, utrinque ante medium macula ferruginea, apice 
late truncatis, angulo exteriori spinoso. 

Long. 54-6 lin. d @. q 

Hab.—Para. ' 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaART IV. (DECEMBER.) HH 

438 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

7. Lissonotus simplex, n. sp. 

L. biguttato forma similis; niger, femoribus, processu 
mesosterni, metasterno toto, abdomineque rufo-ferru- 
gineis; elytris immaculatis, apice late truncatis, angulo 
exteriori spinoso. 

Long. 5 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Villa Nova. * 

Sub-fam. MrGapErRIn@. 

Genus Mrcapervs. 
Latreille, Reg. An. (ed. ii.) v. 111; Lacord. Gen. ix. 216. 

1. Megaderus stigma. 
Cerambye stigma, Linn. Syst. Nat. nu. 635. 
Megaderus stigma, Dupont, Mag. Zool. 1838, pl. exh. f. 1. 

Fusco-niger, supra rugoso-punctatus, breviter griseo- 
setosus, subtus griseo-tomentosus; thorace magno, ro- 
tundato; elytris ad medium fascia angusta obliqua 
interdum interrupta flavo-testacea ; tibiis tarsisque fulvo- 

Long. 64-12 lin. ¢ @. 

Common on trunks of newly-felled trees throughout 
the Amazon region. t 

* The following is a fine new species of this genus :— 

Lissonotus princeps. 

Thorax antice ut in L. spadiceo angustatus. Nigerrimus, nitidissimus ; 
elytris fascia sub-basali lata, antice et postice recta, prope humeros sinuata, 
nec basin nec margines laterales attingente, letissime coccinea; meta- 
sterno et abdomine clare sanguineis; pedibus totis, coxis inclusis, niger- 
rimis; scutello breviori, equilatero-triangulari ; elytris truncatis, angulo 
exteriori valde spinoso ; antennis ¢ corpore brevioribus. 

Long. 9 lin. @. 

Hab.—Bolivia. A Dom. Pearce lectus. 

+ The following is to be added to this genus. 

Megaderus latifasciatus. 

M. stigmati forma et sculptura simillimus, sed antennis precipue ? 
robustioribus, multo brevioribus; elytris fascia duplo latiori et leviter 

Long. ll lin. g 9. 

Hab.—Chontales, Nicaragua. A Dom. Ed. Janson, fil., nuper lectus. 
Specimina plurima omnino conformia. 

of the Amazon Valley. 439 

Sub-fam. Disreninz. 

Genus Distenia. 
Serville, Encycl. Méth. x. 485; Lacord. Gen. ix. 227. 

1. Distenia agroides, n. sp. 

Elongata, supra violacea, nitida, erecte setosa, subtus 
chalybeo-nigra, nitida; antennis testaceo-rufis, articulis 
5-10 (4) infra longe penicillatis ; pedibus rufo-testaceis, 
geniculis infuscatis, femoribus subclavatis, apice haud 
spinosis ; thorace supra grosse tuberculato; elytris apice 
valde attenuatis, unispinosis, inter spinam et angulum 
suturalem breviter oblique truncatis, supra grosse aspere 
striato-punctatis, apicem versus fere levibus. 

Long. 7 lin. g. 


Concealed within a folded leaf of a tree, like the 
species of Agra (Carabide), which the metallic Distenie 
somewhat resemble. In repose the antenna are porrect. 

2. Distenia splendens, n. sp. 

Supra enea, elytris splendide viridi-zneis, breviter 
erecto-setosis, subtus nigro-znea, nitida; antennis arti- 
culis 1-3 nigro-sneis, ceteris rufo-testaceis, infra (3) 
longe penicillatis; pedibus flavo-testaceis, femoribus 
medio et apice nigris incrassatis, apice haud spinosis ; 
antennis articulo 1mo sub-abrupte clavato ; thorace grosse 
tuberculato; elytris apice unispinosis, inter spinam et 
angulum suturalem breviter oblique truncatis, supra grosse 
striato-punctatis, interstitiis nonnullis costatis, apice 

Long. 83 lin. 3. 


3. Distenia denticornis, n. sp. 

Robusta, nigro-znea, nitida, elytris viridi-tinctis; an- 
tennis articulis 1-3 nigro-eneis, ceteris piceo-rufis, infra 
(3) longe sparsim penicillatis, articulo primo gradatim 
incrassato, grosse scabroso, infra denticulis validis circiter 
6 armato; thorace grosse tuberculato; elytris longe 
erecte fulvo-setosis, apice unispinosis, angulo suturali 

HH 2 

44.0 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

etiam producto acuto, supra grosse striato-punctatis, 
interstitiis nonnullis costatis, apice sublevibus ; pedibus 
omnino nigro-eneis, trochanteribus pallido-testaceis ex- 
ceptis ; femoribus subclavato- -incrassatis, intermedius et 
posticis apice bispinosis. 

Long. 10-12 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Ega. Three examples, one of which is now in 
the collection of Mr. Alexander Fry. 

4. Distenia suturalis, n. sp. 

Angustata, gracilis, cyanea, nitida, subtus pectore in 
medio fulvo-testaceo, elytris vitta communi lata saturali 
purpureo-rufa, pedibus flavo-testaceis, antennis nigris, 
infra (¢) longe penicillatis; thorace tuberculo elongato 
mediano distincio, ceteris partibus irregulariter grosse 
punctatis ; elytris sparsissime setosis, apice unispinosis, 
angulo suturali producto, supra crebre punctatis, vitta 
suturali postice ante apicem terminata; femoribus omni- 
bus apice spina unica elongata armatis. 

Long. 7 lin. ¢. 


Genus CoMETEs. 

Serville, Encycl. Méth. x. 485; Lacord. Gen. ix. 229. 
Syn. Heteropalpus, Buquet, Mag. Zool. 1843, pl. exviii. 

The sole constant character which distinguishes this 
genus from Distenia is the relative shortness and thick- 

* The following are also undescribed species of this genus :— 
Distenia rufipes. 

Viridi-enea, pedibus testaceo-rufis, antennis nigris, apicem versus 
piceis; thorace grosse tuberculato et punctato; elytris apice unispinosis, 
angulo suturali nullo, supra brevissime setosis, passim subtilissime puno- 
tulatis et grosse striato-punctatis, interstitiis nonnullis costatis ; femoribus 
haud spinosis; antennis (¢) sparse penicillatis. 

Long. 64 lin. 2. 

Hab.—Santa Marta, Nova Granada (Bouchard). 

Distenia angustata. 

Angustata, linearis, capite et thorace precipue parvis; viridi-mnea, 
corpore subtus et elytris fundo testaceis, pedibus sordide flavo-testaceis, 
antennis fusco-eneis, infra longe penicillatis ; thorace tuberculato, grosse 
sparsim punctato; elytris apice unispinosis, angnlo suturali producto, 
acuto, supra sparsim longe setosis, ut in D. sutwrali crebre punctulatis ; 
femoribus omnibus apice spina unica elongata armatis. 

Long. 64 lin. ¢. 

Hab.—Cayenna interiore (D. Bar). 

of the Amazon Valley. 441 

ness of the antennz, which in the males are not much 
longer than the body, and in both sexes are furnished 
with the peculiar long soft hairs on the underside of many 
of the jomts. The character derived from the apex of 
the elytra, spineless in Cometes, and spined in Distenia, 
is rendered inapplicable by the discovery of species of 
Distenia (e. g., D. viridi-cyanea, Thoms.) which have the 
elytra obtusely truncate, precisely as in certain species of 
Cometes. The great and abrupt variations in the form of 
the terminal joint of the maxillary palpiin the Disteniine 
are mentioned by Lacordaire as affording no generic 
distinction; he admitted, however, the genus Heieropal- 
pus, which is founded on an extraordinary development 
of these organs in the males of certain Cometes, im which 
they are excessively elongate, and exhibit, proceeding 
from the base of the terminal joint, almost at right angles 
to it, an elongate hairy filament, as long as the joint of 
the palpus itself. This curious structure might be taken 
to be a monstrosity, did it not appear, in different form 
as to points of detail, in three distinct species. It can- 
not, however, be a generic distinction, for it occurs in 
the males of Cometes acutipennis (Buquet) a species 
having the closest possible affinity with others (e.g., CU. 
leetificus) in which the palpi are of normal form. 

1. Cometes letificus, n. sp. 

C. acutipenni proxime affinis, differt elytris apice magis 
obtusis, macula fulva humerali postice rotundata, suturam 
haud attingente, capite angustiori, etc. Cyaneus, nitidus, 
elytris lete purpureis, vitta lata discoidali cerulea, 
maculaque rotundata fulva humerali; antennis nigris, ( ¢ ) 
usque ad apicem longe penicillatis; capite angusto ; 

_oculis haud prominentibus ; thorace spina laterali obtusa ; 

elytris crebre grosse punctatis, disco unicostatis, apice 
breviter obtuse truncatis. 

Long. 5 lin. g. 

2. Oometes scapularis, n. sp. 

Robustior, viridi-cyaneus, nitidus, elytris macula hume- 
rali sanguinea, femoribus dimidio basali flavo-testaceis ; 

442 Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide 

antennis (2 ?) grossis, subtus articulis 3-8 penicillatis ; 
thorace sparsim grosse foveato-punctato, spina laterali 
obtusa; elytris apice breviter truncatis, angulo suturali 
producto acuto, supra regulariter grosse striato -punc- 
tatis, macula humerali a scutello et sutura longe distante ; 
pedibus brevibus, validis, femoribus medio incrassatis. 

Long. 6% lin. ( 9 7). 

Hab.—Kga. Allied to C. argutulus (Buq.), i which 
the red at the base of the elytra extends as a fascia from 
side to side, 

3. Cometes ceruleus, n. sp. 

Ancustus, leete ceeruleus, femoribus basi flayo-testaceis, 
abdomine piceo, antennis nigris, usque ad apicem ( ¢) 
infra penicillatis; thorace medio grosse foveato-punctato, 
spina laterali obtusa ; elytris apice obtuse truncatis, supra 
grosse lineatim punctatis. 

g palpis maxillaribus valde elongatis, articulo ultimo 
apice clavato, basi ramum rectum hirsutum emittente. 

Long. 43 lin. 2. 


The following was accidentally omitted (ante, p. 285). 

Sub-fam. Ipipin2z. 
3. LHexoplon preetermissum, n. sp. 

Angustum, lineare, nigro-castaneum, nitidum; elytris 
macula triangulari laterali ante, medium, antice rufo- 
tincta, mox pone hance fascia obliqua angusta, et apice 
flavo-testaceis, apice truncatis et extus unispinosis, supra 
punctis sparsis lineatim ordinatis ; pedibus antennisque 
testaceo-piceis, his basi obscurioribus. 

Long. 4 lin. 

Hab.—Tapajos. Almost identical in colours and sculp- 
ture with Gnomidolon humerale (ante, p. 287). 

The following Tables shew the numbers of Genera and 
Species of Amazonian Longicorns. (The Prionide will 
be found described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. 37; the 
Lamiide in Aun. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861-66). 

of the Amazon Valley. 

Number of | Number of 
po. Genera. Species. 
Prionides aberrantes ......... 1 1 
Prionides veri, subterranei... 1 il 
in sylvani ........ 10 14 
“5 peecilosomi... 4 10 
Motel easace eee 16 26 
: Number of | Number of 
BE Genera. Species. 
Gminze ..... PiGarstagecten setisaicsta 6 6 
PNG HISTO sss tiewlc saet sore cer .ct 1 4, 
ER GMM SUbING ese twccnesfonsvevesecls 1 1 
Cerambycin® ...........cce cece 5 14 
Hesperophanine ............... 4, v 
MSETAIE GS Fedeccbeecs tects steees es oe 3 9 
3) 18k: 2) Pig 4 Seo ee Re a cee ree . 9 1 
PIOZOGCEUM Ge rian scenes caesesets 3 8 
MI SEGMIRE Ge AI io r8e ode ne korearcien 9 54 
Moniinas eccyssisieeceedvacsseccs os 3 3 
MQ OGM GD 7 scce ceed siavosciisnens 2 8 
Neeyaalinge. (oc ecses see eciieeea 1 il 
MW GLOVCHInas \.2escheieceitecealoteces 1 1 
Necydalopsina......... ...0++ 1 1 
Rhinotragine ............000e0. " 13 38 
Callichromatine .............. 1 6 
Compsocering® .........ccseeee 3 8 
iy G3. W8 os cree doi g axe leis escola sess 3 14 
HMillomorphineo vs-desdsccsaccedes 1 1 
Wleomenkds ie. 4iscs4 ccs sce tee ns 3 5 
Rhopalophoring ............... 5 14 
PICTOROPSINED (ctr ciecuiscessinaitne 3 19 
ABC IOCOTINGS) dcafela( ey arse esee 2 3 
Platyarth¥img .2ii6i6.c6.....08 3 5 
Posetlopeplim® |i. .02.. oe .ces0e 2 2 
Tropidosomatinee .............4 2 4 
Sternacanthine ................ 5 9 
Stenaspidind® ...........600 eee. 1 3 
WOLCACEIING cod adinescesnestien 1 1 
MUTAC Hy Ceri g2 4... ses ceeesec eens 2 ilgl 
Metopoccelings ........c..ccseeeee if 1 
Lissonotine........ Beeee cours 1 a 
Megadering ............secseoees il i! 
WISUEMAINGS «ceaneocoess cenawanee ce 2 ie 
Rotates sates 104 = 288 

Ab Mr. H. W. Bates on Cerambycide. 
: Number of | Number of 
Rab tery Genera. Species. 
Acanthodering .........+0..006+ 13 59 
AMNIS0CCTIN® «. 5. ..-ccsceesteceeses 9 14 
Lagocheiring) |.....sndiiesereares 2 6 
TOlOPOGIN: sit. cosctewstssevecohae ~~25 117 
Colobotheings ..........-..seeeee 3 44 
FESO IONS ves cestas ean cu sete es saelr 1 4 
ONCIGETENE s. lvecesnadacusvoess= 15 46 
EL IPPOPSIND) cides cmanveseacsss'-sier 2 8 
Ri XOGOM MIG te tcaderereortay es 6 8 
TAPOMINGES 5.05 5.0ncseenesaeneed es 1 2 
Compsosomating .......e+se00 3 5 
Desmiphoringe ..............0++: 1 5 
Pogonocherin® .......sseeeeseeee ay 10 
APOMECYNIN ....00.c.eeeceeeee 1 3 
AC BUNTING cs. cleo ee oe cuesereensss 6 11 
ASE TIOUN EE fenes oes ounie tees ryces a 1 1 
Amphionyching® ...........0606 6 20 
PH YLOQCUIMND Lc ccccicetenessansens 1 1 
BAVGPOING . sesescclecchonornsean> 1 1 
Motaly.sis.scenvtes 101 365 
Genera, | Species. 
PRIONTD Aus cencenneasesiee 16 26 
Mino ORTL } .--| CERAMBYCIDS .........000. 104. 288 
TAMIR iswwnenanekuanwsa ne 101 365 
Grand Total......... 221 | 679 

ee eh. 

( 445 ) 

XX. Descriptions of some Genera and Species of Australian 
Curculionidae. By Francis P. Pascoz, F.L.S8., 
V.-P. Ent. Soc. 

[ Read 7th November, 1870.] 

In continuation of the descriptions already published 
(ante, p. 181), I have now to add some more new genera 
and species of Australian Curculionide. I am indebted 
for a great many of the species here described to my 
valued correspondent Mr. George Masters, of Sydney ; 
and it is a great advantage that these were accompanied 
by an indication of their exact localities. 

List of New Genera and Species. 

; . 25. LHuthebus (n. g.) troglodytes. 
A ale iat 26. Mecistocerus Mastersi. 
; a yo. ; ; 
3. i; ampliatus. 27. Imatliodes (n.g.) subfasciatus. 
4, . biplagiatus. 28. 29 terreus. : 
= : 29. Hleagna (n. g.) squaniibunda, 
5 “ pardalotus. f : F 
30. Paleticus (n. g.) laticollis. 
6. 3 esalon. 31 : 
ae 3 latipennis. 39, ” esl ae 
8. Zymaus (n. g.) binodosus. 33, ” initia 
34. ii invidus. 
AMYCTERINE. 35. Onidistus (n. g.) nodipennis. 
9. Dialeptopus (n. g.) sepidioides. a 2 See 
5 . % ‘ 
te ob Serreus. 38. Petosiris (n. g.) swhereus. 
: 3 pcedienis. 39. Methidrysis (n. g.) afflicta 
2 Melane ; sean : 40. Niconotus (n. g.) tarphioides. 
: gts (n. g.) stygrus. 41. Chetectetorus hadulus. 
14. Tetralophus incanus. ; 
15. ® 5 ee ite 42. “A clitelle. 
16. 2 elevatus. aA E; ae cus (n cus s 
17. Amorphorhinus polyucanthus. 45. Mote pnts Gee} oie ae 
46. Achopera (n. g.) lachrymosa. 
RHAYPAROSOMINSE. 47. nS maculata, 
48, : uniformis. 
18. Dysostines hoplostethus. 49. Chimatles (un. g.) lanosus. 
19. ” fuligineus. 50. Menios (n. g.) internatus. 
20. re pustulosus. 51. Tychreus (un. g.) camelus. 
21. ” pilipes. 52. Titwacia (n. g.) ostracion. 
53. Anilaus (n. g.) sordidus. 
Mounytinz. 54. Tyrtwosus (n. g.) microthoran. 
5). fs lateralis. 
22. Opsittis (n. g.) atomaria. 56, 3 vetustus. 
57. - incallidus. 
DIABATHRARIINE. 58. f ustulatus. 
59. Cryptorhynchus stigmaticus. 
23. Atelicus guttatus. 60. Cmethylus (n. g.) lwmbaris. 
24, 5,  atrvophus. 61. Phleoglymma (n.g.) alternans. 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PART IV. (DECEMBER.) 

44.6 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

PotypHraDes, Schénherr, Curcul. v. 805. 

This genus may be divided into two sections by a 
character which is now, in most cases, considered suf- 
ficiently important to warrant generic separation, 7. e., 
the fineness or coarseness of the facets of the eyes; but 
as species of both sections have been referred to Poly- 
phrades by Fahrzus, Boheman, Germar, &c., I leave the 
genus as I find it. 

Section 1. Eyes with fine facets. 
Polyphrades pusillus. 

P. obovatus, fuscus, squamulis cinerascentibus vel 
subargenteis fuligineisque variis omnino sat dense tec- 
tus; rostro capiti longitudine equali, multo angustiore, 
extrorsum incrassato, tricarinulato; antennis ferrugineis, 
cinerascenti-squamosis, articulo basali funiculi crassiore ; 
oculis fere rotundatis, infra subacuminatis ; prothorace 
parum transverso, apice basi multo angustiore, lobis 
ocularibus obsoletis; elytris breviter ovatis, leviter sul- 
cato-punctatis, punctis oblongis, interstitiis latis pla- 
natis, macula basali alba utrinque notatis ; tibiis tarsisque 
ferrugineis, parce cinereo-squamulosis, tibiis anticis bi- 

Long. 14 lin. 

Hab.—West Australia. 

The smallest of the genus, and differing, as also do the 
two next, from P. cinereus, paganus, laticollis, and argen- 
tarius, the other species belonging to this section, by 
their rounded or nearly rounded eyes. 

Polyphrades ortyx. 

P. late ovatus, piceus, squamulis albis vel subargenteis 
preesertim ad latera fuscescenti-variis setulisque omnino 
sat dense tectus; rostro capite vix breviore, multo an- 
gustiore; antennis ferrugineis, vage pilosis, articulo 
basali funiculi crassiore ; oculis fere rotundatis, infra sub- 
acuminatis ; prothorace paulo transverso, utrinque rotun- 
dato, apice basi multo angustiore ; elytris subcordatis, 
sulcato-punctatis, punctis oblongis, interstitiis latis, 
perparum convexis, lateribus albis ; pedibus ferrugineis, 
sparse cinereo-squamulosis. 

Long. 14 lin. 

Hab.—West Australia. 

Australian Cureculionde. 44.7 

Polyphrades ampliatus. 

P. oblongus, fuscus, squamulis albis vel subargenteis 
setulisque numerosis omnino dense tectus; rostro breve, 
capite paulo angustiore, antice haud carinulato ; antennis 
piceis, dense squamulosis, funiculo lineare, came glk 
articulo basali secundo sesquilongiore, clava anguste 
ovata; oculis rotundatis; prothorace valde ampliato- 
transverso, utrinque fortiter rotundato, apice basi valde 
angustiore, supra Ineequaliter convexo; elytris ovatis, 
prothorace multo angustioribus, postice sensim angustatis, 
fortiter sulcato-punctatis, punctis oblongis approximatis, 
valde conspicuis, interstitiis sat latis, paulo convexis; 
pedibus validis, tibiis anticis extrorsum arcuatis. 

Long. 3 lin. 
Hab.—West Australia. 

This species is remarkable for the breadth of its pro- 
thorax, as in some species of the nearly-allied genus 

Section 2. Hyes with large facets. 
Polyphrades biplagiatus. 

P. ovalis, niger, squamulis cinerascentibus fuscisque 
varlis sat dense omnino tectus ; fronte distincte longitu- 
dinaliter plicata; rostro breviusculo, antice integro; 
antennis piceis, scapo valido, sensim incrassato, articulo 
basali funiculi secundo crassiore et sesquilongiore ; oculis 
fere rotundatis; prothorace subtransverso, utrinque 
rotundato, basi apice vix latiore, supra vage punctato ; 
elytris subovatis, sulcato-punctatis, punctis magnis 
oblongis, interstitiis latis, postice paulo convexis, singulis 
pone medium plaga transversa alba fusco-marginata 
ornatis; tarsis testaceo-piceis. 

Long. 2 lin. 


Polyphrades pardalotus. 

P. ovatus, niger, squamulis cervinis fuscisque variis, 
alus albis maculatim dispersis, vestitus; rostro brevius- 
culo, subcarinulato; antennis piceis, scapo modice 
incrassato, articulo basali funiculi secundo crassiore et 

448 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

plus duplo longiore; oculis rotundatis ; prothorace paulo 
transverso, utrinque rotundato, apice basi manifeste 
angustiore, vage punctato, ad latera albo-squamoso; 
elytris ovatis, fortiter sulcato-punctatis, punctis oblongis 
approximatis squamulo repletis, interstitiis latis con- 
vexis; pedibus albo-annulatis; tibiis pilis elongatis 
adspersis, anticis extrorsum arcuatis. 

Long. 24 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound. 

The ornate coloration of this and the preceding species 
is sufficiently characteristic. The other species of this 
section, exclusive of the two described below, and others 
in my collection reserved for better materials, are P. 
nanus, perignarus, and nitidilabris. P. murinus, Fahr., 
from the type specimen in the Hopeian Museum, is not 
in a state to be easily recognizable. 

Polyphrades cesalon. 

P. ovatus, niger, supra pedibusque squamulis auru- 
lentis sat dense vestitus; rostro capite paulo breviore et 
modice angustiore, antice Jate excavato, in medio sub- 
carinulato; antennis nigro-piceis, vage setuloso-squamo- 
sis, articulo basali funiculi secundo vix sesquilongiore, 
clava sat late obovata, acuminata ; oculis ovatis ; protho- 
race transverso, utrinque rotundato, apice angustiore, 
postice supra leviter transversim undulato; elytris breviter 
ovatis, distincte sulcato-punctatis, punctis rotundatis 
approximatis, interstitiis latis convexis, leviter granulatis, 
apice paulo coarctatis, rotundatis ; corpore infra sparse 
squamulis setulisque vestito; articulo ultimo tarsorum 
rufo-piceo, unguiculis nigris. 

Long. 3# lin. 

Hab.—Kaing George’s Sound. 

Somewhat of the habit of P. nanus, Gyll., but the 
prothorax and elytra differently sculptured, &c. The 
scales, when viewed under a strong lens, have a rich 
reddish-golden tint ; to the naked eye the insect is of a 
yellowish-brown colour. 


Polyphrades latipennis. 

P. subovatus, fuscus, squamulis silaceis aliisque majo- 
ribus interjectis supra pedibusque dense tectus; capite 

EO a 

—— —- =) ° 

Australian Curculionide. 449 

inter oculos angustato ; rostro capite vix breviore, antice 
subcarinulato, plaga triangulari parva; antennis nigris, 
scapo dense squamoso, articulo basali funiculi secundo 
haud crassiore sed sesquilongiore, clava anguste elliptica ; 
oculis subovatis; prothorace transverso, utrinque valde 
rotundato, ante medium latissimo, postice gradatim an- 
gustiore, supra distincte confertim punctato, punctis 
squamulo repletis; elytris ovato-orbiculatis, in medio 
prothorace multo latioribus, supra subplanatis, fortiter 
sulcato -punctatis, interstitiis sat latis, modice con- 
vexis; corpore infra griseo-squamoso; tibiis nonnihil 

Long. 34 lin. 

Hab.—West Australia (Champion Bay). 

A species of very marked outline, owing partly to the 
breadth of the elytra, and farther differentiated by the 
narrowing of the head. 

ZYMAUS, n. g. 

A Leptope differt ungwieulis connatis. 

The exponent of this genus bears a rather striking 
resemblance to the Brazilian Bastactes bituberculatus, 
Boh., and is, therefore, not unlike some of the more 
normal forms of Leptops. It is probable that fresh indi- 
viduals, judging from one of my specimens, are more 
scaly than is here described. 

Zymaus binodosus. (Pl. VII. fig. 5.) 

Z. oblongus, niger, remote albido-squamulosus ; fronte 
convexa, rostro sat robusto, in medio profunde longitu- 
dinaliter canaliculato, sulcis lateralibus distinclis, scro- 
bibus angustis, infra oculos exeuntibus ; antennis nigris, 
scapo sensim incrassato, articulis duobus basalibus funi- 
culi ceteris paulo longioribus, articulo basali claves 
haud elongato; oculis ovalibus; prothorace pone apicem 
latiore, basin versus sensim angustiore, infra fortiter 
confertim granulato, lobis ocularibus rufo-marginatis 
ciliisque albis fimbriatis; scutello carente; elytris pro- 
thorace basi vix latioribus, seriatim fortiter impresso- 
punctatis, postice declivibus, singulis pone medium 
tuberculo majusculo subconico apice obtuso instructis ; 
corpore infra atro, nitido; pedibus griseo-squamosis 
et setulosis. 

Long. 5-54 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 

450 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

Rostrum breviusculum, crassum, capite angustius; 
scrobes laterales, subarcuatze, postice fere evanescentes ; 
antennee tenuate, articulis duobus basalibus funiculi 
sequentibus longioribus. Oculi liberi. Prothoraw lati- 
tudine et longitudine subzqualis, apice valde productus, 
supra fortiter longitudinaliter excavatus, bicristatus, 
utrinque tuberculato-carinatus. Scutellwm mconspicuum. 
Elytra prothorace haud vel modice latiora, singulatim 
bifariam tuberculata, humeris antrorsum valde producta, 
lateribus inflexa. Pedes elongati, attenuati; tarsi antice 
modice dilatati, quatuor postici gracillimi, filiformes. 
Propectus modice elongatum, profunde emarginatum. 

Aimycterus collaris, Boh. (Schon. vu. i. 57), which, as 
Lacordaire suggested, should be separated from Huomus, 
to which Schénherr eventually referred it, belongs to 
this genus. The characters given above are mostly 
antagonistic to Huomus. All the species have the apex 
of the prothorax projected considerably over the head, 
and this is bounded above on each side by a strongly- 
marked crest, which diverges a little, and is continued 
backwards .to the base, leaving a deep broad cavity be- 
tween them. The elytra, which are about three times 
as long as the prothorax, have on each two longitudinal 
series of more or less conical tubercles which converge 
anteriorly, and the tubercles, gradually reduced to 
granules, form an elevated border on the very strongly- 
produced spiniform shoulder. Schénherr compared the 
species known to him to Sepidiwm tricuspidatum. 

Dialeptopus sepidioides. (Pl. VII. fig. 4.) 

D. angustus, nigrescens, griseo-squamulosus ; rostro 
capite parum longiore, utrinque fere recto, antice fortiter 
bicarinato, vage nigro-setuloso; prothorace parce squa- 
muloso, cristis dorsalibus oblique granulatis; elytris pro- 
thorace haud latioribus, tuberculis ferrugineis, serie 
exteriore quinque, interiore septem constitutis, apicibus 
conjunctis late sed leviter emarginatis, dorso dense 

squamuloso, lateribus denudatis, quadri-seriatim punc- . 

tatis, punctis magnis, squamulis repletis ; pedibus parce 

i i 

Australian Curculionide. 451 

Long. 7-8 lin. 
Hab.—West Australia. 

The emargination at the apices of the elytra in the 
figure is not broad enough, and iooks, therefore, deeper 
than it really is. 

Dialeptopus ferreus. 

D. angustus, nigro-purpureus, subtilissime remote 
squamosus; rostro brevi, in medio late et profunde 
longitudinaliter excavato, sulco arcuato distincto a capite 
separato ; prothorace apice bilobo, cristis dorsalibus fere 
leevigatis, lateribus modice rotundatis; elytris protho- 
race yvix latioribus, tuberculis elevatis, serie exteriore 
quatuor, interiore quatuor vel quinque constitutis, dorso 
inter se rugosis, lateribus sulcato-punctatis, imterstitiis 
valde elevatis, apicibus conjunctis perparum angulato- 
emarginatis ; pedibus parce setulosis. 

Long. 6 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia ; Victoria, 

Dialeptopus macilentus. 

D. angustus, nigro-purpureus, subtilissime remote 
squamosus ; rostro longiusculo, in medio longitudinaliter 
excayato, sulco arcuato a capite separato; prothorace 
utrinque in medio angulato-producto, apice obtuso, rufo, 
cristis dorsalibus rufo-tuberculatis ; elytris prothorace 
haud latioribus, tuberculis magis elevatis, conicis, apicibus 
rufis, serie exteriore quatuor, interiore septem constitutis, 
apicibus conjunctis profunde et fortiter rotundato- 
emarginatis, lateribus sat crebre foveolatis; pedibus 
parce setulosis. 

Long. 6 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Very like the last, but, inter alia, with the sides of 
the prothorax and apices of the elytra different. 

Dialeptopus monachus (Waterh. MS.). 

D. oblongo-ovatus, niger, indumento brunnescenti- 
griseo supra antennisque (clava excepta) dense tectus; 

452 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

rostro breviusculo, antice fortiter bicarinato, nigro-setu- 
loso; prothorace utrinque ampliato-rotundato, cristis 
dorsalibus parum rugosis, area laterali sublevi; elytris 
prothorace latioribus, lateribus rotundatis, fortiter bicos- 
tatis, tuberculis nigris validis conicis, serie exteriore 
quinque, interiore sex constitutis, apicibus conjunctis 
perparum angulato-emarginatis; femoribus granulatis, 
tibiis tarsisque parce nigro-setulosis. 

Long. 7-8 lin. 

Hab.—New South Wales. 

Allied to D. collaris, Boh., but differently clothed ; 
the elytra with the tubercles black, the inner series 
parallel and closer to the suture, their sides with two 
prominent cost, &c. 


Euomo affinis, sed elytris supra planatis; et tarsis an- 
gustis, subtus tomentosis. 

In this genus the tarsi are furnished beneath with a 
dense silky pubescence, leaving a deep channel along the 
middle of the two basal joints; in Huomus, the tarsi are 
more or less dilated, and either naked beneath, or fur- 
nished with a few bristles, or a fringe of stiff hairs along 
the margins of the three basal joints. The prothorax is 
not produced at the apex as in Dialeptopus, and the habit 
is far nearer to T'etralophus than to Huomus. 

Melanegis stygius. (Pl. VII. fig. 6.) 

M. oblongus, aterrimus, squamulis subtilissimis griseis 
setisque brevibus interjectis remote vestitus ; rostro in 
medio profunde sulcato, bicarinato, carinis uniseriatim 
sat fortiter punctatis; articulis duobus basalibus funiculi 
fere eequalibus, ceeteris moniliformibus ; prothorace lati- 
tudine et longitudine squali, supra planato, antice tri- 
fossulato, in medio latiore, lateribus granulato ; elytris 
ovatis, prothorace paulo latioribus, seriatim vage punc- 
tatis, interstitiis granulatis, dorso planato in tuberculis 
tribus utrinque extenso, postice abrupte declivibus, apice 
rotundatis, ad suturam perparum spinosis; corpore infra 
remote subtiliter nigro-setulosis ; pedibus tenuatis, setulis 
nigris griseisque tectis. 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound (Albany). 

Australian Curculionide. 453 

TrTrALopHus, Waterhouse, Tr. Ent. Soc., ser. 2, ii. 173. 

Tetralophus incanus. 

T. oblongus, niger, squamositate pulverea grisescente 
sat dense tectus; fronte convexa, obsolete punctata ; 
rostro medio fortiter bicarinato, lateribus breviter arcuato- 
sulcato; prothorace subtransverso, hand granulato, supra 
alte bicristato, in medio profunde sulcato, cristis elonga- 
tis, punctatis, antice posticeque interruptis; elytris bi- 
seriatim tuberculatis, serie exteriore tuberculis tribus 
validis, interiore duobus basalibus parvis tertioque postico 
elongato alte elevato, lateribus subquadriseriatim scrobi- 
culatis, postice abrupte declivibus, apice rotundatis; pe- 
dibus vage nigro-setosis. 

Long. 44 lin. 

Tetralophus excursus. 

T. oblongus, niger; rostro ut in J’. incano sed paulo 
longiore; prothorace sat fortiter granulato, supra alte 
bicristato, cristis ampliatis versus apicem interruptis, 
dimidio antico limitatis, lateribus faleato-productis, mar- 
gine bituberculatis; elytris serie exteriore tuberculis 
quatuor, duobus intermediis parvis, duobus alteris validis, 
quorum uno humerali oblique angulato, altero interiore 
elongato interrupto basin versus granulato-excurrente, 
lateribus quadriseriatim scrobiculatis, postice abrupte 
declivibus, apice rotundatis; pedibus vage nigro-se- 

Long. 54 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Tetralophus elevatus. 

T. oblongus, niger; rostro ut in 7’. excurso ; prothorace 
granulato, basi angustiore, lateribus magis productis, 
falcatis, supra bicristato, cristis carimiformibus, apicem 
versus interruptis, dimidio antico limitatis; ceteris fere 
ut in 7’, ewcurso, sed tuberculo interiore elytrorum haud 

TRANS, ENT. soc. 1870.—pParT Iv. (DECEMBER.) Ie 

45 A Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

elongato, in medio dorsi sito, serie exteriore tuberculis 
tribus subeequalibus, magis elevatis, tuberculo humerali 
falciforme, extrorsum serrato. 

Long. 64 lin. 


The above three species are very similar at first sight 
to 7’. sculpturatus, Waterh., hitherto the only representa- 
tive of the genus, but a moment’s examination shows 
that they are distinct. It may facilitate the discrimina- 
tion of these species if we throw their diagnoses into a 
tabular form, thus :— 

Prothorax not granulate. 
Each elytron with nine or ten tubercles in two 

series. : : . : - : a ibe sculpturatus. 
Each elytron with four or five tubercles in two 
series . : 4 : - : - . T. incanus. 

Prothorax granulate. 
An inner tubercle on each elytron, granulate 

and gradually running out to the base . QT. excursus, 
An inner tubercle confined to the middle of 
each elytron : : : “ : . TT. elevatus. 

AmorpnHoruinus, Lacordaire, Gen. vi. 318. 
Amorphorhinus polyacanthus, 

A. oblongus, aterrimus, remote et breviter squamosus ; 
fronte longitudinaliter plicata, callo superciliari conico ; 
rostro antice abrupte gibboso, in medio late sulcato; an- 
tennis nigris, funiculo breviusculo; prothorace trans- 
verso, lateribus tuberculato-spinoso, supra fortiter 
granulato, granulis apice squama parva instructis, in 
medio late sulcato; elytris ovatis, lateribus parum rotun- 
datis, apice declivibus haud obtusis, profunde scrobicu- 
latis, interstitiis rugosis, singulatim seriebus duabus 
tuberculorum munitis, tuberculis alte elevatis conicis, fere 
eequalibus, spina valida infra humeros armatis ; corpore 
infra pedibusque opacis, his vage setulosis. 

Long. 4 lin. 

Hab.—Western Australia. 

The sculpture of the rostrum, the ovate elytra with nu- 
merous conical tubercles—varying, however, in size in 
different individuals—and the spine beneath the shoulder, 
readily differentiate this species from A. australis, Germ., 
the only other member of the genus. 

Australian Curculionide. 455 

Dysostings, Pascoe, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. x. 472. 
Dysostines hoplostethus. 

D. oblongus, nigrescens, squamositate murina setu- 
lisque interjectis fere omnino dense tectus; rostro capite 
vix breviore, antice paulo excavato, in medio canaliculato ; 
antennis piceis, squamulis setulisque vestitis, articulis 
quinque ultimis funiculi subeequalibus, moniliformibus ; 
prothorace modice transverso, basi angustato, in medio 
distincte canaliculato; elytris prothorace paulo latiori- 
bus, apicem versus gradatim angustatis et paulo rotun- 
datis, supra modice convexis, sulcato-punctatis, intersti- 
tiis alternis elevatis; coxis anticis remotis; mesosterno 
in laminam latam subhorizontalem producto; metasterno 
brevissimo; tibiis tarsisque subpiceis, illis sat fortiter 

Long. 2 lin. 

This and the three following species are all very dis- 
tinct from one another, as well as from the type (D. 
valgus), but with the exception of one of them (D. pus- 
tulosus), 11 which the scutellum is obsolete, they agree 
pretty well with the detailed generic characters given in 
the Linnean Proceedings quoted above. 

Dysostines fuligineus. 

D. oblongus, niger, squamulis fuligineis setulisque 
interjectis omnino dense tectus; rostro breviusculo, an- 
tice tricarinulato; antennis nigro-piceis, setulosis, arti- 
culis quinque ultimis funiculi subzqualibus ; prothorace 
eequali, utrinque rotundato, apice parum tubulato, supra 
rugoso-punctato; elytris prothorace vix latioribus, 
apicem versus gradatim rotundatis, fortiter sulcato- 
punctatis, interstitiis alternis elevatis; coxis anticis 
modice distantibus; mesosterno depresso; tibiis anticis 
paulo arcuatis. s 

~ Long. 23 lin. 

456 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

Dysostines pustulosus. 

D. oblongus, nigrescens, squamulis concoloribus 
albisque maculatim dispersis alisque elongatis erectis 
interjectis sat dense tectus; rostro breviusculo, antice 
valde arcuato, haud carinulato; antennis rufo-testaceis, 
vage setulosis, articulis quinque ultimis funiculi gradatim 
brevioribus et crassioribus; oculis parvis; prothorace 
subtransverso, basi angustato; scutello obsoleto ; elytris 
prothorace latioribus, apicem versus gradatim rotundatis, 
humeris subprominulis, singulatim postice oblique eleva- 
tis, sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis leviter convexis; coxis 
anticis approximatis; mesosterno depresso; pedibus 
piceis, setulosis, femoribus albo-annulatis, tibiis apice 
valde dilatatis. 

Long. 24 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound. 

One of my specimens is much more spotted than the 
other, but in both the spots are placed on slight eleva- 
tions of the elytra, posteriorly these are more numerous 
and form a slight oblique ridge on each elytron. 

Dysostines pilipes. 

D. subanguste oblongus, ferrugineus, squamulis grises- 
centibus aliisque elongatis erectis omnino sat dense 
tectus; rostro breve, apice multo crassiore, antice in- 
tegro; scapo elongato, articulis quatuor ultimis funiculi 
gradatim crassioribus ; prothorace oblongo, apice manifeste 
tubulato, ante medium latiore, deinde recto et gradatim 
angustato, supra planato, remote punctato; scutello 
nigro, cordato; elytris prothorace latioribus, humeris 
paulo obliquis, deinde gradatim rotundatis et angustatis, 
fortiter sulcato-punctatis, punctis rotundatis, interstitiis 
parum convexis ; coxis anticis modice distantibus ; meso- 
sterno depresso ; tibiis longe pilosis, posticis extrorsum 
valde arcuatis. 

Long. 24 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound (Albany). 


OpsirTis, n. g. 

Oaput sphericum; rostrum subcylindricum, modice 
tenuatum, basi angustius; scrobes superne, subtermi- 


Australian Cureulionide. 457 

nales, oblique, infra rostrum et ab oculis desinentes. 
Scapus antennarum sensim incrassatus, oculum vix at- 
tingens ; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis duobus basalli- 
bus longiusculis, primo breviore haud crassiore, ceteris 
turbinatis ; clava libera, breviter ovata. Oculi transversi, 
parvi, antice approximati, grosse granulati. Prothorax 
leviter convexus, utrinque ampliato-rotundatus, basi 
arcuatus, lobis ocularibus nullis. Scwtellwm deficiens. 
Elytra late ovata, prothorace paulo latiora, basi introrsum 
arcuata. Pedes mediocres ; femora vix incrassata, mu- 
tica ; tibie subrecte, intus bisinuate, apice fortiter mu- 
cronatee, corbulis apertis; tarsi articulo basali triangulari, 
secundo transverso, tertio paulo latiore, profunde bilobo, 
ultimo modice elongato ; wnguiculi liberi. Mesosternum 
breve. Abdomen segmentis duobus basalibus ampliatis. 

I refer this genus to the neighbourhood of Plinthus, 
Germ., notwithstanding that the scrobes are oblique, 
terminating below and away from the eyes. Of the 
other Australian genera, Steremnius, Schén., unknown to 
me, has the posterior coxe transverse, a character 
foreign to the rest of the group, and Psaldus* has a 
lateral scrobe terminating in front of the eye, and a scape 
attaining a liue drawn through its middle. 

Opsiitis atomaria. 

O. ovata, modice convexa, picea, squamis griseis hinc 
inde maculatim condensatis adspersa; capite rostroque 
crebre fortiter punctatis ; antennis piceis, articulo secundo 
funiculi primo sesquilongiore; prothorace vix transverso, 
creberrime subtiliter granulato, in medio linea fere obso- 
leta notato; elytris latitudine vix sesquilongioribus, 
sulcato-punctatis, punctis approximatis, interstitiis latis, 
modice convexis, apice rotundatis ; corpore infra pedi- 
busque squamis griseis regulariter dispersis. 

Long. 3-34 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound. 

* Ante, p. 189, line 12, the reader is requested to strike out ‘‘ and from 
all the other genera of its sub-family ;”” the remark was probably intended 
to apply to the scrobes generally, not to their meeting beneath, which 
only applies to Liosoma. 

458 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 


Ate ticus, Waterhouse, Trans. Ent. Soc., ser. 3, i. 228. 
Atelicus guttatus. 

A. cylindricus, leete ferrugineus ; rostro lateribus lineo- 
laque dorsali interrupta, elytris maculis apicalibus, corpore 
infra, pedibusque fulvo-squamosis; ceteris fere ut im 
A. ferrugineo (Waterh.). 

Long. 2-3 lin. 


The punctures on the elytra are much more approxi- 
mate, and the scales, which on A. ferrugineus are, owing 
to their transparency, visible only under a very powerful 
lens, are in the corresponding parts of this species more 
raised, and much more obvious. The amount of fulvyous 
scales on the prothorax is variable. 

Atelicus atrophus. 

A. elongatus, angustatus, leete ferrugineus, medio ely- 
trorum testaceus, capite, rostro, prothoracis lateribus, cor- 
pore infra, pedibusque fulvo-squamosis ; elytris elongatis, 
lateribus leviter compressis, postice sensim angustioribus, 
lateribus rectis, vel pone humeros perparum incuryatis, 
apice abrupte declivibus, squamis fulvis condensatis parte 
declivi annulum communem formantibus; abdomine plus 
minusve fulyo-squamoso, 

Long. 2-24 hn. 

Hab.—South Australia ; Tasmania. 

The narrowest of the three species, the elytra slightly 
compressed, and about three and a half times longer than 
broad, instead of about two and a half as in the other 
species, the apex abruptly declivous, with the part within 
the ring irregularly concave, &c. 

EvTHEBUS, n. g. 

Caput hemisphericum ; rostrum longiusculum, filiforme, 
rectum ; scrobes preemediane, oblique, oculos attingentes ;— 

Australian Ourculionide. 459 

scapus elongatus, apice clavatus, oculum attingens ; funi- 
culus 7-articulatus, articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, 
ceteris brevibus, gradatim crassioribus, ultimo clavam 
quasi incipiente; clava magna, ovata. Oculi magni, trans- 
versi, grosse granulati, antice approximantes. Prothorax 
subconicus, transversus, antice truncatus, basi bisinuatus, 
lobis ocularibus obtusis. Scutellum distinctum. LHlytra 
prothorace paulo latiora, brevia, lateribus apiceque rotun- 
data. Pedes antici majores; femora incrassata, subtus 
dentata ; tibic breviusculez, intus bisinuate, apice unco 
horizontali armato; tarsi gradatim latiores, articulo tertio 
bilobo; unguiculi approximati. Propectus brevissimum. 
Pro- et meso-sterna excavata. vma pectoralis carens. 
Episterna metathoracis lata. Abdomen segmentis duobus 
basalibus ampliatis. 

This genus may be placed after Melanterius, Er., from 
which, however, it is very decidedly differentiated by 
its straight filiform rostrum, and the absence of the pec- 
toral canal, which is replaced by a broad excavation 
between the anterior and intermediate coxe ; the propec- 
tus is exceedingly short; the rostrum in repose appears 
to extend to the first abdominal segment. 

Huthebus troglodytes. 

K. breviter ovatus, fuscus; capite opaco, leviter punc- 
‘tato; rostro ferrugineo, nitido, basi subtiliter sulcato- 
punctato, apice vage punctulato ; antennis rufo-piceis ; 
prothorace dimidio postico utrinque rotundato, supra 
rufo-fusco, granulis nitidis sat dense obsito ; scutello orbi- 
culari, rufo-fusco ; elytris rufo-ferrugineis, nitidis, sulcato- 
punctatis, punctis oblongis, interstitiis elevatis, granula- 
tis; corpore infra pedibusque brunneis, his breviter remote 

Long. 2 ln. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 


(Mechistocerus), Fauvel, Bull. Soc. Linn. de Normandie, 
vil. 159. 

Mecistocerus Mastersi. 

M. niger, dense subsilaceo-squamosus, parce cimereo- 
varius ; capite inter oculos fovea triangulari profunda 

460 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

notato; rostro rufo-piceo, nitido, basi excepta subtilissime 
punctulato ; antennis piceis, articulo secundo funiculi 
primo sesquilongiore, ceteris gradatim brevioribus, clava 
tenuata, cylindrica ; prothorace latitudine et Jongitudine 
zequali, utrinque rotundato, pone medium subparallelo ; 
scutello suborbiculari; elytris prothorace multo lati- 
oribus, punctato-sulcatis, punctis impressis et squama 
majore instructis, interstitiis convexis, squamis plumosis 
uniseriatim munitis, fasciis duabus cinereis ornatis, una 
arcuata a humero ad medium, altera pone medium sita ; 
corpore infra vage griseo-squamoso ; pedibus dense squa- 
mulosis, squamis elongatis pallidioribus interjectis. 

Long. 4 lin. ¢—6 lin. ?. 
Hab.—New South Wales (Illawarra). 

The only other described species, M. impressus, Montr. 
(Celosternus) , from New Caledonia, has, inter alia, nar- 
rower elytra than the above, with the interstices of the 
grooves flat and without the large scales. There are 
other species in my collection from Java, Morty, Ceram, 
Tondano, &c. Lacordaire in his definition of the genus, 
ascribes an ‘ elongate-oval” club to the female, and a 
subcylindrical one to the male. I have only the latter 
sex of M. impressus, but in M. Masters: there is no such 


Caput antice convexum. Jostruwm mediocre, validum, 
paulo arcuatum ; scrobes preemediane, laterales; scapus 
brevis, oculum attingens; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis 
duobus basalibus longiusculis, primo crassiore, ceteris bre- 
vibus, gradatim crassioribus ; clava adnata. Oculi tenuiter 
granulati. Prothorax parum transversus, apice productus, 
basi subbisinuatus. Seutellum nullum. Hlytra brevia, 
basi prothorace vix latiora. Pedes validi, breviusculi ; 
femora incrassata; tibie breves, subflexuose, uncinatee ; 
tarsi breves, articulo tertio dilatato; unguiculi liberi. 
Rima pectoralis inter coxas anticas terminans, apice 
cavernosa. Abdomen segmento secundo amplo. 

Near Tragopus, but with short thick legs, and excep- 
tionally stout femora. Myrtesis, another thick-set member 
of this group, has a pectoral canal reaching nearly to the 

Australian Curculionide. 461 

Imaliodes subfasciatus, (Ph Vib. figs 2.) 

I. late ovatus, fuscus, squamis griseis sat dense 
omnino tectus; rostro capite sesquilongiore, squamoso ; 
antennis piceo-testaceis, articulis duobus basalibus funi- 
culi elongatis, secundo paulo longiore ; prothorace dimi- 
dio anteriore utrinque incurvato, apicem versus angustato, 
dimidio posteriore ampliato-rotundato, basi bisinuato, 
lobo medio paulo et late producto, subrotundato, supra 
regulariter squamoso; elytris postice latioribus, valde 
convexis, latitudine vix longioribus, sulcato-punctatis, 
punctis magnis profundis et squama grisea munitis, 
interstitiis convexis, apice sat late rotundatis, pone 
medium squamis pallidioribus fasciam subinconspicuam 
formantibus; femoribus tibiisque squamis suberectis 
instructis, illis subtus obsolete dentatis, his intus versus 
apicem sat longe pilosis. 

Long. 3 lin. 

Hab.—New South Wales (Illawarra). 

Inaliodes terreus. 

I. minus late ovatus, fuscus, squamis griseis pluri- 
mis erectis sat dense omnino tectus; rostro vix capite 
sesquilongiore; antennis piceis, articulo primo funiculi 
secundo breviore et crassiore; prothorace paulo trans- 
verso, dimidio anteriore utrinque parum incurvato, apice 
angustato, dimidio posteriore modice rotundato, basi 
perparum bisinuato; elytris breviter ovatis, latitudine 
manifeste longioribus, basi prothorace paulo latioribus, 
supra subsulcato-punctatis, punctis magnis impressis 
et squama grisea munitis, apice sat late rotundatis ; 
femoribus tibiisque squamis suberectis instructis, illis 
dente minuto armatis, his ad apicem fasciculo piloso 
elongato munitis. 

Long. 3 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 

Much narrower than the preceding, the punctures on 
the elytra more largely impressed, and the longitudinal 
grooving indistinct. 

HLHAGNA, 0. g. 

A Tragopo precipue differt abdomine segmentis tribus 
intermediis subequalibus ; ¢arsis sublinearibus, validis, 
subtus setosis, articulo tertio integro. 

462 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

To these characters it may be added that the rostrum 
and antenne are closely scaly, and that the legs are 
shorter, the hind femora not extending beyond the abdo- 
men, than in the typical species of Tragopus. The imsect 
described below is covered with a dense layer of very 
small pale grayish-yellow scales. 

Eleagna squamibunda. 

HK. cylindrico-ovalis, nigra, squamulis flavescentibus 
omnino densissime tecta; rostro valido, hand dilatato ; 
antennis squamigeris, setis interjectis; oculi tenue gra- 
nulati; prothorace antice utrinque rotundato, deimde 
parallelo, apicem versus tubulato, supra vage punctato, 
punctis propter squamas vix observandis; elytris pro- 
thorace haud latioribus, subcordiformibus vel postice sen- 
sim angustioribus, vage subseriatim punctatis, punctis 
ut in prothorace setigeris sed majoribus, amplhato- 
unpressis; uncis tibiarum unguiculisque piceis. 

Long. 34 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia (Port Augusta). 


Rostrum subvalidum, arcuatum; scrobes preemediane, 
suboblique. Oculi grosse granulati. Scapus sensim 
incrassatus, oculum attingens; funiculus 7-articulatus, 
articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, ceeteris breyibus, 
sensim latioribus ; clava ovalis. Prothoraw subquadratus, 
planatus, lateribus abrupte verticalis, apicem versus co- 
arctatus, basi bisinuatus. LPlytra late ovata, subdepressa, 
lateribus verticalibus, humeris obsoletis, apice coarctata. 
Pedes modice elongati; femora crassiuscula, mutica ; tibiee 
flexuosz ; tarsi modice elongati, articulo tertio subbilobo. 
Rima pectoralis inter coxas intermedias protensa, apice 
cavernosa. Hpisterna metathoracis distincta, angusta. 
Abdomen segmentis duobus basalibus ampliatis. Processus 
intercoxalis latus, armatus. 

The prothorax is at once characteristic of the genus, 
which is otherwise allied to Poropterus ; the sides, how- 
ever, although abruptly vertical, do not form at the 
junction with the pronotum anything like a keel or ridge. 
The five species described below are very homogeneous 
in their appearance, but at the same time are very 
trenchantly differentiated. 


Australian Curculionide. 463 
Paleticus laticollis. (Pl. VII. fig. 7.) 

P. ovatus, niger, opacus, parce silaceo - squamosus, 
Squamisque majoribus parcius dispersus ; capite rostroque 
basi sat dense squamosis, illo fronte convexo, inter oculos 
foveato, hoc in medio fere obsolete carinulato, extrorsum 
confertim punctato; antennis piceis, articulis duobus 
basalibus funiculi equalibus; prothorace valde trans- 
verso, lateribus antice rotundato, deinde parallelo, basi 
fortiter bisinuato, lobo scutellari acuto, angulis posticis 
rotundato; scutello parvo, triangulari; elytris basi pro- 
-_ thorace vix latioribus, lateribus modice rotundatis, apice 
producto-rotundatis, supra seriatim punctatis, regione 
scutellari planata, fasciculis duabus nigro-velutinis or- 
natis, una rotundata ante et altera transversa pone 
medium sita; corpore infra pedibusque squamulis sila- 
ceis adpressis, majoribus interjectis, dispersis; tibtis sat 
brevibus, extrorsum haud angustioribus. 

Long. 6 lin. 


Paleticus confinis. 

P. breviter ovatus, niger, opacus, parce silaceo- 
Squamosus, squamis majoribus dispersus; LP. laticolle 
congruit, sed prothorace minus transverso, lobo scutellari 
obtuso, elytris brevioribus, oblongo-cordiformibus. 

Long. 5 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 

Very like P. laticollis, but with a narrower and longer 
prothorax, and the elytra shorter, broader, and inclining 
to heart-shaped. It is not forgotten that the breadth 
of the prothorax is dependant sometimes on sex. 

Paleticus pedestris. 

P. ovatus, niger, opacus, indumento fuscescente 
sculpturam occultante squamisque elongatis fusco-sila- 
ceis dispersus; capite rostroque basi squamosis, illo 
fronte convexo, inter oculos foveato; antennis piceis, 
articulo secundo funiculi primo fere duplo longiore ; pro- 
thorace transverso, utrinque fortiter rotundato, postice 
angustiore, angulis posticis acuminato, basi bisinuato, 

464 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

lobo scutellari obtuso; scutello inviso ; elytris ut in P. 
laticolle, sed humeris magis productis, regione scutellari 
utrinque fortiter callosa ; corpore infra parcius squamoso ; 
pedibus squamulis silaceis tenuatis sparse dispersis ; 
tibiis elongatis, flexuosis, extrorsum sensim angustatis. 
Long. 6 ln. 

The comparative length of the two basal joints of the 
funicle, the callus on each side the scutellum, and the 
form of the tibie, are the peculiar characters of this 

The two following species have the prothorax less 
abruptly vertical, and, especially the first, a shorter me- 
tasternum, than the three preceding. Acalles rubetra, 
Er., is probably congeric ; it is known, inter alia, from 
the two described below, by a small ashy patch on each 
elytron, and the legs varied with luteous and brown. 

Paleticus frontalis. 

P. breviter ovatus, fuscus, parcius silaceo-squamo- 
sus, Squamis majoribus erectis fuscis dispersus; fronte 
quadrifoveata, inter oculos sulcata; rostro tricarinato, 
extrorsum piceo, nitido, vage punctato; antennis tes- 
taceo-piceis, articulo secundo funiculi primo plus duplo 
longiore ; prothorace transverso, utrinque rotundato, 
basi modice bisinuato, lobo scutellari obtuso; scutello 
inviso ; elytris late subovatis, basi prothorace latioribus, 
humeris paulo productis, lateribus valde rotundatis, supra 
subseriatim vage punctatis, prope suturam granulis nitidis 
rarissime munitis; femoribus dente minuto armatis; 
tibiis extus squamoso-ciliatis. 

Long. 3 ln. 


The forehead in this species is marked with four 
squarish fovezx, the two intermediate separated by an 
almost obsolete line, and below these, and between the 
eyes, is a well-marked transverse linear groove. 

Paleticus invidus. 

P. ovatus, subdepressus, niger, squamulis verruci- 
formibus nigris dispersus ; fronte convexa, inter oculos 

Australian Ourculionide. 465 

paulo depressa ; rostro supra rotundato, rugoso-squamoso ; 
antennis piceis, articulo secundo funiculi primo sesqui 
longiore ; prothorace subtransverso, utrinque rotundato, 
basi obsolete bisinuato; elytris subovatis, humeris 
obliquis, deinde in medio utrinque parallelis, postice 
coarctatis, apice producto-rotundatis, supra sulcato-punc- 
tatis, punctis elongatis remotis, interstitiis 3-5-7 pre- 
sertim postice paulo elevatis; corpore infra pedibusque 
squamis elongatis griseisque parce interjectis vestitis ; 
femoribus muticis. 

Long. 33 lin. 

Hab.—Gawler; Victoria; Sydney ; Queensland. 

There are some slight differences in the breadth of the 
elytra and the amount of obliquity at the shoulders, in 
my specimens; one of them, from Victoria, is covered 
between the scales with an ashy exudation. The eyes 
are less coarsely granulate than in P. frontalis. 


Rostrum tenue, arcuatum; scrobes preemediane, later- 
ales. Scapus clavatus ; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulo 
secundo elongato, sequentibus gradatim brevioribus et 
crassioribus ; clava subadnata. Oculi sat magni, tenue 
granulati. Prothorax subconicus, apice vix productus, 
basi bisinuatus, lobis ocularibus obtusis. Scewtellum minu- 
tum, distinctum. LHlytra breviter subovata vel obovata, 
basi prothorace latiora, humeris projecta rotundata. Pedes 
elongati; femora clavata, basi subpedunculata, subtus 
dente acuto instructa; tibie compresse, flexuose, apice 
uncinate ; farsi tenuati, articulo basali elongato, secundo 
multo breviore, tertio fortiter bilobo, ultimo longiusculo ; 
unguiculs divaricati. Rima pectoralis inter coxas inter- 
medias protensa, apice aperta. Hpisterna metathoracis 
distincta, angustata. Abdomen segmentis duobus basali- 
bus amplis. 

Differentiated from its allies by the clavate toothed 
femora, and elongate pectoral canal, open at the apex. 
Three distinct yet homogeneous species are described 
below, and probably some of the insects referred by 
Montrouzier to Tylodes may belong to the genus. I have 
another species, allied to O. nodipennis, from New Cale- 
donia. Cryptorhynchus pacificus, Fauvel, although slightly 
aberrant, may be referred to Onidistus. 

466 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

Onidistus nodipennis. (Pl. VII. fig. 1.) 

O. elliptico-ovatus, fuscus, squamulis minutis fulvo- 
brunneis omnino dense vestitus, squamis majoribus erectis 
adspersus ; capite inter oculos fovea subelongataimpresso ; 
rostro ferrugineo, nitido, vage subtiliter punctulato; arti- 
culo secundo funiculi primo sesquilongiore, articulo basali 
clave elongato; prothorace modice transverso, antice 
paulo coarctato, supra in medio bicalloso ; scutello rotun- 
dato; elytris trigonato-ovatis, modice convexis, tuber- 
culis duobus in singulo elongatis, suturam approximan- 
tibus, uno basali, altero pone medium, aliisque lateri- 
bus fere obsoletis; corpore infra pedibusque squamis 
majoribus magis numerosis. 

Long. 34 lin. 


Mr. Masters sends examples from ‘Tilawarra, which 
appear to be a variety of this species. 

Onidistus araneus. 

O. subovatus, fuscus, indumento saturate grisescente 

dense tectus, squamisque cuneiformibus pallidis remote 
adspersus ; capite inter oculos paulo excavato ; rostro 
ferrugineo, nitido, subtilissime punctulato; antennis 
piceo-testaceis, articulo secundo funiculi primo duplo 
longiore, articulo basali clavee haud elongato ; prothorace 
modice transverso, antice paulo coarctato, supra haud 
calloso; scutello transverso ; elytris postice latioribus, 
vel nonnihil subcordatis, apice paulo acuminato-produc- 
tis, basi prope scutellum leviter callosis, humeris parum 
projectis, supra fere obsolete sulcatis, impunctatis ; fe- 
moribus tibiisque squamis elongatis adspersis, his apice 
tarsisque testaceo-ferrugineis. 

Long. 3 lin. 


Onidistus odiosus. 

O. ovatus, fuscus, squamulis minutis fuscescentibus 
supra pedibusque vestitus, squamis majoribus elongatis 
erectis interjectis; capite inter oculos foveato ; rostro 
minus tenuato, fusco, basi squamoso; antennis piceo- 

i ie 

Australian Curculionide. 467 

testaceis, articulo secundo funiculi primo sesquilongiore, 
clava ovata, articulo basali haud elongato ; prothorace 
utrinque rotundato, apicem versus angustiore, haud co- 
arctato, supra haud calloso; scutello subtriangulari ; 
elytris breviter ovatis, apice rotundatis, basi subcallosis, 
humeris paulo productis, supra remote punctatis; tarsis 

Long. 24 lin. 

Hab.-—King George’s Sound. 


Onidisto valde affinis, sed femoribus sublinearibus, et 
rima pectorali apice cavernosa. 

In general appearance as well as in characters, with 
the exception of the sublinear femora, and the pectoral 
canal cavernous at the apex, this genus closely agrees 
with Onidistus. 

Petosiris subereus. 

P. elliptico-ovatus, supra paulo planatus, fuscus, indu- 
mento terreo omnino dense vestitus, squamis numero- 
sis erectis plerumque fasciculatis adspersus; capite inter 
oculos depresso, supra oculos squamis erectis obsito; 
rostro capite plus duplo longiore, fusco, punctulato, ex- 
trorsum paulo latiore; antennis piceis, articulo secundo 
funiculi primo duplo longiore ; prothorace parum trans- 
verso, subconico, utrinque leviter rotundato, supra octo- 
fasciculato-tuberculato, quatuor pone medium transversis 
obsitis, duobus ante medium, duobus apicalibus fere obso- 
letis; elytris obovatis, in medio latioribus, basi prope 
scutellum humerisque cristato-projectis, postice recte et 
gradatim angustioribus, apice rotundatis, supra sub- 
lineatim squamosis, basin versus singulatim cristatis ; 
tibiis valde flexuosis, nigro-setulosis. 

Long. 44 lin. 



Caput parvum ; rostrum tenue, arcuatum, depressum, 
basi excepta nudum ; scrobes median, laterales. Ocult 

468 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

subgrosse granulati. Scapus brevis, quarta parte basali 
rostri insertus; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis elon- 
gatis; clava ovata, distincta. Prothorax rotundatus, 
convexus. Scutellum distinctum. Jlytra subcordata, 
tuberculata, humeris prominulis. Pedes postici longiores, 
intermedi minores; femora incrassata, infra dentata ; 
tibie flexuosz, subfusiformes ; tarsi pilosi, tenuati, articulo 
tertio profunde bilobo, quarto elongato; unguiculi liberi. 
tima pectoralis inter coxas intermedias protensa, apice 
cavernosa, margine elevato. Metasternum breve. Epis- 
terna metathoracis angusta. Abdomen segmento secundo 
breviusculo ; sutura prima recta. 

The affinities of this genus are not very obvious, but 
for the present I place it near Onidistus. The insertion 
of the antenne is nearly in the middle of the scrobe, 
supposing the rather superficial groove beyond the scape 
to be part of the scrobe. 

Methidrysis afjlicta. 

M. ovata, fusca, brunneo-squamosa et fasciculata; 
rostro nitidissimo, subtilissime punctulato, basi excepta, 
hac vage squamosa, arcuata, incrassata; antennis rufo- 
testaceis, articulo secundo funiculi longiore, sequentibus 
ovalibus, paulo gradatim brevioribus, clava sat elongata ; 
prothorace utrinque modice rotundato, apice constricto, 
basi sub-bisinuato ; elytris prothorace latioribus et duplo 
longioribus, supra remote seriatim punctatis, interstitis 
tuberculato-fasciculatis, tuberculis basalibus majoribus ; 
corpore infra pedibusque fusco-squamosis, silaceo-varie- 
gatis ; femoribus posticis elytra superantibus. 

Long. 4 lin. 

Niconotus, n. g. 

Rostrum validum, paulo arcuatum, squamosum ; scrobes 
premediane ; scapus oculum attingens ; funiculus 7-arti- 
culatus, articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, ceeteris 
brevioribus, sensim crassioribus, ultimo clavam quasi in- 
cipiente ; clava obovata. Oculi subgrosse granulati. Pro- 
thorax transversus, modice convexus, antice subito constric- 
tus, apice productus rotundatus, basi bisinuatus, lateribus 

Australian Curculionide. 469 

subparallelis marginibusque subcarinatis. Hlytra pro- 
thorace vix latiora, subparallela, lateribus subito deflecta. 
Pedes validi; femora crassa, linearia, subtus dentata ; 
tubice subflexuosee, apice uncinate ; tarsi articulo basali 
longiusculo, secundo angustiore, tertio bilobo, quarto 
elongato; unguiculi divergentes. Rima pectoralis pone 
coxas anticas terminans, apice cavernosa. Abdomen 
segmentis duobus basalibus ampliatis. 

A broad, somewhat depressed form, resembling some 
of the Colydiide. It is to be placed among the genera 
in the vicinity of Tylodes, but it has no very obvious 
affinity to any of them. 

Niconotus tarphioides. 

N. late ovatus, sat dense squamosus, squamis numerosis 
erectis interjectis, dilute umbrinus, fusco-varius; capite 
rostroque rugoso-squamosis ; antennis piceis, articulo se- 
cundo funiculi primo sesquilongiore; prothorace valde 
transverso, utrinque leviter rotundato, basi paulo angus- 
tiore, supra fusco; -scutello inconspicuo; elytris basi 
prothorace vix latioribus, deinde paulo ampliatis, m 
medio leviter incurvatis, apice rotundatis, seriatim grosse 
punctatis, interstitiis (presertim postice) alte elevatis, 
antice in medio paulo planatis, fuscis, pone medium fasctis 
indistinctis fuscis notatis; corpore infra pedibusque 
dense dilute umbrino-squamosis. 

Long. 4 lin. 
Hab.—Moreton Bay. 

CuzrTectetorus, Schénherr, Curcul. viii. 1. 383. 

There are numerous forms connected with this genus, 
both Australian and Malayan, and several of these are 
here described. JI have some doubt of the species from 
which Lacordaire drew up his characters of the genus, 
as he describes the rostrum as straight, or nearly so, the 
eyes finely granulate, and the prothorax without ocular 
lobes ; and he makes no mention of the dilated margins 
of the prothorax in his otherwise ample description. 
In treating of the species I think it is necessary to 
exclude all those which have a straight rostrum, and 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT IV. (DECEMBER.) KK 

470 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

have not the prothorax flattish above and expanded or 
marginate at the sides, the femora unarmed, the eyes 
coarsely granulate, the club of the antenne adnate to the 
funicle, and all the tarsal joints furnished with erect scales ; 
their presence on the claw-joint is very unusual. These 
larger scales, which are scattered among the other scales, 
mostly above and on the legs, seem to be of the ordinary 
form, only stouter, and more or less erect; they are 
called setce by Boheman. 

Cheetectetorus heedulus. 

C. anguste oblongus, fuscus, squamis canescentibus, 
plurimis majoribus crassis interjectis, vestitus; rostro 
capite vix longiore, valido; antennis testaceis, articulis 
quinque ultimis funiculi valde transversis, clava elongata 
ovata; prothorace sat angusto, supra paulo convexo, ad 
latera et in medio longitudinaliter excavato, interspatiis 
elevatis setoso-fimbriatis, duobus intermediis in medio 
tuberculatis, apice rotundato, haud fasciculato ; scutello 
oblongo, nigro; elytris paulo convexis, sulcato-punctatis, 
punctis approximatis, interstitiis alternis suturaque mo- 
dice elevatis, fasciis duabus pallidioribus fere obsolete 
notatis, una ante et altera pone medium; corpore infra 
squamositate incana dense tecto. 

Long. 24 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 

Allied to C. bifasciatus, Boh., but narrower, and scarce- 
ly fasciculate, &c. 

Cheetectetorus clitelle. 

C. oblongus, fuscus, umbrino-squamosus, squamis ma- 
joribus erectis omnino interjectis, corpore infra excepto ; 
rostro capite parum longiore, valido, impunctato (ubi 
attrito) ; antennis testaceis, funiculo breviusculo, arti- 
culis quinque ultimis valde transversis, clava breviter 
ovali; prothorace sat angusto, supra parum convexo, ad 
latera et in medio longitudinaliter sulcato, apice bifasci- 
culato; scutello subtransverso, fusco-squamoso; elytris 
prothorace multo latioribus, parallelis, supra paulo con- 
vexis, leviter sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis alternis sutu- 
raque elevatis, ante medium fascia lata pallida postice 
arcuata ornatis; corpore infra dense umbrino-squamoso. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—South Australia. 

Differently coloured, with a narrower prothorax and 
stouter rostrum than its congeners. 

Australian Curculionide. 471 
Cheetectetorus latus. 

C. oblongus, fuscus, dense murino-squamosus, squamis 
majoribus erectis interjectis; capite rostroque omnino 
Squamosis; antennis piceis; prothorace transverso, basi 
late emarginato, supra planato, ante medium abrupte 
depresso, decem-tuberculato, tuberculis 2 apicalibus, 
2 lateralibus, 6 in medio minoribus; scutello rotundato, 
elevato ; elytris prothorace manifeste latioribus, humeris 
rotundatis, prominulis, supra paulo convexis, striato- 
punctatis, interstitis alte elevatis, tuberculis fasciculatim 
Squamosis dispersis, fasciis duabus cinereis fere obsoletis 
notatis, una ante medium arcuata altera pone medium 
subtransversa; corpore infra pedibusque squamositate 
murina setisque interjectis, presertim pedibus, dense 

Long. 33 lin. 

Hab.—New South Wales; Victoria. 

The broader outline and strongly tuberculate elytra 
are the principal peculiarities of this very distinct species ; 
the stiff scales diverge at the apex of the elytra, so that 
it appears to be emarginate. 

EPHRYCUS, n. g. 

Cheetectetoro differt oculis tenue granulatis; clava an- 
tennarum a funiculo distincta; femoribus infra dentatis ; 
tarsis articulo ultimo haud setoso. 

To this genus probably belongs Oryptorhynchus infula- 
tus, Er. (Wiegm. Arch. 1842, 1. 203). The eyes are 
unusually finely facetted. The genus has quite the habit 
of Chetectetorus. 

Ephrycus obliquus. 

KE. oblongus, fuscus, dense nigro-squamosus, albido- 
variegatus, squamis crassis numerosis, plurimis fascicu- 
latis, instructis ; capite antice convexo, nigro-bimaculato ; 
rostro capite sesquilongiore, modice tenuato; antennis 
piceo-testaceis, funiculo articulo ultimo latiore, clava 
magna ovata; prothorace latitudine paulo longiore, utrin- 
que perparum rotundato, dimidio antico valde constricto, 


472 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

apice bifasciculato, medio transversim quadrifasciculato, 
dorso nigro, lateribus antice albidis; scutello elongato, 
subtriangulari; elytris prothorace manifeste latioribus, 
subparallelis, sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis vix convexis, 
in singulo elytro plagis duabus obliquis, pallidis vel 
albidis, una humerali, altera postica, inter eas sub- 
silaceis nigro-maculatis; corpore infra pedibusque vage 
albido-squamosis; femoribus, apice excepto, tibiisque 
basi fuscis ; tarsis ferrugineis. 
Long. 13 lin. 

Hab.—Tasmania ; Melbourne. 


Cheetectetoro affinis, sed oculis tenue granulatis; et 
tarsis articulo quarto abbreviato, haud setoso. 

This last character, whatever its worth, is a marked 
exception to all the numerous forms allied to Chetecteto- 
rus, Australian as well as Malayan, now before me. The 
pectoral canal terminates just behind the anterior cox 
as in Cheetectetorus, which, inter alia, distinguishes it from 
Chimades and T'ychreus. The species described below 
varies much in the depth and relative proportions of its 

Metacymia marmorea. 

M. subelongata, picea, squamis albescentibus fuscisque 
dense tecta; capite fronte convexo; rostro breviusculo 
eequilato ; antennis piceis, funiculo articulis duobus ba- 
salibus longiusculis, primo crassiore, ceteris brevibus, gra- 
datim crassioribus, clava breviter ovata, adnata ; protho- 
race subtransverso, antice tubulato, utrinque rotundato, 
supra modice convexo, zquali, fusco-notato; scutello 
rotundato, grisescente vel fusco; elytris prothorace 
multo latioribus et triplo longioribus, apicem versus sensim 
angustatis, supra fusco-marmoratis, subdepressis, sulcato- 
punctatis, punctis elongatis, interstitiis planatis, setulis 
vage dispersis, apice rotundatis ; corpore infra pedibusque 
griseo-squamosis, his setulis adspersis. 

Long. 4 lin. 
Hab.—West Australia. 

a ae) 

Australian Curculionide. A73 


A Chetectetoro differt prothorace ad latera haud expla- 
nato, supra zequali; et farsis articulo ultimo haud setoso. 

The species of this genus, which are probably numerous, 
have much the habit of Metacymia, from which they are 
differentiated by their long claw-joint and coarsely facetted 
eyes; and from the narrower forms of 'yrtwosus (post, 
p- 479) by their tibize not grooved, and the smaller size of 
the second abdominal segment. 

Achopera lachrymosa. 

A. oblongo-ovalis, picea, nigrescenti-squamosa, squamis 
plurimis semi-erectis intermixtis; capite antice nigro- 
bimaculato ; rostro capite paulo longiore, parum arcuato ; 
antennis rufo-testaceis, articulis quinque ultimis funiculi 
valde transversis, gradatim crassioribus, clava adnata, 
late ovata; prothorace latitudine et longitudine equal, 
convexo, ante medium constricto, utrinque rotundato, basi 
bisinuato, in medio squamis albidis adsperso ; scutello 
parvo, distincto; elytris prothorace manifeste latioribus, 
utrinque modice gradatim rotundatis, apice obtuse rotun- 
datis, supra sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis convexis, 
squamis albidis plagiatim notatis; corpore infra pedi- 
busque griseo-squamosis. 

Long. 24 lin. 


Achopera maculata. 

A. oblongo-ovata, picea, squamis pallide silaceis vel 
ochraceis, plurimis semi-erectis intermixtis, nigro-macu- 
latis et albo-plagiatis vestita; capite rostroque pallidis, 
concoloribus; antennis ferrugineis; prothorace antice 
paulo constricto, utrinque modice rotundato, albido-squa- 
moso et nigro-maculato (maculis circa 8); scutello 
oblongo; elytris ut in A. lachrymosa sed interstitiis angus- 
tioribus, squamis pallidis nigro-maculatis, preecipue in 
medio, antice utrinque plaga magna alba decoratis ; cor- 
pore infra pedibusque subvage albido-squamosis. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—New South Wales (Monaro). 

Closely allied to A. lachrymosa, but with narrower in- 
terstices on the elytra, and differently coloured. 

474 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

Achopera uniformis. 

A. ovata, fusca, omnino brunneo-squamosa, squamis 
majoribus cuneatis pallidioribus interjectis ; capite ros- 
troque dense squamosis, squamis crassis numerosis 
erectis intermixtis; antennis piceo-testaceis, funiculo 
articulis quinque ultimis modice transversis ; prothorace 
subtransverso, medio anteriore constricto, et supra antice 
paulo depresso, postice convexo, utrinque manifeste ro- 
tundato; scutello rotundato ; elytris basi supra subplana- 
tis, sulcato-punctatis, punctis elongatis, subapproximatis, 
interstitiis sat latis, alternis perparum elevatis; tibiis in 
medio paulo incrassatis. 

Long. 24 ln. 

Hab.— Queensland (Wide Bay). 

CHIMADES, n. g. 

Cheetectetoro affinis, sed clava antennarum distincta, 
triarticulata ; oculis tenue granulatis; elytris ampliatis, 
subquadrangularibus ; et femoribus subtus dentatis. 

From Tychreus, which has also finely granulate eyes, 
this genus is differentiated by the club of the antennss 
not adnate to the funicle, and the form of the elytra. 
The clothing has a loose woolly appearance. 

Chimades lanosus. 

C. latus, subdepressus, fuscus, squamositate pallide 
grisea squamisque elongatis omnino tectus; capite antice 
convexo, dense squamoso; rostro capite longiore, sub- 
tenuato ; antennis piceis, funiculo articulis duobus basali- 
bus longiusculis, tertio quartoque obconicis, duobus 
sequentibus turbinatis, ultimo transverso, clava ovata ; 
prothorace ineequato, ad latera declivi, apice producto, 
supra depresso, utrinque paulo rotundato, marginibus 
squamis elongatis dense vestitis; scutello rotundato ; 
elytris prothorace multo latioribus et plus duplo longiori- 
bus, depressis, postice declivibus, lateribus paulo incur- 
vatis, apicem versus leviter gradatim angustatis, tuber- 
culis plurimis fasciculatim squamosis, nonnullis fere 
obsoletis, alisque nigris preecipue posticis munitis 
(tribus in singulo_elytro maximis, uno elongato. basali, 

Australian Ourculionide. A475 

uno postico, tertioque bipartito ad declivitatem sito), 
plaga laterali fusca decoratis ; femoribus tibiisque fusco- 
annulatis, his rectis, teretibus; unguiculis testaceis. 

Long. 3 lin. 

Hab.—New South Wales. 

Mentos, n. ¢. 

A Cheetectetoro differt rostro recto, depresso’; prothorace 
convexo, haud explanato ; femoribus infra dentatis ; tarsis 
articulo quarto haud squamoso. 

The ocular lobes are much less developed in this genus 
than in COheetectetorus ; and the eyes are larger and less 
widely apart in front. In one of my specimens, the facets 
of the eyes are not so coarse as in the others, and in 
another, there are some small white spots on the elytra. 

Menios internatus. 

M. oblongus, piceus, supra pedibusque dense nigres- 
centi-squamosus; rostro capite haud longiore, rufo-piceo, 
dense griseo-squamoso; antennis testaceis, clava breviter 
ovata; prothorace transverso, antice valde constricto, 
utrinque perparum rotundato, in medio obsolete longitu- 
dinaliter elevato, tuberculis parvis sex munito—duobus 
apicalibus, quatuor medianis transversim obsitis; scutello 
oblongo ; elytris prothorace sat latioribus, humeris callo- 
sis, convexis, striato-punctatis, interstitiis paulo angustis, 
convexis, alternis tuberculis nigris parvis dispersis, apice 
rotundatis; corpore infra femoribusque subtus dense 
albo-squamosis; tibiis valde compressis ; tarsis articulo 
basali modice elongato, duobus sequentibus conjunctim 
late triangularibus. 

Long. 3 lin. 

TYCHREUS, n. g. 

Rostrum tenue, elongatum. Oculi tenue granulati. 
Elytra in medio elevato-gibbosa. Rima pectoralis ad 
partem posticam coxarum intermediarum protensa. Ca- 
tera ut in Cheetectetoro. 


476 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

The length of the pectoral canal and the finely granu- 
late eyes are the principal diagnostic characters of this 
genus. In regard to the latter character, however, 
Lacordaire ascribes the same to Cheetectetorus; so far as 
C. bifasciatus* is concerned, he is certainly in error. 
The distinction, of course, is comparative, but when 
examined together the difference is very marked. 

Tychreus camelus. 

T. oblongo-subovalis, niger, dense fusco-griseoque 
squamosus ; capite antice convexo, griseo-squamoso ; 
rostro piceo, subtiliter punctulato ; antennis piceo-testa- 
ceis, funiculo articulis duobus’ basalibus longitudine 
zequalibus, primo crassiore, articulo ultimo ad clavam 
adnato, clava magna, ovata; prothorace subconico, 
dimidio antico utrinque incurvo, postico subrotundato, 
apice angusto, producto, supra tuberculis sex conicis 
erectis fasciculatis instructo (2 apicalibus, 4 in medio 
transversim obsitis), basi leviter bisinuato; scutello ro- 
tundato, nigro; elytris prothorace multo _latioribus, 
humeris obliquis callosis, lateribus subparallelis, apicem 
versus recte gradatim angustatis, apicibus in angulo 
divergente terminantibus, supra tuberculatis, singulatim 
tuberculo medio validiore, duobus minoribus prope basin, 
tribus alteris posticis oblique obsitis; corpore infra pedi- 
busque griseo-squamosis. 

Long. 3-3} lin. 


One of my two specimens is of a dull gray, slightly 
clouded with brownish; the other is dark brown, almost 
approaching to black, a band, however, in the line of 
the posterior tubercles, and a large triangular patch over 
each shoulder, running up to the large middle tubercle, 
being gray; the legs also are varied with gray and 

TITUACIA, n. g. 

Rostrum mediocre, arcuatum; scrobes preemediane, 
oblique. Scapus oculum attingens ; fwniculus 7-articu- 
* Of the other two species, I am not certain of the correctness of my 

determination of C. setosus, Boh., and C. spinipennis, Waterh., is unknown 
to me (the type has disappeared from Mr. Waterhouse’s collection). 

Australian Cureulionide. 477 

latus, articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, czeteris bre- 
vibus, gradatim crassioribus ; clava ovalis,adnata. Oculi 
laterales, convexi, grosse granulati. Prothorax trans- 
versus, antice coarctatus, apice productus, bilobus, basi 
lobo scutellari munitus. Scutellum minutum. Hlytra 
late obovata, brevia, convexa, in medio elevata, postice 
declivia. Hemora breviuscula, vix incrassata, mutica ; 
tibiee mediocres, rectz, apice uncinate; tarsi breves, 
articulo tertio bilobo, quarto elongato; ungwiculi liberi. 
Rima pectoralis ad marginem posticum coxarum inter- 
mediarum protensa. Metasternwm brevissimum, <Abdo- 
men segmentis duobus basalibus amplhiatis; sutwra prima 

I place this genus after Tychreus, of which, notwith- 
standing its short broad outline, it seems to be a modifi- 
cation, but yet very trenchantly differentiated by the 
extreme shortness of the metasternum and the coarsely 
facetted eyes. 

Tituacia ostracion. 

T. breviter obovata, omnino dense variegatim griseo- 
squamulosa ; capite inter oculos fronteque paulo exca- 
vatis; rostro ferrugineo, extrorsum nudo, sat crebre 
punctulato; prothorace modice transverso, antice valde 
constricto, deinde utrinque leviter rotundato, disco vittis 
duabus flexuosis nigris ornato, squamis plurimis erectis 
interjectis, apice bifido; elytris basi prothoracis vix 
latioribus, utrinque late rotundatis, apicem versus angus- 
tioribus, in medio paulo gibbosis, tum sat abrupte decli- 
vibus, lateribus antice verticalibus, supra _ substriato- 
punctatis, punctis nudis, subremotis, interstitiis plurimis 
postice tuberculatis, interstitio tertio tuberculo validiore 
instructo, alteroque minus valido in interstitio quinto; 
tarsis articulo quarto unguiculisque testaceis. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—King George’s Sound. 

ANILAUS, 0. g. 

A Cheetectetoro differt antennis funiculi articulis magis 
elongatis; femoribus incrassatis, anticis majoribus et infra 
dilatatis, vel dente anguliforme magno instructis; tibiis 
arcuatis ; tarsis articulo basali elongato. 

478 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

The sole exponent of this genus is an insect bearing a 
marked resemblance to Dysostines fuligineus (ante, p.455), 
only somewhat shorter. The largely dilated lower margin 
of the anterior femora seems to mark it as one of the most 
aberrant of the allies of Cheetectetorus. The eye is less 
coarsely facetted than in some of the allied genera. 

Anilaus sordidus. 

A. oblongo-ovalis, piceus, squamis fuscis, pluri- 
mis majoribus erectis, dense tectus; fronte convexa, 
inter oculos parum depressa; rostro ferrugineo, nitido, 
arcuato, extrorsum paulo dilatato, basi sublineato-punc- 
tato; oculis sat magnis, lateralibus; funiculi articulo 
basali crassiore, secundo longiore, ceteris gradatim bre- 
vioribus et latioribus, clava oblongo-ovali, distincta ; 
prothorace transverso, antice constricto et multo angus- 
tiore, lateribus valde rotundato, apice paulo producto, 
basi sub-bisinuato, supra sat convexo, in medio trans- 
versim sub-trigibboso; scutello parvo; elytris prothorace 
in medio vix latioribus, humeris subprominulis, supra 
modice convexis, sulcato-punctatis, interstitiis convexis, 
apicem versus in singulo elytro callo distincto ; corpore 
infra pedibusque ferrugineis, sat vage fusco-squamosis. 

Long. 2 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 

The following table will give an idea of the leading 
diagnostic characters separating Chetectetorus and the | 
above generic allies :— 

Elytra raised in the middle. 
Mesosternum of normal length 4 ; ‘ Tychreus. 
Mesosternum very short . : : : . . Lttuacta. 
Elytra not raised in the middle. 
Rostrum curved. 
Eyes coarsely facetted. 

Claw-joint scaly : . : ; Chetectetorus. 
Claw-joint not scaly. 
Anterior femora dilated beneath . - Anilaus. 
Anterior femora linear . “ ; ; Achopera. 
Eyes finely facetted. 
Claw-joint small : : “ * : Metacymia. 
Claw-joint long. 
Elytra broad SL ciate 4 : Chimades. 
Elytra oblong-ovate - ‘ 4 Ephrycus. 

Rostrum straight . é ‘ . ‘ ‘ Menios. 

Australian Curculionide. 479 


Rostrum mediocre, paulo arcuatum; scrobes preeme- 
diane. Scapus oculum vix attingens; funiculus 7-arti- 
culatus, articulis duobus basalibus longiusculis, eequali- 
bus, cateris brevibus; clava distincta, late ovata. Oculr 
subtriangulares, paulo approximati, grosse granulati. 
Prothoraz conicus, basi bisinuatus, lobis ocularibus dis- 
tinctis.- Hlytra szpe subcordata, prothorace latiora, 
apice rotundata. Pedes validi; femora crassa, subtus 
dentata (d) vel subdentata (9); tibice antice recte vel 
paulo flexuosz, intermediz et posticz breviores, com- 
presse, sulcate, apicem versus dilatatz, paulo uncinate, — 
posticee lamina obliqua munitz; tarsi articulis tribus 
basalibus simul sumptis sensim latioribus, tertio late bilobo, 
quarto mediocre; unguiculi divergentes. Rima pectora- 
lis profunda, pone coxas anticas protensa, apice caver- 
nosa. Abdomen segmento secundo tertio vix vel paulo 
longiore ; sutwra prima recta. 

Limiting the old genus Cryptorhynchus to something 
that can be definitely characterized, which is not the 
case now, and taking the common C. lapathi as the type, 
then the present genus will be differentiated principally 
by the structure of the tibize, which, however, have a 
patch of yellow hairs outside the lower end of each as in 
that genus, but are sulcate, with the intervals more or 
less ribbed, and instead of narrowing to the apex, are 
gradually broader, and have the outer margin of the 
corbels slightly sloped inwards, without, however, their 
becoming cavernous. 

Tyrteosus microthorax. 

T. sat late ovatus, fuscus, squamis elongatis fulves- 
centibus dispersus; vertice convexo, supra oculos de- 
presso ; rostro disperse squamoso, ultra medium nudo 
depresso; antennis piceis, articulis tertio quartoque 
precedentibus gradatim brevioribus; oculis (2) magis 
approximatis, margine superiore recto; prothorace crebre 
sat rugoso-punctato, in medio carinulato; scutello trian- 
gulare; elytris prothorace multo latioribus, longitudine 
sesquilatioribus, fortiter sulcatis, sulcis vage punctato- 
impressis, Squamis magis condensatis, interstitiis carinu- 
latis, humeris subcallosis ; corpore infra pedibusque fuscis, 
vage squamosis. 

Long. 4-5 lin. 

Hab.—Queensland (Wide Bay). 

480 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

Tyrteosus lateralis. 


T. ovatus, fuscus, squamis elongatis griseis albisque 
vestitus; vertice convexo, supra oculos excavato; rostro 
ferrugineo, basi vage squamoso, apicem versus sat crebre 
punctato; antennis piceis, articulis funiculi a tertio ad 
septimum longitudine equalibus; prothorace crebre sat 
rugoso-punctato, in medio carinulato; scutello subrotun- 
dato; elytris minus latis, fortiter sulcatis, sulcis vage 
punctato-impressis, sat confertim squamosis, albo-variega- 
tis, ad latera plaga elongata ornatis, interstitiis carinu- 
latis, humeris subcallosis; corpore infra pedibusque 
fuscis, vage squamosis, abdominis segmentis tertio 
quartoque punctis in lineis duabus transversis, anticis 
minoribus, impressis. 

Long. 4 lin. 


Tyrtceosus vetustus. 

T. ovatus, fuscus, squamis elongatis silaceis plus 
minusve vestitus; fronte convexa, supra oculos paulo 
depressa; rostro basi vage squamoso, apicem versus sat 
crebre punctulato ; antennis piceis, articulis quinque 
ultimis funiculi longitudine fere equalibus, extrorsum 
magis transversis; oculis transversis, minus triangulari- 
bus; prothorace crebre sat rugoso-punctato, in medio 
carinulato ; elytris quam in 7’, microthorace angustioribus, 
fortiter sulcatis, sulcis grosse punctatis, interstitiis cari- 
nulatis, squamis in medio valde dispersis fasciam forman-" 
tibus, humeris subcallosis; corpore infra pedibusque 
sparse silaceo-squamosis; abdomine segmentis tertio 
quartoque punctis in lineis duabus irregularibus dis- 

Long. 4 lin. 

Hab.—Victoria; South Australia. 

Tyrteosus incallidus. 

T. oblongo-ovatus, piceus, sat parce silaceo-squamosus ; 
rostro breviore, basi fortiter punctato, apice manifeste 
latiore ; antennis testaceo-piceis, articulo secundo funi- 
culi primo breviore; oculis vix approximatis; prothorace 

Australian Curculionide. 481 

confertim rugoso-punctato, punctis squamigeris, in medio 
carinulato; elytris oblongis, gradatim angustatis, sulcato- 
punctatis, punctis parvis approximatis, interstitiis parum 
convexis, humeris vix prominulis ; corpore infra pedi- 
busque remote squamigero-punctatis., 

Long. 34 lin. 

Hab.— Queensland (Wide Bay). 

This species and the next are considerably narrower 
than the three preceding, but, notwithstanding, they 
have nearly the same general appearance; the eyes, 
however, are rounder and not so approximate. The 
colour is nearly uniform, and, to the naked eye, appears 
to be a dull brown. 

Tyrteosus ustulatus. 

T. oblongo-ovatus, niger, plagiatim albido-squamosus, 
squamulis elongatis remote dispersis; rostro breviore, 
sat crebre punctato, punctis irregulariter oblongis; an- 
tennis rufo-testaceis, articulo secundo funiculi primo 
breviore; oculis paulo approximatis; prothorace utrinque 
magis rotundato, sat fortiter confertim punctato, punctis 
albido-squamigeris, in medio carinulato; elytris oblongis, 
subparallelis, sulcato-punctatis, punctis ovatis nitidis, in- 
terstitiis angustioribus, paulo convexis, humeris haud 
prominulis, regione humerali granulatis, plagis albidis 
indistincte bifasciatim dispositis; corpore infra pedi- 
busque remote squamigero-punctatis. 

Long. 23 lin. 


Illiger, Mag. vi. 330; Lacordaire, Gen. vi. 121. 

Cryptorhynchus stigmaticus. 

C. ovalis, fusco-niger, squamulis ochraceis remote dis- 
persus; rostro subcylindrico, paulo arcuato, capite duplo 
longiore, subnitido, basi punctis rotundatis conferte, 
extrorsum oblongis sparse munito; antennis ferrugineis, 
funiculo griseo-piloso, articulo secundo primo paulo 
longiore, ceteris subturbinatis, ultimo a clava vix dis- 
tincto; prothorace ampliato, transverso, antice constricto, 
utrinque fortiter rotundato, basi bisinuato, lobis oculari- 

482 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on 

bus latis, supra tuberculato-granulatis, in medio antice 
carinato; scutello parvo, subquadrato, dense ochraceo- 
squamoso; elytris prothorace paulo latioribus, modice 
convexis, subparallelis, postice angustioribus, apicibus 
rotundatis, supra seriatim foveolatis, interstitiis vage 
granulatis, in singulo elytro maculis tribus albescentibus 
transversim positis ; corpore infra sparse punctato; pedi- 
bus vage piloso-squamosis. 

Long. 4 lin, 


So far as I can see, there is nothing to separate this 
species generically from CO. lapathi, Linn., except that 
the club is a little less distinct from the funicle, and the 
first suture of the abdomen is a little curved. It is the 
only true Cryptorhynchus that I know of from Australia. 


Rostrum rugosum, mediocre, paulo arcuatum; serobes 
oblique, premediane. Scapus oculum attingens; funi- 
culus 7-articulatus, articulis duobus basalibus longius- 
culis, ceteris brevioribus, gradatim crassioribus ; clava 
ovata. Oculi laterales, subgrosse granulati. Prothorax 
conicus, apice calloso-productus, basi bisinuatus. Scutel- 
lum distinctum, punctiforme. Hlytra prothorace basi 
multo latiora, subtrigona, valde convexa, humeris angu- 
lato-prominulis. Pedes breviusculi; femora linearia, 
mutica; tibice breves, rectze, unco apicali obsoleto, corbu- 
lis cavernosis; tarsi subtus spongiosi, articulo tertio 
bilobo; wngwiculi liberi. Rima pectoralis inter coxas 
anticas terminans, apice cavernosa. Abdomen segmentis 
duobus basalibus ampliatis. 

Differs from Oryptorhynchus, as limited by Lacordaire, 
principally in the characters of the pectoral canal, and 
the larger size of the second abdominal segment. The 
habit is that of C. Atropos, Boh., now with others 
separated by Dr. Kirsch to form his genus Cryptacrus. 

Gmethylus lumbaris. (Pl. VII. fig. 3.) 

(i. brevis, fuscus, squamulis griseis sat dense tectus ; 
capite inter oculos depresso, superciliis elevatis ; rostro 

Australian Curculionide. 483 

-subrobusto, extrorsum latiore, in medio carinulato, 
squamulis erectis instructo; antennis testaceo- piceis, 
vage pilosis; prothorace latitudine longitudine zquali, 
utrinque paulo rotundato, supra rugoso-foveolato, apice 
fortiter producto, sub-bilobo; scutello albescente; elytris 
striato-punctatis, punctis grossis, interstitiis tertio quinto 
et septimo elevatis, tertio alte elevato, eminentiis apicem 
versus evanescentibus, plaga magna fusca supra nigro- 
marginata lateribus decoratis; corpore infra pedibusque 
griseo-squamosis, abdomine in medio denudato, fusco. 

Long. 43 lin. 
Hab.— Queensland (Wide Bay). 


Rostrum tenue, subcylindricum, paulo arcuatum ; scrobes 
premedianz, ante oculos exeuntes. Scapus brevis, ocu- 
lum vix attingens; funiculus 7-articulatus, articulis duo- 
bus basalibus longiusculis, ceteris brevibus; clava dis- 
tincta, oblongo-ovalis. Oculi laterales, subrotundati, 
tenue granulati. Prothoraw subconicus, apice productus, 
basi bisinuatus, lobis ocularibus parvis projectis. Scutel- 
lum minutum. Hlytra modice convexa, prothorace latiora, 
humeris prominulis, lateribus perparum rotundata. Fe- 
mora elongata, vix incrassata, infra dentata; tibice 
perbreves, rectze, apice uncinatze ; tarsi breves, articulo 
basal triangulari ; waguiculi divaricati. ima pectoralis 
inter coxas intermedias protensa, apice aperta. Abdomen 
segmento secundo ampliato. Processus intercoxalis sat 
angustus, antice angulatus. : 

In Lacordaire’s arrangement, this genus would come 
next to Hnteles, but in habit it resembles Mecistostylus 
Douei. The short tibiz and tarsi, and the projecting 
apex of the prothorax, together with the elongate pectoral 
canal, are its most prominent diagnostic characters. 

Phlaoglymma alternans. 

P. ovata, nigra, sat dense griseo-squamulosa; fronte 
convexa, inter oculos planiuscula, fovea oblonga instructa ; 
rostro capite fere duplo longiore, nigro, nitido, subtiliter 
vage punctulato; antennis testaceo-piceis; prothorace 
utrinque perparum rotundato, vittis tribus dilutioribus 

484 Mr. Francis P. Pascoe on Curculionide. 

notato; elytris prothorace duplo longioribus, sulcato- 
punctatis, sulcis subflexuosis, punctis sat approximatis 
et squama grisea instructis, interstitiis 2-4-5 valde con- 
vexis, in medio elongato-elevatis, fasciatim saturatioribus, 
interstitio tertio basin versus paulo cristato, tertio quinto- 
que postice etiam elevatis et aliquando fuscis, apicibus 
rotundatis; corpore infra pedibusque dense griseo-squa- 

Long. 3 lin. 

Hab.—New South Wales (Rope’s Creek). 

A little variable in regard to the darkness of the ele- 
vated portions of the interstices of the elytra. 

Explanation of Plate VII. 

Fig. 1. Onidistus nodipennis; 1a, right fore-leg (turned the wrong way). 

2. Imaliodes subfasciatus ; 2a, right hind-leg. 

3. @methylus lumbaris ; 3a, side view of the head. 

4. Dialeptopus sepidioides; 4a, side view of the head. 

5. Zymaus binodosus; 5a, side view of the head. 

6. Melanegis stygius ; 6a, side view of the head. 

7. Paleticus laticollis; 7a, side view of the head. 

8. Side view of the head of Opsittis atomaria, 

9. Left hind-leg of Methidrysis afficta. 

0. Side view of the head of Elwagna squamibunda; 10a, antenna ; 

10b, tarsus. 

11. Side view of the head of Tentegia favosa.* 

12. Right hind-leg of Dysostines pilipes. 

13. Antenna of Chimades lanosus. 

14. Side view of the head and the antenna of Euthebus troglodytes. 

15. Tarsus of Metacymia marmorea. 

16. Tarsus of Chetectetorus latus. (The scales are very weakly re- 

17. Side view of Tituacia ostracion. 

18. Side view of Tychreus camelus. 

19. Hind-leg of Cryptorhynchus stigmaticus. 

20. Hind-leg of Tyrtwosus microthoraw. (The raised lines dividing 
the grooves are insufliciently shewn, especially the left outer 

* When the paper was sent to the Society, this insect was accidentally 
overlooked, and the description omitted. 

(485 ) 

XXI. Descriptions of some new Diurnal Lepidoptera, 
chiefly Hesperiidae. By ArtHur G. Butter, 

[Read 21st November, 1870.] 

In this Paper eighty-one new species of butterflies are 
described. Of these, eleven are Nymphalidae, belonging to 
the genera Amathusia, Tenaris, Caligo, Lethe, Terinos, 
Melinea, and Olyras; and there is added also the female 
of Elymnias Casiphone, Hiibner. 

Of Papilionide there is only one new species, belong- 
ing to the genus Appias. 

Of Hesperiide there are two new genera, Typhedanus 
and Cogia, each containing asingle species, and sixty-seven 
other species, belonging to the following genera :— 
Goniuris (5), Hudamus (1), Telegonus (3), Aithilla (4), 
Spathilepia (1), Augiades (2), Hesperia (3), Pyrrhopyga 
(1) , Leucochitonea (1), Brycides (1), Carystus (6), Proteides 
(3), Pamphila (7), Phlebodes (4), Apaustus (1), Pyrgus 
(3), Astictopterus (1), Plastingia (2), Cyclopides (1), 
Carterocephalus (1) , Pithonides (2), T’hanaos (1), Achlyodes 
(9), Helias (3), and Tagiades (1). The greater part of 
these are in the Kaden collection, now in the possession 
-of Mr. Herbert Druce; and many of the species are from 

Sub-fam. Morprnorna. 
Genus Amatuusta, Fabr. 
' 1. Amathusia Pollicaris, n. sp. 

Allied to A. Phidippus, but larger, the hind-wings 
longer. Above, olive-brown, with bands placed as in A. 
Phidippus ¢, but less irregular, and of a pale brown 
(not ochreous) colour; front-wings of type with a large 
oval semi-transparent patch, like a thumb-mark, between 
the median branches. Wings below, paler than in A. Phi- 
dippus, the bands more ochraceous, the central band at a 
greater distance from the basal bands, the lower ocellus 
of hind-wings twice the size of the upper. 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—vart Iv. (DECEMBER.) LL 

486 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

Expanse of wings, 44 inches. 
Hab.—Luzon, Philippines (Semper). B. M. 

I believe the large patch on the front-wings to be 
natural, it is perfectly regular ; the species, however, is 
quite distinct from A. Phidippus, if this marking be left 
out of the question. 

2. Amathusia virgata, n. sp. 

Allied to A. Phidippus, wings above of a redder tint, 
the bands much less distinct; below pale ochraceous, 
the basal area nearly white, with the bands, five in 
number, of an olive-brown colour, the fifth restricted to 
the discoidal cell of front-wings, the third and fourth 
uniting so as form a large triangular patch below the 
median nervure of hind-wings; the central band dark 
olive-brown, narrower and more irregular than in A. 
Phidippus, and succeeded by a broad band of olive- 
brown, paler exteriorly, and divided through the centre 
by a wavy streak of pale rosy-brown; caudal patch 
black, white spots very distinct. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 4} inches; ¢ 44 inches. 

Hab.—Near Macassar, Celebes (Wallace). B. M. 

Professor Westwood, in his Cabinet of Oriental Ento- 
mology, gives an outline figure of the front-wing of 
Zeuxidia, in order to show its distinctness from that of 
Amathusia, and remarks, p. 40, ‘This outline figure re- 
presents the fore-wing of Zeuwidia Luewerii, mentioned 
above, in order to show the very curious arrangement of 
the veins, whereby it will be seen that the folding of the 
wing marked * (which in Amathusia follows the long 
branch marked f) is here converted into a fourth branch 
of the great median vein, by means of a distinct twig, 
which connects it therewith.” 

The above observation is incorrect, as may be discover- 
ed by the application of a little benzine to the wing of 
Zeuxidia, which being thus rendered transparent, exhibits 
a spur upon the outer edge of the third median branch, 
but terminating as it reaches the wing-fold, which there- 
fore is not actually converted into a fourth median branch ; 
the point whence this spur issues in Zeuwidia is some- 
what prominent in Amathusia, so that it is not impossible 
that a species possessing the spur may yet turn up; the 
males of Zeuwidia, which are far more numerous than the 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 487 

females, can always be distinguished from males of Ama- 
thusia, by the tufts of bristles in the discoidal cell of the 

Genus Terwnaris, Hiibner. 
1. Tenaris Diana, n. sp. 

6. Form and size of the Papuan 7’. Selene, differs 
above in the much broader zone to the ocellus, which is 
black, with violet and white centre, iris of grayish ochra- 
ceous, and zone as usual of bright ochreous. Below, it 
differs in the greater expanse of white in the hind-wings, 
and in the geminate character of the sub-anal ocellus, 
which is more complete than in 7’. Domicilla, the two 
ocelli being only united by the zone; that nearest to the 
anal angle is half the size of the other. 

Expanse of wings, 4 inches. 

Hab.—Ternate (Wallace). B. M. 

If Mr. Hewitson’s view of the identity of the bulk of 
the species in this genus were correct, the above would 
be a step between 7’. Selene and 1’. Domicilla, but surely 
(if differences of ocellation and ground-colour are not 
sufficient to distinguish the species)the differences of 
contour in the various named forms are remarkable 
enough to warrant their separation; what resemblance, 
for instance, is there between the form of the front-wing 
in the males of 7’. Horsfieldit and the males of 7’. catops, 
or between the males of 7’. myops and T'. Selene ? 

The 7’. Jaira of Hiibner is evidently a slight variety of 
T. Selene; it has the same form and ocellation. 

2. Tenaris fulvida, n. sp. 

6. Allied to 7’. catops, from which it may be at once 
distinguished by the much broader apical and costal 
brown margin of the front-wings, and by the well-defined 
ochreous nebula from the base to the sub-anal ocellus of 
the hind-wings ; it differsalso in the gray tint at the base 
of the front-wings and at the apex of the hind-wings, 
and by the larger and blacker centre to the ocellus; be- 
low, by the whole apical area of the front-wings being 
suffused with brown, and the whole interno-median area 
with ochreous. 

Expanse of wings, 3} inches. 

Hab.—Mysol (Wallace). B. M. 

488 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

Sub-fam. BrassoLin2z. 
Genus Catiao, Hiibner. 

Caligo Oberon, n. sp. 

Potamis conspicua Teucer, Hiibner, Samm]. Exot. Schmett. 
i. pl. xxvii (1806). 

The above species is most nearly allied to O. Ilioneus, 
of Cramer, from which, however, it differs in its much 
shorter and broader front-wings, the brilliant Morpho- 
like blue of all the wings, the distinct yellow discal bands 
of the front-wings, and below, in the altogether darker 
reticulations and broader central bands, which more 
nearly resemble those of the Memnon group. 

Hab.—Bogota, Venezuela, St. Vincent, and Pernam- 
buco, 5. M. 

The above has nothing to do with the C. Teucer of 

Sub-fam Satyrinz. 
Genus Lerue, Hiibner. 
Lethe distans, n. sp. 

3. Alhed to L. Samio, differing in the more arched 
costa and sinuate outer margin of the front-wings; 
hind-wings above, with dusky-ferruginous outer area, ex- 
hibiting five blackish spots, the second the largest, outer 
margin dusky, especially towards the anal angle. Wings 
below, paler than in L. Samio, the prevailing colour pale 
ochraceous, the central ines much more irregular and 
wider apart than in L. Samio; the ocelli of hind-wings 
irregular, with numerous pupils, the fourth not thrown 
out of the series as in L. Samio. 

Expanse of wings, 2$ inches. 

Hab.—Darjeeling (Major Roberts). Coll. Lieutenant 

Genus Exymntias, Hiibner. 
Elymnias Casiphone. 
3. Hiibner, Samml. Exot. Schmett. (1806). 

?. Above, same pattern as L. Timandra 2, Wallace, 
but the whole apical area pale violet, and the rest of the 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 489 

ground-colour of a browner tint than in that species. 
Below, markings the same as in the male, but ill-defined, 
the hind-wings whitish. 

Expanse of wings, 3} inches. 

Hab.—Singapore (Lieut. Roberts). Coll. Roberts. 

Sub-fam. NymMpHaLin. 
Genus Txrinos, Boisduval. 
Terinos Lucilla, nu. sp. 

3, 2. Nearly allied to J’. Clarissa, differs in its 
darker colour above, the hind-wings with more restricted 
and more ruddy externalarea, crossed by two continuous 
series of brown lunules. Wings below, deeper coloured 
than 7’. Clarissa, reddish-violaceous with yellowish-brown 

Expanse of wings, 3} inches. 

Hab.—Luzon, Philippines (Semper). B. M. 

The above species forms a good link between the Cla- 
rissa and Abisares groups. 

Sub-fam. Heiiconrna. 
Genus Metinma, Hiibner. 
1. Melina phasiana, n. sp. 

2. Wings above, orange-tawny with black markings, 
as in M. Marseus, of Hewitson, the yellow band wanting ; 
body brown, with collar, apical half of pterygodes, and 
median line on head, ferruginous; metathorax and base 
of abdomen orange-tawny ; antenn pale ochreous, black 
at base. Wings below, as above; thorax pale tawny, 
legs black. 

Expanse of wings, 3} inches. 
Hab.—Peruvian Amazons (Degand). B. M. 
Reminds one of Mechanitis Mazceeus, Hewits. 

2. Melincea Ishka, n. sp. 
Mechanitis Menophilus (part), Hewitson, Exot. Butterf. 
i. Helic. pl. i. fig. 3 (1855). 
Hab.—Bogota. B.M. 

490 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

3. Melinea Zaneka, n. sp. 

Differs from the preceding in its greater size, relatively 
longer front-wings, and spotless hind-wings. 

Expanse of wings, 43 inches. 

Hab.—Archidona (Eastern slope of the Andes). B. M. 

This species has, I believe, been sent home by Mr. 
Buckley, from Ecuador ; it has not, however, been named 
by Mr. Hewitson. 

Genus Otyras, Doubleday. 
Olyras Montagui, n. sp. 

@. Front-wings black, the apical area paler, an 
oblique band at the end of the cell, six large spots of 
unequal size crossing the disc from costa to anal angle, 
that next the costa divided into two triangular spots by 
the nervures, and three decreasing spots towards the 
apex, forming a fork with the discal series, all semi-trans- 
parent white; hind-wings tawny, costa whitish, the 
margin black, decreasing in width towards the anal 
angle, and spotted indistinctly with brown, a nebulous 
semi-transparent white patch beginning near apex and 
terminating indistinctly upon inner margin ; body brown, 
head and prothorax black, white-spotted, antennz tawny, 
becoming black at base. Below, almost as above, but all 
the wings with a marginal series of white spots, and 
hind-wings with black costal area clouded with ferru- 
ginous above costal nervure; body black-brown. 

Expanse of wings, 32 inches. 

Hab.—Bogota (Stevens). B. M. 

This handsome species bears a striking resem- 
blance to Felder’s Dircenna Olyras and Ceratinia excelsa ; 
the front-wings more nearly resemble the former, the 
hind-wings the latter species ; all three are from Bogota. 

Sub-fam, Preripin2z. 
Genus Appts, Hiibner. 
Appias vacans, n. sp. 

?. Allied to A. Hippo, differs above in having the 
whole discal area of the front-wings white (the veins not 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 491 

being blackened, as in the females of A. Hippo and its 
allies), the margin black, strongly sinuate between the 
nervures, and preceded by a nebulous greenish-gray 
suffusion; base dusky. Front-wings below, white, the 
costal and outer margins brown, the latter strongly 
Sinuate, apex grayish, base yellow-tinted; hind- wings 
pale orange, the outer margin broadly brown, as on the 
under-surface of the male A. Hleonora. 

Expanse of wings, 24 inches. 
Hab.— Darjeeling (Major Roberts). Coll. Lieut. 

Remarkable from the male character of its colouring. 


Genus Gonturis, Hiibner, 
1. Goniuris Lindora, un. sp. 

Wings above, olive-brown, becoming grayish towards 
base, front-wings with a large tripartite spot at end 
of cell and between median branches, a small spot ad- 
joming the above, below first median branch, a large 
spot towards apex placed obliquely, and divided by the 
nervures into four parts; hind-wings tailed, fringe of 
outer margin white ; body greenish. Wings below, paler, 
front-wings with spots as above; hind-wings with anal 
angle, tail, and external area of a deeper tint than the 
rest of the ground-colour; an indistinct brown spot at 
the end of the cell, and a short band of the same colour 
beyond it, parallel to the outer margin, and terminating 
above the tail in a whitish spot; body pale grayish ; 
palpi and prothorax dirty white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 11 lines. 

Hab.— ?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to G. decussata, Ménétriés, and G. auginus, 

2. Goniuris Hirtius, n. sp. 

Allied to the preceding, differs above in its slightly paler 
colour; front-wings with the external division of the 

4.92 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

central spot larger, an additional spot between subcostal 
branches and two small spots uniting the central and 
subapical spots; hind-wings with straighter outer mar- 
gin, two indistinct brown bands, parallel to outer 
margin, cross the centre of the wing. Wings below, as 
above, but the bands of hind-wings more distinct, a 
small brown spot towards the base between the costal 
and subcostal neryures ; body below brown, palpi pale 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 10 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

A variety from Hast Peru in the British Museum has 
three black spots upon the upper-surface of front-wings, 
forming an irregular band, the markings of the under- 
surface are also more distinct. 

3. Goniuris Jethira, n. sp. 

Wings above, olive-brown, front-wings with five cen- 
tral transparent yellow spots, four in an oblique series 
across the middle of the wing, the first and fourth small, 
the fifth external to the second and third, and above the 
second median branch, the second and fifth deeply in- 
dented externally ; three transparent points in an oblique 
broken series near the apex, and a fourth just beyond 
the external central spot ; hind-wings tailed, immaculate, 
fringe pale brown, the margin sinuate between the neér- 
vures ; body dark brown. Wings below, reddish-brown, 
especially the hind-wings; front-wings, spots as above, 
a black triangular spot and three ill-defined black points 
upon the costa towards the apex, an irregular ill-defined 
brown streak parallel to the outer margin; hind-wings 
dark gray at the base, which is bounded by a dark brown 
band, outer margin with a submarginal nebula and the 
tail dark brown, a brown spot at the apex, a black dash 
near the apex, and a brown spot on the disc opposite to 
the tail; body gray-brown, palpi dirty white. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 2 lines. 

Hab.—Peru. Coll. Druce. 

4. Goniwris Corydon, n. sp. 

Hesperia Corydon, Herrich-Schiiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, dark olive-brown; front-wings with a 
spot on the costa, two in the cell, one elongate below the 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 493 

second median branch, and one below the first median 
branch, forming an oblique series, one exterior to the 
third and fourth, and three in a broken line near the 
apex, all semi-transparent white; hind-wings tailed, 
fringe of outer margin varied with dirty white; body 
olive-brown. Front-wings below, with the outer margin 
and a spot near the apex gray, inner margin paler, 
otherwise as above; hind-wings dark brown, a spot near 
inner margin and a band beyond middle black, margin 
gray, marked with black lunules, tail. black, fringe of 
outer margin ochraceous ; body gray-brown, with white 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 1] lines. 

Hab.—Cuba. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to G. Proteus. 

5. Goniuris Cenis. 
Hesperia Cenis, Herrich-Schiiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, olive-brown; front-wings with an irre- 
gular narrow oblique semi-transparent white central band, 
two small hyaline points exterior to it, and a short dash 
near the apex divided by the nervures into three points ; 
hind-wings obtusely tailed, the outer margin and a wavy 
short discal band brown, deeper than the ground-colour, 
fringe whitish. Wings below, pale reddish-brown; front- 
wing's with hyaline spots as above, connected and encircled 
by dark brown, a submarginal lunate line, fringe gray, 
with white points at the termination of the nervures ; 
hind-wings with three irregular dark brown bands, one 
before the middle interrupted, another discal very irre- 
gular, the third marginal and dentate internally, also a 
spot of the same colour near the base, tail blackish, fringe 
as in front-wings; body pale brown, palpi Sieg a white. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 11 lines. 

Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to the preceding species. 

Genus Eupamus, Swainson. 
HLudamus Epigena. 

Myscelus Epigena, Herrich-Schiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, dark brown ; front-wings with a spot at 
the end of the cell, three placed obliquely between the 

494 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

median branches, one below the first median branch and 
near outer margin, and three together in an oblique line 
near the apex, fringe gray; hind-wings with white 
fringe. Front-wings below, paler, excepting within the 
cell and from the cell to the costa, which is dark brown; 
apical area hatched with dark brown, hyaline spots as 
above; hind-wings almost exactly as in H. Orion; body 
dark brown. . 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 1 line. 
Hab.—Mexico. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to H. Orion, but very unlike all the described 
species on the upper-surface. 

Genus TrLeconus, Hiibner. 
1. Telegonus egregius. 
Hesperia egregia, Herrich Schiiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, with the basal area bright green, apical 
area dark brown; two hyaline points at the middle of the 
costa, and a third near the apex, an oblique dash between 
the first and second median branches, and a spot below 
the first median branch; fringe of hind-wings whitish, 
anal angle prominent. Markings and colours below, almost 
exactly as in Goniwris Cenis. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches. 
Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 
Belongs to the Nasos group of T'elegonus. 

2. Telegonus Cepio, n. sp. 
Goniloba Cepio, in Coll. Kaden. 

Wings above, ochraceous brown; the apical area of 
front-wings reddish brown, four central hyaline spots, 
three in a band from costa with a point below them, and 
the fourth exterior to the second and third, a spot near 
apex divided into five parts by the nervures ; hind-wings 
with a brown spot within cell, and a short band beyond it, 
the apical area slightly clouded with brown: body och- 
raceous brown. Front-wings below, olive-brown, yellowat 
base, hyaline spots as above; hind - wings, basal area 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 495 

yellow, apical area brown, band and spot as above, but 
less distinct ; body yellowish, with white palpi. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 7 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce, 

3. Telegonus lotus, n. sp. 

Goniloba lota, Herrich-Schiiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, dark olive-brown, paler towards base ; 
three central hyaline spots in an oblique series from 
costal nervure, and a fourth lunate and exterior to the 
second ; body olive-brown. Wings below, pale brown, 
discoidal area of front-wings blackish, apical area with 
a diffused gray patch from costa, outer margin olive 
brown; hind-wings with costal half marbled, with four 
irregular and diffused olive-brown gray-margined bands : 
body ochraceous brown, palpi whitish. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 5 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Genus A)ruria, Hewitson. 

1. Athilla Memmius, un. sp. 
Achlyodes Memmius, in Coll. Kaden. 

Wings above, pitchy; below, the same colour; hind- 
wings with nebulous orange marginal band towards anal 
angle, enclosing three badly defined rounded brown 
spots ; body pitchy, above and below. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

2. Aithilla coracina, n. sp. 

Talides coracina, Herrich-Schiiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, pitchy, the apical area paler, lilac-tinted ; 
a continuous discal diffused pitchy band and a second less 
distinct and submarginal. Below, paler than above ; the 
outer margin irrorated with grayish atoms ; body pitchy, 
above and below. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 4 lines. 

Hab.—Ipaunema (Beske). Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

4.96 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 
3. Althilla Jariba, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark brown ; front-wings with pitchy 
central band, sub-apical spot, and wavy indistinct discal 
line; hind-wings pitchy, except towards base. Front- 
wings below, paler, apex and a central nebula pitchy ; 
hind-wings as above; body dark brown, clothed above 
with greenish hairs. ' 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Cuba. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

4. Althilla Jaira, n. sp. 

Wings above, silky brown, clothed at the base with 
green hairs ; body brown, clothed with green hairs. Wings 
below, silky brown; front-wings with a diffused whitish 
patch near anal angle, a very indistinct band across the 
cell, a second crossing median branches, a third sub- 
apical, the margin darker than the ground-colour; hind- 
wings with two indistinct central bands, one discal and 
one marginal, all slightly darker than the ground-colour ; 
body brown, palpi whitish, hind-legs densely hairy. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 2 lines. 

Hab.—West Indies. Coll. Druce. 

Genus SpatuiueriA, Butler. 
Spathilepia Evelinda, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark brown; front-wings with an oblique 
central semi-transparent white band, and three points 
placed obliquely near apex; body black-brown. Front- 
wings below, pale brown, with black discoidal streak 
interrupted by the central band, apex orange-ferruginous ; 
hind-wings pale gray-brown, a large black-brown spot at 
base, and a line of the same colour, from apex to near 
anal angle, bounded internally by a large bilobed patch 
of orange-ferruginous ; body dark grey, legs pale brown, 
palpi white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 8 lines. 

Hab.—Rio; Coll. Druce. Brazil; B. M. 

Somewhat resembles S. Olonius on the upper surface, 
but differs considerably below ; the antennz are slightly 
abnormal, the hook not being so long as in the typical 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 497 
Genus TyPHEDANUS, n. gen. 

Allied to Spathilepia, form of typical Telegonus, but 
the anal angle of hind-wings terminating in long hair 
scales; antennz as in Carystus, but shorter; palpi as in 
Telegonus ; the males with a very prominent radiating 
brush of bristles from inner margin of hind-wings. 

Typhedanus Zephus, n. sp. 

Wings above, olive-brown, with two common central 
darker bands; front-wings with an elongate spot on 
costa, a lunate spot (divided in female),-a short oblique 
line at end of cell (absent in female), two points be- 
tween median branches, and four in a short line near 
apex,allhyaline. Wings below, paler, clouded with brown 
at base, the bands more sharply defined, strongly den- 
tate, the margin darker than the ground-colour ; hind- 
Wings with a brown spot near basal costa; body dull 
brown, above and below. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 1 inch, 10 lines; @ 1 inch, 
11 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Druce. 

Genus AvcraDEs, Hiibner. 
1. Augiades despecta, n. sp. 
Nisoniades despecta, Herrich-Schiffer, in litt. 

Allied to A. Crinisus, colouring above the same ; 
front-wings with two hyaline spots placed obliquely 
between median branches. Wings below, dull ochraceous, 
external area dusky, hyaline spots as above; body pale 
dusky ochraceous; palpi, prothorax, and legs, pale och- 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 10 lines. 

Hab.—Para. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

(Section Phareas, Hiibner.) 
2. Augiades Lemna, n. sp. 

Front-wings above, brown, with the base, a broad 
oblique band beyond middle, and a short sub-apical 

498 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

band, chrome-yellow; hind-wings chrome-yellow, with 
external and internal margins brown; body yellow, with 
black dorsal stripe. Wings below, as above ; body yellow. 
Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 11 lines. 
Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Genus Hesperia, Fabricius. 
1. Hesperia Onara, n. sp. 

Front-wings above, olive-brown, paler at the base, a 
hyaline spot at end of the cell, and two placed obliquely 
between median branches; hind-wings bright chrome- 
yellow, the base clothed with a pale brown pile, apical 
and costal areas broadly black-brown. Front-wings below, 
with a yellow nebulous patch at centre of costa, other- 
wise as above; hind-wings yellow, whitish towards costa, 
with base and apex broadly dark brown. Body brown 
above, below with yellowish abdomen. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 9} lines. 

Hab.—East Indies (?). Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

2. Hesperia Hurama, n. sp. 

Wings above, pitchy brown; front-wings pale brown at 
base ; hind-wings with pale brown internal area; body 
pale brown. Front-wings below, brown, the central area 
darker, and bounded near the outer margin by a straight 
pale line, apical and costal areas shot with purple ; 
hind-wings dark brown, shot with purple, the anal angle 
black, a broad white belt from costa to anal angle ; body 
gray brown ; the palpi with whitish lateral stripe; the 
abdomen with three or four pale rings. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 1 line. 

Hab.—Cape York ; Coll. Druce. Champion Bay and 
Aru Islands; B. M. 

The most beautiful species of the Aleais group, more 
nearly allied to H. discolor than to any other described 

3. Hesperia vitta, n. sp. 

Wings above, as in the preceding species, but paler. 
Front-wings below, olive-brown, with a whitish blue spot at 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 499 

end of the cell, and a broad dark brown perpendicular discal 
band terminating near anal angle in a pale whitish-brown 
diffused spot ; hind-wings greenish towards base, with a 
central narrow white belt edged with blue and tinted 
with rosy, interrupted at anal angle by a large circular 
black patch, fringe dark gray intersected by a slender 
pale line which becomes suddenly white just before it 
touches the black anal patch ; body greenish ochraceous, 
palpi and legs dirty ochreous; abdomen with three or 
four pale belts. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 2 lines. 

Hab.—Sarawak (Lowe). Coll. Druce. 

Belongs to the Alexis group. 

Genus Pyrruopryaa, Hiibner. 
Pyrrhopyga Jamina, n. sp. 

Wingsabove, black, two blue belts at base, one central, 
interrupted in the front-wing by a trifid tapering hyaline 
band, and a fourth discal, interrupted in the front-wing 
by three elongate spots placed obliquely towards apex, 
the third (nearest apex) divided into four parts by the 
nervures ; body black, blue-striped. Wings below, nearly 
as above ; body white. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 4 lines. 

Hab.— ?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Genus Levucocutronza, Wallengren. 

Leucochitonea paradisea, n. sp. 

Front-wings black, two yellow spots placed obliquely 
at base, and a third in a line with the second (completing 
a triangle); three spots crossing the middle of wing, the 
first sub-quadrate within the cell, the second oblong 
between the first and second median branches, the third 
small just above the second third of sub-median nervure, 
two sub-apical spots, the first elongate, trifid, the second 
oblong, between second and third median branches; all 
the above spots are creamy-white and semi-transparent ; 
hind-wings creamy white, the nervures and margins 
black; body black, head white-spotted, thorax red- 
spotted, abdomen with orange lateral patch and anus. 

500 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

Wings below, nearly as above; front-wings with all the 
spots white ; hind-wings, median nervure not blackened, 
a white abdominal streak; body black, head and pro- 
thorax orange, abdomen with central and lateral white 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 9 lines. 

Hab.—Port Natal. Coll. Druce. 
This makes the third true Leucochitonea described. 

Genus Eryciprs, Hiibner. 
Erycides Yokhara, n. sp. 

Wings above, raven-black; front-wings with three 
belts, the first central, oblique, the second short, perpen- 
dicular, crossed by the third median branch, the third 
shorter, sub-apical, also several streaks towards base, all 
semi-transparent tawny; hind-wings with central area 
tawny orange divided by the nervures, crossed by a 
tapering black bar with central tawny spot, its base also 
divided longitudinally by two black bars, one near costa, 
the other near inner margin; body raven-black, head 
and prothorax jet-black ; thorax with four longitudinal 
tawny streaks. Wings below, nearly as above; body 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 9 lines. 
Hab.—Peru. Coll. Druce, and B. M. 

Resembles Pyrrhopyga Pityusa, Hew., and is allied to 
Erycides Piala of the same author. 

Genus Carystus, Hiibner. 
1. Carystus Ozota, n. sp. 

Wings above, blackish-brown; front-wings with two 
hyaline spots, the first interrupted by the median nervure, 
the second near the apex, and divided by the subcostal 
and discoidal branches into four parts, a hyaline point 
near the inner margin; hind-wings with a central sub- 
ovate white spot; body brown, collar fulvous. Wings 
below, nearly as above; front-wings red-brown, a white 
spot on the inner margin, and touching the central hya- 
line spot, subapical spot as above; hind-wings dark 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 501 

red-brown, the abdominal area paler, a central white 
band crossing the wing from the apex to near the inner 
margin; body with thorax pale brown, abdomen white, 
palpi yellow. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce, 

Nearly allied to C. Calvina of Hewitson. 

2. Carystus Jabesa, n. sp. 

Wings above, black; front-wings with a central elon- 
gate white point ; hind-wings with a central white spot, 
terminating at the abdominal margin in a perpendicular 
white streak ; body greenish-brown. Wings below, red- 
dish-brown; front-wings with the central point continued 
in a line to the submedian nervure; hind-wings with a 
broad central yellowish-white band, marked uear the 
abdominal margin with a black point and triangular spot ; 
body pale brown. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 2 lines. 

* Hab.—Tocantins River. Coll. Druce. 

We have a species allied to the above in the British 

Museum, from Para. 

3. Carystus Jeconia, n. sp. 

Wings above, black-brown ; front-wings with a bright 
yellow sub-median band, beginning at second median 
branch, and following the median nervure to base ; hind- 
wings with the entire central area bright yellow; fringe 
of outer margin orange, of inner margin yellow; body 
greenish-brown, densely covered with yellow hairs. 
Front-wings below, black-brown, the base, apex, and a 
large central pyriform spot, yellow; hind-wings yellow: 
body yellow. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 5 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Druce. 

4, Carystus Canente, n. sp. 

Hesperia Canente, Herrich-Schiffer, in litt. 

Wings above, as in C. Lucas, Fabr.; below, front-wings 
with a yellow spot uniting hyaline spots to costa, outer 


502 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

margin grayish ; hind-wings with central white point, 
sub-apical white band and grayish outer margin, other- 
wise as in UO, Lucas. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 10 lines. 

Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Closely allied to C. Lucas, Fabr. 

5. Carystus Obeda, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown, one or two discal hyaline spots 
between median branches, and three close together near 
apex ; hind-wings with white fringe. Wings below, paler 
reddish ; hind-wings with two more or less distinct white 
spots placed obliquely near apex; body brown. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce, and B. M. 

Allied to the preceding species, but very distinct. 

6. Carystus Ladana, n. sp. 

Wings above, chocolate-brown ; front-wings with a 
broad oblique orange-yellow band from costa to below 
first median branch; body chocolate-brown. Front-wings 
below, paler than above, yellow band continued in a 
slender line to sub-median nervure ; hind-wings choco- 
late-brown, the base and abdominal area paler, disco- 
cellular nervures and a diffused spot near anal angle 
orange; body yellow. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 8 lines. 

Hab.—Borneo. Coll, Druce. 

Allied to the preceding and to CO. Celsus of Cramer, from 
which it may at once be distinguished by the form of 
its wings and the opacity of the orange band. 

Genus Proreimpres, Hiibner. 

1. Proteides Xarippe, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark ehocolate-brown, greenish at base ;_ 

front-wings with a hyaline spot in the cell, and an angu- 
late series of five hyaline spots, the first trifid near 
costa towards apex, the second below it and nearer to 
outer margin, the three others in an oblique line with 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 503 

the second to sub-median nervure, the fourth large and sub- 
triangular; hind-wings with a trifid elongate hyaline 
spot, nearly central, apical and anal fringe yellow. 
Front-wings below, brown, apical area reddish, hyaline 
spots as above, the oblique series connected with apex 
by a curved pale golden line, a similar line on costa 
connecting the discoidal spot with base; hind-wings 
deep red-brown, a golden line along costa and outer 
margin, a second curved and enclosing the hyaline spots 
which are united by a golden net-work to costa, and by 
a streak of the same colour to base ; body below, grayish- 
brown, varied with dark red and white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Seems nearly allied to P. Lutetia, Hew., from Venezuela. 

2. Proteides Othna, n. sp. 

Wings above, nearly as in the preceding species, but 
darker; front-wings with an additional bifid hyaline spot 
near apex in the same line with oblique series. Below, 
nearly as in preceding species, but hind-wings darker, 
without external golden line or discoidal streak, a large 
pale yellow spot on outer margin near anal angle, the 
costa and a discal band connected with it and with the 
above spot, pale yellow, irrorated with red-brown scales ; 
body as in preceding species. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 10 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela; Coll. Kaden. Bogota; B. M. 

Allied to the preceding species. 

3. Proteides Fiara, n. sp. 

Wings above, with basal area tawny, external area 
diffusely olive-brown ; body grayish brown. Wings be- 
low, pale grayish-brown; all the wings’ with three 
median dusky spots (indistinct in front-wings), outer 
margin whitish, speckled with black atoms; body 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 4 lines. 

Hab.—Kafiraria. Coll. Druce. 

Belongs to the Helops group of the genus. 

MM 2 

504 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

Genus Pampnina, Fabricius. 

1. Pamphila Ulama, un. sp. 

Wings above, purplish-black ; front-wings with a very 
indistinct tawny spot at end of cell, and an oblique 
band; also indistinct, beyond it; hind-wings with a 
central row of four indistinct fulvous spots, separated by 
the median branches ; base of wings clothed with grayish 
hairs; body brown, clothed with grayish hairs. Wings 
below, brownish olivaceous ; front-wings with basal area 
(except costa) black, a distinct yellow spot at end of the 
cell, an oblique band of the same colour from sub-median 
nervure to third median branch and interrupted by 
these nervules, and an indistinct spot crossed by the sub- 
costal branches ; hind-wings, central area greenish, spots 
as above ; body pale grayish-brown, palpi and prothorax 

Eixpanse of wings, 1 inch, 11 lines. 

Hab.—New Holland. Coll. Druce. 

2. Pamphila Hala, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark brown, clothed with yellowish brown 
hairs at base ; front-wings with a bifid spot at end of 
cell, a trifid spot nearer to apex, a bifid spot placed 
obliquely to and below the latter (being nearer to margin), 
and two subquadrate spots between median branches, 
connected in an oblique line with inner margin by a dif- 
fused subtriangular patch, all fulvous ; hind-wings crossed 
by a discal angulate band of the same colour, and divided 
by the nervures into six spots; fringe dirty yellow ; body 
dark brown, clothed with light brown and gray hairs. 
Front-wings below, with apical area and spots on it 
lighter, costa fulvous ; hind-wings pale fulvous, a tri- 
angular abdominal streak, a patch within the cell, a spot 
at end of cell, and two angulate rows of six spots 
beyond it, all brown ; fringe whitish ; body whitish. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

3. Pamphila Kedema, n. sp. 

Wings above, olive brown, tinged with fulvous at the 
base and internal areas ; front-wings with a discal angulate 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 505 

‘series of six yellowish hyaline spots, the uppermost trifid, 
the second only separated by the lower discoidal nervure, 
the third and fourth subquadrate, the fifth very yellow, 
on the middle of the submedian nervure ; hind-wings with 
short oblique subapical fulvous band, interrupted by the 
second and third median branches; body dark grayish- 
brown. Wings below, paler; front-wings with costal 
portion of base fulvous, the remainder black, anal angle 
broadly whitish, spots whitish, as above; hind-wings 
with one or two indistinct pale spots at the base, a pale 
yellow spot at the end of the cell, and an angulate discal 
series of five nearly quadrate spots beyond it, anal angle 
grayish ; body pale gray, palpi dirty white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

4, Pamphila Vira, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown, clothed with dull greenish hairs to- 
wards the base; front-wings with two subapical hyaline 
yellow points, two spots between the median branches, 
and a third (forming a curved line with the two preced- 
ing’) just above the submedian nervure ; hind-wings with 
three indistinct yellowish discal points (sometimes obso- 
lete) near the centre of the outer margin; body brown, 
clothed with dull greenish hairs, excepting on head and 
prothorax, which are bright green; a red spot on eyes. 
Wings below, brown, the nervures, excepting at the base 
of the front-wings, golden-yellow ; front-wings with three 
yellow points placed obliquely to hyaline spots, two of 
them being the subapical points of the upper-surface ; 
hind-wings with four yellow points between the nervures 
on disc ; body greenish, with pale brown abdomen. 

Expanse of wings, l inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—Para. Coll. Druce, and B. M. 

Resembles the species of the genus Apaustus in the 
coloration of the under-surface. 

5. Pamphila Lotana, n. sp. 

Wings above, purplish-brown, blackish at the base; 
front-wings with three hyaline points near the second- 
third of costa, a geminate spot in the cell, a large spot 

506 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

obliquely below it, and on each side of the latter 
(obliquely above and below) a hyaline point; hind-wings 
with two yellowish points near together beyond the cell ; 
fringe pale yellow ; body brown, clothed with short green- 
ish hairs. Front-wings below, pale grayish-brown, with 
dark brown central area, on which the hyaline spots ap- 
pear like the features of a face, the lowest spot being 
elongate and whitish; hind-wings dirty white, the costa 
brown, a nebulous crescent-shaped rosy patch at the 
anal angle, a slender brown marginal line, a large cen- 
tral yellow patch containing a black spot, interrupted by 
a curved series of three silvery spots, inner margin 
yellow; body white. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 11 lines. 

Hab.—Tocantins River. Coll. Druce. 

The most beautiful Pamphila I ever saw, resembling 
on the underside the species.of Phlebodes of the dipitus 


6. Pamphila chrysogastra, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown ; front-wings with three yellow 
spots placed obliquely from the end of the cell to the 
middle of the inner margin; hind-wings with two or 
three indistinct central spots. External area below, paler, 
basal area black ; front-wings with spots as above, but 
ochreous-white ; hind-wings with a broad oblique central 
ochreous white band, interrupted near the inner margin ; 
body blackish, palpi, prothorax, tips of antenne, and 
centre of abdomen, ochreous. : 

Expanse of wings, 1-inch, 2 lines. 

Hab.-—Venezuela ; Coll. Kaden. Sta. Martha; B. M. 

Not allied to any other described species that I have 

7. Pamphila Kenava, n. sp. 

Wings above, black ; front-wings with the base of the 
costa ferruginous, a spot near the apex, an oblique band 
from just below it to the inner margin near the base, and 
the fringe, bright fulvous; hind-wings with the entire 
central area and fringe fulvous, base and abdominal 
margin clothed with fulvous hairs; body brown, palpi 
and pterygodes fulvous-tinted. Front-wings below, with 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 507 

costal half and band as above, fulvous, internal half 
black, fringe and two spots near margin reddish; hind- 
wings, with the exception of a diffused black streak on 
the abdominal margin, fulvous, a spot in the cell, an 
arched discal series of five spots beyond it, and a double 
indistinct submarginal series of four spots, reddish ; body 
whitish, palpi pale fulvous. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 2 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Genus Putizzopes, Hiibner. 
1. Phlebodes Unia, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark brown; front-wings with two hya- 
line spots placed obliquely between the median branches ; 
body brown. Front-wings below, with the costal and 
apical areas paler, three gray-centred dusky points placed 
obliquely near the apex, and beyond them an arched 
series of five similar points, margin black-edged with 
gray fringe; hind-wings pale brown, central area 
yellow, a semicircular row of six black discal spots 
crossed by white bars, the fifth extended to the end of 
the cell, the sixth indistinct, margin black-edged, fringe 
gray ; body gray-brown. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 3 lines. 

Hab.—St. Domingo. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

2. Phlebodes virga, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown, the external area of front-wings 
gray ; fringe pale ochraceous. Front-wings below, brown, 
the costal and apical. margins brownish-red, a short 
yellow streak on the first subcostal branch; hind-wings 
deep brownish-red, the abdominal margin brown, a cen- 
tral yellow line from the costa to the abdominal margin ; 
body brown, the palpi and_prothorax reddish, the abdo- 
men yellow. . 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Para. Coll. Druce. 

3. Phlebodes Koza, n. sp. 

Differs from P. Rona the more elongate 
hind-wings, which, on the under-surface, have the abdo- 

508 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

minal margin lilac-tinted, and exhibit only one central 
brown band. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 8 lines. 

Hab.—Capim River. Coll. Druce. 

4. Phlebodes Ittona, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown, with two hyaline spots placed 
obliquely between the median branches, and a third opaque 
elongate spot above the submedian nervure; body 
brown. Front-wings below, with pale apical area, hyaline 
spots as above, opaque spot wanting; hind-wings white, 
base brown, an elongate fan-shaped abdominal brown 
stripe, and touching it, a large geminate orange-brown 
patch, enclosing an indistinct blind black ocellus ; mar- 
ginal fringe brown ; body brown, with white abdomen. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 2 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Unlike any described species. 

Genus Apaustus, Hiibner. 
Apaustus Ira, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark olive-brown ; front-wings with a 
costal streak and a spot on the submedian nervure ful- 
vous, two hyaline spots on the disc, the lower divided by 
the second median branch; hind-wings with nervures (ex- 
cept at base) and abdominal margin fulvous ; body brown. 
Front-wings below, dark brown, the costa and apical area 
reddish, interrupted by yellow nervures ; hind-wings red- 
brown, the costa blackish, a grayish stripe near the 
abdominal margin, all the nervures yellow; body gray. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 2 lines. 

Hab.— ?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Genus Coats, n. gen. 

Allied to Pamphila and Pyrgus ; antenne as in Oarystus, 
but shorter ; palpi more closely scaled than in Pamphila : 
form of wings as in Pyrgus, frmge long, males with a 
brush of long radiating bristles on the abdominal margin 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 509 

near the base of the hind-wings; hind-legs armed with 
four long spurs, two near the end, and two at the end of 
the tibia. 

This is the genus mentioned in the Entomologist’s 
Monthly Magazine, vol. vi. p. 94. 

Cogia Hassan, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark brown, fringe gray; hind-wings of 
male with a pale whitish radiating brush. Below, purplish- 
brown; front-wings with the inner margin ochraceous 
brown, costa gray-spotted, fringe gray alternated with 
black; hind-wings with three gray-edged dentate 
bands of the ground-colour, the first basal, the second 
central, the third hind-marginal, abdominal margin 
ochraceous-brown ; body dirty-white, palpi white. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 1 inch, 2 lines; ¢ 1 inch, 3 lines. 
Hab.—Santarem. Coll. Druce, 9; B. M., g, 2 

Genus Pyreus, Hiibner. 
1. Pyrgus Omrina, n. sp. 

Wings above, white, grayish at base ; front-wings with 
apex and outer margin black, dentate upon nervures, a 
trifid spot and two spots placed obliquely below it near 
apex, eight marginal points and the corresponding por- 
tions of the otherwise black fringe, white ; hind-wings 
with abdominal margin, and a streak near it uniting with 
basal suffusion and enclosing a white spot, gray, outer 
margin black, just enclosing a series of six marginal 
spots between ‘the nervures which are black- -tipped ; 
fringe alternately black and white; body grayish. Wings 
below, white; front-wings with a quadrate sub-costal 
dark spot, a blotch at apex, and three or four short 
streaks corresponding to black spots on fringe, olive- 
green; hind-wings with base of discoidal cell dusky, 
uniting two irregular streaky sub-basal olive-green spots, 
two small spots near apex, and four streaks (uniting with 
spots on fringe at centre of outer margin), olive-green ; 
body whitish. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 4 lines. 

Hab.—Peru. Coll. Druce. 

510 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 
2. Pyrgus Leca, n. sp. 

Wings above, white ; front-wings with the apex and 
outer margin black, sinuate within and exhibiting near 
its inner edge a row of eight minute white points, base 
gray ; hind-wings with an interrupted black zigzag sub- 
marginal line, its outer angles touching the margin, 
which is black; fringe white, base gray ; body brown in 
front, gray behind. Front-wings below, white, apicaland 
external margins olivaceous, an arched white band be- 
ginning just within apical patch and terminating at 
apex; hind-wings dirty white, a spot at base, a broad 
dark V-shaped band beginning on costa, running to 
base and thence to sub-median nervure, where it en- 
closes a small white spot,and the external area enclosing 
a row of darker spots, olive-green, a white streak from 
centre of outer margin to V-shaped band; body white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 7 lines. 
Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

3. Pyrgus Figara, un. sp. 

Wings above, white ; front-wings with the base, costa, 

apex and outer margin brown, a white oblique sub-~ 

apical line divided by the nervures into five points; 
hind-wings with abdominal and outer margins brown, 
nervures (excepting towards costal base) black ; fringe 
white, brown-varied; body brown, head and _ protho- 
rax white-spotted. Wings below, white, outer half of 
nervures black, apex white between the nervures, other- 
wise as above, but paler; hind-wings pearly, nervures 
and marginal line black ; fringe as above; body white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Genus Astictorpterus, Felder. 
Astictopterus Xanites, n. sp. 

Wings above, chocolate - brown; front- wings with a 
broad deep orange oblique band, beginning on the costa, 
and terminating just below the first median branch; body 
brown. Wings below, coloured as above, the band of the 

WG RR et 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 511 

front-wing, which is continued to the anal angle on the 
inner margin, paler, especially its lower half; body brown. 
Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 
Hab.—Sarawak (Lowe). Coll. Druce. 
Allied to A. Sindu of Felder. 

Genus PiastineiA, Butler. 
1. Plastingia Helena, n. sp. 

Front-wings above, with basal area yellow, apical area 
black, a large triangular hyaline spot at the middle of 
the wing, interrupted by the median nervure, a geminate 
oblique spot divided by the second median branch, a 
small bifid spot above it, and a spot at the end of the cell; 
hind-wingss yellow, the costal and outer margins (except 
at the anal angle) black, two hyaline spots beyond the 
end of the cell; body dull yellow. Wings below, golden- 
yellow ; front-wings with apical area interrupted by yel- 
low nervures, otherwise as above; hind-wings with costa 
and a double abdominal streak irrorated with brown, a 
discoidal, and six internervular black dashes, pupillate 
with white, a black marginal line along the apical bor- 
der; body yellow. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 5 lines. 

Hab.—Sarawak (Lowe). Coll. Druce. 

Belongs to the flavescens group. 

2. Plastingia hieroglyphica, n. sp. 

Wings above, black; front-wings with a spot at the 
base, two at the middle of the wing, and four across the 
disc, the uppermost oblique and divided into four parts 
by the subcostal: and discoidal branches, the third bifid, 
slanting towards the lower end of the first, the second 
small, between the first and third, the fourth near the 
anal angle, divided by the submedian nervure ; hind- 
wings with a large basal spot, a streak and two small 
spots on the inner margin, two spots at the apex, a large 
triangular spot on the disc, and another at the anal angle, 
all deep orange; body brown, spotted with orange, ab- 
domen with orange rings. Wings below, almost as above, 
but paler; body grayish, with mesial yellow stripe. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Sarawak (Lowe). Coll. Druce, 


Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

Genus Cyctoripes, Hiibner. 
Cyclopides argenteogutta, n. sp. 

Wings above, dark brown; front-wings crossed by 
three irregular oblique yellow bands, a yellow spot at 
apex, fringe yellow; hind-wings with a poit near the 
base, an irregular central band, a spot beyond it, two at 
apex, and the fringe, yellow; body black. Front-wings 
below, with apex, base, and outer margin reddish brown, 
yellow bands paler, otherwise as above ; hind-wings red- 
brown, the yellow bands and spots replaced by silver 
ones (two beyond central band and three at apex), fringe 
ochraceous ; body ochraceous, palpi white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, | line. 

Hab.—Nubia. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

The prettiest little species in the genus. 

Genus CarTrerocepHALus, Felder. 
Carterocephalus Hilina, n. sp. 

Wings above, olive-brown; front-wings with seven 
transparent yellow spots, arranged as in C. Cypselus of 
Felder; hind-wings with a large central fan-shaped 
silky yellow patch, outer margin black ; fringe orange ; 
body dark greenish. Front-wings below, brown with 
ochreous margins, spots larger than above, the two 
lowest united; hind-wings ochreous, with bright yellow 
central patch, encircled by seven brown spots; body 
ochraceous, palpi hghter than the rest of body. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 4 lines, 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Druce, and B. M. 

Allied to C. Cypselus and C. dimidiatus of Felder. 

Genus Pirnonipks, Hiibner. 
1. Pithonides gladiatus, n. sp. 

Wings above, bright prussian-blue, with greenish re- 
flections ; front-wings with a spot in the cell near the 
base, a large spot near apex terminating in a discal 
band not reaching the inner margin, and the outer 
margin, black ; hind-wings with broad border and central 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 513 

band, black ; body black. Wings below, brown, the bands 
of the upper surface indistinctly represented by bands 
deeper than the ground-colour ; body brown, palpi och- 
raceous brown. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Para; Coll. Druce. Tapajos; B. M. 

Intermediate between P. festivus, Hrichson, and P. 
loxus, Hewitson. 

2. Pithonides Jahesa, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown; front-wings with darker sub- 
quadrate central patch and apical margin, an angulate 
discal streak of gray scales, and a spot of same colour on 
costa at origin of first sub-costal branch ; hind-wings 
with a nebulous central geminate band of dark brown, 
outer margin densely irrorated with gray scales ; body 
brown. Front-wings below, paler, especially towards inner 
margin, a diffused spot in the cell and a second towards 
apex, indistinctly continued as a band to anal angle of 
gray scales; hind-wings pale blue, whitish at anal 
angle, the costal area dusted with brown scales, the 
costa and apex, an oblique spot below centre of costal 
nervure, and a second between sub-costal branches, 
brown ; body white, abdomen pale brown. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Druce. 

Allied to P. Orcus of Fabricius. 

Genus Txanaos, Boisduval. 
Thanaos Ibhara, n. sp. 

Wings above, brown ; front-wings exhibiting three dis- 
cal spots in the form of a triangle (its base towards 
the apex) and five subapical points; body brown. 
Front-wings below, paler, the marginal areas irrorated 
with ochreous scales, spots as above, but pale yellow, the 
lower one of triangle attached to a large oblong spot 
below the first median branch; hind-wings brown, irro- 
rated with pale ochreous scales, a central and two discal 
indistinct curved brown lines; head and thorax greenish, 
abdomen brown. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 3 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Druce, and B. M. 

Unlike any species hitherto described. 


514 Mr. A. G, Butler’s Descriptions 

Genus Acutyopes, Hiibner. 
1. Achlyodes Zera, n. sp. 

Wings above, slaty-gray ; front-wings with the outer 
margin pale brown, interrupted by an apical streak, a 
central marginal spot, and an anal spot of black, an 
oblique subapical black bar, and a central interrupted 
arched band, four central pale spots in the form of a 
diamond, that between the first and second median 
branches hyaline, a hyaline point near the apex; hind- 
wings with brownish costa, a diffused blackish quadrate 
patch from the abdominal margin to the median nervure, 
where it is met by two maculate black bars running 
parallel to near the costa, base, apex, and a spot near it 
and the anal angle, black; body brown. Front-wings 
below, with costal half brown, a spot at the centre of the 
costa, a second elongate near the apex, a line on the 
apical outer margin, and the anal area, ochreous, black 
spots replaced by brown ones, and smaller than above; 
hind-wings with costal area brown, central area pale blue, 
anal area white, black spots of the costal half as above, 
but better defined, anal half immaculate ; fringe brown ; 
body gray, abdomen white. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

2. Achlyodes Rossine, n. sp. 

Wings above, slaty-gray, outer margin brown, basal 
area blackish, a pale irregular submarginal squamose 
streak; front-wings with a pale gray nebula near the 
apical costa; hind-wings with an irregular dark brown 
discal streak, beginning on the abdominal margin, and 
tapering to the subcostal nervure; body blackish. Front- 
wings below, brown, a white spot at the apex, an indis- 
tinct squamose discal band, widening at costa and anal 
angle; hind-wings pale blue, the external area hatched 
with minute brown lines, and exhibiting a series of four 
indistinct submarginal squamose brown spots, two or 
three similar spots near the apex, costal area brown ; 
body brown, clothed with gray hairs. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 10 lines. 

Hab.—Rio Janeiro (Beske). Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to the preceding species, and to A. obscwra of 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 515 
3. <Achlyodes Ozotes, n. sp. 

Wings above, brassy brown ; front-wings with a brown 
oblique spot in the cell, and a short band of the same 
colour below it, divided by the first median branch, a 
brown spot near the anal angle, and a short oblique line 
near apex, the two latter united by a whitish oblique 
sub-marginal band ; hind-wings with two irregular cen- 
tral rows of brown spots, the external series margined by 
a whitish band, anal and internal areas deeper tinted 
than the rest of the wing; body olive-brown. Wings 
below, with markings as above, but less defined ; front- 
wings darker at base and outer margin; hind-wings 
dark olive-brown, except apex; body dark brown. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches, 3 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela ; Coll. Druce. Venezuela, Bogota, 
Bolivia; B. M. 

An example from Bolivia in the British Museum is 
much darker than ordinary specimens ; the species 
is intermediate between the Sebaldus and Mewicanus 

4. Achlyodes Ozema, un. sp. 

$. Wings above, pearly-whitish ; front-wings irro- 
rated with brown, two distinct bands at the base, two 
confused ‘angulate bands at the middle, a dark narrow 
distinct angulate band near the outer margin, and the 
margin itself, brown; hind-wings with the base gray- 
brown, a disco-cellular line, five lunules in an arc be- 
yond it, and the margin (which exhibits paler spots 
between the nervures) brown; fringe brown, whitish at 
the apex and the anal angle ; body grayish-brown ; the 
abdomen with two or three paler rmgs. Wings below, 
pearly-white ; the markings of the upper-surface reduced 
to ill-defined lines and points; apex of the front-wings 
exhibiting a trifid white spot; body whitish; the anus 
armed with powerful yellow hooks. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 9 lines. 

Hab.—Nicaragua (Belt) ; Coll. Druce. Honduras, St. 
Paulo, Tapajos; B. M. 

516 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 

5. Achlyodes Zephus, n. sp. 

Wings above, pale grayish-brown, dusted over with 
black-brown atoms ; front-wings with the base dark gray- 
brown, bounded by a black costal spot which terminates 
in two lines running to the inner margin, a black disco- 
cellular line and three lunes running in an oblique line 
to the inner margin and bounded within by dark grayish 
squamose spots, a large externally-dentate subapical 
black patch, enclosing four obliquely placed hyaline 
points, and three black submarginal spots, the lowest (at 
anal angle) the largest ; hind-wings, base and abdominal 
area clothed with gray hairs, a white central patch be- 
ginning on the costa and terminating just below the 
median nervure, interrupted by a black disco-cellular 
line and bounded by a discal row of five increasing 
blackish spots, the discal area beyond the latter is gray- 
ish, dentate externally and enclosing blackish submar- 
ginal hastate spots, margin brown; fringe pale brown ; 
body gray-brown. Wings below, yellowish-white, the 
margins ochraceous, the base and anal angle of the hind- 
wings brown, submarginal spots as above, but more 
defined ; front-wings with a dark brown spot beyond the 
end of the cell, and three placed obliquely below the hya- 
line spots ; body gray. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela; Coll. Druce. Venezuela, Colom- 
bia; B. M. 

6. Achlyodes Leada, un. sp. 

Wings above, yellowish-white, basal and external areas 
inclining to ochraceous, base brown, a submarginal 
row of brown lunules, margin with slender brown edge, 
fringe pale brown, a discal series of brown-edged 
whitish spots following the outline of the wing, the 
three first, the fourth and fifth of front-wings hyaline, 
an irregular broken central series of similar spots ; front- 
wings with a brown spot beyond the end of the cell ; 
body brown, abdomen with whitish segmentary lines, 
Wings below, altogether paler, the markings of upper- 
surface badly defined ; body white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 7 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 


of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 517 

The three preceding species belong to the Melander 
group of the genus, placed by some authors in the genus 
Leucochitonea ; the latter is, however, altogether distinct 
from them, and from the white species of Pyrgus referred 
to it by Wallengren; the true position of Leucochitonea 
appears to be next to Pyrrhopyga and Oxynetra, 

7. Achlyodes Ophia, un. sp. 

Wings above, pale olive-brown ; front-wings with a 
bifid spot on costa, a large excavated quadrate spot 
below it and in the cell, two between median branches, 
the lower large and quadrate, two points in an oblique 
line with the latter and above the sub-median nervure, and 
four points in an oblique series near the apex, all hyaline 
and black-edged, a short sub-apical and sub-anal streak, 
black ; hind-wings with base, a spot near it on costa, an 
apical patch, and a sub-apical point, black, a sub-marginal 
diffused brown streak; body brown. Wings below, as 
above, excepting that the black markings are replaced 
by brown ones; body whitish. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 5 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Druce, and B. M. 

Somewhat resembles some of the species of Pithonides 
in the hyaline spots of the front-wings. 

8. Achlyodes Hadina, n. sp. 

Wings above, dull-brown, two dark brown central 
bands in all the wings margined by pale ochreous scales, 
the margin slightly darker than the ground-colour and 
irrorated with pale ochreous atoms. Wings below, some- 
what ochraceous, the outer margin broadly dusky ; front- 
wing's with an irregular curved line from costal nervure to 
sub-median nervure, where it terminates in a brown spot 
encircled with whitish, near costa it is margined ex- 
ternally by an oblique ochreous line, a sub-marginal 
streak of ochraceous, sometimes restricted to the median 
interspaces; hind-wings densely irrorated with gray 
scales, a central brown band parallel to the margin and 
edged with grayish scales ; body pale brown, palpi whitish. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 4 lines. 

Hab.—Brazil. B.M., 

Allied to A. satyrina of Felder. 

TRANS. ENT. soc. 1870.—PaRT Iv. (DECEMBER.) = NN 

518 Mr. A. G. Butler’s Descriptions 
9. Achlyodes Odina, n. sp. 

Wings above, almost as in the preceding species, the 
bands better defined, especially at their extremities. 
Wings below, pale ochreous gray ; front-wings ochraceous, 
crossed by two pale brown bands, ochreous in the middle, 
the inner one arched, margin dusky, intersected by a 
pale line ; hind-wings ‘crossed by two yellowish white- 
edged bands ; ; body gray, palpi whitish. 

Expanse of wings, 1 inch, 5 lines. 

Hab.—Venezuela. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

Allied to the preceding species. 

Genus Hettas, Fabricius. 
1. Helias pedaliodina, n. sp. 

Wings above, pitchy, paler at the apex and outer 
margin of front-wings, which exhibit an irregular sub- 
marginal streak, five hyaline points near the apex, and 
two on the disc; body pitchy. Wings below, paler, 
irregularly banded with gray and hatched with dark 
brown ; front-wings with apical spot; hind-wings with 
two large costal patches, and a central spot, red-brown ; 
body brownish-black. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 9 lines. 

Hab.— ?. Coll. Druce. 

Ueiiaglelek the species of Pedaliodes in colenemtey 

2. Helias diurna, un. sp. 

Wings above, olive-brown, streaked here and there 
with darker markings, a white hyaline costal \V-like 
character near the apex; hind-wings strongly dentate, 
black at the base, an angulate series of seven blackish 
discal lunules, and a corresponding series of marginal 
lunules; body blackish. Front-wings below, brown, an 
oblique trifid orange spot at the apex, an apical costal 
line and marginal points between the nervures of the 
same colour; hind-wings, costal-half brown, spotted here 
and there with orange, and with blackish markings, as 
above, anal area grayish-white, the spots of the upper- 
surface (except on the margin) replaced by gray ones, 

of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 519 

margin orange-tinted with brown lunate spots, as above, 
the second from the anal angle very large; body pale 
brown, palpi orange. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 6 lines. 

Hab.—?. Coll. Kaden in Coll. Druce. 

The hind-wings of this species, and one or two allied 
to it, are strongly dentate, giving them a very distinct 

3. Helias Ithrana, n. sp. 

Front-wings above, brown with a central white band, 
forking from which is a grayish streak, just below the 
elbow of the latter are two semi-transparent spots placed 
obliquely between the median branches, there are also 
three semi-transparent points near the apex, seven dark 
brown sub-marginal spots margined with grayish brown ; 
hind-wings white, a brown basal band, a spot on inner 
margin and a double sub-marginal series terminating in 
a single series before apex, clouded with brown at centre 
of outer margin and with gray at anal angle; body 
dark brown, the tip of abdomen gray, white-ringed. 
Wings below, white ; front-wings with a large quadrate 
spot on costa beyond the cell, and seven spots as above 
near outer margin, apical area gray-tinted; hind-wings 
with the outer margin except the apex, and four discal 
spots adjoining it, dark brown; body white. 

Expanse of wings, | inch, 7 to 8 lines. 

Hab.—¢ Peru, ? Rio Janeiro; Coll. Druce. Rio 
Janeiro and Ega; B. M 

Reminds one of Caprona Canopus of Trimen. 

Genus TacrapEs, Hubner. 
Tagiades Janetta, n. sp. 

Front-wings dark brown, a streak at the end of cell 
and another on the disc of gray scales, four central spots, 
two within the cell, and two between the median branches, 
and five points near the apex in a recurved series, white 
hyaline; hind-wings with the basal area and apex dark 
brown, two large black spots placed obliquely within the 
apical band; body brown. Front-wings below, nearly 
as above, the gray discal streak broader and well-defined, 

NN 2 

520 Mr. A. G. Butler on Diurnal Lepidoptera. 

becoming white near the anal angle; hind-wings white, 
costa and apex dark brown, subapical spots as above, a 
black triangular spot at the end of the first median branch, 
and a short black line at the end of the second; fringe 
white ; body grayish in front, white behind. 

Expanse of wings, 2 inches. 
Hab.—Aru Islands. Coll. Druce. 
Belongs to the Iapetus group. 

( 521) 

XXII. Notes on a Collection of Insects sent by Mr. Ansell 
from South-West Africa. By J. W. Dunnine, 
M.A., Sec. Ent. Soc. 

From 1855-60 Mr. Henry Ansell was one of our members, 
but from the latter date no tidings of him reached the So- 
ciety, until the receipt of a letter, dated ‘‘ Kinsembo, 8. W. 
C. Africa, 23rd February, 1870,” which accompanied the 
insects captured in that locality, to which these notes relate. 

The collection was brought to this country by Mr. J. J. 
Monteiro, of Ambriz, whose contributions to the know- 
ledge of Angolan birds are familiar to ornithologists (see 
The Ibis for 1862, and Proc. Zool. Soc. for 1865 and 
1869); and was exhibited at the June Meeting of the 
Society (see Proc. Ent. Soc. 1870, p. xxiv.). 

Kinsembo, or Kisembo, is only a phonetic spelling of 
the Portuguese Quizembo, or Quicembo. There is a 
place of that name in Benguela, but the Kinsembo of 
Mr. Ansell is a small spot of rising importance on the 
coast of Congo, a few miles to the north of the town of 
Ambriz, about 64° south of the equator. It will be found 
in the Map of Angola, published at Lisbon, in 1864, under 
the title ‘‘ Angola, Mappa coordenada pelo Visconde de 
Sa de Bandeira e por Fernando da Costa Leal ;”? and the 
WestAfrican mail-packets now regularly call at Kinsembo. 

The Angolan Coast (including Congo, Angola proper, 
and Benguela) is for the most part a level tract, bounded 
westward by the sea, and eastward by a range of hills 
running parallel to the coast. This littoral region, with 
its low-lying grounds, lakes, and forests, is in many parts 
unhealthy ; but, in addition to the trade in gum copal, 
and teeth of the elephant and hippopotamus, the mineral 
wealth of the mountains is attracting the attention of 
Europeans. The variety and peculiarity of the vegetable 
productions have long been known, and the recent ap- 
pearance of the ‘‘Sertum Angolense” of Dr. Welwitsch 
(Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvii.) has renewed the interest 
felt by botanists in this portion of the African Continent ; 
in’ the introductory observations to that paper, the 
general features of the country will be found described. 

- In his essay ‘On the Geographical Relations of the 
chief Coleopterous Faune,’ (to the theory of which, I 
believe, Coleopterists generally are scarcely prepared to 
assent, whilst some at least of the arguments and sta- 
tistics adduced seem to invite a reply from students of 

TRANS. ENT. Soc. 1870.—PART Iv. (DECEMBER.) 

522 Notes on Insects 

particular groups of beetles), Mr. Andrew Murray informs 
us (Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. xi. 7V) that “‘ the type of the 
Angolan Coleopterous fauna is Kaffrarian, beyond any 
question,” and this statement is based on material sup- 
plied by Dr. Welwitsch, whose ‘‘ entomological collections 
are not less admirable in every respect than his botanical.” 
It is to be desired that the contents of these collections 
should, by means of publication, be made better known 
to Entomologists generally. 

At the request of the Council, the different groups of 
insects in Mr. Ansell’s boxes have been examined by 
Messrs. Butler, Moore, Bates, M’Lachlan, Smith, and 
Scott; and those gentlemen respectively have drawn 
us the Lists of Species hereinafter contained. 

It is recorded by a former visitor to Ambriz, that 
“flights of humming-birds and richly coloured butter- 
flies filled the air”? To some extent these may have 
been fiights of the traveller’s fancy; but, at any rate, 
the butterflies form the chief item in Mr. Ansell’s collec- 
tion. Altogether there are 82 species of Lepidoptera ; 
and the butterflies are distributed amongst four families 
in the following proportion, viz.:—Nymphalide, 30 
species; Lyccenide, 8; Papilionide, 17; and Hesperiide, 
4; total, 59 species belonging to 30 genera. Of these, 
three are new names, Junonia Cebrene, Godartia Ansellica, 
and Belenois Inana ; the first and third species have existed 
in collections unnamed, but the Godartia is new in fact 
as well as in name; it is allied to G. Hurynome, and Mr. 
Butler has named it after its captor, by whom five speci- 
mens were sent. Junonia Cebrene is the African form of 
the Asiatic J. none; Mr. Roland Trimen and Mr. 
Butler appear to have simultaneously and independently 
arrived at the conclusion that the African form is entitled 
to rank as a species ; their respective descriptions thereof 
both appear in this Part of the Transactions (pp. 353 
and 524), but with Mr. Butler’s full concurrence, I have 
given the preference to the name proposed by the author 
of the Rhopalocera Africe australis. 

The Lepidoptera Heterocera consist of 23 species 
belonging to 21 genera; several of these are probably 
new species, but Mr. Moore modestly pleads insufficient 
acquaintance with the moths of Africa asa reason for not 
naming or describing them. There are four species of 
Sphinges, seven Bombyces, five Noctuc, five Geometre, a 
Pyralis, and a Crambus. Most of the generic names are 

from Kinsenbo. 525 

familiar to collectors of British insects ; whilst two of the 
species, Sphine convolvuli and Deilephila celerio, are iden- 
tical with our indigenous forms. Of the moths to which no 
specific name is attached in the List hereafter given, the 
most striking are, the Parasia with its bright apple-green 
thorax and broad band of the same colour across the 
fore-wings, the Plusia with its pectinate antenne and 
exuberant development of the hairy thoracic covering, 
and the Crambus with its strongly pectinate antenne. 

Mr. Ansell remarks upon the paucity of Coleoptera at 
Kinsembo, and hopes for better success when he goes 
northward to Kabenda. He says, “ the Coleoptera of 
this coast are certainly wanting, as I have on several 
occasions visited the most likely localities, and found 
next to nothing.” There are in the collection only 25 
species belonging to 21 genera of beetles; one Cicindelid 
and one Carabid, seven Lamellicorns, one Malacoderm, 
five Heteromera, five Longicorns, two Phytophaga, and 
three Trimera. As might be expected, many of them 
are mentioned in Hrichson’s “ Beitrag zur Insecten- 
Fauna von Angola,” published in Wiegmann’s Archiv 
fur Naturgeschichte (1843), where some interesting 
observations on the Insect-fauna of Africa may be found. 
Of the Longicorns, one beautiful insect has been described 
as a new species, and appropriately named after its dis- 
coverer ; though it may, perhaps, be doubted whether 
Coleopterists generally will regard Tragocephala Anselli 
as more than a colour-variation of 7’. Buquetit. 

The Newroptera are represented by four species, two 
Libellulide, and two Myrmeleonide. The Libellula is 
interesting, being identical with a common Brazilian 
species, which at first led M. de Selys-Longchamps to 
doubt the locality of capture; but having been received 
from Zanzibar as well as Congo, its claim to be consi- 
dered a denizen of South Africa, as well as of South 
America, may be considered fairly established. 

The Hymenoptera are represented by five species ; 
a Bracon described as new under the name B. bellosus, 
three Apide of the genus Xylocopa, and a Chrysis. 

The Diptera are only two in number, of the families 
Tabanide and Muscide. The latter is described as new, 
under the name Tachina albifrons. 

The Hemiptera consist of two Homoptera, a Fulgora 
and a Cicada, and nine- species of Heteroptera, all of 
common occurrence and ordinary form. 

524 Notes on Insects 

The following are the Lists of Species supplied by the 
above-mentioned Entomologists :-— 

List of the Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. By A. G. BurLer, 
| Ds Mes Lea 


1. Danais Chrysippus. Linn. 8..N. ii. 767 (Pap. Dan.). 
2. Melanitis Leda. Linn. S8.N. ii. 773 (Pap. Nym.). 
- Var. P. Bankia, Fabr. 

3. Gnophodes Pythia. Fabr. Ent. Syst. mi. 116 (Pa- 
pilio). Specimens in the British Museum are registered 
“Int. of 8. Africa.” 

4. Gnophodes Chelys. Fabr. Ent. Syst. i. 80 (Papilio). 
Rather smaller than usual. 

5. Mycalesis Husirus. Peters’ Reise n. Mos- 
samb. Ins. p. 393, pl. xxv. f. 3, 4. 

6. Mycalesis Saga. Butler, Cat. Di, Lep. Satyr. p. 
130, pl. mi. f. 1. Differs from the typical form in the 
greater size of the ocelli below. 

7. Mycalesis Hliasis. Hewits. Ex. Butt. ii. 91, pl. 
xlvi. f. 44, 45. Differs from the typical form in the 
greater number of ocelli, which are rather more uniform 
In size. 

8. Neptis Agatha. Cram. Pap. Ex. iv. pl. ecexxvii. f. 
A. B (Papilio). The Fabrician name Melicerta cannot 
be applied to this species, Drury’s Melicerta having been 
previously published; the note on this species in Fabr, 
Cat. is misplaced. 

9. Junonia Crebrene. Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc. i870, 
p- 353. 

J. Cinom Asiz persimilis; differt constanter area 
basali alarum anticarum nigrescente ; fundo partim auran- 
tiaco ; macula czrulea posticarum rotundata, haud elon- 
gata ; costa anticarum ¢ in medio haud nigro-maculata. 

This is the African representative of J. Ginone which 
has long wanted a name ; it is as constant as possible in 
the character of the blackened base, and the absence of 
the costal spot (of the male) in the fore-wings, and in the 
orange-tinted ground-colour. 

I had described this species before the arrival in this 
country of Mr. Trimen’s paper above cited; but I gladly 
withdraw my MS. name in favour of his. 

Nit een eee 


pea aan! 

from Kinsembo. 525 

10. Junonia Clelia. Cram. Pap. Ex. i. pl. xxi. f. H. F. 

11. Junonia Terea. Drury, Il. ii. pl. xvin. f. 3, 4. 

12. Junonia Orthosia (?). Klug & Ehr. Symb. Phys. 
pl. xlvii. f. 8, 9 (Vanessa) . Differs in its deeper colora- 
tion above ; a specimen 1 in the British Museum is labelled 
ce Elhyra. 9 

13. Harma Theobene. Westw. Gen. Di. Lep. p. 288, 
plixl. f.°3:. 

14. Harma Cenis. Drury, Ill. ni. pl. xix. f. 12. 

15. Romaleosoma Janassa. Linn. 8. N.u. 781. 

16. Romaleosoma Ceres. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 504 (Pa- 
pilio); ¢ Pap. Medon, Cram. Pap. Ex. i. pl. cev. f. C. D. 

17. Romaleosoma Losinga. Hewits. Ex. But. i. 34, 
pl. xvii. f. 5. } 

18. Diadema Anthedon. Hew. & Westw. Gen. Di. 
Lep. pl. xxxvii. f. 2. 

19. Diadema dubia. Pal. 2 Beauv., Ins. Afr. et Am., 
Lep. pl. vi. f..2 (Papilio). 

20. Diadema Misippus. Linn. 8. N. u. 767. 

21. Godartia Ansellica, Butler, n. sp. 

So. G. Hurynomi affinis, differt fundo flavidiore ; ale 
antice maculis submarginalibus in serie irregulari dispo- 
sitis; postice area basali viridi multo minore, maculis 
discalibus viridibus majoribus. Exp. une. 3, lin. 11. 

A representative of G. Hurynome, differing in the tint 
of the green markings, the irregularity of the submar- 
ginal series of spots in the fore-wings, and the small 

green basal area and larger ovate discal spots of the 

hind-wings. Five specimens. 
22. Jaera cenobita. Fabr. Ent. Syst. mi, 247. 
23. Jaera Crithea. Drury, Ill. u1. pl. xvi. f. 5, 6. 
24. Planema Macaria. Godt. Enc. Méth. ix. 237. 
25. Acrea Lycoa. Godt. Enc. Meth. ix. 239. 
26. <Acrea Liberia. Cram. Pap. Ex. ii. pl. cclxviii. 
f. C. D (Papilio). 
27. Acreea serena. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 461 (Papilio). 
28. Acreea Lycia. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 464 (Papilio). 
29. Gnesia Egina. Cram. Pap. Ex. i. pl. xxxix. f. G. 

30. Gnesia Zetes. Linn. 8. N. u. 766 (Pap. Dan.); 
P. Menippe, Drury, Ill. i. pl. xi. f. 3, 4. 

526 Notes on Insects 


Pithecops Hlorea. Fabr. Ent. Syst. m. 194. 
Lampides beticus. Linn. 8. N.i1. 789 (Pap. pleb.). 
Lampides Parsimon, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 526 (Papilio) . 
Lampides Jobates. Hopf. Monatsb. Ak. Wiss. Berl. 
1855, p. 642, and in Peters’ Reise n. Mossamb. Ins. pl. 
xxvi. f. 9, 10 (Lyccena). 

5. Sithon Batikeli. Boisd. Faune Ent. Madag. p. 24, 
pl. i. f. 5 (Lycena). 

6. Iolaus Bowkeri. -Trimen, Tr. Ent. Soc., 3 ser., 11. 
176; Rhop. Afr. austr. p. 225, pl. iv. f. 4. 

7. Hypolycena Hatita. Hewits. Ill. Di. Lep. Lye. 
pol, pl xxmrr 21224: 

8. Loxvura Silenus. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 531 (Papilio) ; 
var. P. Alcides, Cram. Pap. Ex. i. pl. xcvi. f. D. E. 

i OF DD 


1. Belenois Inana, Butler, n. sp. 

&. Als supra albe, venis nigro-acuminatis ; subtus 
anticee apice paululum ochraceo-tincte ; posticee paulu- 
lum ochraceo-tincte ; costa basali aurantiaca; punctis 
squamosis discalibus inter venas nigris inconspicuis. 
Exp. une. 2, lin. 4. 

This species is in the British Museum from South and 
West Africa, but on account of its simple coloration, 
somewhat resembling Hronia capensis of Wallengren, it 
seems to have been overlooked. 

2. Belenois Severina. Cram. Pap. Ex. iv. pl. ccexxxvili. 
f. G. H (Papilio). 

8. Belenois Sabrata. Doubl. Gen. Di. Lep. p. 47. 
In the British Museum, from Congo. . 

$. Intermediate between B. Larima and Calypso; 
white above, with the margins blackened almost as in 
Calypso, but the spots of the apical area ill-defined ; 
below, the base of the fore-wings deep orange, the apex 
and the whole of the hind-wings bright golden-yellow ; 
submarginal spots as in Calypso, but smaller; no disco- 
cellular spots on either surface. Exp. 2 in. 9 lin. 

4. Belenois Calypso. Drury, Ill. u. pl. xvii. f. 3, 4. 

5. Mylothris Agathina. Cram. Pap. Ex. ii. pl. 
ecxxxvi. f. D. E (Papilio). Several varieties, differ- 
ing chiefly in the under-surface of the hind-wings. 

from Kinsembo. 5o7 

6. Herpenia Tritogenia. Klug & Ehr. Symb. Phys. 
Ins. ii. pl. viii. f. 17, 18 (Pieris). This seems to come 
very near the description of Pieris Hriphia.* 

7. Nepheronia Argia. Fabr. Syst. Ent, ii. pl. eci. f. A. 

8. EHronia Buquetii. Boisd. Sp. Gén. Lép. i. 607 
(Callidryas). Mr. Trimen, in the Appendix to his Rhop. 
Afr. austr., has mentioned only one of Wallengren’s named 
races of this species. 

9. Teracolus Evippe. Linn. 8. N. uu. 762 (Pap. 
Dan.). There are in the collection, with this species, 
two males which present many of the characters of 7’. 
Evippe, but in some respects are more like 7’. Daira, 
Klug ; they may prove to be a distinct species. | 

10. Teracolus Calais. Cram. Pap. Ex. i. pl. xxx. f. 
C.D (Papilio). 

ll. Terias Brigitta, var. T. Rahel, Boisd. Sp. Gén. Lép. 
i. 673 (nec Fabr.). 

12. Terias senegalensis. Boisd. Sp. Gén. Lép. i. 672. 

13. Terias pulchella. Boisd. Faune HEnt. Madag. p. 
20, pl. ii. f. 7 (Xanthidia). The marginal border is nar- 
rower than in Boisduval’s figure. 

14, Papilio Demoleus. Linn. 8. N. 11. 753 (Pap. Hq.). 

15. Papilio Erinus. G. R. Gray, Cat. Lep. Pap. p. 
26. Var. of P. Nireus, Linn. 8. N. un. 750. 

16. Papilio Brutus. Fabr. Sp. Ins. p. 138. One spe- 
cimen has an unusually large creamy spot on the black 
apex of the fore-wing. 

17. Papilio Cynorta. Fabr. Ent. Syst. m. 37, $3; P. 
Boisduvallianus, Westw. Arc. Ent. pl. xl. f. 1, 2, ?. 


1. Hesperia Iphis. Drury, Ill. ii. pl. xv. f. 3, 4 (Pa- 
pilio) . 

2. Pamphila inconspicua. Bertoloni, Mem. Acad. Sci. 
Bologna, 11. 181 (Hesperia). 

3. Astictopterus Lepeletierw. Godt. Enc. Méth. ix. 
777 (Hesperia). 
4, Plesioneura Galenus. Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 350 
(Papilio). In colour more nearly like P. Mokeesi than 
any other species; but marked almost as in P. Lligius 
and its allies. 

* (Compare Mr. Trimen’s note on this species, ante, p. 379.—J. W. D.] 

528 Notes on Insects 

List of the Lepidoptera Heterocera. By Frepuric Moors. 


1. Sphinew convolvuli. Linn. 8. N. 1. 798. 

2. Deilephila Celerio. Linn. S. N. ti. 800 (Sphinz). 

3. Cherocampa Hson. Cram. Pap. Exot. mi. 57, pl. 
eexxviie GC. 

4. Zonilia Peneus. Cram. Pap. Exot. i. 139, pl. 
Ixxxvil. f. D (Sphinz). 


1. Agocera rectilinea. Boisd. Sp. Gen. i. pl. xiv. f. 5. 

2. Syntomis Cerbera. Linn. 8. N. 1. 806 (Sphinza). 

3. Terina latifascia. Walker, List Lep. in Brit. Mus., 
Bomb. p. 464. 

4. Anaphe reticulata. Walker, List Lep. in Brit. 
Mus., Bomb. p. 856. 

5. . Orgyia —sp.? 

6. Parasia ——— sp.? 

7. Dasychira —-—— sp.? 

1. Plusia ——— sp.? 

2. Ophiusa properans. Walker, List Lep. in Brit. 
Mus., Noct. p. 1426. 
~ 3. <Acontia ———— sp. ? 

4. Acontia 

5. Patula macrops. Linn, 8. N. im. 225 (Phal. At- 
tacus) . 


1. Micronia erycenaria. _Guén. Phal. 1. 30. 
2. Argyris— Spsf 
3. Anisodes ———— sp.? 
4. Macaria ——-— sp.? 
5. Macaria ——— sp.? 

Ll. © Hymenia recurvalis. Fabr. Ent. Syst. IIT. ii. 287 ~ 
(Phalena) . 5 


1.. Crambus ——— sp.? 

from Kinsembo. 529 

List of the Coleoptera. By H. W. Barus, F.Z.S., 
V.-P. and late Pres. Ent. Soc. 
1. Cicindela melancholica. Fabr. Syst. El. i. 286=C. 
cegyptiaca, Dej. Sp. Gen. i. 96. 

1. Hypolithus 


1. Catharsius nemestrinus. Fabr. Ent. Syst. i. 41 
(Searabeeus) . 

2. Copris sp.?. A single female. 

3. Heterorhina monoceros. Gory & Perch.. Monog. 
Cet. p. 137, pl. xxi. f. 3 (Gnathocera). 

4. Heterorhina africana. Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins. ii. 
54, pl. xxx. f. 4 (Scarabeus africanus). The speci- 
mens, of which many were sent by Mr. Ansell, have the 
elytra of a much yellower hue than the typical form from 
the region near Sierra Leone. In some examples there 
is a tendency towards a distinct pale lateral border to the 
elytra. The species, however, varies much, according to 
locality, and at the Gaboon offers varieties intermediate 
between those of Angola and those of Sierra Leone. 

5. Heterorhina plana. Wiedemann, in Germ. Mag. 
iv. 145. 

6. Diplognatha gagates. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 49 (Ce- 
tonia) . | 

7. Macroma scutellata. Fabr. Syst. El. i. 146 (Cetonia). 
A variety, with rather coarsely punctured elytra. 

1. Lycus ampliatus. Bohem. Ins. Caffr. i. 432. 


1. Himatismus mandibularis. Erichs. in Wiegm. 
Arch. 1843, i. 255. ee 

2. Tenebrio guineensis. Imhoff, Verhandl. Nat. Ges. 
Basel, v. 174 (1842). 

3. Mylabris dicincta. Bertoloni, Nov. Comm. Act. 
Bonon. x. 419 (1849). 

4, Praogena rubripes. Castelnau, Hist. Nat. Ins, ii. 

5. Psammodes tenebrosus. Hrichs. in Wiegm. Arch. 

1843, 1. 242 (Moluris). 

530 Notes on Insects 


1. Macrotoma palmata. Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. 1. 249 
(Prionus palmatus) . 

2. Mallodon Downesti. Hope, Ann. Nat. Hist. x1. 

3. Phryneta spinator. Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. ni. 276 
(Lamia). <A variety, having the apical half-of the elytra 
of a tawny hue, with a few small black spots. 

4, Ceroplesis bicincta. Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 145 
(Lamia) =C. continua, Oliv. Ent. No. 67, p. 128, pl. xxii. 
Pe £77. 

5. Tragocephala Anselli, Bates, n. sp. 

T. Buquetii (Thomson) proxime affinis; differt elytro- 
rum fascia rufa angustiore, recta, haud maculata. Nigro- 
velutina, capite vittis duabus supra conjunctis, vittisque 
post oculos per latera thoracis continuatis, viridi-cinereis ; 
elytris apicem versus attenuatis, mox pone medium fascia 
integra, lete rufo-aurantiaca, prope apicem utrinque 
gutta oblonga flava et ante eam guttulis duabus viridibus ; 
corpore infra nigro, nitido, metasterno (linea mediana 
excepta) lete rosaceo, abdomine lateribus cinereo quin- 
que-maculatis. Long. 93 lin. g. (Specim. unic.) 

This beautiful insect closely resembles 7’. Buquetw in 
shape and general coloration, but it differs from all the 
numerous specimens of that species which I have seen, 
in the red belt of the elytra being of moderate and equal 
width throughout, and in being quite destitute of black 
spots. If 7’. Buquetii were not of great constancy in its 
markings, so far as is known, the new species might 
have been considered only a variety of it. 


1 & 2. Diacantha spp.?. Apparently two new 
species (Fam. Galerucide), but I hesitate to describe 
them, since the genus Diacantha contains a great number 
of closely-allied species which can only be competently 
treated of by a monographer. 


1. Epilachna reticulata. Oliv. Ent. vi. 1020, pl. vi. 
f. 78 (Coccinella) . 

2. Hpilachna —sp.?. A single damaged specimen. 

3. Verania comma. Casstrém, Nov. Ins. Sp., in Thunb. 
Dissert. p. 20, pl. vii. f. 30. 


from Kinsembo. 531 

List of the Neuroptera. By R. M’Lacutan, F.L.S., 
Sec. Ent. Soc. 


1. Palpopleura Portia, Drury. Occurs throughout 
Tropical Africa, and varies much according to locality. 

2. Libellula sp.?. I sent this insect to 
Selys-Longchamps, who says it is scarcely to be separated 
from a common but undescribed Brazilian species, L. 
bilineata, (Hagen, MS.). I possess an example from 
Zanzibar, taken by Dr. Kirk. 


1. Palpares latipennis, Ramb. And a larva probably 
of this species. P. inclemens, Walker, from Natal, and 
P. cephalotes, Walk. (nee Klug), from Congo, are most 
likely forms of the same species. 

2. Myrmeleon ——— sp.?. 

List of the Hymenoptera. By F. Surru, late Pres. Ent. Soc. 


1. Bracon bellosus, Smith, n. sp. 

Niger, thorace et abdominis apice rubris, alis nigris. 

Head smooth, shining, and impunctate, deeply exca- 
vated above the insertion of the antenne, the excavation 
extending to the anterior ocellus; the face and cheeks 
pale red; antennz black. Thorax, the anterior coxe 
and femora, and the intermediate coxe and base of femora, 
red ; wings black, with a purple lustre, the stigma yel- 
low. Abdomen with the four basal segments black, and 
longitudinally striate; the second with an oblique im- 
pressed line on each side; the third, fourth, and fifth 
with a shining tubercle on each side; the fifth and sixth 
smooth, shining, red ; the ovipositor black, and as long 
as the antenne and body. 

Length, 6 lines ; of the ovipositor, 10 lines. 


Xylocopa combusta. Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. 350. 
Xylocopa albiceps. Fabr. Syst. Piez. 341. 
Xylocopa olivacea. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 11. 319.- 


1. Chrysisarmata. St. Farg. iv. 21. 

532 Notes on Insects from Kinsembo. - 

Inst of the Diptera. By F. Surru, late Pres. Ent. Soc. 


1. Tabanus fenestratus. Walker, Zool. 1850, vol. 
vii. App. p. lxvu. 


1. Tachina albifrons, Smith, n. sp. 

Ferruginous: the face covered with bright silvery, and 
the vertex with golden yellow pile, the vertex as well as 
the cheeks having a number of scattered stiff black 
bristles; the antenne black. The thorax clothed above 
with yellow pile, and having a number of black bristles 
curving backwards; the tibiz and tarsi black, and thickly 
set with stiff black bristles ; the wings sub-hyaline, tinged 
with yellow along the anterior margin. Abdomen thinly 
covered with short black decumbent hairs; the second 
and third segments each with four erect stiff black 
bristles placed longitudinally above towards the middle, 
the fourth and fifth with a series on their apical margins ; 
the apex beyond thickly set with bristles, intermingled . 
with shorter finer hairs ; beneath, thinly covered with a 
glittering silvery white pile. Length 6 lines. 

Inst of the Hemiptera. By Joun Scorv. 


Pyrops tenebrosa. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 674 (Fulgora) . 
Oxypleura clara. Am. & Serv. Hist. Nat. Hém. 469. 



Spherocoris annulus. Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 3839 (Oimez). 
Nezara viridulus. Linn. Mus. Ulr. 172 (Cimez). 
Physomerus terminalis. Burm. Handb. 11. 341. 

4, Anisoscelis membranaceus. Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 851 
(Cimez) . 

5. Dysderus Kenigii. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 364 (Cimez). 

Co Do 

6. Pentatoma — sp. ? 
7. Cerbus sp. ?. 
8. Alydus sp. ? 
9. Coreus —sp.? 






7 February, 1870. 

Aurrep R. Watuacz, Esq., F.Z.S., &c., President, in the chair. 

Mr. Wallace expressed his thanks to the Society for electing him to succeed 
Mr. Bates in the office of President; and nominated as his Vice-Presidents for 
the year, Mr. Bates, Major Parry, and Mr. Pascoe. 

Additions to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :-— 
‘Hore Societatis Entomologice Rossice,’ vols. iliivi.; presented by the 
Society. ‘Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana,’ vol. i. part 4; by 
the Society. ‘Journal of the Linnean Society,’ Zoology, No. 47; by the 
Society. ‘Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club,’ No. 9; by the Club. 
Hewitson’s ‘ Exotic Butterflies,’ No. 73; by W. W. Saunders, Esq. Newman’s 
‘ Entomologist,’ vol. iv.; by the Editor. ‘La Phylloxera et la nouvelle maladie 
de la Vigne,’ by J. E. Planchon and J. Lichtenstein; by the Authors. 

By purchase :—‘ The Record of Zoological Literature,’ 1868 (the entomo- 

logical part); Gemminger and Harold, ‘ Catalogus Coleopterorum,’ vol. vi. 

Prize Essays. 

Guineas each to the Authors (whether Members of the Society or not) of 
_ Essays, of sufficient merit and drawn up from personal observation, on the 
Anatomy or Economy of any insect or group of insects. The Essays must be 
_ sent to the Secretary, at 12, Bedford Row, indorsed with mottoes, on or before 

. : B 



i It was announced that the Council offered twe Prizes of the value of Five 


i | 


the 30th of November, 1870, when they will be referred to a Committee to 
decide upon their merits: each must be accompanied by a sealed letter indorsed 
with the motto adopted by its author, and inclosing his name and address. 
The Prize Essays shall become the property of, and will be published by, the 

Society. | 

Exhibitions, dc. | 

Mr. Bond exhibited four specimens of Satyrus Semele, in each of which the — 
marking and coloration of the wings were partly of the male and partly of the - 
female cliaracter. 

Prof. Westwood exhibited two females of Anthocharis Cardamines, each of 
which had a dash of the orange-colour of the male on one of its fore wings; 
also a female of Polyommatus Adonis, the left fore wing of which was dashed 
with blue like the male; also a male of Siderone Isidora, one side of which was 
partially coloured like the female. 

The President suggested that the existence of specimens of this kind might 
be explained on Mr. Darwin’s theory of sexual differences. The hypothesis was 
that the sexes of a species, though now differently coloured, were once alike ; 
the divergence from the original type was sometimes in one sex and in one 
direction only, at other times in both sexes and in opposite directions; and it 
might be that these curious cases of the union of opposite sexual colours were 
only instances of a partial reversion, or modifications of reversion, to the original 
ancestral type. 

Mr. Bond, on behalf of Dr. Wallace, exhibited cocoons from various parts of 
the world of Bombyx Yamamai and Antherea Pernii. 

Mr. Stainton exhibited a large box-full of Micro-Lepidoptera, each specimen 
being separately labelled in the manner commended by Mr. Bates in his 
Anniversary Address, so as to show the locality and date of capture. This led 
to a lengthy conversation on the utility of labelling captures, the minutiz which 
it was necessary or desirable to record, and the readiest mode of doizg it; in 
which conversation the President, Prof. Westwood, Mr. Pascoe, Mr. Fry, Mr. 
Janson, and others took part. 

Prof. Westwood exhibited a Hymenopterous insect, belonging to the family 
Cynipide, remarkable for its globose head and long neck, the neck not being 
simple, but possessing on each side a membranaceous wing or dilatation, 
emarginate and deflexed; the basal joint of the antennz, and the femora and 
tibie also had membranaceous dilatations. The specimen was brought to 
this country by the President, and was captured in the Sula Islands. 

Mr. Janson, on behalf of Mr. G. R. Crotch, exhibited Philonthus cicatri- 
cosus (Hrichson), a species new to this country; and Dyschirius angustatus, 
Hydroporus unistriatus, and H. minutissimus, all recently added to the British 
list. The three first-named were captured by Mr. Moncreaff at Portsea ; 
Hydroporus unistriatus had also been taken by Mr. Crotch at Merton, Norfolk ; 
and Hydroporus minutissimus was taken by Mr. Wollaston at Slapton Ley. 


Major Parry exhibited a North American beetle of somewhat doubtful 
affinities, the Ochodeus obscurus of Leconte (Journ. Ac. Philad. 1848, p. 86), 
which name was afterwards changed by the author to Nicagus obscurus (Classif. 
Coleop. N. Amer. 1861, p. 130). On his recent visit to this country, 
Dr. Leconte presented Major Parry with a specimen of this insect, intimating 
that he was not satisfied as to the position he had assigned to Nicagus, namely 
among the Scarabeoidea, between Acanthocerus and Trox, and suggesting that 
it might possibly be better placed among the Lucanoidea. The specimen had 
been carefully examined by Major Parry and Mr. Charles Waterhouse, but as 
regarded the principal character of the antenne of the Lucanoidea, the immove- 
ability of the leaflets of the clava, it was found that in Nicagus the leaflets were 
slightly moveable : in this respect, however, Mr. Waterhouse found it to agree 
with some Australian species of Ceratognathus, and in examining the mouth he 
could not detect anything by which it could be separated from the Lucanoidea, 
whilst the penicillate maxille were alone sufficient to separate it from the 

The Secretary read the following extract from a letter from Mr. Roland 
Trimen, dated Cape Town, December 2, 1869, respecting the habits of some 
species of Paussidee :— 

“T have found a specimen of Paussus Burmeisteri, Westw., in a singular 
situation. Descending the Lion’s Head mountain, close to the town, I observed 
a small beetle resting at the extremity of a leaf of the common sugar-bush 
(Protea mellifera), and a slight motion of its antennz at once discovered it to 
be a Paussus. It seemed to be basking in the full sunshine; the hour being 
about 1.30 p.m. On attempting to take it with my fingers, the beetle instantly 

dropped on the ground; and I had to search for some minutes before I dis- 
covered it among the débris beneath the bush. The plant of P. mellifera was 
a low one, with several fully-opened flowers. Another of the Pausside, the 
Pentaplatarthrus paussoides of Westwood, I have met with lately not unfre- 
quently, and a good many specimens have also been taken by Mr. Alfred C. 
Harrisen, who discovered the first example known to me as inhabiting this 
neighbourhood. This beetle lives in the nests of a moderate-sized black ant, 
under stones, and is usually conspicuous from its superior stature and shining 
reddish brown colouring. Those that I have seen were either motionless or 
walking slowly among the excited ants along one of the galleries; and I could 
not see that the ants, when disturbed by the removal of the stone roof of their 
nest, showed any anxiety about the safety of the beetles, or indeed paid them 
’ any notice whatever. Dr. Herman Becker, however, has told me that he believes 
he saw some ants milk a specimen in the same manner as they treat the 
Aphides. Mr. Harrison brought me a pair taken in copuld in the nest; an 
“interesting circumstance which leads me to think that the beetles seldom, if 
ever, leave the formicarium. Another very much smaller species, a true 
_Paussus, which I have not yet determined, was found by the gentleman last 



named in a nest of small reddish ants. I hope to have further opportunities 
of observing the ways of the Pausside.” 

Prof. Westwood observed that the sexual differences of the Pausside had 
not been recorded ; and any information on this point would be very welcome. 

Papers read. 

The following papers were read :—‘‘ A Revised Catalogue of the Lucanoid 
Coleoptera; with Remarks on the Nomenclature, and Descriptions of New 
Species ” (conclusion); by Major Parry. 

“On the Species of Charaxes described in the ‘ Reise der Novara’; with 
Descriptions of two New Species”; by Mr. A. G. Butler. 

Catalogue of the Neuroptera of the British Isles. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan presented the MS. of “ A Catalogue of the Neuroptera of the 
British Isles,” the first instalment of the proposed Catalogue of indigenous 
insects; and on so doing, he remarked that the term Neuroptera had been 
taken in the Linnean sense, as including the three sub-orders or groups known 
as Pseudo-Neuroptera, Neuroptera-Planipennia and Trichoptera. Of the 
Pseudo-Neuroptera, the Catalogue of the family Psochidee was in accordance 
with Mr. M‘Lachlan’s own Monograph of the British species, published in 
1867 in the third volume of the ‘Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine,’ the 
synonymy after his own investigations ; the Perlidze had not been very recently 
revised, and were in an unsatisfactory state, but the Catalogue had been worked 
out from an examination of such materials as were accessible to the compiler ; 
the family Ephemeride had been entirely furnished by the Rev. A. E. Eaton ; 
and the Odonata, including six families, the Libellulide, Corduliude, Gomphide, 
ZEschnide, Calopterygidee and Agrionide, had been compiled from the works 
of De Selys Longchamps and Hagen, adopting, however, almost in its entirety, 
the division of the old genus Libellula originally proposed by Newman. The 

Planipennia and Trichoptera were catalogued in accordance with Mr. — 
M‘Lachlan’s Monographs of the British Species published in the Transactions — 

of this Society, the Planipennia in the Transactions for 1868, and the Trichop- 
tera in 1865 in the fifth volume of the third series, with such additions and 
corrections in each case as subsequent investigations had rendered necessary. 

21 February, 1870. 
A. R. Watuace, Esq., President, in the chair. 

Donations to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :— 
‘ Additions to the Tenebrionide of Australia, by F. P. Pascoe; ‘ Catalogus 

— 7 


Methodicus et Synonymicus Hemipterorum Heteropterorum Italie indigena- 
rum,’ by Dr. Antonio Garbiglietti; ‘ Ueber Parthenogenesis bei Polistes gallica, 
und iiber Pedogenesis der Strepsipteren,’ by C. T. E. von Siebold; presented 
by the respective Authors. 

Election of Members. 

Prof. J. C. Schiddte, of Copenhagen, and Prof. C. T. E. von Siebold, of 
Munich, were elected Honorary Members. 

Messrs. G. T. Porritt, of Huddersfield, and Bernard J. Lucas, of Upper 
Tooting, were elected Annual Subscribers. 

Exhibitions, &c. 

Mr. J. Hunter exhibited a Plusia, captured by Mr. Stock (who was present 
as a Visitor) in the New Forest, and believed to be Plusia ni. (See Ent. Mo. 
Mag. vy. 107; Ent. Ann. 1869, p. 124; 1870, frontisp. fig. 3.) 

Mr. Albert Miller exhibited some insect-galls in the flowers of the tansy: he 
had received them in September from Mr. Dorville, in whose garden, near 
Exeter, the growth of the plant was encouraged, from finding that flies, moths 
and bees resort to it when the flowers are fresh. The galls had been submitted 
to the author of ‘ Vegetable Teratology,’ and Dr. Maxwell Masters remarked 
upon them as follows :—* It appears to me that the whole flower (floret rather) 
has become hypertrophied, and at the same time the stamens, style and ovule 
have entirely disappeared. I judge the structure to be an altered flower because 
it springs from the axil of a bract or palea, and because at the summit are five 
little teeth precisely like those of the corolla. In my book, for the most part, 
insect deformities are passed over for two reasons ; one that I am quite ignorant 
of Entomology, and the other that the changes produced by insects are often 
so far foreign to the natural conformation as not to admit of comparison with it. 
I should, however, have inserted your tansy under hypertrophy of the flower, 
had I seen it previously.” Mr. Miller added that the perfect insect had not 
yet been bred, but the larva showed it to belong to the Diptera, though not a 

Mr. Pascoe exhibited specimens of Nepharis alata, Castelnau (Révue Zool. 
1869), from King George’s Sound, and observed that the insect described by 
King, in the last Part of the Trans. Ent. Soc. N. S. Wales, under the name of 
Hiketes thoracicus, was manifestly identical therewith, so that Mr. King’s name 
must sink as a synonym. By both authors the insect was referred to the 
Colydiide, but Mr. Pascoe thought the genus would be more appropriately 
placed near Monotoma. 

Mr. Pascoe requested the opinion of Members on a point of nomenclature. 
Dejean, in his Catalogue (ed. 1834), proposed the name Diurus for a genus of 
Brenthide; but no description was published until Pascoe himself gave the 


generic characters in 1862. In 1852 Motschulsky described a genus of Tele- 
phoride under the name Biurus, which in Gemminger and Harold's Catalogue 
(1869) is changed to Diurus, thus clashing with the genus of Brenthide. And 
the question was, for which of the two genera ought the name Diurus to be 
retained ? 

Several Members asked whether it was certain that no description of the 
Brenthid genus, no tabular statement, or comparative remarks sufficient to 
constitute a description of the genus, were published before 1862? And 
Mr. Pascoe replied, that though the genus and the name were adopted by 
Schonherr in 1840, and though Westwood had in 1848 described and figured a 
species, neither author had specified any generic characters. 

Many Members objected that no alteration of Motschulsky’s name was 
admissible, and that Biurus ought to be retained. Mr. Bates protested strongly 
against the numerous alterations in names made by Gemminger and Harold. 

Mr. Dunning remarked that, according to the view promulgated in Mr. G. R. 
Crotch’s paper recently read before the Society, the Brenthid genus was entitled 
to priority as from 1834: if this ground failed, there was something in the 
contention that the genus was well established by the publication of Westwood’s 
figure in 1848. But even on the assumption that Diurus dated only from 1862, 
he maintained that the name ought to be applied to the genus of Brenthide. 
The publication of Biurus in 1852 left Diurus unoccupied in 1862; and the 
publication of Diurus in 1862 was a sufficient reason for not altering Biurus 
into Diurus in 1869. Jf Biurus must be altered on the ground of its hybrid 
formation, it cannot now be altered to Diurus, but must be altered to some 
unoccupied name; in other words, Biurus must be abandoned altogether, and 
a totally new name given to the genus of Telephoride.* 

The President assented to the conclusion that the publication of Diurus in 
1862 was a bar to the alteration of Biurus into Diurus in 1869. And it 
appeared to be the general opinion that Diurus ought to be retained for the 
genus of Brenthide. 

Paper read. 

The following paper was read :—‘ On some Butterflies recently received by 
Mr. Swanzy from West Africa;” by Mr. A. G. Butler. 

* In 1833, Gyllenhal, adopting a MS. name of Chevrolat’s, described Ceocephalus 
furcillatus (Schénh. Cure. i. 359). In 1834, Dejean, in the second edition of his 
Catalogue, separated furcillatus from the genus Ceocephalus, and proposed the genus 
Diurus for its reception. In 1840, Schénherr (vol. v. p. 510) adopted both the genus and 
the name. In 1848, Westwood described and figured the same species under the name 
of Diuris (sic) forcipatus (Cab. Orient. Entom. pl. xv. fig. 3). In 1862 Pascoe (Journ. of 
Entom. i. 392) formulated the generic characters. Motschulsky’s Biurus was published 
in 1852 (Etudes Entom. i. 13). 

Mr. Crotch’s contention is (Trans. Ent. Soe. 1870, p. 41) that “genera proposed in 
Catalogues on previously described species are entitled to priority.” If this contention 

a 2 


be sound, then Dejean’s Diurus dates from 1834, eighteen years prior to Motschulsky, 
and Mr. Pascoe’s difficulty does not arise. 

So also, if Biurus, in spite of its hybrid formation, is to remain unaltered, Mr. Pascoe’s 
difficulty does not arise. 

These, however, are modes of avoiding the question, not of answering it. Let us 
consider it from Mr. Pascoe’s own point of view, admitting for the present argument the 
two postulates which the question assumes, (1) that the Brenthid Diurus dates only from 
1862, and (2) that Biurus is not to be retained. 

When a name is simply mis-spelt, I hold that the spelling may be corrected, but the 
name retains its priority. Stephens wrote Oinophila, which has been corrected into 
(nophila; but the genus Ginophila is properly referred to Stephens, and dates from 
the time of the publication of Oinophila. 

But when a name is mal-formed, the malformation must either be retained or 
discarded in toto; in the latter case, a new name is substituted, and the new name dates 
only from the time of substitution. 

Hybrid names fall within the latter class. They are malformations, not mis-spellings ; 
if not retained in their deformity, they are to be eradicated and replaced, but not 
reformed. If Stephens had written atricephalus, would any one cite the same insect as 
the melanocephalus of Stephens? 

The fact that by the alteration of a single letter the hybrid Biurus can be transferred 
into the pure-breed Diurus is at first sight misleading. It looks like a very simple case 
of correcting a mis-spelt name. But in truth it is much more than this. To convert 
Biurus into Diurus, an operation is performed precisely analogous and equivalent to the 
conyersion of atricephalus into melanocephalus. Melanocephalus is not an emendation 
of the old name; itisanewname. So Diurus is not an emendation of Biurus; itisa 
new name. 

I hold it to be incorrect to cite it as Diurus of Motschulsky. It is the Diurus of the 
‘ Catalogus Coleopterorum,’ dating only from 1869. So Ditoma, substituted by Illiger for 
the Bitoma of Herbst, is incorrectly cited as Ditoma of Herbst. It is the Ditoma of 
Illiger, and takes priority from 1806, and not from 1793. 

If (as for the present argument is assumed) hybrid names are not to be retained, 
I repeat that the proper treatment of such names is to reject them altogether. And such 
is the practice, at least with specific names. For where the oldest specific name is a 
hybrid, it is not attempted to make the name either wholly Greek or wholly Latin, but 

_ the mongrel is cast out, and the next oldest name is taken in its stead. 


If Diurus had not been already in use, it would of course have been open to 
Gemminger and Harold, when discarding Biurus, to adopt Diurus as a new name 
for the Telephorid genus. But in selecting a new name, they were bound to select 
one that was not pre-occupied. When re-naming the genus in 1869, they were 
debarred from taking a name applied to another genus in 1862. 

Tn truth I suspect that when they changed Biurus into Diurus they had forgotten the 
existence of Dejean’s genus. Lacordaire (Gen. des Coléop. iv. 368) remarks of Biurus 
“nom hybride, et qui dans sa forme reguliére (Diurus) a deja été employé pour des 
Curculionides ;” whence I infer that in 1857 the Professor held the pre-occupation of 
Diurus was a bar to the alteration introduced by Gemminger and Harold in 1869, 

The answer to Mr. Pascoe’s question, in my opinion, clearly is, that the name Diurus 

. properly belougs to the genus of Brenthide; that the alteration of Biurus in 1869 does 

not relate back to 1852 so as to oust the Diurus of 1862; and if Biurus is not retained, 
some unoccupied name must be found for the genus of Telephoride. 
In conclusion, I beg to present the advocates of priority-at-any-price with the following 


fact. The type-species of Diurus was originally published (by a misprint) under the 
specific name turcillatus (Schonh. Cure. i. 359). It is true the error was corrected seven 
years later (Schénh. Cure. v. 510); but of course that goes for nothing, and an intelligent 
posterity is expected to acquiesce in the perpetuation of Diurus turcillatus / to welcome 
this typographo-diabolical Turklet, and immortalize this two-tailed bashaw!—J. W. D. 

7 March, 1870. 
F. P. Pascon, Esq., V.-P., in the chair. 

Donations to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :— 
‘Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift,’ 1869, parts 3, 4; presented by the 
Entomological Society of Berlin. ‘Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society,’ 
series 2, vol. vi. part 1; by the Society. ‘Natural History of the Tineina,’ 
vol. xi.; by H. T. Stainton, Esq. 

Election of Members. 

The Rev. Richard P. Murray, of Mount Murray, Isle of Man, was elected 
a Member. M. J. C. Puls, of Ghent, was elected a Foreign Member. 

Exhibitions, é&c. 

Prof. Westwood exhibited a number of locusts, which formerly belonged to 
the collections of some of the principal entomologists in the early part of the 
century, and which still bore the labels of those entomologists ‘“ migratoria, 
Linn.” ‘These insects, however, were not the migratoria of Fischer, but were 
the cinerascens of Fabricius and Fischer, of which Christii of Curtis was only 
a synonym. ‘The principal distinguishing character was the form of the 
pronotum, which in one was narrowed before the middle, and almost flat on 
the top, but in the other was of equal breadth throughout, and arched on the 
top, with the dorsal carina more raised and prominent. Prof. Westwood 
remarked that tradition and old specimens were, on a point of this kind, of 
more importance than figures in antique works, and he thought Fischer had 
made a mistake, and applied the name migratoria to the wrong insect. On the 
evidence afforded by these old specimens, he suggested that the true migratoria 
of Linné was not the locust with a flat or but slightly carinate pronotum, 
constricted in front, but the locust with an arched pronotum, with the crest or 
median ridge higher and more produced in front. 

Mr. F. Smith said that, in consequence of a doubt expressed by Prof. West- 
wood at a previous Meeting, he had written to Prof. Stal, of Stockholm, who 
informed him that the insect placed in the Stockholm Museum as the migratoria 


of Linné is the form described under that name by Fischer. Dr. Stal further 
said that he had never had any doubt about the species, as Fischer's migratoria 
is the only species of locust which to his knowledge had ever been found 
in Sweden. Mr. Smith remarked that Linné described migratoria in the 
Fauna Suecica; Fischer was acquainted with both migratoria and cinerascens, 
and figured their distinguishing characters, migratoria having a flat prothorax, 
cinerascens an arched one; and now to apply the name migratoria to the form 
with the arched prothorax, on the strength of the specimens so labelled, would 
only be productive of confusion. a 

Prof. Westwood said that he had examined Major Parry’s specimen of 
Nicagus obscurus (vide ante, p. iii.), and without saying to what group of 
Lamellicorns the genus was properly referable, he felt clear that it did not 
belong to any of the Lucanoid families. 

The Rev. H. 8. Gorham sent for exhibition British specimens of Sunius 
neglectus, Maerkel, accompanied by the following note :— 

« Sunius neglectus is not yet in the British list, and is very closely allied to 
8. angustatus, Hrichson; probably they are generally mixed in collections. 
I have had them separated for several years, and when on a visit recently to 
Mr. Crotch, with his assistance was able to determine the species. From 
angustatus it differs in having the head, thorax and elytra proportionally 
shorter and more convex, less closely punctured, and therefore more shining. 
Angustatus has a more linear aspect, and the whole insect is more opaque. In 
angustatus, again, the elytra have a tendency to become pale, particularly at 
the shoulders, and the apex is more broadly testaceous, though this colour does 
not usually extend so far up the suture as in neglectus. I send two specimens 
of angustatus for comparison with what I regard as neglectus; one of them is a 
very beautiful bimaculate variety.” 

Mr. Albert Miiller exhibited specimens of an Indian gall formed on the mid- 
rib of the leaf of a species of Gnetum; the galls were of the size of a small 
acorn, consisted of a single cell, and were placed longitudinally along the 
mid-rib on the under side of the leaf. 

Mr. Janson exhibited a large number of butterflies collected by, his son, 
Mr. E. M. Janson, at Chontales, Nicaragua, in November and December, 

Mr. Butler exhibited specimens of Argynnis Adippe and Niobe, and inter- 
mediate forms, in corroboration of his previously expressed opinion that the two 
were not distinct species. 

Dr. Wallace, on behalf of Mr. Harwood, exhibited some dark suffused 
varieties of Melitea Athalia; and specimens of Herminia derivalis. 

Mr. Stainton exhibited Cosmopteryx Lienigiella, bred in England from 
Russian larve. The larva was discovered two years ago, near Riga, feeding in 
the reed (Arundo): its habits once known, it had since been found in this 



country, and Mr. Stainton had within the last two or three days bred the moth | 
from a native larva. 

Dr. Wallace addressed the Meeting on the progress and prospects of serici- 
culture in this country and some of our colonies. He exhibited English-bred | 
specimens of Anthereea Yamamai, remarkable for their great variation in tint, , 
from ashy brown, through various shades of red, to a bright yellow or pale dove- | 
colour; also English and Austrian cocoons of the same species, which had 
succeeded better in 1869 than in 1868: he considered the Hastern counties of | 
England unfavourable on account of the dry warm temperature, and that the: 
more humid climate of the Western coast was better suited to the insect; an- 
equable temperature from 60° to 75° was requisite, with abundant ventilation | 
and great cleanliness: in Moravia the Baron de Bretton had reared 28,000 | 
cocoons in 1869, which were all devoted to the production of eggs: and 
Dr. Wallace thought the efforts now made in HKurope to acclimatize this | 
species would very shortly be successful. He also exhibited specimens of 
Bombyx Pernii obtained from cocoons imported from China, and some English | 
cocoons: this species showed no tendency to vary; it was hardy and vigorous, 
and likely to do well in Europe, but being double-brooded in China, this had to 
be carefully guarded against in attempting to acclimatize the race. Cocoons of 
B. Pernii and of Saturnia Cecropia had been sent to Australia, with a view to 
the cultivation there of these useful races. Dr. Wallact also exhibited a specimen 
of the American oak-feeder, Bombyx Polyphemus, reared in England from the | 
egg; but this species was not yet sufficiently known in this country to speak 
with certainty about its value as a silk-producer. Also, Japanese silk and 
cocoons of the mulberry-worm, Bombyx mori, some very large white cocoons of 
a noted French race, and specimens of English silk and cocoons, which, 
especially some produced by Captain Mason of Farnborough, contrasted 
favourably with the other specimens, and had been pronounced by competent | 
judges to be equal to the best Italian samples. The Silk Supply Association 
had been formed about a year ago, for the purpose of stimulating the 
production of silk in all countries where it was possible, and wherever the 
mulberry tree would grow silk might be produced: silk was the most paying 
crop grown; and California, Australia, the Cape of Good Hope, New Zealand, 
Egypt, Syria, might all be mentioned as admirably adapted to silk culture. 
The first number of the ‘ Silk Supply Record’ contained an advertisement by a_ 
gentleman at the Cape, offering half profits to any one who would go out and 
teach him how to grow silk. California last year sent over to Europe her first 
contribution of silk-worm eggs; Australia this year was doing the same thing ; 
eggs from Egypt, Syria and the Cape would soon follow; and as the price of 
the eggs was now very high, large profits would at first be made by the sale of 
eggs: four years ago the price in Japan was four shillings to five shillings an 
ounce, now it was a guinea an ounce, and the demand could not be satisfied ; 
on the Continent eggs of the best races sold at a franc a gramme. Dr. Wallace 


also exhibited some Californian cocoons of excellent quality, and a piece of 
black silk, part of the first specimen made in California from Californian 
produce; also a Japanese cocoon of Bombyx mori pierced by a parasite which 
he thought was probably a species of Diptera: this parasite, unknown in 
Europe, caused great loss to the Japanese breeders by spoiling the cocoons. 
The cultivation of mulberry-silk had been successfully introduced into the 
centre and north of France, where the climate was more variable and cold than 
in England; and, fortified by the opinion of M. Gueérin-Meneville, Dr. Wallace 
urged the desirability of further experiment in this direction in England: 
the process of reeling was simple and easily learnt, superior machinery had 
recently been invented in this country to facilitate the process, and cocoons 
would now be imported, the reeling of which would afford a new and healthy 
occupation for women and children. 

In reply to a question from Mr. Edward Sheppard, as to the slow growth of 
the mulberry tree, Dr. Wallace remarked that he was glad to correct a popular 
error on this point. The Morus alba, M. Moretti, M. alpina, M. Japonica and 
others, were used in silk culture, but the black-fruited Morus was not: the 
species mentioned were all hardy, and of rapid growth. Morus Japonica 
especially produced very large leaves; M. multicaulis grew rapidly and 
produced large leaves, but was liable to be cut off by frost. 

Dr. Wallace remarked that in Bombyx Pernii sexual desire appeared to be 
inordinately strong, and on three separate occasions, when the supply of 
females was not equal to the demand, he had found two males inter se alium 
alio junctos, sibi mutuum coitum prestantes: in one case he had killed the 
moths with chloroform whilst they remained in pzderastic contact, and they 
were exhibited in situ. They were placed side by side, face to face and tail to 
tail, with their legs mutually intertwined. 

_ Dr. Wallace also mentioned that males of Bombyx Pernii had paired with 
females of Saturnia Cecropia, 8. Polyphemus and Antherea Yamamai. From 
the last mentioned union fertile eggs had been obtained; a female Yamamai 
emerged on the 17th of September, 1869, and she was placed the next evening 
alone in a cage with a male Pernii which had come out late in the autumn; 
they were soon in copula; on the 19th, on being moved, she spurted out a 
whitish fluid similar to that ejected by the male Pernii, and on that day she 
laid 50 eggs; on the 20th she laid 75 more, making a total of 125 eggs, and 
was then killed for the cabinet: the eggs resembled the usual Yamamai eggs, 
and were kept apart in a cool room facing north; on the 3rd of November it 
= found that most of them had hatched out: the larvee had red heads and 
black bodies, and so far resembled Pernii, which are at first black, but they had 
also yellow rings and lateral streaks; some were lighter, some darker; they 
were very hairy, their bodies long and slender, the tubercles yellow and 
pontaining several bristles. ‘They continued to hatch out for several days till 

all were hatched. On the 12th of November Dr. Algernon Chapman received 



from Dr. Wallace two living larve, and fed them on Quercus pedunculata; on 
the 20th both rested for their first moult, and on the morning of the 23rd both 
had changed their skins; one ate its cast-off skin, the other did not; on the 
29th one of the larvee was missing, and on the Ist of December the remaining 
one suspended itself for another change of skin; on the morning of the 4th it 
had changed skin, and during its feeding up in this skin the supply of Quercus 

pedunculata failed, but various species of evergreen oak were tried, and it 
- seemed to eat almost any indifferently; on the 16th of December it again 
threw off its skin, and after the 23rd was at times in a temperature as low as 
50° Fahr.; on the 2nd of January, 1870, it again changed its skin, and ate the 
cast-off skin during the night; and on the 18th it began to look out for a place 
to spin. In the last two skins it would drink several drops of water, as many 
as six or eight, every day, but when the food was wet it would not do so: except 
at the period mentioned above, the temperature was always above 55°, and the 
only effect of the lower temperature was to retard growth. The cocoon obtained 
from this larva had been sent by Dr. Chapman to Dr. Wallace, and was exhibited 
to the Meeting: the chief feature worthy of notice was the dominant influence 
of the male parent upon the hybrid offspring, the larva throughout its career 
and the cocoon more closely resembling B. Pernii than A. Yamamai. The 
dominant influence of the male had also been observed by Mr. Brady, of Sydney, 
in his experiments on B. mori (see Report of Acclimatization Soc. of Sydney 
for 1868). Another point worthy of observation was that, even at so late a 
period of the year, the larva fed well on the evergreen oak, which, according to_ 
Dr. Wallace’s experience, was largely eaten by all the oak-feeding species. 

Paper read. | 

The following paper was read :—* Descriptions of twelve new exotic species _ 

of the Coleopterous family Pselaphide ;” by Prof. Westwood. | 
Eight new genera were founded, under the names Goniastes, Rhytus, 
Curculionellus (three species), Sathytes, Pselaphodes, Sintectes, Phalepsus and 

Ryxabis; and two species were added to the genus Bryaxis. 

21 March, 1870. 

H. W. Bares, Esq., Vice-President, in the chair. 

Donations to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to thédonors :— 
‘ Tijdschrift voor Entomologie,’ ser. 2, vol. iv. pts. 2—6, vol. v. pt. 1; presented 
by the Entomological Society of the Netherlands. ‘ Stettiner Entomologische 
Zeitung,’ 1870, pts. 4—6 ; by the Entomological Society of Stettin. Stierlin’s 


‘Kafer-Fauna der Schweiz’; by the Entomological Society of Switzerland. 
‘L’Abeille,’ vols. ii—vi.; by M. de Marseul. 

Exhibitions, é&e. 

Mr. Dunning exhibited a locust captured near Thirsk, Yorkshire, in the 
autumn of 1849: the prothorax was flat and constricted in front, and notwith- 
standing the contention of Prof. Westwood (ante, p. viii.) he thought this was 
the true Locusta migratoria of Linné. - The appeal to tradition did not tell 
entirely on one side: Fabricius when he described cinerascens was acquainted 
with migratoria, and it was clear from his description that cinerascens was the 
form with the arched prothorax ; consequently migratoria, from which Fabricius 
separated cinerascens, was according to his belief the form with the flat 
prothorax. But further, from the time of Fabricius to the present, cinerascens 
had always been regarded as a doubtful species, the majority of authors having 
treated it as only a variety of migratoria; the entomologists from whose 
collections the Oxford specimens were derived might have been of this opinion ; 
at all events until it was shown that they recognized the existence of the two as 
distinct species, the argument derived from their haying labelled specimens of 
cinerascens with the name migratoria was far from conclusive. Finally, 
Linné’s own description of migratoria applied to the form commonly so called, 
and not to the form with the arched prothorax. The differences between the 
two had been pointed out by M. Brunner de Wattenwyl (Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 
xi. 82) so clearly as to have induced M. de Selys Longchamps to recognize 
Pachytylus cinerascens as a species. The recent discussion had been provoked 
by the appearance in this country of Acridium peregrinum, and had satis- 
factorily brought out the fact that, if migratoria and cinerascens (= Christii, 
Curtis) were really distinct species, both of them had occurred in Britain. 

Mr. Howard Vaughan (on behalf of Mr. Henry Moore, who was present as a 
Visitor) exhibited some specimens of Dianthcecia conspersa, two of which were 
so coloured as to bear a singular resemblance to D. Barrettii: they were found 
on the coast of Devonshire in 1861. Although the varieties of D. conspersa 
were mixed with true conspersa and true Barrettii, the Lepidopterists present 
had no difficulty in distinguishing between the Barrettii and their simulators. 

Mr. Bond exhibited Epichnopteryx betulina, Zell. (— Psyche anicanella, 
Bruanda), found by Mr. Mitford at Bishop’s Wood, Hampstead, in 1869: the 
female was distinguished by a snow-white anal tuft ; the larva-cases fesembled 
small cases of Psyche fusca, but the habit of the insect was quite different, 
E. betulina being always found on the upper branches of the birch. (See Ent. 
Mo. Mag. vi. 94, 186). 

Mr. Stainton exhibited Cosmopteryx Taenigiclla, bred from a larva found 
feeding in the reed (Arundo phragmites), in Wicken Fen, Cambs. The English 
specimen was both larger and fairer in tint than the Russian specimens shown 
at the previous Meeting (ante, p. ix.). 


Mr. F. Smith exhibited a larva from Monte Video, profusely covered with 
hairs or bristles having clavate tips: he presumed it was the caterpillar of a 
moth, and Dr. Horsfield had described the larva of Limantria as having a some- 
what similar covering. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan added that the larva of Acronycta alni possessed some hairs 
of the same shape, though few in number. 

Mr. Albert Miller mentioned that Meyer-Diir had pointed out certain 
differences between the larve of Argynnis Adippe and Niobe: in his 
‘Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Schweiz,’ published in 1852, that author 
states that Argynnis Niobe in Switzerland inhabits only the alpine and sub- 
alpine regions from 8000—5600 feet above the sea, and that its larva has in the 
full-grown state a white dorsal stripe and flesh-coloured spines, whilst A. Adippe 
is not found at a greater elevation than 3300 feet, and its larva has no white 
dorsal stripe, but a pale-reddish lateral stripe instead. Mr. Miiller argued, that 
though the food-plants of both were various species of violet, until this evidence 
was rebutted, or unless two different larvee produced the same form of imago— 
unless there were dimorphic larve—Adippe and Niobe must be considered 
distinct species, even though (which he did not admit) the perfect butterflies 
were undistinguishable. 

Mr. Stainton mentioned an instance of dimorphism in the larva state; a form 
of larva of Sphinx Atropos sometimes occurred with the ordinary markings 
obliterated and with only a few whitish blotches in front, so that there was 
really nothing but the shape of the anal horn by which the larva could be 
identified as Atropos: he had known of the occurrence of about twenty of these 
abnormal larvee in the last twenty years; and there was no perceptible difference 
in the imago. 

Mr. Butler was not acquainted with the larve of Argynnis Adippe and 
Niobe, and his suggestion that the two forms were one species was made from 
observation of the perfect insects only; he had found the two flying together, 
and the sexes pursuing one another: he thought the differences between the 
butterflies, without amounting to specific distinction, might be accounted for by 
differences in the external conditions to which they were subject. An instance 
of this kind had lately come under his notice; in India, Capt. Lang had been 
in the habit of taking what at the time of capture he thought were two distinct 
butterflies, one in marshy land, the other in dry situations, the marsh insect 
being thickly covered with down, the highland insect not; but Capt. Lang was 
now satisfied that the two were but one species, Callerebia Scanda,. which was 
liable to modification by surrounding circumstances. 

Mr. J. Jenner Weir referred to Gnophos pullata, which was found nearly 
white on the chalk downs, and in fact varied from nearly white to sooty black 
according to the geological formation of the locality where it occurred. 

Mr. Pascoe mentioned Apion Germari, which when found on Mercurialis 
perennis was constantly of one form, and when found on Mercurialis 


tomentosus was constantly of another form; yet no one ila had doubted 
the specific identity of the two forms. 

Mr. Butler recalled the fact that, on the same plant of golden-rod (Solidago 
virgaurea), larvee of Mamestra persicarize might often be found of three or four 
different colours. 

Mr. Henry Moore had once found larvee of Eupithecia virgaureata feeding 
on the petals of a crimson dahlia, and they assumed a crimson hue, in lieu of 
the ordinary ochreous with sepia-coloured markings. 

Paper read. 
The following paper was read :—‘ Notes on the Butterflies described by 
Linneus,” by Mr. W. F. Kirby. 

New Part of ‘ Transactions.’ 
The first part of the ‘ Transactions for the year 1870’ was on the Table. 

4 April, 1870. 
A. R. Wattace, Esq., President, in the chair. 

Donations to the Library. 
The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :— 
‘Proceedings of the Royal Society,» No. 117; presented by the Society. 

_ * Exotic Butterflies,’ Part 74; by W. W. Saunders, Esq. ‘ Lepidoptera 

Exotica,’ Part 4; by E. W. Janson, Esq. ‘ Equatorial Lepidoptera collected 
by Mr. Buckley,’ Part 4; by W.-C. Hewitson, Esq. 

Election of Member. 
Humphry Wm. Freeland, Esq., of The Atheneum Club, was ballotted for 

and elected a Member. 



Exhibitions, éc. 

Mr. J. Jenner Weir (on behalf of Mr. James Vogan, who was present as a 
Visitor) exhibited specimens of grain attacked by weevils: from 74 tons of 
Spanish wheat 10 cwt. of weevils had been screened, and these must have con- 
sumed several times their own weight of grain before arriving at maturity: in 
August, 1868, some American maize was stored, weighing 145 tons; in 
August, 1869, this was found to be infested with weevils, and 6 cwt. of the 
beetles were screened out; in December 29 cwt. more were screened out, 
making a ton and three-quarters in all. Specimens of the weevils were ex- 

_ hibited, and in both cases the depredator proved to be the rice-weevil, Calandra 

oryze, and not C. granaria: along with the weevils were a few specimens of 


Stene ferruginea and of a Lemophlceus, the predatory larva of the latter being 
the natural enemy of the Calandra. 

Prof. Westwood observed that no description of the larva of Calandra granaria 
had been published: it was comparatively a fatter and shorter larva than 
Balaninus, distinguished from the usual form of Curculionidous larve by 
having two recurved points or hooks at the extremity of the body, and changed 
to the pupa within the grain. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan mentioned that he had frequently noticed the walls of 
London granaries covered on the outside with Tinea granella. Mr. J. J. Weir 
corroborated this, and added that the London sparrows might be seen to rise at 
and catch the moths when the latter were disturbed; in fact, the sparrow was 
acquiring the habits of the flycatcher. 

Mr. Howard Vaughan exhibited numerous specimens of Dianthcecia carpo- 
phaga, showing great variation in colour, all bred from larvee found near Croydon 
in 1868. 

My. J. J. Weir, with reference to Mr. Butler’s suggestion of the identity of 
Argynnis Adippe and Niobe, exhibited four specimens which had been sent to 
him from St. Petersburg, one as the typical form of Adippe and another as its 
variety Cledoxa, and one as the typical form of Niobe and another as its variety 
Eris: the typical form of each had silvery spots on the under side, and these 
were absent both from Cledoxa and Eris; but notwithstanding this parallelism 
of variation, there was no greater approximation to one another in the two 
varieties than there was in the two typical forms. Mr. Albert Miller remarked, 
however, that what was regarded in Switzerland as the typical form of A. Niobe 
did not possess the silvery spots on the under side. 

Mr. Albert Miiller (in reference to the note in Proc. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. xxy., 
and ‘ Zoologist,’ 1870, p. 2027) read the following extract from a letter received 
from Mr. H. F’. Bassett, of Waterbury, U. 8. A., on the odour of Cynipide :— 

“You speak of the peculiar odour of certain species of European gall-flies. 
A similar odour is strongly apparent in three sub-apterous species of Cynips 
that I have reared from the galls, namely, C. pezomachoides, Osten-Sacken, 
C. forticornis, Walsh, and C. hirta, Bassett; and I find that Dr. Fitch, in the 
description of his Philonix* fulvicollis, mentions that it ‘ exhales a perceptible 

* Query, Philonips, not Philonix, which is a hybrid, half Greek, half Latin: the | 

author himself gives the derivation, “ PiAos, a lover; vib, snow.” Dr. Fitch writes the 
name of the family Cyniphide, in lieu of Cynipide, probably on the hypothesis that 
Cynips is derived from vip; but query, whether snow enters into the composition of 
Cynips: I always supposed it was a compound of ix}, in which case Cynips, gen. Cynipis, 
fam. Cynipide, are correct. I may add that Dr. Fitch has altered Prof. Westwood’s 
Biorhiza into Biarhiza. The latter change is designedly made, for (5th Report, p. 1) the 
author says, “I suppose this name to be derived, not from Bios, life, as its orthography 
would indicate, but from (ila, injury, and pila, a root, and if so it should be written 
Biarhiza, instead of as we find it in books.” Upon this I may remark that the name may 

} Ves 
etciehale oe al - 


odour, resembling that of ants or bees’ (Fifth Report on Noxious Insects of 
_ New York, p. 3). I do not remember to have noticed this odour in any of the 
_ winged species I have reared.” 

Mr.F’. Smith exhibited two remarkable forms of Hymenoptera from the Rocky 
_ Mountains, the Masaris vespoides of Cresson, and Pterochilus 5-fasciatus of Say. 
_ The Seeretary exhibited a mole-cricket sent to the Society by Mr. A. P. 
- Falconer, who found it running about the cabin of his daahbeeh on his return 
from Phile to Alexandria. The specimen had been compared by Mr. M‘Lachlan 
with the descriptions in Mr. Scudder’s recent paper in the first volume of the 
Memoirs of the Peabody Academy, and he believed it to be Gryllotalpa cophta, 
the Gryllus cophtus of De Haan, figured by Savigny, Descrip. de Egypte, 
Orthoptera, pl. 3. 

The Secretary read the following note on the spectrum of the fire-fly, 
extracted from the Journal of the Society of Arts :— 

“The spectrum given by the light of the common fire-fly of New Hampshire 
is, according to Mr. C. A. Young’s observations, perfectly continuous, without 
trace of lines either bright or dark. It extends from a little above Fraun- 
hofer’s line C in the scarlet, to about F in the blue, gradually fading out at 
the extremities. It is precisely this portion of the spectrum that is composed 
of rays which, while they more powerfully than any other affect the organs of 
vision, produce hardly any thermal or active effect. Very little, in fact, of the 
energy expended in the flash of the fire-fly is wasted. It is quite different with 
our artificial light. In an ordinary gas-light, it is proved that not more than 
one or two per cent. of the radiant energy consists of visible rays, the rest is 
either invisible heat or actinism; in other words, more than ninety-eight per 
cent. of the gas is wasted in producing rays that do not help in making objects 

Mr. G. R. Crotch sent for exhibition British specimens of four species of 
Dasytide ; one being Dolichosoma protensa, taken some years ago in the Isle 
of Wight, and agreeing entirely with Spanish specimens taken at Carthagena ; 

as well be derived from Bios and pigar, in the sense of living in the root, as from Bia 
and pitas, in the sense of injurious to the root; and even if the latter be the true 
derivation, I should like to submit, for Dr. Fitch’s re-consideration, whether the 
remedy (Biarhiza) is not worse than the disease (Biorhiza), and whether the name 
should not be written Biorrhiza instead of as we find it in books. At p. 16 of the 
same Report, Dr. Fitch describes a new beetle under the name Leiopus Querci (adding 
that “it is very closely related to the Facetious Leiopus”), and at p. 24, a new Aphis 
under the name Eriosoma Querci: I believe the word querci as the genitive of quercus 
does once occur in a writer om husbandry in the third century of the Christian «ra, but 
query whether it was worth while to have dug out this singularity: why not have been 
content with the ordinary genitive quercus?—J. W: D; 



the other three belonging to the subgenus Mesodasytes, and having a somewhat 
complicated synonymy. ‘The following note was read respecting them :— 

“The old genus Dasytes has been subdivided by Mulsant and Rey into five 
subgenera; all our species, except the rare D. niger, fall into the third of these, 
called Mesodasytes, of which three species are described from France, all of 
which are found also in England. Mulsant’s nomenclature is by no means in 
accordance with Kiesenwetter’s, and he seems not to have noticed Kiesenwetter’s 
paper on the Spanish Melyride in the eleventh volume of the Berlin Zeit- 
schrift. Thomson again appears to be at variance both with Mulsant and 
Kiesenwetter, so that the group is somewhat confused. The synonymy 
appears to me to stand thus :— 

1. Dasytes oculatus, Kies. (1867) = coxalis, Muls. (1868) = plumbeus, Ji., 
Thoms. (nec Miill.) 

2. D. plumbeus, Miill., Kies. = flavipes, Oliv., Muls. (nec Fab.) = fusculus, 
Thoms. ? (nec Kies.) 

3. D. plumbeo-niger, Goeze = eratus, Ste. = erosus, Kies. = plumbeus, 
Oliv., Foure., Muls. (nec Mill.) = subseneus, Thoms., Crotch Cat. (nec Schénh.) 

The three species have a considerable resemblance in form and colour. 
D. plumbeo-niger may be known by its concolorous antenne and legs. The 
males of D. oculatus are distinguished by the large globose eyes, the space 
between which is much narrower than in D. plumbeus: the females are more 
difficult, but in D. oculatus the base of the antenne and the anterior coxe are 
testaceous, while in D. plumbeus only the second joint of the antenne is 
testaceous, and the eyes are less developed in the latter species. I have 
received from M. Hichoff specimens of D. erosus, Kies., which agree perfectly 
with the common English species, wratus, Ste., which, however, will take 
Goeze’s name, plumbeo-niger; Kiesenwetter appears formerly to have con- 
founded it with D. plumbeus. The range of the three species in England 
requires further observation; my specimens of D. oculatus are all from Mr. 
Wollaston, who found them in Lincolnshire, while my D. plumbeus are from 
the neighbourhood of London. It seems very probable that more species of 
the genus Dasytes will occur in England; D. obscurus, Gyll., can hardly be 
wanting, and the true D. subeneus may be confidently expected, and may at 
once be known by its tarsi, which exceed the tibiz in length.” 


2 May, 1870. 
A. R. Watxacn, Esq., President, in the chair. 

Additions to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :— 
‘Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ No. 118; presented by the Society. 
‘ Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club,’ No. 10; by the Club. ‘ Bullettino 
della Societa Entomologica Italiana,’ 1870, part 1; by the Society. ‘The 
Canadian Entomologist,’ vol. i.; by the Editor. ‘ Recherches sur les Crustacés 
d’eau douce de Belgique,’ parts 2 and 3; and ‘ Matériaux pour la Faune Belge: 
Crustacés Isopodes terrestres ;’ by F. Plateau, the Author. ‘ Notes additionelles 
sur les Phryganides décrites par M. le Dr. Rambur;’ by R. M‘Lachlan, the 
Author. ‘ Descriptions de Calosoma nouveaux des Collections de MM. de 
Chaudoir et Sallé;’ by M. de Chaudoir, the Author. ‘ Contributions to the 
Theory of Natural Selection ;’ by A. R. Wallace, the Author. ‘ Contributions 
towards the Knowledge of Indian Arachnoidea ;’ by Dr. Stoliczka, the Author. 

The following additions by purchase were also announced :— Latreille, 
‘Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés et des Insectes,’ 14 vols.; De Castelnau, 
‘ Notes on Australian Coleoptera.’ 

Exhibitions, éc. 

Mr. Hewitson sent for exhibition a selection from a large number of butter- 
flies collected in Ecuador by Mr. Manuel Villagomes. The whole collection 
comprised 2000 specimens in perfect preservation, and the new species are 

described in the paper mentioned below. 

Mr. F. Smith exhibited a collection of Japanese Hymenoptera (also a few 
Coleoptera and Diptera) made by Mr. Geo. Lewis at Nagasaki. The Hymen- 
optera included a few Ichneumonide, but the principal part of the collection 
consisted of Aculeata, of which there were forty-four species, and of these about 
twenty appeared to be undescribed. The Apide consisted of one new species 

of Prosopis, two of Halictus, and five of Megachile (two of which have also been 
found in China); also one species of Lithurgus, one of Stelis, two of Ccelioxys ; 
one undetermined species of Xylocopa, one Bombus (undetermined, but pro- 
bably described), and lastly, one honey-bee, the Apis nigrocincta, also found in 
China, the queen of which was not distinguishable from Apis mellifica, though 
the workers were perfectly distinct. Of Fossorial Hymenoptera, there were a 
“new species of Pompilus, Priocnemis dorsalis (also found in China, Java and 
India), a species of Agenia, an undescribed species of Ammophila, three species 
of Pelopzus, including P. deformis, found also in China, and P. bengalensis, 
a widely distributed form, found in India, China, Singapore and most of the 
Islands of the Eastern Archipelago; Sphex argentata, perhaps the most widely 


distributed species of the genus, found in India, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, 
Ceram and Aru, also in North Africa and South Europe; a new species of 
Ampulex, Crabro vagatus, found also in China, an undetermined Larrada, and 
a new species of Cerceris. ‘The Vespide, being insects of wide distribution, 
were mostly described species, but there were one new species of Humenes and 
three of Odynerus; also Rhynchium ornatum, found also in China; four | 
species of Polistes, two apparently new, P. hebreus, found also in China, India, 
Mauritius and Palestine, and the common European P. biglumis, of which 
scores of specimens had been sent; lastly, of the genus Vespa, there were four 
species, V. ducalis, V. japonica, V. mandarinea and V. anchorata. On the 
whole, the collection was decidedly European in appearance, and though many - 
of the species were widely dispersed, very few of them had been previously 
recorded from Japan. | 

Mr. M‘Lachlan exhibited some exotic dragon-flies; Hypopetalia pestilens, | 
described in the paper mentioned below, and Chalcopteryx rutilans, of which | 
genus a new species is described in the same paper. | 

Mr. Albert Miiller exhibited the original drawings of Labram, illustrating 
the late Dr. Imhoff’s Insecten der Schweiz, and other entomological works. 

Mr. H. W. Bates exhibited some exotic Copride, described in the paper 
mentioned below. 

Mr. G. R. Crotch sent for exhibition Trachyphlceus laticollis (Schanherr, vii. 
118), a beetle new to the British list; five specimens had been captured some 
years ago at Weston-super-Mare. He considered the T. anoplus of Forster, 
and the T. rectus and spinimanus of Thomson, to be synonymous with 
T. laticollis, which ought to be placed with T. alternans, spinimanus and 
scabriusculus, being nearest the former by the weak armature of the tibize: the 
comparatively dense sete separate it from T. alternans and also from 'T. spini- 

Referring to the exhibition of Bombycidee described as Oeona -punctata, | 
Lasiocampa remota and Lebeda hebes (see Proc. Ent. Soc. 1869, p. xxii.), 
Mr. Dunning said that he had written to Mr. Holdsworth, calling his attention 
to the improbability of the same species of larva feeding both on oak and pine, 
and had received the following, dated Shanghai, 7th February, 1870 :— 

“‘ That the specimens were all bred from the same larvee is correct, and the 
statement that three distinct species have been made out of them has puzzled | 
me very much. It clearly shows how careful we ought to be, when collecting 
in foreign climates, to pay greater care to the watching and collecting of larve. 
With regard to these Bombyces, it is my opinion that they are male and female 
of one and the same species. The specimens sent you show, it is true, con- 
siderable difference in colour and markings, but if you could see the large 
number which I have in my cabinets, with the varieties gradually merging into 
each other, I think you would at once proclaim them one species. Again, 
amongst the hundreds of larvee which I found and bred, the only difference to 


be observed was in the lighter or darker shade of the ground colour, from 
blackish brown to velvetty black; and this very trivial difference could 
scarcely be sufficiently important to constitute distinct species. The hill on 
which I found the larvee was covered on one side with small pines, dwarf oak, 
briars, azaleas and other small trees and scrub; but I found the larve feeding 
ouly on pine and oak, and I found also cocoons on both trees, the cocoons 
being also exactly the same. On my return to Shanghai I brought with me a 
large quantity of larvee, some taken from pine and some from oak; but owing 
to my being unable to obtain the proper pine (the only food I could supply 
them with was dwarf oak from the Fung-wan-shan hills, thirty miles from 
Shanghai) all the pine-feeders died, and the oak-feeders made their cocoons. 
The cocoons found on the two kind of trees I kept separate, and the same 
great variation in colour and markings was noticed in the insects from both. 
Therefore I think we may safely say that Oeona punctata, Lasiocampa remota 
and Lebeda hebes are one and the same.” 

Mr. Holdsworth’s letter also contained the following description (see Proc. 
Ent. Soc. 1869, p. xxi.) of the larva of Heterusia remota :— 

“Length when full grown, one inch. Head black, comparatively small. 
Legs very short. Body primrose-colour, covered with tubercles and coated 
slightly with fine hairs; a black line down the middle of the back, a broader 
black line on either side for the entire length of the body, upon which are white 
tubercles having black centres; on each side, near the end of the black line, 
a vermilion spot, also one on either side of the head. The under side of the 
body of a dirty white colour. Feeds upon an evergreen-like stumpy bush with 
round glossy leaves, the blossom white with yellow centre. The larva curls a 
small leaf with its edges inwards, and there makes a small white paper-like 
cocoon, three-quarters of an inch in length. The larve spun up 15th—19th 
May, and the moths appeared 4th—5th June.” 

The Secretary mentioned that Mr. Holdsworth had sent over some silk- 
cocoons, which he had received from the interior of China, the provinces of 
Honan and Szechuen; the Honan cocoons were doubtless Bombyx Pernii; 
those from Szechuen belonged to an oak-feeding species, and though remarkably 
large and heavy were probably only a fine race of the same B. Pernii. 

The Secretary also drew attention to a Report made by Mr. Adams, Secretary 
to Her Majesty’s Legation in Japan, on the subject of silk-culture in that 
country, dated in January last. He states that the complaints of the degenerate 
quality of the season’s silk are universal. Several silk inspectors declare that 
the general quality has visibly deteriorated, the hanks being unclean and very 
tangled ; and one, who buys for a house in Lyons, says that there has been 
very little really first-rate silk in the market since the beginning of the season. 
The Japanese, incited by the high prices paid by foreigners, have looked to 
quantity rather than quality, believing that they can sell profitably whatever 


produce they bring to the Yokohama market; more women are consequently 
engaged at the reeling period, and not only are the new hands inexperienced, 
but, being for the most part paid according to the amount which they reel, they 
do their work in haste and carelessly. Mr. Adams recommends that modern 
machinery be introduced into Japan, with some European reelers to teach the 
use of the machines: the silk would then be clean and uniform, and would rise 
in value, soon making“ up by its increased price for the first outlay in 
machinery. Some modifications in the European machines are considered 
necessary, and it must be borne in mind that the women are much smaller 
in stature than the European reelers. The shipments of silk from the 1st of 
July, 1869, to the end of the year were about 6,850 bales, against 12,000 in 
the same period in 1868, and 5,000 in 1867; but there was no dearth of silk 
in the market, and the crop of 1869 seemed to be as abundant as that of 1868. 
One cause of the deterioration of the silk is the immense export of eggs of the 
best quality, foreigners offering high prices for the cards. The three great 
steam-boat lines carried to France and Italy in 1868 2,300,000 cards, and in 
1869 1,390,000 cards. The universal ravages of the maggot known as the 
uji have much to do with this considerable decrease. It is believed that the 
fly fastens upon the young silkworm, and, pricking it, deposits its egg or eggs 
within the skin; adipose matter is formed round the egg, and when the egg is 
hatched the maggot feeds upon this matter, and, increasing in size, penetrates 
more and more into the intestines of the silkworm. ‘The Japanese throw away 
all the uji, believing them to be dying or dead; but the uji does not die, but 
turns into a fly: the persons employed should be enjoined to destroy every 
uji as soon as it emerges from the cocoon, a course which would very materially 
diminish the number of flies in the following spring. Also, when the silkworms 
are going to spin, the Japanese should separate all those cocoons which have 
the dark mark showing that they contain uji. These should be suffocated, 
thus destroying the uji; the cocoons would be reserved for reeling. The 
disease would thus be arrested, and, it would seem, eventually eradicated. 

Papers read. 
The following papers were read :— 

‘Descriptions of twenty-two new Species of Equatorial Lepidoptera”; by 
Mr. Hewitson. 

“Descriptions of a new Genus and four new Species of Calopterygide, and 
of a new Genus and Species of Gomphide”; by Mr. M‘Lachlan. 

“On a new Genus and some new Species of Copride (Coleoptera-Lamelli- 
cornia)”; by Mr. H. W. Bates. 

“‘ Descriptions of some Genera and Species of Australian Curculionide”; by 
Mr. Pascoe. 


Catalogue of British Neuroptera. 

“A Catalogue of British Neuroptera,” compiled by Mr. M‘Lachlan, the 
family Ephemeride by the Rev. A. EK. Eaton, and published by the Society, 
being the first part of the proposed General Catalogue of the Insects of the 
British Isles, was on the table. 

6 June, 1870. 
F. P. Pascoz, Esq., Vice-President, in the chair. 

Additions to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :— 
‘Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ No. 119; presented by the Society. 
‘Proceedings of the Zoological Society,’ 1869, parts 2 and 3; by the Society. 
‘Journal of the Linnean Society,’ Zoology, No. 48; by the Society. 
‘ Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift,’ 1870, parts 1 and 2; by the Entom. 
Soc. of Berlin. ‘Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung,’ 1870, Nos. 7—9; by the 
Entom. Soc. of Stettin. ‘Coleopterologische Hefte,’ part 6; by the Editor. 
‘The Canadian Entomologist,’ vol. ii. No.6; by the Editor. ‘Catalogus 
Hemipterorum Italie indigenarum’; by the Author, Dr. Garbiglietti. ‘ Note 
sur le Byrsax (Bolitophagus) gibbifer’; by the Author, M. A. Preudhomme de 
Borre. ‘Mémoire sur les Thyréoptérides et les Coptodérides’; by the Author, 
Baron de Chaudoir. 

By purchase :—‘ On European Spiders,’ by Dr.T.Thorell. ‘Ichneumonidum 
Britannicorum Catalogus,’ by the Rev. T. A. Marshall. 

Election of Member. 

F. V. Jacques, Esq., of Chertsey Road, Redland, Bristol, was elected a 

Exhibitions, é&c. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan exhibited a partially gynandromorphous specimen of Brachy- 
centrus subnubilus, captured at Cheshunt by Mr. Boyd: the maxillary palpi 
and the left fore wing were of the female form, whilst all the rest of the insect 
was of the male form. (See Ent. Mo. Mag. vii. 19). This was only the 
second instance of gynandromorphism in the Trichoptera which had come to 
Mr. M‘Lachlan’s knowledge. 

Mr. 8S. Stevens exhibited living specimens of Ateuchus semipunctatus from 
Venice, one of them having been incarcerated for three weeks in a bottle with 
bruised laurel-leaves, without any apparent ill effect. 

Mr. Albert Miller, after referring to the breeding by Herr Hartmann of 
various Lepidoptera from gall-like swellings on the twigs of juniper (see Proc. 


Ent. Soc. 1868, p. xv.), exhibited some stems of juniper from Godalming which 
bore swellings, some of very large size, which were supposed to be caused by 
insects. | 

Mr. W. Warwick King (who was present as a Visitor) exhibited a miscel- 
laneous collection of insects from Tugela, near the Drakenborg Mountains, 

The Secretary exhibited a collection of insects sent to the Society by 
Mr. Henry Ansell, from Kinsembo, 8. W. Coast of Africa. In the letter which 
accompanied them, dated ‘‘ Kinsembo, 23 Febry., 1870,” the writer described 
the insects as “captured in this locality: the Coleoptera of this coast are 
certainly wanting, as I have on several occasions visited the most likely 
localities and found next to nothing. I hope, however, within a few months to 
visit Cabenda, where I believe I shall have better success.” 

Mr. Butler mentioned that whilst looking through the volumes of Freyer’s 
Beitrage he had stumbled upon three plates illustrating the metamorphoses of 
Argynnis Niobe and Adippe, and upon referring to the text he found some 
interesting remarks on the possible identity of the two forms. He then read a 
translation of a passage (Neuere Beitriige, vol. ili. p. 11), from which it 
appeared that, though at one time firm in the belief that the two were distinct 
species, Freyer’s confidence in the correctness of that view was very much 
shaken when he succeeded in rearing both from the caterpillar. In vol. iv., 
however, Freyer added that his later investigations left him still in doubt, 
though he adduced additional evidence in favour of their identity. The 
distinctions which he relied on in the perfect insects did not hold good in 
examples in Mr. Butler’s collection; the figures of the larvze show a very close 
resemblance, the differences being less conspicuous than from Freyer’s descrip- 
tion would be expected, and even those differences, according to Freyer, are not 
constant. Mr. Butler concluded as follows:—‘“If then the larve and the 
imagines vary inter se, and the pups are alike, why are we to consider the two 
species distinct? Is it because there is a something about the two insects that — 
at once tells us which form we have before us, even though we cannot describe 
it? Ido not admit that this is always the case, but if it were, it is no more 
than one sees in acknowledged varieties of Vanessa C-album and fifty other 

Major Munn (who was present as a Visitor) exhibited a number of | 
anatomical drawings of the honey-bee and its larva, and numerous pieces” 
of comb in illustration of the views expressed by him as to the reproduction of | 
the bee. Criticizing and dissenting from the theory of Dzierzon and Von Siebold, 
the speaker stated his belief that there was perceptible difference between the 
male eggs and female eggs; that the natural duration of life of the queen bee 
was two years, in the first of which she laid the contents of the first ovary, and 
in the second year of the second ovary; that the eggs first laid from each ovary 
were females, and the last laid were males; and that it was only occasionally 


and by the prevention of laying, that the life of the queen could be prolonged 
for four years, as had been done by Mr. Desbrough. Major Munn then 
proceeded to question the commonly received opinion as to the mode in which 
the queen bee is reared, and contended that the notion of the larve being fed on 

_ the so-called royal jelly, or in fact that any of the larvee were fed, was erroneous ; 

the larve, he said, have no anal opening until the last day of their larval 
life, and no main canal extending further than the silk-vessels: the larve, in 
fact, are lubricated, not fed; they grow by absorption, and in the case of the 
queen the rate of absorption is quickened by a layer of honey or jelly placed 
behind the cell in which the larva is, forming a hot-bed in the rear of the 
larva and enabling it to absorb at both ends or on all sides at once: with a 
view to the formation of this hot-bed, queen-eggs were invariably laid in 
unfinished cells. The worker or drone larve were not subject to this forcing 
process; and whenever a queen was raised from worker brood, without the aid 
of the hot-bed, a dwarf queen was the invariable result.* 

Paper read. 

The following paper was read:—‘“ The Genera of Coleoptera studied 
chronologically ” (Part 2, from 1802 to 1821); by Mr. G. R. Crotch. 

* Since the Meeting, the following notes have been furnished by Major 
Munn :— 

« Ata recent Meeting at Niiremberg, the bee-masters talked of the life of 
the queen-bee as extending to four and five years, and I am not sure that some 
works on bee-management have not given even seven years. My own observa- 
tions confirm the Report made to this Society on the duration of life in the 
queen, drone, and worker of the honey-bee, by Mr. J. G. Desbrough, who has 
given some excellent calculations and facts; and the following results have been 
arrived at since the introduction into this country of the Ligurian bee. In 
October, having got together two swarms of the brown bee, the queen was 
removed, and a Ligurian yellow queen was introduced; she remained, and 
raised the stock in May, when every bee wasatrue Ligurian. Again, this 
Ligurian stock being strengthened in October with other Ligurian workers, a 
brown queen was introduced from another apiary ; in May, every bee was found 
to be of the true home-bred brown form. This settled the question of the age 
of the workers, taking the winter half of the bee-season. Having raised and 
saved a hive filled with drones, and allowing them to exist in the stock by 
destroying the impregnated queen and by keeping the bees employed in 
attempting to raise queens, October found the drones hatched and located in 
the hive; but to prevent their slaughter, the queen was removed, when the 
drones lived, and perished almost the last in the stock in the month of January. 



With regard to the queen, the exhaustion of the two ovaries constitutes in my 
opinion the life of the queen, which would only extend to the second season of 
egg-laying, provided the queen were left in her normal condition, free to go 
and come into her hive, in a mild and equable climate, and amidst an 
abundant harvest of honey and pollen for the workers to collect and feed the 

‘“‘T turn now to the question, How are the larve fed, and wherein is the 
feeding different for the queen-bee? Take the worker first in order; the egg, 
having been attached on one of the rhombs at the base of the hexagonal cell, 
hatches after three days, and even six or longer, according to the season; the 
small white maggot exhibits no trace of external organs or members, but on 
‘closer examination by the lens, shows a very imperfect oral apparatus or mouth, 
for the reception of food as has been commonly stated by all writers; through 
this imperfect apparatus the workers are supposed to feed the larve. Prof. 
Westwood informs me the mouth is quite perfect when the larva is full-grown, 
and on the lower lip a pair of spinnerets may be found, with which it spins its 
cocoon preparatory to becoming a pupa. Moreover there is no anal orifice, as 
no food passes through the stomach until just before the final change to the 
pupa. Why then should not the first stage of the larval existence be maintained 
and increased by endosmosis or absorption? ‘The larve are not fed whilst in 
the cells, but are constantly lubricated with honey and water; the larva has no 
motion, nor can any impulse be given it by the application of turpentine or the 
prick of a needle ; it is simply a sack, with markings of a mouth, with the body 
divided into thirteen or fourteen rings, along the sides of which may be seen the 
ten spiracles or breathing holes, or perhaps in this stage glands as well, to 
convey more perfectly the nourishment, and form the ganglia of the perfect bee. 
The changes in internal structure are rapid; one day you find a mere integu- 
ment, filled with corpuscles of white creamy-looking flakes—which on chemical 
analysis I find to be grape-sugar and water, the very material with which the 
nurse-bees lubricate the larvee (this however in the queen-cell forms a strong 
pulpy bed, upon which the larva rests, but of which the worker and drone cells 
contain none, whilst in the queen cell the jelly occupies nearly a third of the 
cell, making it as it were a hot-bed around the queen larva)—a third day will 
show the wsophagus commenced and the silk-forming glands also formed on 
either side, and thus ready on the fifth day to be used through the spinnerets 
to spin its cocoon—an act which is a marvel to me. I have discovered that the 
bees do not form the silken respirator as has been hitherto stated, nor do they 
hermetically seal up the cell, but leave the larva to finish the silken respirator, 
and merely cover the sides and angles of the cells so as to strengthen them, and 
make them fit to pass over, like stepping-stones over the heads of the pupa, 
now resting to pass into the perfect or imago state. This the worker 
accomplishes in twenty days, the drone in twenty-four, and the queen in 
sixteen, subject to variations of weather, but as an average correct. 


“T have much to state of the impregnation of the queen-bee and against the 
parthenogenesis theory of the present day, or the power of the queen to leave 
her eggs unfertilized so as to produce either workers or drones. I believethe 
female is the early impregnation, and the male the later impregnation, as found 
in fact amongst animals as a rule, especially in cattle; the last of a series of 
ova become drones, and the earlier the workers. The eggs all have to pass 
through the common oviduct, and thus pass the mouth of the spermatotheca: 
now whilst there is no doubt there are muscles, as Siebold has proved by 
dissection, to extrude or restrain the eggs, these voluntary muscles have to be 
guided. Siebold and Dzierzon say that instinct will tell the queen when to exer- 
cise her judgment truly: at the moment when she pushes her abdomen into a 
wide drone cell or the narrow cell of the worker, the distinction of the wider and 
narrower cells will certainly be felt out by a normal queen with her abdomen ; 
(but here let me remark this queen’s abdomen, if about to lay her last series 
or drone eggs, is larger and heavier than in her first laying workers’ eggs in 
the spring); but, says Siebold, she well knows by the sensation of the touch 
that she must fertilize the eggs to be deposited in a narrow cell, whilst she has 
to lay the egg without fecundation in a wide cell. But it is a fact that eggs 
are laid constantly in unfinished workers’ cells, and extruded as well into drone 
cells, two or three eggs in a cell, when the queen has by some cause been 
driven to delay laying after impregnation. But the fecundated egg being 
required for the queen-bee, Dzierzon and Siebold have to find another reason, 
and they add that ‘by the peculiar texture of an incomplete royal cell too, a 
normal queen will be instinctively induced to fertilize the egg to be deposited 
in it.’ I believe Prof. Owen has been misquoted by Siebold and Dzierzon; 
and I feel assured that the latter has also accidentally misdirected Siebold that 
the eggs of queens “ are only of one of the same kind, which when they are laid 
without coming into contact with the male semen become male bees, but, on 
the contrary, when they are fertilized by male semen produce female bees.” 
I must leave the matter at this point; although I have ample evidence to 
prove the impregnation of the ‘fertile workers’ as well as the normal queens, 
and to show how mistake has crept into the microscopic dissections of the eggs, 
when every egg must be fertilized in passing the spermatotheca, especially if 
the eggs be all of one size, as has been stated by Dzierzon; but the entrance of 
the spermatozoa is at the base of the egg (the future mouth of the larva), and 
absorption introduces the semen into the egg, as I shall be prepared to show 
on another occasion. 

“ Briefly, my facts are these. A fertile impregnated queen lays eggs, female 
and male in succession: these are all necessarily fertilized as they descend 
through the common oviduct whilst passing the spermatotheca; and each 
spermatozoon, adhering to the base of the egg, and agglutinated to the cell by 
the queen, in due time enters the egg, the chorion is broken, and the larva is 
seen when the small transparent sack is floated in the sugar and water: here 


I believe the endosmosis process takes place; as to the development of the 
larva the first process is the completion of the silk glands, then the main canal 
seems to be formed more distinctly, the anal passage never being opened until 
the larva is fully filled, if I may so term it, or the growth of the larva accom- 
plished, when the spinnerets come into use, and the larva having discharged a 
small deposit in one corner of the wax cell (which black or brown substance 
may be seen in cells newly occupied for breeding), the spinning from the 
foundation commences, and finally the larva, finishing the silken respirator at 
the top, is found with its head upwards, and in due time gnawing its way out at 
the top, emerges either as a drone or worker from the confined cells, whilst the 
occupants of the large cells, with the larger supply of jelly and a more rapid 
absorption of sugar and water or honey and water, emerge as the perfect 
queens. When the bees raise ‘fertile workers,’ these never have jelly given 
them, and are fed up at a later period of their larval stage, and have neither 
space nor time for expansion.” 

4 July, 1870. 

A. R. Watracr, Esq., President, in the chair. 

Additions to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors :— 
‘Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou,’ 1869, Nos. 
1—3; presented by the Society. ‘Bulletins de l’Academie Royale des 
Sciences de Belgique,’ 2d series, vols. xxvii., xxviii.; by the Society. ‘ Ver- 
handlungen der k. k. zool.-bot. Gesellschaft in Wien,’ vol. xix.; by the Society. 
‘Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft,’ vol. iii. 
No. 4; by the Society. ‘Exotic Butterflies,’ Part 75; by W. Wilson 
Saunders, Esq. ‘ Lepidoptera Exotica,’ Part 5; by E. W. Janson, Esq. 

The following additions by purchase were also announced : —Gemminger 
and Harold, ‘Catalogus Coleopterorum,’ vol. vii. Thorell, ‘Remarks on 
Synonyms of European Spiders,’ No. 1. 

Election of Members. 

The Rev. F. A. Walker, M.A., of Elm Hall, Wanstead; and Edward 
Mackenzie Seaton, Esq., of 28, Belsize Park; were severally ballotted for, and 
elected Members. 

Exhibitions, ée. 
Mr. E. G. Meek exhibited various species of Dianthecia, including 

D. Barrettii, D. compta and D. conspersa from Ireland, and D. conspersa from 
the Isle of Man. Also a remarkable Bombyx from near Douglas, Isle of Man ; 


which was considered by Mr. Stainton to be a dark variety of Glyphisia 

The Hon. T. De Grey exhibited a series of Oxyptilus letus (Zeller), from 
Brandon, Suffolk. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan, on behalf of Mr. Tegetmeier, exhibited some nature-printed 
butterflies, the bodies and antenne being painted by hand: they were so 
admirably executed as to have been taken for lithographs, and were offered for 
sale as such by an eminent firm. 

Mr. Blackmore exhibited a number of insects, chiefly Lepidoptera and 
Coleoptera, the result of last winter's collecting in Tangier. Among the butter- 
flies was a fine series of the true Anthocharis Euphzno (Linn. sp.), a species 
till recently mistaken. Among the Coleoptera was a curious monstrosity of 
Pimelia scabrosa; the right-hand antenna was doubly furcate, or rather there 
were two antenne, of which the two basal joints were united; branching from 
the third joint, the right hand fork was of normal form, but the left hand fork 
was again furcate, a small two-jointed limb springing out (at the top, not at the 
side) of the 8th joint of the fork (7. e. the 10th joint of the antenna). 

Mr. F. Moore exhibited cocoons of a Sagra from Bombay, collected by 
Mr. Newton; three cocoons with the beetles which had emerged therefrom 
were shown im situ, and lay contiguous within a large swelling in the stem of a 
creeper (Cocculus macrocarpus). 

The President read the following extract from a letter, dated “Sarawak, 17th 
April, 1870,” from Mr. A. Everett ;— 

“ My brother has found two remarkable spiders. One, which we had not 
the means of keeping at the time, was lying with its legs pressed closely 
beside its body, and was white streaked with black in irregular fashion: when 
he called me to see it, I looked closely but in vain for it, the only thing visible 
on the leaf being apparently a patch of bird’s dung; when it moved, one saw 
immediately what it was. The other is similar in colour and behaviour, but 
seems to belong to a different genus, and the resemblance to the droppings of a 
bird is not so completely deceptive. These would appear to be instances of 
protective mimicry, and as such will perhaps be of interest to you. I have 
another example, almost if not quite as evident: I had a caterpillar brought me, 
which, being mixed by my boy with some other things, I took to be a bit of 
moss with two exquisite pinky-white seed-capsules; but I soon saw that it 
moved, and examining it more closely found out its real character: it is covered 
with hair, with two little pink spots on the upper surface, the general hue being 
more green: its motions are very slow, and when eating, the head is withdrawn 
beneath a mobile fleshy hood, so that the action of feeding does not produce any 
movement externally; the shape is oval, and the edges are fringed with tufts of 
hair: it was found in the limestone hills at Busan, the situation of all others 
where mosses are most plentiful and delicate, and where they partially clothe 


most of the protruding masses of rock; I placed it in spirit, but it has become 
shrunken and turned to a dirty yellowish colour. Such things, however, require 
to be seen alive in order to properly appreciate the close resemblance they bear 
to the particular objects they resemble.” 

Mr. De Grey mentioned that he had often been struck by the resemblance 
of the caterpillar of Melitea Cinxia to the flower of the plantain upon which it 
feeds, whilst the pupa resembled the seed of the same plant. 

Mr. Albert Miller exhibited some galls on Ammophila arundinacea, found 
last autumn by Mr. J. Traill about two miles north of Aberdeen; they 
occurred rather abundantly on stunted specimens, one gall on each plant. The 
gall consisted of the imbricate closely-sheathed leaves of a top-shoot, and 
contained a single longitudinal narrow cell, from two to three lines long, the 
upper part of which was pierced by the escaping insect. The insect, however, 
had not yet been detected. 

The Secretary exhibited a large woolly gall of the oak and a number of 
living specimens of Cynips ramuli which had emerged therefrom. The gall 
was found on the 24th of June, at Idsworth, near Horndean, by Sir J. Clarke 
Jervoise, Bart., who wrote respecting it as follows :— 

“‘ My attention was yesterday called to what I thought was a ball of sheeps’ 
wool in a meadow where there were no sheep, and I placed it under a glass 
clock-shade for security. This morning I found the clock had stopped, and a 
quantity of flies were in the case and in the works of the clock. I never 
happened to have seen a similar growth on the oak, a sprig of which is 
visible in the woolly gall, and I have sent some of the flies in spirits. There 
are more hatched out in the box since I placed the oak-gall in it.” (How many 
specimens of the Cynips hatched in the clock-case did not appear, but the box 
exhibited was found to contain upwards of eighty.) 

Prof. Westwood made some observations cn a very minute form of Acaride, 
to which he had already directed the attention of the Society (see Proc. Ent. 
Soc. 1864, p. 80); they were about =, of an inch in length, found in the 
unopened buds of the black currant, the blossom of which they destroyed ; 
they were elongate, cylindrical and fleshy, and possessed only four legs. 
A somewhat similar form found in galls was some years ago described in 
France; and the Rev. M. J. Berkeley had recently called Prof. Westwood’s 

attention to a third form which attacks pear trees, and makes small patches — 
or pustules on the leaves. At Oxford he had found many of these blotches, ~ 

and as many as thirty or forty Acari in a single blotch; in some cases 
there was a small opening in the leaf, but in the majority there was no 
visible aperture; perhaps the parent when depositing her eggs makes a small 
hole which afterwards closes over. Notwithstanding the existence of only two 
pairs of legs, he thought these were a mature form; and the three species 


seemed to constitute a distinct four-footed tribe in the family Acaride, 
distinguished likewise by having the whole surface covered with minute 
tubercles (like the parasite of the human nose) arranged in as many as sixty 
transverse rows; at any rate they required to be segregated under a separate 
generic name, and he proposed that of Acarellus, the three species being 
Acarellus pyri, A. ribis-nigri, and A. gallarum. 

Mr. Albert Miiller suggested that these forms perhaps belonged to the 
already-named genus Phytoptus, or Phytopus, the species of which inhabit 
excrescences of various plants, have at one stage of their existence only four 
legs, and are closely allied to Simonea folliculorum. He referred to papers 
by Frauenfeld in Verh. zool-botan. Ges. Wien, vol. xv. (1865), and Landois 
in Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool., vol. xiv. (1866). 

Papers read. 

The following papers were read :— 

“Further Observations on the Relation between the Colour and the 
Edibility of Lepidoptera and their Larve”; by Mr. J. Jenner Weir. 

“ List of Species in a Collection of Butterflies sent by Mr. Henry Ansell 
from Kinsembo, South Western Africa”; by Mr. A. G. Butler. 

“Contributions to an Insect-Fauna of the Amazon Valley” (Coleoptera, 
Cerambycide); by Mr. H. W. Bates. 

“List of the Hymenoptera collected by Mr. J. K. Lord in Egypt and 
Arabia; with Descriptions of the New Species”; by Mr. Francis Walker. 

New Part of ‘ Transactions.’ 

The second Part of the ‘ Transactions for the year 1870,” published in 
June, was on the Table. 

7 November, 1870. 
H. W. Bares, Esq., Vice-President, in the chair. 

Donations to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the 
donors :—Catalogues of Lepidoptera, Hemiptera Heteroptera, Dermaptera 
Saltatoria, and Myriapoda, in the Collection of the British Museum; 
18 parts, presented by the Trustees of the Museum. ‘ Proceedings of the 
Royal Society,’ Nos. 121, 122; by the Society. ‘Transactions of the 
Linnean Society,’ vol. xxvi. pt. 4, vol. xxvii. pts. 1 and 2; ‘Journal of the 
Linnean Society,’ Zoology, No. 49; by the Society. ‘Journal of the Agri- 
cultural Society,’ 2nd ser., vol. vi. pt. 2; by the Society. ‘Journal of the 



Quekett Microscopical Club,’ Nos. 11 and 12; by the Club. ‘ Annales de 
la Société Entomologique de France,’ 1869, parts 2—4; by the Society. 
‘ Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana,’ 1870, pt. 2; by the Society. 
‘Mémoires couronnes de l’Académie Royale de Belgique,’ vol. xxxiv.; 
‘Bulletins de l’Académie de Belgique,’ vols. xxvii., xxvili.; by the Academy. 
‘ Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes de Moscou,’ 1869, No.4; by the 
Society. ‘Hore Societatis Entomologice Rossice,’ vol. vi. No. 4; by the 
Society. ‘Entomologische Zeitung,’ 1870, Nos. 9—12; by the Entom. 
Soc. of Stettin. ‘Monographs of the Diptera of North America’ (Pt. 4, by 
R. Osten-Sacken); by the Smithsonian Institution. ‘ Proceedings of the 
Essex Institute,’ vol. vi. pt-1; and ‘ Bulletin of the Essex Institute,’ vol. 1.; 
by the Institute. ‘© Annals of the Lyceum of New York;’ by the Lyceum. 
‘Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History ;’ by the Society. 
‘Report of the Peabody Academy ;’ by the Academy. ‘ Report of the 
United States Commissioner of Agriculture for 1868;’ by the Department 
of Agriculture. ‘Record of American Entomology for 1868-9,’ and ‘ Guide 
to the Study of Insects;’ by Dr. Packard. ‘Memoir of Thaddeus W. 
Harris ;’ by 8S. H. Scudder, Esq. ‘The Canadian Entomologist,’ vol. ii. 
Nos. 8 and 9; by the Editor. ‘L’Abeille,’ vol. vi. No. 9; by the Editor. 
‘Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques,’ Nos. 26 and 27; by the Editor. 
Hewitson’s ‘ Exotic Butterflies,’ part 76; by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 
‘Lepidoptera Exotica,’ part 6; and ‘ Cistula Entomologica,’ part 38; by 
E. W. Janson, Esq. ‘Notes on the Habits of Hymenopterous Insects 
from the North-West Provinces of India;’ by the Author, C. Horne, Esq. 
‘Balaniform Oak-galls and Cynips Curtisii;’ by the Author, Albert Miller, 
Esq. ‘The Silk Supply Journal,’ vol. i. Nos. 7 and 8; by the Association. 
‘The Zoologist,’ August to November; by the Editor. ‘ The Entomologist’s 
Monthly Magazine,’ August to November; by the Editors. 

Election of Member. 

T. H. Briggs, Esq., of Lincoln’s Inn, was ballotted for, and elected 2 

Evhibitions, de. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan exhibited coloured drawings by Mr. Buckler of the larvae 
of Deilephila galii and D. livornica. Of the former no less than sixteen 
different varieties were represented, all found during the present year. 

Mr. Bond exhibited specimens of Nonagria brevilinea, of which a dozen 
were taken by Mr. G. H. King, at sugar, in the first week of August, 1870, 
at Horning Fen, Norfolk. ‘The hitherto unique specimen was captured by 
Mr. Fenn at Ranworth, on the 4th of August, 1864, and was described by 
him in Ent. Mo. Mag. i. 107, and figured in the Entomologist’s Annual 
for 1865. 



Mr. Bond also exhibited a male Caradrina cubicularis and a female Senta 
ulvee, which were captured in copuld, at Horning Fen, in August last. 

Mr. Howard Vaughan exhibited a specimen of Plusia acuta, Walker, 
captured in May last, by Mr. H. P. Robinson, at Tunbridge Wells; it flew 
through the drawing-room window, attracted by the light.* 

Mr. H. Vaughan also exhibited Leucania albipuncta from Folkestone ; 
and two remarkably dark varieties of Tryphzna orbona, from Mr. Norman, 
of Forres [? T. consequa, Curt. = T. Curtisii, Newm.] And the following 
four species, new to the list of British Lepidoptera :— 

1. Acidalia ochrata, Scopoli; captured near Red Hill; see Ent. Mo. Mag. 
vii. 138. 

2. Trachonitis (?) Pryerella; taken in London in August and September. 

3. Homceosoma senecionis; the larva of which was found in Essex, 
mining in the stems of ragwort. . 

4. H. saxicola; reared in 1867 from larve found in September, 1866, in 
the Isle of Man, feeding in flower-heads of chamomile. These three species 
of Phycididee are described by Mr. Vaughan in Ent. Mo. Mag. vil. 130. 

Mr. F. Smith, referring to his previous remarks on Meloe rugosus (Proc. 
Ent. Soc. 1869, p. xx.), mentioned that he had again visited Prittlewell 
this autumn, and taken twenty-five specimens of this beetle; they were 
found under the herbage, and never came into daylight, only the top of the 
abdomen of the female being visible; the males appeared to fight furiously 
with one another, not only when in confinement, but in a state of nature ; 
most of the females were full of eggs, and Mr. Smith placed two in a flower- 
pot, in the hope of breeding the species; instead of depositing eggs, they 
had burrowed into the earth and there remained, so that it became a question 
whether they do not hybernate in the ground, and lay their eggs in the 
spring, at a time when there would be a better supply than in the autumn 
of eggs and larve of the Anthophora. 

Prof. Westwood said both sexes of Meloe violaceus were found in the 
spring; and suggested whether these had hybernated underground. 

Mr. Pascoe mentioned that near Narbonne he had once seen a dozen 
specimens of Meloe maialis impaled on Cactus opuntia, and as they were 
quite uninjured except by the spines of the Cactus, the impalement could 
not have been the work of shrikes. 

Mr. Dunning exhibited Anobium paniceum, both larva and imago, living 
in and consuming Cayenne pepper; and read the following note respecting 



* To an announcement by Mr. Henry Moore of the capture of this insect, the 
Editors of the Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine (vii. 138) append the following 
note :—“ This species, which is not mentioned in either of Guenée’s Catalogues, is 
represented in the British Museum Collection by a single specimen from Congo, in 
Africa. My. Moore’s example was no doubt imported in the pupa state.” 


“In Kirby and Spence (Introd. i. pp. 196, 199, ed. 1848) it is mentioned 
that Anobium paniceum has been known to consume Cayenne pepper. On 
the 5th April, 1847, Mr. W. W. Saunders exhibited to this Society a bottle 
of capsicum from Bombay, which was greatly infested by Lasioderma 
testaceum; and it is added that when Kirby and Spence stated Cayenne 
pepper to be subject to the ravages of Anobium paniceum, that species 
was “probably mistaken by them for the former insect, which it greatly 
resembles.” (See Proc. Ent. Soc. 1847, p. viii.). It is clear that this passage 
means the reverse of what is said—that Lasioderma was mistaken for 
Anobium, not Anobium for Lasioderma. The authority for Kirby and 
Spence’s statement is Mr. Raddon, who on the Ist January, 1838, exhibited 
to this Society ‘‘a quantity of Cayenne pepper, in which a number of 
specimens of Anobium paniceum had been reared.” (See Proceedings, p. 1xi.) 
I have now the pleasure of exhibiting larve and beetles in Cayenne pepper, 
forwarded to me in August from Woolston, near Southampton; they were 
described as “sent over in some Cayenne pepper, and, much to the disgust 
of the village grocer, they bred and multiplied, the beetles boring holes in 
the drawer in which the pepper was placed, previous to the discovery of the 
inmates.” Notwithstanding the doubt expressed in 1847, I venture, in 
corroboration of Mr. Raddon’s observation, to exhibit these beetles as 
Anobium paniceum.” 

Mr. Bond exhibited specimens of a small Dipterous insect, Chlorops 
lineata, and read a letter respecting it from Mr. J. Brown, of Cambridge. 
In the month of September, a room in the Provost’s Lodge at King’s College 
was found “literally swarming with them; the ceiling and windows were 
covered; there must have been millions of them ;” they were said to occur 
regularly every season, and to have been noticed by the late Provost, 
Dr. Thackeray (who died in 1850). 

Mr. F. Smith mentioned that he had received half a dozen communica- 
tions during the autumn respecting swarms of this insect. Mr. Staimton 
enquired how and why it is that an insect which feeds in grasses or on 
vegetable substances is found in houses? Prof. Westwood thought the long 
hot summer and dry autumn might account for the unusual prevalence of 
this species during the present year; as to its getting into houses, he 
thought it was with a view to hybernation. Mr. Jenner Weir thought it 
was only for temporary shelter, on the first approach of cold weather. 

Mr. Albert Miiller exhibited some reniform spangles on the under side 
of oak-leaves, found near Shirley, on the 16th October last, and produced 
by Cynips renum (Hartig. MS.); also pea-galls (about seventy-five in 
number) of Cynips agama, on the under side of the leaves of an oak 
seedling of two or three years’ growth. Mr, Miller observed upon the fact 
of a Cynips attacking so young and healthy a plant. 


The Secretary read letters from the Rev. W. H. Wayne, of Much Wen- 
lock, Shropshire, respecting the injury caused in July last to his plum, 
cherry and pear trees by a small gelatinous grub, doubtless Blennocampa 
cerasi(Tenthredo cerasi, Linn.) It was first observed three or four years since 
in small numbers on a plum tree; in 1869 they caused the fall of nearly 
all the leaves of a pear tree, and the total ruin of the fruit; in 1870 two 
large pear trees were totally spoilt, and not only pears, but large crops of 
plums and cherries were rendered worthless. 

Mr. Edward Saunders exhibited a specimen of a gigantic Prionid beetle 
from the Feejee Islands; it was described by Dr. Dohrn in the Stettin 
‘Entom. Zeitung’ for 1868 (p. 201), under the name Macrotoma heros, but 
was scarcely referable to the genus Macrotoma. 

Mr. Bates said the insect was a Xixuthrus, the only other known species of 
that genus being from the Malayan Archipelago. He remarked upon the 
fact that the Feejee Islands contain so many large and remarkable forms, 
whilst Tahiti and the Sandwich Isles appear to have a very limited and 
poor fauna. 9 

The Secretary exhibited some butterflies from Basuto-land, in illustration 
of the paper by Mr. Trimen mentioned below. They were Leptoneura 
Bowkeri (n. sp.), Erebia Narycia, Lycena Letsea (n. sp.), L. Macalenga 
(n. sp.), L. Mahallokozna, Zeritis Molomo (n. sp.), Z. Leroma, Callosyne 
Evenina, Pyrgus Mafa (n. sp.), and Cyclopides Tsita (n. sp.). 

The Secretary exhibited a small collection of Lepidoptera captured by 
Mr. Holdsworth, of Shanghai, in April last, at Snowy Valley, which is at a 
height of 1200 feet above the level of the sea and surrounded on all sides 
by hills. Amongst the butterflies were Charaxes Narceeus, Papilio Mencius, 
Euchloe Scolymus, other species of Euchloe and Terias, species of Anops, 
Dendorix and Polyommatus, Thanaos rusticans, and Pyrgus maculatus. 
Amongst the moths were Brahmea undulata, and a Bombyx allied to 
Heterusia and probably new. 

The Secretary also exhibited coloured drawings sent by Mr. Holdsworth 
from Shanghai of an Argynnis, and of a species of the butterfly-mimicking 
genus of moths, Epicopeia. The Argynnis was determined by Mr. Butler 
to be the A. japonica of Ménétries, a variety of the Indian A. Rudra of 
Moore, which was itself only a local form of the European A. Laodice. 
The Epicopeia was a fine black species, the hind wings caudate and 
(together with the body) adorned with bright crimson markings, the whole 
forming a good imitation of the above-mentioned Papilio Mencius; the 
following note on its habits was sent by Mr. Holdsworth :— 

“The female is very similar to the male. Larva, full grown, 23 inches ; 
perfectly white and profusely covered with fine white powder, which comes 
from the body at the slightest touch, leaving the dark skin underneath ; 


found in October, changed to pupa same month, collecting two or three 
leaves and making a kind of envelope of the powder; imago made its 
appearance in June following.” 

In a letter dated ‘“ Shanghai, 3rd August, 1870,” Mr. Holdsworth men- 
tions that both Papilio Xuthus and P. Xuthulus are found in that neigh- 
bourhood; and referring to the silk-worm cocoons mentioned ante, p. XXi., 
writes as follows:—“I am glad the boxes of cocoons reached you, and 
I hope the moths have come out successfully long ere this; all mme came 
out at the end of April and first week of May. I failed to rear any larve, 
owing to not being able to procure the proper oak. ‘The moths out of the 
Honan cocoons are very little different to those from Szechuen, the chief 
distinction being the ground colour of the wings.” As previously conjectured, 
both the Honan and Szechuen cocoons were doubtless the same species, 
Bombyx Pernii; of those sent by Mr. Holdsworth to this country, Mr. 
Dunning mentioned that he had not reared a single moth, and that 
the same fate had attended Mr. Shoolbred appeared from the following 

The Secretary read the following extract from a letter from Mr. W. A. 
Shoolbred, jun., dated 29th August, 1870 :— 

«T am sorry to say that not one of my Pernyi cocoons has protien a 
moth. I hope you have had better success. I at first hung mine up in a 
cool greenhouse in the sun, along with cocoons of B. Cynthia and Cecropia. 
One day I fancied, from the way that one of the cocoons rattled on being 
shaken, that the pupa inside must be dead. On cutting open the cocoon 
I found it was so; one or two others which I opened were also dead, and 
another or two looked doubtful, but none of them looked decidedly alive. 
Thinking they might be too hot, I moved them into a shady place in the 
ereenhouse. Seeing that they did not emerge, I opened two or three others 
some time afterwards, and they were dead. I have now given up all-hope 
of any emerging. This year I have been very successful with Cecropia; 
some of the larvee are enormous, about the size of the larve of Acherontia 
Atropos. I have kept them out of doors, on branches of apple trees 
protected with bags of coarse muslin. Cynthia has not done so well this 
year; on account of the larve having demolished all my Ailanthus foliage, 
I have had to finish them off on laburnum and castor-oil plant, and they 
have not profited by the change. I have tried Saturnia Pavonia-major 
this year, but have only reared three worms to cocoons, out of fifty eggs.” 

Papers read. 
The following papers were read :— 
«‘ Notes on Butterflies collected by J. H. Bowker, Esq., in Basuto-land, 
South Africa; with Descriptions of some new Species;” by Mr. Roland 



‘Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley” (Coleoptera 
conclusion of the Cerambycid); by Mr. H. W. Bates. 

“Descriptions of some new Genera and Species of Australian Curcu- 
lionide ;” by Mr. F. P. Pascoe. 

«“ Notes on the Eurytomine ;” by Mr. F. Walker. 

New Part of ‘ Transactions.’ 

Part 3 of the ‘ Transactions for 1870,” published in August, was on the 

21 November, 1870. 

A. R. Watxacn, Esq., President, in the chair. 

Donations to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the 
donors :—‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ No. 123; and ‘ Catalogue of 
Scientific Papers (1800—1863),’ vol. iv.; presented by the Royal Society. 
‘Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana,’ 1870, part 3; by the 
Society. ‘Hore Societatis Entomologice Rossice,’ vol. vii. Nos. 1—3; 
by the Society. ‘Die Orthopteren und Neuropteren Kurlands,’ ‘ Beitrage 
zur Kenntniss der Hymenopteren-fauna Russlands,’ ‘ Die genuinen Ich- 
neumoniden verwandten Tribus in Russland, vorzugsweise in Kurland,’ and 
‘Enneas Ichneumonidarum Curione ;’ by the Author, Pastor J. H. Kawall. 
‘On the Cultivation of Silk in the Australian Colonies ;’ by the Author, 
Captain T. Hutton. ‘ Oribata geniculata, Latr., a mite injurious to Pinus 
sylvestris in Scotland,’ and ‘ The Teachings of Galls ;’ by the Author, Albert 
Miller, Esq. 

Exhibitions, dc. 

Mr. Butler exhibited a large number of Diurnal Lepidoptera, in illustra- 
tion of the paper mentioned below. They were chiefly Hesperiide, from the 
Kaden Collection, now in the possession of Mr. Herbert Druce. 

Mr. Bond exhibited both sexes of Psyche reticella, Newm., taken near 
Gravesend in 1870, by Mr. D. J. Button, the female being bred, and now 
for the first time known: in colour it is quite different from the female of 
any other British species of Psyche, being of a clear yellowish horn-colour, 
with bands or rings on the body of a dark vandyke-brown or nearly black ; 
in fact, it is very similar when alive to a small larva of Kuchelia jacobee, 
but after death it becomes nearly black. 

Mr. Bond also exhibited Acidalia strigaria, Hubn., from Gravesend, 
and Pempelia obductella, F’.-v.-R., from Norfolk; these were also taken by 
Mr. Button during the present season, and were both new species to the 
British list. 


Mr. F. Smith exhibited some comb from a wasp’s nest sent to him in 
October from Gloucestershire, the larvae and pupe in which had been 
destroyed by a Dipterous parasite, Phora florea: on a single larva or pupa 
of the wasp, for both were attacked indiscriminately, there were in some 
instances twelve or fourteen larve of the Phora, and the whole inside was 
consumed, leaving a mere shell, like the cast-off skin of a shrimp; out of 
200—300 cells, not more than a dozen wasps escaped. 

Mr. Verrall mentioned that he had once put a hornet in a box, and on 
looking at it after a considerable time, found four or five specimens of a 
Phora had emerged; so that all three stages of larva, pupa and imago 
seemed to be lable to the attacks of Phora. Bouche also had recorded the 
breeding of Phora from a species of Crabro. 

Prof. Westwood mentioned that he had recently been breeding in numbers 
the continental olive-feeding Phlceotribus ole from an ash tree growing 
near Halifax. The tree, however, was imported from France, so that the 
beetle could not yet be regarded as British, though it would doubtless 
become naturalized here. He had dissected it, and found that it really 
belonged to the Tomicus group. 

Mr. Albert Miller exhibited, in ‘spirits, a full-fed larva of Agosoma 
scabricorne ; and a piece of the bark of a lime tree, showing the exit-hole of 
the imago. On St. Peter’s bastion at Basle there were formerly some lime 
trees, and on the 8th of March, 1868, one of the old trees was blown down 
during a hail storm; the larve thrown out of the shattered trunk were 
picked up by Herr Stehelin Imhoff, and that exhibited was one of them. 
In the spring of 1869 all the trees were felled, and in one, of much smaller 
size than that blown down in 1868, were a considerable number of the 
larvee in all stages of development. The larva is of the usual Prionid form, 
and is described by Mulsant in Ann. Soc. Linn. de Lyon for 1855, 
reprinted in his Opusce. vi. 46. The habit of the beetle was to fly in the 
twilight, and rest during the day on the bark, by preference in a cavity 
sheltered from the sun: it occurred in July, August and September: in 
July, 1865, Mr. H. Knecht took thirty-eight specimens at Basle; in August, 
1866, twenty-five specimens, whilst in 1868 only a single specimen was 
captured, on the 8th of September. At the same spot, Osmoderma eremita 
occurred both in 1865 and 1866; and in the latter year, Aromia moschata 
was plentiful. 

Paper read. 

The following paper was read :—‘ Descriptions of Diurnal Lepidoptera, 
chiefly Hesperiide,” by Mr. A. G. Butler. Besides eleven new species of 
Nymphalide, and one of Papilionide, the characters are given of two new 
genera and sixty-nine new species of Hesperiidz, a considerable proportion 
of them from Venezuela. 


5 December, 1870. 
* F. P. Pascoz, Esq., V.-P., in the chair. 

Donations to the Tabrary. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the 
donors :—‘ Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou,’ 
1870, Part 1; presented by the Society. ‘Report of Experiments made in 
1868 with the Japanese Silkworm, Bombyx Yamamai;” by the Author, 
A. G. More, Esq. ‘The Zoologist,’ for December; by the Editor. ‘The 
Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine,’ for December; by the Editors. 

Election of Member. 

G. H. Verrall, Esq. (already an Annual Subscriber) was ballotted for, 
and elected a Member. 


Mr. Edward Saunders exhibited three species of Hemiptera Heteroptera 
recently added to the British list; Salda arenicola, found on the moist parts 
of the cliffs to the east of Bournemouth ; Plociomerus luridus, two specimens 
captured by Mr. G. R. Crotch in the New Forest; and Hadrodema pinastri, 
found by Dr. Power at Weymouth, and since by Mr. E. Saunders in Surrey, 
at Gomshall and near Reigate, on Scotch firs. The last-mentioned insect 
was interesting as adding not only a new species but a new genus to the list 
of British Hemiptera. Mr. EH. Saunders also exhibited British specimens 
of Strachia festiva, which Messrs. Douglas and Scott incorrectly give as a 
synonym of S. ornata; the description in Douglas and Scott is applicable 
to S. festiva, whilst S. ornata has not yet been found in this country. 

Mr. Butler exhibited a dwarf Vanessa Urtice, about half the usual size, 
and very dark in colour, especially on the hind wings. It was one of a 
brood reared during the present season, the rest of which were of the 
ordinary size and colour. 

Mr. F. Smith exhibited six specimens of Calodera rubens captured at 
Lewisham in March; and Baridius scolopaceus captured on the Kentish 
coast in June; both in the present year, by Mr. Champion. The latter insect 
is new to the British list of Coleoptera, and differs from other species of 
Baridius by its elongate snow-white scales. 

Mr. Pascoe exhibited two new Longicorns, brought from the Himalayas 
by Captain Lang. One was to all appearance a South-American form, 
resembling Cosmisoma, but probably near to Spherion; the other was 
quite a novel form, a Cerambyx with the aspect of a Dorcadion, probably 
allied to Dynamostes. 



Mr. Albert Miiller exhibited some photographs of American galls, sent 
by Mr. H. F’. Bassett, of Waterbury, Connecticut; namely, galls caused by 
Cynips duricoria on Quercus bicolor, by C. spongifica on Q. tinctoria, by 
C. strobilana and C. forticornis on other species of oak, by C. pedunculata 
on Q. coccinea, by C. ilicifoliz on Q. ilicifolia; and by Rhodites bicolor, 
R. radicum and R. verna, on Rosa carolina. 

Mr. 8. S. Saunders exhibited a living specimen of Eresus ctenizoides, 
a large spider from Greece, of remarkable beauty: it was of a rich velvetty 
black, with a dull golden border to the abdomen. It was brought from 
Syra, and its habit was to live under stones, and feed on large grasshoppers. 
Owing perhaps to the smallness of the English grasshoppers, it had remained 
without food since July. 

Mr. F. Smith mentioned that he had found on Woollacombe Sands, 
North Devon, a silvery species of Asilus whose habit it was to prey upon 
grasshoppers ; the latter were numerous in the grassy spots adjoining the 
sands, and were carried off by the Asilus, which flew with its prey down to 
the sands, and there devoured it. The species has been determined by 
Mr. Verrall to be the Asilus albiceps of Meigen, and belongs to Loew’s 
subgenus Philonicus, the only other described species of Philonicus being 
the P. dorsiger of Wiedemann, from Egypt. Mr. Smith added that Asilus 
crabroniformis was in swarms at Woollacombe, but appeared to confine its 
attacks to small Diptera. 

Paper read. 

The following paper was read :—‘“ A Monograph on the Ephemeride” 
(Part I. The Nomenclature); by the Rev. A. E. Eaton. 

After enumerating the various collections which he had had the oppor- 
tunity of consulting, the Author gives a bibliographical history of the group 
from the time of Clutius (1634) to the present day, indicating under each 
book the species therein for the first time named and characterized, and 
when possible the places where the type specimens if extant are deposited. 
Then follows a list of all the described species arranged in the alphabetical 
order of the genera; together with remarks on the fossil species, and a list 
of names of the fossils hitherto reputed to be Ephemeride. In the next 
portion of his paper, the Author gives the general characters and habits of 
the Family, followed by Tables of the geographical distribution over the 
_ globe of both genera and species, and arrives at the conclusion that “ the 
number of described recent species of Ephemeride is about 178, exclusive 
of ten which are either hardly determinable or probably mere conditions of 
well-characterized forms which have been otherwise named; there are three 
fossil species determinable.” The whole of the recent genera and species 
(including four new genera, and twenty-four new species) are then charac- 
terized; and the descriptions are elucidated by numerous drawings of 

aoe ee 


structural details. On a future occasion the Author hopes to give a detailed 
account of the organization and development of some characteristic British 
species of the Family. 

2 January, 1871. 

A. R. Wattace, Esq., President, in the chair. 

Additions to the Library. 

The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the 
donors :—‘ Tijdschrift voor Entomologie,’ ser. 2, vol. v. Nos. 2—6, vol. vi. 
No. 1; presented by the Entom. Soe. of the Netherlands. ‘ Nederlandsche 
Insecten’ (continuation of Sepp), ser. 2, vol. ii. Nos. 839—50, vol. iil. 
Nos. 1, 2; by the Author, Dr. Snellen van Vollenhoven. ‘ Stettiner 
Entomologische Zeitung,’ 1871, Nos. 1—3; by the Entom. Soe. of Stettin. 
‘Résumé d’une nouvelle Classification des Cordulines;’ by the Author, 
M. EK. de Selys-Longchamps. MHewitson’s ‘ Exotic Butterflies,’ part 77; 
by Mr. W. Wilson Saunders. ‘The Natural History of the Tineina,’ vol. 
xii.; and ‘ The Entomologist’s Annual,’ for 1871; by My. Stainton. ‘The 
Zoologist,’ for January; by the Editor. ‘The Entomologist’s Monthly 
Magazine,’ for January; by the Editors. 

By purchase :—‘ Bericht der Entomologie, 1867—68,’ 1st part; ‘ Record 
of Zoological Literature,’ 1869, Part 2 (Arachnida, Myriopoda, Insecta). 

Election of Member. 

Alex. Milton Ross, Esq., M.D., of Toronto, was ballotted for, and elected 
a Member. 

Exhibitions, de. 

Mr. Butler exhibited several species of Lepidoptera, part of a collection 
containing some novelties and various rarities, recently sent to Mr. Swanzy 
by Mr. Ussher, from Fantee, West Coast of Africa. Amongst them was a 
Brahmea, allied to B. Lucina, but differing in its comparatively shorter and 
less arched front wings and more pronounced markings, the central white 
band more continuous and on the hind wings half the width of that in B. 
Lucina and not macular, in the narrower discal series of dark wavy lines 
and the obsolescent character of the submarginal ocellations near the apex 
of the front wings; Mr. Butler regarded it as a new species, intermediate 
between B. Lucina and lunulata, and proposed to call it Brahmeea Swanzii. 
There was also a new species of Massaras, M. virescens, allied to M. mari- 
tima. And Mr. Butler made some remarks on the mimicry of Danais 
Leonora by Godartia Eurynome, and of Belenois Sylvia by Mylothris 
Agathina (especially the male)—the latter being remarkable as a case of 


mimicry of one species of the Pieridinse by another species of the same 

Mr. Bates suggested that the resemblance between the Mylothris and 
the Belenois was only a relation of affinity. And the President also doubted 
whether this was a case of mimicry. 

Mr. W. C. Boyd exhibited some varieties of several British Lepidoptera ; 
amongst them, a female Colias Edusa with the black spot on the front wings 
almost obliterated, captured in the Isle of Wight in 1859; a dwarf Pieris 
rape, captured at Cheshunt; a dwarf Liparis auriflua; the dark form of 
Miselia oxyacanthe; a very pretty and curious Polia chi(?); and an 
Agrotis aquilina with the stigmata joined by a distinct brown line. 

Mr. Verrall exhibited a specimen of Plusia interrogationis, captured by 
Mr. Jenner at Battle, Sussex—a new locality for the insect. 

Prof. Westwood called attention to the fact that in the continuation of 
Sepp’s Nederlandsche Insecten (Ser. 2, vol. ii. pl. xlii.), Dr. Snellen van 
Vollenhoven had recently figured an Agrotis with a Dipterous parasite 
of the genus Anthrax. Though familiar as a parasite on Coleoptera 
and Hymenoptera, Anthrax had not hitherto been known to attack 

Paper read. 

The following paper was read:—‘‘New American Species of Diurnal 
Lepidoptera,” by Mr. Hewitson. The new species were five in number, 
Heterochroa Makkeda from Para, H. Zalmona from New Granada, 
Eurygona argentea and Pyrrhopyga Crida from Nicaragua, and Pyrrhopyga 
eximia from Venezuela. 

New Part of ‘ Transactions.’ 

Part 4 of the ‘ Transactions for 1870,” published in December, was on 
the Table. 


23 January, 1871. 

A. R. Wattacg, Esq., President, in the chair. 

An Abstract of the Treasurer’s Accounts for 1870 was read by Mr. 

Verrall, one of the Auditors, and showed g balance in favour of the Society 
of £129 8s. 8d. 
The Secretary read the following :— 

Report of the Council for 1870. 

In accordance with the Bye-Laws, the Council presents to the Society 
the following Report. 



The death of the great Lacordaire gives a mournful distinction to the 
past year, and has created a vacancy in the roll of our Honorary Members. 
We have besides lost Haliday and three othér Members by death, and eight 
by resignation. As the elections have been but nine, it follows that the 
number of our Members has slightly decreased. 

No composition in lieu of annual subscription has been received during 
the year. Consequently the reserve fund remains without increase, and the 
expenditure on the Library has been small. 

The renewed offer of Prizes for essays on economical or structural 
Entomology has not evoked the competition which the Council desired. 
No prize has been awarded. 

The Transactions and Proceedings for 1870 will form a volume of 
600 pages, with seven plates, of which two are coloured. Thanks are due 
to Major Parry, Mr. Butler and Mr. Pascoe, for the drawing and engraving 
of six out of the seven plates. 

The financial position may be exhibited by the following Table :— 

& £ 

Contributions of Members - 189 | Transactions and Proceedings 190 
Sale of Publications” - - 76 | Rent and Office Expenses - 60 
Interest on Consols’~— - - 4 | Library : E - ay!) plat 
Donations - : - - 382] Teaat Meetings - - “hl: 
Catalogue of Neuroptera =e 

£301 £304 

Thus, in round numbers, the contributions of Members have just paid 
for the annual volume of Transactions; and the amount received from sale 
of our publications has slightly exceeded the rent, office and library 
expenses. In a word, the ordinary income of the Society has sufficed to 
meet the ordinary expenditure. 

For its extraordinary expenditure, the Council has had to depend mainly 
on special donations—not only for the publication of the List of British 
Neuroptera, the first instalment of the proposed General Catalogue of 
indigenous Insects—but also for the completion of a task to which reference 
was made in the previous Report, the colouring of the plates which 
illustrate the ‘‘ Third Series” of the Transactions. As the last act of his 
Secretaryship, Mr. Dunning has requested permission to hand over to the 
Society, all coloured and ready for sale, the entire stock of the eight 
volumes of Transactions which have appeared during his nine years tenure 
of that office. 

23 January, 1871. 


The following gentlemen were elected Members of the Council for 
1871 :—Messrs. Butler, Dunning, Fry, Grut, Higgins, M‘Lachlan, Parry, 
Pascoe, E. Saunders, Stainton, S. Stevens, A. R. Wallace and Westwood. 

The following officers for 1871 were subsequently elected :—President, 
Mr. A. R. Wallace. Treasurer, Mr. 8. Stevens. Secretaries, Messrs. 
M‘Lachlan and Grut. Librarian, Mr. E. W. Janson. 

An Address was read by the President, as follows :— 



On looking over some of the Annual Addresses which 
have been delivered to you from this chair, as a guide to the 
proper performance of this portion of my duties as your 
President, I was much relieved by the discovery that, both as 
regards matter and arrangement, a wide latitude has been claimed 
by my predecessors. I may therefore hope that, should I diverge 
further than usual from the beaten track, you will kindly over- 
look the fault, and impute it to my old habits of wandering, 
which, being now debarred from acting on the body, may be 
supposed to manifest themselves in equally out-of-the-way mental 

To state what losses by death have been suffered by our 
Society or by our Science during the past year is both a usual 
and useful portion of the President’s Address; and on this occasion 
it becomes a duty which can on no account be neglected, since we 
have to regret the irreparable loss of one of the greatest of 
Entomologists—Lacordaire. Itis a proper tribute to his memory 
to devote a few lines in this place to his life and works. 

Jean Théodore Lacordaire was born in 1801 at Recey-sur- 
Ource, a small town in the department of Cote-d’Or, situate in a 
hilly country near the sources of the Seine, the Marne, and some 
of the tributaries of the Rhine. His father was a surgeon, and 
he was the eldest of four brothers, one of whom became the great 
Dominican preacher who acquired a world-wide reputation by 
his eloquence and his liberalism. Our Lacordaire was educated 
for the bar, but never became an advocate. Circumstances, of 
which we have no account, led him, at the age of twenty-three, to 
make a voyage to Buenos Ayres, where he explored the Pampas 
for four months, and probably acquired or strengthened the 


tastes which he thenceforth manifested. After his return he 
prepared for a longer expedition; and for two years he travelled 
over La Plata, Uruguay, and the Brazilian Provinces of Rio 
Janeiro and Minas Geraes. Not yet satisfied with his explora- 
tions of this part of South America, he visited it a third time, 
and traversed the continent, from Santiago, in Chili, to Monte 
‘Video. He returned to France in 1830, and published his first 
scientific essay, ‘On the habits of the Coleoptera of South 
America.” In the same year he went again to South America, 
this time to the warmer and more luxuriant region of Cayenne, 
where he spent nearly two years. On his return he published his 
account of the habits of the Diurnal Lepidoptera and Coleoptera 
of Cayenne, and several descriptive papers in the Revue des Deux 
Mondes and other periodicals, which is all that he has given the 
world of his travels and adventures. He appears now to have 
devoted himself ardently to the systematic study of the insects 
he had collected, and in 1834 brought out the first volume of his 
‘Introduction to Entomology.’ In 1885 he was made Professor 
of Zoology at the University of Liége, a position which he 
occupied for thirty-five years. He was married in 1834, and 
had four children, two sons and two daughters. He died on 
July 18th, 1870, at the age of sixty-nine, and was buried at 
Rosiéres, in the department of the Somme. 

Besides his great work, the ‘Genera des Coléoptéres,’ which 
_ occupied the last twenty-two years of his life, and with which his 
name will be associated as long as Entomology is studied, he 
published a Monograph of the Erotylide, a Revision of the 
Cicindelide, a Monograph of Phytophaga, and the first volume 
of an Entomological Fauna of the environs of Paris; also 
several essays,—on Instinct and Intelligence,—on Species, their 
permanence and variations,—and an inaugural address on 
Geographical Distribution, besides a few others of less im- 

The unanimous verdict of entomologists has already stamped 
the ‘Genera des Coléoptéres’ as a work of transcendent merit 
and usefulness; and when we consider that almost every line of 
its nine closely-printed volumes embodies the result of numerous 
observations, careful comparisons, and well-considered judgments 
upon other men’s work, we may form some notion of the mental 
and physical power required to produce it, volume after volume, 


with such an approach to regularity and of such uniform ex- 
cellence, amid the distractions of professorial duties and other 
official work. Feeling my own inability to offer any opinion on 
its various merits or defects, I have thought it well to obtain 
some estimate of these from my friend and predecessor Mr. Bates, 
who has, I know, had occasion to examine critically a large 
portion of Lacordaire’s work. He informs me that the dis- 
tinguishing merits of the ‘Genera’ are, its completeness (scarcely 
a single described genus having been overlooked); the justness 
and accuracy of the characters given, and the clearness of its style 
and arrangement. In the aptitude and neatness with which the 
synoptical tables of tribes and genera are constructed, Mr. Bates 
thinks he has excelled all other entomological writers; and he is 
also pre-eminent in the instinctive appreciation of genera and 
groups in those cases where structure is so variable that no 
logical definition can be found, and in the admirable manner in 
which he helps the student to find his way amongst them, by 
means of short genera] descriptions of facies, colour and other 
superficial characters. ‘Two defects are indicated by Mr. Bates :— 
Ist, the exclusively systematic point of view from which the 
subject is treated, no mention being made of the varied functions 
connected with the characters employed: in consequence of this 
he sometimes confounds adaptive or analogical characters with 
those indicating real affinity: 2nd, the absence of groups between 

the Order and the long series of independent families. The first ~ 

defect, Mr. Bates himself remarks, would be considered by some 
entomologists rather as a merit; but is it not more likely that 
the exigences of space and time compelled Lacordaire, against 
his will, to restrict himself almost wholly to rigid technical 
classification? There are, I think, indications of this in his 
often copious descriptions of the habits and economy, as well 
as of the structural peculiarities of the families. The second 
deficiency would probably have been supplied at the end of the 
work, where, having completed the examination of his materials, 

he might have given us, as the crowning result, a classification of 

the families into higher groups. 

A few words must be devoted to his character, as painted by 
his friends and pupils. He was of a gay and joyous disposition, 
full of spirit, and an excellent speaker, often relieving his lectures 

by anecdotes of his early wanderings in the forests or the deserts — 


of the New World. He loved to raise a smile in his pupils’ faces, 
and secured their attention to study by arousing in them a desire 
for knowledge rather than for academical distinction. He cared 
little for fame or for honours, but whatever position he undertook 
he fulfilled its duties with energy. He spent all he could spare 
upon his library, and delighted in his scientific labours. One of 
his pupils assures us that he was as much loved as admired by 
them; that his devotion to his favourite study appeared to 
increase with his years; and that his last words in public were to 
the effect—that it is, above all, in her smallest works that the 
grandeur of Nature overpowers us. 

Our own country has also lost an entomologist of the first rank 
during the past year,—Alexander Henry Haliday, who for more 
than forty years devoted himself to the study of the Diptera, 
Chalcidide, Thysanoptera, and other obscure and difficult groups 
of insects. He is therefore little known to the majority of 
entomologists who study Coleoptera or Lepidoptera exclusively, 
but is highly esteemed by all who are acquainted with his labours, 
One of his oldest friends, Professor Westwood, has kindly 
furnished me with the following note on his scientific character :— 
“He was our first entomologist. His ideas of classification and 
tabulation were so logical, his latinity so classical, and his know- 
ledge of whatever he touched so masterly, that I fear we shall be 
long before we look upon his like again.” Mr. Haliday was a 
native of Belfast, and passed most of his life in Ireland. 
During his latter years he lived in Italy on account of ill- 
health, and died at Lucca on the 12th of last July, at the age 
of sixty-three. 

The only other Members of our Society who have died during 
the past year are, Mr. T. H. Allis, who had resigned a few months 
before his death’; Mr. A. Haward, who had resigned in 1869; 
Lieutenant R. C. Beavan, who died on his passage home from 
India; and H. H. Van de Lier, of Delft. We have also lost our 
former Member, the Rev. J. F. Dawson, of Bedford, the well- 
known author of the ‘ Geodephaga Britannica.’ 

The annual publication of the Zoological Record renders it 
unnecessary for me to occupy your time with any detailed 
account of entomological literature; I shall therefore only refer 
to a few works which are either of special interest to ourselves, 
or which treat of subjects of general interest and importance. 



In the first class must be reckoned our Transactions, of which 
four parts have been published in the year, containing twenty-two 
papers of fully average interest and value, as will be seen by the 
following classification of them. No less than seventeen consist 
of descriptions of exotic insects, while only two are devoted to 
any branch of British Entomology ; a proportion which would 
rather show, that so far from confining ourselves to the restricted 
field offered by our own country, we have a deficiency of 
home students, and are hardly doing so much as might be 
expected in working out the obscurer groups of our native 
insects, or in studying their habits, structure and physiology. 
Five very valuable papers are on subjects connected with classi- 
fication and nomenclature, while only one is devoted to the 
economy of insects. Looking at them from another point of 
view, we find that eleven treat of Coleoptera, eight of Lepidoptera, 
and three of the other insect Orders. 

One of the most remarkable and valuable contributions to the 
volume consists of two papers by Mr. Crotch, on the Genera of 
Coleoptera studied chronologically. They bring to light an amount 
of confusion and error in generic nomenclature of which I think 
few persons were aware, and which will perhaps necessitate some 
combined action to get out of the difficulty; since entomologists 
will certainly not agree to the alteration of so many generic 
names which have become household words, as a strict application 
of the law of priority would require. Mr. Crotch also makes a 
suggestion which seems worthy of consideration, namely,—that 
the best definition of a new genus is not a detailed account of the 
characters supposed to be essential to it, but the indication of a 
type species, which is to be the fixed point around which are to 
be located any other species which sufficiently resemble it. It 
seems to be undoubtedly the case that the indication of a type is 
of immense value in permanently determining a genus, which may, 
with increasing knowledge and materials, be added to or sub- 
divided without affecting the central fixed point which alone is 
essential to it, and to which the name is attached. It might 
therefore be a valuable addition to our laws regulating nomen- 
clature, if it were determined, that generic names founded on a 
recognisable type should, in all cases of doubt or where alterations 
were proposed, have priority over those founded on characters 


The most important systematic paper is Major Parry’s revision 
of the Lucanide, which brings up our knowledge of this noble 
family to the present time, and gives in a compendious form a list 
of all the species now known, with their respective habitats. The 
descriptive papers of Mr. Bates on Copride and Longicorns; of 
Mr. Pascoe on Australian Curculionide; of Professor Westwood 
on Pselaphide; of Mr. Butler, Mr. Hewitson and Mr. Trimen on 
Butterflies; and of Messrs. M‘Lachlan and Eaton on Neuroptera, 
will render the volume acceptable to the students of these groups 
of insects. 

The scarcity of papers on British Entomology in our own 
Transactions is to some extent compensated by the discussion 
on the economy of Rhipiphorus, which has appeared in the 
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, and still more by the 
appearance in the Linnean Transactions of a fourth part of Sir 
John Lubbock’s “ Notes on Thysanura.” In this valuable series 
of papers, the author has shown how much is yet to be done in 
our own country by a close observer of the obscure forms of 
insect life; for not only are they full of original observations and 
discoveries in the anatomy, physiology, and affinities of the 
insects treated of, but a large number of entirely new species 
have been discovered and described. 

It is a satisfaction to me that the year of my presidentship 
should have been signalised by the issue of the first instalment, 
although it is but a small one, of the Society’s Catalogue of 
British Insects. The Catalogue of British Neuroptera, by 
Mr. M‘Lachlan, now published, will serve as a specimen of what 
the work is intended to be; and, looked at merely as a model 
catalogue in arrangement and typography, it ought to be in the 
hands of every naturalist. If the whole can be completed in any 
reasonable time, and of equally good quality, it will form a work 
of reference useful to general students as well as to entomologists, 
and a credit to the Society which has produced it. | 

The Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London are this 
year deficient in entomological matter, the only papers being, an 
account of the Spiders of St. Helena, and a Monograph of the 
genus Idiops, by Mr. Pickard-Cambridge ; but the Transactions 
of the same body contain a valuable illustrated paper by our 
member, Mr. Charles Horne, on the Habits of the Hymenoptera 
of North Western India, with descriptions of the new species by 


My. Frederick Smith. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 
on the contrary, have contained much entomological matter. 
Mr. Pickard-Cambridge and Mr. Blackwall have papers on the 
Spiders of Ceylon and Italy; Mr. Pascoe describes a large 
number of new and remarkable forms of Curculionids; while 
Mr. Kirby’s Essay on the Generic Nomenclature of Butterflies 
exposes a state of confusion in that group similar to that which 
Mr. Crotch has shown to exist in the Coleoptera, and suggests 
somewhat similar remedies for them. Mr. Murray’s paper, which 
fills the last zoological part of the Proceedings, will be noticed 
further on. 

The appearance of a general work on Entomology in the 
English language is so comparatively rare an event, that Dr. 
Packard’s ‘Guide to the Study of Insects,’ published at Salem, 
Massachusetts, deserves more than a passing notice. A careful 
examination of this handsome and profusely illustrated volume 
shows it to be in many respects so good as to make us sincerely 
wish it were somewhat better; because, there is hardly demand 
enough for such works to render it probable that one of the same 
character will appear for some years to come, and it may therefore 
indefinitely delay the production of such a complete Introduction 
to Entomology as we stand greatly in need of. The most radical 
defect of the work is, perhaps, that it is essentially composed for 
American readers. Almost all the illustrations are drawn from 
North American species, whenever such are to be found; while 
the minor groups and species characteristic of Hurope are but 
seldom mentioned. Now this appears to be bad policy. A work 
which has involved so much labour, and which is so generally 
attractive and useful, should be cosmopolitan as regards English- 
speaking people. It should be illustrated by full reference to all 
groups of any importance occurring in Europe, North America 
and Australia, and thus be made equally useful in the three great 
homes of the English language. The next defect of the work is 
the very subordinate part assigned to the subject of geographical 
distribution. The three and a half pages under this heading, in 
the introductory portion of the work, refer almost entirely to the 
American continent, while under the separate orders, families, or 
genera, the subject is hardly touched on. The last defect I shall 
allude to is in the matter of classification. The orders, or as Dr. 
Packard terms them the sub-orders of insects, are treated under a 


series of families, but these families appear to be formed with 
little regard to their comparative importance. In the Lepidoptera, 
for instance, the whole of the diurnal butterflies are included 
under the family Papilionide, which is made to appear as of the 
same rank as the Sphingide, the Augeriide, and the Zygzenide. 
In Coleoptera, while adopting almost all the small families of 
Lacordaire and Le Conte, he makes the Curculionide include 
the Brenthide, and altogether omits the Anthribide. Again, no 
reference is made to divisions between the families and genera. 
The Papilionide, including all the diurnal butterflies, and the 
Cerambycide, including all the Longicorns, are illustrated by a 
series of genera and species without a hint that these enormous 
groups consist of several well-marked families, subfamilies, or 
other subdivisions, often characterized by marked differences of 
structure and economy. 

I will now mention what I conceive to be the good points of 
the work, and these, I am happy to say, are more numerous than 
the defects. 1. A very clear account is given of the habits and 
economy of the most interesting groups and species, taken from 
the best observers, and illustrated by excellent figures. 2. The 
embryology and development of the chief groups are very fully 
given, from the most recent researches of Claparéde, Weissmann, 
Huxley, Lubbock and others. 8. The phenomena of Partheno- 
genesis, Dimorphism and Mimicry are described with tolerable 
completeness. 4. Various obscure and degraded types have 
been classed with the allied higher forms, and the evidence for 
their respective affinities stated. Thus fleas and bee-lice are put 
under Diptera; Stylops under Coleoptera; Pediculi with Hemip- 
tera; Poduride and Lepisma with Neuroptera. Even where the 
true position of any of these groups is not finally settled, it is, 
I think, an improvement to treat them in this manner, rather than 
to give them undue importance by forming additional primary 
groups for their reception. 5. The chief known fossil insects 
are introduced into the series, and their affinities pointed out. 
This is a subject which it is to be hoped will soon become far 
more important than it has hitherto been, now that leaf and insect 
beds are being carefully worked. Dr. Packard announces the 
discovery of a very rich tertiary insect-bed in Colorado, west of 
the Rocky Mountains. 6. The adoption, in the body of the work, 
of the simple series of families under each order, is, I think, a 


good feature, being far more intelligible to the beginner than the 
intervention of a variety of named divisions, group under group, 
which vary in almost every systematic work, while the families 
themselves are comparatively stable. 7. The full index of names, 
the clear arrangement, and excellent quality of most of the wood- 
cuts and plates, the good paper and clear type, are to be 
commended. 8. And lastly, the introduction of the Arachnida 
and Myriapoda, which ought certainly to form part of every 
general work on Insects. On the whole then, the book contains 
amass of information compactly arranged and clearly conveyed, 
which is to be found combined in no other English work, and as 
such it will be a great boon to all who wish to obtain a general 
knowledge of modern discoveries as to the structure, habits and 
physiology of insects; while it will prove very unsatisfactory to 
those who want a guide to their classification and geographical 
distribution. We must remember, however, that Entomology has 
become too vast a subject for any one man to master; and to 
produce such a work as we now require, it would perhaps be 
necessary for a number of special students to combine, while a 
skilful editor, with a good general knowledge of the subject, should 
have unlimited powers to determine the space to be devoted to each 
subject according to its comparative importance, and to connect 
the separate portions into a uniform and consistent whole. Let 
us hope that the appearance of Dr. Packard’s work may supply 
the necessary stimulus for such a combination among British 

The very original paper by Mr. Andrew Murray, “On the 
Geographical Relations of the chief Coleopterous Faune,” which 
was read before the Linnean Society in December, 1868, has 
appeared during the present year in that Society’s ‘Journal,’ 
where it occupies nearly ninety pages. It contains a variety of 
curious speculations, supported by a large array of facts; and, as 
it brings up some of the fundamental questions of geographical 
- distribution as affecting insects, it may be well to consider it at 
some length. 

Mr. Murray first remarks, that of all classes of organized 
beings, beetles are best adapted to throw light on the past history 
of the earth by a study of their geographical distribution. This 
is partly on account of their vast numbers and their universality, 
but chiefly, he thinks, because they are little liable to be 


transported from one country to another by accidental causes, 
especially in the case of the carnivorous and apterous species. 
He also believes that beetles (and insects generally) possess a long 
enduring persistency of form, by which the same type has been 
preserved through many geological epochs. He then discusses 
the causes that have led to the distribution of animals, and 
maintains the view, of which he is now one of the few advocates, 
that no marked community of forms or species can exist between 
two countries, without proving that there has been an actual 
continuity of land between them. 

A very prominent feature of Mr. Murray’s paper is his division 
of the Coleoptera of the world into three grand stirpes or races, 
which he terms the Indo-African, the Brazilian, and the 
Microtypal stirps. The first comprehends all the characteristic 
forms of the Eastern tropics, the second all those of tropical 
America, the third those of the temperate regions of the whole 
world, not excluding even Australia. He believes that this 
primary division is to be traced with more or less distinctness in 
every part of nature, and supports his views by a reference to 
other groups, and especially by the evidence of Paleontology, 
which shows that the EKocene Flora of Europe resembled that 
which now exists in Australia. 

The Coleopterous fauna of the Atlantic islands is next discussed 
at great length, and the facts are held to prove that the whole of 
these islands from the Azores to the Cape de Verdes, and even to 
St. Helena, are portions of a vast submerged continent, occupying 
a large part of the eastern Atlantic, and which was connected 
with, or formed an extension of, Southern Europe. The chief 
novelty of this view is the bringing St. Helena into the Atlantic 
group and its fauna into the microtypal stirps. Certain isolated 
affinities of African and American groups are believed to prove 
two distinct land-connections across the Atlantic, one between 
Brazil and Equatorial Africa, the other between Patagonia and 
South Africa. The islands of the Pacific, having a microtypal 
fauna, must have had land-connection with North America or 
Australia. Australia itself is shown to have affinities with South 
America, South Africa and Europe, and must therefore at one 
time or another have had land-connection with all these countries. 
The Urania Rhipheus of Madagascar, with a few beetles and 
reptiles of American forms, require a direct land-connection with 


South America without touching Africa, and this is said to be 
indicated by an elevated ridge along the sea bottom, from Rio 
Janeiro round the Cape to Madagascar. 

From this short sketch of the paper in question, it will be seen 
that it discusses many of the most interesting problems connected 
with the great subject of geographical distribution. 'The value of 
the detailed proofs brought forward will in many cases depend 
upon the degree of affinity indicated by the same generic name 
being used by different authors, some of whom are not entomolo- 
gists, and by the manner in which generic groups are limited and 
doubtful affinities determined. These questions will have to be 
dealt with by more experienced Coleopterists than myself, but 
I may take the present opportunity of saying something on the 
more general questions relating to the geographical distribution 
of animals. 

And first, as to the great value attached to the class Coleoptera 
in enquiries of this nature, there is something to be said on the 
other side. Mr. Murray believes that, with the exception of the 
timber-borers, the presence of the same or closely allied species 
in discontiguous countries is a proof that there has been a former 
continuity of soil, because neither their powers of flight nor their 
vitality are sufficient to carry them over any considerable extent 
of sea. Butin all these respects they must be vastly inferior to 
mammals, reptiles and land-shells; while their generally small 
dimensions must offer facilities for distribution In many un- 
expected ways. Violent gales of wind, for example, will, we 
know, carry bodies of greater specific gravity than beetles for 
many miles through the air; and storms and hurricanes are of 
such frequent occurrence, that they must have played a large 
part in stocking all uninhabited lands. Again, during great 
floods, whole forest trees are often carried out to sea, and 
hundreds of beetles may lurk in the crevices of their bark or 
even among their foliage, and, under favourable circumstances, 
be drifted a long way in safety. Even matted rafts covered with 
soil and bearing living vegetation are occasionally floated out to 
sea by tropical rivers and may be drifted along for weeks, and 
ultimately convey scores of insects to far distant lands. A large 
number of beetles are exceedingly tenacious of life. Immersion 
in strong spirits for twelve hours will often not kill them, nor will 
water if many degrees below the boiling point; so that it is not 


improbable that some considerable proportion would be found to 
survive immersion in sea-water for several days. Many facis 
have not been recorded as to the passage of beetles over wide 
tracts of ocean, but some of them are sufficiently remarkable. 
Darwin captured a Colymbetes forty-five miles from land north of 
the Rio de la Plata; and at seventeen miles off Cape Corrientes 
he caught in a net a number of live beetles of the genera Colym- 
betes, Hydroporus, Hydrobius, Notaphus, Cynucus, Adimonia 
and Scarabeus. A Calosoma also flew on board the Beagle when 
ten miles from the shore of South America, and the Calosoma 
sycophanta is believed occasionally to cross the English Channel. 
Sir Charles Lyell also states, that exotic beetles are sometimes 
thrown on our shores, which revive after being long drenched in 
salt water. In the case of other insects, we have more positive 
proof of their passage over wide spaces of ocean. A whole swarm 
of locusts has been known to pass over Madeira from Africa, 
a distance of more than 300 miles; while Darwin himself cap- 
tured a locust at sea 870 miles from land. Two individuals of 
the Sphinx atropos flew on board the Hotspur East Indiaman in 
1866, during an easterly gale, at a point 260 miles from the coast 
of Portugal, and were exhibited at a meeting of the Zoological 
Society. In his work on the ‘Natural History of the Azores,’ 
just published, Mr. Godman relates that a white butterfly flew on 
board a whaler coming from the south, at about 400 miles from 
the Azores: it was caught by the captain and placed in a drawer, 
where it laid several eggs. Such cases as these having been 
already recorded, we may be sure that migrations to much greater 
distances are constantly occurring, since we can hardly suppose 
the extreme cases to be those which have first been observed. 
We have therefore every reason to believe that, under favourable 
conditions, almost any winged insect could traverse equal 
distances. These considerations would lead us to the conclusion 
that a partial identity of species may exist in the beetles of two 
countries separated by some hundreds of miles of sea, without in 
any way necessitating the former existence of a continuity of 
land between them. In the case of the Atlantic islands, there- 
fore, I see no reason to believe that they owe their Coleoptera to 
a land-connection with the continent, more especially when there 
is such strong evidence against that view in the total absence of 
all mammals and reptiles. Can we believe that the forests of 


Madeira would be without a single native rodent, or even a frog, 
if they owed their rich coleopterous and molluscous faunas to 
land-connection with Europe ? 

The exhaustive researches of Mr. Wollaston in these islands 
will, I believe, furnish, in the single order of Coleoptera, ample 
materials for the elucidation of this very interesting question. 
Although the ‘ Insecta Maderensia’ has now been published more 
than sixteen years, the vast store of facts which it contains 
bearing on the question of geographical distribution, and espe- 
cially on that of insular faunas, has never been fully appreciated ; 
and as Mr. Murray has by no means grappled with these facts as 
a whole, or attempted to show how they are compatible with his 
theory, I think I cannot better occupy your time than in giving 
a somewhat detailed analysis of them, and pointing out what 
I conceive to be their true bearing on the problem of the mode 
of distribution of beetles, and the origin of insular faunas. My 
interpretation of the evidence may be erroneous, but the facts 
themselves must be of value. 

I propose to confine myself mainly to evidence furnished by 
the Coleoptera of the Madeiran group, because, being separated 
from the mainland by a much wider extent of ocean than either 
the Canaries or Cape de Verdes, it offers a much more satis- 
factory test of the opposing theories. It is an advantage also 
that the materials are, in its case, by far the most complete; and 
in the ‘Insecta Maderensia’ Mr. Wollaston has given some 
details of importance which are wanting in the ‘ Coleoptera 
Atlantidum’ and in the ‘Coleoptera Hesperidum.’ The most 
novel and striking facts brought out by Mr. Wollaston’s re- 
searches in Madeira are, as is well known,—Ist. The affinity 
with the Mediterranean fauna ;—2nd. The total absence of certain 
large divisions of Coleoptera abundant in that fauna;—38rd. The 

number of new and peculiar species and of new and anomalous © 

genera ;—and 4th. The unexampled preponderance of apterous 
species. Now accepting, as Mr. Murray does, the theory of slow 

change of forms by natural causes, we may take the first and — 
third of these facts as proving that the origin of the Madeiran — 

fauna is of a very ancient date. Let us see therefore how the 
second and the fourth set of facts bear upon the mode of its 
origin, whether by a land-connection with Europe or by trans- 

mission across the sea. It will be convenient to take first the — 



facts presented by the apterous or winged condition of the 

This striking peculiarity consists, either in species being 
apterous in Madeira which are winged elsewhere, or in genera 
which are usually winged consisting of only apterous species in 
Madeira, or lastly in the presence of endemic apterous genera, 
some of which have winged allies while others belong to groups 
which are wholly apterous. Such phenomena undoubtedly show 
that there is something in Madeira which tends to abort wings ; 
and Mr. Wollaston was himself the first to suggest that it was 
connected with exposure to a stormy atmosphere. His further 
observation, that many of the winged species had wings more 
developed than usual, enabled Mr. Darwin to hit upon that 
beautiful explanation of the facts which commends itself to all 
who believe in the theory of Natural Selection; while Mr. Wol- 
laston himself admits it as fully accounting, teleologically, for the 
phenomena. That explanation briefly is, that the act of flying 
exposes insects to be blown out to sea and destroyed; those which 
flew least therefore lived longest, and by this process the race 
became apterous. With species to whom flight was a necessity, 
on the other hand, the strongest winged lived longest, and thus 
their wings became more and more developed in each succeeding 

Now this view of the case enables us at once to explain some 
of the most striking gaps in the Madeiran coleopterous fauna. 
The Cicindelide, for instance, are entirely absent; and almost all 
the European species are winged insects of somewhat feeble 
flight, yet to whom flight is necessary. We can readily understand 
that such insects would be easily exterminated if they arrived 
singly or in small numbers; though it is not so easy to under- 
stand why, in a forest-clad island, some of the sylvan species 
should not have found a home had the land ever been connected 
with a continent where they abound. Their total absence is, 
therefore, decidedly unfavourable to the theory of a land-con- 
nection with Europe. To the Melolonthide and Cetoniide, as 
well as the Eumolpide and Galerucide, which are all wanting, 
the same argument will apply; and also to the Elateride and 
Buprestide, which are represented each by one minute species. 
But if Madeira is the remains of a continent once continuous 
with the south of Europe and deriving its fauna from such con- 


tinuity, how are we to explain the absence of extensive genera 
very abundant in South Europe, and, from their being apterous, 
specially adapted to the peculiarities of Madeira? Such are 
Carabus, Lampyris, Pumelia, Akis, and many others. But these 
facts are all consistent with the theory of introduction across the 
sea. Apterous groups, however abundant on the continent, 
should, as a rule, be absent; and I find that almost all the 
European apterous genera are wanting, and among the few 
exceptions there are some whose presence is easily explained and 
really prove the rule. We must remember, however, that the 
apterous condition, except in those cases where it is charac- 
teristic of an extensive group, is one of little stability or im- 
portance. There are species which are sometimes apterous and 
sometimes winged, and we may therefore be sure, that if any 
advantage was to be derived by either condition over the other, 
natural selection would very rapidly render it constant by the 
repeated survival of the favoured individuals. This is illustrated 
by the fact that we have winged and apterous species in the same 
genus, as well as winged and apterous genera in the same family. 
The Coleopterous Order being essentially winged, and the vast 
majority of its members being capable of flight, it is a presump- 
tion, if not almost a certainty, that all apterous varieties, species, 
or groups, have been derived from winged ancestors,—com- 
paratively recently in the case of the former, and at a more remote 
epoch as the character becomes more constant and attached to 
groups of higher classificational value. 

Taking these principles as our guide, let us examine more 
closely the facts presented by the Madeiran Coleoptera, and their 
bearing on the rival theories as to their mode of introduction. 

There are a large number of European beetles belonging to 
very varied genera and families which are apterous, and a large 
proportion of these iahabit the South of Europe and North 
Africa. Now, on the theory of land-connection, there should be 
no marked absence of these groups; on the contrary, apterous 
forms being especially adapted to Madeira, we should expect 
them to predominate. But, on the opposing theory of trans- 
mission across the sea, we should expect them to be wholly 
absent, or, if there are any exceptions, we should expect to be able 
to detect some special circumstances which might favour their 
transmission. A careful examination of Lacordaire’s ‘ Genera,’ 


and of some works on European Coleoptera, has furnished me 
with the following list of genera which are wholly apterous, and 
which abound in South Europe and North Africa. 

Carabus, possesses about 80 species in these regions; but is 
wholly absent from Madeira. 

Thorictus, has 10 South European species, and one representa- 
tive in Madeira, which is an ants’-nest species. 

Rhizotrogus (Melolonthide), 27 species in Sicily and Algeria, the 
very countries to which the Madeiran fauna is traced, yet it is 
wholly absent. 

Lampyris, Drilus and Troglops (Malacoderms), of which the 
females are apterous, possess 27 South European and North 
African species; none in Madeira. 

Otiorhynchus, Brachycerus, and twenty other genera of Cur- 
culionide, comprising more than 300 South European and North 
African species, are absent from Madeira, with two exceptions. 
One is the Trachyphleus scaber, a widely-spread European insect 
often found in ants’ nests; and this, with the case of the Thorictus, 
renders it probable that ants’-nest species have some unusual 
means of distribution, which are by no means difficult to conceive. 
The other exception is that of the genus Acalles, which has a 
number of Madeiran species, all peculiar, and is very abundant 
in all the Atlantic islands. Now we have first to remark that 
Acalles is an isolated form, but is allied to Cryptorhynchus, which 
is often amply winged; so that we may easily suppose that its 
introduction to Madeira took place before it became completely 
apterous in Europe. In the second place we have the fact, that 
many of the species are confined to peculiar herbaceous and 
shrubby plants, in the stems of which they undergo their trans- 
formations, and which habit would afford facilities for their 
occasional transmission in the egg or pupa state across a con- 
siderable width of ocean, while a fragment of dry stem containing 
egg or larva might possibly be carried some hundred miles or 
more bya hurricane. Such suppositions would not be admissible 
to account for numerous cases of transmission, but, as will be 
seen, this is almost the only example of a genus of large-sized 
apterous European beetles occurring in Madeira. 

Pimelia, Tentyria, Blaps, and eighteen other genera of 
Heteromera, comprising about 550 species of South Europe and 
North Africa, are totally absent from Madeira, with the following 


interesting exceptions :—two common species of Blaps, which are 
admitted to have been introduced by human agency, and three 
species of Meloe, two of which are Huropean and one peculiar. 
The means by which the apterous, sluggish and bulky Meloes 
were introduced is sufficiently clear, when we remember that the 
minute active larve attach themselves to bees, insects of 
exceedingly powerful flight, and more likely than perhaps any 
others to pass safely across 300 miles of ocean. That the solitary 
exception to the absence of wholly apterous genera of European 
Heteromera from Madeira should be the genus Meloe, is, therefore, 
one of those critical facts which almost demonstrate that it is not 
to land-continuity with the continent that the island owes its 
insect fauna. 

Timarcha. This, the only important apterous genus of Chryso- 
melide, is especially abundant in Spain and Algeria, and possesses 
forty-four South European and North African species; yet it is 
unknown in Madeira. 

The occurrence of two isolated European species of characteristic 
Atlantic apterous genera—Tarphius and Hegeter—may seem to 
favour the opposite theory. The Tarphius gibbulus occurs in 
Sicily, and is the only European species of the genus, of which 
about forty inhabit the Atlantic islands. It is most nearly allied 
to the smallest of the Madeiran species, 7’. Lowet, which is 
abundant among lichen on weather-beaten rocks and even ascends 
in the forest regions to the highest branches of the trees. These 
habits, with its minute size, are all in favour of this species, or 
some ancestral allied form, having been carried across by the winds 
or waves, thus transferring. to Europe one of the peculiar types 
elaborated in the Atlanticisles. The Hegeter tristis is an analogous 
case, this species of an otherwise exclusively Atlantic genus having 
occurred on the opposite coast of Africa. These instances will 
furnish a reply to one of Mr. Murray’s difficulties,—that all the 
migration has been in one direction, from Kurope to Madeira, never 
from Madeira to the continent,—a difficulty, it may be remarked, 
which is wholly founded on an unproved and unprovable assump- 
tion; for how can it be determined that, in the case of Acalles for 
example, the genus had not been first developed in the Atlantic 
islands and then transferred to Europe, instead of the reverse ? 
It is always assumed to have been the other way, but I am not 
aware that any proof can be obtained that it was so, and it is 


inadmissible to take this unproved assumption, and base an 
argument upon it as if it were an established fact. 

We will next consider the facts presented by the distribution 
of those species of Coleoptera which range from Madeira to 
Europe, or to any of the other Atlantic islands. If their distribu- 
tion has been effected by land-continuity, we should expect that 
the proportion of winged and apterous species that extend their 
range beyond the island, should not be very strikingly different 
from the proportion that is found on the island. We do not find, 
for example, that the proportion of the wingless Carabi that have 
reached our own country from the Continent by former land- 
connection, is very different from that of the winged Cicindele. 

Now, leaving out altogether those species which have certainly 
been introduced by man,°and grouping the remainder for con- 
venience in six divisions, we find that the Madeiran Coleoptera, 
which are not peculiar to it, may be classed as follows :— 

81 species of Carabide, of which 26 are winged, 5 apterous. 
The whole fauna, however, presents the very different 
proportion of 38 winged, 48 apterous. 

93 species of the families from the Hydradephaga to the 
Tomicide inclusive, of which 90 are winged, 3 apterous. 
Total fauna; 220 winged, 27 apterous. 

28 species of Curculionide, of which 26 are winged, 2 apterous. 
Total fauna; 35 winged, 74 apterous. 

15 species of Longicornia and Phytophaga, of which all are 
winged, none apterous. Total fauna; 48 winged, 1 apterous. 

20 species of Heteromera, of which 16 are winged, 4 apterous. 
Total fauna; 28 winged, 27 apterous. 

76 species of Staphylinide, of which all are winged, none 
apterous. Total fauna; 109 winged, 6 apterous. 

The totals are, for the wide-ranging species, 249 winged, 

14 apterous = 268; for the whole fauna, 478 winged, 
178 apterous = 656. 

It thus appears that, in every case, an immensely smaller 
proportion of apterous than of winged species are widely 
distributed. If we take the totals we find that while about two- 
fifths of the whole number of species range to other countries, 
only about one-thirteenth of the apterous species do the same, 
although among the strictly endemic species there are 160 



apterous to only 110 winged! We can hardly impute such a 
constant and overwhelming preponderance to the fact that 
apterous insects have less facilities for extending their range, 
when we know that nearly every apterous genus possesses species 
of almost universal European distribution. JI may here recall the 
fact, that of the above-mentioned 14 apterous species which range 
out of Madeira, two ave Meloes and two ants’-nest beetles, whose 
presence we have already sufficiently accounted for. It may no 
doubt be said that much of the differeace here shown is due to 
the fact that the peculiar Madeiran species have had time to 
become apterous, while the species common to other countries 
have not yet had time to lose their wings; but this argument, 
although a valid explunation of some portion of the facts, if we 
admit that many of the latter have been recently introduced by 
natural causes, cannot be used by those who maintain a former 
land-connection as the sole origin of the fauna; for on that theory 
all the species now inhabiting the island (and not introduced by 
man) must date back to the same remote period, and have had 
equal time in which to be modified. 

Let us now consider what are the special relations of the 
apterous Madeiran species as throwing light upon their possible 
or probable mode of introduction. 

We have three species which Mr. Wollaston himself states to 
be usually winged elsewhere, but which are apterous in Madeira. 
These are Metabletus obscuroguttatus, Calathus fuscus and Brady- 
cellus fulvus. I am inclined to believe that there are a few others 

which will come under this category, but it is very difficult to get: 

information as to the winged or apterous character of particular 
species. ‘These insects, however, have evidently become apterous 
since their introduction into Madeira. We have therefore no 
difficulty in accounting for their introduction, and, as no other 
change in their external characters has been effected, we may 
suppose it to have been comparatively recent. 

Next we have those genera which, though apterous in Madeira, 
are wholly or partially winged elsewhere. These comprise a large 
number of species, and are twenty-two in number, as follows :— 
Carabide: Cymindis, Dromius, Metabletus, Scarites, Apotomus, 
Loricera, Leistus, Calathus, Olisthopus, Argutor, Cratognathus, 
Bradycellus, Trechus. Philhydrida: Hydrobius. Byrrhide: 
Syncalypta. Curculionide: Phleophagus, Tychius, Smicronyz. 


Heteromera: Phaleria, Helops. Staphylinide: Homalota (1 sp.), 
Othius. Here we are carried back to a remoter epoch for the 
introduction of the winged ancestors of the Madeiran species, 
since not only have the wings become aborted, but the insects 
themselves have become modified into distinct and often very well- 
marked species. 

The next category consists of apterous genera which are 
peculiar to Madeira and the other Atlantic islands, but which are 
allied to winged groups, as follows :— 

Elliptosoma.—Closely ailied to Loricera, winged. 

Eurygnathus.—An abnormal form of Licinides, most of which 
are winged. . 

Zargus.—An abnormal form of Chleniides, winged. 

Thalassophilus——Allied to T'rechus, winged. 

Tarphius.—Belonging to the Colydiide, most of which, Mr. 
Pascoe informs me, have wings. 

Coptostethus.—Allied to Cryptohypnus, winged. 

Caulophilus—Allied to Phleophagus, winged. 

Lipommata, Mesoxenus, Caulotrwpis—Anomalous genera of 
Cossonides, which are often winged. 

Acalles, Tornewma.—Aberrant genera of Cryptorhynchides, 
most of which are winged. 

Echinosoma.—Doubtful affinities. 

Atlantis, Cyphoscelis, Laparocerus (Laparocerides).—A very 
isolated group. 

Anemophilus, Scoliocerus.—Allied to Trachyphleeides, some of 
which are winged. 

Lichenophagus.—Allied to Cenopsis and Omias, some of which 
are winged. 

Xenorchestes.—Allied to Choragus, winged. 

Ellipsodes.—Closely allied to Crypticus, some of which are 

Hadrus.—Belongs to an apterous group of Opatrides, many of 
which are winged. 

Macrostethus.—Belongs to Ccelometopides, all of which are 
apterous, but comes next to the “ Tenebrionides vrais,” of 
Lacordaire, which are mostly winged. 

Xenomma.—Belongs to the Aleocharides, which are winged. 

Mecognathus.—Allied to Sunius, winged. 

Metopsia.—Allied to Phlwobwm, winged. 


Here we have indications of an introduction of forms at a still 
more remote epoch. In many cases the modifications of structure 
have been so great as to produce distinct generic forms, while 
these remain still allied to winged European genera. In other 
cases, however, the modifications are still greater, and the affinities 
are with groups which in Europe are wholly apterous. Such 
cases as Hadrus and Macrostethus, which belong to small groups 
of wholly apterous genera, are difficulties on the theory of trans- 
mission over the sea. But two considerations render this difficulty 
less real than apparent. ‘They all carry us back to a very remote 
epoch; and, knowing what we do of the instability of the apterous 
condition, we may fairly conclude that the groups in question 
were, at that time, in a partially winged state. At or near this 
same remote epoch, the Madeiran group, as indicated by the 
submarine bank now connecting the several islands, probably 
formed one more extensive island, and the distance of ocean to be 
traversed would then have been considerably less than it is now. 

If the various groups of facts which I have here set forth, 
respecting the distribution of apterous and winged species and 
genera, are fairly considered as a whole, I think they will be seen to 
be quite inconsistent with the theory of that distribution having 
been effected by a former land-connection with Hurope; and, 
considering that we are necessarily ignorant of many of the ways 
by which organisms are transmitted across ocean barriers, such 
transmission seems to be indicated in the case of the Madeiran 
Coleoptera, not by means of drift wood and ocean currents, which 
Mr. Murray thinks must be the most efficient means of transport, 
but by some mode in which their wings are called into play, which 
can only be by a passage through the air when assisted by gales 
and hurricanes. 

There is one other group of islands which seems well adapted 
to offer a crucial test of the correctness of the theory of land- 
connection. The Azores are more than twice as far from EHurope 
as the Madeiras, and, what is of still more importance, they are 
cut off from it as well as from the Madeiras by a broad belt of 
ocean of the enormous depth of nearly 15,000 feet. We may feel 
pretty confident, therefore, that if both groups have once been 
united to the continent, the separation of the Azores is by far the 
more ancient event; and any theory which requires the Azores to 
be the most recently separated must be strongly supported by 


ra Ni i el ie 


independent evidence to render such an improbable supposition 
acceptable. Ifthe Azores date the origin of their insect population 
from a remote epoch when they were connected with Europe, 
we should expect to find that almost all the species have since 
become modified, and that these islands would offer us a larger 
proportion of highly specialized and ultra-indigenous forms than 
Madeira itself. The exact contrary, however, is the fact, for, out 
of more than 200 species, only about sixteen are peculiar. 
Taking the geodephagous group, the species of which, both 
Mr. Murray and Mr. Wollaston believe, are least liable to be 
introduced by man, we find that two only are peculiar, while six- 
teen are European. The Rhynchophora only equal the Geode- 
phaga in number of species, and seven of these are peculiar. 
Leaving out a large number of species which have, there is little 
doubt, been introduced through human agency, there remain 
more than 100 species identical with those of Europe and the 
Atlantic islands, while only fourteen are peculiar. These facts 
imply that the insects, as a whole, have been brought to the 
islands through natural causes, and that the process 1s probably 
still going on. On looking to Physical Maps for information, 
however, a difficulty appears; for the ocean currents, as well as 
the prevalent regular winds, are all from the westward, while only 
four of the beetles are American, and these being all wood-borers 
have no doubt been brought by the Gulf-stream where they have 
not been introduced by man. Fortunately, however, we have a 
means of getting over this difficulty; for our member, Mr. F. Du 
Cane Godman, who has given us the most recent and accurate 
information on the natural history of these islands, informs us (in 
his paper on the Birds of the Azores in the ‘ Ibis’ for 1866) that 
the stormy atmosphere, to which we have seen that Madeira owes 
so many of its peculiarities, is still more marked a feature of the 
Azores, where violent storms from all points of the compass are 
frequent, and annually bring to their shores numbers of European 
birds. As a natural result of this constant influx, the birds of the 
islands are, all but two, of European species; and, what is very 
important, they decrease in numbers from the eastern to the 
western islands of the group. This is just what we should expect 
if they are stragglers from the eastern continent; but if they are 
the descendants of those which inhabited the country before its 
dismemberment, there would be no meaning in such a diminution. 


Now we can hardly doubt that these same storms also bring 
Coleoptera and other insects to the Azores, though it may be 
more rarely and in smaller numbers than in the case of birds; 
and the large proportion of HKuropean species will then be very 
intelligible. The same explanation is suggested by the propor- 
tions of the most important groups, for while (after deducting all 
those species believed to have been introduced by man) the 
Geodephaga and Brachelytra are by far the most numerous, the 
Rhynchophora and the Heteromera are exceedingly few, a dis- 
tribution which corresponds with their respective powers of flight. 
It is also a very important fact that only four non-introduced 
species can be traced to an American origin, while more than a 
hundred are European; since it shows of how little importance 
are ocean currents as a means of conveying insects over a wide 
extent of sea; whereas the great mass of the non-introduced species 
have evidently passed through the air, aided by their powers of 
flight, for a distance of about a thousand miles from Europe. 
The Azorean Elateride form a curious feature of its fauna, con- 
sidering that the whole family is almost absent from Madeira and 
the Canaries. Of the six species two are European (one specially 
Portuguese), so that they may have been introduced with living 
plants. Two are common South American species, probably 
introduced in the floating timber, though they may also have 
come with living plants, which are often brought from Bahia. 
Two species, however, are peculiar, and one is closely allied to a 
Brazilian species, so that it must have been introduced by 
natural agencies before the settlement of the island; the other is 
of a genus confined to Madagascar. 

Now it is a suggestive fact that the Mozambique current, 
bending round the Cape of Good Hope to the Equator, is one of 
the sources of the Gulf-stream; so that it is not impossible that a 
tree, carried down by a flooded river on the west coast of Mada- 
gascar, might ultimately reach the Azores. That it should convey 
living larve or pups of Hlaters may also not be impossible; and 
if such a log reached the Azores but once in ten thousand years, 
and but one log in a thousand should convey living Elaters, we 
should still, if the calculations of geologists have any approximate 
value whatever, be far within the epoch of existing genera, and 
even of most existing species. A relation so isolated and extra- 
ordinary as that between a single insect of the Azores and those 


of Madagascar, may well be due to a concurrence of events as rare 
and improbable as this seems to be. 

The Azores, and in a less degree the Madeiras, appear to me 
to teach us this important lesson in the laws of distribution of 
birds and insects,—that it has been determined neither by the 
direction of ocean currents nor by that of the most prevalent 
winds, but almost wholly by such more exceptional causes as 
storms and hurricanes, which still continue to bring immigrants 
from the nearest lands. 

Mr. Murray’s argument for a land-connection between the 
various Atlantic islands, from the Azores to the Cape de Verdes, 
and even to St. Helena, has perhaps more to be said for it; but 
I do not think that the facts require anything beyond the exten- 
sion of each group into a considerable mass of land. Such an 
extension is indicated by the comparatively elevated submarine 
bank on which each group stands; and it is evident that more 
extended land-surfaces would not only bring the groups nearer to 
each other, but, by offermg a much greater length of opposing 
coasts, would greatly facilitate the migration and accidental 
transmission of individuals. 

The most bold and original, and perhaps the most useful, 
generalization in Mr. Murray’s paper, is his classification of all 
Coleoptera into three grand stirpes or geographical races—the 
Indo-African, the Brazilian, and the Microtypal. The difficulty 
of forming any such broad divisions in so vast and complicated a 
group is very great, and has never hitherto been attempted; and 
though it is hardly likely that a true classification should have 
been hit upon at once, the present one will, I believe, prove very 
useful as a provisional hypothesis which every student will be 
able to test in his own special branch of study. Almost every one 
will admit that the Brazilian or South American division is a 
natural one; and the Indo-African will also probably be accepted ; 
and these comprise the whole of the intertropical faunas. But 
the Microtypal, comprising the temperate faunas of the whole 
world in one group of equal value to each of the others, will be 
as generally rejected. It is, however, undoubtedly the fact that 
certain similarities do run through all the temperate faunas, and 
Mr. Murray has done good service by so energetically calling 
attention to this fact. The question to be decided is, whether 
this similarity is fundamental or superficial. Is it the record of 


a deep-seated original identity, or merely the effect of a super- 
ficial and comparatively recent immigration? Mr. Murray holds 
the former view; most botanists and almost all zoologists the 

Another point of great importance to which attention is called 
in this essay, is, the long-persisting identity of form which seems 
to be a characteristic of insects, and which is thought to allow 
ample time for those revolutions in geography to which Mr. 
Murray so constantly appeals. But this antiquity and persistence 
of insect-forms will have allowed equal time for the action of 
a most powerful agent of distribution, which is too hastily dis- 
missed. I allude to those changes of climate, which within a 
period so recent as the Miocene, have at one time clothed the 
now inhospitable regions of North Greenland, Spitzbergen and 
other Arctic lands, with forests and evergreens and flowering 
shrubs, and at another have covered the Northern United States 
and Central Europe with a mantle of ice like that which at 
present envelopes Greenland. And it is now becoming almost 
certain that these changes did not occur once only, but were 
repeated again and again far back into geologic time; and that, in 
the southern hemisphere, they were equally if not more strongly 
contrasted, the glaciation of a considerable portion of Brazil 
seeming to be a well-established fact.* These vast climatic 
changes must have afforded ample facilities for insect migrations, 
—between the eastern and western hemispheres when the arctic 
regions were inhabited by a temperate flora and fauna,—between 
the northern and the southern, when the animals and plants of 
either hemisphere were driven towards the equator by the glacia- 
tion of their native regions, and when a portion would cross that 
barrier, either along the elevated lands or by transmission over 
narrow seas. This cause is admitted by our best botanists to 
be amply sufficient to account for the presence of European 
genera and species of plants on the Andes, in Chili, Patagonia 
and Terra del Fuego, in New Zealand, and in the Australian 
Alps; and Mr. Murray has hardly attempted to show that it will 
not also account for the somewhat more remarkable distribution 
of Microtypal Coleoptera. The relations of South America, 
Australia, and other southern lands to each other, are still more 

* See Review of Hartt’s Geology of Brazil in ‘ Nature,’ Oct. 27th, 1870. 


marked, and probably more deep-seated, and seem to imply 
either a greater extension or the existence of intermediate lands 
at some former period, but not an actual continuity with one 

The subject of Geographical Distribution is one of such great 
interest to myself, that I have perhaps been led into more detail 
and argument than are usual or proper in a Presidential Address. 
I believe, however, that the curious and suggestive facts which I 
have disinterred from that bulky and little-read volume, the 
“Insecta Maderensia,” may be of some use, and I beg you to 
accept them as my small contribution to your volume of Trans- 
actions and Proceedings for the year 1870. 

I have now, Gentlemen, only to thank you for the attention 
with which you have lstened to me to-night, and for the 
unvarying kindness with which you have overlooked my very 
imperfect performance of the duties attached to the honourable 
position in which you have placed me. 

Mr. M‘Lachlan proposed, and Mr. Stainton seconded, a vote of thanks to 
Mr. Wallace for his Address and for his services during the year as 
President. This was carried unanimously, and Mr. Wallace returned 

Mr. Pascoe proposed, and Major Parry seconded, a vote of thanks to the 
other officers for 1870, coupled with the name of the retiring Secretary. 
This also was carried with unanimity, and Mr. Dunning returned thanks. 


Abstract of the Treasurer 

"s Accounts for 1870. 


By Balance in hand, Ist January, 1870 
», Arrears of Subscriptions < s 
», Subscriptions for 1870 - = 
,, Admission Fees : - - = 
5, sale of Publications - : S 
» Interest on £148 Os. 5d. Consols” - 
», Tea Subscriptions - = - 2 
» Donation, J. W. Dunning, Secretary 


To Rent, Librarian and Office Expenses 
» Printing = : : Z t 

,, Plates, engraving, printing and colouring E - - 2 : 

,, Books, purchased, and binding E 
», Tea, 13 Meetings . - 5 ; s 

Balance in Treasurer’s hands : - E 3 

Liabilities and Assets of the 

To Loan of Mr. Dunning 45 0 0 
£45 0 0 


£ s. da. 
Z : = 0) 48838 
: - - - = 23 a2aaO 
= - - a = 142516 s0 
- - : = = - 123200: 
: 2 : 5 -| MGNASeee 
- = < : - gly teh 18! 
: < 2 £0 1530 
: 20 0 0 
£310 0 8 

£ os 

- - : = 605 





Be ph Uke 
By Arrears of Subscriptions :— 
Good (say) 32 11 0 
Doubtful £42 
», £148 0s. 5d. Consols (cost) 185 14 0 

» Cash Balanceinhand - 6 3 8 
174 8 8 

Less Liabilities =» LiF 0 

£129 8 8 



( Text) 


Norzt.—Where the name only of an Insect is mentioned, the description 
of the Insect will be found at the page referred to. 

The Arabic Figures refer to the pages of the ‘Transactions ;’ the Roman 
Numerals to the pages of the ‘ Proceedings.’ 

GENERAL SUBJECTS ....+. Ixxi. | HEMIPTERA «.ecseee aseboste Ixxvii. 
PEPBMEAG Wecuscctsce. sss Senet |  EXRTT | FLYMENOPTERA .cccecsecees Ixxyii. 
INDROMNIDA, cccncsctewesvetae Ixxii. LEPIDOPTERA ..cccccesccsecs Ixxvii. 
WOLMOPTERA ciscsscvocsess Ixxii. | NEUROPTERA .ccscsccccscces Ixxx. 
PPPTEIUM BA sie sass eaeesgeseuenas Ixxyi. ORTHOPTERA secsccccecerses xen: 


Acarellus, a four-footed group of Acaride, Xxx., XXX1. 

Amazonian Cerambycide, 243, 391. 

Anniversary Address of the President for 1870, xliv. 

Annual Report of the Council for 1870, xlii. 

Ansell, on a collection of insects sent from Kinsembo by Mr., 521. 

Australia, Curculionide from, 13, 181, 209, 445. 

Basuto-land, butterflies from, 341, xxxv. 

Catalogue of British Newroptera, iv., xxiii., xlix. 

Cayenne pepper, beetles consuming, xxxiil. 

Colour and Edibility of Lepidoptera and their larve, 337. 

Dawson, J. F., death of, xlvii. 

Dimorphism in the larva state, xiv. 

Dwart Lepidoptera, xxxix., xlii. 

Edibility and colour of larve, relation between, 337. 

Fire-fly, on the spectrum given by the light of, xvii. 

Galls on the tansy, v.—on Gnetum, ix.—on juniper, xxiii—on Ammo- 
phila, xxx.—on oak, xxx., xxxiv., xl.—on Rosa carolina, xl. 

( Ixxii ) 

Geographical Distribution, notes on, lii.—lxix. 
Gynandromorphism, cases of, ii., xxiii—explananation of, on theory of 
sexual differences, ii. 

Haliday, A. H., death of, xlvii. 

Honey-bee, on the development of the larve, xxiv.—xxviii. 

Imhoff’s Insecten der Schweiz, original drawings of, xx. 

Japanese Hymenoptera, notes on a collection of, xix. 

Labram & Imhoff’s original drawings, xx. 

Lacordaire, J. T., death of, xliv. 

Larva, covered with clavate hairs, xiv.—protection from resemblance to 
Moss, Xxix. 

Mimicry, xxix.; xli. 

Monstrosity of Pimelia scabrosa, xxix. 

Nature-printed butterflies, xxix. 

Nomenclature, discussions on points of, v.-vii., Xvi.-xvii. ° 

Odour of Cynipide, xvi. bet 

Prizes for Essays on Anatomy or Economy of Insects, i., xliii. 

Protective mimicry, xxix. 

Sericiculture, notes on, x., XXxvi. 

South-African Butterflies, notes on, 341. 

Spectrum of fire-fly’s light, xvii. 

Spiders, protective resemblances of, xxix.—feeding on grasshoppers, xl. 

Treasurer’s Accounts for 1870, lxx. 

Uji, parasite on the silkworm, xXi., xxii. 

Varieties of Lepidoptera, xlii. 

Weevils, destruction of grain by, xv. 

West-African insects, notes on a collection of, 521. 


Acarellus, a four-footed group of Acaridw, xxx., Xxxi. 

Eresus ctenizoides, feeding on grasshoppers, xl. 
Protective resemblances of spiders, xxix. 


Achryson hirsutulum, 248.—nanum, 247.—pictum, 248. 
Acyphoderes Olivieri, 328. 
Aigosoma scabricorne, larva and habit of, xxxvili. 

( Ixxiii ) 

Agaone colon, 319.—malthinoides, 319.—ruficollis, 319. 

Ancylocera seticornis, 418. 

Anobiwm panicewm, in cayenne pepper, XXxiii. 

Anoplomerus brachypus, 260.—gracilis, 260. 

Aphatum, 308. 

Apospherion, 275.—A. longicolle, 275. 

Appula nigripes, 279. 

Ateuchus semipunctatus, vitality of, xxiii. 

Athetesis, 428.—A. proliaa, 428. 

Baridius scolopaceus, in Britain, xxxix. 

Biurus and Diurus, note on, v. 

Bryavis auritulus, 180.—coronatus, 130. 

Butheriwm, 255. ' 

Calandra granaria, larva of, xvi.—oryze, destroying grain, xv. 

Callichroma aureotinctum, 335.—brachiale, 334.—ocreatwm, 335.—por- 
phyrogenitum, 3338. 

Callopisma ruficollis, 419. 

Calodera rubens, at Lewisham, xxxix. 

Catasarcus, revision of the genus, and descriptions of 34 new species, 13. 

Ceragenia spinipennis, 427. 

Cerambycid@, of the Amazon yalley, 243, 391. 

Chlorida fasciata, 263. 

Chrysoprasis eneiventris, 416.—awripes, 413.—auronitens, 411.—brevicor- 
nis, 415.—chrysogastra, 416.—floralis, 415.—hispidula, 416. 
—ignea, 413.—ignicollis, 417.—linearis, 417.—longicornis, 
412.—melanostetha, 414.—nana, 414.—nigrina, 417.—nigrt- 
ventris, 413.—nymphula, 417.—punctiventris, 417.—punctu- 
lata, 418.—rotundicollis, 411.—ruficovis, 412.—rugulicollis, 
417.—sobrina, 415.—Sthenias, 411.—valida, 416. 

Coccoderus amazonicus, 249. 

Cometes coeruleus, 442.—letificus, 441.—scapularis, 441. 

Compsa histrionica, 302. 

Copride, new genus and species of, 173. 

Cosmisoma argyreum, 405.—Diana, 404.—humerale, 407.—lineellum, 405. 

—pulcherrimun, 406.—Titania, 407. 

Criodion hirsutum, 253.—rhinoceros, 253.—torticolle, 252. 

Ctenodes isabellina, 424. 

Curculionellus, 127.—C. angulicollis, 127.—doreianus, 128.—glabricollis, 

Curculionide, new Australian genera and species, 181, 209, 445 (at which 
pages see lists of the genera and species). 
Cyenidolon binodosum, 306. 

( lxxiv ) 

Cyllene amazonica, 395. 

Dasytide, notes on British species, xvii., xvili. 

Deltochilum aspericolle, 177.—barbipes, 17 7.—calearatum, 176.—femorale, 
178.—fuscocupreum, 178.—granulatum, 179. — letiusculum, 
180.—sextuberculatum, 179.—tessellatum, 175. 

Dihammophora witidicollis, 403.—pusilla, 403. 

Distenia agroides, 439.—angustata, 440.—denticornis, 439.—rufipes, 440. 

—splendens, 439.—suturalis, 440. 

Diurus and Biurus, note on, v. 

Dolichosoma protensa, from the Isle of Wight, xvii. 

Dyschirius angustatus, at Portsea, ii. ‘ 

Eburia costulata, 265.—longicollis, 264.—maculicornis, 266.—Rogersi, 266. 

—unicolor, 265. 

Eburodacrys arcifera, 271.—cacica, 267.—hirsutula, 269.—longipilis, 268. 
—raripila, 270.—rufispinis, 269. 

Epimelitta, 330.—E. meliponica, 331.—rufiventris, 331. 

Epropetes, 400.—HE. latifascia, 401. 

Eriphus canthoderus, 429. 

Eupempelus, 401.—E. olivaceus, 401. 

Euryptera atripennis, 318. 

Genera of Coleoptera, studied chronologically, 41, 213. 

Gnomidolon dubium, 290.—eganum, 287.—hwmerale, 287.—melanosomum, 
288.—picipes, 287.—rubricolor, 286. 

Goniastes, 125.—G. sulcifrons, 126. 

Gromphas amazonicus, 175. 

Hammaticherus castaneus, 250.—glabricollis, 241.—macrus, 251. 

Haruspex Vineolatus, 280.—maculicornis,* 281.—ornatus, 281.—pusillus, 

282.—simplicior, 282. 
Hemilissa cornuta, 284.—sulcicollis, 284. 
Heterachthes cegrotus, 305.—corallinus, 304.—decipiens, 303.—deliciolus, 
305.—involutus, 304.—longipilis, 304.—sylphis, 305. 

Hezxoplon flaveolum, 285.—pretermissum, 442. 

Hiketes thoracicus=Nepharis alata, v. 

Hydroporus minutissimus, at Slapton Ley, ii.—H. unistriatus, at Merton 
and Portsea, ii. 

Ibidion digrammum, 299.—dilectwm, 299.—Lepriewri, 299.—lineolatum, 

301.—monostigma, 297.—cedieneme, 298.—rubellwum, 298.—sphe- 
riinwm, 300. 

Tsthmiade ichnewmoniformis, 326. 

Kinsembo, on a Collection from, 529. 

Lissonotus ephippiatus, 437.—fullax, 436.—princeps, 488.—simplex, 438. 

( lxxv ) 


Lissozodes, 408.—L. basalis, 409. 
Longicornia, Summary of Amazonian, 443.—new species from the Hima- 
layas, xxxix. 

Lucanoid Coleoptera, remarks on the nomenclature, &c., 53.—new genera 
and species, 67.—revised Catalogue of, 104.—summary of fami- 
lies, genera, and species, 117. 

Macrotoma heros, note on, XXxv. 

Mallocera amazonica, 278. 

Mallosoma rubricolle, 410. 

Mecometopus Flavius, 399.—Jansoni, 399.—latecinctus, 398.—purus, 398. 

rubefactus, 398. 

Megaderus latifasciatus, 438. 

Melathemma, 258.—W. polita, 258. 

Meloe maialis, impaled on Cactus, xxxiii—M. rugosus, note on, xxXili. 

Mesodasytes, British species of, xviii. 

Neoclytus tapajonus, 395. 

Nephalius fragilis, 274. 

Nepharis alata, note on, v. 

Nicagus obscwrus, note on the affinities of, iii., xiii. 

Nyssicus quadrinus, 271. 

Obrium cordicolle, 308. 

Ochodeus=Nicagus, note on the affinities of, iii., xiii. 

Octoplon callispilum, 293.—calligrammum, 294.—charile, 297. - cinctu- 
lum, 294.—polychromum, 295.—polyzonum, 291.—rugicolle, 296. 
—tetrops, 291.—unoculum, 292. 

Odontocera bisulcata, 326.—cercerina, 325.—chrysostetha, 320.—cincti- 

ventris, 321. —dispar, 321.—furcifera, 323.—ornaticollis, 323. 
trilitwrata, 324, 

me picticornis, 245. 

Ommata awrata, 320.—smaragdina, 320. 

Opades vittipennis, 261. 

Ophistomis bivittatus, 311.—melanostomus, 312.—ocheopterus, 312.—para- 

ensis, 311.—rubricollis, 312.—semifulvus, 313. 
Orthoschema cardinale, 393.—Chryseis, 393.—nigricorne, 393.—rujficeps, 
393.—Tarnieri, 392.—tenuicorne, 392. 

Oruscatus, 174.—O. Davus, 174.—opalescens, 174. 

Oxylymma telephorina, 316. 

Ozodes ibidiinus, 409.—infuscatus, 409.—malthinoides, 410.—multituber- 

culatus, 409. 
Pantonyssus, 276.—P. nigriceps, 276. 
Pausside, notes on, iii. 

( Ixxvi ) 

COLEOPTERA—continued. Wee 

Pentaplatarthrus paussoides, in ants’ nests, lii. 

Peribewm ebeninum, 274.—lissonotum, 274. 

Phalepsus, 181.—P. subglobosus, 181. 

Philonthus cicatricosus, in Britain, ii. 

Phimosia, 420.—P. ebenina, 421. 

Phleotribus olew, introduced into Britian, xxxviil. 

Phormesium albinum, 307. 

Pimelia scabrosa, monstrosity of, xxix. 

Pselaphide, new genera and species of, 125. 

Pselaphodes, 129.—P. villosus, 129. 

Pteroplatus simulans, 428. 

Rhytus, 126.—R. vestitus, 126. 

Ryz«abis, 181.—R. anthicoides, 132. 

Sagra, cocoons of, xxix. 

Sathytes, 128.—S. punctiger, 128. 

Sintectes, 129.—S. carinatus, 130. 

Spherion callidioides, 272.—ducale, 272. 

Sphallenum, 253.—S8. femorale, 254.—puncticolle, 254.—tuberosum, 255. 

Stenoptrellus, 8314.—S. culécinus, 315. 

Sternacanthus Allstoni, 426.—seamaculatus, 426. 

Sthelenus braconinus, 315. 

Sunius neglectus, in Britain, ix. 

Trachyderes globicollis, 483.—impunctipennis, 4382.—melas, 432.—politus, 
432.—rhodopus, 431. 

Trachyphleus laticollis, from Weston-super-Mare, xx. 

Tragocephala Ansell, 530. 

Tomopterus obliquus, 329. 

Tropidosoma penniferum, 4238. 

Xestia brevipennis, 256.—glabripennis, 256.—nigropicea, 256.—ochrotenia, 

Xivuthrus heros, note on, XXxy. 


Anthraw, parasitic on a moth, xlii. 

Asilus preying on grasshoppers, xl. 

Chlorops lineata, swarms of, in a house, xxxiv. 
Diptera from Kinsembo, 532. 

Galls on tansy, v. 

Philonicus albiceps, habit of, xl. 

Pphora flora, infesting wasps’ nests, Xxxvili. 
Tachina albifrons, 532. 

Uji, parasite in cocoon of Bombyx mort, Xi., XXii. 

( Ixxvi ) 

Firefly, on the spectrum given by the light of, xvii. 

Hadrodema pinastri, in Britain, xxxix, 

Heteroptera from Kinsembo, 532.—new British species of, xxxix. 
Homoptera from Kinsembo, 532. 

Plociomerus lwridus, in Britain, xxxix. 

Salda arenicola, in Britain, xxxix. 

Strachia festiva and ornata, note on, xxxix. 


Apide from Kinsembo, 531. 

Blennocampa cerasi, note on, xxxy. 

Bracon bellosus, 531. 

Cynipide, remarkable form of, from the Sula Islands, iii—odour of, xvi. 
—note on the derivation and orthography of the name, xvi— 
galls of, xxxiv., xl. 

Cynips ramuli, number bred from a woolly gall, xxx. 

Honey-bee, notes on the development of the larva, Xxiv.-xXviii. 

Japan, notes on a collection from, xix. 

Wasps’ nest, infested by Phora florea, xxxviil. 


Achlyodes Hadina, 517.—Leada, 516.—-Odina, 518.—Ophia, 517.—Ozema, 
515.—Ozotes, 515.—Rossine, 514.—Zephus, 516.—Zera, 514. 

Acidalia ochrata, in Britain, xxxiii.—strigaria, in Britain, xxxvii. 

Aithilla coracina, 495.—Jaira, 496.—Jariba, 496.—Memmius, 495. 

Agrias Zenodorus, 156. 

Agrotis, with parasitic Antiraa, xlii. 

Amathusia Pollicaris, 485.—virgata, 486. 

Antherea Yamamai, notes on, x. 

Apaustus Tra, 508. 

Appias vacans, 490. 

Argynnis Adippe and Niobe, two species or one, ix., Xiv., XVi., Xxiv.—A. 
japonica, from Shanghai, xxxv. 

Astictopterus Xanites, 510. 

Augiades despecta, 497.—Lemna, 497. 

Belenois Inana, 526.—B. Sabrata, male of, 526.—B. Sylvia, note on, xli. 

Bombya Pernii, notes on, X., XXi., XXXvi.—cases of pederasm, xi.—males 

of, pairing with females of other species, xi. 
Brahmea Swanzii, n. sp. from West Africa, xli. 


( xxvii ) 

Butterflies described by Linnzus, notes on, 133. 

Caligo Oberon, 488. 

Callidryas Editha, 10.—Evangelina, 11.—Hartonia, 10.—irrigata, 9.— 

Jada, 11.—virgo, 9. 

Caradrina cubicularis and Senta ulve, in copula, xxxiii. 

Carterocephalus Hilina, 512. 

Carystus Camnente, 501.—Jabesa, 501.—Jeconia, 501.—Ladana, 502.— 
Obeda, 502.—Ozota, 500. 

Chamelimnas Villagomes, 163. 

Charawes, notes on species described in the ‘ Reise der Novara,’ 119.—C. 
Hemana, 122.—Imna, 122. 

Cogia, 508.—C. Hassan, 509. 

Colour and Edibility of larve, 337. 

Compsoteria Callixena, 162.—Celtilla, 162. 

Cosmopteryx Lienigiella, bred in England, ix., xiii. 

Cucullia verbasei, on the edibility of, 337. 

Cyclopides argenteogutta, 512.—Tsita, 386. 

Deilephila galii, variation of larva, xxxii.—livornica, larva of, xxxii. 

Dianthecia conspersa, resembling D. Barrettii, xiii. 

Edibility of larve, and colour of, 337. 

Elymnias Casiphone, female of, 488. 

Emesis angularis, 162. 

Epichnopteryxz betulina, at Hamptsead, xiii. 

Epicopeia, habits of, xxxv. 

Equatorial butterflies, new species of, 153, xix. 

Erycides Yokhara, 500. 

Eudamus Epigena, 493. 

Euterpe Epimene, 154. 

Glyphisia crenata, variety of, from the Isle of Man, xxix. 

Godartia Ansellica, 525. 

Goniuwris Cenis, 493.—Corydon, 492.—Jethira, 492.—Hirtius, 491.—Lin- 
dora, 491. 

Helias diurna, 518.—Ithrana, 519.—pedaliodina, 518. 

Hesperia Hurama, 498.—Onara, 498.—vitta, 498. 

Hespervide, new species of, 485. 

Heterocera from Kinsembo, 528. 

Heterusia remota, larva of, xxi. 

Homeosoma saxicola, bred, xxxiii.—senecionis, bred, xxxiii. 

Ithomia Ozia, 155.—Prazxilla, 155.—Pronuba, 156.—Pulcheria, 154. 

Junonia Cebrene, 3538, 522, 524. 

Lasiocampa remota, note on, xx. 

Lebeda Hebes, note on, xx. 

( lxxix ) 


Leptalis Prawidice, 153. 

 Leptonewra Bowkeri, 347. 

Lethe distans, 488. 

Leucania albipuncta, from Folkestone, xxxiii. 

Leucochitonea paradisea, 499. 

Lycena Letsea, 362.—Macalenga, 364. 

Lymanopoda Labineta, 159.—trimaculata, 159. 

Melinea Ishka, 489.—phasiana, 489.—Zaneka, 490. 

Melitea Cinwia, resemblance of larva to food-plant, xxx. 

Mesosemia Mamilia, 160.—Mancia, 159.—Messala, 161.—Mustela, 161.— 
Mycene, 160. 

Mycalesis ignobilis, 124. 

Mylothris Agathina, said to mimic Belenois Sylvia, xli. 

Nonagria brevilinea, re-occurrence of, xxxii. 

Oeona punctata, note on, xx. 

Olyras Montagui, 490. 

Oxyptilus letus, from Brandon, xxix. 

Pamphila chrysogastra, 506.—Hala, 504.—Kedema, 504.—Kenava, 506.— 

Lotana, 505.—Ulama, 504,—Vira, 505. 

Pempelia obductella, in Norfolk, xxxvii. 

Philognoma Ussheri, 124. 

Phlebodes Ittona, 508.—Koza, 507.—Unia, 507.—virga, 507. 

Pieridine, alleged mimicry of one member of this subfamily by another, 

Pithowides gladiatus, 512.—Jabesa, 5138. 

Plastingenia Helena, 511.—hieroglyphica, 511. 

Plusia acuta, at Tunbridge Wells, xxxiiii—P. interrogationis, in Sussex, 

xlii.—P. wi, from the New Forest, vy. 

Pronophila Peania, 158.—Pelinna, 157.—Pheedra, 158.—Prawithesw, 157. 

Proteides Fiara, 503.—Othna, 503.—Xarippe, 502. 

Psyche anicanella, note on, xiiii—P. reticella, female of, xxxvii. 

Pyrgus Figara, 510.—Leca, 510.—Omrina, 509.—Mafa, 386. 

Pyrrhopyga Jamina, 499. 

Rhopalocera from Kinsembo, 524. 

Romaleosoma Lakuma, 123. 

Senta ulve and Caradina cubicularis, in copula, xxxili. 

South-African Butterflies collected by Mr. Bowker, 341. 

Spathilepia Evelinda, 496. 

Sphinx Atropos, dimorphism in the larva of, xiv. 

Tagiades Janetta, 519. 

Telegonus Cepio, 494.—egregius, 494.—lotus, 495. 

Tenaris Diana, 487.—fulvida, 487. 

( Lexx?) 

Terinos Lucilla, 489. 

Thanaos Ibhara, 513. 

Trachonitis (2?) Pryerella, capture of, xxxiii. 
Tryphena orbona, var., or T. Curtisii, xxiii. 
Typhedanus, 497.—T. Zephus, 497. 

Vanessa urtice, dwarf of, xxxix. 

Varieties of, xlil. 

Zeritis Molomo, 373. 


Baetis atrebatinus, 4.—buceratus, 5.—niger, 6.—pheops, 4.—scambus, 3.— 
tenaa, 5. 

Brachycentrus subnubilus, gynandromorphous, xxiii. 

Calopterygide, new genus and species of, 165. 

Catalogue of British Neuroptera, iy., xxiii., xlix. 

Centroptilum pennulatum, 2. 

Chalcopterys scintillans, 169, xx. 

Cloeon simile, 2. 

Ephemera lineata, 1. 

Ephemeride, new British species of, 1.—monograph of, xl. 

Euphew compar, 167. 

Gomphide, new genus and species of, 165. 

Heptagenia insignis, 7.—volitans, 7. 

Hypopetalia, 170.—H. pestilens, 171, xx. 

Libellulide from Kinsembo, 531. 

Micromerus bisignatus, 168. 

Myrmeleonide from Kinsembo, 531. 

Psolodesmus, 165.—P. mandarinus, 166. 

Siphlonurus armatus, 6.—lacustris, 7. 


Firefly, on the spectrum given by the light of, xvii. 
Grasshoppers, preyed upon by a spider, xl.—by an Asilus, xl. 
Gryllotalpa cophta, note on, xvii. 

Locusts, notes on, viii. 

Locusta migratoria, Lin., what is, viii., ix., xiii. 

Pachytylus cinerascens, in Britain, xiii. 

11, RAY STREET, E.c. 

Trans. Fint. Soc.I870. PUL 

E. Smith del. et Lith W West imp. 

Trans. Eint. Soc. 1870. PUI. 

E. Smith del. et Irth. W West imp. 

Trans. Ent. Soc. 1870. PUill. 

E. Smith del et th ; WWest imp. 

< Ser aeert 

Trans. Fint. Soc. 1870. Pl 

AG Butler del et hth. Jan.1870 

1. Choraaces 


W. West imp 

Hemana Butler 

Imna Butler. 


AS W. Robinson, De“etS «1870. 

Tr Eine. Soe.1870. PUVI 

AG. Butler del et ith. Oct.1870 W.West imp. 

. EW, Robinson, Se, 1870 













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Aap = Ad LA Yas 

I. On some new British ee of alam BY the Rev. 
A.H. Eaton. - 

I. Description of six ney Species of Cattaryas. By ‘i G. 
_ Burien, F.L.S., F.Z ; 9 

- A Revision of the genus Gigraaiaie By Wenecta P. 

Pascos, F.L.S., F.Z.S., V.-P. Ent. Soc. . : ae 
IV. The Genera of Coleoptera studied chronologically (a6. 
1801). By G. R. Crorcu, M.A... 41 

V. A Revised Catalogue of the Lucanoid Oeisdneses's with 
Remarks on the Nomenclature, and description of New 
Species. By sas F, J. Smpney Parry. F.L.S., V.-P. 

Ent. Soc. - . : 53 
VI. Notes on the Species of Charases dédertbed 1 in the < Reise 
der Novara;’ with descriptions of two new eae ey AS 
G. BUTLER, FL. 8., &e. : : 119 
VU. On Butterflies recently received by Mr. Swany pugs West 
Africa. By A. G. ate F.LS., &. ; 123 


COUNCIL, 1870. 

A. R. Wattacz, Esq., F.Z.S., President. 

H. W. Bates, Esq., F.Z.S. 
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Descriptions of twelve new exotic species of the Coleopterous 
family Pselaphide. By J. O. Westwoop, M.A.,F.LS.,&c. 125 

_ IX. Notes on the Butterflies described by Linneus. By W. F. 

Kirby : ; . 133 
Descriptions of twenty-two new species of Equatorial Lepi- 
doptera. By W. C. Hewirson, F.L.S. * : A .. 153 

Descriptions of a new genus and four new species of Calop- 
terygide, and of a new genus and species of Gomphide. 
By R. McLacutan, F.L.S., Sec. Ent. Soc, ; i - 165 

XII. On a new genus and some new species of Copride (Coleoptera- 
Lamellicornia). By H. W. Bares, F.Z.S., V.-P. Ent. Soc.. 173 

XII. Descriptions of some Genera and Species of Australian 
Curculionide. By Francis P. Pascor, F.L.S., V.-P. Ent. 
- Soc. >. : : a i ; ; : : ; oe ASE 
XIV. Further descriptions of Australian Curculionide. By F. P. 
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COUNCIL, 1870. 

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XV. The Genera of Galeontens studied sabes asad eae an: 
By G. R. Crorcu, M.A. . 213 

XVI. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley 
(Coleoptera, ase cht ee H. W. Bates, ¥.Z.8., late 
Pres. Ent. Soc. . ; { A 3 . 243 

XVII. Further observations on the Relation between the Colour 
and the Hdibility of nisixa any and their Larve. nye J. 

Proceedings for 1870 . 2 : : ; . .  Xvii-xxxi. 


COUNCIL, 1870. 

A. R. Wattace, Esq., F.Z.S., President. 

H. W. Bates, Esq., F.Z.8. 
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first Monday in every Month from November to July inclusive, and on the 
third Monday in November, February, and March. 

OsBERT SALvIN, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., &. 
EpwarD SaunDErRs, Esq., BL S. 
Percy C. Wormarp, Esq. 

The Librarian attends at No. 12, Bedford Row, every Monday, from 2 to 
7 o'clock. 


Members and Subscribers, resident more than fifteen miles from London, 
who have paid their subscription for the current year, are entitled to. 
2 receive the Transactions without further payment, and to those resident in 

_ the United Kingdom they will be forwarded free, by post, 














[Price 8s.] 



XVII. Notes on Butterflies collected by J. H. Bowker, Esq., in 
Basuto-land, South Africa; with descriptions of some 
New Species. By Roranp TRIMEN . i ; 0 Oak: 

XIX. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley 
(Coleoptera, Cerambycide). .By H. W. oe F.Z.S., V.-P 
and late Pres. Ent.Soc. . ciphs OOL 

XX. Descriptions of some Genera and Sposies of st atin 
Curculionide. By Francis P. Burs F.L.S., V.-P. and 

late Pres. Ent. Soc. . . 445 
XXI, Descriptions of some new (pienil Tepplontonas chiefly 
Hesperiide. By Artuur G. Butier, F.L.S., F.Z.8. . 485 

XXII. Notes on a Collection of Insects sent by Mr. Ansell from 
South-West Africa. By J. W. Dunnine, M.A., Sec. Ent. 
Soc. . : : : : f : : : - 621 


COUNCIL, 1870. 

A. R. Wattack, Esq., F.Z.S., President. 

H. W. Barss, Esq., F.Z.S. 
Major F. J. S. Parry, F.L.S. Vice-Presidents. 
F. P. Pascor, Esq., FL. 8., &e. 

Samvue. Stevens, Hsq., F.L.S., Treasurer. 

J. W. Dunnine, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., &c. ? 
ROBERT M‘Lacuzan, Esq., F.LS. i Secretaries. 

W. S. Dattas, Esq., F.L.S. 
ALEX. Fry, Esq., F.L.S. 

OsBERT SALVIN, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., &e. 
Epwarp SauNnDERS, Esq., E. L.S. 
Percy C. Wormaxp, Esq. 

__ The Meetings are held at Burlington House, Piccadilly, at 7 P.M. on the 
first Monday in every Month from November to July inclusive, and on the 
_ third Monday in November, February, and March. 

The Librarian attends at No. 12, Bedford Row, every Monday, from 2 to 
7 o’clock. 

Members and Subeactbere resident more than fifteen miles from London, 
_ who have paid their subscription for the current year, are entitled to 
receive the Transactions without further payment, and to those resident in 
the United Kingdom they will be forwarded free, by post. 









[Price 2s.] 


seemed to constitute a distinct four-footed tribe in the family Acaride, 
distinguished likewise by having the whole surface covered with minute 
tubercles (like the parasite of the human nose) arranged in as many as sixty 
transverse rows; at any rate they required to be segregated under a separate 
generic name, and he proposed that of Acarellus, the three species being 
Acarellus pyri, A. ribis-nigri, and A. gallarum. 

Mr. Albert Miiller suggested that these forms perhaps belonged to the 
already-named genus Phytoptus or Phytopus, the species of which inhabit 
excrescences of various plants, had at one stage of their existence only four legs, 
and are closely allied to Simonea folliculorum. He referred to papers by 
Frauenfeld in Verh. zool.-botan. Ges. Wien., vol. xv. (1865), and Landois in 
Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool., vol. xiv. (1866). 

Papers read. 
The following papers were read :— 

“Further Observations on the Relation between the Colour and the 
Edibility of Lepidoptera and their Larve”; by Mr. J. Jenner Weir. 

“ List of Species in a Collection of Butterflies sent by Mr. Henry Ansell 
from Kinsembo, South Western Africa”; by Mr. A. G. Butler. 

“ Contributions to an Insect-Fauna of the Amazon Valley” (Coleoptera, 
Cerambycide); by Mr. H. W. Bates. 

“ List of the Hymenoptera collected by Mr. J. K. Lord in Egypt and 
Arabia ; with Descriptions of the New Species”; by Mr. Francis Walker. 

New Part of ‘ Transactions.’ 

The second Part of the ‘ Transactions for the year 1870,” published in 
June, was on the Table. 

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Title Page, Contents, Bye-Laws, List of Members, &c. : : iB 
Proceedings Neier m é f : . ; : xxxi,—lxx. 

Index . : 2 4 ; 2 y i P f Mn b:0.68 



COUNCIL, 1870. 

A. RB. Watrace, Esq., F.Z.8., President. 
H. W. Bates, Esq., F'.Z.S. 
Major F. J. 8. Parry, F.L.S. Vice-Presidents. 
F. P. Pascor, Esq., F.L.S., &e. 

SamvueE. StEvens, Hsq., F.L.S., Treasurer. 

J. W. Dunnine, Esq., M.A., F.L.8., &e. é 
Roser M‘Lacunan, Esq.,F.L.8. } Seerstarses. 
W.S. Dattas, Esq., F.L.S, 
FERDInanpd Grut, Esq. 
ALEX. Fry, Esq., F.L.S. 

OsBert Savin, Esq., M.A., F.L.S., &c. 
EpWwarD SAUNDERS, Esq., F.L.S, 
Percy C. WormaLp, Esq. 

The Meetings are held at Burlington House, Piccadilly, at 7 p.m. on the 
first Monday in every Month from November to July inclusive, and on the 
third Monday in November, February, and March. 

The Librarian attends at No. 12, Bedford Row, every Monday, from 2 to 
7 o'clock. ; 

Members and Subscribers, resident more than fifteen miles from London, 
who have paid their subscription for the current year, are entitled to 
receive the Transactions without further payment, and to those resident in 
the United Kingdom they will be forwarded free, by post. 

By teal 



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