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V^vyLJl  wvl/  Transparencies 

UNIT  ^ 

Motion  in  the  Heavens 

Published  by  HOLT,  RINEHART  and  WINSTON,  Inc.    New  York,  Toronto 

Project  Physics 

Overhead  Projection  Transparencies 

Unit  2 

T13  Stellar  Motion  and  Celestial  Coordinates 

T14  Celestial  Sphere 

T15  Retrograde  Motion 

T16  Eccentrics  and  Equants 

T17  Orbit  Parameters 

T18  Motion  Under  Central  Force 

Stellar  Motion  and  Celestial  Coordinates 


Stellar  Motion 

If  at  all  possible,  students  should  observe  stellar  motion  directly  before  trying  to  analyze  it.  After  they 
have  made  such  observations,  or  have  been  made  aware  of  the  motions  by  means  of  photographs, 
the  ancient  conceptual  scheme  of  the  "two-sphere  universe"  can  serve  as  a  model  to  explain  stellar 

In  order  to  avoid  miniscule  dimensions  for  the  earth,  the  diagrams  are  not  drawn  to  scale.  As  a 
result,  the  horizon  plane  is  drawn  through  the  center  of  the  celestial  sphere  rather  than  tangent  to 
the  place  of  observation. 

Overlay  A  The  earth  is  shown  at  the  center  of  the  universe  with  the  celestial  sphere  turning  to  the 
left  on  its  celestial  poles. 

Overlay  B  The  three  horizontal  circles  represent  the  paths  of  selected  stars  which  are  attached  to 
the  sphere  at  it  rotates  daily.  These  circles  indicate  the  diurnal  motion  of  the  stars  as 
seen  by  an  observer  in  the  mid-northern  latitudes.  From  this  location,  some  stars  will 
appear  to  circle  about  the  Pole  Star,  some  will  seem  to  rise  in  the  east  and  set  in  the 
west,  while  others  will  never  be  seen.  Remove  overlay  B  before  introducing  Overlay  C. 

Overlay  C  Stellar  motion  as  seen  by  an  observer  at  the  north  pole  is  illustrated.  All  stars  seem  to 
revolve  about  the  Pole  Star.  Remove  Overlay  C  before  introducing  Overlay  D. 

Overlay  D  Stellar  motion  as  seen  by  an  observer  at  the  earth's  equator.  Each  evening,  all  stars 
seem  to  rise  in  the  east  and  set  in  the  west. 

Celestial  Coordinates 

This  transparency  is  useful  in  explaining  two  of  the  systems  of  coordinates  used  to  locate  stars 
and  planets. 

Use  A  for  the  first  overlay,  then  add  E. 

Overlay  E  This  scheme  for  specifying  the  locations  of  stars  imagines  a  celestial  sphere  whose 
poles  pass  through  the  earth's  poles.  Hour  circles  begin  at  the  Vernal  Equinox  and 
proceed  to  the  right.  (The  Vernal  Equinox  is  described  in  T14).  The  Right  Ascension 
of  a  star  is  measured  eastward  along  the  celestial  equator  in  hours  and  minutes.  The 
Declination  of  a  star  is  measured  in  degrees  north  or  south  of  the  celestial  equator 
(a  projection  of  the  earth's  equator)  along  the  star's  hour  circle.  Remove  Overlay  E 
before  introducing  F. 

Overlay  F  Another  scheme  for  specifying  the  locations  of  stars  and  planets  in  or  near  the  zodiac 
is  based  on  the  ecliptic,  the  sun's  annual  path  across  the  sky.  Celestial  longitude  begins 
at  the  Vernal  Equinox  and  is  measured  eastward  to  360°  along  the  Ecliptic.  Celestial 
latitude  is  measured  in  degrees  north  and  south  with  0°  at  the  ecliptic. 
















iorth  Celestial  Pole 


Celestial  Sphere 

T14  Celestial  Sphere 

This  transparency  will  be  useful  in  visualizing  some  of  the  important  features  explained  by  the 
celestial  sphere. 

Use  overlay  T13-A  for  the  first  overlay,  then  add  T14-A. 

Overlay  A  The  celestial  equator  is  a  projection  of  the  earth's  equator  on  the  celestial  sphere.  The 
sun  is  shown  moving  to  the  right  (eastward)  along  a  great  circle  on  the  celestial  sphere. 
The  daily  rotation  of  the  sphere  accounts  for  night  and  day.  The  annual  rotation  of 
another  sphere,  which  carries  the  sun  and  has  a  pole  2314"  from  the  pole  of  daily 
rotation,  accounts  for  the  sun's  annual  motion  eastward  with  the  seasonal  north-south 
variations.  The  sun's  path  across  the  sky  is  known  as  the  ecliptic.  The  point  of  inter- 
section of  the  echptic  and  the  celestial  equator  as  the  sun  travels  from  south  to  north 
along  the  ecliptic  is  called  the  Vernal  Equinox.  The  crossing  occurs  approximately  on 
March  21.  The  Summer  Solstice  (shown  as  SS)  occurs  on  about  June  21,  the  Autumnal 
Equinox  (AE)  on  about  September  22,  and  the  Winter  Solstice  {WS)  on  about 
December  21. 

Overlay  B  The  Zodiac  is  a  belt  18"  wide  which  circles  the  sky  and  is  centered  on  the  ecliptic.  The 
sun,  moon,  and  planets  are  always  located  within  this  belt.  The  zodiac  is  divided  into 
twelve  constellations  called  the  Signs  of  the  Zodiac. 



WS    ^    ^ 




Leo      Cancer 




Retrograde  Motion 

T15  Retrograde  Motion 

The  heliocentric  explanation  of  an  outer  planet's  observed  retrograde  motion  can  be  demonstrated 
using  this  transparency. 

Overlay  A  The  earth  and  an  outer  planet  are  shown  at  successive  positions  along  their  orbits. 
The  time  intervals  between  the  indicated  positions  are  equal.  Introduce  blank  overlay  B. 

Overlay  B  Draw  in  sight  lines  directly  on  this  blank  overlay.  Connect  points  11,  2-2,  .  .  .  ,  etc., 
for  the  earth  and  planet,  and  extend  the  lines  to  the  star  field  on  the  right.  These  lines 
will  show  that  the  planet,  as  seen  from  the  earth,  appears  to  move  westward  (retro- 
grade) when  it  is  opposite  to  the  sun.  Remove  overlay  B  before  introducing  overlay  C. 

Overlay  C  This  shows  the  completed  operation  suggested  in  B  above.  The  apparent  path  is  marked 
in  to  aid  discussing  retrograde  motion. 



Eccentrics  and  Equants 


Eccentrics  and  Equants 

These  transparencies  can  be  used  to  present  a  rapid  review  of  the  geometrical  devices  of  the  Ptolemaic 
geocentric  model  of  the  universe.  Do  not  belabor  the  details  but  simply  point  out  the  usefulness  of 
the  various  geometric  devices.  Emphasize  the  fact  that  they  account  for  the  variations  observed  in 
planetary  motion,  while  at  the  same  time  they  preserve  the  Platonic  scheme  of  uniform  angular 


Overlay  A       This  is  a  reference  circle  which  will  be  used  for  both  parts  of  T16. 

Overlay  B       A  planet  is  depicted  moving  with  uniform  angular  speed  at  a  constant  distance  from 
(Circle)         center  O.  It's  path  is  a  perfect  circle  and  therefore  an  earth  observer  at  O  would 
measure  equal  increments  of  angular  change  of  position  in  successive  equal  time 

Overlay  C       This  shows  the  earth  in  an  off-center,  or  eccentric,  position.  Now  the  planet  does  not 
(Eccentric)      exhibit  uniform  speed  relative  to  an  observer  on  earth.  Remove  overlays  B  and  C 
before  introducing  D. 


Overlay  D       The  equant  is  another  geometric  device  for  preserving  uniform  circular  motion.  The 
(Equant)        planet  proceeds  with  uniform  angular  motion  about  an  off-center  point  C,  while 
tracing  out  a  perfect  circular  path  of  radius  R  about  point  O. 

Overlay  E  Now  the  earth  is  placed  off-center  in  the  equant  system.  Angular  displacements 
measured  from  the  off-centered  earth  will  yield  results  different  from  those  obtained 
with  the  eccentric  alone.  Thus  the  equant  was  used  by  Ptolemy  to  explain  variations  in 
planetary  motion  not  accounted  for  by  the  eccentric. 
















Orbit  Parameters 

I   I 

T17  Orbit  Parameters 

This  transparency  can  be  used  to  extend  the  discussion  of  Kepler's  first  two  laws  and  to  clarify  details 
of  the  various  celestial  experiments  of  Unit  2. 

Overlay  A       The  sun  and  the  Vernal  Equinox  are  shown.  This  overlay  serves  as  a  base  for  overlays 
B  and  C. 

Overlay  B       The  orbital  plane  of  a  planet  with  the  elements  of  an  elliptical  path  are  indicated. 

c  =  one-half  distance  between  the  foci 

a  =  semi-major  axis 

A  =  apheUon 

P  =  perihelion 

{e  =  eccentricity  [e  =  c/a]) 

Overlay  C       The  plane  of  the  earth's  orbit,  known  as  the  plane  of  the  ecliptic,  is  added.  The  remain- 
ing elements  for  determining  an  orbit  are  shown. 

CO  =  argument  of  the  perihelion 

fi  =  longitude  of  the  ascending  node 

/  =  incUnation 



Orbital   Plane  of 
Comet  or  Planet 


Orbital   Plane  of 
Comet  or  Planet 


of  Nodes 

Motion  Under  a  Central  Force 


Motion  Under  a  Central  Force 

This  transparency  follows  Newton's  analysis  of  motion  as  presented  in  Proposition  I  of  the  Principia. 
It  shows  how  an  orbit  forms  when  an  object  receives  a  sequence  of  blows  all  directed  toward  the 
same  point. 

Overlay  A       Equal  intersal  positions  of  a  body  moving  with  uniform  speed  in  a  straight  line. 

Overlay  B  Kepler's  Law  of  .Areas  applies  in  this  example  of  uniform  rectihnear  motion.  .\s  shown 
by  the  two  blue  triangles,  an  observer  at  O  will  see  equal  areas  swept  out  b\  the  moving 
object.  The  areas  can  be  shown  to  be  equal  because  the  bases  are  equal  and  the  altitudes 
(dashed  line)  of  both  triangles  are  identical. 

Overlay  C  This  shows  the  result  of  a  blow  on  the  object  directed  toward  O  as  it  passes  point  B. 
The  blow  is  such  that  if  the  object  were  stationary  at  B.  it  would  move  to,  say,  B'  in 
the  time  interval.  But  the  object  is  moving  and  if  left  alone  would  travel  to  C.  Thus, 
the  result  of  the  blow  on  the  moving  object  is  that  it  moves  to  C,  a  displacement  which 
is  the  vector  sum  of  the  displacements  to  C  and  B'. 

Overlay  D  The  area  of  the  red  triangle  can  be  shown  to  be  equal  to  the  area  of  the  light  blue  one. 
With  the  aid  of  the  construction  lines  you  can  show  that  the  altitudes  of  the  two 
triangles  are  equal.  Both  triangles  have  the  same  base,  OB.  The  areas  swept  out  by  the 
two  triangles  in  equal  time  intervals  will  be  equal  regardless  of  the  magnitudes  of  the 
blows.  Remove  overlays  B,  C,  and  D  before  adding  overlay  E. 

Overlay  E  This  suggests  what  will  happen  if  the  process  of  applying  blows  toward  O  is  continued. 
Presumably  the  eventual  path  will  be  smooth  if  the  time  intervals  are  made  vanishingly 
small  and  the  forces  apphed  continuously. 


Motion  Under  a  Central  Force 

This  transparency  follows  Newton's  analysis  of  motion  as  presented  in  Proposition  I  of  the  Principia. 
It  shows  how  an  orbit  forms  when  an  object  receives  a  sequence  of  blows  all  directed  toward  the 
same  point. 

Equal  interval  positions  of  a  body  moving  with  uniform  speed  in  a  straight  line. 

Kepler's  Law  of  Areas  applies  in  this  example  of  uniform  rectilinear  motion.  As  shown 
by  the  two  blue  triangles,  an  observer  at  O  will  see  equal  areas  swept  out  by  the  moving 
object.  The  areas  can  be  shown  to  be  equal  because  the  bases  are  equal  and  the  altitudes 
(dashed  line)  of  both  triangles  are  identical. 

This  shows  the  result  of  a  blow  on  the  object  directed  toward  O  as  it  passes  point  B. 
The  blow  is  such  that  if  the  object  were  stationary  at  B,  it  would  move  to,  say,  B'  in 
the  time  interval.  But  the  object  is  moving  and  if  left  alone  would  travel  to  C.  Thus, 
the  result  of  the  blow  on  the  moving  object  is  that  it  moves  to  C,  a  displacement  which 
is  the  vector  sum  of  the  displacements  to  C  and  B'. 

The  area  of  the  red  triangle  can  be  shown  to  be  equal  to  the  area  of  the  light  blue  one. 
With  the  aid  of  the  construction  lines  you  can  show  that  the  altitudes  of  the  two 
triangles  are  equal.  Both  triangles  have  the  same  base,  OB,  The  areas  swept  out  by  the 
two  triangles  in  equal  time  intervals  will  be  equal  regardless  of  the  magnitudes  of  the 
blows.  Remove  overlays  B,  C,  and  D  before  adding  overlay  E. 

This  suggests  what  will  happen  if  the  process  of  applying  blows  toward  O  is  continued. 
Presumably  the  eventual  path  will  be  smooth  if  the  time  intervals  are  made  vanishingly 
small  and  the  forces  applied  continuously. 

Overlay  A 
Overlay  B 

Overlay  C 

Overlay  D 

Overlay  E 









BLOW    % 





BLOW  ^. 


