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Nova  methodus,  nova  seges. 



JAMES    BOOTH,  LL.D.,  P.R.S.,  tf.R.A.S.,  &c.  &c., 




[All  riffhft  reserved.] 

T.KRE         Y 

AT.KRE          T     FI.AMMAM. 




AFTER  the  lapse  of  nearly  four  years,  in  the  face  of  many  hindrances, 
untoward  events,  and  difficulties,  I  have  succeeded  in  bringing 
through  the  press  this  second  and  concluding  volume  of  my  mathe- 
matical and  physical  researches. 

It  is  proper  to  mention  that  the  volume  will  be  found  to  contain 
four  distinct  treatises : — (a)  on  Elliptic  Integrals,  ($)  on  Rotatory 
Motion,  (y)  on  the  Higher  Geometry,  and  (8)  on  Conic  Sections, 
followed  by  an  Appendix  to  the  first  volume. 

An  outline  of  the  following  researches  on  the  Geometrical  Pro- 
perties of  Elliptic  Integrals  was  published  in  the  Philosophical 
Transactions  of  the  ROYAL  SOCIETY  for  1852,  p.  311,  followed  by  a 
Supplement  "printed  in  the  volume  for  1854,  p.  53.  Ample  time 
and  unbroken  leisure  have  enabled  me  to  recast  and  enlarge  those 
essays.  Though  the  work  was  onerous,  it  was  also,  I  may  say,  a 
labour  of  love,  lightened  by  the  discovery,  sometimes  unexpected, 
of  new  truths  of  great  geometrical  beauty. 

Amongst  these  researches  not  the  least  important  is  the  discovery 
of  three  curves  of  double  curvature  whose  rectification  may  be 
effected  by  elliptic  integrals  of  the  first  and  third  orders.  These 
are  the  geometrical  types  of  those  transcendental  expressions  due  to 
Legendre  and  Lagrange.  The  algebraical  relations  discovered  by 
these  illustrious  geometers  are  the  exponents  of  the  geometrical 
properties  of  those  curves.  Those  versed  in  the  subject  will  not 
need  to  be  told  how  the  simplicity  of  these  relations  contrasts  with 
the  abortive  attempts  of  the  most  illustrious  mathematicians  to 
devise,  on  a  plane,  curves  whose  quadrature  or  rectification  might 
represent  those  expressions.  I  do  not  here  propose  to  give  an 
analysis  of  the  work ;  but,  for  the  sake  of  the  few  who  care  to 
inquire  into  those  matters,  I  would  call  attention  to  Chapter  VIII. 
on  conjugate  amplitudes,  and  to  Chapter  X.  on  derivative  hyper- 
conic  sections. 


In  the  course  of  these  investigations  this  important  truth  is 
clearly  established,  that  the  theory  of  those  celebrated  functions 
constitutes  a  general  trigonometry  for  those  curves  in  which  sur- 
faces of  the  second  order  intersect.  Of  this  general  trigonometry 
circular  and  parabolic  trigonometry  are  the  extreme  cases.  In  the 
former  the  modulus  is  zero,  in  the  latter  unity.  Thus  an  unbroken 
analogy  runs  throughout  the  whole,  and  the  several  cases  are  linked 
together  under  the  great  mathematical  law  of  continuity. 

As  a  test  of  the  utility  of  those  researches  in  physics,  I  have 
applied  them,  in  the  following  essay,  to  the  discussion  of  the  cele- 
brated problem,  to  determine  the  rotation  of  a  rigid  body,  in  free 
motion,  round  a  fixed  point  j  and  I  have  shown  how  the  position 
of  such  a  body  at  the  end  of  any  given  epoch  may  be  made  to 
depend  on  the  evaluation  of  those  algebraical  expressions  or  their 
equivalents,  the  arcs  of  hyperconic  sections. 

The  investigations  on  rotatory  motion  given  in  this  volume  were 
made,  the  greater  portion  of  them,  very  many  years  ago.  Some 
of  them  appeared  from  time  to  time  in  those  periodical  publications 
whose  pages  are  open  to  discussions  on  subjects  of  this  nature. 

In  this  treatise  a  complete  investigation  has  been  attempted  of 
the  laws  of  the  motion  of  a  rigid  body  revolving  round  a  fixed  point, 
and  free  from  the  action  of  accelerating  forces — an  investigation 
based  on  the  properties  of  surfaces  of  the  second  order,  of  the  curves 
in  which  these  surfaces  intersect,  and  on  the  theory  of  elliptic  inte- 
grals. The  results  which  have  been  obtained  are  exact  and  not 
approximate,  general  and  unrestricted  by  any  imposed  hypothesis. 

I  have  carefully  abstained  from  introducing  any  methods  which, 
to  one  moderately  versed  in  the  first  principles  of  the  integral  cal- 
culus, might  not  fairly  be  assumed  as  known.  There  is  but  one 
exception.  In  a  few  cases,  where  the  method  was  peculiarly  appli- 
cable, I  have  ventured  to  make  use  of  tangential  coordinates,  the 
theory  of  which  is  fully  developed  in  the  first  volume  of  this  work. 
The  reader  may,  however,  if  he  chooses,  omit  those  applications, 
without  in  any  way  breaking  the  continuity  of  the  subject. 

I  have  not  been  led  away  by  mathematical  pedantry  to  attempt 
to  render  this  essay  purely  algebraical,  by  rejecting  geometrical 
conceptions  and  the  aids  thence  derived  to  simplicity  and  clearness, 
knowing  that,  very  often,  the  elegance  of  the  analysis  is  owing  to 
the  distinctness  of  the  graphical  conception,  and  that,  though  the 
forms  of  the  reasoning  may  be  different,  the  subject  is  identically 
the  same. 

The  problem  of  the  rotation  of  a  rigid  body  round  a  fixed  point 
is  one  that  has  engaged  the  attention  of  the  most  eminent  mathe- 
maticians of  Europe.  More  than  a  century  has  passed  away  since 
D'Alembert  first,  and  Euler  soon  after,  investigated  the  analytical 
conditions  of  such  a  motion,  and  formed  those  differential  equations, 


on  the  integration  of  which  the  determination  of  the  motion  ulti- 
mately depends.  In  their  investigations,  which  were  purely  alge- 
braical, they  used  to  a  great  extent  the  principles  of  the  transfor- 
mation of  coordinates — a  method  of  research,  it  must  be  conceded, 
which,  though  unexceptionable  on  the  ground  of  mathematical 
rigour,  is  generally  found  to  lead  through  operose  and  cumbrous 
processes  to  complicated  results. 

Some  years  afterwards,  Lagrange  took  up  the  subject,  and  deve- 
loped the  theory  in  formulae  of  great  symmetry  and  generality. 
Combining  the  principle  of  D'Alembert  with  that  of  virtual  velo- 
cities, he  deduced  the  differential  equations  of  motion,  containing 
six  quantities  to  be  determined.  By  means  of  these  equations,  the 
three  components  of  the  angular  velocities  round  the  principal 
axes,  which  determine  the  position  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  in  the  body,  and  the  three  other  angular  quantities  which 
define  the  position  of  the  body  itself  in  space,  at  any  epoch,  may 
be  expressed  in  terms  of  the  time.  But  these  quantities,  however 
they  may  be  determined,  furnish  us,  as  it  has  been  justly  observed, 
with  no  conception  of  the  motion  during  during  the  time.  They 
prove  to  us  that  the  body,  after  the  lapse  of  a  certain  time,  must 
be  in  a  certain  position ;  but  we  are  not  shown  how  it  gets  there. 
We  may,  by  means  of  calculations,  more  or  less  long  and  compli- 
cated, ascertain  the  bearings  of  the  body  at  any  required  instant ; 
we  cannot,  so  to  speak,  accompany  it  during  its  motion.  It  is 
determined  per  saltum,  and  not  continuously ;  we  are  wholly 
unable  to  keep  it  in  view  and  follow  it,  as  it  were,  with  our  eyes 
during  the  whole  progress  of  rotation. 

To  furnish  a  clear  idea  of  the  rotatory  motion  of  a  body  round  a 
fixed  point,  and  free  from  the  action  of  accelerating  or  other  external 
forces,  but  in  motion  from  the  influence  of  one  or  more  primitive 
impulses,  was  the  object  of  a  memoir,  presented  many  years  ago 
to  the  Institute,  by  that  eminent  mathematician,  M.  Poinsot.  In 
this  memoir,  the  motion  'of  a  body  round  a  fixed  point,  and  free 
from  the  action  of  accelerating  forces,  is  reduced  to  the  motion  of 
a  certain  ellipsoid,  whose  centre  is  fixed,  and  which  rolls,  without 
sliding,  on  a  plane  fixed  in  space'.  The  axes  of  this  ellipsoid  are 
assumed  proportional  to  the  inverse  square  roots  of  the  moments 
of  inertia  round  the  principal  axes  of  the  body,  passing  through 
the  fixed  point,  and -coinciding  in  direction  with  them.  He  states 
as  his  final  result,  that  the  time  and  the  other  ultimate  quantities 
must  be  determined  by  the  aid  of  elliptic  integrals.  He  does  not, 
however,  give  any  account  of  the  processes  by  which  he  arrived  at 
his  results ;  and  few  of  the  attempts  which  have  since  been  made  to 
supply  that  omission  have  been  very  successful. 

Some  time  afterwards  the  late  Professor  M'Cullagh,  of  Dublin, 
turned  his  attention  to  this  problem,  which,  owing  to  the  mvnt 


researches  of  Poinsot,  had  then  attracted  considerable  notice. 
He  adopted  an  ellipsoid,  the  reciprocal  of  that  chosen  by  the  latter 
geometer,  and  deduced  those  results  which  had  long  before  been 
arrived  at  by  the  more  operose  methods  of  Euler  and  Lag-range. 
His  method  of  investigation,  however,  was  peculiarly  his  own ;  but, 
so  far  as  the  author  is  aware,  he  never  published  his  method  of 

The  idea  of  substituting,  as  a  means  of  investigation,  an  ideal 
ellipsoid,  having  certain  relations  with  the  actually  revolving  body, 
claims  as  its  author  the  illustrious  Legendre.  Although  he  conducts 
his  own  investigations  on  principles  altogether  different,  he  yet 
seemed  to  be,  in  his  Traite  des  Fonctions  Elliptiques,  well  aware  of 
the  use  which  might  be  made  of  this  happy  conception. 

Several  years  ago,  when  engaged  in  applying  the  new  analytical 
method,  founded  on  my  peculiar  system  of  tangential  coordi- 
nates, I  was  led  to  views  somewhat  similar  to  those  of  Legendre, 
from  remarking  the  close  analogy  or  rather  identity  which  exists 
between  the  formulae  for  finding  the  position  of  the  principal  axes 
of  a  body,  and  those  for  determining  the  symmetrical  diameters  of 
an  ellipsoid.  I  still  further  observed,  that  the  expression  for  the 
length  of  a  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  a  tangent  plane  to  an 
ellipsoid,  in  terms  of  the  cosines  of  the  angles  which  it  makes  with 
the  axes,  is  precisely  the  same  in  form  with  that  which  gives  the 
value  of  the  moment  of  inertia  round  a  line  passing  through  the 
origin.  Guided  by  this  analogy,  I  was  led  to  assume  an  ellipsoid, 
the  squares  of  whose  axes  should  be  directly  proportional  to  the 
moments  of  inertia  round  the  coinciding  principal  axes  of  the  body. 

At  first  sight  the  inverse  ellipsoid,  assumed  by  Poinsot,  may 
seem  to  possess  some  advantages  over  the  direct  ellipsoid,  at  least 
so  far  as  such  an  ellipsoid  may  be  said  to  approximate  in  form  to 
the  natural  body.  For  example,  if  we  consider  the  case  of  the 
rotation  of  a  solid  homogeneous  ellipsoid  round  its  centre,  the  ideal 
or  mathematical  ellipsoid  of  Poinsot  will  bear  a  resemblance  to  the 
figure  actually  in  motion.  In  the  direct  ellipsoid  of  moments, 
which  is  made  the  instrument  of  investigation  in  the  following 
pages,  this  resemblance  does  not  exist ;  for  the  coinciding  axes  of 
the  material  and  mathematical  ellipsoids  are  such  that  the  sum  of 
their  squares  is  constant.  Should  the  revolving  figure  be  an  oblate 
spheroid,  its  mathematical  representative  will  be  a  prolate  spheroid. 
The  reader  must  bear  this  diversity  of  figure  in  mind,  in  applying 
the  conclusions  of  theory  to  an  actually  revolving  ellipsoid. 
Although  it  may  seem  a  matter  of  little  moment  which  of  the 
ellipsoids  we  choose  as  the  geometrical  substitute  for  the  revolving 
body,  it  is  not  so  in  reality  when  we  come  to  treat  of  the  properties 
of  the  integrals  which  determine  the  motion.  These  integrals 
depend  on  the  properties  of  those  curves  of  double  flexion  in  which 


cones  of  the  second  degree  are  intersected  by  concentric  spheres, 
liy  means  of  the  properties  of  these  curves,  a  complete  solution 
may  In*  obtained,  even  in  the  most  general  case,  to  which  only  an 
approximation  lias  hitherto  been  made.  The  solution  of  a  mathe- 
matical problem  may  only  then  be  said  to  be  complete,  when  in  the 
final  result  the  calculation  of  the  sought  quantities  may  be  made 
to  depend  on  some  known  elementary  quantity  or  quantities,  such 
as  a  certain  straight  line,  an  arc  of  a  circle,  &c.  So  in  this  problem, 
the  elliptic  transcendents,  to  the  determination  of  which  the  calcu- 
lation of  the  motion  is  ultimately  reduced,  are  shown  to  represent 
arcs  of  spherical  conic  sections,  whose  elements  depend  on  the 
nature  of  the  body  and  on  the  magnitude  and  position  of  the  im- 
pressed moment.  In  all  the  solutions  of  this  problem  which  have 
hitherto  appeared,  the  investigations  are  brought  to  a  close  when 
the  expressions,  either  for  the  time  or  other  sought  quantity,  are 
reduced  so  as  to  include  the  square  roots  of  quadrinomials  involving 
the  independent  variable  to  the  fourth  power.  In  this  treatise  the 
investigations  are  continued  beyond  that  point,  and  the  quadrino- 
mials have  been  reduced,  as  shown  in  the  preceding  treatise,  to 
arcs  of  hyperconic  sections. 

An  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order  being  shown  to  be  only  a 
particular  case  of  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order,  as  the  circle 
is  a  species  of  ellipse,  it  follows  that  the  analogies  between  integrals 
of  the  first  and  third  orders  will  be  more  numerous  and  intimate 
than  between  the  second  and  either  of  the  others.  Such  is  in  fact 
the  case.  Elliptic  integrals  of  the  first  and  third  orders  constantly 
occur  in  combination.  In  the  discussions  of  the  following  pages, 
for  example,  integrals  of  the  first  and  third  orders  present  them- 
selves in  various  combinations,  while  an  integral  of  the  second 
order  does  not  once  occur  in  the  essay. 

The  application  of  the  theory  of  elliptic  functions  to  the  discus- 
sion of  the  problem  of  a  rigid  body  revolving  round  a  fixed  point, 
has  led  to  the  following  remarkable  theorem : 

The  length  of  the  spiral  between  two  of  its  successive  apsides, 
described  in  absolute  space,  on  the  surface  of  a  fixed  concentric 
sphere,  by  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  is  equal  to  a  quadrant 
of  the  spherical  ellipse  described  by  the  same  axis  on  an  equal 
sphere,  moving  with  the  body. 

The  ordinary  equations  of  motion  being  established,  the  author 
proceeds  to  show  that  if  the  direct  ellipsoid  of  moments  be  con- 
structed, the  rotatory  motion  of  a  body,  acted  on  solely  by  primitive 
impulses,  may  be  represented  by  this  ellipsoid  moving  round  its 
centre,  in  such  a  way  that  its  surface  shall  always  pass  through  a 
point  fixed  in  space.  This  point,  so  fixed,  is  the  extremity  of  the 
axis  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  or  of  the  plane  known  to 
mathematicians  as  the  invariable  plane  of  the  motion. 


But  a  still  clearer  idea  of  the  motion  of  such  a  body  may  be 
formed  by  the  aid  of  another  theorem,  which  shows  that  the  whole 
motion  of  a  revolving  body  may  be  represented  by  a  cone  which 
rolls,  without  sliding,  on  a  fixed  plane  passing  through  its  vertex, 
while  this  plane  revolves  with  a  uniform  motion  round  its  own 
axis.  This,  perhaps,  is  the  simplest  conception  we  can  form  of  a 
revolving  body.  Now  the  principal  axes  of  this  cone,  and  its  focal 
lines,  depend  on  the  constitution  and  form  of  the  body,  or,  in  other 
words,  are  functions  of  the  moments  of  inertia  round  the  principal 
axes ;  while  the  initial  position  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple 
in  the  body  will  determine  the  tangent  plane  to  this  cone.  But 
when  the  two  focal  lines  of  a  cone,  and  a  tangent  plane  to  it,  are 
given,  the  cone  may  as  completely  be  determined  as  a  conic  section 
when  its  foci  and  a  tangent  to  it  are  given.  Nothing  more  simple 
than  this  conception :  a  cone  rigidly  connected  with  the  body,  the 
position  of  whose  focal  lines,  and  whose  principal  vertical  angles, 
depend  on  the  form  and  constitution  of  the  body,  revolves  without 
sliding  on  a  plane,  while  the  plane  itself  revolves  uniformly  round 
its  own  axis.  We  may  also  observe,  that  when  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple  passes  through  one  of  the  focals  of  the  rolling 
cone  the  motion  is  sui  generis ;  it  no  longer  may  be  represented  by 
a  rolling  cone.  The  cone  degenerates  into  a  plane  segment  of  a 
circle,  which  swings  round  one  or  other  of  the  cyclic  axes  of  the 
ellipsoid  of  moments,  these  cyclic  axes  being  the  boundaries  of  the 
circular  segment. 

Although  it  may  be,  and  doubtless  is,  very  satisfactory  in  this 
way  to  be  enabled  to  place  before  our  eyes,  so  to  speak,  the  very 
actual  motion  of  the  revolving  body,  yet  it  is  not  on  such  grounds 
solely  that  the  following  essay  has  been  published.  Were  the  theory 
of  no  other  use  than  to  give  strength  and  clearness  to  vague  and 
obscure  notions  on  this  confessedly  most  difficult  subject,  enough 
had  been  already  accomplished  by  the  celebrated  geometer  whose 
name  is  so  deservedly  associated  with  this  subject.  It  is  as  a 
method  of  investigation  that  it  must  rest  its  claims  to  the  notice  of 
mathematicians — as  a  means  of  giving  simple  and  elegant  inter- 
pretations of  those  definite  integrals,  on  the  evaluation  of  which 
the  dynamical  state  of  a  body  at  any  epoch  can  alone  be  ascer- 
tained. If  the  author  has  to  any  degree  succeeded  in  accomplish- 
ing this,  it  is  because  he  has  drawn  largely  upon  the  properties  of 
lines  and  surfaces  of  the  second  order,  and  of  those  curve  lines  in 
which  these  surfaces  intersect.  If  he  has  been  enabled  to  advance 
any  thing  new,  it  is  solely  owing  to  the  somewhat  unfrequented 
path  he  has  pursued.  That  it  was  antecedently  probable  such 
might  lead  to  undiscovered  truths,  no  one  conversant  with  the 
applications  of  mathematical  conceptions  to  the  discussions  of  those 
sciences  will  deny.  To  introduce  auxiliary  surfaces  into  the  dis- 

i\  i  uoi»i  rno\    ro  i  n  i.  si:eo\i>  \  oi.r  M  i:.  ix 

ciissions  and  investigations  of  physical  science  is  an  idea  no  less 
luminous  than  it  has  been  successful.  The  properties  of  such  sur- 
faces often  aid  our  conceptions  or  facilitate  our  calculations  in  ;i 
very  remarkable  manner.  M.  Dupin,  for  example,  reduces  the 
problem  of  the  equilibrium  of  a  floating  body  to  that  of  a  solid 
resting  on  a  horizontal  plane,  the  solid  being  the  envelope  of  all 
the  planes  which  retrench  from  the  floating  body  a  given  volume. 
We  have  a  still  more  striking  instance  in  the  wave-theory  of  light. 
Therein  we  find  the  surface  of  elasticity  the  equimomental  surface  in 
the  theory  of  rotation.  Few  indeed  there  are  among  mathema- 
ticians who  require  to  be  informed  how  the  wave-surface  of  Fresnel, 
and  its  reciprocal  polar,  the  surface  of  wave-slowness  of  Sir  William 
R.  Hamilton,  have  served  to  clear  our  conceptions  on  a  subject  as 
yet  scarcely  understood,  to  realize  and  embody  an  indistinct  and 
shadowy  theory.  Nay,  more,  the  geometrical  properties  of  the 
surface  of  wave-slowness  in  the  hands  of  Sir  W.  Rowan  Hamilton 
have  led  to  the  anticipation  of  the  theory  of  conical  refraction. 
They  have  enabled  us  to  invert  the  natural  order  of  induction  and 
to  place  theory  in  advance  of  experiment.  Were  further  illustration 
needed,  one  might  refer  with  confidence  to  the  treatise  of  Maclauriu 
on  the  figure  of  the  earth,  to  the  researches  of  Clairaut  on  the 
same  subject,  and  to  the  investigations  of  Poisson,  C basics,  and 
Ivory  on  the  attraction  of  ellipsoids.  A  theorem  in  surfaces  of  the 
second  order,  on  which  he  has  bestowed  his  name,  enabled  Ivory  to 
evade  the  difficulties  of  the  problem  on  which  he  was  engaged.  So 
true  is  the  fine  anticipation  of  Bacon  : — Ct  For  as  Physicall  know- 
ledge daily  growes  up,  and  new  Actioms  of  nature  are  disclosed ; 
there  will  be  a  necessity  of  new  Mathematique  inventions"*. 

The  author  has  taken  occasion,  during  the  progress  of  the  essay, 
to  derive  those  partial  solutions  on  particular  hypotheses,  whieh 
are  given  in  the  usual  text-books  on  this  portion  of  dynamical 
science.  To  the  reader  familiar  with  those  solutions  it  will,  doubt- 
less, be  satisfactory  to  see  tHern  follow,  as  simple  conclusions,  from 
principles  more  widely  general.  These  partial  solutions  serve,  as 
it  were,  to  test  the  truth  and  accuracy  of  the  principles  on  which 
the  entire  theory  is  based.  To  those  who  read  the  subject  as  a 
portion  of  academical  study,  it  will,  no  doubt,  prove  interesting  to 
discover  an  additional  link  connecting  the  deductions  of  pure 
thought  with  the  laws  of  matter  and  motion.  They  will  not  fail 
to  observe  the  analogy,  that  as  the  properties  of  the  sections  of  a 
cone  by  a  plane  have  elucidated  the  motions  of  translation  of  the 
planets  in  their  orbits,  so  likewise  the  theory  of  the  rotation  of 
those  bodies,  round  their  axes,  may  be  founded  on  the  properties 
of  the  sections  of  a  cone  by  a  sphere. 

*  Of  the  Advancement  of  Learning,  book  iii.  chap.  6. 
VOL.   11.  b 


As  introductory  to  the  treatise  on  conies,  I  have  given  an  essay- 
on  what  may  be  called  the  higher  geometry  on  a  plane.  This 
embraces  the  theory  of  transversals,  invented  and  developed  by 
Carnot,  and  the  principles  of  harmonic  and  anharmoriic  ratio,  a 
powerful  instrument  in  the  able  hands  of  Chasles.  The  properties 
of  triangles  with  reference  to  inscribed  and  circumscribed  circles, 
the  properties  of  orthocentres  and  of  orthocentral  triangles,  the 
remarkable  theory  of  the  nine-point  circle,  and  of  the  excentral 
triangles  connected  with  it  are  also  fully  developed.  In  this  old 
and  seemingly  worn-out  subject  the  reader  will  yet  find  something 

The  substance  of  the  following  essay  was  read  before  the  Royal 
Irish  Academy,  nearly  forty  years  ago  (March  1837)*.  It  has 
lain  by  me  unpublished  ever  since.  1  have  been  strongly  recom- 
mended to  add  it  to  this  volume  by  a  friend  of  mathematical 
attainments  of  a  very  high  order  to  whom  I  had  shown  this  essay 
(Mr.  W.  J.  C.  Miller,  Mathematical  Editor  of  the  ( Educational 
Times,'  and  Registrar  of  the  General  Medical  Council,  to  whom  I 
am  much  indebted  for  his  judicious  advice  and  suggestions  in  this 
portion  of  the  volume,  and  also  for  the  care  and  accuracy  which  he 
has  bestowed  on  the  correction  of  the  press).  The  shortness  and 
simplicity  of  the  demonstrations  encouraged  me  to  submit  those 
propositions  to  geometers,  few  of  them  requiring  any  more  know- 
ledge than  that  of  the  simplest  propositions  of  Euclid. 

It  may  be  objected  to  the  method  developed  in  the  following 
pages  that  all  the  properties  of  the  conic  sections  are  derived  almost 
exclusively  from  those  of  the  right  cone.  In  reply  to  this  objec- 
tion, it  may  be  observed  that  the  object  is  not  to  investigate  the 
properties  of  cones  or  other  surfaces  of  the  second  order,  but  those 
only  of  plane  curves ;  that  the  right  cone  is  used  as  a  simpler  and 
more  powerful  instrument  of  discovery  than  the  oblique  cone ;  and 
that  any  argument  for  deriving  those  properties  from  this  latter 

*  The  Secretary  communicated  the  substance  of  a  paper  "On  the  Conic 
Sections,"  by  James  Booth,  Esq. 

The  methods  hitherto  adopted  in  deducing  the  central  and  focal  properties  of 
the  conic  sections  from  arbitrary  definitions  having  appeared  to  the  author 
defective  in  geometrical  elegance,  he  has  endeavoured  in  this  paper  to  derive 
them  from  a  new  definition. 

If  two  spheres  be  inscribed  in  a  right  cone  touching  the  plane  of  a  conic 
section,  the  points  of  contact  are  called  foci. 

The  property  from  which  the  definition  of  a  focus  here  given  is  derived, 
though  known  for  some  time,  has  not  been  hitherto  applied"  further  than  to 
show  that  this  point  is  identical  with  the  focus  as  usually  defined. 

By  the  help  of  the  above  definition,  and  of  the  simplest  elementary  principles, 
the  central  and  focal  properties  already  known  have  been  deduced,  generally  in 
one  or  two  steps,  and  several  new  theorems  have  been  likewise  discovered  in  the 
development  of  the  method.— Extract  from  the  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Irish 
Academy,  March  16,  1837. 


surfacr  would  be  equally  applicable  in  favour  of  deducing  them 
from  any  other  suitable  surface  of  the  second  order.  Besides,  any 
conic  section  being  given  on  a  plane,  a  right  cone  of  which  it  may 
be  considered  a  section,  can  always  be  constructed.  The  mere 
extension  to  the  oblique  cone  is  too  trivial,  when  compared  with  the 
number  of  other  surfaces  of  the  second  order  having  like  properties, 
to  merit  any  special  attention*. 

The  right  cone  with  a  circular  base  is  selected  in  preference  to 
any  other  surface,  because  the  properties  of  its  plane  sections,  hence 
called  conic  sections,  may  be  derived  with  more  clearness,  brevity, 
and  simplicity,  than  those  of  like  sections  in  any  other  surface.  It 
must  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  surface  is  used  simply  as  a  means 
or  instrument  to  obtain  the  properties  of  its  plane  sections ;  and 
these  can  be  deduced  from  the  right  circular  cone  with  greater 
facility  than  from  any  otherf. 

The  prolix  difFuseness  of  most  of  the  treatises'  on  this  subject, 
the  interminable  series  of  proportionals  which  cumber  every  page, 
and  the  tcdiousness  of  the  demonstrations  follow  from  the  fact  that, 
as  soon  as  the  cone  had  afforded  one  or  two  principal  properties 
of  its  sections,  these  have  been  selected  as  definitions  of  the  sections, 
and  the  attempt  is  made,  often  with  much  ingenuity,  to  base  a 
wide  and  general  system  of  these  curves  on  the  apex  of  one  narrow 
definition  J. 

*  La  construction  que  nous  veaons  de  donner  des  foyers  des  coniques,  prises 
dans  le  cone  oblique,  ne  se  prete  pas  a  la  demonstration  des  proprietes  de  ces  points, 
et  n'est  pas  propre  meme  a  iudiquer  a  priori  leur  existence  dans  les  coniques.  II 
reste  done  a  recnercher  comment,  par  la  consideration  des  coniques  dans  le  cone, 
on  peut  etre  conduit  a  la  decouverte  de  leurs  foyers. — CHASLES,  Aperqu,  p.  286. 

t  Les  Anciens  avaient  considere  les  sections  coniques  dans  le  c6ne,  mais  seule- 
ment  pour  en  concevoir  la  generation  et  en  demontrer  quelques  proprietes  prin- 
cipales,  et  faire  servir  ensuite  ces  proprietes  primitives  a  la  recherche,  et  a  la 
demonstration  de  toutes  les  autres :  de  sorte  qu'ils  formaient  leur  theorie  des 
coniques  sans  connaitre  la  nature  ni  aucune  propriete  du  cone,  et  independamment 
de  celles  du  cercle  qui  lui  sert  de'base. — CHASLES,  Apcrpi,  p.  119. 

\  Nous  dirons,  en  passant,  qu'outre  la  methode  des  Auciens  et  celle  adoptee 
par  De  la  Hire,  nous  en  concevons  une  troisieme  qui  n'a  point  ete  employee,  et 
qui  cut  ete  propre  pourtant,  si  nous  ne  nous  abusons,  a  sirnplifier  extreinement  les 
demonstrations,  et  a  mettre  dans  tout  leur  jour  les  principes  et  la  veritable  origins 
des  diverses  proprietes  des  couiques :  sous  ce  rapport,  on  ne  pent  se  dissimuler 
que  la  methode  des  Anciens  n'onrait  qu'obscurite. 

Cette  methode  eut  consist^  a  etudier  les  proprietes  du  cone  lui-meme,  et  a  les 
forniuler,  independamment  et  abstraction  faite  de  celles  des  coniques  ;  et  cellea- 
ci  se  seraient  deduites  des  premieres  avec  une  facilite  et  une  generalite  ravissantes. 
On  le  concevra  sans  peine,  car  partout  ou  les  Anciens  employaient  trois  demon- 
strations differentes  pour  demontrer  la  meme  propriete  dans  les  trois  sections 
coniques,  ellipse,  hyperbole  et  parabole,  parce  qinls  s'appuyaient  sur  les  caractercs 
particuliers  a  chacuue  de  ces  courbes,  une  seule  demonstration  suffira  pour  do"- 
raontrer,  dans  le  cone  meme  la  proprieie  analogue,  d'ou  celles  des  trois  coniquea 
doivent  se  deduire  comme  de  leur  vraie  et  commune  origine. 

Pe  cette  maniere,  on  erit  vu  prmdre  naissance  dans  le  cone  a  plusieur?  pro- 


Thus  if  we  were  to  assume  the  determining  ratio,  so  simply 
established  in  the  following  treatise,  as  the  basis  of  a  system  of 
conic  sections,  we  should  follow  that  adopted  by  Boscovich,  Walker, 
Sir  John  Leslie,  and  others,  in  their  several  treatises  on  this 
subject.  The  numerous  books  compiled  for  the  use  of  the  Uni- 
versities start  from  the  same  definition.  De  la  Hire  suggested  as  a 
fundamental  definition  of  a  system  of  conies  the  constancy  of  the 
sum  or  difference  of  the  focal  vectors  to  any  point  on  the  conic. 

But  a  much  more  fertile  property  was  derived  by  Dr.  Hugh 
Hamilton,  author  of  a  treatise  of  conic  sections  published  in  1758, 
and  very  celebrated  in  its  day.  He  shows  that  if  two  fixed  lines 
be  drawn,  and  two  other  intersecting  lines  parallel  to  them,  but 
variable  in  position  and  cutting  the  cone,  the  ratio  of  the  rectangles 
under  their  segments  is  constant,  and  independent  of  their  position, 
subject  only  to  the  condition  that  they  remain  parallel  to  the  two 
fixed  lines  given  in  position.  This  is  perhaps  the  most  general 
property  of  the  cone  with  reference  to  the  properties  of  its  several 
plane  sections.  But  Dr.  Hamilton's  anxiety  to  abandon  the  cone 
and  to  arrive  as  speedily  as  possible  at  those  theorems  which  relate 
to  the  foci,  directrices,  and  centres,  led  him  into  a  course  of  inves- 
tigation but  little  calculated  to  exhibit  the  peculiar  advantages  of 
the  basis  he  had  chosen*. 

The  definition  of  a  focus,  on  which  this  treatise  chiefly  rests,  is 
derived  from  a  beautiful  theorem  discovered  a  few  years  since  by 
MM.  Quetelet  and  Dandelin,  first  published  in  1822. 

It  follows  indeed  so  obviously  from  prop.  37,  lib.  ii.  of  Hamilton's 
Conic  Sections,  that  one  is  at  a  loss  to  understand  how  this  acute 
and  original  geometer  failed  to  discover  it.  The  wonder  is  how  he 
missed  stumbling  over  it,  as  it  lay  so  obviously  in  his  way ;  and  none 
of  his  readers  has  since  supplied  the  omission. 

Although  largely  to  augment  the  number  of  general  and  remark- 
able properties  of  those  curves  which  have  been  brought  to  light  by 
the  continuous  labours  of  accomplished  geometers  in  successive 
ages  maybe  considered  very  arduous,  (as  I  wrote  in  1837),  yet  it  is 
hoped  that  several  new  theorems,  especially  those  on  the  curvature 
of  these  sections,  derived  from  the  properties  of  the  cone,  will  not 
be  found  elsewhere. 

prie"tes  des  coniques,  telles  que  celle  des  foyers,  qu'il  semble  qu'Apollonius  ait 
devinee  ;  et  que  ce  geometre,  ni  aucun  de  ceux  qui  1'ont  suivi,  n'ont  rattache'e  ni 
aux  proprietes  du  cercle,  ni  a  celles  du  cone  ;  de  sorte  que  1'origine  premiere  de 
ces  points  singuliers,  celle  qui  ne  participe  que  de  la  nature  du  cone  ou  la  courbe 
prend  naissance,  est  reste"e  ignoree. — CHASLES,  Aperqu,  p.  121. 

*  Quoniam  Apollonius  omnia  fere  conicorum  demonstrata  conatusestin  planum 
redigere,  antiquioribus  insignior :  neglecta  conorum  descriptione,  et  aliunde 
quserens  arguments,  cogitur  perssepe  obscurius  et  indirecte  demonstrare  id,  quod 
contemplando  solidae  figures  sectionem  apertius  et  brevius  demonstratur. — D. 
Francisci  Maurolici  opera  Mathematica,  p.  280.  See  CHASLES,  Aperqu,  p.  120. 


The  properties  of  conic  sections  may  be  divided  into  two  distinct 
das-rs,  the  angular  and  the  metrical.  The  former  will  be  found 
chiefly  to  depend  on  the  focal  properties  of  the  sections  developed 
from  the  definition  of  the  foci  as  the  points  of  contact  of  the  plane 
of  the  section  with  spheres  inscribed  in  the  cone,  while  the  latter 
will  be  more  easily  established  by  the  methods  of  harmonic  lines 
and  planes.  The  definition  of  a  centre  is  founded  on  the  properties 
of  harmonic  pencils.  Thus  the  two  classes  of  properties  are  quite 
distinct.  The  shortness  and  simplicity  of  the  demonstrations  prove 
that  these  two  principles,  the  definitions  of  the  foci  and  the  centres 
of  these  curves,  afford  the  true  key  to  their  investigation. 

In  most  modern  treatises  on  this  subject,  the  three  sections  are 
treated  independently,  as  if  they  had  no  common  genesis,  and  the 
demonstrations  rest,  not  on  geometrical  constructions,  but  on 
endless  rows  of  tedious  and  repulsive  proportionals.  In  the  fol- 
lowing pages  an  attempt  is  made  to  derive  the  cardinal  properties 
of  those  celebrated  curves  from  their  common  origin,  the  cone, 
independently  of  any  arbitrary  definition.  Some  of  those  pro- 
perties, and  these  amongst  the  most  important,  which  are  com- 
monly established  by  the  tedious  processes  of  a  disguised  algebra, 
come  out  at  once  clear  and  self-evident  from  mere  inspection. 
When  those  leading  theorems  are  once  established  for  conies  in 
general,  it  becomes  a  matter  of  the  utmost  facility  to  apply  them 
to  the  investigation  and  discussion  of  theorems  and  problems  of  a 
less  general  character  on  a  plane. 

There  is  also  to  be  observed  in  some  of  those  treatises  a  puerile 
affectation  of  geometrical  rigour,  in  rejecting  the  use  of  such 
abbreviations  as  sin,  cos,  tan,  so  generally  used  in  mathematical 
works  to  denote  certain  constantly  occurring  ratios.  One  is  at  a 
loss  to  understand  how  the  force  of  a  demonstration  is  augmented 
by  using  instead  of  sin  A  the  circumlocution  "  In  the  right- 
angled  triangle  ABC  the  ratio  of  the  perpendicular  BC  to  the 
hypotenuse  BA."  This  notation,  borrowed  from  trigonometry, 
wherever  it  is  adopted,  gives  a  singular  clearness  and  brevity  to 
the  demonstrations.  And  again,  it  is  difficult  to  imagine  in  what 
respect  it  is  less  rigorous  to  say  a  than  the  straight  line  AB. 

The  reader's  attention  is  specially  directed  to  Chapter  XXIX., 
in  which  the  radius  of  curvature  of  conies  is  derived  directly  from 
the  right  cone,  without  the  help  either  of  the  Differential  Calculus, 
or  of  Infinitesimals  or  of  any  other  such  device.  I  am  not  aware 
that  any  attempt  has  ever  been  made  to  obtain  the  curvature  of  a 
conic  directly  from  the  cone  whereof  it  forms  a  section. 

There  cannot  be  a  more  powerful  help  to  develop  that  faculty  of 
the  mind  which  may  be  called  geometrical  imagination,  that  power 
to  place  clearly  before  the  mind's  eye  the  several  positions  which 
planes,  lines,  and  surfaces  assume  as  they  intersect  in  space,  than 


the  contemplation  of  those  curves  considered  as  the  intersections 
of  planes  and  surfaces.  In  no  science  is  this  power  of  clear  and 
steady  conception  so  necessary  as  in  Astronomy  and  Mechanics. 

It  is  worthy  of  remark  that  solid  geometry  as  it  is  called,  or  a 
reference  to  space  of  three  dimensions,  facilitates  very  often,  and 
that  too  in  a  striking  manner,  the  proofs  of  theorems  concerning 
figures  on  a  plane.  A  signal  example  of  this  will  be  seen  in  the 
simple  proofs  of  the  principal  properties  of  conies  established  by 
the  help  of  the  right  cone. 

The  object  which  the  author  has  proposed  to  himself  in  the  fol- 
lowing pages  is  not  so  much  to  use  a  single  method  in  the  solution 
of  a  cloud  of  problems  arid  theorems,  many  of  them  remarkable 
only  for  their  intricacy,  but  to  apply  a  variety  of  methods  to  the 
discussion  of  a  class  of  selected  properties,  and  to  show  that  while 
some  questions  yield  with  ease  to  one  method,  they  are  almost 
insoluble  by  another. 

Thus  in  some  instances  several  demonstrations  will  be  found  for 
the  same  theorem.  It  is  of  far  greater  importance,  and  will  give  a 
wider  grasp  of  the  subject,  to  contrast  and  compare  different  methods 
when  applied  to  the  investigation  of  the  same  theorem.  The  student 
will  then  perceive  that  every  method  has  something  inherent  to 
recommend  it,  and  that  the  method  which  in  one  case  will  give  a 
simple  and  easy  demonstration,  will  afford  obscure  and  complicated 
results  in  other  cases  apparently  not  more  difficult. 

For  this  reason  I  have  been  more  solicitous  to  develop  a  variety 
of  methods  than  to  follow  out  some  one  selected  principle  into  all 
its  details.  It  is  no  doubt  a  test  of  ingenuity  and  mathematical 
ability  to  be  able  to  build  up  an  imposing  structure  of  mathematical 
demonstration  based  upon  one  fundamental  principle  alone.  But 
this  apparent  simplicity  is  found  often  to  lead  to  long  calculations  and 
complicated  results  in  the  development  of  the  principle  assumed. 

To  the  well-informed  reader  it  will  be  evident  that  the  modern 
methods  of  geometrical  investigation  which  in  recent  times  have 
been  applied  to  the  development  of  geometry  have  to  a  great  extent 
superseded  the  old.  In  the  geometry  of  the  Greeks,  the  demon- 
strations were  partial,  often  requiring  a  separate  proof  for  every 
modification  of  figure.  Some  one  property  (as  in  the  conic  sections 
for  example)  was  made  the  basis  of  a  superstructure  erected  with 
infinite  ingenuity  and  matchless  skill,  but  often  tedious,  compli- 
cated, and  involved,  owing  to  the  narrowness  and  remoteness  of 
the  definition. 

It  has  been  well  observed  by  a  very  profound  mathematician  and 
elegant  writer,  that  when  a  subject  is  contemplated  from  a  true 
point  of  view  it  may  be  explained  in  a  few  words  to  a  passenger  in 
the  street*.  As  disjointed  limbs  and  broken  fragments  (confused 

*  Nous  ajouterons  avec  un  des  g^ometres  inodernes  qui  ont  le  plus  m6dit6  snr 

i  \  i  Koin 'i  THIN   in  mi.  SKCOND  VOLUME.  xv 

images)  when  viewed  from  the  focus  of  a  conical  mirror  range 
themselves  in  symmetrical  order  and  assume  definite  forms,  so  it  is 
with  the  truths  of  science ;  confused,  isolated,  and  indistinct  they 
remain  until  their  true  stand-point  of  view  be  taken. 

The  aim  and  scope  of  the  modern  geometry  widely  transcend 
the  limits  which  ancient  science  imposed  on  itself,  while  the  tradi- 
tional reverence  in  which  those  old  methods  were  held  was  long  an 
obstacle  to  the  development  of  physical  and  mathematical  know- 
ledge*. AVe  have  no  just  reason,  however,  to  be  surprised  at  this 
superstitious  veneration  for  the  great  works  and  mighty  genius  of 
antiquity.  Strange  indeed  had  it  been  otherwise.  It  is  sometimes 
said  that  we  do  not  retain  that  traditional  reverence  for  antiquity, 
that  veneration  for  great  names,  which  distinguished  the  pro- 
moters of  intellectual  advancement  at  the  birth  of  modern  civi- 
lization— that  we  no  longer  feel  that  exclusive  admiration  for  the 
literature  and  science  of  Greece  and  Rome,  which,  three  or  four 
centuries  ago,  was  a  marked  characteristic  of  every  one  who  pro- 
fessed to  cultivate  them.  Now  this  veneration  for  ancient  wisdom 
is  founded  on  a  fallacious  analogy.  The  young  naturally  confide 
in  the  experience  and  knowledge  of  the  old ;  and  as  the  old  have 
preceded  them  in  point  of  time,  we  are  led  by  the  seeming  analogy 
to  look  upon  the  early  life  of  the  world  as  its  old  age  instead  of 
its  youth.  Lord  Bacon,  in  his  Advancement  of  Learning,  says, 
"  certainly  our  times  are  the  ancient  times  when  the  world  is 
now  ancient,  and  not  those  which  we  count  ancient,  ordine  retro- 
grade, by  a  computation  backward  from  our  own  times."  Again, 
an  exaggerated  admiration  of  antiquity,  and  a  sort  of  longing 
regret  for  times  passed  away,  are  by  no  means  hopeful  signs  of  a 
present  healthy  progress.  It  has  sometimes  been  remarked  of  those 
who  can  boast  a  long  line  of  ancestors,  and  yet  have  degenerated 

la  philosophic  des  mathe"inatiques,  "  qu'ou  ne  peut  se  flatter  d'avoir  le  dernier 
mot  d'une  the"orie,  tant  qu'on  nia  peut  pas  1'expliquer  en  peu  de  paroles  a  un 
passant  dans  la  rue." 

Et  en  etfet,  les  ve'rite's  grandes  et  primitives,  dont  toutes  les  autres  derivent, 
et  qui  sont  les  vraies  hases  de  la  science,  ont  toujours  pour  attrihut  caracte"risque 
la  simplicity  et  1'intuition. — CHASLES,  Aperpi,  p.  115. 

*  Si  pre"sentement  on  me  demande  mon  opinion  sur  la  ge'ome'trie  pure,  je 
demanderai  a  mon  tour  de  faire  une  distinction  s'agit-il  de  la  ge'ome'trie  a'Archi- 
mede,  d'Euclide,  d'Apollouius,  et  de  tous  ceux  d'entre  les  modernes  qui,  comme 
Viviani,  Halley,  Viete  et  Fermat,  ont  marche*  sur  leurs  traces?  J'avouerai 
franchement,  quelque  opinion  que  1'on  puisse  en  prendre  de  moi,  que  je  n'en  suis 
pas  enthousiaste.  Que  si,  au  contraire,  on  veut  parler  de  cette  ge'ome'trie  qui, 
ne'e,  pour  ainsi  dire,  des  meditations  de  1'illustre  Monge,  a  fait  de  si  immensea 
progres  entre  les  mains  de  ses  nombreux  disciples,  on  me  trouvera  toujours  dis- 
pose" a  lui  rendre  le  plus  gclatant  homtuage,  et  a  reconnaitre  qu'elle  nous  a  fait 
de'couvrir  en  vingt  anne"es  plus  de  proprie'te's  de  l'e"tendue  qu  on  n'en  avait  pu 
de"couvrir  dans  IPS  vingt  suNcles  qui  les  avaient  pre'ce'de'es. — Annalex  <le  Matfit- 
matiqnp,  torn.  viii.  p.  169. 


in  the  descent,  that  they  were  satisfied  to  base  their  claims  to  con- 
sideration, not  on  the  grounds  of  personal  merit,  but  on  the  great- 
ness of  those  who  had  gone  before  them.  The  same  is  as  true  of 
nations  as  of  individuals.  Diodorus  and  Plutarch,  by  their  extra- 
vagant eulogies  of  the  extinct  republics  and  legendary  heroes  of 
antiquity,  tried  to  console  themselves  for  the  degeneracy  of  the 
times  in  which  they  wrote.  By  their  enthusiastic  admiration 
of  forms  of  government  that  had  been  abolished,  they  indirectly 
censured  the  enormities  of  the  grinding  despotisms  under  which 
they  could  scarcely  call  even  their  lives  their  own ;  and  the  language 
in  which  they  lauded  the  liberties  they  had  lost  was  the  surest 
index  of  the  slavery  under  which  they  groaned.  The  same  tone  of 
saddened  retrospection  breathes  through  the  fine  preface  of  Livy's 
immortal  history. 

But,  independently  of  these  considerations,  there  is  a  legitimate 
cause  and  weighty  reason  for  this  profound  admiration  of  antiquity. 
Let  us  in  imagination  go  back  to  the  year  1500  of  our  era,  or 
thereabouts ;  let  us  imagine  a  man  somewhere  in  the  south  of 
Europe,  or  in  one  of  the  Greek  cities  of  the  lesser  Asia,  within  sight 
of  that  purple  sea,  beyond  whose  sunny  shores  civilization  had 
never  yet  been  able  to  advance.  Let  us  further  suppose  him  to  be 
profoundly  versed  in  all  human  learning,  and  acquainted  with  every 
cardinal  event  in  man's  history.  What  are  the  reflections  that 
would  naturally  arise  in  the  mind  of  so  accomplished  and  philo- 
sophical a  spectator  taking  a  comprehensive  view  of  the  annals  of 
mankind,  and  of  the  progress  of  civilization  from  its  earliest 
recorded  dawn  down  to  his  own  time? 

He  would  have  seen  all  human  knowledge  either  absolutely  sta- 
tionary or  actually  retrograding.  He  would  have  seen  that  the 
mathematical  science  of  his  own  day  had  not  made  a  single  step  in 
advance  during  the  long  period  of  1700  years,  from  the  state  in 
which  it  was  left  by  Archimedes  and  Euclid  and  Apollonius ;  for 
the  Roman  civilization  throughout  its  long  duration  never  produced 
even  a  fifth-rate  mathematician.  He  would  have  seen  that  since 
the  days  of  Hippocrates  and  Galen  the  science  of  medicine  had  dege- 
nerated into  a  mere  empirical  art ;  that  there  was  no  body  of  laws 
worthy  of  the  name  but  the  Roman  codes ;  that  alchemy  flourished, 
for  chemistry  was  not  yet ;  that  astrology  had  displaced  the  little 
astronomy  that  was  known ;  that  there  was  absolutely  no  such 
thing  as  physical  science  ;  that  the  multitudinous  facts  of  natural 
history  had  yet  to  be  observed  and  noted,  excepting  those  only 
investigated  by  Aristotle,  that  most  profound  and  accurate  physicist ; 
that  in  poetry,  oratory,  architecture,  and  the  kindred  arts  of  painting 
and  sculpture,  the  ancients  transcended  rivalry  or  even  successful 
imitation ;  in  short,  that  the  whole  sum  of  human  knowledge,  scant 
as  it  was,  had  continued  without  augmentation  or  accession  during 


lit'tivii  long  centuries  of  man's  eventful  history;  that  the  acutest 
\\ii^  and  the  most  subtle  intellects  were  forced  to  move  round  and 
round  in  the  same  dull  mill-circle,  and  thresh  the  straw  that  had 
bern  threshed  a  thousand  times  before;  that  the  profoundest 
thinkers  failed  to  make  even  the  shallowest  discovery  either  in 
science  or  in  art ;  that  the  most  learned  men  occupied  themselves, 
century  after  century,  in  piling  up  pyramids  of  commentaries  on 
those  wondrous  men  Aristotle  and  Plato,  who,  like  the  Pillars  of 
Hercules  in  the  old  mythology,  separated  the  clear,  the  definite, 
the  settled,  and  the  known  from  the  dark,  the  vague,  the  boundless, 
and  the  obscure, — when,  moreover,  our  supposed  inquirer,  con- 
tinuing his  survey,  would  have  learned  that  whole  regions  of  the 
earth's  surface  were  passing  clean  out  of  the  knowledge  of  civilized 
man,  that  the  ideas  which  learned  professors  and  adventurous 
travellers  formed  about  countries  not  far  remote  were  vague  and 
contradictory,  that  less  was  known  four  centuries  ago  about  the 
geography  of  the  world  and  the  relative  magnitudes  and  positions  of 
the  several  regions  thereof  than  in  the  times  of  Scylax,  Herodotus, 
Strabo,  Ptolemy,  or  even  Agatharchides,  that  the  knowledge  of 
many  fine  inventions  and  curious  processes  in  the  arts  had  actually 
perished  (and  has  never  to  this  day  been  rediscovered) — when,  in 
addition  to  this,  looking  to  the  political  aspects  of  the  world,  he  would 
have  seen  the  very  fairest  and  most  hallowed  regions  of  the  earth's 
surface  overrun  by  the  wild  fanatics  of  Arabia,  or  trodden  down  by 
the  savage  hordes  of  Turkestan,  who  with  unbroken  front  were 
advancing  like  the  ocean  tide  rushing  up  an  estuary,  to  overwhelm 
under  one  undistinguishing  flood  every  monument  and  every  insti- 
tution that  survived  of  the  ancient  civilization  (even  now  who 
shall  truly  say  that  the  liberties  of  the  west  and  the  civilization  of 
our  own  time,  beginning  to  show  symptoms  of  early  decline  and 
marks  of  premature  decay,  are  entirely  beyond  the  reach  of  the 
ever  advancing  wave  of  Russian  despotism,  urged  onwards  by  the 
barbarous  hordes  of  the  deserts  of  Eastern  Asia  ?) — and  when,  lastly, 
to  such  an  ideal  spectator,  reviewing  the  history  of  man's  progress 
upon  earth,  that  great  renovating  institution  the  Church,  would 
have  been  presented  to  his  view,  not  as  the  living,  breathing  incar- 
nation of  the  Gospel,  giving  health  and  vigour  to  the  nations  of 
antiquity  worn  out  and  effete,  but  like  Niobe  of  old  petrified  into 
stone,  and  becoming  herself  a  huge  stumblingblock  in  the  way  of 
progress,  a  rock  of  offence  to  those  who  saw  not  that  her  corrup- 
tions and  errors  were,  in  some  measure  at  least,  due  to  the  evil  days 
through  which  she  had  had  to  pass. 

Nor  from  such  a  retrospect  could  our  spectator  have  drawn,  with 
regard  to  the  future,  other  than  the  most  desponding  anticipations. 
No  man  could  foresee  that  as  the  night  is  darkest  before  the  dawn, 
so  out  of  this  dense  moral  night  and  deep  darkness  of  the  human 

VOL.  II.  C 


understanding  a  new  order  of  things  was  soon  to  arise,  and  the  light 
of  a  higher  and  better  civilization  to  gladden  mankind.  It  is  no 
wonder  then  that  men,  looking  back  through  the  vista  of  a  length- 
ened period  of  time,  and  seeing  that  every  thing  that  was  worth  pre- 
serving in  literature,  science,  and  art — whether  it  be  poetry,  oratory, 
or  the  drama — whether  it  be  architecture,  sculpture,  or  painting, 
was  the  creation  of  comparatively  a  small  number  of  gifted  minds 
and  the  birth  of  a  few  remote  centuries,  it  is  no  wonder  that  men 
in  those  days  held  the  deep  conviction  that  nearly  every  thing  that 
could  be  known  was  already  discovered.  In  fact  they  had  a  special 
name  for  it.  They  called  it  the  "  omne  scibile."  They  called  it 
not  "omnis  Scientia/'  but  "omne  scibile,"  not  merely  every  thing 
that  was  known,  but  every  thing  that  could  be  known.  It  is  not 
strange,  then,  that  a  feeling  of  admiration  apparently  akin  to  hero- 
worship  should  have  been  felt  for  those  who  at  a  bound  had  reached 
the  limits  and  touched  the  very  outer  verge  of  knowledge  attain- 
able by  man. 

It  is  generally  assumed,  as  an  assertion  not  admitting  of  dispute, 
that  the  origin  of  the  present  methods  of  physical  investigation  is 
due  to  Bacon,  and  that  an  outline  of  those  methods  may  be  traced 
throughout  his  works,  more  especially  in  the  '  Novum  Organum/ 
the  '  instauratio  Magna/  and  the  '  De  Augmentis  Scientiarum.' 
It  requires  some  hardihood  to  call  in  question  such  an  established 
opinion ;  yet,  to  one  who,  free  from  prejudices  and  preconceived 
notions,  shall  carefully  read  those  works,  it  will  be  abundantly 
evident  that  Bacon's  great  merit  lay  in  giving  form  and  pressure 
to  the  accepted  modes  of  thought  of  his  own  time.  His  chief  object 
seems  to  have  been  to  denounce  authority,  to  set  at  naught  anti- 
quity, to  undervalue  ancient  philosophers  and  their  theories,  to 
prove  that  110  natural  knowledge  could  be  established  by  their 
methods  of  procedure,  and  that  the  ancient  syllogism  was  an  im- 
potent instrument  of  investigation.  Now  this  was  the  very  spirit 
of  Bacon's  age.  Human  authority  had  already  been  denounced  in 
Ecclesiastical  affairs ;  and  the  fruit  of  this  was  the  Reformation. 
The  authority  of  Aristotle  and  the  old  Greek  philosophers  was 
questioned ;  and  a  general  scepsis  identified  was  the  result.  In 
politics  this  denial  of  human  supremacy  led  to  the  great  rebellion 
of  1641.  Bacon  deserves  the  credit  of  realizing  the  spirit  of  his 
own  times,  which  was  intensely  sceptical.  He  first  snowed  that 
all  advance  in  the  natural  sciences  must  be  based  on  original  and 
independent  inquiry,  without  reference  to  the  theories  of  the  old 

A.  very  brief  examination  of  Bacon's  works  would  completely 
establish  this  view.  In  the  84th  aphorism  of  the  first  book  of  the 
'  Novum  Organon '  he  says  "  Reverence  for  antiquity  has  retarded 
mankind,  and  thrown  as  it  were  a  spell  over  them,  and  the  autho- 

l\  ruoni  <  llo\    I.)   I  III:  NK,  o.M)  you  \u  .  \;\ 

nty  of  men  who  \\erc  held  to  be  great  in  philosophy.  It  is  a  mark 
of  feebleness  to  yield  every  thing  to  ancient  authors,  and  to  deny 
his  supremacy  to  time;  for  truth  is  the  daughter  of  time,  not  of 
authority."  He  adds  that  "the  present  time  is  to  be  considered 
as  the  ripe  maturity  of  the  world,  with  all  our  accumulated  facts 
and  experiences,  and  not  antiquity,  which  may  rather  be  called  the 
ehi  Id  hood  of  mankind."  In  fact  the  whole  tone  and  spirit  of  the 
book  is  a  powerful  protest  against  the  influence  of  authority  in 
matters  of  science. 

It  is  often  said  that  Bacon  was  opposed  to  the  construction  of 
philosophical  hypotheses.  This  is  true  in  one  sense,  but  not  in 
another.  There  are  what  may  be  called  provisional,  as  well  as 
established  theories.  When  Newton  saw  the  historical  apple  fall 
to  the  ground,  and  conjectured  whether  the  moon  might  not  itself 
be  a  big  apple,  he  made  his  calculations,  assuming  the  law  of  gra- 
vitation as  his  hypothesis.  But  when  he  found  that,  owing  to  an 
erroneous  estimate  of  the  mass  of  the  earth,  then  accepted  by 
astronomers  as  correct,  his  calculations  did  not  confirm  his  theory, 
he  abandoned  his  hypothesis.  Now  this  is  an  instance  of  a,  provi- 
sional hypothesis.  When,  some  years  afterwards,  Newton  obtained 
a  more  correct  value  of  the  mass  of  the  earth,  he  resumed  his  cal- 
culations, established  his  theory,  and  thus  turned  his  provisional 
into  an  established  hypothesis,  which,  for  countless  ages  yet  to 
come,  is  likely  to  respond  to  the  mechanism  of  the  heavens. 

Bacon  agrees  with  Cousin  that  the  syllogism  does  not  investigate 
first  principles.  This,  however,  nowise  invalidates  the  use  of  logic. 
It  is  not  the  business  of  logic  to  investigate  first  principles.  In  the 
longest  and  most  subtle  demonstration  there  can  be  found  nothing 
in  the  conclusion  that  was  not  previously  involved  in  the  principles 
assumed  as  the  basis  of  the  proof.  In  most  physical  inquiries — 
it  \\c  except  .Mathematical  Astronomy  and,  perhaps,  Optics — there 
are  but  very  few  steps  in  the  process  of  physical  induction. 

Bacon,  however,  was  much  more  successful  in  the  work  of 
destruction  than  in  that  of  reconstruction.  He  could  pull  down ; 
but  he  could  not  build  up.  The  specimens  of  philosophical  induc- 
tion which  he  gives  in  the  second  book  of  the  '  Novum  Organon ' 
are  most  of  them  puerile,  if  not  silly,  and  frequently  contradict  his 
own  principles.  He  equally  fails  in  laying  down  the  true  goal  and 
just  object  to  be  kept  in  view  in  the  cultivation  of  natural  knowledge. 
He  holds  up  no  higher  standard  than  gross  material  utility.  He 
proposes  to  make  men  comfortable  in  their  persons  and  dwellings. 
This  is  a  low  standard ;  it  falls  far  below  that  of  the  old  Greeks. 
But  some  allowance  must  be  made  for  him.  He  lived  in  a  cold 
ungenial  clime,  very  different  from  the  bright  and  sunny  lands  of 
Attica.  In  the  great  object  of  his  works — the  subversion  of  the 


authority  of  the  ancient  philosophers,  and  the  uprooting  of  all 
reverence  for  antiquity — he  has  thoroughly  succeeded ;  and  he 
succeeded  because  he  embodied  the  spirit  of  his  age  and  cleared 
the  ground  for  those  who  were  to  follow. 

The  word  science  has  in  these  latter  days  been  divorced  from  its 
original  meaning,  geometry  and  the  creations  of  the  pure  intellect. 
It  is  now  appropriated  to  observations  in  natural  history  and  to 
experiments  in  chemistry.  These  subjects  of  research  are  no  doubt 
very  interesting  and  valuable ;  but  they  are  not  science  in  the  original 
and  best  sense  of  the  word.  Yet  without  a  knowledge  of  mathe- 
matics it  is  impossible  to  make  any  real  advance  in  the  discoveries 
of  physical  science.  Take  the  case  of  that  great  science  Physical  As- 
tronomy, of  which  Sir  J.  Herschel  says,  "  admission  to  its  sanctuary 
and  to  the  privileges  and  feelings  of  a  votary  is  only  to  be  gained  by 
one  means — sound  and  sufficient  knowledge  of  mathematics,  the 
great  instrument  of  all  exact  inquiry,  without  which  no  man  can  ever 
make  such  advances  in  this  or  any  other  of  the  higher  departments 
of  science  as  can  entitle  him  to  form  an  independent  opinion  on 
any  subject  of  discussion  within  their  range/' 

But,  notwithstanding  the  concurrent  testimony  of  the  greatest 
men  of  every  age,  it  is  in  the  mouths  of  many  a  very  common 
objection  which  leads  them  to  ask,  "What  possible  use  can  there  be 
in  mathematics?  how  few  are  they  to  whom  they  can  be  of 
the  least  utility  in  after  life  \"  So  it  might  with  equal  plausibility 
be  asked  why  practise  running,  leaping,  or  wrestling  ?  seeing  that 
very  few  become  professed  athletes.  But  just  as  athletic  exercises 
develop  the  muscles,  improve  the  health,  and  invigorate  the  body, 
so  severe  studies  strengthen  the  understanding,  form  habits  of 
thinking,  and  deepen  the  grooves  of  thought,  even  though  the 
subjects  of  those  studies  be  in  the  course  of  time  wholly  forgotten. 
Like  those  old  quarries  we  read  of  in  Pentelicus  or  Paros,  though 
the  blocks  of  marble,  the  material  of  the  breathing  bust  or  god- 
like statue  have  gone,  never  more  to  return,  yet  the  ruts  of  the 
wheels  that  bore  them,  the  grooves  in  the  face  of  the  rock  along 
which  the  guiding  gear  and  cordage  ran,  are  as  fresh  and  as  sharp 
as  if  they  had  left  off  working  only  yesterday. 

And  nowhere  is  this  low  utilitarian  sentiment  more  loudly 
expressed  than  amongst  those  who  have  acquired  such  attainments 
as  they  possess  at  our  national  Universities.  Those  persons  pick  up 
just  as  much  learning  or  science  as  may  suit  their  purpose  and  help 
them  forward  on  the  path  of  life  they  have  selected.  In  fact, 
learning  and  science  are  valued  just  as  acquaintance  with  book- 
keeping by  double  entry  is  valued,  as  a  means  to  an  end,  and  that 
end  by  no  means  the  noblest.  To  secure  their  approbation, 
research  must  have  a  bearing  on  some  useful  practical  money- 


making  object.     This  is  in  accord  with  the  spirit  of  the  age,  a 
spirit  of  pretence  and  vanity  and  sham*. 

At  this  state-  of  things  we  ought  not  to  feel  any  surprise.  Our 
Universities  are  no  longer  calm  retreats  for  the  encouragement  of 
patient  and  continuous  thought  expended  on  the  development  of 
branches  of  science  which  do  not  promise  an  immediate  ready- 
money  return ;  they  are  now  almost  wholly  engaged  in  conducting 
the  elementary  education  of  the  upper  and  middle  classes  of  this 
country.  And  hence  it  is  that  some  of  those  who  have  most  widely 
extended  the  boundaries  of  knowledge  are  men  who  early  abandoned 
their  college  retreats,  or  have  never  been  inside  the  portals  of  a 
University  college  at  all.  Men,  such  as  Thomas  Simpson,  and 
Boole,  and  Davies,  and  Horner  and  others,  not  to  speak  of  those 
whom,  as  still  alive,  it  might  be  invidious  to  mention,  have  had 
the  genial  current  of  their  souls  frozen  by  a  chill  penury,  or  were 
relegated  to  a  dull  oblivion,  or  at  least  to  a  passing  obscurity,  by 
combinations  of  cliques,  nowhere  more  general  or  more  potent 
than  in  the  mathematical  world.  It  would  be  a  curious  but 
perhaps  a  bootless  inquiry  to  discuss  why,  from  the  days  of  Apollo- 
nius  of  Perga,  called  the  great  geometer,  to  our  own,  a  characteristic 
failing  of  mathematicians  has  always  been  envy. 

The  education  of  our  own  day  tends  to  produce  a  dead  level  of 
mediocrity.  There  will  be  few  to  note  for  crass  ignorance,  and 
scarcely  any  to  admire  for  profound  learning.  The  age  is  so  fast 
that  it  cannot  stop  to  think ;  it  cannot  pause  to  ponder.  Nay,  more, 
it  cannot  with  common  propriety  express  its  own  wants  and  wishes ; 
for  the  "  pure  well  of  English  undefiled  "  is  rapidly  turning  into  a 
puddle  of  slang.  If  ridicule  be  a  test  of  truth,  as  the  author  of  the 
Characteristics  asserts  it  to  be,  we  ought  by  this  time  to  have  reached 
the  very  extreme  limit  of  correct  opinion.  For  every  thing,  now- 
a-days,  is  treated  in  a  spirit  of  mockery,  levity,  or  contemptuous 
indifference.  That  this  happy  result  has  not  yet  been  obtained  is 
a  proof  of  the  fallacy  of  LORD  SHAFTESBURY'S  great  discovery  in 
ethics.  There  will  be,  as  in  all  human  affairs,  a  reaction  and  a 
change ;  and  men  will  once  again  follow  the  more  excellent  way. 

Attempts  are  perseveringly  made  to  remove  the  Elements  of 
Euclid  from  the  high  position  which  it  has  held  for  more  than 
two  thousand  years,  of  being  unquestionably  the  best  introduction  to 
geometry.  It  is  assailed  on  the  ground  that  it  is  too  tedious,  too 
rigorous  in  its  demonstrations,  that  it  wants  order,  and  is  deficient 
in  symmetry.  It  is  asserted  that  it  is  time  such  old-world  notions 

*  At  apud  plerosque  tantum  abest,  ut  homines  id  sibi  proponant,  ut  scieu- 
tiiirum  et  artium  niassa  au<rmeutum  obtineat ;  ut  ex  ea,  qiue  pnesto  est,  mnssa 
nil  amplius  sumaut  aut  quaerant,  quam  quantum  ad  usum  professorium,  aut 
lucrum,  aut  existimationem,  aut  hujusmodi  compendia  convertere  poasiut. — 
BACON,  Nov.  Org.  lib.  i.  Aph.  81. 


and  methods  were  exploded,  and  that  what  we  want  now,  is  some 
easy,  handy  compilation,  on  a  level  with  the  comprehension  of  most 
people,  which  would  commend  itself  by  its  practical  utility  in 
meeting  the  passing  needs  of  daily  life ;  and  if  such  a  short  cut  to 
geometry  be  not  rigorous  in  its  demonstrations,  what  possible  dif- 
ference could  it  make  to  any  one  whether  the  proofs  were  real  or 
only  seeming  ? 

But  Euclid  is  not  likely  to  be  dethroned  for  some  little  time 
longer.  Not  very  long  ago  a  Committee  was  appointed  by  a  new 
geometrical  Society  to  draw  up  a  syllabus  of  the  elements  of  geometry 
to  supersede  the  tedious  and  repulsive  work  of  Euclid.  The  Com- 
mittee, which  consisted  of  six  members,  was  requested  to  draw  up 
a  joint  report  011  the  subject.  But,  Quot  homines  tot  sententia,  six 
different  reports  were  sent  in !  !  no  two  members  so  far  agreeing 
in  their  views  as  to  unite  in  drawing  up  a  joint  report. 

It  is  also,  we  are  told,  likely  that  the  study  of  Greek  in  this 
country  will  soon  be  given  up,  if  not  altogether,  at  least  in  a  great 
measure.  This  is  a  prospect  even  still  darker ;  for  it  implies  a  decline 
in  the  cultivation  of  the  finest  language  that  has  ever  yet  been  spoken 
on  the  earth,  and  a  consequent  degradation  of  the  standard  of  that 
learning  by  which  a  nation  is  ennobled. 

It  hardly  needs  to  be  said  that  I  publish  these  volumes  not  only 
without  the  expectation  of  reimbursement,  but  with  the  certainty 
of  heavy  pecuniary  loss.  I  can  appeal  to  no  University  syndicate 
to  share  my  burden.  It  is  perhaps  right  that  for  this  act  of  indis- 
cretion I  should  make  an  apology  to  the  public,  whose  one  sole 
test  of  literary  and  scientific  excellence  is  Will  it  pay  ?  That  old- 
world  notion  of  working  for  work's  sake  is  now  utterly  exploded, 
not  alone  among  the  ignorant  and  the  vulgar,  in  whom  it  might  be 
forgiven,  but  even  amongst  those  who  stand  highest  in  the  ranks 
of  science  in  our  own  day.  How  often  do  we  hear  such  researches 
stigmatized  as  unprofitable  and  vain  !  Yet  the  great  masters  of 
wisdom  in  every  age  have  otherwise  taught ;  and  I  have  followed 
their  teaching,  not  deterred  by  the  conviction  that  abstract  science 
has  become  obsolete  and  stale.  Many  of  those  discoveries,  the 
fruit  of  a  long  and  desultory  life,  I  would  not  willingly  let  die. 
Popularity  as  an  author  or  reputation  as  a  discoverer  in  science  is 
to  me  a  matter  of  supreme  indifference.  Neither  is  it  an  object 
with  me  of  any  importance  to  make  money  by  the  publication  of 
my  discoveries,  as  I  am  fortunately  placed  above  those  needs  which 
sometimes  press  so  heavily  on  many  of  the  most  illustrious  culti- 
vators of  literature  and  science. 

J.  B. 

Stone  Vicarage, 
New  Year's  Day,  1877. 


[The  numbers  on  the  left  hand  denote  the  sections,  the  numbers  on  the 
right  hand  the  pages.] 


1.]  On  the  general  forms  of  elliptic  integrals,  table  of  thirteen  distinct  forms, 
the  types  of  curves,  the  symmetrical  intersections  of  surfaces  of  the 

second  order 5 

2.]  On  the  spherical  ellipse  8 

6.]  Rectification  of  a  curve  on  the  surface  of  a  sphere 12 

7.]  Expression  for  the  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse 13 

8.]  Expression  for  the  area  of  a  spherical  ellipse   15 

9.]  Relations  of  supplemental  cones    16 

10.]  Arc  of  spherical  ellipse  determined  by  protective  coordinates    18 

11.  J  Another  method  of  rectification 20 

13.]  Application  of  this  method  to  the  rectification  of  the  spherical  ellipse . .  23 

15.]  Legendre's  theorem 26 

17.]  Another  form  of  rectification 26 


20.]  On  the  spherical  parabola  and  its  genesis.    Properties  thereof.     An 
elliptic  integral  of  the  Jlrst  order  represents  an  arc  of  the  spherical 

parabola 28 

21,  22.]  Properties  of  the  spherical  parabola   30 

23.]  Another  method  of  rectification  for  the  arc  of  the  spherical  parabola. .  33 

24.]  Lagrange's  theorem 33 

26.]  Legendre's  theorem 37 

20,  27.]  Comparison  of  formulae  of  rectification  38 

28,  29.]  Geometrical  interpretation  of  the  transformations  of  Lagrange ....  42 

30.]  On  imaginary  parameters    45 


31.]  On  spherical  conic  sections  with  reciprocal  parameters 47 

32,  33,  34.]  Properties  of  spherical  conies  with  reciprocal  parameters 48 



35.]  On  the  logarithmic  ellipse  and  its  genesis ;  rectification  thereof 51 

36.]  Integration  effected 54 

37.]  Simple  expressions  for  the  parameter,  modulus,  and  constants  of  the 

logarithmic  ellipse  56 

38.]  Rectification  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  by  another  method  58 

39.]  Important  property  of  the  paraboloid  61 

40.]  Rectification  continued.  Legendre's  formula 62 

41.]  The  serniaxes  of  the  elliptic  base  expressed  in  terms  of  the  conjugate 

parameters 64 

42,  43.]  Values  of  the  arc  in  particular  cases  65 

44.]  Particular  case  of  the  logarithmic  form  when  the  parameters  are  equal .  70 


45.]  On  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  and  its  genesis  j  rectification  thereof  ....  76 

46.]  Rectification  by  another  method  79 

47.]  Values  of  the  semiaxes  in  terms  of  the  parameters 80 

48.]  Comparison  of  expressions  found  for  an  arc  of  a  logarithmic  hyperbola .  .  81 
49.]  Expression  for  the  difference  between  the  arc  of  a  logarithmic  hyperbola 

and  the  corresponding  arc  of  the  tangent  parabola 86 

50.]  On  the  rectification  of  the  curve  when  the  parameters  are  equal 88 

51.]  On  the  rectification  of  the  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  when  the 

parameter  I  is  infinite  91 

52.]  On  the  double  rectification  of  the  common  hyperbola,  analogous  to  that 

of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  92 


53.]  On  the  values  of  complete  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order.  Differ- 
entiating under  the  sign  of  integration.  Coefficients  of  the  complete 
elliptic  integrals  are  themselves  elliptic  integrals.  Legendre's  formula 

of  verification,  geometrical  origin  of    95 

54.]  Properties  of  inverse  spherical  ellipses — tests  of  accuracy 100 

65.]  On  cyclic  areas    103 

66.]  Geometrical  representatives  of  the  integrals  of  the  first  order  in  sec.  [53]  106 
57.]  On  the  value  of  the  complete  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and 

logarithmic  form     107 


58.]  On  the  logarithmic  parabola.     Genesis  of  it 110 

59.]  Different  cases Ill 

60,]  On  the  curve  of  symmetrical  intersection  of  an  elliptic  paraboloid  by  a 

sphere    114 



01.]  On  conjugate  amplitudes  and  conjugate  arcs  of  hyperconic  sections. 

The  equation  of  conjugate  amplitudes 110 

62.]  Equation  between  conjugate  amplitudes  of  the  first  order  . . ; 117 

63.]  Equation  between  conjugate  amplitudes  of  the  second  order  118 

64.]  Equation  between  conjugate  amplitudes  of  the  third  order 119 

66.]  Determination  of  the  residuals 121 

66.]  Normal  relations  between  conjugate  amplitudes  in  the  three  orders  . .  122 

67.]  On  conjugate  arcs  of  a  spherical  parabola 122 

68.]  Sum  of  the  conjugate  arcs  of  a  spherical  parabola  equal  to  the  sum  of 

the  protangent  circular  arcs 123 

60.]  On  conjugate  arcs  of  a  spherical  ellipse  124 

70.]  Simple  relation  between  the  five  protangent  circular  area  125 

71.]  On  conjugate  arcs  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse 120 


72.]  On  the  maximum  protangent  arcs  of  hyperconic  sections 181 

73.]  On  the  maximum  protangent  arc  in  a  spherical  hyperconic  section. . . .  132 

74.]  Geometrical  construction  for  finding  this  arc 133 

76.]  On  the  maximum  protangent  arc  in  a  logarithmic  ellipse 135 

76.]  Geometrical  proof  that  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  whose 
amplitude  has  a  certain  value  may  be  expressed  by  integrals  of  the 

first  and  second  orders  only    137 


77.]  On  derivative  hyperconic  sections 187 

78.]  Expressions  for  successive  derivative  spherical  hyperconic  sections    . .  140 

79.]  Relations  between  the  successive  moduli  and  parameters 143 

80.]  Analogous  expressions  found  for  derivative  logarithmic  ellipses 144 

81.]  Relations  between  the  successive  parameters.     Remarkable  relation 

between  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order  and  their  derivatives    . .  140 
83.]  New  classification  of  elliptic  integrals.     On  inverse  functions.     Recti- 
fication of  certain  plane  curves  may  be  effected  by  elliptic  integrals 
of  the  third  order.     Protective  properties  of  hyperconic  sections. 
Examples 161 


84.]  On  the  quadrature  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  and  the  logarithmic 

hyperbola.    To  find  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse    166 

85.]  To  find  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola    169 

VOL.  II.  d 



86.]  On  the  rectification  of  lenmiscates      102 

87.]  On  the  hyperbolic  lemniscate 164 


88.]  Application  of  the  foregoing  theory  to  the  problem  of  the  rotation  of  a 
rigid  body  round  a  fixed  point.  General  statement,  fundamental 
formulae.  Moments  of  inertia  of  a  rigid  body  defined  and  determined  170 

89.]  Tangential  equation  of  a  surface  of  the  second  order  172 

90.]  Determination  by  this  method  of  the  axis  of  figure  of  an  ellipsoid    .  .   173 

91.]  Definition  of  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation 175 

92.]  Determination  of  the  equations  of  this  axis 175 

93.]  Angular  velocity  round  this  axis   170 

94.]  Formulae  for  the  determination  of  the  velocities  of  a  single  particle 

parallel  to  the  axes  of  coordinates  177 

95.]  These  formulae  extended  to  the  entire  body 178 

96.]  The  tangential  coordinates  represent  the  angular  velocities  round  the 

axes  of  any  rectangular  system.     Instantaneous  plane  of  rotation  . .  178 

97.]  Centrifugal  forces.    Theorems  on  centrifugal  couples 179 

98.]  Relations  between  the  centrifugal  couple  and  centrifugal  triangle ; 
simplification  of  the  preceding  formulas  when  the  axes  of  coordinates 
coincide  with  the  axes  of  the  ellipsoid ;  simple  expression  for  the 

centrifugal  couple 180 

99.]  The  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  coincides  with  a  perpendicular  from 

the  centre  of  the  ellipsoid  on  a  tangent  plane.     The  angular  velocity 

round  this  axis  is  inversely  proportional  to  this  perpendicular    ....   182 

100.]  During  the  rotation  the  diameter  of  the  ellipsoid  perpendicular  to  the 

plane  of  the  impressed  couple  is  invariable.     The  surface  of  the 

ellipsoid  always  passes  through  a  fixed  point  in  space 183 

101.]  The  angular  velocity  round  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  varies 
inversely  as  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  of  the  ellipsoid  on  the 
instantaneous  plane  of  rotation.  The  square  of  the  angular  velocity 
round  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  varies  as  the  area  of  the 
diametral  section  of  the  ellipsoid  perpendicular  to  this  axis.  The 
angular  velocity  round  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  is  constant 
during  the  motion.  The  centrifugal  couple  varies  as  the  tangent  of 
the  angle  between  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  and  the  axis  of 
the  impressed  couple.  The  velocity  of  the  vertex  of  the  axis  of  the 
impressed  couple  along  the  surface  of  the  ellipsoid  varies  as  the 

tangent  of  this  angle     184 

102.]  Expressions  for  the  values  of  this  velocity  resolved  parallel  to  the 

principal  axes 185 

103.]  The  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal  forces  lies  in  the  plane  of 

the  impressed  couple 186 

104.]  Instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal  couple 188 

105.]  Component  of  the  angular  velocity  due  to  the  centrifugal  couple  ....   189 
106.]  Investigation  of  the  lengths  of  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple  and 
of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  due  to  that  couple.     Expression 
for  the  angle  between  the  axes  of  rotation  due  to  the  impressed  and 
centrifugal  couples 189 



107.]  On  the  cones  described  by  the  several  axes  during  the  motion  of  the 

1  >.nlv.    Investigation  of  the  locus  of  k  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  101 

108.]  Of  the  cone  described  by  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  102 

109.]  Of  the  cone  described  by  the  axis  w  of  the  centrifugal  couple    192 

110.]  Of  the  cone  described  by  the  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal 

couple 103 

111.]  The  plaues  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  invariable  cone  coincide  with 

tli«'  planes  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid    104 

112,  113.]  Some  general  theorems  on  rotatory  motion 195 


114.]  Determination  of  the  time  by  means  of  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first 

order  198 

115.]  Geometrical  interpretation  of  the  modulus  of  this  function    200 

116.]  Geometrical  interpretation  of  the  amplitude 201 

117.]  Expressions  for  the  coordinates  of  the  vertex  of  the  axis  of  the  impressed 

couple  in  terms  of  the  time,  and  the  constants  of  the  invariable  cone  202 

118.]  Determination  of  the  angular  velocity  in  terms  of  the  time.  Deter- 
mination of  the  angles  which  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation 
makes  with  the  axes  of  coordinates  in  terms  of  the  time  203 

119.]  The  angle  made  by  the  line  of  the  nodes  is  determined  by  an  elliptic 
integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form.  This  integral  repre- 
sents a  spherical  ellipse  supplemental  to  the  spherical  elliptic  base 
of  the  invariable  cone  205 

120.]  Hence  a  method  of  representing  rotatory  motion  by  the  motion  of  a 

cone  which  rolls  upon  a  plane  revolving  uniformly  round  its  axis . .  208 

121.]  Determination  of  the  angle  between  the  axis  of  rotation  and  the  line 

of  the  nodes  209 

122.]  Determination  of  the  angle  between  the  lino  of  the  nodes  and  the  axis 

«  of  the  centrifugal  couple  210 


123.]  The  body  referred  to  axes  fixed  in  space  211 

124.]  The  area  described  by  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple  on  the  plane 

of  the  impressed  couple  varies  as  the  time 212 

123.]  Determination  of  the  position  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  in 

absolute  space  at  auy  epoch 214 

120.]  Determination  of  the  angle  %>  which  6  the  vector  arc,  drawn  from  the 

vertex  of  k,  makes  with  a  fixed  plane  passing  through  k  the  axis  of 

the  impressed  couple 219 

127.]  Determination  of  the  relation  between  the  amplitudes 221 

128.]  The  nutation  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  and  the  angular 

velocity  round  it,  expressed  in  terms  of  the  time 221 



129.]  The  spherical  spiral  described  by  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  on  a  fixed  concentric  sphere.  Asymptotic  circles  of  this 
spiral 2'23 

130.]  The  length  of  one  undulation  of  this  spiral  is  equal  to  a  quadrant  of 

the  spherical  elliptic  base  of  the  cone  of  rotation  . . . . ; 224 

181.]  Relation  between  the  focal  angles  of  the  invariable  cone,  of  the  cone 

of  rotation,  and  of  the  cone  of  nutation 229 

132.]  When  the  ellipsoid  is  very  nearly  a  sphere,  the  cone  of  rotation  is 
indefinitely  greater  than  the  cone  of  nutation.  Relation  hence 
derived  between  the  nutation  of  the  axis  of  rotation  of  the  earth 
and  the  path  of  its  pole  in  absolute  space 230 

133.]  On  the  velocity  of  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  along 

the  spiral  231 


134.]  On  the  spirals  described  on  the  surface  of  an  immovable  sphere  by 
the  three  principal  axes  of  the  body  during  the  motion,  and  on  their 
asymptotic  circles 233 

135.]  Velocities  of  the  poles  of  the  principal  axes 234 

136  .  . .  .139.]  The  lengths  of  the  spirals  described  by  the  greatest  and  the 
least  principal  axes  of  the  ellipsoid  may  be  expressed  by  elliptic 
integrals  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic  form.  Values  of  the 
lengths  of  the  spirals  in  particular  cases 235 

140.]  The  spiral  described  by  the  mean  principal  axis  may  be  rectified  by 

an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form 241 

141.]  On  the  velocities  of  the  poles  of  the  principal  axes  along  their  spirals  245 


142.]  Investigation  of  the  motion  of  rotation  when  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
couple  is  at  right  angles  to  the  plane  of  one  of  the  circular  sections. 

The  time  may  be  expressed  by  a  logarithm  245 

143.]  Determination  of  the  angle  between  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple 
and  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation.  Determination  of  the  angle 

made  by  the  line  of  the  nodes * 248 

144.]  Determination  of  the  spiral  described  on  an  immovable  sphere  by  the 
pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  when  k=b.  Equation  of 

this  spiral  250 

145.]  This  spiral  a  species  of  rhumb-line 250 

146.]  Length  of  this  spiral    , 252 

147.]  Velocity  of  the  pole  along  this  spiral.  When  the  axis  of  the  impressed 
couple  coincides  with  the  mean  axis  of  the  ellipsoid,  the  lengths  of 
the  spirals  described  by  the  greatest  and  the  least  principal  axes 
may  be  expressed  by  logarithms 252 


148.]  When  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple  coincides  with  the  plane  of 
one  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid,  the  elliptic  integral  may 
be  reduced  from  the  third  order  to  the  first.  The  elliptic  integral 
of  the  first  order  which  determines  the  position  of  the  axes  of  the 
impressed  couple  in  the  body.  The  two  elliptic  integrals  of  the  first 
order  which  determine  the  motion  may  be  expressed  by  arcs  of  the 
same  spherical  parabola.  The  moduli  are  two  successive  terms  of 
Lagrange's  modular  scale 253 


150.]  On  transversals 257 

164.]  Definitions  of  the  orthocentric  triangle  and  the  orthocentre.     Appli- 
cations of  the  method  of  transversals .  260 


100.]  On  harmonic  ratio.    Definition  of  harmonic  pencils    265 

161.]  Applications  of  the  method. 266 

166.]  On  anhannonic  ratio    271 

167.]  Properties  of  anharmonic  ratio   ...  278 

171. J  The  theorems  of  Pascal  and  Brianchon  proved  by  anharmonic  ratio. .  275 


173.]  Definition  of  poles  and  polars 277 

174.]  Applications  of  the  method  of  poles  and  polars   280 

177.]  Newton's  theorem    283 

180.]  Maclauriu's  theorem 287 


On  circles  inscribed,  exscribed,  and  circumscribed  to  a  triangle.   Defi- 
nition of  the  circles  of  contact  288 

181.]  On  the  properties  of  these  circles   289 

185.]  On  the  trigonometrical  relations  of  the  angles  of  a  triangle 293 

191.]  On  triangles  inscribed  in  one  circle  and  circumscribed  to  another. . . .  298 


194]  On  the  orthocentric  triangle,  and  the  properties  thereof 299 

196.]  New  expression  for  the  area  of  a  triangle 301 

197.]  Relations  between  a  triangle  and  its  orthocentric  triangle     301 

208.]  On  the  median  lines  of  a  triangle,  and  the  properties  thereof 306 

210.]  On  the  properties  of  the  centroid  of  a  triangle 307 

216.]  On  the  properties  of  excentral  triangles 311 



222.]  On  the  nine-point  circle  and  the  properties  thereof 316 

224.]  On  the  triangles  whose  vertices  are,  three  by  three,  the  four  centres  of 
the  three  exscribed  and  the  inscribed  circle.  Definition  of  the  prin- 
cipal excentral  triangle 318 

231.]  On  the  radical  circles  of  a  triangle    , 321 

234.]  The  nine-point  circle  touches  the  inscribed  and  the  three  exscribed 

circles — several  demonstrations  of  this  theorem    323 


243.]  On  some  elementary  properties  of  quadrilaterals 334 

244.]  On  quadrilaterals  inscribed  in  one  circle  and  circumscribed  about 

another,  remarkable  theorems 335 

253.]  On  the  properties  of  chords  drawn  from  a  point  in  the  circumference 
of  a  circle  to  the  angles  of  an  inscribed  regular  polygon  of  an  odd 
number  of  sides 345 


255.]  On  Conies.    Definitions  347 

256.]  On  the  focal  properties  of  conies 349 

280.]  Value  of  the  semiparameter  derived  from  the  cone 369 

283.]  On  the  conospheroid,  and  its  properties 371 


287.]  On  the  central  properties  of  conies    376 

294.]  On  the  hyperbola  and  its  asymptotes. 382 


On  the  curvature  of  the  conic  sections  derived  from  the  curvature  of 

the  right  cone  384 

301.]  MEUNIEB'S  Theorem  385 

302.]  Values  of  the  radii  of  curvature  of  the  normal  sections  of  a  right  cone  386 
303.]  Radius  of  curvature  of  a  conic  at  a  given  point  on  the  cone,  whose 

plane  passes  through  a  given  tangent  to  the  cone  at  this  point ....  386 
304.]  Centre  of  the  sphere  of  curvature  for  all  the  sections  of  the  cone  whose 

planes  pass  through  the  same  tangent  to  the  cone  387 

305.]  Expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature  of  a  conic  whose  plane  passes 

through  a  given  tangent  to  the  cone 388 

306.]  Definition  of  a  normal 390 

308.]  Definition  of  the  central  sphere.  Theorems 391 


310.]  On  the  properties  of  confocal  conies  derived  from  the  right  cone  ....  392 
312.]  Theorems  on  confbcal  conies 394 



814.]  On  similar  conic  sections 806 

810.]  Some  general  theorems    397 


817.]  On  conies  in  a  plane 308 

328.]  On  the  eccentric  anomaly  in  an  ellipse 406 


880.]  On  orthogonal  projection 408 

841.]  On  divergent  projection   418 


Appendix  to  the  first  volume,  with  notes  and  corrections 420 

343.]  Theorems  of  Euler  and  Cauchy  on  polyhedrons  420 

344.]  Pascal's  theorem  on  hexagons  inscribed  in  conies  established  by  the 

method  of  transversals 422 

345.]  Brianchon's  theorem  on  hexagons  circumscribed  to  conies  established 

by  the  method  of  poles  and  polars 423 

340  . . .  .354.]  Theorems  established  by  the  method  of  tangential  coordi- 
nates    424 

355.]  General  tangential  equation  of  a  surface  of  the  second  order,  referred 
to  three  rectangular  axes  in  space,  in  terms  of  the  coefficients  of  the 
profective  equation  of  this  surface  referred  to  the  same  axes  430 

350 300.]  Theorems  established  by  the  method  of  tangential  coordi- 
nates    433 

301.]  Extension  of  a  principal  focal  property  of  conies 439 

302.]  Theorem  in  parabolic  trigonometry   440 


Note.  —  The  number  denotes  the  page  ;  5  a.  and  7  b.  that  the  line  in  which  the 
error  is  found  is  the  fifth  line  from  the  top  or  the  seventh  line  from  the  bottom  ; 
and  a  numeral  or  letter  within  brackets,  as  (13)  or  (f),  denotes  a  formula. 

For  Stibstitute 

29.  22  a.  point  points 

31.  la.  a:  xt 
19b.  Place  2  before  the  square  root. 

32.  la.  BO  -AC  BO  -AC, 
69.  15  a.  x—  z  = 

114.  lb.  a'f+ftV  aV+62£a 

115.  2  a.  (oy^+C&r)1  (ar)*+(iy)f 
(g).    a2£2+&V                                       « 

154.    9  a.  a^+JV 

287.  (f) 


For  Substitute 

14.    5  a.     cos2*'  cos2/3 

37.     (70).  1+J  (l+j) 

40.  5, 

41.  (90). 

43.     10  b.    Vl—  cos2y  sin/x  A/1—  cos2  y  sin2  / 

81.  (248).  [n+m-2wzw2] 

96.    27  a.   [9]  [7] 






IN  publishing  the  following  researches  on  the  geometrical  types  of 
elliptic  integrals,  I  may  be  permitted  briefly  to  advert  to  what  had 
already  been  effected  in  this  department  of  geometrical  research. 
Legendre,  to  whom  this  important  branch  of  mathematical  science 
owes  so  much,  devised  a  plane  curve  whose  rectification  might  be 
effected  by  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order.  Since  that  time 
many  other  geometers  have  followed  his  example,  in  contriving 
similar  curves,  to  represent,  either  by  their  quadrature  or  rectifi- 
cation, elliptic  functions.  Of  those  who  have  been  most  successful 
in  devising  curves  which  should  possess  the  required  properties, 
may  be  mentioned  M.  Gudennann,  M.  Verhulst  of  Brussels,  and 
M.  Serret  of  Paris.  These  geometers,  however,  have  succeeded  in 
deriving  from  those  curves  scarcely  any  of  the  properties  of  elliptic 
integrals,  even  the  most  elementary.  This  barrenness  in  results 
was  doubtless  owing  to  the  very  artificial  character  of  the  genesis 
of  those  curves,  devised,  as  they  were,  solely  to  satisfy  one  condi- 
tion only  of  the  general  problem*. 

In  1841  a  step  was  taken  in  the  right  direction.  MM.  Catalan 
and  Gudermann,  in  the  journals  of  Liouville  and  Crelle,  showed 
how  the  arcs  of  spherical  conic  sections  might  be  represented  by 
elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form.  They  did 
not,  however,  extend  their  investigations  to  the  case  of  elliptic  in- 

*  Legendre  a  cherche"  a  repre"senter  en  ge'ne'ral,  la  fonction  dig.  (c,  </>)  par  un 
arc  de  coiirbe  ;  mais  ses  tentatives  ne  nous  ont  pas  sembl£  heureuses,  car  il  n'est 
parvenu  a  r^soudre  comple'tenient  le  probleme,  qu'en  employant  une  courbe 
transcendante,  dans  laquelle  I'arnplitude  <f>  et  Tares  ont  entre  eux  une  relation 
ge'ome'trique  encore  plus  difficile  a  saisir  que  dans  la  lemniscate. — VEBHULST, 
Traitt  den  Functions  Elliptiques,  p.  295. 

VOL.   II.  B 


tegrals  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic  form  ;  nor  even  to  that 
of  the  first  order.  These  cases  still  remained  without  any  analo- 
gous geometrical  representative,  a  hlemish  to  the  theory. 

It  will  be  shown  in  the  following  pages  that  the  elliptic  integral 
of  the  first  order,  which  is  merely  a  particular  case  of  the  circular 
form  of  the  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order,  represents  a  spherical 
conic  section  whose  principal  arcs  have  a  certain  relation  to  each 
other,  and  that  the  true  geometrical  representative  of  an  elliptic 
integral  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic  form,  is  the  curve  of 
intersection  of  a  right  elliptic  cylinder  by  a  paraboloid  of  revolu- 
tion having  its  axis  coincident  with  that  of  the  cylinder.  The 
geometrical  representative  of  the  peculiar  form  when  the  parameter 
is  negative  and  greater  than  1,  is  shown  to  be  a  curve  which  I  call 
the  Logarithmic  hyperbola,  and  which  may  be  thus  generated.  If 
a  right  cylinder  standing  on  a  plane  hyperbola  as  a  base,  be  sub- 
stituted for  the  elliptic  cylinder,  the  curve  of  intersection  may  be 
named  the  logarithmic  hyperbola.  It  will  have  four  infinite 
branches,  whose  asymptotes  will  be  the  infinite  arcs  of  two  equal 
plane  parabolas.  This  curve,  and  not  the  spherical  ellipse,  is  the 
true  analogue  of  the  common  hyperbola. 

The  main  object  of  the  following  treatise  is  to  prove,  that  Elliptic 
Integrals  of  every  order,  the  parameter  taking  any  value  whatever 
between  positive  and  negative  infinity,  represent  the  intersections  of 
surfaces  of  the  second  order. 

To  these  curves  may  be  given  the  appropriate  name-  of  Hyper- 
conic  sections. 

These  surfaces  divide  themselves  into  two  classes,  of  which  the 
sphere  and  the  paraboloid  of  revolution  are  the  respective  types ; 
from  the  one  arise  the  circular  functions,  from  the  other  the  loga- 
rithmic and  exponential.  The  circular  integral  of  the  third  order 
is  derived  from  the  sphere,  while  the  logarithmic  function  of  the 
same  order  is  founded  on  the  paraboloid  of  revolution. 

Although  in  the  following  pages  I  have,  for  the  sake  of  simplicity, 
derived  the  properties  of  those  curves,  or  of  the  integrals  which 
represent  them,  from  the  intersections  of  these  normal  surfaces 
(the  sphere  and  the  paraboloid)  with  certain  cylindrical  surfaces, 
yet  the  intersections  so  produced  may  be  considered  as  the  inter- 
sections of  these  normal  surfaces  with  various  other  surfaces  of  the 
second  order.  Let  U=0  be  the  equation  of  the  sphere  or  parabo- 
loid, and  V=0  the  equation  of  the  cylinder.  The  simultaneous 
equations  U=0,  V=0  give  the  equations  of  the  curve  of  intersec- 
tion. Let  /  be  any  abstract  number  whatever;  then  U+/V=0 
is  the  equation  of  another  surface  of  the  second  order  passing 
through  the  curve  of  intersection.  Let  U=0  be  the  equation  of 
a  sphere,  for  example.  Accordingly  as  we  assign  suitable  values 
to  the  number  /,  we  may  make  the  equation  U+/V=0  repre- 

ON  mi:  (.1  DM  1. 1  UK  \i.  I'KOIM:KTII:S  or  i.i.urnc  INTEGRALS.       3 

sent  any  central  surface  of  the  second  order.  15tit  \vc  cannot,  by 
any  snhst itution  or  rational  transformation,  make  the  equation 
U+/V=0  represent  a  non-central  surface  instead  of  a  central 
one,  or  vice  versd. 

Although  a  remarkable  relation  exists  between  the  areas  and 
lengths  of  some  of  these  hyperconics,  such  as  the  circle  and  the 
spherical  ellipse,  yet  more  distinctly  to  show  the  analogy  which 
pervades  all  those  curves,  I  have  not  had  recourse  in  any  case  to 
the  method  of  "  elliptic  quadratures/'  as  it  is  termed*.  We  can- 
not admit  such  a  violation  of  the  law  of  geometrical  continuity  as 
to  suppose  that  while  a  function  in  one  state  represents  a  curve 
line,  in  another,  immediately  succeeding,  it  must  express  an  area. 
Such  can  only  be  taken  as  a  conventional  explanation,  until  the  real 
one,  characterized  by  the  simplicity  of  truth,  shall  present  itself. 

In  the  course  of  these  investigations,  it  will  be  shown  that  the 
formulae  for  the  comparison  of  elliptic  integrals,  which  are  given 
by  Legendre  and  other  writers  on  this  subject,  follow  simply  as 
geometrical  inferences  from  the  fundamental  properties  of  these 
curves,  and  that  the  ordinary  conic  sections  are  merely  particular 
cases  of  those  more  general  curves  above  referred  to  under  the 
name  of  hyperconic  sections. 

It  will  doubtless  appear  not  a  little  singular  that  the  principal 
properties  of  those  functions,  their  classification,  their  transforma- 
tions, the  comparison  of  integrals  of  the  third  order  with  conju- 
gate or  reciprocal  parameters,  were  all  investigated  and  developed 
before  geometers  had  any  idea  of  the  true  geometrical  origin  of 
those  functions.  It  is  as  if  the  formulae  of  trigonometry  had  been 
derived  from  an  algebraical  definition,  before  the  geometrical  con- 
ception of  the  circle  had  been  admitted.  As  circular  trigonometry 
may  be  defined  the  development  of  the  functions  of  circular  arcs, 
whether  described  on  a  plane  or  on  the  surface  of  a  sphere,  and 
parabolic  trigonometry  f  as  the  development  of  the  relations  which 
exist  between  the  arcs  of  a  p'arabola,  so  this  higher  trigonometry, 
or  the  theory  of  elliptic  integrals,  may  best  be  interpreted  as  the 
development  of  the  relations  which  exist  between  the  arcs  of  hy- 
perconic sections. 

*  En  conside"rant  lea  fonctions  elliptiques  comnie  des  secteurs,  dont  Tangle  est 
pre'cise'ment  6gal  a  1'amplitude  rf>,  nous  avons  eu  Tavantage  de  justifier  la  d«?no- 
Miination  d'aruplitude  appliqutSe  a  Tangled) ;  et  meme  celle  de  functions  ellipti- 
ques, en  ge"ne"ral,  puisque  les  courbes  aJgeoriques  par  lesquelles  nous  avons  re- 
pre'sente'  ces  transcendantes,  se  construisent  avec  facilite"  au  moyen  desnmms 
vecteurs  d'une  ou  de  deux  ellipses  donne"es. — VERHULST,  '  Traite  des  Fonctions 
i;//i/>tiques,'  p.  295. 

M.  Verhulst  has  represented  the  three  kinds  of  elliptic  integrals  by  means  of 
sectorial  areas  of  certain  curves.  It  is  manifest,  however,  that  it  is  incomparably 
<-;t-i<T  to  do  this  than  to  represent  these  transcendents  by  means  of  the  arcs  of 
curves. — R.  L.  ELLIS,  Riyurt  un  the  recent  proyress  of  Analysis,  p.  73. 

t  See  Vol.  I.  page;',l:; 


Indeed  it  may  with  truth  be  asserted  that  nearly  all  the  princi- 
pal functions,  on  which  the  resources  of  analysis  have  chiefly  heen 
exhausted,  whether  they  he  circular,  logarithmic,  exponential  or 
elliptic,  arise  out  of  the  solution  of  this  one  general  problem,  to 
determine  the  length  of  an  arc  of  a  hyperconic  section. 

It  may  be  said,  we  cannot  by  this  method  derive  any  properties 
of  elliptic  integrals  which  may  not  algebraically  be  deduced  from 
the  fundamental  expressions  appropriately  assumed.  But  surely 
no  one  will  assert  that  the  properties  of  curve  lines  should  be  alge- 
braically developed  without  any  reference  to  their  geometrical 

We  might,  from  algebraical  expressions  suitably  chosen,  derive 
every  known  property  of  curve  lines,  without  having  in  any  in- 
stance a  conception  of  the  geometrical  types  which  they  represent. 
The  theory  of  elliptic  integrals  was  developed  by  a  method  the  in- 
verse of  that  pursued  in  establishing  the  formulae  of  common  trigo- 
nometry. In  the  latter  case,  the  geometrical  type  was  given — the 
circle — to  determine  the  algebraical  relations  of  its  arcs.  In  the 
theory  of  elliptic  integrals,  the  relations  of  the  arcs  of  unknown 
curves  are  given,  to  determine  the  curves  themselves.  This  is 
briefly  the  object  of  the  present  paper. 

The  true  geometrical  basis  of  this  theory  would  doubtless  long 
since  have  been  developed,  had  not  geometers  sought  to  discover 
the  types  of  those  functions  among  plane  curves.  They  were  be- 
guiled into  this  course  by  observing,  that  in  one  case — that  of  the 
second  order — the  representative  curve  is  obviously  a  plane  ellipse. 
Hence  they  were  led  by  a  seeming  analogy  to  search  for  the  types 
of  the  other  integrals  among  plane  curves  also. 

I  have  attempted  thus  to  place  on  its  true  geometrical  basis  a 
somewhat  abstruse  department  of  analysis,  and  to  clear  up  the  ele- 
mentary notions  from  which  it  may,  with  the  utmost  simplicity,  be 
developed.  It  is  only  in  the  maturity  of  a  science  that  the  rela- 
tions which  bind  together  its  cardinal  ideas  become  simplified.  An 
author,  who  has  himself  contributed  much  to  the  progress  of 
mathematical  science,  well  observes, — "  qu'il  est  bien  rare  qu'une 
theorie  sorte  sous  sa  forme  la  plus  simple  des  mains  de  son  premier 
auteur.  Nous  pensons  qu'on  sert  peut-etre  plus  encore  la  science 
en  simplifiant,  de  la  sorte,  des  theories  deja  connues,  qu'en  Fen- 
richissant  de  theories  nouvelles,  et  c'est  la  un  sujet  auquel  on  ne 
saurait  s'appliquer  avec  trop  de  soin." — GERGONNE,  '  Annales  des 
Mathematiques,'  torn.  xix.  p.  338. 

It  may  be  asked,  of  what  use  is  the  theory  of  elliptic  integrals  ? 
This  is  a  very  natural  inquiry  in  an  age  when  every  intellectual 
acquisition,  when  every  exercise  of  the  understanding  is  tested  by 
its  gross  material  utility.  Yet  it  may  suffice  to  say  in  reply,  that 
this  theory  will  be  found  of  use  in  many  geometrical  and  physical 

•  IN     Mil     (.  I  oMKTKlCAL  PROPERTIKS  OF  ELLIPTIC  INTEGRALS.          5 

inquiries.  These  I'liiietioiis  not  only  exhibit  the  rectification  and 
quadrature  of  conic  and  hyperconic  sections,  but  they  subserve  the 
theories  of  the  common  and  conical  pendulums  and  of  the  elastic 
curve.  In  Astronomy,  the  elements  of  the  orbits  of  the  planets, 
the  attraction  of  ellipsoids,  and  the  problem  of  the  rotation  of  a 
solid  body  round  a  fixed  point,  receive  their  final  and  complete 
solutions  by  the  help  of  these  integrals.  M.  Lame  has  proved  how 
questions  \\hieh  involve  the  distribution  of  heat  and  the  nature  of 
isothermal  surfaces  may  be  reduced  to  tbe  same  functions. 

In  a  subsequent  portion  of  this  volume,  it  will  be  shown  that 
the  complete  mathematical  solution  of  that  celebrated  problem  the 
rotation  of  a  solid  body,  has  been  for  the  first  time  obtained  by  the 
aid  of  those  functions  in  their  state  of  complete  development. 


1.]  The  theory  of  Elliptic  Integrals  is  founded  on  the  develop- 
ment of  the  quadrinomial  integral, 

f(  t>\  f\  V 

VA  +  Btf  +  Ca^  +  DtfS+tf4' 

in  which  A,  B,  C,  and  D  are  constants,  while  f  (x)  denotes  a  ratio- 
nal function  of  x. 

It  has  been  shown  by  Legendre,  and,  after  him,  by  Verhulst, 
Hymers,  and  others,  that  by  the  help  of  some  ingenious  transfor- 
mations the  above  integral  may  be  reduced  to  one  or  other  of  the 
following  fundamental  forms, 

dtp  c 

1     l/»*      /I  2    "     2  /»* 



or,  as  they  have  been  denoted  by  Legendre, 

Fc(<p),  Ec(<p),  and  Uc(p,(f>). 

I  have  ventured  to  make  some  alterations  in  the  established  no- 
tation of  elliptic  integrals.  I  have  written  i  for  the  modulus,  in- 
instead  of  c,  and  j  for  its  complement  instead  of  b;  so  that 

The  symbol  c,  used  by  writers  on  this  subject  to  designate  the 
modulus,  was  adopted  by  analogy  from  the  formula  for  the  recti- 
fication of  a  plane  elliptic  arc  by  an  integral  of  the  second  order. 


Although  in  the  circular  forms  of  the  third  order  it  still  signifies  a 
certain  ellipticity,  yet  it  has  no  longer  the  same  signification  in  the 
usual  form  of  the  first  order,  or  in  the  logarithmic  form  of  the 

Instead  of  the  usual  symbol,  A=  \/l  —  C2sin2<p=  \^l  —  &2sin2<p, 
v/I  has  been  substituted  when  i  is  the  modulus.  Should  it  be- 
come necessary  to  designate  the  amplitude  cp,  the  expression  may 
be  written  v/I^,  while  \/I,  may  denote  a  function  whose  modulus 
is  it. 

For  the    elliptic  integrals   of    the   first    and    second    orders, 

\—^f  and  Jd<p  v/I  have  been  substituted.     Hence  J^TT  represents 

1—7=  ==,  and  fdilr  VI,  maybe  put  for  fdi/r  \/l  —  i/sin2^. 

Ivl— «2snr<p  J  J 


The  surface  of  revolution  may  be  named  the  generating  surface, 
while  the  intersecting  surface  is  always  a  right  cylindrical  surface. 
The  parameter,  of  which  p  is  the  general  symbol,  we  shall  suppose 
to  vary  from  positive  to  negative  infinity,  and  to  pass  through  all 
intermediate  states  of  magnitude. 

The  nature  of  the  representative  curve  will  depend  on  the  value 
assigned  to  the  parameter  p  in  the  expression 

[  +  p  sin2  <p]  v  1  —  i2  sin2  <p 

The  modulus  i  we  shall  assume  to  be  invariable  and  less  than  1. 
In  this  progress  from  +00  to  —  co  ,  the  parameter  passes  through 
thirteen  distinct  values,  each  of  which  will  cause  a  variation  in  the 
species  or  properties  of  the  hyperconic  section,  the  representative 
curve  of  the  given  elliptic  integral. 

In  the  following  Table  we  may  observe  that  the  generating  sur- 
face in  passing  from  a  sphere  to  a  paraboloid,  in  its  course  of  trans- 
ition becomes  a  plane. 

It  is  somewhat  remarkable  that  the  common  form  of  the  elliptic 
integral  of  the  first  order  does  not  appear  in  the  Table,  although 
it  is  implicitly  contained  in  cases  II.  and  VIII. ;  for  the  circular 
form  of  the  third  order,  when  the  parameter  is  equal  to  the  modu- 
lus i,  may  be  reduced  to  the  first.  The  reason  why  the  first  form 
of  elliptic  integral  does  not  appear  in  the  Table  is  this  :  in  the 
thirteen  cases  given,  the  origin  is  placed  at  the  centre,  or  sym- 
metrically with  respect  to  the  represented  curve.  When  the  elliptic 
integral  of  the  first  order  is  given  in  the  usual  form,  without  a 
parameter,  it  represents  a  spherical  parabola,  but  the  origin  is  non- 
symmetrical,  that  is,  the  origin  is  placed  at  a  focus. 

Instead  of  p,  the  general  symbol  for  the  parameter,  we  may  sub- 

ON   rin.  <.I:O\II:TKICAL 


stitntc  for  it  particular  values,  such  as  /,  m,  or  n,  as  the  case  may 
require.  The  (juautitios  /,  m,  n,  i,  and./  are  connected  by  the  fol- 
low inj;  e(iuations  : — 

i9  -f  j*=  1 ,  I m= i2,  and  m  —  n  +  mw=i2,  in  the  circular  form,       1 
t2  +jz=  1 ,  ///=i2,  and  m  +  n  —  mn=i9)  in  the  logarithmic  form,  J 

///  and  //  may  be  called  conjugate  parameters ;  while  /  and  m,  or 
/  and  //  may  be  termed  reciprocal  parameters. 

For  (1  —  wsin9<p)  we  may  put  M,  and  N  for  (l+wsin2<p). 

These  thirteen  cases  are  exhibited  in  the  following  Table  : — 









p  =  n  =  cx>  . 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Circular  sections  of 
elliptic  cylinder. 



p=n  =  i,  or 
m  =  n. 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Spherical  parabola. 





Elliptic  cylinder. 

Spherical  ellipse. 



p  =  n—(). 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Plane  ellipse. 



p  =  m  =  \—j, 
or  m  =  n. 


Circular  cylinder. 

Circular  logarithmic 



p  =  m,  or 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Logarithmic  ellipse. 



p=m  =  f. 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Plane  ellipse. 



p  =  m  =  i. 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Spherical  parabola. 



p  =  m<:l. 


Elliptic  cylinder. 

Spherical  ellipse. 






Plane  hyperbola. 









or  m=n. 



Squiparametral  loga- 
rithmic hyperbola. 



p  =  /=oc. 


Vertical  plane. 


Cases  I.,  IV.,  VII.,  X.,  XIII.  give  the  formulae  for  the  rectifi- 
cation of  the  ordinary  conic  sections,  the  generating  surface  in 
these  cases  being  a  plane.  When  the  generating  surface  is  a 
sphere,  we  get  the  spherical  hyperconic  sections ;  when  a  parabo- 
loid, the  logarithmic  hyperconic  sections  result. 



2.]  A  spherical  ellipse  may  be  denned  as  the  curve  of  intersec- 
tion of  a  cone  of  the  second  degree  with  a  concentric  sphere. 

In  the  spherical  ellipse  there  are  two  points  analogous  to  the 
foci  of  the  plane  ellipse,  such  that  the  sum  of  the  arcs  of  'the  great 
circles,  drawn  from  these  points  to  any  point  on  the  curve,  is  con- 
stant. Let  a  and  /3  be  the  principal  semiangles  of  the  cone  ;  2a 
and  2/3  are  therefore  the  principal  arcs  of  the  spherical  ellipse. 
Let  two  straight  lines  be  drawn  from  the  vertex  of  the  cone,  in 
the  plane  of  the  angle  of  2a,  making  with  the  internal  axis  of  the 
cone  equal  angles  e,  such  that 

cos  a 
cose=  --  -  ........      (2) 


These  lines  are  usually  called  focals,  or  the  focal  lines  of  the  cone. 
The  points  in  which  they  meet  the  surface  of  the  sphere  are  termed 
the  foci  of  the  spherical  ellipse. 

Every  umbilical  surface  of  the  second  order  has  two  concentric 
circular  sections,  whose  planes,  in  the  case  of  cones,  pass  through 
the  greater  of  the  external  axes.  Perpendiculars  drawn  to  the 
planes  of  these  sections,  passing  through  the  vertex  (they  may  be 
called  the  CYCLIC  AXES  of  the  cone],  make  with  the  internal  axis  of 
the  cone  in  the  plane  of  2/3  (the  plane  passing  through  the  internal 
and  the  lesser  external  axis]  equal  angles  97,  such  that 


COS  V)  =  -r    -  ........          (3) 

sin  a 

Let  a  series  of  planes  be  drawn  through  the  vertex,  and  perpen- 
dicular to  the  successive  sides  of  the  cone.  This  series  of  planes 
will  envelop  a  second  cone,  which  is  usually  called  the  supple- 
mental cone  to  the  former.  The  cones  are  so  related,  that  the 
planes  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  one  are  perpendicular  to  the 
focal  lines  of  the  other,  and  conversely. 

The  equation  of  the  spherical  ellipse  may  be  found  as  follows, 
from  simple  geometrical  considerations. 

Let  2a  and  2/3  be  the  greatest  and  least  vertical  angles  of  the 
cone  ;  the  origin  of  coordinates  being  placed  at  the  common  centre 
of  the  sphere  and  cone.  Let  the  internal  axis  of  the  cone  meet 
the  surface  of  the  sphere  in  the  point  Z,  which  may  be  taken  as 
the  pole.  Let  p  be  an  arc  of  a  great  circle  drawn  from  the  point 
Z  to  any  point  Q,  on  the  curve,  ty  being  the  angle  which  the  plane 
of  this  circle  makes  with  the  plane  of  2a.  We  shall  then  have  for 
the  polar  equation  of  the  spherical  ellipse, 
1  cos2  sin2  •xr 

tan2  p     tan2  a     tan2  ft' 


To  show  this,  through  the  point  Z  let  a  tangent  plane  be  drawn  to 
the  spin-re.  This  plane  will  intersect  the  cone  in  an  ellipse.  This 
ellipse  may  be  called  the  plane  base  of  the  cone,  while  the  portion 
of  the  surface  of  the  sphere  within  the  cone  may  be  termed  the 
spherical  base  of  the  cone.  The  plane  of  the  great  circle  passing 
through  Z  and  Q  will  cut  the  plane  base  of  the  cone  in  the  radius 
vector  R  ;  and  if  we  write  A  and  B  for  the  semiaxes  of  this  ellipse, 
whose  plane  touches  the  sphere,  we  shall  have  for  the  common 
polar  equation  of  this  ellipse,  the  centre  being  the  pole, 

Now,  the  radius  of  the  sphere  being  k,  and  p,  a,  /3  the  angles  sub- 
tended at  the  centre  by  R,  A,  B,  we  shall  clearly  have 

R  =  £  tanp,     A=£tana,     B  =  £  tan/9; 

1         cos2  -Jr     sin2  -*r 
whence  —5—=       *     + 

—5—          *        7  —  5-5  ...... 

tanap     tan2  a     tan2/3 

We  may  write  this  equation  in  the  form 

1—  sin2p     cos2-Jr  -oN     sin2  -Jr.,       .  20N 

.  g    r  =  ^-g-i-  (1—  sm2a)+-^-2^-(l—  sm2/3); 
sm2p         sm2a  v  sm2£ 

1         cos2  -^  ,  sin2  -\/r 
or  reducing,  =   .     T  +  -^-^  ......     (5) 

sm2p      sm2a      sin2/? 

This  is  the  equation  of  the  spherical  ellipse  under  another  form, 
which  may  be  obtained  independently  by  orthogonally  project- 
ing the  spherical  ellipse  on  the  plane  of  the  external  axes  ;  or  by 
taking  the  spherical  ellipse  as  the  symmetrical  intersection  of  a 
right  elliptic  cylinder  with  the  sphere. 

3.]  If  in  the  major  principal  arc  2a  of  a  spherical  ellipse,  we 
assume  two  points  equidistant  from  the  centre,  the  distance  e  being 

determined  by  the  condition  cbse=  --  -x,  as  in  (2),  the  sum  of  the 

arcs  of  the  great  circles  drawn  from  these  points  —        Fig.  1. 
the  foci  —  to  any  point  on  the  spherical  ellipse  is  con- 
stant, and  equal  to  the  principal  arc  2a. 

Let  0  and  ff  denote  the  arcs  drawn  from  the 
points  F,  F  to  a  point  Q  upon  the  curve,  QZ=p, 
and  the  angle  QZF=<f,  FZ=F'Z=e. 

Then,  as  FZQ,  FZQ,  are  spherical  triangles,  we 

cos  0—  cose  cosp 

get  cosilr  =  --  :  —  -t  ,    .     .     .     (a) 

sin  e  sin  p 

COS  ff  —  COS  6  COS  p 

—  COSllr=—    —  ;  —  _T  .       .       Hj) 

sine  smp 

VOL.    11.  C 


COS  a 

—  --  --  (c),  and  the  equation  of  the  curve  given  in  [(2)] 

C/Oo  A.J 

COS  6 

n2'«/r     .....     (d) 

Between  (a),  (b),  (c),  (d),  we  must  eliminate  p,  ^Jr,  and  e.    Adding 
together  (a)  and  (b),  also  subtracting  (b)  from  (a),  we  get 

cos#  +  cos0'=2cosp  cose;  and  cos  6  —  cos  6'  =  2  smp  sine  cos-^r; 
from  (d),  I  =  cot2atan2p  cos2^  +  tan2p  cot2£-tan2p  cot2/3  cos2^-; 

/cos2/3  —  cos2a 



\  . 
i  s 

--  -- 

.   2  ,  _  ,     .      .       „ 

sm2p  cos2i|r=cot2a  --  r-o-k  :   substituting  for 
sin2  /3 


sm  a  sm 

sinp  cosijr,  its  value  deduced  by  subtracting  (b)  from  (a),  we  find 
cos2  a  (cos  6  —  cos  ff)  2  +  sin2  a  (cos  6  +  cos  ff)  2  =  sin2  2a, 
or  cos2  B  -f  cos2  &  —  2  cos  6  cos  &  (cos2  a  —  sin2  a)  =  1  —  cos2  2a  ; 
whence  cos22a—  2cos#  cos  &  cos2a=l  —  cos2^  —  cos2#'. 
Completing  the  square  and  reducing,  we  obtain 

cos  2a=  cos  6  cos  6'  +  sin  6  sin  0'=  cos  (6  ±  0'}  or 

2a=0±0'  ........     (e) 

The  positive  sign  to  be  taken  when  the  curve  is  the  spherical 

4.]  The  product  of  the  sines  of  the  perpendicular  arcs  let  fall  from 
the  foci  of  a  spherical  ellipse  on  the  arc  of  a  great  circle  touching  it, 
is  constant. 

Let  IB  and  OT'  be  the  perpendicular  arcs  let  fall  from  the  foci  on 
the  tangent  arc  of  a  great  circle  ;  we  shall  have 

sin  -BT  sin  id  =  sin  (a  +  e)  sin  (a—  e)  . 

Let  OT,  tff',  fff",  be  the  perpendicular 
arcs,  let  fall  from  the  centre,  and  the 
two  foci  F  and  Fy,  on  the  tangent 
arc  mn.  These  three  arcs  will  meet 
in  the  point  o,  the  pole  of  the  arc 
mn.  Let  p  be  the  perpendicular 
from  the  centre  on  the  straight  line 
which  touches  the  plane  elliptic  base ; 
of  this  straight  line,  mn  is  the  projec- 
tion. We  shall  therefore  have 

j92 = A2  cos2  X + B2  sin2  X, 
or  tan2  -or = tan2a  cos8  \  +  tan2  /3  sin2  X, 
cos2  a 

Fig.  2. 

whence  cos2  IF = 

1  —  sin2  e  sin2  X' 


Now  FZQ  =  X,  whence  iu  the  spherical  trhui^lc  FZO, 
FO  =  |-<ZO=£-CT, 

sin  in1  —  cos  e  sin  or 

\\r  anal!  have  cosX= = —  — . 

sin  e  cos  ta- 
in the  other  spherical  triangle  F'ZO,  we  shall  also  have 

sin  HT"  —  cos  e  sin  -sr 
— cosX=- 

sm  e  cos  m 

Adding  first,  and  then  subtracting  these  equations,  one  from  the 
other,  we  shall  find 

sin  iff1  +  sin  tv" =2  cos  e  sin  iff, 

sin  iff1  —  sin  iff" =2  sin  e  cos  iff  cos  X. 

Squaring  these  equations,  and  subtracting  the  latter  from  the 
former,  we  shall  obtain 

sin  a'  sin  iff" = cos2  e— cos2  iff  (1  —  sin2  e  sin2  \) . 
Substituting  for  cos  iff  its  value  given  above,  and  reducing, 

sinw' smtsr"=sin  (a-f  e)  sin  (a— e) (6) 

5.]   The  area  of  any  portion  of  a  spherical  surface  bounded  by  a 
closed  curve,  may  be  determined  by  the  formula, 

r*«     fo 

area=l     <ty  I   do- [sin  o-], 

«/0  •'O 

where  a-  is  the  arc  of  a  great  circle  intercepted  between  the  fixed 
point  Z  taken  within  the  curve  as  pole  (fig.  3),  and  any  variable 
point  m  assumed  within  the  bounding  curve  on  the  surface  of  the 
sphere,  p  being  the  spherical  radius  vector  of  the  curve  measured 
from  the  pole  Z,  and  passing  through  m,  while  i/r  is  the  angle 
which  the  plane  of  this  gre"at  circle,  passing  through  the  points 
Z,  m,  makes  with  the  fixed  plane  of  a  great  circle  passing  through  Z. 
Let  O  be  the  centre  of  the  sphere,  Z  the  pole,  m  the  assumed 
point,  ZQ,  the  great  circle  passing  through 
them.  Through  Z  let  a  great  circle  OZQ'  Fig.  3. 

be  drawn,  indefinitely  near  to  the  former, 
d^/r  being  the  angle  between  the  planes. 
Through  m  let  a  plane  be  drawn  perpendi- 
cular to  the  axis  OZ,  meeting  the  great  circle 
OZQ!  in  m1.  Through  n,  a  point  on  ZQ  in- 
definitely near  to  m,  a  parallel  plane  being 
drawn,  it  will  meet  the  great  circle  OZQ'  in 
a  point  n',  indefinitely  near  to  m1.  Now  it  is 
manifest  from  this  construction  that  the 


whole  spherical  area  to  be  determined  is  the  sum  of  all  the  indefi- 
nitely small  trapezia,  such  as  mnm1  n1,  into  which  in  this  manner 
it  may  be  divided.  To  compute  the  value  of  this  elementary  tra- 
pezium, we  have  mm'=sino-d-\Jr,  mw=dcr.  As  the  pole  Z  is 
within  the  curve,  the  limits  of  er  are  0  and  p  ;  and  as  the  surface 
is  assumed  to  extend  all  round  Z,  the  limits  of  -ty  are  0  and  2vr. 

f**      ff 

Whence  area=  1     <tyl   dcr[sin<r]  .......     (a) 

Jo          Jo 

Integrating  this  equation  between  the  limits  0  and  p,  we  find 


area  =  I     di|r[l—  cos/>]    .......     (b)* 


The  second  integration  can  be  accomplished  only  when  we  know 
the  relation  between  p  and  i/r,  or  the  equation  of  the  bounding 

6.]  To  find  an  expression  for  the  length  of  a  curve  described  on 
the  surface  of   a  sphere,  whose  radius 
is  1. 

Let  u  and  u'  be  two  consecutive  points 
on  the  curve,  ZQ,  ZQ'  the  arcs  of  two 
great  circles  passing  through  them  in- 
clined to  each  other  at  the  indefinitely 
small  angle  di/r.  Through  u  let  a  plane 
be  drawn  perpendicular  to  OZ,  and  meet- 
ing the  great  circle  ZQ'  in  v. 

Then  ultimately  uvu'  may  be  taken 
as  a  right-angled  triangle,  whence 

Now  uu'=d<r,  wv=sinp  d^}  u'v=Ap}  whence 
do-=  [dp8  +  smutty2]*. 

Integrating  this  expression  between  the  limits  pt  and  pn,  or  i/r 
and  0,  accordingly  as  we  take  p  or  ty  for  the  independent  variable, 
we  get 

*  Equation  (b)  may  be  established  by  the  help  of  the  simplest  elementary 
principles.  We  know  that  the  surface  of  the  segment  of  a  sphere  comprised 
between  a  tangent  plane  and  a  parallel  secant  plane  is  equal  to  the  circumference 
of  a  great  circle  multiplied  into  the  distance  between  these  planes.  This*  dist- 
ance is  1  —  cos  p  ;  p  being  the  arc  of  a  great  circle,  measured  from  the  point  of 
contact  of  the  tangent  plane  to  the  parallel  secant  plane.  If  through  the  dia- 
meter perpendicular  to  these  planes  we  draw  two  great  circles,  inclined  one  to 
the  other  at  the  angle  d\|^,  the  surface  of  the  sperical  wedge  thus  formed  will  be 

—  cosp). 


7.]  To  apply  these  expressions  to  find  the  length  of  an  arc  of  a 
spherical  ellipse. 

In  this  ease  it  will  be  found  simpler  to  integrate  the  differential 
expression  for  an  arc  of  a  curve,  taking  p  instead  of  ty  as  the  in- 
dependent variable.  We  may  derive  from  (5)  the  following  ex- 

•  2  r  _sin2/3  fsin2a— sin2pl  ^| 
^     siii2p  I  sin2  a— sin2/3j  [ 

2        sjn^arsin2p-sin2/31   ( 

T     sin2p  \  sin2  a—  sin2/3J  J 

Differentiating  the  former  with  respect  to  ty  and  p,  and  elimi- 
nating sin  ty,  cos  i/r,  using  for  this  purpose  the  relations  established 
in  (a),  we  shall  find 

d>/r  —  sin  a  sin  ft  cos  p 

r  p  v  sin*  p  —  sin*  p 

Substituting  this  value  of  -     in  the  general  expression  for  the 

dp     sin  p  \/sin2  a  —  sin2  p  v/sin2  p  —  sin'2  ft 
ting  this  value  of  -p  in  the  general  express 
arc  in  the  last  section,  the  resulting  equation  will  become 

sin  p  y/ cos2  p— cos2  a  cos2  /3 
\/  (sin2  a— sin2  p)  (sin2  p  —  sin2  ft) 

],   .     .     .      ( 

an  elliptic  integral  which  may  be  reduced  to  the  usual  form  by  the 
following  transformation  :  assume 

9    _  sin2  a  cosa  <p  4  sin2  /3  sin2  <p 
8  P~22  2/3  sin2<p  ..... 


The  limits  of  integration  are  0  and  -.     Differentiating  this  ex- 


pression,  and  introducing  inte  (c)  the  relations  assumed  in  (d),  we 
shall  obtain  for  the  arc  the  following  expression  :  — 

tan/3    . 

.  ,   "|4/,      /8in2a-s 

m  H  V  1  -  (       8in2a 


-    (8) 

Let  e  be  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane  base  of  the  cone,  whose  semi- 
axes  are  A  and  B,  as  in  sec  [2]  , 

A2-Ba     tan2  a-  tan2  ft     sin2  a-  sin2  ft 

f/X  «  ._,   —  •  f      •—  —  —  _^^^_^_^^^_^^^   _ 

A2  tan2  a  sin2  a  cos2  /3  ' 

we  may  derive  from  (2)  and  (3) 

sin2  a  —  sin2  ft       ,    .  ,       sin2  a  —  sin2  /3 
sin8  77=  --  —s  —     -  and  sm2e=—      —  q-&~     > 
sm2  a  cos2  ft 


or  grouping  these  results  together, 

tan2  a  —  tan2  B     sin2  a  —  sin2  3 

*  —  —  '.^— 


_  _ 

tan2  a  sin2  a  cos2  /3 

.  Q        sin2  a  —  sin2/3      ,2      .   2       sin2  a—  sin2  /3 
sin2  77=  --  =-3  --  -=&2,  sm2e=—      —5—.  —  =rc.    .      (9) 
sin*  a  cos"1  a 

These  quantities  m,  n,  and  z2  fulfil  the  equation  of  condition 
assumed  in  (1) 

i'2  ........     (e) 

If  we  introduce  these  values  into  (8)  ,  the  transformed  equation  will 


_tan/3   .      Cr  _  df  _  -i 
~tan  a  S1  *'  J  |_[1  -  e2  sin2  <p]  ^/l  -sin2  17  sin2<pj  ' 

an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form,  since  e2  is 
greater  than  sin2  77,  and  less  than  1  . 

This  is  case  IX.  in  the  Table,  page  7. 

This  is  the  simplest  form  to  which  the  rectification  of  an  arc  of 
a  spherical  ellipse  can  be  reduced.  The  parameter  of  the  elliptic 
integral  is  the  square  of  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane  elliptic  base  ; 
and  the  modulus  is  the  sine  of  half  the  angle  between  the  planes  of 
the  circular  sections  of  the  cone. 

If  we  write  m  for  e2,  i  for  sin  77,  and  express  the  coefficient 

-  -  sin  B  in  terms  of  m  and  i,  the  expression  (10)  may  be  trans- 
tan  a 

formed  into 

/  — 

j  ' 

[l-msin2<p]  Vl^P  sin2<p 

It  is  easily  shown  that  the  coefficient  -^    —  sin  8  of  the  elliptic  in- 

run  a 

tegral  in  (10)  or  its  equivalent  I  -     —  J  \/mn  is  the  square  root  of 
the  criterion  of  sphericity, 


For  if  we  substitute  in  this  expression  for  i  its  value  given  in  (1) 
m  —  n  +  mn=i2}  we  shall  find 

.-    tan/3    . 
K=—    "sin 

a     A—  m\    /— 

5=1-      -\vrnn.      .     .     .     .     (f) 
\    m    / 

As  \/  K  is  manifestly  real,  the  elliptic  integral  is  of  the  circular 


8.]  To  find  the  area  of  a  spherical  ellipse. 

Resuming  equations  (4)  and  (5)  of  the  spherical  ellipse, 

1     cosa>/r     sin2-^         ,      1         cos2-^-     sin2^ 

tan2p    tan2  a     tan2/S'  '       sin2p     sin2  a     sin2/3* 
dividing  the  former  by  the  latter,  and  reducing,  we  shall  find 

tan2  a 

co.p-co.a- ^-  - (a) 

Substituting  this  value  of  cos  p  in  the  general  expression  for  the 
spherical  area  (b)  sec.  [5],  we  obtain  the  result 

tan2  a 

area=-^r  —  cos  a  j 


To  integrate  this  equation,  let  us  assume 


tanyi  =  —    -  tan<p  : (c) 


and  we  shall  find,  on  making  the  necessary  transformations  in  the 

,.  .  tan# 

preceding  expressions,  the  area=<y<  — ,          cos  a  x 

tan  a 

J  .      /tan8 a- tan2 ft\  .  2    1       /       /cos2£-cos2a\   . 
— 2—    -)sm2<p  >\/  I  —  [-  -)si 

\        tan*  a        /  J    V  \       cos2p        / 


Let  A  and  B  be  the  semiaxes  of  the  plane  elliptic  base  of  the 
cone,  and  e  its  eccentricity,  then  we  shall  obviously  have 


~A*~  tan'a 

and  e  being  the  angle  between  the  spherical  focus  and  centre, 

cos  a        .          r  ..      ,  .  _       cos2  ft— cos2  a 

cos  e  = »  as  m  sec  1 21 ,  whence  sin2  e  = —  — .     (e) 

cos  p  cos2  ft 

Introducing  these  relations  into  (12),  we  shall  obtain  the  formula 

tan/9         fr d<p  1 

area=y— —  — cosal    71 2   .  2   n — ,        .  .    ==f^-    .    (13) 

tana         J  L[l— e2sm2<p]  yl—  sm2esin2(pj 

This  is  an  elliptic  function  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form, 
since  e2  is  less  than  1 ,  and  greater  than  sin2  e. 


This  seems  to  be  the  simplest  form  that  can  be  found  for  the 
quadrature  of  the  spherical  ellipse,  the  parameter  and  squared 
modulus  of  the  elliptic  transcendent  being  the  squares  of  the  ec- 
centricities of  the  plane  and  spherical  ellipses  respectively. 

We  shall  show  hereafter  that  there  is  a  class  of  spherical  ellipses 
whose  quadrature  may  be  effected  by  elliptic  functions  of  the  first 

To  determine  the  geometrical  signification  of  the  angle  of  re- 

Fig.  5. 

duction  <p,  in  the  above  trans- 

On  the  major  axis  of  the 
plane  elliptic  base  of  the  cone, 
let  a  semicircle  be  described. 
Let  OP  be  drawn,  making  the 
angle  ^  with  the  major  axis 
OB.  Let  the  ordinate  through 
P  be  produced  to  meet  the 
circle  in  Q,  join  OQ, ; 

tan-Jr        PD     B     tan/3    ,    ,  tanilr     tan/3  ,  A, 

then-  — 7^5=rvis=ir=r-  -;but-    -*- =—  -;  see  (10) 
tanQOB     QD     A     tana          tan<p     tana 

whence  Q,OB=<p,  or  <p  is  the  eccentric  anomaly  of  the  point  P. 

*7T  7T 

Now,  when  -^=0,   <p=0,  and  when  ^  =  o>  <f=2'   wnence  *P 

and  ty  coincide  at  these  limits.  Writing  S  for  the  area  of  the 
quadrant  of  the  spherical  ellipse ;  as  the  surface  evidently  consists 
of  four  symmetrical  quadrants,  the  area  or  length  of  one  quadrant 
will  manifestly  be  one  fourth  of  the  area  or  length  of  the  whole  ; 


area=vr  — —    -  cos  a 


. — e2  sin2  <p]  V 1  —  sin2  e  sin2 

;]•  (W) 

9.]  Let  2a'  and  2/3'  be  the  principal  arcs  of  the  supplemental  cone, 
a!  being  in  the  plane  of /3,  and  /3'  in  that  of  a.  Let  S'  be  the  length 
of  a  quadrant  of  the  spherical  ellipse  the  intersection  of  this  cone 
with  the  concentric  sphere.  Then  we  may  deduce  from  (10) 


.  —  e'2  sin2  <p}  V 1  —  sin2  if  sin2  <p 

Now,  as  the  cones  are  assumed  to  be  supplemental, 

].    .     (a) 


a  +  /3'  =  „>    ft  +  a'  =  o  >      whence    sin  a'  =  cos  /3,    sin  /3'  =  cos  a, 

ON     Illi;    (iKOMKTKIl'AI.   IMUM'KKTIKS   OK   Kl.UI'TK     IM'KI.KALS.         17 

.      .  .        tan/3'     tan/3     ,2 

cos  a'  =  sin  B,  cos/3'  =  sm  a ;   therefore-       ,  =  ; — -,  t'*  =  e*,   and 

tan  a'     tan  a 

sin  T/  = -si»  e (b) 

Introducing  these  transformations  into  the  last  formula 

v,     tan/3  f£r <fy  -| 

i'  =  A      -cosal       TT 5-7-5 /,       .   9      .  ,       .     (15) 

tana  ,   L{1  —  e*  sm*  <pV  yl  —  sure  sin2  <pj 

c   U 

Now,  if  we  turn  to  the  expression  found  for  the  area  of  a  spheri- 
cal ellipse,  given  in  (13),  we  shall  find  that  it  consists  of  two  parts — 
a  circular  arc,  and  an  elliptic  integral  identically  the  same  with  the 


one  just  investigated,  when  taken  between  the  limits  0  and  -.    We 


thus  arrive  at  the  very  remarkable  result,  that  the  rectification  of 
a  spherical  ellipse  depends  on  the  quadrature  of  the  supplemental 
ellipse,  and  reciprocally. 

If  we  add  together  (13)  and  (15), 

S+S'=|;       .......     (16) 

or  taking  the  whole  surface  4S  of  the  spherical  conic,  and  the  cir- 
cumference 4S'  of  the  supplemental  conic,  introducing,  moreover, 
k  the  radius  of  the  sphere,  we  obtain  the  remarkable  theorem 

4S  +  4£2'  =  2A:27r (17) 

Now  4A:S'  is  twice  the  lateral  surface  of  the  supplemental  cone, 
and  4S  is  the  surface  of  the  spherical  ellipse.  We  may  therefore 
infer  that 

The  spherical  base  of  any  cone,  together  with  twice  the  lateral 
surface  of  the  supplemental  cone,  is  equal  to  the  surface  of  the  hemi- 

Let  4S'  denote  the  spherical  base  of  the  supplemental  cone,  and 
L  the  lateral  surface  of  the  original  cone  :  from  the  preceding 
equations  we  obtain 

Adding  these  equations, 

4(S  +  S')  +  2  (L  +  L')  =  4*27r.  "I 

Subtracting  one  from  the  other,  .     .     .     .     (18) 


or,  if  any  two  cones,  supplemental  one  to  the  other,  are  cut  by  a 
concentric  sphere, 

The  sum  of  their  spherical  bases,  together  with  twice  the  sum  of 
their  lateral  surfaces,  is  equal  to  the  surface  of  the  sphere. 

And,  The  difference  of  their  bases  is  equal  to  twice  the  difference 
of  their  lateral  surfaces. 

VOL.  II.  D 


Again,  let  a  cone  whose  principal  angles  are  supplemental  be 
cut  by  a  concentric  sphere, 

The  area  of  the  spherical  base,  together  with  twice  the  lateral  sur- 
face, is  equal  to  the  surface  of  the  hemisphere. 

10.]  We  may,  by  the  method  of  projective  coordinates,  derive 
an  expression  for  the  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse. 

In  this  case  we  shall  consider  the  spherical  ellipse  as  the  curve 
of  intersection  of  a  right  elliptic  cylinder  by  a  sphere  having  its 
centre  on  the  axis  of  the  cylinder. 


be  the  equations  of  the  cylinder 
and  sphere,  ABCD  and  FGCD ; 
then,  do-  being  the  element  of  an 
arc  on  the  surface  of  a  sphere 
whose  radius  is  1,  k&o-  will  be  the 
element  of  the  corresponding  arc 
on  the  surface  of  the  sphere  whose 
radius  is  k. 


Fig.  6. 






x,  y  and  z  being  functions  of  the  independent  variable  X;. 

^2_ ^cos2^  .£•_  64sin2X; 

)  l.O\        •      O  -x 

'— 0*)  sin2Xy 

''      .     .     (21) 

Differentiating  these  expressions, 

and  as 

5£.\  _. <^"  \u~ — o~) " sinrA^cps-8 X, 

dXy  /      [a2  cos2  X;  +  W-  sin2  Xy]  3  [a2  (A:2 — a2)  cos2  Xy  -f  W^—W-}  sin2xT ' 
Substituting  these  expressions  in  (20),  we  find 

/  // 



The  numerator  of  this  expression  may  be  resolved  into  the  factors 

•a2)  cos2X/+  (£2  —  b*}  sin8Xy], 
and  the  equation  may  now  be  written 

-gg)  cos2X,+  (k*-t> 

dX,     A;[a2cos2X/  +  62sin2X/]  V«H*S -~«a)cos% +**(**-- 

(jfZ  —  b* 
70 5 
ft*  _  /7  * 


(24)  may  now  be  transformed  into 

d<p;     dX7  dtp/     A:  [a2  (**-  62)  cos2  <py  +  &2(A2-  a2)  sin8<pj  \/a2  cos2^  +  6 

If  we  imagine  a  concentric  cone  to  pass  through  the  mutual  inter- 
section of  the  cylinder  and  the  sphere,  we  shall  have 

,    b=k  sin/3, 

in2  o_ 


Whence  (26)  may  be  transformed  into 

tan  0    .    n  Cr  d<f>, 

-  —  "  -  ¥1 

.    n  , 

0-=-  —    sin/3  I    -  1—  (28] 

tan  a       KJ  [[1  -e2  sin2  <py]  Vl  -sin2  17  sin2^J  ' 

an  expression  identically  the  same  with  (10). 

The  angle  <p/  in  this  expression  is  identical  with  <p  in  (10). 

For  2+   g  _  ffl4  cos%  +  ^4  sin2  X,  _  a4  +  64  tan2  X, 

+  y  "22       2~2  2; 

eliminating  tanX/  by  (25), 

^  ,  tfg=^(*a-^t)  c«« 

«2(A2-62)  cos2<p/  +  62(^-a2)  sin2<p/ 

No  w  a2  =  *2  sin  a,  &2  =  #2sin2/3,  /:2-fl2=^2cos2a,  /t2-i2  = 
and  ,r2  -f  y2  =  A;2  cos2  p. 

Reducing,  we  get 

~>r-ir^r-  «Q    •  J1 (29) 

tan*  a  cos^^  +  tan^p  sm*<p/ 

Comparing  this  expression  with  (d)  sec.  [7],  it  follows  that  <p  =  <p;.  (30) 


In  the  foregoing  expressions  (11)  sec.  [7]  and  (28)  for  the  recti- 
fication of  an  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse,  the  elliptic  integrals  are  of 
the  third  order  and  circular  form,  with  negative  parameters.  We 
shall  now  proceed  to  show  that  the  same  arc  may  be  expressed  by 
an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form,  having  a 
positive  parameter. 

11.]  It  is  shown  in  the  first  volume  of  this  work,  at  page  184, 
that  if  p,  the  perpendicular  let  fall  from  a  fixed  point  as  pole  on  a 
tangent  to  the  curve,  makes  the  angle  X  with  a  fixed  straight  line 
drawn  through  the  pole,  t  being  the  intercept  of  the  tangent  between 
the  point  of  contact  and  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular,  we  shall 


Fig.  7. 

the  upper  sign  to  be  taken  when  the  radius  of  curvature  is  greater 
than  /?,  the  lower  sign  to  be  used  when  it  is  less  than  p. 

To  investigate  an  analogous  formula  for  the  rectification  of  a 
spherical  curve,  the  intersection  of  a  cone  of  any  order  with  a 
concentric  sphere. 

Let  a  point  Z  be  assumed  on 
the  surface  of  the  sphere  as  pole, 
and  through  this  point  a  tangent 
plane  ZAQB,  or  (@) ,  to  the  sphere 
being  drawn,  the  cone  whose 
vertex  is  at  O,  the  centre  of  the 
sphere,  and  which  passes  through 
the  given  spherical  curve,  will 
cut  this  tangent  plane  (©)  in  a 
plane  curve  AQB,  whose  rectifi- 
cation may  be  effected,  when  pos- 
sible, by  the  preceding  expression. 
Now  a  tangent  plane  OOP,  or 
(T) ,  may  be  conceived  as  drawn 
touching  the  cone,  and  cutting 
the  tangent  plane  (®)  in  a  straight 
line  QP  or  t,  which  will  be  a  tan- 
gent to  the  plane  curve  in  (©). 
It  will  also  cut  the  sphere  in  an 
arc  of  a  great  circle  (KTS)  which  will  touch  the  spherical  curve  in  K. 
Let  the  distance  QO  of  the  point  of  contact  of  the  line  t  with  the 
plane  curve  from  the  centre  of  the  sphere  be  R.  Through  the 
centre  of  the  sphere  let  a  plane  OZP,  or  (II),  be  drawn  at  right 
angles  to  the  straight  line  t.  Now  this  plane,  as  it  is  perpendicu- 
lar to  t,  must  be  perpendicular  to  the  planes  (©)  and  (T)  which 
pass  through  t.  As  the  plane  (II)  is  perpendicular  to  the  plane  (®), 


it  must  pass  through  (Z)  the  point  of  contact  of  this  plane  with  the 
sphere,  and  cut  the  plane  of  the  curve  AQJB  in  a  straight  line  ZP, 
or  p,  which  passes  through  the  pole,  the  point  of  contact  of  (®) 
with  the  sphere.  This  line  p  being  in  (II),  must  be  perpendicular 
to  /.  The  plane  (II)  will  also  cut  the  sphere  in  an  arc  of  a  great 
circle  Zw  =  «rJ  perpendicular  to  /ew,  the  tangent  arc  to  the  spherical 
curve  ;  for  these  arcs  must  be  at  right  angles  to  each  other,  since 
the  planes  in  which  they  lie,  (II)  and  (T),  are  at  right  angles.  Let 
P  be  the  distance  OP  of  the  point  in  which  the  plane  (II)  cuts  the 
straight  line  t,  from  the  centre  of  the  sphere  ;  r  the  distance  Q,Z  of 
the  pole  of  the  plane  curve  to  the  point  in  which  /  touches  it,  T 
being  the  angle  which  /  subtends  at  the  centre  of  the  sphere,  and  k 
its  radius 

p  =  k  sin  iir,    t  =  P  tan  T, 

T  is  the  angle  between  OQ  and  OP. 

Let  ds  be  the  element  of  an  arc  of  the  plane  curve  between  any 
two  consecutive  positions  of  R,  indefinitely  near  to  each  other  ; 
#d<r  the  corresponding  element  of  the  spherical  curve  between  the 
same  consecutive  positions  of  R.  Then  the  areas  of  the  element- 
ary triangles  on  the  surface  of  the  cone,  between  these  consecutive 
positions  of  R,  having  their  vertices  at  the  centre  of  the  sphere, 
and  for  bases  the  elements  of  the  arcs  of  the  plane  and  spherical 
curves  respectively,  are  as  their  bases  multiplied  by  their  altitudes. 
Let  S  and  S'  be  these  areas  ;  then 

P        • 

1  dX: 

But  the  areas  of  triangles  are  also  as  the  products  of  their  sides 
into  the  sines  of  the  contained  angles,  i.  e.  in  this  case  as  the  squares 
of  the  sides,  or 

S:ff::R«:*«,.    '.     (b)          «£-£*,.     .     .     (c) 

1  ~D      f  J2  ""^ 

putting  for  ds  its  value  given  in  (31),  -r-  =  ^2<  fi$+p  f  •     •     (d) 

-T.  dP        dp  dp 

whence  PJT-=#J€>   and/  =  — •£. 

UA,        CIA,  dA. 

Substituting  these  values  in  (d), 

dX~0'""^R«li  dX«"^  ^  f (6) 


We  shall  now  proceed  to  show  that  the  last  term  of  this  equa- 
tion is  the  differential  of  the  arc,  with  respect  to  X,  subtend* 
the  centre  of  the  sphere. 

t  P 

This  arc  being  T,  tanr=p   cosr=^-. 

-  .dP 


or  as  r=—  -^,    j^  =  —  ^  ^  -r  3T2~;n  dX  (  •  •     •     *     '»' 

HA/         tl/v  ti/v  ^ 

Adding  this  equation  to  (e),  we  get  for  the  final  result, 

cr=  fdX  sin-cr  — T.  ] 

d»  tj  '     '     *      W 

If  t=-^-,  the  formula  becomes  cr=ldX  sm-or  +  T. 
dX  J  } 

12.]  This  formula  serves  a  twofold  purpose ;  for  it  will  also  enable 
us  to  give  the  quadrature  of  the  supplemental  figure  on  the 
surface  of  the  sphere.  Let  p1  be  that  radius  vector  of  the  supple- 
mental figure  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere  which  is  the  prolonga- 
tion of  -or;  p'  +  -5T=^,  and  therefore  sin -07= cos  p';  X  remains  the 
same  in  both  curves  ;  whence 

\  sin'BrdX=  \  cosp'dX (h) 

But  it  was  shown  in  (b)  sec.  [5]  that  the  expression  for  the  area  of 
a  spherical  curve  is 

area=J(l— cosp')  dX=X— JsinOTdX.       .     .     .     (i) 

Thus  the  proposition  established  in  sec.  [9]  as  to  the  reciprocal  re- 
lations between  the  rectification  and  quadrature  of  supplemental 
spherical  conies  of  the  second  order,  is  shown  to  hold  with  respect 
to  supplemental  conies  of  any  order  described  on  the  surface  of  a 

Throughout  these  pages,  to  avoid  circumlocution  and  needless 
repetitions,  we  shall  designate  as  the  ^ro-jected  tangent,  or  briefly 
as  the  protangent,  that  portion  of  a  tangent  to  a  curve,  whether  it 
be  a  straight  line,  a  circle,  or  a  parabola,  between  its  point  of  con- 
tact, and  a  perpendicular  from  a  fixed  point  let  fall  upon  it,  whe- 
ther this  perpendicular  be  a  straight  line,  or  a  circular  or  a  para- 
bolic arc.  This  definition  is  the  more  necessary,  as  the  protangent 
will  continually  occur  in  the  following  investigations.  The  term 
is  not  inappropriate,  as  the  j»ro-tangent  is  the  projection  of  the 
radius  vector  on  the  tangent. 


Hi.]  To  apply  the  formula  (33)  to  the  rectification  of  the  sphe- 
rical ellipse. 

Let,  as  before,  A  aiid  B  be  the  semiaxes  of  the  plane  elliptic 
base  of  the  cone,  r  the  central  radius  vector  drawn  to  the  point  of 
contact  of  the  tangent  t,  p  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on 
this  tangent,  /  the  intercept  of  the  tangent  to  the  plane  ellipse  be- 
tween the  point  of  contact  and  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular,  X  the 
angle  between  p  and  A.  Let  a,  ft,  p,  tx,  r  be  the  angles  subtended 
at  the  centre  of  the  sphere,  whose  radius  is  1,  by  the  lines  A,  B,  r, 
p,  t,  we  shall  consequently  have 

A=A:tana,  B=A:tan/3,  r  =  k  tanp,  p=k  tan  -or, 

1  •  •  • 


and  /=  V£2+./>2  tanr  =  P  tan 

Now  in  the  plane  ellipse 


sm2X,  and  /2=^—  -  : 



therefore  in  the  spherical  ellipse 

whence  sec2  -BT  =sec2  a  cos2  X  +  sec2  ft  sin2  X. 

Dividing  the  former  by  the  latter, 

tan2  a  cos2  X  +  tan2  ft  sin2  X 

sin2 13-= — -9 —       0_       — <TO   •  9  ^  •       •     •     •     (36) 
sec"1  a  cos-  X  +  sec*  p  sur  X 

Introducing  this  value  of  sin -or  into  (33),  the  general  form  for 
spherical  rectification,  the  resulting  equation  will  become 

"tan2  a  cos2  X  +  tan2  ft  sin2  X~|  i 
sec2  a  cos2  X  -I-  sec2  ft  sin2  X  J 

14.]  To  reduce  this  expression  to  the  usual  form  of  an  elliptic 
Assume  tan  ^=  cos  e  tan  X (38) 

It  must  first  be  shown  that  this  amplitude  ^  is  equal  to  the  ampli- 
tude <p  in  (d)  sec.  [7],  and  therefore  to  <pt  in  (25),  as  was  established 
in  sec.  [10]. 

In  an  ellipse,  if  -^r  and  X  are  the  angles  which  a  central  radius 
vector,  and  a  perpendicular  from  the  centre,  on  the  tangent  drawn 
through  its  extremity,  make  with  the  major  axis,  we  know  that 

B2  tan2  B 

tani/r  =  — ^  tanX  =  — ^—  tanX.     Introducing  this  value  of  tan  -*fr 

into  (5)  sec.  [2]  and  reducing, 

Qr          tan8  a  cos2  X  + tan2  #  sin2  X 

cos2 p=cos- a  cos2  ft   t  — 5 3^ s^ o-^  — 5 — r-~-   . 

I_tan2a  cos2/3  cos2X  +  tan2/?  cos2 a  snrAJ 



Comparing  this  value  of  cos2  p  with  that  assumed  for  cos2  p  in  (d) 
sec.  [7],  namely, 

sin2  a  cos2  <p  +  sin2  8  sin2  <p 
prm*  n  —  _  -  _  :  -  -  -  — 

we  get,  after  some  reductions,  tan  <p=  cose  tan  X  .....      (39) 

But  in  (38)  we  assumed  tan  %=  cose  tanX.  Hence  the  amplitudes 
<p,  <p',  and  %  in  (d)  sec.  [7],  (25),  and  (38)  are  equal.  We  may  ac- 
cordingly write  <p  instead  of  %  or  <pr  Substituting  the  value  of 
tan  A,  derived  from  the  equation,  tan  <p=  cose  tanX,  in  (38),  the  in- 
tegral in  (37)  becomes 


cos  a  cos  /9  [sin2  a  —  (sin2  a — sin2  8}  sin2  <p]  d<p 

[cos2  a  +  (sin2  a  —sin2  8)  sin2  <p]  -v/sin2  a  cos2  <p  +  sin2  8  sin2  <p 

cos  a    ,     „       sin2a  — sin2/?     .   0        sin2a  — sin2/3 

Now  cose= r>,  tan2e=—      — =,—  — .  sm2?7= r-s—  — .    (40) 

cos  p  cos2  a  sin2  a 

Making  the  substitutions  suggested  by  these  relations,  and  redu- 
cing, we  shall  find 

$_  Cr 
m  aj  L 

cos  a  sm  aj  L  [1  +  tan2  e  sin2  <p]  V  1  —  sin2  T;  sin2 
cos  a  cos  8  C  d<p 

sin  a          v/1—  sin2^  si 

~  P 


an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order,  with  a  positive  parameter, 
and  therefore  of  the  circular  form. 

This  is  case  IX.  in  the  Table,  page  7. 

Writing  n  for  tan2  e,  i  for  sin  77,  and  expressing  sin  a,  cos  a,  sin/3, 
cos/3  in  terms  of  w  and  z,  (41)  becomes 


J  L 

V  1  —  «2  sin2  <p 

If  we  put  A,  for  the  criterion  of  sphericity,  as  in  sec.  [7],  with 
respect  to   n  the  positive  parameter,     or   «,=  (!+»)    (w+-j, 

or  */*,=(-    -)  Vww,  it  may  easily  be  shown  that  V/^=     C°S/? 

cos  asm  a 
the  coefficient  of  the  preceding  integral.     Hence  also,  K  K,=J*. 


15.]  To  express  the  protangent  r  in  terms  of  \  and  <p.  We  found 
in  sec.  [11] 

2    __**__  jV_  _  (A2-B2)2*in2\co82\  _ 
~P2~Py~  [/fc2  +  a2cos2\  +  62sin2\]  [a2cos*A.  +  62sin2X]' 


A2-B2  sin2a-sin2/3 

A.  =  k  tana,  B  =  A:  tana,  e2  =  —  7-5  —  ,  and  snre=  —      —  ^  —  -. 

A2  cos2  /3 

e2  sin  a  sin  X  cos  \ 

whence  tanr  =  —  —  —  —  -  —  —  .  .     .     (43) 

V  1  —  e2  sin*  X  y  1  —sin2  e  sin2  \ 

To  express  tan  r  in  terms  of  the  amplitude  <p. 

Assume  the  relation  established  in  (d)  sec.  [7]  or  (25)  or  (38)  or 
(39),  tan  <p  =  cos  e  tan  \.  Introducing  this  condition  into  (43),  we 

e  tan  e  sin  <r>  cos  <p 

tanr  =  —  ==    .      y  .     L  •     .....     (44) 
v  1—  8111*77  sm^fp 

or  as  \m  =  e,   v^ 

.      ,  mnsn<p  cos<p 

the  last  equation  becomes   tanr  =  -  --,    >.         ~^J  .     .     .     .     (45) 


Hence  (42)  may  now  be  written 

~\    n 


•    (46) 
sin  <p  cos  <p 

A/1—  i2  siu2<p  \/l—  i2sin2<p 

Now  this  formula  and  (11)  represent  the  same  arc  of  the  spherical 
ellipse  ;  they  may  therefore  be  equated  together.     Accordingly 

(!±^ft ^-=         =J]} 

\    n    / J  L  [1  +  n  sin2  <p]  v'  1  —i2  sin2  <pj 

/l-m\  f  r d(p  -I 

\~wT/J  L[l-msin2<p]  \/l-i2  sin2  <pj 

d<p  1  _,  r  \/mn  sin  <p  cos 

.g   .  o    +  ~7="  tan       -===: 

— i2sm2<p      ymw  L    \/l  —  i2sm2<r 

This  is  the  well-known  theorem  established  by  LEGENDRE,  Traite 
des  Fonctions  Elliptiques,  torn.  i.  p.  72,  for  the  comparison  of 
elliptic  integrals  of  the  circular  form,  with  positive  and  negative 

VOL.   II.  E 


Fig.  8. 

parameters  respectively.  These  circular  forms  arise  from  treating 
the  element  of  the  spherical  conic  either  as  the  hypotenuse  of  an 
infinitesimal  right-angled  triangle,  or  as  an  element  of  a  circular 
arc,  having  the  same  curvature.  When  we  adopt  the  former  prin- 
ciple, we  obtain  for  the  arc  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order, 
circular  form,  and  negative  parameter.  When  we  select  the  latter, 
we  get  a  circular  form  of  the  same  order,  with  a  positive  parameter. 
Equating  these  expressions  for  the  same  arc  of  the  curve,  the  re- 
sulting relation  is  Legendre's  theorem.  We  thus  see  how  an  el- 
liptic integral  with  a  positive  parameter  may  be  made  to  depend  on 
another  with  a  negative  parameter  less  than  1  and  greater  than  i2. 

16.]  We  must  not  confound 
the  angle  X  in  the  preceding 
article  with  the  angle  X,  in  Art. 
[10] .  We  shall  investigate  the 
relation  between  them.  Through 
ZO,  the  axis  of  the  cylinder,  let 
a  plane  be  drawn  making  the 
angle  ty  with  the  plane  ZOA«. 
Let  this  plane  cut  the  spherical 
ellipse  in  the  point  K,  and  the 
plane  ellipse  the  orthogonal  pro- 
jection of  the  latter  in  the  point 
Q.  Through  K  draw  an  arc  of 
a  great  circle  KIT  touching  the  curve,  and  through  Q  draw  a  right 
line  touching  the  plane  ellipse.  From  Z  let  fall  the  perpendicular 
arc  ZTT  on  the  tangent  arc  of  the  circle,  making  the  angle  X  with 
the  arc  Za.  From  O  let  fall  on  the  tangent  to  the  plane  ellipse 
at  Q,  the  perpendicular  OP  making  the  angle  \,  with  OA. 


tan  X  = 

-  —  g  'a 



Hence  we  derive 


Consequently  tan  X  .  tan  Xy  =  cos2  e  tan2  X. 

But  we  have  shown  in  (39)  that 

tan2  <p  —  cos2  e  tan2  X, 
whence  tan2<p=tanX  tanXy, (48) 

on  the  tangent  of  the  amplitude  <p  is  a  mean  proportional  between 
the  tangents  of  the  normal  angles  which  a  point  of  contact  K  on  the 
spherical  ellipse,  and  its  projection  Q,  on  the  plane  ellipse  the  base  of 
the  cylinder  produce. 

17.]  We  may  obtain,  tinder  another  form,  the  rectification  of 
the  spherical  ellipse. 


Assume   the   equations  of  the  right  cylinder  and  generating 
sphere  as  given  in  (19), 

r*  +  -J*=l,  and  x*  +  y*  +  z*  =  k*. 

•  t  (/ 

Make  x=asin0,   y  =  /3cos#; 

hence  z*  =  k*-a'2  sin20-62  cos20;'     .....     (49) 

and  therefore      *d<7/-  [a*(k*~^  ™**  »  +  &(&-  a*}  sin20-U 

J   '  ( 


a2  (A:2  -  A2)  =#»  sin2  a  cos2  0,    62(/c2  -  a2)  =  /c4  sin2  0  cos2  a, 

k*-b*  =  k*  cos2  /3,   /c2  -  <z2  =  £2  cos2  a. 
Substituting  these  values  in  (50)  ,  and  integrating, 

,CW  ftan2  a  cos2  0  +  tan2  ff  sin2  0"|  ^ 
~J      Lsec2a  cos20  +  sec2/3  sin2  0  J  ' 

If  we  now  compare  this  formula  with  (37)  and  make  0=\,  we 
shall  have  </—  CT  =  T  ..........  (52) 

Hence  we  may  represent  the  difference  between  two  arcs  of  a  sphe- 
rical ellipse,  measured  from  the  vertices  of  the  major  and  minor 
arcs  of  the  curve,  by  an  arc  T  of  a  great  circle  which  touches  the 
spherical  ellipse. 

18.]  We  may  thus,  by  the  help  of  the  foregoing  theorems,  show 
that  when  any  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form 
is  given,  whether  the  parameter  be  positive  or  negative,  we  may 
always  obtain  the  elements  of  the  spherical  ellipse,  of  whose  arc 
the  given  function  is  the  representative. 

Let  the  parameter  be  negative. 

9     tan2  a—  tan2  /3  .    .   „       sin2  a—  sin2  /3 

As          e2  =  —  —=m,   andsm2«=—  —  —i  2 

tan2  a  sm2a 

•9  '9 

I  ll  —  i  -  vn  —~  £ 

we  shall  have          tan2  a  =  ^ri  --  r.  tan2  6=  —  ^—  .   .     .     .     (53) 

iz(l—  m)  t2 

In  order  that  these  values  of  tan  a,  tan  /3  may  be  real,  we  must 
have  m>i2  and  m<l. 

Let  the  parameter  be  positive. 

3       sin2  a—  sin2  /3  ,    .  .        sin2  a—  sin2  ft 

Now        tan2e=—  —=n.  2 

cos*  a  sin*  a 

hence  .    tan«a=|,    tan2/3=|  ^   l2  .....     (54) 

There  is  in  this  case  no  restriction  on  the  magnitude  of  n. 


19.]  To  determine  the  value  of  tlie  expression 

l  +  n\    /—  ff 
n    )  V/™JL( 

n    J  ^        J  L(l+rasin2<p)  VI -# 
when  n  is  infinite. 

As  m— n  +  mn=i*}  or  (I— m)  (l  +  tt)  =  l— i2=/2, 

when  n  is  infinite,  w=l. 

Resuming  the  expression  given  in  (47) , 

/l+n\     fr          dtp      -| 

0"=l-         I  </mn\     T-. —        r~s :     7l      -a    •   g 

\    /i    /          J  |_(1  +w  srrr  <p)  v  1 — t   sin  <pJ 

t          I  (J.(p  -        1  I     ^y  Tflffy  S1H  ®  COS  ®  I 

_  — =- 1  —         T   .  =^  —  tan  L  r        r     i 

\/mn  1  vl—  i2  sin2  <p  L    \/l— i2  sin2(p   J  ) 


we  find  that  when  n  is  infinite,  a  is  a  right  angle. 

0       sin2  a  —  sin2  ft  ,,        ,,  TT 

For  yz=tan2e= —  —  =  co  ;  therefore  a  =„. 

cos''  a  ^ 

Now  -^  being  the  angle  between  the  spherical  radius  vector  drawn 
to  the  extremity  of  the  arc,  and  the  major  principal  arc,  we  have 

tan  \!r  =  — 5—  tan  X.   and  tan  <p  =  —  -0  tan  X, 
tan2  a  cosp 

tan  ft  sin  ft 

or  tan/w<  = — —  tan  (p. 

tan  a   sin  a 

Hence  -^  is  indefinitely  less  than  <p,  when  w  is  infinite,  or  when  a 
is  a  right  angle.  In  this  case  therefore  cr=0,  and  we  get,  when  n 
is  infinite,  and  <p  not  0, 

'i+»V,-fr  d$ n_T       (55) 

We  might  have  derived  this  theorem  directly  from  (46) ,  by  the  trans- 

\n  sin  <p  =  tan  G>. 

This  is  case  I.  in  the  Table,  p.  7. 



20.]  It  remains  now  to  exhibit  a  class  of  spherical  conic  sections 
whose  rectification  may  be  effected  by  elliptic  integrals  of  the  first 


Tin-  curve  which  is  the  gnomonic  projection  of  a  plane  parabola 
on  the  surface  of  a  sphere,  the  focus  being  the  pole,  may  be  rectified 
by  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order. 

Let  a  sphere  be  described  touching  the  plane  of  the  parabola  at 
its  focus.  The  spherical  curve  which  is  the  intersection  of  the  sphere 
with  a  cone,  whose  vertex  is  at  its  centre,  and  whose  base  is  the 
parabola,  may  be  called  the  spherical  parabola. 

To  find  the  polar  equation  of  this  curve. 

The  polar  equation  of  the  parabola,  the  focus  being  the  pole,  is 

r=—         —  ,  4g  being  the  parameter  of  the  parabola.     Let  y  be  the 

angle  which  g  subtends  at  the  centre  of  the  sphere,  and  p  the  angle 
subtended  by  r,  then 


.       .  . 

1  +  COS  &) 

Let  p  be  the  perpendicular  from  the  focus  on  a  tangent  to  the 
parabola,  p  the  angle  which  this  perpendicular  makes  with  the 

axis  of  the  parabola;  p  =  -      -.     Whence  in  the  spherical  curve, 


as  j9  =  A:tanw,  ff  =  ktan.<y, 

tan  7  sin  7 

tanCT  =  —   -ij  or  smCT=     ,  '  .     .     (57)* 

cos//,  Vl  —  cos2  7  sin2/* 

*  The  expression  for  a  perpendicular  arc  from  the  focus  of  any  spherical  ellipse 
on  a  tangent  arc  to  it  may  be  found  as  follows  :  — 

The  spherical  triangle,  fig.  2,  sec.  [4],  FOF',  in  which  OFF'=/z,  OF=5--or', 


.     TT  .  sinw"  —  cos2t  sinw' 

=-w  ,  grves 

from  (6)  we  have  sin  -or'  sinw"  =  sin  (a-f-«)  sin  (a  —  t);  eliminating  sin  -or"  between 
these  equations,  we  obtain,  after  some  reductions, 

.  2     _  sin2(2e)  cosV+2  sin(a  +f)  sin(a  —  e)  cos(2e)  +sin(2e)  cos  /*  V  sin2(2a)  —  sin2(  2«)  sin2/* 

felll"  "W,  SS  _  .  -n_  TT  f\r-i  •      •>  sc\    \      •      5       T          •--•---        '  • 

When  the  curve  is  the  spherical  parabola,  a-f-f  =  t-j,  a  —  e=y,  and  the  preceding 

expression  becomes  sinw'=  ^  -  -  or  sinw'=l  as  we  take  the  sign 

V  l-cos-'-ysm2/* 
-or  +• 

The  locus  of  the  foot  of  this  perpendicular  is  a  great  circle  touching  the  sphe- 
rical parabola  at  its  vertex.  Draw  the  tangent  circle  at  A,  and  produce  the 
perpendicular  -or'  until  it  meets  this  tangent  circle  in  D.  Write  8  for  this  pro- 
duced perpendicular  arc.  Hence  in  the  right-angled  spherical  triangle  D  0  A, 

cos  a  =  tan  y  cot  8.  or  tan  8=  —  ^.     Buttaniir'=  —  -.     Whence  -0^=8.     The 
cos  p.  cos  p. 

second  value  of  w',  when  the  circle  ie  drawn  touching  the  spherical  parabola  at 

the  other  vertex  B,  is  K,  as  shown  above.     This  is  manifestly  the  true  value  of 


w',  since  the  focus  F  is  the  pole  of  the  great  circle  touching  the  curve  at  B. 


Introduce  this  expression  into  the  general  form  for  spherical  rec- 
tification,  G-  =  Jsin-ard/A  +  r,  given  in   (31);    we  use  the  positive 

sign  with  T,  since  t  =  ~-  ;  and  as  r,  *&,  and  p  are  the  sides  and  an 

angle  of  a  right-angled  spherical  triangle,  since  2yu,  =  o>,  we  get,  by 
Napier's  rules,  tan  r  =  sin  or  tan/*,  whence,  by  substitution, 


=rin    f 

'J  - 

.  —  cos"7sm  p 
When  the  sphere  becomes  indefi- 
nitely great,  the  spherical  parabola 
approaches  in  its  contour  indefi- 
nitely near  to  the  plane  parabola  ; 
k  being  the  radius  of  the  sphere, 

sin  7= tan  7=^-, 

since  7  in  this  case  is  indefinitely  A 
small,  whence  cos2 7  =  !.     In  this 
manner,  since  s  =  ka,  (58)  may  be 
transformed  into 

_  sin/* 

yl—  cps*ysui 






COS  fJ,  COS^jU. 

the  well-known  formula  for  the  rectification  of  a  plane  parabola. 
When,  on  the  other  hand,  the  sphere  becomes  indefinitely  small 
compared  with  the  parabola,  7  approximates  to  a  right  angle,  and 
(58)  becomes 

s = fj,  +  tan"1  (tan  //,)  =  2/i, 

as  it  should  be,  since  2fj>  is  the  angle  which  the  radius  vector  p 
makes  with  the  axis. 

We  shall  find  the  notice  of  these  extreme  cases  useful. 

21.]  Although  we  have  called  this  curve  the  spherical  parabola, 
as  indicating  its  mode  of  generation,  it  is  in  fact  a  closed  curve, 
like  all  other  curves  which  are  the  intersections  of  cones  of  the 
second  degree  with  concentric  spheres.  It  is  a  spherical  ellipse ; 
and  we  shall  now  proceed  to  determine  its  principal  arcs. 

Let  ADG  be  a  parabola,  F  its  focus,  O  being  the  centre  of  the 
sphere  which  touches  the  plane  of  the  parabola  at  F,  and  being  also 
the  vertex  of  the  obtuse-angled  cone,  of  which  the  parabola  ADG  is 
a  section  parallel  to  the  side  of  the  cone  OB.  Let  the  angle  AOF  or 
the  arc  Fa  be  7,  a  and  /3  being  the  principal  semiangles  of  the  cone ; 


1  —  sin  y 


Fig.  10. 

To  determine  the  angle  /3,  or  the  arc  Cb.     Bisect  the  vertical  angle 
AOB  of  the  cone  by  the  line  OD,  and  draw  DG  an  ordinate  of  the 

x'pv/-!  v  2 

parabola.     Then  tan2/3=(^r-pr  \  .     As  AOD  is  an  isosceles  triangle, 


=AO  = :  and 



20  F: 


We  have  also,  as  DG  is  an  ordinate  of  the  parabola, 

f\  Tfl  f\  Ll2 

DG2=4AF  x  AD=4OF.tan 7 x  — =4 — 

cosy  cos 

Hence,  substituting,          tan2/3=v      -i-^-. 

1— 81117 

-l±™y,     tan*  £=  ,2  si"  ?  . 
1  —  sm7'  1  —  siny' 

"We  may  therefore  announce  the  following  important  theorem  :  — 
The  spherical  ellipse  ,whose  principal  arcs  are  given  by  the  equations 


7  being  any  arbitrary  angle,  may  be  rectified  by  an  elliptic  function 
of  the  first  order. 

Write  x  for  tan  a,  y  for  tan  ft,  and  eliminate  sin  7  from  the  pre- 
ceding equations, 

tan2a-tan2/3=#2—  ya=l,  ....  (59*) 
the  equation  of  an  equilateral  hyperbola.  We  thus  obtain  the  fol- 
lowing theorem  :  — 


Any  spherical  conic  section,  the  tangents  of  whose  principal  semi- 
arcs  are  the  ordinates  of  an  equilateral  hyperbola  whose  transverse 
semiaxis  is  1,  may  be  rectified  by  an  elliptic  function  of  the  first  order. 
The  quadrature  of  a  spherical  conic  may  be  effected  by  an  elliptic 
function  of  the  first  order,  when  the  cotangents  of  the  principal  semi- 
angles  of  the  cone  are  the  ordinates  of  an  equilateral  hyperbola  whose 
transverse  semiaxis  is  1. 

22.]  When  we  take  the  complete  function,  and  integrate  between 

the  limits  0  and  -^,  we  get,  not  the  length  of  a  quadrant  of  the 

spherical  parabola,  as  we  do  when  we  take  the  centre  as  origin,  but 
the  length  of  two  quadrants  or  half  the  ellipse.  We  derive  also 
this  other  remarkable  result,  that  when  /*  is  a  right  angle,  the 
spherical  triangle  whose  sides  are  the  radius  vector,  the  perpendi- 
cular arc  on  the  tangent,  and  the  intercept  of  the  tangent  arc  be- 
tween the  point  of  contact  and  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular,  is  a 


quadrantal  equilateral  triangle.     For  when  /u-=— , 

TT  7T  7T 

p=~2'  '   =2'  ^  =  2' 

It  may  also  easily  be  shown,  that  the  arc  of  a  great  circle  which 
touches  the  spherical  parabola,  intercepted  between  the  perpendi- 
cular arcs  let  fall  upon  it  from  the  foci,  is  in  every  position  con- 
stant, and  equal  to  a  quadrant*. 

Hence  the  spherical  parabola  is  the  envelope  of  a  quadrantal  arc 
of  a  great  circle,  which  always  has  its  extremities  on  two  fixed  great 
circles  of  the  sphere,  the  angle  between  the  planes  of  these  circles 

being =—  +  y. 

If  we  take  the  spherical  conic  supplemental  to  the  given  sphe- 
rical parabola,  the  foci  of  this  latter  are  the  extremities  of  the 
minor  principal  arc  of  the  former,  and  the  cyclic  arcs  of  the  former 
are  tangents  to  the  latter  at  the  extremities  of  its  major  principal 

Resuming  the  equations  given  in  (59),  which  express  the  tan- 
gents of  the  principal  semiarcs  of  the  spherical  parabola  in  terms 
of  sin  y,  namely 

1  —  sra.7' 

,  sin  y 

As  sin  •or  =    .  ..--        '          -,  and  sin  w'  sin  -or" =sin  y.  see  (6).  we  must  have 
V  1  -  cos2  y  sm2  yu, 

siniir"=  Vl— cos2y  sin2 p.    Hence,  as  &'=—— FO,  and  w"=^— F'O, 

2i  2 

coa  FO .  cos  FO'  =  sin  y  =  cos  FF  :  or  the  angle  FOF'  is  a  right  angle.     (Fig.  2.) 


writing  i  for  cos  7,  and  j  for  sin  7,  we  get 


Again,  since  2e  +  y=-,  sin2e=cos7=z,andcos2e=t/. 

Now  n=tan2e,   7n=e2:    hence  n=w= 


It  is  proper  to  remark  that,  in  the  case  of  the  spherical  parabola, 

l  —  j 
i  is  not  the  modulus,  but  ^ — -.. 

23.]  We  shall  now  proceed  to  the  rectification  of  an  arc  of  the 
spherical  parabola,  the  centre  being  the  pole.  By  this  method  we 
shall  obtain  certain  geometrical  results  which  have  hitherto  ap- 
peared as  mere  analytical  expressions.  In  (8)  or  (28)  we  found 
for  an  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse  measured  from  the  major  principal 
arc,  the  following  expression,  the  centre  being  the  pole, 

>*£.,;- of  d(P 


"tan  a          J  (1  —  e2  sin2  <p)  \/l  —  sin2  rj  sin2  <p' 

or,  substituting  the  values  of  the  constants  given  by  the  preceding 

**  (61) 

But  when  the  focus  is  the  pole,  we  found  for  the  arc  the  following 
expression  in  (58), 

Equating  these  values  of  <?;  we  obtain  the  resulting  equation, 

.     .     (62) 

24.]  We  shall  now  show  that  the  amplitudes  <p  and  /u,  in  the  pre- 
ceding formula  are  connected  by  the  equation 

tan(<p  —  /it)  =j  tan /*, (63) 

a  relation  long  ago  established  by  Lagrange. 

VOL.  II.  y 


Let  «r  and  -or'  be  the  perpendicular  arcs  from  the  centre  and  focus 
of  the  spherical  parabola  on  a  tangent  arc  to  the  curve.  Let  X 
and  //,  be  the  angles  which  these  perpendicular  arcs  make  with  the 
major  principal  arc.  The  distance  between  the  centre  and  focus  of 
the  spherical  parabola,  with  the  complements  of  these  perpen- 
diculars, constitute  the  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle.  We  shall 
therefore  have 

Now  sec2«r=sec2a  cos2X  +  sec2/3  sin2X,  as  in  (35)  j  or  writing  for 
sec  a,  sec  j3  their  particular  values  in  the  spherical  parabola,  given 

in  (59)  2 

sec2 -53-  = = sin2X (65) 

1—  sin  7 

.     tan  7          2    ,     tan2  7  +  cos2  /*  . 
Again,  as        tan*r'  =  ^,  CosV 

reducing  (64),  the  result  is 

2^  2(1+ sin  7)  ,     , 


In  the  case  of  the  spherical  parabola, 

C0s2e_!±^_^  whence  (66)  becomes 

1+siny  ,        tan/i  +  sinytan^ 

cosetanX= —. — ,  or  cosetanX=  = —  — .      (67) 

cot  p,— sin  7  tan  p'  1—  sin  y  tan  //,.  tan  p 

The  second  member  of  this  equation  is  manifestly  the  expression 
for  the  tangent  of  the  sum  of  two  arcs  fj,  and  v,  if  we  make 
tan  v  =  sin  y  tan  /tt. 

Hence  cos  e  tan  X = tan  (/z  +  v) . 

In  (25) ,  or  (38)  or  (39) ,  we  assumed  tan  <p  =  cos  e  tan  X. 
Hence  <p=//,  +  v,  or  tan  (<p — /i)=tauv  =  sm7  tan /A. 

A  simple  geometrical  interpretation  of  Lagrange's  theorem, 

tan  (<p — fj,}  =  sin  -jPtan  fj, 
may  be  given  by  the  aid  of  the  spherical  parabola. 

Let  DR'B  be  the  great  circle,  the  base  of  the  hemisphere,  whose 
pole  is  F  (fig.  11).  Let  BQA  be  a  spherical  parabola,  touching  the 
great  circle  at  B,  and  having  one  of  its  foci  at  F  the  pole  of  the 
hemisphere  whose  base  is  the  circle  DR'B.  Let  RQ,  be  an  arc  of  a 
great  circle,  a  tangent  to  the  curve  at  Q.  From  F  let  fall  upon  it 
the  perpendicular  arc  FR.  The  point  R  is  in  the  great  circle  AR 
which  touches  the  curve  at  its  vertex  A  (see  note  to  p.  29) .  The 

pole  of  this  circle  is  the  second  focus  F';  for  AF'  =  FB  =  -.     Let 
the  arcs  RF,  RF  make  the  angles  fi  and  v  with  the  transverse  arc 



AM.      Hence  AR=v.     In  the  spherical  triangle  FAR, right-angled 
;it    A,  \\c   IKIVI-  sin  AF  =  tan  v 
cot  ft.  Now,  as  AF = y,  sin  A  F 
r=siny=y;    and  if  <p  = 
v  =  tp—  ft,  or,  reducing, 

tan  (p  —/A)  ==/  tan  fj, ; 

whence  wr  may  infer  that  while 
Me  original  amplitude  is  the 
angle  fj,  at  the  focus  F,  Me  rfe- 
rived  amplitude  <p  w  Me  sum 
of  the  angles  p  and  v  at  the 
foci  F  and  F',  or  the  ampli- 
tude <p  is  the  sum  of  the  arcs 
of  two  great  circles,  touching 
the  spherical  parabola  at  the 
extremities  of  the  principal 
major  arc  of  the  curve,  inter- 
cepted between  those  points  of  contact  and  the  perpendicular  arc  FR 
let  fall  from  the  focus  F  on  the  tangent  arc  RQ  to  the  curve. 

Hence  while  the  original  amplitude  p  is  equal  to  an  arc  of  the 
tangent  circle  at  B,  made  by  RF  produced  to  meet  this  circle  BR', 
the  derived  amplitude  <f>  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  two  arcs  of  the  tan- 
gent circles  drawn  at  A  and  B,  and  given  by  the  same  construction. 

When  the  function  is  complete,  or  ^  —  -^,  R  will  coincide  with 
R'  the  pole  of  the  great  circle  AB,  whence  v  is  also  =  -;  and  as 

=  7r.  This  shows  that  when  the  function  is  complete, 
or  the  amplitude  is  a  right  angle,  the  amplitude  of  the  derived 
function  will  be  two  right  angles. 

When  the  spherical  parabola  approximates  to  a  great  circle  of 
the  sphere,  the  second  focus  F'  will  approach  to  F  the  immovable 
focus.  The  arc  RF'  will  .therefore  approach  to  coincidence  with 
the  arc  RF,  or  the  angle  v  will  approximate  to  p,  so  that  p  =  p  +  v 
=  2fj,  nearly. 

This  is  the  geometrical  explanation  of  the  analytical  fact  observed 
in  this  theory,  that  when  the  modulus  diminishes,  or  the  spherical 
parabola  approximates  to  a  great  circle  of  the  sphere,  the  ratio  of 
any  two  successive  amplitudes  approximates  to  that  of  two  to  one. 

When  the  greater  principal  arc  of  the  spherical  parabola  is  a 

right  angle  and  a  half,  sin 7=—^,  and,  if  C  be  its  circumference, 


-f  TT.     But  two  quadrants  2s,  or  the  loop 



of  a  lemniscate,  are=  S%F-    /      /i~    "'      HenC6  25=C~7r' 

Or  the  loop  of  a  lemniscate  is  equal  to  the  difference  between  the 
circumference  of  the  spherical  parabola  whose  greater  principal  arc 

is  -y,  and  a  semicircle. 

When  a  quadrant  of  the  spherical  parabola  is  taken,  or  when  the 
point  of  contact  Q  coincides  with  the  extremity  of  the  principal 


minor  arc  of  the  curve,  we  shall  have  <p  =  —y 

Sinceinthis  caseRQ=PQ,FV=FV;  therefore  A6=.OFV=OFV, 
or  RF'V=/i  +  v.  As  V  is  the  pole  of  RP,  and  F  is  the  pole 
of  AR,  the  point  R  is  the  pole  ,,.  ,  „ 

of  VF.     Hence  RFV  is   a 
right  angle ;  but  /*  +  v =RF'V, 

whence  <p  =  o-     As 

tan(<p  —  /u.)  —j  tan  p, 

when  0=77,  tan  /*= — -r-.    If 

z  VJ 

in  the  expression 

;'  tan  u, 
tanr=     . J    .     r== 

given  in  (58),  we  substitute 
this  value  of  tan  ft,  we  shall  get 


tanr=l,  or  r=-- 

Since  FVF'    (fig.   12)    is   an   isosceles  spherical  triangle,   and 
cosFF  =  cos2e=/,  and  tan2  FFV=tan2/* =i,  cos  FF  tan2  FFV  =  1, 

or  the  angle  V  is  a  right  angle,  or  PR  is  a  quadrant. 

As  two  quadrants  of  a  spherical  parabola  are  together  double  of 

one,  we  shall  have,  writing  the  integral   I —         ^     —  in  the 

J  vl—  «2sin2/A 

abbreviated  form  I  — %=, 

J  VI 


-   or 



Now,  when  i  is  nearly  1,1    -^=  =  1-     -  =  log  (sec/u,  +  tan  /*). 
Taking  this  expression  between  the  limits  /u.=0,  and^fc=tan~'(-j  , 

\r  / 

we  shall  have,  since  sin  /*=     ,  -  .,  cos  u=  —  .-——,  and  neglecting 

Vl+j  Vl+j 

j  and  its  powers  when  added  to  l,j  being  very  small, 

2  f  *?y  d/a  /  2  \ 

=—-=,  whence  I  -r^  =  l°g(  —  7=l- 

v>  Jo  VI        V  vj/ 


Therefore  (68)  gives         f2^??  =log(^)*  .......     (69) 

Jo    VI  V' 

25.]  To  show  that 

ffy  1 


the  amplitudes  <p  and  /u,  being  connected  as  before,  by  the  equation 
tan(<p—  /*)  =;'  tan/A.     Since,  as  in  67, 

1  +  sin  7 

tanp  =  —  -  =  -       —/-  --  , 

cot  fji  —  sin  7  tan  /M     cot  /it  —  ^  tan  /* 

differentiating  this  expression  with  respect  to  <p  and  /A, 
1+^  d^  =  cosV+^sinV^ 
sin8  ^  d/x,       cos2  /^  sin2  /L6  *     ' 

tan*  f  =  (l+ 

Whence,  after  some  reductions, 

We  have  also          tan*  f  =  .  {7 

(cos2  /A  —7  sin2  /A)  2 


I  _  A  2 

Multiplying  this  expression  by    ^  —  -.}  ,  and  reducing, 

Multiplying  together  the  left-hand  membei*s  of  the  equations  (70), 

*  ......  "  resultat  fort  remarquable,  d^j4  signal^  par  Legendre  ;  mais  nous 

ignorons  comment  il  y  est  parvenu.'  —  VEHHULST,  Traitt  Eltmentaire  dcs  Fonctions 

EUipfiqncs,  p.  168. 


(72)  and  (73),  and  also  the  right-hand  members  together,  we  shall 
get,  after  some  obvious  reductions,  and  integrating, 

This  is  the  well-known  relation  between  two  elliptic  integrals  of 


the  first  order  whose  moduli  are  i  and  —  -.,  or,  in  the  common 

.1  l~b 
notation,  whose  moduli  are  c  and  ^      ,. 

;'  tan  a 

26.1   Let  r  be  the  arc  whose  tangent  is  —  r"     .„  .-.,—' 

V  1—  1  2sm2/A 

then  tan2T=sn^c°s^        ~    an  .     .     .     (75) 

cos4  fji  —  i*  sin4  fj, 

and  combining  (71)  and  (73),  we  shall  find 

^  (1  +j)  sin  /A  cos  //,  V 1  —  i*  sin2 , 

— «'\2  .  cos4/!.— y2 sin4 fj, 

Dividing  (75)  by  (76),  the  result  becomes 


tan2r=       .  ... (77) 

We  are  thus  enabled  to  express  T,  the  portion  of  the  tangent  arc 
between  the  point  of  contact  and  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  arc 
on  it  from  the  focus,  in  terms  of  <p  instead  of  /A. 

If  we  introduce  this  value  of  T  into  (62)  and  combine  with  it  the 
relations  established  in  (74),  the  resulting  equation  will  become 

r         /i  ,*\             -i         / 

1       i         J  \   '    2  tr,          1  \ 

/l_/x2                      \          / 

fl-j\*a.     2 

L      \l+j)a  ll  ^J'V 

\i+^/          J  V 


\  ^j  / 

/              /I   —  7\2 
A   /    1         1           «/  \    «in2  .. 

V               y  J[  J_  iy 


.   (78) 


Adopting  for  the  moment  the  ordinary  notation  of  elliptic  integrals, 

I—/  2; 

m  =  —  c  =  ,  —  -..  whence  1  +  c  =  =-^-.« 
1  +J  1  +J 

Introducing  this  notation,  the  last  formula  will  become 

.    .     (79) 

In  the  '  Traite  des  Fonctions  Elliptiques/  torn.  i.  p.  68,  we  meet 
with  the  formula 

v  1  — 

Now,  when  rc=  —  c,  this  formula  becomes 




whence  (79)  and  (80)  are  identical. 

27.]  Let  us  now  proceed  to  rectify  the  spherical  parabola  by  the 
formula  for  rectification  given  in  (47),  the  centre  being  the  pole. 
For  this  purpose,  resuming  the  formula  for  rectification  established 
in  (41),  and  deducing  the  values  of  the  parameter,  modulus,  and 
coefficients  in  that  expression  from  the  given  relations, 


we  get 

1  — sin  7     1— j  L—  sin  7     1— j 

The  parameter,        tan2e  = 
The  modulus, 

The  coefficient  -. 

sm  a  cos  a     l+j 

The  coefficient  cosacos/3=J-L/ 
sin  a          1  +j 


sin  77  = : 

cos/3  2 



i     .     (83) 

Making  these  substitutions  m  (41),  the  resulting  equation  will  become 

n   -  (84) 


But  from  (58),  the  focus  being  the  pole,  we  derive 

•       •     •     (88) 

In  (74)  we  showed  that 

Introducing  this  relation  into  the  last  formula,  and  equating 
together  the  equivalent  expressions  for  the  arcs  in  (84)  and  (85), 
we  get  for  the  resulting  equation, 


We  shall  now  proceed  to  show  that  the  common  formula  for  the 
comparison  of  elliptic  integrals  having  the  same  modulus  and  am- 
plitude but  reciprocal  parameters  is,  in  this  particular  case,  identical 
with  the  geometrical  theorem  just  established. 

The  formula  is,  in  the  ordinary  notation, 

.      .     (87) 

We  must  accordingly  show  that,  c  being  tan2e,  and  therefore 

-.  I  sm  <p  cos  <p 



•     (88) 

If  we  write  T,  T',  and  3  for  these  angles  respectively,  we  have  to 
show  that 

:* (89) 


r-f-  r1  is  the  arc  of  the  great  circle,  which  touches  the  spherical 
parabola,  intercepted  between  the  perpendicular  arcs  let  fall  from 
the  centre  and  focus  upon  it. 

We  must,  in  the  first  place,  by  the  help  of  Lagrange's  equation 
between  the  amplitudes,  established  on  geometrical  principles  in 
sec.  [24] ,  reduce  these  angles  to  a  single  variable,  fju  is  taken  as 
the  independent  variable  instead  of  <p,  as  the  trigonometrical  func- 
tion of  <p  in  terms  of  fi  is  in  the  first  power  only. 

We  have,  therefore, 



The  equation  between  the  amplitudes  <p  and  / 
tan  (p  —  n]  —j  tan  /-t,  gives 

cos2  /A—  ^  sm-'/A 

Eliminating  p  by  the  help  of  this  equation,  from  the  value  of  tan  t 
given  in  the  preceding  group, 

(1  —7)  sin  LL  cos  u,     cos2  u,  +  j  sin2  u, 

tanr  =  —  ,±L  —  ^=      —  x  —  9       J.  .  9~. 

v  1  —  i2  sin2  fj,       cos2  /*  —  j  sm2  /u, 

Using  this  transformation  and  reducing, 

tan  (T  +  T7)  =  tan  /A  V  1  —  i2  sin  V,  ....  (92^ 
a  simple  expression  for  the  length  of  the  tangent  arc  to  the  spherical 
parabola  between  the  perpendicular  arcs  let  fall  from  the  centre  and 
focus  upon  it. 

From  the  last  equation  we  may  derive 

'2^  (93 

cos  p,  —j-  sn  ^ 
Using  the  preceding  transformations,  we  may  show  that 

cos  A^l  ""**  8^n2  /* 

cos4/!*—  y2  sin4  /A 
Hence  d=2(T  +  r').    ..........     (94) 

VOL.   II.  O 


Therefore  (86)  becomes 


We  have  thus  shown  that  in  the  particular  case  of  the  general 
formula  for  comparing  elliptic  functions  of  the  third  order  with 
reciprocal  parameters,  when  the  parameter  is  positive  and  equal  to 
the  modulus,  the  circular  arc  in  the  formula  of  comparison  (87)  is 
equal  to  twice  the  arc  of  the  great  circle  touching  the  curve  and 
intercepted  between  the  perpendicular  arcs  let  fall  from  the  centre 
and  focus  upon  it. 

If  we  take  the  parameter  with  a  negative  sign,  the  circular  arc  r 
in  (62)  will  represent  the  tangent  arc  between  the  point  of  contact 
and  the  foot  of  the  focal  perpendicular. 

The  spherical  parabola,  like  any  other  spherical  ellipse,  may  be 
considered  as  the  intersection  of  an  elliptic  cylinder  with  a  sphere 
whose  centre  is  on  the  axis  of  the  cylinder. 

Let  a  and  b  be  the  semiaxcs  of  the  base  of  the  cylinder,  and  k 
the  radius  of  the  sphere,  a  and  /3  being  the  principal  semiarcs  of 
the  spherical  parabola, 

but  in  (59*)  we  found  tan2  a  —  tan2/3  =  ! 
shall  have,  i  being  the  eccentricity  of 

*2  =  «s(l+i).    t     ^     } 

28.]  The  foregoing  investiga- 
tions furnish  us  with  the  geome- 
trical interpretation  of  the  trans- 
formations of  Lagrange.  Let  the 
successive  amplitudes  <p,  -fy,  %  of 
the  derived  functions  be  con- 
nected by  the  equations 

tan  (<p — fi)  =j  tan  //,,      •> 

tan(^r— <p)==/,tan<p, 

tan  (x— ^r)  =ju  tan  ty, 
&c.,         &c., 

We  may  imagine  a  series  of  con- 
focal  parabolas  having  a  common 

;  hence,  substituting,  we 
the  base  of  the  elliptic 



axis,  described  on  a  plane  in  contact  with  a  sphere  at  their  common 
focus.  These  parabolas  will  generate  a  series  of  confocal  spherical 
parabolas  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere,  BCA,  BC'A',  BC"A",  BC'"A'", 
which  will  all  mutually  touch  at  the  vertex  B  remote  from  the 
common  focus  F.  Let  the  distances  between  the  common  focus  F 
and  the  vertices  of  the  plane  parabolas  subtend,  at  the  centre  of  the 
sphere,  angles  7,  «/,  7",  &c.,  whose  cosines  i,  it,  ilt,  &c.  are  connected 
by  the  equations 

l_-v/fZ]2  i_^/iZT«  l-i/fTTa 

t.=  --    —  ,  z..=  -  -  -  '.,  z,,,=  -  ,  -  "   .  .  .  &c.,     (yoj 

nvi=?       i  +  si-i*'      1-^i+y 

it  is  plain  that  y  =  FA,  «/=FA',  /  =  FA",  7"'  =  FA'",  &c. 

We  may  repeat  this  construction  successively,  until  the  parameter 
of  the  last  of  the  applied  tangent  plane  parabolas  shall  become  so 
indefinitely  small,  compared  with  the  radius  of  the  sphere,  that  it 
may  ultimately  be  taken  to  coincide  with  its  projection.  We  shall 
in  this  way  reduce,  at  least  geometrically,  the  calculation  of  an 
elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order  to  the  rectification  of  an  arc  of  a 
parabola  —  that  is,  to  a  logarithm,  as  in  sec.  [20]  .  If,  on  the  con- 
trary, the  moduli  i,  i,,  itl,  &c.  proceed  in  a  descending  series,  the 
angles  y,  yt,  ylt  continually  increase,  the  magnitudes  of  the  con- 
focal  applied  parabolas  increase,  till  at  length  their  parameters 
become  so  large,  compared  with  the  radius  of  the  sphere,  that  their 
central  projections  pass  into  great  circles  of  the  sphere.  The  eva- 
luation of  the  elliptic  integral  will  therefore  ultimately  be  reduced 
to  the  rectification  of  a  circular  arc.  These  are  the  well-known 
results  of  the  modular  transformation  of  Lagrange. 

The  formula  established  in  (58)  for  the  rectification  of  the  sphe- 
rical parabola,  gives 

v  1  —  cos2  7  sin2  /z,  L  v  1—  cos27sin 

or,  writing  i  for  cosy,,/  for'sin  7,  and  VTfor  ^1  —  i2sin2 

<7  — T  = 

cr'  and  T'  being  the  corresponding  quantities  for  the  next  derived 
spherical  parabola, 

Now  ,>4  and=T}.v  M  in  (98)  and  (74), 
whence  2(<7  —  T)  =  v//(a'~  T')  ......     (99) 


Thus  a  simple  ratio  exists  between  the  arcs,  diminished  by  the 
protangents,  of  two  consecutive  confocal  spherical  parabolas. 


When  the  functions  are  complete,  //.  is  taken  between  0  and  -^  ; 


<p  therefore,  as  in  sec.  [24],  must  be  taken  between  0  and  TT;  but 
when  the  amplitude  is  taken  between  0  and  TT  the  function  is 
doubled.  Moreover,  when  the  functions  are  complete,  the  point 
Q  coincides  with  B  ;  so  that  in  this  case  the  complete  function 
represents  not  one,  but  two  quadrants  of  the  spherical  parabola, 


the  focus  being  the  pole.     Hence  as  T  =  -^,  T^TT.     It  must  be  re- 


membered  that  <r  denotes  two  quadrants  of  the  spherical  parabola 
as  shown  in  sec.  [24]  . 

Whence  putting  C,  C',  C",  C'",  &c.  for  the  circumferences  of  the 
successive  confocal  spherical  parabolas,  derived  by  the  preceding 
law,  we  may  write 

C    -w=s  V;  (C,  -TT)  ^ 

C,    -"=•>;   (C,,-9T) 

—  TT 

Multiplying  successively  by  the  square  roots  of  j,  j,,  jn,  jni,  &c., 
adding,  and  stopping  at  the  fifth  derived  parabola, 

C  -TT=    jjJuJMJn  &c.  (Cy-*r). 
Let  this  coefficient  be  vTf  and  we  shall  have 

C—  7T=VJ  (CV-7T)  .......        (101) 

Now  we  may  extend  this  series,  until  the  last  of  the  derived 
spherical  parabolas  shall  differ  as  little  as  we  please  from  a  great 
cirale  of  the  sphere.  Let  the  circumference  of  this  last  derived 
spherical  parabola  be  Cv.  Then  Cv=27r,  and  (101)  becomes 

C=7T(1+^J)  ........        (102) 

Hence,  calculating  the  quantity  J,  we  may  express  the  circum- 
ference of  a  spherical  parabola  by  the  circumference  of  a  circle. 

When  all  the  spherical  parabolas  are  nearly  great  circles  of  the 
sphere,  i,  i,,  i,,,  «w  =  0,  nearly;  and  jjjlfjHju,=  lt  nearly.     Whence 
J=l,  nearly;  or 

C  =  27T  .....     ...     (103) 

When  the  spherical  parabolas  are  indefinitely  diminished, 

^  i»  *//  =  l>  nearly,  and  j,jt,jtl,jtll  =  Q,  nearly,  therefore  J  =  0  nearly; 

or  C  =  TT  .........     (104) 


Hence  the  circumferences  of  all  spherical  parabolas  are  greater 
tl  1:111  two  and  less  than  four  quadrants  of  a  great  circle  of  the 

XM).]  Denoting  the  angles  at  the  centre  of  the  sphere,  subtended 
by  the  halves  of  the  semiparameters  of  the  applied  confocal  para- 
bolus,  by  7,  y,  y",  &c.,  we  shall  have  cos  7  =  ?,  cos  y =ij,  cosy'  =  iw, 
cos  /'  =  iul,  and  sin  7  =;' ,  sin  y  ==;'„  sin  y '  =j,,,  sin  y"  ==;„,.  We  may, 

using  successively  the  equation  i,=  _H —      _i,  determine  in  terms 

1  +  ^1  — i2 
of  /  the  successive  values  of  i.,  i,,,  i,,,,  and  of;.,  /,,. ;',.,.  &c.,  as  follows : — 

•/  I'  II'  III''  */    l'  V    tl'*'    III'  * 

i*T  .•  .-rfl±3t^T 


«-=  [   ^ 


I  .  (105) 

Hence  we  may  derive  the  successive  values  of  jpju,jllt  in  terms 



We  may  express  the  coefficient  J,  or  the  continued  product  of 
J>Ji>Jii>Jm>  &c->  in  terms  ofy>  tne  complement  of  the  original  mo- 
dulus. Including  in  our  approximation  the  fifth  derived  modulus, 
we  get 

(2)i  .  (2)'+*  .  (2)'+*+*  .  (2) 


As  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order  may  be  multiplied,  or 
divided  into  any  number  of  equal  parts,  as  shown  in  every  treatise 
on  this  subject,  so  its  representative,  an  arc  of  the  spherical  para- 
bola, like  that  of  the  circle,  may  be  multiplied,  or  divided  into  any 
number  of  equal  parts. 

30.]  It  may  not  be  out  of  place  here  to  show,  although  the  in- 
\  cstigation  more  properly  belongs  to  another  part  of  the  subject, 
that  the  arc  of  a  spherical  parabola  may  be  represented  as  the  sum 


of  two  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order,  having  imaginary  para- 
meters ;  or  in  other  words,  that  every  elliptic  integral  of  the  first 
order  may  be  exhibited  as  the  sum  of  two  elliptic  integrals  of  the 
third  order,  having  imaginary  reciprocal  parameters. 

Parameters,  whose  product  is  equal  to  the  square  of  the  modulus, 
may  be  called  reciprocal  parameters. 

Assume  the  expression  given  in  (58)  for  an  arc  of  the  spherical 
parabola,  the  focus  being  the  pole,  and  /j,  the  angle  which  the  per- 
pendicular arc  from  the  focus,  on  the  tangent  arc  of  a  great  circle 
to  the  curve,  makes  with  the  principal  transverse  arc, 

Jdit  .  f        sin  y  tan  p 

..  r         _  +  tan-'  .{-7-= 

*/l-cos2-ysinV  (vi—  Cos2  y  sin 

Let  cos  7=2,  sin  7=7,  and,  to  preserve  uniformity  in  the  notation, 
write  <p  for  p.  Then  differentiating  the  preceding  equation,  it 
becomes  after  some  reductions, 

dor  _  j[l—  P  sin2  <P  +  cos2  <p  +J2  sin2  <p] 


dtp     [cos2  <p  —  iz  sin2  <p  cos2  <p  +j*  sin2  <p]  </  1  —  issin*p' 

Now  the  numerator  is  equivalent  to  2/(l  —  i2sin2<p),  and  the  first 
factor  of  the  denominator  may  be  written  in  the  form 

1  —  2i2sin2<p  +  i2sin4(p. 

But  i*=i2(i*-t-j*))  hence  this  last  expression  may  be  put  under  the 
form  1  —  2z2  sin2  <p  +  i4  sin4  <p  +  i2/2  sin4  <p.  This  expression  is  the  sum 
of  two  squares.  Resolving  this  sum  into  its  constituent  factors,  we 

_  _  _  b 


Now  this  product  may  be  resolved  into  the  sum  of  two  terms. 

do  P 

.  —  i(i  —jv—l) sin2 <p]  v  1  —  i2 sin2 <p J 
or,  reducing  these  expressions  to  a  common  denominator, 

sn  <      1  -  ii-          1  sin2 

and  comparing  this  expression  with  that  given  in  (b),  we  shall  see 

=  2/,  P-Q=0;   therefore  P=>,  Q=/.     .     .     (e) 

o\    1111     ill o\ll   1  KICAL  PROPERTIES  OF  ELLIPTIC   INTEGRALS.        47 

Integrating  (c),  we  get 

-  I)sin 



_  2  (j  —j  v/  _  l ) sin2  <p]  v  1  —  i2  sin2  <p 
If  we  replace  i  by  cos  y,  and  j  by  sin  y,  the  parameters  become 
cos  7  (cos  7  +  ^  —  1  sin  7)  and  cos  7  (cos  7  —  v'  —  1  sin  y) ,  whose  pro- 
duct is  cos2  y,  the  square  of  the  modulus.  They  are  therefore  re- 
ciprocal ;  and  putting  m  for  cos  7  (cos  7  +  v'  —  1  sin  y)  and  —  n  for 
cos  y  (cos  y —  */  —  1  sin  7) ,  we  shall  find  that  these  values  of  m  and  n 
satisfy  the  equation  of  circular  conjugation,  m — n  +  mn=i?.  It 
follows  therefore  that  when  the  rectification  of  the  spherical  para- 
bola is  effected,  the  centre  being  the  origin,  the  representative  elliptic 
integral  is  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form ;  the  parameters  m 
and  n  are  equal  to  each  other,  and  to  the  modulus,  and  are  therefore 
reciprocal.  But  when  the  focus  of  the  spherical  parabola  is  as- 
sumed as  the  origin,  the  rectification  of  this  curve  may  be  effected 
by  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order,  and  this  integral  may  also 
be  exhibited  as  an  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form, 
but  with  imaginary  parameters,  which  are  also  reciprocal. 


X        ?/ 

31.]  Let  -2  +  ^=1  be  the  equation  of  an  ellipse,  the  base  of  an 



elliptic  cylinder.  Let  two  spheres  be  described,  having  their  centres 
at  the  centre  of  this  elliptic  base,  and  intersecting  the  cylinder  in 
two  spherical  conic  sections.  These  sections  will  have  reciprocal 
parameters,  if  k,  H,  the  radii  of  the  spheres,  are  connected  by  the 

(*2-«2)(*,2-a2)=a4*2,     .....     (109) 

a2  —  62 
i2  being,  as  before,  equal  to  --  ^—  . 


When  k  and  kt  are  equal,  we  get  k2  =  az(l  +  i).  This  value  of  k 
agrees  with  that  found  for  k  in  (96)  ;  or,  in  other  words,  when  the  two 
spheres  coincide,  the  section  of  the  elliptic  cylinder  by  the  sphere  is 
a  spherical  parabola.  Hence  also,  a  spherical  parabola  always  lies 
between  two  spherical  conic  sections  having  reciprocal  parameters. 

Let  e2  and  e'2  be  the  parameters  of  those  sections  of  the  cylinder 
made  by  the  spheres.  Then,  as  shown  in  (9), 

sin2  a  cos2  0  ~  a2  (/t2  -  fc2)     A2  -  a2  +  a9?  ' 


but  the  equation  of  condition  (109)  gives 

In  the  same  manner  the  spherical  conic  whose  radius  is  k,'  gives 

e  = 

,  2 
:  therefore  e-ef  — 

or  e2  and  ef  are  reciprocal  parameters. 

To  compute  in  this  case  the  value  of  the  coefficient  —  -  sin 
in  the  expression  given  in  (10)  for  rectification, 

_tan_/3   .       C  _  dp 

~~  tan  a  Sm  P  J  [1  _  e2  sin2  <p]  V  1  -  i2  sin2  <p' 


tan2/3   . 
we  obtain  by  substitution,  t-^  sm  ^  = 

but  the  equation  of  condition  (109)  gives 

As  this  expression  is  symmetrical,  we  shall  have  for  the  spherical 
conic  section  whose  radius  is  kt, 

tan/3,    .     a       W-  n^^\ 

-^sm^yj  .......      (Ill) 

tan  at  kk, 

tan/3   .          tan/3,   .     .  /no\ 

Hence  -sm/3  =  -  —  aMHftj      ....     (112) 

tan  a  tan  at 

or  the  coefficients  of  the  elliptic  integrals  which  determine  the  arcs 
of  two  spherical  conic  sections  having  reciprocal  parameters  are 

Let  K  be  the  criterion  of  sphericity  ;  then,  as 

«=*,  .........     (113) 

32.]  To  determine  the  values  of  the  angles  \  and  A/  which  cor- 
respond to  the  same  angle  <p  in  the  expressions  for  the  arcs  of  sphe- 
rical conic  sections  having  reciprocal  parameters. 

cos2  a     F-a2          kz-a2 

Since  cos*  e  =  —  =-5  =  -5  —  ^  =  75  -  ~~  —  ^o, 

cos2/3     k2  —  62     A2—  a2  +  a2r 


introducing    the    equation  of   condition     (£2  —  a2)  (k?—  a'2)=a4  P, 

we   get   cose=T;     but  tan  <p  =  cose    tan\,   as   in   (39);    hence 

k  k 

tan  X  =  -'  tan  <p,  and  tan  X,  =  -  tan  <p  ; 

if  CL 

Fig.  14. 

therefore  k  tanX=^  tanXy, (114) 

or  the  tangent  of  the  angle  X  which  the  perpendicular  arc  from 
the  centre  of  the  spherical  conic,  on  the  arc  of  a  great  circle 
touching  it,  makes  with  the  principal  major  arc,  is  inversely  as 
the  radius  of  the  sphere. 

A  simple  geometrical  construction 
will  give  the  magnitude  of  those 
angles  X  and  Xr  Let  the  ellipse 
OAB  be  the  base  of  the  cylinder ; 
OCC',  ODD'  being  the  bases  of  the 
hemispheres  whose  intersections  with 
the  cylinder  give  the  spherical  conic 
sections  with  reciprocal  parameters. 
Erect  the  tangents  DP,  CQ,  each 

equal  to  — '  tan  <p,  and  join  PO,  QO. 

The  angles  AOP,  AOQ  are  X  and  Xr 
\\hen     DP  =  CQ=0,   X=Xy  =  0;    " 

whenDP=CQ=ao,X=X,=£.  The  condition  (109)  shows  that 
when  k  =  a,  £y  =  cc  .  Now  as  k,  tanX,=  a  tanX  is  finite  always  so 


long  asXis  not  absolutely  =  ~>  in  order  that  its  equal  ^tanXy  may 


be  finite  also,  we  must  have  Xy  always  equal  to  0  for  every  finite 
value  of  tan  X. 

33.]  The  tangent  of  the  principal  arc  of  a  spherical  parabola  is 
a  mean  proportional  between  the  tangents  of  the  principal  arcs  of 
two  spherical  conies  with  reciprocal  parameters,  the  three  curves 
being  the  sections  of  the  same  elliptic  cylinder  by  three  concentric 



Introducing  the  equation  of  condition   (A:2—  a2)(^2  —  a2)  =«4  t2 
(109),  we  get 

tan  a  tan  0,=  .  ........     (115) 

VOL.  n. 


Let  kn  be  the  radius  of  the  sphere  whose  intersection  with  the 
cylinder  gives  the  spherical  parabola;  then  £y/2=a2  (l+«).  See 



and  tan2  ^=£-2^2  = 

tan  a  tan  a^tan2  alt. 




The  altitudes  of  the  vertices 
of  the  three  principal  major 
arcs   of   the    two    spherical 
conies  with  reciprocal  para- 
meters, and  of  the  spherical 
parabola,  above  the  plane  of 
the  elliptic  base  of  the  cylinder, 
are  in  geometrical  progres- 
sion.    Let  AQ,  be  the  alti- 
tude  of  the   vertex   of  the 
major   arc  of  the   spherical 
parabola  ;  AP,  AR  the  corresponding  altitudes  of  the  vertices  of  the 
major  arcs  of  the  spherical  ellipses  which  have  reciprocal  parameters. 
Then     AP=  V k*  —  a2,  AR=  V^/2 — a*>  AQ,=  \/ ktf  —  a/t=a  \/i. 
The  equation  of  condition  gives,  as  in  (109),  APx  AR=AQ2. 

We  shall  give,  further  on,  an  expression  for  the  sum  of  the  arcs 
of  two  spherical  conic  sections  having  the  same  amplitude,  but  re- 
ciprocal parameters. 

34.]  The  projections  of  supplemental  spherical  ellipses  on  the 
plane  of  XY  are  confocal  plane  ellipses. 

For  sin  ?7=sin  e',  sin  7/=sin  e.     See  sec.  [9] . 


a*-b*_a*-b*  a?-bf_a*- 

This  gives  as  the  resulting  value, 


Two  cones,  supplemental  to  each  other,  are  cut  by  a  plane  at 
right  angles  to  their  common  internal  axis.  The  sections  are  con- 
centric similar  ellipses,  having  the  major  and  the  minor  axes  of 
the  one  coinciding  with  the  minor  and  major  axes  of  the  other. 


tan2  a 

9  tan2  a.~  tan2  /9,  cot2/3  —  cot2  a  tan2  a- tan2 /S 
and  f,——    s   -=—  -Tg^j- —  =—   — 2-  ->  oit'sse. 
tan2ay        cot2/3        tan2  a 




35.]  The  logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  defined  as  the  curve  of 
symmetrical  intersection  of  a  paraboloid  of  revolution  with  an 
elliptic  cylinder.  This  section  of  the  cylinder  by  the  paraboloid 
is  analogous  to  the  section  of  the  cone  by  the  concentric  sphere  in 
[7]  ;  for  this  cylinder  may  be  viewed  as  a  cone  having:  its 


vertex  at  the  centre  of  the  paraboloid,  i.  e.  at  an  infinite  distance. 

Let  the  axes  of  the  paraboloid  and  cylinder  coincide  with  the 
axis  of  Z,  the  vertex  of  the  paraboloid  being  supposed  to  touch 
the  plane  of  XY  at  the  origin  O. 

It  may  be  proper  to  note  that  every  tangent  plane  to  the  elliptic 
cylinder  will  cut  the  paraboloid  in  a  parabola,  just  as  every  tan- 
gent plane  to  a  cone  will  cut  a  concentric  sphere  in  a  great  circle. 

Let  k  be  the  semiparameter  of  the  paraboloid  Oab,  and  let  a  and  b 
be  the  semiaxes  of  the  base  of  the  elliptic  cylinder  ACB  ;  then  the 
equations  of  these  surfaces,  and  consequently  of  the  curve  in  which 
they  intersect,  are 



Let  dS  be  an  element  of  the  required  curve, 

....     (118) 

#,  y,  and  2-  being  dependent  variables  on  a  fourth  independent 
variable  0. 


x  =  acos0,  y  =  b  sin  9,  then  o2  cos2  6  +  £2  sin2  0  =  2fo.     (119) 

Differentiating  and  substituting, 

(r\  a  —  } 

j*  )  =  a2  sin2  0  +  &a  cos2  0  +  (-  —gr-1-  sin2  0  cos2  0.      (120) 

To  reduce  this  expression  to  a  form  suited  for  integration,  it  may 
be  written, 

/t2  +  (a2-62)[F  +  a2-Z>2]sin20-(a2-62)2sin40.    (121) 

This  expression  may  be  reduced  as  follows  : 

Let     P  =  62#2/Q=(a2-62)[F  +  a2-&2],  R=-(a2-62)2;     (122) 

and  the  preceding  equation  will  become 

in4  "0  .....     (123) 

Let  this  trinomial  be  put  under  the  form  of  a  product  of  two 
quadratic  factors, 

(A  +  B  sin20)  (C  -  Bsin20)  =AC  J-  B  (C  -  A)  sin2  0  -B2  sin4  0.  (124) 
Comparing  this  expression  with  the  preceding  in  (121),  we  get 

AC=62*2,  C-A=/t2  +  a2-62,  B  =  a?-£a.      .     .     (125) 

To  integrate  (123)  :  assume     tan2<p  =  ~  ?tan20.     .     .     (126) 


The  limits  of  integration  of  the  complete  functions  will  continue 
as  before.  Making  the  substitutions  indicated  by  the  preceding 
transformations,  the  integral  will  now  become 

.  (127) 

....     (128) 


These  values  of  A,  B,  C  satisfy  the  equation  m  +  n  —  mw  =  i2,  as 
assumed  in  (1).  As  A;2=C—  A—  B,  C>A  +  B,  or  n>m,  the  pre- 
ceding expression  may  now  be  written 

It  will  presently  be  shown  that  A  and  C  must  always  have  the 
same  sign,  whence  i^>n. 


As  i2=  --  -,  and  as  C  is  always  greater  than  B,  i2<l.     From 

1  +  B 

(125)  we  may  derive 

B)  AC 

k*~   (C-A-B)2  '   A2-(C-A-B)2 

Now,  that  the  values  of  a  and  b  may  be  real,  we  must  have  OB, 
while  A  and  C  must  be  of  the  same  sign  ;  but  as  B  is  essentially 
positive,  C,  and  therefore  A,  must  be  positive. 

B  ,  A  +  C     i2 

Since  -T  —  T5=n>    an"  —  n  —  =~>  as  m  (1^8), 

A.  ~p  -U  \*j         71 

we  may  eliminate  A,  B,  C  from  the  values  of  the  semiaxes  of  the 
base  of  the  elliptic  cylinder,  and  express  a,  b,  and  k  in  terms  of 
i  and  n.  We  may  thus  obtain 

a2  _  n(  Ij^Kf^-  n)     b^  _n(^-n)(l-n)z 
¥      [2n=P=n*¥'    k*~  [2w-i2-»2]2  ; 

or  more  simply  in  terms  of  n  and  m, 

a?_mn(l—  m)     62_mn(l—  n) 

In  order  that  these  values  of  a  and  b  may  be  real,  we  must  have 
n  positive,  i2  >  w,  and  1  >  i2. 

This  is  case  VI.  in  the  Table,  p.  7. 

If  we  put  c  for  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane  elliptic  base  of  the 
cylinder,  we  shall  have  after  some  obvious  reductions, 

(!_;*)  (I_c2)=(l_w)2,  or  c2=«.    .     .     .     (131) 

Now  this  simple  equation  between  n,  m,  and  c  enables  us  with 
great  ease  to  determine  the  eccentricity  c  of  the  base  of  the  elliptic 
cylinder  whose  section  with  the  paraboloid  gives  the  logarithmic 
ellipse,  when  we  know  the  parameters  m  and  n,  or  the  modulus  i, 
of  the  given  elliptic  integral. 


36.]  To  integrate  the  expression  given  in  (127),  we  must  assume 

_sin<p  cos<p 


f!  —     —  •  —  9^T  -          ..... 

[1—  ft  sm2<p] 

Differentiate  this  expression  with  respect  to  <p,  and  we  shall  have 
<M>n_l  —  2(l+i2)  sin2<p  +  3i2sm4<p     2rc(sin2(p—  sin4tp)  (1  —  t*  sin2(p) 
d<p     "    [1  —  wsin2<p]  Vl—  z'2sin2<p         [1—  wsin2<p]2  Vl  —  ^sin2<p 
Let  1  —  w  sin2  <p  =  N,  1  —  i2  sin2  <p=I,  as  before. 

Separating  the  numerators  of  the  preceding  expression  into  their 
component  parts,  and  attaching  to  each  their  respective  denomi- 
nators, we  shall  have 

1  1 


2(l+i2)sin2(p_2(l+i2)  (l-nsin2(p  — l)_2(l+ig) 

The  next  term  gives 

3^2sin4(p  __  3J2  (1  —  rcsin2<p  —  I)sin2<p  _     3z2  sin2cp     3^sin2<p 
NVI=    ""«  NVI  ""»    VI  —nNVl'  ' 

Now  these  two  terms  may  be  still  further  resolved  ;  for 

3z2  sin2(p_3  (l-^2  sin2tp-l)  _3  VI        3 

n  VI 

3z2  (1—  wsin2<p- 

-i-  • 


VI          n2          NVI  w2Vl     »aN  VI' 

whence  (d)  becomes 

3s'2  sin4  <p     3s/          3  3i2  Si8 

"     *     ' 

NI          n       n  Vlw2  Vl    w2N  VI 

Combining  the  expressions  in  (b),  (c),  (d)  or  (e),  the  first  term  of 
the  second  member  of  (a)  may  be  written 

[1-2  (1  + 22)  sin2 <p  +  3P  sin4(p]     3  V 
[1—  w  sin2 (p]  Vl—  z'2sin2^  n 

>•    (£) 


nn  2n(sin2<p  —  sin4<p)  VI      e   i  \ 

Lhe  second  term,  -  —  .  9  \'9  --  ,   of    (a)  may  be  thus  dc- 

(1—  wsm2<p)2 


VI  __  2rca-ft8in2(p-l)  Vl_         21  21 

N2  N2  NV"l  +  N*~Vi; 

and  these  two  latter  expressions  may  be  written 
21  2l-i2sin2<  2 


N  Vl~  N  VI  N  VI     ~»  ~      N  VI 

_2J2J_     2fl  2 


n    VI      w  N  VI     N  VI 
(g)  becomes 

N2  wv/I 

2w  sin4  <pl 
1  he  term  --    —  _    may  be  written 

2ralsin4(p_     21  fl  —  2/tsin2(p4-^2sm4(p—  2  -I-  2nsin2<p+  1"] 

'  N2VI        "«l"L  N2V^ 

..  (k) 

21  41  21 


.  \/Iw.N  VI     w.N2\/T 
21       2 

41        4(1  -i2  sin2  y)          4         4J2  (l-nsin2<p-l) 

wN  VI"       wN  VI      ~wN  VI4  w2 

41  4i2        .  (i* 


Combining  (k)  with  (m),  we  shall  have 

2rclsm4(p_2  VI       4i2        4     2_         1  21 

2  ; 

N2  VI  w2  VI  N  VI     «N2  VI 

adding  (n)  to  (h), 

2w(sin?<p— sin4<p)I         2  VI     /4i2     2i2\    1 

>X       n  /  yi 

i    -     (P) 


adding  (£)  and  (p)  together,  we  shall  obtain  as  the  final  result, 

or  multiplying  by  n,  putting  for  i*  its  value  n  +  m-mn,  transposing 
and  integrating, 

.         .          -     •     (r) 
(l-»)  " 

But  we  have  shown  in  (129)  that 

"  Id<p 

N2  VI 

2(n—m)  v 

v  mn    k  J 

\ .       .     (133) 

+  ™n_n)(^+(n-m^l-nlC  d(?- 


!N  VI, 

Hence  an  arc  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  expressed  by  a 
straight  line  k<&n,  and  in  terms  of  elliptic  integrals  of  the  first, 
second,  and  third  orders,  the  latter  being  of  the  logarithmic  form. 

The  expression  j  —    ™  •-  may  be  reduced  to 

PC  dip    _»»fl_  xf    d<p 
^JN  VI     n     "W)JN2  VI J 
and  therefore  combining  this  expression  with  (r) , 

1-  •  (134) 

37.]  When  the  elliptic  cylinder  and  the  paraboloid  are  given,  we 
may  determine  the  parameter,  modulus,  and  constants  of  the  func- 
tions which  represent  the  curve  of  intersection  of  these  surfaces,  in 
the  terms  of  the  constants  a,  b,  and  k. 

The  modulus,  parameter,  coefficients,  and  criterion  of  sphericity 
may  be  expressed  as  linear  products  of  constants  haying  simple 
relations  with  those  of  the  given  surfaces. 


Resuming  the  equations  given  in  (125), 

.     (135) 

we  find  (  A  +  C)2=  (£2  +  a2  -  A2)2  + 

Assume  4/>*=F  +(«  +  £)*,   408= 

we  sliall  then  have  the  following  equations  :  — 


A=(b+p-q)(b  +  q- 

-a  • 


Substituting  these  values  in  (129) ,  AVC  obtain  as  the  resulting  expres- 

.2 4  (a  -f  b)  (a—b)pq 

~(p  +  q  +  b)(p  +  q-bj(a+p-q)(a  +  q-p) 

<—a}(b+p  —  q}(b  +  q—p}  [          Q37) 

n=       (a  +  b}(a-b} 
(a+p—q}(a  +  q—p)' 

These  values  of  m,  n,  and  i2  satisfy  the  second  equation  of  condition 
in  (1), 

m  +  n— wm  =  i2; 

and  if  we  denote  by  K  the  criterion  of  sphericity, 

p  +  q  —  aV 

1 i  I   )      •        '        •         (J-Oo) 

p-\-q  —  b/ 

we  may  express  the  parameters  and  modulus  of  the  elliptic  integral 

of  the  third  order  and 

logarithmic   form    by    a  Fig.  17. 

geometrical  construction  c 

of  remarkable  simplicity 

when     the     intersecting 

surfaces    are    given,   or 

when    a,   b,   and   k  are 


Take  BA=«,  BD  =  6, 
and  from  O  the  point  of 
bisection  of  AD,  erect 

k    B^9L 
the  perpendicular  OC  =  -. 


Then  (135)  gives ;?  =  BC,  q— AC;  and  putting  P  and  Q,  for  the  angles 
BAG  and  ABC,  a  +  b=2p  cosQ,  a— 6  =  20  cos  P.     As  p,  q,  b  are  the 

VOL.  II.  1 


sides  of  the  triangle  BCD,  and  the  angle  BCD  =  P— Q, 


Again,  as  a,  p,  q  are  the  sides  o£  the  triangle  ABC, 

Substituting  these  values  in  (137),  we  get 

cos  P  cos  Q  cos  P  cos  Q, 

\    2     J 


_  2  [cos  P  cos  Q]  *        ,    ._cosQ,—cosP 


-  —  7^.  —     —  T 
cos  Q  +  cos  P 

;=  -  ^  —     —  ~ 
cos  Q,  +  cos  P 

and  if  c  be  the  eccentricity  of  the  elliptic  base  of  the  cylinder, 


"  sin«(P  +  Qr 

These. are  expressions  remarkable  for  their  simplicity. 
We  also  find  for  the  criterion  of  sphericity  tc, 

(P-i-Q)      ~ 


— — 


COS  »  —   ]  COS 

L_  \       6       / 




As  —  is  the  altitude  of  a  triangle  whose  sides  are  a,  p}  q. 

38.]  In  the  preceding  investi- 
gations, the  element  of  the  curve 
has  been  taken  as  a  side  of  a 
limiting  rectilinear  polygon  in- 
scribed within  it.  We  may  how- 
ever effect  the  rectification  of  the 
curve,  starting  from  other  ele- 
mentary principles.  Let  APB  be 
the  plane  base  of  the  elliptic  cy- 
linder, and  let  a  series  of  normal 
planes  PPW  wtn-W  be  drawn  to 
the  cylinder,  indefinitely  near  to 
each  other,  and  parallel  to  its 
axis.  We  may  conceive  of  every 
element  P-cr  of  this  plane  ellipse 
between  the  normal  planes  as  the 
projection  of  the  corresponding 


element  s-vr1  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse.  Let  r  be  the  inclination  of 
the  element  dS  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  to  the  corresponding 
element  ds  of  the  plane  ellipse.  We  shall  have,  dX  being  the  ele- 
mentary angle  between  the  planes  PPW  and  •crsrVv', 

.....  (142) 

(1#  Q   /? 

Now  (31)  gives  dx=^  +  ^> 

c  P       rd2« 

and  therefore         2  =  1  -^—  d\  +  1  ~-a  sec  r  .  dX.  (143) 

J  cos  T         J  dX2 

In  the  plane  ellipse  p<2=a*  cos2  X  +  i2  sin2  X,  whence 

d*p  =      (a9  -  b*}  (a2  cos4  X  -  62  sin4  X) 
dX2  ~  a«  "~ 

We  have  now  to  express  cos  T  in  terms  of  X. 

From  (119)  combined  with  (120)  we  may  derive 


d#2  +  dt/2  A2  (a2  sin2  6  +  b  cos2  9) 

7/  fj^>  fj  if         A 

Eliminating  -  between  the  equations  tanX=^  -,  and  -=    tan  6, 

X  U     X  X       U 

we  shall  have 


taiiX= ,  tan  0. 

If  we  eliminate  tan  6  by  the  help  of  this  equation  from  (145),  we 
shall  obtain 


aa-62)  [o2-62  -  /^  ]  sin*  X  ^( 

Substituting  this  value  of  COST  in  (143),  and  writing  P',  Q!,  R'  for 
the  coefficients  of   powers  of  sin  X,  the  resulting   equation 

*2=  f  dX 


(a2     b*}(    dM«2cos4X-&2sin4X)      >'    '     ' 
'    J  k  (a2  cos2  X  +  6*  sin2  X)»  cos  rj 

As  the  first  of  these  integrals  is  precisely  similar  in  form  to  the 
integral  in  (123),  we  may  in  the  same  manner  reduce  the  expression 
into  factors.  Accordingly  let 

F  -f  Q'  sin2  X  +  R'  siu4  X=  (a  +  /3  sin2  \)  (y  -  |8  sin-  X)  .    .      (149) 


Writing  a,  /3,  y  instead  of  A,  B,  C,  and  following  step  by  step  the 
investigation  in  sec.  [35],  we  shall  have,  as  in  (126)  and  (128),  -»/r, 
m,  and  i{  being  the  amplitude,  parameter  and  modulus, 

As  «7=a2F,  /3=a2— i2,  and  7-«=a2-i2-F,      .     (151) 

we  shall  have  the  following  relations  between  the  constants  «,  6,  y, 
m,  it,  and  A,  B,  C,  w,  i,  in  (150)  and  (128), 

/3  =  B,  «  =  C-B,  y  = 

y-/3=A,  «  +  /3  =  C,  y 

•  C)  .a 

.    '  — •  ? •* 

.    (152) 

/3        B 
=  &*,  or  «y=z,    »t= fl  =  r>- 

Hence  the  moduli  are  the  same  in  the  two  forms  of  integration, 
and  the  parameters  m  and  n  will  be  found  to  be  connected  by  the 
equation  m  +  n-mn  =  i* ; (153) 

m  and  n  are  therefore  conjugate  parameters,  as  they  fulfil  the  con- 
dition assumed  in  (1). 

The  amplitudes  <p  and  •x/r  are  equal;  for  in  (126)   we  assumed 

J,  and  in    (150)    tan2'^^-          tan2X;    but 


tan  X=7  tan  6,  as  in  (146),  whence  tan2  -^=73—-        —  tan2  <p. 
o  u   (A.  +  JjJa 

In  (152)  we  have  found  «  +  /3  =  C,  and  A  +  B=7,  whence 
tan2  f  =^5  ~  tan2  <p.     But  AC=  W,  and  «7=a2/t2, 

as  shown  in  (125)  and  (151),  whence 

^•=<p  .........     (154) 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  find  the  value  of  the  second  integral 
in  (148). 

From  (147)  we  may  derive 

Differentiating  this  expression,  reducing,  dividing  by  cos  r,  and 
integrating,  we  shall  finally  obtain 

f.  dX(tf  ea' 
J  cos  T  a2  cos2 

cos2  X  +  42  sin3  X)i 



(148)  may  now  be  written 

A2=fd\  VI*  +  Gt'  sin2  X+  R 


-*2     --. 



If  we  measure  the  arc  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  from  the  minor 
principal  axis,  or  from  the  parabolic  arc  which  is  projected  into  b, 
instead  of  placing  the  origin  at  the  vertex  of  the  major  axis  as  in 
(119),  we  must  put 

and  following  the  steps  indicated  in  that  article,  we  shall  obtain 

.     .     (159) 

VI"  -f  Q!  sin2  S  +  R'^sm1^.      .     . 

If  we  now  make  S=\,  and  subtract  the  two  latter  equations  one 
from  the  other,  the  resulting  equation  will  be 



Fig.  19. 

But  this  integral  is,  we  know,  the  expression  for  an  arc  of  a 
common  parabola  whose  semiparameter  is  k,  measured  from  the 
vertex  of  the  curve  to  a  point  on  it  where  its  tangent  makes  the 
angle  r  with  the  ordinate. 

Thus  the  difference  between  two  elliptic  arcs  measured  from  the 
vertices  of  the  curve,  which  in  the  plane  ellipse  may,  as  we  know, 
be  expressed  by  a  straight  line,  and  in  the  spherical  ellipse  by  an 
arc  of  a  circle  (as  shown  in  sec.  [15]),  will  in  the  logarithmic  ellipse 
be  expressed  by  an  arc  of  a  parabola.  As  a  parabolic  arc  can  be 
rectified  only  by  a  logarithm,  we  may  hence  see  the  propriety  of 
the  term  logarithmic,  by  which  this  function  is  designated. 

39.  If  from  the  vertex  A  of  a 
paraboloid,  an  arc  of  a  parabola  be 
drawn,  at  right  angles  to  a  parabolic 
section  of  the  paraboloid,  it  will  meet 
this  parabolic  section  at  its  vertex. 
Let  the  arc  AQ  be  drawn  at  right 
angles  to  the  parabolic  section  Qv 
of  the  paraboloid,  the  point  Q  is  the 
vertex  of  the  parabola  Qy. 

Draw  QT  and  Q/  tangents  to  the 
arcs  QA  and  Qv.  Then  QT  and  Qt 
are  at  right  angles,  since  the  arcs 
AQ,  Q.V  are  at  right  angles.  As  QT 
is  a  tangent  to  a  principal  section 
passing  through  the  axis  of  the  para- 
boloid, it  will  meet  this  axis  in  a 
point  T ;  and  as  QMs  a  tangent  to 
the  surface  of  the  paraboloid,  it  will 
be  perpendicular  to  QN  the  normal  to  the  surface.  Now  as  Q.t  is  per- 


pendicular  to  Q,T  and  to  Q,N,  it  is  perpendicular  to  the  plane  QTN 
which  passes  through  them,  and  therefore  to  every  line  in  this 
plane,  and  therefore  to  the  axis  AN,  or  to  any  line  parallel  to  it, 
as  the  diameter  Q,n.  Hence,  as  the  tangent  Qt  to  the  parabola  Q,v 
is  perpendicular  to  the  diameter  Q,n,  Q  is  the  vertex  of  the  para- 

Hence,  in  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  one  extremity  of  the  protangent 
arc  is  always  the  vertex  of  the  parabola  which  touches  the  loga- 
rithmic ellipse  at  its  other  extremity. 

This  is  a  very  important  theorem,  as  the  protangents  are  arcs  of 
equal  parabolas,  all  measured  from  the  vertices  of  the  parabolas. 
Hence  also  the  length  of  the  protangent  arc  depends  solely  on  its 
normal  angle. 

As   an   arc   of    a   circle   may   be   expressed  by   the    notation 

5=sin~1(|),  y  being  the  ordinate  and  k  the  radius,  so  in  like 
manner  an  arc  of  a  parabola  may  be  designated  by  the  form 
s  =  tan~M|),  y  being  the  ordinate,  and  k  the  semiparameter.  To 

\/C  - 

distinguish  the  parabolic  arc  from  the  circular  arc,  the  former  may 
be  written  s==rav~}  (-,}  .  Again,  as  we  say,  in  the  case  of  the 

circle,  the  angle  «  and  the  arc  kco,  co  being  the  angle  contained 
between  the  normals  to  the  curve  at  the  extremities  of  the  arc,  so 
in  the  parabola,  we  may  write  &>  for  the  angle  between  the  normals, 
and  (Ar.t»)  for  the  corresponding  parabolic  arc.  In  the  case  of  the 
parabola  the  arc  is  always  supposed  to  be  measured  from  the  vertex  ; 
in  the  circle  the  arc  may  be  measured  from  any  point,  as  every  point 
is  a  vertex. 

40.]   Resuming  the  equation  (157), 

*2-fdX  V?'  +  Q!  sin2  X  +  R'  sin4  X-  A2 


we  shall  now  proceed  to  develop  the  first  integral  of  the  second 
side  of  this  equation.  As  the  integral  is  precisely  the  same  in  form 
as  (123),  and  the  amplitude  ^=<p,  as  also  the  modulus  it=i}  we 
may  substitute  «,  /3,  y  for  A,  B,  C,  m  for  n,  3>m  for  <£>„,  retaining 
the  modulus  and  amplitude,  which  continue  unchanged,  as  we  have 
established  in  (152)  and  (154) ;  or  substituting  for  a,  /3,  7  their 
values  in  m  and  i,  we  get 


m  .  ri-msin2®!  Vl-i2sin2 


v/1  —  i2sin2<p    J  V»z(ia  — m)(l—  m] 


I  f  \\ •(•  eliminate  i  from  the  coefficients  of  this  equation,  putting  M  for 
( 1  —  m  sin2  <p) ,  and  N  for  (1— wsin2<p),  as  also  VI  for  Vl  —  J2sin2<p, 
(133)  may  be  written 

2(»-m)S_  .  (l-itU«-i»)f  d?     1 

~^S~*~          w  »          JNVI 

.     (162) 

and  (161)  will  be  transformed  into 

(1—  m}(n— m)  C   dtp 


\C&?      (d      /f     2(^~m)  r  d7 
J  VI  V»»»   J  cos' 


J  VI    J  \™>n   jc  s"r  j 

If  we  compare  together  (162)  and  (163),  which  are  expressions 
for  the  same  arc  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  and  make  the  obvious 

reductions,  putting  for  <!>„  and  <£„,  their  values  g]n(P  costp  y    an(j 

— ,  we  shall  get  the  following  as  the  resulting  equation 
of  comparison, 


/IN  Vi   V  m  /JM  Vi 

)"      •     (164) 
i2  Td<p          2     C  dr        sintpcosp  VI 

~"~  /  r  ^^          /  -••--»•»• 

WU    VI         V^WjCOSaT 

From  (155)  we  may  deduce 

sinT=    ^~ "r  —  r. (165^ 

we  shall  therefore  have 

tan  r  sec  T==  V^sinjpcosp  ^  (166) 


It  may  easily  be  shown  that  tan  T  sec  T  represents  the  portion  of  a 
tangent  to  a  parabola  intercepted  between  the  point  of  contact  and 
the  perpendicular  from  the  focus. 

C  dr        C  dr 

Hence  tanTsecT=2l       .    —  1      — (167) 

J  cos3  T    J  cos  T 


Combining  (164),  (166)  and  (167),  and  using  the  ordinary  notation 
of  elliptic  integrals, 


cos  T 

d  sin  T       _J_f_dT__ 
1  —  sin2  T'    v0*nj  cos  r 

f»  d  |~  \Jrnn  sin  <p  cos  <p~|  , 
1     I  d®  L  v/I— z2sin2(p  -I 

^  sin  <P  cos  <P~]  2 

^2sm2>  J 

we  have  therefore 

rd  T  Vm^sin^costpl^     I       .     (169) 
dtpL  v/l-^sin2^  -I 


rnn  sn  <p  cos  < 


This  is  the  expression  given  by  LEGENDRE,  Traite  des  Fonctions 
Elliptiques,  torn.  i.  p.  68.  Written  in  the  notation  adopted  in  this 
paper,  the  formula  would  be 

_  , 



41.]  We  may  express  a  and  b,  the  semiaxes  of  the  elliptic  base 
of  the  cylinder,  in  terms  of  m  and  n,  the  conjugate  parameters  of 
the  elliptic  integrals  in  the  preceding  equations.  From  the  equa- 
tion of  condition  m  +  n—mn  =  i'2,  and  the  expressions  given  in  (130), 
we  may  eliminate  i2,  and  obtain 

a?_mn(I—  m)      b<2_mn(\—n) 

~  '       '     '     ' 

Therefore     -= 


(l  —  m) 


1  —  m 

Hence  the  ratio  of  the  axes  of  the  elliptic  base  of  the  cylinder  is  a 
function  of  the  modulus  and  parameter. 

The  ratio  of  the  corresponding  quantities  in  the  case  of  the 
spherical  ellipse  may  be  derived  from  the  equation 

or  -=  VI  -**=.;. 


This  ratio  is  therefore  independent  of  the  parameter.  There  is, 
then,  an  important  difference  in  the  two  cases.  In  the  one  case, 
the  ratio  of  the  axes  is  independent  of  the  parameter,  and  will  con- 
tinue invariable  while  the  parameter  passes  through  every  stage 
of  magnitude.  But  in  the  logarithmic  ellipse  the  vertical  cylinder 
will  change  its  base  with  the  change  of  the  parameter.  We  shall 
see  the  importance  of  this  remark  presently. 

These  ratios  are  : — 

In  the  sphere,  -=j;  in  the  paraboloid,  -=   jj    .     .     .     (172) 

42.]  Resuming  equation  (157)  and  developing  it  by  a  process 
similar  to  that  applied  to  (127),  we  get 

= ??  I L*        '    "*"    TJ"T  _J.|     "'  (173) 

Now  (151)  and  (152)  give 

—  m 

,  __ 

Making  these  substitutions,  we  get 


—  C  [l-i*sinWf  ,C  AT 

J  [1—  wasin2<p]2  Vl  —  i2sin*<p       J  cos3r' 

Now  let  m=0,  then  (165)  gives  r=0,  and  we  shall  have 

x?  C  i         /  T        *o     •    o 

2,=«J  dip  v  I—  t*  sm2<p. 

This  is  the  common  expression  for  the  rectification  of  a  plane 
ellipse  whose  greater  semiaxis  is  a,  and  eccentricity  i.  This  is 
case  IV.  of  the  Table,  p.  7.' 

We  cannot  arrive  at  this  limiting  expression  by  making  e'2=m=Q 
in  (53) ;  for  this  supposition  would  render  z=0,  which,  throughout 
these  investigations,  is  assumed  to  be  invariable. 

43.]   If,  as  in  the  case  of  the  spherical  parabola,  we  makew=m, 

or  n=l—  v/1  — iz>  the  values  of  r  and  y  become  infinite.     What, 

then,  is  the  meaning  of  the  elliptic  integral  of  the  logarithmic 

form  of  the  third  order  when  n=m,  or  n=l—  \/l  —  i2?     In  the 

circular  form  of  the  third  order,  when  m  =  n,  w  =  r — -.,  and  the 

spherical    ellipse   becomes  the   spherical  parabola,  which,  as  we 
know,  may  be  rectified  by  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order. 
VOL.  n.  K 


Not  only  do  the  ratios  -r,  -r  become  infinite,  but  they  become 

K     K 
1.1       1  n 

equal:  for  -==- =  1  when  m  =  n.     What,  then,  does  the  in- 

a2     1—  m 

tegral  in  this  case  signify  ?     It  does  not  become  imaginary  or  change 
its  species. 

Resuming  the  equation  established  in  (133), 

If  we  now  introduce  the  relation  given  in  (130) 

a_  \in(i*—ri)  (1  —  i*) 
~k~        Zn-P-ri* 

we  shall  have  by  substitution 

Vl-n   a 

If  we  now  suppose  m  =  n,  or  n=l 
the  last  equation  will  become 

.     .    •     (176) 

In  this  case  ^=  ........     <177) 

This  is  the  expression  for  the  length  of  an  arc  of  a  logarithmic 
ellipse,  the  intersection  of  a  cylinder,  now  become  circular,  with  a 
paraboloid  whose  semiparameter  k  =  Q;  therefore,  the  dimensions 
of  the  paraboloid  being  indefinitely  diminished  in  magnitude,  this 
intersection  of  a  finite  circular  cylinder  by  a  paraboloid  indefinitely 
attenuated  must  take  place  at  an  infinite  altitude.  We  naturally 
should  suppose  that  the  section  of  a  cylinder  which  indefinitely 
approaches  in  its  limit  to  a  circular  cylinder  by  a  paraboloid  of 
revolution,  would  be  a  circle  ;  yet  the  fact  is  not  so.  The  inter- 
section of  these  surfaces,  instead  of  being  a  circle,  is  a  logarithmic 
ellipse,  whose  rectification  may  be.  effected  by  an  elliptic  integral 
of  the  second  order,  as  we  shall  now  proceed  to  show. 


In  the  first  place  let  us  conceive  the  paraboloid  as  of  definite 
magnitude,  and  the  cylinder  to  be  elliptical,  its  semiaxes  as  before 
being  a  and  b.  Then,  as  a  and  b  are  the  ordinates  of  a  parabola, 
at  the  points  where  the  elliptic  cylinder  meets  the  paraboloid,  at 
its  greatest  and  least  distances  from  the  axis  of  the  surfaces,  we 

sha11  have  *          l      *          "  (178) 

Hence  a*-b*  =  2k  (J—z").  Let  s?  —  z"  =  h,  then  h  is  the  thickness 
or  height  of  that  portion  of  the  cylinder  within  which  the  loga- 
rithmic ellipse  is  contained. 

,1irl.     .  2     12     k*mn      .       „       0,       kmn 

Now  (171)  gives         a2—  o2=  :  therefore  2h  =• 

n—  m  n—in, 

k  *Jmn(\  —  m)   ,  a     ^  inn 

and  we  have  also      a  —  —  —  '-:  hence  A  =  77 

n—  m  2   y/1—  m 

Now  when  n  —  vn,  a=b,  k=Q,  while  we  get  for  h 
=°—  JL-^g*IL/' 


We  thus  arrive  at  this  most  remarkable  result,  that  though  the 
cylinder  changes  from  elliptic  to  circular,  while  the  parameter  of 
the  paraboloid  approximates  to  its  limiting  value  0,  yet  the  thick- 
ness of  the  zone  (that  is,  h)  does  not  also  indefinitely  diminish,  but 
assumes  the  limiting  value  given  above. 

Now  if  we  cut  this  circular  cylinder,  the  radius  of  whose  base 
is  a,  by  a  plane  making  with  the  plane  of  the  circular  section,  or 

with  the  plane  of  XY,  an  angle  whose  tangent  is    ,  the  semiaxes 


£|  and  9$  of  this  plane  section  will  manifestly  be 

n  =  a,  and  ft=Va*+/P  or  fc»^=L.   .     .     (180) 

A  \  i  ~—  71 

If  we  denote  the  eccentricity  of  this  plane  ellipse  by  i,, 

n        1—  Vl— i2     1— j      TT  •     1— »'/ 

«.=  -; =—  =- -..        Hence    7=; r.      .        (181) 

'     2-n     i+A/i_i«     1+^  1+t, 

It  is  shown  by  Legendre  and  other  writers  on  this  subject  that, 
if  c  and  c,  are  two  moduli  connected  by  the  equation 


and  <p  and  i/r  two  angles  related  as  in  (63),  writing  <p  for  /i,  so  that 

tan(i/r—  <p)=6tan<p,       ......     (183) 

we  shall  have 

An  independent  demonstration  of  this  theorem  will  be  given  in 
sec.  [44]. 

Now  l  +  '.-  ^-^  hence 

c         -  c, 

and,  using  the  common  notation  for  the  present,  (74)  gives 
6Fc(<p)  =  -  -  Fe/(ijr)  .     Adding  these  equations,  we  get 

lism^  .     .     .     (185) 

or,  using  the  notation  adopted  in  this  work, 

^Jdf  ,/!,  +  !  sin  ^r-  [  Jd<p  Vl+j    =0,  .     (186) 

since  n  =  1  —  b  =  1  —  7  . 

Substituting  the  value  of  the  first  member  of  this  equation  in 
(176),  the  resulting  equation  will  be 

sin  <p  cos  <p  VI 

2    J"  '2  co88<p+/smY 

Having  put  for  <!>„  its  value  in  this  case,  namely 

-    _sin<p  cos  <p  \/I 

^« —  ~    <2^r~i — •  •   9 -> 
cos  cp  -\-j  sin  <p 

we  must  now  combine  the  last  two  members  of  this  equation. 
Adding,  they  become 

-n  'S  sin  ilr ^ : — ; — ^ —  r»   •     •      •     •      (1"8) 

^  (  cos^  <p  +^  sm^  ^>  j 

From  this  expression  we  must  eliminate  the  functions  of  <p. 

Now  (73)  gives         ^1=-^^^^, (189) 

V 1 
writing  <p  for  /A, 


Substituting  this  value  of   ^l  in  the  preceding  expression,  for 
which  we  put  t,  we  get 


(    } 

From  this  equation  we  must  eliminate  sin<p,  cos<p. 
If  we  solve  the  preceding  equation  (189),  we  shall  obtain  as  the 
resulting  expressions 

2sin2<p  =  l  —  v/I/c 

2cos2<p  =  l  +  y'lyCOS'^r—  ^sin2^/ 

Multiplying   these   equations   together,    and   recollecting   that 
J,=  1  —  iy2  sin2  ijr,  we  shall  find 

4  cos2  <p  sin2  <p  =  sin2  ^  [I,  +  2  \/V/  cos  ^  +  if  cos2  i|r]  .     (1  92) 
Now  the  second  member  of  this  equation  is  a  perfect  square, 
whence  2sin<p  cos<p  =  sin-\/r[  V-l/  +  */  cos  A/r]  .    .     .     .     (193) 

Substituting  this  value  of  2  sin  <p  cos<p  in  (190),  we  get 
n  .        ~        v     +  «cos-vK          n  i.  sin  ilr  cos  i/r 


»  =  !- 
equation  (187)  may  now  be  written 

«     a  (2—  n)      a  (1+j) 
Now,  as        ^  =  -A-^  --  L=._  v     \-"  an(i 

2  vi-w  2  vy 

we  get  ultimately 

The  second  term  of  the  last  member  of  this  equation  is  evidently 
the  common  expression  for  the  protangent  to  a  plane  ellipse  between 
the  point  of  contact  and  the  foot  of  a  perpendicular  on  it  from  the 
centre;  while  Hi  j  d-^r  y%  or  &  j"d-\Jr  \/l  —  «,2sm2^r,  is  the  expression 
for  the  arc  of  a  plane  ellipse  whose  semi-  transverse  axis  is  H,  and 
eccentricity  i,. 


"When  the  function  is  complete,  #  =  K  and  ty—ir.     See  (183). 


/17T  p5 

Hence,  as  I  di/r  \/Iy=2  1   d>|r  x/I,, 
Jo  J» 



2  =  &l 


d^/r  VI, (197) 


S  therefore,  in  this  case,  is  equal  to  a  quadrant  of  the  plane  ellipse 
whose  principal  semiaxis  H,  and  eccentricity  it  are  given  by  the 

,  and  »,=  -     -.    -     -     - 
P  v  J  —  i*- 

To  distinguish  this  variety  of  the  curve,  we  may  call  it  the 
circular  logarithmic  ellipse,  as  it  is  a  section  of  a  circular  cylinder. 
Accordingly,  in  the  two  forms  of  the  third  order,  when  the  con- 
jugate parameters  are  equal,  or  m=n,  the  representative  curves  of 
these  forms  become  the  spherical  parabola  and  the  circular  loga- 
rithmic ellipse. 

This  is  Case  V.  in  the  Table,  p.  7.  The  results  of  the  preceding 
investigation  will  reappear  in  the  demonstration  of  the  theorem, 
that  quadrants  of  the  spherical  or  logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  ex- 
pressed by  the  help  of  integrals  of  the  first  and  second  orders. 

44.]  It  is  not  difficult  to  show  that  this  particular  case  of  the 
logarithmic  form,  when  the  parameters  m  and  n  are  equal,  also 
represents  the  curve  of  intersection  of  a  circular  cylinder  by  a 
paraboloid  wrhose  principal  sections  are  unequal. 

Let  o?2  +  y2=o8  and  ^+^,=2z     ....     (199) 

be  the  equations  of  the  circular  cylinder  and  of  the  elliptic  para- 

(cos2$     sin2#) 
Assume  x=  a  cos  6,  y  =  asin0;  then  2z  =  a2  \  —  -  ---  h  —  T^—  [•,  (200) 

I    *  k     ) 

and    ^=-«sin0,  ^  =  acos0,|r|:=a2(p—    Jsin0cos0.      (201) 

Hence  =al  +  a2,-sin20cos20T.     .     .     (202) 

Now  we  may  reduce  this  expression  by  two  different  methods 
to  the  form  of  an  elliptic  integral. 

By  the  first  method,  eliminating  cos2  6,  this  expression  becomes 

'    (203) 


We  may,  as  in  (124),  reduce  this  expression  to  the  form  of  a 
product  of  two  quadratic  factors, 

(A  +  B  sin2  6}  (C  -  B  sin2  0)  =  AC  +  B  (C  -  A)  sin2  0  -  B2  sin4  d.  (204) 
Comparing  this  expression  with  the  preceding, 

AC-*,  B-.- 

or  C  =  A  +  B,  and  AC= 
Let  us  now,  as  in  (126),  assume 

.....     (206) 


and,  following  the  steps  there  indicated,  we  shall  have 


an  expression  of  the  same  form  as  (127). 

B  B(2A  +  B)     .« 

Ut  A  +  B="'  TSW* 

A  A2       ^ 

therefore          1  —  n=-r    TJ,  and  1  —  i2=7T-  ^-^  I 

A  +  B  (A  +  JbJ)-4  (  f     (209) 

Hence  1—  n—  v'l— i2,  or  n=m  J 

If  we  develop  this  integral  by  the  method  indicated  in  sec.  [36], 

£\  •<•>  5  /"•  J  — . 

«C7l  —  £~  —  ^A  i  Q(Z) 

the  coefficient -  of  the  integral  I 

n  J(l— nsin2^)  Vl-^sin2^)' 

in  the  result,  will  be  0,  and  the  reduced  integral  will  become,  since 



=         '  and  B  =  a2~         '     ' 

Let  z1  and  2"  be  the  altitudes  of  the  points  above  the  plane  of 
XY,  in  which  the  principal  sections  of  the  elliptic  paraboloid  meet 
the  circular  cylinder.  Then  2"  —  z'  is  the  height  or  thickness  of  the 
zone  of  the  cylinder  on  which  the  curve  is  traced. 

Now         a2  =  2)b/,  a2=2*'c";  whence  2"-r/  =  ~- 


Let  this  altitude  or  thickness  of  the  zone  be  put  h,  and  we  shall 

Hence  the  arc  of  this  species  of  logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  ex- 
pressed by  integrals  of  the  first  and  second  orders. 

It  is  not  a  little  remarkable  that  whether  the  integrals  of  the 
third  order  be  circular  or  logarithmic,  or,  looking  to  their  geome- 
trical origin,  spherical  or  parabolic,  when  the  conjugate  parameters 
are  equal,  or  m=w,  we  may  express  the  arcs  of  the  hyperconic 
sections  thus  represented,  in  terms  of  integrals  of  the  first  and 
second  orders  only,  the  integral  of  the  third  order  being  in  this 
case  eliminated. 

If  we  now  resume  equation  (202)  and  make 


sin  20=2  sin  0  cos  0  —  cos  ^,  and  2d0  =  d^.     Therefore   (202)  will 


hence,  asA  =  —  1-^—  -I,  we  shall  have 

22=  V^+T2dx\l  --  rin«x.   .     .     (215) 

This  is  the  common  form  for  the  rectification  of  a  plane  ellipse, 
whose  principal  semiaxes  are  V«2  +  ^2  and  a.  Let  i,  be  the  eccen- 
tricity of  this  plane  ellipse, 

h  B  n     _i_  y/l—  jg 

~2-n~  '     (2] 

and  the  relation  between  <p  and  ^  is  given  by  the  equations 

7T  A 

20=2  +  X>    tan20=£—  gtan2«p,    or  tan0=  Vl 

1  +  sin  ^ 


,  or  secx  +  tanx=  V/tanp.      (217) 

When  x=0,  tanp=J-;  when  %=^  <p=£;  when  ^=-^"^  =  0. 

\J  A         &  2 

Hence  ^  is  measured  from  the  perpendicular  on  the  tangent  to  the 
ellipse,  at  the  point  which  divides  the  elliptic  quadrant  into  two 


segments  whose  difference  is  equal  to  a  —  b,  as  will  be  shown  further 
on  ;  while  p  is  measured  from  the  semi-  transverse  axis  a.     Thus 

while  x  varies  from  —  •»  (that  is,  from  the  position  at  right  angles 
to  this  perpendicular,  and  below  it)  to  0  (that  is,  to  the  perpendicular 

itself  ),<p  varies  from  0  to  tan"1  —  ---  1  an(^  while  ^  varies  from  0  to 


7T  7T 

^,  <t>  varies  from  tan"1  —  -=  to  ^.      Thus  while  y  passes  over  two 

VJ       * 
right  angles,  <p  passes  over  one  right  angle. 

We  may  now  equate  the  two  expressions  (211)  and  (215)  ;  and 
the  resulting  equation  will  be 


Thus  we  may  express  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order  by  means 
of  two  elliptic  integrals  of  the  second  order.     Hence  we  obtain  the 
geometrical  origin  of  the  well-known  theorem,  given  in  (184)  . 
When  the  functions  are  complete,  since 


fa  _        /*2  _ 

&X  Vl—  i;2sin2y=2  j   dy  %/l  —  i/2sin2y,  we  get 

I—         1 


__  fa  C 

d*Vl-t,2sin2X=(l+./)         d<pVl  +  (l-n) 

[_»/o  Jo 


which  agrees  with  (186). 

44*.]   From  the  foregoing  investigations  it  will  follow  that,  if 
there  are  two  moduli  so  related  that 

'~i+  </!=?-  l+j* 

and  two  amplitudes  such  that 

......     (b) 

we  may  express  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order  by  the  help 
of  two  elliptic  integrals  of  the  second  order,  whose  moduli  are 
i  and  i,  and  whose  amplitudes  are  <p  and  %. 

VOL.  II.  L 


A  like  relation  is  established  by  Lagrange's  theorem  (186)  in 
which  the  moduli  are  the  same,  but  the  amplitudes  are  given  by 
the  equation  tan  (^—  <p)  =  /  tanp  .......  (c) 

Lagrange's  theorem  as  given  in  (186)  is 

=0.    .     (d) 

While  the  theorem  established  in  (218)  is 

It  may  be  proper  to  show  that  these  theorems  (d)  and  (e),  though 
apparently  diverse,  are  identical. 

These  equations  will  be  identical  if  we  can  prove  that 

Vxi;+  (1  -»*.      (f) 

To  show  this,  we  must  eliminate  <p  between  the  equations 
tan  (ty  —  <p)  =j  tan  <p,  and  sec  %  +  tan  ^  =  \J  j  tan  <p. 
Eliminating  <p  and  reducing, 

tan*Vrtan*%=lii^.      -.    .....     (g) 

Hence  sin^—   C°SX  ......     (h) 

[1—  if  sin8x> 

,r,^  ,  _  ^ 

and  *P=   ri       —  r-s-T-  =  ,  ,    .       -.  since  w=—  j  : 

[1—n  sin2  <p]  2' 

consequently  2<I>= 

/I-  A 


therefore  sin  ir  —  24>  = 

We  have  also 

—  ^-  /;\ 





[1—  i/o 


as  will  be  shown  further  on  ;  consequently 

Substituting  these  values  in  (j),  the  equations  are  manifestly 

We  may  thus  by  the  help  of  Lagrange's  formula,  as  given  in  (d)  , 
or  by  the  new  expression  enunciated  in  (e)  ,  express  an  elliptic  in- 
tegral of  the  first  order  by  the  help  of  two  elliptic  integrals  of  the 
second  order  ;  but  we  are  unable  to  reverse  the  process,  and  ex- 
hibit an  elliptic  integral  of  the  second  order,  as  a  function  of  two 
elliptic  integrals  of  the  first  order.  The  problem  has  been  tried, 
but  in  vain. 

If  we  multiply  (218)  by  a,  bearing  in  mind  that  a2  —  62=a2z2 
and  b  =  aj,  we  shall  have,  since  n  =  l—  J, 

-(*-V*'>     .     .      (m) 

but  when  the  functions  are  complete,  since 



we  shall  have 



(a  -(-  b)  and  2  \/ab  are  the  semiaxes  of  the  ellipse  whose  amplitude 
is  ^  and  modulus  ir  Hence  we  may  derive  the  following 
theorem  :  — 

The  difference  between  the  quadrants  of  two  ellipses  whose  semi- 
axes  are  a,  b,  and  (a  +  b],  2  \/ab  is  equal  to  a  complete  elliptic  in- 
tegral of  the  first  order  whose  modulus  is  i;  or,  The  difference 
between  the  quadrants  of  two  ellipses  whose  semiaxes  are  a,  b  and 
(a  +  b),  2  \/ab  is  equal  to  half  the  difference  between  the  circum- 
ference of  a  spherical  parabola  and  a  semicircle,  both  described  on  a 
sphere  whose  radius  is  a. 


It  may  be  worth  while  to  mention  that  a  +  b  is  the  length  of  the 
tangent  drawn  to  the  ellipse  whose  semiaxes  are  a,  b,  and  inter- 
cepted between  the  axes ;  while  the  point  of  contact  is  the  critical 
point,  or  the  point  where,  as  Fagnano  has  shown,  the  constituent 
arcs  of  the  quadrant  of  the  ellipse  differ  by  a  —  b. 

\/ab  is  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  this  tangent. 



45.]  The  logarithmic  hyperbola  may  be  denned  as  the  curve  of 
symmetrical  intersection  of  a  paraboloid  of  revolution  with  a  right 
cylinder  standing  on  a  plane  hyperbola  as  a  base. 

Let  Oxx1  be  a  paraboloid  of  revolution,  whose  vertex  is  at  O, 
and  whose  axis  is  OZ.  Let  ACB  be  an  hyperbola  in  the  plane  of 

XY,  whose  vertex  is  at  A,  and  whose  axis  is  the  straight  line  OAD. 
Let  the  planes  ZOX,  ZOD,  ZOY  cut  the  paraboloid  in  the  plane 


parabolas  Ox,  Od,  Oy,  and  let  cab  be  the  curve  on  the  surface  of 
the  paraboloid  whose  orthogonal  projection  on  the  plane  of  xy  is 
the  plane  hyperbola  ABC.  Then  acb  is  the  logarithmic  hyperbola. 
Vertical  planes  erected  on  the  asymptotes  of  the  hyperbola  in 
the  plane  of  XY  will  pass  through  the  axis  OZ,  and  will  cut  the 
paraboloid  in  two  parabolas  passing  through  the  vertex  O,  which 
will  be  asymptotic  curves  to  the  logarithmic  hyperbola.  These 
curves  will  be  found  to  have  properties  analogous  to  those  of  the 
plane  hyperbola  and  its  asymptotes. 

Let  *~P  =  1'  anda?2  +  y8=2**     ....     (220) 

be  the  equations  of  the  hyperbolic  cylinder  and  of  the  paraboloid 
of  revolution,  and  consequently  of  the  curve  in  which  they  inter- 
sect ;  let  T  be  an  arc  of  this  curve, 


x,  y,  z  being  functions  of  a  fourth  independent  variable  \. 

a4cos2X  A4  sin2  A, 

Assume    ar=-~  -  ~^  —  ,2  .  2.,  y  —-5  -  ^  —  ,g  .  a*    (222) 
a2  cos2  A,  —  A2  sin2  A.   *       a*cos*X  —  £2sm2X      v 

It  is  manifest  that  these  assumptions  are  compatible  with  the  first 
of  equation  (220)  ;  and  the  second  of  that  group  gives 

2  .     2_ 
+  y  ~a2cos2X~ 

Differentiating  (222),  we  get 

(a2  cos2X-A2  sin2X)3' 

dX/  "  yt2  (a2  cos2X-62  sin2X)4  \ 

We  might,  by  the  help  of  the  imaginary  transformation  sin  6=  V  —  1  tan  &, 
e  from  the  el  ' 

ulting  equati 

e  mg,    y 

pass  at  once  from  the  elliptic  cylinder  to  the  hyperbolic  cylinder.     Let  tan0'=w, 
and  the  resultin    equation  will  be  of  the  form 


an  expression  which,  on  trial,  it  would  be  found  very  difficult  to  reduce.  The 
difficulty  is  eluded  by  making  the  transformation  pointed  out  and  adopted  in 
the  text 



k    dT 

Let  this  radical  be  put  =  \/R,. 
Assume  B,  =  ( A  +  B  sin2  X)  (C  -  B  sin2  X) ) 

=AC  +  B(G-A)sin2X-B2sin4X;j 

hence  AC=a2£2,  B=a2  +  62,  C— A= 

and  therefore      k*  =  A  +  B  —  C . 
Let  us  now  assume  sin  <p  such  that 

and  «2  cos2X-62  sm2X=a2- 

or  as 


we  find        = 

'j     (226) 

there  resiilts    «2cos2X—  62  sin2X=-r  —  -~r  1  —  .    ,  ^sin2^    . 

A  +  Ccos2iL       A  +  C        rj 

Hence  --   ^T_  VAC  .  [A  +  C  cos^]  cos<p 

a2*2  dX         a4(A  +  C)[i-/sin2<p]2    ' 

differentiating  the  equation  sin2  X=-r-^  —         "  g  ,       .     .     (230) 

dT_dTdX  .2_ 

~'  r  ~  '  '     '     ' 

,  £     n      T  i2          (*  cos2(pd(p 

we  get  .  finally,  T=  —  .  -  1-  -  (233) 

*      VB(A+C)J[l-/sin2<p]2  Vl-z2sinV 


46.]  We  may  develop  another  formula  for  the  rectification  of 
an  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola. 

Assuming  the  principles  established  in  sec.  [38]  ,  we  may  put 


In  this  formula  p  is  the  perpendicular  from  the  axis  of  the  hyper- 
bolic cylinder  let  fall  on  a  tangent  plane  to  it,  passing  through  the 
element  of  the  curve,  and  v  is  the  angle  which  a  tangent  to  this 
element  makes  with  the  plane  of  the  base,  v  in  this  equation  is 
analogous  to  r  in  the  last  section. 

In  the  above  expression  the  negative  sign  is  used,  as  the  curve 
and  the  angle  X  are  incremented  in  opposite  directions. 


//d^\2     /dy 

V  (aO  +(-l 

Now  p*  =  d2  cos2  X  — A2  sin2  \,  and  tan  v= 

We  must  substitute  for  these  differentials,  their  values  given  in 
(223),  and  introduce  the  value  of  <p  assumed  in  (227),  whence 

(A  +  C)2ACcos2<p 

o*  II  —  _  -  _  '  __    .  (OQ^} 

~9  cos2?]2  (a2  cos2X-£2  sin2X)  ' 


But  (231)  gives       = 



y  —  .     (237) 

We  must  now  determine  the  value  of  the  second  integral  in 
(234),  namely 

Since  p*  =  a2  cos2  X  -  62  sin2  X, 

?£.  «    udX-  -(a'  +  y)Caa  cos'X  +  ^sin'XJsecudX 
dX2  b<  ~^s2X^62  8iii«~ 


Now  we  may  derive  from  (223) 

sin  \  cos  X 
tanv  =  —  *  —  —  i  .....     (239) 

Differentiating  this  expression,  then  multiplying  by  sec  v,  and  in- 
tegrating, we  obtain 


Comparing  this  expression  with  (238),  and  introducing  into  (234) 
the  values  found  in  (237)  and  (240),  we  obtain 

?=  f  dv  g*          f_  coa'fdp 

*     J  cos3u      VB  (A  +  C)  J  [1-w  sin2?]8  Vl-*2  sinaf  ' 


Making  m 

A  +  B        ,  ,     C/A  +  BN  i2     C 

since    /=---,  and  i2=-,  assume  w==  .     (243) 

and  we  shall  have  m  and  n  connected  by  the  equation  of  condition, 
denned  in  (1), 

m  +  n—  mn  =  i2. 

The  three  parameters  /,  m,  n,  and  the  modulus  i  are  connected 
by  the  equations 

mn  =  i2  ......     (244) 

/  and  n  are  reciprocal  parameters,  the  reader  will  recollect,  while 
m  and  n  are  conjugate  parameters. 

By  the  help  of  these  equations,  any  one  of  the  quantities  /,  m, 
n,  ft  may  be  eliminated,  and  an  equation  established  between  the 
three  remaining  quantities. 

47.]  It  was  shown  in  (226)  ,  that  C  -  A  =  a2  +  i2  -  £2,  B  =  a2  +  £2, 
/fc2=A+B-C,  and  «2A2=AC,  whence 

AC_     y_(A  +  B)(B-C) 
C)2'   A2~   (A  +  B-C) 

2  ' 

In  order  that  these  values  of  a  and  b  may  be  real,  we  must  have 
B  >  C,  and  A  of  the  same  sign  with  C,   both  positive  ;   otherwise 

\/R  in  (225)  would  be  imaginary.     As  /=  ,  />!  ;  here  the 

.A.-)-  \j 

parameter  /  is  greater  than  1,  while  m  and  n  are  each  less  than  1. 
We  may  express  the  semiaxes  of  the  hyperbola,  the  base  of  the 


hyperbolic  cylinder,  in  terms  of  the  modulus  i  and  the  parameter  /  ; 
for  by  the  equations  immediately  preceding  we  may  eliminate  A, 
B,  and  C  in  (243).  We  thus  find 


_     /(/-I) 

We  may  express  the  semiaxes  in  terms  of  the  conjugate  para- 
meters m  and  tt 

F~       [»  +  »»-2»m8] 

B     «2  +  52  m  .  A;2 


or  we  may  express  a  and  6  more  simply  in  terms  of  /  and  m. 
Eliminating  n  and  i2,  we  get 

a*_m(l-m)     62  _/(/-!)  , 

jfc«-  (/-m)2  '    ^2~(/-m)2' 

Let  ^  be  the  eccentricity  of  the  hyperbolic  base  of  the  cylinder, 
the  following  equation  between  c,,  i  and  /_,  analogous  to  (131),  will 
follow  from  (246), 

(«,«-  1).*/  =(*-«*)*  ......     (251) 

Hence  when  i  and  I  are  given,  ct  may  easily  be  found. 

48.]  If  we  equate  together  the  values  found  for  T,  the  arc  of  the 
logarithmic  hyperbola,  in  (233)  and  (241),  we  shall  have 


[1  -  /  sin2<p]  2  Vl  -  i2  sin2<p 



[1  -  m  sin2<p]2  Vl  -i2  sin2<p  "      cos3  v 

For  brevity,  put 

L  =  1  —  /  sin2<p,  M  =  1  —  m  sin2<p,  N  =  1  —  n  sin2<p,  I  =  1  —  i2  sin2«p.  (253) 
The  preceding  equation  may  now  be  written 


VOL.  II.  M 


or  if  we  substitute  for  the  coefficients  of  this  equation  their  values 
given  in  (246) ,  we  shall  have 


.  .      .     (255) 



-    -   -- 

. .     .     (256) 

Now  the  process  given  in  sec.  [36]  will  enable  us  to  develop  the 

i,  as  follows  : — 

-i2)  f  d<p  Vi 


;     •     (257) 

)Ca9    /^(i-^ 

J  \/I     m(i*—m) 


.  (258) 

The  equations  of  condition  ln=i*  and  m  +  w  —  mn  —  ?  give 

?£t3_,-i.  and  g=Q!+?fld5_2=Qf.   .   (259) 

z2—  m  /  m  »(«"-l) 

We  have  also,  since 

Making  these  substitutions,  adding  together  (257)  and  (258), 
the  coefficient  of  J  dip  VI  vanishes,  and  we  shall  have 

o(;   .ff)a  fcos^djp  [  gja  (1     .g)  rcos2(pdj)_/sin(p  cos(p  VI 

L2  VI  •  'J  M2  VI 


M  VI 


but  (255)  gives 


'  J 

L2  VI 

Combining  this  equation  with  the  preceding, 

L  VI 

m     JM 

r-i)J  VI 

/sin<p  cos<p  Vl_, 



.     (261) 


and  as 

i'2     > 

m  (1-1}  ' 

In  the  last  equation,  substituting  this  value  of  fp  and  then  di- 
viding by  /,  we  obtain 



Vl     /(/-l)     VI 

sin<pcos<p  Vl_2A  /  I— ft   r  dt> 
LM  V  /(/-1)J  cos^; 


Iv  ,  C  dv        ,       2        LM 

T-  =  tanuseci;4-l andcos^f = — 5-, 

cosdu  Jcosu  cos*  f 

as  may  be  shown  by  combining  (226)  with  (235). 
Hence  sini> =\f  -j — ^r  *an<p  VI, 

and  therefore  tan  v  sec  v  =  A  /  \  ~   '  — 

v      I — i 


Substituting  this  value  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  find 




\  i 

-i     VI 

_   /T 

V   //— 



> .     .     (266) 


In  (170)  we  showed  that,  m  and  n  being  conjugate  parameters 
connected  by  the  equation  m  +  n—  mn=t2} 


d(p        (1-m)  £  dtp     _  P_  C  dtp  _      1     ^  dr 

~  ' 




Substituting  these  values  in  the  preceding  equation,  and  dividing 

by  75,  we  obtain 


—  1COST 

If  we  add  this  equation  to  (266),  the  coefficient  of  the  integral 

I         .-  will  vanish,  and  the  resulting  equation  will  become 
J  J 

JM  Y  A 

f_jg_  ,  f 

JL  VI    J 


N  VI        VI      V(J-l)(/-;2) 

V"^  r  f  dt;        r  dr  -[ 

-l)(/-;2)Ucosv    JcosrJ- 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  show  that 

/»    J  /* 

I  --  1 



/•        T       t 

under  the  form  1  —  ^—.}  if  we  make  the  assumption 
J  cos  ir 


may  be  put 



ief  being  equal  to  (l-n)  (--l)  - 




^i2"  f  dv  _  f  dp  [-[l-i2sin2(p-i2sin2  <p  cos2  <p]  ~] 
-J  VI  L  ~LM~ 


But  we  derive  from  (165)  and  (166)  the  value 

dr  _T  d<p  [ncos2<p  —  n  sin2  ft  +  m2  sin4  ft] 


or,  subtracting, 





,.   (272) 

These  two  latter  integrals  may  be  combined  into  the  single 

'[1  -i2  sin2  ft  -n  cos2  ft]  [1  -i2  sin4  ft]  dft 


Now,  as  m  +  n — mn=fi,  the  first  factor  of  the  numerator  becomes 
(1  —  n)  (1  —  m  sin2  ft)  =  (1 — n)  M  ;  and  therefore 

/7-i8   f  f  du       C  Ar  1  _ (I- i*\ f [1  -i* sin4 ft] 
V/(7=I)LJcosi,    JcosrJ-V    /    /J      LN  VI 

Substituting  the  first  member  of  this  equation  for  the  last  term 
in  (268),  we  find 

j  f*  j  /*n        *9    ' 

U(p  I    Q(p         t   [1  —  t    SI] 

5vT  J  vr~J 

Now,  since  we  have  assumed  in  (269) 




;  cos2  <f>3 

and  consequently 

-    —  . 
cos  i/ 


JL  V 


L  Vi     N 

This  formula  is  usually  written 


=  — 7=+  = 

VI    V*J cos 



J  [l- 


J  [1  —  rin 


.    (278) 

V.     A      /  , 

We  have  thus  shown  that  from  the  comparison  of  two  expres- 


sions  for  the  same  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola,  we  may  derive 
the  well-known  equation  which  connects  two  elliptic  integrals  of 
the  third  order,  and  of  the  logarithmic  form,  whose  parameters  are 
reciprocal  *. 

Hence  also  it  follows  that  if  v,  r,  and  i/  are  the  angles  which 
normals  to  a  parabola  make  with  the  axis,  and  if  these  angles,  which 
may  be  called  conjugate  amplitudes,  are  connected  by  the  equations 


o    ,  =A  /  -tan<r> 

2  V    n 

cos^  <p 
-M  aJnT-  V^sinpcosp  (27g) 

i  ;  VI 

LN  .      ,          /m  n        x  tan  <p 

smi/=,     '      n  — *"N 

Vyvyo     v  —  T  g  ^>          ••••  "   — (\   /     —    i^-         •"/  7_- 

Icos2<p  V    n  VI  ^ 

we  shall  have 


J  COS  V       I  COS  I/      J  COS  T' 

49.]   The  difference  between  an  arc  of  a  logarithmic  hyperbola, 
and  the  corresponding  arc  of  the  tangent  parabola,  may  be  expressed 
by  the  arcs  of  a  plane,  a  spherical,  and  a  logarithmic  ellipse. 
Resuming  the  equation  (241) , 

du    _T_         a2          Tcos2<pd<p 
us^u~~k~  VB(A-fC)J  M2  VI* 
and  combining  (248)  with  (249),  we  may  easily  show  that 

and  from  (258)  we  may  deduce  that 

M  VI 

*  We  might  by  the  aid  of  the  imaginary  transformation  sin  0=  V  —1  tan  ^ 
have  passed  from  this  theorem,  connecting  integrals  with  reciprocal  parameters, 
to  the  corresponding  theorem  in  the  circular  form.  It  seems  better  to  give  an 
independent  proof  of  this  theorem  by  the  method  of  differentiating  under  the 
sign  of  integration,  as  we  shall  do  further  on.  Although  these  theorems  have 
algebraically  the  same  form,  their  geometrical  significations  are  entirely  different. 
In  the  logarithmic  form,  the  theorem  results  from  the  comparison  of  two  expres- 
sions for  the  same  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola.  But  in  the  circular  form,  the 
theorem  represents  the  sum  of  the  arcs  of  two  different  spherical  conic  sections 
described  on  the  same  cylinder  by  two  concentric  spheres,  or  on  the  same  sphere 
by  two  cylinders  having  their  axes  coincident. 

t  These  values  of  v,  r,  and  v'  satisfy  the  equation  of  condition  which  connects 
the  conjugate  amplitudes  in  parabolic  trigonometry,  tan  G>  =  tan  <p  sec  x  +tan  x  sec  <P- 
We  must  replace  a>,  <p,  x  by  v,  v',  and  T.  See  vol.  i.  p.  313,  (a). 


Let  G=(l-m)+Jd<pVI-m<I>m.    .     .     (282) 

Substituting  this  value  of  1        ^~T  in  the  preceding  equation,  we 

^)  ivj.   \  i 

find,  after  some  obvious  reductions, 

C  Av'     2T= 

"Jcos3v       k  ~ 

\/mnGc    _ n(l—m) C  d<p 
m  +  n— 2mn       \/mn  J  M  VI 

Now,  a;  and  bt  being  the  semiaxes  of  the  base  of  an  elliptic  cy- 
linder whose  curve  of  section  with  the  paraboloid  is  a  logarithmic 
ellipse,  let,  as  in  (171), 

af_mn(\—m)      b*_mn(l—n)  . 

A2~    (n-m)*'     A*"  (n-m)*  ' 

and  if  we  put  2  for  an  arc  of  this  logarithmic  ellipse,  we  shall  have, 
as  in  (163), 


k      n—m  VT/W  J  M  -v/I 

cos  T 

Subtracting  this  equation  from  the  preceding,  we   shall  finally 


--    -—      . 

cos3  u       J  cos3  T  (w  —  m)  (m  +  w  —  2mn) 

We  may  express  the  arc  T  by  the  help  of  one  parabolic  arc  only, 
if  we  introduce  the  equation  established  in  (160), 

— — ,  hence 




—  —  - 

COS3  V          ' 

•    /», 
^mn(l-n)mk      Vn      _      C  _d^     , 

(w-m)(w  +  m-2mw)  Lm  v          ;J  VI    J 

replacing  G  by  its  value  in  (282). 

When  sin  <p=  —  —  ,  1^=75,  and  the  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola 

v/      *> 

becomes  infinite,  the  arc  of  the  parabola  also  becomes  infinite  and 
an  asymptote  to  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  ;  the  difference,  how- 
ever, between  these  infinite  quantities  is  finite,  and  equal  to 

G_2    mtegratea  between  the  limits  <p=0, 


(n  —  m)  (n  4-  m  —  2mri) 
and  <  =  sin~1/~*. 


It  is  needless  here  to  dwell  on  the  analogy  which  this  property 
bears  to  the  finite  difference  between  the  infinite  arc  of  the  common 
hyperbola  and  its  asymptote.  When  n=m,  the  above  expression 
becomes  illusory.  We  shall,  however,  in  the  next  article  find  a 
remarkable  value  for  the  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  when 

We  may  express  the  above  formula  somewhat  more  simply. 

As  in  (248)  7=^  *m(l~~n),  and 

bt_  \/mn(\  —  ri)      ^_/___L_        *Jmn(\  —  ri)m 

n—  m  \/m(n—  m)(n  +  m—2mri) 

The  equation  given  in  (285)  now  becomes 

Q  .....    .     (286) 

COS    V  i         K 

The  ratio  between  the  axes  of  the  original  hyperbolic  cylinder 
and  of  the  derived  elliptic  cylinder  may  easily  be  determined  ;  for 

y_««(l-m)     (}         d  b*_l-m    „. 

-  a  *       -  b 

Let  ct  be  the  eccentricity  of  the  hyperbolic  base,  and  c  that  of  the 
elliptic  base,  then 

Comparing  (a)  with  (6), 

/-«/        /-A-ij  2ro(l-«) 

\n    =  \l~i==*-~\  —  i  -  r~* 
a  b  (n—m) 

This  equation  gives  at  once  the  ratio  between  the  axes  of  the  hyper- 
bolic and  elliptic  cylinders. 

50.]  On  the  rectification  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  when  the 
conjugate  parameters  are  equal,  or  m=n. 

We  have  shown  in  sec.  [43]  that,  when  m  =  n,  the  arc  of  the 
logarithmic  ellipse  is  equivalent  to  an  arc  of  a  plane  ellipse;  so, 
when  m=w,  the  arc  of  a  logarithmic  hyperbola  maybe  represented 
by  a  straight  line,  an  arc  of  a  parabola,  and  an  arc  of  a  plane 

In  (262),  if  we  make  m=n,  or  l=I+j,  n=l—j,  we  shall  have, 
writing  N  for  M, 


and  in  (170),  if  we  make  m=n,  and  M=N, 

Adding  these  equations  together,  as  1—  n—j,  we  get 

sin  <p  cos  < 


N  LIN     uj  j 

while  the  arc  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola,  as  in  (233),  is 
T  W- 

In  this  case,  the  coefficient 

=  K>  as  may  be  shown  by 

putting,  in  the  general  value  for  this  expression  given  in   (249), 
m=.n-,  hence 



Now  (257)  gives 

and   the   general   value    of   /  being    /2  +  z2—  2/e2,  as    in  (256), 
/=2/(l-n)2,  /=2-w,  and  /-i2=/(l-ra),  since  /w=i2. 

The  last  equation  may  now  be  written,  combining  (e)  with  it, 

Adding  this  equation  to  (c), 

/  , 

M  /<!>/  _  (1 

JN  O  W  r- 


VOL.  II. 

^)  sin  <p  cos  <p  v/I  _  tan  <p  V'l  ,  tan  <p  \/i 

.^  -  ^  -  ;  -  T  =  -  • 

jL  j  L 



Combining  this  value  of  <£/  with  the  preceding  equation,  we  shall 

cosi;          cosT 

^Traces2®     2  cos2®     1 

.      j  ...  /T   I    £._  I- -I 

+tan<p  yi|^    -^2  -^ 

7*tan<p  \/I 
and  this  latter  term,  in  this  case,  may  be  reduced  to  —  - — ~ 

But,  a  and  b  being  the  semiaxes  of  the  hyperbolic  cylinder,  (248) 
ab  mnii  .     , ,  .  2  sj ab     k 

glves^=7^r       "L^*  or  m  thls  case^  M  m=w^  -T7--=;- 

Now  A  /—  is  the  distance  from  the  centre  to  the  focus  of  an 
V    ij 

1  1 

hyperbola  the  squares  of  whose  semiaxes  are  -  ab  and  4  ab  ;  hence 

J  l 

represents  an  arc  of  an  hyperbola  the  squares  of  whose  semiaxes 

7  7 

are  -  ab  and  4  ai,  as  will  be  shown  in  sec.  F521  . 
J  l 

Introduce  this  value  of  -.,  and  divide  by  2, 

COS8  V  1  COS3  T 

-    (290) 

Now,  when  this  equation  is  integrated  between  the  limits  <p=0 
and  <p  =  sin"1,*  /  _,  or,  taking  the  corresponding  values,  between 

»          I/ 

r=0  and  7=8^-'  (  =-r4  )*  or  Between  v  =  0  and  v=^,  T  is  infinite, 
\1  ~rj/  £ 

—  is  also  infinite;  but 
COS3  V 

twice  the  difference  A  between  these  infinite  quantities  is  finite. 

1  I—/ 

Let  sin2  <p,  =  -j,  sin  r,  =  —  -<  ;  then 


Hence  the  difference  between  an  infinite  arc  of  the  equilateral 
logarithmic  hyperbola,  and  the  corresponding  infinite  arc  of  its 
asymptotic  parabola,  is  equal  to  a  straight  line  +  an  arc  of  a  plane 
jwirabola—  an  arc  of  a  plane  hyperbola. 

When  the  parameters  m  and  n  are  equal,  the  logarithmic  hyper- 
bola may  by  analogy  be  called  equilateral,  seeing  that  though  the 
squares  of  the  axes  of  the  hyperbolic  base  of  the  cylinder  are  not 
equal,  they  differ  by  a  constant  quantity. 

Resuming  (250), 

b*     ll-l 

But  when  m  =  n,  1=1  +j,  m  =  \—j)  substituting  these  values  in 
the  preceding  expressions, 


51.]  On  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  when  /=oo.     Case  XIII., 
p.  7. 


3)'  °r 

Now,  as  ln=i2,  and  as  i  is  finite,  while  /=<x> ,  n=0. 

The  equation  of  condition  m  +  n  — mn=i2,  gives  therefore  m  =  i2. 
Equations  (248)  and  (249)  give  «  =  0,  6  =  k. 

B  V» 

And  as  \/B  (A  -f  C)  =  — -=-,  we  get; 
v  m 

62  If*    A/*M     */7 

AT     V  "*   V  *  /T       •  -o  » 

= ^-= — ^-_=  vt,  since  m  =  i^  =  n/ ; 

T         ,-  C_  cos2  tpd(p 

^=:  V*J  (-x./gi^^p  Vl-^sin2^* 

Let  /sin2<p=sin2i/r;  therefore 

V^  cos  <pd<p=cos  T/rdi/r,  [1  —  /  sin2  <p]2=cos4  i/r, 

and  cos<= 

Making  these  substitutions  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  get 

T    vi  f  d*  ?  i 

—=—!-=  I  —  —  .     When  /=oo,  ^=0,  n=0; 

k         / 


hence  T=k--,   .......     (292) 

J  cos3  a/f- 

or the  logarithmic  hyperbola  in  this  case  becomes  a  common  para- 

As  «=0,  b=k,  the  hyperbolic  cylinder  becomes  a  vertical  plane, 
at  right  angles  to  the  transverse  axis. 

Hence,  comparing  this  result  with  that  in  sec.  [19],  we  find  that, 
when  the  parameters  are  either  +  oo  or  —  co  ,  the  corresponding 
hyperconic  section  is  a  plane  principal  section  of  the  generating 
surface,  i.  e.  either  a  circle  or  a  parabola. 

52.]  By  giving  a  double  rectification  of  the  common  hyperbola, 
we  shall  the  more  readily  discover  the  striking  analogy  which  exists 
between  this  curve  and  the  logarithmic  hyperbola. 

Let  Y  be  an  arc  of  a  common  hyperbola,  whose  equation  is 

A  a  tt4  COS2  X  u    am     /v 

Assume    a?2=-^ ~- — e  .        .    r=   9      -9.     -,9— -, ,^.    .     (a) 

a2  cos2  X — 62  sin2  X  a2  cos2  X  —  62  sm2  X 

Differentiating  these  expressions,  and  substituting,  we  get 

dY_ 62 


2  __ 

Assume  sin2  <t>  =  =--  sin2  X,  and  let  i2  =  O     to.       .     .     (b) 

-1  z      2 

O     to. 

az  +  o2 

^   ~    ' 

-wj,.    i.      f         ,,  .  ,.  f  dX         dY     dY  dX 

finding  trom  this  equation  the  value  of  T--.  as  ^—  =  3^-.  3-,  we 

d<p'        d<p     dX        ' 

shall  finally  obtain,  since 

«           «     J  [1  -sin2  <p]  Vl  -«2sin  <p2' 
Sec.  [88]  gives  Y=JjpdX+J^,  or  Y=-fj»dX-i?.      .     .     (d) 

Now,as^=a2cos2X-52sin2X,  ^=-  J«2  +  &2)  sin  X  cos  X 

MX        («2cos2X-62sin2X)^ 

as  sin2<p=-JL*in2X,       ......     (e) 

CL    ~T~  u 

dX  a  cos  <p 


hence  -=-  V«2  +  62tan<p  \/l-*2sin2<p  ;        .     .     (g) 

and  as  p  =  a  cos  <p, 

__  «cos         __  — 

=  ~  ~ 

whence,  finally, 

.    .     .     .     (i) 

/¥    *  sm  <P  cos  <P 
VI-      -^j-f.    •     W 

as  may  be  shown  by  putting 

g=    sin(pco8(p_ 
Differentiating  this  expression  and  multiplying  by  i2, 

^•2d<£  _  z2  —  2i2  sin2  <p  +  f4  sin4<p  ,    , 

df  ~         [l-i2sin2<p]f 

rj  _  i2sin2  <pl2  _  fl  _  i2} 
This  expression  may  be  put  in  the  form  -  -  £J  -  ^  -  ^  , 


r  d<p  /. 

1  71  —  -2-2    i"  =  A 
J  [1—  z2sm2<p]5    J 

^         «  sn  < 

-  *  sn  <- 

-2-2    i"  - 

[1—  z2sm2<p]5    J  Vl-«  sm2<p 

This  is  the  integral  referred  to  in  sec.  [44*]  . 
Adding  the  integral  (k)  to,(i), 

,-     i2sin<pcos<p 

Hence,  dividing  by  (1— i2), 

3^+Ji  VI"^+J  VT    '    '    '    '    (o) 

»v         C*  i\tf\ 

and  (c)  gives —  =  I ^  — . 

a(l— -i2)    J  fl— sin2<pl  Vl  — i2sin2<p 


Eliminating  Y  from  these  equations,  we  obtain 

Jd(p  C  d<p 

[1  —  sin2<p]  \/l  —  *2  sm2  <P    J  [1— «2sin2<p]  \/l  —  i2sina 

r  J..  (293) 

I"  /^     ~"     ^n~~.    i       7\  I 

The  parameters  are  reciprocal  in  this  equation,  being  1  and  z2. 

Now  this  is  the  extreme  case  of  the  formula  for  the  comparison 
of  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic  form.  We 
perceive  that  this  formula  results  from  the  comparison  of  two  ex- 
pressions for  the  same  arc  of  a  common  hyperbola.  We  may  also 
see  that  it  is  the  limiting  case  of  the  general  formula  for  the  com- 
parison of  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order  having  reciprocal 
parameters  —  a  formula  which  in  like  manner  has  been  deduced 
from  the  comparison  of  two  expressions  for  the  same  arc  of  the 

logarithmic  hyperbola.     It  is  also  evident  that^'2  —  •—  being  the 


sn<z>  cos<p   •..   .    J_.      ,.„ 
difference  between  tan<p.  VI  and-    —  J=  —  -,  it  is  the  difference 

between  tangents,  one  drawn  to  the  hyperbola,  the  other  to  the 
plane  ellipse;  for  tan<p  v'l  denotes  the  portion  of  a  tangent  to  an 
hyperbola  between  the  point  of  contact  and  the  perpendicular  on 

it  from  the  centre,  and  -  —  denotes  a  similar  quantity  in 

an  ellipse.    This  difference  is  precisely  analogous  to  the  expression 

(*      i\  f*      r\ 

that  occurs  in   (284)  1  —  ^  --  1  -  —  -^—  ,  which  denotes  the  difference 
J  cos3  v    J  cos3  T 

between  two  parabolic  arcs,  one  drawn  a  tangent  to  the  logarithmic 
hyperbola,  the  other  a  tangent  to  the  logarithmic  ellipse. 

Hence  a  hyperbolic  arc  may  be  expressed  by  two  elliptic  arcs. 
(Landen's  theorem.) 

For,  eliminating  the  integral  of  the  first  order  between  (i)  and 
(218),  we  get,  putting 

Y-/tan?  Vl= 

The  difference  A  between  the  infinite  arc  of  the  hyperbola  and  its 
asymptote  is  found  by  integrating  the  above  expressions  between 


0  and  ^.  <£  becomes  =0;  and  the  difference  is  given  by  the  equation 




53.]  We  have  hitherto  investigated  the  properties  and  lengths 
of  elliptic  curves,  on  the  supposition  that  the  generating  surface, 
whether  sphere  or  paraboloid,  was  invariable,  and  that  the  lengths 
of  the  curves  were  made  up  by  the  summation  of  the  elements 
produced  by  the  successive  values  given  to  the  amplitude  <p  between 

certain  limits ;  0  and  — ,  suppose,  if  the  arcs  are  to  be  quadrants. 

Thus  the  length  of  the  quadrant  is  obtained  by  adding  together 
the  successive  increments  that  result  from  the  continuous  additions, 
indefinitely  small,  which  are  made  to  the  amplitude.  We  may, 
however,  proceed  on  another  principle  to  effect  the  rectification  of 
those  curves.  If,  to  fix  our  ideas,  we  want  to  determine  the  length 
of  a  quadrant  of  the  spherical  ellipse,  we  may  imagine  the  vertical 
cylinder,  which  we  shall  suppose  invariable,  to  be  successively 
intersected  by  a  series  of  all  possible  concentric  spheres.  Every 
quadrant  will  differ  in  length  from  the  one  immediately  preceding 
it  in  the  series,  by  an  infinitesimal  quantity ;  and  if  we  take  the 
least  of  these  quadrants,  and  add  to  it  the  successive  elements  by 
which  one  quadrant  differs  from  the  next  immediately  preceding, 
we  shall  thus  obtain  the  length  of  a  quadrant  of  the  required  sphe- 
rical ellipse,  equal  to  the  least  quadrant  which  can  be  described  on 
the  elliptic  cylinder,  plus  the  sum  of  all  the  elements  between  the 
least  quadrant  and  the  required  one.  Thus,  for  example,  the  least 
'quadrant  which  can  be  drawn  on  an  elliptic  vertical  cylinder,  is  its 
section  by  a  horizontal  plane,  or  a  quadrant  of  the  plane  ellipse, 
whose  semiaxes  are  a  and  b.  In  this  case  the  radius  of  the  sphere 
is  infinite.  The  least  sphere  is  that  whose  radius  is  a,  and  which 
cuts  the  cylinder  in  its  circular  sections.  Hence  the  greatest  sphe- 
rical elliptic  quadrant  is  the  quadrant  of  the  circle  whose  radius 
is  a.  All  the  spherical  elliptic  quadrants  will  therefore  be  comprised 
between  the  quadrants  of  an  ellipse,  and  of  a  circle  whose  radius 
is  a.  Any  quadrant,  therefore  A  of  a  given  spherical  ellipse  is  equal 
to  a  quadrant  of  a  plane  ellipse  plus  a  certain  increment,  or  to  a 
quadrant  of  a  circle  minus  a  certain  decrement.  The  same  rea- 
soning will  hold  as  well  when  we  take  any  other  limits  besides 


0  and  -q.     These  considerations  naturally  lead  to  the  process  of 

differentiation  under  the  sign  of  integration,  because  we  cannot 
express,  under  a  finite  known  form,  the  arc  of  a  spherical  or  loga- 


rithmic  ellipse,  and  then  differentiate  the  expression  so  found, 
with  respect  to  a  quantity  which  hitherto  has  been  taken  as  a 

We  may  conceive  the  generation  of  successive  curves  of  this 
kind  to  take  place  in  another  manner.  Let  us  imagine  an  inva- 
riable sphere  to  be  cut  by  a  succession  of  concentric  or  coaxal  right 
cylinders  indefinitely  near  to  each  other,  and  generated  after  a  given 
law.  These  cylinders  will  cut  the  sphere  in  a  series  of  spherical 
ellipses,  any  one  of  which  will  differ  from  the  one  immediately 
preceding  by  an  indefinitely  small  quantity.  If  we  sum  all  these 
indefinitely  small  quantities,  or,  in  other  words,  integrate  the  ex- 
pression so  found,  we  shall  discover  the  finite  difference  between 
any  two  curves  of  the  series  separated  by  a  finite  interval.  One 
of  the  limits  being  a  known  curve,  the  other  may  thus  be  deter- 

To  apply  this  reasoning. 

In  the  following  investigations  we  shall  assume  the  generating 
sphere  to  be  invariable,  and  the  modulus  i  with  the  amplitude  <p 
to  be  constant.  The  intersecting  cylinder  we  shall  suppose  to  vary 
from  curve  to  curve  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere.  But  i  is  con- 

a2  _  £2 

stant,  and  i2= — ^ — >  see  (<W).     Now,  a  and  b  being  the  semiaxes 


of  the  base  of  the  cylinder,  it  follows  that  the  bases  of  all  the  vary- 
ing cylinders  are  concentric  and  similar  ellipses.  Hence  in  the 
elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order,  which  represents  the  spherical 
ellipse,  the  parameter  e2  or  m  and  the  criterion  of  sphericity  V '* 
will  vary. 

In  [9]  we  found  for  a  quadrant  of  a  spherical  conic  section,  which 
we  may  denote  by  <7,  the  expression 

'=    V« 

— e2sin2<p]  VI  —  i2sin2p 
Let  k  be  the  radius  of  the  sphere. 

Since  ^—^ — ^-3,  e  will  vary,  as  being  a  function  of  a  the 
A;  — j  a 

transverse  semiaxis  of  the  variable  cylinder.     We  have  also 

e2*=(l-e2)(e2-i2) (294) 

Hence  -^—  —  2e(l——]: 

de  \       e4/ 

and  if,  as  before,  we  write  M  for  l-msin2(p,  or  1—  e2sin2<p,  we 
shall  have 



•=  VK\ 




Differentiating  this  expression  on  the  hypothesis  that  i  and  p  are 
constant,  while  e  is  variable,  we  shall  have 

ir  |"~       ?  ^  ~ 

J  w         -.         -        j       /»~       j  . —  /»o         j  f*  o       J 

cj(T_         .    o/c  I  •*    dp          \Kn     \        dp         I  •*    up 
de=2~7ScUUo  M  Vl+  ~T~    Jo  M8  VI    Jo  M  VI  j* 

Multiplying     this     equation     by       ***,    and    recollecting    that 


=  —  2e  ( I  —  —. ),  we  shall  have 
V       e4/ 


v*?!-  A  _A 

-de        V     eVJo 



But  (134)  gives,  writing  M2  for  N2,  e2  for  m,  and  z2  for  m—n  +  mn, 






.     .     (297) 


Introducing  this  value  into  the  preceding  equation,  the  coefficient 


— <P-^  will  vanish,  and  we  shall  have 

M  VI 

Dividing  by  -^— ,  and  integrating  on  the  hypothesis  that  <p  and  * 

are  constant, 

~  _       ~i          n  -    ~i 

f2i       /T    C  de          C2  d<p     Tde(e2— z2)  , 

<r=     I   d<p  VI    1 =—  /-     +  constant; 

_J«  JJe  V*     L_Jo   VIJJ     e3  V* 

or,  as  in  (294)        e  •/  K  =  V'  (1  —  e2)  (e2 — i8) ,  we  shall  have 

~    «•  ~i  ^ 


o"=     I   d<p  VI 


4-  constant 

.  .    .     (299) 

VOL.  II. 


We  must  recollect  that  the  complete  integrals  within  the  brackets 
are  functions,  not  of  <p,  but  of  i2,  0,  and  |.  They  are  therefore 


It  is  not  a  little  remarkable  that  the  coefficients  of  the  complete 
elliptic  integrals  are  themselves  also  elliptic  integrals  of  the  first 
and  second  orders.  To  show  this,  assume 

e2=cos20  +  i2sin20 (300) 

Therefore  l-e2=/2sin2  6,   and   e2  — P=j*  cos2  0;    we  have   also 
ede=  — j2  sin  0  cos  0d0. 
Hence,  if  I-/ sin2  0=J, 

f  d*  f       _jg^    _=_ 

J  \/(e2— i2)(l  — e2)         J  */l  — ^sin20 

^'2  sin  0  cos  0 
and  v/g="~7T_-g  •  g~a-     • 

In  the  same  manner  we  may  show  that 

=?  fc_     f      _Jg 

l-e2e2-"J  Vl-/si 


;    (303) 

_         sin  0  cos  6 
—  ld<9  \/l—  72sin20—  712—  —  •      (304) 



Substituting  these  values  in  (299),  we  obtain 


To  determine  this  constant.  We  must  not  suppose  i  =  0,  in  this 
case,  as  is  generally  done,  to  determine  the  constant.  This  would 
be  to  violate  the  supposition  on  which  we  have  all  along  proceeded, 
namely,  that  the  variable  cylinders  are  all  similar,  and  therefore 
that  i  must  be  constant.  We  must  determine  the  constant  from 
other  considerations. 


Since    e^=-^ — ^-5,    when   a=0,    e2  =  z'2.      But    as    in    (300) 
2  — 



e*=cos*0  +  iz  sin20,  therefore  0=^>     As  a,  the  major  semiaxis  of 

the  base  of  the  cylinder,  is  supposed  to  vanish,  the  curve  diminishes 
to  a  point,  and  therefore  o-  =  0. 


When  a  =  k,  e2  =  l,  and  6=0.     We  have  in  this  case  cr=-;  for 


the  sections  of  a  sphere  by  an  elliptic  cylinder,  whose  greater  axis 
is  equal  to  the  diameter  of  the  sphere,  are  two  semicircles  of  a 

great  circle  of  the  sphere.     Hence,  when  6=0,  &=T)>  sin  0=0, 

f  C  dfl 

1  d<s  \/J  =  0    I  — F-  =  0;  therefore  the  constant  is  equal  to  a-  when 
J  'J  v  J 


=  0.     But  when  6=0,  (r  =  -^,  or  the  constant  is  equal  to  —  . 

<*  A> 

The  formula  now  becomes 


'  r-  ~\t*ia 

i  a  (  A0 

dip  VI     ~~TT 
jo         jj  yJ 

Ja  d<p        f  d0      f  sin  0 

o   v*      J   yJ    J  V 

sn     cos 





When  Q=-x,  e  =  i,  and  o-=0,  as  the  variable  cylinder  is  in  this 

•    .w 

case  diminished  to  a  straight  line ;  therefore  the  preceding  formula 
will  become 


f  1  d0          f  ?  f  a  d(p          f  5 

1  •^JU.<WvJJ-U.  viJU. 

or,  using  the  ordinary  notation  of  elliptic  integrals, 


,  (308) 

-FjFy (308*) 

Hence  we  obtain  the  true  geometrical  meaning  of  this  curious  for- 
mula of  verification  discovered  by  Legendre.  In  its  general  form 
(307)  represents  the  difference  between  the  quadrants  of  a  great 
circle  and  of  a  spherical  ellipse.  When  the  spherical  ellipse  va- 
nishes to  a  point,  this  expression  must  represent,  as  in  (308) ,  the 
quadrant  of  a  circle. 


54.]  If  we  now  apply  the  preceding  investigations  to  the  curve 
described  on  the  same  sphere  by  the  reciprocal  cylinder,  or  by  the 
cylinder  which  gives  a  function  having  a  reciprocal  parameter  as 
denned  in  sec.  [31],  we  shall  find  by  substitution  in  (299) 

"    ? 







—  e'2  e'2 

~  +  constant 

.     (309) 

But  by  the  conditions  of  the  question,  as  in  (110), 

•  :9 

I  •  JO 

pp'  1       />'  * 

,c  —  *,    c     — 


C  Ae1  _C         d0 

J   \/  (e'2 — z'2)  ( 1  —  e'2)    J  V 1  — j*  sin2  0' 

Jde'  /(J2—&  C  ;'2sin20d 
*  /  ^^ „.  •  ^ 
,,/2  %  /  i  10  ~^~  I  /"i  "5  ~ 
C  V  I  —  />'*  J  4/  I  ----r  1*  Gl  I 
^  »  JL  "~~  C  %/  'V  X  —  y  gjjj 

.     (310) 


Vl-/sin20    ^ 
Substituting  these  values  of  the  integrals  in  (309), 

We  shall  now  show  that  the  constant  C  =  0. 

When  0=0,  e=l,  and  therefore  e'  =  i.     Since  e'=i,  and  cr  is  a 
quadrant  of  the  vanishing  spherical  ellipse  whose  principal  arcs 

a=0,  /3=0,  we  shall  have  ^=0.     Hence  also  Jd0  \/J=0,  I  -y  =0; 

therefore  the  constant  is  0.     When  0=^,  e'  =  1,  and  (309)  becomes 


r    «• 

o    VJ. 



-,  \ 



or,  in  the  common  notation,  •gssEiFy+EyFi—  FfF/, 


a  formula  already  established  in  (308)  . 

If    we   add   together  (307)    and    (312),  we   shall  have,  since 
j*  sin  0  cos  0 

r    * 




.        '  /l-m\    ,—  C  d<p 

Now,  as  m   (11)  o-  =  (  -         ]  iJmn\-^r         .  0   _     .—     ,  .  a    > 

\    m    /          J  [1— msm2<p]  vl  — *  sm2<p 

,     /I  — mA      f  d<p 

=  l~^T  J  ^^J  [l-m,sin2<p]  ^T=?*tfj>' 
in  which  mw'  or  eV2  =  i2. 

Whence,  as  i-     -\  \/mn  =  \-    ; — M  \Sm.n.=  \/K,  as  we  have  shown 
\    m    /  \    mt    / 

in  (113), 

—  wsin8<p]  \/l—  z2sin2<p 

!  * (314) 

+  V4  V-  -?-  =Vir 

The  reader  will  observe  how  very  different  are  the  geometrical 
origins  of  two  algebraical  formulae  apparently  similar.  In  the 
logarithmic  form  of  the  elliptic  integral,  the  formula  for  the  com- 
parison of  elliptic  integrals,  with  reciprocal  parameters  (one  of 
which  is  greater,  while  the  other  is  less  than  1),  resulted  from 
putting  in  equation  two  algebraical  expressions  for  the  same  arc  of 
the  one  logarithmic  hyperbola.  See  sec.  [48] .  In  the  preceding 
case,  that  of  the  spherical  ellipse,  the  analogous  formula  expresses 
the  sum  of  the  arcs  of  two  inverse  spherical  ellipses,  whose  ampli- 
tudes are  the  same. 

We  shall  use  the  term  inverse  spherical  ellipses  to  denote  curves 
whose  representative  elliptic  integrals  have  reciprocal  parameters. 
The  terms  reciprocal  and  supplemental  have  long  since  been  appro- 
priated to  curves  otherwise  related. 

Let  a  and  /3,  «y  and  /3y  denote  the  principal  semiarcs  of  two  such 
curves.  Since  the  modulus  i  is  the  same  in  both  integrals,  the 
orthogonal  projections  of  these  curves,  on  the  base  of  the  hemi- 
sphere, are  similar  ellipses.  (9)  gives 

e2  =  i2sec2£,  p,2  =  i2  sec2  0, ;  and  we  assume  e^e^  —  i^. 


Hence  sec/3  sec@li=l (315) 

Again,  as  tan2  «(1  -  e2)  =  tan2 18  =  sec2 18  - 1 , 

and  tan2  «,(!  -e,2)=tan2  /S^sec2/?,-!, 

multiplying  these  expressions  together,  and  introducing  the  relation 
established  in  (315), 

tan2  a  tan2  a.i2  =  L555L^!L^ '—  __  J_  _  - 1 .    (316) 

Hence  the  principal  arcs  of  the  inverse  spherical  ellipses  are  con- 
nected by  the  symmetrical  relations 

tan«tana,i=l,  and  sec/3  secj3y»=l.      .     .     (317) 

When  the  inverse  curves  coincide,  «  =  «,,  /3  =  /3;,  and  the  last 
equations  may  be  reduced  to  tan2  a—  tan2J3  =  l.  Now  we  have 
shown  in  (59)  that  when  the  principal  arcs  of  a  spherical  hyperconic 
section  are  so  related,  the  curve  is  the  spherical  parabola,  or  when 
the  curve  becomes  its  own  inverse  it  is  the  spherical  parabola. 

sin2  a  —  sin2  /3  sin2/3 

We  have  shown  in    (9)  that  z2=—  -=1  — 

sin1  a 

(3)  gives  cos  17=-  —  ,  Zy  being  the  angle  between  the  cyclic  arcs 

of  the  spherical  ellipse.     Hence  i=sin  17,  but  i  is  constant.     There- 
fore all  inverse  spherical  ellipses  have  the  same  cyclic  arcs. 

Resuming  equation  (314),  and  making  the  assumption  that  the 
two  inverse  spherical  ellipses  coalesce  and  become  identical,  the 
resulting  curve  is  the  spherical  parabola.  In  this  case  m  =  n=i, 
and  (314)  may  now  be  written 

2V«17^   —  .  Q   n  —  /,        o  •  =f==  V*i  —  7^= 
J  [1—  msm2<p]  VI  —  m  2sm2<p  J  vl— 

But  as 

sm  <p 

I  — 


1  _  j  2; 

and  m=--+   see  (60),  we  shall  have  v^=T~-j  and  the  foregoing 

equation  becomes 


But  (62)  gives 

'  \\/  i-flLjMrin** 

J  V         Vl  +jt  ..       (319) 

=/f_=i=    ^+tan->-t^L 
J   v  I  —  32  sin2/*  v  1  — i2  tan2/i 

Now  it  is  shown  in  (68)  that  when  the  second  side  of  this  equation 
is  integrated  between  0  and  filt  tan  p,  being  =  — -^,  the  quadrant  of 


,    .   ,        ,  ,   ,  .4  tanvy/         d/a  TT 

the  spherical  parabola  becomes  j  j  — — ==^=^— =  4.  —     since 

*}  0  \  X  ^~  ?     Sill     LL 

— -2— — — is  equal  to  1  when  tan/i= — ^. 

j\ i2sin  u  *J  i 

Hence  the  first  side  of  this  equation  represents  a  quadrant  of  a 
spherical  parabola,  or 


j       C*  d<P  7T 

and  this  expression  is  identical  with  (313),  since  V ' K=  r-^r--  when 

an  expression  derived  from  principles  quite  remote  from  those 
established  in  the  earlier  portions  of  this  book.  These  coincidences 
may  be  taken  as  satisfactory  tests  of  the  accuracy  of  some  rather 
complicated  investigations,  based  on  principles  both  obscure  and 

55.]  That  portion  of  the  surface  of  a  sphere  which  lies  between 
the  cyclic  circles  may  be  called  the  cyclic  area. 

The  spherical  parabola  divides  the  cyclic  area  into  two  regions. 


In  the  one,  between  the  pole  and  the  spherical  parabola,  lie  all  the 
inverse  curves,  whose  parameters  range  from  z2  to  i.  In  the  other, 
between  the  spherical  parabola  and  the  cyclic  circles,  lie  all  the 
conjugate  inverse  curves,  whose  parameters  range  from  i  to  1. 

Let    acb,    adb    be 

the  cyclic  circles,  the  *5j>-  **• 

intersection  of  the 
sphere  by  an  elliptic 
cylinder  whose  trans- 
verse axis  is  equal  to 
the  diameter  of  the 
sphere,  and  whose 
minor  axis  is  2j.  Let 
a  series  of  concyclic 
spherical  ellipses  be 
described  within  this 
cyclic  area,  whose 
semitransverse  arcs 
are  01,02,  04,  05, 
and  let  03  be  the  spherical  parabola  of  the  series.  For  every 
curve,  01  or  0  2,  inside  the  spherical  parabola,  there  may  be  found 
another  outside  it,  05  or  04,  such  that  their  principal  arcs  are 
connected  by  the  equations 

tana  tan  «yi=l,     sec  /3  sec  /3;  i  —  1 . 

The  algebraic  expressions  for  the  arcs  of 'these  curves  having  the 
same     amplitude     give 

elliptic     integrals    with  Fig.  22. 

reciprocal  parameters. 

The  concyclic  sphe- 
rical ellipses  will  be  or- 
thogonally projected  on 
the  base  of  the  hemi- 
sphere into  as  many 
concentric  and  similar 
plane  ellipses,  whose 
semiaxes  are  01,  02,  04, 
05.  The  cyclic  area  will 
be  projected  into  the 
plane  ellipse  A  B  C  D, 
and  the  spherical  para- 
bola into  the  area  of  the 
plane  ellipse,  whose 
transverse  semiaxis  is 


Let  E  be  the 


area  of  the  plane  ellipse  the  projection  of  the  cyclic  area,  and  II 
the  area  of  the  plane  ellipse  the  projection  of  the  spherical  para- 

bola.    Then   E  =  7r/A:2,  and   II  = 


X  ~T~  1 



or  the 

ellipse  the  projection  of  the  spherical  parabola  divides  the  area  of 
the  ellipse  the  projection  of  the  cyclic  area  into  two  portions,  such 
that  the  outer  is  to  the  inner  as  i  :  1.  The  semiaxes  of  E  are  k 

and  kj,  while  the  semiaxes  of  II  are 

and  k 

—i),  where 

/  -  - 

i  =  sin  r),  2rj  being  as  in  (9),  the  cyclic  angle. 

The  importance  of  this  curve,  the  spherical  parabola,  in  the  dis- 
cussion of  the  geometrical  theory  of  elliptic  integrals  is  obvious. 

We  may  determine  the  principal  arcs  of  two  inverse  spherical 
ellipses  by  a  simple  geometrical  construction.  Let  AZB  be  a  ver- 

Fig.  23. 


tical  section  of  the  hemisphere  on  which  the  curves  are  to  be  de- 
scribed. Let  F  be  the  focus  of  the  elliptic  base  of  the  maximum 
cylinder,  whose  principal  transverse  axis  is  accordingly  equal  to  the 
diameter  of  the  sphere.  '  Join  OZ,  FZ,  and  draw  ZC  at  right  angles 
to  ZF,  meeting  the  line  AO  in  C.  Produce  ZO  until  OD=AC, 
and  on  OD  as  diameter  describe  a  circle.  We  are  required,  given 
one  principal  arc  Za,  to  determine  the  corresponding  principal  arc 
Zo'  of  the  inverse  hyperconic.  Draw  the  tangent  ZG.  Through  a 
draw  the  line  GOu.  Through  D  draw  the  line  DwG7.  Join  OG7, 
it  will  cut  the  sphere  in  a',  the  vertex  of  the  principal  arc  7id  . 
Let  OZ  =  £,  then  ZG=£tana;  and  as  CZF  is  a  right-angled  tri- 

A:2  k 

le,  CO  =  ZD=  —  -=-,  k  and  B  being  the  semiaxes  of  the 

VOL.  II. 


maximum  cylinder.     As  all  the  bases  of  the  cylinders  are  similar, 

Now  as  ZOG  and  ZDG'  are  similar  triangles,  ZG  :  ZO  : :  ZD  :  ZG', 

or  /fctana  :  k  : :  *  :  ZG'  or  ZG'=T- .    But  ZG'  =  £tan«,;  hence 

i  i  tan  a 

tan  a  tan  «,  i  =  1,  or  the  arcs  «  and  a,  are  connected  by  the  equation 
established  in  (317). 

When  we  require  to  know  which  of  these  successive  curves  on 
this  sphere  is  the  spherical  parabola,  the  same  construction  will 
enable  us  to  determine  it.  Draw  ZT,  a  tangent  to  the  circle  on 
OD,  take  ZT'  =  ZT"  =  ZT,  and  join  T'  and  T"  with  O  cutting  the 
sphere  in  c  and  c'.  Zc = Zc'  is  the  principal  semi-  transverse  arc  of  the 

spherical  parabola;  for  ZT,2  =  &2  tan2  a  =  OZ  . 

>  =  — ,  or  tan2  «  =  -r. 
i  i 


As  ZT'>ZO,  cZc'>-^  ;  or  the  principal  arc  of  a  spherical  para- 
bola is  always  greater  than  a  right  angle.  Since  in  the  spherical 
parabola  y  +  2e=^,  the  angle  COT'=e,  or  COT'  is  equal  to  half 

the  distance  between  the  foci  of  the  curve. 

56.]   It  is  easy  to  show  that  the  integrals  of  the  first  order  in 
sec.  [53]  may  be  represented  by  two  spherical  parabolas  having  one 
common  focus  at  F,  the  nearer  vertex  of  the  one  curve  coinciding 
with  the  focus  of  the  other. 
Thus,  let  F  be  the  pole  of  Fig.  24. 

the  hemisphere  ABD.     Let  D 

BC/  and  AC,F,  denote  two 
spherical  parabolas  having 
one  common  focus  at  F,  Fy 
and  /  being  the  other  foci. 
Let  F/=7,  and  therefore 

FF,=— — -7.     Hence  the  mo-  A. 


dular  angles  of  the  two 
curves  are  7  and  ^—7; 
and  if  we  make  cos  7  =  i, 

/7T          \ 

eos(— —  7  )=;. 

Thus,   while  the    arc    of   the   one  is  given  by  the  integral 
i  1  — /i       J  .  ==r,  the  arc  of  the  other  depends  on  the  integral 

— z"smz 

f           d? 

J  VI -/si 



57.]    On  the  value  of  the  complete  elliptic  integral  of  the  third 
order  and  logarithmic  form. 



Jo  [l-n  si] 



r.    .     .     (320) 

sin2  <p J  V 1  —  z2  sin2  <p 

/i2       \ 
Assume  /c  the  criterion  of  sphericity=  (1 — n)  I 1  j ,    .     .     (321) 




a    dp 

Multiply  by  2/c,  then 


_.     (322) 

But  (134)  gives,  making  the  necessary  substitutions  as  in  (297), 


>';     .    (323) 


p_df_  _  [2z_2_2_2^      I  f 
Jo  N  Vl~  L»2     »     n       JJ0 

N  VI 

Introducing  the  substitutions  suggested  by  the  two  latter  equations 
into  (322), 

Now  T-  = 

—  (  -g—  1  ), 

\n2       / 

.     .     .     (324) 






.     (325) 


If  we  divide  this  equation  by  2  */K, tne  first  member  will  be  the 

differential  of  \/K 

.     Integrating  this  equation, 

,  (%  d<p  1 

—  L).  viJ 

=.      (326) 


rc=i2sin20,  then  /C= 

~,  dn = 2i2  sin  0  cos  0d0.     (327) 

L       I/ 
0          i~  14.  a    /\         l~^~~      """•£»       •       S    7\ 

J    n^  v*          •/  * 



We  must  now  integrate  this  expression, 

sin20  \/l— *2si] 

i2  cos2  0d(9 
sin2  0)3 

f   J2cos2 
J  (1  -i2  si 

=  (^--^  f          y. 

J  sin20  \/l — i2sin20    J  Vl  —  *2sin20 

"  vT^i*  Sin2  0  +J  (1  _  J2  Sin2  ^f 
=J  -v/l^FSn2^"         *  J  (l-i2sin20)i 




adding  these  equations, 


tan26>  Vl-i2si 

_____    , 
(299).     J 

We  have  next  to  compute  the  value  of  the  integral  I  -  -=. 
„  Jn  V* 

f          d0  fdfl 

J  Vl-i2sin20    J  Vl# 


Substituting  these  values  of  the  integrals  in  (326), 


..    .     (331) 


If  we  now  substitute  this  value  of 

C  2    d<p 

I         T/7  m  the  equation  given 

Jo  N 


in  (175)  for  a  quadrant  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  namely 



2  Vl- 

—  n 



•=  (1— z^sin2  0)  —  cot2  0,  we  shall  obtain  the  result- 

ing  equation, 


writing  H  for 

P~2   d<p         f  - f"2 

— -73  J  d#  V  (Ie)  —         d<p  VI 
^.Jo   V1J  i_J0  j 



or  in  the  ordinary  notation, 

When  we  require  to  determine  the  constant,  we  must  not  suppose 
0=0;  for  this  would  render  n=Q,  and  so  change  the  nature  of  the 
curve.  Neither  should  we  be  justified  in  making  z'=0  (as  some 
writers  do)  ;  for  this  would  be  to  violate  the  original  supposition 
(and  all  the  conclusions  derived  from  it),  namely  that  i  is  constant 
and  less  than  1.  Moreover,  since  m  +  n—mn=i'2=Q,  on  this  hypo- 
thesis, m  +  n=mn  ;  or  m  and  n  would  each  be  greater  than  1,  which 
is  inconsistent  with  the  possible  values  of  those  quantities. 

We  have  now  to  determine  the  value  of  the  constant.  In  these 
investigations  we  have  all  along  supposed  n>m.  The  least  value 
n  can  have  is  n=m.  Were  we  to  suppose  n  to  be  less  than  m,  it 
would  be  nothing  more  than  to  write  m  for  n,  since  m  and  n  are 
connected  by  the  equation  m  -f  n  —  mn  =  i2.  Hence,  if  m  is  not  equal 
to  n,  one  of  them  must  be  the  greater,  and  this  one  we  agree  to  call 
n,  writing  m  for  the  lesser.  To  determine  the  constant,  let  us 
assume  n=m. 

Now  n=i2sin2#,  as   in    (327),  and  n,  when   equal  to 

cot2  6  = 



=  1  —  Vl— i2  =  1  —j,    (LO)  =  i  —  z*  smz  (/  =/ 

tan#=/-.  |  .     Hence  the  coefficient  of  H  in  the  last  equation, 


-x-  FT,  becomes  0.  since  in  this  case  cot0=  \/j;  and 

cot0        Vile)7 

as  n  =  m,  the  curve  is  the  circular  logarithmic  ellipse.    See  sec.  [43]  . 
The  last  equation  now  becomes 


'     •     (334) 

Now,  if  we  turn  to  (176),  we  shall  find  this,  without  the  constant, 
to  be  the  expression  for  the  quadrant  of  a  circular  logarithmic 
ellipse,  or  the  curve  in  which  a  circular  cylinder,  the  radius  of 
whose  base  is  a,  intersects  at  an  infinite  distance  a  paraboloid  inde- 
finitely attenuated.  Hence  the  constant  is  0  ;  and  (332)  without 
the  constant  represents  a  quadrant  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  ex- 
pressed by  elliptic  functions  of  the  first  and  second  orders. 



58.]  The  logarithmic  parabola  may  be  defined  as  the  curve  of 
intersection  of  a  parabolic  cylinder  and  a  paraboloid  of  revolution  — 
the  vertex  of  this  surface  being  supposed  to  touch  at  its  focus  the 
plane  of  the  parabola,  the  base  of  the  parabolic  cylinder. 

Let  the  equation  of  the  paraboloid  be 


and  y2  =  4A2  +  4A#  that  of  the  parabolic  base  of  the  cylinder,  the 
origin  being  at  the  focus,  k  is  the  semiparameter  of  the  para- 
boloid, and  h  is  one  fourth  of  the  parameter  of  the  base. 

Therefore  a?a  +  y*=  (2h  +  at)*  =  2kz;    .....     (b) 

hence,  x  being  the  independent  variable, 

dg        h 


dS  (2A  +#)[*«+  (h+x)  (2A  +  *) 

'     ' 
Now  the  expression  under  the  radical  being  a  quadrinomial  in  x, 


must  be  reducible  to  the  usual  form  of  an  elliptic  integral.     We 
must  choose  a  suitable  transformation.     Let 

an'r-  _ 

Lull     I  —   i     o    .      i     a~~  To  "      i          ....         lei 

2  -       2  2 

deriving  this  value  from  (c).  ,  Substituting  this  value  in  (d)  and 
reducing,  we  obtain  the  simple  expression 

da?     k  sin  T' 

T  is  evidently  the  inclination  to  the  plane  of  XY,  of  a  tangent  drawn 
to  the  curve. 

We  must  now  eliminate  x.     Since 

k*  tan2  T = 2#>  +  3hx  +  x*, 

adding  and  subtracting  2h?—hx,  we  shall  have 
/t2tan2r  =  (2A  +  #)2-; 

Completing  the  square  by  adding  —  ,  and  taking  the  square  root, 

The  positive  sign  only  must  be  taken  ;  for  when  x=—h,  tan  r=0. 
Substituting  this  value  of  2h  +  x  in  the  expression  for  the  arc, 

d2     h  +  <S  (4k*  tang  T  +  h?) 

dx~  2ksinr         ~  .....     W 

If  now  we  differentiate  (e),  we  shall  obtain 
d#  2A:2sinT 

dr     cos3T\/(4£2tan2T 
Multiplying  the  last  equation  by  this  expression, 

QZf di  ux  Ilk  k 

dr  ~~  da;  dr  =  cos3  T  v'  (4^;2  tan2  T  +  A2)  +  cos8  r 

dr  ,  f  dr 

59.]  There  are  now  three  cases  (a),  (/3),  (y)  to  be  considered  : 

2k=h,  2k<h,  2k>h. 
Case  (a).  Let  h=2k,  and  the  last  equation  will  become 



f    dr 

Now  k  tanr  is  the  ordinate  of  a  parabola,  and  k  1  — g—  is  the  length 

of  an  arc  of  this  parabola  from  the  vertex  to  a  point  where  a  tangent 
to  it  makes  the  angle  r  with  the  ordinate.  Hence,  if  we  assume  on 
the  logarithmic  parabola  a  point  M,  and  through  this  point  draw  a 
plane  touching  the  parabolic  cylinder,  this  plane  will  be  vertical, 
and  will  cut  the  vertical  paraboloid  in  a  parabola  whose  semipara- 
meter  will  be  k.  This  parabola  will  touch  the  logarithmic  parabola 
at  the  point  M.  Hence  in  this  case  the  length  of  the  logarithmic 
parabola  to  the  point  M  will  be  equal  to  the  arc  of  the  plane  para- 
bola from  its  vertex  to  the  point  M,  plus  the  ordinate  of  this  para- 
bola at  the  point  M. 

Case  (/3).   Let  h>2k. 

The  general  expression  may  be  written 


cosr      — — T — smT 



and  the  last  equation  becomes 

dr  dr 

_,f  _  dr  f  dr 

J  cos2  T  V  (1  -i2  sin2  T)  +  J  cos3  r 

cos2T-v/(l-i2sin2T)"r'vJcos3T (d) 

Now,  Y  being  the  arc  of  an  hyperbola,  a  the  transverse  axis, 
and  iz-=  2     ,2,  it  was  shown  in  (c)  sec.  [52]  that 


;     .    .    .    .    (e) 

'  cos2  T  V  (1  —  i2  sin2  r) 
hence,  if  k=— - — = — -,  we  shall  have 

Logarithmic  parabola = plane  hyperbola  +  plane  parabola,     (f) 

The  semiaxes  a,  b  of  this  hyperbola  may  easily  be  determined  by 
the  equations 

We  may  eliminate  the  arc  of  the  hyperbola  and  introduce  instead 
elliptic  integrals  of  the  first  and  second  orders. 
Let  4/1  =  1  — i2  sin2  T,  then  as  in  (d) 

2     f      dr  dr 

'cos2r\/I     cosar' 


and  the  formula  (293),  for  comparing  elliptic  integrals  with  re- 
ciprocal parameters,  gives 

We  have  also,  as  in  (1)  sec.  [52] 

Jdr        —  1       .  z      sn  T  cos  r 

r7i=r^72  drv/I  f 

Adding  and  reducing, 

Case  (7).     Let  2k  >h. 

To  integrate  in  this  case,  we  must  transform  the  second  member 
of  the  equation  (h)  sec.  [58]  .     Assume 

2£tanr=A  tanv  ......     .     .     (j) 

4^2  _  ^2 
Then  if  we  make  —  —rg-  =J2>  we  sna^  nave 

\     ?.  ,  *.  ,  da?     A  sin  v 

a?)=A  +  A  secu,  and  J-=TT 

dt>     2  cos2 1/ 
But  sin2T=-rT5-7^ .0   .  a  x . 

d2'     A  V  ( 1  — /2  sin2  v)     A  -/  ( l  — ;*  sin*  „ , 
hence          -r-  =  o — • — ^ -  +  s  -^ ~^~    —•       •     •     (k) 

ri»i          V.  j^r\o*  » i  *J  r>/^o"  *i  x     ' 

Now,  since 

2          cos2u  2 



CO82T       2  COS2l»' 

cos  v  cos 

and  cos  T=       -  ^ 

v  (1  —  <;2  sin2  v)       v  J 

writing  J  for  (I—/2  sin2f),  we  shall  have 

—  J2  sin2u) 

_  cos3r     2J  cossy 


S'=^  f  dv 

2J  -/(I'/sin^ 

A        r___du_  _  *fJi_ 

2(      J  ^  J  cos*  !/•(!-/  sin8  w)+  Jcos3T 

Now  the  second  term  of  the  right-hand  member  of  this  equa- 
VOL.  n. 


tion  is  the  expression  for  an  arc  of  an  hyperbola  the  distance 
between  whose  foci  is  h.     Hence 

y=^-f--d;...-0--+Y+n,  .    .    .       (m) 

II  being  an  arc  of  the  parabola. 

We  may  eliminate  the  function  of  the  first  order  and  represent 
in  this  case  the  arc  of  the  logarithmic  parabola  by  the  arcs  of  an 
ellipse,  an  hyperbola,  and  a  parabola. 

Let  Y  be  the  arc  of  an  hyperbola  whose  semitransverse  axis  is 

-,  and  putting  E  and  II  for  the  elliptic  and  parabolic  arcs, 


n(T),        .     .     (n) 

or,  as  the  equation  may  be  written, 


60.]  The  curve  of  symmetrical  intersection  of  a  sphere  by  a  para- 
boloid, whose  principal  sections  are  unequal,  may  be  rectified  by  an 
elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form. 

Let  a?2  +  y8  +  a«=2r*and^-+£-=2*  .     ...     (a) 

K        K-t 

be  the  equations  of  the  sphere  and  paraboloid,  in  contact  at  the 
vertex  of  the  latter.     Then,  finding  the  values  of  Ax,  dy,  and  dz, 

Assume  z=2(r  —  k)  cos2  6+2(r  —  k1)sinz  0  .....     (c) 

Introducing  the  new  variable  6  and  its  functions, 

V(r-A)  +  (r-*,)  tan2  0 
Assume  k(r  —  A:1)2tan2^  =  A1(r-A)2tan2<p;      .     .     .     .     (e) 


then,  introducing  the  variable  <p  and  its  functions, 

—  k , )  cos2  <p  +  ^  (r — k)  sin2 

nd  __  <-    _  (f) 

~  ' 

Multiplying  together  the  foregoing  values  of  -73  and  ^-,  and  inte- 




if  we  write  m  for 

Tli       andi*  for  .....  -  (h) 



^  „     sin2  a—  sin2  /3  2     sin2  a—  sin2  /3        .     .  . 

JNow,  as      i"«—     ^-3—  —  ,  and  m  =  ez=-^  -  =-£,  as  m  (9), 
sm2  a  sm2  a  cos2  /3 

we  get  from  these  equations 

whence  Vr2^/^,  sin  {>= 


Making  these  substitutions,  (g)  will  become 

,=  V^^M,  ^^  sm  j8  f-  -^=  (j) 

t/ci  tan  a       K  J  [i  _c«  sin*  <p]  v/1  -sin2  77  sin2  <p 

Now,  as  we  have  shown  in  (10),  this  expression  denotes  an  arc 
of  the  spherical  ellipse  whose  principal  angles  are  given  by  the 
equations  (i),  and  whose  radius  is  VY2  —  kk}.  Hence,  if  a  sphere 
be  described  whose  radius  is  not  r,  but  \/r2—  kk},  the  length  of  the 
curve,  the  intersection  of  the  sphere  (r)  with  the  paraboloid  (kkj 
will  be  equivalent  to  that  of  a  spherical  ellipse  described  on  the 
sphere  whose  radius  is  *Jr*  —  kkr 


When  r=k,  k  being  greater  than  klf  (d)  becomes 

-A    or  s  = 

Hence  s  is  an  arc  of  a  circle.     That  such  ought  to  be  the  case  is 
manifest  ;  for  in  this  case  the  sphere  intersects  the  paraboloid  in  its 

circular  sections,  and  A  /    ~  *  is  the  cosine  of  the  angle  which  the 
V       k 

plane  of  the  circular  section  of  the  paraboloid  makes  with  its  axis. 
It  is  obvious  that  the  square  of  the  radius  of  the  sphere  must 
be  greater  than  the  product  of  the  semiparameters  of  the  principal 
sections  of  the  paraboloid  ;  otherwise  the  surface  of  the  sphere  would 
fall  within  that  of  the  paraboloid  and  their  intersections  would 
become  imaginary. 



61.]   Conjugate  arcs  of  hyperconic  sections  may  be  denned,  as 
arcs  whose  amplitudes  <p,  %,  to  are  connected  by  the  equation 

cos 6)  =  cos (p cos ^  —  smpsiny^  yl •  —  z2sin2o>.       .     (335) 

This  is  a  fundamental  theorem  in  the  theory  of  elliptic  integrals, 
and  may  be  called  the  equation  of  conjugate  amplitudes.  It  holds 
equally  in  the  three  orders  of  elliptic  integrals. 

The  angles  <p,  %,  <o  may  be  called  conjugate  amplitudes. 

When  the  hyperconic  section  is  a  circle,  i=0,  and 

cos  w  =  cos  <p  cos  v  —  sin  <p  sin  v, 

/\t  /X* 

whence  t»  =  (p  +  ^,  or  the  conjugate  amplitudes  are  <p  +  %,  <p,  and  ^. 
The  development  of  this  expression  is  the  foundation  of  circular 

THT-L  T       .  COS  0  ,    ^ 

When  CD  =  — ,  sin  ^  =  —  r    -   and 

Vl  —  z2sin2ip 

}• (a) 


sm<P=     /,      ..       a- 

When  the  hyperconic  section  is  a  parabola,  t  =  l,  and  (335)  may 
be  reduced  to 

tan  o>  =  tan  <p  sec  ^  +  tan  ^  sec  <p (b) 


If  we  make  the  imaginary  transformations 

tano>  =  V  —  lsino>',  tan<p  =  V  —  lsin<p',  tan%=  i/  —  Isiny/, 
sec  <p  =  cos  <p',  sec  ^  =  cos  y/, 

the  preceding  formula  will  become,  on  substituting  these  values, 
and  dividing  by  V  —  1, 

sin  a)'  =sin  <p'  cos  ^  +  sin  y/  cos  <p', 

the  well-known  trigonometrical  expression  for  the  sine  of  the  sum 
of  two  circular  arcs. 

Hence,  by  the  aid  of  imaginary  transformations,  we  may  inter- 
changeably permute  the  formulae  of  the  trigonometry  of  the  circle 
with  those  of  the  trigonometry  of  the  parabola.  In  the  trigono- 
metry of  the  circle,  co  =  <p  +  ^  ;  and  in  the  trigonometry  of  the  para- 
bola co  is  such  a  function  of  the  angles  <p  and  ^  as  will  render 
tan  [(<p,  yj]=tan<p  sec^  +  tan^  sec<p.  We  must  adopt  some  appro- 
priate notation  to  represent  this  function.  Let  the  function  (<p,  %) 
be  written  (p-1-^,  so  that  tan(<p-i-%)  =tan<p  sec^  +  tan^  sec<p.  This 
must  be  taken  as  the  definition  of  the  function  <p  -1-  ^. 

The  theory  of  parabolic  trigonometry,  which  more  properly 
belongs  to  this  part  of  the  subject,  has  been  fully  developed  in  the 
first  volume  of  this  work  (see  page  313)  . 

If  we  take  (335)  ,  square  it,  and  add  (cos  a  cos  yj2  to  each  side  to 
complete  the  squares,  and  reduce,  we  shall  have 

cos<p  =  coso)  cos^  +  sino)  sin^  \/l—  i2sin2<p.       .     .     (c) 
In  like  manner 

snw      l~ 

since  (335)  shows  that  when  <p  =  0,  coso>  =  cos^;,  it  follows  that  in 
(c)  and  (d)  the  radical  must  be  affected  with  the  positive  sign. 

62.]  Let  us  assume  the  equation  given  in  (335)  between  the 
conjugate  amplitudes, 

cos  <o=cosp  cos  ^  — sin  p  sin^  \  1  — i*  sm*G>. 
Differentiating  this  equation  on  the  assumption  that  w  is  constant, 

"  d<p 


writing  Vl«  for  Vl—  i2sin2w. 

_     cos  <p  cos  y  —  cos  to 

But  \/L  =  —      • ^—       -i 

sin  <f>  cos  y 


substituting  this  value  of  VL  in  the  preceding  equation, 

[sin  <p  cos  %  +  cos  <p  sin  %  VX]  becomes  sin  co  v%> 

cos  <p  sin  %  +  sin  <p  cos  ^  VIM  becomes  sin  co  v'lp  ; 


sinw  Vlxdp  +  sinw  V%d%=0;     .'.     .     .      (b) 

or  dividing  by  sin  co  Vl<p  V^x^  we  sna11  °btain 

-  +  -=-0.  .     ......     (c) 

Integrating  this  expression, 

-C.       .....     (d) 

Now,  when  % = 0,  <p  =  co.     Hence  C  =  1  - 


and  the  resulting  expression  becomes 

,       , 


This  is  the  fundamental  equation  that  connects  conjugate  elliptic 
integrals  of  the  first  order,  if  their  conjugate  amplitudes  are  con- 
nected by  the  algebraical  equation 

cos  co  =  cos  p  cos  %  —  sin  <p  sin  %  \/l  —  z2  sin2  co. 
63.]  The  equation  (335)  between  the  conjugate  amplitudes, 
cos  co  =cos  <p  cos  %  —  sin  <p 

which  gives  the  foregoing  relation  between  conjugate  elliptic  inte- 
grals of  the  first  order,  naturally  leads  to  the  assumption  of  such  a 
form  as  the  following, 

as  equal  to  some  function  of  <p,  p^,  and  w  ;  or  as  co  may  be  assumed 
to  be  independent,  and  ^  a  function  of  <p  by  virtue  of  (335),  we  may 
assume,  using  the  notation  adopted  in  this  work 

•     •     (338) 
and  proceed  to  determine 


Differentiating  this  expression, 

.....     (a) 

cos  <f>  —  cos  eu  cosv 
bllt  VI.=       Sn,riBX    *.     ......     00 

cos  %•—  cos  o>  cos  ft  ,,  . 


or,  reducing  to  a  common  denominator, 

d<p(2sin<p  cos<p—  2  sin<p  coso>  cosy,)  +d^(2sin^  cosy,—  2  sin  y,  coso>  cos<p) 


Now  2  sin  <p  cos  <pd<p  =  d  sin2  <p,  and  2  sin  ^  cos  ^d^  =  d  sin2  ^, 


—  2d<psin<pcos^cos6>—  2d^sin^cos<pcoso)=2d.  (cos<pcos^coso)). 


,—     d  fsin2  <p  +  sin2  v  +  2  cos  <p  cos  y  cos  o>l 

d<p  Vl«  +  dY  Vlv  =  -J^-  -^-    •     (c) 

^  v   x  2sin<psm^smcu 

But  if  w$  square  and  reduce  the  conjugate  equation  (335)  we 
shall  have 

sin2<p  -f  sin2^  +  2  cos<p  cos^  cos  w  =  1  +  cos2  to  +  i2sin2<p  sin2^  sin2o)  ; 

d  [sin2  <p  +  sin2  %  +  2  cos  <p  cos  Y,  cos  w]  =  iM  (sin  <p  sin^  sin  o>)2,     (d) 
or  df(<p)  =  i2d(sin^)  sin^sinw)  ......     (e) 

Substituting  this  value  of  f  (<p)  and  integrating 

Jd<p  Vlp+Jdy,  V'Ix==^  +  *2|S^n(P  sin  ^  sin  w. 
To  determine  the  constant  C.     When  %=0,  <p=o>,  and  f(<p)=0; 
and  therefore  C=Jdft>  \/l»; 
Hence  finally 

Jd<p  \/I<p+Jd^  Vlx—  j*dft>  Vl<o  =  *2sin<psin^sina).    .     (339) 
64.]  To  prove  that 

_C dw _ 1_  *an-ir     w  *^#  sin  <p  sin  y  shift) 

J  (l+wsm2a))  vX>      V/AC  Ll-j-n  —  n  cos <p  cosy  cos oJ 

or  putting    U  =sin  <p  sin  y  sin  <u,  and  V=cos  <p  cos  y  cos  o»,     .     (a) 


and  using  the  notation  hitherto  adopted  in  this  book, 


_      f    d%         f  _tan-. 

VJNxVIx    J 

Differentiating  the  foregoing  expression  on  the  supposition  that  co 
is  independent  of  <p  and  %,  and  that  ^  is  a  function  of  <p,  as  in  (335), 
we  shall  have 

=d%),     .     (342) 

assuming  as  before  f(<p)  for  the  unknown  function  of  <p. 

d<Z)  dy 

But  as  —  -==  —  —  4t,  as  shown  in  sec.  [621,  the  last  expression 

V%  Vlx 

may  be  written 


sn<p  ~|  _.,/./  x 

2      2         2       ~ 

0  Li  +  n  sin2  <p  +  n  sin2  %  +  w2  sin2  p  sin2  ^ 
or  .       -^  — ^=  |^j 

d<p  r  i^-i, 


2  +  ra  sin2  <p  +  w  sin2  X  +  n*  sin2  <p  sin2 


and  —  -=*•=.—  -^,  as   in   sec.  [62],  substituting  in  the  preceding 

\  -10  r 


i  _  [vi^d(p+  vr;dx]        =^f(  }     (343) 

i2  [1  +  n  sin2  <p  +  n  sin2  ^  +  w2  sin2  <p  sin2  %] 
But  it  has  been  shown  in  sec.  [63]  that 

Vlipd(p+  v/Ix  d;j£=i2d  (sin^  sin^  sinw)  ; 

[1+  n  sin2  <p  +  sin2%  +  w2  sin2<p  sin2%]  = 
For  brevity  let  this  denominator  be  put  D,  and  let 
sin  <p  sin  ^  sin  co  =  U,  as  in  (a), 

then  the  preceding  expression  becomes  -tpr-  =  df((p).       .     .     (345) 

We  must  develop  this  expression.     (335)  gives 

cos3  <p  cos2  %  =  cos2  co  +  2  cos  a)  sin  <p  sin  ^  VI  +  sin2  <P  sin2 
and  cos2<p  cos2^;  =  1  —  sin2<p  —  sin2^;  +  sin2<p  sin2^;. 


By  the  help  of  this  relation  we  may  eliminate  sin2<p  +  si 
the  denominator  D,  and  we  shall  get  finally, 

D=l  +wsin2&>  —  2wcosG>sin<psiu^  \/Iu>  +  sm 

U  U2 


or      = 


writing  as  before  U  for  sin  <p  sin  %  sin  «. 
The  equation  now  becomes 

/en  sin2<adU 

,  (346) 


having  multiplied  this  expression  by  V '*>  of  which  we  shall  pre- 
sently see  the  need. 

65.]  Assume  the  equation, 

tan®=^^  (348) 

comparing  the  denominator  of  this  expression  with  that  of  the 
preceding  formula,  and  also  the  numerators,  so  that  the  coefficients 
of  U  and  U2  may  be  the  same  in  both  expressions,  we  shall  then 

n2&>),  CB= — w  sin  &>  cos  ft>  \/Iw 

in  which  A,  B,  C  are  undetermined  constants. 
Differentiating  this  expression, 


and    A2  +  C2  =  n2  +  ni2  sin2  &> . 

Hence  B=sino)  yl-f«am*»j  C=  — 


n  cos  co 

.       /l+w\ 
and       A=nsin&>(- 

\    n    / 

But  it  has  been  shown  in  (42)  that 

,  A        n  sin  w  V  *  -,    .  -r, 

hence       A= —  -— ,  and  AB=» 


Having  thus  found  for  A,  B,  C  values  which  satisfy  the  equation 
(347),  and  render  the   differential   expressions  (347)   and   (349) 

VOL.   II. 


identical,  their  integrals  must  be  identical.     But  the  integral  of 

r    AU    1 
(347)  is  V*f(?)i  and  the  integral  of  (349)  is  0  =  tan-1- 

Hence  v//gf<    =  tan-1  ;        ....    .(351) 

or  substituting  for  A,  B,  C,  U  their  values  as  given  in  (350),  we  shall 

cos<p  cos  y  —  cos  &> 
have,  putting  for  y  !„,  in  the  constant  C  its  value  —  s  — 

as  derived  from  (335), 

/-->•«  .  r    n  \/K  sin  (p  sin  v  sin  o>    ~i 

-1—  \> 



—  n  cos  <p  cos  y,  cos  o> 
or  finally,  putting  for   A//C  its  value  (  \  \/mn, 

r  Cl  ,  \/mn  sin  <p  sin  y  sinw 


1  —  -  -  cos  <p  cos  v  cos  a) 
l  +  n 

66.]  Hence  if  we  assume  the  conjugate  amplitudes  p  ,  y,  to  as 
denned  by  the  equation  (335),  and  take  the  sums  of  the  conjugate 
integrals  of  the  first,  second,  and  third  orders,  we  shall  find  them 
connected  by  the  following  equations  :  — 

,f  dx       f  d«  _0. 

J  v£  Jyr 



+  r       %_  _  r     dm     =    1    tan_1  r    n  V^si 

ip    JNX  Vlx    JN^VL      V*  '        Ll  +  w—  w 


When  *  is  negative,  f  (<p)  is  no  longer  a  circular  function,  but  a 
logarithm,  or,  in  other  words,  the  circular  arc  becomes  the  arc  of  a 
parabola,  since  the  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  loga- 
rithmic form  represents  the  sections  of  a  paraboloid. 

On  Conjugate  Arcs  of  a  Spherical  Parabola. 
67.]  The  well-known  relations  between  elliptic  integrals  of  the 
first  order,  whose  amplitudes  are  conjugate,  develop  some  very 
elegant  geometrical  theorems. 

Thus,  in  fig.  25,  since  the  arc  AQ=/  f—  JL  +  QR,  and  the 

T  d  ' 

1  —  | 


T  d 
=J  1  —  =  +  QR'  (see  sec.  [20]),  the  arcs 

o\    Mil.   (,l.o\li:Tltl(\l.   I'KOPERTIES  OF  ELLIPTIC     I  M  l.i  -  K  A  I.S. 

iiT.  25. 

Now  AQ  +  BQ=two  quadrants  of  the  spherical  parabola,  and 

QR  +  QR'=  ^  -,  whence  half  the  circumference,  or 

In  sec.  [22]  it  has  been  shown  that  the  complete  integral  repre 
sents  the  semicircumference,  whence 

Comparing  these  equations  (a)  and  (b)  together,  we  get 

^     f    x 

vr/J  virj 

J  VI, 

Now,  as  the  triangle  RR'P  is  a  quadrantal  right-angled  triangle, 
see  sec.  [24],  the  relation  between  the  angles  AFR,  BER',  or  <p 
and  ^,  is  easily  discovered.  Since  I?PE  is  a  spherical  triangle 


right-angled  at  P,  and  FE  =  2e=-  — y,  we  get  j  tan<p  tan^;=l, 

,  A 

since  sin  7==;.     When  AQ=BQ,  <p  =  x>  and  tan<p  =  — -=.. 

The  locus  of  the  point  P  is  a  spherical  ellipse,  supplemental  to 
the  former,  having  the  extremities  of  its  principal  minor  arc  in 
the  foci  F,  E  of  the  former. 

68.]  Let  <r,  <Tt,  a-n  be  three  arcs  of  a  spherical  parabola,  corre- 
sponding to  the  conjugate  amplitudes  <p,  %,  to.  Then,  successively 
substituting  these  amplitudes  in  (58),  the  resulting  equation 

T— J 


But  as  the  amplitudes  <p,  %,  co  are  conjugate,  the  sum  of  these 
integrals  of  the  first  order  is  =  0,  whence 

(T  +  a,  —  (Ttl=T  +  r  —  ru  .......     (353) 

Or,  when  the  amplitudes  of  three  arcs  of  a  spherical  parabola  are 
conjugate  amplitudes,  the  sum  of  the  arcs  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the 
protangent  circular  arcs.  The  word  sum  is  used  in  its  algebraical 

On  Conjugate  Arcs  of  a  Spherical  Ellipse. 

69.]   If,  in  (42),  we  substitute  successively  <p,  %,  w,  and  add  the 
resulting  equations,  we  shall  have 

l+n\     — 


rC  d<p       C  dy       C  d<o  ~i 
1 — 7=4  1 — —  ~l~r^    — T  —  T/  +  T//  I 


Now  the  conjugate  relation  between  <p,  %,  and  a>  renders  the  sum 
of  the  integrals  of  the  first  order  =0,  and  the  sum  of  the  integrals 
of  the  third  order  equal  to  a  circular  arc  ©,  which  is  given  by  the 
following  equation,  as  shown  in  (352), 

1  —  -  -  cos  <p  cos  %  cos  w 

Hence  cr  +  a-l  —  a-ll=®  —  T—rl  +  Tll  ......     (356) 

Or,  when  the  amplitudes  are  conjugate,  the  sum  of  three  arcs  of  a 
spherical  ellipse  may  be  expressed  as  the  sum  of  four  circular  arcs. 

When  one  of  the  amplitudes  eo  is  a  right  angle,  crlt  becomes  a 
quadrant  of  the  spherical  ellipse  =0-.  ^=0,  and  ©  =  T=TP  as  we 
shall  show  presently,  whence 

(cr  —  o-;)—  O-SST,  which  agrees  with  (52). 

Or  the  difference  between  two  arcs  of  a  spherical  ellipse,  measured 
from  the  vertices  of  the  curve,  may  be  expressed  by  a  circular  arc. 

T     IAK\        f       j  -L  J 

In  (45)  we  found  tanr  =  -  =^=  =•*-,  tanr.= 

A/i—  i2sin2<p  ~ 

Now,  when  w  =  ^,  (a)  sec.  [61] 



gives  9m%=~-~==£==,  sm(p=       —  ,-f^ 
Vl—  «  sm2cp  vl  —  *  sm2% 


\^mn  sin  <t>  cos  <p      *Jmn  sin  v  cos  y 

\\  1 1 once      Vmn  sm 9  sin y  =  —  =.—  = ,.      „   .  ^=^> 


or  @  =  T=Ty  when  r/;=0  or  o>  =  -^- 

70.]  When  we  take  the  negative  parameter  m  instead  of  the 
positive  n,  (11)  gives 

Now  the  sum  of  these  arcs  is  equal  to  a  circular  arc  —  ®/,  which 
may  be  determined  by  the  expression 

tfm  ft  =     V^  sin  p  sin  %  sin  a,  (35g) 


1  +  -  -  cos  <p  cos  v  cos  cu 
1—  m  * 

as  in  (352)  ;  whence         O-  +  CT,—  cr;/=  —  ®;  ......     (359) 

A  little  consideration  will  show  that  ®,  must  be  taken  with  the 
negative  sign  ;  for  if  we  compute  the  values  of  tan  ®  and  tan  ®/ 
from  (355)  and  (358),  we  shall  find 

tang-tan  »  =    UV  V^  («»  +  ») 

a  symmetrical  expression  which  remains  essentially  positive,  how- 
ever we  may  transpose  tan  ©  and  tan  <*)y. 

Hence  —tan  (3^=  —  tan(  —  ©,)  =tan  ©/}  or  ®y  must  be  taken  with 
the  negative  sign. 

If  we  compare  together  (356)  and  (359)  ,  we  shall  have  the  fol- 
lowing simple  relation  between  the  five  circular  arcs  ®,  ©y,  r,  r,,  r,,, 

<H)  +  ®/  =  T  +  T/-T/y  .......        (360) 

We  may  give  an  independent  proof  of  this  remarkable  theorem. 
The  primary  theorem  (335)  cos  co  =  cos  <p  cos  ^  —  sin  <p  sin  ^ 

sin  to  cos  w     sin  <p  sin  y  sin  o>  cos  o> 
gives  —  —  —         —  °t  —  — 

\/Iu  cos  "P  cos  X  ~  cos  m 

and  cos2<p  +  c 

Let  snupsinysinwrsU,     cos<pcos^;cosa)=V.      .     (361) 

M  _  \lmtl  sin  CD  cos  o>  V^^  U  cos2  a> 

IN  OW  tan  TII  --  =====  --  ~~  -  5  -  rr=  -  ^ 

Vl  —  »2sin2a>  cos2w—  V 

V^Ucos^   t|mT=  V^Ucos2^. 
cos2<p  —  V  cos2^—  V 


,  x        tan  T  -f-  tan  T, — tan  T,,  +  tan  T  tan  T,  tan  TW 

and      tan  (T  +  r, — T,,)  =  —  -'-'- , 

1  +  tan  T/y  tan  r,  +  tan  T  tan  /; — tan  r,  tan  r 

whence  tan  (T  +  T,  —  r;/)  = 

I _T  r      COS2(p  COS2V  COS2ft)  m/iU2  COS2<p  COS2^  COS2G) 

^^Lc^s^^  +  cos2X-V  +  c^2^^V~  (cos2<p-V) (cos2X-V)(cos2a)-V) 

o.  o  __O  O*  ~,-,'2v*.,-,.^»-.l2_,. 

_       TJ2 

Cos2%  cos2&)  cos2o)  cos2(p  __  cos2cp 


"Y)  (cos2o)  -  V)     (cos2o)  -  V)  (cos2,?  -  V)     (cos2<p-  V)  ( 

If  we  reduce  this  expression,  we  shall  have,  on  introducing  the 

,  (363) 
and  cos2<w  cos2%  +  cos2<p  cos2a>  +  cos2%  cos2<p 

(  .  ,„„„. 

tan  (r+r,-r,,)  -      •     (363) 

If  we  now  combine  the  values  of  tan  ®  and  tan  ©,,  given  in 
(355)  and  (358),  we  shall  have 

tan  (0  +  a)  _  (364) 

^    /H-(i2  +  mw)V-mn(V2+/U2)  ' 

whence  O  +  O^T  +  T,  —  r/y, 

as  is  evident  from  an  inspection  of  the  preceding  formulae. 

On  Conjugate  Arcs  of  a  Logarithmic  Ellipse. 
71.]  In  (162)  substitute  %  and  w  successively  for  <p.     Let 

sin  <P  cos  <p 
—  , 



1—  wsin2^  1—  wsin2o) 

we  shall  have,  adding  the  three  resulting  equations  together,  and 

,.  .,.       ,      n—m 

dividing  by  —  -r=, 


TO  0_— n)  rf  d<p       f  d^       f  dw 

dtp.::      f     d%          /*     dta 


Now,  as  <p,  x>  and  w  are  conjugate  amplitudes, 


J    VI 

Vi/J  Vix   JVC 

Vlx  —  Jda)  Vl<o  =  i2sin<P  sin^  sineo.     See  (339). 

2  PC  V  V    T  V»»» 

v      w        X—    p       -  - 
K  n—m 

—  nil— 

f    d 

J  N 

/-  . 

'  V/CU  N0  VI       Nx  VI 

We  have  now  to  compute  the  sum  of 

Since  VI-=co8<pco8x-CQ8a, 

sin  <p  sm  ^ 

sn  to  cos  to 


if  we  m  ake,  as  before,  cos  <p  cos  ^  cos  w  =  V,  and  sin  <p  sin  ^  sin  G>  =  U  . 
Finding  like  expressions  for  <I>  and  X,  we  shall  have 

„      n  rsin2<pcos2<p     sin2  v  cos2  v     sin2o>cos26)~| 
—  nfl^^l  -  £?  -  ^  +  -  4=  -  *—  -  -  ^  - 

UL       N^  Nx  Nw        J 

V  rn  sin2  w     w  sin2  ^     n  sin2  < 

~~"     ~~     ~ 

,,  n  sin*  <p  cos*  <p  _ cos'y  (1  +n  sin2^—  1)  _ cos2 <p     cos2 <p 

TT-VT  TT-*.  T  ^  "W-*^ ^™"    '"      —    " - 

nnd  cos2(p_l+n-nsin2^-l_  1       (1-n) 

UN^  ~ 

,  nsin2(pcos2(p_  1  _cos2<p     (1-n) 

~^^~       ~nU     ~U~"^lJ^rj 

Vw  sin2<p     V       V 

^^ L  =  Yy—  =T= 

Finding  similar  expressions  for  the  functions  of  o>  and  ^,  and 
recollecting  that,  as  in  (362),cos2<p  +  cos2x  +  cos2o>=  1  +2V— i8U2, 



we  shall  have,  making  W  =  l  —  n  +  riV, 

nU(n<5>  +  nX-nSl)=3-n  +  nV+ni?Uz-W^  +  ^-  +  ^- 

Now  fd<p  -v/I^+Jd^  VI*—  Jd&>  VL=*2U;  as  in  (339),  whence 

<-fda>  ^C)]  1 

i"    i     i   •    '369) 


We  shall  find,  after  some  complicated  calculations, 

»2*U8,     .....     (370) 
and  NxNw  +  NttN?+N?Nx=W2  +  2W-ra(l-ra)(i2  +  m)U2.  (371) 

Substituting  the  values  hence  derived,  the  whole  expression 
becomes  divisible  by  rail2,  and  we  shall  obtain,  finally,  the  follow- 
ing expression, 


,     .     .     (372) 


+  (n-m)(W2-n2/cU2) 

It  will  be  shown  that 

_  r  C     dd>          I       dv          C     d 

/I  _      i    1  /v •    

•IjN,^  jN.vixlN.^,,^       {373) 

or  writing,  as  before,  W  for  1— n  +  wV,  and  multiplying  numerator 
and  denominator  by  the  numerator, 

/-rf  ^      r  dx    _r  do,  n       r 

'  v"  U  N?  vi*  J  NX  vrx  JNU  vi  J       L 

When  /c  becomes  negative  or  V  '  K  imaginary,  we  may  pass  from 
the  circular  to  the  logarithmic  form  of  the  third  order  by  the  usual 
imaginary  transformation.  When  K  is  negative  (352)  gives 

____  /n    \/  /C\J 

=  V  —  1®,  where  tan  @  =  —    — 

It  is  a  well-known  theorem  (see  vol.  i.  p.  335)  that 

i±^3*^|l-    •     •     -     (374) 
I-  V-ltan©J 


Now  instead  of  \/—  Ttan  @  we  must  write  sin  f  =  —  ^  —  ,  and  the 
preceding  equation  becomes 





;  (375) 

and  this  logarithm  becomes  log  (sec£-f  tan£),  which  is,  we  know, 

the  integral  of  1  —-£*     We  shall  therefore  have 

n  v*  d  df 

;  and  as  2 

f  d£  ,  f 

j  ^|=secf  tan£+J 

the  result,  dividing  by  2,  becomes 

(n-  m)  (W2-n2/cU2) 

.      .     (376) 

Hence  the  sum  of  three  arcs  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  ex- 
pressed by  an  arc  of  a  parabola  and  a  straight  line. 

When  one  of  the  arcs  %„  is  a  quadrant,  V=0,  and  the  equation 


which  coincides  with  (160). 

If  we  apply  to  (163)  the  same  process,  step  by  step,  and  make 
sin  i 

sin  5"= — w  /    ,  in  which  W;=l— m  +  rriV,  we  shall  find 


_?  _?  7,  f  d$.  km*n  V*fUV 

*  J  cos3^"1"  (w-m)(W2-m2A:/U2 

,  f  dr        ,  r  dr,    _  ,  C  drn 

J  COSST       Jcos3^       Jco&Sru, 


If  we  subtract  this  equation  from  (376),  we  shall  have 

J/»  10.       /»  j          /»  j          /»  j 
d?  ,  r  <*£  =r d>r  !  i  d<r/    r dT/. 
COS3^      J  COS8  ^      JCOS3T      JCOS3^      JCOS3T 

n— m 


VOL.  II. 


Now  this  last  term  is  divisible  by  (n—  rri),  and  may  be  reduced  to 
the  expression 


If  in  (170),  which  gives  the  relation  between  elliptic  integrals  of 
the  third  order,  we  substitute  successively  the  conjugate  amplitudes 
<p,  %,  and  a),  and  add  the  equations  thence  resulting,  we  shall  have 

f  « 






in  which 

.    e_    \Jrnn  sin  <p  sin  ^  sin  ft> 


COS  <p  COS  y^  COS  ft) 


,    .,_     v  inn  sm  <p  sin  y^  sm  o> 

Sill  L  — 



SUIT  —  — 




Vl — i2sin2<p  . 
\/mn  sin  eo  cos  to 


If,  in  these  equations,  we  change  n  into  —  w,  and  therefore  sin£ 
into  V  —  1  tan  (H),  sin  £  into  V  —  1  tan  @y, 

sinr  into  V  —  1  tanr,      sinTy  into  V  —  1  tanry, 
and  sinr/y  into  V  — 1  taiiT/y, 
the  preceding  equations  will  become 



'      1T/~ 


,  an    ;_ 


wm  sn  eo  cos  w 

and  ®  +  @/  =  T  +  Ty  —  ry/,  as  in  (360),  values  which  coincide  with 
those  found  in  sec.  [69]  for  the  circular  form.  Or  we  may  pass 
from  the  logarithmic  to  the  circular  form,  or  from  the  paraboloid 
to  the  sphere,  or  inversely,  by  the  imaginary  transformations  above 
referred  to*. 

Un  examen  plus  approfondi  des  fractions  de  troisieme  espece,  nous  fera  con- 
naitre  que  ces  deux  classes  sont  essentiellement  irre"ductibles  entre  elles.  —  VER- 
HULST,  Traite  des  Functions  Elliptiques,  p.  78. 




72.]  Since  the  protangents  vanish  at  the  summits  of  these  curves, 
there  must  be  some  intermediate  position  at  which  they  attain  their 
maximum.  When  the  curve  has  but  one  summit,  as  is  the  case  in 
the  parabola,  the  hyperbola,  the  logarithmic  parabola,  and  the 
logarithmic  hyperbola,  there  evidently  can  be  no  maximum*. 

«i2sin<pcos<p       T,. 
In  the  plane  ellipse,  the  protangent  /=— -=    ;    .  J  .     It  we 

Vl  —  *  sm2<p 

differentiate  this  expression  with  respect  to  <p,  and  make  the  dif- 
ferential coefficient  3— =0,  we  shall  get 

•4= (384) 


Substituting  this  value  of  tan  <p  in  the  preceding  expression, 

t=a-b (385) 

In  this  case,  the  arcs  drawn  from  the  vertices  of  the  curve,  and 
which  are  compared  together,  have  a  common  extremity,  or  they 
together  constitute  the  quadrant,  as  may  be  thus  shown. 

The  coordinates  x,  y  of  the  arc  measured  from  the  vertex  of  the 

I/        U 

minor  axis  are  #  =  a  sin  3,  y  =  b  cos  •&  :  therefore  -  =-  cot  3  =  /  cot  3, 

x     a 

since  ja=b.      If  we   now  make   cot3=  y?jy  #=$•     Again,   as 

tt       u         u 

tan  X =Yg— „  — ,=/2tan\;  or  making  \=^,  or  tan  \=  — -p,  hence 
b   x    a,  ,  yj 

11  if     11 

Z-j=j7}  or  7j=-.     Therefore  the  arcs  have  a  common  extremity. 

We  have  also  tan2X=r.     This  property  of  the  plane  ellipse,  called 

Fagnani's  theorem,  may  be  found  in  any  elementary  treatise  on 
elliptic  functions. 

*  The  investigation  of  these  particular  values  of  those  portions  of  the  tangent 
arcs  to  the  curves,  which  lie  between  the  points  of  contact  and  the  perpendicular 
arcs  from  the  origin  upon  them — or,  as  they  have  been  termed  in  this  paper,  pro- 
tangent  arcs — is  of  importance,  because,  as  we  shall  show  in  the  next  chapter, 
in  the  different  series  of  derived  hypercouic  sections,  the  maximum  protangeut 
arc  of  any  curve  in  the  series  becomes  a  parameter  in  the  integral  of  the  curve 
immediately  succeeding. 


On  the  Maximum  Protangent  Arc  in  a  Spherical  Hyperconic  Section. 

73.]  If  we  assume  the  expression  found  for  this  arc  T  in  (45), 
where  i  represents  sin?;,  2?)  being  the  angle  between  the  cyclic 
planes  of  the  cone, 

VWsin<pcos<p  ,       . 

tan  r  =  -^7r_  J!^—  r  ,      .....      386) 

y  1  —  z2snr<p 

T  being  the  angle  which  the  linear  protangent  t  to  the  elliptic  base 
subtends  at  the  centre  of  the  sphere.     Differentiate  this  expression, 


as  in  the  last  article,  and  make  j-=0,  we  shall  find,  as  before, 


tanp=      ,_*.  (387) 

\j      V   sin  /3 

If  we  substitute  this  value  of  tan  <p  in  the  preceding  expression,  we 
shall  obtain 

tan  T  =  tan  «  sec  /3  —  tan/?  sec  a,     .     .     .      (388) 

writing  f  to  denote  the  maximum  protangent. 

Now  if  we  turn  to  sec.  [68],  we  shall  there  find  that  this  equa- 
tion connects  the  amplitudes  of  three  conjugate  arcs  of  a  plane 
parabola.  -Or  if  r,  ft,  and  a  are  made  the  three  normal  angles  of 
a  plane  parabola,  and  (k.r),  (#./3),  (k.a]  the  three  corresponding 
arcs  of  the  parabola,  we  shall  have 

(k  .  a)  —  (k  ./3)  —  (k  .  T)  =  k  tan  a  tan  j3  tan  T. 
If  in    (386)    we  substitute   for   sincp   and   cos<p   their  values 


and  —  ,    J   ,  the  expression  will  become 

tanr=.  (389) 


We  shall  see  the  importance  of  this  value  of  T  in  the  next  chapter. 

In  the  spherical  parabola,  as  m=n=i,  tan2r=^  —  -.=ir 

Precisely  in  the  same  manner  as  in  the  plane  ellipse,  we  may 
show  that  when  tan  T  has  the  preceding  value,  the  arcs  drawn  from 
the  vertices  of  the  curve  have  a  common  extremity.  This  will  be 
shown  by  proving  that  the  vector  arcs,  drawn  from  the  centre  of 
the  curve  to  the  extremities  of  the  compared  arcs,  have  the  same 
inclination  to  the  principal  arc  2«.  Now,  ->|r  and  o/r'  being  these 
inclinations,  as  in  sec.  [14]  ,  we  find 

tan4  « 


;iud  (39)  shows  that  tan  <p  =  cos  e  tan  X.     Hence,  reducing, 

tan2  3  sin2  B 

Again,  (49)  shows,  when  we  measure  the  arc  from  the  -minor 

principal  arc,  that  cot#=,-,    or    cot#=—   -r  tamlr'.     Now,  in 

b  x  sm  p 

order  that  we  may  compare  these  arcs  together,  we  must  have 
#=X.     Hence 

,  .  .     tan2  B        1  ,,  . 

tan2>Jr'  =  -  —  -r.-—       .......      (b) 

tan2  a  tau2<p 

When  we  substitute  for  <p  any  particular  value,  (a)  and  (b)  will 
give  the  corresponding  values  of  tan  -fy  and  tan  i/r'  ;  but  when  we 

make  tan2<p  =  -  —  «=-.,  the  values  of 
sin  B     j 

and  i/r'  become  equal,  or 

Fig.  26. 

the  compared  arcs  together  constitute  the  quadrant. 

74.]  To  determine  the  inclination,  to  the  horizontal  plane,  of 
the  tangent  drawn  to  any  point  of  the  spherical  ellipse.  The 
spherical  ellipse  being  taken  as  the  curve  of  intersection  of  a  cylinder 
by  a  sphere  as  in  sec.  [10]  ,  through  a  side  Rr  of  the  cylinder  let 
a  plane  be  drawn,  it  will  cut  the  sphere  in  a  small  circle,  which  will 
touch  the  spherical  ellipse  in  the  point  r,  and  will  cut  the  base  of 
the  hemisphere  in  the  straight  line  HP,  which  touches  the  base  of 
the  cylinder  at  the  point  R.  Let  O  be  the  centre  of  the  sphere 
and  Z  the  centre  of  the  spherical  hyperconic.  Through  the  line 
OZ  let  a  plane  be  drawn  at  right 
angles  to  the  plane  of  the  small 
circle  Rr-n-P,  it  will  cut  the  sphere 
in  the  arc  of  a  great  circle  ZTT  at 
right  angles  to  the  arc  rir  ;  and  as 
the  three  planes,  namely  the  hori- 
zontal plane,  the  plane  of  the  small 
circle  Rr-TrP,  and  the  plane  of  the 
great  circle  ZOP?r,  are  mutually  at 
right  angles,  the  straight  lines  in 
which  they  intersect  PR  PTT,  PO 
are  mutually  at  right  angles;  there- 
fore P  is  the  foot  of  the  perpen- 
dicular drawn  from  the  centre  O 
of  the  base  of  the  cylinder,  to  the  tangent  RP  which  touches  the 
curve.  P  is  also  the  centre  of  the  small  circle  Arrr,  since  A13  is  a 
chord  of  the  sphere.  Hence  ATT  is  a  quadrant,  and  therefore  rir  or 
v  is  the  inclination  of  the  element  of  the  spherical  ellipse  at  r  to 
the  base  of  the  hemisphere.  Now  ZO  is  the  radius  of  the  sphere, 
and  Pr  that  of  the  small  circle.  RPO  is  a  right  angle  ;  and.thcre- 


fore  OR2  =  OP2  +  PR2.  Hence  Rr2  =  Or2-OR2.  Now  for  the 
moment  putting  A  and  B  for  the  semiaxes  of  the  base  of  the 
cylinder,  OP2=A2cos2X/  +  B2sin2X/,  and 

--   ...(A2-B2)2sin2X/cos2X/  -^  y  / 

PR2=^-T2  -  o^  -  .jo'  .  ^     ;    whence  OR2=-ro  -  2.    ,  r»2  •  ^  ,      (a) 
A2cos2X/-t-B2sm2X/    -  A2cos2X;  +  B2sm2X/ 

T—S    —  ,     A4cos2X-  +  B4sin2X/ 

and  therefore  Rr2=Or2—  ^2  -  2^    .  x>2  •  s^  • 

A2  cos2  Xy  +  B2  sin2  X; 

Let  Or=l,  A  =  sin«,  B  =  sin/3,    .....     (b) 

RP2    J  (sin2  «  -  sin2  /3)2  sin2  X,  cos2  X, 

and  as  tan2i/==H-,  tan^v  =  .          —  5  --    --  •         —       • 

sin2a  cos2«  cos^Xy  +  sin2^  cos2/3  sin2A,,* 


t,  as  in  (25),  tan  Xy=  cose  tan  <p  = ^tan<p.     Substituting, 

we  get  the  expression 

sin  e  sin  «  sin  <p  cos  <p 

tan  v=  — r     .  T  .     (390) 

V(l~  sin2  e  sin2<p)  (1— sin2  97  sin2<p) 

In  supplemental  spherical  ellipses,  since  sin  77  and  sin  e,  see 
sec.  [9] ,  are  respectively  equal  to  sin  e'  and  sin  77',  we  infer 
therefore  that  in  supplemental  spherical  ellipses  the  inclinations 
to  the  plane  of  XY  of  the  tangents  to  the  curves  are  the  same 
when  the  amplitudes  <p  are  the  same. 

If  we  now  differentiate  this  expression,  and  make  -r-=0,  we 

shall  find  that  tan*<p=- — -„.  If  we  substitute  this  value  of  tan<p 
in  (390),  we  shall  get 

tanv=tan(«  — /3),  or  j/=«—  /3.       .     .     .     (391) 

Hence  the  maximum  inclination  to  the  plane  of  XY  of  the  tangent 
to  the  spherical  ellipse  is  equal  to  the  difference  between  its  prin- 
cipal semiarcs.  It  is  remarkable  that  the  point  of  the  curve  which 
gives  the  maximum  difference  between  the  arcs,  which  together 
constitute  the  quadrant  of  the  spherical  ellipse,  is  not  the  point  of 
greatest  inclination;  for  this  latter  point  is  found  by  making 

tan2  <p=i — -p)  while  the  point  of  maximum  difference  is  obtained 
by- putting  tan2  <p=— — .  This  is  the  more  worthy  of  notice,  as  we 

Sill  O 

shall  find  the  two  points— the  point  of  maximum  division,  and  the 

point  of  greatest  inclination — to  coincide  in  the  logarithmic  ellipse. 

If  we  take  the  two  plane  ellipses  which  are  the  projections  of 

the  spherical  ellipse,  one  being  the  perspective,  and  the  other  the 


orthogonal  projection,  and  seek  on  these  plane  ellipses  their  points 
of  maximum  division,  we  shall  find  that  the  angles,  which  tin;  per- 
pendiculars on  the  tangents,  through  these  points  of  maximum 
division  of  those  plane  curves,  make  with  the  principal  arc,  are  the 
values  which  must  be  assigned  to  the  amplitude  <p,  to  determine 
the  point  where  the  tangent  to  the  curve  has  the  greatest  inclina- 
tion to  the  plane  of  XY,  and  the  point  which  divides  the  quadrant 
into  two  parts  such  that  their  difference  shall  be  a  maximum. 
This  is  plain  ;  for  the  semiaxes  of  one  ellipse  are  Stance,  Artan  /9; 
while  the  semiaxes  of  the  other  are  A:  sin  a  and  Arsin/8.  And  these 
angles  are  given  by  the  equations 

tan  a  sin  a 

tan2  X=  -  --  n  ;  and  tan2  X  ,=-  —  ~. 

tan/3  sm/3 

On  the  Maximum  Protangent  Arc  in  a  Logarithmic  Ellipse. 

75.]  We  must  follow  the  steps  previously  indicated,  and  differ- 
entiate the  expression  found  in  (165), 

njmn  sin  <z>  cos  <p  /  x 

SIIIT=—  T*  ......     (a) 

Vl  —  i?siii*<p 

T  here  denotes  the  inclination  of  the  element  of  the  curve  to  its 
orthogonal  projection  on  the  ellipse,  the  base  of  the  cylinder,  which 
intersects  the  paraboloid  in  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  see  sec.  [38]  . 
T  is  also  the  normal  angle  of  the  tangent  parabolic  arc  to  the  loga- 
rithmic ellipse,  whose  plane  touches  the  vertical  cylinder.  This 
expression  will  be  a  maximum  when  the  parabolic  arc  is  a  maxi- 

mum.    Put  the  differential  coefficient  j-=0.    This  gives,  as  before, 

tan<p=  —  -=.     Substituting  this  expression  in  (a),  we  get 

"We  shall  find  the  importance  of  this  expression  in  the  next  chapter. 

From  (392)  we  derive        tan2T=Tj  -  .-, 


.-,9  -  . 
2—  mn 

Now  (l+y)2=2  +  2/—  ia=2  +  2/—  m—  n+mn.     Hence,  as 

whence  we  get  tanr  =  — .  Multiply  this  equation, 

yl  —  m+  yl—n 

numerator  and  denominator,  by   *J\  —  m—V\—n,    and  the  last 


expression  will  become 

\/mn  \l\-m      \/mn  \/l  —  n 

n— m  n—m 

In  (171)  we  found  for  the  semiaxes  of  the  cylinder,  whose  in- 
tersection with  the  paraboloid  is  the  logarithmic  ellipse, 

a_\/mn\/l—m     b_  *Jmn  \l\  —n         ^     -_l^^"\      (393) 
k~        n—m       '    k  n—m  \   *    / 

This  gives  a  simple  expression  for  the  tangent  of  the  maximum 
parabolic  arc,  analogous  to  (385)  and  (391).  We  have  only  to 
take  in  the  parabola,  whose  semiparameter  is  k,  an  arc  whose  ordi- 
nate  is  a  —  b,  to  determine  the  maximum  protangent  parabolic  arc. 

The  value  tan<p  =  — p,  which  fixes  the  position  and  magnitude 

of  the  maximum  protangent  arc  to  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  renders 

tan2X=        For  (150)  gives  tan2<p  =  tan2X.     But  (152)  gives 

«+/3        C  C  1       ,  tan2\. 

—  =  ^  —  =:,  and  ~  —  ^=5^  --  ;  hence  tan^<p=-  --  . 
a        C—  B  C—  B     l—m  1  —  m 

If  we  now  make 

/l—m     a 

=V  i=a=v 

as  we  may  infer  from  (171).      Now,  substituting  this  value  of 
tan2  A,  in  (155),  we  shall  get 

a—  b 

tanr=—  r—  . 

Comparing  this  expression  with  (393),  we  find  that  the  maximum 
protangent  arc  is  equal  to  the  maximum  inclination. 

Again,  if  we  differentiate  the  values  of  x,  y,  z  given  in  (158), 
the  coordinates  of  the  extremity  of  the  arc  measured  from  the 
minor  axis,  and  substitute  them  in  the  general  expression  for  the 
tangent  of  the  inclination  of  any  curve  to  the  plane  of  XY,  namely 

,  and  make  S=X,  as  before,  putting  for  tan2X=tan2& 

the  value   T,  we  shall  get  —  ^^^       _.  =—  r—  .     Hence  the    arcs 

have  a  common  extremity,  since  they  have  the  same  inclination  to 
the  plane  of  XY.     As  T=tan2X  is  the  value  of  tan2X  which  gives 

the  maximum  protangent  =a  —  b  in  the  plane  ellipse  the  base  of 
the  cylinder,  it  follows  that  the  point  of  maximum  division  on  the 


logarithmic  ellipse  is  orthogonally  projected  into  the  point  of 
maximum  division  on  the  plane  ellipse;  and  the  corresponding 
protimgent  in  the  latter  a  —  b  is  the  ordinate  of  the  parabolic  arc 
which  expresses  the  difference  between  the  corresponding  arcs  of 
the  former.  Thus,  while  the  arcs  which  together  constitute  the 
quadrant  on  the  plane  ellipse  differ  by  the  difference  of  the  semi- 
axes  a—  by  the  corresponding  arcs  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  will 
differ  by  an  arc  of  a  parabola  whose  ordinate  is  a  —  b. 

76.]  When  the  amplitude  <p  is  given  by  the  equation  tan<p=  —  j=., 


or  when  the  protangent  is  a  maximum,  the  corresponding  arc  of 
the  spherical  ellipse,  or  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  may  be  expressed 
by  functions  of  the  first  and  second  orders  only.  This  may  be 

shown  as  follows.      When  tan<p  =  —  j=,  the  arcs  cr  and  <rt  of  the 


spherical  ellipse,  or  the  arcs  2  and  S,  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse, 
together  make  up  the  quadrants  Q,  or  Q,,;  see  sections  [73]  and  [75]  . 
Hence  <r  +  o-,—  Q,,  or  2-j-S^Q,.  But  we  have  also  cr,—  <T=T, 
as  in  (52),  and  S,—  2  =  r,  as  in  (160).  Therefore  2<7=Q,—  T, 

=      —  T.       Or  a-   and  cr,,  or  S  and 

2y  may  be  expressed  as  simple  functions  of  the  quadrant 
and  T.  Now  the  quadrant,  as  we  have  shown  in  the  last 
section,  may  be  expressed  by  functions  of  the  first  and  second 
orders  only,  while  T  is  an  arc  either  of  a  circle  or  of  a  parabola. 
Hence  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order,  whose  amplitude 

(p=tan~1(  —  -=]   may  be  expressed  by  functions  of  the  first  and 

second  orders  only''6'. 



77.]  We  shall  now  proceed  to  show  that,  when  a  hyperconic 
section  is  given,  whether  it  be  spherical  or  paraboloidal,  we  may 
from  it  derive  a  series  of  curves  whose  moduli  and  parameters 
shall  decrease  or  increase  according  to  a  certain  law ;  so  that  ulti- 

*  Tout  kappa  dont  1'amplitude  a  pour  tangente  trigonom&rique  — -j-=,  [or,  as 

V  b 

it  is  written  in  this  work,  I  TT^ll  peut  s'exprimer  par  des  fonctions  d'une  espece 

infMeure. — VEBHULST,  TravU  des  Fonctions  Ettiptiques,  p.  99. 

VOL.  II.  T 


mately  the  rectification  of  these  curves  may  be  reduced  to  the  cal- 
culation of  circular  or  parabolic  arcs,  or,  in  other  words,  to  circular 
functions  or  logarithms.  We  shall  also  show  that  all  these  derived 
curves,  together  with  the  original  curve,  may  be  traced  on  the  same 
generating  surface,  i.  e.  on  the  same  sphere  or  paraboloid. 

In  sec.  [44]*  we  have  shown  that  the  rectification  of  a  plane 
ellipse  whose  semiaxes  are  a  and  b,  may  be  reduced  to  the  rectifi- 
cation of  another  plane  ellipse  whose  semiaxes  a,,  bt  are  given  by 
the  equations  al=a  +  b,bl=2  \/ab,  of  which  the  eccentricity  is  less 
than  that  of  the  former,  a  +  b  is  that  portion  of  the  tangent,  drawn 
through  the  point  of  maximum  division,  which  lies  between  the 
axes  ;  and  \/ab  is  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  it. 

We  have  shown  in  (63)  and  (74),  that  if  <p  and  ty  are  connected 
by  the  equation  tan  (ty—  <p}=jtfui<p,  while  i  and  it  are  so  related 

we  shall  have 

J  \/l — i2sina^)          2     j   Vl — z^sin2^          2 

Let  us  now  introduce  this  transformation  into  the  elliptic  inte- 
gral of  the  third  order,  circular  form,  and  negative  parameter.  In 
(191)  we  found 

2  sin2  <p  =  1  -f  it  sin2  ty — cos  ty  \^I,. 

C   dip        C  d<p 

Now  IT- — 7^  =  1 r~^ — ^ — .  =^=- 

JM  yl    J  [1— msm2^)]  VI—  *  sm2<p 

Or  replacing  <p  by  its  equivalent  functions  in  ty,  and  recollecting 
that  m  —  n  +  mn=iz}  since  m  and  n  are  conjugate  parameters  of 
the  circular  form,  we  shall  find 

jizvr t1-1-^— H^'^cc.t VQ vr;  (894) 

We  may  eliminate  the  radical  m  cos  ty  \/Iy  from  the  denominator 
of  this  expression  by  treating  it  as  the  sum  of  two  terms. 

Multip^ing  and  dividing  the  function  by  their  difference,  since 


2  ( 

M  VI 



It  is  truly  remarkable  that  whether  the  parameter  of  the  original 
function  we  start  from  be  positive  or  negative,  the  parameter  of  the 
first  derived  integral  will  always  be  positive.  Indeed  it  is  necessary 
that  this  should  be  the  case,  because  the  parameters  of  the  derived 
functions,  increasing  or  diminishing  as  they  do,  must  at  length  pass 
from  between  the  limits  1  and  i2.  Should  they  do  so,  the  integral 
would  be  no  longer  of  the  circular  form,  but  of  the  logarithmic. 
Now  we  cannot  pass  from  one  of  these  forms  to  the  other  by  any 
but  an  imaginary  transformation.  This  objection  does  not  hold 
when  the  parameter  is  positive,  because  the  limits  of  the  positive 
parameter  are  0  and  co  .  It  is,  too,  worthy  of  remark  that  the  first 
derived  parameter  is  always  the  same,  whether  we  transform  from 
positive  or  negative  parameters.  Write 

mn  /orm\ 

n.=  ..        a; (396) 


nt  is  the  first  derived  parameter. 
We  may  transform  (395)  into 

d(Z>  ,,         .  vf*i   ,    |~rt  WMy/i  -    a    .  ,        /T~l 

-L-==  (l-Mi)i  d-ur   2  —  m '(1  +w,sm2o!r— 1)— Tncosy  VI, 

M  VI  I        L n,  ^ J 

J  [i+^sin2^]  vr, 



-,  and 

2     m  + 

mit    m  +  n 

.     (397) 





1  —  m)C   dip 

(m  +  n)  Vwj 


di/r              ) 

..      (398) 

m    JM  VI 




1  +  n, 

sin2->|r]  VI, 

2      m 

n]  A/T 

2  v 


'  tan  1 

We  shall  now  show  that 

cos  < 

/—  .  /Qno\ 

=  V^sini/r  .....     (399) 

Vl—  »  sm2(p 
If  we  revert  to  (189),  (191),  and  (193),  we  there  find 

2sin<pcos<p=sini/r[  Vl/  +  *"/cosi/r], 
and  2  VI  =  (1  +./)  [  V%  +  */  cos  ^r]  . 

,  —  Vwinsin<pcos<p         ,-   . 

(396)  gives  ^Jmn—  vn,(l  +j);  therefore  -       -?  v»j»»^. 


If  we  replace      0      I  — ^=-  in  the  preceding  equation  by  its  value 

3    J  VI, 
f  dp 
I  — /=,  and  put  Ny  for  1  +  nt  sin2  o/r, 


M  VI 

i2  f  d<p         1 
1 — ?- ^=tan  ] 

mnj  VI      \mn 




Now  the  common  formula  for  comparing  circular  integrals  with 
conjugate  parameters  is,  we  know,  see  (47), 

l—m  \  f   d<p 

/l+ft\  f  dtp        / 
V   w   /J  N  VI     \ 


,         _  tan_  i 

l  —  i2sin2f 

Adding  these  equations  we  obtain  this  new  formula, 

l-m\     ,— 

By  the  help  of  this  important  formula  we  may  establish  a  simple 
relation  between  the  sum  of  the  original  conjugate  functions  of  the 
third  order  and  the  first  derived  function  of  the  same  order. 

78.]   If  a-  be  the  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse,  it  is  shown  in  (46)  that 


.  (401*) 

and  in  (11)  that        ^= 

Adding  these  equations  together,  and  introducing  the  relation  just 
now  established, 

ty  i2    C  dp  _j  r  Vwz^sintp 

VI<      V^wJ  VI  L   Vl-*'2sin2<p 

No w,  as  m  —  w= i2 — m n,   (m  -f-  w)  2=  i4 — 2z2mn  +  w%2  +  4mn. 




We  have   also  mn=nl(\+j}'2,   it=—-*-,  i*=(l  —  j)(l+j),   and 

2(2-?)  =2(1  +/)=/    •  hence 

m  +  n  =  (l+j)*(l+nt)  »Jmlt      ....     (403) 

/m  +  n\     '••_    /l+w.\     ;  _ 
and  therefore          V"^~J  Vw/=\~^~/  Vw/w/-       •     •     •     (404) 

It  is  worthy  of  especial  remark  that  this  coefficient  of  I  —  —^ 


in  (401)  is  precisely  the  same  in  form  as  the  coefficient  of  1  —  Z-~. 

The  preceding  equation  (402)  may  now  be  written 

Let  cry,  wy,  it,  ty  be  analogous  quantities  for  the  derived  spherical 
ellipse  a-,  ;  substituting  their  values  in  (401*)  , 

i2          i2  f  2 

Let  y,  gy,  y;,,  g/w,  &c.  denote  —  T==,  —  ~r=,  —  ,-  —  ,  &c.,  and  put 

»•*  ^  ^  *•«»»  &c-  fo 

(1  +.;•)  (1  +./;)  (1  +ju)  (1  +y/w)  ,  &c.     Let  also  4>,  ^,  ^,  ^,  &c.  denote 

the  arcs,  whose  tangents  are 

Vwiw  sin  <p  cos  <p    \/mlnl  sin  i/r  cos  i|r    *Jmtlntl  sin  ^  cos  ^   o 

Making  these  substitutions,  and  writing  Q,  Qy,  Q/p  &c.  for  the 
coefficients  of 

(405)  -  (406) 


Taking  the  derivatives  of  these  expressions,  we  may  write 

Subtract  (a,)  from  (a),  (by)  from  (b),  and  (c;)  from  (c),  the  inte- 
grals of  the  third  order  disappear,  and  we  shall  have 

.     (407) 

If  we  add  these  equations  together, 
(o—  <rj=  (?«/ 

-?)    -       +  ^/-*.   (408) 

If  we  multiply  the  first  of  (407)  by  23,  the  second  by  22,  the 
third  by  2,  and  the  fourth  by  2°,  and  add  the  results, 

an  integral  which  enables  us  to  approximate  with  ease  to  the  value 
of  the  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form,  in  terms  of  an 
integral  of  the  first  order. 

We  have  shown  in  sec.  [28]  how  the  integral  of  the  first  order 
may  be  reduced. 


The  above  expressions  may  be  reduced  to  simpler  forms  when 
the  functions  are  complete.  In  this  case  <I>  =  0,  ^=0,  ^  =  0, 
^=0,  &c.  ;  and  when  <r  is  a  quadrant,  <rt  will  be  two  quadrants, 
crn  will  be  four  quadrants,  <rni  will  be  eight  quadrants,  and  so  on. 
Tin-  preceding  expression  may  now  be  written,  denoting  a  quadrant 
by  the  symbol  <7, 

-Sq)  I 


In  (396)  we  found  for  the  parameter  of  the  derived  integral  of 


the  third  order  the  expression  nt—  .Ng.  On  referring  to  the 
geometrical  representatives  of  these  expressions,  we  find  for  the  focal 
distance  e,  of  this  derived  curve  the  expression  w.=tan2e,=  -;  - 

(i  +;) 

but  if  we  turn  to  (389)  we  shall  see  that  this  is  the  expression  for 
the  maximum  protangent  to  the  original  spherical  ellipse,  which  is 


given  by  the  equation  tan2r=  2.     We  thus  arrive  at  this 

curious  relation  between  the  curves  successively  derived,  that  the 
maximum  protangent  of  any  one  of  the  spherical  ellipses  becomes  the 
focal  distance  of  the  one  immediately  succeeding  in  the  series. 

79.]   Given  m,  n,  and  i,  we  may  determine  m,,  nt,  and  it,  for 

T   —•  y  7/i7i 

i,=  T—4,  ft/=Tj  —  ya-  Substituting  these  values  of  it  and  nt  in  the 
equation  which  connects  the  parameters,  ml—n{- 

Hence,  given  m,  n,  and  i}  we  can  easily  compute  the  values  of  mt, 
n,,  and  i,,  and  then  of  mtl),nlt,  and  ilt,  and  so  on  as  far  as  we  please. 

Given  the  semiaxes  a  and  b  of  the  elliptic  cylinder  whose  inter- 
section with  the  sphere  is  the  original  spherical  ellipse,  to  determine 
the  semiaxes  a/  and  bt  of  the  cylinder  whose  intersection  with  the 
sphere  shall  be  the  first  derived  spherical  ellipse. 

We  may  derive  from  (53)  and  (54)  the  values  of  a  and  b  in  terms 
of  m,  n,  and  i,  or,  eliminating  i,  in  terms  of  m  and  n  only  ;  for 

*""•  •• —  io^~      /i    .      r»   o»*»  t*f  —  TO  —  — 

A:2     w(l+w)'  *2          m 

_O  JL2*«/T  \ 

TT  U  i  Tti  Oi  7l,(  1  "~  ?/i,  I 

Hence  -4  =  — —-' — .     -L  —  Jl il . 



Or  substituting  the  values  of  mt  and  nt  in  terms  of  m  and  n,  and 
therefore  of  a  and  b, 

a  +  b        _2  \/ab 

When  the  radius  of  the  sphere  is  infinite,  or  the  derived  curve  is 
a  plane  ellipse,  a,=a  +  b,  bt  =  2  \/ab,  as  in  sec.  [77]. 

When  m=n=i,  mt=nl=ii-,  or  when  the  given  curve  is  a  sphe- 
rical parabola,  the  derived  curve  will  also  be  a  spherical  parabola. 
Hence  all  the  curves  of  the  series  will  be  spherical  parabolas. 

If  we  take  the  corresponding  integral  of  the  third  order  with  a 
reciprocal  parameter  I,  such  that  /m=z'2,  and  deduce  by  the  fore- 
going process  the  first  derived  function  of  the  third  order,  we  shall 
find  the  parameter  lt  of  this  function  to  be  positive  also,  and  reci- 
procal to  nt,  so  that  /ywy=zy2. 

Hence,  if  we  deduce  a  series  of  derived  functions  from  two  pri- 
mitive functions  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form,  having  either 
positive  or  negative  reciprocal  parameters,  the  parameters  of  all  the 
derived  functions  /;,  lu,  lnl,  n,,  ntl,  nllt,  will  be  positive,  and  reciprocal 
in  pairs,  so  that  Ifn^if,  ^/w//=z//2,  ^y;W;;/=iy//2,  &c. 

80.]  We  may  apply  the  same  method  of  proceeding  to  the  loga- 
rithmic ellipse,  or  to  the  logarithmic  integral  of  the  third  order, 

=^,  in  which  iz  >  m. 

(1  —  msin2<p)  Vl  —  «2sin2<p 

If  on  this  function  we  perform  the  operations  effected  on  the 
similar  integral  in  (394),  we  shall  have,  after  like  reductions, 

f   d<P_-    (1+>'<)   f 

JMVI     4(1-™)J 

We  must  recollect  that 

T        1         '2     •    2    f  mn 

I/=    -z/2sm2^,  and  mt=^ 

We  may  reduce  this  expression. 

The  numerator  may  be  put  under  the  form 

m,  '•  ' 

Now  2—m  —  — !=± 1     and  — '=-. 

m,          n  m,      m 


We  have  also — :-*=  = .. 

t       !+_; 

Hence,  making  the  necessary  transformations, 
(1  —  m)C  d<p     ^(n—m)  VI, C    <ty        i  \fIlC&^_  \/i,Cc< 

~^T~JMVI=~"^ TjM^i+^rj  VA~~I j 

If  into  this  expression  we  introduce  the  relation  given  in  (74), 

T  2  j  vi; 

writing  <p  for  /z,  and  >/r  for  <p,  we  shall  have 

*  J  M/  Vl/     mwj  Vl 

, —  .  V^^sincp  cos<p 

Now  in  (399)  it  has  been  shown  that  V^/smi/r= — /^ — -9-^—a  ^~> 

Vl  — 1>  sm2<p 

and  as  ^nm=  ^m,(l  +j],  the  last  term  of  the  preceding  equation 
may  be  written 

V^  f  \lrnn  sin  <p  cos  <p~ 
d<pL  v/l-i2sin2<p 
. r . 

mn  sin2  <p  cos2  <p 
1  —  i2  sin2  <p 

Substituting  this  value  in  the  preceding  equation,  and  comparing 
it  with  (169)  or  (170),  we  shall  find 

'  V-  (416) 


M  VI     \    n    /J  N  VI        wm        i  J  M/ 

This  equation  is  analogous  to  (401)  .     By  the  help  of  it  and  the  last 
equation  we  can  always  express 

Jd<p          f  d<p     .  -  C  d^ 

—  -  or  \         -  in  terms  01  I  -  L-=. 
MVI       JNVI  JM,VI, 

Since  m{-=—^-  —  ^  is  symmetrical  with  respect  to  n  and  m,  we  should 
have  obtained  the  same  value  for  the  derived  parameter  had  it  been 

deduced  from  1  —  *-=  instead  of  I  —  ^.     Since  «'.=-  —  -. 

m»  (1-  j)a—  mn       f  Vl—  »»—  Vl—  »12 

andm.=  „  n/=rr  .  -\g       -  =       7  -  =  -  7r=     ' 

(1+2'  1+;)2—  mn      Ll-m+l—  «J 

rr  .  -\g       - 
(1+;)2—  mn 

VOL.  II. 


81.]  We  may  express  mt  and  nt  simply,  in  terms  of  a  and  b,  the 
semiaxes  of  the  base  of  the  elliptic  cylinder,  whose  curve  of  section 
with  the  paraboloid  is  the  logarithmic  ellipse. 

In  (171)  we  have  found  the  values  of  m  and  n  in  terms  of  a,  b, 
and  k,  namely, 

a      \Jmn(\  —  m)      b_  \^mn(l  —  n) 


k~        n  —  m  k  n  —  m 

a  —  b      \/\  —  m—  \/l  —  n  •  ? 

Hence  -==      — ; -.= ,  or,  assuming  the  value  01  n,  in 

a  +  b      Y/i_m+  VI—  n 


mn  (1+/)2—  mn     (\/l—m+  Vl — nY" 

(IT*  flsi  1YI  — I  —  7W,= — nr  — — 

vyA   wj  iivi  —  . -.          .\ Q,    .*•  /  / "i     i     "\  2  /I     i     *\  2 

a  —  6  v'fH* 

and  (a)  gives  — r-  =  — 7 ^ 

therefore  l-^,=  (  Vl-m-  yi- 

M!  mn 

Hence,  reducing,  w' 

If  we  now  compare  together  these  expressions  for  m,  and  n,, 


we  shall  find  that  n^m^  so  long  as  k  >2  \fab,  that  when  ^r= 
nt-=ml}  and  that  when  &<2  V  '  ab,  nt<mt. 

To  determine  the  axes  of  the  base  of  the  cylinder  whose  inter- 
section with  the  paraboloid  gives  the  derived  logarithmic  ellipse. 

Since-74-=    ''        .„  -.  -^——^  -  -£-    as  we   may  infer  from 

"        (ni~mi)       "       (ni~  mi) 
(171),  we  shall  have,  substituting  the  preceding  values  of  mt  and  nt, 




When  £=co,  or  when  the  paraboloid  is  a  plane,  at  =  (a 
b,=2  's/ab,  -which  are  the  values  of  the  semiaxes  of  a  plane  ellipse 

,  .  .      .    a  —  b     1  —  \/i—  *2 
whose  eccentricity  is  -    -r=—  .  as  we  should  have  anti- 

a  +  b     1  +  Vl-«2 

cipated  ;  for  these  are  the  values  found  in  sec.  [77]  and  sec.  [79] 
for  the  axes  of  the  derived  plane  ellipse. 

mn        /I  —  ;V     .  2 
When       m  =  n=l-j,  my=  2=-        =t*,  and  n,=0. 

Hence,  when  the  original  logarithmic  ellipse  is  of  the  circular  form, 
the  first  derived  ellipse  is  a  plane  ellipse. 

When  F=4«6,  (418)  shows  that  m^n,,  or  -^=-J—Qct  as  in 

sec.  [43]  ;  but  mt-=nt,  is  equivalent  to  n  =  m(  V1+./  +  \0')2- 

Whenever  therefore  this  relation  exists  between  the  parameters 
and  modulus  of  the  original  integral,  the  first  derived  integral  will 
represent  the  circular  logarithmic  ellipse,  which  may  be  integrated 
by  functions  of  the  first  and  second  orders.  Accordingly  whenever 
the  above  relation  exists  between  the  parameters,  the  integral  of 
the  third  order  may  be  reduced  to  others  of  the  first  and  second 

If  in  the  second,  third,  or  any  other  of  the  derived  logarithmic 
ellipses  we  can  make  the  parameters  equal,  this  derived  ellipse  will 
be  of  the  circular  form,  and  its  rectification  may  be  effected  by 
integrals  of  the  first  and  second  orders  only  ;  accordingly  the  rec- 
tification of  all  the  logarithmic  ellipses  which  precede  it  in  the  scale 
may  be  effected  by  integrals  of  the  first  and  second  orders  only. 

We  may  repeat  the  remark  made  in  sec.  [79].  The  derived 
functions  of  two  integrals  of  the  logarithmic  form  with  reciprocal 
parameters,  have  themselves  reciprocal  parameters. 

82.]   If  we  now  add  together  (162)  and  (163),  we  shall  have 

4(n-m)  2_          ,          .          r»*     P__ 

r  (n—m)C  dr 

+  2   d<p  VI— 2      , —  1    — g- 

J        r      V  A/TMOT     1  COS3' 


We  must  now  reduce  this  equation  into  functions  of  ^  instead 
of  $,  >|r  and  p  being  connected,  as  before,  by  the  fundamental 

tan  (^ — p)  =j  tan  p. 


The  elements  of  these  transformations  are  given  in  page  69,  namely 

/r-        .    *Jmn  sin  <t>  cos  <p         ,—  . 

2sm2<p=l  +  z/sm2i/r  —  cos>/r  Vl»  and  —  j=       \        T=  vn^my. 

V  1  —  *  sm2<p 

From  this  last  equation  we  may  derive 

(1  —  n  sin9<p)  (1  —  m  sin2<p)=I  (1  —  mt  sin2  ^r)  . 

Now,  as  3>n  = 

1  —  n  sin2  <p 


or,  putting  for  sin2  <p  its  value, 

2  V^  [1—  mysi 

In  the  same  manner,  we  may  find 
<*,  _ 

¥¥l         " 

.  -  p-|  • 

2  Vmw  [1—  ^s 

Adding  these  equations  together,  and  recollecting  that  m  +  n  —  mn  =  i2, 
we  shall  get 

*?xb  ,  +  m$>   ^  V  CT/Psin  ^  +  VOT,  V^  cos  -f  sin  ^  y/I, 

\/»^  [l-m^in2^] 

Now,  as 

«2=  (1  +»(!  —  /),  and  \/mn=  ^ 

In  (186)  we  found 

»«n^      (426) 

Subtracting  this  expression  from  the  preceding,  the  terms  involving 
sin  T/T  will  disappear. 

We  must  now  compute  the  sum  of  the  coefficients  of  1  —  ^=  in 
(420)  and  (426).     Since 

fd<p      (l-H',)f  <ty    ...  (l+^f*8  ,*8     on  ,  -xl 

1     /Y=  —  o~^  1  —  -^>  this  coefficient  becomes      -  '  I  —  H  ---  2(l-f/jJ 


Or  as  in  +  n  =  j2  +  mn,  this  coefficient  may  be  written 

2    ri 2       ~~\ 

Or  as  mn=m.(l  +;)2,  it  becomes  finally,  - — r   - —  1  I.      .     (427) 

l  +  ijLm,       J 

H—  E+S-'M^f-S^-ifdS-1^ (428) 

,_  (l-n 


yl         ^ 

(»— m)  (ft— w»)       1      r  d^/r 

[1  —  mi  si 

Now,  as        n  +  m^=i2  +  mn 
Hence  (n—  m)'2=i4 

and  as  »4=(l+./)9(l~.7)2j  mn=ml(l  +J)12,  substituting 

therefore   w-m2= 

and  as  -^  -  ^5=  (1  +s';)2)  the  expression  will  finally  become 


»—  m   i,       /I  —  m, 
hence  -  =~~ 

If  we  now  add  together  (420),  (425),  (426),  (428),  and  (429|,  we 

shall  have,  dividing  by  (-^^,  putting  %,  for  ^^cos^/r  VI 

V  wm  (1  —  wy  sin2  A/T) 

42_      _mL*JmL_y.  Vmf       f,        ,f 

F=       (l-m,)^        +(1-^)VV 

-  f    d^  A;  f  d^         f  dr 

M^r+V  »J  vrr  J^^J 

Let  us  now  take  the  logarithmic  ellipse  whose  equation  contains 
m,,  nt,  it,  >/r  instead  of  m,  n,  i,  and  <p,  we  shall  have  from  (163), 


If  we  now  subtract  these  equations  one  from  the  other,  combining 
together  like  integrals,  the  integral  of  the  third  order  will  vanish 
and  we  shall  have 



Hence,  as  we  may  express  an  arc  of  a  plane  ellipse  by  an  arc  of  a 
derived  ellipse,  an  integral  of  the  first  order,  and  a  straight  line — 
a  known  theorem — so  we  may  extend  this  analogy  and  express  an 
arc  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse  by  an  arc  of  a  derived  logarithmic 
ellipse,  by  functions  of  the  first  and  second  orders,  by  an  arc  of  a 
parabola  and  by  a  straight  line.  The  relations  between  the  moduli 
and  amplitudes  are  the  same  in  both  cases, 


it  =  - — -.,  and  tan  (ijr  —  p)  =j  tan  <p . 

Let  mn,  n,,,  in,  ty,  be  derived  from  mr  n ,  i,,  ty,  by  the  same  law 
as  these  latter  are  derived  from  m,  n,  z,  <p,  namely, 


it  =  - — -.,  tan  (ijr — <p)  =j  tan  <p,  m  = 



'1— w  +  VI—! 

and  derive  an  arc  of  a  third  logarithmic  ellipse,  we  shall  have, 
putting  A,  B,  C,  D  for  the  coefficients  of  the  integrals,  and  II  for 
the  parabolic  arc, 


-  c'*'+  D'n" 

Multiply  the  first  of  these  equations  by  2  and  add  them,  2y  will  be 
eliminated.  In  this  way  we  may  successively  eliminate  2y,  S/p  2yy/, 
until  ultimately  we  shall  have 

&*—>V  f^         i     i     •*-* 


v  being  the  number  of  operations,  and  denoting  by  F  and  E,  the 
sum  of  the  integrals  of  the  first  and  second  orders,  by  W  the  sum 
of  the  straight  lines,  and  by  II  the  sum  of  the  parabolic  arcs. 


If  in  (401)  and  (416)  we  substitute  the  coefficients  of  the  derived 
integrals  as  transformed  in  (404)  and  (430),  the  relation  between 
the  original  and  the  derived  integrals  of  the  third  order  will  be,  for 
the  circular  form  or  the  spherical  ellipse, 

q+/A      _f  dp 

(l+n  sin2  p)  V  1  —  *2  sin2  p 

\-m      ._ 


.  —  »»sin2p)  \/l — i2sin2p 

(l+n, sin2 i/r)  V 1  - «,2 sin2 
and  for  the  logarithmic  form  or  logarithmic  ellipse, 


—  isinp 


•',     (435) 

i  j   /       »  /  l       i 

83.]  The  preceding  investigations  lead  us  to  consider  a  new  classi- 
fication of  elliptic  integrals,  which,  in  a  geometrical  point  of  view, 
would  seem  to  be  more  natural  than  the  one  at  present  in  use. 
As  the  first  order  is  merely  a  particular  case  of  the  circular  form 
of  the  third,  its  geometrical  type  (the  spherical  parabola)  being 
a  particular  species  of  spherical  conic,  while  the  two  forms  which 
are  classed  under  the  third  order  are  irreducible  one  to  the  other, 
representing,  as  they  do,  curves  of  different  species,  it  would  seem 
a  more  appropriate  division  to  found  their  classification  on  their 
geometrical  types,  the  plane,  the  logarithmic,  and  the  spherical 
ellipses,  which  those  integrals  represent.  Thus  that  which  is  now 
the  second  would  stand  the  first,  the  logarithmic  form  of  the 
third  order  would  hold  the  second  place,  while  the  circular  form 
of  the  third  order,  of  which  the  present  first  order  is  a  particular 
case,  would  occupy  the  third  rank.  However,  as  the  present 
division  has  been  sanctioned  by  time,  and  by  the  great  names  of 
the  founders  of  this  department  of  mathematical  science,  Legendre, 
Jacobi,  Abel,  and  others,  it  would  be  presumptuous  to  propose  to 
change  it.  Besides,  in  a  point  of  view  purely  analytical  (the  view 
of  the  inventors)  the  present  division  of  these  integrals  may  be 
held  to  be  the  most  appropriate  ;  for  example,  it  naturally  presents 
itself  in  the  computation  of  tables  of  the  numerical  values  of  those 


Hitherto  we  have  considered  the  elliptic  integral  or  its  equiva- 
lent, the  arc  of  the  hyperconic  section  cr,  as  a  function  of  its 
amplitude  <p,  or  assumed  as  it  were,  the  amplitude  <p  as  the  inde- 
pendent variable.  But  we  may  reverse  this  course  and  consider 
the  amplitude  as  a  function  of  the  arc  cr  of  the  hyperconic  section. 
A  notation  has  been  devised  by  which  the  amplitude  <p  may  be  ex- 
pressed as  a  function  of  the  integral  or  its  equivalent  a.  When 
the  modulus  of  the  elliptic  integral  is  0,  the  integral  becomes 

Cx      da? 

I   — ^=  or  sin"1^.     Now  this  is  a  function  very  little  used  as 

Jo    Vl-*2 

compared  with  sin  a? ;  so  that  sin  x  is  always  considered  the  direct 
function,  and  sirred?  or  the  arc  the  inverse  function.  The  reason 
of  this  is,  as  I  have  elsewhere  shown,  that  our  acquaintance  with 
circular  functions  is  not  derived  from  the  integral  calculus,  while 
our  knowledge  of  the  properties  of  the  arcs  of  hyperconic  sections 
can  in  no  other  way  be  obtained.  It  will  render  our  language 
more  precise,  if  we  apply  the  term  elliptic  integral  to  those  ex- 
pressions in  which  the  amplitude  is  the  independent  variable,  and 
elliptic  functions  to  these  expressions  in  which  the  arc  is  the  inde- 
pendent variable. 

In  this  way,  writing  sin  p  =  sin  amp.  a,  we  might  develop  a 
great  system  of  trigonometry  for  the  hyperconic  sections.  In  this 
general  system  when  the  modulus  i  =  0,  we  pass  into  circular 
trigonometry,  and  when  the  modulus  z  =  l,  we  may  develop  an 
equally  extensive  system  of  parabolic  trigonometry  as  given  in 
the  first  volume  of  this  work,  p.  313.  In  truth  that  essay  ought 
to  have  been  incorporated  in  this  treatise,  in  which  passing  over 
elliptic  functions,  we  confine  our  researches  to  the  geometrical 
properties  of  elliptic  integrals.  To  enter  on  the  wide  field  of 
elliptic  functions,  or  as  it  may  be  called  the  trigonometry  of  the 
hyperconic  sections,  would  lead  us  very  far  beyond  the  limits  we 
have  prescribed  to  ourselves;  and  it  has,  moreover,  been  amply 
treated  by  Legendre,  Jacobi,  Abel,  and  other  great  continental 

There  are  several  plane  curves  whose  lengths  we  may  express 
by  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order.  For  example,  the  length 
of  the  elliptic  lemniscate,  or  the  locus  of  the  intersections  of 
central  perpendiculars  on  tangents  to  an  ellipse,  is  equal  to  that 
of  a  spherical  ellipse  which  is  supplemental  to  itself,  or  the  sum  of 
whose  principal  arcs  is  equal  to  IT,  as  shown  in  vol.  i.  p.  196.  We 
cannot  represent  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order  generally  by 
the  arcs  of  curves  whose  equations  in  their  simplest  forms  contain 
only  two  constants.  Thus  let  a  and  b  be  the  constants.  We  shall 
have  two  equations  between  the  constants,  the  parameter,  and  the 
modulus  of  the  function,  i  =  i  (a,  b},  n  =  ¥,(a)  b).  Assume  a  as  inva- 


riablc,  and  eliminate  b,  we  shall  have  one  resulting  equation  between 
i,  n,  and  a,  or  F(«,  i,  ri)=Q;  or  n  depends  on  i. 

When  there  are  three  independent  constants,  as  in  the  preceding 
investigations,  a,  b,  and  k,  we  shall  have  z  =  f(«,  b,  k),  n=i'(a,  b,  k) . 
Eliminating  successively  b  and  k,  we  shall  have  two  resulting  equa- 
tions, instead  of  one,  F(a,  k,  i,  ri)=Q,  and  F'(a,  b,  i,  n)  =  0;  or  i 
and  n  depend  on  two  equations,  and  may  therefore  be  independent. 

The  general  fundamental  expressions  for  the  rectification  of  curve 
lines,  whether  of  single  or  double  flexion,  show  that  the  arc  of  a 
curve  may  in  general  be  represented  as  the  sum  of  two  quantities, 
an  integrated  and  a  non-integrated  part ;  or,  as  the  proposition  may 
be  more  briefly  put,  an  arc  of  a  curve  may  be  expressed  as  the  sum 
of  an  integral  and  a  residual.  Thus  the  arc  of  a  plane  ellipse  is 
equal  to  an  integral  and  a  residual,  which  latter  is  a  straight  line. 
An  arc  of  a  parabola  is  the  sum  of  an  integral  and  a  residual,  which 
latter  is  also  a  straight  line.  An  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse  is  the 
sum  of  an  integral  and  a  residual,  the  latter  being  an  arc  of  a 
circle,  while  an  arc  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse  is  made  up  of  two  por- 
tions, one  a  sum  of  integrals,  the  other  (the  residual)  being  an 
arc  of  a  common  parabola.  It  appears  therefore  to  be  an  expendi- 
ture of  skill  in  a  wrong  direction  to  devise  curves  whose  arcs  should 
differ  from  the  corresponding  arcs  of  hyperconic  sections  by  the 
above-named  residuals.  Thus  geometers  have  sought  to  discover 
plane  curves  whose  arcs  should  be  represented  by  elliptic  integrals 
of  the  first  order,  without  any  residual  quantity — the  common 
lemniscate  for  example,  when  the  modulus  has  a  particular  value. 
It  is  possible  that  such  may  be  found.  In  the  same  way,  an  expo- 
nential curve  may  be  devised  whose  arc  shall  be  represented  by  the 

f*  r\fl 

integral  k  \    —*,  instead  of  taking  it  with  the  residual  quantity 

k  tan  6  sec  B  as  the  expression  for  an  arc  of  a  common  parabola. 
Thus  geometers  have  been  led  to  look  for  the  types  of  elliptic  inte- 
grals among  the  higher  orders  of  plane  curves,  overlooking  the 
analogy  which  points  to  the  intersection  of  surfaces  of  the  second 
order  as  the  natural  geometrical  types  of  those  integrals. 

It  has  thus  been  shown  that  the  curves  of  intersection  of  con- 
centric surfaces  of  the  second  order  may  in  all  cases  be  rectified  by 
elliptic  integrals.  When  the  intersecting  surfaces  are  not  con- 
centric, the  rectification  of  the  curve  of  intersection  may  be  reduced 
to  the  integration  of  an  expression  which  may  be  called  an  hyper- 
elliptic  integral. 

The  general  expression  for  the  length  of  an  arc  of  this  curve 
will  be  an  integral  of  the  form 

s  = 

ax4  -f  bx3  +  ex3  -f  ex  +f 

VOL.  II. 


When  the  surfaces  are  symmetrically  placed  and  have  a  common 
plane  of  contact,  the  above  expression  may  be  reduced  to 

s  = 

aa?  +  bx2  +  ex  +  e 

This  form  may  be  reduced  to  an  elliptic  integral. 

When,  moreover,  the  surfaces  are  concentric  and  symmetrically 
placed,  the  preceding  expression  may  still  further  be  simplified  to 

r  =  I  dx  A  / 

0.x2-  +  fix  +  7 
ax2  -f  bos  +  c 

which  is  the  general  form  for  elliptic  integrals. 

We  can  perceive  therefore  that  the  solution  of  the  general 
problem,  to  determine  the  length  of  the  curve  in  which  two  sur- 
faces of  the  second  order  may  intersect,  investigated  under  its  most 
general  form,  far  transcends  the  present  powers  of  analysis.  It  is 
only  when  one  of  the  surfaces  becomes  a  plane,  or  when  they  are 
concentric  and  symmetrically  placed,  that  the  problem  under  these 
restricted  conditions  admits  of  a  complete  solution. 

We  may  hence  also  surmise  how  vast  are  the  discoveries  which 
still  remain  to  be  explored  in  the  wide  regions  of  the  integral  cal- 
culus. We  see  how  questions  which  arise  from  the  investigation 
of  problems,  based  on  the  most  elementary  geometrical  forms 
(surfaces  of  the  second  order)  baffle  the  utmost  powers  of  a  refined 
analysis,  with  all  the  aids  of  modern  improvements.  It  is  not  a 
little  curious,  that  nearly  all  the  branches  of  modern  analysis,  such 
as  plane  and  spherical  trigonometry,  the  doctrine  of  logarithms 
and  exponentials,  with  the  theory  of  elliptic  integrals,  may  all  be 
derived  from  the  investigation  of  one  geometrical  problem — to 
determine  the  length  of  an  arc  of  the  intersecting  curve  of  two 
surfaces  of  the  second  order. 

In  the  logarithmic  hyperconic  sections,  we  may  develop  pro- 
perties analogous  to  those  found  in  the  spherical  and  plane 
sections,  if  we  substitute  parabolic  arcs  for  arcs  of  great  circles  in 
the  one,  and  for  straight  lines  in  the  other.  Here  follow  a  few  of 
those  theorems. 

1.  From  any  point  on  a  parabolic  section  of  the  paraboloid  let 
two  parabolas  be  drawn  touching  the  logarithmic  ellipse  or  the 
logarithmic  hyperbola,  the  parabolic  arcs  joining  the  points  of 
contact  will  all  pass  through  one  point  on  the  surface  of  the  para- 

2.  If  a  hexagon,  whose  sides  are  parabolic  arcs,  be  inscribed  in 
a  logarithmic  ellipse  or  logarithmic  hyperbola,  the  opposite  para- 
bolic arcs  will  meet  two  by  two  on  a  parabola. 

3.  If  a  hexagon,  whose  sides  are  parabolas,  be  circumscribed  to 


a  logarithmic  ellipse,  the  parabolic  arcs  joining  the  opposite  ver- 
tices will  pass  through  a  fixed  point  on  the  surface  of  the  para- 

4.  If  through  the  centre  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse  or  logarithmic 
hyperbola  two  parabolic  arcs  are  drawn  at  right  angles  to  each 
other,  meeting  the  curve  in  two  points,  and  parabolic  arcs  be 
drawn   touching   the   curve   in  these  points,  they  will  meet  on 
another  logarithmic  ellipse  or  logarithmic  hyperbola. 

5.  If  a  circle  whose  radius  is  a  be  described  on  the  surface  of 
the  paraboloid,  and  therefore  touching  the  logarithmic  ellipse  or 
the  logarithmic  hyperbola  at  the  extremities  of  its  major  axis,  and 
from  the  extremities  of  any  diameter  two  parabolic  arcs  be  drawn 
to  any  third  point  on  the  circle,  if  one  of  these  parabolic  arcs 
touches  the  logarithmic  ellipse  or  the  logarithmic  hyperbola,  the 
other  will  pass  through  a  fixed  point  on  the  surface  of  the  para- 

6.  If  on  the  paraboloid  we  describe  a  circle  whose  radius  is 
V«2±^  and  if  from  the  extremities  of  any  diameter  of  this  circle 

we  draw  parabolic  arcs  touching  the  logarithmic  ellipse  or  the 
logarithmic  hyperbola,  these  tangent  parabolic  arcs  will  meet  on 
the  circle. 

These  theorems  will  suffice.  There  would  be  little  difficulty  in 
extending  the  list.  In  fact  nearly  all  the  projective  properties  of 
straight  lines  and  conic  sections  on  a  plane  may  be  transformed 
into  analogous  properties  of  great  circles  and  spherical  conic  sec- 
tions on  the  surface  of  a  sphere,  and  of  parabolic  arcs  and  loga- 
rithmic sections  on  the  surface  of  a  paraboloid. 



84.]  The  properties  of  the  Logarithmic  Ellipse  and  the  Loga- 
rithmic Hyperbola  have  the  same  analogy  to  the  paraboloid  of 
revolution  that  spherical  conies  have  to  a  sphere,  or  which  conic 
sections  bear  to  a  plane.  To  determine  the  areas  of  these  curves, 
or  rather  the  portions  of  surface  of  the  paraboloid  bounded  by 
them,  is  a  problem  not  undeserving  of  investigation. 

The  Logarithmic  ellipse  has  been  defined  in  Chapter  IV.  as  the 
curve  of  intersection  of  a  paraboloid  of  revolution  with  an  elliptic 
cylinder  whose  axis  coincides  with  that  of  the  paraboloid. 

The  Logarithmic  hyperbola,  in  like  manner,  has  been  defined  in 
Chapter  V.  as  the  curve  of  intersection  of  a  paraboloid  of  revolution 


with  a  cylinder  whose  base  is  an  hyperbola,  and  whose  axis  coincides 
with  that  of  the  paraboloid. 

Through  the  vertex  Z  of  the  paraboloid  let  two  parabolas  be 
drawn  indefinitely  near  to  each  other,  ZP,  ZQ,  and  let  two  planes 

indefinitely  near  to  each  other  at  right  angles  to  the  axis  OZ  cut 
the  parabolas  in  the  points  u,  u1,  v}  v1. 

The  little  trapezoid  uvu'v'  is  the  element  of  the  surface ;  and  if 
the  normal  un  makes  the  angle  /JL  with  the  axis  OZ,  d-fy  being  the 
elementary  angle  between  the  planes,  uu'  =  ktan.fjidty,  k  being  the 
semiparameter  of  the  generating  parabola. 

Hence     the     elementary    trapezoid 

Now    uv  =  ds= 

,  . 
uvu'v'  = 


cos4  p. 

f       f  sin/*  j 
Integrating  this  expression,  area = k2 1  d-^r  I  — ^—  dp ;     .     (436) 

or  performing  the  integration  with  respect  to  fi} 

K*  C 
area =-^- 1  dty  sec3  p  +  constant. 


Now  when  the  area  is  0,  sec/u=l,  and  therefore 

=  —  —  I  oS/r. 

constant  =  —  —  I  oSr.     Whence 


This  is  the  general  expression  for  the  surface  of  a  paraboloid 
between  two  principal  planes,  and  bounded  by  a  curve. 

When  this  curve  is  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  let  the  area  be  put 

We  must  now  express  -fy  and  /*  as  functions  of  another  variable,  6. 

Let  x=aco&0,  y  =  bsin0,  the  base  of  the  cylinder  being  the 

at*    v2 
ellipse   whose   equation    is    —  +  j^  =  ^>      ^   is   the    angle   which 

CL         0 

V#2+y2  makes  with  the  axis  a. 

•vr  V       b  .          ,. 

JNow  tan  -ur  =  -:=:-  tan  0.        (438) 

x     a 

and  d^=-g 27.  ,2  .  ,a (439) 

*t-  Asxaal  H     I     /,  -  o i  > *  £  H 


therefore  secV=VfV  "^  >™°  v£ v<v  ~r"  ;ai"  v.      .     (440) 

Hence  substituting  these  -values  in  (437),  we  get  for  the  area 

I   -LJ-LJ    I    -^—  ~^"     *"»"Q     1  '     -. .     •     •  ^  •*  I 

v  .       (441) 


t  being  the  modulus  and  e2  the  parameter,  as  in  (15). 


The  above  expression  may  be  written 


a2  cos2  0  +  62  sin  0)  V  (#2  +  «2)  -  («2  -  #*)  sin2  0. 



-  «2  -  *2  sin2  0 

-.    (443) 


1  + 

Therefore,  integrating  the  preceding  expression, 
r      1=  A0 

3        C 

T^J  [1  -e2  si 

sin2  0}  Vl-i2sin20 

—  i2  sin2  0 


.      (444) 

Hence  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  or  rather  the  area  of 
the  paraboloid  bounded  by  the  logarithmic  ellipse,  may  be  ex- 
pressed as  a  sum  of  elliptic  integrals  of  the  first,  second,  and  third 
orders,  with  a  circular  arc. 

Since 5—  >    2     /2,  e2  >i2,  or  the  function  of  the  third  order  is 

a*        a2  +  /fc2' 
of  the  circular  form.     Assume  a  spherical  conic  section  such  that 

a  f>  nZ—Kt 

tana  =  7, 

therefore      — -cos«= 
tan  a 



sin2  e= 

Combining  the  first  and  last  terms  of  the  preceding  equation,  they 

-*  ftan-t(* 

tan  0- 

cos  a  I r 

J  [1 — e2sii 

sn  em 

in*  01' 

Now  this  is  the  expression  for  the  surface  of  a  segment  of  a  sphe- 
rical ellipse  whose  principal  angles  are  2«  and  2B,  as  shown  in 
sec.  [8].  Let  this  be  S. 


In  the  next  place,       k 

is  a  portion  of  the  elliptic  cylinder  whose  altitude  is  k,  and  the 
semiaxes  of  whose  base  are  V^2  4-  ^2  and  v^2  +  k*2.     Let  this  be  C, 


abk      C         d0 

^+1V  Vl-^si 

is  an  expression  for  an  arc  of  the  spherical  parabola  whose  focal 
distance  is  one  half  the  focal  distance  of  the  former.  Let  this  be 
denoted  by  P. 

Hence,  if  we  denote  the  entire  surface  round  Z  by  [LE] , 

3[LE]=4AC  +       7    gP-4*2S.       .     .     (445) 

Or  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  expressed  as  a  sum 
of  the  arcs  of  a  plane  ellipse,  of  a  spherical  ellipse,  and  of  a  sphe- 
rical parabola,  multiplied  by  constant  linear  coefficients. 

85. J  To  find  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola. 

The  general  expression  for  the  area,  as  in  (437),  is  — J  (sec3  p—  1)  di|r. 
Now,  the  equation  of  the  base  of  the  hyperbolic  cylinder  being 

f*~         ti 

***  */  1         1       i  /\  Z.J./1  /  A   A  f*\ 

g     ——  I      |f*T  y  ^—  ft  sf*f*  f/      7/  ~~~  f)  L JlTl  \j  (4<4iO } 

a2     A2       ' 

V     b   .    „ 

then  tan  y = ^-  =  -  sin  V. 

x     a 

and  aT = i cos#d#,  cos2 


T     -  ,  =  . 

cos2  t/r     a  a2  +  62  sin2  0 

ab  cos  0d0 

.  .      ,. 
a2  +  Zr  sm2  0 

2  •     r2 
Since  tan-4  /i  =     = 




Let  [LY]  denote  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola,  then 

-y  f 



Let  V  be  put  for  *«  cos2  0  +  a2  +  b*  sin2  0}     ....     (448) 

and  the  last  equation  will  become 





cos2  e 

and  this  may  be  written  in  the  form 


,  — -— g 
A:2  +  a2 

and  the  preceding  equation  may  be  written 



cos20  yl- 
a  (/r— flz)2r          Ad 



.     (449) 

and  as  (1  —  m)  (l  +  ri)=I  —  i2,  m=~ — — ,  and  (47)  gives 

CL    -J-  K 

/l  +  ^\T  d^        /I—  m\C  &6 
\   n    /JN  Vl~^    m   /JM  VI 

-  JL  r  ^          1          _,  /  \lrnn  sin  ^  cos  ^\ 
mnj  Vl      Vm»  V  VI  ' 



l  +  w\     ,_f  d0        fl-m\     , C  M 





i2     C  A0 

I  — =  -4-  tan~ 

'mnj  VI  L 

_i  f  Vww  sin  $  cos  0 

.    .     (451) 



'  mn=- 

+  • 





.    (452) 

Now,  if  Y  be  an  arc  of  the  plane  hyperbola  of  which  ^k^—b*  is  the 
transverse  axis,  and  i  the  reciprocal  of  the  eccentricity,  we  shall 

ababaz  +  b*   C      A0 

V«2+>fc2Jcos26' VI' 


And  if  we  take  the  spherical  ellipse  whose  principal  semiangles, 
a  and  /3,  are  given  by  the  equations 

b  b 

we  shall  have      sin2e= 




-.,    also  i/r= tan"1/ -sin 0|. 

Hence  the  sum  of  the  first  and  last  terms  may  be  written 

r,     tan/3          f  d0  ~1 

^  --  cos  a  I  : 

tan  a         J  [l  _e2sin2^]  Vl  -sin2esm2^J 

and  this  expression  is  S,  the  value  of  the  area  of  the  spherical 
ellipse  («/3),  as  shown  in  (13)  . 

Now,  let  $|  be  the  transverse  axis  of  the  auxiliary  hyperbola; 

VOL.  II. 


Hence  the  coefficient  of  I  —  —  •-  may  be  written  -p  ~**j>  and  the  equa- 

J   V  1 
tion  (452)  finally  assumes  the  form 

3*[LY]  =oft  [Y  +  ^j  f~]  -A»S  +•*»  tan"  [jV/^sin£cos^J  < 

Or  the  area  of  the  logarithmic  hyperbola  may  be  expressed  as  a 
sum  of  the  arcs  of  a  common  hyperbola,  of  a  spherical  ellipse,  of  a 
spherical  parabola,  and  of  a  circular  arc,  multiplied  by  constant 

There  is  one  particular  case  in  which  the  area  of  the  logarithmic 
hyperbola  may  be  represented  by  a  very  simple  expression.  Let 
k  =  b  ;  then,  if  we  turn  to  (448),  V=a2-f  W-,  and  1  =  1,  since  i  =  0. 
Hence  (452)  may  be  changed  into 

3  [LY]  =  a  *JtfTb*  tan  0  +  &  tan-1  (     .-^—-  tan  0\ 

+  62tan-1(  -  4=  =a  sin  0  cos  0}  -b*  tan-1  (-sin  0]  ; 
\aV«2  +  ^2  \a         ' 

and  this  expression  may  be  reduced  to 

8[LY]=a     '  "  '   ' ~"  '      "'} 

Y,  (455) 


a  value  entirely  independent  of  elliptic  integrals,  and  which  may 
be  represented  by  a  straight  line  and  the  difference  of  two  circular 



86.]  There  is  a  particular  class  of  plane  curves,  of  which  the 
lemniscate  of  Bernoulli  is  an  example,  to  which  the  principles 
established  in  the  foregoing  pages  may  be  applied  with  much 

Definition. — This  entire  class  of  curves  may  be  defined  by  the 
following  property.  The  square  of  the  rectangle  under  the  radii 
vectores  drawn  from  the  foci  to  any  point  on  the  curve  is  equal  to 
a  constant,  plus  or  minus  the  square  of  the  semidiameter  passing 
through  this  point  multiplied  by  a  constant  quantity. 


Let  Q,  Q!  be  the  foci,  and  O  the  centre,  p,  p,  r  the  lines  drawn 

Fig.  28. 

from  these  points  to  any  point  on  the  curve.     Let  OQ,=OQ'  =  c, 
and  let  /be  a  variable  constant. 
Then  by  the  definition 

p*p,*=C*±f*iA  .........     (a) 

But  p2p/2  =  (*?  +  y2)  2  +  c4  +  2cV  -  2c2#2, 

and  r2=a?2  +  y2; 

hence  (a?2  +  y2)2  =(/*  +  &;  Vs  +  (/2-2c2)y2.      .     .     (456) 

This  is  the  general  equation  of  the  curve,  which  assumes  different 
forms  as  we  assign  varying  values  to  /  and  c.  Some  examples 
may  be  given. 

(«)  Let  c  =  0,  or/=oo  ,  the  equation  is  that  of  a  circle. 
(/3)  Let/2>2c2,  and  make/2  +  2c2=a2,  /2-2c2=62, 
the  equation  will  become         (x2  -f  y2)2  =  a2#2  +  b'zy2. 

This  is  the  equation  o£  a  curve  which  may  be  called  the  elliptic 
lemniscate.  It  is  the  locus,  as  is  well  known,  of  the  intersection 
of  central  perpendiculars  with  tangents  to  an  ellipse  ;  and  its  recti- 
fication has  been  fully  investigated  in  vol.  i.  p.  196. 

(y)  Let  /2  =  2c2.  The  equation  becomes  (#2+y2)2=4cV,  or 
the  equation  is  that  of  two  equal  circles  in  external  contact. 

(8)  Let/2<2c2.     The  equation  becomes 

(a*  +  y*)*=(2(?+f*)a?-(2<*-f*)y*,  and 

(e)  Let/2=0.     The  equation  becomes  (#2+y2)2= 
or  the  equation  is  that  of  the  lemniscate  of  Bernoulli. 

(f)  Let  f2,  passing  through  0,  be  taken  with  a  negative  sign. 
The  equation  in  this  case  becomes 


In  one  case  only  does  the  equation  of  the  lemniscate  in  its  general 

form  coincide  with  that  of  Cassini's  ellipse,  namely  when/=0 

and  h=c,  A2  being  the  product  of  the  radii  vectores  from  the  foci. 

The  definition  of  Cassini's  ellipse  being  "  a  curve  such  that  the 


product  of  the  radii  vectores  drawn  from  two  fixed  points,  the  foci, 
to  a  third  point  on  the  curve,  shall  be  constant  and  equal  to  ti2" 
its  equation  will  obviously  be,  2c  being  the  distance  between  the 

A4-c4=(#2  +  y2)2-2c2(#2-#2);    ....     (b) 

when  h=c,     (#2  +  2T2)2=2c2(#2-y2)  ......     (c) 

This  is  the  equation  of  the  lemniscate  of  Bernoulli. 

These  elliptic  lemniscates  may  also  be  denned  as  the  orthogonal 
projections  of  the  curves  of  symmetrical  intersection  of  a  paraboloid 
of  revolution  with  cones  of  the  second  degree,  having  their  centres 
at  the  vertex  of  the  paraboloid.  Let  a  and  /3  be  the  principal 
semiangles  of  one  of  the  cones.  Its  equation  is 



Let  the  equation  of  the  paraboloid  be  #2  +  y2  -f  2kz. 

Eliminating  z,  the  equation  of  the  projection  of  the  curve  of  inter- 

section will  become 

(#2  +  y2)2=«2#2  +  6y  ......     (457) 

When  the  section  is  an  ellipse,  the  equation  of  this  curve  is,  as 

2k  2k 

Make  tana=  —  ,  tan/3=y,  and  the  equation  of  the  cone  becomes 

On  the  Hyperbolic  Lemniscate. 
87.]  The  equation  of  the  lemniscate  in  this  case  is 

Following  the  steps  indicated  in  sec.  [86] ,  we  shall  find 

dX2     «2cos2X-62sin2X' 


the  limits  of  X  are  0  and  tan"1  T. 


Assume  8in2\=_-  _^?    -  .  (b) 

a262  -f  a4  sin2  <p  -f  b4  cos2  <p 

The  limits  of  <p,  corresponding  to  X=0  and  X=tan-1  -?,  are 

<p  =  0,   and  <p=-  .........     (c) 


Substituting  this  value  of  sin2  \  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  shall 

dX     cos<p 
From  (b)  we  may  derive 

dX  a*b 



Multiplying  the  two  latter  equations  together  and  reducing,  we  get 
a3  dip 

When  a  =  6,  or  when  the  lemniscate  is  that  of  Bernoulli,  there 
results  the  well-known  expression 

When  a  >  b  the  integral  is  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form  ; 
but  when  a<b  the  integral  is  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic 
form.  That  it  is  of  the  logarithmic  form  may  thus  be  shown. 

Let  -_JL?Mj  and  *2=-H— r»- 

Hence  i2~m==^(a2  +  62)>    .......     (460) 

or  i2  is  greater  than  m  ;  but  we  know  that  the  form  is  logarithmic 
when  the  square  of  the  modulus  is  greater  than  the  parameter, 
when  it  is  affected  with  a  negative  sign. 

This  is  a  remarkable  result.  All  analysts  know  the  impossibility 
of  transforming  the  circular  form  into  the  logarithmic,  or  vice  versa, 
by  any  other  than  an  imaginary  transformation  ;  the  utmost  efforts 
of  the  most  accomplished  analysts  have  been  exhausted  in  the 
attempt;  yet  in  this  particular  case  their  geometrical  connexion 
is  very  close.  The  modulus  and  the  parameter  are  connected  by 
the  equation 

2j   .......     (461) 

the  upper  sign  to  be  taken  in  the  circular  form,  the  lower  in  the 

There  are  two  distinct  cases  to  be  considered  —  when  a  is  greater 
than  b,  and  when  a  is  less  than  b. 


Case  I.  a>b. 

Let  a  plane  ellipse  be  constructed  whose  principal  semiaxes  A 
and  B  are  given  by  the  equations 

!,     B2=a2,     ......     (f) 

and  let  a  sphere  be  described  from  the  centre  of  this  ellipse  with  a 

B2  =  ==K. 

Then  we  can  find,  as  follows,  the  length  of  an  arc  of  the  spherical 
ellipse,  the  intersection  of  the  sphere  whose  radius  is  R  with  the 
cylinder  standing  on  the  ellipse  whose  semiaxes  are  A  and  B. 





s/  —      _ 
sm     _=5_ 

R2~     a2 

-,  cos*  a  =  -41 

cosx:p  =  -3j 

R  cos  /3  _ 
cos  a  sin  a     6  (a9—  i 

We  have  also 

R  cos  /3  cos  «_  _  atP 
sin  a        ~(a2  —  b*)  V^ 

2   _2-22- 
tan  e  — 

cos  a 

sin2  a-  sin2  /3 

sm  a 

9    .     70' 

a2  +  62 


Substituting  these  values  in  (46)  the  expression  for  an  arc  of  a 
spherical  ellipse  with  a  positive  parameter,  and  writing  s  for  the 
arc,  we  get 




J  V 


[  .  (462) 



Comparing  this  with  (459) ,  we  find 

or  the  difference  between  an  arc  of  a  hyperbolic  lemniscate  and  an 
arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse  may  be  expressed  by  an  integral  of  the 
first  order,  together  with  a  circular  arc.  When  a=b,  the  radius 
of  the  sphere  is  infinite,  the  sphere  becomes  a  plane,  so  that  it  is 
not  possible  to  express  an  arc  of  a  spherical  ellipse  by  the  common 

Case  II.  Let  b>a. 

In  this  case  the  arc  of  the  hyperbolic  lemniscate  may  be  ex- 
pressed by  an  arc  of  a  logarithmic  ellipse  of  a  particular  species,  or 
one  whose  parameter  and  modulus  are  connected  by  the  relation 
given  in  (461). 

Resuming  the  expression  in  (459)  for  the  arc  of  the  hyperbolic 


^  S  ~        w  V      T  M 

22                          62  , 

__  =<m.          . — «*  •        1 



m  +  n— mn=i2,    n= 

Let  &  and  &  be  the  semiaxes  of  the  base  of  the  elliptic  cylinder, 
k  the  parameter  of  the  paraboloid  whose  intersection  with  the 
cylinder  gives  the  logarithmic  ellipse.  Assume  for  the  principal 
semi-  major  axis  of  the  elliptic  base 

m,  n, 

In  (171)  we  found  the  following  relations  between  &,iS,  k 

nz=mn(l—n)     W_mn(l—m} 
A2~~  (n-m)2'    A2"'   (n-m)^' 

and  as  we  assume  &  =  V«2  +  62,  we  get,  substituting  for  m  and  n 
their  values  in  terms  of  a  and  b,  the  semiaxes  of  the  hyperbola 

98=—,  and  &=— - — ,  ...          (k) 

«  a2  \/62— a2 

In  (163)  we  found  for  the  equation  of  the  logarithmic  ellipse 


measured  from  the  minor  axis,  and  multiplied  by  the  undetermined 
factor  Q, 

or.v         (l-m\    /—  7nf  _  d? 
20,2,=  —  I  -  1  ymnkQ,]-;-,  —    —  .  2   -,     /,      .*  . 

\    m    /  J  [l-wsm2<p]  Vl.-«2s 

\.  .  (464) 

__    Q- 

I£  in  this  equation  we  substitute  for  m,  n,  and  k  their  values  as  given 

(^  _  ifyi\       __ 
-  }  \imnkQ,  with  the 

coefficient  —  of  the  expression  for  the  lemniscate  in  (459), 

we  shall  find 


hence  the  last  equation,  substituting  this  value  of  Q;,  will  become 


abb  C  d<p      fflrA2 — a?\ 2  V«2  +  b*  ~ 

— !     ,..     <P 

Jd(p  ^fl 
Vi  ~ 

or  the  swm  of  an  arc  of  a  hyperbolic  lemniscate  and  of  an  arc  of  a 
logarithmic  ellipse  may  be  expressed  as  a  sum  of  integrals  of  the 
first  and  second  orders  with  a  circular  arc. 
When  6= a,  the  above  expression  will  become 


In  this  case  the  parameter  of  the  paraboloid  becomes  infinite, 
and  therefore  the  paraboloid  a  plane,  just  as  the  sphere  became  a 
plane  in  the  last  case  ;  so  that  we  cannot  express  integrals  of  the 
third  order,  whether  circular  or  logarithmic,  by  an  arc  of  a  common 

Although  the  lemniscates  may  be  rectified  by  elliptic  integrals  of 
the  third  order,  as  well  circular  as  logarithmic,  yet  these  curves 
cannot  be  accepted  as  general  representatives  of  integrals  of  the 
third  order,  because,  in  the  functions  which  represent  those  curves, 
the  parameters  and  the  moduli  are  connected  by  an  invariable 
relation,  as  in  (461).  Thus  the  elliptic  lemniscate,  whatever  be 
the  ratio  of  the  axes  of  the  generating  plane  ellipse,  can  be  repre- 
sented only  by  a  particular  species  of  spherical  ellipse,  that  whose 
principal  arcs  are  supplemental. 





THE    MOTION    OF    A    RIGID    BODY 


"  Quant  am  sciences  des  phenomenes  nnturels,  nous  nc  doutons  point  que  Jes  surfaces 
du  second  degr6  ne  doivent  s'y  presenter  aussi  dans  un  grand  noiubre  de  questions,  et  y 
joiior  un  role  uussi  important  que  celui  des  sections  coniques  dans  le  systeme  planetaire." 
— CHASLES,  Apcrfu  Historiqiic,  p.  251. 

VOL.   II. 



88.]  We  shall  now  proceed  to  apply  the  principles  developed  in 
the  foregoing  pages  to  the  investigation  of  a  physical  problem  of 
much  celebrity  and  great  interest  in  Astronomy — :the  motion  of 
rotation  of  a  rigid  body  round  a  fixed  point.  The  discovery  of  the 
geometrical  properties  of  elliptic  integrals  may  be  applied  with 
singular  felicity  to  the  illustration  of  the  complicated  motions  of 
the  several  axes  of  this  body,  the  spirals,  curves,  and  cones  described 
by  them  during  its  rotation  round  the  fixed  point.  Let  this  point 
be  taken  as  the  origin  of  three  rectangular  coordinates,  their  direc- 
tion being  arbitrary  as  well  with  respect  to  the  body  as  to  absolute 
space.  Let  us,  moreover,  make  the  supposition  that  the  body  is 
not  subject  to  the  action  of  accelerating  forces,  but  in  a  state  of 
motion  originated  by  a  single  impulse,  or  by  any  number  of  single 
impulses,  which  may  be  combined  into  one.  This  may  be  consi- 
dered as  the  normal  state  of  the  rotation  of  a  body ;  because  if  it 
should  besides  be  subjected  to  accelerating  forces,  such  new  forces 
will  introduce  variations  into  the  arbitrary  constants  of  the  problem. 
It  has,  moreover,  the  advantage  of  admitting  a  complete  solution ; 
we  are  not  compelled  to  have  recourse  to  approximations.  It 
will  be  shown  that  the  curves  which  the  final  integrals  represent 
are  spherical  conic  sections — curves  which  may  as  easily  be  deter- 
mined, from  the  principles  laid  down  in  the  preceding  chapters,  by 
means  of  the  constants  which  enter  into  the  integrals,  and  the  am- 
plitudes of  those  functions,  as  the  arc  of  a  circle  may  be  ascertained 
when  we  know  its  radius  and  the  angle  which  the  arc  subtends  at 
the  centre.  Hitherto  there  has  not  been  any  attempt  made,  at 
least  so  far  as  the  author  is  aware,  to  carry  the  solution  further 
than  to  show  that  as  the  final  integrals  involve  the  square  roots  of 
quadrinomial  expressions  with  respect  to  the  independent  variable, 
they  might  be  reduced  to  the  usual  forms  of  elliptic  functions. 
Bui  these  integral*  have  not  been  interpreted  so  as  to  give  a 
graphic  representation  of  the  motion,  by  means  of  the  properties 
of  those  functions. 

Assuming  the  usual  definition  of  the  moment  of  inertia  of  a  body 
with  respect  to  a  certain  straight  line  (that  it  is  the  sum  of  all  the 
constituent  elements  of  the  body,  each  multiplied  into  the  square 
of  its  distance  from  this  axis) ,  we  shall  briefly  give  the  usual  method 
of  finding  it. 

Let  the  given  axis  make  the  angles  X,  /JL,  v,  with  the  axes  of 
coordinates,  R  being  the  distance  of  one  of  the  elements  dm  from 
the  origin,  and  0  the  angle  which  this  line  makes  with  the  axis. 
The  distance,  therefore,  of  the  particle  dm  from  the  axis  is  R  sin  6 ; 
and  the  moment  of  inertia  round  this  axis  is  the  sum  or  integral  of 


all  the  terms,  such  as  R2  sin2  0dm,  which  the  body  affords.    Writing 
H  for  the  moment  of  inertia  round  this  axis, 

H=Jdm[Rsin0]2,      .....     (466) 

the  integral  being  extended  to  the  whole  mass  of  the  body.     H  is 
therefore  a  quantity  of  five  dimensions. 

To  transform  this  integral  into  another,  which  shall  contain  the 
rectangular  coordinates  xyz  of  the  particle  dm.     We  have 

Ecos  6=x  cosX+y  cos  /*  +z  cos  v; 

deriving  the  value  of  sin  d  from  this  expression,  and  substituting  it 
in  (466),  we  get 

—  2  cos//,  cos  v  §dmyz  —  2  cosX  cos  v  §dmxz—  2  cosX  cos/it  Jdm^ry  j 

Now  these  six  integrals  depend  solely  on  the  assumed  position  of 
the  coordinate  planes  with  respect  to  the  body,  and  not  on  the  posi- 
tion of  the  axis  of  moments,  which  is  determined  by  the  angles 
X,  p,  v.  These  integrals,  referred  to  the  same  system  of  coordi- 
nates, will  therefore  be  the  same  for  every  assumed  axis.  Let  them 
be  computed  and  designated  as  follows  — 


.  j 

The  value  of  H  may  now  be  written, 

H=L  cos2X-f  M  cos2//,  +  NCOS*  i/—2U  cos  /x  cos  v)       (A,ra\ 
—  2V  cos  X  cos  v  —  2W  cos  X  cos  p,  j 

We  may  reduce  this  expression  to  represent  a  straight  line 
drawn  from  the  origin  to  some  curved  surface,  by  the  following 
transformations  : 

=nA,  M=nA;,  N=nA//,| 
=nB,  V=nB,,  W=nB//.j 

let  H=nP2,  L=nA,  M=nA;,  N=nA/ 

Substitute  these  values,  and  divide  by  the  cubical  constant  n, 
equation  (469)  becomes 

A  cos2X+  A;  cos2/*  +  A/;  cos'v—  2B  CQSJJ,  cos  v|          ..„  . 
—  2By  cos  X  cos  v  —  2BW  cos  X  cos  p  =  P2  j 

Now  this,  as  may  easily  be  shown,  is  the  expression  for  the 
length  of  a  perpendicular  let  fall  from  the  centre  of  a  surface  of 
the  second  order  on  a  tangent  plane  to  this  surface.  As  the  coeffi- 


cients  L,  M,  N  are  necessarily  finite  and  positive,  the  coefficients 
of  the  surface  A,  A,,  A/;,  which  have  a  given  ratio  to  the  former, 
must  also  be  finite  and  positive.  The  surface  is  therefore  an  ellip- 
soid. That  the  above  expression  represents  such  a  perpendicular 
may  be  shown  as  follows. 

89.]   The  tangential  equation  of  a  surface  of  the  second  order 
(see  vol.  i.  p.  66),  the  origin  being  at  the  centre,  is 

w  +  2B/fC+2B//fi;=l.     .     (472) 

In  this  equation  £,  v,  %  denote  the  reciprocals  of  the  portions  of 
the  axes  of  coordinates  between  the  origin  and  the  variable  tangent 
plane,  supposed  to  envelop  the  surface  in  every  successive  possible 
position.  The  squared  reciprocal  of  the  perpendicular  from  the 
centre  on  the  tangent  plane  is  £?  +  y2  +  £2.  If  X,  ft,  v  denote  the 
angles  which  this  perpendicular  Py  makes  with  the  axes  of  coordi- 
nates, cosX=Py£,  cos/-i=PyU,  cosv=P/£.  Substituting  these  values 
of  f,  v,  %  in  the  preceding  equation,  and  multiplying  by  P,2,  we  find 

A  cos2  X  +  A;  cos2  jj,  +  A/;  cos2  v  +  2B  cos  //,  cos  j>) 
+  2B;  cos  \  cos  v  +  2B/;  cos  \  cos  ^  =  Py2  j  ' 

an  equation  which  coincides  with  (471)  ;  hence  Py=P. 

If  we  divide  (469)  by  P2,  and  introduce  the  quantities  £,  v,  £  by 
the  help  of  the  equations  cos  X=  P£,  cos  fj,  =  Py,  cos  v  =  P£,  H  =  nP2, 
we  shall  find 

L^+Mva  +  N?-2U£i;-2VfS-2W£i;=n.       .     (474) 

It  is  shown  in  the  first  volume  of  this  work,  p.  63,  that,  if  x,  y,  z 
denote  the  projective  coordinates  of  the  point  of  contact  of  the 
tangent  plane  to  the  surface, 


Let  xlylzl  denote  the  coordinates  of  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular 
P  on  the  tangent  plane;  then  as  Pcos\=a?;,  andP£=cos\,#y=P2|;; 
in  like  manner,  y;=P2y,  zt—^^  :  whence 

U£.     .     .     (476) 
-*)  =  (N  -nP2)£-Uu  -  V|  ) 

Now,  writing  T  for  the  distance  measured  along  the  tangent 
plane  between  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  upon  it  from  the 
centre,  and  the  point  of  contact  of  this  tangent  plane,  xt—x,  y(  —  y, 
z,—z  are  the  projections  of  T  upon  the  three  coordinate  axes.  It 


is  also  evident  that  (xyf^,  (xyz],  and  (0,0,0)  are  the  projective 
coordinates  of  the  three  angles  of  the  right-angled  triangle  whose 
vertex  is  at  the  centre  and  whose  base  is  T. 

It  may  easily  be  shown,  and  we  may  therefore  assume,  that  the 
orthogonal  projections  of  the  area  of  this  triangle  upon  the  coor- 
dinate planes  of  xy,  yz,  and  xz  are 

\y(x-x)-x(y-y}'\,  0(y,-y)-y  (*,-*)],)    > 

and  \x(zt—  z}—  z(x,—  x)~\  ) 

If  we  substitute  in  these  expressions  the  values  of  the  projective 
coordinates,  which  may  be  deduced  from  (476)  ,  writing  A  for  the 
area  of  this  triangle,  and  A/,,  Am;,  Aw,  for  its  projections  on  the 
coordinate  planes  of  yx,  xz,  and  xy,  (I,,  m,,  n,  being  the  direction 
cosines  which  a  normal  to  the  plane  of  A  makes  with  the  axes  of 
x,  y,  z  respectively)  ,  we  shall  have 

.    (478) 
=P2[(L  -M)£u-(Vi;-U£)(;-W(t;2-f)] 

We  shall  discover  the  dynamical  illustrations  of  these  expressions 
further  on. 

90.]  To  determine  the  axes  of  figure  of  the  ellipsoid. 

It  is  manifest,  whenever  the  distance  T  between  the  foot  of  the 
perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  the  tangent  plane,  and  the  point 
of  contact  of  this  tangent  plane  with  the  surface,  vanishes,  that  the 
radius  through  the  point  of  contact  becomes  also  a  perpendicular 
to  the  tangent  plane,  and  therefore  one  of  the  axes  of  the  surface. 
When  T=0,  its  projections  on  the  coordinate  axes  vanish,  or 
xl—x=Q,  yl—y=6,  2,—z=Q;  (476)  then  becomes,  putting  n,  as 
we  evidently  may  do,  equal  to  1, 

(L  _pa)f_V$-Wi/=0) 


From  these  equations  eliminating  the  quantities  £,  v,  £,  we  get  the 
following  cubic  equation  in  P2, 


The  roots  of  this  equation  are  the  three  semiaxes  squared  of  the 

We  need  not  here  stop  to  show  that  the  three  roots  of  this  cubic 
equation  are  real,  as  the  proposition  has  already  been  established 
in  various  ways,  see  vol.  i.  sec.  [84].  The  following  is  a  group  of 


symmetrical  formulae  for  determining  the  position  of  any  one  of 
these  axes  in  space  when  its  magnitude  is  determined. 

Let  P,2  be  one  of  the  roots  of  the  cubic  equation,  or  the  square 
of  one  of  the  semiaxes  ;  let  L  -  P  2  =  Q,  M  -  P,2  =  Qt,,  N  -  P  2  =  Qy/  ; 
also  let  \,  p,  v  be  the  angles  which  this  axis  P/2  makes  with  the  axes 
of  coordinates  ;  then  cosA,=  Py£,  cosjj,=  ¥lv,  cos  )/  =  ?,£. 

This  equation  may  also  be  written 

QQ/^-QUS-Q/V^-Q^-SUVWrrrO.     .     .     (481) 

Resuming  equations  (479),  and  introducing  the  given  value  P,2 
of  P2 


Combining  the  first  of  these  equations  with  the  second,  and 
eliminating  v, 

£_  QQ,-W8 

combining  the  second  with  the  third,  and  again  eliminating  u, 

multiplying  the  two  latter, 

—  U*' 

In  like  manner  g^-g^!!. 

|2  COS2\  QyyQ^—  U2 

whence,  adding, 

y—  U2 

(Qy/Qy-U2)  +  (QQW-  V2)  +  (QyQ-  W2)  ' 

and  like  expressions  for  cos2//,  and  cos2)/  may  be  found.  See  vol.  i. 
p.  73. 

We  may  express  these  formulae  in  a  more  compact  notation  as 
follows  : 

If  we  take  the  first  derivative  of  (480),  we  shall  find  it  to  consist 
of  three  members.  Substituting  for  P2  one  of  its  values,  P,2  suppose, 
the  resulting  expression  may  be  written 

T  -f  <0  +  O,  and  the  last  formula  becomes 

also  QOS^==-  cos2v=  (484) 


91.]  In  every  revolving  body  there  exists  an  instantaneous  axis 
of  rotation,  or  a  line  of  particles  which  remain  at  rest  during  an 
instant.  Let  C  be  the  position  of  a  point  in  the  revolving  body  at 
any  given  time,  C'  the  position  of  the  point  during  the  next  instant. 
Let  the  arc  CC'  be  ds.  At  the  extremities  of  this  arc  d*  let  normal 
planes  be  drawn  to  the  curve.  If  these  planes  are  parallel,  the 
motion  is  one  of  rotation  round  an  axis  infinitely  distant,  or  the 
motion  is  one  of  translation.  If  the  planes  are  not  parallel,  let 
them  meet  ;  the  straight  line  in  which  they  intersect  is  the  axis  of 
rotation  during  the  indefinitely  small  time  in  which  the  arc  CC' 
or  ds  has  been  described. 

This  line,  the  intersection  of  the  normal  planes,  must  pass  through 
the  fixed  point,  if  there  be  one  in  the  body  ;  otherwise  there  would 
exist  in  the  body  a  fixed  point  and  a  fixed  straight  line  not  passing 
through  the  point,  which  would  retain  the  body  in  a  state  of  rest, 
contrary  to  the  supposition. 

Again,  there  cannot  be,  during  the  same  instant,  two  or  more 
axes  of  rotation  in  the  body  ;  for  two  fixed  lines  are  equivalent  to 
three  fixed  points,  which  would  retain  the  body  in  a  state  of  rest. 

The  same  considerations  will  show  that  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  could  not  possibly  be  a  curve. 

The  angular  velocity  of  a  body  is  defined  to  be  the  arc  of  a  circle 
whose  radius  is  1,  described  in  the  element  of  the  time,  and  whose 
centre  is  on  the  axis  of  rotation. 

92.]  To  determine  equations  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rota- 

The  fixed  point  being  taken  as  origin,  let  z'y'z'  be  the  coordinates 
of  the  point  C,  (acf  +  do?)  ,  (y1  +  dy')  ,  (z1  +  dz>)  of  the  point  C'.  The 
equation  of  the  normal  plane  passing  through  C  is 

xdz'+ydyt+zdzl=x'dx'+y'dy'  +  2'd2'=0,  ...     (a) 
since  the  plane  must  pass  through  the  origin  ;  hence  as 
0,'dx1  +  y'dy1  +  z'dz'=  0, 

the  point  C  must  move  on  "the  surface  of  a  sphere.     The  equation 
of  the  normal  plane  passing  through  C'  is 

a?dV  +  yay  +  2rdV=0  ......     (b) 

The  equation  of  the  osculating  plane  passing  through  the  arc  ds 

we  may  determine  the  constants  from  the  consideration  that  the 
osculating  plane  is  perpendicular  to  each  of  the  normal  planes. 
The  osculating  plane  is  therefore  perpendicular  to  the  intersection 
of  these  planes  —  that  is,  to  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation. 
Let  \,  p,  v  be  the  angles  which  this  line  makes  with  the  axes  of 


coordinates,  then  -  =77,  —  -=T\  ',  and  the  equations  of  this 
cos  v     C    cos  v     C 

straight  line  become 

Az-Cx=0,  B,r-Ay=0,  Cy-Bz=0  .....     (d) 

Let  to  be  the  angular  velocity  round  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  ; 

then  «=T7-,  R  being  the  radius  of  curvature. 

Make  r  =  a>cosv,  and  as 

cos  v  = 



Now  R  (as  is  shown  in  treatises  on  the  geometry  of  three  dimen- 

sions*)isequalto  • 

whence  r=^-%.     In  like  manner,  let  p  =  (ocos\,  q^cocosft; 

A  B 

.     (485) 

Substituting  in  (d)  these  values  of  A,  B,  C,  we  get 
pz—rx—Q,  qx—py=0,  ry—qz—0. 

Fig.  29. 

These  are  the  equations  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  as 
we  shall  show  presently  from  dynamical  considerations. 

93.]  The  angular  velocity  round  the  instantaneous  axis  being  &>, 
the  angular  velocity  round  any  other  axis  which  makes  the  angle 
6  with  the  former  is  to  cos  6. 

Let  OA  be  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  OB  an  axis  which 
makes  the  angle  6  with  the  former. 
Through  O  let  a  plane  be  drawn 
perpendicular  to  OB.  In  this  plane 
assume  any  point  C,  with  the  centre 
O  and  radius  OC  let  a  sphere  be 
described,  and  through  C  let  a 
plane  be  drawn  perpendicular  to 
OA  and  meeting  this  line  in  Q. 
The  point  C  will  move,  in  conse- 
quence of  this  rotation,  on  the  cir- 
cumference of  the  circle  the  inter- 
section of  the  sphere  by  this  plane,  and  therefore  on  the  surface  of 
the  sphere  itself.  Hence  the  tangent  CC'  is  perpendicular  as  well 
*  LKROY,  Analyse  appliquee  a  la  Geometric  des  Trois  Dimensions,  p.  295. 


to  the  line  CO  as  to  CQ.     Let  the  angle  CQC'=o>,  the  angle 
COC/  =  G/;  thenCC'=CQ.a>  =  OC.o>',  and  CQ=OCcos0;  hence 

d  =6*00*0  ........     (486) 

Now,  as  the  angular  velocities  of  every  other  element  of  the  body, 
round  the  axes  OA,  OB,  are  w  and  &>'  respectively  during  this 
instant,  it  is  plain  that  the  angular  velocity  of  every  particle  of 
the  body  round  these  axes  is  connected  by  the  relation 

to'  =  to  cos  0  ; 

hence  p,  q,  r  in  the  last  section  are  the  angular  velocities  round 
the  axes  of  x,  y,  z. 

94.]  Let  as  before  Ox,  Oy,  Oz  be  any  three  rectangular  coordi- 
nates passing  through  the  fixed  point  O,  and  X,  Y,  Z  the  velocities  of 
the  particle  dm  of  the  body  resolved  along  these  axes,  x,  y,  z  being 
the  coordinates  of  the  particle  dm.  These  velocities  being  trans- 
lated to  the  origin  are  there  equilibrated  by  the  resistance  of  the 
fixed  point  O;  while  they  generate  the  moments  (Y#  —  Xy)dm, 
(Zy—  Y>)dm,  (X.z—  Z,r)dm  in  the  planes  of  xy,  yz,  sx  respectively. 

We  may  conventionally  assume  that  the  rotations  from  x  to  y, 
from  y  to  z,  and  from  z  to  x,  shall  be  taken  as  positive,  and  the 
rotations  in  any  of  the  opposite  directions  as  negative.  Let  a  be 
the  angular  velocity  round  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation, 
X,  fi,  v  the  angles  this  axis  makes  with  the  axes  of  coordinates, 
p,  q,  r  the  components  of  the  angular  velocities  atong  the  axes  of 
xyz,  so  that 

j9  =  wcos\,  <7=6>cos/A,  r=wcos)/.       .     .     (487) 

The  velocity  of  the  particle  dm  parallel  to  the  plane  of  xy  is 
r  V#*  +  y2;  and  this  resolved  along  the  axes  of  x  and  y  is 

-r  V^T.=  and  r  V*2T.=>  or-yr  and  xr. 

in  accordance  with  the  conventional  agreement  as  to  the  signs  of 
rotation  in  the  coordinate  planes  ;  whence 

the  velocities  parallel  to  the  axes  of  x  and  y  are  —  yr  and  xr, 
„  „  „  of  y  and  z  are  —  zp  and  yp, 

„  „  „  of  z  and  x  are  —  xq  and  zq, 

whence  X=zq—  yr,  ^i  —  xr—zp,  Z  =  yp—xq; 

and  these  velocities  translated  to  the  origin  generate  the  moments 

~\x—^y=(xr  —  zp}x—(zq—yr}y,  in  the  plane  of  xy,} 

Zy  —  Y.Z  ==  (yp—xq}y  —  (xr—  zp}z,  in  the  plane  of  yzf  r  .   (488) 

X^r  —  7tX  =  (zq—yr}z—  (yp—xq}x}  in  the  plane  of  xz.  ) 

VOL.   II.  2  A 


"We  may  determine  the  position  of  that  group  of  particles  (if  any) 
in  the  body  which  at  the  given  instant  are  at  rest,  by  making  X=0, 
Y=0,  Z=0.  These  conditions  are  satisfied  by  making  xr—zp=Q, 
zq—yr  =  Q,  yp—xq  =  Q. 

These,  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  observe,  are  the  equations  of  a 
straight  line  passing  through  the  origin,  equations  which  we  have 
already  found  in  (485)  from  geometrical  considerations. 

95.]  If  we  extend  to  the  whole  mass  the  velocities  found  for  the 
single  particle  dm  in  the  preceding  section,  we  must  integrate  the 
expressions  for  these  velocities.  Introducing  the  notation  adopted 
in  (468),  we  find,  multiplying  the  last  equation  by  dm  and  inte- 

=  L    -Vr  - 

J(Y#-Xy)dm=Nr  -Ug  -Vp. 

Now,  as  the  impressed  couple  or  the  resultant  of  all  the  impressed 
couples  must,  by  the  principle  of  D'Alembert,  be  equivalent  to  the 
effective  moments,  if  we  make  this  impressed  couple  K,  and  /,  m,  n 
the  direction-cosines  of  its  axis  k, 


When  the  principal  axes  are  the  axes  of  coordinates,  U=0, 
V=0,  W=0,  and  we  get  the  well-known  equations 

K/=Ljo,  Km=Mq,  Kw=Nr.        .     .     .     (491) 

Hence  the  components  of  the  angular  velocity  round  the  prin- 
cipal axes  are  equal  to  the  components  of  the  impressed  couple 
at  right  angles  to  these  axes,  divided  by  the  moments  of  inertia 
about  them,  or 

K/          Km          Kw 

96.]   If  we  compare  together  the  formulae  given  in  (475)  and 
(490),  we  shall  make  the  second  members  identical  by  assuming 

P~f^>  q=fv>  r=f£>  f  being  a  linear  quantity  ;   .     (492) 


whence  <o2=/2  (£2  +  vz  +  £2)  =^;  or  the  angular  velocity  is  inversely 

proportional  to  the  perpendicular  on  the  tangent  plane,  which  may 
be  called  the  instantaneous  plane  of  rotation. 


Resuming  the  equations  (475)  and  (490),  introducing  also  the 
relations  established  in  (492),  we  obtain 

K/=L/>-Vr-W?=/(L£-V£-Wu)==/n.r,  or 
K/=/n.r;  in  like  manner  Kw=/ny,  Kn=fnz,  whence 

K*=/*n*(a*+y*  +  z*)=f*D*k*  .....     (493) 

Now  x,  y,  z  are  the  coordinates  of  the  point  of  contact  of  the 
tangent  plane  ;  whence  we  infer  that  k,  the  semidiameter  drawn 
from  the  centre  to  the  point  of  contact  of  the  instantaneous  plane  of 
rotation,  is  constant  during  the  motion. 

From  the  relations  of  (492),  it  also  follows  that  if  through  the 
fixed  point  we  draw  any  three  rectangular  axes  in  the  body,  the 
angular  velocities  round  these  axes  are  always  inversely  propor- 
tional to  the  segments  of  those  axes  cut  off  by  the  instantaneous 
plane  of  rotation  ;  or,  in  other  words,  the  symbols  £,  v,  £,  the  tan- 
gential coordinates  of  the  instantaneous  plane  of  rotation,  will 
denote  the  components  of  angular  slowness  round  those  axes. 

97.]  Resulting  from  the  rotation  of  the  body,  there  arises  a  new 
class  of  forces,  which  in  general  tend  to  alter  . 

the  position  of  the  axes  of  rotation  of  the  &' 

body.  They  are  known  as  the  centrifugal 
forces.  When  translated  to  the  origin  they 
generate  a  couple,  whose  magnitude  and 
position  we  are  now  to  determine. 

Let  OQ  be  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rota- 

J}      Q     7* 

tion,  —  ,  -,  —    the  cosines  of  the   angles  it 

Q)    0)    0) 

makes  with  the  axes,  x,  y,  z  are  the  coor- 
dinates of  the  particle  dm.  The  centrifugal 
force  which  acts  on  this  particle  dm  is  equal 
to  the  square  of  the  velocity  divided  by  the  radius  —  that  is, 

2Q  —  2 

&>  um  _,M2  Qm.  an(j  this  force,  as  it  acts  in  the  direction  of  Qm, 

may  be  resolved  into  the  forces  o>2(#—  x,),  o^(y  —  y^),  ^(z—z,), 
respectively  parallel  to  the  axes  of  x,  y,  and  z.  x{y^  zt  are  the 
coordinates  of  the  point  Q.  Now 

we  also  have 

^=^+^±^l^,  or 

(O  O)2 

;  but  a>2x=x(p'2  +  q'*  +  r2),  whence 
o)2^-^)  =q(qx-py]  +r(rx—  pz)  =X',  ) 
a>*(y-y,)=r(ry-gz)+p(Py-qz)=\',[.    .     .      (494) 
o>2(2  —  2-,)  =p(pz  —  rat)  +q(qz  -ry}=7J.  } 


From  these  equations  we  obtain 

Y'a?  -  X'y  =pq  (f  -  #2)  +  yx(p*  -  q*}  +  rz(py-  qz]  , 
or,  extending  this  expression  to  the  whole  mass, 

Writing  analogous  formulae  for  the  other  axes,  making  Glt, 
Gm,,  Gnt  equal  respectively  to  Jdm(Z'y  —  Y'^r),  Jdm(X'j3r—  Z'a?), 
fdm(Y'#  —  X'y),  and  using  the  notation  established  in  (468),  we 

Gl,  =  (M-N)?r+(V?-Wr)jB  +  Ute2-r2),j 

->*),[      .     (495) 

When  the  principal  axes  coincide  with  the  axes  of  coordinates, 
U  =  0,  V  =  0,  W  =  0,  and  the  formulae  become 


When  one  of  the  axes  of  coordinates,  that  of  z  suppose,  coincides 
with  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  we  havej9  =  0,  5=0,  r  =  <o, 
and  (495)  becomes 


J)  Q 

If  we  multiply  the  first  of  (495)  by  -,  the  second  by  —  ,  the  third 


by  -,  and  add  the  results,  the  sum  will  be  zero,  or 

0;     .     .     -          (497) 

whence  it  follows  that  the  plane  of  the  centrifugal  couple  always 
passes  through  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation. 

Multiply  together  line  byline  the  groups  in  (490)  and  (495),  and 
add  the  results  ;  the  sum  will  be  cipher,  or 

KGj7/y  +  wm,+nwy]:=0  .....     (498) 

Whence  we  may  infer  that  the  planes  of  the  impressed  and  centri- 
fugal couples  are  always  at  right  angles  to  each  other. 

98.]  If  we  compare  (478)  with  (495),  we  shall  find  the  second 
members  identical,  if  we  assume,  as  in  (492), 

P=tf,  q=fr,  r=ft;  whence  /2=P2o>2, 
and  therefore  G=Anw2  ........     (499) 


We  may  hence  infer  that  the  triangle  whose  sides  are  the  semidia- 
meter  to  the  point  of  contact  of  the  tangent  plane,  and  the  perpendi- 
cular on  this  tangent  plane  from  the  centre,  coincides  in  position  with 
the  plane  of  the  centrifugal  couple.  The  centrifugal  couple  is  also  equal 
to  the  centrifugal  triangle  multiplied  by  the  mass  and  the  square  of 
the  angular  velocity,  as  shown  in  the  preceding  formula. 

The  reader  will  not  fail  to  have  observed  the  ease  and  simplicity 
with  which  the  properties  of  the  ellipsoid,  treated  generally,  without 
reference  to  the  principal  axes,  by  the  method  of  tangential  coor- 
dinates, may  be  used  to  illustrate  and  establish  the  corresponding 
states  of  a  body  in  motion  round  a  fixed  point.  The  subsequent 
investigations  might  in  most  cases  have  been  discussed  with  the 
same  generality  and  facility;  but  as  the  principle  of  this  new 
analytical  geometry,  the  method  of  tangential  coordinates,  as  deve- 
loped in  the  first  volume  of  this  work,  is  probably  as  yet  but  little 
known,  it  may  be  more  satisfactory  to  conduct  these  investigations 
on  principles  universally  admitted.  To  simplify  the  results,  we 
shall  adopt  a  particular  system  of  coordinates  which  will  render 
the  formulae  much  more  manageable.  If  we  choose  the  principal 
axes  of  the  body  as  axes  of  coordinates,  U  =  0,  V  =  0,  W  =  0,  and 
our  investigations  will  therefore  be  very  much  simplified. 

Let  a  >  b  >  c  be  the  three  semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid  in  the  order 
of  magnitude,  L,  M,  N  the  moments  of  inertia  about  the  coinciding 
principal  axes  of  the  body.  We  may  assume,  as  in  (470),  the  squares 
of  the  semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid  proportional  to  the  moments  of 
inertia  round  these  axes,  so  that 

a2n=L,  62n=M,  e2n=N,       ....     (500) 

n  being  a  constant  depending  on  the  mass  and  constitution  of  the 

This  ellipsoid  we  shall  call  the  ellipsoid  of  moments. 

Introducing  these  transformations  and  simplifications,  (469), 
(490),  and  (495)  become, 

os2>/],     ......     (501) 

=n62?,  Kw=nc2r,      .......     (502) 

J,=n(A8-c*)gr,  Gf»,=n(c*-aa)/w,  Gn,=n(a2-Z>4)^.     (503) 

In  formula  (501)  it  is  evident  that  the  part  within  the  brackets  is 
the  expression  for  the  square  of  a  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on 
a  tangent  plane  to  the  ellipsoid.  Let  this  perpendicular  be  P,  and 
(501)  will  become 

H=nP«  ........     (504) 

Hence  it  follows  that  the  moment  of  inertia  of  any  rigid  body 
round  a  given  axis  is  the  mass  of  the  body  multiplied  into  the  square 


of  the  coinciding  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  a  tangent  plane 
to  the  ellipsoid  of  moments. 

Square  the  terms  of  (502),  add  them,  and  multiply  by  o>2,  we 
shall  obtain  the  result 

K2<u2  =  ii2  [aY  +  *y  +  c4/-2]  (p*  +  <?2  +  r2)  ;  . 

also,  as  <o  cos  \=p,  <o  cos  ^  —  q,  ft)  cos  v=r, 

H2ft)4  =  ii2  [a  V  +  62?2  +  c2r2]  2, 

whence  we  shall  obtain 

G2  =  K2ft)2-H2o)4,       .....     (505) 

an  important  formula,  which  gives  the  value  of  the  centrifugal 
couple  in  terms  of  the  impressed  couple,  the  moment  of  inertia,  and 
the  angular  velocity  round  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation. 

99.]  Assume  the  impressed  couple  K  =  nfk)  k  beiug  the  semi- 
diameter  of  the  ellipsoid  perpendicular  to  the  plane  of  K.  The 
product  fk  is  of  course  constant  ;  it  will  be  shown  presently  that 
/  and  k  are  each  constant. 

As  the  axes  of  coordinates  are  the  principal  axes, 

Kl          Km          Kn      „      //)f,,N 

p=  i?  q=w  r=ir  See  (491)- 

Let  x,  y,  z  be  the  coordinates  of  the  vertex  of  k,  then 
1=2  m=4,  n  =  j,  L  =  na2,  M  =  n62,  N=nc2,>| 

K  K  K 

f*       fy       fr  f  '    '    (506) 

and  K=n//t;  whence  P  =  ^,  1  =  p>  r~^} 
Squaring  these  values  and  adding, 

.      .     .     (507) 

The  cosines  of  the  angles  which  this  perpendicular  makes  with 

P#  Py  P^ 

the  axes  are  —5-,  -vf  .  —  _-.  while  the  cosines  of  the  angles  which  the 
er    b*    c2 

instantaneous   axis  of  rotation   makes   with   the   same   axes  are 

p    q   r  fa  f        .  »     Pa?      .    .,    ,    o      Py 

-,-,-;  but  p=J-z  and  <w  =  ^,    whence  -=-o-;  similarly  -  =  T|  . 
to  CD  CD  a2  P  a)     a2  J  &)     62  ' 

r     ¥z 

-=—$',  we  may  therefore  infer  that 

The  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  coincides  with  the  perpendicular 
from  the  centre  on  the  instantaneous  tangent  plane  drawn  through  the 
vertex  of  k  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple.  The  angular  velocity 
round  this  axis  is  inversely  proportional  to  this  perpendicular. 


100.]  During  the  whole  period  of  rotation,  the  semidiameter  k  of 
the  ellipsoid,  perpendicular  to  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  is 

Through  any  point  Q  on  the  surface  of  an  ellipsoid  let  a  tangent 
plane  be  drawn,  and  through 

the  centre  a  plane  parallel  to  *l£-  "•*•• 

it.  Let  a  concentric  sphere  be 
described  through  the  point  Q,, 
intersecting  the  surface  of  the 
ellipsoid  in  the  curve  of  double 
curvature  Q*.  To  this  curve, 
let  a  tangent  QT  be  drawn 
at  the  point  Q ;  and  through 
this  tangent  let  a  diametral 
plane  be  drawn  intersecting  in  the  straight  line  Ob  the  diametral 
plane  ROA  parallel  to  the  tangent  plane  through  Q. 

Hence  it  follows  that  QO,  Ob  are  the  semiaxes  of  the  plane  sec- 
tion QO6  of  the  surface.  Let  OQ  =  &,  Ob  =  u.  Let  fall  from  O  a 
perpendicular  OP  on  the  tangent  plane  QPr.  This  line  will  also 
be  perpendicular  to  the  parallel  diametral  plane  O£R,  and  therefore 
to  every  line  in  this  plane,  and  therefore  to  the  line  Ob.  Now  the 
tangent  line  QT,  as  it  is  on  the  tangent  plane  to  the  ellipsoid,  and 
passes  through  the  point  Q,  must  be  a  tangent  to  the  plane  section  of 
the  ellipsoid  passing  through  it ;  and  as  it  is  besides  a  tangent  to  a 
curve  drawn  upon  the  surface  of  the  sphere,  it  must  be  at  right 
angles  to  the  radius  of  the  sphere  OQ ;  hence  OQr  is  a  right  angle, 
and  therefore  OQ  must  be  a  semiaxis  of  the  section  OQr,  because, 
when  a  tangent  to  a  conic  section  is  perpendicular  to  the  diameter 
passing  through  the  point  of  contact,  this  diameter  must  be  an 
axis  of  the  section.  Now,  as  the  parallel  planes  QPr,  OR6  are 
cut  by  the  plane  QOr,  Ob  is  parallel  to  QT  and  consequently 
at  right  angles  to  OQ.  Hence  OQ,  Ob  are  the  semiaxes  of  the 
section  OQT. 

Since  Ob  is  perpendicular  to  OP  as  well  as  to  OQ,  it  is  perpen- 
dicular to  the  plane  of  OPQ,  which  passes  through  OP,  OQ — that 
is,  to  the  plane  of  the  centrifugal  couple ;  whence  we  are  led  to 
infer  that  the  semiaxes  k  and  u  of  the  diametral  section  of  the 
ellipsoid,  whose  plane  passes  through  the  tangent  to  the  curve  of 
double  curvature  in  which  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere  intersect,  coin- 
cide with  the  axes  of  the  impressed  and  centrifugal  couples  K  and 
and  G  respectively. 

Assume  a  point  v  on  the  line  Ob,  so  that  Ov  may  be  to  k  as  the 
centrifugal  couple  G  is  to  the  impressed  couple  K.  The  diagonal 
OT  of  this  instantaneous  rectangle  will  represent,  as  well  in  mag- 
nitude as  in  direction,  the  axis  of  the  resultant  couple  at  the  end 
of  the  first  instant.  During  this  instant,  accordingly,  the  vertex  of 


the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  will  have  travelled  on  the  surface 
of  the  ellipsoid,  as  also  on  the  surface  of  the  concentric  sphere 
whose  radius  is  k.  It  follows  therefore  that,  at  the  end  of  the  first 
instant,  the  vertex  of  the  axis  of  the  resultant  couple  will  be  found 
on  the  curve  of  double  curvature  in  which  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere 
intersect.  The  same  proof  will  hold  for  the  second  and  for  every 
succeeding  instant,  whence  k  continues  always  invariable.  Now 
the  impressed  couple  K  was  assumed  in  sec.  [99]  equal  to  n/A: ; 
but  as  n  and  k  are  each  constant,  /  must  likewise  be  constant. 

If,  to  fix  our  ideas,  we  take  the  plane  of  K  horizontal,  and  k 
therefore  vertical,  we  may  infer  that  the  rotatory  motion  of  the 
body  will  be  such  that  its  representative  ellipsoid  will  bring  all  its 
semidiameters  which  are  equal  to  k  successively  into  a  vertical 
position,  and  therefore  the  surface  of  the  representative  ellipsoid 
will  always  pass  through  a  fixed  point  in  space. 

Hence  the  motion  of  rotation  of  a  rigid  body  round  a  fixed 
point  may  easily  be  conceived  by  the  help  of  the  ellipsoid  of 

Let  us  imagine  the  centre  of  this  ellipsoid  to  be  fixed,  that  its 
surface  always  passes  through  a  fixed  point  in  space,  and  that  tangent 
planes  are  always  drawn  to  the  ellipsoid  through  this  fixed  point .  The 
perpendiculars  from  the  centre  on  these  successive  tangent  planes 
will  represent  in  magnitude  and  position  the  instantaneous  axis  of 

101.]   It  was  shown  in  (507)  that  the  angular  velocity  a>  was 

equal  to  ^ ;  and  as  /  is  constant,  the  angular  velocity  round  the 

instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  varies  inversely  as  P  (the  perpendi- 
cular let  fall  from  the  centre  on  the  instantaneous  plane  of  rotation) . 

Hence  it  follows  that  the  square  of  the  angular  velocity  round  the 
instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  is  always  proportional  to  the  area  of 
the  diametral  section  of  the  ellipsoid  perpendicular  to  this  axis. 

The  angular  velocity  K  round  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  is 
constant  during  the  motion. 


Let  6  be  the  angle  between  k  and  P.     Then  cos^=^;  now 

f  /P     f 

K  =  ca  cos  9,  as  shown  in  (486),  and  w  =  ^,  whence  /c=;^-=4  ; 

Jr  Jr  iC     ic 


but  /and  k  are  each  constant,  or  K  —  -.=  constant.     .     .     .     (508) 


The  magnitude  of  the  centrifugal  couple  G  varies  as  the  tangent 
of  the  angle  between  the  axis  of  the  impressed  moment  and  the 
instantaneous  axis  of  rotation. 

Resume  the  equation  given  in  (505),  G2=K2<w2  —  HV.  Write 
for  K,  H,  and  o>  their  values  as  given  in  sec.  [99],  (501),  and 



(507)— namely,  K=nfk,    H  =  nP2,   and   «=£.      We   have   also 

Jvi  _  pa  f 

tan0=_!          _,  and  *=T,  whence 

P  K 

G=K/ttan0  .......     (509) 

It  will  be  evident  on  inspection,  that  the  indefinitely  small 
portion  Ou  of  the  line  Ob  parallel  to  the  tangent  drawn  at  Q,  to 
the  section  of  the  ellipsoid  whose  semiaxes  are  k  and  u,  and  which 
is  equal  to  QT,  may  be  taken  as  the  element  of  the  arc  of  the 
spherical  curve  traced  out  by  the  vertex  of  k  during  the  element 

of  the  time  dt.     Writing  -r-  for  this  element  Ov,  and  referring  to 


sec.  [100],  we  have  the  ratio  Ou  :  k  :  :  G  :  K, 

ds     Gk 
or  Ou=-j-=^,  but  G=K/etan0,  andf—ick. 

(I/        K 

Whence  ^=/tan0  ........     (510) 



Now  -TT  is  the  velocity  with  which  the  curve  of  double  curvature 

passes  through  Q,  the  fixed  point  in  space.  We  may  thence  infer 
that  the  velocity  with  which  the  pole  of  the  impressed  couple 
passes  along  this  curve,  or  the  velocity  with  which  the  curve 
passes  through  the  fixed  pole,  varies  as  the  tangent  of  the  angle  6 
between  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  and  the  instantaneous  axis 
of  rotation. 

102.]  To  find  the  values  of  -^-,  -^,  -,-,  or  of  the  velocities  of 

the  pole  of  the  impressed  couple  in  the  direction  of  the  principal 
axes  of  the  body. 

•nr     i  dz      dt  ,    ds       ,L        n         ,  &Z      dz  , 

We  have  j-=j->  and  -r-=/tan0,  whence  •^-=^-fta.nff,  and 


ds2  cLr2     dy2 

^2=l+j-2  +  T^2.     Now  (xyz)  is  a  point  on  the  surface  of  the 

ellipsoid  of  moments,  as  also  on  that  of  a  concentric  sphere  whose 
radius  is  k.  The  equations  of  these  surfaces  are 

o  p  o 

+  i  +     =  l,  and  .r2  +  y2  +  *2=**.        .     .     (511) 

VOL.  II.  2  B 


Eliminating  y  and  x  successively,  and  then  differentiating,  we 

#c-  - 

_  4(62  -  c2)  2yV  +  64(c«  -  a2)2^2 
hence   gp--  (*(a*-b*)*aPy* 

and  #2=d?2  +  y2  +  .s2  ;  hence 

or  eliminating  x  and  ?/  by  (511), 

-      -F)^  _  (514) 

Making  the   substitutions   suggested  by   these   equations,  we 
shall  obtain 

22  * 

103.]  The  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal  forces  lies  in  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple. 

Let  w'  be  the  angular  velocity  round  the  axis  of  rotation  due  to 
the  centrifugal  couple,  and  p,,  q,,  r,  its  components  round  the  prin- 

*  When  the  axis  of  the  impressed  moment  very  nearly  coincides  with  one  of 
the  principal  axes  (that  of  c  suppose),  the  differential  equations  of  motion  may 
easily  be  deduced. 

In  this  case  as  x  and  y  are  each  very  small,  their  product  xy  may  be  neglected  ; 

w^=,  ?=/f,  r=,  and      ===-^=0.  Hence  r  is  constant, 

,  , 

equal  to  n  suppose.     We  also  have 

whence      =~  nq=--nq,  or  writing  A  =  n«2,  B  =  n&2,  C=nc2; 

at      or     be       f2  a 

Adf-|-(C-B)M?=0.     Similarly 

These  are  the  equations  deduced  by  Poisson  for  this  particular  case.     (Traitt 
de  Mecanique,  torn.  ii.  p.  159.) 


oipal  axes.  Thru,  as  the  angular  velocity  round  any  principal  axis 
is  equal  to  the  couple  which  produces  the  motion  resolved  at  right 
an»k>s  to  this  axis,  and  divided  by  the  corresponding  moment  of 



j0/=-y — ;  now  G  =  Ktc  tan  6,  K  =  n/fc,  L  =  n«2, 

dx        dx  dx 

,  dx     (I/         dt  ~dl 

and  -j-  =  , --=  -jr- M  whence  p.—f—^. 

As     ds     f  tan  6  'a? 


Making  corresponding  substitutions  for  qt  and  rt,  we  shall  have 
dx  dy  dz 

ft=/|,  ?,=/f ,  r,-/f (516) 

Now  the  cosines  of  the  angles  which  this  axis  of  rotation  makes 
with  the  axes  of  coordinates  are  — ,  —,—;  and  the  cosines  of  the 

X    11    2 

angles  which  the  axis  k  makes  with  the  same  axes  are  -r,  ~,  7.     If 

we  denote  the  angle  between  the  axis  k  of  the  impressed  couple 
and  Py  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal 
couple  by  #6Py, 

Ixdx    ydy     zdz\ 

cos  ArOPyzz:- —  (Pfp  +  qiy  +  i'tz}  =  T~  \  ~<r~l~~r2~     — 2"  / ==^  (517) 

since  the  part  within  the  brackets  is  the  differential  of. the 
equation  of  the  ellipsoid. 

We  may  infer,  therefore,  that  not  only  is  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal 
couple  contained  in  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  but  the  axis 
round  which  the  centrifugal  couple  would  give  the  body  a  tendency  to 
revolve  lies  in  the  same  plane  also  *. 

*  To  determine  the  angular  velocity  when  L=M,  or,  using  Poisson's  notation, 
when  A=B. 

fz    dr    fdz    f(a*-b2) 

As  r='^2»  j7=^^=  ay  a  *#=">  since  a2  =  63.  Hence  r  is  con- 
stant =  w. 

./*»  —2    I    -.0 

;  then 

/"*&*  Ka 

a>2=»a-j--— sin2*.     We  have  K  =  n/A,  A=na2;  whence  w2=Ma4-^1  sin3*. 

The  expression  given  by  Poisson,  Traitt  de  Mtcaniquc,  p.  159. 


104.]  Through  the  vertex  of  u  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple, 
let  a  tangent  plane  to  the  ellipsoid  be  drawn.  The  perpendicular 
from  the  centre  on  this  tangent  plane,  is  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal  couple. 

Let  xt  yt  zt  be  the  coordinates  of  the  vertex  of  u  ;  lt,  m,}  nt,  the 
cosines  of  the  angles  it  makes  with  the  axes;  \t,  fJ>t,  v,,  the  angles 
which  Py  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal 
couple  makes  with  the  same  axes.  Then,  as  u  is  perpendicular  as 
well  to  k  as  to  Py, 

k       k       k        '      'La*      62      c2~ 
Eliminating  from  these  equations  mt  and  I,  successively, 

-..r  cosX/ 

cos  v;     ±y,     or*/    cos  v,     Q'ZI 


and  _/==___'       —'—It-  whence 

rc,    *,    */      n,     z,' 


cos  \y     c2  /,     cos  /*.     c2  m      0  ,     .      .       ,,      /,    m.      ,    . 

=-o  — , =T^  — '.    Substituting  for  -*-.  — '    their  values 

cos  vt     a2  nt    cos  v,     62  w^  n,    n, 

given  in  the  preceding  equations,  and  reducing,  we  find 

cos2  v  = ^  ^ (518^ 

CU»    y^         .    a        L2\2~.2,,2    i    /J,2        s,2\2,,.g~2    i    /'r.S        ^,2\2^,2™2*  V."-10/ 

We  may  find  analogous  expressions  for  cosXy  and  cos/^. 

(  1  '  »  > 


(  1  '  »  >     fi  7/      fi  2T 

Introducing  the  terms  -.-,  -,    -,  by  the  help  of  (515), 

-      •     -     (519) 

Now  the  cosine  of  the  angle  which  the  axis  due  to  G  makes 



with  the  axis  of  z  is  -*•;  writing  for  rt  and  to,  their  values  as  given 

in  (516), 



Whence,  comparing  (519)  with  (520), 

^i=cosi'/:   in  like  manner  ^=cos\,,  ±l= 
o>,  to,  &>, 

or,  The  perpendicular  let  fall  from  the  centre  on  the  tangent  plane, 
drawn  through  the  vertex  of  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple,  coin- 
cides with  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  due  to  this  couple. 

The  perpendicular  Py  is  therefore  in  the  plane  of  the  impressed 

105.]  To  find  the  component  of  the  angular  velocity  toy  due  to 
the  centrifugal  couple  resolved  along  the  instantaneous  axis  of 

Let  8  be  the  angle  between  the  axes  of  the  rotations  due  to  the 
impressed  and  centrifugal  couples.  Then 

or  substituting  the  values  of  o>,  p,  q,  r,  a>,,  pt,  qt,  r,,  as  given  in 
(506)  and  (516),  we  shall  have 

dx     y  dy     z  dz~| 

Now  the  part  within  the  brackets  is  the  differential  of 

whence  e^cos  8=  —  p,  d7=/d/(pr  ^ut  as  a)==p 

da>     .d/l\      ,  da>  ^ 

=^  '  whence  ~=ta'  cos  S'      •     • 

Or,  The  increment  of  the  angular  velocity  round  the  instantaneous 
axis  of  rotation,  is  due  to  the  component  of  the  angular  velocity 
arising  from  the  centrifugal  couple,  and  resolved  along  the  axis. 

106.]  To  investigate  expressions  for  the  lengths  of  u  and  P;. 

As  u  makes  angles  with  the  coordinate  axes  whose  cosines  are 

1-,  a  ,  -r-  ,  since  u  is  parallel  to  the  tangent  to  the  common  inter- 


section  of  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere,  and  is  besides  a  semidiameter 
of  the  surface, 

!    AW   l( 

\ds}      \dSj 

12  ^     ' 

•vr       dx     dx  dt  dy     dy  At  dz     dz  At        ,  ds     e^      -. 

Now  1T=A>  &  Z~£T&  7T=i7  TJ  and  -r;=/tan^asm(511). 

ds     dt  ds'  ds     dt  ds'          d 

Whence  ^= ^       2.2  2/T '9a  '-.    .     .     (522) 

Mi,  ft  £  f\f.  s*£t  *   TOTl*    H  ^  ' 

U  U    C  J       LcLH     U 

Again,   as   P/2=«2cos2X;  +  A2  cos2  ^  +  c2  cos2  v,,  we   shall   have, 
putting  for  cosA^,  cos/^,  cosv;  their  values  as  given  in  (518), 


If  we  combine  (511),  (522),  and  (523),  we  shall  find 

/ds\2     /d^\2     /dy\«     /d^y 
\dt)  _(dt)      \dt)    \dt) 
~~     ~~     ~~ 

dy\  /d£ 

,  */        A«  •    ^i^ 

but  Pl=f-,  q{=f±-J-}  rt-f±-f  as  shown  m  (516). 

Whence  ='   '  (524) 

d«    Gyfc  /" 

And  as  ^=-^-  [see  (501)]  and  eo=^,  we  shall  have 


To  investigate  an  expression  for  the  angle  p,  between  the  axes  of 
rotation  due  to  the  impressed  and  centrifugal  couples. 


The  cosines  of  the  angles  which  the  axes  of  rotation  make  with 
tin-  axes  of  coordinates  are 

£,1,  -,£',-£ A  whence  co3P= 

ft)      ft)     0)     ft),     ft),     ft)* 

XT  *-* 

Now    -        and      = 


•Pxyz(b*-c*\  » 

whence  pp.=J     •'(  -  -  -  I.     Finding  like  expressions  for 
a262c2  V    a2    / 

a2  -  62     i2  -  c2     c2  -  a2"! 
and  rr    acos—  _-  +  _-+_  _J  ; 




whence  -^p^-^^"^.    •     (526) 

The  values  of  &>  and  o>,  are  given  in  (507)  and  (524). 

This  formula  shows  that  whenever  any  two  of  the  axes  of  the 
ellipsoid  of  moments  are  equal,  or  whenever  the  axis  of  the  impressed 
couple  happens  to  lie  in  one  of  the  principal  planes  of  the  ellipsoid, 
the  angle  between  the  axes  of  rotation  due  to  the  impressed  and  cen- 
trifugal couples  is  a  right  angle. 



To  determine  the  cones  described  by  the  axes  of  the  impressed 
and  centrifugal  couples,  as  also  by  the  axes  of  rotation  due  to  those 
couples — in  other  words,  to  investigate  the  loci  of  k,  P,  u,  and  P/ 
referred  to  the  principal  axes  of  the  body  during  the  motion,  will 
be  the  object  of  the  present  chapter. 

107.]  To  find  the  locus  of  k,  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple. 

The  equation  of  the  cone  whose  vertex  is  at  the  centre,  and 
which  passes  through  the  curve  in  which  the  ellipsoid  of  moments, 


and  the  invariable  sphere  whose  radius  is  k,  intersect,  may  easily 
be  investigated,  as  k  passes  through  the  intersection  of  the  ellipsoid 
and  sphere  — 

the  equation  of  a  cone  of  the  second  degree,  whose  axes  coincide 
with  those  of  the  ellipsoid. 

This  cone  and  the  spherical  conic  section  which  constitutes  its 
base  will  repeatedly  present  themselves  in  the  course  of  the  fol- 
lowing pages  ;  it  may  therefore  be  proper  to  denote  them  by  some 
appropriate  name. 

As  the  side  of  this  cone  is  constant,  being  the  axis  of  the  im- 
pressed couple,  it  may  with  propriety  be  named  the  invariable 
cone  ;  and  the  spherical  conic  may  be  termed  the  invariable  spherical 

108.]  To  investigate  the  nature  of  the  surface  described  by  P 
the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation. 

\y  jj,,  v,  being  the  angles  which  P  makes  with  the  axes, 

cos  v     a*z     cos  v     o*z 
We  have  also  the  equations  of  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere, 

rp2  yt  ^2 

~2  +  TS  +  -3=  1,  ^2  +  «/2  +  2^2 = A:2.     Eliminating  x,  y,  z,  we  get 

Let  xyz  be  the  coordinates  of  any  point  on  the  surface  of 


the   cone   at   the    distance  R  from   the  origin;  then  cos  A,  =^7, 


>y  g 

=^,  cosv=^,  and  the  equation  of  the  cone  becomes 

the  equation  of  a  cone  which  is  also  of  the  second  degree. 

As  this  cone  too  will  frequently  recur,  we  may  name  it  the  cone 
of  rotation. 

109.]  To  determine  the  equation  of  the  cone  described  by  the 
axis  u  of  the  centrifugal  couple. 


Let  d  ]f  d  be  the  coordinates  of  a  point  on  the  axis  u  of  the 
centrifugal  couple;  then 

dr  dy 

a/     dJ     a2/62-eV    V1     5*     b*fa*-c*\z 

D=j-  =  -2(-2  —  r«)->  n=T-=-9(-a  —  15)--     See  (512). 

r     Az     c2\a2—  62/#    2'     d?     c2\a2  —  b*)y 

<l.v  (l.v 

From  these  equations  and  the  equations  of  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere, 
eliminating  x,  y,  z,  we  find,  omitting  the  traits  as  no  longer  neces- 
sary, the  following  equation  of  the  fourth  degree*, 

110.]  To  determine  the  equation  of  the  cone  described  in  the 
body  by  Py  the  axis  of  rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal  couple. 

The  axis  P,  makes  with  the  axes  of  coordinates  the  angles  \t,  (it,  vr 
Let  xt  y,2t  be  the  coordinates  of  a  point  on  the  surface  of  this  cone; 

y22  22 

z1     cosv,    xw—b*/'  zt    cos  v,    y\a 

*  It  may  not  be  out  of  place  to  show  that  the  equations  of  the  invariable  cone, 
and  of  the  cone  of  rotation  given  in  sec.  [107J  and  sec.  [108]  are  equivalent  to 
the  equations  of  the  same  cones  given  by  Poisson  in  his  Trait6  de  Mfaanique 
(torn.  ii.  pp.  151,  152).  To  show  this,  assume  the  equation  of  the  vis  viva  given 
at  page  140  of  the  same  volume,  A=A/)a+Bj2+Cr2.  Now 

A  =  no",  p  =  &,  whence   Aj>2  =  n/"  ^  ; 
finding  similar  values  for  By2  and  O2,  we  obtain 

we  also  have  A  =  na2,  B=n62,  C  =  nc2. 

A  fi2 

k'=K=nfk;  hence  A;'2=n.n/2A;2=^.A.^,  or  £-2= 

(I  K 

But  the  coefficient 

I      1\  I/,     a2\     n/,     AA\      n    k'*-Ah 

be  wntten     I-'=I-= 

making  similar  substitutions  for  the  other  coefficients  and  dividing  by  r^,  we  get 


In  the  same  way  (628)  may  be  transformed  into 

(A'3  -  AA)*a + (*'a  -  B%2 + (k«  -  CA)za  =  0. 
These  are  the  equations  given  by  Poisson. 
VOL.  II.  2  C 


Eliminating  x,  y,  z  from  these  equations,  as  also  from  those  of  the 
ellipsoid  and  sphere, 

2222  2  2-c2)2a2c2*V| 

)C2a2b*xY=0)'     *  ' 

which  is  also  an  equation  of  the  fourth  degree. 

111.]  The  circular  sections  of  the  invariable  cone  coincide  in 
position  with  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid. 

It  is  a  property  of  surfaces  of  the  second  order*,  that  if  in  two 
such  surfaces  referred  to  the  same  or  parallel  axes  the  coefficients 
of  the  squares  of  the  corresponding  variables  differ  all  by  the  same 
quantity,  the  circular  sections  of  any  two  such  surfaces  are  parallel. 

Now   the   coefficients  of  the  squares  of  the  variables  in  the 

equation  of  the  ellipsoid  are  -^  T^,  -%,  and   the    coefficients   of 

*  Let      A:r2+Ay+A"z2+2Byz+2B'a:3+2B".ry+2Ca:+2C'?/+2C"z  =  l 

be  the  equation  of  a  surface  of  the  second  degree,  referred  to  rectangular  axes. 
Let  the  surface  now  be  referred  to  a  new  system  of  rectangular  coordinates,  such 
that  the  plane  of  x'y'  shall  be  parallel  to  one  of  the  umbilical  tangent  planes,  or 
to  one  system  of  circular  sections  of  the  surface.  If  in  this  transformed  equation 
we  make  z'  =  0,  we  shall  obtain  the  equation  of  a  circle  referred  to  rectangular 
axes,  if  the  roots  are  real.  The  equation  being  that  of  a  circle,  we  thence  derive 
two  conditions  —  the  equality  of  the  coefficients  of  the  squares  of  the  variables, 
and  the  evanescence  of  the  coefficient  of  the  rectangle  x'y'  .  Let  6  be  the  angle 
between  the  axes  of  z  and  z'.  If  we  take  the  intersection  of  the  plane  of  xy  with 
the  plane  of  one  of  the  circular  sections  as  the  axis  of  x',  ty  being  the  angle 
between  the  axis  of  x  and  x'}  we  shall  have,  by  the  known  transformations  of 
coordinates,  and  putting  z'=0, 

x  =  cos  ^x'  +  cos  6  sin  -^y',    y  =  —  sin  -fyx'  +cos  6  cos  tyy',    z  =  —  sin  Qy  '. 

Substituting  these  values  of  T,  y,  z  in  the  given  equation,  the  resulting  equation  in 
x1  and  y'  is  that  of  the  conic  section  in  which  the  plane  of  x'y'  intersects  the 
given  surface.  As  this  section  must  be  a  circle,  we  get  the  two  conditions 

[(  A  —  A'')cos24/+  (  A'  -  A")sin2i//  -  2B"sin  $  cos  i/>]  tan2<9+  2  [B  cos  $  +Br  sin  i//]tan  6 

=  4B"  sin  ^  cos  ty  —  (A  —  A')  (cos2  ^  —  sin2  i//) 

,      ^_B"(cos2^  —  sin2^)+(A  —  A')  sin^cosi/' 
B'cosi//  —  Bsini/r 

From  these  equations  eliminating  tan  6,  we  should  obtain  a  resulting  equation 
of  condition  in  ij/,  whose  coefficients  would  be  functions  of  (A  —  A'),  (A—  A"), 
(A'  -A"),  B,  B;,  B". 

As  the  coefficients  of  the  squares  of  the  variables  do  not  enter  the  coefficients 
of  the  resulting  equation,  but  the  differences  of  those  coefficients  only,  it  follows 
that  two  surfaces  of  the  second  order  whose  equations  are  of  the  form 

/  &c.  = 
will  have  the  planes  of  their  circular  sections  parallel. 


the  equation  of  the  cone  are  -,—  p,  i^~"^>  ~«~~p>  °f  w^icu  the 


constant  difference  is  To- 

112.]  There  are  some  general  properties  of  rotatory  motion, 
such  as  the  principles  of  the  conservation  of  areas,  the  conservation 
of  living  forces  ,  &c.,  which  may  with  much  simplicity  be  here  estab- 

Resuming  the  equation  (466)  and  multiplying  by  eo2,  we  get 


the  integral  being  extended  to  the  whole  mass  of  the  body.  Now 
R«  sin  6  is  the  velocity  of  the  particle  dm.  The  above  integral 
therefore  denotes  the  sum  of  all  the  elementary  particles  of  the 
body  multiplied  each  into  the  square  of  its  velocity.  This  is  termed 

the  vis  viva  of  the  body. 

In    (504)    it   was   shown    that   H=nP2,   and   G>=^;   whence 

Ha>2=n/2,  or  the  vis  viva  of  the  body  is  constant,  since  n  and/ 
are  constant. 

Let  the  vis  viva  of  the  body  be  denoted  by  F,  we  shall  have 

F=  constant  .......     (531) 

Multiply  the  tangential  equation  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments 
given  in  (474)  by/2,  then 

n/2  =  L/2!2  +  M/V  +  N/2  ?  -  2U/X-  2  V/2££-  2W/2£y  . 
In  (492)  it  was  shown  that  p=f%,  q=fv,  r=f£,  whence 

F=Lj99  +  M?2  +  Nr2-2IV--2Vpr-2^,     .     .     (532) 

which  is  the  equation  of  the  vis  viva  in  its  most  general  form. 
When  we  take  the  principal  axes  as  axes  of  coordinates, 

U  =  0,  V=0,  W=0,  or  F=Lp2  +  M?2  +  Nr2,      .     (533) 

the  form  in  which  the  equation  of  the  vis  viva  is  usually  exhibited. 
If  we  square  the  equations  given  in  (490),  and  add  the  results, 

(L2  +  V2  -f  W>2  +  (M2  +  W2  +  U2)  q*  +  (N2  +  U2  +  V2)r2  } 

.  (534) 

In  this  equation  is  contained  the  principle  of  the  conservation  of 
areas;  for  (Kl=Lp—  Vr—  Wg-),  see  (490),  is  the  sum  of  the  areas 
described  on  the  plane  of  yz,  multiplied  into  the  particles  which 
describe  those  areas.  Now  these  areas  are  projected  on  the  plane 


of  the  impressed  couple,  by  multiplying  this  expression  by  the 
cosine  of  the  angle  between  the  planes  —  that  is,  by  /  or  its  equal 

Lp-Vr-Wq  ,        (Lp-Vr-Wg)2  ,  .,  , 

—  -  ==  -  *  ;  and  therefore  -i-3-  -  ^  -  —  denotes  the  sum  ot 
&.  J\- 

the  particles  of  the  body  multiplied  into  the  areas  described  by 
these  particles  on  the  plane  of  yz,  and  then  projected  on  the  plane 
of  the  impressed  couple.  Finding  analogous  expressions  for  the 
two  other  coordinate  planes,  we  get  for  the  sum  of  all  the  particles 
of  the  body  multiplied  into  the  areas  which  they  describe  on  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple, 

,  , 


but  the  sum  of  these  expressions  must,  we  know,  be  equal  to  K, 
whence  we  obtain  the  formula  given  above. 

When  the  axes  of  coordinates  are  the  principal  axes,  V=0, 
U=0,  W=0,  and  we  get  the  well-known  equation, 

K2=Ly  +  My  +  N2r2  ......     (535) 

We  may,  in  a  very  simple  manner,  establish  the  equations  which 
embody  the  principles  of  the  vis  viva,  and  the  conservation  of  areas, 
without  using  the  method  of  tangential  coordinates,  when  we  restrict 
our  choice  of  coordinates  to  the  principal  axes  of  the  body  ;  for 

L=na2,  j9  =  -2,  as  shown  in  (500)  and  (506). 

Finding  like  values    for    the    other   analogous    quantities    and 

2=F.     .     (536) 

Again,     Ly  +MV  +  Nr2=n2/2(#2+y2+*2)  =n2/2A2=K2.    (537) 

Let  p,,  q,,  rt,  denote  the  angular  velocities  round  the  principal 
axes,  the  components  of  the  angular  velocities  due  to  the  centri- 
fugal couple  ;  then 

.     .     .     (538) 

We  have  L=na2,  p,=f—  ^-.     Writing  similar  expressions  for 


the  other  analogous  quantities, 


Now  ^=/tan  0,  see  (501),  and  £=*,  as  in  (508) ; 

at  K 

whence  L2/;,2  +  M  V  +  N2ry2 =n2/2/2  tan2  0 

We  may  also  show  that, 

.      tan8  0 = K2*2  tan9  0. 

.     .     (539) 

113.]  Using  the  principles  established  in  the  foregoing  pages, 
the  reader  will  find  little  difficulty  in  verifying  the  following 
theorems  :  — 

.......     (a) 

0,  ......     (b) 

pi     am     r  ,n      1    d     2  ,  . 

The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the  vertices  of  the 
three  semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments  from  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple,  divided  by  the  corresponding  moments  of  inertia, 
is  constant  during  the  motion. 

Let  xt  be  the  distance  of  the  vertex  of  a  from  the  plane  of  the 

X  (/  J' 

impressed   couple.     Then    xt=zal,   and   l=-r;  hence  ^/=-r-  and 

K  K 

nft  *  -jp2 

L=na8,  or  --——    ,  whence 

The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the  vertices  of  the 
three  semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid  from  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
couple,  divided  by  the  squares  of  the  corresponding  moments  of 
inertia,  is  constant  during  the  motion. 

a*#2  a?2       1    /a"2\ 

As  before  xf=  —  -,  L2=n2a4;  therefore  =L  —  --—[  —  }  whence 
A;2  L*     n2£2\a2/ 

Let  tangent  planes  be  drawn  to  the  vertices  of  a,  b,  c,  the  three 
semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid,  cutting  off  from  the  axis  of  the  plane  of 
the  impressed  couple  three  segments.  The  sum  of  the  squares  of 
the  reciprocals  of  those  segments  will  be  constant  during  the 


motion.     Denoting  these  reciprocals  by  f,  v,  £  we  shall  have 

/y>  ty* 

=£2,  during  the  motion;  for  «f  =£=-,  or  k%=-;  hence 

K  K  tt 

Again,  a2!2  +  Z>2u2  +  c2£2  =  (/2  +  m?  +  w2)  =  1  . 

£,  v,  £,  the  reciprocals  of  the  segments  cut  off  from  the  axis  of 
the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple  by  three  tangent  planes  drawn 
through  the  vertices  of  the  axes  of  the  surface,  may  be  the  segments 
of  the  axes  of  coordinates  cut  off  by  any  tangent  plane  to  the 

If  through  the  vertex  of  k,  which  is  a  point  fixed  in  space,  a 
plane  be  drawn  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  this 
fixed  plane  will  cut  off  segments  from  the  axes  of  the  ellipsoid 
during  the  motion,  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  reciprocals  of 
which  is  constant. 

Writing  £,  v,  £  for  these  reciprocals,  we  have 

=l}  kv=m,  k$=n;  hence  ^  +  v2  +  ^=.    .     .     (g) 



114.]  We  must  now  proceed  to  the  investigation  of  formulae  by 
whose  aid  we  may  be  enabled  to  determine  the  position  of  the  body 
at  the  end  of  a  given  epoch.  For  this  purpose  we  shall  obtain  two 
distinct  classes  of  formulae,  to  determine  not  only  relatively  to 
certain  fixed  lines  within  the  body  (the  principal  axes  suppose) 
the  position  of  certain  other  lines,  but  also  absolutely  the  position 
of  these  lines  themselves  in  space.  This  double  investigation  is 
necessary,  because  the  locus  of  a  point  will  vary  accordingly  as  we 
choose  the  axes  of  coordinates  fixed  in  space,  or  varying  in  position 
according  to  some  given  law.  For  example,  the  instantaneous  axis 
of  rotation  describes  on  a  sphere  concentric  with  the  body,  and 
moving  along  with  it,  a  spherical  conic,  while  it  describes  on  a  con- 
centric sphere  fixed  in  space  a  spiral  which  undulates  continually 
between  two  small  parallel  circles  of  the  sphere. 

Again,  under  certain  conditions  the  same  straight  line  may 
describe  in  the  body  a  plane,  or  on  the  moving  sphere  a  great 


circle,  while  it  describes  in  absolute  space  a  sort  of  spiral  cone,  or 
on  the  surface  of  the  fixed  sphere  a  spiral  approaching  very  nearly 
to  the  loxodromic  or  rumb  line. 

We  have  hitherto  assumed  k  as  lying  between  the  mean  and 
least  semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  a2>Z»2>A:2>e2.  Should  we 
require  to  consider  the  case  when  k  lies  between  the  greatest  and 
mean  semiaxes  of  the  ellipsoid,  the  formulae  will  be  most  easily 
modified  so  as  to  embrace  this  hypothesis  also,  by  taking  in  that 
case  c  as  the  greatest  semiaxis,  and  b  the  mean  semiaxis  as  before, 
or  a2<i*<A:2<c2.  While  on  the  former  supposition  the  binomials 
a2  —  62,  a2  —  c2,  A2  —  c2,  a2—  A;2,  62—  A:2,  A;2  —  c2,  are  all  positive,  on 
the  latter  they  will  all  be  negative.  Now,  in  the  formulae  which 
we  shall  have  to  deal  with  in  the  remaining  portion  of  this  subject, 
these  binomials  occur  generally  in  pairs,  connected  either  by  mul- 
tiplication or  division.  It  will  result,  therefore,  that  no  effective 
change  of  sign  will  generally  take  place,  whether  we  suppose  k  to 
lie  between  the  greatest  and  mean  semiaxes,  or  between  the  mean 
and  the  least.  The  case  where  k  is  equal  to  the  mean  axis  will 
require  a  separate  investigation.  When  the  body  is  a  solid  of 
revolution  we  cannot  take  N  equal  to  L  or  M,  or  c  equal  to  a  or  b, 
because  we  suppose  c  to  be  the  greatest  or  the  least  of  the  three 
semiaxes.  The  only  hypothesis,  not  inconsistent  with  previous 
assumptions,  is  L  =  M,  or  a  =  b;  and  this  is  the  assumption  gene- 
rally made  when  the  case  of  a  solid  of  revolution  is  considered. 

Resuming  one  of  the  equations  (515), 

-y  ........ 

If  we  agree  to  take  -r-  with  the  positive  sign  when  a>b,  we  must 

attach  the  negative  sign  when  a<b. 

To  integrate  this  equation,  we  must  express  x  and  y  in  terms  of  z. 
This  we  can  easily  do  by  eliminating  x  and  y  alternately  from  the 
equations  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments  and  the  concentric  sphere. 
We  hence  find 

=a  V(6«-cV8  -<?*(&*-*«)       _b  Vc*(a-*2)-  (a*-c2)z8  „ 

c  v^=£2  c  v^^F 

Making  these  substitutions  in  (a),  the  last  equation  becomes 

.  (540) 

*  If  we  assume  the  relations  established  in  the  note  at  page  186, 

A  =  na%  B=n6>,  C  =  nc>,  A=n/*,  A'.n/A,  r=  =,      =, 


To  facilitate  the  integration  of  this  equation,  assume 

«c  [a  ~~ K  ){o  ~~ K  )  /*tt\ 

t,  — — — ' -. .        (o41) 

Substituting  the  value  of  z  derived  from  this  equation  in  (540), 
\df )  =/2[(a2  -  £2)  (b*  -  c2)  cos2<p  +  (62  -  A2)  (a2  -  c2)  sin2<p] '  " 

or  integrating,  we  obtain  the  following  elliptic  integral  of  the  first 

f-  ±abc  f      ,  ^  (542) 


f      , 
-C2)\    /      r(a*-^(*2- 

JV        L(62-c2)(a2- 


115.]  7%e  modulus  of  this  function  is  the  sine  of  the  semifocal 
angle  of  the  invariable  cone. 

Resuming  the  equation  of  this  cone  given  in  (527),  and  writing 
a  and  /3  for  its  principal  semiangles, 


C*(0*  —  K*)'  C'(a"—K"-) 

Now,  e  being  the  semifocal  angle   of  this  cone,  cos  e= ^ 


.     ,n.  .  9       cos2jS— cos2«     (a2—  62)(&2— c2) 

as  in  (2),  or     sm2e= — -5-^ =  /r2 aw2 — T^\>      •     -     (D) 

cos2 13  (o2  —  c2)  (a2 — A2) 

_  _ 

hence  cos^=F-f,andsec«cose=?=;.     (e) 

Consequently  the  coefficient  of  the  elliptic  integral  in  (542), 

abc  ,         ...  abc2  sec  «  cose 

-  ...  may  now  be  written  -  ,  (d) 


/  V  (a2- 

In  (508)  it  was  shown  that  f=kfc.     Introducing  this  relation 
into  the  preceding  coefficient,  and  making 

.*  --        ....     (543) 


and  by  the  help  of  these  relations  eliminate  from  (540)  the  quantities  a,  b,  c,  /, 
z,  kt  we  shall  obtain  the  resulting  equation 


the  expression  which  Poisson  arrives  at,  Traite  de  Mfaanique,  torn.  ii.  p.  140. 


(54-2)  may  now  be  written 


l—  sm2esm2<p 

In  (58)  it  was  shown  that  the  arc  <r  of  a  spherical  parabola  whose 
principal  arcs  a  and  /3  are  given  by  the  equations 

2  _     1  4-  sin  7          .  -      2  sin  7 
tan2  *  =  -  --  :  —  -,    tan2  B  =  —        —, 
1—81117  1  —  siny 

may  be  represented  by  an  integral  of  the  first  order,  or 

C  dip  sin  7  tan  <p       1 

o-  =  smyl  ^  +  tan-M      .         r        "  -    ;    (e) 

J   v  1  —  cos8  y  sm2  <p  L  y  1—  cos2ysm2<p-J 

writing  9  for  the  circular  arc,  we  get  the  simple  formula 

jt=a  —  <;  ........     (545) 

In  this  case,  tan2  «=-  -  —  =cot2i  e,  or  2a  +  e=7r.     .     .     (f) 
1—  cos  e 

2«  and  e  are  therefore  supplemental. 

tjf      _          ej^ 

When  e  vanishes,  a  =  —  ,  /3=-,  or  the  spherical  parabola  becomes 
A          ii 

a  great  circle  of  the  sphere. 

When  the  moment  N  of  the  body  is  very  nearly  equal  to  L  or 
M,  c2  must  very  nearly  be  equal  to  a2  or  b*,  and  the  coefficient  j 
becomes  indefinitely  small. 

116.]  It  may  easily  be  shown  that  the  amplitude  <p  of  the  elliptic 
integral  assumed  in  (541)  is  the  eccentric  anomaly  of  the  vertex  of  k, 
the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple.  Let  Q  and  b  be  the  semiaxes  of 
the  plane  ellipse,  the  intersection  of  the  invariable  cone  with  a  plane 
which  touches  the  sphere  whose  radius  is  k,  which  is  drawn  at  right 
angles  to  the  axis  c  of  the  ellipsoid,  the  internal  axis  of  this  cone. 

Let  the  plane  which  passes  through  the  axis  c  and  k  cut  the 
plane  of  the  ellipse  in  th'e  semidiameter  R,  making  the  angle  ^ 
with  the  axis  a  of  the  ellipse.  Then,  as  a  =  £tana,  li  =  A;tanj8, 
and,  p  being  the  angle  which  k  makes  with  the  axis  of  z,  R  =k  tan  p, 
we  shall  have 


tan2*     tan2/? 

cos2p=  --,  as  shown  m  sec.  [81. 


Let  <p'  be  the  eccentric  anomaly,  then  tan  p'=j-tan  -^r,        .     (a) 

,      tan  /3          .  cos2  a 

or  tany-=—  —  tan®',  and  cos2p  =  1  --  —  .  —  .-«    ,-      .     .     .     (b) 
tana  1—  sm2e  siu2 

VOL.   II.  2   D 


In  (541)  we  assumed 

.  2 

_  _ 

and  7-5  —  igT-Wo  -  g,'=sin2  e.     Comparing  this  expression  with  (b) 

(a2  —  k*)  (o®  —  c2) 

we  find  <£>=<£>'. 

Or  <p  is  the  eccentric  anomaly  of  the  vertex  of  k. 

117.]   Resuming  the  equation  established  in  (544),  we  may  invert 

the  formula,  ;7=cose  1  — .  ,  and  express  the  ampli- 

J  Vl-sin2esin2(p 

tude  <p  in  terms  of  the  function  jt.  Accordingly  let  <p  be  a  function 
of  jt,  or  <p  =  (jt)  *,  the  parenthesis  denoting  a  function  of  jt.  Sub- 
stituting this  value  in  the  value  assumed  for  z  in  (541) ,  we  find  the 
following  values  of  x,  y,  z — 

2  _  «2  (62  -  7c2)  (**  -  c2)  sin2  (jt)  } 

(a*-k*)  (62-c2)  cos2  (jt)  +  (b*-k2)  («2-c2)  sin2  (jt)' 

7*>    >•    (546) 

cos          +       -        a-c    sn 

c2)  cos2  (jt)  +  (62  —  A2)  (a2  —  c2)  sin2  (jt) '  ) 

*  That  the  assumption  here  made  is  allowable,  may  be  shown  as  follows. 
Let  (1  -  i2  sin2  <p)-%  be  developed  in  a  series  of  cosines  of  multiple  arcs ;  for  the 
successive  integral  powers  of  sin2  Q  may  be  so  developed.     Accordingly  let 

J    .    -  =  A  +2B  cos  2<p  +-4C  cos  4<p +6D  cos  6<p  &c. 

Integrating  these  equivalent  expressions,  and  putting  t  for  j     .  — •j-^f,  we 

j  \  L  —  t  sin  (p 

sin4<p+Dsin6<p  ....  &c.  now 

Substituting  these  values  of  the  sines  of  the  multiple  arcs  of  <p  in  the  preceding 

or,  by  the  inverse  method  of  series, 


or  <p  may  be  taken  as  a  function  ofj't,  or  we  may  put  <p=(;Y),  as  in  the  text. 

o\     I  ill     MOTION    OF    \    HKill)    UOJ)V   HOl'M)    A    IIM.I)    I'olNT. 

We  may  also  express  x,  y,  z  in  terms  of  the  time  and  of  the 
constants  of  the  invariable  cone.     Transforming  the  expressions 
in  the  preceding  formulae,  we  find 


see2  a  cos2  (jt)  +  see2  ft  sin2  (jt) ' 

tan2  a.  cos2  (jt} 
sec2  «  cos2  (jt)  +  sec2  /3  sin2  (jt)' 



£2     sec2  a  cos2  (jY)  +  sec2  >3  sin2 

From  either  of  these  groups  of  equations  we  may  find  the  coor- 
dinates xy  z  of  the  vertex  of  k  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple,  in 
terms  of  the  time.  We  can  thus  determine  the  particular  diameter 
of  the  ellipsoid  which  happens  to  coincide  with  the  axis  of  the  im- 
pressed couple  at  the  end  of  the  time  t.  And  if  we  suppose  the  ellip- 
soid brought  into  this  position,  we  shall  have  the  inclination  of  the 
equator  of  the  body  to  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple.  This, 
however,  is  not  sufficient  to  determine  completely  the  position  of 
the  body.  The  body  might  take  any  position  round  this  line  as  an 
axis,  xy  z  remaining  unchanged.  We  must  therefore  determine 
the  position  of  some  other  fixed  line  or  plane  in  the  body.  One 
of  the  most  obvious  is  the  intersection  of  the  plane  of  the  equator 
of  the  body  or  of  the  plane  of  x  y  with  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
couple.  The  position  of  this  line  being  ascertained  at  any  epoch, 
the  position  of  the  body  will  be  completely  determined. 

118.]  To  determine  the  value  of  (o  the  angular  velocity  at  the 
end  of  any  given  time. 

/•a  r™    2  2  2™i 

Since  to2  =  ^  =/2  \—4  +  |j  +  ^  ,  substituting  for  x  y  z  their  values 
given  in  terms  of  the  time  in  (547),  we  find 

tan2a       ,.  ...      tan2)3 
7+  --  cos2  O/)  +  — 

,  ...1 



sec2  a.  cos2  (jt)  +  sec2  /3  sin2  (jt) 

This  formula  may  be  simplified  as  follows. 

It  was  shown  in  sec.  [108]  that  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation 
describes  a  cone  of  the  second  degree,  whose  equation  is 

Let  «'  and  ft  be  the  principal  angles  of  this  cone.     It  may  c  asily 
be  shown  that 

"  c2(^t>2)- 


c2                            c2 
whence  tan  a' =  7^  tana,     tan /3' =-3  tan /8 (b) 

Introducing  into  the  value  of  a>  these  functions,  we  get 


c4    Lsec2a  cos2  (jt)  +sec2/3  sin2  (jt) 

*  Let  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  very  nearly  coincide  with  one  of  the 
principal  axes  (that  of  c  suppose)  ;  then  k  is  very  nearly  equal  to  c,  or  to  z,  and 

the  angular  velocity  round  the  axis  of  z,  being  given  by  the  equation  r=-~,  as 
in  (506),  r=-,  a  constant  quantity  which  may  be  put  equal  to  wt  or  K  =  H. 


In  this  case  the  invariable  cone  becoming  indefinitely  attenuated,  sec«=l, 
sin  e  =  0,  and  k=c  nearly  ;  so  that  the  formula  given  in  sec.  [114] 


\/  ~ 

f-     -* 

J  Vl-si 

niav  now  be  written.  nt=  -  .  To  use  the  notation  adopted  by 


\/  "     ~~^6»~ 

Poisson  in  the  Traits  de  Mecaniqne,  let  A,  B,  C  denote  the  moments  of  inertia 
round  the  principal  axes  ;  then  A=na2,  B=n62,  C  =  nc2, 

whence  .    /(*-*)(»-*)_      /(A-C)(B-C) 

V  <M*  "V  AB 

or  n8t  =  q>,  whence  y=  ??S. 

,,.„,         ,.    '  «2 

In  (546)  we  found  ^  =      _,, 

Since  k2  is  equal  to  e2  nearly,  let  7v2  =  c2+«'2,  in  which  v  is  a  quantity  indefi- 
nitely small  ;  the  above  formula  may  now  be  written 

,_  _  yV[fe2-c2—  i/2]sin2M^  _ 
~  (a2  -  cs)(63  -  c2)—  v\(W—  62)cos2wS^+(a2-  c2)  sin2^]' 
or,  neglecting  i/2  when  added  to  finite  quantities, 

(a?  -(*)(&-<?) 
Taking  the  square  root  and  reducing, 


Now  assume  .  =  a, 


•v«2&2(a2—  c2)(62-c2) 
fx  _ 

whence  ^  =  «V  B(B  —  C)  sin(»8£+y).     y  is  added,  since  a?  and  ^  may  be  sup- 

fy  _ 

posed  not  to  vanish  together.     In  like  manner,  4?  =  «  V  A(A  —  C)  cos  (n^-f-y). 

o\    Illi:    MOTION    01'    \    HIOIl)    HODY    KOCM)   A    FIXED   POINT.       205 

We  may  also  express  the  components  p,  q,  r  of  the  angular 
velocity  in  terms  of  the  time  — 


=  n«QV)  1     ' 

P    =  a4  Lsec2  a  cos2  (.;/)+ sec2 /3  sin2  (./0-T 

|*!r tan2*  cos*  (jt)        .     I 

64   Lee2  «  cos2  ( #)  +  sec2  B  sin2  ( ;7)  J ' 

r2  = 


c4     sec2  a  cos2  (jt)  +  sec2/3  sin 

The  angles  which  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  makes  with 
the  principal  axes,  are  given  by  the  equations 

COS\_C2  X _C' 

cos  v     a*z~a 


c  c 

or,  as  tana'  =7g  tana,  tan/3'  =  -2  tan/9,  as  in  (b), 

cos  v 

—  tan  /3'  sin 

=  tan«'  cos  i 

tan2  /Q'  sin2  (jt) 

COS2/X  = 

sec2  «'  cos2  (,/V)  +  sec2  ft  sin2 

tan2  a' cos2  (jt) 
sec2  a'  cos2  (^Y)  +  sec2  ft  sin2  (^7) ' 


COS2V  = 

sec2  «  cos2  (y/)  +sec2  (3  sin2  (,/V)* 

These  equations  give  us  the  position  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  with  reference  to  the  principal  axes,  in  terms  of  the  time. 

119.]  We  must  now,  in  order  completely  to  determine  the  position 
of  the  body  at  the  end  of  'the  time  /,  investigate  a  formula  which 
will  enable  us  to  ascertain  the  position  of  some  other  line  in  the 
body  at  the  end  of  the  given  epoch.  We  may  take  the  straight  line 

In  (606)  it  was  shown  that  p  =  ^,  q=ji  ;  whence 

=  *  A/A(A-C)cos(«&+y). 

These  are  the  formulae  established  by  Poisson,  on  this  particular  hypothesis, 
by  methods  wholly  dissimilar.  (  Traitt  de  Mtcanique,  torn.  ii.  p.  154.) 

When  k  is  absolutely  equal  to  c,  v=Q,  and  therefore  «=0,  or  p=0,  q=0, 
whatever  be  the  value  of  t.  Since  K  =/fcn,  F=/2n,  we  get 

•j^a  _  pja 

=LM(L-N)(M-N)'  °r'  U8in*  Poi8SOn'8  notation'  *a= 


in  which  the  equator  of  the  body  (the  plane  of  x  y  suppose)  and 
the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple  intersect. 

The  angular  velocity  of  the  body  round  the  axis  k  being  uniform 
and  equal  to  K,  the  angle  described  on  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
moment  in  the  element  of  the  time  d/  will  be  K&t,  or  the  angle  tct 
in  the  time  t,  measured  from  a  given  line  in  this  plane,  its  inter- 
section with  the  plane  of  the  equator  of  the  body,  or  the  plane  of 
the  axes  a,  b.  But  this  line,  which  may  be  called  the  line  of  the 
nodes,  will  itself  have  an  angular  motion  on  the  plane  of  the  im- 
pressed moment  during  the  time  ;  this  angle  may  be  denoted  by  ty, 
whence  the  whole  elementary  angle  will  be 

d>Jr  ,      d3     .       cty  d3 

-TT-I-K-     Let  this  angle  be  -T-,  then  -~  +  /e=  -.      .      (a) 

Now  this  elementary  angle  is  the  projection,  on  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  moment,  of  the  angle  on  the  plane  of  a  b,  over  which  the 
projection  of  the  axis  k  on  the  plane  of  a  b  passes  in  the  time  dt. 
Let  p  be  the  angle  between  these  planes,  or  the  angle  between  k  and 

the  axis  of  z.     Then  cos/o  =  -r,  and  the  angle  of  which  -r-  is  the 

projection  is  —  =-.     Hence  the  area  described  on  the  plane  of  a  b 

by  the  projection  of  k  upon  it  is  £(#2  +  y2)  --ri*     This  area  may 

also  be  represented  by  the  expression  Wy^r,—  #  ~~Tj\-     Equating 
these  expressions  for  the  same  elementary  area, 

-vr         #  —  cv  c—x  . 

Now  At=L~T^'   it-"-**?  --•  "  m 


The  equations  of  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere  give 
62c2«r2  +  aVy2  =  a262c2  -  a2A2*r2,  «2£2«/2  +  «262#2  =  «2*2/t2 

Consequently  y-^=/^t2.        .     .     .      (d) 

o\    I  UK    MOTION'    or   A    Kl(ill)    1UJDV    Hol'M)    A    KIXKI)    POINT.        .'J07 

And  as  a2  +  y2  =  A2  —  z*,  4  =  K,  we  at  length  obtain 


To  integrate  this  equation,  assume  as  in  (541) 

_  C       COS 

_  __  •  iwi 


and  writing  for  d/  its  value  as  given  in  (541*),  we  obtain  by  inte- 
gration the  elliptic  integral 

No\v,  e  being  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane  base  of  the  cone  the 
locns  of  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple,  (a)  sec.  [115]  gives 


tan2*         ~"b*(a*-k*y 

ac(b*-k*)  tan/3 

We  hnd  also    ,.    .,  g     ,gv/A«.  -  57=  +*     --  cos  «,     .     .     .     (i) 
/2  —         *—  c2       -tan 

taking  the  negative  sign  when  A  >  £. 

Introducing  these  transformations,  the  last  equation  (h)  becomes 


tan  a          J  [1  -e2  sin*  <p]  Vl  -sin2  e  sin2 

If  we  now  turn  to  the  formula  given  in  (15),  we  shall  there  find 
that  this  elliptic  integral  is  the  algebraical  expression  for  an  arc 
of  the  spherical  ellipse,  supplemental  to  the  one  whose  principal 
arcs  are  «  and  /3,  supplemental  in  this  case,  therefore,  to  the 
invariable  spherical  conic.  Writing  a  for  this  arc,  we  get  the 
simple  relation 

.......      (554) 

We  may  hence  infer  that  the  line  of  the  nodes,  or  the  intersection 


of  the  plane  of  the  equator  ab  with  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
couple,  describes  an  angle  which  is  made  up  of  two  parts  :  one  of 
these  parts  is  a  circular  arc  increasing  uniformly  with  the  time ; 
the  other,  <r,  is  an  arc  of  the  spherical  ellipse  which  is  the  base  of 
the  cone  supplemental  to  the  invariable  cone.  Now,  as  the  axis  of 
the  impressed  couple  is  always  a  side  of  the  invariable  cone,  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple  will  always  be  a  tangent  plane  to  the 
supplemental  cone ;  and  it  may  easily  be  shown  that  the  line  of 
contact  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple  with  this  cone  is  always 
at  right  angles  to  the  line  of  the  nodes. 

It  follows,  therefore,  that  the  line  of  the  nodes  is  retrograde,  and 
in  the  time  t  will  describe  the  angle  Kt  +  a-. 

The  angle  — -^  equal  to  Kt  +  a,  we  may  imagine  to  be  thus  described. 
Let  this  supplemental  cone  be  conceived  to  roll  on  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple  with  such  a  velocity  that  the  axis  of  the  con- 
jugate tangent  plane  may  describe  the  invariable  cone  with  the 
velocity  given  in  (510).  Let,  moreover,  the  invariable  plane  be 
conceived  to  revolve  uniformly  round  its  axis.  We  shall  then  have 
a  perfect  idea  of  the  rotatory  motion  of  a  body  revolving  round  a 
fixed  point,  free  from  the  action  of  accelerating  forces.  In  this 
manner  it  is  shown  that  the  most  general  motion  of  a  body  round 
a  fixed  point  may  be  reduced  to  that  of  a  cone  which  rolls  without 
sliding  with  a  certain  variable  velocity  on  a  plane  whose  axis  is 
fixed,  while  this  plane  rotates  round  its  axis  with  a  certain  uniform 

This  cone  is  always  given,  and  may  be  determined  as  follows : — 
The  circular  sections  of  the  invariable  cone  coincide  with  the 
circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments  (see  sec.  [Ill]), 
whence  the  cyclic  axes  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  the  diameters  perpen- 
dicular to  the  planes  of  those  sections,  will  be  the  focal  lines  of  the 
supplemental  cone.  As  the  invariable  plane  is  always  a  tangent 
plane  to  this 'cone,  we  have  elements  sufficient  given  to  determine 
it ;  for  when  the  two  focals  of  a  cone  and  a  tangent  plane  to  it 
are  given,  we  may  determine  it,  just  as  we  may  a  conic  section  when 
its  foci  and  a  tangent  to  it  are  given. 

120.]  From  these  considerations  it  follows  that  we  may  altogether 
dispense  with  the  ellipsoid  of  moments,  and  say  that  if  two  straight 
lines  are  drawn  through  the  fixed  point  of  the  body,  in  the  plane  of 
the  greatest  and  least  moments,  making  equal  angles  with  the 
axis  of  greatest  moment,  whose  cosines  shall  be  equal  to  the  square 

root  of  the  expression     ^     '      '    and  a  cone  be  conceived  having 

these  lines  as  focals,  and  touching,  moreover,  the  plane  of  the  im- 
pressed couple,  the  entire  motion  of  this  body  will  consist  in  the 
rotation  of  this  cone  on  the  invariable  plane,  with  a  variable  velocity, 
while  the  plane  revolves  round  its  own  axis  with  a  uniform  velocity. 

OX   Till:    MOTION    OF  A  RIGID    BODY    1UH  \I>   A    FIXED  POINT.       209 

Fig.  32. 

Let  ACB  be  the  mean  plane  section  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  that  which 
passes  through  the  axes  2a,  2c ;  ON, 
ON'  the  cyclic  axes ;  then,  if  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple  coin- 
cides with  any  of  the  principal 
planes,  the  cones  round  the  cyclic 
axes  as  focals  become  planes  also, 
and  the  axis  of  rotation  coincides 
with  one  of  the  axes  of  the  figure. 

Again,  if  the  plane  of  the  im- 
pressed couple  intersects  the  mean  plane  between  N  and  C,  it  will 
envelope  the  cone  whose  focals  are  ON,  ON',  and  whose  internal 
axis  is  therefore  OA.  But  if  it  intersect  between  A  and  N,  it  will 
envelope  the  cone  whose  focals  are  ON,  OM,  and  whose  internal 
axis  is  OC.  Whence  the  range  in  the  former  case  (which  may  be 
taken  as  the  measure  of  the  stability  of  rotation  round  the  axis 
whose  moment  is  the  greatest)  is  to  the  range  in  the  latter  case 
(which  may  also  be  assumed  as  the  representative  of  the  stability  of 
rotation  round  that  axis  whose  moment  of  inertia  is  the  least)  as 
the  supplement  of  the  angle  between  the  cyclic  axes  of  the  ellip- 
soid is  to  the  angle  between  these  axes. 

It  is  also  evident  that  the  sign  of  the  spherical  elliptic  arc  will 
depend  on  the  sign  of  the  binomial  (62  —  k*)  in  (j)  sec.  [119].  The 
signs  of  Kt  and  <r  being  contrary  when  b  <  k,  they  will  be  the  same 
when  b>k.  We  may  therefore  infer  that  the  direction  in  which 
the  angle  <r  shall  be  described  will  depend  upon  the  position  of  the 
axis  k  in  the  body — whether  it  lies  within  the  region  between  the 
planes  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  without. 

From  the  theorem  established  in  sec.  [4]  we  may  infer  that  the 
product  of  the  sines  of  the  angles,  which  the  cyclic  axes  of  the  body 
make  with  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  is  constant  during 
the  motion ;  for  the  cyclic  axes  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments  are  the 
focals  of  the  cone  suppleme'ntal  to  the  invariable  cone. 

121.]  To  determine  the  angle  between  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  and  the  line  of  the  nodes. 

Let  this  angle  be  Br  The  cosines  of  the  angles  which  the  axis 
of  the  impressed  couple  makes  with  the  axes  of  coordinates  being 
as  before  /,  m,  n,  let  the  cosines  of  the  angles  which  the  line  of  the 
nodes  makes  with  the  same  axes  be  lllt  mtl,  nlt ;  X,  JJL,  v,  are  the  angles 
which  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  makes  with  the  same 

Then  cos  8, = llt  cos  X  +  mu  cos  p  -f  nn  cos  v (a) 

As  the  line  of  the  nodes  lies  in  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
couple,  and  is  therefore  at  right  angles  to  its  axis  k, 


VOL.   II. 

2  E 


and  as  it  is  perpendicular  to  the  axis  of  Z,  see  sec.  [119], 

hence  (a)  and  (b)  become 

cos  S,  =  ln  cos  X  +  mtl  cos  p,    l,,l  +  mnm  —  0 ;   and  /y/2  +  w?v/2  =  1 . 

These  equations  give    mn— — -j== 


£  _/cos/ti  —  wcosX  ,_x      _y         ^_^x  _^V 

I  .  I '19    i    Q          '  If'  If*  /»2 '  '  A2  } 

s  - 

orcosd.=  -       /  a     ^  ......     (555) 


When  two  of  the  moments  of  inertia  are  equal  (L  =  M,  suppose), 
a  —  b,  and  cos8y=0,  or  8y=900.  Whence  we  may  infer  that  when 
the  body  is  a  solid  of  revolution,  the  angle  between  the  instantaneous 
axis  of  rotation  and  the  line  of  the  nodes  is  always  a  right  angle. 

The  angle  8t  is  also  a  right  angle  whenever  the  axis  of  the  im- 
pressed couple  lies  in  one  of  the  planes  of  the  principal  sections  of 
the  ellipsoid;  for  then  x=Q,  or  y  =  0. 

122.]  To  determine  the  angle  between  the  line  of  the  nodes  and 
the  axis  u  of  the  centrifugal  couple. 

Let  ^  be  the  angle  which  the  axis  u  of  the  centrifugal  couple 
makes  with  a  fixed  line,  ty  the  angle  which  the  line  of  the  nodes 
makes  with  the  same  fixed  line  ;  then  as  the  line  of  the  nodes  and 
u  are  in  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  see  (498),  the  angle  to 
be  determined  is  (%—  ^). 

Now  the  cosines  of  the  angles  which  u  makes  with  the  axes  are 
Ax  dy  Az  ,  ,  d#  dy  ,  Az 

''''  whence  cos  fc-^Hw+^^ 

The  values  of  ltl,  mlt)  nlt  were  found  in  the  last  section  to  be 
m  —  /  _ft     ,_x       _y 

'  H"~         ~~'  "' 

We  may  hence  deduce 

y  da?     x  dyl 

lai-T^h      -..     (a) 

but  T- 

ds     at  as    as     at  as 

-,       dx      ,(52— c2)  dy      .  (c2  —  a2) 

ana       -j-=j      ,9  0     yz,    3^=/- — o— » —xz.  as  in 
cu  o^c  elf  a^c^ 

ON  THE   MOTION    OF  A  UK!  ID  BODY  ROUND  A  FIXED  POINT.       211 


d*  fz 

dtC<  =~VF= 

_  C 

The  part  within  the  brackets  is  -  —  %  —  -;  and  -j-=/tan  Q,  see  (510)  ; 

z        /k2  —  c2\ 
cos(x-^)=—  -—-cotO.    .     .     .     (b) 

p  being  the  angle  between  the  axes  c  and  k,  cos  p=  -.     Introducing 


this  value  of  z  into  (514)  and  the  trigonometrical  functions  of  a 
and  /3  the  principal  semiangles  of  the  invariable  cone,  as  given  in 
(a),  sec.  [115],  _ 

tan  0=  (*^\  A  /cosV-cos2*  cos*  /3  (c) 

V     c2    /V          sin2  «  sin2  /3 

whence          cos2  (v-^r)  =  sin2*  sin2  /3 

sm2p-cos2«  cos2| 

and  tan2  (y-  ^)  =  ^n2«-sin2p)-(sin2p-sin2^) 

sin2  «  sin2  /9  cos2  p 

This  formula  leads  us  to  infer  that  when  «  =  /3,  %—  i|r  is  always 
0,  or  %=<^1;  whence  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple,  when 
the  solid  is  one  of  revolution,  always  coincides  with  the  line  of  the 

Again,  when  p  —  ot}  or  p=(3,  X=ty'>  *^at  ^  whenever  the  axis 
of  the  impressed  couple  lies  in  one  of  the  principal  planes  of  the 
solid,  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple  coincides  with  the  line  of  the 


123.]  In  the'preceding  sections  formulae  are  given  which  enable 
us  to  determine  the  position  of  the  axis  of  rotation,  and  of  the  axis 
of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  with  reference  to  fixed  lines 
taken  within  the  body.  It  still,  however,  remains  to  determine 
the  positions  not  only  of  those  lines,  but  of  the  fixed  lines  within 
the  body,  relatively  to  absolute  space.  True,  we  may  by  trans- 
formations of  coordinates,  and  by  the  choice  of  other  variables, 
obtain  solutions  from  the  formulae  already  established,  by  methods 
which,  however,  are  tedious,  complex,  and  not  a  little  obscure.  It 
will  be  found  not  only  the  most  direct,  but  by  far  the  most  elegant 


method  of  procedure,  to  conduct  the  investigation  independently, 
and  start  from  first  principles. 

As  the  body  must  now  be  referred  to  fixed  lines  in  space,  it  is 
no  less  obvious  than  natural  that  we  should  assume  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple  as  one  of  the  coordinate  planes.  Let  this  plane 
be  taken  as  that  of  x  y,  its  axis  that  of  z.  Moreover  let  the  plane 
of  the  greatest  and  least  principal  axes  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments 
coincide  with  the  plane  of  x  z}  at  the  beginning  of  the  time  t.  The 
instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  will  be  in  the  same  plane  at  the  same 
epoch,  and  will  make  with  the  vertical  axis  k  an  angle  whose  tan- 
gent is  given  by  the  equation 


This  may  easily  be  shown  ;  for  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre 
on  a  tangent  through  the  vertex  of  k,  a  semidiameter  of  an  ellipse 
whose  semiaxes  are  a  and  c,  makes  with  k  an  angle  whose  tangent 
is  given  by  the  last  formula. 

In  like  manner,  for  the  principal  section  whose  semiaxes  are 
b  and  c,  we  get 

C2).        ....     (557*) 

(D  and  O/  are  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  0,  the  angle 
between  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple  and  the  instantaneous 
axis  of  rotation. 

124.]  We   now    proceed   to   establish    the   following    proposi- 
tion :  — 

The  area  described  by  the  axis  u  of  the  centrifugal  couple,  on  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  varies  as  the  time. 

The  following  relations  were  established  in  (524),  (510),  (507), 
(508)  — 


At     to,    As     _,,  /  / 

=>       =i™6     "-       and  "= 

whence  -'=/<:  tan  <9  ......     (558) 

&)     V,u 

Let  O  be  the  centre  of  a  sphere  whose  radius  is  1,  concentric 
with  the  ellipsoid  of  moments,  Z  the  point  in  which  the  axis  of  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple  meets  it,  and  OI  the  direction  of  the 
instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  at  the  end  of  time  t.  Let  the  plane 
which  passes  through  these  lines  OZ,  OI,  or  the  plane  of  the  cen- 
trifugal couple  coincide  with  the  plane  of  x  z  at  the  same  instant. 
Then  the  axis  of  Y  will  at  that  instant  be  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal 


couple ;  and  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  the  tangent 
plane  to  the  ellipsoid,  at  the  point  where  the  axis  of  Y  intersects 

Fig.  33. 

it,  will  be  the  axis  of  rotation 
due  to  the  centrifugal  couple, 
see  sec.  [104] .  Let  the  direc- 
tion of  this  perpendicular  be 
OJ.  Through  OIJ  let  a  plane 
be  drawn.  If,  along  Of,  OJ  the 
instantaneous  axes  of  rotation, 
we  assume  lengths  OI,  Or, 
proportional  to  the  angular 
velocities  o>,  &>'  round  these 
axes,  the  diagonal  OI',  of  the 
parallelogram  constructed  with 
those  lines  as  sides,  will  repre- 
sent in  direction  the  instanta- 
neous axis  of  rotation  at  the 
end  of  the  time  t  +  At. 

Let  OI,  Or  taken  in  this  proportion,  be  the  sides  of  the  paral- 
lelogram ;  the  diagonal  OI'  will  be  the  contemporaneous  position 
of  this  axis  of  rotation. 

Let  the  angle  ZOI  =  0,  YOJ  =  0';  also  let  B  be  the  angle  between 
the  planes  of  IOJ  and  ZOX.  Then,  as  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  due  to  the  centrifugal  couple  lies  always  in  the  plane  of 
the  impressed  couple,  see  sec.  [103],  the  line  OJ  is  in  the  plane  of 


xy,  and  the  angle  JOX  =  —  —  &.     Let  ^  be  the  angle  which  the 


vector  arc  0  makes  with  a  fixed  great  circle  of  the  sphere  passing 
through  Z.  The  instantaneous  axis  having  moved  into  the  position 
OI',  the  arc  ZI  will  have  moved  into  the  position  ZI',  or  through 
the  angle  d^,  in  the  time  At.  Let  Iv  be  an  arc  of  a  great  circle 
perpendicular  to  ZI',  and  as  II'u  is  an  infinitesimal  right-angled 

triangle  we  shall  have  II' sin  8  =  If  =  -*~  sin  0.  Again,  as  I JX  is  a 
spherical  triangle,  right-angled  at  X  ;  sin  IJ  :  sin  JX  : :  1  :  sin  8, 

or  sin  IJ  = 


We  are  also  given  by  the  construction, 

a)'  _  sin  II'  _  II'  sin  8  _  d%  sin  9 
w     sin  1 J       cos  &       At  cos  6' ' 

and  (525)  gives 

'     ~Pk 

-=_T_/e  tan  v. 



Equating  these  values  of  — ,  and  introducing  the  relations 
P= k  cos  6,  P'=w  cos  & ',  we  get 

u*^H  =  Kk* (559) 

Now  uz  ~  is  the  elementary  area  described  on  the  plane  of  the 


impressed  moment  by  the  semidiamcter  u  of  the  ellipsoid  which 
coincides  with  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple ;  whence  the  area 
described  by  this  semidiameter  is  proportional  to  the  time,  or 

.    v.J=/rfA24-  constant (560) 


125.]  To  determine  the  position  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  in  absolute  space,  at  the  end  of  any  given  time. 

If  along  the  axes  of  rotation  due  to  the  impressed  and  centrifugal 
couples,  we  take  two  lines  to  represent  the  angular  velocities  due 
to  those  couples,  the  diagonal  of  the  parallelogram,  constructed 
with  these  lines  as  sides,  will  represent  the  instantaneous  position 
of  the  axis  of  rotation. 

Now,  if  we  turn  to  the  figure  at  p.  213,  we  shall  see  that 

sin  II' :  sinU  : :  to'  :  &>,  and  ultimately  TT=sinII';  whence 

do-     to'   .    TT  /dcr\2     w'2     a)'2 

T-  =  —  smIJ:    or  I    -1  =—5- s-cos^IJ.    .     .     (a) 

dt      a  \  dt )       eo2      &)2 

The  general  formula  for  the  element  of  an  arc  measured  on  the 
surface  of  a  sphere  is 


We  must  now  reduce  this  formula. 

dy     /ck2 
In    (559)    it   was   shown   that   -^  =  —^-,   and    in    (525)     that 

(16  tl 

at1     /ck*2 

—  ==pT~  sin  0-      Making    the    substitutions    suggested   by   these 


transformations,  we  shall  find 

(C-jf)a=AVsina0r       --1~|_^COS2IJ.  (c) 

\(U  /  LI     U2       W4J        G)2 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  reduce  the  first  term  of  the  second 
member  of  this  formula.     To  facilitate  the  calculations,  let 


Y.  )  ,  we  shall  have 

S?1  Q=/tVsin20 


\&L{*?f-[*i  i  (e^ 

LP>2id/J      \"l   I'       '     ' 

s,  it  must  be  borne  in  mind,  is  the  arc  of  the  invariable  conic ;  and 
zyx  are  the  coordinates  of  the  vertex  of  k  referred  to  the  principal 
planes  of  the  ellipsoid. 

Now,  if  we  turn  to  sec.  [106]  and  sec.  [1071,  we  shall  there 

dfV     /dyV     /d£ 
t)      \(\t)      \to 

2     1 


/d^\2     /d^ 

yd//    (at 


62  C 


Introducing  the  substitutions  suggested  by  these  transformations, 
we  shall  obtain 

*4*2  sin2  6 




Making  the  obvious  reduction  in  this  equation, 


We  have  also,  see  (515), 

_      /dtA2 
'     (to)  =-> 

n  _  U  y  djA  2  /d£  Y  _ 
V2     #7  W/  \d//  = 

Finding  similar  values  for  the  other  symmetrical  expressions,  sub- 
stituting, introducing  the  relation    x'2  +  y'2  +  z'2  =  k'*)    and  writing 

for  j-  its  value  /tan  6,  we  shall  finally  obtain 

_  |- 



We  have  now  to  compute  the  term  —5-  cos2  I  J. 


In  sec.  [106]  it  was  shown  that  the  angle  between  the  axes  of 
rotation  due  to  the  impressed  and  centrifugal  couples,  was  given  by 
the  formula 

whence  —k 

or  \ 

In  (506)  and  (516)  it  was  shown  that 

•//y  T  *  ^  A* /^*^  -i/  ** 

/«/  /      i  (/     ~~~  C     J  V^ 

•*^         /^2  ^   -*   ^  "^  ^»2  A2^>2  ^  JrSr  /  ^"~     2  iQ    ' 

Finding  analogous  expressions  for  gg^  and  rr;, 

7.2  _  7,2-1 

•    •     •     (J) 


f         f 
Now  <u =4= 

-c*     c2-a2     Q2-6a_(62-c2)(ffl2-c2)(a2-62)        , 
2        ~~~     ~~  *** 

a>'2  /g*4  cos4  0  (a2  -  62)2  (a2  -  c2)  2(62  -  c2)  2#  V*2 


Multiplying  this  expression,  numerator   and  denominator,  by 
tan4  6,  writing  ick  for  /,  and  in  the  expression 

substituting  for  the  terms  of  the  second  member  the  values  found 
in  the  preceding  equations,  reducing,  and  taking  the  square  root, 

dfl_  K&?  sin  0  cos  6  (a2-  62)  (62-c2)  (a2-  c*}xyz  ,. 

~  444  tan2  0 

We  have  now  to  express  x,  y,  z  in  terms  of  0. 

Combining  the  simultaneous  equations  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments, 
of  the  concentric  sphere,  and  of  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre 
on  the  tangent  plane  to  the  ellipsoid,  namely 

we  obtain  from  these  equations, 



\  /  \  / 

.     .     (562) 

0  +  (a2  - 

Substituting  these  values  of  x,y,z  in  (561),  the  resulting  equation 
will  become 

a'ftV  sine  sec3  fl 

VOL.  II.  2  p 


This  is  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  first  order,  which  may  be  reduced 
to  the  usual  form  by  assuming 


Before  we  proceed  further,  we  shall  give  the  geometrical  inter- 
pretation of  this  assumption. 

Let  a  cone  be  conceived  whose  internal  axis  shall  coincide  with 
the  axis  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  or  with  the  axis  of  z, 
and  whose  principal  arcs  shall  be  the  greatest  and  least  elongations 
of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  from  the  axis  of  the  impressed 
couple.  This  cone  will  generate  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere  a 
spherical  conic,  the  tangents  of  whose  principal  arcs  (2a",  2/3")  are 
given  as  in  (557)  by  the  equations, 


This  cone  may  be  named  the  cone  of  nutation. 

Now,  if  from  the  centre  of  this  curve  the  vector  arc  6  is  drawn 
to  a  point  on  it,  X  is  the  angle  which  the  perpendicular  arc  from 
the  centre  on  the  tangent  arc  through  the  vertex  of  6,  makes  with 
the  principal  arc  a". 

To  simplify  the  notation,  let 

Y=(a2-Ar2)(A2-c2)-a2c2tan20,   I      .     .     .     (565) 
Z  =  a262  tan2  6  +  (a?  -  A2)  (62  -  A8)  ,  ) 

and  the  equation  (563)  will  become 

At  a?b*c*  tan2  6 

0  v/X.Y.Z.' 

If  we  differentiate  (564),  and  make  the  transformations  resulting 
from  that  assumption,  we  shall  get  the  following  relations  :  — 

=  A2  (a2  -  b2)  (k*  -  c2)  cos2  X  ;  j 

42  Y  =  *2(a2  -  62)  (F  -  c2)  sin2  X  ;  and  I  .    (566*) 

2-&2)  (a2-c2)sin2X.) 

By  the  help  of  these  transformations,  equation  (566)   takes  the 

+  abc  f  _  dX 

2222  2-  > 

f  _  dX 

-c2)  \      /   _  r(«2-62)(A2- 
J  V          L62-c2«2- 

which  is  precisely  the  same  elliptic  integral  we  found  in  (542), 


_  from  it  only  in  the  amplitude  X  and  the  sign.  When 
b>a  the  positive  sign  must  be  taken.  We  shall  show  presently 
that  $  and  X  have  opposite  signs. 

Tins  formula  may  be  thus  written,  as  in  (544), 

+  abc* sec «  cose     C  dX 

t  = I  • .  (OOO) 

1.9  -    .  1 1  _a        -«\  /  '<?__  _2\  i     »/l  _ait  °    -  -'-  -°  "*• 

When  the  integrals  are  complete  they  are  identical,  as  they 
manifestly  should  be,  because  the  maximum  and  minimum  values 
of  6,  the  greatest  and  least  elongations  of  the  instantaneous  axis 
of  rotation  from  the  axis  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple, 
should  be  given  by  the  same  formula,  whatever  system  of  axes  we 
choose — since  this  value  must  be  independent  of  the  position  of  any 
axes  chosen  at  will,  being  a  function  of  the  constitution  of  the 
body,  and  of  the  magnitude  and  position  of  the  impressed  couple. 

126.]  To  determine  the  angle  %,  which  6  the  vector  arc,  drawn 
from  the  vertex  of  k,  to  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rota- 
tion, makes  with  a  fixed  plane  passing  through  k  the  axis  of  the 
impressed  couple. 

dy     icl? 
Resuming  the  equation  -57  =— g-j  established  in  (560),  we  have 

now  to  express  M2  in  terms  of  X. 

If  we  turn  to  (522) ,  we  shall  there  find 

d#\2     /d?A2     /Az\* 
—  )       I  -A  )      /  —  ) 



™-    •     .  L  , 

Eliminating        by  the  relation  =  +  + 

as  shown  in  (515). 

Having  made  these  substitutions,  we  shall  find 



Eliminating  #2  and  y2  by  the  equations  of  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere, 

introducing  also  the  relations  ^-—ftanO  and 

a*b2c4  tan2  8=  (a2  -  c2)  (b2  -  c2)  k2z2  -  c4  (a2  -  k2)  (b2  -  k9} , 
as  given  in  (514),  we  get 


a2b2c2tan28  '    '     '     (*W) 

In  this  equation  substituting  the  value  of  tan  6,  given  in  terms 
of  \  in  (564),  we  obtain 

!_    (g2-  *2)  cos2  x  +  (&2  - 

w2~62(a2-F)cos2X  +  a2(62-F)sin2 
Now  this  may  easily  be  reduced  to  the  form 

But  it  has  been  already  shown  in  (i)  sec.  [119]  that 

e  being  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane  elliptic  base  of  the  invariable 



*!=!_(*!_ -)[_ ir-gr-l.   ....     (572) 

rt/z  \        /jx        /  I       ^..  ^>*QTn^  A    I  ^  ' 

Ui  \       U         /I_A  —  c    olU    /v_l 

k2  C  k2 

Introducing  this  value  of  —2  into  the   equation   %  =  «  I  -3  d/, 

writing  for  d£  its  value  as  given  in  (567),  and  integrating,  we  shall 
obtain  the  final  result, 

ac          (b2  —  k2)  C  d^ 

=  — Ki  +  ^f —  - 1  .  (573) 

-bk  ^(a*-k2)(b2-c2)J  [l-e2sin2\]  Vl-s^es^X  v 

The  positive  sign  to  be  taken  when  b  >  k. 

This  elliptic  integral  differs  from  (553)  only  in  the  amplitude. 

When  the  integrals  (553)  and  (573)  are  complete,  the  values  of 
i/r  and  ^  become  identical,  as  they  manifestly  ought  to  be,  because 
in  sec.  [122]  it  was  shown  that  the  line  of  the  nodes  coincides 
with  the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple  whenever  the  instantaneous 
axis  of  rotation  lies  in  one  of  the  principal  planes  of  the  ellipsoid. 

ON  TIN:  MO  i  KIN  oi'  \  KHMD  BODY  ROUND  A  FIXED  POINT.     221 

If  we  eliminate  z  and  tan#  between  (511),   (541),  and 
•"'ill),  we  shall  get  the  following  relation  between  <p  and  X, 

tan<p  tanX  =  sece;      ...... 

dp         sin  2<p 
hence     ^=  —  r  —  ^  ;  or  <p  and  X  have  opposite  signs. 

ClX  Sin  <wX 

But  these  angles  differ  in  their  origin  by  a  right  angle,  since  <p  is 
measured  from  the  plane  of  be,  while  X  is  measured  from  that  of 

TT  . 

ac  ;  subtracting  <p  from  —  to  make  their  origins  coincide,  then 


tan  <p=  cose  tan  X; 

this  formula  coincides  with  that  given  in  (39) . 

Now,  when  the  ellipsoid  is  a  figure  of  revolution  (a  equal  to  b, 
suppose) ,  the  invariable  cone  becomes  a  right  cone  of  revolution, 
whence  the  angles  between  its  focals  vanish,  or  e=0.  Therefore 
f  is  always  equal  to  X ;  that  is,  the  amplitudes  of  the  functions  are 
identical  throughout  their  whole  extent,  as  plainly  they  ought  to 
be,  because  in  this  case  the  line  of  the  nodes  always  coincides  with 
the  axis  of  the  centrifugal  couple. 

when  <p=0,  X=0;  and  when  <p=^,  X=^. 

We  may  repeat  here  what  has  been  said  in  sec.  [119],  that  the 

ac(b*-k*) C dX 


bk  V(a2-#2)(62-c2)     [l-e2sin2X]  Vl-sin2esinsX 
may  be  transformed  into  this  other, 


J  [1  -  e2  sin2  X]  V 1  -  sin2  e  sin2  XJ 

which  represents,  as  has'  been  shown  in  sec.  [8] ,  an  arc  of  the 
spherical  conic,  supplemental  to  the  invariable  spherical  ellipse. 

The  relation  between  ^  and  X  is  given  by  the  following  elliptic 

[(a2-*2)(62-c2)]*v=flC(62~*2)  f  -  ^ 

M       J  [l-e2sin2X]  Vl-si 

_gbcC  dX 

*  J  Vl~ 

128.]  We  may  now  determine  the  angular  velocity  round  the 
instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  and  the  nutation  of  this  axis,  in  for- 
mulse  of  great  simplicity. 


Since  in  (568)  the  time  is  given  in  terms  of  X,  we  may  reverse 
the  formula  and  obtain  X  a  function  of  t1.  (See  note,  p.  202)  . 
t1  in  this  equation  is  no  longer  the  same  numerical  quantity  as  t 
in  sec.  [117]  ;  for  while  all  the  constants  in  (542)  and  (568)  are 
the  same,  the  amplitudes  <p  and  X  are  different.  Accordingly  let 

j,  :j  ::  t'  :  t  ;    hence  jtt=jt'  .....      (a) 
Let  X 

Then  in  (186)  writing  for  tan20  its  value  p2  —  1,  we  get 

1      (fla  +  c8_ff)  (^  +  ca_F)    ( 

=     -~  -- 

Let  Py  and  P/;  be  the  greatest  and  least  values  of  P  ;    then 
1      sin2  \     cos2  X 

I  f  !  I 


or  P  is  a  semidiameter  of  a  plane  ellipse  whose  principal  semiaxes 
are  P;  and  Pw. 

If  fl  and  Oy  are  put  for  the  greatest  and  least  angular  velocities, 

O  —  f—    fl1  —  L-  • 

**  —  T)  >    ^L  —  -p  > 

ru  ri 

we  hence  get  for  the  angular  velocity  the  very  simple  expression 

m20'/0;       •     •     •     (577) 

or  the  angular  velocity  varies  as  the  perpendicular  on  a  tangent  to 
a  plane  ellipse  whose  principal  semiaxes  are  proportional  to  H 
and  fl'. 

In  the  same  way  writing  ®  and  (H)'  for  the  greatest  and  least 
values  of  6,  the  nutation  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  from 
the  axis  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  we  obtain 

tan2  6  =  tan2  fc)  cos2  (j,  t}  +  tan2  &  sin2  (j,  t)  .       .     (578) 

This  formula  may  easily  be  obtained,  if  we  multiply  (d)  by  A2, 
subtract  1  from  the  first  number,  and  cos2\-fsin2X  from  the 




129.]  If  it  were  possible  to  eliminate  \  from  the  equations 
(5(51)  and  (576),  we  should  have  a  direct  equation  between  6  and 
£,  the  polar  spherical  coordinates  of  the  curve.  We  cannot  do 
this;  but  still  we  may  perceive  that  as  the  equations  involve  the 
angle  %  simply  and  no  trigonometrical  function  of  it,  while  6  is 
a  periodic  function  involving  sines  and  cosines  of  arcs  which 
increase  with  the  time,  the  curve  must  be  some  sort  of  spiral 
described  on  the  surface  of  the  fixed  sphere.  But  although  this 
direct  elimination  is  in  the  general  case  extremely  difficult,  perhaps 
impossible  to  effect,  we  may  however  be  enabled  successfully  to 
investigate  some  of  the  more  important  properties  of  this  spiral  in 
the  general  case,  and  to  give  its  polar  equation  in  a  particular  case 
of  rotatory  motion. 

The  spiral,  analogous  to  the  herpoloid  of  Poinsot,  has  two 
asymptotic  circles  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere. 

The  angle  r  which  the  vector  arc  6  of  a  spherical  curve,  drawn 
from  the  origin  to  any  point  on  the  curve,  makes  with  a  tangent 
at  that  point,  is  given  by  the  equation 


This  is  evident,  because  the  sides  of  the  elementary  right-angled 
triangle  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere  are  the  element  of  the  arc,  the 
differential  of  the  vector  arc  6,  and  the  distance  sin  0dy.  at  that 
point  between  two  consecutive  meridians. 

We  may  transform  this  equation  into 

.     .,  dy   At 
tanr  =  sm0J.^  .......     (a) 

dy        k2 
Now  in  (559)  it  was  shown  that   /r  =  /e  -3,  and  in  (569)  that 

tit  «*62c2tan20 

while    563)  gives     -  =_—  --      /vvv'  whence 
Q0     K  sin  6  cos  6  V  XYZ 

_q*62c*  tan2  0  +  (a2-**)  (&«-*«)  (c2-*2) 


Now,,  whatever  supposition  we  make  with,  respect  to  the  magni- 
tude of  k,  some  one  of  the  factors  X,  Y,  Z,  in  (565),  must  be 
essentially  positive,  and  cannot  become  cipher.  In  this  case  Z  is 
essentially  positive.  Making  X  =  0,  and  Y  =  0,  successively,  we 


but  when  X=0,  or  Y=0,  tan  T=  oo,  or  r  is  a  right  angle;  hence, 
when  9  has  either  of  these  values,  the  spiral  touches  one  or  other 
of  the  circles  whose  spherical  radii  are  the  values  of  tan  6  given 

If  we  make  9  greater  or  less  than  the  limiting  values  just  given, 
either  X  or  Y  will  become  negative,  and  the  value  of  tan  9  there- 
fore imaginary.  We  may  hence  infer  that  the  spiral  on  the  surface 
of  the  sphere  is  confined  between  two  planes  parallel  to  the  plane 
of  the  impressed  couple,  and  that  it  always  undulates  between 
two  parallel  small  circles  of  the  sphere,  having  its  apsides  alter- 
nately upon  them. 

Let  Py  and  Ptl  be  the  greatest  and  least  values  of  P,  the  perpen- 
dicular from  the  centre  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments  on  the  instan- 
taneous tangent  plane.  The  area  of  the  spherical  belt  or  zone, 
within  which  the  undulations  of  the  spiral  are  contained,  is  equal 

130.]  It  was  shown  in  sec.  [108]  that  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  referred  to  the  principal  axes  of  the  body  generates  a  cone 
of  the  second  degree.  We  shall  now  proceed  to  establish  the  fol- 
lowing remarkable  theorem. 

The  length  of  the  spiral  between  any  two  successive  apsides  is 
constant,  and  equal  to  a  quadrant  of  the  spherical  ellipse  generated 
by  the  cone  of  rotation. 

Let  <r  be  the  arc  of  this  spiral, 

(566)  (559)  and  (569)  give  us  (^)  = 

_  d/v 

also  u  —£ 



sin2  B 

sin2  9[a?b*c'*  tan2  9+  (a2 


Making  the  requisite  substitutions  in  the  general  formula  for  the 
spherical  arc,  we  shall  find 

/  d*\  -  =  K-  *in-  e  ro,-  0  (X-Y-ZV-hK2  sin2  0  f  a2AV  Uir  6  +  (a'-gX**-**)^-**)]' 
VW  u'i'c-'lan'y 

In  (5G5)  we  found 

X  =  /J2c2  tan2  e-(b*-  k*)  (/c2  -  c2)  , 
Y  =  (a2  -  /fc2)  (/i2  -  c2)  -  <z2c2  tan2  0, 
Z  =  a*W-  tan2  0  +  (a2  -  £2)  (b*  -  A2)  . 

Substituting  these  values  of  X,  Y,  Z  in  the  preceding  formula, 
squaring  the  second  member,  and  adding,  we  shall  find,  after  some 
rather  complicated  reductions, 

We  must  now  reduce  this  formula  to  a  form  suited  for  integration. 
In  (564)  we  made  the  assumption, 

o262c2  tan2  0=  (k2  -  c2)  [bz  (a2  -  *2)  cos2  X  +  a2  (62  -  **)  sin2  \]  . 
Let  us  continue  this  assumption  :  reducing  we  find 

.  g0^(*2-c2)["       &2(a2-*2)cos2X  +  a2(62-£2)sin2X        "1 

A2      UV  +  c«^*)~co8«  X  +  a2  (62  -I-  c2  -  A2)  sin2\J  '  (< 

80_  _  «262C2  _ 

~A2[62(a2  +  c2-A2)co2          2222- 
Substituting  and  reducing 

c2)  ~       ~(b*(a*  +  c2  -  A*  jTxis12  X  +  «-  (62  +  c2  -  /c2)  sin2\]  2       ' 

-j-   denotes  the  velocity  of  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 

rotation  along  the  spiral  which  it  describes.  We  thus  have  the 
velocity  of  this  point  given  in  terms  of  X.  We  shall  return  to  this 

To  change  the  independent  variable  from  t  to  X. 

Multiply  the  last  equation  by  the  equivalent  expression  given  in 
(567),  namely 

tc*k*  [(a2  -  /c2)  (A2  -  c2)  cos2  X  +  (A2  -  A-2)  (a2  -  c2)  sin2  V 

VOL.   II.  2  G 


and  we  shall  have 


*"  A"     i"       __/____  _J f^ftl^ 

z2(£2 + <?  -  #)  sinSX]2[(a2  -  £2)(62  -  c2)cos2  \+  (62  -  /42)va2  -c2)sin2A] ' 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  show  that  this  expression  may  be  reduced 
to  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  circular  form.  To 
simplify  the  calculations,  write 

'  —  (fjli If^  (13. (3\   \ 

'j'<     (582) 


Making  these  substitutions,  dividing  by  a2£2c2,  and  taking  the  square 
root,  we  shall  obtain 

abc  \/£2  —  c2 

To  integrate  this  equation,  assume 



Introducing  the  changes  arising  from  this  transformation,  the 
last  equation  may  be  reduced  to 

r              (AV-BU)       |~            abc\/k*-cz 

E>         (DU-CV)  VAV       /      rAV-BUVin2^ 

L'V     ^  AV   r    j 

U(AD-CB)       I                                 abc>Jk*-c* 

C(DU-CV)  VAV    r       /DU-CVN          1     /       /AV-BU 


1  ^      QV     J.i     ^JV  -      V     AV 

We  have  now  to  compute  the  values  of  the  coefficients,  modulus, 
and  parameter  of  this  expression. 

From  the  relations  established  in  (582),  we  get,  writing  E  and  F, 
for  the  first  and  second  coefficients, 

_  U  (  AD  -  CB)  abc  VAa  - 

a  (V*  -  c2)  (b*  +  c2  - 



DU-CV     c2(«2- 

=  a6     /        '  (q2-F)(62-F) 

"  c  V  (F^2)  (a2  -  c2)  (a2  +  c2  -  /t2)  ' 

the  parameter  = 


the  square  ot  the  modulus  = 


-  -^  — 

A  V 

-g  -     -g  -  ^  — 

(a2  —  c2)  (a2  •+  c2  — 


>    (586) 


Let  us  now  take  the  cone  described  by  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation,  with  reference  to  the  principal  axes  of  the  body.  The 
equation  is  given  in  (528),  namely, 

a  V  -  *  V  +  *2  (P  ~  *2)2/2  +  <?(<?  -  k*)a*  =  0  ; 

and  we  shall  find,  writing  as  before  a'  and  (3?  for  the  principal  arcs 
of  the  spherical  ellipse  the  intersection  of  this  cone  with  a  concen- 
tric sphere,  that 



COS2  «'  =  --5  -  „  '  -  ror,     COS2  P  = 

-  „       a          -  ror,  7-5  -  vT—5  -  -  re-., 

—  c2)  (62  +  c2  —  A:2)  (<r—  <r)  (a2  +  c2—  A:2) 

•  2    '_  _ 

~  '        L       - 

If  we  write  261  for  the  angle  between  the  focals  of  this  cone,  we 
know  from  (e)  sec.  [8]  that  its  value,  in  terms  of  the  principal  arcs 
of  the  spherical  ellipse,  is  given  by  the  equation 

tan2  e'  =  COs 

COS2  a! 

Substituting  the  particular  values  of  these  functions  just  given, 
we  obtain 

a2  -  c2}  (b*  -  A*)  («*  +  c2  -  /t2)  ' 

Hence  tan2  e'  is  the  parameter. 
Let  2r/  be  the  angle  between  the  circular  sections  of  the  same 

T,  ,.        j  •     /ft\  AT.        -9i     sin2  «'—  sin'2  yS' 

cone.     It  was  found  m  (9)  that  sin27/=—  —  —9    .        , 

2   ' 

sin  a 

or  sin  rf  is  the  modulus. 

Let  us  compute  the  value  of  the  first  coefficient  E. 

Making  the   necessary  substitutions,  we  obtain  the   resulting 



be  V  (a2  -  c2)  (62  -  A:2)  (A2  -  c2)  (a2  +  c2  -  A2  )  "  cos  «'  sin  a7' 
In  like  manner  we  find  for  the  second  cpeflBcient  F, 

F=—  A/_    '  "(a*-*8)(A2-^)  _cosa'_cos/3' 

c  V    a2_«-c2r/2  +  c2-/t2~    "sina'      ' 


Making  all  the  substitutions  just  indicated,  (585)  may  be  trans- 
formed into 

A        r     •    !          cos/3'       f 
Arc  or  spiral  = — — .  I  - 

cos  a.  sin  a' J 


[1  +  tan2 </  sin2 <X>]  VI  —  sin2 vf  sin3* 

cosa' cos/3' r  d<3;> 

sin  a' 

a^cos/3'  f 

sin «'     J  Vl-si 



When  the  body  is  one  of  revolution  or  a  =  Z>,  a'=/3'  and  the  pre- 
ceding expression  becomes,  Arc  of  spiral  —  sin «'  <3>,  an  arc  of  a 
circle,  since  e'=0  and  ?/=0. 

It  may  be  shown  by  comparing  (10)  with  (41)  that  if  there  are 
two  circular  elliptic  integrals  of  the  third  order  with  positive  and 
negative  parameters,  having  the  same  modulus  and  amplitude,  the 
parameters  being  respectively  the  square  of  the  tangent  of  the 
semi-  focal  angle,  and  the  square  of  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane 
elliptic  base  of  the  cone,  the  expressions  are  connected  by  the 
following  equation : — 

cos/3      C  d<  } 

cos  «  sin  a  J  ~ 


tan2  e  sin2  <p] 
cos  a  cos  /3 

sn  a 

3  C  d<p 

J  Y/l—  sin2  77  si 

tan  |3   .    ,  f  d<p 

=  -  —  -  sin  8  \ 
tana          J[l-e2si 

sin2  <p 

sin2  <p]  V 1  —  sin2  rj  sin2  <p 

I  tan-iretan6sin(PCOS(P] 
L  \/l—  sin2 17  sin2  <pJ 


If  now  we  introduce  this  relation  into  the  preceding  equation 
(588),  we  shall  obtain  for  the  final  result, 

Arc  of  spiral  = ^7  sin  B'  \ 

tana'          J[i_ 

6/2  sin2  <£j  y  !  _  sin2  ^  sin2  <j> 

_1  re'  tan  e1  sin  <I>  cos  4>~i   j 
L  v/l-s^^'sin^J  J 

In  sec.  [7]  it  was  established  that  the  elliptic  integral 
tan^^of  d(P 

J  n-< 




[1  —  e2  sin2  <p]  V 1  —  sin2  77  sin2  <p 

is  the  value  of  an  arc  of  the  spherical  ellipse,  the  principal  angles 
of  whose  generating  cone  are  2«  and  2/3,  the  angle  between  whose 


circular  sections  is  2t],  and  the  eccentricity  of  whose  plane  elliptic 
is  e.     And  it  is  shown  in  (44)  that 

Fig.  34. 

,  r  e  tan  e  sin  <p  cos  <z>  ~i 

L  vl— sm277sm2<pj 

is  the  arc  of  a  great  circle  touching 
the  spherical  conic,  intercepted 
between  the  point  of  contact  and 
the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  arc 
from  the  centre  on  the  tangent 

Make  the  angle  AOD  =  <p,  draw 
the  arc  Dn  a  secondary  to  AB,  and 
through  C  draw  the  tangent  arc  Cr. 

The  length  of  the  spiral  =  spherical  elliptic  arc  AC  +  circular 
arc  CT. 

The  length  of  the  spiral  between  any  two  successive  apsides  is 


found  by  taking  <E>  between  the  limits  0  and  — .     At  these  limits 


tangent  vanishes,  and  the  expression  becomes  the  length  of  a  quadrant 
of  the  ellipse  ;  hence  we  obtain  this  remarkable  proposition  : — 

The  length  of  the  spiral,  described  on  a  fixed  concentric  sphere, 
between  any  two  of  its  successive  apsides,  is  equal  to  a  quadrant  of 
the  spherical  ellipse,  described  by  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis 
of  rotation,  on  an  equal  concentric  sphere  which  moves  with  the 

If  we  turn  to  the  relation  assumed  in  (584)  between  X  and  3> 
for  the  purpose  of  facilitating  the  integrations,  and  substitute  for 
U  and  V  their  values  in  the  equation 


we  shall  find  tan23>  =  ^  tan2\,  or  tan2$=^2  _ 

or  tan  <l>  =  cos  e  tan  X.     This  result  is  identical  with  the  expression 
found  in  (39). 

But  X  and  the  amplitude  <p  used  in  the  investigations  in  this  and 
the  foregoing  chapter,  are  connected  by  the  relation  established  in 


tan  <p  =  cose  tan  X. 



131.]   Let  e,  d ,  e"  be  the  semi-  focal  angles  of  the  invariable  cone, 
of  the  cone  of  rotation,  and  of  the  cone  of  nutation  respectively. 




-  g-g  7~2  -  72WA2  - 

cos2  p       (a2  —  A;2)  (o2  —  c2) 

2  ,  _cos2a'  _  62  (62  -  k*)  (a?  -  c2)  (a2  +  c2  -  *2)        . 
~  cos2  3'  ~  a2  a2  -  F    62  -  c2    62  +  c2  -  A2    a 

cos2e"  = — 3-^/7  =  i2/  2  . — 2 — /~2\  frorn  (n)  sec-  [125]. 
cos2  j8"     A2  (a2  +  c2  —  A;2) 

Whence  cos e= cose' cose" (592) 

Let  e"  be  the  eccentricity  of  the  plane  base  of  the  cone  of  nuta- 
tion. From  (n)  sec.  [125]  we  may  derive 

fan2  «" fan2  /3"        Jf^ffi2 7)2\ 

110        Ldll     Ot     ^^  Ldll     O  ft     I W     ^^  U    j 

(*      z^ — — — ~  — — . 

tan2*"  £r(«2  — A;2) 

But  it  was  shown  in  (i)  sec.  [119],  that  e2=-  ^  2_7-2\  ;    whence 

e  =  e",  or  the  plane  elliptic  base  of  the  cone  of  nutation  is  similar 
to  that  of  the  invariable  cone. 

132.]  When  the  revolving  body  is  very  nearly  a  sphere,  as  in  the 
case  of  the  planetary  bodies,  a,  b,  c  are  very  nearly  equal.  In  this 
case,  the  ellipse  of  rotation  is  indefinitely  greater  than  the  ellipse 
of  nutation,  as  may  thus  be  shown  : 

tan2a'  = 

,   „  -  .„  -- 

tan2«"=v—     -4V-    —  ^  tan^"  =-i—        ya  e *  whence 

^^  ^^ 

tana"     62      /  (a2  -  k9)  (62  -  £2)    tan/3"     a2      /(a2-£2)(£2- 

tan  a' 

Now,  when  a,  b,  c  are  very  nearly  equal,  k  also  must  nearly  be 
equal  to  one  of  these  quantities ;  whence  as  k  approaches  in  mag- 
nitude to  one  of  the  axes,  the  above  ratio  becomes  indefinitely 

As  the  length  of  one  undulation  of  the  spiral  depends  solely  on 
the  magnitude  of  the  principal  arcs  of  the  ellipse  of  rotation,  and 
is  independent  of  that  of  nutation ;  it  is  evident  that  when  the  body 
approaches  in  shape  to  a  sphere,  several  revolutions  of  the  body 
must  occur  between  one  extreme  position  of  the  axis  of  rotation 
and  the  one  immediately  following. 

When  the  body  is  very  nearly  a  sphere,  we  may  approximate  to 
this  number.  In  this  case  the  ellipses  are  very  nearly  circles,  and 


the  number  of  revolutions  n  will  be  the  ratio  of  their  circum- 
I'rrruces,  or 

circumference  of  circle  of  rotation  _  sin  «'_tan  a'_     N 
~ri  iv  u  inference  of  circle  of  nutation""  sin  a"  ~~  tana"     L—  N  ' 


or.  in   the   usual  notation,  w=  —  '—^    nearly,   since   a  =  b  =  k  =  c 

A.  —  L/ 


133.]    On  the  velocity  of  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 
rotation  along  the  spiral. 

The  velocity  V  along  the  spiral  is  the  value  of  the  expression  3--. 
This  value  has  been  found,  (f)  sec.  [130],  to  be,  in  terms  of  X, 


We  shall  now  proceed  to  find  the  maximum  and  minimum  values 
of  V  by  the  ordinary  process  of  differentiation.  For  this  purpose 
differentiating  equation  (c)  of  sec.  [130]  and  putting  the  differ- 

ential of  I  -r-  )  equal  to  0,  we  shall  obtain 

0=^.sin0cos0[Q(sin20-cos20)-2Wcos20],  .     (595) 

writing  Q  for  a2 

2.  r(a2-A2)(62-*2)(c2-/t2n 
and  W  for  (a2  +  b*  +  c2  -  *2)  |1  g«yc«  J  • 

In  this  equation  there  are  four  factors,  any  one  of  which,  equated 
to  cipher,  would  satisfy  the  equation  ;    either    -r-  =  0,  sin  6  =  0, 

cos  0=0,  or  Q(sin2  0-cos2  6)  -2W  cos2  0=0. 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  show  that  they  are  all  inadmissible 
except  the  first. 

We   cannot   have   sin  0=0,   or   cos  0  =  0;    or  0=0,  or  0=-; 


because  the  magnitude  of  the  angle  0  is  confined  within  certain 
limits,  given  by  the  equations  (557)  ;  neither  can  we  have 
Q(siu20  —  cos20)  —  2Wcos20  =  0  ;  for  if  we  assume  the  truth  of  this 
supposition,  we  shall  find,  writing  0;  for  0, 

Q-2W  2(Q-W) 

tan20/=  —  ^—  ,    or  sec20;=-i-Q  --  '-.     ...     (a) 

We  must  now  compute  the  value  of  this  expression. 


Since  Q  =  a2  +  62  +  c2  -  2k2,  and 

we  get,  after  some  reductions, 


ig£(Q-  W)  =  a2£2 

-      a 

;  _1_  9 /72/-2    i    O /72A2 1         (h) 
-f-  <*c*  c   ~r  ^i*  w  r        \u/ 

Now  this  expression  may  be  reduced  to  the  symmetrical  form 

-*2);      .     .     .     (c) 

~-        •      (*) 

The  greatest  value  of  sec  Q,  which  the  conditions  of  the  problem 
admit,  is  given  by  the  equation  (557), 

Let  the  ratio  of  these  secants  be  n,  we  shall  find  that  n  is  always 
greater  than  1  :  put  sec  6f=n  sec  @, 

_     _ 

or     w,^  =  2  — 

As  the  extreme  limits  of  k  are  a  and  c,  let  £2=a2  —  a2,  £2=e2  +  y2, 
a  and  y  being  positive  quantities,  which  are  small  when  compared 
with  the  axes.  This  expression  may  now  be  written 


or  w  is  equal  to  V2  nearly,  since  the  second  term  may  be  neglected. 
We  have  therefore 

sec  6  =  \/2  sec  @, 

a  value  of  6  which  cannot  be  admitted,  since  ©  is  the  maximum 
value  of  B. 


The   only   remaining   factor  is    ^-  •    differentiating  (564)   and 

o\    Nil.    MoJii'N    OK  A    Kl(ill)   BODY   HOUND  A  FIXKD   POINT.       233 


=  0,   we  get  —  £2(a2  —  A2)sin2X=0,  an  equation  \\hirh 

is  satMied  by  X=0  or  X  =  ^;  but  these  values  of  X give  0=&,  and 


0  =  (-)' ;  or,  the  maximum  and  minimum  velocities  of  the  pole  of  the 
mttantaneotu  axis  of  rotation  along  the  spiral  are  at  its  greatest  or 
/<'<ist  (/iff lances  from  the  centre  of  the  spiral,  as  we  might  indeed 
have  anticipated. 

Taking  the  second  differential  of  this  expression, 



this  is  negative  when  X=0,  and  positive  when  \  =  -~.     Therefore 



the  velocity  is  a  maximum  whenX=0,  and  a  minimum  when  X=— . 


Or  the  velocity  is  least  at  the  inner,  and  greatest  at  the  outer 


134.]  We  shall  now  proceed  to  determine  the  curves  traced  ont 
by  the  poles  of  the  principal  axes  of  the  body,  during  the  motion, 
on  an  immovable  concentric  sphere.  We  shall  first  investigate  the 
curve  traced  out  by  the  axis  c  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  the  C  spiral,  as 
for  the  sake  of  brevity  it  may  be  named. 

Let  p  be  the  angle  between  the  pole  of  the  impressed  couple  and 
the  pole  of  the  axis  c.  Then  the  usual  formula  gives  us 

Now,  p  being  the  angle  between  k  and  the  axis  c  of  the  ellipsoid, 
>=T,  sinp= -r ,  tanp  =  —         — ;  hence  (y-)  =rs 

/d<?\2     /«2/t2XY 
In  (51-0)  it  was  shown  that  (-rr)  =     2,2  4  > 

where  X=[(i2  — c2)^2  — i 
In  (r>52)  we  found  -^= 

Before  \ve  proceed  further,  it  is  proper  to  show  that  the  curve 

VOL.   II.  2   H 


has  two  asymptotic  circles  ;  for,  r  being  the  inclination  of  the  vector 
arc  to  the  curve  at  the  point  of  contact, 


~~  ••••••• 


When  X=0,  or  Y=0,  we  shall  have  tan  r=oo  ,  or  T=—  .   .     (c) 


The  radii  of  the  asymptotic  circles  may  be  found  by  making 
X=0  and  Y=0, 

or  («2-yt2)c2-(a2-c2)^2=0;')  ,„ 

and   (62-c2)*2-(62-A2)c2  =  0.j 

Resuming  our  equations,  and  making  the  suggested  substitutions 
in  (a), 

a2Z>V  /  do-  V     X  Y  +  a262  (c2  -  z2)2  . 

ic*k*  \dt)  '"  (A2-*2) 

This  expression,  by  the  help  of  the  preceding  relations,  becomes 

c2(a2+62~A2)~(a2^2"c2)^  •  (596) 

135.]  Let  distances  a',  b1,  c?  be  assumed  along  the  axes  of  the 
ellipsoid  a,  b,  c,  and  inversely  proportional  to  these  axes,  so  that 
aa!  =bb'  =  cc'  =  hz.  Let  v,  v',  v"  be  the  velocities  of  the  extremities 

of  these  lines  respectively.    Whence  ^(-j:)  will  be  the  velocity  of 

the  extremity  of  cj, 

It  t  I  U.U    V  //      /  ilU    V  .  /    1 1  U    \  "  C/~~ 

or  v"=d(—  )  =  _(_);  hence  U-  I  =74 

Substituting  this  value  in  the  last  equation,  and  multiplying  by 
2,  we  find 

<rW  (a2  +  tf  -  A2)  -f  2a2b*c*z*  -  (a2  +  b*  +  c2)  aWz*. 

Writing  analogous  expressions  for  the  other  axes,  and  introducing 
the  relations  given  by  the  equations  of  the  ellipsoid  and  sphere,  we 
shall  find,  on  adding  those  expressions, 

_A2)<      ...     (a) 


\\  r  have  therefore  this  theorem  : — 

If  s trail/ lit  lines  are  taken  along  the  three  principal  axes  of  the 
body  from  the  centre,  and  inversely  proportional  to  the  square  roots 
of  the  moments  of  inertia  round  these  axes,  the  sum  of  the  squares  of 
the  velocities  of  their  extremities  is  constant  during  the  motion. 

Let  segments  equal  to  R  measured  from  the  centre  be  assumed 
on  the  three  principal  axes  of  the  body,  the  sum  of  the  areas 
described  by  the  projections  of  these  lines  on  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple  varies  as  the  time. 

Let  Sc  be  the  area  described  by  the  projection  of  a  portion  of 
the  axis  of  c  equal  to  R  on  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple ; 
then  the  projection  of  R  on  this  plane  is  R  sin  p,  and  the  differ- 
ential of  the  area 

dSff     ,  -no  •  o    dilr  .,  N 

-j—  =  £  It*  sin2  p  -p- (b) 

Now  sin2/o  =  — 77T— , 

and  J-L= 

whence  .Jrftl-       .........     (c) 

Inlikemanner  ^= 

dS0     dS$ 
Whence  +        + 

or  Sa  +  SA  +  Sc=R2/rt  +  constant  ......     (d) 

Should  the  lengths  R,  instead  of  being  equal,  be  proportional  to 
the  square  roots  of  the  moments  of  inertia  round  the  corresponding 
axes,  the  sum  of  the  areas  described  by  the  projections  of  those 
lines,  on  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  is  still  proportional  to 
the  time. 

N     nc2 
Let  R2  =  ™:=^.   W  being  a  constant.     Then  (b)  in  the  last 

article  may  be  changed  into  the  following,  ~r-£=/«  ^  (c2—  z*). 
Whence  S0  +  S6  +  SC=^*  (a2  +  A2  +  c2-/t2)f+  constant.      .     (e) 
136.]   Let  us  now  resume  the  general  equation,  and  proceed  to 


find  the  lengths  of  the  spirals  traced  by  the  principal  axes  during 
the  motion.     The  equation  for  the  C  spiral  is,  as  in  (596), 

(a2  -  k2)  (b*  - 

Assume,  as  in  (541), 

(aa-#2)(62-c2)  cos2<p+  (62-*2)  (a2-c2)  sin2<p' 
and  substitute  this  value  of  z  in  (a)  ;  we  shall  then  have 

~  Y=  - 

dtJ      a2 

-Jfcaa«-c*  sin«< 









cos2<p  +  D  sin2<p 

cos2  9  +  B  sin 
and  this  expression  may  be  transformed  into 

/do;\=     BC-AD 
U<P/~  C(C-D) 



-.       (598) 

Equations  (d)  give  us 

BC-AP=  -(aa 
C(C-D)  (^ 

A-  B     (a2  -  &2)(a2 
A  "«2(a2-yt2) 

(C-D)  VA  A  /.     /A-B\  . 
V  1~(~A~/8m 

'    C-D 
C-D      a2 


C      ~(A2-c2)(a2-*2)' 


Nowe/2=—          .,  ',    —  -,  as  in  sec.  [7]  .     Substituting  the  values 
of  tan  a',  tan  /3'  given  in  (587),  we  get 

e?*=-  —  —  -  =  —  T  —  ;  hence  e'  is  the  modulus. 

a2  (a2—  A2)  A 

In  (b)  sec.  [115]  it  was  shown  that 

c«       C-D 

whence  sin2  e  is  the  parameter.     Making  these  substitutions,  and 
integrating,  we  obtain  the  resulting  equation, 

/c«(A;a-ca)  /(a2  +  62-c2)  (Aa-*a)\  f 
"V  aa(aa-Aa)\     (/fc2-c2)(62-c2)     /J  [l-si 

snesin2<p]  \/l-e'2sin2< 

As  sin2e  is  less  than  e/2,  this  elliptic  integral  is  of  the  third  order 
and  logarithmic  form.  That  it  is  so,  may  be  shown  by  constructing 

/       *2\ 
the  expression  (l+ri)  (l-\  —  J  ;  or  in  this  case,  in  which  n—  —  sin2e 

/         e'2  \ 

a  nd  i2  =  ^,  cos2e  (  1  -  -=-f-  )  =  cot2  e  (sin2  e  -  e'2)  ; 

\      Bra'e/ 

whence  the  criterion  of  sphericity  becomes,  as  in  (138), 
_  (62  -  k*)  2  (a2  -  c2)  (a2  +  62  -  ca) 

a2^2_yt2)(/fc2_c2)^__c2)      .....        (g) 

This  is  a  quantity  essentially  negative,  whatever  be  the  value  we 
assign  to  k  between  its  limits  a  and  c.  Hence  the  polar  spiral 
described  during  the  motion  by  the  least  principal  axis,  may  be 
rectified  by  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic 

When  the  ellipsoid  is  one  of  revolution,  the  elliptic  integral  may 
be  reduced  from  the  third  order  to  a  circular  arc.  In  this  case 
a  =  b,  since  sine=0,  e'  =  0. 

Adding  together  the  coefficients  of  the  integrals,  now  become 
identical,  we  get 


137.]   Multiply  equation  (599)  by  the  expression 


which  depends  solely  on  the  moments  of  inertia  of  the  body.     Let 
»  be  written  for  this  factor  ;  then  (599)  will  become 



,.  (601) 

a26(62-c2)  V(«s-*3K**-c8)J  [l-sin2esin2<p]  V 1  -  e'2  sin2  <p 

Now  e  is  the  focal  angle  of  the  invariable  cone,  and  e1  is  the 
eccentricity  of  the  plane  base  of  the  cone  of  rotation.  Let  there 
be  a  cone  which  shall  have  the  same  focal  lines  as  the  invariable 
cone,  and  a  plane  elliptic  base  similar  to  that  of  the  cone  of  rota- 
tion. Then,  ctt  and  /3;  being  the  principal  angles  of  such  a  cone,  we 
shall  have,  see  (19), 

tan2«,— tan2/3,       ,0         ,  sin2  a,— sin2/3,       .   0 

L-^—    -?-i  =  e'2,  and-       -'-<,  0  —  '  =  sm2e,      .     (a) 
tan2  a;  cos2  /3, 

or  tan2  «, = — ~ [ tan2  B,  = •  (b) 

whence  cos2a/=rirrA2 — 72(7*2 K>      .     .     .     .     (c) 

a8  (a8 -A*)  ~(tf 

By  the  help  of  these  relations,  if  we  construct  the  expression 

- — 3-  we  shall  find  it  to  be  equal  to  the  coefficient  of  the  elliptic 

integral  of  the  first  order  in  the  equation  (601).     In  like  manner 

if  we  construct  the  expression       '       cos2  a,  we  shall  obtain  the 

coefficient  of  the  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  in  the  same 
equation.     Accordingly  (601)  may  be  written, 

.  «i*  r     a? 

tan/3J   VI  -e2  si 


.     (602) 


tan/3;  M  [l-sin2e,sin2<p]  vT- 

ON   THE   MOTION   OF  A   RIGID   BODY   ROUND  A   FIXED  POINT.       239 

138.]  When  the  parameter  of  the  elliptic  integral  of  the  third 
order  is  negative  and  less  than  the  square  of  the  modulus,  the 
function  no  longer  represents  any  spherical  curve  of  the  second 
order.  It  is  possible,  however,  to  construct  a  spherical  curve  whose 
rectification  may  be  effected  by  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third 
order,  and  logarithmic  form. 

Let  us  conceive  a  spherical  curve  which  shall  cut  all  its  spherical 
vectors  in  angles  whose  cosines  shall  have  a  given  ratio  to  the  sines 
of  double  the  angles  which  the  equal  central  vectors  of  a  certain 
spherical  ellipse  make  with  the  major  arc.  Let  r  be  this  angle,  and 
p  the  distance  of  the  point  from  the  centre  of  the  curve.  In  the 
spherical  ellipse,  of  which  the  principal  arcs  are  a  and  /3,  let  this 
vector  p  make  with  the  major  arc  the  angle  ^r.  Then,  by  the  law 
of  the  generation  of  the  curve, 

cos  r  =j  sin  >|r  cos  -fr  .......     (a) 

Now,  as  the  spherical  radii  of  the  ellipse  which  are  equal  to  a 


and  ft  respectively,  make  with  the  major  arc  angles  0  and  ^,   at 

these  distances  cos  r=0,  and  the  curve  has  therefore  apsides  at 
these  distances  from  the  centre. 

To  find  the  length  of  the  curve,  we  must  compare  the  values  of  COST. 
cos  T=^  sin-^r  cos  ^  (this  relation  maybe  taken  as  the  definition  of 

the  curve)  ;  and  cos  T  =(  ^-  );  j  '(  ,-  \  —  .  g  .  --  s—  .  j    .     .     .     (b) 
\da-J      \dp  J      sm2  ^r  cos2  ^ 

while  the  equation  of  the  spherical  ellipse  gives 

cot2  p  =  cot2*  cos*^  +  cot2/3siu2<\Jr.       .     .     .     (c) 
Let  <p  be  the  eccentric  anomaly,  as  in  (c)  sec.  [8]  ;  then 

tan>/r=- — -tan<p: (d)* 


tan2  ft  sin2  <p 

whence  sm8>lr= — 5 —  — »  ~   .  9    , 

tan*  «  cos*  <p  +  tan*  /o  sin*  <p 

..      .     .     (e) 
tan2" a  cos2<p 

COS     v"  ~~ : . 

tan2  «  cos2  <p  +  tan2  ft  sin2  <p*  y 
Substituting  these  values  of  sin  ^r,  cos  >/r  in  (b),  we  find 

.g  /do-\2 _  [tan2  a  cos2  ft  4- tan2  ft  sin2  <p2]  .... 

\dp/  "       tan2  a  tan*  $  sin2  <p  cos2  <p 

*  The  eccentric  anomaly  <p  in  (c)  sec.  [8]  is  not  the  same  angle  as  0  in  (d) 
sec.  [7]. 


Again,  as  tan2p=tan2«  cos2  <p  +  tan2  /3  sin2<f>,      .     .     .     (g) 

/dp  \2     (tan2  «  -  tan2  /3)2  sin2  p  cos2  <p 
differentiating,  (^J  =  __  ___ 

whence,  as7'=y. 

•a  f  d<7  V—  (tan*  a~  tan2  ff)2  [tan2  g  cos2  (p  +  tan2  ft  sin2  <p] 
^   Up/  =       tan2  «  tan2  /3       [sec2  a  cos2  <p  +  sec2  #~sin2  <p]  2' 

tan2  «—  tan2  /3      0    sec2  a  —  sec2  /3      .  2  ,.» 

l\ow  _  --  —  f"  —  sin    e  • 

JL^  wff  o  -  C      .  Q  -  Oil!       C    •  •  •  VII 

tan2  a  sec2  « 

making  these  substitutions,  reducing  and  taking  the  square  root, 
the  transformed  equation  becomes 


tan/3j   Vl-e2sin2<p 

e2  cos2  a  f  d(p 

tan/3  J  [i_ sin2 e sin2 p]  \/l  —  e2sin2< 

As  e2  >  sin9  e,  this  is  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order  and 
logarithmic  form. 

Now,  if  we  compare  this  formula  with  (602),  we  shall  find  them 
identical, — whence  we  may  infer  that  the  length  of  the  spiral 
described  by  the  pole  of  the  greatest  or  the  least  axis  of  the  ellip- 
soid on  a  fixed  sphere  (the  semidiameter  k  being  the  next  in  the 
order  of  magnitude  to  such  greatest  or  least  axis]  will  be  equal  to 
the  length  of  the  curve  there  defined  as  generated  on  the  surface 
of  a  sphere  according  to  a  given  law. 

139.]  On  the  spiral  described  by  the  pole  of  the  greater  principal 
axis,  or  the  A  spiral. 

In  the  general  equation  (596)  substitute  x  for  z,  and  interchange 
a  and  c ;  we  shall  then  have 


In  (546)  we  found 

(a2  -  A;2)  (62  -  c2)  cos2  <p  +  (62  -  /fc2)  (a2  -  c2)  sin2  <p' 
Substituting  this  value  of  x*  in  the  preceding  equation,  and 

o\  mi1:  MimoN  or  A  iti<;ii>  uonv  uorsi)  A  KIXKD  HOINT.     X?  1  1 

introducing  the  value  of  I-,-)  given  in  (511*),  we  shall  obtain  the 

resulting  equation 

a     a- 

This  expression  may  be  reduced  in  the  same  way  as  (597), 
omitting  the  steps  for  the  sake  of  brevity.  The  resulting  equation 
will  be  found  as  follows  :  — 

a    a  - 

]  *  f  df 

^]  J  vi=s?2M 

an  elliptic  integral  which  is  also  of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic 

The  parameter  is  the  square  of  the  sine  of  the  semifocal  angle  of 
the  invariable  cone,  while  the  modulus  is  the  sine  of  the  major 
principal  arc  of  the  cone  of  rotation. 

\Yhen  a  =  b,  sine  =  0,  and  the  above  expression  assumes  the 


'  I  —  T     —  ^  i 

J   Vl-s^a'sin2^ 

In  (58)  it  was  shown  that  cos  a'  I  —  T     —  ^  is  the  alge- 

braical  representative  of  'an  arc  of  the  spherical  parabola  whose 
major  principal  arc  a,  is  given  by  the  equation 

.        ,  1  +  COS  «'  1  ,   a'       7T 

tan*«,=  —  ,=  ,;    whence  «+9=-, 

1  —  cos  «'  „  «'  *      2 

tan2  — 

or  «'  and  2«/  are  supplemental. 

140.]  On  the  spiral  described  by  the  mean  axis  b  of  the  ellipsoid, 
or  the  mean  or  B  spiral. 

In  the  general  equation  (596),  interchanging  b  and  c,  also  y 
and  z,  we  obtain  the  result 

•     •     (a) 
ii.  2  i 


For  z/2  substitute  its  value  given  in  (546)  , 

__  _  _ 

-  (a«  _  kz)  (62  -  c2)  cos2  <p  +  (62  -  A2)  (a2  -  c2)  sin2  <p' 

Introducing  the  value  of  f-r-J  found  in  (541*),  we  shall  obtain 


v/62^2  \  dip  /      (a2  -  F)  (62  -  c2)  cos2<p  +  (62  -  A2)  (a2  -  c2)  sin2<p  ' 

Let         A  =  a2  (a2  -  it8)  ,  C  =  a2  - 


=  a2  (a2  -  it8)  ,  C  =  (a2  -  *2)  (62  -  c2U 

=  (a2-  c2)  (a2  +  c9  -A2)  ,    D  =  (F-  k*)  (a2  -c-2)  ,j 

and  the  preceding  equation  may  be  written 

1  _  idff"\  _  A  cos2(p  +  B  si 
62  —  yt2  \  d<p  /  ~ 

d<p  /  ~  C  cos2<p  +  D  sin2<p 

^  as  B  >  A,  this  equation  may  be  transformed  into 


b  Vi2-** 



K  (606) 

If  we  now  compute  the  value  of  the  coefficients  in  this  equation 
by  the  help  of  (c),  we  shall  find,  2e  being  the  focal  angle  of  the 
invariable  cone,  as  shown  in  (b)  sec.  [115], 

c2(/t2  _  c2) 


'  &  being  the  lesser  PrinciPal 

~B~     (a2  -  c2)  (a2  +  c2  -  k*) 

angle  of  the  cone  of  rotation  as  in  (587).     We  have  also 


BC-AD_(«2-yfc2)  (flg  +  c8-. 


Making  those  substitutions,  (606)  becomes 
b  (a2  -  A2)  (g*  +  c*-b*) 

a"  = 

[l  +  tan2ecos?p]  Vl-s 

c*b  »JW^P  f  d<p 

.-sm2/3'cos2<p    ; 

As  the  parameter  tanae  is  positive,  the  elliptic  integral  of  the 
third  order  is  of  the  circular  form. 

When  a  =  b,  tane-=0  and  the  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order 
in  the  preceding  equation  is  reduced  to  the  first.  Adding  the 
above  expressions  together,  and  reducing, 

/a2  +  c2-*2\          ,f 

a"  =  I , — Y^-  )  cos  a!  \ 

\     a2- A2    /  )  Vl-si 


sin2a'  cos2  <p 


This  expression  agrees  with  the  one  found  for  the  greater  spiral, 
differing  from  it  only  in  the  amplitude,  which  is  complementary. 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  eliminate  from  the  preceding  equation 
the  interal  of  the  first  order. 


Multiply  this  equation  by  the  factor  A  /(a*~  ^2)(6g-gg). 

V     62(a2-fc2  —  b2) 

Let  as  before  <xt  and  ft,  be  the  principal  semiangles  of  a  cone 
whose  focals  shall  coincide  with  those  of  the  invariable  cone,  and 
the  planes  of  whose  circular  sections  shall  make  the  angles  /3'  with 
the  internal  axis;  then,  assuming  the  equations  established  in 
sec.  [8]  and  (e),  we  shall  have 

tan^-tan2/?,  (a2-62)  (*2-c2) 

-L——    —-'  =  tan2  6,—  tan2e=  7-5  -  57775  —  7*  > 
sec2/^  (a2—  c2)(62—  A2) 


sin2  a,—  sin2  8,      .  „  c2(A;2  —  c2) 

-  ?—  5  —    -^=:8ln277.=sin8/S'=7-i  -  ,.\  .,  ,    o  —  7s7> 
sm2^  (a2  —  ^(a^  +  c2  —  A2) 

as  in  (587)  ;  whence,  making  the  substitutions  indicated, 

tan  *'=- 

by  the  help  of  these  equations  we  may  show  that 

cos/3,     _         (ag-A*)y(62-c2Ka*  +  c*-Aa)        ^  ^     „  } 

cos  «;  sinu,      v/  (a2  -  c2 )  (a2  -  b9)  (b*  -  A*)  (a2  +  c8  -  A*) ' 


24  i       ON  THE   MOTION   OF  A  RIGID   BODY  ROUND   A   FIXED   POINT. 

Whence  (600)  may  now  be  written 
aa  — 6S)(62  — c8)-|*H         CQS£       *  d 

f_\  /I  — -il  _— . !__/ 

—  62)  J          cos^sinaj  [l+tan2ecos2<p]  ,  . 

}. .  (608) 
cos  /3;  cos  «/  /*  cli 

/l_  sin 

sma/     J    \71  —  sin2  77,  cos' 

If  now  we  turn  to  (41)  and  (47),  in  which  elliptic  integrals  are 
compared,  having  the  same  amplitude,  but  positive  and  negative 
parameters  respectively,  we  shall  find  them  identical  with  the  pre- 
ceding equation,  which  may  now  therefore  be  written 

c*  -i 

>   ,,     tan/3,   .        [  dtp 
<r'  =  —  —  sm5,l 

tan  «,       r'J  [1  _ e,2cosV!  Vl  —  sin277.cos2<z> 

L.  /  T  J       '  //  /£$r\C\\ 

}. .     (609) 
_,  ret  tan  et  sin  <p  cos  <p~| 

L     A/1— '      '       2  2       -I 

If  we  take  the  complete  function,  the  circular  arc  vanishes.  We 
may  therefore  conclude  that  the  length  of  the  mean  or  B  spiral,  or 
of  the  spiral  described  by  the  pole  of  the  mean  axis  b  of  the  ellipsoid, 
between  any  two  of  its  asymptotic  positions,  is  equal  to  a  quadrant 
of  a  spherical  ellipse.  The  cone  of  which  this  spherical  ellipse  is 
the  base,  may  with  ease  be  determined.  It  must  have  the  same 
focal  lines  as  the  invariable  cone ;  and  its  minor  principal  arc  is 
the  angle  between  the  cyclic  diameters  of  the  ellipsoid ;  for  the 
cyclic  semidiameter  whose  square  is  a2  +  c2— V2  makes  with  the  axis 
c  an  angle  the  square  of  whose  tangent  is 

-^ATT; =r  .       Ill   (s)  W6  f OUnd 

or  2/3,  is  the  angle  between  the  cyclic  diameters  of  the  ellipsoid. 

We  have  thus  investigated  the  equations  of  the  spirals  described 
on  a  fixed  concentric  sphere  by  the  three  principal  axes  of  a  body, 
which  we  have  named  the  greater,  mean,  and  lesser,  or  the  A,  B, 
and  C  spirals.  It  is  not  a  little  remarkable  that  the  rectification 
of  the  greater  and  lesser  spirals  must  be  effected  by  elliptic  inte- 
grals of  the  third  order  and  logarithmic  form,  while  the  rectification 
of  the  mean  spiral  depends  on  an  elliptic  integral  of  the  third  order 
and  circular  form.  It  will  moreover  be  evident,  on  referring  to 
the  preceding  sections,  that  the  elliptic  integrals  which  express  the 
lengths  of  the  spirals  described  by  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rota- 
tion and  the  mean  principal  axis  of  the  body  have  the  same  ampli- 
tude, and  are  each  of  the  circular  form ;  while  the  integrals  which 
determine  the  spirals  described  by  the  greatest  and  the  least  prin- 


ripal  axes  of  the  body  also  have  the  same  amplitude,  which  is  com- 
plementary to  the  former,  and  are  of  the  logarithmic  form. 

ML]  We  may  determine  the  maximum  and  minimum  velocities 
\\  ith  \\  hieh  the  poles  of  the  priiu-ipal  axes  of  the  body  describe  their 
rr^pet  -tivc  spirals  on  the  fixed  concentric  sphere.  Resuming  the 
equation  of  the  spirals  traced  by  the  principal  axes, 

differentiating  and  putting  the  differential  equal  to  cipher,  we  get 

1  ./*/    2 

It  \vas  shown  in  (515)  that       =  — — g 

This  is  =0  whenever  the  position  of  the  axis  k  renders  #  =  0 
or  y  =  0 ;  and  as  k  is  at  its  greatest  or  least  distance  from  the  axis 
c  of  the  ellipsoid  whenever  it  lies  in  one  of  the  principal  planes, 
the  velocity  of  the  pole  of  c  on  the  spiral  is  the  greatest  or  the 
least  whenever  the  axis  c  is  at  its  greatest  or  least  distance  from 
the  axis  k. 

The  same  proof  may  be  applied  to  determine  the  extreme  velo- 
cities of  the  poles  of  a  and  b. 


142.]  There  are  two  particular  cases  of  the  general  problem 
•which  require  separate  investigations  —  when  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple  is  at  right  angles  to,  or  coincides  with,  the  plane 
of  one  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments. 

We  shall  first  take  the  case  when  the  plane  of  the  impressed 
couple  is  at  right  angles  to  the  plane  of  one  of  the  circular  sections 
of  the  ellipsoid,  or  k  =  b.  If  we  introduce  this  value  of  k  into  the 
equation  of  the  invariable  cone  in  (527),  we  shall  obtain  the  follow- 
ing equation  :— 

This  expression  is  the  equation  of  the  two  plane  circular  sections 
of  the  ellipsoid  which  intersect  in  the  mean  axis  b.  If,  then,  to  fix 
our  ideas,  we  conceive  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple  to  be 
horizontal,  one  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid  will  be  ver- 
tical during  the  motion. 

To  determine  in  this  case  the  locus  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of 


rotation  in  the  body.  If  we  write  b  for  k  in  the  equation  of  the 
cone  of  rotation  (528),  we  get 

a2(a2-6V2  +  c2(c2-62)22  =  0,      ....     (b) 

the  equation  of  two  plane  sections  of  the  ellipsoid  passing 
through  the  mean  axis,  and  perpendicular  to  the  umbilical  dia- 
meters of  the  ellipsoid. 

We  may  perceive  therefore  that  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple, 
and  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  describe  planes  in  the  body 
daring  the  motion. 

To  find  the  greatest  elongation  of  the  axis  of  rotation  from  the 
axis  k.  This  is  nothing  more  than  to  find  the  angle  which  a  per- 
pendicular from  the  centre,  on  a  tangent  passing  through  the  vertex 
of  k  or  b,  makes  with  it,  in  an  ellipse  whose  semiaxes  are  a  and  c. 
Now,  h  being  the  conjugate  diameter  to  k  or  b}  and  P  the  perpen- 
dicular on  the  tangent, 

7i2  -+.  #2  _  aa  _j_  ca^  an(j  p^  _  ac      Let  this  angle  be  3. 
Then  tan*9==(f^!Kt!=£!W.    .     .     .     (c) 

To  determine  the  time. 

In  the  general  equation  (540)  let  k  =  b,  and  we  shall  find 

d*    fz  V62  -  c2 
Assume  (a2-c2)z2  =  c2(a2-&2)sin2<p,      .     .     .     .     (e) 

in  which  <p  is  the  angle  between  k  and  the  mean  axis  of  the  ellip- 
soid, measured  on  a  circular  section  of  the  surface.  By  this  trans- 
formation, equation  (a)  may  be  changed  into 

dt  a 


d<p     *  \/«2- 
It  was  shown  in  (c)  that  tan  .&  is  the  maximum  value  of  tan  0. 


j=Kw;  the  preceding  equation,  when  integrated,  will  become, 
putting  C  for  the  constant, 

To  determine  the  value  of  this  constant.     Let  8  be  the  initial 

ON   THE    MOTION   OF  A   RIGID   BODY   ROUND  A   FIXED   POINT.       247 

distance  of  the  pole  of  k  from  the  axis  6,  at  the  beginning  of  the 


motion;  then  0  =  log  tan  75 +  C.     Subtracting  we  shall  have 




Let  tan-=m,  and  the  last  equation  may  be  written 


sj  =  KW,  tan  ^  =  we*  ',       .     (610) 


e  being  the  base  of  the  Neperian  logarithms. 

When  B  is  absolutely  equal  to  0,  m  also  is  equal  to  0,  and  <p  is  0, 
however  large  the  value  we  may  assign  to  the  time  t.  But  when 
B  is  only  very  small,  m  will  be  a  very  small  quantity,  and  therefore 
t  must  be  very  large  before  its  magnitude  can  have  any  appreciable 
effect  on  the  magnitude  of  <p.  Hence  the  pole  of  k  will  diverge 
slowly  from  the  mean  axis  b.  When  the  initial  distance  B  is  sup- 
posed to  be  considerable,  then  m  is  no  longer  an  indefinitely  small 
quantity,  and  a  small  increase  in  t  will  produce  a  considerable 
effect  in  the  magnitude  of  <p. 

Again,  let  the  axis  of  the  impressed  couple,  by  the  motion  of 
the  semicircular  section  passing  through  it,  be  approximated  to 
indefinitely,  by  the  prolongation  of  the  principal  axis  b,  within  a 
very  small  angle  B'. 

Let  T  be  the  future  time  at  which  the  prolongation  of  the  axis  b 
shall  arrive  within  a  certain  small  angle  8'  of  k.  Then  p  =  TT—  B', 

and  /T  =  log  tan  (-9  —  77)  +C.     As  the  initial  distance  of  b  from  k 
must  be  supposed  as  before  to  be  B, 

0=logtan  (!)+C,    whence  -/T  =  log  [t 

2  )  as  before  ;  then 

tan        tan 

rotanf=e-/r  .......     (611) 


In  this  equation  T  will  be  infinite  on  two  suppositions,  either 

m  =  0,  or  tan  iT=0.     The  former  shows  that  T  will  be  infinite  if  b 

never  departs  from  coincidence  with  the  axis  of  the  impressed 


couple.  From  the  second  we  may  infer  that  b  never  can,  having 
once  departed  from  coincidence  with  k,  again  coincide  with  it. 

We  may  therefore  infer  that  the  motion  of  k  in  the  body  will  be 
as  follows.  When  the  coincidence  of  k  with  the  mean  axis  is  dis- 
turbed, and  the  disturbance  takes  place  along  one  or  other  of  the 
circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid,  the  axis  b  at  first  diverges  very 
slowly  from  k,  then  with  greater  rapidity  until  this  velocity 
reaches  a  maximum  state.  The  velocity  then  decreases,  so  that  b, 
with  a  motion  continually  retarded,  approaches  indefinitely  near 
to,  without  ever  absolutely  reaching,  the  axis  of  the  impressed 

143.]  To  find  the  value  of  6  the  angle  between  the  axis  of  rota- 
tion and  the  axis  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple. 

In  (514)  writing  b  for  k,  and  c2(a2  —  62)sin2<p  for  (a2  —  c2)^2,  we 
obtain  tan  6  =  w  sin  <p  .  Hence  B  varies  from  its  inferior  limit  to  •& 

as  <p  varies  from  8  to  —  . 


It  was  shown  in  (510)  that  the  velocity  of  the  pole  of  the  plane 
of  the  impressed  couple  along  the  invariable  conic  was  /tan  6. 

Writing  V  for  this  velocity,  V  =  btcw  sin  <p  ......     (611*) 

/  £2_p2 

As   tan#  =  wsin<p,  w  =  ^,  tan20  =  —  ^—  ,  w  being  the  angular 

velocity,  whence  o>2  =  «:2[l  +w>2sin2<p],  or  &>  =  /csec#.    .     .     (612) 

To  determine  the  angle  ty  which  the  line  of  the  nodes  makes 
with  a  fixed  line  in  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple. 
Resuming  the  equation  (552),  putting  b  for  k,  and 

C2(a2-62)sin2<p  for  *2(a2-c2),  as  in  (e)  sec.  [142],  we  get 



in2*?  c2(« 

—  a     •         W  Tlting  tan'1  77  TOr    -3^-75 

2  * 

TT,  -  on  -  — 

bz—  z*     l+tan2?7cos 

which  represents  the  tangent  of  half  the  dihedral  angle  between  the 
circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  half  the  angle  between  the 
cyclic  axes.  We  also  have 

T-=  -  =  —  ,  as  in  (f)  sec.  [142]. 
d<p     KW  sin  <p 

Making  these  substitutions  in  the  equation  (552), 

/*2-c2\f  *2d* 
>/r=  -Kt  +  K—-        _,  we  find 

—  -^r  =  Kt  +  tan"1  [tan  77  ccs  <p]  +  constant.        .      (613) 
To  determine  this  constant. 


At  the  beginning  of  the  motion  let  the  axis  of  the  plane  of  the 
impressed  couple  very  nearly  coincide  with  the  mean  axis  of  the 
ellipsoid.  Then  p  is  very  small,  and  cos  <p  very  nearly  equal  to  1  : 
we  thus  get  0  =  tan-'(tan  77)  -f  C,  or  C=—  77;  hence 

cos<p)  —  77.       .     .      (614) 

The  limits  of  <p  are  0  and  TT,  between  which  limits  the  pole  of  the 
impressed  couple  lies  during  the  motion.  Now  when  <p  =  0, 
cos<p=l,  and  tan"1  (tan  77  cos  <p)=  77.  When  <p=7r,  cos<p=  —  1, 
and  tan~'  {tan  77  x  —  1}=—  77.  Whence 


writing  T   for  the    period  in  which   the    semicircle  is  described 
by  k. 

Thus  we  perceive  that  the  infinite  angle  -fy  is  made  up  of  two 
parts,  one  of  which  increases  as  the  time,  while  the  other  continually 
approximates  to  a  fixed  limit  2i),  2rj  being  the  angle  between  the 
cyclic  axes  of  the  surface.  . 

The  geometrical  interpretation  of  this  formula  it  is  not  difficult 
to  discover.  In  sec.  [119]  it  was  shown  that  the  angle  ^  was 
made  up  of  two  parts,  one  of  which  id  increases  as  the  time,  while 
the  other  may  be  represented  by  an  arc  of  the  spherical  ellipse, 
generated  by  the  cone  supplemental  to  the  invariable  cone.  As 
the  circular  sections  of  this  latter  coincide  in  direction  with  the 
circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid,  the  cyclic  axes  of  this  latter  surface 
will  coincide  with  the  focals  of  the  supplemental  cone.  Hence,  as 
before  mentioned,  the  whole  motion  of  the  body  may  be  repre- 
sented by  conceiving  this  supplemental  cone  to  roll  without  sliding 
on  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  while  this  plane  revolves 
uniformly  round  its  axis.  But  when  the  plane,  as  in  this  case, 
passes  through  one  of  thfc  cyclic  axes  of  the  ellipsoid,  this  supple- 
mental cone  degenerates  into  a  plane  sector  of  a  circle,  the  angle 
between  whose  bounding  diameters  is  2rj.  Now,  when  the  plane 
of  the  impressed  couple  is  slightly  disturbed  from  coincidence  with 
the  plane  of  this  circular  sector  (for  when  k  coincides  with  b,  the 
plane  of  the  impressed  couple  coincides  with  the  principal  plane  *ac, 
which  contains  the  cyclic  axes),  it  will  revolve  round  a  straight 
line  (one  of  the  cyclic  axes  bounding  the  circular  sector)  instead 
of  rolling  upon  a  conical  surface;  and  this  straight  line  (the  cyclic 
axis  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  the  focal  of  the  rolling  cone)  becomes,  in 
the  ultimate  state  of  this  cone,  the  edge  of  the  circular  sector. 
The  plane  of  an,  being  disturbed  from  a  state  of  coincidence  with 
the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple,  will  revolve  round  one  of  the 
cyclic  axes  until  it  approximates  indefinitely  on  its  other  side  to 
this  plane. 

Now  if,  instead  of  the  cone,  we  imagine  the  sector  of  the  circle 

VOL.   II.  2  K 


to  revolve  upon  the  plane,  the  line  of  contact  with  the  plane  will 
no  longer  advance  continuously  upon  this  plane,  but  per  saltum, 
starting  forward  through  an  angle  2tj  at  each  half-revolution  ;  so 
that  if  we  imagine  a  number  of  semirevolutions  to  occur,  the  line 
of  contact  of  this  sector  with  the  plane  would  advance  through  the 
angles  2tj,  4*?],  &c.  From  the  nature  of  this  motion,  however,  we 
can  have  but  half  a  revolution,  and  even  that  only  as  a  limit.  It 
follows,  therefore,  that  when  half  the  semicircle  is  completed,  or 
when  the  axis  of  the  plane  of  the  impressed  couple  comes  into  the 
plane  of  ac,  an  angle  77  must  at  once  be  added  to  the  angle  i/r,  or 
that  the  line  of  the  nodes  starts  forward  through  the  angle  77. 

144.]  We  shall  now  investigate  the  nature  of  the  spiral  described 
by  the  pole  of  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation  in  the  case  when 
k  =  b. 

The  spherical  polar  coordinates  of  this  spiral  are  6  and  %. 

They  are  connected  as  follows  :  — 

In  general  X=K^\~^>  as  snown  m  (560)  :  put  b  for  k  in  the 

*«J  ^ 
equation  (571)  which  determines  u,  and  we  shall  have  u=b;  hence 

X  =  Kt  .........     (a) 

This  equation  shows  that  the  motion  of  the  radius  vector  arc  0 
is  uniform,  being  proportional  to  the  time. 

It  was  shown  in  (610)  that  ta,u^=mQKWt  :  writing  ^  for  ict,  we 


gettan^=me%     and  tan0=w>sin<p.      ".......     (b) 


These  are  the  equations  of  the  spiral.  We  must  eliminate  <p 
from  these  equations. 

2  tan  | 
As  sin  <p  =  2  sin  £  cos  ^  =  2  tan|  cos2^=—          —  ,  we  get 

A          Z  A  &  „  <£ 

.       2mwew*  a  2w 

tan  e=      «**  or  tan  *"-«        «-•    (615) 

a  relation  between  the  variables  Q  and  ^,  consequently  the  equation 
of  the  spiral. 

145.]  The  rhumb  line  may  be  denned  as  the  curve  described  on  the 
surface  of  a  sphere  which  cuts  all  the  meridians  in  a  given  angle. 
Let  this  constant  angle  be  the  complement  of  <&,  then  its  cotangent 
is  w,  <p  and  %  being  the  polar  spherical  coordinates  of  the  curve  ; 

d<p  ,,  x 

w  sm  <f>  =  y1-  ........      (a) 

ON  THE  MOTION  OF  A  RIGID  BODY  ROUND  A  FIXED  POINT.       .'.'.">  1 

This  is  the  equation  of  the  rhumb  line. 

Taking  the  integral  of  this  equation,  log  tan  ^=1 

Let  the  value  of  <p  be  &  when  %=0.      Then  log  tan  -  =  C, 


and  tan-=m;  hence 


or  tan    =  we1"*- 

•      (616) 

This  is  the  usual  equation  of  the  rhumb  line,  and  is  identical  with 
(610).  Hence  the  polar  spiral  is  a  sort  of  curtated  rhumb  line. 
If  a  rhumb  line  be  described  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere,  its  ordi- 

nate  angle  being  (-„—  SJ,  and  if  we  shorten  its  spherical  central 

vectors  <p  in  the  constant  ratio  given  by  the  equation  tan  6  =  tan  •&  sin  <p, 
the  extremity  of  6  will  describe  the  polar  spiral. 

Another  construction  exhibiting  the  relation  between  these 
spirals  may  be  given. 

Let  a  concentric  sphere  be  described,  whose  radius  OA =tan-&  =  w. 
On  this  sphere  let  a  rhumb  line  be  constructed,  having  its  pole  at  A 
in  the  axis  of  z.  Let  this  rhumb  line  be  orthogonally  projected  on 
the  tangent  plane  to  the  sphere  whose  radius  is  1,  parallel  to  the 
plane  of  xy.  Now,  if  this  plane  curve  be  considered  as  the  gnomonic 
projection  (i.  e.  the  eye  being 
supposed  at  the  centre) '  of  a 
spherical  curve  described  on 
the  surface  of  the  outer  sphere, 
this  latter  curve  will  be  the 
polar  spiral,  or  Q  and  D  are 
corresponding  points. 

This  we  may  thus  show.  In 
this  construction  we  always 
have  tan  0  =  tan  •&  sin  <p. 

Now   CB  =  Qn,   CB  =  tan0, 

and  Qw  =  tan  •&  sin  <p.  Q,  and  D  are  therefore  the  corresponding 
points  of  the  rhumb  line  and  of  the  polar  spiral,  whose  vector  arcs 
are  CD  =  0,  AQ=p. 

It  is  evident  that  the  polar  spiral  has  an  asymptotic  circle,  whose 
radius  is  sin  3.  In  the  vicinity  of  the  pole,  the  polar  spiral  approxi- 
mates indefinitelv  to  the  rhumb  line. 

Fig.  35. 


146.]   To  find   the  length  of  this  spiral  from  the  pole  to  the 
asymptotic  circle. 


w  , 

dd         w  cos  tp         d^ At  _ 

in2  <p     d/  d<p     K 

and   sin2#  = 

;  sin2  <p 

.        • 
sin2  <p 

Introducing  these  relations,  we  get 

dividing  by  cos2<p,  and  integrating,  we  shall  find 

<r=tan-1(  Vl+^2tan<p)  .....     (617) 

7T  7T 

When  <p  =  0,    <r=0,    and  when  <p=-s,    <r  =  'o- 

~  ^ 

We  thus  find  that  the  length  of  the  polar  spiral  between  the  pole 
and  the  asymptotic  circle  is  equal  to  a  quadrant  of  a  great  circle  of 
a  sphere,  —  a  result  in  strict  accordance  with  the  more  general 
theorem  established  in  sec.  [130]. 



When  \\  +  w^t3m<p  =  l}  or  tan<p  =  cos$,  o-  =  tan-1(l)  or  <r  =  -7- 


147.]  To  determine  the  velocity  of  the  pole  along  the  spiral. 

A  w- 

~dt)       \d</  \dt 

,      —  o   ..  o  —  nr=  —       —  dV~  -  =K  (l+w  2)  sm2  ^  cos2  ^  : 
{  1  +  w2  sin2  <p}2  sec4  6 

~      —  •    oa         -XT-     ,  . 

or  V=  —  1__  -  sm2^,  or  V=i  --  ^-,  since  tt7  = 


It  may  be  shown  that  when  k  coincides  with  the  greatest  or 
the  least  principal  axes  of  the  body,  the  spirals  described  by  the 
two  other  axes  are  equivalent  to  circular  arcs.  But  when  k  coin- 
cides with  b  the  mean  axis,  the  lengths  of  the  spirals  described  by 
the  greatest  and  the  least  principal  axes  are  given  by  logarithms. 
Omitting  the  investigations  (which,  though  somewhat  complicated, 
the  reader,  assuming  the  principles  established  in  the  foregoing 


pages,  may  supply),  the  final  result  will  be  found  as  follows — 


pv  =  q  log  tan  £  +  log  (1  +gsec^))p  and  q  being  constants. 


148.]  When  the  plane  of  the  impressed  moment  coincides  with 
the  plane  of  one  of  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid  of  moments, 
the  elliptic  integrals  which  determine  the  motion  may  be  reduced 
from  the  third  order  to  the  first, 

In  this  case  2k  is  the  cyclic  axis  of  the  ellipsoid,  or  the  diameter 
perpendicular  to  the  plane  of  one  of  its  circular  sections. 

Accordingly  yo=-p  — i5  +  -o.     Substitute  this  value  of  k  in  (i) 
J  K*     cr     o*     c2 

and  (j)  sec.  [119],  and  (553).     Reducing,  we  shall  have 


-1     /       cV2-£2 

v x -?(?=? 


This  integral,  as  the  parameter  is  equal  to  the  modulus,  may  be 
reduced  to  the  first  order  as  follows : — 

Let  7  as  in  sec.  [20]  be  the  parametral  angle  of  the  spherical 

1  — siny     c2(a2  —  62)  ,    .       ,    ir    , 

parabola.     Assume  ^   — : — -=  0/,0 s(=tan2n,  77  being  half  the 

1+smy     cr(o2— c2) 

angle  between  the  circular  sections  of  the  ellipsoid.     Whence 

The  preceding  equation'  may  now  be  written 

2sm7  f*  d<p 

1+sinylr       /l-sin7\  .  Ij^  f.     /l-sin7\«  . 

1—  (-  — -. — '  Ism2<p   \/  1— I- : — f|tm9 

JL       Vl+smy/        r J  V          \l+sm7/ 

or,  as  it  may  be  more  succinctly  written, 

=  (1  -tan2  17) 


J  [1— 

[1  —  tan2»;8m2<p]  Vl  —  tan4i;sin2<p 

If  we  compare  (619)  with  (62),  we  shall  find  that  the  second 
member  is  equivalent  to  the  following  elliptic  integral  of  the  first 

d^,  _,  r       sin  7  tan/x 

—  cds2  7  sin2  fj,  L  v/l  —  CO 



the  amplitudes  <f>  and  fj,  being  connected  by  Lagrange's  for- 
mula, tan  (<p  —  /i)=sin7  tan /A,  as  in  (63),  or,  as  it  may  in  this  case 
be  written, 

tan<p  = 

^5-15     Sm   A* 


Should  we  require  to  reduce  the  integrals  of  the  third  and  first 
order  of  the  same  amplitude,  equation  (58)  will  enable  us  with 
ease  to  do  so,  by  assuming  the  theorem  established  in  that  equa- 

,_    siny     f 
1  4-  sin  y 


-f  i  tan-1 

/2  — siny 

L    .     (620) 

\l+siny/  ' 

Hence  ^  depends  on  an  integral  of  the  first  order, — the  theorem 
it  was  proposed  to  establish. 

Again,  if  we  substitute  the  foregoing  value  of  k  in  (542),  which 
connects  the  time  with  the  amplitude  q>,  on  which  immediately 
depends  the  position  of  the  axis  k  in  the  body  at  the  end  of  the 
given  time,  we  shall  have 


Kt  — 

,          2  siny       \c2 

and  as  ^ r-^-= 

1  +  sin  y 

sin  7 


1 — 

1  +  sin  y 

f  dp 

\     /        /l-sin7 
J  V          U  +  sin7 


sm2  <p 

But  this  elliptic  integral,  as  shown  in  sec.  [25],  is  the  expression 
for  an  arc  of  a  spherical  parabola  whose  parametral  angle  is  7,  the 
centre  being  the  pole.  In  this  case  the  two  elliptic  functions  which 
determine  the  motion  are  represented  by  arcs  of  the  same  spherical 


We  may  eliminate  the  latter  integral  by  the  equation  established 
in  sec.  [25],  and  the  last  equation  will  now  become 

~i  !_n 

o  *  i      o       i  o i  I  >* 
fl          6          LT  _l  1^ 

tCt^^dr  7~^  ^— ^ I  * • 


The  moduli  are  two  successive  terms  of  Lagrange's  modular  scale. 
149.]  Thus  have  we  shown  in  the  foregoing  investigations  how 
the  properties  of  elliptic  integrals  applied  to  the  theory  of  the 
motion  of  a  rigid  body  round  a  fixed  point  have  led  us  to  a  complete 
solution  of  this  celebrated  problem,  a  solution  which  has  enabled  us 
to  place  before  our  eyes,  so  to  speak,  the  very  actual  motion  of  the 
revolving  body.  Yet  it  is  not  on  such  grounds  solely  that  this 
treatise  has  been  published.  Were  the  investigations  of  no  other 
use  than  to  give  strength  and  clearness  to  vague  and  obscure 
notions  on  this  confessedly  most  difficult  subject,  enough  had  been 
already  accomplished  by  the  celebrated  geometer  whose  name  is  so 
deservedly  associated  with  this  theory.  It  is  as  a  method  of  inves- 
tigation that  it  must  rest  its  claims  to  the  notice  of  mathematicians, 
as  a  means  of  giving  simple  and  elegant  interpretations  of  those 
definite  integrals  on  the  evaluation  of  which  the  dynamical  state 
of  a  body  at  any  epoch  can  alone  be  ascertained.  If  the  author 
has  to  any  degree  succeeded  in  accomplishing  this,  it  is  because  he 
has  drawn  largely  upon  the  properties  of  lines  and  surfaces  of  the 
second  order,  and  of  those  curve  lines  in  which  these  surfaces 
intersect.  If  he  has  been  enabled  to  advance  any  thing  new,  it  is 
owing  solely  to  the  somewhat  unfrequented  path  he  has  pursued. 
That  it  was  antecedently  probable  such  might  lead  to  undiscovered 
truths,  no  one  conversant  with  the  applications  of  mathematical 
conceptions  to  the  discussions  of  those  sciences  will  deny.  To 
introduce  auxiliary  surfaces  into  the  discussions  and  investigations 
of  physical  science  is  an  idea  as  luminous  as  it  has  been  successful. 







"Les  sections  coniques  offrent  une  source  intarissable  de  proprietes,  et  Ton  ne  pent 
dire  sans  temerit^  que  cette  matiere  est  6puisee."— QUETELET,  Correstpondance  Mathi- 
matique  et  Physique,  torn.  i.  p.  162. 




150.J  If  through  any  point  O  in  the  plane  of  a  triangle  ABC 
transversals  are  drawn  from  the  vertices  A,  B,  C,  and  meet  the 
opposite  sides  in  the  points  A,,  B,,  C,,  the  continued  products  of  the 
alternate  segments  of  the  sides  are  equal. 

Fig.  1. 

G  C  D 

Through  one  of  the  vertices  C  let  a  parallel  DG  to  the  opposite 
side  AB  be  drawn,  and  let  the  transversals  AA,,  BB,  meet  it  in  the 
points  D,  G.  Then,  by  similar  triangles,  we  have 

AC,:  BC,=DC  :  CG, 
BA,  :  CA,=  AB  :  DC, 
CB,  :  AB,=  CG  :  AB. 

Compounding  these  proportions  together,  we  shall  have 
AC, .  BA, .  CB,= AB, .  BC, .  C  A,. 

This  product  is  a  maximum  when  O  is  the  centroid  (that  is, 
the  centre  of  gravity)  of  the  triangle. 

151.]  If  the  sides  of  a  triangle  ABC  are  cut  by  a  transversal 
C^B,,  it  divides  the  sides  into  segments  such  that  the  continued 
product  of  these  alternate  segments  are  equal. 

Through  one  of  the  vertices  B  draw  the  straight  line  BD  parallel 
to  the  opposite  side  AC.  Then,  by  similar  triangles,  we  have 

AB,:AC,=  BD:BC,,  CA, :  BA,=CB,:  BD,  BC,:CB,=BC,:  CB,. 

VOL.  II.  2  L 


Compounding  these  proportions  together,  we  shall  have 
AB, .  BC, .  CA,= AC, .  BA, .  CB;. 

These  propositions  are  of  very  wide  and  important  application. 
Thus,  from  the  former  proposition  (150)  it  immediately  follows  (a) 
that  the  bisectors  of  the  angles  of  a  triangle  meet  in  a  point,  (0) 
that  the  bisectors  of  the  sides  of  a  triangle  meet  in  a  point'35',  (7) 
that  the  lines  drawn  from  the  vertices  to  the  points  of  contact  of 
the  inscribed  circle  meet  in  a  point,  (8)  and  that  the  perpendiculars 
from  the  vertices  on  the  opposite  sides  meet  in  a  point. 

If  an  odd  number  of  the  points  A;,  B,,  C/  (that  is,  either  one  or 
three)  are  on  the  sides  between  the  angles,  transversals  drawn  from 
the  vertices  will  meet  in  a  point;  but  if  an  even  number  (that  is, 
either  two  or  none)  are  so  found,  then  the  three  points  A,  B,  C  will 
range  in  a  straight  line. 

152.]  Through  a  point  O  in  the  plane  of  a  triangle  ABC,  let 
straight  lines  be  drawn  from  the  vertices  A,  B,  C,  meeting  the  opposite 
sides  in  the  points  A,,  By,  C,  ;  then  we  shall  have 


AA  +  BB+  CC-^  '       AA  +  BB+  CC- 

We  have  manifestly,  see  fig.  1, 

AO  +  OA,     BO  +  OB,  ^ 

AA,  BB,  CC, 

But  this  may  be  written 

BO    m   OA    OB    ocy_ 

AA,     BB,     CC,     AA,     BB/  CC,~ 

*  These  bisectors  (J3)  are  called  by  French  geometers  median  lines,  a  term 
which  we  shall  adopt  and  make  use  of  hereafter. 

ON    Till:    IIICI1KK  r.KO.MKTKY. 


Let  A  denote  the  area  of  the  triangle,  and  8t,  8tl,  Bllt  the  areas  of 
the  component  triangles  whose  vertices  are  at  O,  and  whose  bases 
are  BC,  AC,  and  AB.  Then  A  =  S/  +  S//+S///. 


/~\  A         £         /"MJ        £          f\C*        S: 

JAj_c,        !3*u        '^i-^iii 
'A'     BB^A'    CC;~A' 

Hence  we  have 

and  therefore 

OA     OB     OC, 

"T™  /~t  y^«    "™ " "™  J-  • 

AO     BO      CO 

AA,     BB,    CO, 

When  the  point  O  is  assumed  outside  the  triangle,  the  above 
proportions  still  hold  good,  but  one  of  the  component  triangles 
must  then  be  taken  with  a  negative  sign. 

153.]  In  any  triangle  ABC,  if  lines  be  drawn  from  the  vertices 
through  a  point  O  to  the  opposite  sides,  making  with  the  sides  at  the 
vertices  A,  B,  C  the  angles  a,  a, ;  /3;  /3, ;  y,  y,,  then  the  following  rela- 
tion will  hold  good : — 

sina  sin/3  siny=sina/sm/3/ siii7/ (a) 

The  triangles  BAA,  CAA,  are  as  their  bases  BAP  CAr     But 
twice  the  triangle  BAA;=BA  .  AA;sin«,  and  twice  the  triangle 

^BA,  :  CAr 

CAA,  = 
Hence  we  have 

,,  or  BA  .  AAysina  :  CA. 

sin_«=CA>  BA 
sina/     BA  CA, 


In  like  manner 


,  und  =•> 

CA   EC 


Multiplying  these  expressions  together,  we  obtain 

sin  a  sin  B  sin  7      BA,  .CB..AC. 

— • — -n — = —    =  TTT-^ — *     '         '  =  1  by  sec.    150  .     (c) 
sin  «,  sm  /3,  sin  7,     CAy .  ABy .  BC, 

154.]  From  the  vertices  A,  B,  C  of  a  triangle,  pairs  of  lines  are 
drawn,  making  with  the  adjacent  sides  equal  angles  a,  a;  ft,  (3 ;  y,  7. 
If  the  first  set  of  three  lines  pass  through  a  point  O,  the  second  set 
will  also  meet  in  a  point  Q. 

Let  the  angles  which  the  lines  AO,  BO,  CO  (fig.  4)  make  at  the 
vertices  A,  B,  C  with  the  adjacent  sides  be  a,  A— a ;  ft,  B—  ft;  7, 
C  —  7;  then  the  angles  which  the  second  set  of  lines  makes  at  the 
same  vertices  will  be  A— a,  a;  B—  ft,  ft;  0—7,7.  Now,  since 
the  first  set  of  lines  pass  through  a  fixed  point  O,  we  shall  have,  by 
sec.  [153], 

sinasin/3sin7  _  ,  , 

sin  (A  -  a)  sin  (B  - 18)  sin  (C  -  7)  ~ 

and  we  must  therefore  have 

sin(A  — «)sin(B  — /3)sin(C— y)  _,  >  .,. 

sin  a  sin /3  sin  7 

hence  the  second  set  of  lines  must  pass  through  a  fixed  point  Q. 


Hence  it  obviously  follows  that  since  the  perpendicular  drawn 
on  the  opposite  side  from  any  vertex  of  a  triangle,  and  the  diameter 
of  the  circumscribing  circle  passing  through  this  vertex,  make  equal 



angles  with  the  adjacent  sides,  if  one  set  of  these  lines  pass  through 
a  point,  the  other  set  will  also  pass  through  a  point.  But  the  dia- 
meters of  the  circumscribing  circle  drawn  through  the  three  angles 
of  the  triangle  concur  in  a  point,  the  centre ;  hence  also  the  three 
perpendiculars  meet  in  a  point.  This  point,  which  is  of  constant 
occurrence  in  the  higher  geometry,  has  been  called  by  some  geo- 
meters the  orthocentre.  We  shall  henceforth  adopt  this  term. 
The  triangle  formed  by  joining  the  feet  of  these  perpendiculars 
may  be  appropriately  called  the  orthocentric  triangle. 

155.]  Three  lines  meeting  in  a  point  O  are  drawn  from  the  vertices 
of  a  triangle  ABC,  and  produced  to  meet  the  opposite  sides  in  the 
points  Ay,  B/?  Cy.  The  sides  of  the  triangle  AyByC,  will  meet  the 
sides  of  the  triangle  ABC  in  three  points  which  range  in  a  straight 

Through  A  draw  the  straight  line  Aa  parallel  to  the  side  BC  of 
the  triangle.  Let  the  corresponding  sides  of  the  two  triangles 
ABC,  A;B,C,  meet  in  the  points  L,  M,  N.  Then  L,  M,  N  will 
range  in  a  straight  line. 

Fig.  5. 

In  the  two  triangles  LAa  and  LBAy,  we  have 

LA  :  LB  =  Aa  :  BA,,  and  Aa  :  CA,=AB,  :  CB,. 

Hence  LA_CA,.AB, 


MB     BC..AB.       ,  N       CA..BC, 

In  like  manner   ==.ff.=  .'        *  and  Nfnr=T.A     Ar/- 

MC     ACy.CB,          NA    BAy.AC, 

Multiplying  these  expressions  together,  we  obtain 



But  as  the  three  lines  meet  in  a  point,  the  expression  between 
.,  ,  .  .  .  .,  LA.MB.NC  . 

the  brackets  is  equal  to  unity;  hence  i^r>    TV/TO    ISJA=  '  a      tnere~ 

fore,  by  sec.  [151],  L,  M,  N  range  in  a  straight  line. 

When  the  point  in  which  the  three  lines  concur  lies  outside  the 
triangle,  a  slight  modification  of  the  same  proof  will  apply. 

156.]  If  from  any  point  P  in  the  plane  of  a  triangle  ABC,  per- 
pendiculars are  drawn  to  meet  the  opposite  sides  in  the  points 
A/}  By,  C, ;  then  we  shall  have 


+  PA,2  = 

Adding  these  equations  together,  the  squares  on  the  perpendiculars 
cancel  each  other,  and  we  shall  have 

AB; + CA; + BC;= AC; + BA; + CB;. 

Fig.  6. 

From  this  proposition  we  may 
at  once  infer,  («)  that  the  per- 
pendiculars through  the  middle 
points  of  the  sides  of  a  triangle 
meet  in  a  point,  and  (ft)  that 
the  perpendiculars  from  the 
angles  of  a  triangle  on  the 
opposite  sides  meet  in  a  point. 

For  as  the  square  on  each 
perpendicular  is  the  difference 
between  the  squares  on  the  ad- 
jacent sides  of  the  triangle  and  A 
the   squares   on   the    adjacent  c/ 

segments  of  the  opposite  side,  the  proposition  becomes  manifest. 

157.]  From  the  ends  A,  B  of  the  base  of  a  triangle  ABC,  lines 
AE,  BF,  of  arbitrary  equal  lengths,  are  drawn  parallel  to  the  oppo- 
site sides  of  the  triangle ;  and  through  E,  F  lines  ED,  FD  are  drawn 
parallel  to  the  adjacent  sides  of  the  triangle  and  meeting  in  D. 
Then  if  AF,  BE  cut  the  opposite  sides  in  Ay  and  E,,  these  lines  will 
intersect  in  the  line  DC. 

By  similar  triangles,  we  have 

AE  :  CB  =  AB/  :  CB,  and  AC  :  BF  =  CAy  :  BA/; 
but  AE  =  BF ;  hence  AC  :  CB=AB/ .  CA,  :  CB, .  BA/. 


Fig.  7. 

C,  n 

But  since  the  line  DC  bisects  the  angle  C, 
we  have  AC  :  CB  =  AC,  :  BC,, 

therefore  AB, .  CA, .  BC,= AC, .  CB, .  BA, ; 

and  therefore  the  three  lines  AF,  BE,  CD  meet  in  a  point*. 

158.]   Prom  any  point  O  within  or  without  the  angle  BAG  a  trans- 
versal is  drawn  cutting  the  sides  of  the  angle  in  the  points  B  and  C ; 
the  sum  of  the  reciprocals  of  the  areas  of  the  triangles  AOB  and 
AOC  is  constant,  and  independent  of  the  position  of  the  transversal. 
For  the  sum  or  difference  of  the  triangles,  we  find 


or  dividing  by  the  product  of  the  areas  of  the  triangles  AOC  and 
AOB,  we  shall  have          « 

1  1  ABC 2  AB.  AC.  sin  A 


2  sin  A 

~~AO2.  sin  BAO.sinCAO' 

*  The  following  extension  of  this  theorem  is  due  to  Mr.  W.  J.  C.  Miller,  Vice- 
Principal  of  Hudderstield  College : — From  the  ends  of  the  base  of  a  triangle 
straight  lines  are  drawn — in  the  same  or  in  a  different  direction — parallel  to  the 
opposite  sides,  and  proportional  in  length  to  the  adjacent  sides ;  then  (1)  the 
straight  lines  joining  the  ends  of  these  parallels  with  the  remote  ends  of  the 
base,  intersect  each  other  on  one  of  two  straight  lines  which  pass  through  the 
vertex  of  the  triangle,  and  divide  the  base  internally  and  externally  in  the 
duplicate  ratio  of  the  adjacent  sides;  (2)  if  the  vertical  angle  is  a  right  angle, 
the  internal  locus  is  perpendicular  to  the  base ;  and  (3)  if  the  parallels  are  pro- 
portional in  length  to  the  opposite  sides,  the  locus  of  the  intersections  will  be  a 
line  from  the  vertex  bisecting  the  base,  or  else  parallel  to  the  base. 

Proofs  of  those  theorems  will  be  found  in  pages  18,  19  of  vol.  xxii.  of  the 
mathematical '  Reprints  from  the  Educational  Times,'  edited  by  Mr.  Miller. 



which  is  a  constant  quantity  independent  of  the  positions  of  the 
points  B  and  C — that  is,  of  the  direction  of  the  transversal. 

159.]  The  method  of  transversals  may  also  be  applied  to  prove 
the  following  theorem  : — 

At  the  ends  of  the  base  of  a  triangle  perpendiculars  to  the  adjacent 
sides  are  drawn,  having  the  same  ratio  to  these  sides ;  the  lines 
joining  the  ends  of  these  perpendiculars  with  the  opposite  corners 
of  the  triangle  will  meet  on  the  perpendicular  drawn  from  the  vertex 
to  the  base. 

Fig.  8. 

C,  B 

Let  AF,  BG  be  perpendicular  to  AC  and  BC,  having  the  same 
ratio  2m  to  the  sides  AC,  BC.  Join  FC  and  GC.  Let  CF=2rc.  AC, 
CG=2ra.BC,  the  angle  ACF=BCG=y.  Put  AC=6  and  BC=«, 
then  the  area  of  the  triangle  FCB  is  nab  sin  (C  +  <y) ,  and  the  area 
of  the  triangle  AFB  is  mcb  cos  A.  But  these  areas  are  in  the  pro- 
portion of  CB,  to  AB, ;  hence 

CB.     wasin(C+y)  CA,     nbsin(C+j) 

-r-=r'=—  T-J  and  similarly  TQ-T- — p     • 

ABy         me  cos  A  '  BA,         me  cos  B 

Therefore  CBJ.BAj_gcos  B 


But  ACt=bcos  A,  and  BC/=acosB;  consequently 

CB, .  BA; .  AC^AB/ .  CAy .  BC,. 
If  the  ratio  be  one  of  equality  and  the  vertical  angle  C  be  a  right 

angle,  it  follows  that  the  transversals  will  meet  on  the  perpendicular 

in  the  diagram  of  Euclid's  proof  of  the  Pythagorean  theorem  (Euc. 

I.  47). 

In  the  same  way  we  may  establish  the  following  theorems  : — 
1.  If  on  the  sides  of  a  triangle  similar  rectangles  be  drawn  and 

the  adjacent  extremities  of  these  rectangles  be  joined,  the  perpendi- 


ciildi-a  from  the  three  vertices  of  the  triangle  on  these  lines  will  meet 
in  a  point. 

2.  If  on  the  sides  of  a  triangle  similar  isosceles  triangles  be  drawn, 
the  lines  joining  the  vertices  of  these  triangles  with  the  opposite  ver- 
tices of  the  given  triangle  will  meet  in  a  point. 



160.]  The  principles  developed  in  these  methods  will  be  found 
of  wide  application,  and  most  powerful  instruments  of  investigation. 
Let  any  straight  line  LM  (fig.  9)  be  bisected  in  N ;  and  from  any 
point  V  let  straight  lines  be  drawn  through  the  points  L,  M,  N ; 
and  let  VD  be  drawn  parallel  to  LM.  The  four  lines  VL,  VM,  VN, 
VD  form  what  is  called  an  harmonic  pencil. 

If  any  straight  line — called  a  transversal — be  drawn  across  this 
pencil,  it  will  be  divided  so  as  to  have  AC  :  CB=AD  :  BD. 

Draw  aCb  parallel  to  LM  or  VD;  then,  since  aC=C6,  we  have 


r*~        A  r*>   •mil     ^,,  —  ^  »/-<(• 

Fig.  9. 



VOL.   II. 


Ca  ~  C6 J 

=        ,  or  AD  :  BD  =  AC  :  HC. 

.     .     (a) 


The  points  C  and  D  are  called  Harmonic  points  with  reference 
to  the  line  AB. 

When  the  transversal  is  drawn  parallel  to  one  of  the  rays  of  the 
harmonic  pencil,  its  segments  between  the  remaining  three  rays  of 
the  pencil  are  equal.  This  is  evident  from  the  preceding  figure. 
On  this  property  may  be  based  the  development  of  the  properties 
of  the  centres  of  the  conic  sections. 

161.]  Let  the  line  AB,  harmonically  divided  in  C  and  D,  be 
bisected  in  O. 


Fig.  10. 

O                    C                    B 

i                      i                      i      — 



Then  we  have 

AC  :  AC+CB=AD  :  AD+DB; 
AC  +  CB=2AO,  and  AD  +  DB  =  2DO; 
AC  :  AO  —  AD  :  DO,      


AO:  DO-BC  :  BD. 

If  we  take  the  original  ratio  AC : CB=AD :  DB, 

and  apply  the  principle  of  the  composition  and  division  of  ratios, 
we  shall  have 

AC  +  CB  :  AC-CB=AD+DB  :  AD-DB. 
But  AC  +  CB  =  2AO,  AC-CB  =  2CO, 

AD  +  DB=2DO,  and  AD-DB  =  2AO, 
or  AO  :  CO  =  DO  :  AO,  or  AO2  =  CO  .DO;     .     .      (d) 

CO     CO  .  DO     AQ2_  BC2  _  AC2 

_        .        _         _         _  (} 

-^"  ~2~2~2' 

or  the  ratio  of  the  distances  of  the  middle  point  of  the  given  line 
from  the  harmonic  points  of  division  is  equal  to  the  square  of  the 
ratio  of  the  distances  of  the  same  middle  point  to  the  ends  of 
the  whole  line  AD  —  and  also  equal  to  the  squares  of  the  ratios  of  the 
distances  from  the  ends  of  the  given  line  A,  B  to  the  harmonic  points 
of  division  C,  D. 

162.]  Let  L,  M,  N  be  the  points  in  which  a  transversal  meets 
the  sides  of  the  triangle  ABC  ;  then  the  lines  drawn  from  the  vertices 
of  this  triangle  to  the  harmonic  points  of  L,  M,  N  will  meet  in  a 
point  G. 

Let  H,  F,  E  be  the  harmonic  points  of  L,  M,  N  ;  then  we  have 

MA     FA     LB_HB     EC_NC 
FC'    LA"  HA'    EB~NB* 


Fig-  11.  Ac 


Multiplying  these  equations  together,  we  shall  have 

MA  .  LB  I  EC  _  FA  .  H  B  .  NC 
MC  .  LA  .  EB~  FC  .  HA  .  NB' 

But  as  the  points  L,  M,  N  are  on  a  transversal,  the  first  side  of 
the  equation  is,  by  sec.  [151],  equal  to  unity,  and  therefore  also  the 
second  side  ;  hence  the  straight  lines  AE,  BF,  CH  must  pass  through 
the  same  point  G. 

The  point  G  may  be  called  the  pole  of  the  transversal  LMN  with 
respect  to  the  triangle  ABC. 

Let  the  segments  LH,  FM,  and  EN  be  bisected  in  the  points 
X,  Y,  Z  ;  then  the  points  X,  Y,  Z  will  range  in  a  straight  line. 


XB     LB" 


MA"'    ZC 


XA.ZB.YC     (-LA.MC.NBI* 

XB  .  zc .  YA~  LLB  .  MA  .  NCJ 


But  the  latter  member  of  this  equation  is,,  by  sec.  [151] /equal  to 
unity;  therefore 

hence  the  three  points  X,  Y,  Z  lie  in  the  same  straight  line. 

163.]  In  a  complete  quadrilateral  ABOCED  any  diagonal  ED  is 
divided  harmonically  by  the  two  other  diagonals  AO  and  BC  in 
the  points  F  and/. 


A  complete  quadrilateral  is  that  in  which  all  the  sides  are  pro- 
duced to  meet  two  by  two,  as  ABOCED  in  fig.  12. 

Fig.  12. 


For  as  FC  is  a  transversal  to  the  triangle  AED,  we  shall  have 

FE.DC.AB  =  FD.CA.BE,  see  sec.  [151],  .  .  (a) 
and  as  O  is  a  point  in  the  triangle  AED,  through  which  pass  the 
three  lines  A/,  CE,  BD,  we  shall  have,  see  sec.  [150], 

DC.AB.E/=CA.BE.D/; (b) 

dividing  the  preceding  equation  by  this  latter,  we  shall  have 

^-~}  or  FE  :  FD=E/:  D/.    .     .     .     .     (c) 

Hence  the  diagonal  DE  is  harmonically  divided  in  F  and  /. 

The  line  A/  may  be  called  the  harmonic  conjugate  of  the  point 
F  ;  and  FGr  is,  similarly,  the  harmonic  conjugate  of  the  point  A. 

164.]  If  a  quadrilateral  ABCD  be  cut  by  a  transversal  in  the 
points  X,  fjb,  v,  -or,  the  continued  product  of  the  alternate  segments 
will  be  equal,  or 

.     (d) 


Fig.  13. 

By  comparing  the  partial  triangles,  we  have 

AX  :  \Tar=sin'Br  :  sin  A,     Cv  :  /Av=sin/z  :  sinC, 
B/i  :  X//,  =  sin  X  :  sin  B,     DOT  :  «n/  =  sin  v  :  sin  D. 

Therefore,  compounding  these  proportions,  we  have 

XCT  .  ay .  \LL  .  nfv .  sin  X  .  sin  u, .  sin  v .  sin  «r 

AX.O.B/A  .Dor=  —  .     . r— ^ — .    „      •    r\         —• 

sm  A  .  sin  B  .  sin  C  .  sm  D 

In  like  manner 

,,.       Xu, .  LLV  .  -GTJ/  .  X-BT.  sinX .  sin  u, .  sin  v .  sin  tr 

ACT.  a\.CfA.Dv=~       —. — r ^R — •    r*      •    T\         —• 

sin  A .  sin  B  .  sin  C  .  sm  D 

Hence  the  truth  of  the  proposition,  which  may  be  extended  to  a 
polygon  of  any  number  of  sides  as  follows  : —  • 

When  it  is  proved  that  in  a  triangle  cut  by  a  transversal  the 
products  of  the  alternate*  segments  of  the  sides  are  equal,  we  may 
extend  the  proposition  to  the  case  of  the  quadrilateral  or  to  any 
other  linear  polygon. 

On  one  of  the  sides  of  the  given  triangle  let  another  triangle  be 
constructed,  whose  sides  shall  be  cut  by  the  given  transversal. 

Let  «,  $,  y  be  the  ratios  of  the  alternate  segments  of  the  sides 
of  the  triangle;  then  ay9y  =  l.  Let  8  and  e  be  the  ratios  of  the 


segments  of  the  sides  of  the  newly  applied  triangle,  then  —  =  1 ; 

consequently  a.j3Se=l. 

In  like  manner  the  theorem  may  be  extended  to  a  polygon  of 
any  number  of  sides. 

It  is  obvious  that  in  going  round  the  triangle  ABC  we  proceed 
from  A  to  B,  from  B  to  C,  and  from  C  to  A.  In  the  same  way  in 
going  round  the  quadrilateral  we  proceed  from  A  to  B,  from  B  to 
C,  from  C  to  D,  and  from  D  to  A ;  while  in  going  round  the  applied 
triangle  we  proceed  from  C  to  D,  from  D  to  A,  and  from  A  to  C. 



Hence,  if  the  ratio  of  the  segments  of  CA  be  7,  the  ratio  of  the 

segments  of  AC  will  be  — . 

165.]   The  middle  points  of  the  diagonals  of  a  complete  quadri- 
lateral lie  in  the  same  straight  line. 

Let  \,  fj,,  v  be  the  middle  points  of  these  diagonals ;  they  lie  in 
a  straight  line.  Since  the  line  BD  is  harmonically  divided  in  the 
points  Gr,  H,  and  bisected  at  A,,  we  shall  have 

XGr       BG 

~~CG2  vl'fp      El2 

We  shall  also  have 


Multiplying  these  expressions  together,  we  shall  have 

BG  .  CI  .  EH  2 

But  the  three  diagonals  constitute  a  triangle  GHI,  of  which  the 
line  BCE  is  a  transversal.  Consequently  BG  .  CI  .EH  =  BH  .  CG  .  El, 
and  therefore  \G  .  /J  .  j/H  =  \H  .  /*G  .  vl,  or  \,  p,  and  v  range  along 
a  straight  line. 

ON  THE   H  Hill  EH  GEOMETRY.  271 


166.]  This  theory,  the  invention  of  M.  Chasles  (unquestionably 
the  greatest  geometer  of  this  age,  and,  perhaps,  equal  to  the  best 
in  any  age) ,  is  an  extension  of  the  principle  of  harmonic  ratio. 

The  theorem  on  which  this  powerful  instrument  of  investigation 
is  founded  maybe  traced  to  the  mathematical  collections  of  Pappus*. 
This  simple  relation  has  been  made  the  basis  of  a  general  system  of 
conies  by  M.  Chasles.  Before  his  day  it  lay  barren  of  results,  until 
he  developed  its  properties  and  gave  it  the  name  of  anharmonic 
ratio,  from  its  analogy  to  harmonic  ratio,  a  particular  case  of  the 
more  general  relation.  There  is  one  signal  peculiarity  of  this 
method.  If  we  take  any  theorem  and  its  dual,  as  for  example 
Pascal's  and  Brianchon's  hexagons,  the  one  inscribed  in,  and  the 
other  circumscribed  to,  a  conic  section,  or  any  other  like  dual 
property,  and  if  the  one  admits  of  investigation  by  Cartesian  or 
protective  coordinates,  the  dual  must  be  treated  by  tdhgential  coor- 
dinates, as  discussed  in  the  first  volume  of  this  work.  But  the 
anharmonic  method  is  alike  applicable  to  each,  as  we  shall  show 
further  on.  Another  element  of  the  great  power  of  the  anhar- 
monic method  is  that  its  properties  are  projective. 

From  a  point  Viet  four  fixed  lines  be  drawn,  meeting  a  fifth  straight 
line  variable  in  position,  in  the  points  A,  B,  C,  D.  Let  these  lines 
be  put  VA  =  a,  VB=6,  VC  =  c,  VD  =  d,  and  let  the  sines  of  the 
angles  between  a  and  c  be  a,  between  c  and  b  be  7,  between  b  and 
d  be  fi,  and  between  d  and  a  be  8.  Let  the  sine  of  the  angles 
between  a  and  b  be  (a  +  y) ,  and  that  between  c  and  d  be  (/3  +  y),  and 
let  p  be  the  perpendicular  from  the  point  V  on  the  range. 

Now  twice  the  area  of  the  triangle  AVC  is 

AC.p  =  acot;  therefore  AC=— • 
In  like  manner  CB=^     BD=*^,   AD=^ 

p  p 

Now  these  six  segments  of  the  range  may  be  combined  in  the 
three  following  distinct  groups — and  no  more — so  that  the  variable 
rays  and  the  common  perpendicular/?  may  be  eliminated  by  division. 
CA.  DA_ca.<fl>«|3 


AC^DC_ac.db          a/3 
AB  ' 

AB     CBa6  .cd 

AD  '  CD~arf.e&~       78 

*  See  Commandine's  translation,  Prop.  129.  Lib.  vii. 


Dividing  by  a,  b,  c,  d,  the  three  anharmonic  ratios  become 

AC    DC         •«£ 

•  m         ^.- 

1  '*     CB  '  DB~8'  AB  ' 

and   fill)  ^_ 

AD  '  CD" 

The  first  of  these  forms  may  be  easily  recollected,  as  it  is  the 
form  of  an  harmonic  pencil.  The  second  has  the  same  arrange- 
ment of  the  rays  in  the  numerator  as  the  first,  ca  .  db,  while  the 
only  arrangement  possible  for  the  denominator  is  ab  .  dc.  The 
third  form  is  the  result  of  dividing  the  denominator  of  the  second 
by  that  of  the  first. 

There  are  in  fact  six  different  forms,  which  may  be  reduced  to 

It  is  not  possible  to  write  the  four  letters  a,  b,  c,  d  two  by  two 
in  more  than  three  ways,  namely  ab  .  cd,  ac  .bd,  ad.cb;  hence 
there  can  be  but  three  anharmonic  arrangements  of  the  segments 
of  the  range. 

A  peculiar  notation  may  be  devised  to  indicate  briefly  the  several 
ratios  of  the  anharmonic  range. 

Let  V  be  the  vertex  of  the  pencil,  and  A,  B,  C,  D  the  four  points  ; 
then  the  ratio 

DA  •«.        v/AVr« 

""~DB  may       wntten  v(  gJtC- 

AC     DC 

A  ir/v. 

^jj-^-pB  may  be  written  V(  ^J(A-f-D), 

AB     CB  ... 

^         may  be  written 

The  following  relations  may  be  easily  established. 

Hence  these  six  forms  may  be  reduced  to  three. 

If  the  given  pencil  of  rays  be  cut  by  any  other  transversal,  the 
ratios  of  the  segments  of  this  latter  range  will  be  the  same  as  those 
of  the  former;  for  the  sines  of  the  radial  angles  remain  unchanged. 


If  four  points  A,  B,  C,  D  be  taken  on  a  range,  and  through  any 
point  in  space  four  rays  be  drawn  through  these  four  points,  the 
inharmonic  ratio  of  this  pencil  will  be  the  same  as  that  of  the  four 
points  on  the  range. 

The  aiiharmonic  ratio  of  any  four  points  ranged  along  a  straight 
line  in  one  figure  is  equal  to  the  anharmonic  ratio  of  the  corre- 
sponding pencil  on  the  reciprocal  polar  of  the  original  figure. 

167.]  Should  the  rays  a,  b,  c,  d  meet  the  circumference  of  a 
circle  in  four  fixed  points,  while  the  vertex  V  of  the  pencil  moves 
along  the  circumference,  the  anharmonic  ratios  of  these  successive 
pencils  will  continue  unchanged,  because  the  sines  of  the  radial 
angles  (that  is,  of  the  angles  between  the  rays)  continue  unchanged. 

When  the  pencil  is  turned  through  a  right  angle,  the  anharmonic 
ratios  continue  unchanged,  because  the  sines  of  the  radial  angles 
are  still  the  same. 

If  four  fixed  tangents  drawn  to  a  circle  be  intersected  by  a  fifth 
tangent  variable  in  position,  the  anharmonic  ratio  of  the  segments 
of  this  tangent  made  by  the  fixed  tangents  will  be  constant  and 
independent  of  its  position. 

It  may  easily  be  shown  that  if  two  fixed  tangents  are  drawn  to 
a  circle,  the  segment  of  a  third  variable  tangent  intercepted  between 
them  subtends  a  constant  angle  at  the  centre,  equal  to  half  the 
external  angle  of  the  two  fixed  tangents.  Hence  the  variable 
segments  of  the  tangent  range  to  the  circle  subtend  fixed  angles  at 
the  centre ;  and  consequently  their  anharmonic  ratio  is  constant. 

168.]  If  two  equal  anharmonic  pencils  have  a  commonray  or  axis. 

the  three  other  pairs  of  rays  will  intersect  two  by  two  in  three  points 
rani/i'  in  a  straight  lint'. 

VOL.  II.  2  N 


Let  the  two  equal  anharmonic  pencils  OQ,  OA,  OB,  OC  and 
QO,  QA;,  QB;,  Q,C/  have  a  common  ray  or  axis  OQ,  the  remaining 
three  rays  will  intersect  in  three  points  a,  ft,  y,  which  range  in  a 
straight  line. 

Join  a  and  /3,  and  produce  «/3  to  8  in  the  common  ray  OQ,  and 
let  it  meet  the  fourth  rays  OC,  QC,  in  the  points  7  and  y, ;  then 
these  points  must  coincide,  since  the  anharmonic  ratio  of  8«/3y 
is  equal  to  the  anharmonic  ratio  of  S«/3yr 

When  the  anharmonic  ratios  of  two  straight  lines  which  meet  in 
a  point  are  equal,  the  straight  lines  which  join  the  corresponding 
points  two  hy  two  will  all  three  meet  in  a  point.  Let  OABC  and 
be  two  equal  anharmonic  ranges.  Join  AA,,  BBy,  and  let 

them  meet  in  V.  Then  if  VC,  be  drawn,  it  will  pass  through  C ; 
for  if  it  cut  OAy  in  some  other  point  D,  the  anharmonic  range 
OA/Bp,  would  be  equal  to  OAjB,!). 

169.]  If  two  triangles  ABC  and  AfijC,  (fig.  17)  have  their  corre- 
sponding vertices  on  three  straight  lines  which  meet  in  a  point  O,  the 
corresponding  sides  will  meet  two  by  two  in  three  points  a,  ft,  7 
which  range  in  a  straight  line. 

Join  Oy;  then  since  the  pencil  OyBAC  is  cut  by  the  trans- 
versal DABy,  and  also  by  the  transversal  DyA^y,  the  anharmonic 
ratios  of  these  two  straight  lines  or  ranges  are  equal ;  and  as  the 
pencils  CD,  CA,  CB,  C<y  and  C,!),,  C;Ap  CyBy,  C/y  have  a  common 
ray  CC;,  and  their  anharmonic  ratios  are  equal,  the  three  remaining 
pairs  of  rays  CA,  C,AI}  CB,  C^B/,  and  AB,  A;By  will  meet  in  the 
three  points  /3,  a,  y,  which  range  in  a  straight  line. 

The  triangles  ABC,  AjBp,  are  called  by  PONCELET  homologous 
triangles ;  the  common  point  in  which  the  three  directrix  lines  meet, 


Fig.  17. 


the  centre  of  homology ;  and  the  straight  line  in  which  each  pair  of 
sides  meet,  the  homologous  axis. 

170.]  Let  two  homologous  triangles  ABC  and  Afifi,  (fig.  17) 
have  their  sides  AB,  AjB,  meeting  in  y,  their  sides  BC,  B/C/  meeting 
in  at,  and  their  sides  AC,  A,C,  meeting  in  /3;  then,  if  at,  (3,  y  range  along 
a  straight  line,  the  lines  joining  the  points  AA,,  BBy,  CCt  will  meet 
in  a  point. 

As  the  pencil  OCABy  is  cut  by  the  two  ranges  yBAD  and 
yByAjD,,  their  anharmonic  ratios  are  equal,  and  they  have  besides  an 
homologous  point  y,  therefore  the  lines  joining  the  homologous 
points  AA,,  BB,,  CC,  meet  in  a  point. 

It  is  rather  remarkable  that  when  the  two  triangles  are  in  the 
same  plane,  some  such  demonstration  as  that  above  given  is  required, 
but  when  the  triangles  lie  in  different  planes  the  proposition  becomes 
self-evident,  the  triangles  constituting  the  bases  of  the  same  pyra- 
mid, and  their  sides  will  manifestly  meet  in  the  line  in  which  the 
plane  bases  intersect — that  is,  in  a  straight  line. 

171.]  If  the  opposite  sides  of  a  hexagon  inscribed  in  a  circle  be 
produced,  they  will  meet  two  by  two  in  the  same  straight  line. 

Let  B  and  E  be  the  ends  (fig.  18)  of  one  of  the  diagonals  of  the 
hexagon  BAFEDC,  A  and  C  the  angles  adjoining  to  B,  and  F  and 
D  the  angles  adjoining  A  and  C. 

Then,  as  these  points  lie  on  the  circumference  of  a  circle,  the  an- 


harmonic  ratios  A(BFED),C(BDEF)  will  be  equal.  See  sec.  [167]. 
And  as  the  pencil  A(BFED)  is  cut  by  the  transversal  LGED,  and 
the  pencil  C(BDEF)  is  cut  by  the  transversal  MIEF,  the  anhar- 
monic  ratios  of  these  two  transversals  will  be  equal.  Moreover 

Fig.  18. 

they  have  a  common  or  homologous  point  E;  hence  the  lines  joining 
the  other  homologous  points  will  all  three  meet  in  the  same  point, 
or  the  lines  joining  the  points  L  and  M,  G  and  F,  I  and  D,  will 
meet  in  the  same  point  N.  Hence  L,  M,  N  are  in  the  same  straight 

172.]  The  diagonals  of  a  hexagon  circumscribed  to  a  circle  meet  in 
a  point. 

Since  the  four  tangents  CB,  AF,  FE,  ED  (fig.  19)  meet  the  two 
tangents  AB  and  CD  in  the  points  B  and  C,  A  and  L,  I  and  N,  and 
in  the  points  M  and  D,  and  as  the  anharmonic  ratios  of  these  two 
ranges  BAIM  and  CLND  are  equal,  the  anharmonic  pencils  which 
pass  through  them  will  be  equal.  Therefore  the  anharmonic  ratio 
of  the  pencil  E  (BAIM)  will  be  equal  to  the  anharmonic  ratio  of  the 
pencil  F(CLDN)  ;  and  as  these  pencils  have  a  common  ray  EF,  the 
remaining  three  rays  of  each  pencil  will  meet  two  by  two  in  three 
points  which  range  in  a  straight  line  :  that  is,  EB  and  FC  will  meet 
in  O,  EA  and  FL  will  meet  in  A,  while  EM  and  FD  will  meet  in  D. 
Hence  the  point  O  must  be  on  the  line  AD,  or  the  three  diagonals 
meet  in  the  same  point  O. 



Fig.  19. 



173.]  If  from  the  centre  of  a  circle  a  perpendicular  be  drawn  on 
any  straight  line  in  its  plane,  and  if  in  this  perpendicular  a  point 
be  taken  so  that  the  rectangle  contained  by  its  distance  from  the 
centre  and  the  perpendicular  shall  be  equal  to  the  square  on  the 
radius,  the  point  so  found  and  the  straight  line  are  called  pole  and 
polar  with  respect  to  the  circle*. 


If  a  chord  be  drawn  in  a  circle,  and  any  point  taken  in  this  chord, 
the  polar  of  this  point  will  divide  the  chord  into  segments  which  will 
have  to  each  other  the  same  ratio  as  the  segments  of  this  chord  made 
by  the  pole. 

*  Like  most  of  our  terms  in  this  important  branch  of  geometry,  we  owe  the 
very  convenient  terms  pole  and  polar  to  French  geometers — the  former  to  Serrois, 
the  latter  to  Gergonne. 



Let  P  be  the  pole  taken  in  the  chord  AB,  and  let  this  chord  be 
cut  in  the  point  Q  by  the  polar  TT,  of  the  point  P.  Then  we  shall 



Fig.  20. 

Since  PT  is  a  tangent  to  the  circle,  we  have 

PT2==PA .  PB  =  PQ .  PB  + AQ  .  PB; 
and  as  PTT,  is  an  isosceles  triangle, 

therefore    FT3 = QT.QT,  +  ptf = QA .  QB  +  PQ .  QB  +  PQ  .  PB, 
=  PA.QB  +  PQ.PB. 


Equating  these  two  values  of  PT  ,  and  taking  away  the  common 
rectangle  PQ  .  PB,  we  shall  have  QA .  PB  =  PA  .  QB ; 

,  PA     QA 

PB  =  QB- 

Since  PA-PQ=QA  and  PQ  -  PB  =  QB,  we  have 


hence  PA,  PQ,  PB  are  in  harmonical  proportion,  since  the  first  is 
to  the  third  as  the  difference  between  the  first  and  the  second  is  to 
the  difference  between  the  second  and  the  third. 




Let  a  point  and  a  straight  line  be  assumed  as  pole  and  polar  with 
reference  to  a  circle.  The  polar  of  any  point  taken  in  this  straight 
line  will  pass  through  the  point  assumed  as  pole. 

Fig.  21. 

(a).  Let  the  pole  Q  be  taken  within  the  circle.  Join  OQ,  and 
produce  it  to  P,  so  that  OQ.OP=R2;  then,  by  the  definition  of 
pole  and  polar,  the  polar- of  Q  will  pass  through  P  and  be  at  right 
angles  to  OQ. 

Through  Q  draw  a  chord  TT,,  and  tangents  TP,,  T,P,  meeting 
in  P,;  and  join  PP,.  Then,  as  OQ.  OP  =  OQ  .OP,  (since  each 
rectangle  is  equal  to  R2),  the  triangles  OQ.Q  and  OPP,  are  similar, 
and  the  angle  OQ,Q  is  equal  to  the  angle  OPP,;  but  OQ,Q  is  a 
right  angle,  therefore  OPP,  is  a  right  angle,  or  the  line  PP,  is  the 
polar  of  the  point  Q. 

(/3) .  Let  the  polar  PP,  cut  the  circle.  Then,  if  OP  be  the  per- 
pendicular on  PP,  the  distance  of  the  pole  of  PP,  from  the  centre 

18  OP' 

From  any  point  P,  in  the  polar  PP,  let  tangents  P;T  and  P/T,  be 
drawn  to  the  circle,  the  line  TTP  the  polar  of  P,,  will  pass  through 
the  pole  of  PPr  Let  TT,  meet  the  perpendicular  OP  in  the  point  Q ; 
then,  as  triangles  P.OP  and  QOQ,  are  similar,  P.O  .  OQ=  QO  .  OP ; 

but  Pp  .  OQ,  =  R2 ;  therefore  QO  .  OP = R2  or  QO  = ;  therefore 



the  point  Q,  in  which  the  secant  TT;  cuts  the  perpendicular  OP, 
coincides  with  the  pole  of  the  polar  PPr 

Fig.  22. 

It  is  evident  that  if  we  substitute  a  sphere  for  the  circle,  and  a 
plane  for  the  polar  straight  line,  we  may  infer  that  if  any  point  be 
assumed  in  the  plane,  the  polar  plane  of  this  point,  taken  with 
reference  to  a  sphere,  will  pass  through  the  pole  of  the  polar 

174.]  If  the  external  angles  of  a  triangle  be  bisected,  the  bisectors 
will  meet  the  opposite  sides  of  the  triangle  in  three  points  «,  /3,  y 
which  range  in  a  straight  line. 

Kg.  23. 


Let  a  circle  be  inscribed  in  the  triangle,  and  let  the  points  of 


contact  A,,  B,,  Cy  be  joined.  Let  the  inscribed  circle  be  taken  as  a 
l>ol<iri~in</  circle.  Then,  as  the  bisector  of  the  external  angle  at  C 
is  the  polar  of  the  point  c  (the  middle  point  of  the  line  AjB,),  and  as 
the  side  AB  is  the  polar  of  the  point  C,,  the  point  y,  in  which  the 
side  AB  meets  the  bisector  of  the  vertical  angle  at  C,  is  the  pole  of 
the  line  Ctc.  In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  a  and  b  are  the 
poles  of  the  two  other  bisectors,  while  A,a  and  B,A  are  the  polars 
of  the  points  in  which  these  bisectors  meet  the  opposite  sides.  But 
the  lines  drawn  from  the  angles  of  a  triangle  to  the  middle  points 
of  the  opposite  sides  meet  in  a  point,  the  centre  of  gravity  or  cen- 
troid of  the  triangle.  Consequently  the  centroid  of  the  triangle 
AjBjC,  is  the  pole  of  the  straight  line  a/3y,  and  the  perpendicular  from 
the  centre  of  the  circle  on  this  line  will  pass  through  the  centroid. 
175.]  If  the  opposite  sides  of  a  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle 
be  produced  to  meet  in  V,  V;  (fig.  24),  and  the  diagonals  AD,  BC  be 

Fig.  24. 


drawn  to  meet  in  O,  and  tangents  to  the  circle  be  drawn  at  the  point* 
A,  B,  C,  D,  these  tangents  will  meet  two  by  two  on  the  lines  VO,  V,O 

VOL.  II.  2  O 


in  the  points  //.,  v,  m,  n,  so  that  the  points  V/;  p.,  O,  v  and  V,  m,  O,  n 
will  lie  on  the  straight  lines  VO  and  V,O. 

Since  ABCD  is  a  quadrilateral,  the  line  AB  is  harmonically 
divided  in  c  and  V,  and  the  line  ab  in  O  and  V,  and  CD  in  d  and  V. 
See  sec.  [163]  .  And  again,  as  ABCD  is  a  quadrilateral  inscribed 
in  a  circle,  the  polar  of  V  will  divide  harmonically  the  chords  AB 
and  CD  in  c  and  d  ;  therefore  the  line  cd  is  the  polar  of  V,  and 
this  line  will  therefore  pass  through  the  poles  //,,  v  of  AB  and  CD. 
Hence  the  points  V/(  p,  O,  v  are  in  the  same  straight  line. 

In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  the  points  V,  n}  O,  m  are 
in  the  same  straight  line. 

Without  using  poles  and  polars  the  proposition  may  be  proved 
as  follows  by  the  method  of  transversals  :  — 

If  we  can  show  that  the  straight  lines  V;/A,  A/A,  B/A  make  angles 
with  the  sides  of  the  triangle  V;AB,  such  that  the  product  of  the 
sines  of  the  alternate  angles  may  be  equal,  these  lines  must  meet  in 
one  point  //,,  see  sec.  [153]  —  that  is,  if 

sin  /AAV,  .  sin  //,V;B  .  sin  /iBA  =  sin  /*VyA  .  sin  V;B/i  .  sin  BA/tt. 

Now  sin  /zBA  =  sin  BA/A,  since  A//,  and  B/A  are  tangents  to  the  circle; 
also  sin  AV,O  :  sin  BVp  =  V,B  .  Ac  :  V;  A  .  cB  ;  and  as  the  angle 
V,A/A  is  equal  to  the  angle  ABO,  and  the  angle  V;B/A  equal  to  BAO, 

P  P 

sin  V,A/i  :  sin  V,B/A  =  sin  ABO  :  sin  BAO=~T>  '      :  ^-.  —  r-  :   but 

OB  .  Be  OA  .  Ac 

since  the  angle  V/AO  =  V/BO,  —  '—^  --  =    ;    '  -  ,  P  and  P,  being 

the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  A  and  B  on  the  line  OV,  ; 

or  sin  V  .Au,  :  sin 

and  sin  BV^  :  sin  AVyc  =  V^  .  Be  :  V,B  .  Ac. 

Hence  sin  VyA//, .  sin  BV^  =  sin  VyB//,  .  sin  AV^e. 

176.]  If  a  quadrilateral  be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  then  (a)  the  square 
on  the  outer  diagonal  of  the  complete  quadrilateral  is  equal  to  the  sum 
of  the  squares  on  the  tangents  drawn  from  Us  ends  to  the  circle, 
(/3)  the  diagonal  itself  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  tangents  drawn 
from  its  middle  point,  and  (y]  the  circle  drawn  on  this  diagonal 
as  diameter  will  cut  the  given  circle  at  right  angles. 

(a)  Since  P  is  the  pole  of  EG  (fig.  25),  the  outer  diagonal  of  the 
complete  quadrilateral,  therefore  On  .  OE  =  Ow  .  OG  =  R2. 

But  EG2=EO2  +  GO2-2GO.Om. 

,  GO2=GK2+R2,  and  2GO.Om=2R2. 
Hence  we  have  EGa  =  ELa+  GK2. 


(/3)  Let  (AM  be  a  tangent  drawn  to  the  circle  from  the  middle 
point  Q  of  EG. 



,  GO2=GKa 



(y)  Since  QM  is  a  tangent  to  one  circle  and  a  radius  of  the 
other,  the  circles  must  cut  orthogonally. 

It  may  also  be  shown  that  the  squares  of  the  inner  diagonals  are 
to  each  other  as  the  distances  of  their  middle  points  from  the  middle 
point  Q  of  the  outer  diagonal. 

177.]  The  line  joining  the  middle  points  of  the  diagonals  of  a 
quadrilateral  circumscribing  a  circle  passes  through  the  centre*. 

Let  a  and  b  be  the  middle  points  of  the  diagonals  AC,  BD  of  the 
quadrilateral  ABCD  (fig.  26)  circumscribing  the  circle.  Through 
B  and  C  draw  straight  lines  BG  and  CH  parallel  to  the  diagonals 
AC  and  BD.  Through  m  and  n,  the  points  of  contact  of  the  qua- 
drilateral, draw  the  chord  mn  meeting  BG  in  T,  and  the  line  Ba  in  /. 

*  Of  this  theorem,  —  which  is  duo  to  Newton,  —  a  proof  by  the  method  of  tan- 
gential coordinates  will  be  found  in  the  firet  volume  <>f  this  work.  p.  40. 



Now  since  BG,  BA,  Ba,  BC  is  an  harmonic  pencil,  since  AC  is 
bisected  in  a  and  is  parallel  to  BG,the  transversal  mn  is  harmonically 
divided  in  /  and  T ;  therefore  the  polar  of  T  passes  through  t ;  and 
as  moreover  T  is  a  point  in  the  chord  mn,  the  polar  of  T  will  pass 
through  B ;  therefore  Ba  is  the  polar  of  T.  Now  producing  the 
chords  pn,  qm  they  will  meet  in  a  point  Q,  the  polar  of  which  point, 
as  it  is  on  the  line  pn,  will  pass  through  C  ;  and  as  it  is  on  the  line 
qm  it  will  pass  through  A ;  therefore  AC  is  the  polar  of  the  point  Q ; 
and  as  it  has  been  shown  that  T'is  the  pole  of  the  line  B«,  it 
will  follow  that  the  straight  line  QT  will  be  the  polar  of  the  point 
in  which  AC  and  B/  intersect — that  is,  the  point  a,  the  middle  point 
of  the  diagonal  AC.  In  the  same  way  it  maybe  shown  that  PH  is 
the  polar  of  b.  Now  as  BG  is  parallel  to  AP,  we  have 
Tn  :  wP  =  Bw  :  nC,  and  QM  :  wH  =  Bw  :  nC ; 

Fig.  26. 

Therefore  TV  :  Qw=wP  :  wH.     Hence  the  triangles  QTw  and  HnP 
are  similar;  therefore  QT  is  parallel  to  PH.     But  these  lines  are 



the  polars  of  the  points  a  and  b;  the  point  in  which  they  meet  will 
therefore  be  the  pole  of  the  line  ab.  But  as  they  meet  at  infinity, 
the  line  ab  must  pass  through  the  centre  of  the  circle. 

The  same  proof  will  hold  when  the  curve  is  a  conic. 

178.]  If  from  any  point  P  (fig.  27)  perpendiculars  PA,,  PB,,  PC, 
are  drawn  on  the  sides  of  a  triangle  ABC,  a  circle  through  the  three 
points  A,,  B,,  C,  will  cut  the  sides  of  the  triangle  in  three  other  points 
A;/,  By/,  C0,  such  that  if  perpendiculars  to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  be 
drawn  through  these  points,  they  will  also  meet  in  a  point  P . 

C  ,* 


Since   AC,  .  AC,,  =  AB,  .  AB,,,   and  AC  =  AC,  +  C,C,,,  while 
AB,=AB,,  +  B,B,,,  we  shall  have 

AC,,a  +  AC,, .  Cpa-lB?  +  AB,  .  B,B  „ 
and  AC,3  -  AC,  .  C,C,,=  AB,a  -  AB,  .  B,B, ; 

adding  these  two  expressions,  we  shall  have 

so  also  B  A,2  +  BA,,2  -  A,A,,2 = BC,a  +  BC,,a  -  C,C,,2, 

and  CF      ~~ 

adding  these  equals,  the  squares  on  the  intervals  between  the  feet 


of  the  perpendiculars  mutually  cancel,  and  we  shall  have 

AC;  +  BA  +  CB 

=  AB; + BO; + c  A; + AB,,2 + BC/ + c  A/. 

But  since  PAy,  PBy,  PCy  are  perpendiculars  to  the  sides  of  the  tri- 
angle, we  shall  have,  see  sec.  [156],  , 

therefore         AC/  +  B  A/  +  CByy2 = AByy2  +  BCyy2  +  C  A;/2  j 

hence  the  perpendiculars  through  the  points  A/y,  B/y,  C;/  meet  in  a 
common  point  Py. 

The  line  drawn  from  A  to  P  is  perpendicular  to  the  line  By,Cyy, 
which  joins  the  feet  of  the  perpendiculars  P,Byy,  P,C,y.  For  since 
AC;PBy  is  a  quadrilateral  that  may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  the 
angle  APCy  is  equal  to  the  angle  AByC,;  and  as  CyByByyCy,  is  a 
quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle,  the  angle  AC,,Byy  is  equal  to  the 
angle  AByCy — that  is,  to  the  angle  APC,.  Consequently  the  angle 
ASCy/  is  a  right  angle.  Hence,  if  from  the  angles  of  the  triangle 
ABC  lines  be  drawn  to  the  points  P,  Py,  the  lines  drawn  to  P  will 
be  perpendicular  to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  A,,By,Cy/,  and  the  lines 
drawn  to  Py  will  be  perpendicular  to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  AyB  C/t 

The  lines  drawn  from  any  vertex  A  to  the  points  P,  Py  will 
make  equal  angles  with  the  sides  AB  and  AC*. 

For  the  angle  P,AB/y  is  equal  to  the  angle  PyCy,Byy  which  is  equal 
to  the  angle  PByCy,  which  has  been  proved  equal  to  the  angle  PAC. 

179.]  The  foregoing  theorem  maybe  proved  in  a  simpler  way  by 
the  help  of  the  property  given  in  sec.  [134]. 

Let  the  perpendiculars  By,Py  and  C,,P,  be  erected  at  B,y  and  Cyy 
to  meet  in  Py.  Then,  as  AByyP,C/y  is  a  quadrilateral  that  may  be 
inscribed  in  a  circle,  the  angle  By,APy  is  equal  to  the  angle  By/C,,Py ; 
and  as  CyB,B,yC,,  is  a  like  quadrilateral,  the  angle  ACy,Byy  is  equal 

*  Hence  the  points  P,  P,  are  the  foci  of  an  ellipse  inscribed  in  the  triangle 
ABC,  of  which  O  is  the  centre,  and  the  major  axis  the  diameter  of  the  circle. 

Produce  P^,,  to  Q  until  A/;Q  is  equal  A/yP.  Join  PQ  cutting  the  side  of  the 
triangle  in  «.  Join  P,P«.  Then  as  P,«  is  equal  to  Q«  and  P«  =  Pa, 
P,a+ P«=PQ  =  20AJ/,  or  P,a+Pa  is  constant,  being  equal  to  the  diameter  of 
the  circle. 

We  may  hence  infer  that  if  three  tangents  to  an  ellipse  be  given,  and  one  of 
its  foci,  we  can  at  once  construct  the  ellipse.  From  the  focus  draw  perpen- 
diculars on  the  three  tangents,  the  circle  that  passes  through  the  feet  of  the 
perpendiculars  will  cut  the  tangents  in  three  other  points,  through  which  if  per- 
pendiculars be  drawn,  they  will  meet  in  the  second  focus.  The  major  axis  of 
this  ellipse  will  be  the  diameter  2R  of  the  circle ;  and  the  eccentricity  will  be 



to  the  angle  ABjC,;  but  AC^P,  and  AB;P  are  right  angles;  hence 
tin;  angle  B//Cy/P/  is  equal  to  the  angle  C^P — that  is,  to  the  angle 
C,AP,  sinoe  ABjPC  is  also  a  quadrilateral  that  may  be  inscribed  in 
a  circle.  Hence  the  angle  B//AP/  is  equal  to  the  angle  CAP,.  But 
in  sec.  [154]  it  is  shown  that  if  two  sets  of  lines  be  drawn  from 
the  angles  of  a  triangle  making  equal  angles  with  the  adjacent 
sides,  and  if  one  set  meet  in  a  point,  so  likewise  the  other  set  will 
also  meet  in  a  point. 

180.]  If  through  a  given  point  P  (fig.  28)  two  secants  PAB,  PCD 
be  drawn  to  a  circle,  the  first  fixed,  the  second  movable,  and  if  from  the 
points  of  intersection  of  this  latter  with  the  circle  tangents  be  drawn 
meeting  the  fixed  secant  in  the  points  M,  N,  we  shall  have  * 

I       I  "1  X  r  ~""~  T"4    4        I      T~l  T  ~»  * 


Fig.  28. 

Through  C  and  D  let  tangents  be  drawn  meeting  in  G,  and  cutting 
the  fixed  secant  in  the  points  M,  N.  Join  AD,  BC  meeting  in  O, 
and  AC,  BD  meeting  in  V.  Then  VO  will  pass  through  G,  the 
intersection  of  the  tangents  at  C  and  D,  and  will  cut  the  line  AB 

»  This  theorem  is  taken  from  Maclaurin's  Tractattis  de  lineanim  currantm 
proprietatibtts  gcneralibus,  p.  11,  a  treatise  of  rare  originality  and  beauty.  The 
theorem  in  the  text,  which  is  proved  for  algebraical  curves  of  all  orders  by 
a  simple  application  of  an  elementary  principle  of  the  differential  calculus, 
Maclaurin  makes  the  foundation  of  a  system  of  geometry  of  curve  lines  of  singular 


in  a  point  Q.     Let  the  line  GE  be  drawn  through  G  parallel  to  AB 
meeting  the  lines  VA,  VB  in  H  and  F.     Then  by  similar  triangles 

PM  :  PC  =  EG  :  CE  and  PC  :  PA  =  CE  :  EH. 
Compounding  these  ratios,  PM  :  PA=EG  :  EH. 

i  i      TJ^TJ  l  1       l^T^ 

Hence        =  PA  '  EG"    In  Uke  manner  WG  °Uain  PN  =  PB'  EG" 

But  EH=EG  +  GH  and  EF=EG-FG; 

1         1  rEG  +  GHl       1     ,  , 
therefore  =  —    =         1  + 

=  PA          EG    ' 

1         1  rEG-FGI       1   r_     FG1 
PN  =  PBHsQ—  ^PB^-EGJ5 

f  1111      JTGH     FG1 

+       -+       +  PB_T 

But  as  the  line  AB  is  harmonically  divided  in  P  and  Q, 

PA  :  PB  =  AQ  :  BQ=GH  :  FG;  and  therefore  p^=|§; 
consequently  +  J_  +  J^. 

This  proof,  without  any  modification,  will  hold  for  conies. 



When  a  triangle  is  given,  sixteen  circles  may  be  described  in  con- 
nexion with  it : — one  circumscribed  to  the  triangle ;  one  inscribed 
in  it ;  three  touching,  each  a  side  and  the  other  two  sides  produced ; 
six  passing  throiigh  the  centres  of  the  circles  of  contact  and  the  ver- 
tices of  the  given  triangle  taken  two  by  two ;  four  through  the 
centres  of  the  inscribed  and  exscribed  circles  taken  three  by  three  ; 
and,  lastly,  a  sixteenth  circle  passing  through  the  feet  of  the  perpen- 
diculars drawn  from  the  vertices  of  the  triangle  on  the  opposite  sides. 
This  may  be  called  the  orthocentric  circle,  as  it  circumscribes  the 
orthocentric  triangle.  It  is  also  known  as  the  nine-point  circle. 
The  other  circles  will  be  named  as  definitions  are  required. 

The  four  circles  which  touch  the  sides  of  this  triangle  may  with 
propriety  and  brevity  be  named  the  circles  of  contact ;  and  their 
centres  may  be  called  the  centres  of  contact. 

o\    Till:   HIOHKR  GEOMETRY. 


181.]  Let  r,  r,,  rn,  rnl,  11  be  the  radii  of  the  inscribed,  exscribed*, 
and  circumscribed  circles  of  the  triangle  ABC,  and  let  to,  fl,  £lp  £llt,  O 
be  the  centres  of  these  circles,  while  0  is  the  centre  of  the  circle, 
whose  radius  is  p,  inscribed  in  the  orthocentric  triangle.  Let  the 
inscribed  circle  touch  the  sides  of  the  triangle  in  the  points  B/}  A,,  F, 
and  the  exscribed  circle  touch  the  same  sides  in  the  points  G,  H,  F/} 
and  as  BG=BF,,  and  AH=AF,,  BG  +  AH  =  BA=c,  if  a,  b,  c  be 
the  sides  of  the  triangle  opposite  to  the  angles  A,  B,  C.  Hence 
CG  +  CH  is  equal  to  the  perimeter  of  the  triangle,  or  as  CG  =  CH, 
CG  or  CH  is  half  the  perimeter  of  the  triangle;  let  this  semiperi- 
meter  be  denoted  by  s.  And  as  CA^CB,,  GA^HB,;  and  as 
GA/=BF/  +  BFandHB,=AF  +  AF/,thereforeBF/+BF=AF  +  AF, 
or  BF=AF;  hence  BA=GA/=HB/=c.  Therefore  BG=*-a, 
BA=s  — b,  and  CA^*— • c. 

Fig.  29. 

Let  A  be  the  area  of  the  triangle,  then  it  is  well  known  that 

A-  /  7 W  —K\( •*   — f^£  (  \ 

*  Not  ctcribed,  as  it  is  usually  written,  but  extcribtd,  in  accordance  with 
the  analogy  of  the  pronunciation'of  other  like  words,  such  as  r.rscind,  exttrtion, 
t.rsert,  exsiccate,  &c. 

VOL.  II.  2  P 


We  have  also       r.= .  r,,=  -    -,  )',,,= (b) 

s— a  s—b  s—c 

Therefore  r^^/^///  =  ^ w TTT r=A2.      .     .     .     (c) 

1  "'     s(s— a)  (s  —  b)  (s— c) 

Taking  the  reciprocals  of  (b),  we  shall  have 

-=-  +  —  +  —,       (d)        whence  r= ^J^JU .  (e) 

T***^***-7^'  7*   >*     —I-  7*     /*      —I-  7*   7* 

1 1      '  n      'in  '  I '  il  ~ '  II'  III  ~  'I'  III 

sr       ,         j     sr 

O  —**.  ft  — •  O  \\  f  I        O  /I  •  

«>         I*  ^—  1 1 1  n  i     o          u  ^—         • 


therefore  28-a-b=c  = 

(r  -f-  f  \ 
~  -  / 

In  like  manner        «  =  rY^,    b=r,,,      .     .     .     (g) 

and  since  4R=  —  ,  substituting  the  foregoing  values  of  a,  b,  c, 


we  shall  have  4R=^>l,  +  r,J(r,,,  +  r,)(r  +,-„)_       .     .     .     (h) 

But  r,r,,r,,,=sV,  and  s=  »Jrlru-\-rllrul  +rlllrl,  as  in  (f)  ; 
hence  4R~  d  +  ^+ 

ri  rn     rn  riu  """  r/;/  ri 
Now  if  we  develop  the  numerator  and  add  to  both  sides 

V   V     V 

r=  —  —  ,  as  given  in  (e)  ,  we  shall  have 

r,  +  rtt  +  rw,    .......     (j) 

Thus  the  sum  of  the  radii  of  the  exscribed  circles  is  equal  to  the 
radius  of  the  inscribed  circle  together  with  four  times  the  radius 
of  the  circumscribed  circle. 

sr  ,     sr 

Since  s  —  a  —  —)  and  s  —  6  =  —  ,  we  have 

(s  —  a)(s  —  b)=  -  or  s2—  (a  +  b)s 

rirn  ri  rn  riu 


Finding  like  expressions  for  the  other  sides,  and  adding, 

we  obtain      3*2— 4s*  +  bc  +  ac  +  ab= — — — — . 

ri  ru  rui 

But  rtrltrtn=s*r',  consequently  6c  +  ac  +  «6=s2  +  r(r/  +  r//  +  r///). 

hence  6e'+ac  +  ad=s2+4Rr  +  r2, (k) 

and  therefore          a2  +  62  +  c2=2s2— 8Rr-2r2 (1) 

These  useful  theorems  may  be  more  simply  established  by  suc- 
cessively eliminating  (bc  +  ca  +  ab}  and  (a2  +  A2  +  e2)  between  the 
formulae  2s  =  a  +  b  +  c  and  sr'2  =  (s  —  a)(s—  b)(s— c). 

182.]   Since  1  +  1  +  1=!,  see  (d)  sec.  [181], 

ri     ru      in 



_^+  1_  +  J_  =  ^_2|~_L  +  J_  +_L"j  , 
r,      ru      r,n      r        Ir,         rttrllt     ry//r,J 

2    *~    2  ~~    2 

r*     r*  r,  r..  r,,.  r 

•  f*  • "  I      It      III 

Now  r.  +  r,.  +  r,,.=4R  +  r  and  rlr..rlllr= 

I  If  til  I        It        HI 

e  1111      2s2-8Rr-2r2 

therefore  -^-\ — -z+— 3  +  ^  = 5-, .       .     .     .     (a) 


But  it  has  been  shown,  in  (1)  in  the  last  section,  that 

f  1111 

and  therefore  ++_+=_  1^  -  .....     (b) 

ri      rn      riu      r  ^ 

Thus  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  reciprocals  of  the  radii  of  the  four 
inscribed  and  exscribed  circles  to  a  triangle  is  equal  to  the  sum  of 
the  squares  of  the  three  sides  divided  by  the  square  of  the  area  of 
the  triangle. 

183.]   Let  ht,  htl,  hltl  denote  the  perpendiculars  from  the  vertices 
of  a  triangle  on  the  opposite  sides,  then  ah,,  bhn,  chtll  are  each 

1     s  —  a     1     s—  b 

equal  to  2sr;  and  as  —  =  -  ,  —  =  -  , 
rt       sr      rlt      sr 

we  have  !  +  !  =  ^-?£_,  Qf  h    /l+i\     2 

ri     ru     sr     hnf  \ri     rJ 

In  like  manner  hi  —  H  --  )  =  2,  and  /<  (-H  --  )  =  2; 
v//     rni'  \ri     rm' 

consequently          &±te+&L±te+&l±Mm6.  .     (a) 


184.]  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  a  triangle  is  equal 
to  twice  the  sum  of  the  products  of  each  height  multiplied  by  the 
distance  between  the  corresponding  angle  and  the  orthocentre. 

Let  h  be  the  altitude  corresponding  to  the  angle  A  ;  then  the 
distance  from  the  vertex  A  to  the  orthocentre  is  2R  cos  A,  and  the 

cos  A- 
product  by  h  is  2RAcos  A=4AR  —    —  ,  putting  A  for  the  area  of 


the  triangle;  and  this  may  be  written  2AR-  --  r  --  -•     Finding 

like  expressions  for  the  other  angles,  and  bearing  in  mind  that 
«6c=4RA,  we  get 


In  any  plane  triangle  we  shall  have  the  relation 
a  cos  A  +  6  cosB  +  ccos  C     r 

2s    •  R* 

For  ifp,Pi>Pn  denote  the  perpendiculars  from  the  centre  of  the  cir- 
cumscribed circle  on  the  sides  of  the  triangle  a,  b,  c,  we  have 

cosA=4  cosB=§,  cosC=§'.  (b) 

XV  xv  XV 


The  sum  of  the  ratios  of  each  perpendicular  from  the  centre  of  the 
circumscribing  circle  on  a  side  of  the  triangle  to  the  perpendicular 
from  the  opposite  angle  on  the  same  side  is  equal  to  unity. 

p     area  COB      ,,  p    p.    pn 

For          \=  --  TTTS;    therefore  £+£/+O=l.        .     .     (d) 
h     area  CAB  h     h,     ht 

The  sum  of  the  reciprocals  of  the  perpendiculars  from  the  angles 
of  a  triangle  on  the  opposite  sides  is  equal  to  the  reciprocal  of  the 
radius  of  the  inscribed  circle. 

Let  <o  be  the  centre  of  this  circle,  then 

r_area  BwC 
h  ""area  BAG  ' 

finding  like  expressions  for  the  other  terms,  and  adding,  we  shall 

T   i   "7"  ~r  T~  ==     •  .......        (®/ 

h     ht     htl     r 
If  we  turn  to  fig.  29  (p.  289)  it  will  easily  be  seen  that 

flft)        O^ft)        fiy/0>  _  , 

C«     B«       A^T 


c     n,&>     b     il.M     a 


and  the  sum  of  these  ratios  is  obviously  2. 


185.]  In  the  following  propositions  the  terms  sin,  cos,  tan  are 
used  as  brief  and  familiar  expressions  to  denote  certain  ratios  of 
lines  connected  with  a  triangle  and  its  inscribed  and  circumscribed 

A    s—  a  A     s 

Since  cot—  =  -  ,  and  coW=—  ,   .....     (a) 

&  i  m  &          /  i 

finding  like  expressions  for  the  other  angles,  and  adding,  we  have 

,A         .  B         ,  C     s—as—b     s—c    s 
C0t     +C0t     +COt     = 

2  2  2 

A  ,      ,  B  ,         C     s      s       s 
and  cot^-f  cotli  +  cotT5-=-H  ---  f-  —  ; 

3      ri     r,i     r,n 
hence  dividing  these  equations  by  s,  we  obtain 

r     ri     ru     r,n 
Multiplying  together  the  cotangents  in  (a), 

A     ,B     ^C     (s-a)(s-b)(s-c) 
we  have  cot     cot     cot  -  =  -  a          ~> 


cot  -y  cot  -Q-  cot 

s3?        s(s  — 

2     r,rurlu' 

•)    «*r'    . 





sr  =  »J 

rr  r  r 


Hence  Me  *gware  root  of  the  continued  product  of  the  four  radii 
of  the  inscribed  and  exscribed  circles  is  equal  to  the  area  of  the 

To  prove  the  following  relations  : — 

a       •    T>      b 
Since  sin  A  =  775,  sinB  =  ; 


adding  these  expressions, 


sinA  +  sinB4sinC  =  ^  ........     (d) 


Multiplying  these  values, 


(/3)  sin  A  sin  B  sin  C  =    52  ........     (e) 

If  we  square  (a)  and  subtract  the  values  of  the  squares  of  the 
sines,  we  shall  have 


(y)      sin  A  sin  B  +  sin  B  sin  C  +  sin  A  sin  C  =  — 

But  a2  +  62  +  c2  =  2s2  -  2r2  -  8Rr. 

s?  _i_  ^2  i  4  j^y 
Hence    sin  A  sin  B  +  sin  B  sin  C  +  sin  A  sin  C  = 


=  A  /(s-b}(s-c} 

.    .    A    .    B   .    C     4?(*  —  a)(s—  b)(s—  c)      r 
Hence       4»n¥.m]s.u,?—       -^       2=fi.    .     .     (g) 

w  1  +  cosA=Mir£); 

finding  like  expressions  for  cos  B  and  cos  C,  adding,  we  shall  have 


but  «2  +  62  +  c2=2*2-2r2-8Rr,  as  in  (1)  sec.  [181]  ; 


hence  cos  A  +  eosB+cosC  =  l+^p  ......     (h) 


If  p,  pp  ptl  denote  the  perpendiculars  from  the  centre  of  the  cir- 
cumscribed circle  on  the  sides, 

j0=Il  cos  A,  j»/=R  cos  B,  pn  =R  cos  C. 

Hence  P+Pi+Pi,=^  +  r  .......     (i) 

186.]   To  prove  that     a  cot  A  +  b  cot  B  +  c  cot  C  =  2(R  +  r)  .     (a) 

a  cos  A     2aRcosA     2ap 
acotA.=—.  —  r-=  o-p    .  —  T-  =  —  —=2p. 
sm  A       2R  sin  A        a 

Hence         a  cot  A  +  b  cot  B  +  c  cot  C  =  2  (  p  +pt  +pj  . 
But  p-i-pl+pll='R-^r,  as  shown  in  (i),  last  section. 


1  1  \ve  square  the  expression  (h)  in  sec.  [185]  ,  and  put  for  cos*  A  its 

value  1  —  -,  and  like  expressions  for  cos2  B,  cos2  C,  we  shall  have 

=   l+        -3+ 

putting  for  a2  4  V2  +  e2  its  value,  and  reducing, 


cosB  cos  C  +  cos  A  cos  C  4-  cos  A  cos  B=  -  7^73  -  .  .     (h) 


187.]  To  show  that 

cos2  A  4-  cos2  B  4  cos2  C=  1—2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C.      .     (a) 
Since  A  +  B-fC=7r,    cosC  =  —  cos  (A  +  B); 

therefore         cos2  C=cos2  A  cos2  B  —  2  cos  A  cos  B  sin  A  sin  B 
+  1  —  cos2  A  —  cos2  B  4-  cos2  A  cos2  B, 

putting  for  sin2  A  sin2  B  in  the  developed  form 

its  equivalent  1  —  cos2  A  +  cos2  B  -f  cos2  A  cos2  B. 
Hence  the  expression  cos2  A  4-  cos2  B  4-  cos2  C  now  becomes 
1+2  cos  A  cos  B  (cos  A  cos  B  —  sin  A  sin  B)  =  1  —2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C. 
We  have  also,  as  shown  in  (e)  section  [185], 

(l4-cosA)(l+cosB)(l+cosC)=^.      .     .     (b) 
If  we  multiply  together  the  expressions 

(1  +  cosA),  (1+cosB),  (1  4-  cos  C),  we  shall  have 

(1  4-  cos  A)(l  4-  cos  B)  (1  +  cos  C)  =1  +  cos  A  4-  cos  B  4-  cos  C 

4-  cos  A  cos  B  4-  cos  B  cos  C  4-  cos  A  cos  C  4-  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C=< 

Substituting  for  (cos  A  4-  cos  B  4-  cos  C)  and 

cos  A  cos  B  4-  cos  B  cos  C  4-  cos  A  cos  C  their  values 
as  given  in  (h)  and  (i)  in  section  [185],  we  shall  find 

cos  A  cos  B  cos  C=  -  -    —  —  .....     (j) 


Since  co4-A/*<£:=3, 

*      V        oc 

A        B        C     s 

4003-008^08-  =  =;        .       .       .       .        (k) 

comparing  this  expression  with  (d),  sec.  [185],  we  find 


sin  A  +  sin  B  -f  sm  0=4  cos  —  cos  -^  cos  —  . 

id  til  til 

188.]  To  show  that 

tan  A  +  tan  B  +  tan  C=tan  A  tan  B  tan  C. 

Let  a(  and  alt  be  the  segments  of  the  side  a,  made  by  the  per- 
pendicular h  drawn  to  it  from  the  vertex  A,  then 

„     a,a,.     ACT 
cot  B  cot  C=4V  =  -re-* 
h*       h* 

vr  being  the  perpendicular  from  the  orthocentre  on  the  side  a. 
Hence  cot  B  cot  C=  T-=T—  •     Let  8,  &,,  8,,  be  the  component  tri- 

IL  fltt 

angles  of  the  original  triangle,  then 

vra=28  and  Aa=2A  ; 

g  .  *  _|_g 
hence     cot  B  cot  C  +  cot  C  cot  A  +  cot  A  cot  B  =  —  ~—^  —  '-'=  1  . 

Multiplying  these  expressions  by  tan  A  tan  B  tan  C, 

tan  A  +  tan  B  -f  tan  C  =tan  A  tan  B  tan  C.       .     .     (a) 

o-  *      A          /(s-b}(s-c] 

Since  tan  ^=  A  /  i M        > , 

&       V        s(s— a) 

Again,  as 

tanftanftan^-^T^iTT^M-       •     <b> 
222     s  \/s(s  —  a)(s— b)(s  —  c)     s 


Q     "" 

-v/*(s—  a)(s—b)  (s-c)  ~~ 
A  B  C     4R  +  r 


C  C,      A^       A,      B  , 

-   tan— +tan  — tan— =1 ;      .     .     (d) 

ON  THK    HICIIKR  (i  KOM  KTKY.  '.".I? 

for  tan-=  -  -.,  tan^=—  -;  therefore 

2     s—b  2     s—c 

tan  —  tan  -=  =  -  .     Hence  results  the  theorem. 


189.1    Since  A«  =  2A.  h  =  —  ,  and  therefore 


I     1     1\        A  (bc  +  ac  +  ab) 
-  -=2A^-  -£= 


-     T     --  -— 

a     b     c/  abc  2R 

$2  -Lr2_4R2 

To  show  that  ST  +  CT,  +  «•„=  —    -^  --  .       .     .     .      (b) 

Let  a;,  ay/  be  the  segments  of  the  side  a  made  by  the  perpendicular 
h  from  the  vertex,  -sr  the  corresponding  perpendicular  from  the 
orthocentre;  then 

„     «,«,.     A-sr     2A«r 
cos  B  cos  C=-7-^=-^  =  —  T  — 
oc       oc       abc 

(b)  sec.  [186]  gives  cos  B  cosC  +  cosAcos  C  -f  cosAcos  B  = 


Hence  &  +  &,  +  •&,!=  --  ^  --  ,  as  above  ; 

and  therefore        (  h  +  h,  +  h,)  —  («•  +  vr,  +  «rw)  =  2  (  R  +  r)  .      .     .     (c) 

But  this  quantity  denotes  the  sum  of  the  lines  drawn  from  the 
orthocentre  to  the  vertices  of  the  triangle  ;  and  as  it  may  be  shown 
that  the  sum  of  these  distances  is  equal  to  twice  the  sum  of  the 
perpendiculars  on  the  sides  of  the  triangle,  these  perpendiculars 
being  written 

P>Pi>Pii>  we  shall  have,  as  in  (i)  sec.  [185], 

p+pt+ptl=K  +  r  .......     (d) 

190.]  In  any  triangle  the  sum  of  the  reciprocals  of  the  sides  of  the 
six  inscribed  and  exscribed  squares  is  equal  to  twice  the  reciprocal 
of  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  circle. 

Let  a  be  the  base  and  h  the  height  of  the  triangle,  and  x  the 

side  of  the  square  inscribed,  then  x——  —j  . 

Let  X)  be  the  side  of  the  square  exscribed,  then  a:;=—  —  . 

Hence  -H  —  =T.     Let  y,  y.,  and  z,  zt  be  the  sides  of  the  squares 

/  •'',          // 

on  the  other  two  sides  of  the  triangle,  and  we  shall  have 

as  shown  in  (e)  sec.  [184]. 

VOL.  n.  2  Q 




191.  Let  the  triangle  ABC  be  inscribed  in  the  circle  AEBG  and 
circumscribed  to  the  circle  Ycok ;  we  proceed  to  find  an  expression 
for  the  distance  between  O  and  w  the  centres  of  these  circles.  Let  D 
be  this  distance,  and  let  R  and  r  be  the  radii  of  the  circles ;  then 
manifestly  (R  +  D)(R-D)  =  Cw  .  G<o  or  D2=R2-Co> .  Go>. 

Through  G  draw  the  diameter  GOE  ;  join  AG  and  AE.  Since 
the  triangles  Cfoo  and  AGE  are  similar,  GE  .  tak  =  Ca)  .  GA;  but 
GE  =  2R,  and  wk  =  r,  while  GA  =  GB  =  Gw.  Consequently 
2Rr=Co>  .  Go>,  and  therefore 

D2=R2-2Rr  ........     (a) 

The  value  of  D  is  independent  of  the  sides  of  the  triangle.  Hence, 
if  two  circles  be  described  so  that  the  interval  between  their  centres 

shall  be  equal  to  \/}tf  —  2Rr,  any  triangle  inscribed  in  the  one  may 
be  circumscribed  to  the  other  *. 

*  Another  proof  of  this  theorem  may  be  given.  Let  two  tangents  to  the 
inscribed  circle  be  drawn  from  the  points  A  and  B  meeting  in  C.  If  C  be  on  the 
circumference  the  proposition  is  established.  But  if  not  let  another  circle  be 
described  passing  through  the  points  A,  B,  C,  Let  R,  be  the  radius  of  this 
circle,  its  centre  will  be  on  the  line  GE,  suppose  at  O(,  and  let  D(  be  the  distance 
from  O,  to  &).  Let  OO,  =/*,  and  let  OT)  =  k  ;  then 

But  Di2  =  Ri2—  2R,r  ;  or,  substituting  the  value  of  R;, 

and  D2=R2-2Rr;   consequently  R  +  /*  =  V  It2  +  \? 

which  is  impossible  unless  p,=0  ;  or  the  two  centres  of  the  circumscribing  circles 

must  coincide  ;  and  as  they  pass  through  the  same  points  A  and  B,  they  must  be 



192.]   Let  rt  be  the  radius  of  one  of  the  outer  circles  of  contact; 
then,  making  the  necessary  transformations,  it  may  be  shown  that 

D2  =  R2  +  2Rr,  ........     (a) 

If  we  take  like  expressions  for  the  other  two  sides  we  shall  have, 
adding  them  together, 

But  rt  +  rlt  +  rtn—  r=4R,  as  shown  in  (j)  sec.  [181];  hence 

D'  +  D'  +  Dj'  +  D^-iaR*;       .     .     .     .     (b) 

or  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  from  the  centre  of  the  cir- 
cumscribed circle  to  the  centres  of  the  four  circles  of  contact  is  equal 
to  twelve  times  the  square  of  the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle. 
It  may  easily  be  shown  that  G,  the  middle  point  of  the  arc  AB,  is 
the  centre  of  the  circle  which  passes  through  A,  B,  the  ends  of  the 
base  AB,  and  through  the  centres  to  and  fl  of  the  inscribed  and 
exscribed  circles. 

193.]  If  a  triangle  circumscribe  one  circle  and  be  inscribed  in 
another  circle,  the  circles  will  have  a  common  pole  and  polar. 

Let  d  be  the  distance  from  O  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing 
circle  to  the  common  polar,  let  8  be  the  distance  between  the  centre 
of  the  inscribed  circle  and  the  common  pole,  and,  as  before,  let  D 
be  the  distance  between  the  centres  of  tne  circles  whose  radii  are 
R  and  r. 

Then  obviously  we  shall  have 

(D  +  S)</=«R2,  and  (rf-D)8=r«. 

Eliminating  8,  we  shall  find  for  d,  the  distance  of  O  from  the 
common  polar, 

,     (R  +  r)(B-r)+B(R-2r)±r 



194.]  The  orthocentric  triangle  has  been  defined  in  sec.  [lot]  as 
the  triangle  formed  by  joining  the  feet  of  the  perpendiculars  drawn 
from  the  vertices  of  a  triangle  to  the  opposite  sides ;  and  these  [>er- 
pcndiculars,  as  it  has  been  shown,  meet  in  the  orthocentre. 

The  circle  which  circumscribes  this  triangle  IIKIV  bo  called  the 
orthocentric  circle.  It  has  also  by  PONCELET  been  named  the  nun-- 
point circle,  from  a  property  which  will  be  established  further  on. 


Let  A,  B,  C  be  the  angles  of  the  given  triangle,  a,  b,  c  the  opposite 
sides,  and  R  the  radius  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

The  sides  of  the  orthocentric  triangle  are  a  cos  A,  b  cos  B,  c  cos  C. 

Let  Ap  B;,  C,  be  the  vertices  of  the  orthocentric  triangle  opposite 
the  vertices  A,  B,  C  of  the  given  triangle,  then  the  sides  of  the 
triangle  A^C,  are  a  cos  B,  c  cos  B,  and  A]Cr  Hence 

KjC?=a*  cos2  B  +  c2  cos2  B  -2ac  cos3  B, 

or  A^2=  cos2  B  [a2  +  c2  -  2ac  cos  B]  . 

But  the  part  put  within  brackets  is  equal  to  AC2  or  ft*  ; 

hence        A/^2=AC2cos2B,  or  b,=b  cos  B  ......  -  .     (a) 

We  have  also  2R  =  -  —  r.  a  well-known  theorem. 
sin  A 

But  the  sides  of  the  orthocentric  triangle  are  a  cos  A,  b  cos  B, 
c  cos  C  ;  and  if  Ay,Bp  C;  be  the  angles  of  the  orthocentric  triangle 
opposite  the  sides  a  cos  A,  b  cos  B,  c  cos  C,  we  shall  have 

A+2A=7r,  or  sin  Aj=  sin  2A  =  2  sin  A  cos  A.    .     .     (b) 

Hence,  if  Ry  be  the  radius  of  the  circle  circumscribing  the  ortho- 
centric  triangle,  we  have 

OT?  _  a  cos  A.  _      GCosA  a 

1      sin  At  ~  2  sin  A  cos  A     2  sin  A' 

Hence  2Ry^=R,  or  the  diameter  of  the  circle  circumscribing  the 
original  triangle  is  twice  that  of  the  circle  circumscribing  the 
orthocentric  triangle. 

195.]    To  determine  the  area  of  the  orthocentric  triangle. 

In  general  the  area  of  a  triangle  A  is  determined  by  the  equation 
a£c=4RA,  A  being  the  area  of  the  triangle. 

In  the  orthocentric  triangle  the  sides  are  a  cos  A,  #cosB,  ccosC, 
and2Ry:=R;  hence 

abc  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C=4R,Ar 
But  «fo=4RA,  and  2R,=R; 

hence       cos  A  cos  B  cos  C  =  —  L  or  -^  =2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C.   .     (c) 

.-•£*          ZA 

If  perpendiculars  be  drawn  from  the  vertices  of  a  triangle  to  the 
sides  of  its  orthocentric  triangle,  they  will  pass  through  the  centre 
of  the  circle  circumscribing  the  given  triangle. 

As  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  vertices  of  the  given  tri- 
angle ABC  on  its  opposite  sides  bisect  the  angles  of  the  ortho- 
centric  triangle,  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  any  two  vertices 
of  the  given  triangle,  A  and  B  suppose,  to  the  sides  of  the  ortho- 


centric  triangle  will  make  equal  angles  with  the  side  C.  Hence 
by  sec.  [154]  these  lines  will  meet  in  a  point;  and  as  these  three 
lines  are  equal,  they  must  meet  in  the  centre  of  the  circle  ABC. 

Hence,  as  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  vertices  of  the  tri- 
angle ABC  to  the  opposite  sides  determine  by  their  intersection 
the  orthocentre,  so  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  same  vertices 
to  the  sides  of  the  orthocentric  triangle  determine  by  their  inter- 
section the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

196.]  Since  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  0,  the  orthocentre,  to 
the  sides  of  the  original  triangle  bisect  the  angles  of  the  ortho- 
centric  triangle,  @  is  the  centre  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  it. 

To  find  the  value  of  the  radius  p  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  the 
orthocentric  triangle. 

Let  st  be  half  the  sum  of  the  sides  of  the  orthocentric  triangle 
and  A/  its  area,  then  Ay=s,p.  But,  as  in  sec.  [194], 

2s,  =  a  cos  A  -f  b  cos  B  +  c  cos  C  ;  hence  2s,  =  ^  (ap  +  bp,  +  cplt)  ,   (a) 

P>  Pi>  Pn  bemg  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  centre  O  on  the 
sides  of  the  triangle. 

But   ap  +  bpl  +  cp,,=2&;  hence  p——1,  and  s,—^  ;       .     .     (b) 

Si  Xv 

therefore    p=.    But  —  i  !  =2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C,  as  in  (c)  sec.  [195]; 

hence       p=2Rcos  AcosB  cosC.  (c)     We  have  also      =  -r-'>  (d) 

or  the  areas  of  the  orthocentric  and  original  triangles  are  to  each 
other  as  the  radii  of  the  circles  inscribed  in  the  former  and  circum- 
scribed to  the  latter. 

Hence,  as  (b)  gives  A  =  R.?/}  it  follows  that  the  area  of  a  triangle 
is  equal  to  the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle,  multiplied  into  the 
semiperimeter  of  its  orthocentric  triangle. 

We  have  thus  an  additional  theorem  for  finding  the  area  of  a 
triangle.  This  simple  expression  may  be  added  to  those  given  ill 
sec.  [181]. 

197.]   To  show  that 

OB  _L  —  9i?  2 


The  area  of  the  original  triangle  is  the  sum  of  the  areas  of 
the  orthocentric  triangle  and  the  three  component  triangles  on  its 
sides  ;  and  twice  the  area  of  one  of  these  triangles  is  be  cos2  A  sin  A. 

be  cos2  A  sin  A  +  ac  cos2  B  sin  B  +  ab  cos2  C  sin  C  +  2A,=2  A, 


or  be  sin  A  +  ac  sin  B  +  ab  sin  C 

,   fain8  A     sin3B     sin3Cl      OA 
—  abc\  --  1  --  -  --  1  --    =2A  —  2A,. 
La  b  c     J 

But  be  sin  A=acsinB=a6  sinC=2A; 

hence  4A 

or,  as  RAy=Ap, 

t  j,  A  fsin3  A     sin3  B     sin8  Cl 

hence  4A+2A,=4RA   -       —  H  --  -  --  (-—         L 

La  o  c    J 



198.]  Tb  determine  an  expression  for  the  square  of  the  distance 
between  the  centre  of  the  circumscribed  circle  and  the  orthocentre,  or 
an  expression  for  O©2. 

If  we  take  the  triangle  whose  vertices  are  O,  ®,  and  one  of  the 
vertices,  A  suppose,  of  the  given  triangle,  the  sides  of  this  new  tri- 
angle will  be  60,  R,  and  2R  cos  A,  while  the  angle  at  A  will  be 
C  —  B.  Hence  obviously 

O@2=R2  +  4R2cos2A-4R2cosAcos(C-B).       .     .     (a) 
But  A  =  7r-(C  +  B)j  hence 

Oea=R2[l-4cosA{cos(C  +  B)  +  cos(C-B)}], 

or  O@2=R2[l-8cosAcosBcosC].        .     .     .     (b) 

In  (c)  sec.  [196]  it  was  shown  that  p=2R  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C. 

Hence  O@2«=R2-4Rp  ........     (c) 

Since  -r*=2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C,  see  (c),  sec.  [195], 


We  have  also  O@2=9R2-(a2  +  62  +  c2)  ......     (e) 

199.]  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the  vertices  of  a 
triangle  to  the  orthocentre,  diminished  by  the  square  of  the  distance 
of  this  point  from  the  centre  of  the  circumscribed  circle,  is  equal 
to  three  times  the  square  of  the  radius  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

Since  A©2=4R2cos2A,  we  shall  have 

A®2  +  B©2  +  C@>2  =4R2(cos2  A  +  cos2  B  +  cos2  C)  . 

But  cos2A  +  cos2B  +  cos2C  =  l—  2cos  AcosBcosC,  see  sec.  [187]; 

and  as  O02  =  R2  [1  -  8  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C], 




Since  p  the  radius  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  the  orthoccntric 
triangle  is  equal  to  2R  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C, 

Hence,  adding  twice  this  expression  to  the  above,  we  shall  have 

=5R2-8Rp.    .     .     .     (b) 

200.]  If  p,  pt,  plp  pllf  denote  the  radii  of  the  circles  inscribed  and 
Described  to  the  orthocentric  triangle,  and  if  22*  =  a*  +  b*  +  c2,  we 
shall  have 

_22-4R2       _22-a2        _22-62  Z2-c2 

2R     '  p>  ---  2R~'  P»-~ZEr>  P"'=-MT'    '     ^ 

Since  p=2R  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C,  as  in  sec.  [196]  , 

and  2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C  =  1  —  (cos2  A  +  cos2  B  +  cos2  C)  , 

p=  R  [sin2  A  +  sin2  B  +  sin2  C  -  2]  . 

But  sin2  A  =   ?L  ;  substituting,  p  = 

Again,  since  ft—  ~  cos  A  sm  A, 


_OAcosA          cosA 


and  like  expressions  for  p,.  and  pui  may  be  found. 
If  we  add  these  expressions 

or  P  +  P/  +  Pu  +  P///=  .      .....     (b) 

V2  _  OTJ2 


201  .]   Since  cos2  A  -f  cos2  B  +  cos2  C  =  1  —  2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C  and 
p  the  radius  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  the  orthocentric  triangle 

is  equal  to  211  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C,  see  (c)  sec.  [196]  ,  while  cos*  AjMfcp 

p  being  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing 
circle  on  one  of  the  sides,  then  we  shall  have 

202.]    Three  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the 


centres  of  the  four  circles  of  contact  from  the  centre  of  the  circum- 
scribing circle  is  equal  to  four  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the 
sides,  and  four  times  the  square  of  the  distance  of  the  orthocentre 
from  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 
In  sec.  [192]  it  has  been  shown  that 

o<»2 + on2 + on,2 + on,,2 = i2R2, 

and             O®2=R2(1  — 8  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C),  as  in  sec.  [198]  ; 
but             2  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C= sin2  A  +  sin2  B  +  sin2  C  —  2 ; 
Hence,  reducing,      O®2=9R2- («2  +  62  +  c2) (a) 

Substituting  this  value  of  O®   the  proposition  is  manifest;  that  is, 

.     (b) 

203.]  The  squares  of  the  sides  of  a  triangle  added  to  the  squares 
of  the  radii  of  the  four  exscribed  and  inscribed  circles  is  equal  to 
sixteen  times  the  square  of  the  radius  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

In  (f)  sec.  [181]  it  is  shown  that 

2=4*2=4(r/r,,  +  r,,ry,/  +  r,r,,,),        .     .      (a) 

and  bc  +  ca-\-ab  —  rlru  +  rllrlll  +  rlrlll-\-r(4!R  +  r).        .     (b) 

But  4R  +  r=r,  +  r,,  +  r,,,;     ......     (c) 

hence,  subtracting  twice  (b)  from  (a),  we  get 

a2  +  62  +  c2  =  2  (r,  ru  +  ru  rul  +  r,  rlu)  -  2r  (r,  +  ru  +  rltl)  ; 
and  as  4R  =  r/  +  rw  +  r///—  r,  squaring  and  subtracting, 

16R*  =  r*  +  rwa  +  r//y2  +  r8  +  fl2  +  £2  +  ca.      .     .     .     (d) 

204.]  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  a  triangle  is  equal  to 
twelve  times  the  square  of  the  radius  of  the  circumscribing  circle, 
diminished  by  four  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  perpendiculars 
from  its  centre  on  the  sides. 

For  a2  +  62  +  c2  =  4R2  [sin2  A  +  sin2  B  +  sin2  C]  ; 

hence  «2  +  b2  +  c2  =  12R2  -4R2(cos2  A  +  cos2  B  +  cos2  C), 


205]  In  any  triangle     ^+-  +  - 

,      n         . 
the  letters  having  the  usual  signification. 

c.        a     a(s—a)  2*2  -  (a2  +  b2  +  c2) 

Since  -=—     —  '-.  the  first  factor  is  --  v     ^     ^    '. 
r,         sr  sr 


But       2«a  -  (a9  +  62  +  c2)  =  2r(4R  +  r),  see  (1)  sec.  [181]  , 
while  r,  +  rw  +  r///=4R  +  r,  and  a-f  6  +  c=2*. 

Substituting  these  values  we  obtain  the  result. 

206.]  To  determine  an  expression  for  ©GJ,  the  distance  between 
the  centres  of  the  circles  inscribed  in  the  original  and  orthocentric 

These  centres  and  a  vertex  A  of  the  original  triangle  constitute 
the  vertices  of  a  triangle  whose  sides  are  r  cosec  ^A,  2R  cos  A,  and 
Sa>,  while  the  vertical  angle  of  this  triangle  is  £(C  —  B). 

^—2  4RrcosAcosi(C—  B)    ,  N 

Hence©o>2=4R2cos2A  +  r2cosecHA  --        jf  --  -;  (a) 

sin  .,  -  v 

but  cos4(C-B)=c-t-6 

sin^A  a   ' 

1)1  _1_  (A  _  fl2 

while  cos  A  =  -  ^^  -- 


Substituthig  these  values  in  the  original  equation,  we  shall  have 

0^2=4R2-8Rr  +  «6  +  flC  +  6c-(a«-f62  +  c2).      .     .     (b) 
But  it  has  been  shown  in  (k)  and  (1)  [sec.  181]  that 

be  -f-  ac  +  ab  —  s*  +  r9  +  4Rr, 
and  a*  -f  b9  +  c*  =  2s9  -  2r9  -  8Rr  . 

Hence  ©w3=4Rr  +  4R2  +  3r2—  s*  ......     (c) 

Let  fl,  np  S1H  denote  the  centres  of  the  exscribed  circles  ;  then, 
making  the  necessary  substitutions,  we  shall  find 

),  >.     .     (d) 
a4-(a2  +  62  +  c8 

and  as  in  the  preceding  formula  (b) 

Adding  these  expressions  together,  and  bearing  in  mind  that 

r,+rw+rw/—  r=4R,  see  sec.  [181], 
we  shall  have 

8).    .     .     (e) 

VOL.  II.  2  R 


Let  the  distances  of  the  orthocentre  from  the  vertices  of  the  tri- 
angle be  A®,  B®,  C©  ;  then  we  have 

A®2=4R2-«2,  B@2=4R2-62,  C®2 

substituting  we  obtain 

©n2+©a2+©n2/+@^2=4(I02+B02+c©2).   .   .   (f) 

Since  O02  =  9R2-(a2  +  62  +  c2),  see  (e)  sec.  [198], 

and  0^2  +  OH2+Oll2  +  On2=12R2,  see  (b)  sec.  [192], 


=o«  +oir+on;+on;;+4oej, 

Hence  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the  centres  of  the  four 
circles  of  contact  from  the  orthocentre,  exceeds  the  squares  of  the  dis- 
tances of  the  same  points  from  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle 
by  four  times  the  square  of  the  distance  between  the  orthocentre  and 
the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

207.]  A  perpendicular  is  drawn  from  the  vertex  of  a  triangle  on 
the  opposite  side  ;  a  line  is  drawn  bisecting  the  vertical  angle  and 
meeting  the  base  ;  and  a  circle  is  inscribed  in  the  triangle.  The  dis- 
tances from  the  middle  point  of  the  base  to  the  foot  of  the  perpen- 
dicular, to  the  point  of  contact  of  the  inscribed  circle,  and  to  the 
point  where  the  bisector  meets  the  base,  are  in  geometrical  progression. 
For  these  distances  are,  as  may  easily  be  shown, 

c2-62         c-b         a(c-b) 
~^a~         ~2~~J        2  c  +  b  ' 

When  circles  are  exscribed  to  and  inscribed  in  any  triangle,  each 
side,  a  suppose,  is  touched  in  four  points  —  in  two,  F  F,,  within  the 
angle  A,  and  in  two  external  to  it.  The  circles,  one  inscribed,  the 
other  exscribed,  which  touch  the  side  a  within  the  angle  A  are  on 
opposite  sides  of  it  ;  and  their  distance  is  (c  —  b)  or^(c—b]  from  M 
the  middle  of  a.  The  side  a  is  touched  by  the  two  remaining 
exscribed  circles  on  the  same  side  at  two  points,  L  and  N,  outside 
the  angle  A,  distant  from  the  angles  B,  C,  by  s  —  a  ;  and  the  distance 
between  these  two  points  L  and  N  is  2(s  —  a)  +a  =  c  +  b;  and  the 
distance  of  L  and  N  from  the  middle  point  M  of  a  is  ^(c  +  b) 

208.]  If  a,  /3,  7  be  the  median  lines  of  a  triangle  whose  sides  are 
a,  b,  c,  we  shall  have  the  following  relations  between  these  lines  :  — 



By  a  well  known  theorem 

262  +  2c2-a2  =  4«2  ........     (c) 

Finding  analogous  values  for  /32  and  72,  and  adding,  we  obtain 

)  ......     (d) 

If  we  square  (c)  and  the  other  like  expressions,  and  add  them, 
we  shall  have 


If  we  square  the  expression  (d)  and  subtract  (e)  from  it,  we  shall 

16(/3272  +  aV  +  *W  =  9(62c2  +  «2c2  +  a2i2).      .     .     (f) 

209.]  If  through  the  points  of  contact  A,,  Bp  C,  of  the  circle  in- 
scribed in  a  given  triangle  perpendiculars  are  drawn  to  meet  the  cor- 
responding median  lines  in  the  points  I,  m,  n,  we  shall  have 

_L.  _L     J__2 

The  distance  between  the  middle  point  of  the  base  and  the  foot 

c2  —  b* 

of  the  perpendicular  on  it  from  the  vertex  A  is  —  »  -- 


The  distance  between  the  middle  point  of  the  base  and  the  point 

of  contact  of  the  inscribed  circle  is  —  ^—  ;  and  their  distances  are  as 

h  and  A/. 
Hence  A,l  :  < 


«i  a 
»/  —  b 

-~  n  '  f   \   h  • 


1      c  +  b    c  +  b. 

2A  ' 

consequently  _+_+_  =  _  =  -. 

210.]    To  determine  the  distance  between  the  centroid  K,  and  the 
centre  a>  of  the  inscribed  circle. 

Let  us  take  the  triangle  of  which  the  vertices  are  tc,  A,  a>.    Now 

the  sides  of  this  triangle  are  w/e,  -    ^-r  and  '{a,  *  being  the  median 

sin  2^*- 
line  from  A  to  the  opposite  side. 

Let  6  be  the  angle  between  the  median  line  a,  and  the  side  r. 


Then,  as  the  median  line  bisects  the  triangle  ABC,  we  shall  have 

•    a     T.   •     /A      a\  o       c  +  bcosA 

cam  9=0  Bin  (A—  0),  or,  as  2«= 


,  . 

COS  ( 

b  sin  A.  ,,     c+6cosA 

Let  e  be  the  angle  between  the  median  line  2«  and  the  bisector 
of  the  vertical  angle  A  ;  then  we  have 

e  =  (^  A  —  6],  and  2«  cos  e  =  (b  +  c)  cos  ^  A. 


sm2^A  '    sm-^A 

_  be  +  ab  +  ac     (a2  +  62  +  c2) 

.     .     .     .     (b) 

But  as  2s2  -  2r2  -  8Rr  =  a2 

2  4 

Substituting  this  value  of  4Er  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  get 

^2  =  /¥(a2  +  62-|-c2)-|(6c  +  «c  +  a6)+r2.     .     .     (d) 
In  the  same  way,  making  the  necessary  substitutions,  we  shall  have 

+  ^  (ab  +  bc-  ac)  +  r,*,    -       •     (e) 
n^c2  =  ^  (a2  +  b*  +  c2)  +  £  (fa  +  ca  -  ai)  +  rw 
Adding  these  expressions  together,  we  shall  have 

+r2  +  r,2  +  r/2  +  r///2.     (f  ) 

But  it  has  been  shown  in  (d)  sec.  [203]  that 

r2  +  rf  +  r/y2  +  r^=  16E2  -  (a2  +  b2  -f  c2). 
Hence,  eliminating,  we  obtain 

|(a24-A2  +  c2).     .     .     (g) 

211.]  To  determine  an  expression  for  the  distance  between  the 
centroid  and  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

Taking  the  triangle  whose  vertices  are  O,  K,  and  the  middle  point 
of  the  base,  the  sides  of  this  triangle  are  OK,  R  cos  A,  and  ^«,  while 

the  cosine  of  the  angle  opposite  to  OK  is  -.     Hence  we  have 


2  A 

...     (a) 

*J  6* 

,.  /  fft,  _i    A2    I    /»2\ 

Reducing,  we  find   O/c  =R2 — - —  — ' (b) 


Comparing  this  expression  with  that  found  for  the  distance  of  the 
orthocentre  from  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle,  we  shall 

O®  =  3O* (c) 

212.]  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  twelve  lines  drawn  from  the 
angles  of  a  triangle  to  the  points  of  contact  of  the  circles  of  contact 
in  the  opposite  sides  is  equal  to  five  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of 
the  sides  of  the  triangle. 

Let  the  side  BC  of  the  triangle  be  produced  to  L  and  N,  so  that 
BL  =  s — a,  CN=s — a;  then  it  may  easily  be  shown  that  L  and  N 
are  the  external  points  of  contact,  while  the  distance  between  F  and 
Fy,  the  internal  points  of  contact  is  c  —  b.  B  ut  a  +  *  —  a  +  s— a=  c  +  b. 
Let  AM =«,  where  M  is  the  middle  point  of  the  side  a  (see  fig.  29) ; 

then  AL2  +  AN2 = 2a2  +  £  (c  +  6)2,  and  AF2  +  AF/5 = 2a2  +  ±  (c  -  6)2; 

Making  similar  constructions  on  the  other  sides  ;  the  sum  of  the 
squares  of  the  twelve  lines'  will  be  found  equal  to 

But  4( 

Hence  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  twelve  lines  is  equal  to 

213.]  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  twelve  lines  drawn  from  the 
middle  points  of  the  sides  of  a  triangle  to  the  centres  of  the  circles  of 
contact,  together  with  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  the  tri- 
angle, is  equal  to  twelve  times  the  square  of  the  diameter  of  the  cir- 
cumscribing  circle. 

Let  the  lines  drawn  from  the  middle  points  of  the  sides  a,  b,  c 
to  the  centre  XI  of  the  exscribed  circle  opposite  the  angle  A,  be 
«,  j3,  7,  and  that  to  to  the  centre  of  the  inscribed  circle  be  S. 


2y9  +  ic9;       .     (a) 


adding  these  expressions,  and  dividing  by  2,  we  have 



adding  these  expressions,  we  obtain 

)  „ 


Writing  analogous  expressions  for  the  two  other  centres  flt  and 
we  shall  have 

3(r  *  +  ry/2  +  rtlf  +  r2)  +  3  (a2  +  i2  +  c2)  =  (a2  +  /32  +  y2  +  S2) 

But  r-  2  +  r,,2  +  rw/2  +  r2  +  a2  +  bz  +  c2=  1  6R2,  see  sec.  [203] 

Hence,  substituting,  we  find, 

214.]  The  sum  of  the  areas  of  the  four  triangles  formed  by  joining 
three  by  three,  the  points  of  contact  of  the  circles  of  contact  is  constant, 
and  equal  to  twice  the  area  of  the  given  triangle. 

The  area  of  the  triangle  formed  by  joining  the  three  interior 
points  of  contact  must  be  taken  with  the  negative  sign. 

In  the  first  place  let  us  take  the  triangle  whose  vertex  is  A  and 
base  a,  and  construct  the  triangle  whose  vertices  are  the  points  of 
contact  of  the  exterior  circle  of  contact  with  the  side  a,  and  b,  c 
produced.  Then  twice  the  area  of  this  triangle  is  manifestly 

s2  sin  A—  (s  —  6)2sinC—  (s  —  c)2sinB  —  fosin  A  ; 

and  if  we  make  like  constructions  for  the  other  angles  B  and  C  of 
the  given  triangle, 

s2  sin  B—  (s—  c)2  sin  A  —  (s  —  a)2  sin  C  —  ac  sin  B, 
s2  sin  C  —  (s—  a}*  sin  B  —  (*—  6)2  sin  A—  ab  sin  C, 

will  be  twice  the  areas  of  the  two  other  triangles. 

Let  us  first  combine  those  terms  of  which  sin  A  is  a  factor,  or 

which  may  be  reduced  by  obvious  substitution  to 

[4Er  +  r2]sinA. 


Making  like  reductions  for  the  other  angles  B  and  C,  we  get  for 
twice  the  sum  of  the  areas  of  the  three  triangles 

(4Rr  +  r2)  (sin  A  +  sin  B  +  sin  C)  . 


But  sin  A  +  sinB  +  sinC  =  —   see  (d)  sec.  [185]. 


Hence  twice  the  sum  of  the  areas  of  the  three  triangles  is 

Now  4rs  is  twice  the  area  of  the  given  triangle,  and  -^-  is  twice  the 


area  of  the  triangle  whose  vertices  are  the  points  of  internal  contact. 
215.]  In  a  triangle  ABC,  let  the  internal  bisectors  of  the  angles 
A,  B,  C  meet  the  opposite  sides  in  the  points  A/}  By,  Cp  and  let  the 
external  bisectors  of  these  angles  meet  the  same  sides  in  the  points 
A//}  Bw,  C/y;  then,  if  a>b>c,  we  shall  have 

BB     CC 

A,  A,,   Ipw  C,CW~      8R2(a  +  b  +  c) 
Now  c  :  6=BA,:  CA,,  or 

but  as  the  angle  AyAAw  is  a  right  angle, 

A  A 
cos  AA..B  =—  —  J/=sin  AA.B. 

.        A/A« 

But  sinAA^  :  sin£A  =  c  :  BA;. 

rm.      e  /    •  /.\     a  sin  AA.B 

Therefore  (c  +  b}=  -  :  —  TT^-^ 

sin  ^  A 

or,  putting  for  sin  AA;B  its  value, 

(c  +  b)    .       .      A  A,, 

i  -  '-  sin  i  A  =  -r-  r". 

a  V;/ 

Finding  like  expressions  for  the  other  two  sides,  and  bearing  in 
mind  that 


4  sin  ^A  .  sin  £B  .  sin  ^C  =  ^5, 


we  obtain  the  theorem. 

216.]  To  find  expressions  for  the  sides,  angles,  and  areas  of  the 
excentral  triangles,  £l£lfln,  fl(aflt,  fl/ofl^,  fiy/uft. 

Since  (fig.  31)  BF=(«—  a)  is  the  projection  of  HB,  therefore 

In  like  manner  we  obtain 



o  __  ft  _L  o  ^m,  /» 

Therefore  HB  +  BH.=flQ.=       .    ,*      ,  or  the  side 


Let  R  be  the  radius  of  the  circle  circumscribing  the  triangle  ABC  ; 

b=2R  sin  B=4E  sin  £  B  cos  £  B. 
Hence  HH,=4Bcos£B  ........     (b) 

In  like  manner  nn;/=4B  cos^A,  and  H;fl//=4B  cos^C. 
Hence  the  semiperimeter  S  of  the  excentral  triangle  is 

S  =  2B(cos£A  +  cos^B  +  cosiC)  ......     (c) 

The  area  of  this  excentral  triangle  may  be  found.  For  this  area 
is  equal  to  ^illl/  .  1111^  sin  ^  (A  +  B)  ;  or,  substituting  for  these  ex- 
pressions their  values,  we  have 

Area  of  excentral  triangle  =  8R2  cos  £  A  cos  £B  cos  £C  .      .     (d) 


Since  4cos£Acos£B.cos£C  =  sinA  +  sinB-|-  sin  C,  see  sec.  [187], 
this  area  is  equal  to  2R2  (sin  A  +  sin  B  +  sin  C)  ;   but 

Hence  the  area  of  the  excentral  triangle  is  equal  to 


This  expression  coincides  with  that  found  for  the  area  of  a  tri- 
angle in  sec.  [196]  ;  for  ABC  is  the  orthocentric  triangle  of  the 
excentral  triangle  Ofl;flw,  the  radius  of  whose  circumscribing  circle 

217.]  The  area  of  the  excentral  triangle  is 

8R2  cos  £A  cos  £B  cos  £C, 

and  the  side  opposite  the  angle  A  is  4R  cos  £A  ;  hence  the  perpen- 
dicular from  the  vertex  A  on  the  opposite  side  is 

4Rcos£Bcos£C  .........     (a) 

The  radius  p  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  the  excentral  triangle  may 
be  thus  found.  Since  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  circle  is  equal  to 
the  area  of  the  triangle  divided  by  its  semiperimeter,  therefore 

1  _  cos  ^  A  +  cos  ^B  -4-  cos  ^C  „  . 

P~4R  cos  £A  cos  £B  cos£C* 

218.]  To  find  the  values  of  flm,  fiyo>,  flw«.     Since  the  projection 
of  n&>  on  the  side  a  is  equal  to  c, 

c         2RsinC      .,,    .    ,.~ 

therefore          llw  =  -   -T7=  =  —    -r-^  =4Rsm*C  .....     (a) 
cos  £C      cos  £C 

In  like  manner  n,a>  =  4Rsin£A  and  n//<u=4R  sin  £B.     .     (b) 
Hence        flfy  .  fl,^  .  nnw  .Hw  .fi/u  .  n/ya>=64R8a£c.       .     (c) 

To  find  the  area  of  the  triangle  flwH^     The  area  of  twice  this 
triangle  is  Oa>  .  tip  sin  £(A  +  C).     Hence  this  area  is 

8R2  sin  ^A  sin  ^C  cos  ^B,  which  may  be  put  under  the  form 
8R2  cos    A  cos    B  cos    C  tan 

Finding  like  expressions  for  the  two  other  component  triangles 
of  the  triangle  ftn,Q/y  we  shall  have  for  the  sum  of  the  three, 

8R2cos  £A  cos  £B  cos  £C[tan  ±B  tan  ^C  +  tan 

+  tan£ 

VOL.  II.  2  8 


But  the  sum  of  the  terms  within  the  brackets  is  equal  to  1,  as 
shown  in  (d)  sec.  [188]  . 

219.]  The  square  of  the  distance  between  the  centres  of  two  of  the 
exscribed  circles  of  a  triangle  exceeds  the  square  of  the  sum  of  their 
radii  by  the  square  of  the  opposite  side  of  the  triangle. 

Let  the  exscribed  circles  be  taken  which  are  opposite  to  the  angles 
A  and  C  of  the  given  triangle, 

sr  sr 

then  we  have  r,=  -  and  r.,= 


s  —  a  s  —  c 

,,  srb 

consequently       r.+r,,=  7  --  ^7  --  r  = 

1      "     (s—a)(s  —  c) 


Let  nn,,  be  the  line  which  joins  fl  and  fl,  ;  then  the  projection  of 
liB  on  the  side  c  is  s  —  c,  and  the  projection  of  Bfly  on  the  side  a  is 
(s  —  a)  ;  consequently  the  sum  of  these  projections  is  b,  or 

Oil,  sin  $8  «*. 


220.]  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  tangents  drawn  from  the  centres 
of  the  four  circles  of  contact  of  a  triangle,  to  any  circle  which  passes 
through  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle,  is  equal  to  three  times 
the  square  of  the  circumscribing  diameter. 

Let  co,  fl,  £1,,  £ly/  be  the  centres  of  the  four  circles  of  contact, 
and  O  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle  through  which  the 
diameter  HD  perpendicular  to  the  base  BC  passes. 

Let  Q,  be  the  centre  of  the  arbitrary  circle  passing  through  O  ; 
and  draw  the  lines  Qo>,  Qfl,  Qfl/3  QH/p  QO,  QH,  QD,  H«o. 

Then        QfT  +  Qo>2  =  2QD2  +  2DC2,  since  DC  =  Deo, 

But  2QD2  +  2QH2=4r2  +  4R2, 

and  2DC2  +  2HC2 = 8R2 ; 



But  these  expressions  are  the  squares  of  the  tangents  drawn  from 
the  centres  of  the  circles  of  contact  to  the  circle  whose  radius  is  r. 

When  r  —  0,  or  the  arbitrary  circle  vanishes  to  a  point,  we  get 
the  theorem  established  in  sec.  [192]. 

Fig.  32. 


221.]  If  the  sides  of  the  excentral  triangle  fmfln  be  produced, 
and  circles  of  contact  be  drawn  touching  the  sides  of  this  triangle, 
and  the  centres  of  these  new  circles  of  contact  be  joined  so  as  to  form  a 
new  excentral  triangle,  and  if  this  process  of  construction  be  conti- 
nued, the  successive  excentral  triangles  will  approximate  to  an  equi- 
lateral triangle. 

Let  A,  B,  C  be  the  angles  of  the  given  triangle  ;  A,,  B,,  C,  the 
angles  of  the  first  derived  triangle,  A,,,  Bw,  Cu  the  angles  01  the 
second  derived  excentral  triangle,  and  so  on  ;  then 


B,-A,:=±(A-B),  C,-B,=*(B-C),  C,-A,=i(A-C). 

Hence  the  differences  between  the  angles  of  the  first  derived  ex- 
central  triangle  are  one  half  those  between  the  angles  of  the  original 

Again  as    A^i^  +  C,),  B,  =  *(C,+  ,A)>  C,,=  i(A,+B,), 

Hence  the  difference  between  the  angles  Aw  and  Bw  is  one  fourth 
of  the  difference  between  the  angles  A  and  B.  The  same  is  true  for 
the  other  angles.  Hence  the  successive  excentral  triangles  approxi- 
mate to  an  equilateral  triangle. 





The  circle  which  passes  through  the  feet  of  the  perpendiculars 
drawn  from  the  vertices  A,  B,  C  of  a  given  triangle  to  the  opposite 
sides  has  been  named  the  Nine-point  circle. 

The  properties  of  the  Nine-point  circle  are  unquestionably  the 
most  remarkable  and  elegant  in  the  entire  range  of  plane  geo- 
metry. Some  of  the  leading  properties  of  this  circle  were  discovered 
by  PONCELET  in  the  early  part  of  the  present  century.  It  is  a  sin- 
gular fact  that  the  theory  of  the  Nine-point  circle  escaped  the  notice 
not  only  of  the  ancient  geometers  but  of  modern  mathematicians 
almost  to  our  own  time — another  proof,  were  another  wanting,  how 
inexhaustible  are  the  truths  of  geometry,  and  how  many  yet  remain 
to  be  brought  to  light. 

222.]  The  nine-point  circle  passes  through  the  middle  points  of  the 
sides  of  the  triangle  ABC. 

Fig.  33. 

Let  the  nine-point  circle  which  passes  through  the  points  A,,  By,  C, 


cut  the  sides  of  the  given  triangle  ABC  in  the  points  A;/,  B/y,  Cw. 
Join  A/yC/r  As  AyCyC^A^  is  a  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  the  nine- 
point  circle,  the  angle  BC/;A/y  is  equal  to  the  angle  BAyC,,  which 
is  equal  to  the  angle  BAG,  since  AyCyAC  is  also  a  quadrilateral  that 
may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle.  Hence,  as  the  angle  BC/y  A/;  is  equal  to 
the  angle  BAG,  AyyCyy  is  parallel  to  AC  a  side  of  the  given  triangle 
ABC.  In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  AWB;/  is  parallel  to 
AB  and  BWCW  parallel  to  BC.  But  when  a  triangle  inscribed  in 
another  triangle  has  its  sides  parallel  to  those  of  the  latter,  it  obvi- 
ously follows  that  the  vertices  of  the  former  will  be  on  the  middle 
points  of  the  latter. 

This  is  a  particular  case  of  a  far  more  general  theorem  which 
will  be  given  further  on. 

223.]  The  distances  of  the  orthocentre  ®  from  the  vertices  A,  B, 
C  of  the  given  triangle  are  double  the  distances  of  the  centre  of  the 
circumscribing  circle  from  the  opposite  sides  a,  b,  c. 

From  C  draw  the  diameter  COD;  then  CBD  is  a  right  angle. 
Join  AD,  then  CAD  is  a  right  angle,  and  therefore  AD  is  parallel 
to  BBy  while  A®  is  parallel  to  BD,  each  being  perpendicular  to 
BC.  Therefore  A®BD  is  a  parallelogram ;  and  therefore  A®  =  BD. 
But  BD  is  equal  to  2A/yO,  since  BC=2CA// ;  hence  A©  is  equal  to 
twice  A,yO. 

Bisect  A®  in  -or,  and  join  wA/y  meeting  O®  in  v;  then,  as 
yy=®w,  wv  is  equal  to  Ay/v,  and  Ov  is  equal  to  ®K. 

Now  v  will  be  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle.  For  v  is  the 
intersection  of  the  perpendiculars  drawn  through  the  middle  points 
of  AyAyy,  ByByy,  CyCyy  the  choYds  of  the  nine-point  circle. 

Since  A®  is  equal  to  twice  AWO,  A«  is  equal  to  twice  Ayy/e,  or  K 
is  the  centroid  of  the  triangle  ABC. 

Hence  the  line  which  joins  the  centre  of  the  circle  circumscribing 
the  triangle  with  its  orthocentre  passes  through  the  centre  of  the 
nine-point  circle  and  the  centroid. 

Since  A«r  is  equal  and  parallel  to  AWO,  OA  is  equal  and  parallel 
to  Ayy-sr.  But  OA  is  the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle,  and  Anvr 
is  the  diameter  of  the  nine-point  circle ;  hence  the  radius  of  the 
circumscribed  circle  is  equal  to  the  diameter  of  the  nine-point  circle. 

As  the  orthocentric  or  nine-point  circle  passes  through  the  feet 
of  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  vertices  of  the  given  triangle 
to  the  opposite  sides,  through  the  three  middle  points  of  the 
sides  of  this  triangle,  and  through  the  three  middle  points  of  the 
lines  which  join  the  orthocentre  with  the  opposite  vertices  A,  B,  C 
of  the  given  triangle,  this  circle  has  therefore  been  called  the  nine- 
point  circle. 

The  angle  A  of  the  triangle  BAG  is  equal  to  the  angle  BDC ; 


and  BC  =  CD  sin  CDB ;  hence  CD  or  2R=  -r— • r . 

sin  A 




224.]    («)  In  the  given  triangle  ABC  (fig.  34)  let  a  circle  be  con- 
ceived to  be  inscribed  whose  centre  is  o>. 

Let  n,  Oy,  flw  be  the  centres  of  the  circles  of  contact.  Join  OB, 
y ;  then,  as  B&>  bisects  the  internal  angle  B,  and  BO  bisects  the 
external  angle  B,  these  bisectors  Bw  and  BH  meet  at  right  angles, 
and  therefore  OB  and  Bf^  are  in  a  straight  line. 

In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  Hfiw  and  £lft,lt  are  in  a 
straight  line. 

This  may  be  called  the  principal  excentral  triangle. 


(|3)  There  are  three  other  excentral  triangles,  whose  vertices  are 
il,  H,,  a),  iiy,  Q,tl,  a>,  and  XI,  Xl/;,  o>. 

(7)  The  sides  of  these  three  triangles  also  pass  through  the  ver- 
tices of  the  given  triangle  ABC. 

(8)  The  circles  which  circumscribe  these  four  triangles  are  all 

It  is  shown  in  the  last  section  that  the  diameter  of  a  circle  circum- 
scribing a  triangle  is  equal  to  a  side  of  the  triangle  divided  by  the 
sine  of  the  opposite  angle. 

But  —  -_  ''^r-=- — n-'-jT,  since  Aa>B  is  the  supplement  of  the 
sin  XlX^il,,     sm  Xlo>Xiy/ 

angle  AXiBr 

(e)  The  triangle  ABC  is  the  orthocentric  triangle  of  the  excen- 
tral triangle  X2X2  X2M ;  and  a>,  the  centre  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  it, 
is  the  orthocentre  of  the  triangle  Iiiiyiiw. 

This  is  evident ;  for  AH,  BU/y,  CX2;  are  perpendiculars  drawn 
from  the  vertices  Xlfl^Xi,  of  the  excentral  triangle  to  the  opposite 
sides,  all  passing  through  the  orthocentre  o>. 

225.]  Any  one  of  the  four  centres  of  the  circles  of  contact  is  the 
orthocentre  of  the  triangle  whose  vertices  are  the  other  three  centres 
of  the  circles  of  contact. 

Thus  w  is  the  orthocentre  of  the  triangle  XHl^Xl,,,  XI  is  the  ortho- 
centre  of  the  triangle  Q.t<aQ,lt,  Xi,  is  the  orthocentre  of  the  triangle 
QLtfaQ,,  and  X2;/  is  the  orthocentre  of  the  triangle  XlcoXl,. 

This  is  evident  from  an  inspection  of  the  figure. 

226.]  Since  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  vertices  of  a  tri- 
angle on  the  sides  of  its  orthocentric  triangle  meet  in  a  point  (the 
centre),  it  will  follow  that 

If  twelve  perpendiculars  be  drawn  to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  ABC 
from  the  four  centres  of  the  circles  of  contact,  these  perpendiculars 
will  meet  three  by  three  in  four  points,  and  these  four  points  will  be 
the  centres  of  the  circles  which  circumscribe  the  four  excentral  tri- 

This  follows  from  sec.  [195]  ;  for  the  perpendiculars  on  the  sides 
of  the  common  orthocentric  triangle  from  the  four  centres  of 
the  circles  of  contact  make  equal  angles  with  the  sides  of  the  tri- 
angles X1X1X1,,,  XleoXl,,  flpQ,,,,  and  Xly/toX2,  and  therefore  the  product 
of  their  sines  taken  three  by  three  are  equal. 

227.]  Since  the  given  triangle  ABC  is  the  orthocentric  triangle 
of  the  triangles  XlXl^,  XlruXl,,  flfoO^,  and  XlajXl,,,  the  radius  of  the 
circle  which  circumscribes  ABC  is  one  half  the  radius  of  the  circle 
X2Xi(X2/y,  or  its  equals  Xla)Xly,  X^aXl,,,  and  X2y/&)Xl. 

228.]  The  nine-point  circle  ABC  bisects  all  the  vectors  drawn  from 
the  orthocentre  to  the  circumferences  of  the  circles  which  circumscribe 
the  given  triangles  nn;O;/,  Htufl,,  Zlp>flH,  and  Ho)!^. 

Let  w  (fig.  35)  be  the  orthocentre  of  the  nine-point  circle  ABC 


to  the  triangle  &&,&„.    Let  v  be  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle ; 

Fig.  35. 

therefore  v  is  the  middle  point  of  the  line  Oa>,  as  shown  in  the  pre- 
ceding section  ;  and  as  the  radius  of  the  circle  which  circumscribes 
the  triangle  Q&flu  is  twice  that  of  the  nine-point  circle  ABC, 
OT  is  equal  to  twice  vr ;  hence  OT  is  parallel  to  vr ;  and  therefore 
toT=TT;  consequently  cay =jflt,  o>A  =  A'7r,  Q)C  =  CC,,  o)A,=Afl. 

If  we  take  the  triangle  Hcoil,  of  which  Hw  is  the  orthocentre,  and 
O;  the  centre  of  the  circle  circumscribing  it,  then,  as  OyM  is  equal 
to  twice  vjjb  and  fl^O,  is  equal  to  twice  &,,v,  the  triangles  Qltvfj,  and 
HyyOjM  are  similar.  Hence  fi/;//.=M/i.  Thus  the  nine-point  circle 
bisects  all  the  vectors  drawn  from  O  7  the  orthocentre  to  the  circum- 
ference of  the  circle  which  circumscribes  the  triangle  £l<a£lt. 

229.]  The  lines  drawn  from  the  orthocentres  of  the  four  excentral 
triangles  to  the  centres  of  the  circles  which  circumscribe  these  triangles, 
all  four  pass  through  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle. 

This  is  evident ;   for  a>O,  ilwOp  &c.  all  pass  through  v. 

230.]  If  from  the  centres  £1,  £ll}  £lu  of  the  circles  of  contact 
straight  lines  be  drawn  to  the  middle  points  of  the  opposite  sides  of 
the  triangle  ABC,  these  lines  being  produced  will  meet  in  a  point. 


In  fig.  31  let  I  be  the  middle  point  of  the  side  BC.  Then  the 
area  of  the  triangle  flBI  is  equal  to  that  of  the  triangle  HCI. 
But  twice  the  area  of  the  triangle  fiBI  is  equal  to  HI  .  HB  .  sin  Bill, 
and  twice  the  area  of  the  triangle  flCI  is  equal  to  HI  .  HC  .  sin  CHI. 

Hence  HI  .  OB  .  sin  BOI  =  OI  .  OC  .  sin  CHI  ;  or,  dividing  by  HI, 
we  shall  have 


Finding  like  expressions  for  the  centres  fl,  and  £l(l  we  shall  have 

sin  Bfll  .  sin  CQ^T,  .  sin  AIl/T//_  cos  /3  cos  y  cos  « 
sin  CHI  .  sin  Bn,Iw  .  sin  AO^I,"  0037  cos  a  cos/3  ~ 

But  it  has  been  shown  in  sec.  [153]  that  when  three  lines  are 
drawn  from  the  vertices  of  a  triangle,  making  with  each  side  pairs 
of  angles  so  that  the  continued  product  of  the  three  sines  of  the 
angles  of  one  triad  is  equal  to  the  continued  product  of  the  three 
sines  of  the  angles  of  the  alternate  triad,  these  lines  will  meet  in  a 


231.]  If  on  the  six  lines,  as  diameters,  which  join,  two  by  two, 
the  four  centres  of  the  circles  of  contact  of  a  triangle,  namely  eofl, 
wfl,,  a>nw,  £l£l,,  flfia,  nn;/,  six  circles  be  described,  it  may  be  shown 
that  the  centres  of  these  circles  (see  fig.  36)  range  along  the  circum- 
ference of  the  circle  ABC.. 

Dividing  these  diameters  into  two  sets,  those  which  end  in  the  ortho- 
centre  o>,  and  those  which  end  in  the  centres  H,  H,,  flw  of  the  external 
circles  of  contact,  and  which  may  be  called  the  inner  and  outer 
diameters,  the  centres  of  the  inner  radical  circles  are  on  the  middle 
points  N,  N,,  N/y  of  the  arcs  AB,  BC,  C  A,  while  the  centres  of  the 
outer  circles  are  on  the  points  of  bisection  M,  M/f  Mw  of  the  supple- 
mental arcs  of  AB,  BC,  CA  ;  so  that  the  six  centres  of  the  radical 
circles  are  on  the  circumference  of  the  circle  ABC,  and  on  its  tluvr 
diameters  which  are  perpendicular  to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  ABC. 

The  sides  of  the  triangle  are  radical  axes  of  each  pair  of  outer  and 
inner  circles,  while  the  orthocentric  perpendiculars  are  radical  axes 
of  each  pair  of  inner  circles. 

If  from  any  angle  ft  of  the  excentric  triangle  tangents  be  dra\vn 
to  the  circles  HyB  A  and  £1WCA,  these  tangents  will  be  equal  ;  for 
their  squares  are  manifestly  equal  to  the  rectangle  Afio>. 

It  is  evident  that  o>  is  the  radical  centre  of  the  three  circles. 

Since  o>  is  the  orthocentre  of  the  triangle  ftn,Qw,  o>N,=Nnw 
and  ft)N  =  NH;  therefore  N,N  is  one  half  of  flfl,  and  parallel  to 
it.  In  like  manner  since  flw  is  the  orthocentre  of  the  triangle 
,,  nMM  =  MH,  and  H</M//=nM//;  therefore  MMM  is  one  half 

VOL.  II.  *  T 



Fig.  36. 

of  fin;  and  parallel  to  it.     Hence  MMW=NN,.     In  like  manner 
NM  =  N;My/,  since  each  is  equal  to  one  half  Oy/o>,  and  NMM^N, 
is  obviously  a  rectangle  of  which  the  sides  are 
2RcosiB  and  2Rsin^B. 
232.]   In  sec.  [216]  it  has  been  shown  that 

and  in  sec.  [217]  that 

11,6)  =  4R  sin  ^  A,  Hw&>  =  4Rsin^B,  and  flea  =  4R  sin  i|C.    (b) 
If  we  square  these  expressions  and  add  them,  two  by  two,  we 
shall  have 



Therefore  the  square  of  a  side  of  a  triangle,  and  the  square  of  the 
distance  of  its  orthocentre  from  the  opposite  vertex  are  together  equal 
to  the  square  of  the  diameter  of  the  circumscribing  circle. 

In  sec.  [216]  it  has  been  shown  that,  if  S  denote  the  semiperi- 
meter  of  the  excentral  triangle, 

S  =  2R  (cos  £A  +  cos  |B  +  cos 

So  also,  if  S,  denote  half  the  sum  of  the  three  lines  drawn  from 
the  orthocentre  &>  to  the  vertices  of  the  excentral  triangle, 

S,=2R(sm  £A  +  sin  iB  +  sin  £C)  ; 

such  are  the  geometrical  interpretations  of  these  trigonometrical 

If  we  square  the  expressions  in  (a)  and  (b)  and  add  them,  we 
shall  have 

^?—  16R2(cos2  £A  +  cos2  £B  +  cos 

and  this  expression  becomes  by  reduction  8R(4R  +  r). 
In  like  manner  we  have 

n/»2  +  JV>2  +  Ho?  =  8R  (4R  -  r)  . 

These  expressions  when  added  give  the  result  obtained  in  (c). 

Hence  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  the  excentral  tri- 
angle is  equal  to  8R(4R-f-r),  and  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the 
lines  drawn  from  these  vertices  to  to  is  equal  to  8R(4R—  r). 

233.]  The  radical  axes  of  the  circles  inscribed  and  exscribed 
to  any  triangle  intersect  each  other,  two  by  two,  at  right  angles,  in 
the  middle  points  of  the  sides  of  the  triangle,  and  are  parallel  to 
the  sides  of  the  principal  excentral  triangle. 

Let  ABC  be  any  triangle,  o>,  fi,  H,,  fln  the  centres  of  the 
inscribed  and  exscribed  circles;  then  the  twelve  circles  described 
about  the  component  triangles  of  the  complete  quadrilaterals  £lflfi)£lu, 
flflcoSl,!,  and  fl^afl  will  intersect  four  and  four  in  ABC,  and 
their  centres  will  lie  two  and  two  in  six  points  on  the  circumscribing 

234.]  The  nine-point  circle  of  a  triangle  touches  the  inscribed  and 
the  three  exscribed  circles. 

Let  O  (fig.  37)  be  the  centre  of  the  circle  circumscribing  the 
triangle  ABC,  and  let  v  be  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle  which 
passes  through  D  the  middle  point  of  AB,  and  through  «r  the  middle 
point  of  PC.  Then  D«r  =  R  the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle. 
Let  &)  be  the  centre  of  the  inscribed  circle  whose  radius  is  r,  and 
which  touches  the  base  AB  in  the  point  F.  Let  Q.  be  the  foot  of 
the  perpendicular  CP  on  AB.  Join  DG>,  and  let  fall  on  it  the  per- 


Fi".  37. 

pendicular  «ru.     Let  the  distance  vco  between  the  centres  of  the 
nine-point  circle  and  the  inscribed  circle  be  d,  and  let  e  be  the 

/  T\  g 

angle  between  Dv  and  Dca  ;  then,  since  Do>2= ' —  -r— —  +  r2, 



or,  putting  k  for  F^  =  V  (a  —  5)  2  +  4r2, 

4fi?2=R2+(«-6)2  +  4r2-2 

As    2DQ=acosB-6cosA=-^,  and  DF=, 


2c  2 

.         (b) 


On  Dw  let  fall  the  perpendicular  FX  and  produce  it  to  meet  PQ 
in  K.     Now  Q*=FQtan  QF/e.     But  as  in  (b) 

and  tanQF«=-,  substituting 



Let  the  angle  KCG=KHC=0, 
then  KG=KC  sin  0,  and  KC=2R  sin  0, 

or  KG=2Rsin20  ........     (d) 

.  ra2          - 


2Rsin20=     (a-b)*        (a-b)*(s-c) 




Hence,  as  GU=KG,  C/c=KD,  and  OT*=R. 

This  is  a  new  as  well  as  an  important  property  of  the  circle. 

As  Du  is  the  projection  of  DOT  or  R  on  the  line  Do>,  and  as  it  is 
also  the  projection  of  VTK  of  R  and  DF  on  the  same  straight  line,  we 
shall  have 

Rcose=Rsin  &  +  $(a— b)cosS, (g) 

putting  8  for  the  angle  o>DF. 

Nowsin8=-r-,  cos8=— r— ,  where  k=  *J(a  —  A)2-|-4r8. 

Hence  2R/t  cos  6=4rR+  (a—b)*. 

Substituting  this  value  of  2R  cos  e  in  (a) ,  we  shall  obtain 

Reducing,  this  becomes      e?=£R—  r (h) 

235.]  Let  dt,  dn,  din  denote  the  distances  of  the  centre  vof  the 
nine-point  circle  from  the  centres  of  the  exscribed  circles ;  we  shall 
then  have  by  making  the  necessary  transformation  of  the  figure, 

rf^R+r,,  rfw=iR  +  rw,  dw/=*R  +  rw;     ...     (a) 
adding  these  results,  we  shall  have 

r//  +  r/w-r.      .     .     .     (b) 


Now  it  has  been  shown  in  sec.  [192]  that  if  D,  D/3  T>,,,  D/;/  denote 
the  distances  of  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle  to  the  same 
four  points, 


rf//,).      .     .     .     (d) 

Hence  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the  centre  of  the 
circle  circumscribing  a  triangle  to  the  centres  of  the  inscribed  and 
exscribed  circles  divided  by  the  diameter  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the 
distances  of  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle  to  the  same  four 

Another  proof  of  this  important  theorem  may  be  given. 

236.]  Let  ABC  be  the  given  triangle  as  before,  circumscribed 
by  the  circle  whose  radius  is  R,  and  whose  centre  is  at  O.  Let  F 
and  F,  be  the  points  in  which  the  inscribed  and  exscribed  circles 
touch  the  base  AB  or  c. 

Then  BF,=,s—  a,     &F=s—b. 

Let  v  be  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle,  and  eo  that  of  the 
inscribed  circle  ;  join  CF,.  It  may  easily  be  shown  that  this  line 
CF/  or/,  will  pass  through  i  the  extremity  of  that  diameter  of  the 
inscribed  circle  which  passes  through  F  its  point  of  contact  with 
AB.  Let  D-BT  be  the  diameter  of  the  nine-point  circle  ;  then,  as 
OD  is  equal  and  parallel  to  C«r,  OC  or  R  is  equal  and  parallel  to 
D-BT,  and  as  r  :  DF=2r  :  FF,,  DOT  is  parallel  to  CFy  or  to/;,  writing 
ft  for  CF,.  Hence  the  angle  OCF/  is  equal  to  the  angle  j/Do>.  Let 
this  angle  as  before  be  e,  and  let  OF,  be  u  ;  then, 

since  AOB  is  an  isosceles  triangle,  R2=w*+(s  —  a}(s—  b).  .     (a) 

But  w2=R2+//2-2R//cose;     .....     (b) 

2/,R  cos  e=/,2  +  (*-«)(«  -b)  .....     (c) 

Let  8  be  the  angle  which  CF,  or  /,  makes  with  AB  the  base  of 
the  triangle;  then,  as  CF,  or/y  is  parallel  to  Da>, 

.     .     .     .     (d) 

But        FF,=«-£,  and  FQ=^  _!',  see  (b)  sec.  [235]  ; 


therefore/, cos  8=- (a—b],  and  consequently 



and  therefore,  substituting  for,/]  its  value  in  (c), 

sk*     c 
2R£cose=  --  !--(*—  a}(s—  b)  .....     (f) 

C          8 

Now,  as  before  in  (a)  sec.  [234], 

4C?2  =  R2  -|-  (a  -  6)2  +  4r2  -  2Ek  cos  e  ; 
eliminating  cos  e  between  these  equations, 

But  c-  (s-a)(s-b}=cs-c(a  +  b}+—. 

8  S 

Now  =4Rr,  and  —c(a  +  b)  =  c2-2*c; 


making  these  substitutions,  the  equation  becomes 

4^=  (R-2r)2+  (a-i)2-?  [(a-&)2  +  4r2]  -c*+sc, 


or        4rf2=(R-2r)2+[(a-£)2-c2]--  [(a-b)*-c*]-  —  . 

c  c 

Reducing,  the  final  equation  becomes  as  before, 

<*=*R-r  .........     (g) 

237.]  The  demonstration  of  the  case  when  the  exscribed  circle 
touches  the  base  of  the  triangle  differs  but  little  from  the  preceding. 

Join  O  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle  with  F  the  point 
in  which  the  inscribed  circle  touches  the  base  ;  then,  as  before, 


Now  as  CI  meets  the  circumference  of  the  exscribed  circle  in 
the  point  I  the  extremity  of  the  diameter  F.H,  and  as  in  =  HF, 
and  F;D  =  DF,  the  line  Dfl  is  parallel  to  CF  or  to/,  and  OC  is 
parallel  to  ~Dv  as  before.  Let  the  angle  OCF  in  the  triangle  OCF 
be  put  e,  then  the  angle  ODi/  in  the  triangle  flDv  is  TT—  e,  since 
the  sides  of  this  triangle  are  parallel  to  those  of  the  former.  Now 
in  the  former  triangle,  putting  u  for  OF,  as  in  the  last  section, 

and  R2=  w2  +  (*  -  a)  (s  -  b]  . 

But  in  the  triangle  £lDv,  putting  £lv=d,, 

(7r-e);  (a) 


or  writing  k,  for   [(«—  6)2  +  4r/2]*,  and  substituting  for  cose  the 
value  found  above,  we  shall  have 

.  (b) 

s  —  c 

•vr  i   9  .  i       j.\9     79        j   («—«)(*  —  b)c     abc 

Now      4r,2+  (a—  6)2=£/%  and  i  -  ^  -  t-=  --  $<• 

5  —  — 

ile  «ic=4Rsr.     But  sr=(s-—  )cr,  :  he 
Introducing  these  values  we  shall  have 

while  «ic=4Rsr.     But  sr=(s-—  )cr,  :  hence  -  =  4Rr,. 


or  4d2=(R  +  2r,)2-- 



But         c*-(a-b}*=(c  +  a-b}(c  +  b-a) 

A/        \t      i\         j   fs—c\  .   o     4s.s  —  a.s—b 
=4>(s  —  a)(s—b),  and  (  -  )4r/2=—  -; 

hence  the  expression  now  becomes 

4?  4? 

—  (*-«)(*-£)  +>-«)  (*-£),       .     (c) 

or  , 

The  lines  /,  f,  drawn  from  the  vertex  C  of  the  triangle  to  the 
points  of  contact  F,  F,  in  which  the  exscribed  and  inscribed  circles 
touch  the  base  c  of  the  triangle  are  of  much  importance.  It  will 
be  shown  further  on  that  these  lines  also  pass  through  the  extre- 
mities of  the  diameters  which  pass  through  the  points  of  contact  of 
the  two  focal  spheres  with  the  plane  of  the  conic  section  —  the  foci. 
These  lines  may  therefore  be  called  the  vertical  focals  of  the  conic 

Let  r  and  r,  be  the  radii  of  the  inscribed  and  exscribed  circles  to 
the  base  c. 

Let  4r  *  +  (a  -  b}*  =  kf,  4r2  +  (a  -  b)  2  =  k2.  Then  it  may  easily 
be  shown  that 

f,='-k,  and/=^*y. 

C-  I/ 

If  we  put  h  and  h,  for  the  distances  of  the  vertex  C  of  the  triangle 
to  the  other  extremities  the  diameters  of  the  inscribed  and  exscribed 
circles,  we  shall  have 

.      (s  —  c)  ,        -  .     s  , 
h.—  -  -  k,  and  h=-k.. 
c  c   ' 

Hence  also  we  hsvejO^ssAA,,  or  the  area  of  the  triangle  CFF/  is 


equal  to  the  area  of  the  triangle  iCI,  i  and  I  being  the  other  extre- 
mities of  the  diameters  of  the  inscribed  and  exscribed  circles. 

These  focal  lines/  and/,,  passing  through  F  and  F/,  the  bisector 
of  the  vertical  angle  of  the  triangle,  and  the  perpendicular  from  the 
vertex  on  the  base  of  the  triangle  constitute  an  harmonic  pencil. 

The  distances  F*  and  F^  from  the  point  *  the  foot  of  the  bisector 

8  S  '  _  C 

of  the  vertical   angle  are  -  (a—  b)  and  -    —(a—  b).     Hence  the 

C  C 

bisector  of  the  vertical  angle  divides  the  distance  between  F,  F, 
the  focal  points  of  the  triangle  in  the  ratio  of  *:*  —  c;  that  is  (as 
s  :  s  —  c  =  rt  :  r),  in  the  ratio  of  the  radii  of  the  exscribed  and  inscribed 

238.]   A  trigonometrical  proof  of  this  theorem  may  be  given. 

As  in  fig.  37,  let  O  be  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle, 
v  that  of  the  nine-point  circle,  and  o>  the  centre  of  the  inscribed 
circle;  and  let  va>=d. 

Let  the  angle  vDA.  be  7,  and  the  angle  <0DA  be  S  ;  then  as  DP 
is  parallel  to  the  diameter  2CO,  and  the  angle  COK  is  equal  to  the 
difference  between  the  angles  A  and  B,  we  shall  have  ^TT—  y  =  A  —  B. 
The  radius  Dv  of  the  nine-point  circle  is  equal  to  £R  ;  and 

2D<»=[(a-&)a-r4r2]*=A  ......     (a) 

Let  e  be  the  angle  between  the  sides  of  the  triangle  Dv  and  Deo, 
then  e  =  y  —  B,  arid 

-8).     .     .     (b) 

But  as^Tr—  y=A—  B,  cos7=sin(A—  B),  and  siny=cos(A—  B)  ; 
hence  cos  e=  cos  (A—  B)  sin  8  +  sin  (A—  B)cos8  .....     (c) 

Now  cot  8=^-,     and  cot  £B—  cot  £A=  —  -=  --  j 

2r  r          r          r 

therefore  2cot8=cot£B  —  cot^A. 

.j     2  sin  £A  sin  £B 
:   8ini(A-B)   ' 

Multiplying  this  expression  by  2sin£(A—  B),  we  have 
2  sin*  £  (A  -  B)  tan  8  =4  sin  £  A  sin  ±B  sin  i  (A  -  B), 
or,  reducing, 

2  siuH(A-  B)  tan  8=2  sin  B  srnHA-2  sin  A  sin^B.      (d) 

VOL.  II. 



Substituting  for  the  squares  of  these  sines  their  values  in  terms 
of  the  double  angles,  we  have 

cos  (A—  B)  sin 8  + sin  (A — B)  cos 8= sin 8+  (sin  A — sinB)cos  8. 
Now  in  (c)  substituting  this  latter  value  for  the  first,  we  obtain 
i  +  (a-6)2-2IU[sin  8+  (sin  A-sin  B)  cos  8]. 

a  —  b 

.    z     2r     .     .        .    ,,     a  —  b 
But         smo  =  -T-,  smA— smB=-^p-, 

K  f-\\ 

and  cos  6 = 

hence,  making  these  substitutions  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  get 

d=±R-r (e) 

239.]  A  proof  of  this  theorem  founded  on  other  principles  may 
be  appropiately  here  given. 

Four  circles  whose  radii  are  r,  rt,  r,,,  rtll  touch  a  fifth  circle, 
whose  radius  is  R,  in  four  points  A,  B,  C,  D,  all  externally  or  all 
internally,  or  some  externally  and  others  internally.  To  find 
a  general  relation  between  these  five  circles  and  their  common 
tangents.  Let  us  assume  the  particular  case  of  one  internal  and 
three  external  contacts,  as  in  fig.  38.  Let  O  be  the  centre  of  the 

common  circle  of  contact,  and  let  w,  fl,  fl,,  £lu,  be  the  centres  of 
the  four  circles  touching  the  common  circle  in  the  points  A,  B,  C,  D. 


Now  in  any  triangle  of  which  the  sides  are  a,  b,  c,  we  shall  have, 
as  may  easily  be  shown, 

«2-(i-c)«  ......     (a) 

But  in  the  triangle  OtuH  we  shall  have 


Let  t  be  the  common  transverse  tangent  crcr,  to  the  circles  whose 
centres  are  to  and  fl,  then  £2=flo>2—  (Ao>-f  Bfl)2;  consequently 

-7= (c) 

*     / 

In  like  manner  BC=-^L,  CD=    ^L.,  DA=-^L.      (d) 

Let  T  and  T,  be  the  common  tangents  to  the  opposite  circles 
whose  centres  are  a>  and  H  as  also  O,  and  fltl, 

AC=— ==  and   BD= — ; — '—. 

Now  as  ABCD  is  a  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle,  we  have, 
by  Ptolemy's  theorem, 

AB.CD  +  BC.  AD-AC.  BD=0,    ....     (e) 

substituting  the  preceding  values  found  for  these  lines,  we  obtain 
tf,,  +  ^,/;-TT,=0 (0 

Hence  we  may  infer  that  when  this  relation  holds  between  the 
six  common  tangents  to  the  four  circles,  they  are  all  in  contact 
with  a  fifth  circle. 

Now  let  four  circles  be  inscribed  in  and  exscribed  to  a  triangle. 
Then  in  this  case  the  four  circles  have  three  common  tangents,  the 
sides  of  the  triangle,  and  on  each  side  of  the  triangle  there  will  be 
four  points  of  contact,  a  point  of  contact  with  each  of  the  four 
circles,  as  shown  in  sec.  [207].  The  six  tangents  coalesce  two  by 
two  into  three  tangents.  Each  side  of  the  triangle  will  be  a  direct 
tangent  to  two  of  the  circles  and  an  indirect  tangent  to  the  other  two. 

Let  7,  yt,  7;/,  yni  be  the  four  points  of  contact  of  the  side  c  with 
the  four  circles.  Then,  as 

ry///=fl— **  and  y/y^AC^  +  BCrt—  AB=»+«— e=a  +  £, 
it  will  follow  that  the  product  of  the  two  tangents  in  the  base 
ABor  c,  touching  the  four  circles  is  (a— b)  (a  -I-  b)  =a*—b*. 



Therefore  the  sum  of  the  products  of  the  three  sets  of  coincident 
tangents  taken  two  by  two,  is 


Since  this  relation  holds,  the  four  circles  must  touch  one  common 
circle;  and  this  circle  maybe  easily  shown  to  be  the  nine-point  circle. 

240.]  As  the  triangle  ABC  is  the  nine-point  circle  not  only  to 
the  principal  excentral  triangle  O  H,  flw,  but  also  to  the  other 
excentral  triangles  flwH,,  ClfaQ.,,,  Oa>ny/,  it  follows  that  the  nine- 
point  circle  will  be  in  contact  with  the  sixteen  circles  which  are 
exscribed  to  and  inscribed  in  these  four  triangles.  This  relation 
may  be  still  further  extended,  as  we  now  proceed  to  show. 

Let  ABC  be  a  triangle  inscribed  in  a  circle.  Let  Oa,  O/3, 
Oy  be  the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  centre  O  on  the  sides 
«,  b,  c,  and  produced  to  A^C,,  so  that  O«  =  aAy,  O/3  =  /3By,  and 
Oy=yCy.  Through  the  points  A,  By  Cy  let  a  circle  be  described, 

Fig.  39. 

and  a  triangle  A/B/C/  inscribed  in  it.  This  circle  and  this  triangle 
may  be  called  the  derivative  circle  and  the  derivative  triangle  of 
the  former. 

Since  a.  and  /3  are  the  middle  points  of  CB  and  CA,  «/3  is  the 
half  of  AB ;  and  as  a  and  ft  are  the  middle  points  of  OAy  and  OB,, 
aft  is  the  half  of  AyBy.  Therefore  A;B;  is  equal  to  AB  and  is  also 
parallel  to  it.  In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  the  other 



sides  of  the  two  triangles  are  equal  and  parallel.  Hence  the  cir- 
cumscribing circles  are  equal ;  and  while  O  is  the  centre  of  the  given 
circle  circumscribing  the  triangle,  ©  its  orthocentre  is  the  centre 
of  the  derived  circle.  Therefore  the  circles  interchange  their 
centres  and  orthocentres.  The  two  triangles  have  the  same  nine- 
point  circle,  whose  centre  is  at  v  the  middle  point  of  O®. 

Hence  it  follows  that  this  nine-point  circle  touches  the  thirty-two 
circles  which  are  circuminscribed*  to  the  excentral  triangles  of  the 
original  triangle  and  its  derivative. 

241.]  If  a  quadrilateral  be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  the  orthocentres 
of  its  four  constituent  triangles  will  range  on  another  circle  equal  to 
the  former. 

Let  ACBD  be  the  quadrilateral,  and  let  ®,®;,  ®/p  ©;//  be  the  ortho- 
centres  of  the  four  constituent  triangles  ABC,  DEC,  ADB,  ACD. 

As  A®  and  D@;  are  parallel  and  equal,  since  each  is  double  of 
OQ,  therefore  @®;  is  equal  and  parallel  to  AD.  In  the  same  way 
it  may  be  shown  that  ©/©//  is  equal  and  parallel  to  AC ;  so  is  ©//©/// 
equal  and  parallel  to  CB,  while  ®®/;/  is  equal  and  parallel  to  BD. 

Hence  the  two  quadrilaterals  are  equal  and  alike  in  every  respect, 
and  therefore  the  circles  in  which  they  are  inscribed  are  equal. 

Fig.  40. 

Since  BD  is  equal  and  parallel  to  ©®,/;,  and  D®,  equal  and 
parallel  to  A©,  therefore  B®,  is  equal  and  parallel  to  A©^,  and 
is  a  parallelogram  whose  diagonals  A®,  and  B®^  bisect 

*  A  short  term  to  denote  circles  one  circumscribed  and  one  inscribed  in  the 
same  triangle. 


each  other.  Hence  the  lines  joining  the  corresponding  points  of 
the  two  quadrilaterals  all  pass  through  the  same  point. 

242.]  Let  the  derivative  circle  be  taken,  and  the  four  derivative 
triangles  inscribed  in  it.  Since  the  four  original  triangles  are 
inscribed  in  the  same  circle,  and  have  four  orthocentres,  the  deri- 
vative group  will  have  only  one  orthocentre  for  the  four  derivative 
triangles,  and  these  triangles  will  be  circumscribed  each  by  a  distinct 
circle.  There  will  be  four  nine-point  circles,  whose  centres  will  be 
the  middle  points  of  the  lines  joining  the  common  orthocentre  with 
the  four  centres  of  the  derived  circles. 

Hence  these  four  nine-point  circles  will  be  in  contact  with  the 
hundred  and  twenty -eight  circles  of  contact,  and  every  vector  drawn 
from  this  common  orthocentre  to  the  circumferences  of  these  one 
hundred  and  twenty-eight  circles  of  contact  will  be  bisected  by  one 
or  other  of  the  four  nine-point  circles. 



243.]  («)  If  the  middle  points  of  the  opposite  sides  of  a  quadri- 
lateral be  joined,  their  intersection  O  will  lie  in  the  line  joining  the 
middle  points  of  the  diagonals,  and  these  three  lines  will  mutually 
bisect  each  other. 

Let  a,  b,  c,  d  be  the  middle  points  of  the  sides  of  the  quadrilateral 
ABCD.  Then  ab  is  the  half  of  the  diagonal  AC  and  parallel  to  it. 
Therefore  abed  is  a  parallelogram,  and  its  diagonals  ac,  bd  are 


therefore  bisected  in  O.     Since  bft  and  dS  are  each  the  half  of  CD 
and  parallel  to  it,  b/3  =  d8,  and  therefore  /3O  =  8O. 

(|8)  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  any  two  opposite  sides  of  a  quadri- 
lateral, together  with  twice  the  square  of  the  line  joining  their  middle 
points  is  constant  ; 

that  is  AB2 

(y)  Hence  also 

that  is,  in  any  tetrahedron  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  six  edges  is 
equal  to  four  times  the  squares  of  the  lines  joining  the  middle  points 
of  the  opposite  edges. 

(8)  We  have  also  AB2  +  BC2  +  CD2  +  DA2  =  AC2  +  BD2 
that  is,  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  four  sides  of  a  quadrilateral  is 
equal  to  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  two  diagonals,  together  with 
four  times  the  square  of  the  line  joining  the  middle  points  of  the  two 



244.]  In  that  very  celebrated  and  highly  original  work,  the  '  Traite 
des  proprietes  projectives'  of  PoNCELET(pp.260—  283)  the  very  elegant 
properties  of  circles  inscribed  in  and  circumscribed  to  the  same 
quadrilateral  are  treated  with  much  originality.  In  fact  the  dis- 
covery of  those  elegant  properties  is  due  to  Poncelet.  The  methods 
of  investigation,  however,  which  he  has  used,  have  not  hitherto  been 
admitted  into  elementary  geometry.  As  these  properties  deserve 
to  be  better  known,  and  admit  of  rigorous  geometrical  demon- 
stration, they  should  take  their  place  in  every  treatise  of  pure 
geometry.  We  shall  first,  by  way  of  preface,  state  some  of  those 
properties  of  quadrilaterals  in  connexion  with  circles  which  are 
elementary  and  have  been  long  known. 

(«)  In  every  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle  the  sum  of  the 
opposite  angles  is  equal  to  two  right  angles. 

(/3)  In  every  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle  the  rectangle  under 
the  segments  of  one  of  the  diagonals  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under 
the  segments  of  the  other. 

(y)  In  every  quadrilateral  so  inscribed  the  rectangle  under  the  diago- 
nals is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  rectangles  under  the  two  pairs  of  opposite 
sides,  and  the  diagonals  are  to  each  other  as  the  sums  of  the  rectangles 
under  the  sides  which  terminate  in  the  extremities  of  these  diagonals. 

When,  moreover,  the  diagonals  of  the  inscribed  quadrilateral  are 
at  right  angles  we  shall  have  the  following  properties  :  — 

(8)  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  four  sides  is  double  the  square 
of  the  diameter. 


(e)  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  four  segments  of  the  diagonals 
is  equal  to  the  square  of  the  diameter ;  and 

(£)  The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  two  diagonals  is  equal  to  the 
square  of  the  diameter  diminished  by  four  times  the  square  of  the 
distance  between  the  centre  and  the  point  in  which  the  diagonals 

(77)  If  circles  be  described  on  the  three  diagonals  of  a  complete  qua- 
drilateral inscribed  in  a  circle,  they  will  have  the  same  radical  axis, 
and  the  orthocentres  of  the  four  component  triangles  of  the  complete 
quadrilateral  range  on  the  same  straight  line. 

And  with  respect  to  quadrilaterals  circumscribed  about  a  circle, 
it  is  easy  to  show  that 

(6)  The  sum  of  two  opposite  sides  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  two 

(t)  In  any  quadrilateral  circumscribed  to  a  circle,  the  sum  of  any 
two  opposite  angles  is  equal  to  twice  the  external  angle  of  one  of 
component  quadrilaterals  into  which  the  given  quadrilateral  is  divided 
by  the  two  chords. 

When  these  chords  are  at  right  angles  the  external  angles  of  the 
component  quadrilaterals  are  right  angles ;  therefore  the  sum  of  the 
opposite  angles  of  the  circumscribing  quadrilateral  is  equal  to  two 
right  angles,  or  the  quadrilateral  circumscribing  the  circle  may  also 
be  inscribed  in  a  circle. 

The  proof  is  very  simple,  and  depends  on  the  equality  of  the 
angles  which  a  chord  of  a  circle  makes  with  the  tangents  at  its 

245.]  If  two  quadrilaterals  are  the  one  inscribed  and  the  other 
circumscribed  to  the  same  circle,  so  that  the  vertices  of  the  inscribed 
may  be  on  the  points  of  contact  of  the  circumscribed  quadrilateral, 

(a)  The  chords  which  join  the  points  of  contact  of  the  circum- 
scribed quadrilateral  will  be  at  right  angles. 

(/3)  The  diagonals  of  the  two  quadrilaterals  will  cut  all  four  in  the 
same  point. 

(y]  The  points  of  concourse  of  the  opposite  sides  of  the  two  qua- 
drilaterals will  range  all  four  on  the  same  straight  line;  and 

(8)  The  point  of  intersection  of  the  four  diagonals  will  be  the  pole 
of  the  straight  line  which  contains  the  points  in  which  the  opposite 
sides  of  the  quadrilaterals  intersect. 

(e)  The  diagonals  EGr  and  FH  of  the  inscribed  quadrilateral 
meet  the  intersection  of  the  lines  joining  the  points  of  contact  of  the 
circumscribed  quadrilateral;  and  the  angles  between  the  former  are 
bisected  by  the  latter. 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  establish  the  foregoing  theorems, 
beginning  with  the  last  (e) . 

As  the  angle  CBD  is  equal  to  the  angle  CAD,  and  the  angle 
BFP  equal  to  AHP,  therefore  the  triangles  BFP  and  APH  are 


Fig.  42. 


similar;  therefore  BF  or  BE  :  BP  as  AH  or  AE  :  AP.  Conse- 
quently BE  :  AE  =BP  :  AP,  or  in  the  triangle  APB  the  angle  APB 
is  bisected  by  PE.  In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  the 
other  angles  between  the  diagonals  of  the  inscribed  quadrilateral 
are  so  bisected. 

Hence  also  the  chords  of  contact  EG  and  FH  are  at  right  angles. 
VOL.  ii.  2  x 


246.]  The  diagonals  of  the  circumscribed  quadrilateral  will  pass 
through  the  pole  P. 

Through  E  and  G  let  tangents  be  drawn  intersecting  in  M,  then 
M  is  the  pole  of  EG;  in  like  manner  N  is  the  pole  of  HF;  hence 
MN  is  the  polar  of  P.  Let  EF  and  GH  meet  in  L  ;  then,  as  the 
polar  of  L  must  pass  through  P,  the  point  L  must  be  on  the  line 
MN  ;  and  as  L  is  a  point  in  EF,  the  polar  of  L  must  pass  through 
B  ;  and  as  L  is  a  point  in  GH,  the  polar  of  L  must  pass  through  D  ; 
and  as  L  is  a  point  in  MN,  the  polar  of  L  must  pass  through  P. 
Hence  BPD  is  a  straight  line,  the  diagonal  of  the  circumscribed 
quadrilateral  ;  and  it  passes  through  P.  In  the  same  way  it  may  be 
shown  that  the  other  diagonal  AC  passes  through  P. 

247.]  Since  the  angle  EwH  is  equal  to  the  angle  FCG,  the  half 
of  EwH  is  equal  to  the  half  of  FCG  ;  hence  the  triangles  AEw  and 
FCo>  are  similar.  Consequently 

AE.FC=FwW2,  .......  (a) 

if  r  be  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  circle. 

In  like  manner             BF.DH  =  r2  ........  (a,) 

Let              AE  =  «,  BF=5,  CG  =  c,  DH  =  d,     .     .     .     .  (b) 

the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle  being  R,  and  r  that  of  the 
inscribed  circle. 

Hence  ac  =  bd=r2  .........     (c) 

We  have  also      AP  :  AE  =  sin  AEP  :  sin  1  BPA, 
and  CP  :  CG=sin  AEP  :  sin^  BPA. 

Let  AP  =  w  .  AE,  and  CP=w  .  CG,  writing  n  for  the  quotient  of 
sin  AEP  divided  by  sin  £  BPA.       .     .     .     (d) 

Hence  AC=w(AE  +  CG)  or  AC=ra(«  +  c).       .     .     .     (e) 

In  like  manner  BD  =  n(b  +  d)  ;  and  therefore 

AC  :  BD  =  a  +  c:  b+d  .......     (f) 

But  AC.'BD- 

or,  by  Ptolemy's  theorem,  AC  .  BD  =  4r2  +  (a  +  c)  (b  +  d)  ,  .     .     (g) 
since  ac  =  bd=r'2. 

Multiply  this  expression  by  :pjA  =  7  ,    «  and  we  shall  have 



Since  AV=na,  and  CP  =  nc,  \ve  have 

AC     a  +  c        ,  —  Q    __  o  /    a   \2 


Let  O  be  the  centre  of  the  circle  circumscribing  the  quadrilateral 
D,  <o  the  centre  of  the  inscribed  circle,  P  the  common  pole 
and  let  the  straight  line  Oo>P  meet  the  common  polar  MN  in  Q  • 
then  we  shall  have 


To  show  this,  in  the  triangle  AwP  we  have 

P^2=  A^2+  AP-SAw  .  AP  .  cos  PA<u, 
and  C^2=  CA2  +  A^2-  2CA  .  Ao>  cos  PAo>  ; 

hence,  eliminating  cosPAw,  we  obtain 

_  A  p 

Po)2=Ao)2  +  AP2-AP  .  AC+        (C^2-A 

Now  A^i2=a2  +  r*,  C^2=c2  +  r«,  AF=a*  +  7  —  -;  hence 

or,  reducing,  H-P»  =  .......     (j) 

From  O  the  centre  of  the  circumscribing  circle  draw  the  perpen- 
diculars OTT  and  Or  on  the  diagonals  AC  and  BD  ;  then  TT  and  T  are 
the  middle  points  of  AC  and  BD.  Hence,  by  Newton's  theorem  given 
in  page  283,  the  line  TTT  passes  through  o>  the  centre  of  the  inscribed 
circle;  and  as  OP?rT  is  a  quadrilateral  that  may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle, 

Oo>  .  PtO  =  <07T  .  0)T  .......        (k) 

Now  as  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  four  sides  of  a  quadrilateral 
is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  diagonals  and  four  t 


the  square  of  the  distance  between  the  middle  points  of  these  dia- 
gonals, as  shown  in  (S)  sec.  [243]  , 

But  47TT2  =  4ft>7T2  +  4<UT2  -f  8o)7T    X  <0T  , 

and  SCOTT  .  o)T  =  80a>  .  Pa>. 

Hence  (a  +  6)2  +  (6  +  c)2+  (c  +  c?)2  +  (d+a)* 

since  AC  +  4w^=2(A2  +C),  and 

and  as    a2=Al?-r2,  62=Ik>2-r2,  c2=O?-r2,  c?2=D^2-r2, 

]  +  8Oa>  .  Pa>, 

or  (a  +  c)(6  +  c?)=4rs  +  40w.Pa>  ......     (1) 

But  in  the  preceding  paragraph  it  has  been  shown  that 


-2-,  ......     (m) 

equating  these  values  of  (a  +  c)(#  +  d),  we  obtain  the  relation 

Since  r2=Pa>  .  Q.a>,  this  expression  may  be  reduced  to 

1        1        1 
Ow     Qw~Pft>' 

a  simple  relation  between  the  distances  of  the  centre  w  of  the 
inscribed  circle  from  O  the  centre  of  the  circumscribed  circle,  and 
from  P  and  Q  the  pole  and  polar. 

248.]  To  express  R  the  radius  of  the  circumscribing  circle  in 
terms  of  r  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  circle  and  p  the  distance 
between  the  centre  of  this  circle  and  the  common  pole. 

Let  q  be  the  distance  between  the  pole  P  and  the  polar  MN,  and 
D  the  distance  between  the  centres,  then  we  shall  have 

r*,       .......      (a) 


and  R2  =  (D  +p]  (D  +p  +  q},  or,  since  p  +  q  =.  — , 


Substituting  in  this  expression  the  value  of  D  given  in  (n)  ,  last 

r  — « 
we  finally  obtain 

The  least  value  of  R  is  when  the  circles  are  concentric,  or  p=0. 
In  this  case  R=  \/2r. 

From  these  expressions,  namely 

=r-l^p!,       .     .     .     .     (e) 

it  follows  that  when  r  and  ja  are  given,  D  and  R  are  completely 
determined,  or,  however  the  rectangular  chords  of  the  inscribed 
circle  may  vary  in  position,  the  centre  and  radius  of  the  circum- 
scribed circle  are  fixed. 

If  we  eliminate  p  between  the  preceding  expressions, 

r*]*  .....     (f) 

249.]  Hence  it  follows  that  if  through  any  fixed  point  in  a  given 
circle  two  rectangular  chords  be  drawn,  and  at  their  extremities  four 
tangents  be  drawn  constituting  a  quadrilateral,  this  quadrilateral 
may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  and  the  centre  and  radius  of  this  circle 
will  be  fixed  and  independent  of  the  directions  in  which  the  rectan- 
gular chords  may  be  drawn. 

The  square  of  the  area  of  the  quadrilateral  is  equal  to 

(a  +  b)(b  +  c)(c+d)(d+a), 

since  half  the  sum  of  its  sides  is  (a  +  b  +  c  +  d). 

Multiplying  out  this  expression,  bearing  in  mind  that  ac=bd=r*, 
and  dividing  by  abed,  we  obtain  the  very  remarkable  symmetrical 

In  every  quadrilateral  which  may  be  inscribed  in  one  circle  and 
circumscribed  to  another  the  centres  of  the  two  circles  and  the  common 
point  in  which  the  four  diagonals  intersect  are  in  a  straight  line. 



In  every  such  quadrilateral  the  distances  from  the  vertices  to  the 
point  of  intersection  of  the  diagonals  are  proportional  to  the  tangents 
drawn  from  these  vertices  and  touching  the  internal  circle. 

The  diagonals  are  proportional  to  the  sum  of  the  tangents  drawn 
from  their  extremities  to  the  interior  circle. 

The  distance  PQ,  between  the  common  pole  P  and  its  polar  MN, 
multiplied  by  the  distance  between  the  centres  of  the  inscribed  and 
circumscribing  circles,  is  equal  to  the  square  of  the  radius  of  the 
inscribed  circle. 

For  if  q  be  this  distance,  it  has  been  shown  that p(p-\-q)=r'*  or 

22  2 

<7= —  and  D  =  9      9.     Hence  D<7=r2. 

p  r2  — p* 

250.]  If  a  quadrilateral  be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  the  squares  of  the 
inner  diagonals  are  to  each  other  as  the  distances  of  their  middle 
points  from  the  middle  point  of  the  outer  diagonal.  See  sec.  [176]. 

It  has  been  shown  in  sec.  [165]  that  the  middle  points  of  the 
three  diagonals  range  in  the  same  straight  line. 

Fig.  43. 

Let  ABDC  be  the  inscribed    quadrilateral.     Let  m  and  n  be 


the  middle  points  of  the  inner  diagonals  AD  and  BC.  Let  M 
be  the  middle  point  of  the  outer  diagonal.  Then  M,  m,  n  are  in 
a  straight  line.  P  the  intersection  of  the  inner  diagonals  is  the 
pole  of  the  outer  diagonal  EG  and  O  the  centre  of  the  circle.  Om 
and  On  are  perpendicular  to  the  diagonals  AD,  BC,  and  they  bisect 

Since  the  line  AD  is  bisected  in  m,  and  harmonically  divided  in 
P  and  F,  as  shown  in  (d)  sec.  [161],  we  have 

Dm2=Pm.Fw  ........     (a) 

But      Pm=  PO  sin  F,  and  Fm  :  Mm  =  sin  ¥Mn  :  sin  F, 

x,       Mm  .  sin  FMn 

or  Fm=  -  ;  —  =^  --- 


Therefore  Dm2=PO  .sinFMm  .Mm  ......     (b) 

In"  like  manner  Cn2=PO  .  sin  FMn  .  Mn. 

Therefore  Dm2  :  Cn2=Mm  :  Mn  .......     (c) 

251.]  This  property  will  enable  us  to  give  a  very  simple  and 
elegant  solution  of  the  following  celebrated  problem  :  —  Given  a 
circle  and  the  lengths  of  the  three  diagonals  of  a  quadrilateral  to 
be  inscribed  in  it,  to  construct  the  quadrilateral. 

Let  2G,  2G,,  2GW  be  the  lengths  of  the  three  diagonals,  2G 
being  greater  than  2G,,  and  2GW  the  outer  diagonal  ;  let  y=mn. 

Since  Mm  :  Mn  =  G*:  G,2, 

Mm  :  Mm-Mn=G*  :  G*-G,«. 
But  Mm  —  Mn  =  #  ;  therefore 

Mw=G?§^  and  Mn= 
Let  e  be  the  angle  OMm  ;  then  in  the  triangle  OmM 

Om2  =  OM3  +  Mm2  -  2OM  .  Mm  cos  e.  ) 
We  have  also  •     •     •     (e) 

Eliminating  cos  e  from  these  expressions,  we  get 

Mm  Mn 

Now  as  the  tangent  drawn  from  M  to  the  circle  is  equal  to  Glt) 
see  sec.  [176],  and  R  being  the  radius  of  the  circle, 

........     (0 



But  we  have  found 

G2-G2'         ~G2-G,2' 
substituting  these  values  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  get 




This  enables  us  to  express  the  distance  (g)  between  the  middle 
points  of  the  inner  diagonals  in  terms  of  the  three  diagonals. 
Hence  the  three  sides  of  the  triangle  Omn  are  given,  and  this  tri- 
angle has  its  vertex  at  O  ;  and  hence  the  diagonals  may  be  drawn 
and  the  quadrilateral  constructed. 

The  circles  described  on  the  three  diagonals  G,  G,,  G/;  of  the 
quadrilateral  as  diameters  intersect,  two  by  two,  in  the  same  two 
points.  Their  centres,  therefore,  range  along  the  same  straight 
line,  and  have  a  common  radical  axis,  the  common  chord.  The 
distance  d  between  the  common  chord  of  any  two  of  the  circles 
and  the  centre  of  one  of  them  is  given  by  the  symmetrical  formula 
G2G2  +  G2G/-G/2G/  , 

If  C  be  the  common  chord  of  the  three  circles, 

C2  =  2(G2  +  G,2  +  G,  2)  -  G2G,2Gy  2(G-4  +  G,-4  +  G/r4)  .       (  j) 
252.]   Let  the  sides  of  a  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle  be 
cut  by  a  transversal,  the  continued  product  of  the  ratios  of  the 
segments  of  the  sides  made  by  the  transversal  will  be  equal. 

Fig.  44. 

Let  L,  M,  N,  P  be  the  points  in  which  the  transversal  is  cut  by 



the  sides  of  the  quadrilateral ;  from  the  points  A,  B,  C,  D  let  per- 
pendiculars to  the  transversal  be  drawn.  Let  these  perpendiculars 
be  put  a,  b,  c,  d.  Then  we  have 

AL_a     BM_6     CN_c     BP_rf 
6'    CM~c'    DN~V    AP~«* 


AL .  BM .  CN .  DP     abed 

1.     We  have  also 

AL  .  BL  .  BM  .  CM  .  CN .  DN  .  DP  .  AP=  [BL  .  CM  .  DN  .  AP]2. 

Let  I,  m,  n,  p  be  the  tangents  from  the  points  L,  M,  N,  P. 
Then  Imnp  =  BL .  CM  .  DN .  AP,  or  Imnp  =  AL  .  BM  .  CN .  DP. 
This  property  may  be  extended  to  inscribed  regular  polygons 
of  anv  number  of  sides. 


253.]  When  the  polygon  is  an  equilateral  triangle  the  properties 
are  obvious  and  known. 

When  the  polygon  is  a  pentagon.  In  general  let  the  side  of  the 
polygon  be  put  * ;  let  the  chord  which  subtends  two  adjacent  sides 
of  the  polygon  be  t,  that  which  subtends  three  consecutive  sides 
be  u,  and  that  which  subtends  four  sides  be  z,  &c. 

Let  the  chords  drawn  from  the  point  P  to  the  angles  A,  B,  C, 
D,  E,  F,  G,  &c.  be  a,  b,  c,  d,  e,  f,  g,  &c. 

VOL.  ii.  2  Y 


Then  in  the  case  of  the  pentagon  we  have 



Adding  these  expressions  together,  and  dividing  by  (s  +  t),  we  have 

We  shall  have  also      c*=(a  +  e)(b  +  d), (c) 

and  5c2=  (a  -\-b-\-d-\-e)* (d) 

254.]    When  the  regular  polygon  is  a  heptagon,  then  we  shall 
have  the  following  twelve  equations  : — 

as  +  cs  =bt,    > 
bt  +ft  =  du, 
cs  +es=dt, 


bu+fs=cu,  \ 

et  +  bs=du, 

,  , 

=eu,  )      (a-\  c  +  e+g)s=du. 

Adding  these  twelve  equations,  we  shall  have 

(a  4-  c  +  e  +ff)  (s  + 1  +  u)  • 
or,  dividing  by  (s  + 1  +  u), 


or,  in  other  words,  the  sura  of  the  odd  chords  drawn  from  the  point 
P  to  the  alternate  vertices  of  the  heptagon  will  be  equal  to  the  sum 
of  the  even  chords. 

We  have  also         ds=  (a+g)  (b+f)(c  +  e)',       .....     (c) 

that  is,  the  cube  of  the  middle  chord  is  equal  to  the  continued  product  of 
the  sums  of  the  first  and  seventh,  of  the  second  and  sixth,  of  the  third 
and  fifth. 

When  the  point  P  is  assumed  in  the  middle  of  the  arc  AG,  then 
PD  is  a  diameter  2R,  and  a=g,  b=f,  c=e,  and  therefore 

abc  =  W  .........     (d) 

These  properties  thus  established  may  be  extended  to  regular 
polygons  of  (2n  +  l)  sides  inscribed  in  a  circle. 

Thus  let  M  be  the  middle  chord  of  a  polygon  of  (2w  +  l)  sides, 
and  let  Cl  C2C3  .  .  .  CZn-\,  C2n,  C2n+i  be  the  chords  drawn  from  the 
point  P  to  the  angles  of  the  polygon  ;  then  we  shall  have 

^.,)  &c. 

When  P  is  the  middle  point  of  the  arc,  M  is  a  diameter  2E,  and 
the  preceding  expression  becomes 



C  O  N  I  C  S 



255.]  Let  a  straight  line  be  drawn  perpendicular  to  the  plane 
of  a  circle  through  its  centre,  and  a  point  in  it  assumed,  through 
which  a  straight  line  of  indefinite  length  passes,  always  touching 
the  circumference  of  the  circle ;  the  surface  thus  generated  is  called 
a  cone,  the  perpendicular  is  called  the  axis  of  the  cone,  and  the  fixed 
point  the  vertex. 

The  surface  thus  generated  is  divided  by  the  vertex  of  the  cone 
into  two  portions,  which  may  be  called  the  upper  and  lower  sheets 
of  the  cone. 


If  this  surface  be  cut  by  a  plane,  the  line  in  which  the  cone  and 
the  plane  intersect  is  called  a  conic  section,  or  in  short  a  conic. 


If  a  sphere  be  inscribed  in  this  cone  touching  the  plane  of  the 
conic  section,  the  point  of  contact  is  called  &  focus  of  the  conic. 

As  there  may  be  in  general  two  spheres  so  inscribed,  one  touching 
the  plane  of  the  section  above,  the  other  below— or  one  in  each  sheet 
of  the  cone,  both  touching  the  plane  of  the  section  on  the  same 
side — there  are  in  general  two  foci  in  a  couic  section. 

These  spheres  may  be  called  focal  spheres. 

348  ON  CONICS. 


The  straight  line  which  passes  through  the  foci,  and  is  termi- 
nated by  the  surface  of  the  cone,  is  called  the  major  axis. 


The  plane  drawn  through  the  vertex  of  the  cone  and  the  major 
axis  of  the  section,  cuts  the  surface  of  the  cone  in  two  straight 
lines,  which  together  with  the  major  axis  constitute  a  triangle, 
which  may  be  called  the  focal  triangle,  since  its  plane  passes 
through  the  foci. 


The  focal  spheres  touch  the  surface  of  the  cone  in  two  circles 
which  may  be  called  the  circles  of  contact. 

The  planes  of  these  circles  are  manifestly  parallel,  since  they  are 
at  right  angles  to  the  axis  of  the  cone. 


The  straight  line  in  which  the  plane  of  a  circle  of  contact  cuts 
the  plane  of  the  section  is  called  a  directrix. 

As  there  are  in  general  two  circles  of  contact,  there  are  in 
general  also  two  directrices,  and  they  are  parallel  to  each  other. 


A  plane  drawn  through  the  vertex  of  the  cone  parallel  to  the 
plane  of  the  section  is  called  the  vertical  polar  plane;  and  the  straight 
line  drawn  through  the  vertex  of  the  cone,  the  polar  line  of  this 
vertical  plane  with  respect  to  this  cone,  is  called  the  polar  axis,  and 
it  meets  the  plane  of  the  conic  section  in  a  point  called  the  centre. 


The  straight  line  in  which  the  vertical  polar  plane  cuts  the  plane  of 
the  circle  of  contact  is  called  the  dirigent.  As  there  are  in  general 
two  circles  of  contact,  there  are  two  dirigents,  and  they  are  parallel 
to  the  directrices. 


The  dirigent  is  the  polar  of  tfre  point  in  which  the  polar  axis  of 
the  cone  meets  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact  with  respect  to 
this  circle. 


If  a  straight  line  be  drawn  from  the  vertex  of  the  cone  in  the 
vertical  polar  plane,  the  polar  plane  of  this  straight  line  will  pass 
through  the  polar  axis  of  the  cone,  and  is  called  &  polar  plane  of  the 


When  the  vertical  polar  plane  lies  outsi'de  the  cone  the  parallel 

ON  CONICS.  '51'.) 

section  is  called  an  ellipse ;  when  it  touches  the  side  of  the  cone  the 
parallel  section  is  a  parabola ;  and  when  the  vertical  plane  cuts  the 
surface  of  the  cone,  the  parallel  section  is  an  hyperbola. 

In  this  latter  case  the  polar  axis  will  lie  outside  the  cone ;  and  if 
two  planes  be  drawn  through  this  line  touching  the  cone,  they  will 
cut  the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  in  two  straight  lines  called  asym- 
ptotes ;  and  as  the  polar  axis  (the  intersection  of  the  tangent  planes) 
cuts  the  plane  of  the  conic  in  its  centre  (see  def.  vm.),  the  asymptotes 
will  meet  in  the  centre  of  the  hyperbola.  Moreover,  as  the  polar  axis 
touches  the  surface  of  the  cone  when  the  conic  is  a  parabola,  the  two 
tangent  planes  drawn  through  it  to  the  cone  coincide  and  become 
parallel  to  the  plane  of  the  parabola ;  consequently  the  asymptotes 
of  the  parabola  are  two  straight  lines  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the 
parabola  but  at  an  infinite  distance  from  this  axis. 


The  ordinate  drawn  through  the  focus  of  a  conic,  at  right  angles 
to  the  major  axis,  is  called  the  parameter  or  latus  rectum. 


The  radical  plane  of  the  focal  spheres  cuts  the  plane  of  the  conic 
in  a  straight  line  called  the  minor  axis. 


Lines  drawn  from  the  vertex  of  the  cone  to  the  extremities  of  the 
diameters  of  the  focal  spheres  which  are  perpendicular  to  the  plane 
of  the  conic  may  be  called  vertical  focals  of  the  conic. 


256.]  If  a  sphere  be  inscribed  in  a  right  cone,  the  curve  of  contact 
is  a  circle. 

Since  all  tangents  drawn  from  a  point  to  a  sphere  are  equal, 
the  vertex  of  the  cone  may  be  considered  as  the  centre  of  a  sphere 
whose  radii  are  the  sides  of  the  cone  intercepted  between  the  vertex 
and  the  line  of  contact  with  the  inscribed  sphere.  This  sphere, 
therefore,  will  intersect  the  inscribed  sphere  in  the  line  of  contact ; 
but  two  spheres  intersect  each  other  in  a  circle ;  hence  the  line  of 
contact  is  a  circle. 

257.]  The  plane  which  passes  through  the  vertex  of  the  cone  and 
the  two  foci,  passes  also  through  the  axis  of  the  cone,  and  is  at  right 
angles  to  the  plane  of  the  conic. 

The  radii  of  the  inscribed  spheres  which  pass  through  the  foci 
are  at  right  angles  to  the  plane  of  the  conic,  since  it  is  a  tangent 
plane  to  the  focal  spheres;  but  these  radii  are  parallel,  sincr  tlu-y 
are  perpendicular  to  the  plane  of  the  conic ;  and  therefore  the  plane 



which  passes  through  them  will  pass  through  the  centres  of  the 
focal  spheres,  which  are  manifestly  on  the  axis  of  the  cone ;  con- 
sequently the  plane  of  the  focal  triangle  (see  def .  v.)  will  be  per- 
pendicular to  the  plane  of  the  conic. 

258.]  The  directrix  is  perpendicular  to  the  major  axis  of  the 

Since  tne  plane  of  the  conic  and  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact 
are  each  perpendicular  to  the  plane  of  the  focal  triangle,  their  inter- 
section, the  directrix  (Euclid,  XI.)  will  be  perpendicular  to  the 
same  plane,  and  therefore  perpendicular  to  any  straight  line  on  it, 
and  therefore  to  the  major  axis. 

259.]  The  distance  of  any  point  of  a  conic  from  a  focus  is  to  its 
perpendicular  distance  from  the  corresponding  directrix  in  a  constant 
ratio — namely,  as  the  distances  of  the  vertex  of  the  cone  from  the 

Fig.  46. 


circumference  of  the  circle  of  contact  and  from  the  dirigent  the  inter- 
section of  the  plane  of  the  latter  by  the  vertical  polar  plane. 

ON  CONIC8.  351 

The  inscribed  sphere  touches  the  plane  of  the  conic  MDANFn 
in  the  point  F ;  and  the  cone  touches  the  sphere  along  the  circle  of 
contact  CGQP. 

Draw  NM  parallel  to  AF,  join  NF,  NV.  Draw  the  vertical  plane 
VYZ  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the  conic,  meeting  the  plane  of  the 
circle  of  contact  in  the  straight  line,  the  dirigent,  YZ.  In  this 
vertical  plane  draw  the  line  VY  parallel  to  the  major  axis  AF,  to 
which  MN  is  parallel.  Join  YQ,  and  produce  it  to  meet  the  direc- 
trix RX.  It  must  meet  the  line  MN  also  in  the  directrix ;  for  as 
YQ  is  in  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact,  it  can  meet  the  plane 
of  the  conic  only  in  their  intersection,  the  directrix  EX ;  but  as 
MN  is  parallel  to  VY,  a  plane  may  pass  through  VY,  VQN,  and 
NM ;  hence  NM  must  meet  YQ ;  and  as  it  lies  in  the  plane  of  the 
conic,  it  can  only  meet  it  in  the  directrix  RX. 

Now  as  the  triangles  M  Q  N  and  V  Y  Q  are  similar, 
NQ :  NM= VQ  :  VY.  But  NQ=NF,  since  Q  and  F  are  points  on 
the  same  sphere;  therefore  NF  :  NM  =  VQ  :  VY=VC  :  VY,  since 
VQ  is  equal  to  VC.  But  VC  has  a  constant  ratio  to  VY  inde- 
pendently of  the  position  of  the  point  N;  therefore  NM  has  a 
constant  ratio  to  NF. 

This  is  the  theorem  which  has  been  made  by  De  la  Hire,  and  by 
others  since  his  time,  the  basis  of  a  system  of  conies  in  a  plane. 

Cor.  i.  When  the  vertical  plane  touches  the  cone,  as  when  the 
conic  is  a  parabola,  VC=VY,  consequently  NF  =  NM. 

Cor.  ii.  When  the  conic  is  an  ellipse,  VY  is  greater  than  VC,  or 
NM  is  greater  than  NF ;  when  VY  is  equal  to  VC,  NM  is  equal 
to  NF ;  when  V Y  is  less  than  VC,  or  when  the  vertical  plane  VY 
falls  within  the  cone,  or  NM  is  less  than  NF,  the  conic  is  an 

The  ratio  of  VC  the  side  of  the  cone  between  the  vertex  and  the 
circle  of  contact  to  the  perpendicular  VY  from  the  vertex  of  the 
cone  on  the  dirigent  YZ  is  called  the  eccentricity  of  the  conic,  and 
is  usually  denoted  by  e. 

260.]  If  from  any  point  in  a  conic  a  line  be  drawn  to  the  directrix 
parallel  to  the  straight  line  the  intersection  of  the  vertical  plane  with 
the  cone,  it  will  be  equal  to  the  focal  distance  of  the  same  point. 

Let  VP  be  the  intersection  of  the  vertical  plane  with  the  cone ; 
join  PQ ;  and  by  the  same  construction  and  demonstration  as  the 
preceding,  NF=NM,  since  VC  =  VP. 

Hence,  If  from  a  point  in  a  conic  a  line  be  drawn  to  the  directrix 
parallel  to  the  axis  of  a  parabola,  or  to  one  of  the  asymptotes  of  an 
hyperbola,  this  straight  line  will  be  equal  to  the  focal  distance  of  the 
same  point. 

261.]  The  major  axis  of  a  conic  is  equal  to  the  segment  of  a  »ide 
of  the  cone  intercepted  between  the  circles  of  contact. 

In  the  focal  triangle  ABC  the  base  AB  (that  is,  the  major  axis 



of  the  conic)  is  equal  to  the  segment  of  the  side  CB  intercepted 
between  A,  and  G,  the  points  of  contact  of  the  side  CB  with  the 
inscribed  circles  (see  fig.  29).  But  these  are  great  circles  of  the 
focal  spheres  which  touch  the  plane  of  the  conic  in  its  foci  F  and  Fr 

262.]  The  sum  or  difference  of  the  focal  distances  of  any  point  in 
a  conic — the  sum,  if  an  ellipse,  the  difference,  if  the  conic  be  an 
hyperbola — is  constant,  and  equal  to  the  portion  of  the  side  of  the  cone 
intercepted  between  the  circles  of  contact  (that  is,  to  the  major  axis}. 

Let  VQNQ/  be  a  side  of  the  cone  touching  the  focal  spheres  in 
the  points  Q,,  Q,  and  passing  through  N  a  point  on  the  conic. 
Then,  as  Q,  and  F  are  points  on  the  same  sphere,  NF  =  NO, ;  so  also 

Fig.  47. 

Therefore  NF  +  NF,  is  equal  to  QGL,,  the  portion  of  a  side  of  the 
cone  intercepted  between  the  circles  of  contact. 

In  the  last  proposition  it  was  shown  that  this  segment  of  the  side 
of  the  cone  is  equal  to  the  major  axis  of  the  conic.  Therefore  the 
sum  of  the  focal  vectors  of  an  ellipse  is  equal  to  its  major  axis. 



In  the  case  of  the  hyperbola  (fig.  48),  since  NF  is  equal  to  NQ 
and  NF,  equal  to  NQ,,  therefore  NF,— NF  is  equal  to  QQ,  the 
segment  of  the  side  VN  of  the  cone  intercepted  between  the  circles 
of  contact. 

Fig.  48. 

Cor.  i.]  The  distance  between  the  directrices  is  equal  to  that 
portion  of  the  major  or  transverse  axis  intercepted  between  the  planes 
of  the  circles  of  contact  (see  fig.  47) . 

The  ratio  of  the  major  axis  of  the  conic  to  the  distance  between 
the  directrices  is  as  e  :  1. 

For,  in  fig.  46,  NM  :  NF= VY  :  VC ;  so  also  with  respect  to  the 
other  directrix  NM,  :  NF,  =  VY  :  VC. 

Therefore        NM  +  NM, :  NF  +  NF,= V Y  :  VC. 

But  NM  +  NM,  is  the  distance  between  the  directrices,  and 
NF  +  NF,  is  equal  to  AB  the  major  axis;  therefore  the  distance 
between  the  directrices  is  to  the  major  axis  as  1  :  e. 

Cor.  ii.]  In  the  same  way  it  maybe  shown  that  the  distance  between 
the  dirigents  is  equal  to  the  distance  between  the  directrices. 

VOL.  ii.  2  z 

354  ON  CONICS. 

Cor.  iii.]  The  distance  between  the  foci  is  equal  to  the  difference 
between  the  sides  of  the  cone  terminated  in  the  extremities  of  the 
major  axis,  namely  VB  and  VA. 

In  the  hyperbola  we  have  VB-f  VA=FF;  (see  fig.  48). 
263.]    The  rectangle  under  the  radii  of  the  focal  spheres  is  equal  to 
the  rectangle  under  the  focal  distances  of  the  vertices  of  the  conic. 
Let  R  and  R,  be  the  radii  of  the  inscribed  spheres,  w  and  fl  their 
centres.     The  triangles  B«oF  and  HBF/  are  similar,  since  the  angle 
o>BF  =  BnF.     Therefore  RR,=  BF, .  BF ;  but  BF,= AF. 
Therefore  RR,=AF  .  BF  (see  fig.  29). 

264.]  Planes  which  intersect  in  a  tangent  to  a  conic  and  pass 
through  the  centres  of  the  focal  spheres  are  at  right  angles. 

It  is  evident  that  the  dihedral  angle  between  the  plane  of  the 
conic  and  the  tangent  plane  to  the  cone  which  contains  the  tangent 
to  the  conic  is  bisected  by  the  plane  passing  through  the  tangent 
their  intersection  and  the  centre  of  the  sphere  which  touches 
these  two  planes ;  for  this  point  is  equidistant  from  the  planes  of  the 
section  and  tangent  plane. 

In  like  manner  the  supplement  of  this  dihedral  angle  is  bisected 
by  the  plane  which  passes  through  this  tangent  and  the  centre  of 
the  other  focal  sphere.  Hence  planes  drawn  through  the  centres  of 
the  focal  spheres  and  a  tangent  to  the  conic  are  at  right  angles. 

265.]  If  perpendiculars  are  drawn  from  the  foci  of  a  conic  on  a 
tangent  to  the  curve,  the  rectangle  under  these  perpendiculars  is  equal 
to  the  rectangle  under  the  radii  of  the  focal  spheres ;  that  is,  PP,  =  RRr 
Let  FP  (fig.  49)  be  the  perpendicular  from  the  focus  F  on  the 
tangent  PQ.  Join  «P,  and  erect  the  perpendicular  PN  to  the  plane 
of  the  conic ;  it  is  parallel  to  <oF,  and  is  therefore  in  the  plane  PtuF'; 
and  as  QP  is  perpendicular  to  FP  by  construction,  and  to  PN,  it  is 
perpendicular  to  the  plane  which  passes  through  them — that  is,  to 
the  plane  PNtuF.  Consequently  the  angle  FPta  is  the  measure  of 
the  dihedral  angle  between  the  plane  of  the  conic  and  the  plane 
which  passes  through  the  tangent  to  it  and  the  centre  &>  of  the  focal 
sphere.  Let  this  angle  be  w,  we  shall  have,  since  wFP  is  a  right  angle, 
R  =  Ptan«r;  and  as  the  angle  between  the  plane  of  the  conic  and  the 
plane  passing  through  the  tangent  QP  and  the  centre  fl  of  the 
other  focal  sphere  is  the  complement  of  the  former,  we  shall  have 
R,  =  P,  cot  «r,  or  RR,=PP . 



Fig.  49. 

266.]  The  locus  of  the  feet  of  perpendiculars  let  fall  from  the  foci 
of  a  conic  on  a  tangent  to  the  curve  is  a  circle  (see  fig.  50). 

Since  the  angle  o>PQ  is  a  right  angle,  see  last  section,  and 
the  planes  o>PQ,  HPQ,  are  at  right  angles,  wPfl  is  also  a  right 
angle;  therefore  the  sphere  described  on  G>£},  the  line  which  joins 
the  centres  of  the  focal  spheres,  will  pass  through  the  points  P,  p, 
and  also  through  the  points  A  and  B,  since  12 15o>  and  o)AH  arc 
right  angles.  But  the  points  P,  p,  A,  B  are  also  in  a  plane,  namely 
that  of  the  conic.  Hence  they  lie  in  the  intersection  of  a  plane 
and  a  sphere — that  is,  a  circle. 

Let  Am,  Bra  be  the  lines  in  which  the  plane  of  the  conic  intersects 
the  tangent  planes  along  the  sides  of  the  cone  VA,  VB.  Now  t  hrsr 
planes  are  perpendicular  to  the  focal  plane  passing  through  the 
axis  of  the  cone,  which  is  also  a  diametral  plane  of  the  sphere  whose 
diameter  is  o>ft ;  therefore  these  lines  are  tangents  to  the  sphere ; 
and  as  they  are  parallel,  the  line  which  joins  their  points  of  contact 
A,  B  is  a  diameter  of  the  circle.  The  locus  of  the  feet  of  the  per- 
pendiculars is  therefore  a  circle  whose  diameter  is  the  major  axis 
of  the  conic. 



Fig.  50. 

267.]  A  tangent  to  a  conic  makes  equal  angles  with  the  focal  vector 
and  the  side  of  the  cone  passing  through  thepoint  of  contact  (see  fig. 51). 

In  the  tangent  mM.n,  through  which  the  tangent  plane  VQnMmQ, 
passes,  assume  any  point  m ;  draw  m¥,  and  mQ,  to  the  point  Q  where 
the  side  VM  of  the  cone  meets  the  circle  of  contact  CQC/.  Then 
in  the  triangles  mMQandmMFthe  side  wF  =  mQ,;  soalsoMF  =  MQ; 
and  Mm  is  common  to  the  two  triangles ;  hence  these  triangles  are 
equal,  and  therefore  the  angles  FMw  and  QMm  are  equal.  In  the 
same  manner  the  angles  FjMra  and  QtMn  are  equal. 


Fig.  51. 


The  angles  which  the  focal  vectors  make  with  a  tangent  to  the  curve 
at  the  point  of  contact  are  equal. 

The  angle  FMm  is  equal  to  the  angle  QMw ;  and  the  angle  FyMn 
is  equal  to  the  angle  QyMw.  But  the  angle  QMm  is  equal  to  the 
angle  Q,Mn  as  they  are  vertically  opposite  angles,  the  angles  which 
the  side  of  the  cone  makes  with  the  tangent  to  the  curve.  Hence 
the  angles  FMw  and  F,Mn  are  equal. 

268.]  The  directrix  is  the  polar  of  the  focus,  or  the  locus  of  the 
intersection  of  every  pair  of  tangents  whose  chord  of  contact  passes 
through  the  focus  (see  fig.  52). 

Through  VF,  the  line  which  joins  the  vertex  V  of  the  cone  with 
the  focus  F,  let  a  plane  be  drawn,  cutting  the  plane  of  the  conic  in 
the  line  BAD  and  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact  in  the  points 
C,CD.  As  D  is  a  point  in  the  plane  of  the  conic  and  in  the  plane 
of  the  circle  of  contact,  D  must  be  on  the  directrix. 



Fig.  52. 

Now  as  the  two  sides  of  the  cone  VA,  VB  and  the  line  AB  in 
which  this  plane  cuts  the  plane  of  the  conic  constitute  a  triangle  in 
which  the  circle  FCCy  a  section  of  the  focal  sphere  is  inscribed,  the 
lines  AC,,  VF,  and  BC  will  meet  in  a  point.  As  in  the  triangles 
DAC  and  DBC  the  angle  at  D  is  common,  and  the  angle  DCA  is 
supplemental  to  the  angle  DC;B, 

DA  :  AC=DB  :  BC;;  but  AC=AF,  and  BC,=BF; 

therefore  DA  :  DB=AF  :  BF,  or  VB,  VF,  VA,  VD  constitute  an 
harmonic  pencil.  And  as  this  proof  will  hold  good  for  any  plane 
drawn  through  the  focus  and  the  vertex  of  the  cone,  it  is  clear  that 
the  directrix  is  the  polar  of  the  focus. 

Cor.  Join  Da  and  produce  it  to  m.  Then  mn  is  harmonically 
divided  in  D  and  a ;  and  therefore  ma  :  an=mD  :  T)n.  VC  and  VC, 
are  tangents  to  the  circle ;  therefore  Da  is  also  a  tangent. 


269.]  If  any  chord  of  a  conic  be  drawn  and  produced  to  meet  the 
directrix,  and  from  the  corresponding  focus  two  lines  be  drawn,  one 
to  the  intersection  of  the  tangents  drawn  to  the  ends  of  the  chord, 
the  other  to  the  intersection  of  this  chord  with  the  directrix,  these 
two  lines  will  be  at  right  angles  to  each  other  (see  fig.  53) . 

Let  the  chord  mn  meet  the  directrix  DX  in  the  point  Y  ;  draw 
the  tangents  mT,  wT  meeting  in  T.  Draw  the  tangent  planes 
VmT,  VwT  whose  lines  of  contact  with  the  cone  meet  the  circle  of 
contact  in  the  points  a,  c.  Join  a,  c ;  also  T  F,  F  Y ;  the  angle 
TFY  is  a  right  angle. 

Join  TY,  and  let  a  plane  be  drawn  through  TY  touching  the 
focal  sphere  in  the  point  S.  As  TY  is  in  the  plane  of  the  conic 
which  touches  the  focal  sphere  in  F,  the  line  SF  is  the  conjugate 

Fig.  53. 

360  ON  CONICS. 

polar  of  the  line  TY ;  and  as  Y  is  a  point  in  the  line  TY,  the  polar 
plane  of  the  point  Y  will  pass  through  FS  the  conjugate  polar  of 
TY ;  and  as  Fe  is  the  conjugate  polar  of  the  directrix  in  which  Y  is 
a  point  (see  fig.  52),  the  polar  plane  of  Y  will  also  pass  through  Ye. 
Hence  the  plane  which  passes  through  FS  andFe  is  the  polar  plane 
of  the  point  Y.  This  plane  will  also  pass  through  the  point  T ;  for 
as  the  point  T  is  in  the  intersection  of  the  tangent  planes  to  the 
cone  VmT  and  VnT,  the  polar  plane  of  T  will  pass  through  the  chord 
a  c ;  and  as  this  chord  is  in  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact,,  it 
must  meet  the  directrix  which  also  lies  in  the  plane  of  the  circle  of 
contact;  for  otherwise  it  would  be  parallel  to  it,  and  then  the  directrix 
could  never  meet  the  secant  plane  Vmn,  contrary  to  hypothesis. 
Therefore  the  chord  ac  of  the  circle  of  contact  meets  the  directrix 
in  the  point  Y ;  therefore  the  polar  plane  of  T  passes  through  Y ; 
therefore  T  is  a  point  in  the  plane  FSe;  and  therefore  STis  a  tangent 
to  the  base  of  the  cone  whose  vertex  is  at  Y,  and  which  touches  the 
focal  sphere  in  the  points  FSe.  Consequently  YST  is  a  right  angle. 
Now  in  the  triangles  YTF  and  YTS,  YF  is  equal  to  YS,  TF  is  equal 
to  TS,  and  YT  is  common ;  therefore  the  angle  YFT  is  equal  to  the 
angle  YST.  But  YST  is  a  right  angle ;  and  therefore  YFT  is  a  right 

270.]  If  a  line  be  drawn  from  the  focus  to  the  pole  of  a  focal 
chord,  it  will  be  at  right  angles  to  it. 

For,  by  the  preceding  proposition,  when  the  chord  mn  passes 
through  F  the  focus,  the  point  T,  the  intersection  of  the  tangents 
mT,  wT  will  be  found  on  the  directrix,  and  the  equal  angles  mFT, 
nFT  become  right  angles. 

271.]  If  a  focal  chord  be  drawn  perpendicular  to  the  axis,  and  a 
tangent  to  the  curve  be  drawn  at  its  extremity,  it  will  cut  off  from  the 
tangent  to  the  vertex  of  the  curve  a  portion  equal  to  the  distance  of 
the  vertex  of  the  curve  from  the  focus  (see  fig.  54) . 

Through  F  draw  the  ordinate  FP,  and  through  the  point  P  a 
tangent  meeting  in  S  the  vertical  tangent  Am  drawn  through  A; 
AS  is  equal  to  AF. 

AS  :  AD  =  FP  :  FD  ;  but  FP  :  FD=VG  :  VU,  as  in  sec.  [259], 
and  VG  :  VU  =  AG  :  AD.  Therefore  AS  is  equal  to  AG=AF. 

Therefore  AS  :  AD=AG  :  AD ;  hence  AS=AG=AF. 

Letjflbe  the  semiangle  of  the  cone,  and  i  the  inclination  of  the  plane 
of  the  conic  to  the  axis  of  the  cone ;  then  VCy  =  VUcosi=VGcos0; 

.     VG  cos  i 

consequently         =  '  =         ' 


Fig.  54. 

272.]  If  two  tangents  be  drawn  to  a  conic,  the  line  connecting 
their  point  of  meeting  with  a  focus  bisects  the  angle  contained  by  the 
focal  vectors  drawn  from  this  focus  to  the  points  of  contact  (see  fig.  55) . 

Let  Tm,  Tw  be  tangents  to  the  conic  at  the  points  m  and  n,  and 
meeting  in  T.  JoinTF;  thenTF  bisects  the  angle  wF».  Through  Tm, 
Tn  let  tangent  planes  to  the  cone  be  drawn  touching  it  in  the  sides 
Vm,  Vtt,  and  therefore  touching  the  sphere  in  the  points  Q  and  Qr 
Join  Vt,  TQ,  and  TQ;.  Then  in  the  triangles  TVQ  and  TVQ, 
since  VQ=VQ,,  TQ  =  TQ/,  and  VT  common,  the  angle  VQT  is 
equal  to  the  angle  VQ,T,  and  their  supplements  arc  therefore  equal ; 
that  is,  the  angle  TQw  is  equal  to  the  angle  TQ,n.  Now  wF  is  equal 
to  wQ,  TQ  is  equal  to  TF,  and  Tw  is  common ;  therefore  in  the 
triangles  TmQ.  and  TmF  the  angle  TQw  is  equal  to  the  angle  TFm. 
In  the  same  way  the  angle  TQ^  may  be  proved  equal  to  the  angle 
TFw ;  consequently  the  angles  TFw  and  TFn  arc  equa'. 

VOL.   II. 



Fig.  55. 

273.]  If  from  the  intersections  X,  Y,  of  the  tangents  Tm,  Tn  with 
the  directrix  YDX,  focal  chords  XF,  YF  be  drawn,  they  will  make 
equal  angles  with  the  focal  chord  FT. 

Since  X  is  the  pole  of  mF,  wzFX  is  a  right  angle ;  and  since  Y  is 
the  pole  of  J?n,  wFY  is  a  right  angle.  But  the  angle  TFw  is  equal 
to  the  angle  TFw ;  therefore  the  angle  TFX  is  equal  to  the  angle 



274.]  If  from  the  intersection  of  two  tangents  to  a  conic,  chords  be 
drawn  to  the  two  foci,  they  will  make  equal  angles  with  the  tangents. 

Let  Tm,  Tn  (fig.  56)  be  the  tangents  to  the  conic,  meeting  in  T. 
Let  the  tangent  planes  VmT,  VnT  be  drawn,  touching  the  cone 
along  the  sides  VQwQ,,  Vtmw,,  and  draw  TF,  TF,.  The  angles 
FTn  and  F,Tw  are  equal.  Join  Fw,  Ypn. 

Now  as  TF,  is  equal  to  TQ,  since  they  are  tangents  to  the  same 
sphere,  and  mF,  for  the  same  reason  is  equal  to  wQ/,  and  mT  is 
common,  the  triangles  TwF,  and  TwQ,  are  equal,  and  therefore 
the  angle  F/Tw  is  equal  to  the  angle  Q/Tm. 

364  ON  CONICS. 

In  the  same  way,  as  TF  is  equal  to  TQ,  Fm  equal  to  mQ,,  and 
Tw  common,  the  angle  TmF  is  equal  to  the  angle  TwQ,. 

Hence  the  angles  Q/Tm  and  mTF  are  together  equal  to  QTQ/ ; 
or,  as  the  angle  G/Tm  is  equal  to  the  angle  F/Tm,  twipe  the  angle 
F/Tm  together  with  the  angle  F/TF  are  equal  to  the  angle  G/TQ. 
For  the  same  reason  twice  the  angle  FTra  with  the  angle  F/TF  are 
equal  to  the  angle  uTur  But  as  TQ,  is  equal  to  Tu,,  TO,  equal 
to  Tu,  and  QQ,  is  equal  to  uuf,  the  triangles  TQ/Q,  and  Tuut  are 
equal ;  therefore  the  angle  Q.TQ,  is  equal  to  the  angle  uTu,. 
Therefore  twice  the  angle  FyTm  with  the  angle  F/TF  are  equal  to 
twice  the  angle  FTw  with  the  angle  F/TF ;  taking  away  the  common 
angle  F/TF,  the  angle  FyTm  is  equal  to  the  angle  FTra. 

275.]  If  two  tangents  be  drawn  to  a  conic,  and  from  their  inter- 
section two  lines  be  drawn  to  the  points  where  the  tangent  plane  to 
the  cone  drawn  through  one  of  the  tangents  touches  the  focal  spheres, 
the  angle  contained  by  the  two  latter  lines  will  be  equal  to  the  angle 
between  the  tangents  (see  fig.  56)  *. 

The  angle  2F/Tm  together  with  the  angle  F/TF  are  equal  to  the 
angle  QTQr  But  the  angle  F/Tm  is  equal  to  the  angle  FTn.  Hence 
the  angles  F/Tm  +  FTw  +  F/TF  are  together  equal  to  QTQ,. 

But  the  angle  between  the  tangents  is  made  up  of  the  component 
angles  F/Tm  +  FTw  +  F/TF.  Therefore  the  angle  between  the  tan- 
gents to  the  conic  is  equal  to  the  angle  QTQr 

It  is  a  matter  of  indifference  through  which  of  the  tangents  to 
the  conic  the  tangent  plane  to  the  cone  be  drawn ;  for  the  angles 
QTQ,  and  uTu,  are  equal. 

276.]  If  a  tangent  plane  be  drawn  to  the  cone,  meeting  two  parallel 
tangents  to  a  section  of  this  cone  in  the  points  m  and  n,  and  touching 
the  focal  spheres  in  the  points  Q  and  G,,  the  quadrilateral  QimQin 
may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle  (see  fig.  57). 

By  the  last  proposition  the  angle  TmN  is  equal  to  the  angle 
QmQ,,  and  T;wN  is  equal  to  QraQ, ;  therefore  the  angles  QmQy  and 
QnQ,,  are  together  equal  to  TmN  and  T^N.  But  as  the  tangents 
Tm  and  T,rc  are  parallel,  the  sum  of  the  angles  TmN  and  TywN  is 
equal  to  two  right  angles ;  therefore  the  sum  of  the  angles  QmQ; 
and  QwQ/  is  equal  to  two  right  angles,  or  the  quadrilateral  QmQ^ 
may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle. 

Cor.]  Since  Nm .  ~Nn  is  equal  to  NQ  .  NQy,  while  NO,  is  equal  to 
NF,  and  NQy  equal  to  NFy,  therefore  the  rectangle  under  the  seg- 
ments of  a  tangent  between  its  point  of  contact  and  its  intersections 
by  two  parallel  tangents  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under  the  focal 
chords  drawn  through  the  point  of  contact. 

*  This  is  perhaps  the  most  important  proposition  in  the  theory  of  conies 
derived  from  the  cone. 


Fig.  57. 


277.]  If  two  fixed  tangents  be  drawn  to  a  conic,  and  a  third  tangent 
variable  in  position,  the  segment  of  this  latter  tangent  between  the 
two  former  will  subtend  angles  at  the  foci  whose  sum  is  constant  and 
equal  to  the  supplement  of  the  angle  contained  by  the  two  fixed 
tangents  (see  fig.  58). 

Let  Tw,  Tn  be  the  two  fixed  tangents  touching  the  conic  in  the 
points  m,  n.  Let  *Sr  be  the  variable  tangent  touching  the  conic  in 
S  and  cutting  the  fixed  tangents  in  /  and  r.  The  tangent  fr  will 
subtend  at  the  foci  F,  F,  angles  whose  sum  is  constant,  and  equal 
to  the  supplement  of  the  angle  at  T. 



Fig.  58. 

The  vertex  of  the  cone  is  omitted  from  tie  figure. 

Through  tsr  let  a  tangent  plane  VQtSrGt,  to  the  cone  be  drawn 
touching  the  focal  spheres  in  the  points  Q,,  Qy,  cutting  the  fixed 
tangents  to  the  conic  Tm,  Tn  in  the  points  t,  r,  and  touching  the 
conic  in  S.  Join  tQ,  rQ,,  tQ.,,  rQr  By  sec.  [275]  the  angle  mtS 
is  equal  to  the  angle  QtQ.,,  and  the  angle  m-S  is  equal  to  the  angle 
QrQv.  Now  these  two  external  angles  of  the  triangle  Ttr  together 
with  the  external  angle  at  T  are  equal  to  four  right  angles  ;  and  the 
four  angles  of  the  quadrilateral  Q/Q/r  are  also  equal  to  four  right 
angles.  But  two  of  the  angles  of  this  quadrilateral  QrQy  and  Q7d/ 
have  been  shown  to  be  equal  to  the  external  angles  of  the  triangle 
tTr ',  therefore  the  remaining  two  tQ,T  and  /Q;r  must  be  equal  to  the 
external  angle  at  T. 

Now,  in  the  triangles  tQr  and  tYr,  since  tQ,  is  equal  to  t~F,  and 
rQ  is  equal  to  rF,  since  the  points  Q  and  F  are  on  the  same  sphere, 
and  tr  is  common,  the  triangle  tQ,r  is  equal  to  the  triangle  t¥r}  and 
therefore  the  angle  tQ,r  is  equal  to  the  angle  tFr.  The  same  may 



be  shown  for  the  other  focus.  Hence  the  angle  Q,  of  the  quadri- 
lateral is  equal  to  the  focal  angle  at  F,  and  the  other  angle  Q,  of 
the  quadrilateral  is  equal  to  the  angle  at  Fy. 

Hence  the  sum  of  the  angles  which  tr  subtends  at  the  foci  is 
equal  to  the  supplement  of  the  angle  T. 

Cor.]  When  the  fixed  tangents  are  parallel,  we  get  the  theorem 
in  sec.  [276] . 

278.]  Two  tangents  are  drawn  to  a  conic ;  a  perpendicular  drawn 
to  the  chord  of  these  tangents  from  their  point  of  meeting  will  cut 
the  major  axis  in  a  point  which  with  the  two  foci  and  the  intersection 
of  the  chord  with  this  axis  will  be  four  harmonic  points. 

Through  F  the  focus  of  the  conic  let  the  diameter  of  the  focal 
sphere  be  drawn  meeting  its  surface  in  G ;  the  focal  vertical  VG  will 
meet  the  major  axis  in  the  other  focus  ¥,,  see  def.  xv.  Draw 

Fig.  59. 

the  plane  Vmnc  cutting  the  focal  sphere  in  a  circle  zpv,  and  let 
this  plane  cut  the  focal  diameter  FG  in  O.     Let  T  be  the  inter- 

368  ON  CONICS. 

section  of  the  tangents  Tw,  Tn.  Then  U  the  vertex  of  the  cone 
zfiv\]  is  on  VT,  since  the  tangent  planes  meet  in  VT.  The  polar 
plane  of  the  point  O  is  a  plane  drawn  through  U  parallel  to  the 
plane  of  the  conic.  Let  this  plane  meet  FG-  in  Q.  Join  VQ, 
meeting  the  major  axis  in  <BT.  Through  T-sr  let  a  line  be  drawn, 
meeting  the  chord  mn  in  u ;  this  line  will  be  at  right  angles  to  the 
chord  mn.  Then,  as  the  plane  through  U  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the 
conic  is  the  polar  plane  of  O,  QF :  FO  =  QG  :  GO.  Through  O  let 
a  plane  be  drawn  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the  conic  and  cutting  the 
sphere  in  the  line  Os.  This  line  Os  will  be  parallel  to  the  chord  mn. 

Let  this  lesser  circle  be  the  base  of  a  cone  whose  vertex  is  at  Q, 
on  the  plane  through  U  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the  conic. 

Now  the  line  UQ,  which  joins  the  vertices  of  the  cones,  is  the 
harmonic  conjugate  of  the  line  O*,  in  which  the  bases  of  the  two 
cones  intersect.  Hence  UQ  is  at  right  angles  to  O*.  But  UQ  is 
parallel  to  Tu,  since  they  are  in  parallel  planes ;  and  sO  is  parallel 
to  the  chord  mn.  Hence  mn  is  at  right  angles  to  Tu.  Since 
GO  :OF=GQ  :  QF,  therefore  (as  the  vertical  focal  VG  passes 
through  Fy)  VF/}  Vc,  VF,  V-GT  constitute  an  harmonic  pencil; 
therefore  F,c  :  Fc  =  F/5i  :F-sj. 

When  mn  passes  through  F,  c  and  «r  coincide  with  the  chord  F, 
and  TF  is  perpendicular  to  the  focal  chord  as  shown  in  sec.  [273] . 

Hence  also  it  follows  that  uc  bisects  the  angle  F,u¥,  which  is  one 
of  the  most  general  theorems  in  conies,  and  may  be  given  in  the 
following  form : — 

If  two  rectangular  axes  are  drawn  in  the  plane  of  a  conic,  so  that 
the  pole  of  the  one  may  be  a  point  on  the  other,  the  lines  drawn  from 
their  intersection  to  the  foci  will  make  equal  angles  with  these  axes. 

279.]  If  any  point  be  assumed  in  the  plane  of  a  conic,  and  tangents 
be  drawn  from  this  point  to  the  curve,  the  rectangle  under  the  focal 
distances  of  this  point  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under  the  major  axis 
and  a  perpendicular  from  this  point  on  a  focal  chord  drawn  through 
a  point  of  contact  divided  by  the  sine  of  the  angle  between  the  tangents, 

or  TF, .  TF=-J^5-  (see  fig.  56). 


Since  TF=TQ  and  TF,=TQ,,  therefore  TF .  TF, .  sin  wTra  is  the 
area  of  the  triangle  QTQ, ;  but  this  area  is  also  equal  to  QQ,  ( =  2a) 
multiplied  by  the  perpendicular  drawn  from  T  to  QQy.  This  perpen- 
dicular it  may  easily  be  shown  is  equal  to  the  perpendicular  from  T 
drawn  to  the  focal  chord  mY. 

Cor.]  Hence  all  the  perpendiculars  let  fall  from  T  on  the  focal 
chords  are  equal.  Consequently,  if  any  two  points  be  assumed  on  a 
conic  section,  and  two  focal  chords  be  drawn  through  each,  the  centre 
of  the  circle  described  touching  these  four  chords  will  be  on  the  inter- 
section of  the  tangents  touching  the  curve  in  the  two  given  points. 


Fig.  60. 

280.]  If  a  sphere  be  described  about  that  portion  of  the  cone  cut 
off' by  the  circle  of  contact,  the  semiparameter  is  a  third  proportional 
to  the  side  of  the  cone  cut  off  by  the  sphere,  and  the  tangent  from  the 
focus  to  this  sphere. 

Let  CwDQQ,  be  the  circle  of  contact,  which  is  also  the  common 
intersection  of  the  focal  sphere  with  the  circumscribing  sphere 

Draw  the  ordinate  Fa  perpendicular  to  the  axis  AB ;  through  V 
and  a  draw  a  side  of  the  cone  Va  meeting  the  circle  of  contact  in 
the  point  u,  touching  the  focal  sphere  in  n,  and  meeting  the  cir- 
cumscribed sphere  in  V  and  u. 

Then  Va .  au  =l?aa  +  FV .  F#,  since  Fa  is  perpendicular  to  F* . 
Now  Va  =  au  +  VM  =  Fa  +  VC ;  for  Fa  and  au  are  tangents_to  the  same 
focal  sphere.  Therefore  au  =  Fa ;  hence  (Fa  +  VC)  Fa  =  Fa1  +  FV.  FJT. 

VOL.  ii.  SB 

370  ON  CONICS. 

But  FV.F#=FT2  ;    consequently  VC  .  F«=FT2,  or  the  semipara- 

meter  F«=^^. 

281.]  The  semiparameter  is  equal  to  the  perpendicular  distance 
between  the  plane  of  the  section  and  the  vertical  polar  plane,  multi- 
plied by  the  tangent  of  the  semiangle  of  the  cone. 

Through  the  focus  F  let  a  perpendicular  be  drawn  to  the  plane 
of  the  conic,  meeting  the  sphere  circumscribed  to  the  cone  VCD  in 
the  point  P.  This  line  passes  through  S  the  centre  of  the  focal 
sphere  ;  and  as  this  point  S  is  on  the  diameter  VS  of  the  circum- 
scribed sphere,  VPS  is  a  right  angle,  or  VP  is  the  intersection  of 
the  vertical  polar  plane  with  this  sphere.  Consequently  FP  is  the 
perpendicular  distance  between  the  planes.  Now  FT2  =  FS  .  FP. 
But  FS  —r,  the  radius  of  the  focal  sphere  ;  and  20  being  the  vertical 

angle  of  the  cone,  tan0=;  therefore  FT2=FP  .  VC  tan  6. 

But  in  the  preceding  proposition  it  was  shown  that  ^L=^T; 

therefore  £L=Ptan  6,  writing  P  for  FP. 


Cor.  i.l  Since  P  tan  6——,  and  the  area  of  the  ellipse  is  irab,  the 

volume  of  the  cone  which  stands  on  the  ellipse  as  base  is  ^irb3  cot  6. 

Cor.  ii.]  If  a  sphere  be  described  with  the  vertex  of  the  cone  as 
centre,  all  the  plane  sections  of  this  cone  which  touch  this  sphere 
have  equal  parameters. 

282.]  Twice  the  rectangle  under  the  segments  of  any  focal  chord 
is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under  this  focal  chord  and  the  semiparameter. 

Let  the  segments  of  the  focal  chord  mFn  (fig.  61)  be/  and  /;,  and 
let  c  be  the  distance  from  the  vertex  of  the  cone  to  a  point  C  on  the 
circle  of  contact.  Through  the  vertex  V  of  the  cone  and  the  focal 
chord  m¥n  or/+/;  let  the  plane  VamFweV  pass,  intersecting  the 
cone  in  the  triangle  Vmw  and  the  focal  sphere  in  the  circle  aFeQ,,  of 
which  the  radius  is  p.  From  s  the  centre  of  the  focal  sphere  draw 
the  perpendicular  sx  on  VF.  The  plane  through  sx  perpendicular 
to  VF  will  pass  through  x  the  centre  of  the  circle  made  by  the  above 
secant  plane  whose  radius  is  p. 

Now  f=m$  =  ma,  fl  =  nY  =  ne,  and  VC=VGw=c. 

The  following  are  well  known  expressions  for  the  area  of  the 
triangle  Nmn  circumscribing  the  circle  Q,GltFa  :  — 

Uf+f,  +  Wf]*=(f+fi  +  JP  =  i(f+ftP,  ...  (a) 
p  being  the  perpendicular  from  V  the  vertex  of  the  cone  on  the 
plane  of  the  conic.  But,  by  similar  triangles,  VF  :  p^=¥st  or  p  :  F#. 


Hence  j»=VF  .  —  ,  and  x  is  a  point  on  the  circumscribing 
sphere  (see  fig.  60). 



Multiplying  together  the  two  latter  values  for  the  area,  and 
equating  the  product  with  the  square  of  the  former,  we  shall  have 

Now    ja 


therefore  2$  =  (/+/,)  ^. 

=  VF  .  — ,   while    c  =  VC ;    and   the   semiparameter 


— ,  as  in  the  last  section  ;  consequently  2fft=:  (/+/y)  (£L). 

Fig.  61. 

283.]  To  find  the  locus  of  the  intersection  of  pairs  of  tangents  to 
a  conic,  meeting  at  a  given  angle  (see  fig.  62). 

Draw  any  tangent  plane  VQmQjE  to  the  cone,  and  on  the  line 
Q.Q,,  equal  to  the  major  axis  of  the  conic,  and  in  this  tangent  plane, 
let  a  segment  of  a  circle  be  described  capable  of  containing  the 
given  angle.  Let  a  solid  be  generated  by  the  revolution  of  this 
tangent  plane  to  the  cone  carrying  the  circular  segment  with  it  as 
described  in  this  plane  on  the  chord  QQr 



The  intersection  of  this  solid  (which  may  be  called  the  cono- 
spheroid)  with  the  plane  of  the  conic  will  be  the  required  locus. 

In  this  curve  of  intersection  assume  any  point  E ;  draw  the 
tangents  Em,  Ew  to  the  conic.  They  will  contain  the  angle  niEn. 
But  this  angle  is  equal  to  the  angle  Q,EQ/  by  the  theorem  estab- 
lished in  sec.  [275] . 

It  is  evident  that  this  solid  will  consist  of  two  sheets,  the  one 

ON  CONICS.  373 

described  by  that  segment  of  the  generating  circle  which  contains 
the  given  angle,  and  which  has  QQy  for  its  chord  ;  the  other  will  be 
described  by  the  remaining  segment  of  the  circle,  which  contains 
the  supplement  of  the  given  angle.  It  is  plain  that  the  two  sheets 
of  this  conospheroid  meet  in  the  two  circles  of  contact  of  the  focal 
spheres  with  the  cone. 

Every  plane  section  of  the  conospheroid  at  right  angles  to  the  axis 
of  the  cone  is  a  circle. 

From  the  point  E  draw  Er  at  right  angles  to  the  side  of  the  cone 
VQQ;,  and  draw  rs  at  right  angles  to  the  line  VQQ/  until  it  meets 
the  axis  of  the  cone  in  s.  Then,  as  Er,  rs  are  each  at  right  angles 
to  the  side  VQQ,/  the  plane  Er*  will  be  perpendicular  to  the  side 
of  the  cone  VQ,Qr  Therefore  the  axis  of  the  cone  makes  a  constant 
angle  with  this  plane  *rE.  E  is  therefore  on  the  surface  of  a  right 
cone  whose  vertex  is  s  and  axis  *V  ;  and  *E  is  constant,  since 
Esa  =  *r2  +  Er2,  each  of  which  is  constant.  Consequently,  E  being 
on  the  surface  of  a  right  cone,  and  at  a  constant  distance  from  the 
vertex,  E  must  describe  a  circle  at  the  distance  *E  from  the  vertex 
of  this  cone. 

The  protective  equation  of  the  conospheroid  may  be  found  from 
the  genesis  of  the  surface. 

Let  6  be  the  semiangle  of  the  cone,  p  the  perpendicular  from  the 
centre  of  the  generating  circle  on  the  chord  2a.  Let  2s  be  the  sum 
of  the  radii  of  the  circles  of  contact.  Let  the  origin  of  coordinates 
be  taken  on  the  axis  of  the  cone  equidistant  from  the  planes  of  the 
circles  of  contact  ;  let  the  plane  perpendicular  to  this  axis  be  taken 
as  the  plane  of  xy,  and  the  plane  of  the  focal  triangle  as  the  plane 
of  xz. 

Then  it  will  not  be  difficult  to  show  that  the  projective  equation 
of  the  conospheroid  is 

#2  +  y9  +  z*.  -  8s  +  aa  +  2p«  -  2sz  tan  0  ±  2p  (a2  +j»8  -  sec2  0s*)  *.    (a) 
The  volume  V  of  this  surface  is 

V  =  2irr  [f  r*  +  **  +  *r  tan  0  +p*  ±  ±irr  cos  0]  ; 
Vy  and  VM  being  the  volumes  of  the  two  sheets, 

an  equation  of  the  fourth  degree,  as  it  evidently  should  be  ; 

r=  Va2+J92  is  tne  radius  of  the  generating  circle. 

Since  the  expression  for  the  difference  of  the  volumes  of  the  two 
sheets  does  not  contain  2*  the  sum  of  the  radii  of  the  circles  of 
contact,  it  will  follow  that  this  difference  will  depend  on  the  form 
but  not  on  the  magnitude  of  the  cone. 

284.]  We  shall  now  proceed  to  find  the  algebraical  equation 

374  ON  CONICS. 

of  the  curve  which  is  the  locus  of  the  vertex  of  a  constant  angle 
whose  sides  always  touch  a  conic. 

It  will  add  to  the  simplicity  of  the  investigation,  and  not  detract 
from  its  generality,  if  we  assume  a  right  circular  cylinder  instead 
of  a  cone  as  the  dirigent  surface. 

The  equation  of  the  conospheroid  as  given  in  (a)  is 

xz  +  y*  +  z*=  a2  +  s*  +  2j»2  -  2sz  tan  6  ±  2p  (a2  +pz  -  z*  sec2  6}  *; 

but  when  the  cone  becomes  a  cylinder,  20  its  vertical  angle  becomes 
0,  and  s=b,  where  b  is  the  radius  of  the  base  of  the  circular  cylinder. 
The  equation  of  the  conospheroid  now  becomes 

^  +  y2  +  r2=a2  +  62  +  2/>2±2??(«2+j??2-^2)^      .     .     (b) 

Let  the  axis  of  the  conic  make  the  angle  <p  with  the  base  of  the 
cylinder,  the  axis  of  Y  continuing  unchanged.  Then  we  shall  have 

x  =#cos<  +  ,2'  sin<       z  =  xsm<  +  z  cos  <. 

But  as  we  require  only  the  equation  of  the  curve  in  which  these 
surfaces  intersect,  we  must  put  z(=Q  ;  and  then  x=oet  cos  <p, 
z=xt  sin  (p. 

Substituting  these  values  in  the  preceding  equation,  bearing  in 

a  a2 

mind  that  cos<p=T,  and  sin<p=e,  we  get,  since  tan2a=—  ,, 

b  p2 

4  [a  V  +  Px*  ~  «2&2]  =  l>2  +  y*  -  («2  +  *2)  ]  2  tan2  «.   .     (c)  * 
285.]   When  the  given  conic  is  a  parabola,  the  locus  of  the  vertex 

of  the  constant  angle  touching  the  parabola  is  an  hyperbola  (fig.  63). 
This  case  may  be  simply  proved  by  the  theorem  established  in 

sec.  [279]  . 

Let  p  and  pt  be  the  focal  distances  of  any  point  T  outside  a  conic, 

then  ppt=~  —  ,  where  a  is  the  angle  between  the  tangents  drawn  to 

the  conic  from  the  point  T. 

When  the  curve  is  a  parabola  py=2«  =  oo  . 

Hence  p=-¥—,      ........     (a) 


where  p  is  the  perpendicular  from  T  on  the  chord  Fm. 

From  the  point  T  let  tangents  TOT,  Tmt  be  drawn  to  the  parabola, 
containing  the  angle  a. 

Let  F  be  the  focus  of  the  parabola,  and  let  the  angle  FmT  be 
X-  Let  Tm=t,  TP=p,  FT=p,  the  angle  AFT=X,  and  Tc  a  per- 
pendicular to  the  axis  of  the  parabola.  We  shall  have  p2=Ta  .  Tb. 

*  In  the  8th  volume  of  the  Annales  de  Mathematiques  by  GEBGONNE  the 
problem  to  find  the  locus  of  the  vertex  of  a  given  angle  is  solved  by  PONCELET. 
The  proof  he  gives  by  algebra  is  complicated  and  tedious. 

DE  LA  HIRE  has  also  given  a  solution  of  this  problem.  See  CHASLES,  Aperqu, 
p.  125. 


ON  CONICS.  375 

Ta  .  T6  =  1  :  sin2  %  •  therefore^  t*  sin2  x=T« . T*-  But 
consequently  p*  =Ta .  Tb  =f?  -ca8.  But  Tc =p  sin  \  • 
and  ca  being  an  ordinate  of  the  parabola  whose  parameter  is  4/t, 
while  j»2  =  p2  sin2  «,  therefore  coa  =  4A(&— pcosX). 

Reducing,  we  shall  find  p=-  J*k^_*=-^k™°"     ,»       (b) 

cosX — cos  a 
Fig.  63. 

sec  a  .  cosX—  1 

If  we  now  compare  this  expression  with  the  general  form  of  the 
focal  equation  of  an  hyperbola 

they  will  be  identical  if  we  make  e=sec«,  and 

tan  (t  sin  «      tan8  a 


The  parabola,  and  the  hyperbola  which  is  the  locus  of  the  revolving 
angle,  have  the  same  directrix.  For  the  distance  of  the  focus  of  an 
hyperbola  from  its  directrix  is  A(e— c"1) ;  putting  for  A  its  value 
given  above,  we  get  for  this  distance  2k,  the  same  as  in  the  parabola. 
«  is  the  angle  between  the  asymptotes  of  the  hyperbola. 

286.]  When  the  given  angle  is  a  right  angle,  the  generating 
segments  of  the  tangent  circle  become  semicircles,  the  two  sheets 
of  the  conospheroid  coalesce,  and  it  becomes  a  sphere  of  which  the 
circles  of  contact  are  lesser  circles. 

The  radius  of  this  sphere  may  be  thus  found.  Let  U  be  the 
radius  of  this  sphere;  since  GG^Jia,  and  nP=£(R+r), 

or  »*  = 



But  R  —  r=2atan0,  20  being  the  vertical  angle  of  the  cone. 

Therefore  $t2  =  a2  sec2  0  +  62. 

To  find  the  diameter  of  the  circle  AEB,  since  £1  is  the  centre  of 
•the  sphere  described  through  the  two  circles  of  contact  it  is  the 
middle  point  of  caQ)t  ;  consequently  the  circle  described  round  the 
focal  triangle  VAB  passes  through  the  point  fl. 

Now  2O/?=R—  r=2atan  0. 

Hence,  if  t  be  the  radius  of  this  circle, 

Cor.]  When  the  section  is  a  parabola,  the  second  circle  of  contact 
recedes  to  infinity,  the  sphere  becomes  the  plane  of  the  circle  of 
contact,  CQ,G  therefore  the  locus  becomes  the  intersection  of  this 
plane  with  the  plane  of  the  section,  i.  e.  the  directrix. 



287.]  The  rectangle  under  the  distances  of  the  vertex  of  the  cone 
from  the  centres  of  the  focal  spheres  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under 
the  sides  of  the  cone  ending  in  the  vertices  of  the  major  axis  of  the 

Fig.  64. 

ON  CONICS.  377 

In  fig.  64,  since  flBw  is  a  right  angle,  the  quadrilateral  AtoBH 
may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle.  Hence  the  angle  VflB  is  equal  to  the 
angle  caAB,  which  is  equal  to  VAo>.  Therefore  the  triangles  VflB 
and  Vo»A  are  similar  ;  consequently 

Vft  .  Vo>=VA  .  VB. 

288.]  Through  C  the  middle  point  0/AB  the  major  axis  of  the  conic, 
which  is  the  centre  by  def.  xiv.,  let  a  plane  be  drawn  at  right  angles 
to  the  axis  of  the  cone.  This  plane  will  cut  the  cone  in  a  circle. 
The  line  CD  in  which  the  planes  of  this  circle  and  the  conic  intersect 
will  be  the  minor  axis  of  this  section. 

The  square  of  the  common  ordinate  CD  gives  CD*=C/i  .  Cm. 

Now  since  BC  =  CA,  Cn=  Aa=  VA  sin  6. 

In  like  manner  Cm=B6=VB  sin  6. 

Therefore  Cn  .  Cw=VA  .  VB  sin2  0.  But  by  the  preceding 
theorem  VA  .  VB=  VO  .  Vw  ;  and  therefore 

VA  .  VB  sin2  0=Vn  sin  0  .  Vo>  sin  0=Rr. 

But  Rr=BF,.  AF,,  or  AF  .  BF,  as  in  sec.  [263]. 

Therefore  thesquare  of  half  the  minor  axis  is  equal  toAF.  BF  =  Rr, 
which  is  equal  to  ppt,  as  shown  in  sec.  [265]  . 

289.]  The  parameter  (that  is,  double  the  ordinate  through  a  focus) 
.  2b* 


Through  F,  let  a  plane  be  drawn  at  right  angles  to  the  axis  of 
the  cone;  then,  F,G  being^half  the  ordinate,  the  intersection|of  the 
planes  of  the  circle  and  conic,  F/G9=  Y,v  .  F^. 

But  F,v  :  C»=BF,  :  BC  or  ty=^B5=^5. 

p  A  "El 

In  like  manner  F^=  f.    But  AF,  .  BF,=  AF  .  BF. 

A  F1    RF" 
Therefore  F,v.  F/*=Cn  .Cm  .        t      . 

Now  in  the  preceding  theorem  it  has  been  shown  that 
C».Cm=A«,  and  AF.BF=6«; 

hence  Fl?  =F,v.  F^=S;  therefore  2F.G=—  . 

a*  a 

290.]  The  polar  axis  VO  of  the  cone  meets  the  plane  of  the  conic 
in  a  point  C,  the  centre  (see  fig.  65)  ;  and  this  point  bisects  all  the  dia- 
meters of  the  conic. 

Let  the  vertical  polar  plane,  see  def.  viii.,  cut  the  plane  of  the  circle 
of  contact  abmn  in  the  dirigent  XY,  and  let  the  polar  axis  VOC  of 
this  plane  meet  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact  in  the  point  O, 
and  the  plane  of  the  conic  in  C.  Now  as  the  dirigent  XY  and  the 
pole  O  are  polar  and  pole  with  respect  to  the  circle  of  contact 
abmn,  any  plane  which  passes  through  the  polar  axis  VO  will  cut 

VOL.   II.  3  C 



the  vertical  polar  plane  in  the  line  VU  and  the  cone  in  the  sides 
Va,  Vb,  so  that  VU,  V6,  VO,  Va  constitute  an  harmonic  pencil 
in  the  plane  VU6O«  which  cuts  the  plane  of  the  conic  in  the  dia- 
meter BC  A ;  and  as  the  plane  of  the  conic  is  parallel  to  the  vertical 
polar  plane  VXY,  VU  is  parallel  to  AB.  Therefore  AB  is  bisected 

In  the  same  way,  let  any  other  line  VY  be  drawn  in  the  vertical 
polar  plane.  Through  this  line  and  the  polar  axis  VOC  let  a  plane 
be  drawn  cutting  the  cone  in  the  lines  Vw,  Vn,  and  the  plane  of 
the  conic  in  the  diameter  MCN.  Then  as  VY,  Vm,  VO,  Vrc  con- 
stitute an  harmonic  pencil,  and  as  MN  is  parallel  to  VY,  MC  =  CN. 

291.]  In  any  conic  the  rectangles  under  segments  of  parallel 
chords  are  proportional  to  each  other. 

Through  the  polar  axis  VOC  (fig.  66)  let  two  planes  be  drawn 
cutting  the  plane  of  the  conic  in  the  diameters  AB,  MN,  and  the 
vertical  polar  plane  in  the  lines  VU  and  VY.  Through  a  and  b  the 
points  in  which  the  plane  VUO  cuts  the  circle  of  contact  draw  the 
lines  av,  bu  parallel  to  the  polar  axis  VOC  meeting  VU  in  v  and  u. 

Then  we  have  by  similar  triangles 

AC  :  Vv=VC  :  va  and  Vv  :  aO=Uv  :  Ua.  (a) 


Fig.  66. 


Compounding  these  proportions,  we  obtain 

AC  :aO  =  VC.U«  :va.Va (b) 

In  like  manner  BC  .bO  =  VC  .  U«  -.ub.Mb, (c) 

and  therefore 

AC.BC  :aO.bO  =  VC'Uv.\     .     (d) 

*  By  a  suitable  alteration  in  fig.  66  the  theorem  may  as  easily  be  proved  when 
the  point  in  which  the  chords  meet  is  outside  the  cone. 

380  ON  CONICS. 

Uv     Vu    UV  . 

Now,  by  introducing  the  relations  — =~h==\rci>        preceding 

expression  becomes 

VC2  VU3 


Let  aO  .  bO  =  A:2,  since  O  is  a  fixed  point  in  the  plane  of  the 
circle  of  contact,  and  let  Ua  .  \Jb=t'2,  t  being  the  tangent  drawn 
from  U  to  the  circle  of  contact. 

The  preceding  expression  now  becomes 


Through  V  let  any  other  straight  line  VY  be  drawn  in  the  ver- 
tical polar  plane.  Through  this  line  VY  and  the  polar  axis  VC 
let  another  plane  be  drawn  cutting  the  plane  of  the  conic  in  the 
straight  line  MCN  and  the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact  in  the 
secant  Xmn.  Then  in  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that 

and  therefore,  eliminating  the  common  factors,  we  find 
AC.BC    TO2*2 




Through  UV  let  a  tangent  plane  to  the  cone  be  drawn  cutting 
the  plane  of  the  circle  of  contact  in  the  tangent  UT,  and  the  plane 
of  the  conic  which  is  parallel  to  the  vertical  polar  plane  in  the 
tangent  to  the  conic  at  T.  Then  the  side  VT  of  the  cone  will  make 
equal  angles  with  the  tangent  to  the  cone  at  T,  and  with  YU  which 
is  parallel  to  it.  Let  this  angle  be  %.  Then  as  a  side  of  the  cone 
VT  is  at  right  angles  to  the  tangent  UT,  UV  sin  ^=UT  or  t.  In 
like  manner  YV  sin  %/=£/• 

Making  these  substitutions  in  the  preceding  expressions,  we  get 

AC.BC_sin2y/  ({] 

MC.NC  ~sm2%' 

It  has  been  shown  in  sec.  [267]  that  the  angle  which  a  side  of 
the  cone  makes  with  the  tangent  to  the  conic  at  the  point  where 
the  side  of  the  cone  meets  it  is  equal  to  the  angle  which  the  focal 
vector  makes  with  the  tangent  at  the  same  point ;  and  as  AC  =  BC 
and  MC=NC,  since  C  is  the  centre,  we  may  infer  that  any  two 
diameters  of  a  conic  are  to  each  other  inversely  as  the  sines  of  the 
angles  which  parallel  tangents  to  these  diameters  make  with  the  focal 
vectors  passing  through  the  points  of  contact. 

292.]   If  now  through  any  other  point  Oy,  in  the  plane  of  the 

ON  CONIC8.  381 

circle  of  contact  which  is  not  the  pole  of  the  dirigcnt  XY,  a 
straight  line  be  drawn  from  the  vertex,  and  meeting  the  plane  of 
the  conic  in  the  point  C;,  and  if  through  this  line  VC;  and  the 
two  lines  VU,  VY  in  the  vertical  polar  plane  be  drawn  meeting 
the  plane  of  the  conic  in  the  straight  lines  A^B,  and  MjCyN,, 
these  lines  will  be  parallel  to  ACB  and  MCN,  since  one  pair  of 
planes  passes  through  UV,  and  the  other  pair  through  YV,  which 
are  each  parallel  to  the  plane  of  the  conic.  The  point  C/?  however, 
will  not  be  the  middle  point  of  the  chords  A^B,,  M;N/}  since 
VU,  VB/}  V0;,  VA;  do  not  constitute  an  harmonic  pencil. 
Now  repeating  the  same  construction  as  before,  we  shall  have 

comparing  this  expression  with  (i)  in  the  last  section,  we  see  that 

A,C,  .  B,C/=  ACa  f. 

M/VNjC,  MC3* 

Thus  may  the  well  known  relation  between  the  rectangles  under 
the  segments  of  parallel  chords  be  simply  derived  from  the  pro- 
perties of  the  right  cone,  and  from  this  other  that  if  a  straight  line 
be  drawn  parallel  to  a  plane,  all  the  planes  drawn  through  this 
straight  line  will  cut  the  plane  in  parallel  straight  lines. 

293.]  Let  us  assume  one  of  the  foregoing  rectangles  or  squares 
(since  AC=BC  and  MC  =  NC)  as  the  square  of  half  the  major 
axis  a2,  and  let  the  other  square  be  ay2  ;  then 

a2     sin2*.         ,    .. 

-a  =  --oi  as  before  ......     (b) 

a*     sin2  ^ 

Now  when  the  tangent  to  the  conic  is  drawn  parallel  to  2a,  the 

major  axis  of  the  conic,  sin  2^=  -,,  and  sin2  ^y=^,  p,  pt  being  the 

a  ppt 

focal  perpendiculars  on  the  tangent  whose  focal  angle  is  y,,  and  p,  pt 
the  focal  vectors  of  the  point  of  contact.     Now  ppt—  b\  as  shown 

in  sec.  [288].     Hence  sin2^y=  —  .     Substituting  for 

their  values,  we  get 

In  sec.  [276]  it  has  been  shown  that  the  rectangle  under  the 
segments  of  a  tangent  to  a  conic,  intercepted  between  two  parallel 
tangents  to  the  curve,  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under  the  focal 
vectors  of  the  point  of  contact.  Hence,  by  the  preceding  theorem, 
the  rectangle  under  the  segments  of  the  tangents  is  equal  to  the 
square  of  the  parallel  semidiamcter*. 

*  This  is  the  theorem  which  connects  the  focal  and  central  properties  of  the 

conic  factions. 




294.]  In  the  preceding  sections,  the  vertical  polar  plane  as  defined 
in  def.  vni.  is  drawn  outside  the  cone,  while  its  polar  with  respect 
to  this  cone,  the  vertical  polar  axis,  is  drawn  within  the  surface  of 
the  cone.  We  may,  however,  invert  these  conditions,  and  draw 
the  vertical  polar  axis  OV  outside  the  cone  (as  in  fig.  67). 

Fig.  67. 

Through  this  axis  let  two  tangent  planes  be  drawn  to  the  cone 
touching  it  in  the  sides  VD,  VE,  and  cutting  the  base  of  the  cone 
in  the  line  DE.  These  tangent  planes  may  be  called  Asymptotic 
Planes.  The  plane  of  this  triangle  VDE  will  be  the  vertical  polar 
plane  of  the  axis  VO,  which  meets  the  tangents  DO,  EO  in  the 
point  O. 

Let  a  plane  AGH  be  drawn  parallel  to  the  vertical  polar  plane. 
This  plane  will  cut  the  cone  in  an  hyperbola  ASaBA  The  polar 
axis  OV  being  produced  will  meet  the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  in  a 
point  C,  which,  as  will  be  shown,  is  the  centre  of  the  hyperbola ; 
and  if  the  asymptotic  tangent  planes  to  the  cone  drawn  through  the 
polar  axis  OV,  and  touching  the  cone  along  the  sides  VD,  VE,  be 

ON  CONICS.  :{s:{ 

produced,  they  will  cut  the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  in  two  straight 
lines  CG,  CH  meeting  in  C ;  and  these  lines  are  called  the  asym- 
ptotes of  the  hyperbola. 

Since  the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  is  parallel  to  the  vertical  polar 
plane  VDE,  the  asymptotic  tangent  planes  to  the  cone  through 
VD,  VE  will  cut  these  planes  in  parallel  straight  lines  VD,  CG  and 
VE,  CH  ;  or  the  asymptotes  are  parallel  to  the  sides  of  the  cone. 

Cor.  i.]  No  hyperbola  can  be  cut  from  a  given  right  cone  the 
angle  between  whose  asymptotes  is  greater  than  the  vertical  angle 
of  the  cone. 

Cor.  ii.]  All  hyperbolas  whose  planes  are  parallel  will  have  the 
same  asymptotic  planes ;  and  therefore  the  angles  between  their 
several  pairs  of  asymptotes  will  be  equal. 

295.]  Through  the  vertical  polar  axis  VO  let  a  plane  be  drawn 
cutting  the  vertical  polar  plane  in  the  line  VL,  the  sides  of  the 
cone  in  the  lines  YM  and  VN,  and  the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  in 
the  line  ACB.  Then  as  VO,  VM,  VL,  VN  is  an  harmonic  pencil, 
and  the  line  ACB  is  parallel  to  the  line  YL  in  the  polar  plane  VDE, 
CA=CB,  or  C  the  centre  bisects  all  the  chords  which  pass  through 

Since  the  asymptotes  CG,  CH  are  parallel  to  the  sides  of  cone 
YD,  VE,  a  line  TZ  drawn  from  any  point  T  of  an  asymptote  to 
the  parallel  side  VZ  of  the  cone  and  parallel  to  YC  is  equal  to 
VC  the  distance  between  the  vertex  of  the  cone  and  the  centre  of 
the  hyperbola,  since  VCTZ  is  a  parallelogram. 

290.]  Since  the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  is  parallel  to  the  vertical 
polar  plane,  the  straight  lines  in  which  these  planes  are  cut  by  the 
asymptotic  tangent  planes  are  parallel.  As  the  distance  between 
the  plane  of  the  hyperbola  and  the  vertical  polar  plane  is  constant, 
the  surface  of  the  cone  as  it  enlarges  from  the  vertex  will  approach 
more  and  more  closely  to  the  asymptotes  ;  so  also,  therefore,  will 
the  hyperbola,  as  it  is  a  curve  on  the  surface  of  the  cone,  and  whose 
plane  is  at  a  fixed  distance  from  the  side  of  the  cone  in  which  it  is 
touched  by  the  asymptotic  plane. 

297.]  If  a  straight  line  meet  the  hyperbola  and  its  asymptotes, 
the  portions  of  the  line  between  the  curve  and  the  asymptotes  are  equal. 

Let  the  secant  meet  the  hyperbola  in  the  points  11,  S,  and  the 
asymptotes  in  the  points  Q,  P.  Through  the  points  <d,  P  let 
tangents  QI,  PK  be  drawn  to  the  cone  parallel  to  YC,  and  touching 
the  cone  in  the  points  I,  K  on  the  sides  of  the  cone  V  K,  Y  I ).  Thru 
as  VCPK  and  VCQI  are  parallelograms,  PK  is  equal  to  Ql^as  each 
is  equal  to  VC.  But  the  rectangle  QS  .  QR  :  1'  K  .  1>S  =  OP :  PKa; 
but  QI  =  PK,  and  therefore  QS  .  QR=  1'K  .  PS  or  US  =  PK. 

298.]  //'  a  tangent  be  drawn  to  an  hyperbola,  the  portion  of  it 
between  the  asymptotes  will  IK-  hiscctctl  at  the  ji'iint  of  contact. 

Through  A  let  a  tangent  TX  be  drawn,  AT  =  AX. 

384  ON  CONICS. 

From  X  and  T  let  tangents  TZ,  XY  be  drawn  to  the  cone  parallel 
to  VC.  They  are  therefore  equal,  as  each  is  equal  VC.  But 

AT2  :  AX2=TZ2  :  XT2; 

and  as  TZ  =  XY,  AT  =  AX. 

299.]  The  rectangle  under  the  segments  of  a  secant  between  the 
asymptotes  and  a  point  on  the  curve  is  constant,  and  equal  to  the  square 
of  the  parallel  tangent  between  the  point  of  contact  and  the  asymptote. 

Let  AT  be  parallel  to  the  secant  QSR ;  draw  tangents  to  the 
cone  TZ  and  QI  from  T  and  Q,  parallel  to  VC.  These  tangents 
are  equal,  each  being  equal  to  VC  ;  hence  the  rectangle 

QS.QR  :  AT2  =  QI2:TZ2. 
But  QI  =  TZ,  as  each  is  equal  to  VC ;  therefore  QS  .  QR  =  AT2. 

Hence  also,  the  rectangles  under  the  segments  of  any  parallel  secants 
between  the  asymptotes  and  points  on  the  curve  are  equal. 

300.]  While  the  vertical  polar  plane  and  the  vertical  polar  axis 
are  interchanging  their  positions,  the  former  becomes  a  tangent 
plane  to  the  cone,  while  the  polar  axis  becomes  that  side  of  the 
cone  in  which  it  is  touched  by  the  vertical  polar  plane.  Hence 
the  plane  of  the  conic  which  is  always  parallel  to  the  vertical  polar 
plane,  now  becomes  parallel  to  a  side  of  the  cone;  that  is,  the 
section  is  a  parabola :  and  as  the  centre  of  the  conic  is  always  on 
the  polar  axis  (in  this  case  the  side  of  the  cone),  the  centre  of  the 
parabola  will  be  the  point  in  which  the  side  of  the  cone  will  meet 
the  plane  of  the  parabola,  to  which  it  is  parallel — that  is,  at  infinity. 

Again,  as  the  vertical  polar  axis  is  the  line  in  which  the  asym- 
ptotic planes  intersect,  and  as  these  tangent  planes  merge  iuto  one 
when  their  line  of  intersection  becomes  a  side  of  the  cone,  the 
asymptotic  plane  spreads  out  on  either  side  and  meets  the  plane  of 
the  parabola  in  straight  lines  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  conic,  but 
at  an  infinite  distance  from  it.  Hence  the  parabola  partakes  of 
the  nature  of  the  hyperbola.  It  has  asymptotes;  but  they  are 
parallel  to  its  axis  at  infinity. 




The  curvature  of  a  surface  at  a  point  A,  may  be  defined  as  the 
aggregate  of  all  the  curvatures  of  its  sections  whose  planes  pass 
through  the  normal  to  the  surface  at  the  point  A. 



301.]  A  tangent  being  drawn  to  any  curved  surface,  and  11 
being  the  radius  of  curvature  of  a  normal  section  drawn  through 
this  tangent,  at  the  point  of  contact,  the  radius  of  curvature  of  any 
other  plane  section  drawn  through  this  tangent  is  11  cos  i,  i  being 
the  angle  between  the  planes.  MEUNIER'S  theorem. 

Let  AB  be  the  tangent  at  the  point  A,  CAOD  the  normal  section, 
in  the  plane  of  the  paper,  suppose ;  then  the  tangent  plane  to  the 

Fig.  68. 

surface  through  the  tangent  AB  will  be  perpendicular  to  the  plane 
of  the  paper,  and  the  curve*d  surface  on  either  side  of  CAD  inde- 
finitely near  to  A  is  perpendicular  to  the  plane  of  the  curve  CAOD. 
Let  7  AS  be  a  section  of  the  surface  made  by  a  plane  passing  through 
AB,  inclined  at  an  angle  i  to  the  plane  CAOD.  Through  at  a  point 
assumed  on  AB  indefinitely  near  to  A  let  the  plane  aru  be  drawn 
perpendicular  to  A  B,  meeting  the  normal  section  in  rand  the  other 
section  in  v.  Then  wot  is  a  right  angle,  and  the  angle  var  =  i. 
Let  £  be  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  section  yAS.  Then 
Aa2=2$l .  «r,  and  Aaa=2lT .  <xv.  But  otr=av  cos  i ;  consequently 

C=Hcosi (a) 

Cor.  i.]  Hence  if  through  the  circle  of  curvature  of  the  normal 
section  of  the  surface,  whose  plane  passes  through  the  tangent  Aet,  a 
sphere  be  described  having  its  centre  coincident  with  that  of  the  circle 
of  curvature  of  the  normal  section,  a  plane  passing  through  the  tangent 
Aa  will  cut  the  surface  in  a  curve  and  the  sphere  in  a  lesser  circle, 
such  that  the  latter  will  be  the  circle  of  curvature  of  the  former  at  the 
point  A. 

Cor.  ii.]  If  on  the  normal  to  a  curved  surf  ace,  as  diameter,  a  sphere 
be  described  passing  through  the  given  point  A,  and  if  the  sections  of 
the  surface  and  the  sphere  made  by  a  plane  passing  through  the 

VOL.  II.  3D 



tangent  AB  have  the  same  curvature,  any  other  plane  passing  through 
AB  will  cut  the  surface  and  the  sphere  in  sections  having  the  same 

302.]   We  shall  now  proceed  to  apply  this  theorem  to  cones  and 

If  a  tangent  AB  be  drawn  to  a  p-      gy 

right  cone  at  a  point  A,  and  AC 
be  drawn  in  the  tangent  plane  at 
right  angles  to  the  side  of  the  cone 
AV,  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the 
normal  section  passing  through  AC 
is  to  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the 
normal  section  passing  through  AB 
at  the  point  A  as  sin2  VAB  :  1 ; 
or  if  C  be  the  radius  of  curvature 
through  AC,  i&  the  radius  of  cur- 
vature through  AB,  and  the  angle 
VAB  be  Y, 



Let  a  plane  AVD  be  drawn 
through  the  axis  of  the  cone,  and 
a  tangent  plane  to  the  cone  along 
the  side  AV,  and  let  another  plane 
A'  Vmn  be  drawn  parallel  and  inde- 
finitely near  to  the  former,  cutting 
the  tangent  plane  AVB  in  the 
straight  line  A/V,  parallel  to  AV, 
the  tangents  AB,  AC  in  the  points 
m  and  n,  and  the  cone  in  the 
hyperbola  r,  v,  U,  of  which  A,V; 
is  one  of  the  asymptotes.  Draw 
nr,  mv  parallel  to  the  normal  at 
A,  and  meeting  the  hyperbola  in 
T  and  v;  then  nr,  mv  are  ultimately  equal  ;  for  in  the  infinitesimal 
hyperbola  Ut>r,  Vyra  .  mv=Vtn  .  nr.  But  ultimately  V/m  =  V,w, 
as  each  is  ultimately  equal  to  VA.  Therefore  mv  =  nr.  Now 
Am2  =  2iH  .mv  ,  and  An2  =  2  C  .  nr,  while  Aw2  =  Am2  sin2  %;  consequently 

r=ifcsin2x  ........     (b) 

Hence  the  radii  of  curvature  of  all  the  normal  sections  of  a  cone 
at  a  given  point,  and  whose  planes  pass  through  tangents  to  the  cone 
at  this  point,  are  to  each  other  inversely  as  the  squares  of  the  sines 
of  the  angles  which  these  tangents  make  with  the  side  of  the  cone 
passing  through  the  given  point. 

303.]    To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  of  a  conic  section  at  a  given 

ON  CONIC8.  387 

point  on  the  surface  of  a  cone,  whose  plane  passes  through  a  given 
tangent  to  the  cone  at  this  point  (fig.  69). 

Let  A  be  the  given  point,  AB  the  given  tangent,  and  VAB=^. 

Let  the  tangent  AC  be  drawn  at  right  angles  to  VA.  Then  if 
a  sphere  be  described  on  the  normal  to  the  cone  touching  the 
tangent  plane  at  A,  it  will  follow  from  cor.  ii.  sec.  [301]  that  if  any 
common  section  of  the  cone  and  sphere  passing  through  the  tangent 
AC  have  the  same  curvature,  every  other  common  section  of  the 
sphere  and  cone  passing  through  the  same  tangent  AC  will  have 
the  same  curvature.  Let  the  sphere  now  be  supposed  to  be  inscribed 
in  the  cone,  touching  the  tangent  plane  at  A  ;  it  is  manifest  that 
the  common  sections  of  the  cone  and  sphere  passing  through  the 
tangent  AC  parallel  to  the  base  of  the  cone  will  have  the  same  cur- 
vature at  A,  as  the  sections  in  this  case  are  one  and  the  same  circle, 
the  "  circle  of  contact  "  of  the  sphere  with  the  cone  ;  consequently 
the  great  circle  of  this  sphere  whose  plane  passes  through  the 
tangent  AC  is  the  circle  of  curvature  of  the  normal  section  of  the 
cone  at  A  whose  plane  passes  through  the  tangent  AC. 

Let  VA  =  /,  and  let  the  semiangle  of  the  cone  be  0,  while  r  is  the 
radius  of  this  sphere  inscribed  in  the  cone,  then  r  is  manifestly 
equal  to  /  tan  6. 

Consequently,  if  11  be  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  normal 

section  of  the  cone  through  AB,  H  =  _?L-  (see  sec.  [302]),  and 
r=/tan0.  Therefore  it  i 


If  now  a  sphere  be  described  touching  the  tangent  plane  VACB 

at  A,  its  radius  being  l  ta?    ,  every  plane  passing  through  the 



tangent  AB  will  cut  the  cone  in  a  conic  section,  and  the  sphere  in 
a  circle,  such  that  the  latter  will  be  the  circle  of  curvature  of  the 
former  at  the  point  A. 

304.]  To  find  the  centre  of  the  sphere  of  curvature  for  all  the 
sections  of  the  cone  whose  planes  pass  through  the  tangent  to  the  cone 
AD  (fig.  70). 

Let  A  be  a  point  on  the  surface  of  the  cone  through  which  the 
tangent  AD  is  drawn.  To  the  tangent  plane  VAD  draw  the  normal 
AO  meeting  the  axis  of  the  cone  in  O.  Through  ADO  let  a  plane 
be  drawn,  and  in  this  plane  make  the  angle  DAC  equal  to  the 
angle  VAD.  Through  the  point  O  draw  the  line  OC  parallel  to 
AD,  and  meeting  the  line  AC  in  C.  Through  the  point  C  draw 
CQ  at  right  angles  to  AC,  meeting  the  line  AO  in  Q.  AQ  is  the 
radius  of  the  sphere  of  curvature. 

Since  QCA  is  a  right-angled  triangle  at  C,  and  OC  is  at  rigl.t 
angles  to  AQ,  the  angle  CQA=OCA  =  CAD=VAD=X.  Therefore 



AC  =  AQ  sin 


AC  sin  ^  =  AO.      Therefore  AO  =  AQ  sin2  %, 

Hence  AQ=  .  a^    . 
sln    X 

305.]  To  find  an  expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature  of  any 
conic  section  whose  plane  passes  through  the  tangent  Tp  (fig.  71). 

Let  ACB  be  the  conic  section,  Tp  the  tangent  to  the  cone  at  the 
point  T  in  the  plane  of  the  conic.  From  the  vertex  of  the  cone  draw 
the  perpendicular  VP  to  the  plane  of  the  conic,  and  through  VP  let 
a  plane  be  drawn  at  right  angles  to  the  tangent  Tp,  meeting  this  tan- 
gent in  p.  Then  Vp,  T?p  are  each  at  right  angles  to  Tp  ;  and  therefore 
the  angle  V/?P  is  the  inclination  of  the  tangent  plane  to  the  cone  to 
the  plane  of  the  conic.  Let  VT=/,  and  the  angle  VTp  =  %.  The  sine 
of  the  angle  which  the  plane  of  the  conic  makes  with  the  tangent 

VP       VP 

plane  is  —  —  =  —  :  -  .     Hence  the  cosine  of  the  angle  which  the 
\p     I  sm  % 

plane  of  the  conic  makes  with  the  normal  plane  passing  through 


AB  is  —  :  -  .    But  the  radius  of  curvature  of  this  section  is  equal  to 
/  sin  ^  * 

the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  normal  section  passing  through  Tp, 
multiplied  by  the   cosine  of  the   angle  between   the  planes,  by 

Fig.  71. 

MEUNIER'S  theorem  ;  or  thg  radius  of  curvature  of  the  conic  section 

at  the  point  T  is  -  — .     Now  in  sec.   [281]    it  has  been 

sin*  •%  I  sin  x 

shown  that  VP  tan  0  is  the  semiparameter.     Hence  the  radius  of 

curvature  is  equal  to    .V 

sin  X 

Now  as  x  is  also  the  angle  between  the  tangent  and  the  focal 
vector  at  the  point  A, 

sin  x  =•  -  =  -•   But  ppt  =  b*,  and  pp,  =  a*,  p  and  pt  being  the  perprn  - 
P     Pi 

diculars  from  the  foci  on  the  tangent:  therefore  siu3v=    _,and 

*     fl.3 

b*  a3 

4L  =  —  .     Therefore  the  radius  of  curvature  =  -'.-.    ...          (b) 
a  ab 

Cor.]  Hence  also  the  radii  of  curvature  of  all  conic  sections 
whose  planes  pass  through  a  given  tangent  to  the  cone  are,  at  their 
points  of  contact,  as  their  parameters. 

In  some  treatises  on  conic  sections  bt  is  put  for  the  semidiameter 
parallel  to  the  tangent,  while  at  represents  the  seraidiaroeter  through 
the  point  of  contact  ;  here  the  notation  is  reversed. 

390  ON  CONICS. 


306.]  A  normal  to  a  conic,  at  a  given  point,  may  be  defined  as 
the  projection,  on  the  plane  of  the  section,  of  the  radius  of  the 
sphere  inscribed  in  the  cone,  touching  the  conic  at  this  point. 

As  the  centre  of  the  inscribed  sphere  is  always  on  the  axis  of  the 
cone,  and  as  the  projection  of  any  point  in  the  axis  of  the  cone  on 
the  conic  is  always  on  its  major  axis,  therefore  the  foot  of  the 
normal  will  always  be  found  in  the  major  axis  of  the  conic. 

Cor.]  The  normal  is  always  perpendicular  to  the  tangent  to  the 
cone  at  the  given  point;  for  as  AO  is  perpendicular  to  AB  (see 
fig.  69),  its  projection  on  any  plane  passing  through  AB  will  be  also 
perpendicular  to  AB. 

To  find  an  expression  for  the  normal  N. 

Let  N  be  the  normal  at  the  point  A,  VA=/;  then  the  cosine  of 
the  angle  between  the  normal  plane  to  the  cone  passing  through 


AB  and  the  plane  of  the  conic  is  —  :  -  ,  as   shown  in   the  last 

sin  "£ 

section  ;  and  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  sphere  is  /  tan  6  :  conse- 


quently  the  normal  is  /tan  Q  .  j-  r  —  .     Now  VP  tan  6  is  the  semi- 

parameter  (^L),  as  shown  in  sec.  [281]  ;  therefore  the  expression 
for  the  normal  becomes 


307.]  In  any  conic  section  the  normal  is  to  the  radius  of  curvature 
at  any  given  point  as  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  sphere  is  to  the  radius 
of  the  sphere  of  curvature  at  that  point. 

The  radius  of  curvature  of  the  conic  at  the  given  point  is  •  .  ,.    . 

sin3  v 


The  normal  at  the  same  point  is  ^1  —  -.     The  radius  of  the  sphere 


of  curvature  is  -^—  5  —  .     The  radius  of  the  inscribed  sphere  is  I  tan  9. 

sm  % 
Hence  the  proposition  is  manifest*. 

*  Intelligent  students  of  this  subject  may  have  been  at  a  loss  to  understand 
why  the  radius  of  curvature  of  a  conic  section  at  any  point  should  vary  inversely 
as  the  cube  of  the  sine  of  the  angle  between  the  tangent  and  focal  vector  at  that 
point.  These  quantities  do  not  appear  to  have  any  connexion  ;  there  are  other 
quantities  with  which  the  radius  of  curvature  would  seem  to  be  more  nearly  allied. 
But  when  it  is  shown  that  the  angle  ^  is  not  only  the  angle  between  the  tangent 
and  the  focal  vector,  but  that  it  is  also  the  angle  between  a  side  of  the  cone  aqd 
the  plane  of  the  normal  section  of  curvature  whose  radius  varies  inversely  as  the 
square  of  the  sine  of  this  angle,  and  that  the  cosine  of  the  angle  between  the 
plane  of  the  conic  and  the  plane  of  this  normal  circle  of  curvature  varies  also 
inversely  as  sin  x>  we  may  thus  see  how  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  conic  section 

varies  as  the  product  of    .       •  by  -,  -- 

sin  x     *    sin  X 




The  sphere  described  on  the  portion  of  the  axis  of  the  cone 
between  the  centres  of  the  focal  spheres  as  a  diameter,  may  be 
called  the  central  sphere. 

308.]  The  distance  between  the  centre  of  the  conic  and  the  foot  of  the 
normal  is  (a  —  p)e,p  being  the  focal  vector  to  the  focus  F  from  the  point 
N  to  which  the  normal  is  drawn,  and  e  the  eccentricity  of  the  conic. 

Since  the  centre  S  of  the  central  sphere  is  on  the  axis  of  the  cone, 
and  the  centre  v  of  the  normal  sphere  is  also  on  the  same  axis,  the 
projections  of  these  two  centres  on  the  major  axis  of  the  conic  will 
give  the  centre  of  this  conic  and  the  foot  of  the  normal,  as  shown 
in  sec.  [306] . 

Fig.  72. 

Thus,  in  fig.  72,  let  VC  =  c  be  a  side  of  the  cone  between  the 
vertex  V  and  the  circle  of  contact ;  and  as  DD,=2a,  see  sec.  [261], 

the  distance  of  V  to  S,  the  centre  of  the  central  sphere,  is  I 2), 


6  being  the  scmiangle  of  the  cone,  and  t  the  angle  which  the  axis 
of  the  cone  makes  with  the  plane  of  the  conic.  This  line  projected 
on  the  major  axis  of  the  conic,  becomes 


i:un  *  •,  r.»-  i  T 

since  e— *,  as  shown  in  sec.  [2/1J. 


392  ON  COMICS. 

In  like  manner,  c  +  p  being  that  portion  of  the  side  of  the  cone 
to  the  point  N,  the  distance  of  the  vertex  of  the  cone  to  the  centre 

v  of  the  normal  sphere  will  be  I  --  £  I  ;  and  this  line  projected  on 


the  major  axis  of  the  conic  will  become 

I  -  £  )  cosi= 

Now  On  is  the  difference  of  the  projections  OP  and  nP  ;  hence 
OP-nP  =  On=(c  +  a)e  —  (c  +  p)e=(a-  p)e.      .     .     (b) 

Cor.  i.]  The  distance  between  the  foot  of  the  normal  and  the 
focus  is 

ae  —  (a—p]e  =  pe  ........     (c) 

Cor.  ii.]   The  distance  of  the  foot  of  the  normal  from  the  other 
focus  is  pte  ;  therefore  the  rectangle  under  these  distances  is 

a*<*  .........     (d) 

309.]  The  rectangle  under  the  perpendiculars,  on  the  major  axis, 
from  the  vertex  of  the  cone  and  the  centre  of  the  central  sphere  is 
equal  to  the  square  of  half  the  minor  axis. 

As  the  major  axis  (fig.  72)  of  the  conic  is  a  chord  of  the  central 
sphere  whose  radius  is  a  seed,  the  perpendicular  on  the  major  axis 
from  this  centre  will  be  a  tan  0  ;  and  p  being  the  perpendicular  from 
the  vertex  of  the  cone  on  the  major  axis,  the  rectangle  is 

a  tan  6  .p  —  a  .p  tan  6. 

•But  p  tan  0  =  —  ,  as  shown  in  sec.  [281]  ; 


therefore  the  rectangle  under  the  perpendiculars  is  equal  to  62. 



310.]  The  consideration  of  groups  of  conies  that  shall  have  the 
same  centre  and  foci  may  be  based  on  an  extension  of  the  properties 
of  focal  spheres. 

If  we  conceive  the  radii  of  the  focal  spheres  inscribed  in  the  cone 
to  be  increased  in  the  same  ratio,  while  the  points  of  contact  of  the 
spheres  with  the  plane  of  the  conic  continue  the  same,  and  if  cir- 
cumscribing cones  be  drawn  to  each  pair  of  spheres,  whose  radii 



are  R,  r  :  nR,  nr  :  nfi,  ntr  and  so  on,  we  shall  have  as  many  cones 
circumscribing  these  spheres,  which  will  cut  the  plane  of  the  original 
conic  in  as  many  concentric  and  confocal  conies. 


The  point  in  which  the  axis  of  the  cone  meets  the  major  axis  of 
the  conic  may  be  called  the  point  of  axial  intersection. 
These  cones  possess  some  curious  properties. 

Fig.  73. 

VOL.  II. 

3   E 

394  ON  CONICS. 

(a)  The  axes  of  these  cones  all  pass  through  a  fixed  point  (the 
point  of  axial  intersection)  on  the  major  axis. 

(fi)  The  vertices  of  all  these  cones  range  along  the  same  perpen- 
dicular to  the  plane  of  the  conic. 

(y)  The  ratio  of  the  distances  from  the  vertex  of  any  one  of  the 
cones  to  the  centres  of  the  inscribed  focal  spheres  is  constant. 

311.]  Let  planes  be  drawn  through  the  axes  of  these  cones,  they 
will  all  cut  the  major  axis  in  the  axial  point  of  intersection  Q  ;  and 
P  being  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  drawn  from  the  vertices  of 
all  these  cones,  we  shall  have 

F,Q  :  QF  =  F;P  :  PF; 
for  VF,,  VQ,  VF,  VP  is  an  harmonic  pencil,  as  shown  in  sec.  [278]  . 

The  angle  between  the  vertical  focals  VF  and  VF,  may  be  thus 

The  tangent  of  the  angle  y  between  the  vertical  focals  may  be 
found  from  the  expression 

tan  y=2e  tan  0, 

0  being  the  semiangle  of  the  cone,  while  B,  and  r  are  the  radii  of 
the  focal  spheres.     Let  these  focal  vectors  make  the  angles  8,  Sf 

O6  tt€ 

with  the  major  axis  ;  then  tan  8=—,  and  tan  8;=  —  . 

tan  8  —  tan  8.  ae(R,—r) 

or  = 

But  Rr  =  62,  as  in  sec.  [288],  and  (R-r)=2atan0. 

Therefore  tan  y  =  2e  tan  6. 

312.]  If  in  sec.  [278]  the  chord  mn  be  supposed  to  pass  through 
Q,  the  point  of  axial  intersection,  the  perpendicular  on  mn  from 
the  intersection  of  the  tangents  drawn  at  the  extremities  of  this 
chord  mn  will  pass  through  P  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  from 
one  of  the  vertices  of  the  cones. 

Hence,  if  mn  be  a  segment  of  a  common  chord  to  any  number  of 
confocal  conies,  the  intersections  of  every  pair  of  tangents  whose 
common  chord  is  mn  will  meet  in  the  straight  line  drawn  at  right 
angles  to  mn  through  P  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  to  the  plane 
of  the  section,  the  locus  of  the  vertices  of  all  the  confocal  cones. 

More  generally,  if  any  number  of  confocal  conies  have  a 
common  chord,  and  if  tangents  in  pairs  be  drawn  to  the  conies  at 
the  points  in  which  they  are  met  two  by  two  by  the  common  chord, 
these  tangents  will  meet  in  pairs  on  the  straight  line  passing 
through  -or  at  right  angles  to  the  common  chord.  If  q  be  the  inter- 
section of  the  common  chord  mn  with  the  major  axis  of  the  conic, 
we  shall  have 

F,g  :  gF=F,w  :  *rF. 

Hence  the  position  of  the  point  w  may  be  ascertained. 

ox  CONICS.  395 

Should  the  chord  mn  become  a  tangent  instead  of  a  secant  to 
one  of  the  confocal  conies,  the  pair  of  tangents  coalesce  into  one 
tangent  meeting  on  the  perpendicular. 

313.]  Hence  we  may  obtain  this  other  theorem  established  by  a 
very  different  method  in  the  first  volume,  p.  20  : — If  a  secant  to  a 
conic  be  a  tangent  to  another  confocal  conic,  and  tangents  be  drawn 
to  the  outer  conic  at  the  ends  of  this  chord  meeting  in  a  point,  the 
line  drawn  from  this  point  of  intersection  to  the  point  of  contact  of 
the  inner  confocal  section  will  be  perpendicular  to  this  secant. 



314.]  The  sections  of  a  cone  made  by  parallel  planes  may  be 
called  similar  conic  sections. 

Hence  similar  conies  have  the  same  vertical  polar  plane  and  the 
same  polar  axis;  and  therefore  all  their  centres  range  along  the 
same  straight  line,  the  polar  axis. 

Therefore  all  circles,  parabolas,  and  equilateral  hyperbolas  are 
similar  figures ;  for  their  vertical  polar  planes  are  identical. 

Hence  all  similar  hyperbolas  have  the  same  asymptotes. 

In  similar  and  similarly  posited  conies  all  parallel  diameters, 
and  homologous  lines  generally,  are  in  the  same  ratio,  that  of  the 
parameters  of  the  conies. 

Through  the  axis  VOQ  of  the  cone  let  a  plane  be  drawn  cutting 
the  planes  of  the  parallel  conies  ABCD  and  abnm  in  the  lines 
QA,  Oa,  which  lines  are  themselves  parallel ;  hence  (fig.  74) 

Oa  :  QA=VO  :  VQ=VP  :  VP,=VP.tan0  :  VP,tan0. 

But  VP  tan  &  and  VP(  tan  Q  are  the  semiparameters  of  the  two 
sections,  as  shown  in  sec.  [281].  In  the  same  way  it  may  be 
shown  of  any  two  homologous  lines  in  the  similar  sections. 

315.]  In  two  similar  concentric  and  similarly  posited  conies  two 
parallel  chords  of  one  are  drawn  cutting  the  other;  the  rectangle 
under  the  segments  of  the  one  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under  the 
segments  of  the  other. 

Through  the  opposite  cone  VA^B^C^D^  let  a  plane  AII'BIICUDU 
be  drawn  parallel  to  the  plane  ABCD  and  equidistant  from  the 
vertex  V.  The  section  of  the  cone  made  by  this  plane  will  be  in 
every  respect  equal  snd  similar  to  the  section  ABCD.  Now  if  we 
conceive  a  cylinder  erected  on  this  base,  and  having  its  axis  coin- 
cident with  that  of  the  cone,  it  will  meet  the  plane  of  the  parallel 



Fig.  74. 

section  in  a  section  equal,  similar,  and  parallel  to  the  given  section ; 
hence  the  cylinder  will  meet  the  upper  sheet  of  the  cone  in  the 
section  A^B^C^D^.  Through  any  point  A;  in  the  cylinder  let  a 
plane  be  drawn  parallel  to  the  given  plane  A  BCD ;  it  will  cut  the 
cylinder  in  a  section  A^ByCyDy  equal  and  similar  to  ABCD,  and  the 
cone  in  a  section  abmn  parallel  to  the  section  ABCD,  and  therefore 
similar  to  it.  Hence  the  sections  A/B^D,  and  abmn  of  the  cylinder 
and  the  cone  are  similar  and  concentric.  Through  C,  and  D/?  any 
two  points  on  the  surface  of  the  cylinder  and  in  the  plane  of  the 

ON  CONIC8.  397 

section  AjB^D,,  let  two  parallel  chords  be  drawn  meeting  the 
section  abmmtnnl  in  the  points  m,  n  and  the  points 

Through  C,  and  D/  let  two  sides  of  the  cylinder  be  drawn  meeting 
the  cone  in  the  points  C,  C/y  and  D,  D/y.  Then,  as  CC,,,  DD;/  and 
Cm,  D/m/  are  parallel  secants  of  the  cone, 

C,C  .  C,Ctl  :  Cltm .  Ctn-  D,D  .  D,Dtf  :  D,w, .  D,n, ; 

but  as  the  three  common  secant  planes  of  the  cylinder  and  cone  are 
parallel,  C,C  =  D/D  and  C/^DjD,,;  therefore  C,m .  Cfi=Dfn.Dft. 
Hence  also,  if  one  of  the  parallel  secants  of  the  similar  conies 
becomes  a  tangent,  this  tangent  will  be  bisected  at  the  point  of 

It  is  manifest  that  the  segments  of  any  chord  drawn  to  meet 
the  similar  conies  are  equal  between  the  sections. 

The  following  properties  of  right  cones  and  their  sections  are 
worthy  of  notice. 

316.]  (a)  A  tangent  to  a  cone  being  drawn,  there  may  always  be 
drawn  through  it  two  planes  cutting  the  cone  in  two  sections  which 
shall  have  equal  parameters. 

(/S)  The  conic  of  maximum  parameter  which  can  be  drawn  through 
a  point  on  the  surface  of  a  right  cone  is  that  whose  plane  is  at  right 
angles  to  the  side  of  the  cone  passing  through  the  given  point,  and 
having  its  tangent  at  this  point  parallel  to  the  circular  base  of  the 

(y)  Through  a  given  point  on  the  surface  of  a  cone  there  may  be 
drawn  any  number  of  planes  cutting  the  cone  in  conies  having  the 
same  parameter ;  and  their  planes  will  all  touch  a  right  cone,  whose 
vertex  is  the  given  point  and  whose  axis  is  the  side  of  the  original 
cone  passing  through  the  given  point. 

(8)  The  locus  of  the  foci  of  all  the  parabolas  which  can  be  con- 
structed on  a  given  right  cone  is  also  a  right  cone.  The  locus  of  the 
foci  of  all  equal  parabolas  on  the  cone  is  a  circle  whose  plane  is 
parallel  to  that  of  the  base ;  and  the  locus  of  the  foci  of  all  the  para- 
bolas whose  planes  are  parallel  is  a  straight  line  passing  through  the 
vertex  of  the  cone.  Hence  the  locus  of  the  foci  of  all  the  parabolas 
that  can  be  drawn  on  the  cone  is  the  combination  of  the  above  named 
loci,  a  cone. 

398  ON  CONICS. 



317.]  Having  now,  by  the  help  of  the  right  circular  cone,  estab- 
lished the  principal  properties  of  its  sections  by  short  and  simple 
demonstrations  based  on  the  most  elementary  principles  of  the 
ancient  geometry,  it  is  proper  to  show  how  these  principles  may  be 
applied  to  the  development  of  the  properties  of  conies  viewed  as 
curves  on  a  plane.  When  the  cardinal  properties  of  conies  have 
once  been  established  by  the  help  of  the  right  circular  cone,  there 
is  but  little  difficulty  in  applying  them  to  the  investigation  on  a 
plane  of  the  countless  theorems  relating  to  those  curves.  Geo- 
meters have  in  general  ignored  their  real  origin,  and  have  founded 
their  investigations  on  some  arbitrary  definition.  It  is  worthy  of 
notice  that  some  of  the  theorems  which  are  most  easily  and  briefly 
demonstrated  when  these  curves  are  taken  as  sections  of  a  right 
cone,  can  be  established  only  by  tedious  and  complicated  methods 
when  they  are  treated  as  plane  curves.  Of  this  the  focal  properties 
furnish  a  striking  example.  There  is,  however,  a  very  large  class 
of  theorems  to  whose  solutions  neither  the  right  cone  nor  any  other 
cone  affords  any  help.  I  refer  to  the  properties  of  minor  foci  and 
minor  directrices,  which  will  be  found  discussed  at  some  length  in 
the  first  volume  of  this  work  (see  Vol.  I.  sec.  [288]). 

The  method  of  reciprocal  polars  applied  to  oblate  and  prolate 
spheroids  is  the  source  of  innumerable  novel  properties  of  conies. 
One  special  application  of  the  method  of  reciprocal  polars  to  the 
prolate  or  elongated  ellipsoid  of  revolution  round  its  major  axis 
(see  Vol.  I.  p.  218)  enables  us  to  develop  to  a  very  great  extent 
and  with  much  simplicity  the  properties  of  surfaces  of  the  second 
order  whose  three  axes  are  unequal.  In  particular  it  is  shown  that 
every  such  surface  has  four  foci  and  four  directrix  planes.  Every 
new  method  may  be  a  fertile  field  of  new  truths. 

In  sec.  [265]  it  is  shown  that  the  rectangle  under  the  focal 
perpendiculars  p,  p,  on  a  tangent  drawn  to  a  central  conic  is 
equal  to  6".  Let  P  be  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  the 
same  tangent,  making  the  angle  X  with  the  major  axis.  Then, 

P+P,=W (a) 

Let  p,  Pf  be  the  focal  vectors  to  the  same  point. 

Then  p-\-pl=2a,  as  shown  in  sec.  [262]. 

Let  ^  be  the  focal  tangential  angle,  then  we  have 

2P=p  +p,=  (p  +  /o,)  sin  x= 2«  sin  %. 
Hence  P  =  «sin^ .     (b) 


Since  j»  =  P  -f  ae  cos  X,  and  ^=P  —  oecosX,    .     .     .     (c) 

62  =pp,  =  P2  —  «2e2  cos2  X. 
Therefore  P2=a2(l-e2  sin2X)  .......     (d) 

Comparing  this  expression  with  (b)  we  find 

cos^=esin\,       .......     (e) 

a  simple  relation  which  connects  the  focal  tangential  angle  %  with 
the  latitude  X. 

318.]   Since  p+pt  =  2a,  squaring, 

p2  +  2pp,  +  p,z=  4a2.  Now  2pp,  —  2af,  as  shown  in  (b)  ,  sec  .  [293]  , 
while  p2  +  p?  =  2b?  +  2a2e2. 

Hence,  substituting,      a/2  +  i/2=a2  +  62  .......     (a) 

Since  a?=ppt  and  P2*=a2sin2^,  fl^P2  =  fl2p  sin  ^  .  p,  sin  ^, 
or  afP*=aippl=dib'i  .......     (b) 

Hence  the  areas  of  parallelograms  about  the  conjugate  diameters 
of  a  conic  are  equal. 

Let  b*  =  #2  +  y*,  then  a*b*  =  a2*2  +  «y  .  But  a2y2  =  a262  -  6V  ; 
hence  a*b*  =  a262  +  (a*  —  i2>2,  or  b*  =  b9  +  e  V  ;  ) 

and  in  like  manner     fl^2  =  a2  —  e2a;2.  j 

319.]  The  following  values  of  the  radius  of  curvature,  and  chorda 
of  curvature  passing  through  the  foci  and  centre,  may  easily  be 
derived  from  the  expressions  in  sees.  [303],  [304],  [305],  which 
have  themselves  been  deduced  from  the  properties  of  the  right  cone. 

In  sec.  [305]  it  has  been  shown  that 

2  b* 

and  N=  —  :  --  ,       ....     (a) 

while  P=asin^,  and  sin^=-  ......     (b) 

From  these  values  we  may  obtain  the  following  expressions  for 
the  radius  of  curvature  and  the  normal  — 

aN=^y,  »=,  »sin2x=N. 

If  -fy  and  x  b6  tne  angles  which  a  tangent  to  the  curve  makes 
with  the  central  and  focal  vectors, 

•  aasin4Y  .,. 


9  .  g  --  r    —  «    ...... 

a2  sm2  Y  —  o2  cos*  ^ 


Hence  C,  the  chord  of  curvature  through  the  centre  is  —^-t    (c) 

while  the  chord  of  curvature  through  the  focus  is  — L.      .     .     (f ) 



320.]  If  a  line  be  drawn  from  the  focus  to  the  pole  of  a  focal  chord, 
it  will  be  at  right  angles  to  this  chord,  see  sec.  [270] . 

In  the  parabola  mpn  is  a  right  angle. 

Since  wF=mY,  and  the  angle  p¥m  is  equal  to  the  angle  mYp, 
both  being  right  angles,  the  angle  Y^?F  is  bisected  by  the  tangent 
pm.  In  the  same  way  the  angle  XjoF  is  bisected  by  the  tangent  pn ; 
consequently  the  angle  mpn  is  a  right  angle. 

Cor.  i.]  We  have  also  Y/?=Xj9=Fp. 

Hence,  if  from  the  ends  of  a  focal  chord  of  a  parabola  perpen- 
diculars are  drawn  to  the  directrix,  the  pole  of  the  focal  chord  will 
bisect  the  portion  of  the  directrix  between  the  feet  of  the  perpen- 

Fig.  75. 

A  tangent  to  a  parabola  makes  equal  angles  with  the  focal  vector 
drawn  to  the  point  of  contact  and  with  the  axis  of  the  curve. 

This  is  evident  from  an  inspection  of  fig.  75. 

321 .]  The  focal  vector  drawn  through  the  intersection  of  a  pair  of 
tangents  to  a  parabola  divides  the  angle  between  these  tangents  into 
two,  which  are  respectively  equal  to  the  alternate  angles  which  the 

ON  COtflCS. 


tangents  make  with  the  focal  vectors  passing  through  the  points  of 

Let  the  tangents  Tm,  Tn  to  the  parabola  meet  in  T ;   let  F  be 

Fig.  76. 

the  focus  of  the  parabola ;  and  let  the  tangents  meet  the  axis  of  the 
curve  in  the  points  C,  C,. 

Then  the  angle  wFE  is  equal  to  twice  the  angle  mCF,  and  the 
angle  »FE  is  equal  to  twice  the  angle  nC;F ;  hence,  adding,  the 
angle  mFn  is  equal  to  twice  the  angle  mTn,  or  half  the  angle  mF» 
is  equal  to  the  angle  wT«.  Now  the  line  TFG  bisects  the  focal 
angle  wF»;  therefore  the  angle  wFG  is  equal  to  the  anglr  /wT/i. 
But,  being  external,  it  is  also  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  angles  Fw*T 
and  FTw.  Therefore  the  sum  of  the  angles  FwT  and  FTw  is  equal 
to  the  sum  of  the  angles  l<Tn  and  FTw ;  consequently  the  angle 
FwT  is  equal  to  the  angle  FTn. 

Hence,  since  the  angle  TF/n  is  equal  to  the  angle  TFn,  the  two 
triangles  TFw  and  TF/i  are  similar ;  therefore  t»F :  TF=TF  :  nF,  or 


Hence,  in  a  parabola,  the  square  of  the  focal  vector  drawn  to  the 
intersection  of  a  pair  of  tangents  to  the  curve  is  equal  to  the  rectangle 
under  the  focal  vectors  drawn  to  the  points  of  contact  of  these  tangents. 

322.]  The  squares  of  the  tangents  Tm,  Tn  (fig.  76)  drawn  to  a 
parabola  from  any  point  T  are  in  the  same  ratio  as  the  focal  vector* 
drawn  to  the  points  of  contact  in,  n. 

VOL.  II.  3  T 

402  ON  CONICS. 

Let  FP  be  a  perpendicular  drawn  from  the  focus  to  the  tangent 
Tm,  then  the  area  of  the  triangle  TFm  is  =^FP  .  Tm.  But  if  -^ 
be  the  angle  TFm,  the  area  of  this  triangle  is  also  £FT  .  Fm  .  sin  ^  ; 


"k^FfTI*  ....... 

But  the  angle  TFn  is  also  equal  to  ty  ; 

FP.  .Tn  ,M 

therefore  Sm     =  ....... 

Equating  these  values  of  sin  >/r,  squaring,  putting  for  FP2  and  FP,2 
their  values  k  .  Fm  and  k  .  Fn,  we  get 



Hence  also  the  chord  mn  is  divided  into  segments-  by  the  line  TF, 
which  are  to  each  other  in  the  duplicate  ratio  of  the  tangents  Tm 
and  Tn. 

323.]  If  a  parabola  be  inscribed  in  a  triangle,  the  circle  which  cir- 
cumscribes the  triangle  passes  through  the  focus  of  the  parabola. 

This  theorem  follows  immediately  from  that  established  in  sec. 
[277],  in  which  it  is  shown  that,  if  a  conic  be  inscribed  in  a  triangle, 
the  sum  of  the  angles  subtended  at  the  foci  by  the  base  of  the  tri- 
angle is  equal  to  the  external  vertical  angle  of  the  triangle.  Now 
when  the  conic  becomes  a  parabola,  the  remote  focal  angle  vanishes, 
and  therefore  the  angle  at  the  near  focus,  subtended  by  the  base 
of  the  triangle,  is  equal  to  the  external  vertical  angle  of  the  triangle; 
and  therefore  a  circle  may  be  drawn  through  the  vertices  of  the 
quadrilateral  ACBF*. 

Since  FC3=FA/.FB/,  FB2=FC,.FA,,  FA2=FB,.FC,,  .  (a) 
then,  as  ACBF  is  a  quadrilateral  in  a  circle, 

CB  .  (FB,FC,)*  +  CA  .  (FC,  .  FA,)*=AB  .  (FA,  .  FB,)*; 
consequently  by  division  we  obtain  finally 
CB          CA         AB 


Hence  the  sum  of  the  sides  of  the  circumscribing  triangle,  each 
divided  by  the  square  root  of  the  focal  vector  drawn  to  its  point  of 
contact  with  the  parabola,  is  constant. 

If  we  multiply  together  the  expressions  in  (a),  we  shall  have 

FA.FB.FC^FA^.FB^FC, (c) 

Hence,  when  a  triangle  circumscribes  a  parabola,  the  product  of  the 
focal  vectors  drawn  to  the  vertices  of  the  triangle  is  equal  to  the 

*  This  theorem  is  otherwise  established,  and  very  simply,  in  the  first  volume, 
see  sec.  [53],  by  an  application  of  the  method  of  tangential  coordinates. 



Fig.  77. 

product  of  the  focal  vectors  drawn  to  the  points  of  contact  of  the 
sides  of  the  triangle  with  the  parabola. 

324.]  Since  the  sums  of  the  rectangles  under  the  adjacent  sides 
of  a  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle  are  as  the  diagonals  which 
join  the  points  in  which  the  sides  of  the  rectangles  meet,  we  have 

AB .  BC  .  CA=CA .  FC  .  FA  +  CB  .  FC .  FB-AB .  FA .  FB. 
But  FA2=  FB, .  FC,,  FB3=  FA, .  FB,,  and  "FCa=  FA,FB(. 

Substituting  these  values  in  the  preceding  equation,  we  get 

AB . BC . CA 

VFA,-AB . 


325.]  The  directrices  of  all  the  parabolas  inscribed  in  a  triangle 
pass  through  the  orthocentre  of  this  triangle  (see  fig.  78) . 

From  the  focus  F,  on  the  circumference  of  the  circle,  draw  the 
perpendiculars  Fm,  Fn,  Fr  on  the  sides  AC,  CB,  AB  of  the  «ri\ vn 
triangle.  The  points  m,  r,  n  range  along  a  straight  line,  whirh  is 
a  tangent  to  the  parabola  at  its  vertex.  Produce  Fr  until  rx  is 
equal  to  Fr,  and  through  x  draw  xTt  parallel  to  mm.  xZ  is  the 
directrix.  Produce  rA  to  meet  the  directrix  in  D.  Join  DF 
meeting  the  circle  in  Q.  Join  CQ,  FB.  Then  the  angle  CQD  =  the 
angle  FBC,  since  CQFB  is  a  quadrilateral  in  a  circle.  The  angle 
QFr=the  angle  Dar=the  angle  wrF=the  angle  FBC,  since  Fr/»B 
is  a  quadrilateral  that  may  be  inscribed  in  a  circle.  Therefore  the 
angle  DQC  is  equal  to  the  angle  DFx,  or  F*  is  parallel  to  C/». 



Fig.  78. 

Therefore  CpD  is  a  right  angle ;  and  therefore  ps=pQ,}  or  s  (a  point 
on  the  directrix)  is  the  orthocentre. 

326.]  The  inscription  of  the  maximum  parabola  in  a  triangle 
involves  the  trisection  of  an  angle  (see  fig.  79) . 

Let  ABC  be  the  triangle,  and  let  F  be  the  focus  of  the  maximum 
parabola.  From  F  draw  the  perpendiculars  FM,  FN,  FU  on  the  sides 
of  the  triangle  AC,  AB,  BC ;  the  line  MNU  is  a  tangent  to  the  para- 
bola at  its  vertex  (see  preceding  theorems) .  To  this  tangent  MNU 
draw  the  perpendicular  FP;  FP  will  be  one  fourth  of  the  parameter 
of  the  maximum  parabola  inscribed  in  the  triangle. 

Assume  a  point  Fy  on  the  circumference  of  the  circle  indefinitely 
near  to  F,  and  from  this  point  draw  the  perpendiculars  FyM,,  F;N,  to 
the  sides  of  the  triangle  AC,  AB.  The  line  M,Ny  will  be  a  tangent 
to  the  parabola  whose  focus  is  F, ;  draw  to  this  tangent  the  per- 
pendicular FyPy.  FyPy  is  one  fourth  the  parameter  of  the  parabola 
drawn  indefinitely  near  to  the  former ;  therefore  F;Py=FP;  and  they 
are  ultimately  parallel,  therefore  FG  the  tangent  to  the  circle  at  F 
is  parallel  to  MNU.  But  as  FAMN  is  a  quadrilateral  in  a  circle,  the 
angle  FAB  is  equal  to  the  angle  FMN=  GFM.  Therefore  Fra=FB. 
Draw  OD  parallel  to  AC,  cutting  the  line  Fw  in  I,  then  FI=wI ; 
therefore  FI  is  equal  to  the  half  of  FB ;  and  therefore  the  angle 
FOI  is  one  half  the  angle  FOB,  or  the  arc  BFD  is  trisected  in  F. 

This  question  may  be  taken  as  a  good  illustration  of  the  appli- 
cation of  the  method  of  infinitesimals  to  the  solution  of  problems 
in  geometrical  maxima  and  minima. 

When  the  given  triangle  ABC  is  isosceles,  the  angle  to  be  tri- 
sected becomes  a  right  angle. 


Fig.  79. 


327.]  By  this  method  of  geometrical  limits  problems  which 
present  great  difficulty  if  treated  by  algebra  or  the  differential 
calculus,  may  be  solved  with  great  simplicity.  For  example. 

To  draw  the  minimum  line  through  a  given  point  within  a  given 
angle  (see  fig.  80) . 

Let  BAG  be  the  given  angle,  O  the  given  point,  and  BOC  the 
minimum  straight  line.  Draw  the  perpendicular  AD  from  A  to  BC, 
and  through  O  draw  the  line  bOc  indefinitely  near  to  the  line  BOC, 
meeting  the  sides  of  the  given  angle  in  the  points  c,  b.  Then 
as  BOC  is  the  minimum  line  through  O,  bOc  which  is  indefinitely 
near  to  it,  is  therefore  equal  to  it.  With  O  as  centre  draw  the 
circles  whose  radii  are  OC,  Ob  cutting  the  lines  be  and  BC  in  the 
points  m,  n.  Then  as  OC=Om,  and  Qb=On,  cm=Rn.  Let  a> 
be  the  infinitesimal  angle  between  the  minimum  lines.  Then 
Bn=£n  cot  B,  and  in  =  OB  .  a>.  Therefore  B/i=OB  .  o> .  cot  B. 
In  like  manner  cw  =  OC  .  <u  .  cot  C.  Therefore  as  Bn=cro, 




•       AD  A 

i=77fv  and 

OC     tan  C 

hence  7vu  =  : 5- 

OB     tauB 





This  may  be  reduced  to 

CO  +  OB  CD  +  DB 



ButCO  +  OB  =  CD  +  DB  =  BC;  therefore  OB  =  CD.  .  .  (b) 
Hence  the  minimum  line  drawn  through  a  point  within  an  angle 
may  be  denned  as  the  line  to  which  if  a  perpendicular  be  drawn 
from  the  vertex,  the  distance  between  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular 
and  one  end  of  the  base  shall  be  equal  to  the  distance  between  the 
yiven  point  and  the  other  end. 

The  point  D  is  the  intersection  of  a  semicircle,  drawn  on  the 
line  AO,  with  a  curve  of  the  fourth  order. 


328.]  Let  a  circle  be  described  on  the  major  axis  of  an  ellipse 
as  diameter,  and  an  ordinate  ~ 

PD  to  the  major  axis  be  pro- 
duced through  the  point  P  to 
meet  the  circle  in  the  point  Q. 
The  radius  of  the  circle  through 
this  point  makes  the  angle  p 
with  the  major  axis.  The  angle 
p  is  called  the  eccentric  ano- 
maly; and  the  angle  X  which  the 
perpendicular  from  the  centre 
on  the  tangent  through  the  point  P  makes  with  the  major  axis  is 
called  the  latitude. 

ON  CONIC8.  407 

Since  #=acos/^  y  —  b  sin /A,  the  semidiameter 

(5P  2*  *«=«*«»*/*+**«*'*• (a) 

In  like  manner 

ay2=a2sin2/A  +  &2cosV,  and  P^a2  cos2X  +  £2  sin2X.     (b) 
Thus  P  and  bt  reciprocate  their  forms.    Since  x=aco»fj,,  and 

a2£  =  #,  fl£=cos/*.     In  like  manner  bv  =  sin/A. 

Let  d  be  that  semidiameter  of  the  ellipse  which  coincides  with  the 

eccentric  radius  OQ,  and  which  makes  the  angle  fj,  with  the  major 

1      cos2 /A     sin2/* 
axis,  then  -^— — g---f      g    .     But  P  being  the  perpendicular  on 

the  tangent  through  the  point  P, 

1  _x*     y2_cosV     sin2/!,  ,  . 

P2~a4"l"64~    a2  62 

therefore  P=c?,  whence  this  theorem  : — 

The  perpendicular  from  the  centre  of  the  ellipse  on  the  tangent 
through  the  point  P  is  equal  to  the  semidiameter  which  coincides 
with  OQ,  the  eccentric  radius  of  the  circle. 

329.]  To  find  the  relation  between  the  angle  of  the  eccentric 
anomaly  p,  and  the  focal  tangential  angle  %. 


To  fin 

p2  —  -5  -f  7-4  2  —  1  —  11  —  >  au<J 
tan  v  —  —    —  .... 

.  ^,  we  niiu 

in-  sin  /.L 

.     .     .     .     (e) 

a  sin  IJL-T-O  cos  /t 
d  the  relation  between  X  and  p. 

f*OQ     //          Q' 

P2      //2  Pn«s2  X  4-  A2  sin2  X  ami                      ^  -4- 

fl  tan  it—  6  tan  X:   . 


therefore  X  is  greater  than  /t. 

In  sec.  [305]  it  has  been*  shown  that  if  li  be  the  radius  of  cur- 

b*                                           fa2  sin*  it  +  62  cos*  u]  *     / A  \ 
»  =  — r-=— .     (c)        Hence  $1=^ ^— ^ "_.    (d) 

So  also 

-  .    .    .        , 

[a2  cos2  X  +  O2  sm8  X]  t 

Since  the  normal  N  is  equal  to  — : .  a'N2 = A2  [a2 sin*/*  +  b* cos2/*]  • 

a  sin  % 

Comparing  this  experiment  with  the  preceding,  we  get  H  =  7TTT«> 

or  the  radius  of  curvature  is  equal  to  the  cube  of  the  normal  divided 
by  the  square  of  the  semiparameter. 

408  ON  CONICS. 



330.]  In  orthogonal  projection  the  several  points  and  lines  of  the 
original  or  projective  figure  generate  another  or  projected  figure  on 
a  plane  inclined  to  the  former,  the  locus  of  the  feet  of  the  perpen- 
diculars drawn  from  every  point  of  the  projective  to  the  projected 
figure.  These  terms  will  be  found  simple  and  useful  in  saving 
much  circumlocution.  The  projective  figure  is  cast  into  its  pro- 
jected derivative.  Thus  in  a  right  circular  cylinder,  the  projective 
ellipse  generates  the  projected  circle  on  a  horizontal  plane. 

The  principles  of  orthogonal  and  divergent  projection  are  often 
found  to  be  simple  yet  powerful  instruments  of  investigation, 
especially  where  it  may  be  required  to  pass  from  the  projective 
properties  of  a  circle  to  those  of  a  conic.  Let  an  ellipse  be  con- 
ceived as  an  oblique  section  of  a  right  cylinder  standing  on  a  circle 
as  base.  The  projective  properties  of  the  circle  may  be  at  once 
transferred  without  demonstration  to  the  ellipse.  For  example  : — 

(a)  All  the  radii  of  a  circle  are  equal;  and  therefore  all  the  dia- 
meters of  an  ellipse  are  bisected  in  the  centre. 

(/3)  The  squares  which  circumscribe  a  circle  are  equal,  and  the 
diameters  which  join  the  points  of  contact  of  the  sides  of  the  square 
are  parallel  to  the  sides ;  hence  all  parallelograms  about  conjugate 
diameters  are  equal  in  area,  and  the  rectangular  diameters  in  a 
circle  are  projected  into  conjugate  diameters  in  an  ellipse. 
'  (y)  The  locus  of  the  angles  of  a  square  circumscribed  to  a  circle 
is  a  circle  whose  radius  is  to  that  of  the  former  as  ^2 : 1 .  Hence 
the  locus  of  the  vertices  of  parallelograms  about  the  conjugate  dia- 
meters of  an  ellipse  is  an  ellipse  similar  to  the  original  ellipse,  whose 
axes  are  in  the  ratio  of  \/2  :  1. 

(8)  Since  the  locus  of  the  intersection  of  perpendiculars  from 
the  centre  of  a  circle  on  the  chords  joining  the  extremities  of  dia- 
meters at  right  angles  to  each  other  is  also  a  circle,  so  in  an  ellipse 
the  locus  of  the  intersections  of  lines  drawn  from  the  centre  to  the 
middle  points  of  the  chords  joining  the  extremities  of  conjugate  dia- 
meters is  an  ellipse  similar  to  the  former,  and  whose  area  is  to  that 
of  the  original  ellipse  as  1 :  \/2. 

Hence  the  area  of  the  original  ellipse  is  a  mean  proportional 
between  the  areas  of  these  loci. 

(e)  As  the  area  of  a  square  circumscribing  a  circle  is  the  least  of  all 
circumscribing  quadrilaterals,  so  the  parallelogram  about  the  conju- 
gate diameters  of  an  ellipse  is  the  least  of  all  circumscribing  quadri- 

ON  CONICS.  1()<J 

laterals.  As  the  square  is  the  greatest  quadrilateral  that  may  be 
inscribed  in  a  circle,  so  the  area  of  the  parallelogram  formed  by  joint  ,,>i 
the  extremities  of  conjugate  diameters  in  an  ellipse  is  a  maximum.  ' 
(£)  As  the  equilateral  triangle  is  the  least  triangle  that  can  be 
circumscribed  to  a  circle,  so  the  triangle  whose  sides  are  bisected  at 
the  points  of  contact  is  the  least  triangle  that  can  be  circumscribed 
to  an  ellipse. 

(4)  As  the  equilateral  triangle  is  the  greatest  triangle  that  may  be 
inscribed  in  a  circle,  so  the  greatest  triangle  that  may  be  inscribed  in 
an  ellipse  is  one  whose  vertex  is  at  the  extremity  of  one  conjugate 
diameter,  and  whose  base  is  an  ordinate  to  this  diameter  bisecting  it 
between  the  centre  and  the  remote  vertex. 

Hence  all  such  triangles  are  equal  in  area,  and  their  centres  of 
gravity  coincide  with  the  centre  of  the  ellipse. 

(6)  In  a  circle  a  chord  drawn  from  a  point  in  which  two  tangents 
intersect  is  divided  harmonically  by  this  point  and  the  chord  of  con- 
tact;  so  also  in  a  conic. 

331.]  A  perpendicular  is  drawn  from  a  given  point  to  a  given 
straight  line.  The  point  and  line  are  orthogonally  projected  on  a 
given  plane  into  another  point  and  another  straight  line  ;  and  from 
the  former  a  perpendicular  is  drawn  to  the  latter.  The  ratio  of  these 
inrpendiculars  is  independent  of  the  position  of  the  points  from  which 
the  perpendiculars  are  drawn  (fig.  82). 

Let  OA,  OB,  OC  be  a  set  of  three  rectangular  axes  in  space ; 
let  BP  be  the  perpendicular  from  the  given  point  B  on  the  given 
line  AC ;  let  this  line  AC  be  orthogonally  projected  into  the  line 
AO  inclined  to  AC  by  the  angle  i ;  let  BO  be  the  perpendicular 
on  this  line  :  then  the  ratio  of  BP  to  BO  is  independent  of  the  posi- 
tion of  B.  Let  OQ  be  the  perpendicular  from  O  to  the  plane  ABC 
inclined  to  OC  by  the  angle  B. 

Now  the  volume  of  the  rectangular  pyramid  OACB  is  one  sixth 
of  the  volume  OA  .  OB  .  OC.  But  it  is  also  one  sixth  of  the  volume 
of  the  triangular  base  ABC  multiplied  by  OQ. 

Therefore  OA  .  OB  .  OC  =  OQ  .  AC  .  BP. 

But  OQ  =  OC  cos 6,  and  OA=AC  cost;  hence  we  obtain 

T-rr= 7,  a  ratio  independent  of  the  position  of  the  point  B. 

BP     cos  i ' 

This  is  a  most  important  theorem.  It  enables  us  to  pass  from 
the  properties  of  perpendiculars  about  a  circle  to  the  analogous 
properties  of  perpendiculars  about  a  conic.  By  the  help  of  this 
relation  we  may  give  a  very  simple  proof  of  the  following  celebrated 
theorem  of  PAPPUS,  "  Ad  quatuor  tineas,"  as  also  of  many  others. 

VOL.  ii.  3  o 



Fig.  82. 

332.]  If  from  any  point  P,  in  the  circumference  of  a  circle,  per- 
pendiculars be  drawn  to  the  four  sides  of  an  inscribed  quadrilateral, 
the  rectangles  under  each  pair  of  perpendiculars  on  the  opposite  sides 
will  be  equal ;  that  is  (see  fig.  83) , 


From  P  let  the  lines  PA,  PB,  PC,  PD  be  drawn  to  the  four 
angles  of  the  quadrilateral,  and  let  R  be  the  radius  of  the  circle. 
Then  (Euclid,  Book  VI.  Prop.  C)  we  have 

PD  .  PC  =  2R  .  PD,  and  PA  .  PB=2R  .  PAy; 
therefore  PA .  PB  .  PC  .  PD=4R2PA, .  PD,. 
In  like  manner  PA  .  PB  .  PC  .  PD=4R2PB,PC;. 
Hence  PA,.  PD,=PB,PC,. 

If  now  we  orthogonally  project  the  circle  into  an  ellipse,  the 
point  P  will  be  projected  into  a  point  •or  on  the  conic ;  the  perpen- 
diculars PA,  -era  will  have  to  each  other  a  ratio,  the  cosine  of  the 
inclination  of  the  side  AB  to  its  projection  a/3,  and  so  for  the  other 



sides.     Hence  the  theorem  of  the  "Ad  Quatuor  tineas,"  viz.  :  — 
If  from  any  point  vr  in  the  circumference  of  a  conic  perpendiculars 
b<>  drawn  to  the  sides  of  an  inscribed  quadrilateral,  the  rectangles 
under  each  pair  of  perpendiculars  on  the  opposite  sides  will  i, 
constant  ratio. 

It  is  evident  that  the  inclination  of  the  planes  will  not  enter  into 
the  constant  ratio,  as  this  relation  will  be  eliminated  by  division. 

Fig.  83. 

333.]  If  tangents  be  drawn  at  the  vertices  of  a  triangle  inscribed 
in  a  circle,  and  if  from  any  point  in  the  circumference  of  this  circle 
perpendiculars  be  drawn  to  the  tangents  and  to  the  sides,  the  product 
of  the  perpendiculars  on  the  tangents  will  be  equal  to  the  product  of 
the  perpendiculars  on  the  sides. 

Since  PBT  and  PAQy  are  similar  triangles,  we  have 


In  like  manner  we  have 




PT,=PC  :  PQ,,  and  PC 
Compounding  these  proportions,  we  obtain 

PT .  PT, .  PTW= PQ .  PQ, .  PQ,r 

Hence,  if  a  triangle  be  inscribed  in  a  conic,  and  tangents  be  drawn 
to  its  vertices,  and  if  from  any  point  in  the  conic  perpendiculars  be 
drawn  to  the  three  tangents  and  to  the  three  sid^s,  the  product  of 
the  perpendiculars  on  the  tangents  will  have  a  constant  ratio  to  the 
product  of  the  perpendiculars  on  the  sides. 


334.]  If  from  any  point  in  the  circumference  of  a  circle  perpen- 
diculars be  drawn  to  a  pair  of  tangents  to  the  circle,  the  rectangle 



under  these  perpendiculars  will  be  equal  to  the  square  of  the  perpen- 
dicular drawn  from  this  point  to  the  common  chord. 

Let  PA;,  PB,,  PC,  be  the  three  perpendiculars.  Then  by  similar 

PB,  :  PC  =  PA/  :  PB,  and  PC,  :  PB=PA/  :  PC. 
Hence  PB,  .  PC,=PA,2. 

Therefore,  if  from  any  point  in  a  conic  ,  perpendiculars  be  drawn  to 
a  pair  of  tangents  and  their  chord  of  contact  ;  the  rectangle  under 
the  perpendiculars  on  the  tangents  will  have  a  fixed  ratio  to  the 
square  of  the  perpendicular  on  the  chord. 

335.]  Let  a,  b,  c  be  the  sides  of  a  triangle  inscribed  in  an  ellipse 
of  which  the  semiaxes  are  A  and  B,  while  the  radius  of  the  circle 
circumscribing  the  triangle  is  R  ;  let  d,  d,,  dlt  be  the  semidiameters 
parallel  to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  a,  b,  c  ;  then 

Fig.  86. 

414  ON  CONICS. 

Let  the  ellipse  be  projected  into  a  circle  whose  radius  is  B  ;  let 
the  triangle  in  the  ellipse  whose  sides  are  a,  b,  c  be  projected  into 
another  inscribed  in  the  circle  whose  sides  are  ex.,  /3,  y  ;  let  the 
areas  of  the  projective  and  projected  triangles  be  S  and  Sy,  then 

S=^,  and  8,=^*.     But     S  :  S,  =  A  :.  B.     .     .     (b) 

Now  as  the  lengths  of  any  two  parallel  lines  on  a  plane  have  the 
same  ratio  to  one  another  as  their  projections  on  another  plane, 
and  as  d  is  parallel  to  a,  a  :  a.  =  d  :  B,  or 

da.       r    ,.,  ,     d./B  d,,j 

a  =  -5~.      In  like  manner  6=^-,    and    c  =  -^-. 
1  >  Da 

,       ctfty.dd.d,,     .„       abc     ES         ,    S     A  ,  > 

Hence  abc=      -L-^'.    But  ^=M>  and   g-=g  ;       .     .     (c) 

hence  RAB=e?  .  dt  .  dn. 

Let  /,  /,,  fn  be  the  three  focal  chords  drawn  through  any 
focus,  and  parallel  to  the  sides  a,  b,  c  of  the  triangle  ABC  ; 

then  from  sec.    [282]   and   [291]   it  follows  that   c?2=^.     Sub- 


stituting  for  d,  d,,  dlt  their  values,  and  writing  D  for  2R  and  L  for 
A'*  D2L=//,/,,  ........     (d) 

336.]  If  a  circle  be  described  cutting  a  conic  in  four  points,  the 
vertices  of  an  inscribed  quadrilateral,  and  from  a  focus  six  chords 
be  drawn  parallel  to  the  four  sides  and  two  diagonals  of  the  inscribed 
quadrilateral,  we  shall  have 

This  follows  obviously  from  the  preceding  theorem  ;  for  we  may 
consider  the  inscribed  quadrilateral  with  its  diagonals  as  equivalent 
to  four  triangles,  to  which  the  construction  in  the  foregoing  theorem 
being  applied,  we  should  have  twelve  focal  chords,  three  for  each 
triangle.  But  each  focal  chord  is  once  repeated  ;  this  reduces  the 
number  to  six  different  chords.  Hence  the  theorem  may  be  enun- 
ciated as  follows  :  — 

If  a  circle  meet  a  conic  in  four  points,  the  vertices  of  an  inscribed 
quadrilateral,  and  from  any  focus  focal  chords  be  drawn  parallel 
to  the  four  sides  and  the  two  diagonals  of  this  quadrilateral,  we 
shall  have  the  square  of  the  diameter  of  the  circle  multiplied  by  the 
parameter  of  the  conic  equal  to  the  square  root  of  the  product  of  the 
six  focal  chords. 



In  the  preceding  theorem  the  products  of  the  six  focal  chords, 
taken  two  by  two,  are  equal,  or 

/I  -/2=/3  ./4,  A  -/3=/l  «/4,  A  -/5=/4  '/6,    and  /2  ./,=/,  ./,.        (b) 

Fig.  87. 

337.]  Without  having  recourse  to  orthogonal  projection,  it  maybe 
shown  that  the  product  of  three  focal  chords  drawn  parallel  to  the 
sides  of  an  inscribed  triangle  is  equal  to  the  product  of  the  para- 
meter L  of  the  parabola  multiplied  by  the  square  of  the  diameter 
D  of  the  circumscribing  circle,  or 

Let  ABC  be  the  inscribed  triangle,  V  the  vertex,  and  F  the  focus. 
Let  CG  be  drawn  parallel  to  the  axis,  meeting  the  side  AB  in  G, 
which  makes  the  angle  -fy  with  the  axis;  and  let  CP==p  be  the  per- 
pendicular on  the  side  AB,  and  the  angle  ACG  be  o>. 

Let          AG=< 
Now         sin2  v  : 

sin2  v  : 

CG  =  c,  AB  =  /, 
:  a2  and  sin2  o> 
1=C8L  :/,a2. 

BC  =  w,  AC=». 
=  !=!;:/,; 

In  like  manner 

sin2/Lt  :  1=C2L  :/2A2. 


sin2\  :  a 




sin2  •$>  : 



sin2X  :  1 

=L/*c2  :  An2/*4 

416  ON  CONICS. 

Hence,  multiplying  these  expressions,  we  obtain 

£    £    f       0  70    4 

=  f  ,  fa  /q  asbWn 

But  D3  =  -^  —  =  -  :  —  ,  and  Dp  —  mn; 

sin  A,  sin  p,  sin  i/ 

therefore  LVD*  =/,  /2  /8a*A*jB*. 

But  j9=csini/r,  and  «6sin2iJr=Lc. 

Making  these  substitutions,  we  have  finally 

M*=/i./a./8  ........     (b) 

338.]  //"a  come  described  on  the  surface  of  a  right  cone  be  ortho- 
gonally projected  on  a  plane  passing  through  the  vertex  at  right 
angles  to  the  axis  of  the  cone,  the  vertex  of  the  cone  will  be  a  focus 
of  the  projected  conic. 

Let  a,  b,  e  be  the  semiaxes  and  eccentricity  of  the  conic  drawn 
on  the  surface  of  the  right  cone  ;  let  6  be  the  semiangle  of  the 
cone  ;  and  let  /,  I,  be  the  lengths  of  the  sides  of  the  cone  between 
the  vertex  of  the  cone  and  the  ends  of  the  major  axis  of  the  given 

Then  4a2=/2  +  /,2-  Sty  cos  20;       .....     (a) 

2ae=(l—lj),  see  sec.  [262],  cor.  iii.  ;  —  =p  tan  0,  see  sec.  [281], 


where  p  is  the  perpendicular  from  the  vertex  of  the  cone  on  the 
plane  of  the  given  conic. 

»,-,/.      T  ,  .       i      .  //,sin20     Z/,sin0cos0 

The  area  of  the  focal  triangle  gives  p  =-L-=  -  =  -'  —  ,  or 

6*=J/,sin*0  .........     (b) 

Then  2a,=  (l  +  lt)  sin  0,  and  bt=b,  since  b  is  parallel  to  the  plane 
of  projection  through  the  vertex.  As  A2  =  II  t  sin2  0,  b?  =  II  \  sin2  0,  or 
£;2=/sin0  .  /,  sin  0  =  VA/VB,.  Therefore  V  is  a  focus  of  the  pro- 
jected curve. 

The  semiparameter  of  the  projected  curve  is 

*L=        262  211,  .sin0 

a~(l  +  ll)sinO~      l  +  l,      ' 

and  as  ef=—  —  3-*-,  substituting,  e,=j-—^  .....     (d) 

d  i  '  ~\~  it 

339.]  The  surface  of  a  right  cone  bounded  by  a  conic  is  developed 
on  a  plane  passing  through  the  vertex  of  the  cone  at  right  angles  to 
its  axis  ;  to  determine  the  curve  which  the  conic  becomes  when  the 
surface  of  the  cone  becomes  a  plane. 

ON  CONIC8.  417 

Let  the  focal  equation  of  the  projected  conic  be 

a  n e*\ 

Pi=  1  (  e  cos    ,  p,  being  the  focal  vector.       .     .     (a) 

Through  the  axis  of  the  cone  and  the  focal  vector  p,  let  a  plane 
be  drawn  ;  it  will  cut  the  surface  of  the  cone  in  a  side  of  the  cone  * 
so  that  p,=s.sin0.  Let  2w  sin  0=1;  then  2n  is  a  constant. 
Let  dtp  and  dtp,  be  the  corresponding  elementary  angles  between 
two  successive  values  of  p,  the  focal  vector  of  the  projected  conic, 
and  *  the  corresponding  vector  along  the  side  of  the  cone,  so  that 
<pt=2n<p;  hence  the  equation  of  the  projected  conic 

becomes  s  =  (b) 


But  cos  2w<p  =  cos2  nip— sin2w<p;  hence  this  equation  now  becomes 

1     sin2w<p     cos2»;p 

~j—  —J-       — — (c) 

This  is  a  species  of  spiral  curve  having  two  apsides  at  the  distances 
/  and  lt  from  the  vertex  of  the  cone,  when  w<p  =  or  when  n$—ir. 

7T  7T 

In  these  cases  the  vector-angle  <p  =  —  or  <p  =— • 

2n  n 

Hence  the  curve  undulates  between  two  concentric  asymptotic 
circles  whose  radii  are  /and  7y. 

When  the  conic  is  a  parabola,  /,=  <»,  and  the  equation  of  the 

1     cos2  n<p 
locus  becomes  -= — -j— -. 

When  the  conic  is  an  hyperbola  the  equation  of  the  locus  becomes 
1 cos2w<p     sin2n<p  ... 

~L— ~*~i          7 w 

o  I  1 1 

If  we  refer  to  the  ninth  section  of  NEWTON'S  Principia,  we  shall 
see  that  the  formula  above  given  is  the  equation  for  movable  orbits 
whose  apsides  recede. 

340.]  If  secant  planes  be  drawn  through  a  horizontal  tangent  to  a 
right  circular  cylinder,  the  locus  .of  the  foci  of  the  elliptic  sections 
will  be  the  logocyclic  curve  (see  fig.  88) . 

Let  AD  be  the  horizontal  tangent  to  the  right  circular  cylinder 
ABBjA,.  Let  AB  be  the  major  axis  of  the  ellipse,  and  let  F,  F,  be 
its  foci.  Let  a  be  the  radius  of  the  circular  base ;  then  it  is  manifest 
that  a  is  half  the  minor  axis  of  the  ellipse.  Then,  as  F  is  a  focus, 
we  shall  have  AF.  BF=a*. 

VOL.   II.  3   I! 



Let  zx  be  the  ordinates  of 
the  point  F,  the  axes  of  coor- 
dinates being  AA;,  AC ;  and  let 
i  be  the  inclination  of  the 
secant  plane  to  the  circular 
base  of  the  cylinder. 


Fig.  88. 

AB=2«seci,  AF=  V#2 

BF=2asecz—  V#9 

sec  i  — 


Substituting  these  values  for 
AF  and  BF,  we  get 

the  equation  of  the  logocyclic 
curve,  substituting  y  for  z,  as 
shown  in  sec.  [319]  of  the  first     B 



341.]  In  perspective  or  central  or  divergent  projection  (as  it  may 
be  called),  the  projecting  lines  are  no  longer  parallel  as  in  orthogonal 
projection.  They  radiate  from  a  single  point  which  may  be  called 
the  vertex  or  centre,  and  so  transfer  the  lines  and  points  of  one 
surface  to  those  of  another.  In  general,  as  here,  the  surfaces  are 
planes ;  one  plane  figure  is  projected  into  another.  This  sort  of 
projection  has  been  named  central  projection  by  PONCELET,  the 
great  authority  on  this  subject.  This  is  a  simple  and  powerful 
method  of  investigation,  so  far  as  the  graphical  properties  of  figures 
are  concerned.  It  is  more  general  in  its  application  than  orthogonal 
projection,  in  which  the  vertex  or  centre  of  projection  is  at  infinity. 
For  example,  in  the  application  of  these  methods  to  conies,  only  the 
properties  of  the  ellipse  may  be  derived  from  those  of  the  circle  by 

ON  CONICS.  419 

orthogonal  projection,  while  divergent  projection  may  be  applied 
to  all  conies. 

This  method  of  projection  rests  on  the  following  simple 
theorem : — 

If  a  straight  line  be  drawn  parallel  to  a  given  plane,  all  planes 
drawn  through  this  straight  line  will  cut  the  given  plane  in  parallel 
straight  lines ;  and  if  a  straight  line  be  drawn  meeting  the  given  plane 
in  a  point,  all  planes  drawn  through  this  straight  line  will  meet  the 
given  plane  in  the  same  point. 

Of  the  several  ways  in  which  this  method  may  be  applied  the 
following  appears  the  simplest. 

Through  the  vertex  of  a  right  circular  cone  let  a  plane  be  drawn 
at  right  angles  to  its  axis  and  intersecting  one  of  the  plane  sections 
of  this  cone  in  a  straight  line  which  may  be  called  the  cyclic  axis 
(while  the  plane  drawn  through  this  axis  and  the  vertex  of  the  cone 
may  be  called  the  cyclic  plane).  Any  plane  drawn  through  the 
axis  of  the  cone  will  cut  the  cone  in  two  straight  lines,  and  the 
cyclic  plane  in  a  straight  line ;  and  these  four  lines  evidently  con- 
stitute an  harmonic  pencil. 

The  figure  whose  projective  properties  it  is  sought  to  develop 
may  be  drawn  on  the  plane  of  one  of  the  circular  sections  of  the 
cone,  the  vertex  of  the  cone  being  the  centre  of  projection. 

One  or  two  applications  of  this  method  must  here  suffice. 

342.]  Let  two  right  cones  having  the  same  vertex  and  axis  be 
drawn,  they  will  be  cut  by  a  plane  at  right  angles  to  the  common 
axis  in  two  concentric  circles.  Let  these  circles  be  drawn  so  that 
a  square  inscribed  in  the  one  shall  be  circumscribed  to  the  other ; 
the  diagonals  of  the  inscribed  square  and  its  chords  of  contact  with 
the  circle  inscribed  in  it  will  pass  through  the  common  centre  of 
the  two  circles ;  and  if  the  square  be  turned  about  between  the  two 
circles,  it  is  obvious  that  its  angles  will  remain  on  the  outer  circle, 
and  its  sides  remain  in  contact  with  the  inner  circle.  If  we  now 
project  these  circles  and  tjie  square,  the  circles  will  become  conies 
and  the  square  a  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  one  conic  and  circum- 
scribed to  the  other.  As  the  opposite  sides  of  the  square  are 
parallel,  and  the  chords  joining  the  points  of  contact  are  also 
parallel,  the  projections  of  these  eight  lines  will  meet  two  by  two 
in  four  points  along  the  cyclic  axis ;  and  this  cyclic  axis  is  the  polar 
of  the  point  in  which  the  common  axis  of  the  two  cones  meets  the 
plane  of  the  two  conies.  It  is  also  obvious  that  any  number  of 
quadrilaterals  may  be  inscribed  in  the  one  conic  and  circumscribed 
to  the  other. 





343.]  At  page  xii.  of  the  introduction,  reference  is  made  to 
a  theorem  of  Euler's  connecting  by  a  simple  and  invariable  relation 
the  numbers  denoting  the  solid  angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  any 

A  very  elegant  and  simple  demonstration  of  this  curious  theorem 
which  had  so  long  baffled  that  illustrious  geometer  Euler,  will  be 
found  at  page  333  of  the  volume  of  the  Annales  Mathema- 
tiques  of  GERGONNE,  based  on  the  relations  of  a  group  of  reticulated 
polygons.  But  the  following  proof,  which  some  years  ago  I  disco- 
vered, will  be  found  still  simpler,  and  requires  no  knowledge,  beyond 
that  of  common  arithmetical  addition,  to  understand  it. 

Let  the  relation  s+f—e  =  2  be  assumed  as  established  for  any 
one  polyhedron,  where  s  denotes  the  number  of  solid  angles,  /  the 
number  of  faces,  and  e  the  number  of  edges.  From  this  solid  let 
a  pyramid  be  removed  whose  vertex  is  one  of  the  solid  angles  of 
the  polyhedron ;  let  n  be  the  number  of  plane  angles  which 
together  constitute  the  solid  angle,  the  vertex  of  the  retrenched 
pyramid.  Let  S,  F,  and  E  represent  the  numbers  of  the  solid 
angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  the  new  polyhedron  made  by  retrench- 
ing the  aforesaid  pyramid.  Now,  by  the  removal  of  the  pyramid 
whose  vertex  is  a  solid  angle  of  the  first  polyhedron,  we  take 
away  from  this  figure  one  solid  angle,  but  we  add  n  solid  angles, 
the  number  round  the  base  of  the  retrenched  pyramid ;  so  that  by 
the  removal  of  this  pyramid  we  add  n  —  1  solid  angles  to  the  ori- 
ginal polyhedron,  or 

Bast +(»—!). 

By  this  operation  we  add  n  new  edges,  which  are  the  sides  of  the 
polygon  that  constitute  the  polygonal  base  of  the  pyramid,  or 


E  =e  -f  n  ;  and  we  evidently  add  one  more  face  to  the  original  poly- 
hedron by  removing  the  pyramid,  or  F=/+  1  ;  consequently 


or  the  same  relation  exists  between  the  numbers  which  represent 
the  solid  angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  the  original  and  derived  poly- 

We  may  now  assume  any  simple  polyhedron,  a  cube  suppose,  in 
which  the  relation  s+f—  e  —  2  =  0  is  evident,  and  by  the  successive 
removal  of  pyramid  after  pyramid  thus  increase  the  numbers  that 
denote  the  solid  angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  the  derived  polyhedrons, 
and  still  find  the  same  invariable  relation, 


Cauchy's  theorem,  which  is  as  follows,  may  be  proved  with  equal 
brevity  and  simplicity.  Let  m  denote  a  number  of  polyhedrons, 
agglutinated  together  like  a  mass  of  crystals,  and  let  S,  F,  E  denote 
the  numbers  of  the  solid  angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  this  cluster  ot 
polyhedrons,  we  shall  have 

This  is  Cauchy's  theorem.     When  there  is  but  one  polyhedron, 
w=l,  and  we  obtain  Euler's  theorem. 

Let  *,  /,  e  denote,  as  before,  the  numbers  of  the  solid  angles, 
faces,  and  edges  of  any  polyhedron  ;  then  by  Euler's  theorem  we 
shall  have  s+f—  e  =  2.  Now  if  we  conceive  one  of  the  polygons 
which  constitute  the  faces  of  this  polyhedron  to  have  n  edges  and 
n  solid  angles,  the  removal  of  this  polygon  with  its  n  solid  angles 
and  n  edges  will  make  the  closed  polyhedron  an  open  polyhedron  ; 
and  we  shall  have  the  following  relation  between  the  numbers  that 
denote  the  solid  angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  an  open  polyhedron, 


Let  s,,  ft,  et  denote  the  numbers  of  the  solid  angles,  faces,  and 
edges  of  the  open  polyhedron  thus  derived,  we  shall  have  s  =  st  +  n, 
f=f,  +  1,  and  e  =  e,  +  n  ;  substituting  these  values  in  Eider's  formula, 
(*/  +  »)  +  (/,+  !)  -(*/  +  »)  =  2,  or  5,  +/-<?,=  !. 

Let  us  now  conceive  a  closed  polyhedron  having  an  open  poly- 
hedron applied  to  one  of  its  faces,  so  as  to  fit,  or,  in  other  words, 
so  that  the  projecting  edges  of  the  open  polyhedron  may  be  applied 
to  the  solid  angles  of  the  closed  polyhedron;  then  we  shall  have,  by 
Eider's  theorem  for  the  closed  polyhedron, 


and  for  the  open  polyhedron 

as  just  now  shown.  But  if  S,,  Fy,  and  E,  denote  the  numbers  of 
the  solid  angles,  faces,  and  edges  of  the  compound  polyhedron,  we 
shall  have 


or  the  difference  is  one  more  than  in  the  case  of  the  single  poly- 

Consequently  for  every  additional  open  polyhedron  we  attach, 
the  absolute  number  is  increased  by  unity  ;  or  if  there  be  m  agglu- 
tinated polyhedrons, 

[Page  xiii.] 

344.]    The  opposite  sides  of  a  hexagon  inscribed  in  a  conic  meet, 
two  by  two,  in  three  points  which  range  along  a  straight  line. 

Fig.  89. 


Let  A,  B,  C,  D,  E,  F  be  the  vertices  of  a  hexagon  inscribed  in  a 
conic,  whose  opposite  sides  meet  two  by  two  in  the  three  points 
G,  H,  K.  These  points  range  along  a  straight  line. 

Let  the  alternate  sides  of  the  hexagon  be  taken  as  forming  a 
triangle  LMN,  whose  sides  are  cut  in  the  points  A,  B,  C,  D,  and 
K,  I-1  by  a  conic  and  also  by  the  three  transversals  BC,  DE,  and  FA. 

Through  a  focus  of  the  conic  let  chords  be  drawn  /,  ft,  fn  parallel 
to  the  sides  of  the  triangle  LMN;  then,  by  a  well  known  theorem, 

MA.MB:MF.ME=/  :/„   J 

NC.ND:NA.NB  =/„:/,   [ (a) 

LE  .LF  :LD.LC=//://r) 

Multiplying  these  expressions, 

Since  the  triangle  LMN  is  cut  by  the  transversals  HB,  GE,  and  KA, 

HL.NC  .MB  =  HM.NB.LC,  ) 
GM.ND.LE=GN  .LD.ME,  [     .     .     .     (c) 
KN.LF  .MA=KL  .MF.NA.  ) 

Multiplying  together  these  three  sets  of  proportionals,  and  dividing 
the  product  by  the  products  in  (b),  we  shall  have 

HL.GM.KN=KL.GN.HM;  .     .     .     .     (d) 

or  the  three  points  G,  H,  K  range  along  the  straight  line  GHK, 
which  is  a  transversal  to  the  triangle  LMN*. 

345.]  A  hexagon  is  circumscribed  to  a  conic ;  the  diagonals  which 
join  the  opposite  vertices  meet  in  a  point. 

Through  the  points  A,  B,  C,  D,  E,  F  (see  preceding  figure)  let 
tangents  be  drawn  to  the  conic,  meeting  in  the  points  a,  b,  c,  d,  e,  f, 
which  therefore  constitute  a  hexagon  circumscribed  to  the  conic. 
Now  as  a  is  the  pole  of  the  chord  AB,  the  polar  of  any  point  in  AB 
will  pass  through  a.  But  G  is  a  point  on  AB  ;  therefore  the  polar 
of  the  point  G  will  pass  through  a.  In  like  manner  the  polar  of 
any  point  in  DE  will  pass  through  d.  But  G  is  also  a  point  on  DE ; 
therefore  the  polar  of  G  will  pass  through  d ;  therefore  ad  is  the 
polar  of  the  point  G.  So  also  be  is  the  polar  of  the  point  H,  and 
cf  is  the  polar  of  the  point  K.  But,  as  shown  above,  G,  H,  K  range 
along  a  straight  line ;  therefore  ad,  be,  cf,  the  diagonals  of  the  circum- 
scribed hexagon,  meet  in  a  point,  the  pole  of  the  straight  line  GHK. 

*  This  solution  was  riven  in  the  '  Ladies'  Diarv '  for  1842  under  the  initial* 
J.  B.  B.  C. 


Page  15.  SEC.  [24]. 

346.]   More  generally,  let  the  protective  equation  of  the  conic 
section,  referred  to  rectangular  axes,  be 

Ax*  +  A#2  +  2Exy  +  2C#  +  2C;y  -1=0. 

Therefore  by  sec.  [22]     £=^    „    *„    ,    v= 

1  —  Cx— C,y' 

Her  (A;+C/2)^-(B+CC>-(A,C-BC/) 

(A^-B2)  +  (A^-BCJw+CA^C-BC, 

-(B  +  CC,)g--(AC,-BC) 
(AA,-B2)  +  (AC,-BC>  +  (A,C-  BC,)f 

Substituting  these  values  of  x  and  y  in  the  dual  equation  x^+yv  —  \, 

In  the  protective  equation  of  the  parabola,  B2  —  AAy=:0  j  hence 
the  tangential  equation  of  the  parabola  has  no  absolute  term. 

Page  21.  SEC.  [32]. 

347.]  If  from  any  point  Q,,  in  the  plane  of  a  rectangular  polygon, 
perpendiculars  are  drawn  to  the  sides  ,  if  the  feet  of  these  perpen- 
diculars be  joined  two  by  two,  so  as  to  constitute  another  polygon, 
and  if  the  area  of  this  latter  polygon  be  constant,  the  locus  of  the 
point  Q  will  be  a  conic  section. 

Let  x  and  y  be  the  projective  coordinates  of  the  point  Q,  and  let 
£,  v  and  £p  vt  be  the  tangential  coordinates  of  two  successive  sides 
of  the  polygon,  and  let  6  be  the  angle  between  them  ;  then,  P  and  Py 
being  the  first  pair  of  perpendiculars, 

1-fo-uy  _\-tp-vty 

VFTV2'      '     VI,2  W' 


sin  0=—r-Z'v~*v'       o    (see  p.  4). 

V(£2  +  "2)(£2  +  i,,2)  V 

Hence  the  area  of  the  first  component  triangle  is 
PP  sin  9-  (l-fr 

But  j;v  and  %jut  being  constants,  we  may  put 



therefore  the  first  component  triangle  is  equal  to 

In  like  manner  the  next  component  triangle  will  be  equal  to 

and  if  the  sum  of  these  component  triangles  be  assumed  as  constant 
and  equal  to  C,  we  shall  have  a  resulting  equation  of  the  form 

P#2  +  Gty2  +  ZRzy  +  2S#  +  2Ty  =  C, 

the  project!  ve  equation  of  a  conic  section  —  P,  Q,  R,  S,  T  being 
functions  of  the  constants  %,  £,,  v,  v,,  &c. 

Page  25.  SEC.  [36]. 

348.]  To  find  the  equation  to  the  envelope  of  equal  chords  of  a 
given  ellipse. 

Proposed  by  Mr.  A.  MARTIN  in  the  Educational  Times,  No.  4519. 

Let  (x,  y)  be  a  point  on  the  ellipse,  and  (£,  v)  the  tangential  coor- 
dinates of  a  tangent  passing  through  this  point  ;  then,  eliminating 
y  between  the  equations 

a*y*  +  b*ar*=aP    ...     (a)     and   x£+yv=l,    .     .     .     (b) 
we  shall  find      (a2^  +  £  V)  #2  -  2a2|*  +  «*(!-  6  V)=0.     .     .     (c) 
Let  xt  and  xlt  be  the  roots  of  this  quadratic  equation,  we  have 


*  ~" 

a  y- 

consequently       (*,-*„)*=  ««  ^~ 

In  like  manner   (y,-y,,)2= 

Let  2c  be  the  chord.     Then   (^-^)2+(^-yJ2=4c2,  .  (e) 

or  a262(r2  +  u2)[a2f2  +  6V-l]=c2(a?^  +  62u2)2.     .  .  (f) 

Hence  the  projective  equation  of  the  pedal  is 

-  •  (g) 

Page  40.  SEC.  [48]. 

349.]  Two  parallel  tangents  are  drawn  to  a  conic,  and  a  third 
tangent  between  them,  variable  in  position.  This  tangent  will  cut  off 
segments  from  the  parallel  tangents  between  its  intersections  with 

VOL.  ii.  •'*  ' 


them  and  the  points  of  contact,  such  that  the  rectangle  under  these 
segments  will  be  constant. 

Fig.  90. 

Let  two  tangents  to  the  curve  be  taken  as  axes  of  coordinates, 
the  axis  of  Y  being  one  of  the  fixed  tangents  to  the  curve,  while 
the  axis  of  X  is  parallel  to  the  diameter  conjugate  to  the  two 
parallel  tangents.  Then  the  tangential  equation  of  the  curve 
referred  to  these  tangents  as  axes  is,  as  shown  in  sec.  [48], 

l  .......     (a) 

Let  the  variable  tangent  cut  off  from  the  axes  of  coordinates 
OB  =  b,  OA=a.     Then,  as  this  line  is   a  tangent  to  the  curve, 

-,  j-,  are  tangential  coordinates,  and  satisfy  the  equation  (a)  .  Hence 

(/       U 

(a)  becomes 


and  as  the  axis  of  X  is  a  tangent  to  the  curve,  we  shall  have 
/3f  +  7/  =  0,  see  sec.  [19]  ;  and  as  in  this  case  OD  =  £=7,  we  shall 




Now  BQ=6  — 7y;  and  ByQ,  it  may  be  shown  is  equal  to 

it  a  a 

putting  for  (3  its  value  —  y7/. 

Hence  BQ  .  ByQy=  — ^  (b— yy)(2y  — a) ;  or,  multiplying, 
BQ  .  ByQy  =  -  7/  [2/3  +  27/a  +  2yb  -ab-  fly] . 


But  2/3  +  27y«  +  2y6  —  ci  =  0,  from  (b). 

Hence  BQ  .  B;Qy=y7/ (d) 

Page  41.  SEC.  [49]. 

350.]  The  tangential  equation  of  the  parabola  may  be  obtained 
from  the  projective  equation  of  the  curve,  2/2  =  4&r-f  4kz,  as  follows. 
The  equations  of  transition  give,  see  sec.  [22] , 

..       —1  y 

t — —  t>  = 

and  xg  +  yv=1.     Eliminating  x  and  y  we  get  k(%*+  v9)  -f  £=0. 

Page  43.  SEC.  [50]. 

351.]  A  parabola  is  inscribed  in  a  triangle  ABC  (fig.  91),  touching 
the  sides  of  the  triangle  in  the  points  A,  C/  Br  The  rectangle  under 
the  sides  CB,  CA  of  the  triangle  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  under  the 
segments  of  these  sides  produced  until  they  touch  the  parabola; 

In  sec.  [55]  it  is  shown  that  the  tangential  equation  of  the  para- 
bola, the  axes  of  coordinates  being  the  tangents  to  the  curve,  is 

ffSv  +  h£  +  hf>=Q  .......     (a) 

Let  CB  =  6,  CA  =  a,  and,  as  these  values  must  satisfy  this  equation, 
seeing  that  AB  is  a  tangent,  we  shall  have 

ff  +  hb  +  h,a=Q  ........     (b) 

The  value  of  CAy  the  tangent  to  the  curve  is  found  by  making 
t  =  0  in  the  given  equation,  which  reduces  it  to  ov  +  h=0,  or 

CA,=  -j¥-;  in  like  manner  CBy=-r^. 

Therefore  BA 

/=  -  (|  +  b\  and  AB/=  -  (|  +  a)  . 



Consequently  BA,AB;=  ~  (g  +  hb  +  hta]  -f  ab. 


But  the  expression  between  the  brackets  =0  by  the  tangential 
equation  (b)  of  the  parabola;  hence  CB  .  CA  =  BA/ .  ABy. 

Fig.  91. 

If  we  now  take  the  other  two  angles  successively  as  the  origin 
of  coordinates  we  shall  have  the  same  property  repeated. 

Consequently  a26V=AB/ .  BA, .  BC; .  CBy.  CA, .  AC,.       .     (c) 

Page  43.  SEC.  [50]. 

352.]  A  parabola  is  inscribed  in  a  triangle.  The  triangle  whose 
vertices  are  the  three  points  of  contact  is  twice  the  area  of  the  given 
triangle  (see  fig.  in  last  section). 

Let  two  of  the  tangents  to  the  parabola  be  taken  as  the  axes  of 
coordinates.  The  triangle  A/C/B,=2 ABC.  Let  CB  =  £,  CA  =  «; 
since  the  tangents  CA;  CBy  are  axes  of  coordinates,  the  tangential 
equation  of  the  parabola  is 

#£u  +  A£  +  A,v  =  0=V; (a) 

and  the  protective  coordinates  of  the  point  C,  in  which  the  curve  is 


touched  by  the  tangent  AB  is  found  to  be,  using  the  equation*  of 
transition  (as  in  sec.  [22]), 

dV  dV 

dg  _ d^ 



or,  putting  -  for  f  and  -7  for  v,  as  the  point  C  is  on  the  line  AB, 

Let  CA=Y;  the  value  of  Y  is  found  by  putting  £=oo  in  (a). 


Hence  -  or  Y=-T^,  and  X  =  — =^. 
v  h  nt 

Now  the  triangle  A^C^CA^-CCjB-CCyA,.       .     .     .     (c) 

But  CAyB^  j-r,  putting  a.  for  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  ordination, 


«     •  ••          n     \          n          i          n.     •-  ••        i 

*       '       '        ^ 

In  like  manner         «Y# =-r-  (ff  +  6h).  J 

Consequently  C A,B,  -  CC,B,  -  CC A,  =  Jf-  (g  +  bh  -f  aAy)  +  2oA<r. 


But  since-  and  -7  are  tangential  coordinates,  y  +  bh  +  ah,=Q; 

hence  the  triangle  A/B/^  =  2««6.   But  «a6  is  the  area  of  the  triangle 
ABC;  therefore  the  triangle  A^C,  is  equal  to  twice  the  triangle  ABC. 

CB_     —  bh         ,  AC,_a-z_  —bh 

OB     AC,    ABy      -bh      bh 

it  Will  follow  that         TrT~  =  TJ7T  — TTT^ —  =  — -• 

BA,     BC,     CA 

353.]  The  tangential  equation  of  a  parabola  referred  to  two 
tangents  as  axes  of  coordinates,  see  sec.  [55]  is 

g%v-l-  h%  +  ^=0  =  V, (a) 

to  determine  the  projective  equation  of  the  curve  referred  to  the 
same  axis. 


dV  dV 

Since,  as  in  sec.         ,j    -r- 

V      .     .     (b) 

v..  dv 


Hence  g=  ,=  .     .     .     .     (d) 

Substituting  these  values  of  £  and  v  in  the  tangential  equation 
of  the  parabola  (a),  we  get 

0.      .     .     (e) 

Page  47.  SEC.  [55]. 

354.]  A  quadrilateral  is  circumscribed  to  a  parabola.  Two  of  its 
sides  are  fixed,  while  two  are  variable  in  position.  These  latter 
intercept,  on  the  former,  segments  which  are  always  in  a  constant 

Let  the  tangential  equation  of  the  parabola  referred  to  the  fixed 
sides  of  the  quadrilateral  as  axes  of  coordinates  be 

let  a  and  b,  at  and  bt  be  the  tangential  coordinates  of  the  two 
variable  lines  ;  then  we  shall  have  (  since  £  =  -,  v  =  -;  j 

g  \-hb  +  hfl  =  Q  and  g  +  hbt-}-hfif=Q. 

Subtract  these  equations    one   from  the  other,  the  result  is 

But  h  and  ht  are  constant  quantities  depending  on  the  equation 

of  the  curve  :  hence  -  '-  is  constant. 
a,—  a 

Page  65.  SEC.  [76]. 

355.]  The  projective  equation  of  a  surface  of  the  second  order, 
f(x,y,z)=Q,  referred  to  three  rectangular  coordinates  in  space 

the  tangential  equation  of  the  same  surface  referred  to  the  same 



rectangular  axes  may  be  found  by  eliminating  x,  y,  z  between  the 
following  equations,  given  in  this  section. 


.-     •     (a) 

They  may  be  reduced  as  follows  : — 


-v=0,  [    .     (b) 

Let  us  now  assume  the  three  formal  linear  equations 

ty-\-ctlz=dir   (c) 

Comparing  the  coefficients  of  these  expressions  with  those  of  the 
preceding  equations  (b),  we  shall  have 

a  =A 

b  = 

/=B  +Cuv, 

%p-*-C,,l   (d) 

If  we  now  solve  the  group  of  formal  equations  (c)  for  x,  y,  z,  we 
shall  have 

/  (*c«  -  V)  +  «//  (*/c  -  *c/)  ' 




>     -     (e) 

substituting  for  the  nine  constants  a,  A,  c,  a/}  A,,  cp  and  o;;,  4;/,  ctf 
their  values  as  derived  from  (d),  we  shall  have,  putting  A  for 
this  common  denominator, 


A=  AB2  +  A^,2  +  AWBW2  +  AA/Aw-2BB/By; 

'-AAJC^  (BA-BIBI()CI,+  (B^-BB^CJu 
02-  AA,)CM-f  (B^-BBJC-f  (BA  -  B 



We  have  also,  multiplying  by  £, 

(C//B-A//C/)pu+  (BCj-AA 
-  (B2-A,A,,)C£-(C,,B-  AflC,)C&;-  (BC,- 


If  we  now  add  these  expressions  together  we  shall  have,  since 
the  triple  products  of  %,  v,  $  vanish, 

=  [(B«-A,AW)  +260^-^0  f-  Kp 

-f  [(A^-BBJ  +  (A/C//-BC/)C+  (B^-B^C 
+  [(A,Aa-B«)C+  (BBj-A^C,*  (B^B- 
In  like  manner 

=  [(B^-AAJ  +2BJCC//-AC/-A//C2]  v2 
[(AB-B^)  +AC//-CB,)C/+  (BC-B/!w 
[(A/yBw-BBy)  +  (A;/C-B,CW)C/+  (B^- 

and  also 

=  [(BW-AA,)  +28^0,0-  A^-AC, 

Bearing  in  mind  that 
we  shall  have,  making  the  necessary  reductions, 


=  [(B2-A,AJ 

+  [(B2-AA/;) 

+  [(Brt«-AA,) 

+  2[(AB-B,B,,)  +  (BC-B,,C,,)C+ 

+  2[(A,B/-BB,/)  +  (B,C,-BC)C,+  (A^- 

+  2[(A,,B//-BB,)  +  (B/^- 

+  2[(A/AH-B2)C+ 

Let  X,  Y,  Z  be  the  project!  ve  ordinates  of  the  centre  of  the 
surface  ;  then,  as  shown  in  sec.  [75]  , 


AB2  +  A,B,2  +  A;,B,,2-  AA/A;/-2BBJB/, 
and  like  values  for  Y  and  Z  may  be  found. 

When  the  surface  is  a  paraboloid,  as  in  this  case  the  absolute 
term  vanishes,  we  shall  have 

AB2  +  A/B/2  +  A//B/-AA;A/,-2BB>Bw=0.     .     .     (k) 
When  C  —  0,  0^=0,  Cw=0  or  when  the  origin  is  at  the  centre; 
the  protective  equation  of  the  surface  becomes 

and  the  tangential  equation  of  the  surface  referred  to  the  same 
axes  is 

AB2  +  A,B,2  +  AWBW*  -  A  A,  Atf  -  2BByBH 

.     (1) 

'Page  133.  SEC.  [134]. 

356.]  In  a  system  of  confocal  ellipses  the  envelope  of  the  normal  that 
makes  with  the  major  axis  an  angle  whose  sine  is  b(a*—b*)-lisafuur- 
cusped  hypo  cycloid  with  two  opposite  cusps  at  the  foci  of  the  system. 

Proposed  by  Mr.  J.  L.  McKenzie,  in  the  Educational  Time*,  No.  4420. 
The  tangential  equation  of  the  evolute  of  an  ellipse  (see  sec. 
[156]),  since  a2=£2  +  A:2,  may  be  transformed  into 

6*(u*  +  £«)  +  yfcV==/t«£V;        .....     (a) 
but  it  is  assumed  that  the  sine  of  the  angle  which  the  normal  makes 

VOL.   II.  3  K 


with  the  axis  is  y,  and  as  the  normal  is  parallel  to  the  perpendicular 


b*        £2 

from  the  centre  on  the   tangent,  we  shall  have    73=^5  -  5,  or 

A;        5   •+•  V 

#2  (|2  +  ,,2)  =  £2£2    .   (b)  ;  eliminating  i2  between  (a)  and  (b),  we  shall 
have  £2  +  v2-/t9£V=0=V,      .....     (c) 

the  tangential  equation  of  the  quadrantal  hypocycloid,  as  shown  in 
sec.  [131]. 

The  protective  equation  of  this  curve  may  easily  be  found  by  the 
help  of  the  formula  of  transition  given  in  sec.  [22]. 

For  2jT=2(*M-l),     ^=2(*2£2-l); 

£2^2  _  } 

hence  x  =  —    ^-5-,  or  &2(1  —  £a?)i»2  =  l. 


But  (c)  gives  (£2£2  —  l)t»2  =  £2;  eliminating  u2  between  these 

f3=ro-J    hence  Esssjltfft.     In  like  manner  -5=  X:^. 
A2#  £2  w" 

But  £2  +  -2=£2j  hence  we  have  ^+y^=A-ff,  the  protective  equation 

of  the  quadrantal  hypocycloid. 

357.]  Let  a,  b  be  two  conjugate  semidiameters  of  an  ellipse,  and 
xt,  y{  the  coordinates  referred  to  them  of  a  variable  point  in  the 
curve  ;  to  show  that  the  envelope  of  a  series  of  ellipses  whose  semi- 
diameters  are  coincident  in  direction  with  a,  b,  and  in  magnitude  are 

mean  proportionals  between  a,  xt  and  b,  yt  is  f-J  +(jj  =!• 

Proposed  by  Mr.  W.  J.  C.  Miller,  in  the  Educational  Times,  No.  4463  *. 

If  az,  and  byt  be  the  squares  of  the  semiaxes  of  the  variable 
ellipse,  its  tangential  equation  is  a«r/P  +  6y/t»2  =  l,  .  .  (a) 

and  the  equation  of  the  given  ellipse  is  a2y/2  +  62^/2  =  a2^»2,     .     (b) 
Eliminating  y,  between  these  equations, 

To  eliminate  xt>  yt  we  must  manifestly  have  three  equations  —  (a)  , 
(b)  ,  and  the  differential  of  F  with  respect  to  xt,  or 

dF     A  ,,.  dF          xt  «V_ 

—  =0.     .     .     (d)          But  as  -r-=0,  -J  =  r  4c.4  ,  74  4T 
dxt  d^       '  a      [a4|4  +  o  y  J 

*  This  solution  embodies  an  important  principle.  It  shows  how  the  tangential 
method  may  he  extended  to  those  cases  in  which  the  envelope  is  generated  by  the 
successive  intersections  of  curves  whose  parameters  vary  according  to  a  given  law. 


Finding  a  like  expression  for  yt,  |'=  F^M^^,,- 

Substituting  these  values  of  xt  and  yt  in  (b)  ,  the  resulting  ex- 
pression is 

K)4+(^)4=i  ........    (d) 

This  is  the  tangential  equation  of  the  curve  required. 
If  we  require  the  projective  equation  of  the  same  curve,  we  must 

V  =  (a£)«+(Ai/)4-lj.   .    (e)     then        =4a4£8,         =46V.  .     (f) 


But  x=-Ty  --  jy    ,  see  sec.  [22].     A  like  value  for  y  is  obvious. 

Hence  -=«3£3,  or  (-\*=tfP. 
a  \«/ 

Finding  a  like  value  for  y,  the  projective  equation  becomes 

©'+(*)'->  ........  w 

Page  112.  SEC.  [119]. 

358.]  //"atf  each  point  of  an  ellipsoid  a  distance  -p-  be  measured 

along  the  normal,  P  being  the  perpendicular  from  the  centre  on  the 
tangent  plane  at  that  point,  the  locus  of  the  point  so  defined  is  another 
ellipsoid,  the  envelope  of  which  for  different  values  of  k  is  the  "  surface 
of  centres  "  of  the  original  ellipsoid. 

Proposed  by  Mr.  R.  F.  Scott,  B.A.,  in  the  Educational  Times,  No.  4460. 
Let  the  tangential  equation  of  the  ellipsoid  be 

......     (a) 

and  =  y^  +  ^  +  f*;  hence  ^=A«  V?  +  »* 

Let  x,  y,  z  be  the  projective  coordinates  of  the  point  on  the 
surface  to  which  the  normal  is  drawn;  then  ar  =  ag£,  and  the  pro- 

iection  of  the  line  -^  on  the  axis  of  X  is  —  —-^^--        *-=/;*£; 

V  £*  +  »*  +  £* 
and  if  x,  be   the   projection   of  its    extremity,  we   shall   have 


x^a^  —  k^,   since    (x—  a?,)  =&2f.     Consequently  £  =  -y^frg-     In 
like  manner 

USB  and    ^=  ......        » 


Substituting  these  values  of  £,  v,  %  in  (a)  we  shall  have 

_  -I 


3  A2,.  2  ,.2 

i       .      °  y/       -      c 

"•  '- 

for  the  projective  equation  of  this  surface. 

Hence  by  the  formula  of  transition,  p.  68,  the  tangential  equation 
of  this  same  surface  will  be 


"We  must  now  eliminate  k  between  this  equation  and  -^=0. 

£2  +  t,9_|_£S 

This  elimination  gives  k2  =~  -  ^  —  -%  ........     (e) 

^  +  P  +  ? 
Substituting  this  value  of  k  in  the  equation  V  =  0  we  shall  have 


the  tangential  equation   of  the  surface   of  centres  as  found  in 
sec.  [119]. 

359.]  A  given  ellipse  F  is  one  of  a  system  of  concentric  similar 
and  similarly  situated  ellipses.  A  line  is  drawn  touching  any  other 
ellipse  H  of  the  system  ;  and  the  perpendicular  distance  of  the  tangent 
from  the  centre  is  a  mean  proportional  between  the  semi-  major  axi» 
of  H,  and  the  semi-  minor  axis  of  F.  To  show  that  the  envelope  of 
the  tangent  is  the  first  negative  pedal  of  F,  but  turned  round  a  right 
angle  about  its  centre. 

Proposed  by  Mr.  J.  L.  McKenzie,  in  the  Educational  Times:,  No.  4368. 
The  tangential  equation  of  the  first  negative  pedal  of 

«y  +  6V-«2Z<2=0       ......     (a) 

is  aV  +  62f  =  «262(f  +  u2)2:       .     .     .     ,     (b) 

see  ((3)  sec.  [163]  ,     The  projective  equation  of  the  reciprocal  polar 
of  (a)  ,  a  being  the  radius  of  the  polarizing  circle,  is 

and  the  tangential  equation  of  its  first  negative  pedal  is 

«2|2  +  6V  =  «4(f  +  v2)2  ......     (c) 

Let  «2£2  +  iV-l=0=V    ......     (d) 

b.e  the  tangential  equation  of  the  given  ellipse,  and  let 

-l=0=W       .     .     .     .     (e) 


be  the  tangential  equation  of  one  of  the  concentric  and  similar 
ellipses.     But,  by  the  conditions  of  the  question, 

)  =  l;    ........     (f) 

eliminating  n  between  this  and  the  preceding  equation,  we  get 

a2f  +  6V=«2£2(£*  +  v2)2  .....     (g) 

This  equation  would  coincide  with  (b)  were  the  axes  of  coordi- 
nates turned  through  a  right  angle,  or  if  £  and  v  were  changed 
into  v  and  £. 

If  the  duplicate  ratio  of  the  perpendicular  on  the  tangent  to  the 
linear  unit  be  equal  to  the  ratio  of  linear  similarity  of  V  and  W, 
the  envelope  of  this  tangent  is  the  first  negative  pedal  of  the  polar 
reciprocal  of  V. 

For,  by  supposition,         »  =  as(£*-f-t;8)  ;      ......     (h) 

eliminating  n  between  (h)  and  (f)  we  get 

a«$*  +  aV=  «*#($«  +  i/8)8,     .....      (i) 
which  coincides  with  (g). 
360.]   Prove  that  the  ellipses 

«y  +  b*x*  =  tfb*,  a2*?2  sec4  <p  -I-  b*y*  cosec4  <p  =aV  .     (U,  V) 

are  so  related  that  the  envelope  of  (V),  for  different  values  of  <p,  is 
the  evolute  of  (U),  and  that  a  point  of  contact  of  (V)  with  its 
envelope  is  the  centre  of  curvature  at  the  point  of  (U)  whose 
eccentric  angle  is  <p. 

Proposed  by  Mr.  R.  Tucker,  in  the  Educational  Times,  No.  4240. 

a*y  2  +  6V  —  o26*  =  0  =\J,     a2*2  sec2  <p  +  b*y  2  cosec4  <p  —  a4e4  =  0  =  V  . 


Find  the  value  of  <p  from'  the  equation  -,—  =  0;  substitute  this  value 

in  V  =  0,  and  we  shall  have  W—  («?)*  +  (by)*-  (a*—  62)*=0;  and 
this  is  the  protective  equation  of  the  evolute  of  U=0. 

(a2-i2)cos3<p  (a'-A2)    . 

Again,  assuming  x=  -  ,  and    y—-  —  r  —  -unrfj    (a) 

we  shall  find  that  these  values  of  x  and  y  satisfy  the  equations 
V=0,  W=0.  Hence  this  point  is  common  to  the  ellipse  V=0  and 
its  evolute  W  =  0. 

Moreover,  if  x  and  y  be  the  coordinates  of  a  point  on  the  ellipse 
U=0,  of  which  point  <p  is  the  eccentric  angle,  we  shall  have 

j-  =  flcos<p,  and  y  =  Asin<p;    .....     (b) 


and  if  we  eliminate  cos  <p  and  sin  <p  between  (a)  and  (b)  we  shah 

~2'     y~' 

Hence  x  and  y  are  the  projective  coordinates  of  the  centre  of 
curvature  of  the  point  (x,  y}  . 

2.  The  question  may  be  solved  as  follows  by  tangential  coor- 
dinates :  — 

Let  a?£2  +  £V-l=0—  U',     ......     (d) 

(/72_A«V2  f/72_  A2\2 

and  _^COs4<^+^—  ^8in4?u2-l=O^V',     .     (e) 

be  the  tangential  equation  of  the  two  ellipses.     Then,  finding  the 

dV'  a^v2 

value  of  -5 — =0.    we  shall   have  cos2<p  =  -a-o     ,0..0.    Eliminating 
d<p  a  v  +  0  g 

sin  <p,  cos  <p  from  V'=0,  we  shall  have 

aV  +  A2^-(a2-i2)2^u2=0=W,       .     .     .     (f) 

which  is  the  tangential  equation  of  the  evolute  of  U  =  0  (see 
vol.  i.  p.  115). 

«sec<p                     ocosec<p 
Assume  f-^CI^'    and   VSB(oTI^ fe) 

Now,  substituting  these  assumed  values  of  %  and  y  in  the  equations 
V'=0  and  W'=0,  we  shall  find  that  they  satisfy  these  equations ; 
consequently  the  ellipse  V'=0,  and  its  evolute  W=0,  have  a 
common  tangent. 

Let  £  and  £  denote  the  tangential  ordinates  along  the  axis  of  X, 
made  by  two  tangents  passing  through  a  point  on  an  ellipse,  one 
to  the  ellipse,  the  other  to  the  evolute,  and  let  <p  be  the  eccentric 
angle  of  U'=0  at  this  point;  then 

a£=cos<p,  iu=sin<p,  and  0££=£  cos<p  =  -2 — y^,  from  (a),    (h) 

G/    ^~  \j 

Hence  (a2 — i2 )££=!;  consequently  the  common  tangent  to 
"V'=0  and  \V'=0  passes  through  the  point  onU'  =  0,  of  which  the 
eccentric  angle  is  <p. 

If  we  substitute  the  values  of  x,  y,  £,  v  assumed  in  the  equations 
(a)  and  (g),  we  shall  find  that  they  satisfy  the  dual  equation 
xg+yv=*l}  consequently  the  common  tangent  passes  through  the 
common  point  of  the  two  given  ellipses. 



Page  230.  SEC.  [254]. 

361.]  From  this  focal  property  of  a  surface  of  the  second  order 
having  three  unequal  axes  may  be  derived  this  new  theorem  :  — 

Let  two  equal  semidiameters  k  be  drawn  in  an  ellipse  whose  semi- 
axes  are  a,  b.  Assume  two  points  C  and  D  on  the  major  axis,  such 

that  CO  =  \/a*-k*  and  DO  =  -7-1    ==,    O     being     the     centre. 

V«  —  « 

Through  the  point  D  let  two  straight  lines  be  drawn  parallel  to  the 
equal  semidiameters  k.  From  any  point  Q,  on  the  ellipse  let  perpen- 
diculars P,  P,  be  drawn  to  these  two  lines,  and  a  vector  R  from 

P.  P  4*a2 

Q,  to  C  :  we  shall  have    ^.o/=7o/  a  —  T&:  Q>  constant  ratio. 
rlr       Ar(flr  —  o*) 

Cor.  i.]  When  k=b,  the  perpendiculars  P,  P,  coincide  and 
become  equal,  and  the  ratio  becomes  -§,  the  common  focal  property 


of  the  ellipse. 

Cor.  ii.]  When  k  =  a,  the  point  D  is  at  infinity,  the  lines  to  which 
the  perpendiculars  from  a  point  on  the  curve  are  drawn  become  the 
minor  directrices,  of  which  the  properties  are  developed  in  sec.  [288]  . 

Page  329.  SEC.  [354]  . 

The  following  are  the  numerical  values  of  sec  e,  tan  e,  e,  and  e~l. 
sec  6  =  1-5430806348  &c.,     tan  e=  1-175201  1936  &c., 
sec  e  +  tan  e=e  =  2-7182818284  &c., 
cos  e  =  e-'  =  0-3678794411  &c. 

Fig.  92. 


Page  313.  SEC.  [343]. 
Proposed  by  the  Rev.  W.  Roberts,  M.A.,  in  the  Educational  Times,  No.  1749. 

362.]  In  a  right-angled  triangle  ABC  (fig.  92)  a  straight  line  is 
drawn  from  the  right  angle  A.  to  a  point  D  in  the  line  BC,  whose 
distance  from  the  middle  point  of  BC  is  one  third  of  the  radius  of  the 
circumscribing  circle.  The  line  AD  is  produced  to  meet  the  circle 
in  Q.  Through  Q,  draw  the  radius  QO  meeting  the  side  AB  in  G. 
Let  the  angle  ABC  be  <p,  and  the  angle  OGB  be  i/r  ;  then 

(sec  ^  +  tan  i/r)  =  (sectp  +  tan  <p)3  .....     (a) 
Let  the  angle  AGIO  be  0,  AO=r,  and  QD  =  nr;  hence 

3nsinf^--^l  =  sin(^  +  <p),l      .     .     .     .     (b) 

and  9w2=  10  +  6  cos 
Eliminating  Q,  n,  and  reducing,  we  find 

2  (sec  -»/r  sec  <f>  —  tan  -ty  tan  <p)2  —  (sec  >|r  sec  <p  -f  tan  ijr  tan  <p)  =  1  .     (c) 
Subtracting  from  the  preceding  equation  the  identical  expressions 
(sec2-»/r—  tan2  -t/r)  (sec2  <p  —  tan2<p)  =  l,  we  find 

(sec2  T/T  +  tan2  >/r)  (sec2  p  +  tan2  <p)  —  4  sec  -^  tan  A/T  sec  <p  tan  <p  )      .,. 

=  sec  i/r  sec  <p  +  tan  ^r  tan  <p.  j 
But  in  sec.  [344],  (^),  (77),  and  (7),  it  is  shown  that 

sec2  T/T  -f  tan2  i/r=sec(-»/r-l-/\Jr'),  2  sec  -^r  tan  -^r=  tan  (/^-i-'^r}) 
and  sec-^r  secip  +  tani^  tan<p  =  sec  (^/r  -'-(p). 

Substituting  these  values  in  the  preceding  equation  (d),  it  becomes 
sec  (^-L<^)  sec(<p-L<p)  —  tan(-^r-L^)  tan(ip  J-<p)=sec  (<^-Lf).  (e) 
But  this  formula  may  be  written,  as  shown  in  sec.  [344], 
sec  (>/r  -L  i|r  -r  <p  -T-  <p)  =sec  (^-^(p), 

Or  •^r-i-^-r(p-r(p  =  '^r-i-(p. 

Transposing  and  changing  -p  into  -1- 

hence  sec  i|r  +tani^=(sec(p  +  tan  f>)3  .....      (g) 

Generally,  the  following  relation  exists  in  parabolic  trigono- 
metry :  — 

sec  (<p  -1-  <p  .  .  .  to  n  angles)  -f-  tan  (<p  -1-  <p  .  .  .  to  n  angles)  ±=  (sec^p  -f  tan  <p)n, 


A  Treatise  on  some  New  Geometrical  Methods,  contain  iiiy 
Essays  on  Tangential  Coordinates,  Pedal  Coordhmli'*, 
Reciprocal  Polars,  the  Trigonometry  of  the  Pa,-<tbol<t, 
Ike  Geometrical  Origin  of  Logarithms,  the  Geometrical 
Properties  of  Elliptic  Integrals,  on  Rotatory  Motion, 
the  Higher  Geometry,  and  Conies.  By  J.  Booth,  LL.  I)., 
E.R.S.,  E.R.A.S.,  &c.,  Vicar  of  Stone,  Bucking!,. • 
shire.  (In  Two  Volumes.)  Vol.  I.  with  Photographic 
Portrait  of  the  Author,  416  pp.  and  87  Diagrams. 
Medium  8vo.  Price  18s.  (June  1873.) 

The  following  reviews  and  notices  of  the  first  volume  have 
appeared  : — 

From  the  (  Bulletin  des  Matheinatique.i ,'  Paris,  June  1873. 

"  Le  developpement  du  grand  principe  do  la  J)ualite  geonu'triquo  cst 
1'idee  fondamentale  de  cet  ouvrage.  Dans  los  vingt-deux  premiers 
chapitres,  Fauteur  etablit  un  systeme  do  coor.lonuees  qu'il  appelh 
•  loan A-.s  taiKjentielles,  le  correlatif  du  syatume  Lieu  connu  des  coordonnees 
cartesiennos,  et  qu'il  base  sur  une  notation  algebriqne  particuliorc.  II 
applique  sa  methode  et  a  la  discussion  et  a  la  solution  de  diffcrcnts  theo- 
remes  et  problemes,  en  I'tablissaut  dans  chaquc  cas  la  correlation  des 
figures  geometriques.  Cette  theorie  est  uppllquuc  non-soulcraeut  aux 
courbes  et  surfaces  courbos  du  second  dcgre,  mais  a  celles  dea  dcgres 

"  L'autcur  devoloppe  la  thoorio  des  polaires  reciprocjues  par  1'applica- 
tion  des  relations  metriques,  pt  plus  partiouEexemeni;  il  dcduit  les  pro- 
prietes  des  surfaces  du  second  ordro,  ayant  trois  axes  in<$gaux,  de  cellos 
des  surfaces  de  revolution.  II  continue  ensuite  a  appliquer  co  priucijje 
sans  exception  de  dualite  universclle  do  la  Trigonometric,  et  etablit,  pour 
la  parabole,  unc  trigonometric  analogue  a  celle  du  cercle.  II  denionlro 
1'origine  geometrique  des  logarithmes  et  fait  voir  que,  si  les  nombres  nature-Is 
sont  representes  par  les  rayons  vocteurs  d'une  courbe  qu'il  nommo  coin-he 
Lii/uci/clique,  les  logarithmos  correspond  ants  seront  rcpresentc's  par  les  arcs 
do  puraboles  .correspondantes.  Les  principes  dc  la  Trigononic-trio  parn- 
boliquo  servent  cnsuitc  a  otablir  de  nombreusos  relations  entrc  los  arcs  de 
la  ])urribolc  ;  et  1'autour  a  soin  de  signaler  les  relations  eemblablos  quo 
pnW'iitent  les  arcs  do  la  chainette  et,  par  suite,  les  rapports  de  cette  courbo 
avcc.  la  traction. 

"  Ces  quolques  mots  no  donnent  qu'un  resume  succinct  d'un  important 
ouvrage  qui  est,  aiuai  que  lo  declare  avoc  ruison  1'auteur,  eutiercment 


From  the  (  Standard'  of  July  21,  1873. 

"  The  mere  title  of  this  book  will  suffice  to  show  that  it  treats  of  the 
highest  and  most  profound  geometrical  and  mathematical  problems,  and 
that,  were  we  to  discuss  at  length  the  various  abstruse  questions  with 
which  Dr.  Booth  deals,  and  to  follow  him  through  the  new  methods  of 
solution  of  these  problems  which  he  proposes,  there  are  but  few  of  our 
readers  who  would  care  to  follow  us.  "NYe  notice  the  appearance  of  the 
work,  however,  because,  in  the  first  place,  it  is  a  very  remarkable  addi- 
tion to  mathematical  science,  and  because,  in  the  second  place,  it  suggests 
a  number  of  questions  of  general  importance,  many  of  which  are  touched 
upon  by  the  author  himself  in  his  introductory  remarks.  There  is  a 
tendency  of  the  present  age  to  believe  that  although  in  the  domain  of 
practical  science  and  invention  there  is  still  great  progress  to  be  made, 
yet  that  in  the  region  of  abstruse  scientific  problems  there  is  but  slight 
range  open  to  us,  and  that,  even  if  there  were,  it  would  be  altogether 
useless  to  investigate  it.  Unfortunately,  too,  the  spirit  of  the  age  is 
entirely  utilitarian.  In  our  universities  high  mathematics  are  taught 
and  studied  with  a  view  that  the  learner  may  obtain  high  honours,  and 
so  reap  the  substantial  benefits  of  scholarships  and  fellowships.  Men  do 
not  study  these  things  for  their  own  sake,  nor,  having  once  acquired  them 
for  the  sake  of  distinction  or  pecuniary  advantage,  do  they  keep  up  the 
knowledge  after  leaving  the  University.  It  is  difficult,  however,  to  say 
that  any  new  scientific  problems  and  discussions  whatsoever  are  useless. 
The  utility  may  not,  indeed,  be  evident  at  the  time ;  but,  for  example,  our 
highest  astronomical  problems  could  never  have  been  solved  had  it  not 
been  for  the  application  of  mathematical  problems  hitherto  condemned  as 
useless.  The  world  is,  indeed,  deeply  indebted  to  men  like  Dr.  Booth — 
deep  and  original  thinkers  and  students,  men  who  make  but  little  stir  in 
the  world,  who  have  nothing  in  common  with  the  gentlemen  who  love  to 
place  themselves  in  the  front  rank,  and  to  sound  their  own  trumpets 
before  the  world  upon  all  occasions,  but  who  are  content  to  live  quiet  and 
retired,  seeking  neither  fame  nor  profit,  but  studying  laboriously,  and 
issuing  perhaps  but  one  book,  conveying  to  the  world  the  result  of  a  life- 
time of  unremitting  mental  toil." 

From  the  '  Cambridge  Chronicle /  August  2,  1873. 

"  It  is  upwards  of  thirty  years  since  the  Eev.  Jas.  Booth  published  his 
first  essay  on  Tangential  Coordinates,  since  which  time  he  has  set  himself 
the  task  of  discovering  some  method  of  expressing  by  common  algebra  the 
properties  of  reciprocal  curves  and  curved  surfaces.  Having  been  suc- 
c^ssfuF  in  the  discovery  of  a  simple  method  and  compact  notation,  he  now 
gives  the  public  the  result  of  his  prolonged  labours  and  researches  in  this 
volume  of  essays  on  '  Tangential  Coordinates,  Pedal  Coordinates,  Reciprocal 
Polars,  the  Trigonometry  of  the  Parabola,  the  Geometrical  origin  of  Loga- 
rithms, the  Geometrical  properties  of  Elliptic  Integrals",  and  other  kindred 
subjects,'  first  explaining  in  the  introduction  the  considerations  which  led 


to  the  discovery  of  his  method.  With  the  usual  modesty  of  great  mind* 
the  Ilcv.  Jus.  Booth  apologizes  for  thus  making  public  the  medi1 
of  the  '  better  part  of  a  lifetime,'  during  which  lie  has  watched 
tion  that  some  accomplished  mathematician  would  take  up  these  BI. 
ami  expand  them,  producing  a  treatise  from  which  any  student  <>i'  mode- 
rate ability  might  glean  enough  to  enable  him  to  extend  those  researched 
still  further.  Xo  such  mathematical  champion  having  appeared,  our 
Iciirned  author  has  compiled  this  volume,  containing  at  length  results  of 
which  he  has  from  time  to  time  frequently  given  abstracts  in  the  Proceed- 
ings of  learned  societies.  It  would  have  been  difficult  to  have  found  a  man 
better  fitted  for  the  task,  or  one  who  would  bring  to  bear  on  the  subject 
more  ability,  more  original  and  deep  thought,  or  more  careful  and  untiring 
research ;  indeed  this  work  is  the  fruit  of  a  life  of  laborious  study  in  thy 
deepest  and  highest  branches  of  mathematical  science;  and  those  who 
deal  in  abstruse  scientific  problems  will  frequently  find  their  path  m;tde 
comparatively  easy  by  the  arduous  labours  of  their  pioneer,  the  Itev.  Jas. 

From  the  '  Educational  Times'  August  \,  1873. 

"  This  is  by  far  the  most  interesting  of  the  mathematical  works  which 
have  for  a  long  time  been  brought  under  our  notice.  Here  we  find 
gathered  up,  and  placed  before  us  in  a  connected  form,  and  with  singular 
clearness  and  elegance  of  exposition,  the  various  contributions  which  Dr. 
Booth  has,  from  time  to  time,  made  to  our  mathematical  literature,  along 
with  much  now  matter,  which  is  both  valuable  and  original.  The  chief 
feature  of  the  work  is  the  development  of  the  method  of  Tangential 
Coordinates,  which  now,  in  some  form  or  other,  constitutes  a  recognized 
portion  of  the  Modern  Geometry.  * 

"  The  method  of  Tangential  Coordinates,  however,  forms  but  a  small 
portion  of  the  contents  of  the  elegant  volume  before  us.  Indeed,  wo  do 
not  remember  to  have  ever  met  with  a  mathematical  book  containing  so 
great  a  variety  of  interesting,  novel,  and  important  matter.  This  will  bo 
dearly  seen  from  the  following  brief  analysis  of  the  contents  of  the  book. 
The  first  twenty-four  chapters  of  the  volume  treat  of  the  development  of 
the  principle  of  duality,  as  involved  in  the  system  of  tangential  coordi- 
nates, applied  to  space  of  two  and  three  dimensions. »  In  the  twenty-filth 
chapter  the  principle  of  duality  is  established  geometrically,  and  then  ap- 
plied— in  what  we  consider  one  of  the  most  remarkable  and  original 
chapters  of  the  book — to  the  investigation  of  the  properties  of  surfaces  of 
the  second  order  having  three  unequal  axes,  derived  from  the  corresponding 
properties  of  surfaces  of  revolution.  In  chapter  xxix.  metrical  methods 
are  applied  to  the  discussion  of  the  great  principle  of  duality  with 
ence  to  the  theory  of  reciprocal  polars.  In  chapter  xxx.  the  logoc\  die 
curve  and  the  geometrical  origin  of  logarithms  are  discussed ;  while  in 
chapter  xxxi.  the  trigonometry  of  the  parabola  is  fully  investigated,  and 
the  properties  of  this  new  branch  of  mathematical  science  applied 
catenary  and  tho  tractrix.  The  last  chapter  is  devoted  to  the  discussion  of 
certain  properties  of  confocal  surfaces. 


"  From  this  rapid  analysis  it  will  he  seen  that  there  is  much  in  this 
volume  that  cannot  fail  to  meet  the  tastes  of  all  geometers.  In  some 
parts  of  his  work,  Dr.  Booth  professes  not  to  he  able  to  find  room  for 
many  illustrative  examples,  as  he  states  that  his  main  object  is  to  lay 
down  the  principles  of  the  various  methods  discussed,  as  applied  to  a  few 
particular  instances,  without  following  out  the  investigations  into  all  their 
details.  Yet  even  in  the  most  sparsely  illustrated  portions  of  the  work  we 
find  a  few  judicious  examples,  most  aptly  chosen,  while  in  those  portions 
wherein  the  author  expresses  his  fears — which  we  cannot  but  think  alto- 
gether groundless — that  examples  may  be  thought  to  bo  unduly  multi- 
plied, the  illustrative  exercises  are  in  the  highest  degree  valuable.  To  the 
readers  of  this' journal  these  examples  will  be  especially  interesting,  inas- 
much as  many  of  them  have  appeared  in  our  mathematical  columns,  and 
have  there  received  solutions  by  methods  different,  for  the  most  part,  from 
those  given  by  the  author  in  the  volume  before  us.  Occasionally  a  solu- 
tion is  quoted  entire  from  our  own  columns,  with  appropriate  acknowledg- 
ment— an  act  of  justice  to  ourselves  which,  we  regret  to  say,  is  not  always 
rendered —  as,  amongst  other  instances,  in  Mr.  Spottiswoode's  investigation 
of  the  Tangential  Equation  of  the  Cardioid  (p.  142),  and  the  Editor's 
method  (p.  126)  of  deriving  the  projectivo  equations  of  the  bicuspcd  and 
unicusped  hypocycloid  from  the  general  tangential  equation. 

"  A  noteworthy  feature  of  the  volume  before  us — and  it  is  one  which 
we  cannot  praise  too  highly — is  the  clear  and  elegant  style  in  which  it  is 
written.  Usually  our  mathematical  books  are  little  more  than  mere 
collections  of  algebraical  symbols,  with  scarcely  two  consecutive  sentences 
of  English  of  any  kind  beyond  what  is  required  to  connect  them,  from  one 
end  to  the  other.  But  Dr.  Booth  possesses  a  vigorous  and  forcible  style, 
and  very  properly  devotes  much  attention  and  ample  space  to  the  interpre- 
tation of  the  results  at  which  he  arrives,  and  to  a  lucid  exposition  of  the 
principles  of  the  methods  of  which  he  treats. 

"  The  work  treats  of  subjects  of  great  interest  and  importance  to  mathe- 
maticians, develops  methods  of  much  power  and  efficacy  in  geometrical 
research,  is  written,  as  wo  have  already  stated,  in  a  remarkably  clear  and 
vigorous  style,  and — what  is  not  by  any  means  one  of  its  least  recom- 
mendations— is  one  of  the  best-printed  mathematical  books  that  has  ever 
issued  from  the  English  press.  The  woodcuts,  eighty-seven  in  number, 
are  admirably  engraved,  and  really  serve  to  illustrate  the  book,  a  well- 
drawn  diagram  being  introduced  wherever  it  would  be  of  use  in  enabling 
us  more  easily  to  follow  the  demonstrations. 

"  AVe  cannot  but  express  a  hope  that  some  of  our  own  contributors 
will  take  up  Dr.  Booth's  methods,  and  develop  and  apply  them  in  the 
mathematical  pages  of  this  journal,  and  its  connected  volumes  of  reprints. 
And  we  hope,  too,  that  Dr.  Booth  will  find,  in  the  reception  which  mathe- 
maticians will  accord  to  this  volume,  sufficient  encouragement  to  induce 
him  to  carry  on  soon  to  its  completion  the  promised  second  volume,  wherein 
he  proposes,  '  if  declining  years  and  failing  strength  should  permit '  him, 
to  embody  his  researches  on  the  geometrical  origin  and  properties  of 
Elliptic  Integrals,  and  to  apply  them  to  the  investigation  of  the  free  motion 
of  a  rigid  body  round  a  fixed  point,  together  with  other  collateral  inquiries. 

"  In  this  country  we  have  no  '  Minister  of  Public  Instruction,'  or 
'  Keeper  of  the  Seals,'  under  whose  auspices  a  costly  and  unremunerative 

mathematical  work  could  be   brought  out   without  any  ex;  the 

author;  and  it  would  be  a  subject  of  regret  if,  when  ;ui  1  ina- 

ticiun  t.1>kes  upon  himself  some  of  the  duties  of  tin-  aho\ e- incut  i<. • 
tionai-ies,  so  useful  to  men  of  science  across  the  Channel,  ami  brin^  out. ;:' 
<>\vn  cost,  a  work  like  the  one  before  us,  in  every  way  lit  to  •  /'.ace 

amongst  the  best  French  and  <;rnnan  treaties,  lie  *h:>uld.  after  all  hi- 
and  trouble,  be  taught  by  painful  experience  that,  in  this  country,  no 
mathematical  work  has  any  chance  of  success  unless  it  belongs  to  tin-  petty 
and  trivial  class  of  cram-books,  drawn  up  for  the  use  of  candidates  pre- 
paring for  some  one  of  the  innumerable  competitive  examinations  which 
have  become  the  rage  of  the  day.  We  hope  that  the  volume  Dr.  Booth 
has  now  given  to  the  world  will  meet  with  such  a  reception  as  may  show 
the  writer  that  there  are  still  'a  chosen  few'  who  can  appreciate  a  work 
like  that  before  us,  of  which  it  is  not  too  much  to  say,  judging  from  the 
instalment  we  have  already  received,  that  it  promises  to  be  one  of  the  moat 
valuable  contributions  to  mathematical  science  which  has  appeared  for 
many  years. 

"  We  have  hitherto  said  nothing  about  what  we  regard  as  one  of  the 
most  attractive  portions  of  the  book,  the  excellent  Introduction,  which 
occupies  the  first  twenty-two  pages  of  the  volume.  The  rest  of  the  work 
is  addressed  more  exclusively  to  mathematicians  ;  but  this  is  a  part  which 
will  not  bo  without  interest  even  to  the  general  reader.  We  should  h 
been  glad,  had  our  space  permitted,  to  lay  this  introduction  t/»  exttnso 
before  our  readers." 

From  the  f  Cambridge  Express'  October  25,  1873. 

"  The  work  consists  of  separate  essays  on  tangential  coordinates,  pedal 
coordinates,  reciprocal  polars,  the  trigonometry  of  the  parabola,  the  geo- 
metrical origin  of  logarithms,  geometrical  properties  of  elliptic  integrals, 
and  other  kindred  subjects.     Most  of  these  are  old  friends  that  have  ap- 
peared long  since,  cither  as  pamphlets  or  in  mathematical  journals ;  but 
they  have  all  grown  in  the  interval  since  we  last  saw  them.     Thus  the 
essay  on  tangential  coordinates  is  known  to  most  mathematicians  us  a  tract 
of  :?1J  pp.,  published  at  IXuhlin  in  1840,  and  entitled  '  On  the  A  plication  of 
a  New  Analytic  Method  to  the  Theory  of  Curves  and  Curved  Surfaces,' 
while  here  it  is  presented  under  its  now  well-known  name  of  '  Tan;.r' 
Coordinates,'  and  occupies,  perhaps,  over  200  pp.     This  was  one  of  the 
earliest  of  Dr.  Booth's  works,  and  is  the  one  by  which  ho  is  best  known  ;  in 
fact  the  method  is  always  associated  with  his  name.     In  the  original  tract 
of  1840  Dr.  .Booth's  said  that  ho  feared  that  '  brevity  and  compression  had 
been  too  much  studied  in  the  following  essay  ;'  and  here,  after  an  interval 
of  thirty-three  years,  we  have  the  essay  amplified  and  expanded  to  a  size 
proportional  to  the  value  of  the  method,'  and  with  tho  addition  of  the  notes 
and  examples  which  have  occurred  to  its  author  in  a  period  exceedi 
average  working  length  of  a  lifetime.     It  would  not  bo  easy  to  give  an 
idea  of  the  contents  of  the  work  without  transcribing  the  titles  of  the 
different  chapters,  thirty-three  in  number.     The  matter  in  the  bo,.; 
course,  not  consecutive,"  as  it  is  formed  by  reprinting,  with  •dditta 
Booth's  original  papers  :  but  there  is  a  '  u-olden  thrc:-d  '  which  runs  through 
and  connects  all  the  subjects  di.-cus -cd  in  tho  volume. 


"  There  is  prefixed  to  the  volume,  by  way  of  introduction,  an  interest- 
ing essay,  written  in  a  spirit  which  here  and  there  recalls  Babbage's 
'  Decline  of  Science  in  England.'  Dr.  Booth  laments  the  utilitarian  spirit 
of  the  age  in  this  country,  and  points  out  how  all  knowledge  is  subordi- 
nated to  the  grand  question  of  money-making.  On  this  point  we  cannot 
refrain  from  making  the  following  extract : — 

"  '  Will  it  pay?  is  the  test  of  all  mental  labour.  It  was  very  different 
in  the  schools  and  agorae  of  that  nation  we  are  so  prone  to  hold  up  for 
admiration  as  exhibiting  models  of  intellectual  greatness  hitherto  un- 
equalled. Nor  is  this  exclusive  devotion  to  the  adaptation  of  science  to 
money-making  so  universal  in  other  countries  as  amongst  ourselves.  Yet 
it  was  not  always  so.  One  might  appeal  to  the  age  of  Newton  and  Locke, 
the  age  of  deep  thinking  and  profound  learning,  in  proof  of  this  position. 
The  causes  of  this  degradation  in  the  objects  of  intellectual  pursuit  are 
many,  and  some  of  them  deeply  seated.  Not  the  least  of  these  is  the 
influence  which  the  philosophy  of  Bacon  has  exerted  on  the  tone  and 
tendency  of  public  opinion  in  this  country.  No  doubt  the  author  of  the 
'  Novum  Organon '  conferred  great  benefits  on  mankind  by  laying  down  so 
clearly  the  true  principles  of  physical  investigation.  He  has  marred  this 
philosophy,  however,  by  the  motives  he  presents  to  us  for  its  cultivation, 
lie  who  could  propound  the  maxim,  worthy  of  Epicurus,  that  the  true 
object  of  science  is  to  make  men  comfortable,  had  no  very  exalted  con- 
ception of  the  dignity  of  man's  understanding. 

"  '  It  is  plain  from  his  tone  of  thought  that  the  philosophical  Chancellor 
had  a  very  clear  promotion,  to  use  his  own  phraseolegy,  of  that  emphati- 
cally English  idea,  comfort.  There  is  little  doubt  that  he  would  have 
valued  more  the  invention  of  an  efficient  kitchen-range,  or  an  ingenious 
corkscrew,  than  the  ideas  of  Plato  or  the  discoveries  of  Archimedes.' 

"  What  particularly  charms  us  in  the  above  quotation  is  the  estimate  of 
Bacon's  philosophy,  which  we  are  afraid  is  not  very  far  from  the  truth. 
It  is  becoming  more  apparent  to  the  present  age  that  Bacon's  views  are 
very  different  to  those  of  the  savant,  and  that  his  philosophy  is  not  in  all 
respects  the  magnificent  structure  it  was,  till  recently,  heresy  to  have  any 
doubt  about. 

"  No  one,  however,  can  fail  to  read  with  much  interest  Dr.  Booth's 
views  on"  the  subject ;  and  it  must  be  remembered  that  they  come  from 
him  as  from  one  of  the  most  earnest  labourers  in  the  field  of  education. 
If  all  the  time  that  Dr.  Booth  devoted  to  the  formation  and  improvement 
of  the  Society  of  Arts'  schemes  of  education  had  been  given  to  his  own 
pursuits,  the  volume  before  us  would  have  been  a  much  larger  one. 

"  A  mathematician  who  republishes  his  scattered  writings  collected  in 
a  volume,  not  only  thereby  secures  whatever  posthumous  fame  is  his  due, 
but  also  confers  a  benefit  on  his  science.  Their  accumulation  in  the  same 
volume  places  the  whole  in  a  much  higher  rank  than  would  belong  to  the 
sum  of  the  parts  if  separate.  It  is  also  to  be  remembered  that  in  many  a 
country  house,  cut  off  from  the  great  journal  literature  of  mathematics, 
the  appearance  of  a  book  containing  original  work  (not  written  for 
teaching-purposes)  is  hailed  with  joy." 

Examination  the  Province  of  the  State.     Being 

an   attempt   to  show  the   proper  function  of  the  State    in 
Education.     8vo. 

"  .  . . .  The  first  suggestion  of  this  system  seems  to  have  been  in  an  able 
pamphlet,   published   by  the  K>  v.   Dr.  Booth,   addressed  to   the   Marqub  of 

Uffliaowne "—  Thonyht*  oil  National  Munition,  lij  /,„/•,/  I.i/ti.'lt,,,,.  p.   1<). 

"  Dr.  Booth,  in  his  pamphlet,  '  Kxamination  the  Province  of  the  State,'  pub- 
lished some  years  ago, laid  duwn  the  general  outlines  of  the  system  of  promoting 
education  by  means  of  examinations,  which  now   nieut.s    with   Mich  . 
acceptance." — Daily  News, 

flow  to  Learn  and  What  to  Learn.      Two  Lectures 

advocating  the  System  of  Examinations  established  by  the 
Society  of  Arts,  and  delivered,  the  former  at  Lewes  on  the 
24th  of  September,  and  the  latter  at  Hitchin,  on  the  IGth  of 
October,  1856.  Published  by  the  Society  of  Arts. 

"  Among  the  many  pamphlets,  speeches,  and  addresses,  with  which  the  press 
has  this  year  teemed,  on  the  all-engrossing  subject  of  education,  these  lectures 
by  Dr.  Booth  are  far  the  best  in  our  estimation.     They  are  more  liberal  and 
more  comprehensive  ;  they  are  marked  by  sounder  sense ;  and,  what  will 
still  more  with  most  men,  they  are  evidently  the  production  of  a  man  who  has 
thought  much  and  deeply  on  the  subject  of  which  ne  speaks,  and  who  brings  to 
the  aid  of  a  mind  at  once  vigorous  and  rapacious  the  benefit  of  an  ext. 
experience.     Dr.  Booth  is  the  Treasurer  of  the  Society  of  Arts,  which  has  done 
more  than  any  other  body  of  men  to  promote  the  general  improvement  and 
extend  education  among  the  yeoman  classes  of  this  country,  or  ratlier  anmn^ 
those  who  hold  a  position  in   society  akin   to   the  ancient    yeoman 
found  in  town  or  country.    We  have  no  better  name  by  which  we  can  <li-t '.  • 
them;  they  are  not  the  very  poor;  they  are  not  strictly  the  middle  clat^< 
they  range  indefinitely  between  these  two  poles  of  society. 

"  In  the  success  of  so  good  a  cause  we  feel  the  deepest  sympathy.     \\Y  i 
that  these  two  lectures  cannot  fail  in  exciting  that  sympathy  when-  it  is  not  now 
felt ;  and  in  that  persuasion  we  recommend  them  to  those  who  are  deeply  inter- 
ested in  the  cause  of  education,  and  who  believe,  as  we  do,  that  it  is  the  great 
and  absorbing  question  of  the  day." — Momimj  llrrald. 

"  Worthy  of  the  high  reputation  of  the  author." — Daily  New*. 

"  We  should  be  glad  to  see  these  lectures  of  l>r.  Booth  MTV  exten-ively  circu- 
lated among  the  clergy  and  laity.  We  agree  with  much  that  he  says;  but  what 
we  especially  desire  to  commend  as  an  example  is,  the  very  lucid  and  spirited 
style  in  which  his  lectures  are  written." — Eiiyluh  Ckurckma*. 

•  We  recommend  to  general  notice  two  lectures  ],\  l»r.  James  Booth,  entitled 
How  to  Leant  and  ll'/«it  to  Isarn,  in  which  the  subj'ect  here  slightly  touched  on 
is  fidly  and  ably  treated." —  Chambers1  Journal. 

On  the  Female  Education  of  the  Industrial  Classes. 

A  Lecture  delivered  at  Wandsworth.     1855. 


Ill  One  Volume,  crown  8vo,  price  5s.  cloth, 

The   Lord's  Supper,    A  Feast    after    Sacrifice. 

With  Inquiries  into  the  Doctrine  of  Transubstantiation,  and 
the  Principles  of  development  as  applied  to  the  Interpretation 
of  the  Bible.  By  JAMES  BOOTH,  LL.D.,  F.R.S.,  F.R.A.S.,  &c., 
Vicar  of  Stone,  Buckinghamshire. 

"  This  is  a  careful  and  scholarly  attempt  at  a  via  media  between  the  merely  comme- 
morative theory  of  the  Eucharist  and  the  doctrines  of  Transubstantiation  and  Con- 
substantiation.  Dr.  Booth  evidently  regards  the  former  as  bald  and  defective,  and  both 
of  the  latter  as  extravagant  and  superstitious.  The  nature  of  the  Holy  Rite  preferred 
by  the  author  is  the  Epuhim  Sacrificiule  of  Mede  and  Cudworth,  answering  to  the  meal 
of  the  Jews  after,  and  upon  parts  of,  their  sacrifice.  We  commend  the  treatise  as  a 
valuable  contribution  to  this  discussion,  which  never  was  more  rife  amongst  polemical 
divines  than  at  present,  and  which  may  grow  in  heat  and  range  within  a  few  years."— 
English  Churchman,  June  9,  1870. 

"  This  volume  will  well  repay  perusal.  It  is  the  work  of  a  clear  thinker  and  well- 
informed  man.  Dr.  Booth  is  well  known  to  mathematicians  as  one  who  is  at  home  in 
the  most  abstruse  problems.  When  we  state  that,  our  readers  will  know  they  are  in  the, 
hands  of  a  man  with  powers  of  continuous  thought,  who  is  able  to  trace  his  way  through 
all  intricacies  and  obscureness,  if  a  route  be  possible  to  human  powers.  But  the  ordi- 
nary reader  (we  mean  non-mathematical  reader)  will  observe  nothing  of  the  mathema- 
tician in  our  author's  manner  of  handling  his  present  subject.  His  style  and  inethod 
are  distinguished  solely  by  their  clearness,  simplicity,  and  orderliness.  And  the  book 
consists  mainly  of  quotations  from  able  divines  of  the  past.  Quotations  from  such  acute 
and  learned  thinkers  as  Cudworth,  and  Waterland,  and  Mede,  wit  h  ot  her  divinea  of  lesser 
note,  form  ihe  staple  of  a  large  portion  of  the  volume.  This  remark,  however,  does  not 
apply  to  the  latter  half  of  the  volume,  which-consists  of  two  chapters,  the  one  entitled 
'  On  the  Principle  of  Development  as  applied  to  the  Interpretation  of  the  Bible,'  and  the 
other '  On  Trunsubstantiation,'  Taken  as  a  whole,  the  volume  brings  together  much 
that  is  valuable  and  suggestive,  and  in  the  7iiain  thoroughly  sound,  on  the  sacraments, 
and  specially  on  the  Lord's  Supper  ;  and  the  doctrine  of  Trnnsubst-nitiation  is  handled 
as  might  have  been  expected  by  so  able  and  profound  a  mathematician.  The  history  of 
the  rise  and  progress  and  final  result  of  the  doctrine  is  given  briefly,  yet  truly.  It  ia 
traced  to  a  false  philosophy  long  since  buried  out  of  sight  and  forgotten.  It,  would  be 
profitable  work  for  some  of  the  author's  co-religionists  to  read,  mark,  and  inwardly 
digest  the  chapter  on  Transubstantiation,  that  not  cunningly  but  clumsily  devised  fable." 
—  Weekly  Iteview,  June  18,  1870. 

"  This  is  a  learned  and  well-written  attempt  to  establish,  in  a  logical  manner,  the  true 
nature  of  the  Lord's  Supper,  reliance  being  mainly  placed  on  the  brief  narratives  of  the 
Gospels  and  of  St.  Paul,  further  elucidated  by  a  reference  to  the  ancient  Jewish  language, 
history,  and  customs.  Dr.  Booth's  position  embraces  the  view  once  (he  says)  almost 
universally  held  in  the  Church  of  England,  '  That  the  Lord's  Supper  is-a  Feast  upon  a 
Sacrifice ;'  and  to  set  it  forth  he  has  combined  and  expounded  the  views  of  such  men  as 
Joseph  Mecle,  Cudworth,  Potter,  Warburton,  Waterland,  Hampden,  and  others.  This 
gives  to  the  treatise  a  somewhat  fragmentary  air  ;  but,  taken  as  a  whole,  it  is  clearly, 
intelligently,  and  devoutly  written,  and  will  doubtless  be  acceptable  to  some  disciples  of 
those  famous  men.  On  a  subject  of  such  subtlety — where  the  widest  diversity  of  opinion 
still  fiercely  prevails — it  cannot  hope  to  please  the  many,  though  it  is  well  worthy  of 
careful  examination.  Dr.  Booth  has  studied  his  subject  with  care,  and  brought  to  hia 
diflicut  task  the  fruits  of  extensive  reading." — Standard,  June  23, 1870. 

"  Dr.  Booth's  modest  volume  is  avowedly  not  so  much  an  original  production  as  an 
attempt  to  recall  by  selected  citations  what  he  thinks  the  too  much  neglected  learning 
of  the  fathers  of  thie  Church  of  England.  The  volume  is  divided  into  four  chapters,  in 
the  first  of  which  he  adduces  authorities  to  prove  that  the  Lord's  Supper  is  not  a  mere 
service  of  commemoration  ;  in  the  second  he  adduces  authorities  to  prove  that  it  ought 
to  be  regarded  as  a  feast  of  thanksgiving,  implying  a  preceding  sacrifice  ;  in  the  third 
he  treats  of  the  principle  of  development  as  applied  to  the  interpretation  of  the  Bible  ; 
and  in  the  fourth  he  discusses  and  dismisses  the  doctrine  of  transubstantiation,  inci- 
dentally treating  at  some  length  of  the  influence  of  the  philosophy  of  Aristotle.  The 
most  original  thoughts  and  illustrations  occur  in  the  third  chapter,  and  the  reasoning 
seems  to  us  most  conclusive  in  the  fourth.  The  quotations  have  evidently  been  selected 
with  thought  and  care,  and  evince  much  research ;  and  the  author's  own  writing  is  finished 
and  good..  The  volume  is  the  careful  production  of  a  thoughtful  scholar,  though  it 
conveys  the  impression  to  us  that  the  mind  of  the  writer  has  been  somewhat  overlaid  by 
scholastic  learning,  so  as  to  be  in  an  artificial  state,  and  partially  disabled  from  receiving 
in  their  freshness  and  simplicity  the  truths  which  we  conceive  to  be  really  revealed  in 
the  scriptures  to  the  human  heart." — Theological  Review,  October  1870.