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The Tudor Facsimile Certs 

The Troublesome Reign of 

John, Hing of England 

Part i ‘1591. 

Date of the first known edttion,..... 1591 
[Tvin. Coll., Cambridge. Capell Collection.] 

Reproduced in Facsimile, 1911 


Che Gudor Facsimile Certs 

(Vol j\R2 4 

Under the Supervision and Editorship of 


The Troublesome Reign of 

Sohn, Hing of Gnoland 

Part I. 3591 

Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of 


4 5 

=—_ = oe 
gon. a 
as « 

-Troublefome Raigne 
-. of Lobn King of England, with thedif- 
“ conerte of King Richard Cotdelions ~ 
Bafe fonne (vulgarly named, TheBa- 

ftardFawconbridge) : al/o the 

deathof King John at Swinffead 
e4 bby. 

uourable (itie of 
London. y 

. — Asit Was (fandry times ) publikely atted by the 
| —— Qucenes Maresties Players, inthebe- 

: oy 


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: sp 
To the Gentlemen Readers, 

On that with fri ace of moothed brow 
Y Hane pha dre. Sey whee Tanbalaier, 
: And giuen applanfe unto an Infidel: 
' Couchfafeto welcome ( with like curtefie ) 
ef warlske Christian and your Countreyman, 
For Chrifts true faith indur'd he many a ftorme, 
» And (et himfelfe against the Man of Rome, 
; Untill bafe treafon (by a damned Wight) 
: Didak his firmer trinmpbs put tofight, 
etccept Hy (fweete Gentles) in goed fort, 
And thinke it Was preparde for your disfort. 
A 2 




2 Ea } £ Z : ei ib ty cae 
a pn og aetN Sphaaiied » : weer at , } 

SF rots seinicland and ied ated ‘one: Saae oi 

: Deion Dil ch ey x Si eae 
& h neha cher afta a9e | ae 
jl "Quid clav this Land in at ae 
‘Set rine meteaue coiop,and io | 

aos womb a 
Q Hiner that map frente a pt) 
Pe bie i: 

cate Maye a 
ron by nS | 

Jet be Bete Taba cue wt Ei oe 

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| Chenier mrAUNES isi eo 

gen hig ty Sp cele" les eH Shate 

ph Tk 
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+. * . . wie ot yy? 
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La r : ¥ » panties 
(e™5 Ce das yoatnd {rsa <= sre 

iinter Chattsuon ana tne two Larics, : 
John By Loy (hatrilion, welcome into England : 

Dow fares our Brother Philip King of Fraunce | 
Chatr. Hisibighnes at inp a ; 

And wild me to Clute pour Waicttie, - 

And fay chemeflagebehath eg eee sl wii & 
John And {pare notm bald (ompbed pee : 
Chattilion ip shes ‘oro moft Chyitiank, 

of France sbaui gg taken oes eae penton et: rn | 

thir Duke of vittaine, q 
her tequitet) itt vorbebattt 5 i reas oe the sent 
of England, with the ata of Jreland , has —_ 
Toran, Main: and J attend thine au mere... 

. < Joba. Afmall requett ; belie be: 

hat Engen pap BH 3,AnioW,T oraia Ming | \ 
| Ave noth gts gluta TT i ees 
| Stwonver Eateduc tonite eS ES 
| Seu hata 0206 at bo Aaa 
Dn Embalaes that a a ab 
st dot, , 

Tob Geis, eae seater 

 Chatrilion FT 

Gnd inyarince ‘dbo CH aye 
oo an 
| And ce to prepare 

cairo ri) 

Cat J mpecaipreth A ae 16 er) bwatte Pi 4 ee 

Ws 3a KATY 

aay w 

ee ee 

eV FUNG Le Care ED 

Aun he hall want for nat 

nes: and bere FT bemas Nidigate. Sinieuc of Northhamp- 

| Zabive all wrongs before J once open my mouthzo voripp 

Aap tell pour MPaiettic wohac vise yous, ««; j; 

lothing atourhands. he 
Chartilion, Chis hal 5, d00,andthue J take mpleaue, 
Joba Pembreoke,conuap him fafelp te she fea, a 

~ But not in ba; for as we are aduifoe, 

Te meaneto bein Frannceasfooneashe, 
Co fortelie fuchcownesas we pollelie ' 
Yn Anion,Te wralepen Normandy, Exit Chase, 
Enter the Shriue,& whifpers the Earle of Saif inthe care. 
Salisbury. ypleate it pour Waiettie,beereisthe Sbyiueof = 
Northhamptonfoire, with certaine perions that of latecoms = 
mitted atiot, and bane appealoco pour Waieftic beleeching = 
pour Highaes fon (peciall caufe coheare them, Be j 
John Til them come neere,and while webeare thecaufe, =. 
Gor Salsbury and make prouition, : : +) ; 
‘Ge meane with fpeeve topatte she feata Fraunce, 
Dap Shateye, what are thele men, whathaue they done >. | 
D) wherete tends the courle of this pa ne || 
Shrieue Wleale it pour Maiettie theletwo betypen wna 
eke ban at oubs about their Fathers liuing have to: 
ken pout ighnes peace in feching toright their ete Pie 
without canfe of Law,op pner of uGtice, and valatwfullpat 
femblen chemfclues in mutinous manner, bauing committ 
a riet, appealing from triallin their Countrepto pour Diahs — 

sonfbire, dm deltuer them ouerta their triall. as 
John Gpp Lopot Effex,will the ane foopeh, 
anbtell che caufe of thetequartell,. i 
Effex Gentlemen, itis the Kings pleafure thatpou tiltas 
uer pour gricfes,¢ doubt not but poufhallbauciu@ice,. 
Philip Yleate it pour aicltic.the wong is meine; pet wil- ye 

the fhamefull launder of my parents, che vilhonour ¢ 

Pte niche beating of my cer hs pane ae 


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mine eyes, ses ‘ 
‘Soteantes talegieastintoomen en 

-—- Foz honour andregacd of womanhaon, 
iLet not ehele earesreceiueche bifting found — 

oe itch fpr tabo wtb porfoned ios 

Doth mawlerate che dowels ofinp : 

lohn Sule ammeter teaiubtes ee ee 
‘Gun fellow, fay, whale baffardis thpbother, ae 
Philip Rot fox nip Cele, nop fox mp mother rows 

|, But fog thebonour of fobyaue a gpan, | oy 

‘ihom be atculerh with adulterie: 
ere F befeech pour Grace vpon mp knees, 

ee g casapuini teen miete Wieitiwsbence, 

> —— \ Robere Poymad,noz masve.bue well Sine 
ee ‘Charge thee betoye this ropall pefence bere 
—, Tobea Balkard toBing Richards telf, ; 
Sonne topoitr Grace any Bother to your Spaicttic, 
Thus bluntlp,and 

a Elianor Dong meen thors | nent notbeathamenof ebp kin, 
——s— MopoF hp sire, But forward with thp proofe, ’ *j 

 . Robert The: ae pe cere 3 
*  Aethat your andchefe noble Lops, RE itl: 
+.  Anvall (fave thofe thachanenoepestofee) 
—- Shall weave him to be Bakardto theRing. 

. Fick when mp Father was Embattapour 
>. Gn Germanic vuto the Emperour, 
> Che Ring lavoftenat my sFathershoule ; 

> ava een pea be befell: 

* A Pa ea 
ides ee Cae yew lashed 


- -- > er 

Gndatimy Fathers backrecurne agen — 
My ether was delineredas tis fea, - 
Sire weekes defoze the account mp Father mave, 
But more chan this: tooke but on Phshps face, 
His features, actons,and bis lineaments, 
And all his jd: ineely prefence Hall confefie, 
We ts noother but King Richards Sonne, 
Then gracious Lopd,rett he Ming Richards Sonne, 
And let merek (afeinmp Fatherstight,. == 
That am his rtahcfulbfonnesnd onelp heire. 
Tohu Gathis thp profe,and.alithou haft to fap + 
Robert Fhave no moze,nop neve F greater profe,. 
“Jobn Firk, where thou fait in ablence of. thy pee 
Wp Brocher often longedinhishouler 
Qnd what ofthat? bale groome to launder bint, 
That honoured his Embafladoz fomuch, 
Ba ebfence of the man to cheere the wife a 

bis willnot holo, procecte nto the negt.. 

—— Q Elinor Chou (ait. He teemve fiz weeks be fone ber cine, 
TUilhy gwd Dir Souireare poufocunniuggrowa 
€o make account of womens reckonings: 

Spit in.pour band and to your other profess: 
‘ Manp milchaunces hap in fuchaffaires 
Comake a woman come before hertime, 

— Joba And whcrethou (8i6 be tooketh likethe wing 
Fun acion,feature and propoption : 

Therein J holde with thee,fop in.rnp life; - 

F neuer faw faliue!pcounterfet 

Df Richard (ordelon,as inbim, . 

Robert Then gov my Loz, bepou inbifferent eee 

Gud let me haue mp tiuing and mp right. | 

Q Elinor FRap heare pou Dir,pou ranne fawapto fas 

Know pou not,Omne fimile non eft idem ? . 

D> haue readin, Darke pe good fir, LO 

Twas thus J warrant,andno stherinthey:s- tiek 
Sale ue with, Suietor ie Father,cnd bought bp 





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Ring Richard iny s Some, aub fo por Brother bach <b 3 
in thts fathion. $4 
Robert “Spavame, pau prong metus toiett it out, 
FY craue mp.right: King Zohn as thou art Wiag,- 
<pobethoutni,andlecmehauempright => 
John GAbp Eooltty bay) chp proafes are itty 
INogcank thou chalenge anything therebp, 
But thou thats fe hows J wit helpe thy claime, 
Chisis my doome, aud this mypdeome (hall fand - 
Trreuacable,as J am King of England. 
$02 thou kuawet not, weeleafke of chews thet know, 
His mother awp hinlelfe hati endethis trifes 
Guvas they fay, fothall ehp ving pale, 

Ss Robert Pp Lop, herein J chaltage perethaangs- 

—*— Go give away mp right,ano putebe doome 

Tinto themieines, Canthere be likelipeos = sw - 
That the will loofe + ; 

Orbe will wine che huing from himlelfe s : 
Fe may not be mp Lond. TAbpwhouldst be? 
John Lonne keepe him back, anb let binbeareeeoomts i 
Effex, frtt athe the Wotverthiice who was hisSire? - 
| Effex Lavic Margaret Widow of Fanconbridge,. 
Who was Fathertothy Spoune Philip ? ee uion 
Mother {atealeit pout WHaickie Sir Robert Fanconbr hae! ca 
Robert. Chisis right, afke mp felow there if i beathicfes = 
John Qfke Philip whole Senneheis, bas s 
Effex Philip,wwho was thy sFather ? eee 
F Philip as my 1070,and thats a queftion: anv you bay 

nl ye? SEs ale SPEEA, 

tot taken fome paines with her befoze, J fheule. sapgice —. 
pou to afke ump Worher. Me ane 
nq, ‘ohn Dap who wasthp Father? # 

© Philp Faieh (mp Lop) to anfwere pou fare be ig mp aes A 
ther that was neeret mp mother when FJ was gotten, t Led 

|... Sebinke to be SieRebers Fauconbridge, Ae 
( Tehn Effex,foy fathfons fake emai age AE. Pie. | 
a loan endeto Cis CRREENFEN, aks 


Aa. yee st 


Beape kis atte tC 

Robert Was euce man thus mongn as Robert ig? 
ra Effex Philip (yeake ¥ lay, who was thy Fathers 
Tobn Hong man how now, what artthou in atraunce ¢ 
_ Elianor Philip awake,the mants in adpeame. 
Philip Phslippus atauis adite Regibus, 

TLibhat fait chou P bikp,fprung of auncient Rings > 

Quome rapit terapest as? 

ECihat winde of honour blowes this furie foreh 2 

D2 whence proceve thele Funes of Paietie + 

_ Oe thinkes Bheare a hollow Eccho founv, 

What Phelipis the Sonne vnto a King : 

Lye whittling teaues bpon the trembling trees, 

piftle in conloxe J am Richards Sonne : 
bubling murmur of che waters fail, 
Philippus Regins flim: 

sBirds anthet flight nane muficke with their wings, 

| Filling the appe with qlozie of mp bireh: 

. Birds, bubbles,lcanes,andmountaines,Cccho, all 

Ring inmine cares,that Jam Rishards Sonne. 

Fond man,ah wheeher art chou carried? 

. ow are thy choughts pwpapt in anojs heaven ? 

- - Fongetfull what chow art,and whence thou camff, 
Shp Fathers land cannot uraintaine chefe choughes, 
Thele thoughts are farre wnficting Fanconbridge : 
And well thep may ; for whp this monnting minde 
Doth foare too high to ftoupe ts Pawconbridge, 

— TMUbp how now ¢ knowest thou where thou ares 

Aud knowelt thou whe expects thine anfwere here $ 

ECiilt chou vpon a frantick mavding vaine 

Goe loofe thy land, and fap thy (elfe bafe borne ? 

Qo, keepe thp land,though Richard were th rag 

- GBhat erechou thinki, fap thou art Fanc 

| oa “pit ya tie oh ‘ asi was. 
i eale it pour Baiettie, 
: anconbridge cleaues a eEetst 
a sist, emt 

We , <i lens aa 
nn ¥ a8 oe - as ; ; 
winind & - > - . id pode a 
~ ent " - eo ee ae i. “Se “ A a s 
- Spe) de 
. " 5 ‘ 7 4 

sti ae 
: i> 
7 Ws af 
ap dale 

si id 




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Peteee 2, a 

ayy * 


poleale & pour Gra 
_ Robert Robert | 

John Then Philip blame not me, thp felfe partiot 

a Gy wilfulnelle,chp lining andtebp re 7 

Robert, thou art the beire of Fauconbrid; 

Gov gine thee fop,wreater than thp de sg 

OQ Elianor TAhp how now Philip, piue away thine owes 

Philip Wadame,F am bold tomake mp {elke es 
Thepsoret kinfman that pour Dighnes baths 
Anvwith this Prourrbgin the woploanew,; = 
Help hands, J haue no lands, honour is apkaien: Nee 
Let Philip tue to thew bimfelfe wopthie fogreat a Sire 

Elinor Philip,¥ think thou knewt thp Gr | 
But chere thee boy, J will not (ee thee wane 
Astone ag Elinor hath foote of anv; 
Henceforeh thou Hale be taken for my fonne, 

Andwaite on me andon thine Ginchte bere, 

Wiho thall giue honourto thy noble minve. 

Iohn Philip kuecte Noe, Chechen ave thionsblp bao 

Dow much thy refolution pleatech us, 
Rife vp Dir Richard Plantaginer I, Richards emae.” 

Phil, @raunt heavens a Philip once map thew nt | a 

TWiorthie the honour of Plantaginer, 
D> balett glorieofa Baarvs name, | 
 Tokn Pow Gentlemen, we will awap te Prats. 

| Dochecke the prive of -#rebur and his mates Js 
_. Effex thou halt be Ruler of my Realine, ~ 
liad camara cargesf mp oars 

ee es - : aunt my tonnes 
Philip Pbilpeusnee tepent fer vebenaboer: Wei Bes 

rb , 
> P . 
Neg wee 

Sea TP as ASS Sa ee AOR 

“Gam abattard,andno Fauconbridge. 

Gite cease thelazie Abbep lubbersimos tit 
Jato mp hands to paympmenofwarre. = 
The ope and Pop zitnas Hall not grentecgemielues™: * 
With woloe and groates, that arethefouloiers due, — 
Thus fopwarsLloyvs,lecourcommaundbe done, — 
Aap match we fopward mightely te Fi ramet. Excunt, 
Manct Phiipand his Mother. wef 
Pinlp Badame J te‘cech pouveigne me fomuchleature 
ae the Hearing of amatter that T long to (impart to pou, 
Mother TAbats the matter Philip, ¥ thtuke pour fate ix 
fecret,tends to fome monep matter, whichpou fuppote burns, 
in the bottome of mpchelk. ’ 
Phil. Jo Pavam,tt is no {uch fre as tobeg oy boprowy, 
Gut Gach a fute,as might fome other granc, 
J would not now haue troubled pou withatl, a 
Mother A Govs name let Vs heareit, gk: 
Philip Then Wadame thus,pour Lavithip fees toed, 
How that mp {cauvall qrowes by meancsofpau, — ; 
“SGnthatreporthathrumaydopanddowne, == 

This crofeatcaine (oriltethinmypchoughts, — gee 
ali ws cope et ee | ; * | 

Shatfield and towne, and conipany alone, 
Cibatles F 100,07 wherefoereF ait, 
Fcaunet ehale che flaunder froin chp thoughts. 
- ZficBe true.refolue me of mp Sire, 

. Fop pardon Madame, it F thinke amifve. _ 

Be Philip Philip and uo Fauconbridge, _ ? 
His Father voudtles was.asbyaucaman, = ae ’ 
@o pou on kneesasfometine Phacton, — Bacay ; 
Sitcutting Gilly eM erop for his Sire, 
Strapning alittle bathfull movettie, 
F ben Come tnttance whence J awn ertrauaghe, 

Mother Wet moze adoo to hatte me to mp qraue, 
And wile chau too become a Wotkers crefle ¢ 
! spat Taccule mpl to lots with you? 

~ ie, ae 

oe ee , 
ov dy 
By .- ‘ : : i- 


eu tin 


(ee Bee 

BE th va , 
ea 2S ee 
bers uae 

Gnd tthe other print no character — 

_ Mav ge no further what thou vooft require, 

TUbp with Hlo.vnhyappy as Jamz 

Slander mplelf to quict pour atteds: "te eS 

Ehou moots me Philip withehis ite calke, nwa lhe 

Which F remit,tn hope this moon will vie, - sae 
Phikp Qap Lavie mother.beareme further yet, ; en. 

$02 rong conceipt erines dutichenceawhiles = CN 

Wour hufbano Fanconbridge was Father to that foune, St as 

That carvics marks of Mature like the Sire, * 

Che fonne that bloteeth pou with wedlocks breach, 

Gnd holds my right, as lineal in difeent A eae gee 

Frombhim whole forme was iguresinbisface, <9 7. 

Can jRature fo diffemble in ber frame, ‘ ta 

To make che one fo like as like map be, 

Tochalenge any marke of true difcents 
Dy hnothers minve is bafe,and toot 
Co mount where Philsp lovsgech his a * 
Qad his externall graces that mua ag 

(Though J repopt it) counterpoite not mine : - ee 
is contiturion plaine pebilttie, — ' - 
Requires che chapre,andmine che feate of Mecles / . e o 3 
32ap, what is he,op what am Wtobims ap ag a i 
EAihenany one that knoweth howto carpe, ry ye oh 8 

Mill (careclp iuoge vs both one Countrep boyne. 

Chis Pavame, this hath dpoue me from mplelfe s *\ te 
Gad here bp beauens eternall ampes ato. ivy i 

Ascurleo Nero with bis mother din, Sa? 2 qe 
— So Fwith pou,rf pou refolue me nog, Rh ES 

Mother Let mothersteares quench ott thy eee fire, es Y 

Philip. Let fonnes entreatiefwayp the mother now, ~ 
D) elsthz dies: Fle not infringe mpbow, - NS “a 
Mother Cnhappp take : mut ¥ recount mp tame oe 
Blab mp mifocedes.o2 bp concealing vies ( 
Some power Trike melpeecblefeforatime, = oN 
Drtake fram hin awhile his hearings ule, bite 


~~ Ma 
Philip Coine Padawme eome,younecve not be fo loch, 

eres = 
- a - . 
< 1 hg 

pes. blu, F faint,ob would F mtghtbe mute, - 

Phe fault imine, an be te au fefrute, ~ , 

Phil sg. other be biefe, J long to know my name 
Aud longing dye to fhgownd thy Mathers thane, 

The Chame is fharedequall twitt vs both. 

Ott nota lackues in ch peep 

Co be foolve,and cannot emp name, | 

Goo Parherrefolueme, 
Mother Then Philip heare thy fortune and my griefe, 

‘3 ay houours lolle bp purchale of thp (elfe, 

| ane, hp name,and bulbanods fecret A 
Teainteett sev tpatemaware teep, shes , 
And when thov oom ic hut ug P 

:  Drifthou a twhat (utes, whatthreates, what feares, 

Zo maoue aes ma tase bp Beath, - 
ze sr 503 end by loues contempt. 
migbeines off that courted me, 

Pas eintemp He afobed wanton talke, 

extenuate the guilt, 

ee 3: Eiaconcvngma cent 

Fea CL eee ie - 
* ° ae eh 

ae Cake oe 

* +a a ae 3 
- in 5 =./ y: "tte 
: < . 
Sra 2 ; 
ee fretst ‘ 
we © eee ‘ 

- ba ae. Riche dusty abe f 
rae Fan 

r with the Romane Dame 

Thre hen her bloodts wath away her thame. 

Ap Fto erpottulate the crime pet 
verte Etbproce contra, now the deve is don, a 
—, £Cihen ta contluve two wozds map tell rhe tale, &, 
e cee pole Seem mp rinses Sebo, Basa 
Rich Englands onclp terroz bee, xf 

ft bonsansloleletme we chloe oftber? i 

¢ Sonne thou art,then pardon me ene 7 

eb J 

1p eam 


- $ 
* 4 




Bo ie 
ie ee 


¢ a le act fontie wonders now know mp name. 


- Cocoole che fee-locks of his wearte teame, 

“Sa eectemnlaiibs 4 i bain ire 


By bleicd AZarse Fle not (ell that prive 
F 0} Englands wealth, and all the world beffoe, 

|, Sitfat che prouret of mp Fathers foes, 
ot) “-Qiwap goood MPother,chere the comafopt gots, Exeunt, 

Enter Phibp the ¢ French King, ac Lewes, Limoges, Con~ 
france,and her fonne e¥7t 

King Rowgin we byoach the title of thy claime 
Wong eFrthur inthe e7/bion Cerritnpies, 
Searing proud Angeers with a purllanc henge : 
Braue Austria,caule of Cordelions veath, 

Js alfo come to aide thee inthy warres; 

Audall our Forces tape fox Arthurs right. 
Guv, but for caufes of great confequence, . Ke ? 
Wleading delap till newes from wis irae 5 ates 
Cwice fhould not T stanhide bimintheWek, ae # 

Till J bad with an onrelifed (hock 

Control the mannage of proud -Angéers walls, 

D} made a forfet of my fameto Chaunce, : 
Conftance $ap be that John in confcienceoyin mae 

To offer wrong where poutmpugne the ill, - 

Till {eno fuch calme conditions backe to Frannce, 

Gs hall rebate the eoge of fearefull wares: 

Bf lo,forbesranceisadeede welldone, = puke ia 

Arthur Ah wWother,potleliion of a Crowne ie satly oe? Seal 

| Qnv lobn a8 Jhaue heard repopten of, 

Fon prefent vantage would aduenture farre, 
The worlocan witnesin his Brotherstime, .—. 
He tooke vponbhimrulcanpalmofraignes tw, 
Thenmut it followasa doubtfullpopnt, = == =." 

That hee’ te refigne the rule onto his mephew. 

—- Gratherehinke the menace ofthe worte Repsoget os. 
Rounds Saas eh ceaemi eamae % ‘ee ne 

siniimatantaa ssi es as senha wei: 

ae SS Se 

~ Anofooner would he (cope Eur opaes power, 
Than lolerhe fmalletk title he entopes ; 
For queRtionles he ts an Cnglthman, 

Lewes Thy arcthe Cngtith peerelesin compare? 
Graue Cavaliess ascrethat Flansbyeo, 
aue liude aud dpde,and Darde and done inough, 
Wet neuer gracve cheie Counsrep fop the caule : 
England is E ngland,peloing goon and bad, 
Qup john of England is ag other Jobas. 
Cru me pong e4rthur,if thou like mpré&e, 
qratfe thou the French that betpe thse in this neeve, 

Lymoges The Englithman hath tittle caute 3 trot, at 

Km) fpend god {peaches on fo proud a for, 
ECiliy Arrhar hereshis tpople that now és gor, 
_ Divo when he lide oucroude his Bporher Joba: 
‘Wut halie curves that lic folong to catch, 
Come halting home,and meete their oucrmatch, = 
Wut ucwes comes now,bheres the Embaflavour, ISS 
Enter (hattilion. 
K Philip Qndin oop time, twelcome mp Loyd Chattilion: 
TCibat newes $s will Jobe accowtoourcommaund,. 
Chattilion Be Junot byicke tote pour Pighnesall, 
He weil approach to interrupt mp tale; 
$92 one felfe bottome bought vs both to Fraunce. 
Pe on his partavtittrp thechaunce of warre, - 
Guvif his Toth anatreatanneeas PAUSES t 
Till loofe himfelfe and atl his fol PH OA TTS 
Cre pelo onto the leakt of pourd * Gi Mo 
Che Pother Queene fhe takethonamaine 2 
Gaink Ladie Conftance counting her the caule 7% 
That voth effec this claime to Albion, “bite? 20S 

Coniuririgg Archur with a Grandamescare, ctes 0830 é 

Caleaue his (other; willing bim fubmite Prmnets 


its Kate to Jobuannberppotedion, = 
— Gifs ste at ar danas bis gabe tae | 
oe my {eafoninterceptss... se. se : 

: . 
+ Sib eee eee eee 

3 r 
ae ee ee | 

SL es. vue a 




Paging ea 
kite ewes 

hie ig the fumme,twhich bnivily I bate fhainne. © Tier ag 
K. Phil. This bitter winde mu nip fone babies fring, i ae 
Sovdaine and.hpiefe, why fo,tis haruckweather, ib 
But (ap Chartilion what perfone af accomyt are with him ra : 
—— Chartilion Dt England Earle Pembrooke and Salsbury, — 
Che onely noted men of anp name, 
Reve thema Baktard of the Kings oecealt, 
Q harap wilde head,tough and benthrous, in 
THith manp other men of bth cefolue, . 2S 

Then is there with them ELwor Mather “Dubvene, *. 
Qnv Blanch her Recedaughtcr to the Ring of Spaine : ad 
Tihele are che prime Birds of chis hot eouenture, 9 ees 

Enter Tobn & his followers , Queene, Baftard, Earles,&¢.. 7 4 
- K.Poilip We leemeth Jobaanouer-daring (pirit = 

Effects (ome frensie in thp rath approach, 

Sreaving mp Confines with chy armed Creupes. 

rather looke fox fome fubnule reptp 

Touching the claime chp Nephew Artbar makes 

Sa that which thou vniukly volt vfurpe, ee : 

Kohn Foy that Chatrilioncan vilcharge pouall, 

Fliftnot plead my Title with mp tongue, 

3Por came J hether wich intent of yong 

Go Frannce on thee,oy anp right of thine; 

‘But in defence ann-purchale ofmy right, 

Be i a 

Che Towne of Angiers : mbich thou Deott begirt Z re oes 

Inthe behalfe of Ladie Conftance Sonne, ee ee 

CUheretao nop be no (he can lap iu clafne. 13 
Conftance Wes (falfeintruner) if thattutt be tuft, 

Ano beaditrong vlurpation put apart, 

Arthur my Soune,beire co.chyp elder Brother, 

Without ambiguous (havow of vifcent, 

_ Ys Soueraigneto the {uddance thou withhalot- 
Q.Elinor Wifqgauernd Golfip,faine tochlescioyt, a 

Decalion of thele ondecivedtarres, | 

1 fay (chatknow)to check thp vaine fuppot, «3, 

Shy Sonne hath wanes De aici it claymed, 

$02 proofe whereof, F can inferre a Will, 
| That barres the wap he ag cth bp bifcent, . 
Constance A WMtllinvere,a crabbeo Womans will, 
- herein the Diucilis an ouerfer, - 
J Qudppoud vame Elnor (ole Erecutrefle : 
9Poze wills than fo,on peritlof mp foule, 
) ere neuer madeto hinder-Arehurs right. 
. Arthur But fap there was, as fure there can be none, 
The law integos {uch tctaments as bopd, : 
ECibere right diftentcan no wap be impeacht, 

foore with perillafter Zearws, 
truft me pongling fo the Fathers fake, 
"QJ pitie much the hazard of thp pout, 
| ConStance Bethrew pou els how pitifull pou are, 
~ Readieto weepe to heare him afke bisowne; | 
_/ Sorrow betide (uch Grandames and fuch gricfe, iv. 
That miriifterapopfon foxpureloue, ah 
~ But who fo blinve,ascannot fethisbeame, 
That pou forfoorh wend keepe pour cobfin bowne, 
Fo} fearebis Wocher Hould be vide too well 2 
\Y Ui theres the griete,confufion catehthe byaine, 
‘\ That haminers thifts toftop a Princes raigne. ie 
\\ Q.Elanor Jmpatient,francike,common flanverer, 
; Bmmoovekt Dame, vnnurtret quarreiler, ; 
Utell thee J,not cnute tothy Son, 
\ Gut iuttice makes me fpeakeas Fhauedon, — 
, _K.Philip Butheres no proofthat thowes pourfort a King. 

~— Lewes Butthat map boeake before the truth be knowne. 
Bastard Then this map hold till all his riahe be Howne. 
Lymoges Good wor? fir fauce,pour betters are in plates 
 Baftard Poe pou fir vouhtie with pour Lions cafe. 

Blanch Abyiop betive his foute,to wham that {potle beldga 

Ab Richard how thp glopie here ts wrongd, 

‘ mee Be chine that Richerds ives Ricberastoll, 

Elinor Peace Arthur peace,thy mother spe wey . 

K Joba. That wants, mp fioo7d thal moze at large fet Down, 

A . 
Vota Lice eis cin cea a seis lon 8 
* . 


ye os'f 

i eee =i eget 

sate a C ; 

‘ale. 7 
ae pe 

: epee g 

a + Ge nts 


Wary 154 
DS ae 

SE ee oe ee RR Ba ae ee ee ee ~—- 



Pisa deeves ray trie Whatipozds Sow 

ef ae PASTE —— rae OE 

es os ats E 
Shouldbe aprelvence'attright pouall. a. 
- Baftard TAbhat wopds are theles pow ced tars Bate 
SBy Fathers foe cladin my Fathers {pople, - ae Ps 

4 thoufane furies kindle withreuendye, 

This hart that cholier keepes aconfittorie, 

Searing mp inwards with a brand of bate: 
How doth Alecto whifper in mine cares + 
Delap not Philip, hill the villaine ftraight, 
Difcobe him of the matchles moniment. 
Chyp Fathers triumph ope the Sauages, ogee 
Bale Soba coward rpeatantstoooyle than a ah The aie 

aue, oe 4 
TAihat make chou with che TCrophei of a King ? 
Dhamé chou not copftrell,loathfome vung hill fivad, 
€o grace thp carkaffe with an onnament 
Coo precious for aWonarchscouerture> 
Scarce can F temper due obedience 

Gnto the p:efence of mp Soucraigue, 

From acting outrage on chistrunke of hate: 
But armecthee trapto,, woongerofrenewme, —s Bae ee 
#0 byhisfoule Hfweare,my Fahersfoule,: © = di ¢ 
Mwice will [not review the Porningsrife; «© . wh 
Cig haue tonne that Trophet from thp back, tga? 
‘Ano fplicthy heart, fo) wearing it folong, 4 | 
Philip hath fworne,and if it be not done, 


: Let not the world tepute me Richards Sonne, : 

 Lymoges: Pay Coft tr Bataro,harts ace not fp tent, 
Lecchemreiovce chacat theenveBoowins 

- Qnd take thisleffon at thp foemaushann, ~~: 
ee getthp Fathersfkin. . 5. 

. Blanch Tiellmay the wozts (peake is ih ul, ‘ 

Whaerwinnestbis ide tomeareaabicsfauours = = 
» Baftard . map Sitiniue, ancnocyong fon init mee, se 

BEhowip Jyretencic not corbee: 
K.Philp Loydings Forbeare,fontimeiseomming fat, > 

C3 ! “gan 

a eitteh 
: ‘ 3 . eye * 2 oo P 
hr a esa ES la ba Rae PO iN Sai eo i . a Ee 

~oEer ere avalio Uw 
Gave the purpete for thecanfe pou come, 
Spe femes pou fet rightin chaunce oftware, 
Peelbirg ne aiher reafons (oz pour claime, 
Wut fo and fo,becaulett Hail be fo, 
Ho mong Qhalbe fabornd bp truft of ftreng th: 
A Tyrants practize fo inuck himlcife, 
~  Abereweake relitance giveth wrong the way, 
( | Co checkthe which,in hoip lawfull Armes, 
Cy, % iuche right of Arthar Geffreys Sonne, 
: Gm come before this Citie of Angiers, 
s ‘Geo barre ail other falfe fuppofen clapme, 
Se FFom whence o2 howloere the errop (prings, 
Aad in his quarrel on mp {zincely wopd, 
, Ble fight tt ont vate the lates man. 
x —— Jobu Bacto King of Freunce, FJ i ote ommaunba 
¥ y “y ‘By any power 0 PyinceinChyitendome, 
"9 To peeld an'infance how J holo mine owne, 
, Wore chan coanlwere,that mine owneis mine, 
: Wut wilt chou fee me pariep withehe Towne, 
‘a Ano heare them efferme alleageance, 
| Fealtic and hamage;as trur liege menoughe, » 
“Y  K.Philip Sutnmon them, will not beleewe éeett q fe 
ake it,and when J lec it Fle foonechange te... 
“—\ They fummon the Towne, the Citizens appeare vpon the 


. walls. 
7 : --K.John Doumenef Angitrs, and as J take i¢ my lopall 
* \ Sublets, F hauclummoned pouto the walls: te vifpute on 
mp right, were tothinke poudaubefulltherein, which ant 
; 1 perfwaden pow are not. Tn few wopds,our Brothers Sonne, 
- Sale with che King of Frannce, hauz beleagred pour Cowne 
ppon.a falle pretended title tathe fame : in defence whereof 
\ J pour liege Loy auc byoughe our power to fence poufrom 
the Gilurper, to free pour intended feruftude , andvtterlp to 
fupplant the formen,to my right ¢ pour ree, Sap then, who 
Aoho keepe pouthe Cownefor? = - 
gs Sop our — Ring. os 

ee eee eet 

rior ete fas site bereits es pore 
re a: His § | 

% bad ia pnt 
Ww ee 

tye vere 
pak patatciey ae Sy | 
: Des pougtatbages a 
idly hShg td OSE RRA ge 
oe nae TE ac 
Aiihig xtc OE BS deainetee. 


[PEL men, > 


def ihe 



Bile Soa ey 

Be Meagre 

Vig hes 



— ETE A ne 

Jabn: Mf was nolette aie chews Bons name open 
pour gates andletincenter, 
ys Citizen Anvit pleate pour. Dighwes toe comperott not pout 
eo title netther will we rathly admit pour entrance: i pou bee 
fawwfuli Ring.with all ebedicnce we keepeit to paur vfe,tfnoe 
— ing our = be impeachen fo, peelving, without more 

oo John J hallnot come in then? 
ee CitiZen Nowy Lopd,citl we beta 

K Philip Thenheare me fpeake inthe bebalfe of Arthur ae 
Donne of Gefrey elaer Brother to Joba, higtitic manifert.\ 
mnithout contradiction te the Grotme-anditingbomre of Exg- 2. 

land, with Angiers anddiuers Cewnes on this fide the fea: 

twill | pou acknowlenge him pour licwe Loyd, wabolpeakerh in. 
Mp word totutertaine pou wih all fauoursas beleemeth a ; 

King to hislubiers, opafcicudtohis. wel-willerss op ftand 

to the peritl of pour conterntpt, tubes id title is proouen bp > 

fwoor, “sy ont. 

2 < Cxizen We cnlinere saefige tit pan hatte prooued one & 

ie Prise ackilowlenge none riabt, be that tries bimfelfe ou 
| —- Hoteraigue, to him will we vemaine firme fubicas,and fi 

$ith and in his rahe we hols our Towne as defireus to kuows 

s . tMhetvuth as loach to fableribe befoze we knowe ¢ More thaw 
this we cannot fap,and more thanthis we Darenotdes. = 
K.Philip Then lobn J vefie thecin the name and bebaife 
Of Arthur Plantagines thy Bing and coutta, whole right and 
-partinrpnie thou deteinett,ag Ji doubt nos ere the vay ende in 
a (et battelt make chee confelie ; wherenrea with a wr 
_ Ag ht F challenge thee. 

el 3 a 

ge rae yt 

ee ‘The Ballard chafech, L ee 
Dae an haut hin leaue shehjon were 


Klobn 9 acceptife challenge, and tune the befance to. 


f (1; we anfinere not Serene but tore ade 
beboofe of bimebat preoucs lawful, - eS... 


a : ig he : ‘ De RE 4 5 
Lea me ; Ba- 
4 wo 
il =e eso) ‘ a Sie wk ¥ ; 
™ A nas ORS toot . $ ‘ 3 r 
a fies <a . ny 

__~ Baftara Gud artehou gone, miftortune baune thy 
EE aees ‘Gun ch cotbe fear afate cp timecof eet, cell 
id Meorphens wate here thp filene Chancauey ; 
Beliedgre histhoughts with vifmallfantalies, 

» Aud whattlp obiects of pale t atming eAfors,4... 6 

| -Y) AfErigeht him euerp minute with Kearne 
Lit thavotwe temper certop tn bis epangbes; 
Gnd cterrop make the cowace mad, \: 

Sits madneslet him feare purfure, © coe . 
~ Gv oun feengieter the peafant vc, OFS et oa 
ere fs the ranfomethat allapes bisrage,: 

Bris Hebtors ftatue divthet 

ss Yate the Kin Herold with 7 miigumatecenlent 

5 1 wage aa cae at 
w dialed és DIGS TEES TP IS ge) 

| Eng.Herold Tobnl the grace of Gov King of England, 

. ¢ : aati acter en once againe 


le pold Phil by the grace eof Gouiting: of Franvee,bes 
fee ihinthe of Arcbar EDuke of Britain, i you 
' é tui rene te Cate cabot the 
papier Nt 



Pi tale as ty 
re ae ge * 
<ot gene BF 
en » 

ais 7 » ,;ee. 
re ae ears. 




pe a 
\ & 


gees mapbennlls 

“Philip Cail Angicrs pelo t to Philip Ringor Porerte " | 
En. Her. Che Townlinen on the wals acceptpour Graces” 
Fr.Her.Quvcraueaparlep of pour Qpaieftie, = = 
Fohn Dou Citizens of Angéers,haue pout eyes — 

‘Bebelo che laughter that our Cuglih bowes 

Dane mave Hpon the coward frawofull French + 4 

Anvhaue pow wifely pondgevtverewithall aS 

Dour gaine in peelding to the Cnglihh Ring + : aes 
Philip Their tolle in peeloing tothe Cnglih King. Ma | 

~~ But ohn, they faw from out their hiahe Cowers 

Che Cheualiers of Frannce ann croflebow thot ae 
Make lanes of flaughtred bodies thoounhthine hoa, {> 
Andarerefoluve to peelde to Arthursright. a 
lohn Wbp Philip, though thou bzauett it foze the walls, ; 
Thy conlcienceknowes that Zohn hath wonne the fielv. « 
Philip Wihat eremy con{cience knows, thy Armic tes 
Chat Philip had che better of the day, he 
Bastard Philiptndveve hath got the Lyons cafe, Rt dtl 
Tibich here he holds to Lymoges dilgrace, 
Bale Duke to fipe and leaue {uch {poples bebinde s mae 
Bue this chou kne wit of force to make me ttay. es ig 
At farde with the as with the marriner, 3 es 
Spying the hugte Wibale, whole monfrousbulke 
Dothbeare the waues like mountaines fore the winde, — 
Chat thhowes out emptie vellells,foto tap 
His furie, twhtle the thip veth faite: away, 
Philip tis thine : and fope this Princelp prefence, 

- $Badame 3 humbly lay tt at pour fecte, 

Being the irk aouenture J atchieud, 

And firlk explopt pour Grace diventopue t Nee 

Wet many moze J long to be entopnBs.. XS aS 
Blaunch Philip F takeit,anv F thee commaunt 

To weare the fame as cart thy Father did: 

Therewith receiue this fauour at mp hands, - 

Tincourage thee to follow Richards fame. 
Arthur Pe Citizens of Angiers,are pe mute’s > 

D “Arse 

at a ia 
eArthure Tobn Jay which (hall be pour Bing ? " 
ay Eee Me care not which, ifonce we knew the riaht, 
Piste pean cette 
os ar t countel{ tivo oe 
ai ‘Cadet te Riven daflodamd Frduene _ ey 
He would aduile pour Graces to vnite | 
-— Ano knit pour forces gaint thele Citizens, 
pulling chet battered Walls aboue their cares. 
\ She Cowne once wonne then firiue about the clafme, 
ss For thep aveminveveo deluve pou both, 
. Citr%en Kings, ippices,Lops eaiviobaeationtest 
(Che Citrzensof-Angierssibypme Sa ous 
 . Entreate pour Yt cen veh ona fpeake: ar, Aes 
bag Gnvas poulikethe motionthepfhallmake, = pad 
Ig os, Sato account and follow theirabuice, 
& - Lohn. Philip. Speakeon,we giuctheeleane. 
ss Citizen Then thus: whereas that pong eluftiehnighe : 
.- Fucites pou onto kuit your iuglp frengths: sin re 
+. Eye motioy cannot eboote but pleate the goon, ! | 
——-_- Andfuch as lone the quire ofthe Stace, » aes 
ely ‘Dathowny Lone tom ho per Genes be hit? 
tooppreffe pour fublects and pour 
“oN And Gill che wopld with byawles and matinies ; , 
re a ae di tdevabare gg 
Y Boeeulante gate st cand atnitics 

ude im i’ 


‘ Ws % 
i a la 

f ‘ , 
48 ‘4 es he s\0e “2 SSS 

: ae see aeons ieee 
oo e bets ebectehiiivey 
ne ee att: Lilie aid te 
~ Nis ie ot w role Pegi 1th Pe 
hg ai ime SEE rif abet 
gts Sh tec retinal docs ¥ 
ts ye ae ues pine 
; : ee eae asheat A 
; i See sig Dhaetit i) 
rf site aia ‘gamma se) 
BS etl ito on Cae tae Ag 

Het ¢" 

‘> pee i . is, 
a RT te PTA 



7s 7 i 

ye Tid: 




se TE TT ST Bae Sats 
- Muth ber in marriage wilt ber vncklegtue eee ee 
Cates and Gowers as fitteth fuchamatch. 
The Kings thus topnod in league of perfec toue, 
hep map (o oeale with Arthur Duke of Britasme, 

= - Mhoisbutyong,and peconmecte taraigne, 

} ~— Ag he hall and contented euerie way, ae 

F Thus haue F boloip (fo2 the common good) & 
Wie Deliuered what che Citic gaue incharge. 

And as bponcenditions pou agree, 

So fhall we and content to peels the Towne, 
_ , sArthar 4 proper peace, tffuch amotion hold; 

\ - Thele Kings beare armes for me,andfor my right, 
[. Gnd chep Hall hare mp lands to make them friends, 
: Q Elianer Sonne John follow this motion, as thou a 
Ben thp mother, 
——— Bakeleague with Phikp,peetv to any thing: 
4 Lewes (hail haue my Reece,and then be {ure 
b Arthur all haue (malt {uccour out of Fraunce, 

john Brother of Fraunce,pou heare the Citizens: 

Then tell me, bow pou meaneto deale hercin. 
, —— Conftance Wibp fobx, what cant thou giue onto thy sian tsa q 
ss «, Hhat hat no foote oflaud, but Archurstights — 
E Lewes Gpr Ladie Citizens, J like pour chepee, 

“ -- Mlouelp Damilellis the Lavie Blanche, : 
——- GGHorthie the beive of Europe fo ber pheere. 
4 Confance (bat Kings.whp Tandpou gang in ny, 

——- SUbp hownow Lords? accurfeo Citizens 
ss Go kill anv tickle cheie ambictous cares, 

ith hase of gainr, thestynings Rowetrciaeetaliby: | — 
- - Home difmall Plannectat thp birthvap raiguy, ces 
 Fopnota Wee the fall of all thy hopes. ve 
ope K Philip Lavie,and Duke of Britaine xnoww poubaty 
| She King of Fraunce ve(pedts bis bono} mo22, , 
- Hhan to betray his friends and fauourers, 
-_--Princelle of Spaine,could pou affetmpHonne, . . _.. 
*~  -‘Sfwevponconditionscoulvagreet Prete 

‘ De Baftard 


—— a +s wR BALE LI 

Baftard Dwounds Madam,take an Englih Gerttleman: 
Slave as F was, F thought to haue mooude the match. 

_ Granvdame pou made me halfe appomifeonce, 

That Ladp Blanch fhould hing me wealth inough, 
Gnd make me beire of fore of Eng ith land, 
Q.Elianor Yeace Philip,F willlooke thee out a wife, 
ECie mutt with pollicie compound this firife. 
Bastard GE Lewes get ber, well, ¥ fap no moze s 
But tee the frolicke Frenchman take no fcopne, 
HE Philip front him with an Cnglifh borne. 
_ Lohn Ladie, what anfwere make pou to the King of France? 
Can pou affect the Dolphin foz pour Lod ? 
Blanch J thanke the King that likes of me fo well, 

TWomake me Bride vnto fo reat apince : 

» | But give me leaue mp Lon to paule on this, 

Lea being too too fopward in the caule, 


Jt may be blemithto mp movefiic. 

Q Elinor Sonne fobn,and wopthie Philip K, of Fraunce, 
Doo pou confer awhile about the Dower. pete 
And F wiil{choole my movett Acece fo weil, 

a the hall pelo alfoone as pou bauc tone. 

Constance Y,theres the wretch chat broacheth all this (i, 
Thy fipeT not vpon the Belvamesface, 

Ayo with mp naples pull forth her hatefull eves, 

sf fake,let mp Grandame haue her will, 

‘ arthur Swete Wother ceafe thele hatie madding fs? 

“D would the with ber hands pull forth mp heart, 

A couly affonyd it to appeale thele byoples, 
But mother let vs wilelp winke at all: 

Leat farther harmes enfue our haftie fpeach. ¢ 

Philip Brother of England, what vowpie wilt thou give 
Tinto mp Sonne in marriage with thy J2eece? 

Tohn irk Pbilipknowes ber dowpie out of Spaine 
Co be fo great ag map content a King: 

- But more to mend and amplifie the fame, 

Fgiue in money chirtie thoutand markes. £0 



Pecete rete Gk tek: nh pues’: 2 tie ie igahS Sey, 
. ran B36 tg S15 eae Sie sie ath ty 


er 7 
y od eee 
thie tobe abe a 
Baas | itediise bee 
reper Kone - ef 

is a4 ro ae > Vie She. lan 2 
at aes wih Soi 

: i i i wing ‘ a tren mag had 
‘Dea BG f Hoag ie 

Miao One Nica eiek begets. 4) ee ie 

a ee rst tlt a i sitcehi dite (REP 

a” 8 eeirs ES ts 34 PLAS, Sigett ree RE ste a Eiht 

ie ~ FRA BSE, te on needa Sethe: Seka bsl tas 

‘ ie ty pit: te { ts Thies ' ii in he Fiat Rosy yew ae irebitalaet: eta i 

Rresece re. ? rea Ee | ee teal bate 25d ges eR 
iponeatloserlied facto dares 3 : 

re if seve Peuin Be ite Hte Bee aq 

BP er ee eae “ining ie 

i ge bof abner ia 

: ante bekeen : 

i ile ae isitee? 

bigene bon Oe a he, 

rage reieg, i 


meres va ss 

Ae 4 ht 
S § . 
‘ ; ‘ 
at ; cate 
c i ast % 

cg. Grea are 

7 AR * 

‘ Z ” 7 3 Pe se goier 
e a, 
| Se Pigates ease yn 
| y : : | 
: Sa ia a ere Hates Peete. : 
ft t ‘ab yi tat Sostyamteny 
B : » 
ad we ix ee ahi *s) a Se Hote x 
" - ; ee 

= big) $08 Ti 

. “ire, yale a 

wee KAUD ye ER RET. BM gt 7 TER AP ee 

ontan 7 thine it tothine olune demaund, Sol ae 
Philip Then J demaund Volqueffon,T orain , Main, ae hi 

Poitersand Anion, thele fiue Prouinces, 

- GQihich thou as King of England holott mm Fraunce: 

Chen thall our peace be foone conciuvedon. ay 
Bastard Palette than fiue fuch Wyouinces atonce? —/ D. 
John Bother what (hall 3 doo?mp bother rot thete tans 

CCHhith much effulton of our Englith blouds " 

Gnd thal J gtue ttallawapatonces 

QElinor John gine tt him,fo fhalt thou tine in peace, 

Qud kepe the refivue fanz tcopardie, : Par 
Jon Philip bring forth thy Sonne, bere is my jAeece, ad, 
Andhere inmariage J doogive with ber NGS 
From meand my Ducceflors Cag things, aN 
Volqueffon, Poiters, Anions orain,e Main, fr 
And cthirtie thoufand markes of ftipend copne, we 
JQaw Citizens,how like pou of this match Ny 

Citizen Wie iop to fee fo fweete apeace begun, 
Lewes Lewes with Blanch thalleuct line content. _ 
_ But now King John, what fay poutothe Duke? peck 
F ather,fpeake as pou map in his bebalfe. Fan 
Philip %Jobn,be good onto thy Pephewhere, 4 
Suv ie him fometwbat that thall pleafe thee belt, ne 

fohn eAfrthur although thou troublett Englands peace s 

Pet here J ciue thee Briteaine fo thine owne, e 

Cogether with the Earledone of Richmone, Vs 

| Aun this rich Citie of Angiers withall, fe AL 
Q Elianor Anvifthou feeke to pleale thine Cnekle john, ON 

Lphait fee mp Sonne how F will make of thee. | 
John joweuery thing is fopted to thisend, — 

Letsin and there prepare the mariage rptes, 

hich in D.. Marios Chappell prefently 

-— Shalbe performed eve this }Ozelence bens Exeunt., 

Manent (onftance ce Arthur. a 
Arthur Sadan ——— nospag tanguithméte 



fit Gite overcpenturent ett 

~ Seafons will change,and{o our prelentwricfe 

Bay change with chem,anv alitoourreliefe, 

‘(onftance Ay boy, thp peares F {ve are farre to greene” 

Fed ‘Gatooke into the bottome of thele cares. bigs 

3 Ee Bue tstemieamerscnare tae ed 
Thy tweale,mp with,aud all the willing meanes 

~ «GH hevewith thy fortune and thy fame houlo mount. 

-. Gibat top, what eale, what ref can longein me, | cape 
~- Mth whom all hope and. ba tagrees 6 in eg 
-__ Arehur Det Lames teoresjanvcaces,annGlemne thot, 
- Rather chan helpes, beape vp more morke fop woes, is 
oe Conftance HE anp Power will heate a tones pie 5 

ibe Saye peli oye roy ua 
_* Eien ie Sai pete: 

aot cakes artuce with € iors pamnea bat, 

ae marae Lewevtoierleuety AiR, e 
a ig thy foptune, and thp bixth-vapes gift — 
Pea ope: re thefe Louers’s fll berive the match. 
mabe ens A Ee ecanrivoeneten tie out thy omue,' 

- re eauens roe cles ot es 






Bk i ni Saks 

. “Why ttay.chy tate, chp imminencmnitoaps ye ay 

~ .$Parvon mp rathnes,and forgtue the zeale 

‘Coo balea vay 

~~ ew enw ew = — ~eceean. 

Tounvdeth thy mothers thoughts with feeling care, 
Thy looks thou pale $the colour tyes thy face, 
Bivouble now the fountaine of chy poneh, 

Ano makeit moodie with wp doles difcourfe, 

Goe in with me,replp not louelp boy, 

THe mut obfcure thismone with melovie,  * 

: Lealk wopler wack entee our malecontent, Exeunt. 

Enter thé King of England,the King of Fraunce, Arthur, 
Baftard, Lewes, Lymoges, Couftance, Blanche Chattilon, 
Pembrooke, Salisburie,and Elanor, 

-Tobn This is the dap, the long pelired bap, ge 
CChercin the Realmes of Exglandand of Fraunce C\ 
Stand highly vieicd ina latting peace, 3 
Thrice happicis the Bridegroome and the Byide, 
Ftom whole fweete Brivate Cuch aconcoyo {pings 
Zo make of moptall foes tmmoptall friends, 
Conftance Tngodly peace made by anothers warre, 
Philip: Gnhappie peace, thattiesthee irenacharty “| 
Roule chee Plantaginer, live not to {ee 
The butcher of the great Plantiginer, 
Rings, ynces,andpe jpeeres of either Realmes, 

Chat cartes me in furie te a decve 

Of high delertof eye of arineg, 

4 boone D kites, booue doth Philip bee Baye ti! 4 
Prottrate opon his knee siwhich knee thallcleaue Ss y 
Tinto the {uperficies of the earth, 

— Till France and Exglandgraunt this glorious boone. a 

John Speake Philip, England qyaunts thee thp ane a 

Philip And Fraunce confirmes what ereisin bispower, 
Bapard Then Duke fic fatty leuell at ehp bea, ‘ 
Come formp fathers life, ape 
thee ‘Secenaian the Duke | oS 


Che wrincelp promitz hat risus 
nks J fee his finnews thake : 
a Eiis isthe pvt Lowvs) which granted once 
a) Dz life 02 Beath ave pleafant comp foulc ; 
Since F (hall line anv die tn Richardstigcht. 
<Q Lymoges, Bale Bakard,mifoegotten of aking, 
- Cotnterrupe chefe holp nuptiall rptes 
Tiith brawles and cumults toa Dukes vilgraces 
 {Y it {uffice, (copne toiopne in fight, 
mee aan one(ofarreynequalitompfelfe. = 
‘ Bastard Bfineercule, Rings if pou wilbe Rings, 
Chen keepe pour wo7d8, aud let bs combat it. - 
4 Fohn Philip,ewe cannot fopce the Duketo fight, 
i Weing a fublec onto neither Realme : 
SS But tell me eFafriaifan Englith Duke 
Should dave thee thus, woulds thouaccepe the challennere? 
3 Lymoges Clsilet the world account the eAAnfrich Duke 
of Che greatett cowardliuing on the Earth, . 
an Joby Then cheere thee Philip,Zobn will keepe his woe, 
aS Hneele Downe, in fight of Phisp King of Frannce 
And all hele 19:incelp Lords aflembied here, 
3 girathee with che {wozd ef Normandie, 
~ © Anvofehatland J oo inuett thee Duke: 
ct So thatechou be iuiiaing and in tanv | 
SS) jRothing inferiour yute Anftria, . 
 — Lymoges %, lobn,3) tell thee flatly tothy face 
~~ Thou wmronge mine honour s and that thou maitt {ee 
+ ow much F {comme thy new made Duke and thee, | 
<) F flatiy fap, H will nothe compel: 
Ano fo farewell Sir Duke of low degree, 
= 5 ae finde attine to match poufo? this aeere, Exit. 
Toh Sptap Philip let him woe thehenozs thine, 
Baftard Ycannot line yules his life be mine; - 

\ Q.Elianor yp foxwardues this vay hath topo mp ar : 


pains Ris Be iat) cy See eae 

Sane ey Spratt : 
qo sical teger ation @ 
SSR Bitere - ae: | 
HE She nabatest ait Seis al Bootes Se ? 
cea i ee , Ea teaiad 
iP atiiasnei edie tik fried Cee ae 
= aeanted Lae mai ee ae Pap she, 4 
a 3) ber: Bi. thes ese i ri 5 
As nascar el, i S Mec 
oe iy . R 
i pe 
as rite ; See a care oe i ef 
Gee e. Mencknett pple lake. is 
me ee Sate aa Raters 3 

Ee ee : ip necnonaindli hi ES ee ae 

a “Ginn maveme tbinke wp Richerdtiuesin this Sie ee 
K. Philip, Lopoings tets in,and {pend the wending ee a 

i pot he ain matkes peeeectecaty om men oa ‘ 

rt ‘EmtetaCardyalfiom Ramee so hs “i 
M3 Card. Stay King vt France,d charere thee i not hands 

7a “Tih himehat tangs accurf of God.and men, 

. Mnow John, chae I Pardulph Cardinal of eA7illaine,and 
Legate from the Soca of Rome,vemaundof chee inthename | 
@ of our holy Father the Pope Aenocent, why thou dof (contrat we 
i rie tothe lawes of our halp mother the Church,and ourbolpe - 
father the Pope) pitturbe che quiet ofthe Church,auvdifanull > 
the election of Stephen Lan nghion, whombisiolineshathelee. 7 
“aep Archvithop of (anterburie : this tn bts Dolines name a. | 
Demaundofthees 4 
Tohn Quo what hatt chou 02 the ope thy maifter todeo to its ; 
bemaund of me,how Jemplopmineowne? Know fir Price =, 
as Yhonour the Church andholp Churchmen, (oI fcone ta = 
be (ubicct to the qreatett wpelateinthe world. Celkthy Wale = 
~ fterfo from me, and fap, Zohn of England {aivit, chatneuer an >. 
' - Gtalian yopiet of chem all, thall either bane cpthe, tole, o2 poe 3 
Ting penieoutot England,hut as J am Bing, fo wil F raigne 
&  . negtynder.Gon,fupreame head both oner fpirituall anv tems 24 
be eS seas hee that contrabias me tutte ile mole bigebomne nage 
cadiete. Pes ee Se 

K.Philip Chat Bing lobn, anole poutobat: pou fay, eu Be 
toblafpheme againt our holp father thejpope, >: 

John Philip;though chouand all the iapinces of Cinitiens 

bone fuffer chemfelues to be abufde bp ajPelates flaucrie, — 

j mp mindeig not of fuch bale tempers BE the Pope will bee 

» Bing in Englandtechin seen eran eae 

other title he can alleage to.mitie vee arakey sian 

ee TE © 

—» Card. lobn,thisisthine anfwere ? rei 

— Tohn bat then: 
bes Sard. Then 3 Pandulph rateptint 
Bsc - ftolike. 

" ry7 4 q arity 1p a CSO Re 
‘ | ; —iice ot GLULELEIL 5 ea » 
7 F rs aS % ? a Tele 

“pring eucry oftthp fubiec horas inertia fealcie that: chey 
# Sa owe cather,ane pardon and forgiuencs of finne to thofe oz 
them whatloeucr, which (haltearrie armes againt thee,o; 
murder thes this J pronounce, and charge all good men to 
-abbopre theeas anercommuntcate perfon, 
: Tobn So Gir;the moye the For: is curt the better a fareavif 
*  “‘Godbieife me anv mp Land, fer the Pope and bre thanelings 
purfe and {pare-not. 
Card. Furchermoye Tebarge thie Philip King of Fieie, 
-anvalihe Rings and Princes of Chyitendome,to make war 
 pppor this mifcreant ; and whereas thou hal madewleagt 
b -iemtnprmachctnesd Fooin enante of or 

b : . 

wie eweam es eS «os 

Bo BO roar ae + 
Pe ig a4 ae teeing = I ne 


ab Crepe puta Carvin 

i: Bao cae ar tmcasmetrrraaweet 
‘ ae She Lega Saeucelorotmsippraaere adie 





<P ate arama ie 5 
* ae Rep Se 
Hag ne a . -¥ 

‘ . 


care 0 on pod 
- Philip Uiveeteramert ndulpht 
| po Freecall bit, Ro ann Rom 
: = Pables,0 eines thames et es, sa 
Lets take him captiue,andincriumph iean 
The Sst Englondeo be gateuet Rome, 
_ Arthur, bettiree thee man,anbeboutalt (ee =... 
| ‘ee tet 
Blanche Ano ur Gracet 

Lewer Sweeteveartcontent thee,anb we halla re ; 
Philip Follow meLonds,3 Dynal lead the wa 
Drums Halbe mulique to 

oc Grdaenepentent =e 
Ti baue veferup samc tehegetnomey 
' Pet as Jam, $y 

Aname as pleating to thy Phelipshear 
y Asta becalo the Duke of N Was. 
‘ Hie thereapray toeneryranening fowler — 
Fi Sovussutamaepnas ian as 
—_» Anv trove chine Culignes sae : 
- So d00 F tread opon chp curlen elf, : 
: sas uae we sibeioneaiie aie: mle: 

. ten thp bead twill tow sareaeo be 

> Fopall the mifchiefes hatches inthy byaine, 

+ ’ Q Elinor pense ip dite Dame bnreuent Dutches thous 3 
ta Qiithe ad Bhan, | : 

sal ‘wife, =~ 

4 en pe Bini 
| Contin mowed ueenie thet carry é it, 
Slianor “apt bts Foun Dame thal dawnt mp 

Be Arion eet Srandame,and good other eau tet 
‘ er fain a, 


en “gantiond 
- Arthur ¢ 





eH «fat 2 
petal Si) at 

abe serra I 44 
rd oe e rsh) whe pet tks +s, Eee e: ws ee i 
i a re Hs FR: Ah aan He Aaigihcs tiieet a: : f 
a AS i ae Ff ectheeas ae bres pal ep hetey AP etpesi el tebe 
ge 0 peainaitabeia 

| (io i ats 
. i: Seto G fle a ert a pea } 
4 a > sider ee Py eB. : 
J ; rig ° Re 

re iJ 

i, oun: ee te ON bs 
Ohi ee keane eaiagenanasek eel 

hale fy 1 eee : heat cngeaig ty 

pS iis iaeneico Niobe Fim, 
eae ie a epripaet aver ti 32) : 
acta tet ts ae Bape cine oy vriesaeae Berit % 

\ a 

teas te ALi ie 
ne ale i pid biden ei: ‘thsi ia) ey 

Caapshhs sete a i : 
| ony pt aks eat ase 
(liga sel : 

Pa $ avo 


hee ys br 

bi > 

ian Ae 
+ ie 
Tat Waleed 

“Bxcurfio ions, Elianeris loadin fre a ctr tee 

is taken prifoner. Exeunt. Sound victorie. 

Enter Iohn,Elianor, and Athan Prifines, BaSkard, is 
- brooke, Salisbury and Hubert de Burgh, 

Iobn Thus right trinmpbe,and Zoo tefamnps insight 

— Arthur thot feelt;Franunce cannot bolfter thee: 

Thy Wochers prive hath broughe a ead 
But if at lak, Nephew thou peeloch ile 
Into the gardance of thine Ginckle 7ob. 

Thou halt be ven as becomes.a prince, 

‘That noes to Rome fo? iuticc anvfoplaw, . 

_ Let him be iudgne atraitoz to the: sti , 
> Anv {ufker ag an enemie to England, fe i 

Arthur Guckle,my Granvame caught her Rephew this, tee 
Tobeare captiuitie with patience, A 

Pighthath preuaplo not right.for Dam King 
Df England.chough thou weare the Diavent, 

eines anor Sonne Jobn,foone (hall we teach bimtofonge 

froud pefumptions,anv to know bimielfe. 
Joha Mother he neuer will forget bisclaime, 
4 wouldhe tinve not toremember it, 
But leauing this, we will to Exgland now, 

Ano cake fome opder with our Popelings there, . ie se 

That Cweill with prive,and fat oflapmeng Tans. rR 
Philip: ¥ make thee chiefe in this affaires. .< 

Ranfack che Abbeys, €lapters, pros so i “ ah teat 

Conuert their copne vate my fouldters vf y os Hea ras ; x iy ie 6 

And whatloere he be within mp Land, _ 

: BN 
aa lo Ba OS 

Fae Se 

2 " . ; ” % , 
© rae WP OO eet cree - ee 
: fa Bo ga ha fy A 
+k oe « et eee he a Ia 
Tibile he may haue his right withi ieRaime, Ni, etic 
ia Be; SNe bP 2 RYO 
ae te ee Sa RS 

~ gre 

Porher,we leaue pou here bepondt 

pelea rails 

Dvthat o sri. 
ve gi Parthia? cestaien. 
; Hora pitee iaiates keepe him fate, 
Son ena both bang thy Soueraiqnes crowne, : 
But in bis veach confilts chp Soucraignes vlitte s ear 
Shen Hubert as thou thoptlp heart from me, ; 
Sovle the prifoncr Jhane ciuenincharge, 
Hubert Frolick pong Prince, though J pour keeper bee, 4 
Pet tall pour keep: r line at pour commaund, 
” Artiur As pleale tmp Gov, (o thall become of me, 
aie ner i day; eo cpr 
no aeeenes | 
ee ha waren cen ag aba ; 

eat | | 

ta a la 
[ cs 
$ folx Dicaeamtreton pain, 

aie iehece Siar ak whan 

- {iho ftand accurten inour mother — 

— Be hpiefe rood SPadame, foz pour face impozts 

Two words will (eruc,and then my tale is done : 

 Pemap be ranfomde,we reuenge his wrone, 

"Pow irre thp Father to begin with Jobe, 
Che Popelapes J, and (0 is -Abson thine. 

Dp Father wants ta woyke bim your good wozds. . ae 

@o all chat at follow you gaint Englith beretiques, . ‘ 

Enter Conftance alone, 

Philip Co aggrauate the meafure of our gricte, 
All malcontent comes Comfance for her Sonne. 

Atragick tale bebtide chats pet wntoloe, 
Der paffions top the oxgan of her vopee, 
Deepe foprowethrobbeth mifvefalne euents, 
Out with tt Lavie,that our Aca may end 
4 full Cataropbe of fad laments, 
Conft. SBy tongue is tunde to ftoric fore) ieee $ 
Then div F breath totell a pleating tale? 
Mult Con/tance {prake$ let teares prevent her taikes : 
Wut F vifcourfe? ice Dido figh anv fay, 
he weepes ayaine to heare the wiack of Troy - 

Elnors pou byat hath robe me of mp Sonne, 
Lewes thaue patience adame, this is chaunce of warre 

Conftance Beituer fo foone,F thall not tive folong. 
Philip Detpaire not pet,come (onfance coe with me, 
Thele clownes will Hleet,che day will cleare agatne,Exeu 

Card. Row Lewes thy fortune buds with happie (pring 
Dur bolp Fathers papers eftecech this, 2 
eA rrhur ig fafe,ict fobs alone with him, 
Shp title nertis fairl to Engladds Crowne 

Lewes Thankes mp Loyd Legate fop pour coop contin 
Cis vert we foliownowsthe gameis faire, 

Card, G few willferue tofepward bint inthis, . Ss . 
es want : -but lets abautte cere an ae 

eet itll 2 ety 
Th be e ie 

z commer a 

Biner P a Fite changin him tofhow 
A ‘the ip clay, sth —_ 

Philip Come on pou fat Franct(cans,pallie no Toner, but 
thew me where the Abbots treafure Ipes, op die, . 
Frier Benedicamus Domini,was cuer fuch an tniurie, 
Sweete S.Withold of chy lenitie vefens ve from ercremitie, 
And heare vs fox SH. Charitic oppretien mapanrterites i 
In nomini Domini, make J mp bomilie, 

Gentle Gentilitie qriene not he Cleacgies. 

Philip Grey gotond good faresconiure pe, 
nertrutt me fop a 

Af this watte girdle bang thes not. 
that girdethinthpcoate, = 

JAow halve and barefoote Bungic bros 
“when bp the gallowes 

Say P bili be bat ops ae 

.. Frier Apardon,O parce Ain, 
igi te Spattpier thee from fon ndgbtpelle anv Dpeaming of Dine, 

toput pou dolwne witht 
int + mercie, 

f chou wilt forgive me,and neuer'moze qrieucme, - 
ith fatting and ppaying.and Haile e Marie laying. 

| From black Purgatopie 7 Surv ee i 
 Seter Thomas will warme you, > 
_ FeHallnenerharmepou, 

Philip Comeleane off pour rabble, 

: Dirs hang vpthis toselt, 

2.Frier Forcharitie F bec his life, 
Saint Franncis chiefett Frier, 
The bet in altour Couené Sir, 
to keepea gantat ie 

} Beer? 

fom it Sige 
he, POR EM 

2 rat 

ae =< po 3 
~ ase 









va 2d 




ee acon te" 

pe eee 

Philip F, faite you fo,eif thou wile che frier is attibertie, © ~~, 
JFnot,as J an hone man, Mle hang pou both fe, companie, - 

Frier.Come hecber,this ts the chet though fimpletobepole 

That wanteth noc a choufand pound in fluer and in gold, 
9» felfe will warrant fall fo much, J know the Abbots tore, 

~ Fle patwne mp life there ts no leffe to haue what ereis more, 

Philp J take chp word, che ouerplus ynto chp hare hall 
But if there wantof fullo much,thy neck thall pap the fur, 
Wreake vpthe Cofer, Frier. 
Frier Oh Jam onvun, faire eA lice the Run 
Hath cooke bp berreft inthe Abbots chet, 

Sante benedicite, pardon mp fimplicitie. 

Fie eAlice,confeffion will not falue this tranfgreffion, 
_ Philip Tihat haue wee bere, abolp un? so keepe mee 
= Godin health, 
a {mooth —_ unne (fo2 ought J knowe) is allthe Abbots 

| Istbisthe Jonries chattitic + Bedpetweme bue Y chinke 

‘Shep goe as oft to Henery, asniggards to their dpinke. 
CUbp paltrey Frier and andat too, pee thamelelie hauen 

+ Je thisthe chet chat help hoop, at leatt a thoufand pound?» 

And is the hoopd a holp whoze’s GHel be che hangman nimble, 
Wec'ie take the paine to pape pou home, andteach pou to dif. 

Nunne D {pare the rier Anthony,a better neuer was ‘ 
‘So fing a Dirige Holemnly.oy read a mopning Wate. © 
-Hmonep be the meanes of this, J know anancient 3Qunne, 

That hath a hoop chis {eauen peares, divneuer fee the funne; 

_ Aavehatis pours,and what is ours,(ofauour now be own, — 
Pou fhall commannyas commonly as if Gene pour owne, 

Frier Dour honour excepted, ° 
Nuane J T homeas,¥ meane fo. 
Philip From allfaue from F riers, 
Nanne Good Dir,doo uot thinke fo 4, ! 

: £ Phikp 


Philip Grhinke and fe {o : why how came thou here ¢ 
Frey To hide ber from lap men. 
anne Gis true fir, for feare. 
Philip Foy feare of the laptie : apitifull vyev 
TAhena Flunne flies fo fuccour to a fat Friers bed. 
But now fo? pour ranfome mp Clopffer-nev Conney, 
Co the chek that pou fpeake of where lpes fo much money, 
DNuane Faire Dir, within this prefle,of plate € moncp ts 
i ee of athoufand markes,and other thing bp gis, 
bs alone,and take it all,tis pours Sit now pou know it, 
Philip Come ou fir Frier,pitk the locke, this geere pooh 
That couetoulnes fa cunningly mutt pay $ letchers ranfom, 
ECihat isin ee hoop? 
_. Prier $rict Lawrencemp Kop,now holy wattrbelp ws, 
Some witch,oz fome diucllistenttoveiudeys: 
Haud credo Laurentins, that thou houldet bependejus 
Buthe prefle of pels cna ene oe 
Andbroughe to thowbe. f emreieyi ay, 
Frier Amor vinsit omnia, (o ements: 
Gav therefore a Friee whole fancte foone rege 
‘BWecaule he is mogtatl adie, SH 
omits what he ought.and doth moze than be thouly, 
‘lip. Seen erren cere made as 

ogc >: bg 
7 eats , Pert) 
= ts ~ 4 P 40h a 
aver ? . 2 . >" i ‘ e - 2 
Naas eS ate Tae ae eee 
“ ~~ ae - se 



cr sir eins et 


“we <e¥ 

sy, e 


ne a + em 


$i Rae 4 raabite o ae 


he ee ng 


iran’ ey ‘ 

oad me 
“ eles reyes ¥ 
‘ ee ee beh ae Wee ‘ 
Ee eee is Re 
eat Hin 

Ars | nif ; ; 
ae Se es ' Lae mt aw 
Rn | ggsHR TES Gt 
*. 2s re “ ie hie ee, ob ; 54 

BE Lei 

ie fee 
* f 

ae yi 
Mea raeere ne 

fhe hall baue,and Ghee'l gine pou aribot bacon.” 

Frise Abfolue Sir fo? charitte (hewoulobereconcilbe, 
Phi Audfo F Hall, rs binde chem fatt;thists their abfolutté, yi. 
Go hang them vp to; hurting thes, hatkebem to execution, | 

fr Lawrence O tempus edax rerum, 

Geue chilopen bokes chep teare then, 

 Ovanitas vanitatisin ths waning etatisy 68 0! 

Qe tineefcore welacere to goe to this wheres 

Comp confctencea clog ta dpe like age ! 

Exaudi me Domine, fists me parce 

He: Dabo pecuniam, fi habeoveniam 
» Cage andfetch ic, J will vifpatch ft, . 

Apundzed pound Heeling foz my lines (paring. 
_, Enter PeteraProphet,withpeople. 
Peter ipoe, who is here, S.Fraunces be pour (pe, 
Comeinmy flock and fallow me,-your fortunes Jwillreewe 
Come berber boy, goe getthee home, audclimenotoucrhies =. 
Hon from aloft thp fozeunes Lands in hazardchou fhalt die, ee 
Boy Gov be with pou Peter, a pra pou come to. want 
agunrayp, er | 
Peter Op bay how me thy. any, bette chee mp: bop, oe a 

Kopin chp palme J (& a many. troubles are phent tapwell, 

But chou fale cape them ail and doo full weil, 
Boy Fthanke pou Peter, theres acheele pina 7s 
filter propes peto come home, ¢ tell ber how many bulbanos ee 

Peter Wy peptic on 

 topou allanon: J muft oifpaceh fome bufines witha #eier, 
 andeben We read pour fortunes. 

Philp Pow now,a prophet? Sirprophet whence are yer | 

Peter Jam of the warld anviu the weld, butlivenctas — = 
others bp the wopla: what F aim peso ried 
be F know, Ffchou kaowes me now bear €0 tit 
guire no mozeruyac ST am, SER oe WR te CO : 

Phil. Sit, 7 know pou will be.a vitemtting nae Bee se 
eludes the people with blinde prophecies + eplent at 
£6  aeangg ge — thevabile, 
_ ae, F ; 

anb pout frier Lawrence remember pour rauntome a hundyep 
pound, and apardon fo2 pour {elfc, andtherett come on, Sir 
Prophee, pou thall wichme, to receiue a jpophets oe 
' £xkeunt, 

Enter Hubert de Burgh with three men. 

Habert My makers, F haue (hewed pou what warrant ¥ 
haue for this actempt ; J perceiue bp pour beanie counteran: 
ces, pou bad rather be otberwife iniploped, and for mp owne 
part, J would che King hav made chopce of fome other execu: 
tioner : onelp this is mp comfort, that a Ring commaunds, 

- whofe pecepts neglected op smitted,chreatneti;topturefop the 
pefault, Cherefore in briefe,leaue me,and be teadie to attens 
the apuencure : tap within chatentrp, and when pou heare me 
crie,God faue the King, iffue fovainiy foorth, lay handes on 
Artkur fet him tn this chayne, wherin (once faft bound) leaue 
him with nie fo Gini rhe ret. ; 
Attendants Te goe,theughtoath, Excunt. i 
Hubert Dy Lopn, willit pleate. pour Ponour to take the 

~~ benefice of the faire euening + 

> Bpiterrebuivto Hubert de Burgh, 

Arthur Gramcrcie Hubert fop thy care of me, 
Jn opto whom reftraintis newly knowen, 
Che iop of walking is {mall benefit, 
Wet will J take chp offer with (mall thankes , 
% would not lofe the pleafure of the eve, 
Buc tell me curteons keeper if pou can, 
How long the King willhaueme carrie heere, 
_ Hubert Ykuow not Prince, but as F eefle not tong. 
God fend pou freevome,and God faucthe King, * 
| They iffueforth, 
Arthur THbp hon naw firs, what may this outrage 

. geane? | i 
a , ee  - Dhelpe 

ee pes Sap RRA ee PR ; ie ae 
| Pr cdik Shae WR eae, geiinaer He ig oe sao eae 
ze E : ; set ary 5 al oS eae Wie en < tage Pye 3! Piad ie ; 
A ‘ost Lede i 



1 ; +i may - @ ee Brae ae 
| | i hata | | 
: unger aah earl 
. one spatial Sree at, 
ae on a ee spices 
8 pie ag Sen Re neti 
574 Begs ty de 

EB iO poahay 
m4 ? 

er er » Se ee 

"i bie sal Where ginita Wat Getpet tebe TEE: 
D Soc cee hee 

Send not co reauea wretched guileles tite. 

Hubert ‘So firs, vepart,aad leane the rett for me : 
Arthur Then Arthur péld,veath frowneth in s face, 
What meaneth this: Good Hubert pleav che cale. | 

Aubert Yatience pong Lopv,andliften words “4 wor, 

Harmfull anv batth,bells bowror to be beard: 
A vifmall tale Gt fop afartes tongue. 

: - Gfaine to tell, néepe foytatmés the found,: 

tae my 
' ¥ 


Arthur Wibat,muk Joie?  - 
“ Hubert JRo newes of rr en ee ofan hate, : 

A wpathfull poome,and mot wnluckie fate 
Deaths vith were daintie at fofeita feats 

Be deafe,heare not.its heldeatellthe ret, (i 
Arthur Aasthou wongt my youth with woyns of feat, 
Tis hell, cts boyrop,noat foy one toheare ¢ 
TLipat is tt man fit mutneeves bevon, 
| Dendit,chat che pane were gon, 

K a Inbert ilo nat far aaa tongee, | 

: cmomcestien 

— ine yan the eftate of our perfon, that pre 

Boy a et cat 
Bets oteguatanier Plame SU, 

“eArtbor Gp monttrous som an ie 
fects the elements, | 

Contagious venpmenieliet ins beat, wi Bidets 

 Effecting meanes to poplon all the world, ; ae. wees a 

2 = alar aiecan der relat ee 

£ 3 a et 

| wnieiete Se ern withremorfe, 
Thepkureck pitie there, 
TAlilling to fence thee from the rage of bell : 
pty ork a at offell 
eas datigs on per $Danined bade, 
—— Ghis feale,che warrant of the hovies dite, 
Enfurech Satan chiektaine of thy foutes 
Subleribe not Hebert ine not Gove part away, 
—-- Hlpeake notonelp fepespriuilewge, on 
_ 2  Chechiete exterior that g would enioys 
But for ohp perill,farre ‘bepahd my paine, 
; Thy fwneete foules tofte.moye than mip epes vaine lack; 
> Acaufe internall,andeternalltm, — 
| Pr Ane had 
vie ratte 
i af b to execute the Kings commauny, 

. Det God commands, whole power reacheth funibats 
Tat commaund fhoulp and in force to murther, - 
Papi Butthat fame Effcnce hath ogvaind a law, 
anit Sete the world in awe, | 

not guittie,treafontes and free. 
Hhon Dancap Lopdconcernes net me. - 
Arthur Wby,thou art be tac maift mie te pert, 
a if mp remit bis quarrel, 
quarrellis pnballowen falle ano wrong. 
Me Geter os ter nsee 
to as thep pocecoe, 
 theiriudgement with fo vile a dave, 

Hubert Ubp then ne eben ne erecufon canbe ttf, 
Le ee ial caoeemmmauaa 


Py - ~fPos . 


eles k5. 



by 7; 4a P 
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peg eee 
hss ve aehad i f 

Fin tae oe taaM 
ae oS 48. ae ti: Byes see 
ek a oe avis 

ce snp : ay 


7 a Mi : ‘oe we ie oe oF Yj 1 

a ae 


Arthur Des where in foyme of Laweia plate aa ER 

| F 02 this F know, andlo refoluve F end, 

‘Se varke andvirefull 

Che offender isconvicted of the crime, dobgea Tame 
Hubert $y Loz, mp Lopd,this tong exrpotulateay: =. 
DMeapes bp moze griefe.chan premile of reppelies % 

That fubiects liues on Rings commaunds depend, 
Fmut not reafan why be is pour foe, 
Bue owobhis charge fincehecommaundsitte, 

Arthur Thendoo thpcharge,and charges he chp foule 
With monafull perfecution done thisdap,. 5 7 
Pou rowling epes, whole fuperficies pee 

- Svoobeljolo withepesthat aturelents 
” Send foarth che terrop of your Soourrsfrawne, 

Cowreake my wrong open the muttherers. es 
That robmne.o€ your faireretieaing views: aes 
Let hellte chem (as tarth thy with tome): 

pon fon theirguplts. ef 
Andletthe black taymenters of veepeTereary 
Ciphyaive them witht enterprilesicc str 
Intlicing change oftmturson tiie fonte.. al iy 
Delay net Habers,mpragiledaact ended, : i tatoet thin’ 
Begin Apray cheewreaue meofmp fights... 

Gut co performe a inpee, es ei ne 
Concluve the pe el a Tati wing 
| Conftance farewe y Fran yo 

Dake my vifpateh che ps waren 

Hubert ant Sfemeampeancence ibs oft ee 

" Fainenin ¥ fap, fearewmasdethot Fuad... «> 

$Dp Ring commaunds,that warrantfets me fre: : 
But God forbivs,and hecommaundeth Wings, +. 

“Chat great Goriniaunder countercbcehsanp charge, 

Ie apes mp hand, hemakerh fofempyeart, 
Goe curfen tooles,pour office is exempt, 

| Cheere chee pone Lop thouthaltnot loofeaneye, 

Though F Mould purchale ie with toile of life, 

| Hetorhe aaa ect be toeiney: Gee 

‘AND oT the Tango? te bin thou arteav, Bi aie 
Goe in with me, for Habert was not boyne i 
To blinve chole lampes that Mature pollihe fo, 
Arthar Flubere, Eeuer Arthur bein tate, 
Lmwke for amends of this recetuen gift 
F tke my epfight bp thy curtefie, 
Thou lentt bir ine, il not be ingrate, 
Gut now procratination map offend. 
The iluethat chy kinones vuvertakes : 
Depart we Hubert to preuentthe wont, . Excane,. 

ter King John, Effex, Salish Penb ke. 
ins ‘Row seatlike followers renter ougbt vuvon 
Eke repnetteacenpter ne, 
} : our 3 
Cold terroz keepes polleffion in their (ow 
Checking their | 4 
e Ths? - 
That calles himlelfe grand Ciccar'vnder Gov ri 
3s buted now with rrencall * 


~ Balle and months minvevitgeand Fknow not what 
Co eale theit fowles in Ps 
Thar have mifcerten én tele bl : 
Weard pou not Loos when fir s ag 

Had tidings of our fmall accountof bins, » jot et al 
How witha caunt vauncing vponhistocs | 
ibe moge a reaton whp the Englith Atte wemine ie 
Dilbaingn the bleffenopdinanceofRome? =e 
The title (reneventlp might Finferrey) 
Became ings thet cari peur bopue che lea, . 
The llautth bt of that controlling Yppietts : 

es | emer oe 
Banding cheir fowles isof bis han. ae 

Cee ke 
Bk vd 

mae a > 
i aE - 2% 





Rea gt i TE 



oa) abe Hee 


ol thy orth 

wimps 8 
*. ites 

we ndeg 

mee a rea rhs 

ta Bein 

+ Dae ens as 
a mig peat eH 

pee piston a 

— Curfe,ban,and byeath out vamned opifons, 
As thick as hailettones fore the (prings apposeh: 
Buc pec as armies and without effea, 
Asis the eechoof a Cannons crack 
 Dilchargd againk che battiements of heauen, 
_ But whac newes els befell there Philip ? 
-Baftard Strange newes mp Loo: within your terrtto- 
Reve Pomfret isa Prophet uew fprong vp, (ries, 
Tihole diutnatron volteps wonders forth; 
Tobim the Commons throng with Councreyp gifts, 
He (ets a date wnto the Belvames death, 
prelcribes how long the Girgins fate hall laf, 
Dilinguitheth che meouing of theheauens, 
Siues limits onto help nuptial rptes, 
Forctellerh fammne,abounveth plentic forth, 
Mf fare, of fopxtune, life and death he chats, 
ith fuch afurance,{cruples put apart, 
> Asif he knew the cercaine bames of heanen, : 
ho \ DQpkept a Regiker ofatl the Dettinies, : 
pv. John Thou elt memeruatles, would thou hadk broughe 
“Mt OS Me mighthaue quettiond him of things to come. (the man, 
. Bastard Mpilopd,F tookea care of had F wif, 
\  \ Gnd bjought che Prophet with me tothe Court, 
\ } ¥eftapes mp Loyd but at the wpefence vooge s 
piealech pour Highnes,F willcall him in. 
Tubn Pay Kap awhile, wee'l hance him here anon, eae 
Aching of weight is firk to be perfoxmn, | 

<< Enter the Nobles and crowne King Jobn,and thencrie 
ee GodfauetheKing. - 

f\). | , 
John Londingsand frimds fupporters of aur fate, 
Aumire not at this bnaccuftomd courfe, 
- Popinpour thoughts blame not this veeve of yours. 
Duce ere this time was Jinuefteo Ring, — 
Wour fealtie {wozne as Licgmen to our Fate : 

ie Pe | 





: yi ~ ’ 
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cant 3 

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= Pat 
OS vie, 



Pour cheeredactionto inttall 


m Once fnee that time ainbicious weenes haue uing. 

) That not remembgen fallech from pourheas, — ss tae 

wee ee ee 4 ne 

Co ftaine the beautie of cur garden plot s 

But heauens in our conduct rooting thence. 
The falle intrasers, beakers of woplds peace, 
Haue to our top, made Sunthinechale the Lorne. 
Gfcer the try pour conftancie, 

That now F fer is worthie of pour names, 

le craude once moye pour helps fo2 to inuett vs 
nce the right that enuie foughe to wack, 

Duce was F not vepofve, pour former chopce; 
3Qow twice ben crowned and ot $ 

Sufers affured witnes of pour foues, 

And binds meoucrina Kinglycate | 

Zo render loue with iouc,rewards of worth 

Coballance vowne requitalltothe full, == - 

But thankes che while chankes Lopdings to pou alls 

Afke me and vie me,trp meandfindeme pours, 
Effex Aboon mp rroommom ons as aes 4 

Mealke to guervon : 
Pembrooke Cietake chetime pour 

ppleafe it pout graunt, pou make pour promife goon, 

Mich teller iofle than one fuperflucushatre 

John SDp woydis pat,receiue your bane 
What mayit bes Ake tsandic ispours, 
Effex Ce craue ip Lopv,to pleate che rin oo lte 

| Che libertie of Lavie Conftance Sones oes) ¥ 

Tbole branrereeur he iy 
As tt vou kept him pall 

Difeniste him ehence,pour bien nevves 7 We 
‘Twice by confent you are proclaimuouriRing, | rae 

ere all bata pour 
Fon imple people mute pou ehimciofe, 
Sola vital inane“ aadei 

" Contiemisig warrant of pourlopalcies, ca ee 

Cx ‘Difmifle pour couufell,fway my ate, . : 
Let /vbn doonothing but bp pour confents, 

Bs = Gp how now Pérhp, what ertafie is this ¢ 

Ma _ Bb cafts thou vp thy epes tobeauen fo $ 

a ec ay There the fiue Moones appeare, 

ae ays | 

Seer ts S 

es ce iS ae 

es SOT OR 

. Bastard See, fee mp Lond ftrange apparitions. 

Bee “Glauncing mine epe to fee the Diadem | 
ss BPllacte by the Bithops on pour ighnes bean, q 
"  .* From forth agloomie clouve, which curcaine like 
- . Difplaive ie ele, I fovainly etpien 
, Five Weones reflecting, as you fe themnow: | 4 
-  Guen inthe momensehat che Crowne was placte ed 

eager a thep appcare,boloing the courle pou fee, 

— *Tohn MAhat might portend che fe apparitions, 

~~ Cinvfuall fiques, forerunners of euent, 

——-aacfagersof ftrange terrop tothe woxld: 

_, Beleeue me Lopds che obica feares me much, 

Philip’ thou colo me of me of CHisszard late, 

Fetch inthe man to deltant of this how. 
Pembrooke The beauens frowte bpon the finfull earth, 

-— TUhen with prodigious vnaccuffomn fiqnes 

-, They fpor their fuperficies with fuch wonder, 

798 : Effex Before the ruines of Jermfalem, 

3 i Such Perens were the Culignes of bis wath 

ae “What hatinedto vettrop the faulcfull Cowne, 

; ca Encer the Baftard with the Prophet. a 
obo sthisthe man’s 
bes ee cheb 088 

Ser Pere at Ree eS ARS Bs m 
5 > of “ 



r tes. 

. nhs 
. : . . nd 
ip A 

manta tt, 

seas uLaaned 
a peaarae aes 


peers: mie ENE 



Baad 4 > th i 
TP. . % 
a eee ; 
+ | Pm 
a se ‘ cope 
: oA 

ide sre hevebre that eh 
| Poztend thts Cipme,ifchep ise 
dey bas ies i it 

Seren ciree aunt , : 
_ Fowpe of tye Woones fow 
— Towit,Spaime, Denmarke,G ? ™ ea WU LT 
That beare the poke of proud comm . ) 

— Gnd Kand in feare catempethe } Sct 
Sema cnet 

impatient o ace be 

Tho gins to {come eh ee 
Gold ee 

7 ‘putas tone echo 
~ By mp pretetenc: sere antes 
brought the Gounne bn 
‘DfCrone, €axe,ano Ropal oiguite 

‘Thou (halt be cleane vifpepls and nae Sa 
Zohn Falle Dyeamer,perith with thy att ae | 

“TT orm 

te ~ Pence withehe Witch bells dansned fecvetaris. 

+ me < 
‘ . ed Py . ad | 
° r 
eae ; 
“ WAT te yee 2 ky 
> : . 4 Y . 
ahs ae Ree : aes 
Sat TS we inte — Pee ee art nade bles — ee 

| Re Anion eee 

_ Lock him vpfare : for bp mp faith % fweare, 

Truc op not true,the CUiszard hall nat live, 

Before Afcenfion vay: who houlbe caule hereof 

Cat off checaule anv then the cfcarwili ye, 
Tut,cut,mp mercie ferues to maime mp felfe, 

The rote doth line, from whence thele thoes ‘foying bp, 
J andimy promife patt fo? bis veliurp ; 

: 4 srowne friends, faile faith, the diucll goe withall, 

The byat (hall ye,that terrifies me thus, * 

| Pembrooke and Effex Z recall mpgraunt, 
3 witlnot bup pour fauours with mp feare : 

Pap murmur not,mp willislaw enough, 

- Mloue you well, butif J loude poubetter, 

_patecel onc be  pebimne incest, 
Enter Hubert. 

é oop nounte newes withthe. 

Hubert Secenies inca iets nicks commneon 

po ge paleo neuer (eit. 

Effex {bat haue pou done mp L has eur eae 

od eerveatome inhumane pated 

Leurfe,your friends will crie reuenge, 

: — * Ritehecitemeioec. gist 

Prada foz mercie on a fault, 

eee bpes ihn pec faut 
‘Gap ioncont come tochére pou with, 

tg opm a teeth, Exeunt, 

Pt ens 4, ne 

st = = 
Le pe cat 

yeh Se 
geet tn Sos aero 


ms od 

ee et 
a il 



y Terie 

3 aprons 



‘Miberein fell acta bathne cama Rieciy? 
3 eeriundorcecann vue. ee es 
«Rap curk mp will chat mane the Crowne: ee RAS 
“ Ce ene Sera eer ss fo Shige 

- Tobn And ate pou gone ? “he vient be pour guines me ie 

{Dzoud Rebels as pouare to byauemre fo; 

Saucie, vnctuill, checkers of mp will, 

Dour tongues give evye vues che facall knife + 

Chat hali have pallage through pour trattraus threats, 
But huihe, breath not buggs words to foone abyoad, 
Leatt time preuentthe ilue of thy reach, 

Arthur ig dead gi) there the corsie growers: 

But while he liude,the danger wasthemore; 

. Dis death hath frees me fram a thoufann feares, 

But it hath purchak meten times ten thouland foes, 
TWihy allis one,fuch tuck Hall haunt his game, 
Co whome the diuell owes an open thame ¢ 

His life a foe that leucin at my cromne, : ae 
Dis death aframe to pull mp builping bowne, 
Mp thoughesharpt tillon quiet bphisend, — : aoe me 
Tiho liuing apmend fhowdly at my roome s - eae, 
Wutto prevent chat pleatwoice was 3 croton, Le es 

Twice oid mp fubiects fweare me fealtie, oe 

— Gnd in my cenfcience louve me astheir liege, - ry, Sal 

In whofe setence they tabateieaue pasties etéliuean 
Gut now they hun measa Serpentsting,  — 
A tragich Cprant fterne and pitiles, 
Aud not a title followes after Lobn. 

tis ate 

trouerude m Segoe 

2% = MM Bw DT 

art Reh. 

ge abode aiichagoh 





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PR The troublesome reign of John 


